ftocH duly 18, 1919. I was very pleased to get your letter and also the reprintse Ihope you will keep me on your mailing liste Dre Weldon has been given charge of a Hospital in Hest Norfelk, Uasse I think it is intended for epileptios. Dre Trendmy is in Washington. A letter addressed to him at the Buresa of Wer Risk insurance waild reach hime He is in charge. of sone mental work with this Bureau. The Public Health Service seeus to think well of the mon you have trained. E, for one, Look veck with pleasure to my servies with you and have, in a sense, kept in tough with you through an ogcasional visit to the institution i have been hoping that you would put out a book, and I em still looking for it, knowing fall well that books wrth while are not written in a days The Hospital here was a Hotel with some features aaah on wehbe enh © aulaning pool desirable in sanitoriumse It is a splendid building, beautifully located and well adapted for the purpose intended. We expect to make some alterations and build quarters for Doctors, murses end attendentse When this work is complete the Hospital — will accommodate 350 patients. Nothing would please me better than te have yon sknp ES 8 A PR ENE eee Se YMA RE SO incidentally; give « talk to the Steff’. | Dre Heldt is here, appointed temporarily, pending action on his application for a Commission in the Public Hgelth Service (Reserve). The letter hé antes was to be sent to the Bureau with his application. ps Very truly yours; Lavrence Zalb, Passed Assistant Surgeone