He ib 7 U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky. February 5 f 1937. Dr. Thomas J. Heldt, Henry Ford Hospitel, Detroit, Michigan. Dear Dr. Heldt: I am enclosing herewith HOSPITAL NEWS for December, 1936, which contains . notes on the Symposium on Drug Addiction held here in Octobere You may find. — this of some interest as it gives en outline of the research being carried on _ in drug addiction. We have had a flood in Kentucky as you doubtless have heard and as a re- sult of it we are now taking care of 468 State prisoners who had to be evacuat~ ed from the Frankfort reformatory because it was flooded. This reformatory is an old, overcrowded institution and badly managed. It seems that when the flood waters came up into the prison most of the guards deserted, logking the prisoners in end leaving them without lights, heat, and in a large number of cases without food for about three deys. Naturally these prisoners were anxious and began to riot. We have two here with fractured skulls; two hed been shot; one had ae fractured scapula, etcs The State is now building for its prisoners a camp on the army type with tents and we hope they will take their prisoners back in about a week, They have already been here two weeks. The State has an appropriation for new prisons and probably will eventually get buildings that are modern but there does not seem to be much hope that they will have a petsonmel system to go with it. I have been told on good esuthority thet sinee the last election for Governor all but thirty of the guards were dismissed and replaced by others. Dre Fuller left us in January to go to Washington to assist Dr. Treadway and some of our internes have left. They come here as second-year internes after having failed to pass the examination for the Reguler Corps and naturally they stay only until they find something which suits them better. In order to correct this situation we are looking around for means to give our internes ob- stetrical and other training required by the American Medical Association so that this place may be certified as 2 treining center for internes. If this is done we can take in first-year internes who would stay for the whole years All the family sends regards to you and yours, Sincerely yours, Lawrenee Kolb LEt gp ENCL.