« ■Smtmimm mmmmm ■mmwMwWtoa^^e »3toll^fe wmmmmmm THIRD EDITION, ■ '■ V :•' IWUPPLIES SURGICAL NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of William H. Helfand THIRD EDITION. PRICE LIST Medical Supplies, CHARLES TRUAX& CO., CHARLES TRUAX- C. W. BASSETT. MANUFACTURERS | JOBBERS Pharmaceutic al Preparations', Surgical Instruments and Strictly Pure Drugsi Office and Salesroom, Laboratory, 81 Randolph Street, rear of 49, 51, 53 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. Ch.is. N. Trivet, Printer and Binder, Chicago. a* ($jte£) INTRODUCTORY. To our Patrons: In issuing the Third Edition of our Catalogue and Price, List, we feel a par- donable pride in its completeness in every department of the field it is intended to cover. We have labored to surpass any former list in practical utility, and to make it avade mecum to which the physician can turn for every article needed in his profession. As exclusive dealers in Physician's Supplies and Dispensing Drugs we claim to be the pioneers, having established this speciality in 1877, and from the outset it has been our aim to furnish to our patrons, only such drugs as from experience we believe to be perfectly reliable and of absolute purity, for nothing is of more importance to the practitioner in the successful treatment of disease, than the quality of the remedies used. The physician may be correct in his diagnosis, he may display good judgment in the selection of a proper remedy, but if that remedy is not a reliable article, not only is his skill baffled and his work a failure but the life of his patient endangered. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this, for it is a fact that a large percentage of the drugs dispensed by physicians and druggists, are either in- ert, adulterated or are not of standard strength. The administration of these worthless grades soon brings the article dispensed into disrepute, and thus many valuable remedies have been laid aside by some practitioners as worthless, while in the hands of others who have obtained reliable preparations they are highly esteemed. To physicians who seek quality and an unvarying medicinal strength, we can offer a line of goods that are positive in their action and definite in their thera- peutic power. Every article in our entire list is manufactured or selected express- ly for dispensing purposes and the quality will in no instance be sacrificed to price. Prices—Our list will enable you to ascertain the prices of instruments and surgical appliances, and the approximate prices of such drugs and pharmaceu tical preparations as you may use for dispensing. Please bear in mind however, that many drugs are subject to constant market changes. We will give our patrons the benefit of any declines, and reserve the right to conform our prices to any advance without notice . We shall from time to time issue a "correction sheet" of current prices, with such changes as the market may require, this will be sent on application to any one having our list. Terms.—All bills are payable at our office, in current funds, Post Office or Express order, or bank draft on Chicago or New York; (we cannot accept drafts or checks on other places, unless exchange is added.) All remittances by express must be prepaid, cash by mail must be at sender's risk. Parties not having a credit already established will understand the necessity of sending reliable references, or of enclosing remittances to cover amount of pur- chase; such orders, unaccompanied by either references or cash will be declined or sent C. O. D. Orders.—Write your Name, City, County and State plainly, and whether you wish the goods sent by mail, express or freight. When you re-order an article do not say "same as last" but refer to your invoice and word your order the same as the invoice, and in referring to back invoices give the date, book, and page. Instruments on Approval.—We will forward Surgical Instruments from stock, at customers' risk, for inspection and subject to approval, to parties having a credit already established, provided customers agree to return promptly all such as are not accepted, free of expense to us. Mail Matter.—The following articles are unmailable: Liquids in any form, poisons, articles packed in glass or any article that might injure other mail matter or the Postoffice employes. Articles sent by mail cannot be traced and are only sent at customers' risk, unless registered, and as this costs only 10 cents additional, we request our customers to instruct us to have their packages registered; for otherwise, in no case will we be responsible for their loss. Breakage.—Claims for breakage, leakage and other like damages must be made to the Transportation Co., for we will not be responsible for the safe delivery of goods after having shipped them, and taken receipts for them in good order. Boxing, etc__Reasonable charges will be made for boxing, and when goods are sent by freight cartage will be charged at cost. Charles Truax. C. W. Bassett. 4 VACCINE VIRUS! ? In order to meet the increasing demands upon us for NON-HUMANIZED VACCINE VIRUS, we have completed arrangements with one of the largest and most reliable propagators of the east, and we are now re- ceiving daily supplies of fresh and fully warranted vaccine. Every point is doubly charged (from two animals), and it thus has a two-fold chance of being efficient. In cases of failures of packages (not single points) in pri- mary vaccinations, a second package will be furnished gratis, provided it is reported to us within three weeks after the virus is received; but in no instance will the amount be al- lowed on account. Parties having open account, must pay for all vaccine ordered. Those not having an established credit with us, will please send cash with order, otherwise vaccine will be sent C. 0. D. PRICES. Ten Ivory Points, double charged, - - Sl.OOnet. Tablets, - 1.50 net. Very truly, Chas. Truax & Co. .A.. IBL ^INTIDIR/Ei^rS & CO., 195 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. — Manufacturers of— • Andrews' Parlor Folding Beds. "The only Perfect Folding Beds." Most comfortable and most economical of space. Perfectly ventilated. Made in 30 styles. Prices, from $20.00, up. Just the thing for Offices and Druggists' Clerks. All the bedding with mat- tress folds up inside, yet they are quite as well ventilated as common beds, as the back is _;pg entirely open. BED OPEN. BED CLOSED. DESKS, SETTEES, TABLES, ETC. Office Desks, (200 styles) Swivel Chairs, Library Tables, Settees for Stores and Offices, and all kinds of Hardwood fittings for Offices. Globes.—(60 Mnds) Blackboards.—(42 Mnds) Including the Celebrated Potter Blackboard Material. t-€=* ALL KINDS OF CHARTS AND MAPS.^ See our notice of Anatomical Charts on an- sers, Pointers, Maps, Geo- jL other page in metric Solids, Drawing jff|\. . Models, etc. *^f J**'0' this book. Address for Special Decriptive Circulars of our School Merchandise, as Above. INDEX. Abdominal Supporters--________313 Abscess Lance__________________199 Accessories, Microscope_________ 376 Acids____........___________25 55 Aconitia___.........__........ 57 Adjuster___________............232 Adjusters, Uterine______________ 269 ^Esthometers----------------__157 Air Bags___________........___223 Beds_________....._______170 Compressors____........233 239 Cushions.....-------------170 Pillows_______............. 170 Pumps ..-_-.-.....________240 Alcohol..............____..... 57 Alcohol Lamps_______.....____ 88 Ale............______________57 400 Aloin..............____________ 57 Alum......_____......._______ 58 Aluminum____________________ 58 Ammonium........___________. 58 Amputating Cases_______.......183 Instruments ...179 to 182 Amyl___________________....._. 58 Analysis, Urinary..........-.177 178 Anatomical Charts_____________169 Models__________166 168 Syringe....._______187 Anderson's Vaginal Capsules____278 Andrews'Charts_______________ 169 Andrew's Office Furniture______ 6 Anesthetizers, Cook's________— 243 Aneurism Needles.....______181 185 Annatoine____________......... 58 Anodyne, Hoffman's .________26 58 Antimony____........_________ 59 Apiol_______________........-- 58 Apomorphia___________________ 58 Apparitor Auris........--------227 Applicators, Uterine------------269 Archer's Chairs---............. 354 Arms, Artificial________________350 Arrow Root_______________..... 58 Arsenic.........—---...... 58 Arsenic Solutions........------- 26 Artery Clamps.....------------179 Compressor........_____179 Constrictor----......... 179 Forceps...............179 198 Instruments------------179 Artificial Limbs.....-...........343 Page. Artists' Materials_______......__ 87 Aspirators......................156 Atomizers..........___________233 Burgess'___.........__ 239 Gilbert's...........___237 Mattson's____________245 Millard's_____________238 Atropia___........___........_ 58 Auricles _............_______226 227 Bags, Ear-----------'.........__• 223 Gonorrhoea______________170 Gynecological___.........301 Ice................_____170 Obstetrical_______........301 Saddle.................... 86 Water.....................170 Balsams.....__............____ 58 Bandage Rollers_______________ 158 Bandages, Cotton Roller......109 157 Plaster_______........157 Rubber...........____158 Suspensory....._____313 Barium................_______ 59 Barks.............-----'._____ 59 Basins, Pus ...................._ 220 Baths, Electric______........140 123 Eye...................._ 290 Rubber-------.......167 167 Batteries, Flemming's............ 374 Mcintosh's............ 122 Pocket......._____396 333 Smith & Shaw's.......397 Gaiffe's________.____395 Battery Fluid_______......_..... 26 Bay Rum___.................26 59 Beakers____........___......__ 88 Beans, Jequerity.....___........ 59 Beck's Microscopes_____________367 Beds, Air or Water_____________170 Bed Pans....................... 88 Rubber......._____,_ 170 Beef Extracts____.....______22 64 Fluid, Johnston's__________ 64 Peptonoids______________59 68 Turners'........________22 23 Belt Electric........___________398 Berberina........___........__ 59 Berries____1........___________ 59 Beseler's Air Pump_____________240 Bisector......._..........______258 ELASTIC STOCKINGS, Belts and Supporters, --FOR THE-- Relief and Support of Varicose Veins, Weak, Swollen or Ulcerated Limbs, Corpulency, Abdominal Weakness and Tumors. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT: Which should be Taken in the Morning when practicable. Give the Exact Measure- ment. We Allow for Expansion. SILK GOODS SENT UNLESS OTHERS ARE INDICATED IN THE ORDER. FOR A THIGH STOCKING.—Circumference t A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I. Length from floor to F, nd from F to I. FOE A THIGH LEGGING.—Circumference at C, D, E, F, G, H, I. Length from C to F, and from F to I. FOE A THIGH KNEE-CAP.—Circumference at E, F, G, H, I. Length from F to I. FOE A THIGH PIECE.—Circumference at G, H, I. Length from G to I. FOE A KNEE STOCKING.—Circumference at A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Length from floor to F. FOE A KNEE LEGGING.—Circumference at C, D, E, F, G. Length from C to F. . FOE A KNEE-CAP.—Circumference at E, F, G. FOE A GARTEE STOCKING.—Circumference at A, B, C, D, E. Length from floor to E. FOE A GAETEE LEGGING.—Circumference at C, D, E. Length from C to E. • FOE AN ANKLET.—Circumference at A, B, C. Length from floor to C. FOE A WRISTLET.—Circumference at N, O, P. Length from N to P. FOE AN ABDOMINAL BELT.—Circumference at K, L, M. FOR AN UMBILICAL BELT.—Circumference at L. Goods Made to Order on Short Notice. GHARLR8 TRUAX & GO. 81 Randolph Street, - FOR PRICES SEE PAGE 315. Chicago, Illinois. IXDEX— Continued. Page. Bismuth______________________ 59 Bistouries_______........______179 Ear_______........... 223 Eye.....___________■_. 209 Pocket Case.......___199 Tonsil_______........ 233 Urethral___..........- 258 Blood, Bullocks........________ 59 Blow Pipes.............._____88 187 Blue Mass............_________ 59 Blue Vitriol......______________ 59 Blunt Hooks._______........269 301 Boericke cS: Co............___352 356 Bone Cutters____...........___179 Drills___________.........179 Gouges___________........180 Instruments_____________179 Books, Medical................._ 155 Borax .......................__ 59 Boro-Glyceride . .. . _____________ 26 Solutions___.___ 26 Bottled Goods, Lomax's_________400 Bottles, Glass______............ 93 Nursing________________ 95 Water__________........ 170 Boxes, Ointment............--- 89 Pill..................... 88 Powder_______.......... 89 Tin.........___.....___ 89 Wood_____.____________ 89 Bougies, Oesophageal.........— 233 Rectal......._________308 Urethral................ 258 Braces, A nterior Curvature----_ _ 327 Bow Leg_______........ 334 Club Foot.......________ 339 Knock-knee____________333 Leg____................331 Paralysis__......------331 Shoulder.............'..- 314 Spine..._______________ 325 Torticollis..............- 327 Weak Ankle............. 338 Brandy_______................- 59 Breast Pumps__________________ 89 Bromine___........___........ 61 Brushes___...........--.....-- 89 Glass___............--- 308 Throat___..........---233 Brush Holders...........-------233 Buds............______________ 62 Buggy Cases........--.......158 159 Bullet Instruments.....--------198 Bunion Apparatus--------------341 Burettes....................--- 89 Page. Burgess' Air Compressor_______239 Butler Hard Rubber Co.________ 98 Cadmium______________________ gj Caffein_______________________ gi Calcium........ ______.....__ gi Caligraph-----------........___ 90 Calomel___.........___________ Q\ Camphor_______.........._____ gj Candy.....------------------- gi Cantharides___________________ gj Canulas, Ear_______._....... 223 Eye---------.--------209 Lachrymal____________ 209 Nasal------------.....232 Rectal---------------" 308 Uterine..............._ 269 Caps, Ice--------...........__170 Capsules, Empty___.........___ gj Planten's________.._ __ go Vaginal---:----------278 Carbon_______................_ gi Carriers, Lint_________.........223 Carts, Physician's_____________5g 202 Cascara Cordial___..........._ gi Cases, Amputating_____________ 183 Buggy----------.......--- 159 Companion___............Igo Dissecting___........____]87 Ear---------------------" 225 Emergency_______________161 Empty, Pocket___________' 198 Eye_______................ 214 Gynecological__________269 277 Hand_____...........___ 158 Medicine, Pocket_______162 164 Minor Operating__________186 Obstetrical_______........302 Operating______........183 J87 Pocket Instrument_____200 201 PostMortem.........______]87 Urinary Test......_____177 178 Uterine__________________ 277 Vesico Vaginal Fistula......269 Vial_________..........162 164 Castor Fibre..................... 61 Cataract Instruments.....______209 Catheters, Eustachian__......__223 Silver................ 223 Double Channel, Male... 258 " " Female. 269 Female___........___269 Holder___........____259 Lachrymal............. 209 Male_______.....____258 INDEX.- Page. Catheters, Pocket Case__________198 Catlings______._______________ 179 Caustic Holders, Ear....._______223 Eye____________209 Pocket Case____198 Throat......____233 Uterine.......... 269 Probes.....____________238 Cautery Irons Rectal____________303 Thermo_______........ 160 Cayenne.............__________ 61 Cephalotrites__________________301 Cerates_______........________ 26 Cerium----------------------- 61 Chain Hooks___.......________187 Saw___________.......... 181 Chairs, Operating and Wheel Archer's________________354 DePew________________ 356 Invalid___........___.. 352 Mark's___________......- 358 Operating......._______354-7 Rolling.__________ ____382 Chalk________....._. _______.. 61 Chamois Skin----.............. 89 Charcoal, Animal---........___ 61 Willow___.....______ 61 Charts, Anatomical_____________ 169 Chemical Flasks________________ 92 Chemicals___________.......... 54-55 Chest Instruments--------------256 Protectors____........_-89 323 Chinoidine___........___ ___ 63 Chisels, Bone............______179 Dissecting............___187 Chloral Hydrate________........ 63 Chloranody ne------------------ 26 Chlorodyne......._........____ 26 Chloroform____................ 63 Church, W. R._________________ 202 Cinchona--------------------- 63 Clamps, Artery............_____179 Bandage___....._____. 179 Dissecting_____________187 Funis........___________269 Hare Lip.. —........___233 Ovariotomy____________269 Rectal_________________ 308 Scrotal.....___________ 259 Cloth, Mcintosh___.........___110 Cloves___...............----- 63 Club Foot Apparatus............339 Cochineal----------.....------ 63 Cocoa Butter___________________ 63 Cocoaine muriate, see Correction sheet Codeia______________.....----- 63 Cod Liver Oil and Milk......... 74 Continued, Page.' Coffin, DeVoe & Co_____________ 87 Collodion_____________________ 26 Colocynth_____________________ 63 Colpeurynter------------------- 269 Comb, Vaccinating_____________ 177 Comedone Extractor____________ 164 Compressor, Air, Burgess'______239 Artery____________179 Eyelid____________209 Rubber Tube______104 Scrotal____________259 Concentrations, Keith's------112 113 Concentrators, Light_______.....233 Conductor, Pin._______________ 233 Confections____________________ 27 Congestors, Penis ._-___________259 Constrictor, Artery_____________179 Conversation Tubes__________225-227 Copper________________________ 63 Copperas______________________ 63 Corks_________________________ 91 Cork Presses __________________ 89 Cork Screws___ ______________ 91 Cornets, Ear___________________ 227 Corn Knives___________________ 164 Corrosive Sublimate____________ 63 Corsets, Abdominal___......___324 Cosmoline_______........_____ 63 Cotton, Absorbent............._. 110 Bandages................157 Holders, Ear_____________223 Medicated........_______110 Cot6, Finger___...........______170 Cough M ixture...........-....... 53 Counter Irritant_______.........164 Cowhage__________________..... 63 Cranioclast.........____________301 Craniotomy Instruments________301 Cream Tartar_______........___ 63 Creasote_______........__..... 63 Crochets_______.........._____301 Crucibles.....__........______ 91 Crutches_______________________ 349 Crutch Rubbers________________349 Cups, Eye.............---------209 Cups, Lente's Platina.....___270 308 Cupper, Uterine___........____270 Cupping Instruments___________ 164 Curette, Bone............______179 Ear_______............. 223 Eye____________________ 209 Rectal_________________ 308 Uterine___......______270 Cushions, Rubber, Bed---------- 170 " Chair________ 170 Cutisector_____________________ 164 Cyrtometer................... _. 164 INDEX.—Continued. Cystotome_______.........____209 Day's Splints.......__________362 Dash Lamp____________________ 12 Deformity Apparatus.......----325 De Pew's Chairs___.......____356 Depressors, Tongue__.....----236 Uterine____________270 Dermatological Instruments ... . - 164 Dextrine_____........--------- 63 Dextro Quinine________________ 63 Diagnostic Tubes___.....------225 Diagrams, Eye Test............- 209 Dilators, Eve....................209 Hernia_________________258 Molesworth's___________281 Rectal_____.......____308 Trachea________________233 Urethral_______________ 259 Uterine........._______270 Vaginal________________270 Directors, Eye............------ 209 Hernia.....__________ 258 Lithotomy-----------259 Operating____________ 179 PocketCase__________198 Tongue-tie___________ 198 Dishes, Evaporating-------..... 91 Feeding........--------- 92 Dissecting Instruments.......... 187 Douches, Ear__..............— 223 Eye___........-......209 Nasal.................- 232 Throat________________234 Dovers Powders.............--- 63 Drills, Bone____________________ 179 Ear_____.....-......— - 223 Droppers, Medicine...----...... 91 Druggists Sundries------------- 88 Dynamograph-----------------166 Dynamometer-----------------166 Ear Instruments...............-• 223 Spoon and Hook.......-----198 Spoon and Spud............- 198 Ecraseurs, Nasal.....-----------232 Uterine___.......--- 270 Effervescent, Salts K. &M______ 78 Elastic Stockings_______________ 315 Elaterium___..........-.....- 63 Electric Apparatus.......----132 382 Electric Belt_____.....--------398 Electric Machine, Davis & Kidder's 397 Electro Magnet-------------- 154 Electro Therapeutics------------131 Electrodes...........----144,382 396 Electrodes, Flemming's------382-396 Electrodes, Mcintosh's______144-154 Elevator and Raspatory_________ 179 Tooth______.........252 253 Uterine________........ 271 Elixirs, Truax & Co.....________ 27 Ellis & Goltennan's Atomizers___238 Embalming Pump______________ 187 Embryotomy Forcep.....______301 Emergency Case.....__________ 161 Emulsions, Cod Liver Oil, Scott's. 63 Endoscopes_______.....__.....259 Enucleators___ ____ ________ 271 Enterolome___........__....... 187 Envelopes, Drug..........______ 91 Ergot...........______________ 65 Ergotine......------........... 65 Eserine__________........_____ 65 Essences, See Extracts___....._. 38 Ether_____............________ 65 Ethyl.........____....._______ 65 Eustachian Catheters___________223 Evacuating Apparatus.'.......__259 Evaporating Dishes------------- 91 Extracts___........---........ 65 Beef........________7__ 64 Beef, Turners'__________ 22 Flavoring............... 38 Fluid__________........ 38 Solid.................. 42 Expeller, Sponge tent... .------271 Explorer, Ear__________________223 Exploring Needles_______....... 199 Trocars______________200 Extensions, Short Leg__________341 Extractor, Bullet____.....------ 198 Eyes, Artificial........___...... 211 Eve Baths........ _____________209 Cases......_______________214 Instruments..........209 to 222 Farr's Supporters---........---291 Feeding Dishes........--------- 92 Fehling's Test___....._________177 Fever Thermometers.........__176 Filter Paper and Stands_________ 92 Finger Cots___........--------170 Flasks, Chemical___..........__ 92 Flavoring Extracts.....--------- 38 Flemming's Batteries________382 396 Flowers_______________......... 65 Fluid, Beef.....______.......... 64 Extracts______........... 38 Food, Horlick's_______________65 76 Forceps, Artery________________ 179 Bone............_____188 Bullet_______.......... 190 Canulated.....________271 Adjustable Dash Lamps for Vehicles, FOR BURNING KEROSENE OIL. Patented February i and March 2g, 1S81. Front View. Showing Attachment adjusted for side of a Leather Dash. Rear View. Showing- Attachment adjusted for a Curved Dash. Also attachment for Wooden Dash or Pillar. These Lamps combine original improvements, burn freely and reflect a bril- liant light. They can be used as a hand-lantern about the stable, or in case of accident when on the road, being readily detached from the carriage. To keep the wick from jarring down in the oil fount and extinguishing the flame, which has, heretofore, led some to suppose that the light was blown out by the wind, we have provided the burner with an original device which prevents the ratehet from turning, thus holding the wick up in its place. Our Patent Attachments possess Important Advantages over any other at- tachment. They not only hold the Lamp in an upright position on a crooked as well as on a straight dash, but the lamp can be attached to either right or left side or the top of the dash by simply reversing the arm. We also furnish, with each Lamp, an attachment for wooden dash, pillar or bow of a Carriage, adjusta- ble to either an upright or horizontal position. WITH SILVER LOCOMOTIVE REFLECTOR. Black Japan Finish. BEVELED FRENCH PLATE GLASS FACE. Diameter of Face 5l/2 Inches, - ' Each $5.00 Net. INDEX, Page. Forceps, Caustic_______________271 Craniotomy............301 Depilating.......,------164 Dissecting......_______187 Dressing, Pocket Case .. 199 Dressing, Uterine....... 271 Ear_________.......... 223 Embryotomy........... 301 Eye__________________210 Haemostatic___________180 Hare lip................234 Laryngeal_________..-- 234 Lithotomy___.........259 Luxation__.......____180 Nasal_____........___232 Needle Cutting......... 180 Holding________180 Pocket.. 199 " Uterine. 271 Obstetrical___........- 301 Oesophageal___________234 Pedicle___......._____271 Phymosis___......___259 Placenta.........______302 Pocket Case.........198 199 Polypus......_________ 271 Rectal________________308 Seizing . _______.... 271 Sequestrum ........180 Shot Compressing_____271 Splinter........-......199 Stone Crushing........- 259 Tenaculum____________271 Throat........--------234 Tissue___________.....272 Toe Nail . __________180 Tongue Holding .....234 Tooth_________________ 234 Tortion Uterine--------271 Trachea_________......234 Trepanning____.-- --- 180 Tumor________________272 Twisting.........------272 Urethral______________259 Vulsellum........-----272 Forks, Tuning..................- 225 Funis Clamp_______.........--- 269 Funnels, Glass.................. 92 Furniture Bottles___............ 93 Furniture, Office_______________ 6 Gag, Mouth________........---- 235 Galvanometer--------......---143 Gauze, Antiseptic------........ 110 Gilbert Atomizer___............237 Gin______.........- ........... 65 Glass Brushes, Acid............- 308 Continued. Page, Glasses, Magnifying......------ 95 Medicine_____......... 93 Glassware_________........--- 95 Glottis Instruments........-----230 Gloves, Rubber________________ 170 Glue....._____________________ 65 Glycerine_____________________ 64 Glycyrrhizin.......____________ 42 Glycerole........______________ 42 Goa Powder___________________ 65 Gold..............-......-..... 65 Gorget.................--------223 Gouges, Bone-----------.....-- 180 Eye_______............210 Graduates--------------------- 94 Granules, Pink, P. D. & Co....... 130 Guides, Trachea___________.....234 Urethral _____ _______259 Gums-__________________----- 65 Gun Cotton______.............. 67 Gutta Percha Tissue_________110 172 Gyneocological Cases________269 277 Instruments_____ 269 Hammers, Percussion-----------256 Hardy's Optometer ___________ 399 Hare Lip Clamp_______________ 233 Needles______________235 Pins___.....________235 Hearing Instruments________225 227 Hearing Horns......-----------226 Herbs_______________.....---- 67 Hernia Instruments............. 258 Herniatome--------------------258 Hiera Picra___________.....--- 67 Hip Splint____________________329 Hoe, Whitehead's Throat_______234 Holder, Brush, Throat_________233 Caustic " ___________233 Uterine_________269 Eye________.....______210 Sponge, Throat____.....236 Homeopathic Pellets.....------ 67 Vials____________ 94 Hooks, Blunt_______________272 301 Counter Pressure-------272 Ear_____._________.....223 Eye....._____...... — -210 And Lever_____________ 302 Operating___........— 180 Tonsil______----.....-- 234 Trachea_______.........234 Vulsellum______________272 Hops _______......-------- 67 Horlick's Food.........-------- 76 Horns, Hearing_____________226 227 Hydrastia___----------------- 67 INDEX. Page. Hydrocele Syringe .,------------ 260 Hydroleine__________________66 67 Hydrometers________... ------- 95 Jar_____............ 95 Hypodermic Tablets------------ 82 Syringes_______172 175 Hysterotome___________.....— 272 Infants Food, Horlick's_________ 76 Ingluvin______________________ 67 Inhalers___________.........--- 234 Buttle's________ _____223 Pomeroy's_____________223 Injectors and Aspirators--------156 Instruments, Amputating------- 179 Chest..............256 Ear________________ 223 Eye_______________209 Gynecological______269 Hernia_______ ___258 Mouth and Throat... 233 Nasal______________ 132 Rectal_____________308 Urethral.....______258 Insufflators, Nasal______________ 232 Rectal___________.. 308 Urethral___ ______259 Invalid Rings_________________170 Iodine_______________.......... 67 Iodoform_____________________ 67 Iridectomy Instruments________212 Iridin.-.-l____________________ 67 Iron__________________________ 67 Iron Preparations_______........ 42 Irons, Cautery_________________308 Irondequoit Wine Co----_______ 80 Irrigators, Rectal_______________ 308 Vaginal___.....____272 Irritant, Counter........._______ 164 Jaros' Hygienic Underwear.. .. ... 322 Jars, Ointment_________________ 95 Johnston's Fluid Beef___________ 64 Johnston's Splints______________ 364 Jury Mast_____________________328 Jute__________________________ 111 Keusbey & Mattison____________ 78 Keener, W. T., Medical Books.«... 155 Keith's Concentrations__ ..____ 112 Keratomes.....__........-----212 Kidder, W. F. & Co_____________ 66 King's Tracheotomes___________246 Knee Joint Apparatus_____....._ 336 Knives, Amputating and Operating 180 Corn_______.....______164 Dissecting....._________ 187 -Continued. Page Knives, Eye____________________ 212 Ear........______......223 Hernia___________......258 Laryngeal__________r.- 235 Physicians_____________ 95 Pocket Case____________ 199 Rectal.......__________ 308 Uterine______.....____272 KnotTyer______........______272 Labels___........_____________ 95 Lactucarium___................ 69 Lamps, Alcohol________________ 88 Students'......_........235 Lamp, Dash___________________ 12 Lancets, Abscess_______________ 199 Spring_______........__ 164 Throat...........______235 Thumb___________.....199 Vaccinating------------ 177 Lard, Benzoated___________..... 42 Laryngeal Instruments_________233 Laryngoscopes___........____. 235 Larvngoscopic Sets_____________237 Lead_____________________..... 69 Solutions........---------- 42 Leaves___.................____ 69 Lebenswecker........_.________ 164 Leeches, Artificial______________272 Legs, Artificial_________________343 Leptandrin_____________________ 71 Levators________________.....-- 235 Licorice_______________________ 65 Ligator_______........____..... 308 Ligature_______________'_______ 181 Ligature Carrier________________ 308 Light Concentrator_____________ 233 Lime___________............— 71 Liniments_______________*.____ 42 Lint___________......_________111 Carrier___.......----------223 Liquors, Medicinal______________ 42 Liquor, Ergot................... 42 Pepsine________________ 43 And Combinations-42 44 Lithium..........______________ 71 Lithotomy Instruments........259 Lithotrite______________________259 Litmus Paper__________________177 Lomax's Bottled Goods_________400 Lounges, Sargent's.............. 360 Lunar Caustic........__________ 71 Lupulin_____________________.— 71 Lutz's Instruments___.........- 293 Lycopodium___________________ 71 Mcintosh Batteries---------- -. 132 INDEX.—-. Continued. Mcintosh Supporters__________289 Magnesia............__........ 71 Solutions___.....____ 45 Magnifying Glasses___________ 95 Mallet, Lead....................181 Mallinckrodt's Chemicals......... 54 Maltine__________________70 71 Manganese....._________..... 72 Manna_____________________ 72 Manometer_____________.___223 Mark's Chair.........___.....- 358 Mattson's Atomizer.......______245 Syringes___.......... 100 Measures, Tape________.------104 Meatoscope_________--------259 Meatotome..........._________259 Medical Books.....___________155 Medicine Cases......-.-------158 164 Droppers______......- 91 Glasses___............ 95 Menthol___.........----...... 72 Mercury........---........--- 72 Metrogannon-------......----272 Microscopes_____________.....367 Microscope Accessories------376 381 Mirrors, Ear_____________ ... 224 Laryngoscopic........._ 235 Rhinoscopic____.......- 235 Throat.............----236 Mixtures_____________----- 45 Models, Anatomical--------166 168 Molesworth's Syringes--------- 281 Mop, Canula.....------------235 Morphine____...............— 72 Mortars________......----- - - 96 Moss\.. ____________------- 72 Mounting Material-----------380 Mouth Instruments-----------233 Mustard__________---------- 72 Nasal Instruments-----......— 232 Needles, Acupressure----------181 Aneurism and Director .. 181 Automatic______-----181 Carrier...-____________199 Electrolysis.............150 Exploring........-----199 Eye......____________212 Hare-lip................235 Hernia___.............- 258 Hypodermic.............174 Mouth___..........--- 235 Perineum........----- 272 Post Mortem---.....— 187 Seton..........-------199 Surgeon's___........181 199 Uterine..............--- 272 Page. Nipples, Rubber______........_ 95 Nipple Shells_______........— 95 Shields______________ 95 Nozzles, Sexton's Ear_____...... 224 Nursing Bottles____________.. 95 Nux Vomica________________ 72 Oakum........___........---- 72 Objectives, Microscopic--------377 Obstetrical Bags........---____301 Case______________302 Instruments________ 301 Pouches.........---302 Office Furniture_____________. 6 Oils_______________________ 72 Oiled Muslin___.............--- HI Silk__________________HI Ointments ___________.....-- 45 Oleates________......------- 46 Oleo Resin----------........- 46 Operating Cases__---.....---183 Chairs.....______354 361 Opium.........—..........--46 75 Opthalmoscopes______________ 212 Opthalmostates___ ............- 213 Opthalmo Phantome----------213 Optometers_________________1 213 Hardy's_____________399 Orange Peel------.....----- 75 Orthopoedic Apparatus--------- 325 Osteological_________..----168 170 Osteopher........---'-.......-- 181 Otoscopes______........-----224 Ovariotomy Instruments----269 276 Ox Gall_________________--- 46 Paints_______________........ 87 Pancreatine......--------'..!.- 75 Paper, Dressing---.....------ 90 Filter________________ 92 Litmus______........-- 177 Powder----__------ 96 Wrapping_____________ 96 Parke, Davis & Co------------ 114 Pearls, Nitrate Amyl--------- 58 Pegs, Ivory___________________ 1"! Pelleterine____________________ 75 Pellets, Homeopathic----------- 67 Pencils, Alum-----------------272 Blue Vitriol..........--- 273 Camels Hair---...--- 89 Eye------------------ 213 Silver................-- 273 Zinc_________......---- 273 Penis Congestor------------- • - 259 Pepper_______........-------- *j| Pepsin, Elixir-----------......- 35 IF YOU HAVE A PATIENT NEEDING AN ARTIFICIAL LIM B SIESHXTID I^ODR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET ILLUSTRATING THE ADVANTAGES OP The Improved Artificial Limbs. — MANUFACTURED BY — Chas, Truax & Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Surgical Instruments and Appliances, Batteries, Microscopes, s— SILK ELASTIC HOSIERY—a Trusses, Supporters and Physician's Supplies. 81 Randolph Street. CHICAGO. INDEX.- Page. Pepsin, Liquor_________________ 46 Saccharated............. 68 Peptonoids, Beef_______........59 68 Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Hy- pophosphites___......_____ 74 Perforator, Craniotomy_________ 302 Ear_________________224 Periosteotomes_________________181 Perry Road Cart_______________ 56 Pessaries___________________273 274 Farr's..........________291 Petroleum Jelly.........________ 75 Phamaceutical Preparations_____ 25 Picrotoxine___________________ 75 Piercer, Ear____________________224 Pile Pipes___________________... 308 Pillows, Air____________________170 Pills, Parke, Davis & Co_________ 114 Pill Tiles___........___________ 96 Pilocarpine____________________ 75 Pincette___............_______235 Pins, Buck's. __________________ 181 Hare Lip_________________181 Pink Granules, P. D. & Co's_____ 130 Piperine_______.______________ 75 Pipes, Blow____________......... 187 Pile_____________________308 Pique, Pamard's________________213 Pitch_________________________ 75 Pith.....______________........ 75 Placenta Forceps_______________ 302 Planten's Capsules____........._ 60 Plaster, Dental___.........____ 75 Plasters_______________......... 47 Adhesive_______________ 96 Seabury & Johnson's----106 PleximetersT___________________256 Plug, Pile_________r..........-- 308 Vaginal _______________ 274 Pocket Cases, Empty.....------198 Pocket Case Instruments------- 198 Instrument Cases___----200 Podophyllin.......____________ 75 Politzer's Air Bag................223 Polyscope.................—.- 154 Porte Acid......_________.....- 224 Porte Caustic_____________'......259 Porter_______________________75 400 Post Mortem Cases_____________187 Instruments.....— 187 Potassa________________________ 75 Pouch, Gynecological......-----302 Obstetrical______:______302 Powder Blowers_______•_____224 235 Paper.............----- 96 Powders__________________--- 47 Presses, Cork_______________— 89 ■Continued. Page. Probangs........._____________235 Probes, Bullet............._____198 Caustic________________235 Ear................____224 Eye.........----------213 Jointed.........________199 Rectal_______.......... 308 Silver______________181 199 Truax's.............___199" Uterine______..........274 Propylamine.....______________ 77 Pulley, Sims'.................... 274 Pumps, Air_________________233 240 Breast_______.......... 89 Embalming___________187 Stomach_______________236 " Attachment___157 Pupilometer___.........__.....213 Pus Basins................_____223 Quassia_______........ _______ 77 Quinamine.....____,__________ 77 Quinidia______________________ 77 Quinine_______________________ 77 Quin-Quinia___________________ 77 Raspatory.............._____181 235 Receivers___....._____________ 96 Rectal Instruments_____________308 Replacers, Uterine._.............274 Resin_______............._____ 77 Resin Jalap............_________ 47 Respirators___ _______-------235 Respirometers____...........__256 Retorts............._____..... 96 Retractors_______..........--.. 181 Cheek......._........ 235 Eye_________........ 213 Uterine.............. 274 Retrojectors, Urethral-----------260 Rheotome___............_____143 Rhinoplastos_________........_- 232 Rhinoscopes______.___________235 Rhinoscopic Mirrors___________. 235 Rib Shears____________........- 182 Rings, Spermatorrhoea---------260 Road Carts.............._____56, 202 Rollers, Bandage................ 158 Roots___________......-.......- 77 Rubber Goods__________________ 170 Rubbers, Crutch______________■— 349 Rum_______________........--- 79 Saccharated Preparations-------- 47 Saddle Bags____________________ 86 Salicin.......................... 79 Salts___________.......________ 79 INDEX.—Continued. Page. Page. Salts, Granulated Effervescent___ 78 Shoulder Braces . _ ____314 _______ 79 79 Sick Feeders_____ ____ 91 Sanguinaria....... . . Sargent's Lounges_____ Silks_____________ ____ _____182 ________360 Silver .---- _ -- — ____ 81 _______181 ____811 Carrier.........___ _______182 ..168 170 _______199 Skulls____________________ ____170 Folding ___ ... _______199 Smith and Shaw's Batteries . ____398 Oral____________. ....... 236 ____224 ._____.. 274 Nasal __....... ___232 Scales...... __ __ _____97 99 ____ 81 Scalpels -......... . . Dissecting . __ - 182 ____ 81 ........ 187 ____342 Eye------------ ________213 Solutions. __ ____ 48 Lithotomy - - ________260 Sounds, Rectal. . . 308 Pocket Case. _______199 Urethral___ 260 Uterine....... _______274 Uterine___ .- - 275 Scarificators ........_ _______164 Spatulas.. . .. _ 105 Eye--------- _______213 Eye--------------- 213 Throat______ _______236 Nasal__„ 233 Uterine. ________274 Pocket Case __. 200 Scissors ___ ._ .. __ ........ 182 And Tongue Tie _ 200 Dissecting___ ________187 Speculums, Ear ......... 224 Ear____________ _______224 Eye------------ ..213 214 Eve....._______ _______213 Nasal_______ _ . 233 Hare-lip _ ___ _____„_ 236 Oral___________ 236 Operating___ .______182 308 Pocket Case . _______200 Urethral . ._260 275 Skin Grafting ________166 • Vaginal. . __ 275 Throat_________ _______236 Spermaceti 83 Tonsil_________ ___. ... 236 Spermatorrhoea Ring __ 260 Uterine . _____274 275 Spirits.. . ...48 83 Uvula.. _. _______236 Spirometers 256 Scoops, Bone___ _______182 Splints. __. ' _ 172 Ear____________ _______224 Ahl's.;_____________ . - 364 Eye------------- _______213 Day's_________ ____362 Horn. . . _______105 Hip_______ 329 Lithotomy ... _______ 260 Johnstone's_________ ___. 364 Uterine. . __ . _______275 Material........____ ____172 Scott's Emulsion______. _______ 62 Patella.......... ____337 Scraper______________ -------182 Spray, Antiseptic .. _ ____182 Screw, Bone ........ 182 Ear_____________ ___224 Oral____________ _______236 Eye-------......... ____214 Tampon________ _______275 Nasal........___ ----233 Scrotal Clamp ..... .......- 259 Throat_____________ ____236 Compressor _ . _______259 Tubes__ ______ ____236 Seabury and Johnson___ -.-106 to 111 Sponges_______ ____105 Searcher, Stone_____ . -------260 Sponge Holder, Throat___ ____236 Seeds_____ ...______ _______ 79 Uterine. ____275 Serrefins _______ _______182 Tents_______ ____276 Shades, Eve............. ....___213 " Expeller ____271 Shears __ ______ _____ _______182 Spongio Piline_____. ____111 Sheeting, Rubber.. _______172 Spoon, Ear________.'__ ____224 Shields, Nipple ...... _______ 95 Shells, Nipple___ ____ _______ 95 Spout, Ear_______. . ....- 224 Shoes, Club Foot... .... _______ 339 Spud, Eye . .. ........ ____214 Shot, Perforated. _______275 Staff, Bone.. ........____ ____182 INDEX, .— Continued. Page. Staff, Lithotomy_____... ______260 Stands, Filter..'________________ 92 Staufer's Supporters....... ____287 Stethoscopes _______________256 257 Steuben County Wine Co________ 84 Stockings, Elastic___......_____314 Stomach Pumps_____________156 236 " Attachments____156 Tubes________________236 Stop Cock.....______.....____275 Strabometer_________ _________214 Stretcher______________________182 Strontia_______________________ 83 Strychnia............_________. 83 Solutions............_. 48 Students Lamp_______........._ 235 Styles, Eye____________________214 Sugar, Milk.........___________ 83 Sulphur_______________________ 83 Sundries_______________________ 88 Suppositories.....-------------- 48 Empty_____________ 83 Rectal_____________ 48 Vaginal.., ________ 48 Suppositors, Rectal_____________308 Vaginal____________276 Supporters, Abdominal___312, 323 324 Farr's_______........ 291 Lutz's__________.....293 Mcintosh's__________289 Rectal___........... 313 Staufer's.....______287 Umbilical.-.......__ 314 Uterine_____________313 Suspension Apparatus___....... 328 Suspensories, Scrotal____________312 Svapnia_______________________ 83 Syringes, Anatomical __________ 187 Bladder_______________260 Bulb............____100 103 Catarrhal______________101 Caustic..............260 276 Dental........_________ 101 Ear_______.....-101, 103 225 Eye..................103 214 » Fairbanks.............. 102 Fountain ___________102 103 Glass__________........ 99 Hard Rubber.....______101 Hernia_________________ 258 Horse_______....... ... 99 Hydrocele_______....... 260 Hypodermic.............172 " Needles_____174 Indispensable__________ 104 Lutz's_________.....--- 293 Mattson's______________100 Page. Syringes, Metal_____........... 99 Molesworth's...........281 Mucous_______________276 Nasal__________________233 Ointment............276 309 Pipes_____............104 Rectal;______________100 101 Throat_________________236 Tubes_________________276 Urethral. _98, 99,101, 103, 260 Vaginal......99,103, 104, 276 Tablets, Hypodermic____.....__ 82 Tamarind_________________.__ 83 Tampon, Nasal........________233 Carrier___............ 276 Screw_____......____276 Vaginal_______________276 Tape Measures .....___________104 Tapioca___.........._________ 83 Tar____.........._____________ 83 Tartar Emetic___........______ 83 Tenaculums, Eye_______........214 Dissecting........._ 187 Operating__________182 Pocket Case_______ 199 Rectal Byrne's Double 309 Uterine____________ 276 Tenatome_____________________ 182 Pocket Case_________ 199 Tensor, Ear......______........225 Tents, Seatangle________________276 Sponge.......____________27b Tupello................._ 276 Test Cases, Eye________________214 Urine_______...____178 Diagrams_________________209 Drum.....______.....---214 Fehling's.....____________ 177 Tubes___________________ 104 " Holders........____105 " Rack_______________ 105 Types___________________214 Urinary..........__........178 Thermocautery_______________ 160 Thermometers______________176 l77 Throat Brushes________________ 89 Instruments_____________ 233 Mirrors_________________236 Thymol______________->______ 83 Tiles, Pill______________......- 96 Tinctures____________________51 83 German______________ 83 Homeopathic_________ 85 Keith's_______________112 Tissue, Rubber............_____110 CHAS. TRUAX & CO'S URINE TEST CASE. This case is made of hard wood, finely polished, and is constructed on a new principle which possesses many advantages. The upper part, which forms the Test Tube rack when in use, can be closed down and fastened; the hollow slats holding the funnels slide into the case; the drawer can be returned to its socket thus forming a neat, compact box, that guards its contents from breakage and protects them from the injurious effects of dust, light and air, so that the con. tents may be kept clean and always ready for use. It contains eight Reagent bottles, two glass Funnels, Alcohol Lamp, two Beakers, Porcelain Evaporating Dish, two small glass Evaporating Dishes, fourteen Test Tubes, assorted sizes, Test Tube Holder, Urinometer, Graduated Pipette and Litmus Paper. Two of the Reagent Bottles contain the two solutions now used in making Fehling'g Test; one a solution of Sodio Potassic Tartrate, the other a solution of Cupric Sulphate, both so adjusted that, with the directions that accompany the case, a physician may easily make both a qualitative and quantitative analysis for Glucose, thus enabling the practitioner not only to detect sugar in suspected cases, but to make comparative tests, from time to time, in known cases of Diabetes. They are alway ready for use, and will keep for any length of time. Price of case, with bottles all filled, $7 00 net. CHAS. TRUAX & CO., 81 Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL. INDEX.—Continued. Page. Tooth Elevators........_____252 253 Forceps_______________251 255 Instruments___________251 255 Tubes, Atomizer_______ _______236 Conversation____________225 Endoscopic______________259 Diagnostic______________225 Drainage,Thomas'_______ 277 Drop___________________237 Rectal_________________ 309 Rubber_________________ 172 Syringe_______.....____276 Trachea_________________237 Vaginal with Stop Cock... 277 TuningForks........._________225 Turner's Extract Beef______..... 22 Turpentine.......______________ 85 Twines______ ____......._____105 Tyer Rubber Co________________102 Tympanums__________________ 225 Type Writers__________________ 90 Tongaline_____________________ 86 Tongue Depressors_____________236 Tie and Director________198 Spatula_________200 Tonsil Instruments_____.....236 237 Scissors___.....________236 Tonsilotome___________________237 Tourniquets, Eye_______________214 Operating_________ 182 Uterine____________276 Trachea, Dilator_______.....___233 Tubes........________237 Tracheotomes____•__________237 246 Tractor, Eye-_______........___214 Transfusion Apparatus_________- 177 Trepanning Instruments--------183 Trephines_____________________182 Trial Cases........____________214 Sets___.................. 214 Trocars and Canulas............ 260 Curved.....____________309 Exploring___......----200 Eye................---214 Flint's...............--- 237 Nested................._ 200 Ovariotomy___--------276 Rectal...........------309 Truax'sSet........-----200 Page. Trumpets, Ear______________226 227 Trusses.....______________.....312 Philadelphia Truss Co____316 Underwear, Jaros' Hygienic....._ 322 Unguentum Petrolei____________ 85 Urethral Instruments........___258 Urethrometers_________________260 Urethrotomes___________......- 260 Urinals, Glass________........_. 105 Porcelain______________105 Rubber________......._ 172 Urinary Analysis.-,__________177 178 Urinometers_______..........-- 177 Uterine Instruments____________269 Uterotome................_____277 Uvulatomes.................___237 Vaccine_______________________ 5 Vaccinating Instruments________177 Vaseline_____......______..... 85 Vaginal Instruments____________269 Capsules_______________278 Vectus...........______________302 Vesico Vaginal Fistula Cases____277 Veratrine________........._____ 85 Verdigris______________________ 85 Vials__________________________ 93 Vinegars........_______........ 53 Wafers________________________ 105 Walmsley & Co., Microscopes___367 Water Bottles, Rubber........... 170 Waters______......_________53 85 Wax.................__________ 85 Weights___.................... 99 Whiskey___........__________ 85 White, Williams & Co___________324 Wine, Grape_____.........80i 84 85 Medicated, Officinal______ 53 Wire, Lead___..............___182 Silver.......... 182 200 Steel___.....___________225 Wool, Cotton___________........ Ill Wyeth's Hypodermic Tablets____ 82 Yerba Santa Cough Mixture Zinc. 53 58 EXTRACT of BEEF! Turner's Pure Extract of Beef Clioioest Beef, AND IS EQUAL TO ANT IN THE MAKKET IN NUTRITIVE PROPERTIES. This Extract is carefully and scientifically prepared and is absolutely free Irom any admixture from Glucose or other deleterious foreign substances. • IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED By .All "Wlio Have Tested, it, Especially for its very agreeable flavor and odor, both in its solid state and when prepared as beef tea. TRADE SUPPLIED BY €hab* Tbuax & Go. See Opposite Page. Turner's Extract of Beef. The Following Analysis, by Professor Long of Chicago Medical College, is Submitted : MR. JAMES TURNER : Dear Sir.— This is to certify that I have analyzed the Extract of Beef made by you, and find it to contain as follows: Water_______________246. Organic Solids.....__58.1. Inorganic Solids_____17.3. 100 I have also analyzed the "Liebig" Extract, and find it of the same general composition, both being free from fat and albumen. From a study of the analysis of other brands I am able to say, I consider the " Turner" Extract as good as any in the market. . Very truly yours, J. H. LONG, D. Sc. Chicago, March 14, 1884. IJ>'°f- °f Chemistry, Chicago Medical College. Put up in the most approved style of Jars and sold to the trade as follows: Special discounts to the trade in quantities. 1 lb. Jars, per dozen.........................................................$24 00. Yz lb. Jars, "......................................................... 13 00. }4 lb. Jars, " ............................................ .............. 700. ii lb. Jars, " ."....................................................... 400. The nutritious portions'of the Beef are here presented in the most concentrated and palatable form; and, as a restorative and tonic, it has borne the test of experiment and is recommended by all who have used it, among- whom are the following' to whom we refer by permission' GEO. CHAMBERLIN, M. D., 3031 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. JNO. GUERIN, M. D., 3102 State Street, Chicago. WM. J. CLARY, M. 1)., 2358 S. Park Avenue, Chicago. HENRY BOYD, M. D., 3035 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. HON. W. H. HARPER, (author of the Harper License Act), Chicago. We also Manufacture a very superior article of Both pure and saccharated, made by the " Scheffer" process, from fresh slaugh- tered animals and warranted as represented, at the following reduced prices: Pure Pepsin (in bulk)_____________.________ $12*00 " " (in bottles) per oz.........------- ^85 Saccharated Pepsin, (in bulk) per lb.........._ 3 00 « " (in oz. bottles), per doz.__ 3'00 Also Manufacturer and Dealer in Pure Beef Oleine and Neutral Lard. FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE, JAMES TURNER, 2609 to 2637 Archer Avenue, Chicago. CAUTION. From and after the issue of this List, Pharmaceuticals of our own manufacture may be distinguished from all other preparations by our MARK, which will appear .upon every package. Physicians and Druggists desiring to dispense our prepara- tions may order them through any wholesale druggist in Chicago. Charles Truax & Co. . :, 6 —-^' C/J QJP -<] Pharmaceutical Preparations PRICE LIST. The goods enumerated in the following list are the products of our own lab- oratory, and in purity, efficacy and elegance, are excelled by none. We use only the choicest of material, and use Aqua Distillata, U. S. P., in the manufact- ure of all preparations where water forms a portion of the menstruum. The offi- cinal preparations are of the standard of the United States Pharmacopoeia. The non-officinal preparations are of the recognized standard, either of special schools of medicine or of manufacturing pharmacists; where the formulas are of the lat- ter class, a label, on which is given the quantitative analysis, is put upon even- package. We shall issue a quarterly correction sheet, which will be mailed upon appli- cation, containing all additions to this list, and changes in prices of the goods herein quoted. SAMPLES FURNISHED FREE UPON APPLICATION. PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES. NO CHARGES FOR CONTAINERS. ACID, ACETIC, DILUTE, U. S. P., lb bottles_______________Db 25 CARBOLIC, SOLUTION, 10 $ ct...... j \ f^"""-^ 1 5S (Containing' 48 grains glacial acid to each fluidounce.) CARBOLIC, SOLUTION, 33* $ ct......j J ^^"-////gj 2 f5 (Containing 20 grains glacial acid to each fluidrachm.) HYDROBROMIC, DILUTE, U. S. P., lb bottles...........lb 45 HYPOPHOSPHOROUS, DILUTE, U. S. P, j \ ^ b^I"e"ach * 35 MURIATIC, DILUTE, U. S. P., 1 lb bottles............---lb 25 NITRIC, DILUTE, " lb bottles.............---lb 25 NITRO-MURIATIC, " 1 lb glass stop bottles___..tb 33 DILUTE, I R) bottles................lb 25 (25) OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. ACID, PHOSPHORIC, U. S. P., 1 lb bottles_____..........______lb DILUTE, U. S. P., lb bottles........_____lb " Concentrated, 5 times the strength of officinal acid, glass stop bottles......______________lb SULPHURIC, DILUTE, U. S. P., Tb bottles................lb AROMATIC, U. S. P., lb bottles__________Do ANODYNE, Horn's True........j J J $£ £j JSSSi:;;::^ This is the True Hoffman's Anodyne, manufactured from the heavy Oil of Wine, as directed in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. ARSENIC, SOLUTION, Donovan's, U. S. P., lb bottles.............lb Fowler's, U. S. P., Bb bottles____________lb ( 1 Bb bottles............__________..........Bb I 1 gallon bottle..........................-___gal BATTERY FLUID........ j \ £• S1*88 ^op bottles----------each 4 oz. bottle.........___..........each BORO-GLYCERIDE_____^ 8 oz. ».......................each lib. "...................__each 1 pt. bottle_________each BORO-GDYCERIDE, SOLUTION____] 5 pt. « ........'..each 1 gal. "..........each 4oz. jars. 8 oz. jars. each. each. BAY RUM. 75 30 75 25 55 00 35 35 20 45 50 25 50 30 55 00 50 00 00 CERATE, CALENDULA.............___ CAMPHOR, U. S. P............ CANTHARIDES,U. S. P........ LEAD, SUBACETATE, U. S. P. RESIN, U. S. P................. RESIN, Comp. U. S. P.......... SAVIN, U. S. P................ SIMPLE, U. S. P..........___ SPERMACETI, U. S. P......... ZINC, CARBONATE, U. S. P.. 1 lb........ CHLORODYNE_________]i Bb........ ....... 25 45 ______ 20 35 _____ 30 55 ...... 20 35 _____ 15 25 ......- 20 30 ....... 20 35 ....... 20 35 ______ 20 35 ....... 25 40 ...........------Bb ........---.....each 1 oz. vial................__...... oz 1 Biijars. each. 80 65 1 00 60 45 50 65 60 65 75 4 00 1 10 35 Each fluidrachm contains— Morphia Muriate............___J/ggrain. Resin Cannabis Ind ica..........% grain . Chem. Pure Chloroform______6 minims. Hydrocyanic Acid.............1 minim. Oil of Peppermint..............q. s. Tincture Capsicum.............q. s. COLLODION, SIMPLE, U. S. P___.............. CANTHARIDAL.................. FLEXIBLE, U. S. P................. SALICYLATED, Comp. (corn cure). STYPTIC, U. S. P.................. 1 oz. bots. each. 4 oz. bots. each. 1 n> bots. each. 20 45 1 25 25 75 2 50 20 45 1 25 25 75 2 50 20 50 1 50 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 4 oz. jars. 8 oz. jars. 1 lb jars. each. each. each. CONFECTION, BLACK PEPPER______________ 20 35 60 OPIUM, U.S. P.........________ 60 115 2 15 ROSES, " __________....... 20 35 60 SENNA, <•................... 20 35 ■ 55 ELIXIRS.—Six years ago, when we placed our line of Elixirs upon the market, we were fully aware of the general disrepute into which the term elixir had fallen; and of the opinion existing in the minds of a large percentage of the medical profession, that as a class they were worthless combinations possessed of but little if any therapeutic value. This state of affairs had been brought about by unprincipled manufacturers, who forced upon the market immense quan- tities of the so-called elixirs, that evidently were neither prepared according to formula or from good material. Knowing that there was no reason why elixirs, if properly compounded from active therapeutic agents, should not possess many advantages over other preparations of the same drugs, we commenced their manufacture, and have labored earnestly and faithfully to produce a complete list of Elixirs that should be up to the highest possible medicinal standard, and merit from Physicians the favor so justly their due. The large demand we have created for them, and our rapidly increasing trade, are ample evidence to us of our success, and we wish to inform our patrons that their present standard will be maintained, and in every instance they repre- sent of active material the exact formula upon the package. Unlike many of the Elixirs of the market, ours contain but little, and usually no foreign coloring matter, and we are thus enabled to make clear and bright preparations which form a strong contrast with the dark and muddy appearance of commercial Elixirs. ELIXIRS. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE: 35 Cents per Gallon Reduction when Ordered in 5 Gallon packages. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR, (Simple) RED........................---- 45 175 2 50 ELIXIR, (Simple) WHITE.......................... 45 175 2 50 ELIXIR BERBERINA ANDIRON................ 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluirirachm contains Phosphate Berberina---1 grain Pyrophosphate Iron---1 grain ELIXIR BISMUTH................------........ 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth_______2 grains ELIXIR BISMUTH AND IRON.........—...... 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth______1 grain ) Pyrophosphate Iron____.1 grain ) OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR BISMUTH AND STRYCHNIA___...... 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth.......1 grain Strychnia___......... £% grain ELIXIR BLACK COHOSH COMPOUND........ 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Black Cohosh________5 grains"] Wild Cherry...........5 grains [ Blood Root........____3 grains [ Licorice........-------3 grains j ELIXIR BLUE FLAG............................ 65 2 75 4 00 Each dessert spoonful contains Blue Flag___________40 grains. ELIXIR BROMIDE AMMONIUM_______........ 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Bromide Ammonium__.5 grains. ELIXIR BROMIDE OF CALCIUM____......___1 00 4 50 7 00 Each fluidrachm contains Bromide Calcium______5 grains. ELIXIR BROMIDE OF LITHIUM........______ 1 15 5 25 8 00 Each fluidrachm contains Bromide Lithium______5 grains. ELIXIR BROMIDE POTASSIUM_____........... 55 2 25 3 25 Each fluidrachm contains Bromide Potassium___10 grains. ELIXIR BROMIDE SODA.....___............___ 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Bromide Soda.......... 10 grains. ELIXIR BUCHU.....__________........._______ 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Buchu___........____15 grains. ELIXIR BUCHU COMPOUND.....____.......... 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Buchu............___-.8 grains Stone Root__________4 grains Pareira Brava...........4 grains ELIXIR BUCHU AND EUCALYPTUS_____..... 75 3 25 5 00 Each fluidrachm contains Buchu.................12 grains Eucalyptus______.....8 grains ELIXIR BUCHU AND PAREIRA BRAVA----- 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Buchu.................10 grains Pareira Brava........... 5 grains ELIXIR BUCKTHORN BARK_____.......-..... 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Buckthorn Bark.........15 grains. i OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. .5 grains ) .1 grain ) 1 Pt, Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal, Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR BUCKTHORN COMPOUND............ 75 3 25 5 00 Each fluidrachm contains Buckthorn Bark_______10 grains '] Senna___.............5 grains 1 Mandrake______...... _ 1 grain ; Rochelle Salts___......5 grains J ELIXIR CALISAYA........_____................. 55 2 25 3 50 Each fluidrachm contains The virtues of 5 grains Calisaya Bark. ELIXIR CALISAYA AND BISMUTH_____ 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark_____.....5 grai Am. Cit. Bismuth .. ELIXIR CALISAYA, BIS. AND STRYCHNIA.. 65 2 75 4 25 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark____......5 grains Am. Cit. Bismuth_____1 grain Strychnia......______^ grain ELIXIR CALISAYA AND PROTOXIDE IRON.. 55 2 25 3 50 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark___.......5 grains Protoxide Iron________1 grain ELIXIR CALISAYA AND PYROPHOS. IRON.. 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark_________5 grains ) Pyrophosphate Iron.....1 grain \ ELIXIR CALISAYA, IRON AND BISMUTH____ 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark......____5 grains Pyrophosphate Iron,__1 grain Am. Cit. Bismuth.......1 grain ELIXIR Calisaya, Iron, Bismuth and Pepsin---.....1 10 5 00 7 50 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark............5 grains Pyrophosphate Iron____1 grain Am. Cit. Bismuth______1 grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIRCalisaya, Iron, Bis., Pepsin and Strychnia---1 15 5 25 8 00 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark...........5 grains'] Pyrophosphate Iron_____1 grain ! Am. Cit. Bismuth........1 grain / Strychnia..............^ grain J Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR CALIS., IRON, BIS. AND STRYCH...... 75 3 25 4 75 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark...........5 grains") Pyrophosphate Iron.....1 grain ! Am. Cit. Bismuth _____1 grain [ Strychnia.............-^ grain j OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each' each. ELIXIR CALISAYA, IRON and PHOSPHORUS.. 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark........__5 grains Pyrophosphate Iron_____1 grain Phosphorus_________TJ¥ grain ELIXIR CALISAYA, IRON AND QUININE____ 95 4 25 6 50 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark...........5 grains Pyrophosphate Iron____1 grain Quinine____.......___i grain ELIXIR CALISAYA, IRON AND PEPSIN...___1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark__________5 grains ^ Pyrophosphate Iron____1 grain ) Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR CALISAYA, IRON AND STRYCHNIA. 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark________..5 grains Pyrophosphate Iron... .. 1 grain Strychnia__.........- - sV grain ELIXIR CALIS., IRON, STRYCHNIA & PEPSIN. 1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark.........__5 grains Pyrophosphate Iron____1 grain Strychnia__....._____J^ grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR CALISAYAwith PHOSPHATES COMP. 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark...........5 grains Combined Phosphates__1 grain Free Phosphoric Acid__4 drops ELIXIR CALISAYA, PEPSIN AND BISMUTH.. 1 05 4 75 7 00 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark_________5 grains Am. Cit. Bismuth____.1 grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR Calisaya, Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia___1 10 5 00 7 50 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark_________5 grains Am. Cit. Bismuth..,____1 grain Strychnia. _......... ..-J^ grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR CALISAYA PEPSIN and STRYCHNIA. 1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark........__5 grains Strychnia............--6T grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR CALISAYA AND STRYCHNIA......... 60 2 50 3 50 Each fluidrachm contains Calisaya Bark_________5 grains Strychnia_______.....r^iSr^n OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR CASCARA___..........._____________ 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Cascara Sagrada______10 grains. ELIXIR CASCARA COMPOUND____............ 80 3 50 5 00 Each dessert spoonful contains Cascara Sagrada........10 grains'] Senna______________10 grains j Podophyllum........__5 grains )• Hyoscyamus___....... 2 grains | Potassa. Bicarb.......... 5 grains J ELIXIR CASCARA LAXATIVE____............_ 75 3 25 4 75 Each dessert spoonful contains Cascara Sagrada........10 grains Berberis Aquifolium___5 grains Combined with Aromatics. ELIXIR CATHARTIC COMPOUND......------ 65 2 75 4 00 Each dessert spoonful contains Senna______.....___15 grains"| Butternut........-----7i grains ' Mandrake_______.....4 grains ( Rochelle Salts..........15 grains J For other Cathartic and Laxative Elixirs see Buckthorn Compound and Senna Compound ELIXIR CELERY SEED..................------- 75 3 25 4 75 Each fluidrachm contains Celery Seed__________15 grains. ELIXIR CELERY COMPOUND................... 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Celery Seed.............3 grains Catnip................-.5 grains Chamomile___........-3 grains ELIXIR CELERY AND GUARANA----------- 1 25 5 75 8 50 Each fluidrachm contains Celery Seed........----7i grains Guarana. .. --------7i grains ELIXIR CHLORAL HYDRATE.................. 75 3 25 4 75 Each fluidrachm contains Hydrate Chloral.........5 grains. ELIXIR Chloral Hydrate and Potassium Bromide..... 80 3 50 5 25 Each fluidrachm contains Chloral Hydrate-------5 grains Potassium Bromide .. ..5 grains ELIXIR Chloral Hydrate & Potassium Bromide Comp.. 1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Chloral Hydrate------71 grains ) Potassium Bromide.....li grains ( Extract Hyoscyamus... i grain f Extract Cannabis Indica i grain J ELIXIR CIMICIFUGA...........------------- 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Black Cohosh..........15 grains. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. lPt.Bots. each. 60 ELIXIR CIMICIFUGA COMPOUND........ Each fluidrachm contains Black Cohosh________ 5 grains Wild Cherry Bark___.. 5 grains Bloodroot............--li grains Licorice___...........1% grains ELIXIR CITRATE CAFFEIN........___......___1 80 Each fluidrachm contains Citrate Caffein...........1 grain. ELIXIR COCA LEAVES________ Each dessert spoonful contains Coca Leaves..... .10 "rains. ELIXIR COCA COMPOUND..................... Each fluidrachm contains Coca Leaves______..... 5 grains ) Celery Seed___________3i grains ( Black Haw Bark_______3+ grains ) This preparation has a well deserved reputation as a nerve tonic, stimulant and anti-spasmodic. Very valuable in cases of general debility and nervous prostration, from whatever cause. Useful in cases of protracted convalescence following acute maladies, and in the exhaustion experienced in phthisis and chronic diarrhoea long continued. Highly recommended in hy- peresthesia, vertigo, melancholia, and in cases of nerv- ous excitability bordering on insanity. ELIXIR COCA AND CELERY_______________ Each fluidrachm contains Coca Leaves............_5 grains / Celery Seed_______.....4 grains ^ ELIXIR COTO BARK____........................ Each fluidrachm contains Coto Bark---..........10 grains. ELIXIR CINCHONA (from True Red Bark)________ Same strength of Cinchona as Elixir Cinchona Ferrated,U .S.P. ELIXIR Cinchona, Ferrated, U. S. P. (from Red Bark) ELIXIR CORYDALIS COMP...................... Each fluidrachm contains Turkey Corn............8 grains^ Stillingia---............8 grains i Prickly Ash.......____8 grains J> Blue Flag...............6 grains I Iodide Potassium_______1 grain J ELIXIR DAMIANA............................... Each fluidrachm contains Damiana...........___10 grains. ELIXIR DAMIANA, IRON AND NUX VOMICA. Each fluidrachm contains Damiana__......_____10 grains Pyrophosphate Iron___1 grain Ext. Nux Vomica...... i grain 80 90 5Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each, each. 2 50 3 75 8 50 12 75 3 50 5 00 4 00 6 00 70 90 65 70 65 70 80 3 00 4 50 4 00 2 75 3 00 2 75 6 00 4 00 4 50 4 00 3 00 4 50 3 50 5 25 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. lPt. Bots. 5Pt.Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR DAMIANA, IRON AND PHOSPHORUS. 80 3 50 5 25 P2ach fluidrachm contains Damiana..............10 grains Pyrophosphate Iron .... 1 grain Phosphorus_________xo0 grain ELIXIR Damiana, Iron, Phos. and Nux Vomica_____ 80 3 50 5 25 Each fluidrachm contains Damiana..............10 grains ) Pyrophosphate Iron___1 grain ( Ext. Nux Vomica____ ± grain f Phosphorus...........y^ grain ) ELIXIR Dandelion Comp. (See Taraxicum Comp.) ELIXIR DIURETIC.......___________________ 65 2 75 4 00 Each dessert spoonful contains Buchu............____15 grains Juniper......... _____7£ grains Acetate Potassium_____10 grains This is an elegant combination of the three best known and most reliable remedies for the treatment of urinary affections. The well known efficacy of these drugs, combined with the very palatable preparation of the compound, makes this one of the most valuable of diu- retics to the physician. Useful in nearly all nephritic and urinary troubles, espe- cially when accompanied bv hepatic torpor and dyspepsia. ELIXIR EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS..........- 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Eucalyptus.......____10 grains. ELIXIR EUCALYPTUS COMP____________ 65 2 75 4 25 Each fluidrachm contains Eucalyptus........___10 grains Grindelia Squarosa____5 grains Golden Seal............2i grains Combined with Aromatics. ELIXIR GENTIAN__...............-------- 50 2 00 3 00 Each fluidrachm contains Gentian with Aromatics 2 grains. ELIXIR GENTIAN COMPOUND__......---- 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Gentian.................2 grains Orange Peel........___1 grain Cardamom........_____£ grain ELIXIR GENTIAN AND MUR. TINCT. IRON .. 55 2 25 3 25 Each fluidrachm contains Gentian.................2 grains ) Mur. Tinct. of Iron____5 drops ) ELIXIR GENTIAN AND TINCT. IRON. FORT... 60 2 50 3 50 Each fluidrachm contains Gentian___...........2 grains ) Mur. Tinct. Iron.........10 drops J ELIXIR Gentian and Pyrophosphate Iron............ 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Gentian................2 grains ) Pyrophosphate Iron.....1 grain ) OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. lPt. Hots. 5Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR GINGER__________..................... 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Ginger.............— 7i grains. ELIXIR GUARANA_____________....._______ 145 6 75 10 00 Each fluidrachm contains Guarana........_____10 grains. ELIXIR HELONIAS COMPOUND____.....____ 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Partridge Berry_______8 grains "v Cramp Bark........____4 grains I Blue Cohosh...........4 grains f Helonias Dioica.........4 grains ) ELIXIR HOPS........____....................... 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Hops........________10 grains. ELIXIR HOPS AND IRON...................... 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Hops..................10 grains Protoxide Iron.........1 grain ELIXIR IPECAC AND OPIUM______......... 85 3 75 5 50 Each fluidrachm contains Opium and Ipecac, each . .1 grain ELIXIR Iron, Bismuth and Strychnia................ 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Pyrophosphate Iron......1 grain Am. Cit. Bismuth........1 grain Strychnia...............-fa grain ELIXIR IRON, CITRATE.........____........... 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Iron_________2 grains. ELIXIR IRON, PROTOXIDE..................... 50 2 00 3 00 Each fluidrachm contains Protoxide Iron..........2 grains. ELIXIR IRON, PYROPHOSPHATES............ 60 2 50 3 50 Each fluidrachm contains Pyrophosphate Iron.....2 grains. ELIXIR IRON AND QUININE................... 90 4 00 6 00 Each fluidrachm contains Pyrophosphate Iron_____1 grain ) Quinine Sul_____........■£ grain ) ELIXIR IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNIA... 95 4 25 6 50 Each fluidrachm contains Pyrophosphate Iron_____1 grain ") Quinine Sul___..........i grain C Strychnia..............f^ grain ) ELIXIR LICORICE, AROMATIC................ 50 2 00 3 00 (Quinine Elixir) OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal Bots. each. each, each. ELIXIR MUR. TINCT. IRON (Tasteless)........... 50 2 00 3 00 Each fluidrachm contains 5 minims (about 6 drops) Mur. Tinct. Iron. ELIXIR ORANGE, U. S. P........_______........ 65 2 75 4 00 ELIXIR PAREIRA BRAVA....................... 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Pareira Brava___.....15 grains. ELIXIR PEPSIN..................... .......... 85 3 75 5 50 Same Strength as Liquor Pepsin (See Page 43.) ELIXIR PEPSIN AND BISMUTH____.......___ 95 4 25 6 50 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth_______1 grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND IRON......... 1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth______1 grain ) Pyrophosphate Iron_____1 grain i[ Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNIA- 1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth........1 grain Strychnia_____.....__^ grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR PEPSIN AND PANCREATIN...........125 5 75 8 50 Each fluidrachm contains Pancreatin .....___ ...5 grains. Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR PEPSIN AND QUININE_______........ 120 5 50 8 00 Each fluidrachm contains Quinine.........------i grain, Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR PEPSIN AND STRYCHNIA______...... 90 4 00 6 00 Each fluidrachm contains Strychnia.........-----^r grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR PEPSIN, STRYCHNIA AND IRON..... 95 4 25 6 50 Each fluidrachm contains Pyrophosphate Iron----1 grain ) Strychnia.....---------J^ grain ) Combined with Liquor Pepsin. ELIXIR PEPSIN AND WAFER ASH.....______100 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Wafer Ash___......... .4 grains. Combined with Liquor Pepsin. See also Glycerole of Pepsin and Wafer Ash. ELIXIR Phosphates Iron, Quinine and Strychnia----1 05 4 75 7 00 Each fluidrachm contains Phosphate Iron..........1 grain Quinine..........------£ grain Strychnia...............-fa grain OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA, See Elixir Calisaya and Phosphates Comp. Page 30. ELIXIR RHEUMATIC___....................... 1 10 5 00 7 50 Each fluidrachm contains Salicylic Acid.........3 grains Colchicum Seed_______1£ grains Quinine______________. -$• grain ELIXIR RHUBARB AND MAGNESIA________ 70 3 00 4 50 Same strength as Tinct. Rhubarb. ELIXIR RHUBARB AND POTASS......._____ 60 2 50 3 75 Same strength as Syrupus Rhei et Potass, U. S. P. ELIXIR SALICYLATE SODA___............... 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Salicylic Acid______ 15 grains. ELIXIR SANGUINARIA COMPOUND___..... 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Sanguinaria__________H grains Ipecac......_________1 grain Morphine...____.....^ grain Combined with Licorice. This really elegant and effective specific for Coughs, Colds, and all Bronchial Affections, has now become a Standard Remedy in the hands of nearly every Physician and Drug- gist who has given it a trial. Its short and simple For- mula, composed of Remedies whose therapeutic actions are definite and positive, commends itself al once to every practitioner as being a preparation that can be relied upon It will be found efficacious in all cases of Bron- chitis, Dry Coughs, Tickling and Dryness of the Throat, Constriction of the Throat and Chest, Pneumonia, Laryn- gitis, Croup, Etc.. Etc. ELIXIR Sanguinaria Compound without Morphine__ 65 2 75 4 00 ELIXIR SANTONINE............................ 80 3 50 5 25 Each fluidrachm contains Santonine______......1 grain. ELIXIR SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND______ 65 2 75 4 00 Same strength as Syrupus Sarsaparilla Comp., U. S. P. ELIXIR Sarsaparilla Comp. and Iodide Potass______ 90 4 00 6 00 Each fluidrachm contains Iodide Potassium.......5 grains. Comb, with Elix. Sarsaparilla Comp. ELIXIR Sarsaparilla Comp., Red Clover and lod. Pot... 1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Iodide Potass________ 5 grains Red Clover............10 grains Comb, with Elix. Sarsaparilla Comp. ELIXIR SEDATIVE............________........ 80 3 50 5 00 Each fluidrachm contains Bromide Potass______5 grains Valerianate Ammonium 1 grain Morphine...........__^ grain %------^ DWNj'MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR SENNA COMPOUND___................ 80 3 50 5 00 Each dessert spoonful contains Senna___............15 grains Rhubarb........_____7i grains Jalap______.........4 grains Mandrake ........___4 grains ELIXIR STILLINGIA COMP.................... 60 2 50 375 Same strength as Syrup Stillingia Comp. ELIXIR STRYCHNIA....................______ 55 2 25 3 50 Each fluidrachm contains Strychnia_____........J% grain. ELIXIR STRYCHNIA AND IRON............__ 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Strychnia______.......^ grain Pyrophosphate Iron___1 grain ELIXIR TARAXICUM COMPOUND............. 60 2 50 3 75 Each dessert spoonful contains Dandelion__________15 grains Licorice_____........-7i grains Gentian and Cherry, each 1 grain ELIXIR VALERIANATE AMMONIA............ 75 3 25 5 00 Each fluidrachm contains Valerianate Ammonia___2 grains. ELIXIR VALERIANATE AMMONIA (from Root) 1 25 5 75 8 50 Each fluidrachm contains Valerianate Ammonia..2 grains. (Chemically pure, extracted from the root.) ELIXIR VALERIANATE AM. AND MORPH___1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Valerianate Ammonia__2 grains Morphia Sul._________^ grain ELIXIR VALERIANATE AM. AND QUININE ...1 10 5 00 7 50 Each fluidrachm contains Valerianate Ammonia__2 grains Quinine _____........% grain ELIXIR WAHOO AROMATIC___............... 70 3 00 4 50 Each fluidrachm contains Wahoo Bark (of root)...20 grains. Combined with Aromatics. ELIXIR WAHOO AND BLUE FLAG___....... 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Wahoo Bark (of root)...10 grains Blue Flag..............10 grains ELIXIR WILD CHERRY........................ 60 2 50 3 75 Each fluidrachm contains Wild Cherry _____.....5 grains. ELIXIR WILD CHERRY AND CITRATE IRON. 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Cherry Bark............4 grains ) Citrate Iron............1 grain i| OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal. Bots. each. each. each. ELIXIR Wild Cherry and Pyrophosphate Iron________ 65 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains Cherry Bark___________4 grains Pyrophosphate Iron____1 grain ELIXIR Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites........... 85 3 75 5 50 Each fluidrachm contains Cherry.................4 grains ) Hypophosphites Comp .2 grains \ EXTRACT CINNAMON............__............ 75 3 25 5 00 LEMON___.............____......... 85 4 00 6 00 PEPPERMINT......................— 85 4 00 6 00 VANILLA_____..................___160 7 50 1100 WINTERGREEN___................. 85 4 00 6 00 We desire to call particular attention to our extracts of Lemon and Vanilla, as being genuine fruit extracts of fine qual- ity and of standard strength. They are largely used by Hotels, Restaurants, and private families. Those de- sirous of obtaining genuine extracts need have no hesi- tancy in ordering them. FLUID EXTRACTS.—In the manufacture of our Fluid Extracts, we em. ploy no heat or pressure, using that menstruum in each preparation as has been found from experience to best extract the active principles of the drug. The process employed is that of repercolation, in which we use the style of Percola- tors invented by E. R. Squibb, M. D. We obtain the choicest of material to be found in the market, and believe we are producing a line of Fluid Extracts equal to any manufactured. Except when otherwise specified they are of one standard strength, each minim representing one grain of the crude drug, so that the dose is the same in minims as in grains of the drug. PRICES NET WITHOUT DISCOUNT. When fractional parts of a pound are ordered, we add to list prices 10 cents per pound for eight ounce, and 20 cents per pound for four ounce bottles. For five pound bottles 10 cents per pound will be deducted. FLUID EXTRACTS— lb Aconite Root, U. S. P.............Aconitum napellus.......... 90 Arnica Root, " .....______Arnica montana............. 90 Aromatic, " ....................__________ . 1 75 Balmony..............__.........Chelone glabra___"___"... 75 Bayberry---...................Myrica cerifera........_____ 65 Belladonna Leaves...............Atropa belladonna........._'_ 1 10 Belladonna Root, U. S. P..........Atropa belladonna..........'_ 1 10 Bearsfoot........................Polymnla uvedalia.........__ 1 30 Berberis Aquifolium.........__....."___.....................2 00 Bitter Root------------..........Apocynum andros......____ 90 Bitter Sweet, false, U. S. P.........Celastrus scandens.....____ 80 Bitter Sweet, " _______Solanum dulcamara__...... 75 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. FLUID EXTRACTS- per lb. Blackberry Root, U. S. P.........Rubus villosus____......... 75 Black Haw (bark of root) " ______Viburnum prunifolium ...... 90 Bladder Wrack.........._______Fucus vesiculosus........""" l 00 Blood Root, U. S. P----.........Sanguinaria canadensis_____ 85 Blue Flag, " .............Iris versicolor______......_ 85 Boneset, " ______.....Eupatorium perfoliatum____ 75 Buchu, " .............Barosma crenata_________ 1 15 Buchu Comp......_______________......._____ ^ -^0 Buchu and Pareira Brava....................___....... 1 10 Buchu and Juniper............______......._________ " 1 10 Buckthorn Bark, U. S. P...........Rhamnus frangula___...... 75 Bugle Sweet........------.....Lycopus virginicus........_. 90 Burdock---................____Arctium lappa............__ 70 Butternut---........___........Juglans cinerea.............. 75 Calamus, U. S. P..................................______\\ 90 Calendula Flowers-------.......Calendulaofficinalis.......... 1 80 Capsicum, U. S. P.................Capsicum hastigiatum_____1 35 Cardamom Comp........___.........____________________1 35 Cascara Sagrada.. .,...........__Rhamnus purshiana_______1 50 Celery Seed------..............Apium graveolens________. 1 45 Chamomile, Roman______......Anthemis nobilis............ 90 Chestnut Leaves, U.S. P..... .....Castanea vesca___________ 75 Chirata, U. S. P......__.....____Ophelia chirata............__ 1 35 Cherry Bark, U. S. P_______.....Prunus virgiana............. 85 Cinchona, Pale............._____Cinchona pallida___........ 1 00 Cinchona Comp. with Calisaya Bark..........................2 50 Cinchona, Red, True.............._____..................___2 50 Cinchona, Calisaya, U. S. P. (best grade of bark)................3 00 Clover Tops.....__________.....Trifolium pratense_________ 90 Coca"Leaves, U. S. P.........____Erythroxylon coca....._____2 25 Cohosh, Black, " ........____Cimicifuga racemosa______ 90 Cohosh, Blue_________________Caulophyllum thral________ 80 Colchicum Root, U. S. P..........Colchicum autumnale........ 90 Colchicum Seed, "________Colchicum autumnale......_1 25 Colocynth____...................Cucumis colocynthis.........1 30 Columbo, U. S. P.....__________Cocculus palmatus________ 90 Comfrey__________........,___Symphytum officinalis_____ 75 Conium, U. S. P..............___Conium maculatum........_. 1 10 Conium Leaves_______.........Conium maculatum.......... 90 Coriander Seed______...........Coriandrum sativum_______ 90 Corn Silk_______................Stigmata maidis............. 1 10 Cotton Root Bark, U. S. P......__Gossypium herbaceum.....__ 1 00 Couch Grass, " ........Triticum repens............. 85 Cramp Bark...........___.......Viburnum opulus_____..... 70 Cranesbill, U. S. P.........._____Geranium maculatum......._ 85 Cubebs, " _______.......Piper cubeba............___2 25 Culver's Root," ___........___Leptandra virginica.....____1 10 Damiana__......................Turnera aphrodisiaca_______1 80 Dandelion Root, U- S. P...........Taraxacum......._.......... 1 00 This extract is equal to the English preparation, as we are using none but the im- ported root in its manufacture. 1 Dogwood, U. S. P.............___Cornus florida___........__ 75 Elder Flowers.....................Sambucus canadensis__..... 75 Elecampane___............_____Inula helenium.............. 80 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. per lb. Ergot, U. S .P-----------------Secale cornutum........____1 50 Manufactured of full strength from choice European Ergot, and guaranteed equal to any. Eucalyptus Globulus, U. S. P.___________________________ 1 05 Foxglove, U. S. P.....___........Digitalis purpurea_________ 90 Fringe Tree Bark__________... Chionanthus virginica_____ 1 10 Gelsemium, U. S. P___..........Gelsemium semp___....._. 100 Gentian Root, "____________Gentiana lutea___......____ 75 Gentian Comp..............................................__ 65 Ginger, Jam., U. S. P.........____Zingiber officinale.......... 1 00 Golden Seal______............_.Hydrastis canadensis........ 1 20 Golden Seal, without alcohol_____Hydrastis canadensis.......* 1 00 Grindelia Robusta_________................................. 1 45 Grindelia Squarosa........________________.............. 1 50 Guarana, U. S. P.....___.........Paullinia sorbilis........„_, 3 75 Hair Cap Moss_____________.........________............ 90 Hemlock Bark.........____......Pinus canadensis........___ 65 Henbane, U. S. P._____________Hyoscyamus nig__.....___ 1 20 Hops__ ___....................Humulus lupulus__________ 1 50 Hoarhound.,.......___________Marrubium vulgare______.. 90 Hydrangea............._.........Hydrangea arborescens...... 85 Indian Hemp, Black____ .......Apocynum cannabinum____ 90 Indian Hemp, Foreign, U. S. P.....Cannabis indicus___........ 1 35 Ipecac, U. S. P....................Ipecacuanha................2 25 Jalap__.............----..___Ipomea jalapa............... 1 35 Jaborandi, U. S. P.................Pilocarpus pennatifolious___1 40 Jamaica Dogwood_____________Piscidia erythrina____.......2 25 Juniper Berries...................Juniperis communis......... 65 Kava Kava.......................Piper methysticum___......1 50 Kooso, U. S. P...................Brayera anthelmintica______1 80 Ladies'Slipper, U. S. P---------Cypripedium pubescens_____1 00 Life Root.....—.........-----Senecio grac........______ 85 Licorice, U. S. P..........------Glycyrrhizza glabra.......... 70 This is an improvement upon the officinal extract of the Pharmacopoeia of 1870, as it contains the Glycyrrhizin or sweet principle in addition to the active properties. It is a valuable addition to solutions of the bitter Alkaloids, Hydrate Chloral, Salts of Potassium and nearly all nauseous prescriptions. Lobelia Herb, U. S. P............ .Lobelia inflata........____ 85 Logwood---......---..........Hsematoxylon campechianum 65 Male Fern........---.....-----Filix mass.......___....... 1 00 Mandrake, U. S. P...............-Podophyllum peltatum_____ 85 Matico, " ______......._____........._____ 1 35 Mullein Leaves, U. S. P.......---Verbascum thapsus......... 75 90 00 75 55 75 85 Nettle Root.................----Urtica dioica. Nux Vomica-------------.....Strychnos nux vom_______ 1 Opium, Aqueous (same strength as Tinct. Opii, U\ S. P.)........' 1 Opium, Camphorated (for making Paregoric)______________ . 1 Opium, Deodorized (same strength as Tinct. Opii, U. S. P.) _ .1 Orange Peel.....................Citrus aurantium............ Orange Peel, bitter, U. S. P.......Citrus vulgaris______...... 85 Pareira, Pink Root, Pink Root and Senna, Pipsissewa, " ......Chimaphilla umbellata_____ 70 Pleurisy Root...................Asclepias tuberosa.......... 90 .Chondodendron tomentosum. 1 50 .Spigelia marilandici_______ 1 15 1 00 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. FLUID EXTRACTS— per lb. Poison Oak......................Rhus toxicodendron.........1 35 Poke Root____......_...........Phytolacca decandra________ 80 Pomegranate, Bark of Root.......Punica granatum...........1 00 Prickly Ash Bark, U. S. P.........Xanthoxylum fraxineum____ 85 Pulsatilla...................____Anemone Pulsatilla.......... 1 10 Quassia, U. S. P................. Quassia amara___.......... 65 Queen of Meadow................Eupatorium purpureum...... 80 Rhatany, U. S. P.............................................. 90 Rhubarb........___............Rheum palmatum__________ 1 80 Rhubarb Arom. for making Syr. Rhubarb arom .. ___ ________1 70 Rhus Aromatica..................__ .........................2 25 Sarsaparilla, U. S. P........._____Smilax officinalis............1 10 Sarsaparilla Comp., U. S. P.................................... 1 10 Sarsaparilla Comp., for Syrup................................1 10 In these extracts we are using only the^ genuine Honduras sarsaparilla. Savin, U. S. P.................Juniperus sabina............. 70 Scullcap, " _______........Scutellaria lateriflora.........105 Senega, " ................Polygala senega.........---180 Senna, " .____.......__Cassia acutifolia-----....... 85 Serpentaria, " ................Aristolochia serpentaria__... 135 Skunk Cabbage____............Symplocarpus............... 75 Spikenard___....................Aralia racemosa............. 75 Squaw Vine......................Mitchella repens------------ 90 Squill Root, U. S. P...............Scilla maritima.............. 75 Squill Compound____........................................ 1 50 Stillingia......___................Stillingia sylvatica----.---1 10 Stillingia Compound.....---........................---.....1 10 Stone Root___...................Collinsonia canadensis....... 85 Stramonium Leaves..............Datura stramonium......... 90 Stramonium Seed, U. S. P.........Datura stramonium......... 85 Sumach Berries, " ...'.....Rhus glabra...............-- 90 Tag Alder..............____.....Alnus rubra.....----------- 65 Tansv___........................Tanacetum vulgare.......... 75 Turkey Corn............___.....Corydalis formosa---......- 1 35 Unicorn Root, False..............Helonias dioica.............. 1 35 Unicorn Root, True.........----Aletris farinosa............-- 1 35 Ustilago Maidis...................Corn ergot---.............- 1 30 Uva Ursi, U. S. P.................Arctostaphylos ....---....... 75 Valerian " ................Valeriana officinalis.....---- 90 Manufactured from the English root. Veratrum Viride, U. S. P.........-See American Hellebore.....1 10 Virginia Stone Crop----.........Penthorum sedoides.........1 80 Wafer Ash Bark..................Ptelea trifoliata.............- 85 Wahoo(Barkof Root)............Euonymus atropurpureus .... 1 10 Water Eryngo___..........-......Eryngium aquaticum........ 80 Water Pepper....................Polygonum punctatum...... 75 Wild Indigo......................Baptisiatinctoria........----1 00 Wild Yam..................___Dioscorea villosa............ 75 Witch Hazel".--"-'."...............Hamamelis virginica........- 65 Yellow Dock, U. S. P.............Rumex crispus............-- »0 Verba Santa.....................Eriodiction.................- 1 85 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 oz. Jars. 4 oz. Jars. EXTRACTS, SOLID— each. each. Belladonna, Ale, U. S. P......... 35 1 10 Ergot, " ......... 45 1 40 Henbane, "......... 25 75 Opium.......................... 80 3 00 Stramonium Seed, U. S. P.....— 20 65 ( 1 lb bottles, lb IRON, CARBONATE, SACCHARATED.........]8oz. " each (4 oz. " each HYDRATED OXIDE (the materials for making the antidote to arsenic, complete in pasteboard box with directions)_____box PERNITRATE, SOLUTION, 1 Bb bots.........___________ 1 ft) bots. SUBSULPHATE (Monsel's Powder)...........___-]4oz.bots. 1 oz. bots. 1 n> Jars. each. 4 00 5 25 2 70 Solution (Mansers SduHon) j -J » |'« ,*£ *£ 4 oz. \i "> Bottles. Bottles. 45 40 40 65 65 65 35 GLYCEROLE—Arnica______.........____........ 25 Borax, U. S. P-_________....._____ 25 Carbolic Acid.............._______ 25 Carbolate Iodine_________________ 35 Gallic Acid.......____............. 35 Hypophosphites____________...... Iodine______..........._______ Pepsin............____________ Pepsin and Wafer Ash._________ Phosphorus__________________ Starch.....____________....... Tannic Acid, U. S. P....._______ Tar, U. S. P______.............. GLYCYRRHIZIN, AMMONIATED.....................j J LARD, BENZOATED, ft) jars_______...................... LEAD, SOLUTION, Sub-Acetate (Goulard's Ext.) 1 lb bots...... " " Dilute (Lead Water) 1 Bb bots 35 25 60 20 60 45 1 10 35 oz. bottle oz. bottle .......tb 2 25 80 45 25 85 40 60 20 10 35 20 1 a Bottles. 85 70 70 25 20 75 25 00 00 10 85 00 65 35 25 40 25 20 1 Pt. Bots. 5 Pt. Bots. Gal. Bot. LINIMENT—Aconite___............ Ammonia____________ Camphor___......____ Cantharides, U. S. P...... Chloroform_________. Lead, Sub-Acetate...... Lime, U. S. P........... Soap.....___________ Turpentine, U. S. P...... LIQUOR ERGOT.................... each. 1 25 50 40 75 1 50 40 40 50 40 2 00 each. 5 75 00 50 25 00 50 50 25 50 00 75 75 75 75 25 Liquor Ergot possesses advantages over the officinal fluid extract in being miscible in water, Glycerine or Syrup, and is especially valuable for Hypodermic injections. It is of the same strength as the fluid extract and may be given in the same doses. LIQUOR PEPSIN................................. 85 (For Fac simile of label and strength, see opposite page.) 3 75 2 75 5 50 TEST YOUR PEPSIN ARTIFICIAL DIGESTION THE ONLY RELIABLE TEST. (See article by C. L. Dana, in American Journal Medical Science, Oct. 1882.) LIQUOR PEPSIN—Our own manufacture. Fac simile of label that appears upon every package. LIQUOR PEPSINE. This preparation is manufactured direct from the stomachs of freshly slaughtered pigs. The Pepsin has never been precipitated and the digestive principles exist in as near their natural state as possible. Each fluidrachm contains enough Pepsin to digest 75 grains of coagulated albumen in six hours, by the following TEST FOR PEPSIN BY ARTIFICIAL DIGESTION. Take eggs that have been boiled fifteen minutes; separate the whites and press them through, an ordinary flour sieve, so as to re- duce the pieces to a uniform size. Take of this coagulated albumen seventy-five grains; place it in a small wide-mouth vial; add to it six and one half fluidrachms of water, and thirty drops of dilute muriatic acid; shake well and add one drachm of the Liquor Pepsine, then place in a water bath, and with the aid of an ordinary weath- er thermometer placed in the bath, keep it as near as possible at the normal temperature of the body (9854 degrees); shaking several times during the digestion. If one hundred and fifty grains of the albumen be placed in the same solution, and the digestion continued for eighteen hours, the one drachm of Liquor Pepsine will digest at least eighty per cent, of the albumen; or one hundred and twen- ty grains, if thirty drops of acid are added \o the mixture at the end of six hours. For testing saccharated Pepsin, take five grains instead of the one drachm of the liquor, and add one drachm more of water. Usual dose for adults, one teaspoonful thirty minutes before meals. As Pepsin is only active in an acid solution, hydro-chloric acid should be given with it, unless contraindicated. The adminis- tration of a small quantity of albuminous or fibrinous food in con- nection with it is also advised. PREPARED BY tre hi gag 0, hillst* OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 1 Pt. Bots. 5Pt. Bots. Gal. Bot. LIQUOR PEPSIN AND BISMUTH......_..._.....^95 T25 T 50 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth______1 grain. Combined with Liquor Pepsin. LIQUOR PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNIA 1 00 4 50 6 75 Each fluidrachm contains Am. Cit. Bismuth........1 grain ) Strychnia...........___-^ grain ) Combined with Liquor Pepsin. LIQUOR PEPSIN AND PANCREATINE......... 1 25 5 75 8 50 Each fluidrachm contains Pancreatine___________5 grains. Combined with Liquor Pepsin. LIQUOR PEPSIN AND QUININE______........ 1 20 5 50 8 00 Each fluidrachm contains Quinine______________\ grain. Combined with Liquor Pepsin. LIQUOR PEPSIN AND STRYCHNIA_________ 90 4 00 6 00 Each fluidrachm contains Strychnia. _.............-^ grain. Combined with Liquor Pepsin. LIQUOR PEPSIN, STRYCHNIA AND IRON___ 95 4 25 6 50 Each fluidrachm contains Pyrophosphate Iron_____1 grain Strychnia.............--^i grain Combined with Liquor Pepsin. LIQUOR PEPSIN AND WAFER ASH__________ 1 00 4 50 6 75 TO PHYSICIANS AND PHARMACISTS. It has been fully demonstrated that a large percentage of the Pepsin preparations of the market, are nearly or entirely inert and of but little if any use as Therapeutic agents. Therefore, Test your pepsins before dispensing them and ascertain their medicinal value by Artificial digestion as it is the onty reliable test, for the conditions nearest ap- proach those governing natural digestion. Give all a fair showing by testing a number at a time, with conditions in all cases alike, results alone to vary in proportion to the quality of the Pepsin. We claim each fluidrachm of our Liquor Pepsin, contains as much of the pure ferment as 5 grains of standard saccharated pepsin. Therefore their di- gestive power should be the same; consequently For a comparative test take one fluidrachm 'each of the fluid preparations of Pepsin, (this includes Liquors and Elixirs of Pepsin, Lactopeptin, etc.,) either plain or in combination, and 5 grains each of the saccharated pepsins, or one-half grain of pure pepsin, or their equivalents in any form of pepsin. placing each in a solution as directed on our label. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. A dish partially filled with warm water (in which may be placed the bottles con- taining the digest), can be kept warm on the back of a stove, in an open oven, over a lamp or other convenient place, as The variation of a few degrees of temperature will not materially affect the re- sults. After continuing the digestion 6 hours, strain such of the solutions as contain undigested albumen, partially dry and weigh the remaining albumen, whea the comparative results and consequent values of the pepsins will be readi- ly ascertained. Send for sample of our Liquor Pepsin, and test it with such others as you caR obtain. LIQUOR ACIDI PHOSPHORICI............... 60 2 50 3 50 ACIDI PHOSPHORICI COMP......... 50 2 00 3 00 A valuable remedy in cases of impaired digestion, dyspep- sia, urinary difficulties, gravel, spermatorrhoea, mental exhaustion, nervous prostration, hysteria, melancholia and nearly all nervous affections from whatever cause. When diluted with water and sweetened, it forms a delicious drink, healthful and refreshing. POTASS, U. S. P., 1 lb glass stop bots. ..... 30 SODA, " 1 Bb glass stop bots...... 25 MAGNESIA CITRATE, Granulated................................Do 1 20 SOLUTION, U. S. P___........___................doz 2 00 MIXTURE Assafcetida, U. S. P---............___..................lb 30 Brown, " .............................-.-lb 50 Chloroform, " __________....................Bb 75 Chalk, " ........_____................Bb 50 Iron, Comp., " (Griffith's)......................lb 75 Iron, Acetate and Acetate Ammonium....................Bb 75 Licorice, Comp. (Brown Mixture).........................Bb 50 4 oz.Jars 8 oz. Jars 1 lb Jars each. each. each. OINTMENT Basilicon..........................----- 15 25 45 Benzoated, U. S. P. _.........___........ 15 25 45 Belladonna, " ......................- 30 55 1 00 Carbolic, " ................._____ 20 35 60 Cantharides, " ______........----- 25 45 80 Chrisarobin, " ......................- 40 70 1 25 Citrine, "....................... 20 35 60 Discutient, A. D.....................---- 20 35 60 Dulcamaria_______......------...... 25 40 75 Gallic Acid, U. S. P------------------ 25 40 75 Iodine comp., " ...........-........- 45 80 1 50 Iodoform................................ 40 70 1 25 Lead, carbonate........................ 20 35 60 » Iodide, U. S. P______...........-- 25 40 75 Mercurial, one half, U. S. P............... 20 35 65 Ammoniated, U. S. P.......... 25 40 70 Yellow Oxide............____ 35 60 110 Meyers, A. D......_______............ 25 40 70 Nutgall, U. S. P.........—-............ 20 35 60 Poke Root, A. D..............--......... 25 40 75 Rose (cold cream).....................--- 30 55 100 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. nTvirnrT-x-T * oz. Jars. 8 oz. Jars. 1 lb. Jars. OINTMENT— each. each. each. Stramonium, U. S. P..................... 25 40 75 Sulphur, " ______............ 25 40 70 Alkaloidal............________ 25 40 70 Tannic Acid, U. S. P...............____ 25 40 70 Tar, U. S. P.....__________............ 20 30 50 Tar, Comp..........._______________ 20 35 60 Veratrine, U. S. P........................ 80 155 3 00 Zinc, Oxide, Benzoated, U. S. P....._____ 20 35 60 Zinc, Oxide, Comp., A. D................ 25 40 75 Zinc, Oxide, Oleate........____......... 20 35 65 OINTMENT of Oleate of Aluminium, 50 per cent, oleate 50 95 1 80 Arsenic, 5 per cent, oleate____ 35 65 1 20 Copper, 20 per cent, oleate___ 40 70 130 Iron, 25 per cent, oleate______ 40 75 1 40 Mercury, 10 per cent, oleate__ 35 65 1 20 Zinc, Neutral................ 20 35 65 1 oz. Jars 4 oz. Jars. 1 fl> Jars each, each. each. OLEATE, Aconitine, 2 per cent________........______ 45 155 6 00 Aluminium___............................ 20 60 2 25 Arsenic................................__ 20 60 2 25 Atropine, 2 per cent.___________............ 35 110 4 00 Bismuth........____________......_______ 45 155 6 00 Copper........___......................... 25 70 2 50 Iron...................___................ 25 70 2 50 Lead.................................______ 25 70 2 50 Mercury, 5 per cent.____.......___.....__ 15 40 1 40 Mercury, 10 per cent......................... 20 50 175 Mercury, 20 per cent____ ..........____ 25 65 2 25 Mercury, 5 per cent, and Morphine, 2 per cent 35 1 05 4 00 Mercury, 10 per cent, and Morphine 2 per cent 40 1 20 4 50 Mercury, 20 per cent, and Morphine 2 per cent 40 1 30 5 00 Morphine, 2 per cent_______............... 25 80 3 00 Morphine, 5 per cent......___.............. 40 130 5 00 Quinine, 5 percent.......................... 30 100 3 60 Quinine, 10 per cent---..................... 50 175 6 50 Strychnine, 2 per cent...................... 25 70 2 50 Zinc....................................... 25 70 2 50 OLEO-RESIN, Capsicum, 1 oz. bottle, ____'______......__________ oz 60 Cubebs, 1 oz. bottle,....................___________ oz 65 Ginger, 1 oz. bottle...........___________________ oz 1 00 Male Fern, 1 oz. bottle................___________ oz 50 OPIUM, Denarcotized, 1 oz. bottle __________.....________________oz 75 OX GALL, Purified, 1 oz. jars_______________.........___________ oz 20 Inspissated, 1 oz. jars _....................____________ oz 25 ( 1 oz bottles, oz ~ 30 PEPSIN SACCHARATED______________......] 4 oz bottles, each 90 ( 1 Bb bottles, Bb 3 00 This is a fine grade of Saccharated Pepsin, and is of uniform strength, each lot manu- factured being so adjusted by a series of experiments, that it will digest ten times its weight of Coagulated Albumen under the conditions named on page 43 of this list. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. (1 oz bottle, oz 40 PEPSIN, SACCHARATED, U. S. P......_......... ] 4 oz bottle, each 1 25 (1 Bb bottle, rb 4 50 This is the preparation of the new Pharmacopoeia, and is of such strength that each grain will digest 50 grains of coagulated albumen under the conditions given on page 43 of this list. We, can recommend this preparation of pepsin to those of the profession who desire a pure pepsin in a concentrated form. It is uniform in strength and fully as strong as many of the so-called " Pure Pepsins " of the market, while its price is much lower. PEPSIN, Elixir (see page 35), Liquid, (see page 42). 4 oz. Jars 8 oz. Jars i lb Jars each. each. each. PLASTER—Aconite, U. S. P.......................... 35 60 110 Arnica, A. D.............................. 35 60 110 Belladonna, U. S. P.....................-. 60 110 2 00 Capsicum Comp., U. S. P............---- 25 40 70 Diachylon, U. S. P___..................- 15 25 40 Galbanum, " ........................ 25 40 75 Galbanum Comp., U. S. P---............. 25 40 75 Lead, Red Oxide, A. D..................... 20 30 50 Opium, U. S. P........................ 55 95 175 Pitch, Burgundy, U. S. P.................. 20 30 50 Resin, U. S. P.........-------........... 15 25 40 Tar Comp. (Irritating plaster), A. D....;--- 15 25 40 Per lb in M K> hot. ]4 lb bot. 1 lb hot. papers- each. each. each. POWDER, Antimonial........---......---- 100 35 60 110 Aromatic.......................-- 140 45 80 150 Chalk, Aromatic, U. S. P.......... 70 25 45 80 Composition______.........---- 30 15 25 40 Diaphoretic, A. D............---- 140 45 80 150 Dovers.U. S. P______............ 130 40 75 140 Jalap Comp..............-........ 120 40 70 130 Licorice Comp., U. S. P..........- 150 45 85 160 Potass, Bromide Comp........---- 150 45 85 160 This is a modification of Dover's Powder, the only difference being the substitu- tion of Bromide for Sulphate of Potas- sium. Rhubarb Comp., U. S. P......... 140 45 80 150 Tully's, U. S. P......-.......... 190 55 105 2 00 This may be given in the same doses as Dover's Powder, and will be found to be a valuable addition to the Pocket Case It differs from Dover's Powder in not possessing as powerful a diaphoretic action; it is not as nauseating nor as stimulating, and is less apt to leave behind it headaches and other unpleasant effect^ It is a stronger anodyne and soporific, and possesses more astrMjgent properties. As it has quite a sweetish taste and has a soothing effect upon the stomach and bowels, it is especially recommended for children. POWDERS, Seidlitz, U.S. P.,......-...................per dozen boxes 2 25 RESIN, JALAP.........--- ...........--.........................oz 70 SACCHARATED, Carbonate Iron---.........-----1 K> bottles---lb 50 (1 Bb bottles___.....-----lb 4 50 Extract Coto Bark___^4 oz. bottles........-----each 1 20 (l oz. bottles___________each 35 Iodide Iron__________...........-1 oz bottles---oz 50 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. SOLUTION, Arsenious Acid, U. S. P............___......... __________1 oz. bottle inclusive (For hypodermic injection, each fluid ounce contains 4 grains of Atropine). Iodine, Comp.................__................. Iron, Acetate........___________________________ Subsulphate................................ Ter sulphate........___.................... Lime, Saccharated____....._____________........ Mercury Nitrate_____..........1 oz. bots. each 15 Morphine, Sulphate (Magendie's).. j 4 ^.'bottleV.V (Six minims of this solution contains i grain Sulphate of Morphine). Soda, Chlorinated...............____......._____ Strychnia, Hall's_________......___........____ SPIRITS, Ammonia, Aromatic, U. S. P____________........._ Anise, " ___................... oz. bots. each. 15 U. S. P.. Camphor, Chloroform, Cinnamon, Juniper, Juniper Comp., " Lavender Comp., " Lemon, " Mindererus, " Orange..........__ Peppermint, U. S. P. Wintergreen, " l n> bots. each. 40 50 40 1 25 35 1 10 15 30 15 30 20 50 40 1 40 40 1 00 10 20 20 50 20 52 25 75 20 50 25 S5 30 1 00 20 50 20 50 20 55 25 85 15 35 30 1 00 20 65 30 1 00 SUPPOSITORIES, manufactured from pure Cocoa Butter as per following formulas. The prices quoted are for any formula excepting those containing Quinine, for which a reasonable advance will be charged. No orders accepted for less than one dozen of any one kind. Suppositories, any formula. Grains Acidi Carbolici........______1 Belladonna Extract__.........± Belladonna Belladonna Belladonna Hyoscyami Belladonna 9 10 Piumbi Acetas................l-J Belladonna Extract..........._ | Plumbi Acetas................3 Hydrastis Extract.........____5 Hyoscyami Extract............ 3 Hyoscyami "............5 1 doz. in box__per box 25 in box-------per box 100 in box.......per box 60 1 00 3 00 Grains ( Iodini______.________........l 11 ] Chloral Hydrate............... 1 (Acidi Carbolici................ 1 ] 2 Iodoform_________...........1 13 Iodoform___._______........2 14 Iodoform________...........4 (Iodoform.......___•_________2 15-] Belladonna........___________ \ ( Hyoscyami___________........1 16 Morphia Acetas___'........__\ 17 Morphia " ................J- 18 Morphia " ___............\ 19 Morphia " _______........ i OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. SUPPOSITORIES 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 | 44 j 45 j 46 j «j 49^ Morphia Sulphas. Morphia " Morphia " Morphia " Morphia " Belladonna 50 Extract............\ Morphia Sulphas_____........i Belladonna Extract............i Hyoscyam Extract.........__i Opium___............._____£ Opium.....,................. i Opium.....__...............| Opium......._............__i Opium______................ l Opium.....__________.......2 Opium........................3 Opium........................ 4 Opium Aqueous Extract_____^ Opium x\queous Extract_____-£ Opium Aqueous Extract_____ 1 Opium Aqueous Extract......- 2 Opium .».__...............---1 Plumbi Acetas................2 Opium...........---........1 Plumbi Acetas................5 Opium___........_____...... 2 Plumbi Acetas.....--.........2 Opium........................2 Plumbi Acetas................5 Opium_____....._________ 1 Plumbi Acetas................1 Tannin____............-----4 Opium.............—........i Belladonna Extract............i Opium........................ 1 Belladonna Extract........---1 Opium___....................2 Belladonna Extract............i Opium......_______________ 3 Belladonna Extract............i Opium Aqueous Extract........i Belladonna Extract............ i Opium Aqueous Extract.....-. 1 Belladonna Extract.............1 Opium Aqueous Extract.......2 Belladonna Extract ...........i Opium Aqueous Extract....... 2 Belladonna Extract............1 Grains. \ Opium........................ 1 | Ergot____...................3 \ Opium Aqueous Extract...___1 I Hyosycami Extract....._____2 Opium Aqueous' Extract_____2 Hyoscyami Extract......_.....4 Opium__..................... 1 Ipecac....................___1 Opium______................ 1 Ipecac....................___2 Opium______................2 ) Tannin....................__2 (Opium....................___1 ) Tannin__________________■_ 5 ( Opium___________________ 2 ^Tannin___________________ 2 Opium_________._________2 Tannin.......................5 Quinine Sulphas......______ 1 Quinine " ________.__2 Quinine " __......----3 Quinine " ........____5 Stramonium Extract_________ 1 Plumbi Acetas------........2 Stramonium Extract---------1 Tannin......................5 (•Stramonium Extract---.......i j Tannin______............---i -j Plumbi Carbonate..............1 | Creasote............----......i ILiquor Plumbi Subacet........2 Tannin___........-_____---2 Tannin______............— 5 Tannin......................-10 ( Tannin....................--- 2 | Relladonna Extract „.......---i I Tannin___________________3 I Stramonium Extract.........._ i {Tannin....................... 5 Belladonna Extract...........i Morphia Sulphate__________i Plumbi Iodidi_________.....3 ( Ulmi______.............---5 I Belladonna Extract---------i Iodoform......--.............2 Ergotine---.........-------3 Extract Stramonium____.....- i (Private formulas manufactured to order.) OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. SYRUPS. # From and after the issue of this list, we will sell all syrups by measure in- stead of by weight, as is the usual custom. Each gallon package will contain about ten pounds of. syrup or one and one-quarter pounds to the pint. Cus- tomers in comparing prices will please add 25 per cent, to quotations by the pound, remembering also that our price includes the container. 1 pt. bots. 5 pt. bots. 1 gal. bots. each. each. each. SYRUP—Acacia............................_____ 55 2 25 3 25 Albuminate, Iron and Soda____________ 70 3 00 4 50 Aromatic........____________________ 30 115 175 Blackberry Root, U. S. P................. 55 2 25 3 00 Citric Acid................._____........ 60 2 50 3 75 Codeia_____........___................1 10 Each fluidrachm contains 1 grain Sulphate Codea. Dover Powder........................... 75 3 25 5 00 Each fluidrachm contains the active principles of 10 grains Dover Powder. Ginger, U. S. P......................____ 55 2 25 3 00 Horehound Comp., A. D.................. 55 2 25 3 25 Hydriodic Acid, U. S. P..................-. 1 00 4 50 6 75 Hypophosphites, " (Churchill's)..... 65 2 75 4^00 A compound syrup of the Hypophosphites of Calcium, Sodium and Potassium, made according to the excellent formula of Dr. Churchill, which is now officinal, having been incorporated in the last (1880) edition of the U. S. Bharmacopceia. It is a valuable nutritious tonic, indicated in tuberculous, scrofulous and glandu- lar diseases. Hypophosphites with Iron, U. S. P.......... 65 2 75 4 00 (Eime, Soda, Iron and Potass.) Hypophosphites, Comp., with Strychnia___ 70 3 00 4 50 (Syrupus Hypophosphitum cum Ferro et Strychnia?) Each fluidrachm contains: Strychnia 1-64 grain; Syr. Hopophosphites with Iron, U. S. Pi, 1 fluidrachm. An elegant combination of the assimilable phosphatic salts with strychnia. Recommended in atonic dyspepsia, brain softening from overwork or excesses, convalescence from typhoid conditions, and especially useful in phthisis, all wasting and debilitating diseases, and in the depression following debauches. Hypophosphites Iron__________......... 65 2 75 4 00 Hypophosphites Lime, U. S. P_________ 60 2 50 3 75 Hypophosphites Lime and Soda_________ 65 2 75 4 00 Iodide Iron, U. S. P..,............... 60 Iodide Iron, Tasteless___................ 80 3 50 Ipecac, U. S. P......1____........_...... 65 2 75 4 00 Iron, Bromide, A. D.................____ 65 2 75 4 00 Iron, Lactate...................._______ 90 4 00 6 00 Lactophosphates, Compound___________ 75 3 50 5 25 (Iron, Eime, Manganese, Soda and Potass.) Lactophosphates Iron___................ 75 3 50 5 25 Lactophosphates Iron and Lime........... 75 3 50 5 25 Lactophosphates Lime________________ 75 3 50 5 25 Lactophosphates Manganese............... 75 3 50 5 25 Lactophosphates Potass................... 75 * 8 50 5 25 Lactophosphates Soda............______ 75 3 50 5 25 Lemon---........................_____ 50 2 00 3 00 Licorice..........____.................. 60 2 50 3 75 Lime, U. S. P------...............____ 60 2 50 3 75 OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. cvpttp * P*- DOts- 5 pt. bots. 1 gal. bots. o i K. \J 1 — each. each. each. Lime, Iodide................____________ 100 4 50 6 75 Mitchella Comp., A. D_______............ 55 2 25 3 25 Morphia................................- 1 00 Orange Peel, U. S. P.....___.....______ 50 2 00 3 00 Phosphates Comp. (chemical food)......__ 65 3 00 4 50 Phosphates Iron, Quinine and Strychnia__1 25 5 75 Rhatany, U. S. P........................_ 65 2 75 4 00 Rhubarb, U. S. P__________......_______ 50 2 00 3 00 Rhubarb, Aromatic, U. S. P____.......... 50 2 00 3 00 Rhubarb et. Potass, U. S. P......_......... 50 2 00 3 00 (Neutralizing Cordial.) Prepared from the best India Rhubarb, Bi-carbonate of Potass, Golden Seal and Aromatics with Syrup. An elegant and agreeable laxative, antacid and tonic. Useful in diarrhcea, dysentery, cholera-morbus and cholera-infantum, in which diseases it acts almost as a specific and is invaluable in their treatment. Also very useful in habitual constipation, acidity of the stomach, dyspepsia, and in the constipation of pregnancy, especially when hemorrhoids are present. Sarsaparilla, Compound................... 55 2 25 3 50 Sarsaparilla and Iodide Lime, U. S. P______ 70 3 00 4 50 Sarsaparilla and Iodide Potassium.......... 80 3 50 5 00 Senna............................... —- 60 2 50 3 75 Senega, U.S. P....................—..... 70 3 00 4 50 Simplex, U. S. P. (By cold Percolation.)..... 25 85 125 Squills, «......................... 50 2 00 3 00 Squills, Compound, U. S. P. (Hive Syrup)' ... 55 2 25 3 50 Stillingia, Compound. A. D................. 50 2 00 3 00 Tar 5 r 50 2 00 3 00 Tar,"Comp'ound.""."."".""............... 60 2 50 3 75 Tolu.U.S.P............_______.......... 55 2 25 3 00 Wild Cherry, U. S. P.................------ 55 2 25 3 00 Wild Cherry, Detanated_____............. 65 2 75 4 00 White Pine, Compound___________........ K5 2 75 4 00 Each fluidrachm contains: Tinct White Pine, 4 minims; Purified Chloroform, J^ minim; Ipecac, 2 grains; Morphia Sulph., 1-16 grain. White Pine, the principal ingredient of this prep- aration has been for many years success- fully useM in the treatment of bronchial af- fections generally. It is here presented in a rational combination in the form of a very palatable syrup, the effi- ciency of which, as a remedy, has placed it in the very front rank in the treatment of bronchial difficulties. In acute bronchitis, especially, it stands without a rival. White Pine, Compound, without Morphine.. 60 2 50 3 75 Yellow Dock Compound...........______ 50 2 00 3 00 4 oz. bots. 8 oz. bots. lib bots. each. each. each. TINCTURE Aconite Root, U. S. P.................- 25 40 70 Aconite, Fleming's..................... 25 45 85 Aloes, U. S. P......................... 20 30 50 Aloes and Mvrrh, U.S. P............... 25 40 65 Arnica, U. S! P......._________........ 20 35 55 3-*«imO'33oo ; s e 3* w o ^. p. rT™ ^ 3 m ~ ST 3. c <"> o o n> .i- a a s 3 0Q> °- o 3 rt P3 - Q _. ^ p o T> p °- J? ! p i 3 rt s : ^|i < a. ! 03 c M hjj ; ! *E. C/3 oo on | 1 ; o i en y 1 i • ! O • (-K * I 3 ; ; ] ; 1 -! 1 rt i > * ■ > ■ i i i , i i , ' rt rt o n p p i o o ^SOS'rtrtrt^'C s- p u S. S. a<£ 5, 3,5r°S- 2* 2. P n o § P 0 0 Q°E" O ^p 5" a 3 3 o1 c pi 733 C » SO 3 i" ^"O "CK! I3 en 3 " O 3 TJ p n a 3 03° rt 3 o- o 3 3 a ' C/3 p P P P -t -i "3 o r s-^ 11 g •ff o n> - 3 nfl nnonwwa p p p ca C «-t t-1 333 P O" ST - .. o 3" o 3 3 3 &' rt ►rj *—i ►d' 3 O, td td td — rt rt ~ o 3 3 *0 g O 5" B" o - - ^ o rt en 3^ en rv rr» • o ^3 3-3 OoOOOoSiOiwOOOlOOWOCTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOWOOoOoiOUlOOOwOO OOOO WWW O OWWWOO WOO OOWOWWWWOWOWWOOWWWWWWOWOOOWWWWWWWW01 • g HiMMMM |_i M M H- M MMM « ^ wwwooowooooowwooo woo oowwooooooooo 00 owooooo WO OlO OOOOOO 5* OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. TINCTURE 4oz- bot- 8oz- DOt- llD- DOt- each. each. each. Opium Compound (Squibb's Diarrhoea Mixture), containing 6 grains Morphine in each fluidounce......................... 70 1 30 2 50 Physostigmatus, U. S. P.....____....... 30 50 80 Poke Root, A. D........................ 20 35 60 Quassia, U. S. P............._____..... 20 30 50 Rhatany, "....................___ 20 35 60 Rhubarb, " ...■..................... 20 35 60 Aromatic, U. S. P......______ 20 35 60 Dulcis....................... 20 35 60 Comp______................. 20 35 60 Serpentaria, U. S. P........._________ 20 35 60 Squills, " _________........ 20 35 60 Stramonium, ".................... 20 35 60 Tolu, ".................... 25 40 80 Valerian, ".................... 20 35 60 Valerian Ammoniated, U. S. P........... 25 45 85 Veratrum, U. S. P...................... 25 45 85 VINEGAR Lobelia, " .................... 25 40 75 Opnim....................._........... 70 1 30 2 50 Sanguinaria............................ 20 35 65 Squills, U. S. P_____................... 15 25 50 1 pint 5 pint bottles, bottles. WATER Anise, U. S. P.............---------.......... 30 100 Camphor, "............................... 30 100 Chlorine, " ....._____..................... 20 60 Cinnamon, " __.....---...............---- 35 12;) Creasote, «........................—-..... 30 100 Fennel, '< .......................-......... 30 100 Lead, » ................................. 20 60 Peppermint, " ______........-------------- 25 75 Rose, " ................................. 35 125 Spearmint, " ........................-......-- 30 1 00 1 pt. bots. 5pt. bots. 1 gal. bots. each. each. each. WT.NE Aloes, U. S. P..............................-- 75 3 25 Antimony.................--- ............-- 60 2 50 Bark and Iron.............-.................. 55 2 25 3 50 Beef andiron _____........................ 60 2 50 3 75 Beef, Iron and Calisaya..................---- 70 3 00 4 50 Colchicum Root, U. S. P----................ 90 4 00 Colchicum Seed.............................. 65 2 75 Ergot......................................- 90 4 00 IneCac —........._____ 90 4 00 J^n.........;;:;:::::::______......_____ 55 2 so 3 50 Iron, BiVte;;."__________......-......-..... 65 2 75 4 25 Opium, U. S. P------•-....................- ! 75 YERBA SANTA COUGH MIXTURE............ 75 3 25 5 00 Each fluidrachm contains . Yerba Santa____............. .^10 grains 1 Grindelia Robusta............... 4 grains | Cherry Bark...................-- 2 grains j Licorice...-...................... 5 grains r Cubebs.......................... lgrain Tar.....................-........V* Rra!n Bromide Ammonium----........1 grain J _ An excellent expectorant, especially useful in chronic bronchitis and other chronic pul- monary complaints. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, ST. LOUIS, MO., PURE CHEMICALS E*0!Et MEDICINAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC AND ANALYTICAL PURPOSES. AMONG THEM: CARBOI-TC ACID. Best and cheapest acid in the market. SUBNITRATE BISMUTH. Absolutely pure, free from acid, smell or taste; very bulky and superior. CHLOROFORM. Absolutely pure, prepared for inhalation, price same as for commercial. ETffER, SULPHURIC All grades in %, y2, 1, 2, 3, and 5 fi> cans, with soldered nozzles, very convenient for Physicians' and Druggists' use. Cheaper aud safer packages than bottles. CONCENTRATED NITROUS ETHER. In J£, y2, and 1 B) bottles—one pound makes eighteen pounds pure spirits Nitrous Ether, guaranteed strictly U. S. P. Saves largely in freight and cost of packages. BROMIDE POTASSIUM, Granular. Of exceptional purity, very convenient for dispensing and drier than crystals when powdered. IODIDE POTASSIUM, Crystals and Granular. Free from Carbonate, Sulphate and Iodate. ALSO Chemically Pure Acids, Mercurials, Chloral Hydrate, Nitrate Silver, Rochelle Salts, Iodine Resublimed, Nitrate Ammonia, Salts of Iron, Potassium, Sodium, Etc. Careful Physicians and Druggists are requested to examine our goods, and to spe- cify them when ordering through wholesale dealers, and to see that our brand (M.C.W.) is on the package. NEW YORK OFFICE, 88 MAIDEN LANE. We Keep a Full Line of ihe Above Goods, and Can Recommend Them as Being of EXCEPTIONAL PURITY. COT. T^W § Cfr, cjncflee. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, --AND-- PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, OTHER THAN OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. The following list embraces the choicest productions of both foreign and domestic manufacturers. They have all been selected expressly for dispensing purposes upon a basis of purity alone. Our prices are for the very best quality of goods. Lower grades we do not keep or quote prices of, but can furnish them if desired. Our quotations are for goods in moderate quantities; when larger lots are ordered lower prices may usually be expected, and when smaller quanti- ties are ordered an advance will invariably be charged. PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES. ACID—Acetic, U. S. P., 1 Tb bottles, 9 cts.___.........................lb 15 " No. 8 1 lb bottles 9 cts.................................lb 10 " chem. pure, 1 lb bottles, 9 cts-----....................Bb 35 « dilute, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles...........................lb 25 Arsenious, crystal, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts.....................----lb 25 " "" 1 oz. vials inclusive.......................oz 10 " powd., pure, 1 lb bottles, 9 cts.......-................Bb 25 " first trituration, 4 oz. vials inclusive---.............each 25 Benzoic, 1 oz. vials inclusive........------------............oz 25 Boracic, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts......—.............................tt) 35 powdered, 1 tb bottles, 9 cts..........................R> 40 Carbolic, crude, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts......................--.....R> 12 " crystal, Mallinckrodt's, 1 Bb bottles, inclusive......-Bb 42 » " « £ Jb bottles, inclusive___......---........each 25 « « I lb bottles, inclusive______...............each 15 <« « 1 oz. bottles, inclusive......2.............each 10 " solution, 95 per cent, 1 Bb bottles...............----Bb 50 001 (lBbbottles.............----Bb 40 33i per cent. | x gal bQttles...............gal 2 25 .(lib bottles....................Bb 30 10Percentjl gal. bottles.........—.....gal 1 50 ( 1 Bb bottles, inclusive..............._ 2 00 " calverts, No. 1 \ 4 oz. bottles, inclusive................ 80 / 1 oz. bottles, inclusive................ 40 ( 1 Bb bottles, inclusive................1 50 « " No. 2 \ 4 oz. bottles, inclusive.....—........ 60 ( 1 oz. bottles, inclusive................ 30 STATE & 20TH STS., CHICAGO, ILL. WHOLESALE CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. PROPRIETORS PERRY The first and only two- wheeler made that positively has no horse motion whatever. The first and only cart made that gives the horse no cart motion and does not chafe its back. A vehicle that rides as steady with two wheels as a buggy with four, and draws one-third easier. A cart that really rides easier than a buggy; more comfortable than a phaeton, and that is revolutionizing the trade. Read the following testimonials from the three first named professors of Rush Medical College. Rush Medical College, Chicago, June 18th, 1884. To the Abbott Buggy Co., or whom it may concern: From the time when, nearly forty years ago, I went the rounds of practice in an ancient doc- tor's sulky, up to a few days since, when I bought a "Perry Road Cart" of the Abbott Buggy Co., I have experimented with all sorts of vehicles to ascertain which was least conducive to physical grief, and I give the "Perry" the preference "by a large majoritv" over them all. With a suitable "roadster" in this, one may traverse even the rough streets of'Chicago. Like a good medicine, cito, tuto, etjuainde. J. ADAM ALLEN, 125 State St. I fully concur in the expressions of Prof. Allen regarding the "Perry Road Cart." DELASKIE MILLER. Office of Dr. Moses Gunn, ) Abbott Buggy Co. 2101 Calumet Avenue, Chicago, Sept. It, 1884. ( Gentlemen :— In replv to your request for my opinion of the "PERRY" Road Cart, which you recently built for me, I have to express mv unqualified approbation. The motion whichis usually communicated to two wheeled vehicles bv the gait of the horse, being overcome by the pe- culiar construction of your Cart. It is a delight to ride in it. MOSES GUNN. The most popular Physician's Vehicle ever produced and being adopted by them from .New York to California. Send for Descriptive Catalogue with hundreds of testimonials. CAUTION. We own the Perry Patents and warn the public against purchasing imitations, as we are prosecuting infringers and will protect our rights. Buy the genuine, on which there is no patent liability. r Circulars mailed and orders taken by CHARLES TRTJAX & CO. ACID, Chromic, Mallinckrodt s, 1 oz. glass stop bottles, inclusive.....oz 25 Chrysophanic, 1 oz. vials, inclusive...............___________oz 55 " \ oz. vial, inclusive_________________________each 15 Citric........_________........______........______________ Bb 60 Gallic, 1 oz. vials inclusive................___________________oz 25 Hydriodic, 1 oz. glass stop bottles inclusive______________________ 45 Hydrobromic, Dilute, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles inclusive______________ 45 Hydrocyanic, dilute, 1 oz. vials inclusive........_____.........oz 12 " " 4 oz. vials inclusive................_____each 40 " " 1 Bb bottles inclusive___...............each 1 00 TT . . u ,., , TT o Ti ( 1 Bb bottle inclusive 1 00 Hypophosphorus, dilute, U. S. P........... } 4 Qz botUe inclusive 35 Lactic, U. S. P., 1 oz. vials, inclusive..........______......___oz 15 Muriatic, commercial, bottles extra....................._.....lb 06 " chem. pure, Mallinckrodt's 1 Bb glass stop bots., 14 cts.. Bb 25 il dilute, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles, inclusive................Bb 25 Nitric, commercial, bottle extra______....._____...........___lb 15 " chem. pure, Mallinckrodt's, 1 Bb glass stop bottles 14 cts.Bb 28 " dilute, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles inclusive....................Bb 25 Nitro-Muriatic, 1 Bb glass stop bottles, inclusive......_.........lb 33 " " dilute, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles, inclusive..........lb 25 Nitrous, fuming, 1 Bb glass stop bottles 14 cts......------------Bb 25 Oleic, purified, containers extra____________...........________Bb 60 Oxalic......................................................-Bb 16 " chem. pure............................---............Bb 1 00 Phosphoric, concentrated, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles, inclusive.......Bb 75 " dilute, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles, inclusive.............Bb 33 " " from Phosphorus, 1 lb bottles, inclusive___Bb 30 " Glacial, 1 oz. vials, inclusive______________________oz 15 Pyrogallic, 1 oz. vials, inclusive........______________________oz 60 Salicylic, 1 Bb boxes, inclusive............___................-Bb 2 00 " 4 oz. vials, inclusive..............._____.......____each 65 " 1 oz. vials, inclusive........________________________oz 20 " chem. pure, 1 oz. vials, inclusive........____________oz 50 Sulphuric, commercial, bottles extra...........__........... Bb 08 " chem. pure, Mallinckrodt's, 1 Bb glass stop bots. 14 ctsBb 25 " dilute, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles, inclusive...............Bb 25 " aromatic, " lflb bottles, inclusive................Bb 55 Sulphurous, solution, 1 Bb bottles 9 cts.........—............Bb 16 Tannic, 1 Bb papers........................--.................Bb 1 90 " 4 oz. bottles, inclusive................-----..........each 60 " 1 oz. bottles, inclusive............--------...........each 20 Tartaric___________________..................................Bb 55 ACONITIA, £oz. vials, inclusive______..............................each 1 75 ALCOHOL (Standard proof), see corrected price sheet. Absolute, see corrected price list. Deodorized (cologne spirits), see corrected price sheet. Homeopathic, 1 quart bottles_______..................each 1 00 Wood.................................................-gal 2 00 ALE, Bass', Imported, pints.......____................---------per doz 2 00 « « quarts.................-...................per doz 3 75 McEwan's, pints_______.........—......................per doz 2 00 " quarts..........._..............................per doz 3 75 Domestic, Best, pints..............-...............-------per doz 1 50 » « quarts..............--....................per doz 2 75 ALOIN, 1 oz. vials, inclusive...................................-......oz 75 5 ALUM, Lump.........................-----.....................Bb 05 Powdered, purified______________....._____........-----Bb 10 Ammonio-Ferric, 1 Bb bottles 10 cts.........------------'---Bb 50 Burnt, (Exsiccated) powdered......._.................------Bb 25 ALUMINIUM, Sulphate, crude______.........---...................Bb 15 AMMONIA, Acetate, Liquor, 1 Bb bottles 10 cts......................Bb 25 Arseniate, 1 oz. vials inclusive___.......................oz 50 Aqua, 3 F............___..................-----------Bb 06 " 4F...................._____..................Bb 07 Benzoate, 1 oz. vials inclusive__________.............__oz 40 Bicarbonate, 1 oz. vials, inclusive___............______oz 40 Bromide, Mallinckrodt's, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts.............Bb 55 " 1 oz. vials, inclusive.................________oz 12 Carbazotate, 1 oz. vials, inclusive_____________.........oz 45 Carbonate, 2 Bb cans, inclusive_______...............each 55 " 1 Bb can, inclusive____________..............Bb 30 " 4 oz. cans, inclusive___________;....._____each 15 Iodide, Mallinckrodt's, 4 oz. vials inclusive___________each 1 10 " 1 oz. vials, inclusive____..................______oz 38 Liquor, Concentrated, containers extra.........________Bb 15 Muriate______.........................._____________Bb 20 " Granulated, purified...................._______Bb 25 " Powdered, purified......................._____Bb 27 Nitrate, Granulated, 1 Bb bottles 10 cts._____._____......Bb 35 Oxalate, 1 oz. vials, inclusive_________________________oz 15 Phosphate, 1 Bb bottles 10 cts........____........_____Bb 1 20 Spirits, Alcoholic, 1 Bb bottles 10 cts____........______ Bb 50 " Aromatic, 1 Bb bottles, inclusive.................Bb 52 Valerianate, Crystals, 1 oz. vials, inclusive__.......____oz 40 AMYL, Nitrate, 1 oz. vials, inclusive.....__________________________oz 35 " Pearls, P. D. & Co.'s 2 or 3 drops,__________1 doz. in box 75 " " 5 drops, 1 doz. in box___......-box 1 00 ANNATOINE, finest grade only________________...................Bb 1 20 ANODYNE, Hoffman's, Commercial, 1 Bb bottles 9 cts._______.....__Bb 50 " True, 1 Bb glass stop bottles, inclusive________tb 1 00 " " 4 oz. glass stop bottles, inclusive_____each 35 This is the true Hoffman's Anodyne, manufac- tured from the heavy oil of Wine. ANTIMONY, Black, powdered............____.................___lb 05 " powdered, pure........___....................Bb 30 Butter, Solution, 1 Bb glass stop bottles, 14 cts_________Bb 25 Oxide, white, 1 Bb bottles, 10 cts.......................Bb 50 Sulphuret, precip., 1 lb bottles, 10 cts............_____Bb 50 APIOL, 1 oz. vials, inclusive____________........._________________oz 1 00 APOMORPHIA, amorph., ioz. vials, inclusive . . . ..each 1 25 ARROW ROOT, American_______................................lb 12 Bermuda, True....... _ Bb 40 ARSENIC, Powdered, white............................__________lb 07 Pure, 1 Bb bottles, 6 cts...................................Bb 25 Iodide, 1 oz. vials, inclusive........_____................oz 50 Solution, Donovan's, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles, inclusive........Bb 35 " Fowler's, U. S. P., 1 Bb bottles, inclusive..........Bb 20 ATROPIA, Sulphate, Mallinckrodt's, i oz. vials, inclusive..........each 1 25 " 15 grain vials, inclusive.........____.........each 45 BALSAM, Copaiba, pure, containers extra___.......................lb 60 Fir, only in Bb bottles, 9 cts._____...................... .lb 60 Peru (see correction sheet.) Tolu, true, 4 oz. cans, inclusive................__........each 25 BARIUM, Acetate, 1 oz. vial, inclusive...................___........oz 25 Carbonate, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts...........................___Bb 90 Muriate, pure, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts............................Bb 23 Nitrate, Powdered, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts....................___Bb 33 BARKS, full stock of all kinds at market rates. Bayberry, pow'd__________________________________......Bb 20 Cassia —......___________......._.......____...........lb 30 '" Powdered___.....__________............__________lb 40 Cinchona, Commercial, powdered.....____.................Bb 40 Red, True.,___________........................Bb 2 20 " " powdered.............................B) 2 25 Elm, Select................____......................___B> 20 " " powdered...........................__........Bb 15 Pomegranate, very choice.........__..................___Bb 40 Sassafras, select_______............._______...............Bb 12 p \ttt?rv Fr TTTn ( 1 Bb bottle, inclusive..............Bb 25 CA1 l^^x fLUU............| 5 pint bottle, inclusive...........each 50 BAY RUM, Commercial, 1 Bb bots., inclusive.........................B> 45 " 1 gal. bots., inclusive...............I.....-gal 2 50 Imported, inclusive 1 Bb bots..........------........---Bb 60 " containers extra.........---______________gal 3 50 BEANS, Jequerity.........__________..............—.............oz 25 BEEF, Peptonoids_________________...........__________________doz 8 00 Extract. See page 64. BERBERINE, pure, i oz. vials, inclusive______............-------each 35 Sulphate, ■£• oz. vials, inclusive.........._........---each 25 BERRIES, Cubebs. See correction sheet. " Powdered. See correction sheet. Juniper............_____________...............-------Bb 10 Poke___........................-.......................Bb 25 BISMUTH, Metallic _________________.........................____Bb 2 00 Citrate, 1 oz. vial, inclusive..............--------____each 33 And Ammon: Citrate, Soluble, 1 oz. vial, inclusive......each 33 Salicvlate, 1 oz. vial, inclusive.........................each 60 Sub-carbonate..............-------------------........Bb 2 20 Sub-nitrate, Mallinckrodt's, 1 Bb bots., 9 cts.----.........Bb 1 60 •' " -£■ Bb bots., inclusive ... .....each 8.") " " i Bb bots., inclusive___.....each 50 e ... < 1 Bb bots., 10 cts____..........Bb 2 50 bquibbs----| 4 oz. bots., 5 cts_________.....Bb 2 6fe BLOOD. Dried Bullock's, P. D. & Co.'s----...............----per can 75 BLUE MASS, U. S. P., 1 lb jars, 12 cts.............---.............Bb 50 " 4 oz. jars, inclusive_______........_______each 20 Powdered, 1 Bb bottle, 9 cts...........................Bb 75 BLUE VITRIOL. See Copper Sulphate. BORAX, Refined. See correction sheet. Powdered, purified........---........------------.......Bb 16 f4oz. bottle........................each 30 BORO-GLYCERIDE...___] 8 oz. bottle........................each 55 (l Bb bottle........................each 1 00 (1 Bb bottle.................each 50 BORO-GLYCERIDE, Solution......) 5 pint bottle.......I.......each 2 00 (l gal. bottle_______.......each 3 00 BRANDY, Blackberry, pure, containers extra........................gal 4 00 California, fine old, containers extra......................gal 4 00 " " quart bottles.........---........---each 1 25 French, genuine, containers extra........................gal 8 00 " " quart bottles_____...........--------each 2 25 "THE BEST OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURE." * IP Xj .A. IN" T IE 3ST S American Medical Capsulery H. PLANTEK & SON, >24 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK, > [Established 1836.] Exhibition American Institute, >\ Y., 1840, International Exhibition, N. Y., 1853, International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876, Award "For General Excellence in Manufacture." HARD AND SOFT ELASTIC CAPSULES. FILLED, ELASTIC, SOFT. 9 Sizes, 3, 5, 10 and 15 Minims; and 1, 2i, 5, lo' and 15 Grammes. " SOLUBLE, HARD. 3 Sizes, 5, 10 and 15 Minims. IMPROVED FRENCH. (Raquin form and size) 5 Minims. EMPTY, NEWLY IMPROVED. 8 Sizes, Boxes of 100. For taking Powders or Solids, free of taste, smell, injury to the Teeth, Mouth or Throat Trial Box 25c. " FOR LIQUIDS. 3 Sizes, 5, 10 and 15 Drops. " RECTAL. 3 Sizes, 3, 6 and 12 Grain. " VAGINAL. 4 Sizes, 1-8, 1-4, 1-16 and 1-32 Ounce. " HORSE (BALL) CAPSULE. 5 sizes, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 Drams. For giving medicines, liquids or solids, to Horses or Cattle. DOG WORM CAPSULES. 5 Minims Oil of Male Fern. CAPSULES FOR MECHANICAL PURPOSES. All Kinds of Capsules to order, and any size required. New Articles and Capsuling Private Formulas a specialty. Sold by all Druggists, Samples Free. Trade Supplied by CHARLES TRUAX & CO. * See foot note on page 64 in Profs. Van Buren and Keyes' Work on Genito-Urinary Organs. BROMINE, 1 oz. vials, inclusive________.............______......__ oz Iodide, 1 oz. vials, inclusive_______.......___.........oz BUDS, Balm of Gilead..............................___............lb Cassia...........................................___........Tb CADMIUM.................._____.......____________________Tb Bromide, 1 oz. vials inclusive____________________________oz Iodide, 1 oz. vials inclusive______________________________oz Sulphate, 1 oz. vials inclusive____________________________oz CAFFEIN, -J- oz. vials inclusive___________________________________each Bromide, -ir oz. vials inclusive__________________________each Citrate, -J- oz. vials inclusive____________________________each CALCIUM, Benzoate, 1 oz. vials inclusive___________________________oz Bromide, 1 oz. vials inclusive___._______________________oz Carbonate, precipitated_________________________________lb Hypophosphites, Mallinckrodt's, 1 oz. vials inclusive______oz Iodide, 1 oz. vials inclusive_______________________________oz Phosphate, precipitated_________________________________Tb Salicylate, 1 oz. vials inclusive_______________'.__________oz Sulphide, 1 oz. vials inclusive___________________„--------oz 1 lb bottles 9 cts_______________________________lb Sulphite, 1 Tb bottles 9 cts-------------------------------Tb CALOMEL, American, Mallinckrodt's, 1 lb bottles 6 cts-------------lb p I English, 1 lb bottles inclusive___________________________lb CAMPHOR, See Gums. | ' Mono-Bromated, 1 oz. vials inclusive____________________oz CANDY, Rock____________________________________________Tb CANTHARIDES_________________________,---------------Tb Powdered___________________________ ----------lb %mJ %mJ %^ %J w IjJ W CAPSULES, Gelatine, (Empty) in boxes of 100 each.... _-per doz. boxes Single boxes Rectal____per box 25 jf\ Filled, Elastic, full p \ CARBON, Bi-Sulphate, 1 Tb bot- b 4 § \ L, , ties 9 cts-------Tb 25,.!p-----f p;.....] CASCARA CORDIAL, P. D.& J J Li__| Co___________doz 7 OO.f 1 I || J CASTOR, FIBRE_________oz 75|? J In! CAYENNE, powdered______lb 35ij|,,:;:.J 1 | CERATES, see page 26. vliiir ^^ CERIUM, Nitrate, 1 oz. glass stop vials inclusive___________________________________________oz Oxalate, 1 oz. glass stop vials inclusive_____________________oz CHALK, Precipitated, Eng-----------------------------------------Tb Prepared, Eng----------------_'_•----------------- -------lb CHARCOAL, Animal______________________________________Tb THE STANDARD EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL Prescribed by the Medical Profession throughout the Coun- tries of the World. It is so palatable that children and persons with sensitive stomachs can take and digest it readily. The decided results attending its use in CONSUMPTION, SCROFU- LOUS AFFECTIONS, ANiEMIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and in all WASTING DISORDERS, are apparent to all Physicians who have given it a trial. By our improved machinery and the knowledge that comes from experi- ence, we will now guarantee it absolutely permanent, and will remain an almost unlimited time without the slightest separation or change. We trust if you are not acquainted with it. that you will give it a trial and a careful comparative test with any other Cod Liver Oil preparation, and we will be satisfied to leave the verdict in your hands. Respectfully, SCOTT & BOWNE, NEW YORK. Trade Supplied by CHARLES TRUAX \ CO. CHARCOAL, Willow, finest grade___________________ __ . Bb 35 CHIXOIDIXE, 1 oz. rolls_________________________________________oz 15 Powdered_____________________________________•____oz 40 CHLORAL, Croton, 1 oz. vials inclusive____________________________oz 1 25 Hydrate, Crystal, 1 lb glass stop bottles inclusive________Bb 1 75 " " i Tb glass stop bottles inclusive_______each 1 00 " " i Tb glass stop bottles inclusive______each 55 " " 1 oz. glass stop bottles inclusive________oz 25 CHLORODYNE, see page 26. CHLOROFORM, Purified, Mallinckrodt's, 1 lb bottles 9 cts________Tb 95 This article is prepared of special purity for inhalation. Squibb's, 1 lb glass stop bottles inclusive____________Tb 1 70 CINCHONA, Alkaloid, 1 oz. paper boxes____________________________oz 45 Bi-sulphate, 1 oz. vials inclusive_______________________oz 42 Mixture, 3 oz. paper boxes________________________per box 40 Muriate, 1 oz. vials inclusive___________________________oz 35 Salicylate, " " " ___________________________oz 50 Sulphate, " " " ___________________________oz 30 CIXCHONIDIA, Bi-sulphate, 1 oz. vials inclusive___________________oz 75 Pure, Alkaloid, 1 oz. vials inclusive_________________oz 1 10 Salicylate, 1 oz. vials inclusive_____________________oz 1 25 Sulphate, 1 oz. bottles inclusive, see corrected price sheet. " 5 oz. cans inclusive, see corrected price sheet. CLOVES________________________________________________Tb 30 Powdered________________________________________lb • 35 COCHINEAL____________________________________________lb 50 Powdered____________________________________lb 60 COCOA BUTTER, pure____________________________________Tb 55 CODEIA, Sulphate, £ oz. vials_______________________________vial 50 COLOCYNTH, Apples, select, whole_______________ _______Bb 60 Powdered________________________ _________Bb 70 COLLODION, see page 26. CONCENTRATIONS, see index. CONFECTIONS, see page 27. COPPER, Ammoniated, 1 oz. vials inclusive--------- ---------oz 15 Sub-acetate, (verdigris) powdered_____________ ----------Bb 55 Sulphate_______,______________________________________Bb 10 Sulphate, granulated, purified_____________________________Bb 25 " " 1 oz. vials inclusive__________________oz 10 COPPERAS______________________________________________Bb 02 Granulated, purified------------------------------Bb 30 " 4 oz. vials inclusive___________________each 15 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, (see Mercury.)---- ----------Bb 65 COSMOLINE, see Unguentum Petrolei. COWHAGE, 1 oz. cans inclusive______..... -----------oz 50 CREAM TARTAR, pure, powdered_____ ---------------Bb 40 CREASOTE, 4 oz. vials inclusive____________________________each 30 1 oz. vials inclusive------------------------------oz 15 DEXTRINE_____________________________________lb 15 DEXTRO QUININE, (see Quinine.) DOVERS POWDER, see page 47. EFFERVESCENT granulated preparations, see page 78. KLATERIUM, i oz. vials___________________________________bot 1 10 ELIXIRS, see page 27. EMULSION, Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites, Scott's-------- b gg JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF Is manufactured in the form of a Paste, hermetically sealed, contains the ALBUMEN and FIBRIN as well as the EXTRACT o'f the BEEF, and is a highly nutritious article of food. In the Lancet of November 11, 1865, Baron Liebig says: "Were it possible to furnish the market at a reasonable price with a preparation of meat combining' in itself the albuminous together with the extractive principles, such a preparation would have to be preferred to the 'Extractum Carnis,' for it would contain ALL the nutritive con- stituents of meat." The above is just what JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF has accomplished. The following analysis, made by one of the best men of the day, will prove the correctness of the above statement. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. By Dr. J. BAKER EDWARDS, Ph. D., S. C, L.; F. S. C, Professor of Chemistry and Inland Revenue Food Analyst, Montreal. "I hereby certify that I have made a careful analysis of the proximate constituents 6f'John- ston's Fluid Beef,' and find it contains—■ Salt of Flesh and Moisture, Beef Tea Food........33.30 Albumen or Egg- Food.............................22.58 Fibrin or MeatFood___........................__.35.50 Mineral or Bone Food...............____.......... 1.70 I consider this an invaluable preparation, containing, as it does, in addition to the well known Liebig's Extract, which has been aptly named 'Wine of Meat,' the nutritive value of EGG diet and MEAT diet in a form readily soluble in the gastric juice. It is therefore a more complete and per^ feet food for children and invalids than Meat Extract alone; and moreover having inspected the process of manufacture, I am satisfied that it may be relied upon as a uniform and very superior preparation. _________________ I will pay $1,000 into any charitable institution in the State of Illinois if there is not more nutrition contained in ONE FOUND of JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF thau there is in ONE HUNDRED pounds of Liebig's Extract of jBeef, or any similar preparation. -EL-EtlODE LIST. RETAIL. DOZEN. GROSS. No. 1, 2 ounces-------------35 cts.............____$3.00..........___.....$36.00 No. 3, 4 ounces...............___60 cts................... 5.00......_____ 60 OO No. 3, 8 ounces................__$1.00.................. 8.50..................102.00 No. 4, 16 ounces................... 1.75.................16.00...................193.00 Wholesale 10 per cent, on orders of $100 and upward Net on the rebate system. Packages:—Nos. 1 and 2, two dozen in box, 1 gross in case. No. 3, 1 dozen in box, half gross in case. No. 4, boxes of one and two dozen. GEO. BROUGHAM, Sole Manufacturer for fhe United States, 78 & 80 West Jackson St., Chicago, III. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Philadelphia, Eastern Depot. Messrs. R0SSITER A: SKIDMORE, Broad Street, New York, Agts. For Sale by CHARLES TRUAX & CO. ERGOT, fine ground______________________________________________lb 65 ERGOTINE_____________Uoz. vials------ ------------each 15 ( 1 oz. vials_________*________________oz 40 ESERINE, Sulphate, 5 grain vials__________________________________gr 40 ESSENCES, see Extracts, page 38. ETHER, Acetic, 1 Tb bottles 9 cents . . _ __________________________lb SO Butyric, 1 lb bottles 9 cents________________________________lb 2 00 Chloric, 1 Tb bottles 9 cents________________________________Tb 80 Rydriodic, 1 oz. vial inclusive______________________________oz 90 Hydrobromic, 1 oz. vial inclusive___________________________oz 35 Nitrous, V. S. P., 1 Tb bottles 9 cents________________________lb 45 Sulphuric, Mallinckrodt's, (Stronger for Amesthesia) " " 1 Tb cans inclusive_______________Bb 90 " " \ Tb cans inclusive_______________Tb 1 00 i Tb cans inclusive_______________lb 1 10 SI lb cans inclusive_____________________lb 1 07 i Tb cans inclusive._.__________________lb 1 12 i Tb cans inclusive_____________________Jb 1 16 ETHYL, Bromide, 1 oz. vials inclusive______________________________oz 30 EXTRACT, Licorice, Domestic____________________________________lb 30 " Imported____________________________________Bb 42 " " powdered___________________________lb 50 Malt, see index. Flavoring, see Extracts, page 38. Witch Hazel, distilled, containers extra___________ lb 25 gal 1 25 EXTRACTS, Fluid, see page 38. Solid, see page 42. FLOWERS, Arnica, fresh_________________________________________lb 15 Chamomile, German__________________________________Tb 30 Roman_____________________________lb 25 Elder, finest grade________________________________Tb 30 Kooso______________________------------------Jb 75 " powdered_________________________________lb 85 Saffron, American_______________________________lb 50 Spanish___________________________________oz 1 00 FOOD, Infants. See page 76. GIN, Domestic, extra fine, containers extra--------------------------gal 3 00 Imported, £ gal. bottles inclusive-----------------------,----each 1 50 GLUE, Brown and White, full stock at market rates. GLYCERINE, pure, see corrected price sheet. Price's, see corrected price sheet. GLYCEROLES, see page 42. GLYCYRRHIZIN, Ammoniacal, 1 oz. vials--------------------oz 35 GO A POWDER, 1 oz. vials inclusive---------------,-7---------oz 25 GOLD, Chloride, 15 grain vials------------------------------each 50 Chloride and Sodium, 15 grain vials--------------------each 30 GUM. Aloes, Barbadoes_____________________________________R> 55 « " powdered_____________________________lb 65 « Cape____________________________________________]*> 25 " " powdered_______________________---------------K> 35 Socotrine, True______________________________________R> 60 » « '• Powdered_________________________lb 70 Amber___________________________________ -------R> f Ammoniac, tears--------------------------------------K) 45 Arabic, finest white, select large pieces---------------------lb b0 '■ good quality___________________________________K) 35 Granulated"____________________ ---------------K> ^ Size of Hydroleine Bottle increased to 12 oz. instead of 8 oz. 30,000 PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE HYDROLEINE FOR ConsumptioniWasting Diseases There is a morbid something in these diseases which shows the stomach to be inadequate to furnishing the necessary amount of nutritive material to prevent a waste taking place in the whole organism. The lymphatics and venules come to the rescue by absorbing fat and tissue from the body in order to supply the blood with what is demanded by the vora- cious action of this fell destroyer—consumption. Hydroleine furnishes to the stomach that requisite which is certain to allay further waste of the body, and insure to the patient an increase of flesh and weight. In nutritive value, each bottle exceeds ten times the same bulk of Cod Liver Oil. Hydroleine is readily tolerated by the most delicate stomachs, when the pure oil of the most carefully prepared emulsions are rejected. FORMULA OF HYDROLEINE, (HYDRATED OIL) Each Dose of Two ! .;i xk ;.!h: s equal to 120 Drops, contains: Pure Cod Liver Oil............................................ 80 m. (drops) Distilled Water................................................35 " Soluble Pancreatin............................................ 5 grains. Soda.......................................................... -J- grain. Boric Acid................................................... i " Hyocholic Acid......................... ...................... ,1^ " DOSE: Two teaspoonfuls alone, or with twice the quantity of water, to be taken thrice daily after meals. The principles upon which this discovery is based have been described in a treatise on " The Digestion and Assimilation of Fats in the Human Body," by H. C. BARTLETT, Ph. D., F. C. S., and the experiments which were made, to- gether with cases illustrating the effect of Hydrated Oil in practice, are concisely stated in a treatise on "Consumption and Wasting Diseases," by G. OVEREND DREVVRY, M.D. In these Treatises the Chemistry and Physiology of the Digestion of the Fats and Oils is made clear, not only by the description of a large number of ex- periments scientifically conducted, but by cases in which the deductions are most fully borne out by the results. Copies of these Valuable Works will be sent Free on Application. WM. F. KIDDER & CO., Agent for U. S. 83 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. Trade Supplied by CHARLES TRUAX k CO. GUM, Arabic, powdered, pure__________________________ ________flo 60 Assafoetida, prime, 1 lb cans inclusive________________________Tb 36 " powdered, I lb bottles 12 cts___....................lb 48 Benzoin, prime________________...............___............Ho 75 Camphor................___.....__.......................__flo 25 " Resublimed, powdered_______............___.....__lb 65 Catechu, True___ _. ___......................______________lb 20 Euphorbium, powdered____...............................___Jo 55 Gamboge, po wdered.............._.........................___Ho 1 10 Guaiac, very choice, strained ..........._____________________lb 55 " " " powdered........_____________........___lb 65 Hemlock, prime..........._____......____................__lb 85 Kino, True______........................___.........."I__lb 30 " powdered.........................._....................lb 50 Mvrrh, select___................._______________....._______lb 65 " " powdered............___........................lb 70 Opium, select, (see corrected price sheet.) " powdered. Assayed, and known to contain 14j4030 percent. ) morphine. See corrected price sheet. ) Sandarac........---........................................ lb 50 Scammony, True.................__.....__..................oz 60 Shellac, market rates. Tragacanth, white, flakes___..................__............_. lb 1 00 " sorted__.....................______....._______lb 50 GUN COTTON_________________............________per oz 45 HERBS—Full assortment pressed and ground. HIERA PICRA.................___........„.............._____Tb 50 HOMEOPATHIC Pellets, all sizes..............._................___Ib 30 HOPS, (new crop) market rates. HYDROLEINE..............................................per doz 8 25 HYDRASTIA, (principles combined,) 1 oz. vials inclusive........per doz 1 13 Citrate,^ oz. vials inclusive_______ .......____per bottle 40 Muriate, 1 oz. vials inclusive.................._______oz 1 50 Phosphate, i oz. vials inclusive..............________bot 40 Sulphate, i oz. vials inclusive....................___bot 38 INGLUY1N, Warner's, 1 oz. vials inclusive......................____oz 90 IODINE, Bromide, 1 oz. vials inclusive-------....................per oz 1 00 Re-sublimed, (see correction sheet.) innnuADM ^ 1 oz. vials inclusive..........oz 35 IODOFORM........................j ioz vials inclusive______each 22 IRIDIN, Oleo Resin............................................___oz 57 IRON, Acetate, 1 oz. vials inclusive.......................---------oz 40 • Ammoniated, ,l "....................---..........oz 50 Arseniate, " " -----------.....................-oz 40 Bromide, " "........................---------oz 30 By Hydrogen, " " ......-----.....—........-----oz 15 Carbonate, Precipitated, extra------....._--............-----.lb 25 (1 lb bottles.........._____each 80 .Saccharated________-j 8 oz. " __.......____each 45 (4 oz. " ............... each 25 Citrate, U. S. P., Mallinckrodt's, 1 lb bottles 10 cts.........___Bb 70 " " " 1 oz. vials inclusive............_oz 12 and Ammonium, 1 lb bottles 10 cts.....---............lb 65 " " " 4 oz. bottles inclusive__.....______each 25 and Quinine, see correction sheet. SW P^WOJnOISjS! THE ONLY PERFECT FOOD EVER PRODUCED! THE NUTRITIVE CONSTITUENTS OF BEEF AND MILK WITH GLUTEN. Each Ounce of Powder represents 10 ounces of Beef, Wheat and Milk. 1st.—BEEF PEPTONOIDS, as now prepared, is both pleasant to the TASTE AND SMELL. 2d—There is no food preparation that compares with it in nutritive properties. 4 3d.—It contains over 98 per cent, of nutritious matter. 4th.—One ounce of BEEF PEPTONOIDS contains more nourishment than five pints of beef tea prepared from eighty ounces of beef. 5th.—BEEF PEPTONOIDS is the only preparation, rich in nitrogenous matter, that is pleasant to the taste. 6th.—It has the advantage of being easily and quickly prepared for use. THE VERDICT! The Jury Commission, appointed by the Prince of Wales, after a critical examination and an- alysis of the many Beef Preparations exhibited at the INTERNATIONAL HEALTH EXHI- BITION, London, 18S4, has awarded to Beef Peptonoids the only Gold Medal and Highest Award. " Beef Peptonoids is by far the most nutritious and concentrated food I have ever met with. Indeed, a palatable and assimilable and in every way acceptable article of food, containing- nearly ninety per cent, of purely nutritive nitrogenous material, has never before, to my knowledge, been tendered to the Medical Profession or to the public. Prof. JOHN ATTFIELD, London. "Beef Peptonoids has an extremely high nutritive value. It is easily digested and is a valu- able nutritive food for invalids and convalescents. Its odor and flavor surpass anv preparation of meatever examined by me. It merits my fullest endorsement " Dr. STUTZER, Bonn, Germany. Director of the Imperial Chemical Laboratory for Rhenish Prussia. " Beef Peptonoids is the most concentrated nitrogenous food I have ever examined. It is a complete food, consisting of 95 per cent, of assimilable solids of the most nutritious character." Prof. C. R. C. TICHBORNE, Dublin, Ireland. Professor Chemistry Carmichael College of Medicine, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry, Presi- dent Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, etc. Price in four-ounce packages, $1.00; also, for convenience and economy, we put up BEEF PEPTONOIDS in 16-oz. tins, which will be sent to any physi- cian's address, post paid, on receipt of $2.50. Sample mailed on application. Thanking the profession for generous support in the past, we remain, Very respectfully, REED k CARNRICK, New York. Orders Filled by CHARLES TRUAX k CO. . 1 Phosphate___________________j , IRON, Citrate, Quinine and Strychnia, see correction sheet. " and Strychnia, 1 Tb bottles 10 cts__________..........-16 2 35 " " 4 oz. inclusive_________.............each 75 " " 1 oz. inclusive_______________.......each 23 Dialysed, 1 Tb bottles 9 cts____........___....................lb 40 Ferrocyanide, 1 oz. vials inclusive..............—........... oz 14 Hydrated Oxide, The materials for making the Antidote to Ar. senic, complete in pasteboard box, with directions. 85 Chloride, Solution, 1 Tb bottles 9 cts-------------.............-lb 23 (For making Tincture.) " Tincture, 1 lb bottles 9 cts---______________________lb 33 Hypophosphites, 1 oz. vials inclusive-------------------------oz 25 Iodide, 1 oz. vials inclusive___________________--------------oz 35 " Syrup, see page 50. Lactate, I oz. vials inclusive________________________________oz 15 Oxide Black (Ethiops Mineral), 1 Tb bot. 9____________________lb 55 Pernitrate, Solution, 1 lb glass stop bottles inclusive-----------lb 40 Proto carbonate (Vallet's Mass), jars extra--------------------Tb 50 Do bottles 10 cts-----------lb 55 oz. bottles inclusive----.each 20 (1 Tb bottles 10 cts-----------lb 65 Pyrophosphates----------:~- } 4 oz. vials inclusive_______each 25 Salicylate, 1 oz. inclusive__________________________________oz. 60 ( 1 lb bottles inclusive--------lb 60 Sub-Sulphate, (Monsel's Powder) ) 4 oz. vials " ------each 20 (l " ______each 10 ,., , . ... ,, N ( 1 tb glass stop bots. inc----lb 35 Solution, (Monsels)-/4oz|lassstopbots inc each 2Q Sulphate________________________--------------------------R) 02 " Granulated, purified--------------------------------lb 30 4 oz. vials inclusive________----------each 15 ( 1 lb bottles 10 cents________lb 70 Tartrate and Ammonium_____]4oz. bottles inclusive-----each 25 ( 1 oz. " " _______oz 12 (1 lb bottles 10 cents_________lb 70 " " Potassium_______ ) 4 oz. " inclusive------each 25 ( 1 oz. " " ________oz 12 Valerianate, 1 oz. vials inclusive----------..-----------------oz 45 LACTUCARIUM, " " " -------------------------oz 4& LARD, Benzoated, 1 lb jars inclusive-------------------------------lb 40 LEAD, Acetate, white-------............................----------jb 20 " purified, granulated________________________________lb 35 4 oz. vials.inclusive........_----each 15 Bromide, 1 oz. vials inclusive-------------------------------oz 65 Chloride, " " " .....--------------------------oz 35 Iodide, " " " --------------------------------^ 35 Nitrate, 1 lb bottles 6 cents---------------------------------lb M Sub-Acetate, Solution (Goulard's Ext.), 1 lb bottles inclusive---lb 25 Tannate, 1 oz. vials inclusive __ ----------------------------oz 39 LEAVES, Belladonna----------------------------------------------j*> 40 " powdered____________________________________lb 50 Buchu, short, selected----.-----------------------------R> 20 >l powdered________------------------------------Rj 35 Sage-P____________________________________J> 35 " powdered------------------------------------------ID 45 m: IN EXTRACT MALTED BARLEY, WHEAT & OATS LIST OF MALTINE PREPARATIONS- Maltine (Plain). Maltine with Hops. Maltine with Alteratives. Maltine with Beef and Iron. Maltine with Cod Liver Oil. Maltine with Cod Liver Oil and Pancreatine. Maltine with Hypophosphites. Maltine with Phosphorus Comp. Maltine with Peptones. Maltine with Pepsin and Pancreatine, Maltine with Phosphates. Maltine with Phosphates Iron and Quinia. Maltine with Phosph. Iron, Quinia & Strych. Maltine Ferrated. Maltine Wine. Maltine Wine with Pepsin and Pancreatine. Malto-Yerbine. Malto-Viburnin. The secret of a good Malt Extract consists principally in the malting and mashing of the grain. Diastase is created by fermentation. In the mashing the Diastase is set free and pre- served in vacuum pans at low temperature. Our eaily method of evaporation in vacuo was taken advantage of by competitive houses, which enabled them tp improve .he diastatic action of their preparations, in which, originally, they were wholly deficient. Our improvements in malting and mashing they have never been able to copy. That .Maltine is at least one hundred per cenc. more powerful in converting action than any preparation in the market, is primarily due to the fact that we have been able to preserve all the diastase that can possibly be produced from the grain, by our method of malting. Its great escess of nutritive value over that of any similar production has never been questioned. Maltine will convert'33 times its weight of starch at 140° Fahr in 16 minutes. In proof of these statements, we beg to submit the following chemical analyses made from samples bought by the analysts out of stock in the open market: Prof. Edward W. Morley, M. D. Ph. D , Cleveland Medical College, Dec. 27, 1883.—"It will be seen that your'Maltine'exceeds the Trommer Extract of Malt by fully SO per cent, in diastatic action." Prof. Charles R. C. Tichborne, L.L. D., F. C. S., M. R. I. A., Dublin, Nov. 10, 1883 —" Having examined the principal unfermented Extracts of Malt in the market, I find 'Maltine' is the richest in two of the most important ingredients in these foods, namely, the phosphates or bone-formers, and that peculiar farinaceous digestive, called diastase." P>y William Roberts, M. D., F. R. S.. Physician to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, and Pro- fessor of Clinical Medicine to Owen's Medical College.—"If properly prepared, Malt Extracts are rich in Diastase, and have a high power in digesting starchy matters. But you will be sur- prised to learn, as I was, that a large proportion of the Malt Extracts of commerce have no action on starch. Out of 14 trade samples of Malt Extract examined by Messrs. Dunston & Dimmock, only three possessed the power of acting on starch. These brands were Maltine, Corbyn, Stacy & Co.'s Extract, and Keppler's Malt Extract."—British Medical Journal. Prof. R. H. Chittenden, of Yale University: " 'Maltine' far exceeds in diastatic power any of the six preparations of malt which I have examined. Ten grains of 'Maltine,' warmed at CU-HS0 C. for fifteen minutes with 125 grains of starch in 5 oz. water in the form of paste, formed from the starch 7.43 grains of sugar, calculated as dextrose. Ten grains of Trommer's Extract of Malt, under similar conditions, formed during the same length of time 1.47 grains of sugar, calculated as dextrose." Prof. Atfield, F.R.S., F.T. C, F.C.S., etc., Oct. 3.1883.—"I now find that 'Maltine1 contains from three to five times as much diastase as any Extract of Malt in the market." Prof. Walter S. Haines, A.M., M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, Dec. 13, 1883.—"'Maltine' will convert a much larger amount of starch into sugar than any of the Malt Extracts examined, and I therefore regard it as the best Maltjareparation with which I am acquainted." Prof. Albert B. Prescott, M.D., F.C.S., Univ. Mich., Jan. 7, 1884,—'" Maltine'converts 33 times its weight of starch. Trommer's Extract of Malt converts 16 times its weight of starch." Charles Harrington, M. D., Harvard Univ.—"Comparing 'Maltine' with 'Trommer's Extract of Malt,' I find, after a series of comparative tests, that 'Maltine1 possesses double the converting power of Trommer's preparations. A given weight of'.Maltine1 converted twice the amount of starch that the same weight of Trommer's did, and in less time." Dr. Stutzer, Director of the Imperial Chemical Agricultural Laboratory for Rhenish Prussia, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1, 1884.-"Asto diastase, 'Maltine' is far superior to the best Extracts of Malt I have ever seen." Wo will furnish gratuitously a one-pound bottle of any one of the Maltine Preparations to Physicians who will pay the express chaws. Send for 28-page pamphlet on Maltine for further particulars. Address the MALTLVE ]>1 A.lNUJF'A.OTXJIrtirVG- COM- I*A._N Y. Laboratory:—Yoi.kers-on-tne Hudson. JOHN CAliMtICK, Pres't. (Of Reed & Carnrick, Manufacturing Chemists and Pharmacists.) Office: 182 Fulton Street. iNe.v York, 71 LEAVES, Senna, Alexandria, good quality__________________________]J> 25 " very choice___________________________lb 50 " Tinnevelly .__."----------------------------------jf, 25 Uva Ursi, prime_______________ _ Bb 18 LEPTANDRIN, Keith's______________________."_"__" '. "~"~oz 45 LICORICE, see Extracts, page 45. LIME, see Calcium, page 61. (lBbboxes__________________lb 10 Chloride----------------------H " _________________j, n (*■ " ---------------Tb 13 LINIMENTS, see page 42. LIQUORS, see page 42. LITHIUM, Benzoate, 1 oz. vials inclusive_______________________oz 70 Bromide, " " " -----------------------oz 36 Carbonate," " " _______________________oz 35 Citrate, " " " -----------------------oz 35 Iodide, " " " -----------------------oz 75 Salicylate, " " " -----------------------oz 80 LUNAR CAUSTIC, see Nitrate Silver, page 81. LUPULIN, market rates. LYCOPODIUM__________________________________________jb 50 MAGNESIA, Benzoate, Mallinckrodt's, 1 oz. vial inclusive__________oz 45 Bromide, 1 oz. vial inclusive__________________________oz 60 Calcined, English, 1 lb tins___________________________Jb 75 " Heavy, 1 _b bottles 10 cents_________________lb 90 Carbonate, 2 oz. blocks_______________________________lb 30 " powdered_________________________________lb 25 Chloride, 1 lb bottles 10 cents_________________________lb 65 Citrate, granulated, 1 lb bottles inclusive_______________lb 1 20 " Solution, U. S. P._______________________per doz 2 00 Hypophosphite--------------------------------------oz 35 Iodide, 1 oz. glass stop vial inclusive__________________oz 55 Lactate, 1 oz. vial inclusive___________________________oz 50 Lacto Phosphate, 1 oz. vial inclusive__________________oz 40 Phosphate, 1 oz. vial inclusive________________________oz 30 Salicylate, " " " ________________________oz 1 25 Sulphite, 1 lb bottle 9 cents__________________________lb 90 Valerianate, 1 oz. vial inclusive_______________________oz 1 35 Pints per doz. MALTINE, plain____________:_____________________________________7 50 With Hops_____________________________________________7 50 " Alteratives______________________________________..10 00 " Beef and Iron______________________________________10 00 " CodLiverOil______________________________________7 50 " Cod Liver Oil and Pancreatine______________________ 7 50 " Hypophosphites___________________________________10 00 " Phosphorus Comp-------------------------------__10 00 " Peptones_________________________________________12 00 " Pepsin and Pancreatine____________________________10 00 " Phosphates________________________________________ 7 50 " Phosphates Iron and Quinia------------------------12 00 " Phosphates Iron, Quinia and Strychnia_______________12 00 Ferrated________________________________________________7 50 Wine__________________________________________________ 7 50 Wine with Pepsin and Pancreatine_______________________10 00 Malto-Yerbine_________________________________________ 7 50 Malto-Viburnin_________________________________________10 00 MANNA, Small flake_________________________________________lb 1 30 Large flake, very choice__________________________________lb 2 00 MANGANESE, Bromide, Mallinckrodt's, 1 oz. glass stop vialinclusive_oz 75 Carbonate, 1 oz. vial inclusive_______________________oz 45 Hypophosphite, 1 oz. vial inclusive__________________oz 40 Iodide, 1 oz. glass stop vial inclusive----------------oz 85 Oxide, Black, 1 lb bottle 9 cents___________________Tb 10 Phosphate, 1 oz. vial inclusive______________________oz 65 Sulphate, 1 lb bottle 9 cents________________________lb 1 25 " 1 oz. vial inclusive________________________oz 18 MENTHOL, 1 oz. vials inclusive____________________________________oz 1 30 MERCURY, (Quicksilver)_________________________________________lb 55 " distilled___________________________________lb 75 Acetate, Mallinckrodt's, oz. vials inclusive-------------oz 50 Ammoniated, (white precipitate)________________________lb 1 00 Bichloride, (corrosive sublimate)________________________lb 65 " " ' powdered_______________lb 85 Biniodide,l oz. vial inclusive___________________________oz 30 il lb bottles 9 cents__________lb 65 4 oz. bottles inclusive_____each 25 1 " " _______oz 10 Chloride, (Calomel), Mallinckrodt's, 1 lb bots. 6 cts._______lb 72 " " English,] Bb bottles inclusive________Bb 1 20 Cyanide, 1 oz. vials inclusive___________________________oz 55 Iodide, (green) 1 oz. vials inclusive______________________oz 35 " Per,(red) " " " ______________________oz 35 " Proto, (yellow) 1 oz. vials inclusive_______________oz 28 Nitrate, Proto, 1 oz. vials inclusive______________________oz 35 Oxide, Black, 1 oz. vials inclusive_______________________oz 25 " Red,(Red Precipitate)___________________________lb 85 " Yellow, 1 oz. vial inclusive_______________________oz 30 Subsulphate, 1 oz. vials inclusive_______________________oz 15 Sulpho-cyanide, 1 oz. vials inclusive____________________oz 50 Sulphuret, 1 Bb bottles 9 cents__________________________Tb 87 With Chalk, 1 Tb bottles 7 cents_________________________Bb 45 " " 4 oz. bottles inclusive____________________each 20 " Magnesia, 1 lb bottles 12 cents____________________Bb 90 " " 4 oz. bottles inclusive_________________each 35 MILK, Sugar of, powdered_________________________________________lb 40 MIXTURES, see page 45. MORPHINE, Acetate, see corrected price sheet; Muriate, " " " Sulphate, " " " Valerianate, " " " MOSS, Iceland, select___________.______________________________ Irish, select___________________________________________ MUSTARD, Ground, pure______________________________ NUX VOMICA, Powdered_______________________________ OAKUM, Surgeons'_____________________________________ lb 15 lb 14 Tb 30 Tb 35 Tb 20 1 oz. vials i oz. vials per lb inclusive, inclusive, bots.ex'a OIL, Almond, Bitter________________________________ 75 " Sweet, Allen's________________________ 25 65 Amber, Rectified_______________________________ 20 50 Anise Seed__________............-------------- 20 65 2 25 1 oz. vials 4 oz. vials per lb. inclusive, inclusive, bots. exa OIL, Bay------------------------------------- 65 Bergamot-------------------------------- 20 65 2 50 British________________________________ 15 35 Black Pepper--------------- ------------ 15 30 1 00 Cade------------------------------------ 15 45 Cajeput---------------------------------- 15 25 85 Camphorated_____________.________________ 25 75 Capsicum, Etherial_________________________ 60 Caraway--------------------------------- 25 75* 2 50 Cassia----------------------------------- 15 40 125 Castor, see corrected sheet. Cedar, Pure______________________________ 25 75 Chaulmoogra----------------------------- 35 1 10 4 00 Citronella, finest__________________________ 15 35 1 00 Cloves----------------------------------- 15 40 1 40 Cocoanut________________________________ 30 Cod Liver, finest________________per gal., 2 50 40 " Emulsion, see page 62. Coriander________________________________ 1 25 Croton, best English_______________________ 20 65 2 25 Cubebs---------------------------------- 45 155 6 00 Ergot___________________________________ 25 75 3 25 Erigeron (Fleabane)________________________ 20 55 2 00 Eucalyptus______________________________ 25 70 2 50 Fennel__________________________________ 15 40 1 25 Fireweed________________________________ 20 50 1 75 Hemlock, pure____________________________ 20 60 Juniper, Wood____________________________ 20 60 Lavender, Mt. Blanc________________________ 4 00 " garden__________________________ 30 1 00 Lemon__________________________________ 20 75 2 00 Lobelia, Etherial______________________ ____ 95 Male Fern, Etherial________________________ 50 Mustard, Essential_________________________ 65 Olive, fine Malaga_______________per gal., 1 30 20 " finest Salad_________________________* 20 55 Orange__________________________________ 25 «5 2 25 Origanum, Commercial--------------------- 20 50 " True, Red (Oil Thyme)____________ 35 100 " White " ___.....-____ 40 1 25 Pennyroyal______________________________ 20 50 2 00 Peppermint______________________________ 30 95 3 50 Petroleum, Crude__________________________ • 20 Pimento_________________________________ 25 70 2 50 Berries__________________________ 25 85 3 50 Pumpkin Seed____________________________ 70 Rose, finest, 2 drachm vials----------each, 2 50. Geranium___________________________ 1 10 Rosemary________________________________ 20 60 2 00 Sandalwood, East India_________.....-------- 60 2 00 Sassafras, Pure____________________________ 25 75 Savin____________________________________ 15 40 125 Senega_________________________,-------- 75 Spearmint_______________________________ 40 125 Sperm, (winter bleached)-------------------- 25 Spike, True______________________________ 15 40 Stillingia, Etherial------------------------- 68 PEPTONIZED COD LIVER OIL AND MILK. Physicians who use Cod Liver Oil, or who have discontin- ued its use in consequence of its offensiveness or its injury to digestion, should not fail to give this preparation considera- tion. It is so far in advance of the Emulsions and all former preparations of the Oil that they bear no comparison with it. lst. It contains 52 per cent, of pure Cod Liver Oil combined with Condensed Milk. 2nd. Both the Oil and Milk are perfectly digested and wholly assimilable and con- sequently will agree with the most delicate stomach, while the use of the plain Oil or the Emulsions soon injures digestion to such an extent that but a small portion is assimilated, 3rd. It is so palatable that many Physicians administer it to delicate patients as a preparation of cream. 4th. The administration of plain Cod Liver Oil, or the Emulsions now in use, will almost invariably exhaust the peptic secretions of the stomach in its effort to peptonize a substance only digested in the duodenum and also cause unpleasant eructations and nausea. 5th. A trial of Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Milk will convince any Physician that. 'ts reconstructive properties will prove five times greater than plain Oil or the Emulsions now in use. 6th. The keeping qualities of Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Milk have been thor- oughly tested at all decomposable temperatures. 7th. The complete masking of the Oil in Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Milk is almost wholly due to the digested milk. 8th. Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Milk is furnished at the same price as plain Oil or the Emulsions, although it costs one third more to produce. 9th. Physicians or Druggists need not hesitate to order Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Milk, for if it does not prove satisfactory in every respect we will immediately refund its cost. We also manufacture the above preparation combined with HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LlME AND SODA. We.will furnish gratuitously to any Physician who will pay carriage, a pint bottle of the above preparation. SEND FOR PAMPHLET GIVING A FULL DESCRIPTION. IFor Sale lo-y ZDr-ngrgrists. Manufactured by REED & GARNRIGK, NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY CHAS. TRUAX & CO., - - - Chicago. per lb. bots. ex'a 4 25 15 2 75 6 00 2 50 1 oz. vials 4 os. vials inclusive, inclusive. OIL, T;m»v___ ... __ ... _ _________________ 35 115 Tar.'_____________ . Wintergreen___ . .____ _________________ 25 80 Wormwood______________________________ 45 1 55 Wormseed _ ______________________________ 25 70 OINTMENTS, Seepage 45. OLEATES, See page 46. '* OLEO-RESINS, See page 46. OPIUM, Denarcotized, 1 oz. bottles_____________________________oz ORANGE Peel, bitter, ground________________________________Tb " sweet, "________________________________lb OX-GALL, Inspissated, 1 oz. jars____________________________oz Purified, 1 oz. jars______________________________each PANCREATINE, 1 oz. bottles_______________________________oz PELLETIERINE, Tannate_______________________________grain PEPPER, Black____________________ _____________________Tb Cayenne, powdered, pure________ ______________________Tb PEPSIN, See page 46. PEPTONOIDS,"Beef. See page 68_________.... ______________per doz 8 PEPTONIZED Cod Liver Oil see page 74. PETROLEUM, Jelly, (Unguentum Petrolium) j J ^ c*nS........----jjj ,r (1 lb bottles inclusive_______lb 1 Mass________________- , , , ( t " " _____each PICROTOXINE, 1 dram vial inclusive__________ ______________.each 1 PILOCARPINE, Muriate, 5 grain vials________________________per vial Nitrate, 5 grain vials________________________.per vial PI PER I N, 1 oz. vials inclusive______...........-.------------...__oz PITH, Sassafras, best_____________________________________________lb 1 PITCH, Burgundy, true__________________________________________lb PILLS, Wm. S. MerriUChem. Co.'s.) ~ „ ,. . , . , • pi Ti ■ t f ' /Full line at manufacturers prices, h-arke Ha\ is .v Lo. s. V legs trade discount For list see incjex. \V m. R. \\ arner s. ) PLASTER, Paris, dental____________________________________Tb PLASTERS, in jars and rolls. See page. 47. Spread, Seaburv & Johnson's, see index. PODOPHVLLIN, 1 oz. vials'_________________________________oz \ pints_______________per doz 2 ) quarts______________per doz 4 POTASSA, Mallinckrodt's. Acetate, 1 ]b bottles 12 cts.....______________________lb Bicarbonate, 1 lb bottles 9 cts.--------------------------lb Bichromate__________________________________________Bb " powdered_________________________________lb / bulk, in papers_____________lb „ ., ) 5 lb boxes________________Bb Bromide-----------------j 1 ^ botties 9 cts___________lb ( granulated, bulk___________lb Carbonate, (Salts Tartar) 1 Bb bottles 9 cts.---------------lb ' ,,;.., ( 1 lb bottle 9 cts._______..---lb Caustic, White----------j 1 Qz yials inclusive________oz " pure (by Alcohol) 4 oz. vials_________________each " Cum. Calce. (Vienna Caustic) 4 oz. vials each__each Chlorate, white crystals________________________________lb " granulated, purified___________________________lb " powdered___________________________________Bb PORTER, Imported. 03 38 25 00 32 22 18 40 36 34 36 3S 15 60 15 50 25 21 28 30 HORLICK'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. Free From Starch, Soluble in Milk or Water, Ready for Use —No Cooking, Price 40 and 75 Cents, at all Druggists. The Best Diet for Nursing Mothers, Dyspeptics, Consump- tives, Etc. Nutritious and Agreeable, Already Digested. SAMPLE AND PAMPHLET SENT FREE. Horlick's Food QoM Racine, Wis- Dr. J. Lewis Smith, New York, in his work on Diseases of Infants and Children, Ed. 1881, page 710, says: "The one food in the shops which, on account of its excellence, merits most the confidence of the profession, is Liebig's, as now prepared by HORLICK." Dr. Abraham Jacobi, President of the New York Medical Society, in his anniversary address says: HORLICK'S FOOD is deserving of more favorable mention than others, as it is a food in which the starch has been converted into dextrine and grape sugar, and is therefore more easily digested.—Philadelphia Medical News, No. 7, Vol. XL- We refer by permission to Drs. W. H. Byford, J. Adams Allen, De Las- kie Miller, Chicago; G. B. Fowler, New York; Carl Seiler, Philadelphia, and hundreds of others. PRICES: HORLICK'S FOOD, 18 oz. cans_____________.....___________retail 75 " " 8 oz. cans.....---........_______________retail 40 Physicians supplied at wholesale prices by Charles Truax & Co. Horlick's Dry Extract of Malt Is a more elegant and convenient preparation for physicians than the liquid. It will not ferment or undergo any change. It is far more economical than the liquid, and being only one-half the price of the latter is rapidly growing in favor among such of the profession as prefer a perfectly stable Extract of Malt at a low figure. Retail Price, 18 oz. bottle_______________________________________ . 1 00 " 8 oz. bottle_____________________________________ 50 PHYSICIANS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICE BY CHAS. TRUAX & CO. tb 50 lb 65 lb 60 oz1 20 POTASSA, Chloride,1 Tb bottles 9 cts._________________________ Citrate, " " " _________________. _ ._ Cyanide, fused, 1 lb bottles 9 cts____________ _______ Hypophosphite, 1 oz. vials inclusive________________ Iodide, see correction sheet. " granulated, see correction sheet. Liquor, U. S. P., 1 Bb glass stop bottles 15 cts. ._______ __lb 15 Nitrate, see Sal Nitre. Permanganate, 1 oz. vials inclusive______________________oz 10 Phosphate_______________/l lb bottles 9 cts. ... ._...!> 1 75 1 \ 1 oz. vials inclusive_________oz 10 Prussiate, yellow______________________________________Bb 30 Salicylate, 1 oz. vials inclusive__________________________oz 60 e -it / 1 lb bottles inclusive________lb 85 Sesquicarbonate__ _____- „ , -,K M \ 2 oz. " " ______each 15 Sulphate, powdered____________________________________lb 18 Sulphite, 1 Bb bottles 9 cts_________________________ . lb 50 Sulpho-Cvanide, 1 oz. vial, inclusive_________ .._._- .oz. 40 Sulphurc't, 1 Tb bottles, 9 cts_____________________ . lb 25 ( 1 lb bottles, 9 cts.....__________ ._ ...lb 65 Tartrate___ __< 4 oz bottles, inclusive_______________each 25 ( 1 oz bottles, inclusive___ .. _________oz 12 PROPYLAMINE, Pure Liquid, 1 oz vials, inclusive________________oz 1 00 Chloride ^ oz vials, inclusive___________________vial 1 00 POWDERS, see page 47. QUASSIA, Chips_________________________--------------Tb 12 Powdered_______________________________ ----Tb 30 QUINAMINE, 1 oz vials, inclusive. ___________ .... __________oz 80 QUININE, Acetate, market rates. Bisulphate. See correction sheet. Citrate, market rates. And Iron, Citrate, market rates. Pure Alkaloid, market rates. Salicylate, market rates. Sulphate. See correction sheet. Tannate, market rates. Valerianate, market rates. QLTNINE-DEXTRO, 1 oz vials________________ ------------oz 1 50 QUINIDIA, Sulphate, market rates. Pure, market rates. QUIN-QUINIA, 1 oz. vials_____ ... --------------oz 85 RESIN, Jalap________________ ---------------------oz 70 RESIN, Commercial_______ ...--- - ------- ---Tb 03 RESINOIDS. See index. ROOT, Aconite____________________ ---- --------«J 30 " powdered_________ — ---Tb 35 Althea, cut (marsh mallow)--- ---- - -----lb 30 Blood______________________________ ---- -----K> 16 " powdered________ ...... ... lb 18 Calamus, peeled_______ --- ---- - ---- lb 25 " powdered____ ---- . .. ... Bb 30 Columbo, select------- - --------- ---lb 25 " powdered __.... .--------- - ---lb 27 Dandelion, cut_________ ---------------- ---------Tb 28 » " powdered_______ .____________ --- — ----lb 35 Elecampane___________ --- --------------- -----R> ^0 " powdered___________________________ ...... -lb 25 Gentian, select___---------------------------- -.-Tb 15 " a.round ._________________....... ... ---........lb 20 KEASBEY & MATTISON'S Granulated Effervescent Preparations. In inviting the attention of our medical friends to the accompanying list of our Granular Ef- fervescent Preparations, we would say that the qualities which have made these remedies so de- servedly popular are still maintained, and it will continue to be our aim to support the repu ation they have gained. . . We are the original introducers of many of the most popular combinations administered in this form, and by far the largest manufacturers of Effervescent Salts in America, the goods of our make being held in preference by all the leading Physicians and Druggists of the country. KEASBEY SZ MATTISOIST, PHILADELPHIA. AMBLER. NEW YORK. COMPOSITION LIST. {One heaping teaspoonftil equals one drachm.) In each drachm. Acid Salicylic..................... 5 grains. Bismuth Citrate...............__2 " Bromo.Cafleine......._________ 1 " Ca Heine Citrate_______......__1 " Catteine Cit. and Pepsin, (1 gr. Cit. Caff., 10 grs. Pep.) Carlsbad Salt, as the natural water. Cerium Nitrate...................2 " Cerium Oxalic................__2 ', Congress Salt, as the natural water. Crab Orchard Salt, " " Friedrichsliall, " " Guarana, (active principle of, rep- resenting 30 grs.) Iron Bromide.....................2 " Iron Carbonate...................2 " Iron Citrate.........______......2 " Iron and Arsenic Cit., (2 grs. Cit. Iron. 1-50 _r. Ars.) Iron and Quinine Cit............. 3 " Iron, Quinine and Arsenic Cit- rate, (3 grs Citrate of Iron and Quinine, i-50gr. Arsenic.) Iron Iodide........................ 1 " Iron Phosphate..................2 " Iron Phosphate, Quinine and Strychnia, i2 grs. Phos. Iron, 1 gr. Quinine, 1-50 gr. Strychnia.) Kissingen Salt,as the natural water Lithiated Potash, (10 grs. each of the Bicarbonates of Lithia, Soda and Potash.) Lithium Benzoate............... 4 " Lithium Bromide................ 4 " Lithium Carbonate..............2 " Lithium Citrate with Potash, (5 grs.Cit. Lith., 10grs.Cit.Potash.) In each drachm. Lithium Citrate......._..........4 grains Lithium Citrate, with Soda, (5 grs. Cit. Lith., 10 grs. Cit. Soda.) Lithium Citrate with Soda and Potash, (5 grs. Cit. Lithium, 10 grs. each Cit. Soda and Potash.) Lithium Salicylate............... 4 " Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Aperient, Pepsin......_...................... 5 " Pepsin and Bismuth, (5 grs. Pep- sin, 2 grs. Cit. Bis.) Pepsin, Bismuth and Iron,(5 grs. Pepsin, 2 grs. Cit Bismuth, 1 gr. Cit. Iron.) Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia, (5 grs. Pepsin, 2 grs. Cit. Bis., 1-50 gr. Cit. Strych.) Potassium Benzoate____........2 " Potassium Bicarbonate.........10 " Potassium Bromide..............10 " Potassium Citrate____....._____10 " Potassium Citrate, with Lithia, (10 grs. Cit. of Potash. 5 grs Cit. Lithi nm. Potassium Iodide................ 2 *' Potassium Nitrate...........___5 " Pullna Salt, as the natural water. Kochelle Salt, " " " Seidlitz Mixture, (Seidlitz Powder, LT. S. P.) Seltzer Salt, as the natural water. Sodium Bicarbonate.............10 " Sodium Bromide..................5 " Sodium Salicylate................ 5 " Vichy Salt. Vichy Lithiated, (Vichy Salt with Lithia.) EFF. BROMO-CAFFEINE CUBES NERVOUS HEADACHES. DEXTRO-QUININE & DEXTRO-QUININE PILLS, Gelatine-Coated, Sugar-Coated, or in Capsules. The constantly increasing use of Dextro-Quinine, not only as the most efficient substitute for Quinine which has yet been discovered, but as a rcmedv of greater value than S^umhv in chronic malarial conditions, impels us to present Dextro-Quinine to the subscribers to this list. Dextro-Quinine and Keasbey & Mattison's Granulated Effervescent Salts Supplied by CHARLES TRUAX &. CO., Chicago. ROOT, Gentian, powdered_______ ._.........______________.......Tb Ginger, African___........_______________________________lb " powdered.......____________________............_Ib " Jamaica, bleached__....._______i_________________lb powdered_____________________________...lb Golden Seal. Ipecac. powdered Jalap powdered .Bb Bj .lb Bj tb -Bj powdered'.............._.....................___.. Licorice, select........____________________................Bj " powdered...........____........_________________Bb Mandrake________________________________________________B) " powdered_______......_____......___........__lb O rris, Florentine______________________________......______lb " " powdered.....__... ............___........lb Pink_____________________________'._______............___Bb " powdered __....................--- ............_____Bb Rhubard, East India___________..........'.-.....----------..Bj " " " powdered______________________________Tb " very choice________________________________Bb " "" " cut______........._____............Bj " " " powdered__________.....__________Bj Seneka___...__.----------------------------------lb Serpentaria_____________________________.....------Bj Squill, sliced___ ...--------------------------------Bb " powdered____________________________________lb Valerian_______________ ----... -------------------Bb " powdered______ .........---------------*----Bb RUM, Domestic.____________...--------------------------gal Jamaica, genuine---______-------------------------gal New England, fine old------------------------- ------gal SAFFRON, See Flowers SALICIN, Mallinckrodt's, 1 oz. vials, inclusive-------------------oz 4 oz. vial, inclusive_____ ----------------------------each 1 It) can, inclusive___ - Bj 5 Tb can, inclusive____________________ —------------Bj SAL Ammoniac. See Ammonia Muriate. Epsom, 5 lbs and upwards-------------------- ..------------Tb Glauber, 5 lbs and upwards--------------------- ---------- - B) Nitre, pure, large crystal_____-------------------------------Bj " " powdered_____________________ ------- ...Bj Rochelle________________________________------ -----------Tb Soda,_________________________________ -- ---------Bj Tartar,_________________________________- - - ---------K> SALTS, Crab Orchard, genuine_________ ---- ---------------Bb Granular, effervescent. See page 7S. SANTONIN, 1 oz. vials, inclusive-----------------------------oz SANGUINARIA, Nitrate ...................-----------------oz Nitrate___.....______________............dram Sulphate______...__________........---dram SEED, Anise__________________________________________ Bird, mixed, 1 Bb cartoons------------------------ Canary, market price. Caraway_______________________________________ Cardamom__________........--------------------- Celerv_________________________________________ 20 15 20 25 30 40 48 110 135 35 50 15 18 23 25 33 40 40 45 1 00 1 25 1 75 2 00 2 50 70 50 12 25 25 30 2 50 6 00 3 50 20 65 2 25 2 00 03 02 12 15 35 03 15 30 55 13 20 38 15 06 15 50 25 Established in 1832. IRONDEQUOIT WINE CO, Grape Growers and Manufacturers of PURE GRAPE WINES. VINEYARDS, IRONDEQUOIT BAY, MONROE CO., NEW YORK. Our Wines are Strictly Pure Juice, Matured by Age. NO WINES SOLD UNTIL SEVEN YEARS OLD. 1885 SALES. -.....VINTAGE 1878. SOLD ONLY BY DRUGGISTS. SEED, Coriander ._______ ______________ j^ jg Fennel------------------------------"!"..!."."."."."."."."_""."."."." ."."_\'."Db 18 Flax-.............---------.....-----........-...........Bj 05 " ground---------------------------------------..... j, 06 Foenugreek---........___________________________________^b 10 " powdered________________________________________J5 \<% Hemp, market price. Jeguerity---------------------- ____________________________oz 25 Lobelia_____________________________ __________ jr, qq " powdered---------------__________ ___________""iblOO Mustard, white_________________________ _____________ J5 12 " brown........___________________________________jjj ]9 ground, pure-------------------------------------ft, 35 Pumpkin_________________..__ __._____________ tb 25 Rape.. ---------------------- ----------_"-_"""_"_"_""& 10 Worm (Levant)_____________________________________tb 20 SILVER, Mallinckrodt's. Bromide, 1 oz. vial inclusive________________.............._oz 2 00 Chloride, 1 oz. vial inclusive____...________________________oz 1 45 Cyanide, 1 oz,. vial inclusive_______........_____________-__oz 1 90 Iodide, 1 oz. vial inclusive_________________________________oz 1 50 Nitrate, 1 oz. vial inclusive________________________________oz 85 " Fused (Lunar Caustic)______________________________oz 90 " " Cones---------------------------------------oz 1 00 " Cones with 5 per cent, chloride_________________oz 1 00 Oxide, 1 oz. vial inclusive_________________________________oz 1 65 SOAP, Castile, best white, imported, 31b bars________________________lb 18 " Mottled, imported, 31b bars__________________________tb 15 Green, lib can, 8 cts________________________________ _. __Ib 25 SODIUM, Mallinckrodt's. Acetate, 1 lb bottles 9 cts__________________________________lb 45 Arseniate, 1 oz. vials inclusive____________________________oz 17 Benzoate, 1 oz. vials inclusive______________________________oz 35 Bicarbonate_____________________________________________lb 06 " Chem. pure, 1 Bb bottle, 9 cts___________________lb 35 Bisulphite, 1 Bb bottles, 9 cts______________________________lb 60 Bromide, 1 Bb bottles 9 cts---------------------------------lb 50 Carbonate, Granulated, pure, 1 Bj bottles, 9 cts_______________Tb 25 " Dried, pure, 1 lb bottles, 9 cts____________________lb 50 Caustic, 1 lb bottle 9 cts__________________________________lb 60 Chlorate, 1 oz. vial inclusive______________________________oz 20 Citrate, 1 lb bottle 9 cts___________________________________lb 65 Hypophosphite, 1 oz. vials inclusive________________________oz 20 Hyposulphite___________________________________________lb 08 Iodide, 1 oz. vials, inclusive______________________________oz 35 Nitrate, pure, Crystals, 1 lb bottles 9 cts-------------------lb 25 Phosphate, 1 lb bottles 9 cts-------------------------------lb 25 " granulated, 1 lb bottles 9 cts.-------------------lb 50 Pyro-phosphate 1 lb bottles 9 cts__________________________lb 90 ( 1 lb bottles 10 cts-----------lb 2 50 Salicylate_________________•] 4 oz. vials, inclusive______each 75 (_ 1 oz. vials, inclusive________oz 22 Silicate, Solution, (liquid glass) 1 lb bottles 10 cts------------lb 15 Sulphate, chem., pure, 1 tb bottles 9 cts---------------------lb 45 Sulphide, 1 lb bottles 9 cts._______________________________lb 80 Sulphite, crystal, 1 lb bottles 9 cts_________________________lb 20 " granulated, 1 lb bottles 9 cts._____________________lb 34 Sulphocarbolate, 1 oz. vials, inclusive______________________oz 14 SOL.XJBLH3 OOMFlFtESSEID HYPODERMIC TABLETS. be ^X^^oXie^^"^^ Z^lTe^ ^"^ ^ ^ bilit?6 l?pS!f^e0Bn^ltt?S!S Jrug61" AbS°1Ute aCCUraCy °f d°&e: Ready aDd eDtire 8o1- Their convenience and utility will at once be apparent on examination. EXACT SIZE OF TUBE. IVEFt TUJBE j. 1 Morphae Sulphas 1-2 grain, Soda Sulphas 1-4 grain. 2 Morphae Sulphas 1-3 grain, Sodae Sulphas 14 grain. 3 Morphae Sulphas 1-4 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 4 Morphae Sulphas 1-6 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 5 Morphae Sulphas 1-8 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 6 Morphae Sulphas 1-12 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain 7 Morphae Sulphas 1-2 grain, Atropiae Sulphas 1-100 grain Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain 8 Morphae Sulphas 1-3 grain, Atropiae Sulphas 1-120 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 9 Morphae Sulphas, 1-4 grain, Atropiae Sulphas 1-150 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. TO Morphae >ulphas 16 grain, Atropiae Sulphas 1-180 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 11 Morphae Sulphas 1-8 grain, Atropiae Sulphas 1-200 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 12 Morphae Sulphas 1-12 grain, Atropiae Sulphas 1-250 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain . 13 Atropiae Sulphas 1-60 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 14 Atropiae Sulphas 1-100 grain Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 15 Atropine Sulphas 1-15'* grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain 16 Strychniae Sulphas 1-60 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 17 Strychniae Sulphas 1-100 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. OF cts. 25 20 25 20 20 15 20 TABLETS. No. 1 8 Strychniae Sulphas 1-150 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain ■' 19 Apomorphia 1-10 grain, Sodii Chloricl, 18 grain. " 20 Apomorphia 1-20 grain, Sodii Chlorid 1-8 grain. " 21 Pilocarpin Mur. 1-4 grain, Sodii Chlor 1-4 grain. " 2 2 Pilocarpin Mur. 1-8 grain, Sodii Chlor. 1-4 grain. " 23 Pilocarpin Mur. 1-20 grain, Sodii Chlor. 1-4 grain. " 24 Pilocarpin Mur. 1-2 grain, Sodii Chlor. 1-4 grain. " 25 Pilocarpin Mur. 1-3 grain, Sodii Chlor. 1-4 grain. " 26 Pilocarpin Mur. 1-10 grain, Sodii Chlor. 1-4 grain. ' 2 7 Aconitia 1-00 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. " 28 Aconitia 1-130 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1 4 grain. " 29 Aconitia 1-360 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. ' 30 Morph. Bi-Meconas 1-3 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. ' 31 Morph. Bi-Meconas 1-4 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. ' 32 Morph. Bi-Meconas 1-6 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. 33 Morph. Bi-Meconas 1-8 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. " 34 Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros. 1 30 grain, Sodoe Chlor. 1-4 grain. ' 35 Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros. 1-60 grain, Sodii Chlor. 1-4 grain. " 36 Digitalin 1-100 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain. ' 37 Atropiae Sulphas 1-200 grain, Sodae Sulphas 1-4 grain Case mu • n ■,■ -, . , ~ uuu cans m 20 / 1 Bb cans lb 30 VASELINE. See Unguentum Petrolium. VERATRIA, Sulphate,ioz. vials_____________________________vial 65 VERDIGRIS, powdered____________________________________ft 55 VINEGARS. See page 53. WATER, Cherry Laurel, containers extra_______________________lb 35 Distilled, containers extra, pint, 10 cts__________________gal 25 Orange Flower, containers extra_______________________Tb 45 WAX, Bees, Yellow________________________________________lb 40 White----------------------------------------------lb 55 WHISKEY, Bourbon, good quality, containers extra______________gal 2 75 " Old Sour Mash, containers extra____________gal 4 00 Rye, Choice old Monongahela, containers extra_______gal 6 00 WINES, Medicated. See page 53. WINES, GRAPE. Our wines are all warranted pure grape juice, and prices given arc for fine aged stock. Cheaper and newer wines can be furnished if desired. Angelica, containers extra___________________________________gal 2 50 Catawba, containers extra________________________________per gal 2 50 Claret " " _______________________'._______,---gal 2 75 Muscatel " " ____________________________________gal 2 00 Port, new " "____________________________________gal 1 75 " choice old, containers extra____________________________gal 3 00 " Irondequoit " " See page 80.________________gal 4 00 Sherrv, new " "____________________________gal 1 75 "" fine old " " ____________________________gal 3 00 ZINC, Mallinckrodt's. Acetate, 1 Bb bottles, 15 cts------------------------------------Bd 50 Bromide, 1 oz. glass stop vials, inclusive_______________________oz 30 Carbonate, 1 Tb bottles, 15 cts_________________________________Tb 35 Chloride, fused, 1 oz. vials inclusive___________________________oz IS " granulated, 1 oz. vials, inclusive_______________________oz 18 Oxide______________________________________________________lb 16 " chemically pure_______________________________________Bb 70 Sulphate____________________________________________________lb 12 " granulated, purified________________________________Bb 25 Sulphocarbolate, 1 oz. vials* inclusive_________________________Bb 14 ,T , . ( 1 dram vials, inclusive----each 12 THE NEW REMEDY FOR NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. Tonga is a product of the Tonga or Friendly Islands, where it has long been used as a do- mestic remedy. It was introduced to the notice of the medical profession by Drs. Ringer and Murrell, of London, England, who have made some very thorough and most satisfactory experi- ments as to its therapeutic value. ^YYYPYOkYYYVD is a combination of Tonga with powerful salicylates, each fluid drachm rep- aJVvv^jVVWVVC resenting Tonga, 30 grains; Extractum Cimicifugae Racemosae, 2 grains; Sodium Salicylate, 10 grains; Pilocarpin Salicylate, 1-100 grain; Colchicin Salicylate, 1-500 grain. It is taken internally and intended to reach the cause of the complaint, not merely to allay the symptoms. Contains no morphine nor opium. Is attended with no injurious nor unpleasant reactionary effects. -., \\"-.«■«£-. '" .,-.-■.-*.- ^iv^.w^jp DOSE: TeaspoonfuL In acute cases every hour until pain ceases, then discontinue. In chronic forms, four to six times per day at regular intervals. To prevent recurrence, every two hours. ______________________________ St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 16, 1883. I am prescribing SQWC&OCVtaXC with satisfactory results. For the indefinite aches and pains of nervous patients it is superior to any other anodyne. For nervous headache or muscular rheu- matism it is almost a specific. PARK KITCHIE, M. D. Louisville, Ky., June 12, 1883. I have used SXmc&c£&ae during the past few weeks in i euralgic affections, many of them in a severe form, with the most gratifying results, and these results have been quite uniform. T. S. BELL, M. D. eplaVe°nttt Standard $7IDDIiE BM$ Are made of One Piece cf best Black or Russet Leather. Nickel-Plated Finish- ings. No Seams or Stitches. Leather Partitions which with Vials can be removed as desired. Acid Proof India Rubber Corks, which will not break or shake loose—but not to be used for Chloroform. Adopted by the United States Government over all competitors. r»n. ice:: SMALL SIZE, $11.00 Contains eight % oz., sixteen | Contains ten V/n oz. vials. LARGE SIZE, - - $12.00 [ oz., twenty 1*4 vials. EXTRA LARGE SIZE, $15.00 Contains twelve \y2 oz., sixteen 4 oz. vials. A. A. MELLIER, Sole Prop'r, 709 & 711 Washington Ave., St. Louis. Orders filled by CHARLES TRUAX & CO. 2673 PAINTS AIVO OILS! Although we are exclusive dealers in dispensing stock, vet we receive many inquiries pertaining to the Paint and Oil Trade, and as we do not desire to receive orders for this line of goods, we take pleasure in referring our patrons to Messrs. Coffin, Devoe cV Co., of this city, whose notice appears below. We have known the members of this firm for many, years, and have always found them reliable, and we believe them worthy of the patronage of all. Please mention our list when writing them. CHARLES TRUAX & CO. Coffin, Devoe & Co., (F. W. Devoe & Co., New York ) MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF DRY AND GROUND COLORS, DIAMOND (paste) PAINTS, MIXED PAINTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES AND ARTIST'S MATERIALS. WTe shall be pleased, to correspond with parties who contemplate putting in new stocks of goods in our line. Regular dealers' trade is our specialty. (J3P* We furnish separately a regular Catalogue of Paints, Brushes and Var- nishes, also of Artists' Materials, which will be sent on request. 176 RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES --AND-- OFFICE SUPPLIES. ALCOHOL LAMPS, Fig. 2, with burner and ground glass cap. 2 oz._____________________________________each 35 4oz______________________________________each 45 BEAKERS, Fig. 4, 5 in nest, 2 to 10 oz.__________________________nest 1 25 2 oz.______________________________________.________doz 1 50 4 oz________________________________________________doz 2 00 Fig. 6. Fig. 4. Fig, 3. BED PANS, Fig. 6, white_______________________________________each 1 00 Yellow_____________________________________each 85 Rubber, see rubber list. BLOW PIPES, Brass, jeweler's form____________________________each 50 ;'>4. Fig. 8. Fig. 12. Fig. 10. BOXES, Pill, paper, common red, nested. 4 sizes in nest, 12 nests or •&• gross in paper. Fig. 8_______________________gross Bronze, shouldered, nested, 4 sizes in nest, 12 nests in paper. FiglO---...................____gross This is much stronger than the ordinary red pill box, and will give good satisfaction. No. 5, same as fig. 10, holding about 2 doz. granules, 1 gross in box__________________________gross No. 6, same as fig. 10, holding about 1 doz. 3 gr. pills, 1 gross in box__________________________gross No. 7, same as fig. 10, holding about 2 doz. 3 gr. pills, 1 gross in box__________________________gross 1 00 French Edges, small, fig. 12, 1 gross in box____gross 75 " " medium, fig. 12, 1 gross in box.gross 90 " " large, fig. 12, 1 gross in box___gross 1 00 Nested, same as above, J gross in paper--------gross 1 00 35 75 60 75 BOXES, Powder, slide, small, fig. 14____gross 1 00 medium, large nested, Tin, for ointment, snap cover i oz. ■J- oz.. Fig. 14. pressed oz._ oz._ oz.. oz. -100 .100 TOO TOO .100 .100 Fig. 18. BREAST PUMPS, Mattson's. Vibratory, fig. 16___doz 7 00 Improved, fig. 18___doz 10 00 English, fig. 20_____doz 3 50 Economical, self-drawing _________________doz 2 50 BRUSHES, Camel's hair (pencils) ass'd______doz 20 _ Same___________gross 150 O Throat, quill bent fig. 22 _________doz 1 00 Dram____________________100 t oz_______________________100 " « " " 1 oz_______________________100 " « " 1 oz_______________________100 " « " " 2 oz_______________________100 Wood turned, % oz_____________ __________________gross " " 1 oz________________________________gross " " 2 oz________________________________gross 5«K 60 70 80 90 35 60 60 70 85 95 40 60 75 00 Fig. 16. Wire, silk-bound, fig. 24-------------------------------doz 1 25 O O Fig. 22. FiS- ~4 BURETTES, Mohr's complete------------------------------each 2 °jj CORK PRESSES, Lever, fig. 26----------------------------eac£ »U Rotating, fig. 28------------------ each 75 CHAMOIS SKINS, Small---------------------doz. 2 00 to 6 UU Medium_________________________doz. 3 50 to 5 00 Large__________________________doz. 6 00 to 10 00 CHEST PROTECTORS (for chest only)----------------- 75 to 1 UU (for chest and back)______________ 1 50 to 3 00 <* o V ^eal Ca// % 'A It Stands at the Head. Corry, Pa., 9-30-84. Brown, Vowell & Co., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen:—The Caligraph was awarded first medals at the Exhibitions in Philadelphia, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Montreal and Ottawa. Resp'y, The American Writing Machine Co. The No. lJCaligraph complete with office case $70.00. Writes all capitals and is the fastest writing machine made. The No. 2,Caligraph complete with office case. $85.00. • Writes both capitals and small letters and is the best upper and lower case writing machine in the world. Supplies of All Kinds, Rubbers, Carbon Paper, Copyholders, Type Brushes, Onion Skin and Linen Paper Kept in Stock. For further information regarding machine or supplies, address, BROWN, VOWELL & CO., 175 La Salle St., CHICAGO ILL Sole Agents for the_Northwest. ' in less quantities per gross CORKS, X or Common: No. 0, 5 gross in sack, per sack 35 No. 1,........_____________ 35 No. 2,______________,____ 45 ... No. 3____________________ 50 ._- No. 4,___________________ 55 ... No. 5,___________________ 70 ... No. 6,___________________ 85 ... No. 7,___________________ 130 ... No. 8,___________________1 85 .._ Nos. 1 to 6, assorted for physicians, in 5 Nos. 3 to 6,' same______________________ Larger sizes in stock at market prices. CORKS, XX Selected (or best quality). No. 00, 5 gross in sack, per sack 1 00 No. 0,___________________1 00 No. 1,___________________1 05 ____________________ No. 2,___________________ 1 15 ____________________ No. 3,___________________1 35 ____________________ No.4,___________________1 55 ____________________ No. 5,___________________ 1 85 ____________________ No. 6,___________________2 35 ____________________ No. 7,___________________2 75 ____________________ No. 8,___________________3 30 ____________________ Nos. 1 to 6, assorted for physicians, 5 gro. in sack, per sack____ 1 Nos. 3 to 6, same__________________________________________1 CORKS, Rubber, full assortment. CORKSCREWS, different patterns______________________________ 20 to 75c sacks, per sack Less quantities per gross 25 25 27 29 32 36 45 55 65 75 50 65 15 to 25 Berlin Shape. DROPPERS, Medicine, straight_____________ ..doz. 50 " bent__________________ _.doz. 50 ENVELOPES, Drug, for powders...thousand . 1 25 to 2 00 EVAPORATING DISHES, Porcelain with lip. Fig. 34. 2 oz___________each 30 4 oz___________each 50 8 oz___________each 60 16 oz-----------each 75 Fig. 36. 32 oz----....... each 1 00 Fig. 34. FEEDING DISHES. Fig. 36.. FILTER PAPER, Round, 6 in.. 9£ in. " 13 in.. . doz 3 00 quire 15 quire 18 quire 20 Fig. 38. Fig. 40. FILTER STAND, 3 ring_______________________each 1 00 4 ring,fig.38-----------------each 1 25 and Retort Stand, fig. 40, for general purposes, Sperry's patent________each 5 00 This price does not include retort, evaporating dish, etc. FLASKS, Chemical, best Bohemian, round or flat bottom, 4 oz,, fig. 42,-----------------------------each 8oz-------_-----------------------------each 16 oz------------------------------------each 32 oz--------------------------------------each FUNNELS, Glass, 1 oz., fig. 44______________________each " 2 oz.----------------------------each " 4 oz.----------------------------each " 8 oz.----------------------------each " 16 oz.----------------------------each " 32 oz.----------------------------each Fig. GLASSWARE. Acid bottles, long stop, fig. 46 _ .each FURNITURE BOTTLES, Tinctures, fig. 48, 1 oz. _™"_doz 2 oz------------------doz 4 oz------------------doz 8 oz------------------doz 16 oz-----,------------doz 32 oz------------------doz %. gal-----------------doz Salt Mouths, fig. 50, 1 oz___doz 2 oz------------------doz 4 oz-------------_____doz ---------_____doz 8oz___ 16 oz___ 32 oz___ Vz gal.... .doz .doz -doz 50 00 25 50 75 00 25 00 25 50 00 25 50 25 00 Fig. 46. Fig. 48. Fig. 50. SYRUPS, made with loose stoppers to obviate the difficulty of stoppers sticking. Pint------------------------doz 1 50 Quart-----------------------doz 2 00 y2 Gal-------------_________doz 3 25 When ordered by the dozen a discount of 20 per cent, will be allowed from above prices. Sp'ecial quotations given on application for large quantities. VIALS, Flint, French square or oval prescription. The French squire will be sent unless ovals are specified. in case lots no charge for cases. When ordered Prices in full cases : i oz., 5 gross in case__________gross 1 oz., 5 gross in case__________gross 2 oz., 3 gross in case__________gross 3 oz., 2 gross in case__________gross 4 oz., 2 gross in case______:___gross 6 oz., 1 gross in case__________gross 8 oz., 1 gross in case__________gross 16 oz., i gross in case__________gross Prices in less than case lots: i oz., per doz., 14c____________gross 1 oz., per doz., 15c____________gross 2 oz., per doz., 18c____________gross 3 oz., per doz., 21c____________gross 4 oz., per doz., 25c____________gross 6 oz , per doz., 30c. • 8 oz., per doz., 35c. 16 oz , per doz., 60c. (The dozen price will be charged.for less than gross lots.) For the convenience of Physicians we have these vials well washed, corked with the best corks and wrapped with light manilla paper. The advantage of using these will be readily seen, for not only are the bottles always ready for use, with corks fitted, but a wrapper is supplied which can be used to re-wrap the vial after being filled and labeled. (We also supply to order gummed labels, printed, with physician's name and address. See page 95.) Fig. 5 5 1 25 1 25 1 60 1 90 2 25 3 00 3 50 6 00 1 50 1 50 1 90 2 25 2 75 Price for Vials, washed, corked and wrapped, £ oz.-----------------doz 18 1 oz._________________doz 19 2 oz._________________doz 24 3 oz._________________doz 30 4 oz._________________doz 35 6 oz._________________doz 40 8 oz._________________doz 50 S. 4 drachm. S. 3 drachm. S. 2 drachm. S. 1 drachm. S. J^ drachm. S. 34 drachm. VIALS—HOMEOPATHIC, Flint, patent lip, heavy tubes: Jdrachm, 1 gross in box___________gross 70 i " 1 gross in box___________gross 70 1 " 1 gross in box___________gross 75 li " 1 gross in box___________gross 80 2 " 1 gross in box___________gross 85 3 " 1 gross in box___________gross 1 10 * 4 " 1 gross in box___________gross 1 50 GRADUATES—Minim_______________________each 1 oz.-------------------------each 2 oz----------v_______________each 4 oz._________________________each 8oz. fig. 58____________________each Pints________________________each Metric (ounces and metric.) 1 oz. and 30 grammes___________each 2 oz. and 60 " ___________each 4 oz. and 120 " __________each 8 oz. and 240 " ___________each Fig. 58. HYDROMETERS, Acid__________________ Coal oil__________ Milk__________________ Spirits________________ Syrup___________ ._ HYDROMETER JARS, on foot, 8 inches high. « » u jo ., » .< « 12 " " JARS, Ointment, glass, with wood cover. £ oz___ i oz--- 1 oz___ 2 oz. .each .each .each -each .each . each .each .each 50 50 50 50 50 45 60 78 doz 35 doz 40 doz 50 .doz 60 KNIFE, Physicians, with 2 blades and folding spatula, pearl handle.........._____each 1 50 LABELS, Glass, sample sheet furnished on application. Mica, sample sheet furnished on application. Dispensing for physicians' use, with name and address of physician printed to order. Prices........................for 500, for 1000 No. 0, 2£x3 in., neat gold border ...1 50 2 00 No. 1, llx2£ in., neat gold border ..1 00 1 50 No. 2, l#x2£ in., neat gold border .. 90 1 35 MAGNIFYING GLASSES, single lens, small . 35 to 45 " " medium " " large.. double lens, small " " med. " " large.1 25 to 1 75 triple lens, small. 75 to 1 00 " " med. .1 " " large .1 MEDICINE GLASSES, fig. 74_________doz NIPPLES, Rubber, white______________doz " black_____________doz " Maw's____________doz NIPPLE SHELLS ..:________________doz Shields, fig. 68_________________doz " fig-70_______________doz '' fig. 72, rubber________doz Fig. 60. 50 to 75 to 50 to 85 to 1 00 25tol 50 75 to 2 00 1 00 25 30 20 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 00 Fig. 66. Fig. 62. NURSING BOTTLES, Flint Glass, best quality fittings, maroon rubber Tubing, one in box, fig. 62_____doz common trimmings, fig. 62_____doz 3 00 1 75 MORTARS, Iron, i pint, fig. 66,-------------each " 1 pint______...........----each " 1 quart__________________each » i gallon_________________each Glass, 2 oz......___..............about " 4 oz.....________________about " 8 oz._____________......about " 16 oz______________......about '< 32 oz___........______..about Prices vary according to weight. Wedgewood, about 3£ inches across the top.............each 3i inches_____each 41___________each 6___________each 7 ........____each .each Fig. 68. Fig OILED MUSLIN, see Index. SILK, see Index. PAPER, Surgical, dressing, see Index. Wrapping, white___________________Tb " Manilla_________________Bb Powder, cut 2x3, 1,000 in package_______ " " 2ix3£, 1,000 in package______ " " 3x4,1,000 in package________ 40 POWDER FOLDERS, Brass, fig. 76________each PILL TILES, Porcelain, fig. 78, 8 inches square .each " " 9 " '' .each " " 10 " " .each PLASTERS, Adhesive, (Surgeon's strap)______yard " " 5 y'd rolls-yard " surgeon's, on swan's down.yd " on mole skin___yd See also Seabury & Johnson's list, page 107. RECEIVERS, Fig. 80. Stoppered Plain \ pint....... Pint........ Quart_____ \ gallon___ 1 gallon___ RETORTS, Fig. 82. i pint ...... Pint_____ Quart____ i gallon___ 1 gallon___ each. each. 50 35 60 50 90 75 1 10 90 1 75 1 20 50 35 60 50 90 75 1 10 90 1 75 1 20 Fig, 80. Fig. 82. EBONY BOX SCAEE. SCALES, well finished, ebony box, ornamented with gold lines and dial, marble top. Prices without weights: No. Diam. of Pans. 0 ______________ 7 inches 1 ______________ 8 " 2 ______________ 9 " Capacity. 10 lbs. 15 lbs. •25 lbs. Price. $14 00 16 00 19 00 ARMY PRESCRIPTION SCAEE. On polished Walnut box. Scale packs away in drawer of box. Price in- cludes a full set of weights. No. Beam. Pans. Price. 0, ___ 8 in____2* in.....$6 50 1 7 " ___2i- " ___ 5 50 2, "" 5$ " ___2 " ___ 4 00 No. 2, 3, 4, BOBEBVAHL SCALE. Weights Extra. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. .. 9 in. _____15 Tbs. ._ 8 " _____10 " .. 6 " _____ 5 « Price. .. $9 00 . 7 50 .. 6 00 FAIRBANKS" PRESCRIPTION SCAEES. Japanned base and nickle-plated beam $4 50 | Nickle-plated base and beam $9 00 These scales are supplied with sliding weights that can- not be detached, and will be found an improvement over the old style of loose weights. They are sensitive to i orain, and have a capacity of 1 ounce. A Urethral Syringe at Last. We beg to invite the attention of the Medical profession to onr NEW URETHRAL SYR- INGE, illustrated below, which has been highly commended by eminent specialists as »uperior to anything for its purpose hitherto offered. ITS ADVANTAGES ARE: 1. Its Greater Capacity, thereby holding a sufficient amount of fluid to fully distend the Urethra. 2. Its conical point, of a shape approved by the highest Euro- pean and American authorities. See Bumstead and Taylor on Ven- ereal Diseases. 3 Its Ring Handle, permitting the use of the thumb. 4. The low price at which it is sold. The following are a few of the many kind -words of approval which we have received. I strongly urge it upon the profession as the best Syringe in ex- istence for the treatment of a Urethritis. E. WIGGLESWORTH, M. D., Harvard University. It is unquestionably the best Urethral Syringe yet devised. Prop. C. A. LINDSLEY, M.D., Dean of the Faculty, Medical Department, Yale College. I am satisfied that it is the best thing yet. C. P. FROST, M. D., Dartmouth Medical College, Hanover, N. H. It is the beau ideal of a Urethral Syringe. F. R. STURGIS, M. D., 16 West Thirty-Second Street, New York. In every respect it fills the requirements of a perfect Urethral Syringe. RUFUS L. WILDER, M. D., 146 East 127th Street, New York. I pronounce your Syringe perfect, leaving nothing to be desired, and hereafter shall prescribe no other. J. H. GLASS, M. D., Utica.N. Y., ex-President Schuyler Co. Medical Society. Your Syringe is the best, and must have a large sale. RALPH WALSH, M. D., Washington, D. C. It seems to me to be admirably adapted for the purpose for which it was designed. JAMES NEVINS HYDE, M. D.. 117 South Clark Street, Chicago. The Butler Hard Rubber Co., Manufacturers of HARD RUBBER SYRINGES, DRUGGISTS' SUN- DRIES, STATIONERS' SUPPLIES, — COMBS, — AND ANY HARD RUBBER GOODS TO ORDER. 33 MERCER ST., NEW YORK. Orders Filled by CHARLES TRUAX & CO. [See opposite page.i BOX PRESCRIPTION SCALE. French Polished Box, with marble top and hinged glass cover. Has counter- sunk basin to keep the weights in; 2f in. nickel-plated Pans. Scale sensitive to «V g^^- PHce (weights extra)....... $20 00 Extra Large Size, 3f in. Pans.22 00 PRESCRIPTION WEIGHTS. Aluminum, grains i to 6____set 50 Brass, grains only__________set 15 Drachms and grains__set 25 Coin,drachms,bestqual. set 35 Scales, Pocket, brass beam and pan in case, with weights.............each 1 00 Fig. 96. Fig. 98. SCALE WEIGHTS, Nested Avoirdupois, solid brass, i oz. to 1 lb----set 3 00 « " cased, i oz. to 2 lb_________set 1 75 block avoirdupois solid brass in walnut block i oz. to 2 lb_______.......-.......-..........set 4 00 SYRINGES, Glass, ear, fig. 104 straight or bent doz 85 Fig. 104. Glass, Female, No. 3.-doz 75 « " No. 5. .doz 1 00 No. 7--doz 1 50 Fig.106. " Male No. l..doz 60 " No. 3-.doz 75 " * No. 5.-doz 1 00 No. 7--doz 1 50 Fig. 108. " " No. 0 in nickel case........-..........--.....doz 1 50 " » No. 1 in nickel case..........................doz 1 75 " « No. 0 in wood case, fig. 108..................-doz 85 » " No. linwood case..............----.....— doz 1 00 Metal, Rectal £oz.----------..............................-doz 1 00 u u i oz.....__________.............__...........doz 2 50 u u 2 oz.____.____........................______doz 3 00 ■ • " 4 oz......--................____________.....-doz 4 00 » 8 oz.V.V.--—"-"-"-"-"-"-"----........................doz 7 00 u " 16 oz.........____.................-.........--doz 12 00 " Horse, 24 oz__________.....______________________each 2 25 " 36 oz___________...............---.......----each 2 75 MI MATTSON'S FAMILY SYRINGE, NO. I. WITH HARD RUBBER INJECTING TUBES. NO SCREWS OR WASH- ERS USED. A FRAGRANT CEDAR BOX. This is a new departure in Syringes. The inject- ing tubes are connected by means of slip-joints instead of screws and washers, which are liable to become leaky. Our slip-joints are not formed by the conjunc- tion of metal with metal, which is objectionable. This was tried by Maw in London 30 years ago, and abandoned. Our slip- joints are formed by the conjunction of hard rubber with metal, which is endur- ing and convenient in use. We use screws and washers only for the valve-chambers, which are perma- nent fixtures. For prices see page 103. IMPROVED BOX. GRENOBLE SYRINGE, NO. I. HARD RUBBER TUBES. WASHERS. The slip-joints of this syringe are described above. For prices see page 103. NO SCREWS. NO This is a very hand- some and a very dura- ble syringe. It is con- tained in a polished mahogany box, with an improved and con- venient mode of pack- in g. The injecting tubes and other trim- mings are made of hard rubber, which we need not say are greatly pre- ferable to stained or enameled wood, called jet, which is so liable to soften or split open when much exposed to warm water. Manufactured by M. MATTSON, 8 College Place, New York. Trade Supplied by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. 3 oz. "Royal " Rectal Syringe, with extra bent Rectal and Vaginal Pipes. 1 oz. "Royal" Ear Syringe, SYRINGES, Hard Rubber, Catarrh, 1 oz...........____........each 85 Dental, •£ oz..........................each 60 Ear, 1 oz_______...................each 65 Infants, $ oz.....__________........doz 6 00 Male, "P,"|oz.......................doz 3 50 " "P," i oz., fig. 20____.....____doz 2 75 " "P," i oz., bulbous tip........__doz 5 00 " "P," f oz., blunt end__________doz 4 25 " "P," i oz., super.____________doz 5 00 " Royal Excelsior, "P," •£ oz_____doz 4 25 " " " "P," I oz_____doz 5 25 The advantages of the Excelsior Syringes over the old style are shown on page 98. Rectal, 1 oz__________________....doz 7 00 " 2 oz_______________........doz 8 00 " 3oz.....___.........______doz 9 00 " 6 oz.........____...........-doz 12 00 " 12 oz...............--........doz 16 00 " 3 oz., with extra bent rectal and vaginal pipes..............doz 1 00 " 6 oz., with extra bent rectal and vaginal pipes___________doz 16 00 Uterine (long pipe) 1 oz....._______each 85 " " 2 oz.......-......each 110 Universal, 3 oz., 4 pipes, catarrh, ear, rectal and uterine_______.......____each 2 50 Tyer Rubber Co., MANUFACTURERS OF BURR'S NURSING BUTTLE, SYRINGES, RUBBER BULBS, TUBING, CORKS & MOULD WORK. ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES. FAIRBANKS' E= FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, WITH GLASS, METAL OR HARD RUBBER PIPES. Glass. Metal. Hard Rubber. No. 1 $15.00_______........$15.50 ______________$16.00 " 2 17.00.-......_______ 17.50________________ 18.00 " 3 19.00.........-......19.50________________20.00 BULB SYRINGES, of all styles and prices, ATOMIZERS, BREAST PUMPS, BREAST PIPES, NIPPLES, TEETHING RINGS and DRUGGISTS' RUBBER GOODS of all descriptions. MANUFACTURED BY • TYER RUBBER CO. FACTORY: Andover, Mass. SALESROOM: Boston, Mass. The Trade Supplied by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. SYRINGES, Hard Rubber, Universal, 4 oz., 4 pipes, catarrh, ear, rectal and uterine_______........___each 3 00 vaginal, 1 oz.........__________........doz 5 00 " " " 2" ...________..............doz 6 50 « " " 3" with bent pipe............-doz 12 00 " » " 6 " " " " ............doz 15 00 " " 12 " " " " ___........doz 26 00 Fig. 124. Fig. 126. Bulb, Eye and Ear, fig. 126...........__..............doz " Derby, 2 pipes, in pasteboard box, fig. 134........doz " Ovoid, 2 pipes, fig. 124............___........_doz This syring-e is manufactured from a medium grade of rubber, and is intended to fill the demand for a "Davidson's (style) Syringe" to retail at a low price. Bulb, Seaside, 2 pipes, fig. 124___....................doz This syringe differs from the Ovoid in the quality of the material used in its manufacture; it is made from a better grade of rubber, and for a cheap syringe will give good satisfaction. Bulb, Grenoble, No. 3. hard rubber pipes. See page 100...doz 4 50 3 00 4 00 4 50 6 00 IC Fig. 132. Tig. 134. SYRINGE, Penis, Smith's Safety, fig. 132......-------------------doz 7 00 SYRINGES, Mattson's Family. See page 100------........-------doz 16 00 " Irrigator, fig. 120...............--.........each 75 Can be attached to any bulb syringe. Fountain, Fairbanks', No. 1, hard rubber pipes. See opposite page________doz 12 00 " " " 2, " " ........doz 13 50 " " 3, , " " ........doz 15 00 " " " 4, " " ........doz 18 00 An advance of 10 per cent, will be charged for less than % doz. lots. tMV LLYCN•- CO. EUS.* SYRINGE Indispensable.........................._____________each 3 00 Ladies', Goodyears................................___each 2 00 Molesworth, No. 1, 2, 3. See Index...........________each 1 25 Pallas........___............__________............each 3 75 Farr's. See Index............................________each 2 00 " Irrigators. See Index________________.......each 2 00 Chamberlain's Irrigators_____ ............_____each 2 00 SYRINGE PIPES, Hard rubber........._.................. ...doz sets 5 00 " " raginal only........___.........__doz 2 00 Metal___....................___..........doz sets 3 50 SYRINGE TUBE Compressors................__________.........doz 1 50 TAPE MEASURES, Spring, metal case, 3 feet........___\.........each 40 " 5 feet---..................each 45 " 6 feet......._..............each 50 8= TEST TUBES, 6 inch_____________________________________doz 35 8 inch______________...........................doz 50 3 to 6 inch, nested____________________________doz 35 Holders___________________....................each 25 Racks_______........................_________each 75 See also Urine Test Cases, fig. 284. SCOOPS, Horn, small____.....................doz 75 " medium........____________doz 1 25 " large................._______doz 1 50 SPATULAS, Solid steel, nickel plat- ed 3 inch_______each 30 Fig. 102. Solid steel, nickel plated, 4 inch.......................each 35 " " " " 6 inch__.............._____each 45 " " " " 8 inch____..............___each 60 " 10 inch.......................each 75 Folding.ivory handle_____________................each 75 SPONGES, Sheep's wool or carriage.........................tb 2 00 to 2 50 Surgeon's, assorted, small, 50 on string, fair quality.....string 1 50 " " " " " " select " ......string 2 00 No. 1 small ______________________*...............doz 50 No. 2 small to medium.........______........______doz 1 00 No. 3 medium......................_..............___doz 1 50 No. 4 medium to large......t.........___........_____doz 2 00 No. 5 large and choice........_____........___........doz 3 00 TWINES, Linen finish, red, balls.....---------................---lt> 80 « " " spools......--------........________lb 1 00 Sea Island, assorted colors...................---------doz CO Fig. 148. Fig. 15 0. Fig. 152. Fig. 154. URINALS, Glass, male, fig. 152....................------........each 50 " female, fig. 154........-----.........--------each 50 Porcelain, male, fig. 148........-------------------each 75 " female, fig. 150.-........--.......---------each 75 Rubber, see Rubber list. WAFERS, Round, 25 in box...............___..............doz boxes 1 00 Square, 6 inch........•_____________.............hundred 75 WATER BOTTLES, see Rubber list. 20 HIGHEST AWARDS.=INTERNATIONAL VICTORIES, 1883. Gold Medal, Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Vienna, Austria. Silver Medal, World's Exposition, Amsterdam, Holland. HIGHEST AWARDS OVER ALL COMPETITORS. SPECIALTY:—PHARMACOPOEIA and SURGICAL PLASTERS, in IN- DIA RUBBER COMBINATION; POROUS and PLAIN SPREAD; ANTISEPTICS, ANTISEPTIC DRESSINGS and ABSORBENTS. SEABIY&JKON, « ------------------- No. 21 Piatt Street, NEW YORK CITY, I. S. A. Trade Supplied by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. SEABURY & JOHNSON'S SPECIALTIES. PLASTERS, India Rubber, Porous, 2 doz. in box, 5x7? inches_______per doz. Aconite----------------------------------------11 25 Aconite and Belladonna____________________________1 50 Arnica_________________________________________ 1 00 Belladonna______________________________________ 1 15 Benson's Capcine________________________________ 1 75 Bryonia_____________________ _________________ 1 50 Calendula___________________. . _______________ 1 50 Capsicum..__________________________*___________ 85 Galbanum__________________________ ___________ 1 25 Galbanum, comp_________________________ _______ 1 50 Hemlock________________________________________ 1 25 Iron----------------------------- _____________ 1 00 Opium_________________________________________ 1 75 Opium and Arnica________________________________ 1 75 Opium and Belladonna_____________________________1 75 Opium and Iodine________________________________ 1 75 Pitch, Burgundy_________________________________ 1 00 Pitch and Cantharides__________________________,___1 25 Poor Man's_________________________ _________ 1 00 Strengthening____________________________________ 70 Sumach (Rhus Toxicodendron)______________________ 1 75 Warming____________________________ _________ 1 25 Witch Hazel________......._____________ __________ 125 SEABURY & JOHNSON'S SPECIALTIES. PLASTERS. Adhesive, Breast, Corn, Bunion, Court, Homoeopathic, Isinglass, Kid, Mead's, Medicinal, Mustard, Spice, Pharmaceutical and Surgical, of every description, in the most approved form. Porous, size 5x7A inches. Rubber Adhesive, in 1 and 5 yard rolls, 5 to 7 inches in width. Breast, 6 and 7 inches in diameter, etc. Rubber Adhesive, Mead's, and Isinglass on spools, |, 1, 2 and 3 inches wide, 10 yards long. Special Formula? made to order. COTTONS. Absorbent, Iodoform, Borated, Salicylated, Carbolated, Styptic. We will sup- ply Absorbent Cottons, impregnated with Benzoic Acid, Corrosive Sub., Naphthaline, Chloride Zinc, etc., of any desired strength. Perfectly Neutral. Have no acid Reaction. Very Absorbent, in continuous lavers; in boxes and packages containing 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 ounces. Strength and quality guaranteed. GUTTA PERCHA TISSUE. Light, American. Heavy, English. In 1 yard and 5 yard boxes. 36 inches wide. PLASTERS—Ten Yard Rolls. T . „ ,. , , ,. ( i inch wide_____roll 20 Isinglass, Salicylate on muslin-----j £ u „ roll 3Q fi inch wide______roll 65 T ,. „ ,_,_ ,. o v i ,. j J 1 " " ______roll 1 00 India Rubber, adhesive, Salicylated.-^ ^ « « roll 2 00 [3 " " _____roll 3 00 / -J- inch wide_____roll 35 m r kju ■ S1 " " -----ro11 40 Meads Adhesive--------------J<^ « " roll 55 (3 " " _____roll 70 PLASTERS—Five Yard Rolls. ( 7 inch wide_____roll 3 00 Belladonna----------------------^5 u « _____roll 2 25 { 1 inch wide_____roll 2 50 Capsicum------------------------|5 ,, ,« _____roll 1 75 India Rubber, 7 inches wide, linen.....---------------roll 2 50 Mead's Adhesive, 12 inches wide---------------------roll 1 25 ( 5 inch wide_____roll 1 35 Strengthening--------------------^7 u « _____roll 2 00 PLASTERS—One Yard Rolls—7 inches wide except as specified. Aconite___________________________________________ro11 60 Aconite and Belladonna______________________________roll 7") Ammoniac and Mercury........---------------------roll 75 Ammoniacal---- ---------------------------------roll 75 Arnica_____________________________________________roll 60 Asafcetida______ ----------------------------------roll 75 SEABURY & JOHNSON'S SPECIALTIES. GAUZES. Lister's Carbolated, Corrosive Sub., Eucalyptol, Iodoform, Naphthaline, Thy- mol, plain bleached and absorbent. We will supply Gauze impregnated with Benzoic Acid, Naphthaline, Salicylic Acid, Chloride of Zinc, etc., of any de- sired strength. Five Yard Rolls, in decorated tin cases. 100 and 1000 yards wrapped in water- proof paper. Also in bandages 24x10, or 4 in. xlO yards in length. Strength and quality guaranteed. LINTS. Absorbent, Borated, Carbolated, Salicylated, Sublimated, etc., etc. We will supply absorbent lints with any antiseptic of any desired strength; also flax lints. Advantages over other makes: 25 per cent, cheaper than any in the market. 20 per cent, more surface to the pound roll. Greater absorbency, and manu- factured of pure materials. In pounds, ounces and small packages for re- tailing. Tears in both directions. Most lint tears only one way. We are the original producers in this country. COTTON WOOL. Bleached and Unbleached. 50 lb. Cases and 1 lb. Packages. PLASTERS—Belladonna_______________________________________.roll 60 Blister, Cantharidal________________________________.'roll 60 Bryonia------------------------------____________roll 75 Calendula_________________________________________roll 75 Capsicum-------....._____________________________roll 60 Court, heavy, on'silk, (flesh, white or black)____.......roll 50 " Arnica, on silk___.....______________________roll 50 " Calendula, on silk______________,_____________roll 50 " Witch hazel_______...........................roll 50 " on gold beater's skin________._______________.roll 40 Galbanum_________________________________________roll 65 Galbanum Comp._____........_____________________roll 65 Hemlock........__________________________________roll 60 Iron----------------------------------------------roll 60 India Rubber, adhesive, salicylated, on cotton ) „ ... «« on linen. J-------ro11 b0 " " " " on moleskin_______roll 1 00 Isinglass, salicylated, on silk, (flesh, white oi black)_____roll 50 " " on muslin---------------------roll 35 " " on tracing cloth________________roll 40 Lead-------........------------------------------roll ■ 60 Mercurial___________........_______________________roll 75 Mead's Adhesive___.......________________.....___roll 35 Mustard, 6 inches wide.....______.....--------------roll 30 Opium-------........---........-----------------roll 75 " and Arnica__________________________________roll 75 " and Belladonna___________________.__________roll 75 " and Iodine______________________J----------roll 75 SEABURY & JOHNSON'S SPECIALTIES. JUTE. Antiseptic, Tarred, in one continuous layer, an improvement overall other jute dressings. We will supply it impregnated with Boracic Acid, Carbolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Cor. Sublimat., or any antiseptic of any desired strength. In 1 lb. tin, square can. In 25 lb. tin-lined boxes. In 50 lb. tin-lined boxes. Made of the best quality of fine carded fibre. Prepared from fresh materials. Strength guaranteed. OAKUM. Best Quality. We will supply it impregnated with any antiseptic of any desired strength. In 1 lb. packages. 50 and 100 pound bales. Strength and quality guaranteed. MISCELLANEOUS. Crude Antiseptics, Drainage Tubes, Bone and Rubber, Iodoform Sprink- lers, etc. Improvements will be added in the interests of progressive antiseptic methods whenever professionally indorsed. RUBBER SHEETING. White. Best quality. 1 and 5 yards. 40 inches wide. PLASTERS—Pitch, Burgundy___________________________________roll 60 " and Cantharides, Calfaciens____________________roll 60 Poor Man's____________..................._________roll 60 Roborans............................................roll 60 Soap............______......___________........___roll 60 Spice________.________________________......_____roll 35 Strengthening.........______________........_______roll 35 Sumach (Rhus Toxicodendron)______________________roll 75 Thapsia, French formula__________i____..............roll 60 Warming___^___________________________..........roll 60 Witch Hazel____.......___........................ roll 60 PLASTERS. Miscellaneous. Breast Plasters, Belladonna, 8 inch in diameter_______doz 1 50 " " " and Phytolacca__________doz 1 50" " " " and Lead.............___doz 1 50 Lead........... _______........doz 1 25 " " " and Phytolacca__......______doz 1 50 " " Phytolacca........._____............doz 1 50 Court, Balsamic, small, 3 pieces, ass t'd colors ) , 25 in envelope^ Court, Balsamic, large, 3 pieces, asst'd colors ) H 50 in envelope ) Corn, Thin, 12 plasters in each'box_________per doz boxes 80 " Thick, 12 plasters in each box________per doz boxes 1 10 Bunion, Thin, 6 plasters in each box________per doz boxes 90 Thick, 6 plasters in each box________per doz boxes 1 10 BANDAGES, Roller, Cotton, asst'd, 1 to 3 inch wide, 1 lb. in box.......-. 75 " Linen, asst'd, 1 to 3 inch wide, 1 lb. in box..........1 50 SEABURY & JOHNSON'S SPECIALTIES. BANDAGES. Antiseptic, Pure Cotton, Cambric, Flannel, Gauze, Linen, Linen Finish, Plaster Paris, Rubber Elastic, Woven, etc. Plain and Antiseptic. We will supply Bandages impregnated with any antiseptic of any desired strength. In 1 lb. boxes, from 1L£ to 4 inches in width. Also special sizes in pound pack- ages. Any lengths and widths to order. Made of the best materials. Strength and quality guaranteed. OILED SILK. Regular and Extra Strong; the silk employed for Extra Strong being specially manufactured for us, which we guarantee to be unusually strong and firm. Also Protective Oiled Silk. In 1 and 5 yard Flat Boxes. Also in rolls. Strength and quality guaranteed. 18 inches wide. Dealers who experience any difficulty in preventing the tissues from adhering together, are advised to dust it well with lycopodium powder, as this device has been found to work remarkably well. OILED MUSLIN. Strong and Firm. In 1 yard and 5 yard flat boxes. Also in rolls. OILED PAPER. For Lying-In and Gynecological Cases. Very Cheap and Serviceable. In 5 yard rolls. 40 inches wide. Very strong. CLOTH, Mcintosh, 1 yard in box............____________________yard 5 yards in box.....__.....________________yard [1 lb packages___........._______each i " " ........___........each " ........___________each 1 oz. " _______.__________each fl lb packages,________.......__each COTTON, BORATED_____-j J ," ", ---........-----each^ I 4 .-•_____...____...each (1 oz. " ...................each j 1 tb packages_________________.each COTTON, CARBOLIZED __-^ J . ......---------each ]i " " _______........___each I 1 oz. " __................each |1 tb packages_______...........each COTTON, SALICYLATED J f ' ...................each | t "• " .....___________each [loz. " __............____each COTTON STYPTIC, 1 oz. bottles___........_____.___........each GAUZE, Antiseptic (Lister's) 5 yard rolls, 1 yard wide______........roll " Eucalyptol, 1 yard wide_______................roll " Iodoform, 1 yard wide..........................roll " Thymol, 1 yard wide________.................roll GUTTA PERCH A, Tissue, 36 inches wide, 1 yard in box__________box 5 yards in box__________box COTTON, ABSORBENT__ I 1 75 I 1 50 65 35 20 10 75 40 25 10 1 00 55 30 10 1 00 55 30 10 20 75 1 00 1 25 1 25 80 3 00 SEABURY & JOHNSON'S SPECIALTIES. MACKINTOSH CLOTH. Pink. Best quality. 1 and 5 yards. 36 inches wide. Silk, Antiseptic, Chromic, Carbolic (Lister's), Juniper, Corrosive Sublimat., Elastic; etc. We will supply Catgut impregnated with any antiseptic of any desired strength. Each bottle contains 2 strings about 3 yards long, wound on rubber rods inserted in the cork, being more practical than the usual form supplied. Sizes No. 0,1, 2, 3 and 4. Also assorted. 3 strings in each bottle. SILK LIGATURES. Antiseptic, Chromic, Carbolic, Salicylic, Juniper, Cor. Sublimat, etc. We will supply silk impregnated with any antiseptic of any desired strength. Each bottle contains 1 string 5 yards long. The silk is thoroughly cleansed, and will be found free from all foreign matter, Avhich usually causes irritation SPONGIO PILINE. Best Quality. 1 yard rolls. 45 inches wide. BANDAGE GUM. Light, Medium and Heavy. Pure. Best quality. In 1 lb. packages. JUTE, 1 Tb packages............___..........._____ ___________each 30 Carbolized, 1 lb. packages.................___..............each 40 Tarred, superfine, 1 lb. tins...................._.......-----each 40 LIGATURE, Cat Gut, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4..............--.........bottle 50 Assorted 3 strings in bottle_______________bottle 75 LINT, Absorbent, hospital, lib. packages..........A--------........lb 70 " " 1 oz. packages............................oz 10 " flax, 1 lb. packages.........................--.....lb 150 " " 1 oz. packages_______................._____oz 10 OIL SILK, 1 yard in box, 28 inches wide_____.............-------box 90 5 yds in box, 28 inches wide............----............box 3 75 Extra strong, 1 yard in box, 28 inches wide____........_.box 1 00 " « 5 yards in box, 28 inches wide..........----box 5 00 Protective_______.......-------------------.......yard 1 50 5 yard boxes.............................---each 7 00 OIL MUSLIN,1 yard in box, 36 inches wide.........................box 65 5'yards in box, 36 inches wide........................box 2 50 PAPER, Mead's Dressing, Waterproof and Antiseptic 24 inches wide, 100 vards in roll__________.............---........yard 10, roll 5 00 SPONGIO PILINE, 36 inches wide_________....................yard 6 00 " " Impermeable____........................yard 4 00 WOOL, Cotton, lib bundles____________..........--------......---ft 50 " unbleached_________..............---------------— 45 • PURE CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, CONCENTRATED TINCTURES, ELIXIRS, OILS, ETC., MANUFACTURED BY B. KEITH & CO., 41 LIBERTY ST., N. Y. We prepare only PURE CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, not Triturations. r»0"W-303ESI«.S. Podophyllin, Leptandrin, Aconitin, Ampelopsin, Aletrin, Alnuin. Apocynin, Atropin, Asclepin, Baptisin, Barosmin, Betin, Bryonin, Caulophyllin, Cerasein, Chelonin, Chimaphilin, Chionanthin, Cimicifugin, Collinsonin, Colocynthin, Cornin, Corydalin, Cypripedin. Digitalin, Dioscorein, Ergotin, Erythroxylin, Euonymin, Eupatorin, (perfo.) Eupatorin, (purpu.) Eupurpurin, Euphorbia, Frazerin, Gelsemin, Geraniin, Obtained from. Mandrake.......Net, Culvers Root___Net, Aconite Root_____ Americanlvy-----(__ Star Grass........... Tag Alder Bark...... Bitter Root.......... Belladonna.......... Pleurisy Root...... Wild Indigo Root--- Buchu .............. Beets............... White Bryony....... Blue Cohosh.....___ Choke Cherry....... Balmony............ Pipsissewa.......... Fringe Tree......... See jfacrotin......... Stone Root.........- Bitter Apple......... Dogwood ............ Turkey Pea________ Lady Slipper---..... Foxglove............ Wild Yam........... Dose, 1 16 to 1-2 grain Coca Leaves......... Wahoo............. Boneset........---- Queen of the Meadow Queen of the Meadow Blooming Spurge___ American Columbo.. Yellow Jessamine. .- Cranesbill *......... Per oz * 45 45 4 00 1 50 2 25 60 2 50 4 uO 1 25 1 00 2 50 3 00 1 X5 60 75 1 50 1 00 1 25 60 2 75 2 5i I 80 2 00 1 25 1 25 1 50 2 50 B 00 1 50 75 1 50 1 50 2 50 1 25 2 25 75 Obtained from. Per oz. Gossypiin, Cotton Root.........$2 00 Hamamelin, Witch Hazel......... 100 Helonin, False Unicorn,....... 2 00 Hydrastin, Goldenseal.......... 150 Muriate, " ...._____ 2 75 bulph., " .......___ 3 50 Hyoscyamin, Inulin, Irisin, Jalapin, Juglandin, Leontodin, Lobelin, Lupulin, Locopin, Macrotin, Menispermia, Myricin, Phytolaccin, Podophyllin, (Neut.)Mandrake Populin, Prunin, Ptelein, Rhein, Rhusin, Rumih, Sanguinarin, Scutellaria Senecin, Smilacin, Still i ngin, Trilliin, Veratrin, Viburnin, Viburnin Prun. Xanthoxylin, Henbane............. 3 00 Elecampane......... 1 25 Blue Flag............ 1 00 Jalap................ 2 00 Butternut............ 80 Dandelion........... 2 00 Lobelia____......... 3 00 Hops................ 100 Bugle Weed......... 1 25 Black Cohosh........ 60 Yellow Parilla....... 1 25 Bayberry............ 60 Poke Root____...... 1 25 ...... 1 00 Poplar............... 75 Wild Cherry......... 75 Wafer Ash.......... 2 00 Rhubarb............ 2 50 Sumach.............. 75 Yellow DOck........ 1 00 Blood Root......___ 1 00 Scnllcap_____....... 1 50 Life Root............ 150 Sarsaparilla (Hond) .. 3 00 Queens Root......... 2 00 Beth Root........... 100 American Hellebore.. 2 00 Cramp Bark......... 150 Black Haw........... 1 50 Prickly Ash.......... 1 50 OIIjS Per oz. Oil of Capsicum.......................... 75 " Erigeron............____.......... 50 "• Ergot............................... 75 " Ginger (Jamaica)...............___ 100 " Lobelia (Lobelia Seed;.............. 2 00 " Male Fern...........______........ 80 " Populus........ " Stillingia -...... " Solidago........ " Xanthoxylum — Oleo-Resin of Lobelia. Per oz. 40 .. 1 00 75 50 75 SCTG-Art-COATSD JPILLS. E,.nn.,n,;n .Euonymin, 1-2) uonymin Leptandrin, 3-8 {1 gr. Comp. p0dophyllin,l-8) Podophyllin...........___1 gr. Podophyllin Podophyllin, | 1 gr. Comp. Leptandrin, j 2 gr. Bottles. 100 each. 5U0 each. 1 gr. Comp. Cerasein H?.^?™' ,„ j . v Quinine, (Fever and Ague.) (^lsemin'i Avenin Pills,.............1-2 gr Avenin Pills,.............1 gr. 60 60 75 75 1 00 2 75 2 75 3 50 3 50 i 50 Comp. Avenin Pills,......1 gr. 75 Avenin___...........1-2 gr.) Podophyllin (Neut) ..3-8 gr. \ 1 gr. Hydrastin............1-8 gr. J Comp. Helonin Pills,.......1 gr. 75 Helonin.............3-8 gr."] Viburnin........____3-8 gr. | Dioscorein.........1-16 gr. ]■ 1 gr. Gelsemin...........1-64 gr. j Avenin..............3-16 gr. J Bottles. 100 each . 5U0 each . 3 50 3 50 A Full Line for Sale by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. WHAT ARE CONCENTRATED TINCTURES? They are the active principles, redissolved in alcohol in definite proportions. They are not made from the crude material because different samples yield dif- ferent proportions of active principles. Hence they resemble a definite solution of Morphia, Quinia, or any other definite vegetable alkaloid, and invariably rep- resent a uniform amount of therapeutic power. They are concentrated, definite solutions of the entire medical constituents of the plants from which they are severally derived. THEY ARE MUCH STRONGER THAN ANY OTHER FLUID PREPARATIONS MADE FROM THE SAME ARTICLES, DIFFERING FROM FLUID EXTRACTS AND SO-CALLED CONCENTRATED TINC- TURES OF OTHER MANUFACTURERS IN MODE OF PREPARATION. ABOVE ARE PUT UP IN 2 oz., 8 oz., & 16 oz. BOTTLES. A NEW REMEDY! Con. Tine. Avena Sativa. (From Common Oats.) Its properties are as follows: NERVE STIMULANT, TONIC, LAXATIVE, Etc. IS EMPLOYED IX THE TREATMENT OF THE FOLLOWING: It is especially valuable in the treatment of Paralysis, and in all cases where there is a deficiency of nerve power. As an antidote for the Opium and Morphine Habit, it has proven the very best remedy. As an immediate substitute for Alcoholic Stimulants, and for the Tobacco Habit. Also in Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, Defective or Deficient Menstruation (from Nervous Debility or Anaemic condition of the system), Coldness of the Extremities, Sleeplessness, Nerve Exhaustion owing to Overwork, either Physical or Mental, Cramps, Constipation, and in the Convalescent Stages of all Acute Diseases. :e»:e*.io:e 2 oz. bottles, 8 oz. botles, .45. 1.35 For a full description of this remedy, with certificates from different mem- bers of the Medical Profession, citing cases under their charge treated by it, also Revised and Enlarged Manual, send to, B. Keith & Co., 41 liberty street, new york. For Sale By CHAS. TRUAX & CO. 16 oz. bottles, 2.50. Parke, Davis & Co's., SUGAR COATED PILLS AND GRANULES. OVIFORM. The following list comprises most of the officinal and popular formulae known to the profession, and to which we have added many new and valuable combina- tions. Our pills are made entirely by hand, from the purest materials and are coated by a method avoiding the application of any degree of heat which could impair their efficacy. We direct especial attention to the perfect distribution of the ingredients and permanent softness of the mass. For superiority of finish, ready solubility and uniformity of coating, our pills are unexcelled. The formula in each instance is strictly followed, irrespective of cost, and the entire process conducted under scientific management and by improved methods. Particular care is taken to insure the preservation of the drug. Special quotations for pills in bulk. We also manufacture a full line of Gelatine Coated Pills that are made by our improved process, and that for solubility, regularity of shape and beauty of finish are excelled by none. This line of Gelatine Coated Pills embraces "the more soluble ones of the following list and the prices vary from 10 to 15 cents per hundred more than for the sugar coated. A special list of them will be mailed upon application. PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.- Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Aconite Ext,........_£• gr 20 85 Aconite Ext,......---igr 25 1 10 Aconite Ext,.....___Igr 30 1 35 Aconitine _...........t/g £r 25 1 10 Aconitine, cryst-----2fo gr 25 1 10 Aconitine, cryst-----^s gr 25 1 10 Ague,..............3gr 40 1 85 Chinoidin______.... 2 gr Ext. Coloc. Co.......^ gr Oleoresin Bl'k Pepper i gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___f gr Ague, Improved_____2£ gr 75 3 60 Cinchonidine Sulph.. 1 gr Xanthoxylin ........Igr Gelsemin_________tV Sr Powd. Capsicum___^gr Aloes, U. S. P.,.......4gr 25 1 10 Purified Aloes_______2gr Soap______________2 gr Aloes and Asafetida,U. S.P., -------------------4 gr 25 Purified Aloes_____H gr Asafetida ._______1^ gr SoaP--.....-----Hgr Aloes and Ext. Gentian. See Gentian Comp________ 25 Aloes and Iron,_____3 gr 20 Purified Aloes_____1 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___1 gr Jam. Ginger_______± gr Ext. Conium______| gr Aloes and Iron, U. S. P. ... 25 Pureed Aloes.....__l gr Dried Sulph. Iron___1 gr Aromatic Powder___1 gr Confection Rose.....q. s. Aloes and Mastich, U. S. P. 30 Purified Aloes.......2 gr Mastich .. _........i gr Pow'd Red Rose____| gr 1 10 10 85 1 10 1 35 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. Aloes and Myrrh, U. S. P., --------........3igr Purified Aloes______2 gr My rrh..............1 gr Aromatic Powder___-£ gr Aloes and Nux Vomica.2 gr Purified Aloes_____1+ gr Ext. Nux Vomica___I gr Aloes, Nux Vomica and Belladonna________2i gr Purified Aloes_____1A- gr Ext. Nux Vomica___igr Ext. Belladonna_____i gr Aloetic, see Aloes, U. S. P.. Aloin______________vo Sr Aloin___.........___1 gr Aloin _..............--i gr Aloin _........._......| gr Aloin____............1 gr Aloin Co.,........---Igr Aloin-----......---igr Ext. Belladonna____i gr Podophyllin.........i gr Aloin and Strychnine, i gr Aloin_____.........A gr Strychnine.........A gr Aloin, Strychnine and Bella- donna...........___i gr Aloin______.....— i gr Strychnine......---^or gr Ext. Belladonna.....i gr Alterative-.........-_li gr Blue Mass --........1 gr Powd. Ipecac......--igr Powd. Opium.......i gr Alterative Compound..3 gr Ext. Smilax Sarsap.__£ gr Ext. Stillingia Sylvat.&gr Ext. Burdock......_-f gr Ext. Poke Root-----f gr Ext.Prickly Ash Bark i gr Ammonium Bromide _.l gr Ammonium Chloride ..3 gr Ammonium Picrate---igr Ammonium Picrate... igr Ammonium Picrate... i gr Ammonium Picrate... 1 gr Ammonium Picrate.-- 2 gr Ammonium Picrate.._ 3 gr Ammonium Valerianate 1 gr Bottle 100 500 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 35 1 60 50 2 35 90 4 35 30 1 35 45 2 10 45 2 10 25 1 10 50 2 35 45 2 10 30 1 35 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 45 2 10 RO 2 85 75 3 60 40 1 85 Anderson's Scots'.....2 gr Purified Aloes_____1? gr Powd. Colocynth... ,4- gr Powd. Gamboge___-^s gr Powd. Soap........iV gr Oil Anise.....____Jg gr Anodyne____________2i gr Camphor.. _______Igr Ext. Henbane______1 gr Morphine Acetate__^o gr Oil Capsicum..___^ gr Anthelmintic........__2 gr Santonin___________1 gr Calomel____________1 gr Anthemis Ext. ----2 gr Anti-Bilious--------2f gr Ext.Coloc. Co._____2+ gr Podophyllin________i gr Anti-Chill____________4 gr Chinoidin__________I gr Iron Ferrocvanide---2 gr Arsenious Acid----^ gr Oleoresin B'lk Pepper 1 gr Anti-Constipation, Brun- dage's______________1 gr Podophyllin-------^ gr Ext. Nux Vomica___i gr Pow'd Capsicum____i gr Ext. Belladonna.....-iQ gr Ext. Henbane___~. ...i gr Anti-Constipation, Goss's, ___________.....— 2igr Podophyllin......__J gr Ext. Coloc___.......i gr Ext. Butternut.......i gr Ext. Nux Vomica___i gr Ext Henbane______i gr Ext. Gentian _______i gr Ext. Cascara Sagrada i gr Pow'd Bl'k Ind. Hempi gr Anti-Constipation,Palmer's, __________________2igr Purified Aloes______1 gr Ext. Henbane______1 gr Ext Nux Vomica___i gr Powd. Ipecac__ .. r\j gr Anti-Dyspepsia,FothergiH's, see Carminative,--- Anti-Dyspeptic------4i gr Strychnine--------TV gr Ext. Belladonna---^\ gr Powd. Ipecac------j\ gr Blue Mass_________2 gr Ext. Coloc. Co.......2 gr Bottie 100 500 25 1 10 45 2 10 55 2 60 40 1 85 30 1 35 40 1 85 40 1 85 40 1 85 35 1 45 2 10 35 1 60 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Anti-Epileptic, ______3 gr 1 75 8 60 Iron Ferrocyanide__igr Quinine Valerianate. _1 gr Zinc Valerianate____i gr Ext. Valerian_______1 gr Antimony Comp., U. S. P. (Plummer's Pills)_______ 30 135 Sulph. Antimony___igr Mild Chloride Mercury! gr Guaiac Powd_______ 1 gr Mucilage Tragaeanth.q. s. Anti-Malarial, McCaw's, 2 grl 65 8 10 Quinine Sulph______1 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___igr Arsenious Acid____j^gr Gelsemin___________i gr Podophyllin........igr Oleoresin Bl'k Pepper Jg- gr Anti-Periodic, ........2 gr 65 3 10 Cinchonidine Sulph..1 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___| gr Podophyllin_______^ gr Strychnine Sulph___sx^ gr Gelsemin__________^ gr Oleoresin Capsicum.^ gr Anti-Syphilitic_______2| gr 65 3 10 Potass, Iodide_____2| gr Corrosive Sublimate^ s;r Aperient.....________3 gr 50 2 35 Ext. Nux Vomica___i gr Ext. Coloc. Co._____2 gr Ext. Henbane_______+ gr Aperient, Bauer's_____3 gr 45 2 10 Ext. Henbane........-£ gr Ext. Aloes__________1 gr Ext. Coloc. Co.......1 gr Potass & Sodium Tartly gr Aperient, Drysdale's ._3| gr 35 160 Powd. Rhubarb____li gr Powd. Ipecac______T52 gr Purified Aloes_____lj gr Powd. Nux Vomica.-igr Aperient, Mild,______3| gr 35 160 Ext. Coloc. Co.......i gr Ext. Henbane_______|- gr Powd, Rhubarb......2 gr Oil Caraway_______sV gr Aphrodisiac, see Phos. Nux Vom.,& Damiana_______1 00 4 85 Aphrodisiac Comp. _..2f gr 90 4 35 Ext. Coca__________1 gr Cinchonidine Sulph..| gr Phosphorus______^fo gr Ext. Nux Vomica___igr Iron Bromide.....__1 gr Apocynum Ext________2 gr Arsenious Acid......_^, gr Arsenious Acid______B^ gr Arsenious Acid.......^jgr Arsenious Acid____--sVgr Arsenious Acid.......^gr Arsenious Acid______^ gr Arsenious Acid______^gr Asafetida____________2 gr Asafetida, 3 gr., U. S. P..... Asafetida____________4 gr Asafetida Comp....!__2i gr Opium____.........4 gr Ammonium Carb.___| gr Asafetida___________| gr Asafetida and Iron____3 gr Asafetida___________2 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic__1 gr Asafetida and Nux Vomica Asafetida._____.....3 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___igr Asafetida and Rhubarb.3 gr Asafetida___..______1 gr Powd. Rhubarb_____1 gr Iron by Hydrogen__Igr Atropine-----------T^ gr Atropine---........T^ gr Atropine------------Jff gr Ballou, ---..........3igr Ext. Coloc. Co._____1 gr Ext. Jalap__________1 gr Calomel........____1 gr Pow'd Ipecac_______£ gr Belladonna Ext_______£gr BelladonnaExt________± gr Belladonna Ext.._....._| gr Belladonna Ext.______1 gr Berberine Hydrochlorate, -------............1 gr Berberine Sulphate, -_2gr 1 Berberine and Podophyllin, -----------.....igr Berberine Sulph.....\ gr Podophyllin...___^ gr Berberis Aquifolium Ext, ....................3gr Berberis Comp________3 gr Ext. Berberis Aquifol_2gr Ext. Cascara Sagrada. 1 gr Bilious, Junge's........2 gr Manganese lod______\ gr Leptandrin________fa gr Juglandin..........-^ gr Sanguinarin________£ gr Ext. Henbane______4 o-r Bottle 100 500 40 1 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 25 1 10 45 2 10 25 1 10 35 1 60 40 1 85 30 1 35 30 1 35 40 1 85 45 2 10 25 1 10 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 95 4 60 50 7 35 50 2 35 45 2 10 45 2 10 45 2 10 117 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Bilious, Wann's______2 gr 25 110 Ext. Coloc. Co_____1 gr Podophyllin........igr Ext. Jalap....._.....igr Ext. Henbane_____igr Pow'd Capsicum___i gr Bismuth and Ignatia _.4i gr 75 8 60 Bismuth Subnitrate_.4 gr Ext. Ignatia Bean___i gr Bismuth and Nux Vomica, .....___________5igr 80 3 85 Bismuth Subnitrate..5 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___| gr Bismuth Subcarbonate .3 gr 55 2 60 Bismuth Subnitrate____2 gr 40 185 Bismuth Subnitrate___3 gr 45 2 10 Black Haw Ext-------3 gr 35 160 Blue Mass__________igr 20 85 Blue Mass__________Igr 20 85 Blue Mass____...... -3 gr 20 85 Blue Mass.......-.....5 gr 25 110 Blue Mass Comp____If gr 45 2 10 Blue Mass_________1 gr Pow'd Ipecac........igr Pow'd Opium.......igr Blue and Podoph., see Po- doph. and Blue________ 30 135 Caffeine Citrate.......lgrl 80 8 85 Calabar Bean Ext.---3V gr 35 60 Calcium Sulphide---^ gr 35 160 Calcium Sulphide____igr 35 160 Calcium Sulphide_____igr 35 160 Calcium Sulphide......igr 35 160 Calcium Sulphide_____Igr 35 160 Calcium Sulphide_____2 gr 50 2 35 Calisaya Alkaloids, ._ 2 grl 40 6 85 Quinine Sulph.......i gr Cinchonine Sulph---i gr Quinidine Sulph----i gr Cinchonidine Sulph.-i gr Calomel_____■------tV gr 20 85 Calomel.........-.....igr 20 85 Calomel____......---Igr 20 85 Calomel..............- 2 gr 20 85 Calomel_____..........3 gr 25 110 Calomel_________ ---5gr 30 135 Calomel Comp...... -3 gr 30 1 35 Calomel__________4 gr Resin Guaiac-----li gr Antimony Oxysulph..£ gr Calomel and Ext. Coloc. Co. ----------------3^gr Calomel. .. ______Igr Ext. Coloc. Co.____2i gr Calomel and Opium___3 gr Calomel.....______2gr Opium___________1 gr Calomel and Rhubarb, li gr Calomel _________igr Ext. Rhubarb______i gr Ext. Coloc. Co______i gr Ext. Henbane ......-Jgr Camphor Comp-------3 gr Camphor _________Igr Powd. Opium______1 gr Powd. Kino________1 gr Ext. Capsicum____tV gr Camphor vand Henbane 2 gr Camphor....._____1 gr Ext. Henbane______1 gr Camphor Monobromated, ---............----1 gr Camphor Monobromated, _________________2gr Camphor Monobromated, .....------------3gr 1 Camphor and Opium,__3gr Camphor.....-----2gr Powd. Opium------1 gr Camphor, Opium and Hen- bane ____________2i gr Camphor _________Igr Powd. Opium------igr Ext. Henbane______Igr Camphor, Opium and Lead Acetate __________3 gr Camphor_________1 gr Opium___________1 gr Lead Acetate______1 gr Camphor, Opium and Tan- nin, ____________3igr Camphor _________Igr Tannin __________2 gr Opium-----------igr Camphor, Valerian and Hen- bane______________2gr Camphor__________1 gr Powd. Valerian-----igr Ext. Henbane------igr Cannabis Indica Ext. —i gr Cannabis Indica Ext---\ gr Cannabis Indica Ext---1 gr Capsicum-----------1 gr Bottle 100 500 45 2 10 50 2 35 40 1 85 50 2 35 30 1 35 55 2 GO 80 3 85 05 5 10 55 2 60 45 2 10 55 2 60 40 1 85 35 1 60 35 1^60 60 1 85 95 4~60 35 1 60 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. Capsicum Ext._______\ gr Carminative____.....3i gr Strychnine_______^gi' Powd, Ipecac______f gr Powd. Black Pepper .1^ gr Ext. Gentian_______1 gr Cascara Sagrada Ext___2 gr Catarrh, Hager's_____2igr Quinidine Sulph____f gr Cinchonidine Sulph .-igr Powd. Marshmallow.-i gr Powd. Gentian_____igr Powd. Red Sandalwood --------------^ gr Powd. Tragacanth___i gr Glycerin__________i gr Hj'drochloric Acid__igr Cathartic Comp., Chola- gogue------------1 gr Podophyllin_______igr Ext. Henbane__:____igr Oleores. Capgicum___igr Blue Mass_________igr Ext. Nux Vomica__J^ gr Cathartic Comp., Granules, -----------------tgr Jalapin.....--------^ gr Leptandrin_________-J.- gr Aloin______________igr Podophvllin_______igr Powd. Gamboge___J% gr Powd. Capsicum___g^ gr Ext Henbane______igr Oil Peppermint___Tl^ gr Cathartic Comp., Improved, -----------------3gr Ext. Coloc. Co._____Igr Ext. Jalap_________igr Podophyllin..........i gr Ext. Gentian_______+ gr Leptandrin..i______i gr Ext. Henbane_______i gr Oil peppermint____^ gr Cathartic Comp., Mild ..3 gr Ext. Coloc. Co._____1 gr Jalap Res----------i gr Calomel_____________$ gr Gamboge........___J gr Ext. Henbane_______4 gr Oil Peppermint_____q. s. 100 45 590 2 10 35 2 60 45 65 30 1 35 1 10 >5 1 10 1 35 2 10 3 10 Cathartic Comp., Modified, ----------------3igr Ext. Coloc. Co._____1 gr Ext. Jalap_________f gr Calomel__________f gr Powd. Gamboge____igr Powd. Rhubarb_____i gr Powd. Jam. Gin_____igr Cathartic Comp. U. S. P. ---------------3igr Ext. Coloc. Co____1^ gr Ext. Jalap__________1 gr Calomel__________1 gr Gamboge____Z_____i gr Cathartic Comp., Vegetable ----------------2^gr Ext. Coloc_________igr Podophyllin_______i gr Powd. Resin Scammony, ----------------igr Purified Aloes_____li gr Powd. Cardamom__igr Powd. Soap_______igr Caulophyllon_________-§- gr Cerium Oxalate________igr Cerium Oxalate______Igr Charcoal Willow_____3gr Chimaphila Ext______3 gr Chinoidin___________igr Chinoidin___________1 gr Chinoidin___________2 gr Chinoidin__________3 gr Chinoidin Comp.___3i gr Chinoidin_________2 gr Piperin____________-k gr Iron Sulph. Exsic.__1 gr Cholagogue__________3 gr Podophyllin________igr Ext. Henbane_______igr Powd. Capsicum____i gr Purified Aloes______Igr Powd. Rhubarb_____1 gr Cimicifugin__________1 gr Cinchonine Sulphate -ligr Cinchonine Sulphate ..3 gr Cinchonidine Comp.. .2 gr Cinchonidine Sulph..1 gr Arsenious Acid_____s^gr Iron by Hydrogen___1 gr Bottle 100 500 30 1 35 25 1 10 30 1 35 25 1 10 30 1 35 80 3 85 35 1 60 45 2 10 20 S5 20 S5 30 1 35 35 1 60 50 2 35 35 1 60 30 1 35 40 1 85 50 2 35 80 3 85 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS- Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Chinchonidine Comp, and Strychnine________2 gr 80 3 S5 Cinchonidine Sulph. .1 gr Arsenious Acid__..^gr Iron by Hydrogen___1 gr Strychnine________aV gr Cinchonidine and Iron .2 gr 80 3 85 Cinchonidine Sulph.-Igr Iron by Hydrogen__Igr Cinchonidine, Iron and Strychnine___________ 80 3 85 Cinchonidine Sulph._1 gr Iron Carb_________2 gr Strychnine Sulph .. fa gr Cinchonidine Salicylate _______________2Jgr2 15 10 60 Cinchonidine Sulph,, Cincho-Quinine_____Igr 60 2 85 Cincho-Quinine .. ___2 grl 20 5 85 Cincho-Quinine_____3 grl 70 8 35 Coca Ext.,.........---3 gr 80 3 85 Cochia.....________3i gr 50 2 35 Ext. Coloc. Co..... 1 gr Purified Aloes_____Igr Powd. Potass. Sulph..i gr Powd. Gamboge.....i gr Powd. Scammony___i gr Codeine..............x\-gv 95 4 60 Colchicum Ext-------igr 40 185 Colocynth Comp. Ext, U. S. P......______3 gr 40 185 Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Blue.-............-- 3gr 45 2 10 Ext. Coloc. Co----2igr Blue Mass..........-i gr Colocvnth Comp. Ext. and Blue......._______5 gr 50 2 35 Ext. Coloc. Co.....-2igr Blue Mass..........2i gr Colocynth Comp. Ext. Blue andlpecac.........4J- gr 45 2 10 Ext. Coloc. Co.......2 gr Powd. Ipecac______igr Blue Mass_________2 gr Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Henbane............3 gr 50 2 35 Ext. Coloc. Co._____2 gr Ext. Henbane------1 gr Colocynth Comp. Ext and Henbane__________5 gr 55 2 60 Ext. Coloc. Co.....-3igr Ext. Henbane.....--lfgr Bottle 100 500 Colocynth Comp. Henbane and Podophyllin, 4i gr Formula "A."........... 55 2 60 Ext. Coloc. Co______3 gr Ext. Henbane........1 gr Podophyllin_______i gr Colocynth Comp. Henbane and Podophyllin, __4i gr Formula "B.".......... 55 2 60 Ext. Coloc. Co_____3 gr Ext. Henbane______1 gr Podophyllin_______i gr Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Ipecac............_3gr 45 2 10 Ext. Coloc. Co_____2igr Powd. Ipecac........^ gr Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Podophvllin_______3 gr 50 2 35 Ext. Coloc. Co____2r}gr Podophyllin_____ -i g1" Powd. Licorice_____igr Conium Ext......____igr 25 110 Conium Ext____......igr 30 135 Conium Ext........-Igr 35 160 Conium Ext. and Ipecac, ........___........1 gr .40 1 85 Ext. Conium______igr Powd. Ipecac______igr Cook's Pill_________3gr 25 110 Purified Aloes_____1 gr Powd. Rhubarb_____1 gr Powd. Soap________i gr Calomel............-i gr Copaiba___...........3 gr 30 1 35 Copaiba____________4 gr 35 1 60 Copaiba Comp.........3 gr 40 1 85 Pil. Copaiba______ligr Resin Guaiac........f gr Iron Citrate.........-f gr Oleoresin Cubebs___f gr Copaiba & Ext. Cubebs, 3 gr 45 2 10 Pil. Copaiba.........2 gr Oleoresin Cubebs___1 gr Copaiba, Cubebs and Cit. Iron..............--3gr 45 2 10 Pil. Copaiba-------f gr Oleoresin Cubebs —li gr , Iron Citrate........-f gr Cornin.....'.-.....---2gr 45 2 10 Cornus Florida Ext... 2 gr 25 110 Corrosive Sublimate .j^T gr 20 85 Corrosive Sublimate ._ 5^ gr 20 85 Corrosive Sublimate..^- gr 20 85 120 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS—Discount 25 per cent. Corrosive Sublimate ..-fa gr Corrosive Sublimate._^ gr Corrosive Sublimate. _ ^ gr Corrosive Sublimate ..^ gr Corrosive Sublimate _.. i gr Cubebs Exf-----......2 gr Cubebs and Alum-----3 gr Oleoresin Cubebs___2 gr Powd. Alum........-1 gr Cubebs Ext., Rhatany and Iron_______________3 gr Ext. Cubebs_______li gr Iron Sulph. Exsic... 1 gr Ext. Rhatany____— -igr Cypripedium, Ext------2 gr Damiana Ext......----3 gr Dandelion and Leptandrin, -------------------2gr Ext. Dandelion-----li gr Leptandrin_________igr Diaphoretic__________li gr Morphine Acetate _.2V gr Powd. Ipecac-------i gr Powd. Potass. Nitrate.1 gr Powd. Camphor----i gr Diarrhcea Pellets_____i gr Calomel......------i gr Morphine Sulph----j\ gr Capsicum_________rV gr Powd. Ipecac______Js gr Camphor_______—-^ gr Digestive Pellets, Hager's, -------------------3igr Cinchonidine Sulph.. -A gr Pepsin.....-------li gr Powd. Ginger_____2\ gr Powd. Cardamom__23^ gr Powd. Pimento____-fe gr Powd. Gentian Root.g't gr Powd. Marshmallow Root -----------.....-ftg*" Powd. Tragacanth. _. ^t gr Glycerin-----------£ gr Acid Hydrochloric ._.£ gr Digitaline-.....-------fa gr Digitalis Ext----------igr Digitalis Comp--------4 gr Powd. Digitalis_____1 gr Powd. Squill________1 gr Powd. Potass. Nitrate.2gr Dinner Pill, Chapman's.3 gr Purified Aloes_______1 gr Gum Mastich_______Igr Powd. Rhubarb_____Igr Bottle 100 500 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 55 2 60 60 2 85 50 2 35 45 2 10 55 2 60 30 1 35 45 2 10 35 1 60 50 2 35 40 1 85 35 1 60 30. 1 35 30 1 35 Bottle 100 50C 25 1 10 35 1 60 30 1 35 30 1 35 Dinner Pill, Lady Web- ster's_______________3 gr Purified Aloes_____If gr Gum Mastich_______f gi Rose Leaves........f gr Diuretic____..........3 gr Powd. Soap________li gr Oil Juniper Berries..^g gr Solidum Carb------li gr Dupuytren----------3i gr Powd. Guaiac_______3 gr Powd. Opium-------igr Corrosive Sublimate.^ gr Dysentery___________2i gr Blue Mass__________1 gr Gelsemin___________} gr Powd. Ipecac_______1 gr Dysmenorrhcea, Alvord's, ________...........Iigrl45 7 10 Morphine Sulph-----fa gr Cimicif ugin_________igr Quinine Sulph.-----£ gr Dyspepsia, ___________2 gr 45 2 10 Ext. Ignatia Bean---igr Ext. Cinchona Bark..l gr Ext. Rhubarb______igr Powd. Capsicum----i gr Dyspepsia, Moore's ...2 gr 60 2 85 Cinchonidine Sulph.._i gr Ext. Capsicum______igr Powd Rhubarb_____1 gr Eccoprotic,__________2i gr 40 185 Ext. Soc. Aloes______2gr Ext. Nux. Vomica___A gr Podophyllin........-£$ gr Oil Cloves......___^ gr Elaterium (Clutterbuck's), ________________jVgr 55 2 60 Elaterium (Clutterbuck's), _________________igr 55 2 60 Elaterium (Clutterbuck's), __________........igr 100 3 85 Emmenagogue, Improved, ....................4igr 70 3 35 Ergotin.............Igr Purified Aloes_____Igr Oil Savin........___igr Ext Black Hellebore-1 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___1 gr Emmenagogue, Mutter's, ....................3igr 25 1 10 Iron Sulph. Exsic__li gr Gum Turpentine___li gr Purified Aloes_____igr PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. 100 75 ;V„0 60 2 10 3 10 5 60 7 60 5 35 50 2 35 Emmenagogue No. 4, .4} gr Ergotin.......____.1 gr Ext Cotton Root___1 gr Purified Aloes_____1 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic.__1 gr Oil Savin___........igr Emmenagogue, Rigaud's, ...................3fgr 45 2 10 Purified Aloes_____li gr Powd. Rue........- -t gr Powd. Saffron.____£ gr Powd. Savin.........£ gr Ergotin......-------A gr 45 Ergotin.............—Igr 65 Ergotin _............. 2 grl 15 Ergotin _............. 3 grl 55 Ergotin and Cannabis Indica .......-----.....Hgrl 10 Ergotin Purified .___1 gr Ext. Cannabis Ind___-J- gr Eucalyptus Comp.____If gr Ext. Eucalyptus______1 gr Ext Bl'k Indian Hemp i gr Sanguinarin......___i gr Eucalyptus Ext.........2 gr Female, Amenorrhoea - 4 gr Ext. Black Cohosh...1 gr Sulph. Iron Exsic____1 gr Ext. Cotton Root____1 gr Purified Aloes______Igr Female, Hooper's____2i gr Purified Aloes.......1 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___igr Ext. Black Hellebore.i gr Powd. Jam. Ginger ._i gr Gum Myrrh.........igr Castile Soap........-igr Powd. Canella_____igr Female, Leucorrhcea__3 gr 55 2 60 Hamamelin..........2 gr Senecin____........£ gr Hydrastin_____.....igr Ferruginous, Blaud's__3 gr 25 Iron Sulph. Exsic. ..li gr Potass. Carb........l^gr Ferruginous, Blaud's__5 gr 30 Iron Sulph. Exsic__2£ gr Potass. Carb._____2\ gr Fever and Ague,......2 gr 40 Ext. Eucalyptus_____i gr Chinoidin_________1 gr Iron Ferrocy^nide — igr Powd. Capsicum.....igr Arsenious Acid___8-iv gr 20 2 10 2 60 85 1 10 1 35 1 85 Fucus Vesiculosus Ext. 3 gr Galbanum Comp., U. S. P., ----------------3* gr Galbanum..........11- gr Asafetida...........-i gr Myrrh__________li gr Gamboge Comp____. .3 gr Gum Gamboge..___f gr Purified Aloes.....—£ gr Powd. Cin. Comp.__5. gr Soap___...........11 gr Gelsemin___________i gr Gelsemin_____........i gr Gentian Comp_______3 gr Ext. Gentian........£ gr Purified Aloes_____£ gr Powd. Rhubarb----li gr Oil Caraway.......tV gr Gentian Ext............2^r Geranin___......----1 gr Glonoin, see Nitroglycerin Gonorrhoea......----3gr Powd. Cubebs-----li g» Solid Copaiba_____li gr Iron Sulph. Exsic---igr Venice Turpentine—igr Grindelia Robusta Ext., 3 gr Guarana Ext......___3 grl Headache___________3 gr Lactated Pepsin-----1 gr Guarana__________i gr Sodium Bicarb-----1 gr Cypripedin________igr Hellebore Black, Ext. ..1 gr Helonin..............igr Henbane Ext..........i gr Henbane Ext.....-----igr Henbane Ext--------1 gr Hepatica__________3i gr Blue Pill,...........-2gr Ext. Henbane------£ gr Ext. Coloc. Co.......£gr Hepatic Eclectic-----1 gr Podophyllin........-igr Leptandrin--------igr Irisin................igr Ext. Nux Vomica.--^gr Powd. Capsicum---i gr Hoang-Nan_________3 gr Hooper's, see Female, Hoop- er's _______............ Bottle 100 500 50 2 35 85 1 60 25 I 10 30 1 35 45 2 10 25 1 10 30 35 1 35 1 CO 30 1 35 50 2 35 25 6 10 50 2 35 40 1 85 30 1 35 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 45 2 10 60 2 85 1 55 7 60 20 85 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Hydrastin Mur., see Berber- ine Hydrochlorate_____ 95 4 60 Hydrastin (Neutral) ...1 gr 70 3 35 Hydrastin Sulph., see Ber- berine Sulph__________150 7 35 Hydrastin and Podophyllin, see Berberine and Podo- phyllin_________.....__ 50 2 35 Ignatia Amara Ext---igr 30 135 Ignatia Amara Ext---igr 35 1 60 Ignatia Amara Ext.___Igr 60 2 85 Iodine___........___igr 50 2 35 Iodoform____........Igr 70 3 35 Iodoform and Iron____2 gr 80 3 85 Iron by Hydrogen__1 gr Iodoform _....._____Igr Ipecac Ext.........---igr 30 1 35 Ipecac and Opium.....1 gr 35 1 60 Powd. Opium_____igr Powd. Ipecac______igr Powd. Potass. Sulph.-i gr Equal to2J^ gr. Dover's Powder. Ipecac and Opium.....2 gr 60 2 85 Powd. Opium_____igr Powd Ipecac______igr Powd. Potass. Sulph..1 gr Equal to 5 gr. Dover's Pow- , der. Ipecac and Opium____4 gr 1 05 5 10 Powd. Opium______1 gr Powd. Ipecac______Igr Powd. Potass. Sulph..2 gr Equal to 10 gr. Dover's Pow- der. Ipecac and Squill_____3 gr 35 1 60 Powd. Ipecac Co.....2 gr Powd. Squill_______£ gr Ammoniac ...____--igr Irisin............____igr 40 1 85 Irisin.................1 gr 45 2 10 IrisinComp.________igr 30 1 35 Irisin_____:______igr Strychnine.........fa gr Podophyllin______-fa gr Iron and Aloes______3 gr 30 1 35 Purified Aloes_____2 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___Igr Iron Bromide _______Igr 45 2 10 Iron Proto-Carb., (Vallet's) ............-........2gr 25 110 Iron Proto-Carb., (Vallet's) -----------------3gr 25 1 10 Iron Proto-Carb., (Vallet's) .....................5gr 30 1 35 Iron and Manganese__3 gr Iron Carb...........-2 gr Manganese Carb.....1 gr Iron Citrate .. ______2gr Iron Citrate and Strych.- Citrate____.........2 gr Iron Citrate.....___2 gr Strychnine Citrate__fa gr Iron Comp. U. S. P___3 gr Myrrh..............li gr Sodium Carb.....___fgr Iron Sulph.........--f gr Iron Dialysed, Scales..2 gr 1 Iron Ferrocyanide____3 gr Iron by Hydrogen (Que- venne's)_____.....-lg1" Iron by Hydrogen (Que- venne's)_____.....2 gr Iron Iodide, U. S. P---1 gr Iron Iodide and Quinine ....................If gr Iron Iodide_______li gr Quinine Sulph-----igr Iron Lactate........._1 gr Iron Phosphate (ferrous) 2 gr Iron Pyrophosphate___1 gr Iron, Quassia and Nux Vom- ica ______________3i gr Iron by Hydrogen__li gr Ext. Quassia.........1 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___igr Powd. Soap.....____i gr Iron and Quinine Citrate ------.....-.....-1 gr Iron and Quinine Citrate — -............2gr Iron and Quinine Citrate ........------......3gr Iron, Quinine and Strych- nine Citrate.......2 gr Iron and Quinine Citrate ----------------2gr Strychnine Citrate, .-fa gr Iron and Strychnine__2 gr Strychnine-------fa gr Iron by Hydrogen___2gr Iron Sulphate Exsic___1 gr Iron Sulphate Exsic___2 gr Iron Sulphate Exsic___4 gr Iron Valerianate-----* gr Jaborandi Ext......... gr Bottle 100 500 45 2 10 25 1 10 40 1 85 20 85 00 4 85 30 1 35 25 1 10 40 1 85 40 1 85 L 00 4 85 80 1 35 40 1 85 25 1 10 45 2 10 75 3 60 1 10 5 35 1 40 6 85 1 10 5 35 45 2 10 20 85 20 85 25 1 10 55 2 60 50 2 35 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.-Discount 25 per cent. Jalap Comp. _______3£ gr Powd. Jalap____k.-igr Powd. Rhubarb_____£ gr Oil Caraway_______£ gr Castile Soap.........£gr Pil. Calomel Comp..l£gr Jalap Ext.____.......i gr Jalapin................i gr Jamaica Dogwood Ext..2 gr Kermes Mineral_____£ gr Krameria Ext. _........2 gr Lactated Pepsin and Bis- muth. ...........4 gr Lactated Pepsin____2 gr Bismuth Subnitrate..2 gr Laxative _.............2 gr Purified Aloes_____1 gr Sulphur__________1 gr Podophyllin.......__£ gr Resin Guaiac........igr Syrup Buckthorn___q. s. Leptandrin._________£ gr Leptandrin_________A gr Leptandrin _________A gr Leptandrin ........__1 gr Leptandrin Comp.___If gr Leptandrin..........1 gr Podophyllin_______£ gr Irisin........_.....- -i gr Lettuce Ext.,.....____2 gr Lime Sulphurated, see Cal- cium Sulphide. Liver, Christopher's__3£ gr Calomel__________2gr Rhubarb....._____Igr Powd. Ipecac______A gr Liver, Dr. Taylor's___2* gr Podophyllin.........Igr Powd. Ipecac....... .1 gr Camphor_________4 gr Liver, Improved_____2£ gr Purified Aloes______1 gr Powd. Jalap________1 gr Powd. Gamboge____igr Leptandrin.........i gr Calomel______.....igr Oil Capsicum_____fa gr Tinct. Verat Viride 100 50 Bottle 500 2 35 50 2 35 60 2 85 80 3 85 55 2 60 40 1 85 1 00 4 85 35 1 60 20 85 20 85 25 1 10 40 1 85 55 2 60 35 1 60 35 1 60 35 1 60 25 1 10 Bottle Liver, Improved, Vegetable, ---.......------2£gr Purified Aloes.....--Igr Powd. Jalap..........l gr Powd. Gamboge____£ gr Leptandrin___......£ gr Podophyllin_______£ gT Oil Capsicum_____fa gr Tinct. Verat. Viride __£ gr Liver, Waxham's_____2 gr Ext. Culver's Root___1 gr Capsicum_________-i gr Podophyllin.........£ gr Ext. Jalap............£ gr Gamboge _________igr Lupulin____________3 gr Manganese Binoxide...l gr 1 Magnesia Calcined ___2 gr Magnesia and Rhubarb.2 gr Magnesia Calcined ...1 gi' Powd. Rhubarb......Igr Mercury Biniodide____-fa gr Mercury Biniodide____£ gr Mercury Protiodide___£ gr Mercury Protiodide___igr Mercury Protiodide___£ gr Mercury Protiodide___i gr Mercury Protiodide___£ gr Mercury Protiodide___£ gr Mercury Protiodide and. Opium...........--l£gr Mercury Protiodide__1 gr Powd. Opium........£ gr Morphine Acetate.....£ gr Morphine and Atropine, £ gr Morphine Sulphate. __£ gr Atropine Sulphate.TAff gr Morphine Hydrochlorate, ---......-...........igr Morphine Hydrochlorate, ............-------igr Morphine Sulphate___fa gr Morphine Sulphate___fa gr Morphine Sulphate___fa gr Morphine Sulphate___fa gr Morphine Sulphate___•_£ gr Morphine Sulphate____£ gr Morphine Sulphate___£ gr Morphine Sulphate.....£ gr 25 1 10 30 1 35 40 1 85 00 4 85 30 1 35 30 1 35 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 25 1 10 25 1 10 50 2 35 85 85 40 1 85 65 3 10 25 1 10 30 1 35 30 1 35 35 1 60 40 1 85 45 2 10 55 2 60 85 4 10 124 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Morphine Sulphate Comp., ........__________£gr 65 3 10 Morphine Sulph---£ gr Potass and Antimony Tart...............igr Calomel __________igr Morphine Valerianate. .£ gr 60 2 85 Neuralgic Idiopathic, Brown- Sequard's___......3£ gr 1 05 5 10 Ext. Henbane______f gr Ext. Ignatia_______igr Ext. Aconite........ igr Ext. Stramonium----£ gr Ext. Conium-------£ gr Ext. Opium........--igr Ext. Cannabis Indica .£ gr Ext. Belladonna_____£ gr Neuralgic Idiopathic, Brown- Sequard's, half strength .. 65 3 10 Neuralgic, Dr. Gross's, ______........_.2i gr 2 80 13 85 Quinine Sulph._____2 gr Morphine Sulph---fa gr Arsenious acid_____fa gr Ext. Aconite_______£ gr Strychnine_______fa gr Neuralgic without Mor- phine, Dr. Gross's, 2£gr_.2 70 13 35 Night Sweat........-—3 gr 55 2 60 Zinc Oxide________igr Salicin___.....____1 gr Ext Belladonna____fa gr Hydrastin_________1 gr Lactated Pepsin_____\ gr Nitroglycerin------^£¥ gr 50 2 35 Nitroglycerin______T£w gr 50 2 35 Nitroglycerin-------^jgr 50 2 35 Nitroglycerin_______^5gr 50 2 35 Nitroglycerin _........fa gr 50 2 35 Nitroglycerin_______fa gr 50 2 35 Nux Vomica Ext.......\ gr 20 85 Nux Vomica Ext-----igr 20 85 Nux Vomica Ext-----£ gr 25 110 Opium.............---igr 30 135 Opium, 1 gr., U. S. P---.. 45 2 10 Opium & Camphor, see Cam- phor & Opium_________ 55 2 60 Opium, Camphor & Tannin, see Camphor, Opium & Tannin______________ 40 185 Opium Ext---........£gr 50 2 35 Opium Ext----.......£gr 65 3 10 Opium Ext----------Igr 85 4 10 Opium and Lead Acetate, ---...........♦----2gr Opium___________1 gr Lead Acetate______1 gr Ox Gall____________3gr Ox Gall__________2gr Powd. Jamaica Ginger 1 gr Ox Gall Comp........2£ gr Ox Gall____.......2gr Ext. Stramonium___£ gr Purified Aloes_____tV gr Berber. Hydrochlor..^ gr Ox Gall and Pepsin, Armor's ------............4£gr Purified Aloes.......Igr Iron Sulph. Exsic___A gr Ext. Nux Vomica__fa gr Ox Gall.........---ligr Pepsin....._______1 gr Pepsin and Bismuth, 2-J gr. Pepsin........____l£gr Acid Lactic___.....£ gr Bismuth Subcarb___£ gr Pepsin and Iron Iodide, ..........-------3£ gr Pepsin___________1£ gr Iron by Hydrogen.. 1£ gr Iron Iodide________£ gr Pepsin and Iron by Hydro- gen ---............2£gr Pepsin___________1£ gr Iron by Hydrogen__£ gr Phosphorus_______T£^ gr Phosphorus________fa gr Phosphorus________fa gr Phosphorus.......... fa gr Phosphorus____.....fa gr Phosphorus and Aconite .. Phosphorus_______fa gr Ext. Aconite______fa gr Phosphorus, Aloes Iron and Strychnine________2i gr Phosphorus ..._____sV gr Ext Aloes_________1 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic___1* gr Strychnine---.....fa gr Phosphorus, Aloes and Nux Vomica....._____£ gr Phosphorus.........fa gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gi Ext. Aloes......____£ gr B 100 ott le 5(Kj 45 2 10 35 1 60 55 2 60 80 3 85 80 3 85 80 3 85 80 3 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 20 85 25 1 10 45 2 10 30 1 35 125 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS—Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Phosphorus, Aloes and Nux Vomica, 1 gr. Formula UB."------............ 30 1 35 Phosphorus_______fa gr Ext. Aloes_________£ gr Ext. Nux. Vomica__-igr Phosphorus and Belladonna, ............... .....igr 25 1 10 Phosphorus_____T£ff gr Ext. Belladonna.....-igr Phosphorus and Belladonna, i gr. Formula " B."_____ 30 135 Phosphorus.........fa gr Ext. Belladonna_____£ gr Phosphorus and Cannabis Indica____________igr 40 185 Phosphorus______fa gr Ext. Cannabis Ind.....£ gr Phosphorus and Cannabis Indica, igr., Formula "B." 40 185 Phosphorus.........fa gr Ext. Cannabis Indica .£ gr Phosphorus and Canthar- idesComp...........2 gr 45 2 10 Phosphorus_______fa gr CantharMes..........1 gr Powd. Nux. Vomica.. 1 gr Phosphorus and Canthar- ides Comp,, 2 gr., Formula " B.".......________ 45 2 10 Phosphorus.........fa gr Cantharides..........1 gr Powd. Nux Vomica. .1 gr Phosphorus Comp., No. 1, ___.........______igr 25 1 10 Phosphorus___ .. TJW gr Ext. Nux Vomica___i gr Phosphorus Comp., No. 2, ......____________£gr 25 1 10 Phosphorus..... —fa gr Ext. Nux Vomica---£ gr Phosphorus Comp., No. 3 25 1 10 Phosphorus_______fa gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gr Phosphorus and Digitalis Comp.....___......2gr 40 185 Phosphorus_______fa gr Ext. Henbane........1 gr Powd. Digitalis......1 gr Phosphorus, Digitalis and Henbane__________3 gr 50 2 35 Phosphorus-........fa gr Powd. Digitalis_____1 gr Ext. Henbane........2 gr Bottle 100 500 Phosphorus, Digitalis and Iron:______......--2 gr 45 2 10 Phosphorus.........fa gr Iron by Hydrogen ...1 gr Powd. Digitalis_____1 gr Phosphorus, Digitalis and Iron, 4 gr. Formula " B."_ 50 2 35 Phosphorus________fa gr Iron by Hydrogen___3 gr Powd. Digitalis......Igr Phosphorus and Iron, .1 gr 30 1 35 Phosphorus.._.....T£7 gr Iron Carb._________. 1 gr Phosphorus and Iron, 3 gr Formula "B."___... ... 40 185 Phosphorus________fa gr Iron by Hydrogen___3 gr Phosphorus, Iron and Quinine............2 grl 65 8 10 Phosphorus_______riff gr Iron Carb.....______1 gr Quinine Sulph. _____1 gr Phosphorus, Iron and Quin. 3| gr., Formula "B"l 25 6 10 Phosphorus.........fa gr Iron by Hydrogen...3 gr Quinine Sulph....._ .£ gr Phosphorus, Iron, Quinine and Strychnine____3i gr 1 25 6 10 Phosphorus________fa gr Iron by Hydrogen___3 gr Quinine Sulph....._.£ gr Strychnine.......__^gr Phosphorus, Morphine and Zinc Valerianate___li grl 05 5 10 Phosphorus_______fa gr Morphine Sulph____fa gr Zinc Valerianate .... 1 gr Phosphorus, Morphine and Zinc Valerianate, li gr., Formula " B."__________1 00 4 >5 Phosphorus ..._____fa gr Morphine Hydrochlor^^ gr Zinc Valerianate.....Igr Phospho rus and Nux Vomica____........igr 25 1 10 Phosphorus________fa gr Ext. Nux Vomica__i gr Phosphorus and Nux Vom., £gr. Formula "B."____ 30 135 Phosphorus........fa- gr Ext. Nux Vomica___i gr PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS—Discount 25 per cent. Bottle 100 500 Phosphorus, Nux Vomica and Damiana_____2£ gr 1 00 4 85 Phosphorus..____T£ff gr Ext. Damiana........2 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___igr Phosphorus, Nux Vomica andiron............£ gr 30 135 Phosphorus______T£ff gr Iron Phosphate_____£ gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gr Phosphorus, Nux Vomica &Iron,3£gr. Formula"B" 40 185 Phosphorus........fa gr Iron by Hydrogen___3 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gr Phosphorus, Nux Vomica, Iron and Quinine...2£ grl 65 8 10 Phosphorus______Tiu gr Iron Carb.....______1 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gr Quinine Sulph._____Igr Phosphorus, Nux Vomica, Iron and Quinine, 3£ gr. "Formula "B."___......1 75 8 60 Phosphorus________fa gr Quinine Sulph.......1 gr Iron by Hydrogen___2 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___igr Phosphorus, Opium and Dig- italis_______________Igr 50 2 35 Phosphorus_______fa gr Powd. Ipecac_______igr Powd. Digitalis_____£ gr Powd. Opium.......£gr Phosphorus, Opium and Dig- italis, 1 gr. Formula "B.". 45 2 10 Phosphorus_______fa gr Powd. Digitalis_____£ gr Powd. Ipecac_______£ gr Powd. Opium_______£ gr Phosphorus and Quinine, ___________________1 grl 65 8 10 Phosphorus________fa gr Quinine Sulph._____1 gr Phosphorus, Quinine, Aloes and Nux Vomica___li grl 25 6 10 Phosphorus________fa gr Ext. Aloes........___| gr Quinine Sulph____--igr Ext. Nux Vomica___igr Bottle 100 500 Phosphorus and Quinine Comp.__________l£grl 25 6 10 Phosphorus_______sV gr Iron by Hydrogen___1 gr Quinine Sulph._____igr Strychnine-------fa gr Phosphorus, Quinine and Digitalis Comp----li grl 25 6 10 Phosphorus ______fa gr Quinine Sulph______£gr Powd. Ipecac______igr Powd. Digitalis_____igr Powd. Opium______£ gr Phosphorus, Quinine and Nux Vomica___....l^grl 65 8 10 Phosphorus_______fa gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gr Quinine Sulph._____1 gr Phosphorus and Strychnine 45 2 10 Phosphorus_______fa gr Strychnine--------fa gr Phosphorus and Strychnine. Formula"B."___________ 50 2 35 Phosphorus_______fa gr Strychnine--------fa gr Phosphorus, Strychnine and Iron_______________Igr 50 2 35 Phosphorus-------TJT gr Iron Carb___________1 gr Strychnine--------fa gr Phosphorus, Strychnine and Iron Sulph...........Igr 45 2 10 Phosphorus.....—t&tt gr Strychnine-------tI* gr Iron Sulph----......1 gr Phosphorus and Zinc Comp. ___________________2gr 45 2 10 Phosphorus_______fa gr Lupulin______......1 gr Zinc Sulph.___.....1 gr Phosphorus, Zinc & Strych- nine_______________Igr 50 2 35 Phosphorus_______fa gr Strychnine--------fa gr Zinc Valerianate____£ gr Phosphorus, Zinc and Va- lerian______________3 gr ■ 45 2 10 Phosphorus___.....fa gr Zinc Sulph_________1 gr Ext. Valerian_______2 gr Phytolaccin___________£ gr 40 185 Picrotoxin-----------fa gr 45 2 10 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS.—Discount 25 per cent. Pilocarpine Nitrate__fa gr 2 Podophyllin__________£ gr Podophyllin__________£gr Podophyllin__________£gr Podophyllin__________Igr Podophyllin and Belladonna, -------------------2gr Podophyllin________£gr Powd. Capsicum____i gr Ext. Belladonna_____igr Powd. Sugar Milk__1 gr Podophyllin, Belladonna and Calabar____________£ gr Podophyllin________igr Ext. Belladonna_____£ gr Ext. Calabar Bean___£ gr Podophyllin and Blue .2£ gr Podophyllin________igr Blue Mass__________2 gr Podophyllin Comp.___£ gr Podophyllin________£ gr Ext. Nux Vomica__-fa gr Ext. Henbane_______£ gr Podophyllin Comp., Eclectic, -------------------£gr Podophyllin________£ gr Juglandrin---------fa gr Oleoresin Capsicum -fa gr Leptandrin________fa gr Macrotin__________fa gr Podophyllin and Leptandrin __________________Hgr Podophyllin________£ gr Leptandrin_________1 gr Podophyllum Ext.____1 gr Poppy Ext-----------2 gr Potassium Bromide---Igr Potassium Bromide ..._5gr Potassium Iodide-----2 gr Potassium Iodide-----5gr Potassium and Iron Tartrate, ___________________2gr Potassium Permanganate, ___________________Igrl Quassia Ext----------1 gr Quinidine Sulphate. Quinine and Aloes----lgrl Quinine Sulph------£ gr Purified Aloes______£ gr Quinine Bisulph. Bott 100 e 500 00 9 85 20 85 20 85 25 1 10 40 1 85 45 2 10 60 2 35 30 1 35 40 1 85 40 1 85 45 2 10 35 1 60 40 1 85 45 2 10 75 3 60 55 2 60 85 4 10 40 1 85 00 4 85 55 2 60 20 5 85 Quinine Bisulph. and Cap- sicum ____________2£ gr2 Quinine Bisulph......2 gr Powd. Capsicum____£ gr Quinine and Blue Mass, --.....-----------3igrl Quinine Sulph._____1 gr Oleoresin Black Pepper, -------------------£gr Blue Mass_________2 gr Quinine Bromide____2 gr3 Quinine and Capsicum, ----------------- 2£gr2 Quinine Sulph______2 gr Powd. Capsicum____A gr Quinine Comp._______2 grl Quinine Sulph.______1 gr Arsenious Acid.___fa gr Iron by Hydrogen___Igr Quinine Co., and Ext. Dan- delion ____________4£ grl Quinine Bisulph____li gr Iron Sulph. Exsic.__2 gr Arsenious Acid____fa gr Ext. Dandelion_____li gr Quinine Co. and Strych- nine______________2i grl (Strych. Co., Formula "A.") Quinine Sulph._____1 gr Arsenious Acid____g1,, gr Iron by Hydrogen___1 gr Strychnine________fa gr Quinine and Ext. Belladon- na_________________li grl Quinine Sulph______Igr Ext. Belladonna_____£ gr Quinine and Iron_____2 grl Quinine Sulph._____Igr Iron by Hydrogen__1 gr Quinine and Iron Carbon- ate______•_________2 grl Quinine Sulph._____1 gr Iron Carb----------1 gr Quinine, Iron and Nux Vomica............3i grl Quinine Sulph._____1 gr Iron Carb. (Vallet's).-2 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gr Quinine, Iron and Strych- nine ........________3 grl Quinine Sulph______1 gr Strychnine Sulph___fa gr Iron Carb.....______2 gr Bottle 100 500 00 £9 85 40 6 85 00 14 85 40 11 85 40 6 85 65 S 35 40*~6 85 50 7 35 40 6 85 40 6 85 40 6 85 40 6 85 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS—Discount 25 per cent. Quinine, Iron and Strych- nine Phosphates____2 gr 1 Quinine Phosphate__1 gr Strychnine Phos---^gr Iron Phosphate_____1 gr Quinine and Iron Valerian- ate ______________2 gr 1 Quinine Sulph____1£ gr Iron Valerianate____£ gr Quinine and Strychnine, ----------------lgrl Quinine Sulph._____1 gr Strychnine_______fa gr Quinine Sulph. Quinine Valerianate__| gr Rheumatic_________3 gr Ext. Coloc. Co____1| gr Ext. Colch. Acet.___1 gr Ext. Henbane______£ gr ,Calomel......_____£ gr Rhubarb Ext.. ______1 gr Rhubarb, U. S. P_____3 gr Rhubarb and Blue___3£ gr Blue Mass________If gr Sodium Bicarb.....— £ g1' Powd. Rhubarb_____1 gr Rhubarb Comp____..31 gr Powd. Rhubarb____11 gr Powd. Myrrh______J gr Purified Aloes_____li gr Oil Peppermint_____q. s. Rhubarb Comp., U. S. P., ----- ---------4fcgr Powd. Rhubarb_____2 gr Purified Aloes_____11 gr Powd. Myrrh____— 1 gr Oil Peppermint___.fa gr Rhubarb and Iron____3 gr Powd. Rhubarb ___2 gr Iron Sulph. Exsic..,.1 gr Salicin_______________1 gr Salicin_______________2,gr Salicin_______________3 gr Salicylic Acid________1 gr Salicylic Acid_______2£ gr Salicylic Acid________3 gr Sandal Wood Comp.__3 gr Oil Sandal Wood___1 gr Ext. Cubebs________1 gr Bals. Copaiba_______1 gr Sanguinaria Ext_______£ gr Sanguinarin__________^ gr Sanguinarin....._____1 gr Sc.itonin_____------| gr 50 7 35 8 85 40 6 85 60 2 85 40 1 85 45 2 10 40 1 85 40 1 85 50 35 4 35 2 60 45 2 10 65 3 10 85 4 10 30 1 35 65 3 10 70 3 35 70 3 35 40 1 85 35 1 60 45 2 10 35 1 60 Bottle 100 .500 Santonin_____________Igr 50 2 35 Santonin and Calomel. .1 gr 55 2 60 Santonin___________\ gv Calomel__________£ gr Cocoa Butter_____q. s. Santonin and Podophyllin, __________......£gr 40 1 85 Santonin__________igr Podophyllin______fa gr Sarsaparilla Ext______3 gr 45 2 10 Savin Ext__________ Igr 40 185 Sedative____________2 gr 50 2 35 Ext. Musk Root____£ gr Ext. Henbane______£ gr Ext. Valerian______igr Ext. Cannabis Ind. ..fa gr Senna Alex. Ext_____2 gr 40 185 Silver Iodide.....____igr 45 2 10 Soap and Opium_____3 gr 65 3 10 Powd. Opium_____ f gr Soap_____________2 j gr Sodium Bicarbonate___4 gr 30 1 35 Squill Comp._________3 gr 30 135 Powd. Squill_________jj- Sr Powd. Jam. Ginger__£ gr Powd. Soap______1£ gr Ammoniac________igr Stillingia .____________Igr 35 1 60 Stramonium Ext_______igr 25 1 10 Stramonium Ext_______£ gr 35 1 60 Stramonium Ext______-Igr 40 1 85 Strychnine_________TJ0 gr 20 85 Strychnine__________fa gr 20 85 Strychnine...........fa gr 20 85 Strychnine__________sV gr 20 85 Strychnine__________J0 gr 20 S5 Strychnine__________fa gr 20 85 Strychnine__________3*0 gr 20 85 Strychnine___.......fa gr 20 85 Strychnine_____.....fa gr 20 85 Strychnine Sulphate._TJ0 gr 20 85 Strvchnine Comp., Formula "A."_______________2gr 1 40 6 So See Quinine Comp., and Strychnine_____________ Strvchnine Comp., Formula "*B."_______________2gr 50 2 35 Strychnine___ --too gr Ext Cannabis Ind. ..fa gr Powd. Ginseng______1 gr Phosphorus-------TJ0 gr Iron Carb-----------1 gr Sulphur Iodide_______fa gr 40 1 85 PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS Discount 25 per cent. 100 500 Sundew Ext____.....--3 gr 55 2 60 Syphilitic, Ricord's Modi- "fied___................_100 4 85 Mercury Protiodide. __£ gr Lactucarium_______ £ gr Ext. Opium________fa gr Ext. Conium_______1£ gr Tannin....._.......— -Igr 50 2 35 Tannin______.....___3 gr 60 2 85 Taraxacum Ext......--3 gr 45 2 10 Tartar Emetic_______fa gr 20 85 Tartar Emetic........fa gr 20 85 Tartar Emetic________igr 20 85 Tartar Emetic.....___igr 20 85 Tonic, Aiken's________2 gr 1 40 6 85 Quinine Sulphate____1 gr Acid Arsenious____fa gr Iron by Hydrogen___f gr Strychnine___ ___^J0 gr Tonic Haematic, Andrews' ___________________2£grl50 7 35 Quinine Sulph------1 gr Iron by Hydrogen... 1£ gr Arsenious Acid----fa gr Powd. Ipecac-------£ gr Strychnine Sulph---fa gr Tonic Hicmatic with Cin- chonidine__________2£gr 80 3 85 Cinchonidine Sulph.. _1 gr Powd. Ipecac------. i gr Arsenious Acid----41,, gr Iron by Hydrogen...l£ gr Strychnine Sulph---fa gr Tonic, Waxham's_____2 gr 75 3 60 Cinchonine Sulph.---1 gr Ext. Prickly Ash Bark, i gr Ext. Cinchona Bark, Red, —........-----igr Ext Dogwood Bark.-igr Powd. Capsicum.....igr Trilliin__________,_-igr Triplex____________3i gr Purified Aloes.....__2 gr Blue Mass___........Igr Podophyllin______-igr Triplex, Dr. Francis'__4 gr Purified Aloes_____1£ gr Blue Mass___......It gr Oil Caraway_______A gr Res. Scammony___1£ gr Croton Oil________fa gr Tr. Aloes and Myrrh.£ gr Uva Ursi Ext._______2 gr Valerian Ext.....____2 gr Veratrine__________fa gr Veratrine----------sV gr Veratrine___.....___fa gr Veratrum Viride Ext .-igr Veratrum Viride Ext.__£ gr Viburnum Prunifolium Ext., -----------------3gr Yerba Santa Ext------3 gr Zinc Oxide---------1 gr Zinc Phosphide------fa gr Zinc Phosphide------£ gr Zinc Phosphide------£ gr Zinc Phosphide------£ gr Zinc Phosphide------£ gr Zinc Phosphide Comp..f gr Zinc Phosphide----£ gr Ext. Nux Vomica___£ gr Ext. Cannabis Ind...„.£gr Zinc Phosphide and Nux Vomica-----------i gr Zinc Phosphide----fa gr Ext. Nux Vomica---£ gr Zinc Valerianate------1 gr Zinc Valerianate------2 gr Bott 100 e 500 30 1 35 40 1 85 40 1 X5 40 1 85 55 2 60 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 30 1 35 40 1 85 35 1 60 50 2 35 40 1 85 45 2 10 45 2 10 45 2 10 50 2 35 65 3 10 65 3 10 50 1 35 60 2 85 75 3 60 A Full Line of _,, PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S SPECIALTIES, INCLUDING THEIR Fluid Extracts, Concentrations, Normal Liquids, Elastic Filled Capsules. Etc., Carried in Stock at Manufacturer's Prices, CHARLES TRUAX & CO. PARKE, DAVIS & CO.'S PILLS. -Discount 25 per cent PINK GRANULES. SUGAR COATED. These Granules are intended to supply the needs of Physicians in such cases as require minute doses, or frequent repetition, for adults or in complaints of children. For the sake of beauty of appearance, and to distinguish them from our regular line of Pills, we have applied a pink coating. Aconite Root.....___fa gr 20 Aloin.......______fa gr 20 Alum............... fa gr 20 Ammonium Chloride., fa gr 20 Anodyne___.....____£ gr 20 Camphor_________igr Ext. Henbane______£ gr Morphine Acetate . -yA^ gr Oil Capsicum_____T£0 gr Anti-Chill__________£ gr 20 Chinoidin_________fa gr Iron Ferrocyanide___£ gr Arsenious Acid___Tf£0 gr Oleo. Blk. Pepper__fa gr Anti-Constipation_____£ gr 20 Podophyllin______^0 gr Ext. Nux Vomica___fa gr Powd. Capsicum___fa gr Ext. Belladonna___fa gr Ext. Henbane_____-fa gr Apomorphine_______J0gr 20 Arnica Flowers______£ gr 20 Arsenic Iodide.......-rJ0gr 20 Arsenious Acid_____,-J, gr 20 Belladonna Leaves___fa gr 20 Calomel___......___^0gr 20 Camphor----------Agr 20 Camphor and Opium__£ gr 20 Camphor_________£ gr Powd. Opium.......^ gr Camphor, Opium and Tan- nin---.....-------£ gr 20 Camphor........__fa- gr Tannin........_____£ gr °Pium.....-----Agr Cantharides ________^0gr 20 Capsicum__________igr 20 Cathartic Comp., Imp...£ gr 20 Ext. Coloc. Co........... Ext. Jalap____.....____ Podophyllin____........ Leptandrin___________ Ext. Henbane.......___ Oil Peppermint._______ Bottle 100 500 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 Cathartic Comp., U. S. P., ----........----....igr 20 Ext. Coloc, Co......____ Ext. Jalap_______....._ Calomel........_______ Gamboge___.......____ Corrosive Sublimate. _TJT gr 20 Croton Oil........___fa gr 20 Digitalis Leaves_____fa gr 20 Dover's Powder______£ gr 20 Ergotin------------fa gr 20 Gamboge........___^gr 20 Gelsemium Root .....e*o gr 20 Henbane Ext...______£ gr 20 Hydrastin__________fa gr 20 Iodoform____........_fa gr 20 Ipecac-------------^0 gr 20 Iron by Hydrogen____fa gr 20 Jalapin------------fa gr 20 Leptandrin__ .____fa- gr 20 Mercury with Chalk.. .-fa gr 20 Mercury Protiodide___fa gr 20 Morphine Sulphate___Agr 20 Neuralgic, Dr. Gross' _.. £ gr 20 Nux Vomica____.....fa gr 20 Opium.....--------fa gr 20 Peppermint Oil____f^gr 20 Phosphorus..______2J0 gr 20 Piperin-----------"fa gr 20 Podophyllin________^gr 20 Podophyllin_________£ gr 20 Potass. Arsenite____TJ0 gr 20 Potass. Bromide______£ gr 20 Potass. Nitrate______fa gr 20 Quinine Sulphate____-fa gr 20 Quinine, Iron and Strych- nine........_.......-igr 20 Quinine Sulph.____fa gr Iron Carb.___ _____£ gr Strychnine Sulph...g£0 gr Salicylic Acid.........fa gr 20 Santonin___......__^0 gr 20 Strychnine.....-----roo gr 20 Tannic Acid......___fa gr 20 Tartaric Acid.........fa gr 20 Bottle 100 500 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES ELECTRO - THERAPEUTICS, WITH 135 ILLUSTRATIONS. Prepared toy O. M. H AYNES, Jtt.T>. Designed for the use of Students and Physicians. BliAIN, g^AGTIGAL, (©OMPIiBUlE. This volume of 420 pages contains in a clear concise form the elementary principles of Magnetism, Franklinism, Galvanism, Faradism, and was written in response to a demand for a simple practical work; suitable for the beginner, and at the same time adapted to ready reference for the busy practitioner who has not the time to devote to the more abstruse and exhaustive works on this subject. The following extracts from the list of contents are selected to give a gene- ral idea of the ground covered by the text: Suggestions in regard to the selection and care of batteries. The different forms of electricity compared; (a) according to their physio- logical effects; (b) according to their therapeutical effects. Differential indications for the selection of current. Electro diagnosis in obscure diseases. Resuscitation of those in a state of asphyxia from anaesthetics, drowning, etc., or in new-born infants. To distinguish between real and apparent death. Detection of malingerers by electricity. Diagnosis and prognosis in various forms of paralysis. Location of the motor points of the body through which any single muscle or group of muscles may be stimulated to contract. Illustrated. Illustration of nerve centers and mode of treating the various organs of the body through them. "Landmarks" for locating the various organs in the living body, illustrated, with directions for conveying electricity directly to them. Influence of galvanism on the sensory nerves, the motor nerves, the vaso- motor nerves, the dilator nerves. Electrolysis of tumors, naevi, strictures, etc. Electrolysis for the permanent removal of hair from the eyelids or other situations. Illustrated. Electro thermal baths; the method of giving them and the apparatus re- quired. Illustrated. Complete and definite directions, collected from the best American and Eu- ropean authors, for the treatment of all diseases to which electricity has been successfully applied. Galvano-cautery ; its history, advantages and method of employing it A full vocabulary of Electrical Language, containing all the terms which are employed in medical literature, defined according to the revision of the Elec- trical Congress assembled at Paris, in 1881. PRICE $2. On receipt of this amount we will forward by mail post- paid. Address. Chas. Truax & Co., 81 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. McINTOSH BATTERIES—Discount 20 per cent. ELECTRICITY. Electricity having been universally adopted as a recognized agency in the treatment of disease, and having been incorporated in the curriculum of many medical colleges, the selection of a suitable battery is a matter of importance to the profession. So long as the belief prevailed that the therapeutical effect of all forms of electricity are identical, any form of battery was thought sufficient for treatment, and there was little stimulus for the manufacturer to improve upon the crude instruments with which the market was supplied. The latter frequently failed to produce a beneficial effect, but the result was attributed to the agent rather than to the instrument. The rapid advance in the applications of electricity in the arts has been accompanied by renewed investigations of its value as a remedy, and a demand for better instruments having arisen during recent years great improvements have been made in Galvanic, Faradic and Static Apparatus. Among prominent manufacturers the Mcintosh Galvanic and Faradic Battery Company of Chicago seem to have been the most successful in devising and perfecting electrical instruments best adapted for physicians' use. They have been especially fortunate in constructing a Combined Battery, which includes two distinct instruments in one case that does not exceed in bulk or weight the single instruments commonly sold. The physician who is provided with this admirable battery has at command both Faradism and Galvanism in convenient portable form. The same company manufacture the celebrated Atkinson Topler Static Apparatus, which is the only one that can be depended upon to work well under every condition of the atmosphere. They also make a full line" of Electrodes for both general and local applica- tions of the various electrical currents. We have sold their Batteries and Electri- cal Instruments with so much success and & mm satisfaction to our pa- I trons and ourselves MJsifcl that we continue their agency, and have made arrangements to fur- nish all their goods at manufacturers' prices, and quote their Bat- teries, Static Appara tus and Electrodes. This Battery is made of good material, in a substantial manner, and furnishes smooth, even, Faradic currents suitable for family pur- poses. It is made on the same principle as the higher priced Far- SyBCtiein; ordir McINTOSH FAMILY FARADIC BATTERY. Price______.......-.....---$10 00 McINTOSH BATTERIES.—Discount 20 per cent. and is portable. It is designed solely for domestic use and is not intended to take the place of the Physician's Battery. It is put up in a neat black walnut case, 6J£ inches long, 6 inches high and 5 inches wide, and is furnished with con- ducting cords and one pair of electrodes. This instrument is superior in every respect to any ever offered at the same price. BAKED en McINTOSH PHYSICIANS' FARADIC BATTERY. No. 1. Price of battery with first-class sponge electrodes and the new cable conducting cordsi_______________.....__............_______$18 001 This Battery has a first-class induction coil with polished hard-rubber ends and cover. The cell and drip-cup are made of hard rubber. The coil, binding posts and rheotome are placed on the upper surface of a polished, hard-rubber plate (the under surface of which is covered with soft rubber), which also holds the zinc and carbons. When the elements are removed from the cells and placed in the drip-cup, this plate is securely held over them and makes them water-tight. This battery is put up in a neat polished black-walnut case, six inches in width, nine inches in length, and seven inches in height, and weighs. less than six pounds charged. All the metal work is nickel-plated. It is very convenient for a physician's visiting battery, or family use, as it is light and per fectly portable, and gives sufficient strength to treat any case where the Faradic or induced current is needed. McINTOSH BATTERIES—Discount 20 per cent. McINTOSH PHYSICIAN'S FARADIC BATTERY. No. 3. Price, with sponge electrodes and cable conducting cords_______$30 00 This instrument has several new features which make it the most complete and elegant Faradic Battery ever offered to the profession. Upon a polished hard-rubber plate, 5x7 inches, are arranged the coil, rheotome, pole changer, cur- rent selector, indicator and binding posts. Beneath this plate is a space for electrodes. The large hard-rubber cell and drip-cup are composed of one piece of hard vulcanized rubber. A very important improvement in this battery is the perfect acid-proof connections of the elements. This battery is put up in a finely polished black walnut case, eight inches long, eight inches wide, and six and a half inches high; all the metal work is finely nickel-plated, and it is the most convenient and elegantly finished battery^ ever offered for sale. McINTOSH BATTERIES.—discount 20 per cent. This Battery is put up in a polished black walnut box, 10^i inches long, 8% inches wide, 7% inches high, and weighs only 11 pounds. It is furnished with cable conducting cords, one pair of universal electrodes and a hard rubber electrode box. It supplies a galvanic cur- rent of sufficient power for all ordinary pur- poses. McINTOSH TWELVE-CELL GALVANIC BATTERY. Price $30 00. McINTOSH TWELVE-CELL COMBINED GALVANIC AND FARA- DIC BATTERY. Price, $40 00. Same style of case and finish as the above, 13% inches long, SJ^ inches wide, 7J4 inches high with first-class Faradic Coil, polished hard-rubber ends and cover, extra large cell to run the coil, electrodes, cable conducting cords and hard-rubber electrode box. This Battery gives a gal- vanic current same as above described, also Primary and Secondary Faradic currents of excellent quality 7�5703�29773 136 McINTOSH BATTERIES—Discount 20 per cent. McINTOSH EIGHTEEN-CELL GALVANIC BATTERY. Price, $40. In a polished black-walnut case, 14J< inches long, 8J4 inches wide, T% inches high, with lock and handle, metal work all nickel-plated, first-class sponge electrodes, cable conducting cords, and hard-iubber electrode box. This is the most convenient size for a physician's use, as it gives a powerful current and weighs but a little over 15 pounds. McINTOSH EIGHTEEN-CELL COMBINED GALVANIC AND FAR- ADIC BATTERY. Price, $52.50. Same style of case and finish as the above, 17 inches long, %%. inches wide, 1% inches high, with first-class Faradic Coil, polished hard rubber ends and cover, extra large cell to run the coil, sponge electrodes, cable conducting cords, and hard rubber electrode box. This Is the most de- sirable battery for a physician's use, as it furnishes a very powerful galvanic current with pri- mary and secondary Faradic currents, and is nerfectly portable. McINTOSH BATTERIES—Discount 20 per cent. 137 McINTOSH TWENTY-FOUR-CELL GALVANIC BATTERY. Price, $55 00. Same style of case, finish, electrodes and cords as the eighteen-cell battery. Case is 18 inches long, 8J^ inches wide, and 1"% inches high, with lock and handle and hard-rubber electrode case; weighs less than 20 pounds. This battery furnishes an exceedingly powerful galvanic current. McINTOSH TWENTY-FOUR-CELL COMBINED GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATTERY. Price, $67 50. Same style of case and finish as the above, 2<)v4 inches long, 834 inches wide, 7% inches high, and weighs twenty-four pounds. It has a first-class faradic coil, polished hard-rubber ends and cover extra large cell to run the coil, sponge electrodes, cable conducting cords, and hard-rubber electrode box. It furnishes a galvanic current of the same power as the preceding, also primary and secondary Faradic currents. 189999999� 9999999999 McINTOSH BATTERIES.—Discount 20 per cent. 20 " ii 2 25 " u 7 25 « u 2 25 " it 7 25 " ii 2 15 " a 4 PRICE OF^EXTRAS FOR McINTOSH BATTERIES. For the convenience of customers who wish to purchase new elements for their batteries and to save them the trouble and expense of sending the instru- ments to us, which is often done unnecessarily, we quote the following prices, adding a few other articles which are required occasionally. Money must in all cases accompany the order, including the amount for postage: Zinc for Family Faradic Battery_________each, 20 cts. postage 4 cts. extra. Carbon " ." " ........._ Zinc for Physicians " " ........._ Carbon " " ".......... Zinc for Faradic part of Combined battery Carbon " " " " Zinc for Galvanic " " " " " " " "per doz. 1.50 " Carbons " " " " each, 15 " " 1 " " " " " "per doz. 1.50 " Brass screws for fastening on zincs and carbons___........per doz. 15 cents. Bridges for connecting zincs and carbons.............___ each, 10 " Binding posts_________.........._____..............._ " 15 «< Adjustable cord tips____________....._.......____... « 15 « Rubber cell for Family Faradic Battery_____each, 1.50 postage 4 cts. extra. " " Physicians " " _____ « 2.50 " 8 " " " for Faradic part of Combined battery " 2.50 " 8 " r " " for Galvanic part of Combined battery 5.00 " 12 " Conducting cords with our new adjustable tip.....___per pair 75 cents. " " (one bifurcated) " " "________« « $1.00 " " for Family Faradic Battery....._______» « 50 " Metal handles " " " ___........_ » « 75 « Handles and sponge discs........................____" « 1.50 " Sponge discs___.....______________........_______« « 75 « Spiral connecting wires.....______............_____ each 15 " Bisulphate of mercury______________________,________ per oz. 15 " Bichromate of Potass______________________________ per lb. 50 " THE CABLE CONDUCTING CORDS AND NEW ADJUSTABLE TIP. A B. C. This cable-cord is made with spiral copper wires, each surrounding a strong thread; and these are twisted in an insulated bundle. The Adjustable Tip wilt save the physician much trouble, as he can easily remove it from a broken cord and replace it in a few moments. The above cut will help to explain it To re- pair a cord, unscrew the tube B from the tip C, draw the cord through, cut away the broken end, slip back the covering, knot the wires and screw the tube into the tip. This clamps the wires in the tip as seen in A, and makes a perfect connec- tion. These tips are used only on the Mcintosh Batteries. McINTOSH BATTERIES.—Discount 20Jper cent McINTOSH TABLE BATTERY. This was designed by Dr. Mcintosh to meet the wants of physicians who desire a compact and complete office battery. This arrangement is a beautiful piece of work. The following accessories, finely nickel-plated, are tastefully arranged on a board of polished hard rubber, 12x16 inches: A Galvanic Switch for thirty two to sixty cells; an Automatic Rheotome, giving fast or slow interruptions; Galvanometer; Pole Changer; Current Indicator; Binding Posts; large Faradic Coil, with polished hard-rubber ends and cover; a Coil Rheostat of twenty-five coils of one hundred ohms' resistance each, whereby from one hundred to two thousand five hundred ohms' resistance can be brought into either the Galvanic or Faradic circuit, by simply moving the circular switch. This can be furnished in black-walnut case, on an office table or cabinet case. This is a very perfect and elegant piece of work, and receives the approval of physicians at sight, Each instrument is furnished with a thirty-two-cell Gravity Battery and con- nections. This battery can be placed in a closet or cellar, out of the way, as It requires very little attention. Price, as above described, in polished black-walnut case, with Gravity Battery______.....................................................$150 00 Any kind of battery cell furnished with the cost of the change added to the above price. McINTOSH BATH APPA~ AT US.—Discount 20 per cent. McINTOSH COMBINED GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATH APPA- RATUS, No. 1. This Faradic Bath Apparatus is very complete in its arrangement. The Faradic coil is nearly 12 inches long and 3^4 inches in diameter (with polished hard-rubber ends and cover), placed on the shelf of a polished hard-rubber bracket. The vibrator, magnet and binding posts are placed on the shelf in front of the coil Twelve switches are placed on the perpendicular plate of the bracket in circular form. Each switch has a positive and negative connection with its electrode m the bath tub. By this arrangement they can be used as pole changers. Within the electrodt circle is a galvanic circle with buttons to connect with galvanic cells from 1 to 60 The switches in the upper right and left hand corners connect either current with the electrode switches to the tub or the binding posts. The upper central switch connects the coil with the large gravity cell. This apparatus can be placed on a table or the wall in convenient proximity to-the bath tub, and is the most convenient arrangement ever designed. It is furnished with 36 or more 6x7 gravity cells, the current from which can be directed through the bath electrodes or binding We furnish with each apparatus a large, powerful gravity-cell 18x18 inches, and 8 inches deep, to run the Faradic coil. This cell will run for months with very little attention The elements remain in the fluid and there is no action on them when the battery switch is turned off. The tub is usually made six feet four inches long, four feet six inches on the bottom, six- teen inches wide at the foot, and twenty-one inches at the head, with a slight taper toward the bottom. It is usually made of wood, as it is cheaper and just as good. If desired, we can fur- nish tubs made of soap-stone or porcelain. Price, complete as above described, with 36 6x7 gravity cells, $250 00; Price, without galvanic attachment and gravity cell, $200 00 McINTOSH BATH APPARATUS TVs ^unt 20 per cent. McINTOSH COMBINED GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATH APPARATUS, No. 2. Price, with 36 6x7 graYity cells.....................................$175 00 Price, without cells___............................................ 140 00 This apparatus is made upon the same plan as our No. 1, but less expensive. The coil is in- closed in a triangular, polished black-walnut case, the front of which is made of polished black rubber. The switches, binding posts, rheotome, etc., are all nickel-plated, and neatly arranged on the sloping front. Tt is arranged to connect with any number of galvanic cells from 1 to 60. The coil is run r ' i' ; -iige tray cell, and has the same bath tub and electrode as No. 1. No. 2 OFFICE TABLE PLATE. Price, $30 00. The following accessories are neatly arranged on a polished hard rubber base, 10x12 inches: A Galvanic Switch, for thirty-six or more cells; a Faradic Coil, with polished hard rubber ends and cover; Pole Changer; two Binding Posts, from which the Galvanic, Primary or Secondary Fara- dic currents may be taken by means of Switch, and a switch to connect the coil with the Galvanic cells. This is an elegant piece of work, and will meet the wants of the profession where a less expensive battery is desired. 142 McINTOSH BATH APPARATUS.—Discount 20 per cent McINTOSH CABINET ELECTRIC BATH. The Cabinet Bath is devised for the application of hot air or vapor with any form of electrization. By its use, the physician can avail himself, at a trifling ex- pense, of all the remedial advantages to be obtained in the most expensive bath establishment. This apparatus is simple, neat and convenient, occupies little space, and can be used in an office where it is not possible to furnish the conveniences for a water bath. It is not necessary that a dressing-room be provided, and only a small amount of water is required. It is shown in cut with the cover raised and the fronl removed. BB. Folding and sliding cover. S. Depression for holding switch-board and elec- rodes. E. Revolving stool. Z. Zinc, lining the bottom of the cabinet. OO. Openings through which the operator can ma- nipulate the electrodes. LL. Flexible electrode connections, to'which spring electrodes are attached, which can be applied to any part of the body. G. Wire which connects the switch-board with the zinc, when the latter is required for a foot-plate. F. Wire connecting switch-board with stool. C. Steam coil. N. The pipe where steam entersthe coil. V. Valve to admit steam or vapor into the cabinet. D. Drain pipe. T. Marks the location of the thermometer, which fits in a groove in the box, permitting the temperature to be observed without opening the bath. A, The opening for the patient's neck. Length, %% feet. Width, 2 1-4 feet. Height, 4feet. It is heated by a small coil supplied with stesm from a tin or copper vessel which is heated by a coal oil or gasoline stove, or ordinary stove outside the bath. Connection is made with the boiler and coil by means of rubber tubing. There is no danger of explosion, as the coil opens outside at the lower end to permit es- cape of condensed steam. To use dry heat it takes from fifteen to twenty-five minutes to raise the temperature to 130 ° . If steam is allowed to enter the box only five to ten minutes are required to raise the temperature from 90 ° to 110 ° (A higher temperature with steam should not be used.) Any of our portable or office batteries can be used to supply electricity. Price as above described, $90 00, without battery. 58891622 McINTOSH ELECTRICAL APPARATUS.—Discount 20 per cent. B SIZE OF BASE, 7|x4| INCHES. AUTOMATIC RHEOTOME. Price, $15 00. This Rheotome can be connected with any galvanic battery, to give slow or rapid interruptions of the current. It is put up with a polished hard rubber top and base and nickel plated sides; all the metal work is nickel plated. It occupies but little space, and is as durable as a clock. GALVANOMETER. Price, small size-------------------------------------$5 00 " large size_____________________________________ 6 00 " large size, extra large coil______________________8 00 We make two sizes, on polished hard rubber bases, large size 6ix3£ inches, and small size 5£x3 inches; metal work finely nickel plated. These galvanometers can be connected to any make of galvanic battery, to test the current. RHEOSTATS. The use of the Rheostat is to modify the intensity of a current of electricity by passing it through water or resistance coil. By its aid, the physician can gradually increase the power of a current without shock to the patient, which is indispensable in treating the organs of special sense? brain, etc. These instruments can be used with any make of battery. Price of Water Rheostat, 9 inches high, on hard rubber base, 3i inches in diameter, metal work, nickel plated__..___________.............-$10 00 Price of Coil Rheostat, giving from 100 to 2,500 ohm's' resistance.-.....30 00 McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent. 1. Universal Handles, with Sponge-covered Discs, per 1 50 C. New Carbon Electrode, per pair--------------------------------- 4 00 0. Wheel Electrode of Hard Rubber, set with metallic points for mus- cular Faradization; universal hard-rubber handle, with current inter- rupter.......--------- 5 00 Handle without Wheel_______ 3 00 2. Folding Foot Plate Insulated on one side with Soft Rubber, to pre- vent wetting carpet, with movable flannel cover ....... ... 4 00 3. Sponge-coyered Electrode, Insulated with Soft Rubber for general application with the hand. 1 50 McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent. <- 4. Sponge-covered Electrode, with long handle to be used under the clothing ..-.................-........----.......-.............. 1 50 A. Holder for large sponge with universal handle, $1 50, without handle, 1 00 B. Sponge-Cup with universal handle---........100, " 50 5. Ball Rectal Electrode (insulated) 6. Rectal Electrode, nickel plated.....................-----------------1 25 7. Rectal Electrode, Insulated with Polished Hard Rubber...............2 00 9. Vaginal Electrode, nickel plated 1 50 10 10. Vaginal Electrode, Insulated with Polished Hard Rubber 2 50 McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent. 11. Nasal Electrode, nickel plated_______;__________________.........1 00 13. 12. Small Aural and Nasal Electrode 75 13. Tonsil Electrode, nickel plated_____________________________ _ j QO 14. Tongue Plate, insulated _•_______________________________ 1 qq 15. Comb Electrode, nickel plated___.'______________ j 16. Cup-shaped Electrode, for Uterus, three sizes, each ___________...... 2 00 McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent. 17. Metallic Brush........._____________________________........____1 00 18, 19. Olives, different sizes, which may be attached to No. 20, each----- 20 20. Spiral Flexible Uterine or Urethal Electrode, insulated_____________1 25 21. Uterine or Urethal Electrode, insulated with hard rubber------------ 1 25 22. Elastic Electrode, for conveying both Currents to the Uterus or Urethra 3 00 25. Laryngeal Electrode, nickel plated, insulated---------------........ 1 00 & 26. Duchenne's Metallic Points, for muscular Faradization, per pair, gold plated.............................................—...........2 JO 27. Small Sponge Electrode, for external application to the larynx........1 50 28. Laryngeal Electrode, with sponge tip........---...............-----1 »>0 148 McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent. so 30. Neck Electrode____________________________........ 2 00 34. Eye Cup Electrode, new style________________________..... 2 00 lr 31. Ear Electrode___........_________......_____ o 7K 32. Ball Electrode____________________________- — ~-l--."_\l. 75 33. Disc Electrodes, three sizes, each_____________________ en 35 35. Hair Brush Electrode „ -n 4-0 40. Metallic Handles, per pair______ -. 50 McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent. ■3 6 46 r3e 36. Metallic Scourge, nickel plated__________________......_............ 75 37. Small Eye Electrode____................____....._______............ 75 38. Metallic Points for Faradization........................._.........._ 1 00 39. Dental Electrode...,-......__.......________...................__ 1 00 46. Disc Electrode, with insulated points................._____________1 00 41 41. Pole Changer, (handle of hard rubber)_______........______.....__5 00 42. 42. Vaginal Electrode, for both currents, insulated in the centre, nickel plated_______.....................—.....---.........---------4 00 43 43. Vaginal Electrode, for both currents, insulated in halves-------------4 00 44 . iiife 44. Sponge Holder and Current Breaker, (handle hard rubber)----........4 00 50 50. Metallic Sound, nickel plated McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent 51 5l. Uterine Electrode, with cup and stem (insulated)________........__2 50 47. Needles for Electrolysis. Straight, half-curved, full-curved, flattened needles (1. 3, & 5, shown in cut full size). Extra heavy triple gold plated (insulated), price of No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 each, $1 00. Platinum needles each from $2 00 to $4 00. 5 49. Needle holders with cord and tips to hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 needles of any size. Price without needles, 60c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 50, $1 75 and $2 00. 48. Double Ear Electrode, insulated. \.: . - . "' ■________________■ hi, .,..■., »' .A mv ^», 58 52. Metallic Foot Plate. 00 50 McINTOSH ELECTRODES.—Discount 20 per cent. ELECTRODES IN CASES. Physicians selecting and ordering electrodes from our list can have them fitted in velvet-lined morocco cases, at a cost of from $2 to $5 each. We can furnish Electrodes in cases to order, from $15 to $50, and we also keep the following described cases in stock. The selections are made so as to give as complete a set for the price as possible : Case No. 1. ELECTRODE CASE NO. 1, CONTAINING 1 Wheel Electrode, with universal handle of polished hard rubber, wheel of the same material, set with metallic points, for muscular Faradization; 1 Holder for large sponge (nickel-plated); 1 Rectal Electrode, insulated with polished hard rubber: 1 Vaginal Electrode, insulated with polished hard rubber; 1 Tongue Electrode; 1 Cup-shaped Uterine Electrode; 1 Metallic Brush; 1 UterinPor Urethral Electrode, insulated with polished hard rubber; 1 Spiral Flexible Uter- ine or Urethral Electrode, insulated; 1 Laryngeal Electrode with sponge tip, in- sulated with polished hard rubber; 1 Ear Electrode, insulated with polished hard rubber; 1 Eye Cup Electrode, new style; 1 Hair Brush Electrode; 1 Needle Holder for Electrolysis, with two needles. Price $30. CASE NO. 2 CONTAINING 1 Universal Sponge Holder, nickel-plated; 1 Rectal Electrode, nickel-plated; 1 Vaginal Electrode, nickel-plated; 1 Nasal Electrode, insulated with polished hard rubber ;1 Cup-shaped Uterine Electrode, insulated with polished hard rubber; 1 Spiral Flexible Uterine or Urethral Electrode, insulated; 2 Duchenne's Points, nickel-plated; 1 Ball Electrode, nickel-plated; 1 Metallic Brush; 1 Disc Electrode; 1 Needle Holder for Electrolysis, with one needle. Price, $15. McINTOSH TOEPLER ELECTRIC MACHINE — Dis. 20 per cent ATKINSON'S IMPROVED TOEPLER ELECTRIC MACHINE. The first and only Static Machine ever manufactured that will run in all weather and never requires an initial charge to start it The only Static Machine which furnishes an induced current regulated and con- trolled by a switch. The small machine in the following list has sufficient energy for ordinarv medical or scientific work, and is often convenient on account of being portable. The large machine is preferred where electricity is made a speciality. It has great energy, a very smooth induced current, and its impressive appearance and powerful effects make it desirable in an office outfit. 30 McINTOSH TOEPLER ELECTRODES—Dis. 20 per cent. This apparatus is admirably adapted to the treatment of all diseases requiring general electri- fication, the electro-positive and electro-negative bath, electric aura, electric friction and electric massage. ' aS" As the success of this machine has already brought out an inferior, fraudulent imitation, which is a direct infringement of the patent, please remember that every genuine machine is stamped, Atkinson's Patent, April 10, 1883. PRICE LIST. Machine with Glass Plates 16 and 18 inches in diameter..............-------.....S 70 00 Machine with Glass Plates, 25 and 28 inches in diameter___________.............. 150 00 Machine with four Glass Plates, 25 and 28 inches in diameter.......................250 00 Each machine is furnished with a pair of nickel-plated handles, two con- ducting cords, each five feet long, composed of twelve fine copper wires, double wound with wool and enveloped in silk, and furnished with our adjustable tips. Since Static Electricity has great tension, special electrodes are required for its therapeutic application, which are represented by the following cuts: I 5X 3 PRICE OF ACCESSORIES. Insulating Platform, carpeted, 24x36 inches, with hard rubber insulators. - 10 00 1. Point Electrode (long, hard rubber handle)----------------------- 3 00 2. Rubber Insulating Handle and Ring---------------------------- 2 00 3. Ball Electrode (long, hard rubber handle)----------------------'-- 2 50 4. Roller Electrode (long, hard rubber handle)----------------------, 5 00 Pair Hard Rubber Insulating Handles for Sponge Electrodes, per pair.. 3 00 Pair Sponge Electrodes.....----------...........----------------- ?5 A liberal discount to physicians and schools. 11 McINTOSH ELECTRIC APPLIANCES.—Discount 20 per cent. THE McINTOSH ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE. This instrument is designed to facilitate the application of the electric light to diagnostic purposes, and may be used .in connection with the Mcintosh Galvanic Battery. The advantages of such a device will be at once appreciated by every surgeon and dentist. As shown in cut it forms an admirable laryngoscope and rhino- scope; it will illuminate the oral cavity revealing dental imperfections not dis- coverable by the best reflected light. An admirable feature of this device is the perfect control of the light through the button shown on one side of the cut. When pressed upon by the finger of the operator the circuit is completed and the light appears; when released, the current is interrupted and the light ceases. The mirror is removable, after which the small diameter of the instrument permits its introduction into other cavities of the body. Price, with conducting cords.....________.........._________$12 00 McINTOSH ELECTRO MAGNET. This instrument is for removing bits of iron or steel from the cornea and chambers of the eye. Every Surgeon and Oculist knows from experience how difficult it is to remove particles of iron, or steel filings and turnings from the cornea, even after they have been loosened, and the impossibility of ex- tracting them from the posterior chamber of an eye with ordinary instru- ments. With the aid of this instrument these operations are easy and simple. To use the magnet the conducting cords are connected with the poles of a bat- tery cell (a cell with zinc-carbon element is the best), and the small stylet brought near or in contact with the particle, which adheres to the magnet and is removed. If the particle of iron is imbedded in the cornea, it may be necessary to loosen it and then remove it with the magnet, which can be done without contact with the eye. If iron or steel has penetrated either chamber, it is then necessary to intro- duce the small stylet of the magnet, which attracts the particle, which is easily removed. The connections are made so that it can be connected to the cell of any Faradic Battery, but its magnetic force is greatly increased by adding several cells. When connected with one of our cells the magnet will lift 300 grains; by adding 6 cells, 720 grains. The instrument is shown full size in the cut. It is furnished with long and short stylet and conducting cords. Price, without cell______________________........____......$10 00 Price, with No. 2 Grenet cell___..............._____________15 Q0 Although we are exclusive dealers in dispensing drugs and surgical instru- ments yet we receive many inquiries pertaining to the book trade, and as we do not desire to receive orders for this line of goods we take pleasure in referring our patrons to Mr. W. T. Keener, of this city, whose notice appears below. We have dealt with him for several years and have always found him reliable, and as we believe, worthy of the patronage of all. Please mention this list in writing him. CHARLES TRUAX & CO. MEDICAL BOOKS. BY MAIL, OR EXPRESS C.O.D. W. T. KEENER invites the attention of the Medical Profession and Students to his stock of YBTEBI1TABY BOO SIS, Which contains the most complete assortment in America, compris- ing a full line of the Medical publications of Wm. Wood & Co., New York. \ H. C. Lea's Son & Co., Philadelphia. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York D. Appleton & Co., New York. Bermingham & Co., New York. J. H. Vail & Co., New York. Macmillan & Co., New York. P. Blakiston, Son & Co., J. B. Lippincott & Co., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. Geo. S. Davis, Detroit. Henri C. Leonard, Detroit. THE HOMCEOPATHIC PUBLICATIONS OF Boericke and Tafel, Grosse & Delbridge, Duncan Bros,, and the English Homoeopathic Publishers. Eclectic Publications of Wilstach, Baldwin & Co. Veterinary Works: American and Foreign. English, French and German Books imported to order at reasonable rates. The principal new Foreign Books received as issued. Anv obtainable Medical Book, American or Foreign, supplied at the Lowest Price. Catalogues Free. When you want any Medical Books, or information concerning them, call on or write to "W"- T. KEE3STER, Exclusively Medical Bookseller, 96 Washington St., Chicago. Surgical Instruments and Appliances. In this department as in all others we handle only reliable goods, which. though largely of our own manufacture, embrace many of the choicest produc- tions of both Europe and America. We confine our stock not only to instru- ments that we can guarantee to have been manufactured from the best of ma- terial and of superior workmanship, but to those that are well calculated to per- form the operations and serve the uses for which they were designed. We will forward instruments from stock, at customers' risk, for inspection and subject to approval, to parties having a credit already established, provided they agree to return promptly all such as are not accepted, free of expense to us. Instruments sent C. O. D., provided enough cash accompanies the order to pay expressage both ways (should the instruments not be taken), and in case they are taken the amount will be credited upon the invoice. All instruments sent by mail are at purchasers' risk. As the cost of regis- tration is only 10 cents, we request customers to instruct us to have their pack- ages registered. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES, DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT. Vis. 169. ASPIRATOR AND INJECTOR, Codman's, fig. 169_______......._ 15 00 " " With stomach pump attachment, fig.170 21 00 Dieulafoy's-------........---.....________ 40 0Q Fitch's---------------............._........----------- 5 00 Hospital, with 6 needles__.....___________ gQ qq Otis.... ---------------------."."™"""I"" 6 00 Tiemann's, large, with bottle........___________..... jg qq Needles, plated, Nos. 1, 2 and 3_____.......______.'_ 1 50 " with stop cock, gold plated ______________" 450 " Fitch's Dome_________________..... " 450 Trocar..._..........._......----------------".'.'.'.'.'.'."". 1 50 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES, DIS- COUNT ON LIST PRICES 25 PER CENT. ADVANTAGES OF THE CODMAN ASPIRATOR. We its low believe this Aspirator possesses advantages over any other in the market, and price places it within the reach of nearly every practitioner. It is supplied with three needles of dif- ferent sizes, is nickel plated ^^^N^ and is put up in a neat vel- vet-lined leather covered case. It has two automatic metal valves, one the re- verse of the other, which enables the operator to quickly change it from an exhaust to a force pump, thus converting it into an injector. The valves are brass, easily cleaned, and are not injured by coming in contact with liquids, and as the fluid passes only through N^_ \ \ ^'',>/ the needle, long pipe and stop-cock, the instrument is easilv cleaned. Fig. 170. STOMACH PUMP ATTACHMENT PIRATOR, fig. 170................ ^ESTHESIOMETERS, Carroll's, fig. 259-. Hammond's...... Vance's........ FOR CODMAN'S AS- 6 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 BAGS, Saddle, prices net, see page 86. BANDAGES, Roller, made from best white muslin. Length Width 1 inch li 2 2 2* 2i 1 yard 3 " 3 " N"et Prices. Doz., $ 15 50 65 " 1 50 75 " 1 85 3 3 3+ 3l 4 4 Width inches Length. .. 4 yards ._8 " -5 " .8 " Net Prices. Doz., 1 25 2 25 65 50 25 00 BANDAGES, Roller, Ass'd., 21 Bandages in a neat box_________________ 1 25 BANDAGES, Roller, best white flannel. Width. Length. Net Prices. Width. Length. Net Prices. li inches ._ 3 yards .. Doz., $ 90 2+ inches __ 8 yards .. Doz., 4 80 2 " .- 3 " -- " 1 40 3 " .-4 " .. " 3 00 2i " -- 3 " -- " 1 75 Zi " .. 5 " .. " 4 00 BANDAGES, Plaster Paris, sealed air tight and ready for use. 2 inches wide, by 15 feet long. Net prices, doz............2-00 2£ " " " 15 " " Net prices, doz___________2 50 3 " " " 15 " " Net prices, doz___________3 00 158 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION—Discount 25 per cent. Fig. 171—Rubber Bandages* BANDAGES, Rubber, manufactured from pure gum. Light. Medium. 2 inches wide by 6 feet long, with tapes-----------55 65 2 inches wide by 10| feet long, with tapes---------90 1 00 2 inches wide by 15 feet long, with tapes--------1 35 1 50 2l/2 inches wide by 9 feet long, with tapes------- 90 1 00 2l/2 inches wide by 12feet long, with tapes-------1 35 1 50 2y2 inches wide by 18 feet long, with tapes------2 00 2 25 3 inches wide by 10^ feet long, with tapes.....--1 35 1 50 3 inches wide by 15 feet long, with tapes........2 00 2 25 3 inches wide by 21 feet long, with tapes---......2 50 3 00 Rubber bandages from 30 to 60 feet long furnished to order. BANDAGE ROLLERS.-.-.........-----.....-------------.....f °° For Plaster Paris---------.........------ ° 0° Fig. 172. CASE, Buggy and Hand, Truax & Co.'s, No. 1, figs. 172 and 173___net $13 00 Since our first introduction of this case to the medical profession, (some eight years ago), we have never lost an opportunity for improving it and it has been modified from time to time, until we are now prepared to offer to Physicians the most compact and durable case in the market. It contains twenty large vials, holding eight drachms each, and thirteen small ones of four drachms capacity. As glass stoppers in vials are apt to jar loose, we use only cork stoppered ones in this case, thus avoiding risk of leakage should the case be overturned, and as there is always some danger of vials either leaking or breaking, we believe that a medicine corrosive enough to require a glass stoppered bottle in which to carry it, ought not to be carried in a buggy case. The case contains a plaster box f inches deep, and two instrument BUGGY CASES.—Net prices. boxes each 4!4 by 5i inches and li inches deep, in which may be carried extra vials of 3 or 4 ounce capacity, pocket instrument case, hypodermic syringe, fever thermometer, powder papers, sponges, cotton and such other articles as are useful in every day practice. The case is of wood with dove- tailed corners, and is covered with genuine morocco, and the corners and edges are pro- tected with nickel trimmings, so that with proper care it will last for many years. This case is much more practical than the heavy and poorly designed i_ sole leather trunks in the ~'M market, and as it only weighs >^ 4 lbs, it is light enough to be carried as a hand case. It is 10 inches long, 6i inches high and 4f inches thick. We are 173. Truax & Co.'s Buggy Case closed, $13. Net- prepared to furnish the name- plate handsomely engraved with purchaser's name, at an additional cost of 50c. CASE, Buggy and hand, Truax & Co's., No 2_______........-----net 13 50 This case differs from our No. 1 (Fig. 172) only in having two rows of short two drachm, in place of the one row of long four drachm vials. The case con- tains twentv one ounce and twenty-six two drachm vials. It is the same size as our No. i. Buggy and hand, Truax & Co's., No. 3_________________..-.net 14 50 This case is similar to our No. 2 and differs from it only in size. It is 12% inches long, tyx inches high, and 5}£ inches thick, and contains 26 ten drachm, 13 four drachm and 16 two drachm vials, and its two instrument boxes are each 554 inches wide, 6% inches long and 1% inches deep. Buggy and hand, Truax & Co's., No. 4...........__________«net 16 00 This case is similar to our No. 3, and contains 9 three ounce vials, 13 ten drachm, 13 four drachm and 15 two drachm vials. It is the same height and length as our No. 3, but is V% inch thicker. Buggy and hand, Truax & Co's., No. 5_____________________net 20 00 This case is of extra large size and like our No. 4, is intended to meet the wants of such physicians as are compelled to take lonar rides, and consequent- ly to carry a great deal of medicine with them. It is iyz inches high, 12% inches long and 6l/2 inches thick, and contains? four ounce vials, 10 two ounce, 10 one ounce and 13 four drachm vials, 1 ounce graduate, glass mortar, pair scales with weights and instrument box. Buggy and hand, Truax & Co's., No. 6--------------------net 12 00 This case is similar to our No. 1, and is 8V2 inches long, 5% inches high and 4 inches thick, and contains IS six drachm and 22 one and one-half drachm vials with instrument and plaster boxes. Buggy and hand, Truax & Co's., No. 7. Homeopathic----.-.net 12 50 This case is similar to our No. 1 case, and is 8J!£ inches long, 5J4 inches high and 3J£ inches thick, and contains 11 four drachm, 15 two drachm and 30 one drachm vials, with instrument and plaster boxes, with space for powders and powder papers. Buggy and hand, Truax & Co's., No. 8, Homeopathic.-----net 15 00 This case is the same size as our No. 1, and has the same sized instrument boxes, and contains 14 four drachm, 16 two drachm, 30 one and one-half drachm and 40 one drachm, in all 100 vials. We can furnish these cases to order, containing such sizes and number of vials as purchasers desire. Kxtra vials can be furnished for any of the above cases. CASE, Buggy No. 177. See page 163___________________________ 7 00 This case contains 1 glass stop oval bottle holding about two ounces, 8 one oz., 12 four drachm, 15 one and half drachm and 15 one drachm cork stop vials. It is designed to meet the wants of those who desire to purchase a cheap case, and to fill the demand where price is the sole consideration. This style of a case, no matter how expensively made cannot be as durable as those shown on page 15S, for the latter are dovetailed wood boxes, firmly and strongly made and covered with the best of material. 160 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION.—Discount 25 per cent. 179—Paquelin's Thermo-Cautery, List Price $50 00, Net Price $40 00. The instrument consists of a hollow handle, insulated with wood to protect the hands^from f l'i i 1S furmshed Wlth two movable hollow cauteries, into these, after they have been heated to blackness in a flame of a spirit lamp, a blast of benzine vapor is introduced by means of a Kicnardson s spray bellows, which at once rises to, and maintains them at a state of vivid incan- desence. The heat thus produced can be kept up for an indefinite time by slitrhtly compressing the bellows occasionally. J v s Fig. 180—Truax & Co.'s Companion Case. This case contains one of our best No. 3 hypodermic syringes, one of our Fig. 276 fever thermometers (fully warranted and having an inde- structible index), a soft rubber catheter and a bottle of morphine hypoder- mic tablets. List price____________________ _ 10 00 (Subject to our usual discount of 25 per cent.) (For description see next page.) MISCELLANEOUS SECTION.—Discount 25 per cent. Truax & Co's Companion Case.—See opposite page. This case is covered with the best of morocco and is lined with good velvet. It is only 4% inches long, 2 inches wide and 1 inch thick, and the corners are well rounded so as not to wear out the pockets. This has proved a valuable combination, and is daily increasing in favor among the medical profession. It contains three instruments that nearly every physician finds it necessary to carry with him, combining them in one neat compact case, which not only provides a safe place in which to carry a fever thermometer, (thus guarding it against the danger of being lost or broken) but it decreases the number of packages in the pocket. We have been informed by several physicians who have carried these cases for a year or more, that in* the expense of fever thermometers alone they annually save the cost of the entire case. TRUAX & CO'S. EMERGENCY CASE. This case is intended for the use of those who are making a speciality of sur- gery, and who desire to have a case in readiness that contains a complete assort- ment of such instruments, medicines and appliances as are necessary for use when the surgeon is suddenly called upon for action. It is in satchel form and con- tains : 1 Medium Amputating Knife, Liston's. 1 Amputating Saw, lifting back, med- ium size, fig. 357- 1 Large Scalpel. 1 Scissors, fig. 366. 1 Artery and Dressing Forceps, fig. 426. 2 Field Tourniquets, U. S. A. [383. 1 Esmarch's Tourniquets, complete, fig. 2 Steel Artery Clamps, fig. 375. 1 Long Silver Probe. 1 Fever Thermometer, No. 4, page 176, fully warranted. 1 Hypodermic Syringe, No. 2, fig. 284. 1 yard Antiseptic Gauze. 1 doz. Roller Bandages assorted. 2 Pieces Felt for making Splints. 5 Surgeons' Sponges assorted, in rubber bag. 1 Roll Mead's Adhesive Plaster, 10 yards long, i inch wide. 1 Roll Mead's Adhesive Plaster, 10 yards long, 1 inch wide. 1 Roll Mead's Adhesive Plaster 10 yards long, 2 inches wide. 1 yard Salicylated Isinglass Plaster on cotton, 10 yards long, i inch wide. 1 yard Salicylated Isinglass Plaster on cotton, 10 yards long, 1 inch wide. 1 yard Salicylated Isinglass Plaster on cotton, 10 yards long, 2 inches wide. 2 yards Adhesive Plaster (surgeons' strap) 9 inches wide. i yard Oil Silk Protective. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Trephine, fig. 384. 1 Elevator and Raspatory, fig. 295. 1 Hey's Saw, fig. 329. 1 Brush. 12 Needles (four of them threaded for use). 25 Yards best braided Silk. 2 Small Coils Silver Wire. 1 Soft Rubber Catheter. 1 pint Brandy in leather cover flask. 1 Medicine Glass. lib- Pure Ether for Anaesthesia in4oz. tin cans. 2 ozs. Absorbent Cotton. 1 oz. Styptic Cotton in bottle. 4 ozs. Chloroform in glass stoppered bottle, with rubber cap. 2 1 oz. Glass stop bottles, rubber caps. 1 No. 234, Medicine Case, containing 10 three drachm and 14 one drachm vials, all filled and labeled from any list of ordinary remedies that the purchaser may select. 1 Teaspoon. 2 Towels. 1 Pack. Lint. All of these fitted neatly and com- pactly into a satchel shaped case, with space for such other small articles as the purchaser may wish to add. Price, 67 00 (Subject to our usual discount of 25 per cent.) All of above in a velvet-lined plain wood case that fits closely into the satchel. 162 MEDICINE CASES.—Discount 25 per cent. No. 192, Truax & Co's. Flexible Medicine Cases. The above cut shows one of our Flexible, one row Medicine Cases, and, al- though it is only three years since we first introduced this size (No. 192, see list below) yet the demand for them has increased so rapidly that we now manu- facture them in 12 sizes, varying from a case containing 6 one drachm, to one having 10 six drachm vials, They are made of the finest grade of morocco, the flaps are lined with silk and they are so flexible as to soon conform to the shape of the pocket or body, while the sides are of sufficient thickness to properly protect the bottles. We are receiving a great many orders for them in pairs, (such as a 10 two drachm, No. 192, and a 9 four drachm, No. 210,) for by carrying one in each side pocket of a coat, the wearer avoids the unsightly appearance caused by carryinga thick case in the pocket. The following numbers are all of this pattern: 184 B, 184 C, 185, 187, 187 B, 192, 197, 207, 210, 211, 211 B, 211 C, CASES—POCKET MEDICINE: No. 184—1 row contains 6 1-drachm vials, for the vest pocket......_____ 75 184B1 " " 6 1 " " flexible, with flaps, morocco, fig. 192 1 50 184C1 " " 10 1 " " " " " " fig. 192 2 00 185—1 " " 15 1 " " with flaps, morocco, fig. 192____3 00 186—1 " " 26 1 " " extra long, for side pocket______4 50 187—1 " " 4 2 " " with flaps, morocco, fig. 192____1 75 187B1 " " 6 2 " " " " '< fig. 192____2 00 188—1 " "82 " " flaps_________.....___________125 190—1 " " 10 2 " " amber, stiff ends_______________ 1 50 192—1 " " 10 2 " " flexible, with flaps, mo., fig.192___3 00 194—1 " " 12 2-drachm vials, glass stop., metal ends, red mo... 3 00 196—1 " " 12 2 " " pouch for powders, seal skin.....3 50 197—1 " " 14 2 " " with flaps, morocco, fig. 192____3 50 198—1 " " 6 3 " " wrapper case, soft red morocco.. 1 50 200—1 " " 8 3 " " two pouches, genuine Russia, sim- ilar to Fig. 200.....____......3 50 202—1 " " 10 3 " " wrapper case, soft red morocco.. 1 75 204—1 " " 10 3 " " glass stop., silicate slate, mo____3 25 206—1 " " 10 3 " " wrapper case, stiff ends_________2 00 207—1 " " 6 4 " " with flaps, flexible, mo., fig. 192 .. 2 75 208—1 " " 8 4 " " glass stop, pouch, stiff ends___3 00 210—1 " " 9 4 " « flexible, with flap, dark mo., fig.192 3 25 211—1 « «« 12 4 " « « « « «« «. 4 00 211B1 " , " 6 6 " " « » « « « 3 00 211C1 " " 10 6 " « " " " « « 4 00 MEDICINE CASES—Discount 25 per cent. Fig. 233. Med. Case, 2 50. Seepage 164. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION.—Discount 25 per cent. CASES—POCKET MEDICINE: 212—2 row contains 24 i-drachm vials, Homeopathic, high potency____2^00 214—2 " " 20 1 " " wrapper case, metal ends, mo__2 50 216—2 " " 16 H " " porte-monnaie style, fig. 216___1 75 218—2 " " 18 2 " " morocco, sewed, strap________1 75 220—2 " " 20 2 " " " " " _________2 00 221—2 " " 20 2 " " calf, sewed, strap___________2 00 222—2 " " 20 2 " " wrapper case______________ 2 00 224—2 " " 24 2 " " pouch, seal skin_____________ 4 00 226—2 " " 24 2 " " wrapper case, metal ends, mo---3 00 228—2 " " 16 3 " " of best Russia leather_________4 00 230—2 " " 18 3 " " flaps, softred morocco________2 50 232—2 " , Centennial Award ia § Medal and Diploma, gS against th. > Price Reduced. Send for Circular*, E* J © Old Baths Renewed. - £, KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. lis apparatus is very durable, and costs no more than the yearly interest on the cost of an ordinary bath room and fixtures. In addition to all these advan- tages, the material of which it is made, is proof against Salts, Sulphur and Iodine. In fact, it is the only bath known which ts really adapted to medicated Baths, or to artificial sea Bath. Persons living at a distance from the salt waters, with this apparatus may enjoy the priceless benefit of expensive sea-bathing at their own quiet home, with merely nominal expense. Full explanations and re- liable testimonials mailed free on application to the manufacturer. Send for cir- culars. Address as above. Patented March 1, 1870. Re-issued 1872. Beware of infringements. Prices to patients, regular size-----------...............-----20 00 Prices to patients, extra large_____________--------........ 22 00 For sale by Charles Truax & Co. 6253 ANATOMICAL MODELS. -Prices net. No. 11. Human joints, laid open, with their bones and ligaments: a. Shoulder____________________________________ 3 00 b. Elbow, front view____________________________ 3 00 c. Elbow, side view_____________________________ 3 00 d. Wrist and hand___________.............._____ 4 00 e. Hip, open_______......______________________ 3 50 f. Knee, open__________________________........ 3 50 g. Foot________________________________________ 4 50 No. 12. Human trunk (torso), with the viscera of the thorax and abdomen (lungs, liver and stomach to be removed)_________________•___________________ 35 00 MODELS, ANATOMICAL, Papier Mache, very light and strong. Human heart, to be dissected into four parts________________ 9 00 " " " " " " " and more com- plicated __________________________.....______________35 00 Human brain, to be dissected______________________...... 26 00 " larynx to be dissected___________________________26 00 " skull of a Caucasian_____________________________22 00 " " " " with brains to be taken apart___45 00 " " " Gorilla, can be opened showing the brain. 23 00 ORGANS OF SENSE. Human eye, dissectible (material, Plaster Paris)_____________ 7 50 " " to be taken apart (in fine case)_________________ 18 00 " " (optical model) dissectible_____________________28 00 " ear, (material, Plaster Paris) dissectible______________ 9 00 " " ( " Ivory) "................28 00 " " ( " Papier Mache) to be dissected........_ 40 00 OSTEOLOGY, HUMAN.—Discount 25 per cent. Arm, mounted according to Dr. Beauchene, for demonstrating the action of the muscles......_ 55 00 Ear, internal and median, with nerves and blood vessels'_____32 00 Femurs, per pair........._______ 4 00 Foot, strung on catgut........._. 3 00 Hand, strung on catgut.......... 3 00 Pelvis, female, with ligaments___14 00 " " without ligaments 13 00 Skeletons, No.l, best French artic- ulation ........................ 60 00 These are the choicest selections from the best ether bleached skeletons. The bones are white and well-cleaned, teeth all in, skeleton perfect in every respect, land marks prominent and articulated to admit of natural motion. Skeletons, No. 2, French articu- lation-------................. 50 00 These are French, ether bleached, bones white and well cleaned, teeth all in, and articulated to admit of natural motion. Skeletons, No. 3. French articu- lation.........................40 00 Skeletons, disarticulated, best____40 00 " " common 30 00 Skeleton, foetal, on stand under glass shade___________________ 18 00 Physiological Charts hopopai In Spring Roller Case. °d ID 01) Q. fe -5 uj M CUJ o O (D _c h- ^ .u rn -fJ _____I 2 CI TJ X +J '^J^^^^x_-ri-r'':>x______*** ° - \ «» ^ fQ^^-SSWsgS l._^l_C.cy " -ax ___^-- AMPUTATING AND OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Dis. 25 per cent. FORCEPS, Bone cutting, straight edge, common........______________ 2 50 " " Liston's, straight edge, best, fig. 304....._____ 3 00 ". " " " " " extra sizes.4 00 to 7 00 " " " " with spring________________ 3 50 " " " extra large, with spring_____________ 5 00 " " " angular bent, fig. 326 _______........ 3 50 " " " curved on the flat, fig. 305_____.____ 3 50 " " Isaac's, bayonet shape____............4 00 to 7 00 " " Satterlee's, fig. 317___.....__________2 50 to 3 00 Bone holding, lion jaw, Ferguson's, fig. 308________________ 3 00 Bone gnawing, straight, fig. 303_______________........___ 3 50 " " curved______________________............ 3 50 Haemostatic, Little's_______________________.......______ 3 00 Luxation___________................____________________ 8 00 Needle cutting, Stimpson's_______.........______________ 3 50 Needle holding, Fritche's____........___________......... 5 00 " " Paris_______............_______......... 4 50 Prout's, fig. 428___......._____.....____-- 3 50 ". Russian, fig. 813..................________ 4 00 " " Sand's, fig. 416__________________________ 4 50 Truax's, fig. 433___ ............_________ 3 50 This is a convenient needle holder for general use and is short enough to admit of its being carried in a pocket case. It is not only strong enough to firmly hold a needle, but it is provided with a new sliding catch that will not easily get out of order. Sequestrum, curved jaws________________________________ 2 50 " duck bill jaws_______________............___ 3 00 " Ferguson's___________________.............._ 2 50 " Hamilton's, fig. 306___....___....__________ 2-50 " Markoe's.................__.....___......... 3 00 " Van Buren's, fig. 307_______.............___ 3 00 Toe Nail, Post's_________________.............. .....___ 2 50 Trepanning and Sequestrum, Van Buren's, fig. 307________ 2 50 GOUGES, fig.314...................._______________..............._ 1 25 To use with hand, fig. 316................................... 1 50 Szymanowsky's, 3 styles___.........__________________each 2 50 Darby's set, with levator and chisels, fig. 318. . . ___ 7 00 HOOKS, double, fig. 313.............................................. 2 50 Lagenbeck's, for extracting fragments of bone................ 1 50 INHALERS, Ether, Allis,' fig. 346_________.________________________ 4 00 Ether, Lente's___........____________________________ 3 50 Chloroform, Lente's, see fig. 325.......________......... 6 00 Cook's, fig. 618-----------......". .._ ____net 10 00 KNIVES, Brain___............................._____________________ 1 50 (Short............___..... 2 50 Catling, fig. 320---------......J Medium_________________ 3 00 (Long....._____.......... 4 00 . Cartilage-, fig. 319_____________..___.____________________ 2 00 Cooper's Hernia, feruled, fig. 293_______________.......____ 1 25 Connant's, and saw___...............______________9 00 to 12 00 Finger, long, French........___.....................______ 2 00 (straight Bistoury) fig. 289-"....'.'.."."."........1 00 to 1 50 Lenticular_______.......__............____............. 1 50 Liston's, short, hand and foot, fig. 312_______........_______ 2 50 " medium, leg and arm....................-........... 3 50 " large, hip and thigh, fig. 321_______________________ 4 00 with Parker's handle, fig. 327................______ 5 50 AMPUTATING AND OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Dis. 25 per cent. KNIVES, Metacarpal..........._______________\________1 00 to 2 00 Mott's__________________________........._____2 50 to 5 00 Valentine's, section, fig. 358__________............_______ 8 00 Wood's, circular, fig. 311___........_______________..... 4 00 KNOTTYER, Carroll's........___.....................__________ 2 50 LIGATURE, Animal, plain______:_________........______bunch 25 " catgut. See page 111. " rubber, per yard.........._.....___......_____ 35 MALLET, lead, fig. 363__________........___........____......___ 2 50 NEEDLES, Surgeon's, straight, half curved and full curved, figs. 322 to 345__________________________.............___doz 1 00 Surgeon's, straight, triangular___.....______________doz 1 00 " " Glover's______........_________doz 50 " for silver wire________________________each 15 " French______......_____.............___doz 2 00 Open eye.........__........___....................doz 1 50 With Eye in point........________________________doz 1 50 Aneurism and Director, fig. 360______.....____________ 75 " plain, fig. 348______........__________1 00 to 150 Mott's........................-----__________ 3^00 Acupressure, Simpson's__________.......-----.....— 25 Automatic, Tiemann's, fig. 362__________________per set 5 50 OSTEOPHER, Hamilton's, fig. 353______.....__________________ 4 00 PEGS, Ivory for uniting fractures..............------------........ 25 PINS, Buck's______............------........--------------doz 25 Hair lip........__________............----------------doz 10 " " silver canula, fig. 629________________........each 50 PERIOSTEOTOMES, Goodwille's___............-------........-- 2 00 Sand'sfig. 299............_____...........— - 2 50 Sayre's, fig. 367___.........................--- 2 00 PROBES, Silver.fig. 361........___................--------per pair 75 Extra length................................per pair 1 00 to 1 50 Plated.............-------------................perpair 50 RASPATORY, Plain, fig. 296. —........—-.................... •-- 1 00 RETRACTORS, Blackman's.......-................-------perpair 3 00 Parker's, fig. 365...........................-.per pair 1 50 Prince's.....____________............----perpair 3 50 Mott's....._________......................perpair 1 50 RHINOPLASTOS, Adams'--------.............................. 8 00 SAWS, Capital, bow, best, fig. 354.......---.......--.......---......- 7 00 « Butcher's.......'..................................---10 "U Parker's.........-......---------..........--.....-- 4 50 « Pfarre's__________............---..............---- 5 00 Satterlee's fig.355______.....—........----........ 5 00 Chain, Rotating handles, fig. 349---.....---.......----------10 00 " Tiemann's Bead........-........................----- ° 0U Circular, Graefe's........—...............-......-........-- 20 00 Szymanowsky's, improved............—.............V-V"" ,„ ™ Connant's, and knives_______________.....---------9 00 to 12 00 Interosseous, Lente's------------------------........---- * ™! Maxilla, right and left-----------------------------each 2 00 Metacarpal, fig. 368-----------------------------VYn~;~ \ nn " Lifting back, fig. 357, 5 sizes.........-----2 50 to 5 00 Oral, Goodwille's------.....------------------------- fj 50 Skull, Hey's, fig. 329------------------------------.....— J JJ Subcutaneous, Adam's, fig. 364-------------.....--------- jj ™ " Shrady's with trocar, knives and bonejasp------ i UU P-fp_^^^^^i^_-pa_#^ AMPUTATING AND OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. Dis. 25 per cent. SAW CARRIER for c.hain saw, fig. 349C......_________________ 2 00 SCALPELS, Assorted sizes, ebony handle, plain-------------------1 0 " " " feruled, fig. 378 ______ 12 " " " " feruled and checkered_____ 15 " " ivory handle_______________________ 1 50 Trepanning, fig. 386___________________'-__________ 1 50 (small____________________ 1 00 SCISSORS, Operating, fig. 366___ ] medium_________________ 150 (large____________________ 2 0.0 ( small____________________ 1 50 Curved on. the flat fig. 373 ■] medium____________________ 1 75 (large______________________ 2 00 ( small_______.........:_____ 1 25 Angular 439____________■] medium____________________ 1 50 (large_______________........ 2 00 SCOOPS, Brunn's________________________________________________ 2 00 Hebra's fig. 372........__________________________________ 2 50 Piffard's, 3 sizes, fig 374____________________________ ______ 2 50 SCRAPER, Periosteum charreris___________________________________ 2 50 SCREW, for extracting fragments of bone_____________________1 75 to 2 25 SERREFINS, steel, Lagenbeck's, fig. 375____________________________ 75 wire, straight, fig. 377________________________________ 25 " angular, fig. 376________________________________ 25 SHEARS, bone___________________........___........________ 4 00 Plaster bandage, Say re's_____________________________ 00 " " Wackenhagen's, fig. 330_______________ 6 00 Rib, costotome, fig. 379______________________________ 6 00 SILK, braided, patent, 4 sizes on card of 25 yards, fig. 395____________ 1 00 " " 1 size on card of 8 yards_____________________ 50 Twisted, ordinary, per skein______________________________ 05 " tablets, 14 sizes, each__________............______net 10 " " 14 " " iron dyed____________________net 10 " " 4 sizes on card, iron dyed____________________ 50 SPRAY, Weir's Antiseptic, large, fig. 382________________________ 15100 STAFFS, bone, Prince's........_______________________________ 3 50 " Blandin's______________________________ .. 3 00 STRETCHERS, folding_________________________________ 20 00 TENACULUMS, Ebony handle, plain....._____________________ 1 00 " " feruled, fig. 347 ._________________ 125 " " feruled and checkered, fig. 385_______ 1 50 Ivory handle____________________________ 1 50 TENATOMES, figs. 387 and 388_______________________ 1 00 to 125 figs. 389 and 390______________________________ 1 50 TOURNIQUETS, American ........___________________________ 1 00 Cushing's__________________________________ 75 Esmarch's, fig. 383, regular length, 3 yds, 3 50, 4 yards 4 25 May's---------------------------------.....15 00 Pettit's, fig. 391 ... ______________ _______........ 2 00 Tiemann's__________________________ . 2 00 TREPHINES, Gait's, and handle, two sizes, fig. 384______....________ 4 00 Crown, small_______________________________________ 3 50 " regular size__________________________________ 4 50 Guarded.....__________________.....________________ 6 00 Brace----------------------------------------------- 15 00 Brush__________ __________________________________ 20 Handle, horn, fig. 392________________________________ 75 WIRE, silver, per coil, assorted sizes______ ________________________ 50 Lead, per yard_______________....._________________________ 25 OPERATING CASES, DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT. TRUAX & CO'S. AMPUTATING SET. 1 Liston's knife, hip and thigh. 1 " " leg and arm. 1 Catling, hand and foot. 1 Capital saw. 1 Metacarpal saw. 1 Bone forcep. 1 Pettit's tourniquet. 1 Spring catch artery forcep. 1 Scalpel. 1 Tenaculum. Twelve needles, silk, wax and plastic pins in case, lined with oil dyed velvet 25 00 TRUAX & CO'S. AMPUTATING AND TREPANNING SET. 1 Liston's knife, hip and thigh. 1 " " leg and arm. . 1 Catling, hand and foot. 1 Capital saw. 1 Metacarpal saw. 1 Liston's bone forcep. 1 Pettit's tourniquet. 1 Spring catch artery forcep. 1 Scalpel. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Trephine and handle. 1 Elevator and raspatory. 1 Hey's saw. 1 Brush. Twelve needles, silk, wax and plastic pins, in neat case lined with oil dyed velvet--------------------------"----------------------------:__ 36 00 TRUAX & CO'S. AMPUTATING, TREPHINING AND MINOR OPERATING CASE, CONTAINING: 1 Liston's knife, hip and thigh. 1 Liston's knife, leg and arm. 1 Catling, small. 1 Capital saw. 1 Metacarpal saw. 1 Bone forcep. 1 Spiral tourniquet. 1 Spring catch artery forcep. 2 Scalpels. 1 Tenaculum. Twelve needles, wax, wire, pins, etc. 1 Gait's trephine and handle. 1 Elevator and raspatory. 1 Hey's saw. 1 Brush. 1 Trocar and canula. 1 Cartilage knife. 1 Straight bistoury. 1 Sharp point curved bistoury. 1 Probe point curved bistoury. 1 Aneurism needle. in velvet lined case_______________44 00 TRUAX & CO'S. OPERATING CASE. 1 Liston's knife, hip and thigh. 1 Liston's knife, leg and arm. 1 Catling, small. 1 Bow saw. 1 Bone forcep, Liston's best. 1 Spiral tourniquet. 1 Gait's trephine and handle. 1 Elevator and raspatory. 1 Hey's saw. 1 Brush. 1 Trocar and canula. 1 Heavy cartilage knife. 2 Retractors, Parker's. 1 Tiemann & Co's. bullet forcep. 1 Tiemann & Co's. bullet probe. 1 Lead mallet. 1 Bone chisel. 1 Bone gouge. 1 Scissors, curved on the flat. 1 Dressing and polypus forcep. The following instruments included in this set are fitted into a compact minor operating case, which can be removed from the large one and carried in the pocket if desired. This minor case is leather covered and velvet lined and contains: 1 Metacarpal saw. 2 Scalpels. 1 Sharp point bistoury. 1 Probe point bistoury. 1 Tenatome. 1 French finger knife. 1 Plain artery forcep. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Bull dog artery forcep. 1 Pair scissors. 1 Director and tongue tie. 1 Aneurism needle. 1 Long silver probe. Twelve needles, silk, coil of silver wire, pins and wax, all in a neat, brass-bound case, lined with oil-dyed velvet------------------------ 70 00 TRUAX & CO'S. GENERAL 1 Liston's knife, hip and thigh. 1 Liston's knife, leg and arm. 1 Catling, small. 1 Bow saw. 1 Liston's bone forceps—curved. 1 Spiral tourniquet. 1 Gait's trephine and handle. 1 Elevator and raspatory. 1 Hey's saw. 1 Brush. 1 Trocar and canula. 1 Heavy cartilage knife. 2 Retractor's, Parker's. 1 Tiemann & Co.'s bullet forceps. OPERATING CASE. 1 Tiemann & Co.'s bullet probe. 1 Lead mallet. Bone chisel. Bone gouge. Scissors, curved on the flat. Dressing and polypus forcep. Piffard's bone scoop. 1 Sayre's periosteotome. 1 Satterlee's bone forcep. Steel serrefins. Van Buren's sequestrum forcep. Curved hand gouge. Ferguson's lion jaw bone forcep. Chain saw. The following instruments included in this set, are fitted into a comnact minor operating case, which can be removed from the larger one and carried in the pocket ifdesired. This minor case is leather covered and velvet lined and contains: 1 Metacarpal saw. 1 2 Scalpels. 1 1 Sharp point bistoury. 1 1 Probe point bistoury. 1 1 Tenatome. 1 1 French finger knife. 2 1 Plain artery forcep. Twelve needles, silk, coil of silver wire, wax and pins, all in a finely carved, brass bound case, lined with oil dyed velvet and supplied with patent leather, slip-over cover, waterproof_____________________________100 00 Tenaculum. Bull dog artery forcep. Pair scissors. Director and tongue tie. Aneurism needle. Long silver probes. OPERATING CASES.—Discount 25 per cent. TRUAX & CO'S. COMPLETE OPERATING CASE. 1 Liston's knife, hip and thigh. 1 Liston's knife, leg and arm. 1 Catling, small. 1 Bow saw—2 blades. 1 Liston's bone forceps—curved. 1 Spiral tourniquet. 1 Gait's trephine and handle. 1 Elevator and raspatory. 1 Hey's saw. 1 Brush. 1 Trocar and canula. 1 Heavy cartilage knife. 2 Retractors, Parker's. 1 Tiemann cV Co's. bullet forceps. 1 Tiemann & Co's. bullet probe. 1 Lead mallet. 1 Bone chisel. 1 Bone gouge. 1 Scissors—curved on the flat. 1 Polypus forcep. 1 Piffard's bone scoop. 1 Sayre's periosteotome. 1 Satterlee's bone forceps. 2 Steel serrefins. 1 Van Buren's sequestrum forceps. 1 Curved hand gouge. 1 Ferguson's lion jaw bone forceps. 1 " 1 Bone gnawing forcep. 2 Sponge holders. 1 Horn screw for lock-jaw. 1 Lithotomy staff. 1 Lithotomy forcep. 1 Lithotomy bistoury. 1 Gay lard's bone drill. 1 Set Brainard's bone drills. 1 Fenestrated slide-catch forcep. 1 Truax's needle holder—long. 1 Cooper's hernia knife. 1 Large trepanning scalpel. 2 Steel sounds. 2 Male catheters, plated. 1 Pair vulsellum forceps. 1 Plain artery forcep—heavv. 1 Eye speculum, Noyes', gift. 1 Dix's Spud. 1 Beer's knife. 1 Linear knife. 1 Iris forcep. 1 Iris scissors. 1 Tenatome. 1 Eye needle. 1 Brunn's bone scoop. 1 Chain saw carrier. 1 Double operating hook. 1 Adams' subcutaneous saw. Chain saw—rotating handles The followrog instruments included in this set, are fitted into case, which can be removed from the large one and carried in the pocket if desired. case is leather covered and velvet lined and contains compact minor operating This minor 1 Bull dog artery forceps. 1 Pair scissors. 1 Director and tongue tie. 1 Aneurism needle. 2 Long silver probes. 12 Needles, silk, coil of silver wire, wax and pins. 1 Metacarpal saw. 2 Scalpels. 1 Sharp point bistoury. 1 Probe point bistoury. 1 Tenatome. ] French finger knife. 1 Plain artery forcep. 1 Tenaculum. All in a finely finished case, lined with fine oil-dyed velvet, with patent leather water-proof cover for case______________________________ 170 00 GENERAL OPERATING CASES. Capital operating set. See Truax & Co's. cases. Page 183. Connant's general operating set.......____________________________ 54 00 Parker's compact operating set--------------------________________ 62 00 Detmold's general operating set____ ______________________________ 65 00 Markoe's general operating set._t„^ ....... -----------.....---- 67 45 Wood's_________________________________________________________ 70 00 Mott's___.......__________________________________________.___ 72 85 Parker's general operating set_____________________________________ 90 00 Hamilton's___________________________.------------------------- 100 00 Blackman's______________________________ _____________________ 135 00 Post's______________________________.......___________________ 146 00 Seymour's .____------------------------------------------------ 176 70 Buck's_______________________________________........___________ 180 00 13 OPERATING CASES.—Discount 25 per cent. TRUAX & CO'S. TREPANNING SET. Gait's trephine, large. " " small. Trephine handle. Trepanning scalpel and raspatory. All in a neat velvet-lined morocco case 1 Trepanning elevator. 1 Hey's saw. 1 Brush. 16 00 TRUAX & CO'S. BONE EXSECTING SET. Chain saw, best. Bone chisels. Bone gouges. Bone gouging forcep. Liston's bone forcep, heavy Set Brainard's drills. Bone trephine and handle. Elevator and raspatory. Sequestrum forcep. 1 Pair Parker's retractors. 1 Ferguson's lion jaw forceps. 1 Lead mallet. 1 Narrow interosseous saw. 1 Pope's antrum drill. 1 Liston's bone forcep, angular. 3 Coils silver wire. 6 Silver wire needles.. 1 Coil iron wire and silk. All in a neat mahogany case lined with oil-dyed velvet. MINOR OPERATING CASES. TRUAX & CO'S. NO. 1. 65 00 Scalpel. Tenaculum. Curved sharp point bistoury. Probe point bistoury. Metacarpal saw. 1 Director and tongue tie. 1 Bull dog artery forceps. 1 Pair scissors. 1 Pair silver probes. 1 Straight bistoury. 6 needles and silk, all in a neat morocco case____________.________15 00 TRUAX & CO'S. No. 2. * This is the same case that is contained in our general operating cases, and parties pur- chasing it from us may at any future time buy the balance of the operating set, thus, com- pleting: the case without loss. 1 Metacarpal saw 2 Scalpels. 1 Sharp point bistoury 1 Probe point bistoury 1 Tenatome. 1 French finger knife. 1 Plain artery forcep. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Bull dog artery forcep. 1 Pair scissors. 1 Director and tongue tie. 1 Aneurism needle. 2 Long silver probes. Twelve needles, all in a neat morocco covered case, very compact.______ 20 80 TRUAX & CO'S. NO. 3. 1 Double hook. 1 1 Curved sharp pointed bistoury. 1 1 Curved probe pointed bistoury. 1 1 Cooper's hernia knife. 1 4 Scalpels, assorted. 1 1 Pair small polypus forceps. 6 1 Tenatome. 1 1 Tenaculum. 2 1 Aneurism needle. In Morocco case, lined with oil-dyed velvet__________.........___ 33 00 HOSPITAL MINOR OPERATING SET. 2 Finger knives; 2 Straight probe-pointed bistouries; 1 Straight hernia knife; 2 Curved sharp-pointed bistouries; 2 Curved probe-pointed bis- Narrrow metacarpal saw. Pair plain artery forceps. Small trocar. Pair angular scissors. Pair slide-catch artery forceps. Neetfles, silk, iron and silver wire. Steel director. Silver probes. OPERATING AND DISSECTING CASES.—Discount 25 per cent. touries; 1 Curved hernia knife; 1 Abscess knife; 1 Short straight bistoury; 4 Tenatomes, various shapes; 1 Tenaculum; 1 Pair Truax's needle forceps; 1 Pair Parker's retractors; 3 Serrifins, wire; 1 Straight tonsil knife; 1 Curved tonsil knife; 7 Scalpels,assorted sizes and shapes; 1 Green's double hook, plain; 1 Pair fenestrated artery forceps; 1 Pair Coxeter's artery for- ceps, small; 1 Pair strabismus forceps; I Pair Tiemann & Co's. bullet for- ceps; 1 Bullet probe, Tiemann's: 1 Pair polypus forceps; 1 Pair Vulsellum Forceps; 1 Pair straight, h«avy scissors; 1 Pair scissors, curved on the flat; 1 Pair scissorb, angular curve; 1 Trocanand canula; 1 German silver ear speculum; 1 Belocq's sound, for epistaxis, silver; 1 Steel director; 12 yards annealed iron wire. Assorted needles, silk, silver wire, and plastic pins, all in neat rose-wood case, brass-bound and lined with oil-dyed velvet 74 80 DISSECTING AND POST MORTEM INSTRUMENTS. BLOW PIPES fig. 401______.....___________________________$ 25 CHAIN AND HOOK_______________________________________ 50 CHISEL, Plain__________.....______________________________ 50 CLAMP, for holding the skull_________________________________ 7 00 ENTEROTOME_______________________........_____________ 2 50 FORCEPS, Dissecting, fig. 393________________________________ 60 " " Fine Points, Nickle Plated__________________ 75 KNIVES, Brain__________.....______________________.....____ 1 50 Cartilage_____.....---------......------------------ 75 " Heavyfig. 319_____________________________ 2 00 And Saw, Finnel's_______________________............. 5 00 MALLET, Lead, fig. 363__________.......-......--------------- 2 50 NEEDLE, Post Mortem____________________.----------------- 25 PUMP, Embalming, Tiemann & Co's. with three points, fig. 405_______22 00 SAWS, Lifting Backs, 3 sizes____________________________2 50 to 5 00 And Knife, Finnel's, fitting one handle.;---------------------- 5 00 SCALPELS, 4 sizes, fig. 400, each__________________________________ 60 SCISSORS, Dissecting, fig. 397------------------------------------- 75 SHEARS, Rib, fig. 379____________________________________________ 6 00 SYRINGE, Anatomical........____________________________16 00 to 22 00 TENACULUM, fig. 394________________........--................ 60 DISSECTING CASES. TRUAX & CO'S. No. 1, containing—2 Scalpels, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Dis- secting scissors, 1 Cartilage knife, 1 Dissecting forcep, 1 Blow • pipe, 1 Set chain-hooks, all in a neat polished hard wood case, 3 00 TRUAX & CO'S. No. 2, containing—4 Scalpels, 1 Tenaculum, 1 Dissecting forcep, 1 Dissecting scissors, 1 Cartilage knife, 1 Blow pipe, 1 set chain and hooks in polish ed hard wood case.. 4 00 FINNEL'S Post Mortem Set, containing—Amputating knife, Saw, han- dle to fit the above, 3 assorted Ebony-handled scalpels, Steel handled cartilage knife, Straight dissecting scissors, Ebony or steel-handled tenaculum, Set heavy chain hooks, German silver blowpipe, Dissecting forceps, two needles and thread, Chisel, in rosewood case, with lock and key, lined with velvet. 12 50 TRUAX & CO'S. POST > ORTEM CASE. 1 Hammer; 1 Costotome chisel; 1 Steel handle cartilage knife; 3 Ebony handle scalpels, assorted; 1 Steel handle-dissecting hook; 1 Pair plain dissecting forceps; 1 Enterotome; 1 Set of heavy chain hooks; 1 German silver blowpipe; 1 Plain chisel; 1 Pair of straight dissecting scissors; 1 Amputating knife; 1 Saw; 1 Handle to fit the knife and saw; 2 Needles thread and wax. Mahogany case, slide or lock, velvet lined _. 22 00 188 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 286. Director and Tongue Tie, 75 cents. Seejpage_179. _• 289. § 289—Straight, Sharp Point Bistoury. 290—Straight, Blunt Point Bistoury. 291—Curved, Sharp Point Bistoury. 292—Curved, Probe Point Bistoury. 293—Cooper's Hernia Knife. 1 00 to 1 50. See page 179. 288. Gaylord's Bone Drill, 2 50. See p. 179. 297. Artery Tortion Forceps, 2 50. See page 179 298. Tortion Forceps, 2 50. See page 179. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 301- Lagenbeck's Artery Forceps, 1 50. Seepage 179. 302. Bull Dog Artery Forcep, 2 00. See page 179. 306. Hamilton's Sequestrum Forceps, 2 50. See page 180. 307. YanpJuren's Sequestrum Forceps, 3 00 See page 180. 308. Fer^.ison's l.ion-jaw, Bone-holding Forceps, 3 (Q. See pnge 180. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 312. Liston's Knife, small___2 50. See page 180. G. TIEMANN & CO 322. Straight Suture Needles, per doz...l 00 See page 181. 329. Hey's Saw, 75c See paj;e 181. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 331. Lagenbeck's Bandage Clamp, 2 50. See page 179. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 332 333 334 332 to 338—Full Curved Suture Needles, 1 00 per dozen. See page 181. 339 340 341 342 343 339 to 345—Half Curved Suture Needles, 1 00 per dozen. See page 181. 346. Allis' Inhaler, 4 00. See page 180. 347. 348. Tenaculum, 1 00 to 1 50. See page 182. Aneurism Needle, 1 00 to to 1 50. See page 181. 349. Chain Saw, 10 00. See page 181. fepH^WE^ GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. ~b7tiemann1TcoT 353. Hamilton's Osteopher, 4 00. See page 181. 354. Tiemann's Bow Saw, with two blades, 7 00 See page 181. 357. Lifting Back Metacarpal Saw, 2 50 to 5 00. See page 181. 356. Small Catling, 2 50. See Knives, page 180. _.T\E.N\r\tttt3c.G0. 358. Valentine's Knife, 8 00. See page 181. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 360. Director and Aneurism Needle, 75c. See page 179. VT\_>*MIH V.C4. 361. Probes, Silver, 75 cents perpair. Seepage 181. 362. Tiemann's Automatic Suture Needles, 5 50. See page 181. a <= 366. Operating Scissors, 1 00 to 2 00. See page 182. CTIEIVAA/fo-CO-NY 367. Sayre's Periosteotome, 2 00. See page 181. 195 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 373. Scissors, curved on the flat, 1 50 to 2 00. See page 182. TIEMftNN 376. Lagenbeck's Serrefin, 75c. See page 182. 376. Curved Wire Serrefin, 25c. See page 182. 377. Straight Wire Serrefin, 25c. Bee page 182. 379. Rib Shears, 6 00. See p. 182. 196 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. Trephine Handle, bone, 75c. See page 182. 2797 82 895090�25687 SILK AND DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. 396. Twisted Silk. (Seep. 182.) 395. I'.raided Silk. g 395,—Braided Silk for sutures and ligatures. Four sizes on a card, r1 25 yards on card, $1. The advantages of this new braided silk for surgical use will be readily seen and appreciated by those who have used ordinary twisted silk, as it does not kink, twisi or curl, and is as easily manipulated as silver wire. It is also free from dressing and coloring matter. 405. Tiemann & Co/s Embalming Pump, J See page 187. 198 BULLET INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. EXTRACTOR, Moses'------------------------------------- 3 50 FORCEPS, U.S. A., fig. 408--------------------------------- 2 00 Tiemann's fig. 404------.....---------------------- -> nU Hamilton's_______________.....------------------------ 2 50 PROBE, Lead .. -----.----;--------------------------."- fn Nelaton's porcelain head----------------------------- W Elastic, porcelain head-----.....------------------------- 1 00 Silver, long________________________________________75 to 1 00 Tiemann's elastic, porcelain head-------------------------- 1 00 Truax's jointed; director, probe and spiral elastic probe, with Nelaton's porcelain head, 3 pieces to screw to- gether, fig. 443-------------.....-----------.....------ 2 00 Scoop, Tiemann's-------------------------........------- 1 75 Screw, Tiemann's......-------.....----------.......--- 2 00 POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. BISTOURIES, See Knives, page 199. CASES Empty, Morocco, twofold common---........-------------- 1 50 ^J « « best_______________________....... 2 00 " three-fold common_______________________ 2 00 " « best___________________________ 3 00 four-fold__________________________3 00 to 4 00 Russia, one fold---.............---.....----------- 2 50 « twofold__________________________.....— 3 00 " three fold___.........--------------------- 3 50 Truax& Co's. Petite-----------------------........ 2 00 « " one fold___________________________ 2 50 « " compact___________________________ 3 00 « " modified_____________________........ 3 50 " " complete_________________........___ 3 50 Gunn's__________.....---------.....-------------- 3 00 Gross'____________________......-----------2 00 to 3 00 CATHETERS, Female, plated------------------------------------- 50 " silver_____________________________________ 100 Combined Male and Female, Silver, fig. 406----......_ 2 50 « " » " Plated, fig. 406__________ 150 " Parker's, with Caustic Holder, Silver, fig. 407. 4 50 « '• " " Plated, fig. 407____ 2 50 " Truax's, with caustic holder, vaccinating needle and exploring trocar, plated_______ 3 50 CAUSTIC HOLDERS, Silver, fig. 411------------------------------ 1 50 Hard Rubber, Small, fig. 422----............------------- 60 " Medium_______________________............ 75 With Silver Jaws, fig. 412____________________ 100 COMBS, Vaccinating, fig.278------------.........------------------- 1 00 " Common____________________________25 to 50 DIRECTOR and Tongue Tie, fig. 286--------------------------- 75 And Ear Spoon----------........----------------- 75 And Aneurism Needle, fig. 360---......-------------- 75 EAR SPOON AND HOOK, Gross's fig. 409--------------------- 75 And Dix's Spud, Truax's, fig. 442__________________ 1 00 This is a valuable combination as it enables the purchaser to obtain a spud that can be carried in a pocket case. FORCEPS, Artery, Plain, Common-------------------------......... 50 Best Steel, Nickel Plated, fig. 418___________ 75 » " Mouse-toothed-----------------------....._ 1 00 " Spring Catch, Liston's, fig. 414-------------------- 150 , « » « Fenestrated, Bull Dog, fig. 302______ 2 00 POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. FORCEPS, Artery, spring catch. " " ' " Hamilton's, fig. 427________________. 2 50 " " " And Needle Holder, fig. 417.....___ 2 50 " Slide Catch Tortion, fig. 297 or 298 _..»_____________ 2 50 " " " Fenestrated__________........._______ 2 50 " " " " Hamilton's____.....______ 3 00 " " " " And Needle Holder, fig. 422. 3 00 " Snap Catch, fig. 426____ .....______________..... 2 25 Dressing and Polypus, fig. 413_____________________....._ 1 50 " " " French Lock, fig. 426______________ 2 25 Splinter, Fig. 420______________________________________ 100 This Forcep will be found useful in removing foreign bodies from the ear and nose as well as splinters of wood or steel from the flesh, it can also be used in removing broken needles, ----- 1 50 CYSTOTOMES, fig. 460_______________________........------ 1 50 Knapp's, fig. 503___ .....-..............--------- 150 and Curettes________________.....----------- 2 50 DIAGRAMS, Green's, per set__________-------------------net 5 00 DILATORS, Canalicula, Galezousky's, fig. 461-------------------- 2 50 Weber's, graduated, fig. 457_________.....---......--- 1 00 William's, Silver, fig. 527___________________________ 1 00 DIRECTORS, Bowman's, fig. 528----------------------------- 75 DOUCHES, Eye, Common, fig. 453-----......_------------1 00 to 2 00 Agnew's_________........'.__________________ 3 00 DROPPERS, Medicine, fig. 531, dozen-----■-------------------- 80 EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. EYES, Artificial, see opposite page, each_________________________ 10 00 In ordering Artificial Eyes, please srive us as near as possible, size and color wanted, when we will send a quantity from which to select. Customers must assume all risk of breakage and pay all expressage. FORCEPS, Adhesion, Noyes_______________________________________ 2 00 Cilia, fig. 464_______________________________............ 1 00 Conjunctiva, Noye's, fig. 454____________________________ 4 00 Depilating, Henry's, fig. 459_____________________________ 2 50 Entropium, Crossbar, fig. 466___________.....___________ 2 25 Desmarre's_______......_.........__________. 3 00 Knapp's, fig.455____________________'_........ 4 00 Snellen's____________________________________ 2 50 Tiemann's, fig. 456__________________......... 7 00 Prout's, fig. 452_______________________.....— 3 50 Extirpation, Blitz's_______________........_______________ 3 00 Fixation, Carron de Villard's, fig. 472_____________________ 3 00 Dela Rosa's___________________________________ 2 00 Dudley's_______________________________________ 3 00 Graefe's___________.............______......___ 2 00 Noves', fig. 468___'_________________________..... 1 50 And Tumor, fig. 469_______________________...... 1 50 Iris, Straight______________________________________..... 1 50 Curved___________________________________________ 1 50 Angular, Graefe's, fig. 467-. - .______.___________..... 1 75 Leibrich's Rotating__________________________....... 4 00 latest........____________________________ 5 50 Walton's___________.....__________________________ 2 50 Foreign Body______________.............___........___ 3 00 =f>- TRUAX _ CO. Needle Holding, Friche's, delicate, for eye needles.. ______ 5 00 Prout's, fig. 428___......._______________ 3 50 Sand's, fig. 416__________________________ 4 50 Truax's, fig. 433........__________________ 3 50 This is a convenient needle holder for general use and can be carried in a pocket case, it is strong enough to firmly grasp a needle while the catch is of a new pattern not easily broken. Strabismus, Straight, fig. 465-.....______________________ 1 25 " Curved.........._____........__•____________ 125 Tumor and fixation, fig. 469_____________________________ 1 50 Wilde's canulated___......... . _ 12 00 GOUGES........._________....._________________"■____.. .... 1 50 Pocket and Spatula, fig. 476___________ __ 2 50 HOLDERS, Jaeger's Plate Lid, Rubber, fig. 470 ______ ... ... 100 " Shell, fig. 470_______________.....____ 150 HOOKS, Desmarre's, many pronged__________________________ _ 2 00 Double Fixation, fig. 481_________'....'.'...'.'...'.'.'..'.'._____V. 1 50 Extirpation, Ball's, with slide____....................______ 3 00 Knapp's, foreign body, fig. 477..... .__.....___.......___ 2 00 Strabismus, large or small, fig. 478______________________ . _ 1 25 " half curved___________________........___ ... 125 " double___________________................ 1 50 *$-= 211 FROM THE FINEST FRENCH AND GERMAN MANUFACTURERS. ' PRICE TO ASTE have recently completed arrangements for supply- ing our patrons with a very su- perior grade of artificial eyes, that for lifelike colors, brilliancy of expression and accuracy of form, are excelled by none. We keep a stock constantly on hand that is sufficiently large to admit of our sending: our customers quite a number from which to make selections for their patients. It is only necessary to state the color, whether for right or left eye, the size as near as it can be approximated and the shape as shown by the figures on this page. SPECIAL EYES MADE TO ORDER. While we can fit the great ma- jority of cases from our stock, yet Physicians and Oculists will oc- casionally meet with patients, that, either from peculiarity of shape or color, require an eye made to order. To rill this de- mand we have arrangements with one of the finest foreign workmen in this country, and all special orders of this class will be promptly executed. In cases of this kind we send two assort- ments, one from which to select the color and the other from which to get the shape. When returning them to us, carefully mark the ones selected, which will enable us to obtain a perfect fit. All express charges on eyes, both to and from Chicago, must be paid by purchaser. PATIENTS 810.00 EACH. EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. HOOKS, Tyrrell's blunt, fig. 479_________________________......_ 1 25 Tyrrell's sharp, fig. 480___........................___...... 1 25 Hook—bistoury ______......__________......-------- 2 50 IRIDECTOMY Instrument, Welker's___ _________..............- 12 00 • KERATOMES, Jaeger's, straight, fig. 494___________________....... 1 50 " angular, fig. 495____________________..... 175 KNIVES, Canalicula, Agnew's fig. 488__________________________ 1 75 " Beaumont's, concealed_____________________ 8 00 Bowman's, fig. 486___......................... 175 " Noyes', plain, fig. 493______.*_______________ 175 " Noyes', movable blade_____........._________ 4 00 " Weber's, curved, fig. 497 ........_____________ 175 Weber's, half curved, fig. 498____.......______ 175 Stilling's, fig. 485______......._________________ 150 Cataract, Baeder's Linear, curved to right or left_________each 2 00 " Beer's, 3 sizes, fig. 482________________________each 1 50 " Graefe's Linear, fig. 483__________________________ 150 " Straight, for enlarging the section, fig. 484__________ 1 50 Iridectomy, Agnew's_____________________________________ 1 75 Iris......____________________________.......____________ 1 50 " with stop_______________......________________________ 1 75 " Double Edged, fig. 487_______............______________ 2 00 » Sickle Shaped_____________'..............._____________ 175 Lachrymalis, Fistula, Parker's__________________ __________ 1 75 Needle, fig. 504..................._______................. 150 Noyes'—Selling's, fig. 500___..........................____ 1 75 NEEDLES, Surgical, per doz., assorted....._________________________ 1 80 Angular..............._______________.............___ 125 And Spud, Pocket____________________......___________ 2 50 Bowman's stop, fig. 501___................___........__ 1 50 Carron De Villard's_______________________....._______ 1 25 Cataract, Straight, Beer's, fig. 511............_____........ 1 25 " Narrow, Noyes', fig. 512___________.........____ 150 Couching, fig. 502___.................................. 125 Critchet's, Hooked___________...............___________ 1 25 Knife, Hayes', fig. 504___................. . ....________ 150 Luzardi's Hooked______________________________________ 1 50 Levis', with Eye_______________......__.....___________ 1 75 Paracentesis, broad, fig. 499......._______________........ 125 " very broad, fig. 513.........________________ 150 Tattooing__________________....._____________________ 1 75 " Baeder's__________________________.........__ 2 00 Agnew's_______________............__________ 2 00 Walton's, Grooved_____________________.....___....... 2 00 " Round pointed_______........._______________ 1 25 Wilde's Canulated___ . 12 00 OPTHALMOSCOPES, Allen's _.__..............________........__.. 3 75 Graefe's__________________________..... 6 50 Leibreich's fig. 514_______________________ 4 50 " Extra fine_____________________ 6 00 This opthalmascope is put up in an elegant fine leather case, metal edges and clasp, condensed for vest pocket, extra fine quality lenses, and Ivory handle. Nachet's..................._________________ 7 00 Loring's, 7 lens_____________._______________ 9 00 " 12 " best quality__________________ 17 00 15 " " student's, fig. 515_________ 22 00 213 EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. OPTHAXMOSCOPES, Loring's 24 lens, finest grade___......_______ 28 00 " 15 " and 4 in quadrant, with best tilt- ing mirror_______________ 40 00 Knapps, 12 lens single____________________ 22 00 24 " double__________________ 28 00 " 28 " « ______..........___35 00 OPTHALMOSTATES, Three-pointed_____________....._________ 1 50 Jaeger's----------------------------------------- 8 00 Noyes', fig. 496_______________________.....___......_ 2 00 OPTHALMO-Phantomes________________......_________5 00 to 25 00 OPTOMETER, Thompson's _______________________........____ 2 00 PENCILS, Alum___.....___________________________________ 30 Blue Vitriol............_.....................__________ 30 Nitrate Silver........_____________________________ 1 60 IJIQUE, Pamard's for fixing the Eye, fig. 523_________.....________ 1 50 PROBES, Silver, delicate_________________.........._____.....___ 50 Anel's, Silver, fig. 528_______________.....__......_....... 50 Bowman's, set of 8, Silver, fig. 528___________............. 3 00 " each, 2 sizes, Silver, fig. 528________........___ 75 " set of 8, Hard Rubber_______________.....____ 2 00 " 2 sizes, each_______........._____........___ 50 Theobolt's, set of 16____.......______________________set 6 00 William's, each, Silver, fig. 527 ........__________________ 75 PUPILOMETER.___........_______.........__________......._ 5 00 RETRACTORS, Desmarre's two sizes, fig. 524, each _____........___ 1 75 jointed___________________________ 2 00 SCALPELS, 3 sizes each, fig. 509.....___........._____.....—-• 150 SCARIFICATOR, Desmarre's, fig. 522 _________......__________ 1 50 SCISSORS, Conjunctiva, curved on the flat.......______........___ 1 50 Iris, straight, fig. 543____........__________.____________ 1 50 " curved on the flat, fig. 547....................__...... 1 50 " Noyes'........___.....__________________.....___ 4 00 Manoir's, canalicula____________________.......__________ 1 50 Pteerigum__.......__________........___________........ 6 00 Strabismus, angular, fig. 532_______................------- 1 50 " curved on the flat................___.......... 150 Hobby's curved right, fig. 518____...........--- 3 00 left.........________.......... 3 00 Welker's Iridectomy___________..................-------10 00 Dudley's Cataract....................................---10 00 SCOOPS, Critchet's_______...............--------.............---- 1 Jjj Graefe's Lens_______..............................------- 1 «** Hard Rubber Lens, fig. 526_______•-......--......-----..... 75 Fenestrated Lens, fig. 521_____.....------............---- 1 ^5 ~Za '^Silver Lens and Cystotome________________________________ 2 50 SHADES, Child's, single..................................-----..... 25 double..........................-.....------...... «j Adults, single______......... ..........------.......... ^0 " double............._......-------............----- £() SILK, Assorted sizes, Braided, fig. 395, 8 yards on card----------------- 50 Twisted, Tablets__________.........................-------net 10 SPATULAS, German Silver, 525___................---------------- 1 25 jtgjj "Hard Rubber..............---------......------------ "^ SPECULUMS, Plain wire, fig. 542...............----........-------- '«> Leibreich's, fig. 539_-_-.........______................ 2 50 EYE INSTRUMENTS--Discount 25 per cent. SPECULUMS, Graefe's___________......---------........--------- 2 50 Liebold's__________........----------------------- 2 50 Galante's . .....__________________________ 4 00 Noyes'Steel, nickel plated, fig. 548-------.....------_. 4 50 Wire, gilt, fig. 548 _______.......--.....------ 4 00 14 Wire, ordinary___----- -------------------- 3 00 SPOONS, Hard Rubber, fig. 526--------------.......------------- ?5 Ivory___........---------......----------.....------ 2 00 SPRAYS.- __________________________________________ Complete, Richardson's double bulb, fig. 602----------------- 3 00 SPUDS, Dix's, fig 510...........----------------.....-------------- \ 25 Pocket and Needle, fig. 473_________.....---.......-------- 2 °° STRABOMETER, Ivory, fig. 541.. ____________________________ 2 °° STYLES, Gold, according to size and shape---- -------------1 50 to 5 00 Lead__________________________________________________ 25 Silver, fig. 527, and 546 A------------.....---------------- 50 Hollow, fig. 546 B.....-----------------......----- 50 Rubber, fig. 546 D______________......-----------...... 25 SYRINGES, Anel's, best, silver barrel, silver and gold points---------- 12 00 il Metal barrel, silver points---------------------- 5 00 " Common metal barrel.........----------------- 2 50 Agnew's Lachrymal, fig. 517----------.....------------ 6 00 McFarlan's Lachrymal, hard rubber, silver point ......... 3 50 Supalpebral, Leibold's______________......------------- 1 50 TENACULUMS, two sizes. __ ______ _____________......-----each 125 TEST DRUM, for trying edges and points of instruments------------- 75 TEST TYPES, Snellen's series____.....------------------------net 2 00 TRACTOR, Graefe's.....__________-----------..................... 1 50 TOURNIQUET, Lawrence's eyelid---............----------------- 3 00 TRIAL SETS, Natchet's, best, fig. 536, containing 30 pairs convex lenses, 30 pairs concave lenses, 18 pairs cylindrical lenses, convex, 18 pairs cylindrical concave, 10 prismatic lenses, 10 colored lenses, 1 com- plete trial frame, 1 double groove trial frame, all of above lenses in fine frames, fig. 536____.........---........----net price---100 00 TRIAL SETS, containing 25 pairs convex lenses, 25 pairs concave lenses, 22 pairs cylindrical concave, 22 pairs cylindrical convex, 10 pris- matic, 10 colored lenses, blender, 1 ordinary frame with double groove ; lenses not set in frames, net price --------......---60 00 TROCAR, Paracentesis, Desmarre's, long point, or short point, fig. 544__ 1 75 EYE CASES. No. 1—containing: Beer's Knife; Curved Needle; Iris Needle; Forceps; Scissors, fine pointed, curved on the flat; Wire Speculum; Strabis- mus Hook: Dix's Spud; Silver Probe; 3 Suture Needles; Fine Silk; Tyrrel's sharp Iris Hook; Daviel's Curette; in morocco case, lined with silk velvet_________________________________ 17 00 No. 3—containing: Graefe's Linear Knife; Parker's Fistula Lachrymalis Knife; Beer's Cataract Knife; Desmarre's Scarificator; Straight Keratome; Angular Keratome; Strabismus Hook; Small Scalpel; Large curved Needle, couching; Small Curved Needle; Straight Iris Needle; Cystotome; Tyrrell's Blunt Hook; Tyrrel's Scoop; Wire Speculum; Cilia Forceps; Strabismus Forceps; Iridectomy Forceps; Straight Iris Scissors; Iris Scissors, curved on the flat; Anel's Silver Probe; 6 Suture Needles and Fine Silk; in leather case, lined with silk velvet________________.................— 34 63 No. 8. Noyes'......._.............____________________________.....66 25 No. 9. Agnew's__________________________________.....---........- 57 75 No. 10. Knapp's_______________.............._____________________ 78 25 EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. Tin.V.,:.\ti:CO 460. Cystotomc, 1 50. See page 209. EYE INSTRUMENTS. Discount 25 per cent. 469. Fixation and Tumor Forceps, 1 50. See page 210 465. Straight Strabismus Forceps, 1 25. See page 210. 468. Noyes' Fixation Forceps, 1 50. See page 210. 467. Graefe's Angular Iris Forceps, 1 75. See page 810, c.-n-NiP"N & CQ' 470. Jaeger's Plate Lid Holder, 1 00 to 1 50. See page 210. IllE__tfBfc =;:::Tiiliii?ii^ TI CM AM: CO 466. Cross-Bar Entropium Fore cps, 2 25. Sec page 210. w G.TILMANN a CO. 473. Pocket Spud and Needle, 2 00. See page 214. 9999996 EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 476. Pocket Gouge and Spatula, 2 50. See page 2i0. GJIEMANN-CH 477. Knapp's Foreign Body Hook, silver, 200. See page 210. C. TIEMANN & CO. 487. Double-edged Iris Knife, 2 00. See page 212. 486. Bowman's Canalicula Knife, 1 75. See page 212. 478. Strabismus Hook, 1 25. See page 210. TT-nFMANNSC- 479. Tyrrell's Blunt Hook, 1 25. See page 212. S.TIEMANN fcCD 480. Tyrrell's Sharp Hook, 1 25. See page 212. -*e TlCt\u-„»,:GU 481. Double Fixation Hook, 1 50. See page 210. 482. Beer's Cataract Knife, medium, 1 50. See page 212. ^^ 483. Graefe's Linear Knife, 1 50. See page 212. GTir."fu. ,. L.- 484 Straight Cataract Knife, 1 50. Seepage 212. 485. Stilling's Canalicula Knife, 1 50. See page 212. 15 EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 493.—Noyes' Plain Canalicula Knife, 1 75. See page 212. E.TIEMANN 1C- 491.—Jaeger's Straight Keratome, 1 50. See page 212. 495.—Jaeger's Angular Keratome, 1 75. See page 212. Tl CM ANN: CO 496.—Noyes'Opthalmostate, 2 00. See page 213. S.TIEMANNJkCO 497.—Weber's Curved Canalicula Knife, 1 75. See page 212. TICMANN: C O 498—Weber's Half-curved Canalicula Knife, 1 75. See page 212. G. TIEMANN &. CO. 499.—Broad Paracentesis Needle, 1 25. See page 212. 3 3 G.TIEMANN. CO 500—Noyes'—Stilling's Knife, 1 75. See page 212. G.TIEMANN&C0 501—Bowman's Stop Needle, 1 50. See page 212. G.TIEMANH % CO 502—Couching Needle, 1 25. See page 212. S.TIEMANN.CO 503—Knapp's Cystotome, 1 50. See page 209. G.TIEMANN &:CO 504.—Hayes' Knife Needle, 1 50. See page 212. f 512.— Noyes' Narrow Straight Cataract Needle, 1 50. See page 21. EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. E.TIEMANN & CO 521__Fenestrated Lens Scoop, 1 75. See page 213. 522 —Desmarre's Scarificator, 1 50. See page 213. 52:?.—Pamard's Pique for Fixing the Eye, 1 50. See page 213 524.—Desmarre's Eyelid Retractor, 175. See page 213. 5^5.—Spatula, 125. Seepage 213. G.TIEMANN & CO 526.—Lens Spoon, Hard Rubber or Shell, 75c. to 2 00. Seepage 214. A 527.—Williams' Probes, Dilator and Styles. See pages 209 and 213 ^ 528.—Bowman's Probes, Director and Anel's Probe. See pages 209 and 213. 221 EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Net Prices. »34. Medicine .Droppers, net p.r doz , 60c. bee i age 209. 538. Truax's Spud and Ear Spoon, net 75c. See page 198 & ft 536. Natchet's Complete Trial Case, net, 100 00. See page 214 222 EYE INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 648. Noyes' Eye Speculum, 3 00 to 4 50. See page 214. EAR INSTRUMENTS.—DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT. AIR BAGS, Politzers, common, white rubber, one tip_______________ 1 50 colored, English rubber, with (sma}}--------- 2 00 _._,. f- ^ _ Pon -{medium------ 2 50 one tip, fig. 562-----------(large—-......- 3 00 " colored, English rubber, with ( medium___..... 3 00 valve and one tip, fig. 562___( large__________ 3 50 Extra tip for any of above, as shown in fig. 562__________ 50 Roosa's attachment for above, see fig. 561___________extra 1 50 AURICLES, best, silk, see pages 226 and 227. BASINS, PUS, brass, nickel plated________________......_._3 50 to 5 00 hard rubber, fig. 557_______________________1 50 to 3 00 BISTOURY, Buck's, sharp point, fig. 580..._______........._______ 1 50 " probe point, fig. 577__-_________________...... 150 CANULAS, double, for removing Polypi....................____..... 1 25 CARRIERS, Lint, Bonafont's....................______.........._- 75 CATHETERS, Eustachian, silver, pure....................._......._. 1 50 " " coin____........................... 125 plated.....1...................-._......... 75 hard rubber, fig. 553___.................... 75 Holder, Bonafont's.................................... 2 00 " Pomeroy's Kramer's............___.......... 3 50 , CAUSTIC HOLDERS, Elastic..................................---- 2 00 COTTON HOLDER, Buck's, fig. 582............................---- 50 CONVERSATION TUBES, see pages 225 and 227. CORNETS, see page 227. CURETTES, Buck's, fig. 581............-----.......................- 50 Speir's......_.........................................-- 1 25 DOUCHES, Luca's, reflex.............---.......-...........------ 6 00 Sexton's_____________.....------------........---- 1 50 DRILL, with guard, for perforating the mastoid process....._._........- 5 00 EXPLORER, Toynbee's, fig. 551-------------------'.. -------- 75 FORCEPS, Allen's, for removing foreign bodies......................- 4 50 Bumstead's Canulated----------------------------- 4 00 Hinton's, Polypus_____________ .. --- -----........ 4 00 Hinton's, Polypus, double joint, fig. 597---------------- 4 50 Mathieu's,______.............---------------........ 4 50 Noyes'_____________________________.....--------- 4 50 Politzer's, Polypus, fig. 554-----.....---------------- 2 50 Pomeroy's--------------------------------------- 2 50 Wilde's, Angular, serrated, fig. 556-------------------- 1 50 " " mouse tooth__________ _____________ 1 50 GORGET, Wilde's ...............----------------------- J °° HOOKS, Elsberg's, angular----------------------------------- 1 5U Devil's screw------------- ------........--------- * w HORN, London hearing, see pages 226 and 227 INHALERS, Buttle's, hard rubber, two tips----------................ 1 50 Pomeroy's, glass---.....------------------------- 50 KNIVES, Gruber's, Polypus, sickle-shaped------------------------ 1 50 Politzer's, Meatus .. _______________.......---........- 1 50 Buck's, Mastoid, fig. 584.....------.........------------ 1 50 " Furuncle, fig. 579------____ ------------------ 150 MANOMETER, Politzer's.__...........------.................... 75 MARYNGOTOME, Buck's, fig 578-----------------............... 1 00 EAR INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. MIRRORS, Blake's Inner Ear.........__________________......_____• 8 00 Trceltsch's, with handle, 2 inch, fig. 564.....____........_ 3 00 " " " 2i inch, fig. 564....._____________ 4 00 " " " 3 <■ fig. 564................... 4 50 " with head bands. See fig. 641________.4 50 to 8 00 NOZZLES, Sexton's_____________ ........___________.............. 75 OTOSCOPES, Clark's..........__________________.........._.......__ 10 00 Hasentine's............_______........_______........ 5 00 Simrock's best, fig. 586________________........_______ 5 00 Brunton's, fig. 566_____________.................______ 6 00 The cylinder and Speculums of this Otoscope are of hard rubber, and the former easily detached from the latter, so that after an examination has been made, the body of the instrument can be. detached leaving the speculum in situ for applications or opera- tions. The reflector is nicely plated and well polished and of good reflecting power. PIERCER, Ear_____________________________________________ 1 00 PERFORATORS, Politzer's Tympanum, Angular, steel handle, fig. 589, 1 00 " " " Straight, ivory handle______ 1 50 PORTE ACID, Glass, Buck's, fig. 585........____________________ 25 POWDER BLOWER, Knapp's, fig. 567__________ _____________ 125 PROBES, Hard Rubber_____.....___------------------------- 25 Steel, Angular_____________............................. 75 Silver, Buck's, fig. 583....._________................... .. 60 fig. 578-.......___________________.......... 75 Whalebone_______________.............______________ 15 SCISSORS, Gruber's___________......_________................___ 4 00 Simrock's............................___............__ 4 5C SCOOP, Fenestrated___.....................______________......... 1 50 SNARE, Blake's, Polypus____________________________________...... 3 50 Jarvis.....____________________________________............ 3 00 " curved_______................______________________ 4 50 Hobby's with three tubes, see page 232_______________________ 9 00 Wilde's, Polypus, fig. 565.............. ___________________ 3 50 SPECULUMS, Bivalve, nickel plated, fig. 572__________________1 50 to 2 00 Glass Mirror_______________.....___________........ 50 Gruber's, set of 3, hard rubber, fig. 574________________ 2 50 " " " plated........_______....._________ 3 00 " " " silver___________........__________ 4 50 Knapp's, 3 in set, hard rubber________________.....___ 1 50 Kramer's best, fig. 575____.______ _________________ 2 00 This is far superior to the ordinary straight bladed instrument shown in fig. 572. The former has well shaped and finely curved blades, stamped from thin material so that they occupy less space when in situ than the latter. It is considered the best Bivalve Speculum in the market. Kramer's, with set screw__________.................... 2 50 Siegel's---------------........___.....____________ 5 00 Speir's, self-retaining, fig. 591___............_________ 4 00 Toynbee's, set of 3, hard rubber, fig. 571_______________ 2 50 " " " plated___________.....___________ 3 00 " " " silver___________.....___________ 4 50 Wilde's, set of 3, hard rubber, fig. 573_________________ 1 50 " " " plated___........__.........._______ 2 00 " " "silver___........_____ _______ 4 00 SPRAYS, Hackly's_____________________________________________".. 6 50 Fullgraff's................._______.....______________ . 6 00 SPOONS, Politzer's hard rubber, fig. 563____________________________ 1 00 And Hook, Gross,'fig. 409______________________.....___ 75 And Spud, Truax's, fig. 538___________________________ _ 100 SPOUTS, Hosner's, fig. 555 ___________....................___...... 50 " Folding, hard rubber__________........___......... 1 00 EAR INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. SYRINGES, hard rubber, see page 101______________________________ 1 00 Blake's_______.....______...............________........ 4 50 Metal, with Rings, small____________________________________ 2 00 s*-s' &r w evil results occurring from perforation of the drum. a / r The Artificial Tympanum is pressed against the re- -.ti_mann_.C-.ny mains of the natural one and the opening thus closed. 597—A Ear Cornet for prices see Thev are shown in fig. 597 C. ,.-,.-- below- ° 597—B Ear Cornet, for prices see below. 597—C Artificial Tympanum, for prices see below. The Apparitor Auris is shown in fig. 601 A and , > are so shaped that they may be worn entirely within / / /, the concha, being almost unobservable on account Jyy'Yj^' of their close fit and flesh color. The advantage of f/%^ ' ■**%/ | this instrument over the cornet consists in having the canal elongated so that the waves of sound that enter the aperture are not diffused, but conducted through the meatus to the Tympanum, Those commencing the use of hearing instru- \ \\\\, ments, especially of Trumpets and Auricles, will 'A U;A Bp-r/il frequently be disappointed with first trials and will V \ \V*1 complain that sounds are confused, but after a short v ,\V experience they will usually appear natural and the N\ y\ assistance derived will be so highly valued that the \y '\ )?\N use of artificial aids will not willingly be dispensed \ /' with. j / PRICES. CONVERSATION TUBES, conical, 5 feet long, silk covered, fig. 595.. 8 00 " 3 » " " '< " 595_. 6 00 " 5 " " mohair " " 595.. 7 00 3 " " « " " 595.. 5 00 straight, 3 " " silk " " 595_ _ 4 00 3 " " mohair " " 595.. 3 00 (Large---.......------------- 6 00 EAR TRUMPETS, Dipper, fig. 599 j Medium......_____............. 5 00 (Small______________________ 4 50 (Large---------------------- 5 00 Jointed, fig. 590 ■] Medium___............_______ 4 00 (Small___...................___ 3 50 (Large-----_<_______________ 4 00 Bugle, fig. 592 ] Medium_____________________ 3 00 (Small______......_____....... 2 50 LONDON HEARING HORNS, 3 sizes, either black or nickel plated.._ 5 00 These are all furnished at the same price, whether plain or plated. AURICLES, Leathered covered_____..........._________________ 4 00 Silk covered____________________________________ 5 00 CORNETS, silver, fig. 597____________________.........___perpair 3 00 " fig. 597________________________........perpair 3 50 TYMPANUMS, Artificial, fig. 597........__________............each 25 APPARITOR AURIS, fig. 601A----------_____......_........pair 6 00 228 EAR INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. 552. Toynbee's Diagnostic Tube, 75c. See page 225. 554. Polypus Forceps, 2 50. See page 223 555. Hosner's Ear Spout 50c. to 1 00 See page 224. 229 EAR INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 561. Politzer's Air Bag with Koosa's Attachment, 3 00 to 4 50. See page 223. 562. Politzer's Air Bag, 1 50 to 4 00. See page 223. 564. Troeltsch's Ear Mirror, 3 00 to 4 50. See page 224. 7IBMANN-CU 567. Knapp's Powder Blower, 1 25. See page 224. EAR INSTRUMENTS —Discount 25 Per Cent. 571. Toynbee's Ear Specula, 2 50 to 4 50. See page mi -■ 573. Wilde's Ear Specula, 1 50 to 4 00. See page 224 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. ^flj 576 to 585—Buck's Ear Instruments. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 5T,i- Probe. See page.234. -II' p_obe Point Bistoury. Set-p. 223. 578. Maryngotome. See p. 223. 579. Furuncle Knife. See p. 223. .?80. Sharp Point Bistoury. See p.223. 581. Curette. See p. 223. 582. Cotton Holder. See p 223. a... Probe. See p.224. 584. Mastoid Knife. See p. 223. 585. Porte Acid. See p 224. EAR AND NASAL INSTRUMENTS. 586. Simrock's Otoscope, with Lens, 5 00. See page 224. 687. Folsom's Nasal Speculum, 1 50. See page 233. 597. Hinton's Double Jointed Polypus Forceps, 4 50. See page 223. 596 Frankel's Xasal Speculum, 3 50. See page 233. 588. Thudicum's Nasal Speculum. 1 25. See page 233. 232 ^=<> NASAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. ADJUSTOR. Ingall's, for adjusting the loop of an Ecraseur_________ 9 00 BRUSH HOLDER, Ingall's______.........____________________ 75 CANULAS, Belocq's, for Epistaxis______________________..______ Polypus, Silver______________________........1 50 to DOUCHES, Allen's______________________..........__________ Bridge's________________________________________ Fullgraff's_____________ .________________________ Fountain, small, see page 103_____________________net " medium______________________________net " large--------------------------------net Hazen's, in paper box______________________________ " Britannia box___________________ .._______ Syphon________________________________________ Thudicum's_______________....._________________ Warner's Post-nasal, fig. 627_____________________ ECRASEURS, for Polypus___________________________________ Boswrorth's, in case______________________________ Hobby's, see bottom of page_______________________ Jarvis'__________________:_____________________ " curved_____________....._________ FORCEPS, Cleborn's_________________________________ Nasal, polypus, best__________________ .____________ " " crossing blades, best, fig. 413....._________ Gross'__________________________________________ Simrock's ______.....__________________ INHALERS, Pomeroy's_____________________________________ (See also Mouth and Throat Instruments.) INSUFFLATORS, Clay's, fig. 624_____________..........._______ Leffert's_________________________________- Oliver's with bulb__________________________ Robinson's________________________.......__ " reversible, two tips..________ RHINOPLASTOS, Adams, fig. 598 2 50 3 00 1 25 60 2 00 1 10 1 25 1 40 3 00 4 00 1 50 1 25 1 50 4 00 6 00 9 00 3 00 4 50 3 50 2 00 1 50 2 25 3 00 50 3 00 2 50 3 00 4 50 3 00 SNARE, Hobby's____________________.........................___ 9 00 A light snare possessing great strength. Especially adapted to the slow cut- ting of fibroid tumors of the Nares. With the "large canula and corre- sponding wire it makes an efficient wire ecraseur. NASAL INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. SPATULA, Ingall's__________________________ 75 SPECULUMS, Bivalve, nickel plated, fig. 572_________________1 50" to 2 00 " " " with set screw__________________ 2 50 Elsberg's, trivalve, steel_____________ _______________ 5 00 Frankel's, fig. 596___.......________________________ 3 50 This speculum is made of steel and possesses as much strength as many of the larger and clumsier built instruments. It is dilated by screw power, is light, compact, and as its walls are fenestrated they admit of a thorough examination of the nasal passages. Folsom's, fig. 587___________________________________ 1 50 Goodwille's_______________________________________ 1 00 Ingall's------------------------------------------- 2 00 Robert & Collins'_______.....______________________ 2 50 Thudicum's, fig. 588________________________________ 1 25 SPRAYS,#Chapman's___________________....._____________________ 6 00 *Leffert's----------------------------------........_____ 3 00 " with three tips___________ ___ __ __ 4 00 SYRINGES, Bulb, Catarrhal______________________________"__"____ 1 50 This consists of the hard rubber post nasal tube of Warner's Catarrhal Syringe, (fig. 627) attached to a bulb syringe similar to the one shown on page 73. Where a large quantity of liquid is to be used it is su- perior to Warner's. Posterior Nares, hard rubber, see page 101. Warner's, fig. 627______________________________ .. _. 150 TAMPON, for Epistaxis, best______________________________________ 1 00 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS. AIR COMPRESSORS, Burgess', see page 239_________________net 20 00 AIR PUMPS, see page 240-. ATOMIZERS, -Mat-son's Single bulb, see page 245_______________ 1 25 " Constant Spray, hard rubberpipes, see page 245. 2 00 Gilbert's Constant Spray, seepage 237_______________ 2 25 Millard's, any style, see page 238_________________ 1 50 Double bulb, Richardson's Constant Spray, fig. 602....._ 3 00 " " " Reversible Hard Rubber Tubes, 3 00 " " " " with stopcock_____ 4 00 " " Flexible Tubes____________ 4 00 Burgess', without bulb___________________________ 1 00 Steam, Tiemann's, fig. 601_____________________net 4 00 Codman & Shurtleff's, fig. 625_____________net 4 00 BISTOURY, Green's, Tonsil_______________......._____________ 2 00 BOUGIES, Oesophageal, fig. 604_______________________________ 2 00 BRUSHES, Camel's Hair, Throat, see page 89. BRUSH HOLDERS, California, silver___________-_______________ 2 50 Child's........_____________________________ 2 50 Ingall's, fig. 615____________________________ 75 Seeger's..........__________________________ 2 50 Wagner's 12 brushes and two stems, fig. 603_____ 3 00 CAUSTIC HOLDERS, silver ______________ _____......._____ 150 Jointed__________.....__________________ 2 50 CAUSTIC PROBE, Lente's, fig. 644___________........__________ 1 75 CLAMP, Prince's, Hare Lip_____________....._____....... _____ 3 00 CONCENTRATOR, McKenzie's, for Gas_____........______....._. 9 00 " Lamps_____________________10 00 CONDUCTOR, Buck's Pin __________________________________ 1 50 DILATORS, Oesophageal, fig. 604_____________________________ 4 00 Trachea, Delaborde's........___.....................__ 5 00 Pithas'__________......___________.....___ 3 50 " Tiemann _c Co's.................... ________ 3 50 16 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. DILATORS, Trachea, Trousseau's________________________________ 2 50 DOUCHE AND INHALER, Hazen's in pasteboard box_____________ 3 00 " Britannia box______.....--- 4 00 FORCEPS, Dilating Trachea, Otis_________________________........ 3 50 Hare-lip, Hutchinson's, fig. 648......_________________ 3 00 " " Smith's______________.....__________________ 6 00 Laryngeal, Fauvel's___________________________________ 4 00 " Simrock's__________________________________ 4 50 Needle Holding, Emmet's, fig. 816_______________________ 3 00 " Fritche's___________.....______________ 5 00 Russian, fig. 813____.__________________ 4 00 " " Truax's, fig. 433___........._____________ 3 50 This is a convenient needle holder well adapted for general use, it can be carried in the pocket case and is of sufficient strength to firmly grasp a needle. The catch is of. a new pattern and will not easily get out of order. Oesophageal, Tiemann & Co's., Elastic, fig. 614.....______ 5 00 Seizing, Durham's______________________................ 4 50 Lagenbeck's__________________________________ 3 00 " Musseux's fig. 639___........__________________ 3 00 " Whitehead's__________________........._______ 4 50 Tenaculum, double, fig. 823______________ . ______ 2 50 Hank's, fig. 901_______ .. ________________ 3 00 Throat, Buck's, fig. 611______________________....._____ 3 00 " Cusco's______________________________________ 3 50 " Burgess'______________________________ ____ 4 50 Bond's_______ ___ _ __ __ 2 50 Elsberg's________________'__......_____......... 6 00 Mathieu's fig. 606.....______.............________ 6 00 " McKenzie's....................________________ 3 50 Tongue, holding, Cusco's__________ _ ________________ 4 50 Dobell's____._____ __________________ 6 00 Tooth, any pattern, see pages 251 to 255. Dr. Brophy's set of 4_____10 50 Dr. Marshall's set of 6___16 00 Trachea, Tiemann & Co's., Universal____________________ 2 50 Vullsellum Byrne's_________ _ __ ...... 3 00 French, fig. 655____"-....--____"_"__.."..__.--- 3 00 " Musseux', fig. 639__________________________ 3 00 Self grasping, fig. 818_______ .....____ 3 00 GUIDE, Trachea, Buck's 2 00 GLOTTIS INSTRUMENT, Grant's"""* " 150 HOE, Whitehead's___ .......... 150 HOOKS, tonsil___________________"_.___"_"__ "__"_."__ ~/_ _"_"____ 2 00 " double__________________ ____________________ 3 00 Trachea, Lagenbeck's, double . 3 00 INHALERS, Allis', for Ether, fig. 346 "" 4 00 Buttle's___________________ ___"_""_ ._ _. ___ 150 Cook's, fig. 618.............'_'_'_' . ........net 10 00 Fullgraff's____.....___________________________..... 75 Hazen's, see Douches___......... ___ _____ 3 00 Hunter's, fig. 620________..........___________________ 1 25 Huchinson's___________........______________________ 4 00 Kirkwood's, small________.....2 50_____________"large 5 00 Lente's, for Ether_______.................____________ 3 00 " " Chloroform, fig. 325___________....._______ 6 00 Roosa's, for Iodine........______________________..... 2 00 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. KNIVES, Gum, Whitehead's__________________________________ 1 50 Laryngeal, Buck's _________________________........__ 2 50 " concave or convex edge____________________ 150 " Tobolt's, any pattern______.....__....._____ 1 50 Lanciform, Tobolt's_________________......__________ 1 50 Paring, Whitehead's_______________________________ 1 50 LAMPS, Students_________________________________....._____ 5 00 LANCETS, Buck's, Tonsil______.............___________________ 2 50 Laryngeal, Tobolt's__________________________________ 4 00 " McKenzie's, 3 blades... ___........__________14 00 LARYNGOSCOPES, Head mircors with band, 3 inch, fig. 641________ 5 50 " 3iinch._......________ 6 00 " " 4inch___.....________ 8 00 Head band, separate______.....____________ 1 50 " with nose rest ___________ 2 00 " Schroeter's______________ 2 50 Tobolt's, large, with head mirror and 2 throat mir's, fig. 636___24 00 Same, with Student's lamp___29 00 Tobolt's small_____________......___________________ 14 00 LARYNGOSCOPIC MIRRORS, any size, fig. 652_______________ 1 00 LEVATORS, Goodwille's Periosteotome__________....._________ 2 00 LIGHT, Concentrator. See concentrators, page 233. MOUTH GAG, Mussey's____________________________________ 7 00 Whitehead's latest, fig. 621...........____.......___. 10 00 Weir's_______________________________________ 7 00 MOP, for cleaning Canulas________________________.....------- 75 NEEDLES, for silver wire___________......___________________ 15 Automatic, Tiemann's fig. 362........_________________ 5 50 Hare Lip, assorted sizes_____________......---------- 15 Whitehead's spiral, fig. 638__________________________ 1 75 PERIOSTEOTOMES, Sand's, fig. 299_________.....____________ 2 50 Sayre's, fig. 367....._______________________ ^00 PINCETTE, Epiglottis, Brunn's___________........-------------... 4 50 PINS, Buck's, Plastic.........-----------------------.....-----doz. 10 Hare lip, silver, removable point, fig. 629 -------------------each 50 POWDER BLOWERS, Clay's, fig. 624_________________________ 2 00 Elsberg's___......___________......„_•_.. 2 25 Ingall's.......___......---......---------- 1 50 Leffert's_____........_____-................ 3 00 Mattson's, see page 245. Oliver's with bulb_______________________ 2 50 Robinson's________________----------- 3 00 " reversible, two tips_____________ 4 50 PROBANGS, Bristle, for removing foreign bodies, fig. 622-----1 50 to 2 00 With bucket, in 3 parts__________________________ 3 50 Sponge___________________-----------------doz. 1 75 PROBES, Caustic.___________________________________.......-- 1 25 " Lente's, fig. 644_______.-----------------...... 175 RASPATORY, Lagenbeck's ___.....-------......--------------- 1 50 RESPIRATOR, for mouth...........-----------.....-----1 50 to 2 00 Nose_____.........__________.....---------- 4 00 Anti-dust, C. & S_________________________net 2 00 RETRACTOR, Cheek, Dieffenback's--------------------------- 2 50 RHINOSCOPES, Simrock's---------------------------------- 8 00 Duplay's.............._......__________......... 8 50 RHINOSCOPIC MIRROR, plain fig. 652----------------------- 1 00 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. SAW, Goodwille's, Oral......._...................._______________ 3 50 SCALPELS, see page 182..............__________________1 00 to 1 50 SCARIFIER, Concealed__________............___........_______ 6 00 SCISSORS, Hare Lip, Angular, fig. 489___........___.............__ 1 50 " Hamilton's, fig. 366.....___............______ 150 Throat, Mathieu's.............______..........._____ 2 50 Tonsil, curved on the flat......_______..........______ 2 50 " " " " long, fig. 649........................ 4 00 " Tiemann & Co.'s, fig. 889............ ________ 8 00 Uvula, with claws, fig. 651_____________....._________ 5 50 " " one angular blade, Seiler's............______ 7 00 SCREW, Oral, hard rubber, fig. 628.....____________...........____ 1 00 SPECULUMS, Oral, Goodwille's________________.............____ 8 00 " Gross'........._._......____________________ 6 00 " Westmoreland's_________>.....______________ 6 00 SPONGE HOLDERS, Buck's, fig. 637______________........______ 1 00 Granger's, fig. 623___.....___________________........... 2 00 SPRAY, Gibbs'_____________........_________........._______ 3 00 SPRAY TUBES, Bun-all's Glass_____________________.....___net 1 15 « Hanks' " fig. 643................__.....___net 85 " Newman's " ___......._______________net 90 " Rumbolt's " _________________________net 90 " Sass' " _________________________net 90 " " Hard Rubbers, set of 3 with stoppered tubes. 6 00 STOMACH PUMP, (and Aspirator). Seepage 156________________21 00 Lever, fig. 645___.....___________________________ 16 00 Tiemann's Pattern______________....................__ 16 00 " " Nickel plated__________________________ 18 00 Toswille's..........--..I_______........_____ _____. 2 50 STOMACH TUBES, English______........._____..............._ 1 50 Funneled_____________..........__________ 2 00 Soft Rubber______________................ __ 150 SYRINGES, Catarrhal, hard rubber, see page 101. Warner's, fig. 627___.....................___ 150 " Post-nasal, with bulb....._____ .........___ 150 This is a combination of the hard rubber post-nasal tip, of Warner's Syringe (fig. 627) and the bulb syringe, shown on page 103. By its use an unlimited quantity of fluid may be injected without removing the Tip. Throat, hard rubber, see page 101. Gibbs'--------------.....--------------------------- 3 00 TENACULUMS, plain 1 25_________......______________ double 2 50 THROAT MIRRORS, any size, fig. 652__________ 1 00 TONGUE DEPRESSORS, Church's self-holding.................___ 6 50 Cohen's hard rubber, fig. 616........._____ 1 50 Sass', hard rubber handle___.___________ 3 50 Staman's self-retaining, fig. 619__________ 3 00 This instrument will remain in position without the aid of either hand of the operator, thus enabling him to accomplish much more than when using . one of the ordinary patterns. TONGUE DEPRESSORS, Turks'__________________________ 4 50 Folding, Green's, fig. 612__________ . 1 50 Wire, fig. 617___________________ 75 " Silver, same as fig. 613_______ __ 4 00 Steel, fig. 613-.._________________ 150 This is a genuine hand-forged steel depressor, finely finished and nickel-plated, unlike those usually sold in the market it will not " wear brassj' " and the hinge will stand vears of constant use. 237 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. TONSILOTOMES, Billing's_______.....______________________12 00 Fahnstock's best, fig. 646_____________________ 6 00 Gunn's, fig. 654____________________________ 14 00 Hamilton's_______________________________ 15 00 McKenzie's______________________________ 9 00 Mathieu's, fig. 626__________________________ 10 00 Tiemann's, one blade, fig. 647_______....._____15 00 " two blades_______________________24 00 TRACHEA TUBES, Durham's set______________.......__ 15 00 to 20 00 TRACHEOTOMY TUBES, hard rubber 2 50____________plain,silver 4 00 Double silver, moveable plates, fig. 642___ 6 00 TRACHEOTOMES, Hank's_____________....._________________ 9 00 Russell & King's, small, nickel plated, page 246 _net 20 00 Large, gold plated,page 246-.net 25 00 And Dilators, Pithas'_______________________ 3 50 " Tiemann's.....________________ 3 50 TROCAR, Flint's.....________________ ______....... _____ 3 50 TUBES, Drop, Stark's, fig. 652............_________......________ 2 25 UVULATOMES, Tiemann's_________.......__________________ 8 00 LARYNGOSCOPY SETS. No. 1.—Containing: 3 inch Mirror, with headband and handle: 2 Throat Mirrors; Lente's Caustic Probe; Tongue Depressor, in morocco case lined with velvet_______________________________ __ 12 00 No. 2.—Containing Tongue Depressor, steel handle, Japanned; Laryngo- scope, 3 inch diameter, with Headband and handle, ball and socket movement; 3 Throat Mirrors, assorted sizes; Sponge Holder, deli- cate; Lente's Silver Caustic Probe; in morocco case lined with velvet........_________..........._____________________ 17 00 Single Bulb Continuous Spray Atomizer, WITH TONGUE DEPRESSOR AND ADJUSTABLE ATOM/ZING TIPS IN COMBINATION. IffJE wish to call your attention to our ^-^ new Throat Atomizer, which posses- ses the following advantages over anything else in the market:— The combination of a Tongue Depressor with an Atomizing Tube is the peculiar feature which gives to the instrument a practical value in the treatment of the Throat. By it, the tongue is put out of the way, exposing the entire pharynx to the action of the atomized liquid. The advan- tage of this combination must be appreci- ated by every physician who has attempted to treat the throat with any of the atom- izers in common use. It throws a continuous spray with any amount of liquid in the bottle, and we feel safe in claiming that it is the only one-bulb Atomizer which really gives that result. Price, $2.00. For Sale by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago, 111. MILLARD ATOMIZERS. Ellis & Golterman, 691 Broadway, ------ New York. General Agents for the United States and Canada. No. 6. Curved Down. No. 7. Curved Up. (©ONJFINUOUS SPI^AY, The advantage of the MILLARD ATOMIZER over all others is its Continuous Spray. Having but One Atomizing Point, it is not liable to get out of order, and being made of the best material, combined with its simplicity neatness and durability, make it one of the most Perfect Atomizers in use. For Price S««- Page 233. Special Price Will 15e Given When Ordered By The Dozen. Orders received by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., 81 Randolph St., Chicago, 111- 239 imgEffi JOS, C0MP_^E330^. THE SIMPLEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST INSTRUMENT FOR ATOM- IZING PURPOSES NOW IN THE MARKET. rITHIN the last three W vearsthe BURGESS' AIR COM PRESSORhas been especially brought to the notice of Physicians in the treatment of dis- eases of the Throat and Nose, also for atomizing purposes in surgical ope- rations ; a spray of great density being easily ob- tained and sustained for hours if necessary, with but little exertion. The advantages claimed for the Burgess' Air Com- pressor are: simplicity, durability and portabil- ity. This pump has been in use for the last ten years for supplying air for blow-pipe purposes, and in that time reports only of the most satisfactory na- ture have been received. The management of the pump is much easier than the ordinary ball or hand atomizer, giving a strong- er and more constant spray. It is superior to the steam atomizer, as the spray can be thrown in any direction and varied in density, and obviates the danger from accident by fire and explosions. The Principal Advantage this Pump possesses over the hand and steam atomizer is that the spray can be manipulated with one hand, leaving the other free to control the patient, apply the cautery, scalpel, etc. It is a very desirable apparatus for disinfecting purposes for hospitals, sick rooms, etc., as the pump needs no adjustment, being always ready for immediate use. DESCMPTIOW 03?" __F»TT-J-I-_F». The pump cylinder is made of iron and mounted on an arched stand, and contains apiston hav Ing a valve opening upwards. The piston is connected by a forked connecting rod, and is moved by a slight and easy motion of the foot. The upper end of the pump cylinder is closed with the exception of a valve aperture opening into a small or sub-air chamber, which is securely attached to a lar^e air reservoir, made of heavy charcoal tin, measuring nine inches in diameter, and four- teen inches high. Connection is made between the sub air chamber and the reservoir by a small brass tube, the air being admitted or confined by a stop-cock. Near the top of the reservoir there is a second stop-cock, to which is attached a flexible rubber tube leading to the atomizer. In the upper end, near the edge of the reservoir, is secured a small pressure guage, indicating the pressure to the square inch of the air contained in the apparatus—from one tb twenty pounds. The "whole instrument stands thirty-one inches high, and weighs sixteen pounds. Price, SSO.OO net. Prices of other styles of Air Compressor given on application. Address, J. ELLIOTT SHAW, 154 South Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. CHAS. TKl'AX A: CO., 81 Randolph Street, Chicago, 5204 NOYELTY AIR PUMP. [patent applied for. J The cut represents the Novelty Air Pump, in- vented and manufactured by Charles Bkseler. It is capable of compressing one hundred lbs. to the square inch. In two minutes it will give fifty lbs. pressure in ordinary receiver, and it works easier and faster than any other air pump in the market. The increase of pressure in receiver does not act on the pump With fifty lbs. pressure it works as easy as it would with twenty lbs. A very desirable instrument for physicians wishing the aid of an effective air pump for their spraying apparatus. The entire frame and fly wheel, being hand- somely designed and made of superior cast iron, are nicely ornamented in black and gilt—all bright parts of the Pump are highly finished and plated— thus making it especially adapted for office use. Dimensions of Pump from floor to top of wheel, 40 in.; size of base, 14x14 in.; diameter of wheel, 20 in.; diameter of chamber, 2x6l/_ in. stroke. Weight of entire Pump, 80 lbs. Price, $35.00 net. Refer, by permission, to a few physicians using the Novelty Air Pump: Dr. S. D. POWELL....42W. 40th St., N. Y. City. J. L. LITTLE .. ..60 W. 40th St., " T. H. BURCHARD 24 W. 40th .St., E.BRADLEY......19 W. 30th St , T. C CHRISTY.634 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. S. T. YOUNT.................Lafayette, Ind. G. F. HAWLEY....125 State St., Chicago, 111. Vacuum Pumps Made to order, from $10 00 upward. Receivers—Net Prices. Copper, nickel plated; size, 9 in. diameter by 11 in. high; with gauge registering from one to fifty lbs. pres- sure, 17 50. Do., without gauge, 12 50. Steel, gold bronzed; size, 10 in. diameter by 18in. high; with never- leaking valves and gauge registering from one to one hundred lbs. pres- sure, 20 00. Steel, gold bronzed; size, 10 in. diameter by 32 in. high; with never- leaking valves and gauge registering from one to one hundred lbs. pres- sure, 25 00. Accessories. Automatic Cut off..................net 8 501 Black Walnut Bracket to hold six spray Sass' Spray Tubes, Metal..............net 1 75 tubes............................net 2 00 Sass' Spray Tubes, Glass..............net 1 00 Hard Rubber Brackets, mounted on nickel- Spray Tube Bottles, with Cork........net 2.) plated pillars, to hold nine spray Silk Tubing, per foot..................net 501 tubes...........................net<10 00 Lined Tubing, per foot.............net IS i Pressure Gauge, 3 inch, made of Japanned Hand Atomizer, with bottle and rubber iron, with nickel-plated rim........net 5 00 bulb...........................net 1 00 Pressure (iauge, 3 inch., made of bronze Air Pumps, old style..................net 8 001 and nickel-plated ................net 6 00 G_E__L_a_S»_ .0-E3S-E__X_iE3H., Manufacturer of Compressed Air Atomizing Apparatus, 218 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK. Orders Filled by CHAS- TRUAX & CO. MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 601. Tiemann & Co.'s Steam Atomizer, net 4 00. See page 233, 602. Richardson's Double Bulb Atomizer, 3 00. See page 233. 603. Wagner's Brush Holders, complete, 3 00. See page 233. 606. Mathieu's Throat Forcep, 6 00. See page 234. MOUTH'AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 615. Ingall's Brush Holder, 75c. See page 233. 619.' Staman's self-retaining Tongue Depressor, 3 00. See page 236. 618. Cook's Anaesthetizer, net 10 00. This with chloroform gives oxygen tension and dilution, making it absolutely safe, and saves about three-fourths of the anesthetic. 621. Whitehead's Mouthgag, 10 00. See page 235. J_ (UK „ -p __ 620. Hunter's Inhaler, 1 25. See page 23i. 625 Codnian & ShurtlefE's Steam Atomizer, net 4 00. See page 233. 244 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS —Discount 25 per cent. 624. Clay's Powder Insufflator, 2 00. See page 235. 628. Hard Rubber Oral Screw, 1 00. Seepage 236 ^> MBit l^T f\ /^pv/npv c&~\ s<^\ -t^®t- * (6~\ IMPROVED POWDER PROJECTOR, No. 2, Prices each, net, 1 25. Description and Explanations.—The instrument consists of an elastic bulb A, hard rubber cylinder C, and an outlet tube E. The medicine, or medicated powder, in a dry and finely divided or impalpable form, is introduced into the chamber C, from which it is projected in a nebulous cloud by atmospheric pres- sure. The air is forced into the chamber by compression of the elastic bulb. The powder cannot return into the bulb. The chamber will hold powder enough for numerous applications. In this respect, it is a great improvement upon the ordinary powder blowers, which have to be filled at each puff of the powder. The instrument being in an axial line, it may be carried in a side pocket, or in any pocket, provided the outlet tube E is closed at its end by the rubber cap J. The naso pharyngeal tube, H, F, as shown in No. 1, will be used by physicians to introduce any special powder into the posterior nasal cavities from behind the soft palate, without invading other portions of the respiratory tract. No. 2 is for the use of patients who may need to make frequent applications of the remedial powders at their homes. MATTSON'S CLINICAL ATOMIZERS. RUSSELL & KING'S UNEOUS, 8_0o0 TROCAR and ASPIRATOR COMBINED MAKES BLOODLESS TRACHEOTOMY IN FIVE SECONDS, WITHOUT THE KNIFE, AN/ESTHETIC OR ASSISTANCE, REN- DERING AN EARLY OPERATION POSSIBLE. TJTHERE is no point in regard to the operation of Tracheotomy on which physi- I cians agree with such unanimity as that of the importance of an early opera- tion, and every writer on the subject has urged its importance. Few physicians of any experience but know that the parents have such a horror of cutting the child's throat and the blood, that it is almost impossible to obtain their consent to an operation until the child is moribund, so far gone that it cannot recuperate, or its life is imperiled by carbonic acid poisoning. With the Tracheotome the ope- ration is performed in one-half minute without the knife and bloodless, thus rob- bing the operation of its terror and enabling the consent of the parents to be ob- tained in time to make it available. It can be operated without an assistant. The puncture being small, should a blood vessel or branch of an artery be wounded, the tube, introduced by dilatation acts as a tampon, preventing hemorrhage. For cleansing the mucus from the trachea in the after treatment, it is unequaled. As a Trocar and Aspirator for tapping and drainage of any character, in Abscesses, Tumors, Ascites, Ovarian Cyst, Paracentesis Thoracis, Paracentesis Abdominis, the Pericardium, the Bladder and sounding for Stone (one operation), it is indis- pensable to every practitioner. With a puncture of ^z of an inch it gives a drain- age from that size to £ of an inch The facility with which a drainage tube can be placed in any cavity, after evacuating, with this instrument, is wonderful. The Tracheotome consists of a hollow tube with handle at one end and a tri- slitted cone at the other, and is about seven inches long. The tri-slitted cone en- closes a stillette, which latter is surrounded by two tubes, the inner one is attached to the instrument and acts as a dilator and sound. The outer (larger one canula) lays loosely around the inner, both held in the body of the instrument above the cone. During the last few years large numbers of the Tracheotome have been sold to the Medical Profession, who have used it in all its applications successfully and satisfactorily, and thousands of them have declared:— "It is the best thing I ever saw." Dr. Little, Muscatine, la., says: Have used it in Tracheotomy and for aspirating with most gratifying results. Think it a grand instrument. Dr. Black, Clayton, III., says: It has proven satisfactory in every operation I have made with it. I like it very much. It is a success. Know you cannot help liking it if you are an M. D. Dr. Catlin, Geneva Lake, Wis., says: Have made Tracheotomy with it in less than a minute, with no loss of blood. Am much pleased with my Tracheotome. Dr Ludlam, Chicago, says: It is indispensable and every way satisfactory to me for tapping and aspirating of every character. Dr. Stratford, Chicago, President Northwestern Medical Association, says: Tracheotomy can be made instantaneous, bloodless and without danger. It fills a long-felt want. Have used it in Tracheotomy and for aspirating with best possible results. 1 would not be without it. Dr. C. Du Had way, Jerseyville, 111., to whom we specially refer, sa^: Have used it in four cases for membranous croup. All recovered. In two cases I operated so quickly and bloodless the parents did not realize what I was doing until the operation was made. I would not be with- out one. Dr. Franklin, in St. Louis Periscope, after an operation, says: The old, cumbersome, tedious and bloody operation, the horror of the knife and blood, are things of the past. Can operate in one-half minute without knife, blood, assistance or danger. All terror is removed rendering an early operation possible. I like it and commend it to the practitioner as of great practical value . Dr. Jackson's objections to the Tracheotome: Have used it successfully in Tracheotomy . II worked well, but seems too simple, too much like playing surgery. The operation seems incom- plete without the blood. The No. 1 Traclieotonie is put up in a neat morocco, velvet-lined case, having two nests of sterling silver Canulas for Tracheotomy, 4 tubes for drain. age, Tracheotome, Canulas, and all attachments triple gold plated_$25 00. C. O. D, Hospital Style.—Same instrument in double case, with bulb and tubing, all complete for evacuating,_______________________....._______$27 50. C. O. D, J. LAF. KING, Sole Proprietor, Springfield, III, MANUFACTURER AND PROPRIETOR OF KING'S PNEON INSUF- FLATORS FOR TREATING THE EYE, EAR AND NOSE. These Insufflators are simple, effective and harmless. In treating Catarrh they are absolutely necessary to success for patients' use. Sets, four instruments, (for doctors' use only)___________________$1 00 per set, Prescription Insufflators for patients' use_______________________$1 50 per doz, Physicians supplied by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. 639. Musseux's Seizing Forceps, 2 50. See page 234 1--- C.TI _MANI\^8c_'Jl" 637. Buck's Sponge Holder, 1 00. See page 230. 642. Double Trachea Tube, Silver, 6 00. See page 237. 641. Laryngoscope with Headband, 5 50 to 8 00. See page 235. 249 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 643. Hank's Spray Tubes, each, net, 85c. See page 236. _.~\\ _W.\"*YA b. CO 644. Lente's Caustic Probe, 1 75. See page 235. 250 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 648. Hutchinson's Hare-Lip Forcep, 3 00. See page 234. 649. Tonsil Scissors, long, curved on the flat, 4 00. See page 236. 651. Uvnla Scissors, with claws, 5 50. See page 236. MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 655. French Vulsellum Forceps, 3 00. See page 234. 10. Upper Molar, Either Side, 2 25 9. Cow Horn Molar, Tooth Forcep, either side, 2 25. MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. 11. Bayonet, Upper Molar, left 2 25. 12. Bayonet, Upper Molar, right 2 25. Tw^0""10 13. Harris' Upper Molar, left, 2 25. 14. Harris' Upper Molar, right, 2 25. 17. Harris' Lower Molar, either side, 2 25. 253 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent .<; Lower Bicuspids, 2 25 254 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 31. Lower Root, ° 25 36 32. Straight Root, 2 25. 37. Half Curved Narrow Beaked Root, 2 25. 39. Bayonet, Narrow Beaked Root, 2 25. 5 MOUTH AND THROAT INSTRUMENTS^Discount 25 per cent. 38. Full Curved Narrow Beaked Root, 2 25. 43. Universal Root, 2 25. 45. Parmly's Half-Curved Alveola, 2 25. 46. Parmly's Full Curved Alveola,2 25. 47. Parmly's Bayonet Alveola, 2 25. CHEST INSTRUMENTS Discount 25 Per Cent. Fig. 681. 682. Flint's Pleximeter, 35c. HAMMERS, Flint's, hard rubber handle, fig. 681__________________f 75 " metal handle, nickel plated__________ ---------- 1 00 North's, all hard rubber, fig. 681........________________ 1 50 PLEXIMETER, hard rubber, fig. 682_______________________________ 35 RESPIROMETER, Marsh's pocket_______........_________......... 15 00 SPIROMETERS, Barnes'______....._......___...............----10 50 Brown's____________________......__________ 10 00 Marsh's, with two bulbs________________________ 3 00 STETHOSCOPES* Allison's__________________________________ 5 00 Fig. 678. Camman's, ordinary, nickel plated, fig. 678_________ 3 00 " " with Snelling's cup__________ 3 50 " best, with screw adjustment___________ 4 00 " best, with screw adj., Snelling's cup____ 4 50 Cedar__________________________________________ 50 Davis'______.....___.....______........_______ 5 00 Ebony................'_______________........__. 1 50 Hawksley's______________........___.......__ I 25 Knight's______________________________......... 6 00 Snowden's___________________....._____________ 3 00 Fig. 683. Laenec, fig. 683____........_____________________ 8 00 The gTeat reduction made in the price of the Camman Stetho- scopes in the past few years, has been at a sacrifice of their 257 CHEST INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. • acoustic properties, until they are no longer of much value in obtaining accurate results in chest examinations, and although the effect produced upon the patient is equally as good as with a better instru- ment, yet their use is unsatisfactory to the practitioner. The Laenec Stethoscope possesses real merit and is supe- rior even to the original Camman. Its principal advantage is in the construction of the fork, which is composed of a solid piece of hard rubber (see fig. 633) which affords an un- interrupted passage of the vibratory waves. These waves of sound in passing through the forks of a Camman Stetho- scope (see fig. 678) are necessarily deflected, as the junction is not a perfect one, and the force of the waves is greaily diminished. Both the metal and flexible tubes of the Laenec are larger than those of the Camman, and the volume of sound is greater as well as clearer. By a recent device of our own the tubes are held firmly in place and are easily de- tached from the body, so as to carry it in the pocket. DENNISON'S STETHOSCOPE, fig. 684____________________ 12 00 This stethoscope is the invention of Chas. Dennison, A. M. M.D., of Denver, Col., and is the result of several years of careful research and experiments. Its advantages consist in the non-metallic quality of the sounds transmitted; its power of concentrating as well as conducting the waves of sound; the improved shape of the ear pieces and bell end- ings and its use in Stethoscopic Percussion. The arms and joints are made of hard rubber thus avoiding the perversion of the natural sounds and elevation of the pitch as is the case where metal tubes are used. So much care is exercised in this particular, that even the spiral wire linings of the flexible tubes are carefully laid between thin tubes of soft rubber and the two then vulcanized together. All the parts , of this instrument are conical so that they form a gradually decreasing channel from the bell endings to the ear, as is shown by the dotted lines in fig. 684. This gives to the instru- ment the power of concentrating the waves of sound as well as that of transmitting them. In addition to the two bell endings that accompany most stethoscopes it is provided with two additional ones, one of soft rubber (c) and intend- ed to use on uneven surfaces as in emaciated patients, and the other (d) for use in stethoscopic percussion. This bell is three inches in diameter and for this use is held by the pa- tient about 3j inches in front of his open mouth while the ex- aminer make s forcible percussion (chiefly during expiration) thus obtaini 19 the "cracked metal" and hollow sounds diag- nostic of br -ichial dilations, and cavities connected with the bronchi 1 tract. The certainty with which these can be traced a id mapped out by this means is astonishing to those w 10 have never tried this method. We have no hesitancy in recommending this instrument to those who value a stetl oscope for its real merits, as an aid in obtaining accurate res ilts in chest examinations, and not for the out- ward scient: ic show so often made use of with these instru- ments as ad ertising mediums. HERNIA INSTRUMENTS. DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT. DIRECTORS, Buck's------------------------------........--- 3 00 Hinge________________________________________ 1 50 Levi's, fig. 718B________________________________ 1 50 HERNIATOME, Allis'-------------------------------------- J 00 INSTRUMENTS, Agnew's---------------------------------- J 00 Redfern's—Davis'_____________.....-----------15 00 Wutzer's____________________________________I2 °° KNIVES, Cooper's____________________________________1 25 to 2 00 Stewart's__________.....-------------------------- 5 00 NEEDLES, Dowell's, straight________________........----------- 1 00 " curved___________________________......-- 100 Warren's_________________________________ 2 °° SYRINGE, Grenos', fig. 717B________________........---------- 7 00 MALE URETHRAL AND BLADDER INSTRUMENTS.-DIS. 25. ASPIRATORS, see page 156. BISECTOR, Wood's________------------------------.....--- 4 50 BISTOURIES, sharp point----------...............--- --.------ 2 00 Probepoint________________........---........-- 2 00 BISTOURY, Cache______........-------------.........------- 6 00 " Deputren's..............................--------24 OU BOUGIES, Ordinary, English, Nos. 1 to 12, doz. 1 50. _..........___each 20 » » Nos. 13 to 16___.......----------each 30 A boule, Otis' Nos. 7 to 40, French scale, fig. 691--------- 50 " " in sets of 18 in roll up pouch.................11 00 Conical, No.4,fig. 704___________________...........-- ^ Filiform, gum elastic, fig. 694------------------------ 75 catgut________.....____........---.........- 40 Fowler's modification of Otis', set of 16------........---10 "0 French, Nos. 4, 5, 8 and 9, of fig. 704 _............----each 75 " 3, fig. 704]______........______.......each 1 00 " 1, 2, 6 and 7, of fig. 704_______________each 1 25 Olive Tip, Nos. 1 to 12, same as fig. 693________________ 75 " " "13tol6._..............._______________ 1 °° " " " 17 to 18__________ ...........___.....— 1 5° Otis' Bougie a boule........___........___________each 50 Wax. 40 CATHETERS, Ordinary, English, Nos. 1 to 12, doz. 1.50_________each 20 " " " 13 to 16__________......__each 3° Metal, double channel, male, fig. 712__............2 75 to 4 00 " flexible.____......_____•.......______'.......- 75 " Goulay's________________________________ 2 50 " Gross', spiral, fig. 711______________________ 2 50 " Jointed, male and female, see page 203. " Prostatic curve, long______________________ 1 50 " Plated, male_____________________________ 100 " Silver, male, small to medium_______________ 1 50 " " " medium to large________________ 2 00 Rubber, Mercier's, Elbowed (coudee), fig. 701_________ 1 00 Double Elbowed (bicoudee), fig. 702_. 125 Olive Tip, English, 1 to 12, fig. 693_________ 75 12 to 16_______________ 100 " " " " 17 and 18_______________ 150 " French, 1 to 12_______________ 75 " " " 12 to 16_______________ 1 00 Silk, 1 to 12___________.....---_______________ 1 25 259 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. CATHETERS, Soft rubber, Jaques'_________________________________ " " Nelaton's______________________________ " " Tiemann & Co's., velvet eye, fig. 709 A____ " " " " curved tip, fig. 709F____ " " " " '< " with bulb___ " " " " open end, fig. 709G_____ " " " " " near end, fig. 7091 _ _ " " " " " olive pointed fig. 709D " ". " " " pointed, fig. 709C___ CATHETER HOLDER_____________________________________ CLAMP, Scrotal, Henry's____________________________________ COMPRESSOR, Carroll's____________________________________ Milliano's, fig. 725_________________________________ CONGESTOR, Penis________________________________________ DILATORS, Burge's________________________________________ Corrade's______•_______________________________ Goulay's_______________________________________ Holt's_________________________________________ Schweig's______________________________________ Steam's _._------------------------------------- And Stricture Cutter, Otis', latest, curved, fig. 719_______ " " " " " straight, fig. 716-.....__ " " " Goulay's_______.....___________ DIRECTORS, Little's Lithotomy.........______....._______________ Otis'_____......___________.........----............ ENDOSCOPES, Plain--------------.....-----_-----------.....— Otis' fig. 715___.........-----------..........----- ilcGGn s EVACUATING APPARATUS, Bigelow's, latest, fig. 724.....___..... FORCEPS, Lithotomy, curved, fig. 714___---______________________ " straight, fig. 713____________________________- " Tre van's___________.......____.............- Phymosis, Hall's, see fig. 753________......----------- " Henry's_____ ._.....------------------------ Fisher's, fig. 726________________________------ Rogers',fig. 739______________________......... Stone Crushing________________________________________ Urethral, Thompson's, fig. 738--------------------------- « ' Alligator, straight, fig. 737_____________------- » Curved, fig. 718_______________ GUIDES, Goulay's, Whalebone, fig. 703........---------------------- Otis' Prostatic, for introducing soft rubber Cath., fig. 734----- Dolbeau's Lithotomy-------.......................-----r INSUFFLATOR, Mallez', fig. 704, No. 10-------.................... Lithoclast, Dolbeau's-------------.------------ LITHOTRITES, Bigelow's latest, fig. 722............-----......--- Thompson's__......—....................------- Trevan's— --------------.......------......-- MEATOSCOPES, Glass, silvered.....---------........------..... Weir's.....---.......----------.............— MEATOTOME, Goulay's----------------.....— .------....... PORTE CAUSTICS, Gross', silver--------....... ------......_. Lallemand's, silver, fig. 729___.....__........-_ 75 50 75 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 50 10 00 1 25 2 00 5 00 10 00 12 00 12 00 18 00 10 00 5 00 30 00 30 00 12 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 50 3 00 30 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 50 3 00 3 00 6 00 2 00 5 50 6 00 50 1 00 3 50 1 75 4 00 40 00 35 00 35 00 75 1 25 8 00 4 50 4 50 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent RETROJECTOR, Urethral, fig. 745______________........___...... 2 00 This instrument is now being largely used in the treatment of Gonorrhoea and Gleet by both the hot and cold water treatments. By attaching either a bulb or a fountain syringe to it the urethra may be thoroughly cleansed and the injection continued for any length of time. SCALPELS, Lithotomy, sharp point, fig. 696_____________________ 2 00 " probe point, fig. 692_____________________ 2 00 SCOOP AND CONDUCTOR, Lithotomy, fig. 723__......__________ 2 50 SEARCHER, Stone, Thompson's, fig. 748________________________ 4 00 SOUNDS, Goulay's, funneled______........___......_____________ 2 50 Metal Flexible, plain_______________________........___ 50 " " doublecurve.....__....._______________ 75 Otis'Exploring_____________.......----_____________ 5 50 Steel, Nickel Plated______.....____________......_____ 1 25 Van Buren's, Nos. 2 to 20, Eng. scale, nickel plated, fig. 746.__ 1 25 Van Buren's set of 16, Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, in velvet-lined, leather-covered case_________27 00 Van Buren's set of 8, Nos. 4, 6, 8,#10, 12, 14, 16, 18, in velvet- lined, leather-covered case______________................ 14 00 Van Buren's, cupped, for ointments, fig. 747______....._____ 2 00 Weiss', set of 6 in case____.......__________ _________ 7 00 SPECULUMS, Glass__________..................________________ 50 Skeene's--------------------___________ ______._ 3 00 SPERMATORRHCEA RING, fig. 742______________________.... 75 STAFF, Lithotomy, Little's, fig. 751_______......________________ 2 00 " Markoe's___________________ ____......_..... 2 00 " Symes'......_......________________________ 2 00 " Wood's ___............_____....... __________ 2 00 SYRINGES, all kinds, piston and bulb, see pages 101 to 103. Bladder, Peck's, fig. 736_______________...........________ 3 00 Braun's________________________________________________ 2 50 Bumstead's graduated Glass Barrel__________________....._ 3 00 Catheter, Bigelow's fig. 717________________________________ 6 00 " Parker's___....... ____________________________ 3 50 Caustic, Dicks'__________________________________________ 3 50 Gonorrhoea, Buttle's_____________________________________ 5 00 Hydrocele, fig. 736_________..........._.....___ _________ 3 00 " and Bladder, Peck's, fig. 736____________________ 3 00 This is the invention of W. F. Peck, M. D., of Davenport. Iowa, and is a valuable in- strument in treating diseases of the bladder as well as Hydrocele. It has a rubber stop- cock at each end so that an indefinite quantity of fluid can be injected or exhausted with- out detaching the instrument. TROCARS and Canulas, fig. 741_______________________I____1 50 to 2 00 Cuived.fig. 975____________________________............ 2 50 Fig. 752. Truax's nest of three, fig. 752.........__ . ___ ___ 5 00 See note on page 200. URETHROTOMES, Otis' latest, figs. 719 and 716_____________......... 30 00 Gross', fig. 749_____..........________________ 7 00 Goulay's... ------................___....... 15 00 URETHROMETER, Bumsteads, Maisonnenve's .........___________ 14 00 Charriere's....................________________15 00 Civiale's......___________________ _ ______ 12 00 Otis', fig. 721_________________________________ 18 00 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. gC0=_-_— .nt»wis e. t- 694. "Gum Filiform Bougies, Nos. 0, 1, 2, 75c. See page 258. 696. Lithotomy Scalpel, 2 00. See page 260. oo* English Scale. 262 704. Instruments for Treating Strictures. See page 258. 263 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. 709. Tiemann & Co.'s Soft Rubber Catheters, 75c. and upwards. See page 259. 264 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent 717B. Greno's Hernia Syringe, 7 00. See page 258 718B. Levi's Hernia Director, 1 50. See page 258. 07 265 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. 723. Lithotomy Scoop and Conductor, 2 50. See page 260. 18 266 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent 724. Bigelow's Latest Evacuating Apparatus, 30 00. See page 259 785. Miliano's Compressor for Varicocele and Swelling of the Testes, 2 00. See page 259. 267 .URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. c _____________________A_____ B vi,i-i-\-iri-i-^iAA-^A^\M-\-A--.-\-\^A-.w\t=___.E» o. TIEMANN & CO 734. Otis' Prostatic Guide for Soft Rubber Catheters, 1 00. See page 259. 736. Peck's Hydrocele Syringe, 3 00. See page 260. 268 URETHRAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent: GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT. ADJUSTORS, Bozeman's, wire________________________________ 2 00 Sims', wire, fig. 872_____________________________ 1 50 APPLICATORS, Aluminum, plain_____________________________ 1 50 Emmet's, fig. 761___________________ 175 Hard Rubber, plain___________________________ 50 " Thomas'________________________ 2 50 " Turner's________________________ 150 Silver, Emmet's, fig. 761_______________________ 1 50 Whalebone, plain_____________________________ 50 BAGS, Gynecological. See Bags, Obstetrical. BED PANS.Jones'_________________________________________ 5 00 " with Douche_______________________________ 6 50 Earthen, see page 88. Rubber, see page 170. BLUNT HOOKS, Sim's, fig. 874_______________________________ 1 25 Bozeman's, fig. 762___________________________ 1 50 BUTTONS, Bozeman's____________________________________doz 1 00 CASE, Truax & Co.'s, Gynecological, empty, figs. 756 and 757______net 12 00 This case is adapted for Gynecological practice both in and out of the office, and is constructed upon a plan that overcomes a serious objection often made against the former cases of the market. This objection has been, that either the cases contained no bottles, or if they did, that the vapors escaping from them soon ruined the instruments. Our case contains six glass stoppered bottles, closely fitting into a separate compartment, with a cover, which, when closed, presses down upon the tops of each cork, thus preventing them from jarring loose; should any vapors escape they are at once taken up by a roll of absorb- ent cotton laid around the necks of the row of vials. On the underside of the cover of the instrument tray there are three rows of loops in which to keep the smaller instruments, such as sounds, probes, and applicators, while in the tray below it, may be kept the scissors, forceps, dilators and medium sized instruments. The large instrument box will hold three speculums, a Cylindrical, Sim's, and a Bivalve; together with pessaries, cotton, sponges, and other useful appliances. It is compact, convenient and durable, the inside is lined with velvet and leather, while the outside is covered with genuine morocco. When closed the case is 13^ inches long, 7 wide, and 4 high, and the corners are protected by nickel trimmings. We furnish them either filled or empty. CATHETERS silver........------................_............... 1 00 " jointed______.....__________•................ 150 Plated.................._......_......._............_ 50 Hard rubber..........__________........__________ 1 00 Soft rubber___________........___.....__.......--- 50 Nott's, double channel, fig. 763, plated..........._...... 2 50 " " " " " silver___......______ 4 00 Sim's, sigmoid, silver, fig. 766........---...........-._ 2 00 " " hard rubber___........................ 75 Skeen's reflex, fig. 798_____.......--------........ 2 50 " double perforated.................._________ 2 00 " Goodman's, self retaining, fig. 754C—........__ 100 CANULAS, Gooche's Polypus, silver----.....__.....----------, . 3 00 plated................................. 2 50 CAUSTIC HOLDER, Byford's, silver cup----.......___.....------ 2 50 " platina cup______________________ 3 50 Gardner's______________________________ 3 00 Sims___________________________________ 2 50 Emmet's_______________________________ 2 50 Edward's, self grasping, fig. 776______________ 3 00 CAUTERY, Thermo, Paquelin's, see page 160__________________net 40 00 CLAMPS, Funis-------------------------------------------- 40 Ovariotomy, Atlee's-------------------------------- 6 00 " Dawson's, new__________________________ 8 00 " Gueride's______________________________ 5 00 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. CLAMPS, Ovariotomy, Nott's__________________________________ 12 00 " Spencer Wells', fig. 780____________________ 6 00 " Storer's________________________________12 00 Thomas', fig. 782_________________________ 4 50 COLPEURYNTER, Brown's, complete, fig. 831___________________ 3 00 COTTONS, Absorbent, Styptic, etc., see page 110. COUNTER Pressure Hook, Emmet's___________________________ 1 75 CUP, Lente's Platina__________.......____....._______________ 3 00 CUPPER, Thomas', dry, fig. 787_________________.______________ 1 50 CURETTES, Goodell's, wire___________________________________ 1 50 Munde's___........._____________________________ 3 00 Sims', blunt, fig. 786_______________________......__ 1 50 " sharp_____________________________________ 2 00 " medium, fig. 795____________________________ 175 Simeon's, fig. 802________________________________ 2 50 DEPRESSORS, Bozeman's_________________________....._____ 1 50 Jackson's, fig. 879__________________......______ 2 00 Nott's, fig. 758_______________________________ 1 50 Sims', fig. 759_________________________________ 1 50 Whitney's___________________________________ 1 75 DILATORS, Urethral, fig. 898_________________________________ 2 50 Uterine, Atlee's,_________________________________ 3 00 " Ady's__________________________________15 00 " Barnes'set of three_____________________each 75 " " " " with stop-cock___________-___ 4 00 " " " " complete, fig. 807___________ 5 00 " Ellinger's, plain.....___________________..... 8 00 " " best with ratchet, fig. 773___________ 10 00 " Hank's, small, set of five____________________ 5 00 " Hank's, large, set of ten, fig. 784________________ 5 50 " Hunter's_____________________________________14 00 " Nott's, fig. 783_______________......___________ 3 00 " Mansfield's, electric___________________________ 7 00 While these may be used as an ordinary set of dilators their principal advantage consists in the application of either the galvanic or Faradic current, which, when properly applied, has been found to be a. valuable assistant in Uterine Dilation. " Miller's________________________....._______10 00 " Molesworth, see page 281___________.........net 15 00 " Peaslee's, fig. 794, per set______________________ 6 50 " Sims'__________________________...........___ 12 00 " Simpson's___________________________________ 9 00 " Thomas'____________________________________ 2 50 " Nelson's, fig. 774___________....... _________ 6 00 This latter instrument is rapidly coming into general use among such of the profes- sion as confine themselves to one style of dilator. The blades are expanded by screw power, are small enough for introduction in almost all cases, and as the jaws are quite short thev are sufficiently strong for extreme cases. DILATORS, Vaginal, Sims', glass, set of six, fig. 777........._________ 3 00 " " Hard rubber, set of six___........______ 6 00 " Hank's, set of ten, fig. 784____________________ 5 50 ECRASEURS, Chain, Braxton's, three points, improved_______________16 00 " Chassaignac's, large__________________________ 25 00 " " small, straight__________________15 00 " " curved___.......______________16 50 " Edwards'____________________________________ 18 00 " Sims',---------------------------------------35 00 " Tiemann & Co's., short 10 00_____Long, fig. 791 20 00 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. ECRASEURS, Rectilinear, Nott's______....._________.....______12 00 Wire, Barnes'__________________________________ 6 00 " Smith's, straight, fig. 792____________________ 5 50 " " Curved, fig. 793_____________________ 6 00 " " Two points_________________________ 8 00 ELEVATORS, Uterine, Carroll's-.-____________________________ 3 50 " Emmet's, fig. 801________________________ 4 50 " Guernsey's____________________________ 1 50 " Noeggerath's________________:__________ 9 00 " Elliott's, fig. 804_____......_____ ________ 7 00 Sims', fig. 806__________________________ 6 00 The two latter instruments are unquestionably the best adapted for replacing a mis- placed uterus of any yet devised, and are both worthy of special mention. Of the two, Elliott's is constructed upon the better principle, for with it a misplacement may be cor- rected with less uterine disturbance than with any other. But should there be adhesions or from any cause should the uterus fail to respond to the pressure of the elevator, and thus conform to its changing curve, unless the operator be very cautious he will be in dan- fer of breaking the instrument. Sims' is by far the stronger, and as it cannot be broken oes not require as close attention or as careful manipulation, and while it will accom- plish the object equally as well as the former it requires more skill in using. ENUCLEATORS, Sims',____________________............------ 4 00 Yarrow's_____________........______________ 4 00 EXPELLER, Sponge Tent, fig. 827______........-------.......— 75 FORCEPS, Canulated, double, Curie's_________________.....----- 8 00 Caustic, Gardner's _............---------------------- 3 00 Sims',fig.764______.....—......----------- 4 00 Dressing, straight, fig. 826_____.....----------.....— 2 00 " Knee bent________________.........__------ 2 00 " " with catch....._____.....--------- 2 50 Emmet's__________________________......- 2 00 » " with catch __________......----.....- 2 50 " Bozeman's with catch, fig. 828_______________-- 2 50 Slide catch, fig. 811___........_______________ 3 00 Thomas'______............—......---------- 2 00 Sims'___________________________________ 2 50 Needle-holding, Emmet's, fig. 816______............----- 3 00 Fritche's___............................-- 5 00 Paris_______________-------------- 4 50 Russian, fig. 813_____________........--- 4 00 Sims'______________________________ 2 50 Truax's_____________.....----------- 4 00 This is exactly like fig. 433, except it is 2l/2 inches longer. Polypus, very heavy bayonet handles------........----- 4 00 McClintocks, fig. 885_______________________ 6 00 Sims'_______ __________________________ 4 00 Pedicle, Nelaton's, fig. 770--------------------------- 3 50 Seizing, Lagenbecks'----........-------------------- 3 00 Sims'___________________________________ 4 00 Thomas' ________________________________ 4 00 Self-grasping, fig. 818.....-----------.....--- 3 00 This forcep can be made -to do good service as a Tenaculum, Vulsellum or Tumor Forcep, and is well adapted to the use of such practitioners as are compelled to confine themselves to a limited number of instru- ments. Shot Compressing------------------------......--- 2 50 Tortion, Spencer Well's........------------.--........-*- ° °° Tenaculum, Double, fig. 913--------------.........---- 2 50 " Self-grasping, see Seizing Forceps. » Byrne's________________........------- 3 00 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. FORCEPS, Tenaculum, Byrne's, Double_________...............____ 6 00 " Hank's, fig. 901___________________......___ 3 00 Tissue, Plain Curved___........______...........______ 3 00 " Curved,catch___________________________________ 4 00 " Adjustable with catch........____________________ 4 50 " Jackson's, fig. 754_______________________________ 3 00 " Musseux', fig. 639_______________...........-»>___ 3 00 " Thomas', fig. 812______......._____.......______ 4 50 Tumor, Greenhalgh's, fig. 885B...............____'........ 8 00 " Nelaton's..............__________.....________ 8 50 Twisting........._____________________________________ 3 50 " Emmet's, fig. 814........________................ 3 00 " Nelaton's_____________________________________ 3 50 Sims'____......_______________ ..............._ 3 00 Vulsellum, Byrne's___........_________________________ 3 00 French, fig. 803.....__________________.....-- 3 00 " Musseux's, fig. 639__________________________ 3 00 " Self-grasping, see Seizing Forceps. Wire Twisting, Nott's........___________________________ 4 00 HOOKS, Vulsellum, Sims', fig. 796__________________________________ 9 00 Counter pressure, Emmet's_______............_____________ 1 25 Blunt, Sims', fig. 874______________________................ 1 25 " Bozeman's, fig. 762_______________........___........ 150- HYSTEROTOME, Simpson's.....___.....___................._____ 7 00 Stohlman's________________________________ 7 00 White's ..........______.....____............_ 12 00 IRRIGATORS, Mattson's......................_.............._____ 1 00 Spiral.__................_______________________ 1 50 KNIVES, Emmet's rotating___________________________________ 7 00 Sims', Straight, fig. 819____________________________ 150 " Curved____________________________________ 1 50 " Bent to right__....._________________________ 150 " "left________________________________ 150 " Latest, 4 blades______________________________ 10 00 Rotating, fig. 893......_______________________ 4 50 Meatus, Civiales______..____________________ ______ 6 00 KNOT TYER, Carroll's_______ ___...... ______________ 2 50 LEECHES, Artificial, Reece's, fig. 820.....________________......... 4 25 Smith's___........._______......__________ 6 00 LINT, see page 111. METROGANNON, Newman's__________________ . _ 3 00 NEEDLES, Canulated, double__________________________......... 7 00 Emmet's---.....--------..............___________doz 1 75 New---------_--------.......___._______.......doz 2 00 French----------........------_________________doz 2 00 Holders, see Forceps, page 271. Jackson's, set of two, see page 301_________________________ 3 00 Sims'-----------------------------------------------doz 1 75 Pease's set of curved, canulated..__________________________ 12 00 Perineum Ashton's, fig. 909 ________........_____________ 100 Helical, fig. 638___________________........_____ 175 " Parker's_______....._______________________set 5 00 " Peaslee's, fig. 810_________________ ________ 3 00 " Plain, fig. 829__________________......_......... 75 " Skeen's, fig. 866....._____....._________........ 175 " Straight___________________,._.....____________ 100 PENCILS, Alum, mounted on handle_______________________________ 30 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. PENCILS, Blue vitriol, mounted on handle....._____________________ 30 Chloride zinc " " " ....._________....._______ 30 Nitrate silver_______......_______________________• ____ 1 50 PESSARIES, Babcock's________..______________________________net 12 50 Bozeman's vaginal support___________________________ 2 00 " hard rubber Pessary, fig. 858_________________ 1 50 Buttle's__________________________............_______ 75 Chambers', Intra-uterine_____________________________ 1 00 " " •" with stem for introduction_____ 2 50 Cole's______________________________________________ 2 50 Concave, hard rubber, fig. 843, 40; glass_________________ 25 " glass_______________________________________ 25 Cutter's, anteversion_________________________________ 2 50 " cup with band_______________________________ 2 50 " regular, with bands, fig. 857___________________ 2 00 " ring with band______________________________ 2 00 " Stem or "T"________________________________ 2 00 " Thomas'Modification, with band, fig. 875_______ 2 50 Dumb bell, rubber___________________________________ 75 Emmet's metal ring__________________________________ 50 Farr's, see page 291. Fowler's three sizes, fig. 841________________________net 1 25 " anti-impaction____________________________net 1 50 " Bow, fig. 849_____________________________net 175 Galvanic, stem, fig. 861_______________________________ 1 00 " " Thomas'_____________________________ 150 Gehring's, anteflexion________________________________ 2 00 " anteversion, old pattern______________________ 75 » " latest__________________________ 150 " retroflexion________________________________ 2 00 " retroversion_______________________________ 2 00 Globe, glass, fig. 856_________________________________ 25 hard rubber, fig. 856___________________________ 100 Greenhalgh's________________________________________ 1 50 Graily—Hewett's______________________ ------------ 50 Hewitt's, fig. 840_____________________________________ 1 25 plain, fig. 864_______________________________ 50 Higbee's____________________________________________ 75 Hitchcock's Anteversion, fig. 850--------------------- 1 00 Hodge's horse shoe, fig. 837------------------------net 25 Bow, fig. 838_____________________________ne»t 25 Closed lever, fig. 863_______________________net 25 " soft rubber___________________________ 1 00 Hoffman's___________________________________________ 1 50 Hurd's, fig. 862, page 293----------------------------- 1 50 James___.............------------------------------ 6 00 Kinloch's Anteversion------------------------------- 1 25 Lutz's, see page 293----------------------........--- Meig's Ring, fig. 846_________________________________ 50 Mcintosh's, see page 2S9___________________________net 5 00 Munde's Ovarian------------------------------------ 1 50 Noeggerath's---------------------------------------- 75 Ovarian, right and left_______________________________ 2 00 either side____________________________________ 2 00 Peaslee's Intra-Uterine, fig. 848_______________________ 1 50 " Ring, Elastic________________________________ 75 Pear shape, hollow, inflating with long tube, fig. 832_____ 40 274 jA g-----^_rTTJ1_.*?^''dSSS^^^Wtr^\ "- ■ — ^% ?n GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. PESSARIES, Ring, Elastic, soft rubber_____________________________ 75 " Emmet's Metal________________________________ 50 " Farr's, see page 291_____________________________ 75 " Hard rubber, solid, fig.-833____________________net 25 " Hollow________________________________________ 1 00 " Inflated, fig. 821________________________________ 40 " Inflating with long tube, fig. 822__________________ 50 " Metal_________________________________________ 50 " Spiral_______________•_________________________ 75 Shannon's__________________________________________ 8 00 Sleigh, fig. 830_______________________________________ 1 50 Smith's, fig. 836_____________________:_____________net 25 " Soft rubber........___.....____________...... 1 00 Staufer's, see page 287________________________________ Stem, hard rubber, fig. 860____________________________ 75 Thomas' Anteflexion, fig. 844 and 845__________________ 2 00 " Anteversion, fig. 842 and 854___________1 25 to 2 00 Cradle _____________________________________ 1 25 " Intra Uterine (Lateroflexion), fig. 853__________ 2 50 " Retroflexion, fig. 839_________________________ 100 " Retroversion________________________________ 1 00 " Modification of Smith's, fig. 839________________ 100 " Cutter's, fig. 875_____________________________ 2 50 Von Ramdohr's_____________________________________ 2 00 Zwanck's, hard rubber________________________________ 2 50 " boxwood____________________________________ 2 50 PLUG, Vaginal, Bozeman's____ __________________________________ 1 25 PROBES, Aluminum________________________________________ 1 25 Hard rubber, Budd's, fig. 912__________________________ 50 Thomas'_______________________________ 1 25 Jenk's______________________________ _ _ _ 1 75 Lead____________________________________________ 50 Len te's, caustic_____________________________________ 1 75 Silver, Emmet's_______________________________ ___ 1 25 " Sims', fig. 930_______________________ 1 25 Whalebone_____________________ _ 50 PULLEY, Sims' fig. 873_____________________________________ 1 25 REPLACERS and Repositors, (see elevators), page 271. RETRACTORS, Brown's____________________________________ 1 25 Jackson's, fig. 879_____________________________ 1 50 SAW, Uterine, Thomas', fig. 865____________________________________ 4 00 SCALPEL, Bozeman's, fig. 769_______________...........____ 1 75 Angular, fig. 819B__________ ... 1 75 SCARIFICATORS, Buttle's, fig. 832_______________________________ 1 50 " and Tenaculums_______________________ 2 50 Chapman's___________________________________ 1 50 " folding_______________________ _ 2 50 Nott's___________________ 1 00 SCISSORS, Bozeman's Angular, fig. 888____________________________ 4 50 " with curved handles, fig. 881________________ 4 50 Byford's______________________________________________ 4 00 " sharp points___________________________________ 4 00 Cervix, for amputations________________________________ 7 00 Emmet's, greater curve to right, fig. 884____________ _ _. 4 50 left,fig.884___________________ 4 50 " shorter curve to right, fig. 883_________ . __ 4 50 left, fig. 883.__________________ 4 50 ^(f8™*^^^^^5^1™^275 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. SCISSORS, Emmet's latest, right and left______________________each 4 50 Goodell's_____________________________________________ 4 50 Hayword Smith's______________________________________ 12 00 Jenk's----------------------------------------------- 4 50 Kuechenmeister's______________________________________ 6 00 Saw Tooth, curved, fig. 891____________________________ 6 00 Sims', curved on the flat, fig. 882________________________ 4 00 " " " " sharp points__________________ 4 50 " knee bent______________________________________ 4 00 " straight, fig. 880_________________________________ 3 50 Skeen's Hawk Bill, fig. 890_____________________________10 00 Tiemann's revolving blades, fig. 889_____________________ 8 00 SCOOP, Thomas', Fibroid, 3 sizes, fig. 865_______________________each 3 50 SCREW, Sims', Tampon_____________________________________ 1 50 SHOT, Perforated________________________________________doz 10 SILK, Ligature, see page 182. SOUNDS, Glidden's____________ __________________.________ 2 50 Hunter's________________________________________ I 50 Jenk's________________»________________________ 3 50 Jennison's __ __________________________________net 3 00 Sims'___________________________________________ 1 50 Simpson's Graduated, fig. 915,1 50; folding, 2 50; plain,com... 1 00 Fitch's, fig. 906_________________________________________ 2 00 This consists of a graduated uterine sound surrounded by a sliding spiral sheath and as both sound and sheath are perfectly flexible the instrument can be bent in any direction. To ascertain the depth of a uterus it is only necessary to introduce the sound and slide the sheath down until the first ring reaches the external Os; when, on settingthe thumb-screw and withdrawing the instrument the depth will be stamped in inches at the point the lower ring rests on. STOP-COCK__________________________________________75 to 1 00 SPONGE HOLDERS, fig. 926--------------*----------------- 75 Hart's________________________________ 2 00 Sims'_________________________________ 1 00 SPECULUMS, Urethral, fig. 898------------------------------ 2 50 " Jackson's, set 3, nested, fig. 754B------------- 1 50 Vaginal, Bivalve____________________________________ 4 00 " Bozeman's_________________________________ 3 50 » Brewer's, fig. 897___________________________ 5 00 « Cusco's modified, fig. 908____________________ 5 00 « » folding handles, fig. 922______________ 5 00 " Dawson's, Sims'___________________________ 7 00 Emmet's, Sim's, fig. 887B___________________ 20 00 " Erecks'latest______________________________ 14 00 " " dilating blades_____________________ 15 00 " Ferguson's glass, fig. 755C------------------ 50 " " fenestrated, fig. 755B------------ 75 " " hard rubber____________________ 1 00 Fitch's_________'___________________________ 5 00 " Fryer's____________________________________11 °° « Grave's___________________________________ 5 50 Goodell's__________________________________10 00 Hale's, fig. 905_____________________________ 7 00 " " small size__________________________ 6 00 " Higbee's, three sizes____________________each 4 00 " Howard's__________________________________ 7 00 " Jackson's__________________________________ 7 00 " " long, fig. 921______________________ 7 00 " Leonard's_________________________________ 8 00 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. SPECULUMS, Vaginal, Miller's, 2 sizes, fig. 887_________________each' 5 00 " Nelson's, fig. 899 __________________________ 6 00 " " small---------------------------- 6 00 " Neugabauer's_____________________________ 2 00 " Nott's Trivalve, fig. 892____________________ 5 00 " Schlotterbeck's____________________________ 10 00 " Sims,'3 sizes, fig. 900___________________each 2 50 " " hard rubber_______________________'__ 4 50 " folding_____________________....._.. 5 00 " " wire________________________________ 2 00 Thomas' latest_____________________________________ 20 00 " Cusco's-___________________________________ 5 00 " Sims'-------_,-------_____________________ 10 00 Tiemann's, 4 valve_______________ _ 10 00 SUPPOSITORS, small________________________________ ____ 50 Large, fig. 834_________________ 75 SYRINGES, Caustic, Dick's__________________________________ 3 50 " Parker's_________________________________ 3 50 Mucous, Thomas'______'__________________■______ 2 50 Ointment, Barker's___•__________________________ 1 50 Huchinson's, in case______________________________ 11 00 Lente's, in case_____________________________________ 6 00 " plain---------------------------------------_ 3 00 Molesworth's, vaginal, see page 281_________________net 1 50 Uterine, Braun's, fig. 920______________________________ 2 50 " hard Rubber, see page 101. " Molesworth's, see page 281_________________net 6 00 Vaginal, see pages 101 to 103. SYRINGE, Tubes, vaginal __---------------------------net, per doz 3 00 " " " with stop-cock________________ TAMPONS, Thomas'__________________________ ! 50 TAMPON, Carrier, Yarrow's. __ " 3 00 TAMPONING SCREW, Guarded 1 50 TENACULUMS, Byrne's__________________"_________________ 3 00 Emmet's__________................___ \ 25 Double, fig. 923______"_________._."____ 5 00 Hank's, double, fig. 901........................... 3 00 Miller's_____________________....... 50 Nelson's.............._____.......... 75 Nott's......................---_--.._._"..__..._""__ 3 00 Sims', fig. 929_______.................____________ 1 25 Skeen's, double, fig. 907___ _ _ 3 00 TENTS, Sponge, best, fig. 876 _______________..._._.._."__"."-'-doz 1 50 Curved---.........................___........ 2 00 Waxed ..................___..................... 2 00 Carrier 75 Seatangle, Solid---------------------------...........doz 2 00 __, , Hollow-------.................._____......_doz 300 Tupelo, Solid, fig. 918------------------.______________doz 2 00 Hollow_________ ______ c\oz 3 go TOURNIQUET, Emmet's, Uterine, fig. 923.."~~ 7.V.."""".'"_'_'_'.' 6 00 TROCARS, Ovariotomy, Emmet's, best, fig. 924_._.--_"____."____.... 4 50 " curved......__...............____11 00 Flint's...................------....._____ 2 50 Fitche's Dome, set complete.....___________ 14 00 " Spencer Well's, fig. 917___________________ 10 00 " Thomas'_______....._________.........___ 2 50 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS—Discount 25 per cent. TROCAR'S, Ovariotomy, Chamberlain's........___............_____ TUBE, Drainage, Thomas'.........________________...... ........ Vaginal, with stop-cock_____________............_________ TUBING, Drainage, fig. 269____......_______________________foot UTEROTOME, Peaslee's, fig. 886_______________________________ " 2 blades__________.........—.....------ WIRE, Aluminum_____......________.....---................foot Silver............................----------.............coil Lead........______.............—......--............-yard TRUAX & CO'S. GYNECOLOGICAL CASE, complete: 75 50 00 25 50 50 60 50 40 1 Hale's speculum. 1 Sims' speculum. 1 Glass speculum. 1 Fitch's sound. 1 Bozeman's dressing forcep. 1 Straight scissors. 1 Scissors, curved on the flat. 1 Tenaculum forceps. 1 Self-seizing forcep. 1 Bozeman's adjuster. 1 Sims' rotating knife. . 1 Wire twisting forcep. 1 Sponge tent expeller. 1 Silver probe. 1 Hard rubber probe. 1 Whalebone applicator. 1 Emmet's applicator. 2 Sponge holders. 1 Sims' tenaculum. 1 Sims' sigmoid catheter. 1 Sims' pulley. 1 Nott's depressor. 1 Sims' blunt hook. 1 Truax's long needle holder. 1 Set Peaslee's perineum needles. 1 Doz. Emmet's new needles. 1 Jackson's Needle; 2 Coils Silver Wire and Absorbent Cotton, all in a Truax's Gynecological Case, fig. 756--------------------------------- Parties desiring to purchase only a portion of the above set will be allowed the same discount on their order as if they purchased the entire case. UTERINE CASES, Elliott's---------------------------------- Thomas'..........------.....--- Peaslee's-------------------- Nott's___........-----.......■ VESICO VAGINAL FISTULA CASES, Sims'--- Emmet's _ Bozeman's 67 00 25 00 46 00 60 00 100 00 50 00 80 00 100 00 755C. Ferguson's Speculum, 75.* Seepage 275. 755B. Ferguson's Speculum, Fenestrated, 1 00. See page 275. 755. Rectal Speculum, Ashton's, 1 00. See p. 308. 754C. Skeen Goodman's Self-Retaining Catheter, 1 00. See page 269. Anderson's Vaginal Capsules. A NEW METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE DISEASES OF THE VAGINA AND UTERUS. TO PHYSICIANS:—We call your attention to our Antiseptic Carbolized Capsules, an entirely new local treatment of vaginal and uterine diseases. This method consists, briefly, in saturating an absorptive material with the remedy indicated, and enclosing it in a capsule, the whole forming a suppository, which is introduced into the vagina, where it remains from twelve to twenty-four hours, or longer, if desired, and gradually and continually presents the absorbed medium to the diseased surfaces. The capsule consists of a hollow cylindrical body, filled with absorbent cotton and a cap for closing the open end. A thread is attached to the cotton for re- moving it from the vagina. To prepare the capsules for use, withdraw the cotton and saturate it with the remedy you wish to use, pull it back into its place hy means of the thread and cap it. It is .then ready to introduce. For the exhibition of iodoform or other dry substances, wet the cotton with a mixture of gylcerine and water, pour the iodoform into the cap, and cloee the capsule. This brings the remedy in direct contact with the os, and holds it there. To bring a dry substance in contact with the vaginal walls, moisten the cotton, and sprinkle the powder over it. The capsule prevents the remedy from comingin contact with any buttbe desiredparts. The capsules are easily introduced, no speculum being required. The patient can prepare and introduce them, when desired, which makes them especially valuable for persons going away from home or who live at a distance from the practitioner. They are easily removed and per- fectly cleanly. They are generally introduced on going to bed. We manufacture two sizes of Vaginal Capsules: No. 1, which answers for all ordinary cases, and a larger size, No. 2, which may be used where a larger size is preferred, andjis especially adapted to cases where the vaginal walls are relaxed. Z.___ Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 1 shows the No. 1 Capsule with cap removed and the cotton pulled up. Fig. 2 shows the capsule ready for introduction. Fig. 3 shows the large size, No. 2. Fig. 4 shows the position of the cotton after the gelatin is dissolved. PRICE.—Anderson's Antiseptic Vaginal Capsules are put up in boxes of 12 capsules each. If not to be obtained of your druggist, remit direct to us and we will send either size, postpaid, at 75 cents per box. No. 1 will be sent unless otherwise bpecified. L. A. ANDERSON & CO., Manufacturers, Office and Laboratory, Cor. Shelby and Sanders Sts., Indianapolis, Ind. For sale by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago, 111. GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. . o 766. Truax & Co's Gynecological Case, 12 00 net. See page 269. 767. Truax & Co.'s Gynecological Case, closed, 12 00 net. See page! e. r/EM/wu. CO. 761. Emmet's Alluminum Applicator, 1 75. See page 269. TICMA.'!N:CO 7 .«. Edward's Caustic Holder, 3 00. Seepage 269. 773. Ellinger's Uterine Dilator, 8 00 to 10 00. See page 270. ♦ 770. Nelaton's Pedicle Forceps, 8 50. Seepage 271. 769. Bozeman's Straight Scalpel, 1 75. See page 274. DR. MOLESWORTH'S ■HfAGINAL INJECTING AND SUCTION SYRINGE.* NO WOMAN CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT. & REGISTEREMM & . This.is the only instrument that dilates and detaches from the walls, and removes by suction without injury, all impurities or foreign matter that may be upon the walls and in the folds of the Mucous Membrane of the \ agina, or within the mouth of the Womb, if open. Full directions with, each instrument. For price see page 269. DR. MOLESWORTH'S INTRA-UTERINE INJECTING AND VACUUM SYRINGE. S^ Tube 10 inches long. Patented Nov. 23d, 1875. As this instrument discharges directly forward toward the symphysis pubis, there is no dan- ger of throwing the jet into the fallopian tubes; and as the wash can escape as fast as thrown in, or can all be withdrawn by suction at the will of the operator, the patient is wholly freed from that excruciating pain so frequently attending the use of other Syringes. This Syringe can also be used with equal facility for injecting the bladder and urethra, both in the male and female; and as the bulb is readily detached from the tube, it may be» recharged as often as desired without removing the tube; or when a large quantity is desired, the ordinary pump syringe can be attached with ease. Either with or without bulb you have a simple catheter equal to any. Full directions with each instrument. For price see page 268- DR. MOLESWORTH'S CLIMAX DILATOR, Tubes %, M, V_ and 9£ inch in diameter. Dilating as high as four inches in diameter. For dilating the Os and Cervix Uteri, Urethra, Cervix Cystici, Sinus, Strictures of the (Esoph- agus, Vagina, Anus, etc., and as a general Tampon. Both Pneumatic and Dieulafoy. Aspirator Attachments complete to fit Dr. Molesworth's Climax Dilator. For price see page 270. For de- scriptive circulars, etc., address DR. W. MOLESWORTH, No. 69 Gold St., N. Y. Orders filled by CHAS. TKl'AX & CO., Chicago. 19 783. Nott's Uterine Dilator, 3 00. See page 270. 784. Hank's Vaginal Dilators, set 5 50. See page 270. G. TIEMANN &.C0. 7«<>. Sims' Curette, Dull, 1 50. See page 270. 787. Thomas' Dry Cupper, 1 .r>0. See page 270, 780. Spencer Wells' Clamp, 6 00. See page 270. T GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 791. Tiemann'siChain Ecraseur, 10 00 to 20 00. See page 270. 798. Smith's Wire Ecraseur, straight, 5 50. See page 271. 793. Smith's Wire Ecraseur, curved, 6 00. See page 271 794. Peaslee's Uterine Dilators, 6 50. See page 270. 795. Sims' Medium Curette, 1 75. See page 270. «*Q G.TIEMANN &.C0. 797. Thomas' Hard Rubber Probe, 1 25 See page 274. 798. Skeen's Reflex Catheter, 2 50. See page 269. 284 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. _..TV^-Wl M»U St CO. 801. Emmet's Uterine Elevator, 4 50. See page 271. GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. S 810. Peaslee's Perineum Needles, 3 00. See page 272. 811. Uterine Dressing Forceps, slide catch, 3 00. See page 271. 816. Emmet's Needle Holder, 300. Seepage271. 819B. Bozeman's Angular Scalpel, right and left, 1 75, See page 274. &.t\~.MMM vta. 818. Seizing (self-grasping) For ceps, 3 00. See page 271. 286 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 820. Reece's Uterine Leech and Aspirator, 4 25. See page 272. G,TIEMANN & CO. 827. Sponge Tent Expeller, 75c. See page 271. 821. Inflated Ring Pes- coo _. sary, 40c. See page 274. S4S- ^ozeman s Dressing Forceps, 2 50. See page 271. 822. Inflated Ring Pessary, with stem, 50c. See page 274 No. 8. 834. Suppositors,50to75c. Seepage276. 830. Sleigh Pessary, 1 50 See page 274, 833 RingPessarv, hard 832. Inflating Pear-shaped rubber, net.25c Pessary, 40c. See page 273. See page 274. 831. Colpeurynter, Braun's, 3 00. See ^q^j__vX5_PE_x_F__'3 Womb Supporters, Etc. This series of hard rubber instruments comprises over 150 in size and style, uterine examin- ing and supporting instruments. All are illustrated and explained in the Staufer's Catalogue, which also contains rules for the guarantee of a physician's first purchase of any one of them. After a physician has used one of a style, he knows what the instrument is; hence the limit of guarantee to first purchase. The prolapsis or descending stem cup E C, and on belt X, is the most common in use. That stem cup E C, (deep or shallow) of 1}_, \% and 13£ inches in diameter, as represented in this engraving, meets nine- tenths of the ailments, depending on uterine displacements, ap- pears almost incredible. Yet if the soft whalebone stay belt X, which supports the abdomen and carries the instrument at the same time most admirably, the real elastic pure gum, perineal at- tachments S S, and obliquely constructed, hard rubber cup, to meet the angle of the uterus and vagina, are taken into considera- tion there is no longer any reason to doubt, even if not already confirmed by patients in same locality. Procidenta cases require cups from 1% to 2& inches diame- ter. This displacement patients usually reduce after retiring at night, and with this support it is very simple to retain to the ut- most satisfaction. There is also a series of graded Retroversion or Retroflex- ion Spring Stem Cups, with lever backs. Price on Belt $8.00; on Z, $7.00. For Anteversion and Retroversion there are also in this series Stem Levers and Stem Balls of any size and any length of stem required, and prices the same as the Stem Cup E C, on either Belt. The Stem Cups of style E C, Stem Levers and Stem Balls are also made on spring stems at $1.50 above the E C, or solid stem prices. Thus Spring Stem E C, X $7.00, or E C, Z $600. The bases are all very small and delicate, so as to become imperceptible to the patient, and leaning forwards to obviate sitting upon. The spring in the spring stem cuts off, from reaching the womb any shock when the base is accidentally struck; and greatly adds to the comfort of the patient since the instrument has a double elastic motion..i j^.^m Price. E, V, Z, $5.50. Or on Waist Belt _., $4.50. PESSARIES. F«P The ard rubber, shell, globe B,~and cup D, are the only two in this series. They are graded from 1V_ inch, every one-eighth inch to 2V2 inches diameter. Self Sustaining Globe B.—Tnis globe, on account of its lightness, sustains itself much better than former glass or metal ones. The sunken eye, through which the removal cord is drawn is an important improvement. When the bearing down pain, weakness and pain in the back at first is felt, and a hard rubber ball of" comparatively small size will sustain itself, it would rescue many from future trouble, if they had them. Self-Sustaining Cup D.—This remains in position when pressed upwards, while the patient is in a horizontal position, or fixes itself into a position during rest at night as all true supporters do. When rising on her feet it sustains itself partly by suction and partly by the brim. The physician who struggles with a limited practice, or the recent graduate, can find no other department in medicine to start up so easv, as with uterine diseases. It requires but a small outlay for instruments when the right ones are secured. The epidemic arises always and everywhere; it does not except wealth or beauty, and princely palaces, but seems rather to attack them as its choice. The music of the spring birds, and the perfume of roses have no charm for the thus constitutionally undermined woman, as Ion" as there is no uniform and successful treatment shown to exist in her locality. °The catalogue as improved from time to time will be sent free to physicians who mention Cha s. Truax & Co's. price list. S. S. STAFFER, _♦__. I)., (>24 Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. No. 5. Made in 5 sizes. 836. Smith's Pessary, net 25c. No. 3. Made in 3 sizes. 837. Horse Shoe, net 25c. No. 7. Made in 7 sizes. 838. Hodges'Bow, net 25c. No. 5. Made in 5 sizes. 839. Thomas' Retroflexion, 1 00. 840. Hewitt's Pessary, 1 25. 841. Fowler's Pessary, net, 1 25. <" te_"."7~ '"SMAiw&c*---- No. 5. Made in 4 sizes 842. Thomas' Anteversion, 1 25. 843. Concave, 40c. 844. Thomas' Anteflexion, 2 00. 845. Thomas' Anteflexion, 2 00. 846. Meig'siting, 50c 850. Hitchcock's Anteversion Pessary, 1.00. 848. Peaslee's StemPessary, 1 50. 849. Fowler's Bow Pessary, net, 1 75. For full line of Pessaries see pages 273 and 274. Dr. Mcintosh's Natural Uterine Supporter. NO INSTRUMENT HAS EVER BEEN PLACED BEFORE THE MED- ICAL PROFESSION WHICH HAS GIVEN SUCH UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. Every Indication of Uterine Displacements is met by this combination; Prolapsis, Anteversion, Retroversion and Flexions are overcome by this instrument, when others fail. This is proven by the fact that since its introduction to the Profession it has come into more general use than all other instruments combined. , Union of External and Internal Support.—The abdomen is held up by the broad mo- rocco leather belt with concave front and elastic straps to buckle around the hips. The Uterine Support is a cup and stem made of highly polished hard rubber, very light and durable, shaped to fit the neck of the womb, with openings for the secretions to pass out, as shown by the cuts. Cups are made with extended lips to correct flexions and versions of the womb. Adaptability to Varying Positions of the Body.—The cup and stem are suspended from the belt by' two soft elastic Rubber Tubes, which are fastened to the front of the belt by simple loops, pass down and through the stem of the cup and up to the back of the belt. These soft rubber tubes being elastic adapt themselves to all the varying positions of the body and per- form the service of the ligaments of the womb. • « Self Adjusting.—One of the many reasons which recommend this Supporter to the physi- cian is that it is self adjusting. The physician after applying it need have no fear that he will be called in haste to remove or re-adjusl it, (as is often the case with rings and various pessaries held in position by pressure against the vaginal wall) as the patient can remove it at will, and replace it without assistance. It can be worn at all times, will not interfere with nature's necessities, will not corrode, and is lighter than metal. It will answer for all cases of Anteversion, Retroversion, or any Flexita of the womb, and is used by the leading physicians with unfailing success, even in the most diffi- cult cases. Our Reduced Prices are, to Physicians, $5.00. Instruments sent by mail at our risk, on receipt of price; or we cau send by express, C. O. D. and collect return express on the money. Caution.—We call particular attention of Physicians to the fact, that unscrupulous parties are manufacturing a worthless imitation of this Supporter, which is sometimes substituted for the genuine to the detriment both of patient and physician. Persons receiving a Supporter will find, if it is genuine, the directions pasted in the cover of the box, with the head-line "DR. L D. McINTOSH'S NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER:" a cut on the right, showing the Supporter and on the left its application, also the Fac Simile Sig- nature of DR. L. D. McINTOSH. Each pad of the abdominal belt is stamped in gilt letters, "DR. McINTOSH'S N. U. SUPPORTER, Chicago, III." The base of each cup is stamped "DR. McINTOSH, N. U. S. CO., Chicago, 111., U. S. A. Each box also contains our pamphlet on '•DISPL, ACEMENTS OF THE WOMB," and an extra pair of rubber tubes. DR. McINTOSH NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER CO., 192 Jarkson Street, Chicago, HI. Orders filled by CHAS. TKl'AX & CO. 290 :£"=■<» GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 853. Thomas' Intra-Uterine Pessary, 2 50. 863. Hodges' Closed Lever Pessary net 25c 857. Cutter's Pessary, with belt, 2 00. 864. Hewett's Cradle Pessary, 50c. 858. Bozeman's Pessary, 1 50. 860. Stem Pessary, 75c. » 862. Hurd's Pessary, 1 50 For full line of Pessaries see pages 273 and 274. 291 Improved Uterine Supporters. The Flexible Uterine Cups shown above are used with Nos. t and 2 Belts, that may be formed or bent by tbe physician to throw the cup at any angle desired, and there remaining, thus re- ceiving and holding the uterus, no matter what the displacements are. The Prices, to Physicians, of the foregoing goods, are as follows: Improved Combined Ab- dominal and Uterine Sup- porter, as shown in fig. No. 1. 5 00. Combined Adjustable Pad Supporter, as shown in fig. 2, 4 00 Improved Belt, without Cup, as shown in fig. 1,3 00. Adjustable Pad Belt, with- out Cup, as shown in fig. 2, 2 00. Plain Non-Elastic Belt, with Uterine Cup, 3 00. Flexible Uterine Cups, Prolapsus or Anteflexion and Retroversion, 2 00. Pelvic Uterine Supporters, 2 00. P. S. —Send for De- scriptive Circular. Farr's Patent Flexible Ring Pessary, No. 2, 2-inch outside diameter. No. 3, 2%-inch outside diameter. No. 4, 2^_-inch outside diameter. No. 5, 2^-inch outside diameter. No. 6, 3-inch outside di- ameter. No. 7, 3J<-inch outside diameter. Price to Physicians, 50 cents each, or 5 00 per dozen. Belts from r- I make three sizes Uterine Cups, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and 2% and 3-inch.stems 26"to 56 inches. In ordering, give the size you want. All °rd«f Pr°m^%fi0e order, Registered Sent bv mail or express, as desired, upon receipt of the money, by V. u. ^ruei, «,-_, Letter .Check? or-Draft, payable to my order, or express, C. O. D., and return charges. JDr.H.G. FARR, Sole Manufacturer, 75 Essex St., Boston, Mass. Orders May Be Sent to Chas. Truax & Co. GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 875. Thomas Cutter's Pessary, 2 50. See page 274. 876. Sponge Tents, doz. 1 50. See page 276- LUTZ'S UTERINE AND ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. The superiority of these Support- ers over all others is the direct out- let, consisting of a large orifice, with a rounded edge in the base of the cup, extending down the stem a short distance and terminating in three large external openings, there- by facilitating the escape of the dis- charges. In all other forms of Sup- porters the mouth of the wornb is closed by resting upon the base of the cup. Owing to the direct outlet, this instrument need not be removed during menstruation. For ante and retro-version and flexion, we make an instrument especially adapted to the parts, having an extended lip, with a slight concavity on the superior edge, that the body of the womb may rest therein, and distribute the surface of bearing, thus overcoming kthe pain and discomfort caused by tne body of the womb resting upon a jconvex surface and preventing it from slipping to one side or the other. [These Supporters, being self-adjusting, can readily be inserted and removed 'by the patient. .Price to -Physicians.--Instrument complete, consisting of belt, cup and tubes, $5.00 ; Abdominal Supporter, separate, with tube, $3.00; Cups, separate, with tube, $3.00 J Rubber Tnbings, per set, 25C. NOTICE. If the Supporter does not give satisfaction, it may be returned, un- soiled, within ten days from date of shipment, and the money will be refund- ed, less postage. Cups can be exchanged for any size required. Inside measurement of cups, i*_ irch large, i$ inch medium, and i% inch small. Outside measurement % inch larger. (Patented May 8, 1883). LUTZ'S UTERINE IRRICATOR. This instrument is now very extensively used in treating diseases of the uterus and vagina. By the aid of hot water, painful and suppreseed menstruation may be relieved in a few minutes. By the use of this instrument no water es- capes the vagina. We manufacture three sizes—large, me- j) dium, and small. The rubber stopper is conically constructed to fit any size speculum. Price, including 12 feet of Rubber Tubing, $4.00. (Patented May 8, 1883.) NEW HYPODERMIC SYRINGE, (PATENTED AUG. 22, 1882.) SECOND ISSUE PENDING. The novelty of this inven- tion consists in the expansion of the piston. If the leather cup's have shrunk so that the piston is loose in the cylinder, by holding the inner rod firmly by the han- dle and turning the outer case A from you, or to the tight, the nut tightens down upon the leather cups, and the latter be- ing thus compressed, enlarge their diameter and force the leather cups outwardly until the cylinder is completely filled and the piston becomes tight. The reverse process relieves the cups of compression, and the piston works more freely in the cylin- der. The piston can be expand- ed any place along the cylinder, thus preventing regurgitation of the fluids. Full directions ac* company each Syringe ""''I'lgiiin...... "win.............■immniiiiii ;_2_§= =gj .___—- .-_____f_S 5_i§10-l2l_v —__ ppjn____i2_fu ^§n ii2J___Tgi Mo. 2.—Fenestrated. _-_/ _i__X Sectional View of tbe Piston. Price—Gold-plated Syringe, with Case and Needles, . . $4.00 " Solid Metallic, gold-plated barrel, without Glass Cylinder 4.00 " Nickle-plated Syringe, with Case and Needles, . 3.00 " Needles, each, 35c; Rimmers, for cleaning needles, 3 for .25 " New Plunger put on old Syringes, .... 1.00 Money can be remitted by express, registered letter, post-office order, or certified check. SEND FOR CIRQULARS OF LUTZ'S PHYSICIANS' PHffTONS, GYNECOLOGICAL CHAIR AND OFFICE BATTERY. Orders filled by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. 6-----^C~ GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 880. Sims' Uterine Scissors, straight, 3 50. See page 275. 881. Bozeman's Uterine Scissors, 4 50. See page 274. 882. Sims' Uterine Scissors, curved on the flat, 4 00. See page 275. 883. Emmet's Shorter Curved Scissors, rights and lefts, 4 50. See page 274. 884. Emmet's Greater Curved Scissors, rights and lefts, 4 50. See page 274. 293 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. °tf D 5: 8 * 00 Uj ft p. CD u o iA ft o \ a 887 B. Emmet's Sim's Speculum, 20 00. See page 275. 887. Miller's Speculum, 5 00. See paere 276, GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 888. Bozeman's Angular Uterine Scissors, 4 50. See page 274 889. Tiemann & Co.'s Rotating Scissors, 8 00. See page 275. 890. Skeen's Hawk-Bill Scissors, 10 00. See page 275. 891. Tooth-edged Scissors, 6 00 See page 275. 892. Nott's Speculum, 5 00. See page 276. GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 898. Urethal Dilator, 2 50. See page 270. 899. Nelson's Speculum, 6 00. See page 276. V. A 901. Hank's Tenaculum Forceps, 3 00. See page 272. 20 298 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 905. Hale's Speculum, Improved, tf Off. See page 275. * 0© 909. Ashton's Perineum Needle, 1 00. See page 272. 299 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS —Discount 25 per cent. 922. Cusco's Speculum, Folding Handle, 5 00. See page 275. 300 GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. s.risa-t.v.vtco. 929. Sims' Tenaculum, 1 25. See page 276. 930. Silver Uterine Probe, 1 25. See page 274. GYNECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. Jackson's Needle for Operating in Cases of Lacerated Cervix, 2 Needles and One Handle, 3 00. See Page 272. OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25per cent. BAG'S OBSTETRICAL, 13 inch, 6 00; 14 inch, 6 25; 15 inch------- 6 50 15 inch, extra wide, 7 00; 16, 7 00; 16, ex. wide, 7 50 BLUNT HOOK, Plain_______________________________________ 1 50 » Taylor's_______'----------------------......-- 2 50 " and Crochet combined, fig. 963---................_ 1 50 « « « " Bedford's.....___________ 6 00 .« « « « Budd's, Guarded, fig. 964___ 4 50 CEPHALOTRITE, Braun's---------------:----------*......-.-- 20 00 Lusk's, fig. 951B__________........-----------18 00 Simpson's_________________________......... 15 00 CRAINIOCLAST, Simpson's, fig. 959------.......-------........- 10 00 CROCHETS, Ebony handle---........------..........---........ 1 50 FORCEPS, Crainiotomy, Elliott's------_------.....------------ 6 00 Budd's_____________......----.........-- 5 00 " Meig's, fig. 955________________-------- 4 00 « Thomas', fig. 954________________________ 6 00 Embryotomy, Loomis, fig. 956__________'-.......------- 6 00 Bachelders___.....____________________ 12 00 Obstetrical, Bedford's, fig. 940________________nickle plated 8 00 Budd's___________.............--- " " 9 00 Comstock's, fig. 952_______________ " " 8 00 OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. FORCEPS, Obstetrical, Davis', fig. 939_______.....______ " " 7 50 Denman's_______________________ " " 7 50 Elliott's________________________________plain 8 00 " with screw, fig. 943_______nickle plated 9 00 Hale's, fig. 951___________________ " " 7 00 Hodges', fig. 942__________________ " " 8 00 __......____________.......___plain 7 00 Jenk's, long, fig. 934_______________nickle plated 8 50 " short, fig. 935_____________ " " 7 00 Leavett's_______________________ " " 11 00 Meig's__________________________ " " 8 00 Miller's_____________..........__ " " 8 50 jointed, fig. 936___________ " " 14 00 Roller's, fig. 938__________________ " " 8 50 Sawyer's, fig. 937________________ " " 7 00 Simpson's, long, fig. 944__________ " " 8 00 " short.......__________ " " 7 00 Scrogg's, short, fig. 949___________ " " 7 00 Taylor's........___............._ " " 1100 Tarnier's modified________........ " " 18 00 Thomas'____.__________________ " " 7 00 Wallace's, fig. 939________________ " " 8 00 White's__________________....... " " 8 00 FORCEPS, Placenta, all nickle plated. Bond's______........__________________________________ 3 00 Budd's________________________________________________ 3 00 Double Crossing........._______________________________ 3 00 Fenestrated, nickle plated, fig. 959________________________ 2 50 Improved, fig. 960______________________________________ 6 00 Loo mis', fig. 956________________________________________ 6 00 Munde's ________________________________________..... 3 00 Tiemann & Co's.______________________ _ 2 50 HOOK AND LEVER, Carey's, fig. 946_____________............____ 1 00 Bedford's............___........___________________________ 3 00 Decapitating________ .___________________ 2 50 PERFORATORS, Bedford's....._____________..... .... ._ 3 00 Blott's, fig. 958.........______________........___ 6 00 Ho-mes', fig. 958B.....__......._____....._....... 5 50 Simpson's, fig. 958C_____________ ............... 3 00 Smellie's, fig. 962 ...____________________________ 2 50 Thomas', fig. 961_____________........._______... 6 00 POUCHES, Obstetrical, to roll up, ordinary. _______.....______3 50 to 4 00 " " best quality_____________ _.5 00to 7 00 VECTUS, Ebony handle___........_______________.....____________ 2 50 " " folding, fig. 948___________........___________ 3 50 OBSTETRICAL CASES. TRUAX & CO'S. No. 1 Obstetrical Set_______________.............__ 23 00 Elliott's obstetrical forcep. I Blunt hook and crochet. Meig's crainiotomy forcep. | Placenta forcep. Smellie's perforator. | Ordinary roll up pouch. TRUAX & CO'S. Complete Obstetrical Case.................._______40 00 Elliott's obstetrical forcep. I Placenta forceps. Jenk's short obstetrical forcep. | Thomas' perforator. Budd's blunt hook and crochet. | Thomas' crainiotomy forcep. In a fine calf-skin roll-up pouch. The above cases furnished complete or in part, to suit the wants of the purchaser. 303 OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 939. Davis' Obstetrical Forceps, 7 50. See page 302. 304 OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 939. Wallace's Obstetrical Forceps, 8 00. See page 302. 944. Simpson's Obstetrical Forceps, 8 00. See page 302. 305 OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per, cent, 954. Thomas'Crainiotomy Forceps,'6 00. See page 301 948. Folding Vectus, 3 50. See page 302. 306 OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 958C. Simpson's Perforator, 3 00. See page 30.2 OBSTETRICAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. Q 959. Plain Placenta Forceps, 2 50. See page 302. 900. Improved Placenta Forceps, 6 00. See page 302. 961. Thomas' Crainiotomy Perforator, 7 00. See page 302. 962. Smellies' Crainiotomy Perforator, 2 50. See page 302. 963. Blunt Hook and Crochet, 1 50 Seepage 301. G.TIEMANN& GO. 946. Hook and Lever, 1 00. See page 302 9G4. Blunt Hook and Crochet, Guarded, 4 50 See page 301. RECTAL INSTRUMENTS.—Discount 25 per cent. BISTOURIES, Straight or curved, figs. 289 to 293.—_________________ 1 25 Curved, blunt point, small___________________________ 1 75 BISTOURY CACHE for fistulas___________________.....___________ 8 00 BOUGIES, English conical, Nos. 1 to 12, fig. 970_.......______________ 1 50 " Cylindrical "" " fig. 975______________________ 100 " Olive Tip "" " fig. 973___........___________ 2 00 Exploring, Bodenheimer's, set of ten---.......----------10 00 Hard Rubber, nested, 6 in nest_______________________nest 4 50 Pile and Prolapsis (supporter), fig. 979-------------------- 1 25 " Bolton's, fig. 979B___________........_______________ 1 25 " Reed's___.....____......._________________......__ 1 50 " Trousseau's, fig. 974_________________________________ 3 00 Soft Rubber, Wale's, Nos. 1 to 12, fig. 968........___1 50 to 4 00 BRUSHES, Glass for making caustic applications--------------------- 25 BRUSH HOLDER_____________.........__________1 50 to 2 50 CANULA, Gooche's, silver_____.....__________________________ 4 00 CLAMPS, Amusat's......____________________________________ 8 00 Ashton's_____________________,------------------- 5 00 Smith's, faced, fig. 969___........______________........ 6 50 CUP, Lente's, platina.....____________________........__________ 3 00 CURETTE_____......_____________________________________ 1 75 DILATOR, Anal___________________________________________ 10 00 Thebaud's, Sphincter Ani, fig. 977____________________ 12 00 Whitehead's___........___________________________ 4 00 DIRECTOR, flexible silver, probe pointed________________________ 1 50 FORCEPS, Curvilinear, Bodenheimer's, fig. 978 __________________ 5 00 Dressing........._________________________________ 2 00 Ligating, Bodenheimer's____________________________ 4 50 Polypus_________________________________________ 6 00 Tenaculum, Byrne's, fig. 980.....________________..... 6 00 INSUFFLATORS, for use with speculum................._________ 2 50 IRONS, Cautery, set of 3________________....._____....._______ 4 50 IRRIGATOR, Bodenheimer's_______________.________________ 3 00 Munde's_______:______________________________ 2 50 KNIFE, Anal fissure, Bodenheimer's____________________________ 6 00 Blandin's, modified___________________________________ 8 00 Cooper's______________________________.'___________ 1 50 KNOT TYER, Carroll's_____________....._______................ 2 50 LIGATER, Van Buren's_____________________________________ 2 00 LIGATURE CARRIER, Bush's.........________.___________set 3 00 Lente's........_______________________ 1 25 NEEDLES, Ligating, Huchinson's_______........_______________ 5 00 Perineum, see page 272. PIPES, Pile__________________.......___________________..... 2 00 PROBE, silver, soft and flexible________________________________ 1 25 PUMP, Enema and Stomach_________............ _______________18 00 SCARIFICATOR__________________________________________ 1 50 SCISSORS, Angular, fig. 439_____________________........._____ 1 50 Curved on the flat, fig. 373____........___________1 50 to 4 00 SCOOP_______________.....__________________.........._____ 1 50 SOUND, Exploring, Bodenheimer's, set of 10_____________________10 00 Recto-colonic, vertebrated_____________________......._. 8 00 SPECULUM, Ashton's, trivalve_______________________________ 10 00 glass, fig. 755_______........_•______.....___ 100 Bivalve........___________........______________..... 4 00 " small for children_____________________________ 3 00 QPTrmiT ttRtE2^L INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. SPECULUM, Bivalve, short blades__________......____ _ 4 50 Bodenheimer's, fig. 972_____...................." 5 00 Ha'slam's, fig. 967____ """ '. c r\n O'Riley's, fig. 971__.....-V-V . I... 5 00 Ricord's, fig, 965__________........______'_".'_'_'____ 5 00 Sass'--------...............-----.....______________ 5 00 Sim's-------------------------...... ____ 2 50 Tiemann's trivalve, fig. 966- in On SPONGE, Mop Holder..... * ........-------------7 i on SUPPORTERS, Prolapsis Ani, ng."io53^."."III""."'"""""....." 6 00 Trosseau's, pile, fig. 974____ q 00 SUPPOSITORS, Small____................'.'"""'.'.'"""""" 50 Large, fig. 834__________ _ 75 SYRINGES, Enema, see page 103. Rubber, see page 101. Ointment, Hutchinson's in case, fief. 976 11 00 TENACULUM, Byrne's, double, fig. 980 —_ """"............"" J 00 TROCAR, Curved, fig. 975.....___.__________-"._".._I."_"."."_" 2 50 Exploring.:.....-----................________ 1 50 TUBE, Colon, soft rubber............______________.....________...... 1 50 Endoscopic.__________________________ 2 50 English--------......_ _ _............"-""-"-"-"-"-"-"."."."_"."".."".".-- 1 50 07,. Bodenheimer's HectalSpeculum, 5 00. Set- page 309. 966. Tiemann's Trivalve Eectal Speculum, 10 00. See page 309. RECTAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. 969. Smith's Haemorrhoidal Clamp, 6 50. See page 308 974. Trousseau's Pile Suppor- ter, 3 00. See page 309 RECTAL INSTRUMENTS.-Discount 25 per cent. V Byrne's Double Tenaculum for pulling down the rectum, 6 00. See page 300. TRUSSES.—Discount 25 per cent. We are now making a specialty of the Fitting of Trusses and are prepared to offer our customers unusual advantages, and we trust that these extra induce- ments will enable them to secure a largely increased patronage in this depart- ment of Surgery. To those of our customers who wish to carry a small assortment of Trusses In stock, we will make a special dozen price which will enable them to make good margins on their sales, in addition to their usual charges for services rendered. To those who have a credit already established or who will send a deposit on account, we will sen# a number from which to make a selection provided the customer agrees to return all those not wanted within ten days, and free of ex- pense to us. , If an accurate description of the case is sent us we can usually make a single selection which will meet the wants of the patient, thus avoiding considerable ex- pense, and, in case it does not fit it can be returned and exchanged, provided it is not soiled. Directions for Ordering. Give patient's name, age, whether Inguinal, Scrotal or Femoral Hernia, full circumference of body in line of the rupture, or one inch below iliac crests, and if the rupture is on right, left or both sides. Give also an accurate description of the size, general appearance and pecu- liarities of the hernia, style of truss, if any, the patient has been wearing, whether or not it retained the hernia, and the style of truss you think best adapted to the case and whether it should have a strong or weak spring. TRUSSES, Adults, single, Champion, leather, either side, fig. 984........ 3 50 " " " government style, fig. 984__..... 4 00 " " " silk cover, fig. 984............____ 4 50 " " " hard rubber, fig. 984............__ 5 00 " Celluloid.....___........._________........ 3 50 " " Chase, either side__________......_________ 3 00 " " Cross-body, hard rubber, either side, fig. 996 - 3 50 " " Elastic, either side, fig. 994_________________ 3 00 " " English, common, right or left........______ 2 00 " " French, right or left, kid pad, fig. 985_______ 3 00 " " " " " extra fine kid___...... 4 00 " " " hardrubber______ ________________ 3 50 " " " improved, kid pad, fig. 986__________ 3 50 " " German, with perineal band, right or left, fig. 995 3 00 Radical cure, kid pad, fig. 1025......________ 6 00 " " Ratchet, either side___............________ 3 50 double, Champion, leather, fig. 1002______.....____ 6 00 " government cover______________ 6 50 " " " silk cover___________........__. 7 00 " " . " hardrubber____________________ 7 50 " " Cross-body, hard rubber___________________ 6 00 " " English, common, right or left_____________ 3 00 Elastic...................._______________ 4 00 " " French, kid pad__________________________ 4 50 TRUSSES.—Discount 25 per cent. TRUSSES, Adults, double, improved, fig. 1003_______________________ 5 00 Youth's, single, Champion, leather, either side, fig. 984_____ 3 00 " " French, kid pad, right or left, fig. 985______ 2 50 " " Cross-body, hard rubber, either side, fig. 996 3 00 " " Self-adjusting, silk finish_________________ 3 00 " double, Champion, leather, fig. 1002_______________ 5 00 " " Cross-body, hard rubber_________________ 5 00 " " French, kid pad________________________ 4 00 " " Self-adjusting, silk finish_________________ 4 50 Child's, single, Champion, leather, either side, fig. 984______ 2 50 " " Cross-body, hard rubber, either side, fig. 996 ._ 2 50 « " French, kid pad, right or left, fig. 985_______ 2 00 " " Self adjusting, silk finish........___________ 2 50 " double, Champion, leather_______________________ 4 00 " " Cross-body, hard rubber_________________ 4 00 " " French, kid pad___________........______ 3 00 " " Self-adjusting, silk finish_________________ 3 50 Umbilical, Adult, bow spring, leather covered, fig. 1010_____ 3 50 " Elastic, kid pad, fig. 1004________________ 4 00 " " Hard rubber, new pattern______________12 00 bow______________________ 5 00 " Youth, bow spring, leather cover, fig. 1010______ 3 00 Elastic, kid pad, fig. 10*04_______.....___ 3 50 " " Hardrubber_______.................___ 4 50 " Child, bow spring, leather cover, fig. 1010_______ 2 00 Elastic, kid pad, fig. 1004___......______ 2 25 " " Hardrubber__________________________ 3 00 TRUSS COVERS, for Champion Trusses, leather---------------..... 75 " " " government________________ 1 00 silk___________............. 100 SUPPORTERS, Abdominal, elastic, cotton-------------------------- 8 00 « " silk, fig. 1039_____________10 00 to 15 00 silk front, fig. 1037_______________ 3 50 Champion, fig. 1041____________________ 4 00 " hardrubber___________________ 7 00 Fitch's______________________.......—. 3 50 London, fig. 1052_______________________ 2 00 " " extra large_______________,---- 3 50 Mcintosh, see page 289---------------net 2 50 Prolapsis A.ni, ebony pad, fig. 1053-----------.....— 6 00 " ivory " __________________________ 7 00 Uterine, Babcock's______________________________net 12 50 Farr's, see pa_re291_______ ---..........net 5 00 « Lutz's, see page 293_____________.......net 5 00 « Mcintosh, see page 2S9------------------net 5 00 " Staufer's, see page 287..-----------------net 7 00 SUSPENSORIES, cotton, ordinary---.....--_....................doz 2 00 Linen, Ware's, No. 1, fig. 1051 ._----------------doz 4 00 u " No. 2 ________________doz 3 00 u " No. 3 _________________doz 6 00 Silk, "J. P.," fig. 1054________________________" 6 00 « superfine "J. P,"______________________ " W00 U. S. Service, cotton, fig. 1055____.,------------- " 15 00 linen......._....._______________" 18 00 silk _______....._________" 24 00 supersilk________........-.....-- " 36 00 Rawson's, full line. 21 SHOULDER BRACES—Discount 25 per cent. SHOULDER BRACES, corset style, ladies', fig. 1043-------------each 1 50 " " misses'_______....._______each 1 40 Cutter's style, ladies'___________.........--- 1 50 " gents', fig. 1046_____.......... 150 London, improved, gents', fig. 1035--------- 1 25 Steel back, gents', fig. 1045_________________ 3 00 « " " extra strong to order------ 6 00 " " youth's_______________________ 2 75 " " ladies', extra strong to order----- 6 00 STOCKINGS, Elastic, see opposite page. Thigh Hose, extra heavy, silk-------------------------10 00 " Fine silk________________________________ 8 00 » Cotton__________________________________ 6 00 " Legging, extra heavy, silk______________________ 9 00 fine silk______________________________ 7 00 " " cotton.....__________________.....___.. 5 00 " Knee Cap, extra heavy, silk____________________ 6 00 •' " fine silk_______....._.-.....--------' 5 00 » " " cotton_____...........______________ 4 00 " Piece, extra heavy, silk---........__.........--- 4 00 fine silk ..".________..............-------- 3 50 " • cotton........___.......-......-......--- 300 Knee Stocking, extra heavy, silk-------------------- 8 00 " '■ fine silk___.....______..........----- 6 00 » " cotton________________________________ 4 00 " Legging, extra heavy, silk____.......----------- 7 00 fine silk________________________________ 6 00 " " cotton .--......__________....._........ 4 50 " Cap, extra heavy, silk___________________________ 3 00 " fine silk. ......._________________________ 2 50 " " cotton.....______.....------..........---- 2 00 Garter Stocking, extra heavy, silk_______........----- 5- 00 fine silk_______............_________ 4 00 " " cotton___......._........._._........ 2 50 " Legging, extra heavy silk______________________ 4 00 fine silk.....................________ 3 00 " " cotton___.......................----- 2 50 Anklet, extra heavy, silk______________________________ 3 00 finesilk........___________................... 2 50 " cotton___.........._.................._______ 2 00 Wristlets_______....................._________1 00 to 2 00 Supporter, Abdominal, silk..............______10 00 to 15 00 " ' cotton......-_............_____ 8 00 Umbilical silk......................_______ 7 00 " cotton...........________________ 5 00 DIRECTIONS FOR APPLYING ELASTIC STOCKINGS: Turn the stocking inside out down the part which covers the foot. Take held with the thumbs inside the folded part, stretching and drawing it on to the foot. Take hold with the thumb of one hand {inside the fold) and with the other thumb side between the limb and the fold in the stocking; stretch and gaadually roll it (repeating the process as often as is necessary) until it reaches the proper position. without a wrinkle. It should always be worn over a thin stocking. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, Belts and Supporters, --FOR THE-- Relief and Support of Varicose Veins, Weak, Swollen or Ulcerated Limbs, Corpulency, Abdominal Weakness and Tumors. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT: Which should be Taken in the Morning when practicable. Give the Exact Measure- v ment. We Allow tor Expansion. SILK GOODS SENT UNLESS OTHERS ARE INDICATED IN THE ORDER. FOR A THIGH STOCKING—Circumference t A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I. Length from floor to F, nd from F to I. FOR A THIGH LEGGING.—Circumference at C, D, E, F, G, II, I. Length from C to F, and from F to I. FOR A THIGH KNEE-CAP.—Circumference at E, F. G, H, I. Length from F to I. FOR A THIGH PIECE—Circumference at G, H, I. Length from G to I. FOR A KNEE STOCKING.—Circumference at A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Length from floor to F. FOR A KNEE LEGGING.—Circumference at- C, D, E, F, G. Length from C to F. FOR A KNEE-CAP.—Circumference at E, F, G. FOR A GARTER STOCKING.—Circumference at A, B, C, D, E. Length from floor to E. FOR A GARTER LEGGING.—Circumference at C, D, E. Length from C to E. FOR AN ANKLET.—Circumference at A, B, C. Length from floor to C. FOR A WRISTLET.—Circumference at N, O, P. Length from N to P. FOR AN ABDOMINAL BELT.—Circumference at K, L, M. FOR AN UMBILICAL BELT.—Circumference at L. Goods Made to Order on Short Notice. GHARLRS TRUAX & GO. 81 Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. 28 Under Patronage of U. S. Government. Awarded Two Premiums at Centennial Exhibition. Depots: Lyman Sons & Co., Montreal, Que.; Lyman Bros. & Co., Toronto, Ont.; F. Schutze & Co., London, Eng. __iST_\BI-IS-_-]-!r> __V. -D. 1850, HERMAN BECKER. FREDERICK BAXTER. THOS. C. TAYLOR, Jr. THE PHILADELPHIA TRUSS GOMPANY, (Successors to S. S. Ritter & Co.) Inventors and Sole Manufacturers of the Improved Patent CIisLmpion Truss. Manufactured for u. s. ARMY, NAVY & PENSION DEPARTMENTS, ALSO L. S. marine Hospital Service. GENUINE Bear Our FIRM NAME, Dates of Patents, also our Trade Mark "CHAMPION" On Plate of Each Truss. Also Manufacturers of the .A.a.;j"u.sta"ble -.-^.Tocioml-Cial Supporter, Best in use), and all kinds of Spring and Elastic Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Belts, Shoulder Braces and Suspensory Bandages. The Philadelphia Truss Company's! Genuine Hard Rubber Trusses, Supporters, &c. Is the most complete line and best goods ever offered to the trade, and the lowest in price WE MAKE \ SI'IXIALTY OF S115GKAL HOSIKKV. THE PHILADELPHIA TRUSS CO., 610 Locust St.,(S. Washington Sq.) P. O. Box, 1207, Philadelphia, Pa. Complete assortment carried in stock and sold to tiie trade at our List Price by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., 81 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. WE ARE NOW SUPPLYING OUR IMPROVED PATENT CHAMPION TRUSS To the U. S. Army, Navy and Pension Departments, Also to the U. S. Marine Hospital Service, And the large increasing demand from dealers is proof of the great success they have had with them; many of whom are making a specialty of our Champion to the exclusion of all other trusses. The Surgeon-General of the TJ. S. Army under date Nov. 20, 1880, honored us with an order amounting to thirteen hundred dollars, for our Improved Patent Champion Trusses, and further orders in May and Nov. 1881, Dec. 1882, and May and July 1884. Clark & Parsons, Northampton. Mass., bought their first bill of Champion in Nov. 1881, and Nov. 17th, 1882, write " Please send us per express 1 dozen each, single and double, plain Champion Trusses. Send them at your earliest convenience. We should like to know if yon can give us an exclusive agency for your Champion Trusses;" and write again Jan. 16, 1883, as follows: "We can sell the Champion Truss every time. Our ratchet trusses are dead stock by the side of the Champion. Could we trade the ratchet for the Champion?" H. D. Thatcher & Co., Potsdam, N. Y., of Butter Color fame, write under date April 20, 1882. " We have sold quite a number of your Champion Trusses and they are giving the best satisfaction. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, N. Y., of Marchisi's "Catholicon" fame writes under date May 6,1881. "We have four of our best physicians wearing your Champion Truss, and they are much pleased with them."g ______ __________________ ___________ Dr. Wm. H. Bartrain, U. S. Examing Surgeon, Fort Howard, Wis., writes under date July 13, 1880: " The Champion Truss adjusted on myself is entirely satisfactory; it is worn with ease and comfort, and retains the hernia perfectly. I removed the truss two weeks ago, and the sack has not come down yet, nor are there any symptoms to lead me to think it will, and begin to think it has effected a radical cure in my case. Mr. Cronk and the others that I have applied your Cham- pion Trusses to, express great satisfaction with them, for ease and comfort. I am satisfied that it is the most perfect truss in the country, and hereafter shall use no other." Dr. D. F. Cooledge, U. S. Examining Surgeon, Ludlow, Vt., writes under date Aug. 3,1880: " I was very much pleased with your Champion Truss; had never seen it before. The applicant was apparently well fitted and satisfied; he lives at a distance and I have heard nothing from him since he came for it. Think I never saw a truss that would be more appropriately entitled to the name of the Universal Truss than the Champion." Lane Bros., Lincoln, Neb., write under date Dec. 15, 1880: "The Champion in name is the champion indeed. The most perfect truss we ever handled. With the wish that it may soon become the one truss in use, we remain very resp'y yours. French & McDearmon, Mexico, Mo., bought their first bill of our Improved Patent Champion Trusses October, 1882, and on March 17, 1883, favored ns with a further order and write: " They are the best Trusses we ever handled." Otis, Clapp & Son, Providence, R. I., in a circular issued by them in Nov., 1884, sav: "Your special attention is called to the Philadelphia Truss Co's. Improved Patent Champion Truss, which we have sold with such^great satisfaction to everyone who has worn it, an examina- tion of this truss will, we think, demonstrate its superiority both in design and workmanship over other trusses now on the market. G. J. De furmn & Co., successors to I. B. SEELEY, New York, write under date May 30, 1884: "The coods sent in compliance with our recent order, have been received and subjected to a critical examination, we deem it our duty to you to say that they are not only satisfactory but are in every respect the best goods that we have ever seen. Hiram Seeley, Hotel Keeper, Cowansville, P. Q., Canada, after suffering untold in- conveniences and annoyances, and rupture getting worse from trying to wear three different Hard Rubber Trusses (supplied by his brother, I. B. Seeley), was fitted with a truss by Frederick Baxter, a member of our firm, and with such satisfactory result he expresses himself that he will always feel greatly indebted to us. Orders filled by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago. 318 TRUSSES. Champion Truss, can be applied to either side. See page 31 2. 986. Improved French Truss, kid pad, right and left. See page 312. 985. French Truss, kid pad, right and left. See page 312. 994. Elastic Truss,,either side. See page 312. �./::..+:.5�:///5.8+�980:+.� TRUSSES. 1003. Double Improved French Truss. See page 313. 1115 Child's Bow Umbilical See page 313. 1010. Bow Umbilical Truss. See page 313. 320 SHOULDER BRACES AND SUPPORTERS. 1035, " Improved London" Shoulder Brace, 150 See page 314. 1043. Corset Shoulder Brace, 1 40 to 1 5o. See page 314. 103?. Silk Front Abdominal Supporter, 3 50. Se page 313. 1039. All Silk Abdominal Supporter, 8 00 to 10 00. See page 313. 1045. Steel Back Shoulder Brace. See page 314. 1041 Champion Supporter, 4 00 to 6 00. See page 313. 1046 Cutter's Shoulder Brace, See page 314. �75038373073438393�603 WARE'S ^UQhr. ^mw n.r£ Fig. 1051. See page 313. 1052. London Supporters, 2 00. See page 313. 1055. U. S. Service Bandages, 15 00 to 36 00 doz. See page 313. 1053. Prolapsis Ani Supporters. 6 00 to 7 00. See page 313. Jaros' Hygienic Underwear. SYSTEM OF PROF. JAEGER in G ermany, and in Conformity with the iTTHEY are made of a knitted fabric with a soft, loose woolen under surface for wear next the body. Confining much air in its interstices through the innumerable points or capillary projectures, a stimulating effect on the skin is continually kept up, acting as an absorbent and filtrant, maintaining the highest possible insensible perspiration. The back composed of cotton, firmly holding the woolen fibres in its meshes, is exceedingly porous in construction. It promptly accepts and retains the moisture and noxious elements received by the wool from the body and also guards against shrinking. Colds, Catarrhs, Rheumatism, Lumbago, etc., etc., are caused by the sudden rush of cold air to one particular part of the body and not by the gradual cooling of the entire system. The garments are so constructed as to prevent up draughts and can be worn with as much comfort in summer as in winter. We refrain from appending individual recom- mendations in our possession, from prominent phy- sicians, or public mention by sanitary publications, accepting that it is unnecessary to add single ap- provals to the general endorsement of medical fac- ulties. Nevertheless, we are ever ready to furnish copies of letters, etc., in our possession. MANUFACTURED BY Jaros Hygienic Underwear Go., CHICAGO, ILL Samples of the Goods sent by Mail on application. Recommendations of Prominent Physicians and Hygienists in EUROPE and AMERICA. Gent's Undergarments. Shirt, cashmere trimmed, 4 00; Shirt, silk trimmed, 5 00; Draw- ers, cashmere trimmed, 4 00; Drawers, silk trimmed, 5 00. Shirt sizes above 40 inch, breast measure, additional charges. Drawers size, above 40 inches waist measure,additional charges Ladies' Under Vest. Close Fitting. Bands are attached to support Drawers. Made with or without sleeves. Sizes 28-32, bust measure, each, 3 00; 34-3H, 3 25; 38-42, 3 50; with sleeves extra charge of 50c. Arctic Vest. Sizes, 30-34, breast measure, each, 2 50; 36-38, 2 75; 40^2, 3 00. Lung, Stomach and Kidney. Sizes 80-34, breast measure, each, 2 00; 36-38, 2 25; 40-42, 2 50. Chest and Lung Protector. Small, each, 75; Medium, 85; Large, 1 00. Ladies' Drawers. Sizes 22-28, waist meas- er pair, 3 50; 30-34, 75; 36 and up, 4 00. Ladies' Combination Suits. Sizes 28-32, bust measure, per suit, 7 00; 34-36, 7 50; 38-42, 8 00. Nursing Waist. Abdominal Supporter, Price, each, 3 50. Waist with Breast pieces so adjusted as to allow child nursing with ease and comfort. Each, 4 00. Bowel, Kidneyfand Stomach Bandage against affections of Bowels, Kidneys and Stomach. Children's and Infants' Wear. Night Robes of All Descriptions. Infants' and Children's Bed-Spreads. For prices and directions for measurement and par- ticulars apply to us, or to CHAS. THVAX & CO. £*?= Our Terms are Strictly Cash. Parties unknown to us will please remit amount with order. rt« WILLIAMS * . $F* « co,,s REVERSE CORSET. T S manufactured from Glove Kid and *■ Calf, and furnished with stays to prevent wrinkling, with elastic rubber tubing running from the point at pubes backward, following the glutio-femoral fold, and is buckled to the instrument just posterior to the great trochanter; this serves to keep the supporter in po- sition while the wearer is standing or sitting. It never fails to fit; it_can*never slip out of place, and will always give perfect satisfaction to patient and physician...' It is adapted to all classes of uterine troubles as an adjunct in their treatment."^" Says that sagacious observer, J. Matthews Duncan, M. D., (Medical Times and Gazette, Dec, 1882,) "All displacements are forms of descent, and that it is not only a bit of the womb alone that descends,. but the whole abdominal contents as well. Increased weight of the womb may be an exciting cause, so may a well-adapted fall or jump, or a sudden downward shock; but greater than these is prolonged downward pressure; in all cases you have a diminished retentive abdominal power; anything which will increase its retentive power will raise the uterus higher, destroying displace- ment." Coming from so distinguished a physician, the fact cannot be doubted. It is in such conditions that our Reverse Corset is of the greatest benefit. The Medical Profession for the past century, realizing these facts, have l*een seeking for a complete and proper appliance as a means of treatment, but without success, s such as were at hand were found to be faulty in various ways; either too bulky, too complic ed, too costly, or inefficient as a means of support; the principal trouble being the inability to eep them in posi- tion. These troubles are entirely obviated in our instrument, Complete s isfaction is guar- anteed. The discomforts of pregnancy, such as sickness of the stomach, piles, varicose veins, dropsy, numbness of lower extremities, irritable bladder, etc., are greatly relieved and often cured by its use. It is adapted to many conditions which present themselves after confinement. Ovarian pains and disturbances, and all functional troubles are greatly relieved and often cured by its application. Also of great advantage in the treatment of uterine catarrh, as it supports the abdominal viscera, and consequently relieves any unnatural strain on the congested uterus. When it is ap- plied the dragging pains in the bowels and back quickly disappear, and the happy patient moves about with a satisfaction which can only be appreciated by those whose movements have long been associated with suffering. Physicians soon appreciate its merits when used in cases of chronic uterine disease, which have perplexed them and failed to show signs of improvement under the most careful an d per- sistent treatment. A widely known celebrated physician writes: "During my twenty-six years of practice, and trying nearly all the variety of mechanical appliances for the uterine abdominal displacements, including hernia, I find that yours is the very best decidedly." Another, equally as well known. writes: "Those already ordered gave relief and comfort from the hour they were put on. I could not now practice medicine without giving you an occasional order." Physicians who order once, order again. One trial insures another invariably. We feel confident, judging from the mass of testimony received, that the want for a perfect abdominal supporter is supplied in this instrument. In ordering, send size of waist, the largest part of hips, and length from pubes to umbilicus, taken under all clothing. Assure yourself of its accuracy, The retail price is $12.00; to physi- cians, $8.00. On receipt of which we will foiward goods by mail, otherwise, C. O. I)., with extra charge for returning price paid. Full name, city or town, number and street, county and s' ate, should accompany each order. Believing you will find it to your advantage to try the instrument, we remain, Very respectfully, WHITE, WILLIAMS & CO., Boston, Mass. For sale by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., 81 Randolph St.. Chicago. 325 DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Fis. 1100. Tiemann & Co's. Brace for Pott's Curvature ol the Spine. Price, $35.00. This brace is intended to afford an elastic and gentle pressure to the parts to which it is applied, giving to the patient an easy and com- fortable feeling. It is made of light tempered springs, and softly padded wherever it comes in contact with the body. I The belt below passes around the pelvis, and the principal weight is thrown upon the gluteal region. Two uptight parallel bars pass on each side of the posterior elevation, having a portion of silk elastic rubber between them, which gives a constant pressure upon the protuberance. If the latter is inflamed, a portion cut out of the elastic material prevents direct pressure upon the extremity of the bone. . Upon these side bars are attached two elliptic and padded springs, yielding to every pressure, and adapting them- selves to the spinal column, and keeping the body FiS- in an erect position. The two padded crutches are elastic and elevate the body, pressing mostly under the margin of the scapula. Directions for Measurements. Patient's name, age, and sex. Distance from sac- ro lumbar articulation to vertebra prominens (C. to D.);from sacro lumbar articulation to first vetebra involved (C.to G.); from sacro lumbar articulation to last vetebra involved (C. to D.); from crest of Ilium to Axilla, right side (A. to H.); from crest of Ilium to Axilla, left side (A. to H.): from center of one scapula to the center of the other (E. to F.); from point of greatest curvature to an imag- inary line drawn from C.to D., circumference of chest under axilla: circumference of pelvis one inch below iliac crests. Fig. 1105. Washburn's Spine Brace. Price, $15 to $20. In the accompanying figure aa is a band of Fig. 1101. Directions for taking _teej -vhicn passes half way around the pelvis just measurements for spinal apparatus. r J _,__._, above the trochanters, bb are two flat bars of steel parallel to each other, and curved upon their flattened sides to the form of the DEFORMITY APPARATUS—Prices to Patients. patient. These bars are curved a little less than the spine, so that when secured in position, their elasticity will operate to rectify the spinal curve. The cross- bar at the upper ends of the parallel ones is firmly riveted to them, and crosses the back just above the spines of the scapula. At the ends of this bar are affixed buckles which receive the shoulder straps. Buckles are attached to various parts of the brace by means of which it is secured to the front part of the apparatus, which consists of a piece of strong material covering the chest and abdomen. Directions for measurement the same as for Tie- mann's brace, No. 1100. Fig. 1108. Davis' Apparatus for Caries of the Spine. Price, $25.00. This brace is only adapted to moderate cases where the curvature is between the sacro lumbar arti- culation, and the lower edges of the scapulae. It con- sists of a band of steel encircling one half of the pel- vis, and having the ends united with a leather band to this are attached two upright parallel bars of thin well tempered steel, shaped to fit the spine and curvature and having two pads placed in a proper position to exert a gentle pressure on the protuberance. The tops of these bars are held in place by a / band passing around % the chest and to which is attached a strong piece of cloth which forms the front of the brace. Directions for meas- urement the same as for Tiemann's brace, No. 1100. 1105. Washburn's Spine Brace, see previous page. 1108. Davis' Spine Brace. 1110. Tiemann's Brace for Lateral Curvature. See next page. DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Fig. 1110. Tiemann & Co's. Brace for Lateral Curvature. Price, $35 00. For cut, see preceding page. To the pelvic belt are attached, laterally, two elastic crutches, so as to re. lieve the spine of the weight of the trunk. Posteriorly, a single, strong, upright bar, holding a'couple of adjustable pads for the scapulas, and just below, a leather band, of proper width, terminating in strong elastic India-rubber webbings. This band is passed around the protuberance obliquely, and buckled to the pelvic belt in front, an inch or two beyond the linea alba. Directions for measurement the same as given for fig. 1100; but state in addi- tion whether the curve is to the right or left, in fig. 1101 it is to the right. Fig. 1113. Markoe's Brace for Torticollis. Price, $35.00 to $45.00, according to size and finish. This brace consists of: An upright steel bar fastened to a pelvic band, and carried along the spine to a little below the level of the shoulders secured in position by straps passing over the shoul ders under the axillae. A steel lever for extension of the neck admits of adjustment, and is connected with the upright bar by means of two screws; the top of this lever is made to form a powerful clamp, for the purpose of holding the head- band, and of securing thehead in position. The head-band is formed of a steel spring carried half around the back of the head, softly pad- ded, and the covering extended to the front and buckled there. A bandage, the size and shape of the patient's chin, is buttoned to this head-band laterally with four straps. By turning a thumb-screw with which the clamp is provided, the head of the patient may be fixed in any position by the arrest in the move- ment of the joint. Directions for Measurement: Patient's age and weight, distance from sacro lumbar articulation to vertebra prominens, distance from sacro lumbar articulation to base of skull, cir- cumference of pelvis one inch below iliac crest, cir- cumference of chest under axilla, circumference of the head. 1113. Markoe's Brace for Torticollis. 1116. Sayre's Jury Mast. DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Fig. 1116. Sayre's Jury Mast. Price, $12.00. This consists of two pieces of malleable iron, bent to fit the curve of the back. To the lower portion are attached three or more roughened tin strips, long enough to go nearly around the body. From two cross pieces of the upper ex- tremity springs a central shaft, carried in a curve over the head and capable of being elongated at will. To this is attached at its upper extremity a swivel cross- bar with hooks, from which depend straps supporting a head and chin collar. Application.—The patient having been encased, in the usual manner, in a few thicknesses of plaster roller, the Jury Mast Apparatus is put over this, care being taken that the iron strips are bent so as to conform to the surface of the plaster, and that the shaft over the head be kept in the same line with the spinous processes. The perforated tins are carried around the body, their ends, however, not being allowed to meet. The apparatus having been carefully adjusted, fresh layers of plaster bandage are now applied, in order to hold the instrument firmly in its place. Directions for Measurements. Bend a flexible strip of lead to the contour of the back, commencing at the top of the head, and carefully carry it along to the sacrum, carefully remove and trace on paper, marking the position of the scapula, iliac crests and disease. Give circumference, top of head, around chin, circumference around cranium circumference of pelvis one inch below iliac crests. Fig. 1118. Sayre's Suspension Apparatus. Used while applying his Plaster of Paris Jacket. Consists of a curved iron cross-beam, to which is attached an adjustable head and chin collar, with straps fitted to axillary bands. To a ring in the centre is hooked a compound pulley, the other end of which is attached to a hook screwed into the ceiling. An iron tripod may be used for the same purpose. Price of Sayre's Suspension Appara- tus, with plain pulleys_________ 8 00 The same, with double-hooked cross- beam________________________ 9 00 The same, with brass dislocated pulleys______________________ 15 00 Tripod_________________________ 10 00 Seamless shirts________net, 2 00 to 3 00 1118, Say re s Suspension Apparatus. ^ «-■••■> »li>-<" <"■" «-- > DEFORMITY APPARATUS —Prices to Patients. Fig. 1119. Sayre's Short Splint for the Treatment of Hip- Joint Disease. Price of splint, small size, $15.00; medium, $16.00; large, $18.00. This apparatus consists of two portions, the upper, made of corrugated steel, attached by means of a universal joint to a pad of proper size (d) fitting on the dorsum below the crest of the ilium, and holding in place a perineal band (_■) adjustable by strong webbing and buckles (bb). The lower portion (f), is simply a ratched bar, sliding within the first. Its inferior extremity is easily adjusted by means of a single screw to either side of two semi-circular bands (aa), embracing the thigh just above the knee, making the apparatus answer for both limbs. The cut representing the same arranged for the left leg. Extension is made by workzng the splint with key/- Directions for Measurement. Length from trochanter major to knee-joint ; circumference of thigh above knee. 1119. Sayre's Short Splint. Hip The Application of the Splint Is as simple as its construction. Take strong adhesive plaster, spread on twilled muslin, cut two fan-shaped pieces (fig. 1120), one large enough to reach from the perineum to within two or three inches of the condyle of the femur, on the inner side of the thigh, the other from the trochanter major to a point directly opposite the end of the inner plaster. Sew on the narrow end of each (fig. 1120), a one of the webbings, represented in fig. 1119, aa, (not on the sticky side). Apply to their respective places, and after press- ing them with the warm hand, to obtain a firm adhesion secure them further by a well-adjusted roller. The instrument contracted, is now laid over the thigh, the webbing (fig. 1120), a, firmly fastened over the rollers to the buckles (fig. 1119), aa, and the remaining one around the thigh. The perineal band is now adjusted, rather firm, and the instrument extended with the key, justenough to make the patient comfortable, and then locked by pulling the slide down over the spring (fig. 1119), c. In order to prevent the limb from swelling below the bandage. Dr. Sayre recommends the use of an elastic stocking or knee-cap. 1130. DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Fig. 1124. Sayre's Long Splint for Hip-Joint Disease. Price, $25.00 to $45.00, according to size and finish. This splint extends from the sole of the foot to the crest of the ilium, at which point it is con- nected to a pelvic band by means of a joint al- lowing flexion and extension, abduction and adduction: which latter motion is regulated by means of a thumb-screw. Extension is made by means of a rack and pinion rod, sliding within a steel tube, moved by a key, and kept in position by a spring catching the teeth of the rack. Counter-extension is made by means of two perineal pads fastened to the pelvic band with straps and buckles. At the knee-joint is a move- able cross piece for attaching a leather cap to steady and support the knee. At the bottom of the instrument is a foot-piece with a leather sole attached, to prevent jar in walking. A leather strap, passing under the foot, through apertures in the foot-piece, turns up an end on each side of the ankle, and fastens to buckles in adhesive strips. Application of the Splint. Take two strips of strong moleskin adhesive plaster from two to four inches in width, accord- ing to the size of the patient and the entire length of the limb, divide the upper extremity of the plas- ter into strips, two or three inches long, and sew strong webbing with buckles attached on below. These plasters are then applied on either side of the leg in such a manner, as to leave the buckles a little above the ankle-joint, and are secured by a snugly adjusted roller, so applied as to leave the tags with the buckles hanging loose, the roller being carried up over the knee, and as far up the thigh as can be done with convenience. The upper split-ends of the plasters are reversed and braided in with the roller as it turns down The stocking is then pulled upon the foot,holes having been cut on either side for the buckles to pass through, and the shoe ap- plied, with holes cut through in the same manner. The instrument is now placed on the outer side of the leg, and the cross-bar at the bottom brought in front of the heel of the shoe, and securely buckled to the tags above described. The Pelvic-band is next brought around the hips and secured by the buckle upon the opposite side, and the perineal straps attached as firmly as need be. The knee- pad-band is then slipped up or down, until it is made to rest opposite the knee, when it is passed around and buckled fast. Extension is now made by the key upon the ratchet until full compression is borne without pain. The abducting screw may then be used, and daily increased. Directions for Measurements. Name of patient; age of patient; weight of patient; right or left leg; length from sole to crest of ilium; circumference of pelvis at iliac crests- Pig. 1124. Sayre's Long Hip- Joint. the thigh, securing it smoothly. 331 DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients Fig. 1127. Hutchinson's Hip-joint Apparatus. Price of Apparatus, small size, $25; Price of Apparatus, large size, $35; Fine finished Apparatus, small size, $30; Fine finished Apparatus, large size, $40. Shoes are Charged extra, according to quality. This Apparatus is portable, and needs no ad- hesive strips. Two rods of steel extend from the foot to the upper third of the thigh and are secured to the leg with calf and thigh-bands. The outside rod, longer than the other one, is ratched, and slides in a steel tube which is hinged by a ball and socket joint to a pelvic band. Extension is made by work- ing the splint with a key. The splint is provided with joints for the ankle and knee, the latter one is adjustable to any degree of flexion and extension, and may be fixed at any point, or its motion limited by an arrangement of a screw and two nuts. Directions for Measurement: Name of patient. Age of patient. Weight of patient. Fif*. 1137. Hutchinson's Hip-joint Apparatus. send the Fig 1130. Paralysis Right or left leg. Length from sole of foot to ankle-joint. Length from sole of foot to knee-joint. Length from sole of foot to trochanter major. Length from sole of foot to crest of ilium. Circumference of calf. Circumference of thigh. Circumference of pelvis If you wish us to furnish shoes, following additional measurements: Length of foot. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference of instep. Circumference of ankle. Fig. 1130. Apparatus for Paralysis of Both Limbs. Price, $3") to $70. Shoes extra. This apparatus is designed for Paraplegia affecting the limbs to the knee-joint and answers both as a support and in aiding the restoration of the mobility of the muscles. It is well adapted for cases of wasting palsy or when certain groups of muscles become atrophied, losing their power to perform their functions, it excites the muscles to action, aid- ing them by artificial substitutes, made of elastic, rubber or steel placed on the brace so as 1o gently exercise the affected parts. We can attach these artificial muscles for flexion or extension, as the case may require. (Continued to next page.) 332 DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Directions for Measurement: Patient's name and full description of the case. Patient's age and weight. Length from sole of foot to ankle-joint. Length from sole of foot to knee-joint. Length from sole of foot to trochanter major. Length from sole of foot to crest of ilium. Circumference of calf. Circumference of knee. Circumference above knee. Circumference of thigh. Circumference of pelvis one inch below iliac crests. Patients should furnish their own laced shoes or send the folllowing measurements if they wish us to furnish them: Length of sole of foot. Width of shoe worn, narrow, medium or wide. Circumference of instep. Circumference above ankle. Fig. 1132. Apparatus for Paralysis oi One Limb. Price, for one leg, $30 to $40. Shoes extra. This brace is designed for Hemiplegia and is similar to our No. 1130, except that it is only intended for one limb. Directions for Measurement: Give same directions as for No. 1130, and state whether for right or left limb. Fig. 1132. Apparatus for Paralysis of One I-inib. Fie;. 1134. Apparatus for Support of Weak Limbs. Fig. 1134. Apparatus for Support of Weak Limbs. Price, for adults, $35 to $70. Shoes extra. Price, for children, $25 to $35. Shoes extra. This apparatus is for the support of weak legs when, by reason of relaxed joints, softening of the osseous structure or partial paralysis, they cannot quite bear the weight of the body; but when the muscles still retain some power to perform their re- spective functions. Very light steel springs are secured to shoes, and carried up the sides of the legs to the pelvis, they are provided with joints corres- ponding to the natural ones, and secured to calf, Ihigh and pelvis by well padded bands and buckles. Directions for Measurement: Patient's name, and age. Length from sole of foot to ankle-joint. " " " " " knee-joint. (Continued to next page.) DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Length from sole of foot to hip-joint. " " " " " iliac crests. Circumference of pelvis, one inch below iliac crests. " " thigh. " ' calf. Patients should furnish their own shoes or send the following measure- ments if they wish us to furnish them: Length of sole of foot. Width of shoe worn, narrow, medium, or wide. Circumference of instep. Circumference above ankle. Fig. 1137. Apparatus for the Support of Leg, with Hip Band. Price, for Adults, $25 to $40.00. " " Children, $15 to $20.00. Shoes extra. This apparatus is similar to fig. 1134 and is intended for relief of cases where only one limb is affected. Directions for measurement same as fig. 1134 stating also which limb is affected. Fig. 1138. Knock-knee Braces. Price for a pair of braces. $30 to $40. flt^p Shoes are charged extra, according to quality. The mechanical treatment of knock-knees requires a proper instrument of sufficient strength to suit the condition of the patient. The one represented is the simplest and most ef- fectual one of which we know. It consists (if the deformity be double) of two lateral stems, with joints at the ankles, knees and hips, extending from the heels of strong shoes to a well- padded pelvic band. The pelvic band is made in two halves in order to admit of adjustment — the tightening of the posterior buckle everting the toes, that of the front buckle inverting them. A pair of padded straps secured to each other crosswise act as shown in the cut. In this manner they support both the head of the tibia and femur, whilst their com- bined direction of force being outwards gradually corrects the deformity. Some surgeons prefer to have the appa- ratus without a joint at the knee, but is there not a risk of inducing anchylosis by too long retention of the limb in one position? Besides, the patient is liable to fall with stiff splints, and is thus in constant danger of fracturing the bones of the thigh or leg. Directions for Measurement; Patient's name and age. Length from sole of foot to ankle-joint. Length from sole of foot to knee-joint Length from sole of foot to hip-joint. Length from sole of foot to iliac crests. Circumference of pelvis 1 inch below iliac crests. Circumference of thigh Circumference of calf. Right, left, or both feet Fig. 1137. Ap- paratus for Sup- port of Weak Leg with Hip Band. I" Fig. 1138 \ stick to be placed on the out side of the limb, and these two measures taken around both Knock-knee Braces. .1 DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Fig. 1140. Apparatus for Partial Paralysis of the Leg or Thigh. Price of the Apparatus for one leg, full length, $25 to $30. Price of the Apparatus, for both legs, full length, $30 to $60 According to size and workmanship. Shoes extra. This brace is applicable in cases of wasting palsy, or when certain groups of muscles become atrophied, losing the power to perform their functions. The muscles are excited to action, and are aided by artificial substitutes made of elastic rubber or steel, placed on the instrument so as to gently exercise the affected parts. Directions for Measurement: Patient's name and age. Right or left leg. Length from sole of foot to ankle-joint. Length from sole of foot to knee-joint. Length from sole of foot to upper third of thigh. Fig. 1140. Circumference of calf. Apparatus for Circumference of knee. Partial Paral- Circumference above knee. lL.eg or'Tliigli! Circumference of thigh. Send laced shoes. If you wish us to furnish shoes, the following additional measurements are required: Length of sole of foot. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference of instep. Circumference above ankle. If both legs are of eq^ial length the above apparatus is sufficient; but if the affected limb is shorter than its fellow, the extension apparatus, fig. 1270, must be combined with it, this will add $8.00 to the price above stated. Fig. 1142. Best Bow-leg Braces. Price for a pair of braces, $25 to $30 00. If made with extensions, $30 to $35 00. U^" Shoes are charged extra, according to quality. The mechanical treatment of bow legs is very simple. 1. The bones in a softened condition, yielding under the weight of the body, must be assisted by extraneous help. 2. The arched bones must be restored to their normal condition. The instrument illustrated by the cut answers the purpose admirably. The support is given by double stems of steel (secured to a shoe) carried up as high as the thigh—jointed at the ankle and knee to allow the patient perfect freedom of motion. They are kept in place by calf (a), and thigh-bands (b). The bow is corrected by pads (c) and (d) being placed respectively against the ankle and knee on the concave side of the limb, whilst a strap (<■) passed around on the highest Fie. 1143. Best Bow-leg Braces. 9 335 DEFORMITY APPARATUS—Prices to Patients. point of the arc, inside of the outer stem, tightly buttoned to the steel bar on the concave side, gradually compels the leg to become parallel with it. This is by far the best form of braces made for these cases, and should always be ordered in the worst form of cases, particularly where the knee is at all involved. Directions for Measurement: Patient's name and age. Length from sole of foot to ankle-joint (c). Length from sole of foot to knee-joint, inner side (d). Length from sole of foot to knee-joint, convex or outer side (d). Length from sole of foot to upper third of thigh, inner side of leg (_>). Length from sole of foot to highest point of the arc (e). Circumference of calf (e). Circumference of thigh (b). Patients will furnish their own laced shoes, or send the following measure- ments, if they wish us to furnish them: Length of the sole of the foot. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference of instep. Circumference above ankle. Fig. 1144. Bow leg Braces single bar. Fig. 1144. Bow-leg Braces, Single Bar. Price, for pair of braces $20 to $25. Shoes extra. Price, with extension, $23 to $28. This apparatus is similar to fig. 1142, and differs only in having a single side bar. It answers for mild cases, and for those who desire a cheaper brace than the j former. "■ Directions for measurement the same as for fig. 1142. ° Fig. 1146. Short Bow-leg Braces. Price, $15 to $20. This apparatus will answer in many slight cases or when the bow is greatest below the calf and the knee is not involved in the deformity. Directions for measurement the same as fig. 1142. Fig. 1146. Snort Bow-leg Brace. Fig. 1147. Bigg's Instrument for Short Leg. Price, $35. This instrument is very useful where shortening of the limb is the result of anchylosis of the knee-joint. It is a modification of Bigg's, and consists of a thigh trough, well padded, and attached to a strong steel stem, bifurcating below the knee, and running down each side of the leg, terminating in a socket which is filled up with a rubber bottom to rest on the ground. The thigh is secured to 336 DEFORMITY APPARATUS—Prices to Patients. the apparatus by straps and buckles. The weight of the body is transmitted to the ground by side stems in a vertical line, without straining the knee. For further comfort, the knee may be kept in place by a knee-cap. A strap is passed over the middle of the leg, whilst the foot rests on a swiveled plate placed between the bifurcated stem. Directions for Measurement: Patient's name. Right or left leg. Length from sole of foot to knee-joint. Length from knee-joint to upper third of thigh. Circumference of the thigh. Circumference of the calf. Degrees of the angle of flexion. Distance from the heel of the patient's shoe to the ground when standing erect. Fig. 1148. Apparatus for the Knee- joint. Price, $20 to $30 00. This apparatus is designed for overcoming 1147. Bigg's Instrument for Short Leg muscular contractions of the knee-joint and for favoring the re-establishing of motion in cases of false anchylosis. It consists of twd metal troughs for the re- ception of the thigh and leg, and connected underneath the knee with a screw by means of which the limb may be flexed in any direc- tion. These two troughs are connected by two lateral shafts jointed at the knee and provided with a knee-cap which is adjusted so as to exert pressure upon the patella, it is a powerful instrument and as it can be moved swiftly it is adapted to the breaking up of adhesions, should the surgeon prefer this method to gradual extension. Directions for Measurement: Patient's name. Right or left leg. Patient's age. Length from above ankle to knee-joint. Length from knee-joint to upper third of thigh. Circumference above ankle. Circumference of the calf. Circumference of the knee. Circumference above the knee Circumference of the thigh. Fig 114g Anchylosis Ap. paratus for the Knee-joint. Fig- 1150. Sayre's Knee-joint Apparatus. Price, $20 00. It consists of two bands or collars of sheet-steel, about an inch wide, em- DEFORMITY APPARATUS—Prices to Patients. Fig. 1150. Sayre's Knee - joint Appa- ratus. bracing the limb—the one above the ankle, the other at the upper third of the thigh admitting of adjustment by means of a hinge and slide that may be locked, at any given point, by turning the nut with the key fitted for this purpose. They are connected on either side by an extension rod, of the rack and pinion (or screw) con- struction. Directions for Measurement: Circumference of thigh. Circumference of leg above ankle. Circumference of knee. Length from above ankle to upper third of thigh. Fig. 1151. Markley's Patella Splint. Price, $16.00. This splint is intended for the treatment of fractures of the patella and dislocations of the knee-joint and may be utilized in cases of fractures either just above or below the knee. It consists of two well padded iron troughs connected with hinges and circle stop so that it may be used straight, or flexed to any desired angle. Traction on the pads may be made by means of the two long screws, which are shown on the under side of the splint and turned by a wrench. Each screw is provided with a sliding nut, which moves in a slot cut in the trough and to which is attached the traction bands CC. The bands BB assist in holding the pads firmly in place, while the bands AA hold the splint to the limb. As this splint can be made useful in many ways it should be in the hands of every practitioner. Fig. 1151. Mark- ley's Patella Splint. Fig. 1152. Brace for Correcting Anterior Curvature of the Tibia. Price of a brace, for one leg, $12 to $18.00. Price of a pair of braces, $24 to $3600. Iggs- S-hoes are charged extra, according to quality, This cut is a fair representation of the instrument. It consists of two upright steel stems, fastened below to a shoe and terminating above in the calf-band. The deformity is corrected, either by passing a leather bandage around Fig.l 152 838 DEFORMITY APPARATUS—Prices to Patients. the stems and tightly lacing it in front over the arc of the curvature (a), or by a strap passed over the arc of the curvature and fastened to a spur suspended from the calf-band behind. The points of resistance being in either case the heel of the shoe (b) and the posterior trough of the calf-band (c). In ordering the apparatus, send the follow- ing particulars and measurements: Patient's name (or sex). Patient's age. Anterior curvature of the tibia. Which foot? Length from sole to ankle-joint Length from sole to calf (c). Circumference of calf. If you wish us to furnish shoes, send the following additional measurements: Length of sole of foot. Circumference of instep. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference above ankle. Fig. 1155. Apparatus for the Support of Weak Ankles. Price of a brace, for one leg only, $8 to $10.00 Price for a pair of braces, $16 to $20.00 Ugg" Shoes are charged extra, according to the quality. Those instruments are used to maintain the position of the foot, after the relief of valgus or varus by the regular clubfoot shoe, and also for correcting simple lateral inversion or eversion of the ankle joint, resembling varus or valgus, com- monly called weak ankle We attach, by means of three rivets, to the sole of a common laced shoe, a lateral stem, jointed at the ankle (a), passing as high as the centre of the calf, and here fixed to a band (_>). The ankle is supported and kept in its cor- rected posture by a triangular V-shaped leather strap (r) acting against and buttoned to the steel stem on the opposite side. The best direction for selecting the side on which the instrument should be applied, is, that if the outer ankle has a tendency to eversion, the apparatus should invariably be placed to the inner side, and vice versa. In obstinate cases it is made by double stems, in order to give greater security, and to keep the sole in a strictly horizontal plane; the ankle may Fig, 1155. be further protected by a small round soft pad, to prevent chafing against the steel. Directions for Measurement: Tendo achillis contracted? Length from sole of foot to ankle-joint. Length from sole of foot to calf. Circumference of calf. Patient's name (or sex). Patient's age. Weak ankle resembling varus or valgus. Right, left, or both feet. If you wish us to furnish shoes, send the following additional measurements Length of sole of foot. I Circumference of instep. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference above ankle. DEFORMITY AFPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. Fig 1162. Improved Clubfoot Apparatus tor Talipes Varus. Price of a single shoe, complete, $10 to $14.00. Price of a pair of shoes, complete $20 to $28.00, according to size. "The sole of this strong leather shoe is of metal, with a joint near the heel, allowing lateral motion. A strong and durable spiral spring as shown in the cut (a), draws the foot outward by a constant, elastic, and easy traction. This pressure is increased or decreased at will, by fastening the spring in a series of sockets (c). "The single outside upright steel bar, with joints at the ankle, is fastened around the limb below the knee-joint, and so constructed that the screw at the ankle-joint forces the foot flat upon the floor, which foot in almost all cases is turned under as indicated by the sketch. The spiral spring (d) attached to a catgut cord and fastened near the toes upon the outside of the foot, elevates the toes and stretches the tendo achillis, thus drawing the foot to its natural position. "The shoe is well padded, and as there is no metal in the heel-cap, no ex- coriation is oc- casioned. The contraction of th e leather above the heel prevents the shoe from slip- ping off (always so difficult to retain in fleshy infants). The straps round the instep depress any undue Fig. 1162. Improved Clubfoot prominence of Apparatus for Talipes Varus. the arch of the foot, and within the shoe a broad and well-padded tongue keeps the toes flat upon the sole of the shoe. This apparatus resembles much the regular shoe, and shows no deformed appearance." A very simple and light night shoe, to keep the foot in the same position gained by the above shoe during the day-time is of much service. For Talipes Valgus, the same principle, but with reversed action is applied. Directions for Measurement: Fig. 1163. Talipes Valgus. Length of foot. Circumference of calf (d), Circumference of instep (c). Circumference of ball of foot (a). Circumference above ankle (_»). Length from sole to upper part of calf. Right or left leg. Talipes—varus or valgus. Fig. 1164. Sayre's Improved Ball and Socket Clubfoot Shoe. Price of a single Shoe, $10 to $14.00. Price of a pair of Shoes, complete, $20 to $28.00, according to size. This consists of a cushioned iron cap to receive the heel, the leather cover- ing of which is carried over the instep and ankle, and fastened by lacing. Elastic 340 DEFORMITY APPARATUS.—Prices to Patients. tubing (V) to go in front of the ankle-joint, to further secure the heel in position, and fastening at (C) an iron hook on outside of heel-cap. Sole of shoe (_9), cushioned, and laced securely in front of the medio-tarsal articulation. Ball and socket-joint (__?), connecting sole with heel. Elevated plate of iron (F), properly cushioned to make pressure against base of first metatarsal bone. Steel bars (Gr), connecting the sfcoe with strap (H), to go around the calf. Joint (K) op- posite the ankle. Stationary hooks {L), opposite the toes, for at- taching the india- rubber muscles G tiemann &co- i^MM). These Fig. 1164. Sayre's Improved india-rubber tubes Ball and Socket Clubfoot Shoe, have chains attach- ed, and ar& for the purpose of making flexion and eversion. This shoe has been made more comfortable and convenient by a slight heel, and by making the up- per leather nearly like that of an ordinary shoe, and not so clumsy as the primitive clubfoot shoe. The upper leather adapts itself more perfectly by lacing Fig. 1165. Talipes Equinus. than if arranged with straps and buckles. This shoe, as pictured above, is ar- ranged for valgus or varus. There is really no essential difference, only observe the principle to apply the artificial muscles in such position as shall best supply the place of those paralyzed. Directions for Measurement: Length of sole of foot. Circumference of calf. Circumference of instep. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference above ankle. Length from sole to upper part of calf. Right or left foot. Talipes—varus or valgus. Fig. 1167. Apparatus for Talipes Cal- caneus. Price of a brace, for one leg only, $10 to $12.00. Price of a pair of braces _ _ . $20 to $23.00. Fig. 1167 shows the same apparatus Avith this differ- ence: instead of the cord, or elastic webbing contract- ing posteriorly in fig. 1162, we have a Steel Spiral Spring, placed on a pivot and playing between brackets of the leg and ankle stem, to depress the front part of the foot by extension. There is not so much danger of falling with this apparatus, when descending stairs, the spurs often used being dispensed with. T,£^|W G Fig. 1167. Apparatus for Talipes Calcaneus. DEFORMITY AEPARTUS.—Prices to Patients. ^_F" Shoes are charged extra, according to quality. Directions for Measurement: Patient's name. Patient's weight. Patient's age. Right or left foot. Length from sole to ankle-joint. Length from sole to calf. Circumference of calf. If we are to furnish shoes, the following measures are required in addition: Length of the foot. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference of instep. Circumference of ankle. Fig. 1169. Apparatus for Weak Ankle and Contracted Tendo Achillis. Price of a brace, for only one leg, $8 to $12.00 Price of a pair of braces, $16 to $24.00 __^°Shoes are charged extra, according to quality (talipes equinus.) Should there be contraction of the tendo achillis, and consequent dropping of the toes, it is [conveniently corrected by means of an arti- ficial elastic muscle, or*e end of which is fastened to the sole of the shoe the other to the calf-band (_>); it may be regulated to any degree of tension by means of a buckle (e). In ordering the apparatus, send the descrip- tion and measurements for fig. 1155. Fig. 1170. Extension for a Short . Leg. Price of brace, $9.00. For a short leg, the result of infantile Fis;. 1168. Talipes Calcaneus. Fiji 1157. Same as above. paraysis, when pace in growth have not kept of the corres- ponding extremity, we make an extension to correct the patient's limp, and to guard against the danger of spinal curvature. The ap- paratus consists of a steel frame of proper height securely fastened under a plain shoe. The steel base has a leather sole attached, to avoid noise when walking on pavements, stone or wooden floors, and to prevent falling on slippery ground. These extensions are light and comfortable. Directions for Measurement. Have the patient (both feet bare) stand up, place books or blocks of wood under the short foot until the shoulders and pelvis are in a horizontal plane, then measure these books or blocks, which will be the height required for extension. Send us a well-fitting shoe. Right or left leg. Shoes are charged extra, according to quality. ro. Extension foi Short Leg. B2C DEFORMITY APPARATUS—Prices to Patients. Fig. 1172. Steel Soles for Flat Feet. Price for one sole, $2-50. Price for a pair, $5.00. For flat feet we make a plain steel sole well tempered, and shaped to ap- proach an ideal arch of a foot. These soles are covered with leather and M fastened inside of a common shoe with a single screw. They afford a person afflicted with flat feet immediate re- lief. They should be thin to yield a little, but strong enough to keep the bones arched. In ordering the steel sole for flat feet, state if they are wanted for the right, left, or both feet and send the shoes or outlines of the soles of the shoes traced on paper. r ^ Fig. 1173, Steel Soles for Flat Feet. Fig. 1174. Bigg's Apparatus for Bunions. Price for Apparatus, for one foot, $8 to $12.00. Price for Apparatus, for both feet, $16 to $24.00. This apparatus consists of a delicate lever of spring steel, with an oval ring in the centre, which is provided with hinges at its anterior and posterior margin. The apparatus is attached to the instep by a laced band, and the toe to the extremity of the spring by a piece of webbing. It affords the articulation freedom of motion in the natural plane, whilst the malposition of the toe is gradually rectified by con- stant lateral traction. It can be worn in a shoe. Directions for Measurement: Place the foot on paper and trace with pencil. Circumference of ball of foot. Fig. 1174. Bigg's Apparatus Circumference of instep. for Bunions. Fig. 1176. Apparatus for Over-riding Toes. Price of Apparatus, for one foot, $7 to $15.00; for both feet, $14 to $30.00. The apparatus for over-riding, or " hammer toes," consists of a steel sole ar- ranged with slits corresponding to the spaces between the toes. A strap of web- bing is passed through these slits and over the contracted toe (or over each and all, as the case may re- quire), and buckled or tied under the sole, tense enough to straighten the toe. This apparatus is kept in place by a thin silk, linen or cotton covering, laced to the instep, and may be worn in an ordinary shoe. Directions for Measurement: Place the foot on paper, and trace with pencil. Circumference of ball of foot. Circumference of instep. Fig. 1176. Apparatus for Over-riding Toes. THE IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL LEGS, MANUFACTURED BY CHARLES TRUAX & CO., 81 RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO. There is no department in the manufacture of surgical appliances, re- quiring so much skill and science as that of making artificial limbs ; and while it is impossible to manufacture those that are equal to natural ones, yet so far has science advanced in this direction, that we can now offer to the maimed, artificial legs that not only possess a natural motion combined with ease and comfort in walking, but a degree of strength, elasticity and lightness never before attained. We can give to the wearer not only a reasonably graceful step, but a perfect form, and a leg that for reliance, stability, firmness and durability has no superior. As our leg is constructed upon new and improved designs that commend themselves to all who have examined it, we have named it the "Improved artificial leg," and though we believe it to be the best one in the market, and consequently prefer to make it to any other, yet we are prepared to manu- facture almost any other style of leg that our patrons may select, realizing as we do, that it is the purchaser who is to wear it, and that to please him must be our chief aim. Our legs are made from the very best of stock, and are fully warranted for five years, and should they break or wear out inside of that time on account of poor mate- rial or inferior workmanship, we will repair them free of charge. Fig. 1 shows an exterior view of our "Improved artificial leg" when made for an amputation at the thigh. As will be seen by the cut, the leg is graceful in form and the joints fit closely together, so that the clothing is not in danger of being drawn into it and cut, when bending the knee, as is often the case with poorly con- structed ones. The upper portion of the thigh socket is shaped and fitted to the stump so accurately, that we obtain a bearing upon all sides alike, which distributes the weight of the body over so large a surface that it produces no pain or discomfort to the wearer. We em- ploy the same principle in supporting the weight of the body as would be used by one who would with both hands firmly grasp the limb of a friend below the calf, and attempt to raise him from the floor. And as this could be accomplished with the requisite amount of strength without causing the person being lifted the least amount of pain, so we can support the weight of the body with our thigh socket without having any of it come upon the end of the stump. In cases where the end of the stump is verjr tender, we enlarge the inner diameter of the leg so that it does not even touch the tender portion, or if it is firm enough to carry a portion of the weight, we divide it proportionate^ between the end and sides of the stump, and in every case we use that plan which is best adapted to the ease and comfort of the wearer. The upper rim of our thigh socket is made quite thin, so that we avoid producing the unsightly looking ridge at this point that is so commonly seen on those wearing the ordinary legs, and in order to prevent this thin rim from splitting, we wind it upon the outside with wire, tightly drawn and soldered. This is done by cutting a groove just below its upper edge, about one-half inch wide and deep enough to admit sev- eral layers of fine wire. This wire is wound on as tightly as possible, and each coil soldered so that it can neither slip or unwind, thus forming a metal band that is not only light but of great strength. Our legs are all made from thoroughly sea- soned English willow, as this has been found to possess great strength combined with lightness and durabilit}-. In order to give our legs additi- onal strength, and to prevent their splitting or being damaged by water, we cover them with Calf skin raw hide so tightly and neatly drawn on as to resemble the natural limb. This raw hide is then covered with a flesh-colored water-proof ce- ment, which forms a hard glossy surface so they can be wiped off with a damp cloth without injury to the leg. Fig. 2 shows the internal mechanism of our "Improved artificial legs." D and H show the knee and calf bars, to which are attached the knee cord G and the ankle cord I. These cords are em- ployed to keep the leg in proper position when standing straight. By means of the little nuts at D and K, the joints may be tightened so that all looseness may be taken up from time to time and the tendency to rattle or clatter avoided. L L L represents three coiled wire springs that are cov- ered with buckskin to prevent squeaking. The two on either side of the ankle joint impart a natural and elastic motion to the ankle, no matter whether the foot be turned up or down. The lower one of these three springs serve% to bring the toes back to a natural position after they have been bent upwards either instep- ping on the toe or an uneven sur- face. These springs serve largely in giving our legs their elasticity, which is making them so popular. Fig. 2. In figure 2 we have shown the ball of the foot resting on a block of wood, and which illustrates with what ease one can pass over uneven surfaces when wearing one of our legs. By our arrangement of the cords and springs, the leg can be moved backwards or forwards on the ankle joint, while the foot remains flat upon the floor. This movement enables the foot to accommodate itself to any position it may be placed in when walking, whether going up or down grade or over uneven surfaces. With the ordinary legs in the market, if the wearer step on such a block as shown in our Fig. 2, with the forward part of the foot, as soon as the weight of the body is thrown forward and upon this leg, the ankle does not prove elastic enough, and the heel must be raised from off the ground in order to pass over the obstacle. This necessarily raises the entire body, causing him to "limp" badly, and thus cramping him severely at the thigh and straining the leg. With our new improve- ments we avoid much of the limping (or hitching, as it is often called) that is so noticeable in those wearing the common legs, and which is caused by an absence of sufficient elasticity in the ankle joint and by the cords holding the leg too far back, thus cramping the knee and thigh of the artificial leg, when the forward step is made with the sound one. Fig. 3 shows our knee joint when disconnected. The bearing used in this joint consists of a hollow steel cylin- der or barrel, which presents so much surface upon which to distribute the friction, that it will stand years of wear with only an occasional bushing. Fig. 4 shows our ankle joint discon- nected and the two springs by means of which the foot can be flexed and then returned to its natural position. Fig. 5 is a view of the device used in connecting the foot to the leg and forming the ankle joint. It consists of a cylindrical journal made of steel, turned and polished per- fectly smooth. On the outer surface there are two flanges, which are fitted into two corresponding grooves on each side of the joint and which keep the foot and leg in their relative positions lat- erally. The upright bolts are used to fas- ten it to the leg while the lower one passes through the foot and is fastened below with a nut. Fig. 6 shows this same device, cut through in half from end to end. C shows the brass barrel joint, which forms the head Fig. 3. Fig. 4. of the lower bolt and which allows to the leg its motion. By tightening or loosening this lower nut the amount of play given the joint can be easily regulated. By covering the bottom of the foot with pure soft sponge rubber, we avoid the hard sound usually made by those wearing the old style legs. Fig. 7 shows our "Improved artificial leg" for a case where the amputation has been made below the knee. The lower part of this leg is made and fitted in the same manner as our full length leg described on page —, and differs only in the thigh piece and knee joint. The thigh piece of this leg consists of a leather socket or lacer that is fitted tightly to the limb, so as to carry a portion of the weight of the body and thus partially relieve the stump and knee joint. This leather lacer we now make with a new fastener, consisting of a stout cord passing over a series of hooks, by which means the leg may be put on in the dark, and laced up in one-fourth the time required to adjust one of the old style ones where eyelets are used. This may often prove to be of great advantage, as people are often called up in the night unexpectedly, and in a case of fire these few minutes saved might be of great value. Fig. 7. Fig. 8 shows our new improved "crow foot" knee joint, which has proven to be superior both in shape and dura- bility to any other style yet devised. In order to obtain a bearing over as large a surface as possible, we have divided the lower portion of this joint into three forks, the two outside ones of which are bent at an angle oblique enough to nearly encircle the socket, (there being one of these forked joints on each side of the leg.) This serves to give the socket additional strength, as the rivets do not tend to check and split the wood as is the case when the common straight bar running down the sides is used, which has the rivets all in a line parallel with the grain of the wood. This is an important feature in selecting a leg, as the tendency of all the common legs is to split and become loose where this bar is fastened to the wood. By examining Fig. 7, the eye of the joint will be seen to sit down flush with the top of the socket, and as the upper part of the joint irons are curved to fit the shape of the knee joint per- fectly, there is no disfiguration of the leg, and the pants sit smoothly over them without scarcely showing the presence of this joint. This curve also gives plenty of room to admit of flexing the limb backwards when sitting down, and will neither cramp or cut the clothing under the knee. Those who have worn artificial legs, will readily appreciate the advantages offered by our curved knee joint. We use the Fig. Fig. best of steel in making this joint, and carefully case- harden it at the eye. and the whole is finely polished and plated. Fig. 9 shows one of our knee-bearing legs, such as we apply in cases where the stump cannot be used in walking. This sometimes occurs where the ampu- tation has been made just below the knee joint, or where the stump has become contracted at right angles with the leg. In these cases a padded bearing is made to receive the knee ; the thigh socket is fitted to the stump similar to our Fig. 1, except that it has a narrow lacer in front. The calf is made full so as to come out flush with the end of the stump, the end of which is neatly covered with a leather apron, that is fastened to the knee joint and which serves to protect it from being struck or bruised. We can usually succeed in giving to the limb a normal appearance and a well rounded shape, .that com- pletely disguises the disfiguration usually entailed on those having this serious complication. Fig. 10 shows an am- putation by tfym's. and Fig. 11 shows one by Chopart's operation. For these cases we make a leg like Fig 12, which is fitted so as to lace up a- round the limb to the knee, and which protects the stump and makes a good and service- able appliance. Fig. 13 shows an apparatus for short- e n e d limbs, and which is taking the place of the cork boots and stirrups wherever intro- duced. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. The deformed limb below the knee is in- serted in a light case, accurately fitted to the shape of the leg and ankle; it is retained by soft, leather bands, laced in front; the foot rests on an inclined plane, so as to reduce the anterior posterior distance from toe to heel; a boot or gaiter, full at the ankle, may then be drawn over the whole, and pants of the usual shape and size can be worn and will utterly conceal the Apparatus for Short- deformity. The artificial foot corresponds in size , with the foot of the other leg. The artificial ankle \ joint obviates the excessive limping and physical strain experienced in the use of cork boots and stir- rups ; it also allows the patient to gain the natural length of step. It is light, strong and durable, and when applied gives the patient the proper appearance in dress, length of limb and action of the foot, and enables him to walk a great distance without fatigue. With each leg purchased from us, we furnish a well fitting stump sock that protects the limb and keeps it from chafing. These stump socks are knit from the best of fine woolen yarn, and are made to cover the entire stump from its lower end up to the thigh. We keep a supply of these on hand, and can always furnish them on short notice These stump socks are also well adapted to wear on the stump as soon as it is healed, in order to keep it warm, and to assist in compressing and strengthening it. Great care should be exercised in the treatment of the stump after it has healed and before a leg is applied. The stump and joints should be moved vigorously and often, in order to preserve a natural and easy i1 l_r. 10. A ^ motion and to prevent muscular contraction. Nothing but exercise makes and keeps our joints and muscles strong and flexible, and these are essential in using a leg to advantage. Were you to allow a sound and healthy arm to hang useless by your side for a single month, it would become weakened so as to be almost, useless. This principle applies equally as well to a leg stump, and is ample evidence, that the sooner a leg is applied to a stump, after it is thoroughly healed, the better. The length of' time to be allowed in these cases must vary according to circumstances, depending on the cause of ampu- tation, the severity of the shock to the nervous system and the general health of the patient, but under ordinary circumstances, two or three months is suffi- cient. In order to secure a perfect fit, it is necessary that the party come to our factory here in Chicago, for we shape our legs so accurately to each stump, that we must have the patient here in order to guarantee a perfect fit. We can make a leg from measurements, and while we will warrant to make one exactly according to measure, we cannot guarantee as good a fit as if the party were here. Parties desiring to order legs, should first write to us and obtain a measure blank, which must be filled out with the utmost care and accuracy, and returned to us so that we will receive it at least three days before they arrive here to be fitted. This enables us to block out the leg and to have it all ready for fitting, which can usually be done in one day, although sometimes requir- ing two. After a leg is fitted, it takes from five to seven days to finish it, and parties who do not wish to remain here in the city so long, can return home and have their leg sent to them afterwards by express. Remember that a remittance for at least one half the amount of the leg must accompany the order blank, otherwise no work will be done upon it. A lady who has had experience in the business, will be provided to give at- tention to lady patients, and all consultation is considered private and gratuitous. Good hotel accomodations can be secured within one block of our factory thus enabling parties to be close at hand while being fitted. If those who are strangers in the city and who arrive in the daytime, will telegraph us at what hour and on what road they expect to arrive, we will meet them at the depot and see that they are supplied with proper conveyances to a good hotel that is within a short distance of our factory. Write to us for prices, stating full particulars. CRUTCHES—Discount 25 per cent. 1192. Small Crutch, Rubber. B_p- No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. 1190. Crutches. 1194. Whitemore'e bottoms. 1193. Large Crutch, Rubber. CRUTCHES, No. 1, Rock Maple, common split__________________pair 2 50 " 2, " " feruled__________.....________" 4 00 " 2, " " with rubber bottoms___________ " 5 00 '• 3, best maple_________________________________ " 8 00 " 3, " rosewood______________________________ " 10 00 Mallacca_____---------------------- ____________ " 15 00 CRUTCH, Rubber, small, fig. 1192------------------------------" 40 « large, fig. 1193......______..............----_" 60 Bottoms. Whitemore's, fig. 1194_______________________ " 2 50 Artificial Arms and Hands. In the manufacture of artificial arms, we employ the same amount of skill and accuracy as in making our legs, and although it is far more difficult to construct an arm that will answer in its respective place as well as a leg, owing to the manifold uses it is put to, yet we are making arms and hands that not only possess a life-like appearance, but that enable the wearer to use them to jreat advantage, and perform a vast amount of work with them. Fig. 14 shows an arm for an amputation above the elbow, and which possesses two valuable motions, one of which con- trols the movement of the arm and the other of the fingers. The arm is elevated and controlled by a cord, that is fastened in the forearm and which passes over a pully in the elbow, thence up the side of the arm to the shoulder, which it passes over, and thence across to the opposite shoulder which it encircles, buckling into a loop, so that by throwing forward either the stump or opposite shoulder, the cord is contracted and the arm elevated, thus enabling the wearer to throw out the arm to any angle of the body. The fingers are held closed by means of springs, and may be opened with the aid of a cord which passes from them through the forearm under a pully in the FlG-14- elbow, and fastens to the first cord. We can fit this arm to those who have three inches or more ctf stump, and provided it retains a healthy degree of force and rigidity, it will enable him to raise his hand to his mouth or forehead, and to take his hat from off his head. We can give him perfect control of the elbow joint, so he can throw it back- wards or forwards, or hold it in any position. We can also make an arm having a fixed position at the elbow similar to our Fig. 14. These arms we make very stout, so they can be made to do service in carrying heavy loads such as valises, baskets, clothing or any other article that may be hung or suspended from it. The hands can be made to suit the purchaser, so that he can carry a valise, pail of water, hold the lines in driving, and in short, use it as a valuable assistant to the sound one. Fig. 15 shows an arm for an amputation below the elbow, that can be FlG 351 used for so many different purposes, that it soon proves to be an indispen- sable assistant. The hand is made to unscrew, so that in place of it, the wearer can screw on a knife, fork, pen, nail brush, or such other implements as he desires to use. He can thus cut his own food and carry it to his mouth, write with respectable clearness, wash the remaining hand, and in fact, do many things nearly as well as the sound one. These arms and hands are made strong and reliable, thus enabling the wearer to carry as much on the artificial ones, as he would ordinarily carry on a natural one. Fig. 16 shows a less complicated arm, which is intended to supply the wants of those who cannot afford to purchase the more expensive ones. The arm and wrist are made similar to Fig. 16. our Fig. 14, but the hand has only a thumb movement, the fingers being stiff. This arm is made extra strong, so that it forms a suitable one for heavy out-door work. We can supply it with a removeable hand, so that other appliances can be adjusted in its place. Fig. 17 shows an arm with the hand detached, and a device for holding tools and other appliances in its place. Fig. 18 shows a part of the internal mechanism of our improved hands. Fig. 19 shows an exterior view of hand. Fig. 20 shows a knife that can be quickly put on to the wrist in place of the hand. This knife can be folded up and carried in the pocket. Fig. 21 shows a fork that can be attached FlG- 17- the same as the knife, and which can also be folded up. Fig. 22 shows a style of tool we often make for those who wish some device to assist in general work, where much strength is required. It consists of a kind of clevis, made on a swivel so it can be turned in any direction. We are prepared to furnish the Kolbe patent arm and the Marks rubber hand, and will make any other style desired. In ordering, be par- ticular to state what kind of tools you desire to have with the arm. If you conclude to order from us, send to us and we will mail }'ou an order blank. Fig. 22. Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. Fig. 21. MANUFACTURERS OF Self Propelling Invalid Chairs, Patent Rolling Ghairs, Carrying (.hairs, Nursery Cliairs, CrutcliES, Etc., Etc. Chicago, Illinois. Orders for these goods received and filled by CHAS. TRUAX & CO. IMPROVED SELF-PROPELLING INVALID CHAIR. BOVE cut shows a New Style Self-Propelling- Chair for invalids, which is convertible at pleasure to a reclining or sitting position. It is intended especially for persons with weak or paralyzed lower limbs, and is constructed with a view to practical convenience and safety. It is easily propelled by means of cranks and endless chains, as shown, running over sprocket wheels. Each wheel moves independently of the other, thereby enabling the operator to turn on the spot, as well as move in any direction. The foot rest can be swung- up so as to facilitate easy access to the seat. The motion of the cranks being transmitted by its sprocket wheels of but three inches diameter to those on the front wheels of six inches diameter, the working power is doubled, so that weak persons can propel it with ease. The machine will work comparatively well on a rough or sandv road, or when ascending a moderate inclination; its speed is that of an ordinary walk. This chair is intended for use both on the street and in the house. The chair is so balanced that the occupant may adjust it to any position and retain the same by means of a ratchet. The back and foot rest work either independently or together. The latter is so made as to be adjustable to the length of the occupant, thus adding to the comfort. No. 20. Full size, as above style, frame is made of wrought iron, with perforated seat, back and leg rest, finished in the natural color of the wood. Hight of back 32 inches, width of seat 17x18, steel suspension wheels, 2S inch front and 14 inch hind wheels. No. 21. Full size, same as above, cane seat, back and front fitted into the frames, uphol- stered arms. No. 22. Full size, back, seat and leg rest upholstered in raw silk or remie cloth, springs in back" seat and leg rest, and stuffed with curled hair; No! 23. Full size, back, seat and leg rest upholstered in genuine morocco leather, springs in back seat and leg rest, tufted and filled with curled hair. «_^-»X. B.__Rubber Tire Suspension Wheels to fit above style chair, $15.00 extra. ■\V ill pass through a doorway not less than 28 inches wide. Send for Complete Price List to R. BOERICKE & CO., Chicago, Or to CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago, where samples may be seen. n Archer's Patent Gynaecological & Oculist Ghairs, MANUFACTURED BY ARCHER MANUFACTURING CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Branch Office & Salesroom, 227 Canal St., New York. Send for Illustrated Price List. The above illustration shows the Chair in position for use, with Foot Arm and Stirrups swung" out in place, and Back Support resting on the floor. (The back and seat can be placed on a level, same as shown in other cuts.) The clotted lines show the position to which the front edge of seat can be tilted if desired. The above illustration also shows the Chair in position for use, with the Extra Seat Extension attached to the side, giving the necessary Sims position. Also shows the Slide or Platform drawn out. , EK,^_.TI__SrC3- T^_.BXi_E3. Fig. i. RECONSTRUCTED!! ANNOUNCEMENT.—Haying recently completed the thor- ough reconstruction of the Lounge, the inventor believes he now|has the honor of presenting the most perfect and satisfac- tory device ever offered to the Medical Profession for the purpose. Fig. I represents simply an elegant Lounge in which there are no visible indications of the operative advantages it possesses. Dimen- sions, 6 ft. long, 27 in. wide and 18 in. high. Fig. 2 represents the Lounge adjusted as a general operating table. This transition is accomplished in the brief space of five seconds by a few turns of the crank at the foot of the lounge. Dimensions, seat (which forms the table), 54 in. long; head, 18 in. long; over all, 6 ft. long; width, 27 in.; height, adjustable from 18 to 32 in.; exclusive of longitudinal and lateral inclinations. Fig. 3 represents the Lounge as a Gynecological Table with the longitudinal inclination, with stirrups and pillow. The stirrups are so arranged that they can be used at any length, or fixed at any lateral angle. The foot pieces are formed so as to give both rest and brace to the feet, and they fasten at any height. Fi?. THE PRINCIPLE ON WHICH THE LOUNGE IS CONSTRUCTED IS AS FOLLOWS: Inside the body of the Lounge is a truck consisting of three wrought iron axles with lignum- vitse wheels, and a right and left hand threaded screw which passes through the center of the axles ; the standards which are pivoted at the bottom to the axles, and at the top to the frame beneath the seat, are drawn together or spread apart by the turning of the screw, thus raising or lowering the table at pleasure, without the aid of pawls or ratchets. This arrangement, while it is simplic- ity itself, is the surest, strongest and quickest that can be devised, and it cannot get out of order. The double frame to which the standards are pivoted, and to which the seat is hinged, admits of both lateral and longitudinal inclinations. The head is hinged to the seat, and being adjustable it can be fixed at any desired inclination or dropped instantly, which is of great value In the administering of anaesthetics. The frames of the Lounges are made of black walnut and finely finished. The upholstering Is of the best quality, the head being upholstered with, and the seat without, springs. The Lounges are mounted on anti-friction casters, so that they can be easily moved with the patient on the Lounge. The increase in the cost of the manufacture consequent upon the more expensive principle involved in the reconstruction, has necessitated a corresponding advance in prices for the Lounge. CASH PRICES WITHOUT DISCOUNT. In imitation leather, including every attachment except pillow, $ 85.00. In real Jeather, including every attachment except pillow, . 100.00. Pillow, in imitation leather, $4.00. Pillow in real leather, . 5.00. We also manufacture a new Physician's Working Cabinet, Knapp's Oculist Chairs (newly reconstructed and improved' and everything pertaining to the comfort of invalids, including Fr ctnre Beds, Reclining, Rollirg, Canying and Commode Chairs, Commodes, Back Rests, Bed Tray's Adjustable Tables, Reading Appliances, &c, of which we publish a general catalogue, free on application. CEO. F. SARCENT, Inventor, Patentee and Manufacturer, 816 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Order! filled by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., 81 Kaudolph St., Chicago, III. PRICE LIST OF A. M. Day's Fracture Splint. Office and Manufactory, Main St., Bennington, Vt. is 1JTHE complete set comprises 54 pieces—are applicable in every case where a ' Splint can be used. The principal material is wood carved to fit every limb, and all sizes from infant to adult. They are light, simple and durable. Manufactured only by G. HAYDEN DAY, Bennington, Vt. ■Three Donhle Incline Plane Splints. 1 Large, $5 50; 1 Medium, $5 00; 1 Small, $4 50. One Long Extension Splint and Foot. Price, $5 50. Eight Radius Splints. 4 Right and 4 Left Arm. Price, 75c. each. The Interosseous Splinte are used with these. Six Forearm Splints are ap - plicable to either arm. Price, 67c. each the Interosseous Splints are also used with these. Five Interosseous Splints, used m connection with the Radius and Forearm Splints. Price, 50c. each. Three Jointed Arm Splints. Three Condyle and Humerus Splints, applied as per cut to either arm. Price per pair, $2 50. Two Clavicle Splints. Large, 83 50, Small, $3 00. This splint has been often used, and always with the most gratifying results. Seven Dressing or Coaptation Splints, used with long Extension Splint in dressing fracture of thigh or leg. 75c. for package of seven. Four Patella Splints, $1 00 each. A complete appliance for treat- ment of fracture of patella, or any in- jury aboutthe knee. Use "figure eight"' bandage. Twelve Ankle Splints, (one set) *10 00. Each splint is marked and are used in pairs. There are three sizes inside and outside right, and three sizes inside and outside left leg. Price per pair, $2.50. The full and complete set of .54 pieces, securely packed in fine case $50 OO net. Very respectfully, C. HAYDEN DAY. Orders filled by CH4.S. TRUAX & CO., 81 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. Johnstone's Improved Adaptable Porous Felt Splints. Complete Sets in Cases (50 pieces—25 Adults', 25 Children's,) Johnstone's Improved, $30.00 per set, containing:— Inferior Maxillary. Femoral. Clavicle. Anterior Knee Joint, right and left. Shoulder Cap. Posterior Knee Joint, right and left. Humeral. Anterior Tibial, right and left. Elbow, right and left. Posterior Fibula, right and left. Radial, right and left. Straight Piece for Fingers and Toes. Ulnar, right and left. Club Foot (mention age), right and left. All the above are contained in a complete set, Adults' and Children^, fifty pieces, for $30 00, or can be bought singly for $1 00 each. Extra Splints Sold by the Piece and not incorporated in a Regular Set. Price Each. Levi's Johnstone's Palmar, right and left..____............____________ 1 00 Levi's Johnstone's Dorsal, right and left ._........_.___________________ 1 00 Combined Arm and Forearm, Anterior, rt. ang., right and left. \ Generally sold in Combined Arm and Forearm, Posterior, rt. aner., right and left. *_. „„pairs' . ° ° l $0.00 per pair. Combined Arm and Forearm, Anterior, obt. ang., right and left, f ^i_-_» JT- t. • , $3.00 per single Combined Arm and Forearm, Posterior, obt. ang., right and left. J piece. Per Tail". Anterior and Posterior Forearm Condyle, right and left________________ 2 00 Fixation Splint, Hip Joint, Anterior and Posterior, right and left......_.__ 15 00 Femur, Perineal and Hip Support, right and left____________........____ 3 00 Right Angle Elbow, Anterior and Posterior, right and left............___ 2 00 Obtuse Angle Elbow, Anterior and Posterior, right and left............__ 2 00 Per PiflC6- Metacarpal, Index and Middle Fingers, right and left____________________ \ 00 Metacarpal, Little and Ring Fingers, right and left____________________ 1 00 Metacarpal, Thumb, right and left__________________________ 1 qo Malleolus, Internal, right and left_______...............__________ 1 00 Malleolus, External, right and left_____________....._________ 1 00 Hinged Pelvis Splint (Male and Female)____________..........________ _ 10.00 Per Pair. Wilis' Anterior Straight Splint for Elbow and Lower Third of Humerus, right and left.,_____.......______________________________ g 00 Allis' Posterior Straight Splint for Elbow and Lower Third of Humerus, right and left________....._______......._________......__ g qq JOHNSTONE'S IMPROVED ADAPTABLE POROUS FELT SPLINTS. AHL'S SPLINT MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, 123 and 125 South Eleventh St., - - PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ADAPTABLE POROUS SPLINTS, invented and improved by W. H. Johnstone, have been tested extensively in both civil and military practice for a number of years, and have been endorsed and recommended in the most unqualified manner, by the celebrated and distin- guished Surgeons of America. Their porosity is a peculiar and valuable property. While the material is firm and insoluble, it permits readily the passage of air and fluids, so that, on one hand, the heat from the inflamed surface, the perspiration, and the morbid exhalations, are not confined to the detriment of the patient, as is the case in every other kind of -splint, but pass off freely; and on the other hand, lotions of cold or warm water, medicated or not with weak alcohol, carbolic acid, arnica, tincture, solutions of the sulphites, etc., can be constantly applied without disturbing the dressings. This, it will readily be seen, is a most invaluable property when the parts are bruised, lacerated, filled with extravasated blood, or erysipelatous, and give these splints a conspic- uous advantage over all others. From FRANK H. HAMILTON, M. D., Professor of Fractures and Dislocations in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Author of "A Tkeatise on Fkactikis and Dislocations," etc:—Having examined carefullv, JOHNSTONE'S IMPROVED ADAPTABLE POROUS FELT SPLINTS, I feel warranted in recommending them to the Profession as superior to all other manufactured splints now in use. They possess all the essential qualities of a good splint, having firmness, pliability and lightness. FRANK H. HAMILTON, M. D., Prof. Military Surgery and Fractures and Dislocations, Bellevue Hospital, Col. From PROF. D. HAYES AGNEW, Prof. Sursrery, University of Pennsylvania:— 1611 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, February 6th, 1879. The ADAPTABLE FELT SPLINTS, formerly known as those of Dr. Ahl, with the im- provement now made by W. H. Johnstone, which renders them in every way superior to the former, I regard as very excellent appliances in the treatment of fractures. D. HAYES AGWEW, Prof. Surgery, University of Pennsylvania. Detailed Descriptions of Most Useful Splints. 366 Anterior Knee-Joint Splint, No. 9 :—This splint is adapted to treat fractures of the tibia, fibula and femur near the joint, and also, in connection with the an- terior and posterior tibia and fibula splints, to treat all fractures of those bones. Posterior Knee-Joint Splint, No. 10:—This splint, in connection with the anterior knee-joint splint, treats fractures of the tibia, fibula and femur near the knee- joint, and also the upper third of the fibula and tibia, and the lower third of the femur; and also, in connection with the anterior and posterior tibia splints, treats all frac- tures of those bones. These splints can be used for the tibia and fibula also, when fractured about the middle of the shaft. Anterior Tibia Splint, No. 9: — This splint is intended for fractures of the tibia proper, and especially for fractures, either simple or compound, in the vicinity of the ankle-joint. It reaches from the knee-joint to the instep, and embraces the ankle-joint perfectly. Fractures of the malleoli will be readily treated by combina- tion of this and the following piece. There are two splints of this kind to each set. Posterior Fibula Splint, No. 10:— This splint is suited to treating fractures of the fibula proper, and also in the vicinity of the ankle-joints, either simple, compound or comminuted. Nos. 11 & 12 are combined for a complete apparatus for treating bad com- pound fractures of the tibia and fibula, either in the upper, middle, or lower third, and at the ankle-joints. There are two splints to each set—one for the left and one for the right limb. For full sets of these splints see page 364. PALMAR and DORSAL SPLINT IN POSITION Obviates the necessity of compresses or pads, and insures extension and position. Orders received by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., 81 Randolph Street, Chicago, III. JUELB reputation enjoyed by the Microscopes manufactured by R. & J. Beck is worldwide, a»d * has been maintained for more than a quarter of a century against all competition. This reputation was first gained, and was maintained during many years, through ihe production of P*ir8t-Clas8 Instruments. Of late years there has arisen a demand for cheap instruments, and a demand that has been mainly filled by literally worthless articles of French manufacture, made to look well and to sell, but as instruments of precision or research, utterly useless. Believing that a discriminating public would sustain them in an effort to produce a thoroughly well-made and reliable Microscope for a low price, they some years since introduced their Economic and Na- tional Stands and Accessories, since which the sale of these instruments has been simply enor- mous. This has been due to their perfect construction, mechanically and optically, and to their cheapness, no other instruments in the market at all approaching them in these particulars. A demand having arisen of late for Stands, with Swinging Sub-Stages and Broad-Gauge Screws, in ad- dition to the usual Society Standard, they have fully met the same by the introduction of their "Ideal" and Improved National Microscopes, which will be found illustrated and described in these pages. Although making a specialty of the Microscopes and Apparatus manufactured by R. & J. Beck, we are fully prepared to supply our friends with those of any other make. We also import to order the Stands and Objective* of Hartnack, Zeiss, and Verick, and have always in stock Dr. H. Gibbe's Staining Fluids for Bacteria, and all the latest novelties in Microscopic Apparatus and Appliances. No. 1200. One-third Actual Size. No. 1200. HISTOLOGICAL DISSECTING MICROSCOPE.—Net price $30.00. This instrument combines a Compound Microscope with a Single and Dissecting one, in a v^.v compact, practical, and economical form. The outfit consists of a single lens of W% inch fo- ..«« mounted with the Society Screw, for dissecting and botanical work, and an achromatic ob- wtive of Y*. inch focus, the same as furnished with the Economic, and one Eye-piece, giving a ^„' 0f powers, with the draw-tube, of between 200 and 300 diameters, a pair of brass pliers, tw» disjecting needles in Ebony handles and a glass plate with ledge. The whole packed in a neat Mahogiiny Case with lock. 3777 BECK'S MICROSCOPES. No. 1203. One-Half Actual Size. The Scholar's Microscope, Net Price, $30 00. This most complete, low-priced Microscope has a Tripod Base and Stand all Brass, similar in size and form to that of the Economic, No. 1306, with the same Body and Eye-piece as are furnished with that instrument. It has coarse and tine adjustments, draw-tube, one Eye piece, a dividing objective of 1 inch and M inch power, and the Mirror swings above the stage for iliu- m-nation of opaque objects. In Mahogany Case, with handle and lock. ' BECK'S MICROSCOPE' One-Third Actual Size. No. 1206. Economic Microscope, Net Price, $45 00. The above cnt is an accurate illustration of the cheapest form of our Economic Mickosoope, «a without doubt the cheapest good instrument ever made. The stand is of first-rate work ^AnstriD throughout; and the objectives are of high excellence, the }4 readily resolving P. ai-srilatnin in balsam- For the above price the instrument is furnished with one eye-piece and tvw objectives, an inch and % inch, which, with the draw tube, give a ran^e of powers from about 60 to 350 diameters; a condensing lens for the illumination of opaque objects; a glass plate nHU-ledge for the examination of objects in flnid, and a pair of brass pliers; the whole packed ina-iandsome French polished Mahogany Case with lock. BECK'S MICROSCOPES One-Half Actual Size. 1205. University Microscope, $50 00. This new Stand has been designed for the use of Universities and clasa work where rapid movement with a good grade of objectives are desired in the same instrument. The base is of "brass and heavily weighted, and the entire instrument is made firm and solid. The Body slide* in a well fitting tube, and is delicately adjusted by sensitive micrometer screw. Two objectives, inch and quarter inch, and one eye piece, No. 2, giving powers from about 60 to 375 diameters, concave mirror, substage, etc., all in neat mahogany case with lock. BECK'S MICROSCOPES. This is an accurate illustration of our Improved h'conomir Microscope furnished with two Eyepieces and two Object-Glasses (1 inch and hi inch), magnify- ing from about 60 to 450 diameters; a Condens- ing Lens, for the illumination of opaque objects; a pair of Stage Forceps and a pair of pliers; a glass plate, with ledge for examination of ob- jects in fluid; and a handsome Mahogany Case. The stage is firm, but very thin, allowing the utmost obliquity of illumination, and the tube beneath is arranged to carry polar- incope, achromatic condenser, etc. One-Half Actual Size. No. 1209 Economic Microscope, Net Price, $60 00. BECK'S MICROSCOPES Economic Microscope, with movable Glass Stage, and Draw Tube; two Eye- pieces and two Object-glasses, 1 incli and 1-6 inch focus, having a range; of powers from about 65 to 750 diameters; Stage Forceps, Pliers and Glass Plate with Ledge. In Maho - any Case. One-Half Actual Size. No. 1212. Economic Microscope, Net Price, $70 00. BECK'S MICROSCOPES. The Binocular Economic Microscope, with 1-inch and 1-6-inch Object-glasses, two pairs of Eye-pieces, concave and plane Mirrors, Side Condensing Lens, for the illumination of opaque objects, Movable Glass Stage, Stage For- ceps, Pliers, and Glass Plate with ledge, in Mahogany Cabinet. One-Half Actual Size. No. 1215. Binocular Economic Microscope, Net Price, $ 95 00. BECK'S MICROSCOPES. The Ideal Microscope, Monocular, with ad- justable Sub-stage and Mirror, swinging around the stage on a graduated circle with centering stop; movable Glass Stage, which can be re- placed by Clips, leaving a very thin stage for Diatom work. Objectives, Eye-pieces and all accessories, precisely the same ap those furnished with the National Monocular Microscope, No. 1221. In handsome Mahogany Case. This we believe to be the best adapted of any of our stands for the nses of Phy- sicians. The objectives are of a high grade and guar- anteed achromatic. One-Half Actual Size. No. 1218. Ideal Microscope, Net Price.----------------$85 00. With Revolving Brass Stage Instead of Removable Glass--80 00. BECK'S MICROSCOPES. New National Microscopes are,'we believe, without any exception, the best instruments for their cost ever made. The Stand is 14 inches in height, all brass, with Tripod Base. The arm carrying the body is supported upon an upright Solid Column, with joint allowing of inclination at any angle. The quick Adjustment of Focus is effected by means of a Rack and Pinion of the most perfect construction; the fine Adjustment by a delicate Micrometer Screw. The Stage is of glass, rotating Concentrically. Beneath is a Tube, carrying all sub-stage illuminating apparatus, and which is entirely removable to allow. of Oblique. Illumination. The Diaphragm is of entirely novel ^ct* construction, with various-sized openings, di- rectly beneath the object. Con- cave and Plane Mirrors are hung upon a swinging bar, with com- plete adjustments, allowing them to be placed in every possible po- sition. Two Object-glHgses, 1 inch and 1-6 inch, magnifying from about 47 to 600 diameters; two pairs of Eye-pieces, Stage Forceps, Glass Plate, Condensing Lens, on separate Stand, and a pair of Pliers; packed in a strong French polished Mahogany Case, with good brass handle and lock, and drawer fo>-accessories. The work- manship thronghout is first-class, the Objectives of excellent pen- etrating and defining powers, ana the whole outfit fully equal to any other instrument in the market costing fifty per cent. more. One-Third Actual Size. No. 1221. Improved National Microscope, Net Price, $100 00. BECK'S MICROSCOPES. One-Third Actual Size. 1224. Improved National Binocular Microscope, Net Price, $125 00. This new Binocular Stand is similar to the one shown on the previous page, and is here shown with the Swinging; Sub-stage inclined at a slight angle, with graduated circle, around which It swings, and Shutter Diaphragm in position, together with Rack and Pinion to Sub-stage; also Fine Adjustment Screw and Removable Nosepiece carrying Binocular Prism. 377 1225. Achromatic Condensor. 1220. Parabolic Reflector. 1227. Double Nose-piece. OBJECTIVES, IDEAL SERIES. The " Ideal " Object-glasses in the following list have been carefully formu- lated and made to meet the wants of that large and growing class of -working Microscopists who, whilst requiring most exactingly the very highest perform- ance in a lens, as to flatness of field, freedom from color, penetration, and perfect definition and resolution, do not care to pay the prices necessarily charged for fancy lenses, made regardless of cost. The "Ideal" Series fully meets all these re- quirements, and we confidently recommend them as being superior in all respects to any others of similar cost now made. From the i up they are furnished with Cover Corrections. Focal Linear magnifying power nearly, Degrees of angle of length. with Eye-pieces. aperture. Draw-tubes. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. $ c 3 in. closed 12 20 40 8° 16 00 2 in. closed 24 40 70 10 o 13 00 l|in. closed 29 48 90 15 o 20 00 1 in. closed 55 90 160 25 o 20 00 h in- closed 120 200 360 45 o ,20 00 i in. closed 210 350 600 95 o 20 00 « in. closed 300 500 800 115 o 30 00 i in. closed 420 700 1000 120 o 40 00 b\> in- closed 800 1200 2000 120 o 60 00 OBJECTIVES, NATIONAL SERIES. In order to meet the universal demand for good and well corrected Object- glasses, adapted to the wants of true observers, who need reliable glasses at a moderate cost, impossible in lenses of the very highest grade, we have now intro- duced our New National Series, which we confidently recommend as the best iow-priced Objectives ever made. They are corrected with great care, are ex- ceedingly well mounted, furnished with the Society Screw, and packed in hand- some engraved Brass Boxes. The Series is as follows: Lt Focal Linear magnifyin g power nearly, Degrees of angle of aperture. Price. ; length. with Eye -pieces. "Draw-tubes. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. $ c. 3 in. closed » 12 20 32 70 7 00 2 in. closed 23 43 70 10° 7 00 1 in. closed 47 78 116 19o 9 00 $■ in. closed 65 110 170 25o 10 00 closed 100 170 260 38° 12 00 i in. closed 200 340 520 90° 12 00 £in. •_- in. closed 275 480 750 112© 15 00 closed 365 620 965 115© 20 00 -fr in. A in- closed 730 1240 1930 115o 30 00 closed 900 1550 2500 120O 45 00 25 BECK'S ACCESSORIES. Section cutter with Clamp to Fasten to Table. 1230. Condensing Lens on Stand. 1229. Polarizing Apparatus. ACCESSORIES. PRICES NET. ACHROMATIC CONDENSOR and fitting, fig. 1225___________ . 8 50 ADAPTER............._______________________________ 2 00 BOXES. Postal, to hold from 1 to 25 objects__________..........10 to 20 CABINETS, Upright, panel door to hold 500 to 1,000 objects___35 00 to 70 00 Horizontal, to hold 2 dozen to 12 dozen objects____1 00 to 8 00 CAMERA LUCIDA, Wollaston's, for drawing an object 6 50 Vertical, to use with microscope upright........--------------- 8 CASE, with 12 sliding trays holding 144 objects____ 4 CONDENSOR, ACHROMATIC, with fitting______ 8 CONDENSING LENS, side..........._........____ 2 on stand, fig. 1230. 6 DARK WELL...............------..........--- 2 w„ ^3, Can DIAPHRAGM, Iris..............___________ .... 2 50 Lucida Micromett-r. BECK'S ACCESSORIES. DIAPHRAGM, Conical_______________________ 2 EYE PIECES for Ideal microscopes, 1 to 5......each 5 " National microscopes, 1 to 5__each 5 " Economic " 1 to 3..each 5 LENS, Hemispherical, mounted_________________ 3 LEIBERKUHNS........_______________3 50 to 6 LIVE-BOX, small__________________________.. 2 MICROMETER, Glass, ruled intoTJ0 to to1-,, of an inch, fig. 1237___........________ 2 25 MODERATOR, Glass, light blue_________________ 2 50 NOSE PIECE, Double, angular, fig. 1227__________ 7 00 Triple, " ___........15 00 OBJECTS, Popular Series, two dozen in case_______ 7 00 Educational Series, six dozen in fine case.. 30 00 1236. Eye Piece. PARABOLIC REFLECTOR,Wenham'b, for dark field illuminations, fig.1226_________________ 8 50 POLARIZER, complete with Prisms, Selenite and adapter, fig. 1229--............____15 00 PRISM, DIATOM, Woodword's mounted 1 50 1237. TABLES, Revolving............_______.....------_________7 50 to 50 00 TRIPLETS Achromatic.........________________.....______12 50 to 13 50 TROUGH, Glass, complete, with wedge and spring................--- 3 00 DISSECTING AND MOUNTING INSTRUMENTS.—PRICES NET. CASES of dissecting instruments-----------------........._._7 50 to COMPRESSORS, Spring, nickel plated.........------.....------doz " # wood_________________________________doz FORCEPS, Dissecting, brass ......------------------------------- " steel, straight_______________________________ " " " very delicate.....---------------- " " angular______________......------------ " " " very delicate____________________ " '• curved on the flat_________________'____ « " " " " very delicate_____,_____ GLASSES, Flat, pair-------.....---------------------------------- Concave, pair----------------------------------------- HOLDERS, for glass slips--------------------------........------- HOOKS........---------------------------------............. KNIVES, Dissecting, various patterns............---.....------ ..- For use with section cutters_______ .______________3 00 to Section, Valentine's---......---------------------------- NECESSAIRE, Dr. Ranvier's---........-------------------------- PLIERS_______________________.....---......--------------- POINTS------..........----------------------------........ SAUCERS, Brass, glass bottom------......-------------------- SECTION CUTTER, Ranvier's, plain............-------------..... « with clamp, fig. 1228___________.....- Army Medical Museum pattern___............._ With knife and carrier, Seller's----------------- Large, with ice box for freezing---------------- Complete, with ether spray_______........----- SCISSORS, Dissecting, straight------.......----------------------- " curved on the flat___........----------------- " knee bent_______.......--------------------- SYRINGES, Injecting...................--------------------9 00 to 15 00 75 25 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 25 85 2 00 2 00 90 75 5 00 5 00 3 50 50 90 1 25 7 00 8 00 10 00 13 50 15 00 20 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 12 00 BECK'S ACCESSORIES. 1240. Turn Table. TURN TABLE, with centering adjustment, fig. 1240_______________ 4 00 Sidle's, self centering______......_____......____ 6 50 Beck's, perfected______________________________ 7 00 MOUNTING MATERIAL. ALCOHOL, Absolute........_ AMMONIA CARMINE---- AMARANTH___________ AN ALINE, Methyl Green__ Blue_________ BALSAM, Canada, in tubes__ " " " benzole . '< " in chloroform BELL GLASSES_________ BENZOLE, Pure__________ BORAX-CARMINE______ BRUNSWICK BLACK____ CELLS, Glass Ass'd_____doz. Block Tin______ " Hard Rubber___ " Atwood's______ " CEMENT, Ball's__________ Brown's Rubber___ White Zinc______ COMPRESSOR, Holman's— COVER GLASSES: circles No. 1, per oz. ■1 « 2 " " " " 3 " " DAMAR .................... EOSIN________________ GENTIAN VIOLET______ GLYCERINE, Pure_______ Jelly -........ 25 GLUE, Hollis'______........ 25 25 Marine___........._. 35 40 " Liquid_______ 50 25 GOLD SIZE___.....______ 25 25 HAEMATOXYLIN.......___ 25 25 MAGENTA___.....______ 40 50 " , Red....._1_____ 25 50 METHYLBLUE..........___ 40 50 OIL COLORS......______ 50 35 PICRO-CARMINE .....___ 25 25 PIPETTES, with bulb......... 25 25 SAFRINE___.........____ 50 1 00 SLIDES: 50 Glass, 1x3 cut edges_____gro. 175 15 " 1x3 ground edges_. " 3 00 30 " Chances pat-----doz. 30 50 " " ground .. " 30 35 " " thin____" 50 50 " with Hollow_____ " 1 50 6 00 Wooden_____________ " 25 Holman's Life. _......__each 150 3 75 "- Current_________ 150 2 75 « Cage----------- 4 50 2 25 " Syphon___....... 3 00 50 SOD A, Sulphin digotate______ 25 25 STAIN, Dr. Gibb's__________ 60 40 TUBES, Drop.____________ 10 35 TROUGHS, Beck's Zoophyte _ 3 00 50 C. TRUAX & CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMIXGTS BATTERIES. 381 PART II. Portable Combination and Galvanic Batteries FLEMMING'S 30 CELL COMBINATION BATTERY. Devised and Perfected by Otto Flemtning. This is a combination of our 30-cell galvanic battery, illustrated and described on the following page, and our No. 3 Faradic battery. The above cut shows the method of putting the battery in action by raising the cells. In application, either the slow or the rapid interrupter of the Faradic apparatus can, by simply moving a switch, be made to act as an automatic rheotome for interrupting the galvanic current.' In certain instances, this combination of the two batteries in one case is of great advantage, but as a rule we would recommend physicians to have the galvanic and Faradic batteries separated, as being more convenient for general use. Put up in a substantial, handsomely polished walnut case, all the metallic work being finely nickel-plated. Weight, 30 pounds. Dimensions, 18 x 15 x 7 inches. „„_ Price of 10 cells, with rapid Faradic rheotome......!j>o5.00 " 10 " " and slow ......50.00 " 16 " " ......45-00 " 16 " " " " ......60.00 « 20 " " ......55-0° <• 90 " " '• " ......70.00 •< 30 " " ......75.00 " 30 " " " " ......90.00 382 C. TRUAX & CO:S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. FLEMMING'S 20-CELL COMBINATION BATTERY. This cut represents our new 20-cell galvanic battery, combined with a Faradic apparatus similar to our No. 1 Faradic rapid interrupting helix, page 23. If specially ordered, it is furnished with both the rapid and slow rheotome. Price, with rapid rheotome...........$55.00 " and slow rheotome.......70.00 Size of cases, 14 x 12 x 7 inches. Weight, 20 pounds. C. TRUAX & CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. 383 PORTABLE CONSTANT GALVANIC CURRENT BATTERY. Devised and Improved by Otto F lemming. This form of battery is now acknowledged to be the most perfect ever offered to the profession, overcoming, as it does, all the objections that have heretofore been so justly urged against all the older forms. The different sizes—ranging from 10 to 60 cells—are so made in sections of ten cells each that any one section or any number of sections can be used independently of the others, or all used together. If the operator desires to use the current of only a small number of cells, he need put but a single section in action, thus saving the zinc and fluid of the rest; or if any accident should happen to a part it affects only the section it is in, and not, as in all other forms, the whole battery. The elements are zinc and carbon, the fluid bi-chromate of potassium, and the cells hard rubber, which is lighter and more durable than glass. The battery is put into action by raising the sections of the cells by rods at the back, these rods being so regulated by springB that the elements can be immersed to any desired depth, thus regulating the quantity of electricity evolved at pleasure. Covering the cells when not in action is a hydrostat, or rubber-cushioned sliding-board, which, by means of two small rods on either end, is pressed down tightly upon them when the lid is closed, thuB preventing the fluid from spilling while being transported or if by accid nt the battery should be upset. Unlike all other batteries, the cells in this can be taken out in front for recharging, obviating the trouble and the risk of breakage in re- moving the elements on top. Connected with the binding posts for receiving the electrode cords is a commutator for reversing the polarity of the electrodes or interrupting the current by hand. On special orders, we attach a galvanoscope for indicating the presence of the current, or an automatic rheotome for inter- rupting the current once, twice, four or eight times a second. This instrument is especially applicable in nervous affections and for electrolysis. 384 C.TRUAX& CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMLYG'S BATTERIES. The walnut cases for these batteries are made in our own establishment, under our personal supervision, of the best material and in the most substantial manner, and we guarantee that with ordinary care they will last a life-time. The cases are highly polished and all metallic work is finely nickel-plated, the whole apparatus being as complete and elegant a piece of workmanship as it is possible to get up. Of the different sizes, the 10 and 20-c'ell batteries are chiefly for eye and ear specialists or private family use, the 30-cell for physicians' general practice, and the 40 and 60-cell for hospital or permanent office use, though the last two can be easily transported, if desired. .00 Size, 14 13 17 20 26 Price, 10-cell battery, $ 25.00 " 16 35.00 " 20 " 45.00 " 30 65.00 " 40 " 80.00 " 60 100.00 Galvanoscope .... 5.00 Automatic rheotome. 10.00 x 12 x 6 Weig ht, about _ 0 lbs x 10^x 6£ " a 15 " x 13 x 7 it 20 " x 15 x 7 << u 25 " x 15 x 7 K 11 30 " x 15 x 7 U « 40 " FLEMMING'S CONSTANT GALVANIC CURRENT FAMILY BATTERY. There is a demand among physicians for a cheap galvanic battery that may be put into the hands of their patients. To meet this want we have designed a simple galvanic battery to suit any desired number of cells. The cells are closed glass tubes, set in a movable frame which can be easily raised up and set by two screw-heads. The elements are zinc-carbon, and in the above cut the man- ner is shown in which a certain number of cells are brought into circuit. It is furnished either in open skeleton frame, as represented in cut, or cased up. Price, 6-cell battery......$ 6.00 In case, $ 7.00 10 16 20 30 40 50 8.00 9 00 10.00 11.50 16.00 17.50 20.00 ' 22.00 30.00 1 32.00 40.00 ' 42.00 50.00 52.50 96 C. TRUAX & CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. 386 PART III. Universal and Cautery Batteries. NE W UNIVERSAL BATTERY, COMBINING GALVANO-CAUTERY, GALVANISM AND INDUCTION. Constructed by Otto Flemming, with use of suggestions made to him by Dr. Carl Seiler, of Philadelphia. (patent applied for.) 886 C. TRUAX & CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. The Universal Battery, serving as a double-cell cautery, a twenty-cell contin- uous galvanic-current battery of large quantity, and a first class Faradic battery of slow and rapid interruptions, with cautery cord, one pair of cords and sponge electrodes for the continuous galvanic and Faradic currents. Price.....................$120.00 The same, without Faradic apparatus...... 95.00 Dimensions of Universal Battery Case.—18 in. high, 29 in. wide, 11$ in. deep. The application of electricity in medicine is becoming more generally recog- - nized as a curative agent in the treatment of disease, and as an aid in surgery, and it is therefore necessary to pay some attention to the source of the agent, viz., the battery, and make it as convenient and as efficient as possible ; and particularly is this necessary when electricity is to be used in surgery, for every surgeon who has used the batteries in the market has been annoyed by their inefficiency at the moment when wanted for an operation. This defect lies chiefly in the complicated mechanism and the smallness of the cups containing the acid in the portable galva- no-cautery batteries, which makes it difficult to keep every connection in working order, and in the bulkiness of the stationary batteries. There is, however, another very serious defect in these batteries when operations in the cavities of the nose or throat are to be performed with the galvano-cautery knife, which consists in the fact that the heat cannot be augmented or diminished during the operation without the aid of an assistant, and without interrupting the current; for the plates are entirely immersed in the exciting fluid, and the current can only be increased or decreased by increasing or decreasing the number of plates in the circuit. Recognizing the great value of galvano-cautery in minor surgery, and noticing their defects, we endeavored to construct an apparatus which would be under per- fect control of the operator, would be simple and easily taken care of, and at the same time would always be ready without any preparation, such as filling the cups with acid, washing the plates, etc. Such a battery we finally produced, which leaves nothing to be desired for universal usefulness as an office battery, as will be gleaned from the cut and the following description. Two systems of ten zinc and carbon plates each are suspended from two hard rubber platforms, Fig. 1,/and /', placed side by side in the top of the box. A brass spring is connected to each plate by a screw passing through the platform, and presses against a cylindrical commutator, by turning which the plates can be connected for quantity, i. e., all carbons and all zincs connected together, each lead to a binding post, d, e, e/ and d/; the carbons of the first system being connected with the zincs of the second system by the strips of brass connecting the binding posts e and e/; or for intensity, i. e., zincs and carbons being connected with each other alternately. Alongside of the platform / is another one, upon which are mounted the binding posts c and cr, which are connected by flexible cords carry- ing pins with the plates of the system in such a manner that the cord from the post c' leads to the spring marked O, the pin being inserted in a hole drilled into the head of the screw connecting the spring with the plate below the platform. The other post c carries a double cord, the pins of which may be inserted into any of the screw-heads of the systems of plates, and thus any number of pairs from one to twenty may be brought into action without interrupting the current. The posts b and V serve to connect the cords leading to the electrodes. Upon the same platform are also mounted a polarity-changer and a two-point switch for C. TRUAX & CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. 387 interrupting the current, if it is desirable, these appliances being used where an intensity of current is made use of. At the end of the box a Faradic apparatus is inserted, which may be removed and used separately away from the battery. In the lower portion of the box are two movable platforms, which may be raised or lowered by a treadle, to which they are connected by cords running over rollers. Upon these platforms are placed two hard-rubber cups six inches square by eight inches deep, partitioned off into ten compartments each ; and in these the exciting liquid, a mixture of bichromate of potash, sulphuric acid, and water, is contained. These cups being immediately beneath the s; stem of plates, sus- pended from the platforms, when raised by the treadle cause the plates to be immersed in the fluid, and thus a current is established which varies in strength according to the amount of surface of plates exposed to the action of the acid. A ratchet hook at the bottom of the box, by engaging in the bar of the treadle, will keep the cups at any desired height, so that the foot may be taken off; and by disconnecting the cords of either one or the other of the movable platforms either one or the other of the cups alone may be raised when only a compar- atively weak current is desired. When the plates are connected for intensity, by means of a turn of the commutator, and the galvanic current is to be used, one carbon and one zinc plate fit into each compartment and work the same as any ordinary galvanic battery. Since the back as well as the front of the box opens, the cups can be easily removed or inserted into their position on the movable platform. Below the Faradic apparatus are drawers for containing the instruments, connecting cords, etc. The size of the box containing the whole apparatus is 28 inches long by 12 inches wide and 16 inches high, and is therefore not too large to be easily moved. We have constructed several sizes of these batteries, such as a battery of one cell, for galvano-cautery only, and of two cells, etc., all based upon the same principle. From this description it will be seen that the apparatus has a very wide range of usefulness, and can be applied to any purpose for which electricity in medicine is used. Its great advantage as a galvano-cautery battery over other batteries of this kind consists in the fact that the operator can regulate the heat of his pla- tinum loop to a nicety by the pressure of his foot, and is, therefore, independent of an assistant, a very important point when small operations in the nose or throat, or about the genital organs, are to be performed. Further, that as soon as he lifts off his foot the liquid leaves the plates, and no further action on them can take place, thus saving the zincs as well as the strength of the fluid; the quantity of the fluid being very large, the products of the chemical action of the acid upon the zinc fall to the bottom, and thus the upper portion of the fluid remains fresh for a very long time, so that the fluid need not be renewed more than once in two or three months, according, of course, to the number of times the plates have been immersed. The simplicity of the connections, and the fact that they are placed above the platforms, out of the reach of the fumes of the acid, renders them but little liable to get out of order, and thus the battery is always ready when wanted. But this battery may also be used for other than medical purposes; and when con- nected'for intensity it may be used to work an electric motor for operations with the dental drill and burr, and may furnish an admirable illumination for laryn- goscopy and other purposes from incandescent lamps or a small arc light. 3S8 C. TRUAX ,(■ CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. ( PATENT applied for. ) FLEMMING'S DOUBLE-CELL GALVANO-CAUTERY BATTERY. Double-Cell Cautery, including heavy double conducting cord .... Price, $50.00 The same with Commutators for converting the Cautery into a 20-Cell • C. C. Galvanic Battery.................... " 95.00 Dimensions of Case.—18 inches high, 23£ inches wide, Hi inches deep. C. TRI/_ 1 A' & CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMINGS BA TTERIES. 389 ( PATENT APPLIED FOR. ) FLEMMING'S SINGLE-CELL GALVANO-CAUTERY BATTERY. Single Cell Cautery, including double conducting cord - . . .... Price, $30.00 The same with Commutator for converting the Cautery into a 10-Cell <( C. C. Galvanic Battery . Dimensions of Case—18 inches high, 13-£ inches wide, 11 J- inches deep. 50.00 390 C. TR UAX & CO.'S PRICE LIS T. FLEMMING'S BA TTERIES. Cautery Instruments for Nasopharyngeal Operations. ONE SET OF LIGHT CAUTERY INSTRUMENTS, CONSISTING of: A. The Universal Hard-Bubber Handle with Circuit-Closer, to which any of the instruments below may be attached.........Price, $5.00 B. The two Parallel Tubes with Platinum-Loop Wire and Windlass " 5.00 C. The Short, Straight Electrode or Knife for use in the anterior part of nares........................... 2.00 D. The Post-Nasal Electrode for introduction behind the soft palate . " 2.00 E. The Long-Knife Electrodes for introduction through the nares to posterior ends of turbinated bones and pharynx........ 2.00 F. The Spiral or Moxa Electrode.................. " 2.00 G. The Sharp-Pointed Electrode.................. " 2.00 H. Dr. J. Solis Cohen's Pharyngeal Electrode for the vault of the pharynx (protected)...................... '' 3.50 I. One set of three Bubber Nasal Specula.............. " 1.50 Complete, in neat, velvet-lined morocco case . ......... " 25.00 Single Universal Rubber Handle, with Platinum-Loop Wire and' Windlass (Ecraseur), representing A and __>..........Price,$10.00 Universal Rubber Handle, with either Electrode, C, D, E, For G " 6.00 Cautery Cords.......................each, 2.00 Rubber Cell......................... " 6.00 Carbon Plate with Metallic Connection............ " 1.50 without " " ........... " 1.00 Zinc " ........................ " .50 Pedal Catguts..........................per pair, .50 DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING CAUTERY FLUID Dissolve one (1) pound (avoirdupois) of bi-chromate of potash in one (1) gallon of boiling water, and when cold add twenty-four (24) fluid ounces of com- mercial sulphuric acid. When this is cold, add eight (8) fluid ounces of a saturated solution of nitrate of ammonium in nitric acid, and add a solution of one and a half (1_) ounces of bi-sulphate of mercury in one (1) pint of cold water. It requires little above three quarts for filling one cell. Use the fluid when cold; it will, if made up in quantity and bottled, keep for any length of time. FOR MAKING AMALGAMATING OR MERCURY SOLUTION. Mix in an earthenware covered vessel one (1) pound (avoirdupois) nitric acid with two (2) pounds muriatic acid, to which add eight (8) ounces of mercury. Let stand 5 6 hours or longer, and then add three (3) pounds more muriatic acid. This solution should be kept in a covered vessel and may be used many times. C. TRUAX & CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMIXG'S BATTERIES. 391 PART IV. Portable Faradic (Induction) Batteries. No. 00 and No. 0 FARADIC BATTERY. The constant demand for a low-priced battery suitable for family use has induced us to get up one which we think will be found the neatest and most satisfactory one made, and at the lowest price con- sistent with first-class materials and workmanship. It is only brass finished, has cotton-covered cords with one pair of tubular tin handles, but for ordinary domestic use it is all that is required. Price, No. 00 .................$10.00 " " 0, nickel-plated, with one sponge electrode and one tin handle . 12.00 No. 1 FARADIC" BATTERY. This battery is intended chiefly for the use of physicians in making their daily visits for pur- poses of diagnosis or in treating simple cases where the Faradic current is required. For private family use it will be found especially valuable, being simple, convenient and available in all cases where self-treatment is admissible. It is in a neat mo- rocco or polished black-walnut case, 6 x 6 x 7$ inches, and weighs when charged only five pounds. Price...............$15.00 The same battery, provided with slow and rapid rheotome, $22.50 392 C. TRUAX if- CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. No. 2 FARADIC BATTERY. A little larger and more powerful than No. 1, and with the addition of a commu- tator for reversing the polarity of the elec- trodes. Its primary and secondary coils are sufficiently powerful for treating nearly all cases in which the Faradic current is re- quired, but for a physician in general prac- tice who requires a battery for use in the more difficult as well as the simpler cases, we would of course recommend the more complete and more powerful No. 3 battery. Put up in polished walnut case, 7 inches square, metallic work nickel-plated. Price...........$20.00 No. 3 FARADIC BATTERY. This is the finest and most com- plete Faradic battery ever manufac- tured. It is provided with a slow and a rapid rheotome, or current-inter- rupter — a commutator, or polarity changer—scales by which the primary and secondary currents may be gradu- ated to the utmost delicacy or greatest power—and with our new patent gal- vanic cell. This cell (which is at- tached to the two smaller sizes also,) is so made that when not in action the zinc is raised out of it altogether, and the aperture through which it passes covered with a rubber hydrostat, making the cell perfectly fluid-tight and saving both the zinc and fluid from the effects of splashing in tran- sportation or of immersion in case of an upset. By this plan also the cell can be filled to the top and the zinc be made twice the usual length, thus producing a stronger current and last- ing a longer time. The special advantages of this battery are: First, its great power; we believe it to be the most powerful Faradic battery made. Second, its slow interrupter; by this the interruptions can be made as slow as one a second, which is of inesti- mable value in certain muscular affections where very slow interruptions v.ill produce decided contractions when rapid interruptions would produce little or no result whatever. Third, the scales bringing any desired length of the coils into action, regulating by them and the tube the intensity in the most infinite degrees possible. The quantity can also be varied by immersing the zinc to any desired depth by means of the movable clamp securing it. Fourth, the very great ad- vantage of its cell, more fully described on page 15. The battery is put up in a handsome walnut case, 7Jx 7. and 8i inches, has all its metallic parts finely nickel-plated, and weighs, when charged, ten pounds. $30.00 429999999999999999999999992 C. TRUAX &* CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BA TTERIES. 393 ELECTRODES. No. 1 Case, containing 11 electrodes and 1 pair of cords. Price $12.00 No. 2 Case, containing 20 electrodes and conducting cords. Price . . . $20.00 The electrodes in this case will be found illustrated and named on the fol- lowing pages. 26 394 C TRUAX <_r> CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BA TTERIES. Forms of Electrodes Used in the Various Kinds of Electrical Applications. 1. Laryngeal (Dr. Strawbridge's Eustachian Tube) Electrode.......$2.00 2. Eye " .......2.00 3. Tongue " ......\ .75 4. Ear " .......2.00 5. Nasal " .......1.00 6. Interrupting Handle " ....... 1.50 7. For Special Nerves " ........75 8. Large Sponge " .......1.00 9. Uterine and Rectal » " .......1.25 10. Urethral " .......1.25 C. TRUAX <5t», CO.'S PRICE LIST. FLEMMING'S BATTERIES. 395 11. Cup-Shaped for Mouth of Womb ...................$1.50 12. Vaginal Electrode..............1-50 13. Sympathetic Nerve " ..............100_ 14, 15 and 16. Disks, Olives, Points, &c ...............75 17. Carbon " ..............1M 18. Wire-Brush " ............; • *75 19. Foot-Plate " ...............75 20. Spinal " ..............L50 These include only the ordinary forms of electrodes in general use. Special shapes and sizes will be made to order in twenty-four or forty-eight hours upon receipt of drawings or description of the kind desired. ELECTRIC BATTERIES.- Discount 25 per cent. GAIFFE'S BATTERY (Faradic Current.) This gives: 1. The primary current; 2. The secondary current; 3. The cur- rent of the two first, combined in intensity; 4. Shocks, slow or fast, according to the use either of the contact breaker or the lever. Admitting that the three currents produce the same physiological effects, they give a series of results increasing in intensity. The battery working this instrument consists of a small rectangular cell of hard rubber divided in the mid- dle, each part containing a carbon plate and also one of zinc. Each is charged with bi-sulphate of mercury and water, producing no fumes or smell whatever. Td prepare the apparatus for use, remove the zincs from the gutta percha reservoir, place a few grains of bi-sulphate of mercury on the carbon plates contained in same reservoir and mix with a little water. Replace the zincs. Should the apparatus refuse to work, give the vibrator an impulse with your finger. The power of the apparatus is regulated by pulling out the tube more or less, and increased by adding to the dose of bi-sulphate of mercury. By prop- erly placing the conducting wires in their sockets, we have the primary, the extra, and the primary and secondary currents. To produce shocks press on the button. After use, clean out the reservoirs, wash and dry them. To keep the apparatus in repair: Oxide often forms on the platina of the vi- brator, clean, it by rubbing it softly with a small smooth file. The same, may happen to the springs which touch the platinum wires emerging from the res- ervoir; clean them in like manner, and as they serve the double purpose of hold- ing in place the reservoirs and forming the connection with the instrument—it is necessary to rebend them, should they cease to touch the wires. The ends of the conducting wires and their sockets should also be kept clean, which may be done with powdered pumice stone and a rag, the holes cleaned out with pumice stone and a piece of wood. Accessories to the Battery:—1. A pair of Sponge Holders; 2. An olive shaped Excitor; 3. A spherical Excitor; 4. A metal- lic brush. Price of Apparatus, $10 00; same, nickel-plated, $14 00; Extra Troughs, each $1 75; Extra Zinc Plates, each 20 cents. DAVIS & KIDDER'S ELECTRIC MACHINE, $10 00. CLOSED CELL. I Cell. 2 Cell Pocket-Battery. We claim that we have succeeded in pro- ducing- a battery calculated to meet the want of" professionalist and layman alike, and with the greatest confidence submit it to pub- lic inspection, criticism and judgment. It has a current so mild that it cannot be felt excepting by the most sensitive, and yet be gradually increased to one so strong as to fully meet the requirement of any medical demand. The disagreeable jerk, or electric "thump," so characteristic of many Batteries, is not found in these, but a current that is nowhere excelled for its fineness, smoothness and As the cell will give ten to twelve hours' work, and can be used from day to day, until that much electric energy is consumed upon the same charge of Bi-sulphate 3fercury used to get one hour's work out of a once popular Electric Machine, there is no question as to the claim of economical working. Thepole-cords are attached on the outside of thebox; the Oraduator is outside, most handily placed, and cannot fallout; the Cut-off for "making" and "breaking" circuit is also outtide. The boxes are Mahogany or Black Morocco. The Induction Coil, of best copper wire, carefully wound by skillful hands, and properly proportioned to produce the best effect. The Cells axe of hard rubber with carbon cham- ber, charged with a solution of Bi-sulphate Mercury into which a zinc rod is immersed. The zinc rod has a rubber head fitting tightly into the neck of the cell, making the whole air tight and acid tight The Rheotome is made on an improved plan, and is not liable to get out of order. The Pole-cords, Hand-Electrodes, Wire brush, and Olive and Spherical Electrodes are of the best" material and workmanship. POSITIVELY ACID TIGHT. Net Prices. No. 1.—i CELL, 6 inches long, 3% inches wide, 1 }4 inches high, . . $ 7.50 No. 2.-2 CELLS, 7% " " 3% " " 1% " " . . 10.00 THE SMITH & SHAW ELECTRIC CO., 168 W. 34th Street, New York City. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. ___________ For Sale toy o:f-C_A-S t__s.xj-A.-2-_: <5c go. 398 E. B. BUTLER, Secretary. L. M. MASON, Treasurer. ALVIN S. BUTLER, Itf. D. President. <^__=* OFFICE OF<=S-J COMMON SENSE ELECTRIC BELT CO. 2334 Prairie Avenue. lo. Physicians: The Manufacturers call the attention of Druggists and Physicians to their Common Sense Electric Belt, the only belt being furnished directly to Prac- titioners and the trade. The question of the advisability of treating a large class of diseases by appli- cation of electricity, seems to be no longer a debatable one. As to the best and most practical method of applying it, we feel assured that the experience of most Physicians who have used electricity has been similar to our own, viz.: That the best therapeutic results have been secured by the application of a mild, continuous current for a considerable length of time, and that so much time must be consumed in obtaining the desired result by the ordinary mode of application as to make it unprofitable to both physician and patient; hence the disuse of this invaluable agent in curing many forms of disease that might be successfully treated by it, among which we will mention Paralysis, Rheumatism, Sciatica Lumbago, Neuralgia, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Spinal Diseases' Torpid Liver, Intermittent Fever, Heart Diease, Dyspepsia, ImpotencV, Sexual Debility, Nervous'Prostration, and the various forms of weakness peculiar to the female sex. That our belts are endorsed and being used by many eminent Physicians in this city and elsewhere, justifies the belief that they will be received with favor by the profession and the trade generally. . These belts are a battery, simple yet scientific in construction—the elec- trodes are constantly charged-and will last for vears. Thev should not be con- founded with other Belts, requiring the frequent application of acids (vinegar, etc.), as the latter may soon become polarized, and hence, useless. We manufacture three styles of Belts, price '$3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 each, according to finish, aiming to bring them within the reach of all classes. Liberal discount to dealers. Trade supplied by CHAS. TRUAX & CO. HARDY'S IMPROVED OPTOMETER. s 4-> •H a 0 •H M ft e -_[ 0 z 3 f* o -S- 3C > CO n 3. —s p © r r 0- p° <-^ •* o ^HIS instrument plete set of convex ical and cylindrical three to seventy-two, arranged in a corn- form, in such a man- combination can be eye rapidly, and a test of its refractive tained. It forms a pensive and c u m- is particularly adapt- general practitioners. F. A, HARDY consists of a com- and concave spher- lenses from numbers inclusive. They are pact and convenient ner that any required formed in front of the speedy and accurate condition can be ob- substitutefor the ex- brous ratchet set and ed for the use of & CD, Direct Importers of OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, MAGNIFYERS. Proprietors of CRYSTALLINE INTERCHANGEABLE SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES. Orders filled by CHAS. TRUAX & CO., Chicago, 111. 400 PRICE LIST OF mWWD 600D3 0F Jl]ih DEgC^IPTI6N3. Lemon Soda Water in quart bottles___per dozen Sarsaparilla " " " " " _____" " Strawberry " " " " " _____" " Ginger Ale " in quart bottles_____ " " New Orleans Mead" " " _______ " " Champagne Fizz " " "_______" " Lemonade Soda " " " _______ " " English or Plain Soda in y2 pt. botts_____ " " Seltzer Water in quart stone jars--------•" " " " " " glass "......... " " Carbonic Acid " " _______-.___" " Upper Blue Lick " " ____________" " Citrate of Magnesia, pints........_______ " " Waukesha in syphons__________________ " " Seltzer Water " '...................._" " Kissengen" " ____________________" " Vichy " " ____________________ " " Saratoga " " ____________________ " " Oswego Deep Rock in syphons_________" " Dee-p Rock Water in stone jars_________" " Vichy Water in glass quart Waukesha" " " " Birch Beer" " " " English Ginger Beer " Spruce Beer in glass " Tonic " " " " Robt. Smith-Phil Ale in pints_____ Alford Porter " " _____ J. A. Lomax's Brown Stout in pints Alford Ale '< " Cornwall Ale and Porter in pints____________________________per dozen Carlings' London Ale and Porter in pints____________________ Hop Tonic, Carling's, in pints________________•______________ Darling's Foreign Ale " " _______________________________ Beer, Blatz's Milwaukee Export_____________quarts, 1 75, pints " Clauseus' New York ".......pints, 1 25, imperial pints Cider, champagne quarts___.........__..______________._ ' New England Clarified, Hard_________quarts, 2 00, Sweet " Vinegar----------------------......_________per keg, 5 gallons " Crab Apple-----------.....___________________per dozen quarts " Russett___________________.....___....._......_ « " " " Pippin'_______________________________________ " " " Syrups, all kinds of flavors_________________________________per gallon Clauseus' New York Ale_____________________________per dozen pints 1 75 1 75 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 25 1 00 1 50 1 75 1 75 2 25 2 25 14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 2 00 2 25 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 25 25 25 50 75 00 25 75 00 50 00 00 00 50 50 For Sale and Kept Constantly in Stock by CHARLES TRUAX & CO., 81 Randolph Street, Chicago. PLEASE ATTACH THIS TO OUR PRICE LIST. Correction Sheet, Aug. 13th, 1885. 4> ■^•'%i •^ fM ED I<^L SUPPLIES.^ 81 RANDOLPH STREET, - - CHICAGO. To Accompany Catalogue.—Third Edition, CHANGES IN PRICES AND CORRECTIONS, Superseding all Previous Ones, and Subject to Change Without Notice. ACID, Carbolic------------------------------1 lb bots. inclusive 45 Hypophosphorus, Dilute, 4 oz. bot. 90c;___............___1 _b 2 75 Lactic, U. S. P._______________............__1 oz. vials, oz 28 " Dilute___.._____________________ " oz 18 ALCOHOL, Standard Proof..]____________________________gall. 2 35 Absolute____________________________________ " 4 80 Deodorized___________________......._________ " 3 00 AMMONIUM, BROMIDE_____________________1 lb bottes 9c. Db 60 IODIDE, 4 oz. bottles__________....._________each 1 75 " 1 oz. bottle_________________.....____oz. 50 ATOMIZERS, Gilbert's_________________________________List 2 00 BALSAM PERU_______________........___________________lb 2 50. Copaiba_____________........_______containers extra Bb 50 BERRIES, Cubebs____.......___............________________lb 1 00 " Powdered_________..........._....._______tt> 110 BISMUTH, Sub. Carbonate__________________________.........lb 2 65 Sub. Nitrate, bulk_______________............______lb 2 40 " " 4 oz. bottles________________________each 65 Squibbs_______.....____....._________b 2 65 BORAX, Refined_______________........___________________lb BRANDY, Blackberry______.........._____... _____________gal. BUDS, Cassia____________.....______..............__________lb CADMIUM, IODIDE, 1 oz. bottles__________________________oz. CALCIUM, IODIDE, 1 oz. bottles.................______ _____oz. CAPSULES, Rectal_______.....________________________per box CHALK, Precipitated_____________.......---------.....___per lb Prepared_________........_____________________per lb CHARCOAL, Animal........_______________________.....per Bb CHLOROFORM, 1 lb bottles 9 cts.....________________________Bb CINCHONIDIA, Salicylate___...............___.....__________oz. Sulphate, 1 oz. bottles___........... ___________oz. " 5 oz. cans___________........_____oz. CINCHONA, Sulphate_________________________........________oz. CLOVES. — .__________—.....—..................__________t) Powdered______.............__.......__........______Bb COCAINE, Muriate, 5 or 10 gr. vial........___........_________grain " Solution, 2 per cent..______......____________oz. " Solution, 4 per cent., in drams_________________oz. CODEIA SULPHATE__________............_____________drachm CORKS, X or Common. No. 3, 5 gross in sack, per sack 51 No.4___________.....__. 63 No. 5....._____........__ 75 No. 6..................___ 96 No. 7.......___________1 35 No. 8....._______.....__ 1 92 CORKS, XX Selected (or best quality). No. 00, 5 gross in sack, per sack 1 05 No. 0__________________ 105 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 14 1 23 1 44 1 77 2 10 2 67 2 88 in less quantities, per gross in less quantities, per gross No. 8__________________ 3 48 __________ Nos. 1 to 6 assorted for physicians, 5 gross in sacks. Nos. 3 to 6 COSMOLINE, Plain, Is_______________......__________ lb lb 14 00 20 50 48 15 15 15 10 75 10 30 25 25 25 28 12 10 25 15 13 17 20 24 32 45 25 25 28 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 74 89 45 30 DEFORMITY APPARATUS, Discount 25 per cent. ELATERIUM,..............___________........._________dram. Pint. 5 Pint. ELIXIR, Calisaya, Iron and Quinia________________........ r,5 3 25 Celery and Guarana........____pints, 1.00; 5 pints, 4.50; gal. Guarana___________........_______Tb, 1.10; 5 pt, 5:00; gal. 1 00 Gal. 5 00 7 00 7 50 ELIXIR Iron and Quinine......_.........________________ 70 3 00 4 50 Iron, Quinine and Strychnia........___........___ 75 3 25 5 00 Laxative Comp.________________.....___________ 60 2 75 4 00 Each dessertspoonful contains Cascara Sagrada, 15 grs. Butternut, 10 grs. Senna io grs. and Khubarb logrs. Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnine________ 75 3 25 5 00 Rheumatic_____________............_________ 90 4 00 6 00 FLUID EXTRACT, Coca Leaves............._______________ Bb 1 90 Cubebs.......____........_________........lb 2 25 Guarana______________________________Bb 3 35 Ipecac........._____.............________Bb 2 65 Serpentaria_______....._____......______Bb 1 70 GLYCERINE, Pure_________________.......___........... ____b 20 Price's, English______________________________lb 85 GUM OPIUM................______....._____............____lb 4 30 Powdered, 1 oz. bottles......-........_______......._oz. 45 IODINE, Resublimed, 1 oz. vials_____________________.........___oz. 35 IODOFORM_____.........___......._........_____.....1 oz. vial 40 ___.....___ ......._________......________i oz. vial 25 IRON, Chloride Sol., G. S. B. 15__..........___.........._......._-lb 20 Iodide______................._______________________oz. 40 IRON CITRATE AND QUININE, 1 lb bottles_______.....____Bb 4 75 i Bb " --------------each 135 1 oz. " _________......__oz. 37 IRON CITRATE, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE, 1 Bb bottles.. Bb 5 90 i lb " each 1 65 1 oz. " __oz. 46 DIALYZED, bottle included_____........._______......._ lb 45 LITHIUM, IODIDE______....._____.........______.....____oz. 97 MANGANESE, IODIDE, 1 oz. bottles............._____________oz. 1 10 MENTHOL__________________________............---------oz. 90 MERCURY, Biniodide_____________........_______.....______oz. 40 MORPHINE, ACETATE, $ oz. bottles __..............______drachm 45 Muriate, -J- oz. bottles__________________________drachm 45 Sulphate, 1 oz. bottles______________________........oz. 3 15 " i oz. " ____. __........--------drachm 43 MUSSEUX'S SEIZING FORCEPS, page 248, should read_______ ... 3 00 NEEDLES, Emmets'___......__________________.......-doz. List 1 75 OESOPHAGEAL BOUGIES, page 233, should read_____............. 4 00 OIL Carraway_______________........—.........---.....-----tt) 3 00 Cassia...........-......------.......-.......--......-----lb 1 40 1 oz. vial 4 oz. vial lb.bottle, inclusive, inclusive. ex. Cedar___________________........... _______ 30 90 Cloves............__________________________ 15 45 150 Cu'od's_____________________________________ 70 2 50 8 00 Juniper Berries __________ ........--- 15 45 1 50 Peppermint_________________ -______________ 40 150 5 00 Spearmint_______.......... ______________ 70 2 50 8 00 OIL, Tansy........---.....-----.....--------- 45 175 5 50 Wormseed-----.................----....... 35 100 3 50 Wormwood---------------------......___ 40 150 5 00 OINTMENT, SULPHUR, 4 oz. jars. 15; 8 oz. jars, 25; lb jars ..__........ 45 PESSARY, GEHRING'S ANTEVERSION, latest_______each, List 2 00 Grailly Hewitt's, page 273, should read_____......_____ 75 Thomas'Anteflexion, fig 844, should read______________ 1 25 PETROLATUM, U. S. P. (Petroleum Jelly)____________1 lb cans, lb 20 " -------------5 Bb cans, Bb 16 POTASS, BROMIDE, bulk, in papers.....____________________Bb 40 bulk, in 5 Bb boxes.__........................Bb 39 " granulated___........_______________Bb 42 POTASS. Chlorate, Granulated.......___ lb 32 POTASSA, IODIDE, 1 lb bottles....._________________.....___Bb 3 10 " 4oz. " -------------........______each 85 " Granulated, pure, 1 Bb bottles_____._......___Bb 3 10 " " 4oz. « ____._______each 85 POWDER, Licorice, Comp.....___......__.....________________55 50 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 1 oz. bottles_____.....____........____oz. 85 SULPHATE, 1 oz. bottle, P. & \V..._........._..........oz SO " 5 oz. cans, " ___________________oz 75 " 5 oz. cans, Truax & Co.'s_______________oz. 72 RETRACTOR, Jackson's, page 274, should read_______.....each List 2 00 SAW, HEY'S, page 190, should read......_____.....______________ 1 75 SANTONINE, 1 oz. vial inclusive___________..........._______oz. 50 SIM'S VULSELLUM HOOK, page 272, should read........._______ 5 50 SODA, BROMIDE.............___________ _.__! ft bottles 9c; lb 55 SULPHUR, IODIDE, 1 oz. bottles........._____________........oz. 55 SYRINGES, Grenoble, No. l,in wood boxes, see catalogue, page 100, doz. 12 00 VASELINE, Is______.....___................__....._____......lb 40 5s----------................____.....------------& 30 VIALS, Flint, French square or oval prescriptions. Per gross Per gross Per dozen in full cases. in less than full cases, in less than gross lots. ^oz., 5 gross incase___135 _...........160 ............ 15 loz.,5 " " ___135 __________160 __________ 15 2oz.,3 " " ---165 _________195 ___........ 18 3oz.,2 " " ___2 00 ......_____2 35 ........___ 20 4oz.,2 " " ___2 50 _____......300 ___......_. 27 6oz.,l " " ___3 25 ______........___________ 32 8oz.,l " " ___3 60 .....__________'__________ 37 16oz.,| '■ " ___6 50 _________________________ 60 VERATRIA, SULPHATE___________________....._........dram 40 "iU./ 0Q v_D