Contagious * Epidemic Diseases CONSIDERED WITH REFERENCE TO Quarantine and Sanitary Laws. - IS YELLOW FEVER CONTAGIOUS ? B Y- C. W. CHANCELLOR, M. D. I.ate Professor of Surgery in the Washington University, Baltimore Secretary of the State Board of Health of Md.; Member of the American Public Health Association; Editor of the "Sanitary Messenger," &~"C, &*c, &*c. 4^ BALTIMORE: i=ssxi^Ta:E=! bt roHw cose. Corner Pratt Street k Spear's Wharf. 187*. f/Vith Uif respects of idanceMvi. fin {/imore-, c, determinate ; the order of their succession is regular; the period which elapses between the applica- tion of their cause and the appearance of its effects is fixed; their duration is uniform. 13 2. Though there is the greatest possible diversity in the phenomena of epidemic diseases, yet in all countries the periods at which they commence, decline and cease are some- what determinate and exact. These periods correspond with certain states of the season. They differ in different coun- tries according to their geographical posi'ion, and they may be anticipated or postponed by circumstances, but in general they are remarkably uniform. In Asia Minor, Egypt and Syria they commence in March or April, and cease in June or July ; in most parts of Europe and in North America they begin in July or August, and end in November or De- cember. All ihe epidemics of yellow fever in the United States, of which we have any certain record, have appeared in June, July or August, and committed their greatest rav- ages in the months of August, September and October. 3. Epidemic diseases commence, spread and cease in a manner perfectly peculiar. They arise, for example, in some particular quarter of a town, or in some district. They do not proceed to attack other places in succession, accord- ing to their proximity to the quarter first affected, but they break out at once in the most distant and the most opposite directions. They prevail, suppose, in a certain district; suddenly they diminish or cease there, and appear in another quarter, it may be, the most remote from the first ; then they may again return to the place first attacked, or they may suddenly appear in a spot near to it, or in one in an opposite direction. People are attacked, not in proportion as the inhabitants of the affected mix with those of the un- affected places, but in proportion as the inhabitants of the unaffected expose themselves to the air of the affec ed places. The visit! of the sick to unaffected places is followed by no increase of the disease, unless a favorable condition of the atmosphere exists in the place ; the visits of the inhabitants of an unaffected to an affected place Wattended with a cer-, tain increase of sickness. The liability of persons to the epidemic of yellow fever on their arrival in the infected dis- trict is proverbial. On their removal from a noxious to a pure air the sick often rapidly recover; but they do not com- 14 municate the disease to the inhabitants of a pure atmosphere. The manner in which epidemic diseases terminate is most peculiar and characteristic. It is precisely at the period when the greatest number of persons are affected, and when the greatest mortality prevails that these maladies rapidly decline and suddenly cease. Ther^ is scarcely an exception to this law in the history of epidemic diseases. It perfectly accords with the nature of the cause upon which epidemics are here supposed to depend ; it is totally inexplicable upon the hypothesis that they are produced by contagion. To suppose that a disease which is propagated by contagion can rapidly decline, and even suddenly cease, at the very period when the greatest number of persons are affected, and when the greatest mortality prevails, that is, when the contagious matter is proved to be in its most active and malignant state, is utterly absurd. So true is this, that the most intelligent and candid contagionists acknowledge, in so many terms, that this important fact is perfectly inexplicable upon their system. "It is a very common fact," says one of the most distinguished and able advocates of the common doctrine of contagion, " and perhaps wholly unaccountable upon any theory of the propagation of contagion, that pestilential dis- eases, after running an indefinite course, notwithstanding all the measures adopted to restrain their progress, fre- quently cease spontaneously, at a time when the walls of the houses, furniture, &c , must still be supposed to be highly impregnated with the contagion." The fact is indeed cer- tain ; it is most distinctive of these two classes of diseases ; it is alone sufficient to prove that they are essentially dif- ferent. Were the common term epidemic confined to its strict etymological signification—generally prevailing—it, would be correct to say of the small pox, ibr example, when gener- erally prevailing, that it was epidemic. But this term should be appropriated only to the designation of a class of diseases observant of the laws which have been stated. To call any disease epidemic, therefore, merely because it is gen- erally prevailing, unless it be also obedient to all the other 15 laws which characterize epidemic diseases, must lead (and the history of this subject affords abundant proof that it has led) to the most pernicious confusion of ideas. It has been shown that fever is capable of being produced by two causes : by a specific contagion, and by a peculiar constitution of the air, which for the sake of distinguishing it from its other states, and of expressing the fact that it is the cause of epidemic diseases, may be termed its epidemic constitution ; it is commonly called a pestilential constitu- tion ; but fever is capable of being produced by another, and a totally different condition of the air, namely, by the cor- ruption of it. This corruption may take place in various ways, and exist in various degrees of intensity, and its effects will vary accordingly from the headache produced by a crowded theatre to the mortal fever occasioned by such a corruption of it as occurred in the black hole of Calcutta. There is evident difference between an epidemic constitution of the air, and a corruption of it. We know nothing what- ever of the change of properties of the air which renders it capable of producing pestilential fever ; investigation should be specially directed to this point. The effects of an epi- demic constitution of the air extend over a whole country, or over a 1 irge portion of it, while the effects of a simple corruption of the air are confined to that particular spot in which the deterioration takes place. Corruption of the air may be produced by three causes: 1st By the confinement of the healthy exhalations of the body, as in crowded and ill-ventilated apartments. 2d. By the confinement of the morbid exhalations of the human body, as in hospitals where people laboring under diseases are crowded together, and the air is filled with the poisonous effluvia of sores, mortifications, dysenteric and other fceted excrements. 3d. By exhalations arising from the putrefac- tion of animal and vegetable matter. Forestus mentions a malignant fever which raged at Egmont in North Holland, occasioned by the putrefaction of a whale which had been left on the shore. Senac gives an account of a malignant fever which was excited by the ac- 16 cumulation of the offal of a city without the walls. It was received into a ditch filled with water ; while covered by the water no bad consequences resulted ; but when the quantity increased so that it rose above the surface, a dreadful fever spread through the city and its neighborhood, so that where four hundred used to die yearly, the deaths were increased to two thousand. The malignant fevers which prevail in low marshy situations, particularly in warm weather, are ex- amples of the effect of the putiefaction of vegetable matter in producing these diseases. Decaying vegetable matter produces congestive malaria, and decaying animal matter produces the type of miasma which causes typhoid or typhus fever ; the atmosphere vitiated by a conjunction of these two poisons may serve as a medium for the spread of yellow fever where the germ of the disease exists, either by impor- tation or by hibernation. Nothing is surer than that typhoid fever is produced by animal affluvia, and if at the same time a vegetable malaria, such as will produce a high grade of remittent bilious fever, is prevalent, a typho- malarial disease, akin to yellow fever, will be produced. The fevers produced by an atmosphere thus corrupted, have generally been stated to be produced by contagion. Most authors who have observed and recorded facts similar to those which have been mentioned, have represented them, not as proving the power of a corrupted atmosphere to ex- cite malignant fever, but as establishing its power to gener- ate contagious fever. But it is obvious that they do not afford the slightest evidence of the existence of a contagious influence; that the supposition of contagion is entirely gratu- itous ; that the exact and only point they prove is the power of a corrupted air to produce malignant fever ; that other evidence is necessary to prove that the lever so produced is contagious, namely, evidence that when once generated it reproduces itself by contact of the sick with the healthy in a pure atmosphere, and that it observes all the other laws of a contagious disease. The single error of thus confounding the influence of a corrupted atmosphere with the generation and communication of a specific animal poison, has produced 17 the most extraordinary and universal confusion of ideas on the subject, and the removal of this source of misconception is all that is now needful to render it perfectly luminous. We hope and believe, it will be felt to be so by every intelli- gent and unprejudiced mind. There is one fever, for the especial purpose of elucidating the nature of which, we have entered into this discussion, namely, THE YELLOW FEVER. The point to be ascertained is, whether or not this fever is contagious ; and in order to arrive at the truth, it is only necessary to examine whether it conforms to the laws of con- tagious or epidemic diseases. Let us then attend to the his- tory of this fever with a special reference to this matter. We will take the fever of Barcelona, Spain, in 1821, as a prototype of the fever which prevailed in the lower Mississippi Valley last autumn. Of the fever of Barcelona in 1821, Dr. Maclean has given so complete and masterly an account, that in order to clearly exhibit its nature, (and it may stand as a paradigm of yellow fever,) it is only necessary to select from the facts with which he has supplied us. 1. In the first place it appears that this disease was singu- larly diversified in the forms it assumed ; that the combina- tion, the succession and the degree of its symptoms were so different in different cases that it was difficult to assign to it any fixed and invariable progress, and that it was exceed- ingly irregular in the slowness or the quickness of its course. In all these respects it conformed to the first law of epidemic diseases, and was in contrast with that of a contagious dis- ease. 2. This fever commenced in August, that is, precisely at the period of the year in which epidemics have always been known to manifest themselves in Spain in similar latitudes. Thus in the epidemic which prevailed in Andalusia, in 1804, out of the twenty-three towns which it attacked that year, it commenced in the month of August in ten, and in Sep- tember in eight. The fever of Barcelona continued to in- 18 crease till the middle of October; the greatest mortality took place on the 19th of that month. This is also in strict conformity to the regular course of epidemics. In the epi- demic of 1804, in sixteen tows in Spain, the greatest mor- tality took place in the month of October ; in Cadiz, in Alicante, and at Gibraltar, by a singular coincidence, it took place on the same day, namely, the 9th of that month. From the 19th of October the fever of Barcelona gradually declined, and subsequently it continued to diminish, in a regular and progressive manner, until its total disappear- ance. Thus the fever conformed to the second law of epi- demic diseases. 3. It appears, that in Barcelona, from the neglect of the public police for many years, the sewers, drains, canals and other channels for carrying away the impurities of the city, had been choked up, and become foul to such a degree, that towards the end of June it was impossible to pass by the sea-wall, where they were discharged into the harbor, with- out being incommoded by the stench of accumulated and putrifying animal and vegetable substances. A committee which was charged with the office of cleansing the port, dis- covered that the water course was obstructed at its mouth by a bank of sand, which prevented its discharge, and, con- sequently, that a large quantity of stinking water was col- lected, the product of various manufactories, slaughter- houses, wash-houses and other establishments situated on its banks, exhaling an insufferable stench. The foul water which stagnated around this sand bank was one foot higher than the level of the sea. Now in the houses of Barcelona which faced the port, in the streets de los Encantes, de la Merced, Mencado and others adjoining the focus of infection, the mortality was horrible and nearly general ; whilst in the streets of Santa Anna, Tallers, San Padro, which are higher, and in others which are exposed to the north, and which are most distant from the focus of infection, there were very few sick. At a certain elevation and at a certain distance from the southeast wind, which was the conductor of the noxious exhalations, as is proved by the course of the 19 epidemic, not an individual sickened who had not been ex- posed to the causes affecting the lower part of the city. In- deed the higher parts of Barcelona enjoyed a total exemption from the disease. These facts prove that the disease was a true epidemic; they are inexplicable on the supposition that it was propagated by contagion. 4. Certain facts connected with the origin, progress and termination of this disease, afford irresistible evidence that it was an epidemic fever, and could not possibly be propa- gated by contagion. Thus it was common to see four, six, or even eight individuals of the same family simultaneously affected ; that is in the same day, the same hour, the same instant. This might have arisen from an exposure to a pes- tilential air, it could not' have arisen from contagion. It broke out in numerous points at once ; it committed the most fearful ravages in certain spots, while places in the closest proximity were entirely exempt from its attack. In a narrow street in Barcelona called Calle de la Daguizea, one hundred and thirty persons died; in a place within ten yards of it not one perished. In Barcelonetta there were two families which resided close to each other—they both lived about the middle of the south side of Calla Santa Barbara—the houses were of the same size, plan and struc- ture. The easternmost family consisted of six persons, they kept a grocer's shop and were in constant communication with the public—here not one was sick. The westernmost family consisted of ten members, they kept a wine and liquor shop, and were also in constant communication with the public— here every one sickened and nine died. The grocer whose family did not suffer at all, was sheltered from the southeast wind ; the spirit merchant's family, every member of which suffered, was directly exposed to it. These facts are in perfect harmony with the usual cause of fever in this country. Of the fever in Gibraltar, in 1813, Mr. G-ardener, Surgeon to the Naval Hospital, observes that the disease did not spread from any focus, but broke out in fifty different places at once. " The rise and progress of our epidemics," says Mr. Amiel, "have never been traced in a 20 satisfactory manner from a single point of contagion to a gradual number of individuals or families ; and instead of creeping slowly from one district to another, cases have made their appearance unconnected and scattered at different points; and in some instances it has spread with the rapid- ity of the electric fluid, attacking persons who had never approached the sick or any assignable cause of conta- gion." Like other epidemics, it was when the fever of Barcelona had acquired its greatest degree of extension, and produced its greatest mortality that it began notably to decline. That day, as has been stated, was on the 19th of October; on that day there died two hundred and forty-six persons, on the 2d of November there died only ninety-eight; subsequently it diminished in a regular and progressive manner until its total disappearance. When those who had contracted the fever in Barcelona re- moved into the country, whether they died or recovered, not a single case occurred of the communication of the malady, even to their nearest relative, if the latter had not been in the city. G-reat numbers of persons passed the whole day in the capital who retired at night to their families, either in country houses or in the nearest villages; in no case did they communicate the disease to any individual. The danger,, so far from being in the direct ratio of inter- course with the sick, was in many instances in the inverse ratio. Whenever the hospitals were placed in healthy situ- ations, the attendants on the sick, in these establishments, enjoyed even a greater exemption from disease than the in- habitants of the town generally. The average proportion of persons who were sized, estimated upon the whole commu- nity, was about one in seven. In the Geneial Hospital, the proportion of those who sickened among the attendants was also one in seven ; in the Lazaretto of the Vice Queen of Peru, it was one in eight; in the Hospital of the Seminoria, it did not exceed one in thirty ; in the Lazaretto of Naza- reth, which was the receptacle of the worst cases, there were thirty attendants upon the sick ; of these not one was seized. 21 Surely this is evidence which no mind can resist that the dis- ease was not contagious. Several families isolated themselves in their houses, and employed the most exact precautions for avoiding communi- cation with the sick; but they did not by any means pre- serve themselves from the malady. Those who shut them- selves up in good air, and who possessed the means of sur- rounding themselves with the conveniences and comforts of life, were uniformly exempt from the disease ; those who shut themselves up in the pestilential atmosphere, and who had not the means of rendering their condition comfortable, were sooner affected than those who mingled in indiscrimi- nate intercourse. These facts afford the most irresistible evidence that this fever is a true epidemic. It conformed in every respect to the laws of epidemic diseases ; it is without a single character of a contagious disease. So complete is this evidence that it produced the fullest conviction in fifteen phy- sicians who assembled from all parts of Spain and of Europe to investigate the disease, and it produced a practical con- viction in the Spanish Cortes, contrary to all their ancient and deep-rooted prejudices, notwithstanding the fact that they had so recently witnessed the appalling extension and the horrible mortality of the disease. In the United States, Dr. Rush, who had been a warm advocate for the doctrine of the contagious nature of yellow fever, on a more patient and strict examination of its phenomena and history, became convinced that he was in error, and with a magnanimity which has but few parallels in the medical profession, pro- claimed to the world that he had thought and written on this very important subject in a manner calculated to mis- lead. " In the fouth volume," (Medical Enquiries and Ob- servations,) says this celebrated physician, "the reader will*' find a retraction of the author's former opinion of the yellow fever spreading by contagion. He begs forgiveness of the friends of science and /humanity, if the publication of that opinion has had any influence in increasing the misery and mortality attendant upon that disease. Indeed, such is the pain he feels in recollecting that he ever entertained or prop- « 22 agated it, that it will long and perhaps always deprive him of the pleasure he might otherwise have derived from a re- view of his attempts to fulfil the public duties of his sta- tion." With such evidence before us, it is impossible to re- sist the conclusion that the yellow fever is an epidemic and not a contagious disease. r-