rTTETTP r) rrv r.v Iy y f p y _1 [ J y v j y>- ' " " " - -—-— iiiife D A R KE-L) AVI S,§sC a manufactub1^^^^ ' > 3 y faf /, w y,: yy-iJbA^Mxx^) 1898 COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF THE PRODUCTS OF THE LABORATORIES OF PARKE, DAVIS & CO., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. REVISED MARCH I, 1808. CANADIAN LABORATORY Cor. Walker Road and Sandirich Street. WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. BRANCH HOUSES: NEW YORK. 90, 92 and 94 Maiden Lane, 9 and 11 Cedar Street. BALTIMORE, MD. 8 South Howard Street. KANSAS CITY, MO. 1008 and 1010 Broadway. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 223 Tchoupitoulas Street. LONDON, ENGLAND. Offices— 21 North A ml ley Street, (451 Oxford St.), Grosyenor Sq.,W. Warehouse and Laboratory— 84 North Row, Oxford St., Grosrenor Square, W. AUSTRALASIAN DEPOT, 15 O’Connell St., Sydney, N. S. W. CABLE ADDRE88—“PARKEDAVE” CAUTION! ADVANCE NO MONEY ON OUR ACCOUNT Information has reached us from va- rious parts of the country, of impostors who represent themselves as our agents, and upon such representation secure credit at hotels, boarding-houses, etc., and fre- quently advances of money from our friends in the drug trade. Our travelers are supplied with sufficient money for their immediate needs, and access to us by post or telegraph is so easy that they can very readily secure more funds should they require them. We will not, therefore, be responsible for any funds ad- vanced to anyone, unless supplied on specific authorization by us. PARKE, DAVIS & CO. CONTENTS. Prices Subject to Usual Trade and Cash Discounts. PA RT I. Pages Information Concerning Terms, Etc io and ii Table of Equivalents 12 and 13 Table for Making Solutions 14 Table Showing Relations Between Imperial and Wine Measure 14 Standard Fluid Extracts 15 to 34 Normal Liquids 35 and 36 Solid Extracts 37 to 42 Powdered Extracts 43 to 45 Concentrations 46 to 48 Special Preparations 48 Pills, Sugar-and Gelatin-Coated 49 to 87 Enteric Pills 88 Pink Granules, Sugar-Coated 89 and 90 DlURNULES 91 AND 92 Hypodermatic Tablets 93 to ioo Ophthalmic Tablets ioo Veterinary Hypodermatic Tablets ioi Medicinal Elixirs, Wines and Syrups 102 to 113 Capsules of Quinine Sulphate 113 Hydrastis (Golden-Seal) 114 Capsules, Filled 115 to 124 Some Advantages of Empty Gelatin Capsules 122 Medicated Lozenges 124 and 12; Glyceroles 126 OLEATES .126 AND 127 Inhalants 127 Granular Effervescent Preparations 128 Artificial Mineral Water Salts 128 PART II. Specialties 129 to 147 Decorated Tin Pressed ;Herb Cans 148 Pressed Herbs 149 to 160 Tablet Triturates 161 to 195 Tablets of Homoeopathic Mother Tinctures 196 to 198 Compressed Tablets 199 to 224 Tablet Triturate Cases 225 and 226 Diurnal Tablet Triturates 227 and 228 Chocolate-Coated Tablets 229 to 238 Notes on Digestive Ferments 239 to 242 Notes on Food Products 242 and 243 Notes of Reference 24s to 275 Synonyms 276 to 286 Abbreviations of Authors’ Names 287 CONTENTS. Complete Index, Pages 4 to 9. 4 INDEX. This Index embraces not only all our Specialties, but such other items as the reader might have difficulty in locating under their proper subdivisions. Preparations likely to be found among Fluid Extracts, Tablet Triturates, Compressed Tablets, Elixirs, Filled Capsules, etc., being under their respective headings alphabetically arranged, it was not thought necessary to incorporate them in the general index. Acid Phosphates, Liquid 129 Aloin, Pure 129 Alveloz Milk 129 Ammonium Chloride 124,133, 200 Amyl Nitrite Pearls 129 Anaesthetic Infiltration Tablets, see Infiltration 138 Anodyne Pine Expectorant 129 Anti-diphtheritic Serum . 129 Antiseptic Liquid 129 Soap, Johnston Ethereal 129 Tablets 130 Anti-streptococcic Serum 129 Anti-tetanic Serum 129 Antitoxin (Anti-diphtheritic Serum) 129 Anti-tubercle Serum 129 Apiol 116, 123 Aromatic Troches 130 Authors’ Names, Abbreviations of 287 Beef, Iron and Wine 130 Beef Products, Mosquera 130 Benzoinated Lard 130 Blaud Mass, *ee Ferrous Carbonate 65,135, 142 Bone, Powdered 130 Breakages, Note on 11 Bronchial Lozenges 124, 138 Sedative 130 Brown Mixture 133,165, 203 Caffeine, Citrated 56, 128, 165 and Potassium Bromide (gran, eff.) 128 Camphor monobromated 130 Camphor Solution 130 Capsule Fillers, Acme and Beymond 132 Capsules, Empty 122, 131 Filled 116-124 Carbolic Acid Lozenges 124 Tablets 167 Cascara Cordial 132 Sagrada 20, 38, 43, 58,104, 116, 167, 203-204, 232 Cascarin 47, 89 Cases, Hypodermatic 136 Reagent 144 Tablet Triturate 225, 226 Veterinary - 145 INDEX. INDEX—Continued. Cathartic Pills 68, 69, 142 Celery and Guarana, Elixir of 104 Cerebral Sedative, see Compound Cerebral Sedative 133 Cerium Oxalate 59, 60,128,168, 204 Charcoal 60, 124, 204 and Bismuth (Bismuth and Charcoal) 124, 201 and Pepsin 204 Chaulinoogra Oil 116, 123, 132 Chian Turpentine 132 Chlor- Anodyne 132 Chocolate-coated Tablets 229-238 Coca Cordial 132 Cocaine, Cocaine Salts, Solution and Tablets 132 Cod-Liver Oil and Emulsions 116, 117, 122, 123, 133 Egg Emulsion 133 Improved Lofoten 133 Coley’s Mixture of Toxins 133 Compound Cerebral Sedative 133 Compressed Tablets 133-134; 199-224 Concentrations 46- 48 Containers, Note on 10 Cough Lozenges 125 Creosote 88,118,170, 205, 233 Croton Oil Granules 90 Cubeb Oleoresin 118, 134 Culture Media 134 Dental (local anaesthetic) Tablets 94 Deterioration, Note on 11 Dialyzed Iron 134 Digestive Elixirs 106-107 Ferments, Notes on 239-242 Syrup Ill Tablets 134, 177, 178, 206, 212, 230, 234 Wine (pepsin) 110 Digitalin 63, 92, 94, 101, 170 Disinfectant Powder 134 Diurnal Tablet Triturate Case 134 Triturates 225-226 Diurnule Case 134 Diurnules 91- 92 Effervescent Preparations, Granular 128 Elixirs 102-109 Enteric Pills 88 Equivalents, Table of 12- 13 Ergot Aseptic 135, 244 Ergotin 90, 135, 171 Esencia de Calisaya 135 Esencia de Coca 135 Essence of Pepsin 141 Eucalyptus Oil 118,123, 140 Euformol 135 INDEX. 6 INDEX—Continued. Euthymol 1S5 Cream. Powder, Tablets, and Tooth Paste 135 Extracts, Fluid 15- 34 Solid 87- 42 Powdered 45- 45 Ferrous Carbonate (Blaud) in Gelatin Capsules 185 in Pills 65, 142 in Tablets 207, 234 Fluid Extracts 15- 84 in half-pint and quarter-pint bottles, Note on 10 Food Products, Notes on 242-243 Formaldehyde, 40* Solution 135 Freezable Preparations, Note on 10 Germicidal Soap (McClintock) 135 Glass-labeled Shelf-ware, Note on 11 Glonoin (see alto Nitroglycerin) 135 Glycerin Emollient 135 Suppositories 135 Glyceroles 126, 186, 141 Gold Solution (Gibbes-Shurly) 136 Golden-seal, Notes on 114 Granular Effervescent Salts 128 Granules, Pink 89- 90 Guaiac 185, 208 Gurjun Balsam 118, 186 Haeminal 118, 186 Hematic Hypophosphites 136 Hoang-nan 24, 136 Homoeopathic Tinctures, Tablets of 196-198 Hydrastin 47, 67, 90 Hydrastine (white alkaloid of Golden-seal) 136 hydrochlorate and sulphate 92, 136, 228 Hydrastinine hydrochlorate 92,136, 228 Hydriodic Acid, Concentrated Solution, 16* 186 Syrups of 144 Hypodermatic Case, Aluminum 136 No. 2 136 Improved, Lee 136 Veterinary 145 Needles, Schimmel Aseptic 136 Syringes and Fittings (tee alto Syringes, Serum) 136 Tablet Case, Pocket Size (Leather) 136 Tablets 93-100 Veterinary 101 Hypophosphites, Glycerole 126 Imperial Measure, Table showing relations between Wine and. 14 Infiltration Anaesthetic Tablets (Schleich) 137 Inhalants 127 Inhaler, Semple Atomizing 144 Iodine Solution 137 Iodoform Granules 90 INDEX. 7 INDEX—Continued. Iron and Manganese Aromatic, Solution of 144 Iron Chloride (Weld), Syrup of 144 Iodide, Syrup of 144 Jequirity Seed 137 Kola Cordial 137 Wine 137 Labarraque Solution (solution chlorinated soda) 144 Labels for Re-dressing Stock, Note on 11 Lanolinum purissimum 137 Lard, Benzoinated 130 Laudanum (tinct. opium, U. S. P.) 140 Lead Subacetate, Glycerole 126 Leakages, Note on 11 Lime Juice and Kola 147 and Pepsin 137 Liquor Sedans 118, 137 Tritici 137 Liquorice 125 Lithium Benzoate (gran, eff.) 128 Carbonate Tablets 174 Citrate (gran, eff.) 128 Tablets 138 Loeffler Solution (for diphtheria) 138 Lozenges 124, 138 Magnesium Citrate (gran, eff.) 128 Mail Packages, Insurance of 11 Male-fern and Castor Oil 122 and Kamala, 119, 123 Malt Preparations 139 Marshmallow Lozenges 125 Materia Medica Cabinet , 139 Medicine Dropper and Bottle, Graduated 139 Menthol Crystals and Pencils 139 Mercurial Ointment in Capsules (see also Oleates) 122 Metric System: Note and Tables 12- 13 Microscopical Slides of Disease Germs 140 Mineral Water Salts, Artificial 128 Morphine Sulphate Pills, in bottles of 1000 140 Mosquera Food Products 130 Nitroglycerin (Glonoin) 73, 92, 96, 119,135, 176, 228 Nomenclature, Note on 10 Normal Liquids 35, 86 Notes of Reference 245-275 Nuclein Solution, 5i 140 Oleatee ..126, 127 Omissions, Note on 11 Ophthalmic Tablets 100 Opium Preparations 78, 110,125,140,177, 211, 236 Ox Gall. 73, 74, 88, 140, 177, 211, 212, 236 Pancreatin 88, 140 Papayotin 141 INDEX. 8 INDEX—Continued. Paregoric (tinct. opium camphorated) 140 Pectoral Lozenges 125 Pengawar Djambi 141 Peppermint Oil Granules 90 Pepsin Aseptic 125, 141, 177, 212, 236 Preparations 107, 108, 110, 126, 128, 141, 177, 178, 212, 237 Peptonizing Tablets, Improved 133 Petroleum Mass 119, 141 Phenacetine (Bayer) and combinations 74, 119, 212 Pichi 28, 119 Pills, Sugar- and Gelatin-coated 50- 87 Enteric 88 in bulk and for retailing 142 Pink Granules 89- 90 Podophyllin 48, 77, 88,178, 237 Podophyllotoxin 142 Potassium Bicarbonate (gran, eff.) 128 Tablets 133, 213 Chlorate Lozenges 125, 138 Tablets 134, 213 For other Potassium salts, see under Pills, Pink Granules, Diur- nules, Tablet Triturates, Compressed Tablets, Chocolate-Coated Tablets, and Diurnal Tablet Triturates. Powdered Extracts 43- 45 Pressed Herbs 149-160 Herb Cans 142, 148 Quinine and Capsicum 142 and Urea Muriate 96 Arsenate 92, 213, 228 Capsules, Pills and Tablets (sulphate and bisulphate) 142-143, 179 Granules 90 Hydrobromate 79 Hydrochlorate 79, 142 Lozenges 125 Tannate 143 Valerianate 80 Reagent Case 144 Rectal Capsules 131 Red Gum Lozenges 144 Remittances, Note on 11 Rennin 144, 179 Revised Prices, Note on 11 Rhubarb Fingers 144 Salicylic Acid 90, 119, 129,179, 214 Saline Solution, Concentrated, Sterilized 144 Salol in Capsules 119 Santonin Lozenges 125, 138 Tablets 180 Saw Palmetto and Santal Compound, Elixir 108 Semple Atomizing Inhaler 144 Shortages, Note on 11 INDEX. 9 INDEX—Concluded. Soda-Fountain Specialties 147 Soda Mint Tablets 134, 215, 237 Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets 134, 215 Solid Extracts 37- 42 Solutions, Table for Making 14 Special Preparations, Facilities for Making 48 Sulphur Lozenges 125 Pills 82 Tablets 180, 216 Torches 144 Suprarenal Glands 144 Synonyms 160, 276-286 Syringes, Hypodermatic 136 Serum (formerly Nuclein and Antitoxin Syringes) 144 Veterinary Hypodermatic 145 Syrups 110-113, 144 Table for Preparing Solutions .. 14 of Equivalents 12- 13 of Relations between Imperial and Wine Measures 14 Tablets, Chocolate-coated 229-238 Compressed 199-224 Hypodermatic 93-100 Veterinary... 101 Ophthalmic 100 Tablet Triturate Cases 224-225 Triturates 161-195 from Mother Tinctures (homoeopathic) 196-198 Taka-Diastase 145 Tar 120, 125 Terebene 145 Terms, Information concerning 10- 11 Thymus Glands (powder) 145 Thyreoids 145 Toxins (Coley’s Mixture) 133 Trifolium Compound, Syrup 144 Troches, Aromatic 130 Tuberculin, Concentrated, for Veterinary Use 145 Urinary Test Case (Reagent Case) 144 Tablets 145 Vaginal Suppositories, Sterilized 145 Veterinary Capsules 131 Case 145 Hypodermatic Tablets 101 Warburg Tincture 84,120, 146, 217 Wines 109 Wine Measure, Table showing relations between Imperial and 14 Witch Hazel, Concentrated Distilled Extract 146 Woodbridge Treatment of Typhoid Fever 146 Yerba Santa Aromatic, Syrup 144 Lozenges 125 Yerbine Compound, Glycerole 126, 136 INDEX. 10 Information Concerning Terms and Conditions upon which the Prep- arations Named in this List are Sold. Fair dealing with all our patrons requires that no exceptions be made to such rules of commercial policy as seem necessary to be established for the proper conduct of vast business relations with the drug trade of the country. Any favoritism which we might show to a single patron would justly lead even that patron to suspect that we were according still greater advantages to his competitors, and we can do our friends no better service than to adhere as closely as possible to our published terms. Please correspond with us for information not covered below. NOMENCLATURE. (See also pages 160 and 276.) It will be observed that we have, in a general way, promptly adopted the nomenclature of the U. S. P. 1890, in listing and labeling our regular line of preparations. We have, however, deemed it appropriate to retain a few familiar titles which have been thoroughly established by usage, feeling certain that our patrons will, for the present, prefer, for instance, the familiar “ Syrup Yerba Santa Aromatic” to the more correct4 4 Syrup Eriodictyon Aromatic,” and that pills which have become well known under the name 44 Calomel and Ipecac ” would be less acceptable under the title 44 Mercurous Chloride Mild and Ipecac.” For a similar reason we shall also continue to list ‘‘Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada” instead of 44 Fluid Extract Rhamnus Purshiana.” In connection with our 44 B. P.” preparations we employ the nomen- clature of the British Pharmacopoeia. We therefore list44Henbane” in one place and 44 Hyoscyamus " in another,44 Serpentary ” and 44 Serpen- taria,” “Asafetida” and “Asafoetida,” 44Ipecacuanha”and 44 Ipecac,'*etc. FLUID EXTRACTS IN 1 -2 AND 1 -4 PINT BOTTLES. For the convenience of those who desire our fluid extracts in smaller containers than pint bottles, we put them up in half- and quarter-pint bottles, with descriptive labels containing formulae, etc. To cover the extra labor and the value of the bottles, an addition is made to list price, as stated on page 15. There is therefore no reason why these smaller packages should not be supplied if wanted, and the wholesale trade will be pleased to furnish the same when clearly specified. HALF-GALLON vs. FIVE-PINT CONTAINERS. We furnish our fluid extracts in five-pint containers, but not in half- gallon bottles unless specially ordered. Our friends should remember this when filling customers' orders, as loss might arise from inadvertent- ly invoicing five pints as a half-gallon. PREPARATIONS LIABLE TO FREEZE. Preparations of a certain character, represented by Liquid Acid Phosphates, Distilled Ext. Witch Hazel, Nuclein Solution, and Dialyzed Iron, are liable to freeze in transit during extremely cold weather. (See Note of Reference No. 63.) TERMS, ETC. 11 OMISSIONS, BREAKAGE, LEAKAGE OR SHORTAGE. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for any losses which may occur in the transportation of merchandise shipped by us, whether from shortage, leakage or breakage, except in cases where the result is directly traceable to causes existing in our laboratory. The transportation com- panies act as the agents of the purchaser, and we must refer our friends to them for reparation in case of loss. If we are advised of claims on receipt of goods, we shall be pleased to render every assistance in our power in collecting them from the transportation companies. REVISED PRICES. Our products are sold subject to prices ruling on date of receipt of order. We cannot entertain claims for allowance in the event of a subse- quent reduction, any more than we could make claim for increased value in case of a market advance after sale had been made. REMITTANCES Should be made by a Post Office Order, an Express Money Order or a bank draft. Checks on local banks are not acceptable to us for cash—not being funds current in Detroit or New York—a fee being charged by banks for the collection thereof. No allowance can be made by us for the expense of exchange, whether remittance be made by draft, gostal order or express. Money, stamps or postal notes sent by mail will e at the risk of the sender, and we cannot be held responsible for loss during transit. INSURANCE OF MAIL PACKAGES. Packages forwarded by mail are at the risk of the consignee after delivery to the postal authorities. Even when registered, it is impossible to recover from the government in case of loss. We can insure the safe delivery of small packages at the cost of five cents for a value of not more than $5.00, and ten cents for a value of not more than $10.00, and we shall he pleased to do this when desired, charging the cost upon the invoice. DETERIORATION. We hold ourselves responsible to purchasers for the deterioration of articles of our general line tvhich have not been tampered with after leaving our laboratory, referring particularly to the removal of CAP, CORK OR LABELS from the containers. But we cannot assume re- sponsibility for the deterioration of products which have been so tam- pered .with or which have been uuduly exposed to sunlight, extreme neat, cold or moisture; nor for deterioration from influences beyond our control, the articles having left our laboratory in proper condition. GLASS-LABELED SHELF-WARE. ETC. For reasons which we have not here space to give in detail, we never donate glass-labeled shelf-ware, cases, cabinets, etc., as an inducement for the purchase of our products. We shall be pleased to mail to any in- quirer a printed circular affording the grounds of this policy in extenso. LOOSE LABELS FOR RE-DRESSING STOCK. The application of a certain concern to a lithographer for quotations upon a quantity of labels bearing our card as it usually appears upon our bottles, has led us to adopt the policy of never supplying loose labels of this description to anyone. We have no doubt that almost every appli- cation we receive of this character is made in good faith, and yet any other course than the one we have adopted would be unsafe. We have issued a printed circular giving further reasons for this rule, and shall be very glad to send a copy to any dealer inclined to doubt that this policy is demanded by the highest interests of the pharmacist and physi- cian at large, as well as by our own self-protection. TERMS, ETC. 12 Table of Equivalents. Recognizing the growing sentiment in favor of the adoption of the Metric System of weights and measures, the Seventh Decennial Conven- tion for the Revision of the U. S. P. resolved to employ it exclusively in the preparation of all formulae. While we have not adopted it gener- ally in the present issue of our price list, we suggest that our patrons become practically familiar with it, since every indication points to its early general adoption. Appended is a table of all the denominations of weight and measure that represent packages offered in our price list, opposite which are placed their approximate and exact metric equivalents. Also a table of the metric system with its corresponding equivalents in wine measure and avoirdupois weight. It will be observed that the correct rule which provides for the indication of “solids by weight and liquids by measure” has been followed. TABLE OF EQUIVALENTS. LIQUIDS. APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENT. EXACT EQUIVALENT. I minim 0.06 Cubic centimeter. 0.061 Cc. i fl. drachm 4 Cc. 3.696 Cc. I fl. oz 30 Cc. 29.574 Cc. 4 fl. ozs. or Y pint 118 Cc. (Y» Liter). 118.295 Cc. 8 fl. ozs. or % pint 236 Cc. (Y Liter). 236.590 Cc. 16 fl. ozs. or x pint 473 Cc. (Y Liter). 473.197 Cc. 2 pints 1 Liter (1000 Cc.) .946 Liter. 4 pints or % gallon 2 Liters. 1.892 Liters. i gallon 4 Liters. 3.785 Liters. i Cubic centimeter... 16 minims. 16.23 mins. 4 Cc I fluidrachm. 1.082 fl. drs. 15 Cc Y fl. oz. (4 fl. drs.) 4.057 fl. drs. 25 Cc 6% fl. drs. 6.762 fl. drs. 30 Cc 1 fl. oz. 1.014 fl. ozs. 60 Cc 2 fl. ozs. 2.029 fl. ozs. 100 Cc 3% fl. ozs. 3.381 fl. ozs. 120 Cc 4 fl. ozs. (Y pint). 4.057 fl. ozs. 125 Cc 4 Y A- ozs. 4.227 fl. ozs. 235 Cc 8 fl. ozs. (Y pint). 7.945 fl. ozs. 250 Cc 8Y fl. ozs. 8.453 A- ozs. 300 Cc 10 fl. ozs. 10.144 fl. ozs. 470 Cc 1 pint. 15.892 fl. ozs. 500 Cc 1 pint I fl oz. 1.056 pints. 950 Cc 2 pints. 2.007 pints. icoo Cc. (1 Liter) 2 1-10 pints. 2.113 pints. 4 Liters 1 gallon. 1.056 gals. The half-liter is approximately i pint -f- 5.66£. The price of a pint be- ing given, therefore, to find the price of a half-liter multiply by i.os66. 13 SOLIDS. APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENT. EXACT EQUIVALENT. I-500 grain 0.00013 Gm. 0.000129 Gm. I-ISO gr 0.00043 Gm. 0.000432 Gm. 1-120 gr 0.00054 Gm. 0.000540 Gm. I-100 gr 0.00065 Gm. 0.000648 Gm. 1-64 gr 0.001 Gm. 0.001013 Gm. 1-50 gr (1 milligramme.) 0.0013 Gm. 0.001296 Gm. 1-40 gr 0.0016 Gm. 0.001620 Gm. 1-32 gr 0.002 Gm. 0.002025 Gm. 1-25 gr 0.0026 Gm. 0.002592 Gm. 1-10 gr 0.0065 Gm. 0.006479 Gm. 1-3 gr 0.021 Gm. 0.021599 Gm. I gr 0.065 Gm. 0.064798 Gm. 5 grs 0.3 Gm. 0.324 Gm. 15 grs (3 decigrammes.) I Gm. 0.972 Gm. 30 grs 2 Gm. 1.944 Gm. 60 grs 4 Gm. 3.888 Gm. % oz 3.5 Gm. 3.544 Gm. A oz 14.2 Gm. 14.175 Gm. I oz 28 Gm. 28.350 Gm. 2 OZS 56 Gm. 56.699 Gm. X lb 113 Gm. 113.398 Gm. % lb 225 Gm. 226.796 Gm. 1 lb 450 Gm. 453-592 Gm. 2 lbs 900 Gm. 907.185 Gm. I milligramme(0.001 Gm.) 1-65 grain. 0.015 grain. 10 milligrammes (0.01 Gm.) 1-6 gr. 0.154 gr- ( = 1 centigramme). 100 milligrammes (o.l Gm.) x A grs. 1-543 grs. (= x decigramme). I Gramme 15 A grs. 15.4324 grs. 4 Gm 60 grs. (1 dr. Troy) 61.729 grs. 10 Gm. (1 dekagramme)... A oz. 154.324 grs. 25 Gm % oz. 385.81 grs. 28 Gm 1 oz. (437 * 5 grs.) 432.107 grs. 56 Gm 2 OZS. I oz. 426.7 grs. 100 Gm. (1 hektogramme)... 3 A ozs. 3 ozs. 230.7 grs. 113 Gm 4 ozs. (X lb.) 3 ozs. 431.3 grs. 200 Gm 7 ozs. 7 ozs. 24 grs. 225 Gm 8 ozs. (A lb.) 7 ozs. 410 grs. 250 Gm 8 4-5 ozs. 8 ozs. 358 grs. 450 Gm 1 lb. (7000 grs.) 15 ozs. 382 grs. 500 Gm 1 1-10 lbs. 1 lb. I oz. 279 grs. 900 Gm 2 lbs. 1 lb. 15 ozs. 327 grs. 1000 Gm. (1 kilogrm.or Kilo). 2 1-5 lbs. 2 lbs. 3 ozs. 120 grs. TABLE OF EQUIVALENTS. 500 Gm., ot% kilogramme, is approximately r lb. avoirdupois +10.2%. The price of this quantity of any product may therefore be determined by multiplying the price of a pound by 1.102. 14 A Convenient Table For the Extemporaneous Preparation of Solutions of Various Strengths. To prepare the following approximately correct solutions, dissolve the amount of medicament indicated in sufficient water to make one pint: For 1-50* or 1 in 5000 solution, use iH grs. of the medicament. For 1-20* or I in 2000 it “ ?>% gTS. “ u For I-10X or I in 1000 M it 7H grs. tt u For 1-4* or 1 in 400 “ “ 18 Vk grs. “ “ For 1-2% or 1 in 200 it tt 36 'A grs. tt tt For 1% or 1 in 100 “ tt 73 grs. “ it For 2% or 1 in 50 it “ 146 grs. it it For 4* or 1 in 25 it it 292 grs. a u For 5* or I in 20 it tt 365 grs. u it For io< or 1 in 10 tt tt 730 gTS. tt TABLES. Note.—To make smaller quantities of any solution, use less water and reduce the medicament in proportion to the amount of water employed; thus, one-half pint of a 2-per-cent, solution will require 73 grains of medicament. Imperial and Wine Measure. Table Shaiving Relations between Imperial Measure. Wine Measure. i minim i fl. oz. or 480 minims . .96 fl. oz. or 460.8 minims. 25 fl. ozs . 24 fl. ozs. 1 pint or 20 fl. ozs. . I 1-5 pints or 19 1-5 fl. ozs. S pints I gallon or 8 pints . I 1-5 gallons or 9 3-5 pints. 5 gallons . 6 gallons. Imperial Measure. 1 fl. oz. . . . weighs 437.5 grs. 20 fl. ozs. or 1 pint weighs 8750 grs. 1 pint or 20 fl. ozs. weighs 8750. grs. Wine Measure, i fl. oz. . . . weighs 455.7 grs. 16 fl. ozs. or 1 pt. weighs 7291.2 grs. 11-5 pints or 19 1-5 fl. ozs. weighs 8750 grs. 15 Standard Fluid Extracts IN PINT, HALF-PINT, QUARTER-PINT AND FIVE-PINT BOTTLES. A Class of Superior Assayed Fluid Preparations, introduced by us under the name of Normal Liquids, One Cubic Centi- meter of Each being Equivalent to One Gramme of Drug of Standard Strength. According to the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, one cubic centimeter of any fluid extract represents one gramme of the drug employed in making it. It is apparent that such preparations will not be of invariable strength, since, in the purchase of crude drugs, especially those containing definite active principles, the quality cannot be judged by physical appearance with any degree of certainty. An estimation of the active medicinal con- stituents is the only true criterion by which the quality of a drug can be measured. Fluid extracts made in the ordinary way must, of course, share the variability of the drug, while our Standard Fluid Extracts are adjusted to a uniform strength by assay, irrespective of the quantity of crude drug required, thereby acquiring a definite and uniform thera- peutic value. A benefit so evident merits attention. Note.—As the preparations of certain powerful drugs cannot be sat- isfactorily assayed by ordinary methods, we test them physiologically upon animals, and are thereby enabled to guarantee them to be of fufi therapeutic activity. Notable examples of this class are Ergot, Indian Cannabis, Digitalis and Strophanthus. See note 135. For those fluid extracts which are “non-toxic,” unless otherwise indicated we have adopted an extractive standard, which insures the thorough extraction of the drug employed. Our friends may assure themselves of the identity of the prepara- tions they order by specifying particularly “Parke, Davis db Co.'s, and carefully examining the label and cap on each bottle. Fluid Extracts printed in italics are new remedies, descriptions of which will be found under “ Notes of Reference.” This list of fluid extracts also comprises some concentrated tinctures and fluids which are appropriately listed here for the sake of convenience. These we have indicated by a star (*) in Font. See also note 78. To all compound fluids and fluid extracts is attached the formula, specifying the quantity of each drug represented in one pint or other given volume. Authors names, as usually abbreviated, are attached to the botanical names A complete index, giving the unabbreviated names of these authorities, will be found on page 287. The list price per pint will be reduced 10 cents when five-pint bottles are ordered. An addition of 10 cents to list price per pint will be made on orders for half-pint bottles, and an addition of 20 cents per pint for quarter-pint bottles. Pint bottles will be supplied on orders in the absence of specifications to the contrary. If quarter-pint or half-pint bottles are ordered, insist upon receiving original packages with firm and descriptive labels attached. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the genuineness or quality of the product unless it is supplied in original containers, with cap and cork intact, and properly labeled. The manufacture of the following numbers has been discontinued: 10, 11, 14, 16, 26, 39, 43, 97, 112,187, 141, 167, 175, 182, 183, 190, 207, 208, 220, 222, 229, 230, 214, 235, 241, 253, 267, 269, 277, 280, 284, 816, 318, 343. 369, 877, 883, 384, .198, 405, 414, 433, 437, 439, 457, 464, 465, 470, 480, 489. No. 581 is not yet added. FLUID EXTS. 16 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s PER PINT. STANDARD FLUID EXTRACTS. 1 Abscess-root Polemonium reptans, Lin $i 50 Absinthium (515)..See Wormwood. 90 2 Aconite leaves (assayed).Aconitum Napellus, Lin 1 10 Physiological test; dilution, 1:100. See note 135. 3 Aconite root (assayed). .Aconitum Napellus, Lin 1 20 Physiological test; dilution, 1:700. See note 135. 4 Adhatoda vasica, Nees 3 00 5 Adonis vernalis, Lin. (see note 5) 3 00 6 Adrue Cyperus articulatus, Lin 3 5c 7 Agaric (White Agaric). .Polyporus officinalis, Fr. 3 00 8 Agrimony Agrimonia Eupatoria, Lin I 05 9 Ailanthus glandulosa, DesJ. (Tree of Heaven) 1 93 Allspice (358) • -See Pimenta I 20 ♦Aloes Comp, for B. P. decoction (see note 78) (532).. 1 75 Fifty fluidounces, imperial, represents: Ext. Soc. Aloes, 2 ozs. Ext. Liquorice, 8 ozs. Myrrh, 1 oz. Liquid Cardamom Comp., Saffron, 1 oz. equivalent to 60 fl.ozs. Potassium carb., 1 oz. Tincture. ♦Aloes for B. P. tincture (see note 78) (539).. 1 65 One imperial pint represents: Socotrine Aloes, 2% ozs. Ext. Liquorice, 7% ozs. I2*Aloes (for U. S. P'. Tincture) 1 65 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 30 Gm Purified Aloes 5 ozs. 60 Gm Glycyrrhiza 10 ozs. 13*Aloes and Myrrh (for U.S.P. Tincture) I 75 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 30 Gm Purified Aloes $ ozs. 30 Gm Myrrh 5 ozs. 30 Gm Glycyrrhiza 5 ozs. See note 78. 15 Alterative Compound (Bamboo-brier Comp.) 1 25 Bamboo-brier root, 4 ozs. Stillingia, 4 ozs. Lappa, 4 ozs. Phytolacca root, 4 ozs. Xanthoxylum, 1 oz. See note 6. Althaea (314). ..See Marsh-mallow root I 00 17 American Centaury Sabbatia angularis, Ph 90 18 American Columbo Frasera carolinensis, Walt 1 25 19 American Hellebore See Veratrum Viride 1 50 20 American Ivy (Ampelopsis)..Vitis quinquefolia,Lam.... I 20 21 American Saffron See Safflower 2 40 22 American Sarsaparilla.. .Aralia nudicaulis, Lin 1 05 23 Angelica root Angelica Archangelica, Lin I 25 24 Angelica seed Angelica atropurpurea, Lin 1 50 25 Angustura Galipea Cusparia, St. HU. 1 50 Anhalonium (assayed) (558).. Anhalonium Lewinii, Hen- ning (Muscale or Mescale Buttons) 6 00 Standard alkaloids, based on acid titration. See note 8a. 27 Anise Pimpinella Anisum, Lin 1 50 Anthemis (129).. See Chamomile, Roman 1 20 FLUID EXTS. 17 PART ONE. Fluid Extracts. PER PINT. Apocynum (104)..Apocynum cannabinum,Lin... .$1 20 See note 97. 28 Apple-tree bark Pyrus Malus, Lin I 20 29 Arbor vitae Thuya occidentalis, Lin 1 20 30 Arbor vitae, aqueous 1 20 31 Areca nut Areca Catechu, Lin 2 25 32 Arnica flowers Arnica montana, Lin I 20 33 Arnica root (see note 15). Arnica montana, Lin 1 20 34 Aromatic 2 50 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 35 Gm Ceylon Cinnamon 5 3-4 ozs. 35 Gm Ginger 5 3-4 ozs. 15 Gm Cardamom 21-2 ozs. 15 Gm Nutmeg 2 1-2 ozs. 35*Asafetida (see note 78). .Ferula foetida (B.) Regel. 1 50 Asclepias (366).. Asclepias tuberosa, Lin I 20 36 Asparagus Asparagus officinalis, Lin 1 50 Aspidium (308)..See Male-fern I 25 Aspidosperma (assayed) (379). Aspidosperma Quebracho- bianco, Schleckt. 2 50 Standard 156 alkaloids, by weight. See note 139. 37 Bael fruit zEgle Marmelos, Corr. 2 25 Balm (287)..See Lemon Balm I 20 38 Balmony Chelone glabra, Lin 1 00 40 Balsam Fir bark Abies balsamea (Lin.) Mill I 20 41 Balsam Poplar buds Populus balsamifera, Lin., var. candicans (Ait.) Gr 1 50 42 Bamboo-brier root Smilax Pseudo-China, Lin I 50 See note 16. 44 Barberry bark Berberis vulgaris, Lin 1 20 45 Bayberry Myrica cerifera, Lin I 00 46*Bay Laurel (concentrated).. Myrcia acris (Swz.) DC 3 00 For formula for Bay Rum, etc., see notes 17 and 78. 47 Bearsfoot Polymnia Uvedalia, Lin 1 75 48 Beech-drop Epiphegus virginiana, Bart 1 50 49 Belladonna leaves (assayed). .Atropa Belladonna, Lin... 1 25 Standard 0.3555 atropine, based on acid titration. 50 Belladonna root (assayed). .Atropa Belladonna, Lin I 50 Standard 0.45$ atropine, based on acid titration. 51 Benne leaves Sesamum indicum, Lin I 50 52*Benzoin (see note 78)... (for U. S. P. tincture) .. 2 00 53*Benzoin Compound (for U. S. P. tincture) 2 00 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 36 Gm Benzoin 6 ozs. 6 Gm Purified Aloes 1 oz. 24 Gm Storax 4 ozs. 12 Gm ..Balsam Tolu 2 ozs. ♦Benzoin Compound for B. P. tincture (see note 78). (528).. 2 00 Each imperial pint represents: Benzoin, 6 ozs. Balsam Tolu, ij4 ozs. Prepared Storax, 4% ozs. Socotrine Aloes, 480 grs. 54 Berberis Aquifolium, Pursh. (see note 19) 3 00 FLUID EXTS. 18 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s PER PINT. 55 Beth-root Trillium erectum, Lin $l 05 56 Bistort Polygonum Bistorta, Lin 1 50 57 Bitter Bugle-weed Lycopus europaeus, Lin 2 00 Bitter Orange peel.. (339).. Citrus vulgaris, Risso 1 40 58 Bitter-root Apocynum androsasmifolium, Z.. 1 20 59 Bitter-sweet See Dulcamara I 20 60 Black Alder Ilex verticillata (Lin.) Gray.... 90 61 Black Ash bark Fraxinus sambucifolia, Lam 1 20 62 Blackberry Aromatic 1 20 Rubus, 15 ozs. Cloves, 1-5 oz. Cassia Cinnamon, 1 oz. 63 Blackberry-root bark... .See Rubus 1 00 64 Black Cohosh See Cimicifuga 1 20 65 Black Cohosh Compound I 20 Cimicifuga, 8 ozs. Glycyrrhiza, 3 ozs. Wild Cherry, 2 ozs. Senega, 2 ozs. Ipecac, 1 oz. 66 Black Haw See Viburnum Prunifolium I 20 67 Black Hellebore Helleborus niger, Lin 1 20 68 Black Pepper Piper nigrum, Lin 2 00 69 Black Walnut leaves. ...Juglans nigra, Lin 2 00 70 Black Willow bark Salix nigra, Marsh I 5° For description of properties, etc., see note 21. 71 Black Willow buds Salix nigra, Marsh 1 5° For description of properties, etc., see note 21. 72 Bladder-wrack Fucus vesiculosus, Lin 1 35 73 Blessed Thistle Carbenia benedicta(Lin.)Adans. 1 20 74 Blood-flower [sec note 22).. Asclepias curassavica, Lin... 2 50 75 Blood-root See Sanguinaria I 05 76 Blue Cohosh Caulophyllum thalictroides (Z.) Mx. 90 77 Blue Cohosh Compound 1 20 Caulophyllum, 7 1-9 ozs. Ergot, 3 5-9 ozs. Water Pepper, 3 5-9 ozs. Savine, 1 7-9 ozs. 78 Blue Flag See Jr is I 05 Blue Vervain (485). .Verbena hastata, Lin I 00 79 Soldo Peumus Boidus, Mol 3 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 23. 80 Boneset See Eupatorium 90 81 Borage Borago officinalis, Lin 1 00 82 Broom See Scoparius. 1 05 83 Broom-corn seed Sorghum saccharatum (Z.) Pers. 1 20 For description of properties, etc., see note 25. Bryonia (497). .Bryonia alba, Lin I 50 84 Buchu Barosma betulina (Thunb.) B. dr3 IV. I 50 85 Buchu Compound 1 50 \ Buchu, 8 ozs. Cubeb, 2 ozs. Juniper berries, 2 ozs. Uva Ursi, 2 ozs. Spirit of Nitrous Ether, 2 fl.ozs. Buchu for B. P. tincture (541).. 1 50 FLUID EXTS. 19 PART ONE. Fluid Extracts. PER PINT. 86 Buchu and Juniper with Potassium acetate $i 50 Buchu, 12 ozs. Juniper berries, 3 ozs. Potassium acetate, 495 grs. 87 Buchu and Pareira Compound I 50 Buchu, 8 ozs. Pareira, 2 ozs. Stone-root, 2 ozs. Juniper berries, 4 ozs. 88 Buckbean Menyanthes trifoliata, Lin 1 20 89 Buckeye bark..... /Esculus glabra, Willd I 20 90 Buckhom brake Osmunda regalis, Lin I 20 91 Buckthorn bark See Frangula I 00 92 Buckthorn berries....... Rhamnus cathartica, Lin I 05 93 Bugle-weed Lycopus virginicus, Lin 90 94 Burdock root See Lappa 90 95 Burdock seed Arctium Lappa, Lin. (see n. 26) I 20 96 Butternut Juglans cinerea, Lin 1 00 98 Button Snake-root Liatris spicata, Willd 90 99 Calabar Bean(assayed). .Physostigma venenosum, Balf... 3 60 Standard ether-soluble alkaloid (physostigmine). Calamus (459).. Acorus Calamus, Lin I 25 100 Calendula Calendula officinalis, Lin 2 20 101 California Fever-bush—Garrya Fremontii, Tory 3 50 102 California Laurel Umbellularia califomica, Nutt.. 5 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 28. Calumba (159). Jateorhiza palmata(Za*».) Miers. I 25 ♦Camphor Comp, for B. P. tincture (see note 78)... (529).. 1 50 Each imperial pint represents: Powd. Opium, 320 grs. Camphor, 240 grs. Benzoic acid, 320 grs. Oil Anise, 4 fluidrachms. 103 Canada Snake-root Asarum canadense, Lin I 05 104 Canadian Hemp See Apocynum I 20 105 Canella Canella alba, Murr. I 00 106 Cannabis Indica See Indian Cannabis I 50 107 Cantharides Cantharis vesicatoria, DeGeer... 5 50 108 Capsicum Capsicum fastigiatum, Bl I 50 ♦Capsicum and Myrrh {for N.F. tincture) (see note 78) (331).. 2 00 Myrrh, 8 ozs. troy. Capsicum, 2 ozs. troy. 109 Caraway Carum Carvi, Lin I 35 llo*Cardamom Compound (for U. S. P. tincture) 2 00 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 16 Gm Cardamom 2 2-3 ozs. 16 Gm Cassia Cinnamon 2 2-3 ozs. 8 Gm Caraway 1 1-3 ozs. r4 Gm Cochineal 2-3 oz. See notes 33 and 78. ♦Cardamom Compound for B. P. tincture (525).. 2 00 Each imperial pint represents: Cardamom seeds, 1 oz. Cochineal, 220 grs. Caraway fruit, 1 oz. Raisins (deprived of seeds), 8 ozs. Cinnamon bark, 2 ozs. See note 78. ill Cardamom Elettaria repens (Sonn.) Bail... 3 00 113 Caroba leaves Jacaranda procera, Spreng 3 50 For description of properties, etc., see note 34. 114 Carpenter’s-square See Figwort. I 80 FLUID EXTS. 20 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s PER PINT. 115 Cascara Amarga Picramnia (spec, not determined) .$3 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 35. 116 Cascara Sagrada Rhamnus Purshiana, DC 3 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 37. 117 Cascara Sagrada (formula of 1887) (see note 37) 3 00 ♦Cascara Sagrada Aromatic (see note 78) (536).. 1 50 ♦Cascara Sagrada Compound (see note 37) (552).. 2 00 Each fluidrachm represents: Cascara sagrada, 40 grs. Senna, deprived of griping principle, 25 grs. Aloin, 1-12 gr. 118 Cascarilla Croton Eluteria(L.)J.J. Bennett 90 119 Cassia Cinnamon Cinnamomum Cassia, Bl 1 80 Castanea (136). .Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. 90 120 Castor bean Ricinus communis, Lin 1 80 121 Castor leaves Ricinus communis, Lin 1 80 i22*Catechu Acacia Catechu (Lin. /.) Willd. 1 20 ♦Catechu for B. P. tincture (544) In Canadian list. 123 Catnep Nepeta Cataria, Lin 90 Caulophyllum (76). .See Blue Cohosh 90 124 Cedron seed Simaba Cedron, Planch 5 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 39. 125 Celery seed Apium graveolens, Lin 1 8c 126 Cereus grandiflorus, Mill. .Night-blooming Cereus 4 00 See note 41. 127 Cevadilla seed Asagrsea officinalis (Cham. Schlecht.) Lindl I 80 Ceylon Cinnamon(543). .Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, B... 1 80 128 Chamomile, German .... Matricaria Chamomilla, Lin.... 1 20 129 Chamomile, Roman Anthemis nobilis, Lin 1 20 Chaparro Amargoso (548). .Castela Nicholsoni, Hook 2 50 For description of properties, etc., see note 42. 130 Chekan Eugenia Chequen, Mol 4 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 44. Chelidonium (213)..See Garden Celandine 1 00 Chenopodium ....(514).. See Wormseed, American 90 131 to 135—Cherry bark See Wild Cherry. 136 Chestnut leaves See Castanea 90 Chimaphila (363)..Chimaphilaumbellata (Z.) Nutt. 1 00 138 Chirata Swertia Chirata, Ham 1 80 Cimicifuga (64).. Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt.. 1 20 139 Cinchona Aromatic I 80 Cinchona, pale, 12 ozs. Sweet Orange peel, 2 ozs. Fluid Cardamom Comp., 2 ozs. 140 Cinchona (assayed) Cinchona Calisaya, Wedd. 1 50 Standard 5* total alkaloids, one-half being quinine. See note 48. 142 Cinchona, detannaled (see note 47) I 70 143 Cinchona,pale (assayed)..Cinchona officinalis, Lin 1 25 Standard 3% total alkaloids. See note 49. FLUID EXTS. 21 PART ONE. Fluid Extracts. PER PINT. 144 Cinchona, red (assayed). Cinchona succirubra, Pavon... .$1 50 Standard total alkaloids. See note 48 i45*Cinchona Compound.... {for U S. P. tincture) 1 50 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about. 40 Gm Red Cinchona 6 2-3 ozs. 32 Gm Bitter Orange peel....5 1-3 ozs. 8 Gm Serpentaria 1 1-3 ozs. See notes 48 and 78. ♦Cinchona Compound for B. P. tincture (526).. I 50 Each imperial pint represents: Cinchona bark, red, 8 ozs. Serpentary rhizome, 2 ozs. Bitter Orange peel, 4 ozs. Saffron, 220 grs. Cochineal, 112 grs. See notes 48 and 78. Cinnamon,Ceylon.. (543). .Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, B.. 1 80 146 Cleavers Galium Aparine, Lin 90 147 Clotbur Xanthium strumarium, Lin 2 00 148 Clover blossoms See Red Clover blossoms 1 20 149 Cloves Eugenia aromatica (Z.) O. K... 2 10 150 Coca (assayed) Erythroxylon Coca, Lam 2 00 Standard 0.5% petroleum-benzin-soluble alkaloid (cocaine). See note 51. Coca, miscible.... (556) 3 00 151 Cocculus (Fish-berries). .Anamirta Cocculus, W. 6r= Arn.. I 20 152 Cocillafla Guarea Rusbyi {Brit.) Rusby... 5 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 54. 153 Coffee, for syrup Coffea arabica, Lin I 50 154 Coffee, green berry Coffea arabica, Lin I 50 155 Colchicum root (assayed). .Colchicum autumnale, Lin.... I 20 Standard 0.5*! colchicine, by weight. 156 Colchicum seed (assayed). .Colchicum autumnale,Lin.... 1 50 Standard o.5)< colchicine, by weight. 157 Colocynth Citrullus Colocynthis, Sckrad... 1 90 158 Coltsfoot Tussilago Farfara, Lin 90 159 Columbo See Calumba I 25 160 Comfrey Symphytum officinale, Lin 90 161 Condurango(seenote58).Gonolobus Cundurango, 7ri.... 300 162 Conium leaves Conium maculatum, Lin 1 20 163 Conium fruit (assayed) .Conium maculatum, Lin 1 50 Standard 0.5SS coniine, based on acid titration. Convallaria (296). .Convallaria majalis, Lin 1 25 See note 109. 164 Coriander Coriandrum sativum, Lin I 20 165 Corn-silk (StigmataMaydis)..Zea Mays, Lin I 50 For description of properties, etc., see note 59. 166 Coto bark Para-Coto (Nectandra?) 4 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 60. 168 Cotton-root bark, fresh root.. Gossypium herbaceum, Z.... I 40 169 Cotton-root bark Gossypium herbaceum, Lin...... I 25 170 Couch-grass See Triticum 1 05 171 Cramp-bark See Viburnum Opulus X 00 172 Cranesbill See Geranium 1 05 Crataegus See Hawthorn Berries... (559).. 2 00 FLUID EXTS. 22 PART ONE. Specify P. D. <&• Co.'s FHR PINT. 173 Crawley root Corallorhiza odontorhiza, Nutt.. $4 50 174 Cubeb Piper Cubeba, Lin. fit 2 50 176 Culver’s-root See Leptandra I 25 Cypripedium (283). .Cypripedium pubescens, Swz.... 2 00 177 Damiana Tumera microphylla, DC 2 40 For description of properties, etc., see note 62. 178 Dandelion See Taraxacum I 25 179 Dandelion Compound 1 25 Taraxacum, 13 ozs. Podophyllum, 2 ozs. Coniurn leaves, 1 oz. 180 Dandelion and Senna 1 20 Taraxacum, 8 ozs. Senna, 8 ozs. 181 Deer-tongue Trilisa odoratissima (Walt.)Cass. 1 20 Digitalis (assayed) (209). .Digitalis purpurea, Lin 1 25 Tested physiologically. See note 135. 184 Dogwood Comus florida, Lin 90 185 Duboisia leaves Duboisia myoporoides, R. Br... 4 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 65. Dulcamara (59). .Solanum Dulcamara, Lin 1 20 186 Dwarf Elder Aralia hispida, Vent 1 10 187 Echinacea Echinacea angustifolia, DC 2 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 66. 188 Elder flowers Sambucus canadensis, Lin 1 00 189 Elecampane Inula Helenium, Lin 1 00 191 Embelia Embelia Ribes, Burman 2 50 For description of properties, etc., see note 67. 192 Ephedra antisyphilitica, C. A. Meyer (Mountain Rush)... 3 50 For description of properties, etc., see note 68. 193 Ergot, latest crop (assayed). .Claviceps purpurea(AVrW) 7. 1 80 Tested physiologically. See note 135. 194 Ergot, ethereal {latest crop). .Claviceps purpurea {Fries) T. 1 80 See note 70. Eriodictyon (523).. Eriodictyon glutinosum, Benth.. 2 50 (Yerba Santa.) For description of properties, etc., see note 182. 195 Eschscholtzia Eschscholtzia califomica, Cham. 3 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 72. 196 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus, Lab 1 15 For description of properties, etc., see note 75. Euonymus (488)..SeeWahoo I 50 Eupatorium (80).. Eupatorium perfoliatum, Lin... 90 197 Euphorbia pilulifera, Lin 4 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 77. 198 European Elder bark.... Sambucus nigra, Lin 1 80 199 Evening Primrose (Enothera biennis, Lin 1 50 200 False Bittersweet Celastrus scandens, Lin x 05 201 False Unicom See Helonias I 80 202 Fennel Fceniculum capillaceum, Gil.... 1 20 203 Feverfew Chrysanthemum Parthenium(Z.)/lerr. I 00 Figwort (114). .Scrophularia Marilandica, Lin.. 1 80 FLUID EXTS. 23 PART ONE. Fluid Extracts. PER PINT. 204 Fireweed Erechthites hieracifolia (L.)Raf$ go 205 Five-flowered Gentian.. .Gentiana quinquefolia, Lin 2 50 206 Fleabane Erigeron canadense, Lin I 20 209 Foxglove See Digitalis 1 25 Frangula (91). .Rhamnus Frangula, Lin I 00 210 Fringe-tree Chionanthus virginica, Lin 1 50 211 Frostwort Helianthemum canadense, Mx.. 1 00 Galangal (549).. Alpinia officinarum, Hance 1 80 212 Galla (Nutgall) Quercus lusitanica, Lam 1 50 213 Garden Celandine Chelidonium majus, Lin 1 00 214 Garlic. Allium sativum, Lin I 25 215 Gelsemium (assayed). .Gelsemium sempervirens(Z.) Pers. I 25 Standard total alkaloids, by weight. 216 Gelsemium,fresh root. .Gelsemium sempervirens(Z.) Pers. 1 25 See note 80. 217 Gentian Gentiana lutea, Lin 1 00 2l8*Gentian Compound (for U. S. P. tincture) I 15 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 60 Gin Gentian 10 ozs. 24 Gm Bitter Orange Peel 4 ozs. 6 Gm Cardamom 1 oz. See note 78. Gentian Compound for B. P. tincture (527).. 1 15 Each imperial pint represents: Gentian root, 12 ozs. Bitter Orange peel, 6 ozs. Cardamom seeds, 2 ozs. ♦Gentian Compound for B. P. infusion (534).. I 15 Each imperial pint represents: Gentian root, 4 ozs. 10 grs. Bitter Orange peel, 4 ozs. 10 grs. Fresh Lemon peel, 8 ozs. See note 78. Geranium (172)..Geranium maculatum, Lin I 05 219 Ginger. Zingiber officinale, Rose 1 50 22i*Ginger, soluble, for syrup (see note 78) I 00 Glycyrrhiza (290). .Glycyrrhiza glabra, Lin 90 223 Golden-rod Solidago odora, Ait I 00 224*Golden-seal, colorless.... Hydrastis canadensis, Lin 1 50 See note 78. 225 Golden-seal, assayed.... ,& Z 1 25 FLUID EXTS. 28 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s PER PINT. 352 Pellitory Anacyclus Pyrethrum (Z.) DC. .$1 25 353 Pennyroyal Hedeoma pulegioides (Z.) Pers. 90 Pepper (68). .See Black Pepper. 2 00 354 Peppermint Mentha piperita, Lin 1 50 355 Persimmon bark Diospyros virginiana, Lin 1 20 356 Persimmon fruit, green. .Diospyros virginiana, Lin 2 00 Physostigma (99).. See Calabar Bean 3 60 Phytolacca fruit.. (368). .See Poke berries 1 50 Phytolacca root. ..(369). .Phytolacca decandra, Lin 1 00 357 Pic hi (see note 136) Fabiana imbricata, R. P 4 00 Pilocarpus (assayed) (264). .Pilocarpus, U. S. P. varieties. 2 50 Standard 0.5* pilocarpine, by weight. 358 Pimenta Pimenta officinalis, Lindl. I 25 360 Pink-root See Spigelia I 50 361 Pink-root Compound 1 50 Spigelia, 7 ozs. Senna, 7 ozs. Savine, 1 oz. Manna, 1 oz. 362 Pink-root and Senna I 50 Spigelia, 10 ozs. Senna, 6 ozs. Oil Anise, 20 ui. Oil Caraway, 20 HI- ♦Pinus Canadensis Compound (colorless) (55°).. 1 00 For local use only. Each fluidounce contains volatile constituents from 1 ounce Pinus canadensis; Zinc sulphate, 5 grs.; Alum, 5 grs.; Thymol, gr.; Eucalyptol, }i min. ♦Pinus Compound.. (538) 2 00 White Pine b’k, 4 ozs. 170 grs. Sanguinaria, 224 grs. Wild Cherry, 4 ozs. 170 grs. Sassafras, 12S grs. Balsam Poplar buds, 256 grs. Morphine acetate, 12 grs. Spikenard, 256 grs. 363 Pipsissewa. See Chimaphila 1 00 364 Pitcher-plant root Sarracema purpurea, Lin 1 50 365 Plantain leaves Plantago major, Lin 90 366 Pleurisy-root See Asclepias I 20 Podophyllum (assayed). .(310).. Podophyllum peltatum,Z. 1 05 Standard 4.2558 total resin. 367 Poison Oak Rhus radicans, Lin 1 80 368 Poke berries Phytolacca decandra, Lin I 50 369 Poke root See Phytolacca root 1 00 370 Pomegranate, bark of root.. Punica Granatum, Lin I 25 371 Poppy heads Pap aver somniferum, Lin 1 05 372 Prickly Ash bark See Xanthoxylum 1 10 373 Prickly Ash berries Xanthoxylum americanum, Mill. 2 50 374 Pride of China Melia Azedarach, Lin 2 00 375 Pulsatilla Anemone Pulsatilla, Lin 1 50 376 Pumpkin seed Cucurbita Pepo, Lin 1 80 Pyrethrum (352). .See Pellitory I 20 378 Quassia Picraena excelsa (Sw.) Lindl..... 1 00 379 Quebracho See Aspidospemia 2 50 380 Queen-of-the-meadow .. .Eupatorium purpureum, Lin.... 90 FLUID EXTS. 29 PART ONE. Fluid Extracts. PER PINT. Quillaja (428). .See Soap-tree bark $1 20 381 Quinine-flower Sabbatia Elliottii, Steud. 2 25 382 Raspberry leaves Rubus strigosus, Michx I 00 Red Clover blossoms. (148).. Trifolium pratense, Lin 1 20 *Red Gum (542). .Eucalyptus rostrata, Schlecht.... 2 50 Red Rose (547). .See Rose 2 50 Rhamnus Purshiana... (116). .See Cascara Sagrada 3 00 385 Rhamnus Wightii, W. & A 3 00 386 Rhatany See Krameria 1 10 Rheum See Rhubarb. 387 Rhubarb Rheum officinale, Baillon 2 25 ♦Rhubarb for B. P. tincture (see note 78) (535).. 3 00 Each imperial pint represents: Cardamom seeds, 2 ozs. Saffron. 2 ozs. Rhubarb root, 16 ozs. Coriander fruit, 2 ozs. 388*Rhubarb Aromatic (for U. S. P. tincture) 2 00 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 60 Gm Rhubarb 10 ozs. 12 Gm Cassia Cinnamon 2 ozs. 12 Gm Cloves 2 ozs. 6 Gm Nutmeg 1 oz. See notes 144 and 78. 389 Rhubarb Comp, with Potassium X 80 Rhubarb, 8 ozs. Hydrastis, 4 ozs. Cassia Cinnamon, 4 ozs. Oil Peppermint, 30 El. Potassium carbonate, 1 oz. 390 Rhubarb and Senna I 80 Rhubarb, 8 ozs. Senna, 8 ozs. 39l*Rhubarb, Sweet (.for U. S. P. tincture) I 80 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 40 Gm Rhubarb 62-3 ozs. 16 Gm Glycyrrhiza 22-3 ozs. 16 Gm Anise 22-3 ozs. 4 Gm Cardamom 2-3 oz. See note 78. 392 Rhus aromatica, Ait. (see note 147) 3 00 Rhus glabra (453). • Rhus glabra, Lin 75 Rhus Toxicodendron. (367). .See Poison Oak I 80 Rose (547) • - Rosa gallica, Lin 2 50 393 Rosin-weed Silphium laciniatum, Lin 1 80 Rubus (63)..Rubus villosus, Ait 1 00 394 Rue Ruta graveolens, Lin x 00 Rumex (5i7)..Rumex crispus, Lin 1 10 395 Sabbatia campestris, Nutt 2 40 Safflower (21). .Carthamus tinctorius, Lin 2 40 396 Sage Salvia officinalis, Lin 90 Salvia (396)..See Sage 90 Sambucus (188). .See Elder flowers 90 397 Sandalwood. Santalum album, Lin 3 00 See note 150. Sanguinaria (assayed)(75)..Sanguinariacanadensis,Lin.. I 05 Standard 2.536 sanguinarine. FLUID EXTS. 30 PART ONB. Specify P. D. & Co. ’s per; PINT. 399 Sarsaparilla Smilax, U. S. P. varieties $1 50 400 Sarsaparilla Compound 1 50 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 75 Gm Sarsaparilla 12 1*2 ozs. 12 Gm Glyrynhiza 2 ozs. 10 Gm Sassafras 12-3 ozs. 3 Gm Mezereum 1-2 oz. See note 152. ♦Sarsaparilla Compound for B. P. decoction (533) •• 1 5® Each imperial pint represents: Jamaica Sarsaparilla, 2a ozs. Liquorice root, 2 ozs. Sassafras root, 2 ozs Mezere on baric, 1 oz. Guaiacum wood, 2 ozs. See note 78. 40i*Sarsaparilia Compound for Syrup 1 50 1000 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 800 Gm Sarsaparilla 13 1-3 ozs. 60 Gm .....Glycyrrhiza 1 oz. 60 Gm Senna 1 oz. 0.4 Cc Oil Sassafras 3 m,, 0.4 Cc Oil Anise 3 ui. 0.4 Cc Oil Gaultheria 3 El. See notes 78 and 152. 402 Sarsaparilla and Dandelion 1 50 Sarsaparilla, 8 ozs. Taraxacum, 8 ozs. 403 Sarsaparilla,Para(true)..Smilax (species undetermined).. I 80 See note 151. 404 Sassafras Sassafras variifolium(Salisb.)O.Ar. 90 406 Savine Juniperus Sabina, Lin I 25 407 Saw Palmetto berries Serenoa serrulata,29i?KM. Sr Hook. 2 00 For description of properties, see note 153. ♦Saw Palmetto Compound (see notes 78 and 154)... (546).. 1 50 Each fluidounce represents: Saw Palmetto berries, fresh, 80 grs. Parsley seed, 12 grs. Kola nut, 24 grs. Coca, 12 grs. Combined with aromatics. 408 Saxifrage Pimpinella Saxifraga, Lin 1 50 409 Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis, Lin 2 50 Scoparius (82)..Cytisus Scoparius (L.) Link..... I 05 410 Scopolia Scopolia Camiolica, Jacq. 1 50 411 Scouring Rush Equisetum hyemale, Lin 1 80 412 Scullcap See Scutellaria I 5° 413 Scullcap Compound I 25 Scutellaria, 51-2 ozs. Cypripedium, 5 1-2 ozs. Hops, 2 i-a ozs. Wild Lettuce, 2 1-2 ozs. Scutellaria (412). .Scutellaria lateriflora, Lin 1 50 415 Senega Polygala Senega, Lin 2 40 416 Senna U. S. P. Senna 1 50 417 Senna, aqueous U. S. P. Senna. 1 75 418 Senna Compound I 50 Senna, 7 ozs. Jalap, 7 ozs. Coriander, 2 ozs. 419 Senna and Jalap I 50 Senna, 8 ozs. Jalap, 8 ozs. 420 Senna pods. Cassia angustifolia, Vahl 1 75 For description of properties, etc., see note 156. 421 Serpentaria Aristolochia Serpentaria, Lin... 1 75 FLUID EXTS. 31 PART ONB. Fluid Extracts. PHR PINT. 422 Sheep Sorrel Rumex Acetosella, Lin $1 20 423 Shepherd’s-purse Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Meench. 1 20 424 Sierra Salvia See Mountain Sage 2 50 425 Silkweed Asclepias syriaca, Lin I 20 426 Simaruba bark Simaruba amara, Aubl I 80 427 Skunk Cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus, Salisb.... 1 00 428 Soap-tree bark Quillaja Saponaria, Mol. I 20 429 Soapwort Saponaria officinalis, Lin I 00 430 Solidago Solidago Virgaurea, Lin I 00 For description of properties, etc., see note 158. 431 Solomon’s-seal Polygonatum officinale, All. 90 432 Sourwood leaves Oxydendron arboreum, DC 2 50 434 Spanish Needles Bidens bipinnata, Lin I 20 435 Spearmint Mentha viridis, Lin 1 00 436 Spice-bush bark Lindera Benzoin, Meissn I 20 Spigelia (360). .Spigelia marilandica, Lin I 50 438 Spikenard Aralia racemosa, Lin 90 440 Squaw-vine Mitchella repens, Lin I 20 441 Squaw-vine Compound X 50 Squaw-vine, 9 r-7 ozs. Helonias (False Unicorn), 2 2-7 ozs. Viburnum Opulus, 2 2-7 ozs. Caulophyllum, 2 2-7 ozs. See note 88. 442 Squill Urginea maritima {L.) Baker... 1 00 443 Squill Compound 1 75 100 Cc. represents: 1 pint represents about: 50 Gm Squill 8 1-3 ozs. to Gm Senega 81-3 ozs. Se* note 161. Staphisagna (444). .See Stavesacre seed 2 50 Star-grass (Unicom root)..(479). Aletris farinosa, Lin... 1 80 444 Stavesacre seed Delphinium Stapnisagria, Lin... 2 50 445 Stillmgia Stillingia sylvatica, Lin 1 50 446 Stillingia Compound 1 50 Stilbngia, 4 02 s. Turkev-ccrn, 4 ozs. C liirnaphila, 2 ozs. Iris, 2 ozs Sam-mens, 2 ozs. Prickly Ash berries, 1 oz. Coriander, 1 oz. 447 Stone-root Collinsonia canadensis, Lin 1 05 448 Stramonium leaves (assayed). Datura Stramonium, Lin. I 05 Standard 0.3* alkaloids, based on acid titration. 449 Stramonium seed (assayed). .Datura Stramonium, Lin... 1 05 Standard 0.35C alkaloids, based on acid titration. 4$Q*Strophanthus {tincture)..Strophanthus Kombe, Oliver.... 1 50 Tested physiologically. See notes 162 and 135. 451 Stylosanthes (Pencil-flower).. Stylosanthes elatior, Swz.... 4 00 See note 163. 452 Sumach bark Rhus glabra, Lin 75 453 Sumach berries See Rhus glabra 75 Sumbul (328). .See Mush-root 3 25 454 Summer-savory Satureja hortensis, Lin 90 FLUID EXTS. 32 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s PER PINT. 455 Sundew Drosera rotundifolia, Lin $2 50 456 Sunflower seed Helianthus annuus, Lin 1 20 458 Sweet Fern Myrica asplenifolia, Endl 1 00 459 Sweet Flag See Calamus 1 20 460 Sweet-gum bark Liquidambar styraciflua, Lin... 2 50 461 Tag Alder Alnus serrulata, Willd 75 462 Tamarac bark Larix americana, Michx r 20 463 Tansy Tanacetum vulgare, Lin 75 Taraxacum (178). .Taraxacum officinale, Web 1 25 466 Thimble-weed Rudbeckia laciniata, Lin 1 20 467 Thyme Thymus vulgaris, Lin I 00 468 Tobacco Nicotiana Tabacum, Lin 1 20 46g*Tolu, soluble, for syrup.. .Toluifera Balsamum, Lin 1 00 See note 78. ♦Tolu for tincture.. (545) 2 00 See note 78. 471 Tonka bean Dipteryx odorata, Willd 5 00 472* Longa Rhaphidophora vitiensis, Schott, and Premna taitensis, Schauer. 5 50 For description of properties, etc., see note 170. 473 Tormentilla root Potentilla Tormentilla,5r. Jar. B Per Jar. C Per 5Mb. Jar. E Per I-OZ. Jar. Absinthium, see Wormwood (128) $2 75 *1 45 $ 75 $ 25 I Aconite leaves, assayed Physiological test; dilution 1:500. See notes 135 and 159. 4 25 2 20 1 15 35 2 Aconite root, assayed Physiological test; dilution 1:3000. See notes 135 and 159. 4 25 2 20 1 15 35 3 Aloes 2 70 1 45 75 25 4 Alterative Compound (see note 6) One grain represents five minims F. E. Alterative Comp. 5 American Hellebore, see Veratrum 3 00 1 60 85 27 Viride. 3 60 1 90 1 00 3i Anthemis, see Chamomile, Rotnan..{41) 6 co 3 10 1 60 46 Apocynum (34) 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 6 Arnica flowers 3 00 1 60 85 27 7 Arnica root 3 60 1 90 1 00 3i 8 Bearsfoot 3 60 1 90 1 00 3i 9 Belladonna leaves, assayed Standard atropine, based on acid titration. See note 159. 10 Belladonna leaves (strictly ale.), as- 3 60 1 90 1 00 3i sayed (see note 159) Standard atropine, based on acid titration. 5 40 2 80 1 45 42 II Belladonna root, assayed Standard atropine, based on acid titration. See note 159. 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 12 Berberis Aquifolium 5 00 2 60 1 35 40 14 Bitter-sweet, see Dulcamara 2 50 1 35 70 24 16 Blackberry root-bark, see Rubus 1 80 1 00 55 20 17 Black Cohosh, see Cimicifuga 18 Black Haw, see Viburnum Pruni- 3 00 1 60 85 27 folium 3 60 1 90 1 00 3i SOLID EXTRACTS. 38 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s THESE EXTRACTS MAY BE ORDERED BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per i-lb. Jar. B Per Jar. C Per K-a>. Jar. E Pei I-OZ Jar. 19 Black Hellebore $3 00 $l 60 $ 85 $ 27 20 Bladder-wrack 3 00 I 60 85 27 22 Blood-root, see Sanguinaria 3 60 I 90 I 00 31 23 Blue Cohosh 2 10 I 15 60 21 24 Blue Flag, see Iris 3 00 I 60 85 27 25 Boneset, see Eupatorium 2 50 I 35 70 24 26 Boxwood, see Dogwood. 2 75 I 45 75 25 27 Buchu 4 80 2 50 1 30 38 28 Buckthorn bark, see Fra?igula 3 00 I 60 85 27 29 Bugle-weed . 3 00 I 60 85 27 30 Burdock root, see Lappa 2 40 I 30 70 23 31 Butternut, see Juglans (see note 27).. 2 50 I 35 70 24 32 Calabar Bean, assayed, see Physostig- 33 Calendula 5 40 2 80 1 45 42 Calumba (48) 3 50 I 85 95 30 34 Canadian Hemp, see Apocynum 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 35 Cannabis Indica, see Indian Cannabis. 9 60 4 90 2 50 68 36 Capsicum 3 00 I 60 85 27 37 Cascara Sagrada (see note 37) 5 00 2 60 1 35 40 38 Cascara Sagrada, 1887 (tasteless) 5 00 2 60 1 35 40 See note 37. 39 Cascarilla ...... 4 50 2 35 x 20 36 Caulophyllum, see Blue Cohosh.... (23) 2 10 I 15 60 21 40 Celery seed 3 60 I 90 1 00 3i 41 Chamomile, Roman 6 00 3 10 1 60 46 Chimaphila (92) 2 40 1 30 70 23 Cimicifuga (17) 3 00 1 60 85 27 42 Cinchona, pale, assayed 5 00 2 60 1 35 40 Standard 15& total alkaloids. See notes 49 and 159. 43 Cinchona, red,rassayed (see note icq). 9 00 4 60 2 35 65 Standard total alkaloids. 44 Cinchona, assayed (see note 159) 9 00 4 60 2 35 65 Standard 2o;» total alkaloids, one-hall being quinine. • 45 Clover blossoms, red, see Red Clover blossoms.. 3 00 1 60 85 27 46 Coca, assayed (see note 159) 9 00 4 60 2 35 65 Standard 2.5?; petroleum-benzin-soluble alkaloid (cocaine). 47 Colchicum root, assayed (see note 139) 3 60 1 90 1 00 3i Standard 2.53S colchicine, by weight. Colocynth and Colocynth Comp. See Powdered Extracts; also note 56. SOLID EXTRACTS. 39 Solid Extracts. PART ONE. THESE EXTRACTS MAY BE ORDERED BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per Jar. B Per X-B>. Jar. c Per X-Tb. Jar. E Per I-OZ. Jar. Colocynth Compound, B. P... ...(132) $3 60 90 $1 00 $ 31 48 Columbo, see Calumba 3 50 I 85 95 30 49 Conium leaves 2 50 I 35 70 24 50 Conium fruit, assayed (see note 159).. 3 00 I 60 85 27 Standard coniine, based on acid titration. Si Cotton-root bark 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 52 Couch-grass, see Triticum 2 50 I 35 70 24 S3 Cranesbill, see Geranium 3 00 I 60 85 27 Cubeb, see Cubeb oleoresin under “Specialties,” Part Two. 55 Culver’s-root, see Leptandra... 4 50 2 35 I 20 36 Cypripedium ....(81) 7 00 3 60 I 85 52 56 Damiana 5 40 2 80 I 45 42 57 Dandelion, see Taraxacum... 1 35 75 40 17 Digitalis, assayed ....(63) 2 40 I 30 70 23 lested physiologically. See note 135. Dogwood ....(26) 2 75 I 45 75 25 Dulcamara ....(14) 2 50 I 35 70 24 59 Elder Flowers 2 25 I 20 65 23 61 Ergot, assayed 9 00 4 60 2 35 65 rested physiologically. See notes 71 and 133. Eriodictyon (see note 182).... ...(130) 3 60 I 90 I 00 31 62 Eucalyptus 3 60 I 90 I 00 31 Euonymus ...(122) 3 60 I 90 I 00 31 Eupatorium 2 50 I 35 70 24 63 Foxglove, see Digitalis 2 40 I 30 70 23 Frangula ....(28) 3 00 I 6o 85 27 65 Fringe-tree 3 00 I 60 85 27 66 Gelsemium, assayed 3 60 I 90 I 00 3i Standard 2.556 total alkaloids, by weight. See notes 80 and 159. 67 Gentian 1 20 70 40 16 Geranium ••••(53) 3 00 I 60 85 27 68 Golden-seal, assayed, see Hydrastis.... 7 30 3 75 I 90 55 See note 159. 69 Grindelia 3 60 1 90 I 00 3i Hamamelis ...(127) 2 40 1 30 70 23 7i Henbane, see Hyoscyamus 3 60 1 90 I 00 3i 72 Hops 4 80 2 50 I 30 38 73 Horehound 2 70 1 45 75 25 Hydrastis, assayed (68) 7 30 3 75 I 90 55 Standard io# hydrastine, based on acid titration. See note 159. SOLID EXTRACTS. 40 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Coi's THESE EXTRACTS MAY BE ORDERED BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per i-t>. Jar. B Per K-a>. Jar. c Per X-X>. Jar. E Per I-OZ. Jar. Ilyoscyamus, assayed (71) Standard 0.5# alkaloids, based on acid titration. See note 159. $3 60 JBi 90 $1 00 $ 31 75 68 2 00 27 65 38 77 24 23 46 46 23 52 23 36 25 24 27 3i 30 25 36 90 31 1 20 1 90 28 70 65 10% alkaloids, based on acid titration. Indian Cannabis, assayed (35) Tested physiologically. See note 135. 9 60 4 90 2 50 Standard 10% emetine, based on acid titration. Iris (24) 76 Jaborandi, see Pilocarpus 3 00 9 00 4 80 11 00 2 50 2 25 6 00 6 00 2 40 7 00 2 40 4 50 2 75 2 50 3 00 3 60 3 50 2 70 4 50 1 60 4 60 2 50 5 60 1 35 1 20 3 10 3 10 1 30 3 60 1 30 2 35 1 45 1 35 1 60 1 90 1 85 1 45 2 35 85 2 35 1 30 2 85 70 65 1 60 1 60 70 1 85 70 1 20 75 70 85 1 00 95 75 1 20 78 Jamaica Dogwood (see note 102) Juglans (see note 27) (31) 79 Juniper berries Kola nut, assayed (133) Standard pure alkaloids, by weight. See notes 107 and 159. Krameria (101) 81 Ladies’-slipper, see Cypripedium Lappa (30) Leptandra (55) 82 Lettuce, Wild 86 Mandrake, see Podopkyllum . Marrubium, see Horehound. (73) 89 Nux Vomica, assayed (see note 159)... Standard 15# total alkaloids, based on acid titration. 3 60 1 90 1 00 Standard i&% crystallized morphine. See notes 131, 132 and 159. Physostigma, assayed (32) Standard $ ether-soluble alkaloid (phy- sostigmine). See note 159. Phytolacca root (93) 91 Pichi (see note 136) Pilocarpus, assayed (76) Standard 2.5$ pilocarpine, by weight. See note 159. 3 20 10 00 9 00 1 70 5 10 4 60 90 2 60 2 35 SOLID EXTRACTS. 41 Solid Extracts. PART ONE. THESE EXTRACTS MAY BE ORDERED NUMBER AND LETTER. BY A Per i-lb. Jar. B Per fc-lb. Jar. C Per K-5>. Jar. E Per i-oz. Jar. 92 Pipsissewa, see Chimaphila $2 40 $1 30 $ 70 $ 23 Podophyllum .(86) 3 50 I 85 95 30 93 Poke-root, see Phytolacca root.... 3 20 I 70 90 28 94 Poppy heads 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 95 Prickly Ash bark, see Xanthoxylum.. 3 60 I 90 1 00 31 97 Quassia 4 20 2 20 1 15 35 99 Queen-of-the-Meadow 3 00 I 60 85 27 Red Clover blossoms 3 00 I 60 85 27 101 Rhatany, see Krameria 2 40 I 30 70 23 102 Rhubarb 5 00 2 60 1 35 40 Rhubarb Compound. See Powdered Extracts. 104 Rhus aromatica 10 00 5 10 2 6c 70 Rubus .(16) 1 80 I 00 55 20 105 Rue 3 00 I 60 85 27 Rumex (129) 2 40 I 30 70 23 Sambucus, see Elder Flowers.... • (59) 2 25 I 20 65 23 Sanguinaria, assayed (22) Standard \o% sanguinarine. See note 159. 3 60 I 90 1 00 31 106 Sarsaparilla 4 50 2 35 1 20 36 107 Sarsaparilla Comp 3 00 I 60 85 27 Ext. Taraxacum, 4 parts. Ext. Rumex, 1 part. Ext. Sarsaparilla, 1 part. Oil Anise and Oil Gaultheria, q.s. 108 Savine 1 80 I 00 55 20 Saw Palmetto (131) 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 109 Scullcap, see Scutellaria 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 Scutellaria (109) 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 110 Senna 3 50 I 85 95 30 hi Sheep Sorrel 3 50 I 85 95 30 112 Sourwood leaves 5 00 2 60 1 35 40 113 Star-grass (Unicorn root) 5 5c 2 85 1 45 .43 114 Stillingia 3 50 I 85 95 30 115 Stone-root 3 50 I 85 95 30 116 Stramonium leaves, assayed Standard 1.5% alkaloids, based on acid 2 40 I 30 70 23 titration. See note 159. 117 Stramonium seed, assayed Standard i.<# alkaloids, based on acid 4 50 2 35 1 20 36 titration. See note 159. Sumbul, see Musk-root • (88) .... .... .... 90 118 Sundew 6 00 3 10 1 60 46 Taraxacum • (57) 1 35 75 40 17 SOLID EXTRACTS. 42 PART ONE. Solid Extracts. THESE EXTRACTS MAY BE ORDERED BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per i-tt>. Jar. B Per KB>. Jar. C Per K-B>. Jar. E Per i-oz. Jar. Triticum (52) $2 50 $1 35 $ 70 $ 24 Unicom root, see Star-grass (113) 5 5o 2 85 i 45 43 120 Uva Ursi 2 40 1 30 70 23 121 Valerian 3 00 1 60 85 27 Veratrum Viride. assayed (5) Standard 55C total alkaloids, by weight. See note 159. 3 60 1 90 1 00 31 Viburnum Prunifolium (18) 3 60 1 90 1 00 31 122 Wahoo, see Euonymus. Warburg Tincture. See Powdered Extracts. 3 60 1 90 1 00 31 126 White Oak bark 1 80 1 00 55 20 127 Witch Hazel, see Hamamelis 2 40 1 30 70 23 128 Wormwood 2 75 1 45 75 25 Xanthoxylum (95) 3 60 1 90 1 00 31 129 Yellow Dock, see Rumex. 2 40 1 30 70 23 130 Yerba Santa, see Eriodiciyon 3 60 1 90 1 00 31 131 Saw Palmetto 132 Colocynth Comp., B. P. In Canadian list only. 4 00 2 10 1 10 33 133 Kola nut, assayed Standard 55? pure alkaloids, by weight. See notes 107 and 159. 6 00 3 10 1 60 46 SOLID EXTRACTS. GERMICIDAL SDAP (Formula of Dr. Chas. T. McClintock) An antiseptic wash, convenient of preparation, harmless toward ste'el and nickeled instruments, and above all efficient, has long been a desideratum among surgeons and practitioners of medicine. Mercuric chloride, powerful as it is, fails to kill all the germs; more- over, it corrodes the surgeon’s tools. Germicidal Soap, as ordinarily used, is at least five times as powerful as a i:iooo solution of mercuric chloride, and does not attack steel or nickeled instruments. No other germicide for general pro- fessional use can compare with it. See note of reference No. 800; for price see Specialties, Part II. 43 Powdered Extracts. For convenience in dispensing, powdered extracts possess some advantages over the solid, obviating the inconvenience and waste attendant upon the handling of the latter. It should be remembered that their nature is hygroscopic; the bottles there- fore should always be kept in a cool place and securely closed with tightly fitting corks. Where pound prices are quoted for these powdered extracts, an addition of 10 cents per pound to list price will be made on orders for half-pounds, and an addition of 20 cents per pound for quarter- pounds. We have discontinued the manufacture of Nos. 25 and 35. PHR OZ. VIAL. 1 Aconite leaves, assayed $ 40 Physiological test; dilution 1:500. See note 135. 2 Aconite root, assayed 40 Physiological test; dilution 1:3000. See note 135. 3 Aloes (per pound, $5.00).. 40 Apocynum (15).. 75 4 Belladonna leaves, assayed (per pound, $6.00).. 45 Standard 1.75# atropine, based on acid titration. See note 159. 5 Belladonna root, assayed 50 Standard 2.25$ atropine, based on acid titration. See note 159. 6 Berberis Aquifolium 60 See note 19. 7 Blackberry root-bark See Rubus ,. 45 8 Black Cohosh See Cimicifuga 40 9 Black Haw See Viburnum Prunifolium.... 50 10 Black Hellebore 40 11 Bladder-wrack 40 12 Blood-root See Sanguinaria 40 13 Butternut See Juglans 40 14 Calabar Bean See Pkysostigma 2 00 Calumba (24).. 50 15 Canadian Hemp See Apocynum 75 16 Cannabis Indica See Indian Cannabis 75 17 Cascara Amarga 1 50 18 Cascara Sagrada (per pound, $8.00).. 60 Cimicifuga (8).. 40 19 Cinchona, assayed 75 Standard 205S total alkaloids, one-half being quinine. See note 159. 20 Coca, assayed 75 Standard 2 5$ petroleum benzin-soluble alkaloid (cocaine). See note 159. 21 Colchicum root, assaved 45 Standard 2.556 colchicine, by weight. See note 159. 22 Colocynth, U. S. P 60 See note 56. POWDERED EXTRACTS. 44 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co's PER OZ. VIAL. 23 Colocynth Compound, U. S.P (per pound, $3.65)..$ 30 100 Gm. represents: Powd. ext. Colocynth, 16 Gm. Powd. Purified Aloes, 50 Gm. Powd. Cardamom, 6 Gm. Powd. Resin Scammony, 14 Gm. Powd. White Castile Soap, 14 Gm. See note 56. 24 Columbo See Calumba 5° 26 Conium leaves 40 Cotton-root bark (64).. 40 27 Culver’s-root See Leptandra 45 28 Damiana 75 29 Dandelion See Taraxacum 40 Digitalis, assayed (31).. 40 Tested physiologically. See note 135. 30 Eucalyptus 5° Euonymus (62).. 45 31 Foxglove See Digitalis 40 32 Gelsemium, assayed 5° Standard 2.5$ total alkaloids, by weight. See note 159. 33 Gentian (per pound, #5.00).. 40 34 Golden-seal See Hydrastis 65 36 Guarana, assayed 1 60 Standard i6s£ caffeine, by weight. See note 1C9. Hamamelis (63).. 40 37 Henbane See Hyoscyatnus.. (per pound, $6.00).. 45 38 Hops 60 Hydrastis, assayed (see note 159) (34).. 65 Standard io* hydrastine, based on acid titration. Hyoscyamus, assayed (37).. (per pound, $6.00).. 45 Standard o.i% alkaloids, based on acid titration. See note 159. 39 Ignatia, assayed X 00 Standard 16% alkaloids, based on acid titration. See note 159. Indian Cannabis (see note 135) (16).. 75 40 Ipecac, assayed 2 25 Standard 10% emetine, based on acid titration. See note 159. 41 Jaborandi See Pilocarpus 90 42 Jamaica Dogwood 1 5° 43 Jalap (per pound, $6.00).. 45 Juglans (13) •• 4° Krameria (54) • • 4° Leptandra (27).. 45 44 Lettuce, Wild 60 45 Lobelia 4° 46 Mandrake See Podophyllum 40 47 Nux Vomica, assayed, U. S. P (per pound, $5.00).. 40 Standard iyt total alkaloids, based on acid titration. See note 159. S.L0VH1X3 (J3U3GMOd 45 PART ONE. Powdered Extracts. PER OZ. VIAL. 48 Opium, U. S. P $ 1 25 Standard i&% crystallized morphine. See notes 131 and 132. Ox Gall, see Ox Gall inspissated, poivdered, etc., Part II. Phytolacca root (51).. 40 Physostigma, assayed (see note 159) (14).. 2 co Standard 1% ether-soluble alkaloid (physostigmine). 49 Pichi (see note 136) 75 Pilocarpus, assayed (41) •• 90 Standard 2.5* pilocarpine, by weight. See note 159. Podophyllum (46).. 40 50 Poison Oak 65 51 Poke root See Phytolacca root 40 52 Pulsatilla 50 53 Quassia 50 54 Rhatany .See Krameria 40 55 Rhubarb 45 Rhubarb Compound, Ph. G (68).. 45 Powd. ext Rhubarb, 6 parts. Powd. ext. Aloes, 2 parts. Powd. Jalap resin, 1 part. Powd. White Castile Soap, 4 parts. Rhus Toxicodendron See Poison Oak (50).. 65 Rubus (7).. 45 Sanguinaria, assayed (12).. 40 Standard 10# sanguinarine. See Dote 159. 56 Sarsaparilla 65 57 Scullcap See Scutellaria 50 Scutellaria (57) •• 50 58 Senna 50 59 Stillingia 50 60 Stramonium leaves, assayed 40 Standard i.55£ alkaloids, based on acid titration. See note 159. Taraxacum (29).. 40 61 Valerian 40 Viburnum Prunifolium (9).. 50 62 Wahoo See Euonymus 45 Warburg Tincture (65).. I 00 5 grs. represents 2 fluidrachms of Warburg Tincture. Warburg Tincture, without aloes (66).. 1 00 5 grs. represents 2 fluidrachms of Warburg Tincture, without aloes. See note 177. 63 Witch Hazel See Hamamelis 40 64 Cotton-root bark 40 65 Warburg Tincture 1 00 66 Warburg Tincture, without aloes X 00 67 Ipecac, acetic, for making Wine of Ipecac, B. P. In Canadian list only. Standard 7.25% emetine, based on acid titration. 68 Rhubarb Compound, Ph. G 45 POWDERED EXTRACTS. 46 Concentrations. This list comprises the proximate medicinal principles of the several drugs named, either in a crude powdered form, or isolated in the form of an alkaloid or resin. Owing to the liability of many of these articles to absorb moisture, they should be kept in secure- ly corked bottles and in a cool place. The preparations offered in the market under the name of con- centrations vary greatly in physical properties as made by different manufacturers. In many instances, through ignorance of the chemistry of the drug, manufacturers have supplied a product nearly or quite inert; leptandrin, for example, has been prepared by precipitating the alcoholic tincture of the drug with water, in the mistaken belief that the active principle of the drug resided in its resinous constituents. We have aimed in our concentrations to present all the active constituents of each drug, excluding, as far as possible, inert matter; and when our preparations differ from those of other manufacturers, we are willing that they should be judged by their therapeutic efficiency. It is thoroughly understood in America that the preparations called “concentrations” are not the active principles of the drugs they represent, but that they present in the form of a permanent powder all that is active in the drug, with a minimum of inert mat- ter. The nomenclature of these preparations is so unsatisfactory and misleading that we have ourselves introduced into it certain innovations, not for the sake of distinguishing preparations of our own manufacture from others in the market, but simply as a safe- guard against serious mistakes in dispensing. Thus, we do not label the concentration from digitalis “digitalin,” since it might thereby be easily confounded with the more powerful glucoside to which the name “digitalin” properly belongs (see “Digitalisin’’). Notwith- standing the care we have taken to explain the matter, we find that many of those whose knowledge of drugs has been derived from books, and foreigners generally, expect that the concentrations will consist solely of the active principle of the drug, perhaps in a slightly impure form. We beg to state distinctly that such is not the case. In absence of any standard, we conform simply to pre- vailing usage, which in this country is generally well enough un- derstood. In so doing it is necessary sometimes to incorporate diluents, such as milk sugar or powdered drug, to produce a satis- factory permanent powder; it would be only confusing to physicians and dispensers if this diluent were mentioned on the labels as dis- tinct from the “concentration,” the dose of which, as a whole, is always correctly stated. Of course it matters not whether the diluent is inert matter derived from the drug itself, or whether it is deliberately added; in either case it is an integral part of the prep- aration which the physician prescribes as a “concentration.” 'SN0I1VUXN30N00 47 Concentrations. PART ONE. The manufacture of the following numbers has been discontinued: i, 3. 4. 8, 9, io, 13, 14. 17, 19, 25, 29, 30, 37, 38, 43. 45, 46, 53-57, 63, 64, 65. [SPECIAL PRICES IN BULK.] Per oz. 2 Aletrin Star-grass (Unicorn root) $ 50 5 Apocynin Bitter-root 1 20 6 Asclepidin Pleurisy-root (Asclepias) 75 7 Baptisin Wild Indigo 75 Berberine hydrochlorate (see note 18) (34)-. 2 00 Berberine phosphate (see note 18) (35).. 4 00 Berberine sulphate, neutral salt (see note 18) (36).. 4 00 11 Cascarin, formula 1887.. ..Rhamnus Purshiana 75 For description of properties, etc., see note 37. 12 Caulophyllin Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum).. 50 15 Chimaphilin Pipsissewa (Chimaphila) 75 16 Cimicifugin (Macrotin)...Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga)... 45 18 Comin Dogwood 50 20 Cypripedin Ladies’-slipper (Cypripedium). 1 50 Digitalin See Digitalisin (21).. 90 21 Digitalisin (Digitalin)... .Foxglove (Digitalis) 90 See note 57. 22 Dioscorein Wild Yam 1 00 23 Euonymin, brown Wahoo (b. of r.) (Euonymus). 1 10 24 Euonymin,green ..Wahoo (bark of twigs) 1 10 26 Eupurpurin Queen-of-the-meadow 1 25 27 Fraserin American Columbo 60 Gelsemin See Gelsemperin (28).. 1 50 28 Gelsemperin (Gelsemin). .Gelsemium 1 50 See note 57. 31 Hamamelin Witch Hazel (Hamamelis)... 65 32 Helonin Helonias (False Unicom) 1 50 Humulin See Lupulin (44).. 40 33 Hydrastin .from Golden-seal (Hydrastis) (per pound, $21.00).. 1 50 34 Hydrastin muriate See Berberine hydrochlorate.... 2 00 See note 18. 35 Hydrastin phosphate See Berberine phosphate 4 00 See note iS. 36 Hydrastin sulph., pure cryst .See Berberine sulph., neut'l salt 4 00 See note 18. 39 Irisin Blue Flag (Iris) 60 40 Jalapin (Jalap resin, U.S. P.).. Jalap 90 41 Juglandin Butternut (Juglans) 60 42 Leptandrin Culver’s-root (Leptandra) (per pound, $5.00).. 40 44 Lupulin (see note 92)....Humulus Lupulus 40 CONCENTRATIONS. 48 PART ONE C oncentrations. [SPECIAL PRICES IN BULK.] Per OZ. Macrotin See Cimicifugin (16).. $ 45 47 Myricin Bayberry 50 48 Phytolaccin Poke root (Phytolacca) 75 49 Podophyllin (Podophyllum resin) Mandrake (Podophyllum) (per lb. $5.00).. 40 50 Podophyllin, Pharm. Germ. Mandrake 60 51 Podophyllin, soluble Mandrake 50 See note 138. 52 Populin Poplar 50 58 Sanguinariin(seenote57)..Blood-root (Sanguinaria)...., 65 59 Sanguinarine nitrate (pure salt of alkaloid) 3 00 See Dote 18. 60 Sanguinarine sulphate (pure salt of alkaloid) 3 50 See note 18. 61 Scutellarin Scullcap (Scutellaria) 1 00 62 Senecin Life-root 85 66 Vibumin Cramp-bark (Viburnum Opulus) 1 00 67 Xanthoxylin Prickly Ash bark(Xanthoxylum) 85 •SNOIJ.VU1N30NOO SPECIAL PREPARATIONS. Extensive additions in the way of improved machinery and in- creased capacity having recently been made to our laboratory resources, we are better prepared than ever to handle special for- mulas of all kinds to advantage. We promise: Fidelity to formula, Celerity of production, Economy, and Elegance. Information confided to us in connection with formulas submitted is always scrupulously guarded from publicity. The very perfection of our facilities for executing large orders makes it unprofitable to accept any contract for a less number of pills than 3000 sugar-coated or 1000 gelatin-coated; compressed tablets, coated or uncoated, less than 3000; or lozenges, less than 5 pounds The minimum of liquid preparations which we can handle with satisfaction is 3 gallons; suppositories, any size, 1000; filled capsules, elastic or hard, 1000 Quantities less than these cannot be manufactured at correspondingly low rates. We wish it distinctly understood that we cannot compete against cut prices based upon inferior material, as we have but one quality and that the best obtainable. So far as purity of ingredients and perfection of workmanship are concerned, it makes no differ- ence whether the products we are manufacturing are in fulfillment of a special order (the material being supplied by us) or to re- plenish our regular stock. We consider our reputation at stake in either case. In view of our unsurpassed facilities for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals of every variety, we respectfully invite all who may have special formula work to be done, to correspond with us upon the subject. 49 Sugar Coated and Gelatin Coated Pills. OVIFORM. Our pills are made from the purest materials and are coated by a method avoiding the application of any degree of heat which could impair their efficacy. We direct special attention to the homogeneous character and ready solubility of the mass. Some of our pills are intentionally made of a firm consistence in order to insure their permanency, but this condition does not im- pair the solubility of the mass, as the excipient employed is read- ily dissolved by the gastric juice. For superiority of finish and uniformity of coating, our pills are unexcelled. Particular attention is directed to the absence of unsightly needle-holes in our gelatin-coated pills, and to the perfect protection of the mass from deleterious atmospheric influences, secured by the employment of an improved process by which the pill is completely enveloped in a gelatin coating. The formula in each instance is strictly followed, irrespective of cost, and the entire process conducted under scientific management and by improved methods. Particular care is taken to insure the preservation of the drug. Our pills are put up for the trade in bottles of ioo and 500 each, excepting a few pills of Rare Alkaloids, which are put up in bottles of 25 each, as noted in each instance. Oviform Gelatin-coated Pills will be supplied unless other- wise specified. The manufacture of the following has been discontinued: Nos. 89, 191, 192, 193, 242, 321. Please refer to our line of Enteric Pills, i.e. pills designed to pass the stomach intact and be dissolved in the duodenum or intestinal tract. See page 88. Special quotations for pills of special formulae or for stock pills In bulk. See note 7g. PILLS. 50 PART ONE. Specify P* D. & Coh A s in many instances we manufacture several formulae of pills and other lines, from precisely the same component parts, varying only in the proportions of each employed, we have signified the different formulae by separate numbers or letters, and it is of the utmost importance, when ordering, that the exact formula desired be thus clearly specified. In the absence of such specification, where more thorn one such formula is listed, we shall send that formula which is designated by a dagger, thus f. Oviform Gelatin-coated Pills will be supplied on orders which do not Specify shape or coating. SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED—OVIFORM. of 100. of 500. 1 Acetanilid, 4 grs. (gelatin-coated only) $ 40 $ 1 85 2 Aconite leaves Extract, 1-4 gr. (g.-c. only) 20 85 3fAconite leaves Extract, 1-2 gr. {g.-c. only) 25 1 10 4 Aconite leaves Extract, I gr. {g.-c. only) 30 1 35 5 Aconitine, cryst., 1-200 gr. (see note 4) 25 1 10 6f Aconitine, cryst., 1-500 gr 25 1 10 7 Adonidin, 1-10 gr.. (per bottle of 25 each, $1.00) 3 80 Gelatin-coated, only; see note 137. 8 Acme AD r 8c Chinoidin, 2 grs. Ol’res. Bl’k Pepper, 1-6 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp., 1-3 gr. Dried Ferrous sulph., 1-2 gr. 9fAgue, Improved Cinchonidine sulph., 1 gr. Gelsemperin, 1-16 gr. Xanthoxylin, 1 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-16 gr. Aiken, see Tonic, Aiken (629).. So 2 35 55 2 60 10 Aloes, U. S. P 25 1 10 Purified Aloes Gm. 0.13 about 2 grs. Powd. Soap Gm. 0.13 “ 2 grs. 11 Aloes and Asafetida, U. S. P 25 1 10 Purified Aloes Gm. 0.09 about 1 2-5 grs. Asafetida Gm. 0.09 “ 1 2-5 grs. Powd. Soap Gm. 0.09 “ 1 2-5 grs. f Aloes and Asafoetida, 4 grs., B. P. (s.-c. only) (715) 20 85 Powd. Soc. Aloes, 1 gr. Powd. Hard Soap, 1 gr. Asafcetida, 1 gr. Confect. Roses, 1 gr. Aloes and Asaf oetida, 5 grs., B.P .{g.-c. only) (744) 35 1 60 Powd. Soc. Aloes, 11-4 grs. Powd. Hard Soap, 1 1-4 grs. Asafoetida, 1 1-4 grs. Confect. Roses, 1 1-4 grs. Aloes, Barbadoes, B. P. {s.-c. only) (716).. Powd. Barb. Aloes, 2 grs. Oil Caraway, 1-8 gr. 30 1 35 Powd. Hard Soap, 1 gr. Confect. Roses, 1 gr. Aloes and Ext. Gentian, see Gentian Co.. (291).. 30 1 35 12+Aloes and Iron, R “A” {see also Iron and Aloes). 30 1 35 Purified Aloes, i gr. Jamaica Ginger, 1-2 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. Ext. Conium fruit, 1-2 gr. ■snid tSee note at head of this page. 51 S’. C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND A B List Perbot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of ioo. of 500. Aloes and Iron, 9 “A” (half-strength).. (797).. $ 25 Purified Aloes, 1-2 gr. Jamaica Ginger, 1-4 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1-2 gr. Ext. Conium fruit, 1-4 gr. $ I 10 IJ Aloes and Iron, U. S. P 25 Purified Aloes. Gm. 0.07 about 1 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate.Gm. 0.07 “ 1 gr. Aromatic Powder Gm. 0.07 “ 1 gr. Confection Rose, q. s. I 10 Aloes and Iron, B. P. (s.-c. only) (717).. 30 Iron sulphate, 1-2 gr. Comp. Cinnamon Powd., 1 gr. Powd. Barb. Aloes, 2-3 gr. Confection Roses, 1 1-3 grs. i 35 tAloes and Iron, 5 grs., B. P. (g.-c. only).. (745).. 50 Powd. Barb. Aloes, 20-21 gr. Iron sulphate, 5-7 gr. Comp. Cinnamon Powd., 1 3-7 grs. Confection Roses, 1 19-21 grs. 2 35 14 Aloes and Mastic, U. S. P 30 Purified Aloes Gm. 0.13 about 2 grs. Powd. Red Rose Gm. 0.03 “ 1-2 gr. Mastic Gm. 0.04 “ 3-5 gr. 1 35 15 Aloes and Myrrh, U. S. P 25 Purified Aloes Gm. 0.13 about 2 grs. Myrrh Gm. 0.06 “ 1 gr. Aromatic Powder Gm. 0.04 “ 3*5 gr. 1 10 tAloes and Myrrh, B. P. (s.-c. only) (718).. 25 Soc. Aloes, 2 grs. Myrrh, 1 gr. Saffron, 1-2 gr. 1 10 Aloes and Myrrh, 5grs., B. P. (g.-c. only).(746).. 40 Soc. Aloes, 2 6-7 grs. Myrrh, 1 3-7 grs. Saffron, 5-7 gr. 1 85 16 Aloes, Myrrh and Iron 25 Purified Aloes, 2 grs. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. Powd. Myrrh, 1 gr. 1 10 17 Aloes and Nux Vomica 30 Purified Aloes, 11-2 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 gr. 1 35 18 Aloes, Nux Vomica and Belladonna. 35 Purified AloeSj 11-2 grs. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-8 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 gr. 1 60 Aloes, Socotrine, B. P. (j.-c. only) (719) ■ • 25 Powd. Soc. Aloes, 2 grs. Oil Nutmeg, r-8 gr. Powd. Hard Soap, 1 gr. Confection Roses, r gr. 1 10 Aloetic, see Aloes (10).. 25 1 10 19 Aloin, 1-10 gr (gelatin-coated only) 20 85 20 Aloin, 1-5 gr (gelatin-coated only) 25 1 10 2lf Aloin, 1-4 gr (gelatin-coated only) 25 I xo 22 Aloin, 1-2 gr. (gelatin-coated only) 35 1 60 23 Aloin, 1 gr. (gelatin-coated only) 60 2 85 24 Aloin Compound 30 Aloin, 1-8 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. 1 35 PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50 PART ONE. Specify P. D & Co's SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED—OVIFORM. of ioo. of 500. 25 Aloin Comp, and Strychnine $ 40 $ I 85 Aloin, 1-8 gr. Strychnine, 1-80 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-10 gr Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-8 gr. 26 Aloin and Strychnine 40 I 85 Aloin, 1-5 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. 27tAloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, 9 “ A ” 40 I 85 Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna Ivs., 1-8 gr Strychnine, 1-60 gr. 28 Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, B “ B ” 40 I 85 Aloin, 1-10 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-6 gr Strychnine, 1-50 gr. Aloin, Strychnine & Belladonna, B “C”. (755).. Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-8 gr 35 I 60 Strychnine, 1-120 gr. 29 Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna Compound.. 50 2 35 Aloin, 1-5 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-8 gr. Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1-2 gr Aloin, Strychnine, Belladonna and Ipecac, see Evacuant (362).. 35 1 60 30 Alterative (gelatin-coated only) 25 1 10 Mass of Mercury, 1 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-8 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. 31 Alterative Compound Extract (g.-c. only) 50 2 35 Ext. Bamboo-brier, 2-3gr. Ext. Phytolacca rt., 2-3gr, Ext. Stillingia, 2-3 gr. Ext. Lappa, 2-3 gr. Ext. Xanthoxylum, 1-3 gr. See note 6. 32 Aluminium Compound (sugar-coated only) I Metallic aluminium, 1 gr. Calcium carbonate, 5-8 gr. Hydrate aluminium, 5-8 gr. 33 Ammonium bromide, 1 gr* (sugar-coated only).. 50 7 35 45 2 10 34 Ammonium chloride, 3 grs. {sugar-coated only). 30 1 35 35 Ammonium picrate, 1-8gr.(gelatin-coatedonly). 25 1 10 36 Ammonium picrate, 1-4 gr .{gelatin-coated only). 30 * 35 37f Ammonium picrate, 1-2 gr. {gelatin-coatedonly). 35 i 60 38 Ammonium picrate, I gr. {gelatin-coated only).. 45 2 10 39 Ammonium picrate, 2 grs.{gelatin-coated only).. 60 2 85 40 Ammonium picrate, 3 grs. {gelatin-coated only). 75 3 60 41 Ammonium valerianate, I gr.{sugar-coatedonly). 40 1 85 42 Anderson Scot 25 1 10 Purified Aloes, 1 3-5 grs. Powd. Soap, 1-15 gr. Powd. Colocynth, 4-15 gr. Oil Anise, 1-30 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-15 gr. Andrew, see Ox Gall Compound, Andrew. (438).. 55 2 60 Andrew, see Tonic Hamatic, Andrew.... (630).. 75 3 60 45 2 10 Ext.Byoscyamus, igr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-20 gr Camphor, 1 gr. Morphine acetate, 1-20 gr. ■snid fSee note at head of page 50. 53 S. C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED—OVIFORM. of ioo. of 500. 44 Anthelmintic (gelatin-coated only) $ 55 $ 2 60 Santonin, 1 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1 gr. 45 Anthemis Extract, 2 grs. {gelatin-coaled only).. 40 46 Anti-Bilious 40 00 00 Or On Ext. Colocynth comp., 2 1-2 grs. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. 47 Anti-Chill {gelatin-coatedonly)... 40 1 85 Chinoidin, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-20 gr. Iron ferrocyanide, 2 grs. Oleoresin Black Pepper, 1 gr. 48fAnti-Constipation (Brundage) 40 Podophyllum resin, 1-10 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. 1 85 49 Anti-Constipation (Carson) (g.-c. only) 60 2 85 Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Ext. Rhubarb, 1 gr. Aloin, 1-3 gr. 50 Anti-Constipation (Goss) 40 Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 gr. Ext. Colocynth, 1-4 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-4 gr. 1 85 Ext. Tuglans, 1-2 gr. Ext. Cascara sagr., 1-4 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Powd. Apocynum, 1-2 gr. 51 Anti-Constipation (Palmer) 35 1 60 Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-3 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. Anti-Dyspeptic (Fothergill), see Carminative (149) 45 Anti-Dyspeptic (Fothergill), Modified, see Car- 2 10 minative, Modified (754) • • 45 2 10 52 Anti-Dyspeptic 35 Strychnine, 1-40 gr. Mass of Mercury, 2 grs. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-10 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp., 2 grs. 1 60 Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. 53 Anti-Epileptic 1 20 5 85 Iron ferrocyanide, 1-2 gr. Zinc valerianate, 1-2 gr. Quinine valerianate, 1 gr. Ext. Valerian, 1 gr. 54 Antimony Compound, U. S. P.(Plummer Pills).. 30 1 35 Sulphurated Antimony..Gm, 0.04 about 3-5 gr. Mercurous chloride,mild.Gm. 0.04 “ 3-5 gr. Powd.Guaiac Gm. 0.08 “ 11-4 grs. Castor oil, q. s. 55 Anti-Malarial (McCaw) {gelatin-coated only)... 65 3 10 Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-80 gr. Dried Ferrous sulph., 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin ,1-8 gr. Gelsemperin, 1-4 gr. Ol’res. Bl’k Pepper, 1-16 gr. f Anti-Malarial, Maddin, (823).. 50 Strychnine, 1-40 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-24 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. 2 35 Purified Aloes, 1-6 gr. Anti-Malarial, Maddin, Milder, without aloes (gelatin-coated only) (850).. 5° 2 35 Strychnine, 1-40 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-24 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. PILLS. tSee note at head of page 50. 54 PART ONE. Specify P» D« & Co?s SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OV1FORM. of ioo of 500. fAnti-Malarial, Maddin,Stronger(e.-r.0«/y)(824) & 55 $ 2 to Strychnine, 3-100 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-20 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 1-5 grs. Quinine sulphate, x 1-5 grs. Purified Aloes, 1-5 gr. Anti-Malarial, Maddin, Stronger without aloes {gelatin-coated only) (825).. 55 2 60 Strychnine, 3-100 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-20 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 1-5 grs. Quinine sulphate, 1 1-5 grs. 56 Anti-Periodic {gelatin-coated only) 40 I 85 Cinchonidine sulph., 1 gr. Strychnine sulph., 1-33 gr. Dried Ferrous sulph., 1-2 gr. Gelsemperin, 1-20 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-20 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-10 gr. 57 Anti-Syphilitic {sugar-coated only) 65 3 10 Potassium iodide, 2 1-2 grs. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-40 gr. 58+Aperient 50 Ext. Nux vomica, 1-3 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 2 grs. 59 Aperient (Bauer) 45 2 10 Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Ext. Coloc. co., 1 gr. Potass, and Sodium tartr., 11-2 grs. Ext. Aloes, 1 gr. 60 Aperient (Drysdalt) {gelatin-coated onlv) 35 160 Powd. Rhubarb, 1 1-4 grs. Purified Aloe's, 11-4 grs. Powd. Ipecac, 5-12 gr. Powd. Nux vomica, 1-2 gr. 61 Aperient Granules 25 1 10 Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-10 gr. Aloin, i-xo gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-40 gr. 62 Aperient, Mild 35 1 60 Ext. Coloc. comp., 1-2 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 2 grs. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 5-6 gr. Oil Caraway, 1-20 gr. Aphrodisiac, see Phosphorus, Nux Vomica and Damiana (477) • • I 00 4 85 63 Aphrodisiac Compound {gelatin-coated only)... 90 4 35 Ext. Coca, 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Cinchonidine sulph., 1-2 gr. Iron bromide, 1 gr. Phosphorus, 1-200 gr. 64 Apocynum Extract, 2 grs. {gelatin-coated only). 40 185 Armor, see Ox Gall and Pepsin, Dr. Armor.. (439) 80 3 85 fArsenic sulphide, 1-100 gr (805).. 20 85 Arsenic sulphide, 1-60 gr (806).. 20 85 65f Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr 20 85 66 Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr 20 85 67 Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr 20 85 68 Arsenous acid, 1-40 gr 20 85 69 Arsenous acid, 1-32 gr 20 85 70 Arsenous acid, 1-30 gr 20 85 71 Arsenous acid, 1-20 gr 20 85 72 Arsenous acid, 1-12 gr 20 85 73 Asafetida, x gr 20 85 •snid tSee note at head of page 50 55 S. C. and G. C. Fills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of 100. of 500. 74 Asafetida, 2 grs $ 25 $ I 10 75fAsafetida, U. S. P., 3 grs Asafetida Gm. 0.2 about 3 grs. Powd. Soap Gm. 0.06 “ 1 gr. 25 I 10 76 Asafetida, 4 grs 25 r 10 77 Asafetida, 5 grs. {gelatin-coated only) 35 1 60 78 Asafetida Compound Opium, 4-5 gr. Asafetida, 4-5 gr. Ammonium carbonate, 4-5 gr. 45 2 10 f Asafoetida Comp., 3 grs., B. P. (s.-c. only).. (720) 30 1 35 Asafetida, 1 gr. Galbanum, 1 gr. Myrrh, 1 gr. Asafoetida Comp., 5 grs., B. P.{g.-c. only)..{T^j).. Asafetida, 1 2-3 grs. Galbanum, 1 2-3 grs. Myrrh, 1 2-3 grs. 50 2 35 79 Asafetida and Iron Asafetida, 2 grs. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. 25 1 10 80 Asafetida and Nux Vomica Asafetida, 3 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. 35 1 60 81 Asafetida and Rhubarb. Asafetida, 1 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 gr. 40 1 85 Asiatic. (832).. Arsenous acid Gm. 0.0075 about 1-9 gr. Powd. Black Pepper ...Gm. 0.06 “ x gr. Powd. Acacia Gm. 0.0x5 “ 1-4 gr. Powd. Althaea Gm. 0.02 “ 3-10 gr. ♦Not listed in bottles of 500. To be used cautiously on account of large dose of arsenous acid. 35 * 82 Atropine, I-120 gr 30 1 35 83fAtropine, 1-100 gr 30 1 35 84 Atropine, 1-60 gr 40 1 85 85 Ballou {gelatin-coated only) Ext. Colocynth co., 1 gr. Mercurous chlor., mild, 1 gr Ext. Jalap, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Barker, see Post-partum, Dr. Fordyce Barker; 45 2 10 see also Laxative “Special” 1:8).. Barker, see Post-partum, Dr. Fordyce Barker, 55 2 60 N.F (365).. 45 2 10 Bauer, see Aperient, Bauer (59).. 45 2 10 86 Belladonna leaves Extract, 1-8 gr. {g.-c. only).. 25 1 10 87tBelladonna leaves Extract, 1-4 gr. {g.-c. only).. 25 1 10 88 Belladonna leaves Extract, 1-2 gr. {g.-c. only).. 30 1 35 90 Berberine hydrochlorate, I gr. (g- -c. only) 95 4 60 91 Berberine sulphate, 2 grs. {gelatin-coated only).. 1 50 7 35 92 Berberine and Podophyllin {gelatin-coatedonly). Berberine sulphate, 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-20 gr. 50 2 35 PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50 56 PART ONE. Specify P. D. <& Co's SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of IOO. of 500. 93 Berberis Aquifolium Extract, 3 grs $ 45 $ 2 10 94 Berberis Compound (gelatin-coated only) 45 2 10 Ext. Berberis Aquifol., 2 grs. Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1 gr. 95 Bilious (Junge). 45 2 10 Manganese iodide, 1-2 gr. Sanguinariin, 1-5 gr. Leptandrin, 3-10 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 3-5 gr. Juglandin, 3-10 gr. 96fBilious (Wann)., 30 1 35 Ext. Coloc. comp., i gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-4 gr. 97 Bismuth and Ignatia (gelatin-coated only) 75 3 60 Bismuth subnitrate, 4 grs. Ext. Ignatia, 1-4 gr. 98 Bismuth and Nux Vomica {gelatin-coated only). 80 3 85 Bismuth subnitrate, 5 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 gr 99 Bismuth subcarbonate, 3 grs 55 2 60 ioofBismuth subnitrate, 2 grs. {gelatin-coated only).. 35 1 bo 101 Bismuth subnitrate, 3 grs. (gelatin-coated only).. 40 1 85 102 Black Haw Ext. (Viburnum Prunifolium), 3 grs. 35 1 60 103 Black Hellebore Extract, I gr. {g.-c. only) 40 1 85 Blaud Pills, see Ferrous carbonate {Blaud). 104 Blennorrhagic {sugar-coated only) 65 3 10 Ext. Hops, 3-4 gr. Turpentine, 1 1-2 grs. Podophyllum resin, i-8gr. Camphor monobrom., 3-4 gr. 105 Blue Mass, 1-2 gr. {gelatin-coated only).... 20 85 (Mass of Mercury.) 106 Blue Mass, 1 gr 20 85 107 Blue Mass, 2 grs 20 85 xoSfBlue Mass, 3 grs 20 85 109 Blue Mass, 5 grs 25 1 10 no Blue Mass Compound {gelatin-coated only) 45 2 10 Mass of Mercury, 1 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-2 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 gr. Blue and Podophyllin, see Podophyllin and Blue Mass (510).. 30 1 35 Brown-Sequard, see Neuralgic Idiopath., Brown- Sequard (414) . Brown-Sequard, see Neuralgic Idiopath., Brown- 95 4 60 Sequard, halj-strength (415) • • 55 2 60 Brundage, see Anti- Constipation, Brundage.. (48) 40 1 85 11 ifCaffeine, citrated, 1 gr 40 1 85 Caffeine, citrated, 2 grs (796).. 70 3 35 112 Calabar Bean Extract, I-I2 gr. {g.-c. only) 35 1 60 (Physostigma.) 113 Calcium sulphide, 1-20 gr 25 1 10 114 Calcium sulphide, i-iogr..... 30 1 35 115 Calcium sulphide, 1-8 gr 30 1 35 PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50. S. C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND / L B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED—OVIFORM. of IOO. of 500. Il6 Calcium sulphide, 1-5 gr $ 30 $ i 35 H7fCalcium sulphide, 1-4 gr 30 1 35 118 Calcium sulphide, 1-2 gr 30 1 35 .119 Calcium sulphide, I gr 35 1 60 120 Calcium sulphide, 2 grs 40 1 85 121 Calcium sulphide, 3 grs 45 2 10 122 Calisaya Alkaloids 45 2 10 Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Quinidine sulphate, 1-2gr. Cinchonine sulphate,1-2 gr. Cinchonidine sulph., 1-2 gr. 123 Calomel, 1-10 gr 20 85 (Mercurous chloride, mild.) Calomel, 1-8gr (837) • • 20 85 124 Calomel, 1-4 gr 20 85 125 Calomel, 1-2 gr 20 85 126 Calomel, 1 gr 20 85 i27fCalomel, 2 grs 25 1 10 128 Calomel, 3 grs 25 1 10 129 Calomel, 5 grs 130 Calomel Compound Mercurous chlor., mild, 3-4 gr. Guaiac, 1 1-2 grs. 35 30 1 60 1 35 Sulphurated Antimony, 3-4 gr. 131 Calomel and Colocynth Compound 45 2 10 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 2 1-2 grs. 132 Calomel and Opium 5o 2 35 Mercurous chloride, mild, 2 grs. Opium, 1 gr. 133 Calomel and Rhubarb 40 1 85 Mercurous chlor., mild, 1-3 gr. Ext. Rhubarb, 1-2 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-6 gr. 134 Camphor Compound {gelatin-coaled only) Camphor, 1 gr. Powd. Kino, 1 gr. Powd. Opium, 1 gr. Ext. Capsicum, 1-16 gr. 50 2 35 135 Camphor and Hyoscyamus 30 1 35 Camphor, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. 136 Camphor monobromated, I gr. (g.-c. only), 30 1 35 l37fCamphor monobromated, 2 grs. (g.-c. only) 50 2 35 138 Camphor monobromated, 3 grs. (g.-c. only) 75 3 60 Camphor monobromated, 5 grs. (g.-c. only) (785) I 10 5 35 139 Camphor and Opium 50 2 35 Camphor, 2 grs. Powd. Opium, 1 gr. 140 Camphor, Opium and Hyoscyamus Camphor, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-2 gr. 40 1 85 141 Camphor, Opium and Lead acetate 50 2 35 Camphor, 1 gr. Opium, 1 gr. Lead acetate, 1 gr. 142 Camphor, Opium and Tannin 35 1 60 Camphor, 1 gr. Opium, 1-4 gr. Tannic acid, 2 grs. PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50. 58 PART ONE. Spec ify P. D. & CoJs SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of ioo. of 500. 143 Camphor, Valerian and Hyoscyamus $ 35 Camphor, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Powd. Valerian, 1-2 gr. $ I 60 144 Cannabis Indica Extract, 1-4 gr 35 I 60 (Extract Indian Cannabis.) i45fCannabis Indica Extract, 1-2 gr 55 2 60 146 Cannabis Indica Extract, 1 gr 95 4 60 147 Capsicum, 1 gr 35 1 60 148 Capsicum Extract, 1-2 gr 45 2 10 149 Carminative 45 2 JO Strychnine, 1-20 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 2-3 gr. Powd. Black Pepper, 1 1-2 grs. Ext. Gentian, 1 gr. Carminative, Modified (g.-c. only) (754).. 45 Strychnine sulphate, 1-50 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 2-3 gr. Powd. Bl’k Pepper, 1-4 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1 gr. Oil Cloves, 1-20 gr. 2 10 Carson, see Anti-Constipation, Carson (gelatin- coated only)... (49).. 60 2 85 150 Cascara Comp. Pellets (D’Ary) 60 2 85 Ext. Cascara sagrada, 4-15 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-30 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., i-6cgr. Euonyminj brown, 1-5 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-20gr. Xanthoxylin, 4-15 gr. 151 Cascara Sagrada Extract, X gr 30 l52fCascara Sagrada Extract, 2 grs 40 153 Cascara Sagrada Extract, 3 grs 50 154 Cascara Sagrada and Nux Vomica 60 i 35 1 85 2 35 2 85 Ext. Cascara sagrada, 2 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-5 gr. 155 Cascara Sagrada, Nux Vomica and Belladonna. 60 2 85 Ext. Cascara sagrada, 2 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-16 gr. 156 Catarrh (Hager) {gelatin-coatedonly) 45 2 10 Quinidine sulph., 3-8 gr. Powd. Gentian, 1-4 gr. Cinchonidine sulph., 3-8 gr. Hydrochloric acid, 1-4 gr. Powd. Red Saunders, i-i2gr. Powd. Althaea, 1-4 gr. Cathartic (Dr. J. W. Keckler) {g.-c. only). (851). 30 1 35 Euonymin, brown, 1-4 gr. Apocynin, 1-4 gr. Chelonin, 1-4 gr. Eupatorin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Taraxacum, 1-2 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Cathartic Pearls (863).. 25 Aloin, 1-10 gr. Strychnine sulph., 1-200 gr. Jalap resin, i-ic gr. Ext. Hvoscyamus, 1-20 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-5 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-20 gr. 1 10 Cathartic Pellets, No. 1 (854).. 20 85 Leptandrin, 1-32 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-128 gr. Aloin, 1-16 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-6 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-64 gr. Oil Peppermint, 1-128 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, i-i6gr. Cathartic Pellets, No. 2 (855).. 20 85 Aloin, 1-10 gr. Podophyllum resfn, 1-5 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp., 1-10 gr. Oleum Tiglii, 1-1S gr. Ext. Nux Vomica, 1-10 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-128 gr. •STIld tSee note at head of page 50. 59 ■S'. C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. • No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of 100. of 500. Cathartic and Liver Granules (849) ■ ■ $ 25 $ I 10 Aloin, 1-20 gr. Strychnine, 1-100 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-5 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-30 gr. Cathartic Compound, Active* (8ig).. 25 I 10 Purified Aloes, 1 1-8 grs. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 3-10 gr. Oleum Tiglii, 1-50 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. 157 Cathartic Comp., Cholagogue 30 Podophyllum resin, 1-2 gr. Mass of Mercury, 1-4 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-16 gr. I 35 Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-8 gr. i58fCathartic Comp. Granules, 3-4 gr 25 I 10 Jalap resin, 1-1& gr. Po'w3. Gamboge, 1-32 gr. Leptandrin, 1-16 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-64 gr. Aloin, i-S gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Oil Peppermint, 1-128 gr. 159 Cathartic Comp. Granules, R 2 25 1 10 Aloin, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-20 gr. Jalap resin, 1-10 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-20 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-5 gr. Oleores. Capsicum, 1-20 gr. i6ofCathartic Comp., Improved*. 25 I 10 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1 gr. Leptandrin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Oil Peppermint, q. s. Ext. Gentian, 1-2 gr. 161 Cathartic Comp., Mild (gelatin-coated only) 23 1 10 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-4 gr. Jalap resin, 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Mercurous chlor., mild, 1-2 gr. Oil Peppermint, q. s. 162 Cathartic Comp., Modified 30 I 35 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-6 gr. Ext. Jalap, 3-4 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1-2 gr. Mercurous chlor., mild, 3-4 gr. Powd. Jam. Ginger, 1-4gr. 163 Cathartic Comp., U. S. P.* 25 I 10 Ext. Colocynth comp Gm. 0.08 about 11-4 grs. Mercurous chloride, mild.Gm. 0.06 “ 1 gr. Ext. Jalap Gm. 0.03 “ 1-2 gr. Powd. Gamboge Gm. 0.015 “ 1-4 gr. 164 Cathartic Compound, Vegetable* 30 I 35 Ext. Colocynth. 1-3 gr. Scammony resin, 1-3 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Powd. Cardamom, 1-8 gr. Powd. Soap, 1-8 gr. Purified Aloes, 1 1-4 grs. Cathartic Vegetable, U. S. P (808).. 30 I 35 Ext. Colocynth comp... .Gm. 0.06 about 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus Gm. 0.03 “ 1-2 gr. Ext. Talap Gm. 0.03 “ 1-2 gr. Ext. Leptandra Gm. 0.015 “ 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin Gm. 0.015 “ 1-4 gr. Oil Peppermint. Gm. 0.008 “ 1-8 gr. 165 Caulophyllin, 1-8 gr. (gelatin-coatedonly) 25 I 10 166 Cerium oxalate, 1-4 gr. {gelatin-coated only).... 30 I 35 i67fCerium oxalate, 1 gr. {gelatin-coated only) 50 2 35 PILLS. tSee note at head of page 50 *For prices per gross and in bulk, see page 142. 60 PART ONE. Specify P, D. & C'oi’s SUGAR COATED AND A B . List 3er bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of IOO. of 500. 168 Cerium oxalate, 2 grs. {gelatin-coated only) $ 70 $ 3 35 Chalybeate, see Saline and Chalybeate Tonic, Flint, and Ferrous carbonate, Blaud. Chalybeate Comp., Improved (Jarvis)... (801).. 30 1 35 Ext. Nux vomica, i-io gr. Ferrous carbonate mass (Blaud), 3 grs. Chapman, see Dinner, Chapman (254).. 30 1 35 169 Charcoal, 3 grs 35 1 60 170 Chimaphila Extract, 3 grs. (gelatin-coated only).. 45 2 10 171 Chinoidin, 1-2 gr 20 85 172 Chinoidin, I gr 20 85 I73fChinoidin, 2 grs 25 1 10 174 Chinoidin, 3 grs 30 1 35 175 Chinoidin Compound 45 2 10 Chinoidin, 2 grs. Piperin, 1-2 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate. 1 gr. 176 Cholagogue (gelatin-coated only) 35 1 60 Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Purified Aloes. 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. Christopher, see Liver, Christopher (372).. 35 1 60 177 Cimicifugin, 1 gr. {gelatin-coated only) 30 1 35 178 Cinchonidine salicylate, 2 1-2 grs 60 2 85 179 Cinchonidine sulphate, 1-2 gr 20 85 180 Cinchonidine sulphate, 1 gr 25 1 10 l8lfCinchonidine sulphate, 2 grs 35 1 60 182 Cinchonidine sulphate, 3 grs 40 1 85 183 Cinchonidine sulphate, 4 grs. {gelatin-coatedonly) 45 2 10 184 Cinchonidine sulphate, 5 grs .{gelatin-coated only) 50 2 35 185 Cinchonidine Compound 40 1 85 Cinchonidine sulph., i gr. Reduced Iron, i gr. Arsenous acid, 1-32 gr. 186 Cinchonidine Comp, and Strychnine{g.-c. only).. 40 1 8s Cinchonidine sulph., i gr. Reduced Iron, i gr. Arsenous acid, 1-20 gr. Strychnine, 1-20 gr. 187 Cinchonidine and Iron 40 1 8S Cinchonidine sulph., 1 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. 188 Cinchonidine, Iron and Strychnine {g.-c. only).. 40 1 8S Cinchonidine sulphate, 1 gr. Ferrous carbonate mass (Vallet), 2 grs. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. i89tCinchonine sulphate, 1 1-2 grs 30 1 35 190 Cinchonine sulphate, 3 grs 40 1 85 194 Coca Extract, 3 grs. {gelatin-coated only) 60 2 85 193 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-16 gr. {g. c. only) 50 2 35 196+Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-8 gr. {g. c. only)...... 65 3 10 PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50. 61 ■S’. C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED—OVIFORM. of ioo. of 500. 197 Cochia {gelatin-coated only) $ 50 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-2 gr. Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Powd. Scammony, 1-2gr. Potassium sulphate, 1-2 gr. $2 35 198 Codeine, 1-16 gr 45 2 10 199 Codeine, 1-8 gr 60 2 85 200 Codeine, 1-5 gr 80 3 85 20itCodeine, 1-4 gr 90 4 35 202 Codeine, 1-2 gr. {gelatin-coated only) 1 50 7 35 203 Codeine, I gr. {gelatin-coated only) 2 70 204 Colchicine, 1-60 gr... (per bottle of 25 each, 20c.) 60 Gelatin-coated only. See note 137. 13 35 205 Colchicum root Extract, 1-2 gr 40 1 85 Cole, see Dinner, Cole (255).. 40 1 85 Cole, see Laxative, Cole (364) • • 40 1 85 206 Colocynth Comp. Extract, 3 grs 40 1 85 tColocynth Comp., B. P. {s.-c. only) (721).. 40 Powd. Coloc. pulp, 1-2 gr. Potassium sulphate, 1-8 gr. Powd. Barb. Aloes, 1 gr. Oil Cloves, 1-8 gr. Powd. Scammony resin, 1 gr. 1 85 Colocynth Comp., 5 grs., B. P. {g.-c. only) (748).. 70 Powd. Colocynth pulp, 10-n gr. Powd. Scammony resin, 1 9-11 grs. Powd. Barb. Aloes, 1 9-11 grs. Potassium sulphate, 5-22 gr. Oil Cloves, 5-22 gr. 3 35 207 Colocynth Comp. Belladonna and Nux Vomica. 60 Ext. Coloc. comp., 3 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-4 gr. {Gelatin-coated only.) 2 85 2o8f Colocynth Comp, and Blue, 3 grs. 45 Ext. Coloc. comp., 2 1-2grs. Mass of Mercury, 1-2 gr. 2 10 209 Colocynth Comp, and Blue, 5grs 50 Ext. Coloc. comp., 2 1-2 grs. Mass of Mercury, 2 1-2 grs. 2 35 210 Colocynth Comp., Blue Mass and Ipecac 45 Ext. Coloc. comp., 2 grs. Mass of Mercury, 2 grs. Powd. Ipecac, 1-6 gr. 2 10 2lltColocynth Comp, and Hyoscyamus, 3 grs 45 Ext. Coloc. comp., 2 grs. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. 2 10 212 Colocynth Comp, and Hyoscyamus, 5 grs 55 Ext. Coloc. comp., 3 1-3 grs. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 2-3 grs. 2 60 Colocynth and Henbane, B. P. {s.-c. only) (722).. 45 Comp. Pill Colocynth, 2 grs. Ext. Henbane, 1 gr. 2 10 213 Colocynth Comp., Hyoscyamus and Blue Mass. 55 Ext. Coloc. comp., 3 grs. Mass of Mercury, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. {Gelatin-coated only.) 2i4fColocynth Comp., Hyoscyamus and Podophyl- 2 60 lin, 9 “A” 55 Ext. Coloc. comp., 3 grs. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. 2 60 PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50. 62 PART ONE. Specify P. D. (& Co is SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of 215 Colocynth Comp., Hyoscyamus and Podophyl- lin, 9 “B” $ IOO. of 500. $ 2 35 50 Ext. Coloc. comp., 3 grs. Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, i gr. 216 Colocynth Comp, and Ipecac {g.-e. only) 45 2 10 Ext. Coloc. comp., 2 1-2 grs. Powd. Ipecac, 1-2 gr. 217 Colocynth Comp, and Podophyllin Ext. Coloc. comp., 21-2 grs. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 g Powd. Glycyrrhiza, 1-4 gr. 45 2 10 r. 218 Colocynthin, 1-8 gr.. (per bottle of 25 each, 40c.) 1 40 Gelatin-coated only. See note 137. 219 Conium fruit Extract, 1-4 gr 25 1 10 220+Conium fruit Extract, 1-2 gr 30 1 35 221 Conium fruit Extract, I gr 35 1 60 222 Conium Extract and Ipecac 35 1 60 Ext. Conium fruit, 1-2 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-2 gr. Conium Comp., see Hemlock Comp., B. P. (724).. 40 1 85 223 Convallamarin, 1-12 gr. (per bot. of 25 each, 75r\) 2 80 Gelatin-coated only. See note 137. 224*Cook Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 gr. Mercurous chloride,mild, 1-2 gr. Powd. Soap, 1-2 gr. 25 1 10 225fCopaiba mass, 3 grs 30 1 35 226 Copaiba mass, 4 grs 35 1 60 227 Copaiba Compound 45 2 10 Copaiba mass, 1 1-2 grs. Ferric citrate, 3-8 gr. Guaiac, 3-8 gr. Ext. Cubeb, 5-8 gr. 228 Copaiba and Oleoresin Cubeb 55 2 60 Copaiba mass, 2 grs. Oleoresin Cubeb, 1-2 gr. Ext. Cubeb, 1-2 gr. 229 Copaiba, Cubeb and Iron citrate 55 2 60 Copaiba mass, 3-4 gr. Ferric citrate, 3-4 gr. Ext. Cubeb, 1 1-2 grs. 230 Comin, 2 grs. (gelatin-coated only) 45 2 10 231 Comus florida Extract, 2 grs. (g.-c. only) 25 1 10 232tCorrosive sublimate, 1-100 gr 20 85 (Mercuric chloride, corrosive.) 233 Corrosive sublimate, 1-60 gr 20 85 234 Corrosive sublimate, 1-50 gr 20 8s 235 Corrosive sublimate, 1-40 gr 20 85 236 CoiTosive sublimate, 1-30 gr 20 85 237 Corrosive sublimate, 1-20 gr 20 85 238 Corrosive sublimate, 1-16 gr 20 85 239 Corrosive sublimate, 1-12 gr 20 85 240 Corrosive sublimate, 1-8 gr 20 85 Craig, see Ox Gall, Craig (437) • • 45 2 10 PILLS. *For price per gross, see page 142. fSee note at head of page 50. 63 ,£ C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND B List Perbot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED—OVIFORM. of IOO. of 500. Creosote, see Enteric Pills, page 88. 241 Cubeb Extract, 2 grs $ 80 $ 3 85 243 Cubeb, Rhatany and Iron (gelatin-coated only).. Ext. dubeb, 1 i 2 grs. 75 3 60 Ext. Krameria, 1-2 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. 244 Cypripedium Extract, 2 grs. (g.-c. only) 45 2 10 245 Damiana Extract, 3 grs. 55 60 2 60 D’Ary, see Cascara Comp. Pellets, D'Ary.. (150).. Dandelion Extract, 3 grs, see Taraxacum Ex- 2 85 tract (623).. 45 2 10 246 Dandelion and Leptandrin 30 1 35 Ext. Taraxacum, 1 1-3 grs. Leptandrin, 2-3 gr. 247 Daturine sulphate, 1-100 gr. (per bot. of 25, 2cc.) 60 Gelatin-coated only. See note 137. 248 Diaphoretic 45 2 10 Morphine acetate, 1-25 gr. Potassium nitrate, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 gr. Camphor, 1-4 gr. 24a Diarrhoea Pellets 23 1 10 Mercurous chloride, miid, 1-8 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-32 gr. Morphine sulph., 1-16 gr. Camphor, 1-16 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-16 gr. 250 Digestive Pellets (Hager) 50 2 35 Cmchonidine sulph., 1-5 gr. Powd. Pimenta, 3-25 gr. Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 1-5 grs. Powd. Gentian, £25 gr. Powd. Ginger, 3-25 gr. Hydrochl. acid, 6-25 gr. Powd. Cardamom, 3-25 gr. 251 Digitalin, pure, 1-60 gr 30 1 35 252 Digitalis Extract, 1-2 gr. 35 x 60 233 Digitalis Compound 30 1 35 Powd. Digitalis, 1 gr. Potassium nitrate, 2 grs. Powd. Squill, 1 gr. 254 Dinner (Chapman) (gelatin-coatedonly) 30 1 35 Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 gr. Mastic, 1 gr. 255 Dinner (Cole) (gelatin-coatedonly) 40 1 85 Mass of Mercury, 1 1-5 grs. Powd. Jalap, r 1-5 grs. Purified Aloes, x 1-5 grs. Ant. & Pot. tart., 1-50 gr. 236+Dinner (Lady Webster) 25 1 10 Purified Aloes, 1 4-5 grs. Red Rose, 2-5 gr. Mastic, 3-5 gr. Dipsomania (Mann) (807).. 60 2 85 Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Zinc oxide, 2 grs. Strychnine, 1-40 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-5 gr. 257 Diuretic (gelatin-coated only) 35 1 60 Powd. Soap, 1 1-2 grs. Oil Juniper berries, 1-16 gr. Sodium carbonate, 1 1-2 grs. Diuretic Compound (g -c. only) (804).. 45 2 10 Citrated Caffeine, 1 gr. Ext. Digitalis, 1-4 gr. PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50. 64 PART ONE. Specify P. D. c& CoSs SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of ioo. of 500. Dover Powder, see Ipecac and Opium. Dried Ferrous sulphate, see Iron sulphate, exsic- cated. Drysdale, see Aperient, Drysdale (6o).. $ 35 $ I 60 258 Dupuytren {gelatin-coated only) 30 Guaiac, 3 grs. Powd. Opium, 1-8 gr. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-10 gr. i 35 259 Dysentery 30 Mass of Mercury, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1 gr. Gelsemperin, 1-0 gr. • 1 35 260 Dysmenorrhoea (Alvord) 75 Morphine sulph., 1-10 gr. Quinine sulphate, 2-3 gr. Cimicifugin, 2-3 gr. 3 60 26itDyspepsia 45 Ext. fenatia, 1-4 gr. Ext. Rhubarb, 1-4 gr. Ext. Cinchona, red, 1 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 gr. 2 10 262 Dyspepsia (Moore) 60 Cinchonidine sulph., 1-2 gr. Powd. Rhubarb. 1 gr. Ext. Capsicum, 1-3 gr. 2 85 263 Eccoprotic (gelatin-coated only) 40 Ext. Aloes, 2 grs. Podophyllum resin, 3-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-5 gr. Oil Cloves, 1-10 gr. 264 Elaterin, 1-20 gr (per bottle of 25 each, 30c.) I 00 Gelatin-coated only. See note 137. 1 85 265 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-10 gr 50 2 35 266fElaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-8 gr 55 2 60 267 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-4 gr . I 00 4 85 268fEmmenagogue, Improved 70 Ergotin (Bonjean), 1 gr. Ext. Bl’k Hellebore, 1 gr. Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Dried Ferrous sulph., 1 gr. Oil Savine, 1-4 gr. Ext. Savine, 1-4 gr. 3 35 269 Emmenagogue (Mutter) 25 Dried Ferrous sulph., 11-2 grs. Purified Aloes, 1-2 gr. Turpentine, U. S. P., 11-2 grs. 1 10 270 Emmenagogue, No. 4 75 Ergotin (Bonjean), 1 gr. Dried Ferrous sulph., 1 gr. Ext. Cotton-root bark, r gr. Oil Savine, 1-4 gr. Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Ext. Savine, 1-4 gr. 3 60 271 Emmenagogue (Rigaud) 45 Purified Aloes, r 1-2 grs. Powd. Saffron, 3-4 gr. Powd. Rue, 3-4 gr. Powd. Savine, 3-4 gr. 2 10 272 Ergotin (Bonjean), 1-2 gr 35 1 60 273 Ergotin (Bonjean), 1 gr... 50 2 35 274-fErgotin (Bonjean), 2 grs 75 3 60 275 Ergotin (Bonjean), 3 grs 1 00 4 85 Ergotin (Bonjean), 5 grs. (g.-c. only) (838).. I 40 6 85 276fErgotin and Cannabis Indica, B “ A ” 90 Ergotin (Bonjean), 1 gr. Ext. Ind. Cannabis, 1-2 gr. 4 35 PILLS. fSee note at head of page 50. 65 S, C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of IOO. of 500. Ergotin and Cannabis Indica, R “B”... (737).. $ 75 $ 3 60 Ergotin (Bonjean), i gr. Ext. lnd. Cannabis, i-6gr. 277 Ergotin and Cannabis Indica, half-strength Ergotin (Bonjean), 1-2 gr. Ext. Ind. Cannabis, 1-4 gr. 50 2 35 278 Eucalyptus Compound Ext. Eucalyptus, 1 gr. Sanguinariin, 1-8 gr. 5o 2 35 Ext. Apocynum, 1-2 gr. 279 Eucalyptus Extract, 2 grs. {gelatin-coated only).. 40 1 85 Evacuant (362).. 35 x 60 Aloin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-8 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-16 gr. 280 Female, Amenorrhcea 55 2 60 Ext. Cimicifuga, 1 gr. Ext. Cotton-root b’k. 1 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. Purified Aloes, 1 gr. 28rfFemale (Hooper) 20 85 Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Myrrh, 1-4 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1-2 gr. Soap, 1-8 gr. Ext. Black Hellebore, 1-4 gr. Powd. Canella, 1-8 gr. Powd. Jamaica Ginger, 1-8 gr. 282 Female, Leucorrhcea 55 2 60 Hamamelin, 2 grs. Hydrastin, 1-2 gr. Senecin, 1-2 gr. f Ferratin (Boehringer—B. & S.), 2 grs (835).. I 10 5 35 Ferratin (Boehringer—B. & S.), 4 grs. (g.-c. on?y) (836).. 2 00 9 85 Ferric citrate, see Iron citrate. 283 Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), 3 grs.* 25 1 10 284fFerrous carbonate (Blaud), 5 grs., U. S. P.* 30 1 35 Ferrous carbonate (Blaud) Compound.. (860).. 35 1 60 Ferrous carbonate mass (Blaud), 5 grs. Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-10 gr. Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), Modified*.. (750).. Ferrous carbonate mass (Blaud), 5 grs. 1 35 30 Arsenous acid, 1-40 gr. Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), Modified, R 2 (840).. Ferrous carbonate mass (Blaud), 3 grs. 25 1 xo Arsenous acid. 1-40 gr. Pink pills will be supplied only when so specified. Ferrous carbonate mass, see Iron proto-carbonate (Valle t). Ferrous iodide, U. S. P., 0.065 gramme (about 1 grain (334) - - 35 1 60 285 Fever and Ague 40 1 85 Ext. Eucalyptus, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. Chinoidin, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-200 gr. Iron ferrocyanide, 1-2 gr. Flint Saline and Chalybeate, see Saline and Chalybeate Ionic, Flint (749) • • Fordyce, see under Barker, 365 and 5/8. 40 1 85 PILLS. ♦For price in bulk, see Specialties, Part II. tSee note at head of page 50. PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s SUGAR COATED AND A B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED-OVIFORM. of 100. of 500. Fothergill, see Anti- Dyspeptic Fother gill, or Carminative (149).. $ 45 $ 2 10 Fothergill. M odified, see Anti-Dyspeptic Modified, or Carminative Modified. (754) • - 45 2 10 Francis, see Triplex, Dr. Francis (635).. 40 I 85 286 Fucus vesiculosus Extract, 3 grs 50 2 35 287 Galbanum Compound (gelatin-coated only) 35 1 60 Galbanum, i \-2 grs. Asafetida, 1-2 gr. Myrrh, 1 1-2 grs. 288 Gamboge Compound (gelatin-coated only) 25 1 10 Puwd. Gamboge, 3-5 gr. Purified Soc. Al«»es, 3-5 gr. Aromatic powder, 3-5 gr. Powd. Soap, 1 1-5 grs. Gamboge Comp., B. P. (r.-r. only) (723).. Powd. Gamboge, 3-5 gr. Powd. Barb Aloes, 3-3 gr 30 1 35 Cinnamon co., powd., 3-5 gr. Powd. Hard Soap, 1 1-5 grs. 289fGelsemperin (Gelsemin concentration), 1-8 gr. 30 1 35 290 Gelsemperin (Gelsemin concentration), 1-4 gr. 45 2 10 291 Gentian Compound (gelatin-coated only) 30 1 35 Ext. Gentian, 2-3 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 1-3 grs. Purified Aloes, 2-3 gr. Oil Caraway, 1-10 gr. 292 Gentian Extract. 2 grs 30 1 35 293 Geranin, I gr (gelatin-coated only) 35 1 60 294 See Three Valerianates andSumbul, Dr. Manton. 1 40 6 85 Glonoin, see Nitroglycerin. Gold and Sodium chloride, 1-20 gr. (gelatin- coated only) (759) • • 75 3 60 294 Gonorrhoea 30 1 35 Powd. Cubeb, 1 1-4 grs. Dried Ferrous sulph., 1-4 gr. Copaiba mass, r 1-4 grs. Venice Turpentine, 1-4 gr. Goss, see Anti-Constipation, Goss (50).. 40 I 85 296 Grindelia Extract, 3 grs. (g iatin-coa'ed only) .. 50 2 35 Gross, see Neuralgic, Dr. Gross (416).. 1 00 4 85 Gross, see Neuralgic without morphine, Dr. Gross (417).. 90 4 35 297 Guarana Extract, 3 grs. (gelatin-coated only).. 1 50 7 35 Hager, see Catarrh, Hager (156).. 45 2 10 298+Headache (gelatin-coated only) 50 2 35 Lactated Pepsin, i gr. Sodium bicarbonate, i gr. Guarana, 1-2 gr. Cypripedin, 1-2 gr. Headache, No. 2 (852).. 30 1 35 Irisin, 1-10 gr. Sanguinariin, 1-20 gr. Euonymin, Drown, 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-20 gr. Heim, see Quinine, Digitalis, Ipecac and Opium, Heim (546).. 80 3 85 299 Helonin, 1-8 gr. (gelatin-coated only) 30 1 35 Hemlock Comp., B. P. (s.-c. only) (724).. 40 1 85 Ext. Hemlock, 3-4 gr. Ipecacuanha, 3-20 gr. PILLS. tSee note at head of page 50. 67 £ C. and G. C. Pills. PART ONE. SUGAR COATED AND t L B List Per bot. Per bot. No. GELATIN COATED—OVIFORM. of 100. of 500. Hepatic Compound (0. P.) (g -c. only).. (861).. $ Mercurous chlor.. mild, 1-4 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Nux vom., 1-2 gr. Ext. 1 'olocynth comp., 1 1-2 grs. Oil Anise, 1-8 gr. Ext Belladonna leaves, 1-4 gr. 45 $ 2 10 300 Hepatica Mass of Mercury, 2 grs. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 2-3 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 2-3 gr. 45 2 10 301 Hepatic, Eclectic Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Leptandrin, 1-2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica. 1-16 gr. Irisin, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, i-"? gr. 60 2 85 302 Hoang-nan, 3 grs. (gelatin-coated only) I 55 7 60 Hooper, see Female, Hooper. (281).. Hutchinson, see Mercury with Chalk, Hutchin- 20 85 son (gelatin-coated only) (73$) • • Hydrargyrum tannicum oxydulatum (Tannate 35 I 60 of Mercury), 1 gr. (g.-c. only) ($45) • • 40 185 303 Hydrastin (concentration), igr 70 3 35 Hydrastin muriate, see Berberine hydrochlor. (90) 95 4 60 Hydrastin sulphate, see Berberine sulph... (91).. 1 Hydrastin and Podophyllin, see Berberine and 50 7 35 Podophyllin (92).. 50 2 35 304 Hyoscine hydrobrom., 1-400 gr.. (bots. of 25,15c.) Sugar-coated only. See note 137. 40 305 Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-200 gr.. (per bot. of 25,I5er tity of ingredients specified. fncluslve68’ Per dozen pints. 65 Helonias Compound Helonias, 15 grs. Squaw-vine, 60 grs. Viburnum Opulus, 15 grs. Caulophyllum, 15 g t 5 00 $ 9 CO rs. 66 Iron, Bismuth and Strychnine 5 CO 9 00 Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. 69 Iron pyrophosphate Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 16 grs. 4 50 8 25 70 Iron pyrophosphate and Quinine Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. 6 00 10 50 Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. 71 Iron pyrophosphate and Strychnine Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. 5 00 9 00 Strychnine, 8-100 gr. 72 Iron, Quinine and Arsenic 6 00 10 50 Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Arsenous acid, 8-32 gr. 74 Iron and Quinine phosphates 6 00 10 50 Ferric phosphate, soluble, 16 grs. Quinine phosphate (equivalent), 4 grs. 75 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine 6 00 10 50 Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Strychnine, 8-240 gr. 76 Iron, Quinine, Strychnine and Pepsin 7 00 12 00 Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Strychnine, 8-240 gr. Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. 77 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine phosphates.... 6 00 10 50 Ferric phosphate, soluble, 16 grs. Strychnine phosphate, 8-60 gr. Quinine phosphate (equivalent), 4 grs. 78 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine phosphates with Lactated Pepsin 8 00 13 So Ferric phosphate, soluble, 16 grs. Quinine phosphate (equivalent), 4 grs. Strychnine phosphate, 8-60 gr. Lactated Pepsin, 40 grs. Kola Compound (122).. Kola nut, 40 grs. Coca, 40 grs. Celery seed, 40 grs. 5 75 10 00 79 Lactated Pepsin, 80 grs See notes on “ Digestive Ferments.” 7 00 12 00 80 Lactated Pepsin and Bismuth 7 co 12 00 Lactated Pepsin, 40 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. 81 Lactated Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine.... 7 00 12 CO Lactated Pepsin, 40 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. 107 Medicinal Elixirs. PART ONE. Each fiuidounce of Elixir represents the quan- gallon in tity of ingredients specified. 2 mcl'us?ve eS’ Per dozen pints. 82 Lactated Pepsin, Bismuth, Strych. and Iron... $ 7 00 $ 12 00 Lactated Pepsin, 40 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. 83 Laxative 5 00 9 00 Senna, 60 grs. Juglans, 30 grs. Potassium and Sodium tartrate, 60 grs. 84 Liquorice Aromatic (Quinine elixir) 3 65 7 00 See note 140. 85 Lithium citrate, 16 grs 9 op IS 00 Lithia and Hydrangea (129).. 9 00 15 co Hydrangea. 240 grs. Lithium salicylate, 12 grs. Lithium benzoate, 12 grs. 86 Manaca and Salicylates (see note 116) IX 00 18 00 Manaca, 80 grs. Sodium salicylate, 64 grs. Potassium salicylate, 32 grs. Lithium salicylate, 8 grs. 87 Matico Compound S 00 9 00 Matico, 40 grs. Hydrangea, 40 grs. Uva Ursi, 40 grs. 88 Pepsin 6 00 10 50 12 CO ‘Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. 89 Pepsin and Bismuth 7 00 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. 90 Pepsin, Bismuth and Iron 7 00 12 00 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. 91 Pepsin, Bismuth, Iron and Quinine 7 50 12 75 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. 92 Pepsin, Bismuth and Nux Vomica 7 00 12 00 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Nux vomica, 15 grs. 93 Pepsin, Bismuth and Pancreatin 7 CO 12 00 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1S90, 16 grs. Saccharated Pancreatin, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. 95 Pepsin, Bismuth, Strychnine and Pancreatin. 7 5o 12 75 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. Saccharated Pancreatin, 16 grs. 97 Pepsin,Damiana,Phosphorus and Nux Vomica 9 00 15 00 Sacch. Pepsin, U.S.P. 1890,16 grs. Nux vomica, 8 grs. Damiana, 60 grs. Phosphorus, 8-200 gr. MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. 108 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s Each fluidounce of Elixir represents the quan- ,^cr °ililn ... ,. .. . . /4 gal. Dottles, tity of ingredients specified. inclusive Per dozen pints. Pepsin, Lactated, see Lactated Pepsin. q8 Pepsin and Pancreatin $ 7 50 $ 12 75 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Saccharated Pancreatin, 16 grs. 99 Pepsin and Strychnine 7 00 12 00 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. 100 Pepsin, Strychnine and Bismuth 7 00 12 03 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. 101 Pepsin, Strychnine and Bismuth with Iron... 7 50 12 75 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 8 grs. Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. 102 Pepsin, Strychnine and Iron Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. 7 00 12 00 Strychnine, 8-100 gr. 8 00 103 Pepsin and Wafer Ash Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. Wafer Ash, 60 grs. 13 50 104 Phosphates Compound and Calisaya 4 50 8 25 Calisaya bark (active principles), 40 grs. Ferric phosphate, soluble, 2 grs. Calcium phosphate, 2 grs. with small excess of phosphoric acid. 105 Phosphorus, 8-100 gr 5 00 9 00 106 Phosphorus and Strychnine 5 50 9 75 Phosphorus, 8-100 gr. Strychnine, 8-100 gr. Pichi Compound (131).. 7 00 12 00 Pichi, 120 grs. Triticum, bo grs. Corn silk, 30 grs. 107 Potassium bromide, 80 grs 5 00 9 00 Quinine elixir, see Liquorice Aromatic.. (84).. 3 65 7 00 110 Rhubarb and Magnesium 5 00 9 00 Rhubarb, 60 grs. Magnesium acetate, 10 grs. in Rhubarb and Potassium 5 00 9 00 Rhubarb, 18 grs. Potassium bicarb., 18 grs. Hydrastis, 9 grs. 112 Rhubarb and Potassium with Pancreatin.... 5 00 9 00 Rhubarb, 18 grs. Potassium bicarb., iS grs. Hydrastis, 9 grs. Sacch. Pancreatin, 16 grs. 113 Salicylic Acid Compound Salicylic acid, 40 grs. Gelsemium, 15 grs. Cimicifuga, 15 grs. Potassium iodide, 4 grs. Saw Palmetto and Santal Compound. (124).. 6 00 10 50 7 00 12 00 Saw Palmetto berries, 120 grs. Corn-silk, 120 grs. Sandalwood, 30 grs. 114 Simple, red, see Aromatic, red 3 00 6 00 115 Simple, white, see Aromatic, U.S.P 3 00 6 00 116 Sodium bromide, 40 grs 5 00 9 00 117 Sodium salicylate, 20 grs 4 00 7 50 MEDICINAL ELIXIRS Medicinal Elixirs. PART ONE. Each fiuidounce of Elixir represents the (Juan- T^er ln .. . K .c . M-gal.bottles, tity of ingredients specified. inclusive Per dozen pints. 118 Stillingia Compound $ 4 Stilnngia, 30 grs. Turkey-corn, 30 grs. Chimaphila, 15 grs. Sambucus, 15 grs. Iris, 15 grs. Prickly Ash berries, 7% grs. Coriander, grs. 50 $ 8 25 Terpin hydrate and Codeine (130).. 7 Terpin hydrate, 8 grs. Codeine sulphate, 1 gr. 00 12 00 119 Wahoo, 160 grs 5 50 9 75 121 Wild Cherry and Iron 5 Wild Cherry, 60 grs. Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. 00 9 00 122 Kola Compound 5 75 10 00 124 Saw Palmetto and Santal Compound 7 00 12 00 125 Aloin, Belladonna and Strychnine Compound. 4 50 8 25 126 Aletris Compound 7 00 12 00 127 Bromide Compound 12 00 20 00 129 Lithia and Hydrangea 9 00 15 00 130 Terpin hydrate and Codeine 7 00 12 00 131 Pichi Compound 7 00 12 00 MEDICINAL WINES. Medicinal Wines. Each fluidounce of Wine represents the quan- Per gallIon in Per ... .. . ,c , n J4-gal. bottles, dozen tity of ingredients specified. inclusive pints I American White Ash, 120 grs $ 5 50 t 9 75 2 Antimony 6 Antimony and Potass, tartrate, 4 Gm. in 1000 Cc. 00 10 50 4 Beef and Wine 5 A placebo containing the soluble constituents of beef combined with superior sherry wine. Beef, Iron and Wine, see Specialties, Part II. Contains the nutritive constituents of beef, combined with 16 m, Tinct. Iron citro-chloride in each fluidounce. 00 9 00 5 Beef, Iron and Wine with Cinchona 5 Calisaya bark (active principles), 40 grs. in each fluidounce of Beef, Iron and Wine. 50 9 75 6 Beef, Iron and Wine with Pepsin 7 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 16 grs. in each fluidounce of Beef, Iron and Wine. 00 12 00 7 Calisaya bark (active principles), 40 grs 4 50 8 25 8 Coca, 60 grs 5 50 9 75 9 Coca and Beef 7 Coca, 60 grs. in each fluidounce of Beef and Wine. 00 12 00 10 Coca, Beef and Iron 7 Coca, 60 grs. in each fl. oz. of Beef, Iron and Wine. 00 12 00 11 Colchicum root, U. S. P., 40 Gm. in 100 Cc 5 50 9 75 12 Colchicum seed, U. S. P., 15 Gm. in 100 Cc.... 5 50 9 75 Condurango, 60 grs. (see note 58) (26).. 6 50 11 25 i3Ergot, U. S. P., 15 Gm. in 100 Cc 7 50 12 75 110 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s Each fluidounce of Wine represents the quan- tity of ingredients specified. Per gallon in 14'gal bottles, inclusive. Per dozen pints. Ferric citrate (16) .. $ 4 So $ 8 25 ioo Cc. contains 4 Gm. Iron and Am. citrate. 14 Ipecac, U. S. P., 10 Gm. ifa 100 Cc 16 50 15 Iron—Bitter • • 5 So 9 75 100 Cc. contains: • Soluble Iron and Quinine citrate, 5 Gm. 16 Iron citrate, see Ferric citrate • • 4 So 8 25 17 Opium, assayed 22 50 Each n. oz. contains by assay 6 grs. crystallized Morphine, equal to 7 1-2 grs. Morphine sulphate. 18 Pepsin • • 7 50 12 75 Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. i8qo, i6grs. White Ash, see American White Ash (i) • • 5 50 9 75 19 Wild Cherry, 120 grs .. 5 00 9 00 20 Wild Cherry and Iron 9 75 Wild Cherry, no grs. Tinct. Iron citro-chloride, 40 % 21 to 25—In Canadian list only. 26 Condurango, 60 grs 11 25 MEDICINAL SYRUPS. Medicinal Syrups. We formerly marketed a line of Medicated Syrups which were sold by weight. In future we shall supply all syrups under our label in pint and -gallon bottles, with the exception of Syrup Ferrous Iodide. The manufacture of the following has been discontinued: Nos. i, io, 13, 14, is, 17, 20, 21, 23, 32, 35, 36, 40, 46, 50. Each fluidounce of Syrup represents the quan- T)er Rollon m ... , . ,. . te . M bottles, tity of ingredients specified. inclusive Per dozen pints. Alterative Compound ...(31)..$ 5 00 $ 9 00 FI. ext. Alterative Comp., 120 nf. FI. Cardamom Comp., 15 TU,. Anodyne Pine Expectorant, see Specialties, Part II. For formula, see note 9. Blackberry Aromatic, 120 grs Buckthorn berries •••(33)•• 3 80 ...(34).. 3 80 7 20 7 20 Buckthorn berries, 120 grs. Ginger, 6 grs. Pimenta, 6 grs. 2 Calcium hypophosphite, 32 grs 4 50 8 25 3 Calcium iodide, 16 grs 7 SO 12 75 4 Calcium lactophosphate, 16 grs 13 50 5 Calcium and Iron lactophosphates... 13 50 Calcium lactophosphate, S grs. Ferric lactophosphate, 4 grs. Medicinal Syrups. PART ONE. Each fluidounce of Syrup represents the quan- £er gallon in Per tity of ingredients specified. *££ 6 Calcium and Sodium hypophosphites $ 5 50 $ 9 75 Calcium hypophosphite, 24 grs. Sodium hypophosphite, 16 grs. 7 Calcium and Sodium lactophosphates 8 00 13 50 Calcium lactophosphate, 16 grs. Sodium lactophosphate, 8 grs. 8 Calcium, Sodium, Iron and Potassium lacto- phosphates 9 00 Calcium lactophosphate, 8 grs. Sodium lactophosphate, 2 grs. Ferric lactophosphate, 4 grs. Potassium lactophosphate, 2 grs. 15 00 9 Dover Powder, 40 grs 5 00 Adjusted to a uniform strength by assay. Each fluidounce contains o.>;6 gr. Morphine alka- 9 00 loid, equivalent to about gr. Morphine sul- phate. Ferrous iodide, see Syrup Iron iodide, Special- ties, Part II. Hematic Hypophosphites, see Specialties, Part II. Horehound Compound (37).. 3 80 7 20 Red root, 18 grs. Wild Cherry, 18 grs. Inula, 18 grs. Marrubium, 18 grs. Spikenard, 18 grs. Sanguinaria, 9 grs. Comfrey, 18 grs. Hydriodic acid, \% and 2%, see Specialties, Part 11. II Hypophosphites (Churchill) 5 00 Calcium hypophosphite, 16 grs. Sodium hypophosphite, 16 grs. Potassium hypophosphite, 8 grs. 9 00 12 Hypophosphites Compound 5 co Calcium hypophosphite, 16 grs. Sodium hypopnosphite, 16 grs. Potassium hypophosphite, 8 grs. 9 00 Ferrous hypophosphite, 2 grs. Ipecac, U. S. P., 7 Gm. in 100 Cc (38).. 5 50 Iron chloride (Weld), see Syrup Iron Chloride, Specialties, Part II. Iron iodide, lost ferrous iodide by weight, see 9 75 Syrup Iron Iodide, Specialties, Part II. 16 Iron and Manganese iodides 7 50 Ferrous iodide, 16 grs. Manganese iodide, 8 grs. 12 75 18 Iron pyrophosphate 5 00 9 00 Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 24 grs. 19 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine phosphates 6 50 Iron phosphate, 16 grs. Quinine phosphate (equivalent), 8 grs. 11 25 Strychnine phosphate, 8-60 gr. 22 Lactated Pepsin, 80 grs 8 00 13 50 MEDICINAL SYRUPS. 112 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Cois Each fiuidounce of Syrup represents the quan- er *n tity of ingredients specified. 'z nfcius?ve.eS’ Per dozen pints. 24 Lactophosphates Compound $ 9 00 $i5 co Calcium lactophosphate, 16 grs. Ferric lactophosphate, S grs. Manganese lactophosphate, 4 grs. 25 Manganese iodide, 16 grs 10 00 16 so i Neutralizing Cordial, see Rhubarb Comp, with | Potassium (42).. 5 00 9 00 26 Phosphates Compound (Chemical Food) Iron phosphate, 8 grs. Calcium phosphate, 20 grs.; and smaller quan- tities of Sodium and Potassium phosphates. 5 5o 9 75 27 Potassium citrate and Ipecac 7 00 12 00 Potassium citrate, 80 grs. Syrup Ipecac, 40 ui. Lemon juice, 160 m. 28 Potassium lactophosphate, 16 grs 6 00 10 50 Rhubarb Aromatic, U. S. P (41).. 3 80 7 20 100 Cc. represents: Aromatic Tinct. Rhubarb, 15 Cc. Rhubarb Comp, with Potassium (Neutralizing Cordial) (42).. 5 00 9 00 FI. ext. Rhubarb Comp, with Potassium, 120 m,. Sarsaparilla, 120 grs (43).. Sarsaparilla Compound, U. S. P (44).. 3 80 3 80 7 20 7 20 1000 Cc. represents: FI. ext. Sarsaparilla 200 Cc. FI. ext. Glycyrrhiza 15 Cc. FI. ext. Senna 15 Cc. Oil Sassafras 0.1 Cc. Oil Anise o.iCc. Oil Gaultheria 0.1 Cc. Sarsaparilla Comp, with Potass, iodide.. (45).. 16 grs. Potassium iodide in each fiuidounce of Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound. 6 25 10 80 29 Sodium hypophosphite, 32 grs 4 50 8 25 Squaw-vine Comp. (Mother’s Cordial).. (47).. 3 80 7 20 Squaw-vine, 60 grs. Viburnum Opulus, 15 grs. Helonias, 15 grs. Caulophyllum, 15 grs. Squill, U. S. P (48).. 3 00 6 00 100 Cc. represents Vinegar Squill, 45 Cc. Squill Compound, U. S. P (49).. 3 80 7 20 1000 Cc. represents: FI. ext. Squill 80 Cc. FI. ext. Senega 80 Cc. Antimony & Potass, tartrate. 2 Gm. Stillingia Compound (Si)-. 3 80 7 20 StUlingia. 30 grs. Chimaphila, 13 grs. Turkey-corn, 30 grs. Iris, 15 grs. Sambucus, 15 grs. Prickly Ash berries, 7 1-2 grs. Coriander, 7 1-2 grs. Tolu (52).. Trifolium Compound, see Syrup Trifolium Com- 3 80 7 20 pound, Specialties, Part II. Wild Cherry, U. S. P. (15 Gm. in 100 Cc.). (53).. 30 Yerba Santa aromatic, see Syrup Yerba Santa aromatic. Specialties, Part II. oc 0 7 20 MEDICINAL SYRUPS. HERE ENDS THE ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT. Medicinal Syrups. PART ONE. Each fluidounce of Syrup represents the quan- Per gallon in tity of ingredients specified. '3 inclusive.CS’ Per dozen pints. 31 Alterative Compound $ 5 00 $ 9 00 33 Blackberry Aromatic, 120 grs 3 80 7 20 34 Buckthorn berries 3 80 7 20 37 Horehound Compound 3 80 7 20 38 Ipecac, U. S. P 5 50 39 Iron iodide, see Syrup Iron Iodide, Specialties, 9 75 Part II. 41 Rhubarb Aromatic, U. S. P 380 42 Rhubarb Comp, with Potassium (neutralizing 7 20 cordial) 5 00 9 00 43 Sarsaparilla, 120 grs 3 80 7 20 44 Sarsaparilla Compound, U. S. P. 3 80 7 20 45 Sarsaparilla Comp, with Potassium Iodide.... 6 25 10 80 47 Squaw-vine Compound (Mother’s Cordial).... 3 80 7 20 48 Squill, U. S. P 3 00 6 00 49 Squill Compound, U. S. P 3 80 7 20 51 Stillingia Compound 3 80 7 20 52 Tolu 3 80 7 20 53 Wild Cherry, U. S. P. (15 Gm. in 100 Cc.) .... 3 80 7 20 MEDICINAL SYRUPS. Capsules of Quinine Sulphate. Please compare our prices with ordinary cost of the QUININE SULPHATE AND EMPTY CAPSULES EMPLOYED. The Quinine sulphate is granulated to facilitate filling, and although the capsules may not always be full they will invariably contain the correct weight of medicament. SOLUBILITY". One of these capsules dropped into a glass of warm water, acidulated with a few minims of hydrochloric acid to correspond to the gastric fluid, will dissolve almost immediately. Their superiority over Pills and Tablets of Quinine sulphate ordinarily found in the market will be at once apparent. ADMINISTRATION. The action of Quinine sulphate can often be facilitated by appropriate acidulous drinks, such as hot lemonade, or a small quantity of liquid acid phosphates in sweetened water. In any event a liberal draught of water or other acceptable liquid should be swallowed with the capsules. Under ordinary conditions the ready solubility of these capsules will insure prompt action. It should be borne in mind, however, that the presence of free acid tends to increase the solubility of Quinine sulphate; the capsules can, therefore, be advantageously administered about one hour after meals, when gastric digestion is well advanced. It is generally considered best to avoid prescribing Quinine capsules or pills in conjunction with alkaline remedies. jyor packages and prices, see page 143. 114 HYDRASTIS (GOLDEN-SEAL) And Its Preparations. The therapeutic value of this important drug is attested by the fact that it has been officially recognized in foreign pharmacopoeias, although these authorities are usually tardy in recognizing remedies of American origin. We find, also, that German investigators are at work in develop- ing useful derivatives of the alkaloids already known to exist in the plant. Regarding the principal natural alkaloids, hydrastine and berberine, it may be said that the experience of the medical fraternity has established the fact that to the former may be ascribed the effects on mucous membranes and the latter may be regarded as possessing decided tonic properties. Hydrastin vs. Berberine.—It is to be regretted that considerable confusion has been produced by the incorrect nomenclature given to the preparations of Golaen-seal by certain manufacturers, by whom the yel- low alkaloid berberine and its salts have been designated as Hydrastine, Hydrastia or Hydrastin. Hydrastine is the white alkaloid of Golden-seal. A preparation has long been marketed under the name of Hydrastin, which is a concentra- tion representing the combined active principles of the drug, and if the use of the term Hydrastin could be limited to this concentration alone, much confusion would thereby be avoided. Our customers would confer a favor by ordering Berberine hydrochlorate instead of Hydrastin muriate. Berberine phosphate “ “ Hydrastin phosphate. Berberine sulphate “ “ Hydrastin sulphate. Golden-seal.—We furnish carefully selected drug, pressed, in pounds and ounces. Our preparations of Hydrastis may be enumerated as follows: Fluid Extract Hydrastis (assayed).—Not miscible with water to a clear solution, as it contains resinous matter. Fluid Extract Golden-seal without Alcohol.—Miscible with water and preferred for certain purposes. By reason of the absence of alcohol, it is largely divested of irritating properties. Fluid Golden-seal, Colorless.—In this, the yellow alkaloid, ber- berine, is absent, and being intended as a local application for Gonor- rhoea, Leucorrhcea, etc., it is free from any tendency to soil the clothing. This preparation contains only the white alkaloid, which is valued for its effect on the mucous tracts. Normal TAquid Hydrastis.—Contains 2.%% hydrastine (white alkaloid! and an average amount of berberine. Not miscible with water. Solid Extract Hydrastis.—Contains the entire active principles of the drug and represents about four parts of the same. Powdered Extract Hydrastis.—Strength same as solid extract. The moisture removed is replaced by powdered Hydrastis. Hydrastin (concentration).—A powdered preparation contain- ing the white and yellow alkaloids of Hydrastis. Pills.—Berberine hydrochlorate, 1 gr.; Berberine sulphate, 2 grs.; Berberine and Podophylhn; Female, Leucorrhcea; Hydrastin (concentra- tion), 1-20 and 1 gr.; Night Sweat; Ox Gall Compound. Tablet Triturates op Hydrastine (white alkaloid).—1-25, 1-16, 1-8 and 1-4 gr. Elixirs.—Berberine and Iron; Rhubarb and Potassium; Rhubarb and Potassium with Pancreatin. White alkaloid Hydrastine.—Combines readily with acids. Hydrastine hydrochlorate (salt of white alkaloid).—Freely soluble in water. Hydrastine sulphate (salt of white alkaloid). — General properties similar to those of the hydrochlorate. Hydrastinine hydrochlorate.—Distinctly more powerful than Ergot in arresting post-partum hemorrhage. Valuable also in all forms of menorrhagia, whether due to simple atony, fibroids, or even more severe organic disease. Fellow alkaloid Berberine hydrochlorate (Hydrastin mu- riate).—Sparingly soluble in water in the proportion of aoout 1 to 500. Fellow alkaloid Berberine phosphate (Hydrastin phos- phate).—Soluble in water in the proportion of about 1 to 10. Fellow alkaloid Berberine sulphate (Hydrastin sulph.).— Freely soluble in water, and to be preferred especially where local or external application is desired. HYDRASTIS—GOLDEN SEAL. 115 Soluble Gelatin Capsules. 1. Soluble Elastic Capsules Filled. See pages 116 to 122. 2. Soluble Elastic Capsules Filled, Extra Sizes. See page 122. 3. Hard Filled Capsules. See pages 123 and 124. 4. Empty Capsules. See Part II. GELATIN CAPSULES. Prepared from the Finest French Gelatin by Improved Processes and Apparatus; Very Soluble and Easy to Swallow; Unexcelled in Quality. We offer here a superior means for the administration of drugs possessing pungent, acrid or oily properties. The enclosure of such substances in an envelope of flexible gelatin not only avoids giv- ing offense to the palate, but allows the medicine to be exhibited with greater ease and in larger single doses. When drugs of this nature are taken in the ordinary way, it becomes a difficult matter to avoid the occurrence of nausea, which often seriously interferes with the production of the proper reme- dial effect. We desire to state, with reference to the drugs which are pre- sented in this form, that, whether or not of our own manufacture, they are of the best quality the market affords. We would direct special attention to our Improved “A.cme" Capsule Filler, page 132; also note 32. 116 5-Gm. size. 15-Gm. size. 10-Hi size. Soluble Elastic Capsules, Filled. 2%-Gm. size. 10-Gm. size. S. E. CAPSULES. These Capsules are Prepared from, the Finest Material, and Are Not Surpassed by Any Brand in TJse. The manufacture of the following has been discontinued: Nos. 8, xo, ir, 15. 34, 36, 45, 50-55, 58, 59. 71, 75, 206-210. Nos. X52-160 appear in our Canadian list only. Nos. 122-149 and 161-200 have not yet been added. List No. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER A Perdoz. B Per doz. D Bulk boxes of boxes of per box AND LETTER. 1 doz. 2 doz. of one each. each. hund’d. I $ 3 60 $ 6 90 $ 2 20 With Olive oil, S ti’l. See also Hard Filled Capsules. Apiol, red, 3 H, (see note 14) (150) 6 30 12 30 4 CO With Olive oil, 2 Hi. 2 1 35 1 65 2 40 3 00 70 90 3 Balsam Peru, 10 H, Bronchial, see Creosote Compound. Cascara Sagrada Extract, 1 gr (81) 1 50 2 70 80 With Olive oil. Cascara Sagrada Extract, 2 grs.. .(79) 1 80 3 30 I 00 With Olive oil. Cascara Sagrada Extract, 3 grs... (80) 2 00 3 70 I 15 With Olive oil. 4 Castor Oil, 10 H 1 20 2 10 60 See also Extra Sizes and Hard Caps. 5 Castor Oil and Oil of Fleabane 1 35 2 40 70 Castor oil, 5 ttl. Oil Erigeron, 5 HI. 6 Castor Oil and Podophyllin 1 20 2 10 60 Castor oil, 10 H,. Podophyllum resin. 1-8gr. See also Hard Filled Capsules. 7 Chaulmoogra Oil, 10 H, 2 40 4 50 I 40 See also Hard Filled Capsules. 9 Cod-Liver Oil, Norwegian, 10 H,. 1 20 2 10 60 See also Extra Sizes and Hard Caps. Soluble Elastic Capsules. PART ONE. List Mo. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per doz. boxesof 1 doz. each. B Per doz. boxes of 2 doz. each. D Bulk per box of one hund’d. Cod-Liver Oil and Creosote (86) Cod-Liver oil. Norwegian, 10 ttl. Beechwood Creosote. 1 fll. See also “Creosote,” No. 151. $ I 65 $ 3 00 $ 90 12 Cod-Liver Oil and Iron Iodide Cod-Liver oil, Norwegian, 10 til. Ferrous iodide, 1-2 gr. See also Hard Filled Capsules. I 35 2 40 70 13 Cod-Liver Oil and Iodine Cod-Liver oil, Norwegian, 10 HU Iodine, 1-4 gr. 1 35 2 40 70 14 Cod-Liver Oil and Iodoform Cod-Liver oil, Norwegian, 10 fll. Iodoform, 2 grs. 2 00 3 70 I 15 16 Cod-Liver Oil and Phosphorus (1-60 gr.) Cod-Liver oil, Norwegian, 10 HI. Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. I 20 2 10 60 17 Copaiba, Para, 10 fll See also Hard Filled Capsules. I 20 2 10 60 Copaiba Resin (69) Copaiba, deprived of volatile oil, 5 HU Olive oil, 5 fll. I 65 3 00 90 18 Copaiba and Iron Copaiba, Para, 10 fll. Iron and Am. cit. (equivalent), 2 grs. See also Hard Filled Capsules. 1 35 2 40 70 19 Copaiba and Oleoresin Cubeb Copaiba, Para, 7 HU Oleoresin Cubeb.3 HI. See also Hard Filled Capsules. 1 80 3 30 I 00 20 Copaiba, Cubeb and Buchu Copaiba, Para, 6 fll. Oleoresin Cubeb, 2 fll. Ext. Buchu, 2 grs. 1 80 3 30 I 00 21 Copaiba, Cubeb and Iron Copaiba, Para, 6 flU Oleoresin Cubeb, 2 flu Tr. Ferric chloride (equivalent), 2 HL. 1 80 3 30 I 00 22 Copaiba, Cubeb and Rhatany Copaiba, Para, 6 Hf. Oleoresin Cubeb, 2 HI. Ext. Krameria, 2 grs. 1 80 3 30 I 00 23 Copaiba, Cubeb and Santal Copaiba, Para, 6 HI. Oil Cubeb, 2 fll. Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 2 HI. See also Hard Filled Capsules. 2 40 4 50 I 40 24 Copaiba, Cubeb and Sarsaparilla Copaiba, Para, 6 HI- Oleoresin Cubeb, 2 HI. Ext. Sarsaparilla, 2 grs. 1 80 3 30 I 00 25 Copaiba, Cubeb and Turpentine ...... Copaiba, Para, 4 HI. Oil Cubeb, 2 fll. Oil Turpentine, 4 HI. 1 80 3 30 I 00 S. E. CAPSULES. 118 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s List No. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Perdoz boxes 0 1 doz. each. B Perdoz boxes 0 2 doz. each. D Bulk per box of one hund’d. 26 Copaiba and Oil of Cubeb Copaiba, Para, 7 up Oil Cubeb, 3 ni. $ 2 00 $3 70 $ 1 15 27 Copaiba and Rhatany Copaiba, Para, 8 up Ext. Krameria, 2 grs. I 35 2 40 70 28 Copaiba and Santal Copaiba, Para, 5 Til. OilSantal (P. D. & Co.), 5 ni. See also Hard Filled Capsules. 2 40 4 so I 40 Copaiba and Matico (37) Copaiba, Para, 7 up Oleoresin Matico, 3 til. 2 10 3 90 I 20 Copaiba, Cubeb and Matico (38) Copaiba, Para, 6 ill. Oleoresin Cubeb, 3 ill. Oleoresin Matico, x up 2 00 3 70 I 15 Copaiba,Cubeb, Matico and Santal. (39) Copaiba, Para, 3 up Oleoresin Cubeb, 3 up Oleoresin Matico, 1 up Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 3 up 2 70 5 10 I 60 Copaiba Oil and Oil of Cubeb (41) Oil Copaiba, 6 up Oil Cubeb, 4 up See also Hard Filled Capsules. 2 50 4 70 I 45 Creosote, Beechwood, I ui (83) With Olive oil, 4 ni. I 80 3 30 1 00 Creosote, Beechwood, 2 Til (151) With Cod-Liver oil, 8 up Creosote Compound—Bronchial 2 CO 3 70 1 15 (Dr. W. H. DeWitt) (160) Beechwood Creosote, 2 up Oil Eucalyptus, 2 up Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 2 ill. 3 25 6 20 1 95 Cubeb Oil, 10 ui (30) 3 75 7 20 2 30 Cubeb Oleoresin, 10 ui (31) 3 00 5 70 1 80 Cubeb and Matico (40) Oleoresin Cubeb, 7 up Oleoresin Matico, 3 ill. 3 50 6 70 2 10 Cubeb and Santal (48) Oil Cubeb, 5 ui. Oil Santa! (P. D. & Co.), 5 up 3 25 6 20 1 95 Erigeron Oil, xo ui (42) 2 10 3 90 1 20 Eucalyptus Oil, 3 ui (43) With Sweet Almond oil, 5 up See also Hard Filled Capsules. 2 00 3 70 1 15 Gurjun Balsam, 10 ui (32) 2 co 3 70 1 15 Haarlem Oil, 10 (33) 1 35 2 40 70 Hseminal,0.25 Gm. (about4grs.)..(99) See Specialties, Part II. 1 20 2 10 60 Linseed Oil, 10 tti (35) 1 20 2 10 60 Liquor Sedans (87) Each capsule represents 1 fluidrachm of Liquor Sedans. See note 111. 2 10 3 90 1 20 S. E. CAPSULES. 119 Soluble Elastic Capsules. PART ONE. \ B D List PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER Perdoz. Perdoz. Bulk boxes of boxes of per box No. AND LETTER. 1 doz 2 doz. of one each. each. hund’d. Male-fern and Kamala (44) $ 4 co $ 7 70 $ 2 45 Oleoresin Aspidium, 7 in. Kamala, sifted, 4 grs. Olive oil, 1 in. See also Hard Filled Capsules. Nitroglycerin (Glonoin), 1-100 gr.. (68) With Olive oil, 8 HI- Castor oil, 2 in,. 1 65 3 00 90 Pennyroyal Oil, 2 5 Salicylic Acid (true, from Oil Gaul- theria), 5 £rs. Powd. Milk Sugar, 2 grs. Salol, 2 1-2 grs (211) I 65 3 00 90 Salol, 5 grs (212) 2 40 4 50 1 40 Salol Compound (seenote 148a)...(85) 3 75 7 20 2 30 Salol, 3 1-2 grs. Oleoresin Cubeb, 5 in,. Copaiba, Para, to in. Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. Salol and Santal Compound (92) 4 00 7 70 2 45 Salol, 4 grs. Oleoresin Cubeb, 5 in. Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 5 in. Pepsin aseptic (1:3ooo), 1 gr. Olive oil, 5 HI- See note 148a. 1 15 Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), 5 m (89) 2 00 3 70 For Santal Oil Globules, see Special- ties, Part 11. Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), 10 in (46) See also Hard Filled Capsules. 3 60 6 90 2 20 1 95 Santal and Cassia (47) 3 25 6 20 Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 9 in. Oil Cinnamon, 1 in. See also Hard Filled Capsules. 80 Saw Palmetto (88) 1 So 2 70 Oleoresin Saw Palmetto, 5 in. Olive oil, 5 in. Saw Palmetto and Santal (91) 1 50 2 70 80 Oleoresin Saw Palmetto, 3 in. Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 2 n(. S. E. CAPSULES. 120 PART ONE. Specify P. D. & Co.'s List No. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per doz. boxesof 1 doz. each. B Per doz. boxes of 2 doz. each. D Bulk per box of one hund’d. Taeniafuge (90) $ 4 00 $ 7 70 $ 2 45 Oleoresin Aspidium, 7 hi. Erigeron oil, 1 HI. Chloral, 3 grs. Castor oil, 8 hi. Oleum Tiglii, 1-16 nu Tar, purified, 10 hi (57) I 20 2 10 60 Terebene, 10 HI (78) 2 00 3 70 1 15 Turpentine Oil, 5 nj, (84) I 20 2 10 60 Turpentine Oil, 10 hi (49) I 20 2 10 60 Valerian Oil, 2 ni (74) 2 00 3 70 1 15 With Sweet Almond oil, 8 flU Warburg Tincture (73) 2 40 4 50 1 40 Each capsule represents 2 fluidrachms of Warburg Tincture. Warburg Tincture, without aloes. (96) 2 40 4 50 1 40 Each capsule represents 2 fluidrachms of Warburg Tincture, without aloes. Wintergreen Oil, 5 hi (77) I 80 3 30 1 00 With Olive oil, 5 HI. Wintergreen Oil, 10 hj, (72) 2 40 4 50 1 40 HERE ENDS THE ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT. 30 Cubeb Oil, 10 hi S3 75 $7 20 $ 2 30 31 Cubeb Oleoresin, 10 hi 3 00 5 7o 1 80 32 Gurjun Balsam, 10 hi 2 00 3 70 1 15 33 Haarlem Oil, 10 hi 1 35 2 48 70 35 Linseed Oil, 10 hi 1 20 2 10 60 37 Copaiba and Matico 2 10 3 90 1 20 38 Copaiba, Cubeb and Matico 2 00 3 70 1 15 39 Copaiba, Cubeb, Matico and Santal 2 70 5 10 1 60 40 Cubeb and Matico 3 50 6 70 2 10 41 Copaiba Oil and Oil of Cubeb 2 50 4 70 1 45 42 Erigeron Oil, 10 HI 2 10 3 90 I 20 43 Eucalyptus Oil, 5 hi 2 00 3 70 I 15 44 Male-fern and Kamala 4 00 7 70 2 45 46 Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), 10 hi 3 60 6 90 2 20 47 Santal and Cassia 3 25 6 20 1 95 48 Cubeb and Santal 3 25 6 20 1 95 49 Turpentine Oil, 10 hi 1 20 2 10 60 56 Phosphorated Oil Compound 1 50 2 70 80 57 Tar, purified, 10 hi 1 20 2 10 60 60 to 67. See Extra-Sized Capsules. 68 Nitroglycerin (Glonoin), 1-100 gr 1 65 3 00 90 S. E. CAPSULES. 121 Soluble Elastic Capsules PART ONE List No. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per doz boxes of 1 doz. each. B Per doz boxes of 2 doz. each. D Bulk per box of one hund’d. 69 70 Copaiba Resin See Extra-Sized Capsules. $ i 65 $ 3 00 $ 9° 72 Wintergreen Oil, 10 ttj, 2 40 4 5o 1 40 73 Warburg Tincture. 2 40 4 50 1 40 74 Valerian Oil, 2 HI 2 00 3 70 1 15 76 Pennyroyal Oil, 2 ut 1 65 3 00 90 77 Wintergreen Oil, 5 tti 1 80 3 30 1 00 78 Terebene, 10 ttl 2 00 3 70 1 15 79 Cascara Sagrada Extract, 2 grs 1 80 3 30 I CO 80 Cascara Sagrada Extract, 3 grs 2 00 3 70 I 15 81 Cascara Sagrada Extract, I gr 1 50 2 70 80 82 Pichi Extract, 5 grs 2 10 3 90 I 20 83 Creosote, Beechwood, 1 m, x 80 3 30 I 00 84 Turpentine Oil, 5 til 1 20 2 10 60 85 Salol Compound 3 75 7 20 2 30 86 Cod-Liver Oil and Creosote 1 65 3 00 90 87 Liquor Sedans 2 10 3 90 I 20 88 Saw Palmetto ■ 1 50 2 70 80 89 Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), S ttl 2 00 3 70 I 15 90 Tseniafuge 4 00 7 70 2 45 9i Saw Palmetto and Santal 1 5o 2 70 80 92 Salol and Santal Compound 4 00 7 70 2 45 93 94 Phenacetine (Bayer), 5 grs Quinine and Capsicum, see Specialties, Part II. 4 00 7 70 2 45 95 Salicylic Acid (true), 5 grs 2 00 3 70 I 15 96 97 Warburg Tincture, without aloes and 98. See S. E. Capsules, extra-sized. 2 40 4 50 I 40 99 100 Hseminal, c.25 Gm. (about 4 grs.) See Pood Products, Part II to 121. See Plard Filled Capsules. 1 20 2 10 60 150 Apiol, red, 3 ttl 6 30 12 30 4 00 I5i 160 Creosote, Beechwood, 2 tti Creosote Compound—Bronchial 2 00 3 70 1 15 201 (Dr. W. H. DeWitt) to 205—Quinine sulphate, see Special- ties, Part II. 3 25 6 20 1 95 211 Salol, 2 1-2 grs 1 65 3 00 90 212 213 Salol, 5 grs and 214—Quinine hydrochlorate, see Specialties, Part II. 2 40 4 50 1 40 S. E. CAPSULES. 122 PART ONE. Soluble Elastic Capsules, Soluble Elastic Capsules, Filled, Extra Sizes. These capsules are easy to swallow, and present a very pleasant method for administration of Castor and Cod-Liver oils to patients who have an aversion for these substances in an undisguised form. For full- sized illustrations, see page 116. List No. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. A Per doz. boxes of % doz. each. B Per doz. boxes of 1 doz. each. 6o Castor Oil, 2}4-Gm. size $ X 50 $ 2 70 61 Castor Oil, 5-Gm. size I 80 3 30 62 Castor Oil, io-Gm. size 2 40 4 50 63 Castor Oil, 15-Gm. size 3 00 5 70 64 Cod-Liver Oil, Norwegian, 2!4-Gm. size..... I to 2 70 65 Cod-Liver Oil, Norwegian, 5-Gm. size....... I 80 3 30 66 Cod-Liver Oil, Norwegian, 10-Gm. size 2 40 4 SO 67 Cod-Liver Oil. Norwegian, 15-Gm. size 3 00 5 70 70 Male-fern and Castor Oil Oleoresin Aspidium, x Gm. (16 ttl). Castor oil. 1.5 Gm. (2=; aj,). 3 00 5 70 97 Mercurial Ointment, U.S.P., 5 Gm For external use only. 2 40 4 SO 98 Oleate of Mercury, 5 Gm For external use only. 3 00 5 70 EXTRA SIZES CAPSULES. SOME ADVANTAGES OF Empty Gelatin Capsules. Prompt solution in the fluids of the stomach, and therefore imme- diate assimilation of the medicament administered. The medicament may be administered in its most assimilable form Goose powder), and its nauseous taste still disguised. Quick returns may be expected from emetics administered in empty capsules. An eminent physician directs attention to the fact that even fluids may be administered at the bedside of the patient by dropping the liquid into a capsule, with the aid of a pipette, and having the patient swallow it at once before the fluid has had time to dissolve the gelatin. The same doctor secures the best effects from Cascara Sagrada by directing the patient to procure a box of capsules and a pipette and thus administer the bitter fluid extract at prescribed periods. Our Hard Empty Gelatin Capsules me unequalled foi' purity and solubility. The caps -fit closely and are readily adjusted. For prices, see pages 131 and 132. 123 Hard Filled Capsules. These capsules are prepared from the finest material, and are not sur- passed by any brand in use. All the formulae mentioned in this list of Hard Filled Capsules will also be found in Soluble Elastic Capsules, pages 116 to 122. The manufacture of Nos. 109, 116, 117 and 118 has been discontinued. A B D List No. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER Per doz. Per doz. Bulk boxes of boxes of Per box AND LETTER. 1 doz. 2 doz. of one each. each. hundred. IOO S 3 30 $ 6 30 $ 2 CO With Olive oil, 5 m,. IOI Castor Oil, 10 m, I 20 2 10 60 102 1 20 2 10 60 Castor oil. 10 Uf. Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. m TT O O Chaulmoogra Oil, 5 ui (119) Chaulmoogra Oil, 10 HI (120) Cod-Liver Oil, Norwegian, 10 m,.... Cod-Liver Oil and Iron Iodide 2 00 2 25 1 20 135 3 70 4 20 210 2 40 I 15 I 30 60 70 Cod-Liver oil, Norwegian, 10 m,. Ferrous iodide, 1-2 gr. 105 106 Copaiba, Para, 10 ni I 20 2 10 60 1 35 2 40 70 Copaiba, Para, 10 fll. Iron and Am. cit.(equivalent), 2 grs. 107 Copaiba and Oleoresin Cubeb 180 3 30 I 00 Copaiba, Para, 7 ttj,. Oleoresin Cubeb, 3 UL 108 Copaiba and Oil Cubeb (black).... 1 80 3 30 I 00 Copaiba, Para, 7 iR. Oil Cubeb, 3 iU. Copaiba and Santal (114) 2 25 4 20 I 30 Copaiba, Para, 5 14,. Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 5 14,. Copaiba,Cubeb and Santal.... (lit;) 2 30 4 30 I 35 Copaiba, Para, 6 14. Oil Cubeb, 2 ttl. Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 2 14. Eucalyptus Oil, 5 14 (no) With Sweet Almond oil, 5 14. 1 35 2 40 70 Male-fem and Kamala (in) 3 50 6 70 2 10 Oleoresin Aspidium, 7 14. Kamala, sifted, 4 grs. Olive oil. 1 14. Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), 10 111(112) Santal Oil (P., D. & Co ), 5 14. (121) i 8s 3 40 1 os For Santal Oil Globules, see Spe- cialties, Part II. 3 30 6 30- 2 00 Santal and Cassia (113) 3 00 5 70 1 80 XIO Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), g 14. Oil Cinnamon, 1 til. Eucalyptus Oil, 5 14 70 1 35 2 40 With Sweet Almond oil, 5 fit. co Ul _J D CO Q. < O Q ui HARD FILL Hard Filled Capsules. A B D List PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER Per doz. boxes of Per doz. boxes of Bulk Per box AND LETTER. 1 doz. each. 2 doz. each. of one hundred. III Male-fern and Kamala Oleoresin Aspidium, 7 m,. Kamala, sifted, 4 grs. Olive oil, 1 HI. $ 3 SO $ 6 70 $ 2 10 112 Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), 10 m, 3 30 6 30 2 00 113 Santal and Cassia Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), g HI. Oil Cinnamon, 1 n|,. 3 00 5 70 I 80 114 Copaiba and Santal Copaiba, Para, 5 m,. Oil Santal (P. D. & Co.), 5 hi. 2 25 4 20 I 30 ”5 Copaiba, Cubeb and Santal Copaiba, Para, 6 m,. Oil Cubeb, 2 nj,. Oil Santal (P. D. & Co,), 2 fli. 2 30 4 30 I 35 119 Chaulmoogra Oil, 5 H], 2 00 3 70 I 15 120 Chaulmoogra Oil, 10 hl 2 25 4 20 I 30 121 Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), 5 nt i 85 3 40 I 05 124 MEDICATED LOZENGES. Medicated Lozenges. We supply lozenges of any formula, shape, color or flavor, and will cheerfully furnish estimates on any desired combination not in the list. Send for descriptive circular containing diagrams of dif- ferent shapes for special formulae. See also under Specialties, Part II. j For prices in bulk, deduct 3 cents per pound I | from prices in i-Id. boxes. f boxes' Per doz. boxes of 36 each. Ammonium chloride, 2 grs. (Chocolate) round.. $ 6o $ I 10 Bismuth and Charcoal 1 20 Bismuth subnitrate, i gr. Charcoal, 1 gr. Bronchial 75 Ext. Glycyrrhiza, i gr. Powd. Cubeb, 3-10 gr. Balsam Tolu, 1-20 gr. Oil Sassafras, 1-40 m,. Bronchial—Improved Powd. ext. Glvcyrrhiza, 2 grs. FI. ext. Coltsfoot, 1-10 HI. 75 Balsam Tolu, 1-10 gr. FI. ext. Capsicum, 1-100 m,. Oleoresin Cubeb, 1-100 lit. Oil Peppermint, 1-15 m,. Oil Anise, 1-15 TU. Carbolic acid, 1 gr 1 00 Charcoal, 4 grs 90 Cubeb 70 Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 3-4 gr. Oleoresin Cubeb, 1-16 ut. Oil Sassafras, 1-32 m. Glycyrrhiza Extract, see Liquorice. 125 Medicated Lozenges. PART ONE. j For prices in bulk, deduct 3 cents per pound ) ( from prices in i-lb. boxes. > Per lb. in i-lb. boxes. Per doz. boxes of 36 each. Guaiac, 2 grs large oval. . $ 60 $ I 10 Ipecac, 1-4 gr small oval. 60 70 Liquorice, uncoated cylindrical. Liquorice Powder Compound, see Compressed Tab lets, Part II. 40 60 Marshmallow small oval. Powd. Althaea, 1-3 gr. 50 75 Opium and Liquorice, see Wistar. 80 90 Pectoral (Dr. Jackson) small oval. Ipecac, 1-20 gr. Kermes mineral, 1-40 gr. Morphine hydrochlorate, 1-33 gr. 95 I 00 Pepsin Aseptic (1:3000), I gr large oval. 70 1 50 Potassium chlorate, 2 grs tabular. 40 75 Potassium chlorate, 5 grs .tabular. 45 75 Potassium chlorate, 2 grs. (Chocolate) tabular. 50 80 Potassium chlorate, 5 grs. (Chocolate) tabular. Potassium chlorate and Ammonium chlor- 55 85 ide (Chocolate) tabular. Potassium chlorate, 1 gr. Ammonium chloride, 1 gr 55 I 00 Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. (Chocolate) round. Red Gum, see Specialties, Part II. 75 I 50 Santonin, 1-2 gr round.. 55 1 10 Santonin, 1 gr round. 85 I 35 Santonin and Calomel (Chocolate) round.. Santonin, 1-2 gr. Chocolate, q. s. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. 65 I 00 Santonin and Calomel (pink) ..round.. Santonin, 1-2 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. 65 I 00 Santonin and Calomel (white) .round.. Santonin, 1-2 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. 65 I 00 Santonin Compound , round.. Santonin, 1-2 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-20 gr. Santonin and Podophyllin round.. Santonin, 1-2 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-20 gr. 65 1 10 65 I 00 Sulphur Compound large round.. Sublimed Sulphur, 5 grs. Potassium bitartrate, 1 gr. 50 I 00 Tar Compound round.. Pine Tar, 7-48 gr. Senega, 7-24 gr. Wild Cherry, 2 1-3 grs. 50 1 00 Wistar Cough cylindrical.. Powd. Opium, 1-10 gr. Oil Anise, 1-32 til. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 1 gr. Tinct. Tolu, 1-16 ill. 80 90 Yerba Santa Compound cylindrical.. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 1 gr. Senega, 3-10 gr. Pine Tar, 1-32 gr. Wild Cherry, 1-4 gr. Eriodictyon, 1 gr. 75 80 MEDICATED LOZENGES. 126 Glyceroles. Each fluidounce of any Glycerole represents the quantity of ingredients specified. Per pint. Hypophosphites $ i oo Calcium hypophosphite, 6 grs. Sodium hypophosphite. 5 grs. Potassium hypophosphite. 3 grs. Lead subacetate, B. P 70 Pepsin, concentrated, see-Pepsin preparations, pp. 141 and 142. Pepsin and Wafer Ash 90 Saccharated Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890,16 grs. Wafer Ash, 30 grs. Tar, 30 grs 65 Yerbine Compound (for price, see page 136). Eriodictyon, 90 grs. Potassium bromide, 7 1-2 grs. Glycyrrhiza, 90 grs. Grindelia, 30 grs. Wild Cherry, 30 grs. Pine Tar, 2 3-4 grs. Salicylic acid, 2 grs. GLYCEROLES AND OLEATES. Oleates. These oleates are unlike ointments, being- true chemical combinations and not mechanical mixtures, and we therefore omit the percentage of oxide of metal. Each oleate is a normal or undiluted chemical combina- tion. The manufacture of these preparations is conducted with the utmost care, and the product handled with a special view to permanency and uniformity. Descriptive circular supplied on application. For prices in %-Yb. and J£-lb. bottles, add 15 cents and i-lb. i-oz. oottles. bottles, per lb. per oz. 30 cents respectively to the prices for pound bottles. Bismuth $4 50 $ 35 Used undiluted, as a soothing application. 3 CO 25 "Employed in the'form of ointment, 10 to 20 percent. oleate, for the treatment of ringworm, etc. 3 50 30 Readily soluble in fats. Used as a local astringent and general tonic. Manganese 50 Recommended as an efficient emmenagogue when ap- plied by inunction to the abdomen in the form of a 20-per-cent, solution. Manganese, 20% solution of the oleate Emmenagogue. See preceding note. 30 Mercury (precipitated) Stable in composition. Produces all the therapeutic effects of the mercury. From this pure oleate, a “20*,” "10*,” or “5*” oleate can easily be prepared 4 50 35 extemporaneously, as fully explained in the circular accompanying each parcel. Tin 4 50 35 A remedy of considerable value for restoring the lus- ter of diseased nails. 3 00 25 An impalpable powder. Dusted over the surface in skin diseases. Also employed in the form of an ointment. Oleates of Alkaloids. These oleates produce the same proportionate effect as the simple agents. They are of great benefit where the remedies may not be admin- istered in the usual way, or where local action is required. In fractions of an ounce the price will be increased proportionately. Aconitine, containing 2% alkaloid as an oleate Per oz. Av. Atropine, containing 2% alkaloid as an oleate 65 Morphine, containing 10% alkaloid as an oleate .... i IS Morphine and Mercury 70 Containing of Morphine alkaloid and 20$ of Mercuric oxide. Quinine, containing 2$% alkaloid as an oleate 50 Inhalants FOR USE IN ATOMIZING INHALERS. [SEE PART II, PAGE 144, FOR PRICE, AND NOTE 15$ FOR DESCRIP- TION, OF SEMPLE ATOMIZING INHALER.] Put up in pint, half-pint, and quarter-pint bottles. Prices given are for pint bottles. For half-pint bottles an additional charge of 10 cents, and for quarter-pint bottles of 20 cents, per pint will be made. The manufacture of Inhalants Nos. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 12 to 18 has been discontinued. INHALANTS. Inhalant No. I Per pint. $ 35 1 00 A petroleum product specially adapted for inhalation and for use as a base, or diluent, for inhalants. It is free from irri- tating properties, on account of which it is much to be pre- ferred to similar preparations from which the sulphuric acid or other objectionable agents, used in process of purification, have been imperfectly removed. Inhalant No. 2 Copaiba, 1-2 fl.oz. Ether, 1 fl.oz. Inhalant No. i, sufficient to make 4 fl.ozs. Inhalant No. 6 60 Oil of Tar, 30 til. Inhalant No. 1, 1 fl.oz. Inhalant No. 7 1 00 Oil Eucalyptus, 60 ill. Inhalant No. 1, 1 fl.oz. Inhalant No. 10 1 00 Tinct. Iodine, 120 m,. Fluid Tolu, soluble, 1 fl.oz. Carbolic acid, 120 grs. Glycerin, 1 fl.oz. Alcohol, sufficient to make 3 fl.ozs. Inhalant No. 11 1 25 2 50 FI. ext. Cubeb, 60 tti. Spirit Camphor, 60 HI. Fluid Tolu, soluble, 60 m. Carbolic acid, 60 gr,s. Tinct. Iodine, 60 til. Glycerin, 1 1-3 fl.ozs. Alcohol, sufficient to make 4 fl.ozs. Inhalant No. 19 Iodoform, 20 grs. Oil Eucalyptus, 20 HI. Beechwood Creosote, 10 HI. Ether, 120 hi. Oil Sweet Almond, sufficient to make 1 fl.oz. 128 Granular Effervescent Preparations. These salts will be found equal to the best domestic or import- ed brands in the market. Each drachm contains the quantity of ingredients specified in its formula. EFFERVESCENT PREPARATIONS—MINERAL WATER SALTS. f For price in pound bottles, deduct 60 cents') perdnz from price for one doz. 4-oz. bottles and divide e' (.remainder by 3. J 2 oz' Per doz. 4-oz. Caffeine, citrated, U. S. P 100 Gm. contains 2Gm. Citrated Caffeine. S3 00 $ 4 75 Caffeine and Potassium bromide Caffeine, 1 gr. Potassium bromide, 5 grs. 3 25 5 00 Cerium oxalate, 2 grs 4 00 6 00 Congress, 2 drachms salt equals 1 pint natural water.. 3 35 4 80 Crab Orchard, 1 drachm salt equals I pint natural water 3 35 4 80 Lithium benzoate, 2 grs 7 25 12 00 Lithium citrate, U. S. P 100 Gm. contains 7 Gm. Lithium carbonate, equal to 13.24 Gm. Lithium citrate. 7 25 12 00 Magnesium citrate, 24 grs 3 45 5 00 Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. Bismuth and Ammonium citrate, 2 grs. 7 25 12 00 Potassium bicarbonate, 10 grs 3 45 5 00 Vichy, I drachm salt equals 1 pint natural water 3 45 5 00 Artificial Mineral Water Salts. These salts, which should not be confounded with our granular effervescent preparations, are designed for the extemporaneous production at the soda-fountain of artificial mineral spring waters. When in solution they are to be charged with carbonic acid gas. Full descriptive circular sent on application. SPRINGS. Quantity of min- eral water i lb. of the salt will produce. Price per lb in i-lb. bottles. Price per lb in 5-lb. cans. Congress II gallons. $ .60 $ -5o Crab Orchard *. 13 60 50 Geyser 9 50 40 High Rock 13 1-4 65 55 Seltzer (Setters) 28 • “ 75 65 Vichy 13 1-4 65 55 PART SECOND OF Parke, Davis & Co.’s Complete Price List. SPECIALTIES AT NET PRICES. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR QUANTITIES UPON APPLICATION, Ttade° Acid Phosphates, Liquid, in bottles perdoz..$ I 75 $ I 40 j See note 2; also Soda Foun-) in pint bottles per doz.. 275 2 30 j tain Specialties, p. 147. J in K-gallon bottles.per gal.. I 30 I 10 Acid Salicylic,true(fromOilGaultheria),inoz. vials..peroz.. 60 45 See note 3. Aloin, pure (P., D. & Co.), in ounce bottles per bot.. 20 16 in K-lb..bottles per bot.. 55 46 in }4-lb. bottles per bot.. 95 82 in pound bottles per bot.. 1 75 1 50 Alveloz Milk (see note 7), per original vial of 6 grammes.... 6 00 Amyl Nitrite Pearls (see note 8), 5 00 2, 3, 4 or 5 minims, in boxes of I doz per box.. 40 35 8 or 10 minims, in boxes of 1 doz per box.. 50 45 Anodyne Pine Expectorant, in pint bottles per doz.. 7 00 6 00 (See note 9.) in K-gallon bottles... .per gal.. 4 00 Anti-diphtheritic Serum (Antitoxin, Diphtheria), Note.—No. 5 supplied in “special” concentration only; the 3 50 other doses sent in ordinary concentration unless “ special ” is specified. See note 11 for further explanation. No. I, Blue Label, 500 Antitoxic Units per bulb.. 1 25 No. 2, Yellow Label, 1000 Antitoxic Units, .per bulb.. 2 25 No. 3, Green Label, 1500 Antitoxic Units.. ..per bulb.. 3 50 No. 4, Pink Label, 2000 Antitoxic Units per bulb.. 4 50 - 20% No. 5, Red Label, 3000 Antitoxic Units per bulb.. 6 75 j Anti-streptococcic Serum (see note 11 a), in boxes of 3 sealed bulbs of 10 Cc. each per box.. 3 00 Anti-tetanic Serum, liquid, in boxes of 3 sealed tubes of 10 Cc. each per box.. 300 Anti-tetanic Serum, dry, equal to 30 Cc. liquid per vial.. 3 00 - 20% See note ufi. Anti-tubercle Serum (see note lie), in ounce vials... .per oz.. 3 00 , Antitoxin Syringe, see Serum Syringes, page 144. Antiseptic Liquid, in quart bottles per doz.. 5 00 Antiseptic Soap, Ethereal (Johnston) (Liquid), (see note 12), 3 75 in -pint bottles per pint.. 95 80 in %-pint bottles per pint.. 85 70 in pint bottles per pint.. 75 60 in bottles per gal.. 5 00 4 25 SPECIALTIES. 130 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s List Price to Antiseptic Tablets, Bernays {white) 1 Price. Trade. ( Mercuric chloride, corro-) < sive, i 41-50 grs. >■ ( Citric acid, 87-100 gr. ) (Tablet Triturate No. 180.) 1 per bottle of 100.... in bots. of 1000 01 $ 17 $ 15 500 per 1000.. I 25 I 10 Antiseptic Tablets, Bernays {blue) Formula and prices same as white. (Tablet Triturate No. 695.) 1 25 Antiseptic Tablets, B “B ” {white). | per bottle of 25.... 18 15 ( Mercuric chloride, corro- ) < sive, 7 3-10 grs. >• ! 5 per bottle of 100... 50 40 ( Citric acid, 3 4-5 grs. ) per bottle of 1 lb... 2 00 I 50 (Tablet Triturate No. 615.) ( per bottle of 1000.. 3 00 2 50 Antiseptic Tablets, B “B ” {blue), f Formula and prices same as white. (Tablet Triturate No. 696.) t Antiseptic Tablets B “C” {green).' G O Appears in British list only. Antiseptic Tablets, B “D” {blue), jj ( Mercuric chloride, corro- ) , S 0 per bottle of 25.... 18 15 sive, 7 3-10 grs. > 1 1 per bottle of 100... 50 40 ( Sodium chloride, 7 7-10 grs. ) . (Compressed Tablet No. 117.) t \ per bottle of 1 lb.. 2 00 I 50 For description, etc., see note 13. [ per bottle of 1000.. 3 00 2 50 Aromatic Troches, for the breath (assorted colors, small, flat, round), in pound bottles 60 45 ♦Beef-Cacao (Mosquera), in cans. 6 00 5 00 ♦Beef, Iron and Wine, in pint bottles... 6 00 5 50 in &-gallon bottles per gal.. 3 45 3 to ♦Beef-Jelly (Mosquera), in 2-ounce jars. 4 75 4 00 in 4-ounce jars. 8 75 7 50 in 8-ounce jars. 16 50 14 40 in 16-ounce jars 32 75 28 25 ♦Beef-Jelly, Fluid (Mosquera), small size per doz.. 4 75 4 00 medium size per doz.. 8 75 7 50 large size per doz.. 16 50 14 40 ♦Beef-Meal, Mosquera, in %-lb. cans. 6 00 5 00 Benzoinated Lard, in i-lb. tins 30 25 in 5-lb. tins 27 22 in 10-lb. tins 25 18 Birch Beer Extract, see Soda Fountain Specialties, page 147. Blaud’s Mass in capsules, see Ferrous Carbonate {Blaud). ♦Bone, powdered, in cans 6 00 4 50 Bronchial Sedative (Palmer) (see note 24), in pint bottles 7 00 6 00 in M-gal. bottles 4 00 3 50 Camphor monobromated, in ounce vials 30 26 Camphor Solution, neutral (12& t) (see note 30) per oz.. 25 15 ♦ For description, see Food Products, pages 242 and 243. ■S3IJ.lVID3dS 131 Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. Capsules, Empty. List Price to Empty Oral Gelatin Capsules, Improved. Price, lrade. For approximate capacity of empty capsules, see note 31. Boxes containing ioo, any size per doz. boxes. .$ 80 $ 80 in gross lots per gross boxes.. 900 800 in half-gross lots per gross boxes.. 950 850 Boxes containing 1000 per doz. boxes.. 7 50 6 25 In bulk (boxes of 5000) per box.. 3 00 2 50 Empty Rectal Suppository Capsules, Improved. No. 13. Special Size Adapted for Various Purposes. Capacity, about 2.75 Cc. or 1-10 ounce. SPECIALTIES. Per doz. boxes of 100.... $ 4 75 $435 Per box of 1000 3 75 3 50 Rectal, in boxes containing 100, any size., .per doz. boxes. .$ 1 10 $ 1 10 in'gross lots per gross boxes 11 50 in %-gross lots per gross boxes 12 00 In boxes containing 1000 per doz. boxes.. 9 co 900 In bulk (boxes of 5000) per 1000 70 P Empty Capsules, Extra Sizes, for Veterinary or Vaginal Uses. No. 10, large (1 ounce), in boxes of 10 per doz. boxes. .$ 2 50 $ 2 30 No. 11, medium (1-2 oz.), in boxes of 10 per doz.boxes.. 2 25 1 95 No. 12. small (1-4 oz.), in boxes of 10 per doz. boxes.. 2 00 1 80 * •* Medium size sent on unspecified orders. Special quotations in bulk. PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s Capsule Fillers. (For description, see note 32.) “ Acme,” complete, with slides for all sizes List Price to Price. Trade. $ 4 00 $ 3 50 Extra slides 20 19 Reymond of 7 fillers. 6 50 6 25 Any one size 1 25 1 20 Cascara Cordial, in flasks of 12 fluidounces .per doz. 9 00 7 00 For description etc., see note 36. Cerebral Sedative, see Compound Cerebral Sedative. Chaulmoogra Oil (see note 43), in ounce vials per'oz. 25 22 in pound bottles.. 2 50 2 30 Chian Turpentine, in ounce jars 50 45 (See note 45.) in jars 6 20 5 45 in % -lb. jars 6 10 5 35 in pound jars 6 00 5 25 Chlor-Anodyne (see note 46), in ounce vials .per doz. 3 50 3 00 in bottles... • per pint. 4 20 3 65 in % -pint bottles... per pint. 4 10 3 55 in pint bottles .per pint. 4 00 3 45 Coca Cordial (see note 50), in pint bottles .per doz. 9 00 8 50 in % -gallon bottles... 6 00 5 00 Cocaine, Salts and Solutions. (See notes 52 and 53.) Cocaine alkaloid, pure in crystals, in S-gr. vials .per vial. 11 10 in 10-gr. vials . per vial. 17 15 in 15-gr. vials .per vial. 25 21 Cocaine hydrobromate, pure in crystals, in 5-gr. vials .per vial. 11 10 in 10-gr. vials .per vial. 17 15 in 15-gr. vials .per vial. 25 21 Cocaine hydrochlorate, pure, large crystals, in 5-gr. vials .per vial. 11 10 in 10-gr. vials .per vial. 17 15 in 15-gr. vials . per vial. 25 21 in 60-gr. vials .per vial. 90 80 Cocaine hydrochlorate, pure, small crystals, in 5_gr* vials .per vial. 10 09 in 10-gr. vials .per vial. 15 *4 in 15-gr. vials .per vial. 23 20 in 60-gr. vials .per vial. 82 72 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 4% solution, in Ys -ounce vials 60 53 in ounce vials 50 44 Cocaine hydrochlorate Tablets, soluble (see note 53), I 1-8 grs., in vials of 25 per vial. 38 33 in vials of 100 .per vial. 1 45 1 25 2 1-4 grs., in vials of 12 .per vial. 35 30 in bottles of 100 2 85 2 45 3 grs., in vials of 12 .per vial. 60 50 in bottles of 100 3 15 2 75 SPECIALTIES. 133 Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. List Price to Price. Trade. Cod-Liver Oil, Improved Lofoten (see note 54#), in 14-fl.oz. bottles .per doz..$ 7 00 $ 6 00 Cod-Liver Oil, pure, cold-refined, white Norwegian, in pint bottles—1 dozen in a box .per doz.. 4 00 3 50 Cod-Liver Oil, Egg Emulsion (formula L. B. Hewitt), in pint bottles See note 55. .per doz.. 9 00 7 50 Cod-Liver Oil Emulsion, with Hypophosphites of Calcium and Sodium, in pint bottles .per doz.. 6 50 5 25 in half-gal. bottles 4 00 3 00 Coley’s Mixture of Erysipelas and Prodigiosus Toxins, in ounce vials See note 55#. 3 00 20% Compound Cerebral Sedative (see note 40), B “ A,” in pint bottles 1 50 1 35 9 “ B,” in pint bottles 1 25 1 10 Compressed Tablets In Bulk and Special Style for Retailing. The number in front of each tablet is that under which it is listed among Compressed Tablets. For other formulae, see pages 199 to 224. 54 Ammonium chloride, 3 grs., in i-lb. bottles..., 60 5i in 10-lb. boxes..., So 43 213 Ammonium chloride, 5 grs., in i-lb. bottles .... So 43 in 10-lb. boxes.... 40 34 58 Borax (sodium borate), 5 grs., in i-lb. bottles.. ...per lb.. So 43 in 10-lb. boxes., ,. .per lb.. 40 34 59 Brown Mixture, 100 m,, in i-lb. bottles 35 30 Brown Mixture and Ammonium chloride— Mixture Glycyrrhiza Comp., 85 iri. Ammonium chloride, 3 grs. in X-lb. g.-s. bottles 40 35 66 Digestive, B “A,” in bottles of 30 per doz. bots.. 1 20 1 00 in bottles of 65 per doz. bots.. 2 00 1 70 See also Compressed Tablets, page 206. For description, etc., see Digestive Ferments, page 241. Digestive Tablets, Laminated, in bots. of 100.. .per bot.. 2 00 1 70 For description, etc., see Digestive Ferments, page 242. 71 Liquorice Powder Comp., 20 grs., in i-lb. bots. . .per lb.. 35 30 Pepsin and Bismuth, see Compressed Tablets, page 212. 76 Peptonizing Tablets, Improved per doz. bots. of 30.. Not compressed; for description, etc., see page 241. 1 75 1 50 77 Potassium bicarbonate, 5 grs., in i-lb. bottles 70 60 in 10-lb. boxes 60 5i 78 Potassium bromide, 5 grs., in I-lb. bottles 95 80 ip 10-lb. boxes 7? SPECIALTIES. 134 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co's List Price to Compressed Tablets.—Concluded. Price. Trade. 79 Potassium chlorate, 5 grs., in i-lb. bottles.... $ 43 in I-lb. pasteboard boxes 42 36 in 5-lb. pasteboard boxes 41 35 in io-lb. pasteboard boxes 40 34 bottles of 40 tablets 90 75 bottles of 40 tablets per gross.. 8 50 8 00 81 Potassium chlorate and Ammonium chloride- Potassium chlorate, 3 1-2 grs. Ammonium chloride, 1 1-2 grs. in pound boxes 55 47 in io-pound boxes 50 43 bottles of 40 tablets 80 68 bottles of 40 tablets per gross.. 8 5° 7 25 80 Potassium chlorate and Borax— Potassium chlorate, 2 1-2 grs. Sodium borate, 2 1-2 grs. in pound bottles 55 47 in io-pound boxes 45 38 99 Soda Mint, in pound bottles 45 38 in io-pound tins 40 34 bottles of 40 tablets 75 65 bottles of 40 tablets per gross.. 8 25 7 CO 100 Sodium bicarbonate, 5 grs., in pound bottles. 40 34 in io-pound tins. 35 30 217 Sodium bicarbonate, 10 grs., in pound bottles ....per lb.. 30 26 in io-pound tins ...per lb.. 20 18 Condurango Wine. See Wines, Part I; also note 58. Cubeb oleoresin (see note 60a),in ounce bottles. Culture Media (see note 61), 50 42 per case containing 12 tubes, any media, from No. 1 to No. 10 inclusive boxes of 50 tubes, any assortment, No. to No. 10 75 60 inclusive 2 50 2 50 Specify distinctly by number the kind of culture media re- quired in each case or box. Dental Tablets, Anaesthetic, see Local Ancestheiic {Dental), p. 94 Dialyzed Iron, in pint bottles (see note 63) 45 40 Dialyzed Iron, glycerated (see note 63) per pint bot.. Digestive Tablets, see Compressed Tablets, page 133. 50 45 Diphtheria Antitoxin, see Anti-diphtheritic Serum , page 129. Disinfectant Powder, in pound cartons 3 00 2 25 in bulk, containers extra.. 12 11 Diurnal Tablet Triturate Case, complete with tablets 2 75 2 50 See note 64; for list of Diurnal Tablet Triturates see page 227. 3 00 2 70 See note 64; for list of Diurnules, page 91. Dover Powder Tablets, see Compressed Tablets, page 206. Egg Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil, in pint bottles... 9 00 7 50 Formula of L. B. Hewitt. See note 55. SPECIALTIES. 135 Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. List Price to Ergot Aseptic (P., D. & Co.) (see note 69), Price. Trade. in cases containing 6 bulbs ? 80 $ 65 Ergotin (Bonjean), in ounce jars 30 22 Ergotin, purified, for hypodermatic use, in ounce vials 30 22 Erysipelas Toxins, see Coley's Mixture, p. 133. "Esencia de Calisaya (see note 73), in 14-fl.oz. bottles..per doz.. 10 00 8 00 Esencia de Coca (see notes 51 and 74), in 14-fl.oz. bottles 10 00 8 00 Essence of Pepsin, see Pepsin, Essence of, page 141. Euformol (see note 75a), in 4-oz. bottles 2 50 2 20 in 8-oz. bottles 4 50 3 80 in 16-oz. bottles 7 50 6 50 in }4-gal. bottles 4 50 4 00 Euthymol (see note 76), in K-pint bottles 2 50 2 20 in K-pint bottles 4 So 3 80 in pint bottles 7 50 6 50 in % -gallon bottles 4 So 4 CO Euthymol Cream (see note 76), in boxes of 1 dozen collapsible tin tubes.. 2 25 1 75 Euthymol Powder, in bag and box 2 25 1 75 Euthymol Tablets, in pound bottles 1 00 90 (See note 76.) in boxes of 40 per doz. boxes.. 2 00 1 50 Euthymol Tooth Paste, in2-oz. collapsible tin tubes, .per doz.. 2 25 1 75 See note 76. Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), 5 grs., in gelatin capsules, in bottles of 100 25 20 in bottles of 500 I 00 85 in bottles of 1000 I 90 1 60 Formaldehyde, 40# solution (see note 78a), in K-pint bottles 80 70 in bottles 70 60 in i-pint bottles 60 5o in J4-gal. bottles 5 00 4 25 Germicidal Soap (McClintock) (see note 80a), in boxes of three cakes per doz. cakes.. 2 25 1 75 Empty Celluloid Case for holding one cake. 25 23 Ginger Ale Extract, see Soda-Fountain Specialties, page 147. Globules of Santal Oil (P., D. & Co.), >5 minims (see n. 130), in bottles of 50 per doz. bots.. 6 00 5 00 Glonoin, Spirit of, U. S. P., in ounce vials 14 12 in pint bottles 1 25 1 10 Nitroglycerin; handle with care. See note 81. Glycerin Emollient (formula Dr. E. C. Dudley) (see note 82), in 2-oz. collapsible tin tubes 2 00 1 70 Glycerin Suppositories, bottles of J4 doz. each... 1 25 I CO (See note 8t.) bottles of 1 doz. each... 2 00 1 7° in individual glass tubes, 12 tubes in box per doz. boxes.. 3 So 3 00 SPECIALTIES. PART TWO. Specify P. D. Co.'s List Price to Price. Trade. Glycerole Pepsin, see Pepsin, page 141. Glycerole Yerbine Compound, in pint bottles .per doz.. $ 9 So =6* 00 § (See page 126.) in M-gal. bottles... 6 00 4 75 Gold Solution (Gibbes-Shurly) (see note 160)...per oz. vial.. 1 00 75 Gurjun Balsam, in pound bottles 60 50 Hceminal, in &-lb. bottles (see page 243) 2 80 2 504 in lA-lb. bottles 2 70 2 40 in pound bottles 2 60 2 30 Hematic Hypophosphites, in pint bottles .per doz.. 7 co 6 00 (See note 89.) in bottles.... ..per gal.. 4 00 3 5o Hoang-nan (Strychnos malaccensis, Benth.), pd.drug. per oz.. I 25 1 15 See note 90; for Tincture, see page 24. Hydrastine (white alkaloid of Golden-seal) (see page 114), in J4-ounce vials 8 50 7 75 Hydrastine hydrochlorate, in Vs -ounce vials 7 50 6 75 Hydrastine sulphate, in Mi-ounce vials 7 50 6 75 Hydrastinine hydrochlorate, in vials of 15 grs .per vial.. 75 60 in vials of Mi ounce .per vial.. 1 90 1 70 Hydriodic Acid, Concentrated Solution, it%, in 4-ounce bottles .per bot.. 1 00 85 See also Syrup Hydriodic acid, p. 144; and note 92a. Hypodermatic Case, Aluminum, with syringe.... 3 50 3 00 (See note 94.) without syringe. 2 25 1 90 No. 2, complete 3 50 3 00 For Veterinary Hypodermatic Case, see p. 145 and note 176. Hypodermatic Syringe Fittings: No. 1. Expanding nut 10 08 No. 2. Needle end cap 10 08 No. 3. Leather cups.. .per pair.. 10 09 No. 4. Rod heads 15 12 No. 5. Glass barrels 10 08 No. 6. Rod, nuts and washers 35 30 No. 7- Top cap with finger rests 25 23 No. 8. Metal barrel 50 45 No. 9. Needles (reinforced) 30 25 No. xo. Syringe without needles 1 00 90 Schimmel Aseptic Hypodermatic Needles, in tubes of 6 needles per tube.. 50 40 Butts, which, with adapters, enable those already having our No. 1 Case to use the Aseptic Needle.. 20 16 Adapters, consisting of double-screw piece and cap 20 16 Hypodermatic Tablet Case (pocket size), each case con- taimng 12 tubes of tablets per case. • 2 00 1 75 For description and assortment, see note 94. SPECIALTIES. 137 Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. List Price to Price. Trade. Improved Hypodermatic Case (Dr. Elmer Lee), complete with syringe, two needles and thirteen vials of hypoder- matic tablets (see note 95) $ 2 10 Interchangeable Parts of the Lee Hypodermatic Case: a. Syringe, without needles 50 45 b. Needles, large or small gauge 25 23 c. Leather covers SO 45 d. Glass barrels 10 08 e. Rubber bands per pair.. 05 04 Infiltration Anaesthetic Tablets (Schleich) (see note 98), No. 1, in tubes of 12 per tube.. 1 10 95 in bottles of 100 8 00 6 75 No. 2, in tubes of 12 per tube.. 60 5i in bottles of 100 4 50 3 85 No. 3, in tubes of 12 per tube.. 15 12 in bottles of 100 .per bot.. 75 65 Iodine Solution (Gibbes-Shurly) in ounce vials.... .per vial.. 1 00 75 See note 160. Jequirity seed, powd., in ounce bottles (see note 1) . .per oz.. 25 20 fluid, 12%, in ounce vials 25 20 Kola Cordial (see note 107), in 4-oz. bottles .per doz.. 2 75 2 30 in pint bottles • per doz.. 8 00 7 00 in 54 -gallon bottles.. .per gal.. 5 00 4 25 Kola Wine (see note 107), in pint bottles .per doz.. 8 00 7 co in y -gallon bottles.... .per gal.. 5 00 4 25 Labarraque Solution, see Solution Chlorinated Soda, p. 144. Laminated Digestive Tablets, see Compressed Tablets, p. 133. Lanolinum purissimum (Liebreich), original packages, in y -pound cans .per can.. 35 30 65 55 in pound cans 1 25 1 00 Lard, benzoinated, see Benzoinated Lard, page 130. Laudanum, see Opium (tincture, U. S. P.), page 140. Lemon Extract, see Soda-Fountain Specialties, p. 147. Lime Juice and Kola, see Soda-Fountain Specialties, p. 147. Lime Juice and Pepsin, in pint bottles .per doz.. 10 00 8 00 in J4-gallon bottles For description, etc., see “Digestive Ferments,” .per gal.. p. 240. 6 00 4 75 Liquid Taka-Diastase, see Taka-Diastase, page 145 Liquor Sedans (see note III), in pint bottles .per doz.. 9 00 7 5o in y2 -gallon bottles .per gal.. 5 50 4 5o Liquor Sedans, R 2 (without sugar)(see note ill), in pint bottles .per doz.. 9 00 7 5o in y2 -gallon bottles .per gal.. 5 5o 4 5o Liquor Tritici (see note 172), in pint bottle .per doz.. 9 00 7 50 in 54 -gallon bottles .per gal.. 6 00 4 50 SPECIALTIES. PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s Lithium Citrate Tablets, 3 grs., effervescent (see note 112), List Price. 3rice to Trade. in bottles of 40 per doz. bots.. $ i 75 $ 1 50 in bottles of 100 per bot. Lithium Citrate Tablets, 5 grs., effervescent (see note 112), 30 27 in bottles of 40 per doz. bots.. 2 25 1 75 in bottles of 100 per bot. Loeffler Solution (for the local treatment of diphtheria), 40 35 in K-lb. g.-s. bottles per lb. 3 20 2 75 in % -lb. g.-s. bottles per lb.. 3 10 2 65 in i-lb. g.-s. bottles per lb.. See note 113. Lozenges. Compressed Flavored Lozenges. Extra strong, made from the best obtainable materials and finest flavors. The lozenges are compressed and are put up in i-lb. decorated tin cans. A reduction of 6 cents per lb. is made for 5-lb. lots bulk, put up in pasteboard boxes. Please address us for quotations in larger quantities. 3 00 2 55 Cinnamon per lb.. 38 33 Coltsfoot per lb.. 38 33 Ginger per lb.. 35 30 Musk per lb.. 35 30 Peppermint per lb.. Red Gum, see Red Gum, page 144. 35 30 Rose per lb.. 42 38 Sassafras per lb.. 35 30 Slippery Elm per lb.. 35 30 Wintergreen per lb.. Superior Cut Flavored Lozenges. In pound boxes; for 5-lb. boxes deduct 3 cents per lb. 35 30 Musk per lb.. 35 30 Peppermint per lb.. 35 30 Rose per lb.. 42 38 Slippery Elm per lb.. 35 30 Wintergreen per lb.. Medicated Lozenges, in slide boxes for retailing. In gross lots or more, labels will bear customer’s address if desired. For formulae, see “ Medicated Lozenges,” Part I, pages 124 and 125. 35 30 Bronchial per gross boxes.. 7 50 5 5o Bronchial, Improved per gross boxes.. 7 50 5 5o Liquorice, uncoated per gross boxes.. 7 5o S 00 Potassium chlorate, 2 grs per gross boxes.. Potassium chlorate and Ammonium 7 5o 5 50 chloride, 1 gr. of each per gross boxes.. 8 oc 7 00 Santonin, 1-2 gr per gross boxes.. 8 50 7 50 Santonin, I gr per gross boxes.. 10 00 9 00 Santonin Compound per gross boxes.. 8 50 7 50 Santonin and Podophyllin per gross boxes.. 8 50 7 5o Yerba Santa Compound per gross boxes.. 7 50 5 50 SPECIALTIES. Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. Malt Preparations. (See note 114.) List Price to Price. Trade. Malt Extract (plain), in pint bottles per doz.. $ 9 00 $ 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. 3 50 3 00 Malt Extract with Beef-peptone, in pint bottles, .per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in H-gal. bots. ..per gal.. Beef peptone, 1 part. Malt extract, 9 parts. Malt Extract with Cascara Sagrada, 4 50 3 75 in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. Each fluidounce represents Cascara sagrada, 60 grs. Malt Extract with Cod-Liver Oil, io£ (by volume), 4 SO 3 75 in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. Malt Extract with Cod-Liver Oil, 30* (by volume), 4 00 3 25 in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 CO in half-gallon bottles per gal.. 4 00 3 25 Malt Extract, Ferrated, in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. 4 50 Eachfl. oz. represents Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, 8 grs. Malt Extract with Hypophosphites, 3 75 in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. Each fluidounce represents: Calcium hypopnosphite, 1 1-2 grs.; Ferrous hypophosphite, 1-2 gr.; Sodium hypophosphite, 1 1-2 grs. Malt Extract with Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, 4 So 3 75 in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. Each fluidounce represents: Ferric phosphate, soluble, 4 grs.; Strychnine, 2-75 gr.; Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Malt Extract with Pepsin and Pancreatin, 4 50 3 75 in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. Each fluidounce represents: Saccharated Pepsin,U.S P. 1890,15 grs.; Saccharated Pancreatin, 1$ grs. Malt Extract with Yerba Santa (see notes 115 and 182), 4 50 3 75 in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 00 in half-gallon bottles per gal.. Each fluidounce represents Eriodictyon, 30 grs. 4 50 3 75 Materia Medica Cabinet each.. Containing 288 specimens of crude drugs of vegetable origin 25 00 Net. Medicine Dropper and Bottle, Graduated (see note 117).... Menthol, in crystals, genuine Japanese (see note 118), 30 25 in ounce vials per oz.. 35 30 in K-pound bottles per lb.. 4 20 3 65 in JA-pound bottles per lb.. 4 10 3 55 in pound bottles per lb.. 4 00 3 45 Menthol Pencils, each pencil in aluminum case per doz.. For description and cut, see note 119. 2 00 1 75 SPECIALTIES. PART TWO. Specify P. D. <& Co.'s List 1 Price to Microscopical Slides of Disease Germs (see note 122), Price. Trade. case of 10 slides, any assortment $ 4 25 $ 3 75 cas* of 5 slides, any assortment 2 25 2 00 single slides 50 45 Morphine Sulphate Pills, 1-32 gr., in bottles of 1000 75 65 1-20 gr., in bottles of 1000 80 70 1-16 gr., in bottles of 1000 90 75 1-10 gr., in bottles of 1000 1 10 95 1-8 gr., in bottles of 1000 1 15 1 00 1-6 gr., in bottles of 1000 x 40 1 20 1-4 gr., in bottles of 1000 2 05 1 75 1-2 gr., in bottles of 1000 3 65 3 10 Nuclein Solution, for hypodermatic administration, in ounce g.-s. bottles 60 So in %-lb. g.-s. bottles 1 80 1 60 in K-lb. g.-s. bottles 3 55 3 05 in i-lb. g.-s. bottles See note 128 7 00 6 00 Nuclein Solution, No. 2, 5%,for oral use only, in pint bottles 2 00 1 70 Oil Eucalyptus, in ounce vials 18 16 in K-pint bottles 1 95 1 70 in % -pint bottles 1 85 1 60 in pint bottles 1 75 1 50 Opium. (See explanatory notes 131 and 132.) Tincture Ipecac and Opium, U. S. P .per pint bot.. 1 90 1 60 Represents about i gr. of Dover Powder in each minim. Tincture Opium, camphorated (Paregoric).. See Fluid Opium, camphorated, for U. S. P. .per pint bot.. tincture, p. 27. .per pint bot.. 55 45 Tincture Opium Compound 1 10 90 Diarrhoea mixture, composed of Tinct. Opium, Spirit Cam- phor, Tinct. Capsicum and Purified Chloroform. Tincture Opium, deodorized, U. S. P. 1890 (Fluid Opium, aq. and deod.), see Part I, page 27. Tincture Opium, U. S. P., assayed Laudanum. Each fluidounce contains by ass .per pint bot.. 1 40 1 20 ay 6 grs. of crys- tallized Morphine, equal to grs. Morphine sulphate. Ox Gall, desiccated, scales, m pound bottles.. 2 75 2 60 in ounce vials..... 25 22 Ox Gall, inspissated, in ounce jars 15 13 in pound jars 1 25 1 15 Ox Gall, inspissated, powdered, in ounce vials, 25 22 Ox Gall, purified, in ounce jars 25 22 in pound jars 2 50 2 30 Pancreatln. *Pancreatin, liquid, concentrated, in pint bottles .. per doz.. 12 00 10 00 ♦Pancreatin, pure, in ounce vials 1 00 75 ♦Pancreatin, Saccharated, in ounce vials 30 24 in % and % pounds per lb.. 4 00 3 00 *For description, see Digestive Ferments, page 241. SPECIALTIES. Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. List Price to Price. Trade. Papayotin (from Papaw juice), in Gm. vials $ 80 Pengawar Djambi, in ounce boxes 25 20 Pepsin. Supplied in scales or powder. Scales (1:3000) sent on unspecified orders. In 54-lb. bottles, the price will be 10 cents per pound additional; in 54-lb. bottles, 20 cents per pound additional. ♦Pepsin Aseptic, 1:2000, in ounce vials SO 40 in pound bottles 6 00 5 00 1:3000, U.S.P., in ounce vials... 65 55 in pound bottles....per lb.. 9 00 7 50 114000, in ounce vials 85 72 in pound bottles 12 00 10 CO Pepsin Aseptic Tablets (1:3000), sugar-coated, 1 gr., bottles of 30 each 3 00 2 25 bottles of 65 each 6 00 4 25 See also Compressed Tablets and Chocolate-coated Tab- lets. ♦Pepsin Cordial, in 8-fl.oz. bottles 6 50 5 5o in 5-pint bottles 5 25 3 75 ♦Pepsin, Essence of, in 4-fl.oz. bottles 3 00 2 60 in 8-fl.oz. bottles 5 00 4 25 in 16-fl.oz. bottles , 9 00 7 50 in 54-gal. bottles 5 So 4 60 ♦Pepsin, Glycerole, concentrated (1:300), in 4-fl.oz. bottles 5 00 4 00 in 8-fl.oz. bottles 9 00 7 50 in 12-fl.oz. bottles 13 00 10 50 ♦Pepsin, Lactated, in ounce vials 35 30 in X-pound bottles 4 20 3 70 in 54 -pound bottles 4 10 3 60 in pound bottles 4 00 3 50 Pepsin, Lactated, Elixir, see Elixirs, page 106. Pepsin, Liquid, U. S. P. 1880, in pint bottles 7 5o 6 75 in 54-gallon bottles, .per gal.. 4 75 4 25 ♦Pepsin, Saccharated, U. S. P. 1890 (1:300), in ounce vials 16 14 in 54-lb. bottles 1 45 1 35 in 54-lb. bottles 1 35 1 25 in pound bottles 1 25 1 15 ♦Peptonizing Tablets, see Compressed Tablets, page 133. Petroleum Mass, crude, in ounce bottles 1 50 1 30 in 54-pound bottles 80 75 in 54-pound bottles 70 65 in pound bottles 60 55 ♦For description, see Digestive Ferments, pages 239 to 241. SPECIALTIES. 142 PART TWO. Specify P. D. <& Co.'s List Price to Pills In Bulk. For formulae, see list of Pills, page 50. Price. Trade. Cathartic Compound, U. S. P., or Improved (see note 38), Sugar-coated, m pound bottles .$ I 10 $ 95 Gelatin-coated, in pound bottles . I 60 1 40 Cathartic Compound, Active, Sugar-coated, in pound bottles . I 00 80 Gelatin-coated, in pound bottles • I 75 1 40 Cinchonidine sulphate, 1 gr., in bottles of 1000 per bot. 95 80 2 gr., in bottles of 1000 .per bot. 1 50 1 30 3 gr., in bottles of 1000 .per bot. 2 10 1 80 4 gr. (gelatin-coated only), in bottles of 1000.. per bot. . 2 80 2 45 5 gr- (gelatin-coated only), in bottles of 1000.. per bot. 3 45 3 00 Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), 3 gr., sugar-coated 1 20 90 gelatin-coated 2 00 1 50 5 gr., sugar-coated 1 00 80 gelatin-coated 1 75 1 40 Modified, sugar-coated 1 10 85 gelatin-coated 1 75 1 35 Pills, Sugar-Coated, in Bottles and Boxes, with buyer’s card, for retailing. List Price. Price to Trade. ( Bracket figures indicate number of pills ) , s < in each package: for less than half a> Per Gross: Per Gross: ( gross add 50 cents for printing labels. ) Glass. Wood. Glass. Wood. Cathartic Compound, Improved.. [25] 7 50 $S 50 $5 5o $4 00 Cathartic Compound, U. S. P [25].. 7 50 5 5o 5 50 4 00 Cathartic Compound,Vegetable.. [25].. 7 50 5 5o 5 5o 4 00 Cook [25].. 7 50 5 5o 5 5o 4 00 Liver, Improved [25].. 6 00 4 50 Liver, Improved, Vegetable [25].. 6 00 4 00 Podophyllotoxin, in %-ounce vials •$ 3 75 $ 3 50 Pressed Herb Cans (see page 148) 20 SPECIALTIES. Quinine, Soluble Elastic Capsules. Soluble Elastic Capsules filled with Quinine in dry powder. List No. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1 Per doz. boxes -l*of 1 doz. r\Per doz. n boxes uof 2 doz. n Bulk, I 1 per box u of 100. 201 Quinine sulphate, 1 gr 60 52 I 05 90 33 28 202 Quinine sulphate, 2 grs 70 61 I 20 I 05 4i 35 203 Quinine sulphate, 3 grs 80 70 i 35 1 20 49 42 204 Quinine sulphate, 4 grs 90 79 1 50 1 35 57 49 20S Quinine sulphate, 5 grs x 00 88 1 65 1 50 64 56 213 Quinine hydrochlorate, 2 grs 80 64 1 40 1 16 48 40 214 Quinine hydrochlorate, 3 grs 96 76 1 68 1 47 56 46 94 Quinine and Capsicum Quinine sulphate, 5 grs. Powd. Capsicum, 1 gr. 1 05 90 1 76 1 56 69 62 143 Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. Quinine Sulphate; Gelatin Capsules filled with I.ist Price to Quinine sulphate In fine granular form. (See p. 113) Price. Trade. 2 gr., in boxes of 500 .per box.. $ i 35 $ 1 25 m boxes of 1000 2 60 2 40 3 gr., in boxes of 5°° .per box. 1 78 1 65 in boxes of 1000 3 45 3 20 5 gr., in boxes of 500 .per box. 2 68 2 48 in boxes of 1000 .per box. 5 25 4 85 Quinine Sulphate Pills, Capsule-shaped. I gr., in bottles of 100 18 15 in bottles of 500 81 70 in bottles of 1000 1 40 i 25 2 gr., in bottles of 100 30 25 in bottles of 500 .per bot. 1 28 1 10 in bottles of 1000 2 40 2 07 3 gr., in bottles of 100 40 35 in bottles of 500 1 80 1 55 in bottles of 1000 3 45 3 00 4 gr., in bottles of 100 52 45 in bottles of 500 2 40 2 07 in bottles of 1000 4 40 3 95 5 gr., in bottles of 100 60 55 in bottles of 500 2 90 2 So in bottles of 1000 5 65 4 90 Quinine Pills: Bisulphate or Sulphate. 1-4 gr., in bottles of 100 13 11 in bottles of 500 40 35 in bottles of 1000 70 60 1-2 gr., in bottles of 100 15 13 in bottles of 500 53 46 in bottles of 1000 90 75 I gr., in bottles of 100 16 14 in bottles of 500 70 60 in bottles of 1000 1 15 1 00 2 gr., in bottles of 100 26 23 in bottles of 500 1 15 1 00 in bottles of 1000 2 15 1 85 3 gr., in bottles of 100 37 32 in bottles of 500 1 55 1 45 in bottles of 1600 3 15 2 75 4 ST- only), in bottles of 100 per bot.. 47 41 in bottles of 500 2 20 1 90 in bottles of 1000 4 20 3 65 5 gr. {g--o- only), in bottles of 100 56 49 in bottles of 500 2 65 2 30 in bottles of 1000 5 20 4 5o SPECIALTIES. Quinine Tablets, Compressed. Bisulphate, i, 2, 3, or 5 grs., and sulphate, K, I, 2, 3, 4, or 5 grs., plain, sugar- or chocolate-coated, at same prices as for pills; please specify distinctly. Tannate, I gr. (with chocolate).. 1 10 91 boxes of 25... 80 68 Tannate, 2pgr. (with chocolate) 1 10 95 boxes of 25... 1 00 *5 Specify P. D. <& Co?s List Price to Price. Trade. Reagent Case, Physician’s Pocket (leather), with complete set of urinary test tablets w- 0 0 N 1 70 See note 143. For Urinary Test Tablets, see page 145. Red Gum Lozenges, compressed, in pound bottles. . .per lb.. 1 50 1 20 in boxes of 4 dozen each per doz. boxes.. 2 00 1 60 Rennin (see note 142), in ounce vials 70 60 For Rennin Tablets, see Tablet Triturates. Rhubarb Fingers (see note 146), in pound boxes... Saccharin Tablets, see Tablet Triturates. 85 75 Saline Solution, concentrated, sterilized (see note 149a), in c.-s. ounce vials per box of 6 vials.. 75 65 Santal Oil Globules, see Globules of Santal Oil, page 135. Semple Atomizing Inhaler, complete (see note 155).. .each.. 4 00 3 25 For Inhalants, see Part I, page 127. Serum Syringe No. 1, complete, with 4 needles 3 50 3 CO Capacity, about 6 Cc. See note 157. Serum Syringe No. 2, complete, with 3 needles 3 00 2 50 Capacity, about 10 Cc. See note 157. Soda-Fountain Specialties, see page 147. Solution Chlorinated Soda (Labarraque Solution), in quart bottles per doz.. 2 50 2 00 Solution Iron and Manganese (aromatic) (see note 99), in pint bottles per doz.. 7 00 6 00 in Vt.-gallon bottles .per gal.. 4 00 3 50 Solution Hydriodic Acid, see Hydriodic Acid, page 136. Sulphur Torches (1 lb. sulphur each) (see note 164). per doz.. 2 25 1 75 Suprarenal Glands, Saccharated, P. D. & Co. (see note 165), in ounce vials. 2 00 1 70 in bottles of 100 compressed tablets .per bot.. 1 50 1 25 in bottles of 100 capsules .per bot.. 1 50 1 25 Syringes, see “ Hypodermatic,” “ Serum,” and “ Veterinary ” Syringes. Syrups. Hydriodic Acid, one per cent., in pint bottles .per bot.. 80 65 Hydriodic Acid, two per cent, (double strength), in pint bottles (see note 93) .per bot.. 1 25 1 00 Iron chloride (Weld), in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 50 (See note too.) in 14-gallon bottles . per gal.. 5 50 4 50 Iron iodide (10% ferrous iodide by weight)-, in pound bottles (12 fl.ozs.) 70 65 Trifolium Compound, in pint bottles per doz.. 9 00 7 50 (See note 171.) in j4-gallon bottles .per gal.. 5 50 4 30 Yerba Santa aromatic, in pint bottles per doz.. 7 00 6 00 (See note 183.) in %-gallon bottles .per gal.. 4 00 3 50 Tablet Triturate Cases, see pages 225 and 226. PART TWO. SPECIALTIES. 145 List Price to TAKA.-DIASTA.SE (see note 167), Price. Trade. in K-ounce vials per vial. 4 5 60 $ 50 in % -ounce vials per vial.. I 05 90 in ounce vials , per vial.. 2 00 1 70 Capsules containing 2% grains Taka-Diastase each, in bottles of 25 per bot.. 35 30 in bottles of 100 per bot.. 1 35 1 15 in bottles of 500 per bot.. 6 50 5 5o Compressed Tablets, 2% grains Taka-Diastase each, in bottles of 100 per bot.. 1 35 1 15 Liquid Taka-Diastase, in 8-ounce bottles per doz.. 7 00 6 00 Each fluidrachm contains z'/t grains Taka-Diastase. Terebene, in ounce vials per oz.. 15 13 in bottles per pint.. 1 35 1 20 in 3^-pint bottles per pint.. 1 25 1 10 in pint bottles per pint.. 1 15 1 00 Thymus Glands (powder), in oz. vials per oz.. 1 20 I CO in capsules, each representing 10 grs. of fresh Thymus gland from sheep per bot. of 100.. 1 40 1 20 See note j68. Thyreoids (see note 169), in ounce vials per oz.. 1 20 1 00 Thyreoid Capsules, in bottles of 100 per bot.. 80 70 Thyreoid Tablets, in bottles of 100 per bot.. 70 60 Each capsule or tablet represents 5 grains of fresh Thyreoid gland from sheep. See note 169. Tuberculin, concentrated, for veterinary use (see note 173). in vials containing four doses per vial.. 60 20* For Anti-Tubercle Serum, see page 129. Urinary Test Case, see Reagent Case, page 144. Urinary Test Tablets (see note 174), Embracing the following tests: Citric acid; Indigo and Sodi- um carbonate; Picric acia; Potassium ferrocyaniae; Potassio- mercuric iodide: Sodium carbonate; Sodium tungstate; Lead oxide; Litmus paper. any test in tubes of 25 each per tube.. i5 11 any test in tubes of 25 each per 100 tablets.. 50 35 Urinary Test Tablets, Bismuth subnitrate (see note 174), in tubes of 25 each per tube.. 20 15 in tubes of 25 each per 100 tablets.. 70 5o Vaginal Suppositories, sterilized (Dr. W. P. Manton), No. 1, in sealed tubes of 6 per doz. suppositories.. 75 60 No. 2, in sealed tubes of 6 per doz. suppositories.. 1 50 1 20 See note 175a. Vanilla Extract, see Soda-Fountain Specialties, page 147. Veterinary Hypodermatic Case (see note 176), complete, with tablets, trocar and syringe each.. 12 50 11 00 complete, but without tablets each.. 6 00 5 25 hypodermatic syringe each.. 2 50 2 40 hypodermatic needle each.. 60 5o hypodermatic trocar needle each.. 75 65 trocar each.. 80 75 Specialties at Net Prices. PART TWO. SPECIALTIES. 146 PART TWO. List Price to Price. Trade. Warburg Tincture (with Aloes), in ounce vials... .$ 2 10 $ i 75 in K-pint bottles .per pint. 2 30 1 95 in 14-pint bottles .per pint. 2 20 1 85 in pint bottles .per pint. 2 10 1 75 Warburg Tincture without aloes, prices same as above. Warburg Tincture, special (see note 178), in ounce vials .per doz. 1 60 1 45 in K-pint bottles .per pint. 1 70 1 55 in 14-pint bottles .per pint. 1 60 1 45 in pint bottles .per pint. 1 5o 1 35 Witch Hazel, concentrated distilled extract (see note 180), in 14-pint bottles 1 85 1 60 in pint bottles 3 35 2 90 in 14-gallon bottles 1 25 1 os in gallon jugs 1 05 95 Woodbridge Treatment of Typhoid Fever, complete case. 3 75 3 20 formula No. 1 tablets 35 30 66 66 66 .per 1000. 3 00 2 55 “ No. 2 tablets 70 60 a 66 66 .per 1000. 6 00 5 10 “ No. 3 capsules per doz. boxes. 4 00 3 40 u a tt 2 40 2 10 “ No. 4 tablets (for children) 50 42 66 66 66 66 66 .per 1000. 4 50 3 8S “ No. 5 capsules (for children), per doz. boxes. 1 10 95 66 66 66 66 66 65 55 For formulae and other particulars, see note 181. Yerbine Compound, see Glycerole Yerbine Compound, page 136. Specify P. D. & Co 's SPECIALTIES. OUR Improved Lofoten. Cod — Oil is prepared with a special view to ensuring PERMANENCY, PALATABILITY, AND THERAPEUTIC EFFECT. E It is nearly tasteless and odorless, yet presents the undiminished virtues of that g classic resource in wasting diseases—pure cod-liver oil. Those to whom the |j pure oil is objectionable will find in our EGG EMULSION (formula of L. B. Hewitt) a palatable and easily assimilable preparation, containing 40 per cent, of pure Lofoten cod-liver oil, with no other emulsifying agent than eggs, and i flavored with a fine quality of brandy. In this emulsion, unlike the ordinary ; mixtures upon the market, the vehicle is scarcely less valuable than the oil itself, j There is nothing to encumber or retard digestion, nothing to interfere with the 5 action of the principal ingredient. Long exposure has proven the permanence of i the combination. Its elegance and palatability speak f X hj h-j ~ a m 'j- ci-j m ca O a, 5' H * t 3> - Q 5 m-m © a SYNONYMS—HE DEOM A, U. S. P ; Squaw Mint, Tickweed, Stinking balm; Herbe de pouliot americain, Fr.; Amerikanischer Polei, Ger. PART EMPLOYED—Leaves and tops. NATURAL ORDER-Labiataj. HABITAT—United States and Canada. THE ABOVE REPRESENTS A SAMPLE LABEL FOR PRESSED HERBS. 149 COMPLETE PRICE AND REFERENCE LIST OF PRESSED HERBS, INCLUDING A FULL SELECTION OF HERBS, LEAVES, FLOWERS, BARKS AND ROOTS FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. We pay particular attention to the quality and identity of the drugs; our facilities for securing supplies are superior; we exercise great care in garbling, and our packages are specimens of neatness and security. Please Notice.—We call attention to an important improvement in our packages of pressed herbs, consisting in the use of an impervious paper to cover all drugs depending for their activity on a volatile con- stituent. Drugs which otherwise would deteriorate rapidly, retain their strength unimpaired in these packages. The inconvenience and liability to error which invariably attend the handling of loose bulky herbs are reduced to a minimum by the adoption of these compact and neatly labeled packages. Nomenclature.—We have adopted the common vernacular names, and in each case have endeavored to choose the correct one. To avoid confusion, please do not order by the reference names which are printed in italics. A List of Synonyms will be found at page 276. When distinctly specified, barks and roots can be supplied in ounces at 5 cents per lb. more than price quoted. PRESSED HERBS. Prices Subject to Change without Notice.—Strictly NET, Not Subject to Any Discount. For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. i Abscess-root Polemonium reptans.... lbs. $ -33 Absinthium ,. See Wormwood. 2 Aconite leaves Aconitum Napellus ozs. 25 3 Aconite root a a lbs. 25 4 Adder’s-tongue leaves. .Erythronium americanum. ozs. 40 5 Agrimony herb Agrimonia Eupatoria... ozs. 23 Alder bark See Black and Tag Alder. 6 Alkanet root Alkanna tinctoria....... lbs. 25 Althcea See Marshmallow. 7 American Centaury herb. Sabbatia angularis ozs. 30 8 American Columbo root. Frasera carolinensis lbs. 22 9 American Hellebore root.Veratrum viride lbs. 22 150 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co's For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 10 American Ivy,bark of root. Vitis quinquefolia lbs. $ .24 American Saffron . .See Safflower. II American Sarsaparilla r’t.Aralia nudicaulis lbs. 24 American White Ash... ..See White Ash bark. 12 Angelica leaves ..Angelica atropurpurea.. ozs. 25 13 Angelica root .. Angelica Archangelica. lbs. 20 Apocynu?n ..See Canadian Hemp. 14 Apple-tree bark .. Pyrus Malus lbs. 24 15 Arbor vitae leaves . .Thuya occidentalis ozs. 24 16 Arnica flowers ..Arnica montana ozs. 29 U it lbs. 30 Asclepias ..See Pleurisy root. Ash bark ..See White, Black and Prickly Ash. 18 Asparagus root .. Asparagus officinalis.... lbs. 33 Aspidium . .See Male-fern. Avens root ..See Water Avens. 19 Balmony leaves . Chelone glabra ozs. 25 Balsam leaves, Sweet... ..See Life-everlasting. Baneberry root, White.. .See White Cohosh. 20 Barberry bark lbs. 27 21 Basswood bark .Tilia americana lbs. 18 22 Bayberry bark . Myrica cerifera lbs. 23 23 Bay Laurel leaves .Laurus nobilis lbs. 20 24 Bearsfoot root . Polymnia Uvedalia. lbs. 30 25 Beech bark lbs. 26 Beech leaves ozs. 25 27 Beech-drop root .Epiphegus virginiana... lbs. 20 28 Belladonna leaves . Atropa Belladonna ozs. 30 29 Belladonna root it it lbs. 30 3o Benne leaves .Sesamum indicum ozs. 55 31 Beth-root lbs. 30 Birch bark. .See Black Birch. 32 Bitter Bugleweed herb.. . .Lycopus europaeus ozs. 28 33 Bitter-root Apocynum androsaemifolium lbs. 28 Bittersweet bark, False... ..See False Bittersweet. 34 Bittersweet leaves .Solanum Dulcamara ozs. 45 35 Bittersweet twigs it it lbs. 25 36 Black Alder bark . Ilex verticillata lbs. 22 37 Black Ash bark .Fraxinus sambucifolia... lbs. 20 38 Blackberry, bark of root.. . Rubus villosus lbs. 18 39 Blackberry root . Rubus villosus lbs. 15 PRESSED HERBS. 151 Pressed Herbs. PART TWO. For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 40 Black Birch bark .. Betula lenta lbs. $ .24 41 Black Cohosh root . Cimicifuga racemosa.... lbs. 15 42 Black Haw, bark of root. .. Viburnum prunif olium... lbs. 25 43 Black Hellebore root... .. Helleborus niger lbs. 20 Black Indian Hemp root..See Canadian Hemp. 44 Black Oak bark . .Quercus tinctoria lbs. 14 Black-root . .See Culver’s-root. 45 Black Walnut bark . .Juglans nigra lbs. 20 46 Black Walnut leaves... it it ozs. 27 47 Black Willow bark . .Salix nigra lbs. 19 48 Blessed Thistle herb.... . .Carbenia benedicta ozs. 32 49 Blood-root .. Sanguinariacanadensis. lbs. 20 50 Blue Cardinal leaves... .Lobelia syphilitica ozs. 30 51 Blue Cohosh root Caulophyllurn thalictroides lbs. 18 52 Blue Flag root ..Iris versicolor lbs. 25 53 Blue Gentian root . Gentiana puberula lbs. 45 54 Blue Vervain herb..... .Verbena hastata ozs. 23 55 Blue Vervain root it it lbs. 24 56 Boneset leaves and tops. .Eupatorium perfoliatum. ozs. 20 57 Borage leaves . Borago officinalis....... ozs. 30 Boxwood bark . See Dogwood. Boxwood flowers . .See Dogwood. lbs. 24 Bryony root . .See White Bryony. 59 Buckbean leaves . .Menyanthes trifoliata... ozs. 35 60 Buckbean root a a lbs. 35 61 Buckhom Brake root.. .. Osmunda regalis lbs. 24 62 Buckthorn bark . Rhamnus Frangula lbs. 19 63 Bugle-weed herb . Lycopus virginicus ozs. 25 64 Burdock leaves .Arctium Lappa ozs. 25 65 Burdock root . “ “ lbs. 18 66 Butternut, bark of root. Juglans cinerea lbs. 16 67 Butternut leaves it it ozs. 25 68 Button Snake-root .Liatris spicata lbs. 25 Calamus root .See Sweet Flag. Calendula flowers .See Marigold. 69 Calumba root (foreign). . .Jateorhiza palmata lbs. 25 70 Canada Snake-root.... . Asarum canadense lbs. 40 71 Canada Thistle root.... .Cnicus arvensis lbs. 23 72 Canadian Hemp root... .Apocynum cannabinum. lbs. 35 Cancer-root ..See Beech-drop. Cannabis Indica . .See Indian Cannabis. PRESSED HERBS. 152 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. Cardinal leaves, Blue... .See Blue Cardinal. 73 Carpenter’s-square herb. . Scrophularia Marilan- dica ozs. $ .30 Carrion-flower. .See Jacob’s-ladder. 74 Cascarilla bark .Croton Eluteria lbs. 22 Castanea ..See Chestnut. 75 Castor leaves . Ricinus communis ozs. 30 76 Catnep leaves .Nepeta Cataria ozs. 20 Caulophyllum . See Blue Cohosh. Celandine leaves, Garden.. See Garden Celandine. Celandine leaves, Wild... ..See Wild Celandine. Centaury, Amer., or Red..See American Centaury. Centaury herb, European.See European Centaury. 77 Chamomile, Roman . Anthemis nobilis ozs. 40 Checkerberry leaves .See Wintergreen. 78 Chestnut leaves .Castanea dentata ozs. 22 79 Chickweed herb .Stellaria media ozs. 30 Chimaphila . See Pipsissewa. Cimicifuga .See Black Cohosh. 80 Cinquefoil herb . Potentilla canadensis.... ozs. 28 24 Clover tops, Red .See Red Clover. Clover tops, White. . .See White Clover. 82 Coca leaves . Erythroxylon Coca ozs. 40 Cohosh, Black . See Black Cohosh. Cohosh, Blue .See Blue Cohosh. 83 Colchicum root .Colchicum autumnale... lbs. 30 84 Coltsfoot leaves .Tussilago Farfara ozs. 24 85 Coltsfoot root (( « lbs. 30 Columbo, American See American Columbo. Columbo (foreign) .See Calumba. 86 Comfrey root . Symphytum officinale.... lbs. 20 87 Condurango bark Gonolobus Cundurango.. lbs. 50 88 Conium leaves .Conium maculatum ozs. 30 89 Cool wort herb .Mitella nuda ozs. 35 90 Cotton-root bark . Gossypium herbaceum .. lbs. 21 91 Couch-grass . Agropyrum repens ozs. 26 93 Cranesbill root . Geranium maculatum... lbs. 25 94 Crawley root . Corallorhiza odontorhiza lbs. 60 95 Culver’s root .Veronica virginica lbs. 25 Cypripedium .See Ladies’-slipper. PRESSED HERBS. 153 Pressed Herbs. PART TWO. For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 96 Dandelion herb .Taraxacum officinale.... ozs. $ .28 97 Dandelion root a a lbs. 25 98 Deer-tongue leaves .Trilisa odoratissima ozs. 32 Digitalis .See Foxglove. QQ Dittanv herb 25 Dogwood bark, Round-leaved. See Green Osier. Dogwood bark, Swamp.. . See Red Osier. 100 Dogwood bark .Comus florida lbs. 15 101 Dogwood flowers a it ozs. 24 Dragon-root. .See Indian Turnip. 102 Dwarf Elder 35 103 Elder bark Sambucus canadensis.... lbs. 18 104 Elder flowers a a ozs. 29 105 Elecampane root .Inula Helenium lbs. 15 106 Elm bark, powdered . Ulmus fulva Vs lb. 23 Eupatorium .See Bone set. Fuonymus .See Wahoo. 107 European Centaury herb. Erythrsea Centaurium... ozs. 45 108 Evening Primrose herb.. . CEnothera biennis OZS. 28 109 Eyebright herb . Euphrasia officinalis ozs. 38 110 False Bittersweet, bark of root. Celastrus scandens. lbs. 30 False Unicorn root .See Helonias. Fern-bush .See Sweet Fei^. hi Feverbush leaves . Lindera Benzoin ozs. 23 112 Feverfew herb Chrysanthemum Parthenium ozs. 37 Figwort .See Carpenter’s-square. 113 Fireweed leaves .Erechthites hieracifolia.. ozs. 24 114 Fit-root plant Monotropa uniflora ozs. 38 115 Fleabane leaves -. . Erigeron canadense ozs. 28 116 Foxglove leaves .Digitalis purpurea ozs. 27 Frangula .See Buckthorn. 117 Fringe-tree,bark of root. . Chionanthus virginica... lbs. 26 118 Frostwort herb Helianthemum canadense ozs. 28 119 Galangalroot . Alpinia officinarum lbs. 20 120 Garden Celandine herb. .Chelidonium majus ozs. 30 121 Garden Lettuce leaves.. .Lactuca sativa ozs. 30 Garget. . See Poke root. Gaultheria .See Wintergreen. 122 Gelsemium root . Gelsemium sempervirens lbs. 21 lbs. 18 Gentian, Blue .See Blue Gentian. Geranium See Cranesbill. PRESSED HERBS. 154 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., Style Per and specify ounces. Pkge. lb. ozs. 0 125 Golden-seal root .. Hydrastis canadensis lbs. OZS. 60 ozs. 23 25 25 28 lbs. OZS. 130 Haircap moss .. Polytrichum juniperinum ozs. Hamamelis . .See Witch Hazel. 131 Hardhack leaves .. Spiraea tomentosa ozs. 30 Heartsease .. See Pansy. Hedeoma ..See Pennyroyal. Hellebore . .See American, Black and White Hellebore. lbs. 132 Helonias root 133 Hemlock Spruce bark.. Hemlock leaves . .Chamaelirium luteum 35 15 lbs. . .See Conium leaves. Henbane leaves ..See Hyoscyamus. High Cranberry .. See Cramp bark. 30 35 32 135 Hops, new crop .. Humulus Lupulus | ozs. i&ilb 136 Horehound, young herb. .Marrubium vulgare ozs. 22 137 Horsemint leaves.^... . .Monarda punctata ozs. 25 138 Horse-radish leaves.... . .Cochlearia Armoracia... ozs. 28 139 Horse-radish root it it lbs. 26 140 Hound’s-tongue leaves. . .Cynoglossum officinale.. ozs. 30 141 Hydrangea root .. Hydrangea arborescens. lbs. 20 Hydrastis ..See Golden-seal. co co 0 0 143 Hyssop leaves .. Hyssopus officinalis ozs. ozs. 30 Indian Hemp, foreign. ..See Indian Cannabis. 145 Indian Physic, bark of root. Gillenia trifoliata Ibs. 24 146 Indian Turnip root .. Arisaema triphyllum lbs. 25 Inula ..See Elecampane. Iris ..See Blue Flag. Ivy, American . .See American Ivy. ozs. 30 Jamestown-weed . .See Stramonium. 148 Jersey Tea root . .Ceanothus americanus.. lbs. 30 149 Jerusalem Oak leaves.. .. Chenopodium Botrys.... ozs. 35 Jewel-weed .. See Wild Celandine. PRESSED HERBS. 155 Pressed Herbs. PART TWO. For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 150 Johnswort herb ... Hypericum perforatum.. ozs. $ .24 Juglans. Krameria 151 Labrador Tea leaves. ozs. 50 152 Ladies’-slipper root... lbs. 60 Lappa Larch bark Laurel leaves 153 Lavender flowers ozs. 24 154 Lemon Balm leaves... ... Melissa officinalis ozs. So See note 166. Leptandra Lettuce, Garden .. .See Garden Lettuce. Lettuce, Wild. 155 Life-everlasting herb.. lum ozs. 20 156 Life-root herb .. Senecio aureus ozs. 23 157 Liverwort leaves ...Anemone Hepatica ozs. 27 Lobelia, Blue 159 Lovage leaves ozs. 33 160 Lovage root « 44 lbs. 30 161 Low Mallow flowering herb. Malva parviflora.... ozs. 34 162 Lungmoss 163 Lungwort leaves .. .Pulmonaria officinalis... ozs. 30 164 Magnolia bark ... Magnolia glauca lbs. 30 165 Maiden-hair herb ... Adiantum pedatum ozs. 25 166 Male-fern root ... Dryopteris Fiiix-mas lbs. 29 167 Mandrake root ... Podophyllum peltatum.. lbs. 15 168 Man-root .. .Ipomcea pandurata lbs. 30 Maple, Red ., .See Red Maple bark. 169 Marigold flowers ozs. 70 Marjoram, Sweet. Marrubium ... See Horehound. 170 Marshmallow flowers.. ... Althaea officinalis ozs. 45 171 Marshmallow leaves.. (4 44 ozs. 28 172 Marshmallow root a a lbs. 30 173 Marsh-rosemary root. ...Statice Limonium, var. caroliniana lbs. 34 174 Masterwort root .. Heracleum lanatum ozs. 33 175 Masterwort leaves.... (4 44 lbs. 33 176 Matico leaves .. Piper angustifolium ozs. 50 Mayflower . .See Gravel plant. PRESSED HERBS. 156 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 177 Mayweed herb Anthemis Cotula ozs. $ .25 178 Mezereum bark Daphne Mezereum lbs. 28 Milkweed See Silkweed. 179 Mistletoe Phoradendron flavescens lbs. 24 180 Motherwort herb Leonurus Cardiaca ozs. 30 181 Mountain Ash bark.. Pyrus americana lbs. 24 182 Mountain Mint leaves...Pycnanthemum montanum ozs. 30 183 Mountain Sage leaves Artemisia frigida ozs. 30 184 Mugwort herb Artemisia vulgaris ozs. 30 185 Mullein leaves Verbascum Thapsus ozs. 19 186 Nettle flowers Lamium album ozs. I 25 30 lbs. 28 Nightshade, Deadly See Belladonna. Oily-grain See Benne leaves. ozs. 30 190 Pareira brava root Chondodendron tomen- tosum lbs. 25 191 Parsley leaves Carum Petroselinum.... ozs. 40 192 Parsley root “ “ .... lbs. 30 Partridge-berry See Squaw-vine. lbs. 25 30 195 Pellitory root Anacyclus Pyre thrum... lbs. 35 196 Pennyroyal leaves & tops, lledeoma pulegioides... ozs. 20 lbs. 198 Peppermint leaves Mentha piperita. ozs. 24 199 Persimmon bark Diospyros virginiana.... lbs. 24 Phytolacca See Poke root. Pimpinella See Saxifrage. 200 Pink-root Spigelia marilandica.... lbs. 40 201 Pipsissewa leaves Chimaphila umbellata... ozs. 23 202 Pitcher-plant root Sarracenia purpurea lbs. 35 203 Plantain leaves Plantago major ozs. 30 204 Pleurisy-root Asclepias tuberosa lbs. 25 Podophyllum See Mandrake. Poison Ivy See Poison Oak. 205 Poison Oak leaves Rhus radicans ozs. 30 206 Poke root Phytolacca decandra lbs. 15 207 Polypody leaves Polypodium vulgare ozs. 30 208 Pomegranate, bark of r’t..Punica Granatum lbs. 32 209 Poppy leaves Papaver somniferum.... ozs. 30 PRESSED HERBS. 157 Pressed Herbs. PART TWO. For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., Style Per and specify ounces. Pkge. lb. 210 Prickly Ash bark Xanthoxylum americanum lbs. $ .20 Prince's Pine .. See Pipsissewa. .. Ligustrum vulgare ozs. 30 35 212 Pulsatilla herb . .Anemone Pulsatilla ozs. 213 Queen-of-the-meadow lvs. Eupatorium purpureum. ozs. 20 214 Queen-of-the-meadow root “ “ lbs. 19 Queen's-root. . .See Stillingia. 215 Ragweed herb .. Ambrosia artemisisefolia. ozs. 25 ... Rubus strigosus OZS. 25 Red Centaury . .See American Centaury. 217 Red Clover blossoms.. .. .Trifolium pratense ozs. 28 20 15 28 65 lbs. ozs. Red-root . .See Jersey Tea. 222 Rhatany root .. Krameria triandra lbs. 26 Rhus 1 oxicodendron... . .See Poison Oak. OZS. 45 Rose Willow . .See Red Osier. 224 Rosemary flowers .. Rosmarinus offlcinalis... ozs. 40 225 Rosemary leaves « U ozs. 23 226 Rosin-weed leaves .. Silphium laciniatum ozs. 30 227 Rosin-weed root ii U lbs. 25 Roundwood tree .. See Mountain Ash. Rubus . .See Blackberry root. .. Ruta graveolens ozs. 30 Rumex ...See Yellow Dock. 229 Safflower . .Carthamus tinctorius.... ozs. 35 230 Sage leaves, Italian... .. Salvia officinalis j ozs. i&ilb 18 12 231 Sage leaves, domestic.. a a ozs. i&ilb 30 27 232 Sampson Snake-root.. .. Gentiana ochroleuca.... lbs. 38 Sanguinaria . .See Bloodroot. Sarsaparilla, American .See American Sarsaparilla 233 Sarsaparilla,Honduras. 234 Sarsaparilla, Mexican. 235 Sassafras root bark lbs. 50 23 14 lbs. .. Sassafras variifolium lbs. 25 30 237 Saxifrage root . .Pimpinella Saxifraga.... lbs. Scrofula plant . .See Carpenter’s-square. PRESSED HERBS. 158 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co's For barks and roots in ounces, add 5c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 238 Scullcap leaves ..Scutellaria canescens.... ozs. $ .30 Scutellaria .. See Scullcap. lbs. 45 Serpentaria . .See Virginia Snake-root. 240 Sheep Sorrel herb .. Rumex Acetosella ozs. 28 Side-saddle plant . .See Pitcher plant. Sierra Salvia . .See Mountain Sage. 28 242 Skunk Cabbage root... ..Symplocarpus foetidus... lbs. 30 Sloe ..See Black Haw. Smart-weed . See Water-pepper. Snake-root, Black .See Black Cohosh. Snake-root, Button ..See Button Snake-root. Snake-root, Canada . .See Canada Snake-root. Snake-root, Sampson.... .. See Sampson Snake-root. Snake-root, Virginia.... . .See Virginia Snake-root. Snake-root, White ..See White Snake-root. 243 Soap-tree bark .Quillaja Saponaria lbs. 18 244 Soapwort leaves ..Saponaria officinalis ozs. 34 245 Soapwort root U (t lbs. 30 246 Solomon’s-seal root . Polygonatum officinale.. lbs. 24 247 Southern-wood herb.... . Artemisia Abrotanum... ozs. 40 248 Spearmint leaves .Mentha viridis ozs. 25 249 Speedwell herb . .Veronica officinalis ozs. 30 Spice-bush .See Fever bush. Spigelia ...See Pink-root. lbs. 251 Squaw-vine herb . Mitchella repens ozs. 30 . Aletris farinosa lbs. 253 Stillingia root . Stillingia sylvatica lbs. 25 254 Stone-root . Collinsonia canadensis.. lbs. 21 255 Stramonium leaves ..Datura Stramonium ozs. 23 256 Strawberry leaves .Fragaria vesca. ozs. 25 lbs. 21 U U “2Q 259 Summer-savory leaves.. ..Satureja hortensis ozs. 24 Sweet Balm ..See Lemon Balm. Sweet Balsam .See Life-everlasting. 260 Sweet Basil herb .Ocimum Basilicum ozs. 40 Sweet Birch . .See Black Birch. 261 Sweet Cicely root . Osmorrhiza longistylis... lbs. 40 262 Sweet Clover herb . Melilotus officinalis ozs. 30 PRESSED HERBS. 159 Pressed Herbs. PART TWO. For barks and roots in ounces, add $c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 263 Sweet Fern leaves . Myrica asplenifolia ozs. $ -22 264 Sweet Flag root .Acorus Calamus. lbs. 25 265 Sweet-gum bark .Liquidambar styraciflua. lbs. 25 266 Sweet Marjoram leaves. . Origanum Majorana.... ozs. 30 267 Tag Alder bark . Alnus serrulata lbs. 20 268 Tamarac bark .Larix americana lbs. 16 269 Tansy leaves . T anacetum vulgare ozs. 22 Taraxacum .See Dandelion. 270 Thimble-weed herb . Rudbeckia laciniata ozs. 30 Thoroughwort. .See Boneset. Thorn Apple .See Stramonium. 271 Thyme leaves .Thymus vulgaris ozs. 24 272 Tormentilla root .Potentilla Tormentilla... lbs. 30 Touch-me-not .See Wild Celandine. Trailing Arbutus .See Gravel-plant. Triticum .See Couch-grass. 273 Tulip-tree bark .Liriodendron tulipifera.. lbs. 18 274 Turkey-corn root ..Dicentra canadensis lbs. 20 275 Twin-leaf root .Jeffersonia diphylla lbs. 25 Unicom-root .See Star-grass. Unicorn-root, false .See Helonias. 276 Valerian root . V aleriana officinalis lbs. 24 Vanilla leaf. .See Deer-tongue. Veratrum viride . See American Hellebore. Vervain .See Blue Vervain. Viburnum Opulus .See Cramp-bark. Viburnum Prunifolium. .See Black Haw. 277 Virginia Snake-root . Aristolochia Serpentaria. lbs. 40 278 Wafer Ash, bark of root..Ptelea trifoliata lbs. 27 279 Wahoo, bark of root.... . Euonymus atropurpureus lbs. 33 280 Wahoo, bark of tree.... ii ii lbs. 25 Walnut .See Black Walnut. 281 Water Avens root .Geum rivale lbs. 30 282 Water Eryngo root . Eryngium aquaticum — lbs. 40 283 Water-pepper herb ..Polygonum punctatum.. ozs. 25 Wax Myrtle .See Bayberry. 284 White Ash bark . Fraxinus americana..... lbs. 20 285 White Bryony root .Bryonia alba lbs. 27 White Cedar .See Arbor vitse. 286 White Clover blossoms.. ..Trifolium repens ozs. 27 287 Discontinued. 288 White Hellebore root... .Veratrum album lbs. 20 PRESSED HERBS. 160 PART TWO. Pressed Herbs. For barks and roots in ounces, add $c. per lb., and specify ounces. Style Pkge. Per lb. 289 White Indian Hemp root.. Asclepias incamata lbs. $ .25 290 White Oak bark . .Quercus alba lbs. 15 291 White Pine bark .. Pinus Strobus lbs. 20 292 White Pond-lily root... . .Castalia odorata lbs. 30 293 White Poplar bark .. Populus tremuloides lbs. 12 294 White Snake-root...,. ..Eupatorium aromaticum lbs. 32 295 White Willow bark.... ..Salix alba lbs. 20 White-root .. See Pleurisy-root. Wickup . .See Willow-herb. 296 Wild Carrot leaves . .Daucus Carota ozs. 30 297 Wild Celandine herb... . .Impatiens pallida ozs. 30 298 Wild Cherry bark .. Prunus serotina lbs. 15 Wild Ginger. ..See Canada Snake-root. 299 Wild Indigo root ..Baptisia tinctoria lbs. 22 300 Wild Lettuce leaves.... ..Lactuca canadensis ozs. 30 Wild Potato . See Man-root. .. Dioscorea villosa lbs. 22 302 Discontinued. 303 Wintergreen leaves.... .. Gaultheria procumbens.. ozs. 23 304 Witch Hazel bark ..Hamamelis virginiana... lbs. l8 305 Witch Hazel leaves.... it it ozs. 22 306 Wood Betony leaves... .. Stachys Betonica ozs. 43 307 Wormwood leaves .. Artemisia Absinthium... ozs. 24 Xanthoxylum ..See Prickly Ash. 308 Yarrow herb ..Achillea Millefolium ozs. 30 309 Yellow Dock root .. Rumex crispus lbs. 25 Yellow Jessamine . .See Gelsemium. 310 Yellow Parilla root.... . .Menispermum canadense lbs. 22 311 Yellow Pond-lily root.. .. Nympheea ad vena lbs. 26 Yellow Poplar . .See Tulip-tree bark. 'SaUHH Q3SS3Jdd SYNONYMS. On pages 276 to 286 will be found a list of botanical, ver- nacular and pharmacopoeial synonyms, which will prove of great convenience for reference. Our Fluid Extracts, Pressed Herbs, etc., are, for the most part, listed under the vernacular name, but official Fluid, Solid and Powdered Extracts bear the titles author- ized by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. The vernacular name, if not known, can be readily found by consulting the list of Synonyms. 161 Tablet Triturates. In the manufacture of our Tablet Triturates the purity of the materials and the perfection of the processes unite in securing the highest degree of permanency, solubility and therapeutic efficiency; unlike some formulae of compressed tablets, they are always perfectly soluble and readily divisible. Formulae not listed we will supply upoD pecial order, provided the tablet form of presentation be feasible an a the number required suffi- ciently large to enable us to fill the order at a satisfactory price. Cor- respondence solicited. By arranging all our Tablet Triturates in both alphabetical and numerical order we consult the convenience of physicians and pharma- cists, enabling the former to see at a glance what medicaments we put up in this form, and the latter to interpret orders, bills and invoices with- out loss of time. We desire to call particular attention to the absolute necessity of specifying whether Tablet Triturates, abbrevi- ated as “ T. T.’s,” Compressed Tablets, abbreviated as “ C. T.,s,,) Chocolate-coated Tablets, abbreviated as “Choc. C. T.’s,” or Hypodermatic Tablets, abbreviated as “ It. T.’s,” are wanted, when ordering either by name or by number. Please designate by number the formula, and by letter the container desired, thus: “500 T. T., No. 10, C,” will mean 500 Tablet Triturates of Aloin, 1-10 gr., in bottles of 100; “2000 T. T., No. 10, M,” will mean 2000 Tablet Triturates of Aloin, 1-10 gr., in bottles of 1000; “2000 T. T., No. 10, D,” will mean 2000 Tablet Triturates of Aloin, 1-10 gr., in bottles of 500. We do not price tablets in bottles of 100 where the price per 1000 is less than 75 cents, but will supply them when desired at the uniform rate of 10 cents. Prices are strictlyjiet 30 days, no transportation allowance. As we cannot control sudden cnanges in such articles as quinine, morphine, cocaine, etc., it will readily be seen that we cannot be held responsible therefor, and hence cannot under any consideration allow claims for rebate on stock on hand of tablets containing such ingredients. All our list prices are subject to market changes without notice. Special quota- tions for bulk orders given upon application. Please notice that the titles under which these tablets are listed do not always correspond exactly to those adopted by competition. Tablets which we quote as “5 A” may be quoted by competition as “ R 1 ” or “ 5 2,” and tn'ce versa, and it is therefore advisable to order by number, rather than by formula or title. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING. TABLET TRITURATES. Notwithstanding the fact that transportation charges appear some- times excessive, we can in no instance transfer small quantities of tablets from bottles to other containers; the expense and inconvenience of so doing would be out of all proportion to the saving effected in express charges. See also Compressed Tablets, page 199, and Chocolate-coated Tablets, page 229. For Tablet Triturate Cases, see page 225. SPECIAL NOTICE. 162 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.’s ALPHABETICAL LIST, PAGES 162 TO 181. NUMERICAL LIST, PAGES 182 TO 196. ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- \ M D C ) plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Acetanilid, 1 gr No. 239..$ 40 $ 23 $ .. Aconite root, fluid extract, 1-10 m 40 23 tAconite root, fluid extract, 1-2 ill 40 23 Aconite root, fluid extract, 1 ttl 40 23 Aconite, tincture, 1-4 m 35 20 Aconite, tincture, 1-2 m 35 20 Aconite, tincture, 3-4 ttl 35 20 tAconite, tincture, 1 m 40 23 Aconite, tincture, 2 m, 45 25 Aconite and Belladonna 45 25 Tincture Aconite, 1 min. Tincture Belladonna leaves, 1 min. Aconitine (crystals), 1-500 gr.* 30 18 tAconitine (crystals), 1-200 gr.*.. 45 25 Aconitine (crystals), 1-100 gr.* 60 33 Agaricin, 1-20 gr 50 28 Aloin,'1-100 gr 35 20 Aloin, 1-10 gr 10.. 35 20 Aloin, 1-5 gr 40 23 tAloin, 1-4 gr 40 23 Aloin, '1-2 gr £0 28 tAloin and Belladonna Comp., 3 “ A” 50 28 Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-8 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Aloin and Belladonna Comp., ft “B” 50 28 Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves. 1-8 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-120 gr. Aloin, Belladonna and Nux Vomica Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-6 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-8 gr. Aloin, Belladonna and Podophyllin Aloin, 1-8 gr. 50 28 50 28 Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves. 1-8 gr. Aloin, Belladonna, Podophyllin & Nux Vomica. .221.. Aloin, 1-10 gr. 45 25 Podophyllum resin, 1-10 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-10 gr. Aloin, Belladonna. Strychnine and Cascara Sagrada Aloin, 1-5 gr. 222.. 60 33 Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-8 gr. Strychnine, 1-120 gr. Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1-2 gr. Aloin, Belladonna, Strychnine and Cascara Sagrada, B 2 75 40 11 Aloin, 1-2 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-16 gr. Strychnine, 1-120 gr. Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1-2 gr. tSee note at head of page 50. *See note 4. '9GI °t 881 saOnd, aas ‘tuvuiabuvjj,y jnaiMtunjf %iuauizbui)*a,\r inowaqvudiy TABLET TRITURATES. 163 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- j M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Aloin, Belladonna, Strychnine and Ipecac. .No. 219. .$ 55 $ 30 $ .. Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-8 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-16 gr. Aloin and Cascarin Comp. (Dr. Duncan) 60 33 . . Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-8 gr. Cascarin, 1-4 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Aloin and Cascarin Comp., B 2 (Dr. Duncan).. 688.. 65 35 Aloin, 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Cascarin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-8 gr. .217.. 40 23 Aloin, 1-8 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. .261.. 55 80 Aloin, 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Alum, 1-10 gr 35 20 tAlum, 1-5 gr 40 23 Ammonium chloride, 1-10 gr 35 20 t Ammonium chloride, 1-2 gr 35 20 Ammonium chloride, 1 gr 35 20 .182.. 40 23 Ammonium chloride, 1-4 gr. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 1-10 gr. Powd. Cubeb, 1-8 gr. Ammonium chloride and Codeine Comp 95 50 13 Ammonium chloride, 1-4 gr. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 1-10 gr. Powdered Cubeb, 1-3 gr. Codeine, 1-25 gr. Ammonium chloride and Hyoscyamus Comp. .267.. 50 28 Ammonium chloride, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-6 gr. Antimony and Potassium tartrate, 1-24 gr. Antimony Comp. (Plummer), 1-10 gr Sulphurated Antimony, 1-40 gr. .193.. 40 23 Powd. Guaiac, 1-20 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-40 gr. Antiseptic Tablets (for external use only). See Specialties, page 130. 65 35 Apomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-100 gr ..14.. Apomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr ..15.. 95 50 13 Apomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr .268.. 1 75 90 21 tApomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr .269.. 2 40 1 23 27 Arsenic bromide, 1-1000 gr. 30 18 Arsenic bromide, 1-200 gr 35 20 tArsenic bromide, 1-100 gr .271.. 35 20 Arsenic bromide, 1-60 gr .272.. 35 20 Arsenic bromide, 1-50 gr .702.. 35 20 Arsenic bromide, 1-40 gr .703.. 35 20 Arsenic bromide, 1-30 gr .273.. 40 23 Arsenic bromide, 1-20 gr .704.. 40 23 Arsenic iodide, 1-1000 gr 30 18 Arsenic iodide, 1-200 gr 35 20 tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. 164 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & CoSs ( Tablets not priced in bottles o£ 100 are sup-1 M D C 1 plied at 10 cents per bottle. Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Arsenic iodide, 1-100 gr 35 $ 20 9 .. tArsenic iodide, 1-60 gr 35 20 Arsenic iodide, 1-36 gr 35 20 Arsenic iodide, 1-20 gr 40 23 Arsenic sulphide, 1-1000 gr 30 18 tArsenic sulphide, 1-100 gr 35 20 Arsenic sulphide, 1-30 gr 35 20 Arsenous acid, 1-200 gr. 30 18 tArsenous acid, 1-100 gr 30 18 Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr 35 20 Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr 35 20 Arsenous acid, 1-40 gr 35 20 Arsenous acid, 1-30 gr 35 20 Arsenous acid, 1-20 gr 35 20 Arsenous acid and Iron, R 1, see Iron and Arsenic, R “C” 45 25 Atropine sulphate, 1-500 gr 35 20 Atropine sulphate, 1-200 gr 35 20 t Atropine sulphate, 1-100 gr 45 25 Atropine sulphate, 1-50 gr 60 33 Baptisia, tincture, 1 HI 45 25 Belladonna leaves, fluid extract, 1-2 m,.,, 20.. 35 20 tBelladonna leaves, fluid extract, 1 ill 21.. 40 23 Belladonna leaves, extract, 1-8 gr 45 25 Belladonna leaves, extract, 1-6 gr 50 28 tBelladonna leaves, extract, 1-4 gr........ 55 30 Belladonna leaves, tincture, 1-2 RL 35 20 tBelladonna leaves, tincture, 1 ui 40 23 Belladonna leaves, tincture, 2 til 45 25 Belladonna leaves, tincture, 5 m 45 25 Benzoic acid, 1-10 gr 35 20 tBenzoic acid, 1-4 gr 40 23 Benzoic acid, 1-2 gr 45 25 Benzoic acid, 1 gr 50 28 Bismuth subcarbonate, 1 gr 90 48 12 tBismuth subcarbonate, 2 grs 1 55 80 19 Bismuth subnitrate, 1 gr 80 43 11 tBismuth subnitrate, 2 grs 1 40 73 17 Bismuth and Calomel Compound 655.. 85 45 12 Bismuth subnitrate, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-60 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-40 gr. Bismuth and Cerium oxalate 85 45 12 Bismuth subnitrate, 1 gr. Cerium oxalate, 1-2 gr. Bismuth Compound 65 35 Bismuth subnitrate, 1-2 gr. Cerium oxalate, 1-2 gr. Blank Tablets, Pink (not medicated) 717.. 30 18 tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. 165 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. I Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C ) plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Blank Tablets, Yellow (not medicated)... .No. 718..$ 30 $ 18 $ .. Blank Tablets, Black (not medicated) 719.. 30 18 Blank Tablets, White (not medicated) Blood root, see Sanguinaria. .720.. 30 18 Blue Mass, 1-4 gr 40 23 (Mass of Mercury.) Blue Mass, 1-2 gr 291.. 40 23 tBlue Mass, 1 gr .292.. 45 25 Blue Mass Compound .293.. 55 30 Mass of Mercury, 1-2 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-8 gr. Boric acid, 1-10 gr .246.. 35 20 Boric acid, 1-5 gr 247.. 40 23 tBoric acid, 1-2 gr 40 23 Boric acid, 1 gr .249.. 40 23 Bronchitis 40 23 Tinct. Aconite, 1-5 iq. Tinct. Bryonia, 1-10 iq. Tinct. Belladonna Ivs., 1-10 iq. Sulphurated Antimony, 1-100 gr. Potassium bichromate, 1-100 gr. Bi'onchitis (Dr. Delafleld) Extract Belladonna lvs, 1-40 gr. Ipecac and Opium powder, 1-10 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-20 gr. 707.. 75 40 11 Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr. Brown Mixture, 30 iq 35 20 Ext. Qlycyrrhiza, 9-10 gr. Benzoic acid, 3-200 gr. Antim. and Potass, tartr., 3-400 gr. Powd. Opium, 3-200 gr. Camphor, 3-200 gr. Oil Anise, 3-200 iq. tBrown Mixture, 60 iq .295.. 40 23 Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 53-80 gr. Benzoic acid, 3-100 gr. Antim. and Potass, tartr., 3-200 gr. Powd. Opium, 3-100 gr. Camphor, 3-100 gr. Oil Anise, 3-100 iq. Bryonia, tincture, 1-2 iq 296.. 40 23 tBryonia, tincture, 1 iq, 297.. 40 23 Bryonia, tincture, 2 iq, 45 25 Bryonia, tincture, 5 iq 188.. 50 28 Cactus grandiflorus, see Cereus grandiflorus. Caffeine, 1-2 gr 1 00 53 13 •(■Caffeine, 1 gr 1 70 88 20 Caffeine, citrated, 1-10 gr .299.. 35 20 tCaffeine, citrated, 1-2 gr 75 40 11 Caffeine, citrated, 1 gr 1 05 55 14 Caffeine Compound Citrated Caffeine, 1 gr. GUonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-200 gr. .300.. 1 05 55 14 tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. Jb'or Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. 166 PART TWO. Specify P* D, & Co is j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. i Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 tCalabar Bean, tincture, 1 rq $ 20 $ .. (Tinct. Physostigma.) Calabar Bean, tincture, 2 iq 45 25 Calcium sulphide, 1-1000 gr 30 18 Calcium sulphide, 1-20 gr 35 20 Calcium sulphide, 1-10 gr 35 20 Calcium sulphide, 1-8 gr 35 20 tCalcium sulphide, 1-4 gr 35 20 Calcium sulphide, 1-2 gr 35 20 Calcium sulphide, 1 gr 40 23 Calomel, 1-100 gr 35 20 (Mercurous chloride, mild.) Calomel, 1-50 gr 35 20 Calomel, 1-20 gr 35 20 tCalomel, 1-10 gr 35 20 Calomel, 1-8 gr 35 20 Calomel, 1-6 gr 35 20 Calomel, 1-4 gr 35 20 Calomel, 1-2 gr 40 23 Calomel, 1 gr. 45 25 Calomel, 2 grs 75 40 11 tCalomel and Dover Powder, 8 “A”.. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-4 gr. Ipecac and Opium powder, 1 gr. 50 28 Calomel and Dover Powder, 1$ “ B , 50 28 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. Ipecac and Opium powder, 1 gr. tCalomel and Ipecac, B “A” 40 23 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-8 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Calomel and Ipecac, B “ B ” 50 28 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-4 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 gr. Calomel, Ipecac and Sodium bicarbonate 195.. 50 28 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-5 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. Sodium bicarbonate. 1 gr. tCalomel and Sodium bicarbonate, B “A” 216.. 35 20 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-10 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 1 gr. Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, B “ B” 311.. 35 20 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-4 gi*. Sodium bicarbonate, 1 gr. Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, B “ C” 312.. 45 25 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 1 gr. Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, B ‘ “D” 649.. 40 23 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 1-2 gr. Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate. B “E” 711.. 35 20 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-4 gr. Sodium bicarbonate. 1-4 gr. Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate Compound.. .313.. 45 25 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 1-2 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-12 gr. tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. 167 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C Dlied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 tCalomel and Sodium bicarb. Comp., § “B’ ’No. 626..S 40 $ 23 $ .. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-4 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 1-2 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-12 gr. Camphor monobromated, 1-10 gr. 35 20 tCamphor monobromated, 1 gr 65 35 Camphor and Opium, see Diarrhoea and Diarrhoea, R 3. Cannabis Indica, extract, 1-20 gr 40 23 (Indian Cannabis, extract.) Cannabis Indica, extract, 1-10 gr 40 23 tCannabis Indica, extract, 1-8 gr 40 23 Cannabis Indica, extract, 1-4 gr 45 25 Cannabis Indica, tincture, 1-2 ill 40 23 tCannabis Indica, tincture, 1 tti 40 23 Cannabis Indica, tincture, 2 Rl 45 25 Cannabis Indica, Arsenic and Iron 75 40 11 Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-6 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Cannabis Indica. Digitalis and Iron 80 43 11 Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-6 gr. FI. ext. Digitalis, 1-2 Rl. Reduced Iron, 2 grs. Capsicum, 1 gr 45 25 Carbolic acid, 1-10 gr 40 23 Cardiac (Dr. Waldstein) 1 85 95 22 Sparteine sulphate, 1-10 gr. Tinct. Strophanthus, 3 RL. Citrated Caffeine, 1-2 gr. Codeine, 1-20 gr. Cardiac Compound (Dr. Chas. L. Kerr).. Caffeine hydrobromate, 1 gr. Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-100gr. 647.. 2 25 1 15 26 Tinct. Digitalis, 2 Rl. Tinct. Strophanthus, 2 Rl. Carminative (Fothergill) 60 33 Strychnine, 1-40 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-3 gr. Powd. Black Pepper, 1-3 gr. Powd. Gentian, 1-2 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-8 Rl. Caseara Sagrada, extract, 1 gr 55 30 . . Cathartic, Active 45 25 Aloin, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-10 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-5 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-120 Rl. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-10 gr. Oleum Tiglii, 1-15 Rl. Cathartic Comp., Improved, 1-10 gr 40 23 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-30 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-60 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-120 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-60 gr. Leptandrin, 1-120 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-120 gr. Oil Peppermint, q. s. tSee note at head of page 50. ~~3CtphabeiicatArrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co?$ S Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- i M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Cathartic Comp., Improved, 1-5 gr No 321..$ 45 $ 25 5 .. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-15 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-30 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-60 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-30 gr. Leptandrin, 1-60 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-60 gr. Oil Peppermint, q. s. tCathartic Comp., Improved, 1 gr 45 25 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-3 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-6 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-12 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-6 gr. Leptandrin, 1-12 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-12 gr. Oil Peppermint, q. s. , Cathartic Comp. CU. S. P. mass), 1-10 gr .323.. 40 23 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-24 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-30 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-60 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-120 gr. Cathartic Comp. CU. S. P. mass), 1-5 gr .324.. 45 25 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-12 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-15 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-30 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-60 gr. tCathartic Comp. (U- S. P. mass), 1 gr 60 33 Ext. Colocynth comp., 5-12 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-3 gr. Ext. Jalap, 1-6 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-12 gr. Cathartic Comp., Vegetable, 1-10 gr 40 23 Ext. Colocynth. 2-145 gr. Podophyllum resin, 3-290 gr. Powd. Scammony resin, 2-145 gr. Powd. Soap, 3-580 gr. Powd. Cardamom, 3-580 gr. Purified Aloes, 3-58 gr. Cathartic Comp., Vegetable, 1-5 gr Ext. Colocynth, 4-145 gr. Podophyllum resin, 3-145 gr. Powd. Scammony resin, 4-145 gr. Powd. Soap, 3-290 gr. Powd. Cardamom. 3-290 gr. 40 23 Purified Aloes, 3-29 gr. tCathartic Comp., Vegetable, 1 gr Ext. Colocynth, 4-29 gr. 60 33 Podophyllum resin, 3-29 gr. Powd. Scammony resin, 4-29 gr. Powd. Soap, 3-58 gr. Powd. Cardamom, 3-58 gr. Purified Aloes, 15-29 gr. Caulophyllin, 1-10 gr 40 23 Cereus grandiflorus, fluid extract, 1 m, 50 28 Cerium oxalate, 1-2 gr 45 25 tCerium oxalate, 1 gr 60 33 Cimicifuga, tincture, 1 nt 40 23 tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. 169 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Coca, fluid extract, 1-2 Tfl, .No. 331..$ 40 $ 23 $ .. tCoca, fluid extract, 1 iq 45 25 Cocaine hydrobrornate, 1-16 gr 1 60 83 19 tCocaine hydrobromate, 1-8 gr 2 90 1 48 32 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-100 gr 60 33 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr 75 40 11 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr 1 40 73 17 tCocaine hydrochlorate, 1-16 gr, 1 60 83 19 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr 2 40 1 23 27 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-8 gr 2 90 1 48 32 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-5 gr 4 40 2 23 47 Cocaine, 1%, 234 and 3 grs., see Specialties, Part II. Codeine, 1-8 gr 2 50 1 28 28 Codeine, 1-5 gr 3 80 1 93 41 tCodeine, 1-4 gr 4 75 2 40 51 Codeine, 1-2 gr 9 00 4 53 93 tColchicine, 1-100 gr 60 33 Colchicine, 1-50 gr 1 30 68 16 Colchicum root, fluid extract, 1-2 rq 40 23 tColchicum root, fluid extract, 1 iq 45 25 tColchieum seed, tincture, 1 iq 40 23 Colchicum seed, tincture, 2 rq, ». 45 25 Colchicum seed, tincture, 3 iq 45 25 Colchicum seed, tincture, 5 rq, 50 28 Cold and Fever (Dr. Evan F. Smith).... 40 23 Camphor monobromated, 1-10 gr. Tinct. Gelsemium, 1-4 iq,. Tinct. Aconite, 1-4 iq,. Tinct. Eupatorium, 1-4 iq. Tinct. Bryonia, 1-4 iq. tColocynth Comp., extract, 1-4 gr. 40 23 , , Colocynth Comp., extract, 1-2 gr 45 25 Colocynthin, 1-20 gr 2 65 1 35 30 Coniine hydrobromate, 1-20 gr 1 15 60 15 tConiine hydrobromate, 1-10 gr 1 95 1 00 23 Coniine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr 1 20 63 15 tConiine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr 2 00 1 03 23 Conium Compound 50 28 Ext. Conium fruit, 1-30 gr. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 1-10 gr. Ext. Cubeb, 1-10 gr. Conium fruit, tincture, 1 iq 35 20 Convallamarin, 1-50 gr 55 30 Copper arsenite, 1-5000 gr 35 20 tCopper arsenite, 1-100 gr 35 20 Copper and Opium 40 23 Copper sulphate, 1-30 gr. Tinct. Opium deodorized, 1-4 iq. Corrosive sublimate, 1-1000 gr 35 20 (Mercuric chloride, corrosive.) tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup 1 M D C l plied at 10 cents per bottle. Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Corrosive sublimate, 1-500 gr No. 56.. $ 35 $ 20 $ .. Corrosive sublimate, 1-200 gr .350.. 36 20 fCorrosive sublimate, 1-100 gr 35 20 Corrosive sublimate, 1-60 gr 351.. 35 20 Corrosive sublimate, 1-50 gr 35 20 Corrosive sublimate, 1-40 gr 352.. 35 20 Corrosive sublimate, 1-30 gr 353.. 40 23 Corrosive sublimate, 1-20 gr 40 23 Corrosive sublimate, 1-16 gr 40 23 Corrosive sublimate, 1-12 gr 354.. 40 23 Corrosive sublimate, 1-10 gr 355.. 40 23 Coryza (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) .722.. 90 48 12 Camphor, 1-2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-64 gr. Atropine sulphate, 1-2000 gr. Creosote, Beechwood, 1-10 nt 614.. 35 20 Cubeb, fluid extract, 1-2 nt .223.. 40 23 tCubeb, fluid extract, 1 tit .224.. 50 28 Damiana, fluid extract, 1-2 tit 40 23 tDamiana, fluid extract, 1 tit 50 28 Dermatol (Subgallate of Bismuth), 1 gr .685.. 1 50 78 18 Diarrhosa .628.. 85 45 12 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-8 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-32 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-16 gr. Camphor, 1-16 gr. Powa. Capsicum, 1-16 gr. Diarrhoea, R 3 (Dr. Sullivan) 678.. 65 35 Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-4 gr. Lead acetate, 1-6 gr. Camphor, 1-4 gr. Digitalin, pure, 1-500 gr 35 20 Digitalin, pure, 1-200 gr .359.. 40 23 tDigitalin, pure, 1-100 gr 45 25 Digitalin, pure, 1-75 gr 50 28 Digitalin, pure, 1-60 gr .360.. 50 28 Digitalin, pure, 1-50 gr 55 30 Digitalis, fluid extract, 1-10 nt 35 20 Digitalis, fluid extract, 1-2 tit 40 23 tDigitalis, fluid extract, 1 nt 45 25 Digitalis, tincture, 1-2 nt 30 18 tDigitalis, tincture, 1 nt 35 20 Digitalis, tincture, 3 nt 45 25 Digitalis, tincture, 5 nt 45 25 Digitalis and Aconite 45 25 FI. ext. Aconite root, 1-2 nt. FI. ext. Digitalis, 1-2 nt. Digitalis and Strophanthus .365.. 55 30 Tinct. Digitalis, 3 nt. Tinct. Strophanthus, 2 nt. tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, tee pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. 171 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- i M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 Dover Powder, 1-4 gr No. 67. .$ 36 Per 500 $ 20 Per 100 $ .. (Ipecac and Opium powder.) Dover Powder, 1-2 gr 40 23 t Dover Powder, 1 gr 45 25 Dover Powder, 11-4 grs. 45 25 Dover Powder, 2 1-2 grs 65 35 Dover Powder, 3 1-3 grs 70 38 Dyspeptic (Dr. E. B. Haworth) Strychnine sulphate, 1-40 gr. 50 28 Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-8 gr. Elaterin, 1-40 gr 1 35 70 17 tElaterin, 1-20 gr 2 50 1 28 28 Elaterin, 1-10 gr 5 95 3 00 63 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-32 gr. 45 25 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-16 gr 55 30 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-10 gr 70 38 tElaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-8 gr 75 40 11 Enteritis (Dr. C. N. Haskell) 45 25 Copper arsenite, 1-100 gr. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-100 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-100 gr. Ergot, extract, 1 gr 95 50 13 Ergot, fluid extract, 1-2 Til .373.. 40 23 tErgot, fluid extract, 1 E 45 25 Ergotin (Bonjean), 1-10 gr 40 23 tErgotin (Bonjean), 1-4 gr 55 30 Eucalyptus, fluid extract, 1-2 E. 35 20 tEucalyptus, fluid extract, 1 E 40 23 Euonymin, brown, 1-10 gr 45 25 Euonymin, brown, 1-8 gr 55 30 tEuonymin, brown, 1-4 gr 65 35 Euonymin, brown, 1-2 gr 85 45 12 Euonymin, brown, 1 gr 1 30 68 16 Ferric pyrophosphate, soluble, see Iron pyrophosphate. Fever 623.. 70 38 Tinct. Aconite, 1 E- Morphine sulphate, 1-20 gr. Antimony and Potassium tartrate, 1-50 gr. Fever (Dr. T. G. Davis) .630.. 40 23 Tinct. Aconite, 1-5 E- Tinct. Bryonia, 1-10 E- Tinct. Belladonna leaves, 1-10 E. fFever (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) .382.. 80 43 11 Tinct. Aconite, 1 E. Antimony and Potass, tartrate, 1-50 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-20 gr. Fowler Solution, see Potassium arsenite Solution. Gallic acid, 1 gr 251.. 45 25 tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages m io m. TABLET TRITURATES. 172 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co. ’s ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C \ plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Gelsemin, see Gelsemperin. (Gelsemium, tincture, 1 Rl No.197. $ 35 8 20 $ .. Gelsemium, tincture, 3 fll 45 25 Gelsemium, tincture, 5 nt 45 25 Gelsemperin, 1-16 gr (Gelsemin, concentration.) .383. 50 28 Gelsemperin, 1-10 gr tGelsemperin, 1-8 gr Gelsemperin, 1-4 gr Glonoin, see Nitroglycerin. Heart Tonic No. 2, see Nitroglycerin Comp., K .384. 385. “B. 394. 55 55 60 50 30 30 33 28 Mass of Mercury, 1-2 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 gr. Hepatic (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) aiSfcEuonymin, brown, 1-8 gr. 395. 60 33 Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Fodophyllum resin, 1-20 gr. Aloin, 1-12 gr. pi*rMercurous chloride, mild, 1-8 gr. Hydrastin (concentration), 1-20 gr 396. 50 28 Hydrastin Compound 65 35 Podophyllum resin, 1-20 gr. Hydrastin (concentration), 1-10 gr. Hydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-25 gr .74. 95 50 13 Hydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-16 gr ..75. 1 25 65 16 tHydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-8 gr .76. 2 30 1 18 26 Hydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-4 gr 4 25 2 15 46 (Hydrastis, tincture, 1 Rl 397. 40 23 Hydrastis, tincture, 2 itt .398. 45 25 Hydrastis, tincture, 3 Rl 45 25 Hyoscine hydrobromate, 1-200 gr .658. 95 50 13 Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-200 gr 60 33 tHyoseyamine, pure, 1-100 gr 1 00 53 13 Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-50 gr 1 30 68 16 Hyoscyamus, fluid extract, 1-2 in 35 20 (Hyoscyamus, fluid extract, 1 HI 40 23 Hyoscyamus, extract, 1-6 gr 45 25 (Hyoscyamus, extract, 1-4 gr 45 25 Hyoscyamus, extract, 1-2 gr 235. 50 28 (Hyoscyamus, tincture, 1 ut 390. 40 23 Hyoscyamus, tincture, 2 Bl 391. 45 25 Hyoscyamus, tincture, 3 E, 392. 45 25 Hyoscyamus, tincture, 5 Til 45 25 Ignatia, 1-100 gr 401. 35 20 (Ignatia, 1-20 gr 35 20 Ignatia, 1-10 gr 35 20 (Ignatia, extract, 1-4 gr 402. 40 23 (See note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 190. TABLET TRITURATES. 173 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C j plied at 10 cents per bottle. Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Ignatia, extract, 1-2 gr No. 403. $ 50 $ 28 $ .. tlgnatia, tincture, 1 til 40 23 Ignatia, tincture, 3 in,...- 45 25 Ignatia, tincture, 5 m, 45 25 Ipecac, fluid extract, 1-2 til 70 38 tlpecac, fluid extract, 1 El 90 48 12 Ipecac and Opium, see Dover Powder. Ipecac, powdered, 1-100 gr 35 20 • • Ipecac, powdered, 1-50 gr 40 23 tlpecac, powdered, 1-10 gr 40 23 Ipecac, powdered, 1-4 gr 60 28 Ipecac, powdered, 1-2 gr 65 35 Iron arsenate, 1-16 gr 35 20 tlron arsenate, 1-10 gr 40 23 Iron arsenate, 1-8 gr 40 23 Iron arsenate, 1-4 gr 40 23 tlron and Arsenic, R “A” 45 25 Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr. Iron and Arsenic, R “ B ” 45 25 Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr. Iron and Arsenic, R “C” 45 25 Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-30 gr. Iron and Arsenic Compound 50 28 Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr. Powd. Ignatia, 1-40 gr. tlron. Arsenic and Strychnine, R “A” 50 28 Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine, R “ B ” ....416.. 50 28 Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine, R “ C” 45 25 Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-120 gr. Iron by hydrogen (Reduced Iron), 1-2 gr.., 85.. 40 23 tlron by hydrogen, 1 gr 45 25 Iron citrate (Ferric citrate), 1 gr 45 25 Iron lactate (Ferrous lactate), 1 gr........ 45 25 Iron pyrophosphate, 1 gr 45 25 (Soluble Ferric pyrophosphate.) Iron and Quinine citrate, soluble, 1-4 gr. .. 88.. 40 23 tlron and Quinine citrate, soluble, 1-2 gr. . 89.. 45 25 Iron and Quinine citrate, soluble, 1 gr 90.. 60 33 Iron and Quinine 90 48 12 Reduced Iron, 1-2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Iron, Quinine and Arsenic 80 43 11 Reduced Iron, 1-2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr. Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. 85 45 12 Reduced Iron, 1-2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-120 gr. tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196, TABLET TRITURATES. 174 PART TWO. Specify P, D. <& C&Js ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C j plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Iron and Strychnine citrate, 1-4 gr $ 45 $ 25 $ .. tlron and Strychnine citrate, 1-2 gr 55 30 Iron and Strychnine citrate, 1 gr 80 43 11 Iron and Strychnine Compound 85 45 12 Reduced Iron, 1-2 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-120 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. tJaborandi, fluid extract, 1-2 m, 35 20 Jaborandi, fluid extract, 1 Bl 40 23 Leptandrin, 1-16 gr 40 23 Leptandrin, 1-8 gr 45 25 +Leptandrin, 1-4 gr 50 28 Leptandrin, 1-2 gr 55 30 Lime, sulphurated, see Calcium sulphide. Lithium carbonate, 1-2 gr, 60 33 tLithium carbonate, 1 gr 75 40 11 Lithium carbonate and Sodium arsenate.. 85 45 12 Lithium carbonate, 1 gr. • Sodium arsenate, 1-30 gr. t Lobelia, tincture, 1 HI 40 23 Lobelia, tincture, 2 El 45 25 Lobelia, tincture, 3 til 45 25 Local Anaesthetic, Dental, see Hypodermatic Tab lets. Lupulin, fluid extract, 1-2 th, 35 20 tLupulin, fluid extract, 1 El 45 25 Manganese dioxide, 1-2 gr 35 20 tManganese dioxide, 1 gr 35 20 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-1000 gr 30 18 (Mercury biniodide.) Mercuric iodide, red, 1-100 gr 30 18 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-50 gr 30 18 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-30 gr 35 20 tMercuric iodide, red, 1-25 gr. 35 20 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-20 gr 40 23 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-16 gr 40 23 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-12 gr 40 23 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-8 gr 40 23 tMercuric oxide, yellow, 1-200 gr.* 35 20 Mercuric oxide, yellow, 1-100 gr.* 35 20 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-1000 gr 35 20 (Mercury protiodide.) Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-500 gr 35 20 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-200 gr 35 20 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-100 gr 45 25 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-50 gr. 45 25 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-25 gr 45 25 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-20 gr 45 25 tSee note at head of page 50. *See note 121. '961 °l 881 *90nd 998 ‘iu9ut»6ut>.i*y ivvfwutnji uoj; ,}U9/ui9Gunj.u.y i»9\%9qmidiy TABLET TRITURATES. 175 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C 1 plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-16 gr. No. 106$ 45 8 25 8 .. Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-10 gr 45 25 tMercurous iodide, yellow, 1-6 gr 45 25 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-6 gr 45 25 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-5 gr 45 25 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-4 gr 50 28 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-3 gr. 60 33 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-2 gr. 70 38 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1 gr 95 50 13 Mercurous iodide and Opium 50 28 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-5 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-12 gr. Mercury biniodide, see Mercuric iodide, red. Mercury with chalk, 1-10 gr 35 20 tMercury with chalk, 1-5 gr 35 20 Mercury with chalk, 1-3 gr 35 20 Mercury with chalk, 1 gr 35 20 Mercury with chalk, 2 grs 50 28 Mercury with chalk and Dover Powder Mercury with chalk, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. 50 28 Powd. Opium, 1-10 gr. Mercury and Charcoal (Dr. R. Tilley) .714.. 55 30 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-4 gr. Charcoal, 1-10 gr. Mercury protiodide, see Mercurous iodide, yellow. tMorphine acetate, 1-8 gr 1 20 63 15 Morphine acetate, 1-4 gr .448.. 2 10 1 08 24 tMorphine hydrochlorate, 1-8 gr 1 20 63 15 Morphine hydrochlorate, 1-4 gr 2 10 1 08 24 Morphine sulphate, 1-50 gr 60 33 Morphine sulphate, 1-20 gr 65 35 , . Morphine sulphate, 1-16 gr 70 38 Morphine sulphate, 1-10 gr 1 05 55 14 Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr 1 20 63 15 Morphine sulphate, 1-6 gr. 1 50 78 18 tMorphine sulphate, 1-4 gr 2 10 1 08 24 Morphine sulphate, 1-3 gr 2 75 1 40 31 Morphine sulphate, 1-2 gr 3 85 1 95 42 Morphine and Aconite 60 33 Morphine sulphate, 1-32 gr. Tinct. Aconite, 1 m,. Morphine and Atropine, R “A” Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr. Atropine sulphate, 1-200 gr. 1 25 65 16 Morphine and Atropine, R “B” Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr. 1 30 68 16 Atropine sulphate, 1-150 gr. Morphine and Atropine, R “C” Morphine sulphate, 1-6 gr. 1 65 85 20 Atropine sulphate, 1-180 gr. tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, tee pages 182 to 196. 176 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C 1 plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 tMorphine and Atropine, R “ D ” Morphine sulphate, 1-4 gr. 8 2 20 $ 1 13 $ 25 Atropine sulphate, 1-150 gr. 113, 2 20 1 13 25 Morphine sulphate, 1-4 gr. Atropine sulphate, 1-120 gr. Morphine and Belladonna Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr. Ext. Belladonna lvs., 1-4 gr. 1 40 73 17 tNerve Tonic No. 1 (Dr. Westbrook) Zinc phosphide, 1-10 gr. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. 60 38 Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Nerve Tonic No. 5 55 30 Zinc phosphide, 1-10 gr. Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-8 gr. Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-400 gr. Neuralgic (Dr. Dunlap) 95 50 13 Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-80 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-120 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-80 gr. Ext. Aconite root, 1-8 gr. tNeuralgic (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) Zinc phosphide, 1-16 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. 50 28 Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-8 gr. Sodium arsenate, 1-20 gr. Aconitine, 1-400 gr. Nitroglycerin, 1-1000 gr (Glonoin.) 80 18 Nitroglycerin, 1-200 gr 35 20 Nitroglycerin, 1-150 gr 40 23 tNitroglycerin, 1-100 gr 40 23 Nitroglycerin, 1-50 gr 40 23 Nitroglycerin, 1-25 gr.... 40 23 Nitroglycerin, 1-20 gr 40 23 tNitroglycerin Compound Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-100 gr. Tinct. Strophanthus, 2 Rl. 50 28 Tinct. Digitalis, 2 Rl. Tinct. Belladonna lvs., 1-4 Rl. Nitroglycerin Comp., R “ B ” Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-200 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. FI. ext. Digitalis, 1 Rl. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Tinct. Strophanthus, 8 fll. Nitroglycerin Comp., R “ C ” 85 45 12 45 25 Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-100 gr. Tinct. Digitalis, 2 Rl. 639.. 50 28 Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-100 gr. Tinct. Strophanthus, 2 Rl. 680.. 65 35 Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-100 gr. Tinct. Digitalis, 3 Rl. Tinct. Strophanthus, 2 Rl. tSee note at head of page 50. ‘961 ot gg[ aaOnd »»a •fuaiuaOuwAj.y j,o£ •ruaiuatiuvj.u.y jnottaqvydjy 177 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-100 gr No. 124..$ 35 $ 20 $ .. Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-60 gr 40 23 Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-20 gr 40 23 Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-10 gr 40 23 tNux Vomica, powdered, 1-4 gr 40 23 Nux Vomica, extract, 1-8 gr 40 23 tNux Vomica, extract, 1-4 gr 45 25 Nux Vomica, extract, 1-2 gr 50 28 Nux Vomica, tincture, 1 tit 40 23 tNux Vomica, tincture, 2 nt 45 25 Nux Vomica, tincture, 3 Rl 45 25 Nux Vomica and Pepsin (Dr. Skiff) 50 28 Powd. Nux vomica, 1-100 gr. ♦Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1-10 gr. Nux Vomica and Pepsin, 9 2 1 15 60 15 Ext. Nux vomica, 1-10 gr. ♦Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. Opium, powdered, 1-8 gr 45 25 tOpium, powdered, 1-4 gr 55 30 Opium, powdered, 1-2 gr 75 40 11 Opium, powdered, 1 gr 1 00 53 13 tOpium, tincture, assayed, 2 Bl 50 28 Opium, tincture, assayed, 3 fit. 60 33 Opium camphorated, tincture, 2 m, 45 25 tOpium camphorated, tincture, 5 m,....... 45 25 Opium camphorated, tincture, 10 ttl 50 28 Opium and Camphor 65 35 Powdered Opium, 1-4 gr. Camphor, 1-4 gr. See also Diarrhoea and Diarrhoea, B 3. tOpium and Lead acetate Powdered Opium, 1-2 gr. Lead acetate, 1 gr. Opium and Lead acetate, B “ B ” 95 50 13 60 33 Powdered Opium, 1-4 gr. Lead acetate, 3-4 gr. Ox Gall, pure, 1 gr 40 23 , , Paregoric Compound.. 50 28 Tinct. Opium camphorated, 10 TIL Powd. Squill, 1-25 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-50 gr. Pepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1-4 gr.* 40 23 , , Pepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1-2 gr.* 50 28 fPepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr.* 1 10 58 14 Pepsin, Lactated, 1 gr 90 48 12 Pepsin and Capsicum Compound 60 33 ♦Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1-8 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-10 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-10 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-20 gr. tSee note at head of page 50. ♦One gr. equals 60 grs. Saccharated Pepsin, U. S. P. 1880, or 10 grs. U. 8. P. 1890. Alphabetical Arrangement. -For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. 178 PART TWO. Specify P. D. <2f Co's J Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C pliecf at 10 cents per bottle. Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Pepsin and Nux Vomica, see Nux Vomica and Pepsin. Pepsin and Pancreatin No. 641.. 8 65 $ 35 8 .. ♦Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1-4 gr. Pancreatin, pure, 1-4 gr. Pepsin, Saccharated, U. 8. P. 1890, 1 gr Physostigma, see Calabar Bean. ...473.. 40 23 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-500 gr 60 38 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-400 gr 65 35 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-300 gr 75 40 11 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-200 gr 85 45 12 tPhysostigmine salicylate, 1-100 gr........, 1 30 68 16 tPhysostigmine sulphate, 1-100 gr 1 10 58 14 Physostigmine sulphate, 1-50 gr 1 65 85 20 Picrotoxin and Belladonna 60 33 Picrotoxin, 1-60 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-6 gr. Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-100 gr 85 45 12 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr 1 50 78 18 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr 3 65 1 85 40 tPilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr 6 60 3 33 70 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-5 gr 13 15 6 60 1 35 Pilocarpine nitrate, 1-100 gr 85 45 12 Pilocarpine nitrate, 1-50 gr 1 50 78 18 Pilocarpine nitrate, 1-25 gr 2 70 1 38 30 tPilocarpine nitrate, 1-10 gr 6 60 3 83 70 Pilocar’ us, fluid extract, see Jaborandi, ft. ext. Podop yllin, 1-20 gr Podophyllum resin.) 30 18 Podophyllin, 1-16 gr 30 18 Podophyllin, 1-10 gr 35 20 Podophyllin, 1-8 gr 35 20 tPodophyllin, 1-4 gr 40 23 Podophyllin, 1-2 gr 50 28 Podophyllin Compound 55 30 Podophyllum resin, 1-2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-16 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 gr. Podophyllin and Leptandrin 55 30 Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. Leptandrin, 1-4 gr. Potassium arsenate, 1-20 gr 35 20 Potassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 1 E..689.. 40 23 tPotassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 2 Rl.690.. 40 23 Potassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 3 R1..691.. 45 25 Potassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 5 in,..692.. 45 25 Potassium bichromate, 1-10 gr 80 18 Potassium bichromate, 1-2 gr 30 18 Pulsatilla, tincture, 1 m, 40 23 Quinine and Aconite 1 50 78 18 Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Tinct. Aconite, 1 E. tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. 179 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. Quinine and Digitalis Comp. (Dr. Fowler). .No. 701.. Per 1000 S 95 Per 500 $ 50 Per 100 $ 13 Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Powd. Digitalis, 1-2 gr. Strychnine sulph., 1-100 gr. Reduced Iron, 1-2 gr. Quinine bisulphate, 1-10 gr 484.. 45 25 Quinine bisulphate, 1-4 gr .146.. 70 38 tQuinine bisulphate, 1-2 gr 147.. 85 45 12 Quinine bisulphate, 1 gr .148.. 1 35 70 17 Quinine sulphate, 1-10 gr 485.. 45 25 Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr 149.. 70 38 tQuinine sulphate, 1-2 gr 150.. 85 45 12 Quinine sulphate, 1 gr .151.. 1 35 70 17 Reduced Iron, see Iron by hydrogen. Rennin, 1 gr. (see note 142) 482.. 1 65 85 20 Rhinitis (full strength) 1 05 55 14 Powd. Camphor, 1 -2 gr. FI. ext. Belladonna root, 1-4 til. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Rhinitis (half-strength, Dr. Lincoln) .644.. 80 43 11 Powd. Camphor, 1-4 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr. FI. ext. Belladonna root, 1-8 fll. Rhubarb, fluid extract, 1-2 m, .227.. 35 20 tRhubarb, fluid extract, 1 ill 228.. 40 23 Rhubarb Compound .486.. 45 25 Powd. Rhubarb, 5-23 gr. Powd. Myrrh, 5-46 gr. Powd. Aloes, 15-92 gr. Oil Peppermint, 1-92 ut. Rhus Toxicodendron, fluid extract, 1 fll 708.. 40 23 Rhus Toxicodendron, tincture, 1 m, .199.. 40 23 tSaccharin. 25 milligrammes* .488.. 1 20 63 15 With Sodium bicarbonate, q. s. Saccharin, 65 milligrammes (1 grain)* .489.. 2 90 1 48 32 With Sodium bicarbonate, q. s. Saccharin, 1-2 gr.* .651.. 1 50 78 18 With Sodium bicarbonate, q. s. Salicin, 1 gr .490.. 70 38 Salicylic acid, 1-4 gr 40 23 Salicylic acid, 1-2 gr 45 25 tSalicylic acid, 1 gr .491.. 60 33 Salol, 1-10 gr .214.. 45 25 .492.. 85 45 12 tSalol, 1 gr 1 30 68 16 Salol Compound Salol, 1 gr. Bismuth subnitrate Powd. Opium, 1-40 gr. Powd. Camphor, l-{ .684.. 1 55 80 19 1 gr. 10 gr. Oil Peppermint, 1A0 m,. tSanguinaria, tincture, 1 Tl .286.. 40 23 Sanguinaria, tincture, 2 til .287.. 45 25 Sanguinaria, tincture, 3 Tit .288.. 45 25 Sanguinaria, tincture, 5 ill .289.. 45 25 tSee note at head of page 50. *See note 148. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES, 180 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Cois (Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Santonin, 1-2 gr .No. 154..$ 85 $ 45 $ 12 tSantonin, 1 gr 1 20 63 15 Santonin and Calomel 90 48 12 Santonin, 1-2 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. Sciatica (Dr. John T. Metcalf) 50 28 Tinct. Aconite, % Rl. Tinct. Belladonna leaves, % Rl. Tinct. Colchicum seed, % fll- Tinct. Cimicifuga, % Rl. Sodium arsenate, 1-100 gr 35 20 tSodium arsenate, 1-25 gr ....157,, 35 20 Sodium arsenate, 1-15 gr 35 20 Sodium arsenate, 1-10 gr 40 23 Sodium salicylate, 1-2 gr 45 25 tSodium salicylate, 1 gr 60 33 Sparteine sulphate, 1-50 gr 50 28 tSparteine sulphate, 1-20 gr 60 33 Sparteine sulphate, 1-10 gr 90 48 12 Sparteine sulphate, 1-4 gr 1 60 83 19 Squill, tincture, 1 Rl 35 20 tSquill, tincture, 2 Rl 40 23 Stomachic (Dr. North) 50 28 Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), J4 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, J4 gr. Powd. Charcoal, 34 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 34 gr. Stramonium leaves, tincture, 1 Rl 35 20 tStrophanthus, tincture, 1 Rl 40 23 Strophanthus, tincture, 2 Rl 50 28 Strophanthus, tincture, 5 Rl 55 30 Strychnine arsenite, 1-100 gr 40 23 Strychnine nitrate, 1-100 gr 35 20 fStrychnine nitrate, 1-50 gr 35 20 Strychnine sulphate, 1-1000 gr k GO 30 18 Strychnine sulphate, 1-200 gr 35 20 Strychnine sulphate, 1-100 gr 35 20 fStrychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr 40 23 Strychnine sulphate, 1-50 gr 40 23 Strychnine sulphate, 1-40 gr 40 23 Strychnine sulphate, 1-30 gr 45 25 Strychnine sulphate, 1-20 gr 50 28 Strychnine sulphate, 1-16 gr 60 33 Sulphur, 1-10 gr 35 20 Tannic acid, 1 gr 50 28 Tartar Emetic, 1-1000 gr (Antimony and Potassium tartrate.) 30 18 Tartar Emetic, 1-100 gr 35 20 Tartar Emetic, 1-50 gr 40 23 tSee note at head of page 50. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. ■S3±vidniiy± ±anav± 181 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C | plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Tartar Emetic, 1-25 gr .No. 169. 8 40 $ 23 $ .. tTartar Emetic, 1-20 gr 40 23 Tartar Emetic, 1-16 gr 40 23 Tartar Emetic, 1-10 gr 40 23 Tartar Emetic, 1-8 gr 40 23 Tartar Emetic, 1-4 gr 45 25 Tartar Emetic and Ipecac 35 20 Antimony and Potass, tartr., 1-100 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-100 gr. Three Iodides 40 23 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-30 gr. Arsenic iodide, 1-40 gr. Ferrous iodide, 1-12 gr. Throat (Dr. Quinlan) 55 30 Benzoic acid, 1-5 gr. Tinct. Belladonna leaves, 1 E- Tinct. Opium camphorated, 10 tit. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, q. s. Thyreoids, see Specialties, in Part II. Tonsillitis 40 23 Tinct. Aconite, 1-5 E- Tinct. Belladonna leaves, 1-10 E. Mercuric iodide, red, 1-100 gr. Tinct. Bryonia, 1-10 E- Tully Powder, 1 gr 45 25 tVeratrine, 1-32 gr 45 25 Veratrine, 1-12 gr 75 40 11 tVeratrine sulphate, 1-20 gr 65 35 Veratrine sulphate, 1-10 gr 90 48 12 Veratrum Album, tincture, 1 E 40 23 tVeratrum Viride, tincture, 1 E 40 23 Veratrum Viride, tincture, 2 E 45 25 Zinc phosphide, 1-100 gr 35 20 Zinc phosphide, 1-50 gr 35 20 Zinc phosphide, 1-25 gr 35 20 Zinc phosphide, 1-20 gr 40 23 tZinc phosphide, 1-10 gr 40 23 Zinc phosphide, 1-8 gr 45 25 Zinc phosphide, 1-6 gr 50 28 Zinc phosphide, 1-4 gr 75 40 11 Zinc phosphide, 1-2 gr 90 48 12 Zinc phosphide and Nux Vomica Zinc phosphide, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nux voi 50 28 m., 1-4 gr. Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1-6 gr 35 20 tZinc sulphocarbolate, 1-4 gr 40 23 Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1-2 gr 40 23 Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1 gr 50 28 Zinc sulphocarbolate and Aloin 686. 55 30 Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1 gr. Aloin, 1-8 gr. Alphabetical Arrangement. For Numerical Arrangement, see pages 182 to 196. TABLET TRITURATES. HERE ENDS THE ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT. fSee note at head of page 50. 182 PART TWO. Specify P< D dc Co is j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. ( Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 Numerical Arrangement It Arsen ous acid, 1-100 gr $ 30 $ 18 $ .. 2 Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr 35 20 3 Arsenous acid, 1-30 gr 35 20 4 Arsenous acid, 1-20 gr 35 20 5 Aconite root, fluid extract, 1-10 nt 40 23 6 Aconite root, fluid extract, 1 Tit 40 23 7 Aconitine (crystals), 1-500 gr 30 18 8tAconitine (crystals), 1-200 gr 45 25 9 Agaricin, 1-20 gr 50 28 10 Aloin, 1-10 gr 35 20 lltAloin, 1-4 gr 40 23 12 Aloin, 1-2 gr 50 28 13 Ammonium chloride, 1 gr 35 20 14 Apomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-100 gr 65 35 15 Apomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr 95 50 13 16 Arsenic iodide, 1-100 gr 35 20 17 Atropine sulphate, 1-500 gr 35 20 18 Atropine sulphate, 1-200 gr 35 20 19tAtropine sulphate, 1-100 gr 45 25 20 Belladonna leaves, fluid extract, 1-2 m, 35 20 21+Belladonna leaves, fluid extract, 1 nt 40 23 22+Bismuth subcarbonate, 2 grs 1 55 80 19 23tBismuth subnitrate, 2 grs 1 40 73 17 24 Caffeine, 1-2 gr 1 00 53 13 25+Caffeine, 1 gr 1 70 88 20 26tCaffeine, citrated, 1-2 gr 75 40 11 27 Caffeine, citrated, 1 gr 1 05 55 14 28 Calcium sulphide, 1-10 gr 35 20 29fCalcium sulphide, 1-4 gr 35 20 30 Calcium sulphide, 1-2 gr 35 20 31 Calomel (Mercurous chloride, mild), 1-100 gr.... 35 20 32+Calomel, 1-10 gr 35 20 33 Calomel, 1-4 gr 35 20 34 Calomel, 1-2 gr 40 23 35 Calomel, 1 gr 45 25 36 Cannabis Indica, extract, 1-20 gr 40 23 37 Cannabis Indica, extract, 1-10 gr 40 23 38 Capsicum, 1 gr 45 25 39 Arsenic sulphide, 1-30 gr 35 20 40+Cerium oxalate, 1 gr 60 33 41 Cocaine hydrobromate, 1-16 gr 1 60 83 19 42+Cocaine hydrobromate, 1-8 gr 2 90 1 48 32 43+Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-16 gr 1 60 83 19 44 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-8 gr 2 90 1 48 32 45tCodeine, 1-4 gr 4 75 2 40 51 tSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. 1'or Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. j M D C Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 46 Codeine, 1-2 gr $ 4 53 $ 93 47tColchicine, 1-100 gr 33 48 Colchicine, 1-50 gr 68 16 49 Colocynthin, 1-20 gr 1 35 30 50 Coniine hydrobromate, 1-20 gr 60 15 51+Coniine hydrobromate, 1-10 gr 1 CO 23 52 Coniine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr 63 15 53tConiine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr 1 03 23 54 Convallamarin, 1-50 gr 30 55 Corrosive sublimate, 1-1000 gr 20 (Mercuric chloride, corrosive.) 56 Corrosive sublimate, 1-500 gr 20 57tCorrosive sublimate, 1-100 gr 20 58 Corrosive sublimate, 1-50 gr 20 59 Corrosive sublimate, 1-20 gr 23 60 Corrosive sublimate, 1-16 gr 23 61+Digitalin, pure, 1-100 gr 25 62 Digitalin, pure, 1-75 gr 28 63 Digitalin, pure, 1-50 gr 30 64 Digitalis, fluid extract, 1-10 til 20 65 Digitalis, fluid extract, 1-2 in, 23 66fDigitalis, fluid extract, 1 til 25 67 Dover Powder, 1-4 gr 20 68+Dover Powder, 1 gr 25 69 Elaterin, 1-40 gr 70 17 70fElaterin, 1-20 gr 1 28 28 71 Elaterin, 1-10 gr 3 00 63 72 Ergotin (Bonjean), 1-10 gr 23 73+Ergotin (Bonjean), 1-4 gr. 30 74 Hydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-25 gr 50 13 75 Hydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-16 gr 65 16 76tHydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-8 gr 1 18 26 77 Hydrastine (white alkaloid), 1-4 gr 2 15 46 78 Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-200 gr 33 79+Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-100 gr 53 13 80tlgnatia, 1-20 gr 20 81 Ignatia, 1-10 gr 20 82tlpecac, powdered, 1-10 gr 23 83 Ipecac, powdered, 1-4 gr 28 84 Ipecac, powdered, 1-2 gr 35 85 Iron by hydrogen, 1-2 gr (Reduced Iron.) 23 86tIron by hydrogen, 1 gr 25 87tIron arsenate, 1-10 gr 23 88 Iron and Quinine citrate, soluble, 1-4 gr 23 89+Iron and Quinine citrate, soluble, 1-2 gr 25 90 Iron and Quinine citrate, soluble, 1 gr 33 tSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. 184 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co?s j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. j Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 91 Iron and Strychnine citrate, 1-4 gr $ 25 5 •• 92tIron and Strychnine citrate, 1-2 gr 30 93 Iron and Strychnine citrate, 1 gr 43 11 94 Leptandrin, 1-16 gr 23 95tLithium carbonate, 1 gr 40 11 96 Manganese dioxide, 1-2 gr 20 97+Manganese dioxide, 1 gr 20 98 Mercury with chalk, 1-10 gr 20 99tMercury with chalk, 1-5 gr 20 100 Mercury with chalk, 1 gr 20 101 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-100 gr 18 102 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-16 gr 23 103 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-8 gr 23 104 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-100 gr 25 105 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-50 gr 25 106 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-16 gr 25 107tMercurous iodide, yellow, 1-8 gr 25 108 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-6 gr 25 109 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-4 gr 28 110 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-2 gr 38 Ill Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1 gr 50 13 112 Morphine and Atropine, I£ “B” 68 16 113 Morphine and Atropine, Q “E” .. 2 20 1 13 25 114tMorphine hydrochlorate, 1-8 gr 63 15 115 Morphine hydrochlorate, l-4gr 1 08 24 116 Morphine sulphate, 1-20 gr 35 117 Morphine sulphate, 1-16 gr 38 118 Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr 63 15 119 Morphine sulphate, 1-6 gr 78 18 120tMorphine sulphate, 1-4 gr 1 08 24 121 Morphine sulphate, 1-2 gr 1 95 42 122tNitroglycerin, (Glonoin), 1-100 gr 23 123 Nitroglycerin, 1-50 gr 23 124 Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-100 gr. 20 125 Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-50 gr 23 126 Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-10 gr 23 127tNux Vomica, powdered, 1-4 gr 23 128tOpium, powdered, 1-4 gr 30 129 Opium, powdered, 1-2 gr 40 11 130 Pepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 14 gr 23 131 Pepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1-2 gr 28 132tPepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr 58 14 133 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-500 gr 33 134 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-400 gr 35 135 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-300 gr 40 11 136 Physostigmine salicylate, 1-200 gr 45 12 tSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. 185 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- 1 M T> C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. ( Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 137+Physostigmine salicylate, 1-100 gr $ 68 $ 16 138 Pilocarpine nitrate, 1-100 gr 45 12 139 Pilocarpine nitrate, 1-50 gr 78 18 140 Pilocarpine nitrate, 1-25 gr 1 38 30 41tPilocarpine nitrate, 1-10 gr 3 33 70 142 Podophyllin (Podophyllum resin), 1-16 gr... 18 143 Podophyllin, 1-8 gr 20 144+Podophyllin, 1-4 gr 23 145 Podophyllin, 1-2 gr 28 146 Quinine bisulphate, l-4gr 38 147+Quinine bisulphate, 1-2 gr 45 12 148 Quinine bisulphate, 1 gr 70 17 149 Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr 38 150tQuinine sulphate, 1-2 gr 45 12 151 Quinine sulphate, 1 gr 70 17 152 Salicylic acid, 1-4 gr 23 153 Salicylic acid, 1-2 gr 25 154 Santonin, 1-2 gr 45 12 155+Santonin, 1 gr 63 15 156 Santonin and Calomel 48 12 157+Sodium arsenate, 1-25 gr 20 158 Sodium arsenate, 1-15 gr 20 159 Sodium arsenate, 1-10 gr 23 160 Strychnine sulphate, 1-100 gr 20 161+Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr 23 162 Strychnine sulphate, 1-50 gr 23 163 Strychnine sulphate, 1-40 gr 23 164 Strychnine sulphate, 1-30 gr 25 165 Strychnine sulphate, 1-20 gr 28 166 Strychnine sulphate, 1-16 gr 33 167 Tartar Emetic, 1-100 gr 20 (Antimony and Potassium tartrate.) 168 Tartar Emetic, 1-50 gr 23 169 Tartar Emetic, 1-25 gr 23 170 Tartar Emetic, 1-16 gr 23 171 Tartar Emetic, 1-8 gr 23 172 Tartar Emetic, 1-4 gr 25 173+Veratrine, 1-32 gr 25 174 Veratrine, 1-12 gr 40 11 175tZinc phosphide, 1-10 gr 23 176 Zinc phosphide, 1-8 gr 25 177 Zinc phosphide, 1-6 gr 28 178 Zinc phosphide, 1-4 gr 40 11 179 Zinc phosphide, 1-2 gr 48 12 180tAntiseptic, Bernays, white (for external use only). See Specialties, page 130. 181+Aloin and Belladonna Comp., 1$ “A” 28 tSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES, 186 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co's j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C | plied at 10 cents per bottle. j Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 182 Ammonium chloride Compound 8 40 $ 23 $ •• 183 Iron and Arsenic Compound 50 28 184 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine 85 45 12 185 Iron and Strychnine Compound 85 45 12 186+Sodium salicylate, 1 gr 60 33 187 Arsenous acid, 1-200 gr 30 18 188 Bryonia, tincture, 5 m, 50 28 189 Iron arsenate, 1-16 gr 35 20 190 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-50 gr 30 18 191tMercuric oxide, yellow, 1-200 gr 35 20 192 Zinc phosphide, 1-20 gr 40 23 193 Antimony Comp. (Plummer), 1-10 gr 40 23 194 Pepsin, Lactated, 1 gr 90 48 12 195 Calomel, Ipecac and Sodium bicarbonate 50 28 197+Gelsemium, tincture, 1 fll 85 20 198 Iron lactate (Ferrous lactate), 1 gr 45 25 199 Rhus Toxicodendron, tincture, 1 m 40 23 200 Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1-6 gr 35 20 201 Aloin and Belladonna Comp., R “ B ” 50 28 202 Dover Powder, 2 1-2 grs 65 35 203tlron, Arsenic and Strychnine, R “A” 50 28 204 Calomel, 2 grs 75 40 11 205 Copper and Opium 40 23 206 Baptisia, tincture, 1 m 45 25 207 Cimicifuga, tincture, 1 m, 40 23 208 Pulsatilla, tincture, 1 m 40 23 209 Veratrum Album, tincture, 1 m 40 23 210fVeratrum Viride, tincture, 1 m 40 23 211 Calomel and Ipecac, R “B” 50 28 212tCopper arsenite, 1-100 gr 35 20 213tSaIol, 1 gr 1 30 68 16 214 Salol, 1-10 gr 45 25 215 Copper arsenite, 1-5000 gr 35 20 216tCalomel and Sodium bicarbonate, R “A” 35 20 217+Aloin Comp., R “A” 40 23 218 Aloin, Belladonna and Nux Vomica 50 28 219 Aloin, Belladonna, Strychnine and Ipecac 55 30 220 Aloin, Belladonna and Podophyllin 50 28 221 Aloin, Belladonna, Podophyllin and Nux Vomica 45 25 222 Aloin, Belladonna, Strychnine & Cascara Sagrada 60 33 223 Cubeb, fluid extract, 1-2 m 40 23 224+Cubeb, fluid extract, 1 m 50 28 225 Hyoscyamus, fluid extract, 1-2 m 35 20 226+Hyoscyamus, fluid extract, 1 m 40 23 227 Rhubarb, fluid extract, 1-2 m 35 20 tSee note at head of page 50. The manufacture of Tablet No. 196 has been discontinued. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. :s3±vaniid4. inavi 187 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 | plied at 10 cents per bottle. f M D C Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 228+Rhubarb, fluid extract, 1 ffL $ 23 9 .. 229 Calomel and Dover Powder, B “B ” 28 230 Iron and Quinine 48 12 231 Belladonna leaves, extract, 1-8 gr 25 232 Belladonna leaves, extract, 1-6 gr 28 233tBelladonna leaves, extract, 1-4 gr 30 234tHyoscyamus, extract, 1-4 gr 25 235 Hyoscyamus, extract, 1-2 gr 28 236tOpium and Lead acetate.. 50 13 237 Zinc phosphide and Nux Vomica 28 238 Calomel (Mercurous chloride, mild), 1-20 gr... 20 239 Acetanilid, 1 gr 23 240 Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr 20 241 Arsenous acid, 1-40 gr 20 242 Benzoic acid, 1-10 gr 20 243tBenzoic acid, 1-4 gr 23 244 Benzoic acid, 1-2 gr 25 245 Benzoic acid, 1 gr 28 246 Boric acid, 1-10 gr 20 247 Boric acid, 1-5 gr 23 248tBoric acid, 1-2 gr 23 249 Boric acid, 1 gr 23 250 Carbolic acid, 1-10 gr 23 251 Gallic acid, 1 gr 25 252 Tannic acid, 1 gr 28 253fAconite root, fluid extract, 1-2 til 23 254 Aconite, tincture, 1-4 TIL 20 255 Aconite, tincture, 1-2 ttl 20 256 Aconite, tincture, 3-4 til 20 257+Aconite, tincture, 1 Til 23 258 Aconite, tincture, 2 til 25 259 Aconitine (crystals), 1-100 gr 33 260 Aloin, 1-5 gr 23 261 Aloin Comp., B “B” 30 262 Alum, 1-10 gr 20 263tAlum, 1-5 gr 23 264 Ammonium chloride, 1-10 gr 20 265tAmmonium chloride, 1-2 gr 20 266 Ammonium chloride and Codeine Compound.. 95 50 13 267 Ammonium chloride and Hyoscyamus Comp.. 50 28 268 Apomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr 90 21 269tApomorphine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr 1 23 27 270 Arsenic bromide, 1-200 gr 20 271tArsenic bromide, 1-100 gr 20 272 Arsenic bromide, 1-60 gr 20 273 Arsenic bromide, 1-30 gr 23 Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. t See note at head of page 50. 188 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- ! ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. j M D C Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 274 Arsenic iodide, 1-200 gr $ 20 $ .. 275+Arsenic iodide, 1-50 gr 20 276 Arsenic iodide, 1-85 gr 20 277 Arsenic iodide, 1-20 gr 23 278+Arsenic sulphide, 1-100 gr . 35 20 279 Atropine sulphate, 1-50 gr . 60 33 280 Belladonna leaves, tincture, 1-2 nt 35 20 281+Belladonna leaves, tincture, 1 nt 23 282 Belladonna leaves, tincture, 2 nt 25 283 Belladonna leaves, tincture, 5 nt 25 284 Bismuth subcarbonate, 1 gr 48 12 285 Bismuth subnitrate, 1 gr 43 11 286+Sanguinaria, tincture, 1 nt 40 23 287 Sanguinaria, tincture, 2 nt . 45 25 288 Sanguinaria, tincture, 3 nt 25 289 Sanguinaria, tincture, 5 nt 25 290 Blue Mass (Mass of Mercury), 1-4 gr . 40 23 291 Blue Mass, 1-2 gr 40 23 292+Blue Mass, 1 gr 45 25 293 Blue Mass Compound 30 294 Brown Mixture, 30 nt 20 295+Brown Mixture, 60 nt 23 296 Bryonia, tincture, 1-2 nt 23 297+Bryonia, tincture, 1 nt 23 298 Bryonia, tincture, 2 nt 25 299 Caffeine, citrated, 1-10 gr . 35 20 300 Caffeine Compound . 1 05 55 14 301+Calabar Bean, tincture, 1 nt 35 20 302 Calabar Bean, tincture, 2 nt 45 25 303 Calcium sulphide, 1-20 gr 35 20 304 Calcium sulphide, 1-8 gr 85 20 305 Calcium sulphide, 1 gr 23 306 Calomel (Mercurous chloride, mild), 1-50 gr 35 20 307 Calomel, 1-8 gr . 35 20 308 Calomel, 1-6 gr 35 20 309+Calomel and Dover Powder, B “A” 50 28 310+Calomel and Ipecac, B “A” 23 311 Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, B “B” . 35 20 312 Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, B “C” 45 25 313 Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate Compound.. 45 25 314+Camphor monobromated, 1 gr . 65 35 315+Cannabis Indica, extract, 1-8 gr 40 23 316 Cannabis Indica, extract, 1-4 gr 45 25 317 Cannabis Indica, tincture, 1-2 nt 40 23 318+Cannabis Indica, tincture, 1 nt 23 319 Cannabis Indica, tincture, 2 nt 45 25 + See note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. 189 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) | plied at 10 cents per bottle. j M D C Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 320 Cathartic Conap., Improved, 1-10 gr iO CO $ •• 321 Cathartic Comp., Improved, 1-5 gr 25 322fCathartic Comp., Improved, 1 gr 25 323 Cathartic Comp. (U. S. P. mass), 1-10 gr 23 324 Cathartic Comp. (U. S. P. mass), 1-5 gr...... 25 325tCathartic Comp. (U. S. P. mass), 1 gr 33 326 Cathartic Comp., Vegetable, 1-10 gr 23 327 Cathartic Comp., Vegetable, 1-5 gr 23 328+Cathartic Comp., Vegetable, 1 gr 33 329 Caulophyllin, 1-10 gr 23 330 Cerium oxalate, 1-2 gr 25 331 Coca, fluid extract, 1-2 HI, 23 332tCoca, fluid extract, 1 fll 25 333 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-100 gr 33 334 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr 40 11 335 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr 73 17 336 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr 1 23 27 337 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-5 gr 2 23 47 338 Codeine, 1-8 gr 1 28 28 339 Codeine, 1-5 gr 1 93 41 340 Colchicum root, fluid extract, 1-2 th, 23 341fColchicum root, fluid extract, 1 HI 25 342tColchicum seed, tincture, 1 m, 23 343 Colchicum seed, tincture, 2 H], 25 344 Colchicum seed, tincture, 3 hj, 25 345 Colchicum seed, tincture, 5 hj, 28 346tColocynth Comp., extract, 1-4 gr 23 347 Colocynth Comp., extract, 1-2 gr 25 348 Conium Compound 28 349 Conium fruit, tincture, 1 hj, 20 350 Corrosive sublimate, 1-200 gr..., 20 (Mercuric chloride, corrosive.) 351 Corrosive sublimate, 1-60 gr 20 352 Corrosive sublimate, 1-40 gr 20 353 Corrosive sublimate, 1-30 gr 23 354 Corrosive sublimate, 1-12 gr 23 355 Corrosive sublimate, 1-10 gr 23 356 Damiana, fluid extract, 1-2 m, 23 357tDamiana, fluid extract, 1 hi 28 358 Digitalin, pure, 1-500 gr 20 359 Digitalin, pure, 1-200 gr 23 360 Digitalin, pure, 1-60 gr 28 361 Digitalis, tincture, 1-2 hj, 18 362tDigitalis, tincture, 1 ni, 20 363 Digitalis, tincture, 3 H( 25 364 Digitalis, tincture, 5 m, 25 tSee note at head of page 50. umerical Arrangement. Jfor Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. 190 PART TWO. Specify P. D. <£■ Coh j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. j Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 365 Digitalis and Strophanthus CO o $ .. 366 Dover Powder, 1-2 gr 23 (Ipecac and Opium powder.) 367 Dover Powder, 11-4 grs 25 368 Dover Powder, 3 1-3 grs 38 369 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-32 gr 25 370 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-16 gr 30 371 Elaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-10 gr 88 372tElaterium (Clutterbuck), 1-8 gr 40 11 373 Ergot, fluid extract, 1-2 Tit 23 374tErgot, fluid extract, 1 at 25 375 Eucalyptus, fluid extract, 1-2 nt 35 20 376+Eucalyptus, fluid extract, 1 at 40 23 377 Euonymin, brown, 1-10 gr 45 25 378 Euonymin, brown, 1-8 gr 30 379tEuonymin, brown, 1-4 gr 35 380 Euonymin, brown, 1-2 gr 85 45 12 381 Euonymin, brown, 1 gr 68 16 382+Fever (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) 43 11 383 Gelsemperin (concentration), 1-16 gr 28 384 Gelsemperin, 1-10 gr 30 385+Gelsemperin, 1-8 gr 30 386 Gelsemperin, 1-4 gr 60 33 387 Gelsemium, tincture, 3 at 25 388 Gelsemium, tincture, 5 at 25 389 Hyoscyamus, extract, 1-6 gr 25 390+Hyoscyamus, tincture, 1 at 23 391 Hyoscyamus, tincture, 2 at 25 392 Hyoscyamus, tincture, 3 at 25 393 Hyoscyamus, tincture, 5 at 25 394+Hepatic 28 395 Hepatic (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) 33 396 Hydrastin (concentration), 1-20 gr 28 397tHydrastis, tincture, 1 at 23 398 Hydrastis, tincture, 2 at 25 399 Hydrastis, tincture, 3 at 25 400 Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-50 gr 68 16 401 Ignatia, 1-100 gr 20 402tlgnatia, extract, 1-4 gr 23 403 Ignatia, extract, 1-2 gr 28 404+Ignatia, tincture, 1 at 23 405 Ignatia, tincture, 3 at 25 406 Ignatia, tincture, 5 at 25 407 Ipecac, powdered, 1-100 gr 20 408 Ipecac, powdered, 1-50 gr 23 409 Ipecac, fluid extract, 1-2 at 38 410+Ipecac, fluid extract, 1 at 48 12 tSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. 191 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 M D C | plied at 10 cents per bottle. j Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 411 Iron arsenate, 1-8 gr $ 23 $ .. 412 Iron arsenate, 1-4 gr 23 413tIron and Arsenic, B “A” 25 414 Iron and Arsenic, 5 “B” 25 415 Iron and Arsenic, B “0” 25 416 Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine, B “ B ” 28 417 Iron citrate (Ferric citrate), 1 gr 25 418 Iron pyrophosphate, 1 gr. 25 419 Iron, Quinine and Arsenic 43 11 420tJaborandi, fluid extract, 1-2 RL 20 421 Jaborandi, fluid extract, 1 R( 23 422 Leptandrin, 1-8 gr 25 423tLeptandrin, 1-4 gr 28 424 Leptandrin, 1-2 gr 30 425 Lithium carbonate, 1-2 gr 33 426 Lithium carbonate and Sodium arsenate 85 45 12 427tLobeIia, tincture, 1 Rl 23 428 Lobelia, tincture, 2 RL 25 429 Lobelia, tincture, 3 R( 25 430 Lupulin, fluid extract, 1-2 RL 20 431tLupulin, fluid extract, 1 RL 25 432 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-30 gr 20 433tMercuric iodide, red, 1-25 gr 20 434 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-20 gr, 23 435 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-12 gr 23 436 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-25 gr. 25 437 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-20 gr 25 438 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-10 gr... 25 439 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-5 gr 25 440 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-3 gr 33 441 Mercury with chalk, 1-3 gr 20 442 Mercuric oxide, yellow, 1-100 gr 20 443 Morphine and Aconite 33 444 Morphine and Atropine, B “A” 65 16 445 Morphine and Atropine, B “O” 85 20 446+Morphine and Atropine, B “D” 1 13 25 447tMorphine acetate, 1-8 gr 63 15 448 Morphine acetate, 1-4 gr 1 08 24 449 Strophanthus, tincture, 2 Rl 28 450 Morphine sulphate, 1-50 gr 33 451 Morphine sulphate, 1-10 gr 55 14 452 Morphine sulphate, 1-3 gr 1 40 31 453 Neuralgic (Dr. Dunlap) 50 13 454+tieuralgic (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) 28 455 Nitroglycerin (Glonoin), 1-200 gr 20 456 Nitroglycerin, 1-150 gr.. 23 tSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. Vor'Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-) ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. ) M D C Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 457 Nitroglycerin, 1-35 gr S 23 $ .. 458 Nitroglycerin, 1-20 gr 23 459 Nux Vomica, powdered, 1-30 gr 23 460 Nux Vomica, extract, 1-8 gr 23 461+Nux Vomica, extract, 1-4 gr 25 462 Nux Vomica, extract, 1-2 gr 50 28 463 Nux Vomica, tincture, 1 ni 23 464tNux Vomica, tincture, 2 tit 25 465 Nux Vomica, tincture, 3H 25 466 Opium, powdered, 1-8 gr 25 467tOpium, tincture, assayed, 2 th, 28 468 Opium, tincture, assayed, 3 ttl 33 469 Opium camphorated, tincture, 2 ill, 25 470tOpium camphorated, tincture, 5 in, 25 471 Opium camphorated, tincture, 10 ill, 50 28 472 Ox Gall, pure, 1 gr 23 473 Pepsin, Saccharated, U. S. P. 1890,1 gr........ 23 474+Physostigmine sulphate, 1-100 gr 58 14 475 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-100 gr 45 12 476 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr 78 18 477 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr 1 85 40 478+Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr 3 33 70 479 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate, 1-5 gr 6 60 1 35 480 Podophyllin, 1-20 gr (Podophyllum resin.) 18 481 Podophyllin, 1-10 gr 20 482 Rennin, 1 gr 85 20 483 Potassium arsenate, 1-20 gr 20 484 Quinine bisulphate, 1-10 gr 25 485 Quinine sulphate, 1-10 gr 25 486 Rhubarb Compound 25 487 Bismuth and Cerium oxalate 45 12 488tSaccharin, 25 milligrammes 63 15 With Sodium bicarbonate, q. s. 489 Saccharin. 65 milligrammes 1 48 32 With Sodium bicarbonate, q. s. 490 Salicin, 1 gr 38 491tSalicylic acid, 1 gr 33 492 Salol, 1-2 gr 45 12 493 Sodium arsenate, 1-100 gr 20 494 Sodium salicylate, 1-2 gr 25 495 Sparteine sulphate, 1-50 gr 28 496tSparteine sulphate, 1-20 gr 33 497 Sparteine sulphate, 1-10 gr 48 12 498 Sparteine sulphate, 1-4 gr 83 ‘ 19 499 Squill, tincture, 1 Rl 20 500 to 521. Veterinary Hypodermatic Tablets. tSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup-1 I plied at 10 cents per bottle. ) M D C Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 522 to 599. No tablets of these numbers yet made. 600tSquill, tincture, 2 ui $ 40 $ 23 $ .. 601 Stramonium leaves, tincture, 1 til 35 20 602+Strophanthus, tincture, 1 itl 40 23 603 Strychnine sulphate, 1-200 gr 35 20 604+Tartar Emetic, 1-20 gr (Antimony and Potassium tartrate.) 40 23 605 Tartar Emetic, 1-10 gr 40 23 606 Tartar Emetic and Ipecac 35 20 607 Tully Powder, 1 gr 45 25 608tVeratrine sulphate, 1-20 gr 65 35 609 Veratrine sulphate, 1-10 gr 90 48 12 610 Veratrum Viride, tincture, 2 ni 45 25 611 Zinc phosphide, 1-100 gr 35 20 612 Zinc phosphide, 1-50 gr 35 20 613 Zinc phosphide, 1-25 gr 35 20 614 Creosote, Beechwood, 1-10 fll 35 20 615 Antiseptic Tablets, 1$ “ B,” white (for external use only). See Specialties, page 130. 616 Cannabis Indica, Arsenic and Iron 75 40 11 617 Cannabis Indica, Digitalis and Iron 80 43 11 618+Nitroglycerin Compound 50 28 619 Nitroglycerin Comp., B “ B” 85 45 12 620 Cascara Sagrada, extract, 1 gr 55 30 621 Ergot, extract, 1 gr 95 50 13 622 Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine, B “ C ” 45 25 70 38 624 Opium and Lead acetate, B “B” 60 33 625 Bismuth Compound 65 35 626 Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate Comp., B “ B ” 40 23 627 Cathartic, Active 45 25 85 45 12 629 Dyspeptic (Dr. E. B. Haworth) 50 28 680 Fever (Dr. T. G. Davis) 40 23 631 Hydrastin Compound 65 85 632 Mercurous iodide and Opium 50 28 633 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-1000 gr 35 20 684 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-500 gr 35 20 635 Mercurous iodide, yellow, 1-200 gr 35 20 686+Nerve Tonic No. 1 (Dr. Westbrook) 60 33 637 Nerve Tonic No. 5 55 30 638 Nitroglycerin Comp., B “O” 45 25 639 Nitroglycerin Comp., B “ D ” 50 28 640 Nux Vomica and Pepsin (Dr. Skiff) 50 28 641 Pepsin and Pancreatin 65 35 642 Physostigmine sulphate, 1-50 gr 1 65 85 20 643 Picrotoxin and Belladonna 60 33 •• tSee note at head of page 50 Xunierlcarearrangement. Jfor Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages JLG2 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. 194 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & CoSs ( Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- ( M D C ) plied at 10 cents per bottle. j Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 644 Rhinitis (half-strength, Dr. Lincoln) o ao $ 43 $ 11 645 Tonsillitis 40 23 646 Camphor monobromated, 1-10 gr 35 20 647 Cardiac Compound (Dr. Chas. L. Kerr) 2 25 1 15 26 648 Paregoric Compound 50 28 649 Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, R “ D” 40 23 650 Carminative (Fothergill) 60 33 651 Saccharin, 1-2 gr. (with Sodium bicarb, q. s.)... 1 50 78 18 652 Mercury with chalk and Dover Powder 50 28 653 Throat (Dr. Quinlan) 55 30 654 Three Iodides 40 23 655 Bismuth and Calomel Compound 85 45 12 657 Potassium bichromate, 1-2 gr 30 18 658 Hyoscine hydrobromate, 1-200 gr 95 50 13 659 Opium, powdered, 1 gr 1 00 53 18 660+Stryehnine nitrate, 1-50 gr 35 20 661 Strychnine nitrate, 1-100 gr 35 20 662tZinc sulphocarbolate, 1-4 gr 40 23 663 Enteritis (Dr. C. N. Haskell) 45 25 664 Aloin, 1-100 gr 35 20 665 Tartar Emetic, 1-1000 gr 30 18 666 Arsenic bromide, 1-1000 gr 30 18 667 Arsenic iodide, 1-1000 gr 30 18 668 Arsenic sulphide, 1-1000 gr 30 38 669 Calcium sulphide, 1-1000 gr 30 18 670 Digitalis and Aconite 45 25 671 Mercuric iodide, red, 1-1000 gr 30 18 672 Nitroglycerin, 1-1000 gr 30 18 673 Strychnine sulphate, 1-1000 gr 30 18 674 Potassium bichromate, 1-10 gr 30 18 675 Stomachic (Dr. North) 50 28 676 Strophanthus, tincture, 5 tr, 55 30 677 Cereus grandiflorus, fluid extract, 1 50 28 678 Diarrhoea, R 3 (Dr. Sullivan) 65 35 679 Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1 gr 50 28 680 Nitroglycerin Comp., R “E” 65 35 681 Sciatica (Dr. John T. Metcalf) 50 28 682 Pepsin and Capsicum Compound 60 33 683 Podophyllin Compound 55 30 684 Salol Compound 1 55 80 19 685 Dermatol (Bismuth subgallate), 1 gr 1 50 78 18 686 Zinc sulphocarbolate and Aloin 55 30 687 Aloin and Cascarin Comp. (Dr. Duncan) 60 33 688 Aloin and Cascarin Comp., R 2 (Dr. Duncan)... 65 35 689 Potassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 1 HI. 40 23 690 Potassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 2 til . 40 23 691 Potassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 3 itl. 45 25 fSee note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. Fur Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. 195 Tablet Triturates. PART TWO. j Tablets not priced in bottles of 100 are sup- i M D C ( plied at 10 cents per bottle. f Per Per Per PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. 1000 500 100 692 Potassium arsenite Solution (Fowler Sol.), 5 Rl. .$ 45 8 25 5 .. 40 23 694 Morphine and Belladonna 1 40 73 17 695 Antiseptic, Bernays, blue (.for external use only). See Specialties, page 130. 696 Antiseptic, R “B,” blue (for external use only). See Specialties, page 130. 697 Nux Vomica and Pepsin, R 2 1 15 60 15 698 Podophyllin and Leptandrin 55 30 699 Cardiac (Dr. Waldsteia) 1 85 95 22 701 Quinine and Digitalis Comp. (Dr. Fowler) 95 50 13 702 Arsenic bromide, 1-50 gr 35 20 703 Arsenic bromide, 1-40 gr 35 20 704 Arsenic bromide, 1-20 gr 40 23 705 Aconite and Belladonna 45 25 706 Cold and Fever (Dr. Evan F. Smith) 40 23 707 Bronchitis (Dr. Delafield) 75 40 11 708 Rhus Toxicodendron, fluid extract, 1 m, 40 23 710 Strychnine arsenite, 1-100 gr 40 23 711 Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, R “ E ” 35 20 712 Quinine and Aconite 1 50 78 18 713 Rhinitis (full strength) 1 05 55 14 714 Mercury and Charcoal (Dr. R. Tilley) 55 30 715 Aloin, Belladonna, Strychnine and Cascara Sagrada, R 2 75 40 11 716 Opium and Camphor 65 35 717 Blank Tablets, Pink (not medicated) 30 18 718 Blank Tablets, Yellow (not medicated) 30 18 719 Blank Tablets, Black (not medicated) 30 18 720 Blank Tablets, White (not medicated) 30 18 721 Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1-2 gr 40 23 722 Coryza (Dr. H. J. Kenyon) 90 48 12 723 Sulphur, 1-10 gr 35 20 721 Mercury with chalk, 2 grs 50 28 Nos. 196, 656, 700 and 709 have been discontinued. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement 9 see pages 162 to 181. TABLET TRITURATES. We would direct the special attention of Physicians and Pharmacists to our Improved Lofoten Cod-Liver Oil Superior to any Cod-Liver Oil on the American Market. Bland, Palatable, and prepared with the special intention of preserving its Therapeutic Properties. For price, see Specialties, page 133. 196 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s Tablet Triturates from Mother Tinctures. We have added to our list of laboratory products the following line of Tablet Triturates. The Mother Tinctures from which these are pre- pared are procured from the most reliable manufacturers of homoeo- pathic products in Europe, and can be depended on to be authentic in every respect, and worthy of the confidence of those who are accus- tomed to the use of homoeopathic preparations, since they conform strictly to every requirement of the Hahnemannian pharmacopoeia. The Tablet Triturates themselves are made with every care from these Mother Tinctures, and we guarantee each tablet to represent exactly the quantity indicated. MOTHER TINCTURE TRITURATES M D C List PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. Per Per Per No. 1000 500 100 850 Aconitum, 1 H $ 33 $ 10 851 Aconitum, 2 iq 70 38 10 852 Actsea racemosa, 1 iq 33 10 853 Acteea racemosa, 2 iq 40 11 854 Ailanthus glandulosa, 1 iq 85 10 855 Aloe, 1 iq 30 10 856 Apis mellifica, 1 iq 40 11 857 Apocynum cannabinum, 1 iq 40 11 858 Apocynum cannabinum, 2 iq .. 1 05 55 14 859 Arnica e radice, 1 iq 30 10 860 Asclepias tuberosa, 1 iq 40 11 861 Asclepias tuberosa, 2 iq 53 13 862 Baptisia, 1 iq 35 10 863 Baptisia, 2 Rl 45 1* 864 Belladonna, 1 iq 33 10 865 Belladonna, 2 iq 38 10 866 Bryonia alba, 1 iq 38 10 867 Bryonia alba, 2 iq 40 11 868 Cactus grandiflorus, 1 iq 75 40 11 869 Calendula, 1 iq 33 10 870 Cannabis Indica, 1 iq 33 10 871 Cantharis, 1 iq 33 10 872 Cantharis, 2 iq 43 11 873 Capsicum, 1-2 iq 28 10 874 Capsicum, 1 iq 33 10 875 Capsicum, 2 iq 80 43 11 876 Causticum, 1 iq 33 10 877 Causticum, 2 iq 43 11 878 Chamomilla, 1 iq 30 10 879 Chamomilla, 2 iq 38 10 880 Chelidonium, 1 iq 33 10 881 Chimaphilla, 1 iq 33 10 882 China, 1 iq 33 10 197 Mother Tincture Triturates. PART TWO. M D C List PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. Per Per Per No. 1000 500 100 883 China, 2 HI $ 43 $ 11 884 Cistus, 1 Rl 30 10 885 Clematis, 1 Rl 33 10 886 Cocculus, 1 Rl 33 10 887 Cocculus, 2 Rl 38 10 888 Coffea, 1 Rl 30 10 889 Coffea, 2 tti 40 11 890 Colchicum, 1 Rl 33 10 891 Colchicum, 2 tit 38 10 892 Collinsonia, 1 Rl 35 10 893 Collinsonia, 2 Rl 63 15 894 Colocynthis, 1 Rl 33 10 895 Colocynthis, 2 Rl 40 11 896 Conium, 1 Rl 30 10 897 Conium, 2 Rl 35 10 898 Corydalis Formosa, 1 Rl 38 10 899 Cubeba, 1 Rl 28 10 900 Cubeba, 2 Rl 50 13 901 Digitalis, 1 Rl 33 10 902 Digitalis, 2 Tit 38 10 903 Bioscorea, 1 Rl 43 11 904 Dloscorea, 2 Rl 60 15 905 Drosera, 1 Rl 33 10 906 Drosera, 2 Rl 43 11 907 Dulcamara, 1 Rl 33 10 908 Euphrasia, 1 Rl 33 10 909 Euonymus Europseus, 1 Rl 33 10 910 Gelsemium, 1 Rl 33 10 911 Gelsemium, 2 Rl 80 43 11 912 Guaiacum, 1 Rl 33 10 913 Hamamelis, 1 Rl.. 33 10 914 Hamamelis, 2 Rl 45 12 915 Hydrastis, 1 Rl 33 10 916 Hydrastis, 2 Rl 45 12 917 Hyoscyamus, 1 Rl 60 33 10 918 Hyoscyamus, 2 Rl 38 10 919 Ignatia, 1 Rl 33 10 920 Ignatia, 2 Rl 38 10 921 Ipecacuanha, 1 Rl 33 10 922 Ipecacuanha, 2 Rl . . 80 43 11 923 Iris versicolor, 1 Rl 40 11 924 Kalmia, 1 Rl 43 11 925 Leptandra, 1 Rl 43 11 926 Lobelia, 1 Rl 33 10 927 Nux Vomica, 1 Rl 28 10 928 Nux Vomica, 2 Rl 40 11 929 Opium, 1 Rl 40 11 MOTHER TINCTURE TRITURATES. 198 PART TWO. Mother Tincture Triturates. M D C List PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER AND LETTER. Per Per Per No. 1000 500 100 930 Opium, 2tr $ 65 $ 16 931 Phosphorus, Itr 65 35 10 932 Phosphorus, 2 iR 45 12 933 Physostigma, 1 tr 33 10 934 Physostigma, 2 tr 58 14 935 Phytolacca, 1 tr 35 10 936 Podophyllum, 1TR 60 33 10 937 Podophyllum, 2iR 55 14 938 Pulsatilla, 1 TR 33 10 939 Pulsatilla, 2 TR 40 11 940 Rhus Toxicodendron, 1 TR 33 10 941 Rhus Toxicodendron, 2 TR 75 40 11 942 Rumex, 1 TR 33 10 943 Sambucus, 1 TR 33 10 944 Senecio aureus, 1 TR 40 11 945 Spigelia, 1 TR 33 10 946 Spongia, 1 TR 33 10 947 Spongia, 2 tr 80 43 11 948 Sticta, 1 TR 33 10 949 Thuja, 1 tr 33 10 950 Thuja, 2 Til 43 11 951 Urtica, 1 TR 33 10 952 Veratrum album, 1 tr 33 10 953 Veratrum album, 2 tr 40 11 954 Veratrum viride, 1 tr 35 10 955 Veratrum viride, 2 tr 45 12 956 Viburnum Opulus, 1 tr 33 10 957 Viburnum prunifolium, 1 TR 30 10 MOTHER TINCTURE TRITURATES. CHOCOLATE-COATED TABLETS. Especial attention is directed to our new line of Chocolate-coated Tablets (see page 229), which we have added in response to the request of many of our patrons. We guarantee them to be made by the most approved processes and of the best materials. 199 Compressed Tablets. Put up in bottles of 1000 (“M”), 500 (“D”), and 100 (“C”). We furnish to order any other desired formula, the nature and quantity of which will admit of being presented in this form. Additions will constantly be made as demand may necessitate. ALPHABETICAL LIST, PAGES 199 TO 217. NUMERICAL LIST, PAGES 217 TO 224. 1 Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo 1 M D C 1 are supplied at ro cts. per bot. j Per iooo Per 500 Per ico Absorbent Dyspeptic (3^5)I 45 $ 75 $ 18 Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. Charcoal, 2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 2 1-2 grs. Acetanilid, 2 grs (1).. SO 28 Acetanilid, 3 grs (2).. 60 33 Acetanilid, 4 grs (3).. 75 40 II fAcetanilid, 5 grs (4).. 80 43 II Acetanilid, Aromatic (53) • • 85 45 12 Acetanilid, 5 grs. Oil Gaultheria, q. s. Acetanilid Compound, see Migraine. fAcetanilid Compound, 9 I (127).. 50 28 Acetanilid, 2 grs. FI. ext. Gelsemium, 1 ni. Acetanilid Compound, 9 2 (128).. 75 40 II Acetanilid, 4 grs. FI. ext. Gelsemium, 2 HI. Acetanilid Compound, 9 3 (129).. 1 20 63 15 Acetanilid, 3 grs. Morphine Comp, powder, 3 grs. Acetanilid Compound, 9 4 (130).. 1 40 73 17 Acetanilid, 2 1-2 grs. Citrated Caffeine, 1 gr. Gelsemperin, i-ro gr. Acetanilid and Gelsemperin Comp., see Acetanilid Comp., 9 4- Acetanilid and Quinine (326).. 2 50 1 28 28 Acetanilid, 2 1-2 grs. Quinine sulphate, 2 1-2 grs. Acetanilid and Salol (255).. 3 20 1 63 .15 Acetanilid, 2 1-2 grs. Salol, 2 1-2 grs. fAcetanilid and Sodium Compound.. (106).. 1 00 53 13 Acetanilid, 3 1-2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 9-10 gr. Sodium bromide, 1-10 gr. Citrated Caffeine, 1-2 gr. Acetanilid and Sodium Comp., 9 2 .. (131).. 1 40 73 17 Acetanilid, 2 1-2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 2 1-2 grs. Citrated Caffeine, 1 gr. Tinct. Gelsemium, 3 fll. fSee note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 200 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s ( Formulae not priced in bottles of 100 ) M D C f are supplied at io cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per soo Per 100 Acetanilid, Sodium and Quinine Com- pound (236). $ 3 20 * I 63 t 35 Acetanilid, 3 1-2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 9-10 gr. Sodium bromide, 1-10 gr. Citrated Caffeine, 1-2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Alum Compound (for injection) (6). 65 35 Alum, 2 1-2 grs. Zinc sulphate, 2 grs. FI. Golden-seal, colorless, 1 tti. Morphine sulphate, 1-32 gr. Ammonium bromide, 5 grs (216). 95 5o 13 Ammonium chloride, 3 grs (54).. 35 20 See also Specialties, page 133. Ammonium chloride, 3 grs (213).. 40 23 See also Specialties, page 133. Ammonium chloride and Liquorice.. (242).. 1 00 53 13 Ammonium chloride, 2 grs. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, S grs. Ammonium salicylate Compound.. ..(132). 6 80 3 43 7i Ammonium salicylate, 3 grs. Phenacetine (Bayer), 1 gr. Caffeine, 1-2 gr. Salicin, 11-2 grs. Anodyne (7). Camphor, x gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. 1 30 68 16 Morphine acetate, 1-20 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-20 ill. Antacid (Sir Wm. Roberts, M.D.)....(8).. 60 33 Calcium carbonate, precip., 3 1-2 grs. Magnesium carbonate, 2 1-2 grs. Sodium chloride, 1 gr. See note 10. fAnti-Asthmatic (Hare) (55)- 2 60 1 33 29 Potassium iodide, 2 grs. Sodium bromide, 2 grs. FI. ext. Euphorbia pilulifera, 3 m,. Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-200 gr. Tinct. Lobelia, 2 Tit. Anti-Asthmatic, 9 2 (Dr.L.T.Stevens)(i33) • 4 >5 2 10 45 Potassium iodide, 5 grs. Solution Potassium arsenite, 1 lit. Tinct. Lobelia, 4 xit. Tinct. Belladonna leaves, 1 1-2 13,. Tinct. Opium deodorized, 1-2 tti. Oil Gaultheria, q. s. Anti-Constipation (9). 75 40 11 Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica. 1-8 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-8 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-8 gr. Anti-Dyspeptic (134). Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. 1 25 65 16 Mass of Mercury, 2 grs. Ext. Colocynth compound, 2 grs. t See note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 201 Compressed Tablets. PART TWO. j Formulae not priced in bottles of 100 I M D C ) are supplied at io cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 fAnti-Dyspeptic, 9 2 (135) • $ 50 $ 28 $ .. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Powd. Ipecac, i-io gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. Ext. Rhubarb, 1-4 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-2 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 2 grs. Anti-Dyspeptic, 9 3 (Fothergill Im- 65 35 9 # proved) (136) Ext. Gentian, 1 gr. Mass of Mercury, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-10 gr. Strychnine, 1-40 gr. Anti-Lithic (Dr. Hewish) (137) . I 25 65 16 Sodium phosphate, 4 grs. Lithium benzoate, 1 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 1 gr. Potassium bicarbonate, 1 gr. Sodium chloride, 1 gr. Anti-Malarial (36) . 2 85 I 45 32 Powd. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 3 grs. Antimonial Powder (James Powder), 3 &rs (138) 40 23 fAntipyrine, 3 grs (ill). • 15 25 7 65 I 56 Antipyrine, 5 grs (112). • 23 45 n 75 2 38 Anti-Rheumatic, R 2 (232). • 2 45 1 25 28 Potassium iodide, 2 grs. Ext. Phytolacca root, 1 gr. Guaiac, 3 grs. Colchicine, 1-100 gr. Digitalin, pure, 1-100 gr. Antiseptic Tablets, see Specialties, p. 130. fAnti-Vomiting, 9 I, see Creosote Comp. Anti-Vomiting, 9 2, see Nausea, R 2. Aphrodisiac (10). . 1 05 55 14 Ext. Damiana, 2 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Zinc phosphide, 1-10 gr. Cantharides, 1-25 gr. Astringent Wash (304). 70 38 Lead acetate, 2 grs. Zinc acetate, 2 grs. Berberine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr. Morphine acetate, 1-32 gr. Bismuth and Calomel (139) • Bismuth subnitrate, 2 grs. Mercurous chloride, mud, 1-10 gr. . 1 50 78 18 Aromatic powder, 1 gr. Bismuth and Charcoal (57). . 1 50 78 18 Bismuth subnitrate, 2 grs. Charcoal, 5 grs. t See note at head of page So. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 202 PART TWO. Specify P. Do & Co?$ < Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo ( M D c l are supplied at io cts. per bot. f Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Bismuth and Creosote (122). •$ 2 95 $ 1 50 $ 33 Bismuth subnitrate, 5 grs. Beechwood Creosote, 1-2 m,. Milk-sugar, 2 grs. Bismuth and Ipecac Compound,., (140). • 1 50 78 18 Bismuth subnitrate, 2 grs. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-20 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-50 gr. Aromatic powder, 1 gr. Bismuth, Opium and Carbolic acid. .(141). . 2 50 1 28 28 Bismuth subnitrate, 5 grs. Powd. Opium, 1-2 gr. Aromatic powder, 1 gr. Carbolic acid, 1-2 gr. Bismuth salicylate, Aromatic Bismuth salicylate, basic, 3 grs. Prepared chalk, 2 grs. 1 18 26 (253). • 2 30 Aromatic powder, 1 gr. Zinc sulphocarbolate, 1 1-4 grs. Bismuth subgallate, see Dermatol. Bismuth subnitrate, 5 grs (214). • 2 SO 1 28 28 Bitter Tonic Wine Ipecac, 1 ui. Tinct. Capsicum, 2 m,. (245)• 40 23 Tinct. Nux vomica, 5 HI. Tinct. Gentian comp., 5 m,. Blaud Mass, see Ferrous carb. (Blaud). Blaud (Nascent), 5 grs (310). rerrou 50 28 Each tablet corresponds to 5 grs carbonate mass (Blaud). s Blaud with Nux Vomica (142). 40 23 Ferrous carbonate mass (Blaud), 3 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-6 gr. Blaud and Sumbul Compound (143). 70 38 Ferrous carbonate mass (Blaud), 3 grs. Ext. Musk-root, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Borax (Sodium borate), 5 grs •(58). 35 20 See also Specialties, page 133. Boric acid, 5 grs 60 33 Bromide and Caffeine Compound . (144). • 2 35 120 27 Sodium bromide, 5 grs. Caffeine, 1-2 gr. Acetanilid, 2 grs. Tinct. Gelsemium, 3 m. Bronchial (325) • 60 33 Ammonium chloride, 1-3 gr. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 1 gr. Balsam Tolu, 1-5 gr Oleoresin Cubeb, 1-6 minim. Powd Hyoscyamus, 1-4 gr. Powd. Senega, 1-5 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-50 gr. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 203 Compressed Tablets. PART TWO. ( Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo ) M D C ) are supplied at io cts. per bot. f Per iooo Per 500 Per 100 Brown Mixture, ioo ni (59)..# 85 Each compressed tablet represents 100 ill compound mixture of Glycyrrhiza of the U. S. P. 1890, and contains: Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 3 grs. Powd. Opium, 1-20 gr. Benzoic acid, 1-20 gr. Camphor, 1-20 gr. Antimony and Potassium tartrate, 1-40 gr. Oil Anise, 1-20 m,. See also Specialties, page 133. Brown Mixture and Ammonium chloride. See Specialties, page 133. Brown Mixture Compound (60).. 45 Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 1 4-5 grs. Powd. Opium, 3-100 gr. Benzoic acid, 3-100 gr. Camphor, 3-100 gr. Antimony and Potassium tartrate, 3-200 gr. Oil Anise, 3-100 fll. Ammonium chloride, 1 gr. Buchu Compound (infusion) (324).. 1 25 $ 45 25 $ 12 65 16 Infusion Buchu, 120 ut. Tinct. Hyoscyamus, 20 m,. Potassium bicarbonate, 6 grs. Bullock’s Blood, see Hceminal. Cactus Grandiflorus Comp., see Heart Tonic. Calomel, 4 grs (125).. 1 15 60 15 (Mercurous chloride, mild.) fCalomel, 5 grs (61).. x 20 Calomel and Capsicum (62).. 70 63 38 15 Mercurous chloride, mild, 2 grs. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 gr. Calomel and Rhubarb Compound... (145).. 60 .33 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-3 gr. Ext. Rhubarb, 1-2 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-6 gr. fCalomel and Sodium bicarb., B 1 • • • (146).. 50 28 Mercurous chloride, mild, 1 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 1 gr. Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, B 2 (11).. 75 40 11 Mercurous chloride, mild, 2 1-2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 2 1-2 grs. Calomel and Sodium bicarb. Comp .. (147).. 85 45 12 Mercurous chloride, mild, 2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 2 grs. Podophyllum resin, 1-3 gr. Camphor, Hyoscyamus and Valerian. (148).. 73 40 II Camphor, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Ext. Valerian, 1-2 gr. fCamphor monobromated,2 grs (233).. I 00 53 13 Camphor monobromated, 3 grs (234).. 1 25 65 16 Cascara Sagrada Extract, 3 grs*.. (306).. go 48 12 fSee note at head of page 50. *Sugar-coated only. COMPRESSED TABLETS. FART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s J Formulas not priced in bottles of 100 1 M ( are supplied at 10 cts. per bot. ( Per 1000 D Per 500 C Per 100 Cascara Sagrada Extract, 5 grs (207).. $ I 25 $ 65 $ 16 Cascarin Compound (12).. Aloin, 1-4 gr. Cascarin, 1-4 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. 50 28 Cathartic Comp., U. S. P (149).. 1 20 Ext. Colocynth comp...Gm. 0.08 about 1 1-4 grs. Mercurous chlor., mild.Gm. 0.06 “ 1 gr. Ext. Jalap Gm. 0.03 '* 1-2 gr. Powd. Gamboge Gm. 0.015 “ 1-4 gr. 63 15 Cathartic, Vegetable (150).. Ext. Colocynth, 1-3 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-4 gr. Scammony resin, 1-3 gr. Aloes, Socotrine, 1 1-4 grs. Powd. Cardamom, 1-4 gr. Powd. Soap, 1-2 gr. Cereus Grandiflorus Comp., see Heart Tonic. I 30 68 16 Cerium oxalate, 2 grs (235) • • 65 35 .. Chalk Mixture, 60 minims (305).. Prepared chalk, 3 3-5 grs. Powd. Sugar, 6 grs. Powd. Acacia, 2 2-5 grs. Oil Cinnamon, 6-125 fll. Chalybeate, see Saline and Chalybeate. 65 35 Charcoal, 5 grs (63).. 35 20 fCharcoal, 10 grs (64).. 55 30 Charcoal and Pepsin (115).. Charcoal, 5 grs. Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 2 grs. 60 33 • * Chloral, 5 grs (123).. 1 35 70 17 Chlorodyne (14) •• Morphine hydrochlorate, 1-6 gr. Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-4 gr. Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-300 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-10 ui. Oil Peppermint, 1-10 m,. Cinchonidine salicylate, 2 1-2 grs.... (15).. 2 00 1 75 1 03 90 23 21 fCinchonidine salicylate, 5 grs (16).. 3 5o l 78 38 Cinchonidine sulphate, 2 grs.(j.-r.) ..(312).. Cobb, see Opium and Ipecac Comp. Cocaine, i}4, 2 % and 3 grs., see Specialties, 1 25 65 16 page 132. Cocaine and Cubeb Compound (17).. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-12 gr. Oleoresin Cubeb, 1-8 HI. Ammonium chloride, 2 grs. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 2 grs. Cold, No. 3 (65) •• Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Ipecac and Opium powder, 2 grs. rowd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. Tinct. Aconite, 1 Til. 2 55 2 40 1 30 1 23 29 27 JSee note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. Corn-pressed Tablets. PART TWO. ( Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo 1 M D C { are supplied at io cts. per bot. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Copper arsenite, see Tablet Triturates. Coryza (243) ■ $ I 05 $ 55 $ 14 Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Ammonium chloride, 1-2 gr. Camphor, 1-2 gr. Powdered Opium, 1-10 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-20 gr. Ext. Aconite root, 1-10 gr. 28 Cough, No. 2 Ammonium carbonate, 1 gr. (246) 50 # ’ Powdered Squill, 3-4 gr. Powdered Senega, 3*4 gr- Tinct. Opium camphorated, 5 HI. . 65 35 Cough (Dr. J. B. Goodwin) (320) •• Sanguinarine nitrate, 1-60 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Atropine sulphate, 1-600 gr. Antimony and Potassium tartrate, 1-25 gr. Tinct. Aconite, i-io ui. Powd. Ipecac, i-io gr. Pine Tar, 1-4 gr. (311) 38 Creosote (Beechwood), I fll 70 •• Creosote Compound (152) . 2 20 1 13 25 Beechwood Creosote, t-8 m,. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr. Cerium oxalate, 2 grs. Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1-4 gr. Tinct. Nux vomica, 1-4 m,. 38 Cubeb Compound (Gonorrhoea)... • (I8) 70 • • Powd. Cubeb, 3-4 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1-8 gr. Copaiba mass, 1-2 gr. Venice Turpentine, 1-4 gr. Oil Santal, 1-10 m,. Oil Gaultheria, 1-20 ni. 58 Cystitis, B 1 . I 10 14 Boric acid, 2 grs. Potassium bicarbonate, 2 grs. Ext. Buchu, 1 gr. Ext. Triticum, 1 gr. Ext. Corn-silk, 1-2 gr. Ext. Hydrangea, 1-2 gr. Atropine sulphate, 1-500 gr. (153) 17 Cystitis, 92 . I 35 70 Benzoic acid, 3 grs. Sodium borate, 2 grs. Ext. Buchu, 1 gr. Ext. Triticum, 1 gr. Ext. Corn-silk, 1-2 gr. Ext. Hydrangea, 1-2 gr. Atropine sulphate, 1-500 gr. 60 15 fDamiana Compound Ext. Damiana, 2 grs. . 1 15 Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Phosphorus, 1-30 gr. Damiana Comp.,B 2(Dr.LaMadrid)(i54) . 1 05 55 14 Zinc phosphide, 1-10 gr. Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-4 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-40 gr. Ext. Damiana, 1 1-2 grs. COMPRESSED TABLETS. t See note at head of page 50. 206 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.’s ( Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo ? M D C ( are supplied at io cts. per bot. J Dermatol. 5 grs (203). (Subgallate of Bismuth.) Per 1000 $ 2 70 Per 500 t I 38 Per 100 $ 30 Diaphoretic (Whitford) (222). 65 35 # , Opium, 1-4 gr. Camphor. 1 gr. Powdered Asclepias, 1-2 gr. Potassium bitartrate, 3 1-4 grs. Diarrhoea (21). 2 CO 1 03 2.3 Bismuth subnitrate, 3 grs. Sacch. Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890, 2 grs. Aromatic Chalk powder, 2 grs. fDigestive, It “A” (66). I 80 93 21 Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. Pure Pancreatin, 1 gr. Calcium lactophosphate, 2 grs. See also page 133. Digestive, 9 “ B ” (f.-c. only) (22). 4 80 2 43 51 Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 3 grs. Diastase, 1-4 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-12 gr. Digestive Tablets, laminated, see Special t.es, page 133. Dipsomania (iSS). i so 78 18 Gold and Sodium chloride, 1-24 gr. Strychnine nitrate, 1-60 gr. Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-200 gr. Atropine, 1-200 gr. Tinct. Digitalis, 3 at. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-8 at. Diuretic (126). 55 30 Powd. Digitalis, 1 gr. Potassium nitrate, 1 gr. Ext. Buchu, 1 gr. Powd. Squill, 1 gr. Dover Powder, 5 grs.. (per tt>, $i.‘jo)..(23). 1 10 58 14 (Ipecac and Opium powder.) Dover Powder and Quinine (327) • 2 55 1 30 29 Ipecac and Opium Powder, 2 1-2 grs. Quinine sulphate, 2 1-2 grs. Emmenagogue (24). Ergotm (Bonjean), 1 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. 1 35 70 17 Ext. Black Hellebore, 1 gr. Aloes, Socotrine, 1 gr. Oil Savine, 1-4 at. fEmmenagogue, Improved (156). 1 50 78 18 Ext. Cotton-root bark, 1 gr. Ergotin (Bonjean), 1 gr. Dried Ferrous sulphate, x gr. Ext. Black Hellebore, 1 gr. Aloes, Socotrine, 1 gr. Oil Savine, 1-4 at. Emmenagogue, Modified (157). 1 05 55 *4 Tinct. Guaiac compound (N. F.), 20 lit. Tinct. Cantharides, 5 at. Tinct. Aloes, 10 at. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 2 grs. t See note at head of page 50. 'S131SV1 Q3SS3dd WOO 207 Compressed Tablets. PART TWO. j Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo I M ( are supplied at 10 cts. per bot. f Per 1000 D Per 500 C Per 100 Ergotin Compound (25)..$ 1 95 Ergo tin (Bonjean), 1 1-2 grs. Tinct. Digitalis, 1-2 tq,. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. S i 00 $ 23 Expectorant (Tonic) (158).. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. Tinct. Digitalis, 2 iq,. Terpin hydrate, 3 grs. Powd. Opium, 1-24 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-4 gr. 1 10 58 14 Febrifuge (247).. Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Acetanilid, 2 grs. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-6 gr. 5 9° 2 98 63 Febrinol, 5 grs (309).. 9 00 4 5.3 94 Fel Bovis (Ox Gall), see Specialties and Tablet Triturates, also pages 211 and 212. Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), 3 grs (67).. 35 20 fFerrous carbonate (Blaud), 5 grs (68).. 40 2.3 .. Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), Modified.(69).. Ferrous carbonate mass (Blaud), 5 grs. Arsenous acid, 1-40 gr. 40 23 Ferrous lactate Compound (Dr. S. W. Mitchell) (t59) • • Ferrous lactate, 2 grs. Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Ext. Ignatia, 1-4 gr. 1 90 98 22 Ferrous lactate and Cinchonine Com- pound (31)., Ferrous lactate, 1 gr. Cinchonine sulphate, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-5 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-30 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. 70 38 fFour Chlorides (Univ. Hosp. Pharm.) (26).. Ferric chloride, 2-3 gr. (equal to 5 iq, Tinct. Ferric chloride). Quinine hydrochlorate, 1 gr. Arsenic chloride, 1-64 gr. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-4S gr. 1 95 1 00 23 Four Chlorides (without mercury).. (160).. Ferric chloride, 2-3 gr. (equal to 5 iq, Tinct. Ferric chloride). Quinine hydrochlorate, 1 gr. Arsenic chloride, 1-64 gr. Ammonium chloride, 2 grs. 1 90 98 22 Four Chlorides, Modified (161).. Ferric chloride, 2-3 gr. (equal to 5 til Tinct. Ferric chloride). Quinine hydrochlorate, 1-2 gr. Arsenic chloride, 1-100 gr. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-100 gr. 1 10 58 14 fSee note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 208 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s ( Formulae not priced in bottles of 100 ) M ( are supplied at xo cts. per bot. J Per xooo D Per 500 C Per too Gargle (328)x 20 Sodium salicylate, 3 1-3 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 3 1-3 grs. Boric acid, 3 1-3 grs. Oil Gaultheria, q. s. $ 63 $ 15 Glycyrrhiza Comp., see Liquorice Powder Comp. Gonorrhoea, see Cubeb Compound. Gray Powder Comp. (Dr. Anderton).(248).. Mercury with chalk, 1 gr. Bismuth subnitrate, 3 grs. Salol, 1 gr. 2 25 I 15 26 Grip (Dr. I. P. Klingensmith) (321).. Ammonium salicylate, 2 1-2 grs. Acetanilid, 2 1-2 grs. Citrated Caffeine, 1-2 gr. 2 25 I 15 26 Guaiac, 2 grs (no).. 40 23 Guaiac and Hydrastis Compound (Throat)..... (162).. Guaiac, 2 grs. Ammonium chloride, 2 grs. Fluid Golden-seal (colorless), 1 m,. Ext. Glycyrrhiza, 2 grs. Guaiacol and Hypophosphites Compound (Dr. R. G. Curtin) (163).. Guaiacol, 1-2 gr. Quinine hypophosphite, 1 gr. Calcium hypophosphite, 1 gr. Ferric hypophosphite, 1-2 gr. Sodium hypophosphite, 1-2 gr. Potassium hypophosphite, 1-4 gr. Manganese hypophosphite, 1-4 gr. Strychnine hypophosphite, 1-64 gr. 50 4 05 28 2 05 44 Hseminal,3 grs. (see page 243) (210).. 85 45 12 Heart Tonic(Cactus grandiflorus Co.) (70).. FI. ext. Cereus grandiflorus, 5 m,. Tinct. Digitalis, 2 nt. Citrated Caffeine, 2 grs. 2 40 1 23 27 Hematic (Kirwan) (223).. Strychnine sulphate, 1-240 gr. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-120 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-96 gr. Ferrous sulphate, 2 grs. Potassium carbonate, 2 grs. 35 20 Hydrastine Compound (164).. Lead acetate, 2 grs. Zinc sulphate, 2 grs. Hydrastine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr. Morphine acetate, 1-32 gr. 75 40 II Hypnotic (249).. Sodium bromide, 3 grs. Acetanilid, 2 grs. Hyoscvamine, pure, 1-400 gr. Digitalin, pure, 1-400 gr. 1 35 70 17 'siaiavi Q3ss3ydiAioo 209 Compressed Tablets. PART TWO. ( Formulae not priced in bottles of 100 ) M D C \ are supplied at io cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Hypophosphites and Quinine Compound (without strychnine) (27)..$ 2 80 Quinine hypophosphite, 1 gr. $ i 43 % 31 Ferric hypophosphite, 1-2 gr. Calcium hypophosphite, 1-2 gr. Sodium hypophosphite, 1-4 gr. Potassium hypophosphite, 1-4 gr. Manganese hypophosphite, 1-4 gr. Hypophosphites and Quinine Compound with Strychnine (28).. 2 90 1 48 32 Formula as above, adding to each tablet Strychnine hypophosphite, 1-64 gr. Hypophosphites and Quinine Compound with Creosote (29).. 3 00 1 53 33 Same as 3 of No. 28, with addition of Beechwood Creosote 1-2 m, to each tablet. Intestinal Tonic (202).. 1 10 58 14 Euonymin, brown, 2-5 gr. Podophyllum resin, 1-5 gr. Beechwood Creosote, 1-3 ti\.. Ext. Chirata, 1 gr. Leptandrin, 2-5 gr. Iron oxide, Saccharated, 3 grs. (Eisen- zucker) 3*6.. 55 30 Iron oxide, Saccharated, 5 grs. (Eisen- zucksr) 317.. Iron, Quinine and Aloes Compound (Dr. 75 40 11 Duncan) 250.. 2 90 1 48 32 Reduced Iron, 2 grs. Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Strychnine sulphate, 1-40 gr. Arsenous acid, 1 40 gr. Powdered Aloes, 1-8 gr. Iron, Quinine and Arsenic (237).. 1 70 88 20 Reduced Iron, 2 grs. Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr. fKola nut, 5 grs (211).. 65 35 Kola nut, 10 grs (212).. 1 20 63 15 Kola nut Extract, 2 grs (240).. 1 95 1 00 23 Krameria Compound (30).. 1 10 58 14 FI. ext. Krameria, 1 nf. Bismuth subnitrate, 1 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-4 gr. Powd. Glycyrrhiza, 1-4 gr. Lacto-ferric, see Ferrous Lactate and Cin- chonine Comp. Lactophenin and Salol (227).. Lactophenin(Boehringer—B.&S.), 2% grs 10 95 5 5° 1 13 Salol, 2K grs. Liquorice Powder Comp., 20 grs 71.. 75 40 11 See also Specialties, page 133. tSee note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 210 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co is ( Formulae not priced in bottles of too ) M D C ( are supplied at 10 cts. per bot. J Per 1000 Per 300 Per 100 Lithium citrate, see Specialties, page 138. Local Anaesthetic (Dental), see Hypoder- matic Tablets, Part I. Lupulin and Bromide Compound... (200).. $ 1 15 Lupulin, 1-2 gr. Scutellarin, 1-2 gr. Ergotin (Bonjean), 1-4 gr. Atropine sulphate, 1-2000 gr. Zinc bromide, i-iogr. Mercuric oxide, yellow, 1-200 gr. (about 1-3 milligramme)(see note 121).... (33).. 35 $ 60 $ 15 20 .. Migraine (5) • • 1 00 5.3 1.3 Acetanilid, 2 grs. Camphor monobromated, 1-2 gr. Citrated Caffeine, 1-2 gr. Mixed Treatment (166).. 255 Potassium iodide, 2 grs. Syrup Ferrous iodide, 5 iq. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-64 gr. Solution Arsenic and Mercuric iodide, 2 iq. 1 3C 29 Tinct. Nux vomica, 2 iq. Morphine bromide Compound (215) • • 3 S° 1 78 38 Morphine hydrobromate, 1-8 gr. Hyoscine hydrobromate, 1-150 gr. Camphor monobromated, 2 grs. ♦Nasal... (bots. of 50, $1.40 per doz.).. (34).. 1 20 63 15 Sodium bicarbonate, 5 grs. Sodium borate, 5 grs. Sodium chloride, 5 grs. Sodium benzoate, 7-24 gr. Sodium salicylate, 7-24 gr. Oil Eucalyptus, 7-48 iq. Thymol, 7-48 gr. Menthol, 7-96 gr. Oil Gaultneria, 7-96 iq. ♦Nasal, Improved (209).. (bots of 50, 90c. per doz.) 75 40 11 Sodium borate, 5 grs. Menthol, 3-50 gr. Thymol, 3-50 gr. Sodium chloride, 5 grs. Oil Eucalyptus, 3-50 iq. Oil Gaultneria, 3-100 iq. See also Plasma Nasal, No. 307. Nausea, B 2 (167).. 3 10 1 58 34 Bismuth subnitrate, 2 grs. Cerium oxalate, 2 grs. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-12 gr. Nausea, No. 3 (Dr. Guernsey) (251).. 1 10 58 14 Cerium oxalate, 5 grs. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. fNeuralgic (168).. 2 15 1 10 25 Quinine sulphate, 11-2 grs. Morphine sulphate, 1-20 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-30 gr. Ext. Aconite leaves, 1-4 gr. COMPRESSED TABLETS. tSee note at head of page 50. *See note 126. 211 Compressed Tablets. PART TWO. ( Formula not priced in bottles of ioo ) M D C l are supplied at 10 cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Neuralgic Headache (Dr. Myers)... (124). $1 50 $ 78 $ 18 Sodium bromide, $ grs. Citrated Caffeine, 1-2 gr. Acetanilid (Antifebrin), 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-50 gr. Neuralgic Idiopathic(Brown-Sequard) (35) Ext. Hyoscyamus, 2-3 gr. I 90 98 22 Ext. Conium fruit, 2-3 gr. Ext. Ignatia, 1-2 gr. Ext. Opium, 1-2 gr. Ext. Aconite leaves, 1-3 gr. Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-4 gr. Ext. Stramonium seed, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-6 gr. Neuralgic Idiopathic (Brown-Sequard) halt-strength (224). I 05 55 14 Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-3 gr. Ext. Ignatia, 1-4 gr. Ext. Opium, 1-4 gr. Ext. Belladonna leaves, 1-12 gr. Ext. Conium fruit, 1-3 gr. Ext. Stramonium seed, 1-10 gr. Ext. Aconite leaves, 1-6 gr. Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-8 gr. Neuralgic, Improved (169). 2 90 1 48 32 Quinine sulphate, 2 grs. Acetanilid, 2 grs. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 gr. Ext. Indian Cannabis, 1-4 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-100 gr. Nux Vomica and Ignatia Comp (170). 50 28 Tinct. Nux vomica, 1 m,. Tinct. Ignatia, 1 fll. Tinct. Cinchona,* nf. Tinct. German Chamomile, 1 HI. Tinct. Gentian, 1 m,. Tinct. Calumba, 1-2 HI. Phosphorus, 1-300 gr. Aromatic powder, 1 gr. Opium, Camphor and Tannin (j.-f.)..(i7i). Camphor, 1 gr. i 35 70 17 Opium, 1-4 gr. Tannic acid, 2 grs. Opium and Hyoscyamus (172). 1 10 58 M Opium, 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. Opium and Ipecac Comp. (Cobb)... (301). Powd. Opium, 1-3 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 2-3 gr. 85 45 12 Powd. Ipecac, 2-3 gr. Powd. Soap, 2-3 gr. Ox Gall Compound (173). 2 10 1 08 24 Inspissated Ox Gall, 1 gr. Pure Pancreatin, 1 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-4 gr. Quinine hydrochlorate, 1-2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Ext. Taraxacum, 1 gr. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 212 PART TWO. Specify P. D. dr Cods ( Formulae not priced in bottles of 100 1 M D C ( are supplied at 10 cts. per bot. f Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Ox Gall and Ginger (174)• ■$ 45 $ 25 $ •• Inspissated Ox Gall, 2 grs. Jamaica Ginger, i gr. Ox Gall, Pepsin and Pancreatin.... (175)- • 3 75 I 90 41 Inspissated Ox Gall, 2 grs. Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 2 grs. Pure Pancreatin, 2 grs. fPepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. (r.- grs (7Q).. 40 23 . . See also Specialties, page 134. Potassium chlorate and Ammonium chlo- ride (81).. 40 23 , . Potassium chlorate, 3 1-2 grs. Ammonium chloride, x 1-2 grs. See also Specialties, page 134. Potassium chlorate and Borax (80).. 40 23 Potassium chlorate, 2 1-2 grs. Sodium borate, 2 1-2 grs. See also Specialties, page 134. Potassium iodide, 5 grs (119).. 4 IS 2 IO 45 Potassium nitrate, 5 grs (121).. 30 18 Potassium permanganate, 1-2 gr.... (177).. 30 18 Potassium permanganate, I gr (178).. 30 18 fPotassium permanganate, 2 grs (120).. 35 20 Potassium permanganate, 5 grs (179).. Quinine, plain and sugar-coated. 50 28 See Specialties, page 143. Quinine arsenate, 1-3 gr (180).. Quinine, Iron and Zinc valerianates (half- 90 48 12 strength), (sugar-coated) (181).. 2 00 I 03 23 Quinine valerianate, 1-2 gr. Ferric valerianate, 1-2 gr. Zinc valerianate, 1-2 gr. Quinine tannate, 1 and 2 grs. (with chocolate), see Specialties, page 144. Red Gum, see Specialties, page 144. tSee note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 214 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s ( Formulae not priced in bottles of 100 > M D C l are supplied at io cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Resorcin Compound (Dr. J. North). (256). j! 2 80 $ i 43 $ 31 Resorcin, 5 grs. Sodium borate, 2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 2 grs. Rheumatic, 9 1 (182). Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Ext. Colchicum root, 1 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-2 gr Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-4 gr. Powd. Opium, 1-4 gr. Mass of Mercury, 1 gr. 2 70 1 38 30 fRheumatic, 9 2 (183).. I 80 93 21 Ext. Colocynth comp., 1 1-2 grs. Ext. Colchicum root, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-3 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-3 gr. Rheumatic Throat (Dr. Quinlan)... (259).. 2 00 1 °3 2.3 Sodium salicylate, 7 1-2 grs. Wine Colchicum seed, 5 iR,. Sodium bicarbonate, 2 1-2 grs. Oil Gaultheria, q. s. Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound (Roose velt Hospital) (257). 55 30 Powd. Rhubarb, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr. Sodium bicarbonate, 5 grs. Oil Peppermint, 1-20 iR. Rhubarb and Magnesia (252). 60 .33 Powd. Rhubarb, 2 grs. Calcined Magnesia, 2 grs. Rhubarb and Soda (98). 45 25 Powd. Rhubarb, 1 1-2 grs. Sodium bicarbonate, 1 1-2 grs. Oil Peppermint, q. s. 1 58 Salicin, 5 grs (39)-- 3 10 34 fSalicylic acid, 3 grs (313). 85 45 12 Salicylic acid, 5 grs (314). 1 os 55 M fSalicylic acid and Morphine, 9 1.... (184). 1 70 88 20 Salicylic acid, 2 1-2 grs. Morphine sulphate, 1-12 gr. Salicylic acid and Morphine, 9 2.... (185). 2 75 1 40 31 Salicylic acid, 5 grs. Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr. Saline and Chalybeate Tonic (Flint) (s.-c. brown), No. 118. Discontinued—see Choc olate-coated Tablet No. 134. Saline Tonic (Laxative) (186). Magnesium sulphate, 20 grs. Ferrous sulphate, 1-4 gr. Diluted Sulphuric acid, 2 iR. 60 33 * * Tinct. Quassia, 5 iR. Saline Tonic (Laxative), half-strength Magnesium sulphate, 10 grs. (241). Ferrous sulphate, 1-8 gr. Diluted Sulphuric acid, 1 iR. 45 25 Tinct. Quassia, 2 1-2 iR. t See note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 215 Compressed Tablets. TART TWO. j Formulae not priced in bottles of 1001 M D C ( are supplied at 10 cts. per bot. f Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 fSalol, 21-2 grs $ I 45 $ 32 Salol, 5 grs 2 63 55 Salol and Terpin hydrate ..(42).. 405 2 OS 44 balol, 3 grs. Terpin hydrate, 3 grs. Salt and Iron (Dr. Memminger)... ,(206).. 50 28 Sodium chloride, io grs. Ferrous carbonate mass (Vallet), i err. Ext. Euonymus, 1-4 gr. Saw Palmetto Compound.. .(199)•• I 50 78 18 Ext. Saw Palmetto, 3 grs. Tinct. Cantharides, 2 H,. Tinct. Belladonna leaves, 2 % Ext. Corn-silk, 1-2 gr. Sedans ..(226).. 1 45 75 18 Each tablet represents: Black Haw, 7 1-2 grs. Hydrastis, 7 1-2 grs. Jamaica Dogwood, 3 3-4 grs. Sedative (Dr. B. F. Baer) ,(187).. I 05 55 14 Ext. Valerian, 1 gr. Ext. Musk-root, 1 gr. Asafetida, purified, 1 gr. Sedative (Dr. Brown) .(322).. 1 25 65 16 Sodium bromide, 2 1-2 grs. Potassium bromide, 2 1-2 grs. Ammonium bromide, 2 1-2 grs. Tinct. Hyoscyamus, 5 ui. Tinct. Indian Cannabis, 5 H. Sedative Compound .(188).. 1 00 53 13 Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. Ext. Valerian, r gr. Ext. Musk-root, 1 gr. Asafetida, purified, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr. Senega Compound .(189).. 80 43 11 Ammonium carbonate, 1 gr. Ammonium bromide, 1 gr. Tinct. Squill, 2 m,. Tinct. Senega, 2 up Tinct. Aconite, 1-4 H,. FI. ext. Grindelia, 2 ttl Fluid Guaiac, concentrated, 1-2 m. Soda Mint ••(99).. 35 20 See also Specialties, page 134. Sodium bicarbonate, 5 grs .(100).. 30 18 See also Specialties, "page 134. Sodium bicarbonate, 10 grs •(217)•• 35 20 See also Specialties, page 134. fSodium bromide, 5 grs ••(43).. 85 45 12 Sodium bromide, IO grs 73 17 Sodium salicylate, 3 grs .(190).. 1 05 55 14 fSodium salicylate, 5 grs .(101).. x 25 65 16 Sodium salicylate Compound .(191).. 1 50 78 18 Sodium salicylate, 3 grs. Ext. Colchicum root, 1-2 gr. Tinct. Digitalis, 1 ui. fSee note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 216 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.’s f Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo I M D C \ are supplied at io cts. per bot. f Per IOOO Per 500 Per 100 Sodium sulphite Compound (Anti-Ferment) Sodium sulphite, i gr. (192).. $ Salicylic acid, 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-8 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. 70 00 $ .. Sulphur, 5 grs (102).. 35 20 Sulphur Compound (116).. 80 43 II Washed Sulphur, 5 grs. Ext. Ipecac, 1-100 gr. Ext. Capsicum, 1-500 gr. Potassium bitartrate, 2 grs. Arsenous acid, 1-1000 gr. Sodium benzoate, 1-16 gr. Sulphur and Cream of Tartar (103).. 45 25 Sulphur, sublimed, 4 grs. Potassium bitartrate, 2 grs. Sumbul Compound (Goodell) (r.-f.).(iQ4).. 1 15 60 15 Ext. Musk-root, 1 gr. Asafetida, 2 grs. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-40 gr. Sun Cholera (104).. Tinct. Opium, 3 ui. Tinct Rhubarb, 3 ui. 35 65 Tinct. Capsicum, 3 ill. Spirit Camphor, 3 si. Oil Peppermint, q. s. fSyphilitic, R “ A ” (45).. 2 .38 1 20 27 Potassium iodide, 2 1-2 grs. Mercuric chloride, corrosive, 1-40 gr. Powd. Opium, i-xo gr. Syphilitic, 5 “B” (46).. 2 10 1 08 24 Potassium iodide, 2 1-2 grs. Mercuric chioride, corrosive, 1-40 gr. Terpin hydrate Compound (Dr. T. W. Brockbank) (195) • • I 25 65 16 Terpin hydrate, 3 grs. Tinct. Guaiac, ammoniated, 6 ui. Tinct. Opium, camphorated, 10 ui. FI. ext. Wild Cherry, 5 til. Powd. Belladonna leaves, 1-16 gr. Thyreoids, see Specialties, page 146. Throat (mentholated) (330).. I 00 53 13 Menthol, 1-35 gr. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-280 gr. Oil Anise, 1-80 ui. Benzoic acid, 1-12 gr. Eucalyptol, 1-16 ui. Tonic (Aiken) (196).. I 55 80 19 Quinine sulphate, r gr. Strychnine suphate, 1-50 gr. Reduced Iron, 2-3 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-4 gr. Tonic Chalybeate, see Saline Tonic. t See note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 217 Compressed Tablets. PART TWO. j Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo } M D c "1 are supplied at 10 cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tonic Sedative (Climacteric) (197) .$ 3 10 $ I 58 $ 34 Quinine hydrochlorate, i gr. Tinct. Ferric chloride, 5 Til. Arsenous acid, 1-60 gr. Gold and Sodium chloride, 1-16 gr. Tonic, Vegetable (47) 40 23 Ext. Gentian, 1-2 gr. Ext. Quassia, 1-2 gr. Trifolium Compound (Alterative)... (48) 60 33 . . Ext. Red Clover blossoms, 1-2 gr. Ext. Stillingia, 1-2 gr. Ext. Xanthoxylum, 1-8 gr. Ext. Lappa, 1-2 gr. Ext. Phytolacca root, 1-2 gr. Ext. Iris, 1-4 gr. See note 17m. Triple Bromides (49) . I 05 . 55 14 Sodium bromide, 2 1-2 grs. Potassium bromide, 2 1-2 grs. Ammonium bromide, 2 1-2 grs. i Uterine Astringent and Antiseptic... (198) . I 45 75 18 Alum, 3 grs. Zinc sulphate, 2 grs. Fluid Golden-seal (colorless), 1 1-2 itl. Morphine sulphate, 1-20 gr. Tannic acid, 2 grs. Boric acid, 6 grs. Viburnum Comp. (Uterine Tonic). (So) . I 25 65 16 Ext. Viburnum prunifolium, 1 gr. Ext. Viburnum Opulus, 1 gr. Ext. Star-grass, 1-2 gr. Ext. Helonias, 1-2 gr. Ext. Squaw-vine, 1-2 gr. Caulophyllin, 1-4 gr. ] Viburnum Sedative, see Sedans, page 215. Voice (105) 90 48 12 Potassium chlorate, 2 1-2 grs. Sodium borate, 2 1-2 grs. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr. fWarburg Tincture (208) Each tablet represents 1 fluidrachm Wa • 2 35 120 27 r- burgTincture. Warburg Tincture, no aloes (225) Each tablet represents one fluidrachm . 2 10 1 08 24 of the tincture without aloes. Zinc sulphocarbolate, 2 grs (51) 55 30 fZinc sulphocarbolate, 5 grs (52) .. 1 05 55 14 Numerical Arrangement. Nos. 13, 32, 74, 118, 165, 193, 204. 205, 228-231, 302 and 319 have been discontinued. 1 Acetanilid, 2 grs 50 10 00 $ .. 2 Acetanilid, 3 grs 33 . . 3 Acetanilid, 4 grs 75 40 II 4f Acetanilid, 5 grs 80 43 II t See note at head of page 50. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 218 PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s < Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo ) M D C ' ( are supplied at io cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 5 Migraine $ 1 00 $ 53 $ 13 6 Alum Compound (for injection) 65 35 7 Anodyne 1 30 68 16 8 Antacid (Sir Wm. Roberts, M.D.) 60 33 9 Anti-Constipation 75 40 II io Aphrodisiac 1 05 55 14 II Calomel and Sodium bicarbonate, R 2.. 75 40 II 12 Cascarin Compound 50 28 14 Chlorodyne 2 00 1 03 23 15 Cinchonidine salicylate, 2 1-2 grs 1 75 90 21 i6fCinchonidine salicylate, 5 grs 3 50 1 78 38 17 Cocaine and Cubeb Compound 2 55 1 30 29 18 Cubeb Compound (Gonorrhoea) 70 38 i9fCystitis, R 1 1 10 58 14 2ofDamiana Compound 1 15 60 15 21 Diarrhoea. 2 00 1 03 23 22 Digestive, R “ B ” (sugar-coated only).. 4 80 2 43 51 23 Dover Powder, 5 grs (per lb., $1.50) 1 10 58 14 24 Emmenagogue 1 35 70 17 25 Ergotin Compound 1 95 I CO 23 26fFour Chlorides (Univ. Hosp. Pharm.).. 1 95 1 00 23 27 Hypophosphites and Quinine Compound without strychnine 2 80 1 43 31 28 Hypophosphites and Quinine Compound b with Strychnine 2 90 1 48 32 29 Hypophosphites and Quinine Compound with Creosote 3 00 1 53 33 30 Krameria Compound 1 10 58 14 31 Ferrous lactate and Cinchonine Comp... 70 38 33 Mercuric oxide, yellow, 1-200 gr. (about 1-3 milligramme) (see note 121) 35 20 34*Nasal (bots. of 50, $1.40 per doz.) 1 20 63 15 35 Neuralgic Idiopathic (Brown-Sequard).. 1 90 98 22 36fPepsin and Bismuth, R “A” 2 25 1 15 26 37 Pepsin and Bismuth, R “ B ” 3 40 1 73 37 38 Pepsin and Bismuth, R “C” 1 40 73 17 39 Salicin, 5 grs 3 10 1 58 34 40f Salol, 2 1-2 grs to CO On 1 45 32 41 Salol, 5 grs 5 20 2 63 55 42 Salol and Terpin hydrate 4 05 2 05 44 43fSodium bromide, 5 grs 85 45 12 44 Sodium bromide, 10 grs 1 40 73 17 tSee note at head of page 50. *See note 126. Numerical Arrangement. Nor Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages J9.9 to 217. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 219 Compressed Tablets. PART TWO. j Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo ) M D C \ are supplied at io cts. per bot. ) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 4StSyphilitic, 9 “A” $ 2 35 $ I 20 $ 27 46 Syphilitic, B “ B ” 2 IO I 08 24 47 Tonic, Vegetable 40 23 48 Trifolium Compound (Alterative) 60 33 49 Triple Bromides 1 05 55 M So Viburnum Comp. (Uterine Tonic) 1 25 65 16 51 Zinc sulphocarbolate, 2 grs 55 30 52fZinc sulphocarbolate, 5 grs 1 05 55 14 53 Acetanilid, Aromatic 85 45 12 54 Ammonium chloride, 3 grs. (see also p. 133) 35 20 55tAnti-Asthmatic (Hare) 2 60 1 33 29 56 Anti-Malarial 2 85 1 45 32 57 Bismuth and Charcoal 1 50 7« 18 58 Borax (Sodium borate), 5 grs.(see p. 133) 35 20 59 Brown Mixture, 100 ui (see also p. 133).. 85 45 12 60 Brown Mixture Compound 45 25 6ifCalomel, 5 grs 1 20 63 15 62 Calomel and Capsicum. 70 38 63 Charcoal, 5 grs 35 20 64fCharcoal, 10 grs 55 30 65 Cold, No. 3 2 40 1 23 27 66fDigestive, 9 “A” (see also page 134)... 1 80 93 21 67 Ferrous carbonate (Blaud), 3 grs 35 20 68fFerrous carbonate (Blaud), 5 grs 40 23 69 ferrous carbonate (Blaud), Modified... 40 23 70 Heart Tonic (Cactus grandiflor. Comp.) 2 40 1 23 27 71 Liquorice Powder Compound, 20 grs.... 75 40 11 See also page 135. 72 Pepsin, Bismuth and Charcoal 2 80 1 43 31 73fPepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. (s.-c.) 1 30 68 16 See also page 143. 75 Pepsin, Saccharated, U.S.P. 1890, 5 grs.. 95 50 13 76 Peptonizing, Imp’d, see Specialties, p. 135. 77 Potassium bicarb., 5 grs.(see also p. 134). 50 28 . , 78 Potassium bromide, 5 grs. (see p. 134)... 70 38 79 Potassium chlorate, 5 grs. (see p. 134)... 40 23 80 Potassium chlorate and Borax 40 23 See also page 136. 81 Potassium chlorate and Ammonium chloride (see also page 134) 40 23 82 to 97—Quinine, see Specialties, page 143. t See note at head of page 50. Numerical Arrangement. For Alphabetical Arrangement, see pages 199 to 217. COMPRESSED TABLETS. PART TWO. Specify P. D. & Co.'s N j Formulae not priced in bottles of ioo ) 1 °" ( are supplied at io cts. per bot. ) P M D C er 1000 Per Soo Per 100 98 Rhubarb and Soda. $ 45 $ 25 $ .. 99 Soda Mint (see also page 134) 35 20 xoo Sodium bicarb., 5 grs. (see also p. 134).. 30 18 ioifSodium salicylate, 5 grs 125 65 16 102 Sulphur, 5 grs 35 20 103 Sulphur and Cream of Tartar 45 25 104 Sun Cholera 65 35 105 Voice 90 48 12 io6tAcetanilid and Sodium Compound 1 00 53 13 107 Phenacetine (Bayer), 1 gr 3 70 I 88 40 108 Phenacetine (Bayer), 2 grs 7 10 3 58 74 109+Phenacetine (Bayer), 3 grs 10 35 5 20 I 07 HO Guaiac, 2 grs 40 23 illfAntipyrine, 3 grs 15 25 7 65 1 56 112 Antipyrine, 5 grs 23 45 11 75 2 38 113 Antiseptic, R “C” (green). Appears in our British list only. 114 Phenacetine and Salol 11 40 5 73 I 17 115 Charcoal and Pepsin 60 33 116 Sulphur Compound 80 43 II 117 Antiseptic, R “D” (blue), see page 130. 118 Discontinued. See Chocolate - coated Tablet No. 134. 119 Potassium iodide, 5 grs 4 15 2 10 45 l2ofPotassium permanganate, 2 grs 35 20 121 Potassium nitrate, 5 grs 30 18 , , 122 Bismuth and Creosote 2 95 1 so 33 123 Chloral, 5 grs 1 35 70 17 124 Neuralgic Headache (Dr. Myers) 1 50 78 18 125 Calomel, 4 grs 1 15 60 15 126 Diuretic 55 30 i27fAcetanilid Compound, R 1 50 28 128 Acetanilid Compound, R 2 75 40 11 129 Acetanilid Compound, R 3. 1 20 63 15 130 Acetanilid Compound, R 4 1 40 73 17 131 Acetanilid and Sodium Comp., R 2 1 40 73 17 132 Ammonium salicylate Compound 6 80 3 43 7i 133 Anti-Asthmatic, R 2 (Dr. L. T. Stevens). 4 15 2 10 45 134 Anti-Dyspeptic 1 25 65 16 I35f Anti-Dyspeptic, R 2 50 28 , , 136 Anti-Dyspeptic, R 3 (Fothergill Im- proved) 65 35 fSee note at head of page 50. „^rTTSTTT*rr-unt/rment. j oc $ 10 108 Nitroglycerin (Glonoin), 1-100 gr 33 10 i09fNitroglycerin Compound Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-100 gr. Tinct. Strophanthus, 2 mins. , Tinct. Digitalis, 2 mins. Tinct. Belladonna leaves, 1-4 min. 70 38 10 no Nitroglycerin Compound, B “B” Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-200 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. FI. ext. Digitalis, 1 min. Reduced Iron, 1 gr. Tinct. Strophanthus, 8 mins. 58 14 in Nitroglycerin Compound, B “E” Glonoin (Nitroglycerin), 1-100 gr. Tinct. Strophanthus, 2 mins. Tinct. Digitalis, 3 mins. 90 48 12 112 Nux Vomica, extract, 1-4 gr 65 35 10 113 Nux Vomica and Ignatia Compound.. Tinct. Nux vomica, 1 min. Tinct. Ignatia, 1 min. Tinct. Cinchona, 5 mins. Tinct. German Chamomile, 1 min. Tinct. Gentian, 1 min. Tinct. Calumba, 1-2 min. Phosphorus, 1-300 gr. Aromatic powder, 1 gr. 80 43 11 U4fNux Vomica and Pepsin (Dr. Skiff)... Powd. Nux vomica, 1-100 gr. Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1-10 gr. 75 40 11 115 Nux Vomica and Pepsin, B 2 Ext. Nux vomica, 1-10 gr. Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. 73 17 116 Opium, powdered, 1-2 gr 53 13 117 Opium camphorated, tincture, 10 minims. 75 40 11 118 Ox Gall Compound Inspissated Ox Gall, 1 gr. Pure Pancreatin, 1 gr. Ext. Colocynth comp., 1-4 gr. Quinine hydrochlorate, 1-2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Ext. Taraxacum, 1 gr. 1 28 28 119 Ox Gall, Pepsin and Pancreatin Inspissated Ox Gall, 2 grs. Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 2 grs. Pure Pancreatin, 2 grs. 2 03 43 I20fPepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr .. 1 50 78 18 121 Pepsin Aseptic (1:3000), 2 grs .. 2 75 1 40 3i CHOCOLATE-COATED TABLETS. Chocolate Coated Tablets. PART TWO. M D C No. Per iooo Per 500 Per 100 122 Pepsin and Pancreatin Compound $ 2 25 $ I 15 $ 26 Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr. Pure Pancreatin, 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Oleoresin Ginger, 1-16 min. 95 50 13 (Podophyllum' resin.) i24fPotassium permanganate, 1 gr 45 25 10 125 Potassium permanganate, 2 grs 126 Quinine bisulphate, 2 grs '] 5c 28 10 for i28fQuinine sulphate, 2 grs Quinine Compressed LTablets, plain or 129 Quinine sulphate, 3 grs sugar- coated. See 130 Quinine sulphate, 4 grs Specialties, Part II. 131 Quinine sulphate, 5 grs J Quinine tannate (with chocolate), see Specialties, page 143. 65 16 132 Rhinitis (full strength) Powd. Camphor, 1-2 gr. FI. ext. Belladonna root, 1-4 min. I 25 Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. i33fRhinitis (half strength. Dr. Lincoln).... I 00 53 13 Powd. Camphor, 1-4 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr. FI. ext. Belladonna root, 1-8 min. 134 Saline and Chalybeate Tonic (Flint).... 65 35 10 Sodium chloride, 3 grs. Potassium chloride, 3-20 gr. Potassium sulphate, 1-10 gr. Potassium carbonate, 1-20 gr. Sodium carbonate, 3-5 gr. Magnesium carbonate, 1-20 gr. Calcium phosphate, precip., 1-2 gr. Calcium carbonate, precip., 1-20 gr. Reduced Iron, 9-20 gr. Ferrous carbonate mass (Yallet), 1-20 gr. i3SfSalol, I gr I 60 83 19 136 Salol, 5 grs 5 5o 2 78 58 137 Santonin and Calomel 1 25 65 16 Santonin, 1-2 gr. Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-2 gr. Sedative (Dr. B. F. Baer) (160).. 1 35 70 17 Ext. Valerian, 1 gr. Ext. Musk-root, 1 gr. Asafetida purified, 1 gr. 60 138 Soda Mint 33 10 139 Sodium salicylate, 5 grs 2 00 1 03 23 140 Stomachic (Dr. North) 70 38 10 Pepsin aseptic (1 -.3000), 1-4 gr. Powd. Charcoal, 1-4 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. 28 141 Strychnine nitrate, 1-50 gr 50 10 Strychnine phosphate, 1-100 gr. ..(156).. 50 28 10 CHOCOLATE-COATED TABLETS. 238 PART TWO. Chocolate Coated Tablets. M D C No. Per iooo Per 500 Per 100 142 Strychnine sulphate, 1-100 gr $ 50 $ 28 $ 10 i43fStrychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr 60 33 10 144 Strychnine sulphate, 1-50 gr 60 33 10 145 Strychnine sulphate, 1-40 gr 60 33 10 146 Strychnine sulphate, 1-30 gr 65 35 10 147 Strychnine sulphate, 1-20 gr 70 38 10 148 Sumbul Compound (Goodell) I 40 73 17 Ext. Musk-root, 1 gr. Asafetida, 2 grs. Dried Ferrous sulphate, 1 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-40 gr. 149 Sun Cholera Tinct. Opium, 3 mins. Tinct. Rhubarb, 3 mins. 80 43 11 Tinct. Capsicum, 3 mins. Spirit Camphor, 3 mins. Oil Peppermint, q. s. iSofTonic (Aiken) i 75 90 21 Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Reduced Iron, 2-3 gr. Arsenous acid, 1-50 gr. Strychnine sulphate, 1-50 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-4 gr. 151 Tonic, Vegetable 60 33 10 Ext. Gentian, 1-2 gr. Ext. Quassia, 1-2 gr. 152 Tonsillitis 60 33 10 Tinct. Aconite, 1-5 min. Tinct. Belladonna leaves, 1-10 min. Tinct. Bryonia, 1-10 min. Mercuric iodide, red, 1-100 gr. 153 Not yet added. 154 Viburnum Compound (Uterine Tonic).. 1 50 78 18 Ext. Viburnum Prunifolium, 1 gr. Ext. Viburnum Opulus, 1 gr. Ext. Star-grass, 1-2 gr. Ext. Helonias, 1-2 gr. Ext. Squaw-vine, 1-2 gr. Caulopkyllin, 1-4 gr. 155 Zinc phosphide and Nux Vomica 75 40 11 Zinc phosphide, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. 156 Strychnine phosphate, 1-100 gr 50 28 10 157 Cholagogue (Dr. C. M. Drake) 158 Acetanilid and Sodium Compound with 75 40 11 63 Codeine 6 00 3 03 159 Acetanilid and Sodium Compound with Quinine 4 00 2 03 43 160 Sedative (Dr. B. F. Baer) 1 35 70 17 161 Corrective, Infants’ (Dr. A. W. Ives)... 1 00 53 13 CHOCOLATE-COATED TABLETS. 239 We present to the medical profession a line of digestive agents which, by virtue of superiority and general excellence, has not only met with wide application but has done much to raise the absurdly low standards of strength which formerly prevailed. Of the many digestive preparations which appear in our list, the following deserve special mention. See also note 167, “Taka-Diastase.” DIGESTIVE FERMENTS. PEPSIN ASEPTIC. We formerly marketed aseptic pepsins ranging in strength from one thousand (inooo) to fifteen thousand (1:15000), but since the adoption of the rational standard digestive power of three thousand (1:3000) in the U. S. P. 1890, we have deemed it expedient to list only 2000, 3000 and 4000, which appear to cover all prac- tical requirements. If, however, our customers desire any special strength, we shall be pleased to offer quotations. We unhesitatingly pronounce these pepsins superior in every particular to any similar products now upon the market. Strength. We are prepared to supply almost any digestive power desired. Solubility. All are readily soluble. Permanence. Practically free from peptone, they are re- markably permanent and will keep indefinitely under ordinary protection. Purity. The absence of odor is the best testimony of their superiority in this particular, they being entirely free from all taint or suspicion of putrefaction. Appearance. The scales are bright and clear, while the powdered product compares favorably with any and is very con- venient for dispensing. DIGESTIVE FERMENTS. PEPSIN, U. S. P. 1890. This official product will be found quite satisfactory for gen- eral use. One grain is capable of dissolving 3000 grains of freshly coagulated and disintegrated egg albumen. Our product is highly recommended as fully meeting the pharmacopoeia! requirements. We furnish this on all unspecified orders for Pure Pepsin, although many pharmacists and physicians prefer to use our Pep- sin Aseptic 114000, which was well established before., the U. S. P. 1890 standard was adopted. Odorless and invariable. One grain will dissolve 300 grains of freshly coagulated and disintegrated egg albumen, thus fulfilling the requirements of the U. S. P. 1890. As most saccharated pepsins on the market are very weak, compared with this preparation, we’particularly emphasize, its strict conformityJ;o the pharmaco- pceial standard." HI ~ We supply this product on all unspecified orders for Saccha- rated Pepsin. The strength of Saccharated Pepsin, U. S. P. 1880, is one-sixth of the foregoing, one grain dissolving only 50 grains of coagulated egg albumen. SACCHARATEDTPEPSIN, U. S. P. 1890. 240 LACTATED PEPSIN. This well known digestive agent is a mixture of pepsin, pan- creatin, lactic acid, maltose, diastase, and hydrochloric acid. It has proved of unfailing benefit in many forms of indigestion. Lactated Pepsin is not protected by patent or trademark. ELIXIR LACTATED PEPSIN. This Elixir presents the properties of Lactated Pepsin appro- priately combined with aromatics. It is an efficient digestive and an attractive placebo. Each fluidounce represents 80 grains Lac- tated Pepsin. A permanent glycerin solution containing the ferment in a remarkably active condition and in a form specially designed to meet the requirements of the dispenser and manufacturer. One minim will digest 300 grains of coagulated egg albumen. One minim is therefore equal to six grains of Saccharated Pepsin, U. S. P. 1880, or one grain of Saccharated Pepsin, U. S. P. 1890. It has an agreeable odor and taste. Combined with diluted hydro- chloric acid it forms a highly concentrated artificial gastric fluid. It forms clear solutions with syrup, glycerin, aromatic elixir and aromatic waters. GLYCEROLE OF PEPSIN, CONCENTRATED. DIGESTIVE FERMENTS. An artificial gastric fluid containing all the elements which are essential to peptic digestion. In potency it surpasses the elixirs, essences and wines of pepsin commonly met with in the market, while its flavor and general palatability will commend it to the most fastidious palate. In addition to its proteolytic power, it possesses the property of curdling milk and is therefore useful for the prep- aration of junket, or curds and whey. One teaspoonful will com- pletely digest 3000 grains of coagulated and disintegrated egg albumen. PEPSIN CORDIAL. An agreeable appetizer and aid to digestion; one teaspoonful will digest 1000 grains of coagulated and disintegrated egg al- bumen. A combination of superior lime juice with our aseptic pepsin fulfills a large number of indications, especially in those common cases where there is no well defined disease existing, but where there is a sallow complexion, loss of appetite, more or less derangement of digestion, a tendency to constipation, and a con- dition of general debility. It not only restores appetite and re- moves the dyspeptic symptoms, but it relieves the condition of physical and mental depression, and acts as a tonic by virtue of its digestive power. It should be taken immediately after meals, either clear or diluted with water. One or two teaspoonfuls con- stitute an ordinary dose. LIME JUICE AND PEPSIN. Each containing the quantity of Pepsin Aseptic (1:3000) named. These tablets are readily soluble, are free from admixture with foreign substances, and will retain their digestive power indefi- nitely. They constitute an eligible means of administering pepsin, being at once free from objectionable taste and smell, easy to swal- low, and convenient to carry when traveling. Our chocolate-coated tablets, containing Pepsin Aseptic alone and in combination, are also very attractive. SUQAR-COATED PEPSIN TABLETS. 241 This product contains all the ferments peculiar to the pan- creatic secretion, presenting them in a highly active condition. It will convert casein or other albuminous matter into peptone and will saccharify starch. It is specially useful in the preparation of predigested or peptonized milk, transforming the albuminous con- stituents of this food into an assimilable form with remarkable rapidity. Five grains of our Pancreatin will completely peptonize one pint of fresh milk in from one to one-and-one-half hours, under conditions specified on the label. PURE PANCREATIN. LIQUID PANCREATIN, CONCENTRATED. A preparation possessing in a high degree all the digestive properties of the pancreatic fluid. Two fluidrachms will peptonize one pint of fresh milk in from one to one-and-one-half hours, under conditions specified on the label. It is well adapted for the extem- poraneous preparation of elixirs, wines, etc., and may be prescribed by physicians in suitable combinations. This product, like our pepsin cordial and concentrated glycerole of pepsin, is so made as to ensure the preservation of its several ferments in an active con- dition indefinitely. We unhesitatingly recommend it as a very superior product. DIGESTIVE FERMENTS. SACCHARATED PANCREATIN. A combination of one part of our Pure Pancreatin with three parts of milk-sugar. It will be found very much more active than the usual commercial article, while its palatability will commend it for administration to children. A milk-curdling ferment, distinct from, but associated with, pepsin in gastric juice. See page 144, also Tablet Triturate 482 and note 142. RENNIN. PEPTONIZING TABLETS, IMPROVED. Put up in bottles of 30 tablets each. Each tablet contains: Pure Pancreatin, 2J4 grains; Sodium bicarbonate, 9K grains. For preparing peptonized milk, gruel, beef-tea, and other predigested foods for the sick. These tablets are presented as being more con- venient and reliable than any heretofore offered to the medical profession. Full directions accompany each package. DIGESTIVE TABLETS, B "A.” Useful in all forms of indigestion dependent upon deficiency in the activity of the secretions or upon indiscretion in eating. Physiologists sometimes criticise the formula on the ground that pepsin requires an acid medium, and pancreatin an alkaline one, to exert their digestive action, so that either one or the other must necessarily be wasted. We admit the seeming force of the ob- jection, but contend that the positive experience which has approved these and similar combinations is more significant than all theoretical considerations of a merely negative character. We employ in these tablets our regular Pepsin Aseptic, which is ten times as strong as the saccharated pepsin, and a Pancreatin equal in digestive activity to any. Each tablet contains: Pepsin aseptic (1:3000), 1 gr.; Pure Pancreatin, 1 gr.; Calcium lactopnosphate, 2 grs. See also page 206 for formula of Digestive Tablets, B “ B.” 242 DIGESTIVE TABLETS, LAMINATED. Each tablet contains 3 grains of pure pancreatin coated with salol; covering the salol is a layer containing one grain Aseptic Pepsin (1:3000), the entire combination being coated with a heavy layer of sugar. When taken into the stomach, the sugar-coating is soon dissolved and the pepsin liberated where its digestive prop- erties are required. The salol coating, being insoluble in the stomach, will carry the pure pancreatin into the duodenum, where this ferment will in turn be liberated in its proper field of action, having been protected from any injurious action which the gastric fluid might naturally exert on pancreatin exhibited in substance in the ordinary way. It will be observed that we occasionally employ the term “pure” in speaking of digestive. ferments, notwithstanding the fact that none of them has ever been completely isolated. We employ the word only in a relative sense, the quality of our products com- pared with others on the market certainly justifying such action. The same remark applies to the designation “aseptic,” which we have selected because our pepsin is almost entirely free from mucus, peptone, and products of decomposition. Upon application it will afford us much pleasure to supply lit- erature more fully descriptive of our complete line of Digestive Preparations. FOOD PRODUCTS. FOOD PRODUCTS. For Prices, See Specialties, pages 130 and 136. A concentrated, predigested and nutritious food product re- sembling in physical characteristics an extract of beef, but superior in all respects. The chief recommendation for this preparation over those with which it competes, lies in the process of manufac- ture, a proteid-digesting ferment being employed which converts all the naturally insoluble nutritive constituents of the beef into a soluble and predigested form. It is entirely devoid of the objec- tionable bitterness and disagreeable odor that have heretofore characterized products of this nature. It is well adapted as a food for convalescing invalids, or as a basis for soups and other dishes in the kitchen. BEEF-JELLY, MOSQUERA. FLUID BEEF-JELLY, MOSQUERA. This preparation is identical with our solid Beef-Jelly, except in form, its main feature of advantage being that it is readily mis- cible with either hot or cold water. In the sick-room, FluidBeef-Jelly is invaluable. In many cases of illness the hot beverages are distasteful and contra-indi- cated; here Fluid Beef-Jelly will be found most serviceable. Dis- solved in ice-water, it forms a refreshing, nourishing and stimu- lating beverage, that will prove delicious even to the fastidious taste of an invalid, l. It will quickly relieve fatigue, exhaustion, and, in manylcases,'nervous prostration. A predigested powdered meat, representing in actual nutritive value six times its weight of good lean beef. It is entirety devoid of all objectionable taste or smell, and can be tolerated with ease BEEF-MEAL, MOSQUERA. by the most delicate stomach. As distinguished from any similar product heretofore known, it contains all the constituents of the meat, whether soluble or insoluble, in a predigested form ready for assimilation. For administration, Mosquera Beef-Meal may be mixed with any soup or broth having sufficient consistence to suspend it, or added to chocolate, in combination with which it makes a delicious beverage. BEEF-CACAO, MOSQUERA, Is a concentrated food consisting of Beef-Meal, a special grade of Dutch cacao, and sugar, in equal proportions. Beef-Cacao, aside from the nourishment yielded by the cacao and sugar, both of which are valuable foods, possesses just one-third the nutritive value of Beef-Meal. Mosquera Beef-Cacao so completely dis- guises the taste of its proteid constituents that the palate cannot detect their presence. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. This combination is a valuable stimulant, tonic and nutrient. We employ a peptonized extract of beef which is a true food, con- taining the proteid or tissue-forming material of the meat in a di- fested form, in addition to those mineral salts to which ordinary eef-extracts owe any value which they may possess, in combina- tion with Tincture Citro-chloride of Iron. Dose, 1 to 4 fluid- drachms (4 to 15 Cc.). FOOD PRODUCTS. POWDERED BONE (Pure) is prepared from carefully selected fresh beef bones, deprived of fatty matter and adherent fibrous and muscular tissue. Bone flour is a true food, not a medicine. It can be taken most readily by in- corporating it with ordinary food. It offers to the digestive fluids a supply of phosphoric acid much more easily assimilated than that which is contained in the tough structure of the outer coating of cereals. A New Blood-Iron Albuminate. H/EMINAL. Hseminal presents in a soluble form all the albuminates and salts (haemoglobin, paraglobulin, phosphates) present in the blood, without, however, any of the objectionable excretory products— fibrin, urea, etc. Haeminal contains 0.25 to 0.30 per cent, of metal- lic iron in the form of haemoglobin and haematin. It is a dark brown powder of a slightly acid taste, fairly soluble in cold water, and easily soluble in not water without being coagulated; is also soluble in diluted alcohol—a most desirable property, which renders its administration possible with alcohol-containing restoratives (as wines, etc.). It is perfectly stable, and one part corresponds to about six parts of the fresh blood of a healthy bullock. Haeminal will be found of excellent service in the manage- ment of chlorosis or anaemia, as well as in rachitis, scrofulosis, neur- asthenia, and the digestive troubles that accrue to convalescence, etc. It may be confidently recommended in cases where other iron albuminates have proved unsuccessful. Of special importance is the large amount of soluble albuminous matter it contains. Haeminal may be administered in doses of eight to sixteen grains, three to five times a day—preferably in the form of gelatin capsules, or dissolved in warm water. 244 TESTED PHYSIOLOGICALLY. Standard Fluid Extract Ergot. Claviceps purpurea (Fries) Tulasne. Two years devoted to exhaustive chemical and physiological tests enable us to offer a Fluid Extract Ergot for internal administration which is perfectly reliable and uniform. We believe this to be the only fluid on the market each cubic centimeter of which represents the full therapeutic activity of one gramme of Ergot of prime qual- ity. As it has been fully demonstrated that this drug is not amenable to accurate chemical tests, and that the physical properties of the drug and its preparations are not reliable criteria of ther- apeutic activity, we subject every lot to thorough trial upon animals in our Biological Depart- ment. For price see page 22. ERGOT. ERGOT ASEPTIC. For Hypodermatic Administration. Sterilized, Non-alcoholic, Concentrated, Permanent, Non-irritant, Neutral, Convenient, Active. As this preparation is sterilized in hermet- ically sealed containers, it contains no pre- servatives, which are irritating. It is free from extractive matter, which causes abscesses. It is concentrated —each bulb contains one cubic centimeter, representing two grammes of prime drug. It is free from ergotinic acid, which (subcu- taneously) acts as a paralyzant of the nerve- centers and causes abscesses. As Ergot Aseptic is sterilized, it contains no bacteria; being hermetically sealed, it is pro- tected from geim-infection. We assure ourselves that every lot is pos- sessed of full activity by subjecting it to physiological tests. For price see page 135. 245 NOTES OF REFERENCE. 1. Abrus Precatorlus Seeds (Jequirity). Jequirity was introduced early in t883, as a remedy for pannus and trachoma (granular lids), on the authority of DeWecker, of Paris, and proved of value in the treatment of these affections by other eminent ophthalmologists, both of Europe and America. 2. Acid Phosphates, Liquid (Liquor Acidi Phosphorici). A nerve and brain food; relieves symptoms of mental exhaustion, such as sleeplessness, melancholia, etc.; is in considerable demand as a stimulat- ing beverage, dispensed at the soda-fountain in place of an alcoholic stimulant. Each teaspoontul contains about to grains pure phosphoric acid (H3PO4), partly free, partly in combination with the bases calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium. Dose, K to 1 fiuidrachm (1 to 4 Cc.) in a glass of sweetened water. For price see page 129. 3. Acid Salicylic, from Oil Gaultherla. The synthetic salicylic acid of commerce is liable to be contaminated with various impurities; it is certainly not so beneficial in therapeusis as the pure natural acid obtained from oil gaultheria. For price see page 129. 4-. Aconitine Pills, Tablet Triturates, etc. As sub- stances exhibiting varying characteristics and great difference in thera- peutic activity are being offered on the market under the name of Aconitine, we desire to call attention to the fact that we employ in the manufacture of our pills, tablets, and other products, a crystallized aconitine which responds distinctly to a physiological test in dilution of 1 part to 150,000; this alkaloid being very pure and about two hundred times stronger than good aconite root. It is vitally important that this highly potent aconitine be not confounded with the weaker preparations which are quite generally used, as the nature of the drug necessitates most careful ana exact dosage. Aconitine should never be dispensed without positive knowledge as to whether it is the pure alkaloid or one of the weaker preparations. 5. Adonis vernalls, Lin. (False Hellebore). A valuable car- diac tonic. Its activity is due to a glucoside, adonidin, the physiologi- cal action of which closely resembles that of digitalin. Wnte for de- scriptive circular. Although listed as Adonis vernalis, the species A. Co., otherwise some other product may be supplied. Cascara Cordial, see note 36. Cascara Sagrada Compound, see page 20. Solid Extract Cascara Sagrada (formula of 1887) is permanent, and will, therefore, make a pill mass which does not soften or decompose on keeping. It is readily soluble in water and in the liquids of the gastric juice, and nearly tasteless in solution. When made into pills alone, the only excipient needed is a small quantity of powdered althaea. Traga- canth, recommended by some, should be avoided, as pills made with it harden gradually, with impairment of their solubility. Specify in ordering, “Formula of 1887, P. D. & Co.” 32. Capsule Fillers. We are manufacturers’ agents for : NOTES. Cascarin (our concentration; formula of 1887), as presented in scale form, is not hygroscopic, is readily reduced to powder, almost tasteless, soluble in water, and contains only the active constituents of the drug. Specify in ordering, “Formula of 1887, P. D. & Co.” Literature on Cascara Sagrada mailed free on request. 38. Cathartic Compound Pills, U. S. P., and Cathartic Vegetable Pills, U. S. P. Our Cathartic Compound Pills are prepared strictly in accordance with the requirements of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, the essential ingredients being strictly pure and of prime quality. Each pill contains the full amount of our standard extracts of Colocynth Com- pound and Jalap. See note 56 on Compound Extract of Colocynth. We have devoted special attention to so preparing these pills that their ready solubility is insured, particularly with reference to the fact that they are employed usually in conditions where the gastric secretions are of an acid character. As the ingredients are mostly of a resinous nature and usually insoluble in acid liquids, the ready disintegration of our pills is a matter worthy of consideration. 39. Cedron Seed, Simaba Cedron.P/o'wcA. From New Granada. Tonic, antispasmodic and antiperiodic. Used in malarial diseases, in intestinal tormina and in neuralgia. Also said to be useful in the treat- ment of poisonous bites. Send for descriptive circular. 40. Cerebral Sedative Compound, R“A.” A reliable and efficient nerve sedative. Each fluidounce contains: Chloral, 120 grs.; Potassium bromide, 120 grs.; Tincture Opium, 40 minims; Fluid extract Gelsemium, 25 minims. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm (2 to 4 Cc.). We also prepare a Cerebral Sedative Compound, R “B,” which is identical with the R “ A,” except that the tincture Opium (40 mins.) is replaced by the same quantity of tincture Hyoscyamus. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm (2 to 4 Cc.). For prices see “Compound Cerebral Sedative,” pa e 113. 41. Cereus srrandlflorus, Mill. Night-blooming Cereus (Cactus grandiflorus, Lin.). In view of the facts that the three species possess identical medicinal properties, and that the supply of C. grandi- florus, once scarce, is now abundant, we omit C. Bonplandii and C. Mc- Donaldii from our list. Literature furnished on application. 42. Chaparro Amargroso, Castela Nicholsoni, Hook. Tonic, antiperiodic, antiseptic and astringent. Recommended for diar- rhoea and dysentery by the medical profession of Mexico and the South- ern United States; is considered almost a specific. We supply a fluid extract of this drug. Dose, 30 to 60 minims. Please send for literature. 43. Chaulmoogra Oil, Gynocardia odorata, R. Brown. Claimed to be a powerful alterative, and reliable remedy in leprosy. It has been found of great service in rheumatism, scrofulous swellings, sprains, lupus and various skin diseases. For price see page 132. Liter- ature sent on application. 44. Chekan, Eugenia Chequen, Mol. Introduced as a remedy for winter cough, by Dr. Wm. Murrell, of London, and since found to be of great value in chronic catarrhal affections of the respiratory organs. Dr. Dessauer highly recommends Chekan in affections of the mucous membrane, and ascribes to it tonic, expectorant, diuretic and antiseptic properties. Literature furnished on application. 45. Chian Turpentine. Recommended by Dr. Clay as a remedy in cancer. We are very careful regarding the quality and genu- ineness of this article. The consistency of the turpentine will vary some- what, depending on its age or recent collection. For price see page 132. Literature furnished on application. 46. Chlor-Anodyne. An efficient and pleasant remedy for colic, cholera morbus, neuralgia, spasmodic pains, etc. It is of great value where antispasmodics or anodynes are indicated. Concentrated in form and rapid in action, it is invaluable in the pocket cases of physi- cians. Each fluidounce contains: Morphine hydrochlorate, 2 7-8 grs; Fluid Indian Cannabis, 46 minims; Diluted Hydrocyanic acid, 9 minims; Chloroform, 46 minims; Oil Peppermint, 1 1-2 minims; and Tinct. Capsi- cum, 1 1-2 minims. Dose for an adult, 15 minims frequently repeated. The exact formula accompanies each bottle. For price see page 132. Literature sent on request. 250 NOTES. 47. Cinchona, Detannated, Fluid Extract. Our fluid extract Cinchona, detannated, will be found very convenient for the ex- temporaneous preparation of elixirs, etc., in which it is required to com- bine Cinchona bark with Iron. 48. Cinchona, Fluid Extracts. Our assayed fluid extracts, as well as Normal Liquids, of Cinchona Calisaya and Red Cinchona are prepared from barks which contain the full proportion of alkaloids re- quired by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. We manufacture a fluid Cinchona Compound for preparing the Com- pound Tincture of the U. S. P. Under the title of Liquid Cinchona Compound, we supply a fluid for preparing the Tincture Cinchona Com- pound of the British Pharmacopoeia. We have discontinued the manufacture of the obsolescent IJluid Cinchona, Pale, Comp, for Huxham Tincture, since the Tinctures Cin- chona Compound of the U. S. P. and B. P. are designed to be official representatives of the preparation formerly employed under the name “Huxham's Tincture.” (See also note No. 49.) 49. Cinchona, Pale, Fluid and Solid Extracts. Our solid extract is regulated by assay so as to contain 15 per cent, of the alka- loids of the bark, and represents, in one part, five parts Standard Pale Cinchona bark. Inasmuch as Pale Cinchona bark which will meet the requirements of the U. S. P. 1890 is not available in commerce, we continue to manu- facture a fluid extract Cinchona, Pale, containing 3 per cent, alkaloids, as heretofore. (See also note 48.) 49a. Citrated Caffeine. In the manufacture of our tablets we employ Citrated Caffeine, U.S.P., in view of the fact that true caffeine citrate is merely a chemical curiosity possessing no therapeutic properties that do not reside in a mixture of equal parts of caffeine and citric acid. The revision committee of the U. S. P. r89o, knowing that true caffeine citrate immediately splits into citric acid and caffeine in the presence of water, wisely omitted this expensive salt, and adopted instead the official mixture, under the name Citrated Caffeine. This product possesses all the essentials of a soluble caffeine salt, and is supplied by reputable manufacturers when citrate of caffeine is ordered. 50. Coca Cordial. This cordial presents Coca in a palatable form: the astringent and bitter constituents of the drug are rejected, while care is taken to retain unchanged the true active principle, cocaine. One fluidounce of the cordial represents 60 grains of Coca leaves of good qual- ity, the vehicle employed being an agreeable cordial of a rich vinous flavor. The specific uses of such a preparation will suggest themselves at once to the physician. It may be given in doses of a dessertspoonful to a tablespoonful, repeated as occasion requires, and is frequently advan- tageously combined with liquid acid phosphates or the official diluted phosphoric acid. For price see page 132. 5 1. Coca, Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. This drug possesses in a remarkable degree the property of sustaining the vital powers under con- ditions of extraordinary fatigue and privation. Medicinally, it is specially useful in cases of nervous exhaustion, mental depression, and in the treat- ment of the opium habit. See Esencia de Coca, note 74. 52. Cocaine Hydrochlorate. We supply this salt of Cocaine in small and large crystals When ordering, purchasers should be careful to specify the form of crystallization desired, as we invariably supply the small crystals unless tne large are specially ordered. Oph- thalmologists will appreciate the puritv of these salts, especially that of our large crystals, for which we claim absolute purity and perfect freedom from the objectionable contaminations which are frequently present in the amorphous salt. It should be borne in mind that under all circum- stances we supply this salt in the form of Crystals, and even our small crystals are superior in purity to the so-called Granular salts of some manufacturers. For price see page 132. 53. Cocaine Hydrochlorate Tablets, il/e, 2% and 3 grs., for the ready preparation of Cocaine solutions'of definite strengths. .The question of making a solution is now reduced to its simplest form.r Let the physician provide himself with a drachm vial. Then if he wishes to 251 NOTES. make a 2-per-cent, solution, all that is necessary for him to do is to put a 154-grain tablet in the vial full of distilled water. For a 4-per-cent, solu- tion, use a 254-grain tablet; for an 8-per-cent, solution, use two 254-grain or four 154-grain tablets; and so on. These tablets are supplied at a price which makes it no economy for the physician to use Cocaine in the unpre- pared form for solutions, especially when it is remembered that Cocaine solutions should always be freshly prepared. They commend themselves to the ophthalmologist in connection with our line of Ophthalmic Tab- lets (see page 100). For price see page 132. 54. Coclllana, Guarea (species undetermined). Synonym— Sy cocarf us Rusbyi, Britton. Dr. R. W. Wilcox, of the Post-Graduate School, New York City, emphatically declares that this drug can fully replace ipecacuanha in every sphere of action, and in many cases may be substituted with advantage for apomorphine, ammonium carbonate, strychnine and other drugs classed with more or less reason as expecto- rants. Clinical experience seems also to have established the fact that it exerts a marked tonic influence upon the appetite; that it reduces the night-sweats of chronic bronchitis and phthisis without inducing consti- pation, etc. Send for reprints of the latest reports made in medical journals, etc. 54a. Cod-Liver Oil, Improved Lofoten. A pale, trans- lucent, bland and palatable oil, extracted by an improved process from the fresh and healthy livers of Lofoten codfish. To those (and their name is legion) who regard cod-liver oil as a food, valuable because of its ready assimilability and the small per cent, of phosphoric and other organic compounds it contains, our Improved Lofoten offers the advantages of purity, concentration, permanence, and elegance. For price see page 133. Our illustrated brochure on “The Lofoten Islands and Their Principal Product ” will be mailed free to all physicians or druggists who apply for a copy. 55. Cod-Liver Oil, Egg Emulsion (formula of L. B. Hewitt). The acacia, Irish moss, etc., of ordinary emulsions have long been a standing objection to this form of administering Cod-Liver Oil, while at the same time egg emulsions were unavailable on account of their instability. This last difficulty is now overcome, and the formula of our Egg Emulsion enables us to incorporate 40 per cent, of Cod-Liver Oil with no other emulsifying agent than eggs and no other flavoring than a fine quality of brandy. We claim for this product; perfect emulsification; unequaled nutritive properties: palatability; permanency; miscibility (with water, milk, wine, etc.); and elegance. For price see page 133. 55a. Coley’s Mixture of Erysipelas and Prodlgl- osus Toxins. For the treatment of malignant neoplasms, particu- larly sarcoma. To Dr. Coley, of the New York Cancer Hospital, is due the chief credit for what progress has been made in the erysipelas therapy of malignant tumors. Acting upon the suggestion afforded by the fact that erysipelas had been known to put an end to tumors which had given every evidence of being malignant, and the further fact that erysipelas had been induced by direct inoculation, Dr. Coley began his experiments. In 1894 he had reached the conclusion that the best prepa- ration for his purpose consisted of a mixture of erysipelas and prodigiosus toxins, unfiltered, including therefore the dead bodies of the germs them- selves. In a paper published in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences for September, 1896 (abstract of which we will send to anv physician or druggist on application), Dr. Coley reports 160 cases treated by means of the toxins in various forms; this list includes eighteen suc- cessful cases of his own and a number reported by other surgeons. The dose, to begin with, is very small—not more than half a minim if injected into the tumor itself, or from one to two minims subcutaneously in non-vascular tissue, gradually increasing until appropriate reaction is induced. For price see page 133. 56. Colocynth and Colocynth Comp. Extracts. The U. S. Pharmacopoeia directs that these extracts be reduced to a powder. We therefore offer them only in the powdered form, which affords obvious advantages for dispensing. Our extract of Colocynth is prepared strictly in accordance with the NOTES. U. S. P., the directions to exclude the seeds being conscientiously ob- served. The preparation will be found extremely active, entirely soluble in appropriate menstrua, and free from inert and oleaginous matter. Our Compound Extract of Colocynth is prepared from the choicest materials available. We use therein extracts of Colocynth and Jalap which are strictly U. S. P. 1890, and have devoted considerable effort to secure access to the sources of pure Scammony. The latter arti- cle is always subjected to careful tests in order to establish its purity, even though the producers are known to be entirely reliable. The re- maining ingredients are likewise subjected to tests of identity and purity, so that the final product may be considered as being an ideal extract. We supply only the Powdered Extract Colocynth Compound, which is the official form. 57. Concentrations, Alkaloidal. In view of the danger- ous similarity in name between certain concentrations and the alkaloids they contain, a resemblance which might occasion fatal mistakes through mere inadvertence, we have effected some very desirable changes in appellation (see page 46). Due references are made, that no confusion will result from the innovation. 58. Condurango, Gonolobus Cundurango, Tri. Although Condurango has not entirely justified the claims made for it in the treatment of cancer, experiments have demonstrated its utility as a stomachic, and in the form of Condurango wine it has grown to be much in demand. One fluidounce of the wine represents 60 grains of Condu- rango bark. Dose, one-half to one fluidounce. We supply the wine, and also a fluid extract of this drug, and shall be pleased to mail full descrip- tive literature on request. 59. Corn-silk (Stigmata Maydis). Now official in the U. S. P. under the title Zea. A remedy in inflammatory affections of the bladder, acute or chronic, idiopathic or traumatic. It is diuretic, demulcent and antiseptic in its action, and is reported to be specially valuable in cases in which decomposition of the urine takes place in the bladder, giving rise to vesical irritation. Green Corn-silk is a drug of wonderful delicacy, since its therapeutic principle, maizenic acid, will undergo decomposition throuph fermenta- tion within twenty-four hours. As a consequence the fluid extracts made from dried or partly fermented drug are inferior. Such fluids are readily distinguished by their dark color, molasses-like odor, and general absence of natural flavor. In order to produce a fluid extract of best quality we exhaust the silk within five hours after it is stripped from the corn. The superior quality of our preparation is indicated by its light color and char- acteristic odor and taste. Send for descriptive circular. 60. Coto Bark (Para-Coto). First introduced by us. Dr. Von Guk, of Hamburg, concludes, after several trials of this drug, that it is almost a specific against diarrhcea. It is also recommended in dysen- tery, cholera morbus, colic, gastric catarrh, rheumatism and gout. Send for descriptive circular. Note.—Two distinct kinds of bark are brought from Bolivia under the name of Coto bark. They are now distinguished as “Coto” and “Para-Coto,” respectively. The therapeutic properties ascribed to the two drugs are similar, but in physical appearance they are strikingly different. Although there is reason to believe that the true Coto bark is at least as efficient a medicine as the Para-Coto, our patrons have so generally expressed a preference for the latter on account of its being less pungent, after making its acquaintance under the name of Coto, that we invariably supply it when Coto bark is ordered. 60a. Cubeb Oleoresin. This oleoresin is designed to replace solid extract Cubeb, which was omitted from our list because its inevitable separation into two layers was a source of annoyance to ourselves and our customers. The oleoresin Cubeb we offer is made in strict accordance with the requirements of the Pharmacopoeia. The cost of its manufacture has not been reduced by the use of acetone and other cheap solvents in place of the official ether. We guarantee its absolute purity. For price see p. 134. 253 NOTES. 61. Culture Media. We supply the following Culture Media in glass tubes, sterilized and practically hermetically sealed; they are always ready for use: Gelatin: Agar: No. i. Nutrient Gelatin. No. 4. Nutrient Agar. No. 2. Glucose Gelatin. No. 5. Glycerin Agar. No. 3. Litmus Gelatin. No. 6. Glucose Agar. Blood Serum: No. 7. Blood Serum, according to Dr. Koch. No. a. Blood Serum, Loeffler’s mixture for growing diphtheria germs. Empty Tubes: No. 9. Empty test tubes, sterilized, plugged with cotton, and rubber-capped. No. 10. Tube with sterilized swab for making cultures from the throat. Put up in wooden cases. 12 tubes of any assortment in each case. The various kinds of Gelatin and Agar Culture Media, as well as Bouillon, will also be supplied in bulk in half-liter flasks, to enable physicians to refill the tubes. Culture Media for laboratories and boards of health in 50-tube lots. The reaction of our Culture Media is uniform, 15 on the Massachu- setts scale. For prices, see page 134. 62. Damlana, Turnera microphylla, DC. Tonic and diuretic, with a reputed specific effect upon the sexual organs. Its reputation as an aphrodisiac appears to be sustained, and it is recommended in all cases of atonic sexual debility in male or female. Send for descriptive circular. 63 Dialyzed Iron and Dialyzed Iron Glycerated. Each fluidounce contains 24 grains Ferric oxide, equivalent to 16.79 grains metallic iron. Free from disagreeable taste, having no injurious action on the teeth, stomach or bowels, it is suited to cases where other forms of iron are not tolerated. By an improvement in the manufacture of our Dialyzed Iron, we are able to furnish a product that does not congeal. Upon exposure to a very cold temperature, however, it is liable to freeze in part, thus rendering its transportation during extremely cold weather, perhaps, hazardous. We therefore take the liberty to substitute the glycerated product when we deem it unsafe to ship the plain solution. The Glycer- ated Dialyzed Iron differs from the regular solution only in containing one-eighth of its volume of chemically pure glycerin, which protects it from freezing during shipment in very cold weather. 64. Dlurnule Pocket Case.—We have prepared, for the convenience of the physician, a leather Pocket Case containing the following selection of Diurnules, each bottle holding from five to six full daily doses: Aconitine. Arsenous acid. Atropine. Cocaine hydrochlorate. Digitalin. Gelsemine hydrochlorate. Mercuric chloride, corrosive. Mercurous iodide, yellow. Morphine sulphate. Physostigmine sulphate. Podophyllum resin. Strychnine nitrate. We have also for the conven- ience of physicians a Diurnal Tablet Triturate Case similar in design to above,but containing eight vials, each holding 100 tab- lets of the formulae Nos. 1000, 1004, 1007, 1012, 1015, 1028, 1032, and 1042. See pages 91 and 134. 254 NOTES. 65. Dubolsia Leaves, Duboisia myoporoides, R. Br. Effects are similar to those of belladonna, but it is less of a cerebral excitant and more of a calmative and hypnotic. It has been found useful in relieving night sweats of phthisis, puerperal mania, vesical tenesmus, etc. Litera- ture furnished on application. 66. Echinacea angustifolla, DC. Very strong claims have been recently made for this drug as an alterative of great value in all strumous and syphilitic indications. Old chronic wounds, varicose ulcers, etc., have yielded to its use after resisting other alteratives and compounds, etc. It is also stated to be a remedy in the treatment of snake-bites, and as a prophylactic in hydrophobia. Clinical reports are solicited from those having experience in the use of the drug. Literature furnished on application. 67. Embelia Ribes, Bunn. An effective anthelmintic in cases of taenia solium where male-fern, kousso and pelletierine fail; reported as a specific in rheumatism. Dr. R. N. Khory classes it as an alterative tonic, ana employs it in chronic skin diseases. Literature sent on request. 68. Discontinued. 69. Ephedra antlsyphllltlca, C. A. Meyer. A leafless shrub indigenous to Arizona, New Mexico, etc. On the plains this plant is re- garded as a specific in gonorrhoea, gleet, etc. Literature sent on request. Ergot Aseptic (P., D. & Co.), see page 244. 70. Ergot, Ethereal, Fluid Extract. No claim is made for any superiority in this preparation over our standard fluid extract. The active constituents in both are the same, and both are prepared from prime drug. We confidently recommend our Fluid Extract and our Normal Liquid as possessing in a superior degree the therapeutic properties of Ergot. Send for literature. 7 1. Ergot, Solid Extract. This extract is prepared by our improved process; one grain represents the full medicinal activity ol five grains of drug of best quality. The therapeutic efficiency of each lot is assured by physiological test. We regard the hypodermatic use of solutions of extract of ergot as irrational, and sometimes dangerous. For hypodermatic use we would recommend our Ergot Aseptic. See page 244. 72. Eschscholtzia callfornica, Cham. Reported to be soporific and analgesic, and, above all, harmless. The drug is a very use- ful anodyne in certain cases. The inconveniences attributed to the use of opium, such as gastric disturbance, constipation, etc., have not in any case been observed to attend the employment of this drug. It may pos- sibly with advantage replace opium preparations for children. Literature sent on request. 73. Esencia de Calisaya. Each fluidounce of Esencia con- tains the equivalent of 40 grains of Calisaya bark. The prevailing prepa- rations of Cinchona are most unpleasant and in many instances are repug- nant to the patient by reason of their intense bitterness. This quality is very thoroughly masked by the combination of aromatics herein em- ployed. and consequently Esencia de Calisaya has been found most acceptable where other Calisaya products have been rejected. It may be exhibited in every instance where Cinchona is indicated, inasmuch as it possesses all the qualities of this drug in the proportions above de- scribed. For price see page 135. Literature furnished on application. 74. Esencia de Coca. An agreeable liqueur representing in concentrated form the stimulating properties of Coca leaves; of excep- tional value as a stimulant, for which purpose a dose of a tablespoonful, as required, will be found most desirable. If taken in such quantity just after meals it will materially aid digestion. For price see page 135. Literature furnished on application. 75. Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus, Lab. First introduced by us. It has been recognized by the U. S. P. committee, and the fluid extract is now official. Our fluid extract is prepared from the true Aus- tralian leaves, and is specially recommended in malarial diseases, and for its influence on the mucous membrane in croup, diphtheria, catarrh, etc. Literature furnished on application. We direct attention to our Eu- thymol, for which see note 76. 255 NOTES. 256 75a. Euformol. Each fluidounce contains: Oil Eucalyptus, 3-8 min.; Oil Gaultheria, 3-10 min.; Thymol, 1-2 gr.; Menthol, 1-12 gr.; Boric acid, 12 grs.; FI. ext. Wild Indigo. 1 1-4 mins.Formaldehyde (4056), 60 mins. Euformol is non-toxic, and does not stain. Its antisep- tic and disinfectant properties have been rigorously tested in our Bio- logical Department, and its remarkable germicidal power thoroughly proven. It will quickly remove putrid odors from decomposing animal and vegetable matter, combining with sulphuretted hydrogen and am- monia bases generally to form inodorous compounds. As a prophy- lactic in infectious diseases, as whooping-cough, diphtheria, croup, typhoid fever, etc., etc , or as a deodorant in the sick-room or sleeping apartments, Euformol should be used in the form of a fine spray for fifteen to twenty minutes, about three times daily. It is well adapted for the thorough disinfection of instruments and for cleansing the hands. Put up in 4-, 8-, and 16-ounce bottles, also in half-gallon bottles on special order. For price see page 135. 76. Euthymol. A'dicjuid'antiseptic which, by reason of its being neither poisonous nor irritant, is perfectly safe in any form of ad- ministration, internal or external. It possesses an agreeable odor, and may in many cases be substituted for more powerful but offensive anti- septics. The formula will indicate its wide range of usefulness. Each fluidounce contains: Oil Eucalyptus, 3-8 minim; Oil Gaultheria, 9-32 minim; Fluid ext. Wild Indigo, 1 1-4 minims; Boric acid, 10 15-16 grs.; Menthol, 5-64 gr.; Thymol, 15-32 gr. This article should not be exposed to cold. Use as a spray; or internally, in doses of one fluidrachm (4 Cc.) three or more times daily. Full descriptive circular sent on application. We also manufacture Euthymol Tablets containing a combina- tion of Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Boric acid, Oil Gaultheria and Menthol with aromatics, and possessing mild antiseptic properties, suitable for general internal administration. Particularly serviceable in inflammations of the mouth and throat, and in removing from the breath unpleasant odors arising from fermentative decomposition of food in certain forms of indigestion. Euthymol Cream, which combines Euthymol with pure, stable emollients, is a superior toilet requisite, available for every purpose for which cold cream or the many proprietary toilet pomades and oint- ments are recommended. These properties are supplemented by the peculiar antiseptic and germicidal virtues of Euthymol. The family phy- sician will find in Euthymol Cream a product he can conscientiously recommend when his advice is incidentally sought with reference to a certain class of toilet requisites. Euthymol Tooth Paste.—A combined detergent for the teeth and harmless germicidal antiseptic for the mouth. It possesses the anti- septic properties of Euthymol. combined with detergents and aromatics, and forms a toilet accessory that is not only agreeable to use but bene- ficial in the maintenance of good health. Euthymol Powder.—This preparation is a combination of neu- tral absorbent talcum, the essential antiseptic constituents of Euthymol, and a delicate perfume. It is free from starch, flour and sugar, and contains no bismuth or other mineral salts. It allays irritation, destroys all objec- tionable odors, and inhibits bacterial growth. While primarily intended to be a baby-powder, it is eminently fitted for use as a toilet accessory. For prices of Euthymol products see page 135. 77. Euphorbia pllullfera, Lin., exerts a peculiar influence over the respiratory apparatus, rendering it a valuable remedy in all bronchial affections. It is more especially esteemed for the prompt relief it is said to give to sufferers from asthma. Send for literature. 78. Fluids vs. Fluid Extracts. Fluids differ from the regular line of fluid extracts in that one liter of the fluid does not repre- sent one kilo of the drug. Although included for convenience of refer- ence in our list of fluid extracts, they are labeled simply Fluid Aloes, Aloes and Myrrh, Asafetida, Bay Laurel, Benzoin Compound, Carda- mom Comp., Cascara Sagrada Aromatic, Catechu, Wild Cherry tor Syrup, Ginger, soluble, for Syrup, Lavender Comp., Capsicum and Myrrh, Opium concentrated and Opium camphorated, Rhubarb Aromatic, Rhu- barb, sweet, and Tolu, soluble, for Syrup, the strength of each being NOTES. 257 stated on the label. The term fluid extract is properly applied only to preparations which represent the crude drug in the normal proportion of liter for kilo, or, approximately, of minim for grain. Liquids vs. Liquid Extracts. We make a similar distinction in our line of preparations based on the British Pharmacopoeia. We there- fore list Liquid Aloes for B. P. tincture, Liquid Benzoin Comp, for B. P. tincture, Liquid Cardamom Comp, for B. P. tincture, Liquid Cinchona Comp, for B. P. tincture, Liquid Rhubarb for B. P. tincture, etc. 78a. Formaldehyde, 4-O-per-cent. Solution. Asa deodorant and disinfectant in sick-rooms and in dealing with contagious diseases, formaldehyde is very highly esteemed. Putrid odors are promptly neutralized and pernicious micro-organisms destroyed by its vapors, no injury being done to delicate fabrics in the process when prop- erly conducted. For general use it should be freely diluted. For price see page 135. 79. Gelatin-coated Pills. On account of the transparency of the gelatin coating, these pills should not be exposed to direct sun- light. This precaution applies especially to pills containing such sensitive salts as yellow mercurous iodide; mercuric iodide, red; soluble ferric Shosphate; quinine sulphate, bisulphate or hydrochlorate, etc., which arken rapidly under influence of light. By an improved process of manu- facture our gelatin pills are completely enveloped in the coating. The use of needles is thereby avoided and the liability to deterioration from atmospheric influences very materially lessened, while the danger of needles breaking off in the pills is entirely obviated. 80. Gelssmlum. A scientific study of the constituents of this drug has convinced us that the revisers of the Pharmacopoeia acted wisely in adopting the dried root. Gelsemium is not an exception to the rule that, for the preparation of tinctures, fluid extracts, etc., a prop- erly seasoned air-dried drug is to be preferred in all respects to a green one. To supply the surviving demand for the fluid extract of the green root, we shall continue the manufacture of this preparation. We sup- ply the official fluid extract (from freshly dried root) in all cases where “greenroot” is not specified. 81. Glonoin. Spirit of Glonoin should be kept and transported in securely stoppered bottles or tin cans, and should be stored in a cool place remote from lights or fire. Great care should be exercised in hand- ling, since a dangerous explosion may result if any considerable quantity of it be spilled and the alcohol be partly or wholly lost by evaporation. For price see page 135. 81a. Germicidal Soap (McClintock). This is a germicide rather than a soap, made up in the form of cakes for the sake of conveni- ence and for the auxiliary effect of the saponaceous material upon the mercuric salt as the required solution is made, it has been thoroughly tested by the originator with pus, cholera, typhoid and diphtheria germs, and anthrax spores, in none of the hundreds of experiments has a single one of the germs survived one minute. The Soap solution contained, in each 5000 parts, only one part of the antiseptic material. In later experi- ments the pus germs were killed by solutions of 1 to 20,000 and 1 to 30,000. Tested in comparison with the above, other antiseptics in the same percentage of solution, during the same time, with similar cultures of germs, etc., permitted bacterial growth as follows: Mercuric chloride, after'five minutes; Mercuric iodide, after 15 minutes; Corrosive-sublimate soap, after 15 minutes (as long as tested); Carbolic acid, after 15 minutes (as long as tested). The great objection to the ordinary mercury antiseptics has been that they coagulate albumen and attack nickeled and steel instruments, render- ing it necessary for the surgeon to use one antiseptic for his hands and another for his instruments. This Soafl does not coagulate albumen, and does not affect nickeled or steel instruments. It does act on silver and aluminum. The body of this Soap is prepared from pure vegetable oils. It is naturally white. We have, however, deemed it advisable to color it blue—not to cover defects, but to indicate its toxic nature in accordance with the precedent established in the coloring of our poisonous Anti- septic Tablets, etc. Reprints of Dr. McClintock’s original paper and other literature will be furnished on application. See page 135. NOTES. 258 82. Glycerin Emollient. A sterilized combination de- signed to take the place of vaselin and other oily lubricants, in gynaeco- logical and surgical examinations. Formula: Oil Gaultheria, 2 Gm.; Boric acid, 23 Gm.; Corn Starch, 88 Gm.; Pure Glycerin, 885 Gm.; Tragacanth, 17 Gm. For price see page 135. 83. Glycerin Suppositories. These suppositories have been successfully employed in the treatment of certain forms of constipa- tion, both in adults ana children. Experience has shown that perfect solution is not indispensable to their activity, but that they are capable of producing a laxative effect without any considerable loss of weight. For price see page 135. 84-. Grindelia, Fluid Extract, and Fluid Extract Grindelia, U. S. P. Although the latter is the official preparation— manufactured in strict accordance with the formula prescribed by the U. S. P. 1890—it will only be furnished when clearly specified on orders. The reputation of Grindelia is largely based upon the use of the former, our regular fluid extract, which we shall continue to manufacture with an alkaline-aqueous menstruum, as at first introduced by us to the med- ical profession. Our Fluid Extract Grindelia is miscible with syrup and aqueous fluids without precipitation; Fluid Extract Grindelia, U. S. P., is not. Literature furnished on application. 85. Guaco Root, Agave planifolia, Watson. This species is an alexiphormic that enjoys a very high reputation in Mexico and Central America as a remedy for rheumatic affections, and is said also to have tonic, alterative, and febrifuge properties. We have lately discovered that this plant is a species of Agave, and not of Mikania as had been supposed. 86. Guarana, Paullinia Cupana, Kunth. Guarana contains from 4 to 5 per cent, of caffeine, a larger proportion than is found in any other drug. Moreover, the caffeine exists in this drug in a very soluble form, so that its action is very prompt, and the effect is greater than that produced by an equivalent quantity of the pure alkaloid. As a remedy in sick-headache, Guarana has no rival. It may be employed wherever caffeine is indicated. See also Elixirs, page 105. Send for literature. 87. Hawthorn Berries, Crataegus Oxyacantha, Lin. The fluid extract is highly extolled by Dr. M. C. Jennines, of Chicago, as a remedy in heart disease. An interesting account of the Doctor’s experi- ence, embracing forty-three apparently successful cases, is given in the New York Medical Journal of October 10, 1896. Reprints mailed on ap- plication. 88. Helonias Compound. It will be observed that we list Fluid Extract Helonias Compound and also Fluid Extract Squaw-vine Compound, both of which are prepared from the same formula. The ex- istence of an established demand for Fluid Extract and Elixir of Helonias Compound and for Fluid Extract and Syrup of Squaw-vine Compound prompts us to list and label the fluid extract under both titles to avoid confusion and to meet the reauirements of the trade. 89. Hematic Hypophosphites. This combination is adapted to a great variety of diseased conditions. It is specially useful in debility or depraved nutrition, in anaemia and nervous prostration, in consumption, and in all scrofulous and tubercular affections. Our prep- aration is a permanently clear syrup, while others of a similar formula deposit an unsightly precipitate. Each fluidounce contains: Potassium hypophosphite, 1 1-2 grs.; Manganese hypophosphite, 1 gr.; Strychnine hypophosphite, 1-8 gr.; Ferrous hypophosphite, 1 1-4 grs.; Calcium hypo- phosphite, 1 gr.; Quinine hypophosphite, 7-16 gr. Dose, 1 to 2 nuid- arachms (4 to 8 Cc.). For price see page 136 90. Hoang-nan, Strychnos malaccensis, Benth. This drug has long been used in the East Indies as a very effective remedy for leprosy, scrofula, malignant ulcers, eczema and other skin diseases. Literature mailed upon application. See page 136. For price of concentrated tincture, see list of Fluid Extracts, page 24. NOTES. 259 9 1 . Horse-nettle Berries, Solatium carolinense, Lin. Our fluid extract, made from fresh berries, is recommended in tetanus, and particularly in epilepsy and the albuminuria convulsions of pregnancy. Horse-nettle Root has the same properties as the berries, and is considered by some physicians to be more active. Literature furnished on application. 92. Humulin; Lupulin. Being convinced that no concen- tration can be prepared which shall contain in the form of a permanent powder a satisfactory proportion of the oleoresinous constituents to which hops chiefly owe their activity, we have omitted from our list the concen- tration Humulin, and supply in its place a superior quality of Lupulin, U. S. P., of a recent crop. Huxham Tincture, See note 48. 92a, Hydriodlc Acid, Concentrated Solution, 1 6- per-cent. For the extemporaneous preparation of syrup hydriodic acid. This is a crystal clear, colorless product, free from all liability to deteriorate. Mixed with pure syrup in the proportion of one to fifteen, the result is i-per-cent. syrup hydriodic acid; by varying the proportions, any strength desired may be obtained. The chemical alteration so prone to occur in the official syrup upon standing any considerable length of time, is obviated by the employment of this concentrated solution. For price see page 136. 93. Hydriodic Acid, Syrup of. We offer two prepara- tions of Hydriodic Acid; one being the official U. S. P. syrup containing one per cent, of the acid; the other containing two per cent, of true hydriodic acid. The latter has been prepared to meet the wishes of those physicians who desired to employ smaller doses than were necessitated by the use of the official product. Please specify which is desired. For prices see page 136. Literature furnished on application. 94. Hypodermatic Tablet Cases. Aluminum Hypodermatic Case. The recently discovered pro- cess by which aluminum has been so cheapened as to bring it within the reach of the industrial arts, has been taken advantage of by us in improv- ing our Hypodermatic Case. Our new case is, therefore, very light, com- pact, and not liable to tarnish. For illustration see next page. Each case contains an improved hypodermatic syringe, with special features described below; two needles; a supply of extra wires for cleaning purposes; and an assortment of hypodermatic tablets in vials of 25, viz.: Nos. 2, 3, 5, 13,16 and 72 (see pages 97 and 99). The points of excellence which will commend the hypodermatic syringe as supplied by us are as follows: 1. A mechanism which, by the turning of a nut on the upper side of the plunger, will prevent leakage by forcing the leather attachment of the plunger outward, so as to accurately fill the space between the plunger and the barrel. 2. The ease with which the needle may be cleaned; beveled sides guide the wire to the perforation, avoiding the repeated probings against the square-cut floor of the cap chamber which constitute such a vexatious feature of other syringes. 3. The needle is strengthened by a sheath embracing the upper half —the part most liable to give way. For price of case see page 136. Send for illustrated circular. For description of Case No. 2 and Pocket Case, see page 260. 95. Hypodermatic Case, Lee’s Improved. (When ordering please specify “ Lee's f otherwise our regular aluminum case will be sent.) In order to meet the requirements of those physicians who prefer a leather hypodermatic case, we have introduced one designed by Dr. Elmer Lee, of Chicago, 111., which is convenient in size and shape for all practical purposes, complete in every detail, includes a larger assortment of tablets than usual, provides space for a fever thermometer (which instrument, however, we are not in a position to supply) and for prescription blanks, and is marketable at a price within the reach of every practitioner. The 13 tubes of hypodermatic tablets provided are Nos. 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15,16. 17, 20, 22,31, and 72 of our regular list (see pages 97-99. Send for illustrated circular. NOTES. 260 Our Aluminum Hypodermatic Case, No. 2, recently introduced, is in every respect the same as the case described on page 259 (note 94), except that it contains a tube vial of six aseptic needles (Schim- mel’s patent), with the necessary connections, instead of the mounted needles which screw di- rectly into the barrel of the syringe. The physi- cian who employs the “ aseptic ” needles may replenish his stock at a cost of 50 cents for the half-dozen, and will therefore find it in every way advantage- ous to discard a needle once used on an in- fected patient. For price see page 136. NOTES. In addition to our complete cases, with syringe, etc., we have just in- troduced a Hypodermatic Tablet Case (pocket size, leather), contain- ing the following assortment of 12 tubes of 25 tablets each: No. 4 2. Apomorphine hydrochlor., 1-10 gr \ 43. Atropine sulphate, 1-60 gr. 5. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-4 gr. 99. Codeine sulphate, 1-4 gr. 9. Digitalin, pure, 1-100 gr. 16. Morphine and Atropine, B “H.” 14. Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr. 13. Morphine sulphate, 1-4 gr. 64. Nitroglycerin, 1-50 gr. 72. Strychnine nitrate, 1-40 gr. 70. Strychnine sulphate, 1-60 gr. 73- Strychnine sulphate, 1-30 gr. Our hypodermatic tablets are in- variable as to strength, and always reliable. For prices see pages 93-100. For price of Hypodermatic Tablet Case, see page 136. Literature on our hypodermatic tablets and cases will be supplied on application. 261 96. Hysterlonlca, Aplopappus Baylahuen, Remy. Recom- mended in malarial and chronic dysentery, flatulent dyspepsia, diarrhoea, etc. Literature furnished upon application. 97. Indian Hemp. Fluid Extract. Indian Hemp is the Indian Cannabis, Cannabis Indica, of the U. S. P., a powerful narcotic. Black Indian Hemp is the Apocynum of the U. S. P. (Apocynum canna- binum, Lin.), a drug totally distinct in its properties from the former. We follow the U. S. P. in calling the latter Fluid Extract Apocynum. White Indian Hemp (Asclepias incarnata, Lin.) is not recognized by the U. S. P. 1890. Vve have adopted a rule to supply Fluid Extract of Indian Cannabis when Fluid Extract Indian Hemp is ordered (without specification of “Black,” “White” or “Foreign”). 98. Infiltration Anaesthetic (Schlelch) Tablets. The tablets are designed for the extemporaneous preparation of solutions No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, in accordance with formulas laid down by Dr. C. L. Schleich, and presented in papers relative to Infiltration Anaesthesia contributed by Dr. H. V. Wiirdemann, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Dr. Weller Van Hook, of Chicago. Formula No. 1. Formula No. 2. Formula No. 3. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 3 grs. Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1 1-2 grs. Cocaine hydrochlor., 1-6 gr. Morphine hydrochlorate, 1-3 gr. Morphine hydrochlorate, 1-3 gr. Morph, hydrochlor., 1-12 gr. Sodium chloride, - 3 grs. Sodium chloride, - 3 grs. Sodium chloride, - 3 grs. For price see page 137. Literature supplied on application. 99. Iron and Manganese (Aromatic), Solution of, is a neutral organic solution of Iron and Manganese in the form of their saccharates, combined with aromatics, and contains 0.6 per cent, of metal- lic Iron and 0.1 per cent, of metallic Manganese. It presents a clear, red- dish-brown liquid, pleasant in taste, devoid of disagreeable astringency, is readily assimilable by the weakest stomach, and does not affect the teeth. Its palatability and freedom from acidity have called forth hearty endorse- ment from patients. Its therapeutic effect in anaemia, chlorosis, etc., is everywhere acknowledged by the medical profession. Dose for adults, one teaspoonful to one tablespoonful three times a day; for children, a half to one teaspoonful three times a day, before meals. For price see page 144. 1 OO. Iron Chloride Syrup, Formula of Dr. Geo. W. Weld. The official tincture of ferric chloride is without doubt one of the most important medicaments in the materia medica. Owing, how- ever, to its corrosive action on the teeth and extremely disagreeable taste, it is often seriously objected to. In Syrup Iron Chloride (Weld), we offer a preparation which is both pleasant and harmless. Each fluid- ounce represents forty drops of the tincture, and when diluted with four or five times its volume of water this syrup makes a mixture which is grateful to the palate, without any suggestion of the disagreeable features peculiar to its medicinal constituents. This syrup should never, under any circumstances, be mixed with mineral or other alkaline waters. For price see page 144. Literature furnished upon application. 102. Jamaica Dogwood, Piscidia Piscipula {Lin.) Sarg. This drug has taken an important place in the materia medica as an ano- dyne and hypnotic; it does not produce unpleasant secondary effects. We use only the bark of the root, and not the cheaper and inferior bark of the tree. This drug forms also one of the component parts of Liquor Sedans (see note 111). Literature furnished on application. 1 03, Jambu! Seed, Eugenia Jambolana, Lam. Recent chem- ical and clinical experiments seem to prove that this drug exercises an in- hibitory influence upon the action of diastatic ferments, and that it pos- sesses the unique and valuable property of arresting the formation of sugar in diabetes depending on increased production ofglucose. The bark also is used, but Dr. Ciaicus considers the seeds much more active. Dose of bark or seed, 5 to 10 grains (0.3 to 0.65 Gm.) three times a day. We prepare a fluid extract of the seed. Literature furnished on application. 1 04. Jurubeba. Much valued in Brazil as a remedy in all cases of obstruction of the abdominal viscera, particularly of the liver, and in vesical catarrh. It is claimed to be tonic, anti-blennorrhagic and anti- syphilitic. There are two plants employed indiscriminately under this name—Solanum paniculatum, Lin., principally in the northern, and S. insidiosum, Mart., in the southern part of Brazil—their therapeutic effects being said to be identical. Clinical reports are needed. NOTES. 262 105. Kamala, Mallotus philippinensis {Lam.) Muell. Arg. A valuable anthelmintic; has been long employed with success in India for the expulsion of tapeworm; may be employed alone, or in combination with aspidium or pumpkin-seed. Send for descriptive circular. See S. E. Capsules, page 119. 1 06. Kavakava, Piper methysticum,Fkr.ri. From the Sandwich Islands. First introduced by us. An efficient remedy in gonorrhoea, gleet, rheumatism and gout. Descriptive circular mailed on application. 1 06a. Kino. In view of its inherent propensity to gelatinize, we have discontinued the manufacture of Fluid Kino, and offer instead a Tincture Kino made from a superior quality of drug in strict accordance with the U. S. P. formula. 1 07. Kola Nut, Cola acuminata (Beany.) Schott & Endl. Dr. Bernard Schuchardt, of Gotha, is the author of a most exhaustive work entitled “ Die Kola-Nuss in ihrer commerciellen, Kulturgeschicht- lichen und medicinischen Bedeutung” (Rostock i. M., 1891); he thus con- cludes with regard to its medicinal properties: “Kola should accordingly be employed as a diuretic in heart disease, and especially in conditions of feeble heart; in neuralgias; in severe fevers of adynamic character and during the period of convalescence after the latter; in exhausting diseases; in dyspepsia; in chronic and obstinate diarrhoeas; in cholera; and, finally, as an excitant and exhilarant in cases of mental depression.” Literature furnished on application. 1 08. Kousso Flowers (Cusso), Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) Gmelin. In Abyssinia, Kousso is regarded as a specific for tapeworm. It is prescribed in combination with other agents, such as pomegranate, pumpxin-seed or aspidium. Send for circular. 109. Llly-of-the-valley, Convallaria majalis, Lin. A valuable cardiac tonic, diminishing the frequency and increasing the strength of the heart-beat. In action it closely resembles digitalis, and like that drug is an active poison in overdoses. It has no cumulative ac- tion, and in cases of cardiac neurosis it gives relief where digitalis and other remedies have failed. We furnish fluid extracts of the flowers, the rhizome and roots, and the herb—upon all unspecified orders the fluid extract of the root, which is official in the U. S. P. 1890 under the title Fluid Extract Convallaria, will be supplied. The properties of each are similar, though the herb contains a less proportion of convallamarin than either the root or flowers. Send for literature. 110. Llppla Mexlcana, Lippia dulcis, Trev. Concentrated Tincture. Recommended in coughs due to catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory passages. Literature mailed on request. Liquids vs. Liquid Extracts. See note 78. 111. Liquor Sedans. A utero-ovarian sedative and anodyne. Each fluidounce represents: Black Haw, 60 grs.; Hydrastis, 60 grs. (repre- sented by hydrastine); Jamaica Dogwood, 30 grs.; combined with aromat- ics. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm (2 to 4 Cc.). It being impracticable to en- tirely disguise the very disagreeable taste of the drugs, we have put up this preparation in the form of Soluble Elastic Capsules, each represent- ing one fluidrachm of Liquor Sedans; for price see page 11S. Please send for reprint of Dr. R. W. Wilcox’s article on “Hydrastis, Viburnum and Piscidia in the Diseases of the Female Organs of Generation,” reprinted from the New York Medical Journal. We also manufacture a Liquor Sedans -without sugar, which maybe exhibited in all cases when sugar is contra-indicated. For prices see page 137. Liquor Triticl. See note 172. 1 1 2. Lithium Citrate, Effervescent Tablets. Diu- retic, anti-rheumatic; indicated in Bright’s disease of the kidneys, albu- minuria, stone in the bladder, renal and biliary calculi, rheumatic gout, etc. We now supply two sizes of Lithium Citrate Tablets—3 grains and 5 grains. One tablet dropped into a glass of water promptly dissolves and forms a sparkling draught of lithia water superior to and more concen- trated than most of the natural spring waters. NOTES. 263 113. Loeffler Solution, for the Local Treat- ment of Diphtheria. Professor Loeffler, of Greifswald, was the first to suggest this mixture, which is applied as follows: The affected parts are first rubbed thoroughly with a small pledget of dry cotton wound around an applicator bent at right angles to the handle, or around a dressing forceps; after this has been done, a pledget of absorbent cotton is saturated with the solution and pressed, firmly against the diphtheritic membrane for ten seconds, the application being immediately repeated, and again within three or four hours, and three times a day thereafter. Of 71 patients treated by this method from the outset, all were saved, while only one death occurred out of 26 cases treated after the second day of the attack. The Solution is prepared after the following formula: Menthol, 10 grammes; Toluene, q. s. to make 36 Cc.; then add Creolin, 2 Cc.; Ferric chloride solution, 4 Cc.; Alcohol, q. s. ad 100 Cc. See also note n on Anti-diphtheritic Serum. For price see page 138. Send for literature. 114. Malt Preparations. Having fully satisfied ourselves that a carefully prepared Extract of Malt is possessed of great value as a therapeutic and dietetic agent, we have installed an elaborate plant for its manufacture, and are, therefore, in a position to offer a very superior product. Our Malt Extract and its combinations will be found to possess the nutritive and digestive qualities of Malt to a remarkable extent. Nothing but a carefully selected Canadian Malt is used in their prepara- tion, and every lot i3 subjected to the most rigid tests before issue. Their palatability renders them exceedingly easy of administration. We shall be glad to furnish descriptive literature and also full directions for determining the digestive activity of these products, upon application. For prices see page 139. 1 1 5. Malt Extract with Yerba Santa. This prepara- tion presents the active constituents of Eriodictyon with a nutritive Malt Extract, in place of the inert vehicles generally employed. It is spe- cially indicated in ordinary coughs, colds, and all irritations of the bron- chial membranes. Each fluidounce represents 30 grains Eriodictyon. 116. Manaca, Brunfelsia Hopeana, Benth. In Brazil, Manacd is regarded as a specific for the cure of rheumatic affections, and the results obtained in this country have been very gratifying. Besides the fluid extract we manufacture an elixir which combines these virtues with those of the salicylates of sodium, potassium and lithium, thereby ren- dering it specially valuable in the treatment of cases of lithic diathesis. Literature furnished on application. NOTES. 117. Medicine Dropper and Bot- tle, Graduated, consisting of a graduated bottle with a capacity of 4 drachms of liquid. The tablets may be dissolved in the necessary amount of water, and the bottle closed by the pipette of improved form, the ground sides of which fit into the neck of the bottle as a stopper, the whole forming an air-tight container. The pipette is closed at the top by means of a rubber diaphragm which, when pressed down and then released, will cause some of the solution to as- cend the tube. By again gently pressing the dia- phragm one or more drops can be easily forced out. For price see page 139. For list of Ophthalmic Tab- lets, see page 100. 1 1 3. Menthol, Genuine Japanese, in Crystals. A camphoraceous substance derived from Mentha arvensis, Lin. It is employed for the relief of neuralgic pains, headache, toothache, etc., and is valuable as an antiseptic inhalation in acute or infusorial catarrh. It is an agreeable remedy, and makes an acceptable substitute for the or- dinary smelling-salts. Its properties require it to be kept tightly en- closed to prevent rapid volatilization. For price see page 139. Send for descriptive literature. 264 119. Menthol Pencils. Each one is put up in a neat Alu- minum case. These pencils greatly facilitate the local application of Menthol, and may be easily carried in the pocket. They will be found more salable and convenient than any form of menthol cones. For price see page 139. Send for descriptive circular. 120. Discontinued. 121. Mercuric Oxide, Yellow. Yellow Mercuric oxide is a powerful antiseptic, preventing the putrefactive changes which often take place in ingested food, and thus indirectly insuring nutrition, restoring appetite, and removing dyspeptic symptoms. Useful in all acute or chronic derangements of the alimentary tract, in typhoid fever, phthisis, convalescence from surgical diseases, and where the functions of the liver are deranged. We manufacture the compressed tablets of yellow mercuric oxide, recommended by Dr. Rose (Medical Record, April 25, 1885), each containing 1-200 grain (about % milligramme) yellow mercuric oxide-dose, 1 to 3 tablets after dinner; also tablet triturates, 1-200 and 1-100 gr. 122. Microscopical Slides of Disease Germs. We are supplying from our Biological Department typical slides of the most important disease germs, carefully stained after the most approved methods. No. 1. Bacillus of tuberculosis (in sputum). No. 2. Bacillus of diphtheria (pure culture). No. 3. Pseudo-diphtheria (pure culture). No. 4. Pneumonia (in blood). No. 5. Coli communis (pure culture). No. 6. Tvphi abdominalis (pure culture). No. 7. Cholera Asiatica (pure culture). No. 8. Erysipelas (pure culture). No. 9. Gonorrhoea (in gonorrhoeal pus). No. 10. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus (golden pus). No. n. Tetanus. No. 12. Bubonic plague. No. 13. Yellovv fever (Sanarelli). No. 14. Symptomatic anthrax (blackleg). No. 15. Anthrax. No. 16. Hog cholera. No. 17. Chicken cholera. We are prepared to supply single slides from the above list, and slides of other disease germs, but there will be an additional expense in making mounts of such single slides. The slides should be kept in the dark, as all aniline colors fade in the sunlight. For prices see page 140. 1 23. Mountain Sage (Sierra Salvia), Artemisia frigida, Willd. A diuretic and a nerve stimulant, employed, in its habitat, as a remedy for “mountain fever.” Literature mailed on request. 124. Mulrapuama, Liriosma ovata, Miers. Correspondents in Brazil have assured us that this plant is more highly valued there as an aphrodisiac and nerve stimulant than is damiana with us in North NOTES. 265 America. Clinical reports are solicited from physicians having experi- ence in its use, in order that its range of therapeutic application may be established. Literature mailed on request. 125. Mutlsla vlclsefolia, Cavanilles. According to a report in Fortschritte der Medicin, by Dr. Sacc, of Cochabamba, Boi., this drug possesses the enviable property of curing phthisis and every affection of the respiratory organs. A drug introduced as having such specific proper- ties should receive the earnest attention of the medical profession. Liter- ature mailed on request. 1 26. Nasal Tablets. We manufacture the following com- pressed tablet for the special use of rhinologists. For preparing extem- poraneously solutions to be used in douche or spray, they will be found invaluable. One tablet dissolved in 2 to 4 ounces of warm water will form a satisfactory solution. Nasal: Sodium bicarbonate, 5 grs. Sodium borate, 5 grs. Sodium chloride, 5 grs. Sodium benzoate, 7-24 gr. Sodium salicylate, 7-24 gr. Oil Eucalyptus, 7-48 H,, Thymol, 7-48 gr. Menthol, 7-96 gr. Oil Gaultheria, 7-96 fll. Nasal, Improved: Sodium chloride, 5 grs. Sodium borate, 5 grs. Menthol, 3-50 gr. Thymol, 3-50 gr. Oil Eucalyptus, 3 50 H,. Oil Gaultheria, 3-100 H. Plasma Nasal {Dr. Murray McFarlane)-. Sodium chloride, 5 1-2 grs. Sodium sulphate, 1 1-2 grs. Sodium phosphate, 1-4 gr. Potassium chloride, 2-5 gr. Potassium sulphate, r-4gr. Potassium phosphate, 1-3 gr. Menthol, 1-15 gr. Plasma Nasal Tablets form an ideal improvement over both Seiler’s and Dobell’s solutions for cleansing purposes. One tablet added to two ounces of lukewarm water makes a solution of about equal specific gravity with blood serum, and the use of such solution prevents undue osmosis and endosmosis in the nasal cavity. The addition of the menthol will be appreciated for its well known soothing effect. 127. Newbouldla laavls, Seem. This drug, introduced as an astringent, has been successfully employed in cases of dysentery when other remedies had failed. Its use is suggested in menorrhagia and in all cases where a venous astringent is required. Send for literature. 1 28. Nuclein Solution, 5-pei—cent, (formula of Drs. Vaughan and McClintock). Nuclein is a non-poisonous germicide, found in various vegetable and animal cells, also in blood serum, the bactericidal properties of which are due to this constituent. The Nuclein admin- istered probably has but little direct germicidal power, but it seems to stimulate the nuclein-forming tissues of the body; and probably, being closely allied to the nucleins of the body, it serves as a readily assimil- able food. When, for example, yeast-nuclein is given, it may be at once converted into the nuclein of the white blood-corpuscles or spleen, and then in turn destroy the invading germs and their products. The results of the administration of Nuclein in tuberculosis have been remarkably good. It has also been used with good effect in tonsillitis, streptococcus diphtheria, and indolent ulcers. The use of Nuclein is ra- tional, not empirical therapy, and the results thus far reported indicate that it ■will have a wide field of usefulness. This solution contains 5 per cent. Nucleinic acid from yeast. It can be used either hypodermatically or internally. Dosage: Hypodermatically, ro to 6o minims; dilute with equal parts of freshly boiled oM salt solution. Internally, one-haif teaspoonful, increased to one teaspoonful as rapidly as can be borne by the patient; mix with a small wineglass of water and administer on an empty stomach thrice daily (between meals and at bedtime). In the treatment of a chronic disease like tuberculosis the Nuclein must be given regularly for a long time. The 5-per-cent, solution hypodermatically causes little if any more pain than the i-per-cent. solution which we formerly listed. If, however, a i-per-cent. solution is preferred, it can easily be prepared by adding NOTES. 266 one part of 5-per-cent, solution to four parts of recently boiled water. Keep the bottle cool and free from contamination. For price see page 140. Literature furnished on application. 129. Discontinued. 1 30. Nuclein Syringe. See Serum Syringes, note 157. 131. Opium Assayed, Aqueous and Deodorized, and Camphorated, Fluids. These fluids are not fluid extracts, but are indexed under that head for convenience, each lab*l explaining their exact nature. The Fluid Opium aqueous and deodorized is essen- tially identical with the U. S. F. tincture of deodorized opium; the Fluid Opium camphorated is precisely eight times the strength of the camphor- ated tincture of opium, U. S. P. 1890 (paregoric). Attention is directed to the increased strength of the U. S. P. tincture (opium), which now contains 6 grains of crystallized morphine (equal to 7% grains of morphine sulphate) in each fluiaounce. 1 32. Opium Preparations, Standard. All our prepara- tions of Opium are adjusted to a fixed standard strength by careful assay, this strength being in each case stated distinctly on the label. For the fluid preparations, except the camphorated fluid and fluid opium concentrated, assayed, our standard is 6 grains of crystallized morphine (equal to 7y2 grains of morphine sulphate) to the fluiaounce. The Fluid Opium camphorated contains 2 grains to the fluidounce; and the Fluid Opium concentrated, assayed, which is four times the strength of the tinc- ture opium, U. S. P. 1890, contains 24 grains in each fluidounce. Our solid extract and powdered extract contain 18 per cent, of crystallized morphine. Send for circular. 1 33. Discontinued. 134. Ox-eye Daisy, Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, Lin., has come into notice through its very favorable influence in checking the night sweats in phthisis. Other clinical reports are yet necessary to an accurate knowledge of its therapeutic applications. Literature mailed on request. Pepsin and Pancreatin Products. See pages 140-141 and 239-242. 1 35. Physiological Tests. Quite a large number of im- portant drugs cannot be standardized chemically. For example, the chemist may examine two samples of Indian Cannabis and find that, so far as his tests go, they are exactly alike, yet when given to animals or patients one may be very active and the other entirely inert. We have established a pharmacological laboratory for testing drugs of this class. Here samples of the crude drugs are tested on animals; if the test is satisfactory, the drug is then made into pharmaceutical prepara- tions. Samples of these finished preparations are again examined and tested physiologically before they are bottled. Among the more important drugs that we test in this way are the following: Ergot, Indian Cannabis, Digitalis leaves, Digitalin, Strophan- thus seeds, Strophanthin, Convallaria majalis, Convallamarin, Elaterium, Cocaine, etc. Our supplies of Indian Cannabis and Ergot are bought from samples, which are forwarded to us by our collectors for physiological test before purchase. As a rule, more than one-half of the samples submitted are entirely worthless. After the purchased drug comes to our laboratory it is again tested before it is made into pharmaceutical preparations. Send lor our illustrated brochure, “Pharmaceuticals Physiologically Proved.” 136. Pichi, Fabiana imbricata, Ruiz and Pav. Diuretic, tonic, terebinthinate. Pichi enjoys a great refutation in Chili in the treatment of urinary diseases. Dr. Ramires, of V alparaiso, regards it as useful in catarrhal inflammations of the urinary tract, but not adapted for treatment of organic kidney disease; he speaks very highly of its use in dyspeptic disorders. Dr. Rodriguez, of Buenos Ayres, points out its value in vesical catarrh produced by mechanical irritation of gravel or calculi, and in the uric acid diathesis. It allays irritation, and favors the expulsion of calculi. Clinical reports are solicited. The medicinal vir- NOTES. 267 tues of pichi reside in oleoresinous constituents, which are insoluble in water and separate from the fluid extract upon the addition of aqueous liquids. In order to overcome this objection and to present a more desira- ble form of this valuable remedy, we have added to our list of products, Soluble Elastic Capsules of Eiclii, each containing five grains of a specially prepared extract representing the active medicinal con- stituents of 25 grams of drug. Descriptive literature embracing clinical reports mailed on request. A more recent addition to our list is Elixir Pichi Compound. 1 37. Pills of Rare Alkaloids. In view of the fact that many of our patrons have found it impracticable to keep in stock a com- plete line of pills of soma of the more expensive and newer alkaloids, etc. (especially when the limited demand for such pills is considered), we pur up the same in bottles of 25 each. This will prove convenient to both the trade and profession, and will enable the latter to give some of the newer alkaloids a clinical trial,! which they would not feel warranted in doing were they obliged to purchase a large quantity of pills of one kind at a time. The pills are also supplied in bottles of 100. Quo- tations will be found in the general list of Pills. 138. Podophyllin, Soluble. This preparation, containing the essential ingredients of Podophyllum resin, is entirely soluble in aqueous liquids, and, being comparatively tasteless in solutions of moder- ate strength, is adapted to combinations of a neutral character, such as alterative syrups or liquid mixtures. It should be borne in mind that acids decompose it, and an excess of alkaline or metallic salts will also cause a precipitation in fluids containing it. It may be prescribed in com- bination with alkaline salts, as for instance the iodide of potassium, with- out material precipitation, especially if syrup or glycerin be employed as a vehicle. In fact, the method just named will even ensure a reasonable stability if it is desired to incorporate mercuric salts, as the chloride or iodide; in this case glycerin appears to be the most suitable diluent. Powdered Extracts, See note 159. NOTES. 139. Quebracho Bark, Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco, Schlecht. This drug stimulates the respiratory muscles and facilitates oxy- genation of the blood. It is thus specially indicated in the treatment of emphysema, capillary bronchitis, certain stages of pneumonia, asthma, etc. Descriptive literature mailed on request. 140. Quinine Elixir. (Elixir Liquorice Aromatic.) Contains no quinine. The happy combination of a superior extract of glycyrrhiza with the choicest aromatics has rendered this elixir very useful as a pleasant vehicle for administering quinine. It was, indeed, so frequently called Quinine Elixir, and ordered under that name, that, although a misnomer, the appellation has been as a synonym for Elixir Liquorice Aromatic. 141. Quinine and Urea Muriate, Hypodermatic Tablets. Each contains an amount of Quinine equivalent to one-half grain of the sulphate. These tablets are readily soluble in water and eminently adapted for hypodermatic medication. 1 42. Rennln. It was formerly believed that the property of curdling milk was an attribute of pepsin, but this opinion is no longer tenable since it has been proven that casein is curdled by Rennin, a fer- ment distinct from, but associated with, pepsin in the gastric fluid. We take pleasure in placing at the disposal of the medical profession a supe- rior soluble Rennin in pulverulent form—one grain is capable of curdling 2 pints of milk, and it will be found a valuable agent for the preparation of Junket, or Curds and Whey, for dietetic purposes. We also call atten- tion to our convenient Rennin Tablet Triturates, 1 gr., in bottles of 100, 50c and 1000. See pages 144 and 179. 143. Reagent Case, Physicians’ Pocket. Leather. Containing, in addition to our urinary test tablets (see note 174), a book of instructions for the use of Dr. Oliver’s bedside tests, and the following apparatus: (1) two test tubes, one of which is graduated; (2) a grad- uated minim pipette; (3) set of six specific gravity beads, corresponding to specific gravities respectively of 1.005, 1.010, 1.015, 1.020, 1.025 and 1.030. For price see page 144. MOTES. 1 44. Rhubarb, Aromatic, Fluid. This fluid is just three times as strong as the official aromatic tincture of rhubarb, U. S. P. 1890, which it otherwise resembles in every particular. It is employed to pre- pare extemporaneously the Aromatic Syrup of Rhubarb, and for this pur- pose is preferable to the official tincture, as it does not introduce into the syrup so large a proportion of alcohol. 1 45. Rhubarb Comp., Extract, Ph. G. We have dis- continued the manufacture of solid extract Rhubarb Compound, and offer instead a powdered extract made in strict accordance with the formula of the German Pharmacopoeia. 1 46. Rhubarb Fingers. As ordinarily prepared, Rhubarb root in cubes or fingers is very inconvenient and wasteful. By a special, improved process, we now press the root into pieces of a uniform size, convenient for carrying in the vest-pocket. Put up in boxes of ninety pieces, weighing about one pound. For price see page 144. 147. Rhus aromatlca, Ait. Dr. McClanahan says of this remedy that it is useful in diseases of the genito-urinary organs, viz., hematuria, enuresis in both old and young, and in uterine hemorrhage; also locally in leucorrhoea. He has been very successful with it in atonic diarrhoea, dysentery, and in summer complaints of children. Literature mailed on request. 1 48. Saccharin Triturates, 25 and 65 milligrammes and % gr. each, with Sodium bicarbonate, q.s. The sweetening power of Sac- charin is about 300 times that of sugar; on this basis one of the largest of these tablets, containing 1 grain of this substance, may be used as the equivalent of about S drachms of sugar. Physicians will not only appre- ciate their convenient form, but will recognize the value of these triturates in cases of diabetes and glycosuria, in which the use of ordinary sugar is contra-indicated. See list of Tablet Triturates, page 179. 148a. Said Compound and Salol and Santal Compound, Soluble Elastic Capsules of. The presence of pepsin in these formulae is now rendered practically harmless to the gelatin envelope by first incorporating the pepsin in a tablet, coated so as to be invulnerable to the oily contents of the capsule, though promptly soluble in gastric fluid. The capsule is made large enough to allow free movement of the tablet, in order to avoid prolonged contact of the two at any one point. The salol, being dissolved in the oils, is ready for im- mediate absorption when it reaches the stomach of the patient. 149. Saline and Chalybeate Tonic Pills (Flint). In the New York Medical Journal, May 18, 1889, Prof. Austin Flint, M.D., speaks very highly of this formula as a tonic in Bright’s disease, and also in simple anaemia, stating that he has given it in nearly every case in private practice in which a chalybeate tonic was indicated, for some time past, and in only one case out of thirty-five did it fail to cause marked im- Erovement. He also states that in five cases of Bright’s disease, of which e has notes, this formula was the only medicinal remedy employed, and in every instance it seemed to exert an influence on the quantity of albu- min in the urine. In the great majority of the cases of anaemia, etc., in which iron was strongly indicated, the tonic seemed to act much more promptly and favorably than the chalybeates usually employed. In a cer- tain number of cases in which patients stated that “ they could not take iron in any form,” the tonic produced no unpleasant effects. We furnish the same formula in chocolate-coated tablets (see page 237). 1 49a. Saline Solution (Concentrated), Sterilized. By diluting one bottle of this Solution with sterilized (boiled) distilled or tap water, to one liter, a solution of the following composition is obtained: Calcium chloride, 0125 Gm.; Potassium chloride, o.x Gm.; Sodium chloride, 9.0 Gm.; Water. Intravenous injections of saline fluid have been found of great value in a large number of serious conditions, extending all the way from lack of blood due to hemorrhage, to various infectious diseases, particularly septicemia. In many instances these injections have seemed to wash the blood of impurities. They are also very valuable in cases of shock and of uremic or diabetic coma. The formula we have adopted was suggested by Dr. F. S. Locke, of the Physiological Department in Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Hobart A. Hare, Professor of Therapeutics in Jefferson Medical College. The solution should be warmed to a temperature of about ioo° F. The dose ranges from to 1 liter, and the frequency of the injections varies according to the exigencies of the case. For price see page 144. Reprints upon the subject of Intravenous Injections of Saline Solutions, mailed upon application. 150. Santal Oil. Realizing that much of the Oil of Santal in the market was adulterated, for several years we obtained our supplies direct from East India, thus precluding the possibility of sophistication in the hands of traders. In order to remove all uncertainty concerning the purity of the oil incorporated in our capsules and other pharmaceuticals, we are now, and have been for some time past, importing the Sandalwood, which we dis- till in our Detroit laboratory, thus securing a superior quality of Santal Oil, concerning the purity of which there can be no question whatever. We market Santal Oil in capsules and in globules, the latter a recent addition to our list. See pages 119, 123, 124, and 135. 151. Sarsaparilla, Para, Fluid Extract. This valuable species of Sarsaparilla is comparatively unknown in the American mar- kets, the supplies being carried through the usual channels of trade from Brazil to Europe. We always keep on hand a large supply of the drug, which is undoubtedly genuine and in prime condition. NOTES. 270 1 52. Sarsaparilla Comp. Fluid Extract, and Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Comp, for Syrup. It will be observed that the official formulae for Syrup Sarsaparilla Comp, and Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Comp, differ materially. With this difference in view, we list a Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Comp, corresponding to the U. S. P. prep- aration, and a Fluid Sarsaparilla Comp, four times stronger than Syrup Sarsaparilla Comp., U. S. P. 1890. Patrons requiring the latter prep- aration are requested to specify “Compound for Syrup,” otherwise tie regular official fluid extract, which is not suitable for preparing the syrup, will be supplied. 1 53. Saw Palmetto, Serenoa serrulata, Benth. 6* Hook. Prepared from the fresh berries. Sedative, nutritive and diuretic. Used in the treatment of phthisis and other pulmonary and bronchial affections, as well as diseases requiring nutritive remedies. More recently attention has been called to its special vitalizing action upon the mammae, ovaries, prostate, testes, etc. Literature mailed on request. 154. Saw Palmetto Compound, Fluid. A combina- tion of restoratives, stomachics and aromatics suitable for general and special debilities. Is calculated to restore appetite, regulate function, and stimulate glandular secretion and growth. Is especially available in cases of digestive and sexual debility due to the lack of assimilation or to imperfect function and development. 1 54a. Saw Palmetto and Santal Compound, Elixir. A combination, in agreeable form, of fresh Saw Palmetto berries, Corn- silk, and Sandalwood. As a sedative and tonic to the genito-urinary sys- tem in cases of urethral, prostatic or vesical irritability or malnutrition, it would be difficult to hit upon a formula for general use more promising than this elixir. Each ingredient has a distinct action within the pelvic area, and reinforces rather than repeats the action of its associated ingre- dients. For price see page 108. Literature on application. 1 55. Semple Atomizing Inhaler. This is unquestion- ably the most perfect device ever presented for the application of medi- NOTES. 271 cited vapor to the respiratory tract. It combines simplicity of construc- tion, durability, and a fineness of spray unapproached by any atomizing inialer hitherto introduced. It provides a constant supply of vapor in a reservoir, and secures more effectually than any other the topical effects of medicated vapor on the whole respiratory tract. For formulae and prices of Inhalants, see page 127. For price of Inhaler, see page 144. Literature furnished on application. 156. Senna Pods. Said to be more active than fluid extract of the leaves, and to have less tendency to gripe. 157. Serum Syringes. These are larger than the ordinary hypodermatic syringe. They have, in addition to the needles for inject- ing, a blunt filling needle by means of which the antitoxin in bulbs or bottles can be more easily drawn into the syringe. No. 1: Capacity about 6 Cc., or go minims. Has three ordinary needles (fine) and one filling needle. No. 2: Capacity about 10 Cc., or 150 minims. Has two ordinary needles (fine) and one filling needle. These serum syringes are the instruments heretofore listed as Nuclein Syringe and Antitoxin Syringe. They are supplied in celluloid-lined leather cases. For prices see page 144. Sierra Salvia. See note 123. 1 58. Solidago VIrgaurea, Lin. (Virga latifolia). This has been recently very successfully used in Europe as a diuretic. Its most beneficial effect in ascites arising from cirrhosis of the liver recommends it to the attention of physicians. Diuresis has been obtained from its use in cases of heart disease when other diuretics had failed. 1 59. Solid Extracts and Powdered Extracts, As- sayed. As commonly prepared, solid and powdered extracts partake of the variability in strength which is characteristic of crude drugs. It is plain that this disadvantage is beyond correction through choice of material or care in manufacture, both of which features are chief points in all our manipulations. We have been obliged, therefore, to resort to other means to obviate this defect, and, have, in consequence, adopted a system of assay by which extracts of determinable strength are accurately ad- justed to a definite standard, thus presenting a product as uniform in potency as the active principle to which its effect is due. See also note 135. 1 60. Solutions of Gold and fodlne. Unless these solu- tions are prepared from strictly pure ingredients they are worse than useless for the treatment of pulmonary consumption. The Gold and Iodine solutions issued from our laboratory are manufactured under the supervision of Dr. J. E. Clark, Professor of Chemistry at the Detroit College of Medicine, who made the solutions employed in the first instance by Drs. Shurly and Gibbes. The Gold solution contains in each to minims 1-15 grain of Gold and Sodium chloride. The Iodine solution contains in each 10 minims 1-12 grain of free Iodine. For prices see pages 136 and 137. Literature furnished on application. 161. Squill Compound, Fluid Extract. This fluid extract contains Squill and Senega in equal proportions, and serves for the extem- poraneous preparation of Compound Syrup of Squill, U. S. P. 1 62. Strophanthus. Our preparations are made from the grayish-green seed obtained from the plant that was originally described Dy Prof. Oliver as Strophanthus Kombe and is the S. hispida of the U.S.P. We prepare tablet triturates of Strophanthus, representing 1 minim, 2 minims and 5 minims of the tincture, respectively, and a tablet triturate of Digitalis (3 minims) and Strophanthus (2 minims); also diurnules and diurnal tablet triturates. Send for literature. 1 63. Stylosanthes elatior, Swz. (Pencil Flower, After- birth Weed). A drug of reputed value as a uterine sedative, allaying the irritability of the uterus in gestation and imparting tone to its fibre against the parturient act. Descriptive literature mailed on request. 1 64. Sulphur Torches.—Each torch contains one pound of Sulphur. The value of sulphur fumigations in contagious diseases is too well understood by the medical profession to require much comment. NOTES. 272 However, it is not easy to ignite pure brimstone or to maintain its combustion. These Sulphur torches are easily ignited and will coi- tinue to burn until consumed. They are specially adapted for the dis- infection of rooms in which there have been cases of scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc., etc. Blankets, bedding, etc., should be so spread out as to be thoroughly exposed during the fumigation. Close all openings to the room, place the required number of torches (still in their con- tainers) in a group in a large pan, supported on bricks in such a way that there shall be no danger of fire; light them, and immediately leave the room, allowing it to remain closed for twelve hours or more. For price see page 144. 1 65. Suprarenal Glands, Saccharated. Dr. George Oliver recently read an important contribution to the literature of the therapeutic employment of this gland, before the Pharmacological Section of the British Medical Association. In a marked case of Addison’s dis- ease the nausea and muscular debility were greatly diminished, the im- provement persisting as long as the drug was administered, and when the treatment was suspended for a week the patient noticed that the pigmentation of the skin —one of the symptoms — became more pro- nounced. Further, the remedy was found of use in certain conditions marked by loss of vaso-motor tone. In cases of simple anaemia, improve- ment was noticed during the treatment, and there is some hope that it may prove a useful auxiliary in the treatment of the graver forms of anaemia. In cases marked by the cyclic appearance of albumin, the lat- ter disappeared and the general health improved. In two out of three cases of diabetes mellitus the remedy also appeared to have a good effect, the amount of sugar being lessened and the tone of the circulation im- proved. As this agent apparently holds out the promise of considerable thera- peutic value, we are manufacturing a preparation of the Suprarenal Gland from sheep, for internal administration, and supply it in tablets, in cap- sules, and in bulk, each tablet or capsule representing about one-twelfth of an entire fresh suprarenal gland of the sheep. For price see page 144. 1 66i Sweet Balm. We at one time offered, under the name of sweet balm, Dracocephalum canariense, L. (Cedronella triphylla, Mcench.), the balm-of-Gilead herb of the gardens. We found that the name “ sweet balm ” in commerce was generally understood to apply to Melissa officinalis, Lin., also known as Lemon Balm, which we now supply when sweet balm is ordered. Syringes, Serum. See Serum Syringes, note 157. Tablet Triturate Cases. See pp. 225 and 226. 1 67. Taka-Diastase is an isolated ferment, in powder form, for the treatment of amylaceous indigestion. It is a diastatic ferment above all comparison with malt extracts and preparations of that class, since under proper conditions it will convert 100 times its weight of starch in ten minutes, while the best malt extract will not convert more NOTES. 273 than one-twentieth of that amount. Moreover, Taka-Diastase is abso- lutely permanent, free from sugar, convenient to dispense, and compara- tively economical. For price see page 145. In compliance with the recommendation of a number of physicians we have added to our list I.iquid Taka-Diastase, which contains in each fluidrachm 2% grains of the active ferment. Dose, one to two tea- spoonfuls during or immediately after each meal. Put up in 8-oz. bottles; for price see page 145. Literature upon Taka-Diastase mailed upon request. 168. Thymus Glands, P. D. & Co. The very successful treatment of exophthalmic goitre by thymus feeding at the hands of Drs. Owen, Edes, Cunningham, Mikulicz, Maude, and others, has prompted us to place this product upon the market. It is prepared with the utmost care from the thymus glands of sheep. Literature sent on request. 1 69. Thyreoids, P. D. & Co. Two grains of this powder are equivalent to five grains of fresh glands from sheep. We claim the following points of superiority in our Thyreoid preparation: 1. It is permanent. 2. It represents no extract, but all the constituents of the gland. 3. It is of agreeable odor and taste, is non-poisonous and free from ptomains. 4. It is of uniform strength—with an unvarying normal proportio7i of iodine—hence of uniform activity. Dose, 2 to 6 grains three times a day, to be cautiously increased at the discretion of the physician. In occasional instances double or treble this amount may be necessary. Thyreoids, P. D. & Co., are also marketed in tablets and capsules, each tablet or capsule being equivalent to five grains of the fresh glands. For price see page 145. Literature furnished upon application. 170. Tonga, Rhaphidophora vitiensis, Schott, and Premna taiten- sis, Schauer. This preparation was placed on the market as a remedy in neu- ralgia, on the recommendation of Drs. Ringer and Murrell, of London, who have made very thorough experiments to determine its therapeutic value. Their high claims for it have been abundantly corroborated by other physi- cians Literature mailed upon application. 171. Trlfolfum Compound, Syrup. Superior in efficacy to the combination of alteratives known as Bamboo-brier Root Compound. Alterative Compound, etc. Experience with the latter combination led to the belief that the formula could be greatly improved, and after much clinical experience Syrup Trifolium Compound was devised; its value has now been thoroughly established by physicians. Prescribed in all forms of secondary syphilis, its restorative action in nearly every case is prompt and decisive Each fluidounce contains the active constituents of Red Clover blossoms, 32 grs.; Lappa, 16 grs.; Bcrberis aquifolium, 16 grs.; Xanthoxylum, 4 grs.; Stillingia, 16 grs.; Phytolacca root, 16 grs.; Cascara amarga, 16 grs.; Potassium iodide, 8 grs. Dose, two teaspoonfuls (8 Cc.) three times a day, which may be gradually increased to a tablespoonful if desired. For price see page 144. Literature sent on request. 171a. Trlfollum Compound (Alterative). Compressed Tablets No. 48 were added to our list merely to meet an established de- mand, and we have never regarded them as a desirable substitute for our Syrup Trifolium Compound. The attention of physicians is respectfully directed to the fact that Trifolium Compound Tablets contain no berberis aquifolium, cascara amarga or potassium iodide, all of which are present in our Syrup Tri- folium Compound. In view of these omissions, and for many other good reasons, these tablets should not be prescribed in place of our Syrup, the value of which has been thoroughly proven. 172. Trttlcum. Liquor Tritia. A concentrated liquid extract of Agropyrum repens (Lin.) Beauv. This is intended to meet the demand lor a preparation of couch-grass more active than the regular fluid extract. It embodies all the medicinal constituents of this valuable remedy in normal combination and in concentrated form. Because of its demulcent and emollient properties, and its efficiency as a diuretic, Liquor Tritici is peculiarly adapted to the relief of urine-suppression and for the treat- NOTES. 274 ment of all inflamed and congested conditions of the kidneys, bladder and other urinary organs. Dose: i to 4 fluidrachms (4 to 15 Cc.) at inter- vals of one to four hours; in suppression of urine, the intervals between doses should be diminished. For price see page 137. 173. Tuberculin (concentrated, for veterinary use). The only reliable agent for detecting incipient tuberculosis in animals. Diagnosis based upon this test, but without any corroborating evidence whatever, has been in numerous instances confirmed by post- mortem examination. One vial contains sufficient Tuberculin for four injections. See p. 145. Note.—We can also supply diluted Tuberculin if desired. Bulk orders promptly filled. Literature furnished on application 1 74. Urinary Test Tablets. These tablets, covering the tests included in our former list of urinary test papers, may be employed in lieu of the latter, the same instructions being observed. The circum- stance should be noted, however, that indigo ana sodium carbonate, which were supplied separately in the form of the test papers, are furnished combined in the indigo and sodium-carbonate tablet, which simplifies the use of these tests. The test papers have been removed from our price list as affording less satisfaction than the tablets. Literature fur- nished on application. For price see page 145. See also note on Reagent Case, No. 143. 1 75. Ustllago Maydls (Com Ergot). First introduced by us. A substitute for ergot of rye. It has been pronounced superior to ergot in passive hemorrhages, and as a parturifacient it has the advantage over that agent of inducing intermittent instead of continuous contraction of the uterus. Literature mailed upon application. 175a. Vaginal Suppositories. No. 1 contains 5 grains of iodoform; No. 2, 5 grains of boric acid and 3 grains of aristol. For post- partum insertion, to check microbic development and promote the healing of excoriated or lacerated mucous surfaces. Dr. W. P. Manton, of Detroit, after an experience of six or eight years with this form of puerperal antisepsis, recommends it as being both convenient and serviceable. It is highly important that post-partum medication applied to the parturient tract should be entirely free from germs of any kind; and this desideratum is supplied in our Vaginal Suppositories (made accord- ing to Dr. Manton’s formulae) by the sterilizing processes employed in their manufacture and the care exercised in preparing them for the market. For prices see page 145. Send for Leaflet No. 2. 176. Veterinary Hypodermatic Case. Wehavepleas- ure in directing the attention of veterinary surgeons to our silk-lined morocco-covered Veterinary Hypodermatic Case, which measures 7)4 inches long, inches wide and 1% inches deep, and contains, when complete: A graduated veterinary hypodermatic syringe of improved construction; a hypodermatic needle; a hypodermatic trocar needle; a hypodermatic trocar; and a full line of our veterinary hypodermatic tablets. For price see page 145. Send for illustrated descriptive circular. For list of Veterinary Hypodermatic Tablets, see page 101. 1 77. Warburg Tincture, Powdered Extracts, Pills, etc. For convenience of the druggist, and because objection is often raised to the bitter taste of the tincture, we have added to our list two powdered extracts which represent the medicinal value of the original preparation—one with aloes and the other without. We also supply pills, soluble elastic capsules, and compressed tablets, representing respectively 54 and 1 fluidrachm, 2 fluidrachms, and 1 flui- drachm, of Warburg Tincture, with or without aloes. Literature on Warburg Tincture furnished on application. 178. Warburg Tincture, Special. This tincture is modified by the substitution of the cheaper cinchona alkaloids for qui- nine, following in all other respects the directions given in the National Formulary. Each fluidounce contains: Cinchonidine sulphate, 3 1-3 grains: Cinchonine sulphate, 3 1-3 grains; Chinoidin, pure, 3 1-3 grains. For price of Warburg Tincture see page 146. NOTES. 1 78a, White Zapote, Casimiroa edulis, La Llav et Lex. Favorable reports on the action of this drug in insomnia have been made by medical officers of the hospital service in the City of Mexico. We list it as a fluid extract. Literature furnished on application. 179. Wild Cherry, Fluid Extracts. We manufacture four fluid extracts of this drug (Prunus serotina, Ehrh.). The alcoholic extract differs from the fluid extract of the U. S. P., chiefly in that a different menstruum is employed; the Fluid Cherry for syrufi is four times stronger than syrup wild cherry, U. S. P. 1890; the detannated fluid extract is intended for admixture with preparations containing iron. In absence of specification to the contrary, we supply Fluid Extract Wild Cherry, which corresponds to the U. S. P. preparation. 1 80. Witch Hazel, Concentrated Distilled Extract (Hamamelis). Our distilled extract of Witch Hazel is a superior prepara- tion, very rich in the peculiar volatile principles in which the medicinal virtues of the plant chiefly reside. This article should be carefully preserved in glass, securely corked. It is liable to freeze during transit in very cold weather. For price see page 146. 181. Woodbrldge Treatment of Typhoid Fever. This method requires the employment of No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 of the following formulae, according to directions, which are furnished with each package and upon request by mail. No. 4 and No. 5 are especially designed for the treatment of children, and are not supplied with the regular case. 5 No. 1 (Tablets): Podophyllum resin, 1-960 gr.; Mercurous chloride, mild, i-i6gr.; Guaiacol carbonate, i-i6gr.; Menthol, i-i6gr.; Eucalyptol, q. s. H No. 2 (Tablets): Podophyllum resin, 1-960 gr.; Mercurous chloride, mild, 1-16 gr.; Guaiacol carbonate, 1-4 gr.; Menthol, 1-16 gr.; Thymol, 1-16 gr.; Eucalyptol, q. s. E No. 3 (Capsules): Guaiacol carbonate, 3 grs.; Thymol, 1 gr.; Menthol, 1-2 gr.; Eucalyptol, ; ttl. 1$ No. 4 (Tablets)—for children: Podophyllum resin, 1-960 gr.; Mer- curous chloride, mild, 1-16 gr.; Guaiacol carbonate, 1-8 gr.; Menthol, 1-96 gr.; Eucalyptol, q. s. E No. 5 (Capsules)—for children: Guaiacol carbonate, 1-2 gr.; Thymol, 1-8 gr.; Menthol, i-i6gr.; Eucalyptol, 1 Tip; Olive oil, sufficient. The above described tablets and capsules are manufactured in our laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. John Eliot Woodbridge. For price see page 146. Literature furnished on application. 1 82. Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon, U. S. P.), Eriodictyon glu- tinosum, Benth. From Northern California. This drug was first intro- duced to the notice of the medical profession by us, and its important properties have been so generally recognized that the U. S. P. committee incorporated it in the 1890 edition. It is now a standard remedy in broncnial and laryngeal disorders. Combined with Grindelia robusta in form of syrup, it is very efficient in coughs. One of its most remark- able properties is its power of completely disguising the bitter taste of quinine. We prepare a special Aromatic Syrup of Yerba Santa as a vehicle for the administration of quinine. One nuidounce of this syrup represents 60 grains Eriodictyon with aromatics, and completely masks the bitterness of 8 grains of quinine sulphate. We also prepare a Glycerole Yerbine Compound, the formula of which appears on page 126. Write for descriptive literature. 183. Yerba Santa Aromatic, Fluid. The strength of this preparation is just four times that of the syrup of yerba santa aro- matic; it is specially adapted for the extemporaneous preparation of the latter, according to instructions given on the label. Sixteen fluidounces represents 8 ozs. 340 grains av. Eriodictyon, combined with aromatics. NOTES. SYNONYMS. The names given in the right-hand column are those of our price list, by which the various articles will be found quoted under Fluid Extracts, Pressed Herbs, etc. In order, therefore, to condense this list of synonyms as much as possible, these names are not duplicated or cross-entered in the alphabetic column. The botanical synonyms following in parentheses the botanical name in first column, are those which have been most gener- ally adopted. See also note on Synonyms, page 276. Abies balsamea ...Balsam Fir. Abies canadensis (Tsuga canadensis)Hemlock Spruce. Abrus precatorius Jequinty. Absinthium W ormwood. Acacia Catechu Catechu. Acer rubrum Red Maple. Achillea Millefolium Yarrow. Aconitum Napellus Aconite. Acorus Calamus Calamus, Sweet Flag. Actaea alba ;•••: White Cohosh. Actaea racemosa(Cimicifuga racemosa).Cimicifuga, Black Cohosh. Adiantum pedatum Maiden-hair. ./Egle Marmelos Bael fruit. ./Esculus glabra Buckeye. ALsculus Hippocastanum Horse-chestnut. Agave planifolia Guaco root. Agrimonia Eupatoria Agrimony herb. Agropyrum repens Tnticum, Couch Grass. Aletris farinosa Star-grass (Unicorn-root). Alkanna tinctoria Alkanet root. Allium sativum Garlic. Allspice Pimenta. Alnus serrulata Tag Alder. Alpinia officinaruin Galangal. Althaea officinalis Marshmallow. Althaea rosea Hollyhock. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia Rag-weed. American Saffron Safflower. Ampelopsis quinquefolia (Vitis quin- quefolia) American Ivy. Anacyclus Pyrethrum Pellitory. Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel. Anamirta Cocculus Cocculus (Fish-berries). Anemone Hepatica Liverwort. Anemone Pulsatilla Pulsatilla. Angelica Archangelica Angelica root. Angelica atropurpurea Angelica seed. Anhalonium Lewinii Anhalonium. Anthemis Cotula Mayweed. Anthemis nobilis Chamomile, Roman. Apium graveolens Celery seed. Aplopappus Baylahuen Hysterionica. Apocynum androssemifolium Bitter-root. Apocynum cannabinum Apocynum, Canadian Hemp. Araiia hispjda Dwarf Elder. Aralia nudicaulis American Sarsaparilla. SYMONYMS. 277 SYNONYMS—Continued. Aralia racemosa Spikenard. Archangelica officinalis (Angelica Archangelica) Angelica root, German. Arctium Lappa Lappa, Burdock. Arctostaphylos glauca Manzanita leaves. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi Uva Ursi. Areca Catechu Areca nut. Arissema triphyllum Indian Turnip. Aristolochia Serpentaria Serpentaria. Arnica montana Arnica. Artanthe elongata (Piper angustifolium). .Matico. Artemisia Abrotanum Southernwood. Artemisia Absinthium Wormwood. Artemisia frigida Mountain Sage. Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort. Arum triphyllum (Arissema triphyllum). .Indian Turnip. Asagrsea officinalis Cevadilla. Asarum canadense Canada Snake-root. Asclepias curassavica Blood-flower. Asclepias incamata White Indian Hemp. Asclepias syriaca Silkweed. Asclepias tuberosa Asclepias, Pleurisy root. Ash bark. Black Ash, White Ash. Asimina triloba Papaw seed. Asparagus officinale Asparagus. Aspidium Filix-mas .Male-fern. Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco... .Aspidosperma. Atropa Belladonna Belladonna. Australian Fever-bark Alstonia constricta. Avens Water Avens. Balm Lemon Balm. Balm-of-Gilead buds Balsam Poplar buds. Balsam Spruce Balsam Fir. Bamboo-brier Comp .Alterative Compound. Baptisia tinctoria Wild Indigo. Barosma betulina, and B. crenulata. .Buchu. # Berberis vulgaris Barberry bark. Betonicaofficinalis(StachysBetonica). .Wood Betony. Betula lenta Black Birch bark. Bidens bipinnata Spanish Needles. Black Indian Hemp Apocynum, Canadian Hemp. Black Sampson Echinacea. Black Snake-root Cimicifuga, Black Cohosh. Boletus laricis (Polyporus officinalis). .Agaric (White Agaric). Borago officinalis Borage. Bou-Nefa Thapsia. Boxwood Dogwood. Brunfelsia Hopeana. Manacd. Bryonia alba. . Bryonia, White Bryony. Cactus grandiflorus Cereus grandiflorus. Calamus Sweet Flag. Calendula officinalis Calendula, Marigold^flowers. Cancer-root Beech-drop. Canella alba Canella. Cannabis indica or C. sativa Indian Cannabis. Cantharis vesicatoria Cantharides. Capsella Bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s-purse. Capsicum fastigiatum Capsicum. Carbenia benedicta Blessed Thistle. SYNONYMS. 278 SYNONYMS—Continued. Carrion-flower.... Jacob’s-ladder. Carthamus tinctorius Safflower. Carum Carvi Caraway. Carum copticum Ajowan seed. Carum Petroselinum Parsley. Caryophyllus aromaticus (Eugenia caryophyllata) Cloves. Casimiroa edulis White Zapote. Cassia angustifolia Senna. Castalia odorata White Pond-lily. Castanea dentata Castanea, Chestnut. Castela Nicholsoni Chaparro Amargoso. Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue Cohosh. Ceanothus amencanus Jersey Tea (New Jersey Tea) Celandine, Garden Garden Celandine. Celastrus scandens False Bittersweet. Centaurea benedicta (Carbenia benedicta). .Blessed Thistle. Centaury, red American Centaury. Cephaelis Ipecacuanha Ipecac. Cercis canadensis Judas-tree. Chamselirium luteum Helonias. Chelidonium majus Garden Celandine. Chelone glabra Balmony. Chenopodium anthelminticum American Wormseed. Chenopodium Botrys Jerusalem Oak. Cherry Wild Cherry. Chimaphila umbellata Chimaphila, Pipsissewa. Chionanthus virginica Fringe-tree. Chondodendron tomentosum Pareira, Pareira Brava, Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum Ox-eye Daisy root. Chrysanthemum Parthenium Feverfew. Cicuta maculata Water Hemlock. Cimicifuga racemosa Cimicifuga, Black Cohosh. Cinchona Calisaya Cinchona. Cinchona officinalis Cinchona, pale. Cinchona suceirubra Cinchona, red. Cinnamomum Cassia Cassia Cinnamon. Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Ceylon Cinnamon. Circium arvense (Cnicus arvensis). .Canada Thistle. Citrullus Colocynthis Colocynth. Citrullus vulgaris Watermelon. Citrus Aurantium Orange peel, sweet. Citrus Limonum Lemon peel. Citrus vulgaris Bitter Orange peel. Claviceps purpurea Ergot. Cnicus arvensis Canada Thistle root. Cnicus benedictus (Carbenia benedicta)..Blessed Thistle. Cocculus inaicus Cocculus (Fish-berries). Cocculus palmatus (Jateorhiza palmatal.. Calumba. Cochiztzapotl White Zapote. Cochlearia Armoracia (Nasturtium Armoracia) Horse-radish. Cocklebur Clotbur. Coffea arabica Coffee. Cola acuminata Kola nut. Colchicum autumnale Colchicum. Collinsonia canadensis Stone-root. Commiphora Myrrha Myrrh. SYNONYMS. 279 SYNON YMS—C ontinued. Comptonia asplenifolia (Myrica as- plenifolia) Sweet Fern. Conium maculatum Conium. Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the-valley, Convallaria Convolvulus panduratus (Ipomoea pandurata) Man-root. Coptis trifolia Gold-thread. Corallorhiza odontorhiza Crawley-root. Coriandrum sativum Coriander. Corn Ergot (com smut) Ustilago Maydis. Comus circinata Green Osier bark. Cornus florida Dogwood. Cornus sericea Ked Osier bark. Cratsegus Oxyacantha Hawthorn. Croton Eluteria Cascarilla. Cucumis Colocynthis (Citrullus Colocynthis)..Colocynth. Cucurbita Citrullus (Citndlus vulgaris)..Watermelon seed. Cucurbita Pepo Pumpkin seed. Cunila mariana Dittany. Curcuma longa Turmeric. Cuspariatrifoliata (GalipeaCusparia).. Angustura. Cynoglossum officinale Hound’s-tongue leaves. Cyperus articulatus Adrue. Cypripedium pubescens Cypripedium, Ladies’-slipper. Cytisus Scoparius Scoparius, Broom tops. Daphne Mezereum Mezereum. Datura Stramonium Stramonium. Daucus Carota Wild Carrot leaves. Delphinium Consolida. Larkspur seed. Delphinium Staphisagria Stavesacre seed. Dicentra canadensis Turkey-corn. Digitalis purpurea Digitalis, Foxglove. Dioscorea villosa Wild Yam. Diospyros virginiana Persimmon bark. Dipteryx odorata Tonka Bean. Dog-grass Couch-grass. Drosera rotundifolia .Sundew. Dryopteris Filix-mas and D. marginal is. .Male-fern (Aspidium). Duboisia myoporoides Duboisia leaves. Dulcamara. Dulcamara, Bittersweet. Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea. Elephantopus tomentosus fillephant’s-foot. Elettaria repens Cardamom. Embelia Ribes Embelia English Walnut Black Walnut. Epigsea repens Gravel-plant. Epiiobium angustifolium (E. spicatum).. Willow-herb. Epiphegus virginiana Beech-drop. Equisetum hyemale Scouring Rush. Erechthites hieracifolia Fireweed. Erigeron canadense Fleabane. Eriodictyon glutinosum Eriodictyon (Yerba Santa). Eryngium yuccaefolium (E. aquaticum)..Water Eryngo. Erythraea Centaurium European Centaury. Erythronium Americanum Adder’s-tongue leaves. Erythroxylon Coca Coca. Eschscholtzia Californica Eschscholtzia. Eucalyptus globulus Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus rostrata Red Gum. SYNONYMS. 280 Eugenia aromatica. Cloves. Eugenia Chequen Chekan. Eugenia Jambolana Jambul seed. Eugenia Pimenta Pimenta (Allspice). Euonymus atropurpureus Wahoo. Eupatorium aromaticum White Snake-root. Eupatorium perfoliatum Eupatorium, Boneset. Eupatorium purpureum Queen-of-the-meadow. Euphorbia coroliata Flowering Spurge. Euphrasia officinalis Eyebright. European Walnut Black Walnut. Fabiana imbricata Pichi. Fagus ferruginea Beech. Ferula fcetiaa Asafetida. Ferula* Sumbul Musk-root, Sumbul. Fever-bush Spice-bush. Figwort Flgwort, Carpenter’s-square. Fish-berries Cocculus. Five finger Cinquefoil. Foeniculntn capillaceum Fennel. Foreign Indian Hemp Indian Cannabis. Fragaria vesca Strawberry leaves. Franciscea uniflora (Brunfelsia Hopeana)..Manacd. hrangula.. ..Frangula, Buckthorn bark. Frankenia grandifolia Yerba Reuma. Frasera carolinensis American Columbo. Fraxinus americana .White Ash bark. Fraxinus sambucifolia Black Ash bark. Fucus vesiculosus Bladder-wrack. Galipea Cusparia Angustura. Galium Aparine Cleavers. Galium verum Ladies’-bedstraw. Garcinia Mangostana Mangosteen fruit. Garrya Fremontii California Fever-bush. Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen. Gelsemium sempervirens Gelsemium. Gentiana lutea Gentian. Gentiana ochroleuca Sampson Snake-root. Gentiana puberula Blue Gentian root. Gentiana quinquefiora (G. quinquefolia)..Five-flowered Gentian. Geranium maculatum Geranium, Cranesbill. Geum rivale Water Avens. G'dlenia trifoliata Indian Physic. Glycyrrhiza glabra Glycyrrhiza, Liquorice. Gnaphalium polycephalum Life-everlasting. Gonolobus Cundurango Condurango. Gossypium herbaceum Cotton-root bark. Gouania domingensis Chewstick. Grindelia robusta and G. squarrosa. .Grindelia. Guaiacum officinale Guaiacum wood. Guarea Rusbyi Cocillafia. Gynocardia odorata source of Chaulmoogra oil. tiEematoxylon campechianum Logwood. Hagenia abyssinica Kousso (Cusso). Hamamelis virgmiana Hamamelis, Witch Hazel. Haw Hawthorn. Hedeoma pulegioides Pennyroyal. Helianthem.um canadense Frostwort. Helianthus annuus Sunflower seed. SYNONYMS—Continued. SYNO&YWIS. SYNONYMS—Continued. Helleboras niger Black Hellebore. Henbane Hyoscyamus. Hepatica triloba (Anemone Hepatica). .Liverwort Heracleum lanatum Masterwort. Honduras Bark Cascara Amarga. Humulus Lupulus Hops. Hydrangea arborescens Hydrangea. Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis, Golden-seal. Hyoscyamus niger Henbane, Hyoscyamus. Hypericum perforatum Johnswort. Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop. Ilex paraguaiensis Paraguay Tea (Mate). Ilex verticillata Black Alder. Impatiens pallida Wild Celandine. Indian Hemp, see Black arid Foreign Indian Hemp. Inula Helenium Elecampane. Ipomcea Jalapa Jalap. Ipomoea pandurata Man-root. Iris florentina Orris-root. Iris versicolor Iris, Blue Flag. Istactzapotl White Zapote. Itch-weed American Hellebore. Jacaranda procera Caroba leaves. Jamaica-Pimento leaves Pimenta. Jamestown-weed Stramonium. jateorhiza palmata Calumba. Jeftersonia diphylla Twin-leat. Jewel weed Wild Celandine. Juglans cinerea Juglans, Butternut. Juglans nigra Black Walnut. Juniperus communis. Juniper berries. Juniperus Sabina Savine. Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel. Knot-grass Triticum, Couch-grass. Krameria triandra Krameria, Rhatany. Lactuca sativa Garden Lettuce. Lactuca virosa source of Lactucarium. Lamium album Nettle flowers. Lappa officinalis (Arctium Lappa).. .Burdock, Lappa. Larix americana Tamarac bark. Lauras nobilis Bay Laurel. Lavandula vera (L. Spica) Lavender flowers. Ledum latifolium Labrador Tea leaves. Leonuras Cardiaca Motherwort. Leptandra virginica (Veronica virginica)..Leptandra, Culver’s-root. Lesser Galangal Galangal. Levisticum officinale Lovage. Liatris odoratissima (Trilisa odoratissima).. Deer-tongue. Iiatris spicata Button Snake-root. Lichen pulmonarius (Sticta pulmonaria). .Lungmoss. Ligusticum Levisticum (Levisticum officinale). .Lovage. Ligustram vulgare Privet leaves. Lindera Benzoin. Spice-bush, Fever-bush. Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet-gum bark. Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip-tree bark. Liriosma ovata ; Muirapuama. Lobelia inflata Lobelia. Lobelia syphilitica .Blue Cardinal leaves. Lycopus europseus Bitter Bugleweed. SYNONYMS, 282 Lycopus virginicus Bugleweed. Magnolia glauca Magnolia bark. Malabar Nut Adhatoda vasica. Mallotus philippinensis Kamala. MaJva parviflora Low Mallow leaves. Mango Mangosteen. Marigold Calendula. Marrubium vulgare. Horehound. Matricaria Chamomilla Chamomile, German. May Hawthorn. May-apple Podophyllum, Mandrake. Melia Azedarach Pride of China. Melilotus officinalis Sweet Clover. Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm. Menispermum canadense Menispermum, Yellow Parilla Mentha piperita Peppermint. Mentha viridis. Spearmint. Menyanthes trifoliata Buckbean. Mercurialis annua Mercury-weed. Mescale Buttons Anhalonium. Micromeria Douglasii Yerba Buena. Milkweed Silkweed. Mitchella repens Squaw-vine. Mitella nuda Coolwort. Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot. Monarda punctata Horsemint leaves. Monotropa uniflora Fit-root plant. Mountain Rush Ephedra antisyphilitica. Mouthroot Gold-thread. Murillo bark Soap-tree bark. Muscale Buttons Anhalonium. Mutisia viciaefolia .. .Mutisia. Myrcia acris Bay Laurel. Myrica asplenifolia Sweet Fern. Myrica cerifera Bayberry. Myristica fragrans Mace, Nutmegs. Myrtus Chekan (Eugenia Chequen)..Chekan. Nasturtium Armoracia Horse-radish. Nectandra ...Coto bark. Nepeta Cataria Catnep. Nepeta Glechoma Ground Ivy. New Jersey Tea Jersey Tea. Nicotiana Tabacum Tobacco. Night-blooming cereus Cereus grandiflorus. Nuphar advena (Nymphsea advena).Yellow Pond-lily. Nutgall (Quercus lusitanica) Galla. Nymphaea advena Yellow Pond-lily. Nymphasa odorata (Castalia odorata). .White Pond-lily. Ocimum Basilicum Sweet Basil. CEnanthe Phellandrium Water Fennel seed. CEnothera biennis Evening Primrose. Oregon Grape Berberis Aquifolium. Origanum Majorana Sweet Marjoram leaves. Osmorrhiza longistylis Sweet Cicely. Osmunda regalis Buckhom brake. Ostrya virginica Iron wood. Ottonia anisum (Piper Jaborandi).. .Jambu Assu. Oxydendron arboreum Sourwood leaves. Paeonia officinalis Peony root. SYNONYMS—Continued. SYNONYMS. 283 SYNONYMS—Continued. Panama bark Soap-tree bark. Papaver Rhoeas Red Poppy flowers. Papaver somniferum Poppy. Para-Coto bark Goto bark. Partridge Berry Squaw-vine. Passiflora incamata Passion flower. Paullinia Cupana Guarana. Pencil-flower Stylosanthes. Penthorum sedoides Virginia Stonecrop. Peumus Boldus Boldo. Phoradendron flavescens Mistletoe. Physostigma venenosum Calabar Bean, Physostigma. Phytolacca decandra Phytolacca, Poke. Picrsena excelsa Quassia. Picramnia (species not determined). .Cascara Amarga. Pilocarpus Jaborandi, and P. Selloanus. .Pilocarpus, Jaborandi. Pimenta acris Bay Laurel. Pimenta officinalis Pimenta, Allspice. Pimpinella Anisum Anise. Pimpinella Saxifraga Saxifrage. Pinus canadensis (Tsuga canadensis). .Hemlock Spruce bark. Pinus Strobus White Pine bark. Piper angustifolium Matico. Piper Cubeba Cubeb. Piper Jaborandi Jambu Assu. Piper methysticum Kavakava. Piper nigrum Black Pepper. Piscidia Erythrina (P. Piscipula) Jamaica Dogwood. Plantago major Plantain leaves. Podophyllum peltatum Podophyllum, Mandrake. Poison Ivy Poison Oak, Rhus Toxicodendron. Polemcnium reptans Abscess-root. Polygala Senega. Senega. Polygonatum officinale Solomon’s-seal. Polygonum acre (P. punctatum) Water-pepper. Polygonum bistorta Bistort. Polygonum punctatum Water-pepper. Polymnia Uvedalia Bearsfoot. Polypodium vulgare Polypody leaves. Polyporus officinalis. Agaric (White Agaric). Polytrichum juniperinum Hair-cap Moss. Populus balsamifera, var. candicans. .Balsam Poplar buds. Populus tremuloides White Poplar. Potentilla canadensis Cinquefoil (Five-finger herb). Potentilla Tormentilla Tormentilla root. Prairie Pine-w'eed Button Snakeroot, also Rosin weed. Premna taitensis Tonga. Prince’s Pine Chirnaphila, Pipsissewa. Prinos verticillatus (Ilex verticillata) .Black Alder. Prunus Persica Peach. Prunus virginiana, U. S. P. (Prunus serotma). .Wild Cherry. Ptelea trifoliata Wafer Ash. Pterocarpus Marsupium Kino. Pterocarpus santalinus Sandalwood. Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Indian Black-root. Ptychotis Ajowan (Carurn copticum).. Ajowan seed. Pulmonaria officinalis Lungwort. Punica Granatum Pomegranate. Pycnanthemum montanum Mountain Mint. SYNONYMS. 284 SYNONYMS—Continued. Pyrus americana Mountain Ash bark. Pyrus Malus Apple-tree bark. Queen’s-root Stillingia. Quercus alba White Oak bark. Quercus lusitanica source oj Galla (Nutgall). Quercus rubra Red Oak bark. Quercus tinctoria. Black Oak bark. Quickens . Triticum, Couch-grass. Quillaja Saponaria Soap-tree bark. Red Puccoon Sanguinaria, Blood-root. Rhamnus cathartica Buckthorn berries. Rhamnus Frangula Frangula, Buckthorn bark. Rhamnus Purshiana Cascara Sagrada. Rhaphidophora vitiensis Tonga. Rheum officinale Rhubarb. Rheumatism-root Twin-leaf. Rhus glabra Sumach. Rhus radicans Poison Oak, Rhus Toxicodendron. Rhus Toxicodendron (R. radicans). .Poison Oak. Ricinus communis Castor-oil plant. Rosa gallica Rose. Rosa centifolia Rose petals, pale. Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary. Rottlera tinctoria (Mallotus philippinensis). .Kamala. Rubus canadensis Dewberry root. Rubus strigosus Raspberry leaves. Rubus villosus Rubus, Blackberry. Rudbeckia laciniata Thimbleweed. Rumex Acetosella Sheep Sorrel. Rumex crispus Rumex, Yellow Dock. Ruta graveolens Rue. Sabal serrulata (Serenoa serrulata)..Saw Palmetto. Sabbatia angplaris American Centaury. Sabbatia Elliottii Quinine-flower. Saffron, American(Carthamus tinctorius) ..Safflower. Saint John’s-wort Johnswort. Salix alba White Willow. Salix nigra Black Willow. Salt-rheum weed Balmony. Salvia officinalis Sage. Sambucus canadensis Elder. Sambucus nigra European Elder. Sanguinaria canadensis Sanguinaria, Blood-root. Santalum album Sandalwood. Saponaria officinalis Soapwort. Sarothamnus Scoparius (Cytisus Sco- parius) Scoparius, Broom tops. Sarracenia flava Trumpet-plant. Sarracenia purpurea. Pitcher-plant. Sassafras variifolia Sassafras. Satureja hortensis Summer-savory. Scale-flower Mutisia. Schoenocaulon officinale (Asagreea officinalis)., Cevadilla. Scilla Squill. Scoparius Broom tops. Scopolia camiolica Scopolia. Scrophularia Marilandica Figwort, Carpenter’s-square. Scutellaria canescens Scullcap. Scutellaria lateriflora Scutellaria. SYNONYMS. 285 SYNONYMS—Continued. Senecio aureus Life-root. Serenoa serrulata Saw Palmetto. Sesamum indicum Benne leaves. Sheep Laurel Mountain Laurel. Sierra Salvia Mountain Sage. Silphium laciniatum Rosin-weed. Simaba Cedron Cedron seed. Simaruba amara Simaruba bark. Slippery Elm Elm bark. Smilax herbacea Jacob’s-ladder. Smilax medica. Sarsaparilla, Mexican. Smilax officinalis Sarsaparilla, Honduras. Smilax Pseudo-China Bamboo-brier root. Smilax (species not determined) Sarsaparilla, Para. Snakeweed Bistort. Solanum carolinense Horse-nettle. Solanum Dulcamara Dulcamara, Bittersweet. Solanum paniculatum Jurubeba. Solidago odora Golden-rod. Solidago Virgaurea Solidago. Sorbus americana (Pyrus americana). .Mountain Ash. Sorghum saccharatum .Broom-com seed. Spigelia marilandica Spigelia, Pink-root. Spiraea tomentosa Hardhack. Stachys Betonica Wood Betony. Statice Limonium, var. caroliniana. .Marsh-rosemary. Stellaria media Chickweed. Sticta pulmonaria Lungmoss. Stigmata Maydis Corn-silk. Stillingia sylvatica Stillingia. Strophanthus Kombe Strophanthus. Strychnos Ignatii Ignatia. Stiychnos malaccensis Ploang-nan. Strychnos Nux-vomica Nux Vomica. Stylosanthes elatior Stylosanthes, Pencil-flower. Sumbul Musk-root. Sweet Balm (see note 166) Lemon Balm. Swertia Chirata Chirata. Sycocarpus Rusbyi (Guarea Rusbyi)..Cocillafia. Symphytum officinale Comfrey. Symplocarpus foetidus Skunk Cabbage. Syzygium Jambolanum (Eugenia Jambolana).. Jambul seed. Tanacetum vulgare Tansy. Taraxacum officinale ..Taraxacum, Dandelion. Tetterwort Sanguinaria, Blood-root. Teucrium Scordium Water Germander. Tnapsia Garganica Thapsia. Thea sinensis Tea. Thoroughwort Eupatorium, Boneset. Thuya occidentalis Arbor vitae. Thymus vulgaris Thyme. Tilia americana Basswood. Toluifera Balsamum Tolu. Tree of Heaven Ailanthus glandulosa. Trifolium pratense Red Clover. Trifolium repens White Clover. Trilisa odoratissima Deer-tongue. Trillium erectum Beth-root. Triticum repens (Agrcpyrum repens )Triticum, Couch-grass. SYNONYMS. 286 SYNONYMS—Concluded. Tsuga canadensis Hemlock Spruce. Tumera microphylla Damiana. Tussilago Farfara Coltsfoot. Ulmus fulva Elm bark. Umbellularia californica California Laurel. Uncaria Gambier Catechu (for B. P. Tincture). Unicom root, False Helonias. Unicom root, True Star-grass. Unkum Life-root. Urechites suberecta Urechites. Urginea maritima Squill Urtica dioica Nettle. Valeriana officinalis Valerian. Veratrum album ...White Hellebore. Veratrum Sabadilla (Asagrsea officinalis). .Cevadilla seed. Veratrum viride Veratrum Viride, American Hellebore. Verbascum Thapsus Mullein. Verbena hastata Blue Vervain. Verbena urticsefolia White Vervain. Veronica officinalis Speedwell. Veronica virginica Leptandra, Culver’s root. Viburnum Opulus Viburnum Opulus, Cramp-bark. Viburnum prunifolium Viburnum Prunifolium, Black Haw. Viola tricolor Pansy. Virga latifolia Solidago. Virginia Snake-root Serpentaria. Vitis quinquefolia American Ivy. Walnut, Black, English or European. Black Walnut. White Agaric Agaric. White Baneberry White Cohosh. White-wood Tulip-tree, also Basswood. Wild Ginger Canada Snake-root. Xanthium spinosum Spiny Clotbur. Xanthium strumarium Clotbur. Xanthoxylum americanum, and X. Clava-Herculis Xanthoxylum, Prickly Ash. Yellow Poplar Tulip-tree. Zapote bianco White Zapote. Zea Mays Corn-silk. Zingiber officinale Ginger, Jamaica. SYNONYMS. 287 Abbreviations of Authors1 Names. Authors’ names, as usually abbreviated, are attached to the botanical names of drugs priced in our list of fluid extracts. In our desire to make the price list absolutely complete, we give below an index to these abbre- viations for the information of those wlio may require it. Adans Adanson. Ait Aiton. All Allion i. Andrz Andrzejowski. Am, Arnott. Aubl Aublet £ Bunge. B. &W... . ..Bartling & Wendland. Bail Baillon. Balf Balfour. Bart Barton. Bartl Bartling. Beauv Beauvois. Benth Bentham. Benth. & Hook, f., B. & H. f. Bentham & Hooker, filius. Berg Bergius. B1 Blume. Boiss Boissier. Borkh Borkhausen Br., R. Br Robert Brown. Britton, Britt N. L. Britton. Brot Brotero. Burm Burman. Carr Carrifere. Cass Cassini. Cham. & Schlecht. Chamisso & Schlechtendal. Corr Correa de Serra. DC., A..AlphonseDeCondolle (son).; DC., DeC A. P. DeCondolle. Dec., Decne Decaisne. Del Delile. Desf Desfontaines. Desr Desroussaux. Dryand Dryander. Dun Dunal.! Ehrh Ehrhart. I Ell Elliott.: Eng Engler.: Forst Forster.; Fr Fries.; G Gmelin.! Gsertn Gaertner.; Gil Gilibert.; Gr ... Gray. Griseb Grisebach.' Haw Haworth.' Ham Hamilton.' H. & B Humboldt & Bonpland.' H. B. & K., HBK. Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth. Hedw Hedwig. Hoffm Hoffmann. Hook Hooker. Hook. & Arn Hooker & Arnott. Houtt Houttuyn. Jacq Jacquin. Kauf Kauffmann. Kth Kunth. Labill LaBillardifere. Lam Lamarck. Lamb Lambert. I eu Lemaire. L’Her L’Heritier. Linn., L., Lin Linne. Lin. f C. Linn € (son). Lindl Lindley. Lk Link. M., Marsh Marshall. Mart Martius. Meissn ..Meissner Michx Michaux. Mill Miller. Miq Miquel. Mol Molina. Muell. F Ferd. von Mueller. Muell. Arg Mueller, J. of Argau. Murr j. A. Murray. Nutt Nuttall. O. K Otto Kuntze. Oliv Oliver. Pav Pavon. Pers Persoon. Ph Pursh. Planch J. E. Planchon. Raf Rafinesque-Schmaltz. Rich., A A. Richard. Rose Roscoe. Roxb R oxburgh. R. & P Ruiz & Pavon. Salisb Salisbury. Sarg C. S. Sargent. Schlecht Schlechtendal. Schott & Endl, Schott and Endlicher Schrad Schrader. Scop Scopoli. Seem Seemann. Sieb Siebold. Sm Smith. Sol Solander. Sonn Sonn&at. St. Hit A. St.Hilaire. Steud Steudel. Sud Sudworth. Swz Swartz. Ta Tausch. T Tulasne. T. & G Torrey & Gray. Thunb Thunberg. Torr Torrey. Trev Treviranus. Tri Triana. Vent Ventenat. W. & Arn., W. & A. Wight & Arnott. Walt Walter. Web Weber. Wedd Weddell. Wendl Wendland. Wendr W enderoth. Willd Willdenow. Zucc Zuccarini. ABBREVIATIONS. 288 Foreign Agencies. Europe. LOS DON, ENGLAND, BRANCH PARKE, DAVIS &. CO., 21 N. Audley St. (461 Oxford St.), Grosvenor Sq., TV. AUSTRIA VIENNA C. Haubner’s Engel Apotheke. G. & R. Fritz. BELGIUM BRUSSELS E. Pelerin. GERMANY BERLIN Bruckner, Lampe & Co. Simon’s Apotheke. SWITZERLAND GENEVA Paul Brandt. Australia. DEPOT: CHAS. HARKELL & CO., 16 O’Connell St., Sydney, N. S. W. FOREIGN AGENCIES. S. AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE A. M. Bickford & Sons. F. A. Faulding & Co. TASMANIA LAUNCESTON L. Fairthorne & Son. Hatton & Laws. QUEENSLAND BRISBANE Elliott Bros. (Limited). Taylor & Colledge. VICTORIA MELBOURNE Duerdin & Sainsbury. Felton, Grimwade & Co. Rocke, Tompsitt & Co. N.SOUTH WALES....SYDNEY Elliott Bros. (Limited). Australian Drug Co. (L’t’d). Julius Levy. Sayers, Allport & Potter. New Zealand. AUCKLAND— New Zealand Drug Co. (L’t’d). Sharland & Co. (Limited). CHRISTCHURCH— New Zealand Drug Co. (L’t’d). H. F. Stevens. DUNEDIN— New Zealand Drug Co. (L’t’d). WELLINGTON— New Zealand Drug Co. (L’t’d). Sharland & Co. (Limited). Our products can also be obtained from the Wholesale Trade generally throughout Australasia. Other Foreign Countries. CHINA.... CEYLON Colombo Apothecaries Co. (Limited) COLOMBO Dakin Bros. (Limited) HONG KONG Mactavish & Lehmann (Limited),......SHANGHAI HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Hollister Drug Co. Benson, Smith & Co. Hobron Drug Co. (Limited). HONOLULU EGYPT B. Fischer & Co ALEXANDRIA Kemp is Co Bathgate & Co. Smith, Stanistreet & Co. R. Scott Thomson & Co. (Limited) INDIA ... CALCUTTA JAPAN China and Japan Trading Co. (Limited). ..YOKOHAMA JAVA Rathkamp & Co BATAVIA Our products are also carried In stock by the Wholesale Druggists of most of the important cities of Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies,