rrm TERMS OF SALE. 1. The prices on our list are for thousands, unless the price of ioo is given. Tablet Triturates are put up one thousand in a 4-ounce, French square, glass stoppered bottle. Compressed Tablets in thousands are put up in bottles ranging from 4 to 32 ounces, according to the size of tablet. 2. For five hundred Tablets, one-half the rate per thousand is charged, and five cents per 500 additional. 3. For one hundred Tablets, where the price for xoo is not given, the price is one-tenth of the price per 1000 and ten cents per xoo additional. The more expensive have the price per 100 attached. 4. Tablets sold in bulk, in quantities of five thousand or more in one container, will be charged for at five cents per thousand less than list prices, for those listed at less than one dollar. Those listed at more than one dollar will be charged for at five per cent less than list prices. 5. For those Chocolate Coated tablets which we man- ufacture, the price will be ten cents per thousand more than the list prices, for all those listed for less than two dollars per thousand. Tablets listed at two dollars or over, will be sold for the same price coated, excepting where the prices for coated tablets are given in the price list. 6. The tablets are always shipped in bottles, unless otherwise specified, and in any other container are at the risk of the customer and are not returnable. 7. The goods are invariably sold for cash, and no deviation from the list price will be made, except for marked fluctuations in the market price of the goods. The prices for tablets containing quinine are subject to change without notice. 8. We do not pay freight, mail or express charges, excepting on orders amounting to fifteen dollars or more, when sold at net list price. 9. We do not consign any goods. 10. As the tablets on our list have all been properly tested for quality, it must not be expected that they will be accepted back, either for credit or exchange, after they are once sold, unless for a just complaint of that quality. 11. When ordering, please give full address and ship- ping directions if preference should be given to any particular line or route. ______________ Fraser’s SOLUBLE Tablet Triturates (As Suggested by Dr. Robt. M. Fuller.) Compressed Tablets. ■AND THESE TABLETS, INCLUDING HYPODERMICS, ETC., GIVE TO THE PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST AN EASY, ECONOMICAL AND ACCURATE METHOD OF DISPENSING MEDICINES IN A COMPACT AND PALATABLE FORM. THE directions appended to the formulas in the following; list represent the individual views of the authors ot the prescriptions, or have been condensed from the authorities on therapeutics. We adopt this method of replying to the many inquiries received every day from physicians as to the composition, special uses and indica- tions of certain tablets, and in so doing assume no responsibility other than that which attaches to a des;.e to afford them the assist- ance of such information as we gather from correspondence or conversation with their fellow-practitioners in all parts of the country. When not otherwise stated, the dose is intended for an adult, and the correction for age may be made according to the usual tables. Where the same directions are used for tablets of two or more strengths of the same medicine, it indicates the conclusions or opinions of physicians of different experience or different classes, as to the unit of dosage to be employed in specific cases, or the varia- tion which would naturally be governed by the circumstances of each case. When a patient cannot swallow a tablet whole, a single one may be dissolved in a proper amount of water, or a number may be dis- solved in any multiple of the amount, and the directions given as for a liquid medicine, except in the cases where the tablet contains insoluble elements. For example:—One tablet in a tablespoonful of water at a dose, or eight in eight tablespoonfuis, and of this a table- spoonful as often as necessary. Suggestions for the use of any of our tablets or for the improve- ment of any directions that seem inadequate, will be gratefully received. Our endeavor is to make the list as complete as we can, and as useful as possible to physicians; and while we know that the first attempt of this kind may leave much to be desired, we feel sure that it will be helpful and suggestive, and we request the aid of the medical profession in our effort to make it of even more assistance. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FR A SE R\S TA BLE TS. Physicians’ Net Price List. Per Thousand. ( Pepsin i gr. ) ABSORBENT DYSPEPTIC 1 Charcoal 2 gr. $185 (Sodium Bicarb.. 2 1-2 gr. ) One or two after meals, followed by another in one hour, for dyspep- sia and acid stomach. ACETANILID 1 gr 75 Antipyretic analgesic. Give one every two hours, for fever, with pain and restlessness, in children ; one every twenty minutes for adults until eight are taken, if necessary. ACETANILID 2 grs I 00 Antipyretic. One every half hour or every hour until three or four are taken, for fever with pain. ACETANILID 3 grs I 20 Give one every two hours as an antipyretic until the temperature falls ; also, in the same dose, to control pain in neuralgia and muscular rheu- matism. ACETANILID 4 grs 135 One, repeated in two hours, followed by another if necessary, for neu- ralgia, headache, and to control fever. ACETANILID 5 grs 1 S° One, repeated in two hours, followed by another if necessary, for neu- ralgia, headache, and to control fever. ACETANILID ALKALINE (Acetanilid.. 3gr.) 0 no ( Spts.Animon. Aro. 5 mm. ) One every hour for three doses, to control the fever and pain of poly- arthritis; then every three hours. ACETANILID AROMATIC . ... j OifoauRheria!!'.! 1 Antipyretic. . (.Pink Coloring q. s.) Give one every two hours as an antipyretic in typhoid, bronchitis and pneumonia ; after the temperature falls, two to four a day. ACETANILID, CANNABIS CO. \ In j 3 00 (Di. H. L. \V lustier.; ( Caffeine Aik i gr. ) One every hour until three are taken ; afterwards one every two hours, in all headaches when face is flushed and eyes congested, or congestive headaches ; in neuralgia of branches of fifth nerve. ACETANILID COMP. No. i.... ( Acetanilid 2 gr. ) (Dr. Pitcher.) '( FI. Ext. Gelsem. ...1 min. j 130 Antipyretic, analgesic. One every two hours for three doses, then every two hours if necessary, for neuralgia and headache, and also fever with pain. ACETANILID COMP. No. 3.... ( Acetanilid 3 gr. } Diaphoretic, antipyretic. ) Tully’s Powder 3 gr. $ 2 *5 One every two to four hours, for the fever of pneumonia, bronchitis and typhoid ; and as an analgesic in rheumatism. ACETANILID COMP. No. 5.... j Acetanilid 2 srr. ) (Dr. Morgan.) ( Quinine Sulph 1 gr. $ 2 JO One every hour for four doses, then one everj'two hours until relieved. For influenza and fresh colds with severe pains in the head and body. When ordering- or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. f Acetanilid 5 grA 1 Camphor Monobr...i gr. 1 ACETANILID COMP No. 6 ) Cafteine Cit 2-3 gr. 1 2 50 (Dr. F. Preiss.) Capsicum Powd.a-20 gr. f | Tr. Gelsemium. ...2 min. l,OiI Wintergreen....q. s.J One tablet, repeated every hour for three doses, if necessary ; for head- ache and neuralgia. ACETANILID & CAFFEINE ( Acetanilid 3i-2gr.) COMP < Caffeine 1 gr. V 4 5° (Dr. Hubbard.) ( Sodium Brom 7 1-2 gr. ) Give two tablets for the first dose, and repeat in four hours if necessary for headache and neuralgia. ACETANILID & CALOMEL C Acetanilid i gr.) COMP < Sodium Bicarb... .1-2 gr. > I OO (Dr. J. C. Gary.) (Calomel i-iogr. ) Give a child from three to six years old a tablet every hour, for from three to six doses, or until bowels act. If they do not act in six hours, a saline cathartic or an enema is indicated, then give a tablet every two to four hours. For eruptive and irritative fevers, and typhoid in the first week ; or in suspected cases. In chronic cases, one every three to six hours for children or adults. ACETANILID & GELSEMIN ( Y-ioIr'i comp jcaffeinecit::;:::!.:°!r:i 2 60 One every hour for not more than three doses, for headache with pain or fever. ACETANILID MODIFIED | T£ Digitalis 2 mfn. \ One tablet every two or three hours, for the fever and pain of peri- carditis, pneumonia and bronchitis. 1 6S ( Acetanilid 41-2 gr. ) 1 60 ACETANILID SALICYLATED. \ Sodium Salicyl... 1-4 gr. V ( Sodium Bicarb.... 1 -4 gr.) One every hour for two or three doses, then every three hours, for acute articular rheumatism and its complications ACETANILID & SALOL ( Acetanilid 2 1-2 gr. ) 4 00 Antiseptic, antipyretic. ( Salol 2 1-2 gr. ) One every hour until fever and pain abate, in acute articular rheu- matism, and neuralgia of rheumatic origin. ACETANILID & SODA 1 Acetanilid... 4 gr.) ( Sodium Bicarb 1 gr. ( One, repeated in two hours, followed by another if necessary, for head- ache and neuralgia. 1 40 ACETANILID, SODA COMP. .. ) Sodium Bicarb.'.':!! .1 gr. 2 35 (Dr. R. H. Dinegar.) ( Caffeine Citrate 1 gr. ) One every two hours until symptoms are relieved, then increase in- tervals as indicated. Used in neuralgic headache and as an antipyretic. ACID ARSENOUS i-iooo gr 75 Tonic alterative, antimalarial. One gablet every two hours for an infant, as a tonic in chronic diar- rhcea, and those forms of pain and headache which have their origin in malaria. ACID ARSENOUS 1-500 gr 75 One to three tablets every two hours, for eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases ; also for a general tonic in malaria, and those forms of headache and neuralgia of malarial origin. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets ACID ARSENOUS 1-200 gr One to two tablets every two hours, for eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases; also for a general tonic in malaria, and those forms of headache and neuralgia of malarial origin. 75 ACID ARSENOUS 1-100 gr... One tablet after each meal, increased by one tablet a day until effect is produced, or until fulness of the stomach with pain occurs ; for a general and malarial tonic, skin diseases, and those forms of neuralgic pain of malarial origin. 75 ACID ARSENOUS 1-60 gr One to three tablets after each meal, stop when there are colicky pains or fulness in the stomach ; for skin diseases, neuralgia, epilepsy and for a malarial and general tonic. 75 ACID ARSENOUS 1-50 gr One to two tablets after each meal, stop when there are colicky pains or fulness in the stomach ; for skin diseases, neuralgia, epilepsy and for a malarial and general tonic. 75 ACID ARSENOUS 1-40 gr One after each meal, increased very gradually to two after each meal, for tonic in anaemia. 75 ACID ARSENOUS 1-30 gr One tablet after each meal, stop when there are colicky pains or fulness in the stomach ; for skin diseases, neuralgia, epilepsy and for a malarial and general tonic. 75 ACID ARSENOUS 1-20 gr One three times a day after meals, for tonic in anaemia. 75 ACID ARSENOUS i-iogr One tablet after each meal, given with care ; stop when there are colicky pains or fulness in the stomach ; for sjcin diseases, neuralgia, epilepsy and for a malarial and general tonic. ACID BENZOIC 1-5 gr One every half hour in summer diarrhoea, of infants ; for aphthous and diphtheritic affections of the mouth, three or four an hour, dissolved in a teaspoonful of water. ACID BENZOIC 1 gr A tablet every hour for diseases of the respiratory passages, ery- sipelas, diphtheria, typhoid fever and acute rheumatism. ACID BORIC 1-10 gr Antiseptic. Dissolve ten in half a glass of water, and give a teaspoonful every fifteen to thirty minutes, for an infant with diarrhoea or dysentery, and flatulence. ACID BORIC 1-2 gr A tablet after each meal, increased to five or six at a dose, for catarrh of the ureters and bladder, and the uric acid diathesis. ACID BORIC 1 gr One every hour, dissolved on the tongue ; for aphthae and diphtheria, and for diarrhoea of children. ACID BORIC 3 grs One every two hours for dysmenorrhcea, and vesical catarrh ; three or four times a day as an intestinal disinfectant. ACID BORIC S grs A tablet three or four times a day, for intestinal dyspepsia with diarrhoea, and in catarrhal inflammations of the urinary tract. 75 75 1 10 75 75 95 1 15 1 30 FRASER'S TABLETS. When ordering- or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 5 ACID CARBOLIC i-io gr 75 One every hour for indigestion with nausea, and as an intestinal disin- fectant in diarrhoea, dysentery and typhoid fever. ACID SALICYLIC i gr I IO Anti-rheumatic, antipyretic. One every hour for three doses, then every two or three hours, for acute rheumatism of children ; discontinue the medication if nausea and vomiting occur. ACID SALICYLIC 3 grs 1 S° One tablet every hour for three doses, then every three hours ; for acute rheumatism and its complications, neuralgia, tonsillitis and pleurisy. ACID SALICYLIC 5 grs A tablet three or four times a day as an antipyretic ; alternated with quinine to great advantage; used also in neuralgic affections, typhoid and hectic fever. 1 75 ACONITIA 1-1000 gr 75 ACONITIA 1-500 gr 75 ACONITIA 1-400 gr I OO ACONITIA 1-200 gr 2 OO ACONITIA 1-150 gr 3 00 ACONITIA 1-100 gr . 4 00 ACONITIA 1-50 gr 6 00 ( Morph. Sulph... .1-50 gr. ) ACONITE Comb j Tartar Kinetic . .1-100 gr. > 1 25 ( Ext. Aconite.... 1-100 gr. ; One every three hours, for a child with bronchitis and high fever. ACONITE COMP No. 2 j Tr. S (Dr. W. E. Derry.) \ Tr> Bryonia 2 min. ) One every hour for three to six doses, then every two to three hours, in acute inflammation of the air passages, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. 1 So ACONITE FL. EXT 1 minim 75 Diaphoretic. Dissolve one in six tablespoonfuls of water; of this give one table- spoonful every hour, in neuralgia and fever. ACONITE & BELLADONNA.. (Aconite Powd..i-ioo gr.) 75 ( Belladon. Powd.i-ioo gr.) One crushed and taken on the tongue, or mixed with water on the end of a spoon, to a baby under three, at intervals of an hour, for bronchitis, pleurisy and fevers ; for older children, one every half hour for four doses, then every hour. ACONITE & BELLADONNA ( Tr. Aconite, 1-2 min. j 75 One every hour until effect is produced. For children, dissolve one tablet in ten teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every twenty minutes, for fever, tonsillitis and early stages of inflammatory diseases. ACONITE & BELLADONNA ( Tr. Aconite 1 rain, j I 00 N°- 3 \ Tr. Belladonna.. ..1 min. ( One every hour for measles and other fevers of children, acute coughs and colds and acute rheumatism ; after the sixth dose, give every three hours. ’ & ACONITE & BRYONIA ... ( Aconite Powd .. 1-100 gr.) ( Bryonia Powd . .1-100 gr. S Sedative, antipyretic, membrane stimulant. 75 One every half hour as a sedative and antipyretic in the early stages of fever, and cold with fever. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. ACONITE & BRYONIA, No. 2. \ Jr. Aconite / I r. Bryonia .... . . i min. ( One, three or four times a day, increasing carefully according to the effect; for pneumonia and for pleurisy with effusion. ACONITE & BRYONIA COMP. ( £r. Aconite (Dr. Judd.) li/'£elseiP 1 7-8 min. V 1 35 ( Tr. Bryonia.. .. 1 1-4 min. ) Dissolve ten tablets in four ounces of water and give a teaspoonful every hour in all febrile conditions, and especially in those due to inflammation of the air-passages. ( Tr. Aconite ACONITE & GELSEMIUM ] Tr. Gelsemium.. .. 1 min. > 1 5° ( Tr. Belladonna.. .. 2 min.) Give one in water, for sick headache and neuralgia : repeat hourly for two doses if necessary. ACONITE & IPECAC (Tr. Aconite 1-2 min. ) I 00 Sedative, diaphoretic, expec- \ Wine of Ipecac.. .. 1 min. j torant. One every half hour for five doses, then one every hour or two, as a sedative and diaphoretic ; for colds with hoarseness and dryness of the throat. ACONITE & MERCURIUS (Aconite Powd..: 1-100 gr. j 75 Sedative, alterative. \ Merc. Sol. H....; 1-100 gr. j One every two hours for a child, for fever, or cold with congestion. fever and ACONITE RAD. PULV 1-200 gr 75 Antipyretic, sedative. One every hour in the fevers of children, when pulse is rapid and of high tension. ACONITE RAD. PULV i-ioo gr 75 Give one tablet every hour or two, for elevated temperature, strong pulse and restlessness, and for colds of children, with fever. ACONITE RAD. PULV i-io gr One tablet every two or three hours, for colds with fever. ACONITE & STIBIUM (Aconite Powd... .1-50 gr. ) 75 75 (Dr. Wood.) ( Tartar Emetic.. •i-S° gr- $ Sedative expectorant. One or two every half hour for four doses ; repeat after two hours, in cases of dry and obstinate cough, asthma and chronic bronchitis. AGARICIN 1-10 gr 1 So One or two at night, for the profuse sweating of phthisical patients, and for exhausting cough. and gouty ((Quinine Sulph... ....1 grA Iron Powd AIKEN S TONIC J Acid Arsenous.. ••2-3 gr- •r-S0 gr- > I Strych. Sulph... . -i-5°gr. (.Ext. Gentian.. .. ••1-4 gr-J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO One to two tablets, three times a day, after meals. ALKALINE CHARCOAL ( Charcoal. Absorbent alkaline. ( Sodium Bicarb.. . ...1 g1'- ) 75 Give frequently with a little water, for heartburn, acidity of the stom- ach and flatulence. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 7 ALKALINE IODIDE ( Potass. Iodide 5 gr. > Alterative. ) Potass. Bicarb 5 gr. ) One after eating, for depressed and weakened conditions of the system, poverty of the blood, and chronic syphilitic conditions. 6 00 (Ext. Belladonna. .1-8 gr.'i . . ,, . ) Ext. N\ix Vom„ .. 1-4 gr. 1 ALKALINE LAXATIVE \ Ext. Colocy. C0..1 1-2 gr. | 3 00 t Sodium Bicarb 1 gr.J One every night, for chronic constipation and the intestinal dyspepsia of rheumatic and gouty subjects. .„ . „ . __ ( Rhubarb Powd 2 gr. ) ALKALINE LAXATIVE No. 2. ) Rochelle Salt 4 gr.J (Dr. J. W. Malone.) ( Sodium Bicarb 4 gr. ) One tablet after meals. ALOES, COLOCYNTH COMP., j Co!.2 fr'X (Dr. Duncan.) ( Ext. Belladonna.. .1-8 gr. ) 1 iS Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 One tablet before dinner and two at bedtime, followed for several days by one or two at bedtime, to relieve torpidity or passive congestion of tne liver. ALOIN 1-10 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 8 S One tablet at night occasionally, for constipation of children due to errors in diet. ALOIN 1-5 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One or two at night in habitual constipation. ALOIN 1-4 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One or two at night in chronic constipation of sedentary people. Chocolate Coated I IO One to four tablets at night, for constipation. ALOIN COMP. No. i { Aloin 1-8 gr. ) I IO Cathartic, hepatic. ) Podophvllin 1-8 gr. j Chocolate Coated I 20 One to four at night, as an hepatic stimulant in chronic constipation ; gradually reduce the dose. ALOIN COMP. No. 2 . 1-4 gr. ) 1 25 ( Podophyllin 1-4 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 35 One or two at night as a laxative, where the action of the liver is sluggish. ALOIN & BELLADONNA CO. \ Ext! Belladonna.. iJ gl'.l I IO ionic laxative. ( Strych. Sulph.... 1-60 gr. ) Chocolate Coated I 20 One or two tablets at night, repeated every three hours the next day if necessary ; for torpid liver and as a laxative in chronic constipation. ALOIN & BELLADONNA CO. j Ext!BelVadonna'.!U |r! j I IO WO- 2 ( Strych. Sulph... 1-120 gr. ) Chocolate Coated I 20 One or two at night, to be repeated the next morning if necessary; as a tonic laxative. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 8 FRASER'S TABLETS. ALOIN, BELLADONNA AND ( Aloin 1-5 gr.) NUX \ Ext. Belladonna..i-S gr. ( 1 25 (Dr. Willard.) ( Ext. Nux Vomica 1-6 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 35 One every night, decreasing to one every second night, in cases of habitual constipation. ALOIN, BELLADONNA AND ( Aloin 1-8 gr.) PODOPHYLLIN 1 Ext. Belladonna. .1-8 gr. ( 1 25 (Dr. LeMoyne.) (Podophyllin 1-8 gr. ) Hepatic, tonic laxative. Chocolate Coated 1 35 ( Aloin 1-10 gr.-) ALOIN, BELLADONNA AND ) Ext. Belladonna. 1-10 gr. ( 1 25 PODOPHYLLIN COMP 1 Podophyllin 1-10 gr. f (.Ext. Nux Vom.. 1-10 gr.j Chocolate Coated 1 35 One or two at bedtime as an hepatic laxative, repeated every three hours the next day, as a tonic to liver; then one every second or third night for constipation. ( Aloin i-c gr.) ALUlN, BELLADONNA AND J Ext. Belladonna..1-16 gr. i 1 75 STRYCH. with CASCARA.. ] Strvch. Sulph 1-60 gr. f (Ext. Cascara 1-2 gr.j Chocolate Coated 00 Cn One, night and morning, for constipation and as an hepatic stimulant. (Aloin i-c gr.) ALOIN, CASCARIN COMP . . .. 1 Ext. Belladonna.. 1-8 gr. ( 150 (Dr. Duncan.) ) Cascarin 1-4 gr. [ Tonic hepatic. (Strych. Sulph.... 1-60 gr.j Chocolate Coated 1 60 ( Aloin 1-4 gr.) ALOIN. CASCARIN CO. No. 2 1 Podophyllin 1-4 gr. 1 1 60 (Dr. Duncan.) ') Cascarin 1-4 gr. f (Ext. Belladonna.. 1-8 gr.j Chocolate Coated 170 ALOIN, HYOSCYAMUS CO... j Ext! Belladonna .' .14 R f I 40 (Di. Wilkinson.) ( Ext. Hyoscyamus 1-4 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 5° One or two every night, for cases of constipation with intestinal dis- comfort and hemorrhoids. ALOIN,IRON & STRYCHNINE ( Aloin 1-10 gr.) (Dr. E. Jav Fisk.) ■! Iron Powd 1 gr. ( I IO Haematic, tonic, cathartic. ( Strych. Sulph.... 1-60 gr.) Chocolate Coated I 20 One or two after each meal, dose to be governed by the laxative effect, for the atonic dyspepsia and non-assimilation of the anaemic ; also in anaemia and general debility with constipation. ALOIN, PODOPHYLLIN AND ( Aloin 1-4 gr.) HYOSCYAMUS ( Podophyllin 1-4 gr. (Dr. Clark.) ( Ext. Hyoscyam. .1-10 gr. ) 1 25 Chocolate Coated 1 35 One or two at night, followed by one next morning if necessary, for constipation. ■AND FRA SER ’5 TA BLE TS. 9 ( Aloin... 1-8 gr.-] | ALOIN, SAGRADIN COMP . . (Dr. Morris.) . 1 Strych. Sulph... .1-120 gr. ! ] Cascarin 1-6 gr. j ( 1 25 (Ext. Hyoscyam.. . . 1-4 gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 35 One or two at night, followed by one every three hours the next day until catharsis is produced; afterwards one at night as necessary; in chronic constipation and any cholsemic condition where a mild but good cholagogue is needed. (Aloin 1-4 gr.) ALOIN & STRYCHNINE CO. . j Ext. Belladonna. .1-8 gr. 1 Laxative, stomachic. 1 Strych. Sulph.... 1-60 gr. j (ipecac Powd 1-16 gr.J Chocolate Coated .1 20 One before supper and at bedtime, : followed by one every two hours next day if necessary, for constipation, the liver. , sick headache and as a tonic to ( Aloin i-C gr.) • . . .. j Ext. Belladonna.. 1-16 gr. ! ALOIN STRYCHNINE CO. Noj strych. Sulph.... 1-60 gr. i (Ipecac Powd i-i6gr.J 1 > I IO Chocolate Coated I 20 One before supper and at bedtime, followed by one every two hours next day if necessary, for constipation , sick headache and as a tonic to the liver. (Acid Arsenous... 1-20 gr.) 1 ALTERANS .. J Strych. Sulph 1-30 gr. 1 75 (Dr. Hamilton.) "j Merc.Bichlor 1-40 gr. 1 (Iron Powd 1 gr., 1 Chocolate Coated .... 85 A tonic in certain intractable nerve diseases, to be used under p oper indications. (Alum 2 1-2 gr.' | ALUM COMP J Zinc Sulphate 2 gr. • j Ex.Hydras.colorless 1 gr. (Morpfi. Sulph 1-32 gr., > 2 OO Dissolve one in two to four tablespoonfuls of water for use as an iniec- tion in gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea. AMMONIUM BROMIDE •S gr* I IO Sedative. One or two at night, repeated in an hour, to quiet the nerves and induce sleep. AMMONIUM BROMIDE ..10 grs 2 OO Give one tablet every two hours, repeated as many as three times, if necessary, for cerebral congestion and insomnia. AMMONIUM MURIATE.... • I-IO gr 75 For an infant, one tablet crushed for bronchitis and difficult breathing ; < in a little water, every half hour, one every fifteen to thirty minutes to induce expectoration in the adult. AMMONIUM MURIATE • • I_4 gr 75 Give one every half hour for five doses, in the coughs and colds of children. AMMONIUM MURIATE 75 A tablet allowed to dissolve on the tongue every twenty to sixty minutes as a gentle expectorant in dryness of the throat and slight colds. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 10 AMMONIUM MURIATE i gr 75 One on the tongue every hour or two as a stimulating expectorant in loss of voice from bronchial cough during secreting stages. AMMONIUM MURIATE 3 grs 7S One tablet dissolved on the tongue, every two or three ' hoarseness or during secreting stages of bronchitis. hours for AMMONIUM MURIATE 5 grs 75 One tablet dissolved on the tongue, every two or three hoarseness or during secreting stages of bronchitis. hours for AMMONIUM MURIATE CO...)‘Rvt T.irnnVo t & / 75 Stimulant expectorant. | Cubebs Powd.... • i-8 gr. ) One on the tongue every fifteen to thirty minutes, for cough with tickling and sore throat. ( Ammon. Muriate • 1-4 gr-} AMMONIUM MURIATE CO. 1 Ext. Licorice .... 1-10 gr. 1 i-iS h- f .1-8 gr. J /o [Cubebs Powd... . Give one every hour, for coughs and colds, and in early stages of bronchitis. AMMONIUM MURIATE COMP ( a%l' l 2 00 ■ d ( Tully’s Powd.... ...2 gr. ) One every three hours and at bedtime, for colds with fever and cough. AMMONIUM MURIATE CO. ( Ammon. Muriate • 1-4 gr.\ WITH CODEINE 1 Ext. Licorice .... 1-10 gr. [ Stimulant expectorant, and j Cubebs Powd... . .1-8 gr. ( * 15 anodyne. [Codeine 1-25 gr.) Dissolve one on the tongue every fifteen to thirty minutes, for irritating cough with sore throat and tickling. AMMONIUM MURIATE AND ( Ammon. Muriate • ■ • 1 gr.) HYOSCYAMUS COMP 1 Tartar Emetic... 1-24 gr. [ 1 10 Expectorant anodyne. ( Ext. Hyoscyam.. .1-6 gr. ) One after each meal, or oftener, for painful cough with absent or scanty expectoration. AMMONIUM MURIATE CO. f Ammon. Muriate •1-4 gr-l WITH MORPHINE ) Ext. Licorice .... I-IO gr. 1 1 10 Anodyne, expectorant. 1 Hu^efS o"°iWu " ‘ ‘ J v y Morph. Sulph .1-8 gr. r i-S° grJ One every half hour in cough, bronchial spasm and pleurodynia. AMMONIUM MURIATE AND (Ammon. Muriate •1-4 gr-1 TARTAR EMETIC J {sconce ... 1-10 gr. [ 75 Diaphoretic, expectorant. j Cubebs Powd... . t Tartar Emetic... • gr' f 1-60 gr. J Give one, three or four times daily, in the early stages of inflamma- tion of the respiratory passages. AMMONIUM SALICYLATE...5 grs 2 75 One tablet every three hours, for affections of the mucous mem- branes and secondary rheumatic manifestations. ( Ammon. Salicylate..2 gr. "| 1-2 gr. 1-2 gr. \ ,i-2gr. AMMON. SALICYLATE AND; nn„PriQ p , 3 75 ACETANILID COMP. ) Camphor t Caffeine ...1 gr. J One to two tablets every two or three hours. Prompt, non-i analgesic, for grip. depressing FRA SER’S TA RLE TS. When ordering- or prescribing FR A SE R ’.S' TA RLE TS. '"Ammon. Salicylate.1 gr. AMMON. SALICYLATE COMP" Phenacetine Caffeine ..1 gr. 7 5° (Salicin 1 1-2 gr. J One to two tablets every two or three hours as an analgesic and anti- pyretic. 'Mangan. Binox • ■ 1 gr.) Iron Powd . . 1 gr. Ext. Gentian . . 1 gr. AMENORRHCEA. ANAEMIC. . Ext. Cascara 1-2 gr. 2 OO Ext. Nux Vom 1-6 gr. Capsicum Powd... t-Sgr. .Acid Arsenous...1 -HO gr.. Chocolate Coated only One or two, three times a day, after meals. For anaemia, chlorosis amenorrhcea and atonic dyspepsia. Haemogallol -■3gr-'| Ox Gall . . 1 gr. ANAEMIA Ext. Pancreatis... ■ -3 gr- - 16 00 (Dr. Porter.) Strych. Sulph -40 gr. Caffeine Mur. . .. 1 1-2 gr. Ext. Colocynth... . 1-2 gr. Per 100 1 65 Two tablets, three times a day after meals, for one day; then one tablet after meals. Blaud’s Mass • -3 gr- ANAEMIA No. 2 Acid Arsenous. ..1 Mang-an. Binoxide -60 gr. ■ . 1 gr. 1 50 Chocolate Coatee 1 60 One to two, three times a day, after meals, for anaemia, chlorosis and menstrual disorders. Camphor !-4 gr- ANAESTHETIC Morphine Mur.. .1 -24 gr. 1 S° One every hour for diarrhoea. j Oil Cajeput.... 1-2 4 min. ("Phenacetine 2 1-2 gr. Morph. Sulph -16 gr. ANALGESIC Tr. Aconite .1 min. ► 15 00 (Dr. Kenyon.) Fl.Ext.Bryonia.i 1 -2 min. Fl.Ext.Hyoscv.2 1 -2 min., Per 100 1 So Give two at a dose if in severe pain, otherwise one every hou for four doses, then one every two to four hours; for rheumatism, neuralgia and grip. ( Acetanilid ..2 gr. ANALGESIC No. 2 1 Ammon. Salicylate, i gr. Quin. Sulphate i gr. y 4 00 1 Codeine -16 gr. Two tablets every two or three hours Relieves pain, reduces fever allays cough, supports the heart. AN APHRODISIAC ( Camphor ..2 gr. 1 175 (Dr. Nelson.) ( Ext. Hyoscyamus . . 1 gr. Chocolate Coated 1 »S One tablet morning and night. ( Camphor i-S gr. I ANODYNE J Ext. Hyoscyam.. I;8 gr- r- I 10 Morph. Sulph.... -60 gr. tOleores. Capsic.. -60 gr. 1 I 20 One tablet every half hour until drowsiness occurs ; for insomnia, rest lessness and neuralgia. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 12 ERASER \S TABLETS. ANODYNE No. 2 (Dr. H. P. Loomis.) f Ext. Hyoscyam.... .2 gr. < Camphor 1 gr. ( Morph. Sulph 1-6 gr. j Chocolate Coated only 3 50 One, repeated every hour for not more than three doses, in cases of intense pain, neuralgia and tic-doloureux, intestinal and uterine colic. ANODYNE No. 3 Ext. Hyoscyamus . .1 gr. (Dr. Clemens.) ! Morph. Acetate.. 1-20 gr. (Oleores. Capsic... 1-20 gr. Chocolate Coated only 2 25 One every half hour while in pain ; stop after the fourth dose. ANODYNE No. 4 (Morphine Sulph..1-16 gr. ! Ext. Cannab.Ind. .1-8 gr. Oil Peppermint..1-6 min. > 2 25 (Dr. Loving.) (Oleores. Capsic.. .1-16 gr. One every half hour for cholera morbus and nausea, from pregnancy or other cause ; for colic one every twenty minutes until four have been taken or until relief. (Nickel Bromide. 1-134 gr. ANODYNE, For Infants (Dr. Waugh.) Codeine Sulph.. .1-87 gr. Ipecac Powd.... 1 -134 gr. Lithium Carb.. . .1-23 gr. I 10 Oil Anise 1-134 gr. One or two dissolved in hot water every fifteen to thirty minutes until effect is produced ; for flatulent colic, restlessness, teething, etc. Calcium Carb... .3 1-2 gr. ANTACID Magnesia Carb. .2 1-2 gr. Sodium Chlor 1 gr. > I 00 One, as required with a little water, for pyrosis and stomach indiges tion. Potass. Iodide 2 gr. ANTIASTHMATIC Potass. Bromide.... 2 gr. FI. Ext.Euphor. Pil. 3 min ■ 3 75 Tinct. Lobelia 2 min. .Nitroglycerin.... 1-200gr.. One tablet every three or four hours, for paroxysmal cough, bronchial spasm and dyspnoea. ( Potass. Iodide < gr.'' bowler’s Solution..1 min. ANTIASTHMATIC No. 2 . Tr. Lobelia 4 min. • 6 00 (Dr. L. 1. Stevens.) Tr. Opii Deod 1-2 min. Oil Wintergreen 1-4 min. Oil Sassafras.... 1-4 min. . One every three hours, for asthmatic cough and asthma. ["Potass Iodide...2 1-2 gr.3 ANTIASTHMATIC No. 3 Potass Arsen... .1-100 gr. 3 25 (Dr. Bennett.) Atropine Sulph..1-350 gr. Morph. Sulph... .1-120 gr., One to two tablets with water everythree hours, for asthmatic cough and asthma. Potass. Nitrate.. 2 1-2 gr.] Tartar Emetic .. .1-64 gr. ANTIBRONCHITIS J (Dr. O. A. Gordon.) < Dover’s Powd .... 1-4 gr. Tr. Bryonia.. .. i-ic nun. Tr. Aconite 1-4 min. Oil Gaultheria q. s., 1 10 One every hour for four hours, then one as needed for cough. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. rMorph. Sulph... 1-100 gr.' 1 Tartar Emetic.. 1-100 gr. I ANTICOLD ) Tr. Aconite 1-2 mm. > I IO (Dr. O. A. Gordon.) 1 Camphor Powd...i-8 gr. | FI. Ext. Bellad. 1-32 mm. (.Oil Anise 1-20 min., 1 One tablet every hour until relieved. ("Ext. Cascara Sag.. .1 gr.) | Ext. Nux Vom 1-8 gr. I ANTICONSTIPATION Ext. Belladonna.. i-S gr. Ipecac Powd i-S gr. ( Podophvllin 1-8 gr.j 1 Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 IO One to three at night, or in divided doses through the day ; for sluggish- ness of the intestinal glands and loss of tone in the muscular coat. ANTICONSTIPATION No. 2...J (Dr. Dalton.) 1 'Rhubarb Powd 1 gr.) •Aloes 1-2 gr. Jalap 1-2 gr. 1 Ipecac Powd 1-4 gr. 1 \ 1 S» Castile Soap 1-4 gr. 1 J Strych. Sulph. .. .1-100 gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 60 One or two at night. | fFel Bovis, Exsic... .2 gr.) 1 ANTICONSTIPATION No. 3....] (Dr. Hickling.) I Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. j Ext. Cascara Sag.. .3 gr. | Ext. Bellad 1-16 gr. - L Ipecac Powd 1-16 gr.J 1 Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 So One at night, repeated next morning if necessary, for constipation. I f Strych. Sulph.. .1-120 gr.) ANTIDYSPEPTIC i 1 Ipecac Powd 1-3 gr. 1 J' I IO (Dr. Fothergill.) 1 Black Pepper Po.. 1-8 gr. 1 LOil Gaultheria.1-10 min.J Chocolate Coated I 20 One tablet after eating, repeated at the end of the hour, as a stimulant in retarded and deficient activity of the stomach. | f Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr.) Ipecac Powd 1-10 gr. ANTIDYSPEPTIC No. 2 ' Capsicum Powd. ..1-4 gr. | Ext. Rhubarb..... 1-4 gr. j Ext. Gentian 1-2 gr. ..Sodium Bicarb 2 gr.J ► 1 25 Chocolate Coated 1 35 One tablet in water half an hour before meals to stimulate the appetite, and repeat half an hour after eating, to hasten digestion. ANTIFEBRIN COMP \ ' Caffeine Citrate.. .1-2 gr. ) Sodium Bromide... .5 gr. ) j 3 75 (Dr. Hoag.) | Antifebrin 2 gr.) One tablet with fifteen drops aromatic spts. ammonia in water, and repeat every half hour if necessary, until four doses have been taken. 1 'Sodium Salicylate. . .2 gr.) Ginger Powd. 2 gr. ( ANTIFERMENTATIVE } Capsicum Powd. .1-10 gr. Cardamom Powd..1-4 gr.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 00 One tablet every two or three hours for diarrhoea, flatulence and dysentery, and for the chronic intestinal dyspepsia of neurotic patients. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 14 FRASER'S TABLETS. (Nux Vom. Powd..i-4 gr.) ANTIMALARIAL ) Capsicum Powd..i-2 gr. ( (Dr. S. C. James.) 1 Ext. Plyoscyam... 1-2 gr. f 1 Quinine Sulph 3 gr.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 4 25 Give a tablet every two or three hours with plenty of water, in dumb ague and general malarial disorders ; give one at six, four and two hours before the chills in acute attacks. ANTIMALARIAL No , { £ ! (Dr. Guernsey.) ( Nux Vomica i-S gr. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 65 Give one after each meal with plenty of water, in malaria of delicate women. ANTI MALARIAL No. 3 j A~ddArsen!!'.'. iV-3 > gr! 1 (Dr. Bennett.) Powd. Capsicum. .1-2 gr. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 65 One for a child, ten to fourteen years old, and two for an adult every three hours, for chronic and acute malaria. ( Quin. Sulph 1 1-2 gr.J ANTIMALARIAL No. 4 J Acid Arsen 1-32 gr. 1 (Dr. Bennett.) "j Strych. Sulph... .1-30 gr. f (Capsicum Powd...1-2 gr.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 70 One for a child, ten to fourteen years old, and two for an adult every three hours, for chronic and acute malaria. ANTIMONY & IPECAC ( Tartar Emetic..i-ioo gr. \ 75 (Dr. Fowler.) j Ipecac Powd.... 1-100 gr. ) One every two hours in the secondary stages of a cold, and as a remedy for asthma of the “ dry ” form. ANTIPYRINE 1 gr 2 OO Antipyretic. One tablet every hour for a child ; stop administration as temperature falls. For adults, five every hour with a glass of water, for three doses if necessary, for headache or fever. ANTIPYRINE 2 grs 3 00 Give a tablet every hour or two for headaches and fever. ANTIPYRINE 5 grs 6 10 One tablet with a glass of water, every two or three hours while fever is high; for headache, one tablet every hour, for three doses if necessary. ANTIRHACHITIC . j CalcIphosph.'V.'.ViJ gr'. \ (Dr. L. Weber.) Iron Lactate 2-3 gr. ) One tablet three times a day, after eating, as a constructive in rickets and imperfect or retarded bone formation. 1 25 ANTIRHACHITIC No. 2 ( Precip Chalk... .1 1-2 gr. 1 (Dr. L. Weber.) { Calc. Phosph 3-4 gr. \ ( Iron Lactate 1-5 gr. ) I OO One to two tablets according to age, three times a day, after meals, as a constructive in rickets and imperfect or retarded bone formation. ( Acid Salicylic 3 gr.) ANTIRHEUMATIC 1 Sodium Bicarb ...2 1-2 gr. ( ( Wine Colch. Seed.i min. ) One tablet after each meal, and one at bedtime, for chronic rheu- matism ; give more frequently in acute cases. • 8S When ordering or prescribing PRASEIVS TABLETS. 15 f Potass. Iodide 2 gr. 3 I Ext. Phytolacca 1 gr. 1 ANTIRHEUMATIC No. 2 J Resin Guaiac 3 gr. V 4 OO I Colchicin 1-100 gr. I (Digitalia 1-100 gr.j Give one every two hours in a recent attack, until its severity abates, then one every four hours for not more than three doses ; three times a day for chronic cases. f Acid Salicylic 3 gr. ■) ANTIRHEUMATIC No. 3 J Sodium Bicarb.. 2 1-2 gr. ( m 0 1 Wine Colch. Seed.i min. f L Guaiac. 2 gr. J One tablet after each meal, and one at bedtime, for chronic rheuma- tism ; give more frequently in acute cases. ( Pepsin 1 gr.) ANTISEPTIC DYSPEPTIC 1 Bismuth Subnit 5 gr. V ft so ( Salol 1 %x.) A tablet a few minutes after eating, to check fermentation of food and the production of gas. ( Pepsin 1 gr.h ANTISEPTIC DYSPEPTIC,AN- J Bismuth Subnit 5 gr. 1 ODYNE ) Salol 1 gr. f / 5U (.Cocaine Hydro..1-12 gr.) One or two tablets after meals ; for dyspepsia with gastric distress or pain. ANTISEPTIC No. 1 ( Corrosive Sub..7 3-10 gr. ) (White or Blue.) ( Ammon. Mur. .7 7-10 gr. J 5 75 Per doz. screw cap bottles of 25 each, net 2 00 Dissolve one tablet in a pint of water; the strength of corrosive sub- limate in the resulting solution is I to 1000. ANTISEPTIC No. 2 ( Corrosive Sub..3 7-10 gr. ) (White or Blue.) ) Ammon. Mur. .3 9-10 gr. ) Per doz. screw cap bottles of 35 each, net 2 00 Dissolve one tablet in one-half pint of water ; the strength of corrosive sublimate in the resulting solution is i to 1000. ANTISEPTIC No. 3 ( Corrosive Sub..7 3-10 gr. \ (White or Blue.) ( Sodium Chlor. .7 7-10 gr.) 5 75 Per doz. bottles of 25 each, net 2 00 Dissolve one tablet in one pint of water; the strength of corrosive sublimate in the resulting solution is i to 1000. ANTISEPTIC No. 4 ( Corrosive Sub..3 7-10 gr. ) (White or Blue.) \ Sodium Chlor. .3 9-10 gr. ) 2 Per doz. bottles of 35 each, net 2 00 Dissolve one tablet in one half pint of water ; the strength of corrosive sublimate in the resulting solution is i to 1000. ANTISEPTIC PASTILLES I 60 (Dr. Carl Seiler., For spray, mouth wash and nasal douche. Dissolve one tablet in four tablespoonfuls of water, and use freely as a spray, mouth wash, gargle or nasal douche. ANTISEPTIC IMPROVED 2 00 For spray, mouth wash and nasal douche. Formula similar to Antiseptic Pastilles with addition of Hy- drastine and Sanguinarine Nitrate. Dissolve one tablet in four tablespoon fills of water and use freely as a spray, mouth wash, gargle or nasal douche. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 16 FRASER'S TABLETS. (Rhubarb Powd..i 1-4 gr.'j APERIENT J Aloes Powd 1 1-4 gr. 1 1 75 (Dr. Drysdale.) 1 Ipecac Powd 5-12 gr. j ( Nux Vomica 1-2 gr. j Chocolate Coated 1 85 A tablet at night, repeated next morning if necessary, as a gentle laxative. { ' Ext. Cannab. Ind.. 1-2 gr. ) APHRODISIAC | Ext. Nux Vom, . . 1-2 gr. > Ext. Ergot Aq 2 gr. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 4 25 One tablet morning and night. | ["Ext. Nux Vom. .. .1-8 gr.) APHRODISIAC No. 2 / 1 Ext. Damiana 1-4 gr. ! (Dr. Landers.) | Phosphorus 1-100 gr. [ (Gold & Sod. Chi. .1-20 gr. J Chocolate Coated only 3 00 One tablet after eating, three times a day, indicated in neurasthenia, functional impotence, spermatorrhoea and reflex nervous disorders, as a powerful nerve stimulant. (Ext.Saw Palmet. 2 1-2 gr.) 1 Phosphorus 1-150 gr. 1 I Strych. Sulph.... 1-00 gr. f APHRODISIAC No. 3 ( Tr. Gelsemium... .5 min.) One every three hours for rheumatism. 3 00 ASAFCETIDA 2 grs Chocolate Coated only. One to three after meals and at bedtime, as a carminative, and an anti- spasmodic in nervous dyspepsia. Valuable also in allaying the nervous symptoms of neurasthenic and hysterical patients. 1 15 ASAFCETIDA 3 grs Chocolate Coated only. One to three after meals and at bedtime, as a carminative, and an anti- spasmodic in nervous dyspepsia. Valuable also in allaying the nervous symptoms of neurasthenic and hysterical patients. 135 ASAFCETIDA 4 grs Chocolate Coated only. One to two after meals and at bedtime, as a carminative, and an anti- spasmodic in nervous dyspepsia. Valuable also in allaying the nervous symptoms of neurasthenic and hysterical patients. 15° ASAFCETIDA 5 grs Chocolate Coated only. One to two after meals and at bedtime, as a carminative, and an anti- spasmodic in nervous dyspepsia. Valuable also in allaying the nervous symptoms of neurasthenic and hysterical patients. 1 5° ASAFCETIDA & NUX VOMICA, j Asafoetida • • v 3 gr. > ( Ext. Nux Vomica.1-4 gr. ) Chocolate Coated only One after meals and at bedtime, as a carminative, and antispasmodic in nervous dyspepsia, and a nerve tonic in neurasthenia and hysteria. ( Ext. Hjematoxvlon.,1 gr. 'j A cT'DTMruMT /■*i\itT*) 1 Tr. Opii .Campfi.. .6 min. 1 ASTRINGENT COMP } Acid Sulph. Arom .. 1 gr. [ IPulv. Aromatic 1 gr.J One to three tablets according to the severity of the case, repeated in one or two hours ; for diarrhoea and dysentery, and before the stage of collapse in cholera infantum. f Lead Acetate 2 gr.'j ASTRINGENT WASH J f ine Acetate 2 gr. 1 ] Hydrastin Mur.. .1-20 gr. [ [ Morph. Acetate.. 1 -32 gr. J One in from four to eight tablespoonfuls of water for use as an injection in gonorrhoea, and also as a local application for sores, ulcers and moist skin diseases. 1 50 2 OO 2 OO When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. ATONIC DYSPEPTIC ( Warburg’s Tr...io min. (Dr. J. Fuhs.) j F-E.Viburn.Prun.iomin. J 7 ( F. E. Hydrastis. .10 min. ! Plain or Chocolate Coated 6 00 Two tablets three times a day after meals, for atonic dyspepsia. ( Pepsin Powd 2 gr.l I ATONIC DYSPEPTIC No. a... J oieorerin*Cansic i amfn (Dr. Hare.) 1 LCreosote B’wood.i-2 min. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 1 3 65 One tablet an hour before each meal in atonic dyspepsia ATROPINE COMP \ Atropine Sulph. 1-400 gr. ) ! 7S (Dr. Gilbert.) ( Tartar Emetic. .1-100 gr. j Respiratory corrective. One every three hours in bronchitis with asthmatic complications. (FI. Ext. Gelsem.. .1 min.1 ATROPINE, GELSEMIUM CO. J Atropine Sulph.. 1-400 gr. l 1 60 (Dr. J. E. Riggs.) 1 Camphor 1-2 gr. (Morphine Sulph.. 1-32 gr. j 1 Chocolate Coated...... I 70 One every two hours until four are taken, for coryza. ATROPINE SULPHATE i-iooogr .. One tablet every half hour for three doses, then every three hours, for an infant with fresh cold. ATROPINE SULPHATE i-Soogr For children, one tablet every three hours, for incontinence of urine, recent colds, and to lessen the sweating of consumption and rheu- 75 75 matism. ATROPINE SULPHATE 1-400 gr 75 A tablet every half hour to relieve the pain of muscular rheumatism and neuralgia, and to control sweating. ATROPINE SULPHATE 1-200 gr. 75 One every hour for four doses, then one every two hours, for a fresh cold. ATROPINE SULPHATE 1-150 gr One every three hours for five doses, to allay vesical spasm and neuralgia, and in recent cold. ATROPINE SULPHATE 1-120 gr 90 90 One every three hours to relieve neuralgia and sweating of phthisical patients, and in fresh colds with abundant secretion. ATROPINE SULPHATE i-ioogr... . I OO One every two hours for three doses, to allay vesical spasm and neuralgia, and in the early stages of colds. ATROPINE SULPHATE 1-50 gr .... One tablet as an anodyne, repeated cautiously afteran interval of three hours ; also to relieve dyspnoea in inflammations of thoracic viscera. 1 25 BAPTISIA FL. EXT 1 minim . I OO Diaphoretic, local astringent. One tablet every three hours, as a diaphoretic, and to stimulate hepatic and intestinal functions. BELLADONNA COMP ( '\°° l /nr Rankin 'i ) r* ladonna,...i min. > (Dr. Rankin.) | Ipecac Powd 1-10 gr. ) I IO One every hour through the day, for ulcerated sore throat, first stages of tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 20 FRASER'S TABLETS. BELLADONNA EXTRACT....i-ioo gr 75 A tablet every two hours for six doses, for an infant with diarrhoea and fever. BELLADONNA EXTRACT 1-50 gr 75 One every half hour for six doses, for facial neuralgia. BELLADONNA EXTRACT 1-10 gr 75 One every hour or two to control pain in neuralgia, and for profuse sweating in phthisis, and in recent colds. BELLADONNA EXTRACT 1-8 gr 75 A tablet every hour in recent inflammations of the respiratory tract, until three doses are taken, or dryness of the throat occurs. BELLADONNA EXTRACT ... 1-5 gr 75 Give one every two hours in recent colds, rhinitis or cold in the head, and to relieve neuralgia. BELLADONNA EXTRACT... .1-4 gr 75 One tablet every three hours in pharyngitis, tonsillitis and neuralgia of the head and face. BELLADONNA FL. EXT 1 minim I 10 Dissolve one tablet in ten tablespoonfuls of water, and give one tablespoonful of the solution every half hour to a child with fever and headache, or recent cold. BETA NAPHTOL 1 gr I 00 One every half hour, with antipyretics, for tubercular and other ulcer- ation of the bowels; when symptoms improve, give one tablet every two or three hours. ( Beta Naphtol 1-2 gr. ' I BETA NAPHTOL CO. No. 2... A Bismuth Subnit.2 1-2 gr. h 1 75 ( Sodium Bicarb. .2 1-2 gr. ; Chocolate Coated ; 1 85 One or two after meals for flatulent dyspepsia, and as an intestinal antiseptic in diarrhoea. ( Bismuth Subnit 2 gr. i BISMUTH AROMATIC.. ) Paregoric 3 mfn. (Dr. Parrish, St.Louis.) ( oil Cinnamon..1-20min. J | 2 25 For a child one to three years of age, one tablet every hour until diar- rhoea is controlled. For older children, two every hour. Forallcases of inflammatory diarrhoea. f Bismuth Subnit 1 gr.] | BISMUTH, CARBOLIC COMP. J Calomel... 1-40 gr. 1 \ 1 5o (Dr. Ross Foster.) ] Ipecac Powd 1 -40 gr. 1 (.Acid Carbolic 1-15 gr.J 1 One every half to one hour in vomiting of adults or children. One every hour in cholera infantum. ( Bismuth Subcarb.... 1 gr. ] 1 BISMUTH CARBONATE CO.... } Sodium Bicarb 1 gr. • 1 5° ( Oil Peppermint.1-50 min.) One every half hour, with a little water on the end of a spoon, for sour stomach of infants, with “ spitting up ” of fermented milk. Meanwhile give no milk to child, only hot water or barley water. ' fSalol 21-2 gr.] i Bismuth Subnit. .2 1-2 gr. 1 BISMUTH, CATECHU CO ' P£^d'; l'l /T'lr T-rrWf \ ) Catechu Powd 1-2 gr. | (Dr. C. C. Hoyt.) Acid Hydrochl.Dil 1-2 gr. j> 5 75. ( Oil Cinnamon .. .1-8 min. J A tablet after meals and one at night, in chronic and subacute intestinal dyspepsia, and irritative diarrhoea. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 21 BISMUTH COMP ( Bismuth Subnit.. -1"2 1 20 ( Cerium Oxalate. 1-2 gr. \ 20 One or two, repeated every hour for six doses, or until effect is pro- duced ; for nausea and as a sedative for sick headache. BISMUTH & CALOMEL CO... ( Bismuth Subnit.. ...1 gr.) 1-40 gr. V 1 50 (Ipecac Powd 1-60 gr.) A tablet or two after meals, as a gentle alterative and tonic for the stomach, in dyspepsia from ice-water and overeating. BISMUTH & CHARCOAL $ Bismuth Subnit.. Absorbent stomachic. $ Charcoal • ••SgM 200 One to three tablets after meals, for dyspepsia with fermentation and formation of gas. ( Bismuth Subcarb ..2 gr.'i BISMUTH, CHARCOAL CO.... \ Sodium Bicarb'!' :::If£ 200 (.Oil Peppermint.i- 10 min.J One after eating, repeated in half an hour, for flatulent dyspepsia and heartburn. Avoid starchy food. (Bismuth Subnit.. ...1 gr.) BISMUTH & IPECAC COMP..) Calomel 1-10 gr. I Alterative stomachic. | Ipecac Powd 1-20 gr. j Su i Opium Powd.... 1-40 gr. J One every fifteen to thirty minutes, for diarrhoea, to check the dis- charges easily and gradually, and at the same time to act as an intestinal antiseptic. ( Bismuth Subnit.. 1-2 gr.) BISMUTH & IPECAC CO. No. 2 ] Cerium Oxalate. .1-2 gr. V 1 30 ( Ipecac Powd 1-20 gr. ) A tablet as indicated in dyspepsia with nausea and headache. BISMUTH & MORPHINE ( Bismuth Sub nit.. • ■ -4 Zr- l , 6c \ Morphine Sulph. 1-10 gr. ) 5 One to three tablets for vomiting and gastric pain, repeated if necessary in an hour. BISMUTH & NUX VOMICA.... \ ®isJn"th Subnit. ...1 gr.) ( Ext. Nux Vom.. •1-8 gr. S 1 SO One to three tablets, three times a day for atonic dyspepsia with lack of appetite. (Bismuth Subnit. ■ • -4 gr-) BISMUTH OPIUM COMP Powd '.V I‘96gr4 3 2S • •1-4 gr- [ 6 b (.Oil Anise q. s.J One every two or three hours for colliquative diarrhoea. BISMUTH SALICIN COMP.... ( Bism. Subgall... 2 1-2 gr.) (Dr. Hubbard.) } Salicin • • • S gr. > 6 50 Antifermentative and tonic. ( Strvch. Sulph.. 1-100 gr. ) Per 100 • •••• 75 Two tablets four times a day, after meals and at bedtime, for atonic dyspepsia. BISMUTH SALICYLATE 1 gr Stomachic. Give a tablet every hour or two, for intestinal fermentation ; allow plenty of drinking water. BISMUTH SALICYLATE 2 grs Give a tablet every hour or two, for intestinal fermentation ; allow plenty of drinking water. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 22 FRASER'S TABLETS. BISMUTH SALICYLATE 5 grs 3 75 A tablet every two or three hours, for inflammation of the intestines, typhoid fever and dysentery ; allow a free supply of drinking water. f Bism. Salicyl. basic.3 g-r.'i BISMUTH SALICYLATE ARO. Pulvtlromat.'' .'.‘.I fr. f 3 25 tZinc Sulphocarb.i 1-4 gr.J Give one tablet three or four times a day, in atony of the intestines, with loss of function. BISMUTH SALICYLATE CO. $ SaHCyl f £’ l 2 ( Sodium Bicarb 2 gr. ) 5 75 One after meals for stomach or intestinal indigestion, accompanied by excessive flatulence or diarrhoea. BISMUTH SUBCARBONATE. 1 gr 1 So A tablet every hour until six are taken, for a child with vomiting and the diarrhoea of teething. BISMUTH SUBCARBONATE..2 grs One or two according to symptoms, for nausea, pain in the stomach and vomiting ; repeated every half hour for three doses. 2 OO BISMUTH SUBCARBONATE..5 grs 3 75 One tablet, and repeat as necessary, for diarrhoea, dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting. BISMUTH SUBGALLATE i gr 1 50 One every hour or two, for vomiting and diarrhoea of infants. BISMUTH SUBGALLATE 2 grs 2 OO One to three, according to age, three times a day, after meals, for flatu- lent or fermentative dyspepsia. BISMUTH SUBGALLATE 3 grs 2 60 One or two, three times a day, for fermentative or flatulent dyspepsia. BISMUTH SUBGALLATE 4 grs 3 25 One, three times a day, for flatulent or fermentative dyspepsia. BISMUTH SUBGALLATE 5 grs 3 75 One, three times a day, for flatulent or fermentative dyspepsia. BISMUTH SUBGALLATE CO J ‘' Sr l (Dr. Aulde.) ) Ex? Nux Vom.'fr'. ] One tablet before and after eating, for cases of slow or imperfect digestion of food in the stomach. BISMUTH SUBGALLATE CO. j \-l fr. j 4 00 4 25 No. 2. (Dr. Aulde.) ( Ext. Nux Vom... .1-4 gr. ) One tablet before meals, and two hours after, for intestinal indigestion. BISMUTH SUBNITRATE i gr 125 Stomachic. One tablet every two hours, for the vomiting and diarrhoea of teeth- ing children ; give only hot water and sterilized milk in small quantities until symptoms abate. BISMUTH SUBNITRATE 2 grs 175 A tablet half an hour after eating, repeated every half hour for four doses, as a stomachic tonic and for intestinal dyspepsia, BISMUTH SUBNITRATE 5 grs 3 00 One, three times a day, in painful stomach dyspepsia; one every two hours, for diarrhoea. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 23 BISMUTH SUBNITRATE iogrs 5 00 One as needed, to allay nausea, vomiting, and gastralgia. BITTER TONIC Tr. Capsicum 2 min. ( (Dr. Frank E. West.) Tr. Nux \ ora 5 min. f Tr. Gentian Co. . .. c min. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 00 One tablet just before eating, three times a day. BLADDER Sodium Benzoate. . . 3 gr. ) 25 (Dr. Noble.) Sodium Biborate . . . 3 gr. t One every two hours, followed by a glass of water ; for low grade cys- titis with alkaline urine. BLANK TABLETS White, Yellow and Pink.... 5° BLAUD’S PILL i gr 75 *5 Tonic. Chocolate Coated One after each meal, increasing one a day until live are taken three times a day, in anaemia and chlorotic affections. BLAUD’S PILL COMP Blaud’s Mass 3 gr. ) Acid Arsenous. ..1-60 gr. ) 1 35 Chocolate Coated 1 4S One, three times a day, for a tonic. BLAUD’S PILL COMP. No. 2.. Blaud’s Mass 5 gr. > Acid Arsenous.. . 1-40 gr. ) 1 5° Chocolate Coated 1 60 One, three times a day, for a tonic. (Blaud’s Mass gr.) BLAUD’S PILL CO. No. 4 Corros. Sublim...i-8o gr. 1 Strychnine Sulph.1-60 gr. [ 1 65 Acid Arsenous. ..1-30 gr. J Chocolate Coated 1 75 One, three times a day, as an iron tonic and alterative in anaemia and general debility. BLAUD’S PILL COMP. No. 5.. Blaud’s Mass 5 gr. | (Dr. Raymond Clark.) Strych. Sulp’n 1-40 gr. ) 1 7° Chocolate Coated...... 1 80 One after meals as a general tonic in anaemia. 'Blaud’s Mass Sgr.) BLAUD’S PILL COMP. IMP...< Acid Arsen 1-50 gr. ( Ext. Nux Vomica.1-8 gr. ( Ext. Cascara 1 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 10 One after meals as a general tome in anaemia with constipation. BLAUD’S & NUX VOMICA.... Blaud’s Mass 3 gr. ) Ext. Nux Vom... 1-10 gr. ) 1 60 j 79 One, three times a day, as an iron and general tonic. BLAUD’S TABLETS 7 p-rs 30 40 One, three times a day, as an iron tonic. BLAUD’S TABLETS c p-rs 5° 60 One, three times a day, as an iron tonic. 'Blaud’s Mass 3 grA BLAUD’S TONIC LAXATIVE. < Quinine Sulph .... 1-2 gr. ( Nux Vom.Ext.. .1-10 gr. | Aloin 1-3 gr. J Chocolate Coated only 2 00 One to two, three time? a day after meals, as a tonic and haematic, in anaemia and chlorosis. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 24 FRASERS TABLETS. ( Blaud’s Mass 3 gr. "| BLAUD'S TONIC LAXATIVE. 1 Quinine Sulph.... 1-2 gr. 1 No. 2 ] Ext. Nux Vom..i-iogr. | t Aloin 1-10 gr. J Chocolate Coated only 2 00 One to two, three times a day after meals, as a tonic and haematic, in anaemia and chlorosis. BLUE MASS 1-2 gr 75 Hepatic stimulant. One tablet every two or three hours until six are taken, and repeat after an interval of a day ; for torpidity of the liver and beginning bilious- ness. BLUE MASS 1 gr I 00 One tablet every three hours until effect is produced, then twice or three times daily; for torpor of the liver, biliousness and cirrhosis in the early stages. BLUE MASS 5 grs One or two at night; followed by a seidlitz powder or a bottle of citrate of magnesia next morning, for a purge. 2 !S ("Blue Mass 1 gr. 1 BLUE MASS. COMP. J Rhubarb 1 gr. 1 I 30 (Dr. L. D. Rockwell) ) Sodium Bicarb 1 gr. f [Oil Peppermint q. s. J One tablet every three or four hours until effect is produced, then one morning and night for torpid liver, biliousness and constipation. BORAX 3 grs Dissolve a tablet in six tablespoonfuls of water, and of this give one teaspoonful every half hour, for summer dyspepsia and diarrhoea of 75 infants. BORAX 5 grs One tablet after meals, to correct acidity of the stomach and in- testinal fermentation ; one on the tongue for sore throat. ( Ammon Mur i gr.*j BORAX, ACONITE COMP 2' fr. 1 (Dr. Sadler.) j q-j. Aconite Rad... 1 min. I go * rS (Oil Gaultheria... 1-2 min.J One to two every two hours, slowly dissolved in the mouth, for sore throat, or dissolved in two teaspoonfuls of water, and used with douche, for inflammation of nasal passages. _ . (Borax 1 gr. ) BORAX COMP. 5 Saccharum Alb 5 gr. i (Eraser & Co.) ( Oil Gaultheria. 1-20 min. ) One, dissolved slowly on the tongue every hour or two, for sore throat, cough, and sore mouth. BREAKFAST TABLET j ExtfNu^Vom'.’.'.’.lla Cn »h O O (Dr. J. O. Wiltshire.) ( Ext. Hyoscyamus.1-2 gr. ) One after breakfast, as often as necessary, for chronic constipation. BROMIDE COMP f Morph. Brom 1-8 gr. ) (Dr. Hubbard.) 1 Hyosc.Hydrob., i-ioogr. S Anodyne. ( Camph. Monobr.... 1 gr. ) One or two at night to quiet the nerves and induce sleep ; one every half hour for three doses to produce a strong anodyne action. 7 50 BROMIDE COMP. No 2 j Hyosc.Hyd™ b .'.'l™ fr. l (Dr. Hubbard.) j Campli. Monobr.. 1-2 gr.) 4 5° A tablet every hour for three doses, for insomnia caused by pain ; also for irritable bladder. When ordering’ or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 25 Ammon Mur .1-3 gr.' Ext. Licorice Balsam Tolu .1 ~5 gr. BRONCHIAL Oleores. Cubebs.. .1-3 gr. > 1 00 Henbane Powd.. a-4 gr. Senega Powd.... •!-S gf- ..Ipecac Powd '5° gr-, One tablet, slowly dissolved in the mouth, every hour or two, for brbn chial irritation. ( Ext. Hyoscyamus ••J-S gr-' Morph. Sulph. .. .1 -100 gr. Tartar Emetic.. 1 -100 gr. Ext. Aconite.... 1 -100 gr. BRONCHIAL No. 2 Ext. Be 11 ad -100 gr. ’ 1 5° (Dr. Wood.) Merc. Iod. Red. .1 -100 gr. Potass. Bichrom.i -300 gr. Bryonia 1 -200 gr. Oil Anise 1 -20 min., One or two as needed, every hour, for inflammation of throat and bron chial tubes. BRONCHIAL No. 3 Tartar Emetic... i-5° ?r- -2 min. 1 00 (Dr. E. G. Rankin.) Tr. Bryonia One tablet hourly, or every two hours for bronchial affections with muscular or pleuritic pain in chest. f Ext. Belladonna. 1-40 gr. i BRONCHITIS Dover’s Powder. 1*10 gr. • 1 SO Ipecac Powd 1-20 gr. Quinine Sulph .. . 1-4 gr. Chocolate Coated 1 60 One every hour for four or five doses then one every two hours for bronchial cough. BRONCHITIS, Without Quinine Ext. Belladonna. Dover’s Powder. 1-40 gr. 1-10 gr. 1 00 Ipecac Powd 1-20 gr. One every hour for four or five doses, then one every two hours, for bronchial cough. Tr. Aconite [-5 min.i BRONCHITIS No. 2. Acute ! Tr- Bry?nia 1- 10 min. (Dr. T. G. Davis.) 1 r. Belladon... i- 10 min. I OO* Antimony Sul...: -100 gr. (Potass. Bichrom. -loogr.J One every half hour until the bronchial secretions act normally, then every two hours as long as benefit is experienced in bronchial cough and irritation ; also useful in the chronic bronchitis of the aged : one tablet four times daily. (Tinct. Digitalis.. . 1 min.) Terpin Hydrate.. Dover’s Powder. .1-2 gr. .1 min. BRONCHITIS No. 3 Tinct. Belladon.. 2 OO (Dr. N. L. North.) Tinct. Sanguinar Ammon. Mur . 1 min. Acid Benzoic One tablet, best allowed to dissolve slowly on the back of the tongue or dissolved in water and slowly swallowed, three or four times a day, for winter cough or bronchitis of the aged, or for abortive effects when given in first stages of grip. BRONCHITIS No. 4 (Dr. J. C. Bierwirth) Tr. Sanguinar. 2 1 ' Wine Ipecac.. .2 1 Tr. Aconite -2 min. -2 min. 1 So One tablet every two hours for bronchitis in the aged. Please specify Fraser's Tablets 26 FRA SER ’S TA BLE TS. < Ammon. Mur. .. . • • -4 gr- ) BROWN AMMONIA 1 Brown Mixture... 1 teasp. j • J 5° i Oil Anise 1- 10 min. ) One tablet every three hours, for a cough. r Ext. Licorice 1-10 gr.) BROWN MIXTURE Camphor !-2S gr- 1-25 gr. | (One teaspoonful.) f I OO Anodyne expectorant. | Opium Powd .... I_2S gr- Emetic... 1-60 gr.) One on the tongue every hour, for bronchial cough. Stop when oppres- sion of chest is relieved and secretion well established. I r Ext. Licorice 1-20 gr. [ Camphor r-S° gr- BROWN MIXTURE 1 Acid Benzoic.... 1-50 gr. I \ 75 (One-half teaspoonful.) | Oil Anise 1- 50 min. 1 Opium Powd 1-SO gr- [Tartar Emetic..1 -120 gr. J 1 Dissolve one in the mouth every half hour, stopping as the : symptoms lessen and the cough becomes free ; for bronchial coughs and colds. BROWN MIXTURE COMP. .. l Brown Mixture.. ( Ammon. Mur.... 1 teasp. j ...1 gr. j ; 1 25 A tablet every two hours, allowed to dissolve in the mouth, for coughs and colds with thick and difficult expectoration: lessen the frequency of the dose as the symptoms improve. BROWN MIXTURE CO. No. 2. | 1 35 j Ammon. Mur S gr- ! Take one tablet with water, or dissolve it in the mouth, every two or three hours ; for bronchitis and severe cough with scanty sputa ; continue until the bronchial secretions are restored. BRUCIA 1 -100 gr 75 Tonic. One to two tablets, three times a day. for a stimulant to the stomach and a general nerve tonic. BRUCIA 1 -S°gr 75 One tablet three times a day, for a stimulant to the stomach and a gen- eral nerve tonic. BRUCIA COMP (Quinine Sulph.... .1-2 gr. (Dr. Wood.) Brucia 1 -100 gr. | 1 75 Tonic antiperiodic. { Acid Arsenous.. 1 -100 gr. Give one after each meal as a general tonic. BRYONIA ALB 1 -200 gr 75 Membranous stimulant. One to three tablets, repeated every two hours as necessary, for in- fantile pleurisy and bronchitis. BRYONIA ALB i -too gr. . 75 Give one or two tablets every hour in bronchitis and pleurisy. | 2 35 CACTUS COMPOUND ( Tr. Strophanthus . 2 min. 1 A tablet every three or four hours, according to the severity of the symptoms, in cardiac weakness and irreg jularity, and as a diuretic. CACTUS FL. EXTRACT ..1 1 70 Heart stimulant. One or two tablets three times daily, as a heart stimulant in weak and irregular action from valvular disease, or myocardium. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. CAFFEINE i-io gr One every hour as a stimulant to the heart, or as a diuretic. CAFFEINE i-2 gr 1 1 OO 75 A tablet three times a day as a cardiac stimulant and as an antiperi- odic ; useful also in nephritis with partial suppression. CAFFEINE i gr.... One tablet three times a day, as a stimulant to the cardiac and the renal functions; useful in the after treatment of alcohol and opium 2 5<> poisoning. CAFFEINE CITRATE i-iogr One every hour as a stimulant to the heart, or as a diuretic. CAFFEINE CITRATE 1-2 gr I I OO 50 One or two tablets every three hours as a stimulant to the heart and the kidneys, and for bronchial asthma. CAFFEINE CITRATE i gr A tablet three times a day to stimulate heart action and the excre- tion of urine. 2 OO CAFFEINE CITRATE 2 grs 3 OO One tablet three times a day, as a diuretic in cardiac dropsy; one every two hours for three doses, for headache. n/TT-, \ Caffeine Citrate.... i gr. / CAFFEINE COMP ] Nitroglycerin... 1-200 gr. ( One tablet three or four times a day, for cardiac dilatation, arterio- sclerosis, and as a diuretic. 2 25 (Caffeine Citrate.... i gr.) CAFFEINE COMP. No. 2 < Nitroglycerin... 1-200 gr. V 2 35 ( Fl.Ext.Celsem. ..1-2 mm. ) A tablet every three or four hours as a heart tonic and stimulant, to avert the attacks of angina pectoris and lessen their severity, and to promote diuresis. CALCIUM SULPHIDE i-iooo gr A tablet every two or three hours, for the suppurative eruptions of infancy. 75 CALCIUM SULPHIDE 1-100 gr 75 One every two hours for discharge from the ear, boils and suppurat- ing skin affections in children ; also for conjunctivitis. CALCIUM SULPHIDE 1-50 gr 75 A tablet every hour or two for boils, carbuncles, discharges from the ear and diseases of the skin. CALCIUM SULPHIDE 1-20 gr 7^ Chocolate Coated 85 One to three after meals for boils and other suppurating diseases of the cutaneous glands. CALCIUM SULPHIDE i-io gr 7 5 Chocolate Coated °5 One every two hours for boils, carbuncles and suppurative conditions. CALCIUM SULPHIDE i-S gr Chocolate Coated »5 One after meals for carbuncles, furuncules, and acne; increase gradually until the full systemic effect is reached. CALCIUM SULPHIDE 1-5 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One to two tablets three times a day for boils, carbuncles, discharges from the ear, and suppurative conditions. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. CALCIUM SULPHIDE 1-4 gr.. . 75 8s 75 85 1 00 1 10 75 75 75 75 Chocolate Coated One to two tablets every three hours for boils, carbuncles, discharges from the ear, and suppurative conditions. CALCIUM SULPHIDE 1-2 gr Chocolate Coated One, three times a day, for boils, carbuncles and suppurative condi- tions. CALCIUM SULPHIDE 1 gr Chocolate Coated A tablet three or four times daily, for suppurating affections of the skin, carbuncles, boils and otorrhoea. CALOMEL 1-1000 gr Alterative, purgative, antiseptic One every hour for an infant, for hepatic and intestinal tonic. CALOMEL 1-500 gr One every hour for an infant, for hepatic and intestinal tonic. CALOMEL 1-200 gr One every hour for an infant, for hepatic and intestinal tonic. One every two hours to an infant for hepatic and intestinal tonic. CALOMEL 1-50 gr One every hour for a child until effect is produced ; for hepatic and intestinal tonic, and corrective in some forms of diarrhoea. 75 CALOMEL 1-40 gr One every hour for a child until effect is produced; for hepatic and intestinal tonic and corrective of diarrhoea. 75 CALOMEL 1-20 gr One every hour for a child until bowels act, as corrective to liver, and laxative. 75 CALOMEL 1-16 gr One every hour for a child until bowels act, as corrective to liver, and laxative. 75 •CALOMEL 1-12 gr One every half hour for adults until bowels move or twelve are taken ; for hepatic alterative and laxative in biliousness or bilious headache. 75 CALOMEL 1-10 gr One every hour until the bowels move, or until ten have been taken ; for biliousness, headache and congestion. 75 CALOMEL 1-10 gr Flavored with Wintergreen. One every hour until the bowels move, or until ten have been taken; for biliousness, headache and congestion. 75 CALOMEL 1-8 gr. One every hour until the bowels move, or until eight have been taken. 75 CALOMEL 1-8 gr Flavored with Wintergreen. One every hour until the bowels move, or until eight have been taken. 75 CALOMEL 1-6 gr. One every two hours, until cathartic action is produced, followed by a ■seidlitz powder, citrate of magnesia or laxative mineral water. For biliousness and toroid liver. 75 When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 29 75 Flavored with Wintergreen. One every two hours, until cathartic action is produced, followed by a seidlitz powder, citrate of magnesia, or laxative mineral water. For biliousness and torpid liver. CALOMEL 1-5 gr One every two hours, until cathartic action is produced, followed by a 75 seidlitz powder, citrate of magnesia, or laxative mineral water. For biliousness and torpid liver. CALOMEL 1-5 gr Flavored with Wintergreen. 75 One every two hours, until cathartic action is produced, followed by a seidlitz powder, citrate of magnesia, or laxative mineral water. For biliousness and torpid liver. CALOMEL 1.4 gr One every two hours* until cathartic action is produced, followed by a seidlitz powder, citrate of magnesia, or laxative mineral water. For biliousness and torpid liver. 75 CALOMEL 1-4 gr Flavored with Wintergreen. One every two hours, until cathartic action is produced, followed by a seidlitz powder, citrate of magnesia, or laxative mineral water. For biliousness and torpid liver. 75 CALOMEL 1-2 gr One every two hours until effect is produced, followed by a saline cathartic. 90 CALOMEL 1-2 gr Flavored with Wintergreen. One every two hours until effect is produced, 'followed by a saline cathartic. 90 CALOMEL i gr One every three hours until bowels move freely, followed by a saline cathartic. I 00 CALOMEL 1 gr Flavored with Wintergreen. One every three hours until bowels move freely, followed by a saline cathartic. I 00 CALOMEL 2 gr One or two tablets at night as a purge, taken with a ten grain tablet of bicarbonate of sodium, followed next morning by a saline cathartic. I 30 CALOMEL 2 gr Flavored with Wintergreen. One or two tablets at night as a purge, taken with a ten grain tablet of bicarbonate of sodium, followed next morning by a saline cathartic. I 30 CALOMEL 5 grs Alterative. One at night with a ten grain tablet of bicarbonate of sodium, followed by a dose of citrate of magnesia in the morning for a purge, and as an alterative to liver. 2 00 CALOMEL 10 grs One at night with a ten grain tablet of bicarbonate of sodium, followed by a dose of citrate of magnesia in the morning for a purge, and as an alterative to liver. 3 00 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets ERA SER 'S TA BLE TS. CALOMEL, ALOIN & PODO-( Calomel -10 gr. ) PHYLLIN } Aloin I -10 gr. • I 10 (Dr. Underwood.) ( Podophyllin i -0 |r. I 20 One to five at night, according to the requirements of the case, in chronic constipation, atony of the lower bowel, and as a hepatic stimu- lant. Decrease the dose gradually. ( Calomel -So gr. ) Calomel comp < Morph. Sulph.. .1- 100 gr. > I IO (Dr. Spencer.) ( Tartar Emetic.. i- 100 gr. ) One every hour or two until cough becomes easier. CALOMEL COMP. No. 2 ( Calomel !-4 Sr- ) Alkaline hepatic. ) Podophyllin -12 gr. V 75 ( Sodium Bicarb. . . . 1-2 gr. ) Chocolate Coated ss One every three hours until biliousness is relieved. -10 gr. ) 75 j Sodium Bicarb... . ..i gr. ( Chocolate Coated 85 One every hour until laxative effect is produced, for biliousness, head- ache and dull feeling with coated tongue. CALOMEL COMP. No. 4 \ £al«mel■ • • • ■ • • • ,.i gr. > I 10 i Sodium Bicarb.... .. 1 gr. ( One tablet at night and one in the morning, for a week, then omit the morning dose for a week and decrease to one every second or third night ; for biliousness, sick headache and light attacks of jaundice. ( Calomel 1-2 gr.) CALOMEL COMP. No. 5 1 Podophyllin -12 gr. > I 00 ( Sodium Bicarb. . . 1-2 gr.) One to three at night, followed by a teaspoonful of Epsom salts in cold water in the morning, as a stimulant for hepatic engorgement and to relieve hemorrhoids. CALOMEL, MODIFIED (Calomel 1-5 gr. ) I 00 (Dr. G. F. Brooks.) Ext. Belladon .... -25 &r- S One tablet at 7 p. m. repeated every half hour for five doses, for an hepatic stimulant and laxative. ( Calomel 1-6 gr. 1 CALOMEL & BISMUTH 1 Dover’s Powder.. .. 1 gr. 1 I 70 Alterative stomachic. ) Sodium Bicarb... .•2 gr. ( [Bismuth Subnit... ,.i gr.J A tablet every three hours, as an alterative in disorders of the gastric functions. ( Calomel -10 gr. ) CALOMEL & BISMUTH No. 2. \ Bism. Subnit -10 gr. ( 75 ( Sugar Milk . . q. s. ) One every two or three hours as an alterative in disorders of the gastric functions. CALOMEL & CODEINE (Calomel -10 gr. ) 3 75 Sedative hepatic. ( Codeine 1-8 gr. \ A tablet after meals, for cases of biliousness, with coated tongue and pain referred to the liver. ( Calomel -12 grA I Nux Vomica -12 gr. CALOMEL HYDRASTIS COMP] Podophyllin -12 gr. i I OO [ Calcium Carb -12 gr. 1 [ Golden Seal -12 gr. J From one to three tablets with meals and at bedtime, for indigestion with acidity, and torpidity of the liver with constipation. When ordering- or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. ' CALOMEL & IPECAC ( Calomel 1-4 gr. ) Modified hepatic and stomachic | Ipecac Powd 1-4 gr. ( 75 One or two tablets half an hour after eating, and one at bed-time if necessary, for biliousness and bilious headache, indigestion and vertigo. CALOMEL & IPECAC No. 2.... \ Calomel... 1-8 gr.) ( Ipecac Powd 1-8 ) One every two hours for diarrhoea with green movements; for infants. Discontinue after four or five hours. CALOMEL & IPECAC No. 4 ... ( Calomel 1-100 gr. ) 75 ( Dr. Boardman Reed.) \ Ipecac i-xoo gr. ( One, dry, on the tongue every half hour for bilious vomiting. calomel & IPECAC comp. Ipecac Pow|j;;;;;;|r; 1 3S 2 { Rhubarb Powd 1 gr. ) One or two after each meal, with an occasional seidlitz powder in the morning ; as a tonic laxative for jaundice, hemorrhoids and hepatic torpidity. CALOMEL, IPECAC & SODA.. (Calomel..... 1-5 gr.) Stomachic. { J,Pe?.ac p™d. . ... 1 -10 gr. V 75 1 Sodium Bicarb i gr. ) One or two tablets after meals, for stomach indigestion with coated tongue and headache. CALOMEL, IPECAC & SODA (Calomel.... 1-8 gr. 1 No 2 < Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. 75 ( Sodium Bicarb 1 gr. J One to three tablets after eating ; for dyspepsia, atony of the stomach and constipation. CALOMEL & LEPTANDRIN... < Calomel 1-3 gr.) Co (Dr. J. B. Hawes.) ( Leptandrin 1-2 gr. ( Give one night and morning for two days, and one on the night and morning of the fourth day, for biliousness. CALOMEL & MORPHINE CO. \ Morphine Sulph . . 1-4 gr. \ 3 5° Sedative hepatic. / Tartar Emetic 1-16 gr.) One tablet at night with an occasional saline laxative in the morning ; for disorders of the liver accompanied by pain and neurotic symptoms. CALOMEL & OPIUM No. 1 < Calomel 1-4 gr. j (Dr. McEwen.) J Opium Powd 1-4 gr. j 1 J5 One every two hours until a laxative action is produced; for bilious colic, and as an hepatic stimulant. CALOMEL & OPIUM No. 2 j Calomel i-8gr.) (Dr. McEwen.) j Opium Powd 1-8 gr. ( 1 uO One every hour until cathartic action is produced ; for biliousness, head- ache and constipation. ( Calomel 1-2 gr. 1 CALOMEL & OPIUM CO. No. 1 ( Opium Powd 1-8 gr. V 1 2S ( Ipecac Powd ..... 1 -4 gr.) One every three hours, followed next morning by a saline laxative, for biliousness, jaundice and the early stages of cirrhosis. ( Calomel 1-4 gr. 1 CALOMEL & OPIUM CO. No. Opium Powd 1-16 gr. 75 (Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr.) One every two or three hours, for bilious disorders and sick headache, followed by a saline laxative. CALOMEL & PODOPHYLLIN. ( Calomel 1-8 gr.j (Dr. Steenberg.) j Podophyllin 1-8 gr. ) 75 One or two at night, or one after meals until the bowels are freely opened ; for the habitual constipation of the sedentary. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 32 FRASER'S TABLETS. (Calomel i gr.) CALOMEL & PODOPHYLLIN J Sodium Bicarb 2 gr. i j- 160 COMP 1 Podophvllin 1-4 gr. j 1 Ipecac 1’owd 1-4 gr.J One three times a day, and one or two at night, for habitual constipa- tion, plethora and tendency to piles. ( Calomel 2 1-2 gr. : CALOMEL & RHUBARB CO... 7 Rhubarb Powd. 2 1-2 gr. ► 2 00 Alterative, laxative. ( Cinnamon Powd i gr. ‘ One or two at night for a week, then one every second or third night, i as an alterative ; an occasional one at night as a laxative, for bilious tendency and intestinal dyspepsia. CALOMEL & SODA (Calomel 1-2 gr. j 9S Alkaline alterative. ( Sodium Bicarb 3 gr. j Chocolate Coated 1 °5 One every two hours, for children’s diarrhoea with green movements. Discontinue after two or three doses. Two at night for adult hepatic. CALOMEL & SODA No. a \ gft™''3^*["l]3 j£ | i « One every hour until laxative effort is produced, for bilious headache with coated tongue. CAMPHOR COMP ( Camphor Monobr... i gr. ) 1 65 Analgesic. ( Acetanilid 2 gr. j One every three hours when in pain, for headache, muscular rheu- matism ana neuralgia. (Camphor 1-2 gr.) I CAMPHOR, CAPSICUM CO i Opium Powd... 1-2 gr. 1 [ 5 l Dover’s Powder 3 gr.J 1 A tablet half an hour after eating, for indigestion with gastralgia, headache and intestinal distress. CAMPHOR MONOBROMIDE..i-io gr 75 Sedative. One every hour as a sedative in whooping cough, for a child under seven years. CAMPHOR MONOBROMIDE..1-2 gr > 25 A tablet every hour or two, to lessen the violence of the attack in whooping cough, and quiet restlessness. CAMPHOR MONOBROMIDE..1 gr 1 5° One at night, repeated once or twice at intervals of an hour, to quiet nerves and induce sleep. CAMPHOR MONOBROMIDE. .2 grs 1 «5 A tablet as required to diminish the intensity of asthmatic parox- ysms ; also as an hypnotic, and to control delirium. (Camphor I grC I CANNABIS COMP. No. i J Ext. Can. Ind 1-4 gr. 7 1 90 (Dr. Patterson.) Ext. Hyoscyam.. .1-2 gr. Anodyne. (Sugar of Milk q. s.J 1 Chocolate Coated 2 OO Give one every two or three hours, or as often as every hour, as long as necessary to relieve pain of ovarian neuralgia and of tne genito-urinary region. ("Ext. Can. Ind 1-8 gr.) I CANNABIS COMP. No. 2 J Sbwch.'Shdph!:! fr! l 1 70 Acid Arsenous... 1-80 gr. I (Ext. Aconite 1-8 gr.J One tablet as required, for the pain of neuralgias or inflammations ; repeat in an hour if necessary. Stop at the third dose. When ordering or prescribing FRA SE R ’.S' TA B LETS. 33 CANNABIS COMP. No. 3 ( FI. Ext. Cun. Ind. .1 min.) 160 (Dr. Sadler.) (FI Ext. Gelsem.. .2 min. \ One to three tablets every three to six hours, as long as pain exists. Indicated in trigeminal neuralgias and nervous disturbances arising from uterine irregularities. CANNABIS IND. EXT 1-20 gr 75 Hypnotic and anodyne. One every two hours, to control the twitchings and restlessness of chorea, and to induce sleep. CANNABIS IND. EXT i-iogr I 00 A tablet after meals and one at night, for hypochondriasis and anaemic headache, and to control intense pruritus. CANNABIS IND. EXT 1-4 gr Give one every three or four hours, for depression of spirits, melancholy, and some forms of headache, and to lessen the pain of 15° rheumatism. CANNABIS & CODEINE < Tr. Cannabis Ind.. i min.) 160 Sedative. (Codeine I-25gr-S One to four tablets at intervals of half an hour, to quiet the nerves and produce sleep. In chorea, one tablet after meals. CANTHARIDES 1-100 gr 75 Stimulant diuretic. One tablet every hour, for congestion of urinary tract; especially to avert threatened suppression of urine. Allow plenty of drinking water. CANTHARIDES 1-50 gr A tablet every hour for congestion of urinary tract. Administer drinking water freely. CANTHARIDES 1-20 gr . A tablet every three hours in renal congestion, and to prevent suppres- sion of urine. Give drinking water freely. CANTHARIDES i-io gr Give one every three or four hours, in renal congestion with threat- ened anuria, with free use of drinking water. 75 75 75 CAPSICUM 1-100 gr - 75 Stomachic. One after meals for children, as an aid to digestion ; may be repeated every hour. CAPSICUM 1-50 gr One after meals for children, as an aid to digestion ; may be repeated every hour. CAPSICUM 1-20 gr One to three after meals, repeat one every hour afterwards, as an aid to digestion, and to relieve epigastric oppression after eating. CAPSICUM 1 -10 gr One or two after meals, as a tonic and aid to the digestive organs and a relief to epigastric fulness and oppression after eating. May be repeated for two doses at half hour intervals. CAPSICUM 1-4 gr 75 75 75 75 One or two after meals, repeated in an hour if necessary as a tonic and aid to the digestive organs, and a relief to epigastric fulness and oppression after eating. CAPSICUM 1-2 gr 75 One after each meal, repeated in an hour if necessary as a tonic and aid to the digestive organs, and a relief to epigastric fulness and oppression after eating; also good in the morning nausea of dipso- Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 34 FR ASEFTS TABLETS. CAPSICUM COMP ( Capsicum 1-10 gr. ) (Dr. Lindsley.) \ Nux Vomica .1-4 lr. /5 Stimulant stomachic. .Chocolate Coated 85 One or two tablets half an hour after meals ; if necessary repeat at half hour intervals for three doses, for stomach indigestion. CARBO VEG (Fraser.) :::::: 5 75 Antacid. Use freely as required, in cases of eructation, heartburn and flatulence. CARBO VEG -100 gr 75 Give one every half hour to a infant with dyspepsia and wind colic. CARBO VEG -10 gr Give one to three after meals, for dyspepsia and flatulence of children after errors in diet. Give an occasional saline laxative. CARBO VEG -2 gr 7S A tablet or two as required, for heartburn, eructation and flatulence. Take a seidlitz powder in the morning every few days. CARDIAC f Sparteine Sulph... !-io gr.) Tr. Strophanthus.. .3 min. 1 3 40 (Dr. Waldstein.) Caffeine Cit 1-2 gr. r Codeine -20 err. J Give a tablet every three hours, to control rapid and tumultuous heart action, irregular pulse, difficult breathing and tendency to oedema. Avoid overloading the stomach. CARDIAC No. 2 (Dr. Heineman.) Ext. Valerian Ext. Digitalis Ergotin ..2 gr.) 1-2 gr. t 3 75 One, three or four times a day, for irritable, feeble heart. CARDIAC TONIC (Dr. Bartley.) Strych. Arsen... 1- Sparteine Sulph .. Chiinine Sulph.... ioo gr.) i-8 gr. | 1-2 ST. ) 2 25 One or two tablets three or four times daily, for senile heart and fattv degeneration of the heart. rDigitalia x- 120 gr. i CARDIANE Tr. Strophanthus . 2 min. 1 2 75 (Dr. Fallen.) Tr. Cactus i min. j Sparteine Sulph. 1 -20 gr. j A tablet three times a day, to regulate the action of th e heart, diminish undue frequency and relieve dyspnoea: for valvular cardiac disease and begining dilatation. 'Ext. Cascara i -2.gr.) CASCARA COMP ....< Aloin -Sgr. 1 1 60 Podophyllin : -io gr. f .Oil Peppermint, i-io min.J Chocolate Coated 1 7° One or two at night, followed by one after each meal if necessary, for a laxative. CASCARA COMP. No. 2.... -S Ext. Cascara Sag.. Podophyllin • -2 gr.) i-8 gr. [, Ext. Belladonna..! -16 p-r. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 Two tablets at night, as a mild tonic cathartic. Cascarin..' !-4 gr.) Aloin i-4 gr. CASCARA COMP. No. 3 (Dr. Ilinckle.l ... Podophyllin Ext. Belladonna. .. i-6 gr. 1 i-8 gr. f 1 6S Strych. Sulph. ... 1 -6o gr. Gingerine i-8 gr. J Chocolate Coated 1 75 One or two at night, followed by one in the morning and at noon, if necessary, for laxative. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 35 CASCARA SAGRADA FI. Ext., . s min 1 75 Laxative. Plain or Chocolate Coated. One or two at night, or every three hours during the day, increasing intervals as constipation is relieved. CASCARIN COMP Tonic, hepatic and laxative. Aloin 1-4 gr. Podophyllin 1-4 gr. Cascarin 1-4 gr. x 40 Chocolate Coated 1 5° A tablet after meals, with free use of drinking water, for habitual and atonic constipation. Ext. Cascara Sag..1-2 gr.' Aloin i-S gr. Podophyllin 1-10 gr. CASCARIN COMP No. 2 00 cn (Dr. Gilbert.) Oil Peppermint..i-io nun. Oil Cajeput 1-2 min.. Chocolate Coated 1 95 One after each meal, until they act freely ; then one at night as neces- sary for habitual constipation accompanied with flatulence. Cascarin 1-2 gr.) Podophyllin 1-12 gr. Euonymin 1-4 gr. CASCARIN COMP. No. 3 (Dr. Martin, Clinton, Iowa.) Strychnine 1-S0 gr. Aloin 1-to gr. Ext. Belladonna. ,.i-S gr. Oil Black Pepper. .1-4 gr. Gingerine 1-16 gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO One, rarely two, on going to bed, for hepatic and intestinal tonic and aperient. CASCARIN TABLETS Salicin 3 gr. 4 25 (Dr. Waldstein.) Cascarin 2 gr. Tonic cathartic. One at night, for loss of tone in the intestine with consequent habitual constipation. CATARRHAL Tr. Aconite.. 1-2 min. (Dr. F. W. Koehler.) Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. Potass. Iodide:.. .1-10 gr. I IO One every half hour for three doses, then every hour, to start the secre- tions dried up by an inflammation of the throat, in its first stages. fLeptandrin 1-32 gr.) Aloin 1-16 gr. Podophyllin 1-6 gr. CATHARTIC No. 1 Gamboge 1 -64 gr. Ext. Hyoscvam.. 1-16 gr. > 1 00 Oleores. Capsic.i-i2S gr. .Oil Pepperm’t. 1-128 min.. Chocolate Coated I IO One to three tablets at night. Aloin 1-10 gr.) Ext. Colocy. Co. .1-10 gr. Ext.Nux Vom.... 1-10 gr. CATHARTIC No. 2 Podophyllin 1-10 gr. Croton t)il 1-30 gr. Oleores. Capsic. 1-256 gr. .Oil Pepperm’t. 1-128 nun.. ■ 1 25 Chocolate Coated 1 35 One tablet every two hours until bowels move, or one to three at night, followed in the morning by another if necessary. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 36 FRA SER \S TABLETS. CATHARTIC No. 3 ( Scammony Res. .2 1-2 gr. | 4 00 (Dr. Russell.) ( Gray Powder.. ..2 1-2 gr. Give one to four at night, according to age, as a cathartic when an hepatic is indicated. CATHARTIC No. 4 1 Pil. Rhubarb Comp..4 gr. Blue Mass 3 gr. 2 25 _ Two at night and one every seventh night afterwards, until liver and bowels act regularly. ( Aloes Powd 1 i-Sgr.' | Gamboge Powd..3-16 gr. CATHARTIC No. 5 Podophyllin 1-6 gr. ► 1 35 Capsicum Powd..1-10 gr. Croton Oil 1-10 gr. lExt. Hyoscyamus..i-8 gr. Chocolate Coated 1 45 One to three at night for active purge. 'Aloes Purified. ..1 1-8 gr.' Gamboge 3-16 gr. CATHARTIC COMP. Active....^ Podophyllin 1-8 gr. Capsicum Powd..1-12 gr. ► 1 50 Croton Oil 1-50 gr. Chocolate Coated 1 60 One to three tablets at night for a cathartic. Ext. Colocy. Co 1 gr. Ext. Jalap 1-2 gr. Podophyllin 1-4 gr. CATHARTIC COMP. Improved' Ext. Gentian 1-2 gr. Leptandrin 1-4 gr. Ext. Hyoscyam. . . 1-4 gr. .Oil Peppermint q. s.. Plain or Chccolate Coated 2 75 One or two at bedtime, as a laxative; two to three as a cathartic. ( Ext. Colocy. Co. . 1 1-42T.) CATHARTIC COMP. U. S. P....< Calomel i err. laiap i-2 g;r. Gamboge Powd.. 1-4 gr., Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 One at bedtime as a laxative, two as a cathartic, three as a nuree : for indigestion and biliousness. CATHARTIC CO. (Pill U. S. P.).. i Give one every half hour until the bowel -10 gr 75 s move, or six at night, accord- ing to the requirements of the case. CATHARTIC CO. (Pill U. S. P.). . 1 S pr 75 Chocolate Coated ss From one to four tablets, in divided doses through the day or at bed time ; as a tonic and hepatic laxative. CATHARTIC COMP. (Veg.) i 10 gr 75 One every hour up to four or five doses as necessary, to procure free action of the bowels ; then one every night for a time. CATHARTIC COMP. (Veg.) 1- s 75 Two or three during the day and two at night, with another in the morning if necessary ; after the bowels act freely, diminish to one every night. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 37 f Strychnine Sulph. i [-4° gr.'j CATHARTIC TONIC J AWdn"1’ (Dr. Bovee.) ] Res p0d0phyliin. 1-3 gr. 1 -3 gr. > • I-S gr. (Ext. Belladonna.. 1 -4 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO One at night, followed by one after each meal next day, if necessary: for a tonic cathartic in biliousness and constipation. CAULOPHYLLIN i-io gr IO Antispasmodic and diuretic. Give from one to three every hour, to relieve spasm of the s iphincter vesicae and post partum pains, and as a diuretic. CERIUM OXALATE i-to gr 75 Stomachic sedative. One every fifteen minutes diffused in water on the end of a spoon for nausea of infants. When nausea stops, give one, half an fore each feeding, for two or three meals. hour be- CERIUM OXALATE i gr I OO One every twenty minutes for adidt, every half hour for grown child; for nausea. When stomach is settled, one every two hours liquid food as long as necessary. with hot CERIUM OXALATE 2 grs I 40 One every hour for four or five doses, for sick stomach and nausea. CERIUM OXALATE t?rs T 75 One to two tablets three or four times a day, for vomiting in pregnancy. CERIUM OXALATE COMP. . ( Cerium Oxalate .. .. 1 gr. ) (Dr. Guernsey.) ) Ipecac Powd 1 -20 gr. 15 One every hour until nausea stops, followed by one every hour with hot beef tea in small quantities. CHALK ( Chalk Prepared .. • i gr. / 75 Antacid. f Oil Cinnamon.. 1-20 min. ) A tablet every half hour until relieved, for a child with dyspepsia and gastric distress ; for a baby, give one with each feeding. CHALK MIXTURE 1 teaspoonful 75 One tablet every two or three hours, for the summer diarrhoea of chil- dren. It is best to precede this treatment with a single dose of castor oil. CHARCOAL 2 grs 75 Absorbent. A tablet as needed to control nausea and sea-sickness, and to correct flatulence. CHARCOAL 5 grs 75 Give one every three hours or oftener in conditions of gastric dys- pepsia with eructations. 75 A tablet after each meal for indigestion with the production of gas, nausea, and palpitation. CHLORALAMID, Schering’s. . .5 grs 13 OO Per 100 I 30 A tablet every three hours in chorea and to avert epileptic and as an hypnotic to replace chloral and sulphonal. CHLORALAMID, Schering’s.. .10 grs seizures, 25 OO Per 100 .. 2 5° One tablet repeated in an hour to produce sleep ; for insomnia of senility, neurasthenia and alcoholism. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 38 FRASER'S TABLETS. CHLORALAMID, Schering’s.. .15 grs 37 0° Per 100 3 75 A tablet as necessary to avert epileptic and choreic attacks; to pro- duce sleep in old age, hysteria, cardiac disease and morphinism. ( Morphine Mur.... 1-6 gr.'i Ext.Cannabis Ind. 1-4 gr. I CHLORODYNE J Nitroglycerin.. .1-300 gr. 1 ) Ext. Hvoscvam 1-2 gr. 1 Oleoresin Capsic. i-io gr. j 1 Oil Peppermint, i-io min. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 75 One, and repeat in an hour if necessary for pain. After taking three doses, stop three hours before resuming. For diarrhoea, one every three hours until relieved. f Morphine Mur.. .1-12 gr.'i Ext. Cannabis Ind. 1-8 gr. I ____ _ J Nitroglycerin.. .1-600 gr. 1 CHLORODYNE No. 2 \ gxt Hyoscyamus. 1-4 gr. 1 j Oleoresin Capsic. 1-20 gr. | (Oil Peppermint. 1-20 min. J Plain or Chocolate Coated I 2 00 One, and repeat in an hour if necessary for pain. After taking three doses, stop three hours before resuming. For diarrhoea, one every three hours until relieved. ('Quinine Sulph 1 gr.'i 1 CHLOROSIS J Iron Powd 1 1-2 gr. 1 (Dr. Bishop.) Ext. Ergot 1 gr. j l l Ext. Nux Vom.... 1-5 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 1 2 50 One tablet, three times a day, in anaemia, chlorosis and amenorrhcea. ("Iron Protochlor 1-4 gr.'i I .. 1 Merc. Bichlor... 1-120 gr. I CHLOROSIS No. 2 ( Arsenic Chlor. ..1-200 gr. / (.Quinine Chlor 1-8 gr.J [ 1 40 1 One or two tablets after each meal where a vigorous iron tonic is required, and during convalescence. (Ext. Cascara Sag. .1-4 gr.'i Aloin i-40gr. I CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE < Podophyllin 1-40 gr. > 2 OO I Ext. Tamarinds 2 gr. t Sweet Chocolate... .9 gr.J 1 Give one to four according to age of patient, as an agreeable laxative for children. ( Calomel 1 gr."i | CHOLAGOGUE 1 Ipecac Powd i-S gr. 1 !> 1 2S (Dr. Porter.) Acid Arsenous...1-15 gr. | LCorros. Sublim. ..1-15 gr.J 1 One every three hours until bowels move more freely ; then one every second or third night, or every week, as necessary. ___ _ _ (Calomel i-iogr. ) CHOLAGOGUE No. 2 J Ipecac Powd i-iogr. ( > I OO (Dr. Kennedy.) ( Sodium Bicarb 2 gr. 1 One every two hours, as a mild cholagogue for adults. For constipa- tion of infants, one with as much sugar of milk as will lie on a silver ten-cent piece. ( Opium Powd 1-2 gr. ] 1 CHOLERA < Asafcetida 1 gr. > 1 75 ( Black Pepper 1 1-2 gr. Two every two hours with hot water or tea, for early stages of diarrhoea, particularly where cholera is suspected. When ordering' or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 39 {Zinc Sulphocarb..i -20 gr.) CHOLERA INFANTUM <| Itsmuth Subnit.' -10 gr. -6° gr. '.Dr. Hillkowitz.) j Calomel , (. Lactopeptin .1-2 gr. j One every ten minutes until five are given, then one every hour ; as a remedy for cholera infantum and summer diarrhoea in children from six to twelve months old. (Zinc Sulphocarb. i [-20 gr.'| CHOLERA INFANTUM No. a. SaM .............] [-10 gr. (Dr. Fenwick.) < Bismuth Subnit .. . 1-2 gr. V 1 So v ; I Calomel i [-60 gr. | (.Pepsin Pure i-4 gr.J One tablet every ten minutes the first hour, then one every hour until relieved. CHOLERA MORBUS, Bilious. . ( Bismuth Subnit... • 3 Sr- (Dr. Hitchcock.) ] Calomel ( Salol i-Sgr. [ .. 1 gr. ) 3 S° If there is an irritating substance in the bowels, give a seidlitz powder first, then a tablet after each bad passage ; not oftener than every hour, nor more than ten in twenty-four nours. . _ _ _ ( Tr. Cimicifuga CIMICIFUGA COMP j Tr. Gelsemium .1 min. ) . 1 min. j 2 OO One every one to two hours for menstrual headaches and ovarian conges- tion. CIMICIFUGA FL. EXT i min i is Anti-rheumatic and cardiac tonic. Give one to three tablets every two hours, for headache dependent upon pelvic derangement, sex hypochondriasis, and as a cardiac tonic in fatty heart and rheumatism. CINCHONIDIA SALICYLATE, i gr 2 OO One every hour, for rheumatism and rheumatic pharyngitis. CINCHONIDIA SALICYLATE.2 grs 3 00 One to three tablets, three times a day according to age, for rheumatism and rheumatic pharyngitis. CINCHONIDIA SALICYLATE 2 1-2 frrs 3 So Plain or Chocolate Coated One every two hours for rheumatism and rheumatic pharyngitis. CINCHONIDIA SALICYLATE.3 grs 4 00 One every two hours for rheumatism and rheumatic pharyngitis. CINCHONIDIA SALICYLATE.5 grs S OO One, three or four times a day in rheumatism and rheumatic pharyngitis. COCAINE COMP $ Potass.Chlorate.. ..1 gr. j 1 25 (Dr. F. A. Burraii.j (Cocaine Mur ...1- 100 gr. ) One on the tongue every half hour for pharyngitis and colds. COCAINE HYDROCHLOR i-ioo gr I OO COCAINE HYDROCHLOR 1-50 gr I 35 COCAINE HYDROCHLOR 1-20 gr I 9O COCAINE HYDROCHLOR 1-10 gr 2 75 COCAINE HYDROCHLOR 1-8 gr 3 25 COCAINE HYDROCHLOR 1-6 gr 4 00 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 40 FRASER'S TAR LETS. COCAINE HYDROCHLOR. ■ •••i-sgr 4 5° COCAINE HYDROCHLOR i-4 gr 5 25 COCAINE HYDROCHLOR. 20 OO Per ioo 2 OO A tablet dissolved in a drachm of distilled water makes a two percent. solution. COCAINE HYDROCHLOR, 21-4 grs 40 OO Per 100 4 OO A tablet dissolved in one drachm cent, solution. of distilled water makes a four per ("Cocaine Mur 1-12 gr.'i ] Cubebs Powd 1 gr. COCAINE THROAT Potass. Chlorate. . . .2 gr. ! Licorice Powd q. s. J 3 00 One on the tongue every two or tickling and irritation of the throat three hours for chronic cough with CODEINE 1-10 gr 2 75 CODEINE ‘-8 gr 3 25 CODEINE ‘-5gr 4 5° CODEINE i-4 gr 5 25 CODEINE 1-2 gr 10 50 CODEINE 1 gr 20 OO CODEINE COMP (Dr. M. J. Asch.) 1 Codeine 1-3 gr. 1 ( Prepared Chalk 5 gr. ) Chocolate Coated only 7 00 One every two or three hours as required, for diarrhoea and intestinal pains. CODEINE PHOSPHATE. >-4 gr 5 75 CODEINE PHOSPHATE. . . •■■■‘-2 gr 10 50 CODEINE SULPHATE . • • ■ •1 -5 gr 3 75 CODEINE SULPHATE. . . 1-4 gr 4 5° CODEINE SULPHATE . . 1-2 gr • 8 2S COLCHICIN I 20 Anti-rheumatic. One every three hours until a cathartic effect is produced. For rheu- matism, gout and nephritis. COLCHICIN i-5° gr 1 75 A tablet three times a day, for neuralgia, rheumatism, and chronic inflammation of the kidneys. f Acetanilid 3 gr.'i COLD, CATARRHAL (Dr. Newman.) J Camphor Powd... 1-2 gr. 1 | Codeine 1-6 gr. [ 1,Ext. Nux Vom. . . . 1-6 gr. J Chocolate Coated only 4 75 One every two hours for catarrhal cold. COLD No. i ("Morph. Sulph 1-32 gr.'i J Tartar Emetic.. .1-32 gr. ( 1 35 1 Oil Gaultheria q.s. J One every two or three hours, for cough with bronchial irritation ; lengthen the intervals to one every four hours if nausea occurs. When ordering or prescribing ( Antim. Sul. Aur . 1-12 gr. "j COLD No. 2 Ext. Conium Ipecac Powd Potass. Nitrate. . I-I2 gr. | I OO (Dr. Satterlee.) •J 9 gl' ( .1-6 gr. • i-6 gr.J [ Ammon. Mur. . .. Two after each meal for cold of adults. COLD No. 3 f Quinine Sulphate ...2 gr.] 1 Dover’s Powder.. • • -2 gr- l (Dr. Gage.) j Capsicum Powd.. •i-4 f 1 Tr. Aconite .i min.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 60 One tablet every three or four hours until effect is produced ; give two or three at bedtime if necessary. ( Quinine Sulphate •••2 gr.] COLD No. 3, Modified 1 Dover’s Powder. .••2gr. j (Dr. T. M. Lippitt.) Capsicum Powd. Tr. Aconite •I-d gr- ( (. Calomel • 1-4 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 75 One tablet every three or four hours until effect is produced ; give two or three at bedtime if necessary. | r Aconite i-to gr.] COLD No. 4 1 Camphor : i-io gr. ( 75 (Dr. H. L. Coit.) 1 Opium Powd i-io gr. f 1 Potass. Nitrate... i-io gr.) Chocolate Coated 85 Give adults ten tablets in water at bedtime, or one every hour during the day for coryza. This treatment may be supplemented with topic doses of quinine. fTr. Aconite Rad.. . i min.'I COLD No. 5. Early Stages J Atropine Sulph.. 1 Morph. Sulph -6oo gr. 1 ‘-36 gr- f I 4O , Hydrarg. Chi. Mit. i-6gr.J One every hour for three doses, then every two hours for three more. Take for one day after secretion and weeping from nostrils is stopped. 1 'Camphor •1-4 gr.] COLD No. 6 Atropine Sulph.. 1 -5°o gr. [ Strych. Sulph 1 -ioo gr. > (Dr. Curtis.) Aloin 1 -ioo gr. . Tr. Aconite i-2 min J Chocolate Coated only 1 *5 One every hour, for fresh cold, until mouth becomes dry then one every two or three hours. COLD No. 7 "Calomel • i-S gr.] Podophyllin i-25 gr- l 1 35 (Dr. Brooks.) 1 Ext. Belladonna . i-25 gr- [ 1 . Sodium Bicarb... • ■•2grJ One every half hour after seven in the evening while awake, next morning by a seidlitz powder, for breaking up colds. followed COLD No. 8 ( (Dr. Koyle.) j Oil Gaultheria.. 1- 2a min. J I OO One every half hour, for acute congestive colds. COLIC \ (Dr. Satterlee.) 1 Morph. Sulph.... Bismuth Subnit. . . Calomel 1-80 gr. 1 •i gr- f i-4°gr. ) 1 60 One every fifteen minutes until four are taken ; rest an 1 iour and repeat if necessary in bad cases ; give an adult tour at the first dose, and four every hour afterwards, as long as necessary. FRASER'S TABLETS. 41 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. 42 ( Paregoric 2 min. ) COLIC No. 2, INFANTILE J Sodium Bicarb i gr. V I IO ( Oil Fennel i-io min. ; Dissolve eight in eight teaspoonfuls of hot water ; give ten to twenty drops every ten or fifteen minutes. ( Ext. Conium 1-30 gr. ) CONIUM COMP 1 Cubebs Povvd.... 1-10 gr. V 75 Expectorant. ( Ext. Licorice 1-10 gr. ) One every half hour or every hour, for cough with tickling in the throat. f Ext. Conium 1-30 gr. "| CONIUM COMP, with Codeine ! Cubebs Powd.... 1-10 gr. 1 1 is Anodyne expectorant. J Ext. Licorice 1-10 gr. [ 1 Codeine 1-25 gr.J One every hour for tickling in the throat, with persistent cough. CONSTIPATION Aloin, Strych- f Ext! Be 11 adonna.'. i-11 |r.'1 nine Comp, with Pepsin 7 Strychnine Sulph.1-60 gr. I SO ] Pepsin 1-4 gr. I (Ipecac Powd 1-15 gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 60 One before supper and another at bedtime, followed by one every two hours next day, if necessary ; as a tonic to the liver and secretions. (Ext. Colocy. Co 2 gr."! CONSTIPATION. CHRONIC.. . \ BeHadonna gr. 1 4 00 (Dr. Feltwell.) | Gentian 1 gr. f l Oil Caraway 1-2 min.J One or two at night for habitual constipation ; gradually lessen the dose, or increase the interval as the constipation is relieved. CON V ALL ARIA MAJAL. FI.Ex 1 min 1 25 Cardiac tonic. Two or three tablets after meals to diminish the frequency and increase the power of the heart ; to remove dropsy, and to replace digi- talis where that is unsafe. CONVALLAMARIN ...1-100 gr 1 75 One tablet three times a day, increased with great caution; for cardiac weakness and rapidity, and dropsy. COPAIBA BALSAM 1-100 gr 75 Diuretic. One to three tablets every two hours, increasing slowly according to the severity of the case ; for vesical and urethral inflammation, and to increase the flow of urine. COPPER ARSENITE 1-5000 gr 75 Put five tablets in a glass of water, and give a teaspoonful every half hour, for diarrhoea in nursing infants. COPPER ARSENITE i-iooo gr A tablet in a little water every two hours, for the summer diarrhoea of children. 75 COPPER ARSENITE 1-500 gr 75 Take one every hour or two until the discharges become natural. COPPER ARSENITE.... 1-200 gr 75 A tablet three times a day for diarrhoea in children. COPPER ARSENITE 1-100 gr 75 One tablet in one-half glass of water. One teaspoonful of this every half hour until relieved of the diarrhoea. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS 43 COPPER ARSENITE .1- 5° 75 One in one-half glass of water. One teaspoonful of this every half- hour until relieved of the diarrhoea. • ■ 'Calomel -20 gr.) CORRECTIVE, INFANTS Ipecac Powd i -S° gr- ■ 1 5° (Dr. Ives.) Sodium Bicarb... 1-2 gr. Bismuth Subnit... ..I gr.J A tablet, crushed and mixed with an equal bulk of sugar and placed on the child’s tongue every one or two hours, to correct morbid conditions of the alimentary tract. 'Calomel -20 gr.) CORRECTIVE, INFANTS No. 2, (Dr. Ives.) Ipecac Powd Sodium Bicarb... -50 gr. 1-2 gr. • 1 S® Bismuth Subnit.. • •1 gr- Oil Anise I- 20 min. J A tablet, crushed and mixed with an equal bulk of sugar and placed on the child’s tongue every one or two hours, to correct morbid conditions of the alimentary tract. Rhubarb Powd.. 1-3 gr.) Ipecac Powd..... -12 gr. CORRECTIVE TABLETS , (Dr. W. B. Culbert) Sodium Bicarb.... Sodium Salicylate Ext. Nux Vom... ..1 gr. •••3 gr. -20 gr. ► Ext.Cascara Sag.i 1-2 gr. Ess. Menth. Pip., i -2 min. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 25 One or two tablets, with plenty of water three times a day before eat- ing, for torpid liver or disordered digestion. For laxative, one or two at night. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 10,000 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i Sooogr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i iooo gr 75 CORROSIVESUBLIMATE i- 5°° ST 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 200 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i !°o gr 75 CORROSIVESUBLIMATE ..i 75 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE 1- 5°gr CORROSIVESUBLIMATE . ...i- 40 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i 32 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i 3° gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 20 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i 16 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 12 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 10 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 8 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 4 gr 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE i- 2 gr 90 CO -vROSIVE SUBLIMATE i gr I OO A tablet dissolved in four tablespoonfuls of water makes a solution oi about i to i,ooo ; for external use. CORROSIVE SUB.(colored blue) i gr I OO Antiseptic. A'tablet dissolved in four tablesDoonfuls of water makes a solution of about x to 1,000 ; for external use. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 44 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE ( Corrosive Sub i gr. | 100 SOLUBLE. (For Hair Wash.) ( Tartaric Acid I gr. Dissolve a tablet in eight tablespoonfuls of water, and apply twice a week for dandruff. CORROSIVE SUBLIM. COMP.. ( Corrosive Sub. ..1-32 gr. 1 75 (I)r. Cushman.) ( Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. Alterative. One tablet after meals as an alimentary stimulant and alterative, in chronic dyspepsia, rheumatism and skin diseases. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE & j Corrosive Sub...13-4 gr. , | 1 25 CITRIC ACID j Citric Acid... .87-100 gr. 1 Antiseptic. Dissolve a tablet in four ounces of water; the strength of corrosive sublimate in the resulting solution is i to 1,000. The citric acid retains in solution the mercury albuminate which is formed, and thus prolongs the antiseptic action. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE & ( Corrosive Sub ...13-4 gr. ; | 1 25 CITRIC ACID (colored blue) ( Citric Acid 87-100 gr. 1 Dissolve a tablet in four ounces of water; the strength of corrosive sublimate in the resulting solution is i to 1,000. The citric acid retains in solution the mercury albuminate which is formed, and thus prolongs the antiseptic action. (Quinine Sulph 1-2 gr.'i Ammon. Mur 1-2 gr. CORYZA J Camphor.. 1-2 gr. 1 L (Dr. Richards.) | (>P1U™ £ovJ'd ‘-I0 Sr- 1 f Ext. Belladonna. 1-10 gr. (Ext. Aconite 1-10 gr.J I Chocolate Coated only 2 OO For a fresh cold, give two tablets for first dose ; followed by one every hour until cold is broken up. (Quinine Sulph 1-3 gr.'i Ammon.Muriate. .1-3 gr. | CORYZA No. 2 J Camphor. 1-3 gr. ! | Opium rowd 1-15 gr. 1 Ext. Belladonna, i-i 3 gr. f (Ext. Aconite 1-15 gr.J Chocolate Coated only 1 5° For a fresh cold, give two tablets for first dose ; followed by one every hour until cold is broken up. (Camphor 1-2 gr.'i | 1 Quinine Sulph 1-2 gr. CORYZA No, 3 ..... 1 Morph. Sulph 1-64 gr. | (Dr. Henry J. Kenyon.) Atropine Sulph. 1-2000 gr. \ Sugar of Milk q. s.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 1 2 OO Fourtablets at bedtime, oroneevery two to four hours—but preferably at bedtime. Through the vaso-motor nerves, this tablet acts as a specific stimu- lant to the congested mucous membrane of the naso-pharynx, promotes secretion and favors the return of the diseased parts to their normal con- dition in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours. ( Atropine Sulph. .1-600 gr.'i 1 CORYZA No. 4 I Acid Arsenous...1-240 gr.| (Dr. S. MacCuen Smith.) < Strych. Sulph.... 1-240 gr ' | Morph. Sulph 1-60 gr. [ ,,s (Quinine Sulph.. . .1-10 gr.J One or two every hour for four doses, then one every three or four hours if necessary, to control the discharge and headache of acute coryza. FRASER'S TABLETS. When ordering or prescribing FRA SE/r.S TA BLE TS. (Atropine Sulph..i -600 gr.' 1 Acid Arsenous..i -240 gr. CORYZA N0.5 J Strych.Sulph. ...1 -240 gr. 1 l , ,, (Dr. S. MacCuen Smith.) | Morph. Suiph—1 -100 gr. ! ' Quinine Sulph.... 1-10 gr. (.Camphor •1-4 gr.; 1 Chocolate Coated 125 One every hour for cold in the head with weeping nostrils, until the throat feels dry ; then one every two or three hours, continuing a day or two after the cold has disappeared. ( Ammon. Mur.... 1 Ext. Opium i-iS gr. COUGH, ADULTS ! Fid.Ext Ipecac.. 1 -4 min. 1 > 2 00 (Dr. Riggs.) 1 Ext- Beliad 1 Ext. Licorice I ... 1 gr. 1 Oil Anise 1- 20 min. J One every hour or two for coughs and bronchial irritation. (Ammon. Mur .... ...1 grA I COUGH, CHERRY 1 Wine Antimony.. (Drs. S. & W. Hunt.) ] Wine Ipecac .4 min. I .4 min. | l 1 75 (.Syr. Wild Cherry. 15 min.J 1 One every hour until cough becomes loose, then every two hours. For all forms of bronchitis, particularly those adcompanied by an cough. 1 irritable ( Ammon. Mur.... ••J-4 gr.) 1 Tr. Opium j >4 min. COUGH, INFANTS J Eld- Ext- Ipecac .1 -5 min. | \ 1 25 (Dr. Riggs.) i Sxt„Llco”ce Tr. Belladonna.. 1 ...1 gr. | -5 min. | ' 1 Oil Anise 1- 40 min. J Dissolve fifteen tablets in fifteen teaspoonfuls of water and give an infant one teaspoonful every hour or two, for bronchial cough and irri- COUGH MIXTURE J P“h™"’'- ’'‘ (Dr. Satterlee.) j Corrosive Sub ; •1-4 gr.j .5 min. t-06 gr. > 1 00 Give one every hour, or two every two hours during the early stages of cough, and increase the intervals as the symptoms improve. ( Ammon. Carb.. . . .. 1 gr. t COUGH No. 2.... J Squill Powd. ■3-4 gr- I > 1 30 | Senega Powd •3-4 gr. ( (, Paregoric One every hour or two, for persistent cough. (Tr. Sanguinaria.. • 3 minA COUGH No. 3 J Morph. Acetate. [-16 gr. 1 > 2 OO (Dr. E. M. Lyon.) | Wine Antimony.. • 5 rnin. 1 (.Syr.Wild Cherry. q.s:J One every two or three hours, as a sedative, diaphoretic and expec- torant. COUGH No. 4 ( Tr. Aconite 1 (Dr. H. B. Delatour.) ) Wine Antimony. -2 min. j ..2 min. j : ..5 ( Paregoric .5 min. J 1 One or two tablets every hour during the acute stages of laryngeal inflammation ; especially useful in croup of children. ( Ammon. Mur.... . ..2gr.-| COUGH, PERSISTENT J Ipecac .1-4 gr. 1 (Dr. Brewer.) 1 Ext- Squill Acet.. ■1-4 gr. | (FI. Ext. Senega.. .1 min.J One every two or three hours, for cough. 45 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 46 FRASER'S TABLETS. CREOSOTE (Beechwood.) i -10 gr 75 A tablet three times a day, gradually increasing the dose, for diarrhoea, flatulence, and tuberculosis. Chocolate Coated 1 25 One or two after each meal, for consumption, tubercular diarrhoea, and as an intestinal disinfectant. CREOSOTE (Beechwood.) i min I 40 Chocolate Coated i 5° One to three after meals, for consumption, tubercular diarrhoea, and as an intestinal disinfectant; useful in the abdominal torpidity of epilep- tics. CREOSOTE (Beechwood) min 1 75 Chocolate Coated 1 »S One to two after meals, for consumption, tubercular diarrhoea, and as an intestiral disinfectant; useful in the abdominal torpidity of epilep- tics. Creosote 1-8 minO CREOSOTE COMP Cocaine Hydroch.1-20 gr. Cerium Oxalate 2 gr. Pepsin Pure 1-4 gr. I Tinct. Nux Vom .1-4 nun. ’lain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO One or two after meals, repeated if necessary in two hours, for nausea and vomiting. One or two every two or three hours for seasickness ; to relieve the nausea of travelling, and the nausea and vomiting of preg nancy. CROUP, (Spasmodic.) 'Ext. Can. Indica.1-20 grC Ext. Hyoscyam. .1-20 gr. Paregoric 5 min. u Syr. Ipecac .5 min. | (.Ext. Licorice 2 gr.j Dissolve six tablets in eighteen teaspoonfuls of hot water, stir and give a teaspoonful every fifteen minutes to a child six months old, until relieved CROUP No. 2 Dover’s Powder... 1-2 gr. Ipecac Powd i-ioogr. I OO ( Spongia 1-100 gr. One hourly until symptoms are relieved. Give every half-hour for three doses, if symptoms are urgent; then one hourly. CROUP No. 2 Kermes Mineral.. .1-6 gr. ( Ipecac rowd.. .. .1-12 gr. One every one-half to one hour as an expectorant; for croup use three to four tablets as an emetic. CUBEBS COMP 'Rhubarb Powd... 1-2 gr. Cubebs Powd 1-2 gr. • I 10 I Calc. Magnesia 1 gr. [Oil Peppermint.1-20 min.. A tablet half an hour before meals with a little water, to stimulate the peptic glands and induce appetite. CYSTITIS J Acid Boracic 2 gr.l Potass. Bicarb 2 gr. Ext. Buchu 1 gr. Ext. Triticum Rep... 1 wr. 3 00 I Ext. Corn Silk 1-2 gr. 1 Ext. Hydrangea.. 1-2 gr. t Atropine Sulph..1-500 gr.. One every three hours, with a large glass of water ; for inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, as well as suppressed renal secretion. When ordering' or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 47 Acid Benzoic CYSTITIS No. 2, Improved . Sodium Borate.... . .1 gr. 1 25 > Oil Gaultheria.... ... q. s. Two every two hours, generally used for about ten days, for cystitis, gravel and some types of rheumatism. Acid Benzoic... . Sodium Biborate. . . 2 gr. Ext. Buchu ..1 gr. CYSTITIS No. 3 Ext. Tritic. Repens . . 1 gr. ■ 3 40 Ext.Corn Silk.... 1-2 gr. Ext. Hydrangea . 1-2 gr. (Atropine Sulph..i 500 gr. J One to two every three hours, with large glass of water, for alkaline urine. Ext. Damiana .. 2 gr. DAMIANA COMP Phosphorus -3° gr- Ext. Nux Vom... 1-4 gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 65 One morning and night for a week, then one every night, as a stimu- lant to the generative organs. f Zinc Phosphide.. -10 gr.^ DAMIANA CO. NO. 2 . Ext. Cannab.Ind. 1-4 gr. (Dr. La Madrid.) Strych. Sulph -40 gr. Ext. Damiana. . . 1 1-2 gr. ■ Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 75 One after meals, as a nerve tonic. Ext. Damiana.... ..2 gr. DAMIANA COMP. No. 3 Ext. Nux Vom... 1-5 gr. Cantharides -20 gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 65 One tablet three times a day, for impotence. DANDELION COMP Fl.Ex.Dandelion. FI. Ext. Cascara.. < min. ? min. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO Two at night, or night and morning if necessary: as a laxative in chronic constipation. - DIABETIC (Dr. Harley.) Ext. Opium Ext. Aloes Barb. 1-2 gr. 1-6 gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 00 One tablet three times a day. f Morph. Acetate.. -20grC DIAPHORETIC ANODYNE.. (Dr. S. Loving'.) Acetanilid Tr. Aconite Rad.i 1-2 gr. 2 min. • I 6s Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. One tablet every hour or two hours as needed. Calomel 1-8 gr. Morph. Sulph.... 1 -16 gr. DIARRHOEA A Capsicum Powd..i -16 gr. ■ 1 40 Ipecac Powd 1 *32 gr. Camphor 1 -16 gr.. Chocolate Coated I 50 One tablet every hour for four doses, then every two hours until relieved. DIARRHOEA, INFANTS A Sodium Salicylate ..i gr. 1 75 (Dr. Liggett.) ( Beta Naphtol.... i:S gr. One every hour or two for fermentat ve diarrhoea in infants. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 48 FRASER'S TABLETS. ( Copper Arsen i- •100 gr. , DIARRHCEA, INFANTS No. 2.. 7 Mere. Bichlor. ..1- 100 gr. > 1 00 ( Morph. Sulph. ...i- -15° gr) One every one or two hours for infants diarrhoea. ( Pepsin Pure 1-2 gr. 1 DIARRHCEA No. 2 J Bismuth Subnit... • -6 gr. 1 4 S» (Dr. Ilinz.) ) FI. Ext. Nux Vom .2 min. j ( FI. Ext. Hydrast. . s min. j One every two hours for three doses, then every three hours, for diarrhoea caused by indigestion. ( Opium Powd 1-4 gr.'i DIARRHCEA No. t 1 Camphor i-4 gr. 1 (Dr. Sullivan.) Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. ( 1 Dead Acetate 1-6 sr.J Chocolate Coated 1 2S Give two at the first dose, then one every hour for six hours, after- wards one after each loose movement, for congestive, irritative and inflammatory diarrhoeas. DIARRHCEA No. 4 j Bismuth Subnit... . 2 gr. ) (Dr. Tinker.) 1 Salol . .2 gr. 4 25 One every two hours in acute cases; one every four hours in chronic cases. For gastro-intestinai catarrh in adults and children. ■3 g>‘. 1 DIARRHCEA No. 5 ) cacch. Pensin (Board ot Health.) ( Arom. Chalk Powd.2 gr. ) One tablet after each movement; for diarrhoea, accompanied by irrita- tion from undigested food. ■ •1 gr- ) DIARRHCEA No. b...... ; Ipecac Powd i 150 (Dr. Elliott Riggs.) 1 opium Powd... .. i -40 gr- ) For Children. One every two or three hours to a child about one year old, as may be necessary to check diarrhoea; preceded by eight to ten doses Bismuth and Ipecac Comp. Njd. 2, taken one every three hours. .1-8 gr. ) [-!£; gr. i 1 00 (Dr. Drumheller.) ( Lead Acetate '-iijr- ) One tablet every two or three hours, for diarrhoea. ( Comp. Chalk Pow d.i gr.) 1 Acid Tannic 1-20 gr. 1 DIARRHCEA No. g, Improved..-j Opium Powd [-4° gr. V 1 00 Camphor i >40 gr. ( Oil Cinnamon.... ... q. s.J One crushed and taken on the tongue or difiused in water on the end of a spoon, every twenty minutes, for a baby with diarrhoea, pain or flatu- lence ; after the sixth dose, give every hour. f Camphor Water.. .4 min.) Paregoric .4 min. 1 DIARRHCEA No. 10 Subnit... -•4 gr- > 3 75 (Dr. Foster.) Syr. Rhub. Arom. 20 min. (Oil Peppermint. . i -S min. j Two tablets every one, two or three hours, as case demands. ( Salol 1-2 ST.I 1 Bismuth Salicylate. .1 gr. DIARRHCEA No. 11 ! Calomel [ -40 gr. ! 2 75 (Dr. Prendergast.) ) Paregoric .2 min. ( Mist. Cret. Arom. .. .q. s. | (Oil Cinnamon .. .q. s.J One or two tablets every hour until patient is better ; for diarrhoea, accompanied by colicky pains, and where an intestinal antiseptic is indicated. When ordering- or prescribing FRA SER\S TABLETS. 49 Copper Sulph.... i-i2gr-l DIARRHOEA No. 12 Zinc Sulphate... 1-12 gr. * 2 OO {Dr. J. D. Kennedy.) Ipecac Powd.... 1-10 gr. Opium Powd... . 1-2 gr.. One or two as occasion requires ; in diarrhoea with tenesmus watery stools. For children with green, pasty stools and stomach, give one-half to one tablet according to age. pain anc acidity ol ("Tr. Opium Deod. .4 min.1 DIARRHOEA No. 13 (Dr. E. Chapin.) Tr. Ginger Tr. Catechu (Syr. Rhub. Ar.i 3 - 7 00 -4 teasp. A tablet every two hours, or one after each loose movement, if necessary Opium Powd.... • i-4 gr.] DIARRHOEA No. 14. Camphor Powd. ■1-4 gr. • 1 35 (Drs. Lewis & Coftman.) Ipecac Powd.... .1-4 gr- kLead Acetate ... • i-4 gr.. Chocolate O O P & 1 45 One every hour for six doses, then one after each loose movement unti symptoms improve. '"Bismuth Subgall . . .1 gr.) DIARRHOEA, FERMENTA- Salol ■ -i gr- TIVE < Cerium Oxalate . ... 1 gr. 2 OO (Dr. J.W. Hyde.) Dover’s Powd .. ...2gr. Oil Anise 1 -10 min. J For adults, one tablet every two or three hours ; for children, mix one with four to six teaspconfuls of water and give one teaspoonful every two or three hours. ("Corrosive Sub... 1-50 grC Ammon. Mur... .. .2 gr. DIFFUSIVE MALARIAL Cinchonia Sulph. i-io‘ gr. ■ 1 25 Cinchonid. Sulph 1-10 gr. (Quinine Sulph.. 1-10 gr.. One to three tablets after meals, preceded by three one grain calomel tablets at intervals of an hour; for dumb ague, headache and cachexia of malarial origin. Pepsin ...2 gr. Pancreatin ... 1 gr. Ipecac Powd .1-10 gr. DIGESTIVE { [amaica Ginger. ■4-S gr. ■ 3 50 Bismuth Subnit. ■. .3 gr. Ext. Nux Vom.. i-10 gr. . Oil Wintergreen. ....q. s.J One or two after meals, repeated in an hour, for cases of impaired or slow digestion requiring a stomachic and carminative in addition to the ordinary solvents for food. Pepsin ■ 1-3 gr-] Bismuth Subnit. 2-3 gr- DIGESTIVE No. 2 Sodium Bicarb.. . 1-2 gr. • 2 25 (Dr. Howard.) Pancreatin .2-3 gr. Ginger Powd .1-3 gr. , Charcoal i-3 err.. One or two after eating, followed by another in an hour if necessary. 'Iron Lactate ... 1 gr. DIGESTIVE TONIC ... (Dr. Satterlee.) Quinine Sulph... Acid Arsenous... Strych. Sulph. . .. ...1 gr. 1-30 gr. 1 '3° gr. II OO (Lactopeptme.... ...2 gr.j Per 100 I 2S One tablet before each meal, as a general tonic and appetizer, as well as digestive. Is well borne by the most delicate stomach. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. DIGITALIA i-iooo gr DIGITALIA i-soogr 1 10 1 25 1 35 DIGITALIA .1-300 gr DIGITALIA 1-200 gr DIGITALIA 1-150 gr DIGITALIA 1-100 gr DIGITALIA 1-60 gr DIGITALIA 1-50 gr DIGITALIS COMP i Tr. Digitalis.... 1 50 1 75 2 25 3 00 3 5° 1 00 .1-100 gr. S Give a tablet every three hours, as a heart stimulant. DIGITALIS COMP. No. 2 (Tr. Digitalis... .. 2 min.) I OO (Dr. Wood.) | Strych. Sulph... 1-100 gr.) One every three hours, as a heart stimulant and tonic. 75 One every three or four hours, for mitral disease, partial suppression of urine, and dropsy. DIGITALIS FL. EXT i min I OO Give one after meals to control excessive and irregular heart action and stimulate the kidneys; reduce the dose if headache and flushing occurs. DIGITALIS POWD 1-20 gr 75 Heart tonic and diuretic. One every three hours for a child, to regulate the heart and increase the flow of urine. DIGITALIS POWD 1-10 gr 75 A tablet every three hours, for a child as a diuretic and to strengthen cardiac systole. DIGITALIS POWD 1-5 gr Give one every three hours to assist absorption of serous and as a heart tonic. exudations 75 DIGITALIS POWD 1-4 gr 75 One every three or four hours, as a heart tonic. DIGITALIS POWD ....1-2 gr 75 One tablet three times a day, as a renal and cardiac tonic. DIGITALIS & IRON COMP.... j Phosphaie! Cardiac tonic and haematic. ) Strych Sulnh ,.I-I0 gr.) ■ gr'l . 1 -60 gr. ) I OO Chocolate Coated...... I IO A tablet after meals, for anaemia with palpitation of the heart, and in convalescence from exhausting illness. DINNER S ™!o<;® Purif- • • • (Lady Webster.) j Red . 1 50 Chocolate Coated 1 60 One to three at night, or one or two after the principal meal of the day : for the relief of indigestion with constipation. When ordering- or prescribing- FRASER'S TABLETS. (Hydrarg. Bichlor 1-go gr.' Guaiac ... 1 gr. DIPHTHERIA & GRIP Tr. Sanguinaria. .3 min. (Dr. Briggs.) Tr. Colchicum... Tolu .1-5 gr. 2 OO Rhubarb Powd.. .1-2 gr. .Cubebs Powd.... i-5 gr.J Dissolve a tablet slowly in the mouth every tw’o or three hours, supple- ment with a heart tonic and quinine, also with a salicylate of sodium tablet, if needed, for relief of pain. DIPSOMANIA Gold & Sod.Chlor Strych. Nitrate... 1-20 gr. 1-60 gr. 2 00 One tablet every two or three hours , reducing to three a day, to control the craving for alcohol and as a tonic after a debauch. Gold & Sod. Chi.. 1-24 gr. Strych. Nitrate... 1-60 gr. DIPSOMANIA No. 2 J Nitroglycerine .1 Atropine Sulph.i -400 gr. -200 gr. Tr. Digitalis Oleoresin Capsic. .i-S gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 75 One or two every two hours cautiously increased ; used in nervous debility following overwork, excesses or debauches, and especially in controlling opium habit and chronic alcoholism. Digitalis Powd.. . . 1 gr. DIURETIC Ext. Buchu ,.i gr. 175 Potass. Nitrate .. ..i gr. Squill Powd • -i gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 Ss One, three times a day, followed by a large glass of water. DIURETIC No. 2 Caffeine •i-4 gr. .1-2 gr. •!-4 gr. (Dr. Waldstein.) Lithium Carb .... 3 Three to six daily as a diuretic. 'Digitalis Powd... ..1 gr.) DIURETIC No. 4 Ext. Buchu 1-2 2 so (Dr. Christy.; Ext. Scoparius... .1-2 gr. kOil Juniper ..1 gtt.. One every two hours as a diuretic ; after the third dose give every four hours, for suppression of urine, dropsy and chronic Bright’s disease ; omit the medicine one or two days each week. - (Digitalis Powd... .1 2 gr.-] DIURETIC No. 5 Squills Powd .l-2gr. 1 5° Calomel. • 1-2 gr- .Caffeine Aik •■-4 gr.J One three times a day, followed each time by a large glass of water. DOBELL’S SOLUTION 2 OO Each tablet represents one ounce. Dissolve one tablet in one to four fluid ounces of water, add half tea- spoonful of glycerine, to be used as a nasal douche or in atomizer as spray, or for gargle. DOVER’S COMP Quinine Sulph 1-2 gr. 1 75 (Dr. Terriberry.) Dover's Powder. 1-2 gr. To an infant under six months, one every two hours at first, n syrup over six months and up to two years, give one every hour at first, then diminish the dose as the effect is felt. Used in acute bronchitis and pneumonia of children. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 52 DOVER’S COMP. No. 2 $ Dover’s Tablets.2 1-2 gr.) 135 ( Calomel 1-4 gr. \ One every hour for three doses, with a large glass of water, for colds with fever. DOVER’S POWDER i-io gr 75 Dissolve ten in four tablespoonfuls of water ; of this give a teaspoon- ful every half hour, with a half grain blue mass tablet every hour, for infantile diarrhoea with offensive passages. DOVER’S POWDER 1-5 gr 75 One every half hour for five doses, for a child with fever or bronchitis. DOVER’S POWDER 1-4 gr 75 One tablet for a child every half-hour, as needed, for four doses, to abort a cold after exposure ; useful also as a sudorific in fevers of child- hood. DOVER’S POWDER 1-2 gr 75 One tablet with half a glass of hot water every half hour to six doses, for recent cold, and to promote sweating and quiet restlessness in fevers. DOVER’S POWDER 1 gr 75 One every hour to prevent exacerbations in phthisis; one every half hour for three doses, and then every hour or two, to promote sweating and quiet the nerves, in fever and delirium. DOVER’S POWDER 5 grs 2 50 Diaphoretic. One tablet every three hours, to quiet the nerves and induce sweating ; stop after the third dose. DOVER’S TABLETS, 1 1-4 gr... \ Opium Powd 1-8 gr. > } Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. ( For an infant, one crushed in a little water, followed by a tablespoon- ful of water frequently, to produce sweating and quiet restlessness; 75 repeat in an hour or two. DOVER’S TABLETS, 2 1-2 gr.. . ( Opium Powd 1-4 gr. ) I IO Diaphoretic. ( Ipecac Powd 1-4 gr. j Chocolate Coated I 20 One for a child. One every hour for four doses, or two every hour for two doses, or four at a dose ; for a diaphoretic and sedative in fevers or cold with fever in adults. DYSENTERY j r£3.nr°Wd VS 1 (Dr. W. A. Hale.) / SoapV. '•4 gr. } Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 IO One every two hours for three or four doses ; afterwards give two or three tablets a day if necessary, for chronic or acute dysentery, summer complaint, etc. f Carbo Veg 1-10 gr.) DYSPEPSIA No. 1 J ux v?1H1Sa--.- • •I‘I° Sr- l 75 3 Bismuth Subrut. .1-10 gr. [ (Pepsin 1-10 gr.J One or two tablets after eating, repeated twice at intervals of one hour. ( Strych. Sulph.... 1 -40 gr.) DYSPEPTIC J Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. ( I IO (Dr. E. Haworth.) j Rhubarb Powd... 1-4 gr. [ (Capsicum Powd... 1-8 gr.J Chocolate Coated I 20 One before, or immediately after each meal; may be followed by another in an hour if necessary. FRA SER 'S TA RLE TS. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. DYSPEPTIC No. 2 $ Bismuth Subgall . .. .5 gr Laxative. ( Ext. Cascara 1 gr. One three times a day, for flatulent or fermentative dyspepsia. 4 25 Codeine Sulph 1-6 grO DYSPEPTIC No. 3 (Dr. C. F. Halstead.) Ext. Nux Vom.... 1-4 gr. Ext. Pancreatis 3 gr. Ox Gall Purif 1 gr. .Ext. Belladonna.. .1-4 gr., ’ 6 35 One tablet immediately after meals. DYSPEPTIC COMP Pepsin 1 gr. Charcoal 3 gr. Sodium Bicarb. 2 1-2 gr. 1 8S (Dr. Outerbridge.) One or two after eating, followed by an other in one hour, for dyspepsia and acid stomach. DYSPEPTIC FERMENTATIVE (Dr. Drumheller.) Bismuth Subnit 2 gr. Paregoric . ..10 mm. Ammon. Carb 1 gr. 2 25 One tablet every two or three hours, for fermentative or functional dyspepsia. EISENZUCKER 3 grs I 00 Children’s iron tonic. One to three tablets, three times a day after meals, as an iron tonic for children. EISENZUCKER 5 grs 1 25 One to three tablets three times a day after meals, as an iron tonic. ELATERIN CRYSTAL i -10 gr 7 50 Purgative. One every three hours for three doses if necessary, where a strong purgative effect is required ; best combined with inspissated ox gall about three grains to each dose of elaterin. ELATERIUM, Clutterbuck’s.... i -10 gr ' 25 One at night as a purge ; one, repeated in an hour, followed by a saline, for suppression 01 urine and where sure action is necessary. Ergotin 1 gr.) Ext. Gossypium 1 gr. EMMENAGOGUE Iron Sulph Dry 1 gr. Ext. Bl’k Hellebore. 1 gr. Aloes Socotrine . . .. 1 gr. Oil Savine 1-4 min. Plain or Chocolate Coated 4 00 One every two hours as an emmenagogue. Pulv. Aloes Soc i gr. Ferri Sulph.Exsic.1-2 gr. Ext. Helleb. Nig. .1-4 gr. EMMENAGOGUE No. 2 Pulv. Myrrh 1-4 gr. Pulv. Sapo 1-4 gr. Pulv. Canella 1-8 gr. Pulv. Zingib.Tam. .1-8 gr. ■ 1 65 Chocolate Coated 1 75 One to three tablets three times daily. EMMENAGOGUE, 1-2 strength Ergotin 1-2 gr.) Ext. Gossypium. . . 1-2 gr. Iron Sulph. Dry... .1-2 gr. Ext. Bl’k Helleb . . 1-2 gr. Aloes Socotrine.. . 1-2 gr. ..Oil Savine 1-8 min. Chocolate Coated only 3 00 One or two tablets every two or three hours, as an emmenagogue. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 54 j 1 5° EMETIA One repeated every ten minutes for four doses, or until vomiting is checked. fStrych. Sulph 1-60 gr. I Leptandrin 1-5 gr. | ENTERIC TONIC: (Dr. North.) Hydrastin 1-5 gr. 1 Ext. Hyoscyam 1-3 gr. f 2 2S ( Oil Anise 1-10 min. J For habitual constipation, take on e tablet at night and go to stool at a definite time of day. In case of failure, take morning and night. EPILEPTIC ('Sodium Bromide... .3 grO 1 Ammon. Bromide.. .3 gr. 1 . f 3 00 (Dr. Batton.) Tr. Calab. Bean 2 1-2 min. [Ext. Hyoscyam 1-2 gr.J Two tablets three times daily with a swallow of water ; may be given for a year if required, for epilepsy. ("Sodium Bromide 3 grO EPILEPTIC No. 2 (Dr. Batton.) J Ammon. Bromide.. .3 gr. | 1 Potass. Bromide 3 gr. | > 2 75 l Tr. Calab. Bean 2 1-2 mm. J Two tablets three times daily with a swallow of water : may be used continuously for a long period. ERGOTIN ••••i-S°gr 7 5 One every two hours to a child, as a general nerve tonic and vaso-motor stimulant. ERGOTIN I-IO gr I OO One three times a day for a general vaso-motor tonic in chorea and epilepsy of children. ERGOTIN ■ -1-6 gr 1 *5 One three times a day as a general nerve tonic and to counteract tendency to internal hemorrhage. ERGOTIN 1 25 Chocolate Coated 1 35 One to four, repeated as required for nerve tonic. ERGOTIN 1 60 Chocolate Coated 1 70 One every hour or two as an oxytocic and to control internal bleeding. ERGOTIN Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO A tablet every hour, as necessary, to control haemoptysis, and hemor- rhage from the bowel; also after parturition, to secure uterine contrac- tion. ERGOTIN Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 25 One every three hours to control internal hemorrhage, and as a general nerve tonic. ERGOTIN COMP ( Ergotin 1 1-2 gr. 1 • • •• < Tr. Digitalis 1-2 min. v 3 25 ( Quinine Sulph 1-2 gr. ) General tonic. One to three tablets every three hours for nerve and heart tonic. ERGOTIN COMP. No. 2 ( Ergotin 1-2 gr. j j Ext. Can. Indica.. .1-4 gr. j ■ 2 OO One every three hours. FRA SKIPS TABLETS. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. ESERINE SULPHATE i-ioo gr 1 75 Cerebral tonic. A tablet three times a day as a cerebral tonic in tetanoid and choreic conditions. ESERINE SULPHATE 1-50 gr 2 5° A tablet one to three times a day in convulsive affections and intes- tinal atony. EUONYMIN i-iogr I 00 Hepatic. One every hour for five doses, in hepatic torpor. EUONYMIN 1-8 gr 1 15 A tablet every hour for three doses, followed by an aperient, for tor- pidity of the liver. EUONYMIN 1-4 gr I 50 One three times a day, with half an ounce of castor oil at night, for torpidity of the liver and duodenal catarrh. EUONYMIN 1-2 gr 2 25 One to three a day, in divided doses, followed by an aperient, for deficiency of bile in the intestines. EUONYMIN COMP. j Podophynin.V.!!! (Dr. Welch.) ) Aloin . • i-4 gr.j • i-S gr. I 75 Chocolate Coated ■ 1 85 One every night for a week, and one after meals every second day, if necessary, in cases of hepatic torpor with biliousness, headache and light colored faeces. (Bellad. FI. Ext.. 1-8 min.) 1 EXPECTORANT. Ext."Licorice'.!.'.'! 1-10 gr. .1-8 gr. 1 2 2S (Dr. Rankin.) Codeine 1-16 gr. : i Ext. Senega 1-10 gr.J One every hour or two, for an irritative bronchial cough. ( Ammon. Mur ...1 gr.] j EXPECTORANT, Anodyne No. 2 1 Tartar Emetic.... i-3° gr. 1 1 i SO (Dr. Bolton.) \ Sanguinar. Nit. .1 -100 gr. | t Morphine Sulph.. • 1-5° grJ 1 One or two tablets every two hours, as an anodyne in coughs with respiratory inflammation. f Ammon. Carb 1 „ I Ammon. Muriate ... 1 gr. .1-2 gr. a-4 gr. 1 t 1 2S (Dr. Bierhoff.) 1 Squill Powd. .... (.Oil Cinnamon.. .. .. ..q. s. J One every hour or two, as a stimulant and expectorant in laryngitis and bronchitis of children: best given dissolved in one or two teaspoon- fuls of water. f Ammon, Mur.... 1 Morph. Sulph.... i-25 gr- EXPECTORANT No. 5 ...A Tartar Emetic., i’ZSgr. ; [-2 min. I 1 5° I Senega FI. Ext..; (Oil Wintergr’n.i- -10 min. J A tablet every hour or two, as an expectorant in cougn. f Strych. Sulph.... 1-60 gr.) Tr. Digitalis EXPECTORANT TONIC 1 Terpin Hydrate . • • • 3 gr. 1 2 00 Opium Powd 1-24 gr. t Ext. Hyoscyam .. •1-4 gr-J One or two tablets three or four times daily, for winter cough of aged or infirm. 55 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 56 FRA SER \S TABLETS. FEVER No. 2 Tr. Bryonia 1-10 min. I OO (Dr. Davis.) Tr. Belladonna.. 1-10 min. One tablet every two or three hours, with plenty of water, for the fevers and ordinary colds of infancy and childhood. Give adults two to four tablets at a dose. Tr. Aconite 1-2 min. ] FEVER No. 3 (Dr. J. C. Applegate.) Tr. Bryonia 1-10 min. Codeine Sulph... .1-40 gr. .Tartar Emetic. ...1-80 gr.. • 1 40 One every two hours for a child and every hour for an adult, for fever, or colds with fever. FEVER No. 4 Tr. Aconite 1 min. |..s (Dr. F. W. Koehler.) , Tr. Belladonna.... 1 min. One every hour to adults : for children, dissolve two tablets in ten tea- spoonfuls of water and give a teaspoonful every hour. Used in fevers as an antipyretic and anodyne, also used in many forms of neuralgia. Tr. Aconite 1 min.! FEVER, IMPROVED Morph. Sulph i-co gr. • 1 So (Dr. Kenyon.) j Tartar Emetic... .1-50 gr. (Ipecac Powd 1-4 gr. One every hour for six doses, then every two to four hours; for Gold with fever, to relieve the sensation of tightness or fulness in the bron- chial tubes, and in the early stage of bronchitis. FEVER, INFANTS Aconite 1-100 gr. Ipecac Powd... .1-100 gr. 75 One every hour for ten doses, afterwards at intervals of two to four hours. (Copper Sulph.... 1-10 gr.' FEVER & AGUE < Opium Powd...... 1-8 gr. Quinine Sulph 1-2 gr. ► 2 OO Podophyllin 1-12 gr. One to six a day for fevers due to malarial infections : occasionally as a preventative in malarious districts. (Tr. Aconite 1-5 min.] Tr. Belladonna. 1-10 min. Tr. Bryonia.... 1-10 min. Merc. Iod. Red. .t-ioo gr. FOLLICULAR TONSILLITIS. • 1 5° Morphine Sulph.1-100 gr. Sodium Salicylate.. 1 gr. One every fifteen minutes dissolved on then one every hour. Oil Wintergr.. .1-20 min. j back of tongue for fourfcdoses (Tron Chloride..... 1-2 gr.] FOUR CHLORIDES Arsenic Chlor... .1-64 gr. ■ 3 °o Tonic. Merc. Bichlor.. . .1-48 gr. .Quinine Chloride...! gr.. One just after each meal for tonic in anaemia, and as an alterative. Iron Chloride 1-2 gr.] FOUR CHLORIDES No. 2 Arsenic Chlor..1-100 gr. Merc. Bichlor.. .1-100 gr. 2 OO Quinine Chloride. 1-2 gr.. One after each meal. A useful tonic in all kinds of anaemia. GALLIC ACID COMP Gallic Acid.........3 gr. to 00 General astringent. Ext. Belladonna. .1-5 gr. \ One tablet as necessary for haematemesis, menorrhagia and as a gen- era! astringent. When ordering- or prescribing ERASER\S TA RLE TS. 57 ("Sodium Bicarb. .3 1-3 grA rAnnp J Sodium Salicyl..3 1-3 gr. 1 GARGLE <1 Axjd Boracic 3 1-3 gr. f 2 OO LOil Wintergreen q. s. J Three tablets to a cupful of hot water ; gargle every hour until relieved, using it hot if possible. ( Ext. Nux Vomica.1-4 gr.") I Ext. Belladonna 1-8 gr. GASTRITIS < Ext. Opium 1-8 gr. > [ Potass. Nitrate.. .1-2 gr. 1 [Silver Nitrate 1-4 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 One an hour before eating in gastric trouble; one tablet-one or two hours after eating in enterites duodinal and all intestinal troubles. GENTIAN, ALKALINE ( Infus. Gent. C0...1 teasp. ) 1 25 (Dr. J. J. Moran.) ( Sodium Bicarb 5 gr. ] Two or three tablets dissolved in water before each meal. A tonic stomachic where there is catarrhal gastric disorder, and ordinary atonic dyspepsia. GELSEMIN 1-16 gr 1 25 Antispasmodic and relaxant. One every hour for three doses, for neuralgia, toothache and nervous cough. GELSEMIN...... 1-10 gr A tablet, repeated in an hour, together with hot baths, for dental neuralgia ; and for hepatic and renal colic. 1 S° GELSEMIN i-S gr 1 65 A tablet three times a day as a depressant in pleurisy and pneumonia, and for cough with a strong nervous element. GELSEMIN 1-4 gr 2 35 One or two doses at intervals of two hours, for dental neuralgia, head- ache, and to control the paroxysms of asthma. GELSEMINE SULPH 1-100 gr 4 5° Three to five a day in divided doses, for spermatic and neuralgic affec- tions and as a sedative to the spinal cord. GELSEMINE SULPH npgr 8 00 A tablet every three or four hours, for neuralgia; also as an antidote to Strychnine. GELSEMIUM FL. EXT 1 min I OO One every hour to six doses, in the onset of fevers, especially of malarial origin, and for various neuralgias. GOLD & SODIUM CHLORIDE 1-30 gr 2 OO Tonic. A tablet after meals as a general tonic, for anaemia and after wasting disease. GOLD & SODIUM CHLORIDE. 1-20 gr 2 50 A tablet after meals as a eneral tonic, for anaemia and after wasting disease. GOLD & SODIUM CHLORIDE. 1-10 gr. One with meals, and one at night, to combat alcohol and morphine craving, to hasten the elimination of syphilitic poison, and as a haemal 4 25 tonic. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. ("CubebsPowd I gr.'i Copaiba Solid i gr. GONORRHCEA j Oil Wintergr... i-io min. 1 (.Venice Turpen.. 1-4 min.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 25 Two tablets, three or four times daily, usually supplemented with ten grains of bicarbonate of sodium or potassium. (Cubebs Powd 1 1-4 gr.'i GONORRHCEA No. 2 j Copaiba Solid... 1 1-4 gr. 1 So (Dr. Burd.) 1 Iron Sulph. Dry... 1-4 gr. f 1 l Venice Tnrpent.. . 1-2 gr. j Chocolate Coated I 60 One tablet.every two hours, or two tablets every three hours ; used in catarrhal or subacute stage of gonorrhoea. (Tr. Aconite 1 minA GONORRHCEA No. 4 ! Tr. Gelsemium ... .1 min. 1 2S (Dr. C. E. Campbell.) i r- Cubebs. 1 mm. f (.Tr. Canthandes.. .1 mm.J One every three hours with a half teaspoonful of Spts. Nitre, in gonor- rhoea after the acute stage. ( Merc, with Chalk.. . 1 gr. } GRAY POWDER COMP ] Salol 1 gr.) 3 VS (Dr. Anderton.) ( Bismuth Subnit 3 gr. ) One every hour until ten doses have been taken ; for torpid liver, loose, colorless, mal odorous stools, with or without vomiting. GRAY POWDER CO. No. 2... ( Merc, with Chalk... 1 gr.) 35 (Dr. Hutchinson.) ) Dover’s Powder 1 gr. ( 1 Give one tablet every hour or two until symptoms improve ; then every three hours, for a child with cough, fever and constipation. (Ammon. Salicyl....3 gr. ) GRIP < Phenacetine 1 gr. > 0 5° { Caffeine 1-2 gr. ) A tablet every two or three hours in the febrile stages of influenza, until the cardiac depression and the fever improve. GRIP No. 3 Salicin .... gr. f (Dr. Searles.) ( Quinine Sulph.... 1-2 gr. > One, cautiously, preceded by a cathartic, every hour for three doses, then one every two hours, for grip. 7 OO ( Acetanilid 2 gr. ) GRIP No. 4 1 Caffeine Cit 1-2 gr. ) 3 65 ( Salol 2 gr. ) One every two to three hours, for grip with violent pains in head, with fever. After first day give one three times a day with two grains of quinine until pain and fever subside. ( Acetanilid 2 gr. ) GRIP No. 5 { Quinine Sulph 2 gr. ) s OO ( Salol 2 gr. ) One every two to three hours in the early stages of grip, until the pains are relieved, then one three times a day until the fever disappears. ( Guaiac i 2-3 gr.) GUAIAC COMP Ammon. Mur...i 2-3 gr. { 1 10 One slowly dissolved on the tongue, for astringent and antiseptic effects upon the throat. When ordering or prescribing FRA SER R TA BE E TS. 59 GUAIAC & LICORICE < Resin Guaiac.. .. i 1-2 gr.) I 20 (Dr. Smith.) j Ext. Licorice 1-2 gr. ) One every two hours, for tonsillitis. GUAIACOL ........i Chocolate Coated only 1 75 One to three every three or four hours. GUAIACOL i gr Chocolate Coated only 2 50 One to two every three or four hours. 1 'Acid Arsen 1-120 gr.-) HAEMATIC ! (Dr. Clymer.) 1 Iron Powd 1-10 gr. ( Merc. Sub. Cor. .1-200 gr. ( ► 75 Nux Vomica P0..1-20 gr.J Chocolate Coated 85 Give one about an hour after meals, as an haematic tonic in anaemia. . 1 (Strychnine Sulph.1-30 gr.'l Acid Arsenous. ..1-30 gr. HEMATIC TONIC 1 1 Ext. Aloes 1-3 gr. 1 \ 3 00 (Dr. Seymour.) | Ext. IIyoscyamus..i-4 gr. | 1 Iron Sulph. Dry 2 gr. 1 L Quinine Bisulph i err.J 1 One after each meal with a swallow of water, in anaemia and chlorosis, and as a general tonic after acute illness ; especially those maladies of a depleting and exhaustive nature. H.EMOGALLOL i grs 16 50 Per 100 1 75 Begin with one after meals ; the second week, give two at a dose : if well tolerated, give three for the third week and after; for anaemia, chlorosis and menstrual disorders dependent upon them. HEADACHE ' ’ Acetanilid 1 gr.' | 1 (Dr. Chamberlain.) ) Ext. Gelsemium .. 1-4 gr. _ One or two at first and repeat every two to four hours, as required ; for congestive or neuralgic headache, with fever. ( Acetanilid 1 grC HEADACHE, Improved ! (Dr. Chamberlain.) 1 Ext. Belladonna.. .1-8 gr. 1 1 Ext. Gelsemium.. .1-4 gr. > VO 00 (Caffeine Citrate.. . 1-2 gr. j One or two at first, and repeat one every two to four hours, as required. 1 (Tr. Digitalis 2 min.) 1 HEART STIMULANT , i Tr. Strophanthus. .2 min. | Tr. Belladonna. .1-4 min. 7 1 75 (. Nitroglycerin.. .1-100 gr.. 1 Chocolate Coated 1 8S One every three hours for smoker’s heart, palpitation, and angina pectoris. (Tr. Digitalis 2 min.' | HEART STIMULANT No. a.... ) Tr. Strophanthus. .2 min. ) Tr. Belladonna.. 1-4 min. f 1 75 (. Nitroglycerin. ..1-200 gr., 1 Chocolate Coated 1 85 L One every three hours for smoker’s heart, palpitation, and angina pectoris. HEART STIMULANT No. 3 ... j Atropine Sulph.. ..1-73 gr. \ 1 25 (Dr. B. F. Horner.) 1 Strych. Sulph 1-30 gr. 1 One tablet every three hours for certain cases of slow heart, attended with valvular lesions at aortic or pulmonary orifices, and of some partic- ular forms at mitral valve. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 60 FRASER'S TABLETS. HEART STIMULANT No. 4... ( FI. Ext. Digitalis. .1 min. 1 • < Nitroglycerin.. .1-100 gr. > 1 35 ( Strych. Sulph 1-50 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 45 One tablet, three or four times a day. when digitalis is indicated in chronic valvular diseases. HEART STIMULANT No. 5... ( Tr.Cact. Grand.2 1-2 mm. 1 (Dr. L. L. Seaman.) ( Tr. Digitalis.. .2 1-2 min. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 One every three hours, “ specially indicated in mitral stenosis or regur- gitation.” HEART STIMULANT No. 6 .. ( Tr. Digitalis 1 min. 1 • < Tr. Strophanth... . 1 min. i 25 (Dr. Wood.) ( Strych. Sulph ... .1-30 gr. ) One tablet three times a day as a heart stimulant. ( Digitalia 1-100 gr. ) HEART STIMULANT No. 7... . < Nitroglycerine.. 1-200 gr. > ( Strych. Sulph... ..1-60 gr. ) 2 so One tablet three or four times a day, as a heart stimulant. ( Fl.Ext.Cac.Grand. s min. 1 HEART TONIC . < Tinct. Digitalis... .2 min. > ( Caffeine Citrate 2 gr. ) 6 so One every three hours for weak heart or feeble heart of aged. ( Nitroglycerin.. . 1-200 gr.'i HEART TONIC No. 2 | Tr. Strophanthus. .3 min. • 1 50 (Dr. Pultz.) j Sparteine Sulph. 1 -100 gr. | L Nitroglvcerin .. .1-100 gr. J Chocolate Coated 1 60 One tablet every three hours for irregular and weak heart. ( Digitalis 1 1-2 gr.) HEART TONIC No. 5 . < Scammony Po... 1 1-2 gr. > ( Squill Powd 1 1-2 gr. ) 3 00 One every day for four days. HELLEBOREIN .1-100 gr 1 S° Cardiac tonic. One every two hours, until the pulse is under control, then one every four to six hours, as a heart tonic where digitalis disagrees. HELLEBOREIN •J-So 2 60 A tablet two or three times a day, to strengthen cardiac systole and as a general vaso-motor stimulant ; increase with caution. HELONIN •!-l° gr 1 30 Diuretic and tonic. One three times a day to increase the flow of urine, and as an emmen- agogue. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. (Ext. Helonias..... -2 gr.) Acid Salicylic..... Acid Boric Acid Tannic HELONIAS COMP.. -2 gr. ..1 gr. 4 OO Ext. Hyoscyamus. Alum Eucalyptol ..q. s. Insert one tablet into the vaefina at night, after hot vaginal douche 1'or inflammation of the vagina, uterus and appendages, and catarrhal conditions or vaginal mucous membrane. HEM [CRANIA Croton Chloral 1 gr. Ext. Can. Indica.. .1-4 gr. 3 5° Give one tablet and another in half an hour; for nervous headache. Euonymin -8 gr.) HEPATIC (Dr. Henry J. Kenyon.) Podophyllin 1 Ipecac Calomel 20 gr. -8 gr. -8 gr. • 1 ’5 Aloin 1 .2 lr.. Chocolate Coated 1 25 Ext. Physostigma. 1-2 gr.) HEPATIC No. 2 (Dr. H. N. Heinenian.) Podophyllin Euonymin Ext. Colocy Co... I-S gr. ,2gr. .1 gr. • 10 50 Ext. Ilyoscyam... i-4 gr-J One or two at night for habitual constipation, and inaction of the liver and large intestine. (Ext. Physostig.. .1 -12 gr.) HEPATIC No. 3 Podophyllin 1-8 gr. (Dr. II. N. Heineman.) Mass. Hydrarg ... 1-2 gr. 2 50 ■ Ext. C olocy, Co... • 1 gr- (Ext. Ilyoscyam.. . 1-2 gr. J One or two at a dose, at bedtime, three or four times a week. for con- gested liver and hepatic torpidity or inaction. HEPATIC ALTERATIVE (Dr. Temple.) Bismuth Subnit.... Salol Calomel 1 .1 gr. -10 gr. 2 50 One tablet every hour until laxative effect is produced, then two or three times a day for a week or more ; for bilious dyspepsia with flatulence. Hydrastin. 1-4 gr.) HEPATIC COMPOUND No. 4.. Asclepin 1-4 gr. ■ 3 00 (Dr. W. A. Hale.) Podophyllin 1-4 gr. r-4 gr-J n chroni One or two tablets as a mild laxative ; three to five as a purge i or acute constipation, hepatitis and lumbago. c HEPATO HYDRARG (Dr. G. Fred’k Brooks.) Podophyllin Ext. Belladonna... Blue Mass 1-8 gr. i-4 gr. •3 gr. 2 25 One or two at night, followed by a saline next morning. When two are given, one should be taken an hour after the other. Used when a decided action of the liver and bowels is desired. HEROIN 1 -20 gr t 85 One tablet for the aged, three times a day, and at bedtime, to allay coughs and pains in the chest in bronchitis, pharyngitis and angina. Please specify Fraser's Tablets 62 FRASER'S TABLETS. HEROIN 1-12 gr 2 s° One to two tablets three times a day, and at bedtime, to allay coughs and pains in the chest in bronchitis, pharyngitis and angina. HEROIN 1-6 gr OO One tablet three times a day, and at bedtime, to allay coughs and pains in the chest in bronchitis, pharyngitis and angina. HEROIN 1-5 gr 4 75 One tablet three times a day, and at bedtime, to allay coughs and pains in the chest in bronchitis, pharyngitis and angina. HEROIN 1-2 gr One tablet at a dose; repeat cautiously to avoid nausea. HORSE CHESTNUT TINCT...10 min 10 25 5° One every three hours, continuing for three or four weeks, for piles. f Calomel 1-24 gr.'j Tartar Emetic.. 1-120 gr. HYDRARG. COMP. No. 1 ) Nitr. Potass.... .2 1-2 gr. 1 (Dr. Learning.) i Ext. Licorice f Bronchial expectorant. Oil Sassafras fOil Wintergreen..aa. q„s.J I IO One every three hours for cough after grip. (Calomel 1-12 gr.'i Tartar Emetic.. .1-60 gr. HYDRARG. COMP. No. 2 ) Nitr. Potass.... ....5 gr. ( (Dr. Learning.) ‘j Ext. Licorice j I Oil Sassafras 1 (Oil Wintergreen.aa. q. s. j I 5° Give a tablet every four hours as an expectorant in bronchitis and influenza. * r Calomel 1-6 gr.f Tartar Emetic.. .1-30 gr. HYDRARG. COMP. No. 3 j Nitr. Potass 10 gr. ! OO (Dr. Learning.) ) Ext. Licorice f i Oil Sassafras (Oil Wintergreen.aa. q. s.J One after meals, for chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes with thick and scanty sputa, bronchial dilatation and emphysema. HYDRARG. & IPECAC COMP.. j w«!c Y-S |r. 1 Alterative and hepatic. dpi urn Powd 1-4 gr. J 1 S° One after meals with an occasional saline in the morning, for loss of function in the liver, with biliousness, headache and constipation. HYDRARG. & PODOPHYLLIN j Mass. Hvdrarg i gr. > Hepatic. j Podophyllin 1-4 gr. ) One to four at bedtime, as an hepatic laxative in duodenal catarrh and intestinal dyspepsia. 1 IO HYDRASTIA, (White Alkaloid.) 1-20 gr Stimulant. One or two after meals for dyspepsia, for a stimulant effect on the involuntary muscuiar fibres of intestines. 1 75 HYDRASTIN 1-100 gr One or two after meals for dyspepsia, for a stimulant effect on the involuntary muscular fibres of intestines. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 63 HYDRASTIN 1-20 gr I IO One or two after meals for dyspepsia, for a stimulant effect on the involuntary muscular fibres of intestines. HYDRASTIN MUR moo gr 7S One or two after meals for dyspepsia, for a stimulant effect on the nvoluntary muscular fibres of intestines. HYDRASTIN CAPSICUM CO.. jj Podophyllin....../-io gr! 1 (Dr. 1 ostle.) j Capsicum Powd... 1-4 gr. $ 2 OO One to three tablets a day, between meals, as a stomachic tonic and laxative, and also as an appetizer. HYDRASTIN COMP j f£ i One every three hours, for not more than three doses, to regulate the intestines in atonic conditions, decreasing to one or two at night. I 25 HYOSCINE HYDROBROM 1-200 gr 3 40 Anodyne. One every hour or two, as necessary to quiet the nerves and induce sleep, and to supplement the action of other hypnotics. HYOSCINE HYDROBROM i-ioogr 6 00 One tablet every hour for three doses, to control the paroxysms of asthma and for neuralgia. Must be given with caution in the case of a weak heart. HYOSCINE HYDROBROM 1-50 gr One as a nerve sedative,. for mania, various neurotic conditions, asthma, and as an anodyne in pain ; repeated with caution. II OO HYOSCYAMIA, /White Cryst.).. 1-500 gr 2 OO A tablet every two hours, for cough with pain and restlessness. HYOSCYAMIA, (White Cryst.). .1-400 gr 2 40 One tablet repeated in an hour, as an hypnotic and sedative. HYOSCYAMIA, (White Cryst.). .1-300 gr 3 OO HYOSCYAMIA, (White Cryst.). .1-200 gr 3 7o HYOSCYAMIA, (White Cryst.). . 1-100 gr 7 OO HYOSCYAMIA, (White Cryst.). .1-50 gr 12 HYOSCYAMUS COUGH \ Codeine 1-16 gr. j ( Ext. Hyoscyam.. .i-S gr. ) One every three hours in cough accompanied by pain or a strong nervous element. HYOSCYAMUS EXTRACT 1-4 gr 75 Sedative. One tablet every four hours, for vesical tenesmus and dysuria, and cough with pain. HYOSCYAMUS EXTRACT 1-2 gr A tablet three times a day to control the pain of inflammation in the respiratory and uro-poietic systems and as a general nervine sedative. I (Sodium Bromide... .3 gr.'i HYPNOTIC J Acetanilid. 2 gr. 1 So j Hyoscyamia 1-400 gr. f ( Di Tissue tonic. Potass. Hypo.... .1-4 gr. Mangan. Hypo.. .1-4 gr. Strych. Hypo... . 1-64 gr. j Plain or Chocolate Coated .4 SO A tablet after meals for anaemia, and in convalescence from wasting disease. Quinine Hypo... .1-2 gr.' HYPOPHOSPHITES & QUI- Ferrum Hvpo... Calcium Hypo... .t-4 gr. ..1-4 gr. Sodium Hypo. .. Potass. Hypo.... One-half strength. •1 -8 gr. ' Mangan. Hvpo. . ..1-8 gr. Strych. Hvpo. -. . -128 gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 For a child, one after meals, for anaemia and loss of flesh. (Quinine Hypo... ...1 gr.'i Ferrum Hypo. . . ..1-2 gr. HYPOPHOSPHITES & QUI- Calcium Hypo.. .1-2 gr. NINE WITH CREOSOTE... Sodium Hypo... .1-4 gr. Potass. Hypo. . . .1-4 gr. Mangan. Hypo . •i-4 gr. Strych. Hypo. . . 1-64 gr. Creosote 1-2inin. Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 75 One after meals, for beginning phthisis, to prevent emaciation and loss of strength, or as a general chemical food and intestinal antiseptic. 'Iron Sulph. Dry.. Ext. Sumbul.... ... 1 gr. HYSTERIA Asafcetida Acid Arsenous... -too gr. Mur. i-togr.J Chocolate Coated only 3 OO One repeated every hour for three o r four doses for hysteria and nervousness. Better taken with a draught of water. IGNATIA POWD i -loo gr 75 1'onic. One to a child every two hours as a stomachic and general tonic. IGNATIA POWD i -20 gr 75 One tablet every two hours, as a gastric stimulant and nerve tonic. IGNATIA POWD i -10 gr 75 One tablet every two hours, as a gastric stimulant and nerve tonic. IGNATIA COMP Ignatia Powd.. . -100 gr. (Dr. Gilbert.) Ipecac Powd... . 1 - to gr. i One an hour after meals, for nervous dyspepsia. Tr. Belladonna. . . . 2 min. Tr. Cubebs INCONTINENCE Tr. Nux Vomica . 1 min. Tr. Rhub. Arom. . 1 min. Tr. Cascarilla.. ..2 min. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 00 One at bed time for a child six to seven years old. INDIGESTION. 1-SO gr. ...q. s. (Dr. Gilbert.) ( Carbo Veg 75 One tablet every two hours for indigestion from excessive eating or drinking. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 65 ( Alpha Naphtol. .2 1-2 gr.' | Bism. Subcarb. .. 1 1-2 gr. INDIGESTION No. 3 J Rhubarb Powd 1 gr. ) Codeine 1-20 gr. | Ext. Bellad 1-20 gr. [ Ext. Nux Vom.. .1-20 gr. y Two tablets immediately after each meal followed by one an hour after, and two more at bedtime ; for intestinal indigestion. ► S 00 ( Pepsin Sacch 1-40 gr. INDIGESTION POWD. No. 1.. 1 Carbo Veg 1-400 gr. / Bismuth Subnit. .1-40 gr. A tablet crushed in a teaspoonful of sweetened water, for an infant with dyspepsia and vomiting ; give fifteen minutes before and directly after feeding. 75 f Carbo Veg 1-400 gr. . j Rhubarb Powd.. 1-40 gr. INDIGESTION POWD. No. 2.. , Bismuth Subnit.. 1-40 gr. (.Pepsin 1-40 gr. One after feeding, for the fermentative and acid dyspepsia of nursing infants ; crush the tablet in a teaspoonful of water, which may be sweet ened if desired. • » INFLAMMATUS (Dr. Seward.) One every two to four hours, or one di of water, of this a teaspoonful every fifte rheumatism or neuralgia from exposure sillitis. Tr. Verat Vir. ..1-12 min.' (Norwood’s) Tr. Aconite Rt..i-I2min. Tr. Opium 2-3 min. Tr. Bryonia 2-3 min. Tr. Belladonna..2-3 min. Tr. Cimicifuga. .2-3 min. Tr. Guaiac 2-3 min. Tr. Colch. Seed..2-3 min. .Tr. Colocynth. ...2-3 min., ssoived in fifteen teaspoonfuls en minutes ; for acute stages oi , also for early stages of ton- . 1 75 . ( Atropine Sulph. i-iooo gr. INFLUENZA ) Morphine Sulph.. 1-32 gr. (Dr. S. S. Jones.) ( Camphor.... 1-2 gr. One every hour for four hours, or three every two or three hours. 1 35 ( Strych. Arsen... 1 -132 gr.' INFLUENZA No. 2 J Atropine Sulph.. 1-300 gr. (Dr. Curtis.) ] Camphor 1-4 gr. (.Ipecac Powd 1-20 gr.. One every hour, for fresh colds, until mouth becomes dry. ..s INFUSION BUCHU COMP Each tablet represents One tablet every four hours, dissolve cystitis and catarrh of the bladder. Infusion Buchu ..... 3 ii.J Tr. Hyoscyamus..20 min. in combination with . Potass. Bicarb.... grs. vi., d in a glass of hot water, for • 1 75 INFUSION GENTIAN COMP Each tablet represents one drachm Compound Infusion Gentian, U. S. P., 1870. From two to four tablets after each meal as a stomachic and carmin- ative. 1 2S Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 66 ERA SER'S TA RLE TS. ( Hydrastin... i [-5 gr-d INJECTION 1 Zinc Sulph •3 gr- 1 2 75 (Dr. Briggs.) Y Morph. Sulph I- ■20 gr. ( ( Atropine Sulph... i- ■SO grj Dissolve one tablet in half a glass of warm water and make three injections carefully after each urination ; warm the solution for each using, for best results. ("Lead Acetate • 2 gr.J INJECTION, CUPRIC { Zinc Sulphate •2 gr. 1 2 OO (Copper Sulphate... • 2 gr.) One in two to four ounces of water, for urethral injection. ( Morph. Brom i -8 gr. I INSOMNIA j Hyoscin Hydrb.i-i 5° gr- > 6 65 ( Camphor Monobr. -2 gr. ) One at bedtime, and repeat in half an hour if necessary, for insomnia and restlessness. IPECAC POWD 1-1000 gr 75 One every three hours for an infant, as a gentle stimulant gastric and intestinal, mucous membrane. IPECAC POWD 1-200 gr to the 75 One every three hours,, for the atonic dyspepsia of anaemic children. IPECAC POWD i-ioo gr 75 A tablet three or four times a day, for cough and bronchitis in children, as a stimulating expectorant. IPECAC POWD i - c;o gr 75 One every hour, for diarrhoea and dysentery in children. IPECAC POWD i-io gr 75 One every three hours for a child, as avascular and hepatic stimulant; every hour as a sudorific and expectorant in diseases of the respiratory organs. IPECAC POWD 1-4 gr 90 Emetic and expectorant. As an emetic for an infant, one repeated if necessary ; one every four hours as an expectorant in cough. IPECAC POWD i-2 gr 1 15 Give a tablet, repeated in thirty to sixty minutes, as an emetic in croup, with draughts of warm water. IPECAC POWD 5 grs 3 00 Emetic. One tablet with warm water, as an emetic ; if it fails to act promptly repeat in an hour, with the addition of a teaspoonful of mustard. IPECAC FL. EXT. i min * 1 5° One every two hours, for colds and to promote sweating in fevers; one after meals as an hepatic stimulant; useful in bilious headache. IPECAC WINE 5 min I 00 One, repeated in two hours, for sick-headache and migraine, and as a stimulant to the alimentary canal. IRON ALBUMINATE 3 grs 2 25 Nutritive tonic. One after meals, for .anaemia in children. When ordering or prescribing FRA SER ’S' TA BLE TS 67 IRON ALBUMINATE 5 grs 3 5° Three or four daily for anaemia, chlorosis, and after wasting disease. IRON & ALOES COMP 1 Strych. Sulph i-6o gr.'i ) Acid Arsenous.. . 1-30 gr. ( I IO Laxative tonic. ) Ext. Aloes 1-12 gr. | (, Iron Powd 1 gr. J Chocolate Coated I 20 One or two at night, or every second night, for constipation with intestinal atony, in anaemia. IRON ARSENIATE i Tonic. ro One, three times daily for tonic. IRON ARSENIATE i -16 gr 75 Three to four a day, in simple anaemia and chlorosis. IRON ARSENIATE 1 -10 gr 75 One after each meal, as an haemal tonic. IRON, ARSENIC & BRUCIA... ( Iron Powd 1-10 gr. ) (Dr. Clymer.) Acid Arsen 1-100 gr. 75 Tonic and hcematic. ( Brucia 1-100 gr.) Chocolate Coated 85 Give one about an hour after eating, as a stomachic and general tonic. IRON & ARSENIC COMP 1 Iron Powd 1 gr. ) < Acid Arsen 1-100 gr. > 75 (Dr. Clymer.) (Ignatia Powd., . .1-40 gr. Chocolate Coated...... 85 Give one about an hour after eating, as a stomachic and general tonic. IRON & ARSENIC COMP. No. 2 (Dr. Clytner.) ( Iron Powd 1 gr. ) < Acid Arsenous. ..1-50 gr. > (Ignatia Powd 1-40 gr.) 75 Give one about an hour after eating, as a stomachic and general tor.ic. (Iron Powd 1 gr.) < Acid Arsen 1-100 gr. V IRON, ARSENIC & NUX 75 ( Ext. Nux Vomica 1-8 gr. ) A tablet after meals, increasing until three are taken at a dose, for anaemia with palpitation, dyspepsia, and reflex nervous symptoms. IRON, ARSENIC & STRYCH- ( Iron Powd 1 gr. ) NINE Acid Arsen 1-100 gr. 75 Iron tonic. ( Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 85 One tablet three times a day, ten minutes before meals ; a useful tonic in all kinds of anaemia, with loss of appetite. IRON, ARSENIC & STRYCH- NINE No. 2 ( Iron Powd 1 gr. 1 < Acid Arsenous.. .1-150 gr. > 75 ( Strvch. Sulph 1-60 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 85 One after each meal and at bed hour, as a general tonic and for loss of appetite. IRON, ARSENIC & STRYCH- ( Iron Powd 1 gr. ) NINE No. 3 Acid Arsenous...i-t;o gr. 75 ( Strych. Sulph... .1-100 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 8S One after each meal and at bed hour, for general tonic, and loss of appetite. IRON, ARSENIC & STRYCH- NINE No. 4 ( Iron Powd 2 gr. 1 t Acid Arsenous. ..1-80 gr. > I IO 1 Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. ) Chocolate Coated I 20 One after each meal and at bed hour, tite and anaemia. for general tonic, loss of appe- Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 68 FRASER'S TABLETS. IRON, ARSENIC & STRYCH-( ' Iron Powd 1 gr. I NINE No. 5 | Acid Arsenous.. . 1-20 gr. ( Strych. Sulph 1-30 gr.) 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One after each meal and at bed hour, for general loss of appe- tite and anaemia. IRON, ARSENIC & STRYCH- < NINE No. 6 ( Iron Pyrophos 1 gr. ) Acid Arsen 1-100 gr. > 75 [ Strych. Sulph .... 1-60 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 85 One tablet three times a day, ten minutes before meals,; a useful tonic in all kinds of anaemia, with loss of appetite. IRON, ARSENIC & STRYCH- < NINE No. 7 1 Iron Pyrophos 1 gr. 1 Acid Arsen i-t£ gr. > 75 1 Strvch. Sulph.... 1-60 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 85 One after each meal and at bed hour, as a general tonic and for loss of appetite. IRON CARBON. FRASER’S j Ferri Carb s; gr. > 1 5° No. 2 j Sacch. Alb 2 1-2 gr. $ One every three hours, as a tonic, and after wasting diseases. IRON CITRATE i -2 gr 90 A tablet three times a'day where ; a mild haematic ttonic, with a slightly diuretic effect is required. IRON CITRATE i gr I IO One after meals, as a gentle tonic and haematic. IRON LACTATE i -2 gr 75 A tablet two or three times a day, for ; a child with sensitive stomach, as a tonic ; increase gradually as tolerance is secured. IRON LACTATE i gr I 00 One after meals where an iron tonic is required, with the least distress to the digestive organs. IRON LACTATE 2 grs I 25 One three times a day, for anaemia, dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea: gradually increase the dose. IRON LACTATE COMP { Ext. Trifolium 0.05 ) 125 (Dr. Bermann.) | Lactate Iron 0.05 j One tablet a quarter of an hour before eating, as a mild bitter tonic and haematic ; increase to three after meals, by adding one a day. I (Iron Powd 1 grA IRON & MANGANESE COMP.J 1 Acid Arsen 1-50 gr. 1 | Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. | I 25 1 (Mangan. Binox x gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 35 One or two three times a day after meals in amenorrhoea. anaemia and chlorosis. 1 f Iron Powd 1 gr.> IRON, MERCURY COMP 1 Corrosive Sub... .1-60 gr. ( 75 Alterative, tonic. | Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. j (Acid Arsenous. ..1-60 gr.J Chocolate Coated 85 One, three times a day as an alterative, hepatic and general tonic. ( Iron Powd 1 gr. ) IRON, MERCURY COMP. No. 2 ' Corrosive Sub... .1-50 gr. !• Acid Arsen..... 1 -100 gr. ) 75 One after eating, for chronic disease with anaemia and emaciation. When ordering or prescribing FRA SER 'S TA BLE TS. 69 ("Iron Pyrophos i gr.'l IRON MERCURY CO. No. 4 Acid Arsenous.. .1-50 gr. 1 n | Strych. Sulph... .1-60 gr. i \ 75 ( Corrosive Sub 1 -60 gr. J Chocolate Coated .85 One, three times a day as an alterative, hepatic and general tonic. ("Iron Powd 1 gr.'l IRON & MERCURY COMP. 1 MerculT Bichlor.i-6o gr. | WITH QUININE . i Acid Arsenous.. .1-60 gr. > 1 So I Strych. Sulph.. . .1-60 gr. (.Quinine Sulph 1-2 gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 60 One to four daily, for malarial cachexia, dumb ague, anaemia and general debility. f Iron Powd 1 gr.'l | IRON PHOSPHORUS COMP..) Acid Arsenous.. . 1-40 gr. 1 > I 10 Nerve tonic. j Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. 1 (.Phosphorus 1-100 gr.J 1 Chocolate Coated I 20 One, three times a day after meals, for nerve and general tonic. IRON POWDER 1 -1000 gr.. 75 One after each nursing, crushed in a little sweetened milk, for an infant, as a tonic in anaemia and after wasting diarrhoea. IRON POWDER 1-500 gr 75 One after each nursing, crushed in a little sweetened milk, fer an infant. IRON POWDER 1-200 gr 75 A tablet after each nursing, for an infant with anaemia and a tendency to diarrhoea. IRON POWDER 1-100 gr 75 A tablet every three hours for a child. IRON POWDER 1-50 gr One every three hours, increasing every day by one until three or four are taken at a dose. 75 IRON POWDER i-iogr 75 One every three hours for anaemia in childhood. IRON POWDER 1-5 gr 75 One after meals, for pale and sickly children. IRON POWDER, 1-2 gr 75 One, three or four times a day, for anaemia, amenorrhcea and allied disorders. IRON POWDER 1 gr 75 A tablet three or four times a day, for anaemia, anaemic headache and in convalescence. IRON POWDER 2 grs I IO Three to four daily, for anaemia and various cachexia. IRON PYROPHOSPHATE i-iogr 75 One every two hours for anaemic diseases of childhood, especially rhachitis. IRON PYROPHOSPHATE i-2gr 75 One or two after meals, for rhachitic and tubercular disease in child- hood. IRON PYROPHOSPHATE i gr 75 A tablet three times a day, for a tonic in malnutrition and catamenial disorders. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 70 FRASER'S TABLETS. ("Iron Pyrophos ....1 grA IRON PYROPHOS COMP (Quinine Sulph.... .1-2 gr. 1 1 60 Modified iron tonic. Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. f 1 Acid Arsenous.... 1 -.10 gr. J Chocolate Coated 1 7° One after meals, as an haematic and alterative tonic. ('Iron Powd [ Quinine Sulph ...2 gr. IRON, QUININE & ALOES COY Strych. Sulph 1-40 gr. V IDr. Duncan.) 1 Acid Arsenous... 1-40 gr. ( Aloes Powd .1-8 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 SO One every three hours in chronic malaria. IRON, QUININE & STRYCH- ( Iron Powd .1-2 gr.) NINE Quinine Sulph ■ J-2 gr- \ 1 SO Tonic, antiperiodic. ( Strych. Sulph.... i -120 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 60 One or two after meals, as an antimalarial and general tonic. __________ _ ________ ( Iron Reduced I gr.) IRON, QUININE & STRYCH- Q^n. Sulph i |r. NINE No. 2 (Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 25 One, three times a day, after meals and at bedtime, in anaemia, chlorosis, and as a general tonic. IRON & STRYCHNINE ( Iron Powd ... 1 gr.) 75 Tonic. j Strych. Sulph.. .. 1-60 gr. ( Two or three tablets a day, in nervous and anaemic diseases of adol- escence. IRON & STRYCHNINE COMP JqCWnefuiph.'.': (Di . Moi nil.) ) Acid Arsen.... i Tonic, antiperiodic. (Strych. Sulph .. .1 .1-2 gr.-) ■ 1-2 gr- l -100 gr. f -120 grj 1 5° Chocolate Coated 1 60 One or two, according to age, three times a day, after meals. Used in chronic malarial poisoning, malarial anaemia, neuralgias, chlorosis and the amenorrhoea of anaemia. IRON & STRYCHNINE CIT...i-2gr 90 General nerve tonic. One after meals, as an haematic and nerve tonic in chorea, cerebral and spinal anaemia, and hysteria. epilepsy, IRON & STRYCHNINE CIT...I gr One after meals, as an haematic and nerve tonic in chorea cerebral and spinal anaemia, and hysteria. IRON SULPH. Dried i P-r , epilepsy 1 iS Chocolate Coated only I OO One after each meal for an iron tonic. JALAP 1-2 gr 75 One every half hour for five doses, then every hour until laxative effect is produced. JALAP 1 gr 1 10 One every half hour for five doses, then every hour until laxative effect is produced. KALI COMP \ K,ah Bichrom. 1 l Mercury liiniod.i -100 gr. ) -100 gr. $ 75 One every two hours, for sore throat from glandular irritation. When ordering- or prescribing FRA SER ’5 TA BL E TS. 71 ( Fl. Ext. Krameria . 1 min. 1 KRAMERIA COMP . ) Bismuth Subnit 1 gr. 1 \ 190 (Or. J. C. Applegate.) ) Opium Powd .1-4 gr. j Diarrhoea. (.Licorice R’t Po.. ..1-4 gr.J 1 One every hour, for diarrhaea and dysentery ; decrease to one every three or four hours as symptoms ameliorate : valuable also in intestinal inflammation, used in conjunction with, or following salines. ( Fl.Ext.Krameria 1-2 min.' ) KRAMERIA COMP. No. 2 , < Bismuth Subnit 1 gr. { Opium Powd 1-25 gr. > 1 6c One tablet every two or three hours powdered in sugar, for the summer diafrhoea of children : allow only boiled milk until the movements become normal. flron Lactate 1 gr.) Cinchonia Sulph.... 1 gr. | 1 LACTO FERRIC .' Ext. Hyoscyam... i-t; gr. 1 so Tonic. | Acid Arsenous.. .1-30 gr. 1.Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr.J Chocolate Coated I 60 A tablet three or four times a day, as a tonic in malnutrition and anaemia with neuroses and ataxia. (Potass. Brom. ...1 1-4 gr.) I Potass. Chlorate.. 5-8 gr. LARYNGITIS . ) Ipecac Powd 1-12 gr. I Ext. Licorice. ...1 1-4 gr. \115 (.Squill Powd 1-2 gr.J One every hour, for continued cough, with tickling in the throat. ( Aloin 1-4 gr.) LAXATIVE 1 Ext. Belladonna.. 1-8 gr. 1 1 Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. | [ 115 (.Ipecac Powd 1-16 gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 25 One or two at night, as a stimulant increase peristalsis. to the alimentary canal and to ( Quinine Sulph i gr. i Ext. Rhubarb 1 gr. 1 LAXATIVE No. 2 (Dr. Hauck.) 1 Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr. 1 (.Capsicum Powd..1-4 gr.J r Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 o° One or two at a dose every two or three hours, as required for catarrh of the stomach, and dyspepsia, combined with mild forms of constipa- tion. f Aloes 1 gr.) | LAXATIVE No. 3 (Dr. Burleigh.) ) Ext. Belladonna.3-20 gr. I • < Ext. Physostig. .3-20 gr. 1 Ext. N ux Vom... . 1 -5 gr. 1 1. Ext. Cascara 1 -q gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 1 2 OO One or two tablets at night, repeated the next morning if necessary, for constipation. f ExtCascara Sag. 1 1-2 gr.) Sodium Bicarb...1 1-4 gr. I LAXATIVE No. 4 (Dr. A. M. Thomas.) . J Hydrastin 1-200 gr. 1 ) Ext. Nux Vom i-S gr. 1 | Ext. Belladonna..1-16 gr. 1 Oil Peppermint. 1-40 min.J ! Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 One to four at night, as required as a itely without producing habit. laxative. Can be taken indefin- Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. 72 ( Aloin ..1-4 grC LAXATIVE No. 5 Ext. Belladon. .. .1-16 gr. IS (Dr. W. B. Pierson.) Strych. Sulph... 1-60 gr. f 1 Ipecac Powd.... .1-16 gr.; Chocolate Coated .... 1 25 One or two tablets at night, repeated the next morning if necessary, for constipation. Ext. Colocy. Co. 1 1-2 gO - Jalapin D-S gr. LAXATIVE No 6 Pulv. Scammony • •3-4 gr. > 3 35 Ext. Ilyoscyam. ...1 gr. Podophyllin 1-30 gr. One or two tablets at night for constipation; take one the next morning if necessary. Rhubarb Powd. 1-10 gr. LAXATIVE, CHILDREN’S Sulphur ..1-3 gr. L . 20 (Dr. E. Chapin.) Sodium Phos.Dried, i gr. 1 Oil Peppermint. 1 -20 min.. One to three tablets three times daily for children over one year. In- fants, one or two tablets a day. LEAD ACETATE i gr 75 For solution. One tablet dissolved in a tablespoonful of water makes a solution of about one part in 250; for external use and as an injection. Lead Acetate... ...1 gr.) LEAD & BISMUTH COMP Bismuth Subnit.. •••■? gr. „ 25 Camphor • i-S gr. Opium Powd.. .. • i-4 gr.J Give a tablet every hour for three or four doses, in bilious lent diarrhoea ; one after meals for gastric catarrh. and flatu Lead Acetate... . ..5 g r. j LEAD AND OPIUM WASH... Ext. Opium -1-4 g r. 2 2S Ammon. Chi or.. For solution. For external use. For making lead and opium wash, dissolve one tablet in two table- spoonfuls, or in one ounce of water. LEPTANDRA COMP Leptan. FI. Ext.7 1-2 min. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 5° One or two every other night until constipation is cured. Ext. Witch Hazel. 1-2 gr.4 Ext. Hyoscyamus.. .1 gr. Ext. Hydras. Color.. 1 gr. Ext. Helonias... LEUCORRHCEA Alum ... 1 gr. Acid Boric ...8gr. Eucalyptol Thymol Menthol .aa q. s.. For external use. Use one tablet night and morning, follow with douche of hot water. ''Lime Phosphate . ..2 gr.) LIME & IRON PHOSPHATES Iron Phosphate.. ... 2 gr. 50 (Dr. Hubbard.) Sugar ... 1 gr. 1 Oil Wintergr’n.. -10 nun. . One tablet to a child ; two to an adult, after each meal, as a recon- structive tonic. When ordering or prescribing FRASER-S TABLETS. 73 LIME WATER 1 OO For the preparation of Lime Water, add six tablets to a half pint of boiled water in a clean bottle, and allow to stand with occasional agita- tion until the tablets disintegrate. Shake again and set aside until the excess of lime has settled and the mixture becomes clear. Decant the clear liquid if desired and keep well bottled for use. LITHIUM BENZOATE i gr One every three hours, for secondary rheumatic affections. LITHIUM CARBONATE i gr 175 175 Antilithic. One every hour, for acute rheumatism; one to three after meals to hasten the excretion of uric acid. LITHIUM CARBONATE «; grs 3 So Antilithic. One or two after each meal, for gout, arthritis deformans, gravel and vesical calculus. LITHIUM CARBONATE 3 So EFFERVESCENT. Each tablet represents three grains lithium salt. A tablet three or four times a day, in a glass of water, for rheumatism and gout and the uric acid diathesis. LITHIUM SALICYLATE 5 grs 4 00 Antiseptic alkaline. One, three or four times a day, for the uric acid muscular rheumatism and dyspepsia of gouty subjects. ( Calomel 1-8 gr.) T T,7E.D 1 Podophyllin i-io gr. 1 blvaK < Ext. Hyoscyam.. .1-10 gr. y 135 Ipecac Powd 1-15 gr. (.Aromatics q. s.J One every hour until laxative action is produced ; for a stimulant to the liver and secretions. ( Lupulin 1-2 gr. 1 ■ _ __ 1 Scutellarin 1-2 gr. LUPULIN & BROMIDE CO....J Ttrp-ntjn T-t "r 2 00 | Atropine Snlph.1-2000 gr. ( Zinc Bromide.. .. 1-10 gr.J One or two ; three or four times a day, as a general nerve sedative. ( Macrotin 1-10 gr."] MACROTIN COMP J ry°"la: 1-20 &r- 1 j- 1 So (Dr. John Stevens.) ) Arsen... 1-125 ?r. | v J ' (Fl.Ex.RhusT0x.1-20 ram.j One every two hours in muscular and sciatic rheumatism. One every hour in severe cases. .... ( Quinine Sulph. 3 S"r- . MALARIA ; Capsicum Powd 1 gr. (Dr. Clarke.) ) Opium Powd 1-4 gr. 1 Plain or Chocolate Coated 4 S° Two to four tablets at nine in the forenoon, one at three in the after- noon, and one at bedtime with plenty of drinking water; for remittent and malarial fevers. (Quinine Bisulph 2 grQ MALARIAL TONIC ! Podophyllin 1-24 gr. ! (Dr. B. F. Hawley.) J Acid Arsenous.. .1-30 gr. | ( Oleores. Capsic.. ..1-4 gr.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 5° One tablet at eight, twelve, four and eight o’clock daily, with plenty of drinking water; used in chronic malaria with hepatic complication, and as a tonic in malarial districts. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 74 FRASER'S TABLETS. MANGANESE BINOXIDE i-io gr One tablet, crushed in a teaspoonful of sweetened water, three or four times a day, for an infant with anaemia. 75 MANGANESE BINOXIDE i gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One after meals, for reconstructive tonic, where iron does not agree. MANGANESE BINOXIDE 2 grs 1 2 5 1 35 Chocolate Coated One tablet every three hours, for a general tonic, and as a mild emmen- agogue. MANGANESE BINOXIDE 3 grs 1 60 One every three hours, beginning a few days before the period, for suppressed or scanty menstruation. MENUKKHAGIC ) Rnrotin t 75 (Dr. R. Tilley.) ( Carbo Veg i-io gr. j Alterative. One, half an hour after meals, for chronic skin and visceral disease. The Carbo Veg is added to change the color. MERCURY & CHARCOAL No.2 \ Protiod..1-6 gr. > 75 ( Carbo V eg. i-io gr. ) One alter meals, as a general tonic and alterative. MERCURY & HYOSCYAMUS.. j ExtHyoSS'mf.'.ls f£ \ i IO One every three hours, as a general alterative. MERCURY IODIDE COMP < Merc. Iod. Red.. .1-32 gr. ) 75 (Dr. Curtis.) | Ipecac Powd i-S gr.) One or two after meals, for the continued treatment of syphilis. MERCURY IODIDE CO. No. 2.. j Merc. Iod. Red. ..1-16 gr. ) 75 (Dr. Curtis.) ( Ipecac Powd 1-8 gr.) One or two after meals, for the continued treatment of syphilis. MERCURY IODIDE, RED i-iooogr 75 For an infant, one every hour, to control vomiting, diarrhoea and dys- entery. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED i-Soogr A tablet three or four times a day, as an intestinal antiseptic for infants. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-200 gr One every three or four hours, for croup and serous inflammations during infancy. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-100 gr One every two hours, for sore throat ; one every two hours for bilious- ness and as an intestinal antiseptic. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-50 gr Give one three times a day, in congenital and acquired cachexia of children. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-32 gr One after meals, for lupus, scrofula and lymphatic enlargement and degeneration. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-25 gr 75 Chocolate Coated...... A tablet every three or four hours, in phthisis and chronic bronchitis, and chronic skin diseases. 35 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-20 gr One after meals, as an intestinal disinfectant and hepatic stimulant. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-16 gr 75 Chocolate Coated One every three hours, for biliousness. 35 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-12 gr One, three or four times daily, for chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid affections, and as a diuretic in dropsy. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-10 gr One after meals and at bedtime, for the treatment of syphilis. 75 MERCURY IODIDE, RED i-S gr Chocolate Coated One after meals and at bedtime, for the treatment of syphilis. 85 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-6 gr 90 Chocolate Coated...... One every two or three hours, to produce rapid mercurialization, decreasing as the effect appears. 1 00 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-5 gr One every two or three hours, for ascites, and to obtain the constitu- tional effect in the shortest time ; decreasing the dose as soon as possible. 90 MERCURY IODIDE, RED 1-4 gr A tablet every three hours, to control the cerebral effects of syphilis, reducing the dose as the results are obtained. 90 MERCURY & IPECAC j 1wdb.°d!!\-S gr.\ One, three or four times a day, for tonic syphilitic treatment. ( Mass. Hydrarg.. .1-2 gr. ) 1 10 MERCURY, IPECAC COMP < Ext. Hyoscyam... 1-2 gr. [ ( Ipecac Powd 1-4 gr. ) One every three or four hours, for cirrhosis and functional disease of the liver. MERCURY & IRON S Mercury Protiod,.i-4 gr. ) 135 Ferruginous alterative. ( Iron Powd 1 gr. ( A tablet with meals, as an alterative and haematic tonic, for chronic diseases and anaemia. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 76 FRASER'S TABLETS. MERCURY & OPIUM \ Mercury Protiod. .1-5 gr. > 1 Opium rowd 1-12 gr. ) One three times a day, for tonic syphilitic treatment. ( Mercury Protiod. ..1-4 gr. ) 1 OO MERCURY & OPIUM COMP.. . < Opium Powd 1-12 gr. 1 Charcoal 1-10 gr. ) One, three times a day, for tonic syphilitic treatment. MERCURY & POTASS.IODIDE j Merc. Iod. Red 1 gr. > 1 00 3 °0 (For antiseptic use.) ( Potass. Iodide 1 gr.) One tablet dissolved in four tablespoonfuls of water makes a solution of about 1 to 1000. MERCURY PROTIODIDE. 1-1000 gr One every hour, for the vomiting and diarrhoea of infantile gastro- enteritis. 75 MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-500 gr 75 Give one tablet every three hours, to an infant, to promote intestinal antisepsis. MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-200 gr One every two hours, to an infant, for hepatic stimulant and aid to digestion. 75 MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-100 gr One every two hours, to stimulate secretions and as an intestinal anti- septic. 7S MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-50 gr One every two hours, to stimulate secretions and as an intestinal anti- septic. 75 MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-25 gr One every two hours, to stimulate secretions and as an intestinal anti- septic. 75 MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-20 gr One every two hours, to stimulate secretions and as an intestinal anti- septic. 75 MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-16 gr One every two hours, to stimulate secretions and as an intestinal anti- septic. 75 MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-10 gr 75 Chocolate Coated One every three hours, as an hepatic stimulant; also used in continued constitutional treatment. 85 MERCURY PROTIODIDE .1-8 gr 75 Chocolate Coated One or two every three hours, in the tonic treatment of syphilis. ss MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-6 gr 75 Chocolate Coated One or two every three hours, in the tonic treatment of syphilis. 85 MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-5 gr 75 Chocolate Coated One or two every three hours, in the tonic treatment of syphilis. ss MERCURY PROTIODIDE 1-4 gr 75 Chocolate Coated One every three hours, to produce rapid mercurialization; decrease the dose as soon as possible. 85 When ordering- or prescribing FRASER’.S' TABLETS. MERCURY PROTIODIDE.,.... 1-3 gr Chocolate Coated One every three hours, to produce rapid mercurialization ; decrease the dose as soon as possible. MERCURY PROTIODIDE,.... .1-2 gr Chocolate Coated A tablet every three hours, with large doses of potass, iodide, to con- trol cerebral symptoms in syphilis; decrease the mercury as symptoms improve. MERCURY PROTIODIDE i gr Chocolate Coated A tablet every three hours, with large doses of potass, iodide, to con- trol cerebral symptoms in syphilis; decrease the mercury as symptoms improve. 95 1 05 1 20 1 30 1 8S 1 95 MERCURY SALICYLATE 1-4 gr One every hour, for a rapid effect without severe irritation ; lessen the dose as the result is obtained. 1 40 MERCURY SALICYLATE 1-3 gr One every two hours, for a rapid effect without severe irritation ; lessen the dose as the result is obtained. ( Mercury Protiod. .1-4 gr.) MERCURY SPECIAL 1 Opium Powd 1-6 gr. i (Dr. Shimp.) ") Ext. Aconite....... 1-4 gr. f !.Ext.Conium 1-3 gr.J One tablet three times a day in the continued tonic treatment of syphilis. 1 60 1 75 MERCURY, STRYCHNINE CO. ( Ierc- Chalk.. .2 gr. 1 (Dr. R. W. Stewart.) 1 J,ron Sulph. Dry.. ..1-2 gr. \ ( Strych. Sulph.... 1-100 gr. ) One to two tablets after meals where a tonic is indicated, with sluggish condition of the liver, and as an alterative in diseases of the blood. I 4O MERCURY TANNATE 1-2 gr One every two hours, for a rapid effect without severe irritation ; lessen the dose as the result is obtained. 1 50 MERCURY TANNATE 1 gr 2 OO " Chocolate Coated only One three times a day ; seldom produces salivation, stomatitis, or diarrhoea. Contains about 40 per cent, mercury, and is very rapidly absorbed. MERCURY WITH CHALK i-ioo gr One, in a little water on the end of a spoon, repeated every hour for infantile colic with profuse diarrhoea. 75 MERCURY WITH CHALK 1-40 gr One every three hours to a child, for colic with profuse diarrhoea. 75 MERCURY WITH CHALK 1-20 gr One every hour for an adult, for hepatic corrective, until ten or fifteen have been taken. 75 MERCURY WITH CHALK 1-10 gr One every hour, for hepatic corrective, until effect is produced. 75 MERCURY WITH CHALK 1-3 gr One every two hours, for tonic to liver, and corrective in bilious diar- rhoea until effect is produced; as an alterative, one three times a day. 75 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRA SER \V TA RLE TS. MERCURY WITH CHALK 1-2 gr . 7S One every two hours, for tonic to liver, and corrective in bilious diar- rhoea ; as an alterative, one three times a day. MERCURY WITH CHALK 1 gr 7S One tablet repeated every three hours until effect is produced, as hepatic alterative and laxative. MERCURY YELLOW OXIDE. 1-1000 gr 7S One every hour, for a child with indigestion and diarrhoea, to control septic conditions of the intestine. MERCURY YELLOW OXIDE. 1-200 gr 7S One tablet every two or three hours, for dysentery ; one after meals as an alterative in chronic disease. MERCURY YELLOW OXIDE. 1-100 gr 75 A tablet after meals, for chronic diseases of the skin and lymphatics ; one every hour to secure immediate constitutional effects. ( Acetanilid. 2 gr. ) MitiKAHNL < (Jamph. Monobr.. .1-2 gr. > ( Caffeine Citrate... 1-2 gr. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 00 Two tablets, repeated every hour, for four or five doses, for neuralgic and nervous headache. ( Acetanilid 3 gr. ) MiGkAlNE No. 2 < Camph. Monobrom.2 gr. > 3 00 ( Caffeine Citrate 1 gr.) One, repeated every hour, for three doses, then every two hours ; as a relief to migraine, surpraorbital and frontal. ( Acetanilid 3 1-2 gr. ) MIGRAINE No. 3 1 Caffeine 1-2 gr. t 2 00 V Sodium Bicarb i gr. ) One, repeated in an hour, for sick headache, and pains in the liead with fever; mav be continued for three doses, then stop and begin again in three hours if not relieved. ( Acetanilid 1 2-5 gr. ) MIGRAINE No. 4 Caffeine Aik 1-5 gr. 1 1 40 ( Sodium Bicarb.. . .2-5 gr. ) From one to three tablets, according to age, repeated every hour for four to five doses, for neuralgic and nervous headache. f Acetanilid 3 gr. MIGRAINE No. 5 J Caffeine Citrate 1 gr. 1 (Dr. Boggus.) Camphor Monobr.. .1 gr. f 3 00 t Sodium Bicarb 1 gr. J One tablet, repeated every hour for three or four doses, for neuralgic and nervous headache. ( Acetanilid 2 1-2 grA I Sodium Bicarb 1 gr. 1 MIGRAINE No. 6 ■( Camphor Monob..i-2gr. 1 8g Caffeine Aik 1-4 gr. [ (.Capsicum Powd..i-io gr. J Chocolate Coated 195 Two tablets for first dose ; repeat one every hour with a swallow of water, for nervous, neuralgic, and sick headache. f Acetanilid 1 3-4 grA Caffeine Alkaloid..1-8 gr. MIGRAINE (Ammoniated) No. 1 < Sodium Bicarb... .1-2 gr. V 1 25 1 Camphor Monobr. 1-4 gr. 1 l Ammon. Muriate..1-2 gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 35 Two tablets every hour for four or five doses ; for neuralgic and nervous headache, or pains in the head with fever. If not relieved, stop for three hours then begin again. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 79 ( Acetanilid f Caffeine Alkaloid. i-4 gr. MIGRAINE (Ammoniated) No. 2 < Sodium Bicarb.... j-2 gr. ► 190 Camphor Monobr. [Ammon. Muriate. 1-2 gr. . .1 gr.J Chocolate Coated 2 06 One tablet every hour for four or five doses ; for neuralgic and nervous headache, or pains in the head with feve :r. if not relieved, stop for three hours then begin again. ( Acetanilid 2 1-2 gr.) | Camphor Monobr .1-2 gr. MIGRAINE IMPROVED { Sodium Salicylate • • 1 gr- , )■ 2 00 | Ext. Hyoscyam... i-S gr. (Tr. Gelsemium... .2 min.J 1 One to three tablets ; repeat in half hour if necessary ; then one tablet every hour for migraine, neuralgia, and rheumatic pains. (Acetanilid 3 1-2 gr.) 1 MIGRAINE No. 3, Modified J Caffeine Aik ) Sodium Bicarb... ,l-2gr.l \ 2 75 (.Tully’s Powder... • •3 gr-J 1 One every two to four hours, for the fever of pneumonia, bronchitis and typhoid ; and as an analgesic in rheumatism. (Sugar "of Milk ..26 gr.) | CaYc. Lactophos... ,1-6 gr. | MILK ) Calc. Carbonate.. 1 gr- 1 ► 2 25 j Sodium Bicarb... .1-2 gr. ( Potass. Bicarb.... 1-12 gr. I [. Sodium Chloride.. 1-6 gr. J 1 Four tablets to a bottle of milk, as a reconstructive tonic for bottle-fed babies. MIST. GUNTHER COMP. One- half Size (Dr. C. Eugene Gunther.) -4 min. ’ j Magnesia Sulph.. ) Quin. Sulph ( F. E. Buckthorn . ■ • - 5 gr- ■5*g gr- .5 min., [ 2 50 Two tablets four times daily, or more if necessary, for paludal cachexia. MIXED TREATMENT ( Potass. Iodide.... •••5 gr-j | S 6S (Dr. Vidal.) 4 Corrosive Sub....] 1-30 gr-1 Alterative and antisyphilitic. ( Syr. Sars. Co 30 min., ) Begin with three a day, and increase according to the necessities of the case. MORPHINE & ACONITE ( Morph. Sulph. ... 1 ( Ext. Aconite.. ..1- -32 gr. \ 100 gr. j • 1 10 MORPHINE & ACONITE No.2 ) Morph. Sulph j Ext. Aconite 1 1-8 gr. j -2S gr- ! | 2 00 MORPHINE & BELLADONNA ( Morph. Sulph ( Ext. Belladonna.. .-6 gr. j 1-8 gr. j ; 2 40 MORPHINE COMP No. 1 ( Morph. Sulph ( Atropine Sulph. 1- .1-8 gr. j "SO gr. ! • 2 00 MORPHINE COMP. No. 1 1 Morph. Sulph..... 1-8 gr. ( ■ 2 00 Colored Pink. (Atropine Sulph. 1- 15° gr- * MORPHINE COMP. No. 2 ( Morph. Sulph..... ( Atropine Sulph. 1- .'-4 gr- i 120 gr. ] ; 3 35 MORPHINE COMP. No. 2 ( Morph. Sulph i-4 gr- j 3 35 Colored Pink. (Atropine Sulph.1- 120 gr. j MORPHINE COMP. No. 3 ( Morph. Sulph ( Atropine Sulph. 1- 1-8 gr. | •200 gr. < • 2 GO Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 80 FRASER'S TABLETS. MORPHINE COMP. No. 3 1 ( Morph. Sulph 1-8 gr. ) 2 OO Colored Pink. 1 j Atropine Sulph. 1-200 gr. ( MORPHINE COMP. No. 4 ( Morph. Sulph 1-4 gr. ) ( Atropine Sulph.1-150 gr. ( 3 35 MORPHINE COMP. No. 4 ( Morph. Sulph 1-4 gr. ) 3 35 Colored Pink. i Atropine Sulph. 1-156 gr. j MORPHINE, ALOIN COMP. . . . 1 f Morphine Sulph .. 1-6 gr. ) Non-Constipating. Aloin 1-6 gr. > 2 50 (Dr. Langstaff.) 1 [ Atropine Sulph. 1-200 gr. ) One at a dose as directed. MORPHINE SULPHATE t -100 gr 75 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -SO gr 95 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -"gr I OO MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -16 gr I 30 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -10 gr I 50 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -10 gr Colored Pink I 5° MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -8 gr 1 85 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -S gr Colored Pink 1 85 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -6 gr 2 25 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -6 gr Colored Pink 2 25 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -4 gr 3 20 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -4 gr Colored Pink 3 20 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -3 gr 3 75 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -3 gr Colored Pink 3 75 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -2 gr 5 60 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 -2 gr Colored Pink 5 60 MUSCARIN SULPHATE 1 -100 gr 7 00 A tablet every three or four hours stimulates the cutaneous, salivary and intestinal glands, and the intra-cardiac inhibitory centres; useful in scarlatina, rheumatism and respiratory diseases. NAPHTALIN, Pure 5 grs 2 OO Antiseptic. A tablet three to six times a day for the diarrhoea and elevated tem- perature in typhoid : one to three as an anthelmintic, followed by a dose of castor oil. " Bismuth Subnit 2 gr.) NAUSEA No. 2 | Cerium Oxalate ... .2 gr. V ( Cocaine Hydro.. 1-12 gr. ) 4 75 One every hour until stomach is settled for car sickness or sea sickness. , or ten doses are taken. U seful NAUSEA No. 3 j Cerium Oxalate 5 gr. ) 2 25 (Dr. Guernsey.) ( Ipecac Powd 1-10 gr. ) One every three or four hours, for vomiting of pregnancy. I ["Bismuth Subnit 1 gr. t Cerium Oxalate.... 1 gr. 1 NAUSEA No. 4 1 Menthol 1-10 gr. 1 [ Acid Carbol 1-10 gr. [ Cocaine Mur.... 1-40 gr. iTr. Nux ~Vorn... 1-2 min. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO Two, and repeat one every hour for three or four doses until relieved. For vomiting in pregnancy, sick stomach and seasickness. When ordering or prescribing FRASKR'S TABLETS. 81 NAUSEA No. 5 . ( Bismuth Subnit 5 gr. ) (Dr. Bierwirth.i j Cerium Oxalate 5 gr. $ S is One or twp every half hour to one hou ir until relieved. ( Camphor 1 gr. ) NERVINE . -J Ext. Hyoscyam... 1-2 gr. V ( Valerian Powd.. . . 1-2 gr. ) Chocolate Coated only 1 5° One every half hour for three doses, then every two hours until ner- vousness is relieved. ( Lupulin 1 gr.) NERVINE No. 2 1 Zinc Phosphide. .1-16 gr. ] < Sodium Bromide.2 1-2 gr. > 2 OO (Dr. Lee.) | Gel semin 1-20 gr. (Acid Arsenous.. . 1-20 gr. j Two tablets, three times a day, for irritability of the nervous system and neurasthenia. NERVINE No. 3 ( FI. Ext. Coca 10 min. ) (Dr. E. i\l. Lyon.) •J Tf. Hyoscyamus..io min. i { Elix. Val.Ammon.io min. ) 3 00 Two tablets in hot water, repeated hysteria and>nervous disorders. in one hour, for sleeplessness, ( Camphor Powd 1 gr. ) NERVINE No. 4 •! Ext. Hyoscyam. ..1-2 gr. ■ ( Ext. Valerian 1-2 gr. ) Chocolate Coated only I 60 One every half hour for three doses, then every two hours until ner- vousness is relieved. |"Tr. Strophant ... 1-2 min.) Salicin 2-3 gr. I NERVINE, TOBACCO . ) Cinchonid. Sulph .. .1 gr. ( 2 SC (Dr. F. H. Koyle.) 1 Ext. Nux Vom... .1-5 gr. ( 1 Hydrastis Powd. .1-4 gr. 1 (FI. Ext. Sanguin.1-4 min.J One three times daily immediately after eating, for general tonic and cure of tobacco heart. NERVE TONIC No. 1 ( Zinc Phosphide.. 1-10 gr. ) I 40 (Dr. Westbrook.) l Iron Powd 1 gr. ( Chocolate Coated 1 50 One, three times a day, may be given as long as improvement con* tinues or until stomach is nauseated ; tinued for one week, then repeated. if nausea ensues, may be discon- NERVE TONIC No. 2 ( Zinc Phosphide. .1-10 gr. 1 I 30 (Dr. Westbrook.) ( Acid Arsenous.. .1-20 gr. ) Chocolate Coated I 40 One, three times a day, may be given as long as improvement contin- ues. If nausea or redness of the eyelids, or pains or fulness of the stomach occur, discontinue the tablet for a week, then continue. (Zinc Phosphide. .1-10 gr.) NERVE TONIC No. 4 (Dr. Westbrook.) . J Ext. Nux Vom.. ..1-4 gr. 1 1 Iron Powd 2 gr. | 1 75 \ Acid Arsenous.. .1-20 gr.J Chocolate Coated 1 8S One, three times a day, may be given as long as improvement contin- ues. If nausea or redness of the eyelids, or pains or fulness of the stomach occur, discontinue the tablet for a week, then continue. Please specify Fraser's Tablets 82 FRASER'S TABLETS. Zinc Phosphide.. .1-8 gr. NERVE TONIC No. 5 Ext. Nux Vom. ... 1-8 gr. 1 3° Ext. Can. Indica . .1-8 gr. Chocolate Coated I 4O One with meals, for nervous affections with exalted reflexes and excitability. NERVE TONIC No. 6 Ext. Can. Indica. .1-8 gr. Hyoscyamia.... 1-400 gr. 2 25 ( Zinc Phosphide. .1-10 gr. Three or four tablets a day, for chorea, neurasthenia and hysteria. Hyoscyamia. ...1-400 gr. NERVE TONIC No. 7 Zinc Plros 1-10 gr. 2 5° One, three times a day, for disorders Strych. Nitrate.. 1-20 gr. of the nerves dependent upon anaemia and innutrition of the cord. NERVE TONIC No. 8 'Zinc Phosphide... 1-40 grC Ext. Can. Indica... 1-8 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica. 1-8 gr. Sodium Arsen. . ..1-64 gr. (Dr. Henry J. Kenyon.) Quinine Suiph 1-2 gr. F Ext. Aconite Rad.1-10 gr. Sugar of Milk q. s.j lain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO One, at io a.m. 4 and 9 p.m. Increase by one tablet a week, until three are taken, three times daily, for chronic neuralgic headache, malarial neuralgia, and as a general nerve tonic. NEURALGIA r"Quinine Suiph 2 gr. Acid Arsenous.. .1-20 gr. Strychnine Suiph. 1-30 gr. Morphine Suiph..1-20 gr. . Ext. Aconite Leaf. 1 -2 gr. Chocolate Coated • 4 SO NEURALGIAwithout Morphine. (Quinine Suiph 2gr.) Acid Arsenous... 1-20 gr. t (Dr. Gross.) Strychnine Suiph.1-30 gr. Ext. Aconite Leaf.1-2 gr. Chocolate Coated . 4 OO NEURALGIA 'Ext. IIvoscyamus.2-3 gr.‘ Ext. Conium 2-3 gr. Ext. Ignatia 4-2 gr. . (Brown-Sequard.) Ext. Aconite 1-3 gr. Ext. Cannab. Ind..i-4 gr. Ext. Stramonium.,i-5gr. Ext. Belladonna.. 1-6gr., Plain or Chocolate Coated 4 SO NEURALGIA, One-half strength (Brown-Sequard.) Ext. HyoscyamuS.1-3 gr. ’ Ext. Conium 1-3 gr. Ext. Ignatia 1-4 gr. Ext. Opium 1-4 gr. Ext. Aconite 1-6 gr. Ext. Cannab. Ind..i-Sgr. Ext. Stramonium.1-10 gr. . Ext. Belladonna. 1-12 gr., 3lain or Chocolate Coated 2 75 When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. (Quinine Sulph... ..1-2 gr.-i NEURALGIC | Morph. Sulph... .1-80 gr. (L)r. Dunlap.) < Strych. Sulph... 1-120 gr. V I 75 I Acid Arsenous.. . i-bo gr. 1 Ext. Aconite.. .. ..1-8 gr.j Chocolate Coated I ss One every hour until eight are taken, if necessary. For neuralgia and neuralgic headache. (Zinc Phosphide. .1-16 gr.) NEURALGIC No. 2 Strych. Sulph.... .1-60 gr. (Dr. llenry J. Kenyon.) < Ext. Can. Indica. ..1-8 gr. 1 I 5° j Sodium Arsen. .. . 1-20 gr. 1 Aconitia 1-400 gr. J Chocolate Coated I 60 NEURALGIC No. 4 • • ■ ) FI. Ext. Aconite, .1-2 min. > I 5° (Or. Gustavus Klliot.) Fl.Ext.Gelsem.i 1-3 min. ) One every hour or every second hour, for painful affections of the nerves, not due to an organic lesion. (Aconitia Amor., 1-400 grM I Acetanilid . ...2 gr. 1 NEURALGIC No. 5... Quinine Muriate . . .. 1 gr. V 2 5° Arsenic Chloro.. 1-100 gr. (.Strych. Muriate. 1-120 gr. J One every two hours, for three doses • then one every three or four hours until relieved. (Sodium Bromide • • ■ .5 gM NEURALGIC HEADACHE J wtmiliH ‘ 1 gr. 1 2 IO (Dr. Myers.) | Fxt. Hyoscyam. •A-agr. 1 Morph. Sulph.... •1-S° g-r.J A tablet, repeated in half an hour, for migraine, headache neuralgia. and facial (Sodium Bromide . . .. S g-r. -i Caffeine Citrate. ..1-2 gr. NEURALGIC HEADACHE N0.2 J Acetanilid ....igr. 1 ..1-2 gr. r OO j Ext. Hyoscyam. Morphine Sulph. • 1-50 gr. (.Ext. Can. Indica. ■•i-4 gr.J A tablet, repeated in half hour, for migraine, headache neuralgia. and facial (Quinine Sulph... ....2 gr.) Acetanilid . ...2gr. I NEURALGIC, IMPROVED g* K 4 OO Acid Arsenous.. 1-100 gr. 1 (.Strych. Sulph ... .1-60 gr. j One tablet; repeat in half hour if necessary. Then one tablet every one or two hours for neuralgia and migraine. 1 (Lithium Carb,... • • •3 gr.~) NEURASTHENIA J Iron Phosphate . •• '-3 gr. 1 3 25 fDr. Krauss.) Ext. INux V omica. 1-9 gr. Arsen... .1-27 gr.J One to three tablets after meals, for neurasthenia and lithaemia with predominant nervous symptoms. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 84 FRASER'S TABLETS. ( Quin. Valerianate.. i gr. ) NEURASTHENIA No. 2 1 Strych. Valerian..i-so gr. t ( Sumbul Ext 1 gr. ) Chocolate Coated only 3 SO One three times daily for neurasthenia and as a general nerve tonic. NEUKOIIC . . 1 Tr. Lavender Co. .4 min. ( 2 25 (Dr. North.) ( Tr. Valer. Amm 4 min j Give one tablet every ten minutes until relieved, for hysteria and nervousness of women. ( Rhubarb Powd 1 grA Sodium Bicarb 3 gr. NEUTRALIZING { Magnesium Calc.. .igr.i 1 5° Pulv. Cardamom .. 1 -8 gr. (Oil Peppermint. .1-8 min. J One or two tablets half an hour after eating, for gastralgia and flatu- lence, and sour eructations. f Zinc Oxide 1-2 gr. "i Salicin 1 gr. NIGHT SWEAT Hydrastin i-iogr. V 2 50 | Pepsin Lactated. .1-2 gr. | ( Ext. Belladonna. 1-25 gr. j One an hour before retiring, for night sweats. ( Agaricin 1-12 gr. ) NIGHT SWEAT No. 2 •! Picroloxin 1-60 gr. 1 75 (Atropine Sulph. 1-120 gr. ) One at bedtime, repeated in two hours if necessary, for night-sweats. NITROGLYCERIN 1-200 gr 75 Heart tonic and antiasthmatic. One when face is pale, for fainting, neuralgia of heart, or heart failure. Never give if face is flushed. NITROGLYCERIN 1-150 gr A tablet, repeated in an hour if necessary, for pallor, headache and syncope ; one three times a day for epilepsy, catalepsy and angina-pec- 75 toris. NITROGLYCERIN 1-100 gr 75 One when face is pale, for fainting, neuralgia of heart, or heart failure. Never give if face is flushed. NITROGLYCERIN 1-50 gr One tablet, repeated in two or three hours if necessary, for cardiac syncope, epileptiform seizure, extreme asthmatic paroxysms, angina, pectoris, and parturient eclampsia. 75 NITROGLYCERIN CO. No. 1... j | One, three times a day for feeble heart and cerebral anaemia ; for epi- lepsy, increase by one tablet every three weeks. 1 2S ( Nitroglycerin... 1-100 gr. * NITROGLYCERIN CO. No. 2... | Xr. Strophanthus. .2 min. ( ' So A tablet three times a day; for nephritis with pulse of great tension, cardiac weakness, and the anasmic form of migraine. NUCLEIN SOLUTION 48-1*0 ‘min 5 00 (Dr. Aulde.) Per 500 2£ Per 100 One every two to four hours, or twro tablets three or four times a day, in all diseased conditions characterized by disorganized state of the blood. From 1-4 to 1-2 a tablet for a child five years old. When ordering- or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. NUX VOMICA EXT 1-100 gr One every two hours, as a tonic stomachic in dyspepsia. NUX VOMICA EXT i-jogr 75 One every two hours, as a tonic stomachic in dyspepsia. NUX VOMICA EXT i-io zr Chocolate Coated 8S One after each meal, as a general nerve tonic and a tonic to stomach in dyspepsia. NUX VOMICA EXT 1-8 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One after each meal, as a general nerve tonic and a tonic to stomach in dyspepsia. NUX VOMICA EXT 1-4 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One, three times a day, as a general nerve tonic and to promote intest- inal peristalsis. NUX VOMICA FL. EXT 1 min I IO One after meals, for tonic to stomach In dyspepsia. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-1000 gr 75 One three times a day for a child, as a tonic and stimulant. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-500 gr 75 Give one or two every two hours, to increase the flow of gastric juice and aid peristalsis. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-200 gr 75 Give one every two hours, as a general tonic and an aid to digestion. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-100 gr 75 Give one every two hours, as a general tonic and an aid to digestion. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-50 gr 75 Give one every two hours, as a general tonic and an aid to digestion. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-20 gr A tablet every two hours, for dyspepsia and atonic diarrhoea of hot weather. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-10 gr 75 One after each meal, repeated in an hour if necessary, as an aid to digestion to the stomach. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-8 gr 75 One after each meal, repeated in an hour if necessary, as an aid to digestion and tonic to the stomach. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-4 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One after each meal, as a nerve tonic and aid to digestion. NUX VOMICA POWD 1-2 gr 75 One after meals, for atonic dyspepsia, gastric or intestinal. f Ext. Nux Vom... 1-64 gr. j Ext. Belladonna . 1-22 gr. NUX VOMICA COMP .7 Ipecac Powd 1-16 gr. 1 1 5° Tonic cathartic. | Aloin 1-8 gr. 1 1 Podophvllin 1-4 gr.J Chocolate Coated ..... 1 60 One to four at night, for constipation depending upon loss of function of the liver and intestines. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 86 FRASER'S TABLETS. NUX VOMICA COMP. No. 2... Ext. Nux Vom.. .1-16 gr.s Acid Arsenous.. . 1-80 gr. Pepsin Pure 1-32 gr. .Aromatics q. s., One, three or four times a day, for anorexia, dyspepsia and consti- pation. Ext. Nux Vom.. ..1-20 gr. NUX VOMICA COMP. No. 3.... Sulphur. ..1-20 gr. Acid Arsenous...1-100 gr. 75 One or two after meals, for chronic skin diseases dependent upon dyspepsia. NUX & ARSENIC Tonic, antiperiodic. Nux Vora. Po... .1-10 gr. Acid Arsenous... i-co gr. 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One after meals, as a tonic in malarial indigestion. NUX & BRYONIA Nux Vom. P0...1-100 gr. Bryonia Powd..i-ioo gr. 75 For a child, give one every two hours, as a tonic to the stomach and an aid to digestion, with slight laxative action. NUX & BRYONIA No. 2 Tr. Nux Vom 1 min. Tr. Bryonia 1 min. 1 10 One every two or three hours, as a tonic to the stomach and aid to digestion. NUX & C A NTH A RIDES Nux Vom. Po... 1-100 gr. Cantharides 1-100 gr. 75 A tablet three times a day, for impotence and spermatorrhoea; best combined with iron. NUX & CARBO VEG Nux Vom. Po. . . 1-100 gr. 75 One after meals, for atonic gastric disorders in children, and those due to fermentation. NUX & CARBO VEG. No. 2 Nux Vom. P0....1-2 gr. 75 1 Carbo Veg- 1-4 gr. A tablet three times a day, for chronic catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with flatulence. rTr. Nux Vomica..1 mine Tr. Ignatia 1 min. Tr. Cinchona Cal..3 min. NUX & IGNATIA COMP Tr. Matricaria 1 min. Tr. Gentian Comp.i min. Tr. Columbo 1-2 min. • 1 75 Phosphorus 1-300 gr. Aromatic Powd... . 1 gr. Chocolate Coated - 1 85 One to two three times a day before meals, for atonic dyspepsia. (Tr. Nux Vomica... 3 min.) NUX & IPECAC COMP Tr. Capsicum 2 min. ► 2 OO (Dr. F. R. Newman.) Wine Ipecac 1 min. .Quinine Sulph... . 1-2 gr.. One tablet after each meal, for a stomachic tonic and an aid to digestion (Sodium Bicarb gr."] NUX & IPECAC CO. No. 2 Tr. Nux Vom 2 min. • 1 25 Antacid Tonic. Ipecac Powd 1-20 gr. 1 Olenresin Ginger.i-6min. Chocolate Coated - »35 One or two, half an hour before meals, stimulates appetite and pro- motes free flow of gastric juice. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 87 NUX & PEPSIN (NuxVom. P0...1-100 gr. ) (Dr. Skill.) ) Pepsin Pure 1-10 gr. ) Tonic, antidyspeptic. Chocolate Coated Two tablets after each meal, for simple indigestion. For deficient gastric secretion producing fermentation and eructation, one tablet every two hours. «Tttv 0 (Nux Vomica i-iogr. ) NUX & PEPSIN No. 2 ( Pepsin Pure 1-2 gr. j Two after each meal, followed by one every half hour for three doses, if necessary, as an aid to digestion and a tonic to the stomach. ( Nux Vom. Po.. .1-100 gr.'| NUX & PEPSIN COMP J P?Psin Pure ...... 1-4 gr. 1 1 Bismuth Subnit 1 gr. ( (Calomel 1-4 gr.J Chocolate Coated. 1 One or two after meals, for chronic gastritis, nausea and pain after eating. NUX & PHOSPHORUS ( Ext. Nux Vom.. ..1-4 gr. ) ( Phosphorus gr.) Chocolate Coated One, three or four times a day, for headache and neuralgia depending upon intestinal dyspepsia. .„TV p cm,D ( Nux Vom. Po... .1-100 gr. j NUX & SULPHUR \ Sulphur 1-100 gr. j Two or three after a meal, as an aid to digestion. NUX & SULPHUR COMP j Sidphur.1".'.P0.'.':|r. 1 (Acid Arsenous. .1-100 gr. ) Chocolate One after meals, for chronic skin diseases, anaemia, and indigestion. OIL SANDALWOOD 2 drops A tablet every two to four hours, for inflammations of the genito- urinary tract. OPIUM POWD i-ioogr OPIUM POWD i-coirr 75 es 1 5° 1 75 ■ 85 I OO I IO 75 75 8S 4 00. 75 OPIUM POWD OPIUM POWD •A-iogr OPIUM POWD .. 1 -8 gr OPIUM POWD OHUM POWD ■••1-2 gr 143 OPIUM AROMATIC No. i. .. ( Pulv. Cret. Aromat. cum ) '( Opio 1 gr. j A tablet every two hours, to three doses, for diarrhoea and enteritis. ('Opium Powd 1-20 gr.) OPIUM AROMATIC No. 2... ... J Acid Tannic 1-20 gr. ( (Dr. Davis.) ) Pulv. Cret. Aromat. cum f 1 2S l. Opio 1 gr.J Give one every two or three hours ;, for intestinal inflammation, dis- charge and pain. OPIUM & CAMPHOR ... J Opium Powd 1-4 gr. ( Sedative. ( Camphor 1-4 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 2Q« Three to six a day for painful cough, restlessness, cramps and spas- modic attacks. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRA SER ’ S TA BLE TS. OPIUM & CAMPHOR No, 2 ] Opium Powd • • " ( Camphor Powd. . ..i gr. i ..2 gr. < 1 Chocolate Coated only 3 °° One tablet as a dose for restlessness, cramps and spasmodic attacks. f Opium Powd . ... < Copper Sulph .. .. i ■-4 gr.' 1 OPIUM & COPPER SULPH -12 gr. 125 ( Ipecac Powd t -12 gr. . ) One every two or three hours, for diarrhoea. OPIUM DENARCOTIZED . . OPIUM & LEAD 1-4 gr...' 1 40 l ■ • • • ( Lead Acetate..-... i-8 gr. j A tablet every two hours, for the summer diarrhoea and dysentery of children. 1 OPIUM & LEAD No. 2 i-4 gr. ! > 1 OO One every hour for twelve doses, for obstinate diarrhoea and dysentery. ( Potass. Iodide ..2 grO 1 ORTHODOX (Dr. Sherwell.) | Syr. Ferri Iod .5 min. -64 gr. .2 min. | Donovan’s Sol...., > 3 5° 1 (.Tr. Nux Vom 2 min.J One to three, three times a day, followed by half a tumbler full of water. f Oxgall-Purified... ••i gr.] I 1 Ext. Pancreatin.. .. 1 gr. OXGALL CO No. o. j Ext.Colocynth.Co. 1-4 gr. 1 1-2 gr. | j Ext. Nux Vofnica. 1-8 gr. ! Ext. Taraxacum.. ..1 gr. J Chocolate Coated only 2 50 One or two before meals to promote intestinal digestion. Used in all cases deficient in biliary secretion. ( Ext. Saw Palmetto . .1 grO PALMETTO COMP j Ext. Yerba Santa. ■ ■1 gr. ( jSugar ••7 gr- ( * [Oil Wintergr... i-io min.J Dissolve one in the mouth every three hours, for phthisical cough. PANCREATIS COMP & \ • -3 gr- ) 3 00 One after eating, for intestinal dyspepsia. ( Opium Powd -5° gr.] PAREGORIC 5 minims -5° gr- 1 > 9C Sedative and carminative. ] Acid Benzoic.... i -5° gr- i.Oil Anise i- -5° gr-J One to three for an infant: best given dissolved in hot water on the end of a spoon. ( Opium Powd i- -25 gr-] PAREGORIC io minims ,... 1 Camphor i- -25 gr- 1 > 1 10 ] Acid Benzoic.... i ■ -25 gr- ( Oil Anise i- -25 gr. J One to six at a dose according to age of patient, given in hot water if practicable. PEPPERMINT OIL. One to two, dissolved in hot water en the end of a spoon, for a carmin- ative in infantile colic. PEPSIN PURE 75 Give one after each nursing to an infant with regurgitation and colic. When ordering- or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. PEPSIN PURE 1-4 gr I oo One to four tablets after meals, for tardy and incomplete stomach digestion. PEPSIN PURE i gr 2 oo One, three times a day, after eating, for enfeebled digestion. PEPSIN PURE 3 gr 3 SO A tablet after eating, for dyspepsia. __ __ ( Pepsin Pure PEPSIN COMP..... ) Ext. Nux Vom...i i-4 gr.l -32 gr- > I 2s: (Di. Still.) / Ipecac Powd i -t6 gr.) One to two tablets directly after meals, repeated every half hour, if necessary, for three doses ; as a tonic and aid to digestion. PEPSIN BISMUTH & CHAR-( Bismuth Subnit.'.'.' ..2gr.l . .2 gr. > 2 so- COAL ( Charcoal Absorbent stomachic and digestive. ..2 gr. ) A tablet twenty to thirty minutes after meals, for delayed and imper- feet digestion with pyrosis and eructation. ( Pepsin Sacch PEPSIN, BISMUTH & GINGER \ Bismuth Subnit... • •2gr.) ••3 gr- ■ 2 75- ( • •1 gr- ) One, three or four times a day, for dyspepsia and flatulence of seden- tary life. PEMIN BISMUTH* STRYCH- j Eismuth Subnii'. '.'. .. i gr. 1 NINE ( Strych. Sulph i [ -6o gr. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 25 Give one after meals and one at night, decreasing to two ; symptoms improve ; for atonic dyspepsia. a day as PEPSIN & BISMUTH ( Pepsin Pure J-4 gr. ) s° Antidyspeptic. [ Bismuth Subnit... .. i gr. | 1 One or two at a time, for functional disorders of the stomach. (Pepsin Pure >-4 gr-] .. x gr. [ ioo gr. ( PEPSIN & CALOMEL i Nux Vomka!..^ I 50- [Calomel x -40 gr. j Three to six a day, as a stomachic tonic and intestinal and hepatic stimulant, for chronic dyspepsia with constipation. PEPSIN & CHARCOAL ( Pepsin Pure !-4 gr. ) OO ) Carbo Veg i-4 gr- S One every hour or two, for flatulent dyspepsia. PEPSIN & PANCREATIN ) Pepsin Pure r-4 ) 5o Digestive. ) Pancreatin I-4 gr- S One to three after meals, for incomplete and tardy digestion, inability to digest oils and fats, and in the treatment of anaemia and emaciation. f Pepsin Pure PEPSIN, PANCREATIN COMP,-j . .1 gr. ! i-4 gr* ( [Ac. Lactoph. Calc. .1-4 srr.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 OO Two after each meal ; repeated every two hours, if necessary. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 90 FRASER'S TABLETS. f Pepsin Pure 3-4 gr. Pancreatin Pure. ..3-4 gr. 1 1 PEPSIN, PANCREATIN COMP., 1 Bismuth Subnit 1 gr. l No. 2 | Ext. Nux Vom.. .1-10 gr. | Sodium Bicarb 2 gr. 1 1 Ginger Powd 1-2 gr., 1 Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 One to two after meals, for heartburn and flatulence due to indigestion. ( Pepsin Pure......... 1 gr.) 1 PEPSIN, PANCREATIN COMP. ] Pancreatin 1 gr. 1 l No. 3 1 Nux Vomica 1-4 gr. 1 r Plain or Chocolate Coated .3 00 One or two after eating or as desired, for stomachic or intestinal in- digestion in all forms dependent upon deficiency in the activity of the secretions, or upon indiscretion in eating. f Pepsi n Pure 2 gr. 1 1 PEPSIN, PANCREATIN COMP. 1 Pancreatin Pure 2 gr. 1 r 4 00 Double Strength ! Celery Seed 1-2 gr. 1 1 Ac. Lactoph. Calc.1-2 gr.J One after each meal, repeated in two hours if necessary ; two as an aid to digestion. PEPSIN SACCHARATED i Sfr I 10 One every two hours with some nutriment, in the forced nutrition of consumption and during convalescence. PEPSIN SACCHARATED 5 grs ; 1 75 A tablet after meals, as an aid to stomach digestion. PEPTIC ! Pure 1-4 gr.) Bismuth Subnit 1 gr. 1 Nux Vom. Po.. .1-100 gr. ' > 1 75 (Dr. North.) Tinct. Ginger 1 min. 1 , Spts. Menth Pip... 1 min. 1 One to four after meals, for indigestion. PHENACETINE 1 gr • S 00 One every two hours for a child ; for fever with pain and restlessness. Five at a dose, repeated as necessary, for neuralgia, rheumatism and headache. PHENACETINE 2 grs Q OO Analgesic and antipyretic. Per 100 90 One every two hours for migraine ; to quiet restlessness and to reduce fever PHENACETINE 3 grs 12 c;o Per 100 1 25 One every hour, for the fever and pain of acute rheumatism. PHENACETINE 4 grs iS 5° Per 100 1 Co One or two at a dose, repeated as necessary, to depress temperature and quiet pain and restlessness, in fever and rheumatism. PHENACETINE 5 grs 18 30 Per 100 1 85 One or two at a dose, repeated as necessary, to depress temperature and quiet pain and restlessness, in fever and rheumatism. PHENACETINE, CAFFEINE ( Phenacetine 3 1-2 gr. ] 1 COMP i Caffeine 1 gr. [ > 17 75 (Dr. Hubbard.) { Sodium Bromide.7 1-2 gr.; l For adults, two for the first dose, and two more after an interval of four hours, repeated if necessary ; for neuralgia and headache. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. ( Antipyrine 2 gr. l PHENACETINE COMP J Phenacetine 2 gr. 1 1 Caffeine Cit 1 gr. ( (.Sugar of Milk 1 gr.j One to four, according to the height of tbe temperature, as an anti- pyretic in all fevers ; with analgesic and diuretic secondary effects. PHENACETINE COMP No. a.. j fr. \ (Or. J. W. Malone.) Sodium Bicarb 1 gr. ) One tablet every two or three hours. PHOSPHATES j gr. ( 1 omc- > Sirvch. Phos.. ... 1 -60 Sr. ) ig 00 Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 75 One three or four times a day as a general tonic and antimalarial ; decrease the dose if ringing in the ears and headache occur. PICROTOXIN 1-So gr One every four to six hours, for spinal irritation, petit mal and hyper- idrosis. I IO PICROTOXIN 1-30 gr One at night, to control the sweating in phthisis and rheumatism, PIL. DUO ( Blue Mass i gr. > 1 5® 1 25 (Dr. McMaster.) j Iron Sulphate 2 gr. j One after eating, three times a day for one year, in early stages of PILOCARPINE MUR i-ioogr 1 So One every hour, for pleurisy and other serous inflammations. PILOCARPINE MUR 1-50 gr Give a tablet three to six times a day, to increase the flow of saliva and urine. 1 75 PILOCARPINE MUR 1-20 gr 3 00 One to three a day, as a sialogogue, diuretic and diaphoretic. PILOCARPINE MUR i-io gr 5 °° One tablet, for a diaphoretic and diuretic action, repeated with care after three or four hours. PINK TABLETS (Sugar of Milk) 50 ( Sodium Sal icy 1. .2 1-2 gr. ) PLEURISY, ACUTE f Morphine Sulph . 1-16 gr. ( • s5 (Dr. J. Harrigan.) ( Tr. Bryonia 1 min.) Two every two hours, for adults, to relieve acute pleurisy. PLUMMER 1-1000 gr 75 One to three, morning and night, as an alterative, for a child. PLUMMER 1-100 gr 75 One or two every two hours, as an hepatic stimulant to the liver, and to rouse glandular and lymphatic action. PLUMMER i-iogr 75 One every two hours. PODOPHYLLIN i-ioo gr 75 One every hour for children, until effect is produced, for constipation with clay colored faeces. PODOPHYLLIN 1-40 gr One every hour until the bowels move freely, then one after meals ; for chronic hepatic atony. 75 Please specify Fraser's Tablets 92 FRASER'S TABLETS. PODOPHYLLIN 1-20 gr 75 Two or three at night and thf’ee during the next day, to stimulate the excretion of bile in chronic constipation. PODOPHYLLIN i-io gr Chocolate Coated One every hour or two, for bilious headache ; then two at night, for several days. PODOPHYLLIN i-S gr Chocolate Coated One after meals for biliousness and beginning jaundice. PODOPHYLLIN 1-4 gr. Chocolate Coated One to two at night, and one every three hours next day until a cathartic effect is produced, for biliousness and constipation. PODOPHYLLIN 1-2 gr 1 25 Chocolate Coated A tablet at night, for biliousness and habitual headache. POOOPHYLLm, BELLADON- j |r!| NA COMP ) Pil. Rhei Comp 2 arr. [ 135 3 5° (Ur. !■ rancis Id. Stuart.) ( Hxt.Belladonna.. i-io gr. J One at bedtime, as a laxative—recommended as apost-partum laxative. PODOPHYLLIN COMP j HiVom .'i- in f n [ 1 5° Ionic laxative. ( Ext. Hyoscyam.. . i-S gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 60 One or two at bedtime, for atonic conditions of the intestine, and as a stimulant to the liver. PODOPHYLLIN & LEPTAN- j Podophyllin 1-4 gr. ) 1 5° Hepatic. From one to four at night, or divided through the day, for strong hepatic stimulation in functional disorders of the liver. POTASS. ARSENITIS. 1-5000gr Alterative. One tablet to a child, repeated every hour, as a tonic and for skin diseases, also for some kinds of diarrhoea. One tablet equals one- fiffieth minim of Fowler’s solution. POTASS. ARSENITIS 1-1000 gr 75 One tablet every two hours for diseases of the skin, chronic diarrhoea, neuralgia, etc. One tablet equals one-tenth minim of Fowler’s solution. POTASS. ARSENITIS 1-500 gr 75 One every three hours for tonic, also for skin disease ; dose may be slowly increased. One tablet equals one-fifth minim of Fowler’s solution. POTASS. ARSENITIS 1-100 gr One tablet equals one minim of Fowler’s solution ; used in skin diseases, useful also in coryza and some forms of diarrhoea. 75 POTASS. ARSENITIS 1-50 gr 75 One after meals, increased slowly, for anaemia, chorea and chronic skin diseases. One tablet equals two minims of Fowler’s solution. POTASS. ARSENITIS 1-40 gr 75 One three times a day for chronic rheumatism, malarial poisoning and as an alterative. One tablet equals two and a half minims of Fowler’s solution. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABEETS. 93 POTASS. ARSENITIS 1-30 gr 75 A tablet, three or four times a day for chronic eczema, bronchitis, rheumatism, malarial headache and anaemia. One tablet equals about three minims of Fowler’s solution. POTASS. ARSENITIS 1-25 gr One after meals, for pallor and emaciation, asthma and chronic bron- chitis ; increase slowly as tolerance is established. One tablet equals four minims of Fowler’s solution. 75 POTASS. ARSENITIS. 1-20 gr 75 One tablet after meals as a general tonic, in obscure malarial disorders and for acne and eczema. One tablet equals five minims qf Fowler’s solution. POTASS. BICARBONATE 5 grs Three or four daily, for the uric acid diathesis, to hasten the elimina- tion of urates. 1 J5 POTASS. BICARBONATE to grs 1 5° A tablet three times a day, for sub-acute and chronic rheumatism, gout, and uric acid excess. POTASS. BICHROMATE i-ioogr One on the tongue every two hours, for sore throat and catarrhal affections of the lower air passages. POTASS. BICHROMATE. 1-50 gr One on the tongue every two hours, for sore throat and catarrhal affections of the. lower air passages. POTASS. BICHROMATE i-iogr One every three hours for catarrhal affections of the lower air passages and as a remedy in catarrhal inflammation of the bowels. POTASS. BROMIDE 5 grs 75- 75 75 1 30 Sedative. A tablet every three hours, to induce sleep ; one after meals for hypo- chondria and chorea; in gradually increasing doses for hysteria, con- vulsive epilepsy, and threatened abortion. POTASS. BROMIDE io grs I 9O One to three dissolved in water, repeated if necessary in one hour, or one, three times a day, for nervousness and sleeplessness. POTASS. CHLORATE 3 grs One every hour for six doses, allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth, for hoarseness, tickling and irritation in the throat. POTASS. CHLORATE 5 grs Dissolve slowly in the mouth every two or three hours, for sore throat, canker and bad breath. 75 75 POTASS. CHLORATE. 5 grs 75 (With Oil Wintergreen.) A tablet dissolved on the tongue every two hours, for sore throat and slight colds, and vocal fatigue of speakers and singers. POTASS. CHLORATE COMP., 1 Potass. Chlorate v .. 1 gr. j 75 (Dr. McEwen.) ) Ipecac Powd.... .1-20 gr. J One dissolved slowly on the tongue every hour; for cold with sore throat and hoarseness. __ 4 0 \ Potass. Bicarb io gr. ) POTASS. & HYOSCYAMUS CO. j Tr Hyoscyamus.. 5 min. ( One after each meal and at bedtime, for irritation of the urethra and bladder. POTASS. IODIDE 1 gr Alterative. One every hour, for syphilitic and strumous diseases of children ; may be combined with chalybeates. 2 OO 1 50 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 94 FRASER'S TABLETS. POTASS. IODIDE 2 grs One every hour or two, for chronic rheumatism and diseases of the skin ; with free use of drinking water. 2 50 POTASS. IODIDE 5 grs One, three times a day, increase gradually to four at a dose, for second- ary syphilitic diseases ; one every three hours with a swallow of water, for S 00 asthma. POTASS. IODIDE, Modified.... j | 6 00 One, three times a day, increase gradually to four at a dose, for second- ary syphilitic diseases; one every three hours with a swallow of water, for asthma. POTASS. IODIDE Modified No. 2 j mfn! | 6 00 One, three times a day, increase gradually to four at a dose, for second- ary syphilitic diseases ; one every three hours with a swallow of water, for asthma. POTASS. NITRATE 5 grs 75 One every three hours, as a diuretic and laxative; lessens fever and pulse-rate, and relieves testicular neuralgia. POTASS. PERMANGANATE . .1 gr I OO One every three hours, for acute rheumatism, diphtheria and zymotic diseases. Also one, three times daily as an emmenagogue ; also useful in amenorrhoea. POTASS. PERMANGANATE...2 grs 1 >5 One, three times daily as as emmenagogue. Also one to four to a pint of hot water, as an injection in vaginitis. PRnRHTNTTTTS ( Merc. Iod. Red.. 1 -200 gr.) PRORHINITIS.. ... ; Ipecac Powd i-eo gr. ' (,Dr. Gilbert.) Belladonna Po. .1-100 gr. ) 75 One every two hours, for two or three days, then every four hours as long as necessary. Useful in simple catarrhal conditions and inflamma- tions of a subacute or chronic nature. PROSTATIC COMP ( Ext. Saw Palmetto. .2 gr. ) (Dr. C. R. P. Eisher.) f Ext. Nax Vom.... 1-8 gr. j Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 75 One or two before meals and on retiring, for irritability and chronic enlargement of the prostate, and loss of power in the bladder. PUERPERAL ANTISEPTIC.... < Mercury Bichlor.i-4S gr. ) 75 (Dr. C. W. Stevens.) ( Potass. Chlorate.. .1-4 gr. ( Give two every two hours unless diarrhoea follows, then reduce the dose to half a tablet. QUININE ARSENATE 1-64 gr 90 Chocolate Coated I OO One every three hours, with gradual increase of the dose, for malarial anaemia and cachexia. QUININE ARSENATE 1-50 gr 90 Chocolate Coated I OO One every three hours, increasing by one a week until five are taken, for dumb ague and chronic malaria. QUININE ARSENATE i-iggr 1 2S One every three or four hours, for malaria and malarial anaemia. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 95 QUININE, ARSENIC AND \ Acid " i'eo fr { STRYCHNINE j lulph .i.-S fr. \ Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 25 One after meals, for a general tonic effect in anaemia and malarial infection. QUININE & ATROPINE CO. J j 2 25 (Atropine Sul ph. 1-600 gr. ) One every hour as a tonic sedative, to relieve restlessness and irrita- bility ; also in the fevers of children as an antipyretic. QUININE & CAPSICUM ! Chocolate Coated only 2 25 One to three tablets, for an antiperiodic and stimulant. QUININE & CHOCOLATE \ Quinine Tannate,...i gr. ) Tonic for children. / Chocolate 9 gr. J 3 75 One to three at a time, as an agreable tonic for children. QUININE & HYOSCYAMUS CO j ExtHyoslvam!! Y-Vo fr. j Sedative, tonic. ( Quinine Sulph 1 gr. ) 2 50 From one to four a day, for the irritability of exhaustion, as a general tonic and sedative. QUININE & LICORICE \ Ql"niTn.e Sulph.... 1-10 gr.) \ Ext. Licorice i-io gr.) I IO One after meals, for children as a tonic and regulator. QUININE BISULPHATE i-iogr I OO One, three times a day, as an antiperiodic and tonic, few a chilcj. QUININE BISULPHATE 1-4 gr I IO One, half an hour before eating, as a stomachic tonic. QUININE BISULPHATE 1-2 gr I 25 Chocolate Coated 1 35 A tablet three or more times a day, often combined with iron to advan- tage, as a general tonic. QUININE BISULPHATE i gr 1 50 Chocolate Coated 1 60 One after meals as a tonic and antiperiodic ; one every hour or two as an antipyretic in children’s fevers. QUININE BISULPHATE 2 grs 2 25 Plain or Chocolate Coated. One after meals to strengthen the pulse, increase muscular force, and improve the tone of the nervous system. QUININE BISULPHATE 3 grs 3 00 Plain or Chocolate Coated. One every two hours, with free use of drinking water, as an antipyretic for coughs and fevers in childhood. QUININE BISULPHATE 4 grs 4 00 Plain or Chocolate Coated. Per 100 5° One every hour to four doses, unless relieved sooner, for migraine and malarial hemicrania ; one every three hours as a malarial tonic. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 96 QUININE BISULPHATE 5 grs 5 °° Plain or Chocolate Coated. Per 100 60 A tablet every two or three hours, as an antipyretic in fever ; for chills, and fever, a tablet, at six, four, and two hours before the chill. ("Quinine Sulph 1 gr.'l 1 A"cid Arsenous.. .1-40 gr. 1 QUININE COMP J Iron Powd 1 fr. 1 General tonic. Strych. Sulph 1-40 gr. I ( Oil Bl’k Pepper. 1-3 min.J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 25 One or two after meals, as a general tonic in enfeebled and anaemic conditions, with or without a malarial element. QUININE DIGITALIS COMP.. J fi.\ (Dr. Fowler.) ) Digitalis Powd 1-2 gr. f Heart and general tonic. (iron Powd 1-2 gr.J 1 5° Chocolate Coated 1 60 A tablet three or four times a day, for anaemia, feeble or irregular heart action, and nervous exhaustion. QUININE, IODINE COMP ( Quinine Sulph 2 gr.) (Dr. Duncan.) •! Acid Arsen 1-40 gr. ( 3 25 Alterative. ( Iodine (Free) . . . .1-12 gr. ) QUININE, IRON & ARSENIC.. j Spowd!^fr. Hsematic. ( Acid Arsenous.. 1-120 gr. ) 1 50 1 60 One every three or four hours, increasing gradually, for simple anaemia and all enfeebled conditions with pallor. QUININE SULPHATE 1-10 gr 95 A tablet three or four times a day, to strengthen the pulse and invigor- ate the nervous system. QUINiNE SULPHATE 1-4 gr Chocolate Coated I 20 Three or four a day, for anaemia and during convalescence ; best com- bined with iron. QUININE SULPHATE 1-2 gr 1 25 1 35 Chocolate Coated One every hour, as a febrifuge and antiperiodic for children, stop if headache and ringing of the ears occur. QUININE SULPHATE 1 gr 1 5° i 60 Chocolate Coated One every hour, in acute malarial fevers ; when symptoms begin to improve, decrease to every three hours, and then to three times a day; one after meals, as a general tonic. QUININE SULPHATE 2 grs 2 25 Plain or Chocolate Coated. One, three or four times a day after meals, as a tonic. QUININE SULPHATE grs 3 00 Plain or Chocolate Coated. One for tonic three times a day—two to three for breaking up a cold, generally given with five to ten grains of Dover’s Powder. QUININE SULPHATE 4 grs 4 OO Plain or Chocolate Coated. A tablet three or four times a day as a tonic ; one every two hours for neuralgia. FRASER'S TABLETS. When ordering or prescribing QUININE SULPHATE ••5 grs Plain or Chocolate Coated. 5 °o A tablet at six, four, and two hours before the chill in malarial fever ■ one or two at night, followed by another next morning, generally combined, with Dover’s Powder, for recent colds. REALGAR, see Arsen. Red Sulph. RHEUMATIC ( Acid Salicylic 3 gr.) 2 5° (Dr. J. b. Reilley.) ( Resin Guaiac 3 gr. ) One every two hours until pain is relieved. ("Sodium Salicyl-.Y 1-2 gr.'l RHEUMATIC No. 3 j Sodium Bicarb 2 gr. 1 " 1 WineColch.S. 2i-2min. [ 2 go (.Oil Wintergreen... .q. s. J One to two tablets every three hours, for acute and chronic rheumatism. and rheumatic pharyngitis. RHEUMATISM f Sodium Salicylate.. .5 gr.) • • < Colchicin 1 -120 gr. > 3 SO (Dr. Liggett.) ( Codeine Sulph 1-16 gr. ) One tablet every three hours, until rheumatic pain ceases and a laxa- tive action is obtained. ("Sodium Salicylate .. 5 gr.') I Colchicin 1-120 gr. RHEUMATISM No. 3 .. Codeine Sulph... 1-16 gr. S- 3 90 I Macrotin 1-10 gr. 1 (.Ext.Poke Root... 1-2 gr.J One tablet every three or four hours until pain is relieved, and a laxa- tive action obtained. RHINITIS, One-half strength. ( Camphor 1-4 gr. ) ■ • < FI. Ext. Bellad.. 1-8 min. y 1 5° (Dr. Lincoln.) 1 Quinine Sulph 1-4 gr. ) Chocolate Coated 1 60 One every half hour for four doses, then every hour until throat feels dry; afterwards every three hours until a day after the acute coryza dis- appears. RHINITIS, Full Strength ( Camphor 1-2 gr. ) .. < FI. Ext. Bellad... 1-4 min. > ( Quinine Sulph. .... 1-2 gr. ) Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO One every hour for four doses, then every hour and a half until throat feels dry ; afterwards every three hours until a day after acute coryza disappears. RHINITIS No. 2 (Dr. 15. S. Booth.) ( Camphor 1-4 gr. ) ' ‘ -j F.E. Belladonna.i-8 min. > ( Tr. Euphrasia 1 min. ) I IO Chocolate Coated I 20 One every half hour for eight doses ; then one every hour until relieved. RHUBARB • I-2.gr 75 One every two hours, for a tonic astringent laxative. to the intestinal canal, and mild RHUBARB • gr 75 One every hour until the bowels move, for faecal accumulation ; one after meals, repeated in half an hour, , for gastric and duodenal catarrh. RHUBARB COMP. U.S.P ••I'2 gr 75 One after each meal or two at night, as a laxative ; increase for purgative effect. FRASER'S TABLETS 97 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 98 ( Rhubarb Powd. ....2 gr.' RHUBARB COMP. U. S. P -j | Myrrh Powd... | Aloes Purified.. ....1 gr. i 1-2 gr. > 1 s° (Oil Peppermint.i -10 min. y 1 Chocolate Coated One to three at night, for the relief of habitual constipation with flat- ulence, due to atony of the intestines. | ' Rhubarb Powd .: i 1-4 gr.) 1 RHUBARB & GINGER CO ] Eaxative and stomachic. | Sodium Bicarb. .1 1-4 gr. ' Ginger Powd. . .2 1-2 gr. Cardamom Powd.C-S gr. l 1 60 (Oil Peppermint.i -20 min.j 1 A tablet after meals, for dyspepsia, flatulence and constipation. RHUBARB & HYOSCYAMUS i f Rhubarb Powd.. • ■ -3 gr- \ COMP ; Calomel 1 zr.\ > 2 OO Alterative and laxative. ( Ext. Hyoscyamus... i gr.' A tablet in the morning and one at night, for constipation with collec- tion of mucus in the lower bowel, and drv stools, with flatulence and headache. RHUBARB & IPECAC » ( Rhubarb Powd., , .1-4 gr. j ! 75 (Dr. Hitchcock.) i | Ipecac Powd ,1-10 gr. < Children’s laxative. One at a dose : four to eight daily, as needed in habitual duodenal torpidity, with lack of bile in the passages. RHUBARB & IPECAC COMP.. 1 f Rhubarb Powd.. ,...1 gr.) •;-£ gr- l (Roosevelt Hospital) i | Ipecac Powd.... (Oil Peppermint.i > 1 10 Alkaline laxative and stomachic | ..1 8 gr. | -20 min.J f Chocolate Coated 1 20 One after each meal, for indigestion with constipation. RHUBARB & IPECAC COMP. ( Rhubarb Powd.. 1 Sodium Bicarb... ...2 gr.) ■••5 gr. 1 ..1-8 gr. | -20 min.J 1 No. 2 < (Roosevelt Hospital.) | Ipecac Powd [Oil Peppermint.i > 1 S° One after each meal, for indigestion with constipation. 1 f Rhubarb Powd.. RHUBARB & IPECAC COMP. Ipecac Powd .1-4 gr. No. 3 •; Sodium Bicarb... •••5 ?r-, . .5 min. ( 1 60 (Roosevelt Hospital.) Tr. Nux Vomica. 1 .Oil Peppermint. 1 -20 min.J 1 One after each meal, for indigestion with constipation. i 'Rhubarb Powd.. RHUBARB & IPECAC COMP. No. 4 < | Sodium Bicarb.. 1 Ipecac Powd. ... | Ext. Nux Vom.. [ Oil Peppermint. 1 ••••5gr- ..1-8 gr. 1 [ 1 80 (Dr. M. L. Goodkind.) ?r.i -10 min. | ■ 1 l FI. Ext. Cascara. . .5 min.J One just before meals for indigestion, either stomachic or with sluggishness of hepatic functions and constipation. f Rhubarb Powder..1-2 gr.) RHUBARB & IPECAC CO. No. 4 Half Size < (Dr. Goodkind.) I Sodium Bicarb...2 1-2 gr. 1 1 Ipecac Powder... 1-16 gr. 1 | Ext. Nux Vomica.1-8 gr. 1 Oil Peppermint.1-20 min. [Fl.Ext.Cascara.2 1-2 min.J Chocolate Coated only 1 25 One or two before meals for indigestion, either stomachic or with sluggishness of hepatic functions and constipation. intestinal, FRASER'S TABLETS. WFen ordering' or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. . __ „ ,. . _ . ( Rhubarb Powd 2 gr. ) ; 1 2s One every three hours, for skin diseases dependent upon disordered digestion, and as an alkaline corrective for summer dyspepsia. ( Rhubarb Powd 2 gr. 'i RHUBARB, SALICYLIC CO.... J Ir' ' (Dr. D. M. Stimson.) ] §r! 1 (Oil Peppermint.. 1-7 min.J Give one tablet after meals, for fermentative indigestion. 0 „„„ . ( Rhubarb Powd.I 1-2 gr' SODA ) Sodium Bicarb. .1 1-2 gr. Alkaline laxative. ( Oil Peppermint. .1-7 min. 1- 3 75 > I IO ) Chbcolate Coated I 20 One for an infant, two for a child, two to five at night for an adult, as a laxative ; may be repeated every three hours next day if necessary. ( Rhubarb Powd 3 gr.' RHUBARB & SODA No. 2 < Sodium Bicarb 3 gr. | 1 6S ( Oil Peppermint. .1-4 min. 1 One to two as a laxative, may be repeated every three hours next day if necessary. ( Rhubarb Powd. .2 1-2 gr.' 1 RHUBARB & SODA No. 3 < Sodium Bicarb. ..2 1-2 gr. J 1 5" ( Oil Peppermint. .1-4 min. ' One tablet after meals as a laxative and stomachic. r Rhubarb Powd. 1 1-2 gr.' ) RHUBARB & SODIUM SAL- | Sodium Bicarb. .1 1-2 gr. ICYLATE COMP < Ipecac Powd 1-5 gr. Antiseptic and laxative. 1 Sodium Salicylate.. 5 gr. > 2 So (Oil Peppermint. .1-7 min., 1 A tablet three times a day, to prevent septic conditions of the intes- tine. and as a laxative. SACCHARIN 1-2 gr 3 25 Substitute for sugar. One or two will sweeten a cup of coffee or tea. To be employed instead of sugar in diabetic and dyspeptic conditions. SACCHARIN 1 gr 5 60 Substitute for sugar. One will sweeten a cup of coffee or tea. Use as a substitute for sugar in diabetes, rheumatism and other conditions. SACCHARIN & SODIUM BI-( Saccharin 1-2 gr. , | 3 25 CARBONATE \ Sodium Bicarb q. s. 1 One as necessary to take the place of sugar in diabetic diet. One or two will sweeten a cup of coffee or tea. SALICIN 1 gr 1 8S Tonic. A tablet three times a day, as a tonic and sedative ; every hour to con trol fever in children. - SALICIN 2 1-2 gr 3 30 One every two or three hours as a febrifuge and antiperiodic ; causes no stomach or nervous irritation and may thus be used where quinine disagrees. SALICIN S grs 5 75 One, three times a day, to cut short severe intermittent fever. 99 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. 100 SALICYLATE COMP Sodium Salicyl..2 1-2 gr. 2 65 Antipyretic. Acetanilid 5 gr. One or two at the first dose, followed by one every three hours if necessary ; for rheumatism with pain and high temperature. f Sodium Chlor... 11 2-3 gr. SALINE INFUSION Sodium Sulphate 1 gr. Sodium Carb 2-3 gr. Sodium Phos 1-3 gr. ► 2 OO (Dr. Geo. Ryerson Fowler.) [Magnesia Phos..1 2-3 gr.. A combination of the soluble salts of the blood in the proportions in which they exist in the body. Use one tablet to a pint of water previously sterilized by boiling, to wash away chemical antiseptic agents from wounds after irrigation, or as a saline infusion in cases of excessive hemorrhage, shock, etc. ("Sodium Chlor .. .q 4-3 gr.i SALINE INFUSION No. 2 Sodium Sulphate. .2-5 gr. • 1 So (Dr. Geo. Ryerson h owler.) Sodium Phosph... 1-8 gr. Magnes. Phos ... 4-11 gr., Use two tablets to a pint of water, previously sterilized by boiling, to wash away chemical antiseptic agents from wounds after irrigation, or as a saline infusion in case of excessive hemorrhage, shock, etc. SALOL i -10 gr 7S Intestinal antiseptic. One every hour, as an intestinal antiseptic for diarrhoea and dysentery of children. SALOL i -2 gr 1 35 A tablet every hour or two, as an intestinal antiseptic for diarrhoea and dysentery of children. SALOL i gr 1 70 One every hour, for inflammation of the bladder and urethra, combined with oil sandalwood (2 drop) tablet : for catheter fever, fermentation of urine in the bladder, and gonorrhoea. SALOL 2 1-2 grs 3 00 One every two hours, as an intestinal antiseptic, and one every hour for acute rheumatism. SALOL 3 grs 3 65 A tablet three or four times a day, as an intestinal antiseptic. SALOL 5 grs S So One to four tablets every twc or three hours, as an antipyretic anc intestinal antiseptic. SALOL COMP. No. 2 'Salol i gr."l Bismuth Sub nit 1 gr. OpiumPowd 1-40 gr. Camphor Powd. ..1-20 gr.. 2 50 Give one every hour fo. four doses, then every two hours : for fermen- tative diarrhoea of children, with pain. 'Salol 2 gr.-] Balsam Copaiba 2 gr. Oleoresin Cubebs...i gr. SALOL & COPAIBA CO Pepsin Pure 1-2 gr. Ext. Kava Kava 1 gr. Oil Sandalwood..i-4 min. Oil Wintergreen.1-4 min.. Chocolate Coated only 4 So One tablet three or four times daily. Renders urine bland, antiseptic, and non-irritating, diminishes urethral discharge, and relieves pain oi urinating. When ordering or prescribing FRA SER ’5 TA BL E TS. I'Salol 1 gr.' Balsam Copaiba 1 gr. SALOL & COPAIBA COMP.. One-half Strength Oleoresin Cubebs.1-2 gr. Pepsin Pure 1-4 gr. Ext. Kava Kava. .1-2 gr. ► 2 50 Oil Sandalwood. 1-8 min. .Oil Wintergreen.1-8 min. Two tablets three or four times daily. Renders urine bland, antiseptic. and non-irritating, diminishes urethral discharge, and relieves pain of urinating. SALOL & PHENACETINE.... Salol 2 1-2 gr. 14 00 Analgesic and antiseptic. Phenacetine 2 1-2 gr. Per too 1 S° One every half hour for three doses, then every two hours, for fever and neuralgia. SALOL AND PHENACETINE Salol 1 1-4 gr. 7 00 No. 2 Phenacetine 1 1-4 gr. One every hour for four or five doses, then every two hours, for fever with pain and neuralgia. f Tartar Emetic.. . i-q6 gr.) SANGUINARIA COMP (Dr. O. A. Gordon.) Codeine 1-24 gr. Tr. Sanguinaria.. .2 min. - 2 OO 1 Oil Anise q. s. One every hour as an expectorant. SANGUINARIA & CODEINE.. Tr. Sanguinaria.. .1 min. Codeine 1-25 gr. 1 30 One every hour, as a sedative and expectorant in laryngitis, bronchitis and whooping cough ; stop as symptoms improve. SANTONIN i 10 gr I 00 Vermifuge. One to four tablets every two hours, followed by a cathartic ; as a ver- mifuge for children. SANTONIN i -2 gr 1 2 s One or two, according to age, every two hours or oftener, followed by a cathartic ; as a vermifuge. SANTONIN i gr 2 00 One every three hours for not more than six doses, followed by a ca- thartic ; as a vermifuge for children. SANTONIN & CALOMEL Santonin 1-2 gr. 1 65 V ermifuge. Calomel 1-2 gr. One to two, according to age, every two hours until cathartic action is produced ; as a vermifuge for children. SANTONIN & CALOMEL No. 2. Santonin 1 gr. Calomel 1 gr. 210 One every three hours until cathartic action is produced, or not more than four taken ; as a vermifuge for children. SANTONIN & PODOPHYLLIN j Santonin 1-2 gr. 1 S° (Dr. Sidney.) ( Podophyllin 1-20 gr. One every hour until the bowels move lessen the dose for the very young. for round worms in children Tr. Aconite 4-4 min.) SCIATICA J • (Dr. Jno. T. Metcalf.) Tr. Belladonna. .3-4 min. Tr. Colchicum 3-4 min. Tr. Cimicifuga.. .3-4 min.. I IO Two tablets, every three hours for rheumatism and sciatica. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 102 f Sodium Brom... .2 1-2 gr.'i ■suniTTVir Potass. Brom....2 1-2 gr. SEDATIVE / Ammon. Brom.. .21-2 gr. V (Dr. Brown.) j Tr. Hyoscyamus. ,.S mfn. f 2 50 (Tr. Cannabis Ind. .5 min.J One dissolved in water, repeated every half hour, for three or four doses at night; for wakefulness due to overwork, delirium and nervous neuralgia; also for irritable bladder and emissions. SEDATIVE No. 3 j SumbX'.a gr.l (Dr. Baer.) ( Asafcetida Powd. . . . 1 gr.) Chocolate Coated only 2 00 One tablet every three or four hours and one at bedtime, for relief of nervousness, hysteria, and as a general sedative. SEDATIVE No. 4 ( Can. Ind. FI. Ext. ..2 min. ) 175 (Dr. O. W. Sadler.) \ Gelsem. FI. Ext... 2 min. $ One or two tablets at a dose, repeated every hour for two doses, if nec- essary. In headache, trigeminal neuralgias and ovarian and dysmenor- rhoeal pains. ( Ext. Sumbul 1-2 gr."| SEDATIVE No. 5 IS vS”.”: HI £ (.Ext. Can. Ind. ...i-iogr. j Chocolate Coated only 2 25 One, and repeat every hour for three doses, then every three hours as needed. SEDATIVE, Genital ( Gelsemine Sulph.i-i;o gr. / 14 OO (Dr. VV. E. Derry.) j Hyosc. Hydrobr..i-ioo gr. ( Per 100 1 s° One at bedtime, for nocturnal emissions. If possible, anticipate emissions and give a tablet that night. SENEGA COMP ( Tr. Squill . ...i min.) (Dr. Cleveland.) •! Tr. Senega I min. ( I IO Expectorant. ( Tr. Ipecac i min. ) Dissolve six tablets in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, and give a child a teaspoonful every hour; two teaspoonfuls every hour for an adult. f Ammon. Carb 2 gr.) SENEGA COMP. No. 2 J Fxfllwscvamus 8 fr 1 (Dr. D. E. English.! Ipecac iS.. fr\ f (Oil Cinnamon.. .1-2 min.J One tablet every one to four hours, followed by a swallow of water. A stimulant expectorant and sedative, indicated in all acute catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract, as soon as the feverish and acute stage is past; also in chronic troubles of same nature, and especially in bron- chitis of the aged. 2 25 (Irisin 1-10 gr.) SICK HEADACHE 1 Sangu^arim:!!!'.I'-To |r! 1 ,Dr. Hale.) | j^ux Vomica P0..1-20 gr. | 1 50 (Euonymin 1-4 gr.J One, repeated every hour until effect is produced ; for sick headache. Used also as an hepatic corrective. IffiKSi-V-Ki f Arom.bpts.Amm. . 2 min. ; 95 Chocolate Coated 1 05 One as needed, for indigestion, flatulence, heartburn, sick headache, Sour stomach, and nausea. FRASER'S TABLETS. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. 103 SODA MINT & PEPSIN ( Soda Mint 1-2 gr. > 1 So ( Pepsin 1-2 gr. $ One to four after eating, repeated at intervals of half an hour, for gastric distress and dyspepsia. SODIUM ARSENATE i-ioogr 75 Alterative. One every three or four hours, increasing slowly until five are taken ; stop when oedema of the face and eyelids and disturbance of digestion occur ; for chronic diseases of the skin. SODIUM ARSENATE 1-60 gr 75 One three times a day, as a tonic and antimalarial; stop if gastric symptoms occur. SODIUM ARSENATE 1-50 gr 75 One after meals, for chronic eczema, psoriasis, and other skin diseases; increase slowly and stop on occurrence of gastric disorder and puffiness of the face. SODIUM ARSENATE 1-25 gr 75 Begin with one and increase as tolerance is established ; stop if the stomach should become deranged ; for chorea, epilepsy and malarial neuralgia. SODIUM ARSENATE i-i6gr 75 One after meals, for chronic rheumatism, skin diseases and malarial cachexia ; stop the treatment on the appearance of facial oedema and gastric distress. SODIUM ARSENATE i-iogr 75 A tablet two or three times a day, for chorea, epilepsy, and neuralgia, chronic diseases of the joints and skin, and malarial infection ; stop the treatment if symptoms of reaction occur. SODIUM BENZOATE 2 grs One to four tablets according to age, every three or four hours, for rheumatism, gout and uric acid diathesis. SODIUM BENZOATE 5 grs One to two tablets, three times a day, for rheumatism, gout and uric acid diathesis. SODIUM BICARBONATE 5 grs 1 25 1 75 75 Alkaline. One or two after eating to correct acidity of the stomach, and as an aid to digestion in dyspepsia. May be repeated in half an hour if necessary. SODIUM BICARBONATE 10 grs 75 A tablet every half hour, for two or three doses, to correct “acid dyspepsia. SODIUM BICARBONATE CO A fr! ] (Dr. C. G. Rancourt.) \ Rhubarb Powd ... j.2 gr, J 1 2S Four tablets at a dose after meals ; for a child, put one in half a glass of water and give during the day. Useful in gastric fever with a heavily coated tongue. SODIUM BROMIDE 5 grs 1 30 Sedative. One dissolved in water every fifteen minutes for three doses. Maybe repeated in two hours, for nervousness, restlessness and sleeplessness. SODIUM BROMIDE 10 grs One every hour for three doses to induce sleep; one, three or four times a day, for nervous irritability. 1 75 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 104 FRASER'S TABLETS. SODIUM PHOSPHATE $ gr j OO Three at night as a mild saline laxative ; one after each meal for duo- denal catarrh, and the uric acid diathesis. SODIUM SALICYLATE 1-2 gr 1 OO Antirheumatic, analgesic. A tablet every hour in acute rheumatism, as an antipyretic and analgesic. SODIUM SALICYLATE 1 gr 1 10 One every hour for rheumatism or sour stomach, or five every three hours for rheumatism. SODIUM SALICYLATE 1 gr i IO Flavored with Wintergreen. A tablet every hour, for the fever and pain of acute rheumatism ; diminish as symptoms improve. SODIUM SALICYLATE .2grs 1 2S Antirheumatic. One every hour or two in acute articular rheumatism and serous in- flammations of rheumatic origin ; decrease the dose if nausea and vomiting occur. SODIUM SALICYLATE 3 grs 1 40 One every two hours for three doses, for the headache and neuralgia of rheumatic patients. SODIUM SALICYLATE 5 grs ] : 75 One tablet every two to four hours, for gout and rheumatism. .* SODIUM SALICYLATE 5 grs 1 ; 75 Flavored with Wintergreen. One tablet every two to four hours for gout and rheumatism. SODIUM SULPHITE 5 grs 1 5° Intestinal antiseptic. One, three or four times a day, for intestinal stasis and fermentation. SODIUM SULPHOCARB 1 gr 1 IO One every hour for five or six doses, then every two hours, for an intest- inal antiseptic and to reduce temperature. SODIUM SULPHOCARB 2 1-2 grs 1 35 One or two every hour, to reduce the temperature, correct the bowels and promote intestinal antisepsis in typhoid fever and gastro-enteritis. < Corros. Sublim.. .1-100 gr. ( 1 Diphtheritic. 1 Tr. Aconite 1-2 min. \ One every two hours. SORE THROAT No. 2 S £r. Chlor. Iron... .5 min. \ j Corrosive Sub... 1 -64 gr. \ For tonsillitis, give one every three hours for children of six to twelve years. Two tablets every four hours for patients above twelve years old. hor diphtheria, crush and give one every two or three hours. SORE THROAT No. 3 ( Kali Bichrom.... 1-100 gr. ) (Dr. E. G. Rankin.) \ Belladonna 1-100 gr. J /5 One hourly for sore throat tending to ulceration and bronchitis. SPARTEINE SULPHATE 1-50 gr 75 A tablet every two or three hours, to regulate the heart and increase the flow of urine. SPARTEINE SULPHATE 1-20 gr 1 IO One every three hours, as a diuretic in renal congestion and to control irregular cardiac action. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. SPARTEINE SULPHATE i-io gr A tablet three to six times a day, as a diuretic in albuminuria and dropsy. SPARTEINE SULPHATE 1-4 gr One every three or four hours to favor the elimination of urine and serous exudation, and to correct feeble, irregular heart action. SPONGIA i-iogr Give one to four every two or three hours, in recent affections of the throat and trachea. STIBIUM, OPIUM AND CAM- ( Tartar Emetic.. 1-100 gr. ) PHOR < Opium Powd.... 1-20 gr. > (Dr. Fowler.) (Camphor i-io gr. ) Sedative and expectorant. One every half hour or every hour, upon the earliest intimations of a cold. ( Pepsin Pure 1-4 gr.'i STOMACHIC. ! Ext. Nux Vomica. 1-4 gr. • (Dr. North.) j Carbo Veg 1-4 gr. f (.Capsicum Powd...1-4 gr.J Chocolate Coated One after meals, repeated in half an hour, for catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, atonic dyspepsia, acid eructation and flatulence. ( Pepsin Pure 1-4 gr. 'I STOMACHIC No. 2 1 Ext. Nux Vom.. ..i-Sgr. 1 (Dr. North.) 1 Carbo. Vcg 1-2 gr. f (.Capsicum Powd....1-8gr.J One or more after meals, for indigestion and gastric atony. ___ ( Strontium Lact. .2 1-2 gr.) STRONTIUM COMP.. Sparteine Sulph. .1-24 gr. } (Dr. Winfield.) ( Sulphur Sublim.... 1-4 gr. ) 160 2 50 75 75 1 5° 1 60 1 5° 2 50 1 5° From six to fifteen tablets during the twenty-four hours, according to indications, for gout, lithaemia, renal insufficiency and cardiac weakness. STROPHANTHUS COMP i Tr. Digitalis 3 min. ) Heart tonic. ( Tr. Strophanthus. .2 min. ( One every two hours, decreasing to two or three a day, for rapid, feeble and irregular action of the heart. ( Tr. Digitalis 3 min. ) STROPHANTHUS COMP. N0.2 \ Tr. Strophanthus. .2 min. V 1 60 ( Nitroglycerin.. .1-100 gr. ; A tablet three times a day, for rapid and feeble cardiac action, with pallor of the face and cerebral anaemia, and neuralgia. STROPHANTHUS COMP. N0.3 j Tn Strophanthus.'.1 min! \ 1 75 (Dr. Pike.) ( Tr. Nux Vomica . .2 min. ) One midway between meals, as a cardiac and stomachic tonic, for cases of irregular and feeble heart action and a tendency to nervous congestion. STRYCHNINE ARSENATE... .1-100 gr 75 A tablet after meals, for general venous stasis of the abdominal organs, and as a nerve tonic. STRYCHNINE ARSENATE.... 1-50 gr 75 One after meals, as a general tonic ; one every three hours, with care, as a diuretic in passive renal congestion. STRYCHNINE ARSENATE.... 1-40 gr 75 A tablet three times a day, as a tonic and diuretic. STRYCHNINE MURIATE i-ioo gr 1 10 One every three hours, as a nerve and stomachic tonic. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 106 FRASER'S TABLETS. STRYCHNINE MURIATE 1-60 gr One every three hours, as a nerve and stomachic tonic. I IO STRYCHNINE MURIATE 1-30 gr One every three hours, as a nerve and stomachic tonic. I IO STRYCHNINE MURIATE 1-20 gr One, three times a day, as a general nerve tonic. ( Corrosive Sub.... i -20 gr. ) I IO STRYCHNINE MURIATE CO. 1 Ext. Belladonna, i-io gr. [ ( Strych. Mur 1-40 gr. ) One night and morning for the correction of atonic conditions of the ali- mentary canal and consequent reflex disorders. I IO STRYCHNINE NITRATE 1-100 gr A tablet three times a day, as a general tonic in neurasthenia and spinal anaemia. I 00 STRYCHNINE NITRATE 1-60 gr I 00 Chocolate Coated One after meals for amenorrhoea, with anaemia and a tendency to melan- cholia. I IO STRYCHNINE NITRATE 1-50 One after eating,for dyspepsia with anorexia,constipation and epigastric distress. I 00 STRYCHNINE NITRATE 1-40 gr I 00 Chocolate Coated One after eating, for dyspepsia with anorexia, constipation and epigastric distress. I IO STRYCHNINE NITRATE 1-30 gr I 00 Chocolate Coated One every four hours, for vesical atony and dyspepsia; decrease as symp- toms improve. I IO STRYCHNINE NITRATE 1-20 gr t 00 Chocolate Coated One tablet for the weakness and nervous depression following excessive use of alcohol or tobacco ; may be repeated in two hours. I IO STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... 1-1000 gr One every two hours, as a stomachic and general nerve tonic. 75 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... 1-500 gr One every two hours, as a stomachic and general nerve tonic. 75 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE... .1-200 gr One every three hours, as a stomachic and general nerve tonic. 75 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... woo gr 75 Chocolate Coated One, three times a day, as a stomachic and general nerve tonic. 85 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... 1-60 gr 75 Chocolate Coated One after each meal, for a nerve tonic and aid to digestion. 85 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE. . .. 1-50 gr? 75 Chocolate Coated One after each meal, as a nerve tonic and aid to digestion. 85 When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. 107 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... 1-40 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One after each meal, as a nerve tonic. STRYCHNINE SULPHATE... .1-30 gr 75 Chocolate Coated..... 85 One after each meal, as a nerve tonic. STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... 1-20 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 8$ One after each meal, as a nerve tonic. STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... 1-16 gr 75 Chocolate Coated 8.5 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE.... 1-10 gr I OO Chocolate Coated I IO STRYCHNINE VALER 1-100 gr I IO Chocolate Coated I 20 One, three times a day, for a general nerve tonic. STRYCHNINE VALER 1-60 gr I IO Chocolate Coated I 20 One, three times a day, for a general nerve tonic. STRYCHNINE VALER 1-50 gr I IO Chocolate Coated I 20 A tablet night and morning, increasing to three or four a day if well tolerated, for nervous diseases and prostration, and as atonic aphrodisiac. SULPHONAL 4 grs Per 100 I 70 A tablet every hour or two for three or four doses, for insomnia. SULPHONAL 5 grs 26 25 Per 100 2 ()5 One every hour or two, as a hypnotic. SULPHONAL S grs 40 00 Per 100 4 00 One or two, one hour before retiring, repeated every hour for two doses if necessary. SULPHONAL 15 grs 70 00 Per 100 7 00 One an hour before bedtime for insomnia; repeat at bedtime, then another in an hour if necessary. SULPHONAL & HYOSCINE... ( Sulphonal 4 gr. ) Sedative and hypnotic. ( Hvosc. Hydrobr.1-200 gr. $ 37 5U Per 100 3 75 One, three times a day, or every three hours at night, if necessary, as a sedative and hypnotic. SULPHUR 1-100 gr 75 One every two hours, as a laxative for an infant, and in the chronic stage of pertussis. SULPHUR 1-50 gr 75 A tablet three or four times a day, with local applications, for subacute and chronic skin diseases of children. SULPHUR 1-10 gr 75 One every three hours, for persistent bronchitis after whooping cough. SULPHUR 1-2 gr 75 One every three hours for chronic catarrh, rheumatism and skin diseases. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 108 FRASER'S TABLETS. SULPHUR i gr 75 One or two after meals, for acne, pityriasis, and other skin diseases, and as a laxative for children. SULPHUR COMP ! 1 Sulphur 1 Cream Tartar. . . ••••5 gr. j ....1 gr. j • 1 00 One or two at night, as a mild stimulating laxative. SULPHUR COMP. No. 2 j 1 Sulphur | Cream Tartar... 2 1-2 gr. j 2 1-2 gr. j j 1 00 One after meals and two at night, for haemorrhoids, and as a laxative in pregnancy. (Sulphur •••■5 gr-l Cream Tartar... . ...2 gr. SULPHUR COMP. No. 3 ■> 1 Ext. Ipecac Ext. Capsicum.. i-100 gr. 1 1-500 gr. 1 \ 1 50 | Acid Arsen.... 1 -1000 gr. L Calcium Sulph.. ..1-3 gr.J 1 Chocolate Coated . 1 60 Two to four a day, for chronic eczema, pityriasis, acne, and other obstinate cutaneous diseases. SULPHUR & IPECAC 1 j Sulphur .1-10 gr. j 1 (Dr. Gilbert.) i • Ipecac Powd.... .1-10 gr. j 1 One every three hours, in gastric derangements and as an aid to diges- tion. I (Iron Sulph. Dry. ....! gr."I 1 SUMBUL COMP J 1 Ext. Sumbul 1 gr. 1 L (Dr. Goodell.) 1 | Asafcetida . .. .2 gr. I [Acid Arsenous.. .1-40 gr. J Chocolate Coated only 7 OO One after each meal as a general nerve tonic, and tonic in antemia. (Tr. Opii .. .3 min.) 1 SUN CHOLERA TABLETS... | Tr. Rhei . . .3 min. Each tablet represents 13 minims ( Zinc Valerianate . 1 gr. ) Chocolate Coated only 4 00 One every three hours as a nerve sedative. Please specify Fraser's Tablets FRASER'S TABLETS. ( Potass. Iodide 1-10 gr. ) THROAT ... Salt 1-10 gr. ( Sugar 1-2 gr. ) I 10 Allow a tablet to dissolve in the throat every half hour, for hoarseness, dryness and tickling. ( Acid Benzoic 1-4 gr.") THROAT TABLETS .. . ) Tr. Belladonna... . 1 mTn. 1 5° (Dr. F. J. Quinlan.) j Paregoric 10 min. [ I Ext. Licorice q. s. J Dissolve one slowly on the tongue, , not oftener than every four hours, for dryness of the throat attended w ith pain. Used also for the relief of acute and subacute inflammation of the fauces. TINCT. CINCHONA COMP.. ... 10 minims I 75 One tablet for a child, three times a day, as a tonic and febrifuge. TINCT. CINCHONA COMP. ... 1 teaspoonful 2 25 One tablet three or four times a day, for tonic. TINCT. THUJA .. .5 minims I 5° One tablet every three hours, for cystitis. TONIC (Dr. Hammond.) ( Iron Pyrophos .... 1-2 gr. 1 " • < Quinine Sulph 1-2 gr. V ( Strych. Sulph... 1-120 gr. ) I 5° Chocolate Coated I 60 One or two tablets just after each meal, as a nerve or general tonic in anaemia. TONIC No. 3 ( Ferri Pyrophos 2 gr. ) (Dr. Hooples.) < Quinine Sulph 1-4 gr. V ( Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. ) I 75 Chocolate Coated I §5 A tablet three times a day after wasting disease, and as an haematic in anaemia and malarial poisoning. f Corrosive Sub... .1-30 gr. ) TONIC ALTERATIVE ... < Strych. Sulph... 1-100 gr. > (Ipecac Powd 1-20 gr.) 75 Chocolate Coated 85 One or two after meals, as a tonic and alterative. TONIC ALTERATIVE No. 2. (Dr. E. Jay Fisk.) ( Corrosive Sub... .1-30 gr. 1 • • - < Strych. Sulph 1-60 gr. > ( Iron Powd 1 gr. ) I 10 Chocolate Coated I 20 One or two after meals for anaemic and cachectic conditions, chronic bronchitis and malaria. TONIC CHALYBEATE ... .Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO (Dr. Flint.) 1-2 size I So From an analysis of the blood, containing an excess of iron and chloride of sodium. Two tablets, three times a day after eating. A tonic made from an analysis of the blood : useful in anaemia, Bright’s disease and nervous exhaustion. f Iron Chloride 1 gr. 1 TONIC CHLORIDES ... 1 Merc. Bichlor... .1-48 gr. V ( Arsenic Chlor... .1-64 gr. ) I 25 One after meals for anaemia, and as ; a general tonic in convalescence. f Acid Arsenous... 1-30 gr.) TONIC, GENERAL ... J Quinine Sulph.. .. 1-2 gr. ( (Dr. Frank E. West.) ") Strych. Sulph.. . .1-60 gr. f ( Salicin 1 1-2 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 3 OO One tablet after each meal as a nerve and general tonic. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. TONIC LAXATIVE j Ext! BeluJonna.' i 1-2 gr. ) -10 err. > 2 80 (Ur. Miller.) ( Quinine Sulph ..X gr.i One to three at night, for chronic atony of the bowels and constipation of malarial and anaemic subjects. TONIC SYPHILITIC j M^SuS^' (Dr. Feltwell.) j TaZr Em^cV.V. •i-5 gr. 1 [-24 gr. V i-24gr. ) 1 5° ( Capsicum : [-60 gr. ) TONIC TREATMENT } Opium Powd I-X5 gr- ( 1 25 ( Mercury Protiod. • x-4 gr- ) One or two at a dose, two to three times a day. ("Tr. Aconite i *5 min.4 TONSILLITIS J Tr- Bryonia i- 10 min. 1 I OO | Tr. Belladonna, i- 10 min. [ (Merc. Iod. Red...i■ ■100 gr. J Dissolve one on the tongue every twenty minutes for first hour, then every thirty minutes for tne second hour, after which, one every hour, avoiding all acids or fruit; for sore throat from cold, also in mild cases of diphtheria, and scarlatinal sore throat. f Opium Denarc. .. I-IO gr.4 TONSILLITIS, ACUTE 1 Tr.Verat.Viride .1 (Dr. Newman.) ] Sugar Milk.. . -4 min. 1-1° gr- > . . .q. s. 1 25 (Oil Anise 1- 20 min.J One every hour for adults or children. .. ( Corros. Sublim.... 1 -96 gr-) 1 So (Dr. Bierhoft.; / Oil Cinnamon.... :3.q.s.-j One dissolved in water every hour, for diphtheria or tonsillit ;is. TONSILLITIS No. 4 ( Merc. Protiod.... 1-50 gr.) I OO (Dr. Koyle.) ( Licorice Powd ... ... q. s. ( One every fifteen minutes for twelve hours, in,acute follicular tonsil- litis, also as a disinfectant in diphtheria. ("Tr. Verat. Vir... 1 -2 min.') TONSILLO PHARYNGITIS.... J Tartar Emetic.... 1 -5° gr- i-5° gr- i 35 (Dr. J. (J. Applegate.) | Morphine Sulph.. ( Merc. Iod. Red. . 1 -IOO ST.J Two tablets every hour until improved, then one or two every two hours ; in all inflammations of the tonsils, pharynx and larynx. ("Ext. Trifolium... Ext. Stillingia.. . . TRIFOLIUM ALTERATIVE... J Ext.P’kly Ash B’k .1-2 grA .1-2 gr. ••i-8 gr. ( 1 75 ) Kxt. Burdock .1-8 gr. f | Ext. Poke Root... .1-2 gr. (Ext. Blue Flag... • i-4grJ Two tablets, three times a day, as an alterative and anti-syphilitic. TRIONAL 5 grs 30 OO One every hour, for three doses in insomnia and delirium, and to replace morphine where it disagrees, or in the cure of the habit. __ ___ _ ( Sodium Brom.. .2 TRIPLE BROMIDES No. 1 Potass. Brom... 2 1-2 gr. ) 1-2 gr. > 1 35 Sedative. ( Ammon. Brom. .2 1-2 gr.) One to four tablets dissolved in water, every three hours until the patient is quiet. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 112 FRASER'S TABLETS. ( Sodium Bromide.... 5 gr. ) TRIPLE BROMIDES No. 2 \ Potass. Bromide... .5 gr. [ 2 25 ( Ammon. Bromide.. .5 gr.) One or two dissolved in water, three times a day, as a nerve sedative. ™TP4LTpfLPHOCARB°-’ -' \ £3? iulphocarbii !-1 fr! 1 2 OO LA I ES ( Cal. Sulphocarb.i 1-2 gr. 1 One tablet after meals, for catarrh of the bowels, and as an intestinal antiseptic. ( Aloes 2 gr. ) TRIPLEX } Pil. Hydrarg 1 gr. V ( Podophyllin 1-4 gr. ) 1 75 Chocolate Coated 1 85 One for a laxative, two for a cathartic, three for a purge; best taken just before retiring, for biliousness and constipation. TULLY’S COMP. No. 2 \ bully’s Powder.2 1-2 gr. J ( Podophyllin i-io gr.) A tablet every two or three hours, for fever, pain and cough, and to induce sleep. TULLY’S POWDER i-tgr 75 A tablet every two hours for painful diarrhoea of children. TULLY’S POWDER 1-2 gr 75 One, repeated in an hour, for painful cough of children. TULLY’S POWDER 1 gr 90 One every hour for three or four doses, as a diaphoretic. TULLY’S POWDER 5grs 2 25 Plain or Chocolate Coated. One tablet repeated in an hour and a half, as a sedative and diaphoretic. TULLY’S POWDER 10 grs 3 25 Anodyne. Plain or Chocolate Coated. One at night, for insomnia due to pain, and for delirium and coma vigil. TULLY’S TABLETS 21-2 grs 1 50 Chocolate Coated 1 60 A tablet as often as every two hours, as a sedative and anodyne. TURPETH MINERAL 1 gr 75 Emetic. One every half hour for three doses, to produce vomiting; aided by warm water. TURPETH MINERAL 2 grs 1 15 A tablet, repeated in half an hour, to empty an overloaded stomach and for croup. I'Podoph. Resin.. i-q6o grA | Merc.Chlor.Mild.i-16 gr. I TYPHOID FEVER No. 1 \ Guaiacol Carb... 1-16 gr. 1 5° I Menthol 1-16 gr. 1 [Eucalyptol q. s. J One every fifteen minutes during the first forty-eight hours, while awake; if bowels move too freely decrease the dose. At the end of twenty-four hours begin with the Typhoid Fever Tablets No. 2. I'Podoph. Resin ..1-960 grA I Merc.Chlor.Mild. 1-16 gr. I TYPHOID FEVER No. 2 1 Guaiacol Carb ... .1-4 gr. 1 1 Menthol i-i6gr. | 3 25 Thymol 1-16 gr. I [Eucalyptol q. s. j One or more tablets every fifteen minutes while awake, either in con- nection with the Typhoid Fever Tablets No. i, or alone, until bowels move freely, then decrease the dose until the movements become reduced to one or two a day, and the temperature has touched the normal point. When ordering or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS Helonin i-S gr.-! UTERINE SEDATIVE J (Dr. R. G. H. Hayes.) Viburnin i-S gr. Caulophyllin 1-4 gr. Mitchella Rep... 1 1-2 gr. J Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 50 One to three tablets every three hours, for membranous or neuralgic dysmenorrhcea, and as a uterine tonic or antispasmodic. Ext. Viburnum Opul.1 gr.'l UTERINE SEDATIVE No Ext. Hydras. Can .3-4 gr. I Ext.Jam.Dogwood.1-2 gr. | Ext. Pulsatilla 1-4 gr.J Chocolate Coated only 2 50 One to three tablets every three hours, for membranous or neuralgic dysmenorrhcea, and as a uterine tonic or antispasmodic. UTERINE TONIC Ergotin 1-4 gr. Hydrastin 1-100 gr. 1 30 Chocolate Coated I 4O One to be given three or four times a day, in menorrhagia, metorrhagia and as a general uterine tonic. rHelonin 1-6 gr.J UTERINE TONIC No. 2 Caulophyllin 1-6 gr. Macrotin 1-6 gr. Hyoscy. A morph.i -250 gr.) Chocolate Coated only 4 25 1 Indicated in functional pelvic derangements, accompanied by pain an melancholia. URETHRITIS No. i For 2 oz. Q/g pint) bottle. Zinc Acetate 2 gr. j Corrosive Sub 1-5 gr. 1 S« 2 25 Dissolve a tablet in four tablespoonfuls of hot water and use as an injection as hot as can be borne, after each urination. URETHRITIS No. 2 Zinc Acetate 4 gr. 1 75 For 4 oz. (J4 pint) bottle. Corros. Sub 2-5 gr. Dissolve a tablet in eight tablespoonfuls of hot water and use as an injection as hot as can be borne, after each urination. (Alum 3 gr. Zinc Sulph 2 gr. VAGINAL ASTRINGENT Acid Tannic 2 gr. Acid Boracic 6 gr. - 2 OO Ext. Hydrastis 1 gr. Dissolve two tablets in a quart of water (Colorless) ai d use as an injection. Zinc Sulph 33-4 gr." VAGINAL WAFER Sodium Sulph.. .3 1-2 gr. Sodium Borate 4 gr. y 175 Acid Boric 3-4 gr.j Insert one every third night, followed by irrigation, for leucorrhcea. ("Quin. Valerianate..i gr.] VALERIANATE SEDATIVE.... Iron Valerianate....! gr. Zinc Valerianate.... 1 gr. Ext. Cannabis Ind.1-4 gr., Chocolate Coated only 4 25 One tablet every four hours, as a nerve sedative and tonic. VERATRIA SULPHATE -20 gr 130 A tablet every four hours, for pertussis, and neuralgia. VF.R ATRIA SULPHATE 2 25 One every three or four hours, for gout, rheumatism, neuralgia anc paralysis agitans. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 114 FRASER'S TABLETS. 'Antifebrin 1 gr. "| VERATRUM COMP • (Dr. F. R. Newman.) Tr.Verat.Viride.1-2 min. Wine Ipecac .... 1-2 min. Codeine 1-24 gr. 2 50 Sugar Milk q. s., One every hour until six are taken ; then one every two hours for fever. 'Ext. Viburn. Prun.. .1 gr.' Ext. Viburnum Op...1 gr. VIBURNUM SEDATIVE J Ext. Aletris Far.. 1-2 gr. Ext. Helon. Dioica.i -2 gr. Ext. Mitchel. Rep. 1-2 gr. .Caulophyllin 1-4 gr.. Plain or Chocolate Coated One to three tablets every three hours, or one tablet every hour, with a swallow of hot water or tea, as a uterine tonic and antispasmodic. 2 75 VIBURNUM SEDATIVE One-half strength. Ext. Viburn. Prun..i-2 gr.' Ext. Viburn. Op.. .1-2 gr. Ext. Aletris Far. .. 1-4 gr. Ext. Helon. Dioica.1-4 gr. Ext. Mitchel. Rep.. 1-4 gr. .Caulophyllin 1-8 gr. Chocolate Coated only 2 OO One to three tablets every two or three hours, as a uterine tonic and antispasmodic. 'FI. Ex.Viburn. Op.l minC VIBURNUM SEDATIVE No. 2. Camphor 1-2 gr. Opium Powd 1-4 gr. ► 1 60 Oil Anise 1-8 min., Plain or Chocolate Coated I 70 Begin one day before the period, with a tablet night and morning ; the next day take three, and the next four ; for scanty and painful menstrua tion and ovarian colic. VIBURNUM SEDATIVE No. 3. Black Haw 3 3-4 gr. - (Dr. Fisher.) Golden Seal 3 3-4 gr. Each tablet represents : Jam. Dogwood..! 3-4 gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 2 OO One after meals for the week before th catamenia, increase if neces sary during the flow ; for dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, and hyperaemia of the pelvic organs, and as an antispasmodic. Ext. Black Haw.. ..2gr.' VIBURNUM SEDATIVE No. 4. Ext. Hyoscyam . . .1-6 gr. (Dr. Frank Hollister.) Camphor Powd.. .1-4 gr. Morphine Sulph. . 1-6 gr. Plain or Chocolate Coated 4 50 One every four hours, commencing the day before the period is ex pected and continued until normal action is established-: used in cases of dysmenorrhoea. ('Ext. Viburn. Prun..i gr. Ext. Viburnum Op..i gr. VIBURNUM SEDATIVE Ext. Aletris Far.. 1-2 gr. Ext. Helon.Dioica.1-2 gr. > Modified. Ext. Mitchel. Rep. 1-2 gr. Caulophyllin 1-4 gr. Ext. Pulsatilla 1 gr., Chocolate Coated only 3 5° One or two tablets every two or three hours, as a uterine tonic and antispasmodic. When ordering' or prescribing FRASER'S TABLETS. WARBURG’S TINCTURE i teaspoonful Chocolate Coated only One to two tablets three or four times a day, for chtonic malarial fevers ; if bowels move too freely, decrease the dose, or alternate with the Warburg Tincture Tablet without aloes. WARBURG’S TINCTURE i teaspoonful Without Aloes. Chocolate Coated only One to four, three or four times a day, in chronic malarial poisoning; if bowels are constipated, give the Warburg Tincture Tablet with aloes until laxative action is obtained. ( Antipyrine 1-2 gr."] WHOOPING COUGH J Tr .Drosera i min. 1 ) Belladonna 1-500 gr. 1 [ Ipecac Powd 1-200 gr. J One tablet every hour, for whooping cough. rAcetanilid 1-2 WHOOPING COUGH No. 2 > Tr. Drosera 1 mm. J Belladonna 1-400 gr. [ipecac Powd... .1-200 gr., One tablet every hour, for whooping cough. WHOOPING COUGH No. 3.... (Tr. Drosera 2 min. (Dr. J. D. McGaughey.) ( FI. Ext. Bellad. 1-12 min. For children over one year, one tablet every two hours for whooping coug'h. (Terpin Hydrate 2 gr.' WINTER COUGH \ fn [ipecac Powd i-io gr.. One every two hours, for persistent cough. YELLOW TABLETS (Sugar Milk) ZINC ACETATE ...i gr . 4 OO 4 OO r 1 65 | 1 5° | 1 5° | 1 So So 75 One dissolved in one ounce of water, as an injection. ) ZINC COMP J zinc Acetate 2 gr. j 1 So Two dissolved in four ounces of water, for injection. ZINC PHOSPHIDE i-ioo gr 75 Nerve tonic. One after meals, increasing gradually, for chorea and other spasmodic diseases. ZINC PHOSPHIDE 1-50 gr 75 Three or four a day, increasing slowly, for chorea, epilepsy and neu ralgia. ZINC PHOSPHIDE 1-25 gr 75 A tablet every four hours, for hysteria and spasmodic affections of the muscles. ZINC PHOSPHIDE i-iogr 75 One three times a day, for chronic nervous disease of an ataxic nature, and for neuralgia. ZINC PHOSPHIDE 1-4 gr I IO One after meals, as a tonic to the cerebro-spinal centres, in neurasthenia. hysteria and epilepsy. ZINC PHOS. & NUX VOMICA ( Zinc Phos 1-10 gr. ) (Dr. Hammond.) \ Ext. Nux Vomica. 1-4 gr. ( 1 10 Nerve tonic. Chocolate Coated . .. . I 20 One every three or four hours, as a general tonic to the nervous system. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 116 FRASER'S LOZENGES. ZINC SULPHATE i gr Dissolve one in a tablespoonful of water; the resulting solution has a strength of about i to 250. For solution. 75 ZINC SULPHOCARBOLATE..I gr One every hour, as an antiseptic and antipyretic in diarrhoea and dysen- tery of infants ; dissolve it in a teaspoonful of hot water. I IO- ZINC SULPHOCARBOLATE.. .2 g-rs One every two hours in a little hot water, as an intestinal antiseptic in enteritis. I 50 ZINC SULPHOCARBOLATE ..21-2 grs A tablet every two or three hours, for gastro enteritis with fever, and for dysentery. I 50 ZINC SULPHOCARBOLATE . s grs One every three hours, as an antipyretic and intestinal disinfectant in typhoid fever and enteritis. 2 OO FRASER’S LOZENGES Ammonia Mur.. AMMONIATED LICORICE Ext. Licorice... 33-4 gr. 1 so Oil Anise i -20 min. One or two dissolved in the mouth every hour, or as occasion requires, for hard dry cough with hoarseness and scanty expectoration. ( Acid Carbolic.... .1-40 gr.] ANTISEPTIC MOUTH AND Menthol ■1-30 gr- . .a. s. ' SO THROAT LOZENGES Acacia ...q. s. Sugar q. s. One dissolved in mouth as required, for sore throat or mouth ; useful in correcting offensive breath, due to decayed teeth or disordered stomach. Acid Benzoic -•1-5 gr- Opium Powd ,i-S° gr. Catechu Powd.. -.1-4 gr- ASTRINGENT THROAT J Camphor Powd.. .1-20 gr. 1 So Ext. Yerba Sant i-i-4 gr- Sugar q. s. .Aromatics q. s. One allowed to dissolve on the tongue every half hour to hour, for sore and inflamed throat with cough, where a mild astringent is desired. Acid Benzoic .1-20 gr.] Opium Powd. . 1 -20 gr. Camphor Powd. .1-20 gr. BROWN MIXTURE Tartar Emetic... .1-40 gr. y 1 So Oil Anise q. s. Licorice q. s. Sugar q. s. One on the tongue every hour for bronchial cough. Stop w len op pres- sion of chest is relieved and secretion well established. f Acid Benzoic . 1 -20 gr. Opium Powd . 1 -20 gr. Camphor Powd. .1-20 gr. BROWN MIXTURE COMP....< Tartar Jimetic 1-40 gr. Ammon. Muriate...1 gr. 1 So Oil Anise... q. s. One on the tongue, for bronchial cough Licorice Sugar ....q. s. with scanty expectoration and hoarseness. Reduce dose as oppression of chest is relieved. When ordering or prescribing ERASER'S LOZENGES. 117 f Potass Chlorate.. . i -4 gr. ~) Ammon. Muriate.. 1-4 gr. COMPOUND AMMONIA J Cubebs Powd i-S gr. V- ' 5° 1 Sugar q.s. 1 (.Aromatics q. s. J One allowed to dissolve in the mouth every fifteen to thirty minutes as occasion requires, to relieve tickling and irritation of throat. COUGH ACUTE j | One every hour or two in the first stages of cough, with scanty and pain- ful expectoration. 4 00 ( Cocaine Mur 1-50 grA Acid Benzoic 1-10 gr. I ... _ . J Oleoresin Cubebs.1-10 gr. 1 CUBEBS COMP, with Cocaine..< Potass. Chlorate.. 1-2 gr. f 1 So Sugar q.s. [Ext. Licorice q. s. J One dissolved in the mouth every half hour for four doses, then every hour or two as needed, to relieve tickling of the throat and bronchial irritation and cough. f Ammonium Mur. .1-4 grA OleoresinCubebs.i-io gr. CUBEBS CO. with Codeine < Codeine 1-25 gr. CO 1 Ext. Licorice q. s. j [Sugar q. s.J One on the tongue every fifteen or thirty minutes, as a sedative and expectorant, allaying tickling of the throat and relieving bronchial irrita- tion and hoarseness. ( Menthol 1-35 J | Cocaine Mur. 1-280 gr. . _ 1 Oil Anise 1-80 min. 1 MENTHOLIC THROAT -j Acid Benzoic 1-12 gr. f i So Eucalyptol 1-15 gr. [Sugar q. s.J To be used as a voice or throat tablet by allowing one to dissolve on the tongue and repeat in fifteen minutes to half an hour if necessary. (Ext. Saw Palmetto..1 grA _ . _ J Ext. Yerba Santa. .. i gr. ( PALMETTO COMP a Oil Wintergreen q. s. j 2 25 [Sugar q. s.J Dissolve one in the mouth every three hours, for phthisical cough. ( Pepsin Sacch 1 grA PEPSIN CHARCOAL COMP... J ...... a 1-2 |r. 1 1 So [Ginger 1-2 gr.J One, half an hour before meals to stimulate the appetite; one or two after meals repeated at intervals of an hour, to correct acid stomach and to relieve indigestion accompanied with flatulence and fermentation. ( Menthol 1-20 gr. ) RED GUM COMP J Cocaine Mur 1-20 gr. £ 2 00 ( Red Gum q. s.) One every hour for two doses, then every two to three hours, to allay painful symptoms accompanying sore throat with cough. RED GUM LOZENGES 1 SO One allowed to dissolve in the mouth as occasion requires. ( Morph. Hvdroch.1-50 gr. ) THROAT SEDATIVE.., < Cocaine Hvdroch.1-50 gr. [ 1 S° ( Tr. Aconite i mm. ) One every hour during the day for an adult, for quinsy sore throat, and to relieve inflammation in throat troubles. Please specify Fraser's Tablets 118 TABLETS FROM TINCTURES. K R A S 10 R ’ S Tablets from Official Tinctures. Per Thousand. ACONITE $ 1-4 minim, 1-2 minim, ) I minim... $ 75 ACONITE I OO BELLADONNA minim 75 BELLADONNA BRYONIA 1-2 minim, 1 minim 75 BRYONIA 2 minims... I OO CANTHARIDES minim 75 CANTHARIDES 2 minims... I OO CANNABIS INDICA 1 minim.... 75 CANNABIS INDICA. CATECHU 75 CATECHU I OO CALABAR BEAN 1 minim.... 75 CALABAR BEAN CIMICIFUGA minim.... 75 CIMICIFUGA I OO CINCHONA 75 CINCHONA 2 minims... I OO COLCHICUM 75 COLCHICUM I OO CONIUM 75 CONIUM I OO CUBEBS minim 75 CUBEBS I OO DIGITALIS minim 75 DIGITALIS I OO DIGITALIS I OO GELSEMIUM 75 GELSEMIUM I OO GUAIAC 75 GUAIAC I OO HYDRASTIS 75 HYDRASTIS 2 minims.... I OO HYOSCYAMUS 75 HYOSCYAMUS I OO HAMAMELIS 75 HAMAMELIS I OO IGNATIA minim 75 IGNATIA 2 minims.... I OO IPECAC minim 75 When ordering or prescribing TABLETS FROM TINCTURES. IPECAC 2 minim's. . 1 oo KRAMERIA i minim . . . 75 KRAMERIA NUX VOMICA 1-2 minim, i minim.... 75 NUX VOMICA 2 minims.. I CK> NUX VOMICA 5 minims.. I IQ OPIUM DEOD i minim. .. 1 35 OPIUM DEOD SANGUINARIA i minim ... 75 SANGUINARIA 2 minims. . I OO SQUILL i minim . . . 75 SQUILL 2 minims. . I OO STRAMONIUM i minim . . . 75 STRAMONIUM 2 minims. . I OO STROPHANTHUS i minim . .. I oo STROPHANTHUS 2 minims. . 1 25 STROPHANTHUS 5 minims. . I. 75 VERATRUM VIRIDE i minim . . . 75 VERATRUM VIRIDE 2 minims. . I OO VERATRUM VIR. (Norwood’s). i minim . . . 1 50 VERATRUM VIR. (Norwood’s). 2 minims. . 3 °o Tablets from Mother Tinctures. ACONITE j 1-4 min., 1- ( 1 min 2 mIn.,3-4 min. | 7 s ACONITE ACTiEA RACEMOSA I IO 75- 1 00 ACT7EA RACEMOSA ACT/EA RACEMOSA 1 10 AILANTHUS 130 ALOES 75 APIS 1-2 minim. , i minim 75 APOCYNUM 75 APOCYNUM 1 10- ARNICA 1 00 ASCLEPIAS TUB 1 minim . . 75 ASCLEPIAS TUB I 10 BAPTISIA , i minim 75 BAPTISIA I IO BELLADONNA , 1 minim 75 BELLADONNA I IO BRYONIA , 1 minim 75 BRYONIA I IO CACTUS I IO Please specify Fraser’s Tablets TABLETS FROM TINCTURES. -CALABAR CALABAR CALABAR CALENDULA 75 I oo I IO 75 75 75 75 I oo 75 I oo 75 I oo CANNARTS INDICA. CANNABIS SATIVA CANTH ARIDES CANTHARIDES CAPSICUM CAPSICUM CAUSTICUM 1-2 minim, 2 minims... i minim i minim CAUSTICUM CAUSTICUM 2 minims. . I 10 CHAMOMILLA 75 CHAMOMILLA I IO CHELIDONIUM 75 CHIMAPHILLA. I OO CHINA 75 CHINA. I OO CIMICIFUGA 1-2 minim, i minim 75 CIMICIFUGA. I IO CISTUS CAN 75 CLEMATIS 75 COCCULUS 1-2 minim, i minim 75 COCCULUS 2 minims... I IO COFFEA. 75 COFFEA 2 minims... I IO COLCHICUM 1-2 minim, : i minim 75 COLCHICUM 2 minims... I IO COLLIN SONIA 1-2 minim, : i minim 75 COLLIN SONIA 2 minims... I IO COLOCYNTHIS i minim 75 COLOCYNTHIS 2 minims... I 10 CONIUM 75 CONIUM. CORYDALIS CUBEBS 1-2 minim, i minim 75 CUBEBS 2 minims... I OO DIGITALIS i minim 75 DIGITALIS I IO DIOSCOREA 1-2 minim, : i minim 75 DIOSCOREA DROSERA [ minim 75 DROSERA I IO DULCAMARA. 75 EUPHORBIA 75 EUPHRASIA 75 When ordering or prescribing TABLETS FROM TINCTURES. EUONYMUS GELSEMIUM i minim 75 GELSEMIUM ... 2 minims. . 1 1S GUAIAC 75 HAMAMELIS 75 HAMAMELIS I oo* HYDRASTIS 75 HYDRASTIS I OO* HYOSCYAMUS HYOSCYAMUS ... 2 minims.. I lO- IGNATIA 1-2 minim, i minim 75 IGNATIA IPECAC i min:m 75 IPECAC I OO' IRIS 75 KALMIA 75- LEPTANDRA i minim .. . 75 LOBELIA 75- NUX VOMICA i-2 minim, i minim 75- NUX VOMICA ... 2 minims. . I OO- OPIUM I oo OPIUM i 30" OPIUM I 8s. PHOSPHORUS ... i minim. . . 75 PHOSPHORUS ... 2 minims. . I OO' PHYTOLACCA 75 PODOPHYLLUM i minim. . . 75: PODOPHYLLUM ... 2 minims.. 1 IS PULSATILLA i minim 75' PULSATILLA i i5- RHUS TOX 75- RHUS TOX i i5 RUMEX 75- SAMBUCUS 7.5- SENECIO 75- SPIGELIA SPONGIA i minim 75- SPONGIA i is; STICTA THUJA 75 THUJA 1 I5 URTICA URENS i minim . . . , 1 15 VERATRUM ALB i minim 75. VERATRUM ALB .. 2 minims... i i5 VERATRUM VIR .. 1-2 minim, : [ minim 75- VERATRUM VIR .. 2 minims... 1 15: VIBURNUM OPULUS VIBURNUM PRUNIFOL 75. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 122 FRASER'S TINCTURES. T I NCTURES. Per Pint. TINCT. ACONITE 75 “ ACONITE (Fleming’s) 9° “ ARNICA U BELLADONNA 75 “ BENZOIN COMP So “ BRYONIA 70 “ CALENDULA I oo “ CALUMBA 6o CANNABIS INDICA i 5° “ CANTH ARIDES 75 ■“ CAPSICUM 5° “ CARDAMOM COMP 7° “ CIMICIFUGA 70 CINCHONA COMP 75 CUBEBS “ DIGITALIS 75 “ GELSEMIUM 65 “ GENTIAN COMP GINGER 65 GREEN SOAP 65 “ GREEN SOAP COMP 85 «• HYDRASTIS 75 “ HYOSCYAMUS 5° IGNATIA 85 IODINE I OO “ IODINE DECOLORIZED “ IODINE COMP 1 25 “ IODINE (Churchill’s) IPECAC AND OPIUM 1 So IRON CHLORIDE 75 MATRICARIA 75 “ NUX VOMICA 75 “ OPIUM, io per cent, of Opium 1 50 “ OPIUM CAMPHORATED (Paregoric.) 5° “ PHOSPHORUS I OO “ PULSATILLA 75 “ SANGUINARIA 60 “ STROPHANTHUS (Fraser) I OO SPTS. AMMON. AROMAT 75 “ CAMPHOR 75 “ ETHER COMP. (Hoffman’s Anodyne) I OO “ LAVENDER COMP 75 “ NITRE 75 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets HTPODERMIC TABLETS. ERASER'S Soluble Hypodermic Tablets. The medicines in these tablets are combined with an unobjection- able base. They do not cause abscesses, and may be given internally as well as administered hypodermically. These tablets are easily soluble in ten minims of warm water*; are hard enough to retain their form, and will not pulverize or crumble in the bottle. They also possess the advantage of accuracy of dose and perfect preservation of the drug. Per Hundred- ACONITINE NITRATE •i-S0gr... 75 ACONITINE NITRATE .1-100 gV.. 60 ACONITINE NITRATE .1-150 gr. . 5° ACONITINE NITRATE . . 40 75 53 30 APOMORPHINE MUR APOMORPHINE MUR. ARSENITE OF POTASS ■ 1-5° gr-, !■ •3° gr-, 1 [-20 gr.. ATROPINE SULPHATE .i-50gr... 35 ATROPINE SULPHATE 1-200 gr. 1 -ISO gr- 1-100 gr. 3» CAFFEINE CITRATE 6 0 CAFFEINE & SODIUM BENZ . .1-2 gr.... CAFFEINE & SODIUM BENZ.. ■igr 60 COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE. . 1-20 gr. . . 35 COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE. COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE. .1-10 gr... 55 65 95 .i-S gr.... COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE. rnnKTNF. PHOSPHATE .... CODEINE SULPHATE •1-4 gr.... 75 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE .1-5° gr., i- ■3° gr-, i [-20 gr.. 3» DIGITALIA .1-100 gr. . 40 DIGITALIA i -S°gr 60 DTCTTALIA i 1 OO* DIGITALIA & STRYCHNINE. ( Digitalia ( Strych. Sulph ... 1-100 gr.) .1-60 gr. J 6o* *It is unnecessary to use warm water for the Morphine, Atropine- or Hyoscyamia Tablets ; but better to use hot water for the others. 124 HTPODERMIC TABLETS. DIGITALIA & STRYCHNINE ( Digitalia i-ioo gr.) COMP •! Strych. Nitrate. ,.i-6ogr. V 65 ( Nitroglycerin... , i-ioo gr.) f Digitalia I-IOO gr."j DIGITALIA & STRYCHNINE 1 Strych. Nitrate . . j Nitroglycerin.., (Atropine Sulph. .1-50 gr. i 75 COMP. No. 2 .i-ioo gr. C i-i50gr.J ERGOTIN —1-10 gr 30 HUBBARD’S BROMIDES No. , ( Morphine Brom • •■I"4 gr-( 1 25 1 Hyosc.Hydrobr. .1-100 gr. j HUBBARD’S BROMIDES No. , j Hyosc. Hydrobr. .1-100 gr.. ( Morphine Brom. ,..1-8 gr. \ ( Hyosc.Hydrobr. 1-200 gr. ) HYOSCINE COMP . ’ Atropine Sulph.. 1-200 gr. [ 95 (Dr. Cutter.) ( Morphine Sulph, •1-4 gr-) HYOSCINE HYDROBROM . . . .. .1-200 gr 75 HYOSCINE HYDROBROM ... .. .i-ioo gr 95 HYOSCYAMIA SULPHATE. . .. .1-200 gr 5° (White Cryst.) HYOSCYAMIA SULPHATE. . ... i-ioo gr (White Cryst.) HYOSCYAMIA SULPHATE... • ••i-S°g'r 1 50 (White Cryst.) HYOSCYAMIA SULPHATE... • • ■I-2S gr 3 0° (White Cryst.) MORPHINE SULPHATE 75 MORPHINE SULPHATE 1 "3 gr 55 MORPHINE SULPHATE •••1-4gj‘ 45 MORPHINE SULPHATE .. .i-io gr., i-S gr., i- 6 gr.... 35 MORPHINE & ATROPINE.. . ( Morphine Sulph ..1-2 gr.) 75 ( Atropine Sulph . i-i20 gr.) MORPHINE & ATROPINE... . ( Morphine Sulph gr- ( 55 ( Atropine Sulph . 1-150 gr. ) MORPHINE & ATROPINE... . ( Morphine Sulph ■ -t-4 gr. 1 45 ( Atropine Sulph . i -120 gr. \ MORPHINE & ATROPINE... . ( Morphine Sulph • 1-4 gr- ) 45 ( Atropine Sulph . 1-15° gr- \ MORPHINE & ATROPINE... . ( Morphine Sulph • .1-4 gr- 1 45 ( Atropine Sulph . 1-180 gr. ) MORPHINE & ATROPINE... . ( Morphine Sulph ■ -1-4 gr- j 45 ( Atropine Sulph. 1-200 gr. ( MORPHINE & ATROPINE.. ( Morphine Sulph ..1-6 gr. | 45 ( Atropine Sulph. 1-150 gr. S MORPHINE & ATROPINE . . ( Morphine Sulph ..1-6 gr. ) 45 1 Atropine Sulph. 1-180 g r. ( MORPHINE & ATROPINE.. ( Morphine Sulph ..1-8 gr. ( 40 ( Atropine Sulph . 1-200 gr. ) MORPHINE & ATROPINE ... ( Morphine Sulph , • 1-8 gr. } 40 ) Atropine Sulph .: i-iSP gr- S When ordering or prescribing HYPODERMIC TABLETS. 125 MORPHINE PHTHALATE* MORPHINE PHTHALATE. •i-4 gr I OO MORPHINE PHTHALATE ATROPINE & ( Morph. Phthalate.1-4 gr. j | Atropine Sulph .1-150 gr. ) I 10 MORPHINE PHTHALATE ATROPINE & ( Morph. Phthalate.1-6 gr.) ) Atropine Sulph .1-180 gr. j I 00 MORPHINE PHTHALATE ATROPINE & ( Morph. Phthalate.i-S gr. ) ( Atropine Sulph .1-200 gr. ( 90 MORPHINE & HYOSCYAMIA ( Morphine Sulph.. 1-4 gr.) ( Hyoscy. Sulph...1-100 gr. j I 10 NUCLEIN SOLUTION .. .. (Dr. Aulde.) NITROGLYCERIN . .1-200 gr. 1-100 gr. 1-50 gr. 30 NITROGLYCERIN & STRYCH- NINE ( Nitroglycerin...1-100 gr. ) ( Strych. "Nitrate. .1-50 gr. ) 40 NITROGLYCERIN & STRYCH- NINE COMP ( Nitroglycerin. .. 1-100 gr. ) < Strych. Nitrate.. .1-60 gr. > ( Atropine Sulph. 1-100 gr. ) s° PILOCARPINE MUR • • i-io gr 75 PILOCARPINE MUR . .1 -20 gr 5° POTASS. PERMANG • i gf 3° QUININE BISULPHATE... . •I’2 gr 30 QUININE BI-MUR. & UREA.. (For Hypodermic use.) . .2 1-2 grs 75 SPARTEINE 35 5° SPARTEINE 1-4 gr STRYCHNINE NITRATE... ( 1-200 gr. 1-100 gr. 1-60 gr. ) \ i-5° gf- i-4° gr- i-3°gr- ( ( 1-25 gr. 1-20 gr ) 30 STRYCHNINE SULPHATE. LOCAL ANESTHETIC, No. (Strong.) I ( 1-200 gr. 1-100 gr. 1-60 gr. ) '! 1-So gr. 1-40 gr. 1-30 gr. V ( I_2S gr. 1-20 gr ) ( CocaineHydrochl. 1-5 gr. ) < Morph. Hydrochl.1-40 gr. t ( Sodium Chloride.. 1-5 gr.) 30 1 25 LOCAL ANESTHETIC, No. (Normal.) 2 ( CocaineHydrochl.1-10 gr. ) < Morph. llydrochl.i-40gr. > / Sodium Chloride .. 1-5 gr. ) So LOCAL ANESTHETIC, No. (Weak.) 3 ( CocaineHydroch.i-ioogr. ) < Morph. Hydrochl. i-40gr. > ( Sodium Chloride .. i*5gr. ) 40 *Phthalate of Morphine is more soluble than the sulphate, and has been specially recommended for hypodermic use, causing less nausea and general Morphine disturbance. Please specify Fraser's Tablets 126 DIRECTION LABELS. SYRINGE FOR HYPODERMIC TABLETS. This syringe is made by The Fraser Tablet Triturate Mfg. Co., for convenience in dissolving and using their Hypodermic Tablets. It is provided with a movable end or cap to protect the packing. For use the cap is removed and the tablet dropped into the syringe, together with ten minims of water and shaken for a few moments, until the tablet is dissolved. Alligator Case Aluminum “ Morocco “ Nickel “ ... Wood “ DIRECTION LABELS. For Dispensing Bottles or Boxes, printed like illustration and gummed. Price per 1000 50 Please specify Fraser’s Tablets M ISC EL LA NE O US. 127 MISCELLANEOUS The attention of physicians is respectfully directed to the list of standard preparations from our own laboratory, which we present with confidence as containing in each case a first-class specimen ol the drug it represents faithfully and skillfull}' compounded, and ot uniform strength. PILLS. BLAUD’S, Silver Coated • ■ 3gr .......per IOOO $2 50 *’ U ■ 3Sr per IOO 3S ** U •• 5gT per IOOO 3 00 4’ ” “ •• 5gr per IOO 45 EXT. CANNABIS INDICA . •• J-4 g* per IOOO 5 00 “ U * ... . • !-4gr • per IOO 75 Perfectly soluble in the stomach. These pills are made from the Extract of Cannabis, which has given us such a reputation for quality and uniformity of the drug that we ship preparations of it all over the world. Every sample of the Extract is tested clinically before we make a preparation of it. SPECIAL PREPARATIONS. FRASER’S CHAMOMILLA COMP. (8oz.) Per Doz. $1050 (The retail price of this preparation is $1.25 per bottle, containing 64 adult doses.) Chamomilla Comp, is a diffusible nerve tonic, from the formula of Dr. Thos. A. McBride, and is a combination of the mother tinctures of Cinchona, Chamomilla, Ignatia and Phosphorus with Aromatics. Samples of Chamomilla Comp, and literature referring to its use will be forwarded upon application. FRASER’S GRANULES. Per Doz. Per Gross. PEPSIN AND SODA MINT GRANULES, $i og $12 50 RHUBARB AND SODA MINT GRANULES, 1 °S 12 so SODA MINT GRANULES, 90 10 50 CAMPHOR GLOBULES, J °S 12 50 These preparations are put up in screw-cap bottles of patented design, and are packed in dozens for counter display with a neat advertising card with each dozen. They are superior to any similar preparations ever offered. Please specify Fraser’s Tablets 128 MI SC ELLA NE O US. POWDER PAPERS. POWDER PAPERS, No. z, Per 1000 30 “ “ No. 2, 2%X3% “ “ 45 “ “ No, 3' 3%> I<)2 “ FRA SER '.S' CASES. 133 Frasers Cases. We add to our Catalogue, for the first time, a price list of Medicine Cases. Our experience m having goods of this kind made by various houses has taught us the need of a manufacturer of first-class medicine containers for both physicians and druggists, and we mean to make quality as much of a specialty in this line as we always have in medicine. We intend to pay particular attention to special cases for physicians, who either have new ideas of their own, or who wish the cases on the list modified. We also make sample cases, gun cases, rod cases, reel cases, fishing tackle cases, cartridge cases, mathe- matical instrument cases, surgical instrument cases, and all kinds of strap work. Our friends will find us prompt and reliable in our work. The Fraser Tablet Triturate Manufacturing Co Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 134 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BOTTLE CASES. FOR LIQUIDS. A neat and compact leather case for holding bottles used in traveling. Made of handsome smooth-grain leather. No. 1 12-ounce size, with flint-glass hottle . $ 50 No. 2 1-ounce “ “ “ “ 60 CO 6 6 2-ounce “ “ “ “ 70 No. 4 3-ounce “ “ a “ 80 No. 5 4-ounce “ “ it “ 90 No. 6 6-ounce “ “ it “ No. 7 8-ounce “ “ “ ........ 1 10 No. 8 12-ounce “ “ “ No. 9 16-ounce “ « 1 50 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BOTTLE CASES. FOR TABLETS, POWDERS, OR SALTS. A neat and compact leather case for holding bottles used in traveling. Made of handsome smooth-grain leather. No. 50 ig-ounce size, with screw-cap, wide-mouth bottle $ 50 No. 51 1-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 60 No. 52 2-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 70 No. 53 3-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 80 No. 54 4-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 90 No. 55 6-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 1 00 No. 56 8-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 1 10 No. 57 12-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 1 25 No. 58 * 16-ounce “ “ “ “ “ 1 50 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice 136 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 100. No. 100 Case Closed. No. 100 Case Open. Seamless Black Leather Hand Case, 9to inches long, 3to inches wide, and 2L4 inches tliick, with patent rounded corners, strong leather handle, and durable spring lock. Contains sixteen tr- ounce French square bottles, with cork-stop or screw-cap, as ordered. Each bottle will hold about 100 Tablet Triturates. Price empty $5 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER\S CASES. FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 101. Same general description as No. 100, !)io inches long, 7 inches wide, and 2H inches thick. Contains thirty-two bottles. Price $7 50 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 138 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 102. Seamless Hand or Buggy Case, 9-b inches long, 6% inches deep, and 2 inches thick. Made of durable, smooth, black leather, has all rounded edges, two round sliding handles, and good sub- stantial lock. Contains twenty-four 2i2-draclim, seven 6-drachm, and five 3-drachm, cork-stoppered vials, and compartment for hypodermic Syringe. Price ..$7 50 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 103. FRASER'S CASES. Dr. Hunter’s Case, No. 103, Closed. Seamless Hand or Buggy Case, 9T2 inches long, 6J2 inches deep, and inches thick. Made of durable, smooth, black leather, has all rounded edges, with handle and spring lock. Contains sixty cork-stoppered vials in six rows, each vial holding about fifty Tablet Triturates; also a space for instruments and sun dries. Dr. Hunter’s Case, No. 103, Open. Price $10 00 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 140 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 104» No. 104 Case Closed. Seamless Hand or Buggy Case, 9*4 incites long, 6 inches high, and 5 inches thick. Made of durable, smooth, black leather, has all rounded edges, with handle and spring lock. Contains twenty 3-drachm, twenty 1-ounce, and three 2-ounce cork-stoppered vials; also a box for sundries, size of which is inches long, 414 inches wide, and It* inches deep. No. 104 Case Open. Price $6 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 105. No. 105 Case Closed. Seamless Hand or Buggy Case, 9*2 inches long, 6*2 inches deep, and 5 inches thick. Made of durable, smooth, black leather, has all rounded edges, with handle and spring lock. Contains sixty-four i«-ounee square bottles, either cork-stoppered or screw- cap, as ordered, in two separate compartments of four rows of eight bottles each, holding 100 tablets. No. 105 Case Open. Price $12 50 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at lorty-eight hours’ notice. FRASER'S CASES. 142 FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 106. No. 106 Case Open. Seamless Hand or Buggy Case, llig inches long, 534 inches high, and 434 inches thick. Made of durable, smooth, black leather, has all rounded edges, re-enforced where necessary, with nickle-plated metallic protectors, with handle and spring lock. Contains nine 1-ounce, forty-five cork-stoppered vials, with loops for instruments and space for sundries. Price $9 00 Seamless Hand or Buggy Case (same size and general descrip- tion as No. 106). Contains thirty and sixty 2-drachm cork-stoppered vials. FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 107. Price $9 00 FRASER’S SEAMLESS CASE, No. 108. Seamless Hand or Buggy Case (same size and general descrip- tion as No. 106). Contains ten 1-ounce, twenty-eight 6-drachm, and four 2-ounce cork-stoppered vials; also box for sundries, 5 inches long, 4*2 inches wide, and 1J4 inches deep. Price $7 50 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BUGGY CASE, No. 150. No. 150 Case Closed. No. 150 Case Open. Black seal-gTain leather, on a strong and durable frame, 9’4 inches long, 4 inches high, and 3 inches wide. Contains fifty- seven 2-drachm cork-stoppered vials in four rows, each of which will hold about fifty Tablet Triturates; also a syringe case con- taining a hypodermic syringe, two needles, and four vials, filled with hypodermic tablets. Price with syringe complete, and empty bottles $7 50 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 144 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 200. Emergency Case, suitable tor traveling or family use, inches long, 234 inches high, and 1% inches thick, with button clasp. Made of handsome morocco-grained leather. Contains six i-2-ounce Eraser’s French square screw-cap bottles, arranged in a safely packed but very compact manner. The front of the case drops forward, exposing all the labels. Lined throughout with leather. Price $1 80 No. 201.—Style same as No. 200, 9 inches long, 2It inches high, and 13s inches thick. Contains eight 13-ounce bottles. Price $2 00 No. 202.—Style same as No. 200, 11 inches long, 234 inches high, and 13s inches thick. Contains ten 12-ounce bottles. Price $2 15 No. 203.—Style same as No. 200, 13 inches long, 234 inches high, and 1% inches thick. Contains twelve 12-ounce bottles. Price $2 35 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 204. Double Case. No. 204 Case Closed. Double Case. No. 204 Case Open. Emergency Case, suitable for traveling or family use, 6hj inches long, 234 inches high, and 212 inches thick, with button clasp. Made of handsome morocco-grained leather. Contains twelve 12-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows, arranged in a safely packed but very compact manner. The front of the case drops forward, exposing all the labels. Lined throughout with leather. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 204. Price..... $2 35 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 146 FRASER'S CASES. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 9 inches long, 2% inches high, and 2*2 inches thick. Contains sixteen Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 205. Price $2 60 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 206. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 11 inches long, 284 inches high, and inches thick. Contains twenty Uj-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows. Price $2 85 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 13 inches long, 234 inches high, and 21o inches thick. Contains twenty-four ig-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 207. Price $3 00 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 208. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 7*4 inches long, 3*2 inches high, and 2 inches thick. Contains five 1-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $1 80 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 209. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 8*2 inches long, Su, inches high, and 2 inches thick. Contains six 1-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price .... $2 00 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 11 inches long, 3*2 inches high, and 2 inches thick. Contains eight 1-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 210. Price $2 25 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 211. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 7I4 inches long, 3'2 inches high, and 3*4 inches thick. Contains ten 1-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows. Price $2 60 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 212. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), inches long, '31q inches high, and 3’4 inches thick. Contains twelve 1-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows. Price $3 00 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 11 inches long, 3*2 inches high, and 3*4 inches thick. Contains sixteen 1-ounce Eraser’s French square screw-cap bottles iu two rows. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 213. Price $3 40 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No, 214. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 7 inches long, 4 inches high, and 214 inches thick. Contains four 2-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $2 00 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 8*2 inches long, 4 inches high, and 214 inches thick. Contains live 2-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 215. Price $2 25 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 10 inches long, 4 inches high, and 2*4 inches thick. Contains six 2-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 216. Price.... $2 50 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 217. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 7 inches long, 4 inches high, and 334 inches thick. Contains eight 2-ounce Fraser’s French.square screw-cap bottles in two rows. Price $2 95 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 218. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 8*2 inches long, 4 inches high, and 334 inches thick. Contains ten 2-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows. Price $3 25 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 219. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 204), 10 inches long, 4 inches high, and 334 inches thick. Contains twelve 2-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles in two rows. Price ....$3 60 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 4*4 inches long, 434 inches high, and 2-k> inches thick. Contains two 3-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 220. Price $1 75 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 221. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), (Uq inches long, 4% inches high, and 2\ inches thick. Contains three 3-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $2 25 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 222. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 8 inches long, 4% inches high, and 21.2 inches thick. Contains four 3-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $2 65 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 148 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 223. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), inches long, 514 inches high, and 2% inches thick. Contains two 4-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $2 00 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 224, Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 6ti inches long. 5 >4 inches high, and 25g inches thick. Contains three 4-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $2 30 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 8*2 inches long, 5 4 inches high, and 2-% inches thick. Contains four 4-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 225. Price $2 75 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 5 inches long, 6 inches high, and 234 inches thick. Contains two 6-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 226, Price $2 30 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 227. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 7 inches long, 6 inches high, and 234 inches thick. Contains three 6-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $2 70 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 9 inches long, 6 inches high, and 234 inches thick. Contains four 6-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 228. Price $3 00 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 5J2 inches long, 6 inches high, and 3 inches thick. Contains two 8-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 229. Price... $2 50 Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 734 inches long, 6 inches high, and 3 inches thick. Contains three 8-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 230. Price $3 00 FRASER’S STIMSON CASE, No. 231. Emergency Case (same general description as No. 200), 10 inches long, 6 inches high, and 3 inches thick. Contains four 8-ounce Fraser’s French square screw-cap bottles. Price $3 50 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. 149 FRASER’S POCKET VIAL CASE, No. 300. No. 300 Case Closed. No. 300 Case Open. Folding Hypodermic Case for vest pocket, 314 incites long, 134 incites wide, and tg inch thick. Soft, flexible, case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather, with spring-button catch. Contains six tube vials, each holding twenty-five Hypodermic Tablets. Price empty Price of vials used in case Interior Fittings can be rearranged at iorty-eight hours’ notice. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER'S POCKET VIAL CASE, No. 301. No. 301 Case Closed. No. 301 Case Open. Folding Vest Pocket Case, 3% incites long, incites wide, and »ie inches thick. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather. Contains six tube vials, each holding- eighteen Tablet Triturates. Price empty $1 25 Price of vials used in case Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S POCKET VIAL CASE, No. 302. No. 302 Case Closed. Folding Pocket Emergency Case, 4% inches long and inches wide, when closed. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather. Contains one row of twelve tube vials, each holding eighteen Tablet Triturates. No. 302 Case Open. Price empty “.. T. Filled with tablets, as per following list Aconite Tr., i min. Aloin and Belladonna Comp. Ammonium Muriate Comp. Belladonna Tincture, I min. Bronchitis. Calomel, i-io gr. Calomel, 2 grs. Digitalis, Tr., 2 mins. Dover’s Tablets, 2% grs. Morphine Sulphate, gr. Tartar Emetic, 1-50 gr. Turpeth Mineral, 2 grs Price of vials.. per doz.. 15c. Gross.. $1 50 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S POCKET VIAL CASE, No. 303. No. 303 Case Closed. No. 303 Case Open. Folding Pocket Vial Case, 6*2 inches long by inches wide, when closed. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather. Contains one row of ten tube vials, each hold- ing forty Tablet Triturates. Price empty Price of yials Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. 153 FRASER’S POCKET VIAL CASE, No. 304. No. 304 Case Closed. No. 304 Case Open. Folding Pocket Case, with clasp, 734 inches long by 3*2 inches wide, when closed. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather. Contains one row of twenty tube vials, each holding eighteen Tablet Triturates. Price empty Price of vials used in case Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S POCKET VIAL CASE, No. 305. No. 305 Case Closed. No. 305 Case Open. Folding Pocket Case, with clasp, 7% inches long by inches wide, when closed. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather. Contains two rows of twenty tube vials, each holding eighteen Tablet Triturates. Price empty $3 00 Price of vials used in case perdoz,.15e. Gross.. 150 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S POCKET VIAL CASE, No. 306. No. 306 Case Closed. No. 306 Case Open. Folding Pocket Case, with clasp, 734 inches long hy inches wide, when closed. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather, containing one row of twelve tube vials, each holding forty Tablet Triturates. Price empty Price of vials used in case Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours' notice. 156 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S POCKET CASE, No. 307. No. 307 Case Closed. No. 307 Case Open. Folding Pocket Case, with clasp, 7M inches long hy inches ■wide. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather, containing two rows of twelve tube vials, each vial hold- ing forty Tablet Triturates. Price empty Price of vials used in case Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S FOLDING POCKET CASE, No. 308. No. 308 Case Closed. No. 308 Case Open. Folding Pocket Case with clasp, inches long by 3*2 Inches wide. Soft, flexible case, made ol black or dark brown morocco leather, containing one row of twelve tube vials, each holding forty Tablet Triturates, and one row of twenty tube vials, each holding eighteen Tablet Triturates. Price empty $ 3 00 Price of vials used in case Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 158 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S VIAL CASE, No. 309. No. 309 Case Closed. No. 309 Case Open. Folding Pocket Case with clasp, 6*4 inches long by 3k! inches wide. Soft, flexible case, made of black or dark brown morocco leather, containing one row of twelve bottles, each holding eighteen Tablet Triturates, and four bottles, each holding twelve to fifteen Hypodermic Tablets. Price -with 'bottles only Price with Hypodermic Syringe 3 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S MOULDED VIAL CASE, No. 310. Folding Pocket Case, 10 inches long, 3J4 inches wide, and l1® inches thick, lined with velvet. Our No. 310 is an ideal pocket vial case. The leather is moulded into proper shape, making it perfectly smooth on the outside, and very handsome in appearance. It is the most durable pocket case ever placed on the market. Contains twenty-four 2-drachm screw-cap vials. Price empty Price of vials used in case FRASER’S MOULDED VIAL CASE, No. 311. Folding Pocket Case (same general description as No. 310), 8k» inches long, 3X4 inches wide, and inches thick. Contains twenty 2-drachm screw-cap vials. Price empty Price of vials used in case FRASER’S MOULDED VIAL CASE, No. 312. Folding Pocket Case (same general description as No. 310), 7 inches long, 3*4 inches wide, and 1*2 inches thick. Contains sixteen 2-drachm screw-cap vials. Price empty Price of vials used in case Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 160 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BUGGY CASE, No. 400. No. 400 Case Closed. No. 400 Case Opeu. Buggy Case, inches long, 41*} inches •wide, and inches high. Best oil-tanned black sole leather, manufactured expressly for us. Handle made of same material as ease, pressed smooth, so that it -will not wear out glove, and firmly riveted to the case. Bottles held in place by nickel-plated metallic springs, and so arranged that every label can be seen at a glance when case is in use. Contains twenty 5-drachm, and thirty 21.2-drachm screw- capped vials ; also a box for Hypodermic Syringe. Price with Fraser’s screw-cap'jars for tablets . . $5 00 Price of 212-draclim jars, used in case, per doz. .30c. Gross.. 3 00 Price of 5-draclim jars, used in case..per doz.. 35c. Gross.. 4 20 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BUGGY CASE, No. 401. Buggy Case, 11 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches high. Best oil-tanned black sole leather, manufactured expressly for us. Handle made of same material as case, pressed smooth, so that it will not wear out glove, and firmly riveted to the case. Bottles held in place by nickel-plated metallic springs, and so arranged that every label can be seen at a glance when case is in use. Contains seven 1 Vounce glass-stoppered bottles, twenty- four 6-drachm, and thirty-two 4-drachm screw-capped vials. Price with Fraser’s screw-cap jars for tablets $6 50 Interior Fitting's can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice 162 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BUGGY CASE, No. 402. No. 402 Case Open. Buggy Case, 11 inches long, 7 inches high, and 6 inches wide. Best oil-tanned black sole leather, manufactured expressly for us. Handle made of same material as case, pressed smooth, so that it will not wear out glove, and firmly riveted to the case. Bottles held in place by nickel-plated metallic springs, and so arranged that every label can be seen at a glance when case is in use. Contains seven Ha-ounce glass-stoppered bottles, twenty- four 6-drachm, thirty-two 4-draclim, and fifteen 21a-drachm screw- capped vials; also a box for sundries in top of the case, inches long, 4 inches wide, and 1 inch deep. Price with Fraser’s screw-cap jars for tablets $7 50 Price of 6-drachm jars, usedin case, .per doz. ,45c. Gross.. 5 00 Price of 4-drachm jars, used in case, .per doz. ,35c. Gross.. 3 75 Price of212-drachm jars,usedin case, .per doz. ,30c. Gross.. 3 00 Price of glass-stoppered bottles, .each. .10c. Per doz. 1 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BUGGY CASE No. 403. No. 403 Case Closed. No. 403 Case Open. Buggy Case, inches long, inches high, and 3*2 inches wide. Best oil-tanned black sole leather, manufactured expressly for us. Contains twenty-four 4-drachm and thirty 2i2-draehm Fraser’s specially made screw-cap jars, so arranged that every label can be seen at a glance when case is in use. Price complete Price of 4-draclim jars used in case, .per doz. ,40c. Gross.. 4 50 Price of 212-draehm jars used in case, .per doz. .35e. Gross.. 3 75 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 164 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S CASE, No. 404. Trunk or box-shaped case, 11 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6j2 inches high. Best oil-tanned black sole leather, manu- factured expressly for us. Has a nickel-plated lock with key. The inside is divided into three spaces. One space contains eight 1 bounce vials and twenty-four 3-drachm vials ; the other side contains twenty-four 1-ounce vials ; the intermediate space contains a lacquered tray for instruments or sundries. This tray is 10i2 inches long, 6 inches high, and 2 inches wide. Price complete $8 00 FRASERS CASES. FRASER’S CASE, No. 405. Buggy and Portable Case, inches long, inches high, and 41q inches wide. Sole leather interchangeable leaf case made of solid leather, and so arranged that the trays or leaves holding the bottles, etc., can be easily removed, and other leaves with different size bottles, or variety of medicine, can be put in their places. Extra leaves, with vials, supplied with this case. The following leaves, with bottles, go with each case: One leaf with ten i-ounce vials. One leaf with twelve 4-drachm vials. One leaf with eight 6-drachm vials. One leaf with fourteen 3-drachm vials. One leaf with eleven 6-drachm vials. One box for hypodermic syringe. Price, with six leaves complete. .$10 00 One leaf with box for instruments and sundries 166 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BUGGY CASE, No. 406. No. 406 Case Closed. No. 406 Case Open. Buggy Case, inches long, inches high, and 334 inches wide. Best oil-tanned hlack sole leather, manufactured expressly for us. Contains ten 6-drachm, eight 4-drachm, and thirty 212- drachm Fraser’s specially made screw-cap jars, so arranged that every label can he seen at a glance when case is in. use ; also a hox for hypodermic syringe and pocket for sundries. Price complete $5 50 Price of 6-draclim jars used in case, .per doz. ,35c. Gross.. 4 20 Price of 4-draclmi jars used in case, .per doz. ,30c. Gross.. 3 00 Priceof 213-draclim jars used in case, .per doz. ,30c. Gross.. 3 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. 167 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 407. No. 407 Case Clpsed. No. 407 Case Open. Medicine Case, 7 inches long, Ikj inches high, and l1s inches •wide. Made of best oil-tanned black sole leather, manufactured expressly for us. Contains six 1-ounce cork-stoppered vials heldr in place by metallic clamps. Price $2 00 Price of 1-ounce bottles used in case Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 168 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S BICYCLE CASE, No. 408. No. 408 Case Closed. No. 408 Case Open. Bicycle Case, 9 inches long, 5*2 inches high, and 2C inches vide. Best oil-tanned black sole leather, manufactured expressly for us, all hand-stitched. Contains twenty-four 3-drachm and sixteen 2-drachm cork-stoppered vials. Price of 408 Case Price of 3-drachm vials used in case, .per doz. .25c. Gross.. 2 00 Price of 2-drachm vials used in case, .per doz. .20c. Gross.. 1 75 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. 169 FRASER’S BUGGY CASE, No. 409. Buggy Case, 1Oh? inches long, 6 inches wide, and 4h? inches high. Solid russet sole leather, moulded into shape, and made in such a manner that the edges of the leather on the ends extend heyond the surface of the case, preventing any wearing of the stitches, and adding materially to the handsome appearance of the case. Contains ten 10-drachm, twelve 6-arachm, and twenty- eight 4-drachm cork-stoppered vials, and loops for instruments under bottles. Price $10 00 Buggy Case (same general description as No. 409.) Contains ten 10-drachm, twenty-four 6-draclnn, and twenty-eight 2-drachm cork-stoppered vials. FRASER’S BUGGY CASE, No. 410. Price $10 00 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S OBSTETRICAL BAG, No. 500. No. 500 Bag Closed. No. 500 Bag Open. FRASER’S OBSTETRICAL BAG, No. 500. Made of strong, black seal-grain leather, lined throughout with leather or chamois. Suitable for carrying obstetrical and other long instruments. Contains six 2-ounce glass-stoppered bottles arranged in loops on one side. 15-in oil bag, without bottles 16 “ “ “ “ 17 “ “ “ “ 18 “ “ “ “ 15 “ “ with bottles 4 00 16 “ “ “ “ 17 “ “ “ “ 18 “ “ “ “ Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. 171 FRASER’S COMBINATION BAG, No. 501. No. 501 Bag Closed. Satchel Buggy Case, made of black seal-grain leather, 15 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 5 inches deep, lined throughout with leather. Contains eleven 1-ounce, nineteen 3-drachm, and twenty-four 2-drachm vials on one side, and a space on the other side 14:-k} inches long, inches wide, and 2*2 inches deep, for instruments or appliances. The ounce and 3-drachm bottles are arranged on a leaf which may be entirely removed from the bag. No. 501 Bag Open. Price $11 00 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER'S MEDICINE BAG, No. 502. No. 502 Bag Open. Buggy Case (cabin bag style), lOJg inches long, 7 inches high, and 6 inches wide. Made of strong, black seal-grain leather. Contains thirty-six 4-drachm vials, and a pocket; also an empty space in the centre 10 inches long, 6 inches high, and 2 inches wide. The bottles are arranged on leaves which may be entirely removed from the bag. FRASER’S MEDICINE BAG, No. 502. Price $10 00 Same general description as No. 502, excepting that it con- tains twentv-four 4-drachm and twenty-four 2-drachm bottles. FRASER’S MEDICINE BAG, No. 503. Price $10 00 Same general description as No. 502, excepting that it con- tains nine 1-ounce and twenty-four 4-drachm bottles. FRASER’S MEDICINE BAG, No. 504. Price $10 00 Same general description as No. 502, excepting that it con- tains forty-eight 4-drachm bottles, with no pocket. FRASER’S MEDICINE BAG, No. 505. Price $10 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S TRAVELING BAG: STYLE No. 506. Made of black seal-grain leather, 10 inches long, (Oo inches high, 5*2 inches wide, and lined throughout with leather. Con- tains seven rows, each containing eight bottles, and a compartment for instruments 8 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 1 inch high ; also pockets for powder papers, etc. Price $12 50 174 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S EMERGENCY BAG, No. 507. Fraser’s Cabin Style Emergency Bag, with nickel-plated trim- mings, 16 inches long, 8 inches high, and inches wide. Made of strong, black seal-grain leather, and lined throughout with leather. Contains ten 2-ounce glass-stoppered bottles, a pocket, and loops for instruments ; also a sterilizing tray, held by straps to the bottom of the bag. Price $9 00 FRASER’S EMERGENCY BAG, No. 508. Same description as No. 507, excepting that the dimensions are 17 inches long, 11 inches high, and inches wide, and has brass trimmings. Price $10 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 600. No. 600 Medicine Chest Closed. Leather Medicine Chest, 1234 inches Ions, 8]4 inches wide, and 9i4 inches high, with substantial lock. Made of heavy russet leather, without seams or stitching on the edges, leaving the full strength of the leather where it is most needed. A stout leather strap is attached to the chest in such a manner that it may be used as a handle or shoulder strap, as required. Contains two 4-ounce, sixteen 2-ounce, and nineteen 1-ounce glass-stoppered bottles; also one 1-ounce graduated measure, one 1-ounce glass mortar and pestle, and four metallic-covered ointment jars. Tray for scales and space for appliances, 11 inches long, 3I4 inches wide, and 3 inches high, under bottles. Price .$16 00 FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 601. Leather Medicine Chest, with substantial lock (same general description as No. 600), ISba inches long, inches wide, and 9ti inches high. Contains four 4-ounce, eighteen 2-ounce, twenty 1-ounce, and eight 12-ounce glass-stoppered bottles ; also one 1-ounce graduated measure, one 1-ounce glass mortar and pestle, and four metallic-covered ointment jars. Tray for scales and space for appliances, 14*2 inches long, 414 inches wide, and 3 inches high, under bottles. Price $19 50 Leather Medicine Chest, with substantial lock (same general description as number 600), inches long, 914 inches wide, and 9i4 inches high. Contains four 4-ounce, sixteen 2-ounce, eighteen 1-ounce, and six bounce glass-stoppered bottles; also one 1-ounce graduated measure, one 1-ounce glass mortar and pestle, and four 12-ounce metallic-covered ointment jars. Tray for scales and space for appliances, inches long, 4*4 inches wide, and 3 inches high, under bottles. FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 602. Price $18 00 176 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 603. No. 600 Medicine Chest Open. Leather Medicine Chest, with substantial look (same general description as No. 600), 11 inches long, 8M inches wide, and 9M inches high. Contains two 4-ounce, fourteen 2-ounce, and sixteen 1-ounce glass-stoppered bottles; also one 1-ounce graduated measure, one 1-ounce glass mortar and pestle, and four ig-ounce metallic-covered ointment jars. Tray for scales and space for appliances, 9V> inches long, 3tt inches wide, and 3 inches high, under bottles. Price ...$14 50 FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 604. Leather Medicine Chest, with substantial lock (same general description as No. 600), 934 inches long, 8tt inches wide, and 9 ft inches high. Contains two 4-ounce, twelve 2-ounce, and thirteen 1-ounce glass-stoppered bottles; also one 1-ounce graduated measure, one 1-ounce glass mortar and pestle, and four 12-ounce metallic-covered ointment jars. Tray for scales and space for appliances, 8X4 inches long, 314 inches wide, and 3 inches high, under bottles. Price $13 50 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER’5 CASES. 177 FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 605. Leather Medicine Chest, 13 inches long, 9 inches wide, and 5% inches high, with substantial lock, and with a tray in front of bottles, and a space under tray for appliances. Made of heavy russet leather, without seams or stitching on the edges, leaving the full strength of the leather where it is most needed. Contains four 4-ounce, nine 2-ounce, twelve l-ounce, and six Vounce glass- stoppered bottles. Space under tray for appliances and sundries, 8h> inches long 3h3 inches wide, and 134 inches high. Space in tray, 5*2 inches long, SH inches wide, and 2*2 inches high. Price $13 OP FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 606. Leather Medicine Chest, with substantial lock (same general description as No. 605), 11 inches long, 734 inches wide, and 53] inches high. Contains five 4-ounce, seven 2-ounce, and six 1 ounce glass-stoppered bottles. Space under trny for appliances and sundries, 7 inches long, 312 inches wide, and 2 inches high. Space in tray, 684 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 214 inches high. Price $10 00 FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 607. Leather Medicine Chest, with substantial lock (same general description as No. 605), 9 inches long, 6*2 inches wide, and 5% inches high. Contains ten 2-ounce a,nd four 1-ounce glass-stop- pered bottles. Space under tray for appliances and sundries, 4*2 inches long, 2h2 inches wide, and 2 inches high. Space in tray, inches long, 2 inches wide, and 2 inches high. Price $8 50 178 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 608, No. 608 Medicine Chest Open. FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 608. Leather Medicine Chest, 7 inches long, 534 inches wide, and 5 inches high. Made of heavy russet leather, without seams or stitching on the edges, leaving the full strength of the leather where it is most needed. Contains two 4-ounce and six 2-ounce glass-stoppered bottles, and space for sundries. Price $5 25 FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 609. Leather Medicine Chest (same general style as No. 608), 7 inches long, 434 inches wide, and 434 inches high. Made of heavy russet leather, without seams or stitching on the edges, leaving the full strength of leather where it is most needed! Contains nine 1-ounce glass-stoppered bottles, and space for sundries. Price $4 75 FRASER’S MEDICINE CHEST, No. 610. Leather Medicine Chest (same general style as No. 608), 7 inches long, 434 inches wide, and 434 inches high. Made of heavy russet leather, without seams or stitching on the edges, leaving the full strength of the leather where it is most needed. Contains fifteen 1-ounce glass-stoppered bottles. Price $5 25 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 611. No. 611 Medicine Case Closed. No. 611 Medicine Case Open. Leather Medicine Case with strap, flat shape, 8*2 inches long, 5% inches wide, and 2'4 inches high. Made of heavy russet leather, without seams or stitching on the edges, leaving the full strength of the leather where it is most needed. Contains six 2-ounce glass-stoppered bottles. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 611. Price... $4 75 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 612. Leather Medicine Case (same general style as No. 611), 7*2 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 2\ inches high. Made of heavy russet leather, without seams or stitching on the edges, leaving the full strength of the leather where it is most needed. Contains six 1-oimce glass-stoppered bottles. Price $4 25 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. 180 FRASER'S CASES. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 651. No. 651 Case Closed. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 651. No. 651 Case Open. Seamless Leather Case, made of black or russet leather, 81i inches long, 434 inches wide, and 2*2 inches high. Flat pattern, round corners and ends ; has a strap and substantial lock. Con- tains six 1-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. Price $5 35 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER'S CASES. 181 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 652. Style same as No. 651,1034 inches long, 434 inches wide, and 2hi inches ltigh. Contains eight 1-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. Price $5 75 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 653. Style same as No. 651, 714 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 234 inches high. Contains four 2-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. Price .. $5 00 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 654. Style same as No. 651,10 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 234 inches high. Contains six 2-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. Price $5 75 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 655. Style same as No. 651, 13 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 2% inches high. Contains eight 2-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. Price $6 25 Style same as No. 651, 6!i inches long, 6'4 inches wide, and 2*2 inches high. Contains three 4-ounce Fraser’s square flint- glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 656. Price $5 00 Style same as No. 651, 8 inches long, 6It inches wide, and inches high Contains four 4-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 657. Price $5 75 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 658. Style same as No. 651,12 inches long, 6I4 inches wide, and 213 inches high Contains six 4-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. Price $6 25 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 659. Style same as No. 651, 7lc inches long, 534 inches wide, and 2i4 inches high. Contains two 8-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper. Price $5 75 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 660. Style same as No. 651, 8% inches long, 7h2 inches 'wide, and 2!j inches high. Contains three 8-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with" flat glass stopper. Price $6 50 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 661. Style same as No. 651, 111q inches long, inches -wide, and 2H inches high. Contains tour 8-ounce Fraser’s square flint- glass bottles, -with flat glass stopper. Price $7 00 Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty-eight hours’ notice. FRASER'S CV1S.ES. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 663. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 662. Double Seamless Leather Case, made of black or russet leather, 7 inches long, 434 inches wide, and 3*2 inches high. Plat pattern, round corners and ends; has a strap and substantial lock. Con- tains ten 1-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper, in two rows, with pocket. Price .$7 00 Special Cases made to order promptly. FRASER ’S CASES. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 663, Double Seamless Leather Case, made of black or russet leather, 8*4 inches long, 434 inches wide, and 3D inches high. Flat pattern, round corners and ends ; has a strap and substantial lock. Con- tains twelve 1-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper, in two rows, with pocket. Price $7 50 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 664. Doubi e Seamless Leather Case, made of black or russet leather, Kbit inches long, 434 inches wide, and 3D inches high. Flat pat- tern, round corners and ends; has a strap and substantial lock. Contains sixteen 1-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper, in two rows, with pocket. Price $8 75 Double Seamless Leather Case, made of black or russet leather, inches long, 5ft inches wide, and 414 inches high. Flat pattern, round corners and ends; has a strap and substantial lock. Con- tains ten 2-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper, in two rows, with pocket. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 665. Price $8 25 Double Seamless Leather Case, made of black or russet leather, 10 inches long, 5it inches wide, and 4D inches high. Flat pattern, round corners and ends ; has a strap and substantial lock. Con- tains twelve 2-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper, in two rows, with pocket. FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 666. Price $8 75 FRASER’S MEDICINE CASE, No. 667. Double Seamless Leather Case, made of black or russet leather, 13 inches long, Sit inches wide, and U4 inches high. Flat pattern, round corners and ends; has a strap and substantial lock. Con- tains sixteen 2-ounce Fraser’s square flint-glass bottles, with flat glass stopper, in two rows, with pocket. Price $9 50 Cliamomilla Comp 127 Dispensing Conveniences and Cabinets 129-132 Fraser’s Granules 127 Hypodermic Syringes .. 126 Lozenges .116-117 Miscellaneous 127-128 Physicians’ Cases ...133-183 Pills .' . 127 Tablets, Compressed 1-116 Tablets, Hypodermic 123-125 Tablets, Mother Tincture 119-121 Tablets, Tincture 118-119 Tablet Triturates 1-116 Tinctures 122 Urine Tests 128 INDEX. Interior Fittings can be rearranged at forty -eight hours’ notice. THE name “FRASER’S TABLETS” is recognized by medical practitioners everywhere as the synonym for Tablet Triturates, which were first developed, manufactured, and brought to their present state of pefection by us upon the suggestion of Dr. Robert M. Fuller. (See Medical Record, March 9th, 1878, and March 25th, 1882.) This method of dispensing medicines that are given in small quantities has been attended, since its introduction by us, by the success due : 1st. To the care which we have taken in selecting and manufacturing the drugs and chemicals employed. 2d. To the thoroughness of the trituration and division of the remedy, and consequent perfect accuracy of the dose. 3d. To the quickness with which our tablets are dissolved or diffused in water, and in the acids of the stomach. 4th. To their elegance of form and novelty of appearance. CAUTION. The manufacture of Tablet Triturates is apparently so simple that many have attempted to imitate our goods. We desire, therefore, to warn practitioners that dangers are possible in the use of tablets which may resemble ours, but made without the painstaking care and skill, the high class drugs, the close adherence to the formula and above all the thorough trituration, which lead to the uniformity of product that has been a recognized char- acteristic of our goods from the first. In prescribing the small doses represented by many of the preparations in tablet triturate form, these characteristics are indispen- sable to the success of the remedies. Laboratories: 454 to 474 Eighteenth Street, Brooklyn, New York.