U.Schieffelin ■■ * GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. *Vew 1878. General Prices Current OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Drugs, Medicines,Chemicals, EXTRACTS, PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, Essential Oils, Sponges, Fancy Goods, Druggists' Sundries, Perfumery, Proprietary Articles, Etc., Etc. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Importers and Jobbers, Nos. 170 and 172 William Street, (CORNER OF BEEKMAN STREET,) W. H. SCHIEFFELIN, W. A. GELLATLY, W. N. CLARK. New-York. SEPTEMBER, 1878. MOLLER'S Purest Norwegian COD-LIVER OIL. TRADE-MARK. It is now about nine years since we accepted the sole agency for North-America for this article ; we did so only after a very careful examination ot the facts connected with its manu- facture, as we had reason to believe that a large proportion ot the Cod Liver Oil which is sold is prepared in so careless a manner as to render it unfit for use. Immediately upon its introduction into this country it took front rank as a pure and strictly reliable article, and we feel warranted in claiming it to be, beyond any question, the best and most reliable Cod Liver Oil in the •world. In view, therefore, of what we know of the article itself, and of the numberless testi- monials it has received, we can with confidence, recommend it to physicians, druggists, and consumers. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., N ew-Y ork, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES and CANADAS. PETER MOLLER'S (knight of the orders OF VASA and st. olaf) PUREST LOFOTEN NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. In ENGLAND, the Only Prize at the International Exhibition in London, 1S62. In FRANCE, the Only First Prize at the International Exhibition in Paris, 1867. In NORWAY, the Only Gold Medal at the International Fishery Exhibition in Bergen, 1865. In NORWAY, the Only Medal at the National Exhibition in Christiania, 1871. In NORWAY, the Only First Prize at the National Exhibition in Drammen, 1873. In SWEDEN, the Only First Prize at the Inter-Scandinavian Exhibition in Stockholm, 1866. In ITALY, the Only Prize at the International Maritime Exhibition in Naples, 1871. In DEN MAR K, the Only First Prize at the Exhibition for Scandinavian Industry in Copenhagen, 1872, In RUSSIA, the Only Prize at the Polytechnic Exhibition in Moscow, 1872. In AUSTRIA, the Only Medal " for Progress " at the International Exhibition in Vienna, 1873. In AUSTRIA, the Medal "for Merit" at the International Exhibition in Vienna, 1873. In AMERICA, the First Prize at the Great Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, 1876. The great reputation Moller's Cod Liver Oil has now enjoyed for so many years is solely due to its genuineness and the mode of preparation, originally devised and introduced by Peter Moller, which pro- duces a natural Oil, without any refinement whatever, as sweet and pure as the finest Olive Oil. It is in no sense of the word a refined article; it is genuine Ol. Morrhu.-e, pure and fresh as it existed in the hepatic cells of the living fish, and, therefore, endowed with that important quality which alone could constitute its proven superiority over all other varieties. We desire to call special attention to the following points : It is bottled at the place of mannfactnre. It possesses a sweet and even agreeable taste. Its administration always followed by satisfactory results. It does not contain any products of decomposition. More easily assimilated than other Oils. More nutritions than other Oils. Perfect Digestibility. Perfect Limpidity. Prepared exclusively from the fresh and healthy livers of the Lofoten Cod. Purity, Delicacy of Taste and Smell. TWELVE FIRST-CLASS PRIZE MEDALS: From an overwhelming mass of medical evidence, a few testimonials have been selected, coming as they do from those countries in which Cod Liver Oil in all its varieties is best known, and given as they are by the very highest authorities on the subject, residing in immediate proximity to the well-known lo- calities where, practically speaking, all the Cod Liver Oil brought into the different markets is produced. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. PETER MOLLER'S (KNIGHT OF THE ORDERS OF VASA AND ST. OLAF,) Purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. As it has been decided bv the most competent authorities that the Norwegian Oil is the most valua- ble as a therapeutic agent, is more easily assimilated, and therefore more nuritious, it may be well to consider some of the objections to the use of the Newfoundland Oil. The Newfoundland fisher}1- is principally carried on by large vessels, which are compelled by the nature of the coast to stand off the shore for many days, and the livers are consequently left untouched until decomposition has com- menced, whereas in Lofoten (Norway), the result of each day's fishing is carried to shore, and can be immediately treated for the oil. But this is not the only objection; the oil prepared from the New- foundland cod lacks many of the essentials of cod-liver oil as an aliment and curative agent; and again, the shores of Newfoundland abound with the Mallotus Arcticus, or Capelin, which emits a powerful and most offensive odor, and imparts to oil yielded by the livers of fish that have been preying upon it a foetid smell and sickly nauseous taste intolerable to many patients. Some authors pretend that the Lofoten cod have no fixed abode, but are continually crossing the Atlantic between the coasts of Nor- way and Newfoundland, visiting Iceland on their migratory passage; but the latest researches of M. Sars, made on the spot, lend no support to this opinion ; on the contrary, it would seem that the numerous banks lying off the coast are the localities selected by the cod when they leave Lofoten. The result of these valuable researches is of great importance when inquiring into the preparation and. sources of Cod-Liver Oil, for they show beyond dispute that the Lofoten fish are a peculiar species, no- wise related to the varieties that frequent the fjords of Sbndmiire and Finmark; nor have they any connection with those immense shoals that visit the coasts of Iceland and Newfoundland. Hence it would appear that the Lofoton Oil is essentially distinct from all qther kinds, more especially in its remedial action ; and it is quite certain that, in some respects, its physical properties differ very mate- rially from those of the Newfoundland Oil and other varieties. The pale oil prepared by PETER MOLLER is in no sense of the word a refined article ; it is genuine 01. Morrhuae, pure and fresh as it existed in the hepatic cells of the living fish, and, therefore, endowed with that important quality which alone could constitute its proven superiority over all other varieties, viz.: perfect digestibility together with a sweet and even agreeable taste, and, as a natural consequence, an efficacy peculiar to itself. The following is a brief description of the mode of preparing Moller's Norwegian Cod Liver Oil: So soon as the fish have been landed, the livers are taken out and submitted to treatment, a few hours being sufficient to affect the purity of the oil. All poor, small bruised and diseased livers are thrown aside, and those selected (all of large size) are carefully cleansed, by washing in several waters, from blood, membrane, and other impurities; the livers are then introduced into a machine which minces them into very small pieces, or rather reduces them to a soft pulpous mass. This pulp is trans- ferred to an apparatus, heated externally by steam, and the mass gradually warmed up to 100° or 102° Fahr. As fast as the oil exudes it is drawn off and filtered. Filtration completes the process. The fresher the livers and the lower the temperature, the purer and sweeter in taste will be the oil, whilst the color will be a pale yet brilliant yellow, possessing in a remarkable degree the power of reflecting light. THE FOLLOWING ABE EXTRACTS FROM SOME OF THE TESTIMONIALS RECEIVED FROM EMINENT MEDICAL MEN. Louts A. Sayre, M.D., Professor of Orthopoedic Surgery, New-York. New-York Academy of Medi- cine : Meeting October 7th, 1869. Dr. Sayre spoke of the extreme difficulty of getting any Cod Liver Oil that patients could digest. Of late years it had become almost impossible. . . . But he had two years since found an oil prepared by Moller, of Christiania, Norway, which was perfectly rube, and in every respect all that could be wished. No. 13 East Twenty-eighth Street, New-Yobk, March 15, 1870. Messrs. W. H. Schieefelin & Co.: For some years I had given up the use of Cod Liver Oil altogether, but since my attention was called by Dr. Sayre to your Peter Moller's Cod Liver Oil, I have prescribed it almost daily, and have every reason to be perfectly satisfied with it. J. MARION SIMS, M.D. H. B. Sands, MD„ New-York, says: "I think It greatly superior to the oil commonly used." John C. Thorowgood, M.D., Member College Physicians, Assistant Physician to the City of London Hos- pital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park, says: "I feel it my duty to state that those who have taken it have done so with great comfort and ease, and further, with much relief to their symptoms. Mr. Moller's Cod Liver Oil appears to me to be a thoroughly trust- worthy and pure oil, and possesses marked curative properties in consumption." Abbotts Smith, M.D., M.R.C.P., late physician to the North London Consumption Hospital, says of it: " Owing to the manner in which it is prepared, it does not contain any products of decomposition, and it is therefore less objectionable to the taste and smell, and better borne by the stomach than other varieties of Cod Liver Oil. ... It is more easily assimilated, and is productive of more immediate benefit than the other kinds of oil are." Extract from Dr. Ruddocks, M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Report on Cod Liver Oil in his " Vade Mecum," Part IV.: " The Oil we invariably recommend for its easy assimilation, agreeableness, and high nutritive value, is Moller's Purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. . . . We are glad to be able to give our emphatic recommenda- tion to so pure a preparation as the one above named." Professor W. Boeck, M.D., of Christiania, writes Peter Moller: "I am pleased to hear you have established an agency in London for your Cod Liver Oil. * * * I took the opportunity of recommending it to many of ray professional friends there, as the best adapted for medical use, knowing that you are always present at Lofoten during the Cod-fishing season, for the purpose of superintend- ing the preparation of the oil from none but fresh livers." W.H. Schieffelin&Co.,N.Y. Sole Agents for the United States and Canada. Swaim's Panacea, FOR THE CURE OF SCROFULA, OR KING'S EVIL. RHEUMATISM, ULCEROUS SORES, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, General Debility, &c., AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD, This Medicine has the singular fortune-a just tribute to its great merit- of being recommended by the most celebrated practitioners of medicine in the United States and Europe; whereas, not one of the spurious mixtures made in imitation of it, has the least support from the Medical Faculty. This fact offers an argument so plain and conclusive, that it need only be mentioned to enforce conviction. FROM DR. SAMUEL R. MARSHALL, Surgeon of the United States Naval Hospital, New York, <Uc. I have used Mr. Swaim's Panacea in several cases of secondary syphilis and mercurial disease, which were sent to the Naval Hospital at Brooklyn, and feel pleased to say, with complete success in every case. SAMUEL R. MARSHALL, M.D. FROM DR. VALENTINE MOTT, Professor of Surgery in the University of New York, Surgeon of the New York Hospital, &c. I have repeatedly used Swaim's Panacea, both in the Hospital and in private practice, and have always found it to be a valuable medicine in chronic syphilitic and scrofulous com- plaints, and in obstinate cutaneous affections. VALENTINE MOTT, M.D. FROM DR. W. GIBSON, Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania, Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the Almshouse Infirmary, &=c. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in numerous instances within the last three years, and have always found it extremely efficacious, especially in secondary syphilis and in mercurial disease. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M.D. FROM DR. N. CHAPMAN, Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic and Clinical Practice in the University of Penn- sylvania, President of the Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia, &>c. I have, within the last two years, had an opportunity of seeing several cases of very in- veterate ulcers, which, having resisted previously the regular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim's Panacea ; and I do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, venereal, and mercurial diseases. N. CHAPMAN, M.D. FROM DR. WILLIAM P. DEWEES, Professor of Midwifery in the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the American Philosophical Society, and of the Philadelphia Medical Society, &c. I have much pleasure in saying I have witnessed the most decided and happy effects, in several instances of inveterate disease, from Mr. Swaim's Panacea, where other remedies have failed; one was that of Mrs. Brown. WM. P. DEWEES, M.D. Prepared at Swaim's Laboratory, No 113 South Seventh Street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, And Sold by every respectable Druggist in the United States. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Nos. 170 and 172 William Street, New-York, General Agents. TRADE MARK TRADE-MARK, REGISTERED. Sami Kidder & Co.'s Rochelle Salt, Seidlitz Mixture, Sup. Carb. Soda, Tartaric Acid The attention of druggists is called to the above preparations, which have for many years enjoyed an enviable reputation. The Sup. Carb. Soda, which is supe- rior to the best English brands, will be found to be a very desirable article, either for medicinal or family uses. The difficulty in supplying the demand which has heretofore existed will no longer be felt, as we are prepared to supply them in any quantity. All orders received will be promptly executed. We quote as follows : Kidder's Rochelle Salt, in 50 lb. boxes lb., 35 cents. " " " 250 " barrels " 34 " " Seidlitz Mixture, in 50 lb. boxes " 30 " " " " 250 " barrels " 29 " " Sup. Carb. Soda, in 50 " boxes " 9 " " Tartaric Acid, " 50 " " "54 " NO CHARGE FOR BOXES OR BARRELS. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., PROPRIETORS OF THE ABOVE PREPARATIONS OF SAMUEL KIDDER & CO. Fac-simile of Bottle and Label. Fac-simile of Bottle and Label. Lucca "Cream" Salad Oil. This new article of commerce was introduced into the Ameri- can market, from Tuscany, in the Spring of 1872, after a permanent arrangement had been entered into, through our friends, for its manufacture and bottling at Leghorn. The sale of this Oil has been a success; it having met with the decided approbation of caterers, hotel-proprietors, restaurant- keepers, and families, for the preparation of Salads, Dressings, etc. From long experience in the sale of bottled Salad Oils, we are led to consider this article as of the very best character, and worthy of the attention of all parties requiring the very finest quality of Pure Olive Salad Oil. This Oil is put up in bottles of four different sizes. Quarts, in boxes containing 1 doz. each, . . $8.50 per box. Pints, " " " 2 " " . . 9-5° " u Half-pints, " " " 2 " " . . 6.50 " " Flasks, " " " " . . 10.00 " " We also offer a fine quality of Bordeaux Olive Oil, which will be found equal, if not superior, to most of the brands for sale in our market. The brand is " Huile d'Olive Vierge d'Aix." It is put up in bottles of three different sizes : Quarts, in boxes containing 1 doz. each, . . 87.50 per box. Pints, " " " 2 " . . 8.50 " Half-pints, " " " 2 " . . 5.25 " W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Sole Importers. W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s SPECIALTIES. W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Double Distilled Bay Rum doz., $10 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Benzine doz., 1 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " gross, 9 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Camphor Ice and Glycerine doz., 1 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " gross, 16 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Fine Willow Charcoal, in bottles doz., 1 75 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " ... .gross, 18 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Chlorate Potash Lozenges doz. 1 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s .,# " " " gross, 16 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Citrate Magnesia Solution doz., 2 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " gro., 24 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Cologne Mixture lb., 7 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Cologne Water Bell. Qts doz., 21 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " Pts " 12 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " Half Pts " 6 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Essence Jamaica Ginger " 3 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " gross, 36 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Flavoring Extracts. (See Pages 16, 17.) W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Florida Water doz., 5 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " ....gross, 60 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Fluid Extracts. (See Page 69.) W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Oil. Qts. Boxes of 1 doz box, 8 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Oil. Pts. Boxes of 2 doz box, 9 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Oil. Half Pts. Boxes of 2 doz box, 6 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Oil. Flasks. Boxes of 2Jz£ doz box, 10 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Huile d'Olive Vierge d'Aix. Quarts. Boxes of 1 doz box, 7 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Huile d'Olive Vierge d'Aix. Pints. Boxes of 2 doz box, 8 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Huile d'Olive Vierge d'Aix. Half Pints. Boxes of 2 doz box, 5 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Pure Dalmatian Insect Powder. Small, doz., 1 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " " gro., 16 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " Med., doz., 2 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " " gro., 27 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " Large, doz., 13 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " " gro., 144 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Saturated Solution Carbolic Acid. Pts. doz., 3 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " " gro., 36 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Seidlitz Powders. Full Weight doz., 3 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " gross, 33 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " Extra " doz., 3 75 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " .... gross, 40 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Soda Powders doz., 1 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " gross, 16 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Soluble Pills. (See Pages 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.) Fac-simile of Bottle and Label. This Double Distilled Bay Rum will be found of superior quality, and we can confidently recommend it to all who desire a strictly pure distilled article. It is in bottles containing 25 fluid ounces, and packed in cases containing one dozen each. Price per case, $10.00. NORWEGIAN Cod-Liver Oil. The largely increased consumption, within the past five years, of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in bulk, has led to the sale of inferior and adulterated oils imported from Hamburg, Rotterdam, and other places, and put up in style similar to the genuine Norwegian Oil, so that now purchasers run the risk of having these inferior oils substituted for the genuine. It may be safely said buyers cannot be sure of getting the genuine article except by purchasing from reliable parties here who receive it direct from the place of manufacture. We have given this article much attention for some years past, having been the first here to import it largely direct from Norway, and we have recently made arrangements to receive regular supplies of a brand which our extensive experi- ence in the article justifies us in guaranteeing' to be perfectly pure, and of a quality superior to any Norwegian Cod-Liver Oil imported in bulk. Parties ordering will please specify the above brand, and may rest assured of receiving an article of uniform purity and freshness. All the genuine Oil of this make will bear the above brand, whether put up in original tin-lined barrels or in cans. W. H. Schieffelin & Co. September, 1878. We have pleasure in presenting to our friends and correspondents our General Prices Current, revised and corrected to date, with the addition of many new articles and remedies, the result of the progress of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science. The present edition em- braces a much larger number of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products, as well as Fancy Goods and Druggists' Sundries, than those we have formerly issued, and we have endeavored to arrange them in such a manner as to be easily understood, and trust our efforts in this direction may meet the views of those for whom it is particularly designed. The constant changes in market value of many articles demand a frequent revision and republication of rates, and it will be understood that the prices quoted are subject to changes in the market, and not to be considered binding in case of change in value, or if our stock of any article has become exhausted prior to the receipt of an order. In many articles the prices necessarily are approximate only; but we have endeavored as near as possible to affix correct rates, while at the same time our customers will have the benefit of any decline in prices, and proper allowance for goods ordered in large quantities and original packages. Druggists' Sundries, Perfumery, Sponges, and Fancy Articles.-We have recently very much enlarged this department, and our stock now consists of a large and most complete assortment of all articles in this line, of American, English, French, and German manufacture. Particular attention is invited to our illustrated pages of Corks and Sponges, to which we have devoted much time and expense, and we believe we have succeeded in pro- ducing a perfect illustration of these articles, thus enabling our friends to order intelligently by simply referring to them. Soluble Pills.-We desire to call special attention to our Soluble Coated Pills, which have now become a standard article, and which are deserving of the high praise bestowed upon them. They are unequalled for purity in composition, solubility in coating, uniformity in size, and perfection in form and finish. The best materials are used in their manufacture, and no article required by a formula is omitted on account of its high cost. They are not deficient in weight, are coated while soft with but one coating, which is per- fectly soluble, and contain no sub-coating of resinous character. The coating is so thin that the Pills are not perceptibly increased in size, and yet it is entirely sufficient to protect them from atmospheric influences, and effectually covers any nauseous taste, thus rendering the Pill easy to be swallowed. Particular attention is called to our Granules of Morphine, Strychnine, Arsenious Acid, and other powerful remedies which are prescribed in minute doses, and also to the Granules of Camphor, Ipecac, Opium and Rhubarb and other simple agents, in such minute divisions that they can be administered in almost any required proportions. We have enlarged the list very materially, and with improved machinery and greater facilities, we are enabled to supply them in quantities as desired. Sample cases will be sent to those desiring to see and test them. Goods by Mail.-As we are frequently requested to send goods by mail, and often receive them in that way improperly post-paid, subjecting us to unnecessary expense, we would call attention to the Law relating to such matters, which condensed is as follows : No Article, either liquid or powder, can be sent in Glass. No Liquid, explosive chemicals, poisons, or sharp-pointed instruments, however inclosed, are allowed to pass through the mails. Any Package with any writing either upon the inside or outside, excepting the address, is subject to letter postage. Any Package not fully prepaid, double the balance of postage is charged. No Package is allowed to be sealed unless prepaid with full letter rate postage of six cents an ounce. In order to come under the low rates all packages must be done up in such a manner that they can be opened and inspected by the Post-Office authori- ties. Complying with the above, the rate is one cent per ounce. Terms Cash, in funds current in New-York. The experience of all persons engaged in business during the past fifteen years has satisfied them of the evils of a return to the former system of long credits, and we shall therefore continue to confine our sales to a cash basis, as for some years past. We may, however, say in this connection, that as in the past, so in the future, we will be pleased to extend any reasonable facilities to our friends when occasion requires. Parties with whom we have had no previous business relations, and with whom we have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance, will facilitate the ex- ecution of their orders by accompanying them with drafts to cover approximate amounts of the same, or with references. We avail ourselves of the present opportunity to call special attention to the importance of knowing the quality of the goods dealt in. Every year affords evidences of the ingenuity and industry of those who are so anxious to make money and so desirous of meeting the de- mand for low prices, that they are induced to buy and sell adulterated goods and goods of an inferior quality, regardless of the want of morality involved in such a course, and of the suf- fering and risk attending the sale and dispensing of such goods. Of course, those who intrust the execution of their orders to parties whose only criterion is the price, can have no guaran- tee of the quality of the articles bought. Our experience, and that of our predecessors for nearly a century, justifies us in believing that our rule, to sell only goods of reliable quality, and at prices which afford a fair profit, is the only correct one. Our extensive connections with all the markets abroad and at home, afford us facilities for supplying our stock with such goods on the most favorable terms. In conclusion, parties who may favor us with their orders, whether for large or small quantities, may be assured of our best terms, and of prompt attention. Special quotations will be given with pleasure. W. H. Schieffelin & Co. W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s General Prices Current. NEW-YORK, SEPTEMBER, 1878. Vol. III. Prices SuLtxjeot to JPlviGstT-xsvtioxL- Acetal, i oz. bots oz. I 00 I 10 Aceton, i oz. bots oz. 20 25 Acid, Acetic, No. 8, sp. gr. 1.040, 30% lb. 12 15 " " " by carboy lb. IO " " U. S. P., sp. gr. 1.047, 36% lb. 20 22 " " " " 1.047, by carboy lb. 18 " " Chem. pure, Beaufoy's lb. 85 90 " " Chem. pure, C. T. White & Co.'s lb. 35 40 " " Glacial, 1 lb. bots lb. 8.5 90 " " " I oz. " oz. 8 10 " " " German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots lb. 90 I 00 " % " lb. I 00 I 10 " Amylic, 1 oz. bots oz. 60 65 " Antimonic oz. 15 20 " Arsenic, Chem. pure, 1 oz. bots oz. 10 12 " Arsenious, " " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots... oz. 10 12 " Asparaginic, 1 drm. bots ...drm. I 00 I IO. " Benzoic, English oz. 25 28 " German oz. 19 22 " " Merck's, 1 lb. bots.. lb. 5 00 5 25 " " " " I oz. " oz. 40 45 " Boracic lb. 20 25 " " Crystals, pure lb. 40 45 " " Fused, " lb. 2 25 2 50 " Bromic, 1 oz. bots oz. 2 OO 2 IO " Butyric, 1 lb. " lb. 2 75 2 85 " Camphoric, 1 oz. bots oz. 2 50 2 60 " Capronic, 1 " oz. 75 80 " Carbazotic, Crystals, 1 lb. bots lb. 60 70 " " " Chem. pure, 1 oz. bots... . . . .OZ. 40 45 " Carbolic Crystals, Calvert's, No. 1, 1 lb. bots lb. 2 OO 2 IO " " " " " 1, y lb. " lb. 2 40 2 50 i, % lb. 11 lb. 2 75 3 00 " " " " " I, I oz. " oz. 40 45 " " " " 2, i lb. " lb. I 40 1 50 " " " " 2, y2 ib. " lb. I 60 1 75 " " " 2, y ib. " lb. 2 OO 2 25 " " " 2, I OZ. " oz. 30 32 " German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots lb. 75 80 " " " " " lb. " ....... lb. 85 90 Xlb. " lb. I 00 I 10 " " " " I oz. " oz. 16 18 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. " lb. 60 75 " " " " I oz. " oz. 7 9 " Solution, Calvert's, No. 4, 1 lb. " lb. 65 70 " " " " " 4, 6 lb. " lb. 57 60 " " " 5. 1 lb. " lb. 45 50 " 5. 61b. " lb. 37 4° " W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s, 1 lb. bots.doz. 3 50 " " " " " I " gro. 36 00 " Crude, 60% ...gall. 1 50 1 75 " " " " io°o . ..gall. 65 75 " Cathartic, 1 oz. bots oz. 80 9° " Chinic .. .drm. I 00 I 10 2 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Acid, Chloric, i oz. hots oz. 60 65 oz. 25 3° " " German, Merck's, % lb. bots lb. 5 00 5 25 " " " " I oz. " oz. 37 40 " Chrysophanic, true oz. 3 00 3 5° oz. 1 50 1 75 lb. 70 75 " " by keg, H2 lbs lb. 65 " Cresotinic, i oz. bots ... .oz. 50 60 " Cresylic, i lb. bots lb. I 25 I 35 " Cubebic .. .drm. 2 OO 2 25 " Dichloro-acetic, i oz. bots oz. 75 80 " Ergotinic ...grm. 3 00 " Fluoric, i lb. bots lb. 2 OO 2 25 lb. " «... lb. 2 50 2 75 " % lb. " lb. 3 o° 3 5o " Formic, Cone., i lb. bots lb. 2 90 3 00 " " " I oz. " oz. 25 3° " Gallic, i lb. boxes lb. 185 1 90 " " i oz. bots oz. 15 16 " " German, Merck's, I oz. bots oz. 40 45 ' ' Glycochol .. .grm. I 20 I 30 " Hippuric, Chem. pure, I oz. bots oz. 3 00 3 25 " Hydriodic, i oz. bots oz. 75 85 " Hydrobromic, Cone., i lb. bots lb. 2 OO 2 25 " " "i oz. bots .... oz. 20 25 " Dilute, i lb. bots lb. 60 " Hydrocyanic (see Prussic). " Hydrochloric (see Muriatic). " Hydrosilicio-fluoric, % lb. bots lb. I OO I 10 " Hydrosulphuric, i lb. " lb. 50 55 " Hyperchloric, i oz. " oz. I 00 I 10 " Hypophosphorous, i lb. " lb. 3 00 3 25 " " I oz. " oz. •20 22 .... oz. 1 5° " Kakodylic Crystals, % oz. bots ...% oz. I 00 I IO oz. 3° 35 " " " German, Merck's, i lb. bots.. lb. 4 00 4 25 %lb. " .. lb. 4 25 4 50 " " " " " I oz. " . . oz. 35 40 " " Dilute U. S. P., i oz. bots oz. 15 18 " Malic i oz. " oz. 1 5° 1 60 " Margaric, i oz. " oz. 35 4° " Meconic, % oz. " .. % oz. I 00 I 10 " Molybdamic, I oz. " oz. 50 55 " Monochloracetic, i oz. " oz. 75 80 " Muriatic, i8°, 6 lb. bots lb. 4 6 " " i8°, by carboy, 120 lbs lb. 2% " " 20°, " 120 " lb. 2% " " 22°, " 120 " lb. 3 " " Chem. pure, 6 lb. bots lb. 25 28 " " Medicinal, 6 lb. bots lb. 6 8 When strength is not designated, we send i8°. " Nitric, 36°, by carboy, 120 lbs lb. 8 " " 38°, 7 lb. bots lb. 12 14 " " 38°, by carboy, 120 lbs lb. 8% " " 40°, " 120 " lb. 9 " " 410, " 120 " lb. 9% " " 42°, " 120 " lb. IO " " 43°> " 120 " lb. II " " 440, " 120 " lb. 11% " " 45°. " 120 " lb. 12 " " 470, " 120 " lb. 13 " " Chem. pure, 7 lb. bots lb. 25 27 " " Medicinal, 7 lb. bots lb. 12 14 " " Parting, by carboy, 120 lbs lb. 9 When strength is not designated, we send 38°. " Nitro-Muriatic, 1 lb. bots lb. 50 55 " Nitrous fuming, 1 lb. " lb. 20 25 " CEnanthic, % oz. bots . % oz. I OO I 10 " Oleinic, crude, 1 lb. jars lb. 40 45 " " pure, 1 oz. bots oz. I 25 1 30 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 3 Acid, Osmic Crystals, i grm. bots ...grm 3 °C 3 25 " Oxalic lb. 12 15 " " Chem. pure lb. 8c 9° " Palmitinic, i oz. bots . . . .OZ. 4c 50 " Parabanic ... .oz. 2 50 2 60 " Paratartaric, i oz. bots ... .oz. I 25 i 35 " Perchloric, I oz. " ... .oz. I 00 I 10 " Phosphoric, Diluted, i lb. bots lb. 25 28 " " " made from Phosphorus, i lb. bots . .lb. 35 40 " Phosphoric, Glacial, i lb. bots lb. I IO I 20 " " " I oz. " . . . .OZ. IO 12 " " " German, Merck's, I lb. bots... ....lb. I 30 1 35 " %lb. " ... ....lb. I 40 1 45 " " " " " % lb. " ... ....lb. I 50 1 60 .< << " '< << I OZ. " ... oz. 20 25 " Phosphorous, i oz. bots ... .oz. 35 38 " Picric, i lb. cans ...,1b. 60 65 " Picronitric (see Carbazotic). " Propionic, i oz. bots . . . .OZ. 4 00 4 25 " Prussic, U. S. P., i oz. bots ... .oz. 7 9 " Scheele's, i oz. " ... .oz. 30 35 " Pyrogallic, i oz. bots ... .oz. 42 45 " German, Merck's, i oz. bots ... .oz. 50 55 " Pyroligneous, crude .. .gall. 25 30 " " rectified ....lb. 50 60 " Rosolic, i oz. bots . . . .OZ. 50 55 " Salicylic, Bleached, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. bots.... ....lb. 2 25 2 50 " " " " " I oz. " . . . .OZ. 20 25 " " " German, Merck's, i lb. " .... ....lb. 3 50 3 75 " " Crystals, W. H. S. & Co.'s., i lb. " .... ....lb. 2 75 3 00 " " " " I oz. " . . . . . . .oz. 25 30 ' ' Salicylous ... .oz. 5 00 5 25 " Sebacilic, i oz. bots ... .oz. 1 5° 1 60 " Selenic, % oz. " .% OZ. 75 80 " Silicic, Natural ... .lb. I 00 1 10 " " Precip., Chem. pure, i oz. bots . . . .OZ. 25 30 " Stearic (Stearin) ....lb. 28 30 " Succinic, crude, i oz. bots . . . .OZ. 20 25 " " purified, German, i oz. bots ... .oz. 25 30 " Chem. pure, i oz. bots ... .oz. 40 45 " Sulphuric Aromatic (Elixir Vitriol) ....lb. 50 55 " 66°, in 9 lb. bots > ....lb. 4 5 " 66°, by carboy, i6olbs ....lb. 2 " Chem. pure, 9 lb. bots lb. 25 28 " Fuming (Nordhausen), 9 lb. bots ....lb. 28 30 " Medicinal, in 9 lb. bots . ..lb. 5 6 " Sulphurous Solution, 1 lb. bots ....lb. 20 22 " Tannic, 1 lb. boxes ....lb. I85 I 90 " 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 15 18 " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 301 35 " Tartaric Crystals ....lb. 48 50 " Powdered, Kidder s ...,1b. 57 60 " " " " by box, 50 lbs ....lb. 54 W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 52 55 " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by box, 50 lbs. ....lb. 50 " Taurocholic .. grm. 2 OO 2 25 " Telluric . .grm. 1 75 2 OO " Thymic, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. I 00 I IO " Titanic, Natural ....lb. 2 50 2 75 " " Pure, % oz. bots .% oz. 35 4° " Tungstic (see Wolframic). " Uric, 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. I 00 I 10 " Valerianic, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 4° 45 " Vanadinic, % oz. " .% oz. 8 00 8 50 " Wolframic, 1 oz. " ... .oz. 4° 45 Aconitia, % oz. bots .% oz. 2 25 2 35 " German, Merck's, % oz. bots .% oz. 2 50 2 75 " " " yV oz. " " Sulphate, % oz. bots ■ Vs oz. 2 50 2 60 Aesculin, % oz. bots .% oz. 2 75 3 00 Aethyliden Chloride, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. I 00 I 10 Agaric White ....lb. 80 85 4 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Agaric White, Powdered lb. I 00 I 10 Albumen, from blood lb. I 00 I 10 " Pure, from eggs lb. I 50 I 60 " " " milk lb. Alcannin, i oz. bots oz. 75 80 Alcohol, Absolute .... gall. 3 75 4 00 95% " "by bbl .... gall. 2 20 2 25 gall. 2 IO " Atwood's .... gall. 2 65 2 75 " Atwood's, by bbl , .... gall. 2 50 " Deodorized (Cologne Spirits) ....gall. 2 40 2 50 " Wood .... gall. I 40 1 5o " " by bbl .... gall. I 25 Aldehyd Ammon., pure, I oz. bots " Pure, German, Merck's, i lb. bots oz. I 00 I 10 lb. 3 00 3 25 Ale, English, Casks, 8 doz. various brands doz. 2 OO " Scotch Casks, 8 doz. various brands doz. 2 OO Alizarin, i oz. bots oz. 40 45 Alloxan, i oz. bots oz. 3 o° 3 25 Alloxantin, % oz. bots oz. 6 50 6 75 Allspice z " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 16 18 lb. 22 25 Almond Meal lb. 40 45 Almonds, Bitter, shelled lb. 42 45 " Sweet, " v lb. 38 40 Aloin, i oz. bots OZ' 2 OO 2 IO " German, Merck's, i oz. bots oz. 4 50 4 75 Alum, Ammonio-Ferric, i lb. " lb. 60 65 *" " " I oz. " oz. 7 9 " Chrome Am., i lb. " lb. 45 50 " " German, Merck's, i lb. bots lb. 30 35 " Dried (Exsiccat) " " " Powd lb. 25 30 lb. 30 35 " Ground lb. 5 7 " " by bbl lb. 2M " Lump (Ammonia) " " by bbl lb. 4 6 lb. 2% " " Potash lb. 6 8 " " " by bbl lb. 4 " " " Chem. pure lb. 5o 55 " Powdered lb. 8 IO " " by bbl lb. 7 " Roman or Roche lb. 12 15 Aluminium Acetate, i oz. bots oz. 25 30 " Caustic, i oz. " oz. 50 55 " Chloride, i oz. " oz. 25 30 " Hydrochloride, i oz. bots oz. 25 3° " Metallic oz. 2 OO 2 25 " Nitrate, i oz. bots oz. 20 25 " Phosphate, i oz. " oz. 50 55 " Precip., pure, i lb. " " " " I oz. " lb. i 75 2 OO oz. 18 20 " Sulphate, crude " " Crystals, pure, i lb. bots lb. 16 18 lb. I 75 2 OO Ambergris, Black " Grey oz. oz. 22 OO 25 00 Ammonia, Spirits of, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. bots " " " Aromatic, i lb. bots lb. 42 45 lb. 47 5° " Water of, gf. 17%° " " " by carboy, 80 lbs lb. 8 IO lb. 5 " " 4f. 20° lb. IO 12 " " " by carboy, 80 lbs lb. 7 " " Cone., U. S. P., 26°, 1 lb. bots .... lb. 16 18 Ammonium, Acetate Crystals, 1 oz. bots oz. 40 45 " " Liquid, 1 lb. " lb. 25 30 " Arseniate, 1 oz. bots oz. 40 45 " Benzoate, 1 oz. " oz. 60 65 " " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots oz. 80 «5 " Bicarbonate, pure, 1 lb. " " " " I oz. 11 lb. 3 50 3 75 oz. 30 35 " Bichromate, German, Merck's, lt>. " lb. 5 00 5 25 " " " " I oz. " oz. 40 45 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 5 Ammonium, Bisulphate, i oz. bots .OZ. 50 55 " Bisulphite, i oz. 11 .OZ. 50 55 " Borate, i oz. " .oz. 25 28 " Bromide, i lb. " .lb. 65 70 " " I oz. " .OZ. 7 9 " Carbazotate, i oz. " .oz. 5o 55 " Carbonate .lb. 20 22 " " by cask, 600 lbs .lb. 17 gold " in jars, 18 lbs .lb. 20 " in jars, by cask, 14 jars .lb. 19 " pure, German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots.... .lb. 75 80 " " Resublimed, 1 lb. bots .lb. 70 75 Chloride (see Muriate). Chromate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 60 65 " Citrate, 1 oz. " .oz. 16 18 " Fluoride, 1 oz. " .oz. I 00 I 10 " Formate, 1 oz. bots .oz. I 00 I 10 " Gallate, 1 oz. " .oz. 1 25 1 35 Hydrosulphuret, 1 lb. bots .lb. 60 65 Hypophosphite, 1 lb. " .lb. 4 00 4 25 " I oz. " .OZ. 27 3° " Iodide, 1 oz. " .oz. 56 60 Molybdate, 1 oz. " .oz. 65 70 Mono-Carbonate Odorif., ''Allchin's," 1 ,1b. 1 25 " Muriate .lb. 14 16 " " by bbl .lb. 12 " Chem. pure .lb. 60 65 " Granulated, German .lb. 18 20 " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 3° " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 3° Nitrate, crystals .lb. 33 35 " fused .lb. 33 35 ' ' granular ..lb. 33 35 " Oxalate, 1 lb. bots .lb. 1 25 1 35 " Phosphate, 1 lb. bots .lb. I 15 1 25 Phospho-molybdate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 1 5° 1 60 Picronitrate (see Carbazotate). Succinate, 1 oz. bots • OZ. 80 85 Sulphate, crude .lb. 7 IO " " by cask .lb. 5 o " pure .lb. 5o 55 Sulphide, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 25 3° " Sulphite, 1 oz. " " Sulpho-Carbolate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 20 3° 25 Sulpho-Cyanide, 1 oz. " .oz. 20 25 " Tartrate, 1 oz. " " Tungstate (see Wolframic). 3° Urate, 1 oz. bots. .oz. I OO 1 10 " Valerianate, crystals, 1 oz. bots .oz. 37 4° Vanadinate drm 1 75 Wolframic (Tungstate) 1 oz. bots.... .oz. 35 4° Amygdalin, % oz. bots .oz. 2 SO 2 60 Amyl, Acetate of Oxide (Oil of Pear), 1 lb. bots .lb. 3 25 3 5° " Butyrate " " 1 oz. bots .oz. 50 55 " Formate " " ioz. bots... .oz. 50 60 " Hydrated Oxide, impure, 1 lb. bots. .lb. 1 25 I 50 " pure, 1 lb. " .lb. 2 50 2 75 " Nitrate, 1 oz. bots " Nitrite, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 45 5C " Valerianate of Oxide, 1 oz. bots .oz. 65 70 Amylen, 1 oz. bots .oz. 5° 60 Amylum Iodide, 1 oz. bots Aniline, Black (Aniline Salt) .lb. 60 65 " Crystals (Nigrosene) " Blue .lb. lb 3 00 3 25 " Brown lb " Green Paste lb 2 75 " Crystals, Extra . .. .lb. 8 00 □ 10 00 " Orange .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Purple .lb. 8 00 9 00 " Pink lb " Red lb. 1 ool I 25 6 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Aniline, Red, Small Crystals, Extra .. .lb. 2 50 2 75 " Scarlet ...lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Violet . .lb. 7 00 8 00 " Yellow ...lb. 5 00 6 00 Aniline Dye Colors, Proprietary (see page 102). Annatto ...lb. 40 45 ' ' by basket, 40 lbs ...lb. 33 ' ' in rolls . .lb. 45 5o " English, in rolls... .... .. .lb. I OO 1 25 " " Liquid, Walton's (see page 133). Annattoine ...lb. i 35 I 50 Anodyne, Hoffman's, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 42 45 Anthracen, 1 oz. " 25 30 Antimony, Black Ore ..lb. 9 II " " " Powd., pure, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 14 15 " " W. H.S.& Co.'s, by box, 50 lbs. 12 " Chloride, crystals ..lb. 2 50 2 75 " " Solution (Butter of), 1 lb. bots . .lb. 25 28 " Crocus, powdered (Crocus Metallorum) ..lb. 40 45 " Diaphoretic . .lb. i 75 1 85 " Hepar 1 ..lb. 60 65 " Iodide I OO I 10 " Liver (see Crocus Antimony). " Metallic (Regulus) ..lb. 18 20 " " " pure 20 25 " Oxide, White ..lb. 65 70 " Oxysulphuret (Kerme's Mineral), 1 lb. bots ..lb. I 30 i 35 " Perchlorate 40 45 " Sulphuret (Needle Antimony) ..lb. 16 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 20 25 " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by box, 50 lbs.lb. 18 " " Precipitated (Golden Sulphuret), 1 lb. bots.lb. 50 55 " " " Pure German, rib. ' lb. I 00 I 10 " Tartrate, Crystals, 1 lb. bots ..lb. 83 85 " " Powdered (Tartar Emetic). ..lb. 73 75 Apiol, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots 1 25 1 35 Apomorphia, Crystals, 1 drm. bots drm. 4 00 " Muriate, Amorphous, 1 drm. bots drm. 150 Aqua Fortis, 36° ..lb. 10 12 " " 36°, by carboy, 120 lb§ . .lb. 7 " 38°, " " ..lb. 7% " " 40°, " " ..lb. 8 " " 4i°. " " ..lb. 8K " " 42°, " " 9 " " 43°. " " . .lb. IO " 44°. " " ..lb. II " " 45°, " " ..lb. UK " " 47°. " " ..lb. When strength is not designated we send 36°. Argols, Red ..lb. IO 12 " " Powdered ...lb. 12 15 " White ..lb. 30 35 Arnicine Z drm. 8 00 Arrowroot, American ..lb. 8 IO " Bermuda . .lb. 45 50 " " by keg, 100 lbs ..lb. 40 " Jamaica " "by tin, 14 lbs ..lb. " St. Vincent ..lb. 18 20 " "by tin, 28 lbs ..lb. 15 " Taylor's, % lb. foil ..lb. 38 40 " " X lb. " by box, 12 lbs.............. ..lb. 35 " " %lb. " ..lb. 38 40 " " lb. " by box, 12 lbs ..lb. 35 " " 1 lb. tin cans ..lb. 35 38 Arsenic, Bromide, 1 oz. bots 75 80 " Chloride, 1 oz. " . .oz. 60 65 . .oz. 63 65 " " and Mercury, Solution (Donovan's), 1 lb. bots. .lb. 28 30 " Metallic, Distilled ..lb. 50 55 " Red Lump (Realgar) ...lb. 15 20 " " Powdered ...lb. 20 25 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 7 Arsenic, Red Powdered, by keg, no lbs " Solution (Fowler's), i lb. bots ...lb. ...lb. IO 12 15 " White Lump ...lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, pure, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 25 30 " " " " W.H.S. & Co.'s, by keg, no lbs. lb. 20 " " " commercial ...lb. 6 8 " " " " by keg ...lb. 3 " Yellow Lump (Orpiment) ...lb. 18 20 " " Powdered .. .lb. 22 25 " " " by keg, no lbs .. .lb. 20 Asbestos, Fibrous, long ...lb. 40 45 " Ground .. .lb. 12 15 " Powdered ...lb. 20 ■ 25I A sparagin, % oz. bots 1 75 2 OO Asphaltum (see Gum, page 24). Assafcetida (see Gum, page 24). Atropia, % oz. bots % oz. 1 75 185 " Sulphate, % oz. bots % oz. 1 65 i 75 " Valerianate, % oz. bots yi oz. 1 75 1 85 Balsam Catholicon ...lb. 1 75 1 85 " Copaiva, Angostura ...lb. 40 45 " " Para 40 45 " " Solidifiable .. ,1b. 50 55 " " Solidified, 1 lb. jars ...lb. 75 80 " Commondeur (see Turlington's Balsam) ...lb. ,* De Nervee ...lb. 1 5o i 75 " Fioraventi ...lb. 1 50 1 35 " Fir, Canada ■ gall. 1 75 2 00 " " " 1 lb. bots '. 5 50 6 00 " " Oregon • gall. 1 50 1 75 " Friar's (see Turlington's). " Gurjun (Wood Oil) .. .lb. 1 65 1 75 " Mecca . .oz. 75 85 " Peru, true ...lb. 1 25 1 35 " Riga ...lb. 1 50 1 60 " Sulphur ...lb. 40 45 " Tolu, True 1 25 1 35 " " "by can, 10 lbs ...lb. I 10 " Tranquille ...lb. 60 75 " Turlington's ...lb. 75 85 Barbadoes Tar (see Tar, page 55). Bark, Angostura ...lb. 50 60 " Barberry .. .lb. 22 25 " Basswood (Tilia) ...lb. 30 35 " Bayberry .. ,1b. 8 IO " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 15 18 " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by box, 25 lbs . .lb. 12 " Black Alder ...lb. 22 25 " Butternut ...lb. 18 20 " Canella Alba ...lb. 12 15 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 20 2? " " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by box, 25 lbs..lb. 18 " Cascarilla ...lb. 12 15 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 20 25 " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by box, 25 lbs . .lb. 18 " Cassia ...lb. 23 25 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 32 35 " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by box, 25 lbs.. ...lb. 30 " " Extra ...lb. 40 45 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 5° 55 " " " " " " by box, 25 lbs. .lb. 45 " Cinnamon, Ceylon .. .lb. I 10 I 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. I 25 1 35 " Coto ...lb. 2 50 2 75 " Cotton Root ...lb. 18 20 " " " Ground ...lb. 22 25 " Cramp ...lb. 25 28 " Cundurango ...lb. 18 20 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 25 3° " Dogwood ...lb. 12 15 " Elder ...lb. 20 " Elm, Select ...lb. 15 18 8 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Bark, Elm, Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 12 15 " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by bbl lb. IO " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s, % lb. and. y2 lb. pps.. .lb. 18 20 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 2 oz. pps lb. 20 22 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 20 22 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by bbl lb. 15 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 2 oz. pps lb. 25 3° W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. " lb. 3° 35 " Geoffroya lb. 70 75 " Hemlock, Ground lb. 12 15 " Powdered lb. l6 18 " Mezereon lb. 20 25 " Oak, Black (Quercitron) lb. 6 8 " " " " by bag, 130 lbs lb. 2% " " Red (Quercus Rubra) lb. 15 18 " " White, Ground lb. 15 18 " Peruvian, Calisaya lb. 2 25 2 35 Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.. lb. 2 40 2 50 " " Pale ." lb. 9° 1 00 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 1 00 1 10 Red lb. 2 25 2 35i " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 2 40 2 50: " " Rubingosa lb. 5° 60 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s, .lb. 60 70 " " Y ellow lb. 20 25 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s... lb. 3° 35 " Pomegranate, Fruit lb. 15 181 " " Root lb. 35 40 " Poplar •. lb. 12 15 " " Ground lb. 15 18 " " Powdered lb. 20 25 " Prickly Ash lb. 18 20 " " " Ground lb. 22 25 " " " Powdered lb. 25 3°; " Quercitron (see Oak). " Rhamnus (Frangula) lb. IS >8 " Sassafras lb. 10 12 " " by bag lb. 8 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 18 25 " Simaruba lb. 3° " Soap Tree (Quillaya) lb. 18 2O| " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co's lb. 22 251 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 25 3° " Tamarac lb. 25 28 " Wahoo lb. 25 3° " White Ash lb. 22 25 " Wild Cherry lb. IO 12 " " " Extra lb. 12 15I " " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... lb. 15 18 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 20 25 11 Winter lb. 20 25 For other Barks, see list of Shakers' Herbs, Roots, etc, page 65. Barley, Pearl lb. 6 8 " "by keg, 100 lbs lb. " Robinson's Patent (see pages 96 and 132). Barium, Acetate, 1 lb. bots lb. 1 50 1 60 " " I oz. " " Bin Oxide, 1 oz. bots 5° 55 " Carbonate, 1 lb. " lb. 95 1 00 " Chlorate, Pure, 1 oz. bots 40 45' " Chloride (Muriate) lb. 15 18 " " Recrystallized, 1 lb. bots.... lb. 18 20 " Fluoride, 1 oz. bots 75 80 " Hyperoxide, Pure, 1 oz. bots 45 5°; " Iodide, 1 oz. bots 75 80 " Metallic grm. 4 00 " Muriate (see Chloride). " Nitrate lb. 20 25 ' ' Powdered T lb. 22 25 " " Pure, 1 lb. bots lb. 5° 55 " Oxide, Pure, 1 oz. " 25 28 " Sulphate, Powdered (Barytes) lb. 8 10 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 9 Barium, Sulphate, Pure, i lb. bots ■' Sulphide, i lb. " lb. lb. I 00 I 00 I 10 I 10 Baryta, Caustic, Anhydrat., i lb. bots lb. 3 00 3 10 " " Hydrat., I lb. " lb. I 00 I 10 Bath Brick, English, in bbls per 100. 3 5o " " " in boxes, 2 doz .. .box. 9° " " Dust, in papers, boxes, 2 doz .. .box. 1 5o Bay Rum, true ... gall. 2 75 3 00 " " " by bbl " " Double Distilled, in bottles, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .doz. IO 00 " Spirit, Double Distilled, in bottles, A. H. Riise . . .doz. IO 00 Beans, Calabar lb. I IO 1 25 " Castor lb. 20 25 " Cocoa lb. 3° 35 " Croton •; lb. I 25 1 50 " Locust (St. John's Bread) lb. IO 12 " Pichurion lb. 75 85 " St. Ignatius lb. 60 70 " Tonca Angostura lb. 1 75 I85 " " Para lb. " Vanilla, Long Mexican lb. 14 00 16 00 " " Short " lb. 12 OO 14 00 Bebeerine, Muriate, German, Merck's, % oz. bots oz. 3 00 3 25 " Pure, 1 oz. bots oz. 2 50 2 60 " Sulphate, 1 oz. bots oz. I 80 I 90 " " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots oz. 2 OO 2 IO " oz. " oz. 2 20 2 3° Benzole, Pure, 1 lb. bots lb. I OO I 10 Berberin, Pure, % oz. bots oz. 2 5° 2 60 " Muriate, % oz. bots oz. 3 00 3 25 Berries, Alkekengi lb. 75 80 " Buckthorn lb. 30 " Cedar lb. 40 50 11 Cocculus Indicus (Fish Berries) lb. IO 12 " Cubeb lb. 12 15 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 18 20 " Elder lb. 25 3° " French lb. 4° 45 " jujube s lb. 50 55 " juniper, Italian lb. 6 8 " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 12 15 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 15 18 " Laurel lb. 10 12 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb- 20 25 " Myrtle lb. 3° 35 " Persian lb. 4° 45 " Poke lb. 25 30 " . Prickly Ash lb- 20 25 " Sumac lb. 15 18 Bismuth, Citrate, 1 oz. bots oz. 4° 45 " " and Ammonia, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 4° 45 " " " " Solution, 1 lb. bots lb- 40 45 " Lactate, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 1 50 1 60 " Lacto-phosphate, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. I 00 1 10 '' Metallic lb. 2 30 2 35 " Oxide, pure lb. 10 00 10 5c " hydrate lb. 6 00 6 50 " Oxychloride, 1 lb. bots lb. 2 15 2 20 " Salicylate, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 1 5° I 60 " Subcarbonate, 1 lb. " lb. 2 65 2 75 " Subnitrate, 1 lb. " lb. 2 15 2 25 " " French gen., 1 lb. bots " " style, 1 lb. " 2 65 2 " Tannate, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 60 65 " Valerianate, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 1 05 I 10 Black Drop, 1 lb. bots lb. 2 25 2 50 Bladder Wrack (see Fucus Vesiculosus, page 22). Bladders, small .. .doz. 50 6c " med ... doz. 60 70 " large ...doz. 9° I oc Blatter Orientalis (Remedy for Dropsy) ... .oz. 2 75 3 ct Blue Pill (see Pill, Blue, page 41). 10 Blue Vitriol (see Copper Sulphate, page 14). Bole, Armenia " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. lb. 8 12 IO 15 Bone Dust, by bbl lb. 2 Books, Medical and Pharmaceutical (see page 92). Borax, Glass of lb. 2 00 2 25 " Refined lb. IO 12 " " by case lb. 9 " " bv bbl lb. " Powdered lb. 12 15 5° 60 Brazil Wood (see Dye-Woods, page 93). Breast Tea (Species Pectoralis) lb. 35 40 Brimstone (see Sulphur Rolls, page 54). Bromalhydrate, 1 oz. bots .. . .oz. $ 00 5 25 Broma, Baker's lb. 43 45 " " by box, 12 lbs lb. 42 Bromine, 1 lb. bots lb. 65 75 ... .oz. 7 IO " Chloride, 1 oz. bots oz. 75 80 oz. I 00 I IO Bromoform, 1 oz. " oz. 2 Ob 2 25 oz. q 2s " Nitrate % oz. 11 .. . .oz. 4 4 60 " Sulphate, % oz. " oz. 3 °° 3 25 Buds, Balm of Gilead lb. 38 40 " Cassia lb. 45 50 Butter of Cocoa (see Cocoa, page 13). Cadmium, Bromide, 1 oz. bots oz. 26 28 " Carbonate, 1 oz. bots oz. 75 80 oz. 5° 60 oz. 59 65 " Metallic I oz " oz. 25 " Nitrate I oz " oz. 75 80 " Oxide, 1 oz. " oz. 75 80 " Sulphate, 1 oz. " oz. 25 30 Sulphide, 1 oz. " oz. 60 65 Caesium, Alum dr. 4 5o " Chloride, % oz. bots gr. 5o 60 " Rubidium, Chloride, % oz. bots gr- 25 3° Caffein, % oz. bots oz. 3 00 3 25 " German, Merck's, % oz. bots oz. 3 25 3 5° " Citrate, % oz. bots oz. 3 00 3 25 11 " German, Merck's, % oz. bots oz. 3 25 3 5o " Sulphate, % oz. bots oz. 4 00 4 25 " Valerianate, % oz. bots oz. 5 00 5 25 Calabarin, % grm. bots % grm. 2 75 " Bromide ...grm. 7 00 " Harn acks .. .grm. 8 00 " Sulphate, % grm. bots % grm. 2 75 Calcium, Acetate, Pure, 1 lb. bots lb. 1 50 1 60 " Arseniate, 1 oz. bots oz. 50 55 " Benzoate, i oz. " oz. I 15 1 25 " Bisulphite, liquid, 1 lb. bots lb. 4° 45 " Bromide, 1 lb. bots lb. I 50 1 60 " " I oz. " oz. 12 15 " " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots oz. 25 3° " Carbolate .. .doz. I 50 " " Merck's, 1 lb. bots lb. I 50 1 60 " Carbonate, Chem. pure, 1 lb. bots lb. I 50 1 60 " " Prec lb. 14 16 " Chloride, 1 lb. bots lb. 60 65 ' " Crystals, pure, 1 lb. bots lb. 40 50 " " Crude lb. IO 15 " " Fused, white, pure, Merck's, 1 lb. bots lb. 90 I 00 " " Dried, " " " 5 lb. " lb. 30 35 " " " " " " 1 lb. " lb. 40 45 " Chromate, Pure lb. 3 00 3 25 " " Common lb. 50 55 " Hypochloride (see Chloride Lime, page 31.) " Hypophosphite, 1 lb. bots lb. 2 40 2 50 " " I oz. " ... .oz. 17 20 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 11 Calcium, Hypophosphite, and Sodium, i oz. bots oz. 25 28 " Iodate, i oz. bots oz. 1 50 1 60 " Iodide, i oz. bots oz. 54 60 " Iodo-Bromide, i oz. bots oz. I 00 1 10 " Lactate, i oz. bots oz. 25 28 " Lacto-phosphate, i oz. bots oz. 40 45 " " " Crystals, i oz. bots oz. 50 55 " Metallic, i grm. bots grm. 10 00 " Nitrate, I oz. bots oz. 20 25 " Oxalate, I oz. bots oz. 25 30 " Phosphate, Precip., i lb. bots lb. 35 38 " " Pure, i lb. bots lb. 2 OO 2 IO " Phosphide, i oz. bots lb. 65 7° " Saccharated, i oz. bots oz. 20 25 " Salicylate, i oz. bots oz. 60 65 " Silicate, i oz. bots fc... oz. 25 3° " Sulphate, Precip., i lb. bots lb. 80 85 " Sulphide, i lb. bots lb. 60 6.5 " " I oz. " bz. 7 IO " Sulphite, i lb. bots lb. 25 28 " " Pure, i lb. bots lb. 2 OO 2 IO " " 5 oz. bots doz. 2 OO " " 5 oz. cartons doz. 2 OO " Sulpho-carbolate, x oz. bots oz. 20 25 " Sulphuret (see Sulphide). Calomel, American, i lb. bots. (see Mercury, Sub-chloride, p. 34). " Engl'h (Howard's), ilb. bots. (see Mercury, Sub-chlor. p. 34). Camphenyl, 1 lb. bots lb. 150 Camphor (see Gum, page 24). " Mono-Bromated, 1 oz. bots oz. 45 50 Camwood (see Dye-Woods, page 93). Candy, Colt's-foot Rock, 5 lb. boxes lb. 40 45 " " " 5 1b. " English, genuine.. lb. 65 70 " Gum Drops, 5 lb. boxes lb. 32 35 " Rock, Red lb. 18 20 " " on strings lb. 20 25 " " White lb. 18 20 " Rock, White, on strings lb. 20 25 " " Yellow lb. 18 20 " " " on strings lb. 20 25 " Santonine, Tablets, Spirals, gr ..per 100 75 8(> " " " " 1 gr ..per 100 I 00 I 10 " Wormseed lb. 50 55 Cantharides, Russian lb. I 20 I 25 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. I 40 I 50 Cantharidin, German, Merck's gr- 50 Card Teeth (see Iron Filings, page 27). Carlet, Red lb. 2 OO 2 25 Caramel (Liquor Coloring). lb. 30 38 Carbon, Bi-chloride, liquid, 1 oz. bots oz. I 00 I 10 " Bi-sulphuret, 1 lb. bots lb. 28 30 " " I oz. " oz. 6 8 " Tri-chloride, crystals, 1 oz. bots oz. 2 00 2 IO " " liquid, 1 oz. bots oz. 1 00 I IO Carmine, No. 6, 1 oz. bots oz. 30 35 " " 8, 1 oz. " oz. 35 40 " " 12, I OZ. " oz. 45 50 " " 20, I OZ. " oz. 55 60 " " 40, I OZ. " oz. 60 65 " " 40, I lb. " lb. 6 50 7 00 Casein lb. I 00 1 10 Cassel Earth lb. 251 3° Cassia Buds (see Buds, page 10). " Fistula lb. 15 18 Castor, Fiber, Russian lb. 4 00 4 25 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... lb. 4 50 4 75 Caustic, Mitigated doz. 6 00 Cerate, 1 lb. jars lb. I 00 " Calendula, 1 lb. " lb. 75 " Cantharides, lb. cans lb. 90 " " lb. rolls lb. 9° " Extract Cantharides, 1 lb. jars lb. 1 50 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 12 Cerate, Goulard's, i lb. jars lb. So " Resin, I lb. jars lb. RO " " Comp., i lb. jars lb. 50 " Savin, i lb. jars lb. 60 " Simple, i lb. jars lb. 50 " Soap, i lb. " lb. 50 " Spermaceti, i lb. jars lb. 60 " Turner's, I lb. " lb. 50 " Verdigris, I lb. " lb. 90 " Zinc, Carb., true, i lb. jars lb. 50 Cerium, Chloride, i oz. bots ... .oz. 1 50 I 60 " Metallic • gnu. 7 5° " Muriate (see Chloride). " Nitrate, i oz. bots 65 70 " Oxalate, i oz. " 22 25 " Oxide, i oz. " 2 OO 2 IO Chalk, French Cut lb. 12 T5 " " Powdered lb. 6 IO " M White, powdered (Talc) lb. IO 12 ■' Precipitated English lb. 14 l6 " " " 7 lb. bundles lb. 16 18 ' ' Prepared in drops, Am lb. 6 IO " " " " " bv box, 25 lbs lb. 4 " " " " English lb. 12 " Red, in fingers lb. 6 8 lb. " White lb. 3 4 lb. X Charcoal, Animal, Coarse IO 12 " " Powdered (Ivory Black) lb. 5 6 by bbl lb. 3 Ji " Ordinary Powdered lb. 8 IO " " " by bbl ....bbl. 4 00 " Willow lb. 18 20 " " 10 lb. boxes lb. 15 " in bots., W. II. S. & Co.'s 1 75 " " " W.H.S.& Co.'s 18 00 China Clay (see Clay, page 13). Chinoidine, Purified, 1 lb. rolls lb. 1 85 I 90 " " I oz. " . . . .OZ. 16 18 Chloral-hydrate, Am., 1 lb. bots lb. I 75 I 85! " " I oz. " . . . .OZ. 16 18 " Croton, Am., 1 oz. bots oz. I 40 I 5° " " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots. ... ... .oz. i 75 2 oo| " " " " Vi OZ. " ... .oz. 1 85 2 10 " " " " Ji oz. " .... ... .oz. 2 OO 2 25 " " " Schering's, i oz. " ... .oz. I 40 I 5° " ■ German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots lb. I OO 2 00 M lb. " lb. 2 15 2 25 " % lb. " lb. 2 40 2 50 " . " " I oz. " oz. l8 20 " " Saame's, 1 lb. " lb. I 65 I 75 " Ji lb. " lb. I 80 I 901 " %lb. " lb. 2 OO 2 10 " " " I oz. " lb. 3 10 3 20 " " " Crystals, 1 lb. bots lb. I 75 I 85 " Ji lb. " lb. I 90 2 00 Ji lb. " lb. 2 IO 2 20 " " " " I oz. " lb. 3 25 3 35 " " Schering's, 1 lb. bots lb. 185 I 90J Ji lb. " lb. 2 OO 2 10 Ji lb. " lb. 2 25 2 50 " " " I oz. " lb. 3 25 3 5° " " " Crystals, i lb. bots.. lb. 2 OO 2 IO Ji lb. " . lb. 2 15 2 25 " Ji lb. " . lb. 2 35 2 401 " " " " i oz: " . . . . .OZ. 3 40 3 50' Chloralum Powder lb. IO 12; " Solution, quart bots., 1 doz. in case .. .doz. 8 00 " " pint " 2 " " " .. .doz. 4 50 " " Ji pint " 4 " " " .. .doz. 2 25 " Wool lb. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 13 Chloroform, Am ...lb. 85 90 " Scotch, Duncan & Flockhart's, i lb. bots Chocolate, Baker's, Premium, boxes, 12 and 25 lbs ...lb. 3 75 4 00 ...lb. 38 40 " " Exposition, Vanilla, boxes 12 lbs .. .lb. 55 60 " Double, " " 12 " . .lb. 53 55 " " Single, " " 12 " .. .lb. 48 5o Half, " " 12 " .. .lb. 43 45 " German Sweet, " 6 and 12 lbs ...lb. 25 28 " Homoeopathic, boxes, 12 lbs ...lb. 40 42 Taylor's " " by box, 25 lbs .. .lb. 40 42 .. .lb. 38 Cholesterin ' •grm. I 00 Chromium, Chloride, 1 oz. bots . .oz. I 50 I 60 " " Solution, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 3° 35 Metallic • grm. 1 25 Oxide, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 30 35 Cinchonia, Alkaloid, Pure, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 40 45 " Muriate, 1 oz. bots . .oz. I 00 I 10 " Sulphate, 1 oz. " . .oz. 33 35 " Mixture, 3 oz. boxes .box. JO Cinchonidia, Pure, Alkaloid, 1 oz. bots . .oz. I 50 1 60 " Sulphate, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 75 80 Cincho-Quinine, 1 oz. bots Cinnabar (see Mercury Bi-sulphide, page 34). . .oz. .. .lb. 1 65 1 75 Citron 28 3° Civet . .oz. 4 5o 4 75 Clay, China ...lb. 5 7 " Pipe " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.' ...lb. 4 6 .. .lb. IO 12 " Potter's .. .lb. 5 8 Cloves ...lb. 40 45 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. ,1b. 50 55 Cobalt .. .lb. 19 20 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . ..lb. 25 30 " Acetate, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 75 80 " Carbonate, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 75 80 " Chloride, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 60 65 " Metallic, pure, 1 oz. bots . .oz. I 20 I 251 " Nitrate Crystals, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 65 70 " Oxalate, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 75 80 " Oxide, impure (Zaffre) . . .lb. 75 85 " " Blue .. .lb. 6 00 6 50 1 10 " " Pure, 1 oz. bots . .oz. I 00 " Sulphate, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 60 65 " Sulphide, 1 oz. " . .oz. 50 60 Cocaine (from Coca Leaves) Cocculus Indicus (see Berries, page 9). ..gr. I 00 Cochineal, Honduras .. .lb. 70 75 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 85 9° Cocoa, Baker's, Pure, boxes, 12 and 30 lbs .. .lb. 39 4° " Breakfast, boxes, 6 lbs .. .lb. 48 5° 45 " Taylor's Homo .. .lb. " " " by box . . .lb. Cocoa, Butter of, American, "Maillard's" ...lb. 45 5° " " " by box, 12 lbs.... ...lb. 38 " German.. ...lb. 55 60 " " Extra .. .lb. 70 75 Codeia % oz. bots . .OZ. 3 75 4 00 " , German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 5 5o 5 75 " " % oz. " .. .oz. 5 75 6 co " % OZ. " .. .oz. 6 00 6 50 " % oz. " . .oz. 7 00 7 5° " Sulphate, % oz. bots . .oz. 12 00 12 50 Coelestin ...lb. 20 25 Coffee Acorn ...lb. 18 20 Colchicia, German, Merck's, % oz. bots % oz. 3 00 Collodion, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 95 I OO " I oz. " .doz. 2 20 2 25 " Cantharidal, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 2 85 3 00 " I oz. " . doz. 2 85 3 00 Colocynth Apples, broken " whole, select ...lb. 4° 45 .. .lb. 55 60 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 14 Colocynth Apples, Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s " Pulp, " W.H.S.& Co.'s ...lb. . .lb. 60 2 50 65 2 75 Cologne Mixture, W. H. S. & Co.'s ; .. .lb. 7 00 7 5°| Composition Powder (see Powder, page 44). Confection, Aromatic, 1 lb. jars . .lb. I 50 Bitter Almond, 1 lb. jars ...lb. I 00 Black Pepper 1 lb. " . . .lb. I 00 Calamus, 1 lb. " ...lb. I 03 Democrats, r lb. " ...lb. 4 00 Opium, 1 lb. " .. .lb. 2 00 Orange Peel 1 lb. " ...lb. 50 " Hips, 1 lb. " ..-.lb. 75 Rose, 1 lb. " .. .lb. 42 " English Alien's, 1 lb. jars ..lb. I 00 Scammony, 1 lb. " ...lb. Senna, 1 lb. " ...lb. 42 " English, Allen's, 1 lb. jars . .lb. 80 Sulphur, 1 lb. " ...lb. 50 Theriac, 1 lb. " ...lb. 90 " Turpentine, 1 lb. " ...lb. 5° Conia, German, Merck's, % oz. bots % oz. 75 Copper, Acetate, distilled (Verdigris, Distilled) * * Aluminated (Divine Stone) ...lb. 75 85 Copper, Ammoniated', 1 lb. bots ...lb. I 00 I IO* " Arseniate, 1 oz. bots " Arsenite, 1 oz. " 3° 35 " Borate, 1 oz. " . .oz. 3° 35 " Carbonate, precip., 1 lb. bots ...lb. I 00 I 10 " Chloride, com., 1 lb. " . .lb. 75 80 " pure, ioz. " 20 25 " White, 1 oz. " . .oz. 40 451 " Chromate, 1 oz. bots 20 25I " liquid, 1 lb. bots ..lb. 75 85. " Cyanide, 1 oz.bots 3° 35 " Iodide, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 70 751 " Metallic ..lb. 1 50 I 60 " Pure, powdered 25 3°| " Nitrate, 1 lb. bots ..lb. 65 7011 " Oxalate, 1 oz. " 25 3<5 " Oxide, Black, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 1 75 1 85' " " I oz. " . .oz. 14 16 " Pure, granulated, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 2 25 2 5° " Phosphate ...lb. 3° 35 " Sub-Acetate (Verdigris) . .lb. 38 40 Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 55 60 *' Sub-Oxide, pure, 1 oz. bots 25 30J " Sulphate (Blue Vitriol) ...lb. 9 id " by bbl., 350 lbs Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 28 3O( " Purified, 1 lb. bots ...Ib. 3° 35 " Sulphide, fused, pure, 1 lb. bots . .lb. 1 25 1 35 " Tartrate, 1 oz. bots 25 3°| Copperas ...lb. 3 4 " by bbl ...lb. Corks (see pages 210 and 211). Cornin 75 8q Cornu Cervi, Calcined ...lb. 15 18 •* " Shavings ...lb. 25 3°j Corrosive Sublimate (see Mercury, Bichloride, page 34). n Cotton, Gun (Pyroxylin) . .oz. 5° 55 Coumarin, Purified, 1 oz. bots 5 co 5 501 Cowhage Down, 1 lb. cans ...lb. 5 00 5 50 " IOZ. " 45 50 Crab's Eyes ...lb. 2 OO 2 251 " " Pulv ...lb. 2 25 2 50 Cream Tartar Crystals ...lb. 28 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 32 351 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by box, 50 lbs. ..lb. 31 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, by bbl., 300 lbs ...lb. 3° " Substitute, Hosford's ...lb. 32 Creasote, Am., 1 lb. bots . .lb. 75 80 " " I oz. " 8 10I GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 15 Creasote, English, Morson's, % lb. bots " " " # lb. " lb. 3 50 3 75 lb. 3 75 4 00 " German, Merck's, i lb. " lb. I 00 I 10 " " " % lb. " lb. I IO I 20 lb. " lb. I 20 I 25 Crocus Martis (see Iron Oxide, Red, page 27). " Metallorum (see Antimony, Crocus, page 6). " Sativus (see Flowers Saffron, page 22). Croton, Chloral (see Chloral Hydrate, page 12). Cryolite 15 Cryptopin Cubeb (see Berries, page 9). .. .grm. 8 00 Cubebin, % oz. bots ...% oz. 1 25 Cudbear lb. 25 3° Curare (Woorari). ...grm. 75 85 Curarine, Sulphate ... tube. 3 00 Daturia gr. 25 Delphinia, Pure, % oz. bots ..% oz. 4 5o Dextrin lb. 14 16 Diastas, % oz. bots ...% oz. 50 Didymium, Metallic " Sulphate, crystals .. .grm. 8 00 .. .grm. 75 Digitalin, Pure, German, Merck's, % oz. bots Dispensatories, U. S. (see Books, page 92). Dover's Powder (see Powder, page 44). ..% oz. 1 50 Dragon's Blood (see Gum Sang. Draconis, page 24). Earth, Fuller's lb. 4 6 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. IO 12 Elaterine Crystals, German, Merck's .. .drm. 10 00 Elaterium, English (Clutterbuck's), 1 oz. bots oz. 5 75 6 00 Elayl Chloride, 1 oz. bots Elixir Vitriol (see Acid, Sulph. Arom, page 3). oz. 40 45 Emery Flour " by keg, 150 lbs lb. 6 8 lb. 4 " various sizes lb. 9 10 " "by keg, 150 lbs lb. 7 Emetia, ki oz. bots oz. 3 So 3 75 " Pure, % oz. bots .. y& oz. 7 5o Eosin oz. 1 25 1 50 Erbium, Metallic .. .grm. 7 50 1 Ergot " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 35 4° lb. 45 50 Ergotin, Am., % oz. bots " Bonjean, 1 lb. bots oz. 50 55 lb. 6 00 % lb. " lb. 6 25 " " % lb. " lb. 6 50 " I oz. " oz. 65 " Pure, dry, % oz. " oz. 8 50 Esorine Sulphate ...grm. 5 00 Essence Ambergris oz. 75 " Anise lb. 75 " Bay Rum lb. 5 o° " Bergamot Ib. 75 " Brandy " Blackberry lb. 16 00 lb. 10 00 " Cinnamon lb. 75 " Cherry Laurel lb. 38 " Cloves lb. 75 " in vials ... ,doz. 75 " Cura?oa lb. 2 OO " Dill lb. I OO " Gin, Holland lb. 12 OO " Lemon lb. 75 " in vials lb. 75 " Marivallosa ... .doz. 1 50 " Mustard, Whitehead's ... .doz. 1 5° " Pennyroyal " in vials lb. 75 ... .doz. 75 " Peppermint " in vials lb. 75 ... .doz. 75 " Rum, Jamaica lb. 4 00 ' " N. E lb. 4 00 16 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Essence Rum, St. Croix ' ' Sassafras ». lb. lb. 4 00 75 " " in vials 75 " Spruce lb. 75 " "in vials 75 " Spearmint lb. 75 " " in vials 75 " Whiskey, Bourbon lb. 8 00 ■' " Rye lb. 8 00 " Wine, Port lb. IO co " Sherry lb. IO 00 " Wintergreen lb. 75 " " in vials 75 " Wormwood lb. 75 " " in vials 75 ESSENCES, Concentrated, for Soda Water Syrups Anise, i lb. bots lb. I 25 Apple, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Banana, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Blackberry, i lb. " • lb. 1 25 Chocolate, i lb. " lb. 1 50 Coffee, i lb. " lb. 1 5o Ginger, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Lemon, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Nectarine, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Orange, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Orgeat, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Peach, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Pear, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Pine-apple, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Raspberry, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Sarsaparilla, i lb. " lb. 1 25 Strawberry, i lb. " ........................ lb. 1 25 Vanilla, I lb. " lb. 2 25 Wintergreen, i lb. " lb. 1 50 Ether, Acetic, i lb. bet's lb. 80 85 " Anaesthetic Wig., i oz. bots I 00 I 10 " Benzoic, i oz. bots I 50 I 60 " Butyraceous, i lb. bots lb. I 80 I 90 " Butyric, i lb. " lb. 2 50 2 60 " " German, Merck's, i lb. bots lb. 3 00 3 25 " Chloric, i lb. bots lb. 80 851 " " Cone., i lb. bots lb. I OO I 10! " Formic, i lb. " lb. 2 75 3 ooi " CEnanthic, i oz. " 60 65 " Oxalic, i oz. " I 00 I 10! " Pelargonic, i lb. " lb. 3 00 3 25 " Petroleum (Rhigolene) 50 6oj " Phosphoric, i lb. bots lb. 2 OO 2 IO " Sebacylic, i oz. " I 50 " Sulphuric, i lb. " lb. 60 65 " " Cone., i lb. bots lb. 66 70 " " Washed, i lb. bots lb. 63 65 " Valerianic, i oz. bots oz. I OO I IO Ethiop's Mineral (see Mercury, Sulphuret, Black, page 34). Ethyl, Bromide, i oz. bots oz. I OO I 10! " Chloride, 1 oz. bots oz. I OO I IO " Iodide, 1 oz. " ...oz. Eucalyptol, 1 oz. bots oz. 4 50 4 75 Extracts, Eclectic (see page 87). EXTRACTS, FLAVORING, W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S. We beg to call particular attention to th e following Flavoring Extracts of our own manufacture, which have elicited the highest commendations from parties 2 OZ. who have used and sold them, viz.: bots. bots. Allspice, Nectarine, in bulk lb., 1 25. doz. 2 OO 3 5° Almonds, Nutmegs, " " 1 25. doz. 2 OO 3 50 Apple, Orange, " " 1 25 doz. 2 OO 3 50 Banana, Peach, " " 1 25 doz. 2 OO 3 5° Celery, Pear, " " 1 25 doz. 2 OO 3 50 Cinnamon, Pine-apple, " " 1 25 doz. 2 OO 3 5° Cloves, Raspberry, " " 1 25 doz. 2 OO 3 5o| GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 17 EXTRACTS, FLAVORING, W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S, 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 3 co 2 OO 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 5 50 3 50 Cochineal, Sarsaparilla, in bulk lb., i 25 Ginger, Jamaica, Strawberry, " " 1 25 Lemon, Tonqua Vanilla," " 1 25 Mace, Rose, " " 1 21 doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. Vanilla, Assorted " " 2 25 EXTRACTS, FLUID, W. H. S. & CO.'S (see page 69). EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY, No. 24, "Bertrand Freres, in 1 lb. cans and i lb. bottles. Acacia, New-Mown Hay ..lb. 3 o° 3 25 Bouquet de Caroline Night-Blooming Cereus .lb. 3 00 3 25 Cassie, Orange ..lb. 3 00 3 25 Eglantine, Orange Flowers ..lb. 3 o° 3 25 Ess. Bouquet, Patchouly ..lb. 3 00 3 25 Frangipanni, Pond Lily .lb. 3 00 3 25 Geranium, Portugal ,1b. 3 00 3 25 Heliotrope, Reseda .lb. 3 00 3 25 Honeysuckle, Rose .lb. 3 00 3 25 Hyacinth, Rose Geranium .lb. 3 00 3 25 Jasmin, Stephanotis ..lb. 3 00 3 25 jockey Club, Sweet Pea . .lb. 3 00 3 25 jonquille, Tea Rose .lb. 3 00 3 25 Lily of the Valley, Tuberose . .lb. 3 00 3 25 Magnolia, Upper Ten ..lb. 3 00 3 25 Marechale, Violet .lb. 3 00 3 25 Mignonette, West End .lb. 3 00 3 25 Millefleur, White Rose .lb. 3 00 3 25 Moss Rose, Ylang Ylang .lb. 3 00 3 25 Musk, .lb. 3 00 3 25 EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY, No. 24, Chiris', in 1 lb. bottles. Bouquet de Caroline Moss Rose ..lb. 3 00 3 25 Cassie, Musk .lb. 3 00 3 25 Ess. Bouquet, New-Mown Hay .lb. 3 00 3 25 Frangipanni, Orange .lb. 3 00 3 25 Heliotrope, Patchouly .lb. 3 00 3 25 jasmin, Pond Lily .lb. 3 00 3 25 jockey Club, Rose Geranium ..lb. 3 00 3 25 jonquille, Tuberose .lb. 3 00 3 25 Lily of the Valley, Upper Ten : ..lb. 3 00 3 25 Magnolia, Violet • lb. 3 00 3 25 Marechale, West End • lb. 3 °o 3 25 Mignonette, Ylang Ylang t .lb 3 00 3 25 Millefleur, 3 o° 3 25 EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY, W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S, 1 lb. G. S. Bottles, containing about 18% fluid ounces. Bouquet de Caroline Orange Flowers ..lb. 3 o° 3 25 Cassie, Patchouly . .lb. 3 00 3 25 Ess. Bouquet, Pond Lhy .lb. 3 00 3 25 Frangipanni, Rose . .lb. 3 00 3 25 Heliotrope, Rose Geranium . .lb. 3 00 3 25 Honeysuckle, Stephanotis .lb. 3 00 3 25 jasmin, Sweet Pea .lb. 3 00 3 25 jockey Club, Tea Rose • lb. 3 00 3 25 Magnolia, Tuberose • lb. 3 00 3 25 Millefleur, Upper Ten • lb. 3 00 3 25 Moss Rose, Violet . .lb. 3 00 3 25 Musk, West End .lb 3 00 3 25 New-Mown Hay, White Rose .lb 3 00 3 25 Orange, Ylang Ylang .lb 3 00 3 25 EXTRACTS, SOLID AMERICAN AND FOREIGN. Extract Aconite Leaves, U. S. P., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. jars.lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Aconite Leaves, English, Allen's, % lb. jars .lb. 3 00 3 25 " Aconite Leaves, % lb. " . .lb. 3 25 3 50 " Aconite Root, W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 3 00 3 25 " Aconite Root, German, Merck's, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 3 00 3 25 " Aconite Root, * ' powdered .oz. 25 30 " Aloes, Soc. Aqu., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. jars .lb. 2 00 2 25 " Aloes, Soc. Aqu , powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. bots ..lb. 2 50 2 75 " Aloes, Aqueous, German, Merck's, bulk .lb. 80 9° " Aloes, Aqueous, " "1 lb. jars .lb. I co I 10 18 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Extract, Aloes, Aqueous, German, Merck's y2 lb. jars " Arnica, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars .lb. .lb. 1 IO 2 OO 1 20 2 25 " Arnica, Ale., German, i lb. jars .lb. 4 oo 4 25 " Arnica, Aqueous, German, i lb. jars .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Belladonna, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars .lb. 3 00 3 25 " Belladonna, " German, Merck's, i lb. " .lb. 4 oo 4 25 " Belladonna, " " " y2 lb. " .lb. 4 25 4 50 " Belladonna, " " powdered, i lb. bots .lb. 4 5° 5 00 " Belladonna, Aqueous, German, Merck's, i lb. jars... .lb. I 25 1 5o " Belladonna, " " dry, " i oz. " .. OZ. 25 3° " Belladonna, English, Alien's, i lb. " ... .lb. 2 25 2 50 " Belladonna, " •' % lb. " .. lb. 2 50 2 75 " Bittersweet, American, i lb. jars .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Blackberry, " i lb. " lb. I 80 2 OO " Blood Root, " i lb. " .. lb. 2 75 3 00 " Blue Flag, " i lb. " lb. 2 75 3 00 " Boneset, " i lb. " lb. 1 75 2 OO " Buchu, " i lb. 11 lb. 4 25 4 50 " Buchu, Ale., German, i lb. " lb. 5 00 5 25 " Buckbean, Aqueous, German, i lb. jars lb. 1 50 1 60 " Burdock, American, I lb. " .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Burdock, German, i lb. " .lb. 1 5° 1 60 " Butternut, American, i lb. " .lb. 1 25 1 35 " Butternut, Ale., German, i lb. " .lb. 3 00 3 25 " Calabar Bean, Ale., German, Merck's, i oz. bots.... OZ. 2 OO 2 2S " Calabar Bean, " " " y2 oz. " . .oz. 2 25 2 50 11 Calabar Bean, " W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. jars .oz. I 50 1 75 " Calamus, " German, Merck's, i lb. " .lb. 3 00 3 25 " Calendula, " " i oz. . .OZ. 25 3° " Calendula, Aqueous, " i lb. '' ,1b. 3 °o 3 25 " Camwood .lb. 8 10 " Cannabis Indicus, English, Herring's, % lb. jars... . .lb. 7 00 7 5° " Cannabis Indicus, " " i oz. " .... OZ. 60 65 " Cannabis Indicus, " Squire's, i oz. " .oz. 1 75 " Cannabis Indicus, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. jars.. .oz. 5o 55 " Cannabis Indicus, powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. bots oz. 75 " Carduus Benedictus, Ale., German, i lb. jars .lb. 1 25 1 35 " Cascarilla, Am., i lb. jars .lb. " Cascarilla, German, Merck's, X lb. jars .lb. 3 00 /o 3 25 " Cascarilla, Ale., dry, German, i oz. " OZ. 5o 55 " Catechu, German, i lb. " .lb. 1 5o I 60 " Centaury Minor, German, i lb. " .. .lb. i 5o I 60 " Chamomile, American, i lb. " .lb. 1 75 I 85 " Chamomile, Ale., German, i lb. " .lb. 4 00 4 25 " Chamomile, Aqueous, German, i lb. " .lb. 1 75 1 85 " Chelidonium, Ale., " i lb. " .. .lb. 3 00 3 25 " Chelidonium, Aqueous, " i lb. " ,1b. 1 5o 1 60 " Chelidonium, " dry, " i oz. " .OZ. 30 35 " Chiretta, German, r oz. jars " Cinchona, Calisaya' Am., i lb. jars .lb. 10 50 " Cinchona, Pale, " i lb. " .lb. q " Cinchona, Precip., " i lb. " ,1b. I 85 I 90 " Cinchona, " " i oz. " 18 " Cinchona, Red, " i lb. " .lb. 10 5° " Cinchona, " Aqueous, dry, German, i oz. jars OZ. 75 85 " Cinchona, " cold prepared, " i oz. " .oz. I 20 I 25 " Cinchona, Yellow, cold prepared, Merck's, y lb. jars.. .lb. 7 00 7 50 " Cinchona, " cold prepared, Merck's, i oz. jars.. oz. 50 55 " Cinchona, " Ale., dried, Merck's, ioz. bots.... .oz. 60 65 " Cinchona, " Aqueous, Merck's, I oz. bots oz. 60 65 " Coca Erythroxylon, German, i oz. jars... oz. I 00 1 10 " Coca Erythroxylon, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. jars. oz. 85 90 " Cohosh, Black, American, i lb. jars .lb. 2 25 2 50 " Cohosh, Blue, " i lb. " .. .lb. 2 75 3 00 " Colchicum Root, Acetic, Am., i lb. jars .lb. 3 00 3 50 " Colchicum Root, Ale., " i lb. " .lb. 3 75 4 00 " Colchicum Root, " German, i lb. jars .lb. 5 75 6 00 " Colchicum Root, Acetic, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars. .lb. 4 25 4 5o " Colchicum Root, Acetic, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. jars. .OZ. 4° 5° " Colchicum Root, Acetic, English, Alien's, % lb. jars. .lb. 6 00 6 50 " Colchicum Root, " " " i oz. " . OZ. 50 55 " Colocynth, Comp., U. S. P., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars ,1b. 4 00 4 25 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 19 Extract, Colocynth, Comp. U. S. P.,powd, W.H.S.& Co's, i lb. bots. lb. 4 50 4 75 " Colocynth, " English, Allen's, i lb. jars lb. " Colocynth, " Powd., English, Alien's, i lb. bots . .lb. " Colocynth, " " " " /4 1b. " ..lb. 5 00 5 25 5 50 5 75 5 75 6 00 " Colocynth, Simple, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars lb. " Colocynth, " Ale., dried, Merck's, i oz. bots oz. 3 5° 3 75 75 80 " Colombo, American, i lb. jars lb. 2 75 3 00 " Colombo, Ale., dried, German, i oz. jars oz. 60 65 " Conium, " " Merck's, % lb. jars... .lb. " Conium, " " " " i oz. " ....lb. 3 50 3 75 25 30 " Conium, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars lb. " Conium, " powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. bots.oz. 2 00 2 25 40 " Conium, E Succo, German, Merck's, i lb. jars lb. I 50 I 60 " Conium, English, Alien's, i lb. jars lb. " Cotton Root Bark, Am., i lb. " lb. " Cotyledon Umbilicus, English, Herring's, i oz. jars... .oz. I 35 I 50 3 75 4 00 90 I 00 " Cranesbill, American, i lb. jars lb. 3 00 3 50 " Cranesbill, Ale., German, i oz. jars oz. 50 55 " Cubeb, American, i lb. jars lb. 4 50 5 00 " Cubeb, Ethereal, German, Merck's, a lb. bots lb. 3 00 3 50 " Cubeb, " '' " % lb. " lb. 3 25 3 75 " Dandelion, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars lb. 90 I 00 " Dandelion, English, Alien's, i lb. jars lb. " Dandelion, German, Merck's, i lb. jars lb. I IO I 25 9° I 00 " Digitalis, Ale., " " i lb. bots lb. 3 00 3 25 " Digitalis, " W. H. S. & Co,'s, i lb. jars lb. 2 25 2 50 " Digitalis, " powd.,W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. bots oz. 40 " Digitalis, Aqueous, American, i lb. jars lb. " Digitalis, " German, i lb. " lb. 2 25 2 50 I 50 I 60 " Digitaiis, " dried, " i oz. " oz. 25 30 " Digitalis, English, Allen's, i lb. jars lb. 3 50 3 75 " Elaterium, English oz. 5 75 b 00 " Elecampane, Ale., German, i lb. jars lb. " Elecampane, Aqueous, " i lb. " lb. " Ergot, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. jars oz. 4 00 4 25 I 50 I 60 60 65 " Eucalyptus, i oz. jars oz. 40 45 " Ferri Pomat., German, Merck's, i lb. jars lb. I 00 I IO " Ferri Pomat., " " J4 lb. " lb. I IO I 20 " Fucus Vesicul, German, i oz. jars oz. 30 35 " Fustic, 12 lb. boxes lb. 28 30 " Galls, American, i lb. jars lb. 2 00 2 25 " Gentian, U. S. P., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb jars lb. 75 80 " Gentian, English, Allen's, i lb. jars lb. 85 9° " Gentian, " powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. bots..oz. 4° " Gentian, German, i lb. jars lb. 75 80 " Goldenseal, American, i lb. jars lb. 3 00 3 25 " Graminis, German, Merck's, i lb. jars lb. I 00 I 10 " Graminis, " " % lb. " lb. I IO I 20 " Granatorum Root, German, I oz. " oz. 3° 35 Gratiola, Ale., " i lb. " lb. 4 00 4 25 " Guarana, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i ozjars oz. I 5° I 60 " Guaiac Wood, " i oz. " oz. 4° 45 " Hellebore, Black, Am., i lb. jars lb. 2 5° 2 75 " Hellebore, White, Am., i lb. jars lb. 3 25 3 50 " Hop, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s., i lb. jars lb. 3 00 3 25 " Horehound, American, i lb. jars lb. 2 75 3 00 " Hyoscyamus, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars lb. " Hyoscyamus, " powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. bots. .oz. " Hyoscyamus, " German, Merck's, lb. jars lb. " Hyoscyamus, " dried, German, Merck's, i oz. bots.oz. 3 00 3 25 50 4 00 4 25 25 30 " Hyoscyamus, E Succo, " " i lb. jars...lb. I 50 I 60 " Hyoscyamus, Annual, English, Alien's, i lb. " ..lb. 3 50 3 75 " Hyoscyamus, " " " % lb. " ..lb. 3 75 4 00 " Hyoscyamus, Biennial, " " I lb. " ..lb. 4 00 4 25 " Hyoscyamus, " " " % lb. " ..lb. 4 25 4 50 " Ignatia Beans, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. " ..oz. I 00 1 10 " Ipecac. American, i lb. jars lb. IO 00 TO 50 " Jaborandi, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. jars , oz. 75 80 " jalap, Officinal, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars lb. 2 So 2 75 " Jalap, " powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. bots ... .lb. 2 75 3 00 " Jalap, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars lb. 3 00 3 25 " Jalap, " powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s., i lb. bots lb. 3 25 3 50 20 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Extract, Jalap, Aqueous, Germ, i lb. jars ..lb. 75 90 jalap, " dried, Germ, i lb. jars ..lb. 2 OO 2 25 " jalap, English, Allen's, % lb. " . .lb. 7 00 7 50 " juniper Berries, Am., i lb. " . .lb. 2 00 2 25 " Koosso, Ale., Germ., i oz. " . .oz. 1 00 I 10 " Lactucarium, German, Merck's, i lb. bots ..lb. 4 75 5 00 " Lactucarium, " " % lb. " . .lb. 4 85 5 00 " Lactucarium, " " Q lb. " . .lb. 5 00 5 25 " Lactucarium, " " i oz. " . .oz. 45 50 " Leptandrin, American, i lb. jars ..lb. 2 50 2 75 " Lettuce, " i lb. " ..lb. 2 25 2 5° " Licorice, Calabria, various brands (see pages 30 and 31)- " Licorice, Depurat, W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. bots . .lb. I OO I 10 " Lobelia, American, 1 lb. jars . .lb. 3 5o 3 75 Logwood, bulk, boxes, 12, 24 and 48 lbs . .lb. iol4 II " Logwood, 1 lb. packages, boxes, 24 lbs ..lb. 13 " Logwood, y2 lb. " " 24 lbs ..lb. 13% 14 " Logwood, % lb. " " 24 lbs... . .lb. 15% 16 " Logwood, assorted " " 24 lbs ..lb. 14% 15 " Male Fern, Ethereal, German, Gehe's, 1 lb. bots.... . .lb. 6 00 6 25 " Male Fern, " " " % lb. " .... . .lb. 6 25 6 50 " Male Fern, " " " % lb. " ... . .lb. 6 50 6 75 " Male Fern, " " " 1 oz. " .... . .oz. 50 55 " Malt, German, Schering's .doz. 4 00 " Malt, with Iron, German, Schering's .doz. 5 00 " Mandrake, American, 1 lb. jars . .lb. 2 50 2 75 " Matico, Alcoholic, 1 oz. jars 5° 55 " Matico, Aqueous, 1 oz. " . .oz. 40 45 " Mezereon, Ale., German, 1 oz. jars . .oz. 5° 55 " Mezereon, Ethereal, German, 1 oz. jars . .oz. I 00 I 10 " Millefolium, " 1 lb. " . .lb. I 25 1 35 " Monesia, W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 65 75 " Mugwort, Ale., German, 1 oz. jars . .oz. 4° 45 " Myrrh, Aqueous, " 1 lb. " ..lb. 3 00 3 25 " Nux Vomica, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. jars . .lb. 4 00 4 25 " Nux Vomica, " " 1 oz. " . .oz. 3° 35 " Nux Vomica, " powd., " ioz. bots.... . .oz. 40 45 " Nux Vomica, " English, Herring's, 1 oz. jars.... . .oz. 85 90 " Nux Vomica, Aqueous, German, 1 oz. jars . .oz. 20 25 " Opium, " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 oz. jars.. . .oz. I OO I 10 " Opium, " dried, " 1 oz. " .. . .oz. I 50 I 60 " Opium, " German, Merck's, % lb. " . . .lb. 24 00 " Opium, " " " 1 oz. " .. . .oz. 1 65 i 75 " Orange Peel, German, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 3 00 3 25 " Pimpinella, Ale., " 1 lb. " ..lb. 4 00 4 25 " Poppy Heads, " 1 lb. " ..lb. 3 00 3 25 " Pulsatilla, Alcoholic, German, 1 lb. jars . ,1b. 4 5o 4 75 " Pulsatilla, Aqueous, " 1 lb. " . .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Pyretha, Alcoholic, " 1 oz. " . .oz. 70 75 " Quassia, Am., 1 lb. jars . .lb. 2 75 3 00 " Quassia, German, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 4 00 4 25 " Quillaya, " 1 lb. " ..lb. 3 50 3 75 " Rhamnus Frang, German, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 2 50 2 75 " Rhatany, W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. bots ..lb. 3 00 3 25 " Rhatany, powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. bots ..lb. 3 75 4 00 " Rhatany, Infus, German, Merck's, % lb. jars . ,1b. 2 OO 2 25 " Rhubarb, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 4 50 4 75 " Rhubarb, " powd., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 oz. bots. . .oz. 50 " Rhubarb, Aqueous, German, Merck's, % lb. jars. ..lb. 4 5o 4 75 " Rhubarb, " " " ioz. bots.. ..lb. 35 4° Rhubarb, Comp., " " 1 oz. " . ..lb. 50 55 " Rhubarb, English, Allen's, % lb. jars ..lb. 6 00 6 50 • • Rue, American, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 2 25 2 50 >• Sage, German, 1 lb. " ..lb. 1 5o 1 60 ■ < Saponaria, German, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 1 50 1 60 • < Sarsaparilla, Comp., Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. jars.lb. 2 75 3 00 ■ < Sarsaparilla, Comp., English, Alien's, 1 lb. jars... . ,1b. 5 25 5 50 <1 Sarsaparilla, " " " % lb. " ... ..lb. 5 50 5 75 << Sarsaparilla, Simp., Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars.lb. 3 75 4 00 << Savin, Ale., German, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 3 5o 3 75 << Savin, Aqueous, German, 1 lb. jars ..lb. 2 OO 2 25 >1 Senega, American, % lb. jars ..lb. 7 50 8 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 21 Extract Senna, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars ..lb. 2 50 2 75 " Squill, Ale., German, i lb. jars ..lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Squill, Aqueous, dried, German, i lb. jars. ..lb. 1 75 2 OO " Stillingia, Am., x lb. jars ..lb. 4 00 4 25 " Stramonium Leaf, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars.. ..lb. 2 50 2 75 " Stramonium " " German, I lb. jars ..lb. 4 50 5 00 " Stramonium " Aqueous, German, I lb. jars . .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Stramonium Seed, English, Allen's, X lb- jars ..lb. 7 50 8 00 " Stramonium " Ale., German, i oz. jars . .oz. I 50 1 60 " Sumbul, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. jars ..OZ. I 50 I 60 " Tobacco, Ale., German, I oz. jars . .oz. 50 55 " Uva Ursi, Am., i lb. jars ..lb. I 50 1 60' " Valerian, Ale., W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. jars ...lb. 3 25 3 50 " Valerian, English, Alien's, i lb. jars ..lb. 2 75 3 00 " Valerian, " " % lb. " ..lb. 3 00 3 25 " Valerian, " " % lb. " ..lb. 3 50 3 751 " Valerian, German, i lb. jars ..lb. 1 75 2 00 " Veratrum, Viride, Am., i lb. jars ..lb. 3 25 3 5°: " Veratrum, " Ale., German, i lb. jars . .lb. 4 00 4 25, " Willow Bark, dried, German, i lb. jars . .lb. 1 75 2 OO " Wintergreen, Am., i lb. jars ..lb. 2 50 2 75 " Wormseed, Ethereal, German, i oz. jars . .oz. 40 45 " Wormwood, Aqueous, German, i lb. jars . .lb. I OO I IO " Yarrow, Am., I lb. jars . .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Yellow Dock, Am., i lb. jars . .lb. 2 75 3 00 Eye Stones 50 Farina, Hecker's (see page 104). Feldspar ..lb. 6 8 ' ' Powdered . .lb. IO 12 Fig, Blue ..lb. 25 30 Fish Berries (see Berries, Cocculus Indicus, page 9). " Sounds . .lb. I 25 I 50 Flake White • . .lb. 18 20 Flour Rice, bulk . .lb. IO 12 " " 1 lb. papers . .lb. 12 14 " Sago . .lb. IO 12 Flowers, Acacia ..lb. 4° 45 " Althea (Marsh-Mallow) . .lb. 35 4o; " Arnica . .lb. 15 18 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 30 35 " Blind Nettle . .lb. 1 50 1 60 " Blue Century . .lb. 1 50 1 60 " Borage ..lb. 75 85 " Calcatrippa ..lb. 50 55 " Calendula (Marigold) ..lb. 55 60 " Cassie ..lb. 60 65 " Chamomile, Belgium, 1877 ..lb. 30 35 " " German, 1877 . .lb. 22 25 " " " old . .lb. " Roman, 1877 . .lb. 35 38 " " old ..lb. " Cheiri ..lb. 1 75 1 85 " Colt's-foot (Farfara) ..lb. 50 60 " Convallaria ..lb. 1 00 I 10 " Corni . .lb. 4° 50 " Elder . .lb. 18 20 " Genistae ..lb. 50 60; " Granatorum ..lb. 1 50 I 601 " Hollyhock (Malva Ros) 1 25 I 35 " Koosso, true, Abyssinian ..lb. 75 85 " " " Powd., W. H. S.& Co.'s. ...lb. 9° I OOi " Powdered, French, 1 oz. bots .doz. 6 00 6 50 " Lavender ..lb. IO 12 " Malva Arbor, Black, large ..lb. 25 30 " " sine calic ..lb. 5° 60 " Sylvestris Blue, small ..lb. 75 85 " Melilot ..lb. 15 20 " " Powdered ..lb. 25 30 " Millefolia (see Yarrow). " Mullein (see Verbasci). " Orange ..lb. I OO I 10' " Patchouly ..lb. 75 85! 22 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Flowers, Pectoral lb. 3° 4° " Peony lb. 75 85 " Poppy, Red lb. 55 60 " " White lb. " Primul Veris (Cowslip) lb. 1 5o I 60 " Rose, Pale lb. 60 65 " " Red lb. 80 9° " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. I 00 I 10 " Rosemary lb. 40 50 " Saffron, American lb. 30 35 " " Spanish, True, Valencia lb. 10 00 10 50 " Scoparia (Broomtops) lb. 30 35 11 Tansy lb. 25 3° " Tilia (Linden), with leaves lb. 30 35 " " " without leaves lb. 75 85 " Trifolia, Red and White lb. 25 3° " Verbasci (Mullein) lb. 75 80 " Violet lb. 75 80 " White Lily lb. I 00 I 10 " Yarrow (Millefolia) lb. 15 20 Fluor Nigre lb. I 50I I 60 " Spar lb. IO 12 " " Powdered lb. 18 20 Frostings, White lb. 50 60 Fucus Amylaceus lb. 60 65 " Vesiculosus (Sea Wrack-Bladder Wrack) lb. 25 3° Fuller's Earth (see Earth, page 15). Fustic (see Dye-Woods, page 93). Furfurin I 50 Gambier (see Gum Catechu, page 24). Garlics 18 20 Gelatine, Cooper's, sheet lb. 9° 95 " " "by box, 12 lbs lb. 85 " " shred lb. 9° 95 " " "by box, 12 lbs lb. 85 " " " 2OZ. ppS lb. 90 95 " " " 2 oz. pps., by box, 12 lbs.... lb. 8-t " Cox's 1 75 I 85 gross. 20 OO " Nelson's doz. 1 75 1 90 • • I • 19 5o " French, Pink, sheets lb. I 20 I 25 " " White, " extra lb. 90 1 00 " " " " No. 1 lb. 85 90 " " " " " 2 lb. 75 80 " " " " A lb. 60 65 " " " " B lb. 55 60 " " C lb. 50 55 Glass, Powdered lb. 8 IO " Soluble (Silicate Soda) gall. 60 65 " " by bbl gall. 50 Glucose lb. 12 15 Glue, Cooper's, A Extra, bbl., 85 lbs lb. 32 35 " " No. 1, Extra, " 85 lbs lb. 28 30 " " " 1, " 85 lbs lb. 24 27 IX, " 100 lbs lb. 20 22 " " " I Xi " IOO IbS lb. l6 18 " " " " no lbs lb. 14 16 " " " 1%, " 130 lbs lb. 13 15 " "135 lbs lb. II 13 " " " iXi " I5° lbs lb. 10 12 " " "2, " 150 lbs lb. 9 IO " " " 2%, " 165 lbs lb. 8 10 " " "2X1 " 165 lbs lb. " " " 2$, " 165 lbs lb. " " " 2%, " 165 lbs lb. " " " 2X. "165 lbs lb. " " " 3. " 165 lbs lb. " Fish (see Isinglass, American, page 28). " French lb. 25 4° " Frozen lb. 25 3° Glycerine, Bowers', 1 oz. bots doz. I 12 1 25 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 23 Glycerine, Bowers, 2 oz. bots 2 25 2 50 " " i lb. " ... .lb. 65 70 " " bulk ....lb. 5» 60 " Gas Meter . .gall. 1 25 " Price's, 1 oz. bots 1 25 I 50 " " 2 OZ. " 2 25 2 50 " " I lb. " ... .lb. 75 80 " Sarg's (Vienna), 1 lb. bots ....lb. 35 38 " " " bulk ... .lb. 22 25 " " " by can, 50 lbs ....lb. 20 " " " C. P., Vz lb. bots ... .lb. 70 75 " " " " 1 lb. " ....lb. 60 65 " 5 lb. *' ....lb. 50 55 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. bots ....lb. 30 35 " " bulk ....lb. 22 25 " " by can, 50 lbs ....lb. 20 Glycerite of Kephaline ....lb. 6 00 6 5° Glycyrrhizin 5o 55 Goa Powder 4 5o 4 75 < < c < .. .oz. 40 Gold, Chloride, 15 gr. bots 5 60 " Cyanide grain. 20 25 " Leaf, Extra, deep packs, 20 books 7 50 " " Pale, " 20 " 6 75 " " Usual, " 20 " 7 00 " Oxide, 15 gr. bots 11 00 " " % oz. " 27 00 " and Sodium, Chloride, 15 gr. bots . .doz. 2 80 " 30 gr. " 5 60 " " " " % oz. bots ...oz. 6 90 Goulard's Extract, (see Lead Subacetate Solution, page 29) Grains d'Ambrette ...lb. 75 80 " Kermes (Coccus Ilicis) ...lb. 2 5° 2 75 " Paradise .. .lb. 12 15 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 22 25 Granville's Lotion (see Lotion, page 31). Grape Sugar (see Sugar, page 54). Graphite, select pieces .. .lb. 25 30 " Powder .. .lb. 15 20 " Purified .. .lb. 1 5° I 60 Groats, Robinson's Patent (see page 132). Guaco ...lb. I 00 I IO Guaiac (see Wood, page 63). Guarana (Paulinia) .. .lb. r 75 2 OO " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 2 OO 2 25 Gum Acroides ...lb. 60 65 " Aloes, Barbadoes .. .lb. 30 35 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 45 So " " Bonaire .. .lb. 28 3° " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 38 4° " " Cape ...lb. 15 18 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . . .lb. 25 28 " " Socotrine, true .. .lb. 50 60 " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s... .. .lb. 65 75 " Amber ...lb. 50 75 " Ammoniac, Mass ...lb. 3° 40 11 " Tears ...lb. 45 50 Powdered ...lb. I 00 I IO 11 Anime .. ,1b. 50 60 " Arabic, Turkey, 1st select .. ,1b. 50 55 " " " 2d " .. .lb. 35 4° " 3d " ...lb. 30 35 " " " 4th " .. .lb. 25 27 " " 5'b " .. .lb. 20 22 " " " Sifted Sorts ...lb. 22 25 " " " Sorts ...lb. 20 22 " " " Granulated, 1st, W. H. S. & Co.'s... ....lb. 60 65 " *' " Powdered, 1st, W. H. S. & Co.'s... . ...lb. 65 75 " " " " 2d. W. H. S. & Co.'s... . ...lb. 50 60 " " " " 3d, W. H. S. & Co.'s... . ...lb. 4° 50 " " " Siftings ...lb. 18 20 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 24 Gum Assafoetida ..lb. 20 25 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 45 5° " Asphaltum, Cuba " " Egyptian ..lb. 8 . .lb. " Bdellium . .lb. 5° 60 " Benzoin . .lb. 40 45 " " Marbled . .lb. 5° 60 " " Powdered, W. PI. S. & Co.'s . ,1b. 70 75 " Camphor, Crude " " Refined . .lb. . .lb. 28 30 " " "by bbl., 200 lbs . .lb. 25 " " Simes' Compressed . .lb. 35 38 " Catechu, Black . .lb. IO 12 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 25 3° " " Brown (Terra Japonica or Gambier) ..lb. 7 9 " " " by bale, 150 lbs ..lb. 4 J? " " Refined, 1 lb. packages, boxes, 24 lbs " " " Vo. " " " 24 " . .lb. 14 16 ..lb. 15 17 " " " K " " " 24 " . .lb. 17 19 " Chicle . .lb. 35 40 " Copal . .lb. 40 50 " Damar ..lb. 22 25 " Drops (see Candy, page n). " Elastic . .lb. " Elemi . .lb. 30 35 " Euphorbium " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 18 20 . .lb. 35 40 " Galbanum Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 1 50 I 60 " " Strained, W. H. S. & Co.'s . ,1b. 9° I 00 " " Tears . .lb. 75 85 " Gamboge . .lb. 65 70 " " Powdered, W. PI. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 75 80 " Gedda . ,1b. 15 18 ' ' Guaiac . .lb. 4° 45 " " Powdered, W. PI. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 50 60 " " Strained . .lb. 75 85 " Hederia . .lb. 1 50 I 60 " Hemlock . .lb. 50 60 " Hog, true ...lb. 50 to " Kino, true . .lb. 3° 35 " " " powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s., ...lb. 4° 45 '' Labdanum .. .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Mastic, Tears ...lb. 2 OO 2 25 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 2 25 2 50 " Myrrh, Turkey " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 38 45 . .lb. 50 60 " Olibanum . .lb. 18 20 " " T ears . .lb. 3° 35 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 45 50 " Opium, Turkey Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 5 00 5 25 . .lb. 6 50 .6 75 " " Denarcotized 75 85 " Opoponax . ,1b. 4 00 4 25 " Sagapenum . .lb. 2 00 2 25 " Sandarach ..lb. 35 4° " Sang. Draconis, Mass (Dragon's Blood) " " " Reeds . .lb. 50 55 ..lb. 80 85 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 75 " Scammony, Aleppo " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 7 00 7 50 . .lb. 7 5° 8 00 " " Patent . .lb. " " Virgin, true " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.. ..lb. 9 50 10 00 ..lb. 10 50 II 00 ' ' Seedlac . .lb. 4° 45 " Senegal . .lb. 3° 40 " Shellac, Bleached . . lb. 35 38 " " " Refined . .lb. 5° 55 " " Campbell's " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 28 3° . .lb. 50 55 " " English . .lb. 25 28 " " Native . .lb. .23 25 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 45 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 25 Gum Spruce lb. 60 65' " Sticklac " Succinum (see Amber, page 23). lb. 30 35 " Tacamahac lb. 2 00 2 IO| ' ' Tamarac (not obtainable) lb. " Thus (White Turpentine) lb. 8 IO " Tragacanth, Flake, Aleppy lb. 75 80 1 00 I 10 " " " Extra lb. I IO I 25 " " " Extra Ribbons lb. I 4c I 50 " " Sorts » lb. " " " Extra lb. 25 3° " " " Flaky lb: " " Vermicelli lb. 9° I 00 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 65 75 " " " Extra, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... lb. I 40 1 50 Gun Cotton (see Cotton, page 14). Gutta Percha, Crude, shavings lb. i 75 2 OOi " " " sheets lb. 2 OO 2 25 " " White Depurat oz. I OO I loj Haemaglobin ... .grm. I OO Haematoxylin ....drm. I OO I I0| Haschish 2 OO Herb, Agrimony, German lb. 25 28 " Althea (Marsh-Mallow), German lb. 16 20; " Anethi, German lb. 35 40I " Arnica, " " Balm Mint (Menth Crisp.), German lb. 25 30' lb. 25 30 • ' Bardanae, German lb. 3° 35 " Basilicum, " lb. 60 65 " Betonica, " lb. 3° 351 " Bittersweet, " lb. 15 20 " Borage, " lb. 20 251 " Calendula, " lb. 25 30 " Cannab. Indica, foreign lb. 25 3° " Carduus Bened. (Blessed Thistle), German lb. 18 201 ' ' Centaury Minor, German lb. 20 25 " Chiretta, " lb. 3° 35 " Coltsfoot, " lb. 15 20 " Cynoglossi, " " Damiana (see Leaves, page 30). lb. 20 25i " Drosera Rotundifolia lb. 9° I 00; " Galeopsis, German lb. 20 25 " Gratiola (Hedge Hyssop), German lb. 25 30 " Grindelia Robusta lb. 4° 50 " Horehound, German lb. 12 151 " Hyssop, " lb. 25 30 " Kava Kava lb. " Lemon Balm, " (Melissa) lb. 30 35 " Liverwort lb. 20 25 " Lobelia lb. 15 20 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 25 3° " Lovage lb. 3° 35 " Maiden Hair lb. 35 4° " Malva (Low Mallow), German " Melissa (see Lemon Balm). lb. 16 20' 1 " Mugwort (Artemesia) lb. 18 20 " Mullein, German lb. 25 45 " Parsley, " lb. 11 Peppermint (Menth Pip.), German lb. 3° 35 " Pulsatilla, German lb. 20 251 " Rockrose, " lb. 25 3° " Rue, " " Sage, " (see Leaves, page 30). lb. 25 30 " Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia) lb. 50 55 " Spearmint (Menth Virid.), German lb. 25 30 " Sundew (Drosera) lb. 9° I 00 " Sweet Marjoram, German lb. 3° 35: " Tansy, " lb. 18 20; " Viola Tricolor, " lb. 20 25 " Wormwood, " lb. 15 2O1 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 25 30 26 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Herb, Xanthium Spinosum " Yarrow (Millefolia) German " Yerba Santa lb. lb. lb. I 00 18 I '00 I I 10 20 IO Herbs, various, Amer'n, pressed (seelist of Shakers' Herbs, page 65). Hiera Piera lb. 30 35 Hoffman's Anodyne, 1 lb. bots. (see Anodyne, page 6). Honey, Strained lb. 18 20 Hops, Loose, 1877 lb. 18 20 " Pressed, 1877, 1 lb., % lb., and % lb. papers lb. 20 25 " " " i oz. papers 25 30 Hot Drops, bulk «• lb. 65 75 " " • 2 oz. bots ... .doz. 150 I 75 " " 4 oz. " ... .doz. 2 50 2 75 " " 6 oz. " ... .doz. 3 50 3 75 " " IO oz. " ... .doz. 5 5o 6 00 " " 18 oz. " ... .doz. 9 00 9 50 Hydrogen, Peroxide, Solution, % gall, bots ... .bot. 8 00 Hyoscyamin, German, Merck's, % oz. bots ..% oz. 6 00 " Crystals, German, Merck's gr. 75 Hypernic Wood (see Dye-Woods, page 93). Hvraceum oz. 25 30 India Ink (see page 231). ' ' Rubber, crude lb. 1 25 I 50 Indigo, Bengal lb. 1 75 I 85 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Caracas lb. I 20 I 25 " Carmine of... lb. I 25 2 00 " Compound (Sulphate) lb. 60 65 " Guatemala lb. I 35 I 40 " Madras, Extra lb. 90 I 00 " Manila, Extra lb. 9° I 00 " Paste lb. 5o 55 " Sulphate (see Indigo Compound). Indigotine, French lb. 9 50 IO 00 " German lb. 7 00 7 50 Indium ... grm. 9 00 " Chloride .. .grm. 8 00 Ink, India (see page 231). " Powder (see page 118). " Writing (see page 230). Insect Powder (see Powder, pages 118 and 119). lodsethylamin, 1 oz. bots oz. 2 OO 2 25 lodamyl, 1 oz. " oz. I 25 I 35 Iodine, Bromide, i oz. " oz. I 00 I IO " " Solution, 15%, 1 oz. bots oz. 33 35 " Chloride, 1 oz. bots oz. 90 I CO • " Crude, 1 lb. " lb. 4 90 5 00 " Resublimed, 1 lb. bots lb. 5 40 5 50 " " I oz. " oz. 37 40 Iodoform, 1 oz. " oz. 95 I 00 Iridium, Chloride, % oz. " . • % OZ. 6 00 '' Metallic .. .grm. 2 50 Iron, Acetate, Dry, 1 oz. bots oz. 30 35 " " Liquid, 1 lb. bots lb. I 00 I IO " Alcoholized (Limatura), 1 lb. bots lb. 35 40 " Ammoniated (Flores Martiales), 1 lb. bots lb. 35 40 " Arseniate, 1 oz. bots oz. 3° 35 " Arsenite, i oz. " oz. 4° 45 " Benzoate, i oz. " oz. 1 00 I 10 " Borocitrate, i oz. " oz. 5° 60 " Bromide, 1 oz. " oz. 20 25 " Carb. Drops (Rubigo Ferri) lb. 16 18 " " Precipitated Jb. 19 22 " " " Extra 45 50 " " " English lb. 25 30 ■' " Proto (Vallet's Mass.) lb. 4° 45 " " Sacchar., German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots lb. 75 80 " " lb. 85 90 " Xlb. " lb. 9° I 00 " Chloride, 1 lb. bots lb. 70 75 " " I oz. " oz. 6 8 " " Solution for tincture, 1 pint bots .. .pint. 22 25 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. Iron, Chloride. Tincture .lb. 32 35 " Citrate, U. S. P., i lb. bots .lb. 80 85 44 44 44 • I oz. " .OZ. 8 IO " " and Ammonia (soluble), x lb. bots .lb. 80 85 44 44 44 " 44 I oz. " • OZ. 8 10 " " " " English, Herring's, I lb. bots.... .lb. 1 25 i 35 " " " Magnesium, i oz. bots .OZ. 8 " " " Manganese, i oz. " .oz. 55 60 " " " Quinine, i lb. " .lb. 11 50 12 OO 44 44 4 4 4 4 I oz. " . OZ. 80 " " " " English, Herring's, i oz. bots .... .oz. I 00 " " " " with Strychnine, i oz. bots .oz. 80 85 " " " Strychnine, i oz. bots .oz. 20 25 " Dialysed, true, in Scales, John Wyeth & Bros., i lb. bots. .lb. 5 00 5 5O1 " " " Solution, " " " I lb. bots .lb. 9° I 00 " " " " " " " doz. 8 00 " Ferrocyanide, i lb. bots .lb. 80 85 " " I oz. " .OZ. 7 9 " Filings ; .lb. IO 12 " " Extra (Card Teeth) .lb. 18 20 " Hydrated Oxide (Antidote for Arsenic), i lb. bots .lb. 40 45 " Hydrocyanate, i oz. bots .OZ. 80 85 " Hypophosphite, I lb. bots .lb. 3 90 4 °°i " " I oz. " .OZ. 26 28' " Iodide, i oz. bots .oz. 46 50 " " Saccharated, German, I oz. bots .oz. 4° 45 " " Syrup of, i lb. bots .lb. 60 65 ■' " Tasteless, i oz. " .OZ. 70 75 " " " Syrup of, i lb. bots .lb. 75 85 " Lactate, I oz. bots .OZ. IO 12 " " Crystals, % lb. bots ,1b. 4 00 4 25 " " German, Merck's, % lb. bots .lb. I 50 I 60 " " " " y ib. ■■ . ,1b. M " I oz. " .OZ. 18 20 " Lacto-phosphate, i oz. bots .OZ. 40 45 ** Limatura (see Iron, Alcoholized, page 26). " Malate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. I 25 i 35 " Muriate (see Iron, Chloride, page 26). " Nitrate Solution .lb. 12 15 '• " " bv carboy .lb. IO " Oxalate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 25 3° " Oxide, Black, i lb. bots ,1b. 40 45 " " Dialysat, German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots .lb. 60 65 " " " in lamellis, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 5° 60 " " Red (Crocus Martis) .lb. 12 15 ■' " " Pure ,1b. I OO I 10 " " Saccharated, Soluble, 1 lb. bots .lb. I 25 i 35 " Oxydulat, Black, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 15 20 " Perchloride (see Sesquichloride). " Pernitrate Solution, 1 lb. bots ,1b. 35 4° " Persulphate (see Subsulphate). " Phosphate, 1 lb. bots .lb. 52 55 " Picronitrate, 1 oz. " .OZ. 75 85 " Protosulphate and Ammonia, 1 lb. bots .lb. 16 18 " Pyrophosphate, 1 lb. bots .lb. 80 85 " " I oz. " .OZ. 8 IO " " and Ammon. Citrate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 35 4° " " and Soda, 1 oz. bots .oz. 60 65 " Quevennes (by Hydrogen), 1 lb. " .lb. I 25 1 35 " " " " I oz. " .OZ. II 12 " " " " English, Morsen's, i lb. bots. .lb. I 50 1 75 " " " " German, Merck's, 1 lb. " . .lb. I 40 1 5° " " % lb. " . .lb. I 50 1 60 " " %lb. " . .lb. I 60 1 75 " " " " " " I oz. " . . oz. 15 18 " Sesquichloride, 1 lb. bots .lb. 70 75 " " I oz. " .OZ. . 6 8 " " Solution, 1 lb. bots pint. 22 25 " Subsulphate, (Monsel's Powder) 1 lb. bots .lb. 65 701 " " " " I oz. " .OZ. 6 8 " " Solution (Monsel's), 1 lb. " .lb. 35 40 " Succinate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 1 00 I 10 27 28 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Iron, Sulphate Crude, (see Copperas, page 14). ' ' Pure Crystals lb, 6 8 " Dried, 1 lb. bots lb. 18 20 " Sulphide (see Sulphuret). " Sulpho-Carbolate, 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 20 25 " Sulphuret lb. 25 3° " Tannate, 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 35 40 " Tartrate, pure, white, 1 oz. bots " " and Ammonia, 1 lb. bots ... .lb. 70 75 " I oz. " 8 " " " Potassium Plates, 1 lb. bots lb. 70 75 i Powdered, 1 lb. bots lb. 60 65 " Tersulphate Solution, 1 lb. bots lb. 25 3° " dungstate ... .lb. 3° 35 " Valerianate, % oz., X oz., and 1 oz. bots... . . . .OZ. 40 45 and Quinine, % oz. bots... ... .oz. 4 4° 4 5° Isinglass, American (Fish Glue) lb. 1 85 by bbl .. . .lb. 1 75 " Brazil, Shred lb. 3 25 3 5° " Cooper's (see Gelatine, page 22). " Russia, True, Beluga lb. 3 75 4 00 Ivory Black (see Charcoal, Animal, page 12). Job's Tears (see Seed, page 50). Juice, Cherry ... gall. 1 75 2 00 " Comum (Succus Conium), English, Herring's, 1 lb. bots.lb. 1 25 " Dandelion (Succus Taraxecum), " " 1 lb. " lb. 1 25 " Elder (Succus Sambuci) lb. 35 40 " Lime JUICES, FRENCH FRUIT, Lexcellent & Chevassu. °5 Note-.-These juices, which are prepared directly from the fruit, are, we believe, unequaled by any other juices m market, and are generally recognized as the standard of excellence for the preparation of Soda Syrups. They are all in bottles containing one litre, about thirty-five ounces, excepting the Orange Syrup, which is in both full and half litres. Blackberry, Quince .. .doz. 13 5° Cherry, Wild Cherry .. .doz. 13 5o Currant, ... doz. Pine-apple, Strawberry .. .doz. 15 00 Raspberry Red Orange Syrup .. .doz. 18 00 " " " half litre .. .doz. IO 30 Note.-The following directions should be observed m preparing svrup from the above juices : lake eight lbs. "A" Sugar; one bottle (one litre) of Fruit Juice, which must not be opened, till required for use-and must be filtered to produce a perfectly clear syrup ; one quart water. Mix the above, and when the sugar is well soaked and dissolving, place over a slow fire until the sugar is thoroughly melted; then quicken the heat to make it foam lively; then remove from the fire and skim it. When required for the fountain, reduce by adding an equal quantity of simple syrup (made in proportion of one lb. sugar to one pint of water), and about four drachms citric acid (dissolved). This will make a syrup that flows freely, and which possesses the rich, natural flavor of the fruit. The addition of the acid is simply a matter of taste, and the quantity may be reduced, or it may be omitted altogether. Jujube Paste, Lemon lb. 38 40 " Rose lb q8 " Vanilla lb. 38 4° Kali Citrate, English, 1 lb. bots... lb. 9° 1 00 Kamala, Powdered . lb. I 25 I 50 " 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 15 18 Kaolin lb 8 10 Kephaline, Glycerite of lb. 6 00 6 50 Kermes' Mineral (see Antimony, Oxysulphuret, page 6). Koossine, German, Merck's, % oz. bots... .. % oz. 1 5° *' Crystallized, German, Merck's, % oz. bots ..% oz. 4 5o GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 29 Koosso, true, Abyssinian (see Flowers, page 21). • grin. ...lb. ..gr. 5 00 4° 25 45 Lac Dye, Powdered Lactucine Lacto-peptine, Powder, 1 oz. bots " " " lb. bots .doz. 8 00 .. .lb. 9 60 Laminaria Digitata ...lb. I 00 1 10 . .oz. IO 12 Lamp Black, long papers, 600 in bbl by bbl per 100. 75 " " & lb. " 60 lbs. in bbl. " .. .lb. 7& " " lb. " 60 " " " .. .lb. 6% " " 1 lb. " 60 " " " ...lb. 5% " " asst'd papers, 60 " " " " " Eddy's, % lb. papers, 35 lbs. in bbl., by bbl. % lb. " 35 • . .lb. 5M ...lb. 28 . .lb. 24 1 lb. " 35 " " • . .lb. 23 " " " asst'd 1 &% lb. " 35 " " " ...lb. 23 " " "in bulk, lbs. in bbl., by bbl " " Germant'n, 1 lb. " 32 " " " . .lb. 20 .. .lb. II " " Chem. Ref., Peekskill, 1 lb. papers " " " " " " ...lb. 20 ...lb. 22 " " X lb. " ...lb. 23 " " " " " ass'd " ...lb. 20 Lapis Calaminaris " Cancror (see Crab's Eyes, page 14). " " Powdered (see Crab's Eyes, page 14). ...lb. 8 IO " Divinus ...lb. 75 85 Lard, Benzoated ,,,,r s,a.. ...lb. 3° 35 " Prepared ...lb. 30 35 Laudanum . .lb. I 00 I 10 " 1 oz. bots " Rousseau's .doz. ...lb. I 25 " Sydenham's . .lb. 2 5° 2 75 Lead, Acetate (Sugar of), Brown " " " White .. .lb. 12 15 20 22 " " " " Powdered ...lb. 30 35 " " " " Purified .. lb. 4° 45 " Black, Am ...lb. 5 6 " " E.I ...lb. 8 IO " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. IO 12 " " German ...lb. 6 8 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 8 IO " Borate 25 3°| " Bromide, 1 oz. bots 50 551 " Carbonate, White Lead " " Pure (see Flake White, page 21). .. .lb. 12 15 " Chloride, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 25 28 " Chromate, 1 lb. " ...lb. i 75 185 " Cyanide, 1 oz. " 60 65 " Glycerite .. .lb. I 00 I 10 " Hyperoxide, 1 lb. bots . ..lb. I 75 185 " Hyposulphite, 1 lb. " . .lb. 70 75 " Iodide, 1 oz. " 46 5o " Lactate, 1 oz. " 75 80 " Metallic, Pure, 1 lb. bots . .lb. 60 65 " " Granular . .lb. 75 85 ' ' Powdered fine 25 30 " Nitrate . .lb. 16 18 " " Pure, 1 lb. bots " Oxide (see Litharge, page 31). .. .lb. 50 60 " Pure, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 75 85 " Phosphate, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 25 30 " Red ...lb. 9 12 " Sub-Acetate Solution (Goulard's Extract), 1 lb. bots... .. .lb. 20 25 " Sulphate, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 50 60 " Sulphide, 1 lb. " ...lb. I 50 I 60 " Tannate, 1 oz. " 35 4° " Tartrate, 1 oz. " 20 25 Leaves Aconite, English, Allen's, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. I 25 " " German . .lb. 15 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s " Bay (see Laurel). .. .lb. 25 30 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 30 Leaves, Belladonna, English, Allen's, i lb. bots " " German .lb. .lb. 1 25 22 25 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 30 35 " Boldo .lb. 2 50 2 75 " Buchu, Long " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 50 60 .lb. 60 70 " " Short ... .lb. IO 12 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s " Cannabis Indica (see Herbs, page 25). .lb. 20 25 " Cherry Laurel .lb. 60 65 " Coca ,1b. 75 85 " Conium, English, Alien's, 1 lb. bots .lb. I 25 " " German .lb. IS 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 30 " Damiana .lb. 40 50 " Digitalis, English, Allen's, 1 lb. bots " " German .lb. I 25 .lb. 15 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 30 " Eucalyptus " Grindelia Robusta (see Herbs, page 25). " Hyoscyamus, Annual, English, Allen's, 1 lb. bots " " Biennial, " " 1 lb. " .lb. 25 30 ,1b. I 50 .lb. 2 50 " " German .lb. 20 25 11 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... .lb. 3° 35 ' ' J aborandi .lb. 30 35 " Laurel, true (Bay Leaves) .lb. IO 12 " Mate : .lb. 75 . 85 " Matico .lb. 50 55 " Nicotian .lb. 50 60 " Orange .lb. 50 60 " Patchouly .lb. 60 65 " Poison Oak (Rhus Toxicodendron) ,1b. 75 85 ' * Poppy .lb. 3° 35 ' ' Rhodod Chrysanth ,1b. I 00 1 10 " Ferrugin " Rose (see Flowers, page 22). .lb. 50 55 " Rosemary .lb. 10 12 " Sage, American " " German .lb. 15 20 .lb. 20 25 " " Italian .lb. IO 12 " " Powdered, W. FI. S. & Co.'s .lb. 18 20 " " Pressed, 1 lb., % lb., and % papers .lb. 16 18 " " " i oz. papers 20 25 " Savin .lb. 8 10 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ,1b. 18 25 " Senna, Alexandria, Natural .lb. 18 20 " Natural, Fine .lb. 20 25 " " " Sifted .lb. 45 50 " " " " extra .lb. 60 65 " ■■ " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 30 40 " " E. I .lb. 15 18 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 30 " " Folicula .lb. 30 38 " " Tinnivelly .lb. 20 25 " Stramonium .lb. 18 20 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 30 " Styracis .lb. 40 50 " Thyme, German .lb. 20 25 " Uva Ursi, French .lb. IO 12 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 20 " Vanilla (Deer's Tongue) " " " ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... ,1b. 15 18 .lb. 20 25 " Vincae, perv Leeches, Swedish per 25 30 IOO 5 50 6 00 Lemon Peel Licorice, Calabria, Barracco, 8 sticks to lb. .lb. 20 25 " " Corigliano, 16 sticks to lb " " " 8 " " .lb. 40 45 .lb. 40 45 " " " 6 " " .lb. 40 45 " " " 4 " " .lb. 40 45 " " Guzzolini, 12% " " .lb. 35 38 " " " 8 " " .lb. 38 40 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 31 Licorice, Calabria, P. & S., 14% sticks to lb . .lb. 35 38 " " Pignatelli, 12 " " . .lb. 35 38 " Mass .lb. 25 35 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 5o 55 " Refined, English . .lb. 50 55 " Sandford's, Mass . .lb. 25 30 " Sicily, true ..lb. " American ..lb. 18 20 " Y. & S., 6, 9, and 15 sticks to lb ..lb. 32 35 " " 6, 9, and 15 " "by case Lime, Salts of (see Calcium, page 10). " Carbolate, boxes, 25 lbs ..lb. 28 .box 2 25 " " " 10 lbs .box I 25 " " " 1 lb doz. i 5c " Caustic, 1 lb. bots .lb. 50 60 " Chloride ..lb. 4 6 " by cask . .lb. 2% " " 1 lb. boxes, fby case, 50 lbs., 15% discount, I lb. 9 IO " " y2 ib. 1 " 50 " 15% | lb. IO II " % lb. " j " 50 " 15% fib. II 12 " " Assorted " " 50 " 15% " Jib. 10 II " Nitrate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 20 25 " Oxalate, 1 oz. " .oz. 25 30 " Vienna... ,1b. 20 25 " " 12 lb., 20 lb., and 50 lb. cans .lb. 15 Liquirizina lb. 2 OO Liquor, Opii, Sedative, English, Battley's " " Cinch., Cordof., Eng., " " " " Palidas " " .lb. 9 00 9 50 .lb. 13 50 14 00 .lb. 9 50 10 00 " Ergot, " " .lb. 6 00 6 50 Litharge, American " by keg .lb. IO 12 .lb. 8 " English, in scales ,1b. 1.5 18 Lithium, Benzoate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 80 9° " Bicarbonate, 1 oz. " .oz. I 00 I 10 " Bromide, 1 oz. " .oz. 50 55 " Carbonate, 1 oz. " .oz. 45 50 " Chloride, 1 oz. " .oz. 75 80 " Citrate, 1 oz. " .oz. 45 50 " Ferro Citrate, 1 oz. " .oz. I 00 I 10 " Iodide, 1 oz. " .oz. 90 I 00 " Metallic • gr. I 00 " Nitrate, 1 oz. bots 150 I 60 " Oxalate, 1 oz. " .OZ. I 50 I 60 " Sulphate, 1 oz. " .oz. I 25 i 35 " Sulpho-Carbolate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 80 85 Litmus .lb. 40 5° Loadstone .Ib. 75 I 00 Logwood (see page 93). Lotion, Granville s, 1 lb. bots .lb. 38 4° Lozenges, Ammonia, Dr. Jackson's " Bicarb Potassa, Roworth & Sons ..lb. 1 5° .lb. I 00 " Black Currant, " " ..lb. 78 " Bromide Potassium, Roworth & Sons .lb. 75 " Carbolic Acid, " " .lb. 80 " " and Chlo. Potass., Roworth & Sons. ..lb. I 00 " Cayenne, extra strong, Roworth & Sons " " No. 2 " " lb. 50 .lb. 28 " Charcoal, extra fine, " " .lb. I 25 " Chlorate, Potash, Octagon, 2 grs., Roworth & Sons.lb. 58 4 " .lb. 70 " " " W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s doz. 150 • • «« < < < < " " gro. 36 50 " Cubeb, Roworth & Sons . .lb. 80 " and Chlorate, Potash, Roworth & Sons.... . .lb. 80 " Heartburn, Roworth & Sons . ,1b. I 00 " Ipecac, " " . .lb. 75 " Iron and Chocolate, Roworth & Sons . .lb. 80 " Licorice, Cylindrical, Warner's " " " Y. & S . .lb. 40 ..lb. 30 " " Cylindrical, Roworth & Sons . .lb. 45 32 W. H. SCHIEFFEL1N & CO.'S Lozenges, Licorice, extra strong, Octagon, Roworth & Sons. " Liverwort, Roworth & Sons .lb. 55 .lb. 88 " Marsh Mallow, Roworth & Sons .lb. I 00 " Muriate Ammonia, " " .lb. 60 " " " and Ohio. Potash, Roworth & Sons j! lb. 60 " Musk, Superfine, Roworth & Sons .lb. 68 " " No. 2, " " .lb. 40 41 Nervine, Roworth & Sons .lb. 2 OO " Peppermint, English, thick, Roworth & Sons.... " " No. 2, " " " .... ,1b. 45 .lb. 28 " Pine Tree Tar, Roworth & Sons .lb. 80 " Pepsin and Iron, " " " 3 grs., " " " " and Bismuth, Roworth & Sons .lb. 2 50 .lb. 2 50 ..lb. 2 25 " Rose, extra strong, " " ..lb. 55 " No. 2, * " " .lb. 28 " Salicylic Acid, Oval, Roworth & Sons " " " " i oz. tins, Roworth & Sons,.. .lb. 150 doz. I 80 " " " " I " " " .. gro. 19 OO " Sanguinaria, Oval, Roworth & Sons .lb. 70 " Santonine, % gr., oval, " " .lb. 75 .lb. 88 " " i " Calomel, i gr., and Jalap, i gr. Roworth & Sons i " Sassafras, extra strong, " " ..lb. 47 " " No. 2, " " ..lb. 28 " Soda, Bicarb., Roworth & Sons ..lb. 55 " Tannin, " " ..lb. I OO " " and Chlorate Potash, Roworth & Sons... .lb. 75 " Vichy, Roworth & Sons ..lb. 90 Wild Cherry, " " .lb. 70 " Wintergreen, Extra Strong, Roworth & Sons " " No. 2, " " .lb. 47 .lb. 28 " Wistar's, " i, " " .lb. 1 25 " " " 2, " " .lb. 70 Lunar, Caustic, pure 9° 95 " " No. 2 67% 62 65 " " Cones, with 5% Chlo. Soda 1 10 I 15 Lupulin .lb. 60 t>5 Lycopodium 40 45 Lye, concentrated, Pa. Salt Co., boxes 48 lbs " " Greenwich, " 48 lbs box 4 50 .box 4 00 Mace .lb. 9° I 00 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. I OO I 10 Madder, Dutch .lb. IO 12 " " by bbl .lb. 8 " Compound (Sol Muriate Tin), 6 lb. bottles " " by carboy .lb. 12 15 ,1b. IO Magnesia, Acetate, 1 oz. bots 20 25 Bisulphate, 1 lb. bots .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Boro-Citrate, i oz. " .OZ. 25 3° " Borate, i oz. " .oz. 25 30 " Bromide, 1 oz. bots 45 50 " Calcined, American, boxes, 12 lbs . .lb. 35 60 " " American Heavy, 1 lb. bots .lb. 1 5° I " " English, Jennings', tins, 12 lbs " " " " " 10 lbs . .lb. 75 .lb. 80 " " u " i lb ..lb. I 00 I 10 " " " " bots., 1 lb ..lb. I 10 I 15 " " " Pattinson's, " 1 lb ..lb. 75 80 " " " " tins, 1 lb ,1b. 70 75 " " " Ponderous, Jennings', bots.,1 lb..lb. 1 65 I 75 " " " " " tins, iolb..lb. 1 45 " Carbonate, American, 2 oz. papers ..lb. 22 25 " " Crystals ..lb. 150 " " Jennings', 2 oz. papers " " " 2 oz. " . by case, 120 lbs .lb. 38 4° .lb. 33 " " " 4 oz. " ..lb. 35 38 " " " 4 oz. " by case, 120 lbs .lb. 31 " " " small square " " " " " by crate, 120 lb ,1b. 65 70 s.lb. 60 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 33 Magnesia, Carbonate, Pattinson's, 2 oz. papers . ...lb. 25 28 " " " 2 oz. " by case, 120 lbs.lb. 22 " " " 4 oz. " .. .lb. 25 28 " " " 4 oz. " by case, 120 lbs.lb. 22 " " " small square ... .lb. 55 60 " " " " "by crate... ....lb. 50 " " Ponderous, Jennings', bots., 1 lb.... ....lb. 9° " " " " tins, 10 lbs... ....lb. 75 " " Powdered ....lb. 35 40 " Chloride, pure, German, Merck's, 5 lb. bots.... ....lb. 30 35 " " " " " 1 lb. ".... ....lb. 35 4° " Citrate, dry, English, Morson's, 1 lb. " .... . .. .lb. 1 10 I 25 " " Solution, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .doz. 2 25 " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s ? ■ gio. 24 co " Hypophosphite, 1 lb. bots .. . .lb. 5 50 5 75 " " I oz. " . . .OZ. 40 45 " Hyposulphite, 1 oz. " .. .oz. 25 3° " Iodide, 1 oz. " " Eactate, 1 oz. " 40 15 " Lactophosphate, 1 oz. " 30 35 " Muriate, pure (see Chloride). " Nitrate, pure, 1 lb. bots ....lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Phosphate, 1 lb. " ....lb. 2 50 2 75 " Sulphate (see Sal Epsom, page 48). " " Chem. pure, 1 lb. bots ....lb. 25 3° " Sulphite, 1 lb. bots ....lb. I 00 I IO " Tartrate, 1 oz. " " Valerianate, 1 oz. bots . . .OZ. I 20 I 25 Magnesium, Metallic, Ribbon . . .OZ. 3 75 4 50 " " Sheets . . . .OZ. 3 75 4 50 " " Wire .. .oz. 3 75 4 50 Maizena, by box, 40 lbs . . . ,1b. 10% Maltina . .drm. I 00 .1 10 Manganese, Acetate, 1 oz. bots . . .OZ. 3° 35 " Benzoate, 1 oz. " J " Black Oxide, Powdered ....lb. 6 8 " " " by bbl ....lb. 4M " Borate ....lb. 60 65 " Bromide, 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 85 9° " Carbonate, 1 oz. bots 35 " Chloride, 1 oz. " .. .oz. 20 25 " Citrate, 1 oz. " ... .oz. 5° 55 " Hyperoxide, Artif., 1 lb. bots ....lb. 2 OO 2 25 Hypophosphite, 1 oz. " . . . .OZ. 4° 45 " Iodide, 1 oz. " IO " and Iron Chloride, 1 oz. " ... .oz. 3° 35 " Lactate, 1 oz. " .. .oz. 50 55 " Metallic . .grm. 75 " Muriate (see Chloride). " Nitrate, 1 oz. bots . . .OZ. 35 40 " Oxide, Chem. pure, 1 lb. bots ...,1b. 2 50 2 75 " Phosphate, 1 oz. " . . .OZ. 50 55 " " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 4° 5° " Sulphate, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 14 16 Cryst., German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots. ... .lb. 2 00 2 IO; " " " " " y2 ib. . ....lb. 2 IO 2 25 " " " " % lb. " . ...lb. 2 25 2 5°. " " I oz. " . . . .oz. 20 25 Crude, " " bulk ....lb. 5° 60 Manna, Flake, large ....lb. 9° I oo' " " small ...lb. 4° 45' " Sorts . lb. Mannite, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 1 75 2 00 " % lb. " ....lb. 2 OO 2 25 Xlb. " ....lb. 2 25 2 5° Marble Dust, in bbls.... . .bbl. 1 25 Meconin, % oz. bots . % oz. 2 50 " Pure, German, Merck's, % oz. bots . Vr oz. 4 00 Melanine centigram. 1 00 Memspermme, 1 oz. bots I 25 I 35 Mercury ...lb. 55 60 " by flask, 76% lbs ....lb. 50 34 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Mercury, Acetate, i oz. bots oz. 50 55 " Ammoniated (White Precipitate).... lb. 9° I 00 " Bichloride (Corrosive Sublimate) lb. 60 65 " Biniodide (Red Iodide), i oz. bots oz. 4° 45 " Bisulphate, American, i lb. bots lb. 75 85 " German, Merck's, i lb. bots... lb. 1 25 " y2 ib. •• ...• lb. 1 50 " X lb. " lb. 1 75 " " i oz. " .... oz. 18 " Bisulphuret (Cinnabar) lb. 1 30 1 35 " Black Oxide, I oz. bots oz. 35 4° " Bromide, i oz. bots ... .oz. 4° 45 " Cyanide, I oz. " " Distilled lb. 75 80 " Nitrate Crystals, i oz. bots . . . .OZ. 25 3° " " Solution,! oz. " " Oleate (see Oleate, page 40). " Oxide, Black, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots... ... .oz. 4° 45 " Red, " " X lb. " lb. 2 50 " I oz. " . . . .OZ. 20 ■' " " (Red Precipitate) lb. 80 85 " " (Red Precipitate, Levigated) lb. 2 50 2 75 " Yellow, German, Merck's, X lb- bots... lb. 3 00 3 25 " " I oz. " . . . . . . .OZ. 25 3° " Phosphate, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 50 5? " Protiodide (Green Iodide), 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 38 4° " Proto-bromide, 1 oz. bots... ... .oz. 60 65! " Protonitrate Crystals, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 3° 35 " Protoxide, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 35 4°i " Protosulphate, 1 lb. bots lb. 4 00 4 25 " Protosulphide, 1 lb. " lb. 1 10 I 25 " Sub-chloride (Calomel), American, 1 lb. bots.... lb. 70 75 " English, 1 lb. " .... lb. I 25 1 3° " Subsulphate (Turpeth Mineral) lb. I 15 1 25 " Sulpho-cyanide, 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 35 4° " Sulphuret, Black (Ethiops Mineral) _ lb. 75 80 " with Chalk, 1 lb. bots lb. 4° 45' " with Magnesia, 1 lb. bots lb. I 15 I 25 Methyl, Acetate, 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 5° 55 " Bi-chloride, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 75 80 " Hydrated Oxide, Concentrated, pure, 1 oz. bots.. ... .oz. 20 25' " Oxide Salicyl, 1 oz. bots . . . .oz. 1 5° 1 60 Methylamin, Chlorhydrat, German, Merck's, % oz. bots.. ..% oz. 3 00 Milk, Condensed (see page no). Molybdanum, Bleierz lb. 60 75 " Glanz lb. 3 00 3 25 " Metallic ... grm. 50 Morphine, Acetate, % oz. bots . . . .OZ. 3 60 3 75 " Bi-Meconate, % oz. bots ... .oz. 10 50 i° 75 " Solution, 1 lb. bots lb. 2 25 2 5Ol " Bromide, % oz. bots . . . .OZ. 5 75 6 oo} " Ferro Cyanide, % oz. bots ... .oz. 10 00 10 5° " Muriate, % oz. bots ... .oz. •3 60 3 75 " Nitrate, % oz. " " Pure Alkaloid, % oz. bots ... .oz. 6 00 7 25 1 6 2£ " Sulphate, English, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 3 5° " " % oz. " ... .oz. " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 3 75 4 00 " " % oz. " " " P. & W., 1 oz. bots ... .oz. 3 30 " " " % oz. " " R. & S., 1 oz. " ... .oz. 3 30 % oz. " ... .oz. 3 60 3 75 " Valerianate, % oz. bots ... .oz. 6 00 6 25I Moss, Corsican lb. 35 4? " Iceland lb. IO 12 " Irish lb. 8 10 " " by bbl lb. 6 11 " extra lb. 12 15 " " " by bbl lb. 8 Musk, Chinese, 1 oz. tins " Tonquin, in pods oz. 9 00 9 50. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 35 Musk, Tonquin, in grain .. .oz. 26 00 27 00 Mustard, English, Keen's Durham, lb. bots . .doz. 2 50 " " " Fine, 20 lb. kegs ....lb. 3« " " " " 4, 6, and 10 lb. cans . .. .lb. 45 Y lb. " . .doz. 1 75 Y lb. " ...... . .doz. 3 25 •f " " " % lb. bots . .doz. 2 OO % lb. " . .doz. 3 50 " " " D. S. F., 20 lb. kegs ... .lb. 50 " " " " 4, 6, and 10 lb. cans.... ....lb. 60 %lb. " .... . .doz. 2 25 " " " " " .... . .doz. 4 00 " " " " Y lb. bots. ... . .doz. 2 50 " " " " lb. " .... . .doz. 4 5o Naphtha Wood (Pyroxylic Spirit) ....lb. 45 50 Naphthalin, White, 1 oz. bots . . .OZ. 20 25 Naphtylamine, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 50 60 Narcein, % oz. bots . % OZ. 4 00 4 25 " German, Merck's, % oz. bots . % oz. 4 00 4 25 Narcotin, % oz. bots .. .oz. 2 00 2 IO Nickel, Acetate, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 1 00 I IO " Carbonate, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 75 80 " Chloride, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 75 80 " Metallic, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 30 35 " Nitrate, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 80 90 " Oxalate, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 75 80 ... oz. I 00 1 10 " Phosphate, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. I 00 I 10 " Sulphate, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots .. .oz. 75 85 " " Crude ....lb. 5 00 5 5o " " Ammoniat ... .lb. 2 00 2 25 " " " pure, 1 oz bots . . .OZ. 75 80 Nicotin, % oz. bots .% oz. 1 75 2 OO " German, Merck's, % oz. bots .% oz. 1 50 I 60 Nicwood (see page 93). Niobium, Metallic • grm. 5 00 Nuremberg Blue, in balls, 1 lb. boxes ....lb. 42 45 Y lb. " ....lb. 45 50 Nutgalls, Aleppo ... .lb. 25 27 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 28 30 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 35 38 Nutmegs, No. 1 ....lb. 90 1 00 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. I 00 I 10 Nuts, Areca ....lb. 60 70 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 75 85 " Betel ....lb. Nux Vomica ....lb. IO 12 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 30 35 " " Rasped, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 18 20 Oakum ....lb. 15 18 6 8 " " by bbl " " Robinson s Patent, i lb. papers 13 " " " " rib. " bv box. qo lbs IO " " Scotch Imperial, 1 lb. " 12 13 " " " " 1 lb. " by box, 50 lbs... Oil, Almonds, Bitter, essential, English, Alien's, 1 lb. bots. ....lb. 6 75 7 00 " " " " " Atkinson's, 1 lb. bots..lb. 6 50 6 75 " " Sweet, English, Alien's ....lb. 55 60 " " " " "by can, 40 lbs ....lb. 5o " Amber (see Succin, page 39). " Ambergris 1 5o I 75 " Angelica 1 25 1 35 " Animal, Ethereal, Dippel's 40 45 " " Fcetid ....lb. 25 30 " Aniseed ....lb. 2 50 2 60 " " bv can, lbs .. .lb. 2 25 " " German ...lb. 4 50 4 75 " Apple ....lb. 6 00 6 50 " Arnica Flowers 40 00 " Balm Mint (Mentha Crisp.) 80 90, '* Balsam Fir ...lb. I 25 1 50 36 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Oil, Bay Leaves, true oz. I 00 I 25 " " " "by bot., 20 oz bot. 18 00 " Benne (see Sesame, page 39). " Bergamot, S. F. de Pasquale & Bros.' lb. 3 00 3 25 " " S. F. de Pasquale & Bros.', by can, 20 & 40 lbs.lb. 2 75 " Birch, Artificial, for flavoring lb. 3 00 3 25 " Birch Tar, Crude lb. 30 4° " " " "by can, 25 lbs lb. 25 " " " Rectified lb. 2 50 2 75 " " " " by 5 lb. bots lb. 2 25 " Cade lb. 35 4° " Cajeput lb. I 10 I 25 " Calamus lb. 4 5° 5 00 " Camphor, E. I lb. i 50 1 60 " Camphorated lb. 70 751 " Canada Snake Root oz. 1 5° 1 75 " Cantharides oz. 45 5° " Capsicum, Red oz. 70 75 " Caraway lb. I 25 1 50 " " Seed lb. 3 00 3 25 " Cardamom oz. 3 75 4 00 " Cascarilla oz. 2 OO 2 25 " Cassia lb. I OO 1 10 " " by can, 16% lbs ...v..lb. 85 " Cassie, Fattv lb. 2 75 3 00 " " Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17). " Castor, American, AA, in bbls lb. I2J4 " " " "in cases lb. 13 " " " Crystal, in bbls lb. 14 " " " " in cases lb. " " E. I., in cases lb. 3° " " English, Herring's, % pint bots doz. 2 2F 2 50 " " " " pint " doz. 3 25 3 50 " " " " 1 pint " doz. 5 50 5 75 " " " " 1 quart " doz. 8 00 8 5° " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 oz. bots doz. 62 " " " " 2 OZ. " doz. 87 " 3 oz- " doz. I 12 " " " " 4 oz. " doz. I 25 " " " " 6 oz. " or pint.... doz. i 75 " " " " 10 oz. " or i " .... doz. 2 50 " " " " 18 oz. " or i quart... doz. 4 5° " Cedar, Red lb. 38 40 " " " pure lb. 9° I 00 " Cedarwood (Lebanon Cedar) lb. 2 50 2 75 " Cedrat lb. 6 50 6 75 " Celery oz. 1 50 1 60 " Chamomile, Citrat., Ph. B oz. 3 00 3 25 " " German ; oz. 6 00 6 251 " Roman " Cherry Laurel (Lauro Cerasi) oz. 1 25 1 5° " Cinnamon Bark, Ceylon, true " " Leaf oz. 75 9° " Citronella, Native lb. 9° 1 00 " " Winter's lb. 1 10 I 25 " Civet, Alcoholic oz. 75 85 " Cloves lb. 2 50 2 75 " Cocoanut, 5 lb. jars lb. 25 " 10 lb. " lb. 22 " " 35 lb. cans lb. 20 " Cod Liver, Brown, Bergen gall. I 30 1 50! " Brown, Bergen, by bbl gall. I 25 " Brown, Newfoundland gall. I 00 I 10 " Brown, Newfoundland, by bbl gall. 9° " " White, Newfoundland gall. 1 25 1 35 " " " Newfoundland, by bbl gall. 110 " " " Norwegian gall. i 75 2 OO " Norwegian, by bbl gall. 1 65 " Norwegian, Moller's doz. 6 50 " " " Norwegian, " ... .gross. 72 00 " Cologne (see Cologne Mixture, page 14). " Conium lb. 60 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 37 Oil, Copaiva ..lb. I 00 1 25 " Coriander . .oz. I 25 1 5° " Cotton Seed gall. 65 75 " " "by bbl • gall. 55 " Croton, English.*. . .lb. I 90 2 25 " " " i drm. bots .doz. I 25 1 50 " Cubeb . ,1b. I 40 1 50 " Cumin . .lb. 6 50 7 00 " Curacoa . .lb. 6 00 6 50 " Cuscus (Vetivert) . .oz. 12 OO " Dill . .lb. 8 00 8 5° " Ergot . .oz. 14 16 ' ' Erigeron . .lb. 2 75 3 00 " Eucalyptus...: . .oz. 25 3° ' ' Euphorbium . .oz. 5° 60 " Fennel Seed . ,1b. 150 1 60 " " " crystals ..lb. 4 5o 4 75 " Fireweed ..lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Fusil, Rectified . .lb. 9° I OO " Geranium, Rose, French, Chiris' . .lb. IO OO 10 50 " " " Turkish, Natural . .lb. 7 " " " " Prepare . .lb. 16 OO 16 50 " Ginger . .oz. 150 I 60 " Golden Rod (Solidago) . .lb. 4 00 4 5o " Heliotrope, Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17.) " Hemlock . .lb. 40 50 " " pure . ,1b. 75 85 " Henbane ..lb. 5° 60 " Horsemint ..lb. 3 00 3 50 " Hyssop, Ethereal . .oz. 2 OO 2 25 " jasmin, Fatty . .lb. 2 75 3 00 " Alcoholic (see Extract, pages 17). " jockey Club, Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17). " jonquille, " (see Extract, page 17). " juniper Berries . .lb. 2 25 2 50 " " " Extra . ..lb. 3 5o 3 75 " " Wood . .lb. 60 65 " Lard . .gall. 70 75 " " by bbl gall- 65 " Laurel, Expressed . .lb. b5 55 " Lauro Cerasi (Cherry Laurel) . .oz. 1 25 1 5o " Lavender, English, Mitcham Garden . .oz. 1 25 1 5° " " Flowers, French, Chiris' . .lb. 1 50 1 75 " " Garden, French, Chiris' Douce . .lb. I 40 1 50 " " Garden, French, Chiris' Fort . ..lb. I 25 1 5o " " Garden, French, Fort, ..lb. 9° 1 00 " " Garden, French, Fine ..lb. 1 25 1 5o " " Garden, French, Surfin . .lb. I 40 1 50- " " Spike . .lb. I OO 1 25 " Lemon, S. F. de Pasquale & Bros.' . .lb. 2 75 3 00 " " S. F. de Pasquale & Bros.', by can, 20 & 40 lbs . .lb. 2 50 " " Grass, Native . ,1b. I co I IO " " " Winter's . .lb. I 50 i 75 " Limette . .oz. 75 85 " Linseed, Boiled .gall. 70 75 " " " by bbl gall. 65 " " Raw gall. 65 7° " " " by bbl • gall: 60 " Lobelia . .oz. i 75 2 00 " Lovage . .oz. 1 50 I 60 " Mace, Ethereal . .oz. 4° 50 " " Expressed in bars . .lb. 2 50 2 75 " Male Fern, Ethereal, German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots . .lb. 4 75 5 00 " " % lb. " ..lb. 4 85 5 00 " % lb. " ..lb. 5 00 5 25 " " " " " " I oz. " . .oz. 35 40 " Marjoram . .oz. 1 50 1 60 " Marasquino . .oz. 1 25 1 50 " Matico . .oz. 6 00 6 50 " Melissa . .oz. 5° 60 " " German . .oz. 3 00 3 25 " Mignonette, Alcoholic (see Extract, pages 17). 38 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Oil, Millefleur, Fatty " " Alcoholic (see Extract, pages 17). ■ * Musk, Alcoholic " Mustard, Essential ....lb. . . . .OZ. . .. .oz. 2 75 75 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 25 " Mustard, Expressed . .gall. 80 9° " Myrbane ... .lb. 50 60 " Neatsfoot . .gall. QO I 00 " " by bbl . . gall. 85 " " Cooper's . . gall. I 15 1 25 " " "by bbl ................... . . gall. I IO " Neroli, Bigarade, "Bertrand's" ... .oz. 3 25 3 5o " " " " Chiris' " ... .oz. 3 25 3 5o " " Petit Grain, "Chiris'" ... .oz. 1 25 1 50 " " Portugal, " Chiris' " ... .oz. 2 50 2 75 " Nutmeg, Essential . ...lb. 4 50 4 75 " Olive, Pure Malaga . .gall. 1 35 1 50 " " " " by bbl . .gall. 1 30 " " " " 2 oz. bots .. .doz. 87 " " " " 4 oz. " .. .doz. 1 25 " " " " 6 oz. " or y2 pt .. .doz. 1 75 " " " " 10 oz. " or 1 pt .. .doz. 2 50 " " " " 18 oz. "or 1 qt .. .doz. 4 50 Salad ..gall. 2 75 3 °° " " " " Extra Fine . .gall. 3 25 3 5o " " " " Sublime .. gall. 4 5o 4 75 " " " " " jars about n X galls .each. 40 00 " 5% galls .each. 20 OO " " " " Lucca Cream, qts., boxes, 1 doz.... . .box. 8 50 " " " " Lucca Cream, pts., " 2 " .... .. box. 9 5o " " " " Lucca Cream, % pts., boxes, 2 doz.. .. .box. 6 50 " " " " Lucca Cream, flasks, boxes, " . . .box. 10 00 " " " " Virgin of Aix, quarts, boxes, 1 doz . . .box. 7 50 " " " " Virgin of Aix, pints, " 2 " . . .box. 8 50 " " " " Virgin of Aix, y2 pint, " 2 " . . .box. 5 25 " " Marseilles, qts. boxes, 1 " . .box. 4 00 " *■ " pts. " 2 " . .box. 5 00 " Orange, Bitter, "Sanderson's" ....lb. 5 5o 5 75 " " Sweet, S. F. de Pasquale & Bros.' ....lb. 2 75 3 00 " " " S. F. de Pasquale & Bros.', by can, 20 lbs.lb. 2 50 " Origanum, Cretic ... .oz. 40 50 " " Commercial.. ... .lb. 40 50 " " Pure ....lb. 75 80 " Palm, 5 lb. jars ....lb. 25 " " 10 lb. " ... .lb. 20 " " 35 lb. cans ....lb. l6 " " 50 lb. kegs ....lb. 14 " Parrafin .. gall. 50 60 " Parsley . . . .OZ. I 00 I 10 1 25 I 50 " " Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17). " Pear ... .lb. 3 25 3 5o " Pennyroyal ....lb. I 50 1 75 " Pepper, Black ....lb. 90 I 00 " " Red (Capsicum) . . . - OZ. 70 75 " Peppermint ...,1b. 2 OO 2 25 " " English ....lb. 16 00 16 50 " " German ....lb. 9 00 9 5o " " Hale & Parshall's, bots., 24 oz ....lb. 2 75 3 00 " " Hotchkiss', H. G., " 21 oz ....lb. 3 00 3 25 " " W. H. S. & Co.'s " 24 oz ... .lb. 3 o° 3 25 " Petroselini . . . .OZ. I 00 I 10 " Phosphorated ...,1b. 75 85 " Pimento ....lb. 5 50 5 75 " Pinus Sylvestris, German..'. ....lb. 1 5° 1 75 " Poppy ....lb. 50 60 " PumpkinSeed ....................... . . . .OZ. 70 75 " Rape Seed .. gall. 1 50 1 60 " Reseda, Alcoholic, Mignonette (see Extract, page 17). ' * Rhodium ... .oz. 5° 60 " " Wood, true ... .oz. 1 25 150 " Rose, Geranium (see Oil Geranium, page 37). " " Crescent ....oz. 8 00 8 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 39 Oil, Rose, Fine 8 50 9 00 " " Kissanlik 11 00 11 50 " Rosemary, French lb. 75 9° " " Flowers, French, Chiris' Eperld lb. 1 50 1 75 " " Flowers, French, Chiris' No, i lb. 1 25 I 5° " " Trieste lb. 65 75 " Rue lb. 3 5o 3 75 " Sage 60 65 " Salad, Union Oil Co.'s gall. 65 75 " " " " by bbl gall. 55 " Sandal Wood, English lb. IO 00 10 50 " " " German lb. 6 50 6 75 " Sassafras lb. 45 50 " " by can, 50 lbs lb. 4° " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, bots., 24 qz lb. 75 85 " Savin lb. 1 25 1 5o " Seneka, true gall- 75 85 " Sesame (Benne) gall. I 20 1 25 " " by bbl.. gall- I IO ' ' Smartweed lb. 4 50 4 75 " Spearmint lb. i 75 2 CO " Sperm gall. 1 35 I 40 " "by bbl gall. I 20 " Spike lb. 30 35 " Spruce lb. 45 50 " Stone, Black lb. 3° 35 " " White (Petra Alba) lb. I 00 I 10 " Succin, Crude, German lb. 35 40 " " Rectified " lb. 5° 60 " " " English lb. 90 I 00 " Stillingia 9° I 00 " Summer Savory " Tanner's gall. 55 60 " " by bbl gall. 50 " Tansy lb. 3 50 3 75 " Tar gall. 45 5° " " by bbl gall. 38 " Thyme, Red (see Origanum, page 38). " " White lb. 1 50 1 60 " Tobacco 2 2 30 " Tuberose, Fatty lb. 2 75 3 00 " " Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17). ' ' Valerian 75 85 " Vanilla, Alcoholic 9° I 00 " Verbena, true I 00 I " Vetivert (Cuscus) 12 OO " Violet, Fatty lb. 2 75 3 00 " " Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17). " Whale gall. 75 80 " " by bbl gall. 70 "1 White Rose, Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17). Wine, Ethereal lb. 2 5° 2 75 " " Heavy 1 75 2 OO " Wintergreen lb. 2 25 2 50 " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, bots., 24 oz lb. 2 50 2 75 " Wormseed, Baltimore .lb. 2 50 2 75 " " Western " Wormwood, American lb. 450 5 00 " " German lb. 8 00 8 50 " " Swiss lb. 10 00 10 50 " YlangYlang 12 OO 15 00 " " " Alcoholic (see Extract, page 17). Ointment, Althea, 1 lb. jars lb. 60 " Antimonial, 1 lb. " lb. 5° " Basilicon (Resin Cerate), 1 lb. jars lb. 50 " Belladonna, 1 lb. jars lb. 60 " Benzoin, 1 lb. " lb. 5° " Cantharides, 1 lb. jars lb. 1 25 " Carbolic Acid, 1 lb. " lb. * 5° " Camphor, 1 lb. " lb. 60 " Citrine (Nit. Mercury), 1 lb. jars lb. 5° " Creasote, 1 lb. jars lb. 40 40 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Ointment, Iodide Potass., i lb. jars... lb. 75 " Iodine, I lb. " lb. 1 5° " '' Comp., i lb. " lb. 1 So " Lard, i lb. " lb. 75 " Lead, Carb., i lb. " .. lb. 5° " " Iodide, i lb. " lb. 75 " Mercurial, % Mercury, x lb. jars lb. 50 " y3 " i ib. •• lb. 42 " Mercury, Iodide, Red, I lb. " .. lb. 60 " Oxide, Red (Red Precipitate), i lb. jars.. .lb. 55 " Yellow, i lb. jars lb. 60 '* Mezereon, i lb. jars lb. 60 Nutgalls, i lb. " lb. 4° " Olive, i lb. " lb. 60 " Pitch, i lb. " lb. 70 " Poplar, i lb. " lb. 75 " Rose Water, i lb. jars lb. 75 •' Savin, I lb. " lb. 60 " Stramonium (Green), I lb. jars lb. 75 " Sulphur, i lb. jars lb. 4° " Comp, i lb. jars lb. 5° " Tannic Acid, I lb. " lb. 5° " Tar, i lb. " lb. 4° " Tobacco, i lb. " lb. 40 " Veratria, i lb. " .. lb. 2 25 " Zinc Oxide, i lb. " lb. 60 Oleate, Aconitia, i oz. bots oz. 65 7° " Atropia, I oz. " " Mercury, 5% lb. '"O I OO I 10 " IO% lb. I 50 I 60 " 20% lb. 2 50 2 75 " 5% and Morphine, 2% lb. 4 co 4 25 " Morphia oz. 65 70 " Quinia T Oleoresin, Black Pepper, I oz. bots... oz. x 1 00 x /□ I 10 Cubeb, i oz. " " Ergot, i oz. " 3° '* Ginger, I oz. " /□ " Horsechestnut, i oz. " " Lupulin, i oz. " x " Male Fern, i oz. " 9° Orange, Apples lb. □D IO 4° 12 " Peel, Curacoa, in quarters lb. 15 18 " in ribbons lb. 20 22 " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s... lb. 22 25 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.. lb. 25 3° " " Sicily lb. 12 15 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s... lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 20 25 Orchille lb Orpiment (see Arsenic, Yellow, page 7). 35 4° Osmium, Metallic Os Sepia. .• lb. 18 20 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 25 28 Ox Gall, Inspissated, 1 lb. jars . lb. i 35 I 40 " I oz. " oz. IO 12 " Powdered, 1 lb. jars lb. I 60 1 75 " I oz. " lb. 15 18 Oxymel of Squill lb. 40 5° Oyster Shells, prepared lb. 18 20 Palladium, Chloride, Dry, % oz. bots.... ... .% oz. 7 00 " Solution, % oz. bots ... ,y8 oz. 1 00 " and Sodium, % oz. bots .... % oz. 6 00 " Metallic Nitrate, Solution, % oz. bots .... % oz. I 00 Pancreatine, 1 oz. bots " . 1 lb. bots lb Paper, various kinds (see pages 243 and 244). 7 5° Paraffin, Refined ». Paregoric lb. lb 25 27 " 1 oz. bots 5° Paris White lb 75 " " by bbl lb. 3 2K 4 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 41 Pastilles, Fumigating, Black " " Red ....lb. ....lb. 70 I 00 75 1 10 Paullinia (Guarana) .. . .lb. i 75 2 00 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 2 OO 2 25 Peach Wood (see Dye-Woods, page 93). Pearlash (Carbonate Potassium) ...,1b. 12 15 Pepper, Black ....lb. 16 18 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. . .lb. 22 25 " Long ... .lb. 40 45 " Red Bird (Capsicum) . ...lb. 16 18 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ... .lb. 25 28 White ... .lb. 3° 35 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ■ ....lb. 35 4° Pepsin (see page 112). Phloridzin, 1 oz. bots 3 00 3 25 Phosphorus, 11 lb. cans ....lb. 65 " t lb. " ... .lb. 1 25 " I oz. " . . . .OZ. 30 35 " Amorphous, 10 lb. cans ....lb. 2 75 1 lb. " ....lb. 3 00 Physostigmin .... gr. 50 60 Piera Hiera ....lb. 3° 35 Picrotoxin, German, Merck's ... .oz. 12 00 12 50 Pill, Blue, American, 1 lb. jars ....lb. 43 45 " " " Powdered, 1 lb. bots ... .lb. 7° 75 " " English, Atkinson's, 1 lb. jars . . . .lb. 1 10 1 25 " " " Herring's, 1 lb. " ....lb. 1 25 1 35 " 11 " " 1 lb. rolls ....lb. 1 10 1 25 Pills, Compressed, J. Dunton's, at manufacturers' prices. " " John Wyeth & Co.'s, at manufacturers' prices. " Soluble, W. H. S. & Co.'s (see page 74). " Sugar-coated, Warner's (see page 80). Pilocarpine, Muriate ....gr 35 4° " Nitrate gr. 35 4° Pimento (Allspice) ... .lb. 16 18 Piperin, 1 oz. bots 85 9° Pipe Clay (see Clay, page 13) ....lb. 4 6 Pitch, Black ....lb. 4 8 " Burgundy, American, boxes 10 and 20 lbs ...,1b. 6 8 " " T rue ....lb. IO 12 " " "by stand no lbs ....lb. 5 Pith, Sassafras ....lb. 1 25 I 50 Plaster, Calcined (see Plaster Paris, page 42). Pl aster, Aconite, lb. rolls ... .lb. 1 25 " Adhesive, % lb. " ... .lb. 4° " " Spread, American, Davidson's, 5 yd. rolls.yd. 15 " " " " De La Cour's, 5 yd. " yd. 20 " " " " Ellis, 5 yd. 14 yd. 15 ,. 1 < < ■ " " x yd. " doz. 1 75 " " " " Robbin's, " " " " Shiver's, 5 yd. " yd. 20 " " " " " 1 yd. " doz. 2 25 " " " " Twilled, Shiver's, 5 yd. " yd. 35 " " " " C'n Flannel, " 5 yd. " vd. 45 " " " " Swansdown, " 5 yd. " yd. 45 " " " English, 5 yd. " yd. 16 18 " " " " 1 vd. " doz. 2 25 " " " " on Mole-skin, 3 yd. " yd. I 25 " " on Swan's Down, 5 yd. " vd. 5° Ammoniac, % lb. rolls ... .lb. I 00 " " with Cicuta, % lb. " ...,1b. 1 75 " " " Mercury, y lb. " ....lb. 1 25 " Anodyne, lb. rolls ... .lb. 2 50 " Antimony, % lb. " ....lb. I 00 " Arnica, J4 lb. " ... .lb. I 20 " Aromatic, % lb. " ....lb. 1 5° " Assafoetida, % lb. " ... .lb. 75 " Belladonna, % lb. " ... .lb. 1 25 " Calefaciens, y lb. " ... .lb. 60 " Cantharides, % lb. " ....lb. 1 00 " " % lb. cans ... .lb. 1 00 " Cicuta, y lb. rolls ... .lb. 1 00 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 42 Plaster, Diachylon, Brown, y2 lb. rolls " " Simple, y2 lb. " ....lb. 38 ....lb. 38 " " Simple, English, y ]b. rolls ...,1b. 50 " " with Gum, y lb. " ....lb. 45 " Diapalma, y2 lb. " ... ,1b. 60 " Galbanum, y2 lb. " .. ... .lb. 60 " " Comp., y lb. " " " " English, % lb. " ....lb. 65 .. ..lb. 60 " Guaiac, y2 lb. rolls ... .lb. 60 " Hyoscyamus, y lb. " ... .lb. I 50 " Iron, . y2 lb. " ....lb. 38 " Logan, y2 lb. " ....lb. 50 " Labdanum, y2 lb. " . ... .lb. 75 " Melilot, y2 lb. " ....lb. 60 " Mercury, Mild, y2 lb. " " " lb. " ....lb. I 00 ... .lb. I 20 " Mother ... .lb. 5° " Olivar, y2 lb. rolls ... .lb. 40 " Opium, y lb. " ... .lb. 2 OO " Oxycroceum, y lb. " ... .lb. 60 " Picis, Burgundy, y2 lb. rolls ....lb. 50 " " with Cantharides, y lb. " ....lb. 60 " " Comp., % lb. " ... .lb. 50 " Plumbi (see Diachylon). " " Iodide, y2 lb. rolls ....lb. 2 50 " Resin ....lb. 4° " Roboran ... .lb. 4° " Soap ....lb. 50 " Soap Spread, 5 yd. rolls " Spread, Proprietary (see pages 116, 117, and 118). ... .yd. 25 " Vigo " " with Mercury ....lb. I 25 ... .lb. 1 50 Plaster Paris, by bbl .. .bbl. 1 75 " Dentists', by bbl ...bbl. 2 Platinum, Bichloride, % oz. hots 8 00 8 5° " Solution 10%, 1 oz. bots... 75 85 " " and Soda, % oz. " .... 7 00 7 50 75 " Black, % oz. bots ■ % oz. 2 50 2 " Cyanide, Potass., % oz. bots . - % oz. 2 OO 2 25 " Sheet and Wire 9 OO 9 5° " Sponges, 1 in box 2 25 2 50 " Wire, finest - % oz. 1 25 I 35 Plumbago, for Electrotypers ....lb. 1 75 2 00 Polishing Putty (Tin, Oxide, White,) POMADES, French, Chiris'. lb. 60 65 Cassie, Rose, Iln 1 kilo cans, about 2% lbs... ... .lb. 2 50 jasmin, Tuberose, " 2 " " " 5 " .... Orange, ) " 5 " " " 11 " ....lb. 2 35 . .. lb. 2 25 Violet, " 1 " " " zy " .. ... .lb. 4 00 Violet, " 2 " " " 5 " . . . .lb. 3 75 Violet, " 5 " " "11 " .. ....lb. 3 50 Poppy Heads, French " " German ...lb. 45 5° ... .lb. 20 25 Potash ....lb. 8 IO " by cask, 400 lbs ... .lb. 6 " Cone., Babbitt's, balls, cases, 48 lbs . .case. 4 50 " " " " " 24 lbs . .case. 2 25 " " " cans, " 48 lbs 4 50 " " 24 lbs 2 25 " White Rock, " " 48 lbs Potassa, Caustic, Common, 1 lb. bots ....lb. 55 60 " " White, 1 lb. " ....lb. 65 70 " with Lime (Potassa cum Calcis) ....lb. 70 75 " Solution (Liquor Potassae) ... .lb. 17 20 Potassium, y oz. bots 3 00 3 25 " Acetate, 1 lb. bots ....lb. 38 4° " Antimoniate, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 3 00 3 =s is " Arseniate, 1 oz. " 15 " Arsenite, 1 lb. " ... .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Solution (Fowler's) 1 lb. bots ....lb. 12 15 " Benzoate, 1 oz. bots I OO 1 10 " Bicarbonate, 1 lb. bots ....lb. 28 30 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 43 Potassium, Bicarbonate, C. P., i lb. bots .. .lb. I OO I 10 " Bichromate .lb. 1.5 18 " " C.P .lb. 80 85 " Binoxalate (Sal Acetosella) .lb. 32 351 " Bisulphate, Pure, I lb. bots .lb. 60 65| " Boro Tartrate (Soluble Cream Tartar), i lb. bots. .lb. I 25 1 35 *' Bromate, I oz. bots .OZ. I 25 1 35 " Bromide, bulk .lb. 50 55 •* " i lb. bots lb. 60 65 44 4 4 I oz. 44 / .OZ, 7 9 .oz. 5° 55 " Carbonate (Pearlash) .lb. 12 4 •* " Purified (Sal Tartar) ,1b. 14 16 4 4 4 4 Pure, with Tartar, German, Merck's, i lb. bots.lb. 75 80 •• " Chem. Pure, " " ilb. " lb. I 50 160 " Chlorate, English .lb. 23 25 •• " " by keg, too lbs lbs. 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s... .lb. 28 30 " " French.... .lb. 30 35 " " " by case, no lbs .lb. 27 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ... .lb. 35 40 Purified, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 45 50 " Chloride, I lb. bots .lb. 60 65 " Chromate, Pure .lb. I 50 160 " " Yellow .lb. 50 55 " Citrate, I lb. bots.. .lb. 86 90 " Cyanide, Fused .lb. 58 60 " " For Mining Purposes... ... .lb. 50 55 *' " Granular .lb. 80 85 " Purified .lb. 95 I 00 ** Fluoride, I oz. bots ... .OZ. 60 65 " Hyperchlorate, I oz. bots .oz. 40 45 " Hypophosphite, i lb. bots .lb. 2 4° 2 50 4 4 4 4 I oz. 44 .oz. 17 18 " Hyposulphite, I oz. " .oz. »5 18 " Iodate, i oz. " .oz. I 50 1 60 " Iodide, Am., i lb. " .lb. 3 90 4 00 4 4 4 4 4 4 I oz. 44 30 35 " " English, Atkinson's, I lb. bots .lb. 4 50 4 75 " lodo-Hydrarg, I oz. bots .OZ. 85 9° Nitrate, Crystals (see Sal Nitre, page 48). " Nitrite, 1 oz. bots .oz. 20 25 " Perchlorate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 40 45 1 " Permanganate, Crude, German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots.lb. 75 85 : '• " Crystals, pure, 1 lb. bots ... .lb. I 30 1 35 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I oz. 44 ■ OZ. 12 15 ' " " " " Morson's, 1 lb. bots.lb. I 50 1 75 1 " Merck's, X lb. bots.lb. I 50 1 75 " " " " Merck's, 1 oz. bots. .oz. 15 18 " " Ord. (Chameleon Mineral) 1 lb. bots.lb. 60 65 " Phenylate, 1 oz. bots .'. .oz. 25 30 " Phosphate, 1 lb. " .lb. 2 25 2 50 4 4 4 4 I oz. 44 .oz. 15 18 Pyrophosphate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 40 45 " Prussiate, Red .lb. 75 80 " " Yellow .lb. 28 30 Salicylate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 60 65 Silicate .oz. 5o 55 Silicio-fluoride, 1 oz. bots . .oz. 50 55 Sulphate, Crystals .lb. 12 15 " " Powdered .lb. 15 18 " Chem. pure, 1 lb. bots .lb. 50 55 Sulphite, 1 lb. bots .lb. 50 55 " pure, 1 lb. bots .lb. 4 00 4 25 " Sulph-indilate, 1 oz. " .OZ. I 00 I 10 " Sulpho-Carbolate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 20 25 " Sulpho-Cyanide, 1 oz. " .oz. 20 25 Sulphide, fused (Liver Sulphur), 1 lb. bots .lb. 25 30 " " C. P., 1 lb. bots .lb. 2 25 2 50 " Sulphuret (Sulphide). Tartrate (Soluble Tartar), 1 lb. bots .lb. 75 80 44 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Potassium, Xanthogenate .lb. 2 OO 2 25 Potter's Blue .lb. 3° 35 " Clay .lb. 5 8, Powder, Aromatic, i lb. bots .lb. 1 50 1 751 " Composition, bulk .lb. 25 3° 4 oz. papers .lb. 35 4° " 2 oz. " .lb. 40 45 I oz. " .lb. 45 5°, " Dover's U. S. P., W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 1 30 1 40 " Fumigating ■ .lb. 1 25 1 5o " Goa lb " Goa OZ. 40 45 " Insect, true Dalmatian .lb. 45 50 " " by keg, no lbs .lb. 42 " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, in bots. (see page ng) " Seidlitz (see Seidlitz Powders, page 119). " Soda (see Soda Powders, page 119). Propylamin, Chloride, % oz. bots .OZ. 6 00 6 5° " Pure, Liquid, 1 oz. bots .oz. 1 25 1 35 Protagon, 1 lb. bots .lb. 4 00 % lb. " .lb. 4 50 Proteine, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 5 o° 5 25 Pulvis Antimonialis, 1 lb. bots... .lb. 80 85 Pumice Stone (see Stone, page 54). Putty, in bladders lb. 3% 4 " in cans .lb. 4 4M ' ' kegs .lb. 2X Pyrites .lb. 10 15 Pyroxylin (Cotton Gun) .OZ. 5° 55 Quassia Chips lb. 10 12 " " by bbl .lb. 6 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 18 20 Quercitron (see Bark, Oak, page 8). Quicksilver (see Mercury, page 33). Quinia, Acetate, 1 oz. bots .OZ. 4 75 5 00 " Amorphous, 1 oz. " " Arseniate, 1 oz. " 6 so 6 74 " Bisulphate, 1 oz. " .OZ. 4 00 4 25 " Bromide, 1 oz. " 4 23 5 5° " Carbolate, 1 oz. " 7 00 " Camphoric, % oz. " 11 00 " Chlorate, % oz. " .OZ. 9 00 9 5o " Citrate. 1 oz. " . 80 " Ferrocyanide, 1 oz. bots .oz. 5 00 5 25 " Ferro-iodide, 1 oz. " .oz. 7 00 7 25 " Ferro-lactate, 1 oz. " .oz. 4 5° 4 75 " Hydrobromate .oz. 4 5o 5 00 " Hydrochlorate, 1 oz. bots .oz. 4 5° 4 75 " Hypophosphite, 1 oz. " .oz. 5 75 6 00 " Iodide, 1 oz. " . oz. q " andiron, Iodide, 1 oz. " . oz. " " " Valerianate, % oz. bots .oz. 4 40 4 50 " Lactate, 1 oz. " .oz. 6 25 6 50, " Muriate, 1 oz. " .oz. 5 00 5 25 " Phosphate, 1 oz. " " Pure Alkaloid, 1 oz. " .oz. 5 75 6 00 " Salicylate, .oz. 5 " Sulphate, French, 1 oz. " .oz. d 24 " " Hospital, 1 oz. " oz. " " P. &W.; 1 oz. " .oz. 4 50 " " R. & S., 1 oz. " .oz. 4 50 " Sulpho-Carbolate, % oz. " .oz. 7 50 7 75 " Sulpho-Vinate, % oz. " oz. 10 00 10 25 " Sweet, 1 oz. " .oz. I 10 1 25 " Tannate, 1 oz. " oz. 2 25 2 50 " Valerianate, % oz. " oz. 6 25 6 5° Quinidia, Pure, 1 oz. bots oz. 2 OO 2 25 " Sulphate, 1 oz. " oz. I 40 1 Red Precipitate (Red Oxide Mercury) .lb. 80 85 " Saunders .lb. 6 8 " " by bbl .lb. 4 1 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. Red Wood (see Dye-Woods, page 93). Resin, Copaiva 2 OO 2 25 " Jalap, Rad. . . .OZ. 65 75 " Slip . 50 60 " Scammony . I OO 1 10 Resin, White 6 8 " " by bbl . .bbl. 4 50 6 00 " Yellow .. .lb. 3 4 " " by bbl . .bbl. 2 50 2 75 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 25 30 Resineon, 1 oz. bots 50 60 Rhodium .grm. 5 00 Root,Aconite, English .. .lb. 65 70 " " German ...lb. 18 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 30 35 " Althea (Marsh-Mallow) .. .lb. 20 25 " " Cut 25 30 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 30 35 " Anchusa (Alkanet) ...lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 25 28 " Angelica ...lb. 18 20 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 30 35 " Arnica ...lb. 50 55 " Aronis ...lb. 25 30 " Artemisia (Mugwort) .. .lb. 18 20 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 40 45 " Asarabacca, European .. .lb. 18 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s. .. .lb. 30 35 " Avens .. .lb. 30 35 " Belladonna . . .lb. 20 25 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 30 351 " Beth .. .lb. 35 40 " Bistort .. .lb. 20 25 " Bitter ...lb. 30 35 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 40 45 " Black (see Culver's). " Blue Flag ...lb. 25 3° " Bryonia .. .lb. 22 25 " Burdock 18 20 " Cainca ....'. .. .lb. I 50 I 60 .. .lb. 15 18 " " White, Peeled and Split .. .lb. 38 40 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s. .. .lb. 30 35 " Carlina. .. .lb. 20 25 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 30 35 " Carex .. .lb. 20 25 " Chelidony .. .lb. 25 30I " China 20 25 " '• Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . . lb. 30 35 " Chiretta ...lb. 30 35 " Cohosh, Black .. .lb. 12 15 " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 15 18 " 11 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 20 25 " " Blue ...lb. 18 2O> " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 22 25 . " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. ,1b. 30 35 " Colchicum, English .. .lb. 40 45 " " German . . .lb. 18 20 " . " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s. .. ...lb. 25 30 " Colombo ...lb. 12 15 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 20 25 " Coltsfoot .. .lb. 50 60 " Comfrey ...lb. 18 20 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 22 25 " Contrayerva .. .lb. 75 80 " Cotton .. .lb. 20 25 " Crawley ...lb. 150 i 75 " Culver's (Black Root) ...lb. 18 20! " " Powdered ,W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 25 30 " Curcuma ...lb. 10 12 " " Dark, fine ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 15 l8 45 46 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & jCO.'S Root, Curcuma, Light, fine ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 15 18 " Dandelion .lb. 18 20 " • • Cut . .lb. 20 25 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 3° 35 " Dittany .lb. 3° 35 " Dwarf TclHpr .lb. 18 20 12 15 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 20 25 " Farfara (see Coltsfoot). 25 3° " Galan gal .lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s 25 30 20 25 " Gentian .lb. 8 IO " " Cut, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 12 15 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 12 15 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 15 18 " Ginger, African .lb. 12 15 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 15 18 " " E. I. (Race) .lb. II 12 " " '• Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 14 l6 " Jamaica, Bleached .lb. 20 22 " " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s... .lb. 25 27 " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s. .lb. 28 30 " " " Unbleached .lb. 18 20 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s..lb. 22 25 ,1b. 1 25 1 35 " " & Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. I 40 1 50 ,1b. 4° 45 ' * Golden Seal ■ • • .lb. ■ 18 20 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 30 " Graminis, cut (Dog Grass) ............. .lb. 15 18! " Hellebore, Black .lb. 18 2O| " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ,1b. 25 28 " " White .lb. 15 18 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s........ .lb. 22 25 " Hydrangea .lb. 25 3° " Indian Hemp, Black (Apoc. Can.) 35 40 " " " White (Asclep. Inc.) .lb. 35 40 " " Turnip lb. 25 3° " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 35 4° " Ipecac, American . .lb. 5o 551 " " " Powdered .lb. 60 651 " Rio -... .lb. I 40 1 50 Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. i 45 1 50 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.. .lb. 1 55 1 65i " Jalap .lb. 28 30I " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co. s .lb. 35 40 " Ladies'-slipper .lb. 20 25 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 3° 35 " Licorice .lb. 10 12 " " Select .lb. 12 15 " " " Extra .lb. 15 18 Cut .lb. 15 18 " " " German .lb. 20 25 Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 12 !5| '* " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 15 18 " Wool .lb. 15 18 " " Russian, peele'd .lb. 20 25 " " " " powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s. .lb. 3° 35 '' Lovage .lb. 25 3° " Male Fern .lb. 30 35 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 38 451 " Mandrake .lb. IO I2| " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 18 20 " Marsh, Rosemary .lb. 25 30 " Masterwort 3° 35 " Meadow Fern, Natural .lb. 25 3° " " " Peeled .lb. 4° 45! " Milkweed .lb. 25 3° " Musk (Sumbul) .lb. 85 90I GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 47 Root, Nervine (see Ladies'-slipper). " Ononidis, cut .lb. 20 25' " Orris, Finger . " " " Extra, Infants' .lb. 5o 60 .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " " Florentine .lb. 22 25 " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 28 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 30 35 " " Verona .lb. 15 18' Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 18 22 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 30 " Pareira Brava ,1b. 20 25 " " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 28 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 30 35 35 " Parsley .lb. 30 " Pellitory, German (Pyrethri) " " Rom., " I 00 1 10 35 40 " Pimpinella " " true .lb. 25 30! 5o 55] " Pink (Spigelia) .lb. 30 35 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 4° 45 " Pleurisy (White Root) " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 20 25 .lb. 30 35 " Poke (Garget) .lb. 20 2S| " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 3° 35 " Polypody .lb. 35 40 " Pond Lily, White " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s 28 30 .lb. 35 40 " " " Yellow .lb. 25 3° " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 35 40 " Queen of the Meadow " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s... lb. 20 25 .lb. 30 35 " Rhatany Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 30 35 i ,1b. 35 40 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 4° 45 " Rhubarb, East India .lb. 75 I 00 " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... .lb. 90 I 25! " " " " Extra .lb. 1 50 i 75' * Powdered, W.H.S.& Co.'s.lb. 1 75 2 OO " " " Cut, extra, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... .lb. 3 00 3 50' " " " " " " bv caddy, about io lbs. ,1b. 2 50 ! No. i, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... .lb. 2 50 2 75 " " I, by caddy, abt. io lbs. .lb. 2 25 " " " 2, W. H. S. & Co.'s. .. .lb. " " " " " "2, by caddy, abt. lolbs. .lb. " " . Powd., English, Herring's, % lb. and I lb. bots.lb. 3 5o 4 00 " " Trimmed, " " .lb. 4 5o 5 00 " " Turkey, True (out of market) " " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s... .lb. .lb. ' ' Salep " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 80 90 .lb. I 00 I 10 " Sanguinaria (Blood Root) .lb. 10 12 Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s ,1b. 15 181 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. Io 20 " Sarsaparilla, Honduras Cut, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 30 35 .lb. 35 40 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 35 40 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 4° 45 " " Mexican .lb. 15 18 Cut. W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 18 20 Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 18 20' " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ... .lb. 25 3° " " Rio Negro (out of market). " Scammony .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Seneka .lb. 65 70! " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 70 75 85 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 75 " Snake, Canada, select .lb. 301 35 " " " " Extra .lb. 40 45 " " Virginia " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .lb. 25 3°! .lb. 35 40 " Texas .lb. 25 30 " Skunk Cabbage .lb. 20 j 25I 48 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Root, Skunk Cabbage, Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 3° 35 " Soapwort " " White ..lb. 25 3°| ..lb. 3° 35 " Solomon's Seal ..lb. 20 25! " Squill, White . .lb. 12 15I " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s, i lb. bots. .lb. 4° 45 W. H. S. & Co.'s, y2 lb. " .. lb. 45 TO " " " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, % lb. . .lb. 50 60 " W. H. S. & Co.'s, i oz. " . .lb. 75 9° " Stillingia " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 15 18 . .lb. 18 20! " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 25 3° " Stone . .lb. 25 3° " Tormentilla ..lb. 16 20 Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 25 30 " Turmeric (see Curcuma, page 45). " Turpeth " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 60 65 . .lb. 75 85 " Turkey Corn . .lb. 20 25 " Unicorn . .lb. 20 25 " Valerian, English " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 25 3° . ,1b. 35 40 " " German . .lb. 18 20 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ..lb. 28 3° " " Vermont . .lb. 15 18 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.... . .lb. 25 3° " Veratrum Viride . .lb. 25 3° " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 35 4a " Vetivert . .lb. 75 85 " Wild Indigo ..lb. 25 3° " " Turnip " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 25 3° . .lb. 35 40 " " Yam . .lb. 30 35 Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 4° 45 " Yellow Dock . .lb. 15 18 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s . .lb. 18 20 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 25 3° " Yellow Parilla . .lb. 25 3° " Zedoary . .lb. 18 20 Rose Pink, English... . ,1b. 12 15 Rotten Stone (see Stone, page 54). Rouge, Jeweler's, Balls " " Powder . .lb. 60 75 . .lb. 60 7S " Extra, Balls ...lb. 75 " Powder ..lb. 75 90 " Hard, Fingers . .lb. 75 90 Rubidium grm. 20 OO " Chloride grm. 60 Ruthenium grm. 5 5° Rutil . ,1b. 2 50 2 75 Safflower . .lb. 60 65 Saffron (see Flowers, page 22). Sago Flour ' ' Pearl . .lb. 10 12 . .lb. 9 IO Sal Acetosella (Binoxalate Potassium) . .lb. 32 35 " Enixum (Bisulph. Potassa) . ,1b. 60 65 '1 Epsom " " by bbl . .lb. 4 5 . .lb. 2% " Glauber ..lb. 3 4 " " by bbl . .lb. " Nitre, Crude . .lb. 8 IO " " Refined, cornel . .lb. 9 10 " " " "by keg, 100 lbs . .lb. 8'/2 " " " Pure . .lb. !3 14 " " " "by keg, 100 lbs . .lb. 11K " " " Double ..lb. 14 15 " " by keg, 100 lbs ..lb. 12)4 " Triple " " by keg, 100 lbs ..lb. 15 161 . .lb. 13% " " " Pure, Granular . .lb. 15 16 " " " " " by keg, 100 lbs . .lb. " " " Powdered 16 181 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 49 Sal Nitre, Refined, Pure, Powdered, by keg, too lbs ....lb. 13 ' ' Prunel ....lb. 40 45 " Rochelle, Kidder's .. .lb. 36 37 " " " by box, 50 lbs . .. . lb. 35 " by bbl., 250 lbs ....lb. 34 " Soda . ...lb. 2% 3 " " by cask, 400 lbs .. .lb. IM " Tartar (Potassium Carbonate) ....lb. 14 16 Saleratus, Pearlash ....lb. 15 18 " " by keg, 100 lbs ... .lb. 14 " Soda ...lb. 7 IO " "by keg, 100 lbs ....lb. 4 Salicin, 1 oz. bots... " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots . . . .OZ. 1 25 Salt, Sea ....lb. 4 5 " Carlsbad Artificial . .. .lb. 20 25 Salts, Carlsbad, Gen., y lb. bots 13 00 13 5o %lb. " r~6 50 7 OO " Crab Orchard, true, bulk . . . ,1b. 35 4° " " " " lb. bots . . .doz. 2 OO y lb. " .. .doz. 4 00 " " " " 1 lb. " . . .doz. 8 00 " Kissingen, for 10 galls, water . .box. 1 50 " Lemon, bulk . .. .lb. 75 80 " " boxes 75 " Vichy, for 10 galls, water . .box. 1 5° " Wormwood, bulk ...,1b. 75 80 Sandal-wood (see Wood, page 63). Sand, White .. .bbl. 1 5° " Silver (Bird Gravel) .. .bbl. 3 00 Santaline, 1 oz. bots I OO I IO Santonin, 1 lb. bots ... .lb. 12 50 13 OO " I oz. " 83 85 " German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots : ... .oz. I OO I IO Saponine, % oz. bots .% oz. I OO I IO Sassafras Pith . .. .lb. I 25 I 50 Sea Wrack (Fucus Vesiculosis) lb. 25 30 Seed, Ambrette (Musk) ....lb. 75 80 " Angelica ... .lb. 4° 45 " Anise, German ... .lb. 14 16 " " Italian ... .lb. 18 20 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 25 28 " " Spanish ....lb. " " Star ....lb. 25 30 " Annatto ....lb. 25 3° " Bird, mixed ....lb. 8 IO " Canary, Sicily 2 60 2 75 " " by bbl 2 50 " Smyrna 2 25 2 50 " by bag 2 OO " Caraway ....lb. 14 15 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ... .lb. 22 25 " Cardamom, Aleppy ... .lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Malabar ....lb. 2 25 2 50 " " Untrimmed ....lb. " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s. ....lb. 2 50 2 75 White, Extra Large ....lb. 2 50 2 75 " Carduus Benedictus ....lb. 5° 55 " Marianus ....lb. 25 3° " Celery ....lb. 25 3° " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s ... .lb. 35 4° " Colchicum, English ....lb. 65 75 German ....lb. 25 3° Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s... ... ,1b. 3° 35 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s.. ... .lb. 35 4° " Conium ...,1b. 20 25 " Coriander, English ....lb. IO 12 " German ... .lb. 8 IO " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...,1b. 18 20 " Croton (see Beans, Croton, page 9). " Cumin ....lb. 15 18 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ....lb. 25 30 50 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Seed, Dill (Anethi) " Fennel, Italian lb. lb. 4° IS 45 18 " " German lb. 18 20 Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 25 3° " Flax, Clean lb. 4 6 11 " "by bbl bbl. 7 5° " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 6 8 W. H. S. & Co.'s, by bbl lb. 5 " Fcenugreek lb. 7 8 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. IO 12 " Hemp, Russian i 75 2 OO " " by bag . . .bush. 1 60 " Henbane lb. 25 30 " Job's Tears lb. 1 25 I 50 " Larkspur lb. 1 50 I 60 " Lobelia lb. 3° 35 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 38 40 " Lovage lb. I 10 1 25 " Masterwort lb. 35 4° " Maw (Poppy) lb. 15 18 " Millet lb. 8 10 " " by bbl 1 50 " Musk (Ambrette) lb. 75 80 " Mustard, Brown, California lb. " " " German lb. 8 9 " " " Trieste lb. 9 IO " " Yellow, California lb. 8 10 " " " English lb. IO 12 " " " German lb. 7 8 " Parsley lb- 20 25 " Peony lb. 75 80 " Philandria (Water-fennel) lb. 20 25 " Poppy Blue (Maw) lb. 15 18 " White lb. 18 20 " Pumpkin lb. 25 30 " Quince lb. 60 75 " Rape, English 3 50 " " by bag 3 25 " " German 3 25 " " " by bag 3 00 " Sabadilla lb. 25 3° " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 35 4° " Staves-acre lb. 3° 35 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 45 50 " Stramonium lb. 18 20 ' ' Sun Flower lb. 25 3° " Water Fennel (Philand Aquat.) lb. 20 25 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 3° 35 " Watermelon lb. 3° 35 " Worm, American (Chenopodium) lb. 8 10 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s... lb. 15 18 " Foreign (Levant) lb. 18 20 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s... lb. 25 3° Seidlitz Mixture, Kidder's .............................. lb. 32 33 " " by box, 50 lbs lb- 30 " by bbl., 250 lbs lb. 29 " Powders, Full weight, W. H. S. & Co.'s doz. 3 00 • • I• >1 i < 1 < ... gross. 33 00 " Extra " " doz. 3 75 • • • • • • • • " .. .gross. 40 00 Selenium, t oz. bots 4 00 4 5o Silicia, pure 25 3° Silicium, Metallic .. .. grm. 3 00 Siliqua Dulcis (Beans, Locust) lb. IO 12 Silver, Acetate, 1 oz. bots oz. 3 5° 3 75 " Bromide, 1 oz. " 2 OO 2 IO " Carbonate, 1 oz. " 3 00 3 25 " Chloride, 1 oz. " i 3° I 40 " Cyanide, 1 oz. " 1 90 2 OO " Iodide, 1 oz. " oz. 1 60 I 65 " Leaf, in packs 20 books .... pack. 2 25 2 50 " Nitrate, Crystals, pure 9° 95 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 51 Silver, Nitrate, Fused (Lunar Caustic) 9° 95 " Oxide, i oz. bots 1 55 I 60 " Sulphate, x oz. bots. 2 00 2 25 " Sulphide, i oz. bots 3 5o 3 75 Smalts, Black . . .lb. 6 8 " Blue, Coarse ...lb. 16 18 " " Fine . . .lb. 18 20 ' ' Brown .. .lb. 8 IO " Green .. .lb. 16 18 " Red . . .lb. 18 20 Snuff, Maccoboy, Lorillard's, in 4 oz. bots . .doz. 3 50 " " " in 4, 8, 15, and 20 lb. jars.... ....lb. 75 80 " Rappee, " in 4 oz. bots . .doz. 3 50 " " " in 4, 8, 15, and 20 lb. jars.... .. .lb. 82 85 " Scotch, " in bladders .. .lb. 75 80 " " " in 4 oz. bots 3 5o " " Garrett's, in 4 oz. " 4 00 " " " in packs . .doz. 1 50 " " Rubbing, Garrett's, in bladders .. .lb. 75 80 Soap, Castile, Mottled, by box, 35 lbs .. .lb. 8% " " " Pure, by box, 35 lbs .. .lb. 12 " " " " in cakes, by box, 50 lbs ...lb. 14 " " White, " Conti's," by box, 35 lbs. ...lb. 16 " " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 45 50 " " " " Court de Payen"................. ...lb. 22 25 " " " " " 11 by box, 200 lbs.. ...lb. 20 " Green, German ...,1b. 18 20 " Kesan, Genuine ...lb. I 50 1 75 " Opodeldoc ...lb. 10 12 " Whale Oil .. .lb. 10 12 W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 lb. cans 2 OO W. H. S. & Co.'s, 2 " " 3 50 Soap-stone (see Stone, page 54). Soda, Ash .. .lb. 5 6 " " by bbl .. .lb. 2% " Caustic, by drum, 600 lbs .. .lb. 5 " " bv jar, 10 to 30 lbs .. .lb. 10 12 " " by Lime, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 55 60 " Chem. pure, 1 lb. bots . . .lb. 1 5o I 60 " " Depurat, 1 lb. bots . ..lb. 1 00 I 10 " " Fused, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 1 00 I 10 " Chlorinated Solution, G. S. bots . . doz. 2 75 3 00 " " " C. S. " . .doz. 2 25 2 50 " " " bulk . gall. 4° " " " Labaraque's Gen 7 00 " Powders, W. H. S. & Co.'s 150 gross. 16 50 Sodium, Acetate, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 4° 45 " " C. P., 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 80 9° " Arseniate, 1 oz. bots 15 18 " Arsenite, 1 oz. " " Benzoate, 1 oz. " 60 65 " Bi-Carbonate, American Natrona, by keg, ii2 1bs ...lb. 4K " " English ...lb. 6 8 " " "by keg, 112 lbs ...lb. 4% " " " Chance's .. .lb. 9 IO " " " " by bbl., 220 lbs... ...lb. 7% " " Kidder's .. .lb. 12 15 " " "by box, 50 lbs .. .lb. 9 " Chem. Pure, Ger., Merck's, 1 lb. bots.. .lb. 45 50 " Crystals, Pure .. .lb. 25 30 " Bi-Sulphate, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 60 65 " Bi-Sulphite, 1 lb. " .. .lb. 75 80 " Solution, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 45 50 " Bi-Tartrate, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 1 50 I 60 " Bromide, 1 lb. " .. .lb. 65 70 I oz. " . . .OZ. 7 9 " Carbolate, 1 oz. " .. .oz. 3° 35 " Carbonate (see Sal. Soda, page 49). " " Chem. pure, dried, Ger., Merck's, 1 lb. bots.lb. 80 85 " " " " Crystals, " " 1 lb. " lb. 50 55 " Depurat, " " " 1 lb. " lb. 4° 45l W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 52 Sodium, Carbonate, Powdered " Chlorate, I lb. bots lb. lb. 4 I 63 25 i 75 " " I oz. " oz. IO 15 " Choleate, i oz. " oz. 40 45 " Citrate, I lb. " lb. 80 85 " Fluorate, i oz. " oz. 60 65 " Formate, I oz. " oz. 60 65 '* Glycochol . .. grm. I 00 I " Hydrosulphate, Crystals, i lb. bots lb. 95 I 00 " " Fused, i lb. " lb. 70 80 " Hypophosphite, I lb. bots lb. 2 47 2 50 *' " I oz. " oz. T7 20 " Hyposulphite lb. 5 8 " " in kegs lb. 5 " " Chem. Pure lb. 7o 80 " Iodate, i oz. bots oz. 2 Oo 2 25 " Iodide, i lb. " lb. 6 5O 6 75 " " I oz. " oz. 5e 55 " Lactate, Liquid Cone., i lb. bots lb. 5 26 5 50 " " " " I oz. " oz. 3O 4° " " " Dilute, i lb. " .... lb. 2 5; 2 60 " " " " I oz. " . .. .oz. i7 20 " " and Magnesia, i oz. " oz. 60 65 " Lactophosphate, I oz. bots oz. 60 65 " Metallic, oz. ." oz. 50 55 " Molybdate, i oz. " oz. I 00 I 10 " Muriate, Chem. Pure lb. 40 45 " Nitrate, Crude lb. 8 IO " Nitrate, Purified lb. 18 20 " Nitrite, Pure, I oz. bots oz. 2.5 3° " Nitroprussite, i oz. " oz. 2 OO 2 25 " Oxalate, I oz. " OZ. 20 25 " Permanganate, i lb. bots lb. 115 1 25 " Phenylate, i oz. bots oz. 25 30 " Phosphate, i lb. bots lb. 22 25, " " Chem. pure, I lb. bots lb. 75 s°; " " Ammonio (Microcosmic Salt), I lb. bots.. ,1b. 1 25 135 " Pyrophosphate, i lb. bots lb. I 00 110 " " I OZ. •" oz. 8 10 " Salicylate, I oz. " oz. 30 35 " Santonate, I oz. " oz. 1 50 1 60 " Seleniate, oz. " . .% oz. 2 OO | " Silicate, Dry lb. IO 15 " Silicate, Pure lb. I 25 1 5o, " Silicate, Solution (see Glass, Soluble, page 22). " " " pure lb. 50 55, " Stannate, 1 oz. bots oz. 10 12 " Sulphate (see Sal Glauber, page 48). " " Dry lb. 12 15 " " Pure < < lb. 30 35' " " " dry lb. 40 ■15 " Sulphite, Crystals, 1 lb. bots lb. 22 2? " " Granular, 1 lb. " lb. 44 45 '• Sulpho-Carbolate, 1 oz. bots 20 25' " Sulpho-Carbolate, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots .. oz. 30 351 " Sulpho-Carbonate, " " 1 oz. " .. OZ. 25 30 " Sulpho-Vinate, " " 1 oz. " .. oz. 25 30 " Sulphuret, 1 oz. bots IO1 12* " Tannate, 1 oz. " oz. 40 45' " Tartrate, 1 lb. " lb. I 00 1 10 " Taurocholate .. . grm. I 00 1 10 " Tungstate, 1 oz. bots oz. 15 20 " Valerianate, 1 oz. " oz. I 25 1 35 Solanin, German, Merck's, % oz. bots ..% oz. 7 00 Spanish Brown lb. 3 4 " " by bbl. lb. 1% Species, Aromatic lb. 50 55 " Cataplasm lb. 4° 45 " Lignorum lb. 20 25 " Marienbad lb. 80 9° " Pectoralis lb. 35 4° " Resolventes lb. 40 45 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 53 Species, St. Germain lb. 90 I 00 Spermaceti lb. 32 35 " by box, 40 lbs lb. 3° " in cakes lb. 35 38 " " by box, 40 lbs lb. 32 Spirits Ammonia, 1 lb. bots lb. 42 45 " " Aromatic, 1 lb. bots lb. 48 50 " Anise, 1 lb. bots lb. 65 75 " Angelica, Comp., 1 lb. bots lb. 65 75 " Camphor lb. 50 55 " Chloroform, U. S. P., 1 lb. bots lb. 80 85 " Cochlear, German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots lb. 75 80 " Formicar, 11 " 1 lb. " lb. 75 80 " Juniper, 1 lb. bots lb. 50 55 " " Comp., 1 lb. bots lb. 50 55 " Lavender, 1 lb. " lb. 43 45 " " Comp., 1 lb. " lb. 45 5o " Horse-radish, 1 lb. " lb. 75 80 " Mastich, Comp., 1 lb. " lb. 1 50 1 60 " Melissa, 1 lb. " lb. 1 25 1 35 " Mindererus, 1 lb. bots lb. 25 3° " Muriatic Ether, German, 1 lb. bots lb. I 00 I 10 " Nitre, U. S. P lb. 4° 45 " " " by demijohn, 35 lbs lb. 38 " 3F lb. 30 35 " "3 F, by demijohn, 35 lbs lb. 28 " Nutmeg, 1 lb. bots lb. 44 45 " Pimento, 1 lb. " lb. 44 4; " Peppermint, 1 lb. " lb. 65 75 " Raspberry, 1 lb. " lb. 1 50 I 60 " Rose, 1 lb. " lb. 45 5° " Rosemary, 1 lb. " lb. 45 50 " Sambuci, 1 lb. " lb. 1 00 I 10 " Tilia, 1 lb. " lb. I 00 I 10 " Turpentine gall. 35 38 " " by bbl gall- 32 " " % pint bots 1 25 " " I " " 2 OO " " i quart " doz. 3 00 Sponge, Burnt lb. I OO I 25 Spunk lb. I OO I 10 Starch, Corn, Pulverized, in bbls lb. 8 " " 1 lb. papers lb. IO 12 " " 1 lb. " by box 40 lbs lb. 9 " Iodide, 1 oz. bots 20 25 " Pearl, boxes, 38 to 42 lbs., 6 bundles lb. 6 " " " 12 lbs lb. 6M " Pure, in bbls lb. " " boxes, 38 to 42 lbs., 6 bundles lb. 7 " " " 12 lbs lb. 7 " " 1 lb. packages, boxes 36 lbs each lb. 7 " " ten 4-lb. paper boxes, boxes 40 lbs lb. 7 " Refined, boxes 33 to 39 lbs., 8 bundles... lb. 8 " " " " 12 lbs lb. " Satin Gloss, 1 lb. packages, boxes 40 lbs lb. 8% " " " % lb. " " 40 lbs lb. 9 " " " % lb. " " 40 lbs lb. 9H " " 11 Assorted " " 41 lbs lb. 9 " " " <; lb. naoer boxes. " ao lbs lb " " " 6 lb. boxes, sliding covers, 12 boxes in crate.lb. 9 " Silver " in bbl lb. 8 " " " 6 lb. boxes, sliding covers, 12 boxes in crate.lb. 9 " " " boxes 38 to 45 lbs., 6 bundles lb. 8% " " " 40 lbs., ten 4-lb. paper boxes lb. 8% " " " " 36 lbs., 1 lb. papers lb. 8M " " " "30 lbs., y2 lb. " lb. 9 " " " " 30 lbs., % lb. " lb " " " " 30 lbs. 1 lb., y2 lb., and % lb. papers, .lb. 9 Stearin lb. 28 30 " by box, 50 lbs lb. 25 St. John's Bread (Beans, Locust) lb. IO 12 54 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Stone, Pumice .. .lb. 4 6 " " by bbl .. .lb. 3% " " Select .. .lb. 6 8 " " "by bbl .. .lb. 5 " " Powdered .. .lb. 5 6 " " " by bbl .. .lb. " Rotten, English " " " by bbl ...lb. 8 IO .. .lb. 6 " " " Powdered ...lb. IO 12 " " " " by bbl .. .lb. 8 " Soap, Powdered " " " by bbl .. ,1b. 5 7 .. .lb. 3K Strontium, Acetate, I oz. bots ...oz. 35 40 " Carbonate, Natural ...lb. 25 30 " " Chem. pure, I lb. bots ...lb. 65 70 " Caustic, I lb. bots ...lb. 4 00 4 25 " Chlorate, I oz. " .. .oz. 50 55 " Chloride, i lb. " ...lb. 30 35 " " pure, i lb. " ...lb. I 25 I 35 " Iodide, I oz. " .. .oz. 75 80 " Metallic grain. 60 " Muriate (Chloride) ...lb. 30 35 " Nitrate ...lb. 20 25 " " pure .. .lb. I OO I IO " Oxalate, German, Merck's, i lb. bots " Oxide, Chem. pure, I lb. bots .. .lb. I 20 I 25 ...lb. 4 00 4 25 " Sulphate, crude " " Chem. pure, i lb. bots .. .lb. 25 30 ...lb. 75 80 Strychnia, Acetate, % oz. bots " Arseniate, % oz. " .. .oz. 2 55 2 60 .. .oz. 6 00 6 25 " Bromide, % oz. " ...oz. 3 30 3 50 " Citrate, % oz. " 6 00 6 25 " " with Iron, i oz. " .. .oz. 20 25 " Crystals, % oz. " ...oz. 2 IO 2 20 " Iodide, % oz. " 7 00 7 25 " Muriate, % oz. " .. .oz. 2 55 2 60 " Nitrate, % oz. " ...oz. 2 55 2 60 " Phosphate, % oz. " ...oz. 6 00 6 25 " Powdered, % oz. " 1 95 2 00 " Sulphate, % oz. " ...oz. 1 95 2 00 " Valerianate, % oz. " 4 30 4 50 Styracine, % oz. bots Styrax, Calamita " Liquid ...oz. 10 00 ...lb. 3° 35 ...lb. 30 35 Sugar, Burnt, (Caramel or Liquor Coloring) . ..lb. 30 38 ' ' Grape .. .lb. 12 15 " of Milk, Crystals .. .lb. 45 50 " " Granular, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 50 55 " " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 50 55 " " Recrystallized .. .lb. 65 70 Sulphur, Flowers " " by bbl., 175 lbs " Iodide, 1 oz. bots .... .. .lb. 5 6 ...lb. 3X ...oz. 50 55 " Lac............................................ .. .lb. 12 15 " " Prec., pure " Lotum (Washed Sulphur) .. ,1b. 24 25 .. .lb. 12 15 " Rolls (Brimstone) .. .lb. 4 5 " " by bbl . . .lb. 3 " Vivum .. .lb. IO 12 " Sheets . . .lb. 18 20 " Washed (Sulphur Lotum) ...lb. 12 15 Sumac (see Dye-Woods, page 93). Syrup, Banana .gall. 2 50 2 75 " Buckthorn, German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots .. .lb. 70 75 " Garlic . . . lb. 60 65 " Ginger ...lb. 50 55 " Hop . . .lb. 70 75 " Hypophosphite, Iron, 1 lb. bots " " Lime and Soda, Churchill's Formula, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 70 75 j lb. 70 75 " " Lime, Soda, and Potash, Churchill's ? 1b 70 75 Formula, 1 lb. bots GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 55 Syrup, Hypophosphite, Lime, Soda, Potash, and Iron, Churchill's Formula, x lb. bots ■ lb. 70 75 Iodide Iron, i lb. bots ...lb. 60 65 " " " Tasteless, Creuse's ...lb. 75 85 " " " and Manganese, i lb. bots ...lb. 9° 1 00 " " Lime, I lb. bots ..lb. 6o 65 " " Manganese, i lb. bots ...lb. 9° I 00 " Ipecac ...lb. 60 65 " Lactate Iron, I lb. bots ...lb. 9° I 00 " Lacto-Phosphate Iron, i lb. bots " " " Lime, i lb. " .. .lb. 9° I 00 . ..lb. 9° I 00 " " " " and Iron, i lb. bots. .. lb. 9° I 00 " " " " " Pepsin, i lb. bots . .lb. 1 75 I 85 " " " " " Soda, i lb. " . ,1b. 1 25 I 35 " " " " Soda, Potash, andiron, ilb. bots.lb. 1 5° I 60 '1 Lactucarium ...lb. I 00 I 10 * * Lemon • gall. 2 75 3 00 " Lime ...lb. 50 55 " Morphine ...lb. I 00 I IO " Orange Peel ...lb. 50 60 " Phosphates, Comp. (Chemical Food) " " Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine, Aitken's Formula ..lb. 70 75 lb. i 75 I 85 " Phosphate, Manganese, Co., i lb. bots . ,1b. 1 50 I 60 " Pine-apple 2 50 50 75 60 " Poppy, i lb. bots . .lb. " Protoxide Iron, i lb. bots . .lb. 70 75 " Pyrophosphate Iron, i lb. bots ...lb. 70 75 " Raspberry . gall. 2 50 2 75 '' Rhubarb . .lb. 60 65 " " Aromatic ..lb. 5° 60 " " and Potass . .lb. 70 75 " Sarsaparilla " " Comp .. .lb. 5° 60 . .lb. 5° 60 " Senna ...lb. 5° 60 " Senega .. .lb. 5° 60 " Simple ...lb. 18 20 '' Squill " " Comp. (Cox's Hive) . .lb. 40 50 . .lb. 50 60 " Stillingia " " Comp ...lb. 60 65 ...lb. 60 65 ' ' Strawberry • gall. 2 50 2 75 " Tar ...lb. 5° " Tolu ...lb. 60 65 " Vanilla •gall. 3 50 3 75 " Violar, German " Wild Cherry . .lb. 1 25 I 35 . .lb. 4° 50 Talc, powdered (see Chalk, French, page 12). Tamarinds ...lb. IO 1 12 by keg, about 50 lbs .keg. 3 5o " Pulp ..lb. 3° 35 Tannin (see Acid, Tannic, page 3). Tapioca, E. I . .lb. 8 10 ' ' Pearl .. .lb. IO 12 ' ' Rio .. .lb. 9 II 1 ar, Barbadoes ■ gall. 1 00 I 25 * ' by bbl •gall. 85 " Common, by bbl " Pure North-Carolina, 5 gall, cans, 2 cans in case .bbl. 3 00 •gall. 25 " 4 " "3 " " • gall. 27 " 3 " " 5 " " " " " " 2 " "8 " " •gall. 28 • gall. 30 " i " "1 doz. cans in case.. .doz. 4 00 " & " "2 " .doz. 2 50 " 1 quart " 3 " " " .doz. I 75 " 1 pint "4 " " " " " " " l/z " " 12 " .doz. 1 25 . doz. I 00 Tartar, Ammoniated, 1 lb. bots ...lb. 2 OO 2 10 " Boraxat, German, Merck's, 1 lb. bots... .. .lb. I 20 I 25 " Emetic Crystals (Antimony Tart.) ...lb. 83 73 85 " Powdered (Antimony Tart.) .. .lb. 75 " Red Crystals (Argols, Red). . .lb. 10 12 56 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Tartar, Red, Powdered (Argols, Red, powdered) lb. 12 15 Tellurium ... grm. I 00 Tenax lb. 65 75 Terbium .. .grm. 9 00 Terra Japonica (see Gum Catechu, Brown, page 24). Thallium .. .grm. 50 " Sulphate, % oz.bots .. % oz. 2 OO Thebaine, % oz.bots ..% oz. 12 OO Theine, German, Merck's, % oz. bots .. % oz. 50 Thridace (see Ext. Lactucarum, page 20). Thymol (Acid, Thymic) oz. I OO 1 10 Tin, Bichloride, Crystals, white oz. 25 30 " " Liquid; fuming, 1 oz. bots .... oz. 50 55 " Foil, Medium 25 30 " " French, No. 10 lb. 75 80 " " " No. 15 lb. 75 80 " " Tissue lb. 30 35 " " Tobacco lb. 25 3° " Hypophosphite, 1 oz. bots ; oz. 2 OO 2 IO " Metallic, in bars lb. 30 35 " " " pure.., lb. 2 OO 2 IO " " Floss lb. 35 40 " " Granular, pure lb. 2 OO 2 IO " " Powdered, pure lb. I 50 I 60 " " Rasped lb. I 50 I 60 " Muriate, Crystals 23 25 " " Solution (Madder Compound) lb. 12 15 " " " ( " " ). by carboy.. lb. 9 " Oxide, white (Polishing Putty) lb. 60 65 " " " Chem. pure lb. 2 OO 2 IO ' ' Protochloride lb. 75 80 " " Chem. pure lb. 2 OO 2 IO ' ' Protosulphate 25 30 " Sulphuret (Sulphide) ' 20 25 Tincture Aconite Leaf lb. 60 65 " Root lb. 75 80 " " " Fleming's lb. 90 I 00 " Alkanet lb. 50 55 " Aloes lb. 60 65 " " Comp lb. 60 65 '' Ambergris lb. 4 00 4 25 " Arbor Vitse 60 t>5 " Arnica . .„ lb. 50 55 " Aromatic lb. 60 65 " Assafoetida lb. 60 65 " Belladonna lb. 50 55 " " Ph. Germ lb. I 00 1 10 " Benzoin lb. 75 80 " " Comp lb. 75 80 " Blood Root 50 55 " Box lb. 60 65 " Bryonia lb. 60 65 ' • Buchu 60 65 " Calabar Bean lb. 90 1 00 " Calcium Iodide lb. 90 1 00 " Calladui Seg 50 60 " Calendula lb. 60 65 '• Camphor lb. 50 55 " Cannabis Indica lb. 90 1 00 " Cantharides lb. 70 75 " Capsicum lb. 50 60 " Cardamom 75 85 " " Comp lb. 60 65 •• Cardui. Mar 75 85 " Carminat lb. 50 60 " Cascarilla lb. 50 60 " Castor lb. 90 I 00 " Catechu lb. 60 65 " Cherry Bark lb. 60 65 " Chelidon Radem 75 80 " " Ph. Germ lb. I 00 I 10 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 57 Tincture Chiretta ...lb. 60 65 " Cimicifuga ...lb. 6o 65 " Cinchona ...lb. 60 65 '* " Comp ...lb. 6o 65 " Cinnamon 50 55 " Cloves ...lb. 60 65 " Coca ...lb. 9° 1 00 " Cocculus Indicus ...lb. 60 65 " Cochineal .. .lb. 60 75 " Colchicum, Root, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 70 75 " " " English, Mander's, i lb. bots.. ...lb. I 00 I IO " " " English, Morson's, i lb. bots... ...lb. I 25 I 35, Seed, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 70 75 " " " English, Mander's, i lb. bots... ...lb. I 00 I IO " " " English, Morson's, i lb. bots.... ...lb. I 25 I 35 " Collinsonin ...lb. 75 80 " Colocynth ...lb. 60 65 " Colombo ...lb. 5° 55 " Copper, Acet ...lb. 65 75 " Conium ...lb. 5° 55 " Cubeb ...lb. 50 55 " Curcuma .. .lb. 5° 55 " Damiana . ;.lb. 9° I 00 " Ergot ...lb. 60 65 " " Ethereal ...lb. 70 75 " Eucalyptus .. .lb. 75 80 " Foxglove ...lb. 60 65 " " Ph. Germ ...lb. 1 00 I IO Galls ...lb. 5° 551 " Gelsemium .. .lb. 60 65' " Gentian, Comp .. .lb. 5° 55 " Ginger .. .lb. 60 65. ' ' Guaiac ...lb. 70 75 " " Ammoniated ...lb. 85 9°, " Guarana ...lb. 1 5° I 60 *■' Hellebore ...lb. 5° 55 " Hop ...lb. 60 65 " Hyoscyamus ...lb. 5° 55 " Ignatius Amara ...lb. 9° I 00 " Iodine ...lb. 1 00 I IO " Colorless ...lb. 1 25 I 35 " " Comp ...lb. 1 25 I 35, " Ipecac ...lb. 75 85: " Iron, Acet ...lb. 50 55 •• " " Klap ...lb. 1 00 I IO " " Muriate ...lb. S2 35' 11 " " Tasteless, Creuse's ...lb. 75 85 " " Pomat ...lb. 40 5°i " Jaborandi ...lb. 70 75 " Jalap ...lb. 75 80 " Kaljna ...lb. 60 65 " Kino ...lb. 60 65 " Lactucarium ...lb. I 25 I 35 " Larkspur .. .lb. 9° I 00 " Lobelia .. .lb. 5° 55 " " Ethereal .. .lb. 60 65 " " and Capsicum ...lb. 70 75 '' Lupulin ...lb. 9° I 00 " Malva ...lb. 70 75 " Matico ...lb. 75 80 " Musk ...lb. 1 50 I 60 " Myrrh ...lb. 65 75 " and Capsicum (Hot Drops) ...lb. 65 75 " Nux Vomica ...lb. 65 75 " Opium, U. S ...lb. I 00 I IO '• " P. B ...lb. 1 75 2 00 " 1 ' Acetate ...lb. 2 75 3 00 " " Camph .. .lb. 5° 60 " Deodorized ...lb. 1 5° I 75 " Orange Peel Bitter ...lb. 50 " " Sweet ...lb. 5° 55 * * Orris ...lb. 52 55 58 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Tincture, Phosphorus, Alcoholic " " Ethereal " Pimpinella " " Ph. Germ lb. lb. lb. lb. 1 50 I 60' 2 OO 2 IO So 1 00. 1 55 10 ' • Poke Root lb. 5° 55 1 ' Prickly Ash . lb. Sol 55 " Pulsatilla lb. 50 55 " " Ph. Germ lb. I OO I 10 " Quassia lb. 5°| 55 " Rhatany. lb. 5° 55 " Red Saunders lb. 5° 55 " Rhubarb lb. 60! 65 '• " Aqueous lb. 5° 55 " " Aromatic lb. 70 75 " " and Aloes lb. 60 65 " " " Gentian lb. 60 65 " " " Senna lb. 60 65 " Saffron, Am lb. 60 65 " " Spanish lb. 1 5° 1 60 * * Savin lb. 60 65' * ' Scullcap lb. 60 65 " Senega lb. 60 65 " Senna lb. 5° 55 " " Comp lb. 5° 55 " Serpentaria > .. lb- 5° 55 " Soap, Camphorated lb. 5° 55 " Squill lb. 5° 55 " Stramonium, Comp lb. 5° 55 " " Leaf lb. 5° 55 " 11 Seed lb. 5° 55 ' ' Sty rax lb- 60 65 " Tolu lb. 70 75 " Tonca lb. 75 85 " Toxicodendrum, Ph. Germ lb. 1 00 1 IO " Valerian lb. 5° 55 " " Ammoniated lb. 9°; I 00 " Veratrum Viride lb. 60 65 " Warburg's, i lb. bots lb. 4 50 " " I oz. " 4 S°i Tinkal lb. 751 801 Titan Ore lb. I OO I 10 " Metallic grm. i 5° Tow, Surgeons' lb. 25 3° Traumaticin 3°; 35 Trichloromethyl Sulphur oz. 6 00! 6 5°i Trimethylamin, i oz. bots 1 40 1 50 " Chloride, % oz. bots % oz. 1 40 1 50 Tripoli, Mount Eagle, small papers 65 75 gross. 6 5°l " St. Louis, 2 oz. papers doz. 60 70 " " ,2 OZ. " gross. 6 00 " " 14 OZ. " doz. 2 25 2 So " " 14 OZ. " gross. 24 00! " " bbl., 300 lbs lb. 6 " " y2 bbl., 150 lbs lb. 7 Tsa-Tsin 4 75 S 00 " 1 oz. bots oz. 1 75 Turpentine, Chia lb. 1 50 1 60 " Venice, True, 1 lb. bots lb. 30 35 " " " 10 and 20 lb. jars lb. 27 " " " by stand, 130 lbs lb. 18 " White (Gum Thus) lb. 8 10 Turpeth Mineral (Mercury, Subsulphate) lb. I 15 I 25 Tutty, Prepared (Impure Oxide Zinc) lb. 60; 65 Ultramarine Blue 22 25 " "by box, 28 lbs lb. 20 Uranium, Acetate, 1 oz. bots oz. I ooi I IO " Chloride, 1 oz. " 90 95 " Metallic, Fused grm. 2 OO " Nitrate, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots 90 95 " Ore oz. 5° 60 " Oxide, Black, 1 oz. bots oz. I 25I I 35 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 59 Uranium, Oxide, Yellow, i oz. bots " Sulphate, i oz. " ...oz. . .oz. 75 1 00 80 I 10 Urea, Nitrate, i oz. bots .. .oz. 1 00 I 10 . .oz. 1 00 I 10 Vaccine Virus, Humanized Quill Slips each. 25 " " " Capillary Tubes each. I 00 " " " Crusts each. 2 OO " " Non-Humanized Quill Slips each. 25 " " " " Capillary Tubes each. 2 OO " " " " Crusts each. 2 OO Vanadinum .grm. 22 OO Veratria, Pure, % oz. bots . .oz. 2 OO 2 IO " Sulphate, % oz. " . .oz. 4 OO 4 25I 38 40 8o| " Distilled ...lb. 75 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s .. .lb. 50 55, Vermilion, American .. .lb. 20 25j " Chinese ...lb. 90 I 00 Quicksilver, deep (English style) ...lb. 75 85! " " light " " ...lb. 75 85 " Trieste, deep .. .lb. 70 75| " " light ...lb. 70 75 Vinegar of Squill (Acetum Scillre; .. .lb. 40 50 Water, Anise ...lb. 30 35 " Assafoetida ...lb. 75 85 " Bitter Almond, German, Merck's, i lb. bots ...lb. 50 55 " Camphor ...lb. 35 40 " Caraway .. .lb. 30 35 ' ' Cherry, Laurel ...lb. 35 40 " Chlorine .. .lb. 25 3° " Cinnamon ■; ...lb. 35 4°, " Cologne, W. H. S. & Co.'s • gall. 6 00 6 50 " " Bell, W. H. S. & Co.'s, K pts .doz. 6 00 " " " " pts .doz. 12 OO " " " " qts .doz. 21 OO " Distilled • gall. 20 2S| " Elder Flower ...lb. 35 40 " Fennel ...lb. 30 35 " Florida (see Proprietary Articles, page 125). " Foetida Antihysteric ...lb. 125 1 35 ' ' J avelle •gall. 75 " in bots .doz. 4 00 4 5° " Mineral, Adirondack, American, pts., cases, 4 doz.. case. 8 25 " " " " qts., " 2 " . . case. 7 00 " " Apollinaris,Foreign, small, hamp., 100 bots.hamp. 12 50 • 1 II 11 II 11 .doz. 1 75 2 OO " " " " large, hamp., 50 bots, hamp. 8 50 II II II II II .doz. 2 50 2 75 " " " " small, hamp., 50 jugs..hamp. 5 75 II II II II II 1 75 2 OO " " " " large, hamp., sojugs..hamp. 7 5o II II II II II .doz. 2 50 2 75 " Ballston, American, pts., cases, 4 doz case. 8 00 II I 1 4 4 II I 4 .doz. 2 25 2 50 " " Bethesda, " " >■ cases, 4 doz..... case. 8 00 4 1 <4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .doz. 2 25 2 50 " " American, qts., cases, 2 doz case. 7 5o . 4 4 4 II 41 44 .doz. 4 00 4 50 " " " " cases, 2 doz case. 8 00 " Birchdale, " qts .doz. 4 25 4 50 " " Blue Lick, " pts., cases, 4 doz case. TO OO II 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .doz. 2 75 3 00 " " " qts., cases, 2 doz case. 7 50 .doz. 4 00 4 5o " BilinSauerbrunn, Foreign,pts.,cases,24bots. case. 7 50 " " Bilin Sauerbrunn, Foreign, pts .doz. 4 00 4 5° " " Birmenstorff, Bitter, Foreign, qts., cases, / 50 bots $ case. 15 00 " " Birmenstorff, Bitter, Foreign, qts .doz. 5 00 5 25 " " Borszek, Foreign, pints, cases, 50 bots case. 16 00 " Buffalo Lithia, No. 1, % gall, bots., 1 doz.in case. 6 50 " " 2, y2 " "1 " 6 50 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 60 Water, Mineral, Borszek, Foreign, pints " " Carlsbad, " quarts, cases, 50 bots... < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . .doz. 5 00 5 50 .case. 14 00 . .doz. 5 00 5 25 " " Columbian, Amer., y2 pints, cases, 4doz. . . case. 7 00 . .doz. 2 00 2 25 " " " " pints, cases, 4 doz. ... .case. 9 00 II II 11 II II . .doz. 2 25 2 5° " " Congress, " " cases, 4 doz .case. 6 75 II II II II II . .doz. 1 75 2 00 ,J " " " quarts, cases, 2 doz... . case. 5 00 .doz. 2 75 3 00 " " Contrexeville, Foreign, pts., cases, 24 bots. .case. 5 5° .doz. 3 50 4 00 '* " Deep Rock, Amer., pints, cases, doz " " " " " quarts, " " . case. .case. " " Eaux de Vais, " " cases, 24 bots. .case. 8 50 II I» II II II II II .doz. 4 75 5 00 " " Eger Franzensbrum, Foreign, quarts, ? cases, 50 bots j case. 18 00 " " Eger Franzensbrum, Foreign, quarts...... .doz. 5 50 6 00 " " Ems, Kraenchen, Foreign, quarts, ? , hamper, 50 jugs \ amper. 12 00 " " Ems, Kraenchen, Foreign, quarts .doz. 4 50 4 75 i" " " " foreign, pts., cases, 50 jugs. .case. 8 00 .doz. 3 00 3 25 " " " Kesselbrunnen, Foreign, pts., cases, ) 50 bots \ case. IO 00 " " " Kesselbrunnen, Foreign, pints " " " Victoria Spring, " quarts,?, hamper, 50 jugs. j la .doz. 3 50 3 75 mper. 12 00 '* " , " Victoria Spring, Foreign, quarts " " " Victoria Spring, " pints,?, hamper, 50 jugs j a .doz. 4 50 4 75 mper. IO 00 " " " Victoria Spring, Foreign, pints " " " Victoria Spring, " pts., cases, ? 50 bots S .doz. 3 50 3 75 case. IO co " " " Victoria Spring, Foreign, bots., pints .doz. 3 50 3 75 " Empire, American, pints, cases, 4 doz .case. 6 25 .doz. I 75 2 00 " " " " quarts, cases, 2 doz.... .case. 4 75 .doz. 2 50 2 75 " " Fachingen, Foreign, pints, hamp.,sojugs.. .hamp. 14 00 " " Fachingen, roreign, pints .doz. 4 50 5 00 " " Fort Edward, American, pints, cases, 4 doz .case. 8 00 .doz. 2 25 2 50 " " " " " qts.; cases, 2 doz.. .case. 7 00 .doz. 3 75 4 00 " " Friedrichshall, Bitter, Foreign, pts., cases, ? 2 doz ,... 5 case. 4 5o " " Friedrichshall, Bitter, Foreign, pints .doz. 2 5o 2 75 " " Gettysburg, American, pints, cases, 4 doz.. .case. .doz. " " " quarts, cases, 2 doz. .case. 7 00 .doz. 3 75 4 00 " " " " demijohns; 3 galls.. " " " " " 6 galls.. .dem. 3 75 .dem. 6 50 " 11 Geyser Spouting, American, pints, cases, ? 4 doz j case. 6 75 " " Geyser Spouting, American, pints .doz. I 75 2 00 qts., cases, ? 2 doz j case. 5 00 " " Geyser Spouting, American, qts .doz. 2 75 3 00 " Giesshuebl Sauerbrunn, Foreign, quarts, ? cases, 50 bots j case. 8 05 " " Giesshuebl Sauerbrunn, Foreign, quarts... .doz. 3 25 3 50 " " Hathorn, American, pints, cases, 4 doz. ... .case. 6 75 .doz. I 75 2 00 " " " " quarts, cases, 2 doz... .case. 5 00 .doz. 2 75 3 00 " " High Rock, " pints, cases, 4 doz. ... .case. 7 00 .doz. 2 00 2 25 " " " " " quarts, cases, 2 doz... .case. 5 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 61 Water, Mineral, High Rock, American, quarts doz 2 7! 3 00 " " Homburg, Foreign, quarts, hamper, > hamper 16 <x " " Homburg, Foreign, quarts ...doz 5 oc 5 25 " " Hunyadi Janos, Foreign, cases, pts., 50 hots.case 13 °C " " Hunyadi Janos, Foreign, cases, pts., 24bots.case 7 oc " " Hunyadi Janos, Foreign, pints doz 3 5C 3 75 '• " jeleso, Cone. Artificial American, % pints .. .doz 8 oc 8 50 " " Kissingen, Artificial American, % pints, > case 2 5C cases, 2 doz ) " " Kissingen, Artificial American, % pints doz 1 25 1 5° " Kissingen, Artificial American, pints, > case 4 oc " " Kissingen, Artificial American, pints........doz. 2 oc 2 25 " Kissingen, Rakoczy, Foreign, pints, cases, ? case 50 bots ) " Kissingen, Rakoczy, Foreign, pints doz. " " Kissingen, Rakoczy, I-oreign, quarts, > case 7 cases, 25 bots ) " " Kissingen, Rakoczy, Foreign, quarts doz. 4 00 4 25 " " Krankenheil (Iodine), Foreign, pints, ? case 26 00 1 1 " " Krankenheil (Iodine), Foreign, pints doz,. 7 00 7 50 " Krankenheil (Sulphuric Iodine), Foreign, ) case 26 00 pints, cases, 50 bots ) " Krankenheil (Sulphuric Iodine), Foreign, ) jQZ 7 00 7 5° pints " Lippspringe (Arminius Spring), For-£ bamnpr 18 00 eign, pints, hamper, 50 bots j 1 " Lippspringe (Arminius Spring), For-) joz 6 00 6 "to eign, pints ) " " Marienbad, Kreuzbrunnen, Foreign, pts., ) cage 12 OO cases, 50 bots ) " Marienbad, Kreuzbrunnen, Foreign, pts doz. 3 75 4 00 qts., ? cases 50 bots. j c 16 00 " " " " Foreign, qts doz. 4 50 4 75 " " Missisquoi, American, quarts, cases, 2 doz.. .case. 8 00 " " " " doz. 4 25 4 50 Pullna, Artificial, American, % pints, ) case 2 50 cases, 2 doz ) " Pullna, Artificial, American, pints doz. I 25 I 5o " " Pullna, Artificial, American, pints, cases, > case 4 00 " Pullna, Artificial, American, pints doz. 2 OO 2 25 " Pullna, Bitter, Foreign, pts., cases, 50 jugs. .case. 7 25 " 4 4 4 4 20 jugs. .case. 3 00 " " " " " pts ...... doz. 2 25 2 50 Pyrmont Steel, " " cases, 50 bots... .case. r6 00 " " " " " doz. 5 00 5 25 " Rippoldsauer, " qts., cases, 50 bots...case. 9 00 " " " " " doz. 3 2S 3 5o " Roisdorfer, " " cases, 50 bots.. .case. 8 00 " " " " " doz. 3 00 3 25 " Rockbridge, Alum, American, quarts doz. 10 50 II 00 " Saratoga "A" American, pints, cases, 4doz. .case. 7 00 " " " " " doz. 2 00 2 25 " " " " qts., cases, 2 doz.. .case. 5 00 " " " " " " ..doz. 2 75 3 00 " Schwalbach, Foreign, quarts, hamper, ) jlanlper t6 00 50 jugs ) " Schwalbach, Foreign, qts doz. 5 00 5 25 " Schwalheim, 11 " casks, 100jugs..casks. 16 00 " " " " doz. 3 50 4 00 " " " pts., casks, 100 jugs, .casks. 15 00 " " " " doz. 2 50 2 75 " Seltzer, Artificial, American, % pints, > c^se cases, 2 dbz ) 2 50 " Seltzer, Artificial, American, y2 pints doz. 1 25, J 50 " " " " pints, cases, > 2 doz ) 4 00 " Seltzer, Artificial, American, pints doz. 2 00 2 25 62 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Water Mineral, Seltzer, Foreign, pints, casks, 100 jugs " " " " " " 50 " cask, cask, .doz. 10 00 5 00 1 75 2 OO " " " " quarts, casks, 100 jugs... 5o " cask. 12 00 cask. 6 50 ' < " • • • ' " .doz. 2 25 2 50 ■" " Sharon, American, pints .doz. .3 00 3 50 " " " " quarts .doz. 4 00 4 50 " " Silesian, Obersalzbrunn, Foreign, qts., ? cases, 36 bots $ case. 15 00 " " Silesian, Obersalzbrunn, Foreign, quarts... " " Star, American, pints, cases, 4 doz .doz. 6 00 6 50 .case. 7 50 .doz. 2 00 2 25 " " " " quarts, cases, 2 doz .case. 5 50 .doz. 3 00 3 50 " " St. Catherine's % pints .doz. 4 00 4 50 .doz. 8 00 8 50 " " Vai's Foreign, quarts, cases, 50 bots .case. 8 50 .doz. 2 50 2 75 " " Vermont, American, quarts, cases, 2 doz... .case. 7 50 .doz. 4 00 4 50 " " Vichy, Artificial, American, y2 pints, ? cases, 2 doz case. 2 50 " " Vichy, Artificial American, y2 pints. " " " " " pts., cases, 2 doz. .doz. I 25 I 5o .case. 4 00 ic < a < < <1 ti «« .doz. 2 00 2 25 " " Vichy, Cdlestins, Foreign,qts.,cases,50 bots ■*' " Vichy, Grande-Grille, Foreign, quarts, ? cases, 50 bots $ .case. IO 00 case. IO 00 " " Vichy,Hauterive,Foreign,qts.,cas's,5obots.case. 10 00 " " Vichy, Hopital, Foreign, qts., cases, 50 bots.case. 10 00 " " Vichy, either of above, Foreign, quarts.... .doz. 3 00 3 25 " " Vichy, Saratoga, pints, cases, 4 doz case. 6 75 .doz. I 75 2 00 " " Washington, American, pints, cases, 4 doz. case. 8 50 .doz. 2 25 2 50 " " White Sulphur, Am., qts, cases, 2 doz " " White Sulphur, American, quarts .case. 8 50 .doz. 4 5° 4 75 " " Wildungen, Georg Victor Spring, For-? eign, quarts, case, 50 bots ) " " Wildungen, Georg Victor Spring, For- nine, quarts > doz. 4 00 4 25 " " Wildungen, King Spring, Foreign,?, quarts, hamper, 50 bots \ ' 12 00 " " Wildungen, King Spring, Foreign, pints... " Orange Flower, Quadruple, French, Chiris' " " " Quadruple, French, Chins', by can, .doz. •gall. 4 00 4 25 24 Litres t " " " Triple French Chiris' " " 41 " " " by can, 24 Litre " " " " " " " 20 " -gall. 2 50 2 75 s.can. 12 00 can. IO 00 " " " " " " in bots., small. .doz. 2 00 2 25 " " " " " " in bots., med. .doz. 3 00 3 25 " " " " " " in bots., large. .doz. 4 00 4 50 " Rose, Petale, French, Chiris' -gall- 3 50 3 75 ' " by can, 24 Litres .can. 18 00 " " Triple, French, Chiris' " " " " by can, 24 Litres • gall. 2 75 3 00 .can. 13 5o " M " 20 " .can. 12 00 " " " " "in bots., small .doz. 2 25 2 5° " " " " " " med .doz. 3 25 3 75 " " " " " in " large .doz. 4 50 5 00 Waterglass (see Glass, Soluble, page 22). Wax, Bayberry ...lb. 30 35 " Bees', Yellow ...lb. 32 35 " " " select .. .lb. 35 38 " " " select small cakes ...lb. 4° 45 " Brazil . ...lb. " Grafting ,. ...lb. 5o 60 " Japan " " by case, 150 lbs " White, Pure, T. Leonhardt . .lb. 20 25 . .lb. l6 ..lb. 58 60! GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 63 Wax, White, Pure, T. Leonhardt, by box, 50 lbs lb. 52% " " Philips' lb. 5« 60 " " " " by box, 50 lbs lb. 52M " " " Star lb. 60 65 " " " "by box, 50 lbs lb. 55 " " small cakes lb. t>5 70 White, Precipitate (Mercury Ammoniated) lb. 90 I 00 Whiting 3 4 ' ' by bbl lb. % Wine Aloes lb. 60 70 " Antimony lb. 75 80 " Aromatic lb. 75 80 " Belladonna Leaves lb. 70 75 " Calisaya lb. 9° I 00 " Colchicum Root, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 75 80 " " " English, Mander's, 1 lb. bots.... lb. I IO I 20 " " " " Morson's, 1 lb. " .... lb. I 25 I 35 Seed, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 75 80 " " " English, Mander's, 1 lb. bots.... lb. I IO I 20 " " " " Morson's, 1 lb. " .... lb. I 25 I 35 " Ergot lb. 90 I 00 " Ipecac lb. 90 I 00 " Iron lb. 70 75 " " Bitter lb. 70 75 " " and Bismuth lb. I 00 I IO " Opium lb. 2 OO 2 25 " Pepsin lb. I 25 I 35 " " Ph. Germ lb. I 25 I 35 " Rhubarb lb. 9° I 00 " Tar lb. 70 75 " Tobacco lb. 75 80 " Wild Cherry lb. 70 75 " " " Ferrated lb. 70 75 Witherite lb. 15 20 Wolfram, Metallic -...grm. 25 30 Wood Alcohol (see Alcohol, page 4). " Anacahuita lb. 25 3° " Guaiac, Rasped lb. 4 6 " " by bbl bbl. 1 50 " Sandal lb. 50 60 " " Ground, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 60 65 " Powdered, W. H. S. & Co.'s lb. 70 75 Wood Naphtha (Pyroxylic Spirit) lb. 45 50 Xylol, German, Merck's, 1 oz. bots oz. 20 25 Yttrium, Metallic ... .grm. O OO 9 50 Zaffre (Cobalt, Oxide, impure) 85 Zinc, Acetate, 1 lb. bots.... lb. 60 65 " Benzoate, 1 oz. bots I OO I IO " Borate, 1 oz. bots • 25 3° " Bromide, 1 oz. " 25 3° " Carbolate 25 3° " Carbonate, Precip., 1 lb. bots lb. 3° 35 " Chloride Fused, 1 oz. " oz. 8 IO " " Granular, 1 oz. " 8 " " Solution, Cornel., 1 lb. bots lb. II 12 " " Medicinal, 1 lb. bots lb. 22 25 " Cyanide, 1 oz. bots oz. 25 3° " Ferrocyanide, 1 oz. " 25 3° " Hypophosphite, 1 oz. " oz. I 00 I IO " Iodide, 1 oz. bots oz. 59 60 " Lactate, 1 oz. " 35 4° " Metallic lb. 60 65 " " Pure lb. 2 OO 2 IO " " Granulated lb. 30 35 " " Powdered lb. 1 75 I 85 " Nitrate, pure, % lb. bots lb. 3 00 3 25 " Oxide, true, 1 lb. " lb. 16 18 " " Chem. pure, 1 lb. bots lb. I 50 I 60 " " English, Hubbuck's, 1 lb. bots lb. 75 85 " " 14 lb. boxes lb. 65 " Permanganate, oz. bots 1 25I I 35 " Phosphate, 1 lb. " lb. 2 OO 2 IO 64 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Zinc, Phosphate, i oz. bots oz. 14 16 " Phosphide, i oz. " oz. I 00 1 10 " Phosphite, I oz. " oz. 50 55 " Salicylate, I oz. " oz. " Sulphate, Crystals lb. 8 IO " Chem. pure, i lb. bots lb. 30 35 " Sulpho-Carbolate, x oz. bots oz. 20 25 " German, Merck's, I oz. bots.... oz. 25 3° " Tannate, i oz. bots oz. 35 4° " Valerianate, i oz., % oz., and % oz. bots oz. 35 4°i German, Mercks, i oz. " oz. 4° 45: " " " " % oz. " oz- 50 55 Zinnstein lb. 2 OO 2 25 Zircon, Metallic ....grm. 16 00 " Mineral oz. I 00 " Oxide ... .dr.n. 4 00 4 50, GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 65 PRESSED BARKS, HERBS, AND ROOTS. HERBS ARE IN X AND % LB. PACKETS, AT THE PRICES ANNEXED. IN I OZ. PACKETS THE PRICE IS 6 CENTS PER LB. HIGHER. ROOTS AND BARKS ARE IN I LB. PACKETS. Abscess Root, lb. 6o Aconite Leaves " Root, i ( 3° Agrimony, 4 4 Alder Bark, Black, 4 4 25 " Berries, " < < 5° " Red, or Tag " Striped, 25 Alum Root 1 4 Angelica Leaves < < " Root 4 4 " Seed, 4 4 4° 25 Apple-tree Bark 4 < Arbutus, Trailing 4 4 3° 25 Arnica Flowers, < 4 " Root, < 4 3° 25 ' Ash Bark, Mountain, < 4 " " Prickly, 4 4 25 " Berries, " < 4 3° 3° 3° 35 " Bark, White, 4 4 Asparagus Root 4 4 Avens Root, 4 4 Back-ache Brake, 4 4 3° 25 Balm, Lemon 4 4 " Mountain, 4 4 4° 25 " Sweet 4 4 Balm Gilead Buds, 4 4 4° 25 Bahnony 4 4 Bialsam, Sweet, 4 4 25 Barberry Bark, -• 3° 3° 3° 20 Basil, Sweet 4 4 Basswood Bark, Bayberry " 44 " Leaves, 4 4 25 Bear Berry, (Uva Ursi,) Beccabunga, Beech Bark 15 3° 25 25 3° 3° 3° 4° . 40 " Drops " Leaves, 4 4 Beggar's Tick 4 4 Belladonna Leaves Bellwort, Benne Leaves 4 4 Beth Root, 4 4 30 3° 3° Betony Weed Bindweed, Birch Bark, Black 4 4 Bitter Root 4 4 35 35 35 Bittersweet, Bark of Root.... " Berries Herb 4 4 Blackberry Root, 4 4 " Bark of Root Black Cherry Bark, 35 " Root, 4 4 25 " Snake-root <4 20 'Blazing Star Root lb. 40 Blessed Thistle, • • 35 Blood Root 15 Blue Flag, 30 Boneset 20 Borage Bouncing-Bet, 50 30 Boxwood Bark, 25 ' ' Flowers, 30 Brooklime, 30 Buckbean, 40 (Buckhorn Brake 30 Buckthorn Berries • • 35 Bugle, Bitter 25 " Sweet 25 Burdock Leaves 25 " Root 25 " Seeds 25 Butterfly Weed 25 [Butternut Bark 20 [Button Snake-root 25 Buck-horn Root 30 Calamus 25 Canada Thistle Root, 30 Canadian Fleabane 25 Cancer Root Plant • • 25 [Canker Weed • • 30 Cardinal Flower, Blue Carduus, Spotted, 30 Carrot Leaves, wild, • • 3° " Seeds, " 30 Catnip, Cedar Apples bulk 20 4° " Berries 20 Celandine, Garden 3° " Wild, 25 Centaury, American • • 35 Camomile, Low • • 30 Checkerberry 20 Cherries, Wild • • 25 Cherry Bark, Wild • • 20 Chicory 20 Chickweed 25 Chocolate Root, • • 30 Cicily, Sweet • • 60 Cicuta Leaves 25 Cinque-Foil 30 Clary, 30 Clavers, 25 Clover Heads, Red • • 30 " White • • Cocash Root, • • 30 Cohosh Root, Black • • 20 " " Blue • 25 " " Red 35 " " White, 35 66 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Coltsfoot lb. 25 Coltstail, 30 Comfrey Root • • 30 Consumption Brake, •' 30 Coolwort • • 30 Cotton Root 25 " " Bark Corn Snake-root 30 Cowparsnip Leaves . " Root, 30 • • 30 " Seed 40 Cramp Bark * * 30 Cranesbill, • • 30 Crawley 150 Crowfoot, • • 30 Cuckold, 30 Culver's Root, •' 25 Daisy Flowers • « 25 Dandelion Herb 25 " Root 30 Devil's Bit 40 Devil's Shoe-string, 40 Dill Seed, 40 Dittany, 30 Dock, Broad Leaf, 30 " Yellow, 25 " Water < • 30 Dogwood Bark " Flowers 20 30 ' ' Round leaved,.... < < 25 " Swamp «' 25 Dragon Root, 30 Dragon's Claw • • I 50 Elecampane 25 Elder Bark, < • 3° " Flowers, < ' 3° " Dwarf. ' < 30 " Sweet, 30 Eve's Cup, 30 Euphorbia, Root * • So Fern, Female << 35 " Male, 3° " Meadow, '« 25 " " Burs, ' < 25 " Sweet < ' 25 Fever Bush Bark, < ' 30 " " Leaves «< 25 Feverfew, So Fever Root, I i 3° Fireweed, Fit Root, << 25 Five Finger, ' < 3° Fleabane ' < 25 " Philadelphia 4° Flower-de-luce • • 3° Fox-Glove < ' 25 Frostwort, Fumitory, • < 25 Garget, < ' 25 Gentian, < • 15 " Blue 30 Gill-go-over-the-ground, 30 Ginger, Wild, 40 Ginseng, •1 1 40 Goldthread, < 1 45 Golden-rod ' < 3° " Seal, < < 3° Goose Grdss < < 25 Gravel Plant <» 3° " Root, 25 Green Hellebore lb. 30 Hardback Leaves 44 25 Heal-All 4 4 30 Heart's-Ease 4 4 30 Hellebore, Black 44 30 " White 4 < 25 Hemlock Bark, 4 4 20 " Leaves 4 4 20 " Poison, 4 4 25 Henbane, Black, 4 4 35 High Cranberry Bark 4 4 30 Hoarhound, 1 4 20 Hoarhound, Water, 41 25 Hollyhock Flowers 4 4 60 Horse Balm Root, • • 30 Horsemint 4 < 30 Horseradish Leaves, 4 4 30 " Root, 4 4 30 Hyssop, • • 25 Ice Plant, 44 60 Indian Hemp, Black, " " White, 4 4 40 •1 30 " Tobacco 4 4 30 " Turnip, 4 4 30 Indigo, Wild, • 4 30 Ink Root, •4 30 Ipecacuanha, American, Ivy, Ground, 4 4 60 • • 30 Jacbb's Ladder,, ; 44 30 jessamin, Yellow 4 ' 30 job's Tears, • 4 I 50 johnswort, * * 25 King's Clover, Knot Grass, 44 25 Labrador Tea Ladies' Slipper 30 " Sorrel • 4 30 Larch Bark, American, 4 4 25 Larkspur Herb ' 4 40 Laurel Leaves, • 4 25 Lavender Flowers 4 4 18 Leatherwood Bark < 4 30 Lettuce, Garden, <4 30 •• Wild 4 < 25 Life Everlasting, 4 4 25 Life-of-man • 4 25 Life Root, 1 4 30 Lily; White Pond, " Yellow Pond 4 4 30 44 30 Liverwort, 4 4 35 Lobelia Herb, 4 4 30 Lovage Leaves, " Root 4 4 30 •4 30 Lungwort, 4 4 35 Maiden Hair 44 30 Male Fern, 4 4 30 Mallow, Low, 4 4 25 Mallow, Marsh, Leaves 4 4 25 Man Root 4 4 35 Mandrake Root, 4 4 20 Maple, Red or Soft, " Striped, 4 4 20 4 4 30 Marigold Flowers Marjoram, Sweet, Marsh Rosemary, 4 4 75 4 4 40 4 4 30 Masterwort Leaves, 4 4 30 " Root, 4 4 30 " Seed, 4 4 40 May Apple, 4 4 20 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 67 May Flower .. lb. 3° May Weed 4 4 25 Meadow Cabbage, Root 4 4 3° " Fern, Burs 4 ' 9° " " Leaves 4< 3° " Sweet Melilot 44 30 Milfoil < < Milkweed Root 44 25 " Wandering •. ' < 25 Mocassin Root, Moldavian Balm ' * 25 Monarda < < 3° Monkshood ' < 3° Moosewood • 4 3° Motherwort 4 4 25 Mountain-ash Bark 4 4 25 Mountain Mint 4 < 3° Mouse Ear « ' 3° Mouth Root 45 Mugwort ' 4 25 Mullein Herb < < 20 " Seed ' < 50 Myrtle Leaves 3° Nanny-bush Bark 44 30 N arrow-leaf'D o ck < < 3° Nerve Root 4 4 3° Nettle Flowers 4 4 50 " Root '... 4 4 3° Nightshade, Black Deadly « « 35 35 " Woody ' 1 40 Oak Bark, Black 4< 15 " " Red 4 4 15 " " White 4 4 15 Oak of Jerusalem 30 Old Man « < 5° One Berry 3° Origanum 5° Osier Bark, Green 4 4 25 " " Red ' • 25 Oswego Tea ' « 25 Ox -eye Daisy Flowers 4 ' 30 Pappoose Root 44 25 Parilla, Yellow 4 4 25 Parsley Leaves : " Root 30 4 « 35 " Seed 4 4 4° Partridge-berry Vine « ' 3° Patience Dock 4 4 3° Peach Bark, . 4 4 3° " Leaves ' < 3° " Pits 30 Pennyroyal 20 Peony Flowers " Root 44 5° Peppermint 4 4 20 Pigeon Berry Root « ' 20 Pile wort.... 4 4 3° Pine Bark, White 4 4 20 Pipe Plant Root Pipsiseway 20 Plantain Leaves « 4 25 " Spotted « ' 3° Pleurisy Root « ' 25 Poke Berries 4° " Root 4 4 25 Polypody 3° Poplar Bark, Black " " White • « 20 18 Poppy Capsules lb. 3° 75 3° 25 3° 20 15 30 25 25 20 25 25 25 20 20 30 25 15 25 25 30 35 30 25 25 20 55 30 20 50 35 30 18 1 50 20 35 40 25 20 50 30 30 25 35 30 30 25 30 25 20 25 4° 30 80 35 30 30 30 40 30 20 30 35 20 * ' Flowers " Leaves Pride-weed Princess' Feather " Pine Puccoon Root, Red " Yellow Pumpkin Seeds Pussey Willow Queen-of-the-Meadow, Herb. " " " Root. Queen's Delight Ragweed Raspberry Leaves Rattle Root Rattlesnake Root Rattlesnake's Master Red Root Rheumatic Weed Rich Weed Rock Brake Rock Parsley Root " " Seed Rock Rose Roman Wormwood Rose, Willow Rosemary Leaves " Flowers Rue Sage Sampson Snake Root Sanicle Root, Black " " White Sarsaparilla, American Sassafras Bark " Pith Savin Scabious * ' Sweet Scabish Scokeroot Scrofula Plant Scullcap Scurvy Grass Senna, American Shamrock, Water Shield Fern Sidesaddle Plant " Root Silkweed Root Skunk-cabbage Root Snakehead Snakeroot, Black " Button " Canada " Corn " Rattle " Seneca " White Soapwort Solomon's Seal " Small Sorrel, Sheep Southernwood Spearmint Speedwell, Virginia Spice-bush, Bark Berries Spikenard 68 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Spleenwort lb. Spotted Cardus QO " Plantain < 4 Spurge, Ipecac < 1 Squaw Root < 4 " Vine 44 3° " Weed 4 4 Stillingia 44 25 Starwort, Drooping 4 4 4° Stone Root 4 4 Stork's Bill 1 ( Stramonium Leaves 44 25 " Root < 4 25 " Seed 1 4 25 Strawberry Leaves < < 20 " Vines 44 20 Sumach Bark 4 < 18 " Berries 4 < 20 " Leaves < 4 20 Summer Savory 30 Sunflower, Garden 4 4 3° " Wild 4 4 3° Seeds 4 4 3° Swamp Sassafras ' < 25 Sweet Clover • ' 3° " Flag ' < 25 " Gale Burrs 9° " " Herb I 4 3° Tamarack Bark 30 Tanzy, Double 4 4 20 Tea Berry Plant 44 20 Thimble Weed < < 3° Thistle, Blessed 4 4 3° Thoroughwort 20 Thorn Apple Leaves < 4 25 " " Seed 1 4 25 Thyme •4 25 Toothache Tree 4 4 25 Trumpet Weed 4 4 3° Tulip Tree Bark 4 4 18 Turkey Pea Root 4 4 35 Turnip, Wild 44 30 Turkey Corn 25 Uncum lb. 3° Unicorn Root • < 35 Upland Sumach Bark " Berries <' 18 «« 20 " Leaves «< 20 Uva Ursi 15 Valerian, American << 3° Vervain ' < 25 Violet, Blue 3° ** Canker ' < 3° Virgin's Bower 25 Wa-a-hoo Bark t ' 35 Wake Robin «< 35 Walnut Bark <« 25 " " White < < 25 Water Avens Root «' 35 " Cup ' < 3° " Dock 3° " Horehound <« 30 " Lily, Sweet " " Yellow (< 30 Watermelon Seed < ' 35 Water Pepper " Shamrock M 20 Wickup < ' 50 Wild Turnip Willow Herb .. 3° " Pussey " White " Bark 44 25 Wintergreen < < 20 Witch-Hazel Bark < ' 25 " " Leaves • • 25 Wolfsbane Leaves • • 3° " Root < < 25 Wormwood « » 25 Whitewood 18 Y arrow 20 Yaw Root 25 Yellow Dock 25 " Parilla " Root, Canadian 25 " Jessamine 30 |Hd Ext. of Golden Seal., (HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.) | | I Jp iach. mmim represents one grain of Gol'c Stt Sjeal ||i I i | [I' DQSE-1 to 2 fl. drachmsb I MJWeof Golden Seal. (Am: Disp:) -j I 1 ill Golden Sea1' 3 fl- °zs.; Alcohol, 50 13 fl. ozs.i, ' . ll@i®nctureof Golden Seal, (Am: Disp-.WluidExt: toltaiSBma ■II '■'K H. Schiefleiin & W I NEW YORK. ■ GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 69 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s OFFICINAL FLUID EXTRACTS. We desire to remind our friends, customers, and the Trade generally, that the prepara- tion of Fluid Extracts constitutes a specialty with us, being made in our own Laboratory, under our own personal supervision, with great care and discrimination, from the choicest materials, and are a perfect representation of the drug from which they are obtained, and by the process employed will always be found of uniform strength and quality. They are pre- pared by Repercolation, which is now recognized as the only proper method whereby the active principle of the drug is obtained without injury, thus entirely obviating the use of heat, vacuum pan, or hydraulic press, and the necessary exposure to the air which such processes entail. We have recently altered our labels (on opposite page will be found fac-simile of bottle and label), adding the doses and very complete formulas for making Tinctures, Syrups, etc. The standard of strength is that of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, one pint representing i6 oz. troy, or one minim each grain of crude material employed ; excepting Fluid Extract Opium, which contains 37X grains of Powdered Opium in each fluid ounce, being of the same strength as the Tinct. Opii Deodorized of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. They are in neat style, legibly labelled, in X pint, X P'nt, 1 pint, and 5 pint bottles, and are sold at the following revised rates, subject to the usual discount: ONE PT. PT. % PT. 5 I'T. TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. BOTS. BOTS. BOTS. BOTS. PER PT. PER PT. PER DOZ PER PT. Aconite T,eaves .... A con ituni Napellus I 90 2 IO 7 7° I 80 " Root 2 OO 2 20 8 00 I QO Agrimony, Agrimonia Eupaiorta 1 75 1 95 7 25 I 65 Allspice Eugenia Pimenta 1 5° I 70 6 50 I 40 Aloes Socotrine Aloe Socotrina 2 75 2 95 10 00 2 65 American Hemp... Cannabis Saliva 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 90 Angelica Root... Angelica Archangelica 1 25 1 45 5 75 1 T5 Arbor Vitae Thuja Occidentalis 2 OO 2 20 8 00 I 00 Arnica Arnica Montana I 60 I 80 6 80 1 5° Aromatic Compound .. 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 z5 Avens Root 1 5° I 70 6 50 1 40 Bael Fruit Belie Fructus 4 OO 4 20 14 00 3 90 Balmony Chelone Glabra 1 25 1 45 5 75 1 T5 Barberry Bark Berberis 1 25 1 45 5 75 1 T5 Bayberry .. Myrica Cerifera 1 25 1 45 5 75 1 T5 Bearsfoot .. Polymnia Uvedalia 4 OO 4 20 14 00 3 9° Bellador na Heaf.... Atropa Belladonna 2 50 2 70 Q 50 2 40 ' ' Root A tfopa Belladonna 2 50 2 70 Q 50 2 40 Bethroot Trillium Pendulum I 1 95 7 25 1 65 Bitter-roct Apocynum Androsemfolium... 2 OO 2 20 8 00 1 90 Bitter-sweet Solanum Dulcamara.. 1 5° I 70 6 50 1 40 Black Alder Prinos Verticillatus 1 5° I 70 6 50 1 40 Blackberry Rubus Villosus 1 5° I 70 6 50 1 40 Black Cohosh Cimicifuga Racemosa 2 OO 2 20 8 00 1 90 " " Compound, 2 OO 2 20 8 00 1 90 Black Haw Viburnum Prunifolium 1 75 1 95 7 25 1 65 Black Hellebore Helleborus Niger 1 75 1 95 7 2=; 1 65 Black Pepper Piper Nigrum. .............. 1 5° 1 70 6 50 I 40 Blessed Thistle Carduus Benedict 1 25 1 45 5 75 I 15 Bloodroot Sanguinaria 1 75 1 95 7 25 I 6$ Blue Cohosh Leontice Thalictroides 1 5° 1 70 6 c;o I 40 Blue Flag Iris Versicolor 1 75 1 95 7 25 I Boldo Leaf Peumus Boldo IO OO 10 20 32 00 9 9° Boneset Eupatorium Perfoliatum 1 25 1 45 5 75 1 x5 Boxwood Corn us Florida 1 25 1 45 5 75 1 T5 Broom Top Cytisns Scoparius • 1 75 1 95 7 25 1 65 Bryony Brionias Alba 2 50 2 70 9 5° 2 40 Buchu Barosma Crenata 2 OO 2 20 8 <x> 1 90 " Comp 2 OO 2 20 8 00 1 90 ' and Pareira Brava. 3 50 3 70 12 50 3 40 70 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE PT. BOTS. PER PT. % PT. 1 BOTS. PER PT. Ji PT. BOTS. PER DOZ ! 5 PINT < BOTS. PER PT. Buckthorn Bark Rhamnus Fran quia I 50 I 50 I 25 I 50 I 25 I 25 I 50 6 00 4 00 1 25 2 50 2 00 6 00 3 00 1 25 3 00 1 25 2 50 1 50 1 75 1 50 1 50 2 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 5 co 1 25 6 00 2 00 2 50 2 25 2 00 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 50 2 00 1 50 1 75 3 50.- 2 00 6 50 2 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 1 75 2 00 2 00 4 50 1 25 1 5° 1 25 3 50 3 50 2 50 3 00 1 23 1 5o 1 25 1 50 1 75 3 00 I 70 I 70 i 45 1 70 1 45 1 45 1 70 6 20 4 20 1 70 2 70 2 20 6 20 3 20 1 45 3 20 1 45 2 70 1 70 1 95 1 70 1 70 2 20 4 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 5 20 5 20 1 45 6 20 2 20 2 70 2 45 2 20 1 70 1 70 2 20 2 70 2 20 1 70 1 95 3 70 2 20 6 70 2 20 3 20 4 20 2 20 1 95 2 20 2 20 4 70 1 45 1 70 1 45 3 70 3 7o 2 70 3 20 1 45 1 70 1 45 1 70 1 95 3 20 6 50 6 50 5 75 6 50 5 75 5 75 6 50 20 00 14 00 5 75 9 50 8 00 20 00 ir 00 5 75 11 00 5 75 9 50 6 5° 7 25 6 50 6 50 8 00 14 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 17 00 17 00 5 75 20 00 8 00 9 50 8 75 8 00 6 50 6 50 8 00 9 50 8 00 6 50 7 25 12 50 8 00 21 50 8 00 11 00 14 00 8 00 7 25 8 00 8 00 15 50 5 75 6 50 5 75 12 50 12 50 9 5° 11 00 5 75 6 50 5 75 6 50 7 25 11 00 I 40 I 4C I 15 I 40 I 15 I 15 I 40 5 90 3 9° 1 15 2 40 1 90 5 90 2 90 1 i5 2 90 1 15 2 40 1 40 1 65 1 40 1 40 1 90 3 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 4 90 4 9° 1 15 5 9° 1 90 2 40 2 15 1 90 1 40 1 40 1 90 2 40 a 90 1 40 1 65 3 40 1 90 6 40 1 90 2 90 3 90 1 90 1 65 1 90 1 90 4 4° 1 15 1 40 1 15 3 40 3 4° 2 40 2 90 1 15 1 40 1 1.5 1 40 1 65 2 90 ** Berries ' ' Cathartic us Biip'le-weed Lycopus Virginica Burdock Lappa Minor Butternut Bark Juglans Cinerea •1 Leaf Button Snake Root Liatris Spicata Calabar Bean Physostigma Venenosum Calendula f.• Canella Canella Alba Canada Snake Root Asarum Canadcnsc Caraway Car uni Carui Cardamom Elettaria Cardamomum " Comp Cascarilla Croton. Eleutheria C astor Oil Leaf Ricin us Communis Catnip Nepeta Cataria Cayenne Pepper Capsicum Centuary Red Sabbatia Chamomile Anthemis Nobilis Cherry Bark Prunus Virginiana " " Compound,. Chestnut Leaves Castanea Vesca Chiretta Agathotes Chirayta Cinchona, Aromatic " Pale Cinchona Pallida " Compound... . " Calisaya Cinchona Flava " Red..' Cinchona Rubra Cleavers Galium Coca Leaves Ery throxy Ion Coca Colchicum Root Colchicum A utumnale " Seed Colocynth Cucumis Colocynthis Colombo Cocculus Palmatus Coltsfoot Tussilago Comfrey Symphytum Conium Leaf Conium Macula turn Conium Seed Cotton Root Bark Gossypium Hcrbaceum Cramp Bark Viburnum Opulus Geranium Maculatum Cranesbill Crawley Root Corallorhiza Odontorhiza Cubeb Piper Cubeba 1 " Ethereal Culver's Root Leptandra Virginica Pseusmagenuetus E.quatorium Cundurango _ Damiana Dandelion Taraxacum " and Senna " Compound.... Dog-grass Triticum Repens Drosera Rotundifolia Dwarf Elder Aralia Hispida Sambucus Inula....................... Ergota...................... Elder Flowers Elecampane Ergot. .* " Ethereal Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Globulus CEnothera Biennis Comptonia Pyrethrum Parthenium | Benzoin Odoriferum I Erechthites Hieracifolia Evening Primrose Fern Sweet Fever Few Fever Bush Fire Weed Foxglove Digitalis Purpurea Chionanthus Virginica | Fringe Tree GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 71 TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE PT. BOTS. PER PT. j % PT. ■ BOTS. PER PT. V, PT. BOTS. PER DOZ 5 PINT BOTS. PER PT. Frostwort Heliantheum Chelidonium Gelsemium Sempervirens I 50 1 50 2 OO I 50 1 75 2 25 2 00 1 25 1 75 1 25 4 00 4 OO 150 8 00 1 25 2 50 1 25 2 OO 2 OO i 2 50 I 50 1 75 3 5° 2 50 1 75 1 25 6 00 6 00 5 00 3 50 3 00 1 25 1 25 5 00 6 00 4 00 2 OO 1 5o 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 5° 1 75 1 75 1 25 1 25 1 50 3 50 3 00 1 5o 1 75 1 75 1 5o 1 5o 3 00 1 50 1 25 6 00 IO 00 2 25 3 00 3 00 1 So 1 75 I 70 1 70 2 20 I 70 1 95 2 45 2 20 1 45 1 95 1 45 4 20 4 20 1 70 8 20 1 45 2 70 1 45 2 20 2 20 2 70 1 70 1 95 3 7o 2 70 1 95 1 45 6 20 6 20 5 20 3 70 3 20 1 45 1 45 5 20 6 20 4 20 2 20 1 70 1 45 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 95 1 95 1 45 1 45 1 70 3 70 3 20 1 70 1 95 1 95 1 70 1 70 3 20 1 70 1 45 6 20 10 20 2 45 3 20 3 20 1 70 1 95 6 50 6 50 8 00 6 50 7 25 6 00 8 00 5 75 7 25 5 75 14 00 14 00 6 50 28 co 5 75 9 5o 5 75 8 00 8 00 9 50 6 50 7 25 12 50 9 5o 7 25 5 75 20 00 20 00 19 00 12 50 11 00 5 75 5 75 19 00 20 00 14 00 8 00 6 50 5 75 6 co 6 50 6 50 7 25 7 25 5 75 5 75 6 50 12 50 11 00 6 co 7 25 7 25 6 50 6 50 11 00 6 50 5 75 20 00 32 00 8 75 11 00 11 00 6 50 7 25 I 90 I 40 I 90 I 40 1 65 2 15 I 90 I 15 I 65 I 15 3 90 3 90 1 40 7 9° 1 15 2 40 1 15 1 90 1 90 2 40 1 40 1 65 3 4® 2 40 1 65 1 IS 5 90 5 9® 4 90 3 40 2 90 1 15 1 15" 4 9°- 5 90- 3 90- 1 90 1 40- 1 IS 1 40- 1 40- 1 40 1 65. 1 65 1 15 I 1 40 3 40 2 90 1 40- 1 65 1 65 1 40 1 40 2 90 1 40 1 15 5 90 9 9°' 2 15 2 90 2 90 1 40. 1 65 Garden Celandine Gelsemium Gentian Gentiana Lutea " Compound Ginger Zingiber Officinale Hydrastis Canadensis Solidago Coptis Trifolia Epigoea Repens Golden Seal Golden Rod Gold Thread Gravel Plant Grindelia Robusta " Squarrosa Guaiac Guaiacum Officinale Paullinia Sorbilis Spiraea Tomentosa Veratrium Viride Pinus Canadensis Cannabis Sativa... Guarana Hardback Hellebore, American Hemlock Hemp, American Henbane Hyoscyamus Niger. Humulus Lupulus Marrubium Vulgare ■ Hydrangea Arborescens Hop Horehound Hydrangea Ignatia Bean Strychnos Ignatia Cannabis Indica Asclepias Incarnata Gillinea Trifoliata Cephaelis Ipecacuanha ,. Indian Hemp, Foreign.... " " White Indian Physic Ipecac " for Syrup Cephcelis Ipecacuenha " and Seneka Jaborandi Pieocarpus Pinnatus Ipomoea Jalapa | Hypericum | Juniperus Communis Rottlera Tinctoria | Piper Methysticum i Brayera Anthelmintica Jalap Johnswort Juniper Berries Kameela Kava Kava Koosso Ladies' Slipper Cypripedium Pubescens Lactuca Sativa Nymphcea Odorata Senecio Aureus j Glycyrrhiza Glabra Hepatica Americana Lobelia Inflata Lettuce Lily, White Life Root Liquorice Liverwort Lobelia " Compound Logwood Hoemat oxy Ion Campech ! Ligusticum Levisticum Pulmonaria Lupulina ' Lovage Lungwort Lupulin " Compound Male Fern Aspidium Filix Mas ; Podophyllum Peltatum | Mandrake " Compound, ... Marsh Mallow Althea Officinalis Statice Limonium Artanthe Elongata | Leonorus Cardiaca Artemesia Vulgaris \ Sumbul vel Jatamansi Cactus Grandifolia StrychnosNux Vomica Papaver Somnifera i Marsh Rosemarv Matico Motherwort Mugwort Musk Root Night-Blooming Cereus.. Nux Vomica Opium, Aqueous " Deodorized Orange Peel Citrus Aurantium J ZrZr Fiorentina | Orris Root 72 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE PT. BOTS. PER PT. ¥1 pt. BOTS. X pt. BOTS. 5 PINT BOTS. PER PT PER PT. PER DOZ Pareira Brava Cissampelos Pareira 2 So 2 70 9 50 2 4° Parilla Yellow Menispermum Canadense 2 oo 2 20 8 00 I 9° Pellitory Hedeoma Pulegioides 2 50 2 70 9 50 2 40 Pennyroyal I 5o I 70 6 50 I 4° Peppermint Mentha Piperita I 25 I 45 5 75 I 15 Pink Root Spigelia Marilandica 2 50 2 70 9 50 2 4° " " and Senna 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 90 " " Compound .... Chimaphila Umbellata 2 50 2 70 9 50 2 4° Pipsissewa I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Pitcher Plant Sarracenia Purpurea 2 50 2 70 9 50 2 40 Pleurisy Root Asclepias Tuberosa 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 9° Poison Oak Rhus Toxicondendron. 3 00 3 20 II 00 2 00 Poke Root Phytolacca Decandr a I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Pomegranate Bark Punica Granatum I 75 I 95 7 25 I 65 Poplar Bark Populus Amer. I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Poppies Papaver Somniferum I 75 I 95 7 25 I 65 Prickly Ash Bark Xanthoxylum Fraxineum I 75 I 95 7 25 I 65 " " Berries 3 00 3 20 II 00 2 9° Ptelea Ptelea Prifoliata I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Pulsatilla Anemone Pulsatilla 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 9° Quassia Quassia Excels a I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Queen of the Meadow.. .. Eupatorium Purpureum I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Raspberry Leaf Rubus Strigosus I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Red Clover Tops Trifolium Prat ens e 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 90 " Saunders Krameria Triandra I 50 I 70 6 50 I 4° Rhatany 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 9° Rhubarb Rheum Palmatum 4 00 4 20 14 00 3 90 Rhubarb, Aromatic 3 75 3 95 13 25 3 65 " and Senna Silphium Gummiferum 3 00 3 20 II 00 2 90 Rosin Weed 3 00 3 20 II 00 2 90 Rue Ruta Graveolens I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Saffron Crocus Sativus 4 00 4 20 14 00 3 9° Sandal Wood Santalum Album 5 00 5 20 17 00 4 90 Sage Salvia Officinalis I 50 I 70 6 50 I 4° Sarsaparilla Smilax Officinalis 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 15 " and Dandelion. 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 15 Comp., U.S.P. 5 f°r Syrup, Sar. 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 15 £ Comp., U.S.P. " American Smilax Sarsaparilla 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 15 I 75 I 95 7 25 I 65 •' Sassafras Laurus Sassafras I 50 I 70 6 5o I 40 Savin funiperus Sabina I 25 I 45 5 75 I 15 Scullcap Scutellaria Lateriflora 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 90 " Compound Fucus Vesiculosus I 75 I 95 7 25 I t>5 Sea Wrack , 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 90 Seneka Poly gala Senega 3 50 3 70 12 50 3 40 " for Syrup 3 50 3 70 12 50 3 40 Senna Cassia Acutifolia I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 " Compound 2 00 2 20 8 oo I 9° " and Jalap 2 50 2 70 9 50 2 40 1 ' Aqueous... i Symplocarpus Fcetidus I 50 I 70 6 50 I 4° Skunk Cabbage I 25 I 45 5 75 I 15 Snakeroot Serpentaria 2 50 2 70 9 50 2 4° Solomon s Seal Convallaria Polygonatum I 50 I 70 6 50 I 4° Southernwood Artemesia Abrotanum I 50 I 70 6 50 I 4° Spearmint Mentha Viridis I 25 I 45 5 75 I i5 Spikenard Aralia Racemosa I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Squaw Vine Mitchella Repens 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 90 Squill Scilla Maritima I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 " Acetic I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 " Compound Ale tris Farenosa 3 00 3 20 II 00 2 90 Star Grass 3 00 3 20 II 00 2 9° Stillingia Stillingia Sylvatica.......... 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 9° Stillingia, Compound Collinsonia Canadensis 2 00 2 20 8 00 I 90 Stone Root I 75 I 95 7 25 I 65 t Stramonium Leaf Datura Stramonium I 75 I 95 7 25 I 65 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 73 TRADE NAMES. BOTANICAL NAMES. ONE PT. BOTS. PER PT. Vi PT. BOTS. PER PT. X PT. BOTS. PER DOZ 5 PINT. BOTS. PER PT. Stramonium Seed Datura Stramonium I 75 I 95 7 25 I 65 Sumach Rhus Glabrum 1 25 1 45 5 75 Sundew Drosera Rotundifoila 4 50 4 70 15 50 4 40 Sweet Gale Myrica Gale 1 25 1 45 5 75 Tag Alder Alnus Rubra I 25 1 45 5 75 1 15 Tansey, Double Tanacetum Vulgare I 25 1 45 5 75 1 AS Thimble Weed Rudbeckia Laciniata Thyme Thymus Vulgaris i 25 1 45 5 75 1 US Tonka Bean Dipterix Odorata .Tulip Tree Bark Populus Tremuloides I 50 1 70 6 50 I 40 Turkey Corn Corydalis Formosa ' 3 00 3 20 II 00 2 OO Turmeric Curcuma Longa 1 25 i 45 5 75 I 15 Unicorn Ale tris Farinosa Unicorn False Helonias Dioica 3 00 3 20 II CO 2 90 Uva Ursi Arctostaphylos . 1 50 1 70 6 50 I 40 Uva Ursi Compound i 50 Uva Ursi and Buchu Valerian Valeriana Officinalis 2 00 2 20 8 00 I QO Veratrum Viride Veratrum Viride 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 15 Vervain Verbena Officinalis 1 25 I 45 5 75 I 15 Wahoo Euonymus Atropurpureus 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 15 Water Fennel CEnanthe Phellandtium 2 25 2 45 8 75 2 15 Water Pepper Polygonum Punctatum 1 25 1 45 5 75 I 15 White Oak Quercus Alba................ 1 25 1 45 5 75 I 15 Whitewood Bark Liriodendron Tulipifera 1 25 1 45 5 75 I 15 Wild Indigo Baptisia Tinctoria 1 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Wild Turnip Arum Trip byllum 1 5o I 70 6 50 I 40 Wild Yam Dioscorea Villosa. . Wintergreen Gaultheria Procumbens I 25 1 45 5 75 I 15 Witch Hazel Hamamelis Virginica I 25 1 45 5 75 I15 Wormseed Chenopodium Anthelminticum, 1 I 50 I 70 6 50 I 40 Wormwood Artemisia Absinthium 1 25 i 45 5 75 I 15 Xanthium Xanthium Spinosum 4 00 4 20 14 00 3 9° Y arrow Achillea Millefolium 1 25 1 45 5 75 1 L5 Yellow Dock Rumex Crispus 2 OO 2 20 8 00 1 90 Yerba Santa Eriodictyon Californicum .... 4 50 4 70 15 50 4 40 *** Other Fluid Extracts will be added to our list of manufactures, as the public may demand, or the developments of medical science may render proper. POWDERED EXTRACTS. W e offer the following Powdered Extracts of our own manufacture, which are very care- fully pi epared, and contain all the active principles of the drug which they represent, and are equal grain for grain to the Solid Extracts. They will be found superior to the Powdered German Extracts, and more reliable for dispensing purposes. Aconite, 1 oz. bots oz. 40 Aloes Socotrine, 1 oz. bots oz. 40 Belladonna, 1 oz. bots oz. 50 Colchicum, Acetic, 1 oz. bots oz. 50 Conium, " " oz. 40 Digitalis, " " oz. 40 Guarana, " " oz. 1 25 Hyoscyamus, " " oz. 50 Ipecac, i oz. bots oz. 90 Mandrake, 1 oz. bots oz. 40 Nux Vomica, 1 oz. bots oz. 50 Opium, Aqueous, 1 oz. bots oz. 1 50 Rhatany, •' " Oz. 60 Rhubarb, " " oz. 50 Senna, " " » oz.' 40 Valerian, " " Oz. 50 74 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s SOLUBLE PILLS AND GRANULES, UNEQUALED FOR Purity in Composition, Solubility in Coating, Uniformity in Size, Perfection in Form and Finish. The marked increase during the past few years in the demand for Pills made in accordance with the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and other recognized formulas, induced us, some time since, to commence their manufacture in our own laboratory, and we are now furnishing Coated Pills, which, for beauty of finish, solubility, and general excellence, are unequaled. We desire to call the attention of physicians and others to the following points : 1 „ The best materials are used in their manufacture. 2. No article required by a formula is omitted on account of its high cost. 3. No Pills are deficient in weight. 4. The Pills are Coated while soft. 5. There is but one Coating, which is perfectly soluble, and there is no sub-coating of resinous character. * . G. The Coating is so thin that the Pills are not perceptibly increased in size, and yet it is entirely sufficient to protect the Pills from atmospheric influences ; and effectually covers any nauseous taste, thus rendering the Pill easy to be swallowed. T. The Coating is so transparent as to clearly reveal the color of the mass. 8. Their solubility is not impaired by age. The various masses are so thoroughly worked that the materials are perfectly distributed. 10. The excipients are peculiarly adapted to the permanent solubility of the mass and its efficient therapeutic action. Particular attention is called to our GRANULES of MORPHINE, STRYCHNINE, ARSENIOUS ACID, and other powerful remedies, which are prescribed in minute doses. The desirability of having these medicines in this shape, accurately weighed and ready for administering, has long been recognized. We have taken every precaution to insure accuracy in weight, and can give assurance that in this, as in other particulars, they can be implicitly relied upon. We offer the following: Aconitia ..1-60 gr. Atropia 1-60 " Arsenious Acid 1-20, 1-30, 1-40, 1-50 " Calomel % " Cannabis Indica % " Corros. Sublim... .1-12, 1-20, 1-30, 1-40, 1-50 " Drgitalin, pure 1-60 " Extract Belladonna... 54, 54, 54, " Ignatia Bean... 54, 54, " iodoform r " Mercury, Bin-lodide 1-25, gr. Mercury, Proto-Iodide.... 54, 54, i-5, 1-6 Morphia Acetate % " Morphia Sulphate.1-6,5s, 1-10,1-16,1-20,1-32 " Morphia Valerianate % " Nux Vomica Extract 54, % " Podophyllin... J's, 54 , 54, 1 " Quinine Valerianate 54, 1 " Strychnia...., 1-20, 1-30, 1-32, 1-40, 1-50 Zinc Phosphide 1-12, 1-6, 54, 54 " Zinc Phosphide and Nux Vomica (Zinc Phosphide, i-io gr. Extract Nux Vomica, % gr.) We are constantly adding to our list of Pills and Granules new remedial agents, as soon as their medicinal qualities are demonstrated. We have recently introduced the following: Ergotin. 3 grs.; Extract Erythroxylon Coca, 1 gr. and 2 grs.; Extract Grindelia Robusta, 3 grs. ; Extract Guarana, 3 grs.; and Extract Sumbul, 1 gr. Others will follow in due course. We shall be happy to supply samples and price-lists upon application. Private formulas of not less than three thousand pills made up, and estimates furnished GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 75 Bottles of 100 Pills. Bottles of 500 Pills. Acidi Arseniosi, 1-20 gr., 1-30 gr., 1-40 gr . i-5o gr 50 2 Acidi Salicylic , 2% grs 75 3 50 Acidi Salicylic . 5 1 25 6 00 Acidi Tannici % gr. 1 50 7 25 Aconiti, /8 Minim lincture.... 50 2 25 Aconitine, 1-60 gr... 75 3 50 Aloes Socot., 72 gr. 50 2 25 Aloes, U. S. P. 11 v' e10eS "OCOt" 2g[?- / Pulv. Saponis, 2 \ 50 2 25 (Ext. Gentian, ¥3 gr. 1 Aloes Comp., U. S. P. (Pil. Gentian Comp.) 1 SoC" " f 5o 2 25 1 Ol. Carui, i-S " J Pulv. Aloes Socot., i 1-3 grs. Aloes et Assafcetidae, U. S. P. < Pulv. Assafcetidae, 1 1-3 " / So 2 25 Pulv. Saponis, 1 1-3 " ) ( Pulv. Aloes Socot., U gr. ) Aloes et Ferri J Ext. Conii, % ' I Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 ' | 5° 2 25 1 Pulv. Zingib. Tam., 1 ' (Pulv. Aloes Socot., 2 grs.-) Aloes et Myrrhae, U. S. P. ? Pulv. Myrrh 1 gr. > 60 2 75 ( Pulv. Aromatici, % " ) Aloes et Nneis Vomie'e J Pulv' A1°eS Socot" 1 &rs- ? Aloes et INucis Vomicae < Ext_ Nucis Vom % „ ? 5o 2 25 ''Pulv. Aloes Barb., ) Pulv. Saponis, Anderson s (Scots) < Pulv. Colocynth, 3 grs 50 2 25 Pulv. Gambogiae, Ol. Anisi, Antibilious (Vegetable) S op"iinC<""- C°- '8 g* ( .... 5o 2 25 (Chinoidin, I gr. ) a *• urn 1 Ferri Ferrocyan., i Anti-chilH O1 pip _ , > 1 00 4 75 1 Acid Arseniosi, 1-20 (Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., % gr- } Antimonii Compositae (Plummer's).... < Antimonii Oxysulph., K " ? 5o 2 25 ( Pulv. Guaici Resinae, I " 2 f Cinchonidiae Sulph., 1 gr- 1 Podophyllin, I-2C * * Anti-periodic • Gelsemin, 1-20 " 1 Strychniae Sulph., 1-33 " ( " 1 00 4 75 Ferri Sulph. Exsic., y2 ( Ol. Resin Capsici, 1-10 gtt. J ( Ext. Nucis Vomicae, ¥3 gr. ) /2 " Z . . Aperient ' Ext. Hyoscyami, I 00 4 75 ( Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 grs. ) Assafcetidae, U. S. P , 2 grs.... 50 2 25 Assafcetidae, 4 grs... 2 grs. ) 1 gr- S 50 2 25 Assafcetidae Comp. \ Mssaioeuuas, I Ferri Sulph. Exsic. 50 2 25 ( Pulv. Assafcetidae, 1 gr- } Assafcetidae et Rhei < Pulv. Rhei, , I " > 50 2 25 (Ferri Redact., i " 5 Atropiae, 1-60 gr.... I 00 4 75 Bismuthi Subnitrat., 3 grs I 00 4 75 bismuthi bubnitrat., 5 " I 50 7 25 Camphorae, y2 gr... 50 2 25 Camphorae, Mono-bromat, 2 grs I 50 7 25 Camphorae, Mono-Bromat, 3 grs 2 OO 9 75 Cathartic Comp., u. r -> ¥ gr 50 2 25 [ Cxt. Coloc. Comp., Pulv., 1% grs. ) 0 p J Ext. Jalapae, Pulv., 1 gr. ! | Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., Pulv., I " ( Cathartic Comp., U. 60 2 75 (Gambogiae, Pulv.. % (Ext. Colocynth Simp., % gr. j Podophyllin, % " Cathartic Comp. (Vegetable) 1 Pulv. Res. Scammon, % " ] Pulv. Aloes Socotrin, 1% " 60 2 75 Pulv. Cardamomi, 1-9 " (Pulv. Saponis, % " _ Ext. Colocynth, Comp., Pulv., gr.'l Ext. Jalapae, % Cathartic Comp. (Improved) < Podophyllin, % gr. Leptandrin Ext. Hyoscvami, • 3 grs.. 60 2 75 Ext. Gentianae, <O1. Menth Pip. 76 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & S 'CO. Cerii Oxalat i gr Boule? of 100 Pills. I OO Bottles of 500 Fills. I F Pulv. Aloes Soc., i gr. 4 Chapman's Dinner < Pulv. Rhei, I " >3 grains 60 2 75 ( Gum Mastich., 1 " ) 5° 2 25 2 75 Chinoidine 3 grs 75 3 so 5° 2 25 3 SO 1 00 1 so 7 2S 7R 3 3° T CO 4 73 1 75 8 50 Cinchonidiae Sulphat., gr 5° 2 25 Cinchonidiae Sulphat., 1 gr 60 2 75 Cinchonidiae Sulphat., 2 grs 1 00 4 75 Cinchonidiae Sulphat., 3 " 1 5° 7 2S Cinchonidiae Sulphat., 5 " 2 25 TI OO Colocynth, Comp., gr. (Ext. Coloc. Co., U. S. P.) 50 2 25 Colocynth, Comp., 3 grs. (Ext. Coloc. Co., U. S. P.) I OO 4 75 f Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. 1 J Pulv- Rhei, 1 " I looks 1 Hydrarg Chlor. Mit., & " ( • 60 2 75 (Pulv. Saponis, % " ) Copaibae U S P 3 grs 75 3 SO Copaibae et Oleo-Resin Cubebae, 3 grs 75 3 So Copaibae et Oleo-Resin Cubebae, 5 " I 25 6 00 5° 2 25 Digitalis, % Minim Tine 5° 2 25 Digitalin pur, 1-60 gr 75 3 5° C Pulv. Aloes Soc., 2 grs. Dinner (Lady Webster) < Pulv. Gum Mastich, J4 gr. > 3 grs 60 2 75 ( Pulv. Rosae Gallicae, % " 7 Elaterii r-io °t (Clutterbuck's) I OO 4 75 f Ergotin, 1 gr. Ext. Hellebori Nig., 1 " Emmenagogue < Aloes Soc., 1 " I 40 6 75 Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 " (Ol. Sabinae, X "J Ergotin, 3 grs 2 OO 9 75 Extract Relladonnae Vg gr., % gr., V4 gr qo 2 25 I OO 4 75 Extract Cannabis Indicae, % gr 125 6 00 Extract Cocae i gr I OO 4 75 Extract Cocas 2 grs . I SO 7 2s Extract Colocynth Comp., U. S. P., gr 50 2 25 Extract Colocynth Co., U. S. P., 3 grs I OO 4 75 Extract Grindeliae Robustae, 3 grs... . I OO 4 75 Extract Guaranae, 3 grs 2 OO 9 75 Extract Hyoscyami, % gr 5° 2 25 Extract Hyoscyami, i " 60 2 75 Extract Ignatiae, % gr 1 25 6 00 Extract Ignatiae, % " I 50 7 25 Extract Nucis Vomicae, % gr , gr 5° 2 25 Extract Sennas, Y gr 50 2 25 Extract Sennas Deodorat., 1 gr 60 2 75 Extract Sennae Deodorat., 3 grs i so 7 25 Extract Sennae Deodorat., 5 grs 2 so 12 2S Extract Sumbul, i gr 2 OO 9 75 Extract Valerian, % gr 75 3 50 Ferri Citratis, 2 grs 75 3 50 Fem Citral. et Strychnia ) | I OO 4 75 Ferri Dialvsati (Scales) 2 grs 1 5° 7 25 Ferri lodidi, i gr. (Blancard's Formula) 80 3 75 ( Ferri Phosphat., 2 grs. 4 Ferri Phosphat., Quiniae et Strychnias/ Quiniae Phosphat., 1 gr. z 2 25 II OO ( Strychnias Phosphat., 1-60 " ) C Ferri Phosphat., 2 grs. 4 Ferri Phosphat., Quiniae et StrychniaeZ Quiniae Phosphat., 1 gr. > 2 25 II OO < Strychnias Phosphat., 1-30 " J Ferri Proto-Carbonat. (Vallet's Mass), 2 °rs., 3 grs 5° 2 2S Ferri Proto-Carbonat. (Vallet's Mass), 5 " 60 2 75 Ferri et Quiniae Citrat., 1-10, 1-20, 1-30 gr 75 3 5° Ferri et Quiniae Citrat., 1 gr I OO 4 75 Ferri et Quinias Citrat., 2 grs 150 7 25 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 77 Bottles of 100 Pills. Bottles of 500 Pills. 2 25 II OO I? • * • • <-•x x ,c, u ■ ( Ferri et Quinias Citrat, 2 grs. ? Fern et Quiniae Citrat. et Strychnia > citrat> |r. $ 1 75 8 5° f'Ferri Redact., I gr. ) Ferri, Quiniae et Strychnias < Quiniae Sulph., x " > 2 25 II OO ( Strychnias, 1-60 ' • j Ferri Redact. (Quevennes), 2 grs 75 3 5o Ferri Tartrat. et Potassii, i gr 75 q 30 Ferruginous (Blaud) J j 3 grs 1 00 4 75 (Bland) t 00 4 75 ( Gum Galbani, 1 J4 grs. ) Galbani Comp. < Pulv.. Myrrh, 1% " > 50 2 25 f Pulv. Assafcetidae, gr. ) ( Pulv. Aloes Socot., 24-25 gr. J Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 12-25 " Ext. Hellebori Nig., 6-25 " Hooper's, grs. 4 Pulv. Myrrh, 6-25 " > 50 2 25 I Pulv. Saponis, 6-25 " Pulv. Canellas Albae, 2-25 " ( Pulv. Zingib. Jam., 3-25 " 30 2 23 Hydrargyri, U. S. P., 3 grs 5° 2 23 Hydrargyri, Chlor. Corrosiv., 1-12, 1-20, 1-30, 1-40, 1-50 gr 50 2 25 50 2 23 5° 2 25 Hydrargyri Chlor. Mit., 2 grs 5° 2 23 5° 2 23 2 73 Hydrargyri, Chlor. Mit. et Opii pJ^Opii Mlt" i fn' ( 75 3 50 (Hy drarg. Chlor. Mit., gr. J Hydrargyri, Chlor. Mit. et RheiJ cX. Co g t 75 3 5o (Ext. Hyoscyami, % " J Hydrargyri, lodidi Rub., 1-16 gr., 1-25 gr 5o 2 25 Hydrargvri, lodidi Virid., JL %, 1-5, 1-6 gr 5o 2 25 lodoformi, i gr 7 25 T , f • * f • ) Ferri Redac. Quevennes, 1 gr. ) lodoformi et Fern J Iodoform;> v x S.< j 2 50 12 23 Ipecac, Pulv. % gr 30 2 23 Ipecac et Opii, % gr. (Pulv. Doveri), U. S. P 50 2 25 Ipecac et Opii, 2 grs. (Pulv. Doveri), U. S. P 60 2 75 Ipecac et Opii, 5 " (Pulv. Doveri), U. S. P I co 4 75 Jalapae, Pulv., 1 gr 5° 2 25 r Resin Podophyllin, % gr. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 3 grs. Laxative J Pil. Hydrargyri, % gr. }- 60 2 75 Pulv. Rhei, % " 01. Carui, % min. Leptandrin, X gr., % gr., 1 gr 73 3 30 Morphiae, Acetatis, % gr 75 3 30 Morphias, Acetatis, % " 1 00 4 75 Morphias, Sulphatis, %, %, 1-10, 1-16, 1-20, 1-32 gr 75 3 50 Morphias, Sulphatis, gr I 00 4 75 Morphiae, Valerianat., 14 gr 1 25 6 00 f Quiniae Sulph., 2 grs. J Morphiae " 1-20 gr. | Neuralgic (Dr. Gross') 1-30 " >• 4 50 22 25 Acidi Arseniosi, 1-20 " Ext. Aconiti, % " j Neuralgic (Dr. Gross'), without Morphine 4 25 21 OO fExt. Hyoscyami, % gr. J Ext. Conii, % " Ext. Ignat. Amarae, % " 1 Neuralgic (Brown-Sequard's) J gt. [ 2 OO 9 75 Ext. Cannab. Ind., U " Ext. Stramon., 1-5 " Ext. Belladonnas, % " Opii, Pulv., % gr., gr 6o 2 75 Opii, Pulv., y2 gr 75 3 5° Opii, Extract, 1 gr I 50 7 25 78 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Bottles Bottles of 100 of 50C Pills. Pills. Opii, Extract, y2 gr. A 7C Opii, Extract, y " /3 Q CO Onii et Plumbi Acetat 2 pts $ Opii Pulv., y gr. ) opn et numci Acetat., 2 grs. Plumbi Acet , xy2 .. $ 80 3 3'"' 3 75 Opii, U. S. P., 1 gr Q CO 3 3'-' Opii et 80 3 75 ( Opii Pulv., y gr. } Opii, Camphoras et Acidi Tannici ? Camphorae, 1 " > 80 (Acid. Tannic, 2 grs. ) 3 / 3 Pepsin, y2 gr 5° 2 Pepsin, 2 grs 75 Pepsin, 5 grs 1 00 3 A 7Z Pepsin et Bismuthi Bismuthj Sub Nit3 .. 1 So /3 7 25 f Pepsin, 2% grs. ) Pepsin, Bismuthi, et Strychnine ? Bismuth, Sub. Nit., 2% " >5 grs 1 75 8 50 ( Strychnias, 1-60 gr. 5 Phosphori, 1-20, 1-25, 1-50, i-ico grs I 00 A 7C Phospheri I 25 /3 6 00 Phosphori Comp. -J KVomic - J I 25 6 00 Phosphori,tFerriJP>»^on.ctJ-.»gr.j I 25 6 00 ( Phosphori, 1-100 gr. 4 Phosphori, Ferri, et Nucis Vomicae? Ferri Phosphat., y2 " > 1 25 6 00 (Ext. Nucis Vomicae, '/g " ) Podophyllin, % gr., y gr 5° 2 25 Podophyllin, y gr., 1 gr 60 2 7s ( Podophyllin, y gr. 4 Podophyllin Comp. ? Ext. Hyoscyami, % " > 1 00 4 75 (Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-16 " j Podophyllin et Hydrarg. ) fjs. j 1 00 4 75 Ouiniae et Aloes $ Quinise Sulph., % gr. > et Aloes puly Aloes Socot , y .. gr 2 00 9 75 1 Quiniae Sulphatis, 1 gr. ) Quinine, Arseniosi, et Nucis Vomicae ? Acidi Arseniosi, 1-60 " > 2 25 II 00 (Ext. Nucis Vomicae, y " j f Quiniae Sulphatis, 1 gr. ) 2 25 II OO (Acidi. Arseniosi, 1-32 " ) f Quiniae Bisulph., r.y grs. 1 Quiniae Comp, et Extract Taraxaci S, % " 2 50 12 2a ( Ext. Taraxaci, iy " ) f Quiniae Sulph., i gr. 'j Quiniae Comp, et Strychnine J gmRedact., i - 1 2 25 II OO ( Acidi Arseniosi, 1-20 " J Oninire et Ferri i Quinise Sulph., I gr. ) Quiniae et 1 erri j Ferri Redact T .. ■ 2 2a II OO OniriT-et Ferri Carbomt QU'nisS Su,Ph" 1 Sr- ? Quiniae et 1 em Carbonat. Ferri Carb (Va]lefs Mass), 2 grs. $ 2 25 II OO f Quiniae Sulphatis, 1 gr. Quiniae Ferri et Nucis Vomicae? Ferri Carb. (Vallet's Mass), 2 grs. > 2 II OO ( Ext. Nucis Vomicae, y gr. ) 1 25 6 00 2 15 10 50 4 OO 10 75 5 85 29 00 Quiniae, Sulphatis, 4 " 7 37 25 Quiniae, Sulphatis, 5 " Q 47 Quiniae, Bi-Sulphatis, y gr 1 25 6 00 Quiniae, Bi-Sulphatis, 1 " 2 J5 10 5° Quiniae, Bi-Sulphatis, 2 grs 4 00 iq 75 Quiniae, Bi-Sulphatis, 3 " 5 85 29 00 Quiniae, Bi-Sulphatis, 4 " 7 =>° 37 2 s Quiniae, Bi-Sulphatis, 5 " Q 47 ( Quiniae Sulphatis, 1 gr. 4 Quiniae, Phosphori, et Ferri ? Phosphori, 1-100 " > 2 75 13 c;O (Ferri Carb. (Vallet's Mass), 1 " 5 ( Quiniae Sulphatis, 1 gr. 4 Quiniae, Phosphori, et Nucis Vomicae ? Phosphori, 1-50 " > 2 75 13 qo ( Ext. Nucis Vomicae, y " ) GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 79 ( Quiniae Sulphatis, i gr. ) Bottles* Bottle of 100 | of 500 Quinise, Phosphori, e 2 75 13 50 ( Ext. Nucis Vomicae, % " ) C Quini® Sulphatis, i gr. 4 Quini®, Phosphori, Ferri etNucis Vomic® ] f (Vallet's Mass),0? " f 2 75 13 50 1 Ext. Nucis Vomicae, % " J 9 75 17 25 27 25 3 5o 5 50 PTS 6° 50 2 25 Quinidiae Sulphatis, i Ouinidiae Sulnhatis. q. « 3 75 7 25 errs. 1 50 10 75 14 00 17 25 Quinidi® Sulphatis, 4 Oninidi® Sulnhati<; c << i < 3 5° I Ext. Coloc. Co., 1% gr. 'j Rheumatic * gxt. Colch. Acet., 1 " 1 1 25 | Ext. Hyoscyami, % f I Hyd. Chlor. Mit., U " J f Pulv. Rhei, U gr. RheiAromat., % gr. -J Pulv. Caryophylli, 1-15 " 4 75 Pulv. Cinnamomi, " Pulv. Myristic®, 1-30 " Rhei. Pulv.. 14 pt. 5o 75 2 25 3 5o Rhei. II. S.' P. F?u.lv- ?hei- . 3 grs. ? A / Pulv. baponis, i gr. ) r Pulv. Rhei, 2 grs. ) Pulv. Aloes Socot., IJ4 " I Rhei Comn.. (I. S. P. 75 3 50 Pulv. Myrrh, i gr . Ol. Menth Pip. •J ("Pil. Hydrarg., grs.) 4 75 (Sc >d® Carb. Exsic., ) 75 3 5o 4 75 7 25 Salicin, 1 " Salicin, 2 grs 1 5o 2 25 3 50 Salicin, 3 " Salicin, 5 " 17 25 4 25 Santonin.. 1 ar Strychnias, 1-20, 1- 50 ' Strychniae, 1-100 gr. Phosphori, 1-100 " Strychnia? Comp. ■ Ext. Cannabis Ind., 1-16 " Ginseng, 1 " 4 75 Ferri Carb., 1 " f Quinise Sulph., 1 gr. ) Tonic IDr. Aiken's! J Acidi Arseniosi, i-So "I 2 25 II 00 • 1-50 1 Ferri Redact., 2A "1 (Pulv. Aloes Socot., 2 grs. 4 Triplex < Pil. Hydrarg., 1 gr. > 4 75 f Resin Podophyllin, % " j fPulv. Scammony.Virg., 1 i-5 gr- Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 i-5 " Trinlex (Dr. Francis') < Pil. Hydrarg, 1 Oil Tiglii, 1- r-5 " 4 75 20 Min. " Carui, % Tinct. Aloes and Mvrrh, q. s. Zinci Phosphid., 1 Zinci Phosohid.. -12 gr., % gr., X gr 75 3 5° 4 75 4 75 U "• Zinci Phosohid. et Nucis Vomic® $ 5.'nc\?'qo.s I_ 10 gr- t tLxt. iNucis vomicae, Zinci Valerianat., 1 gr I 25 6 00 SUBJECT TO USUAL DISCOUNT. DRUGGISTS WHEN ORDERING, AND PHYSICIANS WHEN PRESCRIBING. WILL PLEASE BE PARTICULAR TO SPECIFY SCHIEFFELIN'S PILLS. 80 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S OFFICINAL SUGAR-COATED PILLS AND GRANULES, AND FROM RECIPES OF EMINENT MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS. Subject to the usual discount. PILLS AND GRANULES. Bottles of TOO Pills. Bottles of 500 Pills. TChinoidin, 2 grs. ) AGIJF J Ext. Col. Co. y " 1 AUUt, Q1 pip Nig „ ( $0 75 $3 50 1 Ferri. Sul. y2 " ) ALOES, U. S. P 4° 1 75 " COMP., (Pil. Gentian Comp.) 40 1 75 " ET ASSAFCETIDZE, U. S. P 1 75 fPulv. Aloes Socot., y gr. "1 " ET FERRI J Ja.m- 1 Sr' - ' | Fem Sulph. Exsic., i gr. | 4° 1 75 [ Ext. Conii., y2 gr. J " ET MASTICH, (Lady Webster,) " ET MYRRH2E, U. S' P '. " ET NUX VOMICA, $ PuE'. Aloes Soc., iM grs. ? ' ; Ext. Nux Vomica, % gr. \ 50 2 25 ( Mass. Hydrargyri, 1 gr. ) AL TERATIVE, < Pulv. Opii, ) T/ > 5° ( Pulv. Ipecac. aa 54 gr'5 AMMON. BROMID., 1 gr 75 fPulv. Antimonialis, % gr. A ANALEPTIC, J "esin Guaiaci, 1 gr. 1 ' | " Aloes Soc., % gr. [ 60 2 75 ( Myrrhae, y2 gr. ) ANDERSON'S SCOTS 1 75 TPulv. Camphorae, 1 gr. 1 ANODYNE, J Morphiae Acet., 1-20 gr. ' ' Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 gr. 75 3 50 Res. Capsici, 1-20 gr. J ANTI-BILIOUS (Vegetable,) grs. J 50 2 25 /'Chinoidine, 1 gr. ) ANTI-CHILL, J Ferri Ferrocyan., 1 gr. ' | Ol. Piper, Nig., 1 gr. I 00 4 75 1-20 gr. ) FPotass. Chlor., 1 gr. 1 ANTI-CHLOROTIC, pT1 phL°r". lr grJ ' | Pulv. Podophylli, i gr. j 75 3 50 Pulv. Myrrhae, y gr. J TZinci Valer., 2 grs.) ANTI-CHOROMANIA J Ferri Valer., y gr. > I Ext. Sumbul, y gr. j C Strychnia, 1-40 gr. A Ext. Belladonna, 1-10 gr. | ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, -{ Pulv. Ipecac, 1-10 gr. {■ 4 75 Mass. Hydrarg., 2 grs. Ext. Col. Co., 2 grs. J ANTHELMINTIC, $ Santonin, __ ) ' ) Calomel, aa, 1 gr. J I 00 4 75 /'Quiniae Sulph., 2 grs.) ANTI-MALARIAL, 1 Ginchon Sulph.. 1 gr. 1 ' Fern Sulph. Exsic., gr. 3 00 U 75 l Acid. Arsenious, 1-20 gr. j GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 81 FILLS AND GRANULES.-(Continued.) Bottles of too Pills. , Bottles of 500 Pills. f Cinchonidiae Sulp., i gr. 'i 1 Res. Podophylli, 1-20 gr. | ANTI PERIODIC J Strychnias Sulph., 1-33 gr. ! AIN II FEK1UD1C, J Gelsemin> 1-20 gr. ( 80 3 75 | Ferri Sulph. Exs., % gr. | (Ol. Res. Capsici, 1-10 gtt. ) (Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr. J ANTI-SPASMODIC, g; } 75 3 5o t Pulv. Capsici, % gr. J (Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. ] ANTI SPT FNFTTC 2 Pulv. Ammoniaci, % gr. I AIN 1 l-bl LLINL 1 IL, < pulv MyrrhaCi y gr ( 60 2 75 Ext. Bryony, I gr. J ANTIMONII COMP., U. S. P., (Pil. Plummer) 40 1 75 (Ext. Nux. Vom., % gr. ) APERIENT, < " Hyoscyam., Ji gr. > 85 4 00 ( " Coloc. C., 2 grs. J ASSAFCETIDA, U. S. P 40 1 75 " 2 gr 40 1 75 << comp S Assafcetida, 2 grs. ) ' ( Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. ) 4° 1 75 ( Assafcetida, 1 gr. ) " ET RHEI, / Pulv. Rhei, igr. > 75 5° ( Ferrum, 1 gr. ) (Ext. Geranii, 2 grs. i ASTRINGENT J Pulv. Opii, Ji gr. I Ab 1 KUNLUN 1, < O1 Menth pip ( T_2O gtt ( 60 2 75 Res. Ginger, 1-20 gtt. J BISMUTH, Subnit., 3 grs . 75 3 5o j T x- Bismuth Sub. Carb., 4 grs. ? and Ignatia, J Ext Ignatia Amara' |r j I 50 7 25 BISMUTH, Subcarb., 3 grs 75 3 50 " Nux Vomica J Bismuth Sub. Carb., 4 grs. ) Nux Vomica, ? Ext Nux Vomicai gr 1 50 7 25 CALOMEL Ji gr., 1, 2 and 3 4° 1 75 " 5 grs 50 2 25 . za Calomel, 2 grs. ? et °Pn- J Opium, 1 gr. ) 85 4 00 r Calomel, % gr. J CALOMEL et Rhei, J c g g I 75 3 50 ( " Hyoscyam., % gr. J CAMPHOR ET EXT. $ Camphor, 1 gr. 5° 2 25 HYOSCYAMUS, ( Ext. Hyoscyamus, Eng., 1 gr. ) CATHART. Comp., U. S. P 53 2 25 C Ext. Coloc. Comp., J 1 " Jalap, Imn J Podophyllm, Leptandnn, I P 1 | Ext. Hyoscyamus, [ 8 S 50 2 25 " Gentian, Ol. Menth., J ( Podophyllin, Scammony, 1 " " Vegetable, < Ext. Colocynth, > 5° 2 25 ( Aloes, Soap & Cardamom, J • Res. Podophylli, y2 gr. J Pil. Hydrarg., % gr. 2 75 Ext. Nuc. Vomica, 1-16 gr. Ol. Res. Capsici, % gtt. ( Pulv. Aloes Soc., ) CHAPMAN'S DINNER PILLS, 7 " Rhei Opt., £ 2 25 < Gum Mastich, ) CERH OXALAT., 1 gr 4 CHINOIDIN, 1 gr 1 75 " 2 grs 5° 2 25 ( Chinoidin, 2 grs. ) " COMP., < Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. > 4 75 ( Piperina, Ji gr. ) 82 PILLS AND GRANULES.-(Continued.) J Bottles of too Pills. Bottles of soo Pills. CINCHON. SULPH., i% grs 75 CINCHONIDL-F. SULPH.. t pt 60 " 2 grs 1 10 5 25 • • * ' Q PTS I 60 CINCHO-QUINUE, i gr I 00 4 75 2 grs I 90 9 25 ['Pulv. Res. Scammony, I gr. A " Soc. Aloes, grs. cocciaJ " Colocynth, % gr. 90 4 25 Potass. Sulph., % gr. Caryophyl., % gr. J fPulv. Aloes Soc., I gr. ) COOK'S, 3 grs. > g-I 50 2 25 [ Sapon. Hispan., y. gr. j COLOCYNTHIDIS COMP., 3 grs., U. S. P 80 3 75 COLOCYNTH. et Hvdrar?.. et Inecac 75 3 co C Pulv. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs. < Pil. Hydrarg., 2 grs. > C Pulv. Ipecac, % grs. ) et Hyoscyamus, j Coloc. C. 2% grs. > J J 2 Ext. Hyoscyamus, i% grs. \ 75 3 50 COPAIB/E. U. S. P.. a ers 5° 2 25 et Ext. Cubeb®, $ Copaib®, 3 grs. ? ' / Oleo-resin, Cubeb®, 1 gr. S 80 3 75 f Pil. Copaib., I COPAIB.E, COMP., 4 Res'n Guaiae., 1 ' I Fern Cit., 80 3 75 t Oleo-resin, Cubeb., J fMorphi® Acet., 1-25 gr. DIAPHORETIC J £u'v- JPecac> gr- I 1 Pulv. Potass. Nit., 1 gr. ( 75 3 50 Pulv. Camphor®, gr. J C Pulv. Digitalis, 1 gr. ) 5o 2 25 ( Potass. Nit., 2 grs.) (Sapo. Hispan. Pulv., 2 grs.) 50 2 25 (_ Ol. Bacc® Junip., 1 drop. ) f Pulv. Guaiac., 3 grs. ) co 2 25 ( Pulv. Opii, % gr. ) (Ext. Aloes Soc., 2 grs.) ECCOPROTIC, V Nuc Vomic®, 1-5 gr. 1 Res. Podophylli, 3-10 gr. 60 2 75 lxOl. Caryophylli, 1-10 gtt. J ('Ergotine, 1 gr. Ext. Hellebore. Nig., 1 gr. 1 4° 6 75 1 Ferri Sulph., 1 gr. 1 Ol. Sabina, gr. EXT. GUARANA, 3 grs 2 00 9 75 FEE. BOVINUM 19x'Sa11; . 2 Srs- I 5° 2 25 ' / rowa. amaica oinger, i gr. \ rER.K.1, (Quevenne's,) i gr 5° 2 25 " " 2 grs 75 3 5° " CARB., (Vallet's,) U. S. P., 3 grs 4° i 75 " CITRAT., 2 grs 5° 2 25 " COMP., U. S. P 4° i 75 " IODID., 1 gr 80 3 75 " LACTAT., 1 gr 5° 2 25 " PYROPHOS., 1 gr 4° I 75 " VALER.. irr. ... 1 00 4 75 fFer., per Hydrogen, grs. ) ET QUAS., 1 Ext. Quassia, i gr. 1 75 3 5° ei iNuc. vom., iNuc. vom., % gr. 1 Pulv. Saponis, % gr. J " ET QUININE CIT., i gr 75 3 50 W. H. SCH1EFFELIN & CO.'S GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 83 Bottles Bottles PILLS AND GRANULES.-(Continued.) of 100 of 500 Pills. Pilis. FFRRT FT OTITNTNF. CIT.. 2 I 40 6 75 f Strychnia, 1-60 gr. 1 Hydrogen, > 75 3 5° (Quevenne s,) 2 grs. J <1 44 " CIT. \ Strych Cit., 1-50 gr. ) 75 3 50 ' 2 Perri Cit., 1 gr. ) " STTT.PH F.XS . 2 pts.. 40 1 75 ( Galbani, I 14 grs- ) GAT.RANT COMP 2 Pulv. Mvrrhm. gr. > 5° 2 25 ( Assafoetidse, ¥2 gr- 5 fPulv. Gambogiae, 4 CAMRCICTT. COMP . J " Aloes Socot., 1 40 1 75 ' Zingio. J am., 1 " Saponis, ("Ext. Gentian, * gr. ' GENT. COMP. 2 P. Aloes Soc., 2 grs. ( Ol. Carui, 1-5 gr. 40 1 75 fPulv. Cubebse, 2 gr. 4 GONORRHCF.A J 5als: 2°.palb- Solid, 1 gr- 1 rem buipn., gr- 1 2 75 ( Venet., Terebinth., grs. J C Pil. Hydrarg., 3 gr. HEPATICA, 2 I (I 80 3 75 Ixt. Hyoscyam., 1 gr. HOOPER. (Female Pills. 214 pts..) 40 40 HYDRARGYRI, U. S. P., 3 grs.. 1 75 3 grs 1 75 1 1 50 f Mass. Hydrarg., i gr. ) 4 4 Como.. 2 Pulv. Ooii. % gr. > 75 3 50 ipecac. Pt gr-) 44 lod. et Ooii. (Ricord's.) Hydg. lodid., 1 gr. Pulv. Opii, % gr. 75 3 50 IODOFORM, 1 IODOFORM E' r FERRI. J£So™'J gr- ? 2 50 7 75 I gr. S IPECAC, et Opii > 31/} STS-< (Pulv. Doveri, U. S. P.) 50 2 25 5 grs 65 (' Irisin, Pt gr- IRISIN COMP. 2 Podophyllin.i C Strychnia, 1 -10 gr. 40 gr- J 50 2 25 fPulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr- Sulphur, 1-5 gr. LAXATIVE, Res. Podophylli, | " Guaiaci, -4 gr. 2 75 Vi gr- I Syr. Rhamni, q. s. J C Leptandrin, 1 gr- ) LEPTAND. COMP.. 2 Irisin. Iz gr. > ( Podophyllin, % gr-5 4 75 LEPTAND.. 1 g 75 LUPULIN. q pts 3 5° C Morph. Sulph., gr- ) 4° 1 75 MORPHIA COMP.. 2 Tart. Emetic. CT. > I 50 ( Calomel, % gr- 2 7 25 (Quinia Sulph., 2 grs. ' Morphia, " 1-20 gr. NEURALGIC, J Strychnia, Acid Arsenious, 1-30 gr L 3 00 14 75 1-20 gr Ext. Aconite, V2 gr.. Ext. Hyoscyamus, % gr. Conii, % gr. • • Ignat. Ainara, % gr. NEURALGIC (Brown-Sequard). Opii, % gr. zAcomu, gr. 9 75 • • Cannab. Ind., % gr. Stramonium, 1-5 gr. Belladonna, % gr. OPII, U. S. P„ 1 gr 60 ( Pulv. Opii, X gr. 4 2 75 " ET CAMPHORS ET TANNIN, < Camphorae, 1 gr. .. 80 Acid Tannic, 2 grs. 5 84 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S PILLS AND GRANULES.-(Continued.) Bottles of TOO Pills. Bottles of 500 Pills. oph: et camphors, ) 't. T ■ gs < 80 3 75 ET PLUMBI ACET- J Ph!mb°&.. gS: ( 60 2 75 PHOSPHORUS COMP..J PhxX°ervi™g:i 150 " ET NUC. VOMICA, \ Phosphorus ■ T'5? gr' P . ( Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, % gr. ) 150 " 1-50 gr., 1-25 gr " 1-100 gr PHOSPHORUS, IRON, ( E' ) AND NUX VOMICA, i 50 PHOSPHORUS ET FERRI ETVallet'sj'" E3 ' (Quiniae Sulph., 1 gr. j 2 75 ( Phosphorus, i-ioo gr. ] PHOSPHORUS ET FERRI ET ) Ferri Carb. (Vallet's), i gr. [ QUINI2E El NUC. V0MICA2,1 Quiniae Sulph., i gr. [ 2 75 VExt. Nuc. Vomicae, % gr. J PODOPHYLLIN ET 5 Podophyllin, \ 2 75 HYOSCYAMUS, ( Ext. Hyoscyamus, aa % grs. ) f Podophyllin, % gr.' | Leptandrin, 1-16 gr. PODOPHYLLIN COMP., (Eclectic,)-( Juglandin, 1-16 gr. > 1 Macrotin, 1-32 gr. 75 3 5° ( Ol. Capsici. ( Podophyllin, % gr. 1 et Belladonna, J LRBel^d- . . * gr' I ' I Ol. Res. Capsici, gr. 75 3 5o Lact., 1 gr. J et Hydrarg., | ( 75 50 3 5° 2 25 POTASS. BROMID., 1 gr 75 3 5° " " 5 grs 1 25 6 00 " IODID., 2 grs Re QUINLE SULPH., % gr 9° " " i gr 6 75 " " 2 grs 2 75 13 50 3 grs 4 00 19 75 " " 5 grs 29 75 ■■ BI-SULPH, 1 gr 0 " " 2 grs 2 75 13 50 " " 3 grs 19 75 C Quin. Sulph., 1 gr. ) " COMP., Z Ferri Carb. (Vallet's,) 2 grs. > ( Acid Arsenious, 1-60 gr. j x /□ .. et Ext Beiladon S Quiniae Sulph., 1 gr. ) et Lxt. rseiiaaon., Ext Bel]adon , gr. J I 75 8 5° " et Ferri $ Quin' SulPh-- 1 gr- ? ' ( Ferrum per Hydrog., (Quevenne s), igr. ) 1 75 8 5° Carb $ Quiniae, 1 gr. ? ' ( Ferri Carb., 2 grs. ) 1 75 8 50 " " " Cit., 1 gr 75 3 50 " " " "2 grs f Quin. Sulph., 1 gr. 1 0 " " " et Strychniae, Z Ferri Carb., (Vallet's,) 2 grs. > .. 1 75 8 50 ( Strych. Sulph., 1-60 gr. 5 f Quiniae Sulph., 1 gr. I " Strychniae Comp., J Ferrum per Hyd., gr. 1 7 Strychniae, 1-20 gr. [ 1 75 8 50 ( Ac. Arsenious, 1-20 gr, J C Phos. Quiniae, 1 gr. ) " " Ferri et Strych., Phos., z " Iron, 1 gr. > ... ( " Strychnia, 1-60 gr.) " et Ferri Valer., 2 grs 3 50 17 25 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 85 FILLS AND GRANULES.-(Continued.) Bottles of too Pills. Bottles of 700 Pills. ( Quinias Sulph., 1 gr. 1 QUINLE ET HYDRARG., Z Mass. Hydrarg, 2 grs. > I 8 50 ( Oleo-resin, Piper. Nig., % gr. J " STRYCHNIAS, j Qjnnias Sul., 1 gr. ? < Strychnias, 1-00 gr. 5 1 75 8 50 < < Valerianate, % gr *? 00 O 7C (Iodoform, 1 gr. 1 y /j < ' IODOFORM, AND IRON, ? Ferri Carb. (Vallet's), 2 grs. > 3 00 14 75 ( Quinia Sulph., y2 gr. 5 RHEI, U. e p < Pulv. Rhei, 3 grs. ? ' ' ( " Saponis, 1 gr. 5 75 3 50 fPulv. Rhei, 2 grs. A RHEI, COMP., U. S. pJ " M°rrShS°COt" T^grs- f 75 3 50 Ol. Menth. Pip. J (Pulv. Rhei, ~) " El HYDRARG., 7 Mass. Hydrarg., >4 grs 80 Q ( Soda Carb. Ex., J D / 3 /'Ext. Coloc. C., gr. A RHEUMATIC, " ' y3 fn 9° 4 25 I Hydg. Chlor. Mit., y3 gr. I SALICYLIC ACID, 2% grs T 7 2C SANTONIN. 1 er " . T OO / 3 A 7E TPulv. Scillse, % gr. A 4- /D SCILL.E COMP., U. S. P.J r gib. Jamaica, 1 gr. 1 Gum Ammoniac, 1 gr. [ 50 2 25 Saponis, 1% gr. J ( Ext. Sumbul, gr. A SEDATIVE J " Valeriante, gr- 1 bLDAHVL, < ,, Hyoscyami> 75 3 50 - t " Cannob. Ind., 1-10 gr. J ' ( Aloes Socot., STOMACHICA. (Lady Webster.) < Gum Mastich. > 5° 2 ( Flor. Rosas, ) SYPHILITIC, j grS' ? ' / Hyd. Chlor. Corros., 1-40 gr. $ 1 00 4 75 ['Ext. Gentian, 1 gr. J " Humuli, y2 gr. TONIC, ■ Ferri Carb. Sacch., % gr. Ext. Nuc. Vomicas, 1-20 gr. 60 2 75 Res. Podophylli, 1-25 gr. Ol. Res. Zingiber, 1-10 gtt.J (Aloes Socot., 2 grs. T TRIPLEX < Mass. Hydrarg., 1 gr. > ( Podophyllin, % gr. ) / 3 3 3'"' ZINCI VALERIAN, ict 4- Z3 SUGAR-COATED GRANULES. Price per bot. of 500 each. 100 each. ACID, Arsenious, 1-20, 1-30 and 1-50 gr T 7C ACONITIA, 1-60 gr 4° x /3 ATROPIA, 1-60 gr /□ 7t< 3 5° CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, 1-12, 1-20 and 1-40 gr ✓ 3 AO 3 5° T 7C CAULOPHYLLIN, 1-10 gr x /3 T 7C CIMICIFUGIN, 1-10 gr x /d DIGITALIN, 1-60 gr 4° 7C x /3 ELATERIUM, (Clutterbuck's,) 1-10 gr ✓ 3 DC 3 5° EXTRACT Belladonna. (English.) V er yo 4 5° T 7C Ignatia Amara, X gr 4° x /3 i < Cannabis Indica, % gr 2 25 << Hyoscyamus, (English,) 14 gr 2 75 T 7C < < Nuc. Vomica. gr 4° x /3 GELSEMIN. 1-16 gr 4° 1 75 4° 1 75 % gr 5° 2 25 X gr 75 3 50 86 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S SUGAR-COATED GRANULES.(-Continued.) Price per bot. of 100 each. 500 each. HYDRASTIN % gr 95 4 5° HET,ONTN t-io pt 5° 2 25 EEPTANDRIN % gr 4° 1 75 " y2 gr 5° 2 25 Iodide gr . 4° 1 75 " " Red, 1-16 gr 4° 1 75 MORPHIA Acet % gr 7 7° 3 25 " Sulphate, i-io gr 60 2 75 " " gr 70 3 25 " " y gr 80 3 75 " " y gr I 00 4 75 " Valerianate, % gr I 00 4 75 PODOPHYLLIN, i-io gr .. 7 4° 1 75 " % gr 40 1 75 " y gr 5° 2 25 ( Podophyllin, % gr. 4 " Comp., < Ext. Hyoscyam., % gr. z 75 3 5o ( " Nuc. Vomica, 1-16 gr. J STIVER Nitrate, y gr 75 3 5° " Iodide % gr 75 3 5° STRYCHNIA, 1-30, 1-32, 1-40, and 1-60 grs 40 1 75 VERATRIA SULPH., 1-12 gr 50 2 25 Special Recipes made to order when 3,000 Pills are ordered at one time. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 87 Pure Concentrated Medicines, Concentrated Tinctures, Etc. Concentrated Medicines ; OR ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. The list embraces many preparations from Crude materials of recognized officinal medicinal value. Others, though comparatively new to the profession, are fast gaining confidence in their remedial powers. Each preparation represents the full therapeutic virtues of the crude substance from which it is derived. They are definite in constitution and therapeutic power, uniform in medicinal strength, reliable in clinical practice, and not liable to vary, change, or deteriorate by age. We prepare no lactinated articles, nor triturations with foreign substances of any kind. They are put up in bottles of one ounce avoirdupois, and securely sealed to protect them from the action of the atmosphere. Subj'ect to a discount of 30 %. POWDERS. OBTAINED FROM oz. 75 80 5 00 1 50 2 25 1 00 3 00 5 00 1 5o 1 25 3 50 3 00 80 1 00 1 75 1 25 1 50 75 2 75 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 75 1 50 2 00 2 50 6 00 2 25 1 00 2 00 2 00 3 co 1 25 3 00 80 2 50 1 25 2 50 2 00 2 75 i Podophyllin, Mandrake Leptandrin, Culvers Root Aconitin, Aconite Root Ampelopsin, American Ivy Aletrin, Star Grass Alnuin, Tag Alder Bark Apocynin, Bitter Root Atropin, Belladonna Asclepin, Pleurisy Root Baptisin, Wild Indigo Root Barosmin, Buchu Betin, Beets Caulophyllin, Blue Cohosh Cerasein, Choke Cherry Chelonin, Balmony Chimaphilin, Pipsissewa Chionanthin, Fringe Tree Cimicifugin, See Macrotin Collinsonin, Stone Root Colocynthin, Bitter-Apple Cornin, Dogwood Corydalin, Turkey Pea Cypiipedin, Lady Slipper Digitalin, Foxglove Dioscorein, Wild Yam Ergotin, Dose 1-16 io 1-2grain.... Erythroxylin, Coca Leaves Euonymin, Waahoo Eupatorin, ? o . , a r x ' > Boneset (Perfo.) \ ' H'urpu')' \ Queen of the Meadow... Eupurpurin, Queen of the Meadow... Euphorbin, Blooming Spurge Frazerin, American Columbo Gelsemin, Yellow jessamine Geraniin, Cranesbill Gossypiin, Cotton Root Hamamelin, Witch Hazel Helonin, False Unicorn Hydrastin, Goldenseal " Muriate, " POWDERS. OBTAINED FROM oz. 3 50 3 50 1 25 1 25 3 50 1 00 2 50 2 50 1 00 1 50 75 1 50 80 1 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 5o 1 25 1 5° 1 25 2 00 1 75 3 00 2 25 1 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 00 60 75 1 00 2 00 1 00 5° 1 25 75 60 75 Hydrastin, Sulph., Goldenseal Hvoscyamin, Henbane Inulin, Elecampane Irisin, Blue Flair Talapin, jalap Tuglandin, Butternut Leontodin, Dandelion Lobelin, Lobelia Lupulin, Hops Lycopin, Bugle Weed Macrotin, Black Cohosh Menispermin, Yellow Parilla Myricin, Bayberry Phytolacin, ' Poke Root Populin, Poplar Prunin, Wild Cherry Ptelein, Wafer Ash Rhein, Rhubarb Rhusin, Sumach Rumin, Yellow Dock Sanguinarin, Blood Root Scuteliarin, Scullcap Senecin, Life Root Smilacin, Sarsaparilla (Hond) Stillingin, Queens Root Trilliin, Beth Root Veratrin, American Hellebore Viburnin, Cramp Bark Xanthoxylin, Prickly Ash OILS. Oil of Capsicum " Erigeron " Ergot " Ginger (Jamaica) " Lobelia (Lobelia Seed) " Male Fern " Populus " Stillingia Solidago " Xanthoxylum Oleo-Resin of Lobelia 88 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S CONCENTRATED TINCTURES. These Tinctures are among the greatest improvements in modern pharmacy, and embrace the peculiar features for which our preparations have become so celebrated. They combine the essential qualities of definiteness, uniformity, and reliability. The various proximate active principles are isolated singly, divested of all non-medicinal admixture, care- fully estimated and re-dissolved in alcohol in exact proportions. Hence, they resemble a definite solution of Morphia, Quinia, or any other definite vegetable alkaloid, and invariably represent an uniform amount of therapeutic power. They are concentrated definite solutions of the entire medicinal constituents of the plants from which they are severally derived. They are much stronger than any other fluid preparations made from the same articles. Subject to a discount of 30 %. 2OZ. i lb. I bots bots. Aconitum, Aconite Root 60 3 50 Ampelopsis, American Ivy 35 2 00 Aletris, Star Grass 40 2 50 Alnus, Tag Alder 30 1 75 Apocynum, Bitter Root 50 3 00 Atropa, Belladonna 60 3 50 Asclepias, Pleurisy Root 35 2 00 Baptisia, Wild Indigo 30 1 75 Barosma, Buchu 50 3 oo Cannabis, Indian Hemp (F'gn) 50 3 ool Caulophylhim, Blue Cohosh 30 1 75 Cerasus, Choke Cherry Chamomile .• 35 2 00; 35' 2 00; Chelone, Balmony 4° 2 25 Chimaphila, Pipsissewa 35 2 00 Chionanthus, Fringe Tree 5°. 3 00 Cimicifuga, Black Cohosh 30 1 75 Collinsonia, Stone Root 501 3 00 Colocynthis, Bitter Apple 50 3 00 Cornus, Dogwood Corydalis, Turkey Pea Cypripedium, Lady Slipper 35; 2 00 50 3 00 40 2 25 Digitalis, Foxglove 40 2 25 Dioscorea, Wild Yam 40' 2 50, Epigea Repens, Trailing Arbutus.. 35 2 00; Ergota, Ergot 50; 3 00 Erythroxylon, South Amer. Coca.. 1 oo, 6 00' Euonymus, Waahoo Eupatorium > Boneset (Perfo.), S 40 2 50 3° 1 75! Eupatorium ) Queen of the ? (Purpu.), $ Meadow, $ Frazeria, American Columbo. 4°i 2 50! 35' 2 oo' Gelseminum, Yellow Jessamine.. 50' 3 00 Gentiana, Gentian 3° 1 75 Geranium, Cranesbill 3° 1 75 Ginger, Jamaica Ginger.... 35 2 00 Gossippium, Cotton Root Hamamelis, Witch Hazel 45 2 75 35 2 oo, Helonias, False Unicom 45 2 75 Humulus, Hops 35 2 00 Hydrastis, Goldenseal 4° 2 50 2OZ. Ibots i lb. bots. Hydrangea, Seven Barks 35 2 CO Hyoscyamus, Henbane 50 3 00 Iris, Blue Flag 35 2 00 juglans, Butternut Bark 35 2 00 jalapa, Jalap 65 4 00 Krameria, Rhatany 4° 2 25 Leptandria, Culvers Root 35 2 00 Lobelia (Inf.) Lobelia 25 Lycopus, Bugle Weed 35 2 00 M acrotys, Black Cohosh 3° I 75 Menispermum, Yellow Parilla 35 2 00 Myrica, Bayberry 3° I 75 Phytolacca, Poke Root Podophyllum Mandrake •J "J 3° I 75 Populus, White Poplar 35 2 00 Prunus, Wild Cherry 2 00 Ptelea, Wafer Ash 35 2 00 Pulsatilla, 5 00 Rhei, Rhubarb 75 5° Rhus Glab, Sumach 35 * 2 00 Rumex, Yellow Dock 2 co Rubus VIL, Blackberry Root.. . 3° 1 75 Rudebeckia, Thimble Weed.... 4° 2 50 Sabina, Savin 1 5° Sanguinaria, Blood Root 2 00 Scutellaria, Scullcap 40 2 50 Senecio, Life Root 4° 2 ?5 Senna, Alex Senna I Silphium, Rosin Weed 35 2 00 Spigelia, Pink Root 40 2 50 Stillingia, Queens Root 40 2 50 Smilax, Hond's Sarsaparilla. 40 2 50 Taraxicum, Dandelion Root.... 40 2 50 Trillium, Beth Root 2 00 Uva Ursi, I 75 Veratrum, American Hellebore 45 2 75 Viburnum. Cramn Bark 2 50 Xanthoxylum, Prickly Ash 35 2 00 Bronchitis Drops 1 00 5 00 Con Comp. Stillingia Alt 1 00 6 00 Con Collinsonia Comp 50 3 00 Note.-We shall Continue to add to the above list such articles as may be required to upply the demands of the medical profession. In 8-oz. bottles 20 cents per lb. advance from price in 16-oz. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 89 PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. Elixir Cinchona (Calisaya.) Per'gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each. Quart Pints doz. Half-pints 4 75 Quarter-pints 2 50 Ferrated Elixir Cinchona (Calisaya.) Per gallon 5 °o Five-pint bottles each 3 5° Quart 1 45 Pints doz. Half-pints 5 50 Quarter-pints. 3 00 Elixir Pyrophosphate Iron. Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each 3 5o Quart • • 1 45 Pints doz. Half-pints 5 5o Quarter-pints 3 00 Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron, and Bismuth. Per gallon Five-pint bottles each Quart 1 45 Pints doz. Half-pints 5 5o Quarter-pints 3 00 Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron, and Strychnia. Per gallon Five-pint bottles each IS Quart 1 45 Pints doz. Half-pints 5 5o Quarter-pints 3 00 Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron, Bismuth and Strychnia. Per gallon Five-pint bottles each Quart 1 75 Pints doz. Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron, Pepsin and Bismuth. Per gallon 14 00 Five-pint bottles each Quart 3 75 Pints doz. Elixir Citrate Lithia. Per gallon Five-pint bottles each Quart 3 00 Pint doz. 20 OO Elixir Bismuth. Per gallon 6 oo Five-pint bottles each 4 oo Quart 1 75 Pints doz. II oo Half-pints 6 oo Quarter-pints 3 50 Elixir Phosphate Iron, Quinine, and Strychnia. F'er gallon 16 oo Five-pint bottles each IO 25 Quart 4 4° Pints doz. 28 00 Half-pints Quarter-pints Elixir Pyrophosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia. Per gallon 16 00 Five-pint bottles each 10 25 Quart • » 4 4° Pints doz. 28 00 Elixir of the Phosphates and Calisaya. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Quarts 1 25 Pints doz. 8 00 Elixir Valerianate of Ammonia. Per gallon 6 00 Five-pint bottles each 4 00 Quart ; i 75 Pints doz. II 00 Half-pints 6 00 Quarter-pints 3 50 Elixir Valerianate Ammonia and Quinine. Per gallon 16 00 Five-pint bottles each IO 25 Quart 4 4° Pints doz. 28 00 Half-pints Quarter-pints Elixir Valerianate of Strychnia. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Quart 1 25 Pints doz. 8 00 Half-pints 4 75 Quarter-pints 2 50 Elixir Bromide Potassium. Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each 3 5° Quart 1 45 Pints doz. 10 00 Half-pints 5 5° Quarter-pints 3 00 90 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Ferrated Cordial Elixir. Per gallon 4 Five-pint bottles each Quart I 25 Pints doz. 8 oo Half-pints; 4 75 Quarter-pints 2 50 Elixir Gentian Ferrated. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Quart 1 25 Pints doz. 8 00 Half-pints 4 75 Quarter-pints 2 50 Elixir Gentian with Tincture Chloride Iron. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Quart 1 25 Pints doz. 8 00 Elixir Hops. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Quart I 25 Pints doz. 8 00 Half-pints 4 75 ■Quarter-pints 2 50 Elixir Matico Compound. Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each 3 Quart 1 45 Pints doz. 10 00 Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth, and Calisaya Bark. (Per gallon 14 00 Five-pint bottles each 9 00 'Quart 3 75 ■Pints doz. 24 00 Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth, and Strychnia. IPer gallon 14 00 Five-pint bottles each 9 00 •Quart 3 75 Pints doz. 24 00 Half-pints 12 OO Quarter-pints 7 50 Compound Syrup Phosphates. (Chemical Food.) •Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each q qo •Quart 1 45 Pints doz. 10 00 .Half-Pints 5 •Quarter-pints 3 00 Compound Syrup of Hypophos- phites. .1 (Churchill's.) Per gallon Five-pint bottles each 3 5° •Quart < < Pints doz. Half-pints 5 50 • Quarter-pints... • * 3 00 Syrup Superphosphate of Iron. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 °° Quart 1 25 1 Pints doz. 8 oo Half-pints 4 75 Quarter-pints (< 2 5° Comp. Syrup Phosphate of Manganese. Per gallon 9 6o Five-pint bottles each 6 50 Quart 2 75 Pints doz. 17 50 Half-pints 9 00 Quarter-pints < < 5 00 Wine of Pepsin. (Made from the Stomach oi the Pig.) Per gallon 8 00 Five-pint bottles each 5 5° Quart 2 50 Pints doz. 15 00 Half-pints 8 00 Quarter-pints 4 50 Bitter Wine of Iron. Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each 3 5° Quart 1 45 Pints doz. TO CO Half-pints 5 5° Quarter-pints (< 3 00 Wine of Wild Cherry Bark. Per gallon 4 5° Five-pint bottles each 3 2S Quart 1 35 Pints doz. 9 00 Half-pints 5 00 Quarter-pints < < 3 00 Ferrated Wine of Wild Cherry Bark. Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each *3 so Quart 1 45 Pints doz. io 00 Half-pints 5 So Quarter-pints < < 3 00 Elixir Bromide Calcium. Per gallon 8 00 Five-pint bottles each S so Quart 2 50 Pints doz. 15 00 Elixir Bromide Sodium., Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each 3 so Quart 1 45 Pints doz. 10 00 Half-pints S So Quarter-pints < ( 3 00 Syrup Lacto-Phos. Lime. Per gallon 8 00 Five pints each 5 S° Quart 2 so Pints doz. 15 OQ GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 91 Elixir Pepsin and Bismuth. Per gallon 12 OO Five-pint bottles each 8 oo Quart 3 50 Pints doz. 22 OO Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth, Strych- nia, and Iron. Per gallon 14 OO Five-pint bottles each 9 CO Quart 3 75 Pints doz. 24 00 Wine Calisaya. Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Per dozen pints 8 00 Liquid Bismuth. Five-pint bottles each 4 00 Per dozen pints 11 00 Elixir Taraxacum Compound. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Quart 1 25 Per dozen pints 8 00 Elixir Quinia & Cinchonia Fer. Per gallon Five-pint bottles each Quarts Pints doz. Syrup Chloral Hydrat. Per gallon Five-pint bottles Quart Pints each doz. 8 oo 5 50 2 50 15 00 8 00 Half-pints Quarter-pints • • 4 50 Cod-Liver Oil and Hypophos- phites. (Lime and Soda.) Per gallon Five-pint bottles Quart bottles Pints each doz. Beef, Wine, and Iron. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Quart 1 25 Pints doz. Beef and Wine. Per gallon 4 25 Five-pint bottles each 3 00 Per quart 1 25 Pints doz. Beef, Wine, Iron, and Cinchona. Per gallon 5 00 Five-pint bottles each 3 50 Per quart 1 45 Pints doz. IO OO N. B.-AH packages for articles in bulk will be charged extra. GARDNER'S SPECIAL PREPARATIONS. Gardner's Protected Solution of Ferrous Nitrate, i lb. bots doz. IO 20 Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Lime, i " " " " Soda, i " doz. IO 20 doz. IO 20 " " Iron, i " doz. IO 20 " " Potassa, i lb. bots doz. IO 20 " Lime and Soda, i lb. bots .... doz. IO 20 " Lime,Soda,Iron,andPotassa, lib.bots.doz. IO 20 " Iron and Quinine, I lb. bots... . doz. 15 OO " Zinc, i lb. bots doz. 12 OO The Hypophosphites contained in the above preparations are freed from impurities and in a neutral state, in precise accordance with the views of Dr. Churchill. Combinations of these Syrups may be made with Extract Malt, proportions being made at will to suit the case. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with these Syrups is readily prepared by any apothecary, proportions being equal parts Cod Liver Oil and the Hypophosphite Syrups (simple or mixed), one drachm powdered Gum Tragacanth being rubbed with each 8 oz. of Oil first and an equal bulk of Syrup Hypophosphites last. Two drops Ess. Oil Almonds improves the flavor. The Tincture of Curacao Orange Peel added to these Syrups in the proportion of one fluid oz. of Tincture to twelve fluid oz. of Syrup of Hypophosphites, renders them very pala- table and acceptable, and entirely removes the cloying effect of so much sugar. Madeira or Sherry Wine may also advantageously be combined with them, the dose being increased in proportion to the amount of wine added. Elixir of Calisaya Bark may also be combined with them. 92 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S BUTTER OF CACAO SUPPOSITORIES. Per Gross, $4.80. 1. Butter of Cacao. ■ 2. y gr. Opium. 3. 1-6 " 4. y " 5- % " 6. 1 " " 7. 2 8. 3 " 9- 4 " 10. y " Aq. Ext. Opium. 11. y " 12. 1 <> ■• •< 13. 2 14. 1-12 " Sulph. Morphia. 15. % " 16. y 17. y ■■ 18. 1 " " " 19. 1-12 " Acetate Morphia. 20. y8 " 21. y " 22. y " 23. 1 24. 1 " Opium and 2 gr. Tannin. 23. 2 " Opium and 2 gr. Tannin. 26. 1 " Opium and 5 gr. Tannin. 27. 2 " Opium and 5 gr. Tannin. 28. 1 " Opium and 2 gr. Acet. Lead. 29. 2 " Opium and 2 gr. Acet. Lead. 30. 1 gr. Opium and 5 gr. Ace't. Lead. 31. 2 " Opium and 5 gr. Acet. Lead. 32. 2 " Tannin. 33- 5 " 34- 10 " 35. 1 " Ext. Stramonium, and 2 gr. Acet. Lead. 36. y, " Ext. Belladonna. 37 .< .. 38. 1 " " " 39. % " Ext. Belladonna, and iy gr. Acet. Lead. 40. y " Ext. Belladonna, and 3 gr. Acet. Lead. 41. y " each Ext. Stram. and Tannin, 1 gr. Carb. Lead, gtt. ij. Goulard's Ext., and y gtt. Creasote. 42. 3 " lod. Lead, y gr. Ext. Bellad., y gr. Sul. Morph., 5 gr. Tannin. 43. 1 " Opium and 1 gr. Ipecac. 44. 2 " Opium and 2 gr. Ipecac. 45. 1 ' Ext. Stram. and 5 gr. Tannin. I46. i gr. Sulph. Quinine. 47 2 48. 3 49. 4 50. y2 " Opium and y gr. Ext. Belladonna. 51. 1 " Opium and y gr. Ext. Belladonna 52. 2 " Opium and y2 gr. Ext. Belladonna 53-3 " Opium and y2 gr. Ext. Belladonna 54. y " Aq. Ext. Opium & % gr. Ext. Bella. 55. 1 " Aq. Ext. Opium & X gr. Ext. Bella. 156. 1% " Aq. Ext. Opium & y gr. Ext. Bella. 57. 2 " Aq. Ext. Opium & y gr. Ext. Bella. 58. 2 " Aq. Ext. Opium & 1 gr. Ext. Bella. 159. 2% " Aq. Ext. Opium & 1% gr. Ext. Bella 60. 3 " Ext. Krameria. 61. 5 " " 62. 10 " " " 63. 3 " Ext. Hyoscyamus 64. 5 " " 65. 2 " Ext. Hyoscyamus and 1 gr. Aq. Ext. Opium. 66. 4 " Ext. Hyoscyamus and 1 gr. Aq. Ext. Opium. MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL BOOKS. Attfield's Chemistry, cloth each, 2 50 " " sheep " 3 00 Beasley's Formulary " 2 25 " Prescriptions " 2 25 " Receipts " 3 25 Bentley's Medical Botany " 600 Chase's Receipts, New Edition... " 1 75 Cleaveland's Medical Lexicon.... " 125 Dick's Encyclopedia " 450 Druggists' Price-Book " 2 50 Dunglison's Dictionary, cloth.... " 5 50 " " sheep.. . " 6 00 " New Remedies " 3 50 Ellis' Formula " 2 75 Elmer's Physicians'Hand-Book.. " 1 75 Fownes' Chemistry, cloth " 2 50 " " sheep " 3 00 German Pharmacopoeia " 2 00 Gray's Lessons in Botany " 1 25 " Manual of Botany " 2 00 Griffith's Formula, cloth " 4 00 " " sheep " 4 50 Griffith's Medical Botany each, 4 50 Gruner's German Pharmacopoeia, " 2 00 Hobbs' Botanical Hand-Book, sheep King's American Dispensatory... " 9 50 Parrish's Pharmacy, cloth " 4 50 " " sheep " 5 50 Physicians' Visiting Lists " 1 00 Piesse & Lubin on Perfumery.... " Pollack's Botanical Index " 1 50 " 3 50 Redwood's Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia Ritter's Manuals " 50 " IO OO Rudolphy's Pharmaceutical Di- rectory " 2 50 Rudolphy's Chemical and Phar- maceutical Directory Tilden's Formula, cloth " 1 25 U. S. Dispensatory, 1877 " 7 25 U. S. Pharmacopoeia, cloth " 1 60 " " sheep " 2 00 Warren's Household Physician... " 550 " 5 oo GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 93 DYE-WOODS- Bar Wood, Ground in bbls., about 130 lbs lb. 3 Barbary Root, Cut " ' 125 " lb. 6 BrazilWood, Ground, " ' 130 " lb. 4 Cam Wood, Ground, ■ " ' 130 " lb. 5 Cam Wood, Extra, Ground, " ' 13° " lb. 6 Fustic, Cut, " ' 13° " lb. 2 Fustic, Ground, " ' 130 " lb. 2% Fustic, Cuba, Cut, " ' 13° " lb. Fustic, Cuba, Ground, " ' 130 " lb. Green Ebony, Cut, " ' 130 " ..... lb. 4 Green Ebony, Ground, " ' 130 " lb. 4% Hache Wood, Cut, " ' 130 " lb. 3 Hypernic, Cut, " ' 120 " lb. 4 Hypernic, Ground, " ' 120 " lb. 4K Lima Wood, Cut, " ' 13° " lb. Lima Wood, Ground, " ' 130 " lb. - Log Wood, St. Domingo, Cut, " ' 13° " lb- IX Log Wood, St. Domingo, Gr'd, " * 130 " lb. 2 LogWood, Campeachy, Cut, " ' 13° " lb. 2 LogWood, Campeachy, Gr'd, " ' 13° " lb. 2% Nic Wood, Cut, " ' 120 " lb. 3 Peach Wood, Ground, " ' 130 " lb. 4 Quercitron Bark, " ' 13° " lb. 2% Red Sanders, Ground, '* 4 120 " lb. 3% Red, Wood, Cut, " ' 125 " lb. Sapan Wood, Cut, " * ' 130 " lb. 3 Sapan Wood, Ground, " 13° " lb. 3% Sumac, Sicily, in bags, ' ■ 150 " lb. 6 Sumac, Virginia, " ' 150 " lb. 4 Turmeric, Ground, Dark, in bbls., ' ' 130 " lb. IO Turmeric, Ground, Light, " ' 13° " lb. 10 Woad, English, in casks, ' lb. Woad, German, " ' lb. Weld, << lb- %* In addition to the above, we are supplied with all adjuncts of dyeing purposes, Madder Compound, Iron Liquor, Extract Safflower, Tin Crystals, etc. etc., all of which will be found under their proper head. 94 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Patent Medicines and Proprietary Articles. Note.-For English, French, and German Articles, not specified here, see page T27. Doz. Gross- Acid, Lemon, W. FI. S. & Co.'s 1 25 13 50 " Phosphates, Hosford's, small 4 oo " " " large 8 oo Alkethrepta q 2q 60 00 Allevantor, Briggs' 8 oo Alleviator, Briggs' Corn 4 oo 46 00 " Tutt's Pain I 62 18 00 Alterative, Jayne's 7 60 " " Spanish gold, 7 60 " Louden's 7 5° " McClintock's 8 00 93 00 " Pierce's 7 25 " Rose's 7 5° 87 00 Amboline, Kendall's 7 00 Ambrosia, Reeves' 6 50 72 00 " Ring's 6 25 72 00 " Sterling's 7 90 00 Anakesis 7 90 00 Annihilator, Hedges', F. & A 11 00 129 oo 11 Wolcott's Pain, small 1 75 20 OO " " " medium 3 50 40 OO •' " " large 7 00 80 OO Anisette, Disbrow's 1 75 l8 OO Anodyne, Grove's 2 00 22 50 " Hunnewell's Tolu ;... 3 5° 40 OO " Sand's Clove 1 75 19 50 " Shaker's 2 30 OO " Townsley's T. A 1 50 Antidote, Jeffries' 7 00 81 00 " Watts' Nervous 7 5° 87 00 Aperient, Bailey's Saline 3 75 42 00 " Close's Tonic, 6 oz 3 00 " " " 8 oz 6 00 " Fish's Saratoga, small 3 75 " " " large 7 50 " Tarrant's Seltzer 8 00 95 00 " Winchell's 6 00 Aqua Renis 8 00 Assimilant, O. P. Brown's 14 50 168 00 August Flower, Green's, trial size 85 9 5° at «« •• 5 5° 63 00 Axle Grease, Hardy's 1 00 10 50 Balm, Brown's Woodland 3 75 44 00 " Cook's, of Life 7 75 90 00 " Cooper's Magnetic 185 21 00 " Fetridge's 1000 Flowers 4 5o " Forsha's, small . „ 3 42 00 . " " large 7 84 00 " Graefenberg Consumptive's 9 00 10 3 00 " Hagan's Magnolia 5 25 60 00 " Harter's Lung _ 4 48 00 " Marsden's Pectoral, small 3 75 " " " large 7 00 " Metcalfe's Cough 7 50 87 00 " Miller's Magnetic I 85 21 OO " Norwegian 8 50 " Rush's Lung 8 00 93 00 " Zanthorea, small 2 " " large Balsam, Adamson's, small 2 65 31 00 " " large 5 25 60 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 95 -- Doz. I Gross. | Balsam Allen's Limp 7 oo 81 00 ' ' A )idemon v A>heumatic 4 oo 45 00 " Arnold's Seth, Diarrhoea .. i 85 j 21 oo! " Becker's Eye 1 75 1 18 00' " Bishop's Cough 3 00 " Blackman's, small 2 75 ! ao oo1 " large 5 3o 6o 00 " Boswell's W. C. and Tar q 30 1 " Brant's 7 75 90 00 " Bristol's Horehound 1 75 20 OO " Brown's Acacian 7 30 86 40 " Buchan's Hungarian 8 00 93 00 " Carter's 3 30 " Cheesman's Arabian 3 73 " Christie's Ague 7 30 " Coe's Cough, small 2 75 " Cutler's Blackberry 2 25 " Denton's i 8s 21 00 " Folger's Olosaonian . 8 00 90 00 " Fitch's Pulmonary 8 75 " Gardiner's, Mrs 4 00 <b " Hall's Lung 7 30 7 00 " Haynes' Arabian I 65 19 00, " Hermance's Lung 3 " Hill's, of Honey I 00 9 00 " Hyatt's Life 8 00 03 00 " " " A. B., double 12 50 144 co " Irish's Lung 4 OO " Jackson's Magic, small. F. " " " medium i 75 3 3° " " " large 7 00 " Keating's Horehound, small 1 65 18 00 " Knapp's Cough, small 1 90 " " " - large 3 80 " Mansfield's Hungarian 7 5° 84 00 " Masta's Pulmonic 5 73 " Miller's 3 85 44 OO " Mingay's Cojigh, small i 75 " " " medium 3 30 " " " large 7 50 " Park's W. C. and Tar, small 3 5° " " " " " large 7 00 " Peckham's 2 50 28 50 " Pettit's Canker 1 5° 15 00 " " " io gross. 14 00 " Porter's, Madame, small 1 90 21 60! " " " medium 3 80 " " " large 5 70 64 80 " Powell's Aniseed 6 00 " Prior's 3 30 " Reed & Cutler's Pulmonary, small 3 9° " " " " large 8 00 " Roman Eye 1 75 IQ qo' " Rush's, of White Mustard, small 2 00 " large . 3 3o 39 00 " Sanford's Lung, small 2 00 " " " large 4 00 42 00 11 Sawen's Cough, small 3 5° " " < " large 5 50 " Seabury's " small i 75 " " " large 3 30 " Siliman's " 1 75 " Strickland's Cough 3 75 " Taylor's, of Liverwort 8 00 " Turlington's : 75 8 00 " Uncle Sam's Blackberry I 50 " Van Deusen's Cough 2 75 " Wells' Throat and Lung, small 2 OO " " " " " medium 4 00 " " " " " large 8 00 " Wistar's Wild Cherry, small 4 00 47 00 " " " " large 8 00 93 00 96 Doz. Gross. Balsam, Wood's Lung 6 50 Banisher, Upham's Pimple 3 8 5° " Vincent's " 00 Barley, Robinson's Patent, i lb. papers 38 15 00 Bayberine 7 5° 87 00 Bay Rum Genuine W H. S. & Co.'s 00 Bay Spirit, Double Distilled, A. H. Riise 00 Beef and Milk, Blanchard's 16 00 " Carbonized Trosseau's 8 50 50 00 96 00 " Essence of, London M'f'g Co.'s, 2 oz. cans 3 6 4° 00 " " " " " 4 oz. " 68 00 " F lour of, Hawley's 00 129 34 60 " Fluid, Johnston's, No. 1 3 5 8 00 20 " " " " 2 00 S7 OO " " " " q 50 00 97 64 OO " Peptone, Hawlev s 6 80 Bellows, Insect, small I 75 11 " medium 3 4 5° Benzine, Collas 00 45 11 00 " Dawson's 00 00 " De Pau's 75 37 20 00 " Hegeman's I 15 So " Lubin's 50 50 00 " Pratt's 16 5° " Sylvester's " Union 75 8 00 " W. H. S. & Co.'s 00 9 00 Biokrene 7 5° Bird Gravel, Singer's, quarts 50 " Sand, Sheppard's, small 30 50 30 60 " " " large " " Spaulding's, small " " " largfe " " Thorburn's 75 00 Biscotine, Delluc's 6 69 00 Biscuits, Spratt's Dog, cases, 112 lbs lb. Blister, Brown's Horse 6 IO 00 Bitters, Angostura, Genuine 00 " Argyle 8 00 " Atwood's Jaundice, flat 50 5° 5° 27 00 " " " octagon 27 00 " " Quinine Tonic 8 99 00 " Baxter's 21 00 " Boerhave's Holland 7 12 8 75 " Boker's Stomach " Bull's Cedron 50 5° 5° 38 " Coca 8 " Drake's Plantation 8 99 00 " Dromgoold's English Female 9 8 00 105 00 " Frazer's 00 " Graefenberg Health I 75 18 00 " Green's Oxygenated 7 75 9° 00 " Gouley's 5° 5° " Hartshorn's 6 " Hibbard's W. C., small 6 00 " " " large 00 " Higbv's Tonic 8 00 9° 00 " Highland or Scotch Tonic, Old Style, bbl. shape 7 6 50 00 84 00 " " " " " New " square 66 00 " Homestead 8 5° " Hoofland's German 8 00 03 00 " Hop 7 8 50 38 87 00 " Hostetter's Stomach 99 00 " Hurley's 7 75 9° 00 " Jacobs' small .* '** " large 8 00 " Knapp's Restorative " Langley's, small 6 00 75 " " medium 5 7 6 5° " " large 00 " M :Guire's Cundurango 00 " Mishler's Herb 8 00 93 00 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 97 | Doz. Gross. Bitters Moffat's Phoenix 7 5° 87 OO " Poor Man's, small 2 OO 22 SO " " large 8 00 9 3 00 " Porter's Madame small I 90 21 60 " " " lame 3 80 43 20 " Quaker 8 38 99 OO " Richardson's Sherry Wine 8 2s 96 OO " Richardson's Jaundice, dry 4 5° 51 OO " Roback's 8 25 93 00 " Root's 8 00 " Rush's Stomach 8 25 M Russ' San Domingo 7 75 M Sawens' 8 25 M Slingerland's 8 25 " Speer s Wine 8 50 " Wahoo 8 25 " Walker's Vinegar 8 38 qq 00 " Wilders 8 50 IOO OO Blacking (see page 163). Bloom of Youth Baird's s 50 63 OO Bluing, Sawyer's Pepper-Box, small 30 a 3 oo, " " " large 50 5 OO " " Liquid, small 75 " " " large I 00 " Van Deusen's Powder, small 25 2 50 " " " large 37 3 75 Boraxine 1 75 Borax Smith's, i lb papers 2 00 " % lb 1 " I IO Brick, Allan's Fly, (100 in box) box 5 00 Bromidia 8 50 Bromo-Chloralum, Tilden's. 3 75 44 00 Bronchials, Brown's 1 so 17 5°, Bronchine 7 SO Buchu (see Extract, page 103). Camphorine, Hoyt's 1 75 20 OO Camphor Fluid, Murray's 4 00 42 OO Candy, Hamilton s Cough I OO 10 so: " Harter's Vermifuge i 5° 15 00 " Hurley's Worm 1 3« 15 00 " Judson's " I so 16 50 " Mansfield's Santonine Worm 1 5° 15 oo1 " Mrs. Winslow's Worm 1 5° 16 50 " Nick's Worm . 1 65 " Schenck's Pulmonic 1 75 I 800 " Storm's Cough 75 Cankerine, Velpau's I 75 Capsules Apiol, Joret's, small, 7 OO " " " large 14 OO " Castor Oil, Am. Soft Capsule Co 2 OO 21 60 " " " Dundas Dick & Co.'s 4 OO 45 60 " " " Gedney's No. 1 I OO II 00 " " " " " 2 2 OO 22 OO " " " " " 3 3 °o 33 00 " " " Plan ten's " 1 1 25 13 So " " " " " 2 2 25 24 30' " " " " " 3 3 25 35 IO " " " Queru's " i I OO 10 80 " " " " " 2 2 OO 21 60! " Cod Liver Oil, Am. Soft Capsule Co 2 OO 21 60: " " " Dundas Dick & Co.'s 4 00 45 bo| " " Queru's, No. 2 2 OO 21 60 " " " and Iodide Iron, Am. Soft Capsule Co. 3 00 32 40 " " " " " " Dundas Dick & Co.'s.. 4 00 45 60 " Copaiva, Am. Soft Capsule Co 2 OO 21 60 " " Dundas Dick & Co.'s 4 OO 4S 60 " " Gedney's No. 1 87 9 50 " " " " 2 I 60 17 50 " 3 2 50 27 00 " " Planten's " 1 90 9 75 " 2 I 60 17 25 98 Doz. Gross. Capsules, Copaiva, Queru's, No. i 80 8 64 " " " " 2 1 5° l6 20 " " " " 3 2 20 23 75 " " in vials, Queru's, No. 3 3 00 32 40 " Swan s, No. 1 . 75 8 50 " 2 I 42 16 25 " " " 3 2 OO 22 80 " " and Cubebs, Am. Soft Capsule Co 4 OO " " " Dundas Dick & Co.'s 6 00 68 40 " " " Gedney's No. 1 I 25 13 50 " " " 2 2 5° 27 00 " " 3 3 75 40 00 " Planten's " 1 I 40 15 25 " " " 2 2 70 29 25 " " " 3 3 85 41 5o " Queru s " 1 1 25 13 5° " " 2 2 50 27 00 " . . , " " 3 3 60 39 00 " in vials, " " 3 4 50 48 60 " Swans, " 1 I OO II 40 " " " " 2 2 OO " " " " " 3 Q OO Jujube, Empty, Planten's, Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 □•+ " Mathey-Caylus Balsam of Copaiva " " " and Cubebs " " " and Citrate of Iron. 6 50 " " and Rhatany 6 5° " " Cubebs and Rhatany. 6 50 " " Cubebs and Carbon- ate of Iron " " " Cubebs and Alum.... 6 so " " and Magnesia 6 50 " " and Catechu " " and Subnitrate of Bis- muth " " Pepsin and Subnitrate of Bismuth 6 Co " " and Tannic Acid 6 so " " and Norway Tar 6 50 " Cubebs, pure " " and Turpentine 6 co " " and Tannate of Iron " Venetian Turpentine 6 50 " Norway Tar 6 co " Matico Cubebs and Cop., Am. Soft Capsule Co " " Dundas Dick & Co.'s " Injection, Dundas Dick & Co.'s 81 00 " Mothe's Balsam of Copaiva 6 25 " " and Cubebs " Cubebs " Norwegian Tar, Dundas Dick & Co.'s " Oil Male Fern, and Kamala, Am. Soft Capsule Co.... 5 00 54 00 " Dundas Dick & Co.'s.... 5 00 57 co " Oil Sandal Wood, Am. Soft Capsule Co 8 00 86 40 " Dundas Dick & Co.'s 151 20 " " " " Planten's T/| OO TO OO IO8 OO " Oil Turpentine, Am. Soft Capsule Co Dundas Dick & Co.'s " " " Planten's " Raquin's Copaiva " andiron 9 5° " " and Cubebs 9 5° " " and Matico 9 5° O CO Carboline Carminative, Dalby's Am / bu " English, genuine , x 8 co 13 5° Dixon's Blackberry T 7C " Filler's i 8c " Hart's x °b Tayne's, small 2 8c " '* large q 80 " Spanish gold. 3 2 OO W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. Doz. Gross. Carminative, Louden's 2 75 " Marsden's 7 75 " Nelson's 8 00 Castoria Pitchers 2 75 32 OO Catholicon, Marchisi's 12 50 144 OO 11 Marshall's 8 75 102 OO Cement, Byer's White Rubber I co 16 50 " Brown's, Chinese x 0 1 75 " Conglutine 1 5° 16 50 " Dey's 1 75 18 00 " Edes' Diamond 1 5° " Forncrook's I Q7 15 00 " Freese's, American Mender x 0/ I Q7 15 00 " Harris' x 0/ 1 5° 15 00 " Hilton's 1 25 IQ CO " Hodgson's Diamond 1 co x0 " Hunnewell's x 0 1 75 20 OO " Kay's Coaguline 1 5° " Patten's Liquid Glass 1 75 l8 OO " Painters', Diamond T co 17 00 " Peasley's, small x T 75 " Van Stans' Stratena 1 5° T5 OO " Turner's Liquid Glass 1 25 IQ CO Cerate, Weaver's 2 87 x0 0'"' Charcoal, Ellis' Willow 1 75 j8 CO " Belloc's Vegetable 7 00 " W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Vegetable 1 75 l8 OO Charm, Packer's 1 8q Chewing Gum, Adams', India Rubber box, 30 x u0 " " Cotter's Triumph Mexican box, 75 " Curtis'Spruce, in lumps box, 75 " in sticks box, 50 " Wharton's Tolu box, 1 13 " White Mountain box, 35 Chlorodyne, Brown's, small 4 2C " " medium 0 j2 OO tq.A on " " large 20 OO " " extra large r I OO onj on CdO co " Hegeman's 0 C CO 60 00 Cholagogue, Osgood's 0 0 i3 oo Cider and Wine, Anti-Ferment Brewers 4 OO TjO on Cigarettes, Espic's c 7C " Norton's 0 / 0 7 OO St on " Lancelot's Asthmatic 6 00 Cloverine, small 1 2c TQ CO " large * 0 1 co x0 Cocin, Phalon's x q 7C Cocoaine, Burnett's 0 / 0 7 CO 87 QO Collodion, Ellis' Cantharidal / *3 CO " Maynard & Noyes' 0 2 2C Coloris, Sackett's 6 00 Colorific, Boswell & Warner's 6 7C Color Perfected Butter, W. R. & Co.'s, Sample 60 " " " Small 2 00 22 CO " " " " " " Medium /| OO 0'-' A C OO " " " " " " Large 8 00 4"0 OQ OO Comedone, Perry's 7 T Q 7C t6o on Comfits, Brown's Worm ■LJ /0 T CO T? cn Compound, Bach's American n 7C x/ 0M " Clark's Antibilious / /0 7 7C (jn no " Gardner's Rheumatic / /0 8 00 QO OO OQ OO " German Worm 2 2c " Graefenberg Sarsaparilla 7 OO 72 OO " Hayden's Viburnum, 1 lb. bots 2T OO " lb. " 12 OO " Johnson's Rheumatic 1 CO " juhlin's Hydrastin / n 2C " Mansfield Rheumatic / TO OO " Poland's White Pine a Co " Rush's Fever and Ague / 8 00 Confections, Barrell's Worm....; T CO t6 Co " Bull's Worm 0'-' I 50 16 50 99 100 ConfectionS Flemincr's Worm . . . . Doz. Gross. 1 50 1 65 1 50 16 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 16 50 1 75 1 75 20 00 7 50 2 50 28 00 2 75 3i 50 75 8 00 7 00 81 00 12 00 8 38 99 00 1 67 19 00 16 00 4 00 4 00 45 00 7 75 9° 00 8 00 4 5o 9 00 6 50 13 00 3 50 36 00 60 to 70 45 t0 50 3 5o 36 00 60 to 70 45 to 5o 60 to 70 45 t0 50 3 50 36 00 60 to 70 45 to 50 2 ool 21 00 3 5°| 36 00 2 OOi 21 OO 3 5° 36 00 60 to 70 45 to 50 2 00 21 00 3 50 36 00 60' to 70 45 to 50 45 to 50 35 to 40 3° to 35 1 75 3 50 12 00 1 75 3 5° 1 67 19 00 30 3 °° 4 00 1 75 5 00 3 75 8 00 94 00 8 00! 3 50 6 50 1 75 7 50 87 00 4 00 18 00 200 00 3 50 12 00 1 75 19 00 " Pledges' 11 44 Holloway's " 44 Kunkel's Worm " Spalding's 'Throat 44 Van Deiisen's Worm Cordial Arnold's Teethinc. 44 Rowers' Tn fa nt 44 Pitler's Kidney 44 Foord's 'Tonic 44 Fosgate's 44 Godfrey's 44 Jacob's " Kidder's Mrs 44 McKean's 44 Monell's 'Teething 44 Morse's Invigorating 44 Stabler's Diarrhoea 44 Winchester's Gough ,f Wishart's Pine Tree 44 • Wood's Restorative Corn Killer, Aunt Sally's (see Killer, page 107). Corrector Fitch's Riliary small 44 44 44 laro'e 44 44 Heart small 44 44 44 larsre Cosmoline, Houghton's Camphorated, 3% oz. bots " " " 1 lb. cans lb. " " " 5 & 10 lb. cans lb. " " Carbolated, oz. bots " " " 1 lb. cans lb. " " " 5 & 10 lb. cans lb. " " Cerate 1 lb. cans lb. " " " 5 & 10 lb. cans. lb. " " Fluid, 3K oz. bots " " " 1 lb. cans lb. " " " 5 & 10 lb. cans lb. " " Pomade, small " " " large 44 44 Plain small 44 44 44 larp'e 44 " " 1 lb. cans lb. " " " 5 & 10 lb. cans lb. " " Rose Perfumed, small " " " " large " " " " 1 lb. cans lb. " " " " 5 & 10 lb. cans lb. " " Veterinary, 1 lb. cans lb. " " " 5 & 10 lb. cans lb. " 25 & 50 lb. cans lb. Cotton Rowland's Styptic small 44 44 44 Cream Gourand's Oriental " Warn's Camphor small 44 44 44 large Crystals Idaho Gum 44 Washing . Curative Rriggs' Corn 44 Rull's Diarrhoea f5lire Adams' Forest 44 Alden's Catarrh " Ayer's Ague 44 Raiser's Fever and Ague 11 Rennett's Ouick 44 Butler's Mange 44 Cary's Cou°ph 41 Coe's Dyspepsia 44 Cook's Corn and Runion 44 Craig's Kidney 44 Curtis's Whoopin p- Cough 44 Dennin's Certain • " Dillow's Heave W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. Doz. Gross. Cure Dodd's Fever 7 75 " Farnham's Asthma IQ qc " Fowle's Pile and Humor 7 75 u Gregory's Instant 3 75 " Guild's G. M. Asthma 11 50 126 OO " Harter's Fever and Ague q 25 60 OO " Hartshorn's No. 18, small 2 00 " " " 18, large 4 00 " Hermance's Asthma 7 00 78 OO " Himrod's Asthma 7 so 84 OO " Howe's Ague 7 5° " " Arabian Milk 8 00 " Hoyt's Dyspepsia 8 00 Q 3 OO " Jayne's Ague 7 60 " " " Spanish gold. 7 60 " Kendall's Spavin 8 00 90 OO " Kennedy's Catarrh 15 00 * ' Klutz's Chill 3 75 " Knapp's Throat 2 75 30 OO " Daubach's Worm * 1 5° " Dockwood's Catarrh 3 75 " Marsden's Cholera 7 5° " Norton's Catarrh 7 75 " Perry's Corn and Bunion 1 5° " Piso's Consumption, small 3 87 45 00, " " " large 7 75 90 OO " Read's Asthma 1 75 " Rhodes' Fever and Ague 6 5° " Rogers' Fever 7 SO " Rossman's Pile 3 SO 39 00 " Sanford s Radical J o 8 25 96 OO " Shiloh's Consumption, trial 75 " " " small 3 5o 40 OO " " " large 7 00 80 OO " Talcott's Magic, small 4 00 45 00 " " " large 7 50 87 00' " Trousseau's Carbonized Fresh Meat 8 50 96 OO " Uncle Sam's Cough, small 1 5° " " " " large 3 75 " Upham's Asthma 3 7S " " Fresh Meat 0 / 0 7 7S 90 OO " Weaver's Canker / / 0 *3 7S " Welling's Headache kJ / J 2 OO 22 SO " Wilton's Catarrh, small 3 7S Cuticle, Judd's Liquid kJ / 0 2 2S Cuticura, small 4 25 " large 8 qo " Resolvent.. 8 50 Dead Shot, Dutcher's, for Bugs, small 1 85 21 OO' " " " " " large 3 7° " " Emerson's, " Horses 3 75 " " Peery's, " Worms 1 65 18 OO Dentonic, Colton's j 00 45 00 Dermador, Anderson's, small j 85 " " large 3 7° 42 OO Destroyer, Egyptian Rat 1 25 " Hutchinson's Worm 1 so Discovery, Kennedy's Medical IQ OO " Nathan's Crystal 8 00 " Pierce's Medical 7 so Disinfectant, Girondin, quarts / 4 00 " 5-gallon demijohns each, 5 co 10 " kegs each, 650 half bbls., 20 gallons each, 10 co bbls., 40 " each, 20 00 Dissolvent, Kennedy's Rheumatic 12 50 Dragees, Bonjean's Ergotine, small 4 SO " " " large 9 00 " Clin's Bromide of Camphor 16 OO " Fougera's, of Iron, Pyrophos 4 00 " " Santonine Comp 4 00 " Guffroy's Cod Liver Oil, small 6 00 1 101 102 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Boz. Gross. Dragdes, Guffroy's Cod Liver Oil, medium IO 00 " " " " " large 00 " Quevenne's, Iron by Hydrogen, small 7 11 5° " " " " large 00 11 " " " with spoon 8 00 Dressing, Brown's French I 00 IO 5° " " Blistering 6 00 Drops, American Life 3 1 00 " Bailey's Tooth Ache 5° " Bardotte's Worm 00 " Bateman's 75 20 8 00 " Brummell's Cough 13 21 50 00 " Bull's Pain OO " Edwards' Toothache 1 5° 15 00 " Harter's Soothing 1 5° 15 00 " Houseman's Cough 3 3 3 75 " Hurlbut's Tracheal 50 3Q 00 " Koenig's Hamburg 5° 39 13 00 " Kornoran's Cough 25 50 5° " " Pine Tar 75 8 " Marshall's Pine Tree Tar 3 1 5° " Miner s Botanic 5° " Mingay's Toothache 1 62 " Pike's Toothache 75 18 00 " Schlumberger & Cerckel's Salicylic Acid 6 00 " Sun Cholera I " Turner's Toothache 00 IO 00 " Wilson's Neuropathic 4 1 00 45 00 " Wishart's Worm 50 75 16 00 Dry Up, Wadsworth's 7 Dye Colors, Excelsior 75 " 4< Handy Package 10 " " Howe & Stevens 1 18 00 " '4 Leamon's 1 65 18 00 " " " trial size 88 9 So " " Star 1 65 Electro Silicon : 1 IO 12 00 Electuary, Upham's Pile 7 9 10 25 84 00 Elixir, Bark, C. & H.'s Simple 00 " " " Ferro-Phos 5° " " Delluc's IO 5° " " Hegeman's Simple 9 8 00 102 00 " " " Ferrated 5° 96 00 M " Mansfield's " 7 IO 5° 84 00 " " Milhau's 50 " " " Ferrated IO 50 " " Nichols', and Iron 7 24 24 3 11 5° 87 00 " Bernard's Tonic 00 " Guarana, Brewer s, i lb. bots 00 * * " " 2 OZ. " 25 " Pepsin, Boudault's 00 " " Grimault s IO 00 " Down's small 2 75 3° 00 " " large 8 co " Ducro's Alimentary IO Harter's Wild Cherry 6 5° 75 00 " McMunn's, of Opium 3 9 7 37 4° 00 " Swaim's Stomachic 00 Tarrant's, of Rhubarb 5° " Tilden's Iodo Brom. Calc. Co II 00 126 00 " Wayne's Diuretic 8 00 " White's Pulmonary 2 75 3° 00 " Wheeler's Calisaya and Phosphates 8 5° 00 " Wright's Eung 4 4 00 Eilxirs, Pharmaceutical (see page 89). Embrocation, Powell's, small 00 " " large 8 co " Robert's 2 75 00 " Roche's I? Emulsion, Pancreatic, Savory & Moore's, 4 oz 9 16 00 11 " " " 8 oz 5° " " " " 16 oz 30 co GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. Eradicator, Parret's Doz. 1 50 3 50 6 00 25 50 3 75 3 5o 2 60 I 80 3 60 3 25 1 65 1 5° 1 5o 7 5° 7 00 I 5° 8 75 4 00 7 60 7 60 7 50 4 00 7 5° 1 37 2 75 I 50 1 5° 1 50 5 So 4 00 7 00 8 00 7 5° 7 5° 7 00 7 75 8 00 7 50 II 00 5 50 8 00 5 75 2 00 15 00 3 5o 7 00 14 00 1 75 3 5o 3 5o 3 5° 6 00 6 00 16 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 10 50 10 50 7 50 12 00 12 00 5 50 13 00 1 75 2 00 Gross. 40 00 68 00 2 SO 4 80 43 00 33 00 21 00 42 00 36 00 18 00 15 00 15 0° 42 00 84 00 15 00 30 00 16 50 15 00 90 00 84 00 90 00 90 00 126 00 18 00 40 oc 40 oc 40 oc 84 oc 84 0 84 00 84 oc 84 oc 120 OC 120 OC 84 OC 138 00 138 00 144 00 20 OO Essence of Beef, London M'f'g Co.'s, 2 oz. cans " " " " "4 oz. " " Coffee, Hummell's, in foil " " " in tin " Ginger, Brown's " ■" Holloway's " " Mansfield's " " Williams', small " " " large " " W. H. S. & Co.'s " Life, Moore's " Marivallosa " Mustard, Whitehead's " Pepsin, Liebrich's " " Schering's Ethylene (Perfumed Benzine,' Expectorant, Fitch's " ' Hegeman's, Tolu & Liverwort " Jayne's " Spanish gold. " Loudens " Stabler's " Tutt's Exterminator, Costar's Rat, small " " " large " Duboy's " " Isaacsen's Sure Pop " Parsons' Extract Beef, Borden's. (Manufacture discontinued.) " " Liebig's (see page 131). " Benne Pi t, McGuire's " Bitter Apple, Patterson's " Buchu, Byrn's " " Helmbold's " " Kearney's " " Mansfield's Compound " " Parker's •' " Risley's " " Rush's, and Iron " " Smolander's " Copaiva and Sarsaparilla, Thorn's Gen " " " " " Imit. " Cubebs and Copaiva, Tarrant's " " " " Tenny's " Dandelion, Brewer's " Ginger Ale, Hays' " Hamamelis, Sanford's, 8 oz " " " 18 oz " " " 40 oz " Licorice, Smith's, small " " " large " Malt, Hoff's (Tarrant's) " " " (Vogeler's) " " Loefland's " " McPherson s, 1 lb. bot " " McPherson s, 3 lb. " " " Trommer's, with Hops (Plain) " " " with Pyrophbs. of Iron (Ferrated) " " " with Cod Liver Oil " " " " and Iodide of Iron. . " " " " and Phosphorus.... " " " " Hypophosphites " " " " Iodides " 11 " " Alteratives " " " " Citrate of Iron and Quinia " " " " Pepsin " " and Iron, Schering's " Pinus Canadensis, Kennedy's, % pints " " " " pints " Roots, Dutcher's, for Beer " " Knapp's, for Beer, small 103 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 104 Fxtract Roots Knapp's for Beer large Doz. 4 00 Gross. " " " " " quarts 33 00 " Sandal Wood Gaudichaud s, small 8 00 " " " " large 10 50 " Smartweed Carter's small 8 88 " Pierce's 3 73 42 00 " Valerian Brown s 3 28 86 00 " Wheat Blanchard's 8 00 " Wild Cherry Wilder's 8 50 99 00 " Witch Hazel, bulk gall., I 50 " " " Humphrey's, small 3 5o " " " " medium 7 00 " " " " large 14 00 " " " and Arnica Cole's q 30 " Pond's, small 3 73 " " " " medium 7 So " " " " large IS 00 Fxtractor Ruttrick's Crease 1 5° " Brother Jonathan's 1 5° " Perry's Crease 1 75 Farina, Hecker's, 1 lb. papers, boxes 48 lbs box, 5 50 " " y2 lb. " " 24 lbs box, 325 Farine Sea Moss 2 25 Febrin and Wheat Blanchard's 16 00 Firwein Tilden's, i lb. bots 12 OO 129 60 " " y2 ib. " 6 50 70 20 Floral Bloom Brown's 7 5° Flour, Hawley's Diabetic, 1 lb. packages 5 So 59 40 " Shedden's " 12 oz. packets 3 So " " " 10 lb. case each, 3 75 " " Gluten, 10 lb. case each, 2 40 Fluid, Bogie's Hyperion, small . 4 00 " " " medium 8 00 " " " large 16 00 " Darby's Prophylactic 3 75 42 00 " DeCrath's 7 So " Shaw's Silver Plating 8 80 " Upham's Curling 3 75 Food Blair's Prepared Wheat " Blanchard's Fat Forming 12 OO " " Life 12 OO " Comstock's Rational, small 3 00 " " " large 5 00 " Dupont's Blood 8 00 " Gerber's Milk 4 80 <f Fiard's Farinaceous small 8 80 " " " large 6 50 " Hooper's Fatal 4 00 " Hawley's (Liebig's) Infant, small 2 50 " " " " large 4 50 " Horlick's small . 3 73 " " larp'e 7 50 " Jewell's Cereal small 4 20 " " *■ large 7 20 " Mellin's, small 00 " " large. 8 co " Mocking Bird, Champion, y lb 1 60 " " " i lb 2 80 " " Reiches 4 5° ** " Rhues' 4 00 " " Rose's 4 5° " " Sheppard's 3 °° 33 00 " " Zollers 4 25 " Neaves' Infant 4 00 " Nestle's Lacteous . 3 00 " Parrish's Chemical, small 4 00 8 00 " Ridge's, No. i 2 65 " c 00 " " " q 9 5° " " " 4 13 25 " Sheppard's Canary Bird, lb I 20 12 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. Food Sheppard's Canary Bird,i lb Doz. Gross. 2 00 20 00 4 00 45 60 3 5o 1 5o 5 So 5 75 1 75 20 00 8 00 1 75 20 00 1 65 19 00 2 25 7 25 5 5o 7 50 3 50 1 75 1 85 1 75 1 65 19 00 2 00 3 75 1 85 7 25 84 00 1 75 1 75 2 00 1 75 2 25 1 75 7 00 7 5° 3 75 7 50 6 25 72 00 7 75 90 oo 11 5° 23 00 7 00 78 00 7 50 84 00 6 50 3 75 5 75 11 5C 3 75 3 75 7 75 90 00 11 25 22 50 3 75 8 75 7 00 7 00 3 50 7 50 5 50 63 00 3 75 42 00 7 50 40 00 3 75 84 00 6 00 1 50 16 50 7 50 84 00 3 75 40 00 3 50 40 00 7 50 84 00 4 00 3 5o 3 75 7 75 2 00 6 50 72 00 11 50 132 00 5 75 Fountains, Wood Pocket Soda Freckline Friend Clotwerthy's Poulterers' " Roberts' Poor Man's Fumigators, Espie s " Perrin's, small " Perrin's, large Gelatine, Cox's " Nelson's Geoline Gin, Bininger's Eondon Dock " Charles' London Cordial, pints " " " " quarts Ginger, Sanford's Jamaica Gingerbread Nuts, Rexford's Glove-Cleaner, Alexander's " Jouven's Glue, Spalding's Prepared " and Cement, Richards' Glue-Pots, Howe's " Muchmore's Guns Angell's Rheumatic " Chinnock's Powder " Horace's, Filled " H. & B., " " " " Empty " Lyons' Powder " Universal Powder Hair Balsam, Parker's " Coloring Egyptian " " Heimstreet's, small " " " large " " London ... " Dye Batchelor's, small " " " medium " " 11 large " " Barry's Safe " " Bineaud's Lightning " " Blair's Richmond " " Blaises' " " Bogie's, small " " " large " " Briest's " " Buckingham's Whisker " " Cristadoro's, small " " " medium, $1.50 size " u " large 3.00 " " " Hill's T " " Jayne's " " jetter's " " Kalopean " " Kromer's " " Louden's " " Mathew's Venetian " " Miller's " " Phalon's Magic " " Russian " " Sackett's Coloris " " Turkish " " Tutt's " " Upham's " " Vessey's, small " " " large " Gloss, Mathew's Arnica " " Minnehaha " " Upham's " Grower, Kennedy's " Invigorator, Miller's " " Phalon's, small " " " large " " Webster's 105 106 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Doz. Gross. Hair Life, Selee's, small 3 So " " " large 7 00 " Preservative, Cristadoro's, small, 50 cent size 4 00 " " " medium, $1.00 " 8 00 " large, 2.50 " 21 OO u Regenerator, Tebbett's 5 75 66 00 " Rejuvenator, Pearson's 7 00 81 00 " Renewer, Hall's Sicilian 6 75 80 OO '• '■ Sackett's 4 00 '* Restorative, Circassian 6 00 " Restorer, Allen's, Mrs 6 75 78 OO •* " Barrett's 5 5° " " Clock's 6 50 " Empress 6 50 " " Gray's 7 50 " Hiawatha 7 00 •* " Jerome's 6 00 " '• jetter's 9 00 " London 6 00 " Louisiana Creole 6 50 72 OO •• " MarthaWashington 6 50 " " Massasoit 3 50 36 OO •• " Montgomery's 6 75 " " Nature's 5 75 •' " Rossetter's 4 5° '* " Wood's 4 5° '* Stain, Hambleton's 3 75 *• Upham's Japanese 3 75 *' Tea, Kennedy s 6 50 Tonic, Delluc's II OO M •• Jayne's 7 60 •* " Potter's 8 50 " " Woodhull's Circassian 8 00 " Vigor, Ayer's 6 75 78 OO Healer, Briggs' Throat and Lung 8 00 Honey, Horehound, and Tar, Hale's, small 3 s7 45 00 " large 7 75 QO OO " Liverwort, Nowill's 2 SO Hydroleine 8 00 Hypophosphites, Fellows' Syrup 12 OO 138 OO " Winchesters, small 7 75 90 OO " " large 15 50 180 OO " and Manganese, Winchester's 8 50 96 OO imperial Granum, small 6 00 69 OO " " large IO OO 114 OO Ingluvine, Warner's, 1 oz. bots 12 OO 132 OO Inhalant, Crumbs 3 00 " Cutlers 3 00 • " Moyles' 3 Injection, Brou s 7 5° " Cherokee 13 OO " Grimault's Matico 8 00 " Ricord's 9 00 " Ring's Rose 3 So Ink Indelible, Baldwin's 1 7S 19 OO '* Briggs' 2 OO " Hegeman's, with Prep 2 50 27 OO '• " Kidder's 2 OO 22 SO " with Prep 3 00 33 00 '* Livingston's 1 5° " with Tablet 3 so " " Payson's 2 OO 22 50 r' " " Combination 4 SO " Tarrant's 2 75 30 OO Ilnvigorant, Van Buskirk's 4 00 J nvigorator, Brown's Liver 8 00 " Bryan's' Life 7 5o " Denton's Hair 3 00 " Miller's Hair 2 OO " Phalon's Hair, small 6 50 72 OO '■ " " large 11 50 132 00 " Sanford's Liver 8 25 95 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 107 Doz. Gross. Invigorator, Webster's Hair 6 00 India Battle 8c C'o.'s 8 5° Isin glass Nelson's 1 65 19 OO jelly, Quern's Cod Liver Oil 8 00 90 OO Juice Valentine's Mr at 8 50 96 00 " " " with Glycerine 4 00 jijrii-beba Wells' 8 00 Kalliston Burnett's 7 5° 87 OO Kalium Chloride Solution 3 73 42 OO Kathairon T,yon s'.- 3 75 42 OO Killer Arnold's Seth dough small 1 80 20 OO " " " medium 3 60 40 OO 44 Aunt Sally's Corn • 3 00 " Chichester's Rat 1 50 " Flagg's Cough, small 3 75 42 OO " " " larp'e 7 30 84 00 " Fay cock's Worm I 60 18 00 King, Allen's Indian, Dry 7 50 " " " Liquid 7 50 King, Watson's Neuralgia 7 75 90 00 King of Blood Ransom's 7 30 84 00 44 " Rlood Kiersted's 3 3° " 44 " Knight's small I 67 19 00 " " " " large . 3 35 38 00 44 " Pain Bull's 1 67 19 co Koskoo I .nwrence's . 8 00 90 00 Koosso French oz 6 50 72 00 Kumyss 2 OO Laxatine 2 OO 21 60 Leaves, Rigollot's Mustard (see Plasters, pages 117 and 132). Lemon Sugar (see Sugar of Lemons, page 122). Eethean Parker's 1 50 17 00 I .ifp for the Hair Chevalier's 6 50 75 00 I nniment Alien's Nerve and Bone 1 5° 17 50 " Ander s Iodine 8 50 " Baker's Hoof S 73 44 Barker's Knickerbocker 3 73 42 00 " Barrell's Indian 2 OO " Bishop Soule's, small 6 00 66 00 " " " large 12 OO 132 00 " Boyer's Hoof 7 00 " Bragg's Arctic i 75 44 Brown's Young America 1 5° 15 00 " Burdsall's Arnica .* 3 00 34 30 " Centaur (White), Family, trial .... 2 OO 22 50 " " " " small 3 73 42 00 " " " " large 7 5° 84 00 " " (Yellow), Animal, trial 2 OO 22 50 " " " " small 3 73 42 00 " " " " large 7 50 84 00 " Cherokee 3 73 " Donnelly's Electric , 3 50 " Dunham's Infallible, small 3 00 " " " medium 6 00 " " " large 12 OO " Dustan's Horse 6 00 " Electro-Silicon 4 00 " Eureka 7 OO " Farrell's H. G. small 2 OO 22 50 " " " medium 4 OO 45 00 " " " large 8 00 90 00 " Fitch's Pulmonary 4 50 " " Rheumatic 8 75 " Fourfold 1 75 <e Fronefield's Cattle 4 OO " Giles' Iodide Ammonia, Family, trial 2 OO 22 50 " " " " " small 3 73 42 00 " " " " " large 7 50 84 00 " " " " " quarts 22 50 " " " " Horse, trial 2 OO 22 50 " " " " " small 3 75 42 00 " " " " " large 7 50 84 00 108 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Doz. Gross. Liniment, Giles' Iodide Ammonia, Horse, quarts 22 50 " Grant's German 2 75 30 OO " H. H. H., small 3 " " large 7 00 " Hamilton Horse 6 00 " Harters 1 75 18 00 " Hayes' Pile 7 00 " Hart's Nerve and Bone 1 5° " Henry's Vermont, small 1 75 " " " large 3 50 " Herrick's German Horse, small 3 42 00 " " " " large 7 50 84 OO " Hunt's 3 30 Jadwin's Subduing, small 185 21 5P " " " large 3 75 43 00 " " " Horse 7 50 87 OO " Jayne's 3 80 " " Spanish gold. 2 OO " Johnson's Anodyne 2 75 31 50 " Kellinger's, small 1 80 21 OO " " medium 3 60 42 OO " " large 7 20 84 OO " Kennedy's Rheumatic 3 87 45 00 " " Scattering 7 87 90 OO " Laubach's Eclectic 3 00 " Low's Magnetic 3 00 " Mansfield & Higbes' Arnica, small. 3 75 42 OO " large 7 5o 84 OO " McEckron's, small 4 00 " " large 8 00 " McLean's Volcanic Oil, small 1 75 IQ " " " " medium 3 5° qq OO " " " " large 7 00 78 OO " Mexican Mustang, small I 85 21 OO " " " medium 3 70 42 OO " " " large 7 5° 84 OO " Osborne's Nerve and Bone 1 5° 16 50 " Parker's " " " 1 50 16 50 " Pollard's " " " small 1 5° 17 OO " " " " " large 3 00 34 oo, " Register's, small 2 OO 21 oo| " " large 3 75 42 00 " Risley's 3 00 34 "O " Rossman's Horse 4 5° " Rub It In, Sweet's, small 2 OO 22 " " " " large 4 OO 45 °o '• Sawen's Arnica 2 OO " " " Oil 3 75 " Seabury's Oleaginous 1 85 21 OO " St. Antonius, small 4 00 " " " large 8 00 90 OO " Sterling's 1 " Streeter's 2 00 " Sweet's, small 3 00 " " large 6 00 " Taylor's, or Oil of Life, small 1 75 " " * large 3 50 *' Thorne's Arnica and Chloroform 2 50 " Tobias' Venetian, small 3 c'° 39 00 " " " large 7 00 78 00 " " " Horse 8 00 * 1 90 00 " Tom's Russian 1 75 " Welchman's 12 00 Wells' Nerve and Bone 3 00 " Young America (see Brown's, page 107). Liquid, Moyle's Catarrh 4 OO Liquor, Battley's Cinchona Cordofol lb., 13 50 " " " Palida lb., 9 50 " ** Ergot lb., 6 00 " " Opii Sedative lb., 9 00 Laville's Gout 28 OO Lithontriptic, Lee's 24 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. Doz. Gross Lithontriptic, Vaughn s 7 Liver Medicine, Dr. Brazier's 7 84 OO Lotion, Bartine's Family 7 00 " " Horse 7 00 4< Bally's 6 00 41 Church's 6 00 69 OO 44 Gowland's IO 50 44 Graefenberg Eye i 75 18 OO 44 Kiersted's Nipple 1 85 44 McClintock's Papillary 2 OO 44 Munson's Pile 3 44 Perry's Moth and Freckle 13 yq 160 OO " Phalon's Paphian 7 50 84 OO 44 Shaw's Moth and Freckle 7 5° Lozenges, Barnes' Throat and Lung, small 75 8 50; " " " 44 large I 75 19 50, " Belloc's Vegetable Charcoal 5 00 " Bennett's Worm 1 75 44 Boudault's Pepsin IO OO 44 Brockedon's Bicarbonate Potash, small 4 5° 51 00 44 44 " " large 10 5° 120 OO 44 44 " Soda, small 4 5° 51 OO 44 44 44 " large 10 50 120 00 44 Cassabier's Ammonia 2 OO 44 Caswell's Slippery Elm 1 75 " Coddington's Catarrh 2 OO 44 Cooper's Effervescing (Solid Thirst Quencher) 3 50 44 Dame's Worm 1 5° " Ditman's Throat 1 44 Eureka 2 OO 44 Fellows' Worm 1 65 44 German Cathartic 2 OO 22 <O 44 Grimault's Pepsin 6 00 44 Harrison's Peristaltic, small 2 44 " " large 4 50 44 Hegeman's Chlorate Potash 2 OO 21 OOI 44 44 Alum and Kino 2 OO 21 OO 44 " Wild Cherry 1 75 " Henry's Worm 1 5° 44 Jackson's Ammonia 1 75 44 " Pectoral 1 75 44 Keating's Cough 5 00 44 Nelsons 1 75 18 00 " " 7 and 14 lb. cans lb., 65 " Purdon's Worm 1 65 18 00 * Pyle's Coryza 2 OO 44 Sherman's Cough I 85 21 OO 44 " Worm I 85 21 OO 44 Vichy, small 2 44 44 large 4 50 " W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Chlorate Potash 1 5° 16 50 44 Wistar's Cough 75 8 50 Luxurine, Morse's, small.. 3 75 42 00 44 44 large 6 50 72 00 Magnesia, Citrate, Solution, Ellis' 2 25 24 ooj 4 4 4 4 Dry, Ellis' 3 00 44 4 4 Granulated, Ellis' ■3 44 4 4 Eng., granulated 3 00 33 00 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 Cox & Gould's OO 44 44 44 44 Edes' 3 5° 39 00 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 Morson's, 1 lb. bots 13 50 44 4 4 Hegeman's 2 25 24 00 4 4 4 4 Rogers' 2 75 3150 4 4 4 4 Solution, W. H. S. & Co.'s 2 25 24 00 44 Fluid, Dunbar's, % pints 2 OO 4 4 4 4 4 4 pints 3 OO 4 4 4 4 4 4 quarts 4 00 44 4 4 Murray's, small 4 OO 45 00 4 4 4 4 " large 8 5° 96 ooj 44 Henry's Calcined, gen 9 50 108 00 44 Husband's 44 3 00 34 5o, Miasmine 4 00 1 109 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 110 Doz. Gross. Milk, Condensed, Anglo-Swiss 2 50 " by case, 4 doz 2 25 " Borden's " Eagle " 2 50 " by case, 4 doz 2 38 " " Swiss 2 50 " " " by case, 4 doz 2 25 " of Magnesia, Philips', small 3 87 45 00 " " " " large 7 75 90 OO " Punch, Brett's 12 OO Mmcasia, small 4 5° " medium 9 00 * ' large ;.. 18 00 Mineroleum 5 00 OO Mixture, Braddock's Cough 4 00 " Bull's Blood 8 00 90 OO " Butler's Balsamic 8 00 " Carter's Spanish, small 1 75 " " " large 8 00 " Chapman's Worm, small 1 75 " " " large 3 50 " Hegeman's Tonic 8 00 " Jayne's Ague 7 60 " " Spanish gold. 7 60 " Rowand's Tonic 7 00 78 OO " Rushton's Tonic 12 00 " Strickland's Cholera 4 OO " Wright's Worm 1 75 Nepenthea 6 00 Nervine, Dodd's 7 5° 84 OO " Fitch's 4 so Neuralgialine 4 OO Oatmeal, Robinson's Patent, 1 lb. papers... i 5° 15 00 Odouselaine, Spencer's 5 00 Oil, Armor 1 25 IQ SO " British 75 8 co " Burdock Root, Vogeler's 4 OO 45 001 " Castor, Croppe's Italian 2 OO 21 OO " Cod Liver, Baker's 6 50 75 00 " " " " with Lime 7 so 87 OO " * " " Burnett's 6 50 75 00 " " " Dejongh's 8 00 " " " Fougera's II 50 129 60 " " " Hazard & Caswell's 6 50 75 00 " " " Hegeman's 6 50 7S 00 " *• " Hogg's 12 OO " " " Marsden's 8 00 " " " Marvin's 6 50 7S OO " " " Moller's 6 50 72 OO " " " Nichols' 6 50 " " " Phos. Lime and W. C., Oliffe's 7 5° " " " Rushton's, F. V 6 50 75 00 " J-c ...' 6 50 75 00 " " " Rogers, small 3 so " " " " large 6 50 " " " and Lime, Baker's 7 5° 87 OO " " " " " Hegeman's 8 50 " " " " " Sand's 7 SO 84 OO " " " " " Scott's 7 SO 87 OO " " " " " Trinder's 8 OO " " " " " Wilbor's 8 50 " " " " " White's 7 SO " " " Wilson's Carbolated 6 " " " Wyeth's Tasteless 8 00 86 40 " " " " " Ferrated 8 00 86 40 " " " " with Phos. Lime 8 00 86 40 " " " " " Lacto-phos. Lime 12 OO 129 60 " DeGrath's Electric, small 3 75 42 OO " " " large 7 50 84 OO " Dove's Turf, small 1 75 19 OO " " " large 3 SO 38 OO " Green Mountain, small I " " " large 3 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 111 Doz. Gross. Oil, Hamlin's Wizard, small 3 75 42 ooi " " " large 7 5° 84 00 " Ham's, of Gladness, small 2 OO " " " medium 4 oo " " " large 8 oo " Harlem, American 50 " " Genuine 75 6 00 " " Sylvester's 3 25 36 00 " Hoofland's Greek, small 4 00 " Hoofland's Greek, large 8 00 " Kayton's, of Life 4 25 " Little's White 2 87 33 co " Merchant's Gargling, small I 90 22 50 " " " medium 3 85 45 00 " " " large 7 70 90 00 " Macedonian 7 5° " Miller's Harness, % pts 2 OO " " " No. i 4 00 " " " " 2 6 00 " Page's Arnica 1 75 " Parker's Nipple 4 00 " " " and Shield 8 00 " Renne's Magic, small 1 85 21 OO " " " medium 3 75 42 OO " " " large 7 5o 84 00 " Rogers' Magnetic, small 3 75 " " " large 7 50 " Saint Jacob's 4 00 45 00 " Scarpa's Acoustic 7 50 " Sewing Machine, Henry's 1 75 " " " Paragon 1 75 " " " Powell's 1 75 " " " W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s 1 50 16 50 " Smith's Electric, small 4 00 " " " large 8 00 " Thomas' " small 2 00 22 50 " " " medium 4 00 45 00 " " large 8 00 90 00 " Van Patten's Chilblain 2 75 " Walker's White 3 " " Black 3 7=t Ointment, Baker's Tetter " Bird's Pile " Bowyer's Spikenard, small * 1 5o 17 00' " " " large 3 00 34 00 " Brown's O. P., Herbal, small " " " " large 4 00 43 20 " Bryant's 1 75 ■ " Buchan's Carbolic Balm " " Cresylic, X lb 2 00 22 50 " " " 4 00 45 00 " " " i lb 6 25 72 00 " Butt's Imperial " Crumb's Carbolic, small ' 1 75 " " medium 3 50 " " large 7 00 " DeGrath's Pile 3 5° " Dillow's Green 1 75 IQ OO 11 Foord's 2 75 " Frazer's Horse 6 00 " Gilbert's Tetter 7 50 " Graefenberg, Green Mountain 1 75 18 00 " Gray's, small 1 50 17 00 " " large 3 °o 34 00 " Gridley's Tetter 4 00 " Harrison's Specific 4 00 " Hamilton's California 1 5° " Heiskell's Tetter 3 75 42 00 " Henry's Electric 3 75 " Holloway's, small 1 75 18 00 " " medium 4 50 " " large | 8 00 112 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Doz. Gross. Ointment, Jeffrey's i 75 " Judkin's 1 75 19 50 " Kennedy's Healing 3 87 45 00 " " Hemlock 4 00 " " Salt Rheum 3 87 00 " " Scrofula 8 00 90 OO " Kiersted's, small 2 75 " " large 5 50 " Knickerbocker Hoof 7 5° 84 OO " McAllister's 1 6c; 19 OO " Miner's Eotanic, small 1 75 19 5° " " " large 3 5° " Mott's Hoof 7 2c; " " Magic 1 5° " Norton's Salt Rheum 4 00 " Osborne's Golden 1 5° 15 OO " Palmer's Salt Rheum 6 50 " Peck's Indian 1 75 " Perry's Family 1 " Physic's Camphor 1 75 IQ " Root's German 1 75 " Russell's Itch 1 7S 19 OO " " Pile 7 00 " " Salt Rheum 3 5° " Sanford's Witch Hazel, small 4 00 4? OO " " " " large 8 00 90 00 " Singleton's Golden 9 00 " Sloan's I 62 18 00 " " Horse 3 25 36 00 " Spangler's Salt Rheum 1 75 " Stafford's Olive Tar 1 75 " Swayne's Itch 3 75 " Tanner's German 1 75 19 5° " Taylor's Indian 1 5° 16 50 " Terrell's 1 75 19 50 " Trask's Magnetic, small 1 85 21 OO " " " large 2 85 33 00 " Upham's Pile 7 5° " Wauregan 1 75 ■' Wheaton's Itch 3 75 42 00 " Williams' Hoof 7 c;o 87 00 Olive Tar, Stafford's o 7c; 44 00 Opodeldoc, Liquid J Z J I 00 10 50 " Steers' I 00 i° 5° " Seabury's .... 1 85 21 00 Pads, Holman's Fever and Ague 15 OO Pain-Curer, Simond's 2 OO Pain-Killer, Perry Davis', small 1 87 22 00 " " " " medium 3 75 44 00 " " " " large 7 5° 84 00 " Paint, Wolcott's, small 1 75 " " " medium "3 CTQ " " " large 7 00 " Reliever, Marsh's, small 2 00 " " '• large 4 00 Palmella, Cook's 9 OO Panacea, Baker's Pain, small I 85 21 OO " " " medium ■ 3 75 42 OO " " large 7 50 84 00 " Curtis & Brown's Household 2 75 " Graefenberg Children's 3 50 36 00 " Houck's 13 50 " Swaim's 18 OO TQ4. jn Pancreatine, Hawley's 9 00 Paper, Fly, Dutcher's per ream, 7 75 " " Isaacsen's Sticky per too, 2 00 " " Peters' " per 100, t " Stayner's " per 100, 2 50 •• M " per ream, 7 00 " " Tinker's " per 100, 2 50 " " Wells'(Shoo-Fly) 2 OO " Medicated (see page 244). GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 113 Doz. Gross. Paper, Singer's Gravel 20 I 80 " Various other kinds (see page 244). Papoma 3 00 Paste. Aubermer's Lactucariim 5 00 2 25 " " " large 4 00 " Heffernan's Cnmn. T ,i verwort 2 00 21 OO 2 50 " " " large 5 00 " Steiner s Rat. small I 00 10 5° 1 5° 16 50 " " " large 3 00 33 00 Pastiles de Florence, White, Lewenberg's, small 3 5° " " " " large " " Rose. " 4 00 " de Paris, Carnes & Haskell's 2 50 27 00 " " Moore R Tavlor's 2 50 27 00 " Coudray's Fumigating I 50 " Fdev's Carbolic. 2 50 " Fahnestock's, B. L., Wbrm 1 25 iq 00 11 Griswold's Asthma 2 OO " Heffernan's Bronchial 2 OO 21 OO " Hooper's Fumigating 1 75 " Kemp's Worm 2 50 " Kidder's Asthmatic 2 75 31 OO " Lubin's Fumigating, small 6 00 " " " large 12 00 " Oueru's Charcoal 4 00 " Sawyer's American 2 50 Pectoral. Aver's Cherrv 8 00 94 00 " Bull's " 7 88 " Rust's Gum 5 5° " Wynkoop's Iceland 3 30 40 00 Pellets. Pierce's Purgative. 1 30 16 50 Pepsin, American, Hawley's Aromatized, 1 oz. bots... ..oz., 45 " " " Saccharated, 1 lb. " ... . .lb., 6 10 " " " " K lb. " .... . .lb., 6 25 Xlb. " ... . .lb., 6 40 " " " " I oz. " . . . .oz., 45 6 00 5 " " ... 63 00 " " Houghton's, liquid and dry 6 50 75 00 " " Lilly and Phelan's Aromatic 12 50 144 00 " " Proctor's, ioz. bots.. ..oz., 50 " " Scheffer's Sacch., 1 lb. " .. . .lb., 8 00 " " " " y2 ib. " . . .lb., 8 00 " " " " % lb. " . . .lb., 8 00 " " " " I OZ. " .. . .oz., 60 " " " Cone., 1 oz. " .. . .oz., 4 00 " " W. H. S. & Co.'sSacch., 1 lb. " .. . .lb., 6 00 " % lb. " .. . .lb., 6 10 %lb. " .. . .lb., 6 25 " " I oz. " . . ..oz., 45 " Wyeth's, " 1 oz. " .. . .oz., 60 " English (Medicinal), Morson's, 1 oz. " . . .OZ., I 25 " (Porci), " 1 oz. " .. ■ oz., 3 50 " Savory & Moore's, 1 oz. " . ..oz., 3 00 " French, Boudault's, 1 lb. bots . .lb., 15 00 % " " ...lb.,15 25 " I oz. " . .OZ., I 00 7 00 " Grimault's, 1 lb. bots ..lb., 10 00 I OZ. " ..oz., 90 pure . .OZ., I 50 Phenol. Sodinue . . q 87 45 00 Philotoken, Risley's 7 5° Phosphoids, Hawley's Wheat 6 00 64 ooj Phosphates, Percy's Vitalized 8 25 Pills, Alien's Indian King 1 75 " Aver's S. C 1 5° 17 30 " " "in glass I 67 19 50 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 114 Doz. Gross. Pills, Arnold's 1 75 " Atherton's 1 75 " Beckwith's Anti-Bil 1 75 " " Anti-Dyspepsia i 75 " Belden's, F. & A 4 oo " Bell's Specific, small 7 50 " " " medium 21 OO " " " large 35 oo " " Tonic 42 00 " Bennett's, P. & R 1 5° " " R. & P 1 5° " •• F. & A 3 " Benson's Chamomile 3 42 00 " Blair's Gout, small 6 00 66 00 " " " large Q 108 00 " Blancard's, small 5 00 " " large 9 00 " Blaud's, small 6 50 " " large II 50 " Boudault's Pepsin 10 00 " Brandreth's 1 25 13 00 " " S. C I 13 00 " " Sarsaparilla 150 15 00 " Bristol's 1 75 18 00 " Brown's, O. P., small 2 00 21 60 " " " large 4 00 43 20 " Brodie's Dyspepsia 2 00 " Bryan's Life 1 75 " Bull's Vegetable 1 75 19 00 " Carter's Little Liver 1 5° 17 00 " Castor Oil 1 75 20 OO " Champions, A. & B 1 75 ". " F. & A 6 50 " Clarke's Female 7 5° 87 00 7 " Clough's Columbian 1 5° "* Cockle's 6 00 66 00 " Constitution Life 1 75 " Cook's, W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s 1 00 7 " Cooper's, Sir Astley 150 / O'-' " Covell's Rheumatic 6 00 " Davenport's 1 75 " Dean's Rheumatic 40 OO " Deem's Southern Hepatic 1 5° 15 OO " Dehauts' Purgative, small 7 50 " " " large 15 00 " DeGrath's "Electric" 1 75 20 OO " DeSanctis' Gout, small 6 00 66 00 " " " large 13 °o 144 00 " Deshler's Fever and Ague 7 QO OO " Everybody's Cathartic 1 75 20 00 " Filkins' 1 35 ic 00 " Fitch's Cathartic 2 00 21 00 " " " S. C 2 00 21 OO " Fitler's 1 20 OO " Foord's 1 75 20 OO " Galligan's Fever and Ague 7 00 " Giles' Mandrake 1 75 18 00 " Gill's : 1 75 20 OO " Graefenberg 1 5° 16 00 " Gregory's 1 75 20 OO " Grimault's Pepsin 6 00 " Hamilton's 1 75 20 00 " Harter's Ague 5 25 60 00 " " Liver 1 5° 15 00 " Helmbold's Grape 3 5° 40 00 " Herricks' 1 5° 17 00 " Hibbard's, R. F 1 75 20 OO " " Rev. B 1 75 20 OO " Hobensack's Liver 1 5° 17 00 " Holloway's, small 1 5° 15 00 " " medium 4 5° " " large 8 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 115 Pills Hoofland's Doz. 1 75 50 5 5° 1 50 5 5o 1 75 1 75 I 75 3 5o 1 65 1 65 1 5° 1 50 2 50 1 60 1 75 28 00 1 37 1 75 7 5° 1 75 1 88 1 75 1 5o 1 75 1 75 1 50 1 37 7 00 1 50 4 5° IO 00 1 62 3 o° 1 5C 1 75 4 00 8 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 1 5° 1 25 1 60 1 50 3 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 3 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 5° 4 00 8 00 1 37 1 50 6 00 1 75 1 75 1 5° 2 25 1 50 1 50 1 5° 7 5o 7 50 3 75 3 50 1 75 Gross. | 19 50 4 50 60 00 20 OOi 18 00 20 oo 39 00 17 oo. 15 00 20 00 21 00 16 50 17 25 16 00 78 ooi 16 00 17 oo1 17 00 20 OO 66 00' 16 50 13 50 16 50 16 50 16 50 17 5° 43 00 86 00 15 50 20 00 20 00 16 50 17 5o 87 00 39 00 20 00 " Hooper's American " " Gen., English " Howe's Arabian Hull's F & A " " Mandrake " Hunnewell's • ' Hutchins ' " James' Cough " Jayne s Sanative a .. . " " Spanish . gold. " Judson's Mountain Herb " kaiser lb., 9 oo " Knapp's " Lanman & Kemp's " Laubach's " Langley's " Laville's Anti-Gout " Lee's Windham " Leidy's Blood " Loudon's, F. & A " " Sanative " Lyons' Rat " Maggiel's " Marsden's " Metcalfe's McGrath's " McLane's Liver " McLean's J H Universal " " " Chinoidine " Moffat's " Morrison's Nos. i and 2 Genuine " " " 1 and 2, " large " Morse's Indian Root " Mott's Chalybeate " " Liver " Munson's Napoleon Cough " Neilson's Anti-Dyspeptic " Norton's Chamomile, small " " " large " Page's Cough li " Mandrake " " R. R " Parmelee's " Parr's Life " " large " Par son's Purgative " Per ry's Cathartic " Peters', small " " large " Phinney's " Pierce's Purgative Pellets " Porter's 41 Radway's " Red Cheek " " " Extra " Roback's Plain " " S. C " Roberts' Scrofula " Rogers' Liver " Rose's " Rush's " Sanford's " Schenck's Mandrake " Segur's * ' Seller's , " Shallenberger's, F. & A " Sharp's Dyspepsia '.. " Shaw's Liver " Sholl's F'ever and Ague " Shoshone's ■. 116 Doz. Gross. 1 Pills, Simmons' Ague 4 00 45 00 " " Renovator 1 75 20 00 " Skidmore's 1 5° 17 00 " Soule's Sovereign Balm 1 37 15 00 " Spalding's Cephalic 165 19 00 " Spencers 1 65 19 00 " Stickland's 1 75 " St. John's, F. & A 6 5° " Strickland's 1 65 18 00 " Strong's Pectoral '. : 1 65 19 00 " " Sanative 1 6c IQ OO " Swaim's 2 00 Ay VW 21 OO " Tallcott's Magic, small 4 00 45 00 " " " large 7 50 87 00' " Taylor's Mandrake I 2C IC 00 " Townsend's Dyspepsia 3 5o 40 00 " " Sarsaparilla 1 50 17 00 " Turner's Neuralgia 7 5° 84 OO| " Tutt's Liver I co 18 00 " Vallet's 00 " Van Buskirk's Liver 1 75 20 OO " Van Deusen's 1 co " White's Gout 4 00 " Wing's, A. B 1 7C 20 OO " Wilder's 1 co " Wilson's, Plain " " ' S. C 2 00 " " in glass 2 25 " " R. A., Dyspepsia and Headache 1 5° 16 00 " Wilton's 1 75 20 OO' " Winchester's Specific 8 50 " Wishart's Dyspepsia 7 00 " Wright's Indian Vegetable, Plain 1 42 l6 OO " 11 " " S. C I 50 17 00 Pilules, Moore's o 7C 42 00 Pinus Canadensis, Kennedy's (see Extract, page 103). Plasters, Adhesive Spread (see page 41). " Allcock's Porous T 20 TQ CO " " " yard rolls l8 OO " Badeau's I 7C " Benson's Capcine I 50 17 00 " Blackman's 1 5° " Bruce's T 7C IQ CO " Bunion (see page 248). " Coddington's Capsicum, small, 1 yard rolls 6 00 " " " large, 2 " " T2 OO " Collin's Voltaic 1 21 00 " Corn (see page 248). " Court (see page 248). " Crew's Mustard, No. 1 7C 7 20 " " " " 2 88 8 40 " " " " 3 I 00 9 60 " " " " 4 1 75 16 80 " Crittenton's Strength, Kid, No. 1 1 5° " " " " " 2 I 25 " " " " "3 I 00 •• " P. M. Cloth, " 1 75 " " " " " 2 1 00 " " 3 I 25 " " " Kid, " 1 I 00 " " " " " 2 I 25 " " " " " 3 2 OO " Davidson's P. M. Cloth 7C " Edey's Carbolic Strengthening * 0 1 75 " Fougeras' Mustard 3 00 " " " small, in rolls i 68 " Grosvenor's Arnica, No. 1 8 c IO 20 " " " " 2 1 15 13 60 " " " " 3 I 90 22 70 " " 4 2 30 27 20 " " Belladonna, No. 1 I 42 17 OO " " " " 2 2 OO 23 8o. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 117 : - Doz. Gross. 2 85 34 00 40 OO i «< << " j yard rolls II 00 126 OO i< " PM No i 85 «< " " " 2 I os << " ' ' ' ' Q 1 90 3 * < < " " " A 2 30 < < " Porous 1 21 14 45 " " "5 yard rolls 24 00 " Hamburg, Imported I 50 " " Koenig's I 67 Q 18 OO " Herrick's Strengthening i 37 15 00: " " Perforated I 12 12 OO] " " Capsicum I 12 12 OO " Holloway's Arnica, small I OO II OO| *< " " medium 1 5° 16 50; " " " large 2 OO 22 OO " Holman's Rody 4 OO " " Foot 4 00 1 5° " " " large '■ 3 00 " Isinglass, De La Cour's, i yard rolls 6 00 " " Husband's, I " " 6 50 " " Liston's I li " 4 " " Mitchell's (Novelty), i yard rolls 6 50 6 50 " " Shiver's, i " 7 25 ■ " " U. S. Army, I " " 4 50 " Tew Davids' or Hebrew, small I 50 16 OO J " " " large ' 3 °° " Kennedy's Hemlock 1 75 " Knapp's Indian, small 1 37 15 50 " " " large i 25 J9 5° " Koenig's Hamburg I 67 18 OO " Mitchell's (Novelty) Porous 1 T5 12 50 " " ' " '' " 5 yard rolls 21 00 " " " Belladonna, i yard rolls 25 8 00 " Morehead's Magnetic 185 21 OO " Pond's Fxtract Perforated 1 T3 12 OO " Paine's Green Mountain I 7S 18 OO " Rigollot's Mustard, in boxes of io 3 50 " " 25 7 5° " " " " " IOO 3° 00 i 25 20 OO " Seabury & Johnson's Belladonna, Porous I 13 " " " " Porous, i yard rolls 2 20 " " " Capsicum I 25 " " " " i yard rolls 2 20 " Opium, Porous 1 75 " " " " " i yard rolls 12 OO " " " Poor Man's, Porous " " " Porous, Strengthening I OO 9 00 " Rubber, i yard rolls 4 80 " " " " " 5 " " 18 OO " Skidmore's Arnica, No. I I OO 10 80 " " " " 2 1 5° l6 20 " " " " Q 2 OO 21 60 " " " " A 2 50 27 co " " Belladonna, No. i I OO 10 80 " " " " 2 1 5° l6 20 " " " " q 2 00 21 60 " " " " 4 2 50 27 00 " " P M. Cloth, No. i 60 6 50 " " " " " 2 87 Q OO " " " " " 3 92 9 90 " " " " " 4 1 T7 12 00 <■ " " Kid, " i 87 Q OO " " " " " 2 I 25 13 50 " " 3 i 75 18 90' " " " " " 4 2 OO 21 60! 118 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Doz. Gross. I Plasters, Skidmore's, Srengthening, No. i 75 8 10 " " " 4< 2 125 13 50 " 3 i 75 18 90 " " " " 4 2 OO 21 60 " " Warming, " i 75 8 10I " " " " 2 I 25 13 50 " 3 i 75 18 90 " " " 11 4 2 CO 21 60 " Tallman's Arnica Adhesive (Isinglass), i yard rolls 6 50 72 OO " " Glycerine " " i " " 6 50 72 OO " " Mechanics " " i " " 4 50 48 OO " Thapsia 7 " Wells' Arnica, Anodyne ) small 1 25 " Belladonna, Burgundy Pitch, / medium I 67 " Hemlock and Warming J large 2 25 Plugs, Lang's I OO Polish, Am. Furniture, small 2 OO "■ Bro. Jonathan's Furniture 2 25 " Brown's Glass Cleaning 1 5° 15 OO " Buttrick's Glass Cleaning 1 5° " Close's Pomingoe 2 OO 21 OO " Crittenton's Furniture 2 OO " Dixon's Stove 60 6 00 " Gem " to " Rising Sun Stove 50 4 75 Powder, Carson's Cleaning I " Fitch's Goitre " Houdan's Chicken, small 2 OO 21 Oo' " " " large... 3 50 40 ool " Naldire's Dog 10 50 " Sheppard's Canary Bird (see Food, page 104). " Spear's Fruit Preserving 7 75 90 OO " Steedman's Soothing c " " Teething 4 50 " Carbolic, Allen's I " " Egyptian Disinfecting, small 2 OO " " " " large 8 00 Powders, Condition, Alden's 1 5° 16 50 " " Barber's Red Horse, small 1 5° " " " " large 3 00 " " Carleton's 1 5° 16 50 " " Dale's Horse, small 1 5° " " " " large 3 00 " " Damon's Stock 1 5° 16 50 " " Dillow's Heave 1 75 " " Dunham's, small 1 75 " " " large 6 00 " " Foutz's I 50 17 50 " " Fronefi eld's I 27 IC OO " " Grant's 1 75 •J " " Harvell's, small 1 17 OO " " " large 3 50 39 00 " " Johnson's I " " Leis' (Kansas) I 50 17 00 " " Punderson's 1 5° 17 OO " " Rulison's i 75 " " Sawen's T " " Sheriden's 1 5° 17 OO " " Sloan's, small 1 40 16 OO " " " large 2 85 32 ool " " Starin's I 27 15 OO " " Tobias' Derby x D/ 1 75 20 OOj " " I om s I 20 OO " " Youatt's 2 OO 22 50 " Fever, Danziger's 8 00 93 00 " " James' (Kiddie's) 18 OO " Fit, Pleis' " Guarana Brewers " Ink, Maynard & Noyes' I 50 15 00 " Insect, Costar's Electric I 27 15 00 " " Henrv's I " " Isaacsen's I 50 17 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 119 Doz. Gross. Powders, Insect, Knowles', small I 7C 20 OO " " " medium x / 3 3 CO " " " large 3 7 OO |O 00 80 OO " " " extra large T4 OO " " Lyons' Magnetic 1 8s " " Poole's, small x 3 I 7C " " " medium /3 3 " " " large 3 / 3 7 5° " W. H. S. & Co.'s Pure Dalmatian, small I 50 16 50 " " " " " " medium .... 2 50 27 00 " " large 13 50 144 00 " Iron and Sulphur. Stafford's 7 CO " Positive and Negative, Spencer's / 7 CO " Salicylate of Soda, Schlumberger's / 8 40 '* Seidlitz, W. H. S. & Co.'s, full weight 2 OO 22 OO " " " " extra " 3 2 7C 33 " Soda, W. H. S. & Co.'s 3 / 3 I CO /|O 00 t6 50 " Yeast, Gantz's Sea Foam Q OO " " Preston & Merrill's 3 I 7C 20 00 Prairie Weed, Kennedy's x /3 7 7C Preparation, Blanchard's Special / /3 OO " Hosford's Bread 2 2C " " " boxes of 3 dozen box., 6 25 Prescription, Bell's ] OO " King's 7 <O " Pierce's Favorite / 3V-' TO 50 T2O OO Preservative, Miller's, Frank, Leather, No. 1 1 T3 " " " " "2 1 60 Purifier, Brown's O. P. Blood 7 CO " Fahnestock's, B. L., Blood / 7 OO Pyroline Quinelixir, Baker's 8 00 Racahout, Baker's 7 7C " Delangrenier's, (French) / /3 TO OO Regulator, Bradfield's Female TO OO " Emerson's Bowel 6 00 " Graves' Heart 8 50 " Simmons' Liver, Dry 7 OO 81 00 " " Liquid 7 00 81 00 " Wood's Liver 7 75 90 00 Relief, Bartholic's Mother's T C OO " Chamberlain's, small " " large " Flagg's Instant, small z| OO Q " " " large 3 / 3 7 CO 12 OO " Kent's / 3M " Mingay's Magic /| OO 2 CO " Radway's Ready, small 2 7C " " " medium 3 /3 7 CO 88 00 " " " large / 3'-' T5 00 T76 00 " " " Spanish 2 7C " Read's Asthma, small 3 / 3 I 7C " " " medium x /3 Q CO " " " large 3 3M 7 00 Remedy, Bird's Pile Q 7C " Bliss' Dyspepsia 3 /3 8 co " Briggs' Pile 8 00 " " Throat 2 7C " Caldwell's Dyspepsia 3 /3 " Coddington's Soft Corn T 7C " Constitutional Catarrh x /3 7 CO " Cook's Corn and Bunion (see Cure, page 100). / " Darley's Heave T CO T7 CO " De Bing's Pile x 7 CO 1 / 3M " Durang's / 8 00 " Edwards' Wart T CO T C OO " Farnham's Asthma x 3'-' ±3 uu " Fish's Pile " Filler's Rheumatic 7 75 0 co 1 " Freligh's " y 7 co " Goodale's Catarrh / 7 co " Graefenberg Pile / 7 OO 72 00 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 120 ■ 1 - Doz. Gross. I Remedy Great Western 12 00 " Harper's Cough 3 00 34 50 00 " Hunnewell's Cough small 1 80 20 " " " large 3 60 4° 00 00 " Hunt's Kidney IO 50 120 " Keith's Pile 6 00 " Kennedy's Favorite 8 25 96 00 " Langell's Asthma 7 00 78 00 *4 j eon ar S A F Xr A 8 00 • * T ,nek wood's Catarrh 3 7 5° 39 00 " Metcalfe's Rheumatic 87 00 " Norton's Catarrh 8 00 " Popham's Asthma 7 5° " Rush's Female 16 00 '' Rushton's Neural pia 8 00 " Sage's Catarrh 3 37 39 00 " Sanford's " 8 50 " Seelye's 11 7 5° " Shoshone's 8 25 " Stainburn's Cough 3 00 " Strickland's Pile 7 5° • * T Tpham 's ' ' 3 75 " Van Hensen's Ready 2 5° " Velpeau's 3 5° 39 00 " Whitcomb's Asthma 11 5° I2Q 60 " White's Diamond Catarrh 3 5° " Williams' Asthma 5 5° " Wilson's Rev F. A 20 00 Rennet Flair's I 50 " Mrs T .eslie's AVine of 2 00 " Shinn's I 50 " Wveth's I 5° Renovator Frown's Scalp small I 7S * " medium 6 00 " 4< " larp'e 8 00 " Rushmore's Fabric I 75 " Smith's Green Mountain 7 5° 11 Steller's Magic 1 75 Resolvent Radway's 8 5° 99 00 Restorer Sheppard's Sour 2 00 20 00 Revalenta Du Parry's small T lb. tins 15 00 " " 2 " 27 00 Revivum Morse's 3 75 Rock Rose Mver's 7 5° Root Peer Hires' 2 00 21 00 Rosadalis I.awrence's 10 00 114 00 Rosemary Spaulding's 3 5° Saline T.amploiigh's Pyretic 11 00 Sajt German Bathing 3 lb bots 2 5° 27 00 " " " 30 lb pails 18 00 " " " ico lb. kegs 39 00 Salts, Bishop's Effervescing (see page 128). " Carlsbad gen lb. bots 7 00 78 00 << ~ lb. " 13 5° 156 00 " Crab Orchard kf lb. " 2 00 << " " % lb. " 4 00 " " " i lb. " 8 00 " Lemon W H S & Co.'s 75 6 00 Salve Adams' Golden 1 75 " Ralm of Gilead I 65 18 00 " Pl ackman's I 50 " Brandin's I 75 u Buckeye 8 00 " Conklin's 75 7 5° " Dailey's small 1 87 21 00 " large 3 75 42 00 4< " Horse 3 75 42 00 " Dobbins' 4 00 " Doney's 1 75 u Duncker's 2 75 3° 00 " Dunton's Balsam Fir 1 00 9 00 " Grace's I 50 16 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 121 Salve Griswold's Doz. Gross. 1 65 1 60 16 50 1 75 i 75 20 00 1 75 1 5° 1 25 .13 50 1 85 21 00 75 7 50 I TO 16 50 I 50 15 OO 14 OO i 8q 21 00 3 70 7 50 1 50 3 87 2 00 22 50 i 50 16 50 1 50 16 50 1 25 1 75 3 5° 60 6 00 87 IO 00 87 IO 00 8 00 94 00 IO OO 8 25 96 00 5 50 8 00 7 00 72 OO 7 75 9° 00 8 00 90 00 8 00 90 00 8 00 7 50 84 OO 8 00 90 00 8 00 93 00 IO OO IO OO 7 50 84 03 8 50,99 00 1 50 1500 2 75 s 00 8 00 5 50 60 00 10 00 114 00 1 50 1 75 3 50 1 75 3 50 7 00 75 8 00 5 50 4 00 8 00 , 7 00 3 50 38 00 1 75 20 00 1 00 3 o° 2 25 1 75 20 oc 1 75 2 75 3° 00 1 75 18 00 4 00 " Hardy's " Hamburg " Henry's Garbolic " Hibbard's " Maggiel's " Mitchell's Eye " Page's Climax " Peleg White's small " " " large zT " Pettit's Eye " " '' io gross. " Redding's Russia, small " " " medium " " " large rt Sanford's Magic . 11 Sawyer's Mrs • ' " small ** Smith's Magnetic ** Stephens' Eye " Wooley's Sapoliene Fragrant, small " " large Sapnlio Morgan's Hand, small " " " large " " Polishing Sarsaparilla Ayer's " Bristol's '' Bull's, John " " ' A. H " Corbett's * " Graefenberg's Compound " Guysott's " Helmbold's " Hurley's, and Potash " Larookah's " Mansfield's, and Iodide of Potassium " Risley's " Rush's, and Iron " Townsend's, Old Or " " s. P " Tutt's " Wilder's, and Potash Sauce Pepper " Worcestershire, small " " medium " " large Schnapps Wolfe's, pints " " quarts Sea Salt Billing's, Glapp & Co " Clark's, 3 lb. boxes " " 6 1b. " Ditman's, small " " medium " " large " Hubbell's " Tidman's, boxes, 7 lbs Seal Oleum, small ' ' large Sedative, Battley's (see Liquor, pages 31 and 127.) Sepia, Warner's Seven Seals, or Golden Wonder Sinapism, Cooper's Crew's (see Plasters, page 116). Snuff, Cephalic, English Style " Balder's " Bullock's Catarrh " Durno's " " Elliott's " " Jacksons " 11 Marshall's " " M'Lean's " 122 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Doz. Gross. Snuff, Reader's German q oo " Schneeberger German t r " Smith's Catarrh x3 T *7C " Whitwell's /3 Solution, Gardner's, of Ferrous Nitrate Protected, i lb. bots 10 20 " Garvin's, of Tar 8 00 " Spear's Fruit Preserving 7 r Solvent, Costar's Corn / /3 " Houchin's Corn 1 5C T 7C 16 50 " Robinson's Corn x /c T CC " Young's " T 7C Sozodont, Van Buskirk's Speciality, White's Diphtheria " " Dyspepsia 8 OO Specific, Bullock's Catarrh T 87 " Campo's Infallible. x 0/ 8 on " Carey's, G. E., S. S., small T 1Z " " " " medium x /3 Q CO " large □ 3U " Crossman's 7 so 87 OO " Donne's " Doyle's F. and A 8 00 70 OO " Hall's Dyspepsia 8 co " Harter's F. and A 0 fir. nr. " Jayne's Tape Worm □ z5 " Lallaman's Gout " Ludlum's " Marsh's Pulmonary " Popham's Asthma " Reynolds'Gout 16 w " Stoddard's Cholera t.. xu 50 " Thompson's Catarrh 3 " Upham's Tape Worm 4 C OO Specifics, Humphrey's, Nos. I to 15, inclusive 4-3 T nz " " " 16 to 27, " 3 50 19 5° 39 00 " 29.3O,3i.34.35 3 50 39 00 " " " 28, 32, 33 OO " " Veterinary (Liquid) AA, BB, CC, DD, ) 70 OO EE, FF, GG, HH, II, J). ( 7 00 78 OO Spice, Ward's Cattle Spirit, Ham's Invigorating, small " " " large 8 00 •Styptic, Cotton, Rohland's, small T 7C " " "• large Sugar of Lemons, Gantz's 3 5° " " Matthew's " " Preston & Merrill's 3 75 Q 7C " 1' Pyle's □ /3 Suppository, Bartlett's Pile .- .. 2 5° 7 Co Svapnia, % oz. vials / 3U t6 co :Syrup, American Cough T 1Z " Atherton's " X /3 " Aubergier's Lactucarum 2 5° TO OO " Bailey's Soothing T 7C " Berthe's Codeine x /J TO OO " Bicknell's Dysentery, small Q 7C " large 6 00 " Blancard's Iodide Iron 7 co Boschee's German c co 63 OO " " " sample 3 3U 8c " Boudault's Pepsin °3 T T no " Bull's Cough, small " medium " " " large 8 00 42 OO " " Baby " Bumstead's Worm I Co " Campbell's Tar and W. C., small *2 OO " large " Case's Tar, small " " " " medium x °3 3 7° " " " large 7 50 ' Chable's Depuratif 15 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 123 Doz. Gross. Syrup, Chable's Citrate Iron iq 00 " Chapman's Croup 4 00 " Champlin's Worm 3 75 " Clark's Peruvian, small 8 00 Q3 00 " " " large 16 00 " " Worm 1 75 20 OO " Clark Johnson's Indian Blood, small 4 20 48 OO " " " " " large 8 40 96 OO " Corbin's Worm 1 5° l6 SO " Davis' W. C. and Tar 7 5° 84 OO " Delmonico Little s Peet., small 3 " " " " large 7 50 " Dickinson's Comp., Boneset, Horehound, Wild Cherry, ) and Acacia ) 1 75 19 00 " Dusart's Lacto-phos Lime 8 50 " " " " and Iron 8 50 " Edwards' W. C. and Tar, small 1 5° 16 50 " " " " medium 3 oo 33 00 " " " " large 6 00 66 00 " Fahnestock's, B. L., Lung, small 1 75 18 00 " " " " medium 3 5° 36 00 " " " " large 7 00 72 00 " Fellows' Hypophosphites, Compound 12 00 132 00 " Follet's Chloral 10 00 " Foord's Pectoral, small q 60 00 " " " large 11 00 120 OO " Gardner's Hypophosphite Potash (see page 91) 10 20 " Gardner's Hypophosphite Lime (see page 91) IO 20 " Gardner's Hypophosphite Iron (see page 91) IO 20 " Gardner's Hypophosphite Soda (see page 91) IO 20 " Gardner's Hypophosphite Lime and Soda (see page 91)... IO 20 " Gardner's Hypophosphite Lime, Soda, Iron, and Potash ) (see page 91) $ " Gardner's Hypophosphite Iron and Quinine (see page 91) 15 OO " Gardner's Hypophosphite Zinc (see page 91) 12 OO " Gallup's, of Briar Root 4 00 " Globe Flower 7 " Gould's Pin Worm 3 75 " Graefenberg's Dysentery 3 50 36 00 " Gregg's Constitution Life 1° 50 120 OO " Hasson's Tar 3 25 " Hastings', of Naphtha 7 50 87 00 " Hatch's Universal Cough, small q QO OO " " " "" large 7 00 78 00 " Hobensack's Worm 1 75 " Hooker's Cough 2 QI OO " Howe's Concentrated 7 5° 41 Huancavelica Kxcelsior 4 00 " Hufeland's Tar 4 00 " Jackson's Pectoral 2 50 " Havana's Soothing 2 00 " Laubach's Worm 1 5° " Leathe's Yellow Dock 13 " Low's Worm 1 5° " Marsden's Carminative 3 75 " Marsh's Whooping Cough 3 75 42 OO " Mason's Tar 3 75 " McArthur's Hypophosphites 8 50 " McDonald's Petroleum 8 00 " Miller's Baby 1 75 " " Horehound 2 00 " Mitchell's Ipecac 2 7q " Morse's Yellow Dock 8 50 " Mother Noble's Healing, small 4 20 " " " " large 8 40 92 OO " New-England Cough 4 00 " Nesbitt's Cough, small 4 00 " " " large 8 00 " Parker's Squills 3 " Parrish's Phosphates, small 4 00 " " " large 8 00 " Prior's Cholera •. 3 50 124 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Doz. Gross. Syrup, Puccoon i 75 " Quackenbush's Tar and W. C., small 2 75 " " " " large 6 50 " Ransom's Hive 2 50 27 00 " Remington's Croup ■. 2 50 " Reuter's Life 8 50 96 00 " Ritter's Tar 1 75 " Rogers' Liv. Tar and Can 7 75 90 oc " Roger's Worm 1 75 20 OO " Rowand's Blackberry . 1 75 " Rush's Buchu and Iron . 8 00 90 co " Schenck's Pulmonic, large 12 OO 138 00 " " »* ; small 8 50 06 00 " Scovill's Blood and Liver 7 5° 87 00 " Seabury's Hive 1 85 21 OO " Seller's Cough 2 25 " Smith's Tonic 8 25 96 00 " Strickland's 3 75 " Stringer's Pulmonic, small " " " medium 4 00 " " " large 8 00 " Swan's Hypophos Iron 13 00 " " " Lime 13 00 " " " Soda 13 00 " Texas Tonic 8 00 " Tobias' Pulmonic 6 00 " Upham's Cough 3 7$ " Weaver's Salt Rheum 10 50 120 OO " Webster's Cough * 1 75 20 OO " Whitcomb's Soothing .... •...«■ 1 75 20 CO " Wilder's Worm 1 75 " Winchester's Hypophosphites, small 7 75 90 OO " " " large 15 50 180 00 " " " and Manganese 8 50 " Winslow's Soothing 1 85 21 OO " Wood's " small 1 75 " " " large 3 50 " Wright's Indian Vegetable 185 21 OO Tablets, Mackellar s Willow Carbon- 1 75 20 OO! " Merchant's Worm 1 5° 16 50! " Murray's Charcoal 1 75 20 OO " Naldire's Dog 4 00 " Welling's Dyspepsia 4 00 45 00 '* Wells' Carbolic 1 5° Tamar Indien 8 00 90 00 Tamara Larex 6 00 Tar, Forrest's Juniper 2 OO l ea, Augsburger Brest i " Bachof's Three King 1 00 " " Hamburg 1 00 " Beale's German 1 75 " Hamburg, Freese & Co.'s 2 00 " Hoofland's Herb 3 5o " Judson's Worm 1 5° " Kellogg's Worm 1 75 18 00 " Koenig's Hamburg Breast ,. I 67 18 00 " Quirk's Irish 1 75 20 OO " Webber's Alpine 1 5° 15 OO " Webber's Hamburg 1 5° 15 00 Therm aline 2 00 21 60 Throat and Lung Healer, Briggs'* 8 00 Tic-Sano Russell's, small 4 00 " " large 8 00 Tincture, Hampton's Vegetable 8 00 " Norwood's Ver. Viride 12 OO 129 60 Tissue, Albespeyre's, % yard rolls 6 00 " " I " " 10 00 " Brown's Blistering II 00 " Cooper's Sinapine i 75 20 OO! Tonic, Bernard's Elixir . 24 00 " Fillett's Sherry Wine ... 1500 " Goudie's Sedative : 7 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 125 • Doz. Gross. Tonic, Harter's Iron 75 00 " Hoofland's German 12 OC 138 OO " Howe's Arabian 90 OO " Hurley's Ague. 81 OO " Kingsley's Iron " Mansfield's Chill and Fever 7 oc 76 OO " Parker's Ginger, small " " " large 8 oc " sample bots I 2C " Schenck's Sea-Weed, large 1 12 OC [138 OO " " " " small 8 5c 96 OO " Smith's 1 8 25 96 00 " Strickland's 1 7 5C " Van Deusen's Mandrake 1 7 75 90 00. " Wilder's Chill 8 00 93 00 " Wilhoft's 8 50 Q9 OO Tricopherous, Barry's 3 So 40 00 Troches, Arnold's Cough 2 OO 11 Benton's Tar 1 75 20 OO " Brown's Bronchial, small 1 85 21 OO " " " medium 1 3 75 42 00 " " " large 7 5° 84 00 " Byram's Tar and W. C 1 75 " Dames' Pulm. Bronchial 2 00 " Edey's Carbolic 1 75 " " " in glass 3 50 " Hegeman's W. C 2 OO 21 OO " " Chlo. Potash 2 OO 21 00 Sayres' Coltsfoot 185 " Sayres' Salicylic i 75 " Thomas' Pine Tree Tar 1 75 " W. H. S. & Co.'s Chlo. Potash 1 50 16 50 Tsa Tsin 5 5o Varnish Ovens 2 37 27 00 Vegetine, Stevens' 120 OO Vermifuge, Brown's O. P 3 75 41 OO " Bryan's Tasteless 1 75 20 OO " Chapman's 1 20 OO " Fahnestock's B. A 1 5° 17 2> " " B. L 1 50 15 00,1 " Fougera's 4 00 " Frey's 1 75 18 50 " Hobensack's " Jayne's Tonic, small 2 75 " " " " Spanish gold. I 90 " " " large 3 80 " " " " Spanish gold. " Louden's " McLain's Bonbons I OO 10 00! " McLane's 1 50, 17 25 " McLean's Candy I 40 " " Liquid I 40 " Orrick's " Peery's Dead Shot 150 17 50 " Seller's " Swaim's 18 90' " Winer's 16 00 Viburnum Comp., Sat., Hayden's, i lb. bots " " " ' 'y. lb. " 12 OO Vigorine Vinum Digestivum, Proctor's, % pint bots " " ' 1 " 7 5° • " " " I " 44 14 OO " " quart " 27 OO " " " 5 Pint " 63 00 1 Vitalia, Phalon's •. 84 00 Vitalizer, Fitch's " Shiloh's System 5 25 60 00 " " " Samples 75 8 50 Wafers, Allen's Sweet Worm " Bryan's Pulmonic 3 25 " Johnston's Beef 4 00 126 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Doz. Gross. Wafers, Locock's Beef I 60 18 CO " Medicine (see page 287). " Schlumberger's Salicylate of Soda 14 85 Wash, Edey's Carbolic Baby 8 00 " Helmbold's Rose 4 OO " Kearney's " 4 00 Water, California, Lundborg's, small 1 75 " large 6 00 " Cologne, Bell, W. H, S. & "Co.'s, % pints 6 00 " " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 pint 12 OO " W. H. S. & Co.'s, 1 quart 21 OO " Constitution, Gregg's 8 00 " Eye, Isaac Thompson's I co 17 OO " " Kennedy's 8 00 " " Poor Richard's 1 7C 19 OO " " Reynolds' 1 75 " Florida, Lanman & Kemp's 5 75 66 oo " Osman's A 2C " " Rust's C CO " Thompson & Main's 4 50 W. H. S. & Co.'s 5 25 60 00 " " Weaver's 4 5° " Iodine, Anders' 8 00 Wheat, Hubbell's Prepared 3 00 Wine, Beef, etc. (seepage 91). " Lactophosphate Lime, Dusart's 12 50 " Pepsin, Boudault's, % pints II OO " " " pints 22 OO " " German I C OO " " Hawley's, y? pints 8 00 " " pints 15 OO " " Grimault's II OO " " Savory & Moore's, 4 oz. bots 9 00 " " " " 8 oz. " 16 00 " Tar, Crooks' 7 5° " Quinine, Labarraque's IO co Wine of the Woods, trial size 2 OO " " " $1.00 size 8 00 Xanthoxylum 5 75 Xylobalsam, Mrs. Allen's 3 5o 39 03 Zinc, Salicylate, Schlumberger's 9 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 127 Foreign Proprietary Articles, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. Note.-Articles requiring Stamps will be charged with the same in addition to the regular price. Albespeyre's Blistering Tissue, % yard doz. 6 00 " " " I < ' I 1 IO 00 " Paper, Nos. i, 2, and 3 44 3 00 " Compresse Paper ' * 3 00 Allchin's Carb. Ammon. Odorif lb. 1 25 Allen's Confection Rose .... i lb. jars. 44 I 00 " " Senna ... i lb. " 4 4 9° " Extract Aconite ...Mlb. " 4 4 3 co 3 25 44 ' 4 44 ...%lb. " 44 3 25 3 50 " " Belladonna ... i lb. " *4 2 25 2 5o II II II ...%lb. " 4 4 2 50 2 75 " " Cannabis Indicus . . . I oz. " oz. 60 65 " " Colocynth Comp ...1 lb. " lb. 5 00 5 25 " " " " Powdered.. ... 1 lb. bots. 4 4 5 5o 5 75 44 44 II II II ...J4 1b. " 4 4 5 75 6 00 " " Conium 4 4 1 35 I 50 " " Colchici Acet ...Xlb. " 4 4 6 00 6 50 II II II II . . I oz. " oz. 5o 55 " " Digitalis . .. I lb. " lb. 3 5o 3 75 " " Gentian ... 1 lb. " 4 4 85 90 " " Hyoscyamus, Annual ... 1 lb. " 4 ' 3 50 3 75 ...% lb. " 4 4 3 75 4- 00 " " " Biennial ... i lb. " 4 4 4 00 4 25 II II 14 II ...%lb. " 44 4 25 4 50 " " Jalap ...%lb. " 4 4 7 00 7 5o " " Rhubarb ...%lb. " 4 4 6 00 6 So " " Sarsaparilla Comp < < II I < I 1 ...1 lb. " 4 4 5 25 5 50 ... lb. " 4 * 5 50 5 75 " " Stramonium Seed ..Xlb. " 4 4 7 50 8 00 " " T araxacum ... 1 lb. " 4 4 I IO I 25 " " Valerian ... 1 lb. " 4 4 2 75 3 00 II II II ...%lb. " 4 4 3 00 3 25 • • • • • • 4 4 3 5o 3 75 " Fol. Aconite .. 1 lb. bots. 4 4 1 25 " " Belladonna .. 1 lb. " 4 4 1 25 " " Cicuta .. 1 lb. " 4 4 1 25 " " Digitalis .. i lb. " 44 I 25 " " Hyoscyamus, Annual ... 1 lb. " 44 1 50 " " " Biennial . . 1 lb. " 4 4 2 5° " Oil Almonds, Bitter . .. 1 lb. " 44 6 75 7 00 " " " Sweet Atkinson's Blfie Pill .. 1 lb. jars. I IO I 25 Iodide Potassium . 1 lb. bots. 4 4 4 5° 4 75 Aubergiers' Syrup Lactucarium doz. IO 00 " Paste " 1 1 I < Battley's Liquor Cinchona Cordofol lb. 13 50 14 00 " " " Palidse.t; 4 4 9 50 IO 00 " Ergot 4 4 6 00 6 5o " " Opii Sedative 9 00 9 50 Belloc's Vegetable Charcoal " " " Lozenges 5 00 Berthe's Syrup Codeine IO 00 " Paste " ... Bertrand Freres' Extracts, No. 24: Acacia, Bouquet Caro- line, Cassie, Eglantine, Ess. Bouquet, Frangipanni, Heliotrope, Hyacinth, Jasmine, Jockey Club, Jonquille, Lily of the Valley, Magnolia, Marechale, Mignonette, Millefleur, Moss Rose, Musk, New-Mown Hay, Night- Blooming Cereus, Orange, Orange Flowers, Patchouly, Pond Lily, Portugal, Reseda, Rose, Rose Geranium, Stephanotis, Sweet Pea, Tea Rose, Tuberose, Upper Ten, Violet, West End, White Rose, Ylang Ylang, 1 lb. cans an 1 1 lb. bots 1 lb. 1 3 00 3 25 128 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Bertrand Freres' Oil Geranium Rose " " " Lavender, Aspic " " " Neroli, Bigarde cans. < 4 lb. doz. oz. 3 25 3 50 " " " " Petal • ' " " " " Petit Grain < ' '1 " " " Origanum '1 lb. " " " Patchouly OZ. " " " " Extra • 4 • ' " " " Rosemary, Eperld lb. " " " " No. i »' BISHOP'S EFFERVESCENT GRANULAR SALTS, viz.: Benzoate Potassn doz. 8 50 Bicarbonate " 5 00 Bromide Ammonium 4 I 6 00 " Iron 11 8 50 " Potassium 4 4 6 00 Carbonate Iron < I 5 00 Carlsbad Salts 4 ( 7 00 Citrate Bismuth < < 8 50 " Cinchona 44 6 00 " " and Iron 4 4 6 50 " Iron I ( 5 00 " Li th i a . . . . 4< 12 OO " Magnesia 5 00 " Potassa • I 7 " Quinine IO 50 " " and Iron < 1 II OO Iodide Iron < < 7 00 " Potassium 4 < 6 00 " Sodium < < 6 00 Kissin mi < I 5 00 Magnesia Aperient • • 4 00 Nitrate of Cerium < 1 8 50 " Potassa 4 4 5 00 Orthophosphate Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine IO OO Pepsin and Bismuth < 4 9 OO " Bismuth, and Strychnine IO OO Phosphate Iron 1 4 5 5° Pullna Salts 5 00 Quinine 4 < IO 50 " and Iron < < II OO Salicvlic Acid. . .... 4 I 8 00 • • 5 00 Seltzer Salts 4 4 5 00 Soda Cit. Tart < < 5 00 Vichy Salts < < 5 00 Blair's Pills, small < 4 6 00 " " laro'p 4 4 9 00 Blancard's Pills, Iodide Iron, small < 4 5 00 " " " " large 9 OO Syrup " " 7 50 Bland's Pills, small < 1 6 50 4 4 II 50 Bonjean's Dragees, Ergotine, small 4 50 " " " large * 1 9 00 Rondanlt's Ppnsin. in doses doz. 7 OO " " " i oz. bots 12 OO " " " r lb. " lb. 15 OO " " in % lb. bots lb. iq 2S " " Elixir ......... . doz. II OO " " Lozenges IO OO " " Pills • • IO OO " " Syrup II OO " " Wine lb. bots • « II OO " " " I " " 4 4 22 OO Bravais' Dialvsed Iron 4 4 15 OO Brockedon's Bicarbonate Potash Lozenges, small 4 4 4 large 4 4 IO 50 " " Soda " small << 4 50 ' " large 10 5° Brou's Injection 7 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 129 Brown's Blistering Dressing doz. 6 00 II 00 " Chlorodyne, small 4 25 12 OO " " large ■ ••• 20 OO 51 00 < < 6 00 Calvert's Carbolic Acid Crystal, No. i x lb. bots. lb. 2 00 2 10 i " 2 40 2 501 " " " " ''i " • ' 2 75 3 00 " " " " " I I oz. " oz. 4° 45 " " " " " 2 i lb. " lb. I 40 1 5o; " " " " " 2 % " " I 60 1 75 " " 2 % " " 2 OO 2 25 " " " " " 2 1 OZ. " oz. 3° 32 " " " Solution, " 4 i lb. " lb. 65 70 " 4 6 " " 57 60 5 i " " 45 5° " " 5 6 " " 37 40 Chable's Depuratif Syrup doz. 15 o° " Syrup Citrate Iron • • 15 OO Chiris' Cherry Laurel Water (24 litres) cans. each. 10 50 " Extracts No. 24 : Bouquet Caroline, Cassie, Essence Bouquet, Frangipanni, Heliotrope, Jasmine, Jockey Club, Jonquille, Lily of the Valley, Magnolia, Mare- chale, Mignonette, Millefleurs, Moss Rose, Musk, New- Mown Hay, Orange, Patchouly, Pond Lily, Rose Ge- ranium, Tuberose, Upper Ten, Violet, West End, Ylang Ylang 1 lb. bots. lb. 3 00 3 25 Chiris' Oil Geranium Rose cans. 10 00 10 50 " " Lavender, Douce 11 • • 1 40 1 50 " " " Flowers " • * 150 1 75 " " " Forte " • • I 25 1 50 " " Neroli, Bigarade " oz. 3 25 3 5o " " " Portugal " • • 2 50 2 75 " " " Petit Gran " • • 1 25 1 5°\ " " Origanum " lb. 1 50 " " Rosemary, Eperld " 1 50 1 75 " " " No. 1 " 1 25 1 50 " " Verbena, true bots. oz. I 00 1 25 " " Ylang Ylang, No. 1 " * * 15 00 " Orange FlowerWater, triple superior (24 Litres) cans. each. 12 OO .. .. .. .. .. (2O << j .. • 1 IO 00 " " " " " " small.... .bots. doz. 2 OO 2 25 '* " " " " " medium... " 3 00 3 5o " " " " " " large. .... " • ' 4 00 4 50 " Pomades-Cassie, Jasmine, Orange, Rose, Tu- berose cans. lb. 2 25 2 50 ■' " Violet " 3 5o 4 00 " Rose Water, triple superior (24 Litres) " each. 13 50 " " " " " (20 " ) " • ' 12 OO " " " Petale (24 " ) " < < 18 00 " " " triple superior, small bots. doz. 2 25 2 50 " " " " " medium " • • 3 25 3 75 " " " " " large " • ' 4 5o 5 00 Clertan's Pearls, Assafoetida i I 10 00 " " Chloroform << 8 00 " " Ether < < 8 00 " " Sulph. Ouinia < < 12 SO Clertan's Pearls, Turpentine < < 6 25 " " Valerian i 4 10 00 Clin's Dragees Bromide Camphor < ( 16 00 " Capsules • " " 16 00 Clutterbuck's Elaterium oz. 5 75 6 00 Cockle's Pills doz. 6 00 Collas' Benzine 4 00 Cooper's Effervescing Lozenges (Solid Thirst Quenchers).. 3 SO Cooper's Sinapine Tissue i 75 Cox's Gelatine. gross. 20 OO doz. 1 75 1 85 Cox & Gould's Citrate of Magnesia 4 00 Croppi's Italian Castor Oil 2 00 130 W* H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Dalby's Carminative doz. 8 50 Dehaut's Purgative Pills, small 7 5° " " " large < 4 ic 00 De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil < < 8 00 Delangrenier's Pate de Nafe, small (< 2 50 " " " large 4 4 4. 2c " Svrtip " 4 4 7 00 ' ' Racahout de Arabes 4 4 10 5° De Sancti's Gout Pills, small 4 4 6 00 " " " " large 4 4 13 00 Ducro's Alimentary Elixir 4 4 10 50 Duncan & Flockhart's Chloroform lb. 3 75 Dusart's Syrup, Lacto-phos Lime doz. 8 co " " " and Iron 8 50 " Wine, " " 4 4 12 50 Ede's Citrate Magnesia 4 4 3 o° " Diamond Cement 4 4 I co Equyem Virgin of Aix Oil, quarts, cases, i doz. each case. 7 So " " " pints, " 2 " • < 8 50 " " Yz " "2 " • • 5 25 Espic's Cigarettes doz 5 75 Fayard & Blayn's Rheumatic Paper, small 2 00 " " " large 4 4 4 00 Follet's Chloral lb 2 00 " Syrup Chloral doz. 10 00 Fournier's Paullinia Powder, small 8 00 " " " large 4 4 IQ OO " " Pills, small 4 4 8 00 " " " large 4 4 13 00 " " and Iron Pills 4 4 IO 00 Frank's Grains de Sante, small 4 . 2 50 " " " large . 4 5 00 Fruneau's Asthmatic Paper, small 4 4 6 00 " " " large 4 4 IO 00 Gowland's Lotion 4 4 10 50 Grillon's Tamar Indien 4 4 8 00 Grimault's Guarana Powder 4 4 8 00 " Indian Cigarettes 4 4 5 5° " Koosso Powder 4 4 II 00 " Matico Injection 4 4 8 00 " Paullinia Powder, small 4 4 4 5° " " " large 4 4 8 00 ' ' Pectoral Paste, small 7. 4 4 2 25 " " " large 4 4 4 00 " Pepsin Powder, ioz. bots 4 4 II OO " " " i lb. bots lb IO OO " " Pure doz 25 OO " " Elixir IO OO " " Lozenges 4 4 6 00 " " Pills... 4 4 6 00 " " Wine 4 4 II OO Hard's Farinaceous Food, small 4 4 q CO " " " large 4 4 3 3'-' 6 50 Henry's Calcined Magnesia 4 4 9 5° Herring's Castor Oil, X pints 4 4 2 2C Q CO % " 3 25 3mi 3 5o " " pints... • ' 5 50 5 75: " " quarts 4 4 8 00 8 co1 " Extract Cannabis Indicus, x oz. jars OZ. 60 ° □'-'i 6c " " •' " y2 ib. lb. 7 OO 7 CO " Extract Nux Vomica, i oz. jars *. OZ. 85 / 3 1 QO Ferri Ammonia Citras, i lb. bots '. lb. I OO I IO " " et Quinia " i oz. " OZ. 8q OO " Oil Amber, i lb. bots lb 3 QO T OO " Pil. Hydrarg., i lb. jars lb. 1 25 I QC: " " i lb. rolls I IO 33 j I 2C " Rhubarb, Powdered, i lb. bots 4 4 o CO x " Trimmed . 4 4 3 4 5° j OO c OO Succus Conium, i lb. bots 4 4 I 2C " Taraxacum, i lb. " 4 4 x *3 1 25 Hoff's Extract Malt doz. q CO Hogg's Cod Liver Oil 3 12 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 131 Hooper's Pills, Genuine doz. oz. lb. 5 50 26 25 75 65 28 Howard's Benzoic Acid " Calomel, i lb. bots Hubbuck's Oxide Zinc, i lb. bots 8-> " " " 14 " boxes . 4 ( James' Fever Powder, Kiddie's doz. 18 Johnson's Caustic Points 3 5o 75 50 " Mounted Caustic 4 4 Kay's Coaguline < 4 I 5 Keating's Cough Lozenges < < Keen's- Mustard, Durham, y2 lb. bots 1 < 5o 38 45 75 25 " " Fine," 20 lb. kegs lb " 4, 6, and 10 lb. cans " " " K lb. " doz. " " % lb. ■' 3 " % lb. bots 4 < ■■ " " y ib. " < < 3 50 50 "D. S. F.," 20 lb. kegs lb. " 4, 6, and 10 lb. cans " " " y ib. doz. 25 " " " y ib. ■■ 4 " " " X lb. bots < ( 50 50 " " " y ib. ■■ 4 4 4 7 Labarraque's Liquid Chlo. Soda 4 4 " Wine of Quinium 4 4 Lancelot's Asthmatic Cigarette 4 4 6 Laville's Anti-Gout Liquor " " Pills 28 00 Leroy's Purgatif., Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 4 4 19 " " Pills 4 4 " Vomitif 4 4 5 4 8 Liebig's Extract Meat, "Antwerp," 2 oz 4 4 50 50 " " 4 oz 4 4 " " " 8 oz 4 4 " 16 oz 4 4 30 4 7 14 " "La Plata," 2 oz 4 4 50 50 25 50 " " 4 oz 4 4 " " 8 oz 4 4 " " 16 oz 4 4 " " Texan," 2 oz 4 r 4 7 14 " " " 4 oz 4 4 50 25 50 50 " 8 oz 4 4 " " 16 oz 4 4 Licoreich's Essence Pepsin 4 4 7 6 Loefland's Extract of Malt 4 4 Lucca "Cream" Salad Oil, y2 pints, cases 2 doz case 6 50 50 50 II II 1. I. 1 4 4 4 1 .4 2 9 8 " " quarts, " 1 " << " " flasks, "2% " 4 4 Mander's Tinct. Colchicum Root, 1 lb. bots lb " Seed, 1 lb. " " Wine, Colchicum Root, 1 lb. bots 4 4 " Seed, 1 lb. " 4 4 Marivallosa Essence doz. Mathey Caylus Capsules 6 5° 50 5° Moller's Cod Liver Oil 11 5 II II II << gross. Morrison's Pills, Genuine, Nos. 1 and 2 72 4 " 1 and 2, large 4 4 Morson's Citrate Magnesia, Effervescent, 1 lb. bots lb 25 " Creasote, y lb. bots 3 3 5o 75 60 50 50 y ib. " 4 4 3 75 " Emplast. Galbanum, lb. rolls.... 4 < 4 " Plumbi, y " " 4 4 Morson's Iron by Hydrogen.... lb. oz. " Oxalate Cerium 75 " Pepsin, Medicinal, 1 oz. bots 35 25 5° 75 25 25 " Porci, 1 oz. " .. 4 4 3 1 " Potassium, Permanganate, pure, 1 lb. bots " Tinct. Colchicum Root, 1 lb. bots . lb. 2 00 35 " Seed, 1 lb. " 4 4 " Wine " Root, 1 lb. " II 1 1 35 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 132 Morson's Wine Colchicum Seed, i lb. bots lb. 1 25 Murray's Fluid Camphor doz. 4 00 " " Magnesia, small. • * 4 00 " " " large • • 8 5° 1 I 4 00 " " Powder < < 10 50 Nelson's Gelatine < < 1 75 1 9° gross. 20 00 " " Lozenges C< <( << doz. 1 75 gross. 18 00 " " " 7 and 14 lb. cans lb. 65 " Isinglass doz. I 65 gross. 19 00 Norton's Chamomile Pills, small doz. 6 00 " " " large 12 OO Ollivier's Depuratif Biscuit, small * ' 15 00 " " " large 30 OO Perry's Grease Extractor 1 1 i 75 lb. 75 80 " " I oz. " doz. 1 1 5° (< " 2 oz. " 2 25 2 5° Quevenne's Iron by Hydrogen, with spoon << 8 00 " " " Dragees, small 7 5o " " " " large II OO Regnault's Pectoral Paste, small 2 50 " " " large 5 00 Reynolds' Specific 16 5° Ricord's Injection • • 9 00 Rigollot's Mustard Leaves, in boxes of 10 3 50 " " 25 • ' 7 50 " " " " " " 100 each. 2 50 Roberts' Poor Man's Friend doz. 5 q>° Robinson's Corn Solvent 1 75 " Patent Barley 138 II III. gross. 15 00 " " Groats doz. 1 38 < < < < «< gross. 15 o° " Oatmeal doz. 1 38 < < < < < < gross. 15 00 Robare's Aureoline, small 20 OO " " large <» 40 OO Roche's Embrocation < 4 17 OO Saame's Chloral-hydrate, 1 lb. bots lb. I 65 1 75 " " %lb. " I 80 1 90 • < <■ lb. " < I 2 " " I OZ. " 4 ( q " " Crystals, 1 lb. " J i 75 I 85 " " " Vt. lb. " • ' 1 90 2 00 " " " lb. " 1 1 2 " " " 1 oz. " << 3 25 3 35 Sandwell's Issue Plasters doz. i 75 gross. 20 00 Savory & Moore's Datura Tatula, in tins doz. " " " " Cigars 11 00 " " " " Cigarettes • ' 11 00 " " " " Pastiles 4 < 10 50 " " Liebig's Food, small < < 3 2C> " " " " large < ( 6 25 " " Pancreatine OZ. 2 50 " " " with Measure doz. 7 5° " " Pancreatic Emulsion, 4 oz 9 00 " " " " 8 " 4 4 16 50 " " " " 16 " 4 4 30 00 " " Pancreatised Cod Liver Oil, 8 oz 14 16 00 " " " " " " 16 " «< 24 00 " " Pancreatic Wine, 4 oz 4 1 9 00 " " " " ' 8 " 4 4 16 50 " " " " 16 " 4 4 30 00 " " " Cocoa 4 4 5 5° 11 " Pepsin Porci OZ. 2 00 <• " " Wine, 4 oz doz. Q 00 .< " " " 8 " < < 16 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 133 Savory & Moore's Peptodyn OZ. 2 50 10 00 7 00 " ' " Disks for Hypodermic Injections, in ) small Wallets } " " Disks for Hypodermic Injections, in ) leather cases, containing six Wallets > of various disks, with small spoon. ) The following Disks are offered: Apormorphia, i-io grain doz. each. Atrophia Sulph., 1-20 " Codeia, % " Caffeine, % " Digitaline, 1-100 " Elaterium 1-12 " Ergotine, % " Morphia, % <4 Physastigmine (or Eserine), equal to % grain Ext. Calabar Bean Quinine, J4 grain Strychnia, 1-60 " Savory & Moore's Disks for Ophthalmic use, Calab'd " " " " " " Atropised Scherins's Chloral-hvdrat, i lb. bots doz. lb. 12 OO IO OO I 85 I 90 _ yarat, % lb_ „ 2 OO " " % lb. " < < 2 25 3 25 I 40 2 50 3 5o 1 5o " " I oz. " < 4 " " Croton, 1 oz. " oz. " " Crystals, i lb. " lb. " " " % lb. " 2 15 2 25 " lb. " 4 < 2 35 3 40 7 50 5 50 8 40 14 85 9 00 2 40 3 50 ** " " I oz. " 4 ( " Essence Pepsin doz. " Extract Malt and Iron Schlumberger's Salicylate of Soda Powders 4 < " " " Wafers < < " " Zinc < 4 " Salicylic Acid Drops < < Schneeberger Snuff 4 4 15 Seguin's Vin de Quinquina 4 4 Singleton's Golden Ointment 4 4 9 OO I 75 3 50 Smith's Extract Licorice, small 4 4 " " " large 4 4 Spratt's Dog Biscuits, cases 112 lbs lb. Squire's Extract Cannabis Indicus, 1 oz. jars OZ. 1 75 5 50 Steedman's Soothing Powder doz. Steiner's Rat Paste, small gross, doz. 10 50 1 5o 16 50 3 00 33 00 13 00 13 OO 13 OO " " " medium gross, doz. " " " large gross, doz. Swann's Syrup Hypophos. Iron " " " Lime 11 " " Soda 4 4 Tamar Indien 4 4 Taylor's Arrowroot, y lb. foil lb. 38 40 " " y lb. " by box, 12 lbs 35 38 " " y lb. " ..' 4 4 40 " " y lb. " by box, 12 lbs 4 4 35 35 42 4° 7 50 2 25 4 50 16 OO " " 1 lb. " tin cans 4 4 38 45 " Homo. Cocoa 4 4 " " " by box 44 Thapsia Plaster doz. Vichy Lozenges, small " " large 4 4 " Salt to make Vichy Water, 50 papers in box 4 4 " " for preparing both 4 50 1 25 Walton's Derby Annatto Paste lb. " Golden Liquid Annatto, 2 oz doz. " " " " 4 " " " " " y pint 4 4 " " " " 1 * " 4 4 " " " " quart 4 4 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 134 DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE AND Prescription, Oval and Paneled Bottles, Flint, German Flint Finished, and Green Glassware, Note.-In order to obtain the largest discount it is necessary to purchase by the full pack- age, the contents of which, in dozens, are about as follows. Assorted are in 1, 2, 3, and 5 gross packages. Contents of Original Packages. K oz. i oz. 2 OZ. 3 oz. 4 6 8 oz. IO OZ. 12 OZ. 16 oz. 24 OZ. 32 oz. N "OO 64 OZ. OZ. OZ. Flint, French, Square Prescriptions. 60 60 6o 48 36 24 24 12 12 6 " Ball-Necks 60 60 60 48 36 24 24 12 12 6 " Plain Panels 60 60 60 48 36 24 24 12 12 6 " Union Oval Prescriptions. .. 60 60 60 48 36 24 24 12 12 6 Flint Finished, Ger. R. S. " ... 60 60 60 48 36 24 24 12 12 6 Green Ovals, Plain 60 60 60 48 36 24 24 12 12 8 " Packings 36 24 12 8 6 " Ball-Neck Panels 60 60 60 48 36 24 24 18 12 IO 8 " Plain Panels 60 60 60 48 36 24 24 18 12 IO " Prescriptions, Round 6o 60 60 48 36 24 24 18 12 IO 8 6 Amber, Black and Green Flasks... 12 12 FRENCH SQUARE AND PHILADELPHIA OVAL FLINT GLASS PRESCRIPTION VIALS. Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. FRENCH SQUARE PRE- SCRIPTION VIALS, STOPPERED. Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. PER. GRO. Vi OZ $IO OO 1 " II OO 2 " 12 50 3 " IS 00 4 " 16 80 6 " 20 00 8 " 24 00 12 " 30 00 16 " 36 00 32 11 48 00 French Square. Philadelphia Oval. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 135 BALL NECK, PLAIN PANEL, FLINT, AND OBLONG SQUARE VIALS. Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30% PER GRO. Yi OZ 4 50 1 " 4 75 " 5 50 2 " 5 75 3 " 7 75 4 " 8 75 6 " 13 00 8 " 17 00 Concave Ball Necks, same price. Ball Neck Panel. Plain Panel, Flint. PER GRO. % oz 3 25 1 " 4 25 lY " 4 50 2 " 5 25 3 " 6 00 4 " 7 75 6 " 9 5o 8 " 11 75 10 " 13 50 16 " 19 50 3 " Opal 9 00 4 " " 12 00 Oblong Square, or Blakes, PER GRO. Y OZ , . . . 4 OO 1 " 4 00 " 5 5o 2 " 5 50 3 " 7 00 4 " 8 00 6 " 10 50 8 " 1350 FLINT GLASS PRESCRIPTION VIALS. Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. Round Shouldered. Union Oval. 136 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GERMAN FLINT FINISHED GLASSWARE. Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. EXTRA PRESCRIPTIONS-Round Shoulder, Extra Heavy. PER GRO. Yz oz 3 00 1 " .............................. 3 75 2 " 4 50 3 " 5 25 4 " 6 50 6 " 8 25 PER GRO. 8 oz 10 00 10 " 12 00 12 " 14 00 16 " 16 00 32 " 28 00 Assorted in 2 and 5 gross boxes 6 50 UNION OVALS. Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. PER GRO. Y. OZ 3 00 Yz " 3 00 1 " 3 75 2 " 4 50 3 " 5 25 4 " 7 00 PER GRO. 6 oz '. 8 25 8 " 10 50 12 " 14 00 16 " 17 00 Assorted in 2 and 5 gross boxes 6 50 Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. FRENCH SQUARE. PER GRO. Yz oz 3 25 1 " 4 00 2 " 5 00 3 " 5 50 4 " 7 00 PER GRO. 6 oz 8 75 8 " ii oo 12 " 14 75 16 " 18 50 Assorted in 2 and 5 gross boxes 5 75 EXTRA POWDERS-For Prescriptions, Wide Mouth. Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. PER GRO. Yz oz 3 25 1 " 4 00 2 " 5 00 3 " 5 75 4 " 7 00 6 " 9 00 8 " 11 00 PER GRO. io oz 14 OO 12 " 14 75 16 " .19 OO 18 " 21 OO 20 " 24 OO 40 " 33 00 EXTRA PACKING BOTTLES. PER GRO. IO OZ 12 25 12 " 15 00 14 " ................................18 OO 16 " 18 OO 18 " 19 50 20 " 19 5° Discount by package, 50%. Discount less than package, 30%. PER GRO. 24 oz 25 00 32 " 30 00 40 " 33 00 68 " 45 00 80 " 55 00 Gallon 72 00 $i advance on packing wide mouth. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 137 GREEN GLASSWARE. COMMON VIALS-Round Prescriptions-Fluted Prescriptions-Long and Short. Discount by package, 70%. Discount less than package, 50%. Narrow Mouth. Wide Mouth. i, 2, and 3 drachm y. oz per gross, 375 " 3 25 " 3 75 4 OO 3 50 4 OO 4 75 5 75 7 50 9 OO IO 50 2 " " 4 50 q " " 5 50 A 11 " 6 75 6 " " 8 25 8 " " 9 75 io " " II 00 12 " " 12 25 13 OO 16 25 20 50 25 50 6 25 16 " , " 15 25 24. ' ' " 19 50 £2 " " 24 50 Assorted in 1, 2, 3, and 5 gross boxes " 6 00 Discount by package, 70%. Discount less than package, 50%. OVAL BOTTLES-Union and Plain. PER GRO. oz., Short 3 25 1 " " 3 75 2 " " 4 75 3 " " 5 75 4 " " 7 00 6 " " 8 50 8 " " 10 25 10 " " 11 00 12 " " .........................14 25 14 " " 15 75 PER GRO. 16 oz., Short 17 50 32 " " 25 00 1 " Long 3 75 2 " " 4 75 3 " " 5 75 1 " Panel Oval 3 75 2 " " " 4 75 3 5 75 4 " " " 7 50 PANELED VIALS AND BOTTLES. Discount by package, 70%. Discount less than package, 50%. PER GRO. % OZ 3 50 % " 4 °o 1 " 4 00 " ................................5 50 1% " 5 50 2 " 5 5o 3 " 7 00 4 " 8 00 5 " 9 25 PER GRO. 6 OZ . . t 1 IO 50 8 " 13 OO 10 " 15 CO 12 " 17 50 T4 " 18 75 16 " 21 00 20 " 23 50 24 " 26 00 Ball Neck Panels, 50 cents per gross advance on above prices. Discount by package, 70%. Discount less than package, 50%. PACKING BOTTLES-Common. Narrow Mouth. Wide Mouth. Vz Pint per gross, 9 75 " 15 25 10 75 I 16 25 i y " 20 50 i Quart " 24 50 25 50 3 Pints . " 32 75 33 75 ~y2 Gallon " 39 00 40 00 45 00 I " 56 00 57 00 138 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GREEN GLASSWARE. Discount by package, 70%. Discount less than package, 50%. Narrow Wide Mouth. Mouth. X Pint, 5 oz per gross, 9 00 10 00 % " 9 " " 12 25 13 25 12 oz " 15 00 16 00 1 Pint, 18 oz. to 20 oz " 19 50 20 50 1% " 24 " " 24 00 25 00 Quart, 35 " to 40 oz " 30 00 31 00 3 Pints " 40 00 41 00 % Gallon, 80 oz " 55 00 56 00 % " .................................................. " 63 00 64 00 1 " " 70 00 71 00 2 " " 170 00 171 00 3 " " 240 00 241 00 PACKING BOTTLES-Extra Heavy, P. L. HOMOEOPATHIC VIALS. Usual discount. PER GRO. % drachm, Short 1 12% % " " 1 12M % " " 1 1 " " 1 25 " 1 50 2 " " 1 50 3 " " 2 00 4 " " 3 00 6 " " 4 00 8 " " 5 00 %, and 1 drachm, Long.... 1 drachm, Long 1 25 2 " " 1 25 O " " 2 00 4 " " 2 50 6 " " 3 50 8 " " 4 50 No. 1 2 25 " 2 , 1 75 " 3 1 50 " 4 1 25 " 5 • 1 25 PER GRO. No. 6, 7, 8, 9, io, and n i " 12 and 13 1 25 " 14 1 5o " 15 1 25 " 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. 1 25 " 24, 25, and 26. . 1 50 " 27 1 75 " 28 2 25 " 29 2 30 " 30 1 75 " 31 1 50 " 32, 33> 34- and 35 1 25 " 36, 37, and 38 1 50 " 39 1 75 " 40, 41, and 42 1 25 " 43, 44, and 45 1 50 " 46 1 75 " 47 and 48 2 25 " 49- 5o, 51, 52, and 53 1 50 " 54 and 55 1 75 " 56 1 5° " 57 1 75 The above Vials, from 1 to 57, include the sizes used by the principal Homoeopathic Pharmacies in the United States. Great care is taken in the manufacturing, and they are warranted clear and uniform in size, and of superior quality. HOMOEOPATHIC CASE VIALS Usual discount. PER GROSS. % drachm, nobrim, extra heavy x 25 1 " " " " 1 50 2 " " " " 1 75 3 " " " " 2 50 4 " " " " 3 50 b " " " " 4 5° 8 " " " " .. 6 00 No. 528. 1 50 " 536 1 80 " 537 1 55 " 54° 1 50 " 541 1 80 " 549 ••••• 1 " 600.... 1 When sizes different from above are required, all that is necessary is to send the length and diameter. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 139 ROUND SHOULDER, MUSHROOM STOPPER, ORDINARY WEIGHT WARE. TINCTURES. PER DOZ. 1 oz., Height, 4 inches 1 37 2 " " 4X " 1 So Y Pint, " 6 " 2 00 % " " " 2 40 1 " " SY " 2 75 lY " " 9 " 3 00 1 Quart, " 10 " ...................................... 3 00 3 Pint, " 12 " '. 4 50 Y Gallon, " 13 " 5 50 1 " " 15 " 8 00 " 17 " 15 o° 2 " " 20 " 21 OO 3 '4 " 22 " 30 OO Tinctures, Round Shoulder, Mushroom Stouper. SALT MOUTHS. PER DOZ 1 oz., Height, inches 1 75 2 " " AfVz " 2 OO % Pint, " 6 " 2 50 % " " 7% " 3 00 1 " " " 3 50 " 9 " 4 25 Quart, " 10 " 4 50 3 Pint, " 11 " 6 75 Yz Gallon, " 13 " 7 00 1 " " 15 " 12 00 j-Yz " " 17 " 20 00 2 " " 20 " 27 00 3 " " 22 " 36 00 Salt Mouths, Round Shoulders, Mushroom Stopper. CUT CROWN STOPPER, EXTRA HEAVY, CUT BOTTOMS, NEW ARTICLE. TINCTURES. PER DOZ. Y Pint. Height, 6 inches 2 63 % " " 7% " 3 00 1 " " 8% " 3 75 Quart, " 10 " 5 25 K Gallon, " 13 " ■ 7 50 1 " " 15 " 13 50 ENGRAVED TINCTURES FOR ACIDS. Flint, Tinctures, Engraved, for Acid, 40Z., 5% inches high doz. 5 00 " " " " 8 " 7 " " 5 50 " " " " 16 " 8% " " 6 od " " " " 32 " 10 " " 7 50 " " " " % gall.,12% " " 900 " " " " 1 " 15 " " 13 00 140 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GLASS LABELS. Indestructible-Impervious to Acid or Time-Abbreviations Warranted according to the United States Dispensatory-All Sizes same Price. No. 2. Oval, White Centre, Black Letter each, $0 12 " 3. White Centre and Red Scroll.... " 12 " 6. White Centre, Red Corner, Gold Letter " 12 " 7. Blue Centre, Gold Letter, Red Shade " 12 " 8. White Centre, Blue Corner, Black Letter " 12 " 9. White Centre, Gold Letter, Red Shade " 12 " 10. White Centre, Black Letter, Gold Shade " 12 " 11. Gold Centre, Black Letter " 12 " 12. Gold Centre, Black Letter, Red Line " 12 " 13. White Centre, Black Letter " 12 " 14. Gold Centre, Black Letter, Shield " 12 " 15. WhiteCentre, BlackLetter, UprightRoman Letter-either Square or Oval, " 20 " 16. Matted Gold, Black Letter, Bright Gold Border-either Square or Oval . " 12 Shape or style of labels or lettering made to order. DRAWER LABELS. Glass-Straight-With Gold Ground, Black Letter, also with White Centre, Black Letter. 1 in. x 6 in per doz., $2 40 | ij< in. x 7% in per doz., $3 00 Straight-With White, Blue, Green, Ashes of Rose, Yellow, or any other Color Letter, Shaded either with Colors or Gold.' 1 in. x 6 in per doz., $3 00 1% in. x 7% in per doz., $3 50 In Gold or White Centre per doz., $3 00 | In Colors or Shaded per doz., $3 50 All the above drilled for Silver Plated Screws, $2 per dozen additional. Shape-Quarter Circle. SCREWS FOR ABOVE. Silver-Plated, small per gross, $2 00 Silvsr-Plated, large per gross, $2 50 QUINLAN'S PATENT NOVELTY DRAWER-PULL On account of some ob- jections being made to our old Pull, as persons state they could not read it readily when placed on the bottom row of drawers, we have thought it well to introduce the above Pull, which has a projecting angle. It is composed of three parts, and when adjusted appears as Fig. i. A similar Pull, madetoimitate OUR patent has been in the market, but in pulling heavy Drawers, .. the outer frame is liable to fall off and is apt to break the label. In this Pull this is avoided by a small screw, which fastens the same together. Figure i. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 141 Finished in Italian Antique French Bronze. Complete with Glass Labelsper doz., $3 20 QUINLAN'S PATENT CONVEX DRAWER-PULL. Entirely New. The construction of this Pull is entirely different from any other style now manufactured, being more ornamental in appearance, novel and compact in design. It consists of a hand- somely moulded metal frame (Bronze, Antique, or Nickel) holding a convexo-concave metal plate with a correspondingly curved heavy glass label, which can be lettered in any style. This curve-shaped label in Pull affords ample room for writing the longest names, with little or no abbreviations-two or more lines of writing being sometimes requisite to indicate con- tents of drawer. (This cannot be done with any other Pull made.) The curved Pull label can also be read distinctly in any position and at a greater distance than any other now made. The finger or pull-rest is placed under the glass label, thereby economizing space, and thus rendering this Pull the most desirable in the market. • Complete, with Labelsper doz., $4 00 142 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S American, with Glass or Japanned Covers, y2 Pint doz.. 4 50 " " " " " " " .. 5 00 " " " " " Quart " .. 6 00 " " " " " % gall " 9 00 Eng., Ex. Heavy, Cut Bot., Ground Glass Cap, Pint " ..18 00 " " " " " Quart.... " ..21 00 " " " " " % gall... " ..30 00 " Ord. Wght., " " " y2 Pint.. " .. 9 00 " " " " " " .. " . .10 00 " " " " " Quart.... " ..12 00 " " " " " y2 gall... " . .15 00 Note.-The advantage which these bottles possess is owing to the fact that the liquid instead of flowing over on the outside is caught in the cap, which empties into the bottle, thereby avoiding any waste and keeping both the bottle and shelf entirely clean. BALSAM OR OIL BOTTLE. PAINTED AND DECORATED SHOW JARS. IN EVERY VARIETY OF DESIGN, WITH ORNAMENTAL GLASS COVERS 1 gallon, each 2 50 2 " " 4 00 3 " " 5 5o 4 " " 6 50 5 " " 8 00 6 " " 9 00 8 " " 10 50 10 " " 14 00 With Medallion. 2 gallons, each.... 6 00 3 " " .... 7 00 4 " " ....10 00 6 " " ....13 00 8 " " ....15 00 10 " " ... .18 00 12 " " ... .22 00 PATENT MEDICINE VIALS. Discount by package, 70%. Discount less than package, 50%. PER GRO. Harlem Oils 3 75' Peppermint 3 75 Turlington's 3 75 Lemon Acids 3 75 British Oils 4 00 Bateman's 4 00 Genuine Essence.. 4 00' Dalby's Carmin 4 50 PER GRO. Godfrey's Cordial 4 50 Liquid Opo's 4 50 Sterr's Opo's, L. & S 4 50 Cephalic Snuff 4 50 Balsam Honey 4 50 Ox Marrows 4 50 Preston Salts 4 50 Macassar Oils 4 50 PER GRO. Flat Bear's Oils and Small do 4 50 Large 4 75 Cayennes 4 75 Calcined Magnesia 4 75 Essence Mustard and Es- sence Rose 4 75 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 143 Pine-apple Show Globe, Three Stopper, Pine-apple, Engraved. Union Show Globe, Handled, 144 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Sh ow Globes. For Illustrations see Pages 143, 145, and. 146. Pine-apple Show Globes Plain, Single Stopper. each. 1 25 .. << << << <■ << ' ' 1 << i 75 4 1 4 4 < 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 50 4 4 14 4 4 <4 ' 4 4 4 1V2 " 44 3 00 It 44 44 44 44 44 2 " •• 3 50 14 44 44 44 44 44 3 " 5 00 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 7 5° " " " " Double " 41 1 25 % " ................... 1 75 II 44 44 44 44 44 i " 44 2 50 a a a a 11 4 4 44 44 1% " 14 3 00 " " " " " " 2 " 3 50 3 " 5 °° II 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 a a a a i 1 a a 4 4 4 4 5 " 44 10 00 " " " " Three " 41 4 5° 44 6 00 <1 <1 II II II II 4 " « 8 50 *• " " Engraved, Double Stopper, X gall 2 OO It 44 44 44 44 " y. " 44 2 50 ir 44 44 44 44 44 3 SO 4/ 44 44 44 44 " " <4 4 00 a a a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 " 2 " 44 4 5° a a aa 44 44 44 " 3 " <4 6 50 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 " 4 u 44 9 00 a a aa 4 4 4 4 4 4 " 5 " 44 12 00 " " " " Three, " 2 " *. 41 5 5° " 3 " 7 50 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 " A " 44 IO OO 44 IO OO It 44 41 44 " 2 " 44 15 OO , . aa <| " 3 " 14 18 OO II 44 44 44 " 4 " 25 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 145 Fine Cut Show Globe,No. 70. Fine Cut Globe, No. 80. Fine Cut Globe, No. 90. Fine Cut Globe, No. 110. Fine Cut Globe, No. 100. Fine Cut Show Globe, No. 70 Pattern, 1% gall each. .25 00 I Fine Cut Show Globe, No. 90 Pattern, iK gull each. .22 00 " " " 80 " 1% " " ..22 00 | " too " " " ..22 oc Fine Cut Show Globe, No. no Pattern, 1% gall each. .30 00 146 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Pineapple Show Globe, Three Stoppers. PINEAPPLE SHOW GLOBE, Roman Globe. 2 Gallon, plain each, 4 50 2 " engraved " 5 50 3 " plain " 6 00 With Three Stoppers. 3 Gallon, engraved each, 7 50 4 " plain " 8 50 4 " engraved " 10 00 ROMAN GLOBE. y2 Gallon each, 4 50 1 " " 6 00 2 " " 8 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 147 Miscellaneous Glass Ware, Flint, FOR CHEMICAL PURPOSES, Etc. ACID STIRRING RODS. 6 inches long doz.. 40 8 " " " .. 50 10 " " " .. 60 12 " " " .. 75 15 " " " . .1 25 18 " " " • .1 75 20 " " " . . 2 OO CHEMICAL FLASKS, BOHEMIAN, Very Light, Flat or Round Bottom, Uniform Thickness. 1 oz doz. 1 50 2 " " 1 80 4 " " 2 00 8 " " 3 00 16 " " 4 00 32 " " 5 00 % gallon '• 6 00 POCKET FLASKS, Amber, Black or Green Glass. Vo. pint gross, 400 1 " " 5 25 Quart " 9 00 BEAKER GLASSES. Hard Bohemian Glass, Uniform Thickness. 2 oz. to 10 oz., 5 in Nest per nest, 1 25 2 " quart, 8 " " 11 2 25 2 " y2 gallon, 14 in Nest.. " 550 Griffen's-with Lip. 4 oz. to pint 1 25 4 " quart 2 25 RETORTS AND RECEIVERS. TUBULATED. American and Bohemian. 2 oz doz. 5 oo 4 " " 5 00 % pint " 6 Oo Pint " 7 50 Quart " 9 00 % gallon " 13 50 1 " " 18 00 2 " " 30 00 o " "4200 4 " " 54 00 5 " " 66 00 CHEMICAL FLASKS-AMERICAN. Flat or Round Bottom. 2 oz., doz. 1 75 4 ", " 1 75 % pint " 2 25 Pint " 3 00 Quart " 4 50 y2 gallon " 6 00 1 " " 10 50 2 " " 24 00 3 " " 36 00 RETORTS AND RECEIVERS, PLAIN. American and. Bohemian. 2 oz doz. 2 50 4 " " 2 50 K Pint " 3 50 Pint..' " 6 co Quart " 7 50 J4 gallon " 10 50 1 " " 13 50 2 " " 27 00 3 " " 36 00 4 " " 48 00 5 " 54 00 148 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S TEST TUBES. 3 inch gross, 2 25 4 inch " 2 50 5 inch " 3 00 6 inch " 3 50 7 inch " 4 50 8 inch " 6 00 9 inch " 6 00 TEST TUBE RACK. WOULFE BOTTLES, Two or Three Necks. % pint doz. 9 oo Pint " io 80 Quart " 15 oo 3 pint " 16 50 % gall " 18 00 1 " " 30 00 2 " " 42 00 WINE BOTTLES. 4 to gall gross, 16 00 5 " " 10 00 6 " " 7 50 7 " " 7 50 8 " " 7 50 DEMIJOHNS. 1 quart doz. 3 50 % gall " 4 00 1 " " 5 50 2 " " 7 50 3 " " 9 00 5 " "1200 With Tubes each, 1 50 Without " " 1 00 NESTED TEST TUBES. 3 to 6 inch gross, 3 50 3 to 7 inch " 4 50 4 to 6 inch " 4 00 3 to 9 inch " 6 00 TUBES FOR ACID PRESCRIPTIONS. Sick Tubes,light, bent gross, 3 50 " " " straight " 3 50 " " heavy " 6 00 " " " extra large... " 7 50 " " with ring and flat mouth-piece..... " 1050 " " Assorted Colors.... " 6 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 149 French and German Window Glass, PBICES'CUBBENT PEB BOX 50 FEET. SIZES. SINGLE. DOUBLE. ISt. 2d. 3d- 4th. ISt. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6 x 8 to io x 15 $7 50 $6 75 $6 25 $5 75 $12 OO $11 OO $10 OO $9 25 11 x 14 to 16 x 24 8 50 7 75 7 25 6 50 13 75 12 SO II 75 10 50 18 x 22 to 20 x 30 10 75 9 75 8 75 7 75 17 25 15 75 14 OO 15 x 36 to 24 x 30 12 25 10 75 9 00 19 75 17 25 14 50 26 x 28 to 24 x 36 13 00 11 50 9 75 21 OO 18 50 15 75 26 x 36 to 26 x 44 14 50 13 25 10 75 23 25 21 25 17 25 26 x 46 to 30 x 50 15 00 14 00 11 25 24 OO 22 50 18 OO 30 x 52 to 30 x 54 16 00 14 5° 12 OO 25 75 23 25 19 25 30 x 56 to 34 x 56 17 25 IS 5o 13 50 27 75 25 OO 21 75 34 x 58 to 34 x 60 18 25 17 25 15 OO 29 25 27 75 24 OO 36 X 60 to 40 X 60 20 75 18 75 17 25 33 25 30 OO 27 75 Sizes above- $ to.00 per box extra for every five inches. Discount, 60%. Enameled Glass, a great variety, packed in cases of 100 feet each. Parties not wanting a whole case, can have it in quantities to suit, cut to any size and shape required. Also, Colored and Ground Glass. An additional io per cent will be charged for all Glass more than 40 inches wide. All sizes above 52 inches in length, and not making more than 81 united inches, will be charged in the 84 united inches bracket. 150 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S No. of Lights per Box of 50 Feet. 6 x 8 150 13 x 18 31 l6 x 48 9 22 X 60 5 3° x 50 5 ey2 x 8% 13° 13 x 20 28 l6 X 52 9 24 X 24 13 3° x 52 5 7 x 9 115 13 x 22 25 l6 x 54 8 24 X 26 12 3° x 54 5 8 x IO 90 13 x 24 23 l6 x 60 8 24 X 28 II 3° x 59 4 8% x 10% 81 13 x 26 21 18 X 20 20 24 X 30 IO 3° x 60 4 8 x II 82 13 x 28 20 18 X 22 18 24 X 32 10 3° x 64 4 8 x 12 75 13 x 30 19 18 x 24 17 24 X 34 9 3° x 66 4 9 x II 73 13 x 32 17 18 X 26 16 24 X 3b 9 30 x 70 3 _ 9 x 12 67 14 X 15 34 18 X 28 14 24 X 38 8 32 X 34 7 9 x 13 62 14 X 16 32 18 X 3° 14 24 X 4° 8 32 x 39 6 9 x 14 57 14 X 17 3i 18 x 32 13 24 X 42 32 x 38 6 9 x 15 53 14 X 18 29 18 x 34 12 24 X 46 7 32 x 40 6 9 x 16 50 14 X 20 26 18 x 36 II 24 X 48 6 32 x 42 6 9 x 18 45 14 X 22 24 18 -x 38 II 24 X 50 6 32 X 44 5 IO X 12 60 14 X 24 22 18 x 40 10 24 X 54 6 32 x 46 5 IO x 13 55 14 X 26 20 18 x 42 10 24 X 5t> 5 32 X 48 5 IO X 14 S2 14 X 28 19 18 X 44 9 24 X 60 5 32 X 5o 5 IO x 15 48 14 X 30 17 18 x 46 9 24 X 66 5 32 X 59 4 IO X 16 45 14 X 32 16 18 X 50 8 26 X 28 io 32 X 60 4 IO X 17 43 14 X 34 15 18 X 52 8 26 X 30 9 32 X 66 3 IO x 18 4° 14 X 3t> 14 18 X 56 7 26 X 32 9 34 x 36 6 IO X 20 36 14 X 38 !4 18 X 60 7 26 X 34 8 34 x 40 6 IO X 22 33 14 X 4° *3 20 X 22 16 26 X 36 8 34 x 44 5 IO X 24 3° 14 X 42 12 20 x 24 15 26 X 38 7 34 x 46 5 IO X 26 28 14 X 44 12 20 X 26 14 26 X 4° 7 34 x 48 5 IO X 28 26 14 X 46 II 20 X 28 13 26 X 42 7 34 x 50 4 IO X 3° 24 15 X 16 30 20 X 30 12 26 X 44 6 34 x 54 4 II X 12 55 15 X 18 27 20 X 32 II 26 X 48 6 34 x 59 4 II X 13 5i 15 X 20 24 20 x 34 II 26 X 50 6 34 x 60 4 II X 14 47 15 X 22 22 20 x 36 10 26 X 52 5 34 x 66 3 II X 15 44 15 X 24 20 20 x 38 10 26 X 54 5 36 X 40 5 II X 16 4i 15 X 26 19 20 x 40 9 26 X 5t> 5 36 X 42 5 II X 17 39 15 X 28 17 20 x 42 9 26 X 58 5 36 X 44 5 II X 18 37 15 X 30 16 20 X 44 8 26 X 60 5 36 X 46 4 II X 20 33 15 X 32 15 20 x 46 8 28 X 30 9 36 X 48 4 II X 22 30 15 x 34 14 20 X 48 8 28 X 32 8 36 X 50 4 . II X 24 27 15 x 3<> 13 20 X 50 7 28 X 34 8 36 X 52 4 12 X 13 46 15 X 38 13 20 X 54 7 28 X 3b 7 36 X 54 4 12 X 14 43 15 X 40 12 20 x 58 6 28 X 38 7 36 X 59 4 12 X 15 40 16 X 16 28 20 X 64 6 28 X 4° 7 36 X 60 3 12 X 16 38 16 X 18 25 22 x 24 14 28 X 42 6 36 X 62 3 12 X 17 35 16 X 20 23 22 X 26 13 28 X 44 6 36 X 64 3 12 X 18 34 16 X 22 21 22 X 28 12 28 X 46 6 36 X 66 3 12 X 20 30 16 X 24 19 22 X 3° II 28 X 50 5 36 X 70 3 12 X 22 27 16 X 26 17 22 x 32 10 28 X 5t> 5 38 X 44 4 12 X 24 25 16 X 28 16 22 x 34 10 28 X 60 4 38 X 52 4 12 X 26 23 16 X 30 15 22 x 36 9 28 X 66 4 40 X 49 4 12 X 28 22 16 X 32 14 22 x 38 9 30 X 34 7 40 X 50 4 12 X 30 20 16 X 34 13 22 x 40 8 30 X 39 7 40 X 54 3 12 X 32 19 16 X 36 13 22 x 42 8 30 X 38 7 40 X 60 3 12 X 34 18 16 X 38 12 22 X 44 7 30 X 40 6 40 X 66 3 12 X 36 17 16 X 40 II 22 x 48 7 30 X 42 6 40 X 72 3 13 X 14 40 16 x 42 II 22 x 50 7 30 X 44 6 44 x 50 3 13 X 15 37 16 X 44 IO 22 x 52 6 30 X 46 5 44 x 59 3 13 X 16 35 16 X 46 IO 22 X 56 6 30 X 48 5 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 151 PAINTS. DRY AND GROUND IN OIL. WHITE LEAD-IN OIL. English, strictly pure American, " " kegs lb. II • 4 8JX Riverside 1 < 4 1 8 National Tontine 1 4 4 8 Colonial 4 4 i 7% Mohawk 44 ' 4 7 Clinton 4 4 6/ Greenback 1 4 < ' 6 Newtown 4 4 4 4 ! 5h= Stolburg • 4 * * 5 AMERICAN WHITE ZINC-IN OIL. Colonial, in Linseed Oil Mohawk, " " 1 44 44 ! 8 1 7% 7 Clinton, " " 1 4 4 4 4 Greenback, " " 1 < 4 4 4 1 6% Newtown, " " 1 4 4 4 4 6 Stolburg, " " 1 4 4 4 4 5% FRENCH WHITE ZINC-IN OIL. Vieille Montagne Co.' s Oxide, ground by F. PE Devoe &• Co. Red Seal, No. i, in Poppy Oil ii H " " " i, " Linseed Oil i° X Green Seal, S. W., in Poppy Oil ' < 13 " " Linseed Oil 1 * 12 WHITE-DRY. V. M. Co.'s Oxide Zinc, Red Seal bbls. 44 9 " " " " Green " ■ < 4 4 4 II American " " Super Ex. "D" << 4 4 8 English Lead casks. 9% American " ' » ' 4 sy2 Whiting bbls. X Paris White ' 4 * ' 2% BLACK-IN OIL. India cases. 4 4 18 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Coach '< 29 " Clinton " Coach 4 4 < 4 19 F. W. D. & Co.'s " Genuine" Black Paint 4 4 ' < 18 " Clinton" Black Paint 1 13 BLACK-DRY. Raven's Wing, drop kegs. '4 22 India, drop Fine, " 14 4 4 18 Blue Black, English < 4 15 Eddy's Lamp-black, Refined Ordinary " Assorted bbls. 26 ' * 7 BLUE-IN OIL. Paris cases. .. 50 68 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Prussian " A " Prussian < i " 45 38 25 "Clinton" Prussian < < 4 4 "C" " < < , ( "Clinton" Blue Paint < < F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Ultramarine 4 4 4 4 42 "Clinton" Ultramarine | ' « 30 152 W. H. SCH1EFFELIN & CO.'S BLUE-DRY. Mazarine, lumps boxes. lb. Soluble, powdered 75 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine'' Chinese 44 4 4 75 Paris Blue 1 < 4 ( F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine'' Prussian, lumps 1 4 4 4 65 "C" Prussian, lumps *. < 4 4 4 38 Celestial, powdered kegs, boxes. 4 4 9 25 Ultramarine, " Super "D" 4 4 " Fine 4 4 20 BROWN-IN OIL. F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Italian Burnt Sienna cases. 22 Clinton Burnt Sienna < < 4 4 14 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Italian Raw Sienna »< 4 4 21 Clinton Raw Sienna < < 4 4 14 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Turkey Burnt Umber • * 4 4 18 Clinton Burnt Umber " •« 4 4 14 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Turkey Raw Umber 4 4 17 Clinton Raw Umber <« 4 4 14 20 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Italian Van Dyke Brown «< 4 4 Clinton Van Dyke Brown 1 < < 4 4 14 Metallic Paint kegs. 4 4 8% BROWN-DRY. Italian Burnt Sienna, powdered bbls. 4 4 12 " Raw " * " < 4 4 4 II "Riverside" Burnt Sienna, powdered 4 4 4 4 6 " Raw " " *4 4 4 5/4 7 Turkey Burnt Umber, " 4 4 4 4 " Raw " " 4 4 4 4 6M 4/4 4 " Riverside" Burnt " " 4 4 4 < " Raw " " 44 4 4 RED-IN OIL. F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Vermilion cases. 4 4 32 " Riverside " Vermilion 4 4 25 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Venetian Red 44 15 "Clinton" Venetian Red ' 4 4 4 13 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Indian Red < ' 4 4 22 "Riverside" Indian Red 4 4 17 RED-DRY. Tiemann's California Vermilion, Pale and Deep, 30 and 50 lbs bags. F. W. D. & Co.'s "Persian Scarlet," Light, Medium and Deep casks. 18 A strong, beautiful, and unchangeable Vermilion-made with great care, and very desirable for use on wagons, agricultural implements, etc. In 6 lb. Cans cases. Rose Pink kegs. 4 ( 14 Indian Red, Extra Super "D" 4 < " " Fine 4< 4 4 8 "Cookson's" Venetian Red bbls. 4 4 Red Lead kegs, casks. 4 4 8% 13 Orange Mineral 4 4 GREEN-IN OIL. F. W. D. & Co.'s " Park Lawn Green," Light, Medium, and Dark cases. 20 Very carefully made, and its color is strong, clear, brilliant, and permanent. It is intended for use on Window Blinds, Ornamental Iron Work, Machinery, etc., in place of the best Chrome or Paris Greens. Packed in 100 lb. Cases, holding assort- ed Cans of 1, 2, 3, and 5 lbs. weight; in 25 or 50 lbs. Tin or Iron Pails, and in Kegs and Casks of any desired quantity; of Light, Medium, and Dark Shades. " Clinton" Chrome Green, Light, Medium, and Dark << 44 17 38 F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine" Paris 4 < 4 4 " " "Anchor" Verdigris, Strictly pure-French 55 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. GREEN-DRY. F W D & Co.'s " Genuine '' Chrome, L. M. & D cases. lb. 22 "Clinton'' Chrome, L. M. & D l6 English, Bronze kegs. 15 Brunswick (< 9 YELLOW-IN OIL. F W D & Co.'s "Genuine'' Chrome, L. M. & D cases. (< "Clinton'* Chrome, L. M. & D < < F W D. & Co.'s "Genuine'' Yellow Ochre < < < < 14 "Clinton'' Yellow Ochre < < 11 YELLOW-DRY. F AV D & Co.'s "Genuine'' Chrome, L. M. & D cases. (< 27 17 "Clinton'' Chrome, L. M. & D < < Fine Washed Yellow Ochre bbls, kegs. < < Oxford Ochre (( 14 ARTISAN GRAINING COLORS-IN OIL. Made by F. IV. D. &> Co. These Colors contain all the necessary ingredients, and will dry in twelve hours. When used, they should be thinned with Boiled Linseed Oil and Spirit of Turpentine. Light Oak, i to 5 lb. cans cases. (( 22 Dark " i to 5 " (< 22 Walnut, 1 to 5 " < i < ( 22 Chestnut, i to 5 " it (( 22 Maple, 1 to 5 " 11 < < 22 Ash, 1 to 5 " 1 < < ( 22 Also in 10 lb. cans. PATENT DRYER. F. W. D. & Co.'s "Genuine," i to 5 lb. cans < < < ( 12! 'Riverside,'' 1 to 5 lb. cans t < < ( II 153 FLORENTINE FRESCO COLORS. Made by F. W. D. &• Co., Expressly for Fresco and Scene Painters. A choice selection of fine Blues, Lakes, Greens,, Blacks, Whites, Reds, Yellows, Umbers, Ochres, Siennas, etc., finely ground, in pulp,, without glue or sizing, and packed in small white glass bottles, or in large packages if required. WHITE LEADS AND ZINC WHITES-IN OIL, Are packed in 25, 50, and 100 lb. kegs, or in casks of any desired weight. In 25 lb. Pail Cans, packed in Patent Cases of 200 or 100 lbs., at half a cent a pound ad- vance on price charged in kegs. In 12% lb. Pail Cans, packed in Cases of 100 lbs., at one cent a pound advance on price- charged in kegs. In Assorted Cans, no lb. Cases, Cans of 1, 2, 3, and 5 lbs.; or 50 lb. Cases, Cans ott 1, 2, 3, and 4 lbs., at three cents a pound advance on price charged in kegs. COLORS, IN OIL, Are packed: Cases of 1 to 5 lb. Cans contain 10 Cans of 1 lb. each, 10 Cans of 2 lbs. each, 10 Cans o 3 lbs. each, 8 cans of 5 lbs. each-100 lbs. Cases of 1 and 2 lb. Cans contain 50 Cans of 1 lb. each, 25 Cans of 2 lbs. each-100 lbs.. Cases of % and 1 lb. Cans contain 26 Cans of % lb. each, 13 Cans of 1 lb. each-26 lbs.. ordering, please mention Brand, Shade, and Assortment required. COLORS-DRY, Are packed: 6 lb. Cans, 72 lb. Cases, and Kegs and Casks. The figures given in this list are subject to changes- of the: MARKET. 154 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Artists' Oil Colors in Tubes, Manufactured by F. W. DEVOE & CO., New York. American Vermilion. Antwerp Blue. Asphaltum. Bistre. Bitumen. Blue Black. Bone Brown. Brilliant Yellow. Brown Ochre. Brown Pink. Burnt Umber. Burnt Roman Ochre. Burnt Sienna. Burnt Terre Verte. Caledonian Brown. ■Cappah Brown. Cassel Earth. Cork Black. Copal Megilp. Chrome Green, 1,2, 3. Chrome Yellow, 1,2,3. Chrome Orange. Chrome Red. Cologne Earth. China White. Chinese Blue. Cremnitz White. Carmine Lake. Crimson Lake. Emerald Green. Flake White. French Green. Flesh Ochre. Gamboge. Gold Ochre. Indian Lake. Indian Red. Indigo. Italian Pink. Ivory Black. King's Yellow. Lamp Black. Light Red. Light Raw Sienna. Megilp. Mummy. Mauve Lake. Naples Yellow, 1,2,3. Neutral Tint. New Blue. Olive Lake. Olive Tint. Orpiment. Oxford Ochre. Paris Blue. Paris Green. Payne's Gray. Permanent Blue. Permanent White. Persian Red. Prussian Blue. Prussian Brown. Prussian Green. Purple Lake. Raw Sienna. Raw Umber. Roman Ochre. Rose Pink. Rose Lake. Scarlet Lake. Silver White. Sugar of Lead. Transparent Gold Ochre. Terra Rosa. Terre Verte. Vandyke Brown. Venetian Red. Verdigris. Verona Brown. Veronese Green. Yellow Lake. Yellow Ochre. Zinc White. $1.08 per dozen Tubes. IBlue Verditer. Burnt Lake. Citron Yellow. Cerulean Blue. Chinese Green. Chinese Vermilion. English Vermilion. French Vermilion. Gaude Lake. Green Lake. Imperial Orange. Perfect Yellow. Sepia. Zinnober Green-Light. Zinnober Green-Deep. $1 80 per dozen Tubes. Brown Madder. Cobalt Green. Emeraude Green. Extract of Gamboge. Madder Lake. Madder Lake-Deep. Malachite Green. Oxide of Chromium. Pink Madder. Rose Madder. Transparent Oxide of Chromium. Cobalt Blue. Extract of Vermilion. Indian Yellow. Lemon Yellow. Mars Brown. Mars Red. Mars Violet. Mars Yellow. $3.00 per dozen Tubes. Orange Vermilion. Paul Veronese Green. Robert's Lake. Rubens' Madder. Scarlet Vermilion. Ultramarine. $3.50 per dozen Tubes. Antimony Yellow. Capucine Madder. French Carmine. $4.80 per dozen Tubes. Purple Madder. Violet Carmine. Burnt Carmine. Cadmium, Lemon. Cadmium, Light. Cadmium, Deep. Cadmium, Orange. $5.40 per dozen Tubes, Cadmium, Yellow. Madder Carmine. Mars Orange. Yellow Madder. Ultramarine Ash. $9.00 per dozen Tubes. Scarlet Madder. Double;, Treble, and Quadruple Tubes, of any of the above Colors. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 155 Winsor & Newton's English Oil Colors, IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. Antwerp Blue. Asphaltum. Bitumen. Black Lead. Blanc d'Argent. Blue Black. Bone Brown. Brown Ochre. " Pink. Burnt Sienna. " Umber. Cappah Brown. Chrome Green, Light. " Middle. " Deep. " Yellow, Pale. Chrome Deep. " Orange. " Red. Cologne Earth. Copal Megilp. Crenmitz White. Crimson Lake. Emerald Green. Flake White. Gamboge, Extract of. Indian Lake. " Red. Indigo. Italian Pink. Ivory Black. Lamp Black. Light Red. Megilp. Mummy. Naples Yellow, Light. " " Deep. Neutral Tint. New Blue. Payne's Grey. Permanent Blue. " White. Prussian Blue. " Brown. Purple Lake. Pyne's Megilp. Raw Sienna. " Umber. Roman Ochre. Scarlet Lake. Sugar of Lead. Terre Rosa. Terre Verte. Trans. Gold Ochre. Vandyke Brown. Venetian Red. Verdigris. Verona Brown. Yellow Lake. " Ochre. Zinc White. Cerulean Blue. $1.50 per dozen Tubes, Burnt Lake. $2.70 per dozen Tubes. Chinese Vermilion. Vermilion. Brown Madder. Carmine, No. 2. Cobalt Blue. Extract of Vermilion. French Ultramarine. " Veronese Gr'n. Indian Yellow. Lemon Yellow, Pale. " Deep. Madder Lake. Malachite Green. Mars Brown. Mars Red. Mars Violet. ' ' Y ellow. Mineral Grey. Orange Vermilion. Oxide of Chromium. " Transparent. Pink Madder. Rembrandt's Madder. Rose Madder. Rubens' Madder. Scarlet Vermilion. Strontian Yellow. Brilliant Ultramarine. Burnt Carmine. Carmine. Ex. Malachite Green. Madder Carmine. $4.20 per dozen Tubes. Mars Orange. Purple Madder. Violet Carmine. Viridian. Aureolin. CadmiumYellow, Pale. Cadmium Yellow, Deep. " Orange. $6.60 per dozen Tubes. Field's OrangeVerm'n. Orient Yellow. Ultramarine Ash. $12.00 per dozen Tubes. Double, Treble, Quadruple, or larger Tubes of any of the above Prepared Oil Colors. F. W. DEVOE & CO.'S MIXED PAINTS, READY FOR USE. See Price-List, page, 301. FOR SALE BY W. H. Schieffelin & Co. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 156 VARNISHES. CAR AND COACH BUILDERS. WEARING BODY OR FINISHING gall. 4 oo For finishing Coat on Cars, Bodies, etc. ; very elastic and durable. WEARING CARRIAGE OR GEAR 4 4 3 75 For finishing Locomotives ; last coat on Gearing or Running Parts, etc. ; great elasticity and durability. HA.RD DRYING BODY ' I 3 75 For general Railway and Carriage purposes ; Graining and Inside work ; and next to last coat where the Wearing Body is used for the Finishing Coat; elastic and durable. PALE RUBBING OR LEVELING 4 4 q to Very quick; for leveling; for filling up and undercoats on finest Car and Carriage work ; dries quick and hard, and will not sweat. COACH BODY Extra Light 4 4 ? 2t For general Carriage Work, Running Parts, Repairing, etc. ; will rub. EXTRA No i COACH 4 4 1 75 Heavy Body, Light Color, quick Drying; for general Carriage Work, Under Coats, Repairing, Graining and Inside Work. No i COACH 4 < 1 5° For general Carriage Work, Painters' use, etc. No 2 COACH 4 4 1 25 For general purposes, mixing with colors, etc. \GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT 4 4 1 5° For Mowing Machines, Plows, etc. ; contains a large quantity of Oil, dries 'hard in six hours ; has great lustre; is durable, and will stand the weather. SMOKE STACK Black 4 4 I IO Very quick and lustrous; self-drying ; for Locomotive Stacks, Iron Work, etc. ENAMELED LEATHER TOP 4 4 2 75 For renovating Leather Carriage Tops; reduce thin with Turpen- tine. CABINET AND PIANO MAKERS. POLISHING Extra 4 oo For inside of Cars, Pianos, Fine Furniture, Panels, etc. POLISHING No i 4 4 For Furniture, Panels, etc. FLOWING Extra 4 4 4 oo For Fine Furniture, finishing Caskets, Pianos, etc. FLOWING No i 4 4 3 For Inside Work. EXTRA LIGHT FURNITURE 4 4 1 75 For general Cabinet Work. No. i FURNITURE 44 1 25 Extra in Body, Color and Drying; dries hard in four hours; will rub. X No. i FURNITURE 44 I oo A Commercial Article for ordinary purposes ; good Color and Body. SCRAPING 4 4 I col Very quick; for filling grain of wood. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 157 WHITE DAMAR, JAPANS, Etc. WHITE DAMAR, Extra gall. 1 75 Very heavy; free from water and transparent; for China Gloss, Wall Paper, etc. WHITE DAMAR, No. i < i I 25 Not quite so heavy as "Extra," but used for same purpose. WHITE DRYING JAPAN I 4 I 50 An improved and strong Dryer for White Zinc, Lead, Delicate Col- ors, Varnishes, etc.; mixes readily with Oil. COACH-PAINTERS' JAPAN < 4 1 25 Very light color ami transparent. A Dryer for Paints and Var- nishes ; mixes readily with Oil. BROWN DRYING JAPAN 4 < 9° A Dryer for Paints. A commercial article for ordinary purposes. IMPROVED LIQUID DRYER 4 I I IO Extra strong. A reliable Dryer in all weather. Contains no gum or rosin. Mixes readily under all circumstances. BLACK JAPAN 41 I IO Self-drying on Iron or Wood, quick and lustrous. BLACK ASPHALTUM i I 9° Self-drying on Iron or Wood, very quick and brilliant. SPIRIT VARNISHES. WHITE SPIRIT SHELLAC, Pure 44 4 For killing Knots where white paint is used; finishing Satin and other light woods. CABINET-MAKERS' SPIRIT SHELLAC, Pure 44 4 00 For Hard Finish in Oil Work, etc. SPIRIT SHELLAC, Ordinary, Pure 44 3 For Oil Finishing, killing Knots, Russet Leather, etc. BLACK SPIRIT SHELLAC, Pure 4 4 3 For Leather Work, Harness, etc. IMITATION SPIRIT SHELLAC 44 1 75 For Oil Finishing, killing Knots, Russet Leather, etc. Barrels free. Cans charged. COACH BODY, Extra, No. i, in bottles, pints " " i, " quarts 3 5° " No. i, in bottles, pints " " i, " quarts 1 , 2 75 FURNITURE, Extra Light, in bottles, pints " " quarts .. J No. i, in bottles, pints " i, " quarts 4 5o JAPAN BROWN, Drying, in bottles, pints I 4 11 " " quarts 4 00 WHITE DAMAR, No. i, " pints. .. " i, " quarts "■ 4 50 158 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Druggists' Sundries, FANCY GOODS, INSTRUMENTS, PERFUMERY, Toilet Articles, SCALES, SYRINGES, TRUSSES, ETC., ETC. FITCH'S SUPPORTER. LONDON SUPPORTER Abdominal Supporters, Betts', Mrs doz, 24 00 24 00 " 24 00 " 36 00 " 18 00 48 00 27 00 each. 21 00 " 30 00 " 38 00 doz. 14 co 15 00 " • 16 00 17 00 " 18 00 " 19 00 " 20 00 21 00 " 22 00 " 23 00 " 15 00 ** 18 00 24 00 29 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 " 1 2.5 " Fitch's " Heynen's " " Spring *1 London " Marsh's " Phelps' Air Beds, single, 32 x 80 inch., No. 1.. . " " " 42 x 80 " "2 " " double, 52 x 80 " "3 " Cushions, White or Black, 9 inches, No 1 " " IO " " 2 " " 11 " " 3 " 12 " " 4 " 13 " " 5 " " " 14 " " 6 " " 15 " " 7 " .« l6 <. ,, g. " " 17 " " Q 18 " " 10 " Pillows, 9 x 13 inches, No. 1 " " 10x16 " " 2 " " 12x18 " " 3 " " 14x23 " " 4 Alabaster Tablets, Irvine's, plain.... " gilt " Shand's, plain, oval " gilt, square GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 159 Alcohol Lamps, 2 oz. with burner and glass cap " 4 " " 8 - " " " handled, small, 4 oz " " med., 6 " " " large, 8 " Alcoholmeters, 1 scale, small 1 ' ' large U. S. Custom-House Anklets, Silk (see page 217). " Thread (see page 217). Aprons, Nursery Arctusine, Lyman's Aromatic Vinegar, Bonn's " " Bully's " Letchford's " Rimmel's, small " " " medium " " large " Soc. Hygienique, small " " " large doz. 5 oo 6 oo 7 50 " 9 oo io 50 12 00 6 00 7 50 7 50 18 00 " 4 50 7 50 6 00 " 6 00 3 50 7 00 12 00 6 00 "I 9 00 Boston. "Centennial." "Favorite." Atomizers, Alexandra.... I2 qq Boston.... " o Centennial ■< "Favorite" 7.'. 7.7.7 ' ' " 4 oo C. & S., No. 15. C. & S.» No. 5. C. & S„ Steam, No 15 each, 5 00 Nickel-Plated *■ 7 Walnut Box, for either of the above.... << 7, C. & S., No. 5, with shield . " □ w " No. 56, for Diffusing Perfume, etc '. c]oz jq Essex 7. 777 " ■ 10 50 160 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S C. & H., No, 56. D., No. 55. Bouquet. Davidson's, No. 55, fancy glasses doz. 12 00 No. 57, plain " •• 12 00 Maw's, Plain Glass, No. 10 " j 50 " Fancy " " 20 ■■ 3 oo " Flask ■< 6 oo " Fountain <■ g 00 Bouquet <• 25 Atkinson's Extracts, 1 oz doz. 6 00 2 " " 11 00 " 4 " " 21 00 " 8 " " 36 00 16 " " 72 00 " Sachets, Paper " 3 50 Lovell's. Leiner's-Wire, Aurilaves, Loved's Patent doz. 1 50 " or Ear Cleaners, Leiner's Wire " 1 00 Aureoline, Robare's, small 20 00 large 40 00 " Wakelee's 15 00 BALLS. Hollow Bat... 5 No. 5 IO 20 30 40 45 Price, 35 40 50 I 25 2 OO doz. Solid Sponge.. < No. £ Price, 5 75 10 I 00 20 I 50 30 2 50 40 3 50 45 4 5o Foot Balls 5 Inch., j* Price, 5 6 7 8 9 IO 15 o° 18 00 21 OO 24 00 27 00 30 00 • • GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 161 BANDS, I. R. Rings, No 8.. per great gross, 1 75 Bands, No. 27, % inch .per gross, 50 9- " " I 90 " " 28, % " " " 60 IO. " " 2 OO " " 29, % " " " 65 • • • • II. " " 2 25 " " 3°, % " " " 70 • • * • 12. " " 2 50 " " 3T> % " . " " 80 13- " " 2 75 " " 32, % " 90 14.. " " 3 00 " " 33. % " " "100 I5-- " " 3 25 " " 50, % " " " 40 16.. " " 3 50 " " SB % " " " 40 II II 17.. " " 3 75 " " 0 X " " " I 00 II II 18.. " " 4 00 " " 00 % " " " I 25 II II 19.. " " ■ 4 5° " " 000 % " " ■■ 150 II II 20. " " 3 °o " " 0000 y " " " i 75 II II 42. per gross, i oo " " 0 y2 " " " 2 OO II II 43-• " " I 25 " " 00 y2 " " " 2 25 II II 44-• " " 150 " " 000 y2 ** " " 2 50 II II 45- • " " 2 OO " " 0000 y2 " " 2 75 Election.. " M., 75 0 x " " " 2 50 Bands, % inch, light " gross, 1 75 11 " 00 x " " " 3 00 " X " " " 2 25 " " 000 X " " " 3 50 ' ' I I < " " " 3 25 " " 0000 % " " " 4 00 < 1 " " " 4 75 " " 0 asst, widths, " " 1 70 asst, lengths, " " 1 50 " " 00 " " " 2 00 '* Vi • ' " " " " 2 60 " " 003 ' ' " " 2 30 " " " " 3 60 Bandoline, Coudray's, 1161 doz. 1 50 " " 1164 " 1 75 " " 1165 " 2 50 " " 1166 " 3 00 Bandage Gum lb. 2 00 " Surgeon's, assorted widths " 1 00 " " Squibb's, No. 1, 31 ass't box. 2 10 " " " " 2, 60 " " 4 20 " " " 3, 120 " " 8 00 Baskets, for Show-Case, Willow doz. 3 00 a 6 00 " " Sponge, Willow, single, sm., each, 75 " " " " " med., " 1 00 " " lge., " 1 25 " " " " double, sm., " 2 50 " lge., " 3 50 " " " Wire, " sm., " 8 00 " " " " " lge., " 12 00 Wire, Double. Bates' Heliotrope Water doz. 4 00 " " trial size " 1 75 Bathing Caps, Oil Silk " 6 00 " " 1. R " 7 50 Baudreuche Skins, for capping " 2 00 Bayley's Extract, Ess. Boq " n 00 " Soap, " " 6 00 " " Spermaceti " 6 00 162 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Bed-Pans, Earthen, White, round doz. io 50 " " Yellow, " " 9 00 " " White, French shape " 12 00 " " Yellow, " " 10 50 " Metal, Round " 12 00 " Rubber, Black " 25 00 " " White " 25 00 " " Slate " 25 00 No. 69 or 70. Bellows, Paper and Leather, No. 1 1 25 " " " " with pipe, No. 2 1 50 " Wooden, " " " 3 3 5° " 4 4 5° 5 6 00 " Tin, small, " 6 1 75 " " large, " 7 3 00 " " high, " 8 1 75 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 163 Blacking, Brown's French Dressing doz. 1 °° " French, Dubois', wood box " 1 5° " " " tin " '' i oo " " Bresson's, " " " 1 00 " " Taquand's, No. gross, 3 5° ., < < J " 6 00 •• " " "4... " 9 00 <■ ■< " 12 00 " " Marcereau, tin box doz. 125 " American, Mason's, No. gross, 3 50 J::::::::"::: • • " ■■ " 4 " 6 50 Blanc de Perle, Liquid, Coudray's, No. 2604 • doz. 600 " " Dorin's, " 34 " 3 00 " " Lubin's '' 6 00 " Powder, Dorin's, " 1 75 <■ " " 4 " 2 00 ■■ " " 6 " 3 50 << <1 << g " 6 OO " " Lubin's, fine doz. 6 00 " " " superfine •••• " r3 5° •' " " " Rose tint " 18 00 ■< " " " Yellow tint " 18 00 " " Roger & Gallet's '' 2 00 " on Porcelain, Dorin's " 1 75 BOTTLES. No. 156. Plain. No. 160. Plain. Caswell. Recess Engraved. Bottles, Cologne, Baccarat, Cut Glass, full assortment. " ' " " Engraved Glass, full assortment. " " Glass Stopper, % pint, plain, No. 160 doz. 2 °3 " % " 300 " " " " pint, " " " 3 75 " " " " quart, " 5 25 " 11 " " y gallon, " 7 5° " " " Cut, y pint, No. 156 " 4 00 % " " " " 600 pint, " " " 7 50 11 " " " quart, " " '' 12 00 " " Caswell, Labels Cologne, Names, etc., % pint " 3 75 y2 " " 4 5° <• " " " " " " pint " 5 00 " " Recess Engraved, Ball Stoppers, % pint '' 4 " " " " " " pint " 7 00 " " Finest French Squares, 4 oz., with names " 3 5° " '■ " " " 8 " 4 00 12 " 5 00 ■ • •• " " " 16 - " " \\ 6 00 " Otto Rose, Gilt, Octagon or Round, 1 oz 11 3 5° 164 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Bottles, Otto Rose, Gilt, Octagon or Round, 2 oz doz. 4 50 " " " 4 " '* 6 00 " 8 " 9 00 " 16 " " 12 00 " Finger shape, 2 inches " 1 75 " " " 2% " " 2 00 " " 3 " " 2 25 " " " " " 3% " " 2 50 " Pomade, Plain, Brass Caps, 1 oz gross. 6 00 " " 2 " " 7 50 3 " " 9 00 " Box-wood Tops, Oval or Round, 2 oz " 4 " " 9 00 " 10 50 " without Caps or Corks, % oz " 3 50 " " " " 1 " " 4 00 " 2 " " 4 50 " " " " 4 " " 7 00 " Glass, " " 1 " doz. 12? " " " " " 2 " " 1 50 " " " " 4 " " 1 75 " " " 6 " ' " 2 75 Bottles, Pomades, in Box-Wood Cases, 2 oz " " 4 " 4 4 4 4 4 ( 4 4 " Tincture, " " 1 " " " " " 2 " " " " " 4 " " " " " 8 " Bouquet des Alps, Coudray's Essence, small " " " " Extract, large doz. 9 oo " 12 oo " 6 oo " 9 oo " 12 OO " 18 oo " IO oo " 16 50 BOTTLES, PUNGENT OR SMELLING. R S Fig. 7. No. 1. No. 2. 9 Flat. No. 2381. 2381X. No. 2. " 6. Double. 419, Cased. No. 3. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 165 Bottles, Smelling, Crystal, small doz. 2 00 " " " medium " 2 25 " " ' " large " 2 50 " " Amber, small " 2 25 " " " medium " 2 50 " " " large " 3 00 " " Ribbed, RS " 1 25 " " Cut Glass, small, No. 2381 " 3 00 " " " " large, " " 4 00 " " " " Fig. 7 " 2 50 " " " " " 9, Flat " 3 00 " " " " large, No. 2 " 4 50 " " " " small, " 6 " 3 50 " " Box-Wood Top, small " 1 00 " " • " " large " ' 1 50 " Leather Case, 419 " 3 00 " " Metal Caps, asst, colors " 75 " Silver 11 " " and cuts, No. o ; " 1200 " " " " " "1 " 15 00 " " " " " " " "2 " 21 00 " " " " "3 " 24 00 Also, a large assortment of other styles, including double-end, watch-shape, upright, etc., in price from $1 50 per dozen to $15 00 each, which will not admit of classification. Bougies, English, single web, 1 to 12 doz. 1 25 " " double " 1 to 12 " 300 " 13 to 16 " 3 50 " " " " Bulbous, 1 to 12 " 6 00 " " " " Conical, 1 to 12 " 6 00 " " " " Rectum " 9 00 " French Black, flexible " 4 50 " Metal, " " 3 00 " Allen's, long or short " 9 00 BOXES. Cold Cream, Earthen, Labels burnt in, oz gross. 12 00 " " " " 1 oz " 13 50 " " " 2 oz " 15 00 Bone. China. Scotch Flaid. Lip Salve, Bone doz. 1 25 " China, fancy " 1 75 " Metal, plain gross. 3 00 '' screw top " 4 00 " Stamped name " 5 00 " Rosewood doz. 1 00 " Scotch Plaid " 1 50 " Veg. Ivory " 1 25 " Wooden, high " 7- " " flat " 75 Match, Leather, small " 2 00 " med " 2 50 " targe ■■ 3 oo " Metal " 1 75 " Morocco . " 1 7, " H. R., No. 1 " 2 4q " No. 2 " Or, 166 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Magnesia Paper, plain glazed, small, No. 25 " " *' " large, " 26 " " Calico, small, " 27 •• " " large, " 28 gross. 95 " i io " 90 " 1 05 Patch Boxes, Earthen, % oz. % " .< ■■ 1 " ,, .< •• 2 " 3 <• ,, .. ■■ 4 " " 8 oo " 8 oo " 9 oo " IO 50 " 12 50 " 15 OO " l8 OO Shouldered Pill Box. French Edge Pill Box. Plain Pill Box. Pill Boxes, paper inlaid, shouldered, Nol gross. 70 .. .. •< " " " " 9° ,, , < 0 ■> " " o " I 20 " 4 '.'.' " I 5° " " " Bronze, " ' 5 " £5 " " 6 " 85 <• <• " " " " 7 11 1 T5 " " 8 " 1 45 Plaid Gilt, " 9 " 45 - < " " ' °5 " " 80 .1 >■ " " " 12 1 °5 <■ " " Gilt Star, plain, " 13 " 35 " " 14 " 50 " " 15 " 70 " " 16 " 93 " " " Carmine, " " 17 , 35 . - •> " " " " 18 45 .1 " 19 " 65 .■ <■ " 20 '' 75 •• " " Unglazed, " " " 3° " 22 " ■ ■ " " " 55 :: 70 • • " " Glazed, shouldered, " no ° 00 " in " 5 50 .1 •< << •• " " " 5 00 .. << ■■ " " " 113 " 4 5° << •< " " " " 114 " 4 00 " " " 3 50 << ■< " " " " 116 " 3 00 11 " " " " " 125 " 5 25 ■ ■ " <• Nested, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 paper. 40 i< ■< •> " " 5, 6, 7 " 8 '' 35 M " " " " 9, 10, ii "12 " 25 " 16 " -■ •• " 17, 18, 19 "20 << -< " " " 21, 22, 23 " 24 " z5 <■ <• " " " 22, 23 and 24 " T3 ■ < " 18, 19 " 20 " z5 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 167 Till Boxes, paper, Bronze, shouldered, No. 29 gross. 1 25 " " " 3° " 1 50 " " " " " " 31 " 1 75 " " " " " gilt edge, No. 29% " 275 " 3°% " 3 00 " " " " 3i% " 3 25 " " " Square, glazed and gold edge, " ' 69 " 5 50 " " " " " " " " " 70 " 5 00 " "7i " 4 50 " " " " " " 72 " 4 00 73 " 3 50 " " " " " 74 " 3 00 " " glazed " " 75 " 2 75 " " " " " 76 " 3 75 " "77 " 3 75 " " ,J " " 78 " 425 79 " 4 75 " " " " " 80 " 5 25 " " " American, Red, Nested .paper 12y2 " " " English, " " " 15 " " " American, " " shouldered " 25 " " " English, Bronzed, " high " 35 " " flat " 35 " and Powder Boxes, German, " 3 in nest nest. 3«5 " " " " " " 6 " " 6 a 12 " " " " " " 10 " " 20 " " " " " 1st size, 1 1-16 inch diameter .gross. 1 67 " " " " " 2d " " " " 1 87 " " " " " 3d " 1 9-16 " " " 2 00 " " " " " 4th " 1% " " " 2 13 " " 5th " 2 3-16 " " " 2 33 " " " " " 6th " 29-16 " " " 2 53 7th " 2% " " " 3 93 " " " " " 8th " 3% " " " 4 20 " " " " " 9th " 3M " " " 4 60 " xoth " 3% " " " 5 co PRESCRIPTION POWDER BOXES. Plain Powder Box. Sliding Powder Box. Shouldered Powder Box Unglazed Paper small, No. 32, plain gross. 1 00 " medium, " 33, " " 1 10 " large, " 34, " " 1 25 small, " 35, " : " 1 10 " medium, " 36, " " 1 15 " large, " 37, " " T 25 Glazed " small, " 38, " " in medium, " 39, " " 1 30 " " large, " 40, " " 140 Gilt Star " small, " 41, " • , " 140 " medium, " 42, " " 1 30 " " large, " 43, " " 1 70 White Glazed Paper small, " 44, " " '140 " medium, " 45, " " 1:0 " large, " 46, " " 1 70 Gold Edge Glazed Paper large, " 95, shouldered . " 475 11 medium, " 96, " " 4 50 " " small, "97. " " 4 25 " White Paper.. .large, " 98, " " 4 75 " " ...medium, " 99, " " 4 w " " ...small, " 100, " " 4 25 Gold Embossed Paper large, " 104, " " 5 oo " medium, 11 105, " " 4 73 168 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Gold Embossed Paper small, No. 106, shouldered gross. 4 50 Calico " small, " 47, sliding " 1 25 " " medium, " 48, " " 150 " " large, " 49, " " 1 75 Gold Star " small, " 50, " " 1 75 " " medijim, " 51, " " 2 00 " large, " 52, " " 2 25 Inlaid Gilt " small, " 53, " " 2 25 " " " medium, " 54, " " 2 50 " large, " 55, " " 2 75 White Embossed " gold edge..small, " 56, " " 2 50 " " " " medium, " 57, " " 2 75 " " " " large, " 58, " " 3 00 " Glazed Paper, Shouldered " 101 " 4 50 " " " " " 102 " 4 25 " " " " 103 " 4 00 Gelatine, assorted colors " 107 " 5 00 " " 108 " 4 75 " " " " 109 " 4 50 White Paper, Oblong, Shouldered " 81 " 6 00 " " " " " 82 " 5 50 " " " 83 " 5 00 " " " 84 " 4 50 " " " " ...... " 85 " 4 00 " " " " " 86 " 3 50 " " " " " 87 " 4 00 " " " " " 88 " 4 50 " 89 " 5 00 " " " " " 9° " 5 50 " Glazed Paper large, " 126, " " 1 75 " medium, " 127, " " 1 50 " " small, " 128, " " 1 25 " Embossed Paper small " 1 75 " *' medium " 2 00 " " large " 2 25 Calico Paper plain, No. 64 " 2 25 Plaid and White Paper " " 65 " 2 75 Glazed and " " " " 66 " 3 00 Gold Star and White Paper " " 67 " 3 50 " Embossed and White Paper, " " 68 " 445 Glazed Paper, glazed edge, shouldered, " 91 " 8 00 " " " " " " 92 " 8 50 Wooden p. 100. 4 00 Tin, Ordinary Size " 2 50 " Extra " " 3 00 SEIDLITZ POWDER BOXES. TIN OINTMENT AND PILL BOXES COVERS PRESSED. COVERS WITH RIMS. No. Capac'y Diam'r. Height. Prices per 100 No. Capac'y Diam'r. Height. Prices per 100. 61 f Xinch. 90 56 X oz. 1% inch. - % inch. 1 40 •63 > Pills. • % " iX " I 00 80 1 iX " I " I 50 67 % 2X " I 20 122 iX " iX " IX " I 60 50 X oz. T " X " 9° 220 2X " iX " 2 " I 80 59 X " I " X " 9° | 54 X " iX " X " I 40 213 * * iX ■■ X " I 00 149 1 iX " % " I 50 5i X " iX " X " I 10 57 1% " xX " IX " I 60 52 % * * iX " H " 1*10 82 2 " IX " iX " I 70 55 X " iX " % " I 20 9i I " 2X " % " I 70 53 X " i-X " % " I 20 45 3 2% " IX " I 80 3i I " iX " X " 1 3° 28 4 2% " IX " I 90 26 iX " iX ". I " I 40 46 6 2X " 2% " 2 20 27 2 iX " iX " 150 47 8 2X " 3 3 20 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 169 SODA POWDER BOXES. Calico Paper, plain, No. 59 gross, 1 70 Plaid and White Paper " " 60 " 1 90 Glazed " " " " " 61 " 2 00 Gold Star and White Paper " " 62 " 2 25 " Embossed and White Paper " " 63. " 2 75 Glazed Paper and Glazed Edge, shouldered, " 93 " 600 " " " Gold " " " 94 " 6 50 Tin p. 100. 2 00 TOOTH POWDER BOXES Opaque Glass, X oz., glasscovers gross, 1050 •" " 1 " " " " 12 00 " " 2 " " " " 15 00 Glazed Paper, Gold Edge, lined with tinfoil, No. 123 " 5 25 Wooden, Eng. Willow, 1% oz.,No. 12 " 6 co " " " 2 " " 14 " 7 00 " " . " 3 " " 16 " 8 00 " Varnished and Labeled, Am. No. 1 " 5 00 " " " " " " 2 " 6 00 " " " " " 3 " 7 00 " " " " " "4 " 8 00 " Silver Poplar and Black-Walnut, No. 1 " 3 25 " 2 " 3 75 " "3 " 4 75 " " 4 " 6 25 Tin, Twitchell's Patent, small or 1 oz.. doz. 85 '*• large " 2 " " 1 25 IMPERVIOUS WOOD BOXES. K oz. Black-Walnut or Silver Poplar gross, 2 25 " i " 2 75 1 " " " " " 3 25 2 " " " " " 3 75 4 " " " " " 4 75 8 " " " " 6 25 170 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S TURNED WOOD BOXES. Quantity Per in Case. Gross. No. i or % oz. .30 gro. o 35 " 2 or & " . .30 " 50 " 3 or y2 " . .25 " 60 " 1,2,3,nest'd 25 " 50 " 4 or 1 oz.. .12 " 85 " 5 or 2 " .. .10 " 1 12 " 6 or 3 " .. .10 " 1 75 " 7 or 4 " ... 5 " 2 2.5 Blueing, small. 30 " 40 " large. .25 " 50 Long Pill 30 " 60 Ext. Long Pill. .30 " 75 The circular lines in the cut show the circumference, and the squares the height, outside measurement. Wooden Chip, round, nested paper. 15 " " oval, small gross. 25 " " " large " 35 Willow, English, nested paper. 25 Hard Rubber Breast Pump. Union Breast Pump. Maw's, or W. H. S. & Co.'s Excelsior Breast Glass, No. i. Breast Glasses, French doz. 750 " " Maw's " 2 5C •• " W. H. S. & Co.'s Excelsior, No. 1 " 250 • • " " " Maw's style, No. 2 " 3 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 171 Breast Pipes, old style doz. 3 00 " " Lang's " 2 50 " " Mother's Companion " 2 25 " Pumps, Alexandra " 13 50 " " Durand's " 12 00 " " English, W. H. S. & Co.'s " 4 00 " Fry's " 12 00 " " Union " 10 50 " " Goodyear's " 9 00 " " Hard Rubber " 14 00 " " Knapp's " 1000 " " Mattson's " 13 50 " 5 75 ' Needhams ♦ " 12 50 " " Delano, No. 635 " 900 Briedenbach's Extracts doz. 10 50 Brillantine, Coudray's „ " 450 Lubin's " 8 00 Pinaud's " 3 0o Carmine lb. 6 00 a 15 00 Green " 4 50 a 9 00 Gold " ! £O a 18 00 Silver " 3 00 « 6 00 White " 00 a 9 oo BRONZE POWDERS. BRUSHES ARTISTS' SUPER FLAT OR COACH-PAINTERS'-In Tin, Long Cedar Handles. No. 49, % inch doz. 1 20 " " " 1 60 " X " " i 7° " % " " 2 00 " I " " 2 50 No. 49, 1% inch doz. 2 90 iJi " " 3 30 " " " 3 70 " 1% " " 4 20 Less 40% discount, 172 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S EXTRA LARGE ARTISTS' BRUSHES, ROUND, BRISTLE-In Tin, Long Cedar Handles. No. 52, No. 14 doz. 1 60 " " 16 " 1 70 " " 18 " 2 00 " " 20 " 2 50 No. 52, No. 22 doz. 2 90 " " 24 " 3 30 " " 26 " 3 70 " " 3° " 4 20 Less 40% discount. BRISTLE ARTISTS' BRUSHES, ROUND AND FLAT, SUPERFINE-Polished Handles. No. 50, No. 1 gross, 9 25 " " 2 " 11 25 " " 3 " 12 50 " " 4 " 14 00 No. 50, No. 5 gross, 15 00 " " 6 " 16 50 " Assorted, 1 to 6 " 12 00 Less 40% discount. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 173 No. 54, No. r, round or flat.. .gross, 11 50 " " 2, " " ... " 13 00 " 3, " " ... " 1450 " " 4, " " ... " 16 50 " 5, " " ... " 18 50 " " 6, " " 22 00 " " 12, " ex. large, " 26 67 " " 14, " " " 30 00 " "16, " " " 36 00 Less 40 BRISTLE FRESCO BRUSHES-Round and Flat, in Tin Cedar Handles, No. 54, No. 18, round, ex. large, gross, 40 00 " " 20, " " " 48 00 " " 24, " " " 56 co " inch, flat " 24 00 " X " " " 28 00 " % " " " 33 00 " 1 " " " 40 co " 1% " " " 48 00 " 1% " " " 56 00 discount. ARTISTS' RED SABLE BRUSHES-Round and Flat, Silver-Plated Ferrules, Polished Handles No. 100, No. 1 gross, 15 75 " " 2 " 17 25 " 3 " 18 75 4 " 21 25 " 5 " 23 50 " " 6 " 26 00 " 7 " 28 25 " 8 " 33 50 " 9 " 37 75 " 10 " 42 50 No. 11 gross, 47 50 " 12 " 52 00 " 13 doz. 4 75 " 14 " 5 00 " i5 " 5 So " 16 " 6 00 " 18 x " 7 00. " 20 " 8 50 Assorted, 4 to 14 gross, 39 00 " 1 " 12 " 30 00 Less 40% discount. 174 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S BRISTLE POONAH BRUSHES-Polished Handles. No. 56, No. 1 gross, 8 50 " " 2 " 9 50 " " 3 " 10 5° ! No. 56, No. 4 gross, 12 50 " " 5 " 14 50 " " 6 " 16 50 Less 40% discount. BADGER HAIR BLENDERS-Flat Knotted. No. g6,1% inch., Wood doz., 14 40 11 2 " " " 19 20 " 2% " " " 24 00 " 3 " " " 28 80 " 3% " " " 33 60 I No. 96, 4 inch., Wood doz., 38 40 " 4% " " " 43 20 " 5 " " " 48 co " " " " 52 8° I " 6 " " " 57 60 Less 30% discount ROUND BADGER BLENDERS. No. 97, No. 1 doz., 2 40 " " 2 " 3 50 " " 3 " 4 50 " " 4 " 6 00 " '1 5 " 7 00 " 6 " 8 20 No. 97, No. 7 doz., 9 50 " " 8 " 10 60 " 9 *. " 12 00 " " 10 " 14 00 11 " 11 " 16 00 " "12 " 17 50 Less 30% discount. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 175 RED SABLE WATER-COLOR BRUSHES-Silver-Plated Ferrules, Polished Handles. No. 102, No. o doz. 3 00 " " 1 " 3 00 " " 2 " 4 50 " " 3 " 5 50 " " 4 " 65° " 5 " 8 oo No. 102, No. 6 doz. 9 50 " " 8 " 12 00 " " 10. " 15 00 " " 12 " 20 00 " " 14 " 25 OO Less 30% discount. WINSOR & NEWTON'S RED SABLE BRUSHES-For Water-Colors, Albata Ferrules, Black Polished Handles. No. 103, No. o gross, 5 25 " " 1 " 5 25 " " 2 " 6 50 " " 3 " 7 75 No. 103, No. 4 doz. 9 75 " " 5 " 11 5o " " 6 " 14 50 " Assorted " 9 25 Less 30% discount. SIBERIAN, FITCH, OR RUSSIAN SABLE ARTISTS' BRUSHES-Substitute for Red Sable for Oil-Painting, Round or Flat. No. 104, No. 1 gross, 8 00 " " 2 " 9 00 " " 3 " 10 00 " " 4 " 11 00 " " 5 " 12 00 " 6 " 14 00 " 7 " 16 00 No. 104, No. 8 gross, 18 co " " 9 " 20 00 " "10 " 22 co " "11 " 24 00 " " 12 . . .; " 26 OO " Assorted " 15 00 Less 30% discount BLACK SIBERIAN WATER-COLOR BRUSHES-Round Polished Handles, Plated Ferrules. No. 105, No. 1 doz. 2 00 " " 2 " 2 50 " 3 " 3 00 " 4 " 3 50 " " 5 " 4 00 No. 105, No. 6 doz. 4 50 " " 8 " 5 00 " 12 " 5 50 " " 16 " 6 00 " "20 " 6 50 Less 30% discount. 176 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S CAMEL'S-HAIR BRUSHES-Used for Color or Varnish. No. 79, Flowing Brushes, 1 inch, doz. 8 40 " " " 1% " " 12 60 " " " 2 " " 16 80 No. 79, Flowing Brushes, 2% inch, doz. 21 00 " <■ << " "• 25 20 " " " 29 40 Less 50% discount. BADGER HAIR FLOWING BRUSHES-Chisel Pcint. No. 93, 1 inch doz. g 00 " 1% " " 13 So " 2 " " 18 00 " 2% " " 22 50 No. 93, 3 inch doz. 27 00 " 3K " " 31 50 " 4 " " 36 °o Less 50% discount, No. 80, 1 inch doz. 4 00 " " " 4 80 " " " 5 50 " 1% " " 6 80 " 2 " " 9 00 CAMEL'S-HAIR MOTTLING BRUSHES OR SPALTERS-Short Cedar Handles, Riveted. No. 80, 2% inch doz. u 50 " " " 13 50 " 3 " " 18 00 " " " 26 00 " 4 " " 32 00 Less 50% discount. No. 85, No. 1 gross, 14 00 " " 2 " 16 00 " " 3 " 18 00 CAMEL'S-HAIR MARKING BRUSHES-Round, Tin Ferrules, Cedar Handles. I No. 85, No. 4 gross, 20 00 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 4 " 16 00 Less 50% discount. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 177 No. 83, 1 inch doz. 5 50 iX " " 7 00 " iy2 •* " 8 00 iX " " 9 20 " 2 " " 10 co FRENCH CAMEL'S-HAIR VARNISH BRUSHES. No. 83, inch doz. 11 60 2% " " 13 50 " 3 " " 20 00 " 3% " " 27 00 " 4 " " 36 co Less 50% discount. CAMEL'S-HAIR LACQUERING BRUSHES- Round and Flat, Tin Ferrules, Red and Black Polished Handles. No. 84, No. 1, round gross, 18 00 " " 2, " " 20 00 " " 3, " " 22 00 " " 4, " " 24 co " " 5, " " 26 00 " " 6, " " 32 00 Assorted, 1 to 6 " 24 00 No. 84, -Mi inch., flat doz. 17 00 " % " " " 20 co " " " " 24 OO " % " " " 28 OO " % " " " 32 OO " I " " " 36 00 Assorted, to 1 inch " 28 00 Less 50% discount. CAMEL'S-HAIR DUSTERS-Quill and Wire Bound, Square and Round Point. No. 86, No. 1 doz. 2 00 " " 2 " 2 50 " " 3 " 3 00 " " 4 " 3 60 " " 5 " 4 20 " " 6 " 5 10 " " 7 " 6 60 " " 8 " 7 80 " " 9 " 9 co No. 86, No. io doz. io 80 " " II " 12 60 " " 12 " 14 40 " " 14 " 19 OO " " l6 " 22 OO " " 18 " 26 OO " " 20 " 30 OO " " 24 " 36 OO " " 30 " 42 OO Less 30% discount. 178 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S No. 82, inch doz. 2 80 " K " " 3 3° " 1 " " 3 70 " rtf " " 4 25 " ij< " " 5 00 " 2 " *' 7 70 ENGLISH CAMEL'S-HAIR VARNISH OR COPYING BRUSHES. No. 82, 2% inch doz. 9 60 " 3 " " 11 60 " " " 15 00 " 4 " " 19 oo " 4% " " 22 oo " 5 " " 27 00 Less 50% discount. No. 87, 1 x 4 inch., first qual.. gross, 12 60 " " 12 60 " 2 X4 " " " " 12 60 CAMEL'S-HAIR TIPS-For Gilders. No. 87, inch., first qual..gross, 12 60 Bradbrook's, 1 to inch doz. 3 50 Less 30% discount. CAMEL'S-HAIR PENCILS. Otd'y. Rose. Super. per gross, i 50 1 75 2 OO " 2 " 1 75 2 00 2 50 " 3 " 2 50 3 °° 2 75 4 " 3 25 3 SO 3 so " 4 25 4 5° 4 7S " 6 " 5 25 5 50 6 00 " 7 " 6 25 6 50 7 00 •• 8 " 7 25 7 50 8 00 Assorted 2, 4 and 8 " 4 00 4 25 4 75 " 1 to 8 " 4 00 4 25 4 75 Common, assorted, 1 to 8, for water-colors gross, 2 00 Demi-Fine, *• " " " " " 3 00 Fine, " " " " " " 4 00 Superfine, " " " " " " 5 03 Extra Fine, " " " " " " 6 00 Goose-quill, " ordinary " 350 Swan-quill, " from % to " 9 co Each length put up in separate gross boxes. GEXEAAL FAECES CUARENT. 179 232 H_ Wcod. CamE E-Hzir PenrEs. far Aauai. wood . doz. 1 25 vzi. X:. rt. - " 175 Bznddfait Errshss Brrfa.c " 4 50 •" Dome '■t 3 co 3ATS BRUSHES. = T7S.'. Til. Lexers XL Amerjczr. Etzjtis ... ...doz. 6 co Erifaisd. " •' •• 900 •• PEZisT-Ep-ip: •• 15 00 je XI- hErr.i*' ...... " 9 00 " " 400 zL..-c zsRuSHES. Per 5qz 2 ax« 3 00 For Nursing BzrrSes No. 1 in. 75 " * " 75 TL.i»ts cf Nnrs.nr rcmes. Na. 3 " Kai. Na. 3. No. 2. 180 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S CLOTH BRUSHES. American Bristle doz. 2 00 a15 00 French " " 7 50024 00 " Sea Grass " 3 50 a 7 50 COTTON BALE MARKING BRUSHES, Twine Bound, 1 inch doz. 1 50 " " " " 1 75 " " " " 2 00 Tin " 1 " round handle " 3 50 " " 1% " " " " 4 00 " " 1 " flat " " 3 25 " " I'X " " " " 3 75 " " T-% " " " " 4 25 Less 50% discount. CRUMB BRUSHES. Common Mahogany doz. 5 00 Best " '' *■ ' 6 00 Crescent " 9 75 Black-Walnut, No. 540 " 9 00 7°° " 10 00 7IQ " 12 00 " " 72° " 15 00 Less 50% discount. Blacking ; doz. 7 .o Paste 6 25 Less 50% discount. CURRIERS' BRUSHES. DUSTING OR COUNTER BRUSHES. N?- 1 475 - 3 5 50 . 4 • • • " io 50 I. extra <• 6 00 w 2' << " 7 50 •5' " 9 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 181 Foundry, extra doz. 19 00 Round End, extra " 14 5° No. 1, super extra " 8 00 " 2, " " 9 00 " 3, " " 11 00 " 4, " " 18 00 " 1, Fancy Ornamented " 11 00 " A, " " " 9 00 " B,' " " " 11 50 " C, " " " 14 00 Toy, " " 11 4 00 Furniture, Fancy " No. 1 " 6 00 " " " " 2 " 10 00 " " " " 3 " 11 50 Less 50% discount. FLESH BRUSHES. American, curved. doz. 9 00 a 12 00 " straight ° 5 00 a 7 50 English Panstrepton " 10 00 a 15 00 GLUE BRUSHES. No. 2, metal bound doz. 8 00 " 3- " " 6 75 " 4> " " 5 00 " 5. " " 4 00 " 6, " " 3 50 Less 50% discount. HAIR BRUSHES. American, Wooden doz. 1 50 <221 00 FLORENCE HAIR BRUSHES. No. 80 Mirror Back doz. 11 25 " 100 " 21 00 " 115 " 17 5° " 180 " 11 00 11 220 " 13 00 " 225 " 13 75 " 258 Initial " 14 5° " 335 " 11 00 " 335 Mirror " 12 50 " 358 Initial " 12 25 " 445 " 9 00 No. 445 Mirror doz. n oo " 446 " 10 50 " 458 Initial " 12 25 " 480 " 10 00 " 658 Initial " 10 00 " 665 " 10 00 " 670 " 8 75 " 680 " 8 00 " 795 " 10 25 " 825 " 8 00 " 935 " 5 50 182 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S CELLULOID HAIR BRUSHES. No. 5 A, Plain, small 1800 " 6 A, " medium 24 00 " 7 A, " large 30 00 " A, " Twist Handle, small 21 00 " A, " " " medium 27 00 " 7% A, " " " large.. 3300 "5 B, Lily, or Head, small 20 00 " 6 B, " " medium 26 oo " 7 B, " " large 32 00 " B, Twist, with Head, small 23 00 " 6J4 B, " " medium 29 00 " 7V2 B, " " large 35 00 "9 A, " Parallel 36 00 Red or Blue Colors, $3 00 per dozen additional ENGLISH HAIR BRUSHES. Childs', 1-39, short, oval doz. 10 50 " 2-39, " " " 12 50 " 3-39, " " " 15 00 " 1-78, long, " " 10 50 " 2-78, " " " 12 50 " 3-78. " " " 15 00 Gosnell's, full assortment doz. 7 50030 00 Low's, " " " 9 00 a 18 00 Maw's, " " " 60032400 FRENCH HAIR BRUSHES. Buffalo Horn, 9 Row, plain doz. 9 00 " " 11 " " " 11 00 " 13 " " " 13 00 " " 9 " Inlaid " 12 00 " " 11 " " " 15 00 " " 13 " " " 18 00 " " 15 " " " 24 00 " " 17 " " " 30 00 Also a large variety of Black-Walnut, Maple, Rose, Tulip, and Satin-Wood Brushes, at various prices. Ivory Hair Brushes, in great variety each, 3 00 a 21 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 183 HAND BRUSHES. Wood Back, Oval, cocoa fibre doz. 1 75 " " Square, " " " 1 50 " " Oval, Bristle " 3 co a 4 50 " " Square, " ............................................... " 3 00 a 4 50 Bone " an assortment " 4 00 9 00 HAT BRUSHES. Wooden Backs doz. 2 50 a 9 00 Buffalo Horn " 10 50(115 00 Ivory each, 4 50<z 6 co HATTERS' BRUSHES. Stopping doz. 10 00 Long Penetrating .... " 17 00 Extra " 20 00 Soft Finishing " 700 Hard " " 7 00 Brush Hat Brush " 47 00 Less 50% discount. No. i, Japanned doz. io oo " 2, " " 12 OO Polished " io 50 Black Enameled " 10 00 Walnut " 10 00 Toy .. " 5 50 Crescent Gilt " 12 00 Oval " : " 13 00 HEARTH BRUSHES. Less 50% discount. 184 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S HORSE BRUSHES. No. 1, o B.. doz. 16 50 " 2, " " 19 00 " 3, " " 20 00 " 46, " " 8 co ' 47, " " 8 00 " 12 " 12 00 " 14 " 13 00 " 15 " 14 50 " 16 " 15 co " 113, Leather Backs " 40 00 " 1, " " " 70 co " 100, " " " 11 00 " 00, " " " 76 00 " 4, " " " 30 co London, " " " 80 00 No. 116, " " " 55 00 Less 50% discount. INFANTS' BRUSHES. Bone, various styles doz.'1 75 a 7 50 Buffalo Horn, various styles. " 2 500 9 00 Ivory, " " each, 2 50a 3 50 Wood, " " doz. 1 75 a 4 50 doz. 1 75 a 4 50 5 inch, Extra, all pure grey bristles doz. 34 00 6 " " " 39 5° 7 " " ■ " " 49 00 8 " " " " " " " 61 50 9 ' " 67 50 5 " Extra Extra, all pure white bristles ... " 4400 6 " " " " " " " " 55 00 7 " " " " " " " " 62 00 8 " " " " " " " " 70 00 9 " " " " " 77 00 Less 50% discount. KALSOMINE BRUSHES. MARKING BRUSHES. No. I, Bristle, round and flat doz. 35 " 2, " " " . " 40 " 3. " " " " 45 " 4. " " " " 50 " 5. " " " " 60 " 6, " " " " 65 1 to 6, " " . " assorted gross, 5 75 Less 50% discount. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 185 NAIL BRUSHES. Bone, full assortment of French, English and American doz. 1 25 a 7 50 Buffalo Horn, assortment of French '.... " 3 00 a 10 50 Wood, " " English, and American " 2 00a 600 Bone Handle on top, 6 Row „ " 3 50 " " " 8 " (See cut) " 4 50 PAINT BRUSHES QUALITY A. Extra Ground Paint Brushes. WARRANTED ALL SELECTED BRISTLES. No.o doz. 15 OO 2- " I7 OO 3- " 20 50 4- " 24 50 5- " 30 OO 6- " 38 50 7- " 49 50 8- " 54 50 Less 50% discount. QUALITY A. Extra Extra Ground Paint Brushes. ALL WHITE BRISTLES. No.o doz. 15 75 2- " 18 75 3- " 22 50 4- " 29 OO 5- " 38 50 6- •< 48 50 7- " 57 00 8- " 65 00 Less 50% discount. Paint Brushes-Quality B. TWINE OR WIRE BOUND. No. 7 doz. 2 25 6 " 2 50 5 " 3 00 4 " 3 50 3 " 4 5o 2 " 6 00 1 " 7 50 o " 10 50 2- " 12 50 3- " 15 50 4- " 18 00 No. 5-o.. doz. 22 50 6- " 27 50 7- " 34 00 8- " 37 co Less 50% discount. Paint Brushes-Quality C. TWINE OR WIRE BOUND. No. 7 doz. 2 50 6 " 3 00 5 " 3 50 4 " 4 50 3 " 5 50 2 " 7 00 1 " 9 00 o " 12 00 2- " 15 00 3- " 18 co 4- " 23 00 5- " 28 00 6- 0 " 34'60 7- " 43 50 8- " 45 00 Less 50% discount. Paint Brushes-Quality D. WIRE BOUND. No. 6 doz. 2 50 5 " 3 00 4 " 3 50 3 " 4 50 2 " 5 50 1 " 7 00 o " 9 00 2- " 11 00 3- " 14 00 4~° " 17 00 5- " 21 00 6- " 25 00 7- " 31 00 8- 11 34 00 Less 50% discount. 186 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO. Extra Extra Ground Paint Brushes. ALL WHITE BRISTLES. No. o doz. 15 75 2- " 18 75 3- " 22 50 4- " 29 OO 5- " 38 5° 6- 0 " 4S 50 7- 11 57 00 8- " 65 00 Less 50% discount. Flat Wall Paint Brushes. SUPER EXTRA. No. i, 3 inches doz. 11 00 2> 3% " " 13 50 3i 4 " " 16 00 4. " " 21 00 5. 5 " " 24 50 Less 50% discount. Extra Ground Blind Brushes. FOR PAINTING BLINDS. No. 2-0 doz. 14 OO 3- " 16 75 4- " 19 50 5- " 25 co 6- " 32 00 Less 50% discount. Extra Extra Ground Blind Brushes. FOR PAINTING BLINDS-ALL WHITE BRISTLES. No. 2-0 doz. 16 OO 3- " 19 5° 4- . . . . ' " 25 OO 5- " 31 OO 6- " 38 00 Less 50% discount. Paint Brushes-Quality E. WIRE BOUND. No. 6 doz. 2 25 5 " 2 50 4 " 3 00 3 " 3 5° 2 " 4 5o 1 " 6 00 o " 7 75 2- " 9 50 3- " 12 50 4- " " *4 75 5- " 18 00 6- " 21 50 7- " 26 00 8- " 31 50 Less 50% discount. All Extra and Extra Extra Paint Brushes are made from pure selected Okatka Bristle, with the standard length and weight. Extra Ground Paint Brushes-Quality A. No. o doz. -5 00 2- " 17 00 3- " 20 50 4- " 24 50 5- " 30 00 6- " 38 50 7- " 49 50 8- " 54 50 Less 50% discount. Flat Wall Paint Brushes. EXTRA EXTRA. .No. o doz. 39 00 2- " 46 00 3- " 53 00 Less 45% discount. Painters' Dust Brushes. SUPERFINE. GREY CENTRE, WHITE OUT SIDE. No. 45. No. 1 doz. 7 50 '' 2 } " 8 03 " 3 " 10 00 ',r " 4 • " 1200 " " 5 ... " 1400 " 16 00 Less 40% discount. < GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 187 Printers' Lye Brushes. 7 Row doz. 10 00 8 " " 11 00 7 " Tampico " 7 00 8 " " " 7 50 Less 50% discount. Printers' Brushes. Printers' Proof doz. 25 50 Washout Brashes " 18 00 Less 50% discount. Roof or Deck Painting Brushes. No. i. 2 Knot doz. 25 00 i- 3 " " 34 00 i- 4 " " 44 50 2. 2 " " 18 00 2. 3 " " 24 50 2. 4 " " 32 00 3. 2 " Extra " 42 co 3. 3 " " 11 60 00 Less 50% discount. American Sash Tools. No. i doz. 75 2 " 1 00 3 " 1 25 4 " 1 50 5 " 1 75 6 " 2 00 7 " 2 25 8 " 2 50 9 " 3 00 10 " 3 25 Less 50% discount. French Sash Tools. No. 1 doz. 1 00 2 " 1 25 3-*- " 1 70 4 " 2 00 5 " 2 25 6 " 2 50 7 " 3 00 8 " 3 25 9 " 4 00 10 " 4 50 Less 50% discount. SCRUB BRUSHES. No. 1 doz. 2 25 2 " 2 75 3 " 3 00 4 " 3 50 5 " 4 00 Less 50% discount. Scrub Brushes, Extra. No. 1 doz. 3 75 2 " 4 75 3 " 5 50 4 " 6 5° 5, White Bristle...- " 6 75 6, " " " 5 50 7 " 9 50 8 " 6 00 Toy, Scrub "• 3 75 Root, " No. 1 " 5 00 Root, Scrub, No. 2 doz. 4 00 Sash " " 3 00 Paint " No. 1 " 4 75 " " " 2 " 6 00 Handled Scrub, No. 1 " 4 00 " " 2 " 4 25 " " "3 " 4 50 White Tampico Scrub, No. 1 " 3 00 " " . " " 2 " 3 50 Milk Can Root Scrub " 5 00 Less 50% discount. For Marble or Hard Wood Floors. Root Fibre doz. 7 50 Tampico Fibre " 600 All Scrubs without handles, 50 cents per dozen extra, if required. Less 50% discount. 188 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S SHAVING BRUSHES. No. 123, Black Enameled Handles, Bristle doz. 75 " 125, " " " '' " 1 00 " 126, " " " " "1 25 " 127. " " " " "150 " 62, Rosewood and Horn " " " 3 00 " 75. " " " " " "3 5o " 87, " " " 4 50 Common Wood Handles, Bristle, No. 2 " 62 " " " " " 4 " 75 " " •" " " 6 " 1 00 " " " " "8 "1 25 Bone Case, Bristle doz. 5 000 6 00 " " Badger " 7 50 " Handles, a good assortment " 1 75 a 4 00 " " Badger, a good assortment.... " 75001050 Buffalo Horn Handles, Badger, a goodassor't, " 3 50012 00 No.o, Twine B'nd and Walnut H'dle, for Barbers'Use, doz. 3 00 " 12, " " " " " " " " " 3 25 "16, " " " Black " " " " " 2 25 " 19. " " " " " " " " " 3 co "112, " " " " " " " " " 3 25 No. 9 to 112. No. 62 to 87. No. 123 to 127 SHOE BRUSHES, HANDLED. No. 1. doz. 7 00 2 " 8 50 3 " 11 00 5 " 6 50 6 " 3 25 7 " 3 75 11 " 15 50 21 » " 10 75 25, Straight Handle " 11 00 Less 50% discount. SHOE BRUSHES. No. 1 doz. 5 50 2 " 6 50 3 " 9 75 4 " 11 75 5 " " 6 25 Less 50% discount. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 189 SHOE BRUSHES IN SETS (THREE TO A SET) No. i - each, 2 50 2 " -3 00 3 " 3 50 Hotel Pqlishing Brush doz. 21 00 Pocket Edition, Tin doz. 4 00 " Wood " 4 00 BLACKING TOP OR DAUBERS. No. 1 dcz. 2 50 2 " 3 75 3 - " 5 00 Less 50% discount. Wood, straight, 3 Row -. doz. 1 50 " 4 " " 1 75 " " 5 " " 2 00 Bone, " 3 " " 2 00 " 4 " '* 2 50 " 5 " " 3°° SILVER-PLATE BRUSHES. STENCIL BRUSHES. No. 6, wire bound, long handles, doz. 800 7, " " " 9 00 8, " " " 10 00 9, " " " 11 00 00, tin bound, short handles, " 1 40 o, " " " 1 50 1, " " " 1 60 2, " " " 1 70 3, " " " 1 90 4, " " " 2 25 No. 5, tin bound, short handles, doz. 2 50 6, " " " 2 75 7, " " " 3 25 8, " " " 3 50 9, " " " 4 00 10, " " " 5 00 11, " " " 6 75 12, " " " 7 50 13, " " " 8 75 14, " " " 10 00 Less 50% discount. 190 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S STOVE BRUSHES. No. i, Handled doz. 4 So 2' " S oo i, " Extra •< 7 e0 2- " '' " 8 50 3> " " " 17 00 Black Lead, Handled " 2 Less 50% discount. TOOTH BRUSHES. French, 3 Rows, Bone, large variety doz. 50a 1 25 4 " 75 3 00 5 " " 1 5o« 3 50 " Buffalo Handles," " " 1 75 a 3 50 Fancy " " " •• 3 co a 4 50 Ivory " " " " " Badger and Goat Hair, large variety " 2 oo« 450 " Sponge End, variety " 2 00a 350 English, 3 Rows, first quality doz. i 75 " 3 " second " " j 25 " 4 " first " (see cuts, pages 191 and 192) " 250 " 4 " second " •* 2 00 " 4 " third " " 1 " 5 " first " (see cut, page 193) " 3 50 " 5 " second " " 3 00 " Palate (see cut, page 193) " 2 50 " Double, No. 91 (see cut, page 193) " 3 50 " 4 Rows, Badger, assorted in dozens ; " 3 50 " 5 " " " " 4 50 " 4 " Silver Wire, assorted in dozens " 350 " 5 " " " " " " 4 50 English Tooth Brushes, either Solid or Wax backs, imported to order in quantities of three gross or more, and stamped with firm name, without extra charge. Special quotations and samples of these goods will be mailed upon application. For styles, reference may be had to illustrations on pages following. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 191 ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSH PATTERNS. 192 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSH PATTERNS-Continued. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 193 ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSH PATTERNS-Continued. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 194 TOOTH BRUSH CASES. Metal doz. 1 50 Porcelain " 2 50 VARNISH BRUSHES. Varnish Brushes Extra-Quality A. TWINE OR WIRE BOUND. No. 6 doz. 3 25 5 " 3 75 4 " 4 00 3---; " 4 75 2 " 5 50 1 " 7 75 o " 9 75 2- " 12 50 3- " 16 co 4- " 20 00 5- " 25 00 6- " 30 co 7- " 33 00 Less 50% discount. Varnish Brushes-Quality B. TWINE OR WIRE BOUND. No. 6 doz. 3 00 5 " 3 50 4 " 3 75 3 " 4 25 2 " 5 00 1 " 5 75 o " 7 25 2- " 9 00 3- " 11 50 4- " 13 75 5- " 18 25 6- " 20 00 7- " 23 50 Less 50% discount. Oval Varnish Brushes. No. 6 doz. 350 5 " 3 75 4 " 4 25 3 " 5 00 2 " 5 75 1 " 7 25 o " 9 00 No. 2-o doz. ii 5° 3- " 13 75 4- " 18 25 5- " 20 50 6- " 23 00 Less 50% discount. Oval Varnish Brushes, Extra. No. 6 doz. 375 5 " 4 00 4 " 4 75 3 " 5 5° 2 " 7 75 1 " 9 75 o " 12 50 2- " 16 00 3- " 20 00 /|-O••••• OO 5- " 30 OO 6- " 33 00 Less 50% discount. Coach Varnish Brushes. QUILL BOUND. No. 1 doz. 16 50 2 " 19 50 3 " 23 00 Less 50% discount. Chiseled Oval Varnish Brushes. SUPERFINE. No. 7 doz. 450 6 " 6 00 5 " 7 00 4 " 9 50 3 " 11 50 2 " 14 00 I " 17 co o " 21 OO 2- '* 25 50 3- " 31 00 4- " 4° 5° Less 50% discount. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 195 FLAT FRENCH BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. No. 8, 1 inch B doz. 2 20 " iK " " " 3 3° " 2 " " " 4 40 " 2% " " " 6 60 " 3 " " " 8 80 " 3% " " " 11 00 " 4 " " " 16 50 No. 7, 1 inch A doz. 3 10 " 1% " " " 4 75 " 2 " " 11 6 40 " " " " 8 50 " 3 " " " 11 00 " " " " 14 3° " 4 " " " 17 60 Less 50% discount, WHITEWASH HEADS. Dealers will please note, in ordering, that Whitewash Heads are without Handle, White- wash Brushes having a short handle. Extra Whitewash Heads, A. WARRANTED ALL BRISTLES. No. 5 doz. 5 50 6 " 6 50 7 " 8 5° 8 " 11 00 9 " 12 50 10 " 17 5° 11 " 19 00 12 " 26 00 13 " 30 00 14 " 35 00 15 " 39 00 Less 50% discount. XB Whitewash Heads. WARRANTED ALL BRISTLES. 5 inches doz. 5 00 6 " .... " 6 50 7 " " 8 00 8 " " 12 00 9 " " 14 00 10 " " 19 00 11 " " 23 00 12 " " 34 00 Less 50% discount. 196 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S D. Extra Whitewash Heads. 6 inches doz. 5 00 6% " ....................... " 5 50 7 " " 6 00 7% " " 7 00 8 " " 7 50 8% " " 8 00 9 " " 9 50 9M " " 10 5° 10 inches " 12 00 " " 14 00 11 " " 14 5° 11% " " 16 00 12 " " 18 50 Less 50% discount. Whitewash Heads. LONG BRISTLES. A good brush for general use. o doz. 15 00 2- " 17 00 3- " 20 00 4- " 23 00 Less 50% discount. Extra Whitewash Heads. LONG BRISTLES, FOR MASONS AND PLASTERERS. No. 9 doz. 33 OO 10 ...... " 41 OO 12 " 54 00 14 " 71 OO l6 " 77 OO l8 " 94 OO 20 " IO4 OO Less 50% discount. Extra Extra Whitewash Heads. LONG WHITE OKATKA BRISTLES. No. 9 doz. 44 OO 10 11 56 OO 12 " 74 OO 14 " 92 OO l6 " ICO OO 18 " Il8 CO Less 50% discount. HANDLED WHITEWASH BRUSHES. 0. Extra Whitewash Brushes, Handled. No. 5 doz. 4 50 6 " 5 00 7 " 5 50 8 " 6 co 9 " 7 00 10 " 8 00 11 " 9 00 12 " 10 00 Less 50% discount. Extra Whitewash Brushes, Handled. No. o doz. 18 00 00 " 20 00 000 " 25 00 0000 " 28 00 Less 50% discount. Extra Whitewash Brushes, Handled. LONG BRISTLES, FOR MASONS AND PLASTERERS. No. 9 doz. 34 OO IO. " 42 OO 12 " 55 00 14 " 72 00 16 " 78 00 18 " 95 00 20 " 105 00 Less 50% discount. X. Whitewash Brushes, Handled. SAME QUALITY AS XB HEADS. No. 3 doz. 6 oo 4 " 6 50 5 " 7 oo 6 " 8 75 7 • " io co 8 " 11 50 9- • • " 15 00 10 " 16 00 12 " 20 00 Less 50% discount. Window Brushes. Flat End, No. 1 doz. 9 00 Round " " 1 •• IO 00 " 2 " 12 50 Flat " Extra ■■ 12 co " " " 4 ft. Handle " 16 50 Round " " <• 18 50 " " " 4 ft. Handle " 23 00 Pope's Eye ■■ 15 50 " " all white bristles " 1350 " Head " 20 50 Less 50% discount. 6 feet Poles Net 1 50 10 " " " ' 1 75 12 " " " 2 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 197 Brush Cases, for Hair Brushes each, i oo and 2 Bully's Vinegar (see page 151). Cachous, Arnaud's Paper doz. 75 " Hobson's Metal " 1 00 " Hooper's Paper " too Cachous, Hooper's Metal " 1 25 " " Ladies' " 1 00 Calder's Dentine, small " 1 75 " " large " 3 5° Camm's Eau Lustral " 8 00 Camphor Ice, Alaska * " 1 75 " " Hegeman's " 1 75 " W. H. S. & Co.'s " 1 50 California Water, large " 5 75 " " small " 1 75 Capsules, Jujube, empty, assorted sizes " 3 00 CARDS, PLAYING. No. o. No. 2, Steamboats " 1 5° " 1. Steamboat, assorted, Star and Calico Backs " 2 00 " 4. Eureka, No. 2, assorted, Star and Calico Backs " 2 60 " 6. Great Mogul, Fancy Backs " 2 75 " 9. Decatur, assorted, Star and Calico Backs " 4 00 " 12. Star Eagle, Half Linen, assorted, Star and Calico Backs " 6 00 " 16. Great Mogul, Fancy Backs, Enameled " 4 5° " 17. Harry the VIII., Fancy Backs, Super Enameled " 6 co " 23. Decatur, " " " " 4 00 " 30. Eagle, " " Extra " " 8 co " 31. Great Mogul, Illuminated" " Super" " 7 00 " 20. Fourth Moguls, Fancy Backs " 2 50 " 7. Great " " " Convex Corner " 3 33 " 15. " " Enameled " " " 6 00 " 18. Triplicate, "Patented," " " " 6 00 " 18. " Dog's Head, " " " 7 00 " 18. " Horses " " " " 7 00 " 18. " Gilt Edge, " " " 8 co " 25. Spanish American, " " " 6 00 '" 50. Indicators, " " " 6 00 " 28. Great Mogul, "Euchre," " " , " 5 00 " 37. " " "Solo," " " " 5 00 " 32. Gold Mogul " 9 00 " 33. Eagle, American Flag Back, Enameled " 4 5° " Great Mogul, Euchre, Fancy Back, Enameled " 4 00 " 36. " " Solo, " " " " 400 " 40. Convex Corner, Double Eagle " 8 00 GOODALL'S LONDON CARDS. Columbia, Euchre doz. 3 00 Gen. Jackson.... " 3 25 Golden Gate ■ " 4 00 Grand Pacha " 2 5° Mount Vernon " doo Steamship " 1 88 Virginia 2 75 CASWELL, HAZARD & CO.'S Colognes (see page 204). Cold Cream doz. 2 50 Dentine " 3 00 Formodenta " 5 00 Juniper Tar Soap " 2 25 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 198 CASES, AMPUTATING. SET No. I-CONTENTS. 1 Liston's Knife, hip and thigh. 1 " " leg and arm. 1 Catling, small. 1 Scalpel. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Artery Forceps. 1 Metacarpal Saw. 1 Captal Saw. 1 Tourniquet. 12 Needles, Silk, etc. 1 Bone Forceps. 1 Mahogany Case. Price, $28.00. SET No. 2. Contents same as in No. 1. Price, $30.00. SET No. 3. Contents same as above. Fine Rosewood Case and fine quality of Instruments. Price, $35.00. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 199 POCKET CASE, No. 21. 200 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S No. 21. G. Tiemann & Co.'s Patent Pocket Case. A very neat and compact Case of Turkey morocco, with silver lock. Contents: two patent catch Handles, Post's Exploring Needle, Tenaculum, Gum Lancet, Sharp-pointed Bistourie, Probe-pointed Bistourie, Tenotomy Knife, Large Scalpel, Small Scalpel, Fin- ger Knife, Metacarpal Saw, Lancet, Straight Scissors, Dressing Forceps, Spring-catch fenestrated Artery Forceps, Spatula, .Grooved Director and Aneu- rism Needle, two silver Probes, Compound Catheter of sterling silver, Caustic Case of sterling silver made seamless, six Needles and Suture Silk, two coils of silver Suture Wire 33 00 No. 1. Two-fold Morocco Case, single-bladed instruments with Tortoise-shell handles, containing: Scalpel, Probe-pointed Bistourie, Tenaculum, Straight Scissors, Artery Forceps, Spatula, Compound (male and female) Catheter, Director, pair of Silver Probes, six Needles and Silk 10 00 No. 3. Three-fold Morocco Case, single-bladed instruments with Tortoise-shell handles, Contents: Scalpel, Probe-pointed Bistourie, Tenaculum, Straight Scissors, Artery Forceps, Dressing Forceps, Hard Rubber and Silver Caustic Case, Spatula, Sharp-pointed Bistourie, Gum Lancet, Compound (male and female) Catheter, Director, pair of Silver Probes, six Needles and Silk 15 00 No. 4. Leather Case. Contents: Male and Female Catheter, Tenaculum, Hard-rub- ber Caustic Case, two Silver Probes, Exploring Needle, Director and Aneurism Needle, Probe-pointed Bistourie, Dressing Polypus Forceps, Scalpel, Sharp- pointed Bistourie, Straight Scissors, Curved Scissors, Thumb Lancet, Spatula, Dissecting Forceps, Straight Finger Bistourie, Seton Needle, six Needles and Ligature Silk. -The Instruments have Tortoise-shell Handles, and are single- bladed 21 00 No. 6. Parker's 18 00 " 7. Parker's, fine 25 oo " 8. Multum in Parvo 19 00 " 9. Gunn's 20 00 " 10. Van Buren's 22 00 " 11. Gross' 22 00 " 12. Gross' fine 26 00 15. Hamilton's 32 00 " 20. Wood's 27 50 And many others. Also cases to order according to specification. POCKET CASES. Peacock's Case, 18 Vial. SPeacock's Talent, io 2-drachm Vials doz, 24 00 " 12 2 " " " 27 00 " 16 2 " " " 27 00 " 18 2 " " " 30 00 " " 20 2 " " " 33 00 ■No. 428 contains 16 2 " " Morocco Strap, gilt " 12 00 " 528 11 20 2 " " " " " " 14 00 " 529 " 4 " " for the Vest Pocket " 6 00 " 530 " 30 % " " Turkey Morocco Clasp " 18 00 VIAL CASES FOR PHYSICIANS. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 201 No. 531 contains 24 i-drachm Vials, Slide both ends, Morocco doz. 13 00 " 533 " 9 2% " '* 1 row of Vials upright " n 00 " 536 " 18 2% " " 2 rows " " " 14 00 " 437 " 16 2 " " Wooden Frame, covered Morocco " 12 00 " 537 " 20 2 " " " " " " " 14 00 " 540 " 16 1% " " Sheepskin, sewed " 10 50 " 541 " 20 2 " " " " " 12 00 " 544 " 16 2 " " Russet Leather Strap " 9 00 " 6" 20 2 " " " " " " 11 00 " 549 " 16 1% " " Porte-monnaie Style " 16 50 " 580 " 24 1% " " Four Divisions, nicely gilt " 24 00 " 587 " 16 1% " " Morocco, sewed " 11 00 " 488 " 18 2 " " " " " 12 00 " 588 " 20 2 " " " " .......................... " 13 00 " 589 " 20 4 " " " gilt strap " 21 00 " 590 " 20 4 " " Sheepskin, sewed " 20 00 " 591 " 18 1% " " Porte-monnaie Style " 18 00 " 594 " 24 2 " " " " " 33 00 " 596 " 12 4 " " and 24 2-drachm Vials, Buggy Cases, good Morocco, with handles " 5400 " 600 " 24 2 " " gilt numbers " 21 00 " 601 " 12 " " and 8 6-drachm Vials, best Turkey Morocco, " 3000 " 602 " 20 2 " " Wrapper Cases " 16 00 " 603 " 12 2 " " and 8 4-drachm Vials, Wrapper Case " 18 00 " 604 " 10 2 " " and 7 4 " " and 2 i-ounce glass stop, bottles upright case " 2600 " 605 " 83 " " on one side, and 2 Pockets for Powders on the other side, of the best Russia Leather " 27 00 " 606 " 16 3 11 " of best Russia Leather " 30 00 " 608 " 20 2% " " Box Style " 24 00 " 609 " 63 " " Wrapper Case, Red " 12 00 " 610 " 20 2 " " sewed, Red " 14 00 " 6ii " 10 3 " " Wrapper Case, Red " 14 00 " 612 " 12 3 " " " ends covered " 14 00 " 613 " 10 3 " " and 14 Vials, Red " 22 00 " 614 " 18 3 " Imitation Russia " 20 00 " 615 " 24 3 " and 16 i%-drachm Vials, 3 folded, 2 Pockets, " 26 00 " 616 " 243 " 2 Pockets and place for Powders " 21 00 " 617 ■' 10 4 " and 18 i%-drachm Vials, the Vials all upright, " 24 00 " 618 " 6 i-ounce strong bottles, corked, Box Style " 21 00 " 619 " 10 4-drachm and 28 2-drachm Vials, 3 folded Imitation Russia, " 3400 " 620 " 10 4 " "142 " and 28 i-drachm Vials, Imita- tion Russia, 3 folded ' ' 36 00 11 621 " 8 2-drachm Vials, on one side " 9 00 " 622 " 104 " and 14 2-drachm Vials, Imitation Russia " 2600 " 623 " 8 6" Vials, Box Style " 18 00 " 624 " 64 " long Vials, Wrapper Cases, the Vials 5 inches long, " 1500 " 625 " 30 1% " Amber Vials, Book Style, Morocco " 24 00 " 626 " 15 1% " and 30 X-dr'm Amber Vials, Book Style Morocco, " 2600 " 627 " 242 " Amber Vials, Wrapper Case, genuine Calf. " 2400 " 629 " * 10 2 " " " stiff ends " 12 00 " 630 . " 61 " Vials, for the Vest Pocket >. " 5 00 " 633 " 84" Glass Stoppered Vials and 12 2-drachm Amber Vials, stiff ends " 28 00 202 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S CATHETERS. G. TIEMM1N &. CO G. T! EMANN & CO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 203 CATHETERS. English, single web, 1 to 12 doz. 1 20 " double " 1 to 12 " 3 50 ' " " " 13 to 16 " 3 50 " " " Bulbous " 6 00 " " " Conical " 6 00 Metal, Flexible " 4 5° Male, silver 1 25 to 2 50 Male and Female, comb'd, silver (cut D) 3 00 Same, with Seamless Caustic Case (cut E) 5 00 Female, silver 1 00 Male, nickel-plated 1 00 Combined, silver-plated 2 00 Same, with Caustic Case 3 00 Female, silver-plated 50 Hard Rubber 1 00 Jacques' doz. 12 00 Parker's Catheter Syringe , 4 00 Miner's Stricture Dilator (cut B) 3 50 Nelaton's doz. 6 00 Mercier's, Prostatic '. 1 25 Dowell's, silver 3 50 Bigelow's 6 00 Squire's, silver 6 00 to 8 00 Cowan's, silver 9 50 Double Current, silver (cut C) 6 00 Nott's, Male 4 50 " Female 3 50 Caustic, in Cases, Johnson's Mounted doz. 1 50 " Points " " 2 50 " Holders, H. R., No. 1 " 3 25 " " " " 2 " 3 75 3 " 4 25 " " " '* 4 " 4 75 CHALK BALLS. Boxes, of 4 doz box. i oo " " i " each ball in box, Shand's doz. 75 " " 1 " " " Irvine's " 62 " •• j ■■ " " " pink " 1 00 " " 1 " " " Shand's " " 1 00 Chalk, Billiard ... gross, I 00 " Crayons " 20 " Tailors' box. 50 204 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Extracts, in cases ........ doz. 6 00 Lily White, square box, No. 33 " 4 00 " " round " " 35 " 2 50 Veloutine Powder, No. 202 " 7 50 Puff-Box and Puff, " 210 " 4 00 CHARDIN. CHAMPAGNE TAPS. P of W. Milnes'. Plain. Prince of Wales, in cases*. doz. 24 00 " " no " " 21 00 Milnes', with drop end " 24 00 Lawrence's " 9 00 Maw's, plain " 9 00 W. H. S. & Co.'s screw " 800 Cloth Stretchers, English " 1 25 " " Williston's....: " 1 75 Cocoa Cream, Chalfant's. Cold Cream Patey's, small. " 1 75 " " 11 large .... •_ " 3 5° Cologne, % Pints, Boxes of 1 dozen " 6 00 M " Y " " 10 00 " 1 " " % " " 00 Lavender Water o 00 Multiflora " " 10 00 Rosodora " " 10 00 Violet " large " 10 00 " " small " 5 00 Vaseline, Pure, 5 lb. cans P- can 2 5° " " 1 " bottles doz. 8 00 " 11 4 oz. " " 4 00 " " 2 " " ••• " 2 08 " Pomade, 4 oz. bottles " 4 co " " 2 " " " 2 °8 " Cold Cream, 2 oz. pots " 4 00 % " " " 2 08 COLGATE. Atwood, 6 oz. C. S............ " 75° " Yq, pint " 10 5° " pint " T7 5° " quart " 31 00 " vial " 175 COLOGNES. Burnett's, all sizes ... ,, 6 00a 27 00 Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s, pint, asst " 10 5° " 11 " pint, " " 16 00 " " " quart, " '' 30 00 Farina, F. M. F., No. 4711, long or short " 5 5° " " " " % pint " 65° " " " " pint " 12 00 " " " " quart " 24 00 " J. A. F., long or short " S 00 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 204a Chamois, single, No. 1 doz. 3 50 *' " " 2 .... . " 4OO " " " 3 " 4 50 " 4 " 5 00 " double, small " 7 50 " " medium " 9 00 " " large " 10 50 Hare Skin " 9 00 CHEST PROTECTORS. Felt, single, No. i, English doz. 4 00 " " "2, " "500 " " " 3, " 6 00 " " "4. " " 8 00 " double, small, " " 12 00 " " medium, " " 15 00 " " large " " 18 00 PROTECTOR, oftodainb idb idtajit, and d Ike only, uni= joint ePoloub manujfxo'iatod. Patented 22, 1876, and July 21, 1868. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 WILLIAM STREET, N. Wholesale Drugeists, SOLE AGENTS U. S. Female doz. 15 00 A liberal discount to the trade. | Male .....doz. 15 00 Being uniformly porous, it allows the heat from the insensible perspiration ot the body to pass freely away, at same time being invulnerable to air or cold. This alone places these Protectors in advance of all others. The Female Chest Protector is modelled after the female form into a graceful shape, which it retains, and therefore improves the figure without the aid of corsets. This is one of the grounds for the Medical Profession recommending its use for delicate females. It does not clog, felt, or roll up, as in the ordinary felt, and can be cleansed without fear of shrinking its very durable texture. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 205 Farina, J. A. F., Wicker, X pint doz 6 00 " Vz " " 9 00 " " pint " 18 00 " " " quart " 36 00 " J. M. F. opp. J. Platz, long or short " 7 00 " " " " Wicker, % pint " 10 50 • " " " " pint " 2i 00 " " " " quart " 42 00 " J. Platz, No. 4, long or short " 6 50 " " " Wicker, % pint " 10 00 " " " " pint " 20 00 " " " " quart....; " 40 00 Hoyt's, large • " 7 50 " small " 1 75 Lundborg's Pearl, % pint " 5 25 " " Yz " " 9 5o " " pint " 15 00 " quarts " 27 00 W. H. S. & Co.'s Bell, pint " 6 00 " " " pint " 12 00 " " quart " 21 00 " in bulk gall. 6 00 Cologne Bottles (see bottles, page 163). " Mixture, W. H. S. & Co.'s ...lb. 7 00 " Oil, Lundborg's " 7 00 " Stands, Scotch Plaid doz. 9 oo " Relic Wood " 9 00 " " Bronzed doz. 60031500 COMBS. Celluloid, Barber, Plain, 7% inch doz. 4 50 " " Quill, " ............................................... " 5 00 " Dressing, straight, 8 inch " 7 50 8% " " 9 00 " bow, 8 " " 8 00 All the above in the several colors. No. 3, Fancy Combination Side, India Rubber doz. 1 75 " 4, Plain " " " " 14° " 5, Fancy " " " " 2 00 " 8, " " " " " 2 75 " 9, " " " " " 2 75 " 10, " " " " " 2 00 " iq " " " " * * 2 OO "14', " " " " " 2 75 ''15, " " " " " 2 75 "16, " " " " " 2 75 " 17" ** 2 OO " 18, Plain " " " " 1 25 "19, " " " " " 13° " 24, Fancy " " " " 1 75 "25, " " " " " 2 50 "26, " " " " " 4 00 " 29, Plain " " " " 1 15 " 30, Fancy " ' " " " 2 00 "31, " " " " " 2 50 "32, " " " " " 2 75 Centennial Combination Side, No. 20 " 4 00 " " " "21 " 2 25 " " " " 22 " 2 50 " " " 11 23 " 3 65 206 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S DRESSING COMBS. Buffalo Horn, Black or Blonde, flat, straight, 6 to 9 in doz. 3 00 a 7 50 " " " " quill, " 6 to 9 in " 450171200 " " " " " crook, 6 to 9 in " 450171050 " " " " flat, " 6 to 9 in " 350 a 900 " " " " Barber's narrow, 7 in " 350 HORN DRESSING COMBS. INCHES. 4% 5 5% 6 6% 7 7K 8 8'/z I inch Teeth (inboxes). 70 85 90 I 00 I 10 I 20 1 25 I 35 1 60 per doz. I 00 I 15 I 20 1 35 I 40 1 5° I 55 Wide Back I 50 I 65 1 80 i 95 2 IO 2 20 N. Crook " 150 I 65 1 80 1 95 2 IO Deep " I 80 2 OO 2 IO 2 20 2 30 Barber's " Toilet Crook " 80 90 I 20 I 30 I 40 I 50 1 65 HORN BARBERS' COMBS. 7 inch, Hand-made, either Coarse or C. and F doz. 1 so 7M" " " " " " 1 75 INDIA RUBBER FANCY DRESSING COMBS. - No. 2, 7 inch doz. 1 75 2, 8 " " 2 25 4. 7% " " 1 35 6, 8% " " 2 50 9- 8% " " 3 50 10, 5 " in leather slides .. " 1 75 10, 7% " " 1 50 15. 7% " " 3 00 15. 8 " " 3 25 15. " " 3 50 22, 7 / " " 2 oo 25, 7 " " 2 50 25. 8 " " 3 00 28, 7 " " 2 co 31. 7% " " 2 75 33a. 8 " " 2 25 35. 9 " " 3 75 36, 8 " " 4 50 36, 8 " in slides " 5 20 36- 9 " •••••. " 5 5° 36, 9 " in slides " 6 20 37. 8 " " 2 25 39, 6 " " 1 25 39. 7 " " 1 50 39. 8 " " 1 75 40. 7% " " 1 35 41. 8% " " 5 25 No. 42, 4% inch doz. 90 42, 7 " " 1 15 43. 7 " •■•••• " 1 10 43. 8 " " 1 35 44. 7% " " 1 25 45. 7 " " 1 10 45. 8 " " 1 35 46. 8 " " 2 75 47. 7/4 " " 2 00 48. 8 " 11 1 25 49. 8 " " 3 50 49, 9 " " 4 25 50, " " 3 00 51, 8 " " 2 50 52, 7% " " 1 25 53, 7 " " 1 25 53. 8 " " 1 50 54, 8 " " 2 50 54. " " 2 90 55. 7% " " 2 25 55, 8K " " 2 85 100, 5 "in leather slides. " 1 75 ico, 7iy " " 1 50 201, 6 " " 90 201, 7 " " 1 05 201, 8 " " 1 20 INDIA RUBBER PLAIN DRESSING COMBS. No. 27, 6 inch doz. 1 05 27, " " 1 15 27, 7 " " 1 25 27. " " 1 40 27, 8 " " 1 50 32, 6 " " 90 32. 7 " " 1 15 32, 8 " " 1 40 No. ioi, s doz. 40 101, 5% " 45 101, 6 " 50 101, 6% 55 101, 7 " 65 101, ...................... " 70 101, 8 " 75 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 207 No. 7060, 6 inch doz. 1 20 " 7065, 6% " " 1 35 " 7070, 7 " " 1 50 " 7075. 7/4 " " 1 65 " 7080, 8 " " 1 80 INDIA RUBBER METAL BACK DRESSING COMBS. IVORY DRESSING COMBS. Plain and Quill Back, an assortment doz. 18 00 Medium Teeth, Composition Backs. No. oo doz. i oo ooo " i io Narrow Teeth, Brass Backs. No. 2150 doz. 1 50 2155 " 1 75 2160 " 2 00 2165 " 2 25 Narrow Teeth, German Silver Backs. No. 2050 doz. 2 00 2055 " 2 25 2060 " 2 50 2065 " 2 75 Medium Teeth, Brass Backs. No. 3155 doz. 1 50 3160 " 1 70 3165 " 1 90 2770 " 2 00 2775 " 2 25 2780 " 2 50 Medium Teeth, German Silver Backs. No. 2670 doz. 2 75 2675 " 3 00 2680 " 3 25 Deep Teeth, Brass Backs. No. 2965 doz. 2 25 2970 " 2 50 2975 ' " 2 75 2980 " 3 00 E. M. NOYES & BROS.' METALLIC BACK COMBS. Deep Teeth, German Silver Backs. No. 2865 e doz. 2 75 2870 " 3 00 2875 " 3 25 2880 " 3 50 Medium Teeth, Brass Backs, and Brass Guard Teeth. No. 4770 doz. 2 25 4775 " 2 50 Hotel Combs, Brass Backs, all Coarse. No. 070 doz. 2 25 Barbers', Brass Backs. No. 2570 doz. 1 75 2373 " 200 2580 " 2 25 Barbers', German Silver Backs. No. 2470 doz. 2 50 2475 " 2 75 2480 " 3 00 Ridding, Brass Backs. No. 17 gro. 8 00 174° " 10 5° Ridding, German Silver Backs. No. 16 *gro. 10 50 Rule Pocket, German Silver Cases and Backs. No. 6 doz. 2 00 Plain and Quill Backs, an assortment doz. 24 00a 60 00 TORTOISE-SHELL DRESSING COMBS. POCKET COMBS. Buffalo Horn, Black or Blonde, 3 to inch doz. 1 00a 2 50 " incases " 1 50a 4 00 Horn, Siamese " I.R.,No. 3, 3 inch " 1 25 " " 4> 3% " " 1 5o " " 5. 4 " " 1 75 " " 7. 3M " " 1 25 " " 8, " " 90 " " 8, in leather slides " 1 25 " " 11 " 1 00 Imitation Shell, an assortment " 75 a 1 50 Tortoise " " " " 12 00a 18 00 208 W. S. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S FINE COMBS. Box-Wood, an assortment....,.'doz. 1 00 Buffalo Horn, Black, an assortment " 2 50 a 3 50 " Blonde, " " 1 73 a 2 50 HORN FINE COMBS. NOS. 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 16 Fine 4 50 5 25 6 00 6 50 7 25 7 5o 7 75 8 00 pr gross Superfine 5 25 5 75 6 50 7 25 7 75 8 00 8 25 8 50 Coarse and Fine .... 8 50 9 00 9 75 10 25 10 75 11 25 12 75 IVORY FINE COMBS. COMMON WIDTH. INCHES. I%-2% No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. 2%-3% No. 12. No. 13. % No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. Superfine I IO I 55 2 20 2 45 2 70 2 80 2 95 3 °5 3 20 S. S I 45 2 05 2 60 2 90 3 20 3 35 3 60 3 85 4 00 S. S. S 2 OO 2 75 3 45 3 85 4 25 4 85 5 25 5 5o 5 60 Ne Plus Ultra 3 25 4 05 4 85 5 70 6 10 6 50 7 3° 7 70 8 10 MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. NOS. 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 16 Super Medium 2 OO 3 00 3 75 4 25 4 55 5 00 5 35 5 55 5 75 S. S 2 75 3 6° 4 55 5 20 5 70 6 20 6 60 6 95 7 25 S. S. S 3 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 3° 8 00 8 60 9 35 9 75 EXTRA WIDTH AND THICKNESS. NOS. 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 i5 16 Super Wide 3 25 4 05 5 00 5 60 6 10 6 60 7 10 7 60 8 10 S. S 4 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 8 00 8 55 9 20 9 75 s. s. s 4 85 6 50 8 10 8 95 9 75 10 55 11 35 12 20 13 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 209 INDIA RUBBER FINE COMBS. COMMON WIDTH. NOS. 1 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 S 35 40 45 50 55 65 75 80 85 doz. s. s 40 45 5o 55 6o 70 80 85 95 NOS. IO II 12 13 14 15 16 S 50 55 65 75 80 85 90 doz. s. s 55 60 70 80 85 90 95 MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. Assorted Fancy Patterns. NOS. IO 11 12 13 u 15 16 s 55 60 70 80 85 90 95 doz. S. S 65 70 80 90 95 I 00 1 05 EXTRA WIDE. Assorted Fancy Patterns. NOS. 12 13 14 IS 16 S 85 95 1 05 1 05 1 15 1 15 1 25 1 25 1 35 doz. s. s 95 Per doz 12 00 TORTOISE-SHELL FINE COMBS. INFANTS' COMBS. Ivory, single doz. 1 25 " double " 1 50 " " with whistle " 1 75 INDIA RUBBER LONG COMBS. No. 3, Fancy doz. 90 17, " " 1 15 25. " " 1 35 3b " " 1 35 32. " " 80 33 " 80 34 " 1 35' 35 " 75 36 " 75 37 " 75 38 " 1 25 39 " 1 35 40 " 1 20 No. 41 d -v. 1 75 42 ' 10 43 " 1 25 44 " 1 15 45 " 1 35 46 " 1 35 60 " 85 30, Plain " 55 50. " " 65 9°. " " 75 3°° " 45 500 " 5° 900 " 60 INDIA RUBBER RIDDING COMBS. 3 inch gross, 4 25 3% " " 4 5° 4 " " 5 00 210 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S No. i. Twist Combs doz. i 35 2. " " 1 15 5- " " 1 20 7- " " 1 35 8. " " 1 45 9- " " 1 3° 10. " " 1 45 11. " " 1 10 12. " " 1 00 13. " " 1 00 14- " " 90 15. " " 1 10 16. " " 1 45 18. " " 1 45 INDIA RUBBER TWIST COMBS. No. 39. Twist Combs doz. 1 50 45- " " 1 35 46. " " 1 00 47- " " 1 25 56- " • " 5 °o 61. " " 4 50 65- " " 4 50 66. " " 2 50 67- " " 65 68. " " 2 25 69. " " 2 00 70. " " 2 75 72. " " 4 00 TOILET COMBS. I. R., No. 2 doz. 2 00 Shell, an assortment. doz. 7 50 a 10 50 Buffalo, " ... " 4 50 a 6 00 INDIA RUBBER SIDE COMBS. 3 inch, plain back gro. 4 00 3M " 4 25 4 " " " " 4 50 3 inch, quill back gro. 5 25 3M " 4 50 4 " 4 75 Comb Cases, Leather doz. 3 50 COMB CLEANERS. Buffalo and Wood, an assortment doz. 1 75 a 6 00 CORKS. Superfine (XX) Straight or Taper. No. o gross. 22 " 25 " 28 " 33 42 " 50 " 60 " 80 " 1 00 " 1 20 " 1 40 " 1 60 " 1 80 " 2 00 " 2 25 " 2 TO " 2 75 3 00 " 3 25 " 3 So " 3 75 " 4 5o " 5 5o 6 5° " 40 46 " I 00 " 2 75 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 Assorted, 1 to 6 " 3 to 6 " 6 to 10 " 11 to 20 Fine (X) Straight or Taper. No. o 1 2 gross 9 10 12 3 << 15 4 < < 18 5 << 22 6 28 7 • • 35 8 • • 45 9 57 IO • • 70 II < t 80 12 < < 9° 13 1 00 14 ■ • 1 T5 15 1 35 16 • • 1 5° 17 1 70 18 • • 1 90 . 19 2 10 20 2 30 22 < < 2 75 24 3 25 26 «« 4 00 Assorted, 1 to 6 < < 15 t < 20 " 6 to 10 < < 46 " 11 to 20 << I 50 Attention is invited to the colored plate, showing exact sizes ot Machine Corks X and XX. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 211 Miscellaneous. Bungs, assorted gross. I IO Champagne 4 oo pints * • 3 oo Demijohn, straight • • 8o " , taper ( I oo I i 25 Jug, straight • * I oo " taper I oo Pint, straight • * 35 Quart, " • * 65 Soda Water, short < < " long ■ -iK << Long taper • •qt. * • 65 . .pt. • • 5o Short taper . .qt. • * 55 1 < II ..pt. 35 Citrate Magnesia, straight... i < I oo " " taper I 25 Wine, Superfine I 25 1 .a e'er Beer Homoeop., ist qual., No. i.. 20 2. . • • 25 3- • 30 4- ■ • • 35 • • 5-. 40 6.. 5o 7- ■ 65 II 11 8. . ' < 80 9- < < I 00 • • • • io. I 25 " 2d qual., No. i.. 10 It • < 2.. 15 3- • 18 • • 4- • * ' 20 11 II 5- • 25 6. . < < 30 7-- 35 8.. * ' 45 9- • • • 50 II II IO. 6o " mixed, Nos. 2 to 5. < ' 20 " " 3 to 7. 25 4 to 8. ' * 30 Soda. No. 7-i% inch long... gross. 32 " ... 40 < i io-1% " " << 50 Rubber Corks. Diam. Length. No. o, iy. x % in... .2 in. 100 7 00 i, i% x y8 " ■ ■. -i% " 6 00 2, i x % " ....iy8 •• 4 00 % x x " 3 25 3. X x %".... " 2 5° 3X, X x % " .i " 2 OO 4, X x X " • ■ • i " < ' I 50 X x X " .... '/8 " I 50 5, X x X " • • • • Zs " I OO 5X, X x X " .... X " I OO 6, X x X " ■ 13-16 " < < 75 6%, % x 5-16 .... X " 75 7, 7-16 x % .... X " ' * 75 Assorted, 1 dozen in box box. 25 Specie or Flat. MEASURE ON TOP END. 1 inch diameter gross. 25 1% " " 31 1% " " • • 38 iX " " 46 iX " " • • 55 iX " " • • 64 iX " " • • 75 1% " " • • 87 2 " " • • 2% " " << 2% " " << 1 25 2X " " 1 40 2X " " 1 55 2X " " < < 2X " " << 1 95 2% " " • • 2 15 3 " " 2 35 3% " " 2 75 3X " " »• 3 25 3X " " 3 75 4 " " 4 25 4X " " 5 4° 5 " " 6 50 5% " " • < 6 " " 9 65 Cork Presses. Iron, ordinary each, 38 " Lochman's Patent, small... " 1 00 " " large.. . " 1 25 " Bronzed, Dog Pattern " 75 Nickel-Plated " 4 50 Brass " 3 00 Cork Borers. Brass, in sets of 6 set, 2 25 " " " " 12 " 5 00 . Corkscrews On Cards doz. i 25 a 4 50 Pocket " 1 50 a 4 00 I. R. No. 1 " 400 " 2 " 4 75 Vial " 1 03 a 2. 00 Patent " 18 00 W. H. SCHIEFFEL1N & CO.'S 212 Corn Files, Japanese doz. 3 50 " Knives " 7 50 " Rubbers, Sharkskin " 3 50 Corn and Bunion Plasters. (See page 248.) Court Plaster, all kinds. (See page 248.) Com. Pencils, De Grave " 1 50 " " Robinson " 1 50 CRUCIBLES German Porcelain, Round and Covered. Capacity-y2 oz ..doz. 3 00 " 1 " " 3 5° " 1% " " 4 00 " 2 " " 4 25 " 4 " " 7 5° German Porcelain, Round and Triangle. In nests of 7, capacity from 2 oz. to 1 quart v set, 4 50 German Sand. Small Fives, Three Corner nest, 6 Large " " " " 10 Sixes " " " 20 Eights " " " 32 Eights Round " 45 Halves " " 65 Ones " 11 1 20 Black Lead, German Per No. 5 " " Dixon's " 8 COSMETICS. doz. American, an assortment 75 a 1 00 Bazin's 80 Coudray's, 940, white, black or brown.. 1 50 " 941, '* " " .. 2 00 " 942, " " " .. 2 50 943, " " " .. 3 00 " 948, " 11 " . . 6 00 " 960, " " " . . 1 00 doz. Lubin's small, 3 colors 4 50 " med., " 7 50 Pinaud's small, " 1 50 " med., " 3 00 " large, " 6 00 Italian, Sene's, " small 1 00 " " " large 2 00 COTTON, ABSORBENT. For Hospitals, in bales ol 25 lbs... .lb. 1 25 " Surgeons, in y2 lb. boxes. lb. 1 50 " " in % " " lb. 1 75 " Dentists, in % " " lb. 2 00 " Apothecaries'Sales,in 1-32lb.bxs.lb. 2 50 Hygroscopic (Von Bruhns'), Abs't.. ..lb. 1 00 Borated, for Dressing Wounds lb. 1 75 Borated, for Tampons doz. 1 75 Salicylated 1 lb. 1 50 " doz. 1 50 Heemostatic, Styptic " I 75 Iodized " 1 75 Carbolized 1 lb. 1 50 " doz. 1 50 CUPPING CUPS Bell Shape, assorted sizes doz. 1 00 Oval " " " " 1 00 Nested " 1 00 Glass, with I. R. Bulb, No. 140 " 5 00 ' No. 140. Eau Angelique, small doz. 7 50 " " large " 17 00 Toilet Waters " 15 00 DELLUC & CO.'S Tooth Powders, boxes doz. 1 75 " " jars " 5 50 DIAMONDS. Ebony, plain each, 2 50 " keyed " 3 00 " " plate glass " 1000 Ivory, plan " 5 00 Ivory, keyed doz. 7 00 Cocoa, " " 4 00 Metal Pocket " 5 50 Dilators, assorted, 3 sizes, pure gum doz. 4 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 213 Dressing Cases, a variety each, 3 00025 00 DRESSING CASES. DRINKING CUPS. H. R., Telescopic doz. 5 00 Metal " " 3 5°& 5 00 Leather " 2 00 DRUG MILLS. The Swift Drug Mill has been long and favorably known to the trade, and with the im- provements from time to time made, it has kept even.pace with the times, but this last places it beyond all competitors. We hope to be favored with your order for these mills, and believe that you can not fail to be pleased with them, as they are admirably adapted to the wants both of the Wholesale and Retail Druggists. We confidently offer these Mills as the very best made. They have stood the test o many years' service in the laboratories of the leading pharmaceutists of the country, and may be relied upon for doing perfect work. This cut represents the Mill open. This cut represents the Mill ready for use. Is intended to be screwed upon the counter. This mill has many advantages over the others, having great power, is easily adjusted to any degree of fine grinding, and can be opened as shown in the cut, for cleaning, and closed again ready for work, in ten seconds, and without changing the degree of fineness as adjusted; no tools being required. When open, the parts are in the best possible position for dusting out, and any amateur can easily readjust them. The hopper is large, and the can to-receive the powder is conveniently arranged. Dealers as well as others will at once perceive that Swift's " B " Drug mill has peculiar advantages over all others that have yet been presented to their notice. It is quite ornamental, and a handsome counter-fixture. The price is fixed very low, with the hope of large scales. Price, $20. SWIFT'S NEW "B" DRUG MILL W H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 214 " OLD STYLE." P*'CE $8.00 We have reduced the price of the " Old Style" to $8.00, at which price it is, considering quali- ty, the cheapest in the market. " NEW STYLE." Price $9.00 The " New Style " is fitted with a heavier fly- wheel, and it is easily taken apart and cleaned " POWER." Price $28.00 The "Power" Mill is made very strong and of few parts. May be used by hand when other power is not obtainable; and in grinding fine substances a feed arrangement is attached, by which the amount admitted may be graduated according to the power at command. "CHAMPION. Price .$13.00 The " Champion " is fitted with finer grinding plates, thus adapting it for finer work, though it is capable of passing coarse material. Being fitted with two heavy fly-wheels, it may be worked by either one or two persons. The plates of this Mill are quickly and easily separated for cleaning by the removal of two nuts. Grinding plates $3.00 a set. Any of these Mills packed in shipping orde without extra charge. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 215 No. 16. Price, $20. The Mill is very similar to the " B " Mill, with the exception that the grinding-plates are horizontal instead of perpendicular, with the receiver inclosed in a drawer. It is readily ad justed to any degree of fine grinding, as easily cleaned and quite as ornamental and hand some a counter-fixture as the " B " Mill. We can recommend it as a very desirable Mill for the use either of the wholesale or retail druggist. Price, $20. DRUG SIFTERS. " Harris"-No. 1, 9x12 each, 20 00 " "2, 14x17 " 25 00 " " 3, 14x22 " 30 00 Tilden's Patent " 1 50 EAR TRUMPETS. G.7IEMANN&C0.N.Y. Fig. i, a, Silver Cornets per pair, 2 50 " b, •' " " 3 00 " c, Artificial Tympanum each, 30 Fie. i. Fig. 2, Nickel-Plated Ear Trumpet each, 6 oo Fir. 2. 216 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S' EAR TRUMPETS. Fig. 3- 6. TTg-. 7. Fig. io. IT. CLOSED. Fig. 12. OPENED. Fig. 3, Bronzed and Japanned Ear Trumpet each, 300 "6, " " " " each, 2 25 to 3 50 " 6, Nickel-Plated " " 3 50 " 5 00 " 7, Dipper Trumpet, Bronzed and Japanned each, 450 "10, Conversation Tubes, Mohair,'with Black Mounts " 300 "10, " " Silk, Ivory Mounts each, 8 00 to 16 00 " 11, Auricles ...perpair, 5 00 " 12, Telescopic Trumpets, German Silver..,.................................each, 4 50 Ear Trumpets, japanned each, 1 00 " " H. R., No. 1, 21 inch doz. 13 50 " " " " 2, 40 " " 22 co " " " " 8, 54 " " 33 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 217 Ear Syringes, Glass doz. 1 2503 00 " " H. R " 8 50 Eye Baths, Glass, Plain " 2 50 " " Porcelain " 1 75 Abdominal Supporters, Silk each, 8 00012 co " " Thread " 5 000 9 00 Anklets, Silk doz. 18 00021 00 " Thread " 15 00 Knee Caps, Silk " 21 00024 00 " Thread " 15 00 Stockings, Silk " 30 00036 00 " Thread " 21 00024 00 * ' Knee, Silk " 60 00 0 72 co " " Thread " 36 00042 00 " Thigh, Silk " 90 00 '* " Thread .... " 60 00072 00 ELASTIC ARTICLES DIRECTIONS TO MEASURE. For Anklet, at E, F, G, H; for Knee Cap, at A, B, C ; for Stock, ing, at C, D, E, F, G, H ; for Knee Stocking, at B, C, D, E, F, G, H; for Thigh Stocking, at A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Emollients, hand, G. E., Jaques' doz. 4 50 Envelopes, Prescription, an assortment per 1000, 1 25 0 2 00 " for Tooth Brushes " Edes' Extracts, Heydosmia, etc doz. 6 50 EVAPORATING DISHES, GRADUATED. Price, 40 each, 1 75 " 96 " " 2 50 The object of this invention is to evaporate Solutions and Liquids of all kinds, without resorting to the present slow and tedious process of emptying the Dish from time to time into a glass or other measuring vessel, for the purpose of ascertaining when you have evaporated the fluid to the desired quantity. Patented July zist, 1874. 218 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S EVAPORATING DISHES. PORCELAIN. Nested. 1 to' 10 oz per nest, 1 25 1 to 16 " " 2 75 BERLIN PORCELAIN, Plain. No. 00, 2 oz doz. 2 50 " O, 4 " " 3 50 " 1, 8 " " 5 4° " 2, Pint " 6 60 " 3, Quart " 10 00 " 4, 3 Pint " 12 00 " 5, Y Gallon " 15 00 " 6, 3 Quart " 18 00 " 7, 1 Gallon " 21 00 " 8, i% " " 24 00 " 9, lY " " 27 00 " 10, 2 " " 36 00 " II, 2% " " 48 OO " 12, 3 " " 60 OO BERLIN PORCELAIN. Heavy Rim. No. 9, Y pint, 5Y inch doz. 5 40 " 8, 1 " 6 " " 6 60 " 7, " 7 " " 7 80 " 6, 1% " 8 " " 9 00 " 3, 2 " 8Y " " 10 20 " 4> 3 " 9% " " 12 00 " 3> Y gallon, " " 15 60 " 2, 3 quart, 11 " " 21 00 " 1, 1 gallon, 12" " 25 20 " o, 2 " 15 11 " 42 00 " 00, 3 " 17 " " 60 00 IRON. English, with Handles, Porcelain-lined. Quart each, i oo Y. gallon " i 50 1 " " 2 00 2 " " 3 00 3 " " 5 00 American, Porcelain-lined, no Handles. 6 inch, pint each, 50 7 " " " 60 8 " 2 " " 70 9 " 3 " " 80 10 " % gallon " 90 11 " 5 pints " 1 00 12 " 3 quarts " 1 20 13 " 1 gallon " 1 60 14 " il/2 " " 2 00 15 " IX " " 2 50 16 " 2 " " 3 00 18 " 3 " " 4 00 20 " 4 " " 5 00 22 " 5 " " 6 00 26 " 6 " " 8 00 Iron, Acid Proof. Quart each. 70 Y gallon " 90 1 " " 1 60 Eye Brow Pencils doz. 1500250 " Protectors, wire " 15° " Shades, Silk, single " 1500200 ■■ " " double " 3500600 " Syringes, glass " 1 2502 50 EXTRACTS, HANDKERCHIEF. Atkinson's White Rose, etc., 1 oz doz. 6 00 " " " " 2 " " 11 00 " " " " 4 " " 21 co " " " " 8 " • " 36 00 • • " " " 16 " " 72 00 Bayley's Essence Bouquet " 1100 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 219 Briedenbach's Wood Violet doz. 10 50 Burnett's Florimel " e 00 Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet, 1 oz " 6 00 " y2 lb. bots per bottle, 1 75 " " " 1 " " " " 3 50 Edes' Heydeosmia, etc doz. 6 50 Henry & Demarson's, " 11 6 00 Lubin's, of the following odors, 1 oz " 7 00 " 2 " " 13 5o 4 " " 27 00 " 8 11 11 48 00 Citronella Rose, Damask Rose, Fifth Avenue, Fleur d'Orange, Forget-me-not, Frangipanni, Geranium Rosat, Hddyosmia, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle, Jasmin d'Espagne, Kiss-me-quick, Lily of the Valley, Magnolia, Marechale, Mignonette, Millefleurs, Mousseline, Moss-rose, Musk, New-mown Hay, Night-bloom'g Cereus, Ocean Spray, Oppoponax, Oriental Drops, Patchouly, Pond Lily, Reseda, Rondeletia, Rose, Rose Mousseuse, Rose Musqude, Rose Tea, Spring Flowers, Stephanotis, Sweet Brier, Sweet Clover, Sweet-pea, Sweet-Scented Shrub, Tea Rose, Tuberose, Upper Ten, Verbena, Violette, Violette des bois, Violette de Parme, White Rose,. Ylang Ylang, Bridal Bouquet, Bouquet de Caroline, " duJoc'y-Club " de West End. ESS. BOUQUET. % oz. small, Recherche, assorted odors doz. 3 50 1 " medium, " " " " 5 25 1 " Novel Box, " " " 6 25 1 " Arcadian Pink " 6 00 2 " " " 11 12 00 4 " 11 " " 16 00 1 " Wood Violet " 6 00 1 " Ylang Ylang " 6 00 1 y2 " Exquisite, White Rose and White Violet in couplets " 700 2 " International " 8 00 2 " Recherche " 8 00 4 " " • ■ ■ ■>• " 13 00 4 11 International " 13 00 Criterion, 2 odors, in box per doz. boxes. 1 85 Tally-Ho, 1 oz doz. 6 00 " 2 " " 8 25 Fascination, 1 oz " 6 00 " 2 11 " 8 25 LUNDBORG'S TOILET PERFUMES LUNDBORG'S TRIPLE EXTRACTS, In % and 1 Pint Bottles.-Per Pint, $3 25. Arcadian Pink, Bouq. de Caroline, Bridal Bouquet, Cassie, Eglantine, Essence Bouquet, Frangipanni, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle, Jasmin, jockey Club, Jonquille, Magnolia, Marechale, Mignonette, Millefleurs, Moss-rose, Musk-rose, New-mown Hay, N. B. Cereus, Ocean Spray, Or. Flower, Patchouly, Pond Lily, Reseda, Rondelitia, Rose, Rose Geranium, Spring Flowers, Stephanotis, Sweet Brier, Sweet Pea, Tea-Rose, Tuberose, Upper Ten, Verbena, Violet, West End, White Rose. Musk, Wood Violet, Ylang Ylang per pint, 425. Letchford's, flat bottles, assorted odors doz. 6 oo " round'1 " " " 6 5oand7 5o 11 cut " " " " io 00048 00 220 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Low's, 1 oz., assorted odors doz. 6 00 2 " " " " 12 00 Maw's Bouquet " 3 5° " Knitted Sweets " 7 00 Piesse & Lubin's Frang., etc " 9 00 Riggs' Veg. Essence " 7 00 Rimmel's Ylang Ylang, etc ■. 11 7 00 Soc. Hygenique " 10 50 Taylor's, an assortment " 1 50(Z 3 5° Vosburg's, an " " 1 5°« 4 oo Wenck's, Gilsey House Bouquet, etc., 1 oz " 6 25 " " " " " 2 oz " 10 50 FEATHER DUSTERS. Picture Dusters. (Soft Fine Feathers for Pianos, Paint- Plain. ings and other Polished Surfaces.) doz. 12 OO 6 6 " " 15 00 7. 7 " " .............. 20 OO • 8 3 " " 24 OO 9. 9 " " 30 00 26 00 48 00 14. 14 " " 60 00 Plain Full Centre. Plain. doz. j 2 50 ■ 6, 6 " " 4 50 7. 7 " " 7 00 8 8" " 9. 9 " " 15 00 12, 12 " " 33 00 M. 14 " " 40 00 44 00 i 18 18 " " 45 00 ; 20, 20 " " 46 00 22, 22 " " 47 00 24. 24 " " 48 00 1 Carriage Dusters. Plain. (For Railroad Cars or Carriages, doz. very heavy.) No. i 46 00 2 58 00 3 66 00 4 72 00 5 78 00 FILTERS, FELT White, 1, 7%x8, 14 gallon each, 50 " 2, 8x8y?, Yt. " " 60 " 3. X " " 70 " 4, 11x12, 1 " " 1 00 " 5,13x15, " " 1 25 ■■ 6,14x15, iy " " 150 " 7,16x19, 2 " " 1 75 " 8, 18x21, 3 " " 2 00 " 9,20x23, 4 " " 2 50 Grey, French... ream, 3 50 White, " " 4 00 FILTERING PAPER. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 221 Round-Grey, 15, 6 inches 2o T9. 8 " •< 25 25. 10 " " 30 " 33. 13 " " 40 4°, T5 11 " 50 " 45. 18 " .. go 5°. 20 " " 70 " " 80, 32 " - oo " White, 15 ■< 2$ T9 " 30 25 " 40 33 50 " 40 " 65 " " 45 " 75 . 50 " 85 Folded Filters, No. 1 << " 2 60 3 " 70 " " 4 " 80 5 " 90 6 " 1 00 FILTERS, Filter Rack. As a Dregs Squeezer. Filter Folders, Bakes' each, 1 00 " Stands. See Retort Stands. " Racks and Dregs Squeezers (see cut). 5 in. diam doz. 3 75 " 7 in. " " 5 00 9 'n- " " 7 00 " " 12 in. " " 8 00 FINGER COTS, INDIA RUBBER. White, assorted, light, No. 108 Black, " " " 109 w White, " medium, " no Black, " " " in.... White, " heavy, " 112.. Black, " " " 113 Chamois Skin, assorted sizes gross. 3 oo " 3 50 " 3 50 " 4 co " 4 25 " 5 25 " 9 00 108 or 109 112 or 113. 222 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S FLASKS.-WATTIS' PATENT POCKET, Secured from Leakage. No Cement Used. %Pint. Pint. y> Pint. % Pint, i Pint. Oval. No. i, Russet and Colored Sheep, 700 800 9 50 1100 14 00 10 00 " 2, " " " " open sides 7 50 8 50 10 00 12 00 15 00 11 50 " 3, Russet and Colored Sheep, with cup10 00 11 00 12 50 15 00 18 00 14 00 " 4, Russet Calf 9 00 10 50 12 50 15 00 19 50 13 50 " 5, " " open sides10 00 11 00 13 50 16 00 20 00 15 00 " 6, " " with cup12 50 13 50 15 00 18 00 24 00 16 50 " 7, Real Turkey Morocco9 00 10 50 12 50 15 00 19 50 13 00 " 8, " " open sides, 10 00 11 00 13 50 16 00 20 00 15 00 " 9, " " with cup.. 12 50 13 50 15 00 18 00 22 00 16 50 ''10, " " silver pl'd, 23 00 27 00 33 00 36 50 42 00 34 50 " 11, Real Russia, with cup15 50 16 50 21 00 24 00 30 00 22 50 " 12, " " silver plated. . 26 00 30 00 36 00 40 00 44 00 38 00 No. 13, Real Russia, stitched, with cup 16 50 19 00 23 00 26 00 32 00 24 50 " 14, " " " silver plated 34 00 36 00 38 00 42 00 48 00 40 00 Wicker-covered, an assortmentdoz. 3 50 a 10 50 FORCEPS, OBSTETRICAL. i. Fig. 5- Fig. 6. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 223 7- Obstetric Forceps, long. Elliott's, fig. 1 9 50 Bedford's " 6 8 00 Hodge's " 7 8 00 White's " 5 8 00 Simpson's 8 00 Budd's 8 50 Knight's 8 00 Comstock's, nickel-plated 8 50 Robertson's 8 00 Miller's 8 50 " jointed 15 00 Robinson's 8 00 Buzzle's 10 00 Matthews' 8 50 Hunter's 9 00 Obstetric Forceps, short. Simpson's 7 00 Thomas' 7 00 Davis' 7 50 Denman's 7 50 Ives' 7 50 Blake's 7 50 Brickell's, nickel-plated 8 00 Uterine Forceps. Elliott's, dressing 2 00 Bayonet shape 2 50 Sims', seizing 4 00 Sims', twisting 4 00 Thomas', seizing 450 Tewskbury's 2 75 Uterine Needle Forceps. Sims' 2 50 Sims', latest 5 00 Emmet's, with catch 3 5° Thomas' 4 5° Darby's 5 50 FORCEPS, TOOTH. Fig. 1. Bayonet-shaped Wisdom Forceps, best, warranted 2 75 " 2. Lower " " " " 2 75 " 10. Upper Molar, right or left, " " " 2 75 " 17. Harris' Lower Molar, either side, Forceps, best, warranted 2 75 " 24. Wolverton's Lower Molar, either side, Forceps, best, warranted 2 75 " 29. Universal Root F'orceps, best, warranted 2 75 " 33. Half-Curved Root Forceps, best, warranted 2 75 " 42. Universal Forceps, best, warranted 2 75 Tooth Forceps, second quality, of the above patterns, $2 00. Also Tooth Forceps at $1 50 and $1 25. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 224 FORCEPS, TOOTH. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 225 FUNNELS. GLASS FUNNELS. PORCELAIN FUNNELS, Plain Inside. No. o, in. r ounce.;.... doz. • i oo 2 " • ' I oo 3 " I 12# 4 " • • i 25 8 " • • i 50 Pint 2 OO Quart 2 25 y2 Gallon.... • • 3 00 I " .... 4 5o 2 " .... • • 9 00 Ass'd to quart * • 2 00 diam... each. 50 " 1,4 in. diam... " 75 " 2, in. diam... " 90 " 3- 5% in. diam.. . " 1 25 " 4, 6 in. diam... " 1 50 PORCELAIN FUNNELS, Ribbed Inside. No. o, 3% in. STOPPERED GLASS FUN- NELS, (glass stop-cock.) Y Pint, 4 inches i " 5 " Quart, 6 " Y Gallon, 7 " i " 8 " each. 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 FRENCH FUNNELS, Plain. Very Superior and. Heavy Article. i ounce doz. 1 50 2 . 4 4 1 75 3 " 1 ' 2 OO 4 " 2 25 8 '• '4 2 50 Pint 3 00 Quart 4 50 Y Gallon 4 4 6 00 Gallon 4 4 7 50 Small Tube Funnels, 3 in nest set. 50 Assorted French Funnels.... doz. 3 co Glass Displacement Apparatus. Complete, with Stop-Cocks, &c. Y gallon I " each. 12 OO • • 15 00 2 " 4 4 18 00 WEDGEWOOD'S FUNNELS. Stone. Cc. 4 inch diameter, doz. 4 00 1 5 " " " 6 00 5 50 6 " " " 12 00 8 00 6%" " " 13 50 10 50 7 " " " 15 00 12 OO 7%" " " 18 00 16 50 8 " " " 21 00 21 OO 9 " " " 24 00 24 OO 1 HARD RUBBER FUNNELS. No. 0, Y Pint, Plain doz. 2 50 1. Y " " 4 4 3 00 2, Pint " 4 4 4 00 3, Quart " 4 4 5 OO diam. ...each. 75 " 1, 4 in.I diam.... | " 1 00 " 2, in.I diam... .: " 1 25 " 3. 5% in. diam... . " 1 5° " 4, 6 in.I diam... . | " 2 00 PORCELAIN FUNNELS, Large Holes for Rapid Filter- ations-Conical Shape. No. 00, 11 in. diam.... each. 375 " o, 9 in. diam.... " 3 25 " 1, 7 in. diam.... " 2 25 " 2, 6 in. diam.... " 2 00 " 3, 5 in. diam.... " 1 5° " 4. 4 in. diam.... 9° PORCELAIN FUNNELS, For Filtering, Conical Form, with Small Holes Ribbed Inside. No, q, q in. diam,. . i each. 1 25 " 2, 6 in. diam.. . j " 1 5° " 1, 7 in. diam... " 1 75 " o, 9 in. diam.. . " 2 75 " 00, 11 in. diam... | " 3 25 PORCELAIN FUNNELS, For Filtering--Conical Form, Plain Inside. No. 3, 5 in. diam ' each. 90 " 2, 6 " " 1 25 " 1. 7 " I " 1 50 " o, 9 " " 2 25 " 00, 11 " I " 1 3 00 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 226 FURNACES, GAS. No. ieach, 2 00 " 2 " 3 5o No. 1. No. 2. GALLIPOTS White Gallipots, Nested. German Porcelain, Conical or Cylindrical Shape. C ap aci ty- X oz "■ bund. 1 70 2 55 3 60 " 1% " • ' 4 80 " 2 " 4 80 " 3 " * • 7 70 " 4 " 8 50 German Yellow Clay. Capacity-% oz hund. 90 % " I 00 • < 1 25 " " 1 75 2 " • • 2 OO " 3 " 2 50 " 4 " 3 60 " 6 " I < " 8 " 7 50 " 16 " Special Quotations when ordered by the iooo or package. 12 OO 1 to 4 oz. Straight 1 " 8 " 1 " 4 " Cup SINGLE. I OZ 3 " 4 " gross. 4 50 " 6 00 4 00 gross. 3 00 " 4 00 5 00 " 6 00 German Porcelain, with Wood Tops, Conical Shape. Capacity-% oz. >> j >< " iK " " 2 " " " 3 " 4 gross. 7 20 8 40 " 9 60 " 10 80 " 12 00 " 1 ? 20 " 15 00 " 18 00 GAS-LIGHTING TORCHES AND TAPERS. IMPROVED PATENT DOUBLE-BARREL GAS-LIGHTING TORCH. For Gas Tapers, (New Style.) No. 620, 30 in. long, with key... .each, 2 25 SUPERIOR GAS TAPERS. Made from Pa ten t Braided Wick and Pure Wax. No. 90, 18 in. long, 120 in box... .doz. 8 00 91, 18 " 60 " .... " 4 00 92, 18 " 30 " ...." 2 00 TAPER SLIDES. Without Key. No. 424, 25 inches long, with Spiral Elevator each, 50 GAS-TURNING KEYS. No. 475, 2 feet long, assorted styles, brass handles each, 75 GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. A full assortment in Russia Leather, Velvet, etc., various styles and prices.. .set, 4 50 to 25 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 227 GLOVES. Hair, Gentlemen's, Lawrence's doz. 16 50 " Ladies', " " 16 50 " Knotted " 9 00 Calefacio, Maw's " 3 50 Turkish, " " 3 50 Honey Comb, " " 3 50 Gouraud's Lily White doz. 2 25 " Depil. Powder " 7 20 " Cream " 12 00 " Soap " 3 60 GRAINING COMBS. American, Ordinary set, 1 25 " Polished " 2 00 English, Plain, in cases " 15° " Tin back " 2 50 French, "Genuine" inch, 15 Leather, 5 in set set, 50 Gutta-Percha, 5 in set " GRADUATE MEASURES. Made of German Porcelain, and with Handles. 1 ounce capacity doz. 3 00 2 " " " 4 5o 4 " " " 6 00 8 " " " 9 00 12 " " doz. 12 OO 16 " " " 1800 32 " " " 24 00 GRADUATE MEASURES-GLASS. Warranted Accurate. Minim, GO drops. Minim, Tall, 120 drops. American Conical. Tulip Shape. Castor Oil. English Graduate, Wine Shape. Spoon Measure Tumbler. 60 Drops, 1 Drachm, Amer... doz. 3 50 120 " 2 " " " 4 50 180 " 3 " " " 6 00 ounce, American " 3 00 1 " " " 3 00 2 " " " 3 50 3 " " " 4 00 4 " " " 5 00 6 " " " 6 00 8 " " " 7 50 12 " " " 10 00 16 " " " 12 00 24 " " " 15 00 32 " " " 21 00 48 " " " 28 00 64 " " " 48 00 15 grammes or % oz " 5 00 30 " " 1 " " 5 So 60 " " 2 " 7 25 120 " " 4 " " 9 50 240 " " 8 " " 14 25 500 " "16 " " 21 75 1 ounce, English doz. 4 25 2 " " " 5 50 3 " " ' " 6 5o 4 " '• " 7 00 6 " " " 8 00 8 " " " 10 50 12 " " " 14 00 16 " " " 15 75 20 " " *' 18 00 24 " " " 21 00 32 " " " 27 00 40 " " " 30 00 Spoon Measures, Wine Shape.. " 400 " " Tumbler " .. " 3 50 " " " in Cases.. " 5 00 " " & Minim in Cases.. " 750 " " Tulip " 5 00 Drop Graduate, in Cases " 3 50 Castor Oil Glasses " 4 50 228 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Guerlain's Shaving Soap, round doz. 5 00 " " " square " 4 5° " " Cream, small, in Porcelain Pot " 4 5° " " " large, " " " " 8 50 " " " small, " China " " 8 00 " " " large, " " " " 15 00 " " Eau Lustrale " 10 50 Guitar Strings, full assortment bdls. Gum Tickets, " " dvz. 1 25 Hair Straps, Flesh, Lawrence's " 18 co " " Bath, " " 18 00 " " Knotted " 15 00 HAIR OILS. Coudray's, full assortment doz. 2 00 a 7 50 Delluc's " 4 00 Glenn's Bear's, assorted sizes " 1 5oa4 co " Beauty's Own " 2 5003 00 " Gem " 1 50*1 75 " Rose, assorted sizes " 1 50,74 00 Lubin's Huile Antique " 7 5° Piesse & Lubin's Pestachio Nut " 8 50 Piver's Huile Antique " 5 00 Rogers & Gallet's, an assortment " 3 °°tf6 00 Rowland's Macassar " n 00 Soc Hygenique, Huile Philocome " 5 5° Taylor's Bay Rum, small " 1 25 " " " large 11 2 5° Vosburg, full assortment " 1 00,7450 Also a large variety of other styles, which will not admit of classification. HAIR POWDER. Diamond doz. 1 50 Gold " 1 50 Silver " 1 5° Blonde " 2 00 HAIR PINS. Hard Rubber, No. gro- 1 5° " " " 2 " 1 50 " " " 3 " 1 4° Steel, an assortment gross of packs, 3 00 a 6 00 Harrison's Magnolia Tablets, small doz. 1 50 " " " large " 2 00 " Parian White " 4 5°&7 5° Hauel's Eau Lustral, small '' 6 00 " " " medium " 8 00 " " 11 large " 10 00 Heifer's Teats " 1 5° Horse Fleams, 2 blade brass " 3 5° " " 3 " " " 4 50 HYDROMETERS. For Acid, Ammonia, or Alkali doz. 5 50 " Lyes, Lime or Syrup " 5 5° " Beer, Bark or Vinegar " 5 5° " Cider, Malt or Wine '' 5 5° " Spirits-one scale " 6 00 " Spirits-U. S. Custom-House-two scales *' 7 5° " Alcohol-one scale " 6 00 " Coal Oil-8o«qo-shot '' 7 5° " " " -80,790-mercury " 8 00 " Alcohol-Richter & Tralles " 7 5° " Milk-two scales, with Test Glass, in paper case " 6 00 " Silver " 12 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 229 U. S. Custom-house Spirit Hydrometer, two scales, with four-scaled Ther- mometer doz. 42 00 Richter & Trade's Alcohol-meter, with Thermometer " 3600 Alcohol-meter, one scale, with Thermometer 11 33 00 Coal Oil Hydrometer, one scale, with Thermometer " 30 00 Twaddell's, No. 1 " 6 00 2 " 6 00 3 " 7 00 4 " 8 25 " 5 " 9 75 o " 11 25 8 inch Laboratory Thermometer, all glass " 1100 10 " " " " " 12 00 ICE BAGS. White. Pure Gum. Ice Bags for Spine, White or Pure Gum, 12 inch doz. 8 50 9 50 " " 14 " " 9 oo 10 00 " " 16 " " 9 50 10 50 " " 18 " " 10 00 1100 " " 20 " " 10 50 11 50 " for Throat, " " 7 " " 5 25 " " 8 " " 5 So " " 9 " " 5 75 " " 10 " " 6 00 1 " " 11 " " 6 25 INHALERS. La Formes'. Olive Tar. Hunter's. Crumb's Improved doz. 15 oo Cutler's 11 9 co Hunter's " 8 50 Kirkwood's " 24 00&48 00 La Formes' " 7 50 Letts' " 15 00 Messer's " 2 00 Moyle's " 4 50 Olive Tar, or Fullgraff's " 4 50 O'Leary's " 7 5° Sanborn's " 6 00 Scofield's • " 15 00 Stafford's Olive Tar r' 6 00 Syphonic " 4 00 Lett's. 230 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Issue Peas, Orrisstring, 25 " " Orange " ' 25 Invalid Cushions, I. R., White or Black, 12 in., doz. 17 00 " 13 " " 18 00 " 14 " " 19 00 " 15 " " 20 00 " 16 " " 21 00 " 17 " " 22 00 " 18 " " 23 00 INKS. Arnold's Writing, quarts c]Oz - eo P>nts | 50 Pints.................................................... •• 1 62 " " X " " 88 Cones << rO Blue Black or Violet Writing, 2 oz. octagon stands << go " 4 " bottles <• j I0 " o "• " 1 40 °. " 1 75 pint " " 3 00 quart " « - oo " y2 gallon stone jugs •< Io 00 I " 20 OO Limpid Writing Fluid, 2 oz. stone stands <■ 7e " 8 " " bottles << 2 50 " Pint *' " ■ . 00 " quart " << 7 oo " ;; ;; gaii. jugs .. I2 oo _ . _, „ , j " 24 00 Copying Ink, 8 oz. bottles << 2 -o " Pint " 450 " " quart " .. 8 go Carmine Ink, 1 oz., draped stands << T rO " " No. 1, 1 oz., rich flint glass << 2 00 2| 2 " " " " 3 00 1,1 " " " G. S " 3 00 „ -1 ■■ - - ? 4 50 , 4> 4 " 7 00 ." S' ?, ' . " " " " " 12 00 pints, rich flint glass, G. S << 21 00 " " quarts," " " '' '.. ' ' / . / /" 4200 Red Writing Ink, 1 oz " 80 Marking Ink '. .' ' " ' ' ' ' ' \ ' gan. 1 -- Pints doz. 2 25 '' " quarts << 3 50 > gall., cans <■ 12 00 Indelible Ink, Baldwin's .1 " " Barber's Crimson " "Briggs'■■ loo GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 231 Indelible Ink, Gayle's doz. 1 50 " " Hegeman's " 2 50 " " Kidder's, with preparation " 3 00 " " " without preparation " 2 00 " " Livingston's Carmine " 1 50 " " " " with Tablet and Stretcher (see cut, page 230).. " 3 50 " " Payson's " 1 go " " Combination " 4 25 " " Tarrant's " 2 75 India Ink, 64 sticks to lb lb. 2 50 Inkstands, Pocket, Box-wood doz. 2 00 " I. R., Black, No. 2, pocket " 2 00 ' 3. " " 2 25 " " " 4. " " 2 75 5, desk " 3 25 " " " " 6, " " 4 00 Also an assortment in Bronze and Russia Leather. Ink Extractor, Cushman's " 1 50 " Lawrence's " 1 50 India Rubber Sheeting, see page 259. " " Tubing, see page 285. J. & B. Tooth Paste, small " 5 00 " " " large " 7 50 Johnson's Tooth Powder, small " 1 85 " " " medium " q 75 " " " large " 5 50 Jokes gross. 6 50 JARS. OINTMENT JARS. French Porcelain Steeple Tops, Plain. % Pint, height, 6 in doz. 6 00 I Pint, height, 6 in doz. 4 5o 6. 00 8 00 10 00 13 00 16 00 1% " 1 Quart, " 3 Pint, " Gall., " 6% " 7% " 9 " IO " i " "8 4 4 7 50 2T OO i Quart " 9 " ' < 10 50 y2 Gallon " ii " 4 4 15 00 White Steeple Top Jars. German Porcelain Flat Top 2 oz., height, 4 in doz. 2 OO 2 OO Jars. 8 " 5% " 4 4 2 25 1 Pint, " 6 " 4 4 3 00 2 oz., 3 inches doz. 3 00 T iZ " " AiZ " < < 4" 3% " 4 5° 1 /z u 72 < I < < 6 00 7/2 I < 16 " 5% " 4 4 7 00 U Gal] " 9 < < 24 " 6% " 4 4 8 00 3/ " " 1 < 32 " 7% " 4 4 9 5° 74 < < 13 50 English Steeple Top Jars. White Flat-Top Jars. White or Blue.- With Bronze Bands. K oz gross. 13 50 T " • * 13 I oz doz. 3 00 3 " 4 4 4 00 < < I3 5° 1 Pint 4 4 5 00 3 < < 1% " 4 I 7 00 4 6 ' ' < < MM 4 Quart 4 < 9 00 8 ' ' < < 8 Pint 4 4 IO 50 < < tR r7C y. Gallon 4 4 14 00 < < xo /□ IQ Ji Gallon 44 16 00 (< 22 CJO English Blue Steeple Top Jars. 24 " Chiart. 24 75 37 2 oz., height, 4 in doz. 2 25 ' 3 Pint-• • • 46 50 < < 4 • 75 00 8 " " " 3 50 114 00 PORCELAIN AND EARTHENWARE. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 232 Ointment Jars, Glass. Blue or White Metal Caps. % oz gross. 4 oo % " " 4 5o 1 " " 5 5o 2 " " 6 50 4 " " 9 00 Infusion Jars, with Strainers. % Pint each. 50 1 " " 75 1 Quart " 1 00 Tie-Over Ointment Jars, or Jelly Cans. 4 oz doz. 50 6 " " 60 8 " " 70 12 " " 80 1 lb 11 90 1%" " 1 12 2 " I " 1 90 Key Rings, full assortment gross, 00 " Chains, " " " 3 00 a 4 50 Knee Caps (see E, page 217). Kid Scraps . lb. 1 00 " Skins doz. 3003400 Druggists' Shop, Gilt book, 12 00 " " Plain " 4 00 Physicians' Gilt " 3 00 " Plain " 1 00 Gum doz. 1 25 Patent Medicine Directions ream, 3 50 Address, Tags :........................................................ LABELS. LAMP WICKS. Extra Kerosene, 1% in gross, 1 30 No. 1, " 1 "B : " 70 2, " " A " 4° 3. " " " 33 Tom Thumb Kerosene, round " 25 Fluid " 25 LANCETS. Lancets, Abscess each, 1 00 " Gum and Tenaculum " 3 00 " Spring " " Thumb, Evans' doz. 9 00 " " English " 6 00 " 50 cents, 75 cents, and 1 00 Lancet Cases, Morocco, 1 hole " 5° " " " 2 " " 75 " " " 4 " " 1 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 233 > LARYNGOSCOPIC MIRRORS. With Head-Band 6 00 to 10 00 Leech Jars, Porcelain, Vase Shape (see cut), 6% inch each. 2 50 " " " " " " " " 4 00 " " " " " " 13 " " 5 00 LAVENDER WATER Bazin's Bell doz. 7 00 Colgate's " 8 00 Coudray's, " L," Ambree Blanche " 850 " " M," Distilled " 7 5° " 1593 " " 6 °°- " 1594 " " 12 00 * ' 1645 Ambree .• " 7 00 Letchford's, small " 4 5°" " large " 7 5° Lubin's Amber " 9 5°* " Disst " 7 00- Roger & Gallet's I " 6 00' Creme of Limes, Liquid and Solidified doz. 4 50 Transparent Cosmetic, small " 1 5° " " large " 3 00 T, r ,, << \ 3 ooto- Extracts, a full assortment i 48 00 Violet and Rose Powder " 1 75 ,, 5 1 50to. Pomades, an assortment o, LETCHFORD. Bazin's Spanish doz. i 50 " Pearl of Beauty " 1 5°" Cascarilla " 75'■ Chardin Square " 4 °°" " Round " 2 5°"' Glenn's Lily Oval '' 1 25 " Chinese " 1 75- Irvine's Round " 1 25- " Oval " 1 25> McArthur's " 1 7S> LILY WHITE. 234 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Shand's Oval Fancy doz. 1 25 Opera Pearline " 1 50 Mother of Pearl " 1 50 Small Round " 50 Medium " " 62 Large " " 75 LIME JUICE AND GLYCERINE. Rimmel's, small doz. 4 50 " large ; " 750 LINT. Taylor's Ai, 1 lb lb. 1 40 " " ozs v " 1 65 E. Taylor's, 1 lb " 1 30 English Stag, " " 1 25 " " ozs " 1 50 " Maw's, penny packets gross. 4 50 Glass Boxes doz. 2 00 Metal Boxes " 1 00 Lloyd's Euxesis " 5 00 LIP SALVE. LOW. Low's Extracts, 1 oz. bots " 6 00 " " 2 " " 12 00 ■" Pomade, blue pot " 4 50 " Soaps (see page 241). LUBIN. Lubin's Blanc de Perle, (see page 163) " 15 00 " Cosmetic (see page 212). " Extracts " 7 00 " Pastilles " 6 00 " Rice Powder " 10 50 " Sachets, ozs " 7 50 • " " paper " 9 00 * Soaps (see page 267). Lundborg's Extracts (see page 219). " California Water, small " 1 75 " " " large " 5 75 MAGNETIC MACHINES. Davis & Kidder's each. 8 oo ■Gaiffe's French Pocket " io oo Jerome Kidder's " 20 oo Maw's Single Magnet " 1000 " Double " " 15 00 " Self-Acting « " 2000 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 235 MEDICINE CHESTS. Containing the following Square Glass Stoppered Bottles. In Mahogany Trays, Mortar, Graduated Measure, four Jars, Tray for Scales, and Space for Instruments under Bottles. MADE OF THE BEST RUSSET LEATHER. Ounce. Ounce. Ounce. Ounce. Bots. Length. Width. Height. Price. No. i-Containing 4. .4 16. .2 18. .1 6. • Y 44 14 9% 9^- 21 00 1-Ext. " 4. .4 18. .2 20. . I 8.. Y-50 9kt 23 00 2- " 14. .2 42.. % 56 I4X 7X II - 23 00 3- l6. .2 34 8 8 - 17 00 4- '• 2..4 l6. .2 19. .1 37 8% 18 50 5- " 2..4 II. .2 16.. I 32 II 8% 9%- 17 00 6- " 2..4 12. .2 13. .1 27 9& 9%- 15 50 The following without Measures, Mortars, or Jars : J-Containing 4. .4 IO. . 2 6.. 1 20 fY 7 8Y- 12 00 8- " 15..iY oz. bottles ....8% 7%- 10 00 Tray in front of Bottle: 9-Containing 10. .2 4. .1 -14 9 6% 5%- 9 So 10- " 5..4 7. .2 6. . 1 -18 IO 73Y S3A~ 11 50 11- " 4. .4 9. .2 12.. 1 6.. 31 - 14 00 All the above with Locks. Buckle and (No. 12- 5.. 1 % 4. .1- ■space in front- -9 7 4X 4%- 5 50 Strap. 1 13-io..i% ... 7 43A~ 5 00 No. 14-Containing 2..4 6. .2- space in front- -10 7 53X 5 - 6 00 15- " 12.. Yt oz. bottles ... 8 3H- 6 00 Complete Set of Latin Labels, Twenty-five Cents. THIS IS THE SIZE BY INCHES. No. i-Containing one large Offset Drawer at Bottom, for three Jars, and space for Instru- ments ; five small Drawers inside for Mortar, Measure, Scales, etc. io. .4 oz. 12..2 oz. oz. 28 Bottles 30 00 No. 2-Containing 8. .4 oz. 12..20Z. 6..J^oz.-26 bottles 3000 One large offset drawer for three jars, and two drawers inside' 25 00 No. 3-Slide in back, containing 8. .4 oz. 12. .2 oz.-20 bottles• 20 00 4- 4..40Z. 4. .2 oz. 6..^oz-14 bottles 1700 5- 3..40Z. 8..ioz. -11 " 1400 Large Chest-8..8oz. 12..20Z.-20 bottles 1800 MAHOGANY, WING PATENT. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 236 No. 6-Containing 10. .8 oz... 7. .4 oz. .13. .2 oz.-30 bottles 2300 7- " 10. .4 oz... 12. .2 oz.. 7..10Z.-29 " 1500 8- " 8. .4 oz.. .12. .2 oz.. -20 " 1300 9- " 4. .4 oz.. .12. .2 oz.. -16 " 11 00 10- " 3. .4 oz... 10. .2 oz.. -13 " 850 11- Large Brass Bound Chest, containing 12..8 oz. 16..4 oz. 8..1 oz.-36 bottles; 4jars 36 00 Box Pattern, with Lid and Drawers under: WALNUT AND POPLAR CHESTS, for Ships and Plantations, STAINED AND VARNISHED. Walnut. Poplar. No. 13-Containing 12..80Z. 16..40Z. 8..ioz. 36 bottles; 4 jars ..$22 00 $20 OO 14- 5..80Z. 7..40Z. 8..20Z. 4..10Z.-25 bottles; 4 jars. 15 50 14 OO 15- 10. .4 oz. 6. .2 oz. 4. .1 oz. -20 " 3 ' ' 12 OO II OO 8. .4 oz. 12. .2 oz. -18 " IO OO 9 00 17- no drawers-6. .8 oz. 4.-4 oz. and space-15 bottles. ....7 OO H Medical Manual and Medical Chest Companion, with English Labels, Fifty Cents. Porcelain Tea, on foot. Metal. Earthen Tea. Bulb. Tweed's. Medicine Glasses (see page 227). Medicine Spoons, Earthen, Tea doz. 1 25 " " Porcelain, " " 3 00 " " "on foot '. " 3 50 " " " Dessert " 4 00 " Glass, Tea " 4 50 " " Dessert " 4 50 " Maw's Combination " 3 00 " Metal " 9 00 " Droppers, Barnes' " 1 00 " " Bulb " 75 " " Tweed's " 2 00 Meen Fun, " Hobbs" •. " 100 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 237 MIRRORS. Celluloid, Plain doz. 30 oo " " Twist " 33 00 " Parallel " " 39 00 Red or Blue Colors, $3 00 doz. additional. Ivory, No. 1, each, 7 50 " " 2, 3X4X " 9 00 " " 3> " 10 50 " " 4. 3%«5X " 12 00 Florence Oval, No. 5, 3% in....doz. 400 " " 6, 4 "...." 5 50 " " 7, 4% "...." 6 75 " " 8, 5 "...." 7 75 " " 9> 5% " •••• " 9 00 " " 10, 6 "...." 10 25 " " "11, 6% " .... " 12 00 " Round " 5 6 75« ? 10 25 " Pocket " 2 00 " Stand " 12 00 " - Plate Glass, No. 8 " 15 00 " " "9 " 18 00 " " " 10 " 21 00 " " "11 " 26 00 LEATHER.-Imitation Russia. No. 50, Plain Glass, 5 in doz. 6 00 " " " " 5% " " 7 00 " " " " 6 " " 8 00 " " " " f>Y " " 9 00 " 51, Plate " ■* 12 00 " " " " " 14 00 " " " " " 17 00 " " " " " 20 00 LEATHER.-Real Russia. 5 inch, Plate Glass doz. 18 00 " 21 00 6 " " " " 25 oo 6% " 30 00 T ravelin g each, Upright or Shaving " MAHOGANY. Plain Glass, No. 8, 5 inch doz. 9 00 " " " 9, 5M " " 10 50 " " " 10, 6 " "13 50 " " " 11, " " 15 00 " " " 12, 7 " " 16 50 " " " 13, 7% " " 18 00 " " " 14, 8 " "19 50 Plate " 5 inch.. " 12 00 " " " " i3 50 " " 6 " " 15 00 " " 6y2 " " 16 50 " " 7 " " 18 00 " " 7% " " 21 00 " 8 " ... " 24 00 Also an assortment of Folding, Ivory, Mouth, Pocket, Rosewood, etc. Mirror Stands, Rosewood, for 13 each, 6 00 " Whitewood, " " 7 50 MORTARS AND PESTLES. Brass, 3% inch each, 3 50 " " " 5 00 " " " 6 00 " 6% " " 8 00 Glass, 1 ounce doz. 3 00 " 2 " " 3 50 " 3 " " 4 00 ' 4 " " 4 5o 6 ounce doz. 6 oo 8 " " 7 50 12 " " 9 oo Pint " io 50 1% Pints " 15 00 Quart " 18 00 Gallon " 27 00 238 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S MORTARS AND PESTLES GLASS SILVERED. Beautiful Articles, suitable for Show- Windows, etc. Height- 3 inches each, 2 00 4 " " 2 25 5 " " 3 00 " 6 " " 4 00 " 7 " ' " 5 5o " 8 " " 7 00 " 9 " " 8 00 " 10 " " 9 00 " 11 " " 10 00 " 12 " " 12 00 MARBLE. Small, no pestle each, 5 00 Medium, " " 7 50 Large, " " 10 00 PORCELAINE. GERMAN.-Shallow, with Lip, glazed outside only. 2% inch, diameter doz. 4 00 2% " " " 5 00 3% " " " 6 50 3)4 " " " 800 4% " " " 9 00 414 " " " 10 50 5% " " " 12 00 6J4 " " ■' 15 00 6X " " " 18 00 714 " " " 24 00 8 " " " 30 00 9 " " each, 2 75 914 " " " 3 00 10 " " 3 50 11 " " " 4 5° 12 " " " 6 50 13 " " " 8 00 14 " " " 12 00 15 " " " 15 00 FRENCH.-Glazed throughout. No. 2 inch., contents 1 oz... .each, 30 3, 2% " " IJ4 oz.. " 35 314,3 " " 20Z.... " 55 4, " 40Z.... " 65 414,3X" " 6oz.... " 75 5, 414" " 8oz.... " 85 514,414" " 12 oz.... ■' 9S 6, s " " 16 oz.... " 1 20 IRON, URN-SHAPED, TURNED SMOOTH INSIDE. y Pint each, 45 1 " " 62 1 Quart.... " 75 y, Gallon... " 1 25 1 " ... " 2 25 2 ** ... " 3 00 IRON, EXTRA HEAVY BELL-SHAPE. Pint each, 60 Quart " 1 00 Gallon " 1 50 1 " " 2 50 2 " " 5 00 3 " " 6 00 4 " " 7 5° WEDGEWOOD. Double. oooo, 3 inch., 2 oz doz. 4 32 000, 3X " 3 oz " 5 °4 00, 3/4 " 4 oz .. " 6 00 o, 4 " 5 oz " 6 72 1, 4% " 8 oz " 7 80 2, 5 " 12 oz " 10 20 3, 6 " 16 oz " 12 00 4, 6% " 22 oz " 15 00 5, 7 " 26 oz " 19 50 6, 8 " 36 oz " 24 00 7, 8J4 " 2% pts " 30 00 8, 9K " 3 " " 39 00 9, ioM " 5 " " 48 00 10, 12 " 6 " " 54 °° 11, 13 " 10 " " 63 00 12, 14 " 13 " " 72 00 Wedgewood, double, for Pills., .each, 2 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 239 MOULDS. Rectum. Vaginal. 12-hole Tin. 12-hole Brass. Camphor Ice. Combination Brass. Camphor Ice, 4 moulds each, 3 00 " " 6 " " 4 00 " " 12 " " 6 00 Suppository, 6 " Brass " 2 25 " 12 " " " 3 75 " 6 " Tin " 1 00 " 12 " " " 1 50 " 12 " Vaginal " 2 50 6 " Rectum, Nickel-Plated Frame 1 " 250 " 12 " " " " " 4 00 " Combination Brass " 7 50 MUCILAGE. Stickwell's Cone doz. i oo " Bell Top " i 50 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 240 NASAL DOUCHES Brewer's doz. 9 00 Dr. Clark's " 7 50 Glass, pints " 6 50 Glass, quarts " 7 50 Glass Nasal Douche. Lincoln & Co doz. 6 00 Lockwood's " 3 5° Pierce's .'.... " 4 00 Nail Cases, a full assortment each, 2 oo<zi2 00 " Cleaners, in Bone, Ivory, Steel, and Shell doz. 1 00 a 3 50 " Files, Ivory, Steel, Pearl, or Shell " 1 co a 7 50 " Polishers, Ivory or Wood " 12 00 " Powder, Pray's " 7 50 " " French " 2 50 NEEDLES. Straight : doz. 67 Curved....'. " 1 00 Eye and Uterine " 1 50 Peaslee's .each, 3 00 Emmet's " 2 50 Startin's, Wheel " 6 co Eve's each, 5 00 Tiemann & Co.'s, Hollow Silver Wire Needles (4) in case " 12 00 Perineum Needles.. ..each, 75 cents to 2 00 Stohlmann's, Silver Wire Screw Needle, with Wire each, 1 00 NIPPLES. French Red. Eng., large, No. 7 or 8. Eng., medium. No. 6. Eng., small No. i or 5. French, Red gross, 4 50129 00 English, large gross, 5 00 " medium " 3 00 " small " 1 75 American, small, white gross, i 50 " medium " " 2 00 " large " " 3 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 241 No. 20, White gross, 2 75 21, " large " 4 00 22, " Patent " 3 75 23, Pure Gum " 3 00 24, " " large. .. " 4 50 No. 25, White Swan Bill, gross 2 50 26, Pure Gum, Patent " 4 00 • 29, " " Swan Bill " 3 00 30, White Plug " 7 50 Maw's, with Tube. Maw's, small. Glass Shell. I. R. Shield. Nipple Shells, Glass.. . doz. 75 " Shields, Box-Wood " 75 " " " and Nipple " 1 25 " " Bringhurst's, Wax " 1 75 " " Glass , " 1 5° " " Kent's, with Black Nipple " 3 5° " " Maw's, Glass, small " 1 5° " " " " with tube " 2 5° " " Maw's, Pure Tin " 2 00 " " Metal " 1 75 " " Needham's, with White Nipple " 3 00 " " Rubber, Black " 1 00 " White " 75 " " Walters', Glass, with Black Tube 11 3 00 " •• " " " White " " 2 50 " " Wansburgh's, Metal, in pairs " 4 00 Night Lights, 3 mos. German doz. 5° " " 6 " " " 75 •• " Houchins Monitor, 3 mos " 1 25 " 6 " " 1 75 " " Wax Coils " 2 50 • > •> Nix's Per dozen boxes, 4 50 242 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S NURSING BOTTLES. No. 6c. No. i5o. . EXPORT. Burr's, Green doz. 3 00 " Medallion " 1 50 " White, each in box " 4 00 " Eagle, Black Trimmings " 3 25 Knapp's, Green, each in box " 3 00 " White, " " " " 4 00 Lang's, Perfected " 3 60 Maw s Alexandra, Green " 2 75 " " White " 4 00 " Export, " " 2 75 " Wood-Top, Green " 1 50 Moulded, No. 60, Flask " 75 " " 160, " wide mouth " 1 00 " " 120, " large " I 25 PATENT NURSING BOTTLE CLEANERS. An entirely new appliance for cleaning Nursing Bottles. The only article ever offered the public that will reach all parts of the bottle and thoroughly clean them doz. I 25 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 243 NURSING BOTTLE TRIMMINGS. French style, made of pure red rubber, will fit any bottle (see cut) doz. 2 00 Maw's Alexandra " 2 00 " Export " 1 75 " Wood-Top '' 88 " " " pure gum " 1 5° Burr's " 1 75" 2 50 Lang's Perfected " 2 25 OPHTHALMOSCOPES. Liebreich's, see cut each, 4 50 Allen's '' 3 75 Coccius' " 7 5° Loring's each, 20 00 to 35 00 Knapp's, and others. Oiled Muslin, Pieces of 5 yards piece. 3 50 " Muslinet, Maw's, Light yard. 75 " " " Dark 5° " Silk, extra 5 yard pieces piece. 5 co " " ord. " " • 4 00 Otto Rose, Coudray's, No. 2208 doz. 6 00 Oil Cologne, Lundborg's lb- 7 co Paper Capping, assorted colors, packs 250 sheets pack. 30 " Emery, Metropolitan, Nos. F, O, 1 and assorted ream. 4 75 " " " " 1% and 2 " 6 00 " 2% " 650 " " National, " F, O, % 1, and assorted " 0 25 " " " " 1M and 2 " 7 25 " " " " 2% " 8 5° " Fayard 2 50 " Filtering (see page 220). PAPER. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 244 Paper, Litmus, Blue and Red, English, in books doz. 75 " " " " French quire. 75 " Pres'n Powder, No. 4, per M. 18 cts. No. 34, per M. 45 cts. No. 61, per M.60 cts. " •' " " 7, " 30 " " 37, " 45 " " 64, " 60 " .. .. .. Io> .. 25 .. .< 4O> .. 56 .. << 67> .. 55 .. " " " " 13, " 40 " " 43; " 50 " " 70, " 60 " " " " " 16, " 35 " " 45, " 33 " " 72, " 50 " " " " " 19, " 50 " " 46, " 60 '' " 72 B, " 50 " " " " " 22, " 30 " " 46 B, " 60 " " 73, " 75 " " •• •• " 25, " 40 " " 52, " 50 " " 73 B, " 75 " " " " " 28, " 30 " " 55, " 60 " " " 31, " 40 " " 58, " 60 " " Sand, Metropolitan, all numbers ....ream, 300 " " National, " " " 4 25 " Seidlitz, Blue, 19x24 " 3 0003 50 " " White, 24x38 " 4500600 " " Blue or White, cut per M. 75 " Turmeric, English gross, 6 00 " Water-Closet, Eureka, 100 in case case, 12 00; doz., 1 75 " " " Gayetty's, 50 " " 16 00 " " " Star Mills, 100 incase " 18 00 " " " P. P. P. Pocket per 100, 5 00 " Wrapping, assorted colors, 24x38 ream, 4 5005 00 11 " Blue, ordinary, 24x38 " 4 5005 00 " " Manila, 15 x 20, reams, 10 to 20 lbs lb. 90 11 " " " 20x30, " 20 to 30 " " 9 0 11 " " " 24x36, " 25 to 60 " " 9 0 11 " " " 30x40, " 40 to 90 " " 90 11 " " Straw, 12x16 ream, 30 " " " 14x18 " 40 " " " 15x20 " 50 " " " 20x30 " 95 " " " 24 x 36 " 1 40 " " " 30 X 40 , " I 90 " " Tea, 12x16 " 75 " " " 14 x 20 " 1 00 " " Tissue, assorted colors, 20 x 30 " 250 " " " Manila, 11x15 " 3° " " " " 14x18 " 40 " " " " 15 x 20 " 60 " " " " 20 x 30 " 1 25 " " " " 24x36 " 1 50 " " " White, 20x30 " 2 00 " " White, Extra Quality, 24x38 " 5 5007 00 " " " Ordinary " 24x38 " 3 500 5 00 " Writing, Foolscap " 3 0004 00 " " Letter " 2 5004 00 " " Note, Commercial " 1 500 PAP BOATS. Pap Boats, Earthenware " " Porcelain, Fig. 4 " " Bird, French shape.... " " " " and Gilt doz. 2 50 " 3 5o " 4 5o " 7 50 Fig. 4. Pastilles, Coudray's doz. 1 50 " Hooper's " 1 5° " W. H. S. & Co.'s " 1 25 Pearl Powder, Glenn's " 2 50 " " Ramsey's " 2 00 PENCILS. Pencils, Camel's Hair (see page 178). " Lead, Dixon's gross. 5 00 " " Eagle " 5 00 " " Faber's, round '' 6 00 " " " octagon " 8 00 " " " ordinary " 4 00 " Indellible, Clark's doz. 2 00 Pen-Holders gross, 1 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 245 PERCOLATORS. Dursse's Patent G. S each, 3 50 Glass, Heavy, pint doz. 4 50 " " quart " 6 00 " " % gall " 9 00 ' " " 1 " " 12 00 " " 2 " " 21 00 Tin, covered, pint each, 50 " " quart " 75 " " % gall " 1 00 " " 1 " > " 1 5° " " 2 " " 2 00 Porcelain, Ribbed, No. 00, n inch " 3 25 " " " o, 9 " " 2 75 " " " 1, 7 " " 1 75 " " " 2, 6 " " 1 50 " " " 3. 5 " " 1 25 " Plain, " 00, 11 " " 3 00 " " " o, 9 " " 2 25 " " " 1, 7 " " 1 50 " " " 2, 6 " " 1 25 " " " 3. 5 " " 90 Glass, heavy. PERFORATORS. Smelley's (cut A) each, 2 30 Bedford's ( " B) " 3 00 Simpson's ( " C) " 3 00 246 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S PESSARIES. White Rubber, Inflated, Round, No. 96 doz. 3 25 " " to Inflate, long stem, No. 91 " 600 Hoffman's Patent, Cut A " 15 00 Hurd's, Hard Rubber, Cut C " 200 Box-Wood, Globe and Egg Shape doz. 9 00 " Flat, Circular and Oval " 6 00 Glass, Globe Shape, assorted sizes " 1 00 " Concave " " " 1 00 Hard Rubber, Bow, " " " 4 00 " " Concave," " " 2 50 " " Horse-Shoe, assorted sizes " 4 00 " " " Oval " 3 25 " " to Inflate, short stem " 4 00 Meigs' Ring " 3 00 Peaslee's, Ring each, 50 Hewitt's, " " 50 Sims', Metal Ring " 40 Smith's " 75 Smith's, Improved by Tiemann & Co., soft. Cut D " 75 Hurd's, Improved by Tiemann & Co., soft Rubber " 1 50 Thomas', Anteversion. Cut B " 200 " Retroversion " 1 25 Cutter's " 3 00 Cutter's, Cup. " 300 Thomas', Cutter's " 3 00 Tiemann & Co.'s, Stem " 6 00 Scanzoni's " 8 00 O'Leary's " 5 00 Hornby's " 600 Wadsworth's " 6 00 Buttle's " 1 00 Babcock's " 12 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 247 Zwanck's...: each, 3 00 Simpson's, Galvanic " 1 00 Thomas', Galvanic " 1 50 Braun's Colpeurynters " 3 50 And many others. Piesse & Lubin's Extracts , doz. 10 00 " Pestachio Nut Oil. '........ " 9 00 " " " Powder " 9 00 " " " Ribbon Bruges " 5 00 Pile Pipes, H. R. Seeley's each, 1 50 " " Wooden " 1 co PILL MACHINES. Brass on Walnut Block, with Side Rollers. 12 Pills, 3, or 5 Grains each, 5 00 18 " 3, or 5 " ........................................................ " 6 00 24 " 3, or 5 " " 7 00 36 " 5 " " 13 50 48 " 5 '! " 19 00 50 " 5 " " 20 co Without Side Rollers. 12 Pills, 3, 4, or 5 Grains " 4 co 18 " 3, 4, or 5 " " 5 oo 24 " 3, 4, or 5 " " 6 oo Any size Pill Machine Furnished to order. THE COOPER PATENT PILL MACHINE. Price, $12.00 each. Brass Plates. Mahogany Board and Drawer. This machine has two sets of reversible Plates, on which four different sizes of Pills can be made, and the sides of the rolling board are so constructed as to allow the mass to be rolled just the size required for each respective size of Pills, thereby ensuring always the full number of perfectly round pills. 248 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Pill Rollers, for rolling the mass each, 50 " Silverers " 1 00 " Finishers, for finishing the pills " 75 Fill Silverer. - Fill Roller. PILL TILES. Graduated 4 inch " 5 " " 6 " " 7 " " 8 " 9 ;; " IO " " II " " 12 " doz. 3 00 " 4 50 " 6 00 " 7 5° " 9 00 " 12 00 " 13 50 " 18 00 " 24 00 " 6x8 inch •• 9 00 7 x 9 " " 12 00 8 x 10 " " 13 50 " 9 x 11 " " 18 00 " IO X 12 " " 24 00 Plain 5 inch " 3 60 " 6 " " 4 80 " 7 " " 6 00 " 8 " " 7 20 ' 9 " " 7 5° " 10 " " 9 00 " 11 " " 10 50 " 12 " ! " 13 50 " 7x9 inch " 9 00 " 8 x 10 " " 10 50 Pink Saucers, Bunce's : 11 75 " " Reeves' . " 125 W. H. S. & Co.'s " 75 iBunion, Ede's, thick doz. i 75 " " thin .. • • 1 50 " Maw's, thick " 1 50 " " thin " j 25 " Robbin's . " 1 co " W. H. S. & Co.'s, thick ' " 125 " in bulk, gross in box box, 1 25 'Corn, Ede's, thick doz. 1 50 " " thin " j 25 " Maw's, thick " 1 25 " " thin " 1 00 " Robbin's " 1 so " W. H. S. & Co.'s, thick " 125 " in bulk, 1 gross in box box, 1 25 'Court, Behrle's, Skin, Rolls doz'. 4 00 " " " Sheets gross, 6 00 " Crown, assorted colors " 1 50 " Dickman's Arnica " 8 00 Books " 1800 " " Mechanics' " 6 00 Ede's, in glass covered box " 9 00 " English Taffeta, "the ship" " 4 50 " French Crown " 3 00 M Hubbel's " g 00 'Littlefield's Imperial " 3 00 PLASTERS. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 249 Court, Maw's, books doz. 1 75 " " " small " 75 " " " Gold-Beater's Skin " 1 00 " Prior's Flesh Color gross. 3 50 " Robbin's Arnica " 8 00 '• " " books " 18 00 " " -Imperial " ' 3 50 " Kid............................1. .......................... 11 6 00 " " Surgeons'Dressing , " 1050 • " " Water-Proof '* 3 50 " Yard's, assorted colors " 3 50 Plaster Irons each. " Machines, Iron " 7 00 " " Wood, Newbaner's " 10 00 Spatulas, Brass, for attach- ing to Gas Butner ,, 2 5° Skins (see skins, page 260) Maw's Screw. Expanding. Barrel Shape. Powder Folders, Barrel Shape each. 3 00 " Expanding or Buck " 1 5° " Screw " 2 75 " Maw's " 1 5° Pocket Books, a large variety in Calf, Real and Imitation Russia, Morocco, etc. American, of various styles and prices, a large assortment. Bazin's Philocome, small d°z- 2 00 " " med " 2 75 " " large " 3 75 Colgate's Vaseline, small, 2 '' 2 °" " " large, 4 " 4 °° Cottance, 23 cans, in box t>ox. 1 50 50 - " " 2 5° Coudray's, Tin Can, No. 510, small " 4 5° " " " " 511, med " 5 00 " " " " 512, large " 9 °° " Hongrois China, No. 981 " 4 5° " " Glass, No. 980 '' 3 °° Letchford's Creme Limes, Solidified " 4 5° " Glass Bottles 3 °° Low's Blue Pot " 4 5° Lyman's Arctusine . ' 45° Piver's Blue Pot 7 00 " Glass Bottle ", 5 00 Savage's Ursina " 6 00 POMADES. 250 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S POND'S EXTRACT CO.'S SPECIALTIES. Dentrifice doz. 4 00 Lip Salve " 2 00 Toilet Cream " 8 00 " Soap, 3 cakes in box doz. boxes. 4 00 W. C. Paper case, 11 00 Inhaler .' doz. 800 Syringe, Nasal " 2 00 " Female -................. " 800 PRESCRIPTION CASES FOR PRESERVING PAPERS FROM LOSS AND DIRT. Mahogany, with Plate Glass each, 9 00 Sponge Probangs, Sponge, plain doz. 1 00 " " tipped " 1 5° •' " wire " 1 00 Pungents (see Bottles, page 155). Mete). Scotch Flaid. Puff Boxes, China, variety doz. 9 oo<zi8 00 " Metal, large variety " 3 °°a J5 00 " " Paper, " " " I oo<z 3 50 " " Papier Mache " 3 00 a 6 00 " " Wood, plain " 2 50 a 4 50 " " " Relic " 5oo<i 7 50 " Scotch Plaid " 6 oca 9 00 Puffs, Bone Handles 11 1 °°® 7 5° " Metal " " 1 00a 4 50 251 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. PUMPS, ACID. The Nichols Acid Pump. The No. 2 Pump is intended for nearly all carboy and corrosive liquids, such as muriatic acid, solution muriat of tin, also aqua ammonia, spirits of nitre, ether, spirits, perfumes, ex- tracts, etc. The liquid comes in contact with glass only, thereby securing absolute purity and making it invaluable for many purposes. It is intended to remain in the carboy when not in use, without drip or evaporation. An iron covering securely protects Pump and tubes. This Pump is not intended for oil vitriol or nitric acid. Securely boxed for shipment, $io oo. The No. 3 Pump is intended for sulphuric acid or oil vitriol only. This pump is ot heavy glass, entirely enclosed in iron with substantial lead pipes. The oil vitriol comes in contact with lead and glass only. This self-acting Pump is not liable in ordinary use to injury by the roughest workman. Securely boxed for shipment, $ro oo. Wd? have in precess op construction a No. i Pump for nitric acid, especially. Quassia Cups, small '* " medium " " large . . " 2 50 " 3 5o " 4 50 Soap Rack. Brush Rack. Sponge Rack. 252 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Upright Brush Rack. Water-Closet Rack Racks, Brush doz. 2 00 " upright " 2 00 " Soap " 1 50 " Sponge, No. o " 3 50 " " 1 " 4 00 " " 2 " 5 50 '' " 3 " 7 50 " Water-Closet, large " 7 50 " " small " 5 50 Ramsey's Pearl Powder " 2 00 " Toilet " large " 1 50 " small " 88 Rattles, Bone " 1 50 " Rubber, No. 1, embossed " 1 75 " " ' ' 2 " " 2 00 " "3. two faces " 2 00 " " 11 4 " *' 2 00 " " 5, musical " 2 25 " "6 " with bells " 2 25 Razors, Wade & Butcher's, a large variety " 6 00(724 00 " Le Coultre's, French, 1 Blade " 16 50 " " " 2 " " 24 00 " " " 3 " "2700 " " 4 " " 33 00 " " " 5 " " 36 00 " " " 6 " " 42 00 " " " 7 " " 48 oc Razor-Strops, Chapman's, a variety " 3 002 7 50 " " Emerson's, A, 18 inch, oval " 14 00 " " " B, 13K " " " 7 00 " " C, " semi-oval " 6 50 " " " D, 12 " oval " 6 50 " 11 " E, 12 " semi-oval " 6 25 " " " F, io}£ " tablet " 2 50 " " " G, 9 " military " 2 00 " " " Leather case 11 1200 " " Goldschmidt's, Iron Screw, AK " 10 50 " " " " " AM " 12 00 " " " " " AG " 15 00 " " " Wood " C " 7 5° " " " " " B " 9 00 " " " " u A " 10 50 " " Saunders', all sizes and styles GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 253 Razor-Strops, Torrey, RHD doz. 1 25 " " " No. 4 " 4 00 " " " " 8 " 6 00 " " " " 20 " 6 50 " " " " 40 " 4 00 " " " " 70 " 2 00 Razorines, a cut shaving paper " 2 00 Respirators, Maw's, No. 1 " 7 50 " " " 2 " 12 00 " " " 3 " 15 00 Iron, 3-Ring. Retort Stands, Iron, 2-Ring, small each. 1 50 " 3 " large " 1 75 " bronzed " 2 00 " Wood " 1 25 Ribbons, for tying over Bottles, full assortment of colors piece. 40 Riker's Face Powder doz. 2 00 Extracts, Ylang Ylang, etc doz. 7 00 " Season Bouquet " 12 00 Lime Juice and Glycerine, small " 4 5° " medium . " 7 00 Ribbon Bruges " 4 5° Rice Powder " 1 75 Vinegar, Toilet, small " 7 5° " medium " 3 00 RIMMEL. Root Cutters , 2 OC<Z each' o 00 Powder, Dorin's, No. o, paper box doz. 1 75 " " "4, " " " 2 00 " 9, metal " '' 6 00 " " "10, paper " " 9 00 ROUGE. _ ' , ' " Tetlow s, an assortment ,, 1 oou 3 5o Vinegar, Bazin's " 1 25 " Coudray's, No. 2575 " 1 75 " Dorin's " 1 5° " Glenn's " 1 25 " Lubin's '' 12 00 Rowland's Macassar Oil " 1200 " Odonto " 12 00 " Kalydor " 22 5° 254 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Atkinson's, in envelopes doz. 4 00 Bazin's Frangipanni, silk bag " 4 50 Letchford's, in envelopes " 3 50 Lubin's, " " ; " 7 50 " in oz. bots " 9 00 Maw's, in silk bags " 4 00 Powder, Coudray's, % lb. bots lb. 4 00 " A> X " " '• " 3 5° SACHETS. Sachet Powder, Bottles, French, 4 oz doz, 6 00 " " " " 8 " " 7 00 " " " " 16 " " 9 00 " " " Taper, 8 " " 7 co " " " " 16 " " 10 00 French. Taper. Saunders' Face Powder, pink • doz. 3 50 " white " 3 50 " " " in paper envelopes " 3 00 SADDLE BAGS. Made of the Best Russet Bridle Leather. Patent Leather Covers. Space under Covers for Instruments, etc. Patent Mahogany Drawers in the end of the lower part. Solid Leather Drawers, One Dollar extra. No. 12-containing 24.. i oz. 4..1J4 oz. bottles 13 50 12- " 24..1 oz. 4..i%oz. " withpockets 1450 7- " 20..1 oz. 4..1J4 oz. ground-stop bottles 12 50 Ex 7- " 20..1 oz. 4.. 1 % oz. " " and pockets 13 50 7- " 24..1 oz. cork stop bottles n 50 11- " 20..oz. glass stop " 12 00 6- " 20..1 oz. " " " 11 50 6- " 20.. 1 oz. cork " " 1050 13- " 16. .1 oz. glass " " 1050 13- " 16..1 oz. cork " " 9 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 255 Made of the Best Russet Bridle Leather, with Patent Leather Covers. Drawer of Polished Mahogany, Velvet Lined. No. 1, containing oz. 12 X oz. 24 bottles 12 00 2 " 10 % oz. 10 X oz. 20 " 11 00 3 " 8 1% oz. 8 oz. 16 " 10 00 No. 14, containing oz. 10 % oz. 20 bottles<, 11 50 16, " 12 iy2 oz. 12 X oz. 24 " 12 50 17, " 12 iy2 oz. 21 X oz. 33 " 13 FLAT PATTERN, TWO FLAPS. BOX PATTERN. No. 4, containing 24 ground stoppered bottles- 12 00 4, Extra with Pockets 13 00 8, containing 20 ground stoppered bottles 11 00 8, Extra, with Pockets. 12 00 10, containing 16 ground stoppered bottles 10 00 10, " 20 cork stoppered bottles 9 25 Plain Saddle Bags, containing 20 cork stoppered vials 8 50 Plain Saddle Bags, containing 24 cork stoppered vials 9 25 256 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Hinged Doors each, 8 00 Sliding " f " 10 00 SCALE CASES. Scale Pans, glass pair, 50 " " horn " 35 Scale cases made to order of any pattern or size. SCALES. BERANGER'S FRENCH BALANCES. MARBLE BEVELED EDGES. Brass Pans. No. 2.-MARBLE TOP, EBONY SIDES. Brass Pans. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. Price. 6 inches.... . .. lbs. .. ...each, 12 00 7 " .... . . . 4% " . . . ... " 13 00 8 " ... . .. . " 14 00 8X " ...18 " . . . ... " 16 50 9% " .... ... " 18 00 ioX " .... ••■33 " ... " 22 OO II " .... ...44 " ... " 27 OO IIX .... • • -55 " ... " 35 00 ...66 " ... < I " .... ...88 14 " .... . . .99 " ... 15% " •••• . .110 " ... * * Diam. of Pans. Capacity. Price. 7 inches ... .11 lbs.. . . , .. .each, 25 00 " ,...l8 " .... " 30 00 8M " ....22 " .... " 40 00 9% " • •■■33 " ■••• ... " 50 00 No. I.-MARBLE TOP, BRONZED EDGES. Brass Pans. No. 5.-WITHOUT CASE. Brass Pans. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. Price. 6 inches. ... ... 2 # lbs... .. .each, 7 00 7 " .... ... " ••• ... " 8 00 8 " .... ... " 9 5° 8# " .... .. .18 " ... ... " 10 75 9# " •••• ... 22 " . . . ... " 12 00 IO# " .... ••■33 " ••• ... " 13 75 II " .... ...44 " ... ... " 15 00 II# " .... ..-55 " ••• ... " 16 75 ...66 " ... ... " 18 00 13# " .... ...88 . . . " 20 OO 14 " .... ■• 99 " ••• ... " 22 OO ... " 25 00 16 " .... ..132 " ... ... " 29 00 Diam. of Pans. Capacity. Price. 6 inches . . 2 lbs. . . ...each. 16 00 7 " • • 4M " • • • ... " 18 00 8 " ... " 21 OO 83X " . .18 " ... ... " 25 OO " . .22 " . . . ... " 30 OO ioX " ■33 " ••• " 35 00 II " .. .44 " ... ... " 4500 iiX " • • • 55 " . • • ... " 50 OO " ...66 " ... ... " 63 OO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. PRESCRIPTION SCALES-MARBLE BASE. On Walnut Box and Ebony Mouldings. 257 ROBERVAHL SCALES. Japanned Black, with Gold Lines, Gilt Indicators, and Movable Brass Pans. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. Price. •2 xo inches.... . .15 lbs. . . .each, 10 00 3 8 " .... ..10 " ... .. " 8 00 6 " .... .. 5 " . . " 6 00 10 inch Beam, Brass lacq'd each, 12 00 12 " " " " ' ' 15 co 10 " " Nickel plated.... " 1600 12 " " " " .... " 18 00 DRUGGISTS' TRIP SCALES. Japanned Vermilion, Green, and I Gold, large Brass or Copper Mov- [ able Pan. Very sensitive. FRENCH STEEL BEAM, BRASS STANDARD. On Polished Walnut Box. No. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. Price. i... .16 inches . . .30 lbs. . .each, 10 00 2. ... II " ...15 " .. " 8 00 3- • ■ • 9 " . . .IO " . . .. " 7 00 4--- • " ... 5 " •• . " 6 00 No. Diam. of Pans. L'gth of Beam. Price. 403-24... .2 inch... .5K inch each, 4 00 403-27... .2% " ... " .... " 500 403-32.... " " " 7 5° PRESCRIPTION SCALES-MARBLE BASE. I W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s. Marble Top Box. No. Diarn. of Pans. L'gth of Beam. Price 453-24....2 inch.... inch each, 6 00 453-27... .2& " ....6% " .... " 750 453-32-■ ■- " • • • " ■••• " 9 00 SAME AS ABOVE. POCKET SCALES. 8 in. Open Beam, Brass lacq'd, each, 10 00 10 " " " " " " 12 00 12 " " " 11 " " 15 00 8 " Solid " " " " 8 00 10 " " " " " " 10 00 12 " " " " " " 12 00 8 " Open Beam, Nickel plated, " 12 00 10 " " " " " 15 00 12 ■■ " " " " " 18 00 8 " " " Silver " " 12 00 10 " " " " " " 15 co 12 " " " " " " 18 00 >; inch Steel Beam, Oak case doz., 9 00 6 " " " " " " 12 00 5 " Brass " Tin " " 6 00 6 " " " 7 5° e " " " Morocco case, " 7 00 6 " " 8 50 4 " " " Cherry " " 6 00 6 " " " " " " 7 5° We also keep in stock a large assortment of Becker's Scales, and French of various styles. 258 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Box, Presc. Scale, (see cut.) 22 00 " " " with drawer 23 00 Scarificators each, 2 00 a 7 00 Scissors, Surgeons' straight and curved doz., 9 00 a 12 00 " Patent Folding " 10 00 a 15 00 " Nail, curved, small " 3 50 a 6 00 " " " medium 11 4 50 a 7 50 SCOOPS AND SPOONS, HORN. Scoops, Round or Square, No. 1 doz. 87 " " " " 2 " 1 00 " " " " 3 " 1 25 " " " " 4 " 1 50 Spoons, Long Handles, " 1 " 50 " 2 " 75 " " " 3 " 1 00 " " " " 4 " 1 25 Sea-tangle Tents, solid doz. 2 00 " " " hollow " 2 50 Sponge " " 1 25 Seidlitz Wrappers perioo, 75a 1 50 " Measures each. 25 Sieves, Brass, Metal Frames, 10 in nest nest. 15 oo " " " " No. 1, 100 meshes each. 70 " " " " " 2, 90 " " 90 " " " " " 3, 80 " " 1 10 " " " " " 4, 70 " " 13° " " " " " 5, 60 " " 15° " " " " " 6, 50 " " 17° " " " " " 7, 40 " " 1 90 •' " " " " 8, 30 " " 2 10 " " " " " 9, 24 " " 230 " " " " " 10, 18 " " 2 50 " Bolting Cloth, 4 in nest nest. 1 50 Special Sizes of Sieves made to order at short notice. SIEVES. Bazin's, Almond, small doz. 2 25 " " large . . " 3 00 " " 1 lb. cans lb. 1 Oo " Ambrosial, small doz. 2 25 " " large " 300 " 1 lb. cans lb. 1 00 " Rose, small " 2 50 " " large " 3 25 " " i lb. cans " 15° Coudray's Almond doz. 3 50 SHAVING CREAM. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 259 Guerlain's Ambrosial, Porcelain Pot, small doz. 4 50 " large " 8 50 " •• China " small " 8 00 " " " " large " 15 00 Lloyd's Euxesis " 5 00 Taylor's, in foil '■ " 1 00 " " mugs " 3 00 Glenn's, " " ■ • " 3 00 SHAVING COMPOUND Union Combination. Williams' " Yankee " Taylor's " Smith's Requisite... W. H. S. & Co.'s... SHAVING MUGS. " 6 oo " 6 oo " 4 oo " 4 oo " 4 oo " 3 5° Metal doz. 1 75 a g 00 Wood, with Mirror " 1 7503 50 SHAVING BOXES. SHEETING, I. R. yard wide p.y'rd 75 1 •' " " 1 00 " " 1 25 " " 1 50 Cutter's " 10 00 Champion " 9 00 Heynen's " 10 50 London " 9 00 Marsh's " 24 00 Pratt's " 9 co SHOULDER BRACES SHOW CASES. Oval Front. Flat Top. Universal, x 17 in., 2 trays, velvet lining each, 20 00 Oval Front, 8 x 4 x in., mirror back, velvet lining.' " 3 00 " " 10 x 6x2 " " " " " " 400 " " 12 x 8 x 2% " " " " " " 4 75 " " 14x10x3 " " " " " " 600 " " " " " " " " 675 Flat Top, 12 x 7x2 " stained wood, lid to lift " 75 " " 16 x 9 x 2 " " " " " " 1 25 " " 20x11x3 " " " " " " 1 5° Show Stands, 3 square plates " 1100 " 3 round " " 10 00 Show Cases to order. Estimates promptly furnished. Universal. Show-Stand. 260 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Silk, Surgeons' Skeins oz., 2 00 " " Spools doz., 1 50 Sifting Machines, Harris, 5 sieves each, 25 00 SKELETONS. French, articulated each, 35 00 & 50 00 SKINS Chamois, A, 30 to kip . kip, 15 00 B, 30 " " 13 50 " C, 30 " " 12 00 " D, 30 " " 11 00 " E, 30 " " 10 00 " F, 30 " " 9 00 " G, 30 " " 8 00 " O S, 30 " " 4 00 " Z, 30 " " 3 00 Plaster, No. 1 doz., 9 00 " A " 7 50 Split, for capping, X " 400 " " XX " 6 00 XXX " 750 Steel 1 00 Nickel-plated, conical 1 50 Flexible Metal 50 cents to 75 Otis', conical 1 50 Cupped Ointment Sounds 2 00 SOUNDS. SOAPS. Shaving, Buchan's Carbolic doz. " Bayley's Spermaceti x /□ " Brown's Barber's, boxes 34 lbs lb 4 5° yd " Calvert's Carbolic doz <2 fY) " Colgate's Barber's, No. 56A, 1 lb. bars, box 2 doz box 6 00 " " 56B, 1 " " " 1 " Q OO " " " " 2i, cakes, " 3 " < i T 2C " " " " 137, " wrapped, box 1 doz gross. 7 00 " " Continental, No. 26, " " " 1 " 6 00 " " Military, " 25, " " " 1 " < < 8 00 " " Pavonia, " 44, " " " 1 " 1< T2 OO " Guerlain's, cakes, round doz C CO " " " square A CO " Indexical, No. 74 " Index Crown, " 76, in dozens < < " " " " 75, in boxes 10 bars box " Pear's Transparent, sticks, small doz. 2 7o " " " " medium 3 20 c on " Rieger's, sticks, No. 2138 1I " Riggs' Vegetable Military < t " Sarg's Transparent < < " Vroom & Fowler's Walnut Oil I < " Williams' Barber's, bar, 10 lbs. to box lb. " " " Favorite 3° 8 op " " Clipper gross " " Pocket < < " " Tonsorial < < 15 00 " " Verbena Cream < ( " " Yankee < < " Winter's Rypophagon doz. 4 00 SOAPS-SHAVING. GENERAL. PRICES CURRENT. 261 Toilet, Bazin's, Almond, large, No. 58 doz. 2 25 " small, " 59 1 75 " " Omnibus, Brown, small, No. 22 " " " " large, " 23 3 00 " " " Palm, small, " 24 1 75 " " large, " 25 2 75 " 11 Poncine, No. 52 < < 2 25 " Brown's, Animals < < 1 7S " Buchan's, Carbolic, No. 1, Perfumed < C 2 75 " " " "2, Plain < < 2 62 " " " "3. Perfumed < < 2 OO " " " "4. Plain < < I 80 " " " " 5, Transparent Glycerine < < 3 75 " " " " 6, Camphorated < < 2 75 " " " "7, Perfumed Bath ( ( " " " " 8, Medicinal < ( " " " " 11, Disinfecting < ( 0 / 0 " " " " 12, " bars 1 I " " " "13. American Perfumed ( ( " Caswell & Hazard's, Juniper Tar ( ( " Colgate's, Almond Bath Soap, No. 3 W, boxes of'3 doz. cakes (wood) gross. 14 OO " " " 3 P, " " 3 cakes (paper) ... . < < 15 OO " " Almond Flower, " 161, boxes of 3 cakes < 1 18 00 " " Ambrosial " " 148, boxes of ~6 cakes < < 28 OO " " Aromatic Vegetable Soap, No. 66, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes < < 30 OO " Aromatic Vegetable Soap, No. 67, No. 2 size, boxes of 3 cakes < < " Assorted Bath Soap, No. 54 W, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 3 5o " " " 54 P> " " 3 cakes (paper).... gross. 15 00 " Assorted Fine Soaps, " 96, y2 lb. bars, boxes of 2 doz... box. 4 00 Honey, Glycerine, Brown Windsor, and Elder Flower. " Assorted Toilet Soap, No. 9, cushion form, No. 1, boxes of 4 doz 4 < I 4.s " " " 7, cushion form, No. 2, boxes of 80 cakes ( < I 60 " " Almond Soap, No. 42, boxes of 6 cakes gross. 8 00 " American Mottled Castile Soap, No. 48 A, 3 oz. cakes, boxes of 4 doz box. 1 75 " " No. 48 B, 3 oz. cakes, boxes of 1 doz gross. 4 25 " " No. 49 A, 5 oz. cakes, boxes of 3 doz box. 1 75 " " " No. 49 B, 5 oz. cakes, boxes of 1 doz gross. 7 OO " White " " No. 57, boxes of 3 doz. cakes box. I 25 " Assorted Toilet Soap, No. 1 A, 8 oz. bars, boxes of 4 doz... 3 80 " " " " 1 B, 8 oz. " " " 3 " .... 2 85 " " " 1 C, 8 oz. " " " 2 . I 90 " " " 1 D, 8 oz. " " "1 " .... gross. II 40 " " " 69 A, 4 oz. cakes, " " 8 " .... box. 3 80 " " " 69 B, 4 oz. " " " 6 " .... 2 85 " " " " 69 C, 4 oz. " " " 3 " .... 1 45 " " " 69 D, 4 oz. " " "i " .... gross. 5 70 " Balsamic Soap, No. 114, boxes of 4 cakes 18 co " Bath Soap, Almond, " " 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 3 50 " " 3 cakes (paper) gross. 15 co " " Assorted, " "3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 3 50 " "3 cakes (paper) gross. 15 00 " " Brown, " " 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 3 50 " "3 cakes (paper) gross. 15 00 " " Palm, " "3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 3 50 " '' " 3 cakes (paper) _gross. 15 00 " Bath Soap (perfumed), No. 76, 1 lb. bars, boxes of 15 bars.. 'box. 3 75 " Bay Laurel Soap, No. no, boxes of 3 cakes gross. 24 OO " Brown Bath Soap, No. 5 W, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood).. box. 3 5o " " " " 5 P, " " 3 cakes (paper) gross. 15 00 " Brown M indsor Soap, No. 6 W, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 2 12 " " " 6 P, packets of 3 cakes (paper) Eng. style gross. 9 OO SOAPS, TOILET-AMERICAN. 262 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Toilet, Colgate's, Brown Windsor Soap, No. 47 W, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 3 50 " " " " " " 47 P, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) gross. 14 So " " " " " " 73, 1 lb. bars, boxes of 1 doz box. 4 00 " " " " " " 95. M lb. " " " 2 " * * 4 00 " " " " " "CCC" (large size), No. 130 A, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood, << I 56 " 11 " " " " large size), No. 130 B, 6 cake packets, bxs. of 6 doz. gross. 6 25 " " " " " " (large size), No. 130 C, boxes of 1 doz. cakes (wood) << 6 25 " " Cashmere Bouquet Soap, No. 91, boxes of 6 cakes • ' 36 00 " " Century Soap, No. 159, 1 doz. wood IO 00 " " Cocus-Nuss-Oel Soda-Seife, No. 98, boxes of 3 cakes box. 12 OO " " Cosmetic Soap, No. 71, boxes of 3 doz. cakes I 25 " " Cucumbers, " 132, " " 6 cakes gross. 12 OO " " "CCC " Soaps (large size), No. 155, boxes of 1 doz. cakes, << 6 25 " " Crystalline Wash Balls, No. 1 (small) size, boxes of 6 balls.. " " " " " " 2 (large) " " "6 " .. 12 CO 15 00 " " Eau-de-Cologne Soap, No. 133, boxes of 6 cakes • * 36 OO " " Eclipse Toilet Soap, No. 139, boxes of 1 doz. cakes (wood). " " Elder Flower Soap, No. 64, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes.... " " 65, " 2 " " " 3 " .... • • IO OO • • 21 OO box. 15 50 " " " " " " 92, y2 lb. bars, boxes of 2 doz " " Elite Soap, No. 168, boxes of 6 cakes 4 00 gross. 18 75 " " Family Toilet Soap, No. 112, boxes of 1 doz. cakes 18 OO " " Family Vaseline Soap, No. 172, boxes of 3 cakes • • 22 50 " " Floating Soap, No. 152, boxes of 3 cakes " " Floral " " 124, each cake in oblong box, boxes of * • 24 OO < < 24 OO " " Frangipanni Soap (wrapped), No. 151, boxes of 3 cakes.... 48 OO " " Fruit Soaps, Peach Blows, No. 125, boxes of 6 cakes " " " " Lemons, 126, " "6 " 12 OO • • 12 OO " " " " Oranges, 127, " "6 " 12 OO " " " " Tomatoes, 131, " "6 " 12 OO " " " " Cucumbers, 132, " "6 " • • 12 OO " " Gem Toilet Soap, ass'd, Honey, Glycerine, and Br'n Windsor • • 4 70 " Glycerine Soap, No. 36 W, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 4 25 •• " " " No. 36 P, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) gross. 18 OO " "46 W, medium size, boxes of 3 doz.. cakes (wood) box. 3 50 " " " " No. 46 P, medium size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) gross. 14 50 " " " " No. 37 W, No. 2 size, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 2 13 •• " " " No. 37 P, No. 2 size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) gross. 9 00 " " " " " 94, y lb. bars, boxes of 2 doz box. 4 OO " " " " "C C C (large size), No. 129 A, boxes 01 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. I 56 " (large size), No. 129 B, 6 cake packets, boxes of 6 doz. cakes.. gross. 6 25 " " " " " (large size), No. 129 C, boxes ot 1 doz. cakes (wood) << 6 25 <> " " " " (small size), No. 118 W, boxes ot 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 88 " " " " " (small size), No. 118 P, 6 cake packets, boxes of 1 gross gross. 3 50 •• " Highland Soap, No. 164, assorted in dozens 7 50 " " Honey Soap, No. 35 W, No. 1 size, bxs. of 3 doz. cakes (wood) <■ " " " No. 35 P, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) box. 4 25 gross. 18 OO •• 11 " " No. 45 W, medium size, boxes of 3 doz. cakes box. 3 5° •• " " " No. 45 P, medium size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) gross. 14 5° << " " " "10 W, No. 2 size, boxes of 3 doz. cakes box. 2 13 " " " " No. 10 P, No. 2 size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) gross. 9 00 " " " " " 93, y2 lb. bars, boxes of 2 doz box. 4 OO " " " " "CCC" (large size), No. 128 A, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) 156 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 263 Toilet, Colgate's, Honey Soap, " C C C " (large size), No. 128 B, 6 cake packets, boxes of 6 doz. cakes.. gross. 6 25 " (large size), No. 128 C, boxes of 1 doz. cakes (wood) < < 6 25 " (small size), No. 117 W, boxes of 3 doz. cakes, (wood) box. 88 " (small size), No. 117 P, 6 cake packets, boxes of 1 gross gross. 3 50 " Hope Co.'s Toilet Soaps, No*. 86 " C," boxes of 4 doz. cakes " " " " " 87 " E," " " 6 " box. 1 75 1 50 " 88 "G, 6 " ' < 1 50 89 "I," " " 3 " «' 1 5° " Hotel Toilet Soap, No. 20, boxes of 3 doz. cakes < < '* Hygienic Soap (assorted colors), No. 123, boxes of 4 cakes.. " Imported Mottled Castile Soap, No. 24 A, 3 oz. cakes, boxes gross. 7 50 of 4 doz box. " " No. 24 B, 3 oz. cakes, boxes of 1 doz gross. 5 25 " " No. 59, 4 oz. cakes, boxes ot 3 doz box. I 75 " " No. 33 A, 5 oz. cakes, boxes of 3 doz < < 2 25 " " No. 33 B, 5 oz. cakes, boxes of 1 doz " " No. 60, 6 oz. cakes, boxes of gross. 9 00 3 doz box. " Imported White Castile Soap (pressed from the best Leg- horn Soap), No. 83 A, 4 oz. cakes, boxes of 3 doz ** Imported White Castile Soap (pressed from the best Leg- 2 40 horn Soap), No. 83 B, 4 oz. cakes, boxes of 1 doz gross. 9 50 " Imported White Castile Soap (pressed from the best Leg- horn Soap), No. 84 A, 6 oz. cakes, boxes of 3 doz box. 3 60 '' Imported White Castile Soap (pressed from the best Leg- horn Soap), No. 84 B, 6 oz. cakes, boxes of 1 doz " Independence, No. 160, 1 doz., wood gross. 14 25 11 25 " Italian Toilet Soap, No. 32 A (omnibus style), boxes of 3 doz. cakes < < " " No. 32 B (omnibus style), boxes of 1 doz. cakes gross. Jockey Club Soap (wrapped), No. 143, boxes of 3 cakes.... 36 00 " Lavender Soap, No. 149, boxes of 3 cakes < < " Lettuce Soap (wrapped), No. 101, boxes of 3 cakes < < 48 00 " Lemons, No. 126, boxes of 6 cakes < < " Liberian Palm Soap, No. 174, 6 oz. cakes, boxes of 1 doz... 175. 4 1 " ... << II 70 < < 7 80 " May Blossom Soap (wrapped), No. 107, boxes of 3 cakes.... " " Musk " " " 106, " "3 " . < < 48 00 < < 48 00 " Musk Lavender Soap, " " 102, " "3 " .... < < 48 00 " Mrs. Partington's Own Toilet Soap, No. 97, bxs. of 12 cakes " Marsh-Mallow Soap, No. 70, boxes of 6 cakes 11 6 00 30 00 15 00 16 00 11 Medicinal Tar " " 116, " 11 3 " a " Musk Brown Windsor Soap, No. 136, boxes of 3 cakes.... << " Nonpareil Soap, No. 134, large size, " "6 " " " " " 135, small " " "6 " << 24 00 15 co " Nursery " " 169, boxes of 3 cakes < < 22 50 " Oatmeal " " 154, " 3 " < < " Olive-Palm Toilet Soap, No. 144, boxes of 4 cakes " Omnibus Soap, No. 121 B, brown, boxes of 3 cakes 20 OO 30 OO 30 OO " " " 121 P, Palm, " " 3 " < < " Oranges, No. 127, boxes of 6 cakes < < " " Palm Soap, No. 43, " 6 " < < " Toilet Soap, No. 51 A, 8 oz. bars, boxes of 4 doz 5i B, 8 3 " box. 4 50 3 40 " " " " 51 C, 8 " " " " 2 " " 51D, 8 1 " 2 25 gross. 13 50 " " " " 50 A, 4 " cakes, " " 8 " box. 4 50 50 0, 4 0 3 4° 50 c, 4 3 " 5o IL 4 1 " • ' I 70 gross. 6 75 " " Peach Blows, No. 125, boxes of 6 cakes " Poncine Soap (No. 2 size), No. 12, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 2 25 264 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Toilet, Colgate's, Pro Bono Publico Toilet Soap, No. 140, boxes of 1 doz. cakes (wood) gross. 9 00 " " Patchouly Soap (wrapped), No. 109, boxes ot 3 cakes 48 co " " Palm Bath Soap, No. 34 W, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood)... box. 3 5o " " " " " " 34 P, " " 3 cakes (paper) gross. IS 00 " " Pavonia Shaving Soap, No. 44, boxes of 12 cakes " " Perfumed Bath " " 76, " " 1 lb. bars, boxes of 15 bars box. 3 75 " " Poncine Soap (wrapped), No. 99, No. 1 size, boxes of 3 cakes gross. 24 00 " " " " No. 41 W, medium size, boxes of 3 doz. cakes (wood) box. 3 00 " " " " No. 41 P, medium size, boxes of 3 cakes (paper) gross. 13 00 " " Rondeletia Soap (wrapped), No. 119, boxes of 6 cakes • ♦ 36 00 •• " Rose " " " 100, " "3 " • • 48 00 " " Rose Geranium Soap " " 104, " ''3 " < * 48 00 " " Sand Soap, No. 63, boxes of 6 cakes < 1 7 5° " " Sassafras Toilet Soap, No. 79, boxes of 30 bars box. 1 25 " " Sanitaire Soap, boxes of 1 doz gross 7 5° " " Sewing-Machine Soap, No. 115, paper cases, boxes of % gross.. 6 00 " " Silicated Toilet " " 145, boxes of 1 doz. cakes (wood). •« 12 OO " " Sterling " " " 122A, " " 3 " " " box. I 56 " " " " " " 122 B, " " 1 " " " gross. 6 25 " " Silver Soap, No. 39, boxes of 1 doz. cakes (wood) <« 8 50 " " Souvenir Toilet Soap, No. 146, fancy boxes of 1 cake, paper cases of 12 cases • < 36 OO " *' Spermaceti Soap (wrapped), No. 108, boxes of 3 cakes 48 OO " " Superfine Soaps (fancy styles), No. 120 S, each ? cake in square box, boxes of 6 cakes J Lettuce ) '• " Superfine Soaps (fancy styles), No. 120 O, each 5 Rose, ) cake in oval box, boxes of 6 cakes / Lettuce $ " " Superfine Soaps (assorted), No. 156, assortment No. 1, boxes of 6 cakes (paper) *• 48 OO Violet, May Blossom, Lettuce, Spermaceti, Rose, Musk Lavender. " " Superfine Soaps (assorted), No. 157, assortment No. 2, boxes of 6 cakes (paper) < 4 48 OO Tonquin Musk, Frangipanni, Rose Geranium, [Vest End, New-Mown Hav, Multiflora. " " Superfine Vaseline Soap, No. 171, boxes of 3 cakes 4 < 30 OO " " Tomatoes, No. 131, boxes of 6 cakes 4 < 12 OO " " Turtle Oil Soap, No. 138, boxes of 3 cakes . »< 18 OO " " Transparent Soap, (with 33 per cent glycerine), No. 141, boxes of 3 cakes • • 18 OO " Transparent Soap, (in bars), No. 00, boxes of 12 bars (paper) 4 80 " " " " " " 0, " " 12 " " • • 5 76 " " " " " " I S, " " 12 " • < 6 60 "• " " " " " I, " " 12 " " • • 7 50 " 5. " " 12 " * • IO 20 '* " " " " " 9, " " 1 doz. bars, (wood) < < 21 OO " " " " (in cakes), No. 200, boxes of 12 cakes (paper) 2 76 " " 11 " " No. 202, boxes of 12 cakes (paper) *« 5 16 " " " " " No. 204, boxes of 6 cakes (paper) *« 5 88 " " " " " No. 206, boxes of 6 cakes (paper) < < 8 76 " " " " " No. 208, boxes of 6 cakes (paper) • < 11 25 " " " " " No. 210, boxes of 6 cakes (paper) 4 4 11 25 " " Verbena Soap (wrapped), No. 10s, boxes of q cakes 4 4 48 00 " " Violet " " " 147, " " 3 " 44 48 00 " " West End " " " 150, " "3 " 4 4 48 00 " Constantine's Tar doz. 1 5° " Cosgrove's White Foam 1 5° " Edwards' Ox Gall, small 4 4 1 25 " " " " large 4 4 1 75 " Glenn's Sulphur 4 4 1 75 " Gourand's Medicated << 3 60 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 265 doz. 3 00 1 25 " Oakley's Transparent, Bars, oo " " " " o gross. 5 50 6 50 " " " " i S • • 7 50 " " " *' i • * 8 50 " " " " 5 * * 11 5° " " " " 7 • • 15 00 " " " " 9 ■••• 24 00 " " " Balls, No. i doz. I 00 " " " " " 2 I 25 " " " " " 3 1 67 " " " Cakes, No. 30, Octagon gross. 6 00 " " " " "35, Round 6 co " " " " "40, Small Crystal <« 6 00 " " " " " 45, Medallion • • 6 00 " " " " "50, Small Lily 6 00 " " " " "54, Glycerine • • 8 00 " " " " " 55. " 10 50 " " " " "62, Headquarters • • 9 co " " " " " 63, Med. Lily • * IO 50 " " " " "64, Transparent Honey 9 00 " " " " " 65, Glycerine • • 8 00 " " " " "70, Crystal • * 9 5o " " " " " 71, Gauntlet • • 12 50 " " " " " 73. Large Liiy • • 15 00 " " " " " 80, Deer • • 12 50 " " " " " 85, Glycerine <« 13 50 " " " " "90, Large Glycerine • • 15 00 " Packer s Tar doz. 1 60 " R Indexical, Alpine, No. 40, in X dozens " " " Assorted, No. 17, one box each of 12 kinds in wood case, in % dozens gross. 15 00 << 17 00 " " " Almond Meal, No. 124, in % dozens 24 00 " " " Baby, No. 125 . 21 OO " " " Bay Leaf, No. 148, in % dozens " " " " Rum, " 73, cakes, square • • 24 OO 9 co " " " Brown Windsor, No. 3, in % dozens • ' 18 co " " " Bee-Hive Bath, No. 86 (large), in % dozens 15 co " " " Brown Bath, No. 32, in % dozens 13 50 " " " California Pumice, No. 91, in dozens 6 00 " " " Calla < < 9 00 " " " Cardinal, No. 43, in dozens 10 00 " " " Cinnamon, " 42, in % dozens 15 0® " " " Congress White Glycerine, No. 98 (large), in % dozens. " " " " Palm, "99 " " " 12 OO • • 12 OO " " " " Honey, " 100 " " " " " " " " " 101 (small), " " 12 OO • • 6 50 " " " " Glycerine, " 102 (large), " " " " " " " No. 103 (small), in % dozens • • 12 OO • • 6 50 " " " " Windsor, " 104 (large), " " 12 OO " " " " " " 105 (small), " " 6 5® " " " " Almond, " 106 (large), " " 12 OO " " " " " " 107 (small), " " ♦' 6 50 " " " " Sunflower, " 108 (large), " " 12 OO " " " Farina, No. 58 • • 21 OO " " " Fashion Bouquet, No. 13, in dozens ' <• 13 OO " " " Giant Honey, Glycerine, and Pink " " " Glycerine, No. 19, in dozens • • 15 oo> u.. 9 00 " " " Good Morning, No. 12 < <• 12 00 " " " Honey, No. 18, in dozens ♦ < 9 00 " " " Hotel Honey, No. 112, in dozens 1 W 4< 8b- " " " " Glycerine, No. 114, in dozens 4- 80 " " " " Hotel Windsor, No. 117, in dozens • I. 44 80- " " " Musk Rose, No. 142 (small), in dozens ''' 36 00 " " " " Windsor, No. 26, in % dozens 27 CO; " " " Nosegay Honey, No. 62, " " " " " Glycerine, " 63, " 7 5& 7 5° " " " " Windsor, " 64, " 7 50 " " " Notion Honey, " 37, in 3 dozens " " " " Glycerine, " 38, " 3 50 3 5» " " " Oatmeal Glycerine, " 31, in dozens i8j 00 266 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN A. CO.'S Toilet, R Indexical, Palm, No. 60, in dozens gross. 8 00 " 15 00 " 15 00 " 24 00 " 8 00 " 12 00 " 18 00 " 24 00 " 16 50 " 16 50 " 20 00 " 10 50 " 12 00 " 12 00 " 18 00 " 12 00 " 12 00 " 12 00 " 12 00 " 12 00 " 18 00 " 15 00 " 9 00 " 6 21; " 6 25 " 6 25 " 18 00 " 18 00 " 18 00 " 18 00 " 9 00 doz. 1 00 " 1 50 gross. 4 00 " 12 00 doz. 2 00 " 2 00 1 38 " 2 OO i 75 " 1 25 doz. 6 00 3 50 " 12 50 3 50 " 6 00 " 4 00 " 3 50 gross. 18 00 " 9 00 doz. 4 00 " 2 00 " 2 00 " 2 00 box. 4 00 " 4 00 gross. 12 00 doz. 2 75 gross. 16 50 box. 4 00 gross. 21 00 " 20 00 box. 4 00 gross. 21 00 " 20 00 box. 4 00 gross. 21 00 " 20 00 " 21 00 " 21 00 " (in bars), No. 61, in dozens " " " Palm Oil, No. 4, in % dozens " " " Paint Cleaning, No. 49, in dozens Pumice, " " 5'5 (small), in dozens " 5, in dozens " " " Poncine, " 66, in % dozens " " " Pure Almond, " 146, " " " " " Pure Honey, " 1, " " " " " " Glycerine, " 2, " " " " " Rice Flour, " 54, " " " " " Sand, " 6, in dozens " " " Sawdust, " 67, " " " " Silver, " 25, " " " Sunflower, " 35, in X dozens " " " Silver Line Honey, in dozens ** " " " " Glycerine, in dozens " " " " " Windsor, " " " White Glycerine, in dozens " " " " " Oat Meal, " " " " Tar and Glycerine, No. 88, in X dozens " 20 (superfine), in % dozens " 84, in dozens " " " Try Boston Honey, " 8, in dozens " " " " " Glycerine, " 9, " " " " " " Windsor, "10, " Turtle Oil, " 120, in % dozens " " " White Glycerine, " 24, " " " Honey, " 231, in % dozens " Windsor, " 34, in % dozens " Sonsy '• Tripoli " W. H. S. & Co., Transparent " " " Eureka, small " " " " large Tooth, Buchan's Carbolic " Calvert's " Indexical, Dental Rimmel's " Thompson's " Waters' SOAPS, TOILET-ENGLISH. Toilet, Bayley's, Ess. Bouquet Tablets " " Glycerine " " Otto Rose " " Sandal " " Spermaceti Tablets. " " Rose " " Violet " Brecknell's, Skin, oval " " " square " Calvert's Carb., Medicated " " " Nursery " " " Toilet " " " Dog " Low's, Assorted, 24 % lb. bars " " Brown Windsor, 24 lb. bars " " " " 3 cakes, wrapped " " Magnum " " " Chinese Musk, 3 cakes in box " " Elder Flower, 24 % lb. bars " Low's Elder Flower, No. 4, 3 cakes in box " " " " 4, % gro. " " " Glycerine, 24 y2 lb. bars " " " No. 4, 3 cakes in box " " " " 4, % gro. " " " Honey, 24 % lb. bars " " " No. 4, 3 cakes in box " " " " 4, % gro. " " " Honey and Oatmeal " " Marshmallow.... GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 267 Toilet, Low's Turtle Oil, 24 % lb. bars box. 4 00 gross. 21 00 " 20 00 " 13 5o " 16 50 box. 4 00 doz. 4 00 3 5° gross. 21 00 " 30 00 doz. 1 00 1 75 2 50 5 00 4 00 " 2 00 doz. 6 00 4 00 " 1 50 4 00 6 00 4 00 1 50 2 00 4 00 2 75 " 3 50 4 50 5 50 " 6 50 8 50 " 10 so " 13 50 6 00 6 00 5 5o 2 50 5 00 3 5o 5 00 doz. 2 00 2 50 " 3 75 1 25 1 50 " 2 50 " 4 00 doz. 1 50 " 1 50 << 7 5O& 6 00 ,, 10 50& 9 00 " 9 00 6 00 " 9 00 " 9 00 " 5 5o " 6 50 9 50 " 4 00 " " " " No. 4, 3 cakes in box " " 4. kt gro. " " " White Windsor, 3 cakes, wrapped, " " Musk Brown Windsor, 3 cakes in box " " Palm, 24 lb. bars " Naldire's, Dog " Pears' Transparent, cakes " Price's, Solidified Glycerine, small " " " " large " Rimmel's, Almond, small " " " medium " " " large " " Lettuce, wrapped " " Pellucid Glycerine " Yardley's, Brown Windsor, Elder Flower, Glycerine, Honey, Oatmeal, Sunflower, and Turtle Oil, 3 cakes in box SOAPS, TOILET-FRENCH. Toilet, Coudray's Du Voyage, No. 304 " " Glycerine, " 299 " " Guimauve, " 36 " " jockey Club, " 300 " " Lacteine, " " " Lettuce, " 295 " " Miel, " 35 " " Poncine, " 84 " " White Rose " Gellefres' Monster, assorted colors " " " " " wrapped " Lubin's, small, " odors " " " Rose " " medium, assorted odors " " " Rose " " large, assorted odors " " " Rose " Pinaud's Lettuce " Fiver's " " Soc Hygenique, Dulcifie " " " Naked " " " Sans Odors " " " Toilette, No. i " Violet's Thridace SOAPS, TOILET-GERMAN. Toilet, C. & B. Transparent, in tin box, small " " " <<<<<< large " Reiger's " No. 2180 " Sarg's " round cakes " " ' " square " between boards " " " Glycerine, wrapped " " Liquid Glycerine Soap Soap Bags, India Rubber Check " Boxes. tin ... " " metal " " " fine, large Snr LTvcrenimie Fan Athenienne . " " Eau Dentifrice " " Powder " " " Extracts " " Huile Philocome " " Soaps (see above). " " Toilet Vinegar, small " " " " large Soda Water Pocket Packages 268 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S SPATULAS. Rivet Handles. Eng. Balance. 3 inch 2 25 per doz. 2 50 per doz. 4 " 2 50 " 2 75 5 " 2 75 " 3 25 6 " 3 25 " 3 75 '7 " 4 00 " 4 5o 8 " 5 00 " 5 88 9 " 7 00 " 7 88 " 10 " 9 00 " 9 50 11 " 11 00 " 14 00 " 12 " 13 50 " 20 00 " Pocket Spatulas doz. 6 00 Bone Spatulas Horn " " 2 00 " 60 a 1 50 Ointment Spatulas, Iron each, 75ai 25 Plaster " " " 75al 25 " " Brass (see page 249). SPECULUMS. Vaginal, hole on side. Ear. Va'ginal Speculums, Glass Reflecting, Ear . d°z- 5 00 " " " Rectum " 0 00 " " " Vaginal '' 5 00 " •• " " hole on side " 6 00 " Hard Rubber " 8 00 " Sims'.. each, 400 " Taylor's " 6 00 " Howard's " 8 00 " Thomas', Cusco's " 6 00 " Nott's (cut A) " 600 " Storer's (cut B) " 600 " Brewer's (cut C) '' 7 00 " Thomas', with lever " 12 00 " Wackerhagen's " 12 00 ( " Hunter's " 7 00 " Dicken's " 9 00 " Nelson's (cut D) " 0 00 " Tiemann & Co.'s 3 Valve " 10 00 •• " " 4 " (cut E) " 1000 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT, 269 SPECULUMS 270 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO. S EYE SPECULA. Wire (cut A) 80 Critchet's 2 5c Laurence's 2 50 Graefe's (cut B) 2 50 Noyes', ( " C) 2 00 Noyes' Impr'd, steel, nick'l-pl'd (cutD) 4 50 Same, gilt 5 00 Liebreich's 2 50 Liebold's (cut E) 2 50 Hart's (cut F) : 1 50 RECTAL SPECULA. G. TI EMANN -CH Two-bladed, steel 6 50 Three-bladed 12 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 271 SPONGE TENTS. Sponge Tents doz. 1 25 Sponge Baskets (see B, page 153). Spongeo Feline yard, 7 50 SPONGES. We invite attention to the colored plates illustrating Sponges, by means of which customers can readily make selections. Our stock ot these goods is always complete. DESCRIPTION. Number. Average number of pieces to lb. or string. Price. BATHING-VENETIAN OR COARSE. Surchoix, medium andlarge * strings. I 15 string. 15 00 " medium and small " 2 20 • • 10 00 Formes', No. i, medium andlarge " 3 15 10 50 " No. i, " " small " 4 20 • • 8 00 " No. i, small " 5 25 3 00 " No. 2, medium and small " 6 18 6 00 " trimmed, No. 3, medium " 7 12. 4 00 " assorted, large, medium, and small loose. 8 4 a 8 lb. 3 00 Cavaliere, medium and small strings. 9 70 string. 3 5° " " " " loose. IO 10 a i5j lb. 2 50 Coupie, or Trimmed, large strings. " " " loose. II 12 string. 6 00 12 3« 5 • • 3 00 " medium and small " 13 ii a 14 2 50 " " small ' " 14 20 a 30 lb. I 75 SURGEONS' AND TOILET-MEDITERRANEAN OR FINE. Small, assorted, irregular pieces loose. 20 40 a 30 lb. 3 50 Medium, assorted, irregular pieces " 21 20 a 30 7 00 " " select " " 22 20 a 30 10 00 Large, " irregular " " 23 5« 8 string. 10 00 Small, " strings. 24 40 2 50 Medium, " " 25 4° 6 00 " and large, irregular " 26 30 25 00 Cups, small, Pessary " " " irregular " 27 25 5 00 28 48 7 50 " " to medium " 29 48 15 00 " " and medium, irregular " 30 48 15 00 31 48 10 00 " medium and toilet " 32 12 25 00 " " " large, toilet " 33 30 * • 35 00 34 30 5° 00 " large, toilet " 35 12 • • 18 00 " medium and small, toilet boxes. 36 40 box. 25 00 ' * " " " " ■ 37 12 • ' 8 00 " small Surgeons' " 38 50 6 00 " large, extra fine, toilet " 39 12 50 00 " small to medium, Formes', No. 1 strings. " " " " No. 2 11 4° string. 30 00 41 • • 25 00 " " " " No. 3 " 42 20 OO 272 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S - DESCRIPTION. 1 s h"-= Price. r. =-v ZIMOCA OR FINE HARD-BROWN. Toilet, assorted, small to large, Formes' .. .strings. 50 25 string. 5 00 " " 2d quality... 50A • • • ' ' • * • • ... loose. 12 a lb. 2 50 Shoe, " " medium, Formes' .. .strings. 52 70 a 75 string. 7 50 " " No. i S3 70075 • • 4 00 " " " No. 2 • • 54 70075 3 25 Irregular, " " " Z ... loose. 55 50060 lb. 2 OO School, " " ............................. .. .strings. 56 40 string. I 25 Potters , " "to large ... loose. 57 20025 lb. 4 5o CARRIAGE AND COMMON. Sheepswool, Florida, select, assorted ... loose. 60 100 15 lb. 1 75 " " " large 61 3« 5 1 75 " " " medium 62 8 0 10 * ' 2 OO " " " small 63 20 0 25 I 25 Nassau, " assorted 64 60 IO i 5° Velvet, assorted ' < 65 100 15 <« 1 25 Vellow. " ........... 4 4 66 ( 4 75 4 4 / 0 Slate, select, assorted, small <« 68 900110 i 75 ' * 69 • • 1 25 Sponge Bags, I. R. Check, No. 1 doz., 3 00 2 " 3 50 3 " 4 00 4 " 5 00 5 " 6 50 " " " " " 6 " 7 50 SPRINKLER TOPS. No. 5. No. 2. No. 3. No. 1. No. 30 Sprinkler Tops, No. i gross. 4 00 " " " " 3 75 3 " 3 25 5 " 4 00 " " " 3 5° GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 273 Union, Kerosene. Vulcan, Gas. Paragon. Philadome. Stoves, Pocket, Philadome doz. 8 oo " " Houchin's, No. 666 " 9 oo " for Gas, Vulcan, No. o each, 75 ■ ■ " " " " 1 " 1 00 " " " " " 2 " 1 25 3 " 1 5o " " Kerosene, Union, No. 1, 1 Burner " 2 00 " " " " " 2, 2 " " 2 25 " " " " " 3, 3 " " 2 75 " " " " " 4. 4 " " 3 0° " Paragon doz. 2 00 Stills, complete, Tin, 1 gallon each, 3 00 " " " o " 4 00 5 " " 5 00 " " " 1 " Combination . " 4 co << " o " " " 6 00 5 " " ••••••■ " 7 50 Stethoscopes, Cammann's, double, with Snelling's Improvement " 6 00 " Flint's " 6 00 " Single Flexible " 1 5° " Plain, Wood each, 75 to 2 50 " Davis's, Double each, 6 00 " Hawksley's, Metal and Hard Rubber " 1 25 " Hard Rubber, No. doz. 8 00 " " 4 00 Stockings, Elastic (see page 217). Stomach Pumps, Tiemann & Co.'s, Brass each, 18 00 " " " " Hard Rubber " n 00 " " Toswill's, Syphon " 2 50 Stomach Tubes " 1 5° W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 274 RAWSON'S PATENT ELASTIC SELF-ADJUSTING U. S. Army Suspensory Bandages The only perfect article ever offered to the public. NO MAN SHOULD BE WITHOUT ONE. Fig-5 Fig.a p PRICE-LIST. No. i doz. io oo Retail.... i 50 " 1% " 11 00 " .... 1 75 " 2 " 14 00 " .... 2 00 " 3 " 18 00 " .... 3 00 " 4 " 20 00 " .... 4 00 /'ig;3 EXPLANATION OF THE CUTS. Fig. i-a, sack of cotton net, which will not interrupt the action of the respiratory organs of the skin; b, an opening with an elastic ring or band, c, which keeps the material of the sack closed around the penis and exterior portion of the testicles ; d, an elastic band, which encircles the body and passes around the hips downwards towards the penis, as in Fig. 3, is made either with or without buckles, as in Fig. 2, or permanently, as in Fig. i ; g, g, elastic straps, passing over the buttocks, and attached to sack a, beneath, which keeps the sack, a, in position, so as not to pinch the testicles ; and in whatever position the person may put him- self, the sack will remain in place-the straps, only, yielding, and accommodating themselves to the movements. SIZES-LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL No. i, ordinary quality, elastic, no buckles. " i%, " " " with " at each side of sack. " 2, fine " " no " "3 " << <■ with " " " " " 4, " " " " " " " " and end of strap. Something New.-Rawson's New Patent Suspensorum. Letters patent have been issued for an entirely new mode of applying or using a Suspensory Bandage, doing away with the belts, or band, around the person, leaving the body free. These goods will be ready for market in a short time. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 275 Cotton Netting, with strings doz. 1 50 " " " elastic " 1 50 Silk Net, with elastic doz. 4 00 " " heavy, with elastic " 9 00 Cotton Net, with elastic " 2 50 Linen " " " " 3 50 Cotton Crocheted doz. 2 50 Silk " " 3 50 Linen " " 3 00 Cotton, Ribbed, with string. doz. i oo " " " elastic " i oo Silk Netting, light doz. 6 oo " heavy " 7 5° Silk, with draw strings doz. 4 00 " heavy, with draw strings " 9 00 " light, fine draw strings " 750 Syringe Bulbs, double neck doz. 3 00 " " single " .... " 2 00 SYRINGES-ELASTIC BULB Eye and Ear, 2 tubes, No. 8 doz. 6 50 3 " " 9 " 7 50 " " " 2 " "508 " 350 * 3 " " 509 " 4 50 No. 8. No. 9. 276 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Davidson's Metal Pipes, etc., No. 1 doz. 16 00 " " " 2 " 13 00 " Hard Rubber Pipes, etc., No. 4 " 22 50 Delano, No. 502 " 6 00 5°5 " 8 00 5°6 " 7 00 " 507 " 6 00 IMPROVED FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, [ No. i, i Pint doz. 16 oo " 2, i Quart " 1800 J " 3, 2 " " 20 00 I Favorite (see cut) doz. 1200 Goodyear's Bag, Hard Rubber Pipes, No. 1, 6 oz doz. 8 00 " " " " " 2, 10 " " 9 00 " 11 " " " " 3, 16 " " 11 00 " " " " " Vaginal " 1100 Mattson's Anglo-American " 7 00 " Family " 16 50 " New York " 5 00 " Jet and Spray '* 9 00 " Original " 9 00 " Vag. Irigateur, Improved " 17 00 Maw's Enemas, Brass " 30 00 " " White Metal " 24 00 Molesworth's Vaginal Injection and Suction ' " 1800 10 " " 9 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 277 GLASS SYRINGES, McELROY'S PATENT. Received the highest premium at the U. S. Centennial Exhibition ! Acknowledged by all to be the best in the world. No cap or cork, heavy glass, and smoothly made. No.l. 144G. Male, No. 00 doz. 50 " " o " 75 " " 1 " 1 00 " " 2 " 1 12 " " 3 " 1 25 " " 4 " 1 50 " 5 " 1 75 " " 6 " 2 00 " " 7 " 2 50 Female, No. 3 " 1 25 " " 4 " 1 50 " " 5 " 1 75 Female, No. 6... doz. 2 00 " " 7 " 2 50 Vaginal, O. P. T., No. 1 " 1 75 " " "2 " 2 00 " " "3 " 3 00 Male, in wood case, Bulb " 1 50 " " " Straight " 1 50 " " " No. o " 1 00 " " " " 00 " 75 Ear " 1 25 Nasal " 1 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Sole Agents, New York. GLASS SYRINGES-AMERICAN. 2 oz. Male, Extra Heavy... doz. 3 5o No. i, Female " " .... • ' i 5o " 2, " " " .... i 62 " 3. " " " 1 75 " 4. •••• 2 OO " 5. •■■■ 2 25 2 OZ. " " " .... 3 5o 4 " 7 50 No. i, Fem. Syrg., Met'l Cap gro. 10 00 " 2, " " " " II 00 " 3. " • ' 12 50 No. 4, Fem. Syrg., Met 1 Cap " 5. " ' * 14 00 • ' 18 00 ■■ 6, • ' 24 00 2 OZ. " " " " 27 00 3 " *• 36 00 4 42 00 6 54 00 8 • • 72 00 Female Syringes,corked, same price as with metal caps. doz. No. i, Womb, with Bent Pipe i 75 " 2, " " " " • • 2 OO " 3. * • 2 25 " 4, ' " 2 50 2 OZ. 2 75 3 " " " " " 3 50 4 " 4 50 6 " 6 00 8 .. .< .. <. << 7 50 2 " Womb, with Bent Pipe, Glass Shield • • 6 00 4 " " 7 5o 6 << .< <. .< <■ 9 00 Womb Syringes, corked, same price as with metal caps. Ear Syringes, bent or straight, I 25 Dentist " I 25 Eye ■ • * I 25 Nasal Syringes, straight " " curved * • 2 OO 3 00 Suppository Syringes, Rec- tum, assorted sizes I 25 No. oo, Male Syr's, Met'l Cap << o> • < a << << gro. 7 oo 8 oo " I, • ' 9 oo " 2, " " " " • • io oo " 3. " " " " 12 50 " 4. " 14 00 " 5. 18 00 " 6, " " " " 24 00 2 OZ. " " " " 27 00 3 36 00 4 " 42 00 6 " " 54 00 8 " 72 00 No. oo, Male Syringes, cork'd " o, " " " 7 66 • • 8 00 • * i. 9 00 " 2, " • • 10 00 " 3. " • • 12 00 " 4. " 14 00 - " 5. " 18 00 " 6, • • 24 00 2 OZ. " " " 27 00 3 " • ' 36 00 4 " 42 00 6 .. 54 00 8 .. 72 00 No. i, Vaginal Suppository.. doz. I 25 "2, " " • • I 50 " 3. i 75 " 4, 2 OO " 5. 2 50 " 6, 3 00 " 7. 3 5o " 8, << 4 00 " 9, • • 4 50 "IO, " " 6 00 No. o, Male, Extra Heavy, single paper cases No. i, " " " .. . I 25 1-25 "2, " " " 4.4. • •. 1 5° " 3. " " " •••■ 1 75 " 4. •••• " 5. •••• l< 2 OO 2 25 278 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S NEW STYLE SYRINGE, without Cap or Cork. We make this style heavy, and pack them carefully, as the packing can not be got at to make any alteration. No. o, Male gro. 9 oo " I, " • • IO 50 " 2, " • 1 12 OO " 3, " 14 OO < < 18 00 " 5, " < < 21 OO " 6, " 27 OO No. i, Female " 2, " gro. 12 OO 13 50 15 00 18 OO 21 OO 27 OO " 3, " " 4, " " 5, " " 6, " GLASS SYRINGES-IN CASES. Wood Case, large doz. i 25 " " small " 1 00 Paper " with Bottle, Reed's Combination " 2 00 Brass " small " 1 25 " " medium " 1 50 " " small, nickel-plated " 1 50 Wood Case, large. Reed's Combination. Wood Case, small. GLASS SYRINGES-ENGLISH. % oz., Female or Male doz. 1 00 " 1 50 1 " " " " " 2 25 2 " " " " " 3 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 279 % oz., Female or Male, in paper cases doz. i 25 % " 1 75 1 " " " 2 5° 2 " " " " " " " " 3 50 " Male, in leather cases " 2 50 1 " Female, " " " 4 00 1 " " in box-wood cases. " 5 00 2 " " " " " " 6 00 GLASS SYRINGES-FRENCH. Dental, with,India Rubber Bulb doz. 1 50 Ear, * " " 1 50 Nasal, " " " " " 15° Male Point, " " " " 1 5° Cockerton's, " " " " 1 5° Eye Bath, all glass " 2 50 Nasal, " " 1 75 Ear. Male Point. HARD RUBBER SYRINGES. No. oo, % oz doz. 3 75 " O, Ys " 1 5 00 " I, ft " " 5 00 " I A " 5 5o " i b y2 " I " 6 50 " 2, % " 6 50 " 3. i " " 7 00 " 4. 3 " 10 00 " 5. 6 " 13 50 " 6, 12 " I " 18 00 " io, jhs " " 2 75 "3°. 1 " " 6 00 "50. 6 " II 00 Ear " 8 co Dental " 6 00 Catarrh *' 8 5° No. 6, Battery " 2'4 00 " 4a Straight Syringe " 10 00 " 4a Long " " 13 00 " 1, Garden " " 36 00 " 1, Vaginal, % oz " 5 25 " 2, " 1 " 6 00 " 3> " 8 00 "2, " with Shld. 1 oz. " 8 50 " 3. " " " oz " II 00 No. 4, Extra Pipe, Self, Male, and Female, 3 oz doz. 15 00 "5- " " 6 " 18 50 " 6, " " 12 " " 4, Female only, bent pipe, 22 OO 3 oz • • 12 OO " 5, " " " 6oz. " 4, " with Shield, <( 15 50 3 oz 16 OO- " 3, with Long Pipe " 4, Male " Bent Pipe, 9 00 3 oz. II 00 "5, " " " 6 oz. Extra Pipes for Syringes- 14 OO' Straight Extra Pipes for Syringes- 4 oo- Bent (male) Extra Pipes for Syringes- 5 00 Bent (female) Wheelock's Patent Reverse Flow Syringe. 7 00 No. 1, P doz. 8 00 " 2, Vaginal '* 3- " 13 5® • * 16 50 "IO, " 8 oo- Hypodermic, Glass, Plain., a each, 2 oo> " " Graduated " 2 50 " " " Piston. " 2 50* and Screw.... " 3 00 " Hard Rubber .. " 150 " Pocket, in metal case .. " 2 00- 280 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 8 oz. Self, in Case, MED. doz. $11 00 6 " " " < I 9 00 4 " " " " 7 00 < < 16 00 12 14 00 24 " " " • • 25 00 24. " Single, in paper box.. 18 00 16 " " " " .. • • 12 OO 12 " " " " . . IO OO IO " " " " . . • ' 9 00 8 " " " " .. • • 7 00 6 " ■' " " .. • • 5 OO 4 " " " " .. • • 4 00 2 " " " " . . • • 3 OO I " " " " . . 2 50 p. p • ' I OO Horse, Metal, 24 oz doz. 30 OO " " 36 oz 36 OO " 48" 48 OO METAL SYRINGES. 8 oz. Self, in Case FINE doz. 14 00 6 " " " 12 OO 4 " " " 9 00 • < 21 OO 12 " " " << 18 OO 14 " " " 30 OO 24 " Single, in paper box.. * • 24 OO 26 " " " " .. ■ 16 OO 12 " " " " . . ' < 12 OO IO " " •' " . . < < IO OO 18 " " " " .. < ' 9 00 6 " " " " .. 7 00 4 " " " " .. • • 5 00 2 " " " " . . 4 So I " " " " . . • • 3 00 p. p 1 < 1 5° Talc de Venice, Bazin's.... doz. 2 00 " " Charlier's .; " 600 " " Chardin's " 7 50 TANKS FOR OIL. PERFECTION TANK, Securely Packed for Shipping. C apacity. Outside Measurement. Prices. Height. Diam. No. o, 6 Galls. 16 in. 13 >n- 7 50 " OO, 12 " 20 " 16 " 9 00 ' ' ooo, 25 ' ' 28 " 18 " 14 00 " I, 60 " 35 " 25 " 20 OO " 2, IOO " 36 " 130% " 30 OO 3. 150 " 41 " 36 " 38 00 " 4, 200 " 43 " 40 " 45 00 5. 250 " 43 " 44 " 50 00 W. & B. TANKS, Securely Packed for Shipping. Capacity. Outside Measurement. Prices. Height. Diam. No. o, 6 Galls. 16 in. 13 in- 5 00 " OO, 12 " 20 " 16 " 7 00 " ooo, 25 " 28 " 18 " 11 00 " 1, 60 " 35 " 25 " 16 00 " 2, IOO " 36 " 3°K " 25 03 " 3. 150 " 41 " 36 " 30 00 " 4, 200 " 43 " 40 " 35 00 " 5. 250 " 43 " 44 " 40 00 For illustration, attention is invited to advertisement on page 304. Tapers, 3 months, German 6 " " " Houchin's Monitor " Wax Coils Teething Rings, I. R., Black I " " " " White, best.... " " " " " ordinary " " Ivory " " Bone " Pads, Black Rubber " " Musical doz. 50 " 75 " 1 25&1 75 " 2 50 gross, 7 50. " 5 00 " 4 00 doz. 1 75 " I 00 " 125 " 2 OO Pad. THERMOMETERS. TIN CASE.-Japanned. 7 inch doz. 5 00 8 " ........................................................................ " 5 So 10 " " 6 50 32 " " 8 OO Less 50% discount. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 281 DAIRY. 7 inch doz. 5 00 8 " " 6 00 10 " " 7 oo Less 50% discount. , METALLIC CASE.-Japanned. 7 inch doz. 7 00 8 " 11 8 00 10 " " 9 co Less 50% discount. ALL GLASS. 7 inch doz. 6 00 8 " " 7 50 IO " ; . . . " Q OO SOLID BLACK-WALNUT. 8 inch, Square Ends. doz. 6 30 IO * ' " " . . ; " 8 50 8 inch, Oval Ends doz. 7 00 10 " " " . " 9 00 8 inch, Oval Ends, Window doz. 6 co DISTILLERS' AND BREWERS'. io inch, Tin Case, Heavy ■ doz. io oo 12 " " " " " II oo io " " " Extra " 12 oo 12 " " " " " 13 00 10 " Copper Case, Heavy... " 1200 12 " " 11 " '■ " 15 co 10 " " " Extra Heavy " 15 00 12 " " " " " .. " 18 00 12 " Wood " Grooved " 15 00 14 " " " " " 18 00 282 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S FANCY. No. 21. No. 22. No. 21, Walnut and Velvet doz. 7 00 " 22, " Mantel Stand " 750 5-inch, Self-Registering. 5-inch, Self-Registering, Contracted. Tube. CLINICAL OR FEVER. 4 inch, Ivory Scale, in Morocco Case each, 1 50 6 " " " " " " Self-Registering *' 2 00 5 " Self-Registering, in Hard Rubber Case " 1 75 5 " " " ** " " Contracted " 2 00 4 " Casselli's, London, " " " " 3 00 5 " " " " " " " 3 50 TINCTURE PRESSES. Troemner's, quart each, 4 50 " % gallon " 6 50 " 1 " " 9 00 " 2 " " 12 00 Swift's, quart " 7 50 " gallon " 10 50 " 1 " " 15 00 " 2 " " 18 00 Draw-up, Y Gallon " 3 00 " 1 " " 6 00 " 2 " " 10 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 283 Tongue Scrapers, Horn doz. 1 50 " " Ivory " 3 50 " " Shell. " 3 50 TOILET POWDER. American, Blue Paper gross, 6 oo Coudray's, " " . lb. 35 " No. 2499 doz. 1 25 " " 2507 " 2 50 " " 2536 " 4 co Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet " 2 00 Elgin's Phantom, small " 1 75 " " large " 3 00 Fay's Velontine • " 12 00 Fehr's Comp'd Talcum, Plain " 1 75 " " " Perfumed " 3 50 G. & J. Faries' ••••• " 1 75 Lubin's Rose lb. 70 " Violet " 60 Maw's " doz. 1 50 Palmer's Invisible " 1 75 ' ' Snow-White " 1 75 Pi esse & Lubin's " 8 50 P ozzoni's " 3 5° Saunders' " 3 5° Tetlow's Swan's-Down " 1 5° TOILET SETS AND TOILET BOTTLES. A large assortment of Bohemian, Cologne, and Baccarat Cut Glass, Bouquet Holders, Parian Vases, Smoking Sets, Toilet Sets, in great variety, in all colors, and at various prices. Tooth-Picks, Quill, small M. i oo " " " medium " i 25 " " " large " I 5° " " " Fancy " 3 25 " " Wood, 2500 to box box. 18 " " " Family, square boxes doz. 75 " " " " round " " 75 " Paste, Bazin's Charcoal " 3 00 " " " Rose " 3 00 " " C. & H., Formodenta " 4 00 " " Colgate's Aromatic " 4 00 " " Glenn's Charcoal, Orris, or Rose " 2 5° " " Gosnell's Cherry " 5 00 " " I. & B., small " 4 75 " " " large " 7 5° " •' Lyons' '' 1 75 " " Stamp's, small " 1 75 " Powder, Brown's Camphorated . " 1 88 " " Butler's " 1 75 " " C. & H., Dentine " 3 00 " " Calder's " small " 1 75 " " " " large '' 3 5° " " Hegeman's Odonto " 4 00 " " Johnson's, small " 2 00 " " " medium " 4 00 " " " large " 6 00 " " Lyons' " 1 75 < < < < < < rV * * 3 SO " Rowland's \\ 1200 " " Saunder's Smoker's '' 3 5° " " Soc Hygenique " 8 oo " " Stamp's " 1 75 r* " Thurston's, small " 1 75 " " " large '' 3 5° " Wash, Bonn's Dentifrice, small " 6 oo " " " " large " io oo •' " Botot " small..., " 7 5° " " " " large " Io 5° 284 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Tooth Wash, Edward's Compound Myrrh.. . t doz. 4 50 " " Delluc's Eau Angelique, small " 750 " " " " large. , ■. " 16 50 " " Farina Dentifrice. " 600 Tongue Depressors, Japanned.,. J..', , " 100 " Hard Rubber " 2 00 " " Ebony and Steel " 250 Folding doz. 1 00 to 2 50 " Sass' hard rubber handle and nickle-plated. doz. 3 50 " " Set (2) Turk's " 5 50 " Church's self-holding. " 650 Tonsilotomes, Fahnstock's, in case. " 8 00 " Tiemann & Co.'s ;....< " 1400 '■ Hamilton's..., " 1500 Billing's ...., " 1200 Trix gross. 6 00 TRUSSES-RIGHT OR LEFT. Chase's Wood Pad, Single doz. 12 00 " Ivory " " " 21 00 Common Wood " " " 7 00 " " Double .. " 14 00 Chase's Imp'd Cedar Pad, Single, doz. 14 00 " " " " Double, " 27 00 " " Ivory " Single, " 24 00 Chase's Wood Pad, Double doz. 23 00 Common Soft Pad, Single doz. 6 00 " " " Double " 12 00 French Best Soft Pad, Single doz. 14 00 " " " Children's " 9 00 Self-Adjusting Soft Pad, Single., .doz. 18 co Self-Adjusting Soft Pad, Double..doz. 30 00 French Best Soft Pad, Double.. -..doz. 27 co GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 285 Hard Rubber, Imitation , doz. 15 00 " " Riggs' " 24 00 " " Seely's " 24 00 Imperial Enameled Pad " 21 00 Phelps' Soft Pad, single " 18 00 " " " double " 36 00 Ratchet Cedar Pad " 15 00 " Soft " " 15 00 " Ivory " " 21 00 Thompson's Cedar Pad " 18 00 " Soft " " 18 00 LT. S. Army doz. 9 00 a 18 00 Light. Heavy. Tubing, India Rubber, 1-16 inch, white foot, 6 - " % " " "46 3-i6 " " " 7 9 " " " % " " •. " 10 12 " " " 5-6 " " " 11 14 " " " X " " " 13 16 y. " ■* " is is " " ■■ % " " " 17 21 " " " X " " " 22 25 " " " 1 " " " 26 30 Turkish Towels, Brown, small »..doz. 4 50 " " " medium " 6 00 " " " large " 7 00 " " White, small " 5 00 " " " medium •; " 6 50 " " " large ; " 8 00 " " Cash's Patent Brown.... . " 9 50 " " " " White " 10 50 Tweezers, large variety doz. 37 a 4 50 Twines, Cotton, Sea Island, Assorted " 63 " " " Pink " 75 " " " Bulk lb. 65 " " " Dennison's doz. 2 50 Our Sea Island Twine is full weight and bright colors. " Flax, American, No. 9 • lb. 50 " " " "I2 " 45 " " " " 18 " 40 " " " " 24 " 35 " " English, an assortment .... " " " " cable laid ; " " Hemp, " an assortment " " Linen, " Blue " 75 " " " Pink " 90 " " " White " 75 " " " Yellow " 80 " " " Variegated., " 50 " " American, an assortment " Twine Boxes, Glass, Plain Blue Rim " " " Cut and Engraved, heavy " " " Richly coated and cut each, 50 a 1 25, " 75 a 1 50 " 1 50 Plain. 286 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Brass Twine Box. Iron, No. 2. Reel, No. 4, Bronzed Twine Boxes, Brass, 7% inch, high each, 2 00 " " Iron, Bee-Hive " 75 " Reels, No. 1, Gold Plated " 10 00 " " "2, Silver " " 8 00 " " " 2, " '< " 8 00 " "4, Bronzed " 4 00 " Boxes, " 1, Iron, large " 1 25 " " "2, " medium " 1 00 " " " 3, " small " 75 " " Hanging, small " 63 " " " large " 87 URINALS. 104. 1O1, 102. 106. 103. 105. 107. Earthen, White, Male or Female doz. 7 00 " Yellow, " " " 6 00 Glass, Male " 4 5° " Female " 4 5° Rubber, Day Male, No. 101 or 102 " 12 00 " " Female, No. 103 " 15 00 " " and Night Male, No. 104 " 18 00 " " Male, No. 105 " 30 00 " " and Night Male, No. 106 " 36 00 " " Female, No. 107 " 30 00 Urinometers, with Test Glass, in paper case each. 75 " Vance's, Urine Test Case " 6 00 " Ormiston's " 17 00 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 287 Uterine Sounds, Simpson's, plain 11 " " graduated " " Sim's " " Peaslee's each, 1 55 I 70 I 50 2 OO " " Fetch's 3 00 " " Thomas', hard rubber I 50 " 11 Skene's Sound and Scarifier 6 00 " " Stohlmann's, Hysterotome 7 00 1 75 " " Emmet's, pure Silver Probe and Applicator 5 00 " Tenaculums, Sim's 1 ' I 25 " " Buttle's, with Scarifier " " Nott's, Tenaculum Forceps 3 00 3 00 " Scissors, straight 3 50 " '• Curved, right, left, flat, or knee bend 4 50 " " Saw Teeth, straight * ' 5 00 " " " " curved * * 5 50 " " Clark's 9 00 " " Heywood Smith's, imp. by Tiemann & Co * ' 12 00 " " Kuechenmeister's 6 00 " " Barnes' * ' 5 5o Vaginal Douches, Woodward's " " McVickor's 2 50 * 1 5 00 " " Scanzoni's * ' 2 OO Veloutine's, Chardin's doz. 7 50 " Fay's 15 OO Violin Bridges I OO " Resin I OO bdle. I 25« 6 00 * ' " 2d A " I 25<Z 6 00 •• " 3d D 1 * 50<z " " Bass, G > doz. I OO WAFERS. Medicinal, sheets, packs of 100 pack. 1 00 " 25, round, inbox doz. 1 00 " 25, square, " " 1 00 " 25, round, " Maw's " 1 5° Sealing, American Congress, scarlet, in 1 lb. % lb. and % lb. boxes lb. 1 50 " Finest London, " " " " " " " 1 25 " Dot Size, scarlet " 2 00 WAFER PRESSES. This Press is equal to any now in use, while its cheapness will recommend it to all. The price, including all necessary fixtures, viz: Twelve of each size wooden moulds for the three sizes of wafers ; one moistener for each size, and one set dies for each size, is net $5 00 288 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S WAX-SEALING. Common Red Bottle Wax, in wrappers., .4 and 10 sticks, lb. 12 Superior " " " " ..... ..4 " 10 " " 20 Common Black " " " "...... .4 " 10 " " 12 Superior " " " " ...4 " 10 " " 20 " Green " " " 4 " 10 " " 20 Green Package Wax, No. 1, " 4,10 " 20 " " 60 " " " " 2, " 4, 10 'I 20 " " 40 Brown, " " " 1, " ....4,10 " 20 " " 60 " " " " 2, " ..4, 10 " 20 " " 40 T. Davids & Co.'s Scarlet, No. 1, in boxes4, 8, 20 " 40 " " 1 50 " " " " 2, " 4, 8, 20 " 40 " " 1 20 " " " " 3, " 4, 8, 20 " 40 " " 1 00 " " " " 4,IH, " ,....4,8,20 " 40 " " 80 " " " 5, " 4, 8 " 20 " " 60 " " " " 6, " 4, 8 " 20 " " 40 " " Black, " 1, " 20 " 40 " " 1 50 " " " 3, " 20 " 40 " " 1 00 " " " " 5, " . 8 " 20 " " 60 " " " " 6, " 8 " 20 " " 40 Fancy Tinted, Perfumed, assorted colors, in boxes20 " " 1 50 Sealing Wax of any color, quality, style or price made to order. SHEET WAX. In Boxes of One Gross Sheets. 12 Sheets in Package. Size, 5%x3K. WAX-FLOWER MATERIALS. BRASS MOULDS-For Leaves. Finely Veined and Perfect Edges. The most desirable Leaf Mould yet introduced. ABC Arbutilon doz. i 20 o 90 Archarenthus " 1 20 90 60 Azalia ....... " 1 20 90 60 Blackberry " 1 20 90 60 Butterfly .... " 1 20 90 60 Camella " 150 1 20 Cape Jasmin " 1 20 90 60 Chestnut " 2 40 2 00 I 20 Clemestina " 1 50 1 20 1 20 Currant " go 60 Dogwood " 2 20 1 20 Elm " 1 50 1 20 Fern " 3 00 3 00 Fish Geranium " 1 20 90 60 Fuchsia .... " 1 20 90 60 Grape " 2 50 1 80 Heliotrope ..." 90 60 60 Honeysuckle " 1 40 1 20 90 Ivy " 90 90 60 Laurestina " 1 20 90 60 Lilac " 1 40 1 20 90 Lily of Valley " 1 20 60 Maple " 300 2 25 180 Myrtle.... " 90 60 60 Oak " 2 50 2 00 1 80 Orange " 90 60 Pansy " 90 60 Passion Flower " 1 20 Peach " 1 75 1 25 Pond Lily " 1 50 1 25 Pyrus Japonica " 1 20 90 60 Rose Geranium " 90 60 Salvia " 1 20 go 60 Sassafras " 2 50 1 80 1 40 Strawberry " 1 20 90 60 Sumac " 90 60 Verbena " 75 60 60 Violet " 1 20 90 60 Wild Cherry " 2 50 1 50 1 20 Willow. "150 1 20 Woodbine, 5 parts in leaf, per doz. leaves 5 40 A B C D E F G Rose... doz., 120906060606060 White, single thick Green, all shades Yellow, " Purple, " .i Blue, " LightPink, " Buff, for Tea Rose, all shades, Gross, i oo Scarlet Dark Pink White, double thick Gross, 1 75 VARIEGATED WAX-For Small Autumn Leaves. Size, 5?Xx3&. Plain Tintsgross, Carmine Tints " 1 75 AUTUMN LEAF WAX-For Forest Leaves. Size, 6x4. Thickness between Single and Double. In Boxes of Half Gross each. Six Sheets in Package. White Green, all shades Variegated Plain Tints Gross, " Carmine Tints... " 350 POND LILY WAX-Thick. In Boxes of Half Gross each. Six Sheets in Package. Size, 714 x Whitegross, Green. " 5 00 CALLA LILY WAX-Extra Thick. Size, Whitegross, GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 289 EXTRA FINE DRY COLORS-ln Homoeo- pathic Phials. Expressly Prepared . for Coloring Wax. Bt. Carmine ' Carmine Cadmium Yellow Imperial Scarlet Magenta Mauve Pure Scarlet Solferino Violet Carmine J Burnt Sienna " Umber Brilliant Yellow Chrome Green, No. 1 " " ** 2 " • " " 3 Chrome Yellow, No. 1 " " "2 " " " 3 Emerald Green Flake White Indian Red Ivory Black Naples Yellow Prussian Blue Pure Blue Raw Sienna... " Umber Rose Pink Silver White Yellow Ochre Doz. 2 40 Doz. 1 20 j WIRES. 22 Yards on Spools. Silk Wire, White, on Spools, 3 thick- nesses doz. 1 00 Silk Wire, Green, 3 thicknesses... " 1 00 Silk Wire, Green, in Coils, 4 thick- nesses doz. 1 00 Silk Wire, White, in Coils, 4 thick- nesses doz. 1 00 Cotton, White, on Spools, 2 thick- nesses doz. 75 Cotton, Green, on Spools, 2 thick- nesses doz. 75 Cotton, Green, in Coils, 4 thicknesses, doz. 1 00 Cotton, White, in Coils, 4 thicknesses, doz. 1 00 Paper Wire, for Stems, in Bunches, doz. 1 20 Silver Wire, on Spools " 2 40 Uncovered Wire, for Hair Work, on Spools doz. 1 20 Crimson Lake Diamond Dust Frostings Purple Lake Royal Purple Scarlet Lake Vermillion Doz. 1 50 Cobalt Lemon Yellow Rose Madder, No. 1 " " " 2 " " " 3 Ultramarine Blue, No. 1 " " "2 Doz. 1 80 WATER BATHS. Quart, Tin, No. I each, 3 00 3 Pint, " " " 3 5° % Gallon, Tin, No. 3 " 4 00 3 Pint, Copper " & 290 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S WATER BAGS. I. R., 13x15, No. 538 each, 2 50 " 14x18, " 539 " 300 " 17x19. " 540 " 3 50 WATER BOTTLES. I. R., 1 Quart, No. 620 each, 75 " 2 " " 621 " 1 00 " 3 " " 622 " 1 25 " 4 " " 623 • " 1 5o WEIGHTS. Brass, in Block, % oz. to % lb., French set, 3 00 " 1-16 oz. to 1 lb., " " 4 oo " " 1-16 oz. to 2 lbs., " " 5 00 " " 1-16 oz. to 4 lbs., " " 7 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 291 Brass, Nested, oz. to i lb set, i oo Brass, Cup, 1-16 oz. to 8 oz set, i 75 " y oz. to 2 lbs. " 1 75 " " 1-16 oz. to 12 oz " 3 00 " X oz. to 4 lbs " 3 00 " " 1-16 oz. to 16 " " 3 50 " " 1-16 oz. to 24 " " 5 00 " " 1-16 oz. to 32 " " 6 00 " Drachm and Grain, in sets per set, 25 " Grain, " 11 Io " Drachm, Eng. Coin, " " 30 Aluminum Grain Weights set, 30 Silver " " ■■ 1 00 Iron, y2 oz. to 1 lb <• " y oz. to 2 lbs >< 73 " y oz. to 4 lbs << j 23 " y oz. to 7 lbs <■ 2 50 SINGLE BRASS WEIGHTS-Separate Sizes. % Vz 1 2 4 8 oz. Nested 10 20 30 40 50 60 cents each. Block 15 25 35 50 60 70 " METRIC WEIGHTS io Grammes down to io Millegrammes, 14 pieces per set, 3 00 20 " " " 10 " 16 " " 3 75 50 " " "10 " 17 " " 4 13 100 " " "10 " 18 " " 4 50 500 " " "10 " 21 " " 8 00 1000 " " "10 " 22 " " 9 73 20 " " "1 Gramme, 7 " " 2 25 5° " " "1 " 8 " " 2 63 100 1 " 9 " " 3 38 IN MAHOGANY BOXES, FINELY ADJUSTED. IN WALNUT BLOCKS-ORDINARY. 10 Grammes down to 10 Millegrammes per set, 90 20 " " "10 " " 1 20 50 " " "10 " " 1 80 100 " " "10 " " 2 63 Grammes are made of Brass, Millegrammes of German Silver. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 292 WHISK BROOMS. Wood Handlesdoz. i 250:2 00 Hurl " i " 1 25174 00 " " Velvet " r 7505 00 Paris Exposition, 1878. We take pleasure in stating that we have been awarded a SILVER MEDAL FOR OUR EXHIBIT OF Soluble-Coated Pills, AT THE UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, 1878. This being the Highest Award given to any goods of this class in the Exhibi- tion, is conclusive evidence as to the merits of our Soluble-Coated Pills as compared with all other kinds, and justifies the claim we have always made for the superiority of our manufactures. W. H. Schieffelin & Co. New York, September, 1878. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 293 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s SOLUBLE PILLS AND GRANULES, UNEQUALED FOR Purity in Composition, Solubility in Coating-, Uniformity in Size, Perfection in Form and Finish. The marked increase during the past few years in the demand for Pills made in accordance with the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and other recognized formulas, induced us, some time since, to commence their manufacture in our own laboratory, and we are now furnishing Coated Pills, which, for beauty of finish, solubility, and general excellence, are unequaled. We desire to call the attention of physicians and others to the following points : 1. The best materials are used in their manufacture. 2. No article required by a formula is omitted on account of its high cost. 3. No Pills are deficient in weight. 4. The Pills are Coated while soft. 5. There is but one Coating, which is perfectly soluble, and there is no sub-coating of resinous character. G. The Coating is so thin that the Pills are not perceptibly increased in size, and yet it is entirely sufficient to protect the Pills from atmospheric influences ; and effectually covers any nauseous taste, thus rendering the Pill easy to be swallowed. 7. The Coating is so transparent as to clearly reveal the color of the mass. 8. Their solubility is not impaired by age. 9. The various masses are so thoroughly worked that the materials are perfectly distributed. 10. The excipients are peculiarly adapted to the permanent solubility of the mass and its efficient therapeutic action. Particular attention is called to our GRANULES of MORPHINE, STRYCHNINE, ARSENIOUS ACID, and other powerful remedies, which are prescribed in minute doses. The desirability of having these medicines in this shape, accurately weighed and ready for administering, has long been recognized. We have taken every precaution to insure accuracy in weight, and can give assurance that in this, as in other particulars, they can be implicitly relied upon. We offer the following: Aconitia ... 1-60 gr. Atropia. 1-60 " Arsenious Acid 1-20, 1-30, 1-40, 1-50 " Calomel Y2 " Cannabis Indica y " Corros. Sublim... .1-12, 1-20, 1-30, 1-4C, 1-50 " Digitaiin, pure 1-60 " Extract Belladonna... %, 54, 54, " Ignatia Bean 54, 54, " Iodoform 1 " Mercury, Bin-lodicfe 1-25, 1-16 gr. Mercury, Proto-Iodide.... %, 1-5, 1-6 Morphia Acetate % '- Morphia Sulphate .1-6, %, 1-10, i-x6,1-20,1-32 " Morphia Valerianate % " Nux Vomica Extract " Podophyllin , Ya, 54, 1 " Quinine Valerianate 54, 1 " Strychnia 1-20, 1-30, 1-32, 1-40, 1-50 " Zinc Phosphide. 1-12, 1-6, Y " Zinc Phosphide and Nux Vomica (Zinc Phosphide, 1-10 gr. Extract Nux Votnica, % gr.) We are constantly adding to our list of Pills and Granules new remedial agents, as soon as their medicinal qualities are demonstrated. We have recently introduced the following: Ergotin, 3 grs.; Extract Erythroxylon Coca, 1 gr. and 2 grs.; Extract Grindelia Robusta, 3 grs. ; Extract Guarana, 3 grs.; and Extract Sumbul, 1 gr. Others will follow in due course. We shall be happy to supply samples and price-lists upon application. Private formulas of not less than three thousand pills made up, and estimates furnished. For complete list of prices, see pages 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 294 (Factories : Horatio and Jane Streets, New York ) E. W. DEVOE & CO., Cor. of Fulton and William Streets, New York, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF COLORS, DRY AND GROUND IN OIL. WHITE LEAD, ZUSTC WHITE, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, AND VARNISHES. Importers of Vieille Montagne Co.'s French Oxide of Zinc, and Grinders of same (strictly pure), in Linseed or Poppy Oils. Sole Agents in the United States for the Zinc ground by the Company. MANUFACTURERS OF READY-MIXED PAINTS. Artists' Tube Colors and Brushes, made by F. W. Devoe & Co. FRED'K W. DEVOE. JAMES F. DRUMMOND. FRED'k SAUNDERS, JR. J. SEAVER PAGE. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 295 PRICE-LIST OF P. W. ENGS & SONS, Wine Merchants, 31 FRONT STREET, CORNER OF PINE, NEW YORK. [pgr* Prices subject to revision, arising from changes in market. Imported goods in casks forwarded to any Port of Entry in the United States in Bond without expense to the purchaser for Custom-House charges. Quotations are for Original Packages; for less than an original package, ten per cent will be added. Samples, carriage free, will be sent upon request. BRANDIES. In Half Pipes, Quarter Casks, Fifth and Eighth Casks and Cases : in Bond and Duty Paid. All Brandies in Eighth Casks Five Cents per gallon additional. J. Hennessy & Co.- Gold Vintages 1877 $4 25 1875 4 50 1874 4 65 " 4 95 " 5 05 1868 5 40 1865 5 75 " i860 6 50 " 1858 6 90 F X O P II 00 Old Landed 12 65 Very Old London Dock " " Dark IO OO Q OO Royal Mail Old Landed Pale. ? Pale 15 00 Old Landed.. 16 50 I White for Preserving' W o 4 75 oo J Pellevoisin.- Gold. Pale 1877 $3 80 * ' 1875 4 00 1874 4 15 ... -. 1872 4 35 Dark 1870 5 00 Pale 1869 5 25 Dark 1868 5 5° Fine Champagne.... Gold. $4 25 1805 6 25 J. & F. Martell.- Gold. Vintages • ••■■ 1877 $4 25 1875 4 50 1874 4 65 1872 4 95 1870 5 05 < < 1868 5 40 •< 1865 5 75 i860 6 50 1858 6 90 II SOP 9 00 Otard, Dupuy & Co.- Gold' Vintages , ..1877 $4 15 .. . 1875 4 40 ■••1874 45° • 4 ■ ■ ■ 1872 4 75 4 4 • • .1870 4 95 4 < ... 1869 5 20 < 4 •••1867 5 45 < 4 ■ ■ -1865 5 65 ' 4 ...i860 6 40 4 4 ...1858 6 60 ' * ...1854 700 4 4 ...1848 7 50 $4 90 to 8 50 FOP 9 50 Old Landed II 00 XO ) P $ IO 50 Old Landed 12 OO ■Ssi fVOP . .1836 12 50 SOP . . 1820 14 OO J|?§]MSOP . . 1800 l6 50 F o 1. Very Old Dark L D.. 8 00 " " Super 9 50 Pinet, Castillon & Co.- Gold. Vintages .. .1877 $4 00 ... 1875 4 20 ' 4 • • ■ 1874 4 30 4 4 ...1872 4 40 4 * . . .1870 4 50 4 4 .. .1869 4 90 44 ... 1867 5 10 4 4 ■ • .1865 5 40 4 4 ■••1858 6 35 4 4 ••■1854 725 4 4 ... 1850 8 00 F F V O IO OO W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 296 J. Hennessy & Co.- Gold. 15 cases. 13 25 17 50 50 cases. 13 00 100 cases. (In $ V O X O Oldest and Finest. Cases.) i case. $14 25 16 25 21 OO 38 00 48 00 65 OO 5 cases. 13 75 15 50 18 50 34 00 44 00 60 00 12 75 Oiard, Dupuy & Co.- (In Cases.) Gold. t case. 5 cases. 15 cases. 50 cases. 100 cases. $14 OO iq qo 13 25 12 50 12 25 ft & ft 15 75 20 OO 15 50 17 50 16 50 X O P 28 00 26 50 25 50 VOP 34 00 31 50 30 50 SOP 45 00 41 50 40 50 M S O P 60 00 55 00 J. & F. Martell.■- (In Cases.) Gold. ** $14 25 13 75 13 25 13 00 12 75 16 50 15 75 V s o . 20 OO 17 50 16 50 Pinet, Castillon & Co.- (In Cases.) Gold. & $12 25 11 25 II 00 10 75 10 25 $£ Pint Flasks 14 00 13 00 12 50 12 25 12 00 All Pints, additional per case, $2 00 Imperial Cognac, per case (currency) • 2£ 00 RUM. HOLLANDS and OLD TOM GINS. Jamaica.- Gold. Deg. of Proof. Per Gall. Puns-Heart.. { • 75% $4 7o puns. " ■ 75% 4 75 Bbls. " •75%-; 4 85 Crown .60%.$3 75 to 4 60 y2 bbls .60%. 3 85 to 5 00 B in bbls .60% 3 50 Puns., very superb... .72%.$s 25 to 8 50 y2 puns., very superb. .72%. 5 75 to 8 50 Bbls., " " ..72%. 6 25 to 8 50 Old Landed 10 per cent additional. Henry White & Co., Red Heart Jamaica, per case 15 00 St. Croix- L B, very old bbls., $5 50 " crop of iSdcj-'yo. " 4 5o " new crop .■ " 3 75 S. F. & C. C., old and new. $3 40 to 4 00 Gold. " Double Meerschaum " Scheidam (a fine gin, highly recommended), qrs., $3 00 "Double Meerschaum" Scheidam (a fine gin, highly recommended), % pipes 3 10 "Double Meerschaum" Scheidam, cases, i doz. each 8 50 Single Meershaum, % casks 2 80 " " % " 2 85 J. De Kuyper, X casks 3 00 % " 3 i° " cases, i doz each, 9 00 " " 15 bottles.. .each, 16 00 Blankenheyn > Meerqch„um J K casks, & Nolet, ( Meerschaum j OctaveSi 2 70 2 75 Sir R. Burnett's Old Tom Gin, in puns • 3 °5 In % puns 3 15 In bbls 3 25 In % bbls 3 35 In cases of 1 doz. each each, IO 00 " 2 " pints each, 12 OO SCOTCH and IRISH WHISKIES. J. Ramsey's- Deg. of Proof. Scotch, puns 60% Gold $3 55 " hhds 60% 3 60 " bbls. 60% 3 65 " 60% 3 75 Ardbeg, Scotch, bbls 60% " " % " 60% 3 65 3 75 Bushmills, Irish, % cask..6o% 3 75 " " M • 60% 3 85 Kinahan's LL cases, 13 °o Sir R. Burnett & Co., Scotch... " 13 50 " " " Irish " 13 50 Very old of above Brands from $4 70 to 9 25 MADEIRA WINE. J. H. March & Co Basto Lomelino Gold. $4 50 6 50 9 00 Blandy, 1836 ' 18 00 Park 4 00 Park Malmsey 4 00 Taylor 4 50 London Particular, Teneriffe. • 2 25 SOM . $1 40 to 2 50 Platamone . 3 00 to 4 25 Woodhouse O L P . 2 50 to 3 40 Cette . I OO to I IO GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 297 Gold. Per Gall. Gonzalez, specialty, Oloroso $7 00 Vino de Pasto.... 8 00 < ' < < Macharnudo 9 00 < < < < Palma 10 00 ll ll Amontillado n 00 Pern artin, very Old Brown 4 00 Romano, Pale 3 75 M. Lasaletta & Co. 1 60 i VP $2 00 to 2 60 2 VP 3 co to 3 75 1836 4 50 1825 5 70 Amontillado 8 00 Yriarte, 1820 5 50 " 1836 4 50 M. de Tejada- R I IO AR I 40 S O R i 75 VP 2 25 I. Jimenez Pale and Brown- P 1 75 P X 2 OO X P 3 °o P O 3 5o T opaz 5 5o Amontillado 6 5° Cette Sherries and I low grade Cadiz Wines, Jansen, and others, quarters and eighths...... SHERRY WINE. Imported in 1872 " 1873 1874 It << Gold. Per Gall. $1 25 1 15 < < < < A Extra, 1873 Cary & Co.-Alicante, ) Medium Dry 5 I 20 90c. to I 20 PORT WINE. CHAMPAGNE. Trade Gold. Discount. Less. Heidsieck (Piper) . f$23 00 13% G. H. Mumm & Co- Dry Verzenay • • g 23 00*1 " pints... • • % 25 00 l T 4 OZ, Extra Dry ••■Q 26 OO f^/0 " pints 28 00 J L. Roderer- Dry Sillery • ••£ 23 501 Carte Blanche . . t-1 26 00 Imperial • •.» 24 50 f 5% Schreider, Dry •••J 23 00 Delmonico I 25 50 J Krug & Co., pints extra, $3 00 22 00 Veuve Clicquot 27 50 12% Moet & Chandon- Sillery Superieur 23 OO IO% Cremant D'ay 28 OO IO% All Wines, excepting Krug & Co. and G. H. Mumm & Co., $2.00 additional for Pints. Gold. Per Gall. Scholtz, Hermanos, old and very fine, in qrs. and % casks ..$2 OO to $3 85 Scholtz, Hermanos, old... R. M. Gomez, qr. casks... . . 2 OO to 2 50 . . . . I 65 L. G $1 25, • • • • i 35 Alicante $i oo, and 1 50 SWEET MALAGA. Gold. Scotch Ale, " Jeffries," .pints, $1 90 "Bass" Ale, Cameron and ? qts., 3 10 Saunders ' $ pints, I 85 London Porter, " By ass " II II Il .qts., 3 00 .pints, I 80 London Porter, "Barclay, P. , ? qts., 3 00 & Co." ' $ pints, I 8o> "Guinness" Stout .qts., 3 00. II It .pints, I 8S, McEwan's Ale, Scotch .pints, I 85, Bass' Ale, Cameron & Saunders', in cases 4 doz. each, per doz... I 95 Wm. Younger Ale, Scotch , .pints, I 90, Currency. Boker's Bitters 12 00, Gold. Angostura Genuine, stamped.. 20 OCX SUNDRIES. PORT WINE. From G. G. Sandeman's Sons & Co. " Oporto ''-quality un ® O Q surpassed. Gold. Per Gall. ...$2 00 ... 2 50 ••• 3 5° O O Z OZ .... 4 50 vs Particular ... 6 00 D V Particular .... 7 00 M V S O Extra .$8 00 > to IO 00 Pure Juice, $2 00, $2 75, Old London Dock, Dry.. $3 00 and 4 00 • 2 50 to 4 00 Dolce Porto Puro Burgundy Ports- "Guille Best Pure ■ 1 75 to 2 00 Juice.' Gold. Per Gall. Imported in 1869 " 1870 . . . .$2 00 . . . . I 75 " 1871 . . . . I 5o BURGUNDY WINES. SOLE RECEIVER OF From Ph. A ndre & Js. Voillot Beaune In Cases. (Coted'Or.) Gold.' Macon ■g- f$I2 oo- Beaune 14 00 Volnay 0 17 00 Pommard 17 00. Richebourg Q 25 00 Chambertin tT" 24 75? Nuits 18 50 Romance .. *-< < 28 00 Clos Vougeot 33 00 Chablis (white) J I 15 00 Pints, $1.50 additional. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 298 Special Agents for HOCK AND MOSELLE WINES. IN CASES AND CASKS. From DEIN HARD 6- CO., Coblenz. CLARET AND WHITE WINES. IN CASES. St. Lezignan.- Gold. W. Bertrand & Co $4 00 Cannot, Fils & Co.- St. Julien 5 50 St. Emilion 6 50 St. Estephe 7 50 Haut Sauterne 6 50 Pints, $1.50 additional. G. Preller & Co.- Pontet Canet* 8 50 Cantenac* 9 50 Lormont* 10 50 Chat. Margaux* 29 50 " Larose* 20 00 " Lafitte 22 00 " Latour 28 50 " Leoville* 14 00 " Mouton 24 00 Haut Sauterne 10 50 " Creme 20 00 Chateau Yquem 36 00 * Pints, $2.00 extra. Clarets in Bulk, in casks- St. Lezignan $55 00 St. Julien 65 00 St. Emilion 70 00 St. Estephe 80 00 Lormont 150 00 Chateau Gruau Larose.$200 00 to 280 00 Others as high as 350 00 Sauternes in Bulk- in Casks $50 00 to $150 00 Gold. Laubenheim* $7 50 Deidesheim* 9 50 Nierstein* 9 50 Hochheim* 14 00 Liebfraumilch* 14 50 Rtidesheim 15 00 Pisporter Auslese 15 00 Marcobrunn* 20 00 Steinberg 23 00 Steinwein, box bottles 15 00 Johannisberg Castle, 1862 31 00 Scharzberg 17 00 Zeltingen 11 00 Assmanshausen* 18 00 * Pints, $1.50 additional. Laubenheim and others (double aums), per gallon $1 85 to 2 75 Sparkling.- Moselle 18 00 " Muscatel 20 50 Flower of the Moselle 23 00 Scharzberg 20 50 Hock 18 00 " Ehrenbreitstein 21 00 Pints, $2.00 additional. OLD MALMSEY WINE. FOR SACRAMENT. $2.75, $3-75- $5-°°, and $6.00, currency. GENUINE IMPORTED (FIRST QUALITY). CORDIALS. LIQUEURS. Gold. Per Case. Chartreuse $30 00 to $42 00 Vermouth 9 00 Benedictine 25 oo Kiimmell 16 50 Kirschwasser 18 50 Aya Pana, Yellow and Green, $25 00 to 28 00 Absynthe 15 00 to 24 00 Gold. Per Case. Anisette, White, in bottles $21 00 Marasquino, in jugs 24 00 CuraQoa, White and Red in jugs $20 OO tO 24 OO Creme de Menthe 20 00 GROSS GALLON CAPACITY OF CASKS. Pipes and Styles or Wines or Spirits. Pipes. Pipes, % Puncheons. Punch., hhds. Casks. 1-5 Casks. % Casks. Aums. Doub. Aums. Bbls. Brandy *3° to J4° 64 to 80 39 to 46 31 to 35 20 to 26 Scotch & Irish Whisky xio to 156 66 to 76 37 to 42 24 to 27 Gin too to 140 64 to 70 38 to 41 24 to 27 Ruin 130 to 140 64 to 70 36 to 42 24 to 27 Ports, Sherries, and Madeira Wines 136 to 158 60 to 80 30 to 45 28 to 29 17 to 25 Claret and Sauterne Casks. Wines 60 30 15 Rhine Wines. 34 to 40 68 to 80 Bourbon and Rye Whiskies Applejack and N. E. Rum f Landsberger's California Sparkling Wines at lowest trade quotations. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 299 We represent in this country the following houses: SIR ROBERT BURNETT & CO., Vauxhall, London. G. PRELLER & CO., Bordeaux, France CANNOT FILS & CO., Bordeaux, France. PH. ANDRE & JH. VOILLOT, Beaune (Cote d'or), France. M. LASALETTA & CO., Cadiz and Puerto Santa Maria, Spain. J. JIMENEZ & CO., Cadiz and Port St. Mary's, Spain. DEINHARD & CO., Coblenz, on the Rivers Rhine and Moselle. GUILLE BROTHERS, Barcelona, Spain. J. RIJSHOUWER, Rotterdam, Holland (Double Meerschaum Gin). C. MEYER & CO., Schiedam, Holland (Single Meerschaum Gin). SANDEMAN & CO., Oporto. Port Wines. BLANKENHEYN & NOLET, Rotterdam. HENRY WHITE & CO., (Red Heart Jamaica Rum.) London, England. Orders received for the goods of any of the above named, for direct shipment. P. W. ENGS & SONS. Note.-Messrs. P. W. Engs & Sons are too well known to need any recommendation from us, being one of the oldest and most reliable houses in the trade. All articles in their line may be purchased through us on favorable terms. W. H. Schieffelin & Co. 300 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S THE DRUGGISTS CIRCULAR AND CHEMICAL GAZETTE. This widely-known and popular publication is issued monthly from 36 Beekman Street, New York, at the low price per annum ('including postage) of ONE DOLLAR AND SIXTY CENTS. The present year (1878) is the twenty-second of its publication. The quantity of Scientific matter, professional and general, is large, and includes the whole sphere ot Laboratory and Counter Pharmacy. All new Medicines so soon as known, are fully noticed, their ascer- tained properties described, and their pharmaceutical management, therapeutical uses, doses and modes of administration are carefully reported. The Druggists Circular contains a monthly Review of the Drug Market, and a COMPLETE PKICE-CURKENT, embracing nearly every medicinal article of a well-stocked drug store, with prices each month carefully corrected by one whose opportunity and pursuits fully fit him for the undertaking. It gives always as fair and rational an idea of market values as it is possible in any list of prices to attain. It will not be out of place here to add to the foregoing statements a few of the many letters daily reaching us from subscribers which testify to the satisfactory character of the publication: - " The Druggists Circular is (not excepting any Pharmaceutical Work, either native or foreign) the very best publication a druggist can possess. Of the several foreign and American periodicals that I take no one is so welcome. My clerks look for it with more eagerness than for any other paper received. The fact is, it is the cheapest and best paper printed." -C. F. With, Springfield, Mass. "My husband, Dr. Joseph Willard, was always a subscriber to the Circular, and every number, from first to last, is now in my possession. Next to the ' Dispensatory ' it has been oftener consulted than any other book in the extensive library which he left. He used to say that he could not possibly get along without it."-Mrs. Willard, Chicago. " I subscribed first for the Druggists Circular in 1857, or about that time; then, after the war in- terval, my subscription was renewed. May it never cease. Ido not take a journal more acceptable." - E. E. Jackson, Columbia, S. C. . " The Druggists Circular is the best paper in circulation for our business; cannot do without it."- Cox, I urner & Co., Wyoming, III. " The Druggists Circular is indispensable in our business; we find it a welcome Eastern visitor, and the only true friend and guide to enable us to keep up with the times at this distant point."-Kostitch & Kohler, Lake City, Colorado. "The Druggists Circular is invaluable to us country druggists."-A. A. Anderson, Chester, III. " I cannot get along without the Druggists Cir- cular."-O. M. Farrington, Winona, Minn. " I would not be without the Circular at any price."-H. A. Brinkman, Warsaw, III. " We are always glad to get Circular, as we find something new in every number."-Geo. D. Reav- er y, Erie, Pa. " I believe I am one of your oldest subscribers. I get a better return for the money sent you than from any other I ever spend. Your paper is now a necessity to me, and is richly worth more than double your rates. Wishing you continued success, I am, etc."- Wm. A. Strother, Lynchburg, Pa. " I cannot get along without the Circular. It should be read by every intelligent druggist. You may regard me as a permanent subscriber."- Willis S. Rich, Sand Bank, N. Y. "We can't well get along without the Circular, as it is part and parcel of the trade.''-How- enstein & Co , Parkersburg, Iowa. " I find it just as necessary to me as the * U. S. Dispensatory,' and could do about as well without one as the other.''-A. L. Bilisoly, Portsmouth, Pa. "As long as I am in the business (which I expect will be all my life) you may consider me a regular and constant subscriber to your valuable paper."- E. C. Jackson, Norfolk, Pa. " I could hardly do without the Circular. The formulas which I have taken out of it have saved me many times its cost."-James Eaton, Dunkirk, N. Y. " I have taken the Circular now for three years, and should hardly know now to get along without it." -T. H. Dobson, Brockport, N. Y. " I would not miss your paper for several times its cost."-Geo. E. Duryee, Schenectady, N Y. " Enclosed you will please find a Post-office order for the amount of $1.60 for your valuable and interest- ing Circular. With many thanks, I remain, etc., E. Pollard, Columbia, S. C." "Enclosed find subscription price, $1.60, for the Druggists Circular, which I consider an indispen- sable paper."-Geo Boemler, Galesburg, III. "We miss in our files of your valuable paper, No. 5, May, 1877, and hope it can be furnished to us at once, as we bind all such publications."-W. G. Le Due, Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, VP " You may feel assured that your efforts to publish the leading druggists' paper of the country are fully appreciated and acknowledged. Hoping that the appreciation is shown in a substantial and satisfactory manner to youseld, I am, etc., Geo. C. FIenry, Burlington, Iowa." " I think the Circular is the best paper for the price in the United States. I would not miss a num- ber for anything."-Selden Sperry, Delafield, Wis. " I am well pleased with your Circular ; it con- tains all of importance that any of our drug papers have, and frequently more."-E. Douglass, Hills- boro, Hl. ".We can't do without the Circular. Keep send- ing it along."-Groesbeck & Wilkinson, Harvard, III. August, X878. L. V. NEWTON, M.D., Editor and Proorietor. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 301 F. W. DEVOE & CO.'S Mixed Paints. READY FOR USE. Ready for use, and requiring no additional Thin- ners or Driers. A good paint, guaranteed to contain no Water, Alkali, or Benzine. Made only with Pure Linseed Oil, and sufficient Spirit of Turpentine and Drier. In 1, 1, 2, 3 and 5 gallon Cans. AND IN BARRELS, HALF-BARRELS, AND KEGS. For Assorted Cans of 1, 2, 3, and 5 lbs. 1OO lb. Cases. Inside and Outside White. 1 to 5 gallons, $2.00 a gallon. | " 2.20 " No. 575. Buff By lb. 20c " 576. Dark Drab " 20c " 577. Lead Color " 20c " 578. Light Drab " 20c 579. Brown " 20c " 580. Stone Yellow " 20c 581. Light Green " 25c " 582. Red " • 20c " 583. Black " 20c " 584. Dark Blue " 25c ORDINARY SHADES. (Numbers 525 to 543 inclusive,) 1 to 5 gallons, $2.00 a gallon. | " 2.20 " GREEN. (Dark Shade, Number 544.) 1 to 5 gallons, $3.10 a gallon. | " 3.30 " Bight or Medium Shades, at same prices. Chrome Yellow " 25c IN BARRELS, HALE-BARRELS AND KEGS, At 10 cents a gallon less than above prices. Inside White " 20c Outside White " 20e WITH DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. For Sale by W. H. Schieftelin & Co. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 302 FIBST PREMTCTM OF THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AWARDED TO ELECTRO-SILICON, (trade-mark.) MAGIC BRILLIANT, The Unrivalled Polishing and Cleaning Powder, For GOLD, SILVER, PLATED-WARE, GLASS, and all Surfaces where a BRILLIANT LUSTRE is required. IF1 Being PURE SILICA obtained from a mine in NEVADA, it is en- tirely free from injurious chemicals and grit. It produces a polish more brilliant than any article before known. The AMERICAN INSTITUTE has always awarded it the First Premium. The COMMISSION appointed by the FRENCH GOVERNMENT to examine Exhibits at the Centennial Exposition, speak of it in the HIGHEST TERMS. It is economical to have in every household, preserving the Silver Ware in good condition. It will give satisfaction to all who use it. COFFIN, REDINGTON & CO., 9 Gold Street, N. Y. ORDERS EXECUTED BY W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 303 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s PURE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER BED LjJLEZELi. A USEFUL ARTICLE *THE DESTRUCTION 0 Ants, Cockroaches, Croton Bugs, Fleas, Moths, and all kinds of Annoying and Destructive Animal and Carden Insects. HARMLESS TO HUMAN AND ANIMAL LIFE, BUT AN EFFECTUAL, SAFE AND SPEEDY DESTROYER OF ALL VARIETY" OF INSECT LIFE. DIRECTIONS.-As the Insects are destroyed by breathing the Powder, and not by eating it: all that is necessary in order to effectually destroy them, is to distribute it thoroughly in the places they infest. Topreserve Flannels, Furs, and Woolen articles, sprinkle the Powder liberally upon each article, wrapping them up securely in linen or muslin, to exclude the air. In order to preserve the properties of the Powder, the bottle should be kept tightly corked, as by being exposed it loses its power IN BOTTLES, THREE SIZES. Small, .... Dozen, $1 50 Medium, ... " 2 50 Large, .... " 13 50 Small, . . . Gross, $16 50 Medium, ... " 27 00 Large, ... " 144 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s SOLUBLE PILLS. The great increase during the past few years in the demand or Pills made in accord- ance with the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and other recognized formulas, induced us some time since to commence their manufacture in our own Laboratory, and we are now prepared to supply an article that we can guarantee to be made in strict accordance with the standard formulas, both as regards weight and quality, and for beauty of finish, solubility, and general excellence, are unequalled. We therefore beg to call the attention of our customers and the public generally to our Soluble Coated Pills, which are the result of careful experiment and investigation, with the view of producing an article that will combine the requisites of perfect reliability as to the quantity and quality of the material used, with a coating which is soft, transparent, readily soluble, and not affected by change of climate. For full List and Prices, see Pages 75, 76, 77, 78, and 79. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 304 STANDARD OIL TANKS! THE PERFECTION TANK is the Standard of the World, and is universally preferred to all others. THE OIL TANK Is 20 per cent cheaper than any other Standard Tank, and is far Superior to any of the so- called "Cheap Tanks." The only tanks with a de- tachable, double action Pump. The only tanks with a raised shelf for storage of measures. The only Tanks with a removable Drip-pan. The only tanks that are guaranteed perfect. No Druggist can AFFORD to be without one. THE IRON CLAD SHIPPING CAN, Weighs one third less than wooden jacket cans. Does not get saturated with oil, and hence can always be kept clean. The jacket is detachable, and can be used for an Ash Can, or a 100 other purposes. Will last much longer than wooden jacket cans. Dont fail to send for Illustrated Price-List to WILSON & BLYE, Mfrs, 36 Dey St., New York, and Syracuse, N. Y. Ill dealers ii the country have our goods for sale. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 305 ROBERT W. GARDNER'S Special Preparations. PROTECTED SOLUTION OF FERROUS NITRATE, (LIQUOR FERROS! N1TRATIS.) This preparation has been steadily growing in favor since its introduction, and is now well known and extensively prescribed, not only in private practice, but in many of the New-York City Hospitals. It is a perfect and permanent Proto-salt of Iron, peculiarly adapted for assimilation, not astringent, containing no free acid, palatable, well borne by the stomach, and very rapid in its effects. Diploma awarded at Am. Inst. Fair, 1874. The Committee of Judges report as follows: "We find this article chemically what it is represented to be, and creditable to the manufacturer ; we recommend it for a diploma. "ISIDOR WALZ, Ph.D. ELWIN WALLER, E.M. P. W. BEDFORD, Prof. Pharmacy, N. Y. College Ph." Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Lime. Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Soda. Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Iron. Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Potash. Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Lime and Soda. Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Lime, Soda, Iron, and Pot- assa. Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Iron and Quinine. Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Zinc. It is found, that while the result of the'treatment of Tubercular disease by the Hypophosphites, in the Hospitals at London and Paris, has resulted in producing various grades of improvement in "seven cases out of ten" the treatment in the United States by ostensibly the same remedies has fallen far short of the same ratio 01 improvement. The reason for this is undoubtedly to be found in the fact that these salts, as exhibited, are not in a perfect condition of purity. Bearing upon this subject, Dr. Churchill remarks : " Several persons, both in Europe and America, have assum- ed the use of my name in connection with their preparations of the Hypophosphites. This has been done ■without authority from me, and is the more reprehensible as some of these compounds which have come under my notice are totally unfit for medical use." According to the same author, " these salts should be entirely free from impurity and neutral," and it thus follows that they are best administered in solution, from which all impurities have been removed. These considerations show that in order to obtain the full and best effects of the Hypophosphites: 1st. That they must be chemicallypure and neutral. 2d. That these conditions are best obtained by treating solutions of these salts for impurities and using such tested solutions only; and as these solutions will not keep without some preservative agent, they are best made into syrups. Such tested and neutral syrups are now prepared by the undersigned, and consist of the five above preparations, each salt forming a syrup by itself, precisely as used by Dr. Churchill, who always administers the salts separately or alternately. Manufactured by ROBT. W. GARDNER, Pharmaceutical Chemist, New-York, And For Sale by Pharmacists generally. per doz Gardner's Protected Solution of Ferrous Nitrate, in 1 lb. bottles, . . $10.20 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Lime, in 1 lb. bottles, . . . 10.20 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Soda, in 1 lb. bottles, . . . 10.20 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Iron, in 1 lb. bottles, . . . 10.20 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Potash, in 1 lb. bottles, . . 10.20 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Lime and Soda, in 1 lb. bottles, 10.20 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Lime, Soda, Iron, and Potassa, in 1 lb. bottles, ... 10.20 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Iron and Quinine, in 1 lb. bottles, 15.00 Gardner's Syrup Purified Hypophosphite of Zinc, in 1 lb. bottles, . . . 12.00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Sole Agents. 306 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S MENSMAN'S PEPTONIZED BEEF TONIC. The great necessity for a fluid food that would possess all the ele- ments necessary for the support of the system having been long felt by the Medical Profession, we call attention to this preparation, containing the entire nutritious properties of the muscular fibre, blood, bone, and brain of a healthy bullock, dissolved by aid of heat and pepsin, and preserved by spirit; thus constituting a perfect nutritive, reconstructive tonic. It is not a mere stimulant, like the now fashionable extracts of beef, but contains blood-making, force-generating, and life-sustaining properties, pre- eminently calculated to support the system under the exhausting and wasting process of fevers and other acute diseases, and to rebuild and recruit the tissues and forces, whether lost in the destructive march of such affections, or induced by overwork, general debility, or the more tedious forms of chronic disease. It is friendly and helpf ul to the most delicate stomach, and where there is a fair remnant to build on, will reconstruct the most shattered and enfeebled constitution. It is entirely free from any drugs. Dispensed in 16 oz. bottles. "DR. MENSMAN'S BEEF TONIC "Is a complete representative of lean and fat beef, bone, blood, and muscle. It consists of all the properties which combine in the development of the animal body, which are liquefied by an artificial process, simulating natural digestion, and retaining all of their alimentary values. It contains in their perfection all the natural elements of the meat in their natural quantitative relations, without their extraneous or indigestible properties, and therefore requiring the least possible effort on the part of the stomach for its conversion into chyle, and its immediate absorption by the system. " This Tonic is free from any drugs or chemicals, and is a great invigorator and recuperant. I have used this preparation in several cases of sickness of a character which enables me to give the most favorable opinion of its great value, in extreme sickness. Some of the cases referred to are hemorrhage of the bowels, typhoid fever, bilious fever, inflammation of the bowels, where the greatest possible prostration was present, and in which I found this meat tonic to accomplish results I could not obtain with any other preparation. It is a gentle stimulant, and allays the peculiar irritation of tlie stomach, which destroys the appetite in all forms of disease, when the tone of the stomach is destroyed." "We published the above article in the November Number of 1877, and will say that we have pre- scribed the tonic daily to date with the very best results.-Ed. Med. Eclectic." THE BEST THREE TONICS OF THE PHARMACOPEIA: IRON, PHOSPHOROUS, and CALISAYA. We call the attention of the Profession to our preparation of the above estimable Tonics, as com binedin our elegant and palatable Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark, acombina tlon of the Pyrophosphate of Iron and Callsaya never before attained, in which the nauseous inkiness of the Iron and astringency of the Calisaya are overcome, without any injury to their active tonic prin- ciples. and blended into a beautiful Amber-colored Cordial, delicious to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. This preparation is made directly from the ROYAL CALISAYA BARK, not from ITS ALKALOIDS OR THEIR SALTS-being unlike other preparations called •'Elixir of Calisaya and Iron," which are usually Elixirs of Quinine and Iron. Our Elixir can be depended upon as being a true Elixir of Calisaya Bark with Iron. Each dessert-spoonful contains seven and a half grains Royal Calisaya Bark and two grains Pyrophosphate of Iron. IP LT ZED ZE OOD-LIVEB OTZL, Manufactured on the Sea-Shore from Fresh and Selected Livers. Tiie universal demand for Cod-Liver Oil that can be depended upon as strictly pure and scientifically prepared, having been long felt by the Medical Profession, we were induced to undertake Its manufac- ture at the Fishing Stations, where the fish are brought to land every few hours, and the Livers conse- quently are in great perfection. This Oil is manufactured by us on the sea-shore, with the greatest care, from fresh, healthy Livers, of the Cod only, without the aid of any chemicals, by the simplest possible process and lowest tempera- ture by which the Oil can be separated from the cells of the Livers. It is nearly devoid of color, odor, and flavor-having a bland, flsh-like, and, to most persons, not unpleasant taste. It is so sweet and pure that it can be retained by the stomach when other kinds fail, and patients soon become fond of it. The secret of making good Cod-Liver Oil lies in the proper application of the proper degree of heat: too much or too little will seriously injure the quality. Great attention to cleanliness is absolutely ne- cessary to produce sweet Cod-Liver Oil. The rancid Oil found in the market is the make of manufactur- ers who are careless about these matters. Prof. Parker, of New York, says: "I have tried almost every other manufacturer's Oil, and give yours the decided preference." Prof. Hays, State Assayer of Massachusetts, after a full analysis of it, says: " It is the best for foreign or domestic use." After years of experimenting, the Medical Profession of Europe and America, who have studied the effects of different Cod-Liver Oils, have unanimously decided the light straw-colored Cod-Liver Oil to be far superior to any of the brown Oils. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT. Under the direction and personal supervision of W. F. FORD, Instrument Maker to St. Luke's, Mt. Sinai, New York State Women's Hospitals, Bellevue, and all the other New York Hospitals MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Surgical, Dental, Orthopaedic Instruments, Catheters, Trusses, Supporters, Silk Stockings, Ear Trumpets, Splints, Anatomical Preparations, Local Anaesthesia Apparatus, Laryngo- scopes, Ophthalmoscopes, Hypodermic Syringes, Axilla Thermometers, etc., etc. Special attention given to the manufacture of Instruments to order, in exact accordance with patterns furnished by Surgeons and Physicians. CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., Family and Manufacturing Chemists, New York. For Sale by W. H. Sehieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 307 COLGATE & CO., Toilet Soaps and Perfumery. WE ASK SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR WELL-KNOWN Cashmere Bouquet Soap, The peculiar and delightful perfume of which is so universally popular. We also recommend, as being of unsually good quality and fine perfume, our Rose Soap, Lettuce Soap, Fraugipanui Soap, New Mown Hay Soap, Eau de Cologne Soap, Nursery Soap, Vaseline Toilet Soaps (New), Rose Geranium Soap, May Blossom Soap, Violet Soap, West End Soap, Jockey Club Soap, Multiflora Soap, Tonquiu Musk Soap, Fatchouly Soap, Bondeletla Soap, Almond Flower Soap. In addition to the above, and a large assortment of other Fine and Superfine Toilet Soaps, we strongly recommend our TRIPLE EXTRACTS: Cashmere Bouquet, Italian Violets, Viang Viang, White Bose, New Mown Hay, Jockey Club, Bridal Bouquet, Moss Bose, Lilium Auratum, Bouquet de Caroline, Souvenir, West End, May Blossom, Ess. Bouquet, Bondeletla, And a variety of other favorite odors, in PINT and HALF-PINT bottles. Our Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Water (New), Violet Toilet Water, Multiflora Toilet Water, Rosodora Toilet Water, and Lavender Flower Water Will be found very agreeable and refreshing toilet articles. COLGATE <& CO. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co 308 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S ESTABLISHED 1844. WILLIAM ROWORTH & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF RELIABLE Pharmaceutical Lozenges AND 1 CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, 354 PEARL STREET, (One door north of the Brooklyn Suspension Bridge,) NEW YORK. PROPRIETORS OF ROWORTH'S True English COLTSFOOT ROCK. ROWORTH'S True English ZB ATH PIPE. ROWORTH'S CHLORATE POTASSA TROCHES. ROWORTH'S SANTONINE or Worm Troches. ROWORTH'S SALICYLIC-ACID " ROWORTH'S BI-CARB. POTASSA " ROWORTH'S HEARTBURN " ROWORTH'S LIVERWORT " ROWORTH'S BROMIDE POTASSIUM " ROWORTH'S SUPERFINE MUSK " ROWORTH'S NERVINE " ROWORTH'S IRON PREPARATIONS (Troches). ROWORTH'S OPERA CACHOUS. ROWORTH'S PINE-TREE TAR TROCHES. ROWORTH'S SANGUINAR1AN " ROWORTH'S MUR. AMMONIA " ROWORTH'S CARBOLIC ACID « ROWORTH'S EXTRA FINE CHARCOAL " ROWORTH'S Tannin and Chlor. Potass. " ROWORTH'S ENGLISH PEPPERMINT " ROWORTH'S VICHY " ROWORTH'S Pepsin Preparation (Troches). ROWORTH'S DIGESTIVE TABLETS. Roworth's Genuine Dr. Wistar's Cough Troches. ROWORTH'S IMPROVED • BRONCHIAL TROCHES. Roworth's Muriate Ammonia and Chlorate Potassa Troches. Horath's London Hospital Throat Troches (Dr, Mackenzie's formulas.) Also, manufacturers of the OFFICINAL TROCHES of the PHARMACOPI AS, and a genera] line of the most widely known Medicated Lozenges, including among them many of our own formulas and those secured from EMINENT PHYSICIANS. Manufacturers of Carbolic Acid Jujubes, Blackcurrant Jujubes, Pine-Tree Tar Jujubes, Dia- mond Rose, Iceland Moss and Licorice Jujubes. Jujube Paste in Sheets, and a full assortment of the CHOICEST CONFECTIONS, embracing the most efficacious and strictly pure Cough Candies. N. B.-W. R. & Sons manufacture, with the greatest care, all kinds of Medicated Lozenges for Druggists according to their own formulas, in small or large quantities, at low rates. HOMCEOPATHIC GLOBULES, ALL SUGAR. The different sizes always on hand. We do not use TERRA ALBA or any other unwholesome material in the manufacture of our goods. For prices, see page 31. W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 309 W. H. Schieffelin & Co. ARE SOLE PROPRIETORS OF ANDERSON'S RHEUMATIC BALSAM. This article has been in use or the last thirty years, and has proved a most efficacious remedy for the single disease for which it is particularly designed. The ingredients which enter into its composition are in themselves potent, but when combined, as in this Balsam, they seem doubly valuable for their anti-rheumatic power. It is not necessary to enter into any discussion as to what Rheumatism is, or by what it is occasioned. Every one who has felt a twinge of it, knows more about what it is than the most learned thesis can enable him to understand, either as to its insidiousness or its painfulness. The sufferer desires relief, and this he may find in the use of this Balsam, which is worthy of a place in every medicine-chest, either in the family or on shipboard. The general directions for its use may be found on the label upon each bottle. Of course these may be modified-as far as the dose is concerned-to conform to the age of the patient and the severity of the attack. Price per dozen $4 00 " gross 45 00 Stamped. Tj. S TIE I JST IE IR/S PHOSPHOR PASTE, tlie Destruction of* (french.) Rats, Mice, Blackbeetles, Cockroaches, Etc. This chemical compound is safe and effectual for destroying all kinds of Vermin. Its peculiar smell and phosphorescent light attracts them ; they eat it most readily, and it is certain death to them. Dwellings, Farm-yards, Warehouses, Factories, Cellars, however numer- ously infested, are cleared in a few nights. On board ship, and IN THE COLONIES, on Sugar and other planta- tions, it is used with the. greatest success. Small doz., $1 00 " gro., 1050 Medium doz., $1 50 " gro., 16 50 Large, doz., $2 75 " gro., 3000 WARRANTED TO KEEP EFFECTUAL IN ALL CLIMATES, Sole Wholesale Agents for United States and Canada, W. H. Schieffelin & Co. 310 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S DAVIDSON RUBBER CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Surgcialj Druggists', Stationers', and Fine Rubber Goods, THE DAVIDSON SYRINGES. No. 1. The Nos. 1,2 and 3 Syringes have become celebrated in all parts of the world as being the best instruments of the class ever produced, and this reputation has always been the same. We shall continue to manufacture these goods with the same care as hereto- fore, using only the finest stock and the most skilled labor, not adopting various devices which may produce a wrong impression by cover- ing up imperfections in stock and workmanship. The repu- tation of this style of syringe has already induced other manufacturers to put on the market imitations of inferior qualities, using fancy boxes, plated metals, etc., etc., to conceal the poor workman- ship and injurious stock used. Beware of those sy- ringes having Pipes plated with Nickel or other metals, as it will scale off in thin sharp particles by constant wear or when the pipe may become bent, and also serve to conceal lead or other cheap metals used, thereby rendering them dan- gerous and injurious for use. We desire to call attention to our Reservoir Syringes, numbered 14 to 16, which are entirely different from our other styles. The best of stock is used in their manufacture, and we have recently adopted a new patent Cut-off to stop the flow of the fluid, which is easily operated and will not get out of order. All of our goods will bear upon the label the word " Davidson," which is our trade-mark, and no other manufacturer has the right to use the same. No. 2. No. 3. Nos. 14. to 16. DAVIDSON RUBBER CO, Boston, Mass. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. REPORTS AND AWARDS. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL GOODS. " The Davidson Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. This company exhibited very largely in these branches, their goods having a fineness and beauty of finish not equaled by any other exhibitor." For Sale by W. H. Schieft'elin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 311 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s SUPERIOR SODA POWDERS. SUPERIOR SODA WATER. For the Immediate Production of DIRECTIONS FOB THE IMMEDIATE PRODUCTION OF SODA WATER. Dissolve one of the Blue Paper Powders in a tumbler half full, and one of the other in a wine-glassful of the coldest spring water : pour the latter solution into the former, and drink the mixture immediately. N.B.-Each powder must be completely dissolved before it is mixed. PREPARED BY W. H. Schieffelin & Co., NKW YORK. Neatly put up with English, French, and Spanish Directions. Dozen, $1.50; Gross, $16.50. W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Chlorate of Potash Lozenges. 2 grains each. Alterative, Diuretic, and Stimulant. Highly recommended in cases of Ulcerated and Diphtheric Sore Throat, operating directly upon the local disease, and upon the system generally with great benefit. PREPARED BY W. H. Schieffelin & Co., NEW YORK. These Lozenges are made from the very best materials, and con- tain 2 grains each of Chlorate Potash. They are in handsome oval, boxes, attractive, neat, and reliable. Dozen, $1.50; Gross, $16.50. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 312 LUNDBORG'S TRIPLE EXTRACTS. Put it]) in PM and Half-Pint Bottles, with Patent Trefoil Stoppers. GUARANTEED OF STANDARD STRENGTH, QUALITY, AND UNIFORM CHARACTER. OlDOHS TLTTZD BOUQUETS. Arcadian Pink. Bouquet de Caroline. Bridal Bouquet. Cassie. Eglantine. Ess. Bouquet. Frangipanni. Heliotrope. Honey Suckle. Jasmin. Jockey Club. Jonquille. Magnolia. Marechale. Mignonnette. Millefleurs. Moss Rose. Musk Rose. New Mown Hay. Night-Blooming Cereus. Ocean Spray. Orange Flower. Patchouly. Pond Lily. Reseda. Rondeletia. Rose. Rose Geranium. Spring Flowers. Stephanotis. Sweet Brier. Sweet Pea. Tea Rose. Tuberose. Upper Ten. Verbena. Violet. West End. White Rose. PER PINT, $3.25. PINK LABEL. Musk, Brown Label, per pint, $4.25. Wood Violet, Blue Label, per pint, $4.25. Ylang Ylang, White Label, per pint,$4.25. LUNDBORG'S OIL OF COLOGNE. The Standard Article. TRADE-MARK PATENTED MARCH 17, 1874. Put up in Pint and Half-Pint Bottles, with Patent Trefoil Stoppers. Per pint, . . $7.00 LUNDBORG'S COLOGNE. Quarter Pint Pearl, . . Per doz., $5 25 Half 9 50 Pint Pearl, .... Per doz., $15 00 Quart " . . . " 27 00 LUNDBORG'S CRITERION PERFUMES. Put up in attractive boxes containing two bottles, assorted, . . Per doz. boxes, $i 85 LUNDBORG'S CALIFORNIA WATER, For the Toilet, Nursery, anil Bath. TRADE-MARK PATENTED FEBRUARY 10, 1874. Delightfully fragrant and refreshing. Entirely new and original in style and composition. Small size, per doz., $1.75. Large size, per doz., $5.75. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 313 Dimensions of Show Case Presented with Four Dozen One Oz. or Two Oz. Perfumes at Prices below. Fac-simile of Lundborg's One Oz. 16 inches long, 12 inches wide, 7 inches high. Recherche Perfume, showing exact size Of same. The above cut represents Lundborg's One Oz. Recherche Perfume and Presentation Show Case of French crystal with solid nickel-silver frame of superior quality, workmanship and finish. By ordering four dozen of our one oz. or two oz. Perfumes, or an assortment of Toilet Extracts, as per list below, amounting to twenty-five dollars, a show case will be presented as per description. By ordering Six dozen one or two oz. Perfumes, or an assort- ment, as per accompanying list, amounting to forty dollars, a show case of same style, quality, etc., etc.-dimensions 22 inches long, 14 inches wide, 8 inches high-will be presented. These propositions apply to our Toilet Extracts only. Bulk goods not included. The foregoing inducements are made for the purpose of effect- ing a more thorough introduction of our Toilet Perfumes, which, although precisely the same as our well-known and popular Triple Extracts, are, by reason of the extensive dissemination Of cheap bottled goods, foreign and domestic, without the full mea- sure of the patronage their merits deserve. Appreciating the desirability of a permanent fixture, combin- ing beauty, utility and intrinsic worth, we have concluded to discard the cheaper cases previously distributed and substitute- those herein described. These cases are made by Messrs. J110, H. Fraser & Sons, the oldest manufacturers of show cases, in this country, whose facilities and long established reputation are considered unrivaled. Their name will be affixed to every case as a guarantee of its standard quality. It will be perceived that the show cases are not entirely gra- tuitous, but in order to obtain them it is necessary to pay only a moderate advance on our regular prices. The premium, how- ever, is much less than thecost of manufacturing the said cases. By our proposition the dealer is enabled to obtain them at less than half their actual value. The same Extracts can always be had, independently of show cases, at prices equivalent to more than fifteen per cent discount from following quotations. Per doz . Small Recherche Perfumes (see Regular Assortment), $4 50 1 oz. " " " " • 6 25 " " " Novel Box, " " 7 65 " Fascination, Wood Violet, Ylang Ylang and Arcadian Pink, 7 00 1% oz. New Style Large Recherche Perfumes (Regular Assortment), . . . . ■ ■ . 7 00 1% oz. Exquisite (White Rose and Wood Violet) Perfumes, 8 25 1 oz. Octagonal Cut Recherche Perfumes (Regular Ass't), 8 75 Per doz. 2 oz. Octagonal Cut Recherche Perfumes (Re- gular Assortment), .... $12 50 2 oz. Fascination, Wood Violet, Ylang Ylang and Arcadian Pink, . . . . 9 50 Per doz. 2 oz. Recherche Perfumes, (Regular Ass't), 8 75 , 4 oz. Recherche Perfumes (Regular Assortm't) 15 50 4 oz. Fascination, Wood Violet, Ylang Ylang and Arcadian Pink, . . . .19 00 ., Bouquet de Caroline, Bridal Bouquet, Cassie, Eglantine, Ess. Bouquet, Frangipanni, Heliotrope, Honey Suckle, Jasmin, Jockey Club, Jonquille, Magnolia, Marechale, Mignonnette, Millefleurs, Moss Rose, Musk, Musk Rose, New Mown Hay, Night Blooming Cereus, Ocean Spray, Orange Flower, Patchouly, Pond Lily, Reseda, Rondeletia, Rose, Rose Geranium, Spring Flowers, Stephanotis, Sweet Brier Sweet Pea, Tea Rose, Tuberose, Upper Ten, Verbena, Violet, West End, White Rose. REGULAR ASSORTMENT. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 314 P. SCHERER & CO., Successors to JOHN SATTIG, (Established 184-1,) 7# and 74 Park Place, New York, LARGEST IMPORTERS OF GERMAN NATURAL MINERAL WATERS. AACHNER AIX LA CHAPELLE. Per hamper 50 i-quart bottles$1200 APOLLINARIS. Per cask of 50 1 quart jugs 7 50 " " hamper of 50 pint jugs 5 75 << " case of 50 i-quart bottles 8 50 «« " case of 100 pint bottles 12 50 BELLTIIAL. Per 50 quart bottles 700 " " 100 pint bottles 10 50 " "50 quart jugs 6 50 IHRMENSDORFER. Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 15 00 CARLSBADER. Four Springs (Sprudel, Schloss, Theresian, and Muehl-brunen). Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 14 00 CARLSBAD NATURAL SPRING SALT. % lb. bottles CARLSBAD SOAP. Per doz. % lb. cakes 350 EMSER KRAENCHEN. Per cask of 50 i-quart jugs 1200 " hamper of 50 pint jugs 8 00 FRIEDERICHSHALLER BITTERWATER. 24 pint bottles 410 " 3° i-quart bottles 7 50 GIESSHUEBLER SAUERBRUNNEN. Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 8 50 HALLER IODINE. Per case of 25 pint bottles 800 HOM BURGER ELIZABETH. Per hamper of 50 i-quart bottles 1600 HUNYADY JANOS. Per case of 50 pint bottles 13 00 << " " case of 24 pint bottles 7 00 HUNGARIAN B. WATER. Per case of 25 pint bottles 5 50 KRONTHALER. Per 50 quart bottles 7 00 " " 50 pint bottles 5 50 " 50 pint jugs 5 °° " 50 quart jugs 6 00 KISSINGEN RAKOCZY. Per case of 25 i-quart bottles 7 00 MARIE-NBADER Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 1600 " case of 50 pint bottles 12 00 OPENER RAKOCZY. Per case of 50 pint bottles._ 1100 OPENER FRANZ JOSEPH SPRING. Per case of 50 pint bottles 11 00 PULLNA BITTER WATER. Per case of 20 i-quart jugs 450 a (t " case of 20 pint jugs 3 25 << (t " case of 50 pint jugs 8 00 PYRMONT S1EELWATER. Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 1600 ROISDORFER. (The Strongest Carbonic Acid Water.) Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 8 00 << " " " " case of 100 pint bottles 12 00 " Per hamper of 50 r-quart jugs 7 00 " " of 50 pint jugs 5 00 HIP FOLD SAUER. Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 900 SCHWALBACHER STEELWATER. Per cask of 50 i-quart bottles 16 00 SELTERS. Per cask of 100 1-quart jugs 14 00 << " 50 pint jugs 5 00 << " 50 quart bottles 8 00 (i . " 50 pint bottles 6 00 TAUNUS WATER, per 50 quart jugs 7 °o " " " 50 quart bottles 8 50 " " " 50 pint " 6 00 VICHY. Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 10 00 yVILDUNGEN OTTO SPRING. Per hamper of 50 i-quart bottles 1200 <t HELENEN SPRING. Per case of 50 i-quart bottles 1400 Sample cases containing 1-12 dozen of each-22 jugs and bottles 5 00 " " " 44 jugs and bottles 9 5° SWISS CONDENSED MILK. Per 48 cans 9 5° DR. GERBER'S MILK FOOD. Per dozen 4 80 Circulars and pamphlets will be sent free of charge, on application, to physicians and druggists. We are in receipt of mineral waters by every steamer, and they are continually fresh on hand-hence the advantage of ordering direct from us. Discount and. Special Quotations given for Quantities. BO l TIiKRS OF FOREIGN AM) DOMESTIC BEER. Special Attention Paid to Orders for Export. NEM YORK BEER. Per doz. pints...$0 95 «< i( " quarts... 1 50 CINCINNATI BEER. " pints.... 1 20 CINCINNATI BEER. Per doz. qts. ,.$r 60 MILWAUKEE BEER. " pints, i 35 (t tf " qts... 1 75 L. SMITH HOBART, President. J. C. MOSS, Superintendent. New.York TYPE-METAL RELIEF PLATES. A SUPERIOR SUBSTITUTE FOR WOOD-CUTS AT MUCH LOWER PRICES. These Btelief* Plates are engraved by photo-chemical means; are mounted on blocks type-high ready for use on any ordinary press, and will wear longer than the common stereotype plates. They have a perfectly smooth printing surface, and the lines are as deep, as even, and as sharp as they could possibly be cut by hand. Electrotypes maybe made from them in the same manner as from wood-cuts. Copy.-The engraving is done either from prints or pen-drawings. Almost all kinds of prints can be re-engraved directly from the copy, pro- vided they be in clear, black lines or stipple, and on white, or only slightly tinted paper. Of all Photographs, pencil-sketches, and designs in pale lines, drawings must be made with thoroughly black ink on smooth, white paper before they can be engraved. The drawings should usually be made twice the length and twice the width of the plates desired. We keep a corps of artists to do this work in the best manner. Pho- tographs or tintypes taken in the usual way, and of any convenient size, are suitable for our use. Change oi* Size.-Wood-cut prints of the coarser kind may often be reduced to half their lineal dimensions, while others will admit of very little reduction, and some of none at all. Most lithographic and steel-plate prints will admit of no reduction. Very fine prints of any kind may be enlarged moderately without detriment. Any prints which cannot be satisfactorily reduced or enlarged, may be redrawn and thus brought to any desired size. In all cases of reduction or enlargement, the relative proportions remain unchanged. Proofs.-Whenever desired, we will furnish tintype proofs of drawings made by us, for approval or correction, before engraving. A printed proof is furnished with each plate. Time.-We cannot usually engage to fill an order for a single plate in less than from three to six days ; larger orders will require longer time. Prices.-Size alone seldom determines the price of a plate ; hence we cannot furnish a scale of prices by the square inch for miscellaneous engraving. But to publishers whose orders are regularly given, and with considerable uniformity as to the kind of work, we can give an average inch rate. Estimates will be promptly furnished when desired. That these may be definite and correct, the copy to be used-whether print, photograph, sketch, or drawing-should always be submitted for our examination, together with a distinct state- ment of the size of plate wanted, and of any other details to be observed. We Employ no Agents or Canvassers. Terms.-To insure attention, all orders must be accompanied by an advance of half the price charged, the balance to be paid on delivery. Plates sent by Express will be C. 0.1). Other arrangements can be made only by parties of known responsibility, or when satisfactory New- York references are given. Small plates will bp sent by mail upon receipt of price and postage. Remittances must be made either by drafts on New-York or by postal money orders-paya- ble to the order of- Photo-Engraving Company- or by registered letters. Parties sending us checks on local banks will be charged with the cost of collection. Electrotyping ;n»<l 3Briiiting*.-We have recently added to our establishment excellent facilities for making electrotypes, and also two power presses specially fitted for printing the larger class of plates in the finest manner. Artificial I.iglit.-We have just intro- duced this most important facility, which enables us to prosecute our work in cloudy weather, and to push forward hurried orders in the night. References.-Our plates arc now used by the principal publishers in this city, and by most of the leading houses in every state in the Union SENt) STAMP FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 315 TO BRnGGISTS ffl PHARMACISTS I FOR PRODUCING REAL SEA WA TER A T HOME, USE Oilman's Sea Salt, By simply dissolving this Salt in ordinary water. This can be used as a luxury for its exhil- arating influence and as a remedial agent in Debility, Languor, Rheumatism, and Weakness of the Joints, for Tender Feet, Nasal Catarrh, etc. KIVi'AIL PRICES. 2 pounds, boxes $O 25 I « " " 50 14 " " 1 OO 25 " " 1 50 | 50 pounds, boxes $2 50 1OO " " 4 50 300 " barrel OO OILMAN'S ANNEX TRUSS DEPARTMENT. 2 Barclay St., cor. Broadway. TMilmau Everlasting Truss. FINE STEEL SPRING. COVERED WITH CELLULOID. Warranted not to Rust I Warranted not to Break I Warranted not to Wear Out! USED IN BATHING. ALWAYS CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE. FREE FROM ANY UNPLEASANT ODOR. For Comfort, Cleanliness, and durability it Excels. MURRAY'S CHARCOAL TABLETS, FOR DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, ETC., ETC., And as a Lozenge for the Teeth. Show-Cards and Circulars of above sent to those who can make good use of same. A. J. DITMAN, Druggist, ASTOR HOUSE, NEW YORK. 316 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S LEAMON'S DYES. The Best and Most Successful Family Dyes ever Introduced. Two Sizes-Small Size, 15c.; Large Size, 25c. They are the only Dyes advertised in the newspapers and ladies' journals. They are the only kind that is called for by the public. They color the largest amount and give the best colors of any Dyes ever invented. A17 T? P T A T U? le bandsomest printing, the most beautiful sample cards, and VV rj Vi 1 V rj the best black walnut show case. .Our book, entitled " Every Lady a Practical Dyer," which we give with the imprint of the dealer, is unique and very efficient. Send for Sample Cards, Picture of Case, Specimens of Printed Matter, and Prices. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.'S PERFECTED BUTTER COLOR. Druggists living in sections where considerable butter is made, are requested to write to the proprietors of the above at once, who will make them a very advantageous offer for the introduction of the same. We find a desire for an article of this kind almost universal with butter-makers, and the introduction of a small lot in our peculiar manner is sure to lead to a large and growing demand. It is much the best color ever introduced, and fully deserves its name, "Perfected." It is cheaper and better than carrots or annatto. We have the strongest testimonials from good dairymen in almost every State in the Union. REFINED GUM CATECHU, insr We desire to call your attention to the new and desirable form in which we offer this article. By an improved process the Catechu is freed from the many impurities so abundant i n the crude article, and it is thereby made much stronger and better for all uses. It enables you to supply a better article to the consumer, and at the same time save the loss from waste and shrinkage of weight, which is always large when Catechu is handled in bulk. It will save a great deal of time and temper, which are quite sure to be lost when retailing the crude article. Twenty-four pounds in a box. A trial order solicited. For sale by wholesale houses generally. PRICE-LIST : In pound packages, per pound, 14 cents. In half pound packages, per pound, 15 cents. In fourth pound packages, per pound, 17 cents. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 317 DR. COLTON'S VEGETABLE DENTONIC ' FOR CLEANSING THE TEETH, HARDENING THE GUMS, SWEETENING THE BREATH. This compound, being strictly Vegetable, possesses no deleterious properties; on the contrary, its use not only Cleanses the Teeth, but prevents the formation of Tartar so destructive generally to the gums. Its Tonic properties give Tone and Healthy Action to the Tissues. Invaluable in all kinds of Sore Mouth. Its pungent, Aro matic Taste renders it acceptable to the most fastidious. Price, $4.00 per Dozen Bottles; $45.00 per Gross.. RETAIL PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. N. B.-Dr. G. Q. Colton, it is well known, originated the anaesthetic use of nitrous oxide gas, in 1863, for the painless extraction of teeth. It seems but sinple justice to him to state that at his office in the Cooper Institute, in New-York, he has given the gas (up'to this writing) to 89,394 Patients, without a single accident from its effects. The name of each patient is recorded and numbered. These facts afford sufficient proof that the gas, jf properly made and administered, is a safe and efficient anaesthetic ; and that Dr. Colton has been the means of conferring a lasting boon on humanity. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Sole Agents. 318 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Revolving Sieve and Mixing Machine Patented January 28, 1873. A No. 3 Machine will thoroughly mix and sieve 100 pounds Yeast Powder in five minutes. Fic.l It is the cheapest and best machine of the kind ever offered to the trade. Fig.2 Medium Size, No. 2, capacity 50 pounds, Price, $30 OO Large Size, No. 3, capacity 1OO pounds, Price, 40 OO SACKETT & NEAT, Proprietors, Send for Circulars and Testimonials. New Albany, Ind. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 319 NEW REMEDIES. An Illustrated Monthly Trade Journal of Materia Medica. Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. F, A, CASTLE, M, 0,, Editor, CHAS, RICE, Associate Editor, The only Illustrated and most widely circulated of any Drug Journal in America. Terms, $1.50 per annum. New Remedies contains a number of new and novel de- partments not found in other journals, that are exceedingly popular and useful. No pharmacist, druggist, chemist, or physician can afford to be without it. Specimen copies sent free to any address. New Remedies has more advertisements than all the other Drug Journals in America combined. The best evi- dence of its great value and circulation. Everything new and of interest to the Drug Trade will be promptly noticed and illustrated in New Remedies. SEND FOR ADVERTISING CIRCULARS AND TERMS. The Medical Record: A Weekly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY JOURNAL OF ITS KIND IN AMERICA. Issues over 300,000 Copies a Year. Its Circulation is well distributed over the North, South, East, and West. It is the most popular and most extensively read of any Medical Journal in America. WM. WOOD & CO., Publishers, JVb. Gr~recct Jortes Street, New NorPc. W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 320 S. MAW, SON & THOMPSON, MANUFACTURERS OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS & APPLIANCES AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES OF ALL KINDS, nSTos. 7 to 12 Aldersgate Street, LomcLon. TRADE Al ATTIC. SPECIALTIES. MAW'S ADHESIVE PLASTER. MAW'S ODORATORS FOR PERFUMING APARTMENTS. MAW'S ELASTIC GUM BOUGIES AND CATHETERS. MAW'S BREAST GLASSES AND RELIEVERS. MAW'S NIPPLE SHIELDS, WITH ELASTIC TUBES. MAW'S FEEDING BOTTLES AND FITTINGS. MAW'S CACHOUS AROMATISES. MAW'S WHITE FELT CORN PLASTERS. MAW'S CHEST PROTECTORS. MAW'S FLESH GLOVES AND RUBBERS. MAW'S INDIA-RUBBER TEATS AND TUBING. MAW'S LINT (TAYLOR'S PATENT). MAW'S VIOLET POWDER. MAW'S WAFER PAPER. MAW'S PILL MACHINES. MAW'S POWDER FOLDERS. MAW'S SODA-WATER TAPS. MAW'S SPONGE BAGS AND BATHING CAPS. MAW'S GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES. MAW'S INDIA-RUBBER SYRINGES. MAW'S TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES. MAW'S HAIR BRUSHES. MAW'S TINCTURE PRESSES. MAW'S MORTARS AND PESTLES. MAW'S COURT PLASTER AND GOLD BEATER'S SKIN. MAW'S SMELLING BOTTLES. MAW'S ENEMA APPARATUS. MAW'S EARTHENWARE INHALERS. MAW'S ELASTIC STOCKINGS, BELTS, Etc. MAW'S REGISTERED MEDICINE SPOONS. MAW'S INCORRODIBLE RESPIRATORS. MAW'S REGISTERED GUM BOTTLES. Book of Illustrations and Price Current on Application GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 321 W. H. Schieffelin & Co. Also own or control the following Articles ANDERSON'S RHEUMATIC BALSAM See Pages 95 and 309 BERANGER'S FRENCH BALANCES See Page 256 COOPER PILL MACHINE See Page 247 GARDNER'S PREPARATIONS See Pages 91 and 305 KENT'S RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM See Page 119 KIDDER'S PREPARATIONS See Page 5 MOLLER'S PUREST NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL See Pages 36 and 110 STEINER'S (FRENCH) PHOSPHOR RAT PASTE See Pages 113 and 309 SWAIM'S PANACEA See Page 112 SWIFT'S DRUG MILLS See Pages 213, 214, 215 S. F. de PASQUALE & BROTHERS' OIL LEMON and BERGAMOT..See Pages 36 and 37 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.s' Soluble Pills and Granules, UNEQUALLED FOR Purity in Composition, Solubility in Coating, Uniformity in Size, Perfection in Form and Finish. OIL LEMON! OIL BERGAMOT! We desire to call the attention of Druggists, Manufacturers, and Consumers generally, to a new and superior brand of OIL LEMON and BERGAMOT introduced by us into this market. The brand is S. F. DE PASQUALE & FL2± and the article is unexcelled for Strength, Purity and Delicacy of Flavor by any brand known in this market. As there are other manufacturers of similar name, caution should be observed to see that the Packages are branded as above. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., SOLE IMPORTERS OF S. F. de PASQUALE & BROTHERS' OIL LEMON and BERGAMOT. 322 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S THE "ORIGINAL" PATENT MacliiDe-Mafle Metallic Hair Brush. It is not often the case that inventions are both useful and ornamental, but the proprietors of the PATENT MACHINE-MADE METALLIC HAIR BRUSH have succeeded, after many years of study, in producing an article that is one of the most useful inventions of the age, as well as an orna- ment to a gentleman's or lady's toilet table. The advantage this brush possesses over all other brushes is its efficacy in cleansing the head from dandruff, which is so destructive to the roots of the hair, causing it to fall off and turn gray prematurely. A good growth of natural hair is the greatest ornament a gentleman or lady can possess, and we claim by the use of our brush it will prevent the hair from falling off or turning gray as soon as it other- wise would if our brush were not used ; it will also give the hair a lively, glossy appearance which no pomatum or cosmetic can impart. No comb which pulls out and breaks off the hair need ever be used, except, perhaps, to part the hair, as the brush assumes a double purpose of brush and comb, except that at does not pull out and destroy the hair like a comb. This brush being made of wire, composed of two kinds of metals, guarantees it from rust, and it can be washed as well as a piece of silver wire, and will last longer than ten brushes of any other kind now in use ; in fact it will last a lifetime. Several thou- sands of these brushes have been sold within the last four years as trial brushes, on condition that if not satisfactory the money would be refunded, and not a single brush has been returned, but on the other hand parties have told us they would not part with the brush for fifty dollars if they could not obtain nother. Hundreds of certificates can be produced certifying to the superiority our brush has over all others. We make several different styles and prices. The quality of the brush is the same, and every brush is warranted to give satisfaction. We also manufacture a Horse Curry Comb and Brush combined, on the same principle, the best article to groom a horse ever introduced to the public. Send for circulars and price-lists. Beware of worthless imitations. Brushes secured by metallic band soon corrode, catch in the hair, and become useless. The Poland Brush is the original Patent. All infringements will be prose- cuted. All genuine Poland Wire Brushes bear stamp, Patented July 21, 1874. Patent Horse Curry Comb and Brush Combined. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE PATENT METALLIC BRUSH COMPANY. ARTHUR POLAND, General Manager. Office and Salesroom, SO Hanover Street, Boston. And for sale at Furnishing Goods Stores, and by dealers in Toilet and Fancy Articles generally. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 323 Jeremiah Quinlan, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF SUNDRIES AND FANCI GOODS, 136 and 138 William Street, near Fulton, NEW YORK. We take pleasure in calling the attention of the Drug Trade to our well-assorted stock of Regular Goods and Specialties. Our various lines will be found complete, and we be- lieve that we can offer the trade inducements in variety and prices that are not to be found elsewhere. Special Quotations will lie given with pleasure. Comsmtace invited. Extra Heavy Cut Bottom Shelf Ware. Regular Weight Shelf Ware. Prescription Case Ware. Recess Shelf Ware. French Porcelain Ointment Jars. English Ointment Jars. Large assortment of Elegant Cut and En- graved Show Globes. Painted and Decorated Show Jars. Counter Urns. French Counter Jars. Perfume Stands. Pill Machines. Graduated Measures. French Gramme Graduates. Druggists' Sieves. Mortars and Pestles. Steel Spatulas. Horn Spatulas. Soda Water Tumblers and Holders. Window Brackets for Show Globes. Drug Mills. Tincture Presses. Tin Herb Cans. Glass Labels. Drawer Pulls. Counter Scales. Prescription Scales. Nine French Balances. Brass Block Weights. Metric Weights. Aluminium Grain Weights. Elastic Bulb Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringes. Glass Syringes, etc. Atomizers. Pocket Flasks. Thermometers. Hydrometers. Chemical and Philosophical Glassware, etc. We are only enabled to briefly enumerate but a small portion of our stock. Our new Illustrated Catatogue, which has just been completed, will be foiwarded cheerfully to any druggist applying for it. Parties favoring us with their orders by mail, whether for large or small quantities, may be assured of our best terms and prompt attention. 324 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S THE ][> Harter Medicine Co.( PROPRIETORS OF DR. HARTER'S Fever and Ague Specific, Fever and Ague Specific Pills, Liver Pills, Vermifuge Candy, Lung Balm, Iron Tonic, Soothing Drops, Liniment Elixir of Wild Cherry. THESE STERLING MEDICINES Have stood the test of Time, and have proved themselves to be just what they are recommended, is the testimony of the thousands that are daily using them. MANUFACTURED BY The Dr. Harter Medicine Co.. No. 213 NORTH MAIN STREET, ST, LOUIS. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co Cards Printed in this Style and Perfumed with the Cologne sent to dealers free of charge, upon application. " Hoyt's German Cologne," The Most Delightful Odor of the Age. rich, delicate and permanent, it hat attained a celebrity never before awarded to any other Cologne, and the Proprie- tors point with pride to its immense popularity and rapidly increasing sale as the best evidence of its merits. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND IMITATIONS! All Genuine Hon's German Cologne has the name blown in the glass and the signature of the Proprietors printed in red across the label. sold By all druggists and fancy goods dealers. Tria/ Size, 3S Cts. ; Large Bottles, fl.OO. E. W. HOYT & CO., Proprietors, LOWELL, - - MASS. For further information see other side. Hoyts German Cologne. FKAGBANT A A l) LAST I AO. THE MOST POPULAR AND BEST-SELLING Perfume- of the TimesI E. W. HOYT & CO., Proprietors. MANUFACTORY AT LOWELL, MASS. Sold by all Jobbers throughout the Country. Our method of advertising with Perfumed Cards is very acceptable to the Trade. We will send to dealers, upon application, a supply of elegant Cards, advertis- ing "Hoyt's German Cologne," and perfumed with the same; and, in order that the distribution of them may be made mutually profitable, we print on one side the business card of party. Send in your orders for this advertising matter. 44Beware of Imitations." The genuine "Hoyt's German Cologne " has the name blown in the bottle, and the signature of the proprietors printed in red across the label, and as an addi- tional guarantee of genuineness, all "Hoyt's German Cologne " put up here- after will be stamped with a United States Internal Kevenue Stamp of private design, to counterfeit or imitate which is felony, and punishable by fine and im- prisonment, according to the provisions of the law. E. W. HOYT & CO., Proprietors of Hoyt's German Cologne, LOWELL, MASS., IT. S. A. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 325 THE K. & M. MALT PREPARATIONS. MADE FROM CANADA BARLEY. Selected, malted, dried, and extracted by and under the immediate supervision of Graduates of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. COKOENTBATED IJST Packed in neatly stencilled wood boxes of one dozen each. No charge for Boxing or Cartage. Dozen Pint Bottles. The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt $8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, with Alteratives 10 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " Beef, Wine, and Iron 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, Cod-Liver Oil 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " " and Chloride of Iron, 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " " and Hypophos: Co... 10 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " " and Iodide Iron 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " " and Phosphorus 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " " and Phos. Lime 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, Ferrated 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " with Quinin 12 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, with Hops 8 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " Hypophosphites Comp 10 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " Iodides Co 10 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " Pepsin 12 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " " and Bismuth 15 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " " Bismuth & Strychnia, 15 00 The K. & M. Imp. Extract Malt, " Proto Chloride of Iron 9 00 THE K. & M. INFANT'S FOOD, per doz., $3.50. K, & M. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS OF CITRATE MANESIA, BICARB POTASH, CITRATE POTASH, CIT. IRON AND QUININE, " " " ARSENIC, NITRATE CERIUM, OXALATE CERIUM, VICHY SALT, CRAB ORCHARD SALT, CITRATE LITHIA, SALICYLATE LITHIA, BENZOATE LITHIA, CARB LITHIA, CITRATE CAFFEIN, PEPSIN, BISM. & STRYCHNIA, CITRATE BISMUTH, KISSENGEN SALT, SELTZER SALT, CONGRESS SALT, Etc., Etc., Etc. SEND FOR FULL PRICE-LIST TO THE MANUFACTURERS, KEASBEY & MATTISON, 332 N. Front Street, PHILADELPHIA. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co AND BY JOBBERS GENERALLY. 326 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Nichols' Self-Acting Carboy Pump. Patented March 18, 1873, and March 28, 1876. The Nichols' Self-Acting Carboy Pump is a lift and force Pump of glass and iron, in which air is made to act as a piston. After a few strokes of the bulb it becomes self-acting. Air pro- tects the bulb and joints. The glass protects the iron covering from the acids, and the iron securely protects the glass from being broken. The working parts will never wear out. The whole is light, strong, durable, and sure to work. These Pumps require no attaching- no disengaging-are ready for imme- diate use as soon as dropped into the carboy, and can be transferred into another with perfect ease. A child can manage them. Once set in motion the acid flows until stopped, thus delivering safely and quickly any quantity from a wine- glassful to the contents of the carboy. It does not imperil the carboy. Any acid can be drawn from a carboy by it with no more effort than is neces- sary in drawing liquids from a barrel with a faucet. It will save its own cost by avoiding the present waste by spill- ing, and persons at all familiar with the emptying of carboys by tipping, cannot fail to appreciate the advantage of using this Pump, thereby avoiding the labor and escaping the serious accidents which are of almost daily occurrence. Single firms frequently order two or three at once for one kind of acid, where they have as many carboys on tap. This Pump is complete in itself, and in the future we believe it will be where- ever the carboy is. It will be seen by inspection that this Pump is so simple in construction that it cannot easily get out of order, and when any of the parts are needed they can be readily and cheaply supplied. These Pumps have been extensively introduced in this country, and to some extent in foreign countries, and have given entire satisfaction. THE OLD WAY. THE NEW. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 327 BA WO & DOTTER, 30 and 32 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. .? R UE DE LA FONDEEIE, LIMOGES, FRANCE. MANUFACTURERS FRENCH PORCELAIN, Bohemian Glassware Toilet Sets, Colognes, Card Baskets, Set of Vases, Single flow- er Vases, etc. ORMULA GOODS, Best quality fine gold Toilet Sets, Perfume Boxes,Vases, etc. Waiters nd Trays, STRAWS and SPLINTS. SEGAR LIGHTER? i Shades and Chimney PARIAN MARBLE, Groups, Figures, Busts, etc. Including a large as- sortment of above of a suitable size for Druggists' Show Cases. German China Goods FOR JOBBING. China Limb Dolls, Doll-Heads, Boxes, Segar Stands, Ani- mals, Figures, etc. Lava Goods, Segar Stands, Sets. Cuspadores, Etc. French Clocks, Bronze Figures, Jardeniere Stands, French China, Dinner and Tea Ware, Fine Vases, Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Shell Vases, full and com- plete assortment, at our Show Rooms, 30 and 32 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. 328 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S ~l-p ~y ~T\i~ ~|-)? CALCINED MAGNESIA, First Premium Silver Medals Awarded by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; by the Mechanics' Association, Boston; by the American Institute, New York; and by the Maryland Institute. In the report of the Twentieth Exhibition of American Manufacturers by the Franklin Institute. Pa., it is stated that Husband's Magnesia is" Believed Id be the Best in the United States," ISTTTGtTjAJSS ADHESIVE PLASTER. This Plaster has been found to be admirably adapted to Strapping after Surgi- cal operations, and as a dressing to either incised or lacerated wounds. It is cleanly, of easy application, adheres firmly and being semi-transparent allows of an examination of the parts without their having to be disturbed by its removal, until, in many instances, the cure is effected. This Plaster is not affected by age, and will bear exposure to any climate. Professor Mutter, in his late edition of Professor Liston's Lectures on Surgery, etc., remarks that "the Isinglass Plaster referred to by Mr. Liston, is exceedingly well made by Mr. Husband of this city ; and for some time past I have almost abandoned the use of the old Adhesive Plaster of the shops, which often in persons of a delicate skin, or children, produces troublesome irritation." MANUFACTURED BY THOMAS J. HUSBAND, PHILADELPHIA. Pa. For Sale by W. H. SchiefFelin & Co GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 329 DONALD KENNEDY'S MEDICINES. MEDICAL DISCOVERY, warranted to cure every kind of humor, from a common Pimple to the worst kind of Scrofula, Cancer excepted. Price, $1.50 PRAIRIE WEED ; a Balsam and Tonic for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Inflammation of the Throat and Lungs, and all difficulties tending to Consumption. Price, $1.00 RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC DISSOLVENT will neutralize and dissolve the virus that causes Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, and all Rheumatic Pains in any part of the system. Price, $1.50 RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. The best outward application for Pains, Bruises, and Aches of all kinds. Price, 50 cts. SALT-RHEUM OINTMENT cures all Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Price, 50 cts. SCROFULA OINTMENT. For cleansing and purifying Scrofulous Sores. Price, $1.00 HEALING OINTMENT. For cleansing and healing Ulcers and Old Sores. Price, 50 cts. SCATTERING LINIMENT. For dissolving and scattering Strumous Swellings. Price, $1.00 HAIR GROWER. For Scald Head and Loss of Hair from Dandruff and Heat. Price, $1.00 HAIR TEA. A Vegetable Tonic and Preserver of the Hair. For Sale by all Druggists in the United States and Canada. No Medicines sent C. O. D., or to be sold on Commission. Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. 330 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S E. F. Holbrook & Brothers, IMPORTERS OF FreDCli W Glass, POLISHED PLATE GLASS, FLOOR and SKYLIGHT GLASS, Ornamental Glass FOR OFFICES, PRESCRIPTION CASES, VESTIBULE DOORS, ETC. Also Manufacturers' Agents for AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. ALL KINDS OF GLASS Sold in quantities to suit, and cut to any size or shape 85, 87, and 89 BEEKMAN ST., 53 and 55 CLIFF STREET. NEW YORK. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 331 AMERICAN PAPER BOX COMPANY, George W. Plumly & Son. Nos. 213, 215 and 217 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (Corner of Brandi Street), PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF DRUGGISTS' BOXES, Including PROJECTING EDGE PILL, RED PILL IMITATION ENGLISH, IMITATION GERMAN, With Blank Labels on Top of Lid, etc. SAMPLES furnished for all kinds of Boxes used by Druggists, gratis. DRUGGISTS' POWDER AND PILL BOXES Furnished with Labels of Special Design, and address. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. 332 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S JOHN WYETH & BRO.'S FLUID EXTRACTS, ELIXIRS, WINES, Dialysed Iron, Conuraeil Powders or Pills, Etc. We have in Stock a full line of the Fluid Extracts, Elixirs, Syrups, Wines, Compressed Powders, Dialysed Iron, and other Medicinal Preparations, manufactured by John Wyeth & Brother, Philadelphia. The goods manufactured by this firm'are deservedly popular, and give great satisfaction. We have every confidence in the claims of the manufacturers as to the quality of their products. Their large sale and popularity with the best retail trade for many years is the strongest evidence of their care in selecting the choicest drugs, with careful manipulation and intelligent manufacture. We can supply these preparations on as favorable terms as the manufacturers, and will send free of charge, on application, their price-lists, dose-books, and samples of their goods. W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 333 DRUGGISTS' LABELS. HARRIS & COMPANY, IO, 112 cltlcL 11 Broccdwccy, SclIqjtl, Ohio, MANUFACTURERS OF GUMMED AND UNGUMMED LABELS. Catalogue Style, 2078. Onr latels are trimmed to tjordcr ant ent nj in packages of 250 eacL WE ALSO FURNISH PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION BLANKS IN VARIOUS STYLES OF BINDING, Drug Envelopes, Wrappers for Proprietary Medicines, etc,, AND GENERALJOB PRINTING. When desired we will do printing in Spanish and French at a slight advance on list prices. Sample Book sent to Druggists on application. Address us also for Catalogue of Druggists' Emblematic Signs, 334 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S SHIVERS' Spread Plasters, MANUFACTURED BY CHAS. SHIVERS, Seventh, and Spruce Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Adhesive Plaster, 5 yard rolls. Adhesive Plaster, Twilled, 5 " " Adhesive Plaster, Canton Flannel, . . . . 5 " " Adhesive Plaster, Swansdown, 5 " " Soap Plaster, 5 " " Adhesive Plaster, Half Width, 2 " cans. Adhesive Plaster, " 1 " boxes. Aconite Plaster, 6% inches wide, 1 " " Arnica Plaster, 6% " 1 " " Belladonna Plaster, " 1 " " Capsicum Plaster, " u u Conium Plaster, " 1 " " Opium Plaster, " 1 " " Adhesive Plaster, on Black Silk, 1 " " Isinglass Plaster, Pink and White, Court Plaster, White, Black, and Flesh. After more than thirty years' practical experience in the manufacture of Plasters, and. by using the purest and best materials, I am enabled to furnish Plasters which are superior to all others. CHARLES SHIVERS. Orders for any of the above Plasters promptly executed by W. H. Schieffelin <& Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 335 TROMMER'S EXTRACT OF MALT. The rapidly increasing demand 'for our Improved Extract of Malt, during the four years that it has been manufactured and offered to the medical profession in America, justifies the belief that in its pro- duction here we pre meeting a generally felt want. Long experience in manufacturing Malt Extract has enabled us to completely overcome the many diffi- culties attending its manufacture in large quantity; and we positively assure the profession that our Extract of Malt is not only perfectly pure and reliable, but that it will keep for years, in any climate, without fer- menting or molding, and that its flavor actually improves by age. Our Extract is guaranteed to equal, in every respect, the best German make, while, by avoiding the expenses of importation, it is afforded at less than half the price of the foreign article. The Malt from which it is made, is obtained by carefully malting the very best quality of selected Toronto Canada Barley. The Extract is prepared by an improved process, which prevents injury to its propertis or flavor by excessive heat. It represents the soluble constituents of Malt and Hops, viz. : MALT SUGAR, DEXTRINE, DIASTASE, RESIN and BITTER OF HOPS, PHOSPHATES OF LIME and MAGNESIA, and ALKALINE SALTS. Attention is invited to the following analysis of this Extract, as given by S. H. Douglas, Professor of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. TROMMER EXTRACT OF MALT CO.:-I enclose herewith my analysis of your Extract of Malt: Malt Sugar 46.1: Dextrine, Hop-bitter, Extractive Matter, 23.6; Albuminous Matter (Diastase), 2.469: Ash-Phosphates, 1.712; Alkalies .377; Water, 25.7. Total, 99.958. In comparing the above analysis with that of the Extract of Malt of the German Pharmacopoea, as given by Hager, that has been so generally received by the profession, I find it to substantially agree with that article. Yours truly, SILAS H. DOUGLAS, Prof, of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. This invaluable preparation is highly recommended by the medical profession, as a most effective therapeutic agent, for the restoration of delicate and exhausted constitutions. It is very nutritious, being rich in both muscle and fat-producing materials. The very large proportion of Diastase renders it most effective in those forms of disease originating in imperfect digestion of the starchy elements of food. A single dose of the Improved Trommer's Extract of Malt contains a larger quantity of the active properties of Malt than a pint of the best ale or porter, and not having undergone fermentation, is absolutely free from alcohol and carbonic acid. The dose for adults is from a dessert to a tablespoonful three times daily. It is best taken after meals, pure, or mixed with a glass of milk, or in water, wine, or any kind of spirituous liquor. Each bottle con- tains il/2 lbs. of the Extract. Our preparations of Malt are for sale by druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas, at the following prices. Extract of Malt, With Hops (Plain),$1 00 " " " " Pyrophosphate of Iron (Ferrated), 1 00 " " " " Cod Liver Oil, 1 00 " " " " Cod Liver Oil and Iodide of Iron, 1 00 " " " " Cod Liver Oil and Phosphorous, . . . . 1 00 " " " " Hypophosphites, . 1 50 " " " " Iodides, 1 50 " " " " Alteratives 1 50 " " " " Citrate of Iron and Quinia, 1 50 " " " " Pepsin, 1 50 Manufactured, by TROMMER EXTRACT OF MALT CO., FREMONT, OHIO. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. 336 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S 1845. 1878. YOUNG & SMYLIE, MANUFACTURERS OF LICORICE PASTE AND STICK, 180, 182, 184 and 186 First Street, Brooklyn, E, D., N. Y. When a business has been established for over thirty-two years, it would seem to be super, fluous to call the attention of the public to it. It is not our intention to do this, concerning our standard goods, viz.: Sicily, Refined and Imitation Calabria, as they are known from Maine to Texas, but we want to speak of our Y. &• S. Brand of Pure Stick Licorice, which we introduced a few years since, and a sale of which has been so immense that it has run into the hundreds of tons. It is an article the purity of which is so palpable, that it requires no glazing to conceal defects to make it salable. It is compounded of the finest Spanish Root, and when finished it is extremely bright and lustrous, while the fracture is brilliant and the flavor delicious. It is entirely free from grit, and is in every respect equal to the best Im- ported Stick. We urge its use among those who are still possessed with the idea that noth- ing is good but the Imported Stick; to convince them that what we assert is truth; besides there is more money in the Y. &*S., and that is what all merchants do business for. The great secret of the success of the Y. & S. Brand is the superior machinery employed in its manufacture, the perfect manipulation, and uniformity of the article at all times. Our Lic- orice Gems, which are retailed at one cent, are unique in shape, rolled perfectly, and as free from grit as the best stick. The Licorice Tablet we still continue to make with all the im provements that experience suggests. We add to our list this season, Licorice Brilliants, the most perfect article ever offered and as delicious as a confection, weighing 400 to the lb. The Brilliants are packed in 5 lb. Boxes, 60 Box Cases, and also in Bbls, for the convenience of Jobbers. We guarantee full weight, pack no broken pieces, and do not charge for package or cartage. Brand Y. & S., 6, 9, 15 Sticks to lb. Packed in 5 lb. Boxes, 60 Box Cases. Packed in Leaves (loose), 125 and 250 lb. Cases. Brand Lon»'ii, Licorice Gems, 45 to lb. Packed in 5 lb. Boxes, 60 Box Cases. Lady, or Refined Calabria, 65 Sticks to lb. Packed in 5 lb. Boxes, 60 Box Cases. LICORICE TABLETS. Packed in 5 lb. Boxes, 60 Box Cases. " " 10 lb. Boxes, 20 Box Cases, glass fronts. " " Bbls, (loose), about 250 lbs. Imitation Calabria, Brand Bar- raceo, n Sticks to lb. Packed in 5 lb. Boxes, 60 Box Cases. Sicily, or Penny Stick, Brand O, Otto, 45 Sticks to lb. Packed in 5 lb. Boxes, 60 Box Cases. MASS LICORICE. Brand XXL, Greek Mass, Cases about 250 lbs. Brand Y. S. Y., Spanish. Mass, Cases about 450 lbs. Licorice Brilliants, 400 to lb., packed in 5 lb. Box, 60 Box Cases, and in Bbls, weighing about 250 lbs. XXL Brand, Mass Licorice, in 10 lb. Boxes, 20 Box Cases for the convenience of Druggists and Confectioners. Published quotations are frequently a cause of trouble between the jobber and smaller dealer, and as our trade is altogether with the former, we find it no trouble, but on the contrary, a pleasure to answer inquiries and furnish price current. These goods are held in stock by all the Wholesale Druggists and Confectioners in the United States. THESE GOOES ARE KEPT IN STOCK BY W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 337 "DRAW-UP" DRUG PRESSES. Patented, January I, 1878. 10t„to order only, i| 1-2 Gall, $3 each, > I Gall, - $6 each, Gall, - 12 each, Ot the best possible construction, working parts nickle-plated or galvanized, and nuts gun metal ; these Presses will readily sustain a pressure .of several tons even in the smallest sizes. These Presses supply a want to which attention has recently been called in the leading foreign journals of Pharmacy, and offer at a remarkably low cost, the means of removing the maximum amount of menstrum from the marc or dregs of Tinctures, Fluid Extracts, etc., by the exertion of a pressure hitherto unattainable without resort to Hydraulics. The convenience, cleanliness and power of the Draw-up Press are seen at a glance. The plunger is drawn up out of the liquid by the screw, instead of being forced down, and the liquid drips down into the receiver which surrounds the colander, and remains there until the pressing is completed. The strength of the Draw-up Press is limited only by the tensile endurance of the screw, which is of Wrought Iron. The weakest, that used in the Half-gallon Press, having a theoretic value of 26,000 pounds. Few hydraulic presses can give a pressure to the square inch that these presses do. DIRECTIONS. Screw the wrench or yoke to the wall at the right height, place the colander into the receiver, the holes up, then place the plunger into the colander, place the material to be pressed on the top of the plunger, put the cover on to the colander over the screw, then screw on the nut and put on the iron lever. Then put the press into the wrench or yoke, and by means of a wood lever finish the pressing. To press fine drugs, use a cloth, make a hole in the centre and pass it over the screw. FOR SALE BY W. H. Schieftelin & Co. 338 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S CRYSTAL CHLORIDE KALIUM SOLUTION Is not the result of artificial manipulation in the laboratory of the chemist, but a preparation from a natural mineral salt, which, with all its properties of acknowledged medicinal efficacy, has for ages been stored in the.depths of the earth to await discovery and applica- tion to the necessities of mankind. It not only gives prompt relief from the irritability of acute congestion, but in chronic cases of diseased mucuous membrane, will, by its gentle'stimulating and astringent qualities, nvigorate the parts affected, promote their healthy action, arrest morbid discharges, and ■restore the normal secretions. Endorsed by the Medical Profession. A New York Practitioner of experience, after repeated trials, reports: "In a variety of skin diseases of a dry and non-suppurating character, and in old ulcers, it has worked well. In all Catarrhal affections and in Acne, Rosacea, it has given great relief and produced marked cures when the usual remedies have failed. In case of Rupia Prominens, it imme- diately changed the character of the secretions, and in a few days afforded decided relief. The results have been far beyond my expectations, and I cheerfully recommend it to the profession as an article of great merit." A complete analysis and full directions on every package. A celebrated Physician who has thoroughly tried it, says: "I have used your Chloride of Kalium Solution in various forms of Catarrhal troubles, Nasal, Pharyngeal, Vaginal, and Uterine, with the most marked success. When indicated, the action is more speedily bene- ficial than any thing in my experience." Used with the most satisfactory results in all forms of Catarrh, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Conjunctivitis, Hay Fever, Leucorrhcea, Hemorrhoids, and Skin and Mucuous diseases generally. Samples to Physicians Free. German Bathing Salt. Is a mineral deposit, and the most wonderful natural specific known for mild cutaneous diseases and all conditions of the body where the bath is prescribed. It is invalua- ble for children, strengthening the body, exciting the appetite, and is a potent agent in the relief of Ma- larial Complaints. Kate's Beliaht, For use in washing China, Silver- ware, Painted Walls or Wood- work, Mirrors, Window Glass, Kitchen Utensils, etc., is superior to any thing in the market. It cleanses Flannel and Woolen Goods beautifully. Sold by all Druggists. Send for descriptive circulars, prices, sam- ples, etc. Odorless Disinfectant anil Deodorizer Is invaluable in every household. It is powerful, harmless, cheap. Should be used in every sick room and nursery. Its properties are simply marvelous. Try it anywhere and under all circumstances, but be sure it comes in actual contact with the substance or place to be purified. We offer Muriate of Potash 80% to 97% ; also Sulphate Potash 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80%, n lots to arrive at lowest maket rates. ERDENSALZ CHEMICAL COMPANY, 120 Liberty Street, LT. Y. For Sale by W. H. Schieffelin & Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 339 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s SPECIALTIES. W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Double Distilled Bay Rum doz., $10 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Benzine &oz. 1 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " gross' 9 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Camphor Ice and Glycerine doz 1 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " « '''''''''gross' 16 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Fine Willow Charcoal, in bottles... doz 1 75 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " « ... .gross' 18 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Chlorate Potash Lozenges doz 1 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " « « '. ' ' .'gross, 16 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Citrate Magnesia Solution doz. 2 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " gro ' 24 qq W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Cologne Mixture ~lb' 7 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Cologne Water Bell. Qts doz. 21 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " pts « ' 12 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " Half Pts « 6 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Essence Jamaica Ginger « 3 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " gross, 36 QQ W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Flavoring Extracts. (See Pages 16, 17.) W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Florida Water ' doz 5 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " « '. 60 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Fluid Extracts. (See Page 69.) W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Oil. Qts. Boxes of 1 doz box, 8 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Gil. Pts. Boxes of 2 doz box, 9 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Oil. Half Pts Boxes of 2 doz box, 6 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Lucca Cream Salad Oil. Flasks Boxes of doz box, 10 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Huile d'Clive Vierge d'Aix Quarts Boxes of 1 doz box, ? 5Q W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Huile d'Olive Vierge d'Aix Pints Boxes of 2 doz box* 8 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Huile d'Olive Vierge d'Aix, Half Pints Boxes of 2 doz box, 5 25 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Pure Dalmatian Insect Powder. Small, doz. 1 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " « « gro ' 16 5Q W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " " Med., doz.' 2 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " « « gro 27 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " « « Large, 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " « « gro W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Saturated Solution Carbolic Acid. Pts. doz. 3 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " " « « gro ' 3g 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Seidlitz Powders. Full Weight... doz' 3 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " « " « '.gross' 33 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " " Extra " doz. 3 75 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " « « « . gross', 40 00 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Soda Powders doz. 150 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s " « " gross,' j 6 50 W. H. Schieffelin & Co.'s Soluble Pills. (See Pages 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.) 340 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Please always to Specify Planten's Capsules when ordering. "THE BEST OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURE." ESTABLISHED 1836. Exhibition American Institute, N. Y., 1840. International Exhibition, N. Y., 1853. International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876: Award For "General Excellence in Manufacture." H. PLANTEN & SON, 224 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. GELATINE CAPSULES OF ALL KINDS : ALSO, JUJUBE PASTE (EMPTY) CAPSULES. Detailed Price-Lists and Samples sent-on application. We now make the following and other kinds, to which NEW preparations are constantly added: Pure Sandalwood Oil. Pure Sandalwood Oil (with 1-10 Cassia), Sandalwood Oil and Copaiba, Sandalwood Oil Cubebs and Copaiba, Norway Cod Liver Oil with Iodide of Iron, Essential Oil of Cubebs, Ethereal Extract Oil of Cubebs, Balsam Fir, Pure Norwegian Tar. Pure Oil of Turpentine Pure Oil of Erigeron, Pure Oil of Wormseed, Castor Oil (% gr. Podophyllin), Chloroform, Apiol, Haarlem Oil, Phosphorated Oil, Phos. Comp, Ext. Nux Vomica, Oil Eucalyptus Globulus, Oil of Male Fern (5 grs. Kamala.) Pure Copaiba, Compound Copaiba and Oil of Cubebs, Copaiba, Cubebs and Matico, Copaiba and Amm. Citrate of Iron. Copaiba and Ethereal Oil of Cubebs, Copaiba and Matico, Matico, Pure Xylol, Norway Cod Liver Oil. EMPTY CAPSULES (5 sizes,) No. O, largest; No. 4, smallest. Especially adapted and recommended for administering concentrated or nauseous medicines free from taste or smell. Preventing irritation of mouth or throat, and injury to the teeth. Put up in boxes of too each. _ Our Capsules are not patented nor FILLED with any SECRET PREPARATION, but made strictly in accordance with officinal formulas, and contain NONE but authorized medicines of the U. S. Dispensatory ; are entirely reliable and soluble, free from all TASTE or SMELL, will remain perfect in and stand any climate. Labels and directions furnished in ANY LANGUAGE. N. B.-Particular attention given to Capsuling Special Receipts. CAUTION.-In consequence of the reputation which our Capsules have obtained, numbers of per- sons are constantly selling an article of inferior quality, with which you may be deceived. In order to avoid any occurrence of the kind, please ask for PLANTEN'S CAPSULES, and you will not be de- ceived. Their entire reliability is amply attested by the large increasing sale throughout the United States, Cuba, West Indies, South America, and other countries, by which they have established their own reputation, and are the most salable. KEPT BY DRUGGISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Sole Agents in America for BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC FILLS. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 341 INDEX. Abdominal Supporters.. 158, 217 Absolute Alcohol 4 Absorbent Cotton 212 Acacia Flowers 21 Acetal 1 Acetate of Aluminium 4 Acetate of Ammonium 4 Acetate of Amyl 5 Acetate of Barium 8 Acetate of Calcium 10 Acetate of Cobalt 13 Acetate of Copper 14 Acetate of Iron 26 Acetate of Lead 29 Acetate of Magnesia 32 Acetate of Manganese 33 Acetate of Mercury 34 Acetate of Methyl 34 Acetate of Morphine 34 Acetate of Nickel 35 Acetate of Potassium 42 Acetate of Silver 50 Acetate of Sodium 51 Acetate of Strontium 54 Acetate of Strychnia 54 Acetate of Uranium 58 Acetate of Quinia 44 Acetate of Zinc 63 Acetic Acid 1 Acetic Ether 16 Aceton 1 Acid, Lemon 94 Acid Phosphates 94 Acid Pumps 251 Acids 1, 2, 3 Aconite Leaves ... .29, 65 Aconite Root 45, 65 Aconitia 3 Acorn Coffee 13 Aesculin 3 Aethyliden Chloride 3 African Ginger 46 Agaric 3 Agrimony Herb 25, 65 Air Beds 158 Air Cushions 158 Air Pillows 158 Alabaster Tablets 158 Albumen 4 Alcannin 4 Alcohol 4 Alcoholized Iron 26 Alcohol Lamps 159 Alcohol Meters 159 Aldehyd 4 Ale 4 Alizarin 4 Alkaloid of Cinchonia 13 Alkaloid of Cinchonidia 13 Alkaloid of Morphine 34 Alkaloid of Quinia 44 Alkanet Root 45 Alkekengi Berries 9 Alkethrepta 94 Allan's Fly Bricks 97 Allevantor (Proprietary) 94 Alleviator (Proprietary) 94 Alloxan 4 Alloxantin... 4 Allspice 4 Almond Meal 4 Almonds 4 Aloes 23 Aloin 4 Althea Flowers 21 Althea Herb 25, 65 Althea Root 45,' 65 Alterative (Proprietary) 94 Alum 4 Aluminated Copper 14 Aluminium 4 Amber 23 Ambergris 4 Amboline (Proprietary) 94 Ambrette Seed 49, 50 Ambrosia (Proprietary) 94 American Arrowroot 6 Ammonia 4 Ammoniac 23 Ammoniated Copper 14 Ammoniated Iron 26 Ammoniated Mercury 34 Ammoniated Sulph. of Nickel 35 Ammoniated Tartar 55 Ammonium 4, 5 Amorphous Phosphorus 40 Amorphous Quinia 44 Amputating Cases 198 Amygdalin ,... 5 Amyl 5 Amylen 5 AmylicAcid 1 Amylum 5 Anacahuita Wood 63 Anaesthetic Ether 16 Anakesis (Proprietary) 94 Anchusa Root 45 Anethi Herb 25 Anethi Seed 50 Angelica Root 45, 65 Angelica Seed 49, 65 Angostura Bark 7 Aniline 5 Aniline Salt 5 Aniline Dye Colors (Prop'y). 102 Animal Charcoal 12 Anime. 23 Aniseed 49 Anisette (Proprietary) 91 Anklets 217 Annatto 6, 133 Annattoine 6 Annatto Seed 49 Annihilator (Proprietary).... 94 Anodyne 6 Anodyne (Proprietary) 94 Anthracen 6 Antidote (Proprietary) 94 Antidote for Arsenic 27 Antimoniate of Potassium... 42 Antimonic Acid 1 Antimony 6 Aperient (Proprietary) 94 Apiol 6 Apomorphia 6 Aprons, Nursery 159 Aqua Fortes 6 Aqua Renis 94 Arctusine 159 Areca Nuts 35 Argols 6 Armenia Bole 10 Arnica Flowers 21 Arnica Herb 25 Arnica Root 45 Arnicine 6 Arnold's Ink 230 Aromatic Confection 14 Aromatic Powder 44 Aromatic Vinegar 159 Aronis Root 45 Arrowroot 6, 133 Arseniate of Ammonium.... 4 Arseniate of Calcium 10 Arseniate of Copper 14 Arseniate of Iron 26 Arseniate of Potassium 42 Arseniate of Quinia 44 Arseniate of Sodium 51 Arseniate of Strychnia 54 Arsenic 6 Arsenic Acid 1 Arsenious Acid 1 Arsenite of Copper 14 Arsenite of Iron 26 Arsenite of Potassium 42 Arsenite of Sodium 51 Artemisia Herb 25 Artemisia Root 45 Artists' Brushes... 171, 172, 173, 174. 175. 176, 177. 178 Asarabacca Root 45 Asbestos 7 Asparagin 7 Asparaginic Acid 1 Asparagus Root 65 Asphaltum 24 Assafoetida 24 Assimilant (Proprietary)..... 94 Atkinson's Extracts 160, 218 Atkinson's lod. Potassium . .127 Atkinson's Powder 160 Atkinson's Sachets 160, 254 Atomizers 159, 160 Atropia 7 Atwood's Alcohol ... 4 Atwood's Cologne 204 August Flower (Proprietary) 94 Aureoline (Proprietary) 160 Auricles.,.. .215, 216 Aurilaves 160 Avens Root., 45, 65 Aqua Fortis 6 Axle Grease (Proprietary)... 94 Babbitt's Potash 42 Bags, Ice 229 Bags, Saddle 254, 255 Bags, Soap 267 Bags, Sponge 272 Bags, Water 289 Balls, Chalk 203 Balls, I. R 160 Balm of Gilead Buds 10 Balm Mint ... 25 Balm (Proprietary) 94 Balsam 7 Balsam Catholicon 7 Balsam Commondeur....... 7 Balsam Copaiva 7 Balsam De Nervee 7 Balsam Fioraventi 7 Balsam Fir 7 Balsam, Friar's 7 Balsam Gurjun 7 Balsam Mecca 7 Balsam Peru 7 Balsam Riga 7 Balsam Sulphur 7 Balsam Tolu 7 342 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Balsam Tranquille 7 Balsam, Turlington's 7, 95 Balsams (Proprietary) .94, 95; 96 Bandage Gum 161 Bandage, Surgeon's 161 Bandages, Suspensory. .274, 275 Bandoline 161 Bands, I. R 161 Banisher (Proprietary) 96 Barbadoes Tar 55 Barbary Root 93 Barberry Bark 7, 65 Bardanae Herb. 25 Barium 8 Barks 7, 8, 65, 66, 67, 68 Barley, Pearl 8 Barley, Robinson's 96, 132 Bar Wood 93 Baryta 9 Basilicum Herb 25 Baskets, Show-Case 161 Baskets, Sponge 161 Basswood Bark. 7, 65 Bates' Heliotrope Water ... .161 Bath Brick 9 Bath Brushes.... 179 Bathing Caps 161 Baths, Eye 217 Baths, Water . .289 Baudreuche Skins 161 Bayberine (Proprietary) .... 96 Bayberry Bark 7, 65 Bayberry Wax 63 Bay Leaves 29 Bayley's Extracts.......161, 218 Bayley's Soaps 161, 266 Bay Rum 9 Bay Rum, W. H.S. & Co.'s.9,96 Bay Spirit 9, 96 Bazin's Bell Lavender 233 Bazin's Char. Tooth Paste . .283 Bazin's Cosmetic 212 Bazin's Hair Oils 233 Bazin's Pomades 249 Bazin's Sachets 254 Bazin's Shaving Creams... .258 Bazin's Talc de Venice 280 Bazin's Toilet Soaps 261 Bazin's Vinegar Rouge 253 Bdellium 24 Beaker Glasses 147 Beans 9 Bebeerine...... 9 Bed Pans 162 Beds, Air 158 Beef and Milk (Proprietary). 96 Beef, Carbonized (Prop'y)... 96 Beef, Essence of (Prop'y).... 96 Beef, Flour of (Proprietary). 96 Beef Fluid (Proprietary) 96 Beef Peptone (Proprietary).. 96 Beeswax 63 Belladonna Leaves 30, 65 Belladonna Root 45 Bellows 96, 162 Bin Oxide Barium 8 Benzine (Proprietary)... .96, 129 Benzoated Lard...... 29 Benzoate of Ammonium .... 4 Benzoate of Calcium 10 Benzoate of Iron 26 Benzoate of Lithium 31 Benzoate of Manganese 33 Benzoate of Potassium 42 Benzoate of Sodium 51 Benzoate of Zinc 63 Benzoic Acid 1 Benzoic Ether 16 Benzoin 24 Benzole 9 Berberin 9 Bermuda Arrowroot 6 Berries 9 Bertrand's Extracts 17, 127 Betel Nuts 35 Beth Root 45, 65 Betonica Herb 25 Bicarbonate of Ammonium.. 4 Bicarbonate of Lithium 31 Bicarbonate of Potassium.42, 43 Bicarbonate of Sodium 51 Bichloride of Carbon 11 Bichloride of Mercury 34 Bichloride of Methyl 34 Bichloride of Platinum 42 Bichloride Platinum and Soda 42 Bichloride of Tin 56 Bichromate of Ammonium .. 4 Bichromate of Potassium.... 43 Billiard Chalk 203 Bi-Meconate of Morphine... 34 Biniodide of Mercury 34 Binoxalate of Potassium . .43, 48 Bin Oxide of Barium 8 Biokrene (Proprietary) 96 Bird Gravel 49, 96 Bird Sand 49, 96 Bird Seed 49 Biscotine (Proprietary) 96 Biscuit (Proprietary) 96, 132 Bishop's Effervescing Salts.. 128 Bismuth 9 Bistort Root 45 Bisulphate of Ammonium... 5 Bisulphate of Magnesia 32 Bisulphate of Mercury ...... 34 Bisulphate of Potassium . .43, 48 Bisulphate of Quinia 44 Bisulphate of Sodium 51 Bisulphide of Tin 56 Bisulphite of Ammonium ... 5 Bisulphite of Calcium 10 Bisulphite of Sodium 51 Bisulphuret of Carbon n Bisulphuret of Mercury 34 Bitter Root 45, 65 Bitters (Proprietary) 96, 97 Bittersweet Herb 25, 65 Bi-Tartrate of Sodium 51 Black Alder Bark 7, 65 Black Aniline 5 Blackberry Root 65 Black Cohosh Root;......45, 65 Black Drop 9 Black Hellebore 46, 66 Black Indian Hemp 46, 66 Blacking 163 Black Lead 29 Black Ore Antimony 6 Black Oxide of Copper 14 Black Oxide of Iron 27 Black Oxide of Manganese.. 33 Black Oxide of Mercury .... 34 Black Oxide of Uranium ... 58 Black Pepper 41 Black Pitch 40, 41 Black Platinum 42 Black Root 45, 65 Black Smalts 51 Black Sulphuret of Mercury.. 34 Bladders 9 Bladder Wrack 22 Blanc de Perle 163 Blatta Orientalis 9 Blessed Thistle Herb 25, 65 Blind Nettle Flowers 21 Blister (Proprietary) 96, 129 Blood Root 47, 65 Bloom of Youth 97 Blue Aniline 5 Blue Century Flowers 21 Blue Cohosh Root...... .45, 65 Blue Flag Root 45, 65 Blue Pill 41, 127, 130 Blue Poppy Seed 50 Bluing (Proprietary) 97 Blue Smalts 51 Blue Vitriol 14 Boldo Leaves 30 Bole, Armenia 10 Bone Dust 10 Bonjean's Ergotin 15 Bonn's Dentifrice 283 Books 92 Boracic Acid 1 Borage Flowers 21 Borage Herb 25, 65 Borate of Ammonium 5 Borate of Copper 14 Borate of Lead 29 Borate of Magnesia 32 Borate of Manganese 33 Borate Zinc 63 Borax 10 Boraxine 97 Borax, Smith's 97 Boraxat Tartar 55 Borocitrate of Iron 26 Boro-Citrate of Magnesia.... 32 Boro Tartrate of Potassium.. 43 Botot's Dentifrice .-. .283 Bottle Brushes 179 Bottle Trimmings 243 Bottles, Balsam 142 Bottles, Box-wood Cases... .164 Bottles, Cologne 163 Bottles, Nursing 242 Bottles, Otto Rose 163 Bottles, Pomade 164 Bottles, Sachet Powder 254 Bottles, Salt Mouth 139 Bottles, Show.. 143,144, 145, 146 Bottles, Smelling 164,165 Bottles, Tincture 139 Bottles, Water 289 Bottles, Wine 149 Bougies 165 Boules de Mars 10 Bouquet des Alps 164 Bowers' Glycerine 23 Boxes, Cold Cream 165 Boxes, Eng. Willow 170 Boxes, Glove and Hdkf 226 Boxes, Impervious Wood,. ..169 Boxes, Lip Salve 165 Boxes, Magnesia 166 Boxes, Match 165 Boxes, Patch 166 Boxes, Pill 166, 167 Boxes, Prescription 167, 168 Boxes, Puff 250 Boxes, Seidlitz Powder 168 Boxes, Shaving 259 Boxes, Soap 267 Boxes, Soda Powder 168 Boxes, Tin 168 Boxes, Tooth Powder 169 Boxes, Turned Wood 170 Boxes, Twine 285, 286 Boxes, Wooden Chip 170 Braces Shoulder 259 Brazil Wax 62 Brazil Wood 93 Breast Glasses 170 Breast Pipes 171 Breast Pumps 170, 171 Breast Tea 10 Bracknell's Skin Soap 266 Brick Dust 9 Bricks, Allan's Fly 97 Briedenbach's Extracts.. 171, 219 Brillantine 171 Brimstone .. 54 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT 343 Broma 10 Bromalhydrate 10 Bromate of Potassium 43 Bromic Acid 1 Bromide of Ammonium 5 Bromide of Arsenic 6 Bromide of Cadmium 10 Bromide of Calabarin 10 Bromide of Calcium 10 Bromide of Ethyl 16 Bromide of Iodine 26 Bromide of Iron 26 Bromide of Lead 29 Bromide of Lithium 31 Bromide of Magnesia 32 Bromide of Manganese ..... 33 Bromide of Mercury 34 Bromide of Morphine 34 Bromide of Potassium 43 Bromide of Quinia 44 Bromide of Silver 50 Bromide of Sodium 51 Bromide of Strychnia 54 Bromide of Zinc 63 Bromidia 97 Bromine 10 Bromo Chloralum 97 Bromoform 10 Bronchials (Proprietary) .... 97 Bronchine (Proprietary) 97 Bronze Powders 171 Brooms, Whisp 292 Broomtop Flowers 22 Brown Aniline 5 Brown Smalts 51 Brown's Barber Soap 260 Brown's Camp. Dentifrice .. 283 Brown's Toilet Soap 261 Brucia 10 Brushes, Artists'... .171,172,173, 174. *75. 176. 177 Brushes, Bandoline 179 Brushes, Bath 179 Brushes, Blacking 188,189 Brushes, Bottle 179 Brushes, Camel's Hair..178, 179 Brushes, Cloth 180 Brushes, Cotton Bale 180 Brushes, Counter 180, 181 Brushes, Crumb 180 Brushes, Curriers' 180 Brushes, Dusting 180, 181 Brushes, Flesh 181 Brushes, Glue 181 Brushes, Hair 181,182 Brushes, Hand 183 Brushes, Hat 183 Brushes, Hatters' 183 Brushes, Hearth 183 Brushes, Horse 184 Brushes, Infants' 184 Brushes, Kalsomine 184 Brushes, Marking 184 Brushes, Nail 185 Brushes, Paint 185, 186 Brushes, Painters' Dust 186 Brushes, Plate 189 Brushes, Printers' Lye 187 Brushes, Roof 187 Brushes, Sash 187 Brushes, Scrub. 187 Brushes, Shaving... 188 Brushes, Shoe 188,189 Brushes, Silver 189 Brushes, Stencil 189 Brushes, Stove.. 190 Brushes, Tooth. 190,191,192,193 Brushes, Varnish 194, 195 Brushes, Whitewash. ...195, 196 Brushes, Window 196 Bryonia Root 45 Buchan's Carbolic Soap 261 Buchan's Shaving Soap 260 Buchan's Tooth Soap 266 Buchu Leaves 30 Buckbean 65 Buckthorn Berries 9, 65 Buds 10 Bulbs, Syringe 275 Bunion Plasters 248 Burdock Root 45, 65 Burgundy Pitch 41 Burnett's Cologne 204 Burnett's Extracts 219 Burnt Sugar 54 Butler's Tooth Powder 283 Butter of Antimony 6 Butter of Cocoa 13 Butter of Cocoa Suppbsit's.. 92 Butter Color (Proprietary).. 99 Butternut Bark 7, 65 Butyraceous Ether 16 Butyrate Amyl 5 Butyric Acid 1 Butyric Ether 16 Cadmium 10 Caesium 10 Caesium Alum 10 Caffein 10 Cainca Root 45 Calabar Beans 9 Calabarin 10 Calamus Root 45, 65 Calcatrippa Flowers 21 Calcined Magnesia 32 Calcium 10 Calder's Dentine 283 Calendula Cerate 11 Calendula Flowers 21 Calendula Herb 25 California Water 234 Calisaya Bark 8 Calomel 34, 131 Calvert's Soaps 260, 266 Camel's Hair Brushes 178 Camphenyl 11 Camphor 24 Camphor Mono-Bromated .. .11 Camphor Cream (Prop'y)... 97 Camphor Fluid (Prop'y) .97, 132 Camphor Ice Moulds 239 Camphoric Acid 1 Camphoric Quinia 44 Camphorine 97 Cam Wood 93 Canada Balsam 7 Canary Seed 49 Canada Snake Root 47, 67 Candy 11 Candy (Proprietary) 97 Canella Bark 7 Cankerine (Proprietary) 97 Cannab. Indica Herb 25 Cantharidal Collodion ... 13,99 Cantharides 11 Cantharides Cerate 11 Cantharidin n Capronic Acid 1 Capping Paper 243 Caps, Knee 217 Capsicum 41 Capsules 97, 98, 131 Capsules, Jujube 98 Caramel 11 Caraway Seed 49 Carbazotate Ammonium.... 5 Carbazotic Acid 1 Carbolate of Calcium 10 Carbolate of Lime 31 Carbolate of Potassium 43 Carbolate of Quinia 44 Carbolate of Sodium 51 Carbolate of Zinc 63 Carbolic Acid 1, 129 Carboline (Proprietary) 98 Carbon 11 Carbonate of Ammonium... 5 Carbonate of Barium 8 Carbonate of Cadmium 10 Carbonate of Calcium 10 Carbonate of Cobalt 13 Carbonate of Copper 14 Carbonate of Iron 26 Carbonate of Lead 29 Carbonate of Lithium 31 Carbonate of Magnesia 32 Carbonate of Manganese.... 33 Carbonate of Nickel 35 Carbonate of Potassium..... 43 Carbonate of Silver 50 Carbonate of Sodium 51 Carbonate of Strontium 54 Carbonate of Zinc 63 Cardamom Seed 49 Card Teeth 27 Carduus Benedictus 25 Carduus Benedictus Seed.... 49 Carduus Marianus Seed .... 49 Cards, Playing .' 197 Carex Root 45 Carlet, Red 11 Carlina Root 45 Carlsbad Salts 49, 120 Carminative (Prop'y).98, 99, 130 Carmine 11 Cascarilla Bark 7 Cascarilla Lily White 233 Casein 11 Cases, Amputating 198 Cases, Dressing 213 Cases, Nail 240 Cases, Pocket 199, 200, 201 Cases, Prescription .250 Cases, Scale 256 Cases, Show 259 Cases, Tooth Brush 194 Cases, Vial 200, 201 Cassel Earth 11 Cassia Bark 7 Cassia Buds 10 Cassia Fistula 11 Cassie Flowers 21 Castile Soap 51 Castor 11 Castor Beans 9 Castor Oil 36, 130 Castoria (Proprietary) 99 Caswell & Hazard's Cologne 204 Caswell & Hazard's Dentine, 197, 283 Caswell & Hazard's Formo- denta 197 Caswell & Hazard's Juniper Tar Soap 197, 261 Caswell & Hazard's Prepa- rations 197 Catarrh.Liquid. 108 Catechu 24 Cathartic Acid 1 Catheters 202, 203 Catholicon Balsam 7 Catholicon (Proprietary).... 99 Caustic 11 Caustic Aluminium 4 Caustic Baryta 9 Caustic Holders. 203 Caustic Lime 31 Caustic, Mitigated 11 Caustic Points 203 Caustic Potassa 42 Caustic Soda 51 Caustic Strontium 54 Cedar Berries, 9, 63- 344 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Celery Seed 49 Cements (Proprietary) 99 Centaury Minor 25 Cerate (Proprietary) 99 Cerates n Cerium 12 Chains, Key 232 Chalk Is Chalk Balls 203 Chalk, Billiard 203 Chalk Crayons 203 Chalk, Precipitated 12 Chalk, Prepared 12 Chalk, Red 12 Chalk, Tailors' 203 Chameleon Mineral 43 Chamois Skins 260 Chamomile Flowers 21 Champagne Taps 204 Charcoal 12 Charcoal (Proprietary)...99, 127 Chardin's Extracts 204 Chardin's Lily White .. .204, 233 Chardin's Preparations 204 Chardin's Talc de Venice.. .280 Chardin's Veloutine 204 Charlier's Talc de Venice .. .280 Charm (Proprietary) 99 Cheiri Flowers 21 Chelidony Root..; '... 45 Chenopodium Seed 50 Cherry Bark. 8, 65 Cherry Juice 28 Cherry Laurel Leaves 30 Chests, Medicine 235, 236 Chest Protectors 204a Chewing Gum 99 Chia Turpentine 58 Chicle 24 China Clay 13 China Root 45 Chinese Musk 34 Chinic Acid 1 Chinoidine 12 Chip Pill Boxes 170 Chiretta 25 Chiretta Root 45 Chiris' Pomades 42, 129 Chiris' Extracts 17, 129 Chiris' O. F. Water 62, 129 Chiris' Rose Water 62, 129 Chloral-hydrate 12, 132, 133 Chloralum 12 Chloralum Wool 12 Chlorate of Barium 8 Chlorate of Potassium 43 Chlorate of Quinia 44 Chlorate of Sodium 52 Chlorate of Strontium 54 Chloric Acid. 2 Chloric Ether 16 Chloride of Aluminium 4 Chloride of Ammonium 5 Chloride of Antimony 6 Chloride of Arsenic 6 Chloride of Barium 8 Chloride of Bromine 10 Chloride of Cadmium 10 Chloride of Caesium 10 Chloride of Calcium 10 Chloride of Cerium. 12 Chloride of Chromium 13 Chloride of Cobalt 13 Chloride of Copper 14 Chloride of Elayl 15 Chloride of Ethyl 16 Chloride of Gold 23 Chloride of Gold and Sodium 23 Chloride of Indium 26 Chloride of Iodine 26 Chloride of Iridium 26 Chloride of Iron 26 Chloride of Iron and Man- ganese 33 Chloride of Lead 29 Chloride of Lime 31 Chloride of Lithium 31 Chloride of Magnesia 33 Chloride of Manganese 33 Chloride of Nickel 35 Chloride of Palladium 40 Chloride of Palladium and Sodium 40 Chloride of Potassium 43 Chloride of Propylamin 44 Chloride of Rubidium 48 Chloride of Silver 50 Chloride of Strontium 54 Chloride of Zinc 63 Chloride of Trimethylamin.. 58 Chloride of Uranium 58 Chlorinated Soda 51 Chlorodyne (Proprietary )gg, 129 Chloroform 13 Chocolate 13 Choleate of Sodium 52 Cholesterin 13 Cholagogue 99 Chromate of Ammonium.... 5 Chromate of Calcium 10 Chromate of Copper 14 Chromate of Lead 29 Chromate of Potassium 43 Chrome Alum. 4 Chromic Acid 2 Chromium 13 Chrysophanic Acid 2 Cider and Wine (Prop'y) ... 99 Cigarettes 99, 130, 131 Cinchonia 13 Cinchonia Mixture 13 Cinchonidia. 13 Cincho-Quinine 13 Cinnabar 34 Cinnamon Bark 7 Citrate of Ammonium 5 Citrate of Bismuth 9 Cit. Bismuth and Ammonia. 9 Citrate of Caffein 10 Citrate of Iron 27 Citrate of Iron and Ammonia 27 Citrate of Iron and Magn'm 27 Citrate of Iron and Mang'se 27 Citrate of Iron and Strych- nine 1 27 Cit. of Iron and Quin.27, 44,130 Citrate of Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine 27 Citrate of Kali 28 Citrate of Lithium 31 Citrate of Magnesia 33 Citrate of Manganese 33 Citrate of Potassium 43 Citrate of Quinia 44 Citrate of Sodium 52 Citrate of Strychnia 54 Citrate of Strychnia and Iron 54 Citric Acid 2 Citron 13 Civet 13 Clay 13 Cleaners, Nail 240 Clinical Thermometers 282 Cloverine 99 Cloves 13 Cloth Brushes 180 Cloth Stretchers 204 Coaguline (Proprietary) 131 Cobalt 13 Coca Leaves 30 Cocaine 13 Cocin (Proprietary) 99 Cocoaine (Proprietary) 99 Cocoanut Oil 36 Cocculus Indicus 9 Coccus Ilicis 23 Cochineal... * J3 Cochlearia Herb 25 Cocoa i3> 133 Cocoa Beans 9 Cocoa Butter 13 Cocoa Cream, Chalfant's.. .204 Codeia Cod Liver Oil 36, no, 131 Coelestin Coffee, Acorn 13 Cohosh Root 43 6c; Colchicia Colchicum Root 43 Colchicum Seed 49 Cold Cream Boxes. 165 Cold Cream, C., H. & Co.'s 197 Cold Cream, Patey's 204 Colgate's Cologne 204 Colgate's Extracts 219 Colgate's Lavender 233 Colgate's Shaving Soap 260 Colgate's Toilet Powder... .283 Colgate's Toilet Soap. .261, 262, 263, 264 Colgate's Toilet Waters 204 Colgate's Vaseline Pomades, 204, 249 Collodion T3> 99 Collodion (Proprietary) 99 Colocynth Apples 13, 14 Colocynth Pulp 14 Cologne Bottles 163 Cologne, Atwood's 204 Cologne, Burnett's 204 Cologne, C., H. & Co.'s... .204 Cologne, Farina 204 Cologne, Hoyt's 205 Cologne, Lundborg's 205 Cologne, W. H. S. & Co.'s 58, 120, 205 Cologne Mixture 14, 203 W. H. S. & Co.'s Cologne Oil, Lundb'g's.205, 243 Cologne Spirits 4 Cologne Stands 205 Cologne Water 59, 126 Color, Butter (Proprietary).. 99 Colorific (Proprietary) 99 Coloris (Proprietary) 99 Colombo Root 45 Colt's-foot Rock Candy 11 Colt's-foot Flowers....' 21 Colt's-foot Herb 25, 66 Colt's-foot Root 45, 66 Comb Cleaners 210 Combs.205,206,207, 208,209,210 Combs, Graining 227 Comedone (Proprietary).... 99 Comfits (Proprietary " 99 Comfrey Root 45, 66 Commondeur Balsam 7 Composition Powder 44 Compound (ProprietEtry).... 99 Compound, Shaving 259 Concentrated Lye 32 Concentrated Medicines. .87, 88 Confections.: 14 Confections (Proprietary)... 99 Conia 14 Conium Juice 28 Conium Leaves 30, 65 Conium Seed 49 Constantine's Tar Soap 264 Constitution Water 126 Contrayerva Root 45 Convallaria Flowers 21 Cooper's Gelatine 22 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 345 Cooper's Glue 22 Cooper's Isinglass 28 Copaiva Balsam 7 Copal 24 Copper 14 Copperas .... 14 Cordials (Proprietary) 100 Coriander Seed 49 Corks 210, 211 Cork Borers 211 Cork Pressers 211 Corkscrews 211 Corn Files 212 Corn Killer 100 Corn Knives 212 Corn Pencils 212 Corn Plasters. - 248 Corn Rubbers 212 Corn Starch 53 Corni Flowers 21 Cornin 14 Cornu Cervi 14 Corrector (Proprietary) 100 Corrosive Sublimate 34 Corsican Moss 34 Cosgrove's Soap 264 Cosmetic, Bazin's 212 Cosmetic, Coudray's 212 Cosmetic, Italian 212 Cosmetic, Lubin's 212 Cosmetic, Letchford's 233 Cosmetic, Pinaud's 212 Cosmoline 100 Coto Bark 7 Cots, Finger 221 Cottance Pomades 249 Cotton, Absorbent 212 Cotton Bale Brushes 180 Cotton, Gun 14 Cotton Root 45, 66 Cotton Root Bark 7, 66 Cotton Styptic..; 100 Coudray's Bandoline 161 Coudray's Blanc de Perle.. .163 Coudray's Bouq. des Alpes .164 Condray's Brillantine 171 Coudray's Cosmetic 212 Coudray's Hair Oil 228 Coudray's Lavender Water.233 Coudray's Pastilles 244 Coudray's Pomades 249 Coudray's Sachet Powder.. .254 Coudray's Shaving Cream. .258 Coudray's Soaps 267 Coudray's Toilet Powder .. .283 Coudray's Vin Rouge 253 Coumarin 14 Counter Brushes 180 Court Plasters 248 Cowhage Down 14 Cowslip Flowers 22 Cox's Gelatine 22, 105, 129 Crab Orchard Salts 49, 120 Crab's Eyes 14 Cramp Bark 7, 66 Crawley Root 45, 66 Cream Camphor (Prop.)... .100 Cream, Oriental 100 Cream, Shaving 258,259 Cream Tartar 14 Cream Tartar, Soluble 43 Creasote 14, 15 Creme of Limes, Letchf'd's.233 Cresotinic Acid 2 Cresylic Acid 2 Crocus Antimony 6 Crocus Martis 27 Crocus Metallorum 6 Crocus Sativus 15 Croppi's Castor Oil no, 129 Croton Beans 9 Croton Chlo.-hydrate .. .12, 133 Croton Oil 37 Croton Seed 49 Crucibles 212 Crumb Brushes 180 Crumb's Inhalers 229 Cryolite 15 Cryptopin 15 Crystals (Proprietary) 100 Crystals, Strychnia 54 Cubeb Berries 9 Cubebic Acid 2 Cubebin 15 Cudbear , 15 Culver's Root 45, 65, 66 Cumin Seed 49 Cundurango Bark? 7 Cupping Cups 212 Cups, Drinking 213 Cups, Quassia 251 Curare 15 Curarine 15 Curative (Proprietary) 100 Curcuma Root 45 Cure (Proprietary) 100 Curriers' Brushes 180 Cushions, Air 158 Cushions, Invalid 230 Cutler's Inhalers 229 Cutters Root 253 Cuticle (Proprietary) 101 Cuticura (Proprietary) 101 Cyanide of Copper 14 Cyanide of Gold 23 Cyanide of Lead. 29 Cyanide of Mercury 34 Cyanide of Platinum... 42 Cyanide of Potassium 43 Cyanide of Silver 50 Cyanide of Zinc 63 Cynoglossi Herb 25 Damar 24 Damiana Leaves 30 Dandelion Juice 28 Dandelion Root 46, 66 Daturia 15 Dead Shot (Proprietary)... .101 Delluc & Co.'s Preparations.212 Delluc's Eau Angelique. 212,284 Delluc's Hair Oil 228 Delphinia 15 Demijohns 148 De Grave's Corn Pencils... .212 De Nervee Balsam 7 Denarcotized Opium 24 Dentine, C., H. & Co.'s 197 Dentists' Plaster 42 Dentonic 101 Depilat'y Powder, Gouraud's.227 Dermador (Proprietary) 101 Destroyer (Proprietary) 101 Dextrin 15 Dialysed Iron 27 Diamonds 212 Diaphoretic Antimony 6 Diastas 15 Dichloro-acetic Acid 2 Didymium 15 Digitalin 15 Digitalis Leaves 30, 66 Dilators 212 Dill Seed 5°> 66 Dittany Root 46, 66 Discovery (Proprietary) 101 Disinfectant (Proprietary).. .101 Dishes, Evaporating..».217,218 Dispensatories.. 92 Dissolvent (Proprietary) 101 Distilled Arsenic 6 Distilled Mercury 34 Distilled Verdigris 14, 59 Distilled Water 59 Divine Stone 14 Dog Grass Root 46 Dogwood Bark 7, 66 Donovan's Solution 6 Dorin's Rouge 253 Dover's Powder 44 Dragees (Prop'y).. .101, 128, 129 Dragon's Blood 24 Dressing Cases 213 Dressing (Proprietary). .102, 128 Drinking Cups 213 Droppers, Medicine 236 Drops (Proprietary) 102 Drosera Rotundifolia 25 Druggists' Glassware 134 Drug Sifters 215 Drug Mills 213, 214, 215 Dry Up (Proprietary) 102 Dusters, Feather 220 Dusters, Painters' 186 Dusting Brushes 180 Dwarf Elder Root 46, 66 Dye Colors (Proprietary)... .102 Dye Woods 93 Ear Syringes 216, 249 Earth, Fuller's 15 Ear Trumpets 215, 216 Eau Angelique, Delluc's... .212 Eau Lustral, Hauel's 228 Ede's Extracts 217,219 Edwards Co. Myrrh Tooth Wash 284 Edwards' Ox-Gall Soap 264 E. I. Ginger 46 Elastic Gum 24 Elastic Stockings, etc 217 Elaterine 15 Elaterium 15 Elayl Chloride 15 Elder Bark 7, 66 Elder Berries 9 Elder Flowers 21, 66 Elder Juice 28 Elecampane Root 46, 66 Electro Silicon 102 Electuary (Proprietary) 102 Elemi 24 Elgin's Toilet Powder 283 Elixirs (Pharmaceut'l). .89, 90,91 Elixirs (Proprietary) 102,128,130 Elixir Vitriol 3 Elm Bark 7, 8 Embrocation (Proprietary)... 102 Emery 15 Emery Paper 243 Emetia 15 Emollients 217 Emulsion (Prop'y)..102, 126, 132 Envelopes 217 Eosin 15 Epsom Salts 48 Eradicator (Proprietary) ... .103 Erbium 15 Ergot 15 Ergotinic Acid 2 Ergotin 15 Esorine 15 Essence Beef 103 Essence Coffee 103 Essence Ginger 103 Essence Marivallosa.15,103,131 Essence Mustard 15, 103 Essence Pepsin. 15, 103, 131, 133 Essence of Life. 103 Essences 15 Essences, Concentrated 16 Ether 16 Ethiop's Mineral 34 Ethyl 16 Ethylene 103 346 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Eucalyptol 16 Eucalyptus Leaves 30 Euphorbium 24 Euxesis, Lloyd's 234 Evaporating Dishes 217, 218 Expectorant (Proprietary).. .103 Exterminator (Prop'y) 103 Extract Licorice (Prop.).103,133 Extract of Malt and Iron. 103, 133 Extract of Malt (Prop.).103, 131 Extract of Beef 103 Extract of Meat 131 Extractor, Ink 231 Extractor (Proprietary). 104, 132 Extracts, Atkinson's 218 Extracts, Bayley's 161, 218 Extracts, Bertrand's 17, 127 Extracts, Briedenback's. 171,219 Extracts, Burnett's 219 Extracts, Chardin's 204 Extracts, Colgate's 219 Extracts, Eclectic 87 Extracts, Ede's 217,219 Extracts, Flavoring 16, 17 Extracts, Fluid 69 Extracts, H. & D 219 Extracts, Letchford's... .219, 233 Extracts, Low's 220, 234 Extracts, Lubin's 219, 234 Extracts, Lundborg's 219 Extracts, Maw's 220 Ext's, Perf'y, Bertrand's. 17,127 Extracts, Perf'y, Chiris'..i7,129 Ext's, Perf'y, W. H. S. & Co. 17 Ext's, Piesse & Lubin's.220,247 Extracts (Proprietary)... 103, 104 Extracts, Riggs' 220 Extracts, Rimmel's 220, 253 Extracts, Soc. Hyg 220 Extracts, Solid. ..17, 18,19,20,21 Extracts, Taylor's 220 Extracts, Vosburg 220 Extracts, Wenck's 220 Eye Baths 217 Eyebrow Pencils 218 Eye Protectors. 218 Eye Shades 218 Eye Stones 21 Eye Syringes 218 Eye Water 126 Face Powder, Saunders' ... .254 Fehr's Comp. Talcum Pow. .283 Farfara Flowers 21 Farfara Root 46 Farina 104 Farina Cologne 204, 205 Farina Dentifrice 284 Fay's Veloutine 283 Feather Dusters '....220 Febrin and Wheat 104 Feeding Boats 244 Feldspar 21 Fennel Root 46 Fennel Seed 50 Ferro-cyanide of Iron. . 27 Ferro Citrate of Lithium.... 31 Ferro-cyanide of Morphine.. 34 Ferro-cyanide of Quinia 44 Ferro-cyanide of Zinc. 63 Ferro Citrate of Quinia 44 Ferro-iodide of Quinia 44 Ferro-lactate of Quinia 44 Fever Thermometers 282 Fig Blue 21 Files, Corn 212 Files, Nail 240 Filter Folders 221 Filter Racks .221 Filters, Felt .220 Filters, Folded 221 Filters, Paper.. 221 Finger Cots 221 Finger Orris 47 Fioraventi Balsam 7 Firwein 104 Fish Berries 9 Fish Glue 28 Fish Sounds 21 Fittings for Nursing Bottles.243 Flake White 21 Flasks, Chemical 147 Flasks, Liquor 222 Flasks, Pocket 222 Flavoring Extracts 16 Flax Seed 50 Fleams, Horse. 228 Flesh Brushes 181 Floral Bloom (Proprietary). .104 Flores Martiales 26 Florida Water 126 Floss, Tin 56 Flour (Proprietary) 104 Flour, Rice 21 Flour, Sago 21 Flowers 21, 22 Flowers of Sulphur 54 Fluid Camphor 97, 132 Fluid Extracts. .69, 70, 71, 72, 73 Fluids (Proprietary) 104 Fluorate of Sodium 52 Fluoric Acid 2 Fluor Nigre 22 Fluor Spa 22 Fluoride of Ammonium 5 Fluoride of Barium 8 Fluoride of Potassium 43 Fly Paper 112 Fcenugreek Seed 50 Folders, Powder 249 Food (Proprietary) 104, 132 Forceps 222, 223, 224 Foreign Proprietary Articles. 127 Formate Ammonium 5 Formate of Amyl 5 Formate of Sodium 52 Formic Acid 2 Formic Ether 16 Formodenta, C., H. & Co.'s.ipy Fountains, Pocket 105 Fowler's Solution 7, 42 Frangula Bark 8 Freckline (Proprietary) 105 French Berries 9 French Chalk 12 French Gelatine 22 French Glue 22 French Juices 28 French Koosso 21 Friar's-Balsam 7 Friend (Proprietary) 105 Frostings, White 22 Frozen Glue 22 Fucus Amylaceus 22 Fucus Vesiculosis 22 Fuller's-Earth 15 Fumigating Powder 44 Fumigators (Proprietary) ...105 Funnels 225 Furfurin.. 22 Furnaces, Gas 226 Fustic 93 Galan gal Rapt 46 Galbanum 24 Galeopsis Herb. 25 Gallate Ammonium 5 Gallic Acid 2 Gallipots 226 Gambier...... 24 Gamboge 24 Gardner's Special Prep's.... 91 Garget Root 47, 66 Garlics...... • 22 Gas Furnaces 226 Gas Lighters .226 Gas Meter Glycerine 23 Gas Stoves 273 Gas Torches 226 Gedda (Gum) 24 Gelatine 22 Gelatine (Prop'y). ..105, 129, 13! Gellefres' Soap 267 Gelsemium Root 46 Genistae Flowers 21 Gentian Root .46, 66 Geoffroya Bark 8 Geoline 105 Gin 105 Ginger (Proprietary) 105 Gingerbread Nuts 105 Ginger Root. 46, 66 Ginseng Root 46, 66 Glass, Powdered 22 Glass, Soluble 22 Glass of Borax 10 Glasses, Beaker 147 Glasses, Breast 170 Glasses, Medicine 227 Glassware, Flint. 136 Glassware, Green 138 Glassware, Miscellaneous... .147 Glauber Salts 48 Glaziers' Diamonds 212 Glenn's Hair Oil 228 Glenn's Lily White 233 Glenn's Pearl Powder 244 Glenn's Shaving Compound.259 Glenn's Sulphur Soap 264 Glenn's Tooth Paste 283 Glenn's Vinegar Rouge 253 Globes, Show .143, 144, 145, 146 Glove Cleaner 105 Glove and H'dk'f Boxes 226 Gloves, Hair, etc 227 Glucose 22 Glue 22 Glue Brushes 181 Glue Pots 105 Glue (Proprietary) 105 Glycerine 22, 23 Glycerite of Kephaline 23 Glycerite of Lead 29 Glycochol Acid 2 Glycochol of Sodium 52 Glycyrrhizin 23 Goa Powder 23, 44 Golden Seal Root 46, 66 Golden Sulphuret Antimony. 6 Gold Leaf 23 Gold, Salts of. 23 Gold Thread Root 46, 66 Gosnell's Tooth Paste 283 Goulard's Cerate 12 Goulard's Extract 29 Gouraud's Depil. Powder... .227 Gouraud's Lily White 227 Gouraud's Soap 227 Graduates 227 Grafting Wax 62 Graining Combs 227 Grains Coccus Ilicis 23 Grains d'Ambrette 23 Grains, Kermes'.. 23 Grains Paradise 23 Grains de Sante (Prop'y) . ...130 Graminis Root 46 Granatorum Flowers 21 Granules, Soluble 74 Granules, Sugar-Coated.... 85 Granville's Lotion 31 Grape Sugar 54 Graphite. 33 Gratiola Herb 25 Green Aniline 5 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT 347 Green Ebony Wood 93 Green Iodide of Mercury.... 34 Green Smalts 51 Green Soap 51 Grindelia Robusta 25 Groats, Robinson's 132 Guaco 23 Guaiac Gum 24 Guaiac Wood 63 Guarana 23 Guerlain's Cream 228, 259 Guerlain's Shaving Soap.228,260 Guitar Strings 228 Gum Acroides 23 Gum Arabic 23 Gum Camphor 24 Gum Crystals 100 Gum Drops n Gum Elastic 24 Gum Thus 25, 58 Gums 23, 24 Gum Tickets 228 Gun Cotton 14 Guns, Insect 105 Gurjun, Balsam 7 Gutta Percha 23 Hache Wood 93 Haemaglobin 25 Haematoxylin 25 Hair Brushes 181,182 Hair, Gloves, etc 227 Hair Oils 228 Hair Pins 228 Hair Powder 228 Hair Prep's (Prop'y).... 105, 106 Hair Straps 228 Hand Brushes 183 Hauel's Eau Lustral 228 Harlem Oil in Harnack's Calabarin 10 Harrison's Mag. Tablets... .228 Flaschish 25 Hat Brushes 183 Hatters' Brushes 183 Healer (Proprietary).... 106,124 Hearth Brushes 183 Hederia Gum 24 Hedge Hyssop 25 Hegeman's Odonto 283 Heifer's Teat 228 Hellebore Root 46, 66 Hemlock Bark 8, 66 Hemlock Gum 24 Hemp Seed 50 Henbhne Seed 50 Henry & Demarson's Ext's..219 Hepar Antimony 6 Herbs 25, 26, 65, 66, 67, 68 Hiera Piera 26, 41 Hippuric Acid 2 Hobbs' Meen Fun .236 Hoffman's Anodyne 6 Hog Gum 24 Holders, Pen. 244 Hollyhock Flowers 21, 66 Honduras Sarsaparilla 47 Honey 26 Honey (Proprietary) 105 Hooper's Pastilles 244 Hops 26 Horehound 25, 66 Horn Scoops 258 Horn Spoons 258 Horse Brushes 184 Horse Fleams 228 Hosford's Cr'm Tartar Sub... 14 Hot Drops 26 Hoyt's Cologne 205 Hubbuck's Oxide of Zinc.63,131 Humphrey's Specifics 122 Hunter's Inhalers 229 Hydrangea Root 46 Hydrated Caustic Baryta.... 8 Hydrated Oxide Amyl 5 Hydrated Oxide of Iron 27 Hydrated Oxide of Methyl.. 34 Hydriodic Acid 2 Hydrobromate of Quinia.... 44 Hydrobromic Acid 2 Hydrochloric Acid 2 Hydrochlorate of Quinia .... 44 Hydrochloride of Aluminium 4 Hydrocyanate of Iron 27 Hydrocyanic Acid 2 Hydrogen Peroxide 26 Hydroleine 106 Hydrometers 228 Hydrosilicio-fluoric Acid .... 2 Hydrosulphate of Sodium... 52 Hydrosulphuret of Ammon.. 5 Hydrosulphuric Acid 2 Hyoscyamin 26 Hyoscyamus Leaves 30, 65 Hyperchlorate of Potassium. 43 Hyperchloric Acid 2 Hypernic Wood 93 Hyperoxide of Barium 8 Hyperoxide of Lead 29 Hyperoxide of Manganese .. 33 Hypochloride of Calcium.... 10 Hypophosphite of Ammon.. 5 Hypophosphite of Calcium.. 10 Hypoph. of Calcium and Sod. 11 Hypophosphite of Iron 27 Hypophosphite of Magnesia. 33 Hypophosphite of Mangan.. 33 Hypophosphite of Potassium. 43 Hyposulphite of Potassium.. 43 Hypophosphite of Sodium... 52 Hypophosphite of Tin 56 Hypophosphite of Quinia... 44 Hypophosphite of Zinc 63 Hypophhos. (Proprietary)... 106 Hypophosphorous Acid 2 Hyposulphite of Sodium.... 52 Hyposulphite of Lead 29 Hyposulphite of Magnesia.. 33 Hyraceum 26 Hyssop 25, 66 Ice Bags 229 Iceland Moss 34 Imperial Granum 106 Impure Oxide Zinc 58 Indelible Pencils 244 Indexical Shaving Soap 260 Indexical Toilet Soap...265, 266 Indexical Tooth Soap 266 India Ink 231 India Rubber 26 India Rubber Balls 160 India Rubber Bands 161 India Rubber Sheeting 259 India Rubber Tubing 285 Indian Hemp Root 46, 66 Indian Turnip 46, 66 Indigo 26 Indigo, Carmine of. 26 Indigo Compound 26 Indigo Paste 26 Indigotine 26 Indium 26 Infants' Brushes 184 Ingluvine (Proprietary) 106 Injection (Pr'y).io6,128,130,132 Inhalent (Proprietary) 106 Inhalers 229 Ink, Crimson Marking 231 Ink, Indelible 105, 230 Ink, India 231 Ink Extractor 231 Ink Powder 118 Inks 230 Inkstands 231 Insect Bellows 96, 162 Insect Powder 44, 118, 119 Invalid Cushions 230 Invigorant (Proprietary) ... .106 Invigorator (Proprietary) .. .107 lodaethylamin 26 lodia (Proprietary) 106 lodamyl 26 Iodate of Calcium 11 Iodate of Potassium 43 Iodate of Sodium 52 Iodic Acid 2 Iodide of Ammonium '5 Iodide of Amylum 5 Iodide of Antimony 6 Iodide of Arsenic 6 Iodide of Arsenic and Mer'y. 6 Iodide of Barium 8 Iodide of Bromine 10 Iodide of Cadmium 10 Iodide of Calcium 11 Iodide of Copper 14 Iodide of Ethyl 16 Iodide of Iron 27 Iodide Iron, Saccharated.... 27 Iodide Iron, Tasteless 27 Iodide of Iron and Quinia... 44 Iodide of Lead 29 Iodide of Lithium 31 Iodide of Magnesia 33 Iodide of Manganese 33 Iodide of Potassium 43, 127 Iodide of Quinia 44 Iodide of Silver 50 Iodide of Sodium 52 Iodide of Starch ....' 53 Iodide of Strontium 54 Iodide of Strychnia 54 Iodide of Sulphur 54 Iodide of Zinc 63 Iodine ; 26 Iodine Water 126 Iodo-Bromide Calcium n Iodoform 26 lodo-Hydrarg of Potass 43 Ipecac Root 46, 66 Iridium 26 Irish Moss 34 Iron by Hydrogen 27 Iron Filings 27 Iron Preparations 26, 27 Irvine's Lily White 233 Isinglass 28, 107, 132 Issue Peas 230 Issue Plasters 117, 132 Italian Cosmetic 212 Ivory Black 12 jaborandi Leaves 30 jalap Root 46 Jamaica Arrowroot 6 Jamaica Ginger 46 Jennings' Soap ...265 j. & B. Tooth Paste... .231, 283 japan Wax 62 jars 231 jars, Decorated 142 jars, Leech 233 javelle Water \ 59 jelly (Proprietary) 107 jewelers' Rouge 48 job's Tears 50, 66 Johnson's Tooth Powder.231, 283 jokes 231 jujube Berries 9 juice 28 juices, French Fruit 28 jujube Capsules 98 jujube Paste 28 juniper Berries 9 juniper Tar 124 348 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S juru-beba 107 Kakodylic Acid 2 Kali Citrate 28 Kalium 107 Kalliston (Proprietary) 107 Kalsomine Brushes 184 Kalydor, Rowland's 253 Kam ala 28 Kaolin 28 Kava Kava 25 Kathairon (Proprietary) 107 Keen's English Mustard.35, 131 Kephaline, Glycerite of. .... 28 Killer (Proprietary) 107 Kesan Soap 5 Kermes' Mineral 6 Kerosene Stoves 273 Key Chains 232 Key Kings 232 Kidder's Bicarb, of Soda.... 51 Kidder's Rochelle Salts 49 Kidder's Seidlitz Mixture... 50 Kidder's Tartaric Acid 3 Kid Skins 232 Kid Scraps 232 King (Proprietary) 107 Kino 24 Kirkwood's Inhalers 229 Kissingen Salts 49 Knee Caps 217 Knee Stockings 217 Knives, Corn 212 Koosine 28 Koosso Flowers 21 Koosso (Proprietary) 107 Koskoo (Proprietary) 107 Kreatine .:................. 29 Kumyss (Proprietary) 107 Labaraque's Solution. ...51, 131 Labels 232 Labdanum 24 Lac Dye 29 Lac Sulphur 54 Lactate of Bismuth 9 Lactate of Calcium n Lactate of Iron 27 Lactate of Lead 29 Lactate of Magnesia 33 Lactate of Manganese 33 Lactate of Quinia 44 Lactate of Soda & Magnesia. 52 La,ctate of Sodium 52 Lactate of Zinc 63 Lactic Acid 2 Lactopeptine 29 Lacto-phosphate of Bismuth. 9 Lacto-phosphate of Calcium. 11 Lacto-phosphate of Iron .... 27 Lacto-phosphate of Magn'ia. 33 Lacto-phosphate of Sodium. 52 Lactucine 29 Ladies'-Slipper Root 46, 66 Laminaria Digitata 29 Lamp Black 29 Lamps, Alcohol 159 Lamp Wicks 232 Lancets 232 Lapis Calaminaris 29 Lapis Cancror 29 Lapis Divinus 29 Lard, Benzoated 29 Lard, Prepared 29 Lard Oil 37 Larkspur Seed. 50 Lafyngoscopic Mirrors 233 Lather Brushes 188 Laudanum 29 Laurel Berries 9 Laurel Leaves 30, 66 Lavender Flowers 21, 66 Lavender Water 233 Laxatine 107 Lead Pencils 244 Lead, Preparations of. 29 Leathean (Proprietary) 107 Leaves 29, 30, 65, 66, 67, 68 Leaves, Mustard 117, 132 Leeches 30 Leech Jars 233 Lemon Acid 94 Lemon Balm 25, 65 Lemon Peel 30 Lemon Sugar 122 Letchford's Extracts 219 Letchford's Preparations... .233 Letchford's Sachets 254 Lethean (Proprietary) 107 Levant Worm Seed 50 Licorice 30, 31 Licorice Root 46 Life for the Hair 107 Lighters, Gas. 226 Lily White, Chardin 204 Lily White, Gouraud's 227 Lily Whites 233, 234 Lima Wood., 93 Limatura Iron 27 Lime Juice 28 Lime Juice and Gly'ne..234, 253 Lime, Preparations of 31 Lime, Salts of 31 Linden Flowers 22 Liniments (Proprietary). 107, 108 Linseed Oil 37 Lint 234 Lip Salve 234 Lip Salve Boxes 165 Liquirizina 31 Liquor Coloring 11 Liquor Potassa 42 Liquor (Proprietary).31,108, 127 Litharge 31 Lithium 31 Lithontriptic (Proprietary). .108 Litmus 31 Litmus Paper 244 Liver Antimony 6 Liver Medicine 108 Liver of Sulphur 43 Liverwort 25, 66 Lloyd's Euxesis 234 Loadstone 31 Lobelia Herb 25, 66 Lobelia Seed 50 Locust Beans 9 Log Wood 93 Long Pepper 41 Lotion 31 Lotion (Proprietary)... .108, 130 Lovage Herb 25, 66 Lovage Root 46, 66 Lovage Seed 50 Low's Extracts 220, 234 Low's Pomade 234, 249 Low's Soap 266 Lozenges 31, 32 Loz'nges (Prop.). 109,127,128,130 Lubin's Blanc de Perle 163 Lubin's Brillantine 171 Lubin's Cosmetic 212 Lubin's Extracts 219, 234 Lubin's Hair Oil 228 Lubin's Lavender Water... .233 Lubin's Pastilles 234 Lubin's Rice Powder 234 Lubin's Sachets 234, 254 Lubin's Soap 267 Lubin's Toilet Powder 283 Lubin's Vinegar Rouge 253 Lunar Caustic., 32 Lundborg's Calif. Water ... .234 Lundborg's Cologne 205 Lundberg's Extracts 219 Lundborg's Oil Cologne... .205 Lupulin 32 Luxurine 109 Lycopodium 32 Lye ' 32 Lye Brushes 187 Lyman's Arctusine 159 Lyon's Tooth Powder 283 McArthur's Lily White 233 Macassar Oil " R" 228 Mace 32 Machines, Pill 247 Machines, Plaster 249 Madder 32 Madder Compound 32 Magnesia 32 Magnesia Boxes 166 Magnesia Fluid (Prop'y).109,131 Magnesia (Prop y). 109, 129, 130 Magnesium 33 Magnetic Machines 234 Maiden Hair 25, 66 Maizena 33 Malate of Iron 27 Male Fem Root 46, 66 Malic Acid 2 Maltina..... 33 Malva Flowers 21 Malva Herb 25, 66 Malva Ros Flowers 21 Mandrake Root 46, 66 Manganese 33 Manna 33 Mannite 33 Marble Dust 33 Margaric Acid 2 Marigold Flowers 21, 66 Marking Brushes 176, 184 Marsh-Mallow Flowers 21 Marsh-Mallow Herb 25, 66 Marsh-Mallow Root 45 Marsh Rosemary Root. ...46, 66 Masterwort Root 46, 66 Masterwort Seed 50, 66 Mastic 24 Match Boxes 165 Mate Leaves 30 Matico Leaves 30 Maw's Extracts 220 Maw Seed 50 Maw's Lint 234 Maw's Sachets 254 Maw's Toilet Powder 283 McBryde's Soap 265 Meadow Fern Root 46 Measures, Graduate 227 Measures, Seidlitz 258 Meat Juice 107 Mecca Balsam 7 Meconic Acid 2 Meconin , 33 Medicine Chests 235, 236 Medicine Droppers 236 Medicine Glasses 227 Medicine Spoons 236 Meen Fun, Hobbs' 236 Melanine 33 Melilot Flowers 21, 67 Melissa Herb 25 Menispermine.... 33 Mercury, Preparations of.... 33 Mercury with Chalk 34 Mercury with Magnesia 34 Messer's Inhalers 229 Metallic Aluminium 4 Metallic Antimony 6 Metallic Arsenic 6 Metallic Barium 8 Metallic Bismuth 9 Metallic Cadmium 10 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 349 Metallic Calcium n Metallic Cerium 12 Metallic Chromium 13 Metallic Cobalt 13 Metallic Copper 14 Metallic Didymium 15 Metallic Erbium 15 Metallic Iridium 26 Metallic Lead 29 Metallic Lithium 31 Metallic Manganese 33 Metallic Nickel 35 Metallic Niobium 35 Metallic Osmium 40 Metallic Palladium 40 Metallic Silicium 50 Metallic Sodium 52 Metallic Strontium 54 Metallic Tin 56 Metallic Titan..'. 58 Metallic Uranium 58 Metallic Wolfram 63 Metallic Yttrium 63 Metallic Zircon 64 Metallic Zinc 63 Methyl 34 Methylamin Chlorhydrat.... 34 Metrical Graduates 227 Metrical Measures 227 Metrical Weights 291 Mexican Sarsaparilla 47 Mezereon Bark 8 Miasmine 109 Microcosmic Salt 52 Milk, Condensed no Milk Punch no Milk of Magnesia no Milkweed Root 46, 67 Millefolia Flowers 22, 67 Millefolia Herb 26 Millet Seed 50 Mills, Drug 213, 214, 215 Mincasia (Proprietary) no Mineroleum no Mineral Waters. ...59, 60, 61, 62 Mirrors 237 Mitigated Caustic n Mixt., Col'ne,W.H.S.& Co's.205 Mixture (Proprietary) no Moller's C'd Liver Oil. 36, no, 131 Molybdamic Acid 2 Molybdanum ■ 34 Molybdate of Ammonium ... 5 Molybdate of Sodium 52 Mono-Bromated Camphor... n Mono-Carbonate Ammon... 5 Mono-chloracetic Acid 2 Monsel's Powder 27 Monsel's Solution 27 Morphine 34 Mortars and Pestles 237, 238 Mother of Pearl 234 Moulds, Camphor Ice 239 Moulds, Suppository 239 Mount Eagle Tripoli 58 Moss 34 Mounted Caustic 203 Moyle's Inhalers 229 Mucilage 239 Mugs, Shaving 259 Mugwort 25, 67 Mugwort Root 45, 67 Mullein Flowers 22 Mullein Herb 25, 67 Muriate of Ammonium 5 Murate of Apomorphia 6 Muriate of Barium 8 Muriate of Bebeerine 9 Muriate of Berberin 9 Muriate of Cerium 12 Muriate of Cinchonia 13 Muriate of Iron 27 Muriate of Magnesia 33 Muriate of Manganese 33 Muriate of Morphine 34 Muriate of Pilocarpine 41 Muriate of Quinia 44 Muriate of Sodium 52 Muriate of Strontium 54 Muriate of Strychnia 54 Muriate of Tin 56 Muriatic Acid 2 Musk 34 Musk Root 46 Musk Seed 49, 50 Muslin, Oiled 243 Mustard 35, 131 Mustard Seed 50 Myrrh Gum 24 Myrtle Berries 9 Nail Brushes 185 Nail Cases 240 Nail Cleaners 240 Nail Files 240 Nail Polishers 240 Nail Powder 240 Naldire's Dog Soap 267 Naphthalin 35 Naphtha Wood 35 Naphtylamine 35 Narcein 35 Narcotin 33 Nasal Douches 240 Neatsfoot Oil > 38 Needle, Antimony, f 6 Needles, Surgeons' 240 Nelson's Gelatine ...22, 105, 132 Nepenthea no Nervine (Proprietary) no Nervine Root 47, 67 N eural gioline no Nickel 35 Nicotian Leaves 30 Nicotin 35 Nicwood 93 Night Lights 241 Nigrosene 5 Niobium 35 Nipple, Shields 241 Nipples 240, 241 Nitrate of Aluminium 4 Nitrate of Ammonium 5 Nitrate of Amyl 5 Nitrate of Barium 8 Nitrate of Brucia 10 Nitrate of Cadmium 10 Nitrate of Calcium n Nitrate of Cerium 12 Nitrate of Cobalt 13 Nitrate of Copper 14 Nitrate of Iron 27 Nitrate of Lead 29 Nitrate of Lime 31 Nitrate of Lithium 31 Nitrate of Magnesia 33 Nitrate of Manganese 33 Nitrate of Mercury 34 Nitrate of Morphine 34 Nitrate of Nickel 35 Nitrate of Palladium 40 Nitrate of Pilocarpine 41 Nitrate of Potassium 43 Nitrate of Silver 50 Nitrate of Sodium 52 Nitrate of Strontium 54 Nitrate of Strychnia 54 Nitrate of Uranium 58 Nitrate of Urea 59 Nitrate of Zinc." 63 Nitric Acid 2 Nitrite of Amyl 5 Nitrite of Potassium 43 Nitrite of Sodium 52 Nitro-Muriatic Acid 2 Nitroprussite of Sodium 52 Nitrous Fuming Acid 2 Nuremberg Blue 35 Nursery Aprons 159 Nursing Bottles 242 Nursing Bottle Trimmings. .243 Nutgalls 35 Nutmegs 35 Nuts 35 Nux Vomica 35 Oak Bark 8, 67 Oakley's Soaps 265 Oakum 35 Oatmeal 35, no, 132 Odonto, Rowland's 253 Odorators 159 Odouselaine no CEnanthic Acid 2 CEnanthic Ether 16 Oil Cologne Lundborg's 243 Oil of Pear 5 Oiled Muslin 243 Oiled Silk 243 Oil, Rowland's Macassar... .253 Oil Tanks 280 Oils, Essential..35, 36, 37, 38, 39 Oils (Prop.).... no, in, 129,130 Ointments 39, 40 Ointments (Prop'y) in, 112, 133 Oleates 40 Oleinic Acid 2 Oleoresins 40 Olibanum 24 Olive Oil 38 Olive Tar Inhalers 229 Olive Tar (Proprietary) 112 Ononidis Root. 47 Opera, Pearline.... 234 Opium 24 Opodeldoc 112 Opodeldoc Soap 51 Opoponax 24 Opthalmoscopes 243 Orange Aniline 5 Orange Apples 40 Orange Flowers 21 Orange Flower Water.. .62, 129 Orange Leaves 30 Orange Peel 40 Orchille ..... 40 Oregon Balsam 7 Orpiment 7 Orris Root 47 Osmium 40 Osmyc Acid 3 Os Sepia 40 Otto Rose Bottles 163, 164 Otto Rose, Coudray's 243 Oxalate of Ammonium 5 Oxalate of Calcium 11 Oxalate of Cerium 12 Oxalate of Cobalt 13 Oxalate of Copper 14 Oxalate of Iron 27 Oxalate of Lime 31 Oxalate Lithium 31 Oxalate of Nickel 35 Oxalate of Sodium 52 Oxalate of Strontium 54 Oxalic Acid 3 Oxalic Ether 16 Ox Gall, Inspissated 40 Oxide of Antimony 6 Oxide of Barium 8 Oxide of Bismuth 9 Oxide of Cadmium 10 Oxide of Cerium 12 Oxide of Chromium 13 Oxide of Cobalt n 350 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Oxide of Copper 14 Oxide of Gold > 23 Oxide of Iron 27 Oxide of Lead 29 Oxide of Manganese 33 Oxide of Mercury 34 Oxide of Nickel 35 Oxide of Silver 51 Oxide of Strontium 54 Oxide of Tin 56 Oxide of Uranium 59 Oxide of Zinc 63 Oxide of Zircon 64 Oxide Salicyl of Methyl 34 Oxychloride of Bismuth 9 Oxydulat of Iron 27 Oxymel of Squill 40 Oxysulphuret of Antimony.. 6 Oyster Shells, Prepared 40 Packer's Tar Soap 265 Pads (Proprietary) 112 Pads, Teething 280 Pain Curer (Proprietary)... .112 Pain Killer (Prop'y) 112 Pain Paint (Proprietary) ... .112 Pain Reliever (Proprietary). .112 Paint Brushes 185, 186 Painters' Dusters 186 Paints 151, 152, 153 Paints in Tubes 154, 155 Pale Bark 8 Palladium 40 Palmella (Proprietary) 112 Palmer's Invisible Powder.. .283 Palmer's Snow White 283 Palmitinic Acid. 3 Palm Oil 38 Panacea (Proprietary) 112 Pancreatine.. 40, 112 Pans, Bed 162 Pap Boats 244 Paper, Capping 243 Paper, Emery 243 Paper, Fayard 243 Paper, Filtering 220, 221 Paper, Fly 112 Paper, Litmus 244 Paper, Presc. Powder 244 Paper, Sand 244 Paper, Seidlitz 244 Paper, Tumeric 244 Paper, Water Closet 244 Paper, Wrapping 244 Paper, Writing 244 Papoma (Proprietary) 113 Parabanic Acid 3 Paratartaric Acid 3 Pareira Brava Root 47 Paregoric 40 Paris White 40 Parafin 40 Parsley Herb 25, 67 Parsley Root 47, 67 Parsley Seed 50, 67 Paste (Prop'y).113, 127, 130, 132 Pastilles, Coudray's 244 Pastilles, Hooper's 244 Pastilles, Lubin's 234 Pastilles (Proprietary) 113 Pastilles, Fumigating 41 Pastilles, W. H. S. & Co...244 Patch Boxes 166 Patchouly Flowers 21 Patchouly Leaves 30 Pate de Nafe (Proprietary). .130 Patent Medicines 94 Patey's Cold Cream 204 Paulinia 23, 41 Peach Wood 93 Pearlash 43 Pearlash Saleratus 49 Pearl Barley....,. 8 Pearl Powder, Ramsey's 244 Pearl Sago .' 48 Pearl Starch 53 Pearl Tapioca 55 Pearls (Proprietary) 129 Pears' Shaving Soap 260 Pears' Transpt. Soap 267 Peas, Issue 230 Pectoral Flowers 22 Pectoral (Proprietary) 113 Pelargonic Ether 16 Pellets (Proprietary) 113 Pellitory Root 47 Pencils, Camel's Hair 178 Pencils, Eyebrow 218 Pencils, Indelible 244 Pencils, Lead 244 Pen Holders 244 Peony Flowers 22, 67 Peony Seed 50 Pepper 41 Peppermint Herb 25, 67 Pepsin 113,128,130,131,132 Perchlorate of Antimony.... 6 Perchlorate of Potassium.... 43 Perchloric Acid 3 Perchloride of Iron 27 Percolators 245 Perforators 245 Perfumery, Extracts, bulk. 16,17 Perfumers' Ribbons 253 Permang'e of Potassium. .43,131 Permanganate of Sodium.... 52 Permanganate of Zinc 63 Pernitrate of Iron 27 Persian Berries 9 Persulphate of Iron 27 Peruvian Bark 8 Pessaries 246 Petroleum Ether 16 Pharmaceutical Prep's.89, 90, 91 Pharmaceutical Stills 273 Phenol Sodique 113 Phenylate of Potassium 43 Phenylate of Sodium 52 Philandria Seed 50 Philotoken (Proprietary) ... .113 Phloridzin 41 Phosphate of Aluminium.... 4 Phosphate of Ammonium.... 5 Phosphate of Calcium 11 Phosphate of Copper 14 Phosphate of Iron 27 Phosphate of Lead 29 Phosphate of Magnesia 33 Phosphate of Manganese.... 33 Phosphate of Mercury 34 Phosphate of Nickel 35 Phosphate of Potassium 43 Phosphate of Quinia 44 Phosphate of Sodium 52 Phosphate of Sod. and Am.. 52 Phosphate of Strychnia 54 Phosphate of Zinc 63 Phosphide of Calcium n Phosphide of Zinc 64 Phosphite of Zinc 64 Phosphoids (Proprietary).. ..113 Phosphoric Acid 3 Phosphoric Ether 16 Phospho-molybdate Ammon. 5 Phosphorous Acid 3 Phosphorus 41 Physcians' Cases 200, 201 Physostigmin 41 Pichurion Beans 9 Picks, Tooth . 283 Piera 26 Picric Acid 3 Picronitrate of Ammonium .. 5 Picronitrate of Iron 27 Picronitric Acid 3 Picrotoxin 41 Piesse & Lubin's Extracts.. .220 Piesse & Lubin's Goods 247 Pile Pipes 247 Pill, Blue 41, 127, 130 Pill Boxes 166,167 Pill Machines 247 Pill Rollers 248 Pill Silverers 248 Pill Tiles 248 Pillows, Air 158 Pills (Prop'y).. 113, 114, Pills, Soluble 74 Pills, Sugar Coated 80 Pilocarpine 41 Pilules 116 Pimento 41 Pimpinella Root 47 Pinaud's Brillantine 171 Pinaud's Cosmetic 212 Pinaud's Soap 267 Pink Aniline 5 Pink Gelatine 22 Pink Root 47 Pink Saucers 248 Pins, Hair 228 Pinus Canadensis 116 Pipe Clay 13, 41 Piperin 41 Pipes, Breast 171 Pitch 41 Pith, Sassafras 41 Piver's Hair Oil 228 Piver's Pomade 249 Piver's Soap 267 Plaster, Adhesive Spread.... 41 Plaster Irons 249 Plaster Machines 249 Plaster of Paris 42 Plaster Skins 260 Plaster Spatulas 249,268 Plasters, Bunion 248 Plasters, Corn 248 Plasters, Court 248, 249 Plasters, Officinal 41 Plasters, Proprietary .116,117,118 Plate Brushes 189 Platinum 42 Platinum Sponges 42 Platinum Wire 42 Playing Cards 197 Pleurisy Root 47, 67 Plugs (Proprietary) 118 Plumbago 42 Pocket Books 249 Pocket Cases 199, 200, 201 Pocket Stoves 273 Poison Oak 30 Poke Berries 9, 67 Poke Root 47, 67 Polisher's Nail 240 Polishing Putty 42, 56 Polish (Proprietary) 116 Polypody Root 47, 67 Pomade Bottles ■ 164 Pomade, Letchford's 233 Pomade, Low's 234 Pomade, Vaseline 204. Pomades 249 Pomades, French 42 Pomegranate Bark 8 Pond Lily Root 47, 67 Pond's Ext. Co.'s Specialties.250 Poor Man's Friend 132 Poplar Bark 8, 67 Poppy Flowers 22, 67 Poppy Heads 42 Poppy Leaves 30, 67 Poppy Seed 50 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 351 Potash 42 Potassa 42 Potassa cum Calcis 42 Potassium 42, 43 Potters' Blue 44 Potters' Clay 13, 44 Powder 44 Powder Folders 249 Powder, Hair 228 Powder, Letchford's 233 Powder, Pearl, Ramsey's... .252 Powder (Prop.) .118,119,130,131 Powder, Rice, Lubin's 234 Powder, Sachet 254 Powder, Saunders' Face 254 Powder, Toilet, Ramsey's.. .252 Powdered Glass 22 Powdered Strychnia 54 Powders, Bronze 171 Powders (Proprietary) ..118, 119 Powders, Seidlitz 50 Powders, Soda 51 Pozzoni's Powder 283 Prairie Weed (Proprietary). .119 Precipitated Aluminium 4 Precipitated Chalk 12 Preparation (Proprietary).... 119 Prepared Chalk 12 Prepared Tutty 58 Prescription Boxes 167, 168 Prescription Cases 250 Prescription (Proprietary) ...119 Preservative (Proprietary).. .119 Pressed Herbs 65, 66, 67, 68 Pressers, Cork 211 Presses, Tincture 282 Presses, Wafer 287 Price's Glycerine 23 Price's Solidified Soap 267 Prickly Ash Bark 8, 65 Prickly Ash Berries . 9, 65 Primul Veris Flowers 22 Printers' Lye Brushes .187 Probangs 250 Propionic Acid 3 Propylamin 44 Protagon 44 Protectors, Chest 204a Protectors, Eye 218 Proteine 44 Protiodide of tylercury 34 Proto-bromide of Mercury ... 34 Protocarbonate of Iron 26 Protochloride of Tin 56 Protonitrate of Mercury 34 Protosulphate of Iron & Am. 27 Protosulphate of Mercury.... 34 Protosulphate of Tin 56 Protosulphide of Mercury.... 34 Protoxide of Mercury 34 Prussiate of Potassium 43 Prussic Acid '.. 3 Puffs 250 Puff Boxes 250 Pulp, Colocynth 14 Pulp, Tamarind 55 Pulsatilla Herb 25 Pulvis Antimonialis 44 Pumice Stone 54 Pumpkin Seed 56, 67 Pumps, Acid 251 Pumps, Breast 170, 171 Pumps, Stomach 273 Pungents 164, 165 Purifier (Proprietary) 119 Purple Aniline 5 Putty 44 Pyrethri Root 47 Pyrites 44 Pyro gallic Acid 3 Pyroligneous Acid 3 Pyroline 119 Pyrophosphate of Iron 27 Pyrophosphate of I'n & Am.. 27 Pyrophosphate of I'n & S'da. 27 Pyrophosphate of Potassium. 43 Pyrophosphate of Sodium ... 52 Pyroxylic Spirit 35 Pyroxylin 14, 44 Quassia 44 Quassia Cups 251 Queen of the Meadow ... .47, 67 Quercitron Bark 8, 67, 93 Quevennes Iron 27, 132 Quicksilver 44 Quinelixir .119 Quillaya Bark 8 Quince Seed 50 Quinia 44 Quinidia 44 Race Ginger 46 Racks, Brush 252 Racks, Filter 221 Racks, Soap 252 Racks, Sponge 252 Racahout des Arabes 130 Racahout (Proprietary) 119 Ramsey's Pearl Powder.244, 252 Ramsey's Toilet Powder ... .252 Rape Seed 50 Rattles 252 Razors 252 Razor Strops 252 Razorines. 253 Realgar • 6 Red Aniline 5> 6 Red Argols 6 Red Arsenic 6, 7 Red Bark 8 Red Chalk 12 Red Lead 29 Red Oxide of Iron 27 Red Iodide of Mercury 34 Red Oxide of Mercury 34 Red Pepper 41 Red Precipitate 34, 44 Red Precipitate, Levigated.. 34 Red Saunders 44 Red Smalts *... 51 Red Tartar 55, 56 Red Wood 93 Reels, Twine 286 Regulator (Proprietary) 119 Regulus Antimony 6 Relief (Proprietary) 119 Remedy (Proprietary) . .119, 120 Rennet (Proprietary) 120 Renovator (Proprietary) 120 Resin 45 Resineon 45 Resin Cerate 12 Resin Copaiva 45 Resin Jalap 45 Resin Scammony .... 45 Resolvent (Proprietary) 120 Respirators 253 Restorer (Proprietary) 120 Retort Stands 253 Retorts 147 Revalenta (Proprietary) 120 Revivum (Proprietary) 120 Rhamnus Bark 8 Rhatany Root 47, 67 Rheumatic Paper 130 Rhigolene 16 Rhodium 45 Rhodod Chrysanth 30 Rhodod. Ferrugin 30 Rhubarb Root 47 Rhus Toxicodendron 30 Ribbon Bruges, P. & L 247 Ribbons 253 Rice Flour 21 Rice Powder, Lubin's 234 Rieger's Trans. Soap....260, 267 Riga Balsam 7 Riggs' Shaving Soap 260 Riggs' Veg. Essence 220 Riker's Face Powder 253 Rimmel's Extracts 220, 253 Rimmel's Preparations 253 Rimmel's Toilet Soap 267 Rimmel's Tooth Soap 266 Rings, Key 232 Rings, Teething 280 Rio Negro Sarsaparilla 47 Robare's Aureoline i€o Robinson's Barley 96, 132 Robinson's Corn Pencils... .212 Robinson's Groats 23, 132 Robinson's Oatmeal 35, 132 Roche Alum 4 Rock Candy 11 Rock Rose .... 25, 67 Rock Rose (Proprietary) ... .120 Roger & Gallet's Hair Oil.. .228 Roger & Gallet's Lavender.. 233 Roll Sulphur 54 Roman Alum 4 Roof Brushes 187 Roots.. .45,46,47,48,65,66,67,68 Root Beer 120 Root Cutters 253 Rosadalis (Proprietary) 120 Rose Leaves (Flowers) 22 Rose Pink 48 Rose Water 62, 129 Rosemary Flowers 22, 67 Rosemary Leaves 30, 66 Rosemary (Proprietary) 120 Rosolic Acid 3 Rotten Stone 54 Rouge 48 Rouge Powder 253 Rouge Vinegar 253 Rousseau's Laudanum...... 29 Rowland's Kalydor 253 Rowland's Macassar Oil.228, 253 Rowland's Odonto 253, 283 Rubber Sheeting 259 Rubidium 48 Rubigo Ferri 26 Rubingosa Bark 8 Rue 25, 67 Ruthenium 48 Rutil 48 Sabadilla Seed 5° Saccharated Calcium 11 Saccharated Carb, of Iron... 26 Saccharated Iodide Iron.... 27 Saccharated Oxide of Iron .. 27 Sachet Powder Bottles 254 Sachets 254 Sachets, Atkinson's 254 Sachets, Lubin's 234 Sachet Powder 254 Saddle Bags 254, 255 Safflower 48 Saffron Flowers, American .. 22 Saffron Flowers, Spanish .... 22 Sagapenum 24 Sage 3°> 67 Sago Flour 21 Sago Pearl 48 St. Ignatius' Beans 9 St. John's Bread 9, 53 St. Louis Tripoli 58 St. Vincent Arrowroot 6 Sal Acetosella 43, 48 Sal Glauber 48 Sal Enixum 48 Sal Epsom 48 Sal Nitre 48 352 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Sal Prunel 49 Sal Rochelle 49 Sal Soda 49 Sal Tartar .43, 49 Salad Oil 38 Salep Root 47 Saleratus 49 Salicin 49 Salicylate of Bismuth 9 Salicylate of Calcium 11 Salicylate of Potassium 43 Salicylate of Quinia 44 Salicylate of Sodium 52 Salicylate of Zinc 64 Salicylic Acid 3 Salicyl Oxide of Methyl .... 34 Salicylous Acid 3 Saline Pyretic (Proprietary) .120 Salt 49 Salts 49 Salts, Effervescing 128 Salts of Lemon 49, 120 Salts (Proprietary) 120 Salts of Wormwood 49 Salve, Lip 234 Salve (Proprietary) 120, 121 Sandal Wood 63 Sandarach 24 Sand. 49 Sand Paper 244 Sang. Draconis 24 Sanguinaria Root 47 Santaline 49 Santonate of Sodium 52 Santonin 49 Santonine Tablet 11 Sapan Wood 93 Sapoliene (Proprietary) 121 Sapolio (Proprietary) 121 Saponine 49 Sarg's Glycerine 23 Sarg's Shaving Soap 260 Sarg's Toilet Soap .267 Sarsaparilla (Prop'y)........ 121 Sarsaparilla Root 47, 67 Sash Brushes 187 Sassafras Bark 8, 67 Sassafras Pith 41, 49 Saunders' Face Powder 283 Saunders' Tooth Powder... .283 Sauce 121 Saucers, Pink 248 Savage's Ursina 249 Savin Cerate 12 Savin Leaves 30, 66 Savory & Moore's Prep. 132, 133 Scale Cases 256 Scales 256, 257, 8 Scarlet Aniline 6 Scammony 24 Scammony Root. 47 Scarificators 258 Schnapps (Proprietary) 121 Scissors, Folding 258 Scissors, Nail 258 Scissors, Surgeons' 258, 287 Scoops, Horn 258 Scoparia Flowers 22 Scotch Imperial Oatmeal.... 35 Scrapers, Tongue. 283 Scrub Brushes 187 Scurvy Grass 25. 67 Seal Oleum (Proprietary) .. .121 Sea Moss Farine 104 Sealing Wax 287 Sea Salt 49 Sea Salt (Proprietary) 121 Sea Tangle Tents 258 Sea Wrack 22 Sebacilic Acid 3 Sebacylic Ether 16 Sedative (Proprietary).. 121, 127 Seeds 49, 50, 65, 66, 67, 68 Seedlac Gum 24 Seidlitz Mixture 50 Seidlitz Paper 244 Seidlitz Powder Boxes 168 Seidlitz Powders 44, 50 Seidlitz Measures 258 Seidlitz Wrappers 258 Seleniate of Sodium 52 Selenic Acid 3 Selenium 50 Senegal 24 Seneka Root 47, 67 Senna 30, 66 Sepia (Proprietary) 121 Sesquichloride of Iron 27 Seven Seals (Proprietary) .. .121 Shades, Eye 218 Shaker's Herbs ... .65, 66, 67, 68 Shand's Lily White 234 Shaving Boxes 259 Shaving Brushes 188 Shaving Compound 259 Shaving Cream 258 Shaving Mugs 259 Shellac 24 Sheeting, I. R 259 Shields, Nipple 241 Shoe Brushes 188, 189 Shoe Daubers 189 Shoulder Braces 259 Show Cases 259 Show Stands 259 Sieves 258 Sifters, Drug 215 Silicate of Calcuim 11 Silicate of Potassium 43 Silicate of Soda. 22 Silicate of Sodium 52 Silicic Acid 3 Silicia 50 Silicio-fluoride Potassium.... 43 Silicium 50 Siliqua Dulcis 50 Silk, Oiled 243 Silk, Surgeons' 260 Silver. Brushes 189 Silver Leaf 50 Silver, Preparations of 50 Silver Sand ' 49 Simaruba Bark 8 Simple Cerate 12 Sinapism (Proprietary) 121 Skeletons 260 Stretchers, Cloth 204 Skins 260 Skins, Bandreuche 161 Skins, Kid 232 Skunk-cabbage Root 47, 67 Smalts 51 Smelling Bottles 164, 165 Smith's Borax 97 Snake Root 47, 67 Snuff ' 51 Snuff (Proprietary) 121, 133 Soap Bags, I. R 267 Soap Boxes 267 Soap, Bayley's 161 Soap, Castile 51 Soap, Guerlain's 228 Soap, juniper Tar 197 Soapstone 54 Soap Cerate 12 Soap, Tree Bark 8 Soaps, American 260, 266 Soaps, English 266 Soaps, French 267 Soaps, German 267 Soap wort Root 48, 67 Soc Hygienique Goods 267 Soc Hygienique Oil 228- Soc Hygienique Soap 267 Soc Hyg. Tooth Powder . ...283 Soda 31 32 Soda, Ash 51 Soda, Caustic 51 Soda Powder Boxes 169 Soda Powders 44, 51 Soda Saleratus 49 Soda Water, Pocket 267 Sodium 51 Solanin 52 Solid Exts.,allk'ds.i7,i8,i9,2o,2i Solomon's Seal 48, 67 Soluble Cream of Tartar ... 43 Soluble Glass 22 Soluble Pills and Granules .. 74 Soluble Tartar 43 Solution of Arsenic 7 Solution of Muriate Tin .... 32 Solution (Proprietary) 122 Solvent (Prop'y) 122, 132 Sounds 260 Sonsy Soap 266 Sozodont (Proprietary) 122 Spanish Brown 52 Spanish Saffron (Flowers)... 22 Spatulas 268 Spatulas, Plaster 249 Spearmint 25, 67 Specialty (Proprietary) 122 Species, Aromatic 52 Species, Cataplasm 52 Species, Lignorum 52 Species, Marienbad 52 Species, Pectoralis 10, 52 Species, Resolventes 52 Species, St. Germain 53 Specifics, Humphrey's 122 Specific (Proprietary). ..122, 132 Speculums 268, 269, 270 Spermaceti 53 Spermaceti Cerate 12 Sperm Oil 39 Spice (Proprietary) 122 Spigelia Root 47 Spirit (Proprietary) 122 Spirits 53 Spirits of Ammonia 4, 52, 53 Spirits of Ammonia Ar.4, 52, 53 Spirits of Camphor 52, 53 Spirits of Lavender 53 Spirits Mindererus 53 Spirits of Nitre 53 Spirits of Turpentine 53 Split Skins 260 Spoons, Horn 258 Spoons, Medicine 236 Sponge Bags 272 Sponge Baskets 161 Sponge Racks 252 Sponge Tents 258 Sponges 271, 272 Spongeo Feline 271 Sprinkler Tops 272 Spruce Gum 25 Spunk 53 Squill Root 48, 68 Stafford's Inhalers 229 Stamp's Tooth Powder 283 Stands, Cologne 205 Stands, Retort 253 Stannate of Sodium 52 Star Anise Seed 49 Starch 53 Staves-acre Seed 50 Stearic Acid 3 Stearin 3, 53 Steiner's Rat Paste 113, 133 Stencil Brushes 189 Stethoscopes .273 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT, 353 Sticklac '..... 25 Stillingia Root 48 Stills 273 Stockings, Knee 217 Stockings, Thigh 217 Stomach Pumps 273 Stomach Tubes 273 Stone, Pumice 54 Stone, Root 48, 68 Stone, Rotten 54 Stone, Soap 54 Stove Brushes 190 Stoves, Gas 273 Stoves, Kerosene 273 Stramonium Leaves 30, 68 Stramonium Seed 50, 68 Straps, Hair 228 Strings, Guitar 228 Strings, Violin 287 Strontium ».... 54 Strychnia 54 Styptic, Cotton 100, 122 Styracine 54 Styracis Leaves 30 Styrax 54 Sub-Acetate of Copper 14 Sub-Acetate of Lead 29 Sub-Carbonate of Bismuth.. 9 Sub-Chloride of Mercury.... 34 Sub-Oxide of Copper 14 Subnitrate of Bismuth 9 Subsulphate ,of Iron 27 Subsulphate of Mercury 34 Succinate of Ammonium.... 5 Succinate of Iron* 27 Succinic Acid 3 Succinum 25 Succus Conium 28 Succus Sambuci 28 Succus Taraxacum 28 Sugar .'54 Sug.-Coated Pills. 80,81,82,83,84 Sugar of Lead 29 Sugar of Lemons 122 Sugar of Milk 54 Sulphate Aconitia 3 Sulphate of Aluminium 4 Sulphate of Ammonium 5 Sulphate of Atropia 7 Sulphate of Barium 8 Sulphate of Bebeerine 9 Sulphate of Brucia 10 Sulphate of Cadmium 10 Sulphate of Calcium 11 Sulphate of Caffein 10 Sulphate of Calabarin 10 Sulphate of Cinchonia 13 Sulphate of Cinchonidia 13 Sulphate of Cobalt 13 Sulphate of Codeia 13 Sulphate of Copper 14 Sulphate of Curarine 15 Sulphate of Didymium 15 Sulphate of Esorine 15 Sulphate of Indigo 26 Sulphate of Iron 28 Sulphate of Lead 29 Sulphate of Lithium 31 Sulphate of Magnesia 33 Sulphate of Manganese 33 Sulphate of Morphine 34 Sulphate of Nickel 35 Sulphate of Potassium 43 Sulphate of Quinia 44 Sulphate of Quinidia 44 Sulphate of Silver 51 Sulphate of Sodium 52 Sulphate of Strontium 54 Sulphate of Strychnia 54 Sulphate of Thallium 56 Sulphate of Uranium 59 Sulphate of Veratria 59 Sulphate of Zinc 64 Sulphide of Ammonium 5 Sulphide of Barium 9 Sulphide of Cadmium 10 Sulphide of Calcium n Sulphide of Cobalt 13 Sulphide of Copper 14 Sulphide of Iron 28 Sulphide of Lead 29 Sulphide of Potassium 43 Sulphide of Silver 51 Sulphide of Tin 56 Sulph-indilate Potassium .... 43 Sulphite of Ammonium 5 Sulphite of Calcium 11 Sulphite of Magnesia 33 Sulphite of Potassium 43 Sulphite of Sodium 52 Sulpho-Carbolate of Amrnon. 5 Sulpho-Carbolate of Calcium n Sulpho-Carbolate of Iron.... 28 Sulpho-Carbolate of Lithium 31 Sulpho-Carbolate of Potass.. 43 Sulpho-Carbolate of Quinia. 44 Sulpho-Carbolate of Sodium. 52 Sulpho-Carbolate of Zinc.... 64 Sulpho-Carbonate of Sodium 52 Sulpho-Cyanide of Ammon.. 5 Sulpho-Cyanide ofPotass'm. 43 Sulpho-Cyanide of Mercury. 34 Sulpho-Vinate of Quinia 44 Sulpho-Vinate of Sodium ... 52 Sulphur 54 Sulphur Balsam 7 Sulphur Flowers 54 Sulphur Lotum 54 Sulphur Sheets 54 Sulphur Vivum 54 Sulphuret of Antimony 6 Sulphuret of Calcium n Sulphuret of Iron 28 Sulphuret of Mercury 34 Sulphuret of Potassium 43 Sulphuret of Sodium 52 Sulphuret of Tin 56 Sulphuric Acid 3 Sulphuric Ether 16 Sulphurous Acid 3 Sumac 93 Sumac Berries ..... 9, 68 Sumbul Root 46 Sun Cholera Drops 102 Sundew 25 Sun-Flower Seed 50, 68 Supporters, Abdominal.. 158,217 Suppositories 92 Suppositories, Pile 122 Suppository Moulds 239 Surgeons' Bandage 161 Surgeons' Needles 240 Surgeons' Silk 260 Surgeons' Tow 58 Suspensories 274, 275 Svapnia 122 Sweet Marjoram 25, 66 Sweet Quinia 44 Sydenham's Laudanum 29 Syringe Bulbs 275 Syringes 275, 276, 277, 278 279, 280 Syringes, Ear 217 Syringes, McElroy's 277 Syrup Iodide Iron 27 Syrup Iodide Iron, Tasteless 27 Syrups, Officinal 54 Syrups (Proprietary) 122,123,124 Tablets, Alabaster 158 Tablets, Magnolia 228 Tablets (Proprietary) . ..124, 132 Tacamahac 25 Tailors' Chalk 203 Talc 12 Talc de Venice 280 Talcum Powder 283 Tamarac Bark 8, 68 Tamarac Gum 25 Tamar Indien (Prop'y)..124,130 Tamara Larex 124 Tamarinds 55. Tanks, Oil 280 Tannic Acid 3 Tannate of Bismuth 9 Tannate of Iron 28 Tannate of Lead 29 Tannate of Quinia 44 Tannate of Sodium 52 Tannate of Zinc 64 T annin 55 Tansy Flowers 22 Tansy Herb 25, 68 Tapers 226, 280 Tapioca 55 Taps, Champagne 204 Tar 55 Tartar 55 Tartar Emetic 6, 55 Tartaric Acid 3 Tartrate of Ammonium 5 Tartrate of Antimony 6 Tartrate of Copper 14 Tartrate of Iron 28 Tartrate of Iron and Ammon. 28 Tartrate of Iron and Potass . 28 T artrate of Lead 29 Tartrate of Magnesia 33 Tartrate of Potassium 43 Tartrate of Sodium 52 Taurocholate of Sodium .... 52 Taurocholic Acid 3 Taylor's Arrowroot 6 Taylor's Extracts 220 Taylor's Hair Oil 228 Taylor's Lint 234 Taylor's Shaving Comp'd .. 259 Tea (Proprietary) 124 Teats, Heifer's 228 Teething Rings 280 Telluric Acid 3 Tellurium 56 Tenax 56 Tents, Sea Tangle 258 Tents, Sponge 258 Terbium 56 Terra Japonica 24 Tersulphate of Iron 28 Test Tubes 148 Test Tube Stands 148 Tetlow's Lily White 234 Tetlow's Rouge 253 Tetlow's Swan's-Down 283 Texas Snake Root 47 Thallium 56 Thapsia Plaster 133 Thebaine 56 Theine 56 Thermaline 124 Thermometers 280, 281, 282 Thompson's Tooth Soap ....266 Thridace 56 Thurston's Tooth Powder.. .283 Thyme 30, 68 Thymol 56 Thymic Acid ........ 3 Tickets, Gum 232 Tic Sano (Proprietary) 124 Tiles, Pill 248 Tilia Bark , 7 Tilia Flowers 22 Tin 56 Tin Boxes 168 Tinctures 56, 57, 58 354 W. H. SCHIEFFELIN & CO.'S Tincture Presses 282 Tincture (Proprietary) ..56, 124 Tin Foil 56 Tinkal 58 Tissue (Prop'y) 124, 127 Titan 58 Titanic Acid 3 Titan Ore 58 Toilet Powder 283 Toilet Sets 283 Tolu Balsam 7 Tonca Beans 9 Tongue Depressors 284 Tongue Scrapers 283 Tonic (Proprietary) 124 Tonquin Musk 34 T onsilotomes 284 Tools, Sash 187 Tooth Brushes. 190, 191,192,193 Tooth Paste 283 Tooth Paste, J. & B. 231 Toothpicks 283 Tooth Powder 283 Tooth Powder Boxes 169 Tooth Powder, Johnson's.. .231 Tooth Wash 283 Tops, Sprinkler 272 Tormentilia Root 48 Tow 58 Towels 285 Tragacanth 25 Tranquille Balsam 7 Traumaticin 58 Tri-chloride of Carbon...... 11 Trichloromethyl Sulphur.... 58 Tricopherous (Proprietary). .125 Trifolia Flowers 22 Trimethylamin 58 Tripoli 58 Tripoli Soap 266 Trix .' 284 Torches, Gas-Lighting 226 (Proprietary) 125 Trumpets, Ear 215, 216 Trusses 284, 285 Tsa-Tsin 58, 125 Tube Paints 154, 155 Tubes, Stomach 273 Tubing, India-Rubber 285 Tungstate of Ammonium.... 5 Tungstate of Iron 28 Tungstate of Sodium 52 Tungstic Acid 3 Turkey Corn Root 48, 68 Turkish Towels 285 Turlington's Balsam 7 Turmeric 93 Turmeric Paper 244 Turmeric Root 48 Turned Wood Boxes 170 Turner's Cerate 12 Turpentine 58 Turpeth Mineral 34, 58 Turpeth Root 48 Tutty 58 Tweezers 285 Twine Boxes 285, 286 Twines 285 Ultramarine Blue 58 Unicorn Root 48, 68 Uranium 58 Urate of Ammonium 5 Urea 59 Uric Acid 3 Urinals 286 Urinometers 286 Ursina 249 Uterine Applicators 287 Uterine Scissors 287 Uterine Sounds 287 Uterine Tenaculums 287 Uva Ursi 30, 68 Vaccine 59 V. & F. Military Soap 260 Vaginal Douches 287 Valerianic Acid 3 Valerianate of Ammonium .. 5 Valerianate of Amyl 5 Valerianate of Atropia 7 Valerianate of Bismuth 9 Valerianate of Caffein 10 Valerianate of Iron 28 Valerianate of Iron & Quinia. 44 Valerianate of Iron & Quinine 28 Valerianate of Magnesia .... 33 Valerianate of Morphine.... 34 Valerianate of Quinia 44 Valerianate of Sodium 52 Valerianate of Strychnia 54 Valerianate of Zinc 64 Valerianic Ether 16 Valerian Root 48, 68 Vallet's Mass 26 Vanadinate of Ammonium .. 5 Vanadinic Acid 3 Vanadinum 59 Vanilla Beans 9 Vanilla Leaves 30 Vaporizers 159, 160 Varnish 156, 157 Varnish Brushes.. ..177, 178, 194 Varnish (Proprietary) 125 Vaseline 204 Vaseline Cold Cream 204 Vegetine (Proprietary) 125 Veloutine, Chardin's 204 Veloutine, Fays' 287 Venice Turpentine 58 Veratria 59 Veratrum Viride 48 Verbasci Flowers. 21 Verdigris 14. 59 Verdigris Cerate 12 Vermifuge (Proprietary) 125 Vermilion 59 Vetivert Root 48 Vial Cases 200, 201 Vials, Homoeopathic 138 Vials, Prescription.. 134, 135, 136 Viburnum Comp 125 Vichy Salts 49, 133 Vienna Lime 31 Vigorine 125 Vincae, Perv 30 Vinegar, Aromatic 159 Vinegar, Rimmel's 159, 253 Vinegar, Rouge 253 Vinegar, Soc Hyg 159 Vinum Digestivum 125 Viola Tricolor Herb 25 Violet Aniline 6 Violet Flowers 22 Violets Soap 267 Violin Bridges 287 Violin Rosin. 287 Violin Strings 287 Virginia Snake Root 47 Vitalized Phosphates 113 Vitalia (Proprietary) 125 Vitalizer 125 Vosburg's Extracts 220 Vosburg Hair Oil ..228 Wafer Presses 287 Wafers 287 Wafers (Proprietary)....125, 126 Wahoo Bark 8, 68 Wakelee's Aureoline 160 Walton's Annatto 133 Warburg's Tincture 58 Washed Sulphur 54 Washing Crystals 100 Wash (Proprietary) 125 Water of Ammonia 4 Water Bags 290 Water Baths 289 Water Bottles 290 Water, California 125 Water Closet Paper 244 Water, Cologne.. 59, 126 Water, Constitution 126 Water, Distilled 59 Water, Eye 126 Water Fennel Seed 50 Water, Florida 126 Water Heliotrope " Bates"..161 Water glass 63 Water Iodine 126 Water, Lavender 233 Water, Lavender, Colgate's.204 Watermelon Seed 50, 68 Water, Orange Flower. ..62, 129 Watei* Rose 62, 129 Water, Toilet, Colgate's... .204 Waters, Mineral.. .59, 60, 61, 62 Waters, Officinal 59 Waters, Tooth Soap 266 Wax 63 Wax Flower Materials 288 Wax, Sealing 288, 289 Weights 290, 291 Weights, Metrical 291 Weld 93 Wenck's Extracts 220 Whale Oil 39 Whale Oil Soap 51 Wheat, Prepared 125 Whisp Brooms 292 White Argols 6 White Arsenic •.... 7 White Ash Bark 8, 65 White Chalk 12 White Frostings 22 White French Gelatine 22 White Hellebore 46, 66 White Indian Hemp 46, 66 Whiting 63 White Lead 29 White Lily Flowers 22 White Oxide Antimony 6 White Pepper .. 41 White Pond Lily 47, 66 White Poppy Seed 50 White Precipitate 34, 63 White Rock Potash 42 W. H. S. & Co's Bay Rum.9, 96 W. H. S. & Co's Bell Coign 59, 126 W. H. S. & Co's Benzine... 96 W. H. S. & Co's Cam. Ice..197 W. H. S. & Co's Charcoal, 12, 99 W. H. S. & Co's Chlo. Pot- ash Lozenges 31, 109 W. H. S. & Co's Cit. Mag.33,109 W. H. S. & Co's Cologne.. .205 W. H. S. & Co's Col. Mix..205 W. H. S. & Co's Ess. Ging.103 W. H. S. & Co's Flav. Ext.. 16 W. H. S. & Co's Fluid Ext.. 69 W. H. S. & Co's Glycerine.. 23 W. H. S. & Co's Insect P0..119 W. H. S. & Co's Lucca Oil, 38 W. H. S. & Co's Pastilles.. .244 W. H. S. & Co.'s Perf'y Ex. 16 W. H. S. & Co'sSeidPo.50, 119 W. H. S. & Co's So. P0.51, 119 W. H. S. & Co's Solu. Pills. 74 White Sand 49 White Turpentine 25, 58 Whitewash Brushes.. . .195, 196 White Wax 62, 63 Wild Cherry Bark 8, 65 Wild Indigo Root 48, 68 Wicks, Lamp 232 GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. 355 Wild Turnip48, 68 Wild Yam Root 48 Williams' Soap260 Willow Boxes170 Willow Charcoal12, 99 Window Brushes196 Window Glass149 Wine Bottles148 Wine of the Woods126 Wines, Medicinal 63 Wines (Proprietary).126,128,132 Winter Bark 8 Winter's Soap260 Witchhazel Bark 68 Witherite 63 Woad 93 Wolfram Metallic63 Wolframic Acid 3 Wolframic Ammonium 5 Wood 63 Wood Alcohol 4 Wood Boxes, Chip170 Wood Boxes169 Wood Boxes, Turned170 Wood, Naphtha34, 63 Wood, Oil 7 Woorari 15 Wormseed 50 Wormseed Candy 11 Wormwood Herb25, 68 Woulff's Bottles148 Wrappers, Seidlitz258 Wrapping Paper244 Writing Paper244 Xanthium Spinosum26 Xanthogenate of Potassium. 44 Xanthoxylum (Proprietary).. 126 Xylobalsam (Proprietary).. .126 Xylol 63 Yankee Soap260 Yardley's Soap267 Yarrow Flowers22, 68 Yarrow Herb26, 68 Yellow Aniline 6 Yellow Arsenic 7 Yellow Bark 8 Yellow Chromate of Potas'in 43 Yellow Dock Root48, 68 Yellow Oxide of Mercury ... 34 Yellow Oxide of Uranium... 59 Yellow Parilla Root48, 68 Yellow Pond Lily47, 66 Yerba Santa 26 Yttrium, Metallic 63 Zaffre13, 63 Zedoary Root 48 Zinnstein 64 Zinc 63 Zinc Cerate 12 Zinc, Salicylate 126 Zircon 64 8. W< Green, Printer and Electrotyper, 16 and 18 Jacob Street, New-York. ATLANTIC White Lead am Linseed Oh Company. Pure White Lead. THE ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD Is manufactured exclusively from the best Selected Re fined Leads, and is ground in Refined Linseed Oil. RED LEAD, LITHARGE, ORANGE MINERAL, PURE LINSEED OIL, RAW, BOILED, REFINED. ROBERT COLGATE & CO., 287 Pearl St., New York. FOR SALE BY W. H. Schieffelin & Co; W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Importers and Jobbers of DRUGS, Nos. 170 & 172 William Street, (COR. BEEKMAN,) NEW-YORK, V H Schieffelin d VJ J1, Co. GENERAL PRICES CURRENT. A'eu YovV- 1878.