CATALOGUE OF Britos amljlntggrste’ fflrttfUs, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparations, Proprietary Medicines and Perfumery, Glassware, Corks, Sponges, etc., sold by Rust Bro’s & Bird Importers and Jobbers, 43 & 45 HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. NATH’L j. rust, WM. A. RUST, JOHN L. BIRD. BOSTON: IRA G. GATES, PRINTER, 3 COURT AVENUE 1880. INTRODUCTION. We have the pleasure to hand you herewith our Catalogue of Drugs and Druggists’ Articles for 1880, carefully revised to date. We beg permission to take advantage of this opportunity to present briefly the following facts upon which we rely for the extension of our business, as well as for the retention of the large trade we now have. 1. Onr stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Essential Oils is carefully selected, and will compare with that of any house in the country. 2. In Proprietary Medicines we can compete successfully with houses making them a specialty. 3. We have a large and fine stock of Fancy Goods and Druggists’ Sundries, and invite competition with establishments doing an exclusively fancy goods business. 4. Our stock of Winfs and Liquors is selected with a view 1o supplying the vuants of druggist*, and, in extent and variety, is fully equal to the demands of the trade. 5. We invite the most critical examination of every article sent out by us, and cheerfully submit to comparison with other houses. If we have not had the pleasure of doing business with you, in order to test the soundness of our claims, we respectfully request you to make us the depot for your supplies for one, two, or more months, stipulating that you include all departments as fully as possible, Ihe business relations thus established to be terminated at your pleasure, wish, our assurance here given that all purchases made to said termination (in the event of your desiring to close business rela- tions with us) shall be adjusted to your entire satisfaction. We guarantee the quality of every article sent out, careful attention to details, prompt shipment, and the lowest prices current in this market. We are willing to do faithful work for small profts and prompt monthly settle- ments. We feel assured that most druggists will concentrate their trade where such opportunities are offered, and in the hope that you may be induced to make trial of the facilities enjoyed by our house for the satisfactory transaction of business, we cordially solicit your orders. Boston, April, 1880. We remain very truly yours, RUST PRO’S & BIRD. RUST BRO’S & BIRD’S Revised Catalogue DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES. O F Quotations sulgeet to fluctuations in case of change in market value Special quotations considered binding until return of mail, if so agreed. Acid, Acetic, No. 8, in carboys ,Ib. “ “ “ in bottles, 5 lbs lb. “ “ U. S. P. in carboys lb. “ “ U. S. P. in bottles, 5 lbs lb. “ “ Extra, from sugar, in bottles, 5 lbs lb. ‘■ •* Glacial, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. *• Aquafortis, in carboys lb. “ “ in bottles, 9 lbs... lb. “ Arsenic, Chera. pure, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Arsen ions, “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Benzoic. English oz. “ “ German oz. “ Boracic lb. “ Butyric lb. “ in 1 oz vials lb. “ Carbolic, Crystals, Calvert’s, No. 1, 'in 1 lb. but. .lb. “ “ “ “ No. 1, in 1 oz. vials.oz. “ “ “ No. 2, in I lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ No. 2, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ *• “ Gorman, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ White’s lb. “ ‘ “ in 1 oz. c. s. vials oz. “ “ Sol’n, Eng., Calv., No. 4, in 1 lb. hot., .lb. *• “ “ Eng., Calv., No. 5, in 1 lb. hot.. .lb. “ *• “ in 1 lb. bottles lb. *• “ “ in 6 lb. bottles. lb. LIST OF Proprietary Medicines, FOR WHICH RUST ERG’S & BIRD ARE SOLE AGENTS. Dr, West's Botanic Balsam, Dr. West's Rheumatic Compound. Smith's Curative Compound, Smith's Catarrh Snuff, Sanborn s Mandrake Pills, Dr. Wilton's Catarrh Cure, Dr. Wilton's Mandrake and Horehound Pills. Messer's Inhaling Tubes, Moyle’s Australian White Liniment, Holden's Sarsaparilla. Bird’s Horse Lotion for Scratches. REVISED CATALOGUE. 5 Acid, Carbolic, Sol’n, Crude gal. “ Chromic, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Citric lb. “ Chrysophanic oz. “ “ from Goa Powder oz. “ Fluoric, in gutta-percha bottles, lb. “ Gallic lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. ‘ Hydrobromic lb. “ Lactic, Concentrated, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ Dilute, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Muriatic, in carboys lb. 44 “ Chem. pure lb. “ “ Com. in 6 lb. bottles lb. “ Nitric, carboys lb. “ “ Chem. pure... lb. “ “ Com. in bottles, 7 lbs... lb. “ Nitro-Mnriatic lb. “ Nitrous, fuming lb. “ Oleic lb “ Oxalic “ Perchloric, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Phosphoric, Glacial lb “ “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ Solution lb “ Phosphorous oz. “ Picric lb. “ Prussic, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Pyrogallic, in 1 oz. vials . oz. “ “ German, in i oz. vials oz. “ Pyroligneous lb. “ Salicylic lb. “ “ in 1 oz. tins . • oz. “ Sulphuric, in carboys lb. “ Chem. pure.... lb. “ “ Com. in bottles, 9 lbs !b. “ Nordhausen Fuming lb. “ Sulphurous, Solution lb. “ Tannic lb “ in 1 oz. vials oz. 6 BUST BBO’S & BIBB'S Acid Tartaric, Crystals lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Valerianic, in 1 oz. vials - oz. Aconitia, in J oz. vials oz. Ales. [Sec Wines and Liquors.'] Allspice. lb “ Powdered lb Almonds, Bitter, shelled. lb “ Sweet, “ b. Aloin, in 1 oz. vials z. Alum, Ammonio-Ferric lb. “ l' “ 1 oz. vials oz. “ Chrome lb, “ Dried (Exsiccat) lb “ Ground lb. “ Lump lb. “ Powdered lb. Alumina, Sulphate lb. “ Crystals, pure oz. Aluminum, in 1 oz. vials oz. Ambergris, Black oz. “ Gray oz. Ammonia, Acetate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Arseniate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbonate lb. “ “ in jars lb. “ “ Resublimed lb. “ Hypophosphite, in 1 oz. vials nz. “ Monocarbonate, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ Muriate lb “ “ Chcm. pure lb. “ “ Granulated lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Nitrate, Crystals lb. “ “ Fused lb. “ “ Granular lb. “ Oxalate lb. “ Phosphate lb. “ Spirits lb. “ “ Aromatic lb. “ Sulphate, in casks lb. REVISED CATALOGUE. 7 Ammonia, Sulphate lb. “ Sulpho-Carbolate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Valerianate, Crystals, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Water of, 21° in bottles Ib. “ “ “ in carboys lb. “ “ 2G° in bottles lb. “ . “ “ in carboys lb. “ “ Fortissim, English, 4 lb. bottles .lb. Ammonium, Bromide lb. “ *• in 1 oz. vials oz. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulpho-Cyanide, in 1 oz. vials .oz. Aniline, 81ack..., lb. “ Blue lb. “ Brown, Bismarck lb. “ Green, Crystals lb. “ “ Powder lb. “ Orange lb. “ Purple lb. “ Red, Crystals lb. “ “ Grain lb. “ Scarlet lb. “ Violet lb. “ Yellow lb. Annatto, basket lb. “ in 1 lb. rolls lb. Anodyne, Hoffman’s .% lb. Antimony, Black, Powdered. Pure lb. “ “ “ Com lb. “ Chloride, Solution (Butter of) lb. “ James’ Powder. lb. “ Kermes’ Mineral lb. “ Metallic lb. “ Oxide, White lb. “ Sulphuret lb. “ “ Golden lb. “ Tartrate, Crystals lb. “ “ Powdered (Tartar Emetic) lb. Apomorphia, in * oz. vials. oz. Arrowroot, Bermuda, True lb. “ Jamaica lb. 8 RUST BEO'S & BIBB'S Arrowroot, St. Vincent lb. “ Taylor’s, in i and lb. tin foil, bxs. 12 Arsenic, Donovan’s Solution lb. “ Fowler’s Solution lb. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Metallic lb. “ White, Powdered, Com lb. “ “ “ Pure lb. “ Yellow lb- Atropia, in J oz. vials oz- “ Sulphate, in J oz'. vials & oz. “ “ German, in J oz. vials i oz. Balsam, Canada, True gal. “ Copaiba lb. “ “ Solidifiable lb. “ “ Solid lb. “ Peru lb. “ Sulphur lb. “ Tolu, in cans lb. Bark, Alder, Blk lb. Bark, Angostura lb. “ Barberry lb. “ Bayberry lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Bittersweet lb. “ Buckthorn lb. “ Canella lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Cascarilla lb. “ Cassia, Mats, 3to 4 lbs lb. “ “ Powdered, Pure lb. “ Cinnamon, Ceylon, True lb. “ “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ Cundurango lb. “ Powdered lb. “ Elm lb. “ “ Select lb. “ “ Ground, in bulk lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Lemon lb. “ “ Ground lb. 9 Bark, Mezereon Root lh. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ Oak, Black lh- “ “ Red lb- “ “ White, Ground lb- “ Peru, Calisaya, True lb. “ “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ “ Loxa lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 .lb. “ “ Red, True lb. “ “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ “ Yellow lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ Pomegranate Fruit lb. “ “ R00t... lb. “ Poplar, Ground lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Prickly Ash lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ Sassafras Root. lb. “ Powdered lb. HE VISED CATALOGUE. Bark, Simaruba lb. “ Soap (Quillaya) lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ Tamarac lb. “ Wild Cherry lb. “ “ “ Cracked lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ Powdered, No, 40 lb. ‘ ‘ Witchhazel . lb. “ “ Ground lb. Barley, Pearl * lb. Baryta, Acetate lb. “ Carbonate lb. “ Muriate lb. “ Muriate, Pure lb. “ Nitrate, lb. 10 BUST BBO’S & BIBB'S Baryta, Sulphate lb. Beans, Calabar lb. “ Castor lb. “ St. Ignatius lb. “ Tonca, Angostura lb. “ “ Para in “ “ Powdered lb. “ Vanilla, Long. lb. “ “ Medium lb. “ “ Short lb Benzine gal. Berberina, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate, in 1 oz. vials oz Berries, Buckthorn lb. “ Cubeb, Clean lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Juniper II). “ “ Ground lb. “ Laurel lb “ Poke lb. “ Prickly Ash lb. “ Sumac 11). Bismuth, Citrate lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials. oz. “ “ and Ammonia, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ 41 “ Solution lb. “ - Metallic lb. “ Oxychloride lb. “ Subcarbonate lb. “ Subnitrate lb. 4< Tannate, in oz. vials oz. “ Valerianate, in J oz. vials oz. Black, Ivory lb. Blood, Dragon’s, Mass lb. “ “ Powdered . lb. “ “ Reeds..,. lb. Blue, Chinese lb. “ Prussian, Pure lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Soluble lb. “ Ultramarine lb. 11 REVISED CATALOGUE. Bole, Armenia, Powdered lb. Bone, Cuttlefish lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Borax, Refined lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Bottles, Wine, s’s gross. “ “ gross. “ “ 6’s gross. “ “ B’s gross. Brandies. [See Wines and Liquors.'] Bromine, in 1 oz. vials.... oz. “ Chloride, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. Buds, Balm of Gilead lb. “ Cassia lb. Cadmium, Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbonate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Caffeine, in J oz. vials oz. “ Citrate, in I oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate, in J oz. vials oz. Calcium, Bromide .. .lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Chloride, Pure lb. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Phosphide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulphide, in 1 lb. bottles lb. Camphor. [Sec Oums.~\ “ Monobromated, in 1 oz. vials ■ . oz. Candy, Coltsfoot Rock, boxes, 5 lbs lb, Cantharides lb. “ Powdered lb. Caramel gal. Carbon, Bisulphide, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ in 1 oz. bottles oz. Carmine lb. “ No. 40, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ No. 12, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ No. 6, in 1 oz. vials oz. Cassia Fistula lb. 12 RUST PRO’S & BIRD’S Castor Fibre lb. “ “ Powdered oz. Cerates, [/See Pharmaceutical Preparations.'] Cerium, Muriate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Nitrate, in 1 oz, vials oz. “ Oxalate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Champagnes. ~| Cider, Champagne, y [See Wines and Liquors.] Cordials. j Chalk, French, Cut lb. “ “ Powdered “ Precipitated, Com lb. “ “ English, in 7 and 14 lb. packages, lb. “ Prepared, small drops lb. “ Red, Com. lb. “ “ in fingers lb. “ White lb. Charcoal, Animal (Ivory Black) lb. “ Powdered lb. “ “ Willow lb. Chinoidine, in 1 oz. rolls oz. Chloralhydrate, German, Crystals, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ in 1-2 lb. “ lb. “ “ “ in 1-4 lb. “ .... lb. “ “ “ in 1 oz. “ ... .oz. “ “ Fused, in 1 lb. bottles Ib. “ “ “ in 1-2 lb. “ lb. “ “ “ in 1-4 lb “ ... lb. “ “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. Chloroform lb. “ Purified, in 1 lb. bottles .lb. Cinchonia, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Muriate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Cincho-Quinine, in 1 oz. vials oz. Cinnabar lb. Civet oz. Clay, Pipe lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Cloves 11). “ Powdered, Pure lb. 13 Cobalt lb. “ Powdered lb. “ Oxide lb. Cocculns Indicus lb Cochineal, Honduras lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Cocoa, Butter of, American lb. “ “ French lb. Codeia, in i oz. vials oz. “ Muriate, in 4 oz. vials. oz. Collodion, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ in 1 oz. vials, cork stopped doz. “ in 1 oz. vials, glass stopped doz. “ Cantharidal, in 1 oz. vials doz. REVISED CATALOGUE. Colocynth Apple lb. “ Powdered lb. Copper, Ammoniated lb. “ Arseniate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbonate lb. “ Chloride, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Cyanide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Nitrate lb. “ Oxide, Black lb. “ Sub-acetate, Lump (Verdigris) lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Sulphate (Blue Vit.) lb. Copperas lb. Corks. [See Druggists' Sundries.'] Cornu Cervi, Rasped lb. Cotton, Gun (Pyroxyline) oz. Gowhage Down, in 1 oz. vials oz. Creosote, White, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ from wood, English, in 1 oz. bottles oz. Crocus Martis lb. Croton Chloral, in 1 oz. vials oz. Cudbear lb. Dextrine lb. Dog-grass lb. Dyestuffs. [See Woods.] 14 BUST BBO’S & BIBB'S Earth, Fuller’s lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Elixirs. [See Proprietary Medicines.] Emery, Meal lb. “ Powdered lb. Ergot lb. “ Powdered lb. Ergotine oz. “ in i oz. vials oz. Essences, Concentrated. [See Phar. Preparation*.] Ether, Acetic lb. “ Butyric lb. “ Chloric lb. “ “ Concentrated lb. “ Formic lb. “ Sulphuric lb. “ “ Concentrated lb. “ “ “ P. & W lb. “ “ Washed lb. Extracts, Flavoring. [sec Phnr. Preparations.] Extract, Aconite, English, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ Aloes, Soc.. lb. “ Bark oz. “ Belladonna, English, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Butternut, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ Calabar Bean, in 1 oz. jars oz. “ Chamomile oz. “ Cohosh Blk oz. “ Colchicum, Acetic, American, in 1 oz. jars. .oz. “ “ “ English, in 1 oz. jars... .oz. “ Colocynth, Comp., Powd., Eng., i lb. “ “ “ “ U. S. P lb. “ Conium, English, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ Dandelion, American lb. “ “ English, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ Digitalis, English, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ Elaterium, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Fel Boris, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ “ in 1 oz. jars oz. “ Gentian, American, in 1 lb. jars lb. RE VISED CA TA LOG TIE. 15 Extract Gentian, English, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ “ Gold Seal “ Hellebore, Black. lb. “ Henbane, English, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ Ignatia Amara, in 1 oz. jars oz. “ Indigo lb. “ Indian Hemp (Can. Tnd.), Eng., 1 oz. jars,, .oz. “ “ “ “ “ Ger., 1 oz. jars.. .oz. “ Jalap, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ “ Powdered, U. S. P lb. “ Lactucariura oz. “ Licorice, Karracco, Large lb. “ “ “ Small lb. “ “ Corigliano, Large lb. “ “ “ Small lb. “ “ Guzzolini, Large lb. “ “ “ Small lb. “ “ P.&S., Large lb. “ “ “ Small “ Pignatelli lb- “ “ Refined, English lb. “ “ Scudder, Large lb. “ “ “ Medium lb. “ “ “ Small lb “ “ Sicily (Penny) lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Lobelia oz. “ Logwood, in bulk, boxes, 12 and 24 lbs lb. “ “ in 1 lb. packages lb. “ “ in h. lb. “ lb. “ “ in i lb. “ lb. “ “ Assorted “ 11). “ Nux Vomica lb. “ “ “ Powdered * .oz. “ Opium, Aqueous, American, in 1 oz. jars ... oz. “ “ “ English, in 1 oz. jars oz. ‘ Rhatany, Soluble, in 1 lb. jars lb. “ Rhubarb, American, in 1 oz. jars oz. “ “ English, in 1 oz. jars .oz. “ Sandal oz. “ Sarsaparilla, American .lb. 16 RUST BEG’S & BIRD’S Exti*act Sarsaparilla Compound, American lb. “ Squill lb. “ Tobacco oz. “ Valerian, English lb. “ Yerba Santa lb. Note. For extended list of Fluid and Solid Extracts, see A dveriisemenis. Eye Stones doz. Flasks, White gross “ Amber, h pint gross “ “ pint gx-oss “ “ quart gross Flour, Rice, Bolted lb. Flowei-s, Ai’nica lb. “ “ Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ Chamomile, German lb. “ “ Roman lb. “ “ “ New lb. “ Elder lb. “ Koosso... lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Lavender lb. “ Rose, Pale, American lb. “ “ Red, Smyrna lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Rosemary lb. “ Saffron, American lb. “ “ Spanish lb. Fluor Spar....•••• .lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Garlic, on strings string Gelatine, Cooper's, Sheet and Shred lb. “ “ Shred, 2 oz. packages lb. “ Cox’s, Sparkling doz. “ Nelson’s, English, in packages doz. “ French, Pink, in sheets lb. “ “ White, in sheets, No. 1 lb. “ “ “ “ “ No. 2 lb. “ No. 3 lb. Gin. \_See Wines and Liquors.] Glass, Soluble. [See Soda, Silicate.] RE VISED CA TAL O 0 EE. 17 Glue, Com lb- “ White, No. A, Extra Ib j “ “ No. 1, “ lb- “ “ No. 1 lb. “ Frozen lb- Glycerine, Bower’s, in 6 lb. bottles • • -lb. “ “ in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ Price’s, in 1 lb bottles lb. “ Pure Inod., R. B. & 8., in 1 lb. bottles... .lb. “ “ “ P. & 6h lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ “ in 60 lb. cans lb. “ H. & L., in 60 lb. cans lb. Goa Powder. lb- Gold, Chloride, in 15 gr. vials doz. “ Leaf hook. “ and Sodium, Chloride, in 15 gr. vials doz. “ “ “ “ in 30 gr. vials doz. Green, Paris lb. “ “ in 1-lb. cans •' lb. Guarana, (Paulinia) lb. “ Powdered lb. Gum Aloes, Barba does lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ Bonaire lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ Cape lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ Socotrine, True lb. “ “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ Amber 1 “ Ammoniac, Tears lb. “ Anime lb. “ Arabic, Extra Select, White, and large “ “ Ist, Select lb. “ “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ 2d, “ lb. “ “ 3d, “ lb. “ Fine Granulated lb. “ “ Sifted Sorts lb. “ “ Sorts lb. Asphaltum lb. 18 Gum Assafoetida lb.j “ “ Powdered lb. | “ Benzoin, Marbled lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ Camphor, Crude. lb. “ “ Refined lb. “ Catechu lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Copal lb. | “ Damar lb. “ Elemi lb. j “ Euphorbium lb “ “ Powdered Ib.j “ Galbanum lb. “ “ Strained “ Gamboge lb. “ “ Powdered Ib.j “ Guaiac lb. “ “ Powdered lb! “ Hemlock lb “ Kino lb. “ “ Powdered lb. BUST BBO’S & BIBB'S “ Mastic, Tears, Select -• • - lb. “ Myrrh, Turkey lb. “ “ “ Select lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. Olibanum, Tears lb. “ Opium, Denarcotiz'd lb. “ “ Turkey lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb “ Sandarach lb. i “ Scammony, Virgin, True, lb. “ “ “ Powdered .lb, “ Seed Lac lb. “ Senegal lb. “ Shellac, Bleached lb. “ English lb. “ Native lb. “ Shellac, Orange lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Spruce lb. 19 REVISED CATALOGVE. Gum, Spruce, Extra .lb. “ Sticklac lb. “ Styrax, Liquid lb. “ Tamarac lb. “ Tragacanth, Flake, White, Extra lb. “ “ No. 1 lb. “ “ “ No. 2.., •.,. .11). “ “ Sorts lb. “ “ “ White, Powdered lb. Gutta-Percha, Sheet lb. Honey, Strained, California lb. “ “ Com lb. Hops, 1 lb - lb “ New, Ilb lb. “ “ 1 oz., i lb., and Alb * lb. India Rubber, Crude lb. Indigo, Bengal lb. “ Madras lb. “ Manila lb. “ Sulphate lb. Ink, India. lb. lodine, Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ Solution oz. “ Chloride, in 1 oz. vials oz “ Resublimed, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. lodoform oz. Iron, Acetate, Dry, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ Liquid 11). “ Alcoholized (Limatura) lb. “ Ammoniated lb. “ Arseniate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbonate, Precipitated lb. “ “ “ English, in 7 lb. pack.. .lb “ “ Saccharated lb. “ Citrate and Ammonia lb “ “ “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ Soluble... lb. “ “ “ in 1 cz. vials oz. “ “ and Magnesia, in 1 oz. vials oz. 20 BUST BED'S & BIRD'S Iron, Citrate and Manganese, in 1 oz. vials oz, “ “ “ Quinine, in 1 lb. bottles lb. Iron, Citrate and Quinine, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ “ “ English, in 1 lb. “ “ << “ in 1 oz. vials oz. <» “ “ “ and Strychnine oz. “ “ “ Strychnine, in 1 lb. bottles lb. a << “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. ‘i << “ 4; English, in lb. • ‘ “ “ 1 “ in 1 oz. vials. .oz. ‘1 Ferrocyanide.... lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Filings lb. “ Hydrated Peroxide (antidote for arsenic) lb. “ Hyophosphite, in 'l oz. vials oz. “ lodide, in oz. vials oz. “ Lactate, in 1 oz. vials oz. 4 • Lacto-Phosphate, in oz. vials oz. 41 Muriate, Solution lb. 44 Nitrate, Solution lb. 44 Oxalate, in 1 oz. vials oz. 44 Oxide, Black lb. 4 4 4 4 Red lb. “ Pernitvate, Solution . lb. “ Phosphate... -lb. “ Protocarbonate (Yallet’s Mass) lb. “ Pyrophosphate lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz, “ Quevenne’s (by Hydrogen), French, in 1 lb. “ “ “ “ in spoons doz. “ Sesqnichloride lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ Solution lb. “ Snip. Carbolate “ Subsulphate lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ Solution (Monsel’s) lb. “ Sulphate (Copperas) lb. “ “ Chem. pure lb. “ “ Dried lb. “ Sulphur et lb. REVISED CATALOGUE. 21 Iron, Tartrate and Ammonia lb. “ “ “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ and Potassa, Plates, in lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ “ “ 1 oz. vials oz. “ Valerianate, in oz. vials oz. “ “ in 1 oz. “ oz. Isinglass, American (Fish Glue) lb. “ Cooper’s “ Russia lb. Juices, Fruit. [»S'ec Wines and Liquors.] Kamala oz. Kephaline, Glycerite lb. Kousso oz. Lampblack, in fingers per 100 in i lb packages lb. “ in i lb. “ lb. “ in 1 lb. “ lb. Lapis Calaminaris lb. Lead, Acetate, Brown lb. “ “ White lb. “ “ White, Powdered lb. “ Black lb. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Lactate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Nitrate lb. “ Phosphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Red lb. “ Subacetate, Solution lb. “ Tannate oz. “ White : lb. Leaves, Aconite lb. “ “ English, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ Belladonna lb. * “ English, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ Buchu, Long lb. “ “ “ Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ “ Short Ib. “ Cannabis Indica lb. “ Cherry Laurel Ib. “ Coca.i, lb. “ Powdered lb. 22 Leaves, Conium lb. “ Digitalis lb. “ Powdered lb. “ Henbane lb. “ “ Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ Laurel lb. *• Lobelia lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ Matico lb. “ Patchouly lb. “ Rosemary lb. “ Sage, Select lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Savin lb “ “ Powdered lb. “ Senna, Alexandria lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ “ India lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ “ Tinnevolly, Large Leaf lb. “ “ “ “ “ Extra lb. “ “ “ “ “ Powdered... .lb. “ “ “ Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ Uva Ursi lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. BUST TIRO’S & BIRD’S Leeches, Swedish doz. Lime, Acetate, Pare, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbolate, hulk lb. “ “ 10 lbs lb. i- “ in 1 lb. boxes doz. “ Caustic Ib. “ Chloride lb. “ “ in 1 lb. packages lb. “ “ in i lb. packages lb- “ “ in i lb. packages lb. “ Hypophosphite lb. “ “ in oz. vials lb. REVISED CATALOGUE. 23 Lime, Hypophosphite and Soda, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Lactate, in 1 oz. vials Ib. “ Lacto-Phosphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Phosphate, Precipitated lb. “ Sulphite, for Cider lb. “ in packages for Cider doz. “ Sulpho-Carbolate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Lithia, Carbonate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Citrate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Lithium, Benzoate oz. “ Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ lodide, ini oz. vials oz. Litharge lb. “ in scales lb. Litmus lb. Lotion, Granville’s lb. Lozenges, Chlorate Potassa lb. “ Cubeb lb. “ Gelatine lb. “ Elm lb. “ Licoi’ice, in 10 Ib. boxes lb. “ Licorice and Opium lb. “ Tannin lb. Lupnlin lb. Lunar Caustic oz. lycopodium lb. Lye, Concentrated doz. Mace lb. “ Powdered lb. Madder, best Dutch lb. Magnesia, Calcined lb. “ “ Heavy, in I lb. bottles lb. “ “ Jenning’s, in 1 lb. bottles lb. ‘‘ “ “ in 1 lb. cans Ib. “ “ Pattlson’s, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ in 1 lb. cans lb. “ Carbonate, Jenning’s, 2 oz lb. “ “ “ 4 oz lb. “ “ “ S. S lb. “ “ Pattison’s, 2 oz. “ “ “ 4 oz lb. 24 RUST BBO’S & BIRD'S Magnesia, Carbonate, Pattison’s, S. S lb. “ Hypophosphite, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate, \_Bee Sal Epsom,'] Manganese, Black Oxide lb. “ Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbonate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Hypophosphite, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ lodide; in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Phosphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Manna, Flake, Large lb. “ “ Small lb. - “ Sorts lb. Marble Dust bbl. Mercury lb. “ Ammoniated (White Precipitate) lb. “ Bichloride (Corrosive Sublimate) lb. “ Biniodide (Red lodide), in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Bisulphate lb.! “ Black Oxide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Cyanide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Deutoxide (Red Precipitate) lb. “ Nitrate, Solution in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Protiodide (Green lodide) oz. “ Proto-Chloride (Calomel) lb.. “ “ “ “ English, in 1 lb. “ Subsulphate (Turpeth Mineral) lb. “ Sulpho-Cyanide, in oz. vials oz. “ Sulphuret (Ethiop’s Mineral) lb. “ with Chalk lb 1 “ Yellow Oxide, in 1 oz. vials oz. Mixture, Seidlitz lb. Morphia, Acetate, in J oz. vials “ Bi-Meconate, Solution lb. “ Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Muriate, in J oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate, Bulk oz. “ “ P- & W., in I vials oz. *• “ R. & S., in J oz. vials oz. “ “ White’s, in J oz. vials oz. “ Valerianate, in J oz. vials. oz. REVISED CATALOGUE. 25 Moss, Iceland lb. “ Irish, No. 1 lb. “ “ No. 2 Musk, Canton, in 1 oz. cam oz. “ Tonquin, in pods oz. “ “ Grain, True oz. Mustard. [See Seed.'] Naphtha, Wood lb. Nicotina lb. Nut, Areca lb. “ “ Powdered, Nutgalls lb. “ Ground lb. Powdered lb. Nutmegs, No. 1 lb. Nux Vomica lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ “ Rasped lb. Oakum lb. Oatmeal lb. Oat Flour lb. Oil, Almond, Bitter, Essential lb. “ “ Sweet, Allen’s lb. “ “ “ French lb. “ Amber lb. “ Ambergris oz. “ Anise-seed lb “ Arnica lb. “ Bay Leaves ; oz. “ “ “ bot. “ Benne (Sesame) gal. “ Bergamot lb. “ “ Sanderson's lb. “ Cade, French lb. “ Cajeput lb. “ Calamus oz. “ Camphor .. .lb. “ Camphorated lb. “ Capsicum, Red, in 1 oz. vials oz. Caraway, Best lb. 26 BUST JIRO’S & BIRD'S 031, Cardamom oz. “ Cassia lb. “ Castor. American, Best, White, in cans lb. “ “ “ “ “ in bbls lb. “ “ “ xx in bbls lb. “ “ “ x “ “ lb. “ “ East Indies lb. “ Cedar, Red lb. “ “ White, Pure lb. Ccdarwood, Lautier Fils lb. “ Cedrat lb. “ Chamomile oz, *“ Cinnamon, True oz. “ Citronella, Winter’s lb. “ Civet .oz. “ Cloves lb. “ Cocoanut lb. “ Cod Liver, Newfoundland. gal. “ “ “ Norwegian gal. “ Cologne, Lundborg’s lb. “ “ ‘Glenn’s lb. “ Copaiba lb. “ Coriander lb. “ Cotton Seed gal. “ Croton lb. “ Cubebs lb. “ Cumin lb. “ Ergot, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Erigeron oz. ‘4 Eucalyptus oz. “ Fennel Seed, Pure lb. “ Fir lb. “ Fireweed .lb. “ Fusel lb. “ Geranium, Rose, Lautier FiL lb. “ “ “ Turkish lb. “ Golden Rod, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Goose lb. “ Heliotrope lb, “ Hemlock lb. “ Horsemint ~..Ib, BE VISED CA TALOG EE. 27 Oil, Jasmin, Spirituous -jjb- “ Jockey Club lb. “ Juniper Berrios, Fine lb. Wood lb. “ Lamp, Bleached Winter Sperm gal. “ “ “ “ Whale gal. •' Lard, White gab “ Lavender, English (Mitcham) oz. “ “ Flowers, Lautie Fils lb. “ “ Garden, Lautier Fils lb, “ Lavender, Garden, Forte, Lautier Fils lb. “ “ Spike, Lautier Fils lb. “ Lemon lb- * “ Sanderson’s lb. “ Lemon Grass, Winter’s lb. “ Linseed, Boiled gal. “ “ Raw gab Lobelia, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Mace, Essential lb- “ “ Expressed lb. “ Male Fern, Ethereal, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Marjorum, in 1 oz. vials oz, “ Melissa lb. “ Musk, Fine, in 1 oz. vials .oz. “ Mustard, Essential oz. “ “ Expressed gal, “ Myrbane lb. “ Neats foot gal. “ Neroli Bigarade, Lautier Fils oz. “ “ Petit Grain, Lautier Fils .oz. “ Nutmeg lb. “ Olive, Genuine, quarts .doz, “ “ pints doz. “ “ “ h. pints.... doz-. “ “ Lucca, Ft. Lautier Fils, in orig. gal. bot. bot. *• “ “ “ “ •* “ 5 gal. “ “ Malaga, Pure gal. “ “ Marseilles, quarts doz. “ ft tt f‘ doz. “ “ Salad, Fine gal. “ “ ; Aix, quarts doz.j 28 BUST BBC’S & BIBB’S Oil, Olive, Salad, Aix, pints doz. “ “ “ Aix, h pints, doz doz. “ “ “ Florence, flask doz. “ Orange lb. “ Origanum, Com lb. “ “ True lb. “ Palm lb. “ Patchouly oz. “ Pennyroyal lb. “ “ Lautier Fils lb, “ Pepper, Black lb. “ Peppermint, Hotchkiss1, bottles, 21 ounces lb. “ Pure lb. “ Phosphorated lb. “ Pimenta, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Poppy lb. “ Rhodium lb “ Rose, Kissanlik, IhraseiPs oz. “ Rosemary, Flowers, Lautier Fils, Eperle lb. “ “ “ “ “ No,l lb. “ “ Trieste lb. “ Rue, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Salad gal. “ Sandal Wood, English lb, “ Sassafras lb. “ Savin lb. “ Seneka gal. “ Skunk lb. “ Spearmint, Hotchkiss1, bottles lb. “ “ Pure , lb. “ Spike lb. “ Spruce lb. “ Stillingia, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Succin, Rectified lb. “ “ “ English lb. “ Sunfish lb. “ Tansy, Pure lb. “ Tar lb. “ Thyme, Com lb. “ “ Red, Lautier Fils lb. “ “ White, “ “ lb. REVISED CATALOGUE. 29 Oil, Tobacco, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Valerian, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Wine, Ethereal | lb. “ “ Heavy oz. “ Wintergreen lb “ Wormseecl lb “ Wormwood, American lb. “ “ French, Lautier Fils lb. Ointment, Citron lb. “ Mercurial, £ M lb. “ “ |M lb. Ointments, Officinal. [See Pharmaceutical Preparations.]j Oleate, Aconita oz. “ Atropia oz. “ Mercury oz. “ “ and Morphia oz. “ Morphia oz. Oleoresin, Cubebs oz. Ox Gall oz. Oyster Shells, prepared lb. Orpiment lb. Paper, Blue Wrap ream. “ Brown “ ream. “ White “ ream. Paraffine lb. Peel, Orange, Bitter .lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb “ “ Sweet lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ No. 40 lb. Pepper, Bird lb. “ “ Powdered lb “ “ “ No. 40. lb. “ Black lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ White lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Pepsin. [/Sec Proprietary Medicines.'] Phosphorus lb. Picra, Hiera lb. 30 RUST BRO’S & BIRD’S Pill, Blue, English, in 1 lbs lb. “ “ U. S. P lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. Piperin, in 1 oz. vials oz. Pitch, Burgundy, Genuine lb. “ Common, Black lb. “ White Pine (Thus) lb. Pith, Sassafras oz. Plaster, Adhesive, Spread, American, rolls, 5 yards..yd. “ “ “ “1 yd., boxes, .doz. “ “ “ English, Glazed, 5 yards..yd. “ “ “ “ 1 yard, boxes., .doz. “ “ “ “ Unglazed, 6 yds.yd Plasters, Officinal. [See Pharmaceutical Preparations.] “ Spread. [See Proprietary Medicines.'] Plaster, Calcined (Plaster Paris) lb. Porter. [ Wines and Liquors.] Potash, Common lb. “ Concentrated, Babbitt’s doz. Potassa, Acetate lb. “ Bicarbonate lb. “ Bichromate lb. “ Bisulphate lb. Carbolate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbonate lb. “ Caustic, Com lb. “ “ White, Purified lb. “ Chlorate, English lb. “ “ French lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Citrate lb. “ Hypophosphite lb. “ Hypophosphite, in 1 oz. vials .oz. “ Hyposulphite, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Liquor lb. “ Nitrate, Chem. pure lb. “ “ Powdered “ “ Refined lb. ‘ ‘ Permanganate lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Phosphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. BE VISED CA TAL 0 0 TIE. Potassa, Prussiate, Red .’ ,Ib. “ “ Yellow lb. “ Silicate, 1 oz. vials oz. “ Sulphate lb. “ “ Powdered lb “ Sulphite lb. “ Sulpho-Carbolate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Tartrate (Soluble Tartar) lb. Potassium, in \ oz. vials oz. “ Bromide, in 1 lb. bottles lb. *• “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ in bulk lb. “ Chloride lb “ Cyanide, Granulated lb. “ “ Fused, in 1 lb. bottles lb “ “ in 10 lb. cans lb. “ lodide, American lb. “ “ English lb. “ Sulphuret lb. Powder, Aromatic lb. “ Comp. Licorice .lb. “ Composition, in bulk lb. “ “ in 4 oz. papers lb. “ “ in 2 oz. “ lb. “ “ in 1 oz. “ lb. “ Dover’s, U. S. P lb. “ Insect, True lb. “ Licorice, Comp lb Powders, Seidlitz, 11. B. & 8., paper boxes doz. “ “ “ “ Extra...doz. “ “ “ tin boxes doz. “ Soda t doz. Propylamin, Chloride, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Pure, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ in $ oz. vials oz. Quinia, Alkaloid, Pure, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Bisulphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Muriate oz. “ Sulphate, P. & W oz. “ Tannate oz. 32 Quinia, Valerianate ; oz. Quinidia, Pure, in 1 oz. vials oz. Sulphate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Resin, Com bbl. “ White bbl. “ Powdered lb. Root, Aconite, English lb. “ “ German lb. “ “ Ground lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ N<>.-io lb. “ Althea, White, Cut lb “ “ Powdered lb. “ Anchusa (Alkanet) lb. “ Angelica lb. “ Arnica lb. “ Beth lb. “ Bitter» lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Black lb. “ “ Powdered lb. RUST BED’S & BIBB’S “ Blackberry lb. “ Burdock, Cracked lb. “ Calamus, White, Peeled and Split lb. “ Canada, Snake, Selected lb. “ Chiretta lb. “ Colchicum lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No 40 lb. “ Colombo lb. “ “ Ground lb. “ “ Powdered ••• •. lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ Crawley lb. I '* Curcuma lb. “ “ Ground lb. “ Dandelion, Cracked lb. “ “ Powdered, No, 40 lb. “ Elecampane lb, “ “ Powdered lb. “ Galangal lb. 33 RE VISED CATALOG HE. Root, Galangal, Powdered lb. “ Gentian lb. “ “ Ground lb. “* Powdered lb. il “ “ No. 40 lb. “ Gingei’, African lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ “ Jamaica, Bleached lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ Powdered “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. •* “ “ Unbleached lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ Ginseng lb. “ Gold Thread lb. “ Golden Seal lb. “ “ “* Ground i lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ Hellebore, White lb. “ “. “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ Ipecac lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb. *• Jalap lb. “ “ Powdered lb. No. 40 lb. “ Licorice, Select lb. “ “ “ Extra bundles lb. “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ Powdered 7.1b. “ “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ Lot age, Select lb. “ Mandrake lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb. 34 RUST BEG’S & BIRD’S Root, Marsh Rosemary lb. | “ Musk lb. j “ “ Powdered lb. “ Or ids, Florentine, Select Ib.j “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb, “ “ Verona, Powdered lb. “ Paredra Brava, Ground lb. “ “ “ Powd» red, No. 40 lb. “ Pellitory lb. “ Pleurisy lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Poke (Garget) lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb, “ Rhatany, Ground .lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Rhubarb lb. “ “ China lb. “ “ “ Extra, Cut lb. “ “ “ “ “ Select lb. “ “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ “ No. 40 “ Salep lb. “ Sanguinaria (Blood Root) lb. “ “ Ground lb. “ . “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No. 40... .lb. “ Sarsaparilla, Honduras lb. “ “ “ Cut lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ “ “ Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ “ Mexican lb. “ “ “ Ground lb. “ Seneka lb. “ *• Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ Serpentaria, Virginia lb. “ “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ “ No, 40 lb. “ Spigelia, Clean lb. “ “ Powdered lb. PE VISED GA TALO G UE. 35 Root, Spigelia, Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ Squill lb. “ “ White lb. “ “ “ Powdered, in bottles lb. “ Yalexuan, English lb. “ “ Vermont lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ “ No. 40 lb. “ W. Indigo lb. “ W. Turnip lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Yellow Dock, Cracked lb. “ “ “ Powdered, No. 40 lb. “ Yellow Parilla lb. “ Zedoary lb. Rouge, Jewellers’ No. 1. Hard lb. “ “ “ 1, Soft lb. Rum. [See Wines and Liquors.] Sago, Peai'l ! lb. Sal Acetosella lb. “ Epsom, American lb. “ Glauber lb. “ Nitre, [See Potassn, Nitrate.'] “ Prnnelle lb. “ Rochelle lb. “ Soda. [Sec Soda Card.] Salicin, in 1 oz. vials oz. Santonin lb. “ in oz. vials , oz Seed, Ambretta lb. “ Angelica lb. “ Anise, Italian lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ “ j Star lb. “ Annatto lb. “ Burdock lb, “ Canary, Sicily bu. “ Smyrna bu. “ Caraway lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Cardamom, Aleppo lb. 36 BUST BBO'S cfc BIBB'S Seed, Cardamom, Malabar lb. “ “ Mangalore, Bleached lb. “ 44 Powdered lb. 44 Celery lb- -44 Colchicum lb- “ 44 Powdered lb. 44 Coriander lb- -4 4 4 4 Powdered lb. 44 Cumin lb. 4 4 4 4 Powdered lb. 44 Dill lb- -44 Fennel lb- -4 4 44 Powdered lb. 44 Flax, Cleaned. lb. 4 4 44 Ground lb. 44 Foenugreek lb. 44 44 Ground Ib.j 44 44 Powdered lb. 44 Grains, Paradise * -lb. 44 4 4 4 4 Powdered lb. 44 Hemp lb- -44 Larkspur lb. 44 Lobelia lb. 4 4 4 4 Powdered lb. Seed, Maw -lb. “ Millet lb. “ Mustard lb, “ “ Black lb. “ “ White lb. “ “ Pure, Ground, English, in 6 lb. cans.. .lb. “ 44 “ “ “ in 1 lb. “ ..doz. “ “ “ “ “ in h lb. •* ..doz. “ “ “ “ “ in i lb. “ ..doz. “ Parsley lb. “ Pumpkin lb. “ Quince lb. “ Rape lb. “ Stavesacre lb- ‘4 Stramonium lb- -44 Sunflower lb. 44 Worm 02 ■ 37 Seed, Worm, Levant lb. “ “ Powdered 11). Silver, Chloride, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Cyanide, in 1 oz. vials • oz. “ lodide, in oz. vials oz. “ Leaf, in books book. “ Nitrate, Crystals, Pure oz. “ “ Fused, in cones ; oz. “ “ Stick, Pure oz. “ “ “ in J oz. sticks oz, “ “ “ in £ oz. sticks oz. “ “ “ No. 2 oz. “ Oxide, in i oz. vials oz. Smalts, Black 11 >. “ Blue lb. “ Brown lb. Green lb. “ Red lb. REVISED CATALOGUE. Snuff, Cook’s, £ lb. packages lb. “ Scotch, Larkin & Morrill’s assorted, bladders, .lb. “ Irish, H. T. Lorillard’s “ jars lb. “ Maccaboy, “ “ jars “ Scotch, “ “ bladders.. .lb. “ Irish, H. T., Sweetser’s “ jars lb. “ Maccaboy, “ “ jars lb. “ Scotch, “ “ bladders. “ “ Quaker City, “ bladders.. .lb. “ “ “ “ in 1 oz. packages gross. Soap, Castile, Mottled, Genuine, cases 40 lbs lb. “ “ “ “ less than case lb. “ “ “ Extra lb. “ “ White, cases, 40 lbs lb. ll “ less than case lb-. Soap, Castile, White, Powdered lb. ‘‘ German, (Sapo Yiridis) lb. “ Opodeldoc < lb. “ Toilet. [.See Fancy Goods.'] “ Whale Oil lb. “ “ “ for Insects, in cans doz. Soapina oz. Soda, Acetate i.... lb. BUST BUG’S & BIRD’S Soda, Arseniate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Bicarbonate, Chem. pure lb. “ “ Chance’s lb. “ “ Newcastle lb. “ Bisulphate lb. “ Bisulphite, English lb. “ “ Solution lb. “ Carbolate, in 1 oz vials oz. “ Carbonate, (Sal Soda) lb. “ “ Chem. pure lb. “ Caustic, Com lb. “ “ Chem. pure lb. “ Chlorate lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Chloride, Cork Stopped Bottles doz. “ “ Glass “ “ doz. “ “ Labaraque’s, Genuine doz. “ Choleate lb. “ Citrate lb. “ Hypophosphite lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Hyposulphite .. .lb. “ “ Chem. pure lb. “ Lactate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ “ and Magnesia ..oz. “ Muriate, Chem. pure ,1b “ Nitrate lb. “ Phosphate..... lb. “ Permanganate —lb. “ Salicylate lb. “ “ oz. “ Silicate, Dry ' lb. “ “ Liquid .... .lb. “ Sulphite, Crystals lb. “ “ Granular lb. “ Sulpho-Carbolatc lb. “ “ in 1 tz. vials oz. “ Tannate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Tartrate, in 1c z. vials oz. “ Tungstate, in loz vials oz. “ Valerianate, in I oz. vials oz. RE VISED CA TALOQ TIE. 39 Sodium, Bromide lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Chloride, Chem. pure lb. “ lodide lb “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Metallic, in \ oz. vials... oz. “ Sulphuret, in 1 oz. vials oz. Spermaceti lb. Spirits Ammonia. [-See Ammonia.'] “ Nitre, U. S. P lb. “ Officinal. [See Pharmaceutical Preparations.'] “ Turpentine gal. Starch, Corn, 1 lb. papers lb. “ lb. Stearine, Dry lb. St. John’s Bread lb. Stone, Pumice lb. “ “ Powdered ' 11). “ “ Selected Pieces lb “ Rotten lb. “ “ Powdered lb. “ Soap, Powdered lb. St or;'X lb. Strontia, Muriate lb. “ Nitrate lb. “ Sulphate lb. Strychnia, Acetate, in 1 oz. vials. oz. “ Crystals, in J oz. vials oz. “ Powdered, in J oz. vials, pure oz. “ Sulphate, Crystals, in J oz. vials oz. “ Valerianate oz. Sugar of Milk .lb. “ “ Powdered lb. Sulphur, Flowers lb. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Lac lb. “ Precipitated, pure lb. “ Rolls lb. “ Yivum lb. “ Washed.... lb. Syrup, Buckthorn lb. 40 BUST BBO'S & BIRD'S Syrups, Officinal. [See Pharmaceutical Preparations.] Tamarinds lb. “ in bottles, 1 lb. each doz. Tannin lb. Tapioca, E. I lb. “ Rio lb. Tar, Barbadoes gal “ Common gal. “ N. C. Strained, in quart cans doz “ “ “ in pint cans doz. Tartar, Cream, Crystals.. lb. “ “ Powdei’ed lb. “ “ “ in 50 lb. cases lb, Theine, in £ oz. vials oz. Tin, Hypophosphite, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Metallic, Granulated lb. “ “ Powdered, pure lb. “ Muriate, Crystals • lb. “ “ Solution, in bottles, 7 lbs lb. “ “ “ in carboys lb. “ Oxide lb ‘‘ Protochloride lb. Tinctures, Officinal. [See Pharmaceutical Preparations.^] Tobacco, May Flower gross. “ Solace gross. Tow lb Turpentine, Venice, lb.j “ White, Dry lb. “ 4i Strained lb. Tutty Urania, Nitrate, in 1 oz. vials oz. Uranium, Oxide, Yellow, in 1 oz. vials oz. Vaccine, Bovine, Crusts each. “ “ Quills doz. “ Human Crusts each. Veratria, in i oz. vials oz.| Verdigris. [See Copper, Sub. Acet.] Vermillion, American lb. “ Chinese lb. Water, Cherry Laurel gal. Cologne. [See Pharmaceutical Preparations.] Water, Elder Flower g;d. “ Orange Flower, in original 3 gal. “ “ “ pint bottles doz. “ “ h. pint bottler doz. “ Rose, American gal. “ French, Triple, in orig. 3 gal. demij. . .gal. “ “ “ pint bottles doz. “ “ “ h pint bottles doz. Waters, Medicinal. [Sec Pharmaceutical Preparations.] Spring. [See Proprietary Medicines.] Wax, Bay lb. “ Cup lb. “ Yellow lb. “ “ in bricks lb. “ White, pure Sunbleached lb. Whiskey. [See Wines and Liquors.] White, Flake lb. Whiting, Paris, American lb. “ “ English lb. Spanish lb. BE VISED CA TALOG TIE. 41 Wino, Colchicum Root, American, in 1 lb. bottles. . “ “ “ English “ “ lb. “ “ Seed, American “ “ “ “ “ “ English “ “ “ lb. Wines, Imported & Domestic. [See Wines and Liquors.'] “ Officinal, all Varieties. [See Phar. Preparations.'] Wood, Brazil lb. “ Cam lb. “ Fustic, Cut “ “ Ground lb. “ Guaiae, Rasped lb. “ Hypernic lb. “ Log, Cut lb. “ “ Ground lb. “ Nic lb. Peach lb. Quassia, Rasped lb. “ Red “ Red Saunders lb. Sandal lb. Powdered lb. 42 BUST BUG’S & BIRD'S Xylol, in 1 oz. vials oz. Yellow Chrome lb. “ Oclne lb. Zinc, Acetate lb. “ Benzoate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Bromide, in 1 oz. vials oz, “ Carbolate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Carbonate, Precipitated lb. “ Chloride, in 1 lb. vials lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Cyanide, in 1 oz. vials iz. “ Ferrocyanide, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Ilypophosphite, in 1 oz. vials .oz. “ lodide, in 1 oz. vials oz. Lactate, in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Metallic 11). “ Oxide II). “ “ English, Pure, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ Phosphate, in 1 oz. vials ... oz. “ Phosphide, in 1 oz. vials ■ oz. “ Sulphate, Cheni. pure lb. “ “ Crystals lb. “ Sulpho Carbolate, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ in 1 oz. vials oz. “ Tannate, in 1 oz. vials *■ Cannabis Indica lb “ Cantharides lb “ Capsicum lb “ Cardamom lb “ “ Comp ; lb “ Cascarilla lb “ Castor lb “ Catechu lb “ Cherry Bark lb “ Chiretta lb “ Cimicifuga lb “ Cinchona lb “ “ Compound lb Cinnamom lb “ Cloves lb “ Cochineal lb “ Colchicum Root lb “ “ Seed lb Colocynth lb “ Col umbo lb “ Conium lb “ Cubeb lb “ Curcuma... lb “ Ergot lb “ Foxglove 11), “ Galls lb, “ Gelseminum lb “ Gentian, Compound lb, “ Ginger lb. “ Guaiac lb. “ “ Amrnoniated lb. “ Hellebore lb BE VISED CA TALOQ UK. 47 Tincture, Hop lb “ Hyoscyamus lb. “ Ignatia Amara lb. “ lodine lb. “ “ Colorless lb. “ “ Compound.... lb. “ Ipecac lb. *• Iron, Acetate lb. “ “ Muriate lb “ “ “ Tasteless 'b “ Jalap lb. “ Kino lb. “ Larkspur 'b. “ Lobelia lb. “ “ Eihcreal lb. “ Lupulin...., lb. *• Matico lb. “ Musk, Extra 'b. “ Myrrh. II). “ “ and Capsicum lb. “ Nox Vomica Hi. “ Opium, U. S. P lb. ‘‘ “ Acetate H>. “ “ Camphorated 1!>. “ “ Deodorized Ik “ Orange II) “ Orris. 11». “ Poke Root H). Pulsatilla 11) “ Quassia ..Hi “ Rhatany 11 >. Red Saunders lb. “ Rhubarb lb. *■ “ and Senna II). “ “ Aromatic lb. “ Saffron lb. “ Savin lb “ Scullcap lb. “ Seneka lb. “ Senna..' ” “ Compound lb. RUST BED’S & BIRD’S Tincture, Serpentaria lb. “ Soap, Camphorated lb. “ Squill lb. “ Stramonium, Compound lb. “ “ Leaf lb. “ “ Seed lb. “ Styrax lb “ Tolu lb. “ Tonca “ Valerian lb. “ “ Ammoniated lb. “ Veratrum Viride lb. Vinegar, Cantharidcs lb. “ Colchicum lb. “ Garlic lb. “ Lobelia lb. “ Opium .. lb. Raspberry lb, “ Squill lb. Water, Anise lb. “ Camphor lb. “ Cherry Laurel lb. “ Chlorine lb. “ Cinnamon lb. “ Cologne, Farina gal. Water, Cologne, Imperial gal. “ Distilled gal “ Fennel lb. “ Florida gal. “ Lavender gal. “ Peppermint lb. Wine, Antimony lb. “ Aromatic lb. “ Colchicum Root lb. “ “ Seed lb. “ Ergot lb. “ Ipecac lb. “ Iron lb. “ Opium lb. “ Rhubarb.... lb, “ Tar lb 49 REVISED CATALOGUE. RELIABLE ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, OILS, SERIFS, TINCTURES, AND Pm? REQUISITES, NEATLY PUT UP IN 3 AND 4 OUNCE BOTTLES. Extract, Concentrated, Almond doz. “ “ Cinnamon doz. “ Clove doz. “ “ Lemon doz. “ “ Orange doz. “ “ Pineapple doz. “ Sassafras doz. “ “ Strawberry doz. “ “ Raspberry doz. “ “ Yanilla doz “ “ Wintergreen doz. Essence, “ Anise doz. “ “ Peppermint doz. “ “ Spearmint doz. Oil, Castor, Cold Pressed doz.i “ Olive, True doz. Syrup Ipecac doz. “ Rhubarb, Aromatic doz. “ Squills, Comp doz. Tincture, Arnica ~ doz. “ Benzoin, Comp doz. “ Camphor doz. “ Gentian, Comp doz. “ Myrrh doz. “ Opium (Laudanum) doz. “ “ Comp. (Paregoric) doz. “ Rhubarb doz. “ “ Sweet doz. FAMILY REQUISITES. bedbug Poison tloz. ■furniture Polish, Leavitt’s “ lb jtfe for the Hair, Chevalier’s 100 K’thontriptie, Vaughn’s 1 00 Kininient, Bath’s 25 Beard’s Rheumatic 50 “ Bishop Soule’s, Small 75 “ “ “ Large 1 50 Burdsall’s Arnica 35 California, Small 60 “ “ Large 1 00 “ Centaur— White, Family; Yellow, Animals, 25 72 RUST BUG’S & BIRD'S Retail. Liniment, Centaur— doz. i White, Family; Yellow, Animals..s 50 1 00 “ Crapo’s Horse, Small 60 “ ‘ Large 1 00 *• Gile’s—White, Fam.; Yellow, An'ls. 25 “ “ “ “ “ “ 50: “ 1 00l “ “ Yellow, Animals 2 60 “ Hammond’s 75 “ Herrick’s, Horse, Small 50 “ “ “ Large 100 “ Hunt’s 50 j “ Jayne’s 50 “ Johnson’s Anodyne 35 “ Kcllinger’s, Small 25 “ “ Medium 50 “ “ Large 1 00 “ Kennedy’s Rheumatic 50 “ “ Scattering 1 00 ■“ Kidder’s Family, Small 25 “ *• Large 50 “ “ Horse, Small 50! “ “ “ Large ~. 100 “ Low’s Magnetic 50 “ Mexican Mustang, Small 25 “ “ “ Medium 50 *• “ “ Large 1 00 *• Monarch Star 25 “ Moyle’s “ Hitman’s . .. 50 “ Starr’s “ Streeter’s, Small 25 “ “ Large 50 “ Sweet’s, Job, Sprain, Small 50 “ “ “ “ Large I 00 “ “ Stephen, Small 35 “ “ “ Large 75 “ Tobias’ Venetian, Family, 5ma11.... 60 « “ “ “ Large 1 00 BE VISED GA TALOG UE. Retail. Liniment, Tobias’Venetian, Horse 81 00 doz. “ Oil, Merchant’s Gargling, Small 251 “ “ “ “ Medium... 50 “ “ “ “ Large 1 00 liquor, Laville’s Anti-Gout 3 50 Liver-Aid, Grosvcnor’s 1 00 Lotion, Bally’s 75 “ Bartine’s, Family and Horse 100 “ Field’s 35 “ Healy’s, Mad., Female 50 “ Hill’s Freckle 75 “ McClintock’s Papillary 35 “ Perry’s Moth and Freckle 200 “ Phalon’s Paphian 150 “ Tompkin’s, O. F 1 00 “ Wood’s Glycerine 50 Lozenges, Allen’s Mark 15 “ “ “ 25 “ Baxter’s Worm 25 “ C.&H. Ohio Pol “ Dev'ne’s Pitch 35 “ Fellows’ Worm 25 “ Harrison’s Peristaltic, Small 30 “ “ “ Large 60 “ Hegeman’s Chlo. Pot 25 “ Henry’s Worm 25 “ Keating’s Cough “ Nelson’s Gelatine 25 “ Nolcini’s Cough 25 “ Sherman’s Cough 25 “ “ Worm 25 “ Caswell & Co.’s Slippery Elm 25 “ Wetherell’s Chlo. Pot 25 “ Wistar’s....' 15 Magnesia, Dunbar’s Fluid, k pints. [See Adv.]. 25 “ “ “ pints 35 “ “ “ quarts 50 Baker’s “ Ellis’Cit 35 “ “ Dry 50 74 BUST BED’S & BIBB'S Magnt sia, Henry’s Genuine $1 25 doz. Retail. “ Hegeman’s Cit 35 “ Husband’s Cal 50 “ Morson’s Eff. Citrate, 4 oz. bottles.. 50 “ “ “ “ 11b. bottles.. 1 50 “ Murray’s, Sir Jas., Fluid, 5ma11.... 75 “ “ “ “ “ Large 150 Malt, Hoff’s “ Horlick’s Sugar of.. 50 “ Trommer’s Medicina, Mrs. Wood’s, Small 50 “ “ “ Large 1 (0 Medicine, Allen’s Worm 50 Milk, Boi den’s Anchor Brand 50 “ “ Eagle “ 60 “ “ Swiss 50 Milk of Magnesia, Small 50 “ “ Large 1 00 Mixture, Beard’s Neutralizing 50 “ Buck’s Cholera 50 “ Butler’s 1 00 “ Glenn’s Cologne lb. “ Jayne’s F. & A 100 doz. Mucilege, Carter’s 25 Mystikos, Bogles’ I 00 Nephreticum, Bullock’s 1 00 Nervine, Culverwell’s Royal 2 00 “ Dodd’s 1 00 “ Richmond’s Samaritan 2 00 Night Lights. C. H. & Co.’s 75 “ “ Houchin’s 75 “ “ Nix’s 75 Nuts, Rexford’s Gingerbread 25 Oat Meal, Robinson’s English 25 Odonto. Choate’s Oil, Atwood’s (N. E.) Cod Liver 60 “ British 25 “ Burnett’s Cod Liver 1 00 “ C. H. & Co.’s Cod Liver. 1 00 “ Degralh’s Electric, Small 50 RE VISED CA TALOG UE. 75 Oil, Degrath’s Electric, Large $1 00 doz. Retail “ DeJongh’s C. L 1 00 “ Fongera’s Toil. Cod Liver 1 50 “ Given Mountain 25 “ Haarlem 15 “ Hill's Creamed 25 “ Lundborg’s Cologne “ McArthur’s Cod Liver 75 “ Marvin’s C. L 1 00 “ Merchant’s Gargling, Small [See AdvlJ]... 25 “ “ “ Medium 50 “ “ “ Large 1 00 “ “ “ Family, Small 25 “ Moeller’s C. L 1 00 “ Parker’s Nipple 50 “ “ “ and Shield 100 “ Peck’s C. L. and Phosphorus 1 25 “ “ “ “ Wild Cherry 125 “ Phillips’ C. L i 00 “ “ “ and Phos. Nut 1 00 “ Renne’s Magic Pain-killing, Small 25 “ “ “ “ Medium 60 “ “ “ “ Large I 00 “ Rogers’ Magnetic 60 “ Rowland’s Maccassar I 50 “ Wilson’s Carbolated C. L •• • • 1 00 “ Wilbor’s C. L. and Lime 1 00 “ Sewing Machine. 26 Ointment, Brown’s Herbal, Small 25 “ “ “ Large 50 “ Harrison’s Pile 50 “ Heiskell’s Tetter 60 « Hill’s Pile 25 “ Holloway’s Genuine, Small 25 •» “ “ Medium 62 “ “ “ Large 1 00 “ Hood’s Olive 25 “ Jeffrey’s 35 “ Kennedy’s Healing 50 “ “ Salt Reeum 50 76 BUST BRO’S & BIRD'S Ointment, Kennedy’s Scrofula $1 00 Retail. doz. “ McAllister’s. 25 “ McDougall’s Hoof 1 00 “ Osborn's Golden, Genuine 25 “ Pond’s Extract Co.’s 50 “ Rogers’Scrofula, Small 50 “ “ “ Large 100 “ Russell’s Itch 25 “ “ S. Rheum .... 60 “ Sanford’s Witch Hazel, Small 50 “ “ “ “ Large 100 “ Shipman’s Carbolic 25 “ S wayne’s 50 “ Sweet’s, Job, Relaxative 50 “ Tanner’s German 25 “ Terrell’s 25 “ Trask’s, Small 25 “ “ Large 40 “ Trufant’s 50 “ Upham’S Pile 50 “ Wheaton’s Itch 50 “ Williams’ Pile 1 00 “ Wood’s Tar 50 Opodeldoc, Knight’s Ammoniated, Small 25 “ “ “ Large... .. 50 “ Liquid 25 “ Steer’s 25 “ Whitwell’s 35 Pads, Durkee’s Liver 1 00 “ Hale’s “ 1 00 “ Holman’s “ [See Advertisement.'] 200 Pain Killer, Davis’, Small. [Sec Advertisement.] 25 “ “ Medium 50 “ “ Large 1 00 Pain Reliever, Ritchie’s. 25 Pain Paint, Wolcott’s Small 25 “ “ Medium 50 “ “ Large 1 00 Panacea, Baker’s Pain, Small 25 “ “ “ Medium 50 REVISED CATA LOG UE. 77 Ketail. Panacea, Baker’s Pain, Large. $1 00 doz- “ Brown’s Household 25 “ Pendleton’s 35 “ Swaim’s 2 00 Pancreatine, Kidder’s “ Savory and Moore’s Paper, Fayard’s • 60 “ Fruneau’s French Asthma 100 “ Gayetty’s Medicated, Small 50 “ “ “ Large 1 00 “ Jones’, P. P 10 “ Phoenix Mills Medicated 25 “ Pond’s Extract Co.’s Med “ Star Mills 36 “ Singer’s Gray. Bird Cage 25 Papoma 50 Pastiles, Eddy’s Carbolic 35 “ Kidder’s Asthmatic 25 [Also see Fancy Goods.'] Pectoral, Ayer’s Cherry. [See Advertisement.] . 100 Pellets, Homoeo., Boericke & Tafel’s. [See Adv.] 25 “ Pierce’s Purgative 25 “ Smith’s Homoeopathic 10 Pepsin, Bartlett’s Saccharated 1 00 “ Boudault’s French Acid 1 50 “ “ “ Neutral 160 Kidder’s, in 1 oz. bottles 75 “ in 4 and 1 lb. bottles ]b. Morson’s English 1 60 doz. Hawley’s Dry, in 1 oz. bottles 1 00 Proctor’s Saccharated, in 1 oz. bottles.. 100 Scheffer’s “ in 1 oz. bottles.. 1 00 “ “ “ in i and 1 lb. hot. lb. “ Velpeau’s, in 1 oz. bottles 1 00 doz. “ Wyeth’s Saccharated, in 1 oz. bottle'... 100 “ “ “ in \ lb. & 1 lb bot. lb. “ “ Concentrated, in 1 oz. bottles.. doz’. Phenol Sotliqne, Hanco Brothers 76; Phosjdiates, Crosby’s Vitalized 1 00 Pills, Adamson’s 26 78 BUST BUG’S & BIBB’S Retail. Pills, Arnold’s $ 25 doz. “ Ayer's 25 “ “ in glass 25! “ Bay State, Small 50 “ “ Large 1 00 “ Benson’s Chamomile and Celery 50 “ Blanchard’s French, Small 75 “ “ “ Large 150 “ Bland’s Ferruginous, Small 75 “ “ “ Large 150 “ Blair’s Gout 1 25 “ Brandreth’s ■••• 25 “ Bristol’s 25 “ Brown’s Renovating, Small 25 “ “ “ Large 50 “ Bryan’s Life 25 “ Bryent’s Rheumatic 1 00 “ Bull’s 25 “ Carter’s Iron 50 “ “ Liver • 25 “ Clarke’s Female, Job Moses - 1 00^ “ Cline’s Ferruginous 1 00 “ Clickener’s, S. C., Boxes 25 “ “ “ Bottles 25 “ Cockle’s English, Genuine “ Cheeseman’s Female 1 00 “ Constitution Life 25 “ Davenport’s 25 *• Duponco’s Female 1 00 “ Dean’s Rheumatic 50 “ Fitch’s 25! *• Gile’s 25j “ Grse fen berg 25 “ Green’s 25 “ Hartshorn’s Family 25 “ Hayden’s Phos 1 50 “ “ “ Comp 1 50 “ Ilealy’s Tonic. [See Advertisement.'] 100 “ Hematosine, French, in bottle of 60 “ “ “ “ “ 100 79 RE VISED CA TALOG TIE. Retail- Pills, Hill’s Rheum S 25 doz “ Holmes’Old Man of the Mountains 25 “ Hutchin’s • 25 “ Hunnewell’s 25 “ “ 200 in bottle “ “ Davies’, 200 in bottle “ Holloway’s, Small 2' “ “ Medium C 2 “ “ Large 1 00 “ Hobensack’s 25 “ Hood’s 25 “ Hooper’s, Genuine English 1 00 “ “ Imitation 25 “ Herrick’s 25 “ Hoofland’s Podophyllin 25 “ Helmbold’s Catawba. 50 “ Howe’s Arabian 25 “ Jayne’s Sanative 25 “ Judson’s Mountain Herb 25 “ Kidder’s 25 “ Lee’s Windham, Chas 25 “ Little Giant 25 “ Lorraine’s Turner’s 25 “ Lothrop’s Tonic 50 “ Morrison’s, No. 1 ““ “ 2 “ Mott’s Liver 25 “ McLane’s Liver 25 “ Moffat’s 25 “ Morse’s Indian Boot 25 “ Page’s R. R 25 “ Parson’s Purg 25 “ Parr’s Life “ Pierce’s 25 ‘ ‘ Porter’s 25 “ Phinney’s 25 “ Pinkham’s 25 “ Quain’s Magic 25 “ Rabuteau’s Iron 1 00 “ Rad way’s 25 80 RUST BEG’S & BIRD’S Pills, Resticaux’s Liver $ 25! doz. Retail.1 “ Rush’s 25; “ Sanborn’s 25 “ Schenck’s Mandrake 25 “ Shoshonee 25 “ Soule’s Sovereign Balm 25 “ Spaulding’s Cephalic ..... 25 “ Spencer’s 25 “ Standish’s 25 “ Taylor’s Mandrake 25 “ Thayer’s (officinal form), full line. [&e Adv.] “ Tilden’s “ “ “ “ “ Assafcetida, 25 in a bottle 25 “ “ Co. Cath. 25 in a bottle 25 “ “ Imp. Cath. 25 in a box 25 “ Turner’s Neuralgia 1 00 “ Vallet’s Fougera’s 75 “ Velpau’s Female 1 00 “ Warner’s (Officinal form) “ Wilton’s 25 “ Winchester's Specific 1 00 “ Wing’s 25 “ Wishart’s Dyspepsia 1 00 “ Wright’s Plain 25 “ “ S. C 2 “ Wyeth’s Comp. (off. form), full line, [fee Adv.] “ “ Peptonic, Small 50 “ “ “ Large 1 00 Finns Canadensis, Kennedy’s Plasters, Albespeyre’s Blister, in k yd. r0115.... “““ “ 1 “ Allcock’s Porous 25 “ Arnold’s, Arnica and Hemlock 25 “ Atkinson’s French Corn.. 50 “ Benson’s Capcine 25 “ Collins’Voltaic Electric 25 “ Corn and Bunion. [/See Fancy Goods.] “ Court. [/Sec Fancy Goods.'] “ Fougera’s Belladonna, in 1 yard rolls.. “ “ Mustard, Nos. 1 and 2 50, 81 BEI VS ED GA TALOG UE. Retail. Plasters, Dr. Grosvenor’s Arnica Kid S doz. “ “ Belladonna “ “ “ in yd. r0115.... “ “ " 5x 7i “ “ “ Porous 6 x 7i... “ “ “ “ in 1 yd. rolls “ “ Bellanotlyno “ 25 “ “ Capsicin, Porous, 5 x 7£. .. 25 “ “ “ “ in 1 yd. rolls “ “ “ “ in 5 “ “ “ Galbanum, Kid “ *• Improved Porous 5 x 7k• •. 25 “ “ “ “ in syd rolls “ “ Opium, in Iyd rqlls *• •• Poor Man’s, Kid “ “ Tar, Kid “ “ Warming, Kid “ Herrick’s, on Kid 25 “ Perforated 25 “ Holloway’s Arnica, Small 15 “ “ “ Medium 25 “ “ “ Large 36 “ Holmes’ Mustard, Small 25 “ “ Large 50 “ Littlefield’s Isinglass, in 1 yard r0115... 50 “ MontauJs, Belladonna, in 1 yard rolls.. “ *• “ 6x7 h “ “ Capsicum, in 1 yard rolls ... “ “ “ 5 x 7h “ “ Standard Porous, 5 x 7£.... “ “ “ “ in 5 yd. rolls “ Morehead’s Magnetic 25: “ Poland’s Cedar. 25 “ Pond’s Extract Co.’s 25 “ Pigollot’s Mustard, French Leaves. ... 75 “ “ “ “ Rolls 75 “ Scab ary & Johnson’s Aconite, in 1 yd. rolls. [See Advertisement.'] “ Seabury & Johnson’s Arnica 25 “ “ Belladonna, in syd. rolls.. 82 It UST BRO’S & BIRD’S Plasters, Seabury & Johnson’s, Belladonna, in 1 duz. Retail. [yd. rolls..s “ “ “ Porous, sx7^ “ “ Blister, in 1 yard R0115... . “ “ Capsicum, Porous, 5 x 7k- “ “ Hemlock “ “ *’ “ Mustard, in 1 yard r0115... “ “ “ Leaves, in tin boxes •• ‘‘ Opium, in 1 yard r0115.... " “ Poor Man’s Porous, 6x7| “ Strengthening “ “ “ Surgeons’ Rub. Adhesive, in 1 yard rolls “ “ Surgeons’ Rub, Adhesive, in 5 yard rolls “ “ Warming Porous, 5x7^.. “ Shiver’s Belladonna, in 1 yard rolls ... 100 “ “ Opium, in 1 yard rolls 100 “ Well’s Stg. Ar. and B. Pitch 20 ** “ “ ' 25 .. - “ 40 “ “ Warming.... 2;> Pneumatica, Bennett’s 1 00 Polish, Roeth’s Parisian Furniture 25 Powders, Alden’s Condition -■> “ Bazin’s Depilatory 2.) “ Bradbury’s Insert... 2.) “ Carbolic, Small 2a “ “ Large 1 00 “ Costar's Electric 25 “ Covell’s Plate 25 “ Dadd’s Condition 25 “ “ Cough 25 - “ Urine 25 “ “ Worm 25 “ Dillow’s Heave 25 “ Fickardt’s Cattle 25 “ Fournier’s Paullinia, French, Small.. 1 25 “ “ “ “ Large... 2 00 “ Grimault’s Guarana, French 1 00 BE VISED CA TAL 0 G VE. 83 Retail. Powders, Griraault’s Paullinia, French, Small. .$ 76 doz. “ “ “ “ Large... 1 50 “ Marvell’s Condition 26 “ Hatch’s Insect, Small 26 “ “ “ Medium 60 “ “ “ Large 100 “ Flopkins’ Magic Healing, Small 26 “ “ “ Large 1 00 “ Knowles’ Insect. Small 26 “ “ “ Medium 60 “ “ “ Large 1 00 “ Lyon’s Magnetic 26 “ Maynard & Noyes’ Ink 25 “ Pecard’s Texan 60 “ Pratt’s Rochelle 60 “ Sheridan’s Condition 25 “ Spence's Negative 1 00 “ “ Positive 1 00 “ Stafford’s Iron and Sulphur.. 1 00 “ Toilet and Face. [See Fancy Goods.] “ Tobias’Derby Condition 26 “ Upham’s Depilatory 1 00 Prairie Weed, Kennedy’s . I 00 Preservative, Cristadoro’s Hair, Small 60 “ “ “ Medium 1 00 “ “ Large 300 Prescription, King’s 1 00 “ Pierce’s Favorite 1 6u Preventative, Hardy’s Cholera 36 Producer, Geller’s Hair 1 00 Prunes, Medicated Pungents. [See Smelling Salts, Fancy Goods.] Purifier, Brown’s Blood 1 00 Pegenerator, Culverwell’s 2 00 “ Tebbett's Hair 1 00 Regulator, Coley’s 36 “ Graves’Heart, Small 60 “ “ “ Large 100 Pelief, Brown’s Lung, Small 26 “ “ Large 100 84 BUST BEG’S & BIRD’S Retail. Relief, Flagg’s, Small $ 50 doz. Large 1 00 “ Radway’s Ready, Small. 50 «• “ “ Large 100 Remedies, Reed’s, E. I 1 Remedy, Brown’s Catarrh 1 00 “ Brigg’s Pile •••• 00 Buck’s Cough 50 *• Constitutional Catarrh iOO “ Harley’s Heave 25 “ Filler’s Rheumatic 150 Goodale’s Catarrh ' 1 00 “ Hermance’s Life 100 “ Hunnewell’s Cough, Small 25 < “ Large 1 00 i “ Mrs. Temple’s 1 00j “ Perry’s Comedone or Pimple 200 “ Pond’s Extract Co.’s Catarrh 75 “ Rush’s Female 200 “ Sage’s Catarrh 501 “ Senior’s Asthma 50, “ Shoshonee 100 “ Smith’s Homeo. (family cases) 1 00j • ‘ “ “ (infant cases) 100 “ Uphani’s Pile 50j “ Yel pan’s, liegeman’s 50 “ Whitcomb’s Asthma 150 “ Wilson’s, Rev. E. A., Consumptive.... 000 “ Wood’s Asthma 150 lien ewer, Hall’s Hair 1 00, llennelt, Shinn’s 25 “ Wyeth & Brothers 25 Renovator, Brown’s Scalp, Small 50 “ “ “ Large 100 “ Sanderson’s Blood 1 00 “ Smith’s Green Mountain 1 00 RE VISED CA TALOG UE. 85 Retail Resolvent, Cuticnra $1 00 doz “ Rad way’s Sarsaparillian 1 00 Restorative, Church’s Circassian Hair 1 00 Restorer, American Hair 1 00 “ Barrett’s Hair . 1 00 “ Beebe’s Hair 1 00 “ Clock’s Hair 1 00, “ Gray’s Hair 1 00 “ Hiawatha Hair 1 00 “ Knowles’ Hair 1 00 “ Mrs. Allen’s Hair. 1 00 “ Massasoit Hair. 60, “ Martha Washington Hair 1 00 “ Montgomery’s Hair 1 00 “ Nature’s Hair 1 00 “ Rush’s, and Preventive 1 00 “ Smith’s Improved 1 00 “ Wood’s Improved 1 00 Rock Rose, Myers’ 1 00 Rosadalis 1 50 Rosemaiw, Skinner’s, and Castor Oil, Small 35 “ “ “ “ Large 1 00 Sachets. [See Fancy Goods.~\ Salicylica 1 00 Salicylicine 1 00 Salve, Blackman’s 25 “ Bar lean’s Balm of Gilead 25 “ Costar’s Buckthorn 25 “ Dall}’’s Horse— 50 “ Dunn’s Corn 25 “ Grace’s 25 “ Griswold’s 25 “ Hacker’s Brown, Red and Green 50 “ Hardy’s 25 “ Henry’s Carbolic 25 “ Norman’s Foot 25 “ Page’s Climax 25 “ Pettit’s Eye 25 “ Pike’s Centennial 25i “ Redding’s Russia, Small 25; 86 BUST BUG'S & BIRD'S Salve, Redding’s Russia, Medium S 50 doz. Retail. “ “ ' “ Large 100 “ Sawyer’s, Miss, Small 25 “ “ “ Large 50 “ Smith’s Magnetic, New York 25 “ “ “ Salem 25 “ Sweet’s, Job, Healing 25 “ Thompson’s Oriental, Small 25 “ “ “ Large 60 “ Tracy’s 2oj “ Welsh’s Corn 25 “ Whitten’s Golden 25 Salt, Ditman’s Sea 25 “ “ “ 50 Salts, Bishop’s Effervescent, full line. [See Advt] “ Crab Orchard 1 00 “ of Lemon • ■ 15 “ Preston & Merrill’s Erasive 25 “ Smelling. [See Fancy Goods.] Sapanule, Small, Medium and Large 50 Sapolio 15 “ Hand 15 Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s 1 00 “ Bristol’s 1 60 Bull’s, A. II 75 “ “ John 100 “ Corbett’s 1 00 “ Helmbold’s 1 00 “ Hood’s, Small 50 “ “ Large 1 00 “ Larookah’s 1 00 “ Rush’s, and Iron 1 00 “ Tilden's Comp 1 00 “ Townsend’s, Old Dr 1 50; “ “ S. B 1 60| Schnapps, U. Wolf’s Scheidam, pints 75 “ “ “ quarts 1 50 Secret, Egyptian 1 00 “ Farrier’s 75 Sedative, Battley’s lb. RE VISED CA TALOG TIE. 87 Retail. Shot, Dutcher’s Dead 25 Silicon, Electro 25 Silvering Paste, Howe’s 50 Snuff, Durno’s Catarrh 25 “ Jackson’s “ 35 Keifs “ 60 “ Marshall’s 25 “ Raeder’s German 35 “ Smith’s Catarrh 25 “ Whitwell's Catarrh 35 Solvent, Costai’s Corn 25 “ Houchin's Corn *25 Sozodont, Van Buskirk’s 75 Specific, Carlton’s Rheumatic 2 00 “ Crossman’s Sands’ 1 00 “ Dane's Dyspepsia 75 “ Humphrey’s Homoeo., in boxes “ “ in vials “ “ in cases “ Lallemand’s Gout 2 00 “ Boring’s 1 00 “ Popham’s Asthma 1 00 “ • Reynolds’ Gout, English “ Thompson’s Catarrli 75 “ White’s, for Dyphtheria 50 Seminodync $2 00 doz. Specialty, White’s, for Dyspepsia 1 00 Stain, Japanese Hair 50 Stimulant, Hawk’s, Small 25 “ “ Large 50 Sugar of Lemons, Gantz’s 50 “ “ Preston & Merrill’s 50 Suppositories, Anglo-American Gelatine. All formulas. Syrup, Aubergicr’s, French. 1 50 “ Beard’s Pulmonic 50, “ Barrington’s Croup 35t “ Bicknell’s Dysentery, Small 50 “ “ Large 75 “ Boschee’s German, Samples ... . 10 88 rust bbo’S & birds Syrup, Boschee’s German, Large $ 75 doz. Retail. “ Bailey’s, Mother, Quieting 25 “ Bull’s Cough, Small 25 “ “ Medium 50 “ “ “ Large 100 “ Chapman’s Dysentery 50 “ Clark’s Worm 25 “ Constitution Life 150 “ Corbin’s Worm 25 “ Flagg’s Cough and Lung 60 “ Freeman’s Iron and Mandrake 100 “ Gould’s Pin Worm 60 “ Hartshorn’s Croup, Large “ “ “ Small “ Hooker’s Cough and Croup 35 “ Hobensack’s Worm 26 “ Jackson's, Cordial “ Johnson’s, Clark, Indian Blood, Small.. 50 “ “ “ “ “ Large.. 100 “ Larookah’s, Small 50 “ “ Large 1 00 “ Low’s Worm 25 “ Mother Noble’s Healing, Small 60 a “ “ “ Large 1 00 j “ Morris’, of Tar, Trial 10 “ “ “ Small 50 “ “ “ Large 100 “ Parker’s Worm 25 “ Parrish’s Hypophosphites 160 “ “ Phosphates 100 “ Peruvian, Small 100 “ “ Large 2 00 “ Ransom’s Hive 35 “ Remington’s Croup 35 “ Roger’s, of Liver’wt, Tar and Can 1 CO, “ “ Worm 25 “ Schenck’s Pulmonic 100 “ Secor’s Alterative 100 “ Scovill’s Stillingia Blood 100; “ Thurston’s Worm 35 REVISED CATALOGUE. 89 Syrup, True’s German Cough $ 35 doz. Retail “ Warren’s Croup 25 “ Weaver’s Salt Rheum 160 “ Wright’s Indian Vegetable 25 “ Winslow’s Soothing 25 Tablets, Lyon’s Tooth 50 “ Murray’s Charcoal 25 “ Well’s Carbolic 25 “ Wyeth’s Chlorate Potasssa 25 “ “ “ and Borax. 25 “ “ Muriate Ammonia 25 Tamar Indien, Grillou’s 1 00 Tar, Stafford’s Olive 50 “ Topliff’s Syrup 1 CO Tea, Beale’s German 25 “ Hamburg ‘..... 25 “ Judson’s Worm 26 ‘ Kennedy’s Hair 1 00 “ Perry’s Worm 25 “ Quirk’s Irish 25 Thermaline 25 Tincture, Morrill’s Coloring 1 00 “ Norwood’s Yer. Yir 2 00 Tinctures, Homoeo., Boerieke & Tafel’s. [See Advertisement.'] 25 Tissue, Cooper’s Sinapine 25 “ Smith’s Blistering 150 Tonic, Blair’s Quin, and Glyc. Hair 1 00 “ Harrison’s Chalybeate 150 “ Hoofland’s 1 50 “ Howe’s Arabian... 100 “ Jayne’s Hair 150 “ Kingsley’s Iron 100 “ Knight’s, for Inebriates 100 “ Schenck’s Seaweed 100 “ Talbot’s Iron 100 Toilet, Fitch’s Queen’s 1 00 Tricopherous, Barry’s 50 'Tripoli, Mt. Eagle 10 “ Merchant’s Worm 25 | $1.75 BUST BED’S & BIBB'S Trix $ 10 doz. Retail, j Troches, Arnold’s Cough 25 “ Brown’s Bronchial, Small 25 “ “ (In glass at samepriceif preferred) 25 “ “ Bronchial, Medium 60 “ “ “ Large 1 00, “ Carlton & Hovey’s Chlorate 25 “ Edey’s Carbolic 25] “ “ “ (Ifi glass for hot climates) 60 “ Gilman’s 25 “ liegeman’s, W. C 25 “ Ilenricus’Sandal Oil 200 “ Hopkin’s Catarrh 25 “ Jones’ Chlorate 24 “ Thayer’s Aromatic Rim \_See Advt.].. 25] Tubes, Messer's Inhaling 25! “ Sanford’s “ * 15! Ursina, Savage’s. [See Fancy Goods.] Vege-Medico, Rogers’ 1 50 Vegetine 1 25 “ in Powder 50 Vermifuge, Fahnestock’s, B. A 25 “ “ B. 1 25 “ Jayne’s Tonic 35 “ McLane’s 25 “ Swaim’s 25 Victoria Regia 2 00 Vigor, Ayer’s Hair 1 00 Vinegar, Toilet. [Sec Fancy Goods.'] Vitalia, Phalon’s 1 00 Wafer’s, Bryan’s 35 “ Diamond Cough 25 “ Houchin’s S. Polish. 15 “ “ “ 25 “ “ “ 50 Wash, Burnett’s Oak 1 00 “ *• Oriental 75 “ Edey’s Carbolic Baby 100 “ Culler’s Chlorine Tooth 75 “ Helmbold’s Rose 75 91 RE VISED CA TAL 0 G UE. Water, Ander’s lodine $1 00 doz. Retail. “ Barnes’Magnolia. [See Fancy Goods.']. 100 “ Constitution 100 “ L. &K. Florida, [&c Fancy Golds.'].. 75 “ Poor Richard’s Eye 25 “ Thompson’s, I-aac, Troy 25 “ Mineral, American, Columbian quarts. “ “ “ “ pints... “ “ “ Congress, quarts.. “ “ “ “ pints... “ “ “ Empire, quarts.... “ “ “ “ pints....: “ “ “ Gettysburg, quarts. “ “ “ Guilford, quarts... *• “ “ Geyser, quarts.... “ “ “ “ pints “ “ “ Hathorn, quarts... <■ “ “ pints.... “ »* “ High Rock, quarts. “ “ “ “ pints... “ “ “ Star, quarts “ “ “ “ pints “ “ Imp’d Appolinaris, qts, glass.. “ “ “ “ jugs. “ “ “ Carlsbad, quarts “ “ “ Freidrichshaller Bitter, quarts “ “ “ Hunyadi Janos “ “ “ Kissengen, quarts “ “ “ “ pints “ “ “ Pullna, quarts, jugs.... “ “ “ “ pints “ .... “ “ “ Seltzer, quarts, jugs... “ “ “ “ pints, “ ... “ “ “ Vichy, Celestins, qts. gl “ “ “ “ Grand Grille, qts. glass “ “ “ “ Hauteriye, qts. gl Wheat, Hubbell’s Prepared 50 Whiskey, Bininger’s Old Ky. Bourbon 1 00 92 BUST BBO’S & BIRD’S Retail. Richards’ Golden Sheaf 1 00 “ [See Wines and Liquors ] Wine, Apocynum, Small 50 “ “ Large 1 00 “ Barnum’s, of Wood 1 00 “ Boudault’s Pepsin, Small 1 50 “ “ Large , 300 “ Bininger’s Sherry 1 00 “ California, [See Wines and Liquors.] “ Crook’s, of Tiir 1 00 “ Fairbanks’ Calisaya and Iron, Small 1 00 “ “ 4- “ “ Large 150 “ Fongera’s Nutritive 1 00 “ “ “ Per 1 00 “ Hubbell’s, of Iron 1 50 “ Hygienic 1 50 “ Speer’s Port Grape 1 50 “ “ Sambuci 100 “ Tilden’s Wild Cherry Ferrat 100 Whiskey, Beninger’s Wheat Tonic fel 00 doz. Witch Hazel, Humphrey’s, Smull 50 “ “ “ Medium 1 00 “ “ “ Large 1 75 Wonder, Gage’s Medical 1 00 Wyomoke, Small 1 00 “ Medium 1 50 “ Large 3 00 Zinc, C. & H.’s Sol. Chlo., Small 25 “ “ “ Mediu m • 0 “ " “ Largt 75 Zylobalsamum, Mrs. Allen’s 50 93 REVISED CATALOG EE. DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES -AND SURGICAL APPLIANCES. gTThis department will be found to be very complete. Ike extent and variety of the assortment render a detailed enumeration impossible. Aurilaves doz. Bags, Gonorrhoea “ “ Ice, for spine, pure gum “ “ “ “ throat, “ “ “ “ Sponge, rubber lined “ “ Water, India Rubber each. Bandage, Gum per lb. Bandages, Surgeons’, assorted widths “ “ Suspensory, cotton, ordinary doz. “ “ “ extra “ “ “ “ Schuster’s 41 4 4 4 4 linen, brown 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 white 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rawson’s,invar’y. [See Adv.~\ 44 4 4 4 4 silk, French 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 very fine 44 Baths, Eye, glass 44 44 44 porcelain 44 Bottle Labels Bottles, Nursing, Burr’s Eagle 44 44 44 4 4 Medallion 44 44 4 4 4 4 Patent, green (one nipple). [See Advertisement] 44 4 4 44 Patent, flint (one nipple) 44 44 ‘ 4 4 4 Patent, flint (two nipples and tube), brush in paper b0x.... 44 4 4 44 4 4 Patent, green, bare, to replenish. 44 44 4 4 44 Patent, flint, bare, to replenish.. 44 94 BUST BRO’S & BIRD’S Bottles, Nursing, Common Sense, metallic top doz. “ “ “ “ hard rubber top, “ “ " Knapp’s, green, each in box “ “ “ “ white, “ “ “ “ “ Laforme’s Patent, flint glass, complete.. “ “ “ Lincoln’s Perfection “ “ “ Maw’s Alexandrian, earthern caps “ “ “ “ Export, earthern caps “ Bougies, Gum Elastic, English “ “ “ “ French “ Boxes, Lip Salve, metal, plain “ “ “ “ screw cap “ “ “ “ white wood “ i ounce gross. 1 “ “ 1 “ “ 2- “ “ 3 “ “ 4 “ BOXES, OINTMENT, lIINGHAM Oil NAILED. G ounce ; .gross. 8“ “ • 12 “ “ 16 “ “ Nested “ BOXES, OINTMENT, IMPERVIOUS, BLACK WALNUT AND SILVER POPLAR. Black Walnut. 1 ounce gross. h ‘ “ 1 “ “ 2 “ “ 3 ounce gross. 4 “ “ 6 “ “ 8 “ “ Silver Poplar. 1 ounce gross. h “ “ 1 “ “ 2 “ “ 3 ounce gross. 4 “ “ 6 “ “ 8 “ “ BOXES, OINTMENT, TIN, COVERS PRESSED AND WITH RIM. ounce per 100 1 “ “ 1 “ “ 2 “ “ 3 “ “ 4 “ “ Covers Pressed. £ ounce per 100 % “ “ 1 “ 2 “ “ 3 “ “ 4. i< Covers with Him. RE VISED CA TA LOO UE. 95 BOXES, OINTMENT, TURNED WOOD. No. 1, i ounce.......gross. 2, 4 “ “ 3, h “ “ 4, 1 “ “ 5, 2 “ “ No. 0, 3 ounce gross. 7, 4 “ “ Long Pill “ Nested Boxes, Powder and Prescription, Dennison’s. [See Advt.~\ “ Oint. T’d W’d, Dennison’s, Selec’d, £ & gro. boxes.gross. Pill, Bronze, Shouldered, 4in a nest, (Nos. 5to8) . “ “ “ “ “ 1 gro. ea. size (Nos. 5to8) in bx. “ “ “ “ “ projecting edge, No. 29 “ “““““ “ “ 80 “ “““““ “ “ 31 “ “ “ Chip, Oval, Large “ “ “ “ “ Small “ “ “ Red, 4in nest, (Nos, 17 to 20) “ “ “ “ 1 gross each size in a box “ Note.—Our assortment of plain, gilt, and fancy colored paper, pill, powder, and prescription boxes is so exten- sive and varied that it will not admit of detailed de- scription. Boxes, Pres’n, Powder, Sliding, No. 1, plain white paper. “ “ “ “ “ Nested, “ “ “ . “ “ Seidlitz Powder, ordinary size, plaid paper “ “ “ “ extra size “ “ “ Tin, ordinary size “ “ “ “ “full “ “ ‘ ‘ Soda Powder, Paper , “ “ “ ' “ Tin “ “ Tooth Powder, Glass, opaque or plain, hoz doz. “ “ “ “ 1 oz “ “ “ “ “2 oz “ “ “ Paper, glazed, gilt edge gross. “ “ Wood, English turned, 1 oz “ “““““ 2 oz “ “““““ 4 oz “ “ “ Mt. Washington, Silver Poplar or ■ Black Walnut, No. 1.. “* “ “ “ No. 2,. “ “ “ “ No. 3.. ‘ No. 4.. “ IUIST BEG’S & BIRD’S Boxes, Twine, Glass, plain each. “ “ opaque “ “ “ richly cut, assorted colors “ Bulbs, Rubber Syringe, one and two holes doz. Catheters, Gum Elastic, English »* “ “ “ extra, ivory tip “ “ Silver, female “ “ “ male *» CORKS, SUPERFINE, ALL SIZES, CUT TO ORDER. Vial and Bottle. Demijohn. No. 0 gross. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 “ 9 “ 10 “ 11 “ 12 “ 1 gallon gross. 2 “ .« 3 “ “ 4 “ •« 5 “ “ 5s gross. 6s “ Specie and Tooth Powder. 21 inches in diameter, gross. U “ “ .. “ 3 “ .. “ 2 oz. Tooth Powder... “ 4 “ “ *• .. “ Wine. Specie and Tooth Powder. 1 inch in diameter... .gross. U “ “ .... “ U“ “ “ If “ *• .... “ li “ “ .... “ If “ “ .... “ II “ “ .... “ II “ .... “ 2 “ “ 2| “ “ .... “ 2i “ • “ .... “ 2| “ “ .... “ 2i “ “ .... “ No. 1 ■ 100 2 “ 2i “ 3 “ U “ 4 “ Ah “ 5 “ lh “ C “ C h “ 7 “ Rubber. 97 R E VISED CA TALOG EE. Cork Screws, American, in variety doz. “ Clough’s Wire “ “ French, on cards, in variety “ “ Pocket, Hard Rubber, No. 1 .. “ “ “ “ 2. “ “ “ Metal “ Cots, Rubber, black, assorted , gross. “ “ white assorted “ Cotton, Absorbent, Dennison’s, h lb. packages [.crib. “ “ “ i lb. packages “ “ “ “ 4 lb. packages “ “ “ “ 1-32 lb. packages “ Demijohns, Willow Covered, 1 pint doz. “ “ 1 quart “ “ “ i gallon “ “ “ 1 “ v. “ 3 “ “ 3 “ “ “ “ 5 “ “ Directions for Bateman’s Drops, British Oil, and Turling- ton’s Ream. Douches, Nasal, Excelsior doz. “ “ Peirce’s “ “ “ Thudicum’s “ Droppers, Medicine, Mrs. Bailey’s “ Eye-shades, single “ “ double “ Feeders, Sick, Earthenware “ “ u Glass “ “ “ Porcelain “ FILTEHS, PAPER, ROUND, WHITE AND GUAY No. 15, 6 in. cl him.. . per 100 19, 8 “ . .. “ 25,10 “ 33,13 “ .. “ 40,15 “ “ 45,18 “ .. “ 50,2Q “ .. “ White. No. 15, 6 in. diam.. .per 100 19, 8 “ .. “ 25, 10 “ .. “ 33.13 “ .. “ 40,15 “ .. “ 45,18 “ “ 50,20 “ .. “ Gkay. 98 RUST BUG’S & BIRD’S Filters, Felt, hat shape, No. 3 doz. “ “ “ “4 “ “““ “ 5 “ ““*“ “ G “ “ Paper, square sheets, gray ream. “ “ “ “ white “ Fittings, Burr’s Patent Nurse Bottle, black and white.doz. “ Cheap, black and white “ Foil, Tin, thin lb. “ “ thick “ Glasses, Cupping, Davidson's doz. Inhalers. [_See Proprietary Medicines.'] Labels, Cologne and Hair Oil, in variety per 100. “ Liquor, in great variety “ “ Medicine Chest doz. sheets. “ Seidlitz, in variety per 100. Lancets, Gum, horn and shell doz. “ Thumb, Evan’s, genuine “ “ “ “ imitation “ Lint, No. 1, Maw’s, in 1 lb. bundles lb. “ “ “ in 1 oz. papers “ . “ *• “ in penny papers gross. “ “ Taylor’s, in 1 lb. bundles lb. “ “ in 1 oz. papers “ FILTERS, PAPER, ROUND, WHITE AND GRAY. Nipples, Gum Elastic, Burr pattern, black gross. “ “ “ “ “ white “ “ “ “ “ “ “ extra large *• “ “ “ cone shape, black. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ large “ “ “ “ “ white “ “ “ ■“ “ “ “ large “ “ “ •• Davidson’s patent “ “ ring “ Pans, Bed, French shape, earthenware, No. I doz. « “ “ *4 “2 “ “ “ Scale, glass pair. Paper, Litmus, blue and red, in stripes quire. “ Seidlitz, blue glazed ream. “ “ white “ “ Tumeric . quire. HE VISED CA TAL 0G UK Paper, Wrapping, assorted colors ream. *• “ blue “ Papers, Powder, Dennison’s. [Sec Advertisement.'] Pessaries, Glass doz. “ Hard, Rubber Bow “ “ “ “ Concave “ “ “ “ Horseshoe “ “ Soft Rubber. Inflated “ “ “ “ Long Stein “ “ “ “ Short “ “ Perfumer’s Cotton, Dennison’s “ Pipes, Breast, Mrs. Bailey’s Improved “ Probangs, Camels’ Hair “ “ Ivory “ “ Whalebone “ Pumps, Breast, Alexandra “ “ “ Davidson’s Bulb “ “ “ Delano’s . “ “ “ Domestic “ “ “ English “ “ “ Hard Rubber “ “ “ Mattson’s “ “ “ Needham’s “ Shells, Nipple, Glass, Small “ “ “ “ Large “ Shields, Nipple, Boxwood, common “ “ “ with nipple “ “ “ Geyer’s, with tube “ “ “ Mrs. Bailey’s, with tube cleaner “ Shield, Nipple, Kent’s “ “ “ Needham’s “ “ “ White Rubber “ “ Nursing, Mrs. Bailey’s “ “ Patch’s Favorite “ Speculums, Glass “ “ “ hole in side “ Stoves, Pocket, with pans “ “ “ without pans “ Syringes, Elastic Bulb, Davidson’s, No. 1. “ .1 “ “ 2 “ “ “ Delano’s 605 “ 100 BUST BBO’S & BIRD'S Syringes, Elastic Bulb, Delano’s, No. 507 cloz. “ “ il Eye and Ear “ “ “ Domestic “ “ “ Essex “ “ “ Goodyear’s “ “ “ Household, No. 1 “ “ “ “ 2 “ “ 3 “ “ “ Mattson’s, original “ “ “ “ No. 1, family “ “ “ “ Vaginal Irrigator “ “ “ Phoenix, No. 1 “ “ “ “ No. 2 “ “ “ “ No. 3 “ “ “ Richardson’s, No. 2 “ “ “ “ No. 3 “ “ Fountain, No. 1 “ “ “ No. 2 “ “ “ No. 3 “ Note. Extra Bulbs, Tubing and Valves always in stock. SYRINGES, HARD RUBBER Male. MALE AND FEMALE. Female. No. 60 doz. 0 “ 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ Ear “ Catarrhal “ No. 1 doz. 2 “ 3 “ 2, with shield “ 3, “ “ “ 4, “ Extra M. and F. Pipes... “ 6, “ ExtraM. and F. Pipes... “ 6, “ Extra M. and F. Pipes... “ 3, “ Extra Long Pipe “ Received the highest premium at the U. S. Centennial Exhibition Acknowledged by all to be the best in the world. No cap or cork, heavy glass and smoothly made. GLASS SYRINGES, M'ELROY’S PATENT RE VISED GA TAL 0 G UE. 101 Male, No. 00 doz. 0...., “ “ 1 “ “ 2 “ 3 “ “ 4 “ “ 5 “ “ 6 “ “ 7 “ Female, 3 “ “ 4 “ “ 5 “ Female, No. 6 doz. “ 7 ‘ Vaginal, O. P. T„ No. 1.. “ “ “ 2.. “ “ “ 3.. “ Male, inwoodcase,Bulb. “ “ “ Straight “ “ “ No. 0... “ “ “ No. 00.. “ Ear “ Nasal “ SYRINGES, METAL, FINE AND MEDIUM. Fine. Medium. 1 ounce doz, 2 “ “ 4 “ “ 6 “ “ 8 “ “ 10 “ “ 12 “ “ 16 “ “ 24 “ “ 32 “ “ P. P “ Female, Large “ “ Small “ 1 ounce doz. 2 “ 4 “ “ 6 “ “ 8 “ “ 10 “ “ 12 “ “ 16 “ « 24 u , i 32 “ “• P. P “ Female, Large “ “ Small “ Tags, Dennison’s. [See Advertisement.'] Taps, Champagne, Lawrence .. doz. Tubing, Elastic, inside diameter 1-16 inch foot. “ “ “ 1-8 “ .. “ 3-16 “ “ “ “ •• 1-4 ‘‘ “ 5-16 - “ “ “ 3-8 “ “ 1-2 “ “ “ “ in lengths for Nursing Bottles doz. “ Glass lb. Tubes, Drinking, glass, S-shaped, finished doz. 102 BUST BEG'S & BIRD'S Tubes, Drinking, glass, S-shaped, plain doz. “ “ “ straight Leech “ “ Test, Nested “ “ “ 3-inch “ “ << 4 « “ « g D .... “ “ “ (5 “ “ u a Y , , ‘• ““8 “ “ “ “9 “ “ Twines, Cotton, Sea Island, assorted . “ “ “ “ pink “ “ “ “ white “ “ “ “ pink, in i lb. balls, per 1b.... “ “ Hemp, Small lb. *• “ Large “ “ Linen, pink and white “ “ “ pink, in i lb. balls. “ “““ i “ “ Twines, E. W. D., Dennison’s “ Wires, for Catheters doz. Wrappers, for Seidlitz Powders per 100. REVISED CATALOGUE. 103 FAIT OT OOODi -AND- TOILET ARTICLES Amandine, doz. Atomizers, Perfume, Boston “ “ Centennnial “ “ Comet “ “ Davidson’s “ “ Delano, No. 558 “ “ “ 560 “ Perf., Essex “ “ Favorite “ “ Unique Bags, Sachet, Metcalf’s, assorted odors “ “ Maw’s Silk, assorted odors Balls, Chalk, Shand’s Pink “ “ “ White Bandoline, Coudray’s, Small “ “ Medium “ “ Large Belts, Flesh, Dinneford’s, Horsehair “ “ Lawrence’s “ Blacking, Day & Martin’s Liquid, Small “ “ “ Medium “ “ “ Large “ “ Paste “ Jacquot’s French * • • • Bottles, Toilet, Bay Rum and Cologne, engraved and cut Bottles, Toilet, Bay Rum, and Cologne, engraved, Walton’s fancy glass, labelled Bottles, Toilet, Bay Rum & Cologne, Plain, Caswell’s Gilt “ “ Walton’s gl. label’d, names in variety 104 BUST BUG’S d BIBB’S Bottles, Toilet, Bay Rum & Cologne, cut & polished.doz. Boxes, Powder Puff, Metal, plain 4 4 4 4 4 4 in all colors & patterns. 4 4 4 4 Paper 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Scotch wood in variety 4 4 4 4 White wood 44 44 Shaving, Metal . 4 4 4 4 Wood, with mirror 44 Soap, Crown Metal, all sizes 4 4 4 4 Nickel-plated Brooms, Whisk, Coarse and Fine Hurl 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 velvet handle 4 4 4 4 Common Brushes, Bandoline, Bone handle “ “ Buffalo “ “ “ Wood “ 4 4 Bottle 44 Camel’s Hair, assorted, Nos. Ito 8 gross. 4 4 4 4 No. 1 44 44 44 2 4 4 4 4 44 3 •4 Cloth, American, in all varieties doz. 4 4 4 4 English 44 ,4 4 4 4 4 French, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 with handles 4 4 4 4 44 Flesh, American, curved and straight 4 4 4 1 English, 44 “ 44 Hair, American, large variety 4 4 4 4 4 4 Celluloid, in variety 4 4 4 4 4 4 Florence, 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 Metallic 44 Infant, bone, in variety 4 4 4 4 buffalo, 44 “ “ ivory, 44 4 4 4 4 wood, 44 44 Nail, bone handle, 5 row 44 44 • 44 6 44 44 44 44 7 44 44 Nursing Bottle 4 4 4 4 Tube REVISED CATALOGUE. 105 Brushes, Shaving, badger hair, genuine, in all pat- terns and sizes “ “ bone handles, in variety “ “ wood “ “ gross. “ “ pocket, bone handles “ “ “ wood handles “ Tooth, English, 3 row, hard and soft. x x x x x “““ 5 “ “ “ . “ Infants’ “ “ “ “ Maw’s, “ “ “ “ Front’s, “ “ “ French, 3 row, “ a tc a i ( Fy a t, “ “ “ Buffalo, “ Cachets, French, No. 1 M ““ “ 2 “ “ 8 Caehous, Hooper’s doz. “ “ Ladies’ Cards, Playing, Manger’s, “ Pointer,” St’ms. No. 180 “ “ “ “ Tugboats, No. 210 “ “ “ ‘‘ Steamboats, No. 240 “ “ “ “ “ Ext. 240 [ “ “ “ “ Moguls Chalk Balls, Shand’s, one in a box “ “ pink, one in box “ Tetlow’s, one in box. “ “ pink, one box Combs, Barbers’, Celluloid, in variety “ “ Horn, 6 to 8 inch “ “ “ hand-made, to 8 inch.... “ “ “ bl’k & shell, to 8 inch.,. “ Dressing Cosmetique, Coudray’s, bl’k, white & brown, No. 910 “ “ “ “ “ 911 “ “ “ “ “ 942 “ “ “ “ “ 943 “ “ “ “ “ 960 “ Italian “ “ Small.. 106 BUST BEG’S & BIRD'S Cosmetique, Italian, b’lk, white & brown, Large doz. Cream, Cold, Lloyd’s Rose “ “ Patey’s “ “ Vaseline doz. “ Oriental, T. Felix Gouraud’s “ Shaving, Bazin’s Almond, Small “ “ “ “ Large Cuffs, Japanese, assorted sizes per doz. pairs. Cups, Quassia, Small doz. “ “ Medium • ••• “ “ Large Ear Clearner, Leinet’s Eau, Angelique, Delluc’s, Small “ “ “ Large Euxesis, Lloyd’s Extracts, Handkf., Am. Bazin’s lb. “ “ “ “ Colgate’s Cash, Boquet and others doz. “ “ “ “ Glenn’s in 1 lb. bottles “ “ “ “ Lundborg’s Triple “ “ “ “ Robinson’s In pint and half-pint glass stopped bottles. ODORS AND BOUQUETS. Arcadian Pink. Bouquet de Caroline. Bridal Bouquet. Cassie. Eglantine. Ess. Bouquet. Frangipanni. Heliotrope. Honeysuckle. Jasmine. Jockey Club. Jonquille. Magnolia. Marechale. Mignonette. Milefleurs. Ocean Spray. Orange Flower. Patchouly Pond Lily. Reseda. Rondeletia. Rose Rose Geranium. Spring Flowers. Stepbanotis. Sweet Brier. Sweet Pea. Tea Rose. Tuberose. Upper Ten. Verbena. RE VISED CA TA L 0 G UE. 107 Moss Rose. Violet. Musk Rose, West End. New Mown Hay. White Rose. Night Blooming Cereus. Musk, Brown Label; Wood Violet, Blue Label; Ylang Ylang, While Label lb. Fascination, Fancy Label Tally-Ho “ . All of the above in elegant Etched Simp Bottles, with Cut Stoppers if desired Lundborg’s Half-pint Toilet Perfumes. Each bottle in a carton doz. Fascination, Tally-Ho, Musk, Wood Violet, Ylang Ylang i All other Odors and Bouquets Violet. Lundbokg’s Toilet Perfumes. Bijou Perfumes, assorted odors Criterion Perfumes, in couplets, assortedjodors | oz. Small Perfumes, assorted 0d0r5.... I oz. No. 1 Long Pressed Recherche Perf. ass’d odors 1 oz. Medium Recherche Perfumes 1 oz. Wood Violet Perfumes 1 oz. Ylang Ylang “ loz Arcadian Pink “ 1 oz. Fascination “ 1 oz. Tally-Ho “ IT oz. Pitcher Recherche Perfumes Ih. oz. No. 2 Long Pressed Recherche Perfumes 1 oz. Novel Box Recherche Perfumes IT oz. N. S. Large Recherche Perfumes, in couplets, assorted odors li oz. Exquisite, W. Rose and W. Violet Perfumes, in couplets 1 oz. Octagon Cut Crystal Perfumes, assorted odors, 2 oz Recherche Perfumes, assorted odors 2 oz. “ “ each bottle in fancy box, assorted odors 2 oz. International Perfumes, assorted odors 2 oz. “ “ each bottle in fancy box, assorted odors 108 RUST BRO’S & BIRD'S 2 oz. Fascination doz. 2 oz. “ each bottle in fancy box 2 oz. Wood Violet 2 oz. “ each bottle in fancy box 2 oz. Ylang Ylang 2 oz. “ “ each bottle in fancy box 2 oz. Octagon Cut Crystal Perfumes, assorted odors, 4 oz. Recherche Perfumes, assorted odors loz “ “ each bottle in fancy boxes, assorted odors 4 oz. Fascination Perfumes 3 oz. “ “ each bottle in fancy box. 4 oz. Arcadian Pink Perfumes 4 oz. “ “ each bottle in fancy box 4 oz. Wood Violet Perfumes 4 oz. “ “ each bottle in fancy box 4 oz. Ylang Ylang Perfumes 4 oz. “ “ each bottle in fancy box Lundborg’s Oil of Cologne. Put up in pint and half-pint .pint.| Lundborg’s Odorator Perfumes, consisting of Small Recherche Perfumes, Cork Stopper, assorted odors, and Comet Atomizers. One bottle per- fume and an atomizer in box, complete doz. Lundborg’s California Water Miniature “ “ facsimile of larger size. Files, Nail, Ivory, Small “ “ “ Large .... “ “ Shell Flasks, Willow Covered, \ pints . . “ “ “ pints “ *• “ quarts Glove Cleaner, Jouven’s Gloves, Horsehair, Dinneford’s, Gents’ “ “ “ Ladies’ Glycerine, Price’s Solidified Ice, Camphor. [/Sec Proprietary Medicines.'] Ink, Indelible. [/See Proprietary Medicines.] “ India, small gilt sticks 11). Juice, Lime and Glycerine, Pear’s doz. Kalydor, Rowland’s REVISED CATALOGUE. 109 Mirrors, Hand, Oval, all sizes doz. Mugs, Combination Shaving “ “ “ common.. “ Favorite Shaving “ Glenn’s “ Mugs, Requisite Shaving “ Union “ Muslin, Oiled, Seabury & Johnson’s yard. Night Lights. [/See Proprietary Medicines.] Oils, Hair, American, Barney’s Golden, Small doz. “ “ “ “ “ Large *• “ “ “ in variety. “ “ French, Societie Hygienique Philocome. “ “ Hartshorn’s Otto Rose, in long cut and gilt vials Paste, Tooth, Carlton & Hovey’s Charcoal “ “ C. H. & Co.’s Formadenta “ “ Choate’s, Oak Bark and Orris, Small. “ “ “ “ “ Medium , “ “ “ “ “ Large. “ “ Gosnell’s Cherry “ “ Jewsbury & Brown’s, Oriental, Small. “ “ “ “ Largo. “ “ Stamp’s, Myrrhine Pastiles, Fumigating, Colgate’s “ “ Coudray’s “ “ Hooper’s “ “ Lubin’s “ Lewenburg's, de Florence Pens, Brigg’s Marking , Pencil, Clarke’s Indelible “ DeGrave’s, Corn and Wart “ Robinson’s “ “ Wyeths’, ■* Perfumes. [See Atomizers.'] Picks, Tooth, quill, fancy, Small box. “ “ “ Large •• No. 3 M “““ “ 4 “ “ wood, double-pointed, and flat, in vari .box RUST BUG'S & BIRD'S Piline, Spongio yard. Plasters, Bunion, Littlefield’s doz. “ “ Maw’s, thick “ “ “ thin “ “ Robbins’ “ “ Seabury & Johnson’s, 6in b0x.... “ “ “ h gross in box. .gross. “ Corn, Littlefield’s... doz. “ “ Maw’s, thick “ “ “ thin “ ‘4 Maw’s, assorted doz. “ “ “ bulk gross. “ “ Robbins’ doz. “ “ Seabury & Johnson’s, 12 in box “ “ “ 1 gross in glass-top box gross. “ Court, Continental, assorted colors “ “ “ Peerless “ “ “ in tablets “ “ Dickman’s black, flesh, and white.. “ “ “ in tablets “ “ “ Imp’l. bl’k, flesh and wh. “ “ “ Mechanics’.. “ “ Fronts’, black, flesh, and white doz. “ “ Robbins’, black, white, and flesh... “ “ “ tablets “ “ “ Imp’l, bl’k, flesh and wh,. “ “ “ kid “ “ “ Isinglass “ “ “ Surgeon’s, dressing “ “ Seabury & Johnson’s, Surgeon’s Isinglass on Silk, yd. rolls, b’lk, flesh, and white “ “ S. & J.’s Surg’s Isinglass on linen, yard rolls “ “ “ Leather Tablets 6 ps. ass’d silk, with scissors “ “ “ Leather Tab., Slide Pocket “ “ 14 Centennial Tab, Eng. style “ “ •* Roll Court BE VISED CATALOG UE. Plaster, Court, S. & J.’s Tab. 3 pieces on silk, ass’d, large “ “ “ “ balsamic silk, 3 ps. on linen “ “ “ Golden Eagle, black, llesh and white “ “ “ Arnica, bl’k, flesh & white “ Tsingl iss on G. B. skin, yd. rolls Pomade, American, Cosmoline “ “ Deodorolein, 2 oz “ “ Deodorolein, 1 lb lb. “ “ “ 5 lb “ “ Glenn’s, barrel doz. “ “ Vaseline “ “ of different makers, in variety.. “ English, Arctusine “ “ Ursina “ French, Coudray’s, Brilliantine “ “ “ Hongroise, Small Glass “ “ “ “ Large “ “ “ “ ** Porcelain .. “ “ “ Tin Can, Small “ “ “ “ Medium “ “ “ “ Large “ “ Lubin’s, Brilliantine “ “ Fiver’s, Blue Pot “ “ “ Tin Boxes, Small .v.. Powder, Brush, Hassall’s Depilatory. [See Proprietary Medicines] “ Diamond “ Plate Polishing. [See Proprietary Med.~\ “ Sachet, i and lb. bots. “ “ Atkinson’s, in envelopes “ “ Condray’s, assorted “ Toilet, Blue paper, |lb doz. “ “ Cashmere Bouquet lb. “ “ Coudray’s, No. 2,499, assorted “ •• re “ 2,500, “ “ “ Hobb’s Meen Fun “ “ Jnlin's, assorted odors 112 BUST BRO’S & BIRD’S Powder, Toilet, Letch ford's Otto of Rose doz. “ “ -Lubin’s Rose “ “ Violet “ “ Maw’s Violet “ “ Nature’s Face, Pink White “ “ Rimmel’s, assorted odors “ •* Saunder’s Face, Pink “ “ “ White “ “ Tucker’s, for Chafing “ “ Yardley’s Violet “ Tooth, Brown’s Camphorated “ “ Calder’s, (Dentine) “ “ Cjmchodentis “ “ Cook’s (Dentifrice) “ “ Hood’s “ “ Jones’(Dentifrice) “ “ Lyons’ “ “ “ (Tablets) “ “ Libby’s (Coralline) “ “ Peters’Quillaia) “ “ Patten’s (Dentifrice) “ “ Thurston’s “ “ Vincent’s (Dendan) “ “ Warren’s Enamel “ “ Webster’s Protectors, Chest, Chamois, Paragon “ Lung, “ “ “ “ “ Torrey’s “ •* Felt, Dr. Henry’s “ “ “ Pattison’s Puffs, Powder, in large variety Rings, Key, a variety of styles Rouge, Liquid, Clarke’s “ “ Coudray’s Vinegar “ “ French “ “ “ Hill’s Royal “ “ Kidder’s Vinegar “ “ Low’s “ “ “ “ “ extra “ Tablets, Dorin’s Theatre 113 RE VISED GA TAL 0 G UE. Rouge, Tablets, French Theatre doz. “ “ Kidder’s “ “» Tetlow’s Imperial “ 44 Shell Pink Imperial Salts, Smelling, Allchin’s Mono-Carb. Ammonia.... lb. “ 44 Brown’s, Preston’s, in 1 lb. bot... - 44 “ “ 88 in bot., ivory cork., doz. 44 “ Littlefield’s metal cap 44 “ glass stop’d “ 44 S. & B.’s, Preston’s, waxed tork... . Saucers, pink. Sets, Toilet, Burnett’s .doz. “ 41 *• miniature Silk, Oiled yard. Skins, Capping doz. “ Chamois, 30 skins in a kip kip. “ Plaster, white . doz. Soaps, Carbolic, Buchan’s Disinfecting, No. 11 “ “ “ “ in 1 lb. bars, No. 12 “ “ ** Dental “ “ “ Family, in 1 lb. bars.. “ “ “ Medicated “ 84 Toilet “ *• Calvert’s Medicated “ “ “ Toilet “ Complexion, Hall’s “ Dog, Naldire’s “ Erasive, Glenn’s l> Medicated, Brecknell’s. Skin “ “ Constantine’s'Persian Healing . .. “ “ C. H. & Co.’s Juniper Tar “ “ Culicura “ *• Glenn’s Sulphur.. “ “ Gou rand’s “ Jennings’ “ Moodie’s, Sulphur Tar “ 44 . Packer’s, Tar “ Shaving, Bailey’s Spermaceti “ “ Brown’s, Barbers’ Bar “ “ Buchan’s “ “ Pear’s, transparent (sticks) 114 RUST BRO’S & BIRR’S Soaps, Shaving, Rigg’s, Military’ “ “ Robinson’s Crown “ “ Williams’, Barbers’, 10 bars in a! “ “ “ “ favorite doz. “ “ “ Clipper “ “ “ Yankee “ “ Winter’s Rypophagon “ Toilet, Am., Colgate’s, Aromatic, Vegetable, No. 1 “ “ Am,, Colgate’s, Arom., Veg., No. 2... “ “ “ “ Cashmere, bouquet... “ Toilet, American, Colgate’s, Castile, mottled and white “ imported, boxes, in 3, 4 and 5 oz. cakes..... “ Toilet, Am., Colgate’s, C. C. C., Glycerine and Honey gross. “ “ Am., Colgate’s, Elder Flowers, No. 1, “ “ “ “ “ “ No. 2, “ “ “ “ Glyc., No. 1, paper.. 4 “ “ “ “ No. 1, wood.. “ “ “ “ “ medium, pap. “ “ “ “ “ “ wood, “ “ “ “ “ No. 2, paper.. “ “ “ “ “ No. 2, wood.. , “ “ “ “ Honey, No. 1, paper. “ “ “ “ “ No. 1, wood.. “ “ “ “ “ med., paper . “ “ “ “ “ “ wood.. “ “ “ “ “ No. 2, paper.. “ “ “ “ “ “ 2, wood.. “ “ “ “ Omnibus “ “ “ Oakley’s Ball, No. 1 doz. “ . “ “ “ “ No. 2 “ “ “ “ “ No. 3 “ “ “ “ Cakes, No. 54, Small, Glycerine “ “ “ “ “ No. 90, Large, Glycerine “ “ “ “ “ No. 71, G’ntlet, “ “ “ “ May Flower “ “ “ Robinson’s REVISED CATALOGUE. 115 Soaps, Tooth, Davis’ “ “ Rimmel’s “ “ Robinson’s “ “ Thompson’s Note. We are daily adding to our stock of Soap novelties of foreign and domestic manufacture. Sponges, Bathing, Cavaliere, 75 pieces on string, per st’g. “ “ “ extra, 25 “ “ “ “ Formes, No. 1, 15 “ “ “ “ “ No. 1, 20 “ “ “ “ Medium, 20 “ “ “ Formes,l\ledium,l6pcs.on st’g..perstg. “ Small, in case, loose lb. “ “ Medium, in case, loose “ “ Large, “ “ “ Surgeon’s Turkey, 25 pieces on a string, per st’g. “ “ “ 40 “ “ “ Loose lb. “ Toilet, Dure, 25 pieces on a string per st’g. “ “ “ Small, loose lb. “ “ “ Medium, loose “ “ “ Large “ “ “ No. 1, on strings per st’g. “ “ “ No. 2, “ “ “ Turkey, 75 pieces on a string.. “ “ 41 4. 25 “ “ .. “ “ “ “ Large, loose lb. “ “ “ Medium, loose “ “ “ Small, “ “ Reef “ “ extra “ Sheep’s Wool, Florida “ " “ “ extra “ ** “ Nassau “ Zimoca, Large “ “ Small Note. We have also a large of Toilet and Surgeons’ Sponges, in various forms, including case, string, and loose, of which no definite de- scription can be given. 116 BUST BBO’S & BIBB’S Stands, Farina Cologne, Light and Dark Bronze doz. Strops, Razor, Atwell’s. “ “ Emerson’s, 17h in. oval m “ Tapers. [See Proprietary Medicines.] Towels, Cash’s patent “ Turkish, in great variety Trix gross. Tweezers, Steel, in great variety.. doz. Vinegar, Toilet, Bully’s Water, California, Lundborg’s “ Cologne, Atkinson’s English, 4oz “ “ “ “ 8 oz “ Cologne, Burnett’s, h pint S. C “ “ “ 1 pint, “ “ “ “ quart “ “ “ Farina, F. M., No. 4,711 “ “ “ J. M., long “ “ “ “ short “ *• R. B. & B.’s, in 6 oz. hocks “ “ Hoyt’s German, Small “ “ “ “ Large “ Florida, Coudray’s “ “ L. & K.’s “ “ Horne’s “ Orange Flower “ Toilet, Barnes’Magnolia “ “ Colgate’s Cashmere Bouquet “ “ Lavender “/ “ Multiflora “ '• Rosodora “ “ Violet, Small “ “ Large Wax, Moustache, Coudray’s “ Sealing, Bottle, black, green, and red, in various grades lb. “ *' Express, Dennison’s, in var. grades.. “ “ Letter, Dennison’s, in black, green, and red, in various grades White, Harrison’s Parian “ Lily, Bazin’s, in variety REVISED CATALOGUE. 117 White, Lily, Kidder’s, in variety. lh. “ “ Shand’s “ “ “ Tetlow’s “ “ Liquid, Clarke’s “ “ Condray’s (Blanc de Terle) “ “ Dorin’s “ “ “ “ Lubin’s “ “ “ Tablet, Doi'in’s “ “ 118 RUST BED’S & BIRD'S DR. E. HARTSHORN & SON'S Family Medicine House, 71 Blackstone St., Boston. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Proprietors and manufacturers of the following list of Standard Goods, which for thirty years have held the market in constantly increasing sales. All goods bearing their name may be relied on for purity, care and uniform strength. Cough Balsam, Blood Furifer, Worm Extract, Hive or Croup Syrup, Aro- matic Syrup, Rhubarb, Diarrhoea Cordial, Jamaica Ginger. Ammonia Compound Toilet Oil, Hair Life, Hair Dresser, Flavoring Ex- tracts, Essences, &c. The above list, with many not enumerated, constitute the largest assortment of Family Medicines and preparations by any house, and is always warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. Handsome Card and Circular, with name of party selling, furnished in any quantity. REVISED CATALOGUE. 119 B. O. & C. C. WILSON, Wholesale Botanic Druggists, Nos. 18 and 20 Central Street, BOSTON, MASS., Medicinal Boots, Herbs, Barks, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds, k DEALERS IN ALSO- Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Proprietary Medicines, Glass-Ware, Syringes, Druggists’ Sundries, Concentrated Medicines, Es- sential Oils. Solid and Fluid Extracts, Tinctures, Medical Books, Spices, Alcohol, Wines, and other Liquors, Ac. For thirty-five years, we have made the selection and preparation of Botanic Medi- cine* a specialty, and we enjoy the satisfaction of having secured the confidence of all dealers and physicians who require goods of the best quality. Particular attention is given to the selection of such articles ONLY as have been gathered at the proper season, and cured so as to retain their color, strength and odor. In style of putting up, and every other desirable quality, they are not excelled. The same care is exercised in the selection of materials for powders and in the manufacture of riaXTIID EXTRACTS, and we can assure our patrons that the high standard of excellence to which we have brought our preparations will be maintained. Our stock comprises the largest variety to be found in the country, and with im- proved steam-presses and other machinery, we are prepared to fill large orders with promptness. MELLOR & RITTENHOUSE. Manufacturers of LICORICE, 214, 216, 218 & 220 North Twenty-Second St., PHILADELPHIA, PENN. 4 Liberty Square, IR. H_ ZELALRJKIEIR 6®* Specify PLANTEN’S CAPSULES on all orders. Bold by all Druggists. ‘‘ The best of American Manufacture.”—Profs. Van Buren and Keyes. PLANTERS CAPSULES, Known as Reliable nearly 50 years. Premium for “General Excellence in Manufacture.” H, PLANTER & SON, 224 William Street, New York. GELATINE CAPSULES, ESTABLISHED 1836. HARD AND SOFT-OF ALL KINDS. EMPTY CAPSULES - ALSO for taking medicines free of taste, smell, injury to the teeth, mouth, or throat. Send for trial box. 100 by mail, 50 cts. (7 Sizes) RECTAL (SUPPOSITORY) CAPSULES For administering medication in the rectum, are most readily soluble, and far superior to the ordinary suppositories. No. I Small, No. 2 Medium, No. 3 Large. Sole Agents in the United States for the Great English Remedy, Blair’s Gout and Rheumatic Pills. 11 HOSE'S ME3N FUN BUFEHIOH TOILET POWDER. Dr. R. B. Folger's Celebrated Olosaonian, or All-Healing BALSAM, for the Cure of Consumption, c\o, Genuine Reeves9 AMBROSIA for the JELair. Importers of Superior Norway Cod Liver Oil, REVISED CATALOGUE. 161 Samples sent free. Sold by all Druggists. jgr Specify PLANTEN’S CAPSULES on all orders. “ The Best of American Manufacture.” Profs. Van Buren & Keyes. Planters Capsules, KNOWN AS RELIABLE NEARLY 50 YEARS. Premium for “ General Excellence in Manufacture.” H. PLANTEN & SON, 224 WILLIAM ST., NEWYORK. Hard and Sell Capsules OF ALL KINDS EMPTY CAPSULES, (Order by Number only.) ifo, 00, Largest. No. SX, Smallest. {Order by Number only.) Boxes 100 each. Rectal (suppositoet) Capsules Three Sizes, 1, 2, 3.—Boxes of 100. For administering medication in the rectum, are most readily soluble, aad far superior to the ordinary supposi- tories. Boxes with'ten Capsules (either size) sent hy mail for Fifty Cents. Sole Agents in United States for the Great Rnglish Remedy, BLAIR’S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. Hobbs’ Meen Fun (Chinese Skin Powder). Hr. K. B. Folger’s Olosaonlan, or Cough Balsam. Beeves’ Ambrosia for the Hair. Superior Norway COH LIVEK OIL. 162 RUST BUG’S & BIRD’S JOHN WYETH & BROTHER, CHEMISTS, Pharmaceutical Preparations, MANUFACTURERS OF Medicinal Hlixtrs, Syrnps, Wines, EMBRACING etc., etc. COMPRESSED POWDERS (OR PILLS), JvLe, Fluid DIALYSED lIFLOIST, Saccharated and Pure Pepsin. -F OR Alfred JBisTiop's Granulated Salts, Marvin’s Cod Liver Oil, Lawton’s Absorbent Cotton. We have for many years claimed superiority for the MEDICINAL PREPA- RATIONS OF OUR MANUFACTURE AND THE ARTICLES WE CON- TROL, over similar products made hy other houses. We make no claim for proprietorship in regard to our goods. We only assert the excellent quality of the material employed, and the skill and accuracy with which they are manufactured Our labels give the exact contents and combination of each prepara- tion. They are manufactured and intended for administration through the Medium of the Medical Profession exclusively All of our products, as also those for which we are agents, are now dispensed by all the leading Druggists, and are regularly prescribed by a largo majority of the Physicians of America and Great Britain, being preferred on account of their superior quality, strength, elegance, and agreeable flavor. Both at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia and at the Exposition in Paris we were awarded the highest testimonials for Progress in Pharmacy, Superiority of Manufacture, Pre- cision in Admixture, and quality of material employed. Price Lists and Descriptive Catalogues of all our products will be sent free of charge to any section of the country upon application Special information in regard to any article of our manufacture will be gladly furnished to those who may desire more minute particulars. JOHN WYETH & BRO. A full line of JOHN WYETH & BROTHER’S PREPARATIONS always in stock at manufacturers, best prices. (For Detailed List and Prices, see'opposite page. RUST BRO’S Sz BIRD. REVISED CATALOGUE. 163 PRICE LIST. Philadelphia, January 15th, 1880. With this, please find Revised Price Current to above date; a few addi- tions have been made to the List of Fluid Extracts and some changes in prices, to which we desire to call your attention. The articles formerly in the Addenda are now incorporated in the body of the List, and will be found in regular alphabetical order. REDUCED REDUCED from to Angelica, .... $l.OO $O.BO Arbor Vitae, . • . 1.25 100 Aromatic, .... 2.20 200 Balmony, .... .90 .75 Bearsfuot, .... 200 1.50 Berberis Aquifol, . . 280 2.25 Beth Root 1-09 .85 Black Haw, . . 1.00 .90 Boldo Leaf, . . . 4.50 4.00 Boneset, .... .80 .75 Buchu, Long Leaf, . . 1.75 1.60 Burdock, .... .80 .75 Butternut Bark, ... .80 .75 Cantharides, . . • 2.60 300 Castor Oil Bean, . . 280 150 Castor Oil Leaves, . . 2.00 1.50 Catnip, .... .75 -70 Cherry Bark, ... .90 .80 Cinchona Pale, . . . 1.50 125 Clover Top, . . . 1.10 100 Coca 2.25 200 Oomura Leaves, . . 1.10 1.00 Conium Seed, . . , 1.25 1.10 Cranesbill, .... .90 .85 DamianaJ . . . . 200 180 Ergot, . . . - 250 225 Ergot-Ether, . . . 2.50 225 Gentian, .... .80 .70 Golden Rod, - . . 1.00 .75 from to Gold Thread, . , . $1.20 $l-00 Guarana, .... 3.75 300 Indian Hemp, Black, . 1.00 .90 Ipecac 3 25 3.00 Kava Kava, . . . 2.00 1.80 Kooso 2.00 1.80 Licorice, .... .80 ,70 Lobelia, .... .90 .85 Opium, Aqueous, . . 1.75 1.65 Opium, Deodorized, . . 1.80 1.65 Pipsissewa, ... .80 .75 Pomegranate Bark, . . 1.50 1.00 Poppy Heads, ... .95 .85 Prickly Ash Bark, . . .90 .85 Pulsatilla, ... - 1.25 LlO Rhubarb 2.25 2.90 Rhubarb, Aromatic, . . 2.00 1.80 Rhubarb and Senna, . . 1.80 1.50 Sarsaparilla, D. S. P., . 1.30 1.10 do. Co. U 8. P.. . 120 1,10 do. Co. for Syr , . 130 1.10 do. & Dandelion, . 1.30 1.10 Seawrack, , . , . 1.10 1.00 Spikenard, .... .80 .75 Stramonium Seed, . . .95 .90 Witch Hazel, . . . .70 .65 Yerba Buena, . . . 3.00 2.00 Yerbaßeuma, . . . 3.90 2-00 Yours very truly, JOHN WYETH & BRO. No. 1412 Walnut Street. 164 BUST BBO’S & BIBB'S HENRY THAYER & CO., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS FLUID AND SOLIS EXTRACTS, RESIHOIOS, SSOAE>OOATED TILLS. We warrant all our goods to be made of the finest material, and in the best manner. Our patrons may depend upon getting the true article when ordering, and one always reliable and uniform. Out of our large list we mention the following comparatively New Fluid Extracts ; YERBA SANTA—Eryodiction, CALIFORNIA BALSAM—Gnaphalium, YEHBA BUENA—Micromeria Dougiassii, GRINDELIA ROBUS I'A, BER- BERIS AQUIFOLIUM—HoIIy-Leaved Barberry, OAsCAKA SAGKADA- Rhainnna Fur siana—used for habitual constipation, dyspepsia, affections of the bowels, and general derangement of the biliary system. MANZANITA. Arctostaphvlosglauca.—A stringent tonic, used in diarrhoea and gon- orrhoea. Has a specific direction to the urinary organs. WHITE HEMIZONIA. Hemizonia alba—A cholagogue cathartic. GINGER LEAF. Eremocarpus setigerens —A warm stimulant and tonic. KIDNEY ROOT. Baccharis Pilularis.—Stimulant and tonic to the digestive and uri- nary system The above-named plants are carefully collected for us in California. CEREUS GRANDIFLO RA. True Night-Blooming Cereus—The blossoms only. Far superior to any other variety of Cereus. No green stalks used. Imported by us from Mexico. COCA Erythroxylon Coca.-The leaves freshly imported from Bolivia and Pern. FUCHS VBBICULOSUS, Sea Wrack. Bladder Wrack.—Selected and collected by ourselves. KAVA KAVA. Ava—From the Sandwich Islands. BOLDO LEAVES. Peumus Boldo.—Prom Chili. DITA BAIiK. Alstonia—From the Thilippine Islands. JABORANDI. Pilocarpus —From Brazil. GRANULATED EXTRACT OF MALT. This Granulated Extract is in a convenient form for administration, and is warranted to keep in any climate. It contains all the natural salts of the grain, with the Malt Sugar and Diastase; in fact, afi its nutritious properties. It is very palatable, very soluble, and dissolves easily in milk, water, or any suitable liquid In this Granular form it is far preferable to the liquid preparations; more easy and elegant for administration, more convenient for transportation, and absolutely free from any tendency to ferment or mould COMP, and IMPROVED CATHARTIC PILLS, and other varieties of Pills, put up in bottles and boxes of 25 Pills each, in convenient shape for retailing, and at much less price than usually charged for proprietary goods. If desired, no name will be put on except that of the buyer. HENRY THAYER & CO., CAMBRIDGEPORT, MASS. 4ST Price-Lists and Physicians’ Dose-Lists sent on application. SOLD BY RUST BRO'S & BIRD.