Established i863 EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO THE JEWELRY TRADE. %_ M Myers & (lo. WHOLESALE JEWELERS. MANUFACTURING AND 48 and 50 MAIDEN LANE, 33 and 35 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. IMPORTERS, EXPORTERS, JOBBERS OR SOLE CONTROLLING AGENTS in all Lines of Goods that appertain to the Legitimate Jewelry Trade. JOBBERS IN ALL GRADES OF AMERICAN WATCHES. SOLE AGENTS TERRY CLOCK CO’S IMPROVED CLOCKS. CDiamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Canes, 4 and packets lb. 16 20 " “ powdered lb. 18 22 " “ powd. 2 ozs lb. 22 26 “ Fringe Tree lb. 22 28 “ Hemlock lb. 10 16 “ Demon Peel lb. 15 20 “ Mezereon lb. 20 25 “ Oak Black (Quercitron) lb. 06 08 “ Oak, white, ground (by bbl., 06) lb. 10 “ Orange Peel, Sweet, in quarters lb. 10 15 ‘ " “ “ in ribbons lb. 14 18 " “ “ “ ground lb. 12 18 “ “ “ Bitter (Seville), quarters... lb. 12 17 “ “ “ “ “ ribbons.... lb. 25 30 “ “ “ “ “ ground.... lb. 14 20 “ Pomegranate Fruit lb. 15 18 *• ■* Boot lb. 25 30 " Poplar lb. 12 15 “ “ ground. lb. 15 18 “ Prickly Ash lb. 20 25 “ Quercitron, see Oak. “ Quebracho lb. 40 50 “ Bhus Aromaticus lb. 40 501 “ Sassafras lb. 09 “ Simaruba lb. 50 60 “ Soap lb. 10 “ “ ground lb. 14 “ Tag Adler lb. 22 25 “ Tamarack lb. 16 22 “ Wafer Ash lb. 25 30 “ Wahoo lb. 25 28 “ “ ground lb. 28 31 “ White Pine lb. 20 25 “ Wild Cherry, selected young bark lb. 09 “ Witch Hazel lb. 20 25 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WETLAND CO. a Bark, Witch Hazel, fine ground lb. 25 30 Barley, see Food Products. Barosmin oz. 1 50 Baryta Caustic Hydrat lb. 65 75 Bath brick, bbls hund. 2 50 3 00 “ “ boxes, 2 doz box. 75 Bay Bum, True gal. 2 00 Beans, Calabar lb. 25 30 “ Castor lb. 20 25 “ Cocoa lb. 30 35 “ Croton lb. 45 55 “ Jequirity lb. 2 00 2 25 “ Locust (St. John’s Bread) lb. 10 12 “ St. Ignatius lb. 28 35 “ Tonka, Angostura lb. 1 65 1 75 “ “ Para lb. “ Vanilla, Mexican, according to quality.. lb. 4 50 12 00 (Send for special figures on Vanilla beans in quantity.) Bebeerine, pure oz. 2 00 2 25 “ Muriate oz. 2 75 3 00 “ Sulphate oz. 1 30 1 35 Benzole lb. 50 75 “ Merk’sC.P lb. 1 50 Berries, Buckthorn lb. 18 22 “ Oocculus Indicus (Fish Berries) lb. 09 12 “ Cubeb lb. 1 25 1 30 “ Elder lb. 20 25 “ Juniper lb. 09 “ Laurel lb. 12 15 “ Poke lb. 20 25 “ Prickly Ash lb. 20 30 “ Sumach lb. 12 18 Belin oz. 1 90 Bismuth, Metallic lb 2 50 2 75 “ Citrate oz. 30 35 “ and Ammon. Citrate oz. 30 35 “ “ solution lb. 30 35 “ Lactophosphate oz. 1 00 1 10 “ Oxide hydrated lb. 4 00 4 25 “ Oxychloride lb. 2 50 2 75 “ Salicylate oz. 55 60 “ Sub-carbonate lb. 2 50 “ Sub-nitrate lb. 2 35 “ drops lb. 4 00 4 25 “ Tannate oz. 35 40 “ Valerianate oz. 90 1 00 Black Drop, U. S. P lb. 1 75 2 00 Bladders doz. 75 Blatta Orientalis oz. 1 25 1 35 Blue Vitriol (by bbl., 05) lb. 06 Blue, Chinese lb. 60 70 “ “ powd lb. 65 75 “ Prussian, see Paints and Oils. “ Soluble, see Index. “ Ultramarine, see Paints and Oils. Bole Armenia lb. 08 10 “ “ powd lb. 12 14 Bone Dust, by bbl., lb. 02 Borax, Refined, bbls lb. 08 “ “ cases, 100 lbs. or less lb. 09 11 “ “ powd lb. 09 11 “ THURBER’S best powdered 1 lb. pkgs., 48 in box lb. 12 “ THURBER’S best powdered 1 lb. pkgs., 24 in box lb. 12 “ THURBER’S bestpowdered, % lb. pkgs.. 96 in box lb. 13 “ THURBER’S bestpowdered >£lb. pkgs., 48 in box lb. 13 Brandy, see Liquor Department Breast Tea lb. 30 35 Brimstone, see Sulphur. Bromine oz. 06 08 “ Chloride. oz. 70 85 Bromoform oz. 1 75 1 85 Brucia oz. 2 30 2 45 “ Nitrate oz. 3 00 3 25 “ Sulphate oz. 2 80 2 40 Bryonin oz. 1 25 Buds, Balm of Gilead lb. 35 45 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Cf CO. a Buds, Cassia, S. I., Selected lb. 20 “ Orange lb. 10 12 Butter Cocoa lb. 40 50 Cadmium, Bromide lb. 23 28 “ Chloride oz. 38 45 “ Iodide oz. 46 50 “ M etallic oz. 20 25 “ Sulphate oz. 25 28 “ Sulphuret oz. 60 65 Caffeine oz. 1 75 2 00 “ Citrate oz. 1 75 2 00 “ Nitrate oz. 3 00 3 50 " Sulphate oz. 2 25 2 50 “ Valerianate % oz. 40 50 Calamine lb. 10 12 Calcium, Acetate oz. 12 16 “ Benzoate oz. 50 60 “ Bromide lb. 90 1 00 “ Carbonate Precip., Eng lb. 11 14 “ “ “ Herring’s, in 7 lb. bundles lb. 12 “ Chloride, dry lb. 50 55 “ Chromate oz. 20 25 “ Hypophosphite lb. 1 25 1 50 Calcium, Hypophosphite and Sodium lb. 1 50 1 75 “ Iodid oz. 40 45 “ Lactate oz. 25 28 “ Lactophosphate... oz. 45 50 *• Oxalate oz. 30 35 “ Phosphate lb. 28 30 “ Phosphide oz. 60 65 “ Salicylate oz. 45 50 “ Sulphate lb. 75 85 " Sulphide lb. 70 75 “ • Sulphite, neutral, for cider lb. 22 25 “ “ “ ** cartons .. doz. 1 25 1 35 “ Sulpho-car date oz. 10 12 Calomel, see Mercury Camphor, bbls. (200 lbs. or less, market price).. lb. 26 “ Monobromated oz. 23 28 “ Compressed Simes, 1 oz. blocks, 2 lb. boxes lb. 34 “ Compressed Simes, 1 oz. blocks, 5 lb. boxes lb. 33 “ Compressed Simes, 1 oz. blocks, 25 lb. boxes lb. 32 44 Compressed Simes, 1 oz. blocks, cases of 175 Ids lb. 31 “ Compressed Simes, in lots of 100 lbs. and over, 1 cent per lb. less than above prices. “ Simes Keiined Flowers of Camphor, 1 lb. boxes lb. 34 “ Simes Refined Flowers of Camphor, £ “ Simes Refined Flowers of Camphor, 2001b barrels lb. 30 Simes Refined Flowers of Camphor, in lots of not loss than 100 lbs., 1 cent per lb. less than above prices. Candy, see Candy Department. Cantharides, Russian, sifted lb. 2 25 2 50 Cantharidin, % oz. vials oz. 10 50 Capsules, Poppy, French lb. 30 35 “ German lb. 15 25 Caramel (liquor coloring) gallon 1 00 Carbon, Bichloride oz. 1 10 1 20 Bisulphide lb. 20 22 Carmine, No. 40 oz. 25 “ “ 40 lb. 3 50 Cassia Fistula lb. 15 18 Castor Fiber lb. 8 00 9 00 Caulophyllin oz. 40 Cerates, see Pharmaceutical Department. Cerasein....' oz. 36 Cerasin Wax see Honey Department. Cerium, Nitrate oz. 50 55 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 12 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. a Cerium, Oxalate oz. 13 16 “ Oxide oz. 1 50 1 60 Chalk, White lb. 01 “ “ bbls per c. 60 75 “ Drops, 25 lb. boxes lb. 01 08 “ “ Eng in 8 lb. boxes box 65 “ Crayons, Billiard gross 75 90 “ Blackboard gross 15 20 “ Carpenters’ gross 80 1 00 “ French lb. 11 11 “ “ powd lb. 05 “ Pr cip., Eng lb. 12 " Bed, in fingers lb. 06 08 Charcoal, animal, coarse lb. 10 12 “ powd. (Ivory Black) lb. 01 08 “ powd. willow, pound boxes lb. 15 18 “ “ 10 lb. kegs lb. 12 “ “ ord’y bbls. or 10 lb. boxes lb. 06 12 Chelonin oz. 98 Chimaphilin oz. 65 Chinoidine, purif., 1 oz. rolls oz. 13 15 “ pound tins ... lb. 1 00 “ “ powd oz. 35 15 Chloral Hydrate, Croton, see Croton Chloral, “ Crystals, lbs., Saames lb. 1 35 1 15 “ “ ht lhs lb. 1 55 1 65 “ “ %lbs lb. 175 185 ‘‘ Schering’s Crusts, lbs lb. 1 10 1 50 “ “ Y lbs lb. 1 50 1 60 “ “ “ lbs lb. 170 180 “ Cryst., lbs lb. 1 50 1 60 Yu lbs lb. 165 175 “ “ “ M lhs lb. 185 195 “ “ “ 1 oz oz. 20 Chloroform lb. 60 “ Purified lb! 80 1 00 Chrome Alum, Crystals lb. 15 25 Chromium, Chloride oz. 1 50 1 60 ‘‘ Solution oz. 28 32 “ Sulphate oz. 28 32 Chrysarobin, see Acid Chrysophanic. Cimicifugin oz. 10 Cinchon a, Pure Alkaloid oz. 15 50 “ Muriate oz. 30 35 “ Sulphate oz. 18 22 Cinchonidia, Alkaloid, pure oz. 55 60 " Bisulphate oz. 37 10 “ Salicylate oz. 85 1 00 “ Sulphate, 100 oz. cans oz. 09 “ 5 oz cans oz. 11 “ 1 oz. bots oz. 16 “ % oz. bots oz. 23}£ “ “ % oz. bots oz. 33% “ Tannate oz. 70 75 Cinnabar lb. 1 30 1 10 Civet oz. 2 50 3 00 Clay, China lb. 05 07 “ Pipe lb. 01 06 " “ powd lb. 08 12 “ “ Potters’ lb. 05 08 Cloves, see Spice Department. Cobalt lb 18 20 “ powd.. pure lb. 25 28 “ Acetate oz. 80 85 “ Carbonate oz. 65 70 “ Chloride oz. 10 50 “ Metallic, pure oz. 1 15 1 55 “ Nitrate oz. 50 55 “ Oxide (Zaft're)... lb. 1 00 1 10 “ Oxide, pure oz. 1 00 1 05 Cocaine, Hydrochlorate grain 02>£ “ solution, 2% in % oz. 10 “ “ 2% in 1 oz vials oz. 25 “ “ 1% in % oz. 50 “ •• i% in 1 oz. vials oz. 15 “ Crystals, loz bots , oz. 6 75 Cocculus Indicus (Fish Berries) lb. 09 12 Cochineal Silvers lb. 38 10 “ “ powder lb. 50 Codeia, % oz oz. 7 00 " Sulphate, % oz oz. 6 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHFLAND Of CO. a Collinsonin oz. 75 Collodion lb. 82 90 “ ozs., cork s. vials doz. 25 “ oz. Q. S. vials doz. 2 75 “ Cantharidal doz. 2 40 “ Flexible lb. 1 15 Cologne Water see Extract Department. Colocynth, Spanish lb. 40 45 “ Trieste lb. 50 55 Composition, bulk lb. 25 30 “ ozs lb. 35 40 “ 2 ozs lb. 30 35 Confections, see Pharmaceutical Department. Conia, % oz. vals % oz. 75 90 Copper, Ammoniat.ed lb. 75 85 “ Arseniate oz. 45 50 “ Arsenite oz. 30 35 “ Carbonate lb. 60 70 “ Chloride. lb. 75 85 “ Cyanide oz. 30 35 •' Iodide oz. 70 75 “ Nitrate lb. 60 70 “ Oxalate oz. 28 35 “ Oxide, black oz. 10 14 “ Subacetate, see Verdigris. “ Sulphate, see Blue Vitriol. Copperas, in bbls. or less lb. 00% 01 (Special prices in 5 bbl. lots.) Corks, see Index. Corn, Ergot lb. 40 50 Corn in oz. 52 Corrosive Sublimate, see Mercury. Corydalin oz. 2 00 Cotoin % oz. 1 12 1 25 Cowhage oz. 40 45 Cream Tartar. The following are ground and put up at our own mills, and we know them to be good value and uniform in quality. The “Ground Crystal ’ brand is pure—the “OK” brand is not pure, but is of good qual- ity: “ “ Ground Crystal, in 60 lb. boxes and kegs lb. 38 “ “ Ground Crystal, in 25 and 15 lb. boxes lb. 39 “ “ Ground Crystal, in 15 lb. cans ... lb. 42 " “ “ “ in 15 lb. shelf cans lb 44 “ " “ “ in % foil, 20 lb. boxes lb. 42 “ “ O K Brand, in 25 and 50 lb. kegs.. lb. 29 “ “ “ in 15 lb. cans lb. 31 in 20 lb. boxes, % foil lb. 32 " in 20 lb. boxes, % and % foil lb. 31 “ in 20 lb. boxes, % tins. lb. 42 Creasote (Coal,Tar) lb. 45 50 “ Wood lb. 2 25 2 50 “ “ Morson’s, in % lb. g. s. bots lb. 3 25 3 50 “ “ German, in 1 lb. bots lb. 2 85 3 75 Crocus Martis, see Iron. “ Metallorum, see Antimony. Croton, Chloral oz. 85 1 00 Cubebin oz. 9 00 10 00 Cudbear lb. 18 25 Curare (Woorari) grm. 30 40 Cuttle Fish, Bone lb. 24 28 Daturia, bots. 5 grains grain 25 30 Delphinia % oz. 4 50 Dextrine lb. 05 10 Diastase oz. 2 00 Digitalin, amorphous, % oz. vials oz. 4 75 5 00 “ Crystals, % oz. vials % oz. 5 75 6 00 Dioscorein oz. 1 06 Duboisin, Sulph., 1 gramme vials grm. 3 75 Earth, Fuller’s lb. 04 06 “ “ powd lb. 08 10 Elaterine, 1 gramme vials grm. 1 75 2 00 Elaterium, 1 oz. vials oz. 6 00 6 50 Elixir Vitriol (Acid Sulph. Arom.) lb. 50 55 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 14 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Elixirs, see Pharmaceutical Department. Emery, Flour lb- 06 08 “ grains, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 lh. 07 10 Emetia, in M oz. vials oz. 3 00 3 20 Eosine, see Aniline. Epsom Salts, see Sal. Epsom. Ergot (Spanish) lb- 35 40 “ powd. in lb tins lh. 55 Ergotine, American, 1 oz. hot oz. 2o 30 “ Bonjean’s oz. 30 Erythroxylin oz. 3 90 Eserine grain 25 30 Essences, see Extract Department. Ether, Acetic < • 10. 65 75 “ Butyraceous lh. 1 35 1 45 “ Butyric 10. 1 50 1 60 “ Chloric lb- 52 70 <• “ Concentrated lb. 67 75 '• Formic lh. 2 00 2 26 “ Concentrated Nitrous lh. 1 75 “ (Enanihic oz. 2 50 7 60 “ Pelargonlc oz. 25 30 “ Phosphoric lb. 2 00 2 25 • Sulphuric lb. 60 70 “ “ washed lb. 65 70 •• “ concentrated lb. 68 75 Ethyl, Bromide oz- 25 30 “ Chloride oz. 25 •« Iodide oz. 75 80 Eucalyptol oz- Euonymin oz 98 Bupatorin, perf °z- *• purpu oz. Eupurpurin oz- Euphorbin ••• oz' 1 60 Extracts, Powdered, see Pharmaceutical Depart- ment. EXTBACTS, SOLID, AMEBICAN AND EOBE1GN. Extract, Aconite, Eng lb. 3 00 3 25 «* “ Alcoholic lh. 3 00 3 25 <* ** Boot, ale.... oz. 3 00 3 25 « “ “ German, dry oz. “ Aloes Socot lb. 2 00 2 25 “ Arnica, ale lb. 2 50 2 75 “ Bark, Precipitated oz. 15 20 “ Belladonna, Alcoholic lb. 2 75 3 00 “ “ English lb. 2 50 2 75 <• “ German lb. 1 60 1 76 •< Bittersweet lh. 2 00 3 00 " Boneset. • • lh 1 35 1 60 “ Black Cohosh lh. 1 75 2 50 • < •• Hellebore lh. 3 00 3 25 “ Bladderwrack lh. 2 75 3 00 <« Blessed Thistle lh. 2 25 2 75 “ Bloodroot oz. 25 35 “ Buchu, Ale lb 3 50 “ Butternut lb. 1 75 “ Calabar Bean oz. 1 50 “ Cannabis Indica oz. 50 *< •« “ Herring’s oz. 60 65 “ Cascarilla lb. 2 50 3 50 •< Cinchona, Calisaya oz. 1 00 « “ Bed oz. <• Coca Erythoxylon Ale. 1 oz. jars oz. 85 “ Colchicum, Alcoholic lb. 4 00 5 00 • < “ Acetic, ozs oz. 40 •* •• “ “ English, ozs... oz. 50 60 “ Colocynth lb. 5 00 5 50 << “ Comp. Pulv lb. 4 00 4 50 “ Columbo lb. 3 00 3 25 •• Conium, Alcoholic lb. 2 00 <* “ English..... lb. 1 35 1 50 “ Cubebs ... lb. 4 75 5 50 “ Cypripedium lb. 3 60 3 75 “ Damiana lb. 4 00 5 40 “ Dandelion., lb. 75 1 25 « “ English... lb. 1 00 1 10 « Digitalis, Alcoholic lb. 2 25 << 11 English...... lb. 3 60 3 75 “ Elecampane lb. 1 50 4 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. a Extract, Ergot oz. 40 50 “ Ferri Pomat, Merck’s lb. 65 “ Galls lb. 2 00 2 25 " Gentian lb. 80 “ “ English lb. 85 90 “ Golden Seal lb. 3 00 “ Granunis lb. 1 00 1 25 “ Grindelia Robusta lb. 2 75 “ Gnarana oz. 1 00 1 15 “ Hops, Alcoholic lb. 3 00 “ Hyoscyamus. Hien , Ale lb. 3 00 '• “ English, Bien lb. 3 50 3 75 “ Ignatia..... oz 1 00 “ Ipecac oz. 75 “ Jaborandi, 1 oz jars oz 35 “ Jalap lb. 2 50 “ Koosso oz. 1 50 “ Lettuce, Ale lb. 2 50 " Lie., Calab., Corigliano, 16 sticks to lb. lb. 33 37 “ “ *• 8 “ “ lb. 33 37 “ •' " 6 “ “ lb. 33 37 “ “ “ 4 “ •• lb. 33 37 “ “ Gnzzolini, 12% “ “ lb. 32 36 “ “ “ 8 “ " lb. 32 36 “ “ P. & S., 14% “ “ lb. 33 37 “ “ Pignatelli, 12 “ “ lb. “ “ Mass lb. 18 25 “ “ Powdered lb. 40 45 “ Lie., Refined, English lb. 50 55 “ Lie., Sand ord’s. Mass lb. 25 30 “ Lie., Sicily, true lb. " Lie., American lb. 16 “ Lie.. M.& R.. 4, 6, 8,10,12,14 sticks to lb., lb. 25 “ “ “ in 5 lb. boxes lb. 25 “ “ “ by case .. lb. 23 “ “ “ Lozenges lb. 25 28 ‘‘ “ “ “ in 5 lb. counter cans lb. 28 “ “ Y. & S., 6, 9 and 15 sticks to lb.... lb. 28 “ “ “ 6, 9 and 15 “ by case lb. 23 25 " " ** Gems, 5 lb. boxes... lb. 17 20 “ “ " Lozenges, Star Brand, 5 lb. boxes., lb. 30 “ “ “ Pellets, 5 lb. “ lb. 30 " “ “ Ringed lb. 30 35 “ “ “ Tablets, 5 lb. Star Brand.. lb. 25 28 “ •* “ Tar and Tolu Wafers, 5 lb. boxes., lb. 30 “ Lobelia lb. 3 00 3 50 “ Logwood, in bulk lb. 09% “ pounds, 2 doz. in box lb. 10% “ " % “ 4 " “ lb. 12% “ “ % “ 8 " •• lb. 15% •* “ Assorted lb. 13% “ Male Fern, see Oleo Resin. “ Malt Dry, Merck’s lb. 1 25 1 35 “ Mandrake lb. 2 50 “ Mezereum, Etherial oz 60 1 00 ‘‘ Monesia oz. 55 70 “ Nux Vomica, Alcohol oz. 30 “ Opium Aqueous oz. 75 “ Pareira Brava oz. 1 50 ** Quassia lb. 4 00 4 25 “ Rhatany, Merck’s lb. 1 50 1 75 “ “ German lb. 2 00 “ Rhubarb, Alcoholic lb. 4 00 “ Sarsaparilla, Alcoholic lb. 5 00 “ “ Jamaica lb. 5 25 “ “ Compound lb. 2 25 3 50 “ Savin lb. 3 00 “ Scullcap lb. 3 00 3 25 '* Senega lb. 7 00 7 75 “ Senna......* lb. 2 00 2 25 “ Stramonium Leaf, Alcoholic lb. 2 25 " Stramonium Seed lb. 8 00 “ TJvaUrsi lb. 1 75 2 25 “ Valerian, Alcoholic lb. 3 00 “ Wormwood lb. 1 00 2 50 For list of Fluid Extracts, see Pharmaceutical Department. THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APRROXIMATE ONLY. 16 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & GO. THURBER’S Extracts, Flavoring. See Extract Department. We desire to call particular attention to the articles quoted under this head. The Flavoring Extracts are of our own manufacture ai d will compare lavorably with any in the market. a Extracts for the Handkerchief, see Index. Eye Stones doz. 36 50 Farina, see Food Products’ Department. Fish Sounds lb. 1 00 125 Flake White, extra washed lb. 15 18 Flowers, Althea lb. 30 35 “ Arnica lb. 12 15 “ “ ground lb. 18 20 ‘‘ Borage lb. 40 50 “ Calendula (Marigold) lb. 35 40 “ Chamomile, Belgian lb. 20 25 “ •* Roman lb. 25 “ “ German lb. 28 35 “ Coltsfoot lb. 60 65 “ Elder lb. 15 20 Hollyhock lb. 75 85 • • Koosso lb. 40 50 •** Lavender • lb. 08 10 “ Malva, Black, large lb. 30 35 “ “ Blue, small lb. 40 45 “ Mullein (Verbasci) lb, 75 100 <■ Orange lb. 1 25 1 50 “ Patchouly lb. 65 75 •< Poppy ...•••••••••• lb. 50 55 *' Rose, Pale lb. 45 50 « “ Red lb. 85 90 " Rosemary lb. 30 35 “ Saffron, American lb. 25 30 " “ Spanish, Alicante lb. 10 00 «« “ « Valencia lb. 13 00 14 00 “ Tillia (Linden), with leaves lb. 25 35 *« “ “ without leaves lb. 45 50 “ Violet lb. 50 60 FiuorSpar lb- 10 12 Fraserin oz. 1 25 Garlics string 20 25 Gelatine, Cox’s Shred doz. 1 “ « <• gross 17 75 “ Cooper’s Shred doz. 1 40 “ “ 1 lb. pkgs lb. 90 “ “ Sheet lb. 90 “ Nelson’s Shred doz. 1 60 << « “ gross 17 00 •* Japan lb. 45 Gelsemin oz. 1 Gentisin.... prm. 4 00 Geranliu oz. 75 Gin, see Liquor Department. Glass, Powdered lb, “ Soluble (Silicate ot Soda)... lb. 06 12 Glucose, Crystal. “ “ A, in bbls., about 600 lbs lb. 04% “ “ H, in bbls., about 600 lbs lb. 03% •• “ B. in bbls.. about 600 lbs ib. 03)4 “ “ B, in kegs, about 175 ibs. (kegs free) lb. 04% Glue, Cooper’s, A Extra, bbls... — lb. 25 27 • ‘ <■ No 1 *‘ “ lb. 22 24 .. .. <• i « lb. 19 21 « ““IX, “ lb. 17 19 “ 2d “ lb. 40 45 • < “ “ Extra, ribbons lb. 1 00 1 25 '< •• “ 1st Smyrna lb. 90 1 00 £ “ “ “ “ by single can lb. 19 “ ’• “ A A, case of 4 cans lb. 18 <« “ “ “ by single can lb. 19 “ “ “ “ in barrels lb. 15)^ “ “ Arnold’s Cold Drawn— “ In so-called 2 oz. bottles doz. 47 *< “ 2 “ gross 5 04 << •< 4 “ doz. 78 « “ 4 “ gross 8 52 <« <> 8 “ doz. 1 34 <■ “ 8 “ gross 15 11 <« >< 16 “ doz. 2 44 • • •• 16 “ gross 28 22 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. a Oil Per Gallon (no charge for cans) gallon 1 35 “ In Bbls., Half Bbls. and Kegs (bbls. free, other packages extra) gallon 1 16 “ Castor, in 5 gallon cans, for Lubricating (cans free) gallon 1 25 44 Cedar lb, 35 45 ‘ “ pure lb. 65 75 “ Cedar Wood, for perfume lb. 1 25 1 50 11 Cedrat lb. 6 00 7 00 “ Celery oz. 85 90 44 Chalmoogra .. lb. 4 00 “ Chamomile, English oz. 1 25 1 50 44 “ German oz. 4 00 4 50 “ Cherry Laurel oz. 1 00 1 25 “ Cinnamon, Ceylon, true oz. 1 25 “ “ 44 Leaf oz. 50 “ Citronella lb. 60 70 “ “ Winter’s lb. 1 00 1 25 “ Cloves lb. 1 90 2 00 “ Cocoanut (5 lb. jars) lb. 25 “ Cod Liver, N. F. Filtered, bbls gallon 70 44 “ Brown or Bergen gallon 90 1 00 44 “ Norway gallon 1 25 1 50 “ “ Thurber’s, in so-called pint hots. doz. 4 75 “ Cognac, pure oz. 2 00 7 50 *• Cologne, Ballard’s, g. s. hots lb. 5 00 “ “ Farina, “ lb. 10 00 “ “ Redwood “ lb. 7 00 “ Copaiva lb. 80 90 “ Coriander oz. 75 1 00 “ Cotton Seed gallon 55 65 “ Croton lb. 1 35 1 50 “ “ Dram vials doz. 1 25 1 50 “ Cubeb lb. 9 60 10 00 “ Cumin lb. 4 50 5 00 44 Dill oz. 50 75 “ Ergot oz. 08 12 “ Erigeron, true lb. 4 75 5 25 “ •• com’l lb. 1 25 1 50 “ Eucalyptus lb. 1 50 1 75 14 Fennel lb. 1 90 2 00 ‘4 Fireweed lb. 1 25 1 50 44 Fusel, pure lb. 75 90 44 Geranium lb. 6 00 6 50 " Ginger, see Oleo-resin. 44 Goldenrod lb. 2 00 2 25 44 Hair, THURBER’S Vegetable doz. 1 00 Warranted purely Vegetable, nicely per- fumed and handsomely put up in boxes of one dozen. 44 Hemlock lb. 40 50 44 44 pure lb. 65 75 44 Horsemint lb. 2 25 2 50 44 Hyacinth oz. 1 00 “ Hyoscyamus lb. 65 44 Jasmin, Spirituous lb. 3 00 3 50 44 44 fatty, for hair oils lb. 3 00 3 50 44 Juniper Wood lb. 50 60 4 4 44 Berries, superior lb. 1 75 2 00 44 Lard No. 1, extra gallon 70 80 “ Laurel, expressed lb. 35 40 44 Lavender, good lb. 90 1 80 44 44 Mitcham oz. 1 75 2 00 4 4 44 Chiris, Fleur lb. 1 75 2 00 44 44 44 Douce lb. 1 60 1 90 44 44 44 Forte lb. 1 25 1 50 44 44 Spike lb. 85 90 44 Lemon lb. 1 85 2 50 44 “ Sanderson’s, new crop lb. 2 25 2 50 4 4 4 4 Grass * lb. 80 1 10 44 Limette oz. 50 60 44 Linseed, see Paints and Oils. 44 Lobelia oz. 1 00 1 25 44 Mace, expressed lb. 1 75 2 00 44 Machine, see Paints and Oils. ,4 Male Fern, Ethereal (oleo-resin) oz. 25 44 Marjoram oz. 1 00 1 20 44 Matico oz. 4 00 4 50 44 Melisse, imitation oz. 50 60 4 4 4 4 true oz. 1 50 1 75 44 Millefleur, fatty lb. 2 75 3 00 TILE ABOVE: BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE OXLT. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. a Oil, Musk, see Extracts. “ Mustard, distilled oz. 65 75 “ “ expressed gallon 65 75 “ Myrbane lb. 35 45 “ Neatsfoot, see Paints and Oils. “ Neroli, Chiris Bigarade oz. 3 00 3 25 “ “ “ Petale oz. 3 25 3 50 “ “ “ Portugal oz. 1 75 2 00 “ “ “ Petit. Grain oz 50 60 “ Nutmeg oz. 30 40 “ Olive, see French Goods Department. “ Orange, bitter lb. 3 50 3 75 “ “ sweet, Sanderson’s lb. 1 85 2 00 “ Origanum, Commercial lb. • 40 50 “ Paraffine gallon 23 “ Palm lb. 25 “ Parsley oz. 70 75 “ Patchouly oz. 1 25 1 50 “ Pear lb. 2 75 3 25 “ Pennyroyal.... lb. 1 10 1 25 “ Pepper, Black (oleo-resin. I lb. 80 90 “ Peppermint, selected lb. 4 75 5 00 “ “ prime quality lb. 2 50 “ “ Hotchkiss lb. 4 85 5 00 “ Petrolina, perfumed for Hair Oil gallon 2 25 “ Phosphorated lb. 60 75 “ Pimenta oz. 22 25 “ Pinus Sylvestris lb. 100 150 “ Poppy lb. 30 45 “ Pumpkin Seed. .... oz. 60 “ Rape Seed, see Paints and Oils. “ Rhodium oz. 50 60 “ Rose oz. 5 00 5 50 “ “ pure Kissanlik oz. 6 50 7 00 “ Rosemary, Chiris Eperle lb. 1 40 1 50 “ “ “ No. 1 lb. 1 10 1 25 “ “ Trieste lb. 50 60 “ Rose, Geranium, Chiris, No. 1 lb. 6 50 7 00 “ Rue lb. 3 00 3 50 “ Sage oz. 40 “ Sandalwood, East India lb. 6 50 7 00 “ “ German lb. 3 50 4 00 “ Sassafras lb. 50 60 “ Savin lb. 90 1 10 “ Seneka gal. 50 60 “ Spearmint, extra fine lb. 6 50 7 00 Sperm, see Paints and Oils. “ Spike lb. 25 30 “ Spruce lb. 45 50 “ Stillingia oz. 60 70 “ Tansy, extra fine lb. 3 75 4 00 “ T r lb. 06 10 ■“ “ gallon 35 45 “ Tobacco oz. 2 25 2 30 “ Thyme, com’l ,. lb. 35 45 “ “ pure lb. 65 75 “ “ Chiris, superfine lb. 95 1 10 “ “ white lb. 1 25 1 35 “ Turpentine, Medicinal lb. 35 “ Valerian oz. 75 ■ 85 “ Verbena oz. 50 60 “ “ French oz. 1 00 1 10 “ etivert oz. 6 00 6 50 “ Whale, see Paints and Oils. “ Wine, heavy. lb. 5 25 “ “ light lb. 2 50 4 50 “ Wintergreen lb. 2 25 2 40 “ Wormseed, Baltimore lb. 1 50 1 75 “ Wormwood lb. 4 25 4 50 “ “ pure lb. 4 50 4 75 “ Ylang-Viang < z. 6 00 7 00 Ointment, see Pharmaceutical Department. Gleates, see Pharmaceutical Department. Oleoresin, Capsicum oz. 60 “ Cubeb oz. 50 “ Ginger oz. 1 00 “ Lupuline... oz. 1 50 “ Male Fern....' oz. 30 40 “ Pepper lb. 75 90 Oxgall, Inspissated lb. 1 20 “ “ Powd oz. 20 TIIE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. a Oyster Shells, prepared lb. 15 18 Pancreatine, oz oz. 50 “ lbs lb. 7 00 Paraffin, see Honey Department. Paris Green, see Paints and OjIs. “ White, see Paints and Oils. Pastilles, Fumigating, black lb. 75 90 “ “ red lb. 75 90 Pearlash lb. 09 12 Pellets, Homoeopathic, Nos. 1 to 9 inclusive lb. 25 30 “ “ smallest, Nos. 00, 0, >£, incl. lb. 28 33 Pepper, see Spice Department. Pepsin, Sacch oz. 25 “ “ lb. 2 40 “ Porci (or Concentrated) oz. 1 50 “ Scales oz. 75 “ powdered oz. 75 Phloridzine oz. 3 00 3 50 Phosphorus, cans 1 lb. each lb. 75 80 “ “ 1 oz. each oz. 30 35 “ Thompson’s Solution lb. 1 00 1 50 Physostigmin grain 45 55 Phytolaccin oz. 80 Pill, Blue, American lb. 50 55 “ “ “ powd .. lb. 75 80 “ “ English lb. 90 1 00 Pills, Gelatine and Sugar Coated, see Pharma- ceutical Department. Pilocarpine, Muriate, Crystals grain 06 Nitrate grain 08 12 “ Pure grain 15 20 Piperine oz. 78 * 82 Pitch, Black .. lb. 04 08 “ Burgundy, true lb. 05 07 Plaster, Calcined bbl. 1 50 1 75 “ “ Dentist’s bbl. 2 00 2 25 “ Adhesive, Spread, American, De La Cour’s, 5 yard rolls yard 20 “ Adhesive, Spread, American, Shiver’s, 5 yard rolls yard 18 “ Adhesive, Spread, American, Shiver’s, 1 yard rolls doz. 2 50 “ Adhesive, Spread, English, Taylor’s, 5 yard rolls yard 15 “ Adhesive, Spread, English, Taylor’s, 1 yard rolls doz. 2 00 “ Adhesive, Spread, on swan’s down, 5 yard rolls yard 50 “ Adhesive, Spread, on moleskin, 3 yard rolls yard 80 Plasters, in half pound rolls. “ Aconite lb. 1 25 “ Adhesive lb. 40 “ Ammoniacum lb. 1 25 “ Anodyne lb. 2 50 “ Arnica lb. 1 25 “ Aromatic lb. 1 50 “ Assafoetida lb. 75 “ Belladonna lb. 1 20 “ Calefaciens lb. 60 “ Cantharides lb. 1 00 “ Cicuta lb. 1 00 “ Diach. Simp lb. 35 “ “ cum Gum, soft lb. 35 “ brown lb. 45 “ Diapalma lb. 60 “ Galbanum lb. 60 “ “ compound lb. 65 *' Cuaiac lb. 85 “ Hydrarg, Mit lb. 1 00 “ Fort lb. 1 20 “ “ cum Ammon lb. 100 “ Hyoscyamus. lb. 150 “ Logani lb. 50 “ Myrrh lb. 70 “ Olivar lb. 40 “ Opium lb. 2.00 “ Oxycroceum lb. 50 “ Pitch, comp lb. 50 “ Roborans lb. 40 “ Simple lb. 60 TIIE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 28 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. a Plasters, Soap lb. 50 “ de Vigo cum Mercurio lb. 150 For various Spread Plasters, tee Proprietary Articles. Platinum, Bichloride oz. 5 50 6 00 “ “ Solution 10% oz. 75 85 “ Foil or Wire oz. 12 00 14 00 “ Sponges oz. 2 00 2 50 Plumbago for Electrotyperp lb. 1 75 2 00 Podophyllin, Keith’s oz. 45 Pomades, French, Chiris No. 24, in cans of about 2 1-5 lbs “ Cas ie lb. 2 75 “ Jasmin lb. 2 50 “ Orange Blossom lb. 2 75 “ Reseda lb. 2 75 “ Rose lb. 2 75 “ Tuberose lb. 2 50 “ Violet lb. 4 50 Poppy Heads, French lb. 35 40 “ “ German .... lb. 15 20 Populin oz. 48 Potash lb. 07 10 “ by cask, 400 lbs., market price Potassa, Caustic lb. 50 55 “ “ white lb. 58 “ with Rime lb. 70 75 “ Solution (Liq. Potassa), lb. 17 20 Potassium in % oz. vials oz. 3 00 “ Acetate lb. 34 36 “ Arseniate oz. 10 15 “ “ Solution (Fowler's) lb. 12 14 “ Arsenite oz. 15 18 “ Benzoate oz. 70 75 “ Bicarbonate lb. 18 20 “ Bichromate . lb. 15 18 “ Bisulphate lb. 35 40 “ Boro Tartrate (Solu, Cr. Tartar) lb. 1 25 1 35 “ Bromide lb. 38 42 “ Carbolate oz. 25 30 “ Carbonate lb. 08 12 “ Chlorate, English lb. 20 22 “ “ French lb. 24 27 “ Granular lb. 30 “ Chloride lb. 45 50 “ Chromate, pure lb. 1 25 1 35 “ Citrate lb. 65 70 “ Cyanide, fused lb. 54 60 “ “ Granular lb. 75 80 ** Purified lb. 80 90 “ Hypophosphite oz. 11 14 “ Hyposulphite oz. 15 20 “ Iodate oz. 50 60 “ Iodide, American lb. 2 80 3 00 “ “ English lb. 4 50 4 75 “ Merck’s lb. 4 50 “ Iodo-Hydrarg oz. 70 75 “ Lactate oz. 80 90 “ Lactophosphate oz. 60 “ Nitrate, doub. refined, large Crystals, lb. 08 “ Pure, kegs 100 lbs lb. 07% “ “ Pure, bbls. 350 lbs lb. 07% “ Pure,Small Crystals for Pkrs. lb. 07 “ Commercial lb. 05% “ Powdered lb. 09% “ Granulated lb. 06% “ Nitrite oz. 10 15 “ Oxalate, pure lb. 100 “ neutral lb. 30 35 “ Permanganate (Cryst. pure) lb. 38 42 “ Phosphate lb. 1 20 1 30 “ Prussiate, Red lb. 55 60 “ “ Yellow.'. lb. 22 25 “ Salicylate oz. 30 35 “ Silicate, Solution..... lb. 10 15 “ Sulphate lb. 14 16 “ Sulphite.... lb. 50 60 “ Sulpho-Carbolate oz. 11 14 “ Sulpho-Cyanide oz. 20 25 “ Sulphuret lb. ’ 20 25 “ Tartrate lb. 60 70 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND <&* CO. 29 a Powder, Aromatic lb. 1 £0 2 60 “ Composition, see Composition. “ Curry, see Spice Department. “ Dover’s lb. 1 20 1 25 “ Insect, see page 18. “ James, see Antimony. “ Licorice Comp. U. S. P lb. 50 60 “ Seidlitz, see Seidlitz Powders. Propylamin, pure Liquid oz. 75 85 “ Chloride %s oz. 4 50 4 75 Protagon lb. 4 50 5 00 Prunin oz. 48 .Ptelein oz. 1 30 Pumice Stone lb. 06 “ “ Bbls lb. 05 “ “ Powdered lb. 05 Putty in Bladders lb. 02)^ “ in 50 and 100 lb. tubs lb. 02)£ “ in 12% and 251b. tins lb. 03^ “ 1, 2, 3 & 5 lb. tins, 100 lb. cases assorted., lb. 04'A “ Powder (Oxide of Tin) lb. 45 50 Pyroxylin (Gun Cotton) oz. 40 45 Quassia, see Wood. Quicksilver, see Mercury. Quinine, Acetate oz. 1 35 1 40 “ Arseniate oz. 1 80 1 85 “ Bisulph oz. 55 “ Bimuriate oz. 3 40 “ “ and Urea oz. 3 40 “ Bromide oz. 1 25 “ Citrate oz. 1 15 1 20 “ Citrate, with Iron, U, S. P lb. 3 15 “ Ferrocyanide oz. 1 55 1 60 “ Hypophosphite oz. 1 70 1 75 “ Iodide oz. 1 70 1 75 “ “ andiron oz. 2 30 2 40 “ Lactate oz. 2 90 2 95 “ Muriate oz. 1 10 “ Phosphate oz. 1 30 “ Pure Alkaloid oz. 1 30 “ Salicylate oz. 1 30 “ Sulphate in bulk oz. 47 “ “ in Tins of 5 and 10 oz oz. 52 “ “ 1 oz. Bottles oz. 57 " Sulphate, )4. oz. Bottles oz. 62 “ “ %. “ “ oz. 72 “ “ % " “ oz. 87 “ “ 1-16 oz. Bottles oz. 107 The above quotations are for best qual- ity foreign and domestic Quinine, P. & W. 5 cents per oz. higher. “ Sulpho-Carbolate oz. 7 00 “ Sulphovinate oz 6 00 “ Tannate oz. 60 65 “ Valerianate oz. 1 50 “ “ and Iron oz. 2 50 2 60 Quinidia, sulphate oz. 33 “ Pure oz. 77 1 00 Red Precipitate (Red Oxide Mercury) lb. 90 95 Resin, white lb. 06 08 “ common lb. 03 “ powdered lb. 08 15 “ Copaiva oz. 25 30 “ Hydrastin oz. 1 00 “ Leptandrin oz. 40 “ Jalap, U. S. P oz. 60 “ Podophyllum oz. 35 “ Phosphoretted oz. 35 “ Scammony oz. 75 90 Resorcin oz. 50 60 Resublimed oz. 85 Rhein oz. 1 62 Rhigolene bot. 55 65 Rhusin oz. 48 Root, Aconite, English lb. 80 90 “ “ “ ground lb. 80 90 “ German lb. 18 22 “ “ “ ground lb. 20 25 " Alkanet lb. 14 18 “ Althaea lb. 20 24 *' Althaea, cut lb. 22 28 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 30 PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND “ Turkey Corn lb. 18 22 “ Unicorn lb. 46 52 “ Valerian, English lb. 20 25 “ “ German lb 15 18 “ 11 Vermont lb. 15 18* “ Veratrum Viride lb. 20 25 “ Veti-ver lb. 45 50- “ Virginia Snake lb. " 72 80 “ •' “ ground lb. 76 85 “ Wild Indigo lb. 25 30 “ Wild Turnip lb. 23 28 “ Wild Yam.. lb. 28 35 “ Yellow Dock lb. 14 18 “ “ “ crushed lb* 18 22 “ “ Jasmine (Gelsemium) lb. 22 26 “ “ Parilla lb. 25 30 “ Zedoary lb. 16 20 “ “ ground lb. 20 24 Rouge, Jewelers’, No. 1 lb. 75 85 “ “ No. 2 lb. 60 70 Rum, Bay, i “ K f See Liquor Department, “ New England, ; THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLV*. 32 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. a Saffron, see Flowers. Sago, Pearl Sail ine oz- f’ 40 Salol,Yon Hey den’s ?z- .. <■ “ % lb lb. 5 25 « ■< <• % lb lb. 5 10 .1 .* *< l lb lb. 5 00 Sal Acetosella - lb. 06 08 “ iEratus (True Pearlash) lb- 18 •< Kn xnm lb- 27 30 “ Epsom..' lb- mi/ °3^ “ Glauber lb- *< “ by bbl lb. 01% “ Nitre, see Potass. Nitrate. 44 Prunelle • lb- 38 42 41 Rochelle lb- 33 35 • « «* by 50 lb. box..... lb. 30 “ Soda, in casks 3 and 4 cwt., per 100 lbs. 1 15 “ “ in kegs 100 to 150 lbs. per 100 lbs. 1 40 « <« granulated, in 60 lb. boxes, per 100 lbs. 165 “ Tartar. lb. 13 Saltpetre, see Potass. Nitrate. Salt, Rock lb- 04 06 <• Sea lb. 03 05 Salts, Carlsbad Artificial lb. 12 15 << '« genuine, in bottles, see Proprie- tary. “ Crab Orchard, true lb. 20 25 “ Kissengen, for making 10 gallons box 150 “ Lemon lb. 65 75 “ Vichy, for making 10 gallons box 1 50 « Wormwood lb. 75 80 Sand, Bird, THDRBER’S Bird Gravel, 2 dozen cartons in case case 90 Bird Gravel, in handsome round cartons, 40 cartons in case case 90 Santalwood. See Wood. Sanguinarin oz- Santonine oz. 35 40 Sassafras Pith oz. 10 15 Seeds, Ambrette lb. 75 1 00 “ Angelica lb 25 30 “ Anise, Italian lb. 16 18 >< “ Gei’man lb. 12 15 “ “ Star lb. 25 30 “ Annatto lb. 17 20 “ Bird THURBER’S Mixed,48pkgesinbox. pkge. 08 *■ Canary, Smyrna lb. 03% 04 “ “ Sicily lb. 04 •' Caraway lb. 12 15 “ “ ground, 4, 6 and 101b. cans.... lb. 25 Cardamom, Aleppi lb. 85 100 “ “ Malabar lb. 1 10 1 30 Celery lb. 12 “ Colchicum, English lb. 65 70 “ German lb. 15 18 “ Conium lb. 20 25 ■“ Coriander lb. 09 12 “ “ ground, 4, 6 and 10 lb. cans... lb. 18 “ Cumin lb. 15 18 “ Dill lb. 25 30 44 Fennel lb. 12 15 “ Foenugreek lb. 04 07 “ “ ground lb. 09 12 “ Flax, bbls. or less lb. 03% 04% *• “ clean lb. 05 “ “ “ by bbl bbl. 6 75 “ “ ground * lb. 05 44 “ “ by bbl lb. 03% “ Grains of Paradise lb. 18 25 “ Hemp, selected... lb. 03% 06 44 Hyoscyamus lb. 35 40 “ Job’s Tears lb. 80 90 44 Larkspur lb. 1 25 1 40 Leek lb. 100 110 44 Lobelia lb. 35 40 “ Lovage lb. 40 45 “ Masterwort lb. 35 40 “ Maw lb. 12 15 “ Millet lb. 04 06 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. 33 u Seeds, Millet hulled for table use lb. 08 10 “ Mustard, Brown lb. 08 12 “ “ ground . lb. 15 18 “ “ White, English lb. 09 12 “ “ California lb. 08 10 “ “ Trieste lb. 08 10 “ Parsley lb. 20 25 “ Peony lb. 75 80 “ Phellandrium lb. 20 25 “ Poppy, Blue lb. 12 15 “ “ White lb. 18 20 Pumpkin lb. 16 20 Quince, German lb. 60 65 “ Russian lb. 35 15 “ Rape, English lb. 04J£ “ “ German lb. 04 Sabadilla lb. 30 35 “ Stavesacre lb. 17 20 “ Stramonium lb. 15 20 “ Sunflower lb. 25 30 " Watermelon lb. 25 30 “ Worm, Americ. (Chenopodium) lb. 08 10 “ “ Levant (Santonica) lb. 10 14 Seidlitz Mixture, boxes, 50 lbs. or less lb. 26 28 " Powders doz. 2 40 “ gross 26 00 30 00 Senecin oz. 98 Silver, Bromide oz. 1 55 1 60 “ Chloride oz. 1 25 1 30 “ Cyanide oz. 1 65 1 70 “ Iodide oz. 1 65 1 70 “ Leaf in packs, 20 books pack 1 75 2 00 “ Nitrate, crystals oz. 74 78 “ fused, pure oz. 74 78 “ - “ No. 2 oz. 60 70 “ “ Cones, 5 per cent. Chloride oz. 97 105 “ Oxide oz. 1 45 1 50 “ Phosphate oz. 2 50 2 80 Smalts, Black lb. 06 08 “ Blue lb. 16 20 “ Vermilion lb. 18 25 Smilacin oz. 3 00 Snuff, see Tobacco Department. Soaps, see Soap Department. Soda, Ash . lb. 05 06 “ “ by bbl lb. 02 “ Caustic, Common, in drums lb. 03>£ 06 “ “ by Lime lb. 48 55 “ Chlorinated, Sol. of gal. 40 “ Powders doz. 1 50 Sodium (in %. oz. vials) oz. 40 65 “ Acetate lb 40 50 •• Arseniate oz. 10 15 “ Benzoate oz. 20 24 “ Bicarb., Natrona lb. 04 06 “ •* Newcastle lb. 04 yt 06 “ Pure lb. 30 40 “ Bisulphate lb. 50 55 “ Bisulphite lb. 45 50 “ “ Solution lb. 35 40 “ Bitartrate lb. 1 25 “ Bromide lb. 65 “ Carbolate oz. 25 30 “ Carbonate, see Sal. Soda. “ “ granular lb. 02 % 03y% “ •« dried lb. 18 22 “ “ Chem., pure dry lb. 70 75 “ •* Crystals, Merck’s lb. 40 50 “ Chlorate lb. 45 50 “ Choleate oz. 30 35 “ Citrate lb. 58 65 " Hydrosulphate lb. 75 85 “ Hypophosphite oz. 11 14 " Hyposulphite, kegs or less lb. 03 % 07 “ Iodide oz. 33 38 " Lactate oz. 36 40 “ “ and Magnesium oz. 50 60 “ Lactophosphate oz. 50 60 “ Nitrate lb. 16 25 “ Oxalate oz 12 16 “ Permanganate lb. 60 65 THE ABOVE BllICES ARE APPROXIMATE OXL1 34 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. a Sodium, Phosphate lb- 18 22 “ •• dried, powdered lb. 55 60 ■< “ and Ammonia lb. 1 25 1 35 “ Pyrophosphate lb. 85 90 “ Salicylate lb. 2 25 2 40 <• Santoninate oz. 75 90 “ Silicate Solution, see Soluble Glass. “ Stannate oz- 12 16 “ Succinate °z- 50 ®o •< Sulphate, see Sal Glauber. .< “ dried lb. 18 22 “ << chem. pure lb. 35 45 •* Sulphite, crystals lb 17 22 “ “ granular lb. 25 30 “ Sulphocarbolate. oz. 10 14 *• Sulphovinate oz. 15 20 Sulphuret oz. 10 12 “ Tannate oz- 10 45 “ Tartrate lb. 60 70 “ Tungstate, com’l lb. 25 30 <* “ pure oz. 10 “ Valerianate oz. Solution of Ammonia Acet lb. 40 “ “ Arsenic, Fowler’s lb. 12 “ “ Arsenite of Bromine (Clemen’si oz. 20 “ “ Arsenic and Mercury Iodide, Dono- van’s lb. 25 30 “ “ Ferrous Nitrate, Gardner’s lb. 85 < “ Iodine Comp. (Lugol’s) lb. 125 “ “ Iron Acetate lb. 1 00 << “ “ Chloride lb. 16 “ •* “ Citrate lb. 60 “ “ “ and Quinine lb. 2 75 -< •* “ Nitrate lb. 35 •« “ “ Subsulphate lb. 23 “ «• “ Tersulphate lb. 20 « “ Lead Sub-Acet., Goulard’s Ext lb. 20 -■ “ Morphine (Magendie’e) oz. 30 • > “ Phosphorus, Thompson’s lb. 1 50 “ “ Soda, Arseniate lb. 40 “ “ Zinc Chloride lb. 20 « «• “ Commercial lb. 11 Spanish Brown, see Paints and Oils. Species, Aromatic lb. 10 50 V “ Lignorum lb. 20 25 “ Marienbad lb- 75 80 “ Peetorales lb. 25 30 “ Resolventes lb- 25 30 “ St. Germain lb. 80 90 Spermaceti lb- 17 50 Spirit Ammonia lb. 15 50 “ “ Aromatic lb. 50 55 •* Angelica Comp lb. 65 75 “ Cochlearia lb. 60 75 “ Formica lb. 90 1 00 “ Lavender lb. 18 55 • • “ Comp lb. 50 60 “ Myristica lb. 18 55 “ Nitrous Ether, 3 F lb. 30 35 *< “ •« U.S.P. (5% Nitrous Ether), lb. 50 £5 «« “ “ Concentrated lb. 1 75 “ Pimenta lb. 18 55 “ Rosemary lb. 18 55 “ Turpentine, see Paints and Oils. Spunk lb. 75 90 Starch, see Food Products. “ Iodide oz. 30 Stearin (Steric Acid) lb. 17 20 Stillingin . oz. 1 30 Stone, Pumice, see Pumice Stone. “ Rotten English lb. 06 08 “ “ powd lb. 08 10 “ Soap, powd lb. 05 07 Strontium, Carbonate, native lb. 15 50 “ pure lb. 60 70 “ Caustic oz. 25 30 “ Chloride I lb. 30 35 “ Chlorate oz. 40 45 “ Nitrate lb. 16 18 “ Oxalate, Merck’s..' lb. 1 20 “ Sulphate lb. 25 60 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHY LAND 6-= CO. 35 a Strychnine. Crystals (vials incl. %) oz. 1 35 “ Powd oz. 1 30 “ Acetate oz. 2 00 “ Arsemate oz. 4 00 “ Bromide oz. 2 35 “ Citrate, with Iron oz. 18 22 “ Muriate oz. 2 00 2 10 “ Nitrate oz. 2 00 2 10 Phosphate oz. 2 75 “ Sulphate oz. 1 30 “ Valerianate oz. 3 85 4 00 Sugar of Lead, see Lead Acetate. “ of Milk lb. 31 35 Sulphur, Flowers of, bbls or less (special prices in5bbl. lots) lb. 0203 Sulphur, Roll Brimstone. lb. 02 03 “ Iodide oz. 47 55 “ Lac, common lb. 10 “ “ Precip., pure lb. 15 18 " Vivum ., lb. 08 10 “ Washed lb. 10 16 Syrups, see Pharmaceutical Department. Tamarinds, kegs keg 2 75 ‘ 1 lb. bottles. doz. 2 50 * “ Culp, pound jars lb. 30 35 Tannin, see Acid Tannic. Tapioca, see Food Products. Tar, Barbadoes gallon 50 60 “ Pine, gallon cans doz. 3 80 “ “ cans doz. 2 40 " “ 14-gallon cans doz. 1 50 “ “ Pint cans doz. 90 Tartar Emetic, see Antimony. Terra Japonica, see Gum Catechu, pale. Theine oz. 1 55 Thymol (Acid Thymic) oz. 58 62 Tin, Bar lb. 30 35 ’• Bichloride oz. 15 20 “ Binoxide oz. 12 15 “ Bisulphide oz. 25 “ Hypophosphite oz. 2 00 2 10 “ Muriate, Crystals lb. 25 28 “ “ Solution (Madder Comp.) lb. 10 14 “ Peroxide (Polishing Putty) lb. 45 50 “ Protochloride lb. 65 70 “ Sulphuret. oz. 20 25 TINCTURES. Carefully prepared from the best materials and according to U. S Pharmacopoeia, 1880. See Pharmaceutical Department. Tow, Surgeons’ lb. 25 30 Trimethylamin oz. 35 40 Tsa Tsin oz. 1 00 1 00 Turpentine, Chian oz. 50 “ Spirits of, see Paints and Oils. “ Venice, by stand of about 125 lbs. lb. 19 “ “ less (large loss in tare).... lb. 27 30 “ White (Gum Thus), bbls bbl. 6 50 “ “ “ less quantity. lb. 06 10 Turpeth Mineral (Mercury Subsulphate) lb. 1 20 1 25 Tutty Pcwder (Oxide Zinc impure) lb. 60 65 Ultramarine Blue, see Paints and Oils. Uranine oz. 75 80 Uranium, Metallic Ore • • grm. 2 00 “ Chloride oz. 75 85 “ Nitrate oz. 65 70 “ Oxide, Black oz. 100 “ Yellow oz. 65 75 “ Sulphate oz. 75 Urea, Nitrate oz. 75 80 “ Pure oz. 75 80 Vaccine, Bovine or Humanized. “ Crusts each 1 00 “ Ivory Points pckge. 1 00 ‘‘ Quill Points doz. 75 '• Tubes (10 in tube) each 1 00 Venetian Red, see Paints and Oils. Veratria oz. 2 00 2 25 '* Sulphate oz. 1 75 Veratrin oz. 1 30 Verdigris lb. 22 25 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE OXIT. 36 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHELAND & CO. a Verdigris, powdered lb. 30 35 “ distilled lb. 50 60 Vermilion, see Paints and Oils. Viburnin oz. 97 “ Prunif oz. 97 Water, Distilled gallon 20 25 “ Cherry Laurel lb. 35 “ Cologne, see Sundries. “ Elder Flower lb. 50 " .. “ " “ in bottles, large doz. 1 See " “ “ “ med doz. j Sun- “ “ “ “ small doz.) dries. “ Eose- Ghiris- in c°PPer nans, can 12 gal2 w “ “ “ in bottles, large doz. 1 See “ “ “ “ med doz. 5 Sun- “ “ “ “ small doz ) dries. “ “ “ American gallon 1 50 Waters, Mineral, see Liquor Department. Wax, see Honey Department. Whisky, see Liquor Department. White Precipitate (Ammoniated Mercury) lb. 95 100 Wine, Colchicum Boot, Eng.,Langdon’s, lb. bots. lb. 125 135 “ Colchicum Root, Eng., Morson’s, lb. bots. lb. 1 50 1 60 “ Colchicum Seed, Eng.,Langdon’s, lb. bots. lb. 1 25 1 35 “ Colchicum Seed, Eng., Morson’s, lb. bots. lb. 150 160 “ Port, see Liquor Department. “ Sherry, see Liquor Department. Wines, Medicinal, of all kinds, see Pharm. Dep’t. Wood Alcohol gallon 1 50 1 75 Wood Naptha (Pyroxylic Spirit). “ Bar, ground bbls. or less.. lb. 02 06 Brazil, ground •• “ .. lb. 04 06 “ Cam, ground “ “ .. lb. 05 10 “ Fustic, chips “ “ .. lb. 02 04 “ “ ground ** “ .. lb. 02)4 06 “ Guaiac, rasped “ “ .. lb 02 06 “ Hypernic, cut “ “ 04 08 “ “ “ ground “ “ .. lb. 04)4 07 “ Logwood, chips " '* 02 04 “ “ ground *• “ .. lb. 02)4 05 “ Nicaragua, cut “ “ .. lb. 03 06 “ Peach, ground “ “ .. lb. 03 06 “ Quassia, chips “ *• .. lb. 04 10 “ Quercitron, bark “ “ .. lb. 03 10 “ Red Sanders, ground “ “ .. lb. 03)4 10 “ Red Wood, cut “ “ .. lb. 03 06 “ Sandal, ground “ “ .. lb. 40 50 Xanthoxylin oz. 97 Xylol oz. 20 25 Zaffre (Cobalt Oxide, impure). Zinc, Metallic Granular lb. 28 35 “ “ C. P lb. 1 75 2 00 “ Acetate lb. 45 50 “ “ Chem., pure lb. 90 1 00 “ Benzoate oz. 60 “ Bromide oz. 16 24 “ Carbonate lb. 28 30 “ Chloride .... oz. 06 08 “ “ Solution, medicinal lb. 18 20 “ “ " commercial lb. 11 12 “ Cyanide oz. 25 28 Ferrocyanide oz. 25 28 “ Hypophosphite... oz. 60 65 “ Iodide oz. 50 55 Lactate oz. 30 35 “ Nitrate, fused oz. 18 22 “ Oxide, true lb. 10 12 “ “ pure, Hubbuck’s lb. 50 55 “ Permanganate oz. 90 1 00 “ Phosphate oz. 14 16 “ Phosphide oz. 70 1 00 “ Sulphate lb. 08 10 “ “ pure lb. 25 30 “ Sulphide .. oz. 15 20 “ Sulphocarbolate oz. 10 14 “ Tanuate oz. 30 35 “ Valerianate... oz. 30 34 Zinnstein lb. 2 00 25 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 37 JUSTIN WOHLFARTH’S Pharmaceutical SPECIALTIES. VINUM CONDURANGO, - - - $9.00 The great Cancer Remedy. BEEF, IRON AND WINE, - - - 5.4o Made from freshly prepared Beef Juice, imported Sherry Wine, etc., palatable and efficacious. Keeps in all climates. PERMANENT EMULSION OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. - $6.5o With Hypophosphites (Churned by Steam Power). Mixes with water in all proportions, very pleasant to the taste, accept- able to the weakest stomach ; properties preserved in the warmest climate. TONIC SYRUP OF HYPERPHOSPHITES, COM- POUND, ----- $7.oo A valuable combination of the Hypophosphites of Iron, Lime, Sodium, Potassium and Manganese with Quinine and Strychnia. EFFERVESCING SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, . . - - $2.00 Of full strength and agreeable action. Warranted to keep clear. SARSAPARILLA, - - $4.00 A reliable and palatable Alterative ; a profitable Syrup for the Soda Fountain. WARBURG’S TINCTURE (Original Formula with Quinine), $2.00 FLUID EXTRACT OF ERGOT (U. s. p.) - i.5o Prepared from selected Spanish Ergot of Rye. ERGOTINE (Bonjean) - 4OC. per OZ. Made from the same Ergot as the Fluid Extract strictly according to Bonjean’s for- mula, clearly soluble in water; unsurpassed for hypodermic use, for which, if dissolved in a concentrated solution of Boric Acid, it can be kept an indefinite length of time with- out spoiling. JUSTIN WOHLFARTH, Manufacturing Pharmacist, 36 GOLD STREET, NEW YORK. 38 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Of CO. EVERY DRUGGIST and DEALER Should sell a Line of Preparations under his own name. He saves from Thirty to Fifty per cent, of the cost of the “Patents.” He establishes his business on a ’permanent basis. He knows what he is recommending. He supplies his trade with better goods. He furnishes in more liberal quantities. He, alone, receives the benefit of his personal work. We submit a partial List of the best sellers, and will be pleased to have a trial order. EVERY ARTICLE is GUARANTEED STRICTLY RELI- ABLE and as represented. WILEY & HARRIS, Philadelch a. Each Preparation with Buyer’s Address. Prices, 1 Doz. Prices, L gross. Prices, >2 gross. Prices, Gross. Standard Tonic Bitters, 20 oz. Amber Bottles $5 00 $14 50 $28 00 $54 00 Sarsaparilla, Large, 16 oz. Panels 5 00 14 50 28 00 54 00 Sarsaparilla, Small, 8 “ 3 00 8 50 16 00 30 00 Kidney Remedy, Large, 16 “ 6 00 17 00 32 00 62 00 Kidney Remedy, Small, 8 “ 3 25 9 00 17 00 32 00 Iron Tonic, 20 oz. Amber Bottles 6 00 17 00 32 00 62 00 Cough Syrup, 3 oz. Panels 1 50 4 25 8 00 15 00 Cough Syrup, 8 “ 3 00 8 50 16 00 30 00 Diarrhoea Remedy, 3 “ 1 50 4 25 8 00 15 00 Magic Liniment, 3 “ 1 75 4 90 9 50 18 00 German Oil, 2£ oz. Round Ambers 1 50 4 25 8 00 15 00 Witch Hazel, 8 oz. Panels 2 00 5 75 11 00 21 00 Liver Pills, Sugar Coated, in T. W. Boxes 90 2 00 3 75 7 00 Liver Granules, Sugar Coated, in Glass 1 25 3 00 5 60 10 80 Ague Pills, Sugar Coated, in T. W. Boxes 1 25 3 00 5 60 10 80 Cathartic Comp. Pills, Sugar Coated, in T. W. Boxes 90 1 90 3 75 7 00 Mandrake Pills, Plain, Oval Chip Boxes 80 1 80 3 25 6 00 Calcined Magnesia 1 50 4 25 8 00 15 00 Persian Dentinais (Tooth Wash and Powder, 3 75 10 75 20 50 40 00 Glycerine Jelly (Rose) 1 50 4 25 8 00 15 00 White Rose Balm, 4 oz. Opaque Bottles 2 75 7 75 15 00 28 00 Worm Syrup, 2£ oz. Round Amber 1 50 4 25 8 00 15 00 Vermifuge Confections 1 50 4 25 8 00 15 00 German Tea 1 25 3 00 5 60 10 80 Crystal Eye Water, 2 oz. Green Panels 1 10 3 00 5 50 10 25 IvIimW! MrJf J Manufacturers of all Pharmaceutical Preparations, 123 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. as- Send for Catalogue and Samples of Wrappers.^ PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHFLANB & CO. 39 Pressed P[erbs, Roots and Barks. Prices given are for Herbs and Flowers in and y2 lb. packets, Roots and Barks in pounds. Abscess Root per lb. 50 Aconite Leaves 18 Aconite Root 24 Adder’s Tongue 40 Agrimony 18 Alder Bark, Black 28 Alder, Red or Tag 17 Angelica Root 25 Apple-Tree Bark 24 Arbor Vitae Leaves 24 Arnica Flowers 18 Arnica Root 35 Ash Bark, white 21 Ash Bark, prickly 25 Ash Bark, black 20 Ash Bark, mountain 24 Asparagus Root 25 Balm, Lemon (Melissa) 30 Balm, sweet (Dracocephalumj 30 Balmony 18 Barberry Bark 24 Bass vood Bark 30 Bayberry Leaves 24 Bayberry Bark 18 Bear’s-foot Root 30 Beech Drops 25 Beech Leaves 25 Beech Bark 25 Betine Leaves 37 Belladonna Leaves 25 Belladonna Root 25 Bellwort 27 Beth Root 26 Bitter Bugle 32 Bitter Root 25 Bittersweet, false, bark of root 28 Bittersweet Leaves, Dulcamara. 40 Bittersweet Twig, Dulcamara 25 Birch Bark 17 Blackberry Root 17 Blackberry, bark of root 17 Black Willow Bark 25 Blazing Star 35 Blessed Thistle 27 Blood Root 25 Blue Flag 25 Black Haw 30 Boneset 15 Borage 25 Boxwood Bark 17 Roxwood Flowers 30 Broom Top (Scotch) 25 Bryony Root 28 Buckbean Leaves 25 Buckbean Root 30 Buckhorn Brake 27 Buckthorn Bark, Rharn. Frang 20 Burdock Root 25 Burdock Leaves 24 Butternut Bark 18 Butternut Leaves 20 Bugle Weed Herb 20 Calendula Flowers 45 Canada Thistle Root 27 Cardinal, blue 35 Carpenter’s Square 30 Catnip 16 Celandine, Garden 21 Celandine, Wild 22 Centaury, Amer .... 25 Centaury, Europ 35 Cherry Bark, Wild 18 Chestnut Bark 25 Chestnut I.eaves - 24 duckweed 25 dcily Sweet 45 Cicuta Leaves 22 Cinquefoil Herb 35 Cinquefoil Root 40 Clary 30 Cleavers 20 Clover Heads, Red. . 25 Clover Heads, White 23 Cohosh, black 16 Cohosh, blue 18 Cohosh, white 38 Cohosh, red 38 Colombo Root, Amer...: 22 Colt’s-foot Leaves 20 Colt’s-foot Root 35 Columbine 45 Comfrey Root 20 Cool wort 35 Conium Leaves 30 Consumption Brake 40 Cotton Root Bark... 22 Cramp Bark 18 Crane’s-bill 25 Crawley Root 1 25 Culver’s Root 25 Dandelion Root, true 25 “ American, Chicory 20 Daisy Flowers 25 Dittany 25 Dog Grass 35 Dock, yellow 20 Dwarf Elder 30 Elecampane 17 Elder Bark 24 “ Flowers 22 Evening Primrose 30 Eyebright 40 Fern, Male 27 “ Sweet 18 Fever Bush 30 Feverfew 40 Fire weed 25 Fit Root 75 Five Finger Herb 30 “ “ Root 40 Fleabane 25 Foxglove 25 Fringe Tree, bk. of rt 30 Frostwort 28 G-alangal Root 20 Gentian, Amer 20 “ Root, foreign 22 Gold Thread 60 Golden Rod 30 “ Seal 30 Gravel Plant 18 Gromwell 40 Hair Cap Moss 30 Hardhack Leaves 22 Heart’s-ease 25 Hellebore, black 25 “ white 24 " American 24 Hemlock Bark 16 “ Leaves 17 Henbane, black 25 Hoarhound 16 Hollyhock Flowers 60 Horsemint 20 Horse Radish Root 27 “ “ Leaves 27 Hound’s Tongue 40 Hydrangea 20 Hyssop 30 Indian Hemp, black 28 “ “ white 25 “ Physic 25 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONEY. 40 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Indian Turnip 27 Indigo, wild 22 Ivy, American 25 “ ground 22 Jacob’s Ladder 30 Jersey Tea 30 Johnswort 25 Labrador Tea 25 Lady Slipper 35 Laurel Leaves, lbs 25 Lavender Flowers 18 Lettuce, wild 22 “ garden 25 Life Root 20 “ Everlasting. 17 Liverwort 40 Lobelia Herb 20 Lovage Leaves 40 “ Root 30 Lung Moss 35 Lungwort Leaves 25 Magnolia Bark 30 Maiden Hair 25 Mandrake Root 18 Man in the Ground Root 30 Master wort Root 30 Matico Leaves 60 May Weed Herb 25 Marigold Flowers 40 Marjoram, Sweet 35 Marshmellow Leaves 30 “ Root 30 Marsh Rosemary Leaves 35 Meadow Fern Leaves 27 MezereonBark 30 Milkweed Root 22 Mistletoe Leaves 25 Motherwort 25 Mountain Mint 25 Mugwort 25 Mullein Herb 20 Nettle Flowers 40 “ Leaves 30 " Root 30 Oak Bark, black 16 “ “ red 16 “ “ white... 16 “ Jerusalem 27 Osier Bark, green 25 Peony Root 40 Pansy Herb 35 Pareira Brava 45 Parsley Root 35 “ Leaves 35 Partridge Berry 25 Parilla, yellow.... 26 Peach Bark 30 “ Leaves 30 Pellitory Root 45 Pennyroyal 17 Peppermint 18 Pimpinella Root 35 Pitcher Plant Root 35 Plantain Leaves 20 Pleurisy Root 25 Pine Bark, white 18 Pink Root 45 Poison Oak Leaves 30 Poke Root 18 Poly Pody 25 Pomegranate, bark of root 40 Pond Lily Root, white 30 yellow 28 Poppy Flowers, red 65 “ Leav s 30 Poplar Bark, white 18 “ “ black..... 18 Prince’s Pine 18 Privet Leaves 35 Queen of the Meadow, herb 20 “ “ “ root 20 Ragweed Herb 25 Raspberry Leaves 18 Rhatany 30 Rose Petals, damask 2 75 “ “ pale 55 Rosemary Leaves 20 “ Flowers 60 Rosin weed Root 28 Rose Willow Bark 25 Rue 27 Saffron, American 60 Sage, Italian ozs. 16 “ Domestic ozs. 30 Sarsaparilla, Mex * 20 Hond 40 “ American 25 Savin Leaves 18 Scullcap 28 Senna, American 25 Sheep Laurel 35 Sheep Sorrel Leaves . 28 Silk weed Root 22 Skunk Cabbage Root 25 Smart Weed 25 Snake Root, Samson 28 “ “ Button 25 “ “ Canada 28 “ “ Virginia 40 Soap wort Root 30 “ Herb 35 Soap Tree Bark 24 Solomon’s Seal 24 Southernwood 30 Spearmint 18 Speedwell 30 Spikenard... 20 Squaw Vine 25 Stone Root 20 Stramonium Leaves 20 Strawberry Leaves 25 Stillingia 25 Sumach Bark 20 “ Leaves 20 Summer Savory 20 Sweet Basil. 38 “ Flag... 25 “ Gum Bark 25 Tamarack Bark 20 Tansy, double 16 Thimbleweed 30 Thyme 18 Tormentilla Root 30 Turkey Corn 25 Twin Leaf 25 Unicorn Root (Aletris) 30 “ false (Helonias) 35 Valerian Root, Vermont 30 “ “ English 35 Vervain Root 20 “ Herb 20 Violet Flowers 1 00 Wafer Ash, bark of root 35 Wahoo, bark of root 40 “ “ “ shrub 35 Wall Pellitory 60 Wild Carrot Herb 35 Walnut Bark 25 “ Leaves 25 Watercup Plant 30 Water Pepper 20 Wickup 30 Wild Yam 22 Willow Bark, black 25 “ “ white 25 Wintergreen * 18 Winters Bark » 30 Witch Hazel Bark 18 ** “ Leaves 18 Wood Betony.... 45 Wormwood 18 Yarrow 20 Yellqw Jessamine 20 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 41 EMIL GALMAN SCO., If 29© Peapl street, X©3®k, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE Wood Finishes. This Varnish is especially adapted for Floors, Wainscoting, and all interior work where a fine and durable finish is required. The most durable Varnish made, especially adapted for Outside Doors, Vestibules and all exposed work. This Varnish makes a brilliant elastic coating on wood or iron, will not crack, blister or turn white, and is not affected by salt air or water. For Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., New York. 42 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. p. 6. Beider? G®., 145 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST QUALITY Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Neatsfoot Oil Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Cod Liver Oil. SOLE PROPRIETORS OF .THE World-Renowned Registered Brands. Pyenoleum Cylinder Oil, Pyenoleum Engine Oil, Valvone Cylinder Oil, Valvone Engine Oil, Spindle and Machinery Oils. ‘J'bese 0ils are Without Rival. BELDEN’S WAVE QUELLING OIL. BELDEN’S PYCNOLEUM BELT DRESSING BELDEN’S LUBRICATING CASTOR OIL. For Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. USE-ONLY . BELDEN’S • BEST • OILS. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. 43 Pharmaceutical Department. EXTRACTS, FLUID. STANDARD IT. S. P., 1880. Prices given are for pound bottles. TRADE NAME. BOTANICAL NAME. 80 • • *«• 1 no ... 1 10 an 1 10 1 75 70 70 ... 1 30 ... 1 10 ' 1 10 1 50 80 75 75 90 90 ... 1 00 .. 1 00 90 75 90 .. 3 00 75 h0 Bucliu ...! Barosma crenata .. 1 10 «. «• 115 1 35 75 .. 1 00 80 80 80 .. 2 75 90 3 00 _ 9 00 Cascara Sagrada Rhamnus Purshiana 80 65 .. 1 25 .. 1 00 80 “ 90 80 1 25 7 1 50 1 25 1 75 2 50 “ Red . 1 90 70 .. 1 50 Coffee Caffea Arabica .. 1 25 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 44 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. TRADE NAME. BOTANICAL NAME. “ “ 1 25 1 50 Columbo Cocculus palmatus 90 1 10 Corn Ergot “ Silk Ustilago Maidis 1 15 3 00 Culver’s Root Leptandra Virginica 1 15 1 75 90 Ergot. Eucalyptus Globulus Ergota 1 50 r 90 “ •• 90 1 35 1 35 75 Hop Humulus Lupulus 1 35 “ <« *' White. 2 00 .* r.. i io Liquorice Root Glycyrrhiza glabra 75 Marigold Calendula officinalis 1 50 Mistletoe Viscum album 90 Mullein Verbascum, thapsus 75 Nux Vomica Opium (Tinct. Opii Deod. U.S.P.).. Strychnosnux vomica 1 00 1 75 Orris Root Iris Florentina 85 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONIV. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER WHYLAND <&* CO. TRADE NAME. BOTANICAL NAME. 1 oo Quassia Simaruba excelsa 75 1 75 1 50 1 05 1 05 “ Comp (for Syrup) . 1 05 Sassafras Scull-cap Scutellaria lateriflora 90 Senna. Alex Cassia acutifolia 80 Squill *“ Compound (for Hive Syrup) “ “ 1 50 Sumach Berries Sundew Touka Bean Turkey Corn Unicorn, False Uva Ursi Helonias dioica l 35 Veratrum Viride White Oak Wild Indigo *• Turnip “ Yam..'. Witch Hazel Wormseed iSautonica) .. Hamamelis Virginica 7ft Yarrow Yellow Dock “ Jasmine Yerba Reunia Gelsemium sempervirons 1 i O “ Santa Eriodyction glutinosum i 35 Cerates. Cantharides, U. 8. P., y, lb. rolls or tins lb. 1 25 Goulard’s lb. 50 Simple lb. 50 Turner’s lb. 50 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 46 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, W.HYLAND & CO. Confections. Aromatic, jar 14 11). 150 Opium, jar 14 lb. 2 00 Roses, jar 14 lb. 40 Senna, jar 14 lb. 40 Sulphur, jar 14 lb. 50 Liniments Aconite lb. 1 25 Belladonna lb. 1 00 Camphor lb. 50 Ohio oform lb. 1 50 Soap lb- 50 Ointments. Basilicon lb. Belladonna lb. Benzoin lb. 60 Citrine lb- 50 Carbolic Acid.... lb. °0 Carbolated Glycerine lb. 75 Iodine lb. 1 25 Juniper Tar lb- Marshmallow lb- 50 Nutgall lb- 50 Red Iodide Mercury — lb. Red Precipitate lb. Rose Water lb- Savin lb> ®5 Stramonium (green) lb. Simple b- 4« Sulphur •• Compound lb. Tar • lb 45 White Precipitate * Zinc, Oxide }b* “ Benzoated lb- 1 0b 1 lb. 1 oz. Bots. Bots. Per lb. Per oz. Ol€€lt€8» Aconitine, $8 50 $0 50 Aluminium Precip 2 50 25 Arsenic Precip 2 50 25 Atropine, 2% 5 50 50 Bismuth Precip 5 uo do Copper Precip 2 00 20 Iron (Ferric) Precip 2 50 25 Lead Precip 2 00 20 Mercury, 10% 2 00 20 .. 20% 3 00 30 Mercury and Morphine (Mercury, 5%; Mor- phine, 2% 4 50 35 Mercury and Morphine (Mercury. 20%; Mor- phine, 5% 8 00 60 Mercury Precip "50 30 Morphine, 2% 3 00 30 <• 50/ 5 00 40 “ V)%. 8 50 60 Quinine, 5% 2 50 25 n ino/ 4 0U 00 4« 25% 8 00 60 Silver Precip 22 2 22 Strychnine, 2% 3 00 30 Veratrine, 2% 4 50 35 it 10 00 to Zinc, 5% 2 00 20 <• Precip. (Powdered) 2 50 25 uSMI'UWS* Ginger }£• Hypophos, Iron ri “ Lime lb. “ Lime and Soda lb- 85 “ Lime, Soda, Potass and Iron lb. 85 « Lime, Soda, Potass and Iron (Church- ill’s) lb. 85 “ Soda lb. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE OXLI* PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 47 Iodide Calcium lb. 1 00 “ Iron lb. 50 “ Starch lb. 50 Ipecac lb. 60 Lactate of Iron lb. 90 Lactophosphate Iron lb. 1 00 “ Lime lb. 1 00 “ “ and Pepsin lb. 1 50 “ Sodium lb. 1 20 Lactucarium lb. 1 00 Lime lb. 50 Orange Flowers lb. 60 “ Peel lb. 50 Phosphate Iron lb. 75 Phosphates Iron, Quinia, and Strych (Aitken’s formula) lb. 1 50 Phosphates (Chem. Food) lb. 75 Pyrophosphate Iron lb. 70 Poppies lb. 50 Rhatany lb. 60 Rhubarb lb. 60 “ Aromatic lb. 50 “ and Potassa lb. 70 Sarsaparilla lb. 50 “ Comp lb. 50 Seneka lb. 60 Senna lb. 50 Simple lb. 18 Squill lb. 40 “ Comp. (Hive) lb. 45 Stillingia, Comp lb. 60 Tolu lb. 55 Wild Cherry lb. 40 Tinctures, U. S. P., 1880 Aconite, Leaf lb. 60 “ Root lb. 75 “ “ Flemings’s lb. 90 Aloes lb. 60 “ and Myrrh lb. 60 Arnica Flowers lb. 50 “ Root.. lb. 65 Assafcetida lb. 60 Belladonna lb. 45 Benzoin lb. 75 “ Comp lb. 75 Black Cohosh lb. 60 Bloodroot lb. 50 Bryonia lb. 60 Buchu lb. 50 Calabar Bean lb. 90 Calendula lb. 60 Camphor lb. 50 Cannabis Indica lb. 90 Cantharides lb. 70 Capsicum lb. 50 Cardamom lb. 75 “ Comp lb. 60 Castor lb. 2 00 Catechu Comp lb. 60 Cinchona lb. 60 “ Comp lb. 60 Cinnamon, Ceylon lb. 50 Coca lb. 90 Colchicum, Seed lb. 75 “ Root lb. 75 Colocynth lb. 60 Columbo lb. 50 Conium lb. 50 Cubeb lb. 50 Cudbear lb. 65 Curcuma lb. 50 Damina lb. 80 Digitalis lb. 60 Dover’s Powder lb. 1 75 Dragon’s Blood lb. 90 Ergot lb. 60 “ Ethereal lb. 70 Eucalyptus lb. 65 Foxglove lb. 60 Galls lb. 50 THE ABOVE TRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 48 PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Gelsemium lb. 60 Gentian lb. 50 “ Comp lb. 50 Ginger lb. 60 Golden Seal lb. 60 Urindelia Robusta lb. 1 00 Guaiacum lb. 70 “ Ammoniated lb. 85 “ Dewees lb. 80 Hellebore lb. 50 Hop lb. 60 Hydrastis lb. 50 Hyoscyamus lb. 50 Iodine lb. 1 00 “ Comp lb. 1 25 “ Churchill’s lb. 1 50 “ Decolorized lb. 1 25 Ipecac and Opium lb. 1 75 Iron Acetate lb. 50 “ Chloride lb. 32 “ “ tasteless lb. 60 “ “ Ethereal lb. 75 Jalap lb. 75 Kino lb, 60 Larkspur Seed.. lb. 90 Lavender Comp lb. 60 Lobelia lb. 50 “ Ethereal lb. 60 Lupuline lb. 1 25 Musk oz. 2 50 Myrrh lb. 65 “ and Capsicum lb. 65 Nutgall lb. 50 NUx Vomica lb. 65 Opium r.. lb. 1 25 “ Camphorat. (Paregoric) lb 50 “ Crocat lb. 3 00 “ Deodorized lb. 1 75 Orange Peel, Bitter lb. 50 “ “ Sweet lb. 50 Orris lb. 50 Pellitory lb. 75 Phosphorus, ale lb. 1 50 “ Ether lb. 2 00 Pimpinella lb. 50 Pulsatilla lb. 50 Quassia lb. 50 Rhatany lb. 50 Red Saunders lb. 50 Rhubarb lb. 60 “ Aromatic lb. 70 “ and Aloes lb. 60 “ and Senna lb. 60 Saffron lb. 60 Sapo Yiridis lb. 60 Senna lb, 50 “ Comp lb. 50 Serpentaria lb. 60 Staves-acre Seeds lb. 75 Soap, Camphorated lb. 50 Squill , lb. 50 “ Comp lb. 60 Stramonium Seed lb. 50 Tolu lb. 70 Valerian ..... lb. 50 “ Ammoniat lb. 90 Verat, Virid.. lb. 60 Vetti-ver lb. 1 20 Warburg’s lb. 2 50 “ Modified lb. 1 75 Witch Hazel lb. 50 Yellow Jasmine lb. 60 “ “ from green root lb. 1 00 Vinegars. Cantharides lb. 1 00 Lobelia 1". 75 Opium lb. 2 50 Sanguinaria lb. 65 Squill lb. 50 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6f CO. 49 Waters. Anise lb. 30 - Assafcetida lb. 50 Bitter Almond lb. 40 Camphor lb. 30 Cara wav lb. 30 Cherry, Laurel lb. 35 Chlorine lb. 15 Cinnamon lb. 35 Distilled, in demijohns or carboys gall. 15 Elder Flowers lb. 50 Fennel lb. 30 Fcetida Antihysteric lb. 1 00 Javelle gall. 75 “ in bots doz. 4 00 Lime gall. 50 Peppermint lb. 25 Rose gall. 1 50 Wines. Aloes lb. 60 Antimony lb. 75 Aromatic lb. 75 Beef and Iron, pints doz. 5 40 Calisaya, pints... doz. 7 00 " Ferrated, pints doz. 10 00 Colchicum Root lb. 75 “ Seed lb. 75 Ergot lb. 90 Ipecac lb. 90 Iron lb. 70 “ Bitter lb. 70 Lactophos, Lime, pounds doz. 15 00 Opium lb. 2 25 “ Rousseau’s lb. 4 50 “ Sydenham’s lb. 3 00 Pepsin, pints doz. 12 00 Tar lb. 70 Wild Cherry, pints doz. 9 00 Wine, White, U. S. P lb. 35 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONIT. 50 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Moore’s Sure Cure for Chills. Malarial 5o.5o Antidote Sept. 14, 1878. “ I am very loath to speak commendatory of proprietary medicines, but when an article like yours, possessing merit, equal at least to what is claimed for it, is brought to my notice, I cheerfully waive all prejudices and very willingly recommend it, as I believe it my duty to do. “I unhesitatingly say that your Pilules are good, and worthy of a trial in all Malarial Diseases.” R. H. Lansing, Chillicothe, O. “ The best medicine in the world. I want everybody to know it, and shall put the Pilules in every neighborhood in the county. Oort bless Dr. Moore.” J. T. Butler, Baysprings, Miss. “Your Pilules are the best remedy to cure chills I ever sold.” B. W. Stark, Aurelius, Mich., Merchant and P. M. Sold by Druggists, 50 cents per box of 50 Pilules. Dr. C. C. MOORE, 78 and 80 (New Nos.) Cortlandt St., New York. The SECRET of the wonderful success of the above Medicine (Moore’S Pilules) is this: They are the most remarkable blood purifier ever known ; they cleanse the blood of all impurities by their action on the red corpuscles of the blood ; the Pilules kill the little worm or grub that lives and propagates in the blood and creates disease ; by the use of the Pilules these little animals are exterminated and health restored. Moore’s Pilules are indeed a remarkable medicine. Soldi tly THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Moore’s Throat and Lung Lozenges Are another of Dr. C. C. Moore’s very excellent remedies ; they are for the instant relief and cure of Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat and Bronchitis. 10c. and 25c. boxes. Sold by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW'S Sugar-coated Pills and Granules. Which cannot be excelled in quality or appearance by any made in this country or in Europe. These Pills and Granules are accurately compounded and sugar-coated in Bullock & Crenshaw’s Laboratory, and the ingredients are without exception of the best quality, and therefore can be confidently relied upon. The Prices Quoted are Net. Price Per Bot. of 100 500 Each. Each. ACID ARSENIOUS 1-20 gr., 1-30 gr., 1-40 gr. “ “ 1-50 gr., 1-60 gr., 1-100 gr. . 22 95 “ SALICYLIC. 2 gr 1 90 “ “ 1-10 gr 95 “ TANNIC, 1-20 gr 95 ACONITIA, 1-60 gr., 1-100 gr 1 90 “ KEITH’S, % gr 1 48 ALOES, U. S. P. IP^V : £loes Socot: 1>£ grs. { “ Saponis, 1 y2 grs. 1 . 22 95 ( ALOES COMP : U. S. P. (Pil : Gent: Comp :) . . 22 95 (Pulv: Aloes Socot: 1K grs. 1 ALOES ET ASSAP : U. S. P. J Assafoetlda, ‘ . 22 95 (Pulv: Saponis, “ | Pulv: Aloes Socot: % gr. 1 ALOES ET FERRIl J‘ . Zin8ib: Ja“ : 1 %r- L . 22 95 ] I ern Sulph: Exsic: 1 gr. ; [ Ext. Conii, y2 gr. I ALOES ET MASTICH : U. S. P. (See Pil: Stomachic®) . 27 1 20 {Pulv: Aloes Socot: 2 grs.) ALOES ET MYRRH : U. S. P. ] •< Myrrh*, 1 gr. { . 27 1 20 ( “ Aromat: gr. ) ALOIN, 1-10 gr 95 *' 1 gr 2 55 ALOIN ET STRYCHNIA, j £.loin’ . 11'®gr' ’ (Strychnia, 1-60 gr. 1 . 32 1 48 J (Aloin: 1-5 gr l ALOIN, STRYCHNIA ET BELLADON, \Strych : 1-60 gr. 32 1 48 (Ex. Belladon: % gr. 1 (Mass : Hydrargyri, 1 gr. 1 ALTERATIVE, ] Pulv : Opii, % gr [ .. . 27 1 20 ( “ Ipecac: % gr.) AMMON: BROMID : 1 gr 1 90 ( Pulv: Aloes Socot; l *• Sapon; Hispan: | . 22 95 1 “ Gamhogi*, \ Oleum Anisi, ANTI-BILIOUS (Vegetables), {Co‘ g8’ j . 27 1 20 f Aloes Pulv: 1% grs. j Gamhogi a: Pulv: % “ ANTI-BILIOUS, J Colocynth Fruc: y3 “ No. 2, j Calomel: % “ . 22 95 | Podophyllin y3 “ ( Saponis Pulv: y3 •' f Strychnia, 1-40 gr 1 Ex: Belladonna, 1-10 gr ) ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, -( Pulv. Ipecac: 1-10 gr ) Mass: Hydrarg: 2 grs v . 55 2 55 t \ Ext: Coloc: Co. 2 grs. J ( Quinia; Sulph; 1 gr ) | Ferri: Sul: Exs: L" gr. ANTI-MALARIAL, j 01. Res. Pip: Nig; 1-16 gr- ! ;r. \ . 80 (McCaw.) 1 Ac: Arsenios: 1-80 | Gelsemin: % gr. J [ Podophyllin: % gr. J aNtiMONII COMP: U. S. P. (See Pil: Calomel Comp) . 22 95 52 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW’S PILLS AND GRANULES. Price per But. of 100 500 Each. Each. [ Cinchoniae Sulp: 1 8r. A 1 Ferri Sulph: Exsic: 1 gr. 1 AfJTTPERrODIC. U Ext: Onass: er. V ... 40 1 90 J Ext: Rhei: X gr. i 1 Pulv; Wyrrhfe, % gr J ANTIPERI0D1C CAHILLS, No. 1, f Quinia Sulph: 1% grs ) ... 80 3 90 (Podophyllin “ 1-24 grs.) ANTIPERIODIC CAHILLS, No 2, ( Quinia Sulph: grs.) ... 80 3 90 (Nux Vom: 1-24 gr. ) ANTIPERIODIC CAHILLS, No. 3, ( Quinia Sulpli: 1% grs.1 ... 80 3 90 (Aconitin “ 1-24 gr. ) ( Ext: Nux Vomica. X gr. ) APERIENT, j ... 45 2 15 “ Coloc: Comp: 2 grs. ) ( Pulv: Rhei, 1 gr. 1 APERIENT, J 1 “ Aloe Socot: 1 gr. 1 ... 32 1 48 No. 2, 1 i Podophyllin, 1-10 gr. j ' Ext: Belladon: 1-10 gr. ' Pulv: Rhei, IX grs. ) APERIENT, J 1 “ Aloe Socot: 1>4 grs. ( ... 32 1 48 Drysdale’s. j | “ Ipecac: 5-12 gr. 1 [ " Ex: Nuc: Vom: X gr. 1 i Ext: Coloc: Co: X gr. ) APERIENT, . ) Pulv: Rhei, 2 grs. ( ... 27 1 20 Mild, ) Ext: Hyoscyami, 5-6 gr. 1 [ 01. Cari, ' f Ext. Coloc. Comp. 1% grs. 1 j “ Nux. Vom. X gr. j APERIENT J “ Hyoscyami, IX grs. j ... 67 3 25 (Lfr. Jborayce narfcer), iruiv. ipecac, l-iz gr. “ Aloe Socot, 5-12 gr | “ Podophyllin, 1-12 gr. j AKSAFfETTDA TT. S P. 3 ers. and 2 ers 95 nni\rp • 1 Assafcetidar _ 2 grs. \ ... 22 95 (Assatotida, 1 gr. ) <( ET RHEI, j Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. | ... 40 1 90 (Ferrum per Hyd, 1 gr.) ATROPIA, 1-60, 1-100 gr 1 90 “ SULPH: 1-60 gr 1 90 ** “ 1-100 gr 1 90 ( Ext. Col. Comp. 1 gr. ) BALLOU, -| j “ Jalapse, 1 gr. y ... 40 1 90 lydg. Chlor. Mit. 1 gr f l Pulv. Ipecac, X gr- ' BELLADONNA EXT: (Eng.) X gr ... 22 95 BISMUTH: SUB CARB: 3 grs ... 40 1 90 “ SUB NIT: 3 grs 1 90 BISMUTH AND NUX VOM: | Vom?1*" ffgr. } ' ... 80 3 90 CAFFEINE CITRAT: 1 gr 7 30 CALCIUM SULPHIDE, 1-10 gr ... 22 95 “ “ X gr 1 20 “ “ X gr 1 48 “ - 1 gr 1 90 CALOMEL, 1-20 gr., X gr.. X gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs ... 20 95 . . . 27 1 20 95 COMP: (Plum- (g*V°“fnh. Antimnnv. 1 ... 22 mer sj o grs. (Gu—m esin> * ) ( Calomel, 1 gr.) CALOMEL ET IPECAC. CO: IP. Ipecac. Com. 3X grs. 1 .. ... 27 1 20 (Ext. Gent, ) CALOMEL ET OPII: f Calomel, 2 grs.) ... 45 2 15 l upiurn, i gr.) ( Calomel, X gr. 1 CALOMEL ET RHEI. ■< Ext Eh.ei- „ * §r- > ... ' ... 40 1 90 i uoioc. u. y*. gr. i { “ Hyoscvam,l-16 gr. ) CAMPHOR, 1 20 gr CAMPHOR MONOBRATED 2 grs 2 55 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 53 BULLOCK & CRENSHAW’S PILLS AND GRANULES. Price pei• Bot. of 100 500 Each. Each. CAMPHOR ET HYOSCYAM: (g. \ } 27 120 CANNABIS INDICA EXT: X gr 32 1 48 CANTHARIDES, 1-50 gr 22 95 DAPSTCTTM 1.2ft err 99 QK CATHARTIC COMP: U. S. P. CATHARTIC COMP. (Vegetable). CATHARTIC COMP. (Improved.) CATH. CO. PURGATl (Vegetable.) CAULOPHYLLIN, 1-1 CERH OXALAS: 1 gr CHAPMAN’S DINNE CHINOIDIN, 1 gr.... “ 2 gra... “ COMP: CHIRETTA EXT: 3 g CINCHONiE ET FEB CINCHONIA SULPH: CINCHONIDIA SULI “ BISTJ] CINCHO—QUINI.33, 1 COLOCYNTHID. COIk ( Res. Scam 1 Pulv. Alo« COCCIA. ■{ “ Cole J Potass. Si ' 01. Caryo COLOCYNTH. ET (P HYDRARG. ET \ P IPECAC. (P f Pul COOK’S, 3 grs. j Cal‘ ( Sap COPAIBA, U. S. P., 3 P COPAIB: COMP. - ® ( O “ ET EXTRA CUBEBH CORROSIVE SUBLIM DIGITALIN, 1-60 gr.. DIGITALIS COMP: | (Sapo H DIURETIC : \Sod* C ( . 1. Bac Ext Colo. Comp., 1 y3 grs. 1 1 •• Jalap)*, 1 gr. ( | Calomel. 1 gr. j . Pulv. Gambogi*, X gr. ] f Ext. Colo. Simp., X gr. | Podophyllin, X gr. | j Pulv. Res. Scam., % gr. ) “ Aloes Soco. V/i gr. | “ Cardamomi, 1-9 gr. l [ “ Saponis, X gr. J f Ext. Coloc. Comp. ) ' “ Jalap*, j Podophyllin, ' „ j Ext. Hyoscyam, r d 8 s | “ Gentian*, | ( 01. Menth Pip, J ( Aloes Pulv., 1 gr. rv-p 1 Ext- Jalap, 1 gr. LVE- -l Podophyllin, X gr. 1 P. Gambogi*. X gr. 1, P. Zingiber. X gr. 0 gr (Pulv. Aloe Soc. ) Et, ] “ Rhei. Opt. > (Gum Mastich, ) Chinoidin, 2 grs. ! Ferri Sulph Exsic, 1 gr. . Oleo-Resin. Pip. Nig., X gr. ( Ext. Cinchona, 1 gr. 1 Ferri Lactat, 1 gr. . j Oleo-Res. Cap. 1-6 gr. ’ ] Pul. Zingib, X gr. i Strychnia, 1-80 gr. 1 Ext. Aloes Aq., X gr. 27 1 20 27 1 20 27 1 20 22 95 32 1 48 \ 40 1 90 27 1 20 ) 55 2 55 1 J 27 1 20 H:“l”gr 22 95 2 grs 32 1 48 40 1 90 LPH: 1 gr 27 1 20 40 1 90 55 2 55 IP: 3 grs. (Ext. Coloc. Comp. U. S. P.)... 43 2 02 mony, Pure, 1 gr. A Socot. IK gr. f cynth. X gr- V 48 2 30 ilph. X gr. 1 ph. X gr. J llv. Ext. Coloc. Comp. 2 grs.) 1 Hydrarg. 2 grs. > 40 1 90 ulv Ipecac. 1-6 gr.) v. Aloes Soc. I gr. ) Rhei, 1 gr. • omel. X gr- f 4 19 on. Hispan. X gr- ' il. Copaib*, j esin Guaiac. ( .„ „ erri Cit. f leo-Resin, Cubeb* ) CT (Pil. Copaib*. 3 grs.) ,Q 0 no j, ) Oleo-Resin, Cubeb®, 1 gr. ) ATE. 1-12 gr., 1-16 gr., 1-20 gr., 1-30 gr.,) 90 q- 1-40 gr., 1-50 gr., 1-60 gr., 1-100 gr. j ao Pulv. Digital. Eng. X gr. ) “ Scill*, X gr > 27 1 20 Potass. Nit. 1 gr ) span. Pulv. 1 gr.) arb. Exsic. 1 gr. 1 27 1 20 ;* Junip X gr.) 54 PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW’S PILLS AND GRANULES. Price per Bot. of 100 500 Each. Each. (Pulv. Guaiac, 3 grs.) DTTPTTVTT?PV ) TTvHtr. P.hlor f!nrrns. 1-10 errs. \ . 27 1 20 (Pulv. Opii. ELATERIUM (Clutterbuek’s), 1 % gr- ) .. 43 -10 gr 2 02 [ Ergotine, 1 gr- 'i 1 Ext. Hellebor. Nig. 1 gr. 1 EMiVTEN\OD(tITF J Aloe Socot. 1 gr V .. 67 3 25 ) Ferri Sulpb. 1 gr. ( V. Ol. Sabin®, ) t Eerri Sulph. IX grs.) 95 EM MEN A G OftTTE (Mutter) ] Aloe Socot Pulv. % gr. [ .. 22 ( Terebinth Alb. \V2 grs.) ERGOTINE, 1-10 gr .. 22 95 .. 55 2 55 .. 80 3 90 EXT. COCA: 3 grs .. 55 2 55 FEL. BOVINUM:j0^edJ 2 grs.) .. 27 1 20 rniaica Ginger, 1 gr. f ' FERRI (Quevenne’s), 1-10 gr .. 22 95 “ “ 1 gr 1 20 .. 40 1 90 .. 22 95 “ ■* “ 'u.'s.p. 3 grs 95 “ CITRAT: 2 grs .. 27 1 20 “ COMP., U. ST P 95 “ FERROCYANID: 3 grs.. 1 20 “ IODID: 1 gr 1 62 “ LACTAT: 1 gr 1 20 “ PROTOCHLOR: 2 grs. (Rabuteau’s) .. 40 1 90 PYROPHOSPH: lgr.... 95 “ SULPH. EXSICCAT: 2 grs 95 “ YALER: 1 gr 2 55 ( Fer. per Hydrogen, IX grs. ) “ ET QUASS. ET J Ext. Quassi®, 1 gr. [. .. 40 1 90 NUC. VOM: 1 “ Nux. Vom. % gr. 1 ' Pulv. Saponis, X gr. ' “ ET QUIN. CIT. 1 gr.... .. 27 1 20 “ ET QUIN. CIT. 2 grs.... 1 90 ti ■pm qt’Rvptt / Strychnia, 1-60 gr. ) j Fer per (Quevenne’s), 2 grs.) .. 40 1 90 “ El STRYCH CIT- gr'! .. 40 1 90 wi. cjt. 1-50 gr.) FERRUGINOUS (Blaud’s) No. 1 (Ferri Sulph (Potass Bi-carb X gr ) 32 1 48 FERRUGINOUS (Blaud’s) No. 2 (Ferri Sulph 2)4 grs. (Potass Bi-carb IX grs- fGalbanum 1% grs. ) 32 ) 1 48 GALBANI COMP: U. S. P Pulv. Myrrh 1>£ grs. [Assafcetida IX grs. t Pulv. Gambogiae 5 27 ) 1 20 GAMBOGIiE COMP 1 “ Aloe Socot ! “ Zingib: Jam ..... 1 “ Saponis >■ 22 95 GELSEMIN, 1-16 gr 95 . 27 1 20 GENT: COMP ‘ Aloes Socot % gr. Pulv: Rhei IX gr. . Ol: Carui 1-5 gr. Pulv: Cubebse 1 i- 22 95 GONORRHCEhE t Bals: Copaib, Solid ( „ Ferri Sulph: Exsic: ( d Srs' • 1 48 HELONIN, 1-10 gr Terebinth: Yenet: J 1 20 Pill Hydrarg 3 grs HEPATICA Ext: Colocynth Comp: 1 gr Ext: Hyo cyami 1 gr I 43 2 02 Aloes Socot ] Ferri Sulph: xsic.... 1 Ext: Hellebor | HOOPER (Female Pills) Pulv: Myrrh 22 95 2>2 grs. “ Saponis “ Canall® “ Zingib: Jamaica. HYDRARGYRI, U. S. P.: 3 grs... 95 . 27 1 20 “ COMP: | Mass: Hydrarg: 1 gr Pulv: Opii, X gr 40 1 90 ( “ Ipecac, X gr PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 55 BULLOCK & CRENSHAW’S PILLS AND GRANULES. HYDRARGYRI C. CRETA, 1-100 gr “ CYANID, 1-20 gr “ IODIDE, X gr * “ ROB, 1-16 gr *• IDD: ET OPII, (Hydg: Iodid: 1 gr (Ricord’s).... (Pulv: Opii, X gr HYDRASTIS, 1-20 gr HYDRASTIN ET NUX VOM. CAHILLS | Hydrastin Phosphate, X gr. | Nux Vomica, 1-20 gr HYDRASTIN ET PODOPHYLLIN CAHILLS ( Hydrastin Phosphate, X gr, (Podophyllin Keith’s, 1-20 gr. HYOSCYAMUS, Ext: (Eng.) X gr IGNATLE A MARE EXT: X gr IODOFORM. 1-10 Pr Per B 100 Each. . 22 . 22 40 . 22 40 40 . 22 . 22 ice ot. of 500 Each. 95 95 95 95 1 00 95 1 90 1 90 95 1 20 95 2 55 3 25 3 90 95 1 20 1 20 2 56 3 25 2 55 95 95 1 20 1 90 95 95 . 55 “ ET FERRI... IODOFORM et Ferri et NI IPECACUANHA, 1-50 gr... IPECAC: ET OPII: 3X grs (lrisin. IRISIN: COMP: j Podophyl (Strychnia LAXATIVE AND TONIC. (Dr. Warren's Formula.) f Podophylli j Pil. Hydrat LAXATIVE, -j Ext. Coloc. | Pulv. Rhei ( 01. Carui. (Leptan LEPTAND COMP. (lrisin. (Podopl LEPTANDRIN. X gr “ X gr X gr 1 gr LUPULIN, 3 grs MACROTIN. 1-10 err | Ferrum per Hyd ’ (Iodoform, 1 gr. (Iodoform, E, J Ferri Carb. (Quin. Sulph. (Pulv. Doveris, U. S X gr. ) lin, 1-10 gr. > e, 1-40 gr.) Ext. Coloc. Comp. “ Jalapae, “ Podophyl. “ Nuc Vom. “ Belladon. “ Hyoscyam. Aloe Socot, Ferri et Quin.Cit. Pepsin Porci. n, X gr. ) g- X gr. | Comp 2 gr. j- X gr. I X gr j drin, 1 gr.) X gr.} lyllin, X gr.) rogen, 1 gr. 1 gr) 1 gr- [ 4 gr.) • P) 3 grs 67 . 80 . 27 . 27 . 67 . 55 . 22 . 22 . 27 . 22 MAGNESIE ET RHEI (1 gr. each) . 22 95 MORPHIA ACET: X gr... 1 48 MORPHIA SULPHATE, 1-50 gr 95 “ “ 1-20 gr 95 “ “ 1-10 gr 1 20 “ 8 gr . 32 1 48 •• “ l_6 gr . 37 1 75 X gr . 48 2 30 MORPHIA VALERIAN, X gr . 48 2 30 (Morph. Sulph. X gr. ) MORPHLE COMP: < Ant: et Pot: Tart: X gr. . 67 3 25 (Calomel, X gr. ) Quin. Sulph. 2 grs. I Morph. Sulph. 1-20 gr. j NEURALGIC (Dr. Gross), t Strychnia, 1-30 gr. }- .1 08 5 25 Ac. Arsenious 1-20 gr. Ext. Aconiti. X gr. j NEURALGIC (Dr. Gross), without Morphia).... .1 08 5 25 Ext. Hyoscyam, % gr. “ Conii, % gr. “ Ignat. Am. X gr. NEURALGIC, IDIOPATH, “ Opii, X gr. (Dr. E. Brown Sequard’s). “ Aconiti, Vi gr. ... Cannab. Ind. X gr. “ Stramon. 1-5 gr. “ Belladonna, 1-6 gr. NUC: VOMICA EXT: 1-50 gr„ X gr., X gr . 22 95 OPIUM, 1-40 gr . 22 95 “ 1 gr 1 20 56 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. BULLOCK AND CRENSHAW’S PILLS AND GRANULES. Priee Per Bot. of 100 500 Each. Each OPII ET CAMPHORiE. f?ulv\ pii’ „1 gr’! 32 1 48 xnuiw (Camphor®, 2 grs. ( (Pulv. Opii, % gr.) “ ET CAMPHORS EX TANNIN. (Camphor®, % gr. [ 32 1 48 (AcidTann 1>4 grs.) “ ET PLTTMBI ACET: ! gr'\ 27 1 20 ( Plumbi Acet. \y2 grs.) PHOSPHORUS, 1-60 gr 40 1 90 “ 1-100 gr 40 1 90 >4 .mV (Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. ( ET IRON, | Iron by Hydrogen X gr.} • • • 55 2 55 “ IRON ET DIGITALIS, (Phosphorus, 1-50 gr.) 55 2 55 (Digitalis, “ 1 gr.) *• IRON ET NUX VOMICA, ( Phosphorus, 1-100 gr.) j Kerri Carb. Vallet’s, 1 gr. [ (Ext. NucVom. Xgr.) 55 2 55 “ IRON AND QUININE, (Phosphorus, 1-100 gr.) 67 3 25 (Quinin® Sulph. 1 gr.) “ IRON, QUININE AND NUX VOM: ( Phosphor us, 1-100 gr. ) J Ferri Carb. (Vallet’sj 1 gr. ( 67 3 25 j Quinia Sulph. 1 gr. i l Ext: Nuc Vom. >4 gr. ; “ AND NUX VOM: (Phosphorus. 1-60 gr.) 55 2 55 (Ext. NucVom. 14 gr.) ** AND STRYCHNINA, (Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. 1 55 2 55 (Strychnia, 1-60 gr. j “ STRYCHNIA AND IRON, ( Phosphorus, 1-100 gr.) 55 2 55 (Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s) 1 gr.) PODOPHYLLIN, 1-40 gr., 1 10 gr„ )4 gr 22 95 “ y* gr 27 1 20 1 gr 40 1 90 PODOPHYLLIN ET BELLADONNA, ( Podophyllin, >4 gr. ) J Ext. Bellad. Ale. % gr. ( 40 1 90 j Oleo Resin Capsici, %. gr. f V Sacchari lactis, 1 gr. ' (Podophyllin, >4 gr.) PODOPHYLLIN COMP: ] Ext. Hyoscyam. % gr. [ ... 49 1 90 ( “ NucVom. 1-16 gr.) PODOPHYLLIN COMP: (Eclectic) CAHILL’S, f Podophyllin Keith’s, % gr. | j Leptandrin “ 1-16 gr. j 27 1 20 i Macrotin “ 1-32 gr. j ( Oil Capsicum 1-32 gr. J PODOPHYLLIN ET HYD: £g£.‘} 27 1 20 f Ext. Coloc. Comp. 1% grs. 1 | Hydg. Chlor. Mit. 1% grs. ] POST PARTURIUM. J Ext. Hyoscyami, gr. ( (Dr. Fordyce Barker.) j “ Nuc Vom. 1-6 gr. ' 55 2 55 | Puly. Aloes, 1-6 gr. j ( “ Ipecac. 1-6 gr. J POTASS: BROMID: 1 gr 22 95 “ “ 5 grs 32 1 48 “ IODID: 2 grs 45 2 16 POTASS: PERMANGAN: CRYST. % gr 27 1 20 QUINLZE SULPH: 1-10 gr., X gr 22 95 “ “ >4 gr 24 1 08 “ “ 1 gr 32 1 48 “ “ 2 grs 55 2 55 “ " 3 grs 78 3 78 BISULPH: 1 gr 32 1 48 “ “ 2 grs 55 2 55 “ VALERIANATE, % gr 55 2 55 “ “ i gr 80 3 90 ( Quini® Sulph. 1 gr.) QUINLE COMP: 1 Ferri per Hydrog. (Quevenne’s) 1 gr. [ .. (Acid Arsenious, 1-60 gr.) 55 2 55 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 57 BULLOCK & CRENSHAW’S PILLS AND GRANULES. Price Per Bot. of 100 500 Each. Each f Quinine Sulph. 1 gr. nTTTNT H? FT 1 Ext' Co1 ComP- 1 gr- COLOCYNTH COMP: ] g {£ 1 86 4 18 ( Morph. Sulph. 1-12 gr. J QUINLE ET EXT: BELL AD ON. Jt|™jfei2; 1 gr.) >4 gr-J ' 55 2 55 QUININE ET FERKI CARB : \fs. | 55 2 55 QUINIE ET FERRI: { 1 gr.} 55 2 55 f Quinise Sulph. 1 gr. | I Ferri Ferrocyan 1 gr. ! QUINIiE ET FERRI J Oleo Res. Capsici, 1-20 gr. > FERROCYAN: , Gelsemin, 1-20 gr. f 67 3 25 j Podophyllin, . 1-20 gr. | 1 Strychnia;. 1-60 gr. J QUINLE ET FERRI LACT: : ( Kerri Lactat. 1 gr-i X gr- [ 67 3 25 2 grs.) QUINIE ET FERRI ET NUX VOMICA : f Quinise Sulph. 1 gr. 55 J Ferri Oarb. (Vallet’s) 2 grs.1 (Ext. Nuc. Vom. X gr. 55 QUINIiE ET FERRI ET STRYCHNLE ; (Quinise Sulph. 1 gr. ] 55 < Ferri Carb. (Yallet’s) 2 grs. 2 55 25 (Strychnise Sulph. 1-60 gr.) 1 08 QUINIZES ET FERKI YALER : 2 grs ( Quinise Sulph. 1 gr. QUINIE ET HYDRARG : j Mass Hydrarg. 2 grs. 67 3 25 (Oleo Resin Piper Nig. X gr. QUINIiE ET STRYCHNLE, | 1 gr. 1 60 gr. 55 2 56 QUINLE ET ZINCI: VALER : {] fr. | ••• 1 08 5 25 QUINIDIE SULPH : 1 gr 32 1 48 55 2 55 RHF.T, IT. S. P. | Pulv- Ehei, 3 grs. ) 40 1 90 ’ \ “ Saponls, 1 gr. j ( Pulv. Rhei, 2 grs. i “ COMP: U. S. P., ) “ Aloes Socot, IX grs. 1 40 1 90 3 grs. i “ Myrrh, Igr- ( [ 01. Menth. Pip. ) f Ext. Coloc. O. 1 X grs. ~| RTTFTTYTATTF -l ** Colchici Acet. 1 gr. i RHEU MALIC i Hyoscyam X gr. j ’ l Hydg. Chlor. Mit. % gr. J 48 2 30 SANTONIN, 1-10 gr 22 95 " 1 gr 55 2 55 f Pulv. Scillse, X gr-1 SC1LLE COMP ; U. S. P. -j |^£““ftl0a' \fv. f 27 1 20 l Pulv. Saponis, IX grs. J SILVER NITRATE, X gr 40 1 90 STOMACHICE (Lady Webster’s Dinner Pills) 3 grs. (Pulv. Aloes Socot. 1 27 1 20 (Flor. Rosa;, ) STRYCHNLE AND STRYCH : SULPH: 1-20 gr.... 1-30 gr., 1-40 gr., 1-50 gr., 1-60 gr., 1-100 gr 22 22 95 95 1 Ext. Sumbul. 1 gr. ) SUMBUL: COMP: J Assafoetida, 2 grs. [ 80 3 90 (Goodell’s) 1 Ferri Sulph. Exsic 1 gr. I Acid Arsen. 1-40 gr. ) qypfttt tttp j Potass. Iodid. 2grs. ] &irmLU \ Hydrarg. Ohio. Corros. 1-40 gr. 55 2 55 TARTAR EMETIC, 1-100 gr., 1-20 gr., 1-10 gr., X gr ( Aloes Purif. 22 95 1 gr- } TONIC LAXATIVE, ) Ferri Sulph. Exsic. 1 gr. f (Dr. C. H. Thomas’ •< Ext. Hyoscyam Ale. X gr- V 40 i 80 Formula.) J Ext. Nuc Vom X gr. 1 l 01. Resin. Capsici, 1-6 gr. ; TRILLIN, 1-10 gr 27 i 20 (Aloes Socoi 2 grs.) TRIPLEX, ] Pil. Hydrarg. 1 gr. [ 40 i 90 (Podophyllin, X gr. ) VERATRIA SULPHATE, 1-12 gr 27 i 20 ZINCI VALERIAN, 1 gr 65 2 55 58 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. A Standard Remedy for Thirty Years. Dr. SHALLENBERGER'S jijgwmmw — FOR — MALARIA If you wish to sell your customers a Medicine, which never fails to eradicate Malaria from the system, keep the Antidote in Stock. There are scores of Remedies claim- ing to be Antidotes for Malaria, which base their hopes of sale on the known worth of this Great Medicine. Don’t be deceived. SdALLDNBERGER’S PILLS ARE THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY ANTIDOTEZ^TMALARIA. One Dose will prove tlie assertion by Curing where all other Remedies have failed. Sold at Proprietors’ Prices by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., New York. A. T. SHALLENBERGER & CO, Proprietors, ROCHESTER, PA. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHY LAND & CO. SPICE- DEPARTMENT. WHOLE SPICES. OCR S. I. SPICES. (S. I. Signifying—Specially Imported.) The very highest grade of carefully CULTIVATED SPICES. •ft Allspice, S. I. Bright, New 11 Cassia, Buds, S. I„ selected 20 Cinnamon, 8. I. Java, very choice 42 “ S. I. Ceylon, No. 1 fine 60 “ S. I. Ceylon, extra fine 1 00 Cloves, S. I. Amboyna, very fine 32 “ S. I. Bencolen 42 “ S. I. Penang, extra fine 45 Ginger, S. I. Borneo, finest 16 “ S. I. Bleached Jamaica, fine 19 “ S. I Bleached Jamaica, extra fine 30 “ S. I. Bleached Jamaica, extra bold Mace, S. I Penang 85 “ 8. I. Penang, Bright, new. very fine 1 25 Nutmegs, S. I. Large Blown, abt. 70 to aft 85 “ S. I. Extra Large Brown, abt. 60 ft 1 35 “ S. I., with Mace on All our nutmegs are perfectly sound and regular in size, being care- fully assorted and picked over by hand. Pepper, Black, S. I. Finest Shot (by the bag 22) 23 “ Black Malabar 18 “ White, S. I. Tellicherry, fine new 40 “ Red, S. I. African Cayenne 20 “ S. I. East India Black, Long 25 Mixed Spices, S. I., for pickling, 15 varieties 20 " “ S. I. )£-lb. cartons, 12-lb. bxs 25 For other and cheaper Whole Spices, see below. WHOLE SPICES. MASS ASOIT GRADE. The following are of good quality and is the grade from which we grind the “Massasoit” brand, as quoted below, and usually sold by other houses as the best. Both S. I. and “Massasoit” are absolutely pure in the same sense that a pound of pure tea can be purchased for one dollar, or half that sum - simply a difference in grade of the Whole goods. ft Allspice, sifted 7)^ “ unsifted 7 Cinnamon China 8 *• Saigon, extra choice sticks 40 “ Thin Quill in cases about 60 lbs. each 15 Cloves, Zanzibar, free from stems 25 Ginger, Unbleached Jamaica 16 *' African 7 “ Race 6 “ Special blend, granulated, for making extract 17 Mace 70 Nutmegs, Extra Large 82 “ No. 1 65 “ No 2 60 Pepper, Black Sumatra (by bag 16>*) 17 “ Black Singapore, sifted (by bag 17>£) 18 “ White 29 “ Red, Zanzibar 15 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. OROVSO SPiCES. OUR S. I. SPICES. (S. I. Signifying—Specially Imported.) In accordance with our plan in having in every department of our business the FINEST GOODS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED we have determined to offer the trade a line of SPECIALLY IMPORTED SPICES, put up strictly PURE and FULL weight, in square tins, round and caster bottles, under elegant and attractive labels. THURBER’S S. I. BLACK PEPPER. S. I. FINEST SHOT. Whole, new, very choice, in bags lb 22 “ “ less than bag ** 23 Ground, in barrels “ 23 '• in kegs and boxes “ 24 “ cans, 6 and 10 lb each “ 26 “ 1 lb cans, 1 doz. inbox doz. 3 65 “ X-ft cans, 2 doz. in box “ 1 95 “ X-ft cans, 4 doz. in box " 1 00 “ li ft cartons, 4 doz. in box “ 74 X-ft cans (sifting tops), 4 doz. in box *• 60 “ 1-lb. bottles, 1 doz. in box “ 4 35 “ X'lb. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 2 40 “ M-lb. bottles, 4 doz. in box “ 135 MALABAR PEPPER. Malabar Pepper, in bbls. and X bbls, ft 21 Ground especially for Butcher’s use. S. I. NEPAUL PEPPER. In Original Tins, 25 lbs, per lb. 35 Nepaul Pepper, 2 oz. Nickel Plate (sifting top) Caster bottles, 1 doz. in box per doz. 1 35 GROUSH SPICES. THURBER’S S. I. WHITE PEPPER. S. I. TELLICHERRY. Whole, fine, new, in bags of about 100 lbs ft 40 Ground, in barrels " 41 “ kegs and boxes “ 43 “ cans, 6 and 10 lbs. each “ 45 “ 1-lb cans, 1 doz. in box.. doz. 5 80 “ X-ft cans, 2 doz. in box ** 3 00 “ X-ft cans, 4 doz. in box “ 1 55 “ X-ft cans, 4 doz. in box ' *• 85 “ 1-ft bottles, 1 doz. in box “ 6 75 “ X-ft bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 2 65 “ X-ft bottles, 4 doz. in box “ 189 THURBER’S S. I. RED PEPPER. S. I. AFRICAN CAYENNE. Whole Crude, in cases of about 68 lbs ft 20 Ground, in barrels kegs and boxes “ 26 “ cans, 6 and 10 lbs. each “ 28 “ 1-ft cans, 1 doz. in box..., doz. 3 75 “ X-ft cans, 2 doz. in box “ 2 10 " X-ft cans, 4 doz. in box “ 1 15 “ X-ft cans, 4 doz. in box “ 65 S. I. NATAL-Extra Fine. Powdered, in air-tight tins, about 25 ft each, 4 tins in case., ft 50 " in cans, 6 and 10 ft each “ 55 “ in glass bottles, 2 oz , 2 doz. in box doz. 1 40 ■* “ 1 oz., 2 doz. in box “ 1 10 THURBER’S S. I. SLICES IN C l STEPS. In Octagonal Flint Glass bottles, with • Nickel Plated Screw sifting Tops per doz. Black Pepper, abt. 3X ozs., 4 doz. in box 1 30 White Pepper, abt. 3X ozs., 4 doz. m box 1 60 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. Per doz. Cayenne Pepper, abt. 3J£ ozs., 4 doz. in box 1 60 Black Peppe.', 2 ozs., 1 doz. in box 1 15 White Pepper, 2 ozs., 1 doz. in box :.... ... 1 25 Cayenne Pepper, 2 ozs., 1 doz. in box 1 25 Nepaul Pepper, 2 ozs., 1 doz. in box 1 25 Java Cinnamon, 2 ozs., 1 doz. in box 1 35 Amboyna Cloves, 2 ozs., 1 doz. in box 1.25 New Allspice, 2 ozs., 1 doz. in box 90 Tii (/RISER'S S. I. ALLSPICE. S. I. BRIGHT, NEW. Whole, in casks of about 120 lbs lb 11 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes «< 12 cans, 6 and 10 lbs. ea h “ 14 1-lb cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 2 25 X-lb cans, 2 doz. in box *« 1 20 X-ft cans, 4 doz. in box “ 65 X-lb cans, 4 doz. in box “ 45 1-lb bottles, 1 doz. in box “ 3 35 >£-lb bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 2 00 ii-lb bottles, 4 doz. in box «* 1 05 THURBER’S S. I. CINNAMON. 8. I. JAVA—Very Choice. Whole, Crude, in cases of about 70 lbs lb 42 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes “ 43 “ cans, 6 and 10 lbs. each “ 45 1-lb cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 5 55 “ Yz-lb cans, 2 doz. in box ** 2 90 Ist-lb cans, 4 doz. in box “ 1 50 X-lb cans, 4 doz. in box “ 85 1-lb bottles, 1 doz. in box “ 6 55 Yz-lb bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 3 60 X-lb bottles, 4 doz. in box “ 1 85 The Java Cinnamon, for strength and flavor, is not excelled by any grown. 8. I. CEYLON—Extra Fine. Whole, First Sort, extra fine quill and long lb 1 00 “ No. 1, fine <■ 60 THURBER’S S. I. CLOVES. S. I. AMBOYNA—Very Fine. Whole, very fine, in cases of about 110 lbs lb 32 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes ** 34 “ cans, 6 and 10 lbs. each “ 36 1- cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 5 00 X-lb cans, 2 doz. in box .... “ 2 75 X-lb cans, 4 doz. in box “ 1 60 X-lb cans, 4 doz. in box •* 85 " 1-lb bottles, 1 doz. in box.... “ 5 75 X-lb bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 3 00 X-lb bottles, 4 doz. in box •* 1 65 8. I. PENANG—Extra Fine. Whole, in cases of about 110 lbs lb 45 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes “ 50 “ cans, 6 and 10 lbs. each “ 52 2- bottles, 2 doz. in box doz. 1 30 4-oz. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 2 25 X-lb bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 4 30 1-lb bottles, 1 doz. in box ■. “ 8 00 THURBER’S S I. GINGERS. S. I. BLEACHED JAMAICA. Whole, fine bleached, in barrels lb 19 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes “ 21 cans, 6 and 10 lbs. each “ 23 1-lb cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 3 25 X-lb cans, 2 doz. in box “ 1 70 X-lb cans, 4 doz. in box « 90 X-lfc cans, 4 doz. in box “ 65 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE ABBROXIMATE ONLY. 62 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHY LAND & CO. S. I. BLEACHED JAMAICA—Extra Fine. Whole, Extra Fine, in cases of about 120 lbs lb 30 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes « “ 34 “ 6 and 10 lb cans “ 36 “ 1-lb. bottles, 1 doz. in box doz. 5 00 “ K-lb. bottles, 2 doz. in box.; “ 3 00 “ K-lb. bottles, 4 doz. in box “ 1 60 S. I. BORNEO-Finest. Whole, Finest Crude, in cases of about 120 lbs lb 16 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes “ 18 “ cans, 6 and 10 lbs. each “ 20 “ K-lb. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 2 25 “ J£-lb. bottles, 4 doz. in box doz. 1 20 The oily nature of Ground Borneo Ginger will not permit of its being packed in foil packages. GROUND SRICES. THURBER’S S. I. NUTMEGS. S. I. PENANG. Ground Penang, in 10-lb. cans lb 76 “ “ 1-lb. cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 9 65 “ “ K-lb. cans, 2 doz. in box “ 4 90 “ “ K-lb. cans, 4 doz. in box “ 2 50 “ “ 2-oz. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 165 “ “ 1-oz. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 1 20 THURBER’S S. I. MACE. S. I. PENANG. Whole, Crude, in cases of about 80 lbs lb 85 Ground, in barrels, kegs and boxes “ 87 “ 6 and 10 lb. cans “ 89 “ 1-lb. cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 12 55 “ K-lb. cans, 2 doz. in box “ 6 40 “ M-lb. cans, 4 doz in box *• 3 30 “ 2-oz. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 2 10 “ 1-oz. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 1 40 S. I. PENANG BRIGHT—Very Fine. Whole, Bright, New, very fine, in cases lb 1 25 THURBER’S S. I. MIXED SRICES. A blending of choice, specially cultivated Spices, combined and pro- portionately mixed so that the full flavor of each spice is retained without that of any single one predominating. Ground, in bulk, boxes . lb 25 “ 12-lb. Decorated Canisters “ 32 “ 6 and 10 lb. cans “ 27 “ 2-oz. bottles, 2 doz. in case “ 95 “ 4-oz. bottles, 4 doz. in case “ 1 45 THURBER’S EXTRA GENUINE (E. G.) M USTARD. MANUFACTURED FROM SPECIALLY IMPORTED SEED. In bbls., K bbls., kegs and boxes lb 27 In 6 lb. and 10 lb. cans “ 29 In 1-lb. cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 4 00 In K-lb. cans, 2 doz. in box “ 2 05 In %-lb. cans, 4 doz. in box “ 1 05 In K -lb. cans, 4 doz. in box “ 70 In 1-lb. bottles, 1 doz. in box .' “ 5 15 In K-lb. bottles, 2 doz. in box “ 2 90 In K-lb. bottles, 4 doz. in box “ 1 50 in stone jugs, 2 doz. in box “ 1 75 THURBER’S Coarse Crushed for Druggists. In bbls., K-bbls. and kegs lb 20 DURHAM MUSTARD. In bbls. and kegs lb 16 In 6 and 10 lb. cans •• 18 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHELAND & CO. 63 In l ib. cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 2 70 In %-lb. cans, 2 doz. in box “ 1 45 In X-lb. cans, 4 doz. in box “ 80 In %-lb. cans, 4 doz. in box “ 45 KEENE’S OR COLEMAN’S ENGLISH MUSTARDS. Coleman’s, Keene’s, doz. doz. D. S. F., 4 doz. square tins in box 1 50 4 doz. 1 50 D. S F., Ks, 3 doz. square tins in box 2 75 2 doz. 2 75 D. S. F., Is, 2 doz. square tins in box 5 25 1 doz. 5 25 GENUINE FRENCH MUSTARD. In Fancy Stone Jars, A. G 2 doz. case 3 50 In Stone Jugs 2 “ 3 25 In Glass Jars, A. G 2 ■* ...... 3 25 In Glass X Jars, A. G 4 “ 4 75 DOMESTIC FRENCH MUSTARD. In bottles, extra large, 1 doz. in case doz. 1 75 In Glass Jars, barrel style, 2 doz. in case “ 85 In Glass Jars, fancy style, 2 doz. in case “ 95 Bulk (bbls. free, other pkgs. extra), gall “ 29 MUSTARD SEED OIL. Thurber’s Refined gal. 1 00 TIIURBER’S CURRY POWDER. Thurber’s East India, 2-oz. bottles, 2 dozen doz. 1 25 “ “ 4-oz. “ 4 “ “ 2 00 ** “ 8-oz. " 2 “ “ 4 00 IHURBER’S CELERY SALT. Celery Salt, Thurber’s caster bottles doz. 1 00 GREEN FRUITS. Prices of Green Fruits are liable to sudden fluctuation, and the fol- lowing are for date of issue only. Orders will be filled at lowest market prices prevailing the day they reach us. We will not be responsible for loss or damage to perishable fruits by the elements while in transit; neither will we make any allowance on or receive it back. ORANGES. Palermo or Messina Oranges, 200s 5 00 to 5 50 Messina Oranges, 160s 6 00 LEMONS, Palermo or Messina. Fancy, 300 fruit 4 25 @ — Fancy, 360 fruit _ @ 3 75 Choice, 300 fruit — @ 4 00 Choice, 360 fruit — @ 3 50 Prime, 300 fruit 3 50 @ 3 75 Prime, 360 fruit — @ 3 00 DOMESTIC DRIED FRUITS. Dealers will bear in mind that there is no Southern Fruit to be had entirely free from traces of worms. Apples, T., W. & Co.’s Fancy Evaporated, 50 lb. boxes per lb 11 Apples, Evaporated, Whole, Extra Fancy ; <• 13 Apples, Evaporated, Whole, Prime “ 10 Apples, Evaporated, A, 50-lb. boxes “ 10 Apples, Evaporated, B, 50-lb. boxes <• 8 Apricots, California, 25-lb. boxes « 18 Apricots, California, 10 lb tins •* 20 Cherries, Pitted, by bbl « 24 Chei ries, Pitted, in 50-lb. boxes << 25 Peaches, N. C. sliced, Fancy .. •< 24 Peaches, Evaporated, Peeled, Fancy. Red, 50-lb. boxes “ 25 Peaches, Evaporated, Peeled, Extra Fancy,Yellow, 50-lb. bxs. “ 26 Peaches, new Evaporated, Unpeeled, 50-lb. boxes “ 16 Pears, Evaporated, 25-lb. boxes •• 19 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONEI. 64 PRICES CURRENT,\ THURBER, WHYLAND CO. We guarantee all Ground Spices under this brand to be stbictly pub*, but they are not selected goods like Thurber’s S. I. Spices. Barrels, half-bbls. kegs and box' s lb. 6 and 10-lb. cans ; f> lb. 10 and 15-lb. fancy shelf cans, $ lb. 1-lb. full weight cans, 1 & 2 doz. boxes, doz. y-lb. fun weight cans, 2 & 4 doz. boxes, $ doz. ‘4-lb. full weight cans, 4 & 8 doz. boxes, doz. >a-lb. full weight r’nd can, 4 & 8 doz. boxes, doz. PEPPER, BLACK, MASSASOIT BRAND 21 23 28 3 10 1 70 90 55 PEPPER, WHITE, “ 35 37 42 4 90 2 50 - 1 30 75 PEPPER, RED, “ 17 19 24 2 75 1 45 80 50 ALLSPICE, “ 9 11 16 1 85 1 00 60 40 CINNAMON, THIN QUILL, “ 23 25 30 3 30 1 75 95 55 CINNAMON, CHINA, “ 12 14 19 2 15 1 15 85 40 CLOVES “ 29 31 36 4 25 2 20 1 15 70 GINGER, JAMAICA, “ 17 19 24 2 75 1 45 80 50 GTNGFR AFRICAN, 11 11 13 18 1 95 1 10 60 40 MUSTARD, D. S. F., “ 20 22 27 3 10 1 65 90 55 MACE AND NUTMEGS, “ 75 77 82 9 80 5 00 2 60 1 40 BAKERS’ MACE, POWDERED 60 “ MASSAS01T” BRAND PURE GROUND SPICES. GROUND AND PACKED BY THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 65 As the value of Spice depends on its strength and flavor, in no line of goods is care in purchasing more neces- sary to obtaining good intrinsic value. Spices grown in some parts of the world are much stronger and finer flavored than those grown in other parts, and all Spices deteriorate in quality rapidly by age, particu- larly after being ground. Our Foreign Houses and connections give us facilities ■enjoyed by few houses for selecting the freshest, strongest and finest flavored Spices of the world, and our large trade enables us to distribute them before sufficient time has elapsed to allow them to deteriorate in quality to any ap- preciable extent. Our extensive machinery comprising Mills, Chaser’s Mustard Press Powders, Sifters, etc., are of the latest im- proved patterns, and Druggists who prefer to purchase Spices whole and have them Powdered, can avail them- selves of our machinery with the full assurance of their being Powdered honestly and in the best manner for the following prices: Per lb. BLACK PEPPER, lc. WHITE “ lc. RED 3c, ALLSPICE, Per lb. - lc. CINNAMON, - 2c. CLOYES. - 2c. GINGER, Per lb. - 2c. MACE, - 4c. NUTMEGS, - 4c. MUSTARD.—Our large Importations of Trieste and English, Yellow and Brown Seeds, enable us to select the choicest qualities for pressing. Our Drying Rooms expel the moisture from the Seed, putting it in the best condition for pressing. Our Mustard Press is one of the finest in the country, and we can produce Mustard equal in quality to the finest English Mustard Imported. We solicit a trial order, however small, for our E. G. Mustard. 66 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. TRADE OPINIONS. Eisele & Hogaboom, Hot Springs Drug Store, Rubinat Co. Hot Spbings, Akk., May 17, 1887. Gentlemen:—We are having splendid success in the sale of Rubinat-Condal. Our sale of it largely surpasses Hunyadi. It gives satisfaction to all who use it. Very truly, [Signed] Eisele & Hogaboom. Rubinat Co., N. Y. E. R. Wilson, Grand Rapids, Feb. 11. Dear Sirs :—The Rubinat Water has given perfect satisfaction in every case where it has been tried. I consider it the best water in the market. I will say that when once the physicians try it, they prefer the Rubinat-Condal in every case, and it is only a question of a little time when it will have a large sale here. Very respectfully yours, E. R. Wilson. Rubinat Co., N. Y. Schenectady, N. Y., March 6, 1888. Gentlemen:—We are entirely out of water, please ship at once. We predict for the Rubinat-Condal Water a large sale in the near future. Yours truly, W. T. Hanson & Co. Rubinat Co. Dr. H. W. Cole, Druggist, Danville, Va., March 6, 1888. Gents:—Please send me 1 case, 50 bottles, Rubinat-Condal Water. It sells bet- ter than any purgative water I have ; I see no reason why it should not continue to do so. Yours truly, H. W. Cole. MEDICAL OPINIONS. Opinion of SIR MORELL MACKENZIE, M. D—“ The best which exists, superior to any analogous purgative.”—London, July 4th, 1887. Extract from the Hospital Gazette, London, July 2, 1887.—“The effects of this water are all that could be desired. We cordially recommend it and predict for it an enormous sale as soon as its merits become known.” “Less distasteful and more efficient in its action than any other water I have ever prescribed.” G. M. Hammond, M. D. Trade THE KING OF CATHARTIC WATERS. Nature’s Remedy for Constipation. Palatable, Painless, Prompt. RUBINAT-CONDAL CONDAL SPRING-, SPAIN. Warranted absolutely Natural and Un- manipulated. Endorsed by the highest European and American Medical Au- thorities. The only water declared to be of “ Public Utility ” by the Spanish Gov- ernment. Its Use is Unattended by Griping. A wine-glassful will relieve Headache. Of exceeding utility in the treatment of Dys- pepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Gall-stone, Mark. all forms of skin Diseases, Corpulency, Hemorr- hoids and Apoplectic Attacks. It is especially useful in the treatment of all Gouty Disorders and Rheumatism. For ordinary family use it may be relied upon as a safe and gentle ape- rient. It does not deteriorate when uncorked. Bot- tled at the Spring in its natural state, and Im- ported in White Glass Bottles very attrac- tively Labeled: and Metal Capped. Prices on application. company, Sole Importers and Agents for the United States and Canada, No. 80 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. For Sale by THUMBEB, WHY I AND CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 67 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PATENT MEDICINES AND PROPRIETARY ARTICLES. All articles marked thus * are on so-called Rebate plan. Absorbent, Hebras’ Corn doz. $1 75 Acid, Edey’s Crude Carbolic doz. 3 00 “ Frye’s Salicylic Gran. Eff. doz. 5 50 “ Kidder’s Solution Carbolic doz. 1 75 “ “ Crude “ doz. 1 75 “ Phosphate, Horsford’s, small doz. 4 00* “ •* “ large doz. 8 00* Ague Conqueror, Green's, small doz. 3 75* “ “ •< large doz. 7 50* Aguine doz. 4 00 Alaxine, Von Tagan’s doz. 7 75 Algeaphuge, small doz. 1 75 11 large doz. 7 00 Alisma doz. 7 00 Alkethrepta doz. 2 75 Alleviator, Brigg’s Corn doz. 4 00 Alterative, Jayne’s doz. 7 60* Ambrosia, Beeves doz. 5 50 “ Bing’s doz. 6 25 “ Sterling’s doz. 8 00 Ammonia, Parson’s Household, Quarts, 2 doz. in case. doz. 2 40 “ “ •• Pints, 2 “ “ doz. 1 55 •• “ “ y Pints,3 “ “ doz. 95 Ammonia and Borax, X Pints doz. 55 Anakesis, Silsbee’s doz. 7 50 Anisette, Disbrow’s doz. 1 75 Annex, Talcott’s Magic Cure doz. 2 75 Annihilator, Hedges’ F. & A doz. 8 00 Annointment, Kilmer’s M. & O doz. 4 00* Anodyne, Grove’s doz. 1 85 “ Hunnewell’s doz. 3 50 •• Sands’ Clove doz. 1 67 “ Shaker doz. 2 75* Antidote, Horton’s Miasma doz. 10 00 “ Jeffrey’s doz. 6 75 “ Somers’ Malarial doz 8 00 Anti-Fat, Allen s doz. 11 25* Anti-Ferment, Brewer’s doz. 2 88 Aperient, Bailey’s Saline doz. 3 75* “ Close’s Tonic, small doz. 3 00 “ “ “ medium doz. 6 00 “ “ “ large doz. 8 00 “ Fish’s Saratoga, small doz. 3 75 •• “ “ large doz. 7 50 “ Frothingham’s doz. 3 75 “ Tarrant’s Seltzer doz. 8 00* Aspargo doz. 8 00 Assimilant, O. P. Brown’s doz. 7 50 Asthmaline, Taft’s small doz. 2 00 “ " large doz. 13 00 Athlophoros doz. 8 50 August Flowers, Green’s, trial size doz. 85* «• “ ** 75c doz. 5 25* Baby Sup, Weismann’s No. 1 and 2 doz. 3 50 Baciiicide Elixir, for malaria intermittent fever, neuralgia of malarial origin, and all diseases where quinine or coca is indicated, per case of 1 doz. pint bottles (less discount 10 %) 10 00 Balm, Bird’s Pile doz. 3 75 “ Brown’s (O. P.) Woodland doz. 3 50 “ Cook’s of Life doz. 7 50 “ Cooper’s Magnetic doz. 1 85 " Dill’s of Life doz. 3 50* “ Ely’s Cream doz. 3 75* “ Flagg’s Pain doz. 3 75 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. D. RANSOM, SON & CO.'S Stamtel Ppepapalsieqs, BUFFALO, N. Y. Dr. A. TRASK’S MAGNETIC OINTMENT. The old reliable remedy for all Inflammatory Diseases and Piles. Two sizes—25 and 40 cents. Dr. D. RANSOM’S HIVE SYRUP and TOLU. The well-known Cboup Cube. Be- lieves Whooping Cough, and cures Colds, Coughs, etc. Two sizes—35 and 50 cents. Dr. J. R. MILLER’S MAGNETIC BALM. A lightning specific for Colic, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diar- rhoea, and all bowel complaints. Price, 25 cents. Prof. H. ANDERSON’S DERMADOR. A liniment for the instant relief of Bleeding, Burns, Bruises, Scalds, Cuts, etc., of both man and beast Two sizes—25 and 50 cents. BE SURE YOU HAVE DR. RANSOM’S. Dr. D. RANSOM’S KING OF THE BLOOD. Fac-simile of Bottle-case front. The most thorough Purifier of the Mood yet discovered. Cures all Hu- mors, from a common Eruption to the worst Scrofula. Price, $1.00. K. B. ALL DRUGGISTS KKEP THEM, Also THURBER, WHY LAND & CO., NEW YORK CITY PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. Balm, Graefenberg's Consumptives doz. 9 00 “ Hagan s Magnolia doz. 5 50* “ Hibbard’s Circassian doz. 3 75* “ Lawrence’s Tar doz. 2 00 “ Marsden’s Pectoral, small doz. 3 75* “ “ large doz. 7 00* Miller’s Magnetic doz. 1 85* “ Phelps’Norwegian, small doz. 2 00 " “ large doz. 8 00 “ Rush’s Lung doz. 8 00 Balsam, Adamson’s Cough, trial size doz. 85 “ “ “ “ 35c doz. 2 85 “ Allen’s Lung doz. 7 00 “ Arnold’s Diarrhoea, small doz. 2 00 “ “ medium doz. 4 00 “ " large doz. 7 50 “ Becker’s Eye doz. 1 50 “ Blackman's, small doz. 3 00 • * large :.... doz. 6 00 ■ ‘ Brant’s Pulmonary doz. 7 »0 “ Brown’s (O. P.) Acacian doz. 7 50 Buchan’s Hungarian doz. 7 76 “ Cheeseman’s Arabian doz. 3 75 “ Coe’s Cough doz. 2 75 “ Dame’s Horse doz. 10 00* Denton’s doz. 1 80 “ Fitch’s Pulmonary doz. 8 25 “ Gardner’s Indian doz. 4 00 “ Gombault’s Caustic doz. 12 00* “ Hall’s Lung, small doz. 1 75 “ “ medium doz. 3 50 “ “ large doz. 7 50 “ Hanford’s, of Myrrh, small doz. 1 75 '■ “ large doz. 3 50 Haynes’Arabian doz. 1 75 “ Hermance’s Lung doz. 3 75 “ Hill’s, of Honey doz. 75 “ Hyatt’s Life doz. 8 50* “ double strength doz. 11 00* “ “ Pulmonary doz. 8 50* “ Jackson’s Magic doz. 1 50 Knapp’s Cough, small doz. 1 90 “ “ large doz. 3 80 “ K-Wren Cough, small doz 4 00 “ large doz. 8 00 “ Masta’s Pulmonic doz 5 75 “ Miller’s Healing, Family doz. 4 00 “ Horse doz. 12 00 “ Peckham’s doz. 2 50 “ Pettit’s Canker doz. 1 60 “ Porter’s Cough, small doz. 185 “ medium doz. 3 70 “ “ large doz. 5 50 “ Powell’s, Anise Seed, small doz. 5 50 “ “ “ large doz. 11 00 “ Reed & Cutler’s Yeg. Pul., small doz. 4 00* “ “ “ large doz. 8 00* “ Roman Eye doz. 1 65 “ Rush’s White Mustard, small doz. 1 75 “ •* •* large doz. 2 75 “ Sawen’s Cough doz. 3 50 “ Seabury’s Cough, small doz. 1 85 “ " large doz. 3 65 “ Stillman’s doz. 1 75 “ Turlington’s doz. 75 “ Uncle Sam’s Blackberry.... doz. 1 50 “ Well’s Throat and Lung, small doz. 2 00 “ “ “ medium doz. 4 00 “ “ “ large doz. . 8 00 “ Wing’s Oriental, 25c doz. 1 75 “ “ 50c.. doz. 3 50 “ Wistar’s, of Wild Cherry, small doz. 4 00* “ “ “ large doz. 8 00* “ Wood’s Lung doz. 6 00 “ Wyckoffs Magic, 25c doz. 1 80 " “ 50c doz. 3 60 Balsam Drops, Dame’s, small doz. 2 50* “ ‘ “ large doz. 8 00* Banisher, Upham’s Pimple. doz. 3 75 Barley, Robinson’s Patent doz. 1 10 Beans, Smith’s Bile doz. 1 50 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY 70 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. FINCH’S EMULSION — OF — PURE NORWEGIAN GOD DIVER Q\h WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES, The most Elegant, Permanent and Palatable Preparation in the Market. BEEF, IRON and WINE, MADE FROM FRESH BEEF JUICE, ARE FINE IMPORTED TABLE SHERRY WINE. FINCH’S WINE OF COCA TONIC, An elegant Preparation for Ladies and Children in delicate health. Put up in pint bottles. $6.50 per dozen. The above Goods for Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Beef, Colden’s Liquid doz. 8 50* “ S. & B. Soluble, small doz. 4 50* “ “ " large doz 9 00* “ Peptone, Jensen’s doz. 7 00 “ Peptonoids R. & C doz. 8 00 " Rosenthal’s Solution doz. 7 00 “ Rudisch’s Sarco Peptones doz. 7 00 BEEF, IRON AND WINE, T. W. & Co.’s doz. 5 40 Every dessert spoonful represents the nutritive part of two drachms of Lean Beef, with two grains of Pyrophosphate of Iron dissolved in pure Sherry., doz. 5 40 Benzine, ThUrber’s doz. 75 “ Lubin’s doz. 1 50 “ Pratt’s doz. 1 50 JBiokrene “ doz. 8 00 Bird Gravel, T. W. & Co.’s, 2 doz. in case case. 90 “ “ IT. S. Bird Seed Co.’s 40 cartons in case.. case. 90 “ “ Singer’s 5c doz. 30 “ “ “ 10c doz. 50 Bird Medicine, Globe doz. 1 00 Bird Manna doz. 1 00 Bird Seed, U. S. Bird Seed Co.’s 24 or 40 handsome cartons in case carton. 05 Biscotine, Delluc’s doz. 5 50 Bitters, Angostura ... doz. 8 00* Atwood’s.... \ doz. 1 50 “ “ Quinine Tonic doz. 8 50 “ Baxter’s doz. 1 88* “ Boker’s doz. 12 00* “ Bonnekamp Beef doz. 8 00* “ Burdock Blood, trial size doz. 85* “ “ large doz. 8 00* “ Carter’s Liver doz. 7 50* “ Coca doz. 8 00 ■“ Drake’s Plantation doz. 8 25* Electric doz. 4 00* “ Fenner’s Capital doz. 8 00 4‘ Frazier’s doz. 7 75 ■“ Graefenberg doz. 1 75* “ Green’s Oxygenated doz. 8 00 “ Hartshorne’s doz. 6 50 ■“ Hibbard’s W. C., 75c doz. 6 00 ” “ *' $150 doz. 12 00 ■“ Hoofland’s German doz. 8 00 “ Hop doz. 7 25* “ Hostetter’s doz. 8 00* “ Iron doz. 8 00* ‘ “ Langley’s, 35c doz. 3 00 ■“ " 75c doz. 5 70 “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 50 ” Malt doz. 8 50 “ Mishler’s doz. 8 00 “ Moffatt’s doz. 8 00 ■» Old Time doz. 2 75 “ Oswego, Austen’s. doz. 1 75 “ Poor Man’s doz. 1 85 “ Porter’s, 25c doz. 1 90 “ •' 50c doz. 3 80 •“ Quaker doz. 8 00* “ Red Jacket doz. 8 00* “ Richardson’s Jaundice (Dry) doz. 4 20 “ “ * Sherry Wine doz. 8 00 “ Roback’s doz. 7 50* 44 Rush’s doz. 8 25 •• Sulphur doz. 8 25 “ Vinegar doz. 7 50* “ Warner’s Safe, small doz. 3 75* “ " “ large doz. 7 00* “ Wheat doz. 8 00 Blister, Brown’s Horse doz. 6 00 “ Kendall’s “ doz. 4 00* Blood Purifier, Brown’s (O. P.) doz. 7 50 “ Howe’s Arabian doz. 8 00 “ “ Mexican doz. 6 50 “ “ Pinkham’s doz. 8 00 Blood Searcher, Lindsay’s doz. 7 50* Bloom of Youth, Laird’s doz. 5 25* Bluing, see Sundries. Bona Dea doz. 8 00 Bonkocine doz. 8 00 Bougies, Allen’s Soluble Medicated doz. 10 00* THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 72 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. Live Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers KEEP ON HAND Dr. CAMPBELLS “LIFE RENEWING ” (SAFE) Arsenic Complexion WAFERS, Indorsed by Society Women, Praised by Pretty Women, Longed for by Homely Women, Purchased by all Womankind. WHAT A FEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS WRITE: Bolton Drug Company, corner Fulton and Clinton Streets, Brooklyn, says : “Send us immediately Ten Gross your Dr. Campbell’s Arsenic Wafers ; demand large and increasing ; retail sales yesterday, $115.” William M. Dale, Pharmacist, Clark and Madison Streets, Chicago, 111., wires : “ Have you forwarded the Two Gross ordered ? Entirely out. Sold One Gross yesterday. Send Three Gross additional.” Peter Van Schaick’s Sons, Wholesale Druggists, Chicago, write ; “Send us immediately, at the best rate, One Gross your Dr. Campbell’s Arsenic Wafers.” C. F. Richards & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, San Francisco, Cal., write: “Send immediately Five Gross your Dr. Campbell’s Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Demand great. Sales rapidly increasing.” Mwy ©/ your Wholesale Drziggisi. RETAILS AT 50 CENTS AND $1.00 PER BOX. Dr. Campbell’s Safe Vegetable Liver Pills, No. 1, Mild. No. 2, Stronger, 25c. per box. Dr. Campbell’s Safe Family Liniment, 25c. per bottle. Depot: 146 West Sixteenth Street, New York. Beware of other so-called Arsenic Complexion Wafers. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Dougies, Mitchell’s Soluble Gela' ine doz. 9 00 A full supply of all kinds in stock. Broma, Baker’, % lb. Packets lb. 50 Bromidia doz. 8 00* Bromo-Chloraluin, Tilden's doz. 3 75 Bronchials, Brown’s doz. 1 40 Bronchine doz. 7 50 Buchu, Helmbold’s doz. 7 75 “ Kearney’s doz. 7 50 “ Risley’s doz. 7 50 “ Rush’s, with Iron doz. 7 75 “ Smolander’s doz. 7 50 Buchupaiba, Chapin’s doz. 9 00 Camphor, Brigham’s Aromatic doz. 1 75 Camphorine doz. 1 75 Camphor, Ice, Caswell & Hazard’s doz. 1 50 “ “ Hegeman’s doz. 1 75 “ “ “ Egg doz. 1 50 “ “ Loveland’s doz. 1 00 •' “ Requa’s doz. 75 Candy, Barren’s Worm doz. 1 50 " Bull’s “ doz. 1 50 “ Georgia •* doz. 1 50 “ Nick’s “ doz. 1 50 Capillary, Sackett’s doz. 3 00 Capsules, American Co.’s “Star” Soft. “ Castor Oil. doz. 2 00 Cod Liver Oil doz. 2 00 “ Cod Liver Oil and Iodide Iron doz. 3 00 “ Copaiba doz. 2 00 “ “ and Cubebs doz. 4 00 Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba. doz. 4 00 “ Oil Male Fern with Kamala doz. 5 00 “ “ Sandalwood doz. 8 00 “ “ Turpentine doz. 2 00 “ Dtjndas, Dick & Co.’s “ Castor Oil doz. 2 00 “ Cod Liver Oil doz. 2 00 “ “ “ and Iodide Iron doz, 3 00 “ Copaiba doz. 2 50 “ and Cubebs doz. 5 50 " Matico, Cubeb and Copaiba doz. 7 00 " Oil Sandalwood “Docuta” doz. 12 00 “ Tar, Norwegian doz. 4 00 “ Turpentine doz. 3 00 “ Empty, in 7 sizes., doz. 2 00* “ Math y Cavlus. “ Copaiba and Oil Sandal doz. 9 00 “ Copaiba, Cubebs and Oil Sandal doz. 9 OO “ All other kinds doz. 6 00 • * Pt.a v' c “ Castor Oil, No. 1 doz. 1 25 “ “ “ 2 doz. 2 00 “ “ 3.. • doz. 3 00 “ Copaiba, No. 1 (1 doz. in box) doz. 90 “ “2 (2 doz. in box) doz. 1 60 “ “ “ 3 (3 doz. in box) doz. 2 25 “ Cub. & Cop., No. 1 doz. 1 60 '• “ “ 2 doz. 2 90 “ “ “ 3 doz. 4 25 Purified Tar, No. 3 doz. 3 00 “ Oil of Turpentine, No. 3 doz. 3 00 “ Oil of Sandal, 30 in box doz. 8 00 " Norway Cod Liver Oil, No. 3 doz. 3 00 ‘ Amm. Cit. Iron and Cop., No. 3 doz. 3 50 “ Eth. Oil Cubeb and Cop., No. 3 doz. 3 50 “ Jujube Paste empty). “ (Boxes of 100 each.) “ ** No. 00 largest doz. 1 40* “ “ 0 large doz. 1 40* •• ** “ 1 med. large doz. 140* *• “ " 2 medium doz. 1 40* “ “ 3 small doz. 1 40* “ “ ‘‘4 medium small doz. 1 40* “ “ “ 5 smallest doz. 1 40* ■' Planten’s Improved French. " (Vials of 6 doz. each.) “ Copaiba Balm doz. 3 50 “ Copaiba, Oil Cubebs, Turpentine, Iron and Sarsap doz. 5 50 Oil Cop. and Oil Cubeb doz. 7 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 74 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND <&■ CO. ANSWER TO WHAT IS IT? “Ilf0yf@ BRBPS.” IT IS A tonic which restores the system to a healthy condition. IT IS A Liquid, and, as the name implies—“LIQUID BREAD”—it is food for the system. ■ I An absolutely pure Extract of Malt, and consists almost entirely of Malt Sugar, " ■ * Dextrine, being free from fatty acids, etc., and it is a splendid beverage for every- body, whether well or sick. I I Recommended and endorsed by physicians—as one of them has said from rather II I extended observation of its effects—who have become convinced of its value as a restorative and constructive in various conditions of the system, characterized by loss of appetite and impaired digestive power. The most favorable results have been obtained in cases of debility and exhaustion following acute diseases or consequent upon protractive and wasting discharges. I I An excellent appetizer: it aids digestion and should be used by all who wish to ■ ■ ■ preserve health by assisting nature. IT IS Manufactured in the most improved Scientific methods by the old Reliable House. ■ Tf* I Sold by Druggists and Grocers throughout the world. The citizens of New York ■ ■ " City and vicinity attest to its valuable merits by using from 3,000 to 10,000 dozen bottles monthly. ■ I Used extensively by mothers. The agreeable and palatable form of this prepara- * ® tion renders it particularly valuable to infant invalids and nursing women. I I «tj> A palatable preparation, the result of the highest skill and greatest experience in ■ ■ ■ the manipulation of malt, so as to convert it into a pleasant tasting tonic, a nourishing and reconstructive food, building up the system, supplanting waste by healthy nutritive matter and all this with the lowest possible development of alcohol. DAVID NICHOLSON, SOLE PROPRIETOR, St. Louis and New York. FOR SALE BY TRURBER, WRYLAJTO & CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 75 Capsules, Oil Cubeb doz. 8 00 “ Copaiba and Matico doz. 7 00 " Matico doz. 8 00 Oil Sandalwood, 1-lOth Oil Cassia doz. 9 00 “ Quebu’s. “ Copaiba, No. 1 doz. 80 “ " 2 doz. 1 50 “ “ 3 doz. 2 20 “ Copaiba and Cubebs, No. 1 doz. 1 25 “ ** “ “ 2 doz. 2 50 “ “ “ “3 doz. 3 60 “ Raquin’s, all kinds doz. 10 00 Capsulets, Dundas Dick & Co’s. '■ Copaiba doz. 1 25 “ Cubebs and Copaiba doz. 2 75 “ Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba doz. 3 50 Male Fern and Kamala, new style doz. 12 00 Capsuloids, Dundas, Dies & Co’s “ Castor Oil doz. 2 00 “ Cod Liver Oil '. doz. 2 00 Carboline doz. 8 50 Carminative, Dalby’s American doz. 1 25 " “ English doz. 7 00 “ Jayne’s, small doz. 2 85* “ " large doz. 3 80* Castoria doz. 2 80* Castorine, Baum’s (the Great Axle Oil , Quarts doz. 4 00 “ “ Pints doz. 2 25 Catholicon, Marchisi’s. $1 00 aoz. 8 00 “ “ 1 50 doz. 12 00 '• Marshall’s doz. 8 75* Caulcorea doz. 8 00 Celerina doz. 8 50* Cement, Aquarium doz. 1 75 “ Grossman’s doz. 1 20 “ Ede’s Diamond doz. 1 50 “ Fomcrook’s doz. 1 75 “ Freese’s Cementine doz. 1 25 “ Giant doz. 1 35 “ Howe’s Rubber doz. 1 75 “ Hunnewell’s doz. 1 75 “ Kay’s Coaguline doz. 1 50 “ Major’s Crockery, small doz. 1 00 “ “ large doz. 1 60 ** Leather, small doz. 75 “ “ large doz. 1 10 " “ Rubber doz. 1 00 ’• Painters’Diamond doz. 1 50 “ Royal doz. 1 80 “ Tenexine doz. 1 75 “ Van Stan’s Stratena doz. 1 25 Cerate, Weaver’s doz. 2 00 Cerealina, 25c doz. 2 00 “ 50c doz. 4 00 Charcoal, Belloc’s Vegetable doz. 7 25 Charm, Packer’s, 25c doz. 1 75 * ’ “ 50c doz. 3 50 Chlorodyne, Brown’s, small doz. 3 50 “ “ medium doz. 9 50 “ large doz. 16 00 “ •* extra large doz. 40 00 Chlorides, Platt’s doz. 3 75* Chocolate, Phillips’ Fountain, 1 lb. cans each. 60 “ “ ‘-5 lb. “ each. 2 50* Cholagogue, Osgood’s doz. 12 50* Chrysoleum, the new Liniment,50c. size, 1 doz. in case doz. 4 00 “ “ “ 25c. “ 2 “ “ doz. 2 00 Cigarettes, Bonfume doz. 1 25 “ Carlton’s doz. 1 75 •• Draper’s Cubeb doz. 1 00 “ Espic doz. 6 00 “ Kimball’s doz. 2 00 *• Lancelot’s doz. 4 80 “ Lange’s Cubeb doz. 75* “ Marshall’s Cubeb, small doz. 75 “ “ large doz. 1 85 “ Norton’s doz. 4 00 “ Perrin’s Cubeb doz. 1 10 “ Requa’s O. K doz. 1 00 “ “ R. B doz. 75 Cleaner, Jouven’s Glove doz. 1 75 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE OXLY. 76 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Cf CO. No More Colds or Pneumonias! A Little Insignificant Weed Revolutionizing the Habits 0/ the World! The Wild Period of Dissipation, Overwork, Mental Exhaustion and Broken Constitutions find a Cheek. m © >X 9 E TO THE FRONT. Weakly, Nervous Women do double' work with less fatigue on five cents’ worth a day. Genuine MOXIE has Dr. Thompson's Signature and Portrait over the Cork on a red and black ground. All other is counterfeit F IEUT. MOXIE’S DISCOVERY has been on the market 15 months. The result is the most re- 1 J markable record in the history of the country. The sale of over 5,000,000 bottles has never been equaled in the history of trade, and when it is considered that this has been done with less than Twelve Thousand Dollars’ worth of advertising there is but one conclusion—it has sold mostly on its merits. Basing an estimate on the size of its sale, use and results in the City of Lowell, we have the right to estimate that it has cured 228,000 drunkards of the liquor appetite and restored 389,000 nervous wrecks to a fair condition of health and endurance ; while that large class of rapid workers who are forced to their utmost powers of endurance, generally admit that they can stand almost double strain, with less fatigue, on five cents’ worth per day. It is generally admitted that it occupies a vast field of usefulness never filled before with a harmless remedy. It has won the favorable recognition of all classes of the people but the cynics, who cry fraud and humbug at everything, try nothing, and always give an opinion, whether they have knowledge enough to en- title them to one, or otherwise. For the benefit of such, we suggest that they write to Mrs Mary Cheney, aged 68, 18 Bleachery Corporation, in Lowell, who was given up by eminent physicians in helpless progressive paralysis. She was recovered in 15 days. Or to Angus Bell, 130 Broadway, in Lowell, who had general helpless paralysis for 20 months. The case was considered absolutely hopeless. After the use of MOXIE, he is now able to do hard muscular labor. Or to Mary Hulme, aged 67, living at 3 Union Street, in Lowell. She had complete paralysis of the left side. Is taking MOXIE ; has recovered all but the left hand. A daughter of Louis Berger, 965 Folsom Street, San Francisco, left side completely paralyzed, with loss of speech. Complete recovery from MOXIE. Or Col. H, Bowers, a very wealthy and prominent citizen, at No. 649 Clinton Avenue, Albany, com- plete paralysis of the right side after three shocks, from using the MOXIE but a short time, he is nearly recovered, writes in a clear, steady hand to me, with the hitherto helpless hand. We hereby agree with the public, to forfeit $5,000 if these statements are untrue, or exaggerated. We do this to silence this dishonest class, and stop the cry of humbug. We do not like to parade the name of a cured drunkard or lunatic before the public. Their cases are self-evident where the MOXIE is used. Remember that MOXIE only cures cases resulting from nervous exhaustion by feeding the nerves. Ir. is not a medicine or stimulant. I cannot explain why it removes the appetite for liquor, but it does. Its life-giving power is exemplified when taken in large doses, There is first a sensa- tion as of electric currents going through the nerves, followed by a solid, vigorous feeling, as after a good meal, leaving no reaction. We offer any chemist $5,000 if they can find it contains any Opium, Laudanum, Morphine, Coca, Cocaine, Arsenic, Strychnine, Iron, Nux Vomica, Quinine, or more alcohol than in wheat bread, or any other ingredient more deleterious than common bitter- root and wintergreen used in the flavoring. We print a fac-simile of our label. It will determine the genuine. I warn the public against the avalanche of fraudulent, worthless nerve foods, seeking to steal a market on the remarkable reputation of the MOXIE Some of the low groggeries and unprincipled druggists even sell their worthless home-made stuff by the glass from my old bottles. We are hunting them down. Buy only out unsealed bottle, or of a reputable dealer. I also warn the public against a dangerous recipe published and advised lor an imitation by the “American Analyist ” of New York. It contains a deadly poison. It is dangerous. Tlie MOXIE is harmless in large quantities. It is sold you to give life, not to kill. Three-fourths of the deaths in fall and winter are caused by colds. We have combined a concentrated extract of the MOXIE with a harm- less preventative. Sit in a draught an hour, get soaking wet in a rainstorm, or go perspiring from an over-heated hall into a severely cold or damp air—dissolve a MOXIE NERVE FOOD LOZENGE on the tongue and it will positively prevent a cold, and its use does not render you more liable to take cold afterwards. Is a great help to singers and speakers. Clears and strengthens the voice. For sale everywhere, at lOcts. a package of 36 ; 3 packages for 25 cents or 13 cents a package by mail. We are making a Saloon Syrup on which the retailer can make $30 35 on a case after paying for soda. Price, Bottled Moxie, X., 33 cents Quart Bottle, or $3.50 per Doz.; XX., 30 cents, or $3 a doz. Moxie Syrup, $6 per case. Both for Sale everywhere, A. THOMPSON, General Manager. General Agents, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAKD & CO. 77 Cloverine, small doz. 1 00 “ large doz. 2 00 Cocalac. Battle & Co doz. 8 00* Cocoa, Taylor’s Homceo., small lb. 40 “ Phillips’ Digestible, 34 lb. cans doz. 3 50* Cocoaine, Burnett’s doz. 7 50 Color, Hansen’s Butter, 25c doz. 1 87 “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 75 “ *' “ $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ “ “ 1 gallon cans each. 3 25 “ Thatcher’s ‘ 10c doz. 75 “ “ “ 25c doz. 2 00 “ “ ** 50c doz. 4 00 - “ •' *1 00 doz. 7 75 • • W. R. & Co.’s Butter, 10c doz. 60* “ “ “ 25c doz. 1 88* •• “ “ 50c doz. 3 75* “ “ “ $100 doz. 8 00* Colons, Sackett’s doz. 6 00 Colorific, B. & W.’s doz. 6 75 Comedone, Perry’s doz. 13 75 Comfits, Brown’s Vermifuge doz. 1 50 Comifera doz. 7 00 Compound, Clark’s A. B doz. 7 50* “ Gardiner’s Rheumatic doz. 8 00 “ German Worm doz. 2 25 “ Hayden’s Viburnum, 1 lb. bots doz. 18 00 “ “ ■* 10 oz. bots doz. 10 00 “ “ " 4 oz. bots doz. 4 75 “ Juhlin’s Hydrastin doz. 7 00 “ Lovell’s Magic doz. 1 75 “ Pinkham’s Vegetable doz, 8 00 “ Poland’s White Pine doz. 7 50 “ Van Buren’s Rheumatic, 50c doz. 3 50 “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 00 Confections, Hall’s Worm doz. 1 35 Holloway’s Worm doz. 1 50 Van Deusen’s Worm doz. 1 50 Cordial, Arnold’s Teething doz. 1 60 “ Browning’s C. & C., 25c doz. 2 00 “ “ “ 50c doz. 4 00 “ Brown’s Teething doz. 1 50* “ Fosgate’s doz. 2 75 “ Foord’s Tonic doz. 2 50 “ Godfrey’s doz. 75 “ Jacob’s doz. 7 00 McLean’s doz. 7 50 Monell’s Teething doz. 1 65 “ Scott & Bowne’s Buckthorn doz. 7 50* “ Wickes’ Asiatic, 25c doz. 2 Ou “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 75 “ Winchester’s Cough doz. 3 75 “ Wishart’s Pine-Tree Tar doz. 7 60 Cornaline doz. 1 75 Com-Kura doz. 1 65 Corallis, Taylor’s doz. 8 00 Corn Files, Japanese doz. 1 76* Corrector, Fitch’s Biliary, small doz. 4 25 “ large doz. 8 25 “ Heart, small doz. 6 00 " “ large doz. 12 00 Cosmoline, Houghton’s Camphorated, small doz. 167 3ya oz. bots doz. 2 92 “ 1 lb cans lb. 46 5 and 10 lb. cans lb. 34 Carbolized, 3)4 oz. bots doz. 2 92 “ 1 lb. cans lb. 46 “ 5 and 10 lb. cans lb. 38 “ small doz. 1 67 Cerate, 1 lb. cans lb. 60 “ 5 and 10 lb. cans lb. 38 Fluid, 3)4 oz. bots doz. 2 92 “ lib. cans lb. 60 “ 5 and 10 lb. cans lb. 38 Pomade, small doz 1 67 “ large doz! 2 92 Plain, small doz. 1 67 “ large doz. 2 92 “ lib. cans lb. 35 “ 5 and 10 lb. cans lb, 28 THE AIIOVE ERICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 78 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. ESTABLISHED SINCE THE FLOOD. MONELL’S TEETHING CORDIAL! The Mother’s Pet and the Children’s Best Friend. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Eminent medical authority like Dr. Willard Parker, of New York, and Dr. Warren Stone, of New Orleans, recommending Monell’S Teething COFdial as being the best preparation for young children in dysentery, diarrhoea, wind colic, and all diseases young children are subjected to especially while passing through the terrible ordeal of Teething, and in fact the only safe medicine to quiet and allay all pain and produce a quiet, healthy and refreshing sleep is a sufficient guarantee of its wonderful effects. Another proof of its merits is its rapid sale, which ought to be sufficient to commend it to every mother who has a child ; it is not poisonous or injurious in any way ; is Warranted perfectly Harmless, does not make the child dumb and stupid, but on the contrary, after a refreshing sleep, the child awakes fresh and vigorous, as thousands that are using it can testify. Give it a fair trial and if it meets with your expectations, inform your friends of it. for it cer- tainly is a blessing to all to see their little child relieved from all pain and suffering caused by the terrible ordeal of teething and all other pains the little ones are sub- ject to : Bowel Complaints, Dysentery, Disarrangement of the Stomach, Diarrhoea, Wind Colic, &c. Mothers who have given it a fair trial praise it in the most glowing terms. Why ? Because by using it they can sleep all night and feel well during the day by having a good night’s rest. !A guarantee given to cure, in every case. A GUARANTEE GIVEN TO CURE, IN EVERY CASE. HARMLESS, SURE AND QUICK! We have retailed at our Store 38,575 boxes of Monell's Compound Extract of Copaiba, Cubebs and Iron. Isa certain and speedy cure. Guaranteed in every case, no matter how obstinate or long standing. NO OTHER PREPARATION LIKE IT. The iron used in this preparation, combined with the other ingredients, acts like a charm in its wonderful results and has no equal; it is pleasant to take, does not impair the digestion, and gives tone and strength to the entire system. No need for injection, therefore no danger of producing stricture. j2£®-THis is no Price, $1 .OO- Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, C, E. MONELL, FIRST AVE.9 cor. HOUSTON ST.9 NEW YORK. Sent by Mail on Receipt of Price.-Established 1849. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS ONLY. A TTT'TONT This preparation is not sold in liquid or pill form. See U JL XWjLN » that you get the genuine. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Plain, 25 lb. cans lb. 24 “ 50 and 100 lb. cans lb. 22 Rose Perfumed, small doz. 1 67 “ “ large doz. 2 92 “ “ 1 lb. cans • lb. 50 * “ 5 and 10 lb. cans lb. 38 Veterinary, 1 lb. cans lb. 28 *• 5 and 10 lb. cans lb. 24 “ 25 and 50 lb. cans lb. 20 Cosmoroma doz. 4 00 Cough Bush doz. 1 75 Cream Batchelors Moldavia doz. 2 00 Curatine doz. 8 00* Curative, Brigg’s Corn doz. 2 75 Cure, Adam’s Forest doz. 4 00 “ Aunt Sally’s Cough doz. 1 25 “ “ “ Corn doz. 4 00 “ Ayer’s Ague doz. 7 75* “ Balser’s Fever and Ague doz. 8 00 “ Benson’s Asthma . doz. 16 00 “ “ Skin doz. 8 50 “ Coddington’s Soft Corn doz. 1 75 “ Coe’s Dyspepsia doz. 7 75 “ Crosby’s 5 minute doz. 1 80 “ Cumming’s Corn doz. 1 50 “ Decker’s Shakes and Malarial, 60c doz. 3 75 “ “ “ - $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Dennin’sSure doz. 11 00 “ Dillow’s Heave .. doz. 1 75 “ Donovan’s Rheumatic doz. 8 50 ' • Ellis’ Spavin doz. 7 00 “ Evory’s Diamond Catarrh doz. 3 75 Ferguson’s Quick, for Catarrh doz 4 00* “ Fowle’s Pile and Humor doz. 7 50* “ German Catarrh doz. 6 00 “ ’* C. and C.,50c dbz. 3 75 “ 75c.... doz. 6 00 Guild's G. M. Asthma doz. 8 50* “ Hall’s Catarrh doz. 5 50* “ “ Dyspepsia and Liver doz. 7 20 ‘ Hair’s Asthma doz. 27 00 “ Hermance’s Asthma doz 7 50 “ Himrod’s “ doz. 7 50* “ Howe’s Ague doz. 7 50 ‘ “ Arabian Milk doz. 7 75 “ Hoyt’s Dyspepsia doz. 8 00 “ Jayne’s Ague doz. 7 60* “ Kelley’s Corn doz. 1 75 “ Kendall’s Spavin, 50c doz. 4 00* “ $1 00.... doz. 8 00* “ Kline’s Fit doz. 8 00 “ Knapp’s Throat, 25c doz. 1 85 ” Knight’s Asthma doz. 8 00 “ Langdon’s Corn doz. 110* “ Daubach’s Worm doz. 1 25* “ Lane’s Catarrh dez. 9 50 Liebig’s Fit doz. 27 00 ’• Lockwood’s Catarrh doz. 3 25 ' * Morse’s Dyspepsia doz. 4 00 “ McMaster’s Sure doz. 1 50 “ Peek’s Asthma doz. 8 00 “ Piso’s. for Consumption, 25c doz. 2 00* “ “ for Catarrh, 50c doz. 3 75* “ Precieuse Skin (salve), $1 00 doz. 8 00 '• 50c doz. 4 00 “ Red Star Cough, 25c doz. 175 “ “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 75 “ Robinson.s Sure doz. 4 00 “ Rossman sPile doz. 3 25 “ Russian Asthma doz. 8 00 “ Sandford’s Catarrh doz. 8 25 “ Schiffman’s Asthma, 50c. doz. 3 75 “ “ ** $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Shiloh’s Consumption, 10c doz. 75 “ 50c doz. 3 50 “ '* *' $1 00 doz. 7 00 “ “ Catarrh doz. 3 50 “ Siberian Corn doz 1 00 ’• Standard Asthma doz 6 75 “ Skye’s Catarrh doz. 7 50 “ Talcott’s Magic (Pills) doz. 4 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & GO. GapI Li Jensen, SOLE ORIGINATOR OF PEPSIN in SCALES. TRADEMARKED “CRYSTAL PEPSIN.” Always give your Support and Encouragement to the Honest Inventor. Imitations have never superseded the article imitated. They furnish most positive proof of the worth of the article they counterfeit. FORMULA FOR SACCHAR. PEPSIN. Jensen’s Pepsin, i part. Sugar of Milk, 19 parts. Triturate the Pepsin by itself, and then mix with the Sugar of Milk ; if triturated together a burnt odor will be developed. From a series of experimentations with Pepsin by Francis Wyatt, Ph.D., New York, April 7th, 1888 : One grain of Jensen’s Pepsin in 12 ounces of acidulated water completely dissolved 1,200 grains of boiled veal in 4 hours and 15 miuutes. Another test upon eggs gave the follow- ing result: One grain of Jensen’s Pepsin in 12 ounces acidulated water completely dissolved 1,200 grains of hard boiled white of eggs in 4 hours and 45 minutes. Thereby proving that a doze of 2\ to 3 grains of Jensen’s Pepsin is capable of dissolving one-half dozen hard boiled eggs in a few hours, or of boiled veal, sufficient for a dinner for a grown person. The Powdered Pepsin is put up similar to the Crystal Pepsin in 1 oz., i and 1 lb. bottles. Removed to 161 WEST TWENTY-THIRD ST, NEW YORK. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Cure, Talcott’s Magic, Liquid doz. 10 00 “ Thurber’s Instant Toothache (exactly what its name implies) doz. 1 50 “ Tompkins’Pile doz. 6 00 “ Uncle Sam’s Cough doz. 1 50 '■ Upham’s Asthma doz. 3 75 “ “ Meat doz. 7 50 “ Warner’s Safe Kidney doz. 10 00* “ “ Diabetic doz. 10 00* “ Rheumatic doz. 10 00* “ Weber’s Soft Corn doz. 4 00 “ Wei de Meyer’s Catarrh doz. 8 50 “ Welling’s Headache doz. 2 00 “ Wilton’s Catarrh, 50c doz. 3 50 “ “ “ SI 00 doz. 7 00 Cuticura, 50c doz. 4 15 “ #1 00 doz. 8 25 Deadshot. Dutchers doz. 1 65 “ Emerson’s, for Horses doz. 3 50 “ Peery’s, for Worms doz. 1 65 Dentifrice, Batchelors doz. 4 00 Dermador, Anderson’s, 25c doz. 1 85 “ " 50c : doz. 3 70 Destroyer, Hutchinson’s Worm doz. 1 50 Diamond, May’s Throat doz. 1 75 Discovery, Kennedy’s Medical doz. 12 50 “ King’s New, 10c doz. 60 “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Pierce’s Golden Medical doz. 7 75 Dissolvent, Kennedy’s doz. 12 50 Downer’s Harness Oil Dressing softens, blackens and preserves harness ; water proof ; easy of appli- cation ; free from gum ; excellent for carriage- tops ; 1 doz. in case. Half-Pints doz. 1 60 Pints doz. 3 00 Quarts doz. 5 00 Half Gallons doz. 8 50 Gallons doz, 13 50 Drafts, French Spongoid, Capsicum doz. 90 Dragees, Guffroy s C. L. Oil, small doz. 6 00 “ “ “ med doz. 10 00 “ “ large doz. 16 00 Drops, American Life doz. 3 00 “ Bardott’s Worm doz. 1 75 “ Bamaby’s W. C. Cough doz, 1 10 “ Bateman’s doz. 75 “ Brummell’s Cough doz. 90 “ Hulburt’s Tracheal doz. 3 50* “ King’s Toothache doz. 1 75 “ Kirby’s Cholera doz. 1 75 Koenig’s Hamburg doz. 3 5o* Kornaren’s Pine-Tree Tar doz. 75 '• Lyon’s Periodical doz. 10 00 “ Miner’s Botanic doz. 2 75* “ Moses’ Cough, 5 lb. boxes box. 1 is* “ Norwegian Hot doz. 2 00 “ Peerless Toothache doz. 1 25* “ Pike’s “ doz. 1 75* “ Raser’s, W. C., Cough. 5 lb. boxes. box. 1 25 “ Smith’s Cough, 5 lb. boxes box. 150 “ Stanley’s Toothache doz. 75 “ Sulzberger doz. 3 50 “ Sun Cholera doz. 1 75 “ Wilson s Neuropathic doz. 3 75* “ Wishart’s Worm Sugar doz. 1 50* “ Wood’s Cough, 5 lb. boxes doz. 1 35 Dye Colors, Diamond doz. 75* Excelsior doz. 65* Handy Package doz. 75* Leamon s doz. 1 65 Star doz. 1 65 Dyes, Rich Man’s Package. Elegantly put up ; best in market. Dyes Cotton, Wool and Silk. A hand- some Ebonized Show Case, with first gross, also advertising cards with dealer’s address on doz. 65 “ “ gross 7 50 Dyspepsyn, 1 oz. bottles doz. 4 00 Electro Silicon doz. 80 Electuary, Upham’s Pile doz. 7 00 “ Wier’s doz. 8 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 82 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. EXTRACT. THIS IS THE GENUINE. Sold only in bottles with Buff Wrappers. Our around every bottle. In sickness every drop is worth its weight in gold. CAUTIOKT. Common law perfectly protects Trade-marks. Persons sell- ing any other preparation, representing that it is Pond’s Extract or the same as Pond’s Extract, render themselves liable to fine and imprisonment. PRICE LIST. Dozen. Gross. Pond’s Extkact, Small $4 00 $45 00 66 66 Medium 8 00 90 00 66 (6 Large 16 00 180 00 6 6 66 Toilet Cream 8 00 90 00 6 6 6 6 Dentifrice 4 00 45 00 6 6 6 6 Lip Salve 2 00 20 00 66 66 Toilet Soap, doz. boxes 4 00 45 00 66 66 Ointment 4 00 £5 00 6 6 6 6 Porous Plaster 1 20 12 00 66 6 6 Catarrh Bemedy.. 6 00 65 00 6 6 6 6 Nasal Syringe 2 00 22 00 6 6 6 6 Inhaler, glass 4 00 45 00 6 6 66 “ rubber.. 8 00 90 00 6 6 6 6 Medicated Paper, case, 100 pkgs.. — 12 00 Ponds’ Extract subdues and heals all kinds of Inflammation, Piles (Blind, Bleeding, or Itching), Ulcers, Old or New Wounds, Burns, Bruises, Toothache, Earache, Sore Eyes, Scalds, Sprains, Catarrh, Colds, Diarrhoea, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, etc. POND’S EXTRACT is called the WONDER OE HEALING. Used internally and externally. It is unsafe to use any other but the GENUINE with our directions. POND’S EXTRACT COMPANY, 76 FIFTH AYENUE, NEW YORK. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 83 Elixir Arthur’s, of Sulphur doz. 8 00* “ “ Sulpho Carbolate Soda..., doz. 8 50 “ Bancroft’s doz. 4 00 “ Bamaby’s Rheumatic doz. 8 00 “ Calisaya, Hazard, Hazard & Co doz. 9 00 “ “ “ Ferrophos doz. 10 50 “ “ “ “ with Bismuth doz. 10 50 “ “ “ *• “ Strychnia doz. 10 50 “ Delluc’s doz. 10 50 “ Fairchild’s doz. 8 00 “ “ “ “ Ferrated doz. 8 00 “ Phosphorized doz. 8 00 ‘ Hegeman’s New Style, 75c doz. 5 75 “ “ with Iron, New Style, 75c doz. 5 75 “ “ “ “ Old Style, $1 00 doz. 8 00 “ “ “ “ 1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Detannated doz. 9 00 with Iron doz. 9 00 “ “ and Bismuth doz. 9 00 “ and Strychnia doz. 9 00 “ Milhau’s Chalybeate doz. 8 00 “ West India Mfg. Co’s, prepared from pure Bark, unsurpassed as a Ionic, and specific for Malaria and Gen- eral Debility, pints doz. 7 00 The above, with addition of Pyro phosphate of Iron doz. 8 00 “ Down’s, small doz. 2 00* “ medium doz. 3 88* “ large doz. 7 75* “ Ducro’s Alimentary doz. 10 60 “ Hubbel’s, Val. Ammonia, 4 oz doz. 3 50 “ “ “ “ 16 oz doz. 11 00 “ Hygienic doz. 8 00 “ McMunn’s, of Opium doz. 3 35 “ Nichol’s Bark and Iron doz. 7 50 “ Phelp’s Rheumatic doz. 8 00 “ Stillman’s doz. 8 00 “ Tarrant’s Rhubarb doz. 7 50 “ Tilden’s, Iodo. Brom. Calc. Comp doz. 10 00 “ Wheeler’s Calisaya and Phosphates doz. 7 75 “ White’s Pulmonary doz, 2 00* •* “ Rheumatic doz. 8 00 “ Wyeth’s (full line) Embrocation, Rocoe’s doz. 15 00 Emollient, Todd’s doz. 1 85 Emulsion, Pancreatic, S. « “ $1 00 doz. 7 00* “ Centaur, 25c doz. 1 80* •« •* 50c doz. 3 60* “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 20* “ Dame’s Bone, 25c doz. 2 50* «* “ “ 75c doz. 8 00* “ Electro Silicon doz 4 00 “ Fitch’s Pulmonary doz. 4 25 “ “ Rheumatic doz. 8 50 “ Foster’s Bone doz. 1 80 “ Four-Fold doz. 1 60 LINIMENT, GILES’ IODIDE AMMONIA.t “ Trial Size Horse doz. 1 75 “ “ Family doz. 1 75 “ Small “ “ doz. 3 75 " “ “ Horse doz. 3 75 •• Lirge “ “ doz. 7 50 “ “ “ Family doz. 7 50 Quarts doz. 21 60 “ “ Horse doz. 21 60 tThese Liniments are the result of many years of patient toil and in- dustry ; are not counter irritants, but promote absorption, removing excrescences, bunches, tumors, enlarged joints, swollen glands. We recommend their use to our patrons, having tried them in our THE ABOVE PRICES ABE APPROXIMATE ONIT 92 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Batchelor’s Celebrated Hair Dye. ESTABLISHED) 1831. Best in tlie world. Harmless! Reliable! Instantaneous! No disappointment, no ridicu- lous tints. Remedies the ill effects of bad Dyes; leaves the hair soft and beautiful. Black or brown. Explanatory circulars sent post- paid in sealed envelopes, on application, men- Itioning this paper. Sold by all druggists. Applied by experts at BATCHELOR’S WIG FACTORY, 30 East Tenth St., New York City. BATCHELOR’S MOLDAVIA CREAM. The best Pomade in the market. Price, 25 cents ; $2.00 per dozen. BATCHELOR’S ALASKA SEAL OIL. A remarkable natural pellucid Oil, entirely free from gummy or sticky matter, designed for the use of Hair Dressers and others who desire to orna- ment the Hair. It possesses properties not found in any other Hair Beautifier in the world. Price, 25 cents per bottle ; $2.00 per dozen. BATCHELOR’S DENTIFRICE. Sound and White Teeth and a Sweet Breath are the certain results of its use. Price, 50 cents per box ; $4.00 per dozen. BATCHELOR’S CURATIVE OINTMENT. This is the only medicinal article Mr. Batchelor prepares ; and he has been induced to offer it to the public by the almost hourly demands made upon him for it by thousands of private parties who have witnessed its won- derful curative properties. Batchelor’s Curative Ointment is wholly unlike the common Salves of the day. It is not a mere compound of ingredients known to everybody, but a real discovery of new elements of astonishing healing power. For every purpose of an Ointment or Salve—from a Mos- quito bite to the deadliest burn or scald or ulcer—it is a perfect cure ; while for any skin disease or eruptions of infants and children it has no equal. It will cure a feverish “cold sore” in a single night. As stated, this remedy has become popular wholly on its merits—having been advertised chiefly by word of mouth of those who have used it and seen its effects. Price, 25 cents per box ; $2.00 per dozen. The above comprises a list of the best selling articles in the marled. Handsome Glass Signs and Advertising Matter siopplied through THURBER, WHYLAND 4 gross display boxes gross 5 25 Lustro Shoe Dressing, tor ladies’ and children’s shoes, 1 doz. in case doz. 85 gross 9 00 LYE, THDRBER’S CONCENTRATED, full weight and strength, 4 doz case. 3 10 Lewis’Powdered, 98 % case. 4 50 “ Saponifler, the original concentrated lye 3 25 “ Allen Bros., 4 doz case. 2 90 “ Smith’s, 4 doz case. 2 30 Magnesia, Calcined, Henry's, genuine doz. 9 00 “ “ Husband’s doz. 2 85* “ Citrate Granular, Bishop’s doz. 4 50 “ “ Edes’ doz. 3 00 “ “ Ellis’ doz, 3 00 “ “ Herring’s doz. 3 75 “ Morson’s.... doz. 3 00 “ “ Solution, Hazard & Hazard’s doz. 2 50 “ “ Ellis’ doz. 2 00 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 96 PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. JOSEPH F. GEISLER, PL C„ F. C. S, Analytical & Consulting Chemist Official Chemist to the N. Y. Mercantile Exchange. Chemist to the N. Y. State Dairy Commission. Chemical Research Applied to Manufacturing- Operations, Patents, etc. Valuation and of Coigmeraial aqd Technical product^ Ores, Soils, Fertilizers, Waters, Cloths, Dyestuffs, etc. Foodd, Dragd agd (Jheipald Examined ad to i^dultenation / Toxicological and Pathological Analyses. ANALYSIS OF FOOD PRODUCTS fl. SPECIALTY OFFICE AND LABORATORY, N. Y. Mercantile Exchange Building, COR. HUDSON AND HARRISON STREETS, NEW YORK. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. Magnesia, Citrate Solution, Hegeman’s doz. 2 00 “ Dunbar’s Fluid, yz pint doz. 2 00 “ “ pints doz. 3 00 “ “ “ quarts doz. 4 00 “ Murray’s Fluid, small doz. 3 50 “ medium doz. 7 50 “ “ “ large doz. 12 50 “ Phillips’, Milk of, 60c doz. 4 00* “ “ “ 3 pint bot doz. 21 00* “ Roger’s Citrate, Dry doz, 2 75 Maltine (plain) doz. 7 5o* “ with Hops doz. 7 50* “ •' Alteratives doz. 10 00* “ “ Beef and Iron doz. 10 00* “ “ Cod Liver Oil doz. 7 50* “ “ “ “ “ Pancreatine doz. 7 50* “ Cordial doz. 7 50* “ “ Hypophosphites doz. 10 00* “ “ Peptones doz. 12 00* “ Pepsin and Panceatine doz. 10 00* “ “ Phosphates doz. 7 50* “ Phosphates, Iron and Quinia doz. 12 00* “ “ “ •• Quinia andStrych... doz. 12 00* “ Phosphorus Comp doz. 10 00* “ Ferrated doz. 7 50* “ Wine doz. 7 50* “ with Pepsin and Pancreatine doz. 10 00* Malto-Cocoa •••• doz. 4 80 Malto-Viburin doz. 10 00* Malto-Yerbine doz. • 7 50* Manalin doz. 8 00* Marvel of Healing, Humphrey’s, small doz. 2 00* “ “ “ med doz. 4 00* “ “ “ large doz. 7 50* Medicina, Mrs. Woods’ doz. 4 00 Miasmine. 50c doz. 3 75 “ pints doz. 10 00 Milk, Condensed, Borden's Eagle, 4 doz, in case case. 7 35 “ Crown Brand, 4 doz. in case case. 5 85 ‘ Alderney, 4 doz, in case case. 6 75 “ Diamond, 16 oz., 4 doz. in case.... case. 5 25 “ Diamond, 8 oz., 4 doz. in case case. 3 50 " Gem, 12 oz., 4 doz. in case case. 3 50 Anglo-Swiss Co. Milk, Condensed, Prepared in Cham, Switzerland, 4 dozen in case case. 6 70 Milk, Condensed, Prepared iu England, 4 doz. in cs.. case. 6 80 “ in America, 4 doz. in cs.. case. 5 80 “ “ Milk food doz. 2 00 “ Oberholtcer’s Camphor doz. 1 85 Mincasea, small doz. 4 25 “ medium : doz. 8 50 ‘ “ large doz. 18 00 Mineroline doz. 2 00 Mixture, Aspinwall’s Tonic doz. 12 00 “ Boyd’s Cough doz. 4 00 “ Bull’s Blood doz. 7 60 “ Butler’s Balsamic doz. 7 50 “ Jayne’s Fever and Ague , doz. 7 60* “ Nott’s Diarrhoea ’. doz. 3 50 “ Rowand’s Tonic doz. 7 00 MIXTURE, DIARRHOEA. 1, 2 and 5 lb. bots lb. 40 “ *• 1 doz. 2 oz. bots. in wood bx. doz. 85 Mossoleine, Fairchild’s doz. 7 50 Mucilage, Bixby’s doz. 75 “ 2 oz. stands, 3 doz. inbox doz. 75 “ Raven, 2 oz. ** 3 ■* «• doz. 75 “ Stickwell’s No. 2 doz. 100 “ 10c doz. 75 “ The Perfect doz. 2 00 “ Stickum & Holder’s I. X. L doz. 50 " Howard’s doz. 75 Nephreticum, Bullock’s doz. 7 50 Nervine, Cadwell’s Lacteal doz. 8 00* “ Dodd’s doz. 7 75 “ Ingham’s doz. 3 00 " Richmond’s Samaritan’s doz. 12 00* ’• Warner’s Safe, small doz. 3 75* “ •• large doz. 7 00* Neuril doz. 8 00 the above prices are approximate only. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. HENRY C. BLAIR'S LIQUID RENNET, For Making in a Few Minutes DELICIOUS DESSERTS. Best and Cheapest in the Market, Always Reliable, and Warranted to Keep Indefinitely. Handsomely Put Up, Large Bottle, Elegant Lithographed Label (Registered). TRY A SMALL ORDER AND BE CONVINCED OF ITS MERITS. Monieyby Henry C. Blairs Sons, Philadelphia. Trade Supplied by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHFLAND & CO. Neurodyne doz. 8 00 Neurolease doz. 1 85 Nucta, Brown’s doz. 8 00* Nutritivium, Wagner’s (Infant Food) doz. 3 50 Nykoperia doz. 8 00 Oatmeal, see Food Products Department. Occidentals, Miller’s .* doz. 8 00 Oil, Birk’s Magnetic, small doz. 1 75 “ “ “ large doz. 3 50 “ British doz, 75 “ Carlo Croppi’s Castor doz. I 75 “ Circassian Hair doz 2 50 “ Cod Liver, Baker’s doz. 6 £0 “ “ “ Emulsion doz. 7 50 “ “ Bamaby’s doz. 8 00 “ “ Burnett’s doz. 6 50 “ “ Camm’s doz. 8 00* “ Hazard, Hazard & Co.’s doz. 6 50 “ “ Caswell, Massey & Co.’s, with Pepsin and Quinine doz. 8 00 “ De Jongh’s doz. 7 75 “ “ Dudley’s Emulsion doz. 7 50* ** “ Finch’s “ 8 oz doz. 2 75 “ “ " “ 12 oz doz. 4 50 “ “ Ford’s, with Hypo., Lime and Soda... doz. 8 00 “ “ Fougera’s Iodinized : doz. 9 00 “ ** Fry’s Emulsion doz. 7 50 “ “ Hegeman & Co.’s doz. 5 50 “ “ Inloe’s Emulsion doz. 7 50 “ “ Magee’s with Malt and Hypo doz. 7 50 “ “ McKelway’s doz. 8 00 “ “ Moller’s doz. 6 50 “ “ Nichol’s doz. 6 00 “ “ Ollifife’s, with Lime and Wild Cherry. doz. 7 50 “ “ Osmun’s and Lactophos. Lime, small, doz. 3 75 “ “ “ *• “ large, doz. » 7 50 “ “ Owen’s Emulsion, small doz. 2 00 “ " *• medium doz. 4 00 • “ “ “ large doz. 6 00 “ “ Peck s, with Wild Cherry doz. * 8 40 “ “ Phillips’, with PhosphoNulritine doz. 7 50* “ " “ plain, 50c., doz. 4 00* “ “ “ with Hypophos doz. 7 50* “ “ Powell’s, with Beef and Pepsin .... , doz. 8 00* “ “ Peptonized with Milk, R. & C doz. 8 00* “ “ " “ “ “ with Hypophos., Lime and Soda doz. 8 00* “ “ Putner’s doz. 7 00 “ “ Rogers’, 50c doz. 3 00 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 6 00 “ “ Rushton’s doz. 7 00 '• “ Sands’ Emulsion doz. 8 00 “ “ Scott’s “ with Lime doz. 7 50* “ “ Slocum’s “ 'doz. 8 00 “ “ Stewart’s, with Dialysed Iron doz. 8 00 “ “ Stiger’s Emulsion doz. 7 50 “ “ Stone’s doz. 8 00* THUKBEK’S strictly pure, In bbls. (no charge for package).... gal. 1 00 Less than bbl. (packages extra) gal. 1 00 In so-called pint bottles doz. 4 75 Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphite Lime and Soda.. doz. 6 50 “ “ Trinder’s doz. 8 00 “ “ Walker’s Emulsion doz. 6 00 “ “ White’s doz. 7 50 “ “ Wilber’s doz. 8 50 “ “ Wilson’s Carbolated doz. 7 00 “ DeGrath’s Electric, small doz. 1 50 *• “ “ large doz. 3 00 “ Fink’s Magic, 25c doz. 1 50 “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 00 ** “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Green Mountain, small doz. I 60 “ “ “ large doz. 3 20 “ Hamlin's Wizard. 50c doz. 3 62 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 25 “ Ham’s, of Gladness doz. 1 75 “ Harlem, Imported doz. 50 “ “ Sylvester’s doz. 2 75 “ Hoofland’s Greek doz. 4 00 THE ABOVE PRICES \ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. FAC-SIM1LE OE THE BOTTLE CONTAINING THE GENUINE JOHANN HOFF’S MALT EXTRACT. None Genuine without the'signatures of “JOHANN HOFF” and “ MORITZ EISNER” on the Neck of every Bottle. EISNER & MENDELSON COMPANY, Sole Agents for the U. S. NEW YORK, 6 BARCLAY STREET; PHILADELPHIA, PA., 318 & 320 RACE STREET. For Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Oil, Humphrey’s Witch Hazel doz. , 3 75* “ Indian doz. 1 75* “ Kilmer’s Indian Consumption, small doz. 2 00* “ “ medium doz 4 00* “ “ “ “ large doz. 8 00* " Klettenwurzel doz. 3 75* “ Merchant’s Gargling, 25c., Family doz. 180* *■ 25c., Horse doz. 1 80* “ 60c.. Horse doz. 3 60* “ “ “ $1 00, Horse doz 7 20* “ Page’s Arnica doz. 1 75* “ Parker’s Nipple doz. .4 00 “ “ “ with shield doz. 8 00 “ Prairie, 50c doz. 4 00 " $1 00 doz. 8 00 “ Renne’s Magic, 25c doz. 1 85 “ 50c doz. 3 75 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Roger’s Magnetic, 25c doz. 1 88 “ 50c doz. 3 50 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 00 “ Scott’s Emulsion Castor, 25c doz. 1 75* “ “ “ “ quarts doz. 8 00* OIL, SEWING MACHINE, IDEAL. In zinc oil cans, fine quality of oil, slightly per- fumed. Ideal S. M. Oil doz. 60 „ _ “ " “ gross 6 50 OIL, SEW'jVG MACHINE, THURBER’S In so called 2 oz. bottles doz. 50 “ “ I “ doz. 90 Oil, Sewing Machine, Torrey’s doz. 1 25 “ Smith’s Worm doz. 1 65* “ St. Jacob’s doz 3 75* “ Taylor’s, of Life, 25c doz. 1 75 “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 50 “ Thomas’ Electric, 50c doz. 4 00* “ “i SI 00 doz. 8 00* “ Ozone, 25c doz. 1 88 “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 75 OIL. THURBER’S TEGETABLE HAIR. Warranted purely vegetable. Nicely perfumed; handsomely put up in boxes of one doz. each . box 1 00 Oil, Vacuum, % pibts doz. 1 50* “ pints doz. 3 00* “ “ quarts doz. 4 50* Ointment, Ackerly’s Carbolated doz. 2 00 “ Adams’ Camphorated doz 2 00 “ Aunt Betsey’s doz. 1 75 " Baker’s Tetter doz. 3 50 “ Bird’s Pile doz. 3 75 “ Bowyer’s Spikenard doz. 1 60 “ Brown’s (O. P) Herbal, 25c doz. 2 00 50c doz. 4 00 “ Buchan’s Carbolic Balm doz. 1 50 “ Bunker’s doz. 2 25 “ Butt’s Imperial doz. 1 75 “ Castillion doz. 3 75 “ Continental Hoof doz. 2 00 “ Crumb’s Carbolic doz. 1 75 “ Ellis’ Hoof doz. 2 75 “ Ely’s Indian doz. 8 00 " Fenner’s Salt Rheum doz. 1 80 “ Fitch’s doz. 4 50 “ Frazer’s Magic doz. 4 00 OINTMENT, GILES’ IODIDE AMMONIA HOOF. A sure and certain Remedy for Contracted, Cracked and Hard Hoofs, Sore Shoulders, Swol- len Limbs, Galls, Burns, Grease Heels, Scratches and Mange. Small doz. 1 75 Large doz. 3 00 Ointment, Graefenberg’s Green Mountain doz. 1 75* ** Pile doz. 7 00* ** Gray’s doz. 1 50 " Hamilton’s Calif. Indian doz. 1 50* " Harris’Pile doz. 1 75 “ Haviland’s Carbolic doz. 1 75 “ Heiskell’s Tetter....‘ doz. 4 00 ** Henry’s Electric doz. 3 88* " Holloway’s Imported, 50c doz. 4 50 “ Hood’s Olive doz. 1 75* THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONII. 102 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICE LIST OF JAMES GOOD, MANUFA CTVMMM, 514, 516, 518 HURST STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SOAPS. 201 Good’s Carbolic Soap, for Toilet, in Tinfoil, with band per Gross, $13 50 203 Good’s Carbolic Soap, for Toilet, Wrapped.., “ 1200 206 Good’s Carbolic Soap, Disinfectant, in Tinfoil and Wrapper “ 12 00 0206 Good’s Carbolic Soap (Oval, not Wrapped) “ 600 208 Good’s Carbolic Urinal Soap, Wrapped “ 6 00 210 Good’s Dog Soap, Medicated “ 7 20 2x1 Good’s Animal Soap, in Tinfoil and Wrapper “ 15 00 212 Good’s Tar Soap, Medicated, in Tinfoil . “ 9 00 220 Good’s Carbolic Laundry Soap, Crude Carbolic Acid, 1 dozen in paper box, and 6 dozen in case per Doz., 1 08 221 Good’s Carbolic Disinfectant Soap, 1 lb. Bars, 36 in box per Bar, 10 223 Good’s Carbolic Horse Soap, superior to best Castile, for washing Horses and Cattle, lb., 48 to box “ 09 228 Toland’s Carbolic Toilet Soap, in Tinfoil, with Band per Gross, 9 00 230 Toland’s Carbolic Toilet Soap, Wrapped “ 6 00 232 Toland’s Carbolic Disinfectant Soap, Wrapped “ 6 00 WHALE OIL SOAP. 240 Good’s Oil Soap, in Bars, % lb. each, 48 to box per Bar, 07 Good’s Oil Soap, in Bars, 1 lb. each, 36*to box “ 09 241 Good’s Oil Soap, in Boxes, 25 lbs per Pound, 07 242 Good’s Oil Soap, in Kegs of about 100 lbs “ 06 243 Good’s Oil Soap, in Barrels of about 300 lbs “ 05 250 Good’s Carbolic Oil Soap, in Bars, % lb. 48 to box per Bar, 08 251 Good’s Carbolic Oil Soap, in Boxes, 25 lbs per Pound, 08 252 Good’s Carbolic Oil Soap, in Kegs of about 100 lbs “ 07 253 Good’s Carbolic Oil Soap, in Barrels of about 300 lbs “ 06 260 Good’s Oil Soap, combined withCarbolic Acid, Tobaccoand Sulphur “ 12 CARBOLATE OF LIME or Disinfecting Powder. 46 Good’s Carbolate of Lime, in Paper Boxes, 1 lb. each, packed one dozen in a box per Gross, 12 00 49 Good’s Carbolate of Lime, in Tin Pails, 2 lbs. each, packed one dozen in a box “ 21 00 50 Good’s Carbolate of Lime, in Kegs, each, 50 lbs per Keg, 2 00 51 Good’s Carbolate of Lime, in Barrels, about 275 lbs per lb., 02 Parties ordering one or more gross in Cans or Paper Boxes, can have their address on the Label if they so desire it. POWDERED ROSIN. 100 Powdered Rosin, 1 lb. packages per Pound, 10 101 Powdered Rosin, 5 lb. packages “ 09 The above also in Barrels and Kegs, and is warranted pure. PURE PALM OIL SOAP. 300 Good’s Palm Oil Soap, 5 Cent Size per Gross, 4 80 302 Good’s Palm Oil Soap, Bath or 10 Cent Size “ 9 00 310 Good’s Palm Oil Soap, 1% lb. Bars, 30 Bars to Case per Case, 2 70 The attention of the Trade is particularly called to this Palm Oil Soap. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. 103 Ointment, Judkin’s doz. 1 75 “ Kennedy’s Healing doz. 3 87 “ Salt Rhetim doz. 3 87 “ “ Scrofula doz. 7 50 “ Kiersted's Breast „ doz. 2 75 “ Knickerbocker Hoof doz. 7 00 “ Macqueen’s Matioo doz. 2 00 “ Marchisi’s Pile doz. 3 75 “ McAllister’s doz. 1 65 “ Miner’s Botanic doz. 1 75* “ Mott’s Hoof doz. 7 50 “ “ Magic doz. 1 85 “ Norton’s Salt Kheum doz. 3 50 ‘ ‘ Orr’s Chilblain doz. 1 75 “ Osborne’s Golden doz. 1 75* " Palmer’s Salt Rheum doz. 6 00 ’• Patt’s Veterinary doz. 9 00 “ Peck’s Indian doz. 1 75 “ Physic’s Camphor doz. 1 75 “ Pond’s Extract doz. 4 00 “ Pryor doz. 3 51 “ Ray’s Mystic doz. 1 85 “ Robert’s, or Poor Man’s Friend doz. 5 50 “ Root’s German doz. 1 75* Russell’s Itch doz. 1 75 “ Pile doz. 7 00 “ S. Rheum doz. 3 50 “ Shipman’s Carbolic doz. 1 50* “ Singleton’s Golden Eye doz. 7 50 “ Sloan’s doz. 1 75 “ Spangler’s Salt Rheum doz. 1 75* “ Stafford’s Olive Tar doz. 1 75 “ Swayne’s All Healing doz. 4 00 “ Tanner’s German doz. 1 85 '• Taylor’s Indian doz. 1 60 “ Terrell’s doz. 1 38 “ Trask’s Magnetic, small doz. 1 85* “ “ large doz. 2 90* “ Upham’s Pile doz. 6 00 “ Wauregan doz. 2 00 “ Wheaton’s Itch doz. 3 75 “ Williams’ Hoof doz. 7 50 ‘ Wilson’s Magnetic, small doz. 1 50 “ “ “ large doz. 3 00 “ Wing’s doz. 1 75 Olosaonian, Folger’s doz. 8 00 Opodeldoc, Liquid doz. 90 “ Steer’s doz. 1 00 “ Seabury’s doz. 1 85 Pads, Bay’s Kidney doz. 24 00 “ Durkee’s Liver doz. 7 50 “ Electric Liver, 50c doz. 4 00 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 8 00 “ Flagg’s Liver doz. 15 00 “ Guilmette’s French Liver doz. 12 00 “ “ Kidney doz. 13 00 “ Holman’s Liver, Regular, $2 00 doz. 16 00 “ Special, $3 00 doz. 24 00 “ Children’s doz. 12 00 “ Belt or Spleen doz. 42 00 “ Renal or Kidney doz. 16 00 “ Pectoral or Lung doz. 24 00 “ Abdominal doz. 42 00 “ Lion Malarial doz. 7 50* *' Mexican Liver doz. 3 75 “ Parr’s English doz. 15 00 “ Platt’s Liver doz. 7 50 Paedotrophine, German Infant Meal doz. 4 ( 0 Pain Killer, Perry Davis’, 25c doz. 1 80* “ “ *• “ 50c doz. 3 60* * ” $1 00 doz. 7 20* “ Paint, Wolcott’s. 50c doz. 4 00 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 8 00 “ Reliever, Marsh’s doz. 2 00 Panacea, Baker’s Pain, 25c.. . doz. 1 85 “ 50c doz. 3 75 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Hill’s Hepatic doz. 3 50 “ Graefenberg, Children’s doz. 3 50* “ Swaim’s doz. 18 00 “ Swayne’s doz. 16 00 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 104 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. Would You Like To Know What It Is? THEN WRITE TO HANCE BROTHERS & WHITE Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PHILADELPHIA, New York Office: 17 Platt St. Boston Office: 52 Bpoad St. Chicago Office: 59 Lake St. St. Louis Office: 222 Chestnut St. Pittsburgh Office: 54 Sixth St, For Full Particulars. Valuable, New and Interesting Information Sent to anyone who will mention Thurber, Whyland 4 gross lots gross 15 00 In yt gross lots gross 14 50 One gross or more gross 11 00 “ Globe doz. 1 80 “ Graefenberg doz. 1 50* “ Griswold’s. doz. 2 00 “ Hair’s doz, 9 00 “ Hamlin’s doz. 1 50 “ Harter’s Liver doz. 1 35* “ Haydock’s Liver doz. 1 75 “ Herrick’s doz. 1 50 *• Hibbard’s doz. 1 75* “ Hill’s Rheumatic doz. 1 50 “ Hobensack’s Liver doz. 1 75 “ Holloway’s Imported doz. 4 50 “ Hood’s doz. 1 50* “ Hoofland’s doz. 1 50 “ Hooper’s American doz. 50 “ “ Imported doz. 4 00 “ Howe’s , doz. 1 50 “ Hunnewell’s doz 1 50 “ Hurlburt’s Rubina Camphor doz. 3 00* “ Hutchins’ Headache doz. 1 75 “ Hunt’s doz. 2 00 “ James’ Cough doz. 2 00 “ Jayne’s Sanative doz. 1 65* “ Judson’s Mountain Herb doz. 2 00 “ Kaiser’s doz. 75 “ Kaufmann’s Sulphur doz. 1 75 “ Kendall’s Persian doz. 1 50* “ Kent’s Loxa doz. 3 75 “ Kilmer’s Prompt Parilla doz. 1 45* THE ABOVE PRICES ABE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 108 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. One Block from Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Cor. of Chambers St. and West Broadway, 1TEJW TOBK CITY. FIRST-GLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 400 GUESTS. PRICES REDUCED. One of The Best Hotels in New York for the traveling public. Centrally located and Most Economical in Brices. The Hotel is conducted on the European Plan. There is a Lunch Coun ter, with entrance on West Broadway, and Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, en- trance on Chambers Street. An Otis Elevator carries guests to every floor, rendering all rooms easy of access. Special rates to large parties of Permanent guests. Rooms, 50 cts., $1.00 per day and upwards. Rooms for two, $1.50 per day and upwards, according to size and loca- tion. Family rooms at reduced rates. First-class Restaurant at Moderate Prices. These prices are more economical than any hotel on the American Plan. IMPORTANT.—How to Reach the Cosmopolitan Hotel. If via Grand Central Depot, take cars inside depot to Chambers Street, or Elevated Railroad at Forty-second Street and Sixth Avenue to Hotel door. If via Albany or Troy Hoots, take the Eighth Avenue Cars, two blocks east, direct to door. If via Albany Day Boats or Norwich and Worcester Day Boats, take West Street Cars to Chambers Street, two blocks from Hotel. If via New Haven, Hartford or Bridgeport Boats, take Peck Slip Cars through Chambers Street to Hotel door. Gold and Stock Indicator in the Hotel. First-class Restaurant at Moderate Prices. N. & S. J. HUGG-INS, - - Proprietors. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Pills, Kingsley’s doz. 1 50 “ Laubach’s doz. 1 25* “ Laville’s Anti-Gout doz. 28 00 “ Lee’s Windham doz. 1 37 “ Leidy’s Blood doz! 167 “ Low’s doz. 1 50 “ Mason & Pollard’s F. & A doz. 8 00 “ McLane’s Liver doz. 138* “ McLean’s Universal doz. 1 25 “ Mettaur’s , doz. 2 00* “ Hoffatt’s doz. 1 50 “ Morrison’s, Nos. 1 and 2, small doz. 2 25 “ “ large doz. 3 25 “ Morse’s Indian Root doz. 1 85 “ “ Yellow Dock doz. 1 75 “ Moseley’s doz. 1 80 “ Mott’s Liver doz. 1 50 “ Mousette’s Anti-Neuralgic doz. 8 00 “ Norton’s Chamomile doz 5 00 “ Page’s Mandrake doz. 1 25* “ Parmelee’s doz. 1 50 “ Parson’s Purgative doz. 1 50 “ Parr’s Life doz. 1 75 “ Pavara’s doz. 4 00 “ Phinney’s doz. 1 50 “ Pierce’s Purgative Pellet’s doz. 1 50* “ Pine doz. 2 00 “ Pinkham’s doz. 1 75 “ Porter’s . doz. 1 50 “ Rad way’s doz. 1 50* “ Rabuteau’s, of Iron doz. 8 00 “ Restieaux doz. 185 “ Richmond’s doz. 4 00 “ River’s doz. 1 60 “ Roback’s 8. C doz. 1 35* “ Roger’s Liver doz. 1 75 “ “ Headache doz. 1 75 “ Rush’s doz. 1 50 Schenck’s doz. 1 50* “ Scovill’s doz. 1 50 “ Seller’s Plain doz. 1 50 “ “ S C. doz. 1 50 “ Selleck’s doz. 1 25 “ Shaker’s doz. 2 00 “ Shallenberger’s doz. 7 50 “ Sharpe’s Dyspepsia doz. 7 50 “ Shaw’s doz. 3 75 “ Sholl’s F. & A » doz. 3 50 “ Simmons’ doz. 1 58* “ Soule’s doz. 1 37 “ Spalding’s Cephalic doz. 1 65 “ Spangler’s doz. 1 75* " Spiegel’s doz. 1 45* “ Spencer’s doz. 1 75 “ Strickland’s doz. 1 75 “ St. Bernard doz. 1 75 “ St. John F. & A doz. 6 50 “ Strong’s Sanative doz. 1 62 “ Stomach doz. 1 62 “ “ Pectoral doz. 1 62 “ Swaim’s doz. 2 00 “ Swayne’s doz 2 00 “ Talcott’s “ Garden Queen” doz. 7 50* “ Taylor’s Mandrake doz. 1 35 “ “ bottles, 500 pills doz. 18 00 “ Thompson’s Dandelion and Mandrake doz. I 75 Tree of Life doz. 1 75 “ Todd’s doz. 1 50* “ ToplifFs doz. 4 00 “ Townsend’s doz. 1 50 " Trowbridge’s Dandelion doz. 1 75 “ Turner’s Neuralgia doz. 7 75 “ Tutt’s Liver doz. 1 50* “ Velpaus.... doz. 6 50 “ Warner’s Safe doz. 140* “ Wells’May apple, 10c doz. 75 “ “ ' 25c doz. 1 75 " “ Brain and Sexual doz. 18 00 “ West’s Liver doz. 1 50 “ Wilson’s doz. 1 50* “ Winchester’s Specific doz. 8 00* “ Wing’s doz. 1 75 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND CO. IP OH/ THE) BLOOD A PERFECTLY WELL MAN AGAIN. Savannah, Ga., January 8, 1887. I had a thoroughly developed case of contagious blood poison. My physician tried a month to cure me, but did me no good. I then went to my father, who at once told me to take S. S. S. He got a dozen large bottles. They did me a great deal of good and I got more. After using the medicine a short time I was entirely cured, and am to day a perfectly well man. C. W. Langhill. Mr. W. Daley, No. 35 Sands street, Advertising Agent of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, writes : “Inflammatory rheumatism swelled my legs and arms to twice their natural size. I suffered excruciating pain. Your won- derful S. S. S. made a complete cure.” I have suffered with scrofula for thirty years, and plagued with erysipelas of the head and face. I tried everything that medical skill could suggest, but found no relief. At the suggestion of Dr. C. W. Parker I took Swift’s Specific. I have so much improved that my best friends hardly know me. It is a wonderful medicine. It has restored my little boy, Willie White, to perfect health. Mks. J. J. White. Bremen, Ga. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Drawer No. 3, Atlanta, Ga. 756 Broadway, New York. 35 Snow Hill, London, E.C., England. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & Pills, Wishart’s Dyspepsia doz. 7 00 '• Wright’s Indian Plain doz. 1 40 “ “ “ 8. S doz. 1 50 Pilules, Moore’s doz. 3 50* Pinos, Buckland’s doz. 8 00 Plasters, Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s Porous. In Rub- ber Combination, quality guaranteed. Packed 2 doz m box, 5x7>£ inches. “ Arnica, Capsicine or Poorman’s doz. 90 “ Aconite doz. 1 10 “ Belladonna doz. 1 00 “ Capsicum doz. 80 “ Strengthening doz. 60 “ In Rolls, 7 inch by 1 yard, plain or porous. In tin boxes. “ Aconite, | Arnica, Belladonna, Blister or Capsicum roll 55 “ Strengthening, 7 inch by 1 yard roll 40 “ “ 5 “ “ roll 28 “ Mustard (never porous), 6 inch by 1 yard.... roll 25 “ Court, “Balsamic,” 3 colors in each tablet., doz. 20 “ “Elegant,” 3 colors in each tablet., doz. 40 “ Corn, boxes 12 plasters each doz. 75 “ Bunion, boxes, 6 plasters each doz. 80 “ Mustard Leaves, 3 in pkge doz. 1 00 These plasters may be returned at our ex- pense if not in every respect equal to any on the market. “ Alicock’s Porous doz. 1 15 “ “ 5 yard rolls each 5 50 “ Ashley’s Electric doz. 1 75 “ Benson s Capcine doz. 1 75* “ Brandreth’s Capsicum Porous doz. 1 20 “ Carter’s 8. & B doz. 1 37* “ Coddington’s Capsicum, yards doz. 6 00 “ Collin’s Voltaic doz. 1 85 “ Crew’s Mustard, No. 1 doz. 75 “ “ “ No. 2 doz. 88 " No. 3 doz. 1 00 “ “ “ No 4 doz. 175 “ Desnoix’s Adhesive, yards doz. 1 50 ** “ 5 yd. rolls each 1 25 “ Fougera’s Mustard, No. 1 doz. 2 40 " No. 2 doz. 2 40 “ Hamburg Koenig’s.. doz. 1 75* “ Herrick’s doz. 1 10 “ Capsicum doz. 1 10 “ Perforated doz. 1 10 “ Holloway’s Arnica, small doz. 1 00 “ “ med doz. 1 50 “ “ large doz. 2 00 “ Holman’s Body doz. 1 75* “ “ Foot doz. 1 75* “ Holmes’Mustard, large doz. 2 50 “ “ small doz. 1 25 “ Hop Porous doz. 1 75* “ Hurd’s Neuralgia doz. 85 “ Husband’s Isinglass, yard rolls doz. 6 50 “ Littlefield’s “ “ “ doz. 3 25 “ Robbins’ “ “ “ doz. 6 00 “ Morehead’s Magnetic doz. 1 85 “ Pond’s Extract doz. 1 12 Rigollot’s Mustard, in rolls doz. 2 50 “ Square, 10 in box doz. 2 00 “ SEABURY & JOHNSON’S. “ Arnica, No. 2 Kid doz. 1 25 “ “ Cloth, 1 yard rolls yard 60 “ " Porous doz. 1 00 “ Belladonna, U. S. P., No. 2 Kid doz. 1 50 “ “ Cloth, 1 yard rolls yard 60 “ Porous doz. 1 13 “ Mustard, 1 yard rolls doz. 2 50 “ K yard rolls doz. 1 75 “ Poor Man’s, No 2 Kid doz. 1 25 “ “ Cloth, 1 yard rolls yard 60 “ Porous doz. 80 “ in 1 yard rolls doz. 3 50 “ “ Wyckoff’s doz. 70 “ Strengthening, in 5 yard rolls roll 1 35 “ Warming, No. 2 Kid doz. 1 50 “ Cloth, in 1 yard rolls yard ' 60 “ Porous doz. 1 25 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 112 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. B.S. FAHNESTOCK (Late of B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO.) No. 1241' LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburg, Pa., SOIjE PMOPMIETOM B. L. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. The Original B. L. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, the Great Worm Destroyer of the Nineteenth Century. DR. R. A. WILSON’S Tonic, Anti - Dyspeptic and Headache Pills. B. L. FAHNESTOCK’S LUUG SYUUP. Pre-eminently the Cough Cure of the Day. SURE and SPEEDY. Pleasant to the taste, and once sold will be called for again. A Sure Cure for Headache of all kinds, no matter what the cause. L. & J. MICHAELIS, IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS OF Essential Oils and Fine Drugs, VANILLA BEANS, LIQUORICE, l&C., No. 14 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. Sole Agents in the United States fop CLAUDE, RAYNAUD & CO., Grasse, France, AND IGNAZIO BILES, Manufacturer of Oil of Bergamot, Lemon & Orange, RECCIO Dl CALABRIA, ITALY. Note.—Eeggio di Calabria is the only part of Italy in which Oil Bergamot is produced and manufactured. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. Plasters, Thapsia, Desnoix’s doz. 7 50 Wells’, small doz. 1 25 “ “ medium doz. 1 67 “ “ large doz. 2 25 Plugs, Lange’s doz. 75 Podagogue doz. 7 50 Polish, Bro. Jonathan’s Furniture doz. 2 25 “ Brown’s Glass doz. 1 50 “ Close’s Poningoe doz. 1 75 “ Dixon’s Stove doz. 55 “ “ “ gross 5 25 “ Griswold’s “Best” Stove, is a polish of the finest quality, same size as Dixon’s, and equal in quality to any manufactured, X gross boxes gross 4 75 “ Star Paste, X gross boxes gross 5 50 “ Gem Stove doz. 50 “ Houchin’s Starch doz. 1 00 “ Rising Sun Stove doz. 50 “ Raven Shoe doz. 2 00 “ Thurber’s Linen Gloss Starch, 1-lb. cakes, 5-lb. cartons lb. 30 “ Thurber’s Linen Gloss Starch, 12 tablets in box, 12 boxes in carton carton 1 00 “ Starch, Linen Gloss, small doz. 1 00 Pomade, Putz, Trumpet brand, small doz. 35 “ “ “ “ large doz. 75 “ “ “ “ pounds doz. 5 00 Pond’s Extract, small doz. 4 00 “ “ medium doz. 8 00 “ “ large doz. 16 00 “ “ Toilet Cream doz. 8 00 Dentifrice doz. 4 00 “ “ Lip Salve doz. 2 00 “ Toilet Soap doz. bxs. 4 00 “ Ointment doz. 4 00 “ “ Porous Plaster doz. 1 20 “ “ Catarrh Remedy doz. 6 00 “ “ Nasal Syringe doz. 2 00 “ Inhaler, Glass doz. 4 00 “ Rubber doz. 8 00 “ Medicated Paper case, 100 pkgs. 12 00 Powder, American Fruit-Preserving, small doz. 2 00 “ " large doz. 8 00 “ Campbell’s Anti-Bilious doz. 88 “ Carson’s Cleaning doz. 1 75 “ Clark’s Salvation doz. 7 50 “ Clotworthey’s Chicken doz. 1 65 “ Condition, Alden’s doz. 1 50 “ Barber’s Red Horse, small doz. 1 50 “ *• “ large doz. 3 00 “ Barker’s H. & C doz. 1 35 “ Dale’s doz. 1 50 “ Dillow’s Heave doz. 1 75 “ Dixon’s doz. 8 00 “ “ Foutz’s doz. 1 25* “ Fronfield’s doz. 1 50 4‘ GILES’ IODIDE AMMONIA HORSE AND CATTLE. We especially recommend Giles’ Iodide Ammonia Horse and Cattle Powder, for curing Foot and Mouth Disease, Distemper, Broken Wind, Heaves, Rough Coat, Weak Loins and Kidneys. It purifies the blood, neutralizes Blood Poisoning, expels worms, and pre- vents difficulty in staleing ; an occasional dose will keep the stock healthy and in good condition. 1 dozen in box doz. I 50 X gross boxes gross 15 00 X gross boxes gross 14 50 1 gross boxes gross 14 00 “ Condition, Grant’s doz. 1 75 “ Harvell’s, small doz. 1 50 “ large doz. 3 00 Lehigh Cattle dOz. 1 50 “ Miller’s doz. 1 50 “ “ Punderson’s doz. 1 50 ‘ Sawen’s doz. 1 75 “ Sheridan’s doz. 1 50 ‘ ■ Sloan’s, small doz. 1 25 “ large doz. 2 50 '■ Starin’s doz. 1 35 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLI. 114 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHVLAND 6f CO. IMPROVED ROOT BEER. PACKAGE, 25 CENTS. Every Storekeeper should keep them in stock, the best selling and most satisfactory article to handle, because it gives universal satisfaction. EVERYBODY LIKES IT. Don't Fail to Include a Supply in your Next Order. HIRES’ IMPROVED ROOT BEER Packages have proven to be exactly as represented, and we take pleasure in offering it, confident its superior excellence will com- mend it to your customers as the best selling and most satisfac- tory article of the kind sold. You may rely upon having an early and active demand for it. You run no risk in keeping a large stock, because it is being thoroughly advertised by newspapers, magazines, signs, picture books, beautiful cards and banners, circulars, &c., &c., which alone will guarantee you a large sale. WHOLESALE PRICE, WITH ADVERTISING MATTER, $1.75 per Dozen, $5.00 per Quarter Cross, $20,00 per Cross. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 115 Powder, Danzinger’s Fever doz 8 00 “ Decker’s Vegetable doz. 1 75 “ Going’s Colic doz. 8 00 “ “ Cough doz. 8 00 “ “ Tonic doz. 8 00 “ Gouraud’s Depilatory doz. 8 00* “ Grimault’s Guarana doz. 8 50 “ Hopkin’s Healing, small doz. 3 75* “ “ “ large doz. 7 50* “ Insect, Costar’s doz. 1 50 “ “ Henry’s doz. 1 50 “ “ Isaacson’s doz. 1 50 “ ■* Knowles’, 25c doz. 1 75* “ " “ 50c doz. 3 50* “ “ •’ $1 00 doz. 7 00* “ Lyon’s doz. 1 80* “ Sholl’s doz. 1 75 “ INSECT. Is ground especially for us from selected buds and half-opened flowers only, and has no equal in settling the bug and insect question. “ Thurber’s True Persian, in bulk lb. 65 No deviation in price on this brand in any question. “ True Persian, in 2 oz. sprinkling cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 1 30 “ True Persian, in oz. sprinkling cans, 1 doz. in box doz. 2 00 “ Ideal Insect, in guns ready filled doz. 140 “ Dalmation Insect, in bulk lb. 55 Powders, Seidlitz, U. S. P. full weight and absolutely pure, in boxes of 12 powders eaoh doz. 2 40 “ Baking, see Index. “ Soda doz. 1 50 “ James’ (Kiddles) doz. 16 00 “ Kidder’s Carbolic Disinfecting doz. 150 “ McNevin’s Diarrhoea doz. 1 75* “ Moore’s Soothing doz. 2 00* “ O’Gorman’s Worm doz. 1 75 Spencer’s Positive and Negative doz. 7 50 “ Stafford’s Iron and Sulphur doz. 7 00 “ Stedman’s Teething doz. 3 50 “ Steedman’s Soothing doz. 4 50 “ Thompson’s Fever and Ague doz. 6 00* “ Sweet Worm doz. 1 75 “ Tiffany’s Plate doz. 5 00 “ Upham's Depilatory doz. 7 50 “ Weber’s Cold in the Head doz. 1 75 Prairie Weed, Kennedy’s doz. 7 50 Prescription, Pierce’s Favorite doz. 7 75* Prunes, Smith’s Medicated doz. 4 00 Psychine doz. 27 00 Psychaline doz, 8 00 Queen’s Toilet, Fitch’s doz. 8 50 Quinelixir, Baker’s doz. 6 50 Quineptus doz, 6 00 Racahout, Delangrenier’s doz. 10 50 Raticide doz. 75* Recipe, Wolfe’s New doz. 2 00 Regulator, Imperial Hair, small doz. 12 00 “ “ ‘ large doz. 24 00 “ Arnold’s Infantile doz. 1 75 “ Bradfleld’s Female .* doz. 8 00* “ Emerson’s Bowel doz. 6 00 “ Graves’Heart doz. 8 50* “ Simmon’s Liver, dry, 25c doz. 1 88* “ “ liquid, 50c doz. 3 75* “ “ “ dry, *1 00 doz. 7 50* “ “ •• liquid, $1 00 doz. 7 50* “ Wood’s Liver doz. 7 50 Relief, Bartholic’s Mother’s doz. 15 00 “ Davis’ Home, 25c doz. 1 75* << <* *< 50c doz. 3 50* “ Fenne’s Golden doz. 2 00 “ Flagg’s Instant, 50c doz. 3 75 “ “ “ $1 00 doz. 7 50 “ Mingay’s Magic doz. 2 50 “ Radway’s Ready, 50c doz, 3 70* “ <• “ $1 00 doz. 7 50* “ Read’s Asthma, 50c doz. 3 25 “ •* “ $1 00 doz. 6 50 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONE!. PRICES CURRENT,\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. A. McELRATH, Manufacturer of WARD’S HORSE AND CATTLE SPICE, 389 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. Used now twenty years by the largest Railroads, Express and Livery Stables in the States for putting and keeping their Horses in condition. For Coughs, Colds, Worms, loss of Cud, Appetite or General Debility nothing better. ESTABLISHED 1868. SECURED. To Too liad from Feed, or Drug Stores. Prices, $24 per Gross, put up in 2, 3 and 6 doz. cases, with Show Card and Circulars in each Case COPYRIGHT PRICES CURRENT! THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 117 Relief, Taft’s Sure, 25c doz. 1 75 “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 50 “ William’s Magnetic doz. 1 80 Remedy, Acker’s English, 10c doz. 75 “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 50 “ •• “ $100 doz. 7 00 “ Albert’s Rheumatic doz. 8 00 “ Barrett’s St. Vitus Dance doz. 30 00 ‘ Briggs Pile doz. 5 00 “ “ Throat .... doz. 4 00 *• Caldwell’s Dyspepsia doz. 7 00 “ Champlin’s Worm doz. 3 75 “ Coddington’s Soft Corn doz. 1 75 “ Cole’s Rheumatic doz. 4 00 “ Constitutional Catarrh doz. 7 50 “ Darley’s Heave doz. 1 50 “ De Bing’s Pile doz. 8 00 “ Draper’s Toothache doz. 85 “ Durang’s Rheumatic doz. 7 25 “ Rather Matthew’s doz. 8 50 “ Fenner’s B. & L doz. 7 50 '• Fish’s Pile doz. 8 00 “ Fitter’s Rheumatic doz. 9 50 “ Freligh’s doz. 7 50 “ Goodale’s Catarrh doz. 8 00 “ Graefenberg’s Pile doz. 7 00* “ Green’s Corn doz. 1 75 “ Hair’s Bronchial doz. 16 00 “ Hall’s Catarrh doz. 3 75 “ Harper’s Cough doz. 1 75 “ Hunnewell’s Cough, small doz. 1 75 " “ “ large doz. 3 50 “ Hunt’s Kidney, small doz. 6 50* “ “ “ large doz. 10 00* “ Kennedy’s Favorite.. doz. 8 00* “ Kilmer’s Female doz. 8 00* “ “ Complete Female doz. 18 00* “ “ Ocean Weed Heart doz. 8 00* “ Langell’s Asthma doz. 7 50 “ Madame Ely’s Pile doz. 7 75 “ Metcalfs Rheumatic doz. 8 00* “ Miller’s Asthma doz. 16 00 “ Packard’s Scrofula, $1 00 doz. 8 00* “ “ “ 1 50 doz. 12 00* “ Pardee’s Rheumatic doz. 8 00* “ Peckham’s Scrofula doz. 7 00 “ Popham’s Asthma doz. 6 50 “ Rush’s Female doz. 16 00 “ Sage's Catarrh doz. 3 40* “ Sanford’s Heave doz. 8 50 ‘‘ Seeley’s •* doz. 3 75 “ Senior’s Asthma doz. 4 00 “ Shoshone’s doz. 8 00 “ South American Fever and Ague doz. 8 00 “ Stinson’s Asthma doz. 18 00 “ Strickland’s Pile doz. 7 50 “ Townsend’s Hay Fever, small doz. 4 00 “ “ “ large doz. 12 00 “ Van Deusen’s Ready doz. 2 00 “ Velpau’s doz. 3 50 “ Walter’s Corn doz. 1 65 “ Whitcomb’s Asthma doz. 11 50 “ Westervelt’s F. & A doz. 8 00 “ Williams’ Asthma doz. 5 50 “ Wilson’s Consumption doz. 18 00 “ “ Radical doz. 7 60 “ Wing’s Corn doz. 1 75 “ WyckofFs Natures doz. 1 75 Remover, German Corn doz, 1 50* “ Hind’s doz. 1 50 Renewer, Well’s Health doz: 9 00 “ lVilson’s Blood, 50c doz. 4 00 “ “ “ $1 00 doz: 7 50 Rennet, Blair’s doz. 1 50 “ Leslie’s doz. 2 00 “ Shinn’s doz. 1 50 “ Wyeth’s doz. 1 67 Renovator, Kerr’s System doz. 7 75* “ Smith’s Green Mountain doz. 7 50 Respirators, Hinman’s.. doz. 1 88 Resolvent, Cuticura doz. 8 25 “ Radway’s. doz. 7 50* THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 118 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. LEO BERNARD & CO., IMPORTERS OF French Fruit Glaces FINE DRUGS, MUSK, VANILLA BEANS, ESSENTIAL AND FRUIT OILS, &C, For Druggists and Confectioners. NEW YORK, ‘ " PARIS, 228 Pearl Street. 117 Brd. Richard Lenoir. SPECIAL—EXTRACT OF LEMON. Sold only in Fifty gallon Barrels, .... per Gallon, $4.00 We will send PRE PAID, on receipt of $4.00, One Gallon Extract Lemon, either SOLUBLE for Bottlers only, or tlie Regular for Family Use, AS A SAMPLE. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Restorer, Allen’s Hair doz. 10 00 " America Hair doz. 8 50 “ Barrett’s Hair doz. 6 00 “ Broughton’s Manhood, 50c doz. 4 00 '* “ " $1 00 doz. 8 00 “ “ “ 2 00 doz. 16 00 • ‘ Creole Hair doz. 6 50* “ Electric Health, small doz. 3 00 “ “ ** large doz. 6 00 “ Gallaudet’s Hair doz. 6 00 “ Gray’s “ doz. 7 50 “ Hiawatha “ doz. 7 00 “ Kline’s Nerve, small.... doz. 8 00 “ “ large doz. 16 00 “ Knowles’ Hair doz. 7 20 “ Martha Washington Hair doz. 6 50 “ Massasoit “ doz. 3 50 “ Mexican ** doz. 8 00 “ Montgomery’s “ doz. 7 25 “ Nature’s “ doz. 5 75 “ Owen’s •* 25c doz. 2 00 “ 50c doz. 4 00 “ “ “ 75c doz. 6 00 “ Bossetter’s “ doz. 4 50 “ Kush’s “ doz. 8 00 “ Scoville’s Circassian “ doz. 6 00 “ Shephard’s Song doz. 1 80 “ Walnut Leaf Hair doz. 7 00 Kevalenta, Du Barry’s, small doz. 8 00 " large doz. 15 00 Revivum. Morse’s doz. 4 00 Rheumatine and Goutaline, small doz. 8 00 " ** large doz. 12 00 Bock Rose, Myer’s doz. 7 75 Boot Beer, Hire’s, in packages doz. 165 Rosadalis doz. 8 00 Bough on Corns, 15c doz. 1 00 “ “ ** 25c doz. 1 50 “ “ Coughs (Balsam), 25c doz. 2 00 “ “ " “ 50c doz. 4 20 “ $1 00 ... doz. 9 00 “ “ “ (Troches),15c doz. 100 “ “ “ « 25c doz. 1 75 “ “ Rats, 15c doz. 1 00 “ “ “ 25c doz. 1 50 “ “ Toothache, 15c doz. 1 00 “ “ “ 25c doz. 1 50 BYE AND ROCK, see Liquor Department. Sagwa, Indian doz. 7 50* Salicylates, Schlumberger’s doz. 8 00 Salicylica, Washburn’s doz. 7 50* Salicyline, Brown’s doz. 3 75* Saline, C. M. & Co.’s Grape doz. 6 00 “ Lamplough’s Pyretic doz. 10 50 SAL MUSCATELLE doz. 8 00 Special price on gross lots. Salt, Ball’s Digestive doz. 1 75 “ Briggs’Sea doz. 4 00 “ CONEY ISLAND SEA.—For a Sea Bath at home. Recommended by Physicians. Invaluable for Children or Adults doz. 75 “ Ditman’s Sea, 2 lb. boxes, 25c doz. 1 65 6 lb. “ 50c doz. 3 25 “ “ “ 141b. “ $100 doz. 6 50 “ “ '* 25 lb. *• 1 50 doz. 13 50 “ “ “ 501b. “ 2 50 .. doz. 2100 “ Eno’s Fruit doz. 10 00 “ Holman’s Absorption doz. 1 75* “ Hubbell’s Sea .. doz. 3 25 “ Lemon doz. 75 “ Seller’s Sea doz. 2 00 “ Tidman’s Sea. doz. 5 50 “ N ATROLITHIC.—A perfect substitute for the Natrolithie Water, and a remedy that can be used in its stead, with the addition of water.. doz. 4 50 Salts, Carlsbad Genuine, % lb. bottles doz. 5 50 “ “ “ lb. “ doz. 11 00 “ Crab Orchard, Alb. ” doz. 2 00* “ “ )4 lb. “ doz. 4 00* •* “ 1 lb. “ doz. 8 00* Salve, Adams’ Golden doz. 1 75 “ Becker’s Eye doz. 1 50 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. ROYAL TOOTH POWDER. The Finest in the Land! FORMULA BY A FAMOUS BOSTON DENTIST. Elegantly put up in Highly Polished Hardwood, RETAILS FOR 25c. PRICE, $1.50 PER DOZEN. Quantity Discount. Freight or Express paid to any Address. Dealers it will pay you to carry this in stock, the boxes make a hand- some show on shelf or counter. It sells itself, and when once used always used. Boston Mailing Box Co., selling agents, 35 and 38 CENTRAL WHARF, BOSTON, MASS. Also Mailing Boxes for Liquids, All Sizes, Approved at Washington, Very Light, 1 to 5 Cents Each. Chas. Cooper & Co., MANUFACTURING Chemists & Importers, 194 WORTH STREET, Wear Chatham Square9 WJEW YOMJK. Chemicals, Medicinal, Photographic and for the Trades. WORKS -AT NHWARK, 3ST. J. Liquefied Carbonic Acid for Soda Water and Beer. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND CO. 121 Salve, Black doz. 75 “ Blackman’s doz. 1 25 “ Brandin’s Anti-Rheumatic doz. 1 75 “ Bucklen’s Arnica doz. 1 75 “ Coddington’s Olive doz. 1 75 “ gross 18 00 “ Dailey’s doz. 1 85* " “ Horse doz. 3 70* “ Doney’e doz, 1 75 “ Duncker’s doz. 2 50 “ Dunton’s Fir Balsam doz. 100 “ Dyer’s Witch Hazel ; doz. 1 75 “ Edwards’Welch Corn doz. 1 50 “ Fenner’s Eye doz. 1 50 “ Filkin’s Red doz. 1 50 “ Fisher’s Eye doz. 2 00 “ Grace’s doz. 1 50* “ Griswold’s doz. 1 60 “ Hamilton’s Eye doz. 1 38* “ Hanson’s Corn doz. 85* “ Hardy’s doz. 1 50 “ Harris’Pile doz. 1 75 “ Hemlock’s Sweet Clover doz. 1 50 “ Henry’s Carbolic doz. 1 67* “ Hibbard’s doz. 1 75* “ Mitchell’s Eye doz. 1 25 Meyer’s doz. 1 75 “ Norman’s Foot doz. 1 75 “ Page’s Climax doz. 1 85 “ Peleg White’s, small doz. 75 “ “ “ large doz. 1 75 • Pettit’s Eye doz. 1 50 •• Phoebe Baker’s doz. 1 65 “ Pike’s Centennial '. doz. 1 75 “ Raymond’s Arnica doz. 1 25* “ Redding’s Russia doz. 1 85 “ River’s doz. 1 35 “ Sanford’s Magic doz. 1 50 “ Sawyer’s, Miss, 25c doz. 1 75 “ “ “ 50c doz. 3 75 “ Smith’s Magnetic doz. 1 50 “ Stephen’s Eye doz. 1 50 “ Sterling’s doz. 1 50 “ St. Joseph’s doz. 1 5Q “ St. Nicholas’ doz. 2 00 •* St. Patrick’s doz. 1 50 “ Van Sicklen’s doz. 1 75 “ Woolley’s doz. 1 00 “ Wyckoff’s Magic Sticking doz. 90 Salvreen doz. 1 75 Sapajo doz. 6 50 Sapanule, 25c doz. 1 75 “ 50c doz. 4 00 “ $1 00 doz. 8 00 Sapolio, Hand, small doz. 60 “ “ large doz. 87 “ “ Kitchen doz. 85 Sarcopeptones, Rudisch’s doz. 7 00 Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s doz. 7 75* •• Bristol’s doz. 9 50 “ Bull’s, AH doz. 6 00 “ “ John doz. 7 75 “ Corbett’s doz. 8 50 “ Dennis’ ..doz. 8 00 “ Fenton’s doz. 7 50* “ Graefenberg’s doz. 7 00* “ Guysott’s and Y. Dock doz. 7 75 “ Hood’s doz. 8 00* “ Rush’s and Iron doz. 7 75 “ Sand’s doz. 8 00 “ THURBER’S.— A Compound Extract of Sar- saparilla, with Iodide of Potash. Purifies the blood, cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ul- cers, Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, and the diseases which follow the imprudent use of mercury doz. 7 00 ... .gross 75 60 ' ‘ Townsend’s, Jacob doz. 8 50 “ “ S. P doz. 8 50 “ Tutt’s doz. 7 50* “ Wheeler’s doz. 8 00 SCHNAPPS, see Liquor Department. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 122 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. ROBERT LOW’S SON, Limited, London & New York. Special Druggists Assortment of Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, &e., No. 3 $25.00, including Case. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 4 $50.00. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 $75.00 Descriptive hist Furnished on application to TM UME EM, WHY LA NI) A- CO, PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 123 Sea Foam, Gantz doz. 3 50 Seal-Oleum, small doz. 4 00 “ large doz. 8 00 Sea Moss Farine doz. 2 25 Seedesea doz. 1 75 Seidlitine, D. D. & Co.’s doz. 35 Sepia, Warner’s doz 7 00 Seven Barks doz. 4 00 “ Seals, Radcliffe’s, 50c doz. 4 00 “ " •• $1 00 doz. 8 00 Shake No More, McCrellis’, 50c doz. 4 00 “ $1 00 doz. 8 00 Silverine doz. 2 75 SNUFF, see Tobacco Department. “ Coddington’s Catarrh doz. 1 50 “ De Rojer’s Spanish doz. 3 50 " Durao’s doz. 1 75 “ Elliott’s Carbolic doz. 1 75 " Jackson’s “ doz. 2 75 “ Lawrence’s “ doz. 1 75 “ Marshall’s “ doz. 1 80* “ Raeder’s German doz. 2 75* “ Schneeberger doz. 15 Snuffene doz. 1 75 Solution, Beardsley’s Electric doz. 2 50 *' Hire’s Root Beer, pints doz. 10 00 “ Labbaraque’s, Genuine doz. 7 00 " Leube’s Meat doz. 5 00 “ “ “ Rosenthal’s aoz. 7 00 “ Speers’ Fruit Preserving doz. 8 00 Solvent, Camm’s Corn doz. 1 50 “ Costar’s “ doz. 1 50 “ Hebra’s “ doz. 1 75 “ Houchin’s Corn doz. 1 75 “ McCreedy’s “ doz. 3 00 “ Pell’s “ doz. 1 50 “ Robinson’s “ doz. 1 50 “ Schlotterbeck’s Com doz. 1 50 Sozodont doz. 6 00 Specialty, White’s, for Diphtheria doz. 4 00 " “ “ Dyspepsia doz. 8 00 Specific, Bache’s Rheumatism doz. 7 50 “ Cameron’s Gout doz. 18 00 “ Carey’s G. E. 8. S., small doz. 1 75 “ “ “ medium doz. 3 50 “ “ “ large doz. 7 00 “ Crossman’s doz. 7 50 “ Gibson’s doz. 2 00 “ Gray’s doz. 8 00* “ Hamilton's Malaria doz. 8 00 “ Harter’s F. £-pts. Qts. Pts. HENBI CLICQUOT, Dry and Ex- tra Dry (liberal trade discount)..28 00 30 00 G. H. Mumm, Dry Verzenay 24 00 26 00 “ *• Extra Dry 27 50 29 50 “ “ Cordon Bouge 29 50 31 50 Binet Sec 29 50 31 50 Piper Heidsieck, Sec 23 80 25 50 Louis Boederer, Carte Blanche 29 50 31 50 Grand Vin Sec...29 50 31 50 Jules Mumm & Co., Grand Sec. ..29 00 31 00 Pommery, Sec 29 50 31 50 Clicquot, yellow and white label. .29 00 31 00 Dry Monopole. Extra 28 00 30 00 GOLD SEAL, Extra Dry, Urbana Co 12 50 14 50 Siegel’s Extra Dry 7 00 8 00 Imperial 6 00 7 00 Toy Champagne, H. & C., 2 oz $ basket, 1 doz — 1 59 Toy Champagne, H. & C., 4 oz basket, 1 doz — 2 75 WHITE BORDEAUX WINES. Paul Chabriere. Qts. Pts. Chateau Yquem ...17 00 18 50 La Tour Blanche 13 00 14 50. Sauterne Preigrac.... 8 00 9 50 Barsac 7 00 8 50 SUNDRY WISES. Gal. Case. Catawba, sweet or dry ..90c@l 20 5*C0 California Angelica 1 25(a>2 00 6 50 Madeira, Victoria 5 00@6 00 10 00 Madeira, Old Constitution ...3 50 10 co Madeira, Golden, Spanish 2 50 8 00 Imported Sweet Malaga Chous,....2 50 8 00 Vermouth, Italian — 5 25. “ French — 5 50 BURGUNDY WINES. Qts. Pts. Clos de Vougeot 27 00 29 00 Chambertin 21 50 23 50 Nuits 17 00 19 00 Pommard ..,.15 50 17 50 Beaune 14 00 15 50 Beaujolais 10 50 12 00 Chablis, White 16 50 18 50 Macon 8 50 10 00 California Burgundy, gal, 1 15@ 2 00 8 00 9 50 GINGER ALE. Imported Ginger Ale, when in oases, 5 cents per dozen additional, $ doz. Belfast, Boss’, 10 doz, in cask, imported 1 15 “ “ 5 “ case “ ... 1 20 “ Cantrell & Cochrane’s 10 doz. im- ported 1 15. Evans’ Al, 10 doz. in bbl 1 15 *• “ 4 “ case 1 20 Bolen & Byrne, American, 12 doz. in bbl.... 90 Hygeia, pts.. 4 and 10 doz 90 Sachs-Pruden’s, 6 doz. quarts in bbl. 1 75 J. Schweppe & Co. (of London) 10 doz i bbl 1 00. CORDIALS. Case. Qts. Pts. Annisette 15 50 — Absinthe, “ Pernod Fils ” 15 50 — Benedictine..... 20 00 21 00 Curacao, Bed, in jugs .....16 00 — *• White, in bottles .16 50 — Chartreuse, Yellow 22 00 24 00>. “ Green 28 00 29 50 CAEOLINA TOLU TONIC, l to 4 cases — 7 00 Special prices for five cases or over. Kirschwasser 18 20 — Martinique Lime Juice Cordial, 1 doz 4 00 — Martinique Lime Juice Punch, 1 doz 11 00 — Maraschino, in glass ,.15 00 — Fry’s London Peppermint Cordial, 1 doz .. 4 50 — BITTERS. Gal, Case. Bamsey Trinidad, Aromatic, doz.. — 12 50, Angostura, Abbott’s genuine, 2 doz in case — 13 50 Angostura, Abbott’s genuine, 1 doz in case — 7 00 Angostura, Siegert’s, 2 doz, in case — 16 00, A. n. Boonekamp’s. quarts — 13 00 BAEUCH’S HUNGAEIAN. A su- perior Stomaoh Bitters 2 25 7 00, THE ABOVE Eli ICES SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATIONS. 144 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND <&* CO. PORT WINE The Vintages of a Private California Vineyard from Imported Cuttings of richest qualities of Grapes obtainable in the “Alto Donro” District of Portugal, and propagated most successfully on the Slopes of the Pacific. Pure, Rich, Fruity Wine, which will please connois- seurs who Jcnow what a really good and pure Port Wine is. We offer the following, which we guarantee abso- lutely pure Juice of the Grape, for Medicinal, Sacra- mental and other purposes: Per Case, Per Gallon. one Doz. Purity Port, O, (Old) - $2.25 $8 00 “ V.O. (Very Old) 2.75 10.00 P.S. (Private Stock) 3.25 12.00 THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., General Agents. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WETLAND 6f CO. Gal. Case. Universal Compound, Stomach, doz — 7 00 Stoughton 1 75 6 00 California Wine 1 75 — Boker’s — 12 00 Martinique Lime Juice — 7 00 Meinhard Venezuela, 2 doz. in case — 12 00 SYRUPS AND SUNDRIES. Gum, Syrup, superior, bbls 80 — “ “ 5 gal. tin cans. 95 — “ “ single gallon.. 1 00 — Kiimmel, superior 2 50 8 00 “ ordinary 1 75 6 00 “ imported — 12 50 GUISWOLD’S ROCK, RYE AND BARLEY. Picnic Flasks.white glass, so-called pints, 2 doz. in case — 7 00 Amber 5s, 1 doz. in case — 7 00 Per gallon 2 25 — MARTINIQUE LIME ERUIT JUICE. 1* case. 1 doz. in case 2 50 5 cases 2 25 Magnums, 1 doz. in case 4 50 “ 5 cases 4 25 Refined (no charge for bbl.), gal 50 Less than barrel, packages extra. Special prices for larger lots. Punch 10 00 Cordial 4 00 RASPBERRY VINEGAR. Ross’ Raspberry Vinegar, case, 1 doz. large bots 6 00 NATROLITHIC WATER. The Queen of American Medicinal Mineral Waters. Cases of 2 and 4 doz. (full pints), j?, doz... 2 00 NATROLITHIC SALT. A perfect substitute for the Natrolithic Water, and a remedy that can be used in its stead, with the addition of water. Price, per dozen bottles 4 00 MINERAL WATERS. Hathorn, Saratoga Spring, 4 doz. pints, fl case 6 00 Congress, Saratoga Spring, 4 doz. pints, fi case .. 6 00 Vichy, Saratoga Spring, 4 doz. pints, case 6 00 Apollinaris Natural Water— Case, 50 quart bottles 7 00 “ 100 pint bottles 10 00 Hunyadi Janos Bitter Water, case, 50 bottles 10 50 R UBISA T- CONDAL. Rubinat-Condal, case, 30 bots., 7 20—50 bots 11 50 White Rock Mineral Water, Waukesha, Wis. Highly Effervescent— Cases, 50 quarts 6 60 “ 100 pints 9 50 Vesta Mineral Springs. Waukesha, Wis.— Cases, 50 quarts 6 00 Underwood Spring Water, iErated— Cases, 50 quarts 7 50 “ 100 pints 10 50 Hygeia Club Soda, pts. 4 and 10 doz 1 20 Lithia Water, Londonderry, Sparkling- Cases, 50 quarts 7 00 “ 60 pints 6 00 “ 100 pints 10 00 StillWater, 1 doz. >i-gals 4 50 J. Schweppe & Co. (of London) Mineral Water Specialties—* * Soda, Lemonade, Seltzer, Ginger Ale, Lithia, Coca and Quinine Tonic Waters, cask 10 doz. each, $ doz 1 00 In cases, 2, 3 and 4 doz 1 10 S. R. & J. C. MOTT’S CIDERS. SPARKLING DRAUGHT OR CHAMPAGNE CIDER. Guaranteed to ship safely in all climates, and supplied the year round. Standard Crab Golden Brand. Apple. Russet. Spirit bbls., 50 gals., per gal. 18 25 30 Tradebbls., 28 gals., each...6 00 8 00 9 50 Trade halves, 14 gals., each.3 50 4 50 5 25 MARYLAND PEACH CIDER. Spirit bbls., 50 gals., per gal 35 Trade bbls., 28 gals., each 10 50 Half trade bbls., 14 gals., each 5 75 With first order for Maryland Peach Cider there is furnished a cork-lined faucet and six fine flint glasses, having a capacity equal to thirty in each gallon. Sold in these glasses at five cents, it yields $1.50 per gallon, and gives thorough satisfaction to consumers. SPARKLING BOTTLED CIDER. Put in Champagne style. Sweet Crab Golden Juice. Apple. Russet. In cases, 1 doz. qts., case.2 00 2 25 2 75 In cases, 2 doz. pts., ft case.2 50 2 75 3 25 In bbls., 5 doz. qts., $ doz.l 90 2 15 2 65 In bbls., 9 doz.-pts., doz.l 20 1 35 1 60 In every barrel of bottled Cider there is packed six finely engraved, thin chrystal champagne glasses; one bottle will just fill all of them, or a pint bottle will fill three. Handsome glasses promote sales at retail, and proper sizes insure profit. Buyers will also find it to their advantage to order in barrels on account of lower prices and cheaper rate of freight than in cases. CHAMPAGNE CIDER. 1 doz. Doz. Champagne Cider, “ Daisy Farm,” qts. pts. superior, per case 2 75 3 50 MALT LIQUORS. Positively no allowance for breakage or leak- age. We will not sell less than an original package of Malt Liquors. When in cases 5 cents per dozen additional. THE ABOVE PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATION'S. 146 PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, W.HYLAND & CO. E. B. BENJAMIN MFG. CO., Manufacturers, Importers and Exporters of Druggists’ Glassware, Forcelainware and Sundries Chemical Apparatus OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR LABORATORY PURPOSES. 6 BARCLAY and 12 VESEY STS., NEW YORK CITY, U. 8. A. BALTIMORE TWINE & NET COMPANY (HOOPER & CO.) Office and Salesroom—235 PEARL & 120 JOHN STS., New York. Manufacturers and Dealers in COTTON DUCK, TWINE AND NETTING of Every Description. WATERPROOF OIL CLOTHING, Overalls, Clothing, Shirts, Drawers, Hosiery, Hats, Ac. And all other kinds of goods used by Miners, Lumbermen, Fishermen and others exposed to the we ither. They are a superior article, made of heavy standard drills, and far superior to any other in the m rket. Banner Nets, Nets for Games, Lawn Tennis,etc., Laundry Nets, Hammocks,Cotton and Mexican Grass, Wicking fof Candles, Lamps and Packing, Machine Wipers, Sponge Cloths, Bar Towels. SUNDRIES. —Yarns, Fish Lines, Sash Cords, Mop Yarn, Batts, Sea Island, Drug Twine a specialty, Plow and Clothes Lines, Horse Nets. Ear Tips, Bag Strings, Oars, Tar, Oakum. Clam Rakes, Oyster Tongs, Eel Spears, Fish Hooks and Tackle, Needles for Mattress and Upholstery use, Sailmakers Palms and Cotton. Manila and Sisal Cordage. TWINES for all purposes put in. WM. J. HOOPER, President. FRANK B. HOOPER, Treasurer FA OTOMTS Baltimore. MILLS : Mountain Island. HEMP, JUTE, FLAX AND COTTON TWINES. For Dry Goods, Hardware, Stationers, Paper, Broom and Sail Makers, Grocers, Snip Chandlers, Druggists, Upholster. rs, Bookbinders, Bag Makers, Weaver. , FISHERMEN, and the General Trade. For Macrame Lace, Hammocks, School Bags, Fish Nets, Bags, Peach Baskets, Beer Bottles, Top Cords, Bundling, Sewing or Knitting. Sein and Gill Nets, Horse Nets, Sails, Mattresses, Upholsterin , Tufting, Stitching. Broom Binding, Carpet, Coffee, Salt, Grain and Guano Sacks, Cotton Bales, Ham Bags, Cooking and Corn- ing Meats, Bologne, Tobacco, Spindle, Banding ana Loom Cord, Wool and Hop Twine, Book, Wrap- ping, Sand, News, Writing Paper, Shads Cord (all colors), and Wall Paper. Twine for Tairing Roofs, and all other purposes. The Twine Casket for Office and Household Use. Send for Circular and Fall List. TRADE MARK PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. Ale. Albion, America’s Bass, San Francisco, Cal.— doz. 8 doz. glass 1 50 8 doz. stone 1 50 Green way’s Syracuse, cases 4 doz 1 35 Bass’ Ale, casks, 8 doz. pints, Foster’s 1 80 “ cases, 4 doz 1 80 “ casks, 4 doz. quarts, Foster’s.... 3 00 “ casks, 8 doz. pints. Burke’s 1 75 “ 8 doz. pints, McMullen’s, white labels 1 90 ' * Eagle brand, Liverpool bottling, 8 doz. pints 1 75 “ Dog’s Head, London Bottling... 1 75 Burke’s Light Sparkling, 8 doz. pts. in cask 1 70 “ 4 “ 6 doz. qts. in cask 3 00 “ “ “ 4 doz. pts. in case 1 75 McEwan’s Scotch, 8 doz. pts. in cask 1 80 Porter. Albion Stout, San Francisco, Cal.— 8 doz. glass 1 50 8 doz. stone 1 50 Guinness’ Stout, casks, 8 doz., Burke’s 1 75 “ Eagle brand, 8 doz. pints. 1 75 “ Dog’s Head, London Bot- tling 1 75 Layer Seer. Beadleston & Woerz’s, 10 doz. pts 1 00 “ “ Imperial, 10 doz. pts. 1 20 Nicholson’s Sparkling Beer, 10 doz. pts.... 1 25 “ “ “ 6 doz. qts.... 2 10 “Milwaukee,” Schlitz’s, 10 doz. pints 1 20 “ “ 6 doz. quarts 2 10 “ Ph. Best’s, 10 doz. pts 1 10 “ " “ cases, 3 doz. pts. 1 20 “ " “ Select. 3 doz. pts. 1 75 “ Bed Heart” brand, pints, 10 doz. in cask. 1 00 “ “ qts., 6 doz. in cask 1 90 D. Yuengling & Co., for export 90 THE ABOVE FRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATIONS. BARRY’S PATENT CLINICAL THERMOMETERS With Indelible Black are the most correct in the world. They are indorsed and in general use by more than FORTY THOUSAND PHYSICIANS in the United States. JOHN BARRY, Patentee & Nlaker, New York. For Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., Drug Department, New Tori.-. MAJOR’S CEMENT. ESTABLISHED 1876. For Repairing China, Glassware, Furniture, Meerschaum, Vases, Books, Tipping Billiard Cues, etc. MAJOR’S LEATHER CEMENT For Repairing all kinds of Leather Goods. MAJOR’S RUBBER CEMENT For Repairing all kinds of Rubber Goods. MAJOR’S BEST LIQUID GLUE For Repairing Wood, etc., Always Ready for Use. Advertising matter sent by mail, on application, to dealers who handle my goods. I also furnish a Handsome Sign for inside and a stand for outside use. Send for terms. A. MAJOR, 232 William Street, NEW YORK CITY. Trade Supplied by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 148 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHFLAND Sf CO. A WORD TO DRUGGISTS. Within the last few years a large share of the retail cigar trade has fallen to the lot of the druggists, which fact may be attributed to their catering for the best trade and buying only the highest grades and most reliable brands at prices that were consistent with a moderate and reasonable profit; their constant aim seems to have been to obtain the best possible value for their money and to give their customers the benefit. The result has proved that they Avere right, and to-day the druggist has a reputation among consumers of handling the best five and ten cent cigars obtainable, and for this reason we desire to call your attention to the EL LIRIO CUBANA Key West Havana cigars. This cigar is beyond doubt as fine in quality as can be manu- factured or imported, the question of price not considered. The Bouquet size at $90.00 per thousand is particularly fine, and is far superior to any imported cigar ever introduced into this market. Mr. F. B. Thurber, who is considered an excellent judge of fine cigars and appreciates a good article Avhen he sees it, recently favored the manager of this department with a letter giving his opinion of the merits of this cigar as follows : “Every time I smoke the ‘El Lirio Cubana’ I am impressed with their fine quality, and the fact that you ought to sell a very large quantity of these cigars to buyers who buy good cigars. I have noAv a box of ‘ Bock’s Golden Eagle’ in foil, costing $200 per thousand, and a box of ‘El Lirio Cubana,’ costing $90 per thousand, and I would rather have the latter than the former at the same price. For a clean, delicious, genuine Yuelta Abajo smoke, I have never seen a cigar which, in my opinion, is superior to this.” W7e are already having a large trade on this brand of cigars, and have yet to hear a word of complaint from dealers who have given them a trial: on the contrary, duplicate orders invariably follow, and there can be no good reason why every dealer in fine cigars cannot build up a very large trade on our clear Havana Key West goods, while a reputation for handling the higher grades of cigars must assist in selling the lower grades as well. No one familiar Avith the taste and flavor of an Havana cigar will for a moment ques- tion its superiority over the domestic article, and all the doctoring and artifi- cial flavoring in the world cannot make an imported cigar from stock that is grown on the finest soil, or in any of the varied climates of the United States. There is, however, no reason why as good a cigar cannot be made in this country, provided the same material is used, and the fact that the duty on Havana tobacco in bulk is over 75 per cent, less than on the manufactured article, is a conclusive argument in favor of importing the raw material for the purpose of home manufacture, and at the same time enable the consumer to purchase a cigar of imported stock at the price of the domestic article. The facilities for the manufacture of Havana cigars at KEY WEST are, Avithout doubt, much greater than in any other section, and the reputation of Key West cigars has recently become second only to the imported goods. The simple fact that they are made at Key West, however, is no guarantee of quality, as there are good and bad cigars manufactured there as well as else- where. The above new brand, however, is guaranteed by the manufacturer to be made wholly of Yuelta Abajo Havana tobacco, acknowledged to be the finest in aromatic qualities of any grown on the island of Cuba. These cigars are not only Havana fillers, but are of the same material throughout, Avrapper and all, made without binders by the best Cuban workmen, and are, we think, beyond question, far superior in EVERY RESPECT to the imported brands which are sold at corresponding prices. These cigars are made in several styles and sizes, ranging in prices from $35.00 to $90.00 per thousand, according to size and quality of work. For price list or further particulars, address J. EDWARD COWLES. Manager Cigar Dept. THUllRETi, WHY LAND & CO., New York. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 149 PUT XT OUT. By H. C. DODGE. IN SUNDAYS “WORLD.” This is the stump of a dead cigar, That brainless men bring in the car, Without a thought of how they mar The comfort of others, Who fastened in the crowded L, Must breathe its stale tobacco smell, Which has for stink no parallel, And permeates and smothers. And all because a fellow mean, Or one from the country green, Or one who has no culture seen, Or some “dead broke” beginner. Must save what tramps would throw away, To smoke, perhaps the following day, Or use within his pipe of clay After his hash-mill dinner. These boorish men, without a doubt, Like their cigars should be put out. PUT IT IHST. This represents our B-l-1, The finest cigar under the sun, Whose reputation has been won Through everything propitious, And when it’s lighted, all must say, “Just blow more of the smoke this way That smells so much like new-mown hay, Yet even more delicious ” ONE WHO KNOWS A GOOD CIGAR WHEN HE SMOKES IT. If this cigar is once “ put out,” And no one knows it is about, The passengers without a doubt, Would think they scented roses. Their handkerchiefs they’d put to soak, In extracts of this fragrant smoke, And on themselves would play a joke, As well as on their noses, For this cigar is bound to win And by the dealer be put in. For samples or further particulars regarding the B-l-1 five cent cigar, address— THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., J. EDWARD COWLES, Manager Cigar Dept. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARS. IMPORTED CIGARS. Hermosura. Escepcionalles 1-40 160 00 Casinos 1-40 140 00 Reina Victoria, Extra 1-20 145 00 “ “ Fine 1-20 112 00 Boque (Banded).. 1-40 110 00 Re alia Reina, Extra 1-20 95 00 Concha 1-20 79 00 Caprichas 1-20 67 00 La Victoriana. Reina Victoria 1-20 130 00 Predilectos 1-20 108 00 Regalia Chica 1-20 97 00 Concha Especials 1-20 80 00 La Nacioti. Concha Pina 1-20 85 00 Democraticos, banded 1-40 110 00 Camillas Fina 1-20 105 00 Isabela (Manila). Regalia de Concha . 1-20 80 00 Concha Especials 1-20 70 00 Princessa 1-20 65 00 Silver Key. IMPORTED, Havana 1-20 90 00 KEY WEST, Havana 1-20 80 00 NEW YORK, Havana 1-20 60 00 Terms on Imported Cigars are invariably 30 days, subject to 1 per cent, discount if paid in 10 days. KEY WEST CIGARS. El Lirio Cubana. All Cigars packed under this brand are guar- anteed to be composed wholly of Vuelta Abajo Havana Tobacco, Cuban hand work without binders, and we believe are superior to any Key West goods nowon the market. They are packed in various sizes as follows: Perfectos. 1-40 140 00 Reina Victoria 1-20 100 00 Boquet, banded 1-40 90 00 Elegantes 1-20 87 00 Rothschild’s 1-20 80 00 Concho Espels 1-20 65 00 Princessa 1-20 60 00 Concha 1-20 60 00 Opera Reina 1-10 35 00 Don Quixote. A genuine Key West, high flavored Spanish hand-made Cigar of exceptional good value at prices quoted : Victorias 1-20 60 00 Regalia Perfectos 1-20 57 00 Concha Especials 1-20 55 00 Reina Fina 1-20 50 00 Princess Flora. Reina Victoria 1-20 100 00 Concha Fina 1-20 70 00 Londres Grandos 1-10 62 50 Concha 1-20 60 00 Opera Reine 1-10 55 00 Rothschild's 1-20 52 50 Regalia de la Reina. 1-20 52 50 KEY WEST. Ea Perfume. All Havana Spanish hand-made Concha 1 specials 1-20 65 00 Esta Es Buena. Manufactured entirely of Vuelta stock of the choicest selection, by Spanish workman and equal in quality to the best of imported goods. Order a box or two as a sample. Victorias 1-20 80 00 Concha Especials 1-20 72 00 Opera Reina 1-10 60 00 DOMESTIC CIGARS. Elberton the Best Ten Cent Cigar in the World. And superior in many respects to some goods now retailed at 15 cents each. Give this brand a single trial and you will be surprised at your largely increased trade on 10 cent cigars. ELBERTON 1-20 60 00 Honest Value. Consisting entirely of imported stock, the filler being of the finest Vuelta Abajo Havana Tobacco, while the wrapper is of the choicest Sumatra ever imported to this market. Packed in the following sizes: Style of Price Pkge. M. Perfectos 1-10 70 00 Reina Victoria 1-20 60 00 Boquets (banded) 1-40 60 00 Concha Perfectos 1-20 55 00 Concha 1-20 50 00 Panatelas 1-10 50 00 Darlings (banded) 1-40 50 00 Operas 1-20 33 00 La Geraldine. We consider this Cigar one of the choicest of Domestic manufacture and superior to many low grade brands of imported goods. Try them. Cabinets, banded 1-40 75 00 Perfecto 1-40 70 00 Reina Victoria 1-20 65 00 Londres 1-10 65 00 Boquet, banded 1-40 60 00 Concha, Extra 1-20 60 00 Concha 1-20 50 00 Conchitas 1-20 55 00 Operas, 2 bundles 1-10 30 00 HARVEST QUEEN. This Cigar is intended to be, and is, an excel- lent article to retail at ten cents each, where a more liberal margin of profit is required than is afforded by the higher priced goods. Regalia Victoria 1-20 40 00 Monte Carlo. Specially intended for the Eastern market, and desirable for any locality where quality and hand work is appreciated. Perfecto 1-40 65 00 Londres.... 1-10 60 00 Regalia Perfecto 1-20 60 00 Coquetta 1-20 35 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 151 DOMESTIC CIGARS, la Escalera. Full Havana fillers with a choice imported wrapper. Regalia Especials 1-20 55 00 Reina 1-20 50 Ou AA+A1. This Cigar represents in quality everything that its name implies—the highest pinnacle of credit, esteem, honor, confidence and good repute. A single trial will convince the smoker of its excellence, and in advertising itself, is bound to bring you trade on other goods. Samples sent free by mail. AAxAl 1 20 35 00 B-j-1. This Cigar is intended to be next in rating of credit and quality to the AAxAl. It consists of a glossy, imported wrapper and an absolutely full Havana scrap filler. Try it. Bxl 1 20 32 00 C+l. Next in grade and quality to the Bxl, and equally as desirable in style and workmanship. A combination filler and a fine Havana Seed wrapper. Cxi '. '...1 30 30 00 Nett' No. 5. Improved in style stock, workmanship and smoking quality. Imported wrapper. Full Havana filler. NEW NUMBER FIVE 1-20 35 00 Accident. The filler consists of a mixture of Havana scraps while the wrapper is of the finest of se- lected Sumatra Tobacco grown. One trial will be found sufficient to convince the smoker of its merit. Accident 1-20 33 00 Londres, bundled 1-40 33 00 The following well-known brands are also re- garded as worthy of special attention, and we invite sample orders for the purpose of com- parison with other goods at corresponding or even higher prices, confident that your decision, as well as that of the smoker, will be in our favor. NUMBER TEN 1-20 65 00 La Evadne, 1-20, $45.00. BESSIE DARLING 1-40 50 00 CHIQUITA 1-20 32 00 La Orinda, 1-20, $40.00. ALBINA 1-20 35 00 T. W. & CO.’S PANELELAS ... 1-20 35 00 PLANTATION, 6-inch 1-10 33 00 CYCLONE 1-10 30 00 LONG FELLOWS 1-10 30 00 MEMORIALS 1-20 30 00 EVELENA 1-20 25 00 ABC 1-20 25 00 BETTINA 1-20 25 00 NINA 1-20 20 00 ETHEL BOUQUET 1-20 20 00 STAR 1-20 20 00 THREE FIVES, 3 for 10c 1-5 20 00 VIVANNA 1-20 17 00 PRIDE OF THE EAST 1-10 25 00 DOMESTIC CIGARS. Maturity. This Cigar consists of a full Havana filler, with a fine Havana seed binder and a choice imported wrapper, and is guaranteed to please the trade of any locality. Samples free by mail. LUXURIES. 1-20 35 00 Wedyewood. A new Five Cent Cigar of exceptional merit, New shape, and of superior workmanship, Ha- vana filler and imported wrapper. Try them. Perfectos 1-20 35 00 la Veronella. Manufactured expressly for New England trade. Londres style. Imported wrapper and strictly long Havana filler. As fine in quality as many ten cent brands. EXQUISITOS 1-10 35 00 Hello. The manufacturer guarantees that the filler of the "Hello” cigar is composed wholly and entirely of Havana Tobacco, and that only the finest of Havana Seed Wrappers will be used on this cigar, and further agrees to forfeit the sum of One Thousand Dollars if at any time it be demonstrated to the contrary by a competent judge. Concha, long Havana filler 1-20 33 00 Perfecto, Havana cutting filler.. 1-20 33 00 Fumado. This Cigar is not only intended for, but is a guarantee to be the best on the market at the price quoted. Many dealers object to paying more for a five cent cigar and to this trade we specially recommend this brand. EUMADO 1-20 30 00 True Blue. Cabinets, banded 1-40 30 00 Concha Especials. 1-20 28 00 Petit Victorias 1-20 26 00 Fidele, 1-20, $25.00. CHEROOTS. CLOSE CUT, 1-10 30 00 PORTO RICO ..,.1-5 18 00 SHINING LIGHTS, 4 for 10c.... 1-5 18 00 BENGAL, 5 for 10c 1-4 15 00 SOCIAL WHIEE, 5 for 5c 1-10 7 50 Double Five, 1-5, $17.00. We do not quote anything in regular goods under $17 H M. We are, however, never with- out a full and complete line of the lower-priced goods, and can atall times furnish job lots from $10 $ M upwards, We do not recommend the lower grade of goods, however, and cannot guarantee them to give satisfaction. la Bouquet, 1-40, $25.00. Our special department motto is SATISFAC- TION GUARANTEED, and any brands of Cigars bearing our firm name that may not prove sat- isfactory in very respect may be returned at our expense. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 152 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND CO. TOBACCO AND SNUFF. Our Terms on Tobacco are Sixty Days. For Cash in Ten Days we will allow a discount of 2 per cent. No discount on Garrett's Snuff. THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S PLUG. Half Dime. lb. Pocket pieces, 2x3, 11 to lb., lb. boxes 43 Prunette. Black, 434 to lb., 24 lb. boxes 35 Number Ten. Bright, 8 to lb., 18 lb. boxes 48 Number Five. Bright, R. & R., oz , 6 cuts, 14 lb. boxes... 44 Plank Road. Virginia, Sun Cured, 4s, 44 lb. boxes 44 Pet. Bright, 3 to lb., 5 lb. boxes 65 Hard Pan. Bright Virginia wrapper, white Burleigh filler, 5 to the lb., 30 lb. boxes 37 Ripe Fig. Bright, 1 to lb., 25 lb. drums 54 “ “ “ “ 53 Little Breeches. Light Pressed, 2 oz., 10 and 20 lb. boxes 42 “ 2 oz., gold bars, 15 lb. caddies 42 “ 4 oz., 30 lb. boxes 42 Something New. Ligut Pressed, 8 to lb., 15 lb. cads 52 T. IF. & Co.’s Bright. 11 inch, 4 to lb., 50 lb. boxes 39 Quarters, 6 to lb., 20 lb. cads 39 12 inch, 3>4 to lb., 33 lb. boxes 60 Guarantee. 12x3, 5 oz., 32 lb. boxes 44 Orinoco. Bright, 6 inch twist, 12 to lb , 20 lb. cads 32 “ 11 inch, 5 to lb., 50 lb. boxes 32 “ 6 inch twist, 10 to lb , 20 lb. cads.... 32 “ Pocket Pieces, 16 to lb., 20 lb. cads.. 35 Dark, “ •* 12 “ “ “ . 32 “ “ “ 16 “ “ “ .. 32 Tally-Ho. Bright, 15 oz., 30 lb. boxes 25 Great attd Good. Smooth Pressed, 16 oz., 5 cuts, 24 lb. boxes. 33 Choice Magnolia. Dark, Sixes, 6 to lb., 25 lb. boxes 31 Bright, “ “ “ “ 32 Blue Tag. Dark, Single Thick, 10s, 11 to lb., 21 lb. cads 40 “ Double “ 10s, 2 oz. plugs, “ “ 40 “ “ “ 5s, “ •* “ 40 THURBER, IV HYLAND & CO.’S J. D. T. Manufactured especially for Florida trade. Closely pressed to prevent “fluffing.” $ lb Bright Navy, 6s, 4 inch, 24-lb. boxes 35 Dark, " 6s, “ “ “ 34 Bright “ 5s, 134x6, 20 lb. cads 35 Dark, “ 5s, “ “ “ .. 34 Factory brands of every manufacture. Long Cut Smoking. Secret Mixture, 4 oz. tins, 5 lb. boxes 1 25 Golden Cavendish, “ 10 1b. “ .... 95 Uncle Daniel, 2 oz. foil 40 Cut Smoking. Original Cut and Dry, 34s to 34s 15 Number Five, 2 oz. foil, 6 lb. boxes 30' Star, “ 61b. “ 28 Just Right, 4 and 8 oz. 50 lb. cases 22 Number Two, 2.4 and 8 oz. “ “ 20 Chew or Smoke, 4 oz. “ “ 28 Home Comfort. “ “ 28 Navy Clippings. Old Style, 34s, 34s and 34s, 50 lb. cases 22 Buchanan & Lyall’s, 50 lb. cases 29 Lorillard’s OS, 50 lb. cases — " XX, “ “ — Granulated Day's Durham. " STANDARD OF THE WORLD.” 16 oz. 25 lb. cases 36 8 “ “ “ 38 4 “ “ “ 40 2 “ “ “ 44 Special discount for large lots. Seal of Virginia. Packed in cases of 25 lbs. Twelve Meershaum Pipes gratis with each case. 16 oz. boxes 42 16 oz. bags 40 8 “ 44 4 *• 46 2 “ 48 In lot* of 100 lbs., 2c. per lb. less, or 250 lbs., 3c. per lb. less than above prices. Prince Albert. 2 and 4 oz. foil, 5 lb. boxes 55 Clipper. Assorted, 34, >4 and 34, 25 lb. cases 25 Dime Durham. 3 oz. bags, 30 lb. cases 30 Half-Dime Durham. 2 oz. bags, 25 lb. cases 31 Mail Pouch. 4 oz. papers, 30 lb. cases 28 2 “ “ “ " 30 Bull’s Head. 4 and 2 oz., 25 lb. cases 24 Carolina. 4 oz., 25 lb. cases 23 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONIT. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Fine Cut. lb. Velvet, 101b. pails 55 Reliable, “ “ .50 VVedgewood, “ ‘ 48 Number Five, “ “ 37 Close Margin, “ “ 33 Chewer’s Choice, “ “ 32 Our Special Leader, pails 28 Gold Lace, 10 lb. pails 40 Black Silk, “ 40 A A Bright, 10 lb. pails.. 1 28 Chieftain, 10 lb. pails 26 Any of the above brands in half barrels or barrels at lc. less. Fine Cut Foil. gross. Little Breeches, 5c. foil, X gross boxes 4 90 Chic, 1 oz., % gross boxes 5 60 Gold Coin, “ “ “ 5 80 Virgin Ltaf, “ “ “ 5 80 Navy, “ “ “ 3 60 Eureka, 2 oz., % gross “ 8 00 Five Cent Ante, 2 oz., X gross boxes 6 00 Century, dark, 1 oz., “ “ 5 80 Solace, “ “ “ 9 60 Neptune, “ “ “ 5 20 Mayflower, “ “ “ 9 60 Honey Dew, “ ‘ “ 5 50 Governor, “ “ 5 80 Shorts. $ lb. Empire, 2, 4 and 8 oz., 50 lb. cases 20 T. W. & Co.’s Dark, 4 oz., 50 lb. cases 18 “ “ Extra Bright, 3 oz. foil, 50 lb. cases 20 McAlpin’s, 4 and 8 oz., 50 lb. cases 20 PIPBS. b >x. Assorted Crook, f! 3 gross box 2 00 Imported, assorted No. 6, 6 kinds per box.. 1 85 Imitation Meerschaum, f! 1 gross box 1 25 Irish, No. 1, it 3 gross box 2 00 Peter Dorni, old style, ft 3 gross box 2 00 Home Rule, 3 gross boxes 2 25 No. 194, 3 gross boxes 2 00 No. 10, assorted, 10 kinds, box, 3gross box.1 50 Scotch Style, assorted, tipped, “ .175 “ “ D. T., •* “ " .1 50 “ Cutties, 2 gross box 1 00 T. D., Common, 3 gross box 1 00 C. D., 3 gross box 1 00 Shakers Bowls, with reed stem, f! box of 100. 50 Red Clay, straight stems, 1 gross box 1 00 “ crooked “ “ " . 1 15 Star,9s,ass’d red&white clay,plain,3 gr.bxs. .2 50 “ 14s, “ “ fancy, 2 “ ..2 50 Genuine Meerschaum goods of every grade, style and quality. We also have a varied and complete selection of all kinds of Briar and Applewood Pipes, from 55c. $ doz upwards. Describe the article you need, and every pains will be taken to give you precisely what you want, at lowest market prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CIGARETTES. Price $ M. Number Ten, All Tobacco, 10s 11 00 “ Five, Paper, 10s and 20s 2 00 Close Cut, 10s and 20s 1 85 Cameo, 10s and 20s 4 20 Hurricane, 10s 7 00 Richmond Straight Cut, 20s 6 75 Sweet Caporal, 20s 4 00 Vanity Fair. 20s 4 05 Old Judge, 20s 4 00 Kinney’s Straight Cut, 20s 6 50 Full Dress, 20s 7 00 M. Satin Straight Cut, 20s 6 28 Between the Acts, 10s 8 75 Tiger, all tobacco 7 50 Social Whiffs, all tobacco, 10s, 5 in pkg.... 7 50 Twenty cents M additional to prices quoted for 20s will be charged when 10s are required. SNUFF. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s. lb. Extra Maccaboy, rose scented, l,2&51b jars 42 Extra Coarse Rappee, 2 and 5 lb. jars 42 Scotch, 5 lb. jars 42 Other Brands—Maccaboy Snuff. Lorillard’s, 5, 10 and 20 lb. jars, net 50 “ Coarse French Rappee, 5 lb jars 60 Scotch Snuff. Lorillard’s, in bladders, large 50 “ “ small 51 “ in 5 lb. jars — Helme’s Hailroad Mills—Maccaboy Snuff. JAKB. lb. Glass Fruit, 1 lb. (pts) 45 Stone, less than 50 lbs 45 “ 50 lbs. or more 42 cans 1?. gro, 1 oz., less than 5 gross 4 75 1 oz., 5 to 9 gross — 2 oz., less than 5 gross 9 00 Carolina Sweet and Plain Scotch Snuff. WEASANDS. ft lb. 1 box, 30 lbs 41 1 or more half barrels 40 1 or more barrels 38 calves’ bladdeks. 1 keg, about 35 lbs 40 1 or more half barrels 37 1 or more barrels 36 ASSORTED BLADDERS. 1 keg, about 35 lbs 39 1 or more half barrels 36 1 or more barrels 35 beeves’ bladders. In kegs or boxes 38 1 or more half barrels 35 1 or more barrels 34 cans. ft gro. 1 oz., less than 5 gross 4 50 1 oz., 5 to 9 gross 4 25 1 oz., 10 or more gross 4 05 2 oz.. less than 5 gross 8 55 2 oz., 5 to 9 gross 8 10 2 oz., 10 or more gross 7 65 PACKS. 1 oz., less than 5 gross 4 00 1 oz., 5 to 9 gross 3 75 1 oz., 10 or more gross 3 60 2 oz , less than 5 gross • .7 40 2 oz., 5 to 9 gross 7 00 2 oz., 10 or more gross 6 f5 Scotch Snuff in Stone .Tars. Less than 40 lbs., lb 37 40 lbs and over, “ 35 Garrett’s. pack. gro. 1 oz., K gross boxes 6 40 2 “ “ •• 11 25 TIN CANS. 1 oz., % gross boxes 7 75 2 “ >£ “ “ 12 50 bottles. 6 oz.,per box of 4 doz 10 50 We claim to be practical jobbers of everything in the line of manufactured tobaccos, and invite correspondence regarding any and all factory brands not mentioned in this list, knowing that we are in a position to buy and sell at inside market prices. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 154 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. STRICT PURITY G-UARANTMMD. BAKER’S CASTOR OIL. Crystal UA. A.” andl “ Mo. 3.” BAKER’S BORAX, Powdered and Crystals. BAKER’S CAMPHOR, Barrels and Cases. BAKER’S SALTPETRE, Crystals and Powdered. BAKER’S FERTILIZER for each Crop. H. J. BAKER & BRO., 2 I 5 Pearl St., N. Y. WHITE T-A-IR, SOAP. Prevents and Cures All Shin Diseases. It recommends itself for its cleanliness and efficacy in all cases where common Black Tar Soap had been used, i. e. for all Cutaneous Affections and Scalp Dis- eases of Zymotic effect is desired, in the cleansing of wound, in the counteracting of offensive emanations from perspiration, etc. Prepared by THE WHITE TAR COMPANY, 123-125 Warren Street, New York, Manufacturers of WHITE TAR CAMPHORETTE, WHITE TAR PAPER, WHITE TAR. Moth Powder and Other Moth Bestvoyers, Antiseptics and Bisinfectants. LIEJOlsr HIRSH, Manufacturer of AMMONIA for Family Use (IN FULL PINT BOTTLES.) CONCENTRATED LYE, CRYSTALIZED CRUSHED POTASH, BALL POTASH, Ball BLUE, LIQUID BLUING, NORTH CAROLINA PINE TAR un Tin Cans;, CHLORIDE OF LIME, In Waterproof, Airtight and Odorless Packages. ALSO, IN BULK, MIXED BIRD SEED in I lb. Packages. BIRD GRAVEL in Pt. and Qt. Packages. POWDERED BORAX, bulk, and l/z and I lb. Packages. No. 370 GREENWICH STREET, NEW YORK. W. ZE3I- WYCKOFF, Manufacturer of WYCKOFF’S COUGH SYRUP. A Sure Cure for Colds and Longstand- ing Coughs and Croup. POROUS PLASTER. Never Fails to Remove Pain or Give Relief. WYCKOFF’S ELECTRIC LINIMENT, For Man or Beast. STICKING SALVE, For Cuts, Cracked Hands, Etc. MAGIC BALSAM, For Old Sores, Beep Cuts and Burns on Man or Beast. TEN YEARS’ STANDING. THEY GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. See Price List for Prices. Send for Circulars. Business Address, Box 88l, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. For Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND <&* CO. ARMOUR GLUE WORKS No. 205 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. New York Office : 182 DUANE ST. Manufacturers of GLUES FOR FURNITURE AND EMERY WHEELS, BOOK- BINDERS, PAPER HANGERS, PAINTERS, CARPENTERS, &c. Also FINE WHITE GLUES FOR DRUGGISTS. PURE GROUND GLUES. LION COLOR WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF Superfine Coach & Car Colors. All Kind of COLORS in OIL and DISTEMPER. READY-MIXED Household Paints, Stains, &c. GRAINING COLORS. TRADEMARK PHILADELPHIA BRICK RED, &e. Manufacturers of the Celebrated English and Lion Brand White Lead. DRY COLORS OF ALL KINDS. Factory—5T-59 Scholes St., Brooklyn. Office - Cor. Johnson Ave. & Lorimer St., Bbooklyn. . Telephone Call, 829 Witliamsburgh. WILLIAM STAATS, Proprietor, FINE VARNISHES In GOLD SIZE JAPANS. 156 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. J. PAPADOPOLO SPO^TG-BS. DIRECT IMPORTER of all KINDS of SPONGES Sheep’s Wool a Specialty. Also Importer of SEA SHELLS. 95 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. ROYAL GLUE. THE WORLD’S BEST. MENDS EVERYTHING. ALWAYS READY. ALWAYS LIQUID. We beg to call your attention to Three New and Attractive Inducements, to accompany every shipment of one or more dozen “Royal Glue,” made by our house. First.—A beautiful Show-Case Rack for displaying Six Bottles, bril- liantly polished and nickel-plated. Makes a splendid and attractive show- case advertisement. Sells rapidly. Second.—A package of Fifty Cards, Twenty-five Assorted Portraits of leading Celebrities. Third.—Metallic Signs, Brilliant, Beautiful, Attractive. The above will not be duplicated with the same customer, unless he orders one-half gross or more, when we will send balance of our regular offer, No. 1, for six dozen orders. The Rack, Sign and Portrait Cards will sell Royal so rapidly you will not hesitate to make your next order one-half gross or more. Per Cross, $10.00. Per Dozen, 85c. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. GLASS. FRENCH, ENGLISH —AND— AMERICAN —AND— Wipdew and Elate Slass. Also Colored Enameled, Ground, Cathedral, Rough and Ribbed-Glass for Floors and Skylights. Glass of all kinds sold in quantities to suit, and cut to any size and shape. Samples and Estimates Furnished on Application. Holbrook Brothers, 87-89 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. 158 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. WHITALL, TATUM & CO., Manufacturers of Druggists’, Chemists’ & Perfumers’ GLASSWARE, Manufacturers, Importers and Jobbers of DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, We call attention to our Line of Bottles, Jars, &c., fitted with Metal Screw Caps, Nickel- plated and Polished. These goods are made in various styles and sizes, and are espe- cially adapted for use by Gro- cers, Confectioners and others in putting up Fruits, Candy, &e., in attractive and inexpen- sive Packages. Whitall,■ Tatum & Co,, 46 & 48 BARCLAY ST., PHILADELPHIA, 410-414 Race St. BOSTON, 41 & 43 Broad St. NEW YORK. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. BUY THE BEST ! PLAYING CARD COMPANY. Have no Superior in Finish or Playing Qualities. EVERY PACK IN A NEAT BOX. The Perfection Playing Cards are known by the following names and numbers : No. 100, ROOSTERS. No. 400, CHA31PIONS. No. 150, METEORS. No. 500, JOCKEY CLUBS. No. 300, FAVORITES. No. 525, CORONETS. No. 700, PERFECTION SPECIALS. COLUMBI AS. VICTORIAS. CHARLES F. RISLEY CO. 62 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. Goods Always Full Weight and of Best Quality- RISLEY’S (ROSEGRANT “BRAND”) CHLORIDE OF LIME, Case of 50 pounds in | lb. Boxes $6 50 or 13 cents a pound. “ “ “ £ “ 5 50 or 11 “ “ “ “ 1 “ 5 00 or 10 “ “ “or 100 lb. in 5 “ 9 “ Case of 50 lbs. assorted, 10 one-lb., 40 J-lb., 80 at 10c., lie. and 13c. Less Discount. RISLEY’S EXTRACT WITCH HAZEL, 6J oz. Bottles, | doz. in box—b Gross Cases $2 00 doz. Pint “ | “ “ — \ “ “ 4 00 “ Quarts in Corrugated Paper, 1 doz. in case 8 00 “ RISLEY’S EXTRACT BUCHU, 8 oz. Bottles, J doz. in box—J Gross Cases 8 00 “ RISLEY’S PHILOTOKEN, OR FEMALE’S FRIEND, 1 doz. in box—£ Gross Cases 8 00 “ RISLEY’S COMPOUND SARSAPARILLA, Pints, d'ozen in box 8 00 “ KNICKERBOCKER HOOF OINTMENT, 8 oz. Bottles, in box, 1 doz. in Case 7 00 “ YOUATT’S CONDITION POWDERS, Both Alterative and Expectorant, i lb. peks 2 00 “ “ “ “ 1 “ 4 00 “ All above Goods Supplied by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 160 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND CO. ; .-Slccf j i GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. \ His Celebrated Numbers, | 303-404-170-604-332, \ < and his other styles may be had of all dealers ; ; throughout the world. ;; Joseph Gillott & Sons, New York. ; PETER COOPER’S CLARIFIED GELATINE, FOR Wine Jellies, Blanc-Mange, Charlotte Russe, Jellifying all Kinds of Fruits, <$c. Our Pulverized Gelatine is the most convenient for family use, as it requires much less time to dissolve. THOR SATE! 33 ''sT A_Ij3Li GROCERS. The Best and Cheapest Paint ever Offered to the Public. ivriZXZIHliD IR ZEAL)'ST for use. Especially Adapted for Protecting and Preserving Iron and Wood from Rust and Decay, such as Iron and Wood Bridges, Railroad Trestle and Iron Superstructure of Surface and Elevated Railroads, Iron Store Fronts, Tin or Sheet Iron Roofs, Barns, Houses, Fences and all Places where a Cheap Good Paint is desired. It is perfectly waterproof and contains no acids or any injurious ingredients. Also, its covering capacity is SIMPLY WONDERFUL beyond any Paint ever offered. THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., Agents, New YOPk. Le Page’s Liquid Glue & Cement Company, GLOUCESTER, MASS., W. N. Le PAGE PATENT, OCTOBER 26, 1886. It is the Best There Send for List and Discount. For Sale by all J FIRST-CLASS GROCERY, HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING, STATIONERY, DRUG SUPPLY, CARRIAGE SUPPLY AND FANCY SUPPLY DEALERS. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. PRICES CURRENT • —OF— IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, BRUSHES, COMBS, GLASSWARE, PERFUMERY, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, FRENCH GOODS, SOAPS, FOOD PRODUCTS, ETC., ETC. AMMONIA, PARSON’S HOUSEHOLD. In full quart bots., 2 doz. in case. .doz. 2 40 In full pint bots., 2 doz doz. 1 55 Full % pint bot., 3 doz. in case... .doz. 95 AMMONIA AND BORAX. %. pint bottles doz. 55 BAKING POWDERS, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S BEST. lb tin cups, 3 doz. in box doz. 1 25 y2 lb “ 2 “ doz. 2 35 1 lb 1 “ doz. 4 25 10c. size tins, 4 “ doz. 85 lb tins, 3 “ doz. 1 25 y lb tins, 3 “ doz. 2 35 1 lb tins, 1 “ doz. 4 25 5 lb cans, 6 in case lb 35 20 lb fancy cans, scoop, &c lb 34 15 and 25 boxes, bulk lb 31 Family wood boxes, bulk. .. lb 22 Sterling Dime Cans, 3 doz. in case.. case 90 “ lb . “ 3 “ . .case 1 25 “ >4 lb “ 2 “ 2 45 “ lib “ 1 to 12 “ 4 50 “ 6 1b “ K “ 20 40 Davis’ O. K., 1 lb cans, 2 doz. in case.. doz 1 65 “ “ y2 lb “ 3 “ “ .. doz. 90 “ “ }-i lb " 4 “ “ ..doz. 45 “ “ 2)4 lb “ 1 “ " .. doz. 3 60 “ “ 5 lb “ % “ “ ..doz. 7 20 “ “ Assorted case. case 2 62 Kenton, )4 lb tins, 6 doz. in box doz. 45 “ % lb “ 4 “ doz 90 ** 1 lb “ 2 “ doz. 1 60 Dr. Price’s, dime cans, 4 doz. in case 90 “ K lb 3 “ 1 35 “ X lb 2 “ 2 50 “ 1 lb 1 “ 4 80 “ lbs. y2 “ 21 60 Royal, K lb tins, 3 doz. in box doz. 1 35 “ )4 lb “ 3 “ doz. 2 60 “ 1 lb “ 1 '* doz. 5 00 Cleveland’s,ft tins, 3 doz. in box... doz. 1 40 “ y2 lb “ 3 “ ...doz. 2 50 “ 1 lb “ 1 “ ... doz. 5 00 BIRD SEED AND GRAVEL.—THURBER’S Mixed Bird Seed.—Guaranteed to be an improved mixture of Choicest Spanish Canary, M illet and German Rape Seeds, selected with great care, thoroughly cleaned, combined by an expert and packed with a piece of Cuttle Fish Bone and a small packet or envelope of Rus- sian Hemp Seed (to be used when de- sired) in each package. Packed in elegant and highly colored lithographic packages of about 1 pound each. 48 packages in handsomely labeled swing- ing cover case, making an elegant dis- play package 8 24 packages in handsomely labeled swing- ing cover case, making an elegant dis- play package 8 yz BIRD PEPPER. West India “Capsicum Baccatum,” or Bird Pepper. To color the plumage of Canaries, In original tins, 25 lbs. each lb. 85 In 1 lb. glass bottles lb. 1 00 BIRD GRAVEL.—THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S. 2 doz. cartons in case case 90 BIRD SEED AND BIRD GRAVEL.—United States Bird Seed Company’s. Bird Seed, 24 or 40 handsome round cartons, in case carton 5 Bird Gravel, in handsome round cartons, 40 cartons in case case 90 BLACKING, SHOE. “ Cabinet ” brand, small .gross 3 00 “ “ large gross 5 00 Ladies’ Shoe Dressing. Thurber’s Best doz. 85 BLACKING, BIXBY’S “BEST.” No. 1 gross 2 70 No. 2 gross 3 00 No. 3 gross 4 50 No 4 gross 5 30 Bixby’s Royal Polish doz. 90 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE OXIY. 162 PRICES CURRENT.\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. D. S. Bottle Packing Co., SOLE MANUFACTURERS UNDER U. S. PATENTS OF THE ELASTIC WOOD FIBRE PAPER, For Packing Bottled Merchandise, Tiles and all Fragile Articles. The Wood Fibre Packing has been used by some of the largest Shippers in the United States. Sent all over the world and not a single complaint of breakage has been reported. It is abso- lutely safe. Samples and prices fur- nished upon application. The special atten- tion of Druggists and all packers of bottled goods and fragile ar- ticles is called to this packing. It is neat, clean, compact, and saves from 30 to 50 per cent, on cost of freight. Sample cases fitted up without expense to owners. Put up in any shape desired by the packer or sold by the yard or roll. In plain cylinder with a sheet for the top and bottom of the box. In sewed wrappers with flexible bottoms. In cartons. In rack cases to fit a packing box. In self-sealing wrappers, neatly folded in a sheet of wrapping paper for single packages. All Correspondence addressed to IS JAY STREET, NEW YORK. Boston Office: 99 Milk Street. Cincinnati Office: 165 Walnut Avenue. United States Bottle Packing Co., Sole Manufacturers of Wood Fibre Bottle Packing. This Packing does away with Straw or Sawdust, making a clean, neat Packing. Reduces the size of case, and is absolutely safe. Sample Cases fitted up without Expense to Owner. Offiee and Factory: 15 JAY STREET, NEW YORK. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 163 BORAX, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S. Best Powdered, 1 lb. pkgs., 48 pkgs. in box lb. 12 Best Powdered, 1 lb. pkgs., 24 pkgs. in box lb. 12 Best Powdered, % lb. pkgs., 96 pkgs. in box lb. 13 Best Powdered, % lb. pkgs., 48 pkgs. in box lb. 13 BLACKING, STOVE. Griswold’s “Best” is a Polish of the finest quality, same size as Dixon’s, and equal in quality to any manufactured, % gross boxes gross 5 00 Dixon’s gross 5 25 Star Paste, % gross boxes gross 5 50 “The Rising Sun Stove Polish,” best polish in the market, half gross in box. 5 75 BOTTLES /1]MD GLASSWARE. BOTTLES.—Prescription Use. A liberal discount. Where full packages are taken no charge is made for cases. FL1XT. Homoeopathic Yials, long and short, % drachm gross 1 13 % “ gross 1 13 % •* gross 1 13 1 “ gross 1 25 1>£ “ gross 1 50 2 “ gross 1 50 3 “ gross 2 00 4 drachm ....... gross 3 GO 6 “ gross 4 00 8 “ gross 5 00 Case, long and short. % drachm gross 1 25 % “ gross 1 25 Yz " gross 1 25 1 “ gross 1 50 1% “ gross 1 75' 2 “ ...gross 1 75" 3 “ gross 2 50“ 4 “ gross 3 50' 6 “ gross 4 50 8 “ gross 6 00 GLASS, WINDOW, AMERICAN AND FRENCH, ALL SIZES AND GRADES. JPMlCJESo—Discount Liberal, SIZES. SINGLE THICK FBENCH. DOUBLE THICK FRENCH. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6x 8 to 10x15 11 50 10 50 10 00 9 50 14 00 13 50 13 00 12 25 11x14 to 16x24 13 00 12 25 11 50 10 75 17 00 16 (0 15 25 14 50 18x22 to 20x30 17 00 16 00 14 50 13 25 22 00 20 50 19 00 15x36 to 24x30 19 00 17 00 15 00 24 00 22 00 20 00 26x28 to 24x36 20 00 18 50 16 25 26 00 24 00 21 75 26x36 to 26x44 21 50 20 00 16 50 27 50 26 00 22 50 26x46 to 30x50 23 50 22 00 19 00 30 00 28 00 24 50 30x52 to 30x54 25 00 23 00 20 00 31 50 29 00 26 00 30x56 to 34x56 26 00 24 00 22 00 33 00 30 50 28 (0 34x58 to 34x60 27 50 26 00 23 50 35 00 34 00 31 00 36x60 to 40x60 31 00 28 00 26 00 38 00 36 00 34 00 Larger Sizes—$15.00 per box extra for every five inches. An additional 10% will be charged for all Glass more than 40 inches wide. All sizes above 52 inches in length, and not making more than 81 united inches, will be charged in the 84 united inches bracket. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. BALD HEADS or where the Hair is shaved off should be well rubbed with the Hirsutus on the affected parts, until quite red, which in a short time will cause an entire new growth. In cases of severe Head- ache, apply the Hirsutus with the palm of the hand. Be particular to cut the points of the hair once every month. JESTAMIjISMJED 1847. BABEIERE Directions FOE USE. Pour a small quantity of the Hirsutus into a cup, and with a soft brush rub well among the roots of the Hair, taking care to Separate it in such a manner that the whole scalp may be wet, after which rub with a clean stiff brush, to take the dandruff off. Use freely every day, and brush the hair thoroughly. FOR THE HAIR OR BEARD. FREE FROM GREASE. An Article that will positively RESTORE HAIR, Prevent it falling out, and keep the head FREE FROM SCURF AND DANDRUFF. PREPARED BY WILLIAM JRY BARKER, Capillary Physician, 36 West 29th Street, New York None genuine without the name of William Jay Barker on cap of bottle. Vienna Water Bottle. Highly recommended on account of their lightness and durability, being made of a Para Rubber Compound that combines all the advantages of the old style of cloth bottle with the latter style of all rubber, retaining the lightness of the former without the elasticity or liability to stretch out of shape of the latter, thereby making a much superior article for Hot and Cold Water as well as Air. Their color also recommends them above all others as they will not soil like the white ones on the market. Eureka Bottle Nipple. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, And the only one that will not collapse. It is made of Pure Rubber, and can do no harm to the most feeble infant. C. B. DICKINSON, PROPRIETOR OF BROOKLYN ROBBER WORKS, 660, 662 & 664 Atlantic Ave., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Enreka Seamless Nipple. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List- PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WETLAND & CO. 165 NUMBER OF LIGHTS PER BOX OF FIFTY FEET. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. 6x 8 150 11x17 39 14x26 20 20x26 14 26x32 9 7x 9 115 11x18 36 15x18 27 20x28 13 26x36 8 8x10 90 11x20 32 15x20 24 20x30 12 26x40 7 8x12 75 12x14 43 15x22 22 20x32 11 26x44 5 9x11 72 12x15 40 15x24 20 [ 20x34 11 28x32 8 9x12 67 12x16 38 16x18 25 20x36 10 28x36 7 9x13 62 12x17 35 16x20 23 20x40 9 28x40 7 9x14 57 12x18 33 16x22 26 20x44 8 28x44 6 9x15 53 12x20 30 16x24 19 22x24 14 28x46 6 10x12 60 12x22 27 16x26 17 22x26 13 30x40 6 10x13 55 12x24 25 16x28 16 22x28 12 30x44 6 10x14 52 13x16 35 16x32 14 22x30 11 30x48 5 10x15 48 13x18 31 18x20 20 22x32 10 30x50 5 10x16 45 13x20 27 18x22 18 22x36 9 32x42 5 10x17 42 13x22 25 18x24 17 22x38 9 34x44 5 10x18 40 13x24 23 18x26 15 24x28 11 34x46 5 10x20 36 14x16 32 18x28 14 24x30 10 34x50 4 11x13 50 14x18 29 18x30 13 24x32 10 36x44 5 11x14 47 14x20 26 18x32 12 24x36 8 36x50 4 11x15 44 14x22 23 18x34 12 24x40 8 36x56 3 11x16 41 14x24 22 20x24 15 24x44 7 BOTTLES. FLINT. % oz. 1 OZ. 2 oz. 3 oz. 4 oz. 6 oz. 8 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz. 32 oz. Ass'd £to 8oz. Ovals, plain gross 3 00 3 75 4 75 5 60 7 00 8 50 10 50 12 25 13 75 16 50 28 50 6 50 Ovals, union gross 3 00 3 75 4 75 5 50 7 00 8 50 10 50 12 25 13 75 16 50 28 50 6 50 Panels, ball-neck gross 4 00 4 75 5 75 7 75 8 75 13 00 17 00 Panels, plain gross 3 50 4 00 5 25 7 00 8 00 10 75 13 75 Prescriptions, French sq. gross 3 25 4 00 5 00 5 75 7 25 9 00 11 25 13 25 14 75 18 50 31 00 6 75 Prescriptions, round gross 3 00 3 75 4 75 5 50 7 00 8 50 10 50 12 25 13 75 16 50 28 50 6 50 Prescriptions, round wide mouth gross 3 25 4 00 5 25 6 00 7 75 9 25 11 50 14 50 19 00 30 00 GREEN. Yz oz. 1 OZ. 2 oz. 3 oz. 4 oz. 6 oz. 8 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz. 32 oz. Ass’d £to8oz. Ovals, plain and union... gross 3 25 3 75 4 75 5 75 7 00 8 50 10 25 14 25 17 50 26 00 Packers gross 9 76 15 25 24 50 Packers, extra gross 12 25 15 00 19 50 30 00 Panels, ball-neck gross 4 00 4 50 6 00 8 00 9 00 11 50 14 00 16 00 18 00 21 50 Panels, plain gross 3 60 4 00 5 50 7 00 8 00 10 50 13 00 15 50 17 50 21 00 Prescriptions, round gross 3 25 3 75 4 50 5 50 6 75 8 25 9 75 11 00 12 25 15 25 24 50 6 00 Prescriptions, round wide . mouth .gross3 5( 4 004 75 5 75 7 50 9 00 10 50 13 00 16 00 25 25 6 75 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 166 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. i, r. 9tmtm & Commission Men*eluants AND DEALERS IN Naval Stores, Paints, Oils, &c., 38 BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. Spts. Turpentine, in bbls. and cases. Tar, large bbls. Tar, small bbls. Rosin of all grades. Gum Thus. Bright Varnish. Black Paraffine Varnish. Crude Turpentine. Venice Turpentine. Oil of Tar. Pitch, Ship, Brush, Roof, Brewers’ Shoe and Drug. Coal Tar, large bbls. Coal Tar, small bbls. Cylinder Oil. Signal Oil. Engine (heavy) Oil. Wave Quelling Oil. Colza Oil. Spindle Oil. Strained Fish Oil. Prime Winter Lard Oil. Boiled Winter Sperm Oil. Machinery Oil. Neatsfoot Oil. Raw Linseed Oil. Boiled Linseed Oil. Benzine Sweet. All grades of Oakum. Homestead Light Oil, water white, 150° (non explosive). PURE NORTH CAROLINA PINE TAR, I3ST CA3STS. 5 gallon cans, 2 cans in a case 20 cents per gallon. 3 “ “6 “ “ 25 “ 2 “ “8 “ “ 25 “ “ 1 “ “ 1 doz. cans in a case $48 00 per gross. i “ “ 2 “ “ 27 00 “ Quart, “ 4 “ “ 18 00 “ Pint, “ 6 “ <£ 10 20 i Pint, “ 6 “ “ 9 00 Discount to the Trade. Also Manufactnrers of Ready-Mixed Ship Paints. WETTERSTEDT’S COPPER PAINT, for Wooden Vessels’ Bottoms. WATERPROOF SEAM PAINT, for running Vessels’ Seams. McKEON’S IRON CROWN PAINT, for Iron Vessels’ Bottoms and all iron structures. IVORY BLACK PAINT, for Ships’ Bends. BRONZE GREEN PAINT, for Ships’ Bends. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. BLUING.—Liquid and Dry. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s Best Ball Blue. 1 lb. boxes, 28 lb. cases lb. 24 % lb. “ 28 lb. “ lb. 26 X lb. “ 28 lb. “ lb. 28 1 oz. packets 3 82 Thurber’s “Azure” Brand Liquid Bluing. Manufactured by ourselves, and guar- anteed to be of the finest quality. Azure Liquid, 2 oz., X gross 90 “ 4 oz., “ .box 1 15 “ 8 oz., “ .box 1 75 “ 12 oz., “ .box 2 75 “ 16 oz., 2 doz. boxes.. .box 2 60 “ 32oz.,l “ 2 00 Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s “Azure” Brand Dry Blue. Sifting Boxes, small size, X gross boxes gross 1 50 Sifting Boxes, medium size, X gross boxes gross 2 25 Sifting boxes, large size, X gross boxes gross 3 50 Koundflat boxes, smallsize, X gross boxes gross 1 50 Bound flat boxes large size, X gross boxes gross 2 75 Griswold’s Liquid, in bbls. only (bbls. free) gallon 15 The Healy Chemical Co.’s Navy Blue, 3 doz., full weight, 4 oz. bots. in box box 1 00 INDIGO.—The following are packed in 5, 10, 20 and 50 lb. boxes, and in cases containing about 200 lbs. They will befoundalwaysuniform, and the “A” brand especially of very fine quality : Spanish Float, “A,” choice 90 " “B,”good : 80 Manilla 65@75 BEOOMS, WHISK. Pocket doz. 1 30 No. 1 String, White Handle doz. 1 40 “ 2 “ “ “ .. doz. 1 50 “1 “ Black “ doz. 1 00 ** 2 “ ** “ doz. 1 20 “ 1 O. K doz. 1 60 “ 2 “ doz. 1 75 “ 1 Plush doz. 1 60 “ 2 “ doz. 2 00 “3 “ doz. 2 12 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. Successor to GEORGE BINNS, Sr., MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, Aqua Ammonia, Spirits of Nitre, Epsom and Glauber Salts, Muriatic, Nitric and Acetic Acids, Aquafortis, Alum, Copperas, etc. Office, 183 PEARL ST., cor. Cedar St., NEW YORK. Works, WILLIAMSJBURGH, L. I., and HIGHLANDS, N. Y. Dr. KNORR’S ANTIPYRINE (PATENTED.) The Favorite of all Modern Antipyretics. LANOLINE LIEBREICH (PATENTED.) The new Base for Salves and Ointments for Burns, Wounds and all Skin Diseases, Lanoline Soap, Pomade and Cold Cream. Dr. FAHLBERG'S SACCHARINE. (PATENTED.) 300 times as sweet as sugar. Does not ferment and is not absorbed by the system. LUTZ & MOYIUS, New York, Sole Licensees for the United States of America. 168 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND CO. BRADLEY & SMITH, Manufacturers of BRUSHES, No. 251 Pearl Street, Near FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. A Large Line of such Goods as are required for the Grocery, Painters’, Drug and Export Trade CONSTANTLY ON HAND. For Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 169 H/1IR BRUSHES No. A doz. 90 “ 5 doz. 1 05 •• 08 doz. 1 25 “ 68 doz. 1 60 “ 89 doz. 1 90 “ 053 doz. 2 20 “ 43 doz. 2 50 “ 49 doz. 2 80 “ 53 doz 3 15 “ 1515 doz. 3 75 “ 1590 doz. 4 10 “ 1555 doz. 4 35 “ 1497 doz. 5 00 “ 1618 doz. 5 30 “ 1627 doz. 6 00 “ 1553 doz. 6 88 “ 175 doz. 7 50 “ 129, Black Walnut .. .doz. 95 “ 27, Mahogany doz. 1 15 “ 127, “ doz. 1 25 " 86, “ doz. 1 25 " 58, Satinwood doz. 1 50 “ 152, Bosewood doz. 1 25 “ 47, “ doz. 1 50 “ 57, “ Primed doz. 1 75 " 280, Black Walnut doz. 1 66 “ 281, “ “ doz. 1 66 “ 41, “ “ doz. 1 76 “ 43, “ “ doz. 2 50 “ 141, Bedwood doz. 1 85 “ 44, Satinwood doz. 2 50 “ 168, Bedwood doz. 2 00 “ 171, “ doz. 2 00 “ 4, Satinwood doz. 2 00 “ 60, “ doz. 2 00 “ 84, Cherry doz. 2 25 “ 48, Bosewood, Pocket doz. 2 25 “ 210, “ doz. 2 25 “ 61, " doz. 2 60 “ 70, Bird’s Eye Maple doz. 2 00 “ 71, “ “ “ doz. 2 75 “ 95, Bosewood, White Bristles doz. 3 00 “ 38, “ “ “ ....doz. 3 00 “ 23. Satinwood, “ •• ....doz. 3 50 “ 610, Bosewood. " " ....doz. 3 50 “ 163, Satinwood, Black “ ....doz. 3 50 “ 355, Bosewood, White “ doz. 5 50 “ 76, » •* “ ....doz. 7 50 " 8, “ — doz. 2 50 “ 63, “ doz 3 00 “ 91, “ doz. 4 00 “ 274, “ and Mahogany doz. 3 25 “ 73, “ “ " doz. 4 00 “ 161, Bird's Eye Maple doz. 3 00 “ 162, doz. 3 50 “ 188, “ “ “ doz. 5 00 “ 630, Bosewood, White Bristles..... doz. 3 75 “ 603, “ “ “ ....doz. 3 75 “ 712, “ Gray " ....doz. 3 50 " 50, “ doz. 3 50 “ 208. “ Black Bristles doz. 5 00 " 197, “ “ “ doz* 4 00 “ 106, Satinwood, White “ doz. 3 75 “ 107, Bosewood, “ “ doz. 3 75 “ 115, “ Pinned “ doz. 3 50 “ 518, Satinwood, Black or White Bristles doz. 5 50 “ 62, Veneer, Inlaid doz. 2 25 “ 240, “ “ White Bristles.. doz. 3 50 “ 242, “. “ " “ .doz. 4 00 “ 105, " “ “ “ .doz. 3 75 No. 185,Veneer, Inlaid, White Bristles.doz. 5 Oh “ 223, Decorated, “ “ doz. 3 60 “ 85, Bedwood, “ “ doz. 4 25- “ 87, “ “ “ doz. 4 50 “ 212, Satinwood, Unbleached Bristles, doz. 4 OO “ 1, Bosewood, White Bristles doz. 4 00 “5, “ “ “ ..doz. 4 60 “ 51, “ •* “ doz. 4 00 *« 52, “ “ ‘ doz. 5 00 “ 53, “ “ “ doz. 6 00 “ 92, “ “ “ ....doz. 5 00 “ 348, Satinwood, “ “ doz. 5 50 “ 521, Bope, “ “ doz. 4 60 “ 800, New Style Hair Brushes doz. 1 70 “ 900, “ “ doz. 1 70 •• 200, “ “ doz. 3 26 “ 220, “ “ doz. 3 25 “ 601, “ “ doz. 3 25 “ 233, “ *• doz. 3 76 “ 203, “ “ doz. 4 00 “ 322, “ “ doz. 4 00 “ 323, “ “ doz. 4 00 “ 821, “ “ doz. 4 25 “ 815, “ “ doz. 5 00 “ 816, “ “ doz. 5 00 “ 841, “ “ doz.15 00 “ 941, “ “ doz.15 00 “ 531, Bope, White Bristles...doz. 5 50 “ 541, “ “ “ ..doz. 6 50 “ 160, Mottled Back, “ “ ..doz. 6 00 “ 387, “ “ “ “ ..doz. 9 00 “ 29, Satinwood, Penetrating doft. 6 00 “ 39, “ “ doz. 7 00 “ 49, “ “ doz. 8 00 “ 93, Zebrawood, Unbleached Bristles doz. 6 50 “ 94, Zebrawood, Black Bristles....doz. 6 50 “ 184, Bosewood, Pearl Inlaid doz. 5 00 “ 186, “ “ •* doz. 6 50 “74, “ “ “ doz. 6 50 “ 77, “ “ “ doz. 9 00 “ 384, " Barber Gray Bristles.doz. 5 00 “ 1225, “ “ “ .doz. 6 00 “ 484, “ “ “ .doz.10 00 “ 584, “ “ “ .doz 12 00 “ 59, Satinwood doz. 5 50 “ 182, Bosewood doz. 6 50 “ 406, “ doz. 7 00 “ 67-13, Bird’s Eye Maple doz. 6 00 “ 71-9, Bosewood doz. 5 00 “71-11, “ doz. 6 50 “72-11, Bird’s Eye Maple doz. 7 00 “ 73-11, Tulipwood doz. 8 00 “73-13, “ doz. 11 00 “ 77-13, Bosewood doz. 9 00 “ 0. Bird’s Eye Maple (oval, no handle) doz. 7 50 “ 88-1, Bosewood or Satinwood doz. 6 00 “88-2, •* “ doz. 7 00 “88-3, “ " doz. 8 00 “ 18, Tulipwood., doz. 5 00 “ 19, “ doz. 7 00 “ 20, “ doz. 9 00 “ 96, Satinwood, Unbleached doz. 9 00 “ 181, Holly, White Bristles doz. 4 50 “ 216, “ “ “ doz. 4 50 “ 264, Tulipwood, Black Bristles... .doz. 6 OO “ 189, Holly, White Bristles doz. 3 50 “ 265, Tulipwood, White Bristles... doz 7 00 “ 275, Satinwood doz 7 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 170 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & GO. BRUSHES, HAIR.—Continued. No. 109, Rosewood doz. 10 50 “ 110. Satinwood, Unbleached doz. 8 00 “ HI, “ Gray Bristles..doz. 8 00 “ 307, “ Unbleached., doz. 10 00 “ 435, Rosewood doz. 9 00 " 487, Satinwood doz. 9 00 “ 485, “ doz. 10 00 " 287, Tulipwood doz. 12 00 “ 587, Bird’s Eye Maple doz. 12 00 “ 80, Rosewood Infant doz. 1 25 “ 26, Holly, Infant doz. 1 75 Mustache Satinwood. doz. 3 00 BRUSHES, SHAVING. No. 250, Enameled doz. 45 “ 260, “ doz. 50 “ 270, “ doz. 60 “ 280, “ doz. 70 “ 23, Patent Enameled doz. 75 “ 24 “ “ doz. 85 “ 25, “ •« doz. 95 “ 26, “ « doz. 1 10 “ 121, Twine Bound doz. 100 “ 122, “ - doz. 1 25 “ 123, “ “ doz. 1 50 “ 170, Ribbon, Twine Bound.... .doz. 1 45 “ Hl> “ ** “ doz. 1 15 172, “ “ “ doz. 90 “ 245, Metal Ferrule doz. 75 255, “ “ doz. 95 “ 265, “ “ doz. 1 15 “ 145, •« “ doz. 1 10 “ 155, •< doz. 1 25 188. “ *• doz. 1 47 H. 125, Enameled, Round Handles.doz. 26 “ 126. “ <• <• .doz. 30 “ 127, “ “ “ doz. 35 “ 128, “ “ “ .doz. 40 No. 45, Twine Bound, Bl’k Handle.doz. 75 55, “ “ “ “ .doz. 80 “ 65, “ •« *< «* .doz. 1 00 “ 1, Round Wood Handle doz. 1 50 H. 96, Enameled doz. 75 “ 21, “ . doz. 95 “ 98, “ doz. 1 00 No. 403, Buffalo doz. 1 25 “ 404, doz 1 50 “ 219, “ doz. 1 50 “ 150, “ doz. 3 00 “ 7, Wood H’dle, Twine Bound.doz. 158 “ 9, “ ■< «* « doz. 2 00 “ 91, Bone doz. 3 00 “ 400, •• doz. 2 25 “ 450, •« doz. 2 50 “ 92, rioz. 3 25 “ 95, Badger doz. 3 00 “ 101, “ doz. 2 75 BRUSHES, PAINT. Round. Quality B. No. 6 doz. 1 07 “ 5 doz. 1 27 “ 4 doz. 1 42 “ 3 doz. 1 69 “ 2 doz 2 04 “ 1 doz. 2 49 “ 0 doz. 2 94 “ 0-2 doz. 3 47 " 0-3 ...doz. 4 10 0-4 doz. 4 80 " 0-5 doz 5 51 “ 0-6 doz. 6 58 “ 0-7 doz. 7 12 Flat, Extra Quality. 4% inches doz 5 69 4 “ doz. 4 10 3)4 “ doz. 2 85 Oval, Quality XP. No. 5 coz. 1 27 “ 4 doz. 1 51 “ 3 doz. 1 69 “ 2 doz. 1 87 “ 1 ...doz. 2 14 “ 0 doz. 2 66 “ 2-0 doz 3 20 “ 3-0 ;.doz. 3 74 “ 4-0 doz. 4 63 " 5-0 doz. 5 34 “ 6-0 doz. 6 40 " 7-0 doz. 7 47 “ 8-0 doz 8 89 Oval, Quality XXP. No. 5 doz. 1 60 “ 4 doz. 1 87 “ 3 doz. 2 32 “ 2 doz. 2 94 “ 1 doz. 3 47 •* 0 doz. 4 00 “ 2-0 doz. 4 80 " 3-0 doz. 5 87 “ 4-0 doz. 6 94 “ 5-0 doz 9 07 “ 6-0 doz. 10 67 *• 7-0 doz 11 74 BRUSHES, VARNISH. Flat, Quality D. 1 inch doz. 54 1 )4 “ doz. 80 2 “ doz. 1 07 :1)4 “ doz. 1 34 3 “ doz. 1 60 3)4 “ doz. 1 87 Extra Flat, Quality XXV. 1 inch doz. 1 25 1) “ doz. 1 78 2 “ doz. 2 85 2) “ doz. 3 92 3 “ doz. 4 63 3) “ doz. 6 87 4 “ doz. 7 12 BRUSHES, PAINT, FLAT, QUEEN. Metal Strap—Nailed. 3 inches, all White Bristles doz. 3 38 3)4 “ “ “ doz. 4 27 4 “ “ “ doz. 5 34 4 )4 “ “ “ doz. 7 12 BRUSHES, PAINT, FLAT, OKATKA. Metal Strap—Riveted. 3 Inches, all White Bristles doz. 5 34 3) “ “ “ doz. 6 76 4 “ “ “ doz. 8 88 4) “ “ “ doz. 11 03 Patent Sash Tools. No. 9 doz. 1 43 “ 8 doz. 1 25 “ 7 doz. 1 07 •* 6 doz. 89 “ 5 doz. 72 *• 4 doz. 63 “ 3 doz. 54 “ 2 i . .doz 46 “ 1 doz. 36 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE OXIF. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. BRUSHES, HANDLED SHOE. No. 00 doz. 83 “ 1 doz. 1 10 “ 10 doz. 1 10 “ 11 doz. 1 38 21 doz. 1 38 “ 3 doz. 1 50 “ 18 doz. 1 50 “ 31 doz. 1 50 “ 5 doz. 1 60 “ 6 doz. 1 80 “ 29 doz. 1 88 “ 32 doz. 2 12 “ 106 ..doz. 1 60 " 100 doz. 2 25 “ 33 doz. 2 25 “ 102 doz. 1 88 “ 108 doz. 2 50 “ 145 doz. 2 50 “ 175 doz. 2 80 “ 61 doz. 2 80 “ 90 doz 3 20 79 doz. 3 50 “ 81 doz. 3 20 “ 307 doz. 3 20 •* 71 doz. 3 30 “ 69 doz. 3 75 “ 80 doz. 3 50 “ 158 doz. 4 00 “ 67 doz. 3 76 “ 68 doz. 3 75 " 76 doz. 4 40 “ 123 doz. 4 75 “ 124 doz. 5 25 “ 87 doz. 5 62 “ 127 doz. 6 00 '• 126 doz. 6 25 “ 75 doz. 8 75 “ 97 doz. 10 00 “ 86 doz. 16 25 BRUSHES, PLAIN SHOE. No. 2 doz. 1 00 “ 4 doz. 1 25 “ 8 doz. 1 88 “ 16 doz. 2 25 “ 45 doz. 2 50 *• 36 doz. 2 75 " 52 doz. 2 75 " 51 doz. 3 25 “ 46 doz. 3 50 “ 53 doz. 3 75 “ 47 doz. 4 75 '• 49 doz. 6 88 SHOE TOPS. No. xx doz. 55 “ 0 doz. 70 “ xxx doz. 80 “ 4 doz. 88 “ 2-0 doz. 1 12 “ 5 doz. 1 20 “ 103 doz. 1 38 “ 11 doz. 1 50 “ 3 doz. 1 60 “ 6 doz. 1 88 “ 7 doz. 2 38 ** 2 doz. 2 50 “ 104 doz. 2 75 CANDLES AND CANDLE SUNDRIES. ADAMANTINE—H. MILLER & CO.’S. Quality guaranteed. 16 oz. 4s, loose, 20 or 40 lb. boxes lb. 10)4 14 oz. 4s, loose, 40 set boxes set 9% 16 oz. 8s, loose, 20 or 40 lb. boxes... .lb. 10)4 14 oz. 6s, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases. ..set 10)4 14 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes... .set 9)4 14 oz. 8s, loose, 40 set boxes set 9)4 14 oz. 12s, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases, .set 11)4 14 oz. 12s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes .. .set 10 >4 12 oz. 6s, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases.. .set 9)4 12 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set cases set 8)4 12 oz 12s, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases, .set 10)4 12 oz. 12s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes.. .set 9)4 11 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes....set 8 10 oz. 6s, packets, 25 packet cases. ..pkt. 8 10 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 30 set boxes... .set 7)4 ADAMANTINE—KANSAS CITY MFG. CO.’S. 11 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes... .set 8 10 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes.... set 7 % STAR ELECTRIC CANDLE CO.’S. 16 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 lb. boxes lb. 10)4. 16 oz. 8s, loose, 20 or 40 lb. boxes... .lb. 10)4 14 oz. 6s, loose 20 or 40 set boxes set 9)4 14 oz. 12s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes.. .set 10)4 12 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes set 8)4 12 oz. 12s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes.. .set 9)4 11 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes set 8 10 oz. 6s, packets, 25 packet cases.. .pkt. 8 10 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes... .set 7)4 HYDRAULIC PRESSED —THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S. Quality guaranteed. 16 oz. Is, loose, 25 lb. boxes lb. 14)4 16 oz. 2s, loose, 25 lb. boxes lb. 14)4 16 oz. 4s, 6 lb. cartons, 36 lb. cases.. .lb. H)4 16 oz. 4s, loose, 30 lb. boxes lb. 13)4 16 oz. 6s, 6 lb. cartons, 36 lb. cases. 14)4 16 oz 6s, loose, 15 or 30 lb. boxes... .lb. 13)4 16 oz. 12s, 61b. cartons, 36 lb. 15)4 16 oz. 12s, loose, 20 lb. boxes lb. 14)4 14 oz. 6s, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases.. .set 13)4 14 oz. 6s, loose, 20 or 40 set boxes... .set 12)4 14 oz. 12s, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases, .set 14>4 14 oz. 12s, loose, 20 set boxes set 13)4 PARAFFINE WAX—ELECTRIC CO.’S. Standard Brand. Quality guaranteed. 14 oz. Is, white, loose, 25 set boxes.. .set 14)4 14 oz. 2s, white, loose, 25 set boxes.. .set 14)4 14 oz. 4s, white, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases set 13)4 14 oz. 6s, white, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases set 13)4 14 oz. 12s, white, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases set 14)4 14 oz. 4s, colored, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases set 15)4 14 oz. 12s, colored, 6 set cartons, 36 set cases set 16)4 SELF-FITTING PARAFFINE WAX—ELECTRIC CO S. 14 oz. 4s, white. 3 set cartons, 24 set cases set 14)4 14 oz. 6s, white, 3 set cartons, 24 set cases set 14)4 14 oz. 8s, white, 3 set cartons, 24 set cases set 14)4 14 oz 12s, white, 3 set cartons, 25 set cases set 14^ 14 oz. 4s, colored, 3 set cartons, 24 set cases set 16)4 14 oz. 6s, colored, 3 set cartons, 24 set cases set 16)4 14 oz. 8s, colored, 3 set cartons, 24 set cases set 16)4 14 oz. 12s. colored, 3 set cartons, 24 set cases set 16)4 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 172 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. BEESWAX CANDLES. For Church Use: Yellow (hand), Is, 2s, 3s, 4s and 6s, 6 sets in package, 36 sets in case.. .set 35 White (hand), Is, 2s, 3s, 4s and 6s, 6 sets in package, 36 sets in case., .set 37 We will not sell less than a case of these goods. . TALLOW. 6s or 8s, 30 sets set 8>4 GAS LIGHTERS. Warranted not to Drip : Wax gas lighters (30 in box) .doz. bxs. 95 Belgravia Company’s Candles : “Piano” Self-fitting ends, 16 oz. 4s, 6s, 8s and 12s, in handsome cartons of 1 set, 36 sets to case, solid or assort- ed colors set 35 “Boudoir” Self-fitting ends, 16 oz. 4s, 6s, 8s and 12s, in handsome cartons of 1 set, 36 sets to case, solid or as- sorted colors set 70 Belgravia Co.'s No. 33 : Decalcomanie decorations, with self- fitting ends, packed in neat cartons containing 2 candles, 12 candles in a package, solid or assorted colors, viz.: Blue, Green, Pink, Red, Yellow and White, 6 inch, 16 oz. 12s...gross 12 00 8 inch, 16 oz. 8s gross 18 00 Belgravia Co.’s No. 22 : Decalcomanie decorations, with plain ends, packed in cartons containing 34 gross 10 inch, and 34 gross 5 inch; 1>4 and 3 gross respectively inacase, solid or assorted colors, viz. : Blue, Green, Pink, Red, Yellow and White, 5 inch, 14 oz. 12s gross 6 00 10 inch, 14 oz. 6s gross 9 00 Belgravia Co.’s No. 11: Embossed decorations, with plain ends ; packed in cartons containing 2 candles, 12 candles in a package, solid or assorted colors, viz.: Blue, Green, Pink, Red, Yellow and White. 5 inch, 14 oz. 8s gross 21 00 8 inch, 14 oz. 6s gross 27 00 J. C. & J. Field’s English Candles : ' ‘ Ozokerit, ” self - fitting ends, 16 oz. 4s, 6s, 8s and 12s, cartons of 1 lb., 36 lb. to case, white only lb. 33 TransparentPiano, self-fitting ends, 16 oz. 8s and 12s, cartons of 1 lb., 36 lbs. to a case, various colors lb. 50 Ladies’ Boudoir, in 8s or 12s, cartons of 1 set, 36 sets to a case, various colors set 68 Wax Night Lights, to burn 8 hours, 12 lights in a box box 45 cjwm. ROCK CANDY. White, Yellow or Assorted : In 5 lb. cartons, all on strings, 50 lbs. incase lb. 1134 In 5 lb. cartons, 34 on strings, 60 lbs. incase lb. 11 In 10 lb. boxes, 34 on strings lb. 1034 In 30 lb. boxes, . “ ,1b. 10 WHITE OE YELLOW. In Pots, 1 in case lb. In bbls. and >a bbls. lumps, bbls. free .lb. 9 In bbls. and 34 bbls. crystals, bbls. free lb. 9 >4 ROCK CANDY SYRUP. In half bbls gal. 75 STICK CANDY. Nectar contains 16 lbs. assorted kinds Sticks, 2 lbs. Scollops and Patties and 7 lbs. Lumps and Mottoes. Crystal contains 12 lbs. assorted sticks, 6 lbs. Braid, 2 lbs. mixed, and the balance Lumps and Mottoes. Nectar brand, sticks and lumps, 25 lb. boxes, full weight lb. 11 Nectar brand, sticks and lumps, 25 lb. buckets, full weight lb. 11 MIXED CANDY. Winner’s 30 lbs., in buckets, package free lb. 11 Nectar brand, choice assorted, 25 lb. boxes lb. 16>4 Nectar brand, in 5 lb. cartons, 5 cartons inbox lb. 17 Crystal brand, well assorted, 25 lb. boxes lb. 16 Crystal brand, 5 lb. cartons, 5 cartons in box lb. 1634 French Mixed, finest quality, in 5 lb. cartons, 5 in box lb. 25 Premium brand, Mixed, 26 lb. boxes, bulk lb. 14 American Mixed, in bbls. and half bbls lb. 13 A full stock of Fancy Candy, all varieties. ASSORTED CANDIES. In 5 lb. Cartons : Wintergreen Lozenges lb. 17 Peppermint Lozenges lb. 18 A B Gum Drops lb. 834 Marbles, assorted lb. 17 Imperial Cinnamon or assorted lb. 18 Imperial Eggs lb. 18 PINEAPPLE GLACE—THURBER’S. A Delicious Confection : In 1 lb. cartons lb. 40 In bulk, 7 lb. boxes lb. 35 COUGH DROPS —MOSES. In cartons, containing 5 lb. tins lb. 25 In 5 lb. tins lb. 26 HOADLEY’S SPECIALTIES. Lime Juice Tablets, 5 lb. tins lb. 26 Blood Orange Pellets, 5 lb. tins lb. 25 Ginger Tablets, 5 lb. tins lb. 25 Chocolate Tablets, 5 lb. tins lb. 25 Phosphate Tablets, 5 lb. tins lb. 25 MAPLE SUGAR AND SYRUP. Our Maple Syrup bears an unsurpassed repu- tation throughout the country owing to its standard quality. We manufacture our from the best full flavored Maple Sugar. Our cans are handsomely labeled and lacquered in gold, green, blue and red, assorted colors in case. They hold full measure and are not so- called. We call special attention to our Fancy Decanters, cut glass style, with fancy glass stop- pers ; they are an ornament on every shelf and counter. In oak bbls., wood hoops, about 50 gals gal. 75 THE ABOVE PBICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 173 MAPLE SUGAR AND SYRUP—Continued. In oak half bbls., iron hoops, about 30 gals gal. 75 In pine kegs, wood hoops, about 10 gals gal. 85 In 5 gallon cans, screw top, 1 can in case gal. 90 In 1 gallon cans, screw top, 14 doz. in case doz. 13 25 In 2 gallon cans, screw top, 1 doz. in case doz. 7 25 In quart cans, screw top, 2 doz. in case doz. 4 25 In quart cans, screw top, 1 doz. in case ....doz. 4 05 In pint cans, screw top, 2 doz. in case doz. 2 25 In quart decanters, cut glass style, with fancy stoppers, 1 doz. in case doz. 4 75 In quart square bottles, 1 doz. in case doz. 3 25 In pint round bottles, 2 doz. in case doz. 1 75 We do not charge for bbls., balf- bbls., kegs or cans. Maple Sugar, 4 lb. bricks, 100 lb. cases lb. 9 Maple Sugar, 2 lb. bricks, 50 lb. cases lb. 9)4 Maple Sugar, 1 lb. bricks, 25 lb. cases lb. 10 Maple Sugar. % lb. bricks, 24 lb. cases lb. 10 yz Maple Sugar, 4 oz. cakes, 19 lb. cases .- lb. 11 Maple Sugar, Star Style, 14 to lb , 15 lb. cases lb. 12 Maple Sugar, Penny Cakes, 20 to lb., 15 lb. cases lb. 12 Maple Sugar, Bulk, in tubs lb. 9 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. BARTERS & RICE, Bine Watches, Siai^sMs, And ARTISTIC JEWELRY, 20 JOHN STREET (up stairs), NEW YORK., TOILET IF .A. IE3 KIR, ADD grades and kinds. Hoyt’s Patent Toilet Paper. Hoyt’s Patent Toilet Cabinets. All Sizes Wire Loop Toilet Papers in Stock. Write for Prices to the Manufacturers: SCOTT PAPER COMPANY, Limited, 25 NORTH SIXTH ST., PHILADELPHA, PA. For Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., New York. 174 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND <&* CO. CONESTOGA CORK WORKS. No. 67 Murray St., New York. Established 1860. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINE CUT CORKS. Our Productions were awarded the First Premium at the Great Centennial Exhibition for uniformity and quality. Give us a trial order and be convinced. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ADDRESS: CONESTOGA CORK WORKS, Or ARNOLD & CO., No. 67 Murray Street, New York. PRICES CURRENT.\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. CORKS. Superfine (XX) Straight or Taper. No. 0 9-16 in. long. gross 18 “ 1 X “ gross 19 “ 2 11-16 “ gross 21 “ 3 X *' gross 24 “ 4 H-16 “ gross 30 “ 5 % •• gross 35 “ 6 15-16 “ gross 45 “ 7 ..1 “ gross 48 “ 8 1 1-16 •* gross 58 “ 9 IX “ gross 70 “ 10 IX *• gross 81 “ 11 lia “ gross 93 “ 12 IX “ gross 1 04 “ 13 1% “ gross 1 19 “ 14 1% “ gross 1 30 “ 15 IX “ gross 1 63 “ 16 IX “ vross 1 88 “ 17 IX “ gross 2 15 “ 18 IX “ gross 2 43 “ 19 IX “ gross 2 75 “ 20 IX “ gross 3 05 “ 22 IX *■ gross 4 16 “ 24 IX “ gross 5 06 “ 26 IX “ gross 5 89 Assorted, 1 to 6 gross 29 “ 3 to 6 gross 32 “ 6 to 10 gross 63 “ 11 to 20 gross 1 82 XX, or Superfine Extra Long Taper. No. 0 X in. long gross 22 “ 1 X “ gross 23 “ 2 13-16 “ gross 27 “ 3 % “ gross 32 “ 4 15-16 “ gross 38 “ 5 1 “ gross 46 “ 6 1 1-16 “ gross 55 “ 7 IX “ gross 58 “ 8 IX “ gross 67 " 9 IX “ gross 93 “ 10 IX “ gross 1 18 Specie or Jar. Measure on Top or Large End. 1 inch gross 23 IX “ gross 27 IX “ gross 34 IX “ gross 40 IX “ gross 49 IX “ gross 56 IX “ gross 66 1% “ gross 77 2 “ gross 88 2X “ gross 99 2X “ gross 1 10 2X “ gross 1 23 2X “ gross 1 36 2X “ gross 1 54 2X “ gross 1 72 2% “ gross 1 90 3 “ gross 2 07 3X “ gross 2 45 3X " gross 2 85 3X “ gross 3 31 4 “ gross 3 74 4X “ gross 4 76 5 “ gross 5 79 5X “ .... gross 7 05 6 “ gross 8 47 X or Fine Long Taper. No. 0 X in- long gross 06 " 1 X “ gross 07 “ 2 13-16 “ gross 09 “ 3 X “ gross 11 “ 4 15-16 “ gross 13 “ 5 1 “ gross 16 '• 6 1 1-16 “ gross 20 X or Fine Long Taper—continued. No. 7 IX in. long gross 30 “ 8 IX “ gross 42 “ 9 IX “ gross 51 “ 10 IX “ gross 62 Fine (X) Straight or Taper. No. 0 9-16 in. long gross 06 “ 1 X “ gross 06 “ 2 11-16 “ gross 07 “ 3 X “ gross 09 “ 1 13-16 “ gross 11 “ 5 % “ ' gross 13 “ 6 15-16 “ gross 16 “ 7 1 “ gross 23 “ 8 1 1-16 “ gross 32 “ 9 IX “ gross 38 “ 10 IX “ gross 46 “ 11 1 X “ gross 53 “ 12 IX “ gross 59 “ 13 1% “ gross 73 “ 11 1% “ gross 79 “ 15 IX “ gross 99 “ 16 1 X “ gross 1 15 “ 17 IX “ gross 1 30 “ 18 IX “ gross 1 47 “ 19 IX “ gross 1 67 “ 20 IX “ gross 1 85 “ 22 IX “ gross 2 52 “ 24 IX “ gross 3 07 “ 26 IX “ gross 3 57 Assorted, 1 to 6 gross 09 “ 3 to 6 gross 12 “ 6 to 10 gross 32 “ . 11 to 20 gross 1 11 Common Short Jug Corks. For Grocers’s Use. No. 12 1 in. to IX in. long 27 “ 13 “ “ 29 " 11 “ “ 31 “ 15 “ “ 33 “ 16 “ “ 36 “ 17 “ “ 39 “ 18 “ ■ 42 “ 19 “ “ 45 “ 20 “ “ 50 “ 22 “ “ 60 “ 24 “ “ 73 “ 26 ‘ “ 86 12 to 16, assorted, suitable for 1 and 2 gallon jugs 31 “ 17 to 20, assorted, suitable for 3 and 5 gallon jugs 42 CREAM OF TARTAR. The following are ground and put up at our own mills, and we know them to be good value and uniform in quality. The “Ground Crystal” brand is pure— The “O K” brand is not pure, but it is of good quality. Ground Crystal, in 501b. boxes and 38 “ in 25 and 15 lb. boxes.. .lb. 39 “ in 15 lb. cans lb. 42 “ in 15 lb. shelf cans lb. 44 “ in X foil, 201b 42 OK Brand, in 25 and 50 lb. kegs lb. 29 “ in 15 lb. cans lb. 31 “ in 201b. boxes, X foil lb. 32 “ in 20 lb. boxes, X and X 31 “ in 20 lb. boxes, X tins lb. 42 CUPS, QUASSIA. Small doz. 1 00 Medium doz. 1 50 Large doz. 2 00 THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 176 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND <&* CO. THE NEW STAND. $20,000 insr iroisT. THE NEW STAND. VAN STAN'S STRATENA COMPANY (Limited), 210, 212 and 214 Evelina Street, PHILADELPHIA. We have spent over Ten Thousand Dollars in distributing our old-style Iron Advertising Stands and Weights, and propose to spend Ten Thou- sand more in the introduction of the handsome New Stand which we are now putting out. Our idea is to double the sale of our cement. This is the surest way of doing it. It stands to reason that a handsome, novel and attractive sign of this peculiar character, displayed in a store, is bouud to create an instant and steady demand for the Cement. We know there are numbers of dealers who have never kept our Cement in stock, while their neighbors, not a block away, have retailed gross after gross. How do you explain it ? We know of druggists who keep our cement in stock, but who rarely sell a dozen bottles per month, while their neighbors, not a block away, sell that much, and a great deal more, every week. How do you explain it? The explanation is very simple. The latter keep our handsome Stands exhibited in their stores ; the others do not. If you wish to obtain one of these novel, handsome and attractive Signs, send to THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. for a VAN STAN’S Stratena Advertising Case. Each case contains 1 complete Stand, 1 Show Card, 1,000 Comic Circulars, and 2 Dozen Stratena. No charge except for the Stratena (Regular Price, $1.50 per dozen). Ask for an ADVERTISING CASE and take nothing else. Description of Stand:—Height 22 inches, diameter of base 16 inches. Toy plate broken and holding up a 10 lb. iron weight. Sign 8 inches diameter, hand painted, 8 colors, windmill in bas-relief. Every Wholesale Drug House in the United States sells VAN STAN’S STRATENA, and acknowledge it to be the best and most salable article of the kind ever put on the market. Very truly yours, PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 177 FAMILY MEDICINES. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s Reliable Family Medicines, strictly pure and of full strength U. S P. are prepared with the greatest care from the purest and best materials obtainable, and are neatly put up and labeled with full directions and doses for children and adults. One dozen in wooden box. 1 oz. doz. 2 oz. doz. 4 oz. doz. 40 75 1 25 70 70 65 75 45 80 70 1 10 50 85 50 85 1 50 50 1 50 50 85 1 50 85 50 95 1 70 75 40 50 35 1 50 45 75 1 40 50 85 1 50 Laudanum 75 1 25 90 2 40 Paregoric 50 40 85 70 1 50 1 20 “ Ammonia, Aromatic 50 50 85 85 1 50 1 50 85 1 50 75 50 85 1 50 50 85 1 50 50 85 1 50 50 85 1 50 50 85 1 50 50 85 1 50 60 1 10 50 85 ' 1 50 50 85 1 50 60 85 1 50 45 75 Essences Peppermint, Wintergreen, Anise, Lemon, Sassafras, Birch, Cinnamon, 50 THURBER’S FAMILY CABINET. Contains 1 bottle each of Tincture Arnica Camphorated Oil, Glycerine, Spirits Hartshorn Hive Syrup, Syrup Ipecac, Spirits Nitre, Tinc- ture Rhubarb and Syrup Squills. 2 bottles each Castor Oil, Spirits Camphor, Essence Jamaica Ginger, Syrup Rhubarb, Essence Peppermint, and 3 bottles each Cough Mixture and Paregoric, 24 bottles in all, put in handsome style. Price, complete $2 00 THCRBER’S FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST. An elegant little case, containing one bottle each (regular 2 oz. family medicine size) Essence Jamaica Ginger, Castor Oil, Cough Mixture, Es- sence Peppermint, Sweet Spirits Nitre, Diarrhcea Mixture, Spirits, Hartshorn, Hive Syrup, Pare goric, Syrup Rhubarb, Camphorated Oil, and one bottle each McLaury’s Anti-bilious Pills and Instant Toothache Cure. Full directions and doses on labels, and on the inside of chest cover is a list of the common everyday ailments of children and adults, with hints as to treatment, etc. Price, complete $1 10 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 178 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. CHAMOIS SKINS. AX—30 skins to kip kip. 3 75 XB—30 skins to kip.. kip. 4 50 B—30 skins to kip t kip. 5 37 BX— 30 skins to kip. kip. 7 00 C—30 skins to kip kip. 8 00 X—30 skins to kip kip. 12 75 XXX—30 skins to kip, large kip. 16 33 P—30 skins to kip, extra large kip. 18 45 XP—30 skins to kip, very large and heavy kip. 22 06 All the above have been selected by our London House and are warranted the very best to be had in the market. The prices are lower than those of other dealers. French, chalk dressed doz. 10 50 French, oil dressed doz. 9 50 French skins are very large, strong and desirable. CHOCOLATE, COCOA, ETC. MAILLARD’S. lb. Chocolate, Premium, 12 and 25 lb. boxes.. 34 “ 34 Vanilla, % lb., 12 lb. boxes.. 36 “ Single Vanilla, % lb. boxes... 40 “ Double Vanilla, >4 “ ••• 48 “ Triple Vanilla, 34 “ ... 55 “ Prepared 32 “ Sweet, >4s 20 Broma, 34 lb. tins, 12 lb. boxes 39 Cocoa, Breakfast, 34 lb. tins, 10 lb. boxes. 46 “ Dietetic, 34 lb. tins, 10 lb. boxes... 46 “ Prepared, 34 lb. pkgs., 12 lb. boxes. 37 “ Mexican Hygenic, 341b. tins, 121b. boxes 36 RUNKEL BROTHERS. Chocolate, Vienna, Sweet, 16s, 6 and 12 lb. boxes... lb. 20 Chocolate, Premium, blue wrappers, 12 lb. and 25 lb. boxes lb. 32 Chocolate, Demi-Vanilla, 34s lb. 30 Chocolate, French Vanilla, 34s. lb. 38 Chocolate, Standard Chocolate Liquer, (Confectioners’ Chocolate), Al, 10s, 100 lb. cases 25 Chocolate, Broma, 34 lb. tins, 12 lb. boxes lb. 36 Cocoa, Pure English Breakfast, 34 lb. tins, 6 lb. boxes lb. 45 Cocoa, Homeopathic, Prepared, 34 lb. tins, 10 lb. boxes lb. 35 rockwood’s. Rockwood k Co.’s Acorn Brand Cream Chocolates, 5 lb. boxes, per lb 25 Chocolate, Premium, 1 lb., 12 lb. boxes... 32 “ Sweet, 34 lb., 6 and 12 lb. bxs.. 20 “ Sweet, 1-5 lb., 6 and 12 lb. bxs. 20 Breakfast Cocoa, 34 s, canisters 45 “ “ 34s> cans 45 huyler’s. Chocolate, Family, blue wrapper, 12 lb... 37 “ Mexican Sweet, 34s, 12 lb 22 “ Triple Vanilla, 12 lb. boxes 48 Breakfast Cocoa, 34 lb. canisters, 6 lb.... 50 DE JONG’S PURE SOLUBLE COCOA. 34 lb. tins each 45 34 lb. tins. each 25 % lb. tins each 15 c. d. brooks’. Chocolate, Premium, No. 1,12 and 25 lb. boxes 34 Chocolate, Extra Family, 6 and 12 lb. boxes 38 Chocolate, German-American Sweet, 6 and 12 lb. boxes 21 Chocolate, Single Vanilla, 12 lb. boxes 38 “ Double “ “ .... 43 Cocoa, Breakfast, 34 lb. cans, 6 and 12 lb. boxes 43 SUNDRY BRANDS. Chocolate, Lombart, 34 Vanilla, 12 lb. boxes lb. 32 Chocolate, Royal Cream, 1 lb. tins, 24 lb. boxes lb. 32 Chocolate, Royal Cream, 34 lb. tins.... lb. 35 Cocoa, Epp’s, 14 lb. boxes lb. 38 Cocoa, Shells, Griswold’s, 1 lb. pkgs., 10 lb. boxes lb. 534 Cocoa, Shells, in 50 lb. bags lb. 234 Alkethrepta, box of 1 doz box.5 00 COLOGNES, PERFUMES AND FLORIDA WATER. COLOGNE. Atwood’s, 1 quart doz. 31 00 Austen’s Forest Flower, trial doz. 100 “ “ “ small doz. 1 75 “ “ “ medium..doz. 4 00 “ “ “ large doz. 5 50 Colgate’s, 34 pint, glass stopper doz. 6 25 “ 34 “ “ ....doz. 10 25 “ 1 “ “ doz. 15 50 “ 34 “ cork stopper doz. 6 00 “ 34 “ “ doz. 10 00 “ 1 “ “ doz. 15 00 “ 1 quart, “ doz 28 12 Hoyt’s German, small doz. 1 75 “ “ medium doz. 3 75 “ “ large doz. 7 50 Ricksecker’s, Fifth Avenue doz. 1 75 Requa’s, Pieper Heidsieck, wicker basket doz. 1 50 HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS. Stephany’s “ Forget-Me-Not” doz. 7 00 “ ‘‘Turkish Violet” doz. 7 00 “ “Frou-Frou” doz. 7 00 “ “ White Rose” doz. 7 00 “ “Clematis” doz. 7 00 “ “Heliotrope” doz. 7 00 All the above odors are put up in 2 oz. Fine Cut-Glass Stoppered Octagon Bottles. 34 doz. of any one Odor in box, elegantly Lithographed. FLACON A LA MRS. MORGAN, “Baccarat Fabrique,” filled with Stephany’s Genu- ine German Eau De Cologne. No. 2, containing 24 oz., per piece.... 2 45 ‘ 3, “ 16*4 “ “ .... 190 “ 4, “ 1134 “ “ .... 1 60 “ 5, “ 834 “ “ .... 1 25 “ 6, “ 6 “ “ 1 00 All tied with heavy Satin Bow, tastily decorated in Gold. THE ABOVE PRICES ABE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHY LAND & CO. 179 LOTUS FLOWER. COLOGNE. Howard’s, with sprinkler top, small, doz. 1 75 “ “ “ large .doz. 4 00 Green Seal, 1 oz. bottles doz. 1 00 “ 3 oz. “ doz. 175 “ 6 oz “ doz. 3 75 “ 8 oz. “ glass stoppers.doz. 9 25 Cologne, No. 1 gal. 7 00 “ No. 2 gal. 5 00 FLORIDA WATER. Austin’s, sample doz. 1 00 “ small doz. 2 00 “ medium doz. 4 00 Byrne’s. doz. 4 00 Caswell, Hazard & Co.’s doz. 5 25 Coudray’s doz. 6 50 Farina. F. M., No. 4711 doz. 5 25 Formel’s..-. doz. 4 20 Higgin’s, y2 pint bottles doz. 2 00 Johnson’s doz. 4 50 Lanman & Kemp’s, small doz. 1 75 THURBER’S FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, full size, 1 doz. in case doz. 4 00 Thurber’s Fountain of Youth, small size, 2 doz. in case doz. 2 00 Discount:—1 to 4 cases, less 5 per cent.; 5 to 9 cases, less 15 per cent. ; 10 cases or over, less 20 per cent. ROSE AND TOILET WATER. Thurber’s Toilet Water, half pints.. doz. 4 00 Griswold’s Rose Water, 2 oz. bots... doz. 60 RoseWater, Chiris, gallon 2 00 Orange Flower Water, Chiris gal. 2 00 IDEAL PERFUMES. Assorted, 6 odors to each doz., elegant in design, rich,lasting and true—Jockey Club, Ylang Ylang, Honey Suckle, Moss Rose, Patchouly, West End : Per doz 2 25 Per gross 24 30 MAY BLOSSOM SPRAY. A complete Atomizer, ready filled with the delicious May Blossom perfume, one in a carton, per doz. cartons 1 75 NOT a toy, but well made and good in every respect. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE DEANE PLASTER CO. MANUFACTURE A FULL LINE OF Porous Plasters, Medicinal and Surgical Plasters, One and Five-Yard Rolls, Adhesive on Spools, Mustard and Court Plaster, etc., Absorbent Cot- tons, Antiseptics, Elastic and Muslin Roll Bandages, Sus- pensories, Oiled Silk and Muslin, etc., etc. We manufacture only one quality of goods, and that the best. We use the best medicinal extracts and selected materials obtainable. Thus, through, the valuable aid of Mr. Deane’s great practical and professional knowledge in selecting the materials used, and his skillful preparation and manipulation of the various ingredients that enter into the composition of medicinal plasters, we are enabled to produce goods of perfect uniformity, a result unequaled by any of the present day self-styled plaster manufacturers. Our prices are the most reasonable for which honest goods of true pharmacal standard can be purchased. Per Gross. Porous Strengthening, - - $5.60 Porous Belladonna, - - - 10.00 Porous Capsicine, - - - 6.00 Per Gross. Porous Belladonna & Capsicum, $8.40 Porous Capsicum, - - - 6.00 Porous Rheumatic, - - - 8.00 All our Goods are Guaranteed. Send for Price List. When Ordering From Your Wholesaler Specify THE DEANE PLASTER CO.’S GOODS. Office, 23 DEY STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, YONKERS. 180 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. The Sensation of the Metropolis! THE STEPHANY PERFUMES. UNANIMOUSLY PRONOUNCED THE SIX MOST EXQUIS- ITE ODORS IN THE MARKET. Quadruple Extracts Only, FORGET ME NOT, TURKISH VIOLET, FROU-FROU, WHITE ROSE, CLEMATIS, HELIOTROPE. 1 pint $4 00 y2 pint 2 10 pint 1 15 Two-ounce Fine Cut-glass Stoppered Octagon Bottles. Per doz. % dozen in box, elegantly litho- graphed $7 00 2-ounce Couplets 14 00 MAGNIFICENT SHOW CARDS. Fae-simile of Half-pint Bottle. HILMAR STEPHANY, Manufacturer, 323 Broadway, N. Y PRICES CURRENT, THURBER. WHYLAND & CO. /4, §®I??Hi© & Cfe, MANUFACTURERS OF ¥piple BxlPacls, Gclcgees, TOILET WATERS, COSMETIQTJES, FACE POWDERS, &c. We enumerate below a few of the odors to which we point with especial confidence and pleasure, offering them with the absolute guarantee that they will be found in every sense, of unapproachable excellence : TRIPLE EXTRACTS IN BULK. Bon Ton, Jockey Club, New Mown Hay, Bouquet Marie, Bouquet Royal, Violet, Heliotrope, Lily of the Valley, White Rose. YLANC YLANC. Price of above, per pint $3 00 Price of above, half pint 1 50 In Bottles of Assorted Sizes, Class Stoppers. £ oz. Glass Stopper, assorted odors, per doz *. $2 00 1 oz. Glass Stopper, assorted odors, per doz 4 00 2 oz. Glass Stopper, assorted odors, per doz 6 00 3 oz. Glass Stopper, assorted odors, per doz .10 00 BOUQUET EXTRACTS, SPRINKLER TOPS. Central Park Bouquet (very popular), 1 oz $1 75 Central Park Bouquet 2 oz 3 50 TOILET WATERS. Violet, 4 oz., Sprinkler Tops $3 75 Violet, 8 oz., Sprinkler Tops 7 50 Lavender, 4 oz., Sprinkler Tops 3 35 Lavender, 8 oz., Sprinkler Tops 6 50 Florida Water, 4 oz., Sprinkler Tops 2 00 Florida Water, 8 oz., Sprinkler Tops 4 00 SACHET POWDERS. Any odor in £ lb. Glass Stopper Bottles, per doz $9 00 Assorted odors in envelopes 0 80 Assorted odors in envelopes, per doz 9 00 OUR GEMS, which are gems, and no dealer should be without a card of this most attractive and speediest seller in the perfume market. 2 doz. on a metal card. The center a bouquet of choice and tastefully arranged artificial flowers. $1.60 net per card. 264 SPRING STREET, - - New York. 182 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. WE COMMEND RICKSECKER’S ¥©ileu S©@ds as the Finest Obtainable- Riekseeker’s Cologne, small doz. $1 75 “ Violet Water, small “ 1 75 Lavender, small “ 1 75 Cologne, large “ 8 OO “ Violet Water, large “ 8 OO “ Lavender “ 8 00 Perfumes, small oval “ 2 OO Fancy Tubes “ 3 50 No. 10, % oz “ 4 00 “ “ 5. 1 oz “ 5 OO “ “ “ 9, IX oz " 6 OO 2 OZ “ 9 OO Skin Soap “ 1 75 Face Powder “ 1 75 Violet Powder “ 1 25 Sachets Envelopes “ 2 OO Dentaroma for the Teeth “ 5 50 “ New Tooth Powder, White or Pink “ 1 75 LOW’S PRIZE MEDAL PERFUMES Eight and Sixteen 0unees.-$3.00 per lb. Aunt Margaret. Bouquet de Caroline. Carnation. Essence Bouquet. Frangipani. Gardenia, Heliotrope. Jasmine. Jockey Club. Lily of the Valley. Magnolia. Mignonette. Mille-Fleurs. Moss Rose. Musk. New Mown Hay. Ocean Spray. Orange Flowers. Oliver Twist. Opoponax. Patchouly. Rose Geranium. Stephanotis. Sweet Briar. Tea Rose. Tube Rose. Upper Ten. Verbena. Violet. West End. White Heliotrope. White Rose. Winter Blossom. Wood Violet. Ylang Ylang. Eight and Sixteen 0unees.-$4.00 per lb. Aesthetic Bouquet. Jacque Rose. Iroquois Boquet. Wild Roses. White Lily. Something New. White Lilac. Eight and Sixteen Ounces,— $5.OO per lb. Chinese Musk. Flower de Luce. Essence Bouquet, super. Jersey Lily. Naragansett Bouquet. Violets From My Garden. Handkerchief Extracts. Per Doz. ■ | oz., Glass Stopper $3 75 j 1 oz., Glass Stopper or Sprinkler.. 5 40 | Per Doz. 2 oz., Glass Stopper or Sprinkler.. $8 75 4 oz., Glass Stopper or Sprinkler. .15 00 Low’s Triple Toilet Water .-Glass Stopper. Wood Violets, small per doz. $6 00 | Wood Violets, large per doz. $12 00 Per Doz. Old Eng. Lavender Water, small. .$4 50 Old Eng. Lavendar Water, large... 8 00 Royal Windsor Water 5 00 Per Doz. Bay Rum, Pints $7 50 Bay Rum, Quarts 10 50 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. 183 EXTRACT DEPARTMENT FLAVORING EXTRACTS.—THURBER, WHTLAND & CO.’S “BEST.” These are prepared from the choicest selected fruits and spices, and are so highly concentrated that a comparatively small quantity only need be used. Put up in flint glass bottles, with attractive lithographic labels and wrappers. 2 oz. 4 oz. 8 oz. Pints. Quarts. Quart. Gallons. Gallon. Lemon $1 75 $3 50 $7 00 $14 00 $2 00 $8 00 Vanilla tt 2 75 5 50 11 00 22 00 3 75 14 00 Orange • < 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Hose 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Almond 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Peach 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Celery 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Ginger 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Nutmeg 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Cinnamon 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Nectarine 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Cloves 1 75 3 50 7 00 14 00 2 00 8 00 Assorted (1 bottle of each kind) “ 1 75 3 50 7 00 — — — Strawberry — — 14 00 2 00 8 00 Pineapple •«* — 14 00 2 00 8 00 Raspberry — — 14 00 2 00 8 00 Banana — — 14 00 2 00 8 00 Strawberry, Pineapple, Raspberry and Banana are sold in bulk only as quoted. We will fill orders for less quantity than one dozen of the pint, quart or gallon size if desired. Wholesale Discount—On ya gross, 5 per cent.; on 1 gross, 10 per cent. Per 1 lb. bottle 5 Oo Per gallon 22 Oo THXTRBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S DOUBLE VANILLA. GRISWOLD'S O. K. EXTRACTS. We guarantee that at the price no better Extracts can be produced than Griswold’s O. K. and I. X. L. brands, and a trial of them will demonstrate the fact that they are better value than those offered by competing houses at much higher prices. • So-called 2 oz. So-calle d 4 oz. So-called 8 oz. Pints. Quarts. & Quart. Gallons. $ Gallon. Lemon per doz. SI 50 $3 00 $6 00 $12 00 $1 75 $7 00 Vanilla “ 2 00 4 00 8 00 16 50 2 75 11 00 Orange “ 1 50 3 00 6 oo 12 00 1 75 7 00 Eose “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 l 75 7 00 Almond “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Peach *■ 1 50 3 00 G 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Celery “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Ginger “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Nutmeg “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Cinnamon “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Nectarine “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Cloves “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Strawberry “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Pineapple “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Kaspberry “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Banana 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Assorted “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 12 00 1 75 7 00 Wholesale Discount—On % gross, 5 per cent.; on 1 gross, 10 per cent. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 184 PRICES CURRENT,\ THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. GRISWOLD’S I X. L. EXTRACTS, So-called 2 oz So-called 4 oz. So-called 8 oz Pints. Quarts. $ Quart. Gallons. Gallon. Lemon per doz. $1 00 $2 00 $4 00 $9 00 $1 50 $6 00 Vanilla “ 1 50 3 00 6 00 14 00 2 25 9 00 Almond “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Banana “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Celery 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Cinnamon 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Cloves *• 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Ginger “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Nutmeg 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Nectarine “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Orange “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 60 6 00 Peach '* 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Pineapple “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Pistachio “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Peppermint “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Rose “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Raspberry “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 00 Strawberry *• 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 6 oo Assorted “ 1 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 60 6 00 Wholesale Discount—On gross, 5 per cent.: on 1 gross, 10 per cent. 2 Oz. 4 OZ. 8 oz. Pts. doz. Qts.each. Howard’s Vanilla, per doz 2 00 4 00 9 00 1 50 “ Lemon, “ 75 1 50 3 00 6 00 1 00' HOWARD’S EXTRACTS. On orders of 1 gross or over of above Extracts, 10 per cent.; on A gross, 5 per cent, discount will be given. Five per cent, discount on orders of one gross. . doz. Arnold’s Vanilla, in so-called 2 oz. bottles, per doz 60 Arnold’s Lemon, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Wintergreen, Cloves, &c., in so-called 2 oz. bottles— 50 FLAVORING ESSENCES, THE ABOVE PBICES ABE APPROXIMATE ONLY. Take only and Insist on “The Best of American Manufacture.” PLANTEN’S CAPSULES. Known as Reliable fop General Excellence over BO Years. ESTABLISHED 1836. Hr PLANTEN & SON, 224 William Street, New York. HARD AND SOFT ELASTIC 9 Sizes : 3, 5, 10 and 15 Min., and 1, 2K, 5,10 and 15 Gram. ALL KINDS FILLED. EMPTY lop Powders. 8 sizes EMPTY fop Liquids, 8 sizes CAPSULES Trial Box, 25e. VAGINAL, 6 Sizes RECTAL, 3 sizes Horse Ball (6 sizes) and Capsules for Mechanical Purposes. Samples sent free. Specify PLANTEN’S on all orders. Sold by all Druggists. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. 185 FRENCH GOODS DEPARTMENT. FANCY GROCERIES.—Imported. We are the Largest Importers of Fancy Groceries in the United States, and direct special atten- tion to our Alexis Godillot’s brands, which are unequaled in quality. THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. VEGETABLES. MUSHBOOMS. A. G. (Alexis Godillot), extra full, 100 cans.. 25 “ “ 100 cans in case 34 cans 15 H. Lambert 100 cans in case.. 22 Dupin “ " 20 Ordinary “ “ .. 16 PEAS.—NEW CHOP. Lambert, extra fine, 100 cans in case. Garres, fine green 100 cans in case.. 18 St. Nicholas, moyen green, “ “ .. 15 Dupin, “ “ “ “ .. 13 Lambert, extra fine green, “ “ .. 22 A. Godillot, ex. nat’l color, “ “ .. 24 Cepes in oil, glass jars, each 60 Cepes in oil, cans 40 Truffles, Perigord, Unpeeled, 34 can* 2 00 “ “ “ 34 “ 1 00 “34 “ 60 “ Peelings, “ 34 “ 75 $ hot. “ Perigord, “ 34 bottles.... 2 25 “ “ “ 34 “ ... 1 00 “ “ “ % “ ... 70 “ “ Peeled, 34 “ ... 2 76 “ “ “ 34 “ ... — 34 “ ••• — can. “ Extra Choice, “ 34 cans 2 75 “ “ “ 34 1 50 “ “ “ 34 “ 80 Beans, A. G. Flageolet, small limas 25 “ A. G String 25 “ String, in glass jars 35 Asparagus Tips, A. G 50 Artichauts, A. G., whole, 34 cans 28 “ “ bottoms, 34 cans 50 Macedoine 25 OLIVES. A. G.—ALEXIS GODILLOT. Queen, A. G., $ case of 12 wide-mouthed quarts 5 25 Queen, A. G., $ case of 12 wide-mouthed pints 3 75 Queen, A. G., case of 12 wide-mouthed 34 pints 2 50 Queen, H. Lambert, case of 12 quarts. 4 50 “ “ “ 12 pints.. 3 00 “ “ “ 24 34 pints 3 00 Crescent, A. G., $ case of 12 pints 4 00 “ “ *■ 12 34 pints.... 2 75 Amelleau, A. G., case of 12 v, pints... 2 00 Stuffed, A. G., per case of 12 bottles 4 25 Queen XX Olives, in 5 gal. kegs, per keg. 5 50 “ “ in 1 gal. kegs, per keg. 1 50 (No charge for keg.) OLIVE OIL. We are sole proprietors and importers of the Alexis Godillot Virgin Oil, which is of superlative quality. Alexis Godillot’s Virgin, quarts, per one doz. case 6 75 Alexis Godillot’s Virgin, pints, per two doz. case 7 25 Alexis. Godillot’s Virgin, J4 pints, per two doz. case 4 75 Alexis Godillot’s Virgin, in stagnons, five gals, each, per gal 2 50 Alexis Godillot’s Virgin, in stagnons, 2)4 gals, each, per gal 2 60 Henri Lambert. Surfine, in stagnons, 3 gals, each, 2 stagnons in case, per gal.. 2 00 Italian Oil in “Betties,” 2>2 doz. per case 5 75 SALAD OIL. Jules Cavour, quarts, per case, 1 doz.... 2 50 “ pints, per case, 2 doz 2 60 34 pints, per case, 2 doz... 1 90> We are sole agents for the “Jules Cav- our,” a good oil, put up in attractive style at a moderate price. Ducro & Cie, quarts, per case, 1 doz 1 80 “ pints, per case, 2 doz 1 90 “ 34 pints, per case, 2 doz.... 1 15 Caprera Salad Oil in bbls., per gal 45 “ “ in 5 and 10 gal. cans (cans free) 55 Diamond Salad Oil in bbls., per gal 35 CAPERS. Nonpareilles, A. G., case of 12 full size, bottles 3 25 Nonpareilles, A. G., case of 12 )4 bots... 2 75 “ “ case of 24 X bots... 2 75 “ “ case of 12 pt. bots.. 5 25 “ “ case of 12 34 pt. bots. 3 OO “ " case of 4 glass jars.. 7 75 Surfine, A. G., case of 12 full size bots... 2 75 “ “ case of 12 half bots 2 00 “ “ case of 12 pint bots 4 25 “ “ case of 12 34 pint bots 2 75 “ “ case of 4 glass jars — Capotes, A. G., case of 12 full size bots.. 2 50' “ “ case of 12 half bots 1 75 FRUITS IN BRANDY. Cherries, A. G., qts., full size, per case, 1 doz 3 00' Cherries, A. G., qts., American style, per case, 1 doz 2 25 Cherries, A. G., pts., American style, per case, 2 doz 3 25 Brandy Peaches, A. G., qts., American style, per case, 1 doz 2 75 Brandy Peaches, A. G., pts., American style, per case, 2 doz 3 75 These Prices are for the Trade only, and are subject to Market Fluctuations. 186 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. Olive Oil lliPBRLATIVE n n n?wnr? rPfniTnim n fnl^ sIQ oi> ._zL —- i_. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. SARDINES AND OTHER FISH. SARDINES.—GENUINE FRENCH. Per can. 34 A. G., plain, 100 cans in case 15 34 A. G., plain, 100 cans in case'. 25 34 A. G., boneless, 100 cans in case 32 34 A. G., boneless, high cans, 100 cans in case 22 34 Sundry brands, small fish, 100 cans in case 13 34 Sundry brands, 8-12 fish 100 cans in case 13 34 Picnic cans, 100 cans in case 13 y2 H. Lambert, 100 cans in case 20 SARDINES.—AMERICAN. Per can. 34 Sundry brands, 100 cans in case 434 34 “ “ “ 834 1-1 in Mustard (50 in case) 8 1-1 Spiced “ 8 Per case. Anchovies, A. G., in salt, case of 12 34 pint jars 4 00 Anchovies, A. G., in oil, ex. case of 12 34 bottles 7 00 Anchovies, A. G., in oil. ex. case of 12 34 bottles 4 00 Anchovy Paste, A. G., case of 12 stone jars 3 25 Funny Fish, in oil, 34s, per box 38 “ " >4s, per box 19 IMPORTED SUNDRIES. Anglo-Swiss Milk Food, for infants and invalids, 2 doz. in case, per doz 4 00 Nestle’s Lacteous Farina, per doz 4 50 Nestle’s Lacteous Farina, original case of 50 cans, per doz 4 35 Assorted Fruits in Juice, per doz 10 00 Pate de Foie Gras La Forrest, in tins, large 1 15 Pate de Foie Gras La Forrest, in tins, small 75 Mortadella, 34s, half moon, per can 19 “ 34s, “ “ 32 Soup coloring, box of 12 bottles 1 25 MACARONI.—Imported. la favorita.—25 lb. in box. Our ‘ La Favorita” brand is the best im- ported. We sell by actual weight. Per lb. Grossi, large, hollow stem, loose 9 “ “ “ “ “1 lb. pkgs. 10 Mezzani, medium, hollow stem, loose.... 9 Mezzani, medium, hollow stem, loose, 1 lb. pkgs 10 Spaguetti, extra small, solid stem, loose. 9 Spaguetti, extra small, solid stem, loose, 1 lb. pkgs 10 MACARONI.—DOMESTIC. Egg Macaroni, loose, large ribbon, 12 lb. boxes 9 Egg Macaroni, loose, small ribbon, 12 lb. boxes 9 Extra quality, loose, 12 lb. boxes 634 “ 1 lb. pkgs., 24 lb. boxes... 9 VERMICELLI.—Imported. Our “La Favorita” brand is the best im- ported. We sell Vermicelli by actual weight. Per lb. La Favorita brand, choice, white or yel- low, 25 lb. boxes, bulk 9 La Favorita, 1 lb. pkgs., choice, 25 lb. boxes 10>£ La Favorita, Italian Paste, 1 lb. pkgs., 15 lb. boxes 1034 FRENCH PRUNES. ALEXIS GODILLOT’S BRAND.—PREPARED FRUIT. We guarantee our A. G. brand French Prunes to be of the finest quality. Spe- cial prices on 25 case lots. QUARTER BOXES. Per lb. Per lb 40-45 to lb — 60-65 to lb — 50-55 to lb — 70-75 to lb 934 HALF BOXES. Per lb. Per lb. 40-45 to lb — 70-75 to lb 9*4 50-55 to lb — 80-85 to lb 8J4 60-65 to lb — 90-95 to lb 734 FANCY cartons. Per lb. 10 lb. cartons, 40-45 to lb., 10 to case. ... — 10 lb. cartons, 50-55 to lb., 10 to case 15 10 lb. cartons, 60-65 to lb., 10 to case 14 5 lb. cartons, 40-45 to lb., 20 to case 17 5 lb. cartons, 50-55 to lb., 20 to case 15 5 lb. cartons, 60-65 to lb., 20 to case 14 GLASS JABS. Jars, 2 lb., 30-35 to lb., per case, 1 doz... 10 00 Jars, 2 lb., 40-45 to lb., “ 1 doz... 9 00 Jars, 2 lb., 50-55 to lb., “ ldoz... 8 CO Jars, 21b., 60-65 to lb., •* ldoz... 7 00 FANCY TINS. One Dozen in Case. Per case. 1 lb., 40-45 to lb 4 00 2 lb., 40-45 to lb 6 50 3 lb , 40-45 to lb — 5 lb., 40-45 to lb — lib., 50-55 to lb 3 50 2 ib., 50-55 to lb 6 00 5 1b., 50-55 to lb 12 25 2 lb., 60-65 to lb 5 00 5 lb., 60-65 to lb 11 25 3 lb., 70-75 to lb — 51b., 70-75 to lb 10 25 5 lb., 80-85 to lb 9 25 fancy tins. Per lb. 10 lb. tins, 10 in case, 40-45 18 10 lb. tins, 10 in case, 50-55 16 NUTS. Almonds, Languedoc, less than bag 17 Almonds, Tarragoona, 110 bags, per lb... 1534 Almonds, Tarragoona, less than original pkge., per lb 16 34 Almonds, Jordon, shelled, 25 lb. boxes.. 48 Almonds, Sicily, shelled, in 100 lb. bags. per lb 24 Almonds, Sicily, shelled, less than bag, per lb 25 Almonds, Sicily, shelled, in 25 lb. boxes, per lb 26 Brazil Nuts, crop 1887, per lb 6 These, Prices are for the Trade only, and are subject to Market Fluctuations. 188 PRICES CURRENT\ THURBER, WHYLAND <&* CO. RELIABLE FOOD PRODUCTS. Bordeaux Asparagus. Oyster Bay Asparagus. Baldwin Tomatoes. Windham Corn. Windham Succotash. Lima Beans, Stringless Beans. Bordeaux Peas. La Favorita Peas. Early June Peas. Marrow Peas. Condensed Stewed Tomatoes. California Apricots. Muscat Grapes. Extra Choice Yellow Peaches. Extra Choice Lemon Cling Peaches. Sliced Peaches ready for Sugar and Cream. Extra Choice White Heath Peaches. California Bartlett Pears. Whole Pineapple. Green Gage Plums. Egg Plums. Orange Quinces. Preserved Strawberries. Qualiaug Little Neck Clams. Egmont Bay Lobster. Saddle Rock Oysters. Columbia River Salmon. Whole Boneless Ham. Lamb’s Tongue. Lunch Tongue. Lunch Ham. Rolled Ox Tongue. Roast Beef. Roast Chicken. Whole Roast Chicken. Boned Chicken. Boned Turkey. Roast Turkey. Potted Meats. Plum Pudding. The Celebrated A. G. Olive Oil, Olives, Sardines, and other Fancy French Groceries. High Grade Fruit Preserves and Jellies. We import, manufacture, or deal in nearly everything that is consumed in eating or drinking, and all goods bearing our name are guaranteed to be of superior quality, and dealers are authorized to refund the purchase price in any case where consumers have cause for dissatisfaction. THDRBER, IHYLAND & CO., New York. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. FLOUR AMD FARINACEOUS GOODS. FOOD PRODUCTS, ETC. We offer to our patrons the highest grades of Flour and Cereal Food that can be milled from the choicest selection of grain—especial care being taken that Druggists’ Supplies shall merit the highest approbation of their trade. We enumerate the most popular goods in this line which are always offered to druggists at favorable prices. FARINACEOUS GOODS AND SPECIALTIES. Arrowroot, St. Vincent: yz lb. foil, 12 lb. boxes, per lb 25 % lb. foil, 12 lb. boxes, per lb 25 Arrowroot, Pure Bermuda : In original tins, 28 lbs. each, per lb 28 In 7 and 12 lb. tins, per lb 30 In 1 lb. tins, 12 lb. boxes 32 In % lb. tins, 12 lb. boxes, per lb 34 In %. lb. tins, 12 lb. boxes, per lb 36 FARINA. THURBER, WHYLAND A CO.’S. 48 1 lb. pkgs., per box 3 25 24 1 lb. pkgs., per box 1 70 100 lb. kegs, per keg 3 50 200 lb. bbls., per bbl 7 00 SHREDDED OATS. THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S. Per case of 25 1 cartons 2 25 Oatmeal, Thurber’s Edinburgh, equal to any Imported, per case, 10 14 lb. tins.. 7 50 Oatmeal, Thurber’s Edinburgh, “C” (coarse) equal to any imported, per bbl. 7 00 Oatmeal, Thurber’s Edinburgh, “B” (medium) 7 00 Oatmeal, American Pin-head, per bbl 6 75 Oatmeal, Star Pin-head, per bbl 6 50 Oatmeal, St. Catharine’s Mills, per bbl... 6 30 Oatmeal, Toronto, per bbl 6 25 Oatmeal, Premium, per bbl 6 20 Oatmeal, Thurber’s P. H., per case, 10 5 lb. cartons 2 50 Oatmeal, Thurber’s P. H. 25 2 lb. cartons 2 65 Oatmeal, Robinson’s Imported, per box, 30 1 lb. papers 2 40 Rice Flour, Thurber’s Best, 1 lb. pkgs., 36 lb. boxes, new style, per lb 7 FARINACEOUS GOODS AND SPECIALTIES. Rice Flour, in bbls., per lb 4>£ Rice Flour, less than bbl , per lb 5 Sago, Thurber’s Pearl, 1 lb. pkgs., 24 lbs. in box, per lb 8 Sago, East Indian, per lb .... 6M Sago, German, per lb 6)^ Tapioca, prime flake, per lb 6 % Tapioca, choice pearl, per lb Tapioca, Granulated, Thurber's Best, 1 lb. pkgs., 24 lbs. in box, per lb 9% Tapioca, Thurber’s Pearl, 1 lb. pkgs., 24 lbs. in box, per lb 8 Tapioca, genuine Rio, bbls., about 118 lbs 12 % Wheat, Thurber’s Pearl, cracked, 25 2 lb. cartons, per case 2 60 Wheat, White, Thurber’s Pearl Cracked, bbls 7 00 Wheat, Thurber’s Rolled White, 25 1 lb. pkgs., per case.: 2 25 thurber’s steam cooked cereals. Steam Cooked White Wheat, 2 lb. pkgs. per case, 2 dozen 3 30 Steam Cooked Oats, 2 lb. pkgs. per case, 2 dozen 3 30 PEARL BARLEY. No. 4, in kegs, 100 lbs. each per lb %% 3, “ •« “ “ 4 2, “ “ “ “ 4i£ 1, “ " “ “ 4% 0, “ •« “ •• 5 yt 00, “ “ “ “ 6 000, “ “ “ “ 6% 0000, “ “ “ “ 6 °l Robinson’s Patent Barley, per gross 11 25 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROX13IATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. GRADUATES.—Glass, American Minim, 1 drachm, tall doz 3 50 “ 1 “ English style.... doz. 350 “ 2 “ “ “ .doz. 4 00 % ounce doz. 3 00 1 doz. 3 00 2 “ doz. 3 50 3 “ doz. 4 00 4 “ doz. 5 00 6 “ doz. 6 00 8 ■« doz. 7 50 10 “ doz. 8 00 12 “ doz. 10 00 16 “ doz. 12 00 24 “ doz. 15 00 32 “ doz. 21 00 48 “ doz. 28 00 PATENT RING. % ounce doz. 3 00 1 “ doz. 3 00 2 “ doz. 4 00 4 “ doz. 5 50 8 “ doz. 8 00 12 “ doz. 10 00 16 “ doz. 12 00 32 " doz. 2100 GRADUATES. —Glass, English. CONICAL OR CYLINDER SHAPE. 1 drachm doz. 3 50 2 “ doz. 4 50 % ounce doz. 4 25 1 “ doz. 4 25 2 “ doz. 5 60 3 “ doz. 6 50 4 “ doz. 7 00 6 “ doz. 8 00 8 “ doz. 10 50 12 “ doz. 14 00 16 “ doz. 15 75 20 “ doz. 18 00 24 " doz. 21 00 32 “ doz. 27 00 40 “ doz. 30 00 METRICAL—ENGLISH MEASURE ON ONE SIDE AND METRIC ON THE OTHER. 1 drachm, 4 gr’mes or 60 drops. doz. 6 00 1 ounce, 30 “ doz. 5 25 2 '* 50 “ doz. 6 50 3 ** 75 “ doz. 8 00 4 “ 100 “ doz. 9 25 8 “ 200 “ doz. 12 75 10 “ 250 “ doz. 13 50 12 ** 300 “ doz. 17 00 16 “ 400 “ doz. 20 00 16 “ 500 “ doz. 21 00 32 “ 1000 •* doz. 35 00 GRAPE SUGAR AND GLUCOSE. GRAPE SUGAR. American Glucose Co.’s. For Confectioners’ use : Per lb. A, in bbls., about 420 lbs 3% A, in boxes, about 112 lbs 3% For Brewing, Coloring and Wine Manu- facturers’ use : No. 70, in boxes, about 112 lbs 3% GLUCOSE. American Glucose Co.’s. Per lb. Crystal, A, in bbls., about 600 lbs 4% “ A, in % bbls., about 325 lbs 4% “ H, in bbls., about 600 lbs 3% “ H, in % bbls., about 325 lbs 3% “ B, in bbls., about 600 lbs 3% “ B, in % bbls., about 325 lbs 3% “ B, in kegs, about 175 lbs 4% GROCERS’ SUNDRIES. Axle Grease, Frazer’s, >4 gross case, per gross 10 OO Axle Grease, Lustro, % gross, per gross.. 6 75 Axle Grease, Sundry brands, per gross, 6 00@10 00 Bath Brick, 2 doz. in box, per box 60 Bay Leaves, in cartons, 4x5x7,!per case of 2 doz * 85 Le Page’s Liquid Glue, small, per doz... 85 “ “ “ large, per doz.... 1 25 Oxyline or Ox Lard, for confectioners’ and bakers’ use, 60 lb. tubs, per lb,... 12% Rennet, Blair’s Liquid, per doz 1 50 “ Wyeth’s Liquid 1 50 GUM, CHEWING. Mast c Chewing Gum, per box of 100 lumps 40 Ko Ko Tulu, per box, 34. per doz. 4 00 Adams’Tutti Frutti, 150 pcs per box 85 “ Sappota Tulu, 150 pcs per box 85 “ Black Jack, 100 pcs per box 60 Adams’ Gum, in 5 lb. boxes, 5c. per box less than above quotations. HONEY. WHITE COMB HONEY IN GLASS. Per doz. Quarts, Comb Honey, 1 doz 6 50 Pints, Comb Honey, 1 doz 4 50 Gems, Comb Honey, 1 doz 3 50 Tumblers, Comb Honey, 2 doz 1 80 COMB HONEY IN BOXES. Comb Honey in frames and boxes is shipped at buyer’s risk of breakage, as we only guaran- tee safe carriage of that packed in glass jars by ourselves. W. C. HONEY, 1887 CROP. Fancy 1 lb. papers 21 Fancy 2 lb glassed 16 No. 1, 2 lb. glassed 14 BUCKWHEAT. 2 lb. sections, glassed, 12 to crate 11 Buckwheat, 1 lb., unglassed 12 EXTRACTED HONEY IN BOTTLES AND CANS. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s White Clover, 1 lb. bots., 2 doz. in case, per doz 2 OO Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s White Clover, 25 lb. cans, 2 in case, per lb 12 Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s White Clover, 121b. cans, per lb 12% California, 60 lb. cans % EXTRACTED HONEY IN BARRELS, AC. Buckwheat, in bbls. and kegs, per lb.... 6 Cuban and St. Domingo, in tierces, bbls. and half-bbls., per gal 70 Southern, in bbls., per gal 70 WAX. Per lb. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s Beeswax, Re- fined, 2% lb. cakes, 75 lb. cases 30 SEWING WAX. Yellow, 1 oz. cakes, 3 lb. cartons 25 White, “ “ “ “ 25 Yellow, “ “ “ “ 25 THE ABOVE TRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND S? CO. HYDROMETERS. For Acid ...doz. 15 00 “ Alkali doz. 8 00 “ Ammonia doz. 9 00 “ Cider doz. 8 00 “ Coal Oil doz. 12 00 “ Milk (Lactometer) doz. 6 00 “ Urine (Urinometer) with test glass in paper case doz. 9 00 Twaddell’s No. 1 doz. 12 00 “ No. 2-3 doz. 15 00 “ No. 4-6 doz. 18 00 G. Tagliabue’s Patent Hydrometer adopted as standard by "the U. S. Treasury Department, is divided into five stems with a copper cup with an Ivory thermometer attached. Com- plete in B. W. or Mahogany case 25 00 INK, INDELIBLE. Baldwin’s doz. 1 50 Barber’s Crimson doz. 4 00 Briggs’ doz. 2 00 Gray’s doz. 1 65 Foucar’s doz. 75 Hegeman’s doz. 2 50 Kidder’s, with preparation doz. 3 00 “ without preparation doz. 1 75 Livingston's Carmine doz. 1 50 Payson’s doz. 1 90 “ Combination doz. 4 25 Tarrant’s doz. 2 75 INK, INDIA. 64stickstolb lb. 2 50 INK, COPYING. 8 oz. bottles doz. 2 50 Pint “ doz. 4 50 Quart " doz. 8 00 Arnold’s, quarts doz 8 75 “ pints doz. 4 60 “ % Pints doz. 2 40 INK, WRITING. Black—Quarts doz. 5 00 “ Pints doz. 2 90 “ % pints doz. 1 50 “ % pints doz. 75 “ Cones doz. 42 Blue Black or Violet, 2 oz. octagon stands doz. 50 Blue Black or Violet, 4 oz. bottles.. doz. 1 00 “ " “ 6 oz. “ ..doz. 1 40 “ 8 oz. “ ..doz. 1 75 “ “ “ pint «• . doz. 3 00 “ quart “ ..doz. 5 00 “ % gal. stone jugs. doz. 10 00 “ “ “ 1 gal. stone jugs.doz. 20 00 Carmine, 1 oz. draped stands doz. 1 50 “ No. 1,1 oz., rich flint glass.doz. 2 00 No 2,2 oz, " “ doz. 3 00 Carmine, No. 1,1 oz., rich flint glass, G. S doz. 3 00 Carmine, No. 3, 2 oz., rich flint glass, G. S doz. 4 50 Carmine, No. 4, 4 oz., rich flint glass, G. S doz. 7 00 Carmine, No. 5, 8 oz., rich flint glass, G. S doz. 12 00 Carmine, pints, rich flint glass, G. S doz. 21 00 Carmine, quarts, rich flint glass, G. 8 doz. 42 00 Red, 1 oz doz. 80 “ 2 oz doz. 1 50 INK, WRITING FLUID. Limpid, 2 oz. stone stands doz 75- “ 8 oz. “ bottles doz. 2 50 “ pint “ “ doz. 4 00 “ quart '• “ doz. 7 00 “ % gal. •• “ doz. 12 00 “ 1 gal. “ " doz. 24 00 INK, MARKING. Gallon 75 Pints 2 25- Quarts 3 50 Gallon, cans 12 OO INK IN PAPER BOTTLES. We bave made arrangements so we can sell either of two celebrated brands—A. S. Barnes & Co.’s or the L. H. Thomas Co.’s—at the fol- lowing prices : black ink. Per doz. Barnes’ School size, 3 doz. in box 25 Thomas’ “ 3 “ 20 Thomas’ pint size, I “ 2 25 Thomas’ quart size, 1 “ 3 50 RED AND VIOLET, Thomas’ Red, School size, 3 doz. in box 30 Thomas’ Violet, “ 3 “ 30 LARD. THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S “WHITE BOSE” KETTLE RENDERED. Per lb. Wooden Pails, 20 lbs., net weight 10 Tierces 9% Half bbls 9% Wooden Tubs of 60 lbs., net weight 9% Tin Tubs of 50 lbs., net weight 9% Tin Tubs of 50 lbs., 2 in crate, for ship- ping, net weight io Tin Tubs of 25 lbs., in weight, net weight 10 Tin Tubs of 25 lbs., 4 in crate, for ship- ping, net weight 10% Tin Cups, 1 lb., 36 lb. cases, gross weight. 10% Tin Pails, 3 lbs., 60 lb. cases, gross weight 10% Tin Pails, 5 lbs., 60 lb. cases, gross weight 10% Tin Pails, 10 lbs., 60 lb, cases, gross weight 9% Tin Cups, 1 lb., 36 lb. cases, net weight.. 11% Tin Pails, 3 lbs., 60 lb. cases, net weight. 11% Tin Pails, 5 lbs , 60 lb. cases, net weight. 11% Tin Pails, 10 lbs., 60 lb. cases, net weight. 10% THURBER, WHYLAND & CO.’S STAB BRAND. Tierces 9% napheys, pratt & co.’s lard at current market prices. SUNDRY BRANDS STRICTLY PURE. Bakers’ pure, tierces 9% Prime, Refined, in tubs 9% “ None Such,” pure refined, painted tubs with handles 9% Pure Refined, in half bbls 9% “Good Value,” tubs 8% “ tierces 8% LIME. Thurber, Why land & Co.’s Whitewashing, per bbl 1 45 Mechling s “ White Marsh,” 24 3 lb. cans, per case 1 40 Chloride of Lime, bulk, per lb 5 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 192 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. §feafei@Rei?Y Separtmeitfe. WE ask the attention of the Trade to our facilities of furnishing, in addition to other Stationery Articles, a complete Line of Envelopes and Writing Papers. The former of all sizes and colors for private and mercantile use. Buginegg Card painted on Envelope when required. In Writing Papers we can give close figures, carrying a complete Line of the above in Note, Letter and Cap sizes. Will be pleased to give estimates and send samples. Address communications to Drug Department. THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. A.X.L ODB1 CHAS.S. HIGGINS & SON’S ARE PURE MILLED SPECIALTIES. “OUR OWN,” A Six Ounce Cake of Pure Soap, As- sorted Varieties packed in 1-2 Gross Wood Boxes, can be Sold at 5 Cents each. SOLD ONLY TO DRUG TRADE. LA BELLE BOUQUET, 1-2 Dozen Cakes to Box. Complete Price List sent on Applica- tion. Address: Corner PARK and CLINTON AVES., P. O. Box 55. BROOKLYN, N. Y. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. NATROLITHIC SALT. A perfect substitute for the Natrolithic Water, and a remedy that can be used in its stead, with the addition of water. Price per doz bottles 4 00 PAPER. grocers’ wrapping. Each Package contains 400 sheets. Thurber’s “A” size-20x30,double mould per package 60 Thurber’s “B” size—18x20,double mould, per package 50 Thurber’s “C” size - 15x20, double mould, per package 30 Thurber’s “D”size-llxl5, doublemould per package is butcher's paper. This is an extra heavy c:ose made paper ex- pressly for heavy wrapping or for anything that is damp. Per package, 15x20 38 TEA, BUTTER AND WAX. Thurber’s White “A”—14x21, per pkg.. 320 sheets 40 Thurber’s White “B”—12x18, per pkg. 320 sheets ' 30 Tissue, ex. quality, 10 pkgs. in bundle, per pkg., 400 sheets 19 Creamery Waxed Butter Paper, 480 sheets per ream 35 MANILLA. Per lb 24x36—50 lbs. to ream 71^ 24x36—40 lbs. to ream 70 24x36—30 lbs. to ream 714 PAPER BAGS. We will give 25 and 10 per cent, discount from combination price list of paper bags. We cannot sell less than a 500 package. On Flour bags no discount. WRITING PAPER. We cannot sell less than a Ream. Per ream. Note, 6 lbs. to ream.. 1 00 Letter, 10 lbs to ream 2 00 Foolscap, 12 lbs. to ream 2 25 Legal Cap, 12 lbs. to ream 2 40 (See page 192.) TOILET. Triplicate Water-closet paper, 1,000 sheets full count in package, with wire loop. A soft, tough, pure tissue. The cheapest paper on the market. Per case of 100 pkgs 9 00 Per yz case of 50 pkgs 4 75 POTASH AND LYE. CONCENTRATED POTASH. Four doz. cans in a case. Per Case. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s White Rock, full weight and strength 3 25 Griswold's White Rock 2 75 Acme Rail, 4 doz 2 25 Bonanza Ball, 4 doz 2 40 “ “ 2 doz 1 25 In 10 case lots we will sell Bonanza Potash at $2.25 per case of 4 dozen. In lots of 5 cases, $2.35. CONCENTRATED LYE. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s full weight and strength, 4 doz 2 90 Lewis’ Powdered, 98 per cent 4 50 Saponifler, the original concentrated lye. 3 25 Allen Bros., 4 doz 2 80 Smith's, 4 doz 2 30 Banner, high test, pulverized 4 25 ilffiiiTi] Lustro Metal Polish, for nickel, silver- ware, show cases, etc doz. 1 50 Lustro Stove Polish, for dealers’ and manufacturers’ use: 5Tb. pails, 1 doz. in case lb. 13 1 lb. tins, 2 doz. in case doz. 1 50 Lustro Stove Polish, for household use, in gross display boxes gross 4 50 Lustro Boot and Shoe Blacking : No. 2, small, % gross display bxs.gross 3 00 No. 4, large, )4 gross display bxs.gross 5 25 Lustro Shoe Dressing, for ladies’ and children’s shoes, 1 doz. in case doz. 85 Do gross 9 00 M/ITCHES. We offer the trade at lowest figures our Safety Match, our Sulphur Match, our Parlor Match, our Vulcan Parlor Match, our Flam- ing Light Match. All of the above are in zinc lined cases, are manufactured expressly for us by the best and most reliable houses in Sweden, and are guaranteed. THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. SWEDISH MATCHES. “VULCAN PARLOR.” The Perfection of a Parlor Match. Per Gross, net. 60s, 50 gross cases 55 60s, 10 “ 65 65s, 25 and 50 gross cases 50 658, less quantity 60 200s, 12 gross cases 1 90 200s, 2 or 5 gross cases 2 00 300s, 12 gross cases 2 85 300s, 2 or 5 gross cases 3 00 “VULCAN” SULPHUR. 50 gross cases 45 10 “ 50 “VULCAN” SUPERIOR SAFETY. 50 gross cases 55 10 “ 60 “VULCAN” UNIVERSAL SAFETY. 30 gross cases 1 40 Less quantity 1 50 “VULCAN” FLAMING LIGHTS. 50 gross cases 45 Less than case 50 COLUMBIA IMPREGNATED SAFETY. 48 gross cases 85 Less than case 95@1 05 “COLUMBIA” POCKET SAFETY. 50 gross cases 40 WAX MATCHES “ITALIAN.” Sliding Paper Boxes, with Fancy Pictures. 60 gross cases, No. 3 1 00 Less than case. No. 3 1 10 MUCILAGE. Guaranteed to keep sweet in any climate or any length of time. Not excelled in quality by any Mucilage on the market. Stickum A Holder’s I. X. L., per doz 50 Howard’s, per doz 65 NATROLITHIC WATER AND SALT. THE QUEEN OF AMERICAN MEDICINAL WATERS. Cases of 2 and 4 doz. (full pints), per doz. 2 0 0 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND &- CO. The opposite cut has permanent _pulchba americana. space in every healingi soothingi softening! . , . Fragrantly Perfumed 1 No vulgar Face Paint l monthly fashion i i <,i ■■ luiij j ■ Magazine DUb- Sold by Price, <=> 35c, and 50c. per box. ,. , . . . HELMER A LIETZ, M’frs, lished m America. "cum** 4th A»ve New»York. This excellent Complexion Powder, the most complete Cosmetic extant, is guaranteed by the Manufacturers to contain nothing injurious. It is tested with telling effect by taking about two hundred grains and applying it to the tongue. The soluble ingredients thereof will greatly refresh, sweeten and perfume the mouth and breath. The following unsolicited but welcome indorsement, privately mailed us by our Baltimore correspondents, Messrs. Schultze Bros., the enterprising Druggists, corner Howard and Lexington Streets, speaks for itself : “ We think that we can make a success of the goods here, from the fact that our Chemist has subjected the Powder to the most rigid examination." One such testimony outweighs all the purchased indorsements of the professional analyzer. Unlike all other Complexion Powders, which upon perspiration will give the wearer a pasty and ghastly look, Pulchra will impart a blooming, velvety softness which no temperature can obliterate. The Manufacturers aspire to make Pulchra the best advertised specialty of its kind in the world. PULCHRA IS A GREAT MONEY-MAKER Dealers will consult their own best interests by including Pulchra Ameri- cana as an item when giving their orders. The Manufacturers will issue Five Thousand Free Samples of Pulchra Americana, to any one house only, ordering one gross of each size, in cities where not yet introduced. Pulchra Americana is for Sale by THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., NEW YORK CITY. U. S. A. N. B.~ Published August 20tli, 1888, THE ACTORS’ MAKE-UP BOOK, By N. HELMER. This unique work teaches the scientific art of beautifying the complexion by means of the philosophical use of cosmetics. Every dealer in cosmetics should keep this book as it greatly facilitates sales. PRICE, RETAIL, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. WHOLESALE-1THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., New York. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. PETROLATUM, U. S. P. PETROLEUM JELLY. 1 lb. Cans. 5 & 10s. 5s. 50s. White, per lb 24 20 19 16 Light Yellow, per lb.. 19 15 13 11 Veterinary, per lb.. ..17 13 11 9 White, in 2 oz. bottles, per doz 1 00 “ 4 " “ 1 50 Special prices for barrels and half barrels. Pure. Free from wax or any admixture. Melting Point, 120 deg. F. TOWER & LAMONT’S RAZOR STROPS. BELT AND HONE COMBINATION. DOZ. A-l, 13)4 inches, single rod 2 50 GERMAN BELT. 20,13 yt inch. Double Road frame 3 50 AK, Heavy Russia leather belt 9 00 AM, “ “ 11 “ 11 00 THE 04 COMBINATION STROP. 04, inch 4 00 BARBER’S SWING STROPS. 1 B, Russia leather, heavy doz. 9 00 2 B, “ “ medium doz. 7 50 3 B, “ “ small doz. 5 00 1H, Horsehide, heavy doz. 7 00 2H, “ medium doz. 5 00 All 24 inches long, except 3 B. (Seepage 135.) HOWARD STROP CO.’S RAZOR STROPS. Per Gross. Phoenix, Four Side 12 00 Emerson, Green Label 24 00 Acme, Enameled Handle 32 00 Royal Calf Skin 64 00 Faultless, Double Rod Belt. 20 00 Currier “ “ 32 00 HowardNo. 1 “ " 40 00 Faultless Combination 24 00 Currier “ 36 00 Howard No. 2, “ 40 00 Kodiak “ 288 00 SAND PAPER AND EMERY PAPER. Per Ream. Sand, Star Flint, all numbers 3 00 “ Best Flint, “ 4 25 Emery, Metropolitan, Nos. F. O. 1, and assorted 4 75 Emery, Metropolitan, Nos. 1 )4 and 2 6 00 " “ “ 2 y2 6 50 “ National, Nos. F. O. )4, 1 and as- sorted 6 25 “ National, Nos. 1)4 and 2 7 25 " “ " 2% 8 50 SOAPS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. We reweigh our Imported Soaps and sell at actual weights. castile soap. Per lb. Mottled, Imported, Pare, A. G., bars.... 8)4 White, Imported, A. G., Pure, bars 12)4 White, Imported, Conti brand 13)4 White, Imported, Conti, 100 cakes, 30 lb. boxes 16 Domestic, Mottled, bars, actual weight.. 5)4 Domestic. Mottled, cut 5% Pressed Castile, in cakes, )4 gross boxes, per box 2 00 ENGLISH CROWN SOAP. For washing harness. No stable complete without it. Keeps leather soft and pliable. Pint jars, per doz 3 75 Quart jars 5 50 SOAPS, &c.—Continued. PRIDE OF THE KITCHEN. Pride of the Kitchen Soap, for scouring and cleaning, in handsome paper wrap- per, per bos, 72 cakes 2 75 For a brief period we offer “Pride of the Kitchen” at the following prices and discounts : 5 boxes ...2 75 Less 5 per cent. And One Box gratis. 10 boxes 2 75 Less 10 per cent. And Two Boxes gratis. THURBEB, WHYLAND & CO.’S I. X. L. FAMILY SOAP. The Best in use. Per lb. Long 20, 28, 32, 10, 45, 54 and 80 bars to box of 80 lbs 5% Short 80 and 90 bars to box of 80 lbs.... 5% PHILIP CLARK’S FAMILY SOAP. Long 16, 20, 22, 28, 32, 40, 45, 50, 54 and 80 bars to box of 80 lbs 1)4 Short 80 and 90 bars to box of 80 lbs 4% SOAP—SUNDRY BRANDS. Thurber’s Best Laundry Soap, 100 cakes, 75 lbs., per box 4 10 Borax, Everett Ward’s, 100 cakes, 75 lbs., per box 4 00 Brown’s A1 Soap, a fair laundry soap, bars, 75 lbs., per box 3 00 Liberian Palm, 100 % lb. lumps, per box. 3 00 German Laundry, 100 cakes, wrapped, per box 4 25 Dish Rag, Shultz’s, 20 bars, 60 lbs 4 10 Napkin, " 30 bars, 68 lbs 6 00 Fatherland, “ 50 bars, 50 lbs 3 35 Irish, “ 60 bars, 60 lbs 2 85 SCOUBENE. 100 cakes, per box 3 75 50 cakes, per box 1 90 a. e. whyland’s laundry soaps. New South,” 100 oval cakes wrapped, 80 lbs. in box, per box 3 00 “ Pure Pressed” Soap, 100 cakes, scented and wrapped in red papers, per box... 3 50 “Pure Pressed,” 24 cakes in box 90 "Big Bonanza,” 60 1 lb. bars, wrapped, box 3 10 “Little Wonder,” 8 oz., wrapped, 100 cakes, per box 1 00 “Pearl Soap,” light weight, 100 cakes, scented, wrapped, box 3 10 “Pearl Soap,” light weight, 100 cakes, scented, not wrapped, box 2 75 “ Pure Laundry,” red wrappers, 6 bars, 60 lb. boxes, box 3 10 "Veto,” red wrapper, 100 cakes 3 25 “ Veto,” unwrapped, 10 cakes 2 90 A. E. WHYLAND’S ELECTRIC SOAP. Guaranteed equal to any Electric Soap in the market. 30 lb. boxes, lb. bars, per lb 6)4 45 lb. boxes, 60 % lb. bars, per lb 6l/2 A. E. WHYLAND’S TOILET SOAPS. A. E. Whyland’s “Daisy,” 6 cakes in paper box, per gross, case 6 00 A. E. Whyland’s Favorita, quality and style superior, )4 gross boxes 2 25 A. E. Whyland’s Lotus, cushion form, ex- cellent quality, )i gross boxes, per box 1 50 A. E. Whyland’s “New South,1’ packed, 1 doz., assorted colors, per gross 4 50 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 196 PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND Sf CO. JOHN REYNDERS & CO., No. 303 FOURTH AVENUE, Corner 23d Street, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF Surgical Instruments OP EVERY DESCRIPTION AND SUPERIOR QUALITY. APPARATUS FOR THE CURE OF DEFORMITIES. Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, Anklets, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc. CONANT’S COMPACT MINOR OPERATING CASE. Skeletons and Anatomical Models. Our complete catalogue of Surgical In- struments, containing 386 pages, 2,800 illustrations, mailed free to physicians upon receipt of 15 cents for postage. Sole Licensees for America for William Teufel’s Celebrated Universal Abdominal Supporters, and Flannel Cholera Belts. (Patented in Europe and America.) Manufactured in Stuttgart, Germany. IMPROVED APPARATUS FOR LATERAL SPINAL CURVATURE. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. 1. —The perfect anatomical shape of each system. 2. —The guarantee of an admirable fit without discomfort to the abdomen. 3.—Never get out of piace when proper- ly applied, 4.—Support and raise the weakened organs ol the abdomen in the most effective manner. 5.—May be tightened or widened in any part. 6.—Diminish the troubles of pregnancy and prevents excessive dilatation during the same. 7.—Affords the most excellent assistance after confinement in restoring the abdomen to its normal condition. 8—Are superior to all others in cases of Um- bilical Hernia. Illustrated Descriptive Pamphlets and Price-lists free upon application. ORDERS SOLICITED THROUGH THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., NEW YORK. teufel’s universal abdominal SUPPORTER, SYSTEM III. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND & CO. SOAPS, &c.—Continued. ASSORTED TOILET SOAPS. To be retailed at from 5 to 25 cents per cake. Assortment No. 1, 9>£ doz., 8 varieties, for 5 00 Assortment No. 2, 18 doz., 9 varieties, for 10 00 Assortment No. 3, 25 doz., 11 varieties, for 15 00 Assortment No. 4, 36 doz., 13 varieties, for 20 00 Low’s toilet soaps. Per gross- Old Brown Windsor, 3 cakes in pkt 8 00 ” White “ 3 '■ 8 00 No. 4 Tablet, 3 doz. in wood box 16 50 No. 4P Tablet, 3 cakes in paper box 18 00 % lb. Bars, 2 dozen in wood box. 21 00 1 lb. Bars, 1 dozen in wood box 42 00 Tablets and Bars can be had in the following style: Turtle Oil, Elder Flower, Honey, Glycerine, Palm, Marsh Mallow, and Honey and Oatmeal. Per gross. Magnum Brown Windsor, 3 cakes in paper box 24 00 Lettuce Juice, wrapped 20 00 Creosote, wrapped, paper boxes 18 00 Flower de Luce, wrapped in tin foil, Hand-made 48 00 Wild Rose, 12 cakes in paper box 6 00 Wild Honey, 3 “ “ 9 50 Wild Cherry, 3 “ ** 16 00 HIGGIN’S TOILET SOAP. Savon De La Couronne, 12 cakes in paper box, per doz., 65, per gross 7 60 Pure Honey, Glycerine and Oatmeal, me- dium, wrapped, one kind, in paper boxes, 3 cakes each, per doz 70 Per gross 8 00 Hotel, unwrapped, 12 cakes in paper box, per doz 35 Hotel, unwrapped, 12 cakes in paper box, per gross 4 00 Entre Nous, wrapped, one kind, in paper box, 3 or 6 cakes, per doz 70 Per gross 8 00 Turkish Bath, unwrapped, one kind, in paper boxes, 12 cakes each, per doz.... 35 Per gross . 4 00 La Belle, wrapped, 3 or 6 cakes in paper box, per doz 2 00 Per gross 24 00 Medallion, packed, one doz. in box, per doz 50 Medallion, packed, one doz. in box, per gross 5 50 ■Glycerine, balls, packed,2 gross in %. bbl., per gross 5 00 Crusade, unwrapped, yz gross in box, per box 3 00 Success, wrapped, 6 varieties. Rose, Al- mond. Honey, Glycerine, Oatmeal and Bro. Windsor, in paper boxes, 1 doz. cakes each, per doz 50 Per gross 5 50 Attractive, 6 cakes in box, mirror in lid, 50 boxes in case, per box 20 Convenient, 6 cakes in wood box, per box, 20, per case, 50 boxes 10 00 Useful, 6 cakes in handsome wood box, per box 18 Useful, per case of 100 boxes 17 50 Amaranth, 3 cakes in box, wrapped, per doz 80 Amaranth, 3 cakes in box, wrapped, per gross 9 00. Volunteer, 12 cakes in box, unwrapped, per doz.. 50 SOAPS, &c.—Continued. Volunteer, 12 cakes in box, unwrapped, per gross 5 50 Southern Belle, 36 cakes, in wooden box, per box 1 50 Southern Belle, 36 cakes, in wooden box, per gross 5 75 Western Scout, 12 cakes, in wooden box, per doz . 50 Western Scout, 12 cakes, in wooden box, per gross 5 60 SUNDRY BRANDS. Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s Good Value, new style, 50 cream colored, scented, wrapped, cake in a box, per box 2 00 Oriole, 3 cakes in box, wrapped, per doz. 80 “ 3 “ “ “ per gross. 9 00 Capito Bouquet, 6 cakes in box, wrapped, per doz 1 75 dobbin’s electric soap. Per box of 60 bars, 45 lbs., 5 box lots (4 80), box 4 90 Sapolio, Kitchen, gross boxes, per box 5 00 " “ yi . “ “ 2 50 Sapolio, large hand, 1 dozen in carton, per gross 10 80 Sapolio, small hand, X and % gross boxes, per gross 6 00 Soapine, No 1, 36, 16 oz. pkgs., per box.. 3 60 “ No. 2, 96, 6 “ “ .. 3 84 “ No. 3,60, 10 •* 4 20 Soapine, 5 box lots, 10c. per box less. * Pyle’s Pearline, 1 lb. pkgs., per box, 36 lbs 4 00 Pyle s Pearline, lb. pkgs., per box, 36 lbs 4 30 Pyle’s Pearline, % lb. pkgs., per box, 36 lbs 4 60 Whale Oil Soap, bbls., 4)£, boxes 5y£ Kirkman’s Borax, 100 cakes, per box.... 4 00 BUSH * CO.’S BORAX SOAP Boxes of 60 1 lb. cakes, per cake 8% “ 84 % lb. cakes, per cake 6% “ 96 light, % lb. cakes, per cake.. 6 Chemical Erasive, 60 bars, 60 lbs 2 75 Ivory, P. & G., 100 cakes, per box 7 00 Knife & Fork, 36 bars, per box 7 56 Tulip, 100 cakes, per box 4 30 SPONGES. Per string Fine Turkey, Surgeons’, small, 10 pcs. to string 2 80 Fine Turkey, Surgeons’, medium, 10 pcs. to string 2 00 Fine Turkey, Honey Comb, Bath, 10 pcs. to string 1 50 Fine Turkey, medium, 10 pcs. to string. 2 00 “ '* “ 10 “ “ ..3 00 “ ** “ 20 “ “ .. 2 00 “ “ small, 25 “ “ .. 1 00 Carriage, Sheeps’ Wool, Cuba, medium size, per lb. 2 50 Carriage, Sheeps’ Wool, Cuba, small size, per lb 1 75 School Sponges, pieces 1 00 SYRINGES.—GLASS, AMERICAN. Dental doz. 1 25 Ear, bent or straight doz. 1 25 Eye doz. 1 25 Nasal, curved doz. 3 00 “ straight doz, 2 00 Suppository, Rectum,assorted sizes.doz. 1 50 “ Vaginal doz. 2 00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. PRICES CURRENT, THURBER, WHYLAND 6* CO. 198 NEW YORK CITY White Lead Works, DAVIDSON & KNOWLES CO., Proprietors,, MANUFACTURERS OF WMte Read, Tainted Read, 0©1©fs in ©il, Jdixed Paints, £ Spanish Brown 2 Ultra Marine Blue 13@20 Prussian Blue 45 Chrome Yellow 14 Chrome Green 12 Van Dyke Brown 6 Red Ochre 2>£ PURE PARIS GREEN. Per lb. In cases of 24 lbs., in 1 lb. boxes 21 In cases of 24 lbs., in >£ lb. boxes 23 In cases of 24 lbs., assorted, Is and Js.. 22 In 14 and 28 lb. drums 19 Special prices by barrel. VERMILION. American Vermilion, dry, per lb 23 English Vermilion, dry, per lb 75 Chinese Vermilion, dry, per lb 90 WHITING. Whiting, ordinary, per lb 1 Whiting, ordinary, bbl., per lb % Whiting, extra, per lb 2 Whiting, extra, bbl., per lb 1>£ HULET’S METALLIC PAINT. In eight shades. Mixed ready for Brown, Dark Brown, Red. Dark Red, Slate, Dark Slate, Drab, Dark Drab. Best possible cov- ering for Fences, Barns, Roofs, Boats, &c. Contains NO Benzine, NO Acids, NO Water, NO Shellac. Per Gal. In 1 gal. cans 85 In 5 and 10 gal. kegs 75 In 40 gal. barrels 70 WHITE LEAD. Metropolis White Lead. Color perfect. War- ranted to outlast any White Lead in the World. 50 lb. and 100 lb. kegs 5 12>£ lb. tin and 25 lb. wood pails 5% 1, 2, 3 and 5 lb. cans, per lb 6 OILS. Per Gal. Lard, No. 1, Extra 70 Linseed, Raw, Market Pribe. Linseed, Boiled, Market Price. Machine, Heavy 42 “ Medium 45 “ Light 50 Sewing Machine 35@90 Neatsfoot 80 Rape Seed 1 10 Sperm 1 25@1 40 Tar 35 Whale 70 Turpentine, Market Price. Fish Oil 60 Train Oil 75 Vacuum Oil, 5 gal. cans, per can 5 00 WlRIsfii MIXED PAINTS. A THOROUGHLY GOOD PAINT IN EVERY RESPECT. LASTING AND GLOSSY. SEND FOR COLOR CARDS. No. Color. Gal. K Gal. Qt. Pt. 4—Olive Brown... ... 1 20 65 34 18 14 Dark Drab ....1 20 65 34 18 24—Dark Brown ... . ..1 20 65 34 18 34—Medium Lead . ...1 20 65 34 18 44—French Gray... 65 34 18 54—Brown ...1 20 65 34 18 64—Olive Gray ...1 20 65 34 18 74 Red ... 1 20 65 34 18 84 Blue Slate ,...1 20 65 34 18 94—Cream ,...1 20 65 34 18 104 Drab Slate ...1 20 65 34 18 114 Light Buff ...1 20 65 34 18 124—Light Olive ....1 20 65 34 18 134—Buff 65 34 18 144—Olive Green — ... 1 20 65 34 18 154—Slate . ...1 20 65 34 18 164—Blue ...1 80 95 50 25 174—Green ,...1 80 95 50 25 184 Yellow ....1 80 95 50 25 194—Vermilion ... 2 10 1 10 58 30 204—Peach ...1 20 65 34 18 214—Brownstone — ...1 20 65 34 18 224—Dark Slate ,...1 20 65 34 18 234—Light Lead —White Inside .. 1 20 or 65 34 18 Outside ...1 20 65 34 18 —Black ...1 20 65 34 18 In 6, 10 and 46 gallon kegs, 5 cents less per gallon than above prices. Full cases (6 gallons, all one size cans), 6 cents less per gallon than above prices. PAINTS GROUND IN OIL. Paints Ground in Oil, for carriage painters, &c. In 1, 2 and 5 lb. cans Guaranteed full weight, and equal to anything made— Per lb. Black 10 Coach Black 16 Prussian Blue 24 Ultra Marine Blue 16 Celestial Blue 10 Raw Umber 12 Burnt Umber 12 Raw Sienna 12 Burnt Sienna 12 Window Blind Green 16 Green 10 Indian Red 12 Venetian Red 10 Vermilion, American 16 Chrome Yellow 16 Yellow Ochre 10 Graining colors in Walnut, Oak and Chestnut. Lb. cans, pe# doz 1 5b FURNITURE STAIN. THE ABOVE BRICES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLT. INDEX PAGE Absolute Alcohol 6 Absorbent, Proprietary .... 67 Acetal 5 Acetic Acid 5 Acetic Ether 13 Acid Phosphate, Horsford’s 67 Acids 5, 6 Acids, Proprietary 67 Aconitia 6 Acorn Coffee 6 Adhesive Plasters 27 Agaric 6 Albumen 6 Alcohol 6 Ales 147 Alizarin 6 Alleviator, Proprietary 67 Allspice 59, 64 Almonds 187 Aloes 17 Aloin 6 Alterative, Proprietary 67 Alum 6, 7 Aluminium 7 Ambergris 7 Ammonia 7 Ammonia, Proprietary 67 Ammonium, Preparations of 7 Ampelopsin 7 Amygdalin 7 Amyl 7 Amyline 7 Aniline Dyes 7, 8 Animal Charcoal 12 Aniseed 32 Annatto 8 Annatoine 8 Antimonial Powder 8 Antimony, Preparations of. 8 Antipyrin 8 Aperient, Proprietary 67 Apiol 8 Apocynin 8 Apomorphia 8 Aqua Fortis 6 ArecaNuts 24 Armenia Bole 10 Aromatic Spirits Ammonia. 7, 34 Aromatic Sulphuric Aci d... 6 Arrowroot 189 Arsenic 8 Asbestos 8 Asclepin 8 Asphaltum 8 Assafoetida 17 Atropia 8 Axle Grease 190 Baking Powders 161 Balms, Proprietary 67, 68 Balsams 8 Balsams, Proprietary 69 Barium, Preparations of 8 Barks 9 Barks, Pressed 39,40 Barley, Pearl 189 PAGE Bar Wood is6 Baryta 10 Bath, Brick 190 Bay Leaves 20 Bay Oil 24 Bay Rum 201 Beans 10 Bebeerine 10 Beef Liquid 71 “ Peptones 71 " Soluble 71 “ Solution 71 Beef, Wine and Iron 71 Beeswax 190 Benzine 71 Benzoated Lard 20 Benzoin 17 Berries 10 Billiard Chalk 12 Bird Gravel 32, 71 “ Sand 32 “ Seed 32.71 Bismuth 10 Bitters 71 Black Drop 10 Blacking, Shoe 161 “ Stove 163 Black Lead 20 “ Ore Antimony 8 *‘ Pepper 69 to 64 Bladders 10 Blue Pill 27 Bluing 167 Blue Vitriol 10 Boracic Acid 5 Borax 10, 163 Bottles 165 Brandy 141 Bread Preparation 161 Brimstone 35 Bromide of Ammonium.... 7 *' “ Iron 19 “ “ Potassium 28 “ “ Sodium 33 Bromine 10 Brooms, Whisk 167 Brushes, Hair 169 “ •• Paint 170 “ Tooth 201 Buds 10 Bullock & Crenshaw’s Pills and Granules 51 to 57 Burgundy Pitch 27 “ Wines 143 Butter of Antimony 8 “ Cocoa 10 Butter Color 77 Cadmium, Preparations of. 11 Cakes, Yeast 161 Calcium, Preparations of... 11 Calisaya Bark 9 Calomel .«. 23 Camphor 11 Cam Wood 36 Canary Seed 32 PAGE Candles 171,172 Candy 172 Candy, Proprietary 73 Canned Goods 185,187 Capsules, Jujube 73 “ Proprietary 73, 75 Caramel 11 Carbon 11 Carmine 11 Castor Oil 24 Caustic 33 Cement, Proprietary 75 Cerates 45 Cereals 189 Chase’s Varnishes 202 Chalk 12 Chamois Skins 178 Champagnes 143 Charcoal 12 Chests, Medicine 177 Chewing Gum 190 Chloral Hydrate 12 Chloroform 12 Chocolate 178 Chrome Alum 7 Chromium 12 Cider 145 Cigar Department 150 Cigarettes 153 “ Proprietary 75 Cinchona Bark 9 Cinchonia 12 Cinchonidia 12 Cinnabar 12 Cinnamon 59 to 64 Citric Acid 5 Civet 12 Claret 141, 143 Clay 12 Cloves 59 to 64 Cobalt 12 Cocaine 12 Cochineal 12 Cocoa 178 Cod Liver Oil 25 Collodion 13 Cologne Water 178,179 Compound, Proprietary.... 77 Concentrated Lye 95 Condensed Milk 97 Confections 46 Copper 13 Copperas 13 Cordial, Proprietary 77 Cordials 143 Corks 175 Corrosive Sublimate 23 Cosmoline 77 Cox’s Gelatine 16 Cream Tartar 13,175 Creasote 13 Cups, Quassia 176 Cure, Proprietary 79 Curry Powder 63 Cuticura 81 INDEX PAGE Cuttle Fish Bone 13 Deadshot, Proprietary 81 Discovery, Proprietary 81 Distilled Water 95 Donovan’s Solution 8 Dover’s Powder 13, 28 Downer’s Harness Oil 81 Dragees 81 Drops 81 Druggists’ Sundries.. .161 to 201 Dry Paints 203 Dye Colors 81 Dyes, Aniline 7, 8 Dye Woods 35 Earth, Fuller’s 13 Elixirs, Proprietary 83 Elixir Vitriol 6 Emery, Flour 13 Epsom Salts 31 Eradicator, Proprietary .... 83 Ergot .' 13 Essences, Flavoring 183,184 Essences, Proprietary 83 Ether 13 Expectorant, Proprietary... 83 Extract Department... .183, 184 Extract of Beef 83 Extracts, Flavoring 183, 184 Extracts, Fluid 43 to 45 Extracts, Handkerchief.... 178 Extracts, Proprietary 85 Extracts, Solid 14, 15 Family Medicines 177 Farina 189 Flavoring Extracts 183, 184 Flax Seed 32 Florida Water 133, 179 Flour & Farinaceous Goods. 189 Flowers 15, 16 Flowers of Sulphur 34 Fluid Extracts 43 to 45 Fly Paper 85 Food Products 189 Food, Proprietary 85-87 Fowler’s Solution 8 French Goods Dep’t 185,187 Fruit Juices 19 Fruits, Green 63 Fruits, in Brandy 185 Gelatine 16 Giles’ Hair Grower 89 Giles’ Hoof Ointment 101 Giles’ Horse Powders 113 Giles’ Liniment 91 Giles’ Pills 107 Giles’ Syrup, Wild Cherry and Tar 88 Gin 94 Ginger 59, 64 Ginger, Proprietary 87 Glassware 163,165 Glauber Salts 31 Glucose 190 Glue 16, 87 Glycerine 16 Graduates 190 Granules, Proprietary 87 Grape Sugar 190 Grocers’ Sundries 190 Gums, all kinds 16, 17 Gum, Chewing 190 Gum Drops 172 Guns, Proprietary 87 Hair Balsam, Proprietary.. 87 Hair Dye 89 Hair Grower, Proprietary.. 89 Hair Brushes 169 Harlem Oil 157 Herbs 17, 18 Herbs, Pressed 39 Hiera Picra 18 PAGE Honey Department 190 Honey, Proprietary 89 Hops 18 Household Ammonia 161 Hydrometers 191 Imported Sundries 187 Indigo.. 18, 167 Inhalants, Proprietary 89 Injections. Proprietary 80 Ink, Indelible 191 Inks 191 Insect Powder 18, 115 Iodine 18 Iodoform 19 Iron, Preparations of 19 Japans ... 202 Juices, Fruit 20 Juices, Medicinal 19 Killer, Proprietary 89 Laboratory Products 43 to 49 Lactopeptine. 91 Lager Beer 147 Lamp Black 20 Lard, Benzoated 20 Lard, Prepared 191 Laudanum 48 Lead, Preparations of 20 Leaves, English 20 Leaves in bulk 20 Leeches 20 Lemons 63 Licorice 15 Licorice Root 30 Lighters 172 Lime 21,191 Lime Juice 91,145 Liniments 46, 91, 93 Linseed Oil.... 203 Liquid Dryers 202 Liquor Department .. 139 to 147 LogWood 36 Lotions 95 Low’s Toilet Soaps 197 Low’s Perfumes 182 Lozenges 21, 22 Lozenges, Proprietary 95 Lustro 95, 193 Lustro Paints 203 Lye 95,193 Macaroni 187 Mace 59 to 65 Maltine 97 Malt Liquors 145, 147 Magnesia 22 Magnesia, Proprietary... .95, 97 Magnesium, Preparations of 22, 23 Manganese, *' 23 Manna 23 Maple Sugar 172, 173 Maple Syrup 173 Martinique Lime Juice..91, 145 Massasoit Spices 64 Matches 193 Medicated Paper 105 Medicine Chest 177 Medicines, Family 177 “ Proprietary, 67 to 135 Mercury, Preparations of... 23 Metrical Graduates 190 Milk, Condensed 97 Mineral Waters 145 Morphia, Preparations of, 23, 24 Moss 24 Mucilage 97,193 Musk 24 Mustard 62, 63 Natrolithic Water 145,193 Neatsfoot Oil 203 Nickel, Preparation of 24 Nitric Acid 6 PAGE Nutmegs 59 to 65 Nuts... 24, 187 Nux Vomica 24 Oatmeal 189 Oils. Essential 24 to 27 “ Fatty 24 to 27 “ Paints, etc 202.203 ‘ ‘ Proprietary. 99,101 Ointments 46 “ Proprietary.. 101,102 Oleates 46 Oleoresins 26 Olive Oil 185, 187 Olives 185 Opium 17 Opodeldoc 103 Orange* 63 Oxalic Acid 6 Pads, Proprietary 103 Paint Brushes 170 Paints and Oils 202, 203 Panacea, Proprietary 103 Pancreatinev 27, 103 Paper, Emery 195 “ Fly 105 “ Medicated 105 “ Sand 195 “ Water Closet 105, 193 “ Wrapping 193 " Writing 101,192 Paregoric 48 Paris Green 203 Parson’s Household Ammo- nia 161 Paste, Proprietary 105 Pastilles 105 Patent Medicines 67 to 135 Paxine.. 105 Pearl Barley 189 Pepper 59 to 65 Pepsin 27, 105 Petrolatum 195 Perfumes 178, 179, 182 Pharmaceutical Dep’t.. .43 to 49 Phosphorus 27 Pill Blue 27 Pills, Proprietarv, 105. 107, 109, 111 Pills, Soluble (Bullock & Crenshaw) 51 to 57 Pills, Sugar Coated (Bul- lock & Crenshaw) 51 to 57 Plaster, Adhesive 27 Plasters, Officinal 27 “ Proprietary 111, 113 Polish. 95, 113 Polish, Lustro 95,193 Pomades 28 Pomade, Putz 113 Pond’s Extract 113 Porter 147 Potash and Lye 193 Potassium, Preparations of. 28 Powdered Spices 59 to 65 Powders 29 “ Proprietary 113,115 “ Seidlitz 33, 115 Prepared Chalk 12 Pressed Barks 39, 40 “ Herbs 39,40 “ Boots 39, 40 Proprietary Articles 67 to 135 Propylamin 29 Prunes 187 Punch 143 Putty 29 Quassia Cups 175 Quinine, Preparations of... 29 Kape Seed. 34 Razor Strops 195 Red Pepper 59 to 65 206 INDEX. PAGE Red Precipitate 29 Regulator, Proprietary 115 Relief, “ 115 Remedy, " 117 Resins 29 Rennet 117 Resolvent 117 Restorative Wine of Coca... 133 Restorer, Proprietary 119 Risley’s Preparations 159 Rochelle Salts 32 Rock and Rye 145 Rock Candy 172 Roots 29 to 31 Rotten Stone 34 Rough on Corns ■ 119 “ Coughs 119 “ Rats 119 *• Toothache 119 Rubinat Condal 145 Rum 141 Rye and Rock 145 Sago Pearl.. 189 Sal Epsom 32 Sal Muscatelle 119 Sal Nitre 32 Sal Rochelle 32 Sal Soda 32 Sal Tartar 32 Salad Oil 185 Salicine 32 Salicylic Acid 6 Salol 32 Salt Natrolithic 119, 145 Salts, Effervescing 32 Salves, Proprietary 119, 121 Sand Paper 195 Sapolio 121 Sardines 187 Sarsaparilla, Proprietary... 121 Sea Salt 32,119 Seeds 32, 33 Seidlitz Mixture 33 “ Powders 33,115 Senna... 20 Shaving Brushes 170 Shoe Brushes 171 S. I. Spices 59 to 65 Skins, Chamois 178 Smalts 33 Snuff 153 Snuff, Proprietary 123 Soaps Imp. & Dom 195, 197 Soda 33 Soda Ash ... 33 Sodium, Preparations of. .33, 34 Soluble Pills 51 to 57 Solutions 34 Solution, Proprietary 123 Solvent, Proprietary 123 Species 34 PAGE Specific, Proprietary 123 Spermaceti 34 Sperm Oil 203 Spice Department 59 to 65 Spirits 34 Spirits of Turpentine 34, 203 Sponges 197 Stationery Department 192 Strontium, Preparations of. 34 Strychnine, “ .35 Sugar of Lead 20 Sulphur 36 Sundries Department.. 161 to 201 Suppositories, Proprietary. 123 Syringes, Glass 197-201 Syringes, Hard Rubber 199 Syringes, Soft Rubber 199 Syrups, Officinal 46, 47 " Pharmaceutical...46, 47 “ Prop’tary . .125, 127, 129 Syrups and Sundries 145 Tablets, Proprietary 129 Tannic Acid 6 Tar ...35, 129 Tar Emetic 8 Tartaric Acid 6 Tea, Proprietary 129 Thurber, Whyland & Co.’s Baking Powders 161 T., W. & Co.’s Bay Rum 201 T., W. & Co.’s Bird Gravel.. 161 T., W. & Co.’s Bird Seed.... 161 T., W. & Co.’s Borax 10, 163 T., W. & Co.’s Chlorate Pot- ash Lozenges 95 T., W. & Co.’s Cod Liver Oil. 99 T., W. & Co.’s Concentrated Lye 95, 193 T., W. & Co.’s Essence of Ja- maica Ginger 87 T., W. & Co.’s Extract Witch Hazel 86 T., W. & Co.’s Family Medi- cines 177 T., W. & Co.’s Family Medi- cine Chests 177 T., W. & Co.’s Flavoring Ex- tracts 183, 184 T.,W. & Co.’s Florida Water. 178 T., W. & Co.’s Fluid Extracts, 43, 44, 45 T., W. & Co.’s Fruit Juices.. 20 T.,W. & Co’s Insect Powder. 115 T.,W. A Co.’s No. 5 Cigar.... 151 T..W.& Co.’s No. 10 Cigar... 151 T.,W. & Co’s Plasters Ill T.,W. & Co.’s Reliable Food Products 189 T.,W. & Co.’s Sarsaparilla . 121 T.,W. & Co.’s Snuff 153 T„W. & Co.’s Spices ....59 to 65 PAGE T.,W. & Co.’s Sewing Ma- chine Oil 101 T., W. & Co.’s Vegetable Hair Oil 101 Tin 36 Tinctures 47, 48 Tobacco Department.. 150 to 164 Toilet Paper 106 Toilet Water 178, 179 Tonic, Proprietary 129, 131 Tooth Brushes 201 ToothPicks 201 Tooth Powder 131 Troches, Proprietary 131 Turpentine 35 Twine 201 Ultramarine Blue 203 Uranium, Preparations of.. 35 Urinometers 191 Vaccine 35 Vanilla Beans 9 Varnish Brushes 170 Varnishes 202 Vaseline 131 Verdigris 35 Vermifuge, Proprietary.. 131,133 Vermilion 203 Vials 163 Vinegar Cider 145 Vinegars, Pharmaceutical.. 48 Washing Crystals 201 Water of Ammonia 7 Water Closet Paper 105 Water Cologne 178, 170 Water, Pharmaceutical 49 Water, Proprietary 133 Water, Florida 133, 178 Waters, Mineral 145 Waters, Officinal 49 Wax 190 Whale Oil 203 Whisk Brooms 167 Whiskey 139, 141 White Lead 203 White Pepper 59 to 65 White Precipitate 36 White Turpentine 35 White Wax 190 Whiting 203 Window Glass 163, 165 Wine of Coca 133 Wines 141, 143 Wines, Officinal 36 Wines. Pharmaceutical 49 Wines, Proprietary 133 Wood 36 Wood, Alcohol 36 Wood, Naphtha 36 Wrapping Paper 193 Zinc, Preparation of 36 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS. Page Armour Glue Works 155 Arnold & Co 174 Baker, H. J. & Bro 154 ( Baker, M. M. & Co 208 Baltimore Twine & Net Co 146 Barker, Wm. Jay 164 Barry, John 147 Bartens & Rice 173 Batchelor, Wm. A . 92 Belden, A. G., & Co 42 Benjamin, E. B., Mfg. Co 146 Bernard, Leo, & Co 118 Binns, Joseph 167 Blair, H. C., & Sons 98 Bosshard & Wilson 84 Boston Mailing Box Co 120 Bradley & Smith 168 Bullock & Crenshaw 51 to 57 Burrill, D. H. & Co 130 Caiman, Emil & Co 41 Campbell, Dr 72 Chase, Wm. D 202 Chichester Chem. Co 200 Colgate & Co 94 Cooper, Chas. & Co 120 Cooper, Peter, Glue Factory.... 160 Cypress Chemical Works 135 Davidson & Knowles Co 198 Deane Plaster Co 179 Dickinson, C. B 164 Downer Oil & Supply Co 128 Du teller, Frederick W 88 Page Eisner, Mendelson & Co 100 Fahnestock, B. S 112 Finch, Luzon J 70 Geisler, Jos. 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