Gc^oss(QFeoJ Remarks of Prof. Geo. Gross, M. D. REMARKS I?Y PKOF. GEORGE GROSS.M. I).. NO. 311 EAST CAPITOL STREET, AVASU- INGTON. D. C, ON A BILL TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF IN- TOXICATING LIQUORS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Dr. Gross, said: Mr. Chairman : I appear before your honorable body as a prohibitionist as a beverage and medicine for fifty years. and I desire to erase the word medical on the eighth line of the bill, which ex- cepts their use for medical, scientific and mechanical purposes; for in disease there is a diminution of that surplus of vitality in all persons to guard against and ward off disease, and all intoxicants and all other poisons still further diminish the vitality and produce disease. Dr. Higen- botham. said : " It is impious to say that alcohol is necessary in any cure '' I then ask you as intelligent gentlemen, to grant the prayer of this bill which would make it the model city of the nation, and set a most worthy example to the world. As a radical reform in the theory and practice of medicine is indispensably necessary for the health and longevity of the people, then teach them what health and disease is ; what medicines are ; what alcohol is and its effects and adul- terating; why most physicians use it and all other poisons, as medicines, for nothing but enlightened public senti- ment, will ever effectthisglorious change. Then men will live until ripe and full of years before they are gathered to their Father, and not be so ready to accept all the good minister says and the doctor prescribes, without knowing the truth of one or the effects of the other. When one says " the Lord giveth and Lord taketh away," and the other prescribes alcohol and all other poisons,and destroys the people, which is charged to the Lord, when he only suffers us to be duped, poisoned, slain and robbed, if we will submit to it after the light and knowl- edge he has given us, and more we might easily obtain. Then come and reason to- gether and no longer submit to bow the knee to the image of Bael which this poison medical Nebuchadnezzar has set up. Justice and humanity demand that these systems of legalized human butch- ery,and, as Dr. Chapman says, horrid, un- warranted,murderous quackery should be explained, before truth and science can ever reign. The destruction of a kind and affectionate mother and sister with mer- cury, arsenic, strychnine, opium, alcohol, etc., in my youth, and being a graduate of the Allopathic and Physio Medical schools, and thoroughly posted in all thers, prompts me to dare to exposes this ignorant and destructive practice. I attended the great American Medi- cal and Surgical meetings just closed in Washington, where they (like Dr. Bush), acknowledged their ignorance of disease, of its causes and proper remedies, and that their practice is experiment; and their main object seemed to be to invent and use instruments and means of torture, and recommended them before it was necessary, for fear that it might become so. which, they said, often proved fatal. In the case of President Garfield, who suffered more human butchery, torture and quackery by daily probiiig twelve and a half inches in his belly for a ball in his back and soaking him in alcohol, starving and poisoning him until the vitality was destroyed and he died (in my opinion) from the treatment, and in spite of the prayers of a united world, which could uot avail against the daily violations of (>od's immutable laws, even Remarks of Prof. Geo. Gross, M". I). by one poison doctor, which proves that man's inhumanity toman makes count- less thousands mouru.and that health is happiness, and disease with poison treat- ment is suffering and premature death. Dr. Rush said they assisted in multiply- ing disease and increased its mortality; and Prof. D. S. Gross (whom they all de- light to honor), said, as for the real es- sence of medical science, little is known, indeed, nothing at all. They seemed to fear that truth and science will dispel their ignorance and quackery, which is a disgrace to the profession and a curse to the world. While he who can teach how to preserve health and cure disease is a real benefactor of his i*ace and should be duly appreciated. All the prescriptions I heard were poisons, and alcohol was chief. As the women are the greatest sufferers from the use of alcohol and all other poisons and torturous quackery, and are first in every good word and work, I fondly anticipate much valuable assistance from them in this most hu- mane reform. The doctors complain that seventy per cent, of obstetric and female cases are treated by women in Cincinnati. It is too bad when the poison doctors try so hard to monopolize their inhuman practice. 1 have treated scores of the most desperate cases of obstetrics and female complaints, and have not lost a case in fifty years' prac- tice, which gave me that chair in our medical college in New York City. These poison systems we protest By nature's God were never blest; Although in tears we must confess They haste their thousand souls to rest. Then what is health and how is it to be preserved? All scientists tell us that the abdity of all the organs of the body to perform their natural offices constitutes a state of health, and only requires wholesome food, pure water and air, suitable clothing, proper exercise and rest to keep up a healthy action and carry off all of its wastes and impurities. But from one hundred and one viola- tions of nature's laws some of the or- gans of the body become obstructed and inactive, and its impurities are retained in it, which produces an inability of some organs to perform their natural offices, which inability is the disease, and has a variety of form and causes. Then, by equalizing the circulation and nervous action with sanitive vegetable remedies, will remove those obstructions and impurities and restore a natural ural state or condition without any poi- son or disease left in the system to mar their happiness and shorten their lives. Now. what are medicines V The word medicine was taken from the Latin word medicina.fYom medenr to cure disease And as all poisons destroy the vitality and pro- duce disease, and never cure it, then poisons are not medicines or remedies for dise se, and are used by doctors to produce and n ot to cure diseases as we will show. Then, what is alcohol? All agree that it is the intoxicating princi- ple in all spirituous liqu rs,.and is not in anything in irature, but is produced by vinous fermentation and distillation of various fruits and grains which destroys their nutritious and stimulating proper- ties and converts them into a poison which produces irritation, inflammation, ulceration, mortification, scrofula can- cer, &c, of the stomach and similar effects upon all other organs of the sys- tem. It coagulates the fluids and corru- gates the solids and contracts the nerves and other viscerait touches, and deprives them of sense and motion, and, like opium and tobacco, impairs the brain and intel- lect, depraves the appetites and passions, and are foolish filthy, expensive, and very injurious habits and beneath the dignity of men to use them: for they de- grade him as much below the brute as he is elevated above by nature; and it dis- solves the gastric juice and prevents digestion, absorption, and nutrition, and produces all forms of disease. The word intoxicate was taken from the Latin toxicum, or taxn, to poison ; then all intoxicants are narcotic irritant poisons. A narcotic produces stupor, coma, convulsions, and death ; an irri- tant produces a vitiated and abnormal state or condition ; while a pure vegeta- ble stimulant increases the vipd energy and strength of action. All poisons produce a morbid, noxious aud dangerous effect, and destroy the vitality on which health and life depends. They also use strych- nine, stramonium, belladonna, fusil oil, cocculus indicus, opium, tobacco, &c, as narcotics; sulphuric and prussic acids, aquifortis, spirits of nitre, oil of Remarks of Prof. Geo. Gross, M. D. 3 vitriol, oil of turpentine, red bugs, black ants, and Spanish flies &c. as irritants, tannic acid, alum, copperas, sulphate of iron and copper, as astringents : nitrate and caustic potash and sugar of lead.&c.. to correct taste in their adulterations, which are deadly vegetable, animal, and mineral poisons, and still the people swallow them because the doctor says so, when the doctor is the most ignorant man on earth of his own business, and by keeping the people so, he can poison, slay and rob them. Oh, what guardians over the health ar d lives of the people! And if no drunkard can enter the kingdon of heaven, where will such drunkard makers appear V All the motions of the body are carried on by alternate relaxation and contraction, and aie kept up by the stimulous and nutrition of food, water, and air, which replenish and purify the blood that circulates to all parts of the system, and nourish and strengthen it, and keep up that warmth of vitality on which life and health depends; and he who takes blood, or destroys the digestive process which produces it. (as alcohol and all other poisons do,) is a vile enemy of the sick, and should be regarded as an ignorant criminal, instead of being hon- ored as a man of science and skill, for it is the ignorance and dishonesty of the doctors which is the destruction of the people. Why do most physicians use alcohol and all other poisonous medicines ? Be- cause it is according to their theory and teachings. Then, what do they teach V The word allopathy was taken from two Greek words alios, other, and pathm, morbid condition. The allopaths and homteopaths both teach that another and a qrtat r disease must be produced with medicines. The allopaths of a contrary and the homceopaths of a similar nature, as the allopathic practice is founded on the law of contrari, contarius, curanter, and the homoeopaths on the law of similia, similibus, cnrantur. Both also teach that the most virulant pcnsons are their best medicines. Ul>i virus ibi wrtu-s, where poison is there is virtue. Both further agree that fever or inflammation is dis- ease, and must be subdued, and both use the most deadly poisons, which destroy the vitality and too often kill the patient when the fever is only an effort of nature to remove the co use of disease. So you see that they do not discard poisons because they are poisons, and produce disease, but both use them because they are poisonous, and do produce disease. So both are systems of disease makiny with poisons. The allopaths also teach that there are from seven to eleven hundred diseases, and they require heroic remedies, which certainly are like the Caesars and Alexanders of old, powerful to destroy, heroic in blood and havoc and devastation. Drs. Hooper, Hunter, and others say that medicine never changes the morbid to a healthy condition ; that is alone the work ot nature, and Dr. Rush says the only reason people live under such treatment is because na- ture can withstand the disease and their treatment also. These state- ments laid the foundation of hom- oeopathy, which was to dupe the people more and poison them less, and let na- ture perform "the cure unopposed, and the little sugar pills have the credit; but most of them are what Hahnemann calls mongrels, who use as much poisons as, and are but small children of, allopathy and no more worthy of confidence. They teach that disease is a spiritual change of the animal economy ; that the symptoms of disease is the disease itself, and that it is solely the morbidly-affected vital prin- ciple which brings forth disease, and how the vital pviv.iple produces disease is a useless question which cannot be an- swered. I answer, that it never does produce disease but puts forth an effort to remove the cause of disease, for dis- ease is a statv or condition and not an action, and it is the vital principle which produces the remedial action. He only mistakes the vital action for the diseased condition, that is all. Again, they tell us that a cure can never be obtained but by a morbific power that will produce symp- toms similar and a little stronger, and that physical and moral disease are cured in the same manner. Again, if we wish to destroy the entire disease we should use a medicine which will produce symp- toms similar or opposite, which experi- ence proves the easiest and safest. This is only a little contradiction. 4 , Remarks of Prof. Geo. Gross. M. D. Again, they teach that the smallest dose possible is always the best, and should not be repeated until its full effects are realized, which often requires from fourteen to one hundred days, and that its effects are as beneficial by once smelling a little sugar pill as often r-s taken above Is it any wonder then that Dr. Herring, author of Hahnemann's Organnon, should say that he never accepted a single theory in the Organnon as therein promulgated ? If the people were prop- erly informed, they would not only dis- card the theories, but the practice of all who use alcohol and other poisons as medicines. Well might Drs. Eberly. Barton, Hayes. Bigelow. Whiting,Water- house, Rush, Chapman, Sewell, Robin- son, Curtis. Hooper, Gross, and hosts of others say, that opium, mercury, alcohol, and all other poisons always act per- niciously, and destroy more lives than pestilence, famine, and the sword ; that medicine as taught in the schools is not science, and their practice is not art, their doctrines are false, and are hypotheses piled on hypotheses, and absurdity, contradiction, and false- hood, and were conceived, born, and schooled in ignorance, and their practice is barbarous, ignorant, and in- human ; when true medical science teaches the art of preventing and curing disease, and a physician is one skilled in that art. and not one who produces a greater disease with alcohol and other pcnsons, which should be prohibited by law. St. Paul tells us that the intoxicating cup is the devil's cup, and its use is always devilish ; but the opposite is the Lord's cup, the cup of blessing, the communion of the blood of Christ. I regret that I cannot now explain this important subject more fully, but I am writing another, of twenty thousand copies, for gratuitous distribution, ex- plaining all schools of medicine, their treatment and their effects, (including rum and tobacco), to enlighten the people and dispel ignorance and quackery, and serve God acceptably, and enjoy the luxury of doing good. From my success with nature's harm- less remedies in cholera, typhoid, yellow, scarlet, and puerperal fevers, consump- tion, diphtheria, putrid erysipelas croup, asthma.rheumatism, inebriation, Bright's disease, etc.. etc., without rum or any other poisons. I received a gold medal in 1842, and a gold watch and chain for phil- anthropy, perseverance and -kill in 1*58, and my own likeness for voluntary, kind and skillful treatment in 1861, requesting it to be placed in the Capitol in Washing- ton. D. C, and that our practice be in- troduced in the army as an act of justice and humanity to the soldiers. >Jowtet us come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty, and seek and speak the truth and dare to do right, knowing that with the sword of truth and the approbation of heaven, one can drive a thousand and put ten thousand to flight. Then let us rejoice and take courage, for in due time we will reap if we faint not. Let us all dispense with rum and tobacco and all other poisons which produce disease, but aid nature to subdue disease and all fevers and appetites for strong drink, in from twelve to forty-eight hours with inoffensive remedies, when the valetudinarian will rejoice and the wives and children will be exceeding glad, and all will unite in singing, " Oh, how happy are they who their Saviour obey." I propose to donate fifty acres of choice fruit and garden land lor an inebriate asylum, and most of a large house and ten acres of fine land for a female hospi- tal and free school for the medical educa- tion of women and a training school for nurses, where all schools of medicine will be taught aud pure sanitive vegetable family medicines for all forms of disease, without alcohol or other poisons, will be kept, wholesale or retail; if others will aid in this humane enterprise where great good can be done and money made also. N. B—I will go to any place and ex- plain this important subject more fully by merely having my expenses paid. Anyone publishing this will please send me a copy.