fi / ... ' INDEX OF GYNECOLOGICAL AND OBSTETRIC LITERATURE OF ALL COUNTRIES, From July i, 1876, to January i, 1877. ABBREVIATIONS. a. alia, auf, aus, aux, etc. d. das, degli, del, der, des, die, etc. F. Folge. £. for, for, fur. h. het. J. Jornal, Journal. k. koniglich, koninklijke. k. k. kaiserlich-koniglich. M. Medical, Medicine, Medico, etc. n. neue, new, nouveau, nuova, nya, etc. o. och, oder. Q. Quarterly. r. reale. S. Surgery, Surgical. s. series. t. ter, till, tot. u. und. ii. iiber. v. van, von, voor, vor. z. zur. *. Graduating thesis. -\-. Case. -f- +. Two or more cases. pp. pages. 4°, 8°, etc. Quarto, octavo, etc. PI. Plates. Col. PL Colored plates. Roman numerals indicate the volume. Arabic numerals indicate the page. TRANSACTIONS OF The American Gynecological Society. VOL. I., FOR THE YEAR 1876. 4.00 pages. Many illustrations. The Annual Address by the President, Dr. Fordyce Barker, of New York, and the following papers : — I. Etiology of Uterine Flexures, with the proper mode of treatment indicated. By Thomas Addis Emmet, New York. II. Cicatrices of the Cervix Uteri and Vagina. By Alexander J. C. Skene, M. D., New York. III. Extirpation of the Functionally Active Ovaries for the Remedy of otherwise Incur- able Diseases. By Robert Battey, Rome, Ga. IV. On Central Rupture of the Perineum. By J. Matthews Duncan, M. D., Edinburgh, Scotland. V. Viburnum Prunifolium (Black Haw): its Uses in the Treatment of the Diseases of Women. By Edward W. Jenks, M. D., Detroit, Mich. VI. An Illustration of Xenomenia. By Theophilus Parvin, M. D., Indianapolis, In- diana. VII. Relations of Pregnancy to General Pathology. By Robert Barnes, M. D., Lon- don, Eng. VIII. The Spontaneous and Artificial Destruction and Expulsion of Fibrous Tumors of the Uterus. By W. H. Byford, Chicago, 111. IX. Case of Abdominal Pregnancy, treated by Laparotomy. By T. Gaillard Thomas, M. D., New York. X. Pneumatic Self-Replacement in Dislocations of the Gravid and Non-gravid Uterus. By Henry F. Campbell, M. D., Augusta, Ga. XI. Hydrate of Chloral in Obstetrical Practice. By W. L. Richardson, M. D., Boston, Mass. XII. Labor Complicated with Uterine Fibroids and Placenta Previa. By James R. Chadwick, M. D-, Boston, Mass. XIII. Latent Gonorrhea, with Regard to its Influence on Fertility in Women. By Emil Noeggerath, M. D., New York. XIV. Death from Urinemia in Certain Cases of Malignant Diseases of the Uterus. By Alfred Wiltshire, M. D., London, England. XV. Clinical Memoir on some of the Genital Lesions of Childbirth. By William Good- ell, M D., Philadelphia, Pa. XVI. Hermaphroditism. By Lawson Tait, F. R. C. S., Birmingham, England. XVII. Cases of Cystic Tumors of the Abdomen and Pelvis. By George H. Bixby, M. D., Boston, Mass. XVIII. Case of Solid Uterus Bipartitus; both ovaries removed for the relief of epileptic seizures ascribed to ovarian irritation. By E. Randolph Peaslee, M. D., New York. XIX. The Origin and History of Calculi found in the Bladder after the Cure of Vesico- vaginal Fistula by Operation. By Henry F. Campbell, Augusta, Ga. XX. Rare Forms of Umbilical Hernia in the Fetus. By James R. Chadwick, M. D., Boston, Mass. XXI. In Memoriam Gustav Simon. By Paul F. Munde\ M. D., New York. Price of Volume I., $5.00. As contributions to advanced gynecology they exceed in value anything which we have ever before seen collected in any one volume. — N. Y. Medical Record. This volume of Transactions is certainly superior to any book of the kind that has been issued by the American Press.— St. Louis Clinical Record. Now we have the first of, we hope, a long row of volumes which will bear comparison with the Transactions of European Societies. Indeed, these must look to their laurels in this noble emulation. — Edinburg Medical Journal. This volume is one of the best collections of gynecological papers that has been published this year. —Annates dt GynicologU. I VOLUME II. 650< pages, 12 chromo-litkographs and many other illustrations. Contains the following papers, with the discussions to which they gave rise : — I. Annual Address, on Medical Gynecology. By the President, Dr. Fordyce Barker, of New York. II. The Functions of the Anal Sphincters, so called. With two wood-cuts. By Dr James R. Chadwick, of Boston, Mass. III. Excision of the Cervix Uteri; its Indications and Methods. With one wood-cut. By Dr. John Byrne, of Brooklyn, N. Y. IV. Report on the Corpus Luteum. With twelve chromo-lithographic plates. By Dr. John C. Dalton, of New York. V. The Pathology and Treatment of Puerperal Eclampsia. By Professor Otto Spiegel- berg, of Breslau, Prussia. VI. Dilatation of the Cervix Uteri for the Arrest of Uterine Hemorrhage. By Dr. George H. Lyman, of Boston. VII. The Principles of Gynecological Surgery applied to Obstetric Operations. By Dr. A. J. C. Skene, of Brooklyn, N. Y. VIII. On the Necessity of Caution in the Employment of Chloroform during Labor. By Dr. William T. Lusk, of New Yprk. IX. The Present Status of the Intra-Uterine Stem in the Treatment of Flexions of the Uterus. By Dr. Ely Van de Warker, of Syracuse, N. Y. X. Supplement to the report of a case of Xenomenia made at the first Annual Meeting in 1876. By Dr. Theophilus Parvin, Indianapolis, Ind. XI. A Case of Vaginal Ovariotomy. By Dr. William Goodell, of Philadelphia, Penn. XII. Is there a Proper Field for Battey's Operation? By Dr. Robert Battey, of Rome, Ga. XIII. Subsulphate of Iron as an Antiseptic in the Surgerv of the Pelvis. By Dr. H P. C. Wilson, of Baltimore, Md. XIV. Tetanus after Ovariotomy. By Dr. Theophilus Parvin, of Indianapolis, Ind. XV. Sarcoma of the Ovaries. By Dr. Washington L. Atlee, of Philadelphia, Penn. XVI. The Value of Electrolysis in the Treatment of Ovarian Tumors, as seen in the Light of Recent Experience. By Dr. Paul F. Mund^, of New York. XVII. Congenital Absence and Accidental Atresia of the Vagina; Mode of Operation to Establish the Canal, and to Evacuate retained Menstrual Blood. With three wood- cuts. By Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet, of New York. XVIII. Case of Sarcoma of the Kidney in a negro child. With Heliotype. By Dr. W. H. Geddings, Aiken, S. C. XIX. The Hystero-Neuroses. By Dr. George J. Engelmann, of St. Louis, Mo. XX. Cases illustrating Important Points connected with Ovariotomy. By Dr. Gilman Kimball, of Lowell, Mass. XXI. The Radical Treatment of Dysmenorrhea and Sterility by Rapid Dilatation of the Canal of the Neck of the Uterus With one wood-cut. By Dr. Ellwood Wilson, of Phil- adelphia, Penn. XXII. Dr. Uvedale West's Views of Rotation, as illustrated by the Contrast between the Mechanism of Simple Occipito-Posterior Positions and those of the Bregmato-Coty- loid Variety. By Dr. John P. Reynolds, of Boston, Mass. XXIII. Vascular Tumors of the Female Urethra; with the Description of an Instru- ment devised to Facilitate their Removal. By Dr. A. Reeves Jackson, of Chicago, 111. XXIV. Lying-in Hospitals; especially those in New York. By Dr. Henry J. Gar- rigues, of Brooklyn, N. Y. XXV. The Simpler Varieties of Perineal Laceration; their Consequences and Treat- ment. By Dr. Thaddeus A. Reamy, of Cincinnati, Ohio. XXVI. The Cyclical Theory of Menstruation. By Dr. John Goodman, of Louisville, Ky. XXVII. In Memoriam Charles E. Buckingham. With a Heliotype Portrait. By Dr. George H. Lyman, of Boston, Mass. Index of Obstetric and Gynecological Literature of all Countries, from July 1, 1876,10 January i, 1877. The price of Volume II. is $6.50. The 2 volumes will be sent by mail or express, post-paid, for $10.00. Address, HOUGHTON, OSGOOD & CO., Boston. 2 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. ABDOMINAL Section. See, also, Ovariotomy; Pregnancy, Extra- uterine ; Uterus, Tumor of. P£an, J. Lecons de clinique chi- rurgicale, professees a l'Hopital Saint Louis, pendant les annees 1874 et 1875. Suives....2. De la statistique des operations de gas- trotomie pratiques par lui, de 1864 a 1875. Paris. I. (4 col. PI.) 40 pp. 8° 1876. Hart, R. T. Laparotomie na spontane Ruptuur van den Uterus met Behoud van het Leven der Moeder. Weekbl. v. h. Ned- erl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. Amsterdam. 645. — Koberle. -f----retroversio uteri. Allg. wien. m. Zeitg. XXI. 335. — Krassows- Ity, A. Zwei Falle von Hysterotomie durch den Bauchschnitt mit gliicklichem Ausgang. St. Petersb. m. Wchnschr. No. 27, 1. — Pean, J. Results of 34 cases of gastroto- my performed with a view of extirpating tumors having their seat in the epiploon, mesenteries, broad ligaments, peritoneum, spleen, or pelvis. Lancet, 1876. II. 114. ABORTION. See, also, Labor, Pre- mature ; Pregnancy, Early; Ute- rus, Hemorrhage from. Sourdet, J. * Accidents et com- plications des avortements spon- tanes provoques et criminels. Paris. 102 pp. 8° 1876. Castro, P. El aborto quirurgico. An- ales Soc. ginec. Espan. Madrid. II. 225- 234. — Chadwick, J. R. +....recovery from septicaemia following abortion. Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 295. —Clemens, T. Abortus habitualis s. periodjcus, der habitu- elle periodische Missfall in den ersten 4 Wochen der Schwangerschaft. Allg. m. Centr.-Zeitg Berl. XLV. 669. — Depaul. -f- avec retention probable du delivre\ J. des snges-femmes. Par. IV. 113. — Griine- waldt. + St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 544. — Iiafargue, JE. Consultation m6d- lco-legale; avortement par la sabine. Gaz. med. de Bordeaux. V. 437.—Leaman, H. Syphilis causing abortion. M. & S. Rep. Phila. XXXV. 511. — L,el>lond, A. -f- spontane' a deux mois et demi de gesta- tion. Expulsion du fcetus entour£ de la membrane amniotique restee intacte. Pro- gres med. Par. IV. 757; also, Bull. Soc. anat de Paris. 4me sir. I. 422.— Puejac, A. + deux jumeaux d'inegal d£- veloppement; superfdtation supposed. Gaz. Obst. Par. V. 225. — Savoye. +.... retention du placenta; symptomes d'infec- tion putride; gu^rison. J. de me'd. et de chir. prat. Par. XLVII.498; also, Abeille med. Par. XXXIII. 485. — Wlieeler, W. 6. -f-___fatal following criminal abor- tion. Records Bost. Soc. for m. Improv. Boston. VI. 2.—Zenner, P. Treatment of abortion. Cincin. Lancet & Observer, XIX. 1000. ACID, Salicylic. Meding. Ueber Salicylsaure besonders im Wochenbett. Arch, der Heilk. Leipz. XVII. 456-461. ADENOMA. See Breast, Tumor of. AFTER-PAINS. Wood, A. -f- -J- where quinine was used for after-pains. Bost. M. & s. J. XCV. 81. ALBUMINURIA in Pregnancy. See, also, Uremia; Eclampsia. Petit, C. H. * Recherches sur l'albuminurie des femmes enceintes. (Plates.) Paris. 72 pp. 8° 1876. Brochin. Anasarque et eclampsie al- buminurique pendant la grossesse. Traite- ment mixte par la saignle et le chloral. Accouchement a terme d'un enfant vivant; gueYison. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 1043 ; also, tocol. Par. 3me annee. 740. AMENORRHEA. Tarnier. Oblsite des jeunes femmes avec amenorrhea, sterility, traitement par la diete lactee. J. de med. et de ther. prat. Par. XLVII. 542. AMNION. Bidder. Amniotische Falten und Faden an der Placenta. St. Petersb. m. Zeitschr. V. 550. AMNION, Dropsy of. Guillemet, V.* Contribution a l'etude de l'hydramnios. Paris. 84 pp. 40; also, reprint in 8°. 1876. Klistner, M. Zur Kenntniss des Hy- dramnion. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 134-141.—Paillol. M. +---due a une mauvaise conformation du fcetus. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 122. — Weyl, T. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des ver- mehrten menschlichen Fruchtwassers (hy- dramnion). Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. Leipz- 543-555- 2 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. AMPUTATION, spontaneous, in the Uterus. L.onguet, M. Pieds-bots, syndactyle, sillons cutan^s, amputation spontanee sur- venue pendant la vie intra-utdrine, lesions d'origine nerveuse. Cmte. rend. sean. Soc. de Biol. Par. 110-116. ANASARCA. See Albuminuria in Pregnancy. ANESTHESIA in Obstetrics. Blot. De l'emploi des anesthe'siques danslesaccouchements. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. N. S. II. 691—Hill, T. The use of chloroform in Obstetrics. Rich- mond & Louisville M. J. XXII. 497-503. ANUS, Atresia of. See Rectum, Abnormities of. AUSCULTATION in Obstetrics. Blanchard, P. I. *De l'auscul- tation appliquee specialement a l'etude et au diagnostic de la gros- sesse. Paris. 52 pp. 8° 1876. Bouillaud. De l'identite du bruit de soufflet dit placentaire avec le bniit de soufflet des grosses arteres, et de sa localisa- tion dans les arteres intrapelviennes. Bull. Acad, de mid. Par. 2mese>. V. 553-601.— Glenard, F. Sur la localisation definitive du souffle maternel de la grossesse. Arch. • de tocol. Par. 464-474. — Gueneau de Mussy, N. Recherches sur l'auscultation plessimetrique. Union m^d. Par. II. 73. 106,129. — Kergeradec. Trois dialogues entre les arteres iliaques et les arteres ute- rines, sur le souffle puerpeVal-maternel, ou pulsation avec souffle. Abeille M^d. Par. XXXIII. 313, 321, 329 — Martelli, P. Nuovo metodo di diagnosi del sesso del feto nella vita intrauterina. Giorn. veneto di sc. med. Ser. 3. XXV. 600. — Pinard. Du souffle fcetal. Cmte. rend. sean. Soc. de biol. Par. 66. — Depaul. Discus- sion sur le souffle puerperal. Bull. Acad. de m^d. Par. 2me seV. V. 682-694, 700- 705, 729-750- BLADDER, Diseases of. See, also, Uterus, Displacement of. Emmet, B. McK. Disease of the blad- der connected with uterine displacements. Am. J. of Obst. N. Y. IX. 578-588. BLADDER, Extrophy of. Exstrophie vesicale. Rev med.-photogr. des hop. de Paris. VIII. 58. (iPl.) BLADDER, Foreign Body in. Pulido, A. Cuerpos extranos en la ve- jiga de la orma, Polipos de la matriz. An. Soc. ginec. espan. Madrid. II. 240; also, Anfiteatro anat. espaii. Madrid. II. 212. BLADDER, Stone in. See, also, Va- gina, Occlusion of. Reliquet. Dilatation brusque de l'ure- thre d'une femme agee, avec chloroforme; extraction de la vessie d'une pierre volumi- n'euse; gue'rison rapide, sans incontinence. Union m£d. Par. 3me ser. XXII. 890.— Veit. — Ueberdie Extraction eines Blasen- steines durch die Urethra bei einem Mad- chen mit rudimentar entwickelten uterus. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 409. —Youn- kln, E. Urinary Calculi of remarkable size taken through the female urethra. Am. M. J. St. Louis. IV. 541. BLADDER, Tumors of. Sella tz, P. Gestieltes Fibromyxoma telangiectodes vesica; zwei Mai mit dem Flcraseur unvollkommen, das dritte Mai nach theilweiser Umstiilpung der Ham- blase durch die Harnrbhre vollkommen ex- tirpirt. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 356- 37°- BLOOD, Transfusion of. See Trans- fusion of Blood. BREAST, Abscess of. See, also, Breast, Inflammation of. Herpin, O. * Etude sur le traite- ment des abces chauds post-puer- peraux du sein. Paris. 72 pp. 8° 1876. Bremond, F. Des engorgements lai- teux; traitement preventif des abces du sein. Medecin. Par. 1876. II. No. 38. BREAST, Cancer of. Battey, R. + Am. Practitioner. Lou- isville. XIV. 331. — Bilhaut. Ablation d'un cancer du sein droit. Gueiison. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 625.—Corley. + Dub. J. of Med. Sc. LXII. 348- — Dreyfus, I» Carcinome dur de la ma- melle; cancer generalised; noyaux cancereux comprimant la moelle avec hemiparaplegie douloureuse; noyaux cancdreux dans le femur gauche avec fracture spontanee et incurvation tres marquee de l'os. Progres mdd. Par. IV. 922. — Gross. Epithe- lioma of the breast. Phila. M. Times. VII. 104. — Warren, J. C. + villous. Ext. fr. Records Bost. Soc. for M. Improv. Bos- ton. VI. 123. BREAST, Development of. Creighton, C. On the development of the mamma and of the mammary func- tion. J. of Anat. and Physiol. Lotid. XI. 1-32. (iPl.) BREAST, Diseases of. Caro, S. Diseases of the Mammary Glands during Lactation. Trans. N. Y. Acad, of Med. 2d ser. II. 80-96. BREAST, Gas in. Secretion of gas in the breasts instead of milk. Am. Observ. Detroit. N. S. IV. 9. BREAST, Inflammation of. See, also, Breast, Abscess of. Haelling, J. * De la lymphan- gite mammaire des nouvelles ac- couchees. 40 pp. 8° 1876. Dngas, I» A. Mammilis and Mam- mary Abscesses treated by bandaging. St. Louis M. & S. J. XIII. 5(6. —Gosse- lin. Mammite post-puerperale. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 1131. Mammite sub- aigue recidivee, soupconnde de nature tuber- culeuse. Rev. de ther. med.-chir. Par. 397- BREAST, Tumor of. Labbe, L., & Coyne, P. Traite des tumeurs du sein. Paris. 560 pp. 8° (2 col. PI.) 1876. Garel. -\- Sarcome kvstique. Lyon med. XXIII. 460. — Monbd, K. Adeno- sarcome du sein. Progres med. I'ar. IV. 924.— Robert, F. Adenome de la ma- melle ; operation ; pansements avec le sali- cal Dusaule. Momteur. Par. I. 169.— GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. 3 Sands, H. B. -f cystic. N. Y. Med. J. XXIV. 625. — Sinety. Des causes anatomiques de la retraction du mamelon, dans quelques tumeurs de la mamelle. Cmte. rend. sean. Soc. de biol. Par. 59. BREECH Presentation. See Labor, Complicated. BRESLAU, Gynecological Clinic of. See Gynecology, Statistics of. BROAD Ligament, Inflammation of. Auger. *De la lymphadenite peri-uterine (phlegmon de's liga- ments larges) historique et patho- genic Paris. 92 pp. 8° 1876. Mo, G. Fibroma uterino ascesso del legamento largo, peritonite. Osservatore. Torino. XII. 437. BROAD Ligament, Cyst of. Gusserow, A. Ueber Cysten des breiten Mutterbandes. Arch. 1. Gynask. Berl. X. 184. —Sutton, R.S. + M. & S. Rep. Phila. XXXV. 349- CALCULUS. See Bladder, Stone in CANCER. See Uterus, Cancer of. CATGUT Sutures. See Cesarean Section. CELLULITIS, Pelvic. See, also, Broad Ligament, Inflammation of; Uterus, Cancer of. Bermingham, E. J. Intra-pelvic phlegmonous tumor, involving rectum, ute- rus, and sacral plexus. OhioM.&S.J., N. S. I. 152. — Hertz. Anwendung des natron- salicylicum bei einem parametria schen Exsudate. Aerztl. Intell-Bl. Miinchen. XXIII. 473— Keating, J. M. +.... treated with hypodermic injections of quinia. Am. J.Obst. N.Y. IX. 657. —Kisch, E. H. Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Parametritis. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 451.— Mann, M. D. Endemic non-puer- peral pelvic cellulitis. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX 649. — Olshausen, R. On Puerpe- ral Parametritis and Perimetritis. Clinical Lectures from German Authors. (Volk- mann) New Sydenham Soc. LXVI. 349- 391. — Wiegandt, A. -f perivaginitis phlegmonosa dissecans. St. Petersb. m. Wchnschr. 37. CEPHALHEMATOMA Neonato- rum. See Infant, Bloody Tumor of Scalp. CEPHALOTRIPSY/. See Labor, Contracted Pelvis ; Labor, Pre- mature, Induction of; Puerperal Convulsions ; Embryotomy. CERVIMETRE. See Uterus, In- struments. CESAREAN Section. See, also, Em- bryotomy. Porro, E. Delia amputazione utero-ovarica come complemento di taglio cesareo. Milano. (1 PL) Barber, C. P. -f- Western Lancet. San Francisco. VI. 614. —Edmunds, J. 2d. +.... in which mother and child recovered. Lancet. Land. 1876. II. 818.— Frari, M. Delia condotta dell' ostetrico nei casi di morte della gravida. Gazz. m. ital. prov. venete. Padova. XIX. 417.— Hecker, C. V. +.... nach dem tode der Mutter mit lebenden Kinde. Arch. f. Gyna:k. Berl. X. 540. —Martin. Ueber die Catgut-naht der Uteruswunde nach dem Kaiserschnitt. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 401.-McCoy, W. N. +•••• delivery of a living child; death of the mother in thirty-two hours. Am. Practitioner. Indian- apolis. XIV. 220. — Verouden. +--- post mortem: delivery of a living child two hours after the death of the mother. Am. J. Obst. A^. Y. IX. 497- CHANCROID. See Clitoris, Hy- pertrophy of. CHILDBED, Diseases of. See Puer- peral Diseases. CHLORAL Hydrate. See, also, Puer- peral Convulsions ; Uterus, Can- cer of. Frazier, J. V. Chloral hydrate in Obstetrics. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 402. CHLOROFORM. See Anesthesia in Obstetrics. CHOREA in Pregnancy and Child- bed. Prince, D. Chorea gravidarum. Obst. J.ofGr.Br. Lond. IV. 456. —Wheel- er, W. G. Fatal +---following crim- inal abortion. Exts. fr. Records Boston Soc. for M. Improv. Bost. VI. 2. CLITORIS, Hypertrophy of. Piflfard, H. G. Oedematous hyper- trophy of the preputium clitoridis following chancroid. Removal by galvanic cautery. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 467. —Walts, R. -(- Arch, of Clin. Surg. N. Y. I. 75. COCCYODYNIA. Adams, Z. B. -f Exts. fr. Records Bost. Soc. M. Improv. Bost. VI. 140. COITUS, Hemorrhage from. Crandall, F. H. + M. & S. Rep. Phila. XXXV. 352- COITUS, Obstruction to. See "Va- gina, Bulb of. CONCEPTION. Lopez y Muiioz, R. Influencia del momento de la fecundacion, con respecto a la madurez del ovulo, sobre el sexo del producto de la conception. Teoria de la sexualidad. Corresp. med. Madrid. XI. 261, 268. —Stern, J. Beitrag zur Casu- istik einer Schwangerschaft trotz bestimmt nachgewiesener unmbglichkeit der immissio penis. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1672. CONVULSIONS. See Albuminu- ria ; Puerperal Convulsions. CONVULSIONS in Pregnancy. Lericne, E. + Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 1100; also Arch, de tocol. Par. 744. CORD, Umbilical. See Umbilical Cord. CORPORA Lutea. See Ovulation. CRANIOTOMY. See, also, Uterus, Rupture of. Fritsch, H. Extraction eines iiber die Zeit getragenen, macerirten Hemi- kephalus mit dem Kranioklast. Arch f. 4 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. Gynaslc. Berl. X. 55r. — Kleinwach- ter. Die Perforation und Extraction des perforirten Fruchtschadels. Wiener Klinik. Jahrg. II. Hft. 7. 204, 225. DIAPHANOSCOPE. See Pelvic Or- gans, Exploration of. DIARRHEA in Pregnancy. Schmeck, J. -f-.... stomatitis ma- terna and intractable diarrhoea compli- cating each gestation and lactation, with dropsy of the amnion, and premature ex- pulsion of an emphysematous living fcetus in the last pregnancy. Chicago M. J. & Exam. XXXIII. 1103. DIPHTHERIA. See Puerperal Dis- eases, Diphtheria ; Uterus, Dis- eases of, Diphtheria. DIPSOMANIA. See Puerperal Convulsions. DOUCHE, Vaginal. Foster, F. P. A new vaginal douche. Med. Rec. A''. Y. IX. 597. — Lownds, F. M. Modification of Higginson's syringe for vaginal use. Br. Med. J. 1876. II. 9. DYSMENORRHEA. See Menstru- ation. DYSMENORRHEA, Membranous. Hoggan, G. und Hoggan, F. E. Patholosne und Therapie. Arch, f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 301-314.— Leopold, G. Ue- ber die Dysmenorrhoea membranacea. Arch. f. Gynsek. Berl. X. 293-300. (iPl.) — Rosebrugh, J. W. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Canada Lancet. Toronto. IX. 1-6. — Sinety. Dysmenorrhea Mem- braneuse. Cmte. rend. s^an. Soc. de biol. Par. 140. DYSTOCIA. See Labor, Difficult. ECBOLICS. See, also, Ergot, Qui- nine. Tibone, D. Concetto del parto. Ec- bolici ed oxitocici. La segale cornuta e l'acido fosforico in ostetricia. L'osserva- tore. Torino. XII. 561-566; 580-585.— Wathen, J. H. Quinine as an ecbolic. Practitioner. Lond. XVII. 38. ECLAMPSIA in Pregnancy. See, also, Albuminuria, Uremia. Beliere, C£lestin. * Du traite- ment de l'eclampsie pendant la gros- sesse. Paris. 52 pp. 8° 1876. EDEMA in Pregnancy. See Phthi- sis in Pregnancy. ELECTROLYSIS. See Uterus, Tu- mor of; Vagina, Absence of. ELEPHANTIASIS of the Genital Organs. Fronmuller G. sen. Elephantiasis der weiblichen Genitalien. Memorabilien. Heilbronn. XXI. 205. EMBRYOTOMY. See, also, Crani- otomy. Cook, W. C. + + spontaneous ver- sion ; hour-glass contraction; and Eviscera- tion. Trans. M. Soc State of Tennessee. Nashville- 140. — Morelli, G. and Ma- terzanini, G. +---a feto idrocefalico con esito di guarigione della donna. Ri- vista clin. di Bologna. Ser. 2. VI. 208.— Taylor, I. E. Is' craniotomy, cephalo- tripsy, or cranioclasm, preferable to the Caesarean section in pelves ranging from one and a half to two and a half inches ? Trans. N. Y. Acad, of Med. 2d ser. II. 200-234. (1 PI.) — Thiriar, J. Conside- rations sur le forceps-scie de Van Hue- vel a propos de deux cas d'embryotomie. mid.. Bruxelles. LXIII. 397-402.— Weil, S. Aus der geburtshilflichen Praxis. Med.-chir. Central-Bl. IVien. XI. 421. EMPHYSEMA during Labor. Downes, A. Emphysema during partu- rition. Br. Med. J. 1876. II. 8. —Page, H. Subcutaneous emphysema during la- bour. Br. Med. J. 1876. II. 8. ENDOMETRITIS. See Uterus, Diseases of, Inflammation. ENDOSCOPE. See Uterus, Instru- ments. ERGOT. See, also, Hemorrhage, Post-partum. Vance, W. A. Ergot. Richm. & Louisv. Med. J. XXII. 8. ESTHIOMENE. See Vulva, Ulcer of. ETHER. See Anesthesia in Ob- stetrics. ETHER, Subcutaneous Injection of. See Hemorrhage, Post-par- tum. EVISCERATION. See Embryoto- my. EYE, Diseases of, in Pregnancy. Baumeister, E. Ueber einige zur Gynakologie in Beziehung stehende Augen- erkrankungen. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 688, 709. PACE Presentation. See Labor, Complicated. FECUNDATION. See Conception. FETUS, Auscultation of. See Aus- cultation in Obstetrics. FETUS, Cries of, during Preg- . nancy. Bean, W. H. Child crving in preg- nancy. Atlanta M. & S. J. XIV. 380. FETUS, Death of, during Labor. Bonneau. + Ann. d'hyg. pub. et de med. leg. Par. XLVI. 492. FETUS, Diseases of. See, also, Hy- drocephalus. Morris, H. Case of congenital hydro- nephrosis, with remarks on the secretion and excretion of urine in the fcetus, and on the facts which tend to prove that, during the latter months of intra-uterine life, the urine of the fcetus is passed into the cavity of the amnion. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. IV. 270. FETUS, Head of, in Obstetrics. Budin, P. * De la tete du Foe- tus au Point de Vue de l'Obstet- rique. Recherches Cliniques et Ex- perimentales. Paris. 1876. FETUS, Malformation of. Finley, F. -f Br. Med. J. 1876. II. 8. — Hervas y Casado, J. -f GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. 5 Anfiteatro anat. espan. Madrid. 1876. II. 172. — Moran, F. S. Feto hidro- ceialo, parto prematura, erisipela, curacion. Revista m. de Chile. V. 71. — Nltot, E. +. ... du genre paracephale. Progres mdd. Par. IV. 671. —Robinson, H. +.... two-headed. Br. M.J. Lond. 1876. II. 44. — Rogers, B. Acephalous monster. Lan- cet. Lond. 1876. II. 107. —Talko, J. Przypadek maloocznosci (rnikrophthalmos) zwrodzona torbiela surowicza pod powie- kami dolnemi. Medycyna. Warzawa. IV. 59°- FETUS, Maternal Impressions on. See Maternal Impressions. FETUS, Injuries to. Ducourneau, J. E. * Des. le- sions du foetus dans les presenta- tions spontanees de l'extremite pel- vienne et dans la version. Paris. 109 pp. 8° 1876. Staples, F. Fcetus shot in utero ; nor- mal delivery and recovery of the mother. Med. Rec. N. Y. 1876. II. 595. FETUS, Retained. See, also, Litho- pedion. Depaul. 4; Accouchement simple apres plusieurs semaines. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 137. — Ford, A. E. + Proc. Texas State U. Assoc- 195— Kilpat- rick, A. R. + Proc. Texas State M. Assoc. 187. — LIz6. Quand le foetus est mort dans la cavite uterine, doit ou provo- quer son expulsion ou bien attendre qu'elle se fasse naturellement ? Gaz. Obst. Par. V. 241,___321.— Schlesinger. Ueber die Widerstandsfahigkeit des Uteringewebes gegen Faulniss und Verwesung. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1230. FETUS, Temperature of. Alexeeff. Ueber die Temperatur des Kindes im Uterus. Arch. f. Gynask. Berl. X. MI- FETUS, Viability of. Githens. Viability of a six-months' foetus. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 666. FEVER, Puerperal. See Puerperal Diseases, Fever. FIBROID. See Uterus, Tumor of. FISTULA, Recto-Vaginal. Cardenal, S. Tratamiento operatorio de las fistulas rectales y vaginales. Inde- pendencia Med. Barcelona. XI. 359-— Chenery, E. + Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 608. FISTULA, Uretero-Uterine. Kurz, E. + Memorabilien.^rVz7(5w««. XXI. 222. FISTULA, Urinary. Le Double, A. Du Kleisis geni- tal et principalement de l'occlusion vaginale et vulvaire dans les fistules uro-genitales. Paris. 1876. Bozeman, N. Autoplasty by gradual approaches, as applied to the successful treatment of urinary fistula; in woman, in the class of cases usually thought to be amenable only to partial or complete oblit- eration of the vagina ; being a letter ad- dressed to Dr. P. Berger, of Pans. Med. Rec. N-Y. 1876. I. 560. — Hempel, A. Zur Casuistik, Therapie, und Aetiologie der Urinfisteln des Weibes. Arch. f. Gynak. Berl. X. 479-532. FISTULA, Vesico-Uterine. Verstrseten, C. + guerie spontane- ment. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand. LIV. 106. FISTULA, Vesico - Vaginal. See, also, Recto-Vaginal. Bozeman, N. On vesico-vaginal fis- tula. Lancet. Lond. 1876. II. 633.— Bylicki, W. Wielka przetoka pecherzr> wo-pochwowa (vesico-vaginal fistulas) uleczo- na jednarazowa operacyja po poprzedniem przy-gotowaniu pochny Kulami Bozemann. Przeglad lekarski. Krakowie. XV. 535. — Charles, T. E. Two clinical lec- tures on vesico-vaginal fistula. Indian Ann. of M. Sc. Calcutta. XVIII. 442-447.— Ebermann. + St. Petersb. m. Zeitschr. V. 513. — Landau, L. Zur operation der Blasen-Scheiden-Fistel. Deutsche m. Wchnschr. Berl. II. 464. —L,e Dou- ble, A. + compliquee, traitee par l'ob- literation du vagin. Arch, de tocol. Par. 3me An. 733. — Scheibenzuber, A. A new device for securing union in staphy- loraphy, vesico-vaginal fistula, etc. Ohio M. & S. J. N. S. I. 146. — Simon, G. On the method of operating for vesico- vaginal fistula. Being a comparison of Bozeman's operation with that of the au- thor. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. Lond. IV. 435- 450, 497-508, 589-603. — Simon, G. Zur Operation der Blasenscheidenfistel Ver- gleich der Bozeman'schen Operationsmeth- ode mit der des Verfassers. Wien. m. Wchnschr. XXVI. 665 (1 PI.), .... 791- — Tail, Ii. + Obst. J. of Gr. Br. Lond. IV. 324.—Trelat, U. + ■ ■ ■ • d^ja operee sans succes, operation, guerison. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 198. FORCEPS, History of. McClintock, A. H. The originator of the double-curved midwifery forceps. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. Lond. IV. 330. FORCEPS, New. Tarnier, S. Description de deux nouveaux forceps. 40 (43 PL) Formari, F. Modificazione a! forcipe Tarsitani. Raccoglitore med. Forll. Ser. 4. VI. 5i5- FORCEPS, Use of. See, also, Twins, Puerperal Convulsions. Chassagny. Lettres sur le mode d'ac- tion du forceps. J. de sc. m^d. de Louvain. I. 658-666. — Frazier, J. V. When and how often should we use the forceps ? Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 600-605. — Gal- abin, A. I» On the action of midwifery forceps as a lever. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. Lond. IV. 508-519. —Madden, T. M. On the use of the long and short forceps. [Discus- sion by the Obstetrical Society of Dublin.] Obst. J. of Gr. Br. IV. 47-55 ; also, Dubl. J. of Med. Sc. 64-72, 375-381. —Miles, A. J. The forceps in breech deliveries, with a description of a new instrument. Cincinnati M. News. IX. 549. — Ste- vens, E. B. Is the use of the obstetric forceps becoming unwisely frequent ? Cin- cinnati Lancet & Observ. XIX. 1075. — Turney, S. B. A new principle in the application of the. obstetric forceps. Ohio MCAL INDEX. 6 GYNECOLOG M. & S. J. Columbus. I. 239. —Was- seige. Sur les tractions soutenues ou con- tinues appliquees au forceps. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belgique. Bruxelles. X. 825-860. —Van Slyck, D. B. The man- agement of the obstetrical forceps. Bost. M.&S.J. XCV. 733. FORCEPS-SCIE. See Embryoto- my. GALVANO-CAUTERY". See Vul- va, Tumor of. GANGRENE. See. Vulva, Gan- grene of; Uterus, Diseases of, Gangrene. GASTRIC Fever, in Pregnancy. Murillo, A. -)-.... que se desarolla antes del parto, tomando un caracter tifo- septicemico despues del parto i terminando con la muerte de la enferma. Revista m. de Chile. Santiago. V. 106. GENU-PECTORAL Posture. Douglity, W. H. Atmospheric dis- tention of the vagina in the knee-chest pos- ture : is it the real factor, or simply an aux- iliary, in the reduction of retro-displacements of the uterus? with .general remarks on the limitation of its usefulness. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 561-572. GENERATION. Bossu, A. Lois et mysteres des fonctions de reproduction conside- rees dans toute la serie des etres ani- mes, principalement chez l'homme et chez la femme. Paris. 400 pp. 120 1876. (2 col. PL) GENITALS, Physiology of. DbnhoJT". Die Geschlechts-organe im zusammenhang mit den Blutansammlungen in den Fleischanhangen der Hiihner. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. Leipz. 240. GENITALS, Abnormities of. Ai-liliurst, J., Jr. Congenital occlu- sion of the urethra with hypospadia. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 504. — Bide. Im- perfection des organes genitaux externes. Imperforation de la vulve. Arch, de tocol. 1 Par. 3me An. 421.—Houze, F. Pana- tresie genitale de la femme ; atresie con- genitale vulvo-vaginale, compliquee d'ab- sence du vagin inferieur, d'atresies du vagin supeVieur de l'uterus et des trompes, avec hematosalpinx, h^matometra he"matoposthe. Nouvelle m^thode opeVatoire ; gu^rison. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 117-130. GENITALS, External. See, also, Prurigo ; Vulva, Diseases of. Chardin, L>. Myo-myxomedelagrande levre. Progres med. Par. IV. 660. GENITALS, Internal, Anatomy of. Frankenhauser. Uber die Lage der innern Genitalien. Corr.-Bl. f. Schweiz. Aerzte. Basel. VI. 413. GENITALS, Internal, Abnormities of. Bazzoni, C Di una doppia vagina con utero biloculare. Giorn. ital. d. mal vener. ed pelle. Milano. XI. 297.—Pon- tons. Absence- de vagina et de matrice; conformation normale des organs genitaux externes; projet de mariage; consultations. Union mea. Par. XXII. 721.—Sire- dey et de, Sinety. Developpement incomplet des organes genitaux internes chez une femme de trente-deux ans. Cmte. rend. sean. Soc. de biol. Par. 7. GOITRE. Pastriot, J.* £tude sur le goitre dependant de la grossesse et de l'ac- couchement. 42 pp. 8° Paris. 1876. GONORRHEA. Fritsch, H. Zur Lehre von der Trip- perinfection beim Weibe. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 470-478. GYNECOLOGY. Beigel, H. Atlas der Frauen- krankheiten. Stuttgart. 312 pp. 8° 1876. (288 PL) Cohnstein, J. Grundriss der Gynakologie. Stuttgart. 305 pp. 8° 1876. (113 PL) Busey, S. C. Address in obstetrics and diseases of women and children. Trans. Am. M. Assoc. Phila. XXVII. 261-291. — He gar, A. Zur gynakologi- schen Diagnostik. Die combinirte Unter- suchung. Samml. klin. Vortr. Leipz. (No. io5-) 777~786. — Nerazzini, C. Rela- zione e riflessione critiche sopra gli argo- menti di ostetricia e ginecologia. Rivista med. di Bologna. 2 ser VI. 369-375.— Simpson, A. R. Obstetrics and gyne- cology one hundred years ago. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. Lond. IV. 569-589. —Welnich, A. Gynskologische Mittheilungen aus Japan. Arch. f. Gynaik. Berl. X. 568- 588. GYNECOLOGY", Statistics of. See, also, Obstetrics; Hospitals, Lying- in. Hildebrandt, H. Gynakolo- gische Universitatsklinik und He- bammen-Lehranstalt zu Konigsberg i. Pr. Bericht. Leipzig. 8° 1876. (3 PL) Landau, L. Bericht iiber die Leis- tungen der gynakologischen Klinik und Pohklinik der Universitat Breslau wahrend der Studien-Jahre, 1873-1875. Berl. klin. Wchnschr. XIII. 685, 707, 738. HEART, Diseases of. See, also, Ute- rus, Diseases of, Complications. Casanova, J. * La grossesse dans ses rapports avec les maladies du coeur. Paris. 72 pp. 8° 1876. HEMATOCELE, Pelvic. Drapier, E. Considerations sur l'hematocele retro-uterine consecu- tive a la pelvi-peritonite. 56 pp. 8° Garcia. Hematocele vaginale; asysto- lie; mort par hemorrhagic cer^brale. Pro- gres meU Par. IV. 863. Also Bull. Soc. anat. de Paris. 4 sen I. 499. — Morris. +.. • • suppuration ; aspiration ; recovery. Br. Med. J. Lond. II. 146.—Munson, W. W. +. .. .operation; recovery. N. Y Med. J. XXIV. 254. — HaBmatocele; peri- tonitis ; operation. Br. M. J. Lond. 1876. II. 466. GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. 7 HBMATOMETEA. Elischer, J. Ueber Hasmometra nach erworbener Atresie des Uterus. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 433-.---1---- diagno- sis of pregnancy. M. & S. Rep. Phila. XXXV. 209. HEMICEPHALUS. See Cranioto- my. HEMIPLEGIA, Hysterical. Jacobi, A. _ Fall von neurotischer (hy- stericer) rechtsseitiger Hemiplegie. Jahrb. f. Kinderhlk. u. phys. Erziehung. Leipz. X. 373- HEMORRHOIDS. Cristofari, J.-V. *Du traite- ment chirurgical des hemorrhoides et en particulier de la dilatation forcee. Paris. 1876. HEMORRHAGE, Post-partum. Bailly. Traitement de l'hemorrhagie uterine apres l'accouchement. Bull. gen. de ther. med. et chir. Par. XCI. 444.— Blake, E. T. Is there any connection between post-partum haemorrhage and ul- ceration of the uterus ? Practitioner. Lond. XIV. 407. — Chandler, W. F. Post- partum hemorrhage and the use of the persul- phate and perch'oride of iron. M. & S. Rep. Phila. XXXV. 309. — Friedenwald. The hypodermic injection of ergot in post-partum hasmorrhage. Baltimore Phys. & Surg. VI. 42. — Goldschmidt. + Deutsche med. Wchnschr. Berl. II. 570 — Haddon, J. On the probability that the state of muscular tone of the uterus has nothing whatever to do, either in pre- venting, causing, or arresting post-partum haemorrhage. Practitioner. Lond. XIV. 252-268. — Harrison, G. T. Some re- marks on the treatment of post-partum hem- orrhage. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 572.— Henderson, A. A. Treatment and pre- vention of post-partum hasmorrhage. Canada M. Rec. Mont. V. 69.—Herndon, Z. B. Iodine in post-partum hasmorrhage. Vir- ginia M. Monthly. Richmond. III. 616.— Macan, A. V. +• • • .complicated labour ---collapse---treated successfully by the subcutaneous injection of ether. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. IV. 261. — Wetzel. Verblu- tung post-partum bei contrahirtem Uterus. Aerztl. Intell.-Bl. Miinchen. XXIII. 495 — Wilson, W. E. Report on Obstetrics. Trans. Colorado State M. Soc. Denver. __23-30. HEMORRHAGE, Uterine. See Ute- rus, Hemorrhages from. HERMAPHRODITE. Willard, De F. Spurious hermaph- roditism, caused by complete hypospadias, with cleft of scrotum, in a male individual. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 500. HERNIA. See Ovary, Hernia of; Umbilical Hernia. HERPES Zoster in Pregnancy. Treymann, M. Herpes Zoster gravi- ditatis. St. Petersb. m. Wchnschr. No. 36. HOSPITALS, Lying-in. See also, Gynecology, Statistics of. Felix. Etude sur les hopitaux et les maternites. Paris. 8° 1876. I Stadfeldt, A. Les maternites, leur organization et administration. Copenhagen. 1876. Stolz, W. Statistiques des asiles d'accouchements de Saint Peters- bourg. Belluzzi, C. Rendiconto sanitaria pel quadrienno 1871-74 della Maternita e del Baliatico esposti di Bologna. Compilato dal dott. E. Bruers. Bull. d. sc. med. Bologna. XXI. Ser. 5a. 5-23, 90-124, 184-223.— Hecker, C. v. Ueber den gesundheitszu- stand der Wbchnerinen in der Kreis- und Local-gebaranstalt Miinchen. Aerztl. In- tell.-Bl. Miinchen. XXII.463.—Tarnier. Des maternites en general; amelioration de leur hygiene ; maternity de Paris. J. de mdd. et de chir. pract. Par- 3 ser. XLVII: 337. — Boletin de la maternidad del mes de octubre de 1876. Revista m. de Chile. V. 182.— Medical report of the Glasgow Ma- ternity Hospital and Dispensary, from Nov. 15, 1874, till November 15, 1875. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. Lond. IV. 341. HOUR-GLASS Contraction. See Embryotomy. HYDRAMNIOS. See Amnion, Dropsy of. HYDROCEPHALUS. See Embry- otomy ; Labor, Complicated; Fe- tus, Malformation of. HYDROMETRA. See Uterus, Double. HYDRONEPHROSIS. See Labor, Complicated. HYDROTHERAPY". See, also, Women, Diseases of. Del mas, P. Des traitements hydro- therapiques pendant la periode menstruelle. Bordeaux med. V. 290. HYMEN, Abnormities of. See, also, Vagina, Abnormities of. Burroughs, S. R. The hymen: its anatomy and malformations, symptoms, and treatment of its imperforate deformity (3 cases). Proc. Texas State M. Assoc. 172- 186. — Leroux. Disposition anormale de l'hymen. J. des connais. m^d. Par. 2 ser. I- 359- —Martinez y Molina, R. Im- perforacion del himen. An. de cienc. mdd. Madrid. II. 432. HYPOSPADIAS. See Hermaphro- dite. HYSTERIA. See, also, Hemiplegia, Hysterical. Bettozzi, D. + + Raccoglitore med. ForR. Ser. 4. II. 215-230. — Pulido y Fernandez, A. Discurso (naturaleza yel tratamiento del histerismo). An. Soc. ginecol. espan. Madrid. II. 321-329.— Richet, C. Notice sur l'e'tat fonctionnel des nerfs dans 1'hemianestMsie hystenque. Cmte. rend, se'an. Soc. de biol. Par. 20. — Sinety. Examen des organes genitaux d'une hysterique. Arch, de phvsiol. Par. 2 se>. III. 803-807. — Verstraeten. + + reflexions. Presse m. beige. Bru- xelles. 281. HYSTEROTOMY. See Uterus, Ex- tirpation of; Atresia of. 8 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. IMPREGNATION. See Concep- tion. INFANT, Bloody Tumor of Scalp. Weber, F. Einiges uber die Kopfblut- geschwulst Neugeborner (Cephalaematoma neonatorum). St. Petersb. m. Wchnschr. No. 34. INSTRUMENTS. See, also, Douche, Vaginal; Forceps-scie ; Forceps ; Retroceps ; Diaphanoscope ; Pes- saries; Speculum. Charpentier. Des instruments desti- nes a remplacer le forceps et des tractions m^caniques. Ann. de gyn^c. Par. VI. 401-418. — Wasseige, A. Du crochet mousse articuie. Analyse par C. Willems. Ann. et Bull. Soc. d. med. de Gand. LIV. 397- JAUNDICE during Pregnancy. Green, J. S. + fatal. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 644. — Konrad, M. Adatok a sarga kor jelentosegehez terheseknel. Or- vosi netilap. Budapest. 905, 930. KLEISIS, Genital. See Fistula, Urinary. KLEPTOMANIA. See Pregnancy, Mental Affection of. KONIGSBERG, Gynecological Clinic of. See Gynecology, Statis- tics of. LABIA, Thrombus of. Comegys, W. H. -f- Cincinnati Lan- cet & Observ. XIX. 1084. LABOR. Lefebvre. * Des paralyses trau- matiques des membres inferieurs consecutives a l'accouchement labo- rieux. Paris. 8° 1876. Rumaroni, A.-V. * A quel mo- ment doit-on intervenir dans les cas de non-delivrance. 62 pp. 40 Cotting, B. E. + Ext. fr. Records Bost. Soc. M. Improv. Boston. VI. 138.— McElroy, Z. C. What opium does ad- ministered during labor, and how it does it; clinically illustrated. Virginia M. Monthly. Richm. III. 602. —Pizarro, P. Acci- dents puerperales debidos a la larga perma- nencia en la casa; curacion. Revista m. de Chile. V. 70. — Voss. Hvorledes under- states uterus hos den multipare Koinde. Nord. m. Ark. Stockholm. VIII. No. 9. 29. (3 PL) LABOR, Abnormal Presentations. See, also, Fetus, Injuries to. Carpentier, A. * Contributions a l'etude des presentations de la face. [330 cases.] Paris. 74 pp. 8° Filhouland, Emile. *Des po- sitions occipito-posterieures persis- tantes et des moyens d'y remedier. Paris. 44 pp. 8° 1876. Bailly. De quelques difficulte's d'ac- couchements inheVentes a la presentation du siege et de l'emploi du crochet mousse. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 604. — De- paul. Presentation de la face. J. des sages-femmes. Par- IV. 105. — Enloe, T. E. Shoulder presentations. Hahne- mann Monthly. Phila. XII. 139. —Fo- cliier, A. De la rotation naturelle et artificielle des presentations de la face, le menton en amere. Lyon me'd. XXIII. 228. — Hamon, I*. Presentation du siege. Excellents effets d'une application de retro- ceps. Gaz. obs. Par. V. 212. — Hanion, L. Presentation du siege. Application du retroceps, success aussi facile que rapide. Mouvement med. Par. XIV. 408. — Kleinwachtcr. Die Behandlung der Querlagen bei Unmogichkeit der Wen- dungs- Vornahme. Wiener Klinik. Jahrg. II. Hft. 7. LABOR, Complicated. See, also, Twins ; Triplets ; Quadruplets ; Ovary, Cyst of, Complicating Pregnancy ; Vagina, Double. Anderson. Fall af organisk fortrang- ning af iure modermunnen. Hvgiea (Sv. Lakares forh). Stockholm. XXXVIII. 173. — Benike. Ueber Complication der Geburt mit Entztindung und Vereiterung des rechten Schuhergelenks. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 408. — Bevill, W. N. Firm adhesion of the os uteri during preg- nancy. Louisville M. News. II. 297.— Bidder. Geburt bei myoma uteri cysti- cum. St. Petersb. m. Zeitschr. V. 530.— Borinski, S. Das eine vergrbsserte Horn eines Uterus duplex als irreponibeles Hin- derniss fur die Extraction bei der Entbin- dung des anderen Homes. Arch. f. Gynask. Berl. X. 145. — Campa, P. Accouche- ment complique d'un polype fibreux; opera- tion, metrite consecutive, guerison. Gaz. obst. Par. V. 243.—Dudon, Dystocie. Bordeaux med. V. 268. — Dujardin- Beaumetz. Sur un cas de dystocie causee par un fcetus hydrocephale. Bull. gen. de ther. med. et chir. Par. XCI. 410.— Mangiagnlli. !■. Distocia da idropione- frosi di rene sinistro ectopico. Ann. univ. di med. e chir. Milano. CCXXXV. ^ 556- 564. — Gueniot. Rupture prematuree des membranes amniotiques. J. de med. et de chir. Par. XLVII. 495. —Gueniot. De 1'ecoulement du liquide amniotique, lorsque ce liquide apparait avant le commencement du travail. De la facon dont se comporte le col uterin dans les cas ou le travail debute avant l'effacement du col. J. des sages- femmes. Par. IV. 171.— Hugenberger, F. Ueber Kolpoporrhexis in der Geburt. St. Petersb. M. Zeitschr. V. 401-435.— Spire. Obliteration du vagin obscrvee pendant le travail, chez une femme enceinte Sour la seconde fois. Incision de l'obstacle. :ev. med. de l'Est. Nancy. VI. 8. —Stoll, C. + bei Verschluss des Orificium Uten externum. St. Petersb. m. Wchnschr. No. 20. 1. — Willoughby, E. F. Parturi- tion impeded by old cicatrices overcome in the subsequent labors. Lancet. Lond. II. 533- —Wylde, R. T. Division of the os uteri in labour. Austral. M. J. Melbourne. XX. 211. — Rigidity of the os uteri over- come in obstetric practice. Chicago M. J. & Exam. XXXIII. 717. LABOR, Complicated with Con- tracted Pelvis. Calderini, G._ Bacino rachitico total- mento ristretto, appiattito. Conjugata vera Somm^Rivolgimento. Osservatore. Torino. GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. 9 XII. 449,465. — Depaul. Accouchement k terme. Bassin retreci. Administration du seigle ergote. Cephalotripsie. Retention du deiivrd. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 97. — Depaul. Retrecissement de 6J centime- tres. Cephalotripsie. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 121. — Hamon. -f-_ (Bassin court; retrecissement par compression trans- versale). Forceps croise. Tracteur obstetri- cal. Cephalotribe. Version. Bull, de ther. med.-chir. Par. XLIII. 433-438. —Cy- phose dorso-lombaire; bassin court et vicie par defaut d'amplitude, avec preeminence des symphyses sacro-iliaques. Presentation du siege. Arret de la tete derriere. Mort de l'enfant. Mouvement med. Par. XIV. 394. — A propos d'un cas de retrecissement a 0.07 du diametre conjugue. Considera- tions pratiques diverses d'un nouveau modele de forceps cephalotribe. Rev. de ther. med.- chir. Par. 260, 349. — Retrecissement en 8 de chiffre du detroit superieur; angustie de moins de 0.07 du diametre conjugue ; retro- ceps, etc. Mouvement med. Par. XIV. 695. —Taylor, I. E. What is the treat- ment in cases of labor in contracted or de- formed pelves, ranging from two and a half to four inches — forceps or version ? Trans. N. Y. Acad, of Med. 2d ser. II. 172-200. — Valtorta, G. Parto artificiale difficile e complicato. Giorn. veneto di sc. med. XXV. 697. LABOR, Premature. See, also, Ovum, Retained ; Pregnancy, Complica- tions of, Small-pox. Bertherand, E. JL. De Pheredite dans l'accouchement premature spontane. Ann. d'hyg. publ. et de med. leg. Par. XLVI. 472. LABOR, Premature, Induction of. Chassagny. *Vomissements in- coercibles. Accouchement prema- ture artificiel; choix du precede ; indications multiples remplies par le double ballon hemostatique et dilatateur uterin ; retention du pla- centa ; diagnostic intra-Hterin; pla- centa praevia ; hemorrhagic post partum. Paris. ■ 30 pp. 8° 1876. Descarpentries, A. F. *De l'accouchement premature et artifi- ciel dans les cas du retrecissement du bassin du au rachitisme. ' Paris. 68 pp. 8° 1876. Texier, G. * De l'accouchement premature artificiel, considerations sur ses indications du cote maternel, son mode operatoire. 48 pp. 8° Belluzzi, C. Sul parto prematura ar- tificiale. Rendiconto D. S. Accad. d. scien. d. Institut. di Bologna. 25. — Ford. Arti- ficial dilatation of the os uteri as a means of hastening natural labor. Atlanta M._ & S. J. XIV. 217-225. — Hainon. L'incita- teur cervical hydrostatique de l'auteur. Ses applications a la pratique obstetricale. Rev. de ther. med.-chir. Par. XLIII. 599,629. — Horwitz. Kiinstliche Friihgeburt. St. Peters, m. Zeitschr. V. 551. —Minot, F. -(-.... on account of excessive nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Ext. fr. Rec- ords Bost. Soc. for M. Improv. Boston. VI. 38. —Raborg, S. A. The indue tion of premature labor by an interrupted current douche of hot water. N. Y. Med. J. XXIV. 449-467.—Riopol, E.E. In. duction of premature labor. Cincinnati Lan- cet & Observ. XIX. 1082.—Schriver, C. -f-. ... non-irritable uterus. Cincinnati Lancet & Observ. XIX. 793. — Trevi- sani, F. -\- in donna gravemente inferma. Bull. delle sc. med. Bologna. XXII. 117. — Verrier, E. +--- a sept mois apres cephalotripsie dans une premiere grossesse. Enfant vivant et viable. Gaz. Obst. Par. V. '369- LABOR, Instrumental. See For- ceps. Grosholz, F. H. V. Fifty-two for- ceps cases. Lancet. Lond. 1876. II. 185.— Freud. Atonia uteri, Anwendung des forceps. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1511.— Murlllo, A. Aplicacion de forceps per inercia uterina in una presentacion o. i. i. p. Revista m. de Chile. Santiago. V. 104. LACTATION. See Breast, Diseases of. LAPAROTOMY. See Abdominal Section ; Uterus, Extirpation of. LITHOPEDION. See, also, Preg- nancy, Extra-Uterine. Chiari, H. Ueber den Befund eines beinahe 50 Jahre lang getragenen Lithopa- dions. Wien. m. Wchnschr. XXVI. 1025. — Chiari and Schlesinger, N. + Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1092. — Liieven. + St. Petersb. m. Zeitschr. V. 531. LITHOTOMY, Vaginal. Warren, J. C. Vaginal lithotomy. Med. Commun. Mass. Med. Soc. Bost. VIII. 2d ser. 83-100; and Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 61. LIVER, Hydatids of. Barailhe, J. * Contribution au traitement des cystes hydatiques du foie. Paris. 1876. LYING-IN Hospitals. See Hospi- tals, Lying-in. LYMPHADENITIS. See Broad Lig- ament, Inflammation of. LYMPHANGITIS. See Breast, In- flammation of; Puerperal Diseases, Lymphangitis ; Uterus, Anatomy of. Marseille, G. Adeno-lymphite peri- uterine. Paris medical. I. 746,770. 1875-76. LYMPHATICS. See Uterus, Anat- omy of. MAMMARY Abscess. See Breast, Abscess of. MANIA. See Puerperal Diseases, Mania. MARRIAGE, Consanguineous. Fay, E. A. Consanguineous marriages as a cause of deaf-mutism. Am. Ann. of the Deaf and Dumb. Washington. XXI. 204-214. MATERNAL Impressions on Fe- tus. Granville," J. M. Ideation in utero IO GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. Lancet. Lond. II. 851.—Seguin, E. On maternal impressions affecting the foetus. Phila. M. Times. VII. 121.—Taylor, W. T. On maternal impressions affecting the fcetus. Phila. M. Times. VII. 73.— Waddel, T. Maternal impressions. De- troit Rev. of M. & Pharm. XI. 723-753. MATERNITY Hospitals. See Hos- pitals, Lying-in. MENINGITIS, Cerebro-Spinal, Pu- erperal. Dreyfus, F. Meningite cerebro-spinale chez une femme en couches. Bull. Soc. a&at. de Paris. 4 ser. I. 465. MENOPAUSE. Pray, X. J. W. Report on Gynae- cology. Trans. New Hampshire Med. Soc. Concord. 55-67. MENSTRUATION. See,also,Meno- pause. Jackson, A. R. The ovulation theory of menstruation : will it stand ? Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 529-560. — Sinety. Note sur Pindependance relative qui peut exister entre l'ovulation et la menstruation. Gaz. med. de Paris. 4 ser. V. 623. — Worster, J. Observations on the physiology of menstru- ation, with notes of a case in point. Med. Rec. N. Y. II. 683. MENSTRUATION, Anomalies of. See, also, Hematometra. Arnold, C. D. Infantile menstru- ation. Louisville M. News. II. 42.— Baron, J. Teljes sziizhartyazarlat Kiivet- kezteben letrejott huvely-^s mehverday (ha;matocolpos et hasmatometra). Orvosi hetilap. Budapest. 568,592. — Leonard, C. H. Vicarious menstruation. Peninsular J. of Med. Detroit. I. 559-571. MENSTRUATION, Disorders of. See, also, Dysmenorrhea Mem- branacea. Berthier. Des nevroses men- struelles ou la menstruation dans ses rapports avec les maladies nerveuses et mentales. Paris. 8° 1876. Davis, M. M. + dysmenorrhoea. Trans. Wisconsin State M. Soc. Milwaukee. X. 69. — Rossetti, A. Des divers troubles de la menstruation. Mouvement med. Par. XIV. 438, 451. — Worster, J. Incision of the cervix uteri for the cure of dysmenor- rhcea. Med. Rec. N. Y. XI. 513. METRITIS. See Puerperal Dis- eases, Metritis; Uterus, Diseases of. Inflammation. METRORRHAGIA. See Uterus, Hemorrhage from. MIDWIFERY. See Obstetrics. MIDWIVES. Goodell, W. A Sketch of the Life and Writings of Louyse Bour- geois, Midwife to Maria de Medici. Ann. Address before the Phila. County Med. Society. Phila. Pph. 52 pp. 8° 1876. Droits et devoirs de la sage-femme ; declaration de naissance, secret profession- nel; proces intente a une sage-femme par la commission administrative d'un hopital. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 114.— Tribunal civil de Toulon : declaration de naissance. Secret professionnel. Proces intente a une sage-femme par la commission administrative. Union med. Par. II. 1. MISCARRIAGE. See Labor, Pre- mature. MOLE, Hydatid. Breisky, A. -f- Prag. m. Wchnschr. I- 557- MONSTROSITY. See Fetus, Mal- formation of. MORPHINE. See Opium-Habit. MOTHER, Influence of Father on. Baxter, G. A. Formative influence of the father upon the mother — "blood will tell." Trans. M. Soc. of the State of Ten- nessee. Nashville. 51. NIPPLE, Fissure of. L.e Diberder. Note sur la nature et le traitement des gercures du mamelon (4 cases). Ann.degynec. Par. VI. 173.— Regnault, G. Quelques reflexions pra- tiques sur le traitement des gercures du mamelon chez les nourrices. Rev. de ther. med.-chir. Par. 339. Fissures ou cre- vasses du mamelon. Sante publique. Par. 481. NIPPLE, Retraction of. See Breast, Tumor of. NURSING, Monthly. Cullingworth, C. J. The Nurse's Companion. A manual of general and monthly nursing. London. 1876. OBESITY. See Amenorrhea. OBSTETRICS. See, also, Gynecol- ogy. Barnes, R. Lectures on obstet- ric operations, including the treat- ment of haemorrhage, and forming a guide to the management of diffi- cult labor. London. 3d ed. 606 pp. 8° 1876. Fritsch, H. Klinik der geburts- hiilflichen Operationen. Halle. 2d ed. 390 pp. 8° 1876. Leishman, W. A system of midwifery, including the diseases of pregnancy and the puerperal state. Glasgow. 2d ed. 848 pp. 1876. Macari, F. Compendium d'ob- stetrique, de gynecologie et de pedi- atric 1876. M'Clintock, A. H. Smellie's treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery. Vol. I. New Syd. Soc. London. 1876. Meadows, A. A manual of mid- wifery. London. 3d ed. 496 pp. (145 PL) 1876. — The same. Phil- adelphia. 490 pp. (145 PI.) 1876. Playfair, W. S. A treatise on GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. \\ the science and practice of mid- wifery. London. 2 v. 782 pp. 8° (168 PI.) 1876. —The same. Phil- adelphia. 576 pp. 8° (168 PI.) 1876. Roberts, D. L. The student's guide to the practice of midwifery. London. 299 pp. 1876. Schroeder, K. Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe. Stuttgart. 5 Aufl. 8° (113 PL) 1876. Goodell, W. When and why were male physicians employed as accoucheurs? Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 381-390. — Herr- gott, A. Lettre sur l'enseignement ob- stetrical de Vienne. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 273-284. — Ossorio, F. _ Examen critico de algunos asuntos tocologicos. Pro- greso med. Madrid. I. 129, 135, 146.— Zaunschirm, W. Der Geburtshelfer und der § 358 des oesterreichischen Strafge- setzes. Med.-chir. Central-Bl. Wien. XI. 3i4- OBSTETRICS, Cases of. Martin, «J. W. Obstetrical memo- randa. M. Press & Circ. Lond. 1876. II. 48. — Mcintosh, A. J. + +. Am. M. Weekly. Louisville. V. 385. — Pas- cucci, G. -f---- e pensieri su di caso. Raccogliatore med. Forli. 4 Ser. VI. 264- 274. — Theopold. Geburtshulfiiche Mis- cellen. Deutsche m. Wchnschr. Berl. 534. — Weil. + +. Med.-chir. Central-Bl. Wien. XI. 495. OBSTETRICS, Statistics of. Winckel, F. Berichte und Stu- dien aus dem Konigl. Sachs. Entbin- dungs-Institute in Dresden, iiber die Jahre 1874 und 1875. Leipzig. Bd. II. 304 pp. 8° 1876. Gillette, W. R. Report of the lyinjj- in service of the New York Charity Hospi- tal for the year 1875. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 452-466. — Macari, jr. Clinica os- tetrica della R. Univ. di Modena. Anno Academico 1875-76. Spallanzani. Modena. XIV. 349-361,397-405. — Trauungen Gebur- ten und Sterbefalle in der Schweiz vom 1 Januar bis 31 Marz, 1876. Mariages, naissances et decks survenus en Suisse du 1 Janvier au 31 mars, 1876. Cor.-Bl. f„ schweiz. Aerzte. VI. Beilage 1-16. OBSTETRICAL Societies. N. York Obst. Soc. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 479-490. — Phila. Obst. Soc. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 491-505. OPIUM-HABIT in Pregnancy. Grenser. Einfluss des Morphinismus auf Schwangerschaft und Neugeborene. Jah- resb. Ges. f. Natur.-u. Heilk. in Dresden. 37. OVARIES, Anatomy of. Elischer, G. Az idegek lefutasa es vegzodese a petefeszekben. Orvosi hetilap. Budapest. 990. — Elischer, J. Ueber den verlauf und Endigungsweise der Nerven im Ovarium. Central-Bl. f. d. m. Wissensch. Berl. XIV. 884. —Sinety. Petite tumeur situee au voisinage de l'ovaire et simulante un ovaire surnumirairechez une hysterique de2i ans. Gaz. Par. 4 ser. V. 629. OVARIES, Diseases of. Boinet, A.-A. Traite pratique des maladies des ovaires.... ovari- otomie. Paris. 2me ed. 696 pp. 8° 1876. Darolles, C. Contributions a l'etude de l'ovarite. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 419. — Viihtz, J. C. Nogle benuerkninger om inflammatoriske Processer i og om ovarierne, knyttede til et tilfaelde af Perioophoritis chronica duplex fra Prof. Breisky's Klinik i Prag. Hosp.-Tidende. Kjobenhavn. III. J 2 v. 7°5-7'4- OVARIOTOMY. See, also, Perito- neum, Drainage of; Uterus, Ex- tirpation of. Helmuth, W. T. Antiseptic ovari- otomy. Med. Record. N, Y. II. 837.— Obet, L.. Sur l'operation de l'ovariotomie aux Etats-Unis. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 321. — Wegner, G. Ovariotomie. Arch. f. klin. Chir. Berl. XX. 51-145. — Spen- cer Wells's method. (Letter from London.) Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 596. OVARIOTOMY, Cases of. Atthill. +. Dubl. J. of Med.Sc. LXII. 505. — Branco, A. +• Correio med. de Lisboa. VI. 3. — Brito, G. H. + morte vinte oito horas depois da operacao. J. da ■ Soc. de sc. med. de Lisboa. 8-18. — Bu- chanan, G. +. Brit. M.J. Lond. 1876. II. 742. — Buckham, T. R. +. Western Lancet. San Francisco. V. 543. — Buhl. + Heilung der Operations-Wunde ; Tod der Patientin nach 6 wochen an secundaren Gal- lert-Krebs vershiedener Organe. Aerztl. In- tell.-Bl. Miinchen. XXIII. 335.—Carillo, R. +. An. de cienc. med. Madrid. II. 417. —Chase, E. Y. ■+• M. & S. Re- porter. Phila. XXXV. 485.---f- Pacific . M. & S. J. San Francisco. XIX. 309.— D'Antona, A. +. Movimento med.- chir. Napoli. VIII. 337. — Despres. + Autopsie. France med. Par. XXIII. 566, 581, 605. —EiiKdahl, E. +. Hy- giea. Stockholm. XXXVIII. 329—Fas- bender, H. + +. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 675. —Fedele, M. Cisti ovarici multiloculare ; puntura ; iniezione iodica ; ovariotomia, morte di peritonite. Osserva- tore. Torino. XII. 577,593. — Terrier. -f- +• Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. N. S. II. 550-559- - Gillette. + +. Bull. Acad, de med. Par. 2 ser. I. 1178. — Heine, C. Weitere erfolgreiche Ovariotomien. Prag. m. Wchnschr. I. 929- 935. — Hiene. + autopsy after seven years. M. Times & Gaz. Lond. II. 89. 1876. — Hime, T. W. + +• Lancet. Lond. 1876. II. 318,745. — BTomans, J. + double. Death from peritonitis and malignant disease of the stomach and per- itoneum. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soe. M. Im- prove. VI. 237. — Howe, S. -[-ligature of pedicle : cure. Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 219. —+ double. Bost. M. & S.J. XCV. 222. — Israel, J. -]—(-. Arch. f. kl. Chir. Berl. XX. 49. — Kinloch, R. A. -)—\-.... ligation of pedicles ; use of drain- age tube ; injections of salicylic acid and borax; recoveries. Charleston M. J. & Rev. IV. 103-119. — Korshenewsky. 4- ■ ■ • • nach der Incisionsmethode. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 524. — Lopet, 12 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. A. Ij. -(-. Jor. da Soc. das sc. med. de Lisboa. XL. 309. — Lueck, A. W. 4-___for the removal of a solid ovarian tumor. Tr. Wisconsin M. Sop. X. 123.— Mazzoni. +. Gazz. m. di Roma. II. 181. — Morgan, F. +. Lancet. Lond. 1876. II. 82.—.Mossop, I. +. ... cau- terization. Edi'nb. Med. J. XXII. 238 — Palmer, C. A. -+-• Arch, of CI. Surg. N.Y. I. 117. —Prince, D. 4-. St. Louis M.& S.J. N. S. XIII. 628-639- — Peuarnet. 4-. Med. Rec. N. Y. XI. 482. — Richards, C. 4- in a patient sixty-five years of age, with complete recov- ery. Chicago M. J. & Exam. N. S. I. 769. — Sarazin. + double. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. N. S. II. 868-874. — Schuyler, C. C. 4- Arch, of CI. Surg. N. Y. I. 120. — Smith, A. J., and Blount, R. F. + Am, Pract. Indian- apolis. XIV. 2S4. — Thomas, A. E. S. Twaalf ovariotomien. Nederl. Tydschr. v. Gencesk. Amsterdam. XII. 170-226.— Thompson, S. 31. 4" Tr. Tennessee M. Soc. 126. — Trenholme, E. H. 4-4- Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 425-435- — Trenholme, E. H. 4- -f-.... I.double, for fibrous tumor of the uterus; II. for chronic oophoritis. Canada M. Rec. IV. 217.— Veit, J. 4-4-. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XII. 717, 736, 751.—Weiss, S. 4--f;- Egyrekeszii petefeszehtomlb; kiirtas; gyo- gyulas. Orvosi hetilap. Budapest. 945. — Winkler, F. N. -J—f- mit Versenkung des stieles und Drainage. Arch, f- Gyna;k. Berl. X. 370-379. — Wyman, M. +--- death in fifty-eight hours. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. VI. 37. OVARIOTOMY, Vaginal. Wing, C. E. 4- Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 516. OVARIOTOMY, Sequelae of. Hadlich, H. Ueber operative Behand- lung der Bauchbriiche. Arch. f. kl. Chir. Berl. XX. 568-576. (1 PI.) OVARY, Cancer of. Cossy. Cancer colloide des ovaires et cancer consecutif du peritoine. Progres med. Par. IV. 631.— Golay. Defor- mation particuliire de l'uterus dans un cas de carcinome de l'ovaire droit. Atropine de l'ovaire gauche, absence des regies. Progres med. Par. IV. 593. OVARY, Cyst of. Baldwin, J. F. 4"--with sub- acute peritonitis. Ohio M. Recorder. I. 121. — Coventon, C. W. -f-double. Canada Lancet. Toronto- IX. 104.— Edes, R. T. 4- repeated paracentesis, spontaneous perforation of cyst : general peritonitis: death. Bost. M.& S. J- XCV. 207. — Ehrenstein, J. W. Weitere Erlauterungen und Krankengeschichten aus meiner electrischen Heilanstalt. Zum Belege der Wirksamkeit und Grenzen mei- ner electrischen Heilmethode wider ovariale Cysten. Allg. m. Centr.-Ztg. Berl. XLV. 589... 631. — Emmet, S. A. + myo- adenc-cystoma. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 651. — Fieber, F. Beseitigung eines cys- tovariums durch den galvanischen strom. Allg. wien. m. Ztg. XXI. 422. — A con- tribution to the therapeutics of ovarian cysts. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 589.— Fischel, W. Adenosarcoma cysticum ovarii sin. Prag. m. Wchnschr. I. 560, 573. — Hamilton, -f- +. Ohio M. Re- corder. Columbus. I. 319. — Hartigan, J. F. +. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. of Colum- bia. III. 27. — Homans, J. Ovarian disease cured by inserting a tube into the cyst through the walls of the rectum and injecting various»astringents. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. VI. 223. — Kerr, J. G. -f-- Report M. Mission. Soc. in China. Hong Kong. 17. — Mo, G. Cisti ovarici multiloculare. Allungamento iper- trofico dell collo dell' utero. Osservatore. Torino. XII. 762. — Rosser, L>. P. 4-. ... dermoid. Atlanta M. & S. J. XIV. 211. — Ryan, R. Acute obstruction of the bowels in a patient with cystic disease of the ovary; tapping the cyst; recovery. Dubl. J. M. Sc. LXI. 113— Saint- Ange, Li. -(—••■ sans adherences; sup- puration apres injections d*eau. Progres med. Par. IV. 612.— Sinety et Ma- lassez. Sur l'anatomie des kystes de l'ovaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par. 129.---\-... .examen micrographique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 4 ser. I. 540; also, Progres med. Par. IV. 906. — Smith, P. Ovarian dropsy : some points in its pathology and treatment. Brit. M.J. Lond. II. 296. 1876. Tauffer, V. Korai kli- max letrehozatala a petefeszkek kurtasa Altai. Orvosi hetilap. Budapest 1065. — Thomas, T. G. 4"- • • • dermoid Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 489— Exhibition of a specimen of multilocular ovarian cyst. Proc. Dublin Obst. Soc- Dubl. J. M. Sc LXI. 147. OVARY, Cyst of, complicating Pregnancy. Kidd, G. H. -f- rupture of a cyst, and peritonitis. Dubl. J. of M. Sc. LXII. 499-505. — Discussion on the same. 507- 515.—Shimonek, F. + M. & S. Rep. Phila. XXXV. 162.—Wells, S. Des Kystes ovariques coincidant avec la gros- sesse. [Extrait trad, par le Dr. Cazin.] Arch, de tocol. Par. 404-419. OVARY, Hernia of. Parker, F. L.. Ovarian hernia. Charles- ton M. J. & Rev. IV. 177. OVARY, Solid Tumors of. Ziembicki. Essai clinique sur les tumeurs solides de l'ovaire. Paris. 8° 1876. OVULATION. See, also, Menstru- ation. Mayrhofer, C. Ueber die gel- ben Korper und die Ueberwan- derung des Eies. Wien. 1876. OVUM, Retained. Churchill, F. ++. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. IV. 256. OXYTOCICS. See, also, Ecbolics. Dibrell, J. A. Is ergot an oxytocic ? Proc. M. Ass. Arkansas. VI. 45. —Fed- erlcl, E. Delia chinina in ostetricia. Movimento med.-chir. Napoli- VIII. 267. — Smolsky. Ueber den Einfluss des Chinin auf die Zusammenziehungen des Uterus wahrend der Geburt. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 526. — Southall, J. H. Ergot as an oxytocic. Proc. M. Ass. Ar- kansas. VI. 59. GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. 13 PARALYSIS. See Labor. PARAMETRITIS. See Cellulitis, Pelvic. PARASITES, Human. Ustariz, J. Los parasitos de los mujer. An. de cien. med. Madrid. II. 65. PELVIC Organs. Savage, H. The surgery, surgi- cal pathology, and surgical anatomy of the female pelvic organs. In a series of colored plates taken from nature, with commentaries, notes, and cases. 3d ed. 36 PL ; with special illustrations of the opera- tions in vesico-vaginal fistula, ova- riotomy, and perineal operations. Phila. 83 pp. (17 col. PL J Schramm. Die diaphanoskopische Un- tersuchung der weiblichen Beckenorgane. Jahresb. d. Ges. f. Nat- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 81; also, Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med. Leipzig. 359- PELVIMETRY. Garfunkel. Messungen am Becken- ausgang. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 532. PELVIS, Anatomy of. Dohrn, R. On pelvic measurement. Clinical lectures from German authors (Volk- mann). New Sydenham Soc. LXVI. 301- 313. —Fehling, H. Die Form des Beck- ens beim Fbtus und Neugeborenen und ihre Beziehung zu der beim Erwachsenen. Arch.f. Gynsk. Berl. X. 1-80. (2 PI.) — Landis, H. G. A study of the female pelvis. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila. N. S. LXXI. 388; also, Ohio M. & S. J- Colum- bus. I. 242-254. PELVIS, Contracted. See Labor, Contracted Pelvis ; Labor, Pre- mature, Induction of. PELVIS, Tumors of. Salesses. * Etude sur les tu- meurs fibreuses peripelviennes. 76 pp. 8° 1876. PERIMETRITIS. See Uterus, Dis- eases of, Inflammation. PERINEUM, Rupture of. Bermingham, E. J. 4"--imme- diate operation. Med. Rec N. Y. XL 490.— Hue, J. Etude sur la perineor- rhaphie dans les cas de rupture complete. Arch, de tocol. Par. 341, 374, 590 ; also, Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 1-25. — La- posiuey, G. G. Nouveau traitement des . dechirures du perinee par les serres-fines aiguilles: Gaz. obst. Par. V. 229. — Lieb- mann, M. A szules alatt letrejott gatre- pedese krol. Orvosi hetilap. Budapest. 421 __651. 1876. — Miiller, E. Gatkepies szbvet koze rejtett catgut-varratokkal. Orvosi hetilap. Budapest. 792.—Stewart, R. Needles for immediate perineorrhaphy Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 496. — Stimsoti, D. M. A new operation for ..... Arch. Clin. Surg. N. Y. I 25. PERITONEUM, Cancer of. See Ovary, Cancer of. PERITONEUM, Drainage of. Nyrop, F. Om drainage og udskylning af breghulen. Biblioth. i. Laeger. Kojbenh. VI. 422-458. PERITONEUM, Hydatids of. Gerard, F. *Des kystes hyda- tiques du peritoine. 52 pp. 8° PERITONITIS. See, also, Broad Ligament, Inflammation of; Puer- peral Fevers; Hematocele, Pelvic; Puerperal Diseases, Peritonitis. Smith, T. C. Pelvi-peritonitis. A clin- ical study. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 391- 402. PESSARY. Braithwaite, J. An efficient and simple pessary for procidentia uteri. Brit. M. J. Lo>id. 1876. II. 395.—Bu- chanan, G. Two cases of a pessary im- pacted in the vagina for more than a-year. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 230.— Erich, A. F. " Figure of eight" proci- dentia uteri pessary. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, 78th Ses. 104. — Fearn, H. An ante version pessary. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings. Brooklyn. I. 206. — God- son, C. Improved form of pessary. M. Times&Gaz. Lond. 1876. II. 57.—Gosse- lin. Extraction d'un pessaire en porcelaine, sejournant depuis un an dans le vagin. Rev. de ther. med-chir. Par. XLIII. 507. — Lansing, E. S. A new intra-uterine pessary. Phila. M. News. VII. 5. — Ma- son, S. B. On the use of the tow pessary. Practitioner. Lond. XVII. 36. — Notta. Accidents determines par des pessaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. N. S. II. 733. — Trask, J. D. Dumb-bell pessaries. Am. Suppl. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. IV. 57. PHLEBITIS, Puerperal. See Puer- peral Diseases, Phlebitis. PHLEGMASIA Alba Dolens. See Puerperal Diseases, Phlegmasia Dolens. PHTHISIS in Pregnancy. Gueniot. Oedeme generalise' chez une femme enceinte atteinte de tuberculose. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 178. PLACENTA, Anatomy of. Turner, W. Lectures on the comparative anatomy of the pla- centa. Edinburgh. I ser. 124 pp. PLACENTA, Anomalies of. Tarnowsky. Zwillings-placenta mit in derselben eingeschlossenen dritten, 6-woch- entlichen Ei. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 547. —AVilson, E. Placenta divided into two portions by a membranous septum. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 495.---1-. Am. M. Weekly. Louisville. V. 322. PLACENTA, Diseases of. Ercolani, G. B. Pathologie du pla- centa. [Trad, du Dr. R. Andreini.] Arch. de tocol. Par. 193-212,263-285,390-403.— Leale, C. A. Degeneration of the pla- centa as a cause of the death of the child. Tr. N.York Acad, of M. 2 ser. II. 390-407. PLACENTA, Ossification of. Depaul. Hemorrhagic uterine imrr5- diatement apres la sortie du fcetus. D^:iv- 14 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. ranee artificielle. Placenta parseme de de- pots calcaires. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. ii4- — Morse, L. D. 4-. Pacific M. & S. J. San Francisco. XIX. 124. PLACENTA Prsevia. Aschenbrenner, A. Placenta prasvia centralis. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1446. — Bailly. Traitement de l'hemorrhagie uterine liee a l'insertion vicieuse du placenta. Bull. gen. de ther. Par. XCI. 241, 297, 349, 402, 442, 500. — Bratlett, J. The true site and the probable causes of placenta pravia. Chicago Med. J. XXXIII. 967.— Crum, E. C. Placenta praevia. Ohio m. & S. J. Columbus. I. 371. — Kuhn, D. -+-.... centralis, Querlage. Wendung bei er- weiterten Geburtswegen. Extraktion eines reifen todten Knaben. Mutter entlassen. Wien. m. Wchnschr. XXVI. 964. +. ... partialis. Schadellage. Wendung nach Brax- ton Hicks. Spontane Austreibung eines friih- zeitigen Madchens. Normales Puerperium. Wien. m. Wchnschr. XXVI. 964. —Lev- it. Placenta praevia centralis. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1142.—Menees, T. Pla- centa praevia. Tr. Tennessee M. Soc. 56-67 ; also, Nashville J. M. & S. XVIII. 24-260. — Millon. Notes pour servir au diagnostic des insertions vicieuses du pla- centa. Abeille med. Par. XXXIII. 293. — Parvin, T. Treatment of pjacenta prasvia; a vindication. Am. Pract. In- dianapolis. XIV. 212. — Triaire. Inser- tion vicieuse du placenta. Cervicale (centre pour centre). Presentation pelvienne: de- livrance avant l'expulsion de l'enfant: suites heureuses. Arch, de tocol. Par. 490. PLACENTA, Retained. Cordes, A. De la retention du pla- centa apres l'avortement. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 247-273, 332-355- — Heller, J. Ueber Placenta- und Eihautreste. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel. VI. 529. — Savoye. Retention du placenta. Symp- tomes d'infection putride ; guerison. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 179. PLESIMETER. See Auscultation in Obstetrics. PNEUMATIC Replacement of Ute- rus. See Uterus, Displacements of, Version. PNEUMONIA in Pregnancy and Childbed. Castillo, A. B. Neumonia del vertice en una primeriza ; curacion. Rev. med. de Chile. Santiago. V. 68. —Murillo, A. Parto prematuro en el curso de una pneumo- nia doble; curacion de la pneumonia. Rev. med. de Chile. Santiago. V. 27. 187. POLYP. See Uterus, Polyp of. PREGNANCY. Bandl, C. Ueber das Verhalten des Uterus und Cervix in der Schwan- gerschaft und wahrend der Geburt. Stuttgart. 54 pp. 8° (4 PL) 1876. Lohlein, H. Ueber das Verhal- ten des Herzens bei Schwangeren und Wochnerinnen. Stuttgart. 8° Nicolas, Gabriel. *Essai sur l'emploi des eaux minerales pendant la grossesse. Paris. 1876. Baas, J. H. Ein Fall ungewohnlich friiher Beschwerden in folge stattgehabter Schwangerung. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1510. — Barnes, R. An address on preg- nancy regarded as an experiment illustrating general pathology. Brit. M.J. Lond. II. 737-—Collin. Influence de la grossesse sur les maladies chirurgicales. Union med. Par. II. 21. —Fritsch, H. Ein Nach- trag zu den Bemerkungen zur Pathologie und Physiologie des Circulationsapparates bei Schwangeren und Wochnerinnen. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 270-292. — L.itz-1 mann, C. C. T. Das Verhalten des' cervix uteri in der Schwangerschaft. Arch. f. Gynask. Berl. X. nS-ifo. — Mat- tel, A. Comment il faut entendre la duree de la grossesse quand on la compte par epoques catameniales pour predire approxi- mativement le moment de l'accouchement. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 33-40. — Nasse, H. " Das Blut der Schwangeren. Arch. f. Gynik. Berl. X. 315-355. —Tidd, C. H. Two births within ten months, the shortest time on record. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm. XL 798. PREGNANCY, Imagination in. See Maternal Impressions. PREGNANCY, Abnormal. See, also, Pregnancy, Extra-Uterine. Burgess, E. J. -\- imperforate hymen. Lancet. Lond. II. 237. 1876. — Coston, J. -f-. South. M. Rec. Atlanta. VI. 396. PREGNANCY, Complications of. See, also, Herpes Zoster ; Jaun- dice ; Bladder, Inflammation of; Goitre ; Phthisis ; Albuminuria ; Uremia; Chorea; Pneumonia; Te- tanus; Small-Pox; Heart,Diseases of; Edema; Prurigo; Eclampsia ; Rheumatism ; Uterus, Displace- ments of, Versions. Marquet. * De l'inflammation spontanee des veines variqueuses chez ' les femmes enceintes ou re- cemment accouchees. 40 pp. 8° Richard, P. *£tude sur la phlebectasie superficielle chez la femme enceinte. 64 pp. 8° 1876. Depaul. Hemorrhagic pendant la gros- sesse, dependant d'une ulceration du col. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 187. — Fruit night, J. H. Case of relaxation of the sacro-iliac synchondrosis during ges- tation. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 635.— Gueniot. Hemorrhagic pendant la gros- sesse ; ulcerations. J. de med. et de chir. Par. XLVII. 497. — Des varices" des femmes enceintes. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 163. PREGNANCY, Diagnosis of. See, also, Auscultation in Obstetrics. Depanl. Diagnostic de la grossesse. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 155.— Marduel. De la thermometrie uterine comme moyen de diagnostic de la grossesse, ainsi que de la vie du foetus, d'apres les travaux de Cohnstein, Fehling, Schlesinger, et Alexeeff. Lyon med. XXIII. 295-301. — Ossorio, V. De la mensuracion ex- GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. 15 terna del utero gravido. An. Soc. ginec. espafi. Madrid. II. 257-265. PREGNANCY, Early. Wiener. Abort bei einem Kinde von 12\ Jahren oder nicht? Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1231, 1262. PREGNANCY, Extra-Uterine. See, also, Lithopedion. Parry, J. S. Extra-uterine preg- nancy. Phila. 276 pp. 8° 1876. Benham, H. JT. +•••• discharge of fcetus per rectum, stricture of rectum and colotomy. Brit. M. J. Lond. 1876. II. 361. — Blair, J. +. Austral. Med. J. Mel- bourne. XX. 202. — Campbell, A. S. -f- tubo-ovarian. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 606-625. — Chabert. Grossesse double, un foetus dans l'uterus, l'autre dans l'abdomen. Paris med. II. 151. —Easley, E. T. Successful removal of an extra-uterine fe- tus. Am. Pract. Louisville. XIV. 158. — Galli, G. -f- addominale antica con esito di litopedio. Morgagni. Napoli. XVIII. 595-606. — Henry, F. P. Speci- mens (fcetal envelope, uterus, and ovaries) illustrating a case of extra-uterine pregnancy. Phila. M. Times. VII. 88. — Leopold, G. Tubenschwangerschaft mit aiisserer Ueber- wanderung des Eies und consecutiver Hema- tocele retrouterina. Tod durch Embolie der Lungenarterie. Arch. f. Gynask. Berl. X. 248,269. (1 PI.) — Macari, F. +. Spal- lanzani. Modena. XIV. 357. — Macdou- gall, J. A. 4" successfully treated by abdominal section. Edinb. M. J. XXII. 11-20.— Messner. -f- Laparotomie mit gunstigem Erfolge fur die Mutter. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. Wurtemb. Aerztl. Ver. Stutt- gart. XLVI. 289.—Pepper, W. -f. Phila. M. Times. VII. 136. — Sutugin. +. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 538.— Thomas, T. G. 4"---gastrotomy, re- covery. Am. J. Obst. N.Y IX. 655,683. — Wolffhart. Graviditas tubaria. Tod durch Berstung der Umhullungen und Blu- tung. Aerztl. Intell.-Bl. Miinchen. XXIII. 443. — Yemans, C. C +. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm. XI. 670. PREGNANCY, Injuries during. Cazin. Quelques cas ou le trauma- tisme, soit chirurgical, soit accidentel, a trouble le cours de la grossesse, et d'autre part, des observations ou certaines affections chirurgicales et medicales ont ete modifiees par l'etat de gestation. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. N. S. II. 396. — Gue- niot. Grossesse et traumatisme considers dans leurs rapports mutuels. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. N. S. II. 401--- 527. — Be Fort. Grossesse et trauma- tisme, dans leurs rapports mutuels. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. N. S. II. 484. — L. (M.) Rapports de la grossesse et du traumatisme. Tribune med. Par. IX. 314, 339- PREGNANCY, Mental Affections of. argue, E. Vol: folie des femmes enceintes. Gaz. m. de Bordeaux. V. 317.— Weber. Schwangerschafts- und Puerpe- ralpsychosen. Jahresb. d. Ges. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 131-143. PREGNANCY, Simulated. Putnam, C. G. Spasmodic action of the abdominal muscles simulating the motions of pregnancy. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. VI. Appendix. 111. PRESENTATIONS of Fetus. See Labor, Complicated. PROSTITUTION. The Westminster Review on the "Com- pulsory medication of prostitutes by the state. Med. Enquirer. Lond. II. 125- 127. PRURIGO (Pruritus) of the Ex- ternal Genitals. Bbwenstamm. Zum prurigo der weib- lichen Genitalien. Med.-chir. Central-Bl. Wien. XI. 519.— Smith, T. C. -)-.... during pregnancy. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. °33- PSEUDO-CYESIS. See "Women, Diseases of. PUBERTY. BacquE", S. * Considerations . medico-psychologiques sur la pu- berte. Paris. 1876. Tyrchonslii, W. Przecietne oz nac- zenie dojizalosci pleiowey u Kobiet w Krolestwie polskiem. Pamietnik Iowarz Lekarsk. Warzawa. LXXII. 592-601. PUBERTY, Precocious. Bouchut. -|-.... et menstruation regu- liere chez une enfant de vingt-deux mois. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 1073. — Marcy. [Precocious puberty.] Tr. Am. M. Ass. Phila. XXVII. 237. PUERPERAL Convulsions. See, also, Uterus, Rupture of. Martin, G. * Considerations sur la nature et le traitement de l'eclamp- sie puerperale. 70 pp. 8° 1876. Brochin. La saignee et le chloral dans l'edampsie. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 929. — Bronchin. Eclampsie. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 905. —Busey, S. C Puerperal eclampsia. Phila. M.Times. VI. 532. — Campbell, H. F. Blood-letting m puerperal eclampsia, pathology and thera- peutics ; the old and the new. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 406-452. — Cersoy. Du traite- ment prophylactique de l'edampsie puerpe- rale. Bull. gen. de ther. med. et chir. Par. XCI. 193. — Duch, J. De la eclampsia puerperal. Rev. de cien. med. Barce- lona. I. 102, 205, 255. 1875; II. 104, 153, 201. 1876. — Fournasse, P. Eclampsie coincidante avec le travail de l'accouche- ment. Gaz. hebd. de med. Par. XXIII. 692. — Frari, M. Sulla cura dell' eclamp- sia nelle donne gestante. Gazz. med. ital., prov. ven. Padova. XIX. 398. — Hii- nicken. Albuminuric mit Eclampsie her- beigefuhrt durch Druck auf die Abdomi- nalgefass. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 390. — Jameson, J. F. Puerperal convul- sions. M. & S. Rep. Phila. XXXV. 141. — Knapp, C. Pathology and treatment --- Cincin. Lancet & Obs. XIX. 673- 683. — Ldwenstamm. 4"- Med.-chir. Central-Bl. Wien. XI. 268. — Macdon- ald, A. Albuminuria and puerperal eclamp- sia, with nine cases. Obst.J. Gr. Brit. IV. 137-150, 209-220, 281-297. — Murchison, F. -f----dipsomania. Brit. M. J. 1876. II. 6.— Parish, W. H. Puerperal convul- i6 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. sions. M.&S. Reporter. Phila. XXXV. 530, 549. — Previtt. 4- with thrombosis of the right cerebral artery and paralysis of the left side. St. Louis M. & S. J. N. S. XIII. 653. — Puntous. Vingt attaques d'edampsie ; primipare, cephalotripsie, gue- rison de la mere. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 202.— Rouse,W. H. Eclampsia. Penins. J. M. Detroit. N. S. I. 515—Stock- well, C. M. Puerperal convulsions. Pe- nins. J. M. Detroit. N. S. I. 495-515- — Tabereet. 4" Folie. Guerison. J. d. conn. med. prat. Par. 2 ser. 193.— Taylor, W. T. +. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 494. — Thompson, P. H. +. M. & S. Reporter. Phila. XXXV. 163. — Tidd, C. H. Puerperal convul- sions. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm. XI. 792. — Triaire. Eclampsie a la fin de la grossesse chez une femme de 48 ans. Chloro- formisation. Dilatation artificielle du col. Application du forceps. Extraction d'un en- fant vivanLet guerison de la mere. Arch, de tocol. Par. 488 ; also, Gaz. des hop. Par. 789. — Vercauteren. -f- guerie par le chloral. Ann. Soc. de med- de Gand. LIV. 291. — Wilkins, W. W. _ Puerperal convulsions. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc. 69-83.---f-. Arch, de tocol. Par. 738.— -)-■••• fatal. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. VI- 617. — [Veratrum viride in puerperal eclampsia]. Discussion. Tr. Am. M. Ass. Phila. XXVII. 240-259. PUERPERAL DISEASES. See, also, Pneumonia; Meningitis, Cere- brospinal ; Hospitals, Lying-in ; Breast, Inflammation of, Abscess of, etc. ; Heart, Diseases of, in Pregnancy ; Uterus, Inversion of; Vulva, Inflammation of, and Gangrene of. ■ Amann. Klinik der Wochenbett- krankheiten. Stuttgart. 8° 1876. Stoicesco, G.-J. * Du frisson, sa valeur semeiologique pendant l'etat puerperal. Paris. 1876. Winkel, F. The pathology and ! treatment of childbed, trans, fr. 2d German ed. by James R. Chadwick. Philadelphia. 1876. Hdrder. Anwendung des Salicylsauren Natrons als Antifebrile in Wochenbetts- erkrankungen. Arch, f. Gymk. Berl. X. 186. — Malagola, G. Delle malattie del puerpero e dei provedimenti igienici atti a prevenirle. Bull. d. sc. med. Bologna. 5 ser. XXII. 317-352,401-419. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Diph- theria. Fallen, M. A. -f. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 483- PUERPERAL DISEASES, Fevers. See, also, Puerperal Diseases, Lym- phangitis, Metritis, Peritonitis, Phlebitis, Pyemia, Septicemia. Blake, J. D. Puerperal fever: its causation and treatment. Richm. & Lou- isv. M. J. XXII. 503-515. —Bruce, R. 4- + with reference to epidemic origin. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 334; and Edinb. M. J. XXII. 27. — Cron. Der Ministerial-Erlass vom 15 December, 1875. (Sicherheitsmassregeln gegen die Weiterver- breitung des Kindbettfiebers. Aerztl. In- tell.-Bl. Miinchen- XXIII. 539. —Fiertz, J. H. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber Kindbettfieber. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel. VI. 451. —Fritsch, H. Ueber das Puerperalfieber und dessen locale Be- handlung. Volkmann's Vortrage No. 107. Leipz. 787-810. — Die locale Behandlung . des Puerperal-Fiebers AHg. wien. m. Ztg. 1 XXI. 378. — Graettinger, A. Theaeti-< ology and prophylaxis of puerperal fever. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. X. 53-68. —Gros- holz, F. H. V. Puerperal fever. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 379.—Hunter, G. Puerperal fever and septicaemia : their rela- tion and probable identity. Edinb. M. J. XXII. 202-215. —Keating, ?' M- T ---with post-mortem examination. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 661. —Park, R. On a recent experience of puerperal fever. Glasg. M. J. VIII. 299-307. — Post, J. A. Puerperal fever: some practical clinical facts. N.York M.J. XXIV. 250. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Lym- phangitis. See, also, Uterus, Anat- omy of. Lyman, G. H. A case of uterine lym- phangitis and perimetritis. Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 247. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Mania. Reibel, L.-E. * De la folie puer- perale. 56 pp. 8° 1876. Garland, C. Emphysema caused by dystochia in a primiparous patient, and fol- lowed by acute mania. M. Press & Circ. Lond. 1876. II. 348. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Metri- tis. Taylor, W. T. +. Am. J. Obst. A^. Y. IX. 498. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Perito- nitis. See, also, Puerperal Diseases, Fevers, Metritis. Futrell, D. +. Am. M. Weekly. Lou- isv. V. 390. — Walker, J. E. +. Am. M. Weekly. Louisv.---1-___ muerte. Rev. m. de chile. Santiago. V. 22. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Phlebi- tis. See, also, Puerperal Diseases, Phlegmasia Alba Dolens. Poirier. Thrombose et suppuration intra-veineuse post-puerperale dans la veine cave inferieure et les veines hypogastriques ; infection purulente (accidents typhoides); abcis metastatiques des poumons seulement. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 4 ser. I. 534. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Phleg- masia Alba Dolens. See, also, Phlebitis. Pitres. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 4 ser. I. 491. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Pye- mia. Sandldge, P. E. -f-. Louisv. M. News. II. 132. GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. l*} PUERPERAL DISEASES, Scar- latina. Grimshaw. Case of scarlatina, rheu- matism, and jaundice, following confine- ment; recovery. Dublin J. M. Sc. LXII. 350. — Iiiebmann, C. 4- -^-. Arch. f. Gynxk. Berl. X. 556-567. — Biebmann, C. Delia scarlatina nelle puerpere. Gior* veneto di sc. med. Venezia. XXV. 421-444. — Olshausen. Puerperal scarlatina. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. IV. 220-229, 297-304, 363-374. PUERPERAL DISEASES, Sep- ticemia. See, also, Fetus, Retained; Abortion. Komerowski.* Des infections in- tra-uterines et de leurs indications dans les suites de couches. Paris. 8° 1876. Holt, J. Puerperal septicaemia. New Orleans M. & S. J. IV. 170-180. — Jones, S. B. -{- acute.., .treated with intra-uterine injections of carbolic acid and water; recov- ery of patient. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 484 — Underbill, J. W. Puerperal septi- caemia, including a report of two cases. Cin- cin. M. News. N. S. V. 597-606, 652-662. PUERPERAL DISEASES.Throm- bosis. Banga, H. Wandstandige Thrombose der Vena cava inferior in Puerperio. Arch. f. Gynask. Berl. X. 380. — Roper, G. A case of accidental haemorrhage associated with shoulder presentation, followed by fatal thrombosis of the right pulmonary artery. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 374. PYEMIA, Puerperal. See Puer- peral Diseases, Pyemia. QUADRUPLETS, Fiinn, E. Case of triplets, with a fourth (blighted) fcetus. M. Times & Gaz. Lond. 1876. II. 568. QUININE. See Oxytocics, RECTUM, Abnormities of. Tuck, H. 4" atresia ani vaginalis. Bost. M. &S. J. XCV. 283. RECTUM, Diseases of, See, also, Hemorrhoids. Smith, H. The surgery of the rectum : being the Lettsomian lec- tures on surgery delivered before the Medical Society of London. London. 4th ed. 1876. Curling, T. B. Observations on the diseases of the rectum. London. 4th ed.; also, reprint, Philadelphia. 244 pp. 8° 1876. Warner, E. Rectocele. Bost. M. & S.J. XCV. 100. REPRODUCTION. See Genera- tion. RESPIRATION. See Uterus, Dis- eases of, Complications. RETROCEPS. See Labor, Com- plicated. RETROFLEXION of the Uterus. See Uterus, Displacement of, Flex- ions. RETROVERSION of the Uterus. See Uterus, Displacements of, Ver- sions. RHEUMATISM in Pregnancy. Tison, J. E.-J. *Du rhuma- tisme pendant la grossesse. Paris. 56 pp. 8° 1876. SACRUM, Fracture of. Horwitz. Bruch des Kreuzbeins. St Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 545. SCARLATINA, Puerperal. See Pu- erperal Diseases, Scarlatina. SEPTICEMIA. See, Fetus, Re- tained; Puerperal Diseases, Sep- ticemia ; Abortions. SEWING Machines, Effects of. Gerardin, A. Effets produits sur la saute par les machines a coudre mues par le pied. Ann. d'hyg. Par. XLVI. 385- 395- SMALL-POX in Pregnancy. Parto prematuro en el periodo prodromico de la viruela. Rev. m. de Chile. Santiago. V. 26. SOUFFLE, Fetal, Placental, Puer- peral, See Auscultation in Obstet- rics. SPECULA. Gillette, W. R. Combined Sims' and Nott's speculum. Med. Rec. N. Y. 1876. II. 596- SPONGE - TENTS. See Uterus, Cervix, Dilatation of. STERILITY. See, also, Amenor- rhea. Gorski, W. * Du catarrhe uterin comme cause de sterilite. 32 pp. 8° • Roubaud, F. Traite d'impuis- sance et de la sterilite chez l'homme et chez la femme, comprenant l'ex- position des moyens recommendes pour y remedier. Paris. 3d ed. 804 pp. 8° 1876. Bamsf ather, J. Sterility from a glan- dular ceryical polypus. West. Lancet. San Francisco. V. 496. STOMATITIS in Pregnancy. See Diarrhea in Pregnancy. SUBINVOLUTION. See Uterus, Involution of. SYMPHYSIS Pubis. Adams, Z. B. Case of rupture of the symphysis pubis during labor. Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 4. —Gordon, J. A. Sup- purative inflammation of the symphisis pu- bis. Bost. M. & S- J- XCV. 734. SYPHILIS. See Uterus, Diseases of, Syphilis. SYRINGE, Vaginal. See Douche. TETANUS. See Uterus, Tumor of. TETANUS in Pregnancy. Nerazzini, C. -J----al quarto mese. Imparziale. Firenze- XVI. 417-433. THROMBOSIS, Puerperal. ^Pu- erperal Diseases, Thrombosis. 18 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. TRANSFUSION of Blood. Bouges. +• Le medecin. Par. II. No. 43. —Donaldson, F. -f- for ute- rine hasmorrhage. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, 78th Sess. 53. r PL— Montan- Martin. +.....qui a parfaitement reussi. Arch, de tocol. Par- 748. TRANSVERSE Presentation. See Labor, Complicated. TRIPLETS. Binoli, G. -f-. Sperimentale. Firetize. XXXVIII. 318. TUMORS, Internal. Balls-Headley, W. Internal tumours, their characteristic distinc- tions and diagnosis. Melbourne. 174 pp. 1876. TWINS. Bailly. -J-. Engagement simultane des deux enjants. Mort pendant le travail du premier jumeau, dont le thorax est ecrase par la tete du second. Arret du travail. Double application de forceps. Extraction d'une fille vivante ; retablissement de la mere. Arch, de tocol. Par. 641.—Beat- ty, R. Eleven pound of babies from a very small mother. Detroit Rev. of M. & Pharm. XL 803. — Bynch, T. J. -)---- Louisv. M. News. II. 78. — Strother, J. W. Simultaneous birth of twins. Cin- cin. Lancet & Obs. XIX. 690. Umbilical Cord. Beaton, A. H. -f- hernia. Canada Lancet. Toronto. IX. 107. — Gery, E. Observations de nceuds du cordon ombili- cal; arret de la circulation ; mort du fcetus. Union med. Par. 3 ser. XXII. 886.— Hubert, E. Modifications apportees au refouloir du cordon ombilical de L. J. Hu- bert. Rapport de la commission. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg. Brux. X. 614. — Lawrence, H. C. Haemorrhage from the funis. Obst. J. of Gr. Br. Lond. IV. 520. — Sewening. Zur Behandlung des Nabelschnurvorfalles. Allg. m. Centr.-Ztg. Berl. XLV. 789, 981. UREMIA in Pregnancy. See, also, Albuminuria; Eclampsia. Silvestrini, G. Uremia da nefrite parenchimatosa cronica, in donna gestande al 7 mese. Gazz. med. ital., prov. ven. Padova. XIX. 305. ...333. URETER. Griinfeld, J. Die Sondirung des Ham- leiters mit Hilfe des Endoskops. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 919,949.—Nussbaum. On the formation of an artificial ureter. [Transl. by Thos. Marshall.] Ediub. Med. J. XXII. i-n. URETHRA, Dilatation of. See, also, Bladder, Stone in. Jezewski, A. Rozszezze nie nagle cewki moczoweg kobiecej podlug Simona przy krwiaku pecherza. Przeglad. lekarska. Krakowie. XV. 357. — Eurz, E. '-f- Memorabilien. Heilbronn. XXI. 414. URETHRA, Occlusion of. See Gen- itals, Malformation of. URETHRA, Prolapse of. Jones, J. B. Urethrocele in the fe- male. St. Louis M. & S. J. XIII. 457. URETHRA, Stricture of. Hill, B. Chronic urethral stricture; traumatic injury of perineum, subsequent rupture of urethra and extravasation of urine; death. Lancet. Lond. 1876. II. 503. URETHRA, Tumor of. Mouton. *Des tumeurs hyper- trophique et vasculaire de 1'urethre chez la femme, suivi d'un appendice sur le kyste du meat. Paris. 40 pp. 8° 1876. Gosselin. Polype cellulo-vasculaire du meat urinaire. Union med. Par. 1876. II. — Heard, T. J. -f-. Tr. Texas M. Ass. 161. 1876. URINARY Organs, Abnormity of. Fiirst, B. Doppelbildungen weiblicher Harnwege. Arch, f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 161- 168. (1 PL) * URINE, Retention of. Bollmayr, «T. Ueber eine ofter vor- kommende, jedoch selten erkannte Ursache von Harnverhaltung bei den weiblichen Geschlechte. Med.-chir. Centr.-BL Wien. XI. 470. UTERUS, Anatomy of. Championniere, J. L. Les lym- phatiques uterins et leur role dans la pathologie uterine. Paris. 8° 1876. Fioupe, J. Lymphatiques uterins et parallele entre la lymphangite et la phlebite uterines. (Suite de couches.) Paris. 82 pp. 8° 1876. Schmidt, A. E. Messungen des puer- peralen Cervix Uteri. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 533. — Sinety. Sur l'histologie nor- male de la cavite uterine quelques heures apres l'accouchement. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par. 264. —The mucous mem- brane of the uterus, the decidua and pla- centa. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev. LIX. 32-40. UTERUS, Atresia of. See, also, Hematometra ; Labor, Compli- cated ; Genitals, Internal; Va- gina, Double ; Uterus, Cervix, In- cision of. Chambaud. -f- pregnancy. Arch, de tocol. Par. 513-529. — Foote, H. B'O. -f- .••• and cystocele: digital perforation. Brit. M.J. Lond. 1876. II. 680. — Pilat. -f-.... chez une femme primaire ; hyste- rotomie vaginale; guerison. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 296. —Todd, S. S. 4- opera- tion ; Chambers's uterine stem worn nine months without removal. St. Louis M. & S.J. XIII. 455. UTERUS, Cancer of. See, also, Ute- rus, Extirpation of. Fuzier, H. * Essai sur le diag- nostic et le traitement chirurgical du cancer du col de 1'uterus. 68 pp. 8° Pichot, P. L. * Etude clinique sur le cancer du corps et de la cavite de l'uterus. Paris. 160 pp. 8° 1876. Ashby, T. A. Epithelioma of cervix ; removal. Arch. Clin. Surg. N.Y. I. 78. —Desmet, E. Cancer encephaloide du col uterin; de l'unite du cancer; le can- cer est primitivement local; etiologie ; traite- ment par les caustiques, acide chromique, ni- trate acide de mercure, cautere actuel. Presse med. beige. Brux. 393. — Fischer, E. Ein gynaekologisches noli me tangere. Med.- chir. Central-Bl. Wien. XI. 541.—Fra- ser, C. E. -{-.... ol vegetating epitheli- oma of the cervix uteri, with subinvolution of the uterus and pelvic cellulitis: with re- marks upon the pathology and symptomatol- ogy. Tr. M. Soc- N. York, 157. —Mo, G. -f-___estendentesi al fornice posteriore della vagina; coxite antica con migrazione dell' acetabulo. Osservatore. Torino. XII. 457. — Perelli, C. I tumori maligni dell' utero. Papilloma, epitelioma, sarcoma, cancrose sul varieta. Osservatore. Torino- XII. 609 ---790. — Beamy, T. A. Removal of the neck of the uterus for cancer. Clinic. Cincin. XL 205, 220. —Sims, J. M. Epithelioma of the cervix uteri. Brit. M. J. Lond- 1876. II. 277. — Ulliac. De l'hydrate de chloral associe a la teinture d'eucalyptus dans le traitement du cancer de l'uterus. Gaz. obst. Par. V. 257.— Weiss. Cancer du corps et du col de l'uterus. Progres med. Par. IV. 682.— Wiegandt, A. + von primarem Carci- nom des Uterus Kbrpers. St. Petersb. m. Wchnschr. No. 28. UTERUS, Cervix. See Pregnancy. UTERUS, Cervix, Amputation of. See, also, Uterus, Cancer of. Peruzzi,B. 4"---per fibroma mixoma- toso; guarigione. Raccoglitore med. Forl'i. 4. Ser. VI. 4.—Weinlechner. Ampu- tatio supra-cervicalis Uteri. Lister's Wund- behandlung. Wien. m. Wchnschr. XVII. 914. UTERUS, Cervix, Cicatrix of. Breisky. Zur Wiirdigung der Narben- ektropiums des Muttermundes. Wien. m. Wchnschr. XXVI. 1193, 1220, 1241.— Skene, A. J. C. Cicatrices 01 the- cer- vix uteri and vagina. Am. J. Obst. A^. Y. IX. 674. UTERUS, Cervix, Dilatation of. Netzel, W. Pressvampdilatation af cer- vikalkanalen (2 cases). Hygiea. Stockholm.. XXXVIII. 253-263. — Seyfert, F. H. Dilatation of the cervix uteri. A new method of using sponge tents. Phila. M. Times. VI. 481. UTERUS, Cervix, Diseases of. See Uterus, Diseases of. UTERUS, Cervix, Elongation of. See, also, Uterus, Displacements of, Retroflexion. > Abeille. Sur la cure de l'eiongation hypertrophique du col de l'uterus, par la myotomie utero-vaginale ignee. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par. LXXXIII. 786. — Operation dans un cas d'eiongation hyper- trophique du col avec retroflexion extreme sur un uterus prolabe, en retroversion; guer- ison. Courrier med. Par- XXVI. 250. — Aloy, C. Nota al estudio de ta pro- longacion hipertrofica, del cuello del utero. Rev. de cien. med. Parcel. II. 500.— Cre- guy. 4" ecrasement lineaire, emploi d'un hysterometre nouveau. Gaz. obst. Par. V. 205. —Duncan, J. M. Augmentation de la longueur du col de l'uterus apres l'ac- CAL INDEX. 19 couchement. [Trad, de Dr. P. Budin.] Gaz. obst. Par. V. 193. — Dupuy, L,. E. De l'eiongation hypertrophique de la portion vaginale du col de l'uterus. Progres med. Par. III. 662, 694; IV. 691, 776; also, Arch, de tocol. Par. 739. 1875; 23. 1876. — Kessler, L,. Ueber acut in der Gravid- itas entstandene hochgradige Hyperplasie des Labium Uteri ant. Dorpat. m. Ztschr. VI. 103-136. UTERUS, Cervix, Incision of. Budin, P. Incision et discission du col de l'uterus. Progres med. Par. IV. 899. — Israel, J. Stenosis Orificii externi Uteri. Chronisches Erbrechen. Heilung nach Hy- sterotomie. Arch. f. klin. Chir. Berl. XX. 47. — Kehrer, F. A. Operationen an der Portio vaginalis. Arch, f. Gynaek. Betl. X. 431-458. — Peasiee, E. R. Incision and discission of the cervix uteri. Tr. N. York Acad, of M. 2 ser. II. 408-437; also, Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 353-380.— Worster. Incision of the cervix for the cure of dysmenorrhoea. Med. Rec. N. Y. XI. 5i3- UTERUS, Cervix, Laceration of. Emmet, T. A. The proper treatment for laceration of the cervix uteri. Med. Rec. N. Y. II. 823, 835. —Rokitansky, Jun., K. v. Alte beiderseitige Risse der Vaginalportion mit Hervordrangung der hypertrophischen Cervix-Schleimhaut und Auswartsrollung beider Muttermundslippen. Operation nach Dr. Thos. Addis Emmet. Heilung. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 973. UTERUS, Cervix, Tumors of. See Uterus, Tumors of. UTERUS, Cervix, Ulceration of. Barre, E. * Essai sur les ulcera- tions du col de l'uterus. 72 pp. 8° Fundenberg, G. B. Cervical ulcer from laceration. M. & S. Reporter. Phila. XXXV. 181. — Guionnet. Lesions ma- rines anciennes, douleurs persistantes, cau- tferes sur la paroi abdominale. J. de med. et de ther. prat. Par. XLV1I. 545- — Smith, H. On so-called ulceration of the womb. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 604. — Spiegel, C. von. Incipient menstru- ation : abscess in vulva ; uterine symptoms; inflammation and ulceration of cervix. N. Jersey Eclect. M. & S. J. Newark. III. 9. UTERUS, Diseases of. See, also, Pregnancy. Demarquay, J. N., & Saint- Vel, O. Traite clinique des mala- dies de l'uterus. Paris. 612 pp. 8° Bechaux. De la part du traitement general et du traitement local dans les affec- tions uterines. Bordeaux med. V. 329. — Introduction a l'etude des affections ute- rines. Bordeaux med. V. 251. — Hew- itt, G. Notes.... Lancet. Lond. 1876. 11.45 pp. — Hildebrandt, H. Catarrh of the female genital organs. Clinical lec- tures from German authors (Volkmann). New Sydenham Soc. Lond. LXVI. 234- 274. — Hyatt, A. O. Warm water in uterine therapeutics. Virginia M. Monthly. Richm. III. 309-325. — Szilvassy, J. Tulzas a mehszaj veres tagitasaval. Orvosi hetilap. Budapest. 698, 714. 20 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. UTERUS, Diseases of, Complica- tions. Griinewaldt. Respirationsstorung, ab- hangig von Uterus-Affection. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 535. — Morton, D. 4- Am. J, Obst. N. Y. IX. 470. — Jewett, I. H. The influence of the heart in uterine affections. Tr. Maine M. Ass. V. 389. UTERUS, Diseases of, Diphtheria. Walker. 4-. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. ^487- UTERUS, Diseases of, Gangrene. Richard. Gangrene de l'uterus et du vagin. Bull. med. du Nord. Lille. XV. 323- UTERUS, Diseases of, Inflamma- tion. See, also, Sterility. Gallard, T. Traitement de la metrite interne. Paris. 1876. Meniere, P. Du traitement to- pique de Pendometrite a l'aide du Graphidometre ou pinceau uterin. Paris. 8° 1876. Andradas, C. B. Diagnostico de las enfermedades uterinas en general y de la metritis cronica en particular. An. de cien. med. Madrid. II. 69---145. — Ahlfeld, F. Ueber Endometritis decidualis tuberoso- polyposa. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 168- 176. —Bronchin. Metrite chronique avec retroversion et adherence; effets d'une in- jection astringente ayant fait croire un in- stant a l'existence d'une dysmenorrhee mem- braneuse. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 882. — Demarquay. Metrite et vaginite gra- nuleuse. J. des sages-femmes. Par. IV. 149. — Griinewaldt. Endometritis mu- cosa. St. Petersb. -m. Ztschr. V. 522.— Griinewaldt, O. v. Ueber die chron- ische Endometritis mit zahem secret. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 483-508. — Hor- witz. Zur Endometritis-Frage. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 537- — Meniere, P. Du traitement topique de 1'endometritis a l'aide d'un nouvel instrument (Graphidometre). Moniteur. Par. I. 117-120, 152-156. — Nester, B. Qu'est ce que je phlegmon periuterin et particulierement du phlegmon periuterin chez les vierges? Moniteur. Par. I- 2. 33- — Palmer, C D. -f-chronic- Clinic. Cincin. XI. 249. — Reamy, T. A. Acute endometritis. Clinic. Cincin. XI. 306. — Skene, A. J. C. Case of ex- foliation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, as the result of interrupted gestation. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 638. —Usta- riz, J. Un nuevo tratamiento de la me- tritis cronica. An. de cien. med. Madrid. 1876. I. 537- UTERUS, Diseases of, Syphilis. Fournler, A. Double contamination chandreuse du col uterin. gynec. Par. VI. 241. UTERUS, Displacements of. Lacroix, L.-M.-M. * Etude sur les deviations de 1'uterus a l'etat de vacuite. Paris. 160 pp. 8° 1876. Emmet, B. M. Diseaseof the blad- der connected with uterine displacements. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 578-588.—Ham- burger, E. W. Gegen die mechanische Behandlung der Lage- und GestaltsverSnder- ungen des Uterus beim gleichzeitigen Ge- brauche einer Brunnen- und Badecur. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc. Wien. I. 72-78. — Hicks, B. On the displacement of the uterus by the distension 01 the bladder, as shown by experiments on the dead body Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 318. — Palmer, C. D. 4--f. Clinic. Cincin. XI. 271.— Scott, A. H. Mechanics of uterine dis- placements. Chicago M. J. & Exam. N. S. I. 788-796. UTERUS, Displacements of, Flex- ions. See, also, Versions. Ahway, J. D. + Retroflexions. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 477.— Emmet, T. A. Etiology of uterine flexures, with the 5roper mode of treatment indicated. Am. .Obst. N.Y. IX. 668— Midler, P. Zur Anteflexionsfrage. Arch. f. Gvnaek. Berl. X. 176, 184. —Tari, A. Dell'e fles- sioni dell'utero. Morgagni. Napo/i. XVIII. 353-447- — Upshur, J. N. An obscure case of nervous trouble, traced to anteflexio uteri; posterior section of the cervix; cure. Virginia M. Monthly. Richm. III. 425.— Elongation hypertrophique de tout le col et partie du globe avec retroflexion extreme et compliquee de prolapsus. Courrier med. Par. XXVI. 251. UTERUS, Displacements of, Pro- lapse. Braune, C Traitement. Courrier med. Par. XXVI. 362. UTERUS, Displacements of, Ver- sions. See, also, Flexions; Uterus, Hemorrhages from. Chammard, P. de. Chirurgie ute- rine. De la retroversion et de retro- flexion de l'uterus, de leurs traite- ments. Paris. 84 pp. 8° 1876. Cutter, E. A contribution to the treatment of uterine versions and flexions.1 Boston. 2d ed. 1876. Meynier. Etude des deviations de l'uterus gravide. Paris. 8° 1876. Campbell, H. F._ Pneumatic self- replacement in dislocation of the gravid uterus. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 684.— Depaul, J. H. A. Etude sur une forme insolite que peut prendre l'uterus pendant la grossesse et qui a ^te incompletement decrite sous les noms de developpement sacciforme de la paroi posterieure de l'uterus, de retro- version partielle de cet organe, ou confondue avec la retroversion uterine. Arch, de tocol. Par. 9, 80, 145, 212, 705. — Godson, C. Retroversion of the gravid uterus. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 524. — Klett, T. Retroversio Uteri gravida. Memorabilien. Heilbronn. XXI. 345 — Quintln, F. Retroversion de l'uterus gravide a deux mois et demi et trois mois, meconnue. Re- tention d'urine durant dix-sept jours, mecon- nue et prise pour la grossesse. Reduction ; accouchement a terme. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. de Liege. XV. 353-364- UTERUS, Double/ Bidder. VolkomffleneSpaltungdesUte- rus und der Vagina. Persistenz des Canalis urogenitalis. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 532. — Howe, S. + with hydrometra and GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. 21 sarcoma of one horn. Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 224. —Peaslee, E. R. +.... didelphys septus et vagina septa. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 65L —Porak. Vagin et uterus doubles. Progres med. Par. IV. 803. — Wasseige, A. Uterus en partie cloisonne ; grossesse de neuf mois, col aboutissant dans la cerne non gravide; communication entre cette derniere et celle dans laquelle le fcetus est situe;---fettlme morte de fievre puerperale. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol. Brux. LXIII. 185. UTERUS, Extirpation of. See, also, Abdominal Section; Cesarean Sec- tion. Boeckel, E. 4~ +• Gaz. m. de Strasb. XXXV. 97. — Courty, A. -f- 4- for in- version. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 161. — Hennig, C. Extirpatio Uteri can- crosi totalis. Allg. -wien. m. Ztg. XXI. 343. — Kimball, G. -f- ovariotomy, fol- lowed by recovery. Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 250. — Krassowoski, A. de. -j- .... par section hypogastrique. Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIV. gts. —Miller, E. 4- ---with remarks. Charleston M. J. & Rev. .IV. 119- 125. — Peaslee, E. R. 4-. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 653. UTERUS, Hemorrhage from. See, also, Labor, Premature, Induc- tion of. Carpentier-Mericourt. Patho- genie et traitement des hemorrhagies uterines. Paris. 70 pp. 8° 1876. Devins, L. * Etude sur le traite- ment des metrorrhagies en general et specialement sur les cauterisations intra-uterines. Paris. 80 pp. 8° Frankl, S. Metrorrhagie mit todtli- chem Ausgange. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1544. — Fundenberg, G. B. Metror- rhagia with retroflexion. M. & S. Reporter. Phila. XXXV. 182. —Hyatt, H. O. A new method of treating hemorrhage after abortions and at full term when due to uterine inertia. Am. J. Obst. A''. Y. IX. 596. — Jakesch, W. Das heisse Was- ser als Blutstillungsmittel bei Metorrhagien. Prag. m. Wchnschr. I. 757.—North, S. W. Treatment of uterine haemorrhage by injection of perchloride of iron. Brit. M. J. 1876. II. 8. UTERUS, Instruments. Berruti, D. G. L'endoscopio uterino. Torino. 1876. (1 PI.) Cheron, J. Cervimetre, instrument destine a mesurer les variations de volume du col de l'uterus. „ Gaz. des hop. Par. XLIX. 1068. — Re*ese, W. W. Uterine leech and aspirator. Med. Rec. N.Y. II. 596. 1876 ; also, Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. UTERUS, Inversion of. See, also, Uterus, Extirpation of. Cowdrey, J. S. + vitalized coagulum. Chicago M. Times. VII- 525. —Ford, g# p. _|_ spontaneous. Canada Lancet. Toronto. IX. 74.-Spaeth, J. Puer- perale Inversion des Uterus. Heilung durch Reposition nach zwei Jahren und funf Mona- ten. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 148- — Vetterleln. Drei Falle von Inversus Uteri, einer chronischen und zweier acuter. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 156.—White, J. P. 4-. Tr. M. Soc. N.York. 134. UTERUS, Involution of. See, also,. Uterus, Cancer of. Hunt, E. M. Placental delivery and uterine involution. Med. Rec. N. Y. 1876. II. 569.—Tilt, E. J. On defective uterine involution and its pathological bear- ings. Lancet. Lond. 1876. II. 5. —Tilt, E. J. On the treatment of defective ute- rine involution. Lancet. Lond. 1876. II. 217. UTERUS, Polyp of. See* also, Ster- ility. Bahnsen, H. F. 4"---with unique complications. Virginia M. Monthly. Richm. III. 616. — Bumm, S. C. A case of in- tense congestion and enlargement of the uterus with polypous tumours. Clinic. Cin- cin. XI. 259. — Galabin, A. B. -f-. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Lond. IV. 305.— Gosselin. Accfes febrile de cause incon- nue chez une femme affectee de polype de l'uterus. Gaz.des hop. Par. XLIX. 1018. — McClintock. 4" fibrinous. Dublin J. M._ Sc. LXII. 251. — Taube. Extir- pation eines fibrosen Uterinpolypen. St. Petersb. m Ztschr. V. 550. — Under- bill, C. E. On the structure of three cervical polypi. Edinb. M. J. XXII. 105. — Underhill, C. E. The structure of a true mucous polypus of the cervix. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. IV 253. UTERUS, Rupture of. See Abdom- inal Section. Atthill. Rupture of the uterus. Dub- lin J. M. Sc. LXII. 72. — Bidder und Tarnowsky. Ruptura Uteri spontanea. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 542. —Brick- ell, D. W. Case of eclampsia, version, ruptured perineum (with operation), ruptured uterus, deformed pelvis, with remarks. Am. J. Obst. N.Y. IX. 625. —Ford, J. S. +. Am. Med. Weekly. Louisv. V. 69.— Holly, D. C. Rupture of the uterus. De- troit Rev. of M. & Phar. XI. 540. —Man- ley, I. -f- rupture of uterus and vagina. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. X. 114. —Moore, D. W. -f- recovery. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. X. 117.—Murillo, A. Crane- otomia i version per una estrechez de lo milimetras en un enana, que llega con una gran ruptura del litero; muerte. Rev. m. de Chile. Santiago. V. 101. — Di un singolare fenomeno acustico in un caso di rottura uterina. Imparziale. Firenze. XVI. 1 UTERUS, Sarcoma of. See Uterus, Cancer of. UTERUS, Tumor of. See, also, La- bor, Complicated ; Uterus, Polyp of; Vagina, Cancer of. Albrecht, R. Briickenformige Myome des Uterus. St. Petersb. m. Wchnschr. No. 18. 3. — Anway, J. D. • Uterine fibroid; gastrotomy; death. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 472.—Ashford, F. A. -f- fibroid. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. III. .49 — Boissarie. Note pour servir a 1'histoire des fibroides intra-uterines. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 168. — Bosisio, A. 4- guarito colle injezioni di ergotina. Giorn. veneto di sc. med. Venezia. 3 Ser. XXV. 25-36- 22 GYNECOLOGICAL INDEX. — Bunce, W. 4- fibroid. Ohio M. Re- corder. I. 119. — Cole, R. B. 4" fibroid from the posterior wall of the cervix uteri; operation and recovery. West. Lancet. San Francisco. V. 467. — Crandall, J. B. -f- fibroid. Chicago M. J. & Exam. XXXIII. 687. — Edes, K. T. Fibroid of posterior lip of cervix uteri forming a large sloughing vaginal tumor; removal by enucleation; recovery. Bost. M. & S. J. XCV. 207. — Erich. + fibrocystic. Bait. Phys. & Surg. VI. 2'. — Gorrequer-Griffiths, G. de. 4" fibroid ; trismus ; tetanus ; death. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. IV. 233-238. — Beopold, G. Zur Lehre von den ein- gekeilten Fibroiden der Gebarmutter. Arch. der Heilk. Leipz. XVII. 408-417. — Martinez. + .... de una concrecion osea de la matriz. Anfiteatro anat. Madrid. V. 354. — Mo, G. Fibroma uterino accesso del legamento largo peritonite. Osservatore. Torino. XII. 437. —Monod, E. My- ome uterin en voie de cretification. Pro- fres med. Par. IV. 510. — Pugliese. )eux mots sur les corps fibreux de.l'uterus. Lyon med. XXIII. 481.—Sehrt. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Uterusfibroid. Berl. kl. Wchnschr. XIII. 424. — Semeleder, F. Elektrolitische Behandlung der Gebar- mutter-Fibroide. Wien. m. Presse. XVII. 1597, 1661. — Smith. 4" fibroid. Proc. M. Ass. Arkansas. VI. 52. — Thomas, T. G. Remarks upon the enucleation of uterine fibroids, with illustrative cases. Arch. Clin. Surg. A^. Y- \- 7-18.— Wheeler, W. G. -f- fibroid of immense size. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. VI. 275. VAGINA, Absence of. Le Fort, B. Creation d'un vagin arti- ficiel par un precede d'eiectrolyse. Bull. Acad, de med. Par. V. 789. — Worth- ington, C. N. 4"- New Orleans M. & S. J. IV. 169. VAGINA, Atresia of. See, also, Genitals, Malformation of; La- bor, Complicated ; Vagina, Occlu- sion of. Dohrn. -\-. Arch, f. Gynsk. Berl. X. 544. — Prevost. Imperforation du vagin chez une jeune fille de 15 ans; operation. Moniteur. Par. I. 123.—Atresia vaginal in the virgin ; operation. M. & S. Re- porter. Phila. XXXV. 208. VAGINA, Bulb of. Horwitz. Hypertrophie des Bulbus Va- ginae als Ursache von Impotentia coe'undi. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 536. VAGINA, Cancer of. See, also, Ute- rus, Cancer of. Warder, W. H. Cancer of the va- gina, fibroid tumors of the uterus, and sec- ondary cancer of the lungs and liver. Phila. M. Times. VII. 139. VAGINA, Cicatrix of. See Uterus, Cervix, Cicatrix of; Vagina, Oc- clusion of. VAGINA, Cysts of. Hunt, D. B. 4-. Am. J. Obst. N. Y. IX. 631. VAGINA, Diseases of. See Ute- rus, Diseases of, Inflammation and Gangrene; Vaginismus. VAGINA, Double. See Genitals, Internal; Uterus, Double. Delaunay, J.-V. * Etude sur le cloisonnement transversal du vagin complet et incomplet, d'origine con- genitale. Paris. 130 pp. 8° 1876. Andreini, R. Incisione di diaframma membranosa in vagina di donna maritata. Bull. d. sc. med. Bologna. 5 ser. XXII. 270. — Fennell, J. W. Tedious labor in primipara with double vagina. Tr. Texas M. Ass. 197. — Horwitz. Falle von Scheidenanomalien. St. Petersb. m. Ztschr. V. 546. VAGINA, Foreign Bodies in. Kurz. E. -f- Memorabilien. Heilbronn. XXI. 360. VAGINA, Occlusion of. See, also, Fistula, Urinary. Abeille. 4-___operation par un pro- cede nouveau ajoute a la methode de de- bridement et de dilatation. Courrier med. Par. XXVI. 396, 402. — Tuefferd, F. Obliteration du vagin. Union med. Par. 5 ser. XXII. 3"- VAGINA, Rupture of. See, also, Uterus, Rupture of. Molnar, J. Nehez sziiies Hiively megre- pedese, uszkosodese; halal. Gyogyaszat. Bu- dapest. XVI. 373. VAGINA, Thrombus of. See He- matocele, Pelvic. VAGINA, Tumor of. See, also, Ute- rus, Polyp of. Fundenberg, G. B. 4-. M. & S. Reporter. Phila. XXXV. 181. VAGINISMUS. Fritsch, H. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von Vaginismus. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl. X. 547- VARIX. See Pregnancy, Complica- tions of. VENESECTION. See Puerperal Convulsions. VERATRUM Viride. See Puerpe- ral Convulsions. VERSION. See Fetus, Injuries to. Murilic, A. Version por presentacion de trenco. Rev. m. de Chile. Santiago. IV. 412. VERSION, Spontaneous. See, also, Embryotomy. Cordes. Version spontanee. Ann. de gynec. Par. VI. 40. VOMITING in Pregnancy. See Labor, Premature, Induction of. VULVA, Cysts of. Fournaise, P. Kyste du vestibule de la vulve : ablation ; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat. de Paris. 4 s