ELECTRICITY AS A Curative Treatment FOR DISEASE. By Dr. HENDRICK G. DE KRAFT. THE ORIGINAL GALVANIC BATH. No. 25 WEST 26th STREET, NEW YORK. Labor Print, 34 Park Row, New York ELECTRICITY/; —AS A— CURATIVE TREATMENT FOR DISEASE. [NTRODUCTION. There is, probably, no profession in which prejudice has so largely entered into and controled practice, as that of the physician. And this is even the case with men whose trained minds one would have supposed to be open to conviction based upon the results of treat- ment, the efficacious results of which they have seen. There has been no great discovery in medical science which has not been opposed and ridiculed by a majority of the leading men in the profession at the time. Harvey, Jenner, Hahnemann, were all looked upon as presumptuous fools in their day, and even now, when the advances made in the Therapeutic art are so great there are too many ready to cavil at what they do not understand or which is opposed to their own preconceived notions. Now this is all wrong. For there is no mode of treatment which has not some foundation in reason, which has not in some instance proved successful, and which at least deserves the impartial investi- gation of an intelligent mind. At the same time the practitioners in any special system are much to blame for their wholesale advocacy of it in all forms of disease. They really have performed some wonderful cures where other forms of treatment have failed, and in the hour of success, in a burst of enthusiasm, they claim that they can cure every form of disease. They fail in one or two instances, and immediately they are de- nounced to the public as ignorant quacks, whereas a little more modesty at first would have preserved their reputations. It is always better to claim too little than to profess too much. 2 In presenting this little pamphlet, then, to the public, Oi the sub- ject of Electricity in its various forms as a curative treatment for disease, I do not wish to be understood as claiming that my mode of treatmeut will cure every disease, or that all those wf:, h I can cure will yield to no other treatment; but I am prepared to prove that in very many instances, where all other modes of treatment have failed, I have been successful in effecting cures; and while as an ex- perienced practitioner I never hesitate to use one mode of treatment or another, I have found in a vast majority of cases that for a speedy, effective and agreeable cure, Electricity, aided by suitable diet, is far the most perfect system of treatment; and to those who have the misfortune to be afflicted with disease of long-standing, I only say give my system a trial. I do not say that I can perform a radical cure, but I know that I can relieve your sufferings. THE BASIS OF ELECTRICAL THERAPEUTICS. What is Electricity? God knows. We do not. We see it in the lightning, we hear it in the thunder, we recognize its marvellous power as the iron rod is twisted and molten, as the great oak is riven and blackened in a second, as by the touch of a finger a mes- sage is sent over 5000 miles of wire in less time than it takes us tc write it. And yet its rationale is to us a sealed book. We do know that Electricity is heat, that heat is life and that cold is death, hence Electricity is the all-prevailing principle of life. What is health but a balanced condition of the positive and nega- tive electrical forces of the human system ? Of course, then, disease is an unbalanced condition of the same; that is, some of the organs of the body are not in harmonious action with the rest. And it is on this theory, which is unquestioned by the greatest physicians of modern times, that the whole system of Electrical Therapeutics is based. On these grounds I claim Electro-Magnetism to be the most pow- erful and effective curative agent known to the scientific world. As a natural remedy it commends itself to all sufferers by its safety, simplicity and painless mode of application. Intelligent, liberal, physicians of all schools of medicine admit that Electricity and Gal- vanism are among the most valuable adjuncts to the healing art; but the great labor, care and time it takes to make it a success in 3 curing all forms of disease prevents the majority of them from giv- ing their patients the full benefit of it. On thi'-' account it is that I bring to the notice of the public the fact that, after years of patient study and experiment, I have reduced the system of Electrical Treatment to a science; so that by its proper application—according to the disease to be treated, and the system of the patient—I am enabled to perform the most radical cures of the most deep-seated diseases, and restore the system of the patient to the harmonious action, which results from the duly balanced Electrical forces of the body. DISEASES CURED BY ELCTRO-THERAPEUTICS. In giving an account of some of the diseases which I have treated successfully, I must not be understood to say that these are the only diseases which I am able to cure, nor to claim that in every instance can I perform a radical cure. But I do claim that, while in a ma- jority of diseases I am enabled to restore the patient to perfect health, there is scarcely a disease known to the medical profession the pain of which I cannot alleviate. In mentioning the diseases for which I specially recommend the Electrical Treatment, I do not purpose to fatigue the reader with a long and tedious dessertation upon their symptoms. They are only too well known to the victims themselves, and the space can be more profitably occupied by the testimonials of those who have been cured by the Electrical Treatment. The reader will find that I have made a classification of these dis- eases, which is at once simple and clear. It is as follows: i. Nerv- ous Affections. 2. Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 3. Diseases of the Respiratory System. 4. Diseases of the Digestive System. 5. Skin Diseases. 6. Diseases of the Fibrous and Muscular System. 7. Diseases of the Urinary and Genital System. 8. Female Complaints. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. NEURALGIA AND NERVOUS HEADACHES. How many people there are, especially women, who have been suffering for years from Neuralgia, or its twin sister, Nervous Head- ache, who have tried every internal or external, so-called, remedy 4 in or out of the pharmacopoeia, in the vain hope of being relieved from their sufferings; but it seems to be all in vain. I ask any one who reads this to try if they can call to mind any real cure of these diseases by any ordinary medical treatment. They may have been alleviated, but not cured. The intelligent and scientific application of Electricity, however, will infallibly produce a complete cure, and I challenge the whole medical faculty to deny it, if they can. They dare not risk their reputation by so doing, and I ask those afflicted to read the follow- ing testimonial, and then call upon me and test the truth of my claims. PARALYSIS. This disease consists of either a partial or total stop of nervous power, disabling some portion of the body, and sometimes a very considerable portion. In fact paralysis is partial death, for which it is almost needlees to say Electricity is the only means of relief. Electricity being the vital principle of the human system, its appli- cation under my mode of treatment will, in a short time, greatly benefit a paralytic patient. EPILEPSY. This is one of the saddest forms of disease to which the human frame is subject. The individual who is the victim of epileptic fits knows they are likely to come on at any moment; that he or she may fall down in the street, and, therefore, cannot go out alone; that the counterfeit resemblance of death may be brought on, and even a burial, while the sufferer is in a state of trance, may take place. It is well-known that no ordinary medical treatment will have any effect whatever in epilepsy, but by the Electropathic Treatment, an absolute cure can be almost, invariably guaranteed. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Isa disease to which men are more-subject than women, and many a fine man has been cutoff suddenly, in the prime of life by heart disease. This also is a disease which is beyond the power of ordi- 5 nary medical treatment to cure, and I would recommend any indi-- vidual who knows that he has any tendency to this disease, which is sometimes brought on by excessive smoking, to lose no time in placing uimself under the Electropathic Treatment, which has been proved to be successful in performing cures in several cases whicj* would, certainly, otherwise have had a fatal terminntion SCIATICA Is a disease which causes the most acute pain, but which is almost instantaneously relieved, and finally cured by Electric treatment. LOCKJAW Almost invariably results fatally, and has been found beyond the power of any physician to cure, though it is frequently caused by some slight injury, to which scarcely any attention is paid by the sufferer. But it will invariably yield to powerful Galvanic Treat- ment. NERVOUS DEBILITY To which a large percentage of the population of this country, both male and female, is subject, is undoubtedly brought on by improper training, sedentary occupation, without sufficient exer- cise, above all by improper excesses, in both married and single, leading to premature decline and too often to the insane asylum. It is true that the nature and causes of nervous debility are better understood now, and the disease more rationally treated than was formerly the case, but none of the many remedies adopted by medi- cal science have anything like the restorative power of Electricity, which has done more good in arresting premature decline, by its proper application, than any other known remedy. It ought to be adopted or recommended, without hesitation, by every practical physician in the country. DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. Ophthalmia and Cataract are among the serious diseases of the eye which I have treated successfully, and those who are troubled with 6 weak eyes or impaired vision will find themselves immensely relieved by placing themselves under my care. ' PARALYSIS OF THE EAR AND DEAFNESS Which are beyond the power of ordinary physicians to cure, will readily yield to powerful Galvanic Treatment. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS, ASTHMA. This paroxysmal effection of the respiratory organs which is characterized by great difficulty of breathing, tightness and oppres- sion of the chest, is caused by a contraction of the bronchial tubes, and sets at defiance the most potent remedies of medical science. But it can becontrolled in a few applications, by my treatment, even in its very worst forms, where the patient has been obliged to sleep in a sitting posture for nights. The effect of Electricity, when prop- erly applied, is to at once remove the stricture and quiet the respira- tory nerves, and in a very short time the worst case will be com- pletely cured. PLEURISY AND PNEUMONIA. Both these dangerous forms of disease will speedily give way to Electropathic Treatment. CATARRH In its various forms, affecting the head, throat, etc., is extremely prevalent in this country and affects, more or less, probably seven persons out of ten, in the Middle and Eastern States at least; in a large majority of cases, it becomes chronic and is exceedingly dif- ficult to cure. It sometimes results in ulceration, and very often people who have suffered from this disease for years, and tried in vain every so-called remedy for it, are almost tempted to believe that it is ‘ icurable. But it has been proven that by a proper appli- cation of Galvanism this disease can be vanquished and the affected membranes restored to their natural strength. BRONCHITIS. There is, probably, no disease, which is commonly prevalent, upon which a greater diversity of opinion exists, in the medical profes- sion, as to the proper mode of treatment, for which a greater variety of remedies are prescribed, and which is so uncertain in its operation, as Bronchitis Sometimes it will yield to ordinary remedies without difficulty, and sometimes the sufferer is hurried to his grave, after trying in vain all the known remedies. Biit by the action of Elec- tricity its progress is instantly arrested, and after a few applications the difficulty is entirely removed, and the affected parts restored to their natural healthfulness. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. DYSPEPSIA, That great scourge of American constitutions cannot be cured by pills, potions or so-called stomach tonic bitters, which are merely a vehicle for introducing the worst kind of alcohol into the system. Plenty of out-door exercise, a simple diet at regular hours, aided by my Electrical Treatment will cure the worst case of Dyspepsia ever known, even when the disease has become too deep-rooted for exercise and diet alone to be effectual. LIVER COMPLAINT, And its concomitant constipation, which will hardly ever give way to drugs, without permanently injuring the system, readily yields to Electric Treatment. I have even found that when powerful injec- tions have failed, I have succeeded, by one application, in remov- ing obstructions of long standing. CANCEROUS AFFECTION OF THE STOMACH Is another phase of disease which no internal remedies can reach so as to eradicate. But the powerful action of Electricity at once alleviates the pain, disperses the cancer, and by sontinual applica- tion finally drives the poison out of the system altogether. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS Is a disease which is frequently fatal in a very short time, and when the patient has taken a turn for the worse, the most powerful remedies of the ordinary physician are often of no avail. But in many such cases the immediate action of Electricity will allay the inflammation and carry the patient past the turning point. PILES. This painful and irritating complaint is one of the most unpleas- ant to which the human system is subjected, and is another of those harassing diseases which baffle the skill of the ordinary physician, but yields in a very short time to the Electro-pathic Treatment. SKIN DISEASES, Such as Scrofulous Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, etc., are very soon absorbed and dispensed by the action of Electricity and Galvanism. DISEASES OF THE FIBROUS AND MUSCULAR SYSTEM. RHEUMATISM Is one of the most agonizing of all the diseases known to hu- manity, rendering its victims absolutely helpless, and sometimes placing them in such a condition that merely to touch them will make them almost crazy, while the ordinary physician looks on utterly unable to cure it. But whether it be acute or chronic, in whatever stage, it will yield to skilful Electric Treatment, and sooner or later be eradicated from the system. Electricity relieves the pain, removes the inflam- mation, reduces the swelling and restores the muscles and joints to their natural flexibility. Often, too, when there is danger of the Rheumatism striking the heart (when it is sure to end fatally), the Electro-pathic Treatment will at once arrest its progress. GOUT Is not so common in this country as abroad, and is generally to be foun among the wealthier classes of society, and especially 9 among those who are much given to the pleasures of the table. In this disease drugs are no use whatever. Diet, Electricity and Gal- vanism are the only means of cure. SPINAL COMPLAINTS, Such as Curvature of the Spine and Weakness of the Back, as well as Hip Disease, are very much benefited by the Electropathic Treatment, and I would ask those who are thus afflicted and are paying away their substance to physicians who cannot cure them, to plade themselves under my care, when they will speedily find the benefit they desire. DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND GENITAL SYSTEM. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, Of all kinds, are dangerous diseases, and often will not give way to the skill of the ordinary physician. In such cases the patient will find that Electricity will accomplish what drugs cannot. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER Is most irritating and painful, and sometines results fatally. This, however, will be at once allayed by the use of Electricity. SEMINAL WEAKNESS Too generally the result of youthful excess, is a terrible blow to a man when it comes upon him, a thing which too often happens just at the time that he is preparing a home for himself, and about to take upon himself the marriage relation. It is too late then for any internal remedies to re-impart to him his vigorous manhood; and the powerful vital forces of Electricity can alone remedy the evil and restore the organs to such a state that they are able to perform their proper functions. SYPHILIS. Strange as it may seem, this dreadful scourge of humanity can be cured by Electropathic Treatment, without the use of mercury, 10 and I am enabled to refer those who are so afflicted, privately, to parties that have been actually cured by me. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, As they are called, are too common in this country, and are much on the increase, while not only is the suffering caused by them great, but is also entailed upon future generations The causes of these complaints are generally two-fold. In the first place they are caused by unwise training and wrong habits and customs, and in the second place by indiscretion, and worse on the part of the in- dividuals themselves. HYSTERIA. Young girls just budding into womanhood are most subject to Hysteria, and their parents will find that the Electric Treatment soothes and invigorates the nerves in such a way as to render a re- currence of the attack improbable. SUPPRESSED OR PAINFUL MENSTRUATION, For which, in the ordinary practice, drugs that are often deleteri- ous are used, do not require any internal remedies at all. My sys- tem of treatment relieves the pain and brings a return of the flow by a gentle and yet effectual application, which can in no case injure the delicate organs of the sufferer. PROLAPSUS UTERI, Or Falling of the Womb and Misplacement of the Womb are two common female complaints which are the cause of an immense amount of suffering, both physical and mental, and sap the very foundations of health and vitality. They are the result of weakness of the muscular system, and until the vital energies are restored, and muscular contraction again brought into full and active play, there can be no permanent relief, nor can the womb return to its natural position. The ordinary treatment of these diseases is a per- fect outrage on humanity, and a disgrace to medical science. No 11 pessary, or other similar arrangement, can ever restore the lost en- ergies or remove the cause of the difficulty, and it is to Electricity alone that these sufferers now look for relief or cure. My Electro- pathic Treatment has been proved to be thoroughly successful with many such patients to whom I can refer. CONCLUSION. Having thus mentioned a few of the diseases which have been al- leviated or cured by Electropathic Treatment, I will conclude by stating, that in addition to the requisite scientific knowledge, for the practice of medical Electricity, I have the most perfect instru- ments at my command that Electrical Science is able to furnish for this purpose. HENDRICK G. de KRAFT. TESTIMONIALS. No. 5 Washington Place, New York, June 15, 1877. Dr. Hendrick de Kraft:— Dear Sir—Four years I have been a great sufferer. I had to go to the hospital to be treated, and afterwards had other physicians; but it availed me nothing. I was still suffering more than ever. Was very sick in bed when I sent for you. I was suffering intensely from Uterine trouble. What should I do? Every thing had failed. I had lost all confidence in Doctors and medicines. However, I came under your treatment, and after which (two months’ treat- ment) I was entirely restored. All sufferers of like troubles I ad- vice to go and see the Doctor, for I recommend him highly; and I can be referred to at any time at the above address. Yours, respectfully, Mrs. JACOBY. 441 Fifth Avenue, New York, March 12, 1877. Dr. de Kraft:— Dear Doctor—It is with very great pleasure that I am able to testify to your mode of treating disease, and the efficacy of it to cure diseased conditions without any medicine whatsoever. On last New Year’s day I was at once taken with Diphtheria affection of the worst sort; so much so that I could not take any food whatsoever. My throat seemed to be literally stopped up. I could not talk, and could scarcely respire. All my friends thought that I qould not 12 live (and I thought so, too). They telegraphed to nr si ster in Con- necticut to come on at once, if she wanted to see me alive. Under this condition I applied to you; but I did so with th< expectation to get medicine. As you were not at your office, being called away, your assistant attended to me, and he seemed to krirew at once what to do; and instead of giving me medicine, what 1 Expected, I was treated with Galvanism and Electricity. At any other time I should have objected to being treated so; but I had no choice; I was in danger of being choked every minute, and there was no alternative. I submitted at once, and after the first treatment I felt very much better; and about six hours after I had an application of Galvanism, and was after that treatment entirely cured Altogether I have been ten hours under your treatment. It was indeed wonderful. Every one of my friends was astonished—I myself most of all. 1 speak of your mode of treatment with enthusiasm, and I have not a doubt but that you can cure many hard cases otherwise incurable. There are many thousands of people who do not believe in Electric Treatment; in fact they are crying it down as of no account; and 1 was, perhaps, one of the number; but now I am convinced that it is good, and a remedy against disease. I am willing to bear testi- mony, and you can have me referred to at any time; and I am con- vinced in my own case that you can cure more sick people by youi mode of treatment, and save more lives by it than any other phys- ician in this city; and hope that this letter will encourage you to go on triumphantly to conquer the worst foe to human existence. I am dear Sir, yours, respectfully, THOMAS DeBOE. Sworn to before me, this 14th day of March, 1877. WM. M. THOMAS, Notary Public, N. Y. County. No. 4 Washington Place, New York, June i, 1877. To Dr. Hendrick de Kraft, No. 25 W. 26th St.:— Dear Doctor—It is with great pleasure that I am able to give you this testimonial to your skill as a physician ; and I shall ever be glad to testify in your behalf, because it was through you only 1 was enabled to enjoy again perfect health and strength, the greatest blessing on earth; and I wish you to make this letter known to the public, because some one who is afflicted might see it, and thus be enabled to find a good physician. And in order to make it more plain to you and every one who may chance to see it, I will here state that I was afflicted ever since I was 18 years old with Liver Complaint. I had continual headache, which made my whole ex- istence nothing less than a great misery. What should I do under these bad surroundings and circumstances but go and see the doc- tors, and I did so. I went to France and to Germany, and when I returned to this country I was as bad as ever. No help any where to find relief. I think I exhausted the skill of the physicians both in the old and new World to no purpose. I was recommended to you by one you had cured, and I came to see without any be- 13 lief in your treatment, nor in any one else’s. But I am ready to say that I do believe in it now, because you cured me of all my trouble and ailments in two weeks; and after six weeks more treatment I was entirely cured, and remain so—my health entirely restored. May God bless you in your efforts to restore sick and suffering humanity. I remain, dear sir, ever yours, very respectfully. Miss SOPHIA EBERHARD. No. 33 West 42D Street, New York, June 17, 1877. Dr. Hendrick de Kraft, No. 25 W. 26th St.:— Dear Sir—I had Rheumatism of the Lungs ever since September, 1876. I had three physicians come and see me, but to no good. 1 suffered on until this Spring, and it is only four weeks ago since I entirely recovered. I received from your hands only about eleven treatments of Electricity, and feel entirely well. When I heard of you I was so very sick that my husband had to carry me about; I could not move at all. When I had received one of your treatments I could walk and move myself about without anyone to help me— and slept well all night, which I could not do before. All this you accomplished without any medicine whatever, and 1 am ready to testify to the efficacy of your mode of treating disease. 1 remain, dear Sir, ever vour servant, Mrs. MARY GREEN. 1712 South 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., June i, 1877. To Dr. Hendrick de Kraft, No. 25 W. 26th St.:— Dear Sir—It is with great pleasure that I can send you this testi- monial of my entire cure of a bad case of Liver Complaint (harden- ing and enlargement of the Liver). The process of getting worse was going on for years. I did have the help of physicians at all times, and medicine without end, but not to any advantage what- ever. Medicine could only give some relief, that was all. In my experience it has no value for curing a growing evil; it does not even arrest it. However, I thought and was told that I had to bear my affliction; that I could not really look for a permanent relief, and that everything was done that was possible to be done, and the art and sienceof medicine could do. And then I rested until I was made acquainted with you, by friends who had been cured by you. I was certainly ready and willing to try any thing that would give me better health; and as you was so very highly recommended I felt more confidence in you than I felt usually towards physicians, because they all said to me, every one of them, that I could be cured, but they never done it. I was under your charge, and while under it I prospered; my health got by degrees better, and after about two months I was entirely cured. It is now over six months since I was cured by you, and I am to-day entirely well. Hoping that this will find its way to the public, and thac it will furnish the means of bringing you others who have sought in vain for health and a better condition of their system; and I will here 14 also say that I took no medicine whatever while under your treat- ment. I have taken none since, and hope never to take any more. Really, at first I thought it was not possible that any one could be cured without taking medicine. You, however, hav demonstrated the fact to me without any doubt that there is more good done with- out medicine than with it. May you ever be blessed with success in what you have done for me, and you can refer to me at any time. Ever yours, Mrs. SCHWARTZ. I suffered as you know from inflammatory gout for about two years; the pains I had to endure were of the most excruciating kind; not any sleep at night when I had them, nor any rest in day time. My existence was almost unendurable. I had heard of you before I came to you, because you had cured a cousin of mine. My folks had urged me to consult you many times, but I, of course, did not believe in Doctors any more, because they all said that they could cure me, which they never could nor did. Excuse me for making the remark, because I want to state exactly how I felt and express myself accordingly. But as you were so urgently recom- mended by my own relatives, I took courage and came to see you. You told me at once, after examination, that my case came under the list of curables, and that you could cure me by Galvanism alone—Electricity would not be of any account whatever; and so it came to pass that I was entirely cured in almost twenty-five treat- ments. Thanks to you and your science, and I hope the Doctors will come and take lessons of you for the benefit of suffering hu- manity. I know myself; my own experience teaches me that you have been a blessing to me, and I know also that you have been to others a great blessing in saving their lives and restoring them to health and happiness. You can make use of these testimonials any way you choose, and I will at any time endorse you fully and freely. Yours, ever truly, THOMAS DUNCAN, hi Conselyea Street, Brooklyn, E. D., Or, at the I. G. Shaw & Co., Book Establishment, 66 Duane Street, New York City- No. 33 West 42D Street, New York, September 1, 1876. Dr. Hendrick de Kraft, 25 West 26th Street:— Dear Doctor—I wish to add my testimony to the benefit I have received at your hands, by the application of the Electro Magnetic and Galvanic Treatment. I was for many years a nervous dyspep- tic, also had a severe intestinal difficulty, attended by bilious diar- rhoea, which caused great nervous exhaustion and consequent de- bility. In this condition I placed myself under your care for medi- cal treatment. I had been sick so long, and had tried various rem- edies and methods of treatment with little or no good, that I thought there was no relief for me; but after taking a tew of your 15 Galvanic Baths, my right arm and shoulder, in which I had severe pain and burning, and at that time almost useless to me, was en- tirely relieved, my general health was improved, and after continu- ing your treatment for three months, I found I had no intestinal or stomachic Doubles; my appetite became normal, in fact all my pains and ailments from which I had suffered from childhood have disappeared, and I have a good degree cf strength and uniform good health. All this I attribute to your kind and persevering eff- orts for the restoration of my health. S. L. HENDRICK. 1539 South 4TH Street, Philadelphia, April 17, 1876. This will certify that I was cured of a sore limb and ulcerated leg, with which I was afflicted ever since 1869. I received an in- jury on my foot and leg, took cold in it, and it was so inflamed and sore, that I was confined to my bed five weeks, and erysipelas set in; and ever since that time, seven years ago, I have had the sore ulcerated leg. I have had three physicians—one of them advised me to have the limb cut off, and the others could do very little for me in this coudition. I was informed by a friend of the cures per- formed by Electricity, and by Dr. H. De Kraft himself. I will here state that at that time, when I commenced treatment, I was very sick, 1 could not move about at all, and my limb was swollen up and sore, that my very existence was a burden to me. I commenced under these conditions, four weeks ago, and now, after fifteen treat- ments, I am not only well and perfectly healthy, but my general health has improved so much as to be truly astonishing. My limb is entirely cured, the soreness of my leg gone, and I can walk as well as any man who had never had any sickness or any trouble. I recommend Dr. De Kraft to all suffering humanity; he has been a blessing to me and my existence, to my family and children. Any one who will address me or call on me, I will endorse the Doctor, and I have not a doubt that he can cure where other physi- cians and other doctors have failed. I vouch for the faithful performance of what he promises, and have full confidence in his skill as a physician. MAJOR LEWIS WANNER. Sworn and subscribed before me this 17th day of April, A. D. 1876. [l. s.] NORMAN C. STEVENS, Notary Public. REMARKABLE CURE OF INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. Philadelphia, January 15, 1877. Dr Hendrick De Kraft:— Dear Sir—Your thorough application of Elecericity in about fif- teen treatments, entirely restored me to health and strength. I was afflicted with Inflammatory Rheumatism about six weeks, could not move about, and could not do anything. The pain I suffered was intense. Before I came to you I tried both the old and new school physicians but they could not do anything to free me from pain, noi the inflamed condition I was in. Your treatments have done won- ders in my case. It is now about six months since I first came to you, and I still continue quite well. Any one who is similarly afflicted, let them call on Dr. H. De Kraft, who will help them, if there is any cure possible, and if there are any who wish to address me, 1 will answer them to indorse your treatment. MARTIN NEPPEL, 536 Morris Street. Sworn to before EDWARD H. SOUDER, Notary Public. Joliet. Ills July 7,1877. I learn from friends in New York that you have recently re-open- ed your old establishment at 25 West 26th Street, i ,»r healing the sick through the agency of Galvanism and Electricity. I am glad for the sake of the many that you will cure by your de- lightful and pleasant method of treatment. I know this by my own experience, and the experience of numbers of others who have been restored through your efforts to good health. I had suffered many months with severe neuralgic affection ; also had catarrh, and chronic inflammation of the lining membrane of the bowels, which you told me was invariably the result of liver complaint. I had great soreness and tenderness in the region of the stomach and bowels, when pressed upon by the hand, and a sensation of full- ness and weight in that region. I had also a good deal of flatulen- cy, with colic pftins, and a disagreeable feeling of distension, as if bloated. Sometims I had severe diarrhoea, and at other times cos- tiveness. I was afflicted with such a complication of diseases that I felt it utterly useless for me to try to regain health ; but after consul- tation with you, I began to have hope, and after taking treatment at your hands and following your directions as regards diet and ex- ercise for two months, I began to feel an improvement and buoyan- cy of spirits I had not known in a long time. It has now been two years since I saw you, and I have not felt the necessity of further treatment, for I feel that I am radically cured. I will be pleased to give further particulars of my case and treatment to any person who may refer to me, and will answer any inquiries by letter. Yours, Truly, Rev. LOCKE WHITTIER BUFFUM. 308 West 39m Street, New York, July 14, 1877. Doctor Hendrick De Kraft:— Dear Doctor—I can recommend your method of applying medi- cal treatment by Electricity and Galvanism in the highest terms, as I have witnessed the beneficial results of your treatment in the case of my niece, and of other friends who were dangerously ill, and were restored to health through the agency of Electricity and Galvanism; and I would assure invalids, by my own experience, that any person who is so fortunate as to fall into the hands of Dr. Hendrick De Kraft for medical treatment, will find a kind, faithful and skillful physician. MRS. MARTINE GOODMAN. THE ORIGINAL GALVANIC BATH, 25 West Twenty-sixth Street, NEW YORK. REFERENCES: FROM DR. THOMAS J. LEWIS, OF HROOKI.YN. The undersigned, as a practicing physician for the past twenty-, ve y tars, would say that he has had the acquaintance of Dr. Hendrick De Kraft hu fit past twelve years, and knows that he has few equals in the mode of curl g the sick. His method of applying Galvanism and Electricity is not only t ew and unique, but truly marvelous and efficacious in its results, as I have knov uany invalids who were called incurable by able and eminent physicians, re ,ored to health and strength by his mode of treatment. I have every confidence in his ability to diagnose disease, and cure all curable diseases w' ..out the use ot poisonous drugs, and I can confidently recommend him as a person of honor and high pro- fessional skill. THOS. J. LEWIS, 485 Waverly Place. Brooklyn, July 12, 1877. Miss Sophia Eberhard, 4 North Washington Square, New York, cured of liver complaint and billious headache. Thomas DeBoe, 441 Fifth Avenue, New York, cured of dyptheria. Mrs. Mary Green, 33 West 42d Street, cured of rheumatism of the lungs. Mrs. Schwartz, 1702 South 6th Street, Philadelphia, cured of hardening and en- largement of the liver. Thomas Duncan, m Conselyea Street, Brooklyn, cured of rheumatic gout. Maj. Louis Wanner, 1539 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, cured of ulcerated leg. Rev. Locke Whittier Buffum, Joliet, Bis., cured of neuralgia and catarrh. Martin Nepple, 536 Morris Street, Philadelphia, cured of inflamatory rheuma- tism. S. L. Hendrick 33 West 42d Street, New York, cured of dyspepsia and chronic diarrhoea. Dr. A. L. Wood, 16 and 18 Leight Street, New York. Mrs. Geo. W. Bennett, 674 Madison Street, Brooklyn. Mrs. C. R. Wood, 130 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ferguson, 693 Sixth Avenue, New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lant, 626 Sixth Avenue, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Arthur, Dobb’s Ferry, New York. Mr. W. Miller, 357 West 19th Street, New York. Mr. J. Haight, 126 East 91st Street, New York. Mr. Charles J. Neppel, 712 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Mrs. Martine Goodman, 398 West 39th Street, New York. Shepard Knapp, 183 Sixth Avenue, New York. Rev. Locke Whittiter Buffum, Joliet, Bis. Mr. E. V. Wilson, Lombard, Bis. TO THE LADLES. Dr. S. L. Hendrick, an experienced Lady Physician, will be in attendance at the Institute upon the Ladies.