REPORT ON THE VENTILATION OF THE HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES, AND OF THE SOUTH WING OF THE CAPITOL OF THE UNITED STATES. TO PROF. JOS. HENRY, COL. T. LINCOLN CASEY, DR. J. S. BILLINGS, EDW. CLARK, ESQ., F. SCHUMANN, ESQ., COMMISSION, OF INQUIRY, ETC. ROBrAy'BRIGGS, C. E. PHILADELPHIA. PRESS OF HENRY B. A SIIM E A D, Nos. 1102 & 1104 Sansom Street. 1876. REPORT ON VENTILATION OF HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bit ROBERT BRIGGS, C.E. To Prof. Joseph Henry, Col. T. Lincoln Casey, Doctor J. S. Billings, Edward Clark, Esq., F. Schumann, Esq., Commission to examine into the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. Gentlemen:—In conformity with your request that I should give you a statement of the system and apparatus for ventilating and warming the Ilall of Representatives as originally proposed and con- structed, and after personal examination, its present condition and performance, I have to say : I. Regarding the original plans, that it was proposed to introduce to the Ilall, by means of an apparatus for this room only, from the most eligible point about the grounds of the Capitol, the most ample supply of fresh, pure air. The place selected from which the supply of fresh air was to be taken, was the esplanade or upper terrace at the northwest corner of the south wing of the New Building, between it and the Old Capitol, in the entering angles or recess formed by the connecting building; and from the ground level of this terrace, the air passed directly through regulated windows, into the room in the crypt containing the fan. The supply of air for the north wing—for the portion of the building occupied by the Senate, was taken from the corresponding point at the south-west corner of that wing, the same arguments as to suitability of place, attach to that choice of position. This locality was deemed pre-eminently advantageous. The pre- vailing winds of the District are westerly. It is of the rarest occur- 4 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. rence that there is any but a short deviation from this direction ; perhaps not one entire day in forty does the wind come from the east- ward, or even from due north or south. The western front of the Capitol surmounts an elevation of ground above the level of Pennsyl- vania Avenue, and of the streets and open grounds beyond those ot the Capitol itself, of perhaps fifty feet height. The esplanade is is nearly level, but is only some thirty feet wide, and is at the top ot a steep terrace rise of thirty to thirty-five feet. The great extent of the Capitol building, (over 700 feet,) from north to south, thus forms a barrier to the westerly currents, which roll upward against it, and effectually prevent the fall of any vitiated air which may escape from the doors, windows or flues. Before this terrace there exists a wide park (800 to 1000 feet in width), carefully graded, and drained, and preserved in the most healthy condition by constant labor and atten- tion, shaded by numerous trees which absorb a portion of the heat of the air, and are still more valuable for the purpose of securing air for the house, in the interception of dust, from the streets beyond the grounds. The propriety of removal of the point for obtaining supply of pure air, further from the Capitol, and also the condition of air at different elevations as regards purity, was fully considered. The location of any more or less removed point of supply was obviously, from the configuration of the ground, restricted to either west or east of the Capitol, as the marshes then existing north or south (and yet existing to the south) were manifestly unsuitable for sources of pure air, either on the surface or with quite high towers (except some Washington monuments were designed for the purpose). The conditions of westerly winds referred to, would also demand that a point of supply on the east side should be either very far removed or very much elevated, if the emitted air from the Capitol should be certainly dispersed before the supposed mouth for supply of fresh air, were reached. In fact the statement of conditions alone makes it obvious, that of the two locations, the one to the west of the Capitol should be chosen; and the remaining questions must be examined as an accepted basis of a supply of air from this side. Removal from proximity to the building, supposed a tunnel connected to some open- ing or tower situated on the ground, below the terrace. Twenty years ago, at which time the decision as to source of fresh air supply was made, the Tiber was an open gulley taking the drainage of two square Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 5 miles of territory, then but sparsely covered by tenements—the canal was also a broad, stagnant, filthy pool; and the reservations outside the Capitol grounds were pestilent, undrained and ungraded marshes. The carrying of a tunnel down towards these abominations and placing of an opening near, or a little elevated above, the surface of the ground; getting nearer and nearer to the dusty Pennsylvania Avenue; sacri- ficing all the advantages of distance, and time for removal of dust, would not he approved; and even to-day, with the circumstances so changed in the enumerated conditions at that time, it is doubtful if mouth for entrance of air near the surface would meet commendation. A tower thus becomes the alternative. Its dimension is fixed by the quantity of air needed—40 feet square or 50 feet internal diameter, are the least dimensions requisite to furnish air to both wings and the Old Building together. Its height must be 35 to 40 feet to reach the top of the esplanade alone, and as much higher as might he con- ceived necessary to find the pure air uncontaminated from all im- purities. IIow high can this be conceived % This becomes the next question involved in the discussion, and it is answered by referring to the results of investigations made before 1855, and frequently re- peated since, upon the purity of air in cities at different elevations, the results of which can be briefly stated. There are great variations in the quality of air in different cities, arising from density of popu- lation, nature of fuel, character and avocations of the inhabitants; and again from climate, prevailing winds, and winds at the time of observation, hygrometic condition, normal or abnormal, etc., etc.; but .after the dispersion of impurity generated in any particular locality, the purest air is generally found from 6 to 40 feet, the most impure at 70 to 90 feet above the level of the ground, with gradation rising to balloon heights. Over any free or open places in a city the dispersion of local impurities is the more completely effected, and the uniformity of condition the more generally obtained ; but the elevated air is more impure, when the stratum of diffused chimney exhalation is reached, than it is below. The Londoner does not experience any great sense of purity of air from the top of St. Paul’s as a general rule; and the haze of any large city is perceptible for miles on a still day—the entire city is covered as with a blanket by an ascending and dispersing cloud, and receiving its fresh air from beneath from all sides. Upon a still day, a tower would manifestly offer little advantage 6 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. in its elevation of the point of taking the air, as regards its purity, unless the height were over 100, and perhaps quite 200 feet or more; while on a windy day, in such a locality as that in which the United States Capitol is placed, the average condition of the air at any elevation above the ground would be established. The objection that the air is heated in traversing the stone surface of the esplanade before entering the fan mouth, can be admitted only in part; for the volume is so great that only the least portion of air comes in contact with the stones, the greater part of it by far, being taken directly from the space ; but the same objection attaches with equal or greater force to a masonry tower, which whenever exposed to the sun, will have an upwTard heated current rolling along and flowing up it, to be sucked in at the top. A tower or tunnel wTould have been unsightly; costly in first con- struction, expensive ever afterwards to draw the air through it, and open to the criticism of scientific men at all times without the possibility of logical support; and although it would have been a demonstration, and although it might meet the written authority of many who have considered ventilation, as a problem of what should be done in lieu of howr to do it, yet I am satisfied this statement of reasons will show the propriety of the original choice of the place for taking fresh pure air for the ventilation of the Capitol. The internal dimensions of the room, occupied as the Hall of Repre- sentatives, are 139 feet long (east and west); by 93 feet wide (north and south); by 36 feet average height (from general level of l,owTer floor, to the average surface of the under sides of the ceiling); the lower floor, where the seats and desks for the members of the House are placed, is 113 feet long by 67 feet wide, and is surrounded by re- tiring rooms and private vestibules under the galleries. The retiring rooms (coat rooms) are always open to the floor of the Hall, and re- ceive their ventilation from the Hall apparatus. The gallery walls are about 12 feet high, wTith a parapet, which makes them show7 about two feet more in height. The cubical contents of the entire room, with the coat rooms and vestibules, are, very nearly, 500,000 cubic feet. The South Wing of the United States Capitol is a building 230 feet long (east and west), by 135 feet wide (north and south), outside of the walls of enclosure; (there are extended porches on the east, south and Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 7 west sides, and a connecting building on the north side joins the main edifice, or “Old Capitol”); it is three stories in height, above the ground level, and the Hall is in the second and third stories, (the gal- leries opening from the third floor,) with a basement of dark rooms (intended for depositing stationery in the original allotment of rooms), under the floor of the Hall. The basement story is 20 feet in floor height, and there is a crypt of perfectly dry, vaulted rooms, beneath the ground floor of the entire building. On the east front of the Capitol, the ground is nearly level (having a slight rising grade eastwardly), and the basement story floor is elevated four or five feet above it. On the southern and west- ern fronts the ground falls off- rapidly, giving the esplanade and ter- race previously mentioned on the western front. The quantity of air determined upon was that of 30 cubic feet each minute per individual in the Hall in the coldest weather of winter, and of 60 cubic feet each minute per individual in the Hall, at other seasons, or when desired. The crowded capacity of the floor and galleries (the latter being occupied by seated persons) was estimated at 1600 individuals, and thus the minimum ventilation became 50,000 cubic feet, and the maximum 100,000 cubic feet per minute. [See Appendix A.] These volumes of air were supplied by means of a large fan, 16 feet in external diameter, which was driven by an independent steam engine of proper dimensions. This fan and its engine are situated in the north-west corner room, of the cellar or crypt of the south wing of the Capitol. The fan was supposed to be required to overcome a total resistance, equivalent to about four-tenths or six-tenths of an inch of a column of water ; which corresponds to the pressure of air of two to three pounds upon the square foot: being the total resistance to the passage of the air which should proceed from the air ducts leading to the Hall; from the channels of distribution under the Hall floor; from the mouths of discharge of the registers into the Hall, and finally, from the floors through the Hall, out of the ceiling, and through the roof to the open air. With these resistances the fan was supposed, when running at the rate of 50 to 60 revolutions per minute to give the 50,000 cubic feet of air, and when running at 100 to 120 revolu- tions per minute to give the 100,000 cubic feet of air, required. The provisions for heating the air were fully equal to the largest 8 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. demand, there being for this purpose, one main coil (in four separated parts) of wrought iron steam pipes, of one inch internal diameter, having a total length of 50,000 running feet (nearly 10 miles) of pipes ; which pipes have a total heating surface of 17,000 square feet. The air ducts from the fan to the coil, and from the coil to the Hall, were somewhat tortuous, being necessarily so, to obtain the requisite dimensions without encroachment upon the architectural arrangements of the building ; but they have the proper size, and are free from en- largements or angles, so as to afford an unrestricted flow for the air currents within them. The sources of power, the means of producing steam for the impulse of the air, and for heating it—the boilers—were ample in capacity. II. The choice of the system of ventilation was made by Gen. M. C. Meigs after long and due consideration, and was that known as a forced (or plenum) upivard system. The work on the Capitol Extension had been placed in the hands of General Meigs in March, 1852, after the commencement of the building, and after the construction had proceeded, to the “ completion of the cellars and arches to the basement floorand continued in his charge until October or November, 1859, at which time both wings of the buildings wTere occupied, the Hall of Representatives having been used throughout the session of 1858-9. Accompanying the first report of General Meigs (May, 1853, to the Secretary of War on the progress of work on the Capitol Extension), are notes of his primary investigations upon acoustics and ventilation, in which he proposed to adopt a forced downward ventilation for reasons stated, but subsequent study led to another conclusion. In June or July of 1855, while General Meigs was pursuing his investigations on the subject of ventilation of the Extension of the Capitol, he became acquainted with the late Mr. Joseph Nason, of New York. Mr. Nason was at that time un- questionably the best informed and most experienced person on Heating and Ventilation in the United States, and his practice had made him acquainted with the requirements of the climate which were not (and as yet are not) properly con- sidered in any publication on the subject. Mr. Nason’s eminent skill as a mechanic, his profound information, and his happiness in imparting it, commanded for him the position of a consulting engineer on this specialty beyond any person then or now living. He had been the founder of the system of steam heating by means of wrought iron steam pipes, now so generally employed in all countries; and his investigations and experience in ventilation had led to the adoption by him of mechanical appliances suited to meet the occasion, and which have formed the type of all subsequent Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 9 practice. With a highly inventive and appreciative mind, he was a keen observer and student, and his store of knowledge rose to that point, where with all his novelties of application he could not or did not claim the inventors rewards in patents. Yet it is not an exaggeration to say that all the essential details of con- struction now in common use in steam heating, with the highest refinement of shapes and the closest relation to absolute utility or cost of production, are unim- proved and substantially unchanged as they proceeded from Joseph Nason, and beside this, that nine-tenths of the patents of the past thirty years referring either to heating or ventilation apparatus or to any details, are founded upon or trench upon his accepted or discarded practice. Mr. Nason was a pupil (and student) of Jacob Perkins (an American mechanic of world-wide renown) of London, and he faithfully sustained the reputation and aided in the progress of the art of heating which Mr. Perkins established. Mr. Nason was consulted by General Meigs in the preparation of the plans for arrangement of apparatus used at the Capitol Extension. The following considerations are those which determined the prefer- ence for the system adopted : The comfortable temperature at which the Hall was to be kept was obviously at or near 70° Fah. Now the natural internal warmth of the body is very nearly 100° Fah., regardless of the heat of the sur- rounding air; and the personal comfort which proceeds from air at 70°, is found to be accompanied by an actual loss of heat from the skin, which is cooled with constancy and regularity and yet without so rapid dispersion of heat as to give the sensation of cold. The breath also is inhaled at whatever temperature of air may subsist at the place, but is exhaled at all times at 90° or 95°. Hence the occu- pants of a room, the air of which has a normal temperature of 70°, will impart to it such excess of heat as may be given out from the person or breath, and if the temperature is to be kept at the 70° point, some means of absorbing or dispersing this heat must be provided. [The actual quantity of heat proceeding from the formation of carbonic acid given out with the breath each minute, as deduced from the careful experiments of Doctor Edward Smith, is sufficient to raise the temperature of 30 cubic feet of air from 10° to each minute, probably about one-third of this heat is taken up in formation of moisture from the lungs and skin.] The exhalations of the breath are composed of air partially deprived of oxygen (that is with excess of nitrogen), carbonic acid and vapor of water with small quantities of organic matter in suspension. This organic matter is recognized to be the source of effluvia and also of disease, and the great purpose of ventilation is its removal. In whatever condition the organic matter escapes from the lungs or exudes from the person and passes off with 10 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. the insensible perspiration, it sours or decomposes very quickly—a few minutes only suffice for it to become offensive. It makes the offensive odor which is found so marked in the galleries or upper parts of halls of audience, especially in those which are inadequately supplied with fresh air. The exhaled breath has a temperature of 90° (or a little above), but, as it has with it a proportion of six per cent, of carbonic acid, which is heavier than the equivalent volume of air (in which it is diffused and from which it does not separate), the resulting specific gravity of expired air is about four per cent, lighter than that of air at 70°. From these heating effects of the person it follows that any individual is always surrounded and enveloped in an ascending current of air; and this current can be made manifest by experiment and shown to have a perceptible velocity notwithstanding the downward direction of breath from the nostrils. A little spiral of paper mounted upon the end of a knitting needle, or a delicate anemometer (instrument for measuring the velocity of currents of air) will answer to show this phenomena; and the latter instrument will give the ascending velocity over the crown of the head at two to five feet per second. If this upward tendency of air derived from the contact with the person and the levity of the breath did not exist, it is obvious that no large assembly of people could live for an hour on a calm day. The vitiation of the air by the emanations from the skin and by the exhaled breath with its carbonic acid would bring this about. An army could not form in mass, at a review. M. C. M If therefore a system of downward ventilation were installed, which should give the least supposable supply of air to each individual in the Hall, the descending current of air distributed over the whole surface of the room would be in opposition to the natural currents produced by the heat of the body. In this way the intermixture of foul with fresh air would be perfectly consummated, and as the volume of air to be introduced (with a least supply) was found to be so much as would affect the entire change of the air in the Hall (supposing the change to occur without mixture) in eight or nine minutes, and the foul air of exhalation must have risen, until by mixture its temperature became that of the room ; and it follows that at no time would any person on the floor of the Ilall have a single breath of pure air. It is not easy to say how far down in the Hall the fresh air, which is supposed to enter at the top, would reach as fresh air; but it is probable that it would be partly fouled at once, and that the whole nine to ten minutes would be the length of time, Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 11 in which the mingling of the exhalations from the person and breath, with the fresh air, would take place; during which time the organic matter in suspension would be partly decomposed. On the other hand, with an upward ventilation the fresh air would be breathed by any person, within half of a minute of its time of entry, wTith no intermingling of currents, and unmixed with exhaled breath; except by diffusion downward, in opposition to the direction of flow. Be- sides these considerations of the nature of the air when introduced by downward ventilation, over the head of an audience, it must be noticed in accordance with previous remarks that to preserve the temperature of the room at 70° amongst the audience, the fresh air ’tself must be somewhat below 70°, and that a downward current will not only meet the natural upward one, but produce a positive flow in the downward direction, which, however small its velocity, as a cold current, would be sure to be perceptible, and could not or would not be endured. There are other and quite as cogent reasons against the introduc- tion of air from above. A prominent one in the Hall of Represen- tatives, if it be supposed that the vitiated air be removed through open- ings in the floor of the Hall, wrould be the passage of the vitiated air from the galleries (sometimes crowded with persons) upon the heads, and down amongst the members seated on the floor; or if it be sup- posed that it be attempted to remove the vitiated air from the galleries, by openings in the gallery floor, there would then be an alarming uncer- tainty as to the existence of any ventilation on the floor below. But without enumerating more reasons, it is enough to claim the sufficiency of those already stated; and to say that an upward, plenum, venti- lating system met the views of the writer in 1855, and the adoption and approval of General Meigs at that time. After twenty years more experience, study and examination at home and abroad, and after inspection of the present condition of the ventilation of the Hall of Representatives, the writer is the more convinced of the pro- priety of the decision then reached. [It will be noticed that the question of the merits of a plenum or exhaust system of ventilation for the Hall, has not been referred to in these remarks, but further on in this report the defects and un- suitability of an exhaust system either upwards or downwards will be strikingly exhibited.] 12 Report on the Ventilation of the Ilall of Representatives. III. The Hall of Representatives is a room requiring no heating. It is enclosed by corridors, which are at all times and seasons heated to summer temperature, and upon the east and west sides (or ends) these corridors themselves are protected from loss of heat by an ex- ternal row of well warmed rooms. The basement below the Hall is also warmed, and the iron ceiling above is well protected by a large air space, covered by a copper roof, and although some loss of heat does occur at the ceiling in cold weather, yet the volume of escaping air, which is always a little overheated, is so great that the tempera- ture of the roof space is generally up to 60° or 70° in the daytime, in the coldest weather, rising to 110° when the gas is lighted. The problem is, therefore, how to cool the Hall, and how to deprive the air which it contains, of the heat emanating from the occupants at any given time. For the occupants themselves the problem is still more embarrass- ing, for it is how to cool from 500 to 1600 people in the Hall, by means of currents of air cooler than the general temperature of the room, which currents must be introduced and distributed without pro- ducing the sensation of cold by any one of the occupants. There is a personal—physical—difficulty involved with the introduction of air amongst a crowd, and consequently near to some if not each of its number, which demands investigation in this place. The sensation of cold from contact with air is not that proceeding from its temperature alone, but is affected in some means by the hy- grometric condition—and to yet greater extent by the action of a current or draft upon the skin. It was stated that in still air [of American hygrometric condition] the comfortable temperature was 70°, but a current of air upon the person at this temperature is uncom- iortably cold from the rapid abstraction of heat. At much higher temperatures the sensation of coolness from currents of air is felt. One fans himself when the thermometer stands at 100° with a sensa- tion of relief. This feeling of cold, from air of high temperature, when in motion, proceeds from the rapid removal of the stratum of warm and nearly saturated air in contact with the person and its re- placement by fresh air, which is not only cooler but which has not yet become saturated or charged with moisture by contact with a moist surface like that of the skin. In no one of the changes in the three forms of matter—solid, liquid and gaseous—is there so much heat taken up as in the change from a liquid to a gaseous (or vaporous) Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 13 form, and in no other body or substance is so much heat absorbed or become latent as in the formation of steam from water, or in other words, in the process of evaporation; and the quantity of heat taken up by the moisture which a dry air abstracts from the skin is so great, that the mere differences of temperature of the air, from that of the skin may almost be neglected in the statement; and it is very nearly correct to assert that the cool sensation from a breeze in summer, pro- ceeds entirely from the evaporation of moisture thereby induced. Upon this basis it may be noticed that a current of saturated air at 100° would neither remove heat by its contact nor by induced evaporation, and consequently would be incapable of producing a cool- ing effect, while as the temperature on the dew point should fall, the current would become a pleasant one. With a high temperature and dry air the cooling effect of a current of air (even at 100°) may be very pleasant in the sensation, but will be attended with sun-burning (even without exposure to the sun) and blisters will be produced by the excessive deprivation of moisture from the cuticle or surface of the skin. With 80° of temperature and a high dew point a strong breeze is not unpleasant; nor likely to be injurious after the person shall have acquired some accustomed habit of body to endure it; but at 70° and a low dew point, which is the only possible condition of heated air in midwinter, the annoyance of a current of even five feet per second and its unhealthiness are positive facts. These considerations demand that no decided local currents or counter-currents shall be formed, or induced in any portion of the Hall; and require a distribution of the supply of air upon, or over the entire surface of the floor, so as to produce a uniform and gradual ascent of the current, in all parts of the room. The solution of the problem, then, is only to be reached when we have successfully introduced into the Hall of Representatives 50,000 to 100,000 cubic feet of comparatively cool air each minute, amongst and in proximity to 1600 persons, without its being sensibly felt. After much deliberation it was concluded to attempt the supply of most of the air for ventilation, from registers, (mouths of entry placed in and about the lower floor of the Hall,) and to permit the galleries to derive their supply, mainly from the ascending columns from the space which they surround. The nearest approach to a uniform dis- tribution, would of course have been attained by the perforated floor and porous carpet of the House of Lords, England; but the habits of 14 Hep or t on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. our people in use of tobacco put this method out of the question, and the same objection attached to numerous small open registers, and the best arrangement seemed to be a compromise. The floor of the Hall had platforms or wide steps, upon which the seats of the members are placed, and which are so constructed as to form semi-circles around the Speaker’s Desk (the desk being placed in the middle of one side of the Hall) and there were three radial inclined, and two other straight passages or aisles, which led from the highest platform to the forum, Speaker’s Desk, in front and at the sides of the floor. The arrangement of the platforms gave to the three nearest the forum a width of four feet nine inches, then a wide one of six feet nine inches, following this two others of four feet nine inches, and from the last semicircle the floor was carried over level to the angles of the room. There were thus seven risers of three inches hiffh each. The aisles began with a step of seven inch rise and thus had a very gradual descent of fourteen inches to the forum ; and the construc- tion gave an end or side riser of varying height where each platform joined the aisle. For the purpose of avoiding the abuses of horizontal gratings or registers, therefore, and yet to preserve the vertical direction of the currents of air, these ends risers to the platform (side risers on the aisles) were availed of, as the places of entrance of fresh air; and as the aisles were but three or four feet in width, the strong horizontal currents from the opposite sides, would encounter and neutralize each other; the intermingled air would have the desired direction upwards, and be so much spread out as a vein of air, as to have a relatively low velocity of ascent. This arrangement gave three main radial sheets of ascending air in the body of the hall, and another main sheet of the same kind along the side upon which the Speaker’s desk is placed. Other registers were placed at the base of gallery wall, which were screened by covers opening downward; and to provide an ascending current in the corners, outside the semicircle of the platforms, large floor registers were subsequently inserted in each of them. The coat rooms were provided with ventilating (supply) registers at the foot of the walls; and some flues in the gallery walls connected to openings in the galleries, which were made in the parapet wall in front of the passages to the seats, and delivered a considerable volume of fresh air to them. But much the greater part of the air was made to enter at the floor of the Hall, so that members had the advantage of the first Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 15 entry of air into the room. This distribution of the registers pro- vided that in no case was a current of air directed against any person occupying a seat in the Hall, either on the floor or in the galleries. The fan employed was of a type selected by Gen. Meigs after the published description of M. Combes (“Aerage des Mines”), but more closely resembling a fan made by Jacob Perkins in 1826. It might be called an air turbine. [The proportions of the parts and shapes of blades, etc., were the subject of a paper read before the Institution of Civil Engineers, by the writer of this report, in 1870. More than 100 such fans are used for ventilation of public buildings in the United States at this time.] The diameter of the fan (16 feet) was adopted in order to give a slow and easy motion to the engine, which drove it by direct connection ; and its width at the periphery was such as would give at the required pressure, the required volume of air per minute. The superficial area of the width, about the periphery, is 64.31 square feet; but the area of peripheral discharge of air, which is to be taken normal to the 45° angle blades, is 45.49 square feet; whence the least cross section of a frictionless duct to carry away air from this fan^should be 45.49 square feet. The duct leading from the fan, however, had (I believe) an area of 60 to 65 square feet, and this area was preserved until it passed under the Hall floor, where a slight gradual enlargement occurred. The total area of all the mouths of discharge was 80 square feet, but the apertures of the gratings over these mouths, had a total sectional area of not much over 40 square feet. The velocity of the flow of air from the tips of the vanes of the fan when it was giving 50,000 cubic feet per minute, was 1100 feet in the same time (or 19 feet per second); and with 100,000 cubic feet per minute, the velocity was 2200 feet (or 38 feet per second). It is of course desirable that the current of air in which any per- son shall be compelled to remain, shall not be much above 2 feet per second, although 5 feet per second is not perceptible when the air is in the summer condition of humidity. The velocity of flow through the apertures in the gratings was very high (i. e. 40 feet per second with summer ventilation of 100,000 cubic feet per minute), but within 3 or 4 inches of the apertures, the velocity would fall off 3 or 4 times, by enlargement or spreading out of the stream of air, while the practical result of the opposing currents was to make, at each aisle 16 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. a main ascending sheet of 18 inches to 2 feet in thickness, within two feet of the aisle floor. It must be remarked that comparatively small importance was attached to the procurement of low velocity of emerging air, from the apertures of discharge; but that it was regarded as in the highest degree essential that the resulting currents beyond the apertures, should diffuse into slowly ascending volumes, as nearly as possible, uniformly distributed within the room; and above all so as not to blow upon any one, and thus the entry of air would be made imper- ceptible to the occupants of the Hall. The spaces of flooring, between the aisles, received their ventila- tion partly by mixture of counter currents, which did not attain any sensible rate of speed, and partly by diffusion of gases, which does so much to establish the equilibrium of gaseous mixtures in the open atmosphere as well as in enclosed rooms. It was seen at once on the first session, that any one who should enter the Hall somewhat chilled from out of doors in winter, could not acquire warmth in the temperature of 70°, with the desirable celerity, and that more direct radiant heat was necessary. To meet this require- ment, fireplaces were made in the coat rooms under the galleries at the earliest convenience. The entry and distribution of fresh air having been thus provided, the removal of vitiated air was effected as follows: Through the action of the fan, a condition of pressure of air (or plenum) was maintained, by means of which the air would seek to escape by every opening from the Hall outwards; and it will be seen that under such circumstances, any large local outlet would tend to induce a current of air within the Hall flowing towards it. This tendency was resisted, and the proper vertical direction and uniformity of up- ward flow of air in the Hall was insured, by the judicious placing of numerous small outlets in the iron and glass ceiling. The total super- ficial area of these outlets was assayed to be sufficiently restricted to effect the distributed discharge, and at the same time sufficiently large to give the proper delivery of foul air each instant. The means of egress above the ceiling were mainly two sets of louvres at the ridge or peak of the roof at each end of the building. [These louvres were removed from above the Hall to avoid the possible accident of drifting snow or rain upon the iron or glass ceiling.] But a portion Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 17 of the air escaped by leakage through the copper covering of the roof, which is formed of corrugated copper sheets placed overlapping each other; and not soldered, confined or made air-tight at the laps or joints. The delivery of air at all times was perfectly satisfactory, while the great area of discharge reduced the rate of the outflowing cur- rent to a very low one, but when measured by the anemometer the volume of air which passed, Avas found to correspond fairly with that which was impelled by the fan at any given time. It used to be a matter of exhibition to show that the escaping air was devoid of offensive, almost of noticeable odor, and except when the gas was lighted above the ceiling, was not offensive to breathe. Ample provision was made to supply steam for vaporization or moistening of the air, if a hydrated condition was thought desirable. IV. Submitting this general account of the origin and nature of the apparatus as it existed in 1858, I will now proceed to state the result of the examination made, at your request, into its present con- dition and operation, enumerating the changes introduced and the final result on -the ventilation of the Hall. The boilers and running machinery appear now, after eighteen years of service, during which time they have had little repair or restoration, to be in excellent order. The present engineer reports the boilers to be equal to new ones, but such a statement is of course to be qualified, possibly by referring to some new ones. The engine and fan are certainly in good working condition. The main heating coil has suffered from neglect, which occurred some years since. One of the four parts was at some time injured by the freezing of water in the lower tubes (which was an avoidable accident), and it has been removed. With the limited supply of air which it has been feasible to introduce for some years, even previous to the accident, the three parts remaining were, and are of sufficient heating capacity, if the gap made in the bank of pipes by the removal of one part were controlled by shutters, to check the entrance and flow of a current of unheated air beyond the coil. As the main coil now is, the probability of the discharge into the Hall of hot and cold waves is very great. All the regulating shutters originally intended for the distribution of air in entering the large 18 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. coil (and indispensable for protection from frost if any part of the main coil should have its steam shut off) have been removed. The remaining parts of the main coil have many split tubes (which prob- ably has been occasioned by frost), and the air now supplied is in some measure, if not entirely, hydrated by the leakage of steam and water. On the whole, the heating capacity is superabundant for the present time and season; but restoration to original condition is highly desirable before next winter. The separate pieces of the removed part are in one of the vaults, and a large proportion of their number are available in the restoration, supposing that no new arrangement be eventually considered advisable. I explored all the air ducts and passages. In company with the present engineer I entered and examined the same—from the inlet of the fan—from the fan to the coil—above the coil to and beneath the Hall floor—creeping in all directions amongst the passages, and finally emerging at the opposite, or southeastern corner of the floor. The present condition of these ducts and passages as regards cleanliness was all that could be asked for; in one or two places there are some piles of bricks and rubbish where some walls have been cut through, but there is no appearance of anything likely to be deleterious. Near the beginning of the duct, shortly beyond the main coil, there exists the remains of a shallow tank or basin, which was formed by giving a flooring and sides of sheet lead to a portion of the duct itself, at a place where there was an original depression. This is a relic, I am told, of an attempt to hydrate or supply moisture to the air by vaporizing water. It was assumed that the air in passing above and across the basin of water would take up as much as would be needful to give it the summer condition of humidity. This assumption was based upon experience with the scorching currents from an ordinary hot air furnace, which if they do not take up enough moisture to estab- lish the summer condition in a house, are yet very efficient in the evaporation of a proportionately large quantity of water; but in this instance it was found by trial (not experiment or reasoning) that the cool current of air requisite for ventilation of the Hall; when passing with accustomed velocity over the limited surface of water, failed to evaporate the expected quantity, and the arrange- ment fell into disuse. In the bottom of this tank there had been an outlet of 2 or 3 inches Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 19 diameter, connecting to the drain, which outlet the engineer reported to me as having been found by him unclosed and untrapped. When, ever the ventilation of the Hall ceased, this opening might have be- come objectionable, and possibly some, not very large, quantity of foul? air would escape from it; but at any time when the Hall was occupied and the fan supplying air, the current would be in the opposite direc- tion, and a small quantity of fresh air would escape from this hole. Still the existence of such an opening was a decided neglect on the part of a former engineer. Much change has been made in the passages themselves ; originally they were fireproof passages in solid brick-work, nowhere open to the wood-work of the floor, and, no gas or water pipes had been allowed to be laid in or even to cross them. [The floor of the Hall was con- structed in wood, to prevent the rapid conducting of warmth from the feet, which would have been occasioned by a brick or stone floor.] The changes in the passages, have made many breakages in the side walls and the passages now open in many places, under the wood-work of the floor; greatly increasing the risk in event of a fire, as the burning floor in such case, would then be supplied with air from beneath. These changes were incident to two several alterations in arrange- ment of the seats for members. The first of these (made in accord- ance with the express vote of the House of Representatives) was the substitution of sofas in place of chairs, and the removal of the desks, for each member ; which was accomplished in this way: The three radial aisles in front of the Speaker were dispensed with, and the platforms extended over them; the middle portions of the platforms in front of the Speaker was furnished with sofas of the same curva- tures, which gave seating room for all the members of the House ; and at the two ends of the platform, beyond the sofas, and in the corners of the Hall, were placed large tables, with chairs, for use of those who had occasion to write, or to use papers or documents. This arrangement discarded the aisle ventilation, and to replace it and yet retain the upward distributed currents of air, a great many small circular registers were placed in the floor of the platforms in front of the sofas. Much care was taken in the construction of these regis- ters. They were so made that nothing could pass through and lodge in the air passages, while the tops were free to be lifted, for removal of anything dropped into the basin. 20 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. It was found that tobacco dried immediately, by the current of air passing through the registers, and emitted neither dust nor effluvia; both of which are so offensive from a saturated carpet. Alterations in the air-passages under the floor were made at this time to conform to the new position of registers ; but their fire-proof character was preserved in the change. Although the grouping of the registers did not present apparently quite as equal a distribution of entering air as the aisle arrangement, yet the ventilation of the Hall (as I am informed) continued to be satisfactory. This disposition of sofas and tables proved, after three or four months’ trial, so objectionable to the members, that the House voted for an immediate restoration of the desks and seats, taking a recess during the session for the purpose; and the second change gave the third, and present arrangement of the desks, seats and floor, together with the present method of supplying air to the House. This change removed the small registers and relinquished the upward direction of the currents of entering air; and the air is now supposed to enter mainly at the risers or fronts of the steps of the semi-circular platforms. There are now seven semi-circular platforms, narrower than before, of four feet four inches width ; which have seven front risers, each of four inches height; and upon these risers there exists a continuous band of two inches wide, of small apertures; each two inches high by one inch wide, and placed one inch apart. These apertures are in front of a continuous air-passage under the floor, and are controled by numerous registers, so as to be regulated independently for every one foot or eighteen inches of length of the riser. The air of course emerges as a thin horizontal sheet* from the upper risers and is * The adhesion of a current of air to a surface, whether horizontal or otherwise, is one of the properties of fluids, liquid or gaseous. If a stream of water be directed against a plate it will spread over the same, rolling along, augmenting in width from diminution of velocity arising from the fluid friction; the fluid friction presenting a resistance in the direction of the impulse; the stream or sheet will also increase in width by assuming another direction of flow; but the current will not leave the plate until some relation of the force of gravity, or other force, is established with the derived impulse of the stream, at the place of separation. The tenacity of a current of air to the floor or a wall is remarkable. Sir John Leslie, sixty years ago, uses this physical law as an explanation of the changes of barometer following the tangential direction of impelled and induced wind currents. A strong wind existing upon the surface of the earth will not leave it, but merely spread the thickness of its stratum,' each particle endeavoring to preserve its uniform velocity and the retardation of volume becoming evident in reduction of barometrical height. Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 21 directed over the face of the platform below them; traversing the platform, the sheet receives an augmentation in thickness from the next layer of air which escapes from the next risers, and so on until the whole seven platforms are swept over; forming a broad sheet of air directed against the back of the legs of those who occupy seats upon the platform. When it is recognized that the whole area of these outlets at the risers is such, that with the proper quantity of air supply, it must pass them with a velocity of 20 to 40 feet per second, and at the distance of one foot in front of the risers, where the stratum of air may be supposed to become four inches (the whole height of the riser) in thickness, not less than 5 to 10 feet per second; and also that the air must be cool, so cool as to feel cold to the naked hand: then it becomes apparent that this ventilation cannot be very comfortable. After these strata shall have accumulated and converged as a great horizontal current within the circle of the forum, they must of course be transformed into one ascending column, in front of, and about the Speaker’s desk. Two large circular floor registers, possibly 3 feet in diameter, discharging upwards, which were inserted in the upper corners of the floor when the first change was made, have been retained to the present time. These yield a very large part of the air now entering the Hall, as the riser registers are frequently closed off. The sensation of cold from the horizontal air currents, was by no means an imaginary one—the complaints became general; and after one season of endurance, during which the experiment of stopping the fan was essayed, with the result of want of air for breathing (as at present); with the alternating operation of heating the air until it felt comfortably Avarm (95° to 100°)—Avhen the heat of the hall became unbearable. After many trials in the alternate ways, it was concluded that the defect was in the heating apparatus; and that the cool air Avhich Avas so obnoxious, was air that had lost its heat in the passages under the floor. A subsidiary heating apparatus was therefore devised, and placed under the floor of the hall; Avhere is noAV to be found, in some places in the fire-proof Avork and in others, under the wooden flooring, a number of groups of cast iron steam radiators (or heaters), together Avith all the requisite wrought iron steam and return water-pipes; which subsidiary apparatus Avas intended to Avarm the air for ventilation so that it should not feel cold! Of course the neAv radiators would answer to heat the air (or at least a portion of Avhat 22 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. should have been introduced in cold weather), and if the frosted part (one-fourth) of the great coil had at the time when the new system was introduced, been then injured or removed; in such case the radiators would be available in some measure: but even with these suppositions the provisions for controlling the heat were so imperfect, that the result in merely warming of air was sure to be unsatisfactory. Yet this apparatus must have had considerable use, and must have produced some local highly heated currents; as there is evidence, in quantities of resin which has roasted from unprotected joists and boards of the flooring, that a high heat and small volumes of fresh air, have at times co-existed near the radiators. The combination of this secondary heating apparatus with the first one, and the complication of pipes and appliances of control, must be a great puzzle to each one of the successive engineers into whose hands the heating and venti- lating of the hall has fallen ; without experience, precedent or instruc- tion. In the course of these changes and additions there has been placed in the air-passages several lines of pipes connected with the heating, besides many other pipes for gas or water supply; but except that it is manifestly improper to make such use of the passages, and likely to impair the working of the apparatus as a whole, if it had been operated according to its original plan, and that there is always a strong probability that out of sight passages in common use will become places for collection of rubbish (which abuse has not followed), it cannot be said that any detrimental results have happened from these causes. The impairment of the efficiency of the apparatus, by the changes and openings from the passages, is so considerable, that the other misuses can be passed by without comment. In the original construction it was supposed that the pressure of air from the fan (less some regulated but very small difference of not over one-sixth the total pressure which would be expended in supply- ing the air at the further extremity of the hall), would be kept up behind the openings of emergence, and would form the motive power to affect the entrance of the air against the resistances of the aper- tures of the mouths, and all other resistances to the flow of air, until it finally was expelled (vitiated in but a slight degree, from its abundance) at the roof. All passages leading to the point of entry were ample, with, as before stated, easy curves and smooth sides. The existing condition of the air passages, will be appreciated by •example of one of the branch entrances which I measured: a line Report on the Ventilation of the Ilall of Representatives. 23 of the semi-circular riser openings having, by rough approximation, a little under one and a half square feet of total area of apertures (in openings of two square inches each), has now an entrance, from one of the main aisle ducts, of a half a foot area. This entrance leads at right angles from the aisle duct, into a narrow, very rough brick-work channel of four or five inches width, by possibly two feet in height. Of course the pressure of air or velocity of discharge from this vein is wholly inadequate to supply the quantity desired—still it is amply large until the horizontal currents are abolished. V. After investigating the present modes of introducing fresh air, the next step in examination, was into the means provided for escape of foul air. The original system has already been described, and the effect of the present arrangement for introduction of air at the risers of the platforms, in producing a large ascending column of air in the vicinity of the Speaker’s chair, has also been stated. This ascending column, with even a limited quantity of air supply to .the Hall, became a vertical upward current of very high velocity (but, like any other ascending current, scarcely perceptible to those within it), which, on reaching the ceiling, would spread out as a sheet in search of the openings for escape. A portion of the air would pass out, but the effect of the horizontal currents of entry on the floor was not only to form a blast of their own volume, to concentrate at the Speaker’s chair, but also to induce the air above them to take the same horizontal direction, and the supply of air for this induced current would be furnished or sucked from the upper part of the room, whereby a general circulation of the atmosphere in the Hall, would become established in a continuous roll, accompanied by de- scending currents of perceptible, but not very high velocity along the northern gallery and wall. As the iron ceiling of the Hall, when the outer temperature is below (say) 50°, is cooler than the air within the Hall, the sheet of air in passing across it became cooled, and the current of descending cooled air which fell upon the heads of the members was objectionable at most times; but in cold weather, and on any day when the sun did not warm up the air space over the ceiling (at night the gas gave all the heat needful, besides acceler- ating the discharge of air), the downward drafts became insupportable. [See Appendix B.] The existence of these currents was attributed to the effect of tlet 24 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. wind upon the roof, supposed to have been deflected by the Dome on the Centre Building, which had been erected about the time of the change in the method of introducing the air on the floor; and upon the ground of this attributed cause it was decided to make the roof above the ceiling so tight, that no wind could enter at it, and to remove the foul air positively by means of suction fans. The old system of air discharges at the roof was now dispensed with. The openings in the walls of the Hall which led to the chambers under the discharge louvres, were shut up by close doors; and a plaster lining was formed beneath the copper roof, so that it should no longer be porous ; and, as the walls which surround the Hall itself are carried up solid to the roof (which covers Hall, surrounding corridors and rooms beyond them in common); there was formed a comparatively air-tight chamber between the ceiling and the roof above it. On the north side of this chamber (under the roof) there wTas a passage way which led over to the roof space above the connecting building between the old Capitol and the South Wing. In each of the four corners of this connecting building there existed a flue or shaft, whose original purpose, for two of them, was for chimnies for the boilers, while the other two were used for gas and water pipe mains, but were nearly vacant places. Some changes of pipes, and by dispensing with the use of one of the chimney shafts (turning all the boiler flues to one chimney only), rendered two of these shafts available, one for the downcast to the cellar, where some fans could be placed, and the other for the upcast of foul air above the roof. Two suction fans of six or eight feet in diameter, with a suitable engine, were placed in the cellar of the con- necting building, and completed the apparatus for evacuation of foul air from above the ceiling of the Hall. The cross area of either one of the foul air shafts, is about 27 square feet (if the lining of chimney has been removed); w'hich open- ing now represents the point of restriction of the ventilation of the Hall. When the length of the shafts is considered, the area is evidently insufficient for the ventilation of 100,000 cubic feet of air per minute. But the want of dimensions is by no means the chief defect. It has been seen that with present arrangements for entry of air, the actual supply has some limit in the endurance of the members exposed to drafts; and from the result of a trial by one of the associates in this Commission, I am informed that only 15,000 cubic feet of air per Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 25 minute was furnished to the Hall through a given point in the main duct beyond the fan of supply, while a. contemporaneous observation at the suction shafts, gave the volume of air extracted, to have been 25,000 cubic feet of air per minute. From whence was this surplus of 10,000 cubic feet of air per minute derived? Obviously it must have leaked in at the doors of the Hall or Galleries. And this fresh source of new air in the Hall demands an inquiry into the condition of the air which has been thus taken from the corridors. I will not attempt to give minutiae of the ventilation and appliances for maintaining pure air in that portion of the South Wing outside of, and surrounding the Hall itself; but simply will assert that there exists, ready for instant use, every facility for the purpose; and that scarcely a tradition of its manipulation or working, has come down to the persons at present in charge of the apparatus. The regular and adequate supply of pure air to rooms and hall-ways is now more neglected than even that for the Hall, and the action of the suction fans in borrowing 10,000 cubic feet of air per minute was merely an act of removal into, or exhausting through the Hall; a volume of vitiated air—not only what had been impaired by breath, but also the product of gas burning, together with that which came from the restaurant and cabinets, all of which exhalations, gases, odors and impurities should properly be expelled from the very spot where they have originated at once, through the proper discharge ventilating flues, which are to be found in every room and place in the building; and by no means be allowed to contaminate the air of the Hall. This defect of the exhausting system, as exhibited in this case, whether in combination with the plenum one or alone by itself, can be pronounced radical. No care of manipulation will ever so apportion the supply of fresh air that an exhaust fan can be relied upon to remove that vitiated in the Hall alone, except by at all times driving the plenum fan at such speed as will render the labor of exhaust fan unnecessary (always provided that the exhaust fans are not employed in sucking air to the cellar, and forcing it to escape from the same, through very restricted passages). The Committee Rooms’ fan and its air ducts are in working con- dition. I was assured that some mould had been permitted to accu- mulate in them, but this was, or is, only an evidence of almost complete 26 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. disuse; for with the fan supplying but half its air, they would be kept as dry as a gale of wind could dry them. The controlling air valves, for regulating and securing proportionate delivery of air in all parts of the building, whether near to, or distant from the fan, are displaced, and no one possesses the knowledge of how to rearrange them. The heating coils are out of order, and the means of regulating the heat has been forgotten—even the fact that it is necessary to adjust the heat has faded from all recollection. Still, although some restoration of apparatus before next season will be desirable, yet the introduction of an abundant ventilation could be effected at once, by merely putting into use the dormant means at hand. It should be admitted, however, when speaking of the exhaust apparatus, that one marked and apparently good effect came from the suction of air from the Hall. By its agency the great descending sheet of air, which before fell upon the gallery and floor, on the side in front of the Speaker’s chair, was partly intercepted and drawn out by the overhead suction duct, above the gallery ceiling on that side; and the great ascending column was probably no longer a vertical one, —the colder currents from the ceiling, were the first to be abstracted from the room, so that the semblance of relief from the cold wind, which was imagined to come from “over the dome of the Capitol and enter the roof,” was in some degree a reality to the feelings of those who had suffered before from cold drafts upon their heads. YI. It is easy to see how the ventilating and heating apparatus of the South Wing and Hall of Representatives has come to its present condition. Since the work was planned and built, many changes of superin- tendence have ensued; each new direction brought men to operate it to whom the apparatus was novel and strange; few parallel apparatus exist; in no other nation or land, except in America, do halls of audience, crowded with people, demand ventilation against similar diversities of climate, for sessions of six to twenty-four, or even forty- eight, hours of continuous occupation. Those who have been brought to take each new control, have in no case been principals or even assistants in the management of appa- ratus of like character. With this ignorance, which required learn- ing from the very ground not only how to use, but the time and pur- Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 27 pose of use of his apparatus; each new engineer or doorkeeper not only could not count upon instruction from his predecessor, but he has possibly been often, intentionally misled. I can assert positively that the engineers as a class and individually, must have been generally competent in their business and following as steam engineers and as mechanics. This fact is apparent from the condition of the boilers, engines and machinery; for after eighteen years’ work, with very little substitution or change, all is in good running order. Beyond the engineers’ department, the defects and depreciations are the results, rather of want of information than of neglect. As before stated, the very knowledge of the functions which parts were to subserve has passed away ; even the numbers of the rooms ventilated by certain ducts and heated by certain coils, have been painted out; and no record remains in the hands of the director of ventilation, so that the figures on the doors of the coil chambers in the cellar are unavailable as information. Neither the intelligence nor the intentions of any of the successive engineers is brought in question by these observations. The relation of the engineer to the ventilating apparatus, is much the same as that of the engineer of a factory, to the spinning and weaving department. There may be men of competent knowledge and skill, who would direct the latter, while attending to the boiler and engine ; but the practice of manufacturing is not to entrust such dis- similar duties to one individual. VII. There was left in the office of the Capitol Extension, and probably still is to be found in the hands of the architect, complete plans, embracing every detail of the apparatus. [The voluminous character of these plans, especially of detail, and their difference from architectural construction, would necessarily tend to make them incomprehensible without a key from the original designers.] The abrupt departure of Gen. Meigs, and the complete absorption of the control of the apparatus into the hands of others, have necessarily prevented the architect from acquiring much knowledge of the system or mode of operation, especially as the responsibility for result did not in any way rest upon him; and any interference or assumption of authority would almost certainly have been resented. It cannot be claimed that the original apparatus was perfect in design, or beyond improvement or amendment, but it can be averred 28 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. that, with judicious employment of the appliances furnished; it ivas possible to introduce that given quantity of fresh air, which is the requisite for healthy ventilation, amongst the throng of people in the Hall, and into the several committee rooms and corridors, with the least occasion for complaint from drafts. Since the completion of the apparatus, during the past eighteen years, the writer is not aware that any startling or essential improve- ment in the system, or its parts have been devised or applied. The most valuable modification in detail has been the one for controlling the temperature of the air by admixture of heated and natural cur- rents, by registers which cannot be closed off, but only tempered to suit the requirement for heat in the room. This was first used at the Capitol Extension in conjunction with the last coil put in in 1858 ; but has been generally adopted for all buildings heated by currents of air, where the plan of the building has been suitably arranged with flues from the foundation. The arrangement presents no advantage except that it relieves the engineer of a charge and responsibility, to control the heat of the entering air, to such degree that the occupant of a room will at all times desire the register for supply of air to be wTide open [a charge long since forgotten at the South Wing of the Capitol]. More recently (within two years past) statements of the attainment of large success in ventilating halls of audience in England, under the patent of Mr. Martin Tobin, have been published in many engineering and scientific journals. An examination of Mr. Tobin’s patent shows that he claims broadly the introduction of air in a verti- cal direction and permitting the ventilation to occur solely by diffu- sion.* The methods adopted appear to be numerous standing inlet pipes, five feet or so in height, placed all over a room, which dis- charge freely upward.—The result is stated to be eminently satisfac- tory.—The method is substantially, that first employed in the Hall, only that the pipes were avoided in our case. Mr. Tobin’s practice must be quite unsightly, and would not meet favor except as a last resort in the Hall of Representatives. * There was a previous arrangement for distribution of air around the room, by means of a continuous opening at the top of a high (5 or 6 feet) wainscot; whereby a current of air was introduced imperceptibly into a crowded court, the substitu- tion of fresh air, in the middle of the room, being supposed to occur by diffusion. This example 'was referred to, at the time of planning the ventilation of the Hall. Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. 29 VIII. The success of the most perfect ventilating apparatus lies in the manipulation. Many defects may be covered by intelligent direction and watchful care; but no perfection of system or detail will overcome ignorance or negligence on the part of the operators. The measure of success of a ventilating apparatus is found in an absence of thought of its very existence, by those subject to its influ- ence. This standard of excellence was at one time attained and sup- ported, and for the first two or three years of occupation of the building no comment or remark as to the ventilation was made; and the result of any endeavor to elicit opinions from members, generally led to an assertion that they knew nothing about it, and could give no opinion on its merits. This condition of mind on the part of the members should be restored. The course to be recommended by the commission should have full consideration, and I could not, from my two visits of a few hours each, undertake to suggest any instant or radical action. The arrangement of the desks and seats for members must be accepted as fixed, and there must be a new disposition of registers to meet it. If it shall be decided that the whole volume of air cannot be intro- duced in imperceptible currents amongst the members, or that the pres- ence of numerous registers will be open to serious objections, it may well be considered as to how to introduce air for the Galleries inde- pendently. I must state that this alternative was considered by Gen. Meigs 20 years since; but the fascinating idea of introduction of all, or most all, the fresh air amongst the members was the ground for decid- ing against an independent ventilation for the Galleries. It will, however, be found that the arrangement of air ducts under the Coat Rooms was planned with a view to dividing the stream of air between the Floor and Galleries, and that there exists over the Coat Rooms a space suited to hold distributing air pipes of the desired sizes. This two-fold system would possess an advantage in the winter season. Those who occupy the Floor need and require a drawing- room heat, while the occupants of the Galleries are clothed with heavy garments ; and their dresses are really uncomfortable Avhen the temperature rises above 65°, and oppressive at 7-° to 75°; which latter temperature is as low as the Galleries can now be kept with a temperature of 70°, below on the Floor. I will not pursue these considerations further. They are subjects 30 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. for deliberation rather than of report at this time. The past and present of the apparatus are facts which I have stated as briefly as I could; the future requires discussion, and the conclusion I cannot anticipate. [See Appendix C.] This paper which I now present to the Commission has been examined by Gen. Meigs, and while it is to be accepted as my own individual opinions and views, yet I am able to say that he confirms the facts and statements, as substantially agreeing to his recollections of them APPENDIXES. APPENDIX A.* THE QUANTITY OF AIR SUPPLY TO THE HALL—ACTION OF FAN AND CONSIDERATION OF PASSAGES. I have not been able to find amongst the notes in my possession, any record of experiments, as to velocity of currents of air produced, or of tbe quantities of air delivered at any time, by the fan for the Hall of Representatives. There must be some record of these amongst the papers in the office of the Capitol Extension, if they now exist, as my recollection extends to several especial observations by deputies, as well as by myself. There was imported by the Capitol Extension, a Neumann Anemometer (such as is described in Peclet, “Traits de Chaleur”), and another much less sensitive was made by Wurdemann. Both of these instruments were re-adjusted, and their constants ascertained, by placing them in motion in a still room, on the end of an arm of fifteen feet radius, which was swung at constant speed of rotation about an axis; and they were further tested, by as careful comparative observations with each other, and with a water column pressure gauge in currents of wind, as we could make. The “King” pressure gauge, which multiplies the height of column of water pressure, by giving motion to a delicately balanced hand on a dial plate by a cord, which passes over a small barrel on the axis of the hand, from the float, was not known in 1858-9; but one of these, which was made under my instructions without knowledge of King’s contrivance, was sent to Washington in 1862; when its use corrobo- rated within practical limits, the correctness of the original water column observations; and also showed a reasonable correspondence of indication of pressure, when opposed to currents of air in the main ducts, with the velocities as given by the anemometer. The anemometer observations were at all times taken in the duct near the fan, either at the entrance of the air to the mouth, or behind the fan, at some point where the duct -was well defined in shape; re- peated observations in different places in the surface of cross section, were selected with a view to obtain the mean rate of flow at that sec- * See page 7. 32 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. tion ; the anemometer being attached to a light staff which permitted the observer to be removed from obstructing the section. There were concurrent observations taken at times in the Hall by the anemometer; but the rapid, almost instantaneous, diffusion of the emerging cur- rents (excepting always when they are upon, or along some surface, to wdiich they can adhere), vitiated all attempts to estimate quantities in this way, and the experiments were only useful in exhibiting effects at certain distances from the openings. The phenomena of the flow of air through a pierced grating can be readily understood. If we suppose a grating of one inch square openings and of four-tenths of an inch wide bars, so as to be one half space and one half solid, and of considerable extent of surface, it will be seen that a current of air will, within a very close distance, probably two-tenths of an inch (one half the width of a bar) lose half its velocity and become a uniform one; were the bars as wide as the openings, so that the total surface of openings would be one-fourth that of the entire grating, on this supposition of one inch square openings; at a half inch from the surface, the current wrould be uni- form, and have but one-fourth the velocity of emergence. With the bars any other width, the same rule will hold good until some extreme limit of distance is reached. Openings two feet apart, regularly spread, on the floor of the Hall, would unquestionably verge into one great ascending current within a foot from the floor. As the ducts were of brickwork, without connections or breaks leading to any other channels, and without possibility of leakage; it wTas certain that any volume of air which passed a given point in them, must enter and go through the Hall; for the purpose of ascertaining the volume supplied to the Hall, there- fore, it was deemed sufficient to rely upon measurements taken at the entrance from the fan. Some experiments made with the Senate Fan, at different seasons of the year, of which I find notes amongst my papers, will answer to show the performance of the House Fan as originally operated. The Senate Fan is only 14 feet in diameter, while that of the House is 16 feet, but the former is 1*4 feet wide at the tips while the latter is 1’28 feet. The difference of dimension arose from the restricted area of the ducts for the Hall, which de- manded extra pressure to supply them, and consequently the Hall Fan was made 16 feet in diameter, in this wray securing a desired Appendixes. 33 speed for the engine, with a higher velocity for the tips of the blades. As the volume of air emitted by the fan would have increased beyond the requirement for the air ducts if the width of the tips (at the peri- phery) had been augmented in proportion to the diameter, a reduced dimension was adopted, so that not only the same pressures, but also nearly the same volume of air will proceed from either the 14 feet or the 16 feet fans when run with the same linear velocity of tips of blades; while with the same angular velocities the pressures will vary as the square, and the volumes in simple proportion, of the diameter. The following is extracted from rough notes in my possession : TABLE. Senate Fan—14 Feet in Diameter by 1-4 Feet Width at Periphery. Numb, of Pressure at Tempera- Velocity of Volume of Air Date of Experi- Rev. per the Fan, in. ture Exter- Air in the furnished to the ment. minute. of water col.* nal Air. Ducts.f Chamber per min. 80 5-16th 40.052 to 44.764J June 14, 1858... 80 5-16th 67° 1241 48.400 June 14, 1858... 100 7-16th U 1596 62.240 Jan’y 10, 1859... 50 3-16th 41.116$ * Referred to the air in the engine-room, which corresponded to the external air, very nearly, the intermediate pressure between inlet and outlet side of Fan was uniformly double these figures. -j- The area of duct at point of observation was 39 square feet. j This was apparently a continued observation of some hours, during which the Fan was kept at 80 revolutions per minute. § Some careful observations of velocity of ingress of air at the several mouths of entry into the Chamber made concurrently with the duct observation accounted for about 33,000 cubic feet of air as entering at the time—the deficiency of 8,000 feet was, of course, what was diffused beyond the surfaces of estimate. The large quantity of air moved for the small rate of speed of the Fan and small apparent pressure can be attributed to the ascensive power of the column of warm air in the building, as it was cold at the time.—My record does not giye external tem- perature. The tabular results of these trials with the Fan for supply of air to the Senate Chamber, were in accordance with others made with that for the Hall, as well as with those for the Committee Rooms, at the same time; and using these by comparison as data, I can assert the former supply of air to the Hall, to have been from 50,000 to 100,000 cubic feet of air per minute, as required. The indications of total pressure, at the Senate Fan, was from 3-16ths to 7-16ths of an 34 Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of Representatives. inch; and as a large part of the air for the Chamber was supplied in the galleries (the floor having too limited an area to furnish it), the length of ducts, their crookedness and obstructions were quite as great as those of the Hall; from which it can be inferred that it was not an improbable assumption, that six-tenths of an inch pressure from the Hall Fan would certainly give impulse to, and supply the allotted quantity of 100,000 cubic feet. The flow of currents of air through a plate, when they emerge from a chamber where the air is at rest, follows the same laws as the flow of liquids, and the orifice is taken as subject to a co-efficient of con- traction of area (= 0-7 about) in applying the general formula (cor- v2 rections for expansion, etc., being neglected), — — h h„. 2