A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE RESULTS § TREATMENT IN ONE HUNDRED CASES OF OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUM IN PRIVATE, AND One Hundred (’uses in Hospital Practice. By S. 0. AYRES, M. D,, Cincinnati. Reprint of Lancet and Observer, January, 1876. A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE RESULTS I TREATMENT IN ONE HUNDRED CASES OP OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUM IN PRIVATE, AND One Hundred Cases in Hospital Practice. By S. C. AYRES, M. D., Cincinnati. Ophthalmia Neonatorum is a disease not unfrequently met with in private practice. It occurs more frequently among the poorer classes and those uncleanly in their habits, hut the higher classes are not exempt. It sometimes runs a mild course and terminates favorably, hut at other times it is very violent and leaves the eyes more or less damaged. No one will deny the importance of this disease, and no one who has treated a case will question its danger to vision. It is a form of eye disease, which more frequently falls into the hands of the family physician, than the specialist, at least in its earlier stages. Various causes are assigned for its origin. It has been claimed that it is usually excited by contact of specific or acrid vaginal discharges, with the conjunctiva du- ring the act of parturition. There are undoubtedly many cases where there is no abnormal vaginal discharge in the mother and yet where the blennorrhoea assumes a violent form. On the other hand the children of mothers suffering from go- 2 Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Etc. norrhoea, often escape entirely. Want of cleanliness in wash- ing the child after birth, impure air, sudden changes in tem- perature, atmospheric poisons, defective nutrition, exposure of the infant to bright light, have all been assigned as causes for this disease. Under favoring circumstances any one of them might be sufficient to account for its development. While it is important to know the cause in all cases if pos- sible, yet it is not essential to the treatment, for that depends on the severity of the case. Whatever may be its origin, and it is often obscure, we have a dangerous inflammation to deal with, and one which should receive the prompt and faithful attention of the attending physician. Unfortunately for the poor children it is often considered a simple, harmless inflammation which will pass off in a few days. Some simple collyrium is ordered and the case is entrusted to the nurse. She follows instructions, and the case progresses until it becomes alarming, when the child is sent off to some specialist. In other cases the nurse takes it upon herself to treat the case, until her resources are ex- hausted, when she calls upon a physician, who may consider himself fortunate if he does not find the corneae ulcerated and sloughing. Many of these cases fall into the hands of mid- wives. They are generally as ignorant as they are conceited, and undertake to treat the eye, unwilling to acknowledge that any one knows more than they. The consequence is a large pro- portion of the bad cases, which fall in the hands of the spec- ialist, have been treated by these women until, either the par- ents become alarmed and desert them, or the child is found to be blind. The distressed parents generally tell the same story, the midwife said that there was no danger, that children often had such inflammations and recovered entirely, and that she used “breast milk” and “chamomile tea,” and some other simple remedies “ which would do no harm if they did no good.” Thus are the anxious fears of the parents quieted, by one who is too ignorant to know the danger, and to stupid to see it when it is pointed out. In the smaller towns and in the country these cases are sub- jected to most inefficient treatment, or shamefully neglected. The patient is often several miles from the doctor, and he is not able to give it that attention it deserves, and has to entrust the treatment to the nurse or the old women of the neighbor- hood. Many physicians seem to be afraid to treat the disease. They do not attack it as they do inflammations in other parts of the body; if they did, their results in its treatment would be much better than they usually are. We feel justified in Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Etc. 3 making the assertion that less judgement is used in its man- agement than in that of any other disease to which infants are liable. This seems like a bold assertion, but we think that the sta- tistics presented below of one hundred cases in private prac- tice, compared Avith one hundred cases treated in the Cincin- nati Hospital, carry us out in it. These cases are recorded with the condition of the childs eyes, at the time it Avas presented for treatment. They had all of them been under the care of their family physician, or midAvife, or nurse up to that time. The ultimate result in all these cases cannot be knoAvn, as the vision often continues to improve,even for years Avhile the child is growing and developing. Thus very unpromising cases in the beginning, turn out much better than could safely be predicted for them while under active treatment. But enough is knoAvn to show the disastrous results of the disease, and its effects on the vision of the little sufferers. These cases are recorded in the order in which they were admitted for treatment. No. Age. Complications. Result Right Eye. Result Left Eye. 1 3 days 2 3 weeks . Central ulceration of cornea both cornese Not recorded Not recorded. 3 3 weeks . None..... Favorable Favorable. 4 2 months... . Ulceration and perfora- tion of both cornese.. Cen’l opacity of cornea Central opacity of cor- leucoma adherens nea and leucoma ad- some chance for iri- herens, hopeless. deetomy 5 2 months... . Blind from ulceration & perforation of cornese. Hopeless Hopeless. 6 4 weeks . Ulceration and perfora- tion of left cornea Favorable Not stated. 7 . None Favorable Favorable. 8 3 weeks . Ulceration of left cornese Favorable Opacity of cornea. 9 2 weeks . None Favorable Favorable. 10 9 weeks . Ulceration of cornea;.... Leucoma adherens Leucoma adherens. 11 5 days . None Favorable Favorable. 12 4 weeks— ,. None Favorable Favorable. 13 3 months... ,. None Favorable Favorable. 14 15 3 weeks ,. None Favorable Favorable. 16 5 weeks .. Ulceration and perfora- tion oi cornese Macula cornea Macula cornea. 17 2 weeks .. None Favorable Favorable. 18 19 3 weeks . None Favorable Favorable. 20 21 8 weeks .. None Favorable Favorable. 22 .. None Favorable Favorable. 23 1 year . Ulceration of cornese.... Macula cornea Macula cornea. 24 .. None Favorable Favorable. 25 4 months.. ,. Ectropion and ulcera- tion of cornese Macula cornea Macula cornea. 26 27 3 weeks .. None Favorable Favorable. 28 2 weeks ,. Ulceration of left cor- 29 30 3 weeks .. Ulceration of cornese..,. Not recorded Not recorded. 4 Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Etc. No. Age. Complications. Result Right Eye. Result Left Eye. 31 5 months... . Corneae clear hut lids granulated Favorable - . Favorable. 32 4 weeks . None Favorable . Favorable. 33 4 weeks 34 . None Favorable . Favorable 35 . Ulceration left cornea... Favorable , Macula cornea. 36 . None Favorable , Favorable. 37 6 weeks . Ulceration right corneae Not recorded , Favorable. 38 6 weeks . Ulceration right corneae Not recorded , Favorable 39 16 months.. . Ulceration of corneae ... Macula cornea , Macula cornea. 40 5 weeks 41 . None Favorable Favorable. 42 . None Favorable , Favorable. 43 3 weeks . Ulceration and perfora- tion of left corneae Favorable , Leucoma adherens. 44 2 years . Blind from ulceration & perforation of corneae Hopeless Hopeless. 45 2 months .. . Ulceration of corneae... Macula cornea Macula cornea. 46 4 weeks . Ulceration of corneae.... Not recorded Not recorded. 47 . Blind from ulceration & perforation of corneae. Hopeless Hopeless. 48 2 weeks . None Favorable Favorable. 49 11 weeks-.. . None Favorable Favorable. 50 4 weeks . Large ulceration & per- foration of corneae Not recorded , Not recorded. 51 52 3 months.... . None Favorable Favorable. 53 2 weeks . None Favorable Favorable. 54 2 weeks . Perforating ulcer of left 55 10 days . None Favorable Favorable. 56 3 weeks 57 7 days . None Favorable Favorable. 58 . None Favorable Favorable. 59 4 days . None Favorable Favorable. 60 8 months.... . Ulceration of corneae... Macula cornea Macula cornea. 61 13 days . Ulceration right corneae Favorable Favorable. 62 6 weeks . Central sloughing of 63 2 years . Ulceration and slough- ing of corneae Lencoma adherens Lencoma adherens. 64 5 weeks . Ulceration and perfora- tion left eye Favorable Hopeless. 65 7 months.... . Ulceration and slough- ing of corneae Moderate vision Hopeless. 66 12 days . Ulceration of corneae.... Favorable Favorable. 67 . Left cornea ulcerated.... Favorable Favorable. 68 2% years . Blind from sloughing of Eye blind and staphy- corneae lomatous Eye atrophied. 69 4 weeks . Ulceration of corneae.... Macula cornea Favorable. 70 71 2 weeks . None Favorable Favorable. 72 3 months.... , Blind from ulceration & sloughing of corneae... Eye atrophied Eye blind & staphyl’t’s. 73 . None Favorable Favorable. 74 75 3 weeks . None Favorable Favorable. 76 . None Favorable Favorable. 77 . None Favorable Favorable. 78 . None Favorable Favorable. 79 9 days . None Favorable Favorable. 80 2 months.... . Ulceration and slough- Leuconia adherens, eye Leucoma adherens, iri- ing of corneae lost dectomy &mod. res’It. 81 4 weeks . None Favorable Favorable. 82 . None Favorable Favorable. 83 4 weeks .... . None Favorable Favorable. 84 3 months.... • Ulceration and slough-Leucoma adherens Ci ’ee Leucoma adherens— mg of corneae for iridectomy hopeless. 85 . None Favorable Favorable. 86 3 weeks . Ulceration right corneae Not recorded Favorable. 87 . Blind from ulceration & sloughing corneae Hopeless Hopeless. 88 .None Favorable Favorable. 89 4 months... . Perforating ulcers of cornea} Vision fair Vision fair 90 . None... Favorable Favorable. Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Etc. 5 No. Age. Complications. Result Right Eye. Result Left Eye. 91 3 months... . None Favorable .. Favorable. 92 14 days . Small ulceration of each cornese Not recorded .. Not recorded. 94 7 days .. None Favorable .. Favorable. 96 10 days .. None Favorable ... Favorable. 97 4 weeks .. Ulceration right cornese Not recorded ... Favorable. 98 2 weeks .. None Favorable . Favorable. 99 100 3 weeks.... .. None Favorable ... Favorable. In looking over the condition of the patients previous to the commencement of the treatment we find the following as the result. Fifty-eight per cent, were free from corneal complication, while in forty-two per cent the integrity of the eye was more or less impaired. Six per cent, were hopelessly blind in both eyes and jive per cent, in one eye from ulceration and sloughing of the cornea. Of the latter five cases we find the other five eyes terminated as follows: one favorably, one with chance for iridectomy, one with moderate vision after iridectomy, two with leucoma adherens in which an iridectomy was followed by toler- able result in one, and the remaining eye was not operated on. So that of twenty-two eyes affected in these eleven cases only one recovered with good vision. Ten per cent, recovered with more or less extensive opacities of both cornese and three per cent, with opacity of one cornea. Leucoma adherens of both eyes occurred twice and of one eye five times. The results in eleven cases are not recorded, five of central ulceration of both cornese, one of ulceration and perforation of the left cornea, one of ulceration and perforation of both cornea, and four of ulceration of the right cornea. Good results are recorded as following once after central ulceration of both corneae, once after ulceration of the right and once after ulceration of the left cornea. Of the eleven cases, in which the results are not recorded, we may say that they were complicated by severe central ulceration of one or both corneae, and tlaat \t would be unreasonable to expect all of them to make good recoveries. All of the 58 cases which were seen before the cornea had become implicated, recovered with perfect vision. The treat- ment persued in these was practically that described below as having been carried out in the Hospital. In none of them did the cornea become involved at any time during the course of treatment. Now in contrast with this result I am able to present the statistics of one hundred cases of ophthalmia neonatorum 6 Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Etc. treated in the Cincinnati Hospital which Avere kindly collected for me by Dr. Watson. The record extends from March 2, 1871, to March 11, 1875, inclusive. During this period one hundred cases were treated and in not a single one did any corneal complication arise and all recovered with good vision. They commenced as such cases usually do, and often many threatened to run a violent and destructive course, but under a simple but judicious treatment, were brought through to a favorable termination. We might reasonably expect, in the class of patients Avhich we find in our hospitals, to have more trouble in the management of such a disease as purulent conjunctivitis than we would have in private practice. We here look in vain for an explanation of the origin of this disease. The mothers are nearly all reported healthy. Six had offensive lochia after confinement, one had cystitis soon after delivery, one had erysipelas four days after confine- ment, three Avere anaemic, one had phthisis, one bronchitis, and one vaginitis. It is impossible to state hoAv many may have had gonorrhoea at the time of confinement, hut probably the number is not large. The greatest care is always exercised by the nurse in washing the child. The face and eyes were always attended to first and washed in clean wmter before the rest of the body was touched. The infants were all placed in as nearly equally favorable hygienic circumstances as possible, and yet out of 726 born during the period above questioned 100 had purulent con- junctivitis in a more or less seArere form. The greatest number 47 occurred in 1872, against 20 in ’73 and 14 in ’74. Season of the year, seems to have had but little influence, as the largest number occurred in June, (14,) January (13,) and July (12,) respectively, and the smallest number in February and November, 5 in each month. The treatment of these cases Avhich was carried out almost entirely by the internes under the supervision of the attending oculist on duty, was Avith little variation as folloAvs: The eyes Avere cleansed every hour or half hour or even oftener in cases where the discharge Avas very profuse by gently separating the eyelids Avith the fingers and removing the accumulated pus with a soft rag or camels hair brush. A solution of alum, gr. ij. ad. aqua §ss. or of argent nitr, gr. ij. ad. aqua 5i« was dropped into the eye every hour or two. My colleague, Dr. Aub, uses cold compresses, day and night, in the acute stages. While I am not partial to them in the Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Etc. 7 purulent conjunctivitis of infants, yet, I occasionally order them. Every morning the eyelids were everted and brushed with a solution of argent, nitrat. grs. v. ad. xx ad. aq. dest. according to the severity of the case, and the lids washed off with tepid water. Unless the swelling of the lids mechanically prevented it, the cornea was inspected daily in each case. As the case improved the interval between the instillations of alum and argent, nitrat. was increased, and finally discontinued entirely, but the argent, nitrat. was continued in a weaker or stronger solution, until every trace of the disease had dis- appeared. The greatest stress was laid upon the thorough cleansing of the eye in the acute stages of the disease, and this was attended to not only by day but by night. To this part of the treatment, do we owe the immunity of the cornea from ulceration. The pus is neutralized or coagu- lated by the action of the nitrat. and alum, and its corroding effects thus prevented. Another important point in hospital treatment is that the cases receive attention immediately the slightest swelling of the lids is noticed and the severity of the disease is probably thus diminished. When the lids are very much swollen their eversion is an easy matter. Slight pressure with the tip of the index finger, upon the lid near the edge of the orbit, will generally suffice, or a probe or the handle of a camels hair brush may be used instead of the finger. As the lids get thinner their eversion is much more difficult. Then it is better to seize the ciliae between the index finger and thumb, or, the loose skin near the margin of the lid, and draw it a little down and out from the ball, and at the same time make pressure upon the upper edge of the tarsus, which if properly directed easily everts it. The best plan is for the operator to lay the child across the nurses lap and take its head between his knees, after first protecting them with a towel. In this way he can control the motion of the child’s head most easily, and make the applications most effectually. When a treatment so simple is followed by such excellent results, why is it that forty-two per cent, of those cases in private practice, no more severe in the beginning, than those in the Hospital practice, are followed by such disastrous results? There is nothing in the treatment which any intelligent physi- cian could not carry out successfully, and yet they will neglect and slight them. An oculist can not be on hand to treat every case, and there is no need of one. 8 Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Etc. If purulent conjunctivitis was treated as promptly and care- fully as other infantile diseases are, we would have fewer blind in our asylums, and much less suffering and distress to the world. How few who visit our institutions for the blind ever think of the cause and prevention of the diseases which fills them. Sympathizing friends gaze upon the poor blind children as they move about, guided by their delicate sense of touch, and won- der why Providence should so afflict children who seem, other- wise, healthy and well developed. Generous donations often show how deeply these unfortunates excite the sympathy of those who can afford to he liberal to the afflicted. It is well, perhaps, that but few besides medical men can look behind the curtain to see the cause of all this trouble. This is a question which belongs not alone to the medical profession, but to the public—to the tax-payer and to the Leg- islator. Many of these children are thrown upon the-chari- ties of tKe State for protection and education, at a heavy ex- pense to the people. Could this expense be avoided, and the life-long affliction of the children prevented, by judicious treatment, certainly the State and the people would both be better off.