PROCEDURES RECOMMENDED FOR THE STUDY OF BACTERIA, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO GREATER UNIFORMITY IN THE DESCRIPTION AND DIFFERENTIATION OF SPECIES. BRING THE REPORT OF A COMMITTEE OF AMERICAN BACTERIOL- OGISTS TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE POLLUTION OF WATER SUPPLIES OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Submitted at the meeting of the Association in Philadelphia, Pa., September, 1897 CONCORD, N. H.; THE RUAPORD PRESS. 1898. PROCEDURES RECOMMENDED FOR THE STUDY OF BACTERIA, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO GREATER UNIFORMITY IN THE DESCRIPTION AND DIFFERENTIATION OF SPECIES. BEING THE REPORT OF A COMMITTEE OF AMERICAN BACTERIOL- OGISTS TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE POLLUTION OF WATER SUPPLIES OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Submitted at the 7neeting of the Association in Philadelphia, Pa., September, 1897. CONCORD, N. H.: THE, RUAFORb FRESS. 1898. PREFACE. At the meeting of the American Public Health Association in Mont- real, Canada, in 1894, the Committee on the Pollution of Water Supplies closed its report with the suggestion of a co-operative investigation into the bacteriology of water supplies as a means of bringing order out of the chaotic state of the literature of water bacteria, and of throwing light from the bacteriological side on questions of practical sanitation. This suggestion1 was approved by the Association and the Chairman of the Committee was authorized to build up a committee for collective bacteri- ological investigation. The bacteriologists promptly acceded to the proposition. They recognized that such an investigation would give an immense impetus to bacteriological work ; that it would do much to clear away the confusion surrounding species, and to increase and systematize our knowledge ; and that practical results might also be expected, par- ticularly as regards the typhoid and colon bacilli, the unwholesomeness of water supplies and the means of lessening the prevalence of typhoid fever and diarrheal diseases, A sub-committee consisting of Professor J. George Adami, Dr. Wyatt Johnston, Mr. George W. Fuller, and myself, appointed to'‘determine the methods of laboratory procedure to be adopted by the committee in the practical work of the investigation, found it impossible to formulate a satisfactory scheme of work until cer- tain questions, mostly relating to technique, had been discussed fully and settled in accordance with the most advanced knowledge of the subjects concerned. An effort to effect this by correspondence developed so much variance in the practice of the different laboratories that it became needful to call a convention for a thorough discussion of the points at issue. The convention was held in the Academy of Medicine, New York city, June 21 and 22, 1895. Most of the prominent bacteriologists of the United States and Canada were present, but although the members were informed beforehand of the subjects that were to be brought up for settle- ment, and although full discussion was given to each under the chair- manship of Professor Welch of Johns Hopkins University, many of the points presented so much difficulty that the whole series was referred to a committee, with the understanding that the convention would accept its decision. This committee consisted of J. George Adami, McGill University, Chairman, A. C. Abbott, University of Pennsylvania. T. M. Cheesman, College Physicians and Surgeons, New York. George W. Fuller, Louisville Water Company. IFor which credit is due to Dr. Wyatt Johnston. 4 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. W. T. Sedgwick, State Board of Health, Massachusetts. Charles Smart, U. S. Army. Theobald Smith, Harvard University. W. H. Welch, Johns Hopkins University. The committee met in New York city in February, 1896, to digest its materials and outline its report which was presented to the American Public Health Association at its meeting in Buffalo, New York, in Sep- tember of that year. The report was subsequently withdrawn for further criticism and amendment, and was finally submitted for publication at the meeting of the Association in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September, 1897. Charles Smart, Deputy Surgeon General, U. S. Army. REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 5 INTRODUCTION. As explained by Dr. Smart in the preface to this report, a convention of bacteriologists from the United States and Canada assembled in the city of New York, on June 21 and 22, 1895, in response to the invitation of a sub-committee of the Committee on the Pollution of Water Supplies of the American Public Health Association. The proceedings of this conven- tion, including the papers read and their discussion, were published in the Journal of the American Public Health Association, October, 1895. These papers and discussions related mainly to technical procedures to be followed in the systematic study of bacteria with especial reference to their description and identification. There was general agreement of opinion as to the importance of securing greater precision and uniformity in the methods of studying and describing bacterial species. A com- mittee of members of the convention was, therefore, appointed to prepare a report, to be presented to the Water Committee of the American Public Health Association, this report to contain recommendations concerning bacteriological methods based partly upon the deliberations of the con- vention and partly upon a wider study of the subject. The members selected for this committee were Drs. J. George Adami, William T. Sedg- wick, George W. Fuller, Charles Smart, Alexander C. Abbott, T. M. Cheesman, Theobald Smith, and William H. Welch, A first draft of a report was drawn up by Dr. Adami and submitted to the members of the committee, who made various suggestions. The final preparation of the report was undertaken by Dr. T. M. Cheesman, Instructor in Bacteriology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York. The following statement by Dr. Adami well expresses the aims and manner of preparation of the report: “Naturally with a committee, the members of which are so widely scat- tered, it has been found impossible to hold frequent meetings, but at these meetings the members have found themselves singularly in accord upon everything relating to the main points at issue. Naturally, also, correspondence and the circulation of the report in its various stages have not been found entirely satisfactory in eliciting the opinions of every member upon matters of detail. But all these means accomplished much, and it was eventually found possible to place the final drafting of the recommendations in the hands of one member. We cannot suffi- ciently express our indebtedness to Dr. Cheesman for the amount of time, and indeed of independent work which he has devoted to this task. “The recommendations thus do not indicate the previous procedure in all details of any single member of the committee, but are a concord of what has appeared to be the best in the methods and technique of all the members and of bacteriologists generally. To have indicated in the following pages wherein any single member found himself unable to accept in its entirety any one of the many recommendations would have 6 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. counteracted our main object, that, namely, of inducing uniformity and precision in procedure in the study and descriptions of species. Each member, therefore, to attain this object has voluntarily refrained from demanding that one or other method, to which from long employment he has become firmly attached, should be inserted in these pages. The com- mittee freely admits that there may be other and better methods than those here detailed. It has, on the other hand, striven to recommend what in the present state of our knowledge would seem to be the best and most likely to gain acceptance. It does not demand of bacteriologists in general—it does not promise for its own members in particular—that these and only these methods shall be employed. It does but ask that where new species are being studied for publication the procedure here recommended be given a trial, and that, for the direction of other workers, where it has been employed a note be given to that effect, e.g., ‘ cultures in broth (Method B. C.1) presented the following char- acters : ’—or, ‘ save where otherwise indicated, the B. C. methods have been used.’ “In short, the committee recognizes fully that these recommendations must of necessity be provisional. It publishes them in the hope that by this act it will direct attention to the urgent need now existing for full and accurate descriptions of species of bacteria in which the items have been determined by methods common to the main body of workers, and as a consequence are capable of verification and control.” The report is not intended to be a complete treatise upon bacteriolo- gical technique. Its purpose is to make certain recommendations concern- ing methods to be pursued in the study of bacteria, with the view of securing greater uniformity and exactness in the determination and description of the characters of bacterial species. When one considers the difficulty, often the impossibility, of the identification of many bacte- rial species or varieties described in literature, in consequence of imper- fections and carelessness in the determination and description of their characters, it is evident that the attainment of the purpose aimed at in this report is greatly to be desired. The report deals especially with certain ordinary and fundamental pro- cedures in bacteriological technique, and it does not attempt to cover fully the entire field. In a science so rapidly developing as bacteriology, it need scarcely be said that any attempt to present the best technical pro- cedures can apply only to the existing state of the science, and that much will be added and much corrected in the near future. It is hoped that the recommendations in this report may prove useful to workers in bac- teriology, and especially may lead to greater accuracy and fullness and uniformity in the determination and description of the characters of bacteria. William H. Welch. 1 Bacteriological Committee; the methods recommended by the Committee of American Bacteri- ologists. REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 7 PROCEDURES RECOMMENDED FOR THE STUDY OF BAC- TERIA WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO GREATER UNI- FORMITY IN THE DESCRIPTION AND DIFFEREN- TIATION OF SPECIES. BEING THE REPORT OF A COMMITTEE OF BACTERIOLOGISTS TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE POLLUTION OF WATER SUPPLIES OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. The various tests applicable for describing species of bacteria may be divided into two categories, as follows : Necessary tests, and those which in the present condition of bacterial science may be regarded as optional. The terms “ necessary ” and “ optional ” are here used with consider- able hesitation, as many of the tests included among the optional are of importance and really necessary for the purposes of species differentia- tion in special cases. These tests, as grouped, however, are at the present time applicable to a great majority of the species known, those classed as necessary being of primary importance and of the greatest general utility. NECESSARY INFORMATION AND TESTS. Information with regard to the following features and properties of any species of bacteria that is being studied is held by the committee to be necessary and to form the indispensible basis for conclusions as to the characters and relationships of that species. I. Source and habitat. 11. Morphological characters. 1. Form. 2. Dimensions. 3. Manner of grouping and arrangement in the growths, 4. Staining powers, (a) with watery dyes, (b) by Gram’s method. 5. Presence or absence of capsule. 6. Presence or absence of flagella (motility). 7. Spore formation and differentiation of spores from deposits and vacuoles within the cell. 8. Tendency to pleomorphism. 9. Involution and degeneration forms. 8 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 111. Biological characters. A. Cultural characteristics, mode of growth in and upon 1. Nutrient broth. 2. Gelatin plates (single colonies, surface and deep). 3. Gelatin tubes. 4. Agar plates (single colonies, surface and deep). 5. Agar tubes. 6. Potato. 7. Milk. 8. Blood serum. B. Biochemical features. 1. Temperature relationship (activity of growth at iB°-22° C. and at 36°-38° C. and thermal death point). 2. Relation to free oxygen (aerobic and anaerobic growth). 3. Relation of growth to acidity and alkalinity of media. 4. Action upon gelatin (presence or absence of liquefaction). 5. Action upon proteids (milk and serum), 6. Action upon carbohydrates (fermentation and gas formation). 7. Action upon nitrates. 8. Production of indol. 9. Production of acid or alkali, xo. Pigment formation. 11. Development of odor. C. Pathogenesis. OPTIONAL TESTS OF GENERAL USEFULNESS. I. Morphological. 1. Staining reactions with special stains. 2. Study of flagella by special stains. 3. Permanency of morphological characters after long-continued growth and successive transplantation upon artificial media. 4. Photographic reproductions of isolated bacteria. 5. Cover-glass impressions. 11, Physiological. A, Cultural characteristics, mode of growth in or upon 1. Litmus gelatin. 2. Loeffler’s blood serum. 3. Synthesized media. Photographic reproduction of characteristic cultures. B.« Biochemical. 1. Minimum, optimum, and maximum temperatures of growth. 2. Growth in atmospheres of various inert gases (when anaerobic power of growth has been determined). REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 9 3. Optimum reaction of media and reaction limit, acid and alka- line (indicated by phenolphthalein). 4. Chemical properties and solubility of pigments produced and spectroscopic observations upon the pigments. C, Pathogenesis. 1. Inoculation of various species pf animals with minute study of the pathological changes produced. 2. Immunity-producing properties. 3- Agglutinating properties of specific sera. 4. Determination and isolation of toxic substances (from non- pathogenic as well as from pathogenic bacteria). The purpose of this report is to induce uniformity in the employment of methods in the study and description of species of bacteria, and to this end it is necessary not only to recommend the routine employment of various media, and the setting forth in due order of information with reference to the morphological and biological features presented by any species that has been studied, but also to describe with exactitude the usages which the committee have deemed the most acceptable in connec- tion with the various tests. It is in no sense intended that these recommendations should form a complete treatise upon bacteriological technique. Only such matters are treated concerning which it is felt that there is need of greater uniformity of procedure or a more precise and correct technique. Especially in the preparation of media is greater uniformity of procedure necessary. The committee feel that these recommendations are in many respects imperfect, yet they make them in the belief that, while in no sense final, they constitute a step towards a universally accepted method of procedure in connection with species differentiation. Concerning these important facts, it need only be stated that a possi- ble seasonal distribution of species must always be borne in mind. The date recorded on the analysis table should bear upon this fact. SOURCE AND HABITAT. MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS. To insure uniformity of description of the three main divisions and their subdivisions as determined by their grouping, the following nomen- clature is adopted and the terms defined : i. Form. 1. Coccus or micrococcus. Forms which are spherical or subspherical. 2. Bacillus. Oblong or cylindrical forms, having one dimension definitely greater than any other, more or less straight and never forming spirals. REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 3. Spirillum. Cylindrical and curved forms, constituting complete spirals or por- tions of spirals. The natural grouping which may be observed in hanging drop cul- tures and frequently also in cover-glass preparations, leads natur- ally to subdivisions of the main groups, as follows : 1. Coccus. a. Single coccus, grouped irregularly. b. Diplococcus, forming pairs. c. Streptococcus, forming chains, often showing paired cocci. d. Tetracoccus, forming fours by division through two planes of space. e. Sarcina, forming packets of eight members, by division through three planes of space. 2. Bacillus. a. Single bacillus. b. Diplo- and Strepto-bacillus, forming twos or longer chains, the bacilli attached end to end. c. Filaments, or thread-like growths, in which divisions into bacilli of the normal length are not apparent, or occur irregularly and transversely to the long axis of the growth. The determination of morphological characters should always be made from fully developed cultures; those which are too young may present immature forms, due to rapid multiplication, while in old cultures, altered or degenerated forms may be observed. When growth is obtained upon different media, variations, especially in size, may sometimes be observed. These differences should always be described, together with a note of the media upon which they were devel- oped, and a statement as to whether such variation is a marked feature of the species under consideration. The conditions of temperature and of medium which favor growth are very various for different species, so that no fixed temperature, medium, or age of growth can be determined upon as applicable to all species. Morphological descriptions should always be accompanied by a definite statement of the age of the growth, the medium from which it was ob- tained, and the temperature at which it was developed. It is further advisable that the appearances observed in growths developed upon a solid and in a liquid medium, should be recorded. In accordance with these facts, the following procedure is recom- mended as a routine whenever it is applicable, for the determination of the form and grouping of bacteria. Determine and describe the morphology from growth obtained upon at least one solid medium and in at least one liquid medium. Growth at 36°-38° C. should, in general, be not older than from 24 to 48 hours, REPORT OF COMMITTEE. while growth at room temperature (iß° C.-220 C.) should be not older than from 48 to 72 hours. Growth on solid media may be studied from cover-glass preparations ; while in liquid media growth is best observed in hanging drop, preferably in a fresh medium inoculated with a very small amount of the culture to be examined. It is desirable as a routine procedure in recording form and grouping, that growth from nutrient broth, gelatine and agar be microscopically examined and described, and that any variation from the morphology thus established, found upon examination of growth from other standard media, be accurately noted. 2. Dimensions. It seems probable that the remarkable diversity in published state- ments with regard to the dimensions of many of the commonest of the bacteria, is due largely to the different methods employed of preparing, fixing, and staining the cover-glass preparations. Spreading the film ; The films should be made from a very dilute emulsion of the prescribed culture in distilled water, spread thinly upon a perfectly clean cover- glass,1 and dried rapidly in the air. Fixing the film: For ordinary purposes of observation, fixing may be effected by pass- ing the preparation three times through a flame, but for specimens to be used for accurate measurements this method of fixing is crude. To establish a uniform procedure, and to avoid distortions from overheating, it is recommended that the film be fixed by heating in an automatically regulated air bath for twenty minutes, at a temperature of 1150 C. Care must be taken to keep the cover-glass from direct contact with the metal shelf of the oven, and in close proximity to the bulb of the thermometer. Staining : In regard to the dyes that should be used, there is some diversity of opinion among the members of the Committee. All agree that, when possible, dyes should be used cold, and that a dilute watery solution of fuchsin, made by adding 5 c. c. of a saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsin to 95 c. c. of distilled water, has a wide application. A dilute watery solution of methy- lene blue and one of gentian violet, made in the way recommended for preparing the watery solution of fuchsin, also are useful, as is likewise Loeffler’s alkaline solution of methylene blue. These dyes, therefore, as thus prepared, are recommended by the Committee. It is necessary that all dyes be freshly prepared, as the presence of the alcohol, which rapidly evaporates, has a distinct effect in their staining properties. fermentation tubes, etc., may be freed from all organic matter adhering to them by boiling them for an hour in the following solution : Potassium bichromate 6 parts, thoroughly dissolved in 100 parts of water, to which is then slowly added 5 parts of C. P. sulphuric acid. After boiling, the bichromate solution is allowed to cool, and is removed from the glassware by repeated rinsings in water. Cover-glasses thus cleansed are to be stored in strong alcohol. 12 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. Mounting in media of different refractive indices makes differences in the pictures • obtained. The materials most commonly used for this pur- pose are water, and balsam dissolved in xylol, or cedar oil; the former having a low index of refraction, and the latter a high index. When exam- ined in water the preparation may be ringed with vaseline to prevent evaporation and the consequent distortion resulting from partial drying. Balsam is much to be preferred, however, for general observation and for measurements of the bacteria, although for certain specific purposes other media having a higher or lower refractive index are more serviceable. Descriptions should always be made from examinations under a magnify- ing power not less than that given by a 1-12 homogeneous immersion lens and a No. 3 Huygenian eye-piece. Mounting: Measurement: The most accurate method of determining the exact size of bacteria is by photography, but as photo-micrography at 1,000 diameters requires much special apparatus, the Committee feel that this mode of measurement cannot be required of all observers, although it is to be preferred where it is practicable. Dimensions, especially transverse dimensions, should always be given in terms of the micro-millimeter (/x), and if not determined by photography, should be by as accurate measurement as can be obtained by an eye-piece micrometer. Welch recommends as a ready method for record, comparing the size of the bacteria with the diameter of the human red blood cor- puscle. This is easily done by obtaining a drop of blood from the finger and mixing a portion of the diluted culture with it, a method which insures considerable uniformity and gives information as to the size of the organism in its living condition. 3. Methods of grouping and arrangement in the growths. Grouping can be accurately determined from growths in liquid media and preferably in “ hanging drop ” cultures prepared by placing a drop of fresh medium upon a sterilized cover-glass and inoculating the edge with a minute portion of the culture, so that the growth and spread of the organisms may be watched. This method of observation yields in general more accurate information than that obtained from “impression preparations” of surface colonies, though these latter are of distinct use, and are included among the gener- ally useful tests. 4. Staining powers. Little is definitely known about the intimate structure of the bacterial cell. Bacteria show, however, marked differences in their staining quali- ties, some taking the dye readily and staining uniformly, while others are more or less difficult to stain, and some show unstained or slightly stained REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 13 portions. These differences may be more or less constant, and they appear, to some extent at least, to depend upon the dye or the solution used for staining. To insure uniformity, it is preferable to use simple aqueous solutions of the basic anilin dyes (See p. 64) and when these fail to give satisfactory results, Loeffler’s methylene blue1 is to be recommended.2 The intensity of staining often differs with the dye or solution employed, and it is well to study the appearances both in faintly and in deeply stained specimens. As the action of the decolorizing agents upon stained bacteria has been insufficiently studied, much information might be gained by research in this direction. The method of staining known as Gram’s method3 is the most useful of the differential methods of staining and the Committee recommend that it should be applied to all species studied 5. Capsules. All bacteria are believed to have an envelope, slimy or gelatinous in character, which causes them to adhere together and to other objects. In some cases this gelatinous zone, either from its extent or other characters, may be readily demonstrable, and to this the name “ capsule ” was given by Friedlaender; but in the majority of species it is very limited in extent or difficult of demonstration, so as to be visible only under special condi- tions. Many pathogenic bacteria present readily demonstrable capsules only in the animal body. The term “ capsulated ” as applied to species of bacteria has been generally confined to those upon which this zone can, by one or other method, be seen. When found in nature, growing in moist places, or fre- quently in the animal body, capsules may not infrequently be observed, but when bacteria are cultivated artificially the capsule often seems to dis- appear entirely, even from the species which develop it in the animal body or under natural conditions, and only occasionally is the capsule preserved for a few transplantings in cultures in milk and blood serum, and in surface growths on moist agar. The appearance of clear, unstained zones, more or less regular in con- tour, surrounding the bacteria, may be indicative of the presence of capsules, but cannot be considered as a demonstration of their presence. This demonstration can be considered positive only when the capsules are stained differentially from the contained organism and the tissue or other matter surrounding them. Sometimes a differential stain is obtained by the ordinary staining methods, using the watery dyes, anilin-water gentian-violet, or normal or 1 Mittheilungen aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte, Berlin, 1884, p. 439. 2 Dyes should be freshly prepared. 3 Fortschritte der Med. Bd. 11, No. 6, 1884, REPORT OF COMMITTEE. dilute carbolic fuchsin, the capsule taking on a paler shade of color than the contained protoplasm. In many other instances, however, no stain of the capsule is thus obtained, and for purposes of demonstration it then becomes necessary to resort to special staining methods to render the capsule visible. None of the methods yet devised are universally ap- plicable to this end. Welch has found that many of the more delicate capsules may be dissolved or rendered invisible by contact with water, whether before, during, or after, the application of the dye. Many capsules are fixed by glacial acetic acid, and for this group of capsulated bacteria Welch’s method of staining the capsules is most satisfactory. This method is as follows : The cover-slip specimens, prepared without water, are treated first with glacial acetic acid, which is at once allowed to drain off and is replaced (without washing in water) with anilin-oil gentian-violet solu- tion, which is allowed to run off and is repeatedly added to the surface of the cover-glass until the acid has been displaced. The specimen is now briskly washed with a one to two per cent, solution of common salt. The specimen is to be examined in the salt solution. The proper strength of the salt solution to be used varies in different cases, sometimes the ordi- nary physiological solution sufficing; at other times over two per cent, may be required.1 In noting the presence or absence of capsules, the methods employed for demonstrating them and the conditions under which they have been observed should be fully stated. 6, Flagella. Motility. So far as known, the movements of bacteria are produced only through the agency of flagella and when true motility of any species, as distin- guished from Brownian movement, is observed, the presence of flagella may, from this fact alone, be assumed ; although, the converse is by no means always true. Different degrees of motility may be observed at different ages of growth, young cultures showing much more active move- ments than older cultures, while in quite old cultures motion may be entirely suspended. Motion may be apparent in specimens from cultures of the colon bacillus eight or ten hours old, and absent from cultures twenty-four hours old. Other causes not well understood seem to influence motility, and an observation has been made by Theobald Smith that a specimen of the B. coli communis which was usually non-motile in young fluid cultures, was motile in hanging-drop preparations, when made from young cultures developed on solid media. Although species maybe found which appear motionless under all conditions of growth, but which are otherwise undistinguishable from motile forms,2 it may be stated that i Welch. The “ Bulletin of The Johns Hopkins Hospital,” December, 1892, p. 128. 2 Dr. Veranus A. Moore, in 1891, isolatedfrom the organs of a pig a non-motile bacillus which proved to be similar in its pathogenic and cultural characters to the (motile) bacillus of hog cholera. In spite of the absence of motility, Dr. Theobald Smith determined that he could not do otherwise than place this organism in the hog cholera group, this being the solitary mark of distinction. V. A. Moore—The nature of the flagella, etc. Journ. Am. Pub. Health Assoc Vol. 20.189=;, p. 436. REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 15 generally speaking the presence or absence of motility is a valuable test for species differentiation. The study of motility is best made in hanging-drop preparations in bouillon prepared from young cultures as before described (p. 65), grown at or near the optimum temperature for only a few (6 to 18) hours. For most bacteria the flagella are so fine and delicate that they are invisible in any mounting medium and under any of the magnifying pow- ers now obtainable, except when especially stained. Considerable practice is usually required for the successful preparation of specimens by any of the staining methods yet published ; and while no single method is applicable to all species, any or all of these methods are liable to prove uncertain, even in the hands of skilled workers. From some of the earlier studies on the staining of flagella, it seemed probable that the length, number and arrangement of these organs of motility might be so constant as to give important morphological data for species differentiation,1 but their length has been found to vary so greatly and their number and arrangement are so inconstant, that less help can be derived from this source than was at first hoped for. It is, however, important to determine the arrangement and number of the flagella, to describe which the terms monotricha, lophotricha, amphitricha, and peri- tricha, introduced by Mesea,2 are serviceable. The methods of staining the flagella, most to be recommended, are two, one devised by Loeffler and described in Cent. f. Bakt, and Parasit., Bd. VII, 1890, p. 625, and the other by Van Ermengem, published in the Travaux du Lab. d’ hygiene et de bact. de Gand. T. 1, p. 3, of which an abstract is to be found in Cent. f. Bakt. & Parasit., Bd. 15, 1894, p. 969. Other methods, mostly modifications of Loeffler’s, sometimes prove useful, among which may be recommended that of Bunge (Fortschritt der Med. Bd. XII, 1894, pp. 462-653) and that of Nicolle & Morax (An- nales Inst. Pasteur, T. VII, 1893, p. 554). In describing motility, the kind of motion observed should always be noted, whether active or slow, direct or rotary, vibratory, etc. When flagella are stained, the culture from which the preparation is made should be fully described and the method of staining noted. 7. Spores. The vegetative form of the bacteria, which we have been considering, is the most usual stage of growth observed. While in this stage the bac- teria, multiplying by fission, and fulfilling their various life functions, are 1 Mesea. Revista d’ igiene e sanita publica. No. 14,1889, p. 513. Luksch. Cent. f. Bakt. & Parasit. Bd. XII, 1892, s. 427. 2V. A. Moore. Wilder Quarter Century Book, p. 339. V. A. Moore. Journal Am. Pub. H. Assoc., Vol. 20, Oct. 1895, P* 441- Stoecklin. Annales Suisses des Sciences Medicals, 1 Serie, Livreson, 6,1894. 16 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. sensitive to external influences, and may be easily destroyed by conditions which are inimical to them. Some species have the power to develop bodies very much less susceptible to deleterious surroundings, known as spores, which, under conditions favorable to their germination, develop into the vegetative forms of the organism from which they are derived. The spore does not multiply, and from the time of its formation seems to be and to remain in an absolutely quiescent or resting stage until it germ- inates. The function of the spore seems to be solely the preservation of the species; and it is generally believed that spores form only when growth conditions are in one or more ways unfavorable. It is well known that spores develop within the bodies of many bac- teria (endospores) and it is inferred by some that “joint-spores” (arthro- spores) may develop in many other species. The former have been accu- rately studied, the latter have not, and indeed the whole conception of arthrospores for bacteria is rejected by most recent writers. So far as the endospores are concerned, they may be seen within the bodies of the bac- teria, situated centrally or nearer the ends, and appear as bright, highly refractive bodies, which do not stain by exposure for a few minutes to the watery dyes. It should be noted whether the spores produce a swelling of the bacterial cell at the site of their formation, giving rise to Clostri- dium and drumstick shapes. Spores may sometimes be stained with comparative ease, by the use of a hot dye, but some one of the special methods devised for this purpose must usually be resorted to. The methods here recommended are those devised by Hauser (Munch. Med. Wochenscrift, 1887, No. 34), by Moeller (Cent, fiir Bakt. & Parasit, Bd. X, p. 273), and by Abbott (Principles of Bacteriology, 3d Ed., p. 146). No single method seems applicable to the staining of all spores, how- ever, and in many bacteria small, bright, and shiny areas which usually do not take up the dye, may often be observed. In some cases it is known that these appearances are due to the formation or deposit within the or- ganism of vacuoles, fat or crystals, but as the differentiation of these bodies from spores is not always possible, either by optical or by staining methods, some other means of identifying spores is necessary. It is obvious that the only means of positively knowing that a certain body is a spore, is to see it perform the only active function it can per- form, namely, to observe its development into a vegetative form of bac- terium. Such a study is greatly facilitated by a special incubator fitted to receive the microscope, and requires patient watching for perhaps many hours, so that although it is often possible to prove the identity of spores in this way, it is seldom a practical thing to do. The method most in vogue for this determination is to test the resistance of the suspected bodies to heat (moist heat between Bo° and ioo° C.). This method, as is acknowledged, is faulty, for although bodies which will withstand such a temperature for any considerable length of time must be spores, yet it is REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 17 readily conceivable that spores may also be formed which have not the power of resisting such high degrees of heat, or may be capable of with- standing only drying or possibly also other conditions which are usually inimical to bacterial life. This method, however, is the most practical one at present at our com- mand for the determination of the presence or absence of spores, and while the Committee urge that the germination of spores should be stud- ied whenever possible, yet they would recommend that the present test for the presence of spores be (1). The development of colonies of the species under examination from cultures which have been subjected to a temperature of Bo° C. for ten minutes ; and also, (2). The presence of highly refracting bodies within the bacteria in unstained specimens and their demonstration as “spore-like” bodies by one or more of the approved special methods for staining spores. 8. Pleomorphism. A separate section is provided for the consideration of the tendency of the bacteria to pleomorphism, a subject already referred to, because this matter in the past has scarcely received the attention it deserves. The well known discrepancies in the descriptions of what is evidently one and the same species, given by different and equally competent ob- servers, would appear to be largely due to a lack of recognition of this tendency; and while careful study will undoubtedly afford a more perfect knowledge of the limit of variation in size and shape among the mem- bers of a single species of bacteria, .the determination of the extent of pleomorphism promises to be of definite value as an additional character to be made use of in grouping allied species. Attention is called to the variations in size and shape brought about by the following conditions of growth : (a) at different temperatures; (i>) upon or in media of different composition; (c) upon or in media of different degrees of acidity and alkalinity; (d) in cultures of different ages, (e) as well as to the variations in the size and shape of different in- dividual bacteria obtained from one culture, and appearing often in the same field of view: i. e., subjected to exactly the same conditions of growth. 9. Involutio?i and degeneration fori7is. Little need be said in this section beyond recommending that a note be made of the changes which occur in the older cultures in the form of the bacteria, and of the period at which, under various conditions, such ab- normal or irregular forms make their appearance. Up to the present REPORT OF COMMITTEE. time there has been little systematic study of the modifications in the shape and appearance of bacteria in older cultures. BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS. A. Cultural Characteristics. The biological characters shown by the bacteria depend so largely upon the composition of the media upon or in which these organisms are grown, that the Committee urge most strongly the adoption by all work- ers in this line of standard media for use in species description and dif- ferentiation. It is freely conceded that no two batches of media can be made abso- lutely identical, but much greater uniformity in the composition of media may be obtained than that which now prevails, by adhering closely to a uniform method of procedure in their manufacture. To this end the Committee have drawn up exact methods of preparing culture media, standardized by what have proved, in their experience, the best procedures. These methods do not represent as a whole, the pro- cedures followed by any one of their number up to the present time, and it is not claimed for them that they are in any sense perfect, but it is believed that by the adoption of standard methods of preparing media much of the divergence that now exists in the descriptions of bacteria, both well and little known, will be obviated. The preparation of artificial culture media in general. * It is recommended that the following ingredients be uniformly em- ployed in the preparation of the respective standard culture media: 1. Distilled water. 2. Fresh lean meat (beef, or when veal or chicken is substituted, this change should be stated). 3. Witte’s pepton (dry, made from meat), 4. Sodium chlorid, C. P. 5. Sodium hydroxid, C. P., in normal solution for alkalinization, 6. Hydric chlorid, C. P., in normal solution for acidification. 7. Pure redistilled glycerin. 8. Carbohydrates, as nearly chemically pure as possible. 9. Commercial sheet gelatin, wTashed as free as possible from acids and other impurities. 10. Commercial agar in threads (high grade). 11. Such chemicals as are employed for special purposes, to be as pure as practicable. Sterilization of media : Sterilization may be effected either by the continuous or by the frac- tional method. REPORT OF COMMITTEE. I. When sterilizing by the continuous method, some form of autoclave is to be preferred, and in using this apparatus it is requisite that the con- fined air be replaced by superheated steam. To insure this, both the manometer and the thermometer should be made use of, and the time decided upon for sterilization should begin only when the theoretical tem- perature, as indicated by the pressure gauge, corresponds with that re- corded by the thermometer. Exposure in the autoclave to a temperature of no° C. (6 lbs. pressure) for fifteen minutes is usually sufficient for the sterilization of glassware, apparatus, and media in tubes; for the ster- ilization of media in bulk, at this temperature about thirty minutes’ heating is necessary. 11. Sterilization by the fractional method may be effected either, a, in streaming steam, or b, in an incubator or water bath at some tempera- ture not less than 6o° C. These methods are so well known as to require no description here. The importance of the reaction of media, as a controlling factor in the development of biological characters, is well known to be very great. Reaction of media: The first thing to obtain is a standard “ indicator ” which will give uni- form results. These requirements are best fulfilled by phenolphthalein. This indicator was first suggested by Schultze in combination with the titration method for obtaining the desired reaction for culture media (Cent, fur Bakt. & Parasit Bd. X, 1891, p. 53), but its general adoption seems to have been retarded largely by Dahmen (Cent, fur Bakt. & Para- sit, Bd. XII, 1892, p. 620) who claimed that its use was not feasible, owing to complications which might arise from the presence of carbonates and ammonium salts in the solution to be tested. These objections to the use of phenolphthalein do exist, but may be readily overcome. The amount of free and combined ammonia present in culture media at the time the reaction is determined, has been found not to exceed 0.003 Per cer|t-> which is less than one tenth the amount which interferes with the accuracy of this indicator,1 while the production of carbon dioxid is obviated to a very great degree by neutralizing with sodium hydroxid instead of with sodium carbonate, and any of this gas which may be absorbed from the atmosphere is practically all driven off by heat during the preparation of the media. The great advantage in the use of phenolphthalein over other indica- tors lies in the fact that it takes into account the reaction of weak organic acids and of organic compounds which have an amphoteric reaction, but in which the acid character predominates. Turmeric possesses the same properties, but the change in color from a yellow to brown is less satisfac- tory than the development of purple-red color, and furthermore turmeric paper changes color rather slowly, while with phenolphthalein the color appears almost instantly. 1 Ammonia is not produced by the addition of alkali to the nitrogenous compounds, because at no time during the preparation of the media is there an appreciable amount of free alkali present. 20 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. Another advantage to be gained from the use of this latter indicator, is its behavior towards the phosphates. Petri & Maassen (Arbeiten aus dem K. Gesundheitsamte, Bd. VIII, 1893, p. 311) and Timpe (Cent, fur Bakt. & Parasit. Bd. XIV, 1893, p. 845 ; Bd. XV, 1894, pp. 394-664; Bd. XVII, 1893, p. 416) have shown that the amphoteric reaction of media is associated with the presence of phosphates, and that there are present in peptone and gelatin proteid bodies which possess both an acid and a basic nature, but in which the acid character predominates. These observers agree that to determine accurately the reaction of such ampho- teric compounds phenolphthalein (or turmeric paper) should be used as an indicator. It is known that at the neutral point of phenolphthalein any free phos- phoric acid present enters into combination, and the monobasic and tri- basic salts of this acid are changed to the dibasic form (Na2 H P 04). Now disodium hydrogen phosphate reacts alkaline to litmus, lacmoid, rosolic acid, and methyl orange, but neutral to phenolphthalein and turmeric. Studies made at the Lawrence Experiment Station show that this acid salt may be added to culture media in amounts greatly exceeding those naturally present in the media without producing any apparent influence upon bacterial development. From these facts it seems clear that the use of any of the above men- tioned indicators, other than phenolphthalein and turmeric, in the presence of this dibasic phosphate, prevents the addition of a sufficient amount of free alkali to effect neutralization, and as the amount of phosphates in media varies considerably, the reaction passes beyond accurate control when litmus and other substances of its class are used as indicators. Datum point to which all degrees of reaction shall be referred: From the available evidence it seems advisable to adopt the phenol- phthalein neutral point as the fixed point to which all degrees of reaction shall be referred. The question of the proper reaction of media for the cultivation of bac- teria and the method of obtaining this reaction, have been discussed in a valuable paper by Mr. George W. Fuller, published in the Journal of the American Public Health Association, Vol. 20, October, 1895, p. 321. Some of the main results there given have been mentioned above. Method of determining the degree of reaction of culture media: For this most important part in the preparation of culture media, bur- ettes, graduated into one tenth c. c., and three solutions are required. 1. A 0.5 per cent, solution of commercial phenolphthalein in 50 per cent, alcohol. 2. A— solution of sodium hydroxid. 3. solution of hydric chlorid. 20 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. 21 Solutions Nos. 2 and 3 must be accurately made up and must corre- spond with the normal solutions soon to be referred to. Solutions of sodium hydroxid are prone to deterioration from the absorption of car- bon dioxid and the consequent formation of sodium carbonate. To pre- vent as much as possible this change, it is well to place in the bottle con- taining the stock solution a small amount of calcium hydroxid, while the air entering the burettes or the supply bottles should be made to pass through a “U ” tube containing caustic soda, to extract from it the carbon dioxid. The medium to be tested, all ingredients being dissolved, is brought to the prescribed volume by the addition of distilled water to replace that lost by boiling, and after being thoroughly stirred, five c. c. are transferred to a 6-inch porcelain evaporating dish; to this forty-five c. c. of distilled water are added, and the fifty c. c. of fluid are boiled for three minutes over a flame. One c. c. of the solution of phenolphthalein (No. 1) is then added and by titration with the required reagent (No. 2 or 3) the reac- tion is determined. In the majority of instances the reaction will be found to be acid so that the sodium hydroxid is the reagent most fre- -20 quently required. This determination should be made not less than three times, and the average of the results obtained taken as the degree of reaction. One of the most difficult things to determine in this process is exactly when the neutral point is reached as shown by the color developed, and to be able in every instance to obtain the same shade of color. To aid in this regard, it may here be remarked, that in bright daylight the first change that can be seen on the addition of alkali is a very faint darken- ing of the fluid, which on the addition of more alkali becomes a more evident color, and develops into what may be described as an Italian pink. A still further addition of alkali suddenly develops a clear and bright pink color, and this is the reaction always to be obtained. All titrations should be made quickly and in the hot solutions, to avoid complications arising from the presence of carbon dioxid. When this manipulation is carried out uniformly, as here suggested, and the end point having the same intensity of color is always reached, very satisfactory and closely-agreeing results may be obtained. Neutralization of media: The next step in the process is to add to the bulk of the medium the calculated amount of reagent, either alkali or acid as may be determined. For the purpose of neutralization a normal solution of sodium hydroxid or of hydric chlorid is used and after being thoroughly stirred the fluid thus neutralized is again tested in the same manner as at first to insure the proper reaction of the medium being attained. When neutralization is to be effected by the addition of alkali, it not infrequently happens that after the calculated amount of normal solution of sodium hydroxid has 22 REPORT OF COMMITTEE. been added the second test by titration will show that the medium is still acid to phenolphthalein, to the extent sometimes of from 0.5 to 1 per cent. This discrepancy is perhaps due to side reactions which are not understood; the reaction of the medium, however, must be brought to the desired point by the further addition of sodium hydroxid, and the titra- tions and additions of alkali must be repeated until the medium has the desired reaction, (i. I Shape. £ Gelatin and A gar. Margin. M-l O Texture. Color. o Tube Cultures. Growth under mica CJ plate. s throughout at °C. Gas does or does not develop. Growth more or less abundant than Color does or does not develop. on nutrient gelatin or agar. ( \ \ , \ ) media. Blood um. Nitrate broth. >ton and salt solutic rt u a