mm—m fofa 6 U»-fofc :J*». f ANNUAL LECTURE. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE DELIVERED IN- THE CASTLETON MEDICAL COLLEGE, HA1BGSI 8» EMS* BY JAMES McCLLNTOCK, M. D., prope»sor or general, special and scroioax akatoht. PUBLISHED BY THE CLASS. CASTLETON, Vt. ^ ROBINSON to SOUTHMAYD, PIIINTERS. 1842. Castleton, March 19th, 1842. Prof. James McClintock : Dear Sir-At a meeting of the Students of the Castleton Medical College, Mr. Z. W. Joslin, of N. Y. was called to the Chair, and Mr. Samuel Galcntin, of N. Y. appointed Secretary; and the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved,—That a Committee of five be appointed to request of Prof. James McClintock a copy of his Introductory Lecture, to the Course of this Spring, for publication. In behalf of the Class, the Committee beg leave to present the above request. Respectfully Yours, CHARLES WARREN, N. H. II. JUDSON SQUIRE, N. Y. LEWIS F. TITUS, N. Y. SAMUEL GALENTIN, N. Y. GEORGE F. NEWELL, L. C. Castleton, March 21, 1842. Gentlemen, —Your communication of the 19th inst. requesting, in behalf of the Students e-f Castleton Medical College, a copy of my late Introductory Lecture for publication, was duly received. As it is my determination to comply, as far as I possibly can, with every wish of the Class, I herewith furnish you a copy of the Address. Accept for yourselves, Gentlemen, and the Claas you repre- sent, the best wishes of Your Friend, JAMES McCLINTOCK. Messrs. Waruen, So.ltre, Titus, Galestin aud Newell. 1NTR0DU C TORY L l\ C T URE. Gentlemen: It is my duty to deliver to you the General Introductory to the Course of Medical Lectures in this College. I cheerfully em- brace the opportunity to give you a cordial welcome to our Halls, and to express the hope, that in your connection with this Insti- tution, all your anticipations will be more than realized. I shall also, before entering upon the principal topic of my discourse, offer you a few remarks upon the present condition of the School to which you have attached yourselves. At the late Session of the General Assembly of Vermont, our Board of Trustees presented a petition requesting the alteration of the title of our Institution, from the ';Vermont Academy of Medicine"' to the "Castleton Medical College.*' It was believed that the latter title would comport more strictly with the charac- ter of the School, and that a change in this respect would be ben- eficial. The Legislature passed the necessary law, and our title is altered accordingly. Since our last Session important alterations have occurred in sician is not required to know anything of Surgery, nor the sur- geon to understand the treatment of any other than surgical diseases. It is well for us that no such distinction exists in this country. The Surgeon ought to be the best of Physicians.— Indeed, every demand for the use of the knife is an implication of the poverty of our science, whose highest aim should be to cure disease of every form with the least possible injury to the organization. I cannot exhibit to you the true characteristics of a good surgeon better than in the language of the lamented God- man, in a note to Coster's Manual of Surgical Operations. "The difference between a surgeon and a mere operator, may be more thoroughly appreciated by contrasting them :— the surgeon in- quires into the causes and removes the consequences of constitu- tional or local disease—the operator inquires into the willingness of his patient to submit, and resorts to the knife. The surgeon relies on the restoration of the healthy actions by regimen and medicine—the operator relies on himself, and cuts off the diseas- ed parts. The surgeon reflecting on the comfort and feelings of his patient, uniformly endeavors to save him from pain and de- formity—the operator considers his own immediate advantage, and the notoriety he may acquire, regardless of all other consid- erations. The surgeon reluctantly decides on the employment of instruments—the operator delays no longer than to give his knife a keen edge. The surgeon is governed by the principles of medicine—the operator, most generally by the principles of inr terest: one is distinguished by the numbers he has saved from mutilation and restored to usefulness—the other by the number 14 of cripples he has successfully made. The surgeon is an honor to his profession and a benefactor to his fellow creatures—the mere operator renders the profession odious, and is one of the greatest curses to which mankind, among their manifold miser- ies are exposed." But, gentlemen, in the present state of medical science, the use of the knife is sometimes indispensable. I trust therefore} that you will apply yourselves closely to this important subject, and endeavor to prepare yourselves for those scenes of trial to which, in all probability, you must more or less frequently be in- troduced in the course of your practice. My colleague, the Pro- fessor in this department, divides his lectures into two parts, in the first of which the principles of surgery'are developed, while the second is given up to operative surgery, where, "in addition to the usual demonstrations on the subject of the operations both of major and minor surgery, and the dislocations and fractures made and reduced in presence of the class, there will be further illustrations by casts, and a complete set of oil colored paintings the size of life, representing the various surgical diseases, and the respective operations for their removal."* The Practice of Medicine leaches the application of principles derived from the various branches of study to which your atten- tion has been called, at the bedside of the sick. In this depart- ment, your intellectual powers will be more strongly tasked, perhaps, than in any other, for it is furnished with few helps in the form of ocular demonstration. It will not appeal to your eyes but to your understanding. Manual dexterity will avail nothing here. But whatever capacity for observation, memory or reflection you may possess will be constantly and thoroughly tasked. The Professor of Theory and Practice will not fail to set before you in the strongest light the importance of his de- partment, and I am sure that he will develope its principles inthe true philosophical spirit, and with the utmost clearness and pre- cision. Opthalmology, as here taught, is a much more extensive sci- ence than is implied in its title, embracing not merely the Anat- omy of the eye, but also its Physiology and Pathology, medical and surgical. During the lectures, the structure and functions of the organ will be fully demonstrated by means of recent dissec- tions, preparations, models and diagrams. In the surgical part of the course, the various operations will first be performed by the Professor, upon the eye of some inferior animal; you will then have the opportunity of repeating the operation in presence of the teacher, thus acquiring that practical skill which is so of- ten called for in the performance of the delicate operations re- quired in opthalmic diseases. In addition to these demonstra- tions, many operations upon living patients were performed dur- ing last session in presence of the class; and we have every rea- * Annual Announcement. 15 son to expect that during the present term the number of such operations will be much increased. It is worthy of remark that this College is the only one in the United States where this es- sential branch of science is taught by a distinct Professor. The last subject to which I sh-vll call your attention in this re- lation is Medical Jurisprudence, which is said by Dr. Beck to be that "science which applies the principles and practice of the different branches of medicine to the elucidation of difficult ques- » tions in Courts of Justice." Great contempt has been brought upon our profession by the apathy with which, until lately, this important subject has been regarded. Consider its bearings for a moment, and you will see the folly of neglecting it. The issue of an important trial depends upon the question whether or not a certain individual is of sound mind. Who but the physician is called upon to decide the question ? A rapcis charged—the med- ical man is placed in the box and must settle the point as to the guilt or innocence of the prisoner at the bar. . Murder is suspec- ted in another case, and the causes of death, or the effects of wounds or poisons must be fully laid open by the physician. In a word, cases are continually occurring in which the lives of in- nocent men, the property of supposed lunatics, or the character of individuals before of good repute, lie absolutely at the mercy of the medical practitioner. "Who can measure his guilt, if in- justice be done on account of his wilful ignorance? Who will sympathize with his shame, when that ignorance is exposed in the crowded court-room by an acute lawyer? VTho will envy his feelings, when, after the verdict is rendered, he finds that the guilty have escaped or the innocent been punished, through his stupidity? To this ordeal, gentlemen, you will all be liable.— I trust, for the honor of the profession, and for the sake of your own good name, that you will prepare yourselves for it by a faithful improvement of the opportunities here offered to you by the lectures of a competent Professor devoted to the single sub- ject of Medical Juiisprudence. From the brief outline which I have now given you, gen- tlemen, you can form some idea of the extent and variety of the studies requisite to prepare you properly to discharge the duties of the honorable profession to which you are looking forward.— Need I say, that, in view of these extensive studies, you must apply yourselves diligently to the acquisition of knowledge dur- ing your stay here? Need I now tell you that there is no royal road to medical skill? Be assured that no acuteness of percep- tion, no strength of understanding, nay, no brilliancy of genius, will enable you to dispense in the course of your future practice, with a knowledge of the branches of science which I have enu. merated in your hearing. The possession of these great gifts, if it disposes you to neglect your studies, will prove a curse to you instead of a blessing. The physician must be a man of knowl- 1(5 edge as well as of talent. I know that you may answer every" exhortation of this sort, by adducing examples of men within your own knowledge who have acquired practice and wealth without any proper preparation for the profession. So, gentle- men, have panacea mongers and pill-venders of all classes suc- ceeded in amassing wealth by imposture. There is abundance of quackery in the profession as well as out of it; and it is hard to say which is the most pernicious. The man who attempts to cure diseases generally without such a basis of sound medical knowledge as has been named to you, is a quack, as I have al- ready said, in spite of diplomas. You may find these titled ig- norami hanging on to the skirts of our noble calling and disgra- cing it by their blundering ignorance, in every village, town and eity in the land. From the culpable negligence of Medical Ex- aminers, or perhaps more frequently, from the avarice of Medi- cal Professors in Colleges, in whose eyes the Cees of graduation were of more importance than the worth and dignity of the. pro- fession, many such unqualified men have been sent forth into the world, with an M. D. tacked to their names, licensed to practice physic without skill,—or more truly, licensed to kill their fellolv creatures with impunity. Shall this class ol men continue among us? Shall the medical character never assume its proper elevation in this country ? It is for you, gentlemen, and such as you, to answer these questions* Apply all your energy and industry to study now, and you may- go forth from these Halls with a rightful title to the respect of your fellow men ; prepared by your own skillful and successful practice, to vindicate the scientific claims of our Art, and to ele- vate the reputation of the Profession which you have chosen. Do not understand me, however, to present the difficulties of our study as discouragements to any of you. There are no deep mysteries in medical practice requiring supernatural skill to un- ravel them. You will never be expected to work magic. Any mind of ordinary capacity may embrace the range of medical science, by diligent perseverence in study, to a sufficient extent for all practical purposes. We do not even expect you to obtain a full knowledge of all the departments included in the succeed- ing lectures; to study any one of them completely, would be enough to engross your whole attention for a long period. What we ask is, that you form habits of thorough study, and acquaint yourselves with the elements of each division of the science, by storing up its leading facts and fixing in your minds, firmly and forever, the principles that will be unfolded to you as essential for your future professional course. This will be within the reach of any one of you who exerts his powers faithfully ; it can be ac- complished by no one who does not. Recollect also, gentlemen, that your course here will be but the commencement of your studies. Your medical educatiou must end only with your active life. Not a few, however, ab- surdly enough, seem to suppose that books and thought are to be laid aside as soon as actual practice is begun, and some even 17 take pride in the notion that they do not need to study. A fool- ish distinction is sometimes made, between physicians who read and those who rely upon their own observation; as if it were im- possible for a man to avail himself of the resources of ethers, and to keep his awn eyes open besides; as if no experience were of any value but his own. " The eye sees in any object only what the eye biings the means of seeing;" and the w ell-read practi- tioner perceives, at one glance, what the microscope would hard- ly exhibit to his unlearned neighbor. But why need I dwell in such truisms? We lose all patience in thinking of the lazy or self-confidant Doctors whose "studies were finished," when they left college with a parchment in their pockets, and to whom the progress of Medical Science has since been a sealed book. If you have no higher ambition than to enter into this class of priv- ileged dunces, I pray you to shut up your books and go home; you have mistaken your calling. But you have a nobler ambi- tion. In the fervor of your youthful aspirations you look forward to eminence, and you are resolved that no labor of yours shall be wanting to obtain it; you look forward to long years of patient thought and untiring observation ; you even dream that the boun- daries of Science shall be enlarged through your means, and that you shall leave the profession higher than you found it. Let not those young dreams expire. The earliest purposes are gene- rally the noblest, and not until their impulses are forgotten, can the love of ease, or the sordid desire for gain, obtain complete mastery over you. The field before you is wide, and its toils are abundant; but its honors are ample. Enter it, Gentlemen, with an earnest purpose to "sow your seed in the morning—and in the evening not to withhold your hands ;" labor in it, like zealous cultivators, with ceaseless anxiety and unfailing industry; and as surely as the laws of God are changeless, will your harvest be rich and satisfying. Rich, even in the lesser rewards of wealth and honor; richer still, in the steadfast satisfaction of your own conscience ; richest of all, in the approving smile of that Great Being whose favor is better than life—whose frown is destruc- tion. I shall now close this address, by answering a question which has often been propounded to me since I became a resident of this State, viz : whether it is not better, on the whole, for every medical student to attend lectures in one of the large cities ? I have had some opportunities of observation in regard to this mat- ter, and shall now endeavor to give you the results of that obser- vation, fairly and candidly. Philadelphia is the metropolis of Medical Science in this coun- try ; in no other city have medical schools ever obtained so high a rank, or kept up a healthy existence for any length of time.— In that eity, where most of my life has been spent, I was for a number of years a practitioner and teacher of medicine, and know the condition of its schools, I believe, thoroughly. Th» 18 best of those schools, beyond all doubt, is the University of Penn- pylvania, whose Courses are attended by about four hundred stu- dents every year, whose fame is the oldest, and by far the most extended, of all the American Colleges ; whose teachers have been, during many years, the oracles of medical wisdom for this nation : and whose alumni, scattered through every State in the Union, are generally the best educated and most respected med- ical men among us. In stating to you, therefore,the advantages of this ancient school, I take the strongest case that can be pre- sented. I should say to you at once, Gentlemen, if you must go to a city school, go to the city of Philadelphia and to the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. There you will find seven accomplished Professors, lecturing on Anatomy, Surgery, Institutes of Medi- cine, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Obstetrics, and Practice of Medicine, besides the Demonstrator, who is one of the best teachers of Practical Anatomy to be found. During the Course, which lasts from the first Monday in November to the middle of March, you will hear from, the lips of these distinguished men about eighty lectures each in Anatomy, Surgery, Practice, Insti- tutes of Medicine and Chemistry ; and about fifty lectures each in Materia Medica and Obstetrics. You will find these lectures delivered in a large and commodious edifice—affording every ac- commodation for the business of instruction, and illustrated by the most extensive collections and apparatus in Anatomy, Sur- gery, Obstetrics, Materia Medica and Chemistry, which the country affords. You will have every facility for the study of Practical Anatomy—subjects in abundance, and constant instruc- tion. You will find better opportunities of Clinical instruction, and for the observation of Hospital Medical and Surgical prac- tice than are afforded any where else. Add to all these, Gentle- men, the opportunities for improvement in general literature and science, by means of libraries, public institutions and lectures, in respect to which Philadelphia stands at the head of the cities of the New World, and you will have, I think, a complete idea of the advantages afforded to the medical student at the University of Pennsylvania. And let us compare these advantages with those of a well or- ganized country School. I may, without presumption, take our own School as the subject of this comparison, for, after all, that is intended to be the point of my remarks ; and Ism sure that as to completeness of organization for the business of medical in- struction, we have no competition to fear out of the city of Phil- adelphia. As to the lectures, then, without making any unbe- coming comparison of the members of our Faculty with those of any other school, I have no doubt that you will fi.,d each of them fully qualified to teach the branch to which he is here appointed. This college offers you eight Courses of Lectures by distinct Pro- fessors, who will spare no pains or labor to do justice to their •«veral subjects. Observe, too, that these lectures will cover a& 19 the ground that can be advantageously cultivated in a preparato- ry course of education, which is all that is attempted in the cour- ses at Philadelphia. To our buildings, apparatus, and collec- tions, your attention has already been directed; they speak for themselves. As to facilities of Clinical instruction we do not pretend to compare with Philadelphia, where there are exten- sive dispensaries and hospitals, of which we are destitute. But we expect to show you, almost daily, one or more medical or sur- gical cases, enough, indeed, to occupy all the attention you will have to devote to the subject; and from arrangements now in con- templation, we think it highly probable that, before long, wa shall have an Infirmary connected with the Institution. As for Practical Anatomy, which is generally neglected in country schools, we do not need to fear comparison. We shall afford you every necessary illustration from preparations, and leave you at no loss for material for dissection. So much, then, forthe means of instruction and improvement. The practical question, after all, in regard to these means, is. how far can the student, in the limited period of his attendance at College, avail himself advan- tageously of them. You may surround him, indeed, with all the lecture rooms, hospitals, and museums of the city of Paris ; but if he has not time to employ them all, their very profusion of ap- pliances and means will distract his attention, and prevent his improvement. I think it may be safely stated that the mass of students who attend but two courses of lectures in Philadelphia, appropriate to themselves no greater amount of instruction and assistance than is afforded to every student of this College. But there are other, and very material, grounds in regard to which this comparison must be stated. And first, let me here notice the expenses of a student at the University of Pennsylva- nia. The fees paid before the diploma is received, including those of the Demonstrator of Anatomy, whose ticket no one who desires to secure either a good character or a sound education will omit to take, amount to three hundred and thirty-five dollars. Most pupils also receive, during one session at least, private in- struction from one or more physicians, the average cost of which is thirty-five dollars. The expense of boarding for the two ses- sions will average about one hundred and sixty dollars. There are few students who do not spend money at the different places of public resort and amusement; the amount, of course, varies with the habits of the student, but a very low estimate would make the average at least one hundred dollars. Add these sums together and you have a total of six hundred and thirty dollars, exclusive of the extra cost of clothing in the city, which is no in- considerable item, as the habit of expense in this particular, is almost universal with the students. J,ook now at the expenses of attending this School. The feci 20 for two courses cf lectures, and for graduation, amount to one hundred and thirty-six dollars; the highest cost of boarding for the two sessions is sixly-three dollars; and, allowing thirty dol- lars for outlays in amusement, &c. which is a large estimate in view of the absence of those places of attractive resort which allure so many in the city, we have a total of two hundred and twenty-nine dollars, leaving a balance in favor of Castleton of over four hundred dollars! It might be supposed that the cost of dissection would be greater here than in Philadelphia, but as we make no charge for dissecting ticket, use of rooms, or service, it is actually less. In these days of retrenchment and reform such a difference in the cost of education as has just been presented to you, is worth considering. I need hardly say to you that in view of the physical health of the student, a residence in so pleasant a village as this, is far more desirable than in the confined streets of a crowded city.— To one who has not been accustomed to a city life, the change from the pure air of the country is, almost of necessity, injuri- ous; and besides that, all the habits of society, foreign as they are to his accustomed mode of living, when combined with close attention to study and neglect of active exercise, tend to impair the general health. I can say from my own knowledge, that many young men from the country find their health so much af- fected by these causes, that they are obliged to abandon their studies and return home before the completion of their course j while others, more persevering, but perhaps more unfortunate, carry away a diploma, indeed, but with it also an" enfeebled sto- mach, shattered nerves, or a disorganized liver, which either in- capacitate them for the duties of the profession entirely, or make the rest of life a miserable burden. No such causes of disease operate here. In the quiet society of our village you will find no unnatural excitement. In our simple, frugal mode of living you will not be tempted to excess and led on to disease. In your daily walks, instead of inhaling an atmosphere burdened with the countless noxious vapors that steam up from the streets and alleys, the wharves and gin-shops, the factories and slaughter- houses of the crowded city, every breeze that fans your chei'k will bring health and vigor on its wings. Even while you are devoting yourselves untiringly to the pursuit of knowledge, if you will combine daily exercise in the open air, to which every- thing invites you, with habits of great regularity, from which you will have no temptations to deviate,you may enjoy as strong health here as amid the leisure or the toils of home; and then you may apply yourselves to study with all your energy, succeed- ing, as men only can succeed, who enjoy the mens sana in cor- pore sano. But the strongest argument against a few years' residence in the city for the purpose of education is to be found in the dan- gers to which the moral health of the student must be exposed, 21 I say a few years' residence,— for as they who are brought up in the city are less likely to suffer in their physical health from its causes of disease, so also are they less likely to be infected by the evil moral atmosphere to whose miasmata they have been ac- customed from their childhood. Without any sentimentalism, Gentlemen, but in all honesty of heart, and with a full consci- ousness that what my own eyes have seen will confirm all my assertions, do I declare to you, that no young man goes from a quiet country or village home, where he has been reared in the midst of virtues and religious associations, to study a profession ip the city, without running the fearful risk of moral debasement. Not that aZ/such become depraved ; there are many bright exam- ples to the contrary; but the hazard is absolutely fearful in every case. Unless the heart is fortified by a strong religious faith, the only armor that is proof against temptation, the chances are two to one that it will be pierced through and through with evil; that its foundations of fetling will be corrupted, its pure impul- ses destroyed, its habits of virtue broken up,audits unconscious- ness of sin changed into a bitter knowledge of that evil tree and its deadly fruits.—I recollect three young men out of the class which attended lectures with me nearly twenty years ago, who had all been carefully brought up. Entering upon their course with good principles and habits, the results of their moral edu- cation, their attention to study and their exemplary conduct, for the first part of the session were worthy of all praise. But after a while the poison began to work. The attractions of vice be- came too strong for them; evils, at first hideous, by degrees grew tolerable,—and, at last, in the fatal progress downwards, altogether fascinating; places of resort, at first shunned as lurk- ing places of mischief, then visited occasionally, became finally, habitual haunts trodden with willing feet. Their studies were neglected ; their habits grew more and more irregular ; midnight found them waking in revelry, and the morning sun shone in up- on them, lying, with aching heads and fevered veins, upon their sluggard beds. One short winter was enough to change them from modest, virtuous young men, into reckless and intemperate profligates. I have watched their course since that fatal winter. The sun of one of them has gone down in gloom. The others are yet alive, but, worse than dead, the bond-slaves of intemper- ence. These are no fancy sketches, Gentlemen, nor are they solitary instances. Alas ! there are but too many such. And how can it be otherwise, when our great cities, though the homes of art and refinement, and even the scenes of stronger religious zeal and effort, than are to be found elsewhere, are yet the centres of vice, the abodes of all forms of depravity, and the theatres whereon organized and disciplined vice contends con- stantly with virtue and goodness. Tacitus long ago called Rome "the city wherein all vile and shameful things flow together from all sides and flourish;" and there would be little injustice in ap- £3 plying his remarks to every great city of the present day. Com- pare now, in this moral aspect, the situation of the inexperienced student in such a city and in a quiet country town like this.— There, many forms of vice prevail, which are here entirely un- known. There he will find, not merely associates in every kind of wickedness, but tempters ready, at every corner of the streets to allure him to destruction; here, the stamp of public reprobation is set upon all such characters ; and low practices, if indulged at all, must be indulged in secret. There Art lends her aid to adorn Vice in attractive garbs of beauty. Painting and Sculpture unite for her decoration. Music waits upon her steps. She walks forth openly, in the broad sun-light, flaunting her gay draperies before the eyes of the unwary, and dazzling them with her loveliness. She exhibits herself daintily by can- dle-light, amid throngs of willing worshippers, who gather gar- lands from all the fields of art, literature and science, to cast them at her feet ; and with whose dovotion it is almost impossi- ble not to sympathize. Here, all this fictitious splendor is un- known ; and vice, if loved at all, must be loved for her own sake, in spite of her naked deformity. There, the wretched devotee of sin may mingle in society unmarked nay even courted ; and in the midst of thousands like himself, find the power of public opinion an ally, instead of an antagonist: here that power repels him from all association with mankind, and drives him back, like a leper, to his own den of solitary infamy. The poet of truth and nature, Cowper, said long ago, "God ma:le the country, and man made the town. What'wonder then ili:it heaith and virtue, gifts That can alone make nvert the hitter draught Thai lite nods ou' to all, should im>>t abound And least be Ihrealeued in ihe i.elds and giovest Possess ye, iherefure, ye, who, borne abuu: In cliariois and sedans, know no fatigue Hut that of idleness, and taste no scenes ISir such as art contrives, possess ye stil) Your element ; ihere only can ye shine: There only minds like yuurV can do no harm." Where, then, will the young man's feet be least like'y to go astray from the paths of virtue ? Where is it most probable that the lessons of virtue imprinted upon the young heart by the pious care of parents will be effaced ? It requires but little knowledge of human nature to answer, that the parent's counsels will be more likely to abide in the heart, and to work out their mission in the virtuous conduct of after life, if the young man spends that most perilous portion of his aje, the period Df professional education, in the comparatively pure atmosphere that will sur- round him here, than in the midst of the strongest forms of temp- tation. Observe, Gentlemen, that in this comparison, I have referred to the city of Philadelphia; simply because it is the emporium of medical science, and not because its moral character is worse than that of New York or any other of our great cities. On the 23 contrary it has always maintained a distinguished reputation for morality and good order; its inhabitants are generally a peace- loving and law-observing people: and its many institutions of charity, in regard to the number and excellence of which it Stands unrivalled, prove the existence of a large amount of sound virtue and expansive benevolence in its population. But, with all its excellencies, it is a great city; and, as such, the picture of its vices and temptations, which has been drawn for you, is not overcharged. I could not overcharge it if I would; certainly, in regard to my native city, I ivould not if I could. It is the best of our great cities, and therefore, my argument in favor of a country residence should be the more powerful and influential. In the remarks already made, Gentlemen, the value of moral character has been fully implied. You will not deem it imperti- nent for me, in conclusion, to make a more direct assertion of its importance to you, in view of your future profession. The re- proach has long been cast upon medical men, that, as a body, they are irreligious. Without stopping to inquire into the justice of this imputation, it can be affirmed most earnestly, that it ought not to be just. The Physician should rank next, in purity and dignity of character, to the Minister of God ; as, certainly, next to that high office whose heavenly calling it is to heal the moral maladies of man's nature, in importance and usefulness to man- kind, must be estimated the calling of the Physician. To no man, then, is moral worth and religious strength more indispen- sible. Every day he must contemplate humanity in its decay and ruin. Almost every day he must see the dissolution of the earthly tabernacle of man's immortal spirit. Shall he stand amonj the affecting scenes of sickness and death which his eyes must look upon, as a mere mechanical, unsympathizing man of Science? Shall he not.behold in the suffering form before him, a man and a brother? These questions will be answered accor- ding to the moral worth of the practitioner. If the high impul- ses of Virtue govern him, instead of finding his sympathies daily deadened by contact with suffering, he will exercise them con- stantly, and thus increase their power. If the light of Religio illuminate his own soul, he will be no feeble agent in conveyii it to the heart of his suffering patient. And, as men of scie Gentlemen, you are bound to fix a high standard of moral ture, and to strive vigorously for its attainment. The cultivi of the intellect, apart from that of the heart, has been one greatest curses of our race. Make all your acquisitions, t fore, subservient to your moral culture, and your whole being will be developed in fair, harmonious proportion ; live without a moral aim, and your highest accomplishments, considered with regard to the great objects of human life, will be but ephemeral and worthless. But I rejoice in the belief that this unnatural sep- aration of moral from intellectual power is not always to last— 24 that its-day is almost over—and that with one of the greatest ct modern poets, Wordsworth, we may indulge •v "The animating hope tl:a* time tiny r me, W hen, sireiigiherifd, y.-t :.f tbei dnuiiui n over Nature pained, jvi e», 'J yre, by ihe margin of the Muinriing waves, P.iimvra, central in the desert fell; And the i.rts died by which they had been raised. ('ail Archimedes from his buried tomb Upon the plain of vanished Syracuse, And feelimily the sage shall make leuort How insecure, how baseless in itself, Is the philosophy whose sway depends On mere inatcial iusUuuier.ts ; how weak Tho>e Arts and high inventions, if unpropped By Virtue." CASTLETON MEDICAL COLLEGE. FALL COUKSK OF LECTURES. The Fall Course of Lectures'will be commenced on the first Thursday, 4th day of August next, and be continued fourteen weeks. F ACU LT Y. JAMES McCLlNTpCK, M. D., President. Professor of General, Special and Surgical Anatomy. JOSEPH PERKINS, .M. D., Registrar. Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Obstetrics, FRANK H. HAMILTON, M. D., Professor of the Princip es and Practice of Surgery. DAVID M. REESE, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. CHAUNCEY L. MITCHELL, M. D., Professor of Physiology, General Pathology and Operative Obstetrics. WILLIAM MATHER, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. WILLIAM C. WALLACE, M. D., Professor of Opthalmic Anatomy and Surgery. WILLIAM P. RUSSEL, M. D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. EGBERT JAMIESON, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Fees for the Course; $50. Matriculating Fee, $5. Fee for those who have attended two full Courses at other regular Med- ical Institutions, $10. Graduation fee, $16. Expense of Board- ing, &c. $1,50 to $2,25 per week. JOSEPH PERKINS, Registrar. Castleton, April 5,1842,