A f7. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE \jlUi-.X^f%\ i o* n » '■'"'*,^(*i ON & G-@ & £ & A ^ & ® Hr; delivered at the OPENING OF THE THIRD SESSION OF THE ?....."0 /J MEDICAL COLLEGE OF LOUISIANA. . H. BARTON, Mf. B; By E PROFESSOR Of THE THEORT AND PRACTICE! OP MEDICINE, MEMBER OP THE MfiClCAL BOARD OF -Louisiana, administrator op the charity hospital, *e. ftc PUBLISHED AT THE REQUEST o* THE CLASS. NEW ORLEANS: COMMERCIAL BULLETI 1837. win N PRINT. '/ At a special meeting of the Class of the Medical College ol Louisiana, held on Wednesday, the 22d March, 1837, Resolutions were unanimously adopted expressive of their high sense of the importance of Professor Barton's Lecture on Acclimation, delivered at the commencement of the present session, and also of their conviction that its publicity would be highly calculated not only to promote the cause of science, but also that of humanity, and remove the films of ignorance and prejudice from the eyes of our countrymen with re- gard to this porti6n of our country. It was further resolved that a committee of two be appointed to wait on the Doctor, to express the feelings of the Class and request a copy of his address for publication. G. M. ORMOND, Chairman. WHITEMAN WILCOX, Secretary.