The Emergence of Experimental Embryology in the United States .:*£&■■' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES • Public Health Service • National Institutes of Health This booklet was prepared in conjunction with an exhibit of the same title at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, June 1 - August 31, 1990. Cover Illustration: Chicken embryo, from M. Malpighi, Dissertatio epistolica de formatione pulli in ovo (London: Joannem Martyn, 1673). The Emergence of Experimental Embryology in the United States by S. Robert Hilfer, Ph.D. National Library of Medicine Bethesda, Maryland 1990 ITS. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES • Public Health Service • National Institutes of Health This booklet is dedicated to the memory of Professor Oscar Schotte of Amherst College. Single copies of this publication may be obtained without charge by writing: Chief, History of Medicine Division National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 BACKGROUND F or many centuries embryological thought was dominated by a controversy com- monly called the Preformation-Epigenesis argument. In the fourth century B.C. Aristotle recognized that development was progressive, so that organs formed in sequence within the embryo and not all at once. This is the first statement of epigenesis. Aristotle belonged to a Greek tradition that tried to explain life by observation, believing that explanations for phenomena that were not understood could be found by studying nature rather than by invoking the super- natural. Similar thoughts were expressed by the Greek physician, Galen, in the second century A.D. Little progress was made for the next 1000 years. From that time through medieval times, the writings of earlier workers were accepted as fact and there was little attempt to correct inaccuracies. During the Middle Ages, a point of view arose that all structures required for the production of a new individual were preformed within the egg and that development required only their unfolding and growth in size. With the discovery that the egg and sperm are the agents responsible for reproduction, this argument for preformation took the form of the egg or the sperm as containing the entire body of the new organism. The proponents of this theory became known as ovists or animiculists, depending upon whether they believed the egg or the sperm to con- tain the intact individual. The preformationists became convinced that each new generation had to exist preformed within the egg or sperm of the preceding generation. The ridiculous nature of this argument was pointed out in the 1720's by the physicist Hartsoeker, when he calculated the size that the fiftieth generation would have been within an egg. This turned out to be a negative number. However, his argument was not accepted by the preforma- tionists for many years. Hartsoeker himself (1694, Fig. 1) had apparently accepted the preformationist view earlier in his career. With the emergence of the Renaissance, the naturalist tradition became reestablished. The renewed interest in the examination of embryos provided additional descriptions of development, for instance by DaVinci, Fabricius, Harvey, Spallanzani, and Malpighi (1673, Fig. 2). Most of these observations were interpreted as supporting preformation and it took the discoveries of cellular structure generated by development of the microscope for real progress to be made. The careful observations on the progressive nature of organ formation by Wolff in the second half of the eighteenth century were instrumental in ending rigid preformationist viewpoints. Figure 1. Diagram by N. Hartsoeker (1694) of how he imagined a sperm would look if it contained a preformed individual. Hartsoeker later rejected the preformationist view, carrying out calculations of size that showed that if all of the animals of any species had been enclosed in the first male or female, those animals that now inhabit the earth would have to be infinitely and incomprehensively small. 1 1 G I3jJ.IL TabuU.Ia %*■ n 1 * --' A f^.h. Tijj.m. FiYlV. ♦v , , . t X* i F *-~«aV?* "X,._ v G F^.VI. •V D 15 E ,?-~ " EW * # Fjj.vni. f Fifl.1V "A Fi^V- Ju.vm h Fitf.X. 6; -#4^ rB ws irB E\ -vH- .:^ Figure 2. Illustrations from M. Malpighi (1673) of developing -chicken embryos from the time of laying to 36 hours of incubation. This plate is representative of the keen observations done on early embryos during the 17th century. 2 BEGINNINGS OF EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY The early nineteenth century was marked that the embryo developed from cell sheets. About by great progress in the development of the mid-19th century, Darwin's writings on evolution techniques to study cells and tissues as well as by the began to appear and the concept that developing development of concepts important to embryological embryos went through stages that recapitulated their thought. The importance of the egg for embryonic ancestors was given an evolutionary interpretation. development was established by von Baer (1827, Fig. An early proponent of recapitulation was the Swiss 3), the cell theory was advanced, and it was recognized naturalist, Louis Agassiz, who believed (Agassiz, 1859, Figure 3. Plate from C.E. von Baer (1827) to illustrate his discovery of the human ovum. He was the first to show that the ovum lies within the follicular structure described by de Graaf, which generally was recognized as too large to be an egg. 3 >.I7I /> n>t Figure 4. Surface views of frog embryos from W. Roux (1888). His Figures 5 and 6 show normal embryos at early and late stages of formation of the neural tube. His Figures 7 to 10 show embryos in which one blastomere was killed at the two-cell stage. In Figure 7, the ectoderm has covered much of the surface of the dead blastomere whereas much less repair has occurred in the other cases and it is clear that only partial embryos have formed. He interpreted these results as proving that development is mosaic in character, each blastomere giving rise to a restricted part of the individual. 4 p. 174) that "the phases of development of all living organisms corresponds to the order of succession of their extinct representatives in past geological time." In the next few decades, Haeckel popularized the concept and introduced several other embryological ideas, such as the gastrea hypothesis and the theory of germ layers. The century was also a period of intensive work on comparative embryology by descriptive techniques. Wilhelm Roux, the German embryologist, fre- quently is given credit for founding experimental embryology with his classical experiment published in 1888 (Roux, 1888). Actually, experimental interven- tion with development was tried sporadically at earlier times, but it was not until the 1850's that experiments were done with a clear purpose in mind. Newport, in England, began testing the effects of various chemicals on fertilization of frog eggs and devised techniques to keep the eggs in a particular position. :/ His careful observations led to the demonstration that the plane of the first cleavage as well as the point of sperm entry into the egg usually mark the axis of the embryo. Other lines of investigation in the latter half of the century were concerned with the way embryos inherited the characteristics of their species. Several theories were advanced, which became the bases for experimental work that led to modern concepts. Roux was a dynamic writer and speaker and his forceful personality probably played a large part in the reputation he received for originating the experi- mental approach. Based upon theoretical arguments of the time, he used an experimental approach to attack a fundamental problem of development. The question Roux asked was whether the embryo con- tains all of the information necessary for development or if it is influenced by the environment. He was concerned with differentiation of parts of the organism from the seemingly unspecialized egg. His fu,V Ck. VI C] r -{ v J* \. J % 7 ^ .. s^.vL.r<^ ■\v J ryt-IO % II n9. k Fuf V, „ Figure 5. Illustrations from H. Driesch (1892) showing effects of manipulating blastomeres of sea urchin eggs. His Figure 1 shows a normal 16-cell stage (copied from Selenka). Figure 2 shows a half-embryo from an 8-cell stage and Figures 3 and 4 half-embryos from a 16-cell stage. Figure 5 is a half-embryo at the blastula stage. These half-embryos developed into complete individuals. Figures 7 through 9 show blastulae in the process of dividing. These formed conjoined twins as shown in Figures 10 through 12. These results were interpreted as demonstrating regulative development. (Courtesy of the Marine Biological Laboratory.) 5 (1874) had earlier proposed that different regions of the cytoplasm of a fertilized egg contain different materials needed to make specific parts of the developing embryo. Roux tested this hypothesis by killing one cell of a two-celled frog embryo (Fig. 4). He reasoned that if different regions of the egg formed different parts of the embryo, the organism resulting from his manipulation should be defective, whereas it should be normal if controlled by the environment. The result he obtained was a partial embryo and gave rise to a point of view that can be considered a modified expression of preformationism. It was shown in subsequent experiments that Roux misinterpreted his results. At the time, however, his experiments renewed interest in the idea that formation of an embryo results from mechanical partitioning of a specialized egg. This modified view of preformation became known as determinate development and Roux compared the structure of the egg to a mosaic in which small regions of the cytoplasm constructed specific parts of the adult, just as small parts of the mosaic construct a picture. In contrast, experiments by Driesch (1892, 1902) on sea urchin embryos gave the opposite result (Fig. 5). Driesch isolated blastomeres of two-cell stages by shaking the embryos in sea water. Each individual blastomere was able to develop into a complete indi- vidual, thus showing that the embryo could regulate to replace the missing parts that normally would have been formed by the missing cytoplasm. If the blastomeres did not separate completely, double embryos were formed. This developmental pattern was called indeterminate and corresponds to epigenetic development. Thus, the theoretical argu- ment had shifted from preformation vs epigenesis to mosaic vs regulative development. On the one hand, the search for preformed individuals within egg or sperm was replaced by attempts to recognize specialized cytoplasmic domains within the fertilized egg. On the other hand, the epigenetic approach gradually became shaped into studies on the structure of cytoplasm and the establishment of pattern by interac- tions among cells of the embryo or by external forces as development proceeds. Figure 6. Photograph of Louis Agassiz giving a lecture. Agassiz was a dynamic speaker and attracted large audiences at popular lectures in the United States. He married an American and settled at Harvard University. He did much to popularize biology and was responsible for training a number of embryologists in summer classes as well as at Harvard. (Courtesy of the Marine Biological Laboratory.) 6 ORIGINS OF EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY THE ROLE OF MARINE STATIONS LN THE UNITED STATES IN EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY B y the mid 1800's, a naturalist tradition 1 was well established in the United States. Most biologists were teachers and there was little opportunity for graduate training. The first signifi- cant American training centers were established by Agassiz, who had come to Harvard from Switzerland, and by W. K. Brooks, who established the Darwinian tradition at Johns Hopkins. Interest in the experimen- tal approach was generated by contact with European laboratories and writings. C. O. Whitman broke with American tradition and went to Germany for graduate study. He returned to assume a professor- ship at the University of Chicago, bringing the new interest in experimental embryology with him. Four students of Brooks - E. G. Conklin, E. B. Wilson, T. H. Morgan, and R. G. Harrison - also joined the ranks of the new experimental biologists and made major contributions to the establishment of experimental embryology in this country. All worked at times in European laboratories; for instance, Conklin, Wilson and Morgan were introduced to marine organisms at the recently established Naples Zoological Station. T he embryos of marine organisms became favored material for embryological research because they were easier to observe and manipulate than amphibian or bird embryos. Euro- pean marine stations were established as centers of experimental research and many European workers such as the Hertwigs, Boveri, Driesch, and Herbst used their facilities. In the United States, the first marine stations were established as teaching facilities. Agassiz opened a small summer school for teachers on the island of Penikese off Woods Hole, Massachusetts in 1873 (Fig. 6). Brooks at Johns Hopkins established the Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory in Virginia in 1878 and one of Agassiz's students, Hyatt, founded a school at Annisquam, north of Boston, in 1880. The Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts grew out of the Annisquam school. It was founded with a research mission as well as that of teaching and consequently played a significant role in the development of experimental embryology in this country. Another of the students in Agassiz's first summer class, Whitman, was appointed director and the first building was constructed in 1888 for classes that summer (Fig. 7). The faculty were involved in Figure 7. Photograph of a laboratory class at the Marine Biological Laboratory, circa 1900. Leonard W. Williams (standing, center) was the instructor. From its inception, courses at the Marine Biological Laboratory have played an important role in training teachers and scientists in modern experimental techniques, a role that continues today. (Courtesy of the Marine Biological Laboratory.) 7 "/' / W *#W-fctfc- .." f «f" m