E. S. H. L,^OWARI>.....l>fif§-§'lsi5 No. 11, South-Main Street 9 Providence, JR. I. HAS COlTSTAHTLy POR SALE, OH THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS, An extensive assortment of genuine DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-£ JSTUFFS, Surgeons' Instruments, Chemical Glass Ware, English Ffincyj ¡¡¡Soap, Períumery, &c. comprising nearly every article usually ealled for| in the Medicinal or Drug line. DYE-WOODS CHEPFED, &C. E. S. H. L. has erected Mills in the vicinity of Providence, for rasping,|É ¡¡¡chipping, grinding and bolting all kinds of dye-woods ; for pulverizing alllÉ jjkinds of Medicinal Drugs, such as Ipecac, Jalap, Rhubarb, Peruvian§¡¡ !Rark, Canella Alb. Winteranus, Rad. Glycyrrhiza, Squills, Cream Tar4g Star, Tartaric Acid, Super Carbón. Soda, &c. and for grinding Nutgalls,|| ¡Cort Aurant, Gentian, Cinnamon, Pepper, Ginger, &c. &c. M ¡ MACHINE MORTARS, for making Blue Pilis and Mercurial Oint-fi sient. £É' Articles will be taken from any wharf or store in Providence, and¡¡¡ >returned without charge for cartage ; and packages furnished at reason-11 |able prices. "* ¡§¡ Country Traders, Physicians, Manufacturers, and prívate families willllj Ihave particular attehtion paid to their orders, and all articles will be putl! jup of the first quality and at the lowest market prices, for cash or ap-¡¡¡ |proved credit. • Vs 16 Ships' and Family Medicine Chests, put up in the neatest manner, or|| Ireplenished at short notice. s * L.S-.9-/C \ Jh^¿c~^ ^CL -2^4^ .f~^~ „ A>-t-C^i-<^. ■*- i ¿/> ¿Ct. 9^»^ V>C £. MJ-JLy* r- Ú~^ ¿L^-¿~¿r ^¿L ~ ¿~rf ~¿r~¿L ^_ 1 /■a^ _ 3C— ¿iu£i*i*^-~. fkA¿>>^ /Z^m^ ¿_e-»- ¿ts¡C^ -/ Á~~ ¿*d¿& ) -\¿C f~ /*^. ^S/m -v ^♦vo-J'j^K-t______ e^^^^^^^z^^ -£- ■^*~~jP^C**j "?««~-»^¿a_.«_ fl**-^- -^Jjü ¿y £¿~