-nSSfev. .V " ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY Washington, D. C. Shelf Number Vol. muj*.L -U.&e4)Ui —^ PRESE c c« Accession Number LIBRARY BANGOR §J|I © ■§ &" ...U.A...f^M|t|tottie«fe: 19 IS-:. V fUMM /iot> INDEX-CATALOGUE THE LIBEAEY s SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES ARMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. Vol. IX. UIEDICIHE (Popular)-IVYWELT( WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1888. 4 re r>, z V. T! War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, Washington, D. C, June 26, 1888. General John Moore, Surgeon-General, U. S. Army: General : I bave tbe bonor to present herewith the ninth volume of the Index- Catalogue of the Library of tbis Office. This volume includes 13,151. author-titles, representing 6,834 volumes and 12,818 pamphlets. It also includes 9,999 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets, and 29,120 titles of articles in periodicals. Tbe following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue, as far as published: AUTHOR-TITLES. < SUBJECT-TITLES. Volumes. Titles. Volumes. Pamphlets. Book titles. Journal ar-ticles. Portraits. 1 9,090 ! 8,031 12,496 I 4,934 9,043 10,076 4, 802 i 1, 926 15, 555 ' 5, 755 7, 900 i 2, 543 14, 688 5, 987 13, 405 5, 307 13,151 6,834 6,398 9,810 7,386 3,885 12, 596 7,250 12, 372 13, 205 12,818 9,000 11, 550 8,572 12, 361 8,069 14, 590 6,371 12, 642 0,999 34, 604 37, 310 28, 846 48, 977 34,127 35, 290 34, 903 24,174 29,120 II ................................... Ill .................................... 4 335 rv ................................. V ...................................... VT ................................ VII ................................ VIII .................................... IX ................................... Total - ........................ 100,130 1 51,393 85, 720 93,154 307, 351 4,335 Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN S. BILLINGS, Surgeon, IT. S. Army. SECOND ADDITION ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IN THE IIVDEX-CATALOGUE, PUBLISHED I1ST THE SEVENTH VOLUME. For explanations, see tbe Alphabetical Lists of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. I, p. [1], Vol. VII, p. [1], and Vol. VIII, p. [1J. A. Abhandl. d. math.-phys. CI. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch., Leipz. Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim., Rome. Actes Cong, penitent, internat. de Rome. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz. f. Deutschl., Hamb. Am. Ann. Deaf, Wash. Am. Anthrop., Wash. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe der ktinigl. yiiclisischen Gesellschaft der Wisseuschaften. Leipzig. No. 2, v. 14, 1887. 8°. Academia de Esculapio. Madrid. [See Eco de la med., Madrid.] Acade^nie royale de cliirurgie. Paris. [See Obs. surg. di.s. head & neck. Select. Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg, of France, Lond.j Actes dn premier Congres international d'authropologie crimi- nelle. Biologie et sociologie. (Rome, uovernbre 18S").) Turin, Rome, Florence. 1 v., 1886-7. 8°. Actes du Congres penitentiaire international de Rome. Novem- ln-e 1885. Rome. v. 1-2. 18*7-*. 8'. Aerztlicher Central-Anzeiger i'iir Deutscliland. Organ fur die wirthschaftlichen und materiellen Interessen des practischcn Arztes. Hamburg, v. 3, 1888. fol. Akusbersko-ginekologicheski Obshestvo v Kieve. [See Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Olisb. v Kieve.] Alumna? Association of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsyl- vania. [See Rep. Proc. Alumnae Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penu., Phila, ] American Annals of the Deaf. Washington, D. C. v. 31-32, 1886-7. 8°. [Continuation, after 1885, of: Am. Ann. Deaf & Dumb.] American (The) Anthropologist. Published under the auspices of the Anthropological Society of Washington. Washington, D. C. v. 1, 1888. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. Anthrop. Soc. Wash.] American Climatological Association. [See Tr. Am. Climat. Ass.] [2] Am. J. Psychol., Bait. An. d. Mus. nac. de Mexico. Anat. Anz., Jena. Ann. clin. d. Osp. d. incur, in Napoli. Ann. Gyneec, Bost. Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par. Ann. d. Univ. libera di Perugia. Fac. di med. e chir. Annual J. 111. Dent. Soc, Chi- cago. American (The) Journal of Psychology. Baltimore. 8°. v. 1,1887-8. Arb. a. d. chir. Univ.-Poliklin. zu Leipz. Arb. d. pharmakol. Inst, zu Dor- pat, Stuttg. Arch, de hist, da med. portu- gueza, Porto. Arch, de laryngol., de rhinol. [etc.], Par. Arch, de med. et chir. prat., Brux. Arch. mens, de med. et chir. prat., Brux. Arch, de obst. y ginec, Madrid. Arch. roum. de med. et chir., Par. Atti d. Cong. farm. ital. Aula med., Vallad. American Society for Psychical Research. [See Proc. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, Bost.] Anales del Museo nacioual de Mexico. Mexico, v. 1-4, 1877-87. fol. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Centralbl. fur die gesamte wissenschaft- liche Anatomic Amtliches Organ der anatomischen Gesell- schaft. Jena. v. 1-3, 1886-8. 8°. Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. [Sec Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond.J Anatornische Gesellsehaft [Jena]. [See Anat. Anz., Jena.] Aunali (Gli) clinici dell' Ospedale degl' incnrabili in Napoli. Gior- nale di medieina e chirurgia. Napoli. 1887. 8-'-. Annals of Gynaecology. A monthly review of gyna-cology, obstet- rics, and abdominal surgery. Boston, v. 1, 1887-8. 8°. Annales d'orthope'die et de chirurgie pratique. Journal bi-men- suel. Paris, v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8°. Annali dell' University libera di Perugia. Anno 1°, 1885-6. v. 1. Facolta di medieina e chirurgia. Perugia, roy. 8°. Annual (The) Journal of the Illinois State Dental Society. Transactions. Chicago. For the years 1870-82, 1884-7, 1870- 87. 8°. Anthropological Society of Bombay. [See J. Anthrop. Sue. Bom- bay.] Anthropological Society of Washington. [See Am. Anthrop., Wash. ] Arbeiten aus der chirurgischen Universitats-Poliklinik zu Leip- zig. Hrsg. von Benno Schmidt. Leipzig. Hit. 1, 1888. 8°. Arbeiten des pharmakologischen Institutes zu Dorpat. Stutt- gart, v. 1, 1888. 8°. Archivos de historia da medieina portugueza. Porto, v. 1, 1886. 8°. Archives de laryngologie, de rhinologie et des maladies des pre- mieres voies respiratoires et digestives. Paris, v. 1, 1887-8. 8°. Archives de me"decine et de chirurgie pratiques. Rruxelles. v. 2, 1887-8. 8C. [Continuation of the following.] Archives mensuelles de me"decine et de chirurgie pratiques. Bruxelles. v. 1, 188(5-7. sin. 8J. [Continued in v. 2 as the preceding.] Archivos de obstetricia y de giuecologia. Continuacion de los "Anales de obstetricia, ginecologia y pediatria" y de los "Anales de la Sociedad ginecol6gica espanola". Organo oficial de la misma. Madrid, v. 12, 1888. 8°. Archives roumaines de me"decine et de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1 1887-8. 8°. Atti del primo Congresso farmaceutico italiano tenutosi in Torino dal 4 all' 8 ottobre 1886. Torino. 1 v., 1887. roy. 8-. Aula (El) me'dica. Revista decenal de medieina. Valladolid. Nos. 14-15, March 20-30, alio 2, 1888. 8°. B. Beitr. z. exper. Path. u. Phy- siol., Berl. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing. Beitr. z. path. Anat., exper. Path, [etc.], Leipz. lUitriige zur experimentellen Pathologie und Physiologic, hrsg. von Dr. L. Traube. Berlin. 1 v., 1846. 8:. Beitriige zur klinisehen Chirurgie. Mittheilungen aus der chi- rurgischen Kliuik zu Tubingen. Hrsg. von Paul Bruns. Tu- bingen, v. 2-3, 188(5-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, zu Tubing.] Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatoniie, experimentellen Patholo- gic und praktischen Medicin. Herrn Dr. F. A. von Zenker, zur Fcier seines 25jiihr. Professoreu-Jubilaums gewidmet von sei- nen Freunden und Schiilern. Leipzig. 1 v., 1887. roy. 8°. [3] Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. klin. Med., Leipz. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Jena. Ber. a. d. Baudeputat. zu Frankf. a. M. . . . d. Schulbanke [etc.] Ber. d. Kinderheilanst. zu Leipz. Ber. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i. Br. Bisturi, Toledo. Bol. de san.. Madrid. Bol. de saude e hyg. municip. de Lisb. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Lo- reto, Loreto. Brooklyn M. J. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. prat. de Par. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy. Bull. U. S. Fish Com., Wash. Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatoniie und klinischen Medicin. Ernst Leberecht Wagner zum 20. December 1887, dem 25jahri- geu Gedeuktage seiner Ernennung zum oi'dentlichen Professor gewidmet von scinen Schiilern. Leipzig. I v., 1887. roy. 8°. Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatoniie uml Physiologic Hrsg. von E. Ziegler und ('. Nanwerck. Jena. v. 1-2, 1S86-7. 8°. Bericht an die Baudeputation zu Frankfurt am Main zur Beaut- wortung der Frage iiber die zweckmiissigste Eiurichtuug der Schulbanke und Schultische. Frankfurt a. M. 1 v.. 1871. 4°. Bericht der Kinderheilanstalt zu Leipzig, zugleich als Bericht iiber deren und der damit verbundenen Frauenstation fiinfuud- zwanzigjiihriges Bestehen. Leipzig. 1 v., 1880. 4°. Berichte der naturf'orschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. Br. Freiburg i. Br. v. 2, 1887. 8°. Bistnri (El). Revista mensual de cirujia pra^ctica por el Doctor D. Pedro Gallardo. Toledo. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1888. 8°. Boletin de sanidad. Publicado por la Direcciou general de bene- ficencia y sanidad. Madrid. Nos. 1-3, aQo 1, 1888. roy. 8°. Boletim de saude e hygiene municipal de Lisboa. Lisboa. v. 1, 1887. roy. 8°. Bollettino dell' Ospedale di S. Casa di Loreto. Monitore medico marchigiano. Loreto. v. 1,18H7-8. 8°. [Title of No. 1 reads- Bollettino trimestrale, etc. The subtitle "Monitore", etc., ap- peared first in No. 3.] Brooklyn" (The) Medical Journal. Published monthly by the Medical Society of the County of Kings. Brooklyn, N. Y. v. 1, 1888. 8°. Buletinul Societatei de medici si naturalisti din Iasi. [See Bull. Soc. d. me\l. et nat. de Jassy.] Bulletins et m6moires de la Societ6 de m6decine pratique de Pa- ris, fondle en 1808. Paris. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Bulletin de la Soci^te" centrale de ine"decine v6te"rinaire. Paris. N. s., v. 5-6, 1887-8. 8°. [Continuation, in 1887, of: Bull, et me"m. Soc. centr. de me"d. v6t., Par.] Bulletin de la Socie"t6 medicare des hopitaux de Paris. Paris. v. 1, 2, 4, 5 (1849-52 to 1861-4), 1849-64. 8°. [Reprint from: Union me"d., Par.] Bulletin de la Soci^te" des m^decins et naturalistes de Jassy. Bu- letiuul Societatei de medici si naturalisti din Iasi. Jassy. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 1887. 4°. [Text Roumanian and French.] Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. Washington. v. 2, 5, 6 (1882-6), 1883-7. 8°. c. Canad. Rec. Sc, Montreal. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. Wien. Clin. chir. di Siena. Clin. Reporter, St. Louis. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, Bost. Canadian (The) Record of Science, including the Proceeilings of the Natural History Society of Montreal, and replacing The Ca- nadian Naturalist. Montreal, v. 2, 1887. 8°. Centralblatt fiir Physiologic Unter Mitwirkuug der physiolo- gischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin hrsg. von S. Exuer und J. Gad. Leipzig und Wien. v. 1, 1887-8. 8°. Chirurgische Klinik zu Kiel. [See Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, zu Kiel. ] Chirurgische Universitiits-Poliklinik zu Leipzig. [See Arb. a. d. chir. Uuiv.-Poliklin. zu Leipz.] Clinica chirurgica di Siena, diretta dal prof. dott. G. F. Novaro. Rendiconto dal gennaio al luglio 1886 redatto dall' aiuto dott. Vittorio Remedi. Siena. 1 v., 1887. 8°. Clinical (The) Reporter. A journal of homoeopathic medicine and surgery. Edited by the Faculty of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri. St. Louis,'Mo. v. 1, 1888. H°. Colegio meMico-farmace'utico. Palma de Mallorca. [See Rev. balear de cien. me"d., Palma de Mallorca.] Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston. v. 9 (1804), 1857. 8°. [4] Comunicaz. batteriol., Napoli. Comunicazioni batteriologiche. Lavori dei signori A. Cantaui, E. De Blasi [et al.]. Napoli. Anno 1, 1886. 1887. 8°. Congres international d'anthropologie criminelle. Biologie et so- ciologie. [See Actes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim., Rome.] Cong, internat. de bienfaisance. Congrcs international de bienfaisance. Sessions: 1° de \87>6 (a Bruxelles), 2 v.; 2° de 1857 (a Francfort-sur-le-Mcin), 2 v. 4 v., 1857-8. 8°. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de Congres international d'hydrologie et de climatologic Compte climatol. Compt. rend., Par. rendu de la premiere session. Biarritz, 18-6. Paris. 1 v., 1887. 8°. Congres penitentiaire international de Rome. [See Actes Cong. penitent, iuternat. de Rome.] Congresso farmaceutico italiano. [See Atti d. Cong. farm, ital.] Connecticut Eclectic Medical Association. [-Sec Tr. Connect. Eclcci. M. Ass.. Bridgeport.] Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite" du d^partement du Rh6ue. [See Hyg. de Lyon. Compt. rend. Cons, d'hyg. pub. du Rhdue, Lyon.] Consiglio di sanita di Napoli. [See Gior. di clin., terap. e med. pubb., Napoli.] Convention of Physicians of Ohio. [See Proc. M. Convent. Ohio.] D. Deukschrift zur Feier ihres funfzigjahrigen Bestehens herausge- geben von der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliindische Kul- tur. Breslau. 1 v., 1853. 4°. Derraatologische Klinik des koniglichen Charit^-Kraukenh. zu Berl. [See Mitth. a. d. dermat. Klin. d. k. Char.-Krankenh. zu Berl.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur angewandte Chemie. [See Ztschr. f. ang. Chem., Berl.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. [See JVJitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokahama. ] Deutsche Vereinigung in Amerika graduirter Doctoren der Zahn- heilkunde. [See J. f. Zahnh... Bresl.] Deutscher Yerein gegen den Missbrauch geistiger Getranke. [See Wisseusch. Beitr. z. Kampf gegen d. Alkoholismus, Bonn.] E. Echo (L') medical. Toulouse. 2. s., v. 2, 1888. 8°. Eco (El) de la medieina. Periodico de la Acadetnia de Esculapio. Madrid, v. 1, Oct. 5, 1848, to Dec. 30, 1849. 4-. filectrothe'rapie (L'). Journal d'electricite meYlicale. Paris. v. 1, 1888. 8°. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. [See J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, Raleigh.] Engineering (The) & Building Record and the Sanitary Engineer. [Continuation of: The Sanitary Engineer. ] New York. v. 16- 17, 1887-8. fob [Continuation, after No. 18, v. 16, 18^7. of: San. Engin., N. Y.] Especialista (El). Revista quincenal de sifiliografia, oftalmo- logia, affecciones de la piel y del aparato g6uito-urinario. Madrid, v. 1-2, 1H59-60. fob Denkschr. z. Feier ihres 50jahr. Besteh. hrsg. v. d. schles. Ge- sellsch, f. vaterl. Kurt., Bresl. Echo med., Toulouse. Eco de la med., Madrid. Electrotherapie, Par. Engin. & Build. Rec, N. Y. Especialista, Madrid. [5] F. Festschr. z. Feier d. 300jahr. Besteh. d. Julius-Maximilians- Univ. zu Wiirzb., Basel. Fraternidad cante. med.-farm., Ali- Festschrift zur Feier des 300jahrigen Bestebens der Julius-Maxi- milians-Universitiit zu Wurzburg gewidmet von der Uuiversitiit Basel. Basel. 1882. 4°. Fraternidad (La) ni6dico-farmac6utica. Revista quincenal de medieina, cirugia y farmacia, consagrada ii defender los inte- rest's de la clase m^dico-farmacdutica. Alicante. v. 1-2, 1886-8. 8°. u. Gaz. d. hop. de l'empire ottoman, Constant. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. off. Gsndhtsw. im Rgrngsbz. Konigsb. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. San.- u. Med.- Wes. im Rgrngsbz. Liegnitz. Gior. di clin., terap. e med. pubb., Napoli. Gior. spec, di farm. sper. e chim. clin., Napoli. Gazette des hdpitaux civils et militaires de l'empire ottoman. Constantinople, v. 1, 1887-8. 4°. Gazette des h6pitaux de Toulouse. Journal hebdomadaire. Tou- louse, AumSes 1-2, 1887-8. 4°. (icneral-Bericht iiber das ofr'entliche Gesundheitswesen im Regie- rungsbezirk Konigsberg fiir die Jahre 1883 bis 1887), erstattet von Dr. R. Naht. Konigsberg i. Pr. 1 v., 1887. t^. General-Bericht iiber das Sanitiits- und Medicinal-Wesen im Re- gierungs-Bezirke Liegnitz mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Jahre 1883, 1884 und 1885, von Dr. Philipp. Liegnitz. 1 v., 1886. 8°. Giornale di cliuica, terapia e medieina pubblica. Organo nfficiale per gli atti del Consiglio di sanita di Napoli. Napoli. v. 19, 1888. 8°. [Continuation, after 1887, of: Gazz. di med. pubb., Napoli.] Giornale speeiale di farmacia sperimentale e chimica cliuica. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8°. H, Honvedorvos, Budapest. Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Hyg. de Lyon. Compt. rend. Cons, d'hyg. pub. du Rhone, Lyon. Hahnemann Medical College (Institute of the), Philadelphia, Pa. [.See Med. Inst., Phila.] Harvard Medical School. [iSeeMed. Pub. Harv. M. Sch., [Bost.].] [See Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri (Faculty of the) Clin. Reporter, St. Louis.] Honve'dorvos a hazai katonaorvosi iut6zmeny tudomiinyos 6s tarsadalmi erdekeinek kozlonye. A m. kir. honve'dmiuisteriuni rendeleteivel. A Gyogyaszat mell^klete. [The army surgeon, a guide for military surgeons and communications of interest to civilians. By order of ministry fu- 1 lit* army. Supplenn nt to Gyogyaszat.] Budapest, v. 1, 1888. 8°. Hospital (The) Gazette. A weekly review of medicine and sur- gery, and chronicle of hospital practice and college news. London, v. 16, 1888. 4°. [A continuation of: Hosp. Gaz. & Students' J., Lond.] Hygiene de Lyon. Oompte rendu des travaux du Conseil d'hy- giene publique et de salubrite" du departement du Rh6ne (du ler janvier I860 au 31 de"cerabre 1885). Premiere partie par A. Lacassague. Lyon. 1 v., 1887. 8J. I. Illinois State Dental Society. [See Annual J. 111. Dent. Soc, Chicago. ] Industrial Education Association. [«S'ee Monog. Iudust. Educat. Ass., N. Y.] Institute of the Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. [.See Med. Inst., Phila.] [6] Internat. J. Surg. & Antisept., N. Y. Internat. klin. Rundschau,Wien Internat. M. Cong. Rep. Collect. Invest. Com. Norweg. M. Ass., Christiania. Internat. M. & S. Synopsis, St. Louis. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay. J. Dietet. J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, Ra- leigh. J. f. Gasbeleucht. u. Wasserver- sorg., Munchen u. Leipz. J. Morphol., Bost. J. N. E. Virg. M. Soc, Warren- ton. J. f. Zahnh., Bresl. Intercolonial Medical Congress of Australasia. [See Tr. Inter- colon. M. Cong. Australas.] International Journal of Surgery and Antiseptics. Devoted ex- clusively to surgery and Listerism. New York. v. 1, 1888. 4C. Internationale klinische Rundschau. Centralbiatt fiir die ge- sammte praktische Heilkunde, sowie fiir die Gesammtiiiteresscii des arztlichen Standes. Wien. v. 2, 1888. fob International Medical Congress. Report by Collective Investiga- tion Committee of the Norwegian Medical Association. Chris- tiania, 1 v., 1887. 8°. International (The) Medical and Surgical Synopsis. Mo. v. 1, 1887-8. 8°. St. Louis J. Journal (The) of the Anthropological Society of Bombav. Bom- bay, v. 1, 1886-7. 8°. Journal (The) of Dietetics. Published quarterly. Devoted to investigations into the physiology and pathology of digestion and nutrition, and the relations of regimen to practical medi- cine. Cleveland, Ohio; Fremont, Ohio. v. 1-2. 1887-8. 8°. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Raleigh, N. C. v. 1-4, 1883-7. 8°. Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung. Organ des deutschen Vereins von Gas- und Wasserfachmannerii. Miiu- chen u. Leipzig, v. 30-31, 1887-8. 8C. [Title on covers: Schilling's Journal, etc] Journal of Morphology. Boston, v. 1, 1887. 8°. Journal (The) of the N[orth] E[ast] V[irgini]a Medical Society. Warrenton, Va. v. 1, 1888. 8°. Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention of Physicians of Ohio. 1835. [See Proc. M. Convent. Ohio.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Medical Convention of Ohio. 1838-9. [See Proc. M. Convent. Ohio.] Journal fiir Zahnheilkunde. Vereins-Orgau der deutschei> Yer- einigung in Amerika graduirter Doctoren der Zahnheilkunde. Breslau. v. 1-2, 1887-8. fob Julius-Maximilians-Uuiyersitiit zu Wurzburg. [See Festschr. z. Feier d. 300jahr. Besteh. d. Julius-Maximilians-Univ. zu Wiirzb., Basel. ] K. K. Vetensk. Acad. n. Handb. Stockholm. Kal. u. statist. Jahrb. f. d. K6- nigr. Sachs., Dresd. Klin. Stud. a. d. hydriat. Abth. d. allg. Poliklin. in Wien, Leipz. u. Wien. Klin, voordr. en akad. lessen o. geneesk., Rotterd. Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens nya Haudlingar. Stockholm. v. 1-17, 1780-96. 8°. Kaiserlich konigliche Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. [See Wien. klin. Wchnschr. ] Kaiserlich-japanische Universitiit (Medicinische Facultiit). [Set Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio.] Kaleuder und statist isches Jahrbuch fiir das Konigreich Sadism . . . auf die Jahre 1871-88. Hrsg. vom statistischen Bureau des konigl. sachs. Miuisteriuni des Inueru. Dresden. 1871-88. 8°. Klinische Stndien aus der hydriatischen Abtheilung der allge- meinen Poliklinik in Wien. Leipzig u. Wien. v. 1, 1887. 8°. Klinische voordrachten en akadeiiiische lessen over genceskmide. Rotterdam. Nos. 2-4, 18(59-70. 8C. Kouiglich sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. [Sie Ab- handl. d. math.-phys. CI. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wisseusch., Leipz.] Konigliches Charitd-Krankenhans zu Berlin (Dermatologisehe Klinik). [See Mitth. a. d. dermal. Kliu. d. k. Cbar.-Kraukenh. zu Berl.] [.] Ii. Lavori accad. d. r. 1st. d' incorag. a. sc. nat. . . . di Napoli. Lond. M. Recorder. Lond. Physiol. J. Lucine franc., Par. Lavori (De') accademici del r. Istituto d' incoraggiamento alle seienze naturali economiche e tecnologiche di Napoli. Napoli. 6 nos., 1869-79. 1870-80. 4°. Lehigh Valley Medical Association. [See Tr. Lehigh Valley M. Ass., Easton, Pa.] London (The) Medical Recorder. A monthly review of the prog- ress of the medical sciences at home and abroad. London. N. s., v. 1, 1888. 8°. [A continuation, in 1888, of: Loud. M. Rec] London (The) Physiological Journal ; or monthly record of obser- vations on animal and vegetable anatomy and physiology, chietlv made by the aid of the microscope. London. Nos. 1-5 (Oct.," 1843, to Fell., 1844), v. 1. 1843-4. 8°. Lucine fraucaise, on : Recueil d'observations m^dicales, cbirurgi- cales, pharmaceutiques, historiques, critiques et litt^raires, re- latives a la science des accouchemens. Par le docteur Sacoinbe. Paris, v. 1-3, an XI-XIII [1803-5]. 8J. m. Manitoba, North-west & Brit. Columbia Lancet, Winnipeg. Med. besieda, Voronej. Med. Inst., Phila. Med. Pub. Harv. M. Sch. [Bost.] Med. Reg. N. York. Med. Waif, Lafayette, Ind. Mem. Soc. de med. de Par. Memphis M. Month. Middlesex Hosp. Rep., Lond. Minnesota M. Month., Minneap. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, zu Kiel. Mitth. a. d. dermat. Klin. d. k. Char.-Krankenh. zu Berl. Manitoba, Northwest and British Columbia Lancet. Winnipeg. v. 1, 1887-8. 8°. Massachusetts Historical Society. [See Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, Bost.] Meditsinskaja besieda. Journal populjarnoi meditsiny i gigieny. Voronej. v. 1-2, 1887-8. «°. Medical Convention of Ohio, 1841, 1842, 1850. [See Proc. M. Con- vent. Ohio.] Medical (The) Institute. A journal of homceopatby, published monthly during the college year by the Institute of the Hahne- mann Medical College, Philadelphia. Pa., U. S. A. Philadel- I phia. v. 1-3, 1886-8. 8°. Medical Publications. Harvard Medical School. [Boston.] 1 v., 1887. 8°. Medical (The) Register of New York, New Jersey and Connecti- cut. Published under the supervision of the New York Medico- Historical Society. New York. v. 1-17 ; v. 19: v. 21-25, 1862- 87. 12°. Medical Society of the County of Kings. [See Brooklyn M. J.] Medical (The) Waif. A practical monthly medical journal, de- voted to diseases of children, women, rectum, and anus. Lafay- ette, Ind. v. 1, 1887-8. 8°. Medicinische Facultsit" der kaiserlich - japanischen Universitat. [See Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio.] Meinoires de la Soei6te" de me"decine de Paris, se~aute a l'H6tel-de- Ville. Paris. 1 v., 1817. 8°. Memphis Medical Monthly; or, Mississippi Valley Medical Monthly. Memphis, v. 8, 1888. 8 . [Title, after January, 1888, of: Mis- sissippi Valley M. Mouth., Memphis.] Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association. [See Proc. Mich. Pharra. Ass.] Middlesex (The) Hospital. Reports of the medical, surgical, aud pathological registrars for the years 1869-76 and 1878-86. Lon- don. 1870-87/8°. Minnesota (The) Medical Monthly. Minneapolis, Minn. v. 1-3, 188(5-8. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Klinik zu Kiel. Hrsg. von Friedrich von Esmarch. Kiel. 1 v., 1883-8. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der dermatologischen Klinik des koniglichen Charitc-Krankenhauses zu Berlin. Berlin. 1 v., 1887-8. 8°. [8] Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokahama. Mitth. a. d. med. Univ., Tokio. Fac. d. k.-jap. Mitth. a. d. St. Petersb. Augen- Heilanst. Mitth. a. d. zool. Neapel, Leipz. Station zu Monog. Indust. Educat. Ass., N. Y. Month. San. Rec, Columbus. Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natui- uud \ olker- kuude Ostasiens. Yokahama. v. 1-4, 1873-6 to 1884-7. 4C.^ Mittheiluugcn aus der medicinischen Facultat der kaiserlich- japanischen Universitat. Tokio. No. 1, v. 1, 1887. 4°. Mittheilnngen aus der St. Petersburger Augen-Heilaustalt. St. Petersburg. Hft. 1, 1887. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der zoologischeu Station zu Neapel; zugleich ein Repertorium fiir Mittelmeerkunde. Leipzig. Hft. 1-2, v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. Monitore medico marchigiauo. Loreto. [See Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto.] Monographs of the Industrial Education Association. New York. v. 1, 1888. 8°. Monthly (The) Sanitary Record. Tbe official publication of the Ohio State Board of Health. Columbus, O. v. 1, 1888. 8~. Museo uacional de Mexico. [See An. d. Mus. uac de Mexico.] I*. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par. Nashville M. News. Nauch. Besedy vrach. Zakav- kazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis. Novosti med., St. Petersb. Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere ; cliuique des maladies du systeme nerveux. Paris, v. 1, 1888. 8°. Nashville (The) Medical News. A semi-monthly journal. Nash- ville, v. 1, 1887. 8°. Natural History Society of Montreal. [See Canad. Rec Sc, Mon- treal. ] Natnrforscheude Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. Br. [See Ber. d. na- turf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i. Br.] Nanchnyja Besedy vracheiZakavkazskago Povivalnago Iiistitnta, sostojashago pod avgnsteishim pokrovitelstvom Eja Impera- torskago Vysochestva Gosudaryni Velikoi Knjagini Oigi Feo- dorovny. [Scientific papers of the Transeaucasian Obstetric Institute [etc.].] Tiflis. v. 1-2, 1886-7. 8°. New York Medico-Historical Society. [See Med. Reg. N. York.] New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. [See Post-Graduate, N. Y.] New York State Pharmaceutical Association. [See Proc. N. York Pharm. Ass.] North-East Virginia Medical Society. [See J. N. E. Virg. M. Soc, Warrenton.] Norwegian Medical Association. [See Internat. M. Cong. Rep. Collect. Invest. Com. Norweg. M. Ass., Christiania.] Novosti meditsiny za 1887 g. (Izdanie Ejem. jour, prakt. med.) [Medical news.] St. Petersburg, 1887. 8°. o. Obs. surg. dis. head & neck. Se- lect. Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg. of France, Lond. Ohio J. Dent. Sc, Toledo. Observations on surgical diseases of the head and neck. Selected from the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery of France. Translated and edited by Drewrv Ottley. London. 1 v., 1848. 8°. Obshestvo vrachei Volhynskoi gubernii. [See Protok. Obsh. vrach. Volhynskoi guber., Zhitomeer.] Ohio (The) Journal of Dental Science. Toledo, Ohio. v. 7-8, 1887-8. 8°. [Continuation, after 1886, of: Ohio State J. Dent. Sc, Toledo.] Ohio Medical Convention. [See Proc. M. Convent. Ohio.] Otechestvennyi psichiatria. [See Trudi perv. siezda otechest. psichiat., St. Petersb.] [y] p. Papers & Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas- mania. Path. Suppl. 32. Rep. Gov. Hosp. Insane, Wash. Phila. Photog. Post-Graduate, N. Y. Prix Soc. de med. de Par. Proc. Am. Soc. Psych. Re- search, Bost. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ire- land, Lond. Proc. Convent. Off. Wisconsin Nat. Guard, Madison. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio. Proc. Mich. Pharm. Ass. Proc. N. York Pharm. Ass. Proc. Pub. Health Confer., Frankf., Ky. Proc. San. Convent. Kalamazoo, Mich., Lansing. Progresso med., Napoli. Protok. Obsh. vrach. Volhynskoi guber., Zhitomeer. Protok. Russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh., St. Petersb. Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kieve. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Tas- mania. 1 v. (188(5), 1887. 8°. Pathological supplement to the thirty-second annual report of the Government Hospital for the Insane to the Secretary of the In- terior. 188U-7. Washington. 1 v., 1887. 8°. Pharmakologisches Institnt zu Dorpat. [See Arb. d. pharmakol. lust, zu Dorpat, Stuttg.] Philadelphia (The) Photographer. An illustrated semi-monthly journal, devoted to photography. Philadelphia; New York. v. 1-25, 1864-88. 8-. [" Monthly " before 1886.] Physiologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. [See Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien.] Physiologisches Laboratorium der Ziiricher Hochschule. [See IJutersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Zurich. Hochsch., Wien.] Post-Graduate (The). The Journal of the New York Post-Grad- uate Medical School and Hospital. New York. v. 3, 1887-8. 8°. [Title, after No. 3, v. 2, 1886-7, of: Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. N. Y. Post Grad. M. School & Hosp., N. V.] Prix de la Soci6te de m6deeine de Paris, s6ante a FH6tel-de-Ville. Paris. 1 v., 1817. 8°. Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. Boston. Nos. 1-3 (July, 1885, to Dec, 1887),- v. 1, 1885-7. 8C. Proceedings of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ire- land. [Issued with: J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1887-8, xxii.] London. 1887-8. 8°. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Convention of Officers of the Wisconsin National Guard, held at Madison, March 8-9, 1888, under the auspices of the National Guard Association of the State of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. 1888. 8°. Proceedings of tbe Medical Convention of Ohio. V. p. 1835-50. 8°. [Title in 1835 : Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention of Physicians of Ohio; in 1838 and 1839: Journal of the Pro- ceedings of the Medical Convention of Ohio ; in 1841 and 1842 : Proceedings of the Medical Convention of Ohio ; 1845-49: Pro- ceedings of the Ohio Medical Convention ; in 1850 : Proceedings of the Medical Convention of Ohio. ] Proceedings of the Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association. V. p. 2.-5., 1884-7. 8°. Proceedings of the New York State Pharmaceutical Association. V. p. 2.-9., 1880-H7. 8°. Proceedings of the Ohio Medical Convention. 1845-9. [See Proc M. Convent. Ohio.] Proceedings, addresses, and discussions of a Public Health Con- feience, held at Louisville, Kentucky, May 24 and 25, 1887, under the auspices of the State Board of Health. Frankfort, Ky. -1 v., 1887. 8°. Proceedings and addresses at the Sanitary Convention held at Kalamazoo, Mich., June 1 and 2, 1886, uuder the direction of a committee of the State Board of Health and a committee of citi- zens of Kalamazoo. [Supplement to the Annual Report of the Michigan State Board of Health for the year 1886.] Lansing. 1886. 8'J. Progresso (II) medico. Periodico quindicinale di science mediche e naturali e di veterinaria. Organo ufficiale dei laboratorii e gabinetti scientific! dellaFacolta medico-chirurgica e di scienze naturali della Universita di Napoli. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1887. 8°. Protokoli Obshestva vrachei Volhynskoi gubernii. [Minutes of Association of Physicians of Volhynski Government.] Zhito- meer. 1874-9; 1885-6. 8°. Protokoli Russkago sifilidologicheskago i dermatologicheskago Obshestva za 1885-86 gg. St. Petersburg, v. 1, 1887. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii aknshersko-ginekologicheskago Obshestva v Kieve. Kieff. v. 1, 1887. 8°. [10] Protok. zasaid. vrach. soveta . guber. zemsk. . . Kursk. Protokoli zasaidanii gubernskago zemskago vrachebnago soveta i soveta vrachei gubernskoi zemskoi boluitsy za vtorujou polo- vinu 1885 g. (Jul.-Dek.) [3. year]. [Transactions at meetings of Government provincial medical couucil and council of Gov- ernment physicians for provincial hospitals for the second half year 1885 (July to Dec).] Kursk. 1 v., 1886. 8°. Public Health Conference, held at Louisville, Kentucky, May 24 and 25, 1887. [See Proc. Pub. Health Confer., Frankf., Ky.] <*• Quart. J. Econom., Bost. Quarterly (The) Journal of Economics. 18*7-8. 8°. Boston. Nos. 1-2, v. 2, R. Ref. Handb. M. Sc, N. Y. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio, Columbus. Rep. Bureau Statist. Labor, Bost. Rep. Dep. Health Brooklyn. Rep. Proc. Alumnae Ass. Wo- man's M. Coll. Penn., Phila. Rep. Roy. Com. on Hist. Manus., Lond. Rep. Sapporo Agric. Coll., Japan. Rep. State Com. Lunacy Penn., Harrisb. Repert. de therap. dodimet. Repert. univ. d'obst. et gynec, Par. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca. Rev. internat. scient. et pop. d. falsific. d. denrees aliment., Amst. Rev. de med., ciruj. y farm., Barcel. Rev. de med. mil., Porto. Rev. med.-pharm., Constant. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'enf., Par. R. Istituto d' incoraggiamento alle science naturali economiche e tecnologiche di Napoli. [See Lavori accad. d. r. 1st. d' incorag. a. sc. nat. . . . di Napoli.] Reference (A) Handbook of the Medical Sciences, embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science by various writers, illustrated by chromo-lithographs and fine wood engravings. Edited by Albert H. Buck. New York. 4 v., 1886-7. 4°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of the State of Ohio. Columbus. 1., 1885-6. 1887. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. 1.-17., 18(59-70 to 1885-6. Boston. 1870-86. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Department of Health of the City of Brooklyn. 1884-6. Brooklyn. 1885-7. 8°. Report of Proceedings of the Alumnre Association of the Woman's Metlical College of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 1.-12.. 1876- 87. 8°. Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Re- port and appendix. (Pt. I.) London, v. 8, 1881. fob Report (Annual) of Sapporo Agricultural College, Japan. Sap- poro, v. 5 (1880), 1881. 8°. Reports of the State Committee on Lunacy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1.-5., 1882-3 to 1886-7. Harrisbunr 1884-8 8°. Repertoire de th6rapeutique dosimetrique bas<5e sur la physio- logie et l'expe'riuientation clinique. Par le Dr. Bun>-oraeve avec la collaboration libre des mMecins de tous hs pays Pa- ris, Gaud. 2.-5. ann6e, 1874-7. 8°. [Continuation of :* Repert. de med. dosime"t. Continued as: Repert. univ. de med. dosi- m6t., Par.] Repertoire universel d'obstetrique et de gyn<§cologie. [Supple- ment aux : Nouvelles Archives d'obstetrique et de •"> 11«74 ,1 34(1883). Hermaunstadt, 1875-84. 8°. &> » - v -*; Yoyeuno-sanitarnoe Obshestvo v S.-Peterburgie. [See Trudi vo- yenno-san. Obsh. v S.-1'eterb.] [13] W. West. Dent. J., Kansas City. Wien. klin. Wchnschr. Wissensch. Beitr. z. Kampf gegen d. Alkoholismus, Bonn. Western (The) Dental Journal. Kansas City, Mo. v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8°. Wiener klinische Wocheuschrit't. Organ der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. Wien. v. 1, 1888. fob Wisseuschaftliche Beitriige zum Kainpf gegen den Alkoholismus, im Aufrage des Vorstaudes des deutschen Vereins gegen den Missbrauch geistiger Getranke in Verbindung mit San.-Rath Dr. Baer [et al.], hrsg. von P, Pieper. Bonn. Hft. 1-6, 1885-7. 8°. z. Ztschr. f. ang. Chem., Berl. Ztsclir. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl. Zakavkazski Povivalnyi Iustifut. [See Nauch. Besedy vrach. Za- kavkazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis.] Zeitscbrift fiir ange*vandte Cbemie. Organ der deutschen Gesell- schaft fiirangewandte Chemie. Berlin, v. 1, 1888. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Zeitscbrift fiir die chemische Industrie, and : Re- pert. f. anal. Chem., consolidated.] Zeitscbrift fiir Medicinalbeamte. Berlin, v. 1, 1888. 8°. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. [See Mitth. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel, Leipz.] CATALOGUE. MEDICINE. MEDICINE. Medicine (Popular) [including icorks of charlatans]. See, also, Accidents; Bone-setters; Bot- any (Medical); Brandy and salt; CHldren (Hy- giene, etc., of); Formulae, etc.; Generation, etc. (Popular treatises on); Genitals (Diseases of); Homoeopathy (Popular treatises on); Hy- dropathy ; Hygiene; Medicine (Botanic, etc.); Medicine-chests; Medicines (Patent, etc.); Nurses, etc.; Obstetrics (Systems, etc., of) for midieives, etc.; Physiology (Popular); Venereal diseases (Popular treatises on); Women (Diseases, etc , of, Popular treatises on). Abelius (H. C.) Lang-gewunsehter medicini- scher Gewissens- Spiegel, vorstellend I. Ge- reehte Klagen fiber so vieler tausend Menschen friihzeitigen Tod, nebst dessen Ursachen. II. Nachdriickliche Vorsehlage,diesem morderischen Ubel zu steuren, uin so viel Menschen beym Le- ben und bestjindiger Gesundbeit zu erhalten. III. Heilsame Einialiniuigen bey Curiruug der Krauckheiten, zur Rettung des Gewissens und Erhaltu- g des Lebens. Mit schonem lehrrei- cheu Theolog. 16°. Franckfurt a. M., 1720. Abekcrombie(R.) New medical system. Con- sumption, diseases of the heart, bronchitis, asth- ma, dropsy, tumors, coughs, etc., curable by a peculiar solvent process, [etc.] 22. ed. 12°. London, 1877. Abernethian (The) code of health and lon- gevity ... 8°. New York, 1831. Albert (L') moderne, on nouveaux secrets et procedes, utiles ou curieux, pour l'entretien de la beaute et de la sante, la guerisou des maux et maladies, la conservation et les diverses prepara- tions des alimeus et des boissons, les diverses parties de l'economie, taut civile que rurale, les arts et metiers des villes et des campagnes. 4. ed., augmcntee de couseils et avis pour appre- cier ces secrets, et d'un troisieine volume. 3 v. 12°. Paris, 1793. Almanach de la sante et de 1'hygiene, a 1'usage des families et des communautes religieuses, par un docteur en medecine. Pour l'aunee 1881. 12°. Avignon, [1881]. American (The) gentleman's medical pocket- book and health adviser. By the author of: The lady's medical pocket-book. 16°. Philadelphia, [nld.] Anpkieu. Avis aux citoyens, sur les causes, les divers caracteres et les vrais remedes de l'aveuglement, de la surdite et des principaux accidens veneriens, [etc.] 8°. Pan's, 1780. Apollinaris.' Eiti ausserlesen schon Artz- ney- und Kriiuter-Buch, von mancherley bewehr- fcen Experimenten und Artzueyeu, dad lire h dem inenschlichen Corper, in zutragendeu Fiillen, da man die Medicos nicht haben kan, von Hiiupte an hies aufi" die Fiisse mag Rath schaffen. Je- 1 ITledieine (Popular). dermenniglichen zu Dienst in drey Biicher abge- theilet, unter welchen das letzte absonderlich von Pestilentz - Krautern handelt. Erstlich (lurch den . . . Dr. . . . bewehrt befunden und zusammen getragen, jetztundt aber von neuen ubersehen, und mit lebendiger Abcontrafactur der fiirnemsten Krauter, neben Beschreibung der Krafft, deren daraus gebraudten Wasser, ge- bessert uud vermehret. 4°. Erffurdt, 1629. Archer (J.) Everyman his own doctor, com- pleated with an herbal: shewing first, how every one may know his own constitutiou and com- plection by certain signs, also the nature and faculties of all food, as well meats as drinks, whereby every man and woman may understand what is good or hurtful to them. Treating also of air, passions of mind, exercise of body, sleep, the use of tobaco, a new hot bath. Venery, with an infallible secret to prevent the pox. Of the senses, proving six in number, his elixir proprie- tatis, and its use. The second part shews the full knowledge and cure of the pox, running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumption and obstructions, agues, shewing their causes and signs, and cure. The second edition, with additions, viz: A treatise of melancholly and distraction, with government in cure. Also a compendious herbal, discovering the physical vertue of all herbs in this kingdom, and what planet rules each herb, and how to gather them in their plauetary hours. 12°. London, 1673. -----. Secrets disclosed; of consumptions, shewing how to distinguish between the scurvy and venereal disease; also how to prevent and cure the fistula by chymical drops, without cut- ting ; also piles, hemorrhoids, and other diseases. 8°. London, 1684. [Arzxeibuch (Eiu). Deutsche Handschrift aus dem 15. Jahrb. Enthalt miraculose Blutstil- lungen, Pflaster, Salbeu, Kriiuterkuren. Wunder- mitteb] MS. 4°. [n.p.,n.d.] Artzxei-Buchleix fiir mancherlei Gebrechen zu gebrauchen. MS. 16°. [it. p. n. d.] Arzneybuchlein von mancherley bewiirthen und erfahrnen Arzneyen, fur allerley Zufalle und Krankheiten des inenschlichen Leibs dienstlich. MS. 16°. [ ii. p.], 1671. Arzt und Patient. Winke fur Beide. 8:. Stuttgart, 1884. Assega (C.) Manualepratic. patologioo-tera- peutico di medieina semplice ad uso dei senii- narii, delle scuole elementari, tecniche e fem- miuili ed anche dei comuni agricoli e delle famiglii in generale. 16°. Torino, 1886. d'Aubry de Montpellier (J.) Le triomphe de l'archcc, et la merveille du monde, ou la mede- cine universelle et veritable pour toutes sortes de maladies, les plus desesperees, qu'elle gu6rit par ME DIC INK. 2 MEDICI NE. Heclicine {Popular). les sueurs ou les transpirations insensibles, en rafraichissant, sans aucune iucommodite ny vo- missement et sans avde de l'art magique comme Ton s'estoit persuade, nouvellement decou- vcrte . . . Dedi^e a la reine des anges. Aug- mentee de l'apologie de l'autheur, etc., et de plusieurs remerciemens des cures, etc., et de beaucoup de consultations faites et envoyees en diverses langues au sieur . . . [etc.] 4. ed. 4°. Parti, [1661]. Ausfuhrlicher Bericht von der Artzney, Es- sentia dnleis genannt, durch welche unter dem Seegen (rottes, allerley sch were Kranckheiten, Gitlil, Epilepsie, Stein, allerley (iebrecheu an Augen, auch wenn sich Felle augesetzet, Man- gel am Gehor, Contractur, u. d. gb bissher curi- ret worden, zum dritteumal und verbessert in Druck gegeben. 4°. Halle, 1163. [Azzoguido.] La spezieria domestica. Ope- retta utile a tutte quelle persone, chebraraano di vivere lungamente, e neeessaria a quelli che si trovano lontani dal medico o dallo speziale, come per lo piu accade a chi vive nella campagna, nei chiostri, collegi, etc., e a chi intraprende viaggi di terra, e priucipalmente di mare. 16°. Vcnezia, 1784. B. (M.) Dienstlich en de ghenuchelijck tyt- verdrijf voor siecken, om ghesont te worden, en vimr ghesonilc om niet sieok te zijn ; handelende van alle die menschen de welcke in ecu sieck- huijs van noodesijn, namentlijckedesieck-maer- ten, oftediehun dienen en bijstaeu. Tot troost en onderwijs van den krancken beschreven in vloeycndo reden, en tot lichter ontkoudeu, en vermaeek van deselve, met veel fraeye kort- bondigbe spreuken, geschiedeuissen en dichtiens doorvlochte. 12°. /'Anlieerpen, 1654. Babbitt (E. D.) The health guide ; aiming at a higher science of life and the life forces; giving nature's simple and beautiful laws of cure; the science of magnetic manipulation, bathing, elec- tricity, food, sleep, exercise, marriage, and the treatment for one hundred diseases ; thus con- stituting a home doctor far superior to drugs. 12°. New York, [1874]. Balmer-Rixck (T.) Die Gesundheit. Ein Wort au Gesunde und Krauke. Von einem be- wahrten Arzte gepriift und zur Beherzigung empfohlen. DenArbeiterfamiliengewidmet. 8-. Basel, 1887). Banning (E. P.) A peep into the house you live in ; an essay on the causes of some of the ail- ments to which flesh is heir, and on the value of mechanical appliances in their treatment. 12°. New York, 1812. Bapst (M.) rfeii Eltern. Wnnderbarliches Leib und Wund-Artzneybuch. Darinuen neben vielen Denckwirdigen, niitzlichen und heilsamen Din- gen, Geschichten, Kunststiicken, unnd Experi- menten, vorneinlich von dem schweren Gebre- eheu, oder hinfallenden Krauckheit, und dersel- ben Cura, aussfiirlicher Bericht zu befinden, etc. Aus vieler hoehgelarter Ertzte Biicher, und eige- ner Erfahrunge mit allem Fleiss, den gemeinen Haussviiteru, zu nutz uud heilsamen Unterricht, zusammen getragen unnd beschrieben. 2 Th. 4° Etisleben, 1596-7. Baronyay (J.) *Gencralia popularis medi- eina*-principia. 8'-. Pestini, 1834. Barkier (E.) Hygiene et medecine des fa- milies; lettre a M. le president de I'Acailemie de medecine de Paris. 8C. Paris, 1882. Bartholinis (T.) De medieina Danorum domestica. Dissertationcs x cum ejusdem vin- diciis et additameutis. 12'-. Hafnia:, 1666. Becker (G. W.) Kurze, jedoch griindlich An- leitung wie man gesuud bleibeu, sich und die Uledicine {Popular). seinigen vor Krankheiten bewahren, davon hei- len, und zu einem frohen Alter gelangen kann. Fiir den gebildeten Burger uud Laiidmann 12r Neue Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, gebi Leipzig, 1817. -----. The same. Belliol. Radicale Heilung der Scropheln, Flechten und galanten Krankheiten, sowio aller chronischen Krankheiten des Kopf'es, der Brust und des Unterleibes. Nebst Ratbsehliigcn iiber die korperliche und geistige Erziehung der Kin- der und iiber die Lebeusweise der Greise. Nach der siebenten Auflage aus dem Fraii/.iisischen iibersetzt. *'-\ (Jtiedlinburg it. Leipzig, 1839. -----. The same. Tratado sobre la natura- leza y curaeion de las eufermedades cronicas, herpe*tieas, escrofulosas, y sitiliticas, por un nuevo tratamiento vegetal depurativo y refrescaute. Traducido de la oetava edieion francesa por F. Vinader y Domenecb. 16°. Barcelona, 1841. Biikger (P.) Leefregcl voor mageren. Over de oorzaken. de verschi.jnselen en de behande- ling van lnagerheid, naar bet Duitsche popu- laic-medische geschrift. Bewerkt door J. Bar- tolotti Rijuders. 8°. Gravenhage, 1887. Berillon (E.) Nouveau manuel de la garde- malade, a 1'usage des meres de familh*, des insti- tutrices, des intirmieres, etc..; art de soigner les malades et les convalescents, regies speciales aux enfauts, preparation des medicaments, acci- dents, regies s^ciales en cas d'epidemie; phar- macie domestique. 8°. Paris 1885. Besser(L.) Den deutschen Miittern und Vii- tern. Ein Buch iiber das Werden und Waebsen ihrer Kinder als Schliissel zu deren gesiinderer Erziehung. 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1858. Beynon(E\) jeuue. Suittedu Samaritain cha- ritable. Ou il se trouve toutes sortes de medica- ments et leinetles eprouves par diverses per- sonnel qui s'eu sont tres-bien trouvees . . . Mis au jour en charite christienne. Traduit d'alle- man en francois par Louis France. 12°. Ge- neve, 1673. -----. Barmhertziger Samariter, oderfreund- briiderlicher Rath, allerhand Kranckheiten und Gebrechen des menschlichen Leibs, iiinerlieb und ausserlich zu heilen . . . Auch einem sehr niitz- lichen Unterricht vor die Heb-Ammeu in alien zustossenden Fallen. Nebst einem neuen An- hang von der Pest, wie man sich in soldier Zeit verhalton soil. Anjetzo aufs nen iibersehen, und von vielen Druck-Fehlern gereiniget. 16°. Sultzbach, 1685. -----. The same. 18°. Basel, 1686. -----. The same. 12°. Niirnberg, 1691. -----. The same. 12°. Niirnberg, 1696. Black (W. G.) Folk medicine; a chapter in the history of culture. 8:. London, 1883. Blanchard (V. W.) Lectures and essays (food-cure system). 8 . Neie York, [1878]. Blood (C. L.) A century of life, health, and happiness; a cyclopedia of medical information for home life and domestic economy. 8°. Bos- ton, [n. d.] Bock (C. E.) Supplement-Band zu alien Aus- gaben von . . . Buch vom gesuuden und krankeu Menschen. Der Garten-Laube eutnomnien. 2. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1866. Bonxkkex (J. W. F.) Kurtze jedoch auf Ver- nunfft und Erfahrung gegrundete Abhandlung von denen erdhafteu Mitteln, welche sehr hiiuffig von vielen Metlieis und auch ohne diss fast von Jedermanniu alien undjeden Zufallen desLeibcs gebraucbet werden. denen Arztney Unkundigen und dem gemeinen Manu zur selbst eigenen Prii- fuug vorgeleget. 24 . Wertheim, 1742. MEDICINE. 3 medicine {Popular). [Bonora. ] Provvedimenti alle piii eoniuni malattie dei polli. 8°. [n. p.. it. d.] Boorde(A.) The breviarie of health ; wherein doth folow remedies for all maner of sicknesses and diseases, the which may be in man or woman. In 2 pts. 8■'. London, 1575. Black-letter. -----. The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge made by ... A compendious regy- ment or a dyetary of helth, made in Mountpellier, compiled by . . . Barnes in the defence of the berde ; a treatyse made answerynge tbe treatyse of Doctor Borde upon berdes. Edited, with a life of Andrew Boorde and large extracts from his brewary, by V. J. Furnivall. 8°. London, 1870. dal Bosco (F.) La prattiea dell' infermiero. Nella quale con osservationi fondate uell' uso di moltisaimi anui s' addottrinal' assisteute, e cari- tativo inferiniere per ben conoscere, e ne' casi repentini applicar li rimedij proportionati a' mali dei suoi infermi. Di nuovo ristampato. 16°. Milano, 1670. Brand (J. H.) Sorgfattiger und gewissen- hafter Land- und Bauren-Doctor; welcher Gott zu ehren, dem armen diirftigen Nachsten zu Nutz und denen nothleidenden Kraukeu mit guten Arzeneyen mehrentheils geringen Haus-Mitteln, in alien vorfallenden Krankheiten getreulich an Handen gehet. 12°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1753. Brett (W.) Indigestion, rheumatism, gout, and nervous diseases. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1860. Broberg (J. V.) Bidrag fran var folkmedi- cins vidskepelser till kannedomen om vara ald- sta tider. Forra afdeluingeu. 8°. Stockholm, 1878. -----. Olai Martini bikiare book efter en i KarolinskaMediko-Kirurgiska Institutets Biblio- tek befintlig haudskrift utgifven med inledning och anmiirkningar. 8°. Stockholm, 1879. Brodum (W.) A guide to old age, or a cure for the indiscretions of youth. 2 v. in 1. 8°. London, 1797. v. 1 is 5. ed. and v. 2 is 4. ed. Brown (O. P.) The complete herbalist; or, the people their own physicians by the use of na- ture's remedies; showing the great curative properties of all herbs, gums, balsams, barks, flowers, and roots . . . and a new and plain sys- tem of hygienic principles. 8°. Jersey City, N. J., 1870. -----. The same. The complete herbalist; or, the people their own physicians by the use of nature's remedies. 8°. Jersey City, 1872. -----. The same. 8° Loudon, 1876. Brown (Mrs. W. G.) Metaphysical pamphlet. A synopsis of metaphysics; cause, cure, and pre- vention of disease, life lengthened, disease kept at bay. 8--. New York, [18711] Braunschweig (H.) Thesaurus pauperum. Hauss-Apoteck, guter gebrauchlicher Artzney, zu jedeu Leibes Gebrecheu. Fiir das arme Land- voick und gemeynen Man an Tag geben. 32°. Franckf. a. .)/., 1573. -----. The same. 24°. Franckf. a. M., 1579. -----. The same. 16°. Franckf. a. M., 15911. -----. The same. sin. 8°. Franckf. a. M., 1598. -----. The same. 4°. [Augspurg, n. d.] -----. Hauss-Artzneybuchiein. Gute ge- breuchliche uud bewerte Artzncyeu, zu aller- hand Gebrecheu des gantzeii Lcibs, ausswendig und iuweudig, von dem Haupt hiss auf die Fiiss, fiir den gemeinen Mann iusonderheit, so die Apotecken nicht erreycheu, oder die Artzte zu ersuchen, am Gut nicht vermag, gestellt und MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). mit sonderm Fleiss zusammen getragen durch . . . jetzt aber durch einen Liebhabern der Artz- ney erfarnen, von newen durchsehen, uud an vielen Orten gemehrt und gebessert. Zusampt angehenckten Tractatliu von allerley gebranten Wassern, welcher Mass man dieselbigen brau- chen und niitzen sol, zu Erhaltung und Fristung menschlicher Gesundtheit, etc. 16°. Frankf. a. M., 17)89. -----& Sciirick(M.) Apoteck fiir den ge- meynen Man, der die Ertzte zu ersuchen am Gut nicht vermugens odder sonst ynn der Not all- wege nicht erreycheu kan. 4 . Wittemberg, 17)29. Bryan (L.H.) Great medidal discovery. The blood poison, its origin and nature, and bow it acts upon the system to cause, the many and varied diseases tliat afflict mankind. 8 . Phila- delphia, 1872. Buchheim (E.) Volkswohlstaud und Volks- gesundheit. 8°. Wien, 1885. Buc'hoz (J.-P.) Remedes eprouve.s avec suc- ces contre la teigne, le scorbut, les vers, meme le solitaire, les fleurs blanches des fenimes, les pales couleurs, l'inflammation des yeux, [etc.] Second opuscule conceruant le genre humain et la medecine. 12°. Parti, 1806. Buking (J.) Neue und sichere Einleitung zu der Artzney-Kunst, und Ansehaffuug dienlicher und heilsarner Hiilffs-Mittel, wider alle sich an des Meuschen Leib ereignende heilbare Kranck- heiten und Bescbwernugen, da dann insonder- heit einer jeden Kranckheit wiirckende Ursach erst kiirtzlieh untersucht, die dAgegen zu ge- brauchende geringe Hauss-, Feld- und Reise- Mittel getreulich angewiesen, voruehmlich aber in der Praxi bewahrt-befundene Arcana ent- decket und mitgetheilet werden . . . Vermehret von Paul Jacob Marberger. 16°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, 1711. Bullein [or Bulleyn] (W.) Bulwarke of defence againste sicklies, somes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bul- warke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the physician, Avith their chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors. Gathered and practised from the moste worthie learned, bothe old and newe; to the greate comforte of man- kinde. fob London, 1562. ---—. The same, fob London, 1579. Buno (G. W.) Medicus philoscepus, oder der eine gehorige Bedeckung des Leibes, beydes, fiir Gesunde als Krancke, anweisende, kluge und sorgfaltige Artzt; wie eigentlich dazu eine gute Policey - Hauss- und Kleider- Ordnung, auch rechtmiissige Krancken-Pflegenothwendig erfor- dert werde. 4°. Celle, 1720. Butler (C.) Butler's medicine chest direc- tory and family catalogue of drugs, chemicals, and medicinal compounds,. with the properties and doses of such as are more generally used in domestic medicine. 4. ed. 8°. Dublin, 1837. Byrn (M. L.) The mystery of medicine ex- plained ; a family physician and household com- panion ; prepared for the use of families, plan- tations, ships, travelers, [etc.] 8°. New York, 1869. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1872. C. (J.) De wonderlijcke en wel geoeffende genees- en heelmeester, leereude alerley sieckteu, gebreken, accidenten, wonden, soo inwendigh als uytwendig oude en nieuwe wel te keunen eu te geneseu ; handelende inede van pestilentie en swangere vrouweu. 8°. Amsterdam, 1663. Calkins (M.) Diseases of the lungs, heart, and blood, scrofula, consumption, bronchitis; their causes, prevention, and cure; with the MEDICINE. 4 MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). posthumous writings of Calvin Newton. 8°. Philadelphia, 1860. [Cam (J.)] A miscellaneous essay on tbe rheumatism, gout, and stone, in which the causes of those diseases are proved to arise from the same origin; their cures and prevention are fully and regularly stated, and some pecu- liar and sure methods and medicines are recom- mended to the publick. 12°. London, 1722. Carpenter (R.) The sick man's companion, or a short note on fever and a new method of cure; together with an enumeration of the symptoms which usually attend a number of diseases, and a mode of treatment prescribed with medicine, the production of our own coun- try. 12°. Johnstown, 1812. Carrichter(B.) Practica, auss den fiirnehm- sten Secretis. I. Von allerhandt Leibskranck- heiten. II. Von Ursprung der offnen SchJiden, und ihrer Heylung. Jetzt von newem corrigirt ausgegangen. 16°. Strassburg, 1577. -----. The same. 16°. Strassburg, 1600. Carter (R.) Valuable vegetable medical pre- scriptions, for the cure of all nervous and pu- trid disorders. 12°. Frankfort, 1813. -----. The same. 12c. Cincinnati, 1830. -----. A short sketch of the author's life, and adventures from his youth until 1818, in the first part. In part the second, a valuable vegetable medical prescription, with a table of detergent and corroborant medicines to suit the treatment of the different certificates. 4°. Ver- sailles, Ky., 1825. Chantry (Mrs. A. W.) Receipts for family medicines that will cure all ills that flesh is heir to. 8 ■-'. Philadelphia, 1866. Cheap (A), sure, and ready guide to health; or, a cure for a disease call'd the doctor. In- structing how to prevent being cheated and destroyed by the exactions and unmerciful usage of ignorant and oppressi v e physicians and apothe- caries; and to prepare at home the proper medi- ciues for usual distempers; with their prices to save niueteen shillings in twenty, and expend little more than a penny a dose. Likewise a new accouut of the connection of distempers, key to all physic, and to know any disease. Set forth by the benefaction of a very worthy pri- vate gentleman, to contain more than any book of the kind, at the lowest rate, as necessary for all families and all persons. 12°. London, 1742. Choice and profitable secrets, both physical and chirurgical, formerly concealed, by the de- ceased Dutchess of Lenox, and now published for the use and benefit of such as live far from physicians and ehirurgions; beiug approved of by emiuent doctors, and published by their charitable advice for the publique good. Where- uuto is annexed a discovery of the natures and properties of all such herbs which are most com- monly known and growu iu couutrev gardens. 16°. London, 1658. Christian! (B. G.) * D<- cura per domestica; vou Hauss-Mittelu. sm. 43. Halm Magdeb., [1727]. Church (J.) Important information to the afflicted with . . . most disorders incident to human nature. 16°. New York, 1800. Claridge (R. T.) Every man his owu doctor. The cold water, tepid water, aud friction cure, as applicable to every disease to Avhich the human frame is subject. And also to the cure of disease iu horses and cattle. 8Z. New York, 1849. Clerc. Histoire naturelle de 1'homme con- sidere dans l'etat de maladie, ou la niedeeine rappeliee a sa premiere simplicite. 2 v. Kb. Paris, 1767. medicine {Popular). Closet (A) for ladies and gentlewomen, or the art of preserving, conserving, and candying. With the manner how to make divers kindes of sirups and all kiude of banqueting stuffes. Also divers soveraigne medicines and salves for sun- dry diseases. 16°. London, 1632. de Closmadeuc (G.) Esquisse sur la mede- cine et la chirurgie populaires dans le departe- ment du Morbihau. 8. Cannes, 1861. Ci.um (F. D.) Men and women; their struct- ure and function, and how to supply their wants, direct their powers, avoid their afflic- tions, aud sustain their lives. 8". Boston, [1882]. Cogan (T. ) The haven of health; chiefly made for the comfort of students, and conse- quently for all those that have a care of their health, amplified uppon five wordes of Hippo- crates, written Epid. 6. Labour, meate, drinke, sleepe, Venus. Hereunto is added a preserva- tion from the pestilence; with a short censure of the late sicknesse at Oxford, sm. 4°. London, 17)89. -----. The same. 4. ed. sm. 4°. London, 1636. Cohen (G.) The tree of life ; its growth and decay; or, light and darkness. With illustrated plate, by Fritz Braun. 12°. London cf Man- chester, 1883. Colbatch (J.) Dr. Colbatch's legacy, or the family physiciau. 12°. London, 1733. Comet (C.-J.-B.) Methode curative externe des douleurs rhumatismales, goutteuses, ner- veuses; des maladies lymphatiques, et des visce- ralgies, [etc.] 8. ed. 8°. Parti, 1842. Continuation of the confidential communica- tion, intended for the general benefit of the afflicted, and especially for the service of those of them who apply to the enemy of human dis- eases, being informed thereby of the cause that has compelled the new condition of their admit- tance, to which is prefixed various in fori nation, and also, the result of the experieuce acquired on one's frame, concerning the fatal consequences of being exposed to breathe the unsalubrious air of diseased humau beings; and in general, the contagious danger of their common inter- course, and the baleful one of the distemper's destructive influence. 8 . Providence, 1815. Cooper (T.) A treatise of domestic medicine, intended for families, in which the treatment of common disorders are alphabetically enumer- ated. To which is added, a practical system of domestic cookery. Also, the art of preserving all kinds of animal and vegetable substances for many years by M. Appert. 8°. Beading, 1824. Couch (R.) Praxis catholica; or, the coun- tryman's universal remedy; wherein is plainly and briefly laid down the nature, matter, man- ner, place, and cure of most diseases incident to the body of man, not hitherto discovered, whereby any one of an ordinary capacity may apprehend the true cause of bis distempers; wherein his cure consists, and the means to effect it; together with rules how to order children in that most violent disease of vomiting and looseness, etc., useful likewise for seamen and travellers. Also, an account of an incomparable powder for wounds or hurts which cure any ordinary ones at once dressing, now published with divers useful additions (for public benefit) by Chr. Pack. 24-. Loudon, 1680. Cox's companion to the family medicine chest and compendium of domestic medicine; particu- larly adapted for heads of families, ship-captains missionaries, aud colouists, with plain rules for MEDICINE. 5 medicine {Popular). taking the medicines; to which are added a plain description of the treatment of fractures and dislocations, and a concise account of Asiatic or spasmodic cholera. 48. ed. 18°. London, 1887. Craig (J.) & Maule (W.) Medical tracts for the times. 12°. Edinburgh, 1886. Crell (A. F.) & Wallace (W. M.) The family oracle of health, economy, medicine, and good living; adapted to all ranks of society, from the palace to the cottage. 4 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1821-7. Crugenerus (L. M.) Materia perlata. Das ist: Edle und bewehrte Artzeney, wider Malum hypochondriaeuin, Miltz-Krauekheit, oder win- dige Melancholey genannt, etc. Dariun der rechte Gebrauch wider obgedaeht und andere Kranckheiten, absonderlich fiir das Podagra, Zahn-Schinertz, Fraiss, schweere Noth oder hin- falleude Senche. 16°. Begenspurg, 1676. -----. XXV niedicinisch-historische Epis- teln.oder: Aulfgezeichnete Curen, so durch gott- licheu Segen, mit Hiilff der edlen Artzney Mate- ria perlata wunderbarer Weise verriebtet, den Liebhabern zu ihrer Gesundheit, und zu Ehren der wabren Medicinden diirftigen nothleidenden Patientcn zum Beweiss anffgezeichnet. 16°. Begenspurg, 1679. -----. Continuation seiner medicinischen Episteln, [etc.] 16°. Begenspurg, 16)80. Culpepkr (N.) Culpeper's school of physick; or, the experimental practice of the whole art. . . The narrative of the author's life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated ; together with the testi- mony of his late wife. The general contents of this work are in the next page, with two perfect tables very useful to the reader. 12°. London, 1659. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1678. -----. Medicaments for the poor; or, the physick for the common people. Containing excellent remedies for most common diseases in- cident to man's body; made of such things as are common to lie had iu almost every country in the world, and are made with little art and small charge. Hereunto is added an excellent book called: Health for the rich and poor, by diet without physick. 2. ed. [1656]. 12°. Lon- don, 1662. -----. Culpeper's last legacy, left aud be- queathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being the ehoyeest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences iu several sciences, more especially in chyrurgery aud x>hysick, viz: compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and troehischs. With two particular treatises: the one of leavers, the other of pestilence; as also rare and choyce aphorismes and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. The fourth impression. 12°. London, 1668. -----. The English physician enlarged, with three hundred sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this; being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation ; containing a complete method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, be- ing sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. 12°. London, 1681. -----. The same. 12-. London, 1799. -----. The same. To which is added the family physician, and a present for the ladies, containing the best remedies for every disease MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). incident to the human body. By Dr. Parkins. 12°. London, 1810. -----. The same. (Crosby's improved ed.) 8J. London, 1814. -----. The same. 12°. London, [n. d. ] Culverwell (R. J.) Guide to health and long life; to Avhich is added a popular exposi- tion of Liebig's theory of life, health, aud dis- ease. 8°. New York, 1848. -----•. The same. 8°. New York, 1850. -----. The same. 8°. Cincinnati, [n. d.] -----. Diseases of wiuter. On consumption, coughs, [etc.] 8°. New York, 1849. Davies (N. E.) One thousand medical maxims and surgical hints. 12°. London, 1883. Defrenne (J. J.) Beschrijving der genees- middelen. Benevens een kort begrip van des- zelfs geuees-wijze in de onderscheidene zicktens, waar iu het gebruik der gemelde genees-midde- len dienstig is. 8°. Amsterdam, 1786. De La Ha ye. Le medecin sincere, qui ensei- gne par uue methode aisee a connoltre, a guerir, h soulager et a prevenir les maladies par des re- medes doux et faciles a composer. II traite aussi des vertus des plantes, des auimaux, des metaux et des eaux minerales. Ouvrage utile et tres- instructif pour les estudians en medecine, pour les camps et armees, pour les curez de campagne et pour les peresdefamille. 2. ed. 8°. Lyon, 1697. Delfraysse de Fraysses (E.G.) Nouveau guide pratique de la medecine populaire posi- tive basee sur Faction physiologique de medica- ments complexes, d'apres leur finalite therapeu- tique et divises en specifiques pour chaque ma- ladie selon les methodes des Drs. Belloti et Fi- uella. 12°. Bruxelles, 1886. De Saint-Vincent (A.-C.) Nouvelle mede- cine des families a la ville et a la campagne, a 1'usage des families, des maisons d'education, des ecoles coinmunales, des cures, des soeurs hospi- talieres, des dames de charite, et de toutes les personnes bieufaisantes qui se devouent au sou- lagement des malades. 8. ed. 12°. Parti, 1886. Deschamps (L.) The science of medicine re- duced to its simplest form. Important philan- thropic discovery by means of which every one can be his own physician and druggist, [etc.] 8°. Williamsburg, 1850. Dictionnaire de medecine usuelle, a 1'usage des gens du monde, des chefs de famille et de grands etablissements, des admiuistrateurs, des magistrats et des officiers de ]rolice judiciaire . .. Le docteur J.-P. Beaude, charge de la direction. [With supplement.] 2 v. roy. 8°. Parti, 1849. Dixon ( E. H.) Back-bone; photographed from "The Scalpel". 8°. New York, [n. d.] Doctor (The) at home. Illustrated. Treat- ing the disease of man and the horse. 8°. Enos- burgh Falls, Vt, 1881. Dods (J. B.) The philosophy of electrical psychology; in a course of twelve lectures. Stereotype ed. 8°. New York, 1852. Doppet (F.-A.) Le medecin philosophe; ou- vrage utile a tout citoyen, dans lequel ou trouve une nouvelle maniere de guerir, puisee dans les affections de Fame, et la gymnastique. 8°. Tu- rin, 1787. Dorfdoktor (Der). Volkskalender fiir das Jahr 1886. 12-. Flensburg, 1885. Dover (T.) The ancient physician's legacy to his country. Being what he has collected. himself in forty-nine years' practice . . . De- signed for the use of all private families. The fourth edition . . . With some remarks on the author of: The use and abuse of mercury. 8°. London, 1733. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1742. MEDICINE. MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1762. Drage ( W.) A physical nosonomy; or, a new aud true description of the law of God (called nature) in the body of man; confuting, by manifest and manifold experiences of many learned men, as well as the author's, the rules aud methods concerning sicknesses and changes in man's body delivered by the antient physi- cians, and moderns that followed them . . . set forth, I. In a monitory proaemium; wherein be reasons for, and experiences iu the stars, influ- encing upon, and altering our bodies. II. In a tractate of the diseases of the head. III. In a tractate of the diseases of the lungs. IV. In a tractate of dropsies. Also, in the second part of this book is a practice of physick, drawn from the best of moderns, and compleably treating of those diseases specified iu the table, to which is added a treatise of diseases from witchcraft. sm. 4°. London, 1665. Dryander [Eichmann] (J.) Ein new Artz- ney und Practicyr Biichlein von allerley Kranck- heiten, wie man die erkent, uud geheylet werden sollen. Aus den beriimptesten und erfarnesten, zu unsernn Zeyten lebenden Medicis mit hohem treuem Fleyss, in eyn kurtze Summa zusamen- gezogen. 12°. Colemie, 1527. -----. Der gantzen Artzenei gemeynes In- halt, wes einem Artzt, bede in der Theorle und Practic zusteht. Mit Anzeyge, bewerter Artz- neieiin, zu alien leiblichen Gebrechenn, durch natiirliche Mittel, hierbei beneben des Menschen Corpers Anatomei, warhafft contrafeyt und be- schriben. Allen Artzten, und eim jedeu zu sein selbs, und seins nehsten Noturfft dienlich, wol zu haben und zu wissen. fob Franckf. a. M., 17)42. -----. Artzenei-Spiegel gemeyner Inhalt der- selbigen, wesbede einem Leib unnd Wundtartzt, in der Theorie, Pratic, unnd Chirurgie zusteht. Mit Anzeyge bewerter Artzneien, zu alien leibli- chen Gebrecheu, durch natiirliche Mittel, hiebei beneben des Meuschen Corpers Anatomei und chirurgischen Instrumenten, warhafft contrafeyt und beschriben. Allen Artzten, und einem je- den zii sein selbs, und seins nehsten notturfft dienlich, wol zu haben und zu wissen. fob Franckf. a. M., [1547]. Dyes(A.) Verhiitungvon Augentriibung und Blindheit, sowie Anleitung zur Heilnng des chro- nischen Stockschnupfeus. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Eisenberg (F. L.) *Initia medieina* extem- poranea* et domestical cum adversariis quibus- dam chemicis. sm. 4°. Erlangex, [1780]. Elder (G.) A series of lectures upon "health", delivered during the winter of 1872-3, at the Mechanics'Institute, Nottingham. 8°. Notting- ham, [n. d.] [Eleonora (Rerzogin ron Troppau unci Jdgern- dorf).] Sechs Biicher, ausserleseue Artzney und Kunst Stiiek, fast vor alle dess menschlichen Leibes Gebrechen und Kranckheiten, anss vielen besehriebeneu Artzneybiiehern, so bey Fiirst- lichen unnd andern hohen Persouen verwahret werden, mit sonderm Fleiss zusamiuen getragen, und in solche richtige Ordnung bracht, dass ein jeder, was zu fiirfallender Schwacheit dienlich, ohne besondere Miihe dariuneu fiuden kan. fob Torguw, 1600. -----. The same. 4'-. Leipzig, 1713. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Niirnberg, 1733. -----. The same. 4C. Wienn, 1752. Ellas de Molins (R.) Tratado de patologia rural, o sea la descripcion de las enfermedades mas comunes y el modo de curarlas por medica- mentos especialmente vegetales. Segundo y til- medicine {Popular). timo volumen del Tratado de medieina rural. 8°. Madrid, [188(5]. Elyot (T.) The castell of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the first author thereof. 16°. London, 1534. -----. The same. 16°. London, 1541. -----. The same. Aud now newly imprinted. 16°. London, 1580. -----. The same. 4°. London, 1610. van Engelen ( F. V. ) Genees- natuur- en huishoud-kundig kabinet, of uitgezogte verza- meling van de nieuwste en nuttigste verhande- lingen, proeven en waarneemingen, uit de voor- naamste buitenlandsche akademien en genoot- schappen, en de beroemste in-en uit-laudsche schrijveren, ten nutte onzer landsgeuooten bi- jeen vergaderd door eenige lief heliberen dezer weetenschappeu. 3 v. 8°. Leyden, 1779. Everett (G. H.) Health fragment, or steps toward a true life, embracing health, digestion, disease, and the science of the reproductive or- gans. Part I. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1878. [Part II.] Embracing dress, heredity, child training, kitchen and dining-room ethics, by Susan Everett. Eygel (A.) Nietiwe Genees-Konst, of Man- tissa medicamiuum. Dat is, Toegift van medi- camenten, tegen de sieckten, aengewesen zijnde door't menschelick water iu sijn drie voorgaende werken, dienende meereudeels voor menschen van 15 of 16 jaren tot 60 of 70. 12J. Amster- dam, 1673. Falger (F.) Der Priester am Krankenbette. Eine fassliche Belehrung iiber die wichtigsten Krankheiten und Zufalle des Menschen, sowie die dem Seelsorger dabei zugewiesene Wirksam- keit, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die neuereu Forschungen. sm. 8°. Miinster, 1867. Falloppius (G.) Secreti diversi et miraco- losi; ne' quali si mostra la via facile di risauare tutte le infirmita del corpo buinano; et etiaudio s' insegna il modo di fare molte altre cose, die a ciascuno sono veramente necessarie. 12°. Ve- netia, 1563. -----. The same. Raccolti e approbati da al- tri medici di gran fama. Novamente ristampati, e a comiuum beneficio di ciascuno, distinti in tre libri. Nel primo de' quali si contiene il modo di fare diversi olii, ceroti, onguenti, ontioni, elec- tuarii, pillole e iufiniti altri medieamenti. Nel secondo, s' insegua a fare diverse sorti di vini e acque molto salutifere. Nel terzo si contengono alcuni importantissiini secreti di alchimia e altri secreti dilettevoli. 16°. Venezia, 1578. -----. Kunstbueh, von mancherley uutzli- chen, bissher verborgnen, und lustigeu kiinsten : erstlich welsch durch in beschriben sampt einem andern Buchlin vor etlichen Jaren in frantzosi- scher Sprach, durch Christopboruin Landrinum aussgangeu, dariun etliebe fiirtreffliche bewerte Artzneyen, zu mancherley Leibsgebrechendieust- lich, und doch auss gar schlechteu Dingeu zu- bereytet, begriffen seind, jetzt aber beyde in teiitsche Sprach verfertiget durch Hieremiam Martium. 16°. Augspurg, 1573. -----. The same. Kunstbueh: dess hocher- farnen, und weytberhiiinpteu Herrn . . . der Artzney Doctorn, von mancherley nntzlichen, bissher verborgnen, uud lustigen Kiinsten: erstlich welsch durch ihn beschriben sampt einem anderu Buchlin, vor etlichen Jaren in frautzdsiscber Sprach, durch Christophorum Landrinum aussgangen, darinu etliebe furtreff- liche bewerte Artzneyen, zu mancherley Leibs- Gebrechendienstlich, und doch auss gar schlech teu Dingeu zubereytet, begriffen seind, jetzt aber beyde in teiitst-he Sprach verfertiget, durch- Hieremiam Martium. 12°. lAugspurg], 1588 ' MEDICINE. 7 medicine {Popular). -----. The same. 16°. Augspurg, 1597. Families' (The) new guide to health, giving a description of tbe diseases to which families are subject, and their treatment . . . together with an exposition of tbe Thomsonian preparations of medicine, as given in the N. York M. & Phys. J., v. 1, n. s., 144. 8°. Baltimore, 1833. Family (The) physiciau, cousumptive's guide to health, and lady's medical companion. Com- piled chiefly from the works of Benjamin Rush. Edited by A. H. Flanders. 16°. Lowell, [1864], Faulkner ( T. ) Each person his own phy- siciau! The doctor at home; or the unfailing medical instructor, filled with the proven facts of medical science, and family experience, show- ing in the plainest maimer how to retain health, kill disease, lengthen life, and wonderfully in- crease mental and physical vigor, in man, woman, or child. 8:. New York, [1881.]. Fawcett (B ) Lecture on the science of me- dicine, and the doctrine of disease; or health and how to preserve it, and, if lost or injured, how to restore it. 12°. Sydney, 1873. Feltham (J.) A popular view of the struct- ure and economy of the human body ... To which is annexed au explanation of difficult terms. 12°. London, 1803. Fermin (P.) Istruzioni important! al popolo snll' ecouomia animale, the contengono le dif- ferenti malattie croniclie alle quali e soggetto il eorpo umano, con i rimedj pin. proprj x>er cu- rarle; per servir di seguito all' Avviso al popolo del sig. Tissot. Opera del . . . Tradotta dal francese, e di note illustrata. v. 1. 8°. Venezia, 1717. Fischer (A. F.) Heil- und Verhaltungsregeln bei jenen Krankheiten, die sich Jiinglinge und Manner durch geheime Vergehungen und durch Ausschweifungen in der physischen Liebe zuge- zogen haben. 12°. Leipzig, 1834. Fitch (8. S.) Six lectures on the uses of tbe lungs; and causes, prevention, and cure of pul- monary consumption, asthma, aud diseases of the heart; on the laws of longevity, and on the mode of preserving male and female health to an hundred years. 12°. New York, 1847. -----. A popular treatise upon diseases of the heart, apoplexy, dyspepsia, aud other chronic diseases, with proofs of their curability, [etc.] 8C. New York, 1859. ----*-. The same. A treatise on the causes and curability of diseases of the heart, stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, etc., and ou the treatment of disease in middle-aged and elderly people. 8°. London, 1861. -----. Family physician. 8°. Boston, 1866. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1868. Flamant [or Flament]. Le veritable mede- cin, ou le moyen de se conserver la saute; conte- nant plusieurs pratiques de medecine, pharmacie et chirurgie; avec plusieurs remedes simples, experimentez et approuvez; ouvrage tres-utile au public. 12°. Parti, 1699. -----. The same. Die Kunst, sein eigner Medicus zu seyn, oder: Sich durch Beobachtung seines natiirlichen Triebs gesuud zu erhalteu. 2 pts. 18°. Franckenhausen, 1721. Florinsky (V. M.) Do rashniaja meditsina. Lechebnike dlja narodnago upotreblenija. Izda- nie trcte, ispravleunoe. [Domestic medicine. A medical book for the use of the people. Third improved edition.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Formula of prescriptions, aud various instruc- tions, for the service and guidance of those who have applied, are applying, or shall apply, to the enemy of human disease; to which is pre- fixed, a vindication, concerning the dietical ah- MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). stinence, detecting the dangerous tendency of several articles forbidden as pernicious to the human body, in which are included tobacco, salt and salted food, spirituous liquors, all sorts of spices, and coffee. By Svlvan. 8°. Providence, 1812. Fort(T.) A dissertation on the practice of medicine; containing an account of the causes, symptoms, and treatment of diseases; and adapted to the use of physicians aud families. 8°. Milhclgeville, 1849. Fosski. (V.) Volksmediciu und medicinischer Aberglaube iu Steiermark. Ein Beitrag zur Landeskundc. 8C. G ret z,.1887). de Fouquet (Madame). Recueil des remedes faciles et doiuestiques choisis, experimentez, et tres-aprouvez pour toutes sortes de maladies in- ternes et externes, et difficiles a guerir. 2. ed. 2. pt. 24°. Dijon, 1679. —'■----. The same. Auguientee dans cette derniere edition de quantite de secrets qu'on a mis a la fin. Tres-utile et ueeessaires dans toutes les families, pouvant f'aire les remedes soy-meme et a pen de frais. Avec uu regime de vie pour chaque complexion et pour chaque maladie; et uu traite" da Lait. Le tout par ordre alphabetique. 2 v. 16°. Dijon, 1701. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] ------. The same. Sehr uiitzliehes Artzney- Bnch, welches auff alle inn- und euserliche Zu- falle, so wobl vor Manns- als Weibs-Personen die allerleicbtesten uud bewiihrtesten Medica- menta, meistentheils Hau^s-Mittel in sich halt . . . samt einem 'fractal von der Milch-Cur; aus dem Frantzosischen ins Deutsche ubersetzt. 12°. Dresden, 1708. ----. The same. Obrasmedico-quirurgicas. Ecouomia de la salud del cuerpo humano. Pron- tario de seeretos caseros, faciles y seguros, saca- dos y comprados de los medicos y eiiujanos mas famosos de toda la Europa, [etc.] Traducidas couforme £ la impresion correcta y anadida que se hizo en Lion, en 1739, del frances £ la leugua castellana por Francisco Monroi y Olaso. Au- mentadas con esquisitas recetas miscel^neas, igualmente faciles y seguras. Nueva ed. 2 v. 8°. Valencia, 1872. Franklin (E. Z.) Illustrated domestic medi- cal counsellor. Laws and science of life, health aud self-preservation. Materia mediea aud phar- macy, [etc.] 12°. Boston, 1884. Frantz (J. G.) De opvoeding van den ge- neeshe r als mensi-h en als geleerde beschouwd iu betrekking tot de familie, den staat en de maatsebappij, opgedra»en aau de Nederlandsehe volksvertegenwoordiging. 8°. Amsterdam, 186)1. Freese (J. R.) General treatise, pt. i. The physician's hand-book and family guide to health. . . . Special treatise, pt. ii. A practical treatise ou the diseases peculiar to the genital organs of the male sex. Special treatise, pt. iii. A practi- cal treatise on the diseases peculiar to the genital organs of the female sex, [etc. ] 8°. Cincinnati, 1856. Friedel (D.) Expediter und bewahrter Me- dicus, welcher wieder alle, sowohl inn- als iius- serliche Kranckheiten, Schiiden und Gebrecheu des meuschlieben Leibes, geuugsame und be- wail rte Artzney-Mittel besitzet, und auff jetlen Fall verniinfftig anwendet, auch iiber dieses sei- nem Nachsten zienilicher Anzahl communiciret; das meiste aus eigener Erfahrung und vielfalti- ger Approbation, mit kurtzen, doch nothigen Aumerckungen,saint vielen Ohservationibusund sinnreicheu Erzehlungen blustriret, iusonderheit denen ueu angebendeu Medicis, uud ihrem Niich- sten, geschwind und (Jewissenhafft zu rathen; MEDIC1N1 MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). iugleiehen denen Chirurgis, Apotheckern, etc., auch dem gemeinen Menschen zum Nutzen, her- ausgegeben. 4°. Leipzig u. Bostock, 1726. Friedrich (E.) Gesundheitspflege fiir das Volk. Rathschlage zur Erhaltung der Gesund- heit, 8°. Berlin, 1864. Fries [or Phries] (L.) Spiegl der Artzny, desgleiehen nie von keinem Doctor in tiitsch ausgangen ist, niitzlich unnd gutt alien denen, so der Artz Radt begerent, auch den gestreiffel- ten Leyen, welche sich underwinden mit Artznei umbzegou. In welcbem du findest Bericht aller Hendel der Artznei, gezogen aus den fiirnemsten Biichernderalten, mit schonen bewerteu Stiicken unnd kurtzwyligenReden. fob Strassburg, 1509. Gabele (J.) [Des Wuud-Artzney Buches.] 12°. Memmingen, [n. d.] Gabelkhouer(0.) Artzneibucb,dariunenvast fiir alle, des meuschlichen Leibs, Anligen unnd Gebrechen, ausserlesene unnd bewelirt Artz- neyen, gemeinem Vatterland teutscher Nation zu Gutem auss vilen hohen uud niders Stands-Per- sonen geschribnen Artzneybiicberu zusamen ge- tragen, unnd in den Truck verfertiget sind. 2 v. in 1. 4°. Tiibingen, 1594. -----. The same. 4°. Tiibingen, 1595. -----. The same. The boock of physicke, wherin throughe commanndement of the most illustrious and renoumned duke and lorde, Lorde Lodewijcke, Duke of Wirtenberghe and of Teck, Earle of Mompelgart, etc. Most of them selected and approved remedyes, for all corporall diseases and sicknesses, which out of manye highe and common persons written physick-boockes, are compacted, and united together. Faithfullye translated out of High-Duche by the right wor- shipfull Mr. Dr. Charles Battus. And now nuelye translated out of Low-Duche into Eng- lishe by A. M. 4°. Dorte, 1599. Gallaher (F. M.) Lessons in domestic sci- ence. 8°. Dublin, 1885. Galtier-Boissiere. Bibliotheque scientifiqne et medicale des gens du moutle. Les moyens de se preserver de toutes les maladies epidemiques, contagieuses ou parasitaires, suivis des mesures a prendre eontre les empoisonnements, les as- phyxies et les piqures veuimeuses. 8°. Parti, 1886 [1885]. Gardiner (J.) Observations ou the animal ceconomv, and ou the causes and cure of diseases. 8C. Edinburgh, 1784. Gart der Gesuntheit; zu Latin ortus sanita- lis, von allerley Thieren, Voglen, Vischen oder Morwundern und edlem Gstein, daruss gezogen von den natiirlichen Meistern, was dem Men- schen zu seiner Gesundtheit dienet, mit hoch- stem Fleisss durchsucht, corrigiert, und gebes- sert. fob [Strassburg, 1529.] Gautier (J.) 8eeours d'urgence dans les mala- dies subites et dans les maladies par accidents. 12°. Paris, 1886. von Gehema (J. A.) Der qualificirte Leib- Medicus. 16°. [n. p., 1690.] Gehrig (L. C.) JSgrotans ipse Medicus: der sich selbsten curirende Patient, oder kurtze, doch deutliche, Methode, nach welcher ein jeder Patient D. b. sich selbsten am allerglucklicbsten curiren, [etc.] 4°. Schneeberg, 1712. Geneeskundige (De) raadsman voor ieder die geneeskundige hulp moet otitberen. Vraagbaak op zeereizen, in de tropen enz. Viij naar bet Hoogduitsch door A. Arn. J. Quanjer eu J. A. Lodewijks. 12°. Gouda, 1884. Genesung (Zur)! Ein lustiges Handbuch fur Aerzte uud Patienteu beiderlei Gesehlechtes und soust Jedermau. Hrsg. von einer Masse Mediciner. 3. Aufl. 8°. Miinchen, [1883?] medicine {Popular). de Giaxa (V.) Piccobi enciclopedia di medi- eina ed igiene al uso delle famiglie. 2. ed. 2 v. 80. Trieste, 1885. Giraudeau-i>e-Saint-Gervais. Le medecin s.ius medecine. Couseils aux gens du monde pour guerir soi-meme les dartres, et toutes les maladies provenaut de l'acrete du sang et des hnmeurs en detruisant leur principe par la methode vegetale. 12°. Paris, [n. d.] Gleason (C. W.) Everybody's own physi- cian; or, how to acquire and preserve health. Seventh thousand. 8°. Philadelphia, [1874]. Goze (C.) * Diss, sistens medicum sui ipsius. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1704]. -----. The same. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1707. -----. The same. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1740. Golden (The) treasure ; or, a choice selection of well-tried domestic, experimental, and medi- cal receipts. 1. Am. ed. 8°. New York, 1835. Goldhammer (J.) Compendieuser, aber doch sehr offenhertzige Weiber- und Kinder-Artzt, bey welchem unter gottlichen Seegen, Schwan- gere, Gebahrende, Wochneriu, Ammeu uud Kin- der niitzliche Hauss und bewehrte Artzeuey- mittel, wieder die vornehmesten und gefahrlich- sten Zufalle und Kranckheiten finden konnen. Alles auf das Deutlichste durch Fragen aus denen probatesten Autoribus und eigener Expe- rienz, dem nechsten zu Liebe zum Druck befSr- dert von . . . 16°. Milhlhausen, 1717. -----. Chrysologia medico-theologica, das ist: Medicinische und theologische Universal- oder Gold-Arzneyen, wodurch nicht allein der Vermo- gende, sonderu auch der armeste Mann seiu Le- bens-Ziel verlangern, seine hochschatzbare Ge- sundheit erhalten, und ohne Verletzung seiner Seelen, ein gutes Auskommen erlangen, und danu auch seelig sterben konne. 4°. Stolberg, [1735]. -----. Knrtzer Bericht Aron einem Dutzend meiner bewahrtesten und mit Fleisszubereiteten Artzneyen, wie solcbe zu Erhaltung der hoch- schatzbaren Gesundheit, und Abwendung vie- lerley Arten Kranckheiten mit dem grosteu Nutzen, nach ihrer Krafft, Tugend und sonder- barer Wiircknug konnen genommen und ge- brauchet werden: auch wer sein Hauss- und Reise-Apotheckgeu darmit anfiillet, dass selbiger urn bedurftigenfals nicht allemahl von mir schrifftlichen Unterricht verlangen und hohlen lassen diirffe. 4°. Stolberg, [1736]. Gordon (G. A.) The complete English physi- cian ; or, a universal library of family medi- cines. 8°. London, 1779. -----. The same. A new ed. 8°. London, [n. d.] Gouernayle (The) of helthe : with the mede- cyne of ye stomacke. Reprinted [fac-simile] from Caxton's edition (circa mccccxci). With introductory remarks and notes by William Blades. 8C. London, 1858. Graham (J.) The guardian of health, long life, and happiness; or, Dr. Graham's general directions as to regimen, etc. For the cure or alleviation of all nervous, scorbutic, scrophu- lous, bilious, gouty, and rheumatic diseases for the preservation of health, for the happy pro- longation of life, for the improvement and pres- ervation of youth aud beauty, aud for the en- joyment of temporal peace and of eternal fe- licity; affectionately addressed to every reason- able and caudid person who wishes to be healthy respectable, and truly happy both here and here- after, uo which are added, the Christian's uni- versal, being a paraphrase on our Lord's prayer ■ and a complete and infallible guide to everlasting blessedness in Heaven. 8°. Newcastle - upon- MEDICINE. 9 MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). ------. The guardian Goddess of Health; or, the whole art of preventing and curing diseases ... To which is added, an account of the com- position, preparation, and properties of the three great medicines prepared and dispensed at the Temple of Health, Adelphi, and at the Temple of Hymen, Pall-Mali, London, [etc.] 8°. Lon- don, [n. d.] Graham (S.) Lectures ou the science of hu- man life. 2 v. 8°. Boston, 1839. Graham (T. J.) Modern domestic medicine ; or, a popular treatise illustrating the character, symptoms, causes, distinction and correct treat- ment of all diseases incident to the human frame . . . To which are added a domestic ma- teria inedica, a description of tbe virtues and correct manner of using the different mineral waters of Europe, aud the cold, warm, aud vapour baths, [etc.] 4. ed. 8°. London, 1829. [Groschuff (F.)] Der curiosePatiente, oder Erorterung derjeuigen Sachen, welche ein Kran- cker offtmahls zu wissen begebret, uud auch wissen soil, nebst einem verstandigen Krauter- Manngen und denen vornehmsten Diiits- und Gesundheits-Regeln, welche ein jeder, der gute Gesundheit erhalten, iugleichen anspinnenden Besehweruugen, bey Zeiten vorbaueu will, in Acht zu nehuien hat, sowohl Krancken, als Ge- sunden niitzlich und unterrichtlich zu lesen, eroffuet von Hiatrophilo. sm. 8°. Leipzig, 1702. Grysselius (J.) * Medicus sui ipsius. In: Linn^us. Amcenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Erlangce, 1785, viii, 13-25. Gufer (J.) Tabube medica? seu medieina do- mestica, euporista ac facile parabilia experien- tia atque authoritate comprobata medicameuta contiuens; das ist: Kleine Hauss-Apotbeck, da- rinnen allerhand scheme Experimenta oder Artz- ueyen,auch von den geringsten und veriichtlicb- sten 8achen beschrieben, uud den arnien Kran- cken zu Nutzen an Tag gegebeu worden. 16°. Augspurg, 1(579. ------. The same. 16°. Augspurg, 1670. Gitbert (P.) Le medecin charitable, ensei- gnant la maniere de faire et preparer en la mai- son, avec facilite et pen de frais, les remedes pro- pres a toutes maladies, selon l'advis du medecin ordinaire. Augmentee d'un singulier preserva- tif contre la pestc 8°. Paris, 1638. ------. The same. 12c. Paris, 1639. ------. The same. 16°. Troyes, 1645. ------. The same. The charitable physitian with the charitable apothecary . . . Now faith- fully translated into English for the benefit of this kingdome, by I. W. sm. 4°. London, 1639. ------. L'apotiquaire charitable, enseignant a faire en la maison les medicamens composez, avec grande facilite a pen de frais, et peu de temps. 16°. Troyes, 16)46. ------. Toutes les oeuvres charitables de . . . scavoir: Le medecin charitable. Le prix et va- leur des medicamens. L'apothicaire charitable. Le cboix des medicamens. Le traicte du seue. La maniere de faire toutes sortes de geiees. La maniere de faire diverses confitures. La conser- vation de sante. Le di scours de la peste. Le traicte de la saignee [par Galien]. La methode agitable et facile pour se purger doucemeut et saus aucun degoust. La maniere d'embaumer les corps morts. Revue's, corrigees et augmen- tees en cette derniere edition par Fautheur. 8°. Paris, 1647. Bound with his: Le medecin charitable, [etc.] 16°. Troyes, 1645. medicine {Popular). Guyon Doloti (L.) Le cours de medecine en francois, contenant Le miroir de beautie et sante corporelle. 2 v. in 1. 4°. Lyon, 1664. ------. The same. 4°. Lyon, 1678. Gunn (J. C.) Domestic medicine ; or, poor man's friend in the hours of affliction, pain, and sickness. 8°. Louisville, 1840. ------. The same. First revised ed., enlarged iu 1840. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. ------. The same. New family physician ; or, home-book of health. 100. ed.! 8C. Cincin- nati, 1870. Guster (G.) 101 AVinke und Wiinsche fiir Gesundheit. 8°. Buchs, 1885. H. (J.) The pearle of practise, or practiser's pearle for phisicke aud chirurgerie, found out, by ... (a spagericke or distiller). ■ sm. 4°. Lon- don, 1594. Hagius (J.) Den lust-hof der meuecijneu : inhoudende den gront van alle cranckheden ende gebreken daer de menschen inede mogben over- vallen worden van den hoofde af tot den voeteu toe: haer oorsaken, teeckeueu ende remedien om die te genesiu uiet alleeue voor medecijns, chi- rurgijns ende vroede-vrouwen : maer oock voor alle huijsvaders ende besonder voor de gene die ter plaetsen wonen daer geen medecijns en zijn te becomen, welcx ghelijckeu noijt voor deseu in onse Nederduytsche tale en is uijtghegaen . . . ende uu eerst int licht ghebracht door zijuen sone Matthijs Haghens. fob Dordrecht, 1616. Hahn (E.) Die wichtigsten der bis jetzt be- kannteu Geheimmittel und Specialitiiten, mit An- gabe ihrer Zusammensetzung und ihres Werthes. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1874. Hahn (T.) Praktisches Handbuch der uatur- gemiisseu Heilweise. 3. Aufl., 1. Lfg. 8°. Ber- lin, 1870. Hall (A. G.) Views of the new theory of disease and of treatment and cure, based upon the nutritive principle, illustrative of the science of fluid physiology aud the chemical properties of the blood. For the people. 4 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1852. Hall (W. W.) The nature, causes, symptoms, aud cure of diseases of the throat and lungs. 8°. Cincinnati, 1850. ------. Throat-ail, bronchitis, consumption ; their causes, symptoms, and cure, in language adapted to common readers. 6. ed. 8°. New York, 1851. IIallin (O. F.) Handbox i helso-och sjuk- vardsliira populart framstald. 8°. Stockholm, [1886]. Forsta bandet. Helsolara. Andra bandet. Sjukvaids- och sjukdomslara. Hamilton (J.) Culpeper's English family physician, or medical herbal, enlarged . . . with several hundred additional plants, princi- pally from Sir John Hill. Medicinally and as- trologically arranged after the manner of Cul- peper. And a new dispensatory from the Ms. of the late Dr. Saunders. 2 v. 8°. London, 1792. Hammack (E. B.) The family physician and guide to health ; a system of domestic medicine, includiug a treatise on midwifery and the dis- eases peculiar to women. 8°. St. Louis, 1869. Hand (W. M.) The house surgeon and phy- sician, designed to assist heads of families. 2. ed. 12°. New Haven, 1820. Hardinge (B.) First elements of vital power: how they were originally generated, and why those original elements are still indispensable to the production and reproduction of vitality in the human economy. An entirely original aud startling expose of important mistakes that MEDICINE. 10 MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). underlie the teachings of medical science (so called), etc. 8C. New York, 1870. Hausz-Apoteck oder ein geniein nutzliches Hauszartzney-Buchlein, darinnen allerband Artz- neyen fiir den gemeinen Mann, der in der Eil die Apotecken nicht haben kan oder sonsten diesel- bigen zu ersuchen, vermogens nicht were, und also hiemit ihm selbsten mit geringem Uukosten zu HiiTffe kommen kan. sm. 4°. Wittenberg, 1613. Health bulletin, and first annual announce- ment of the "First Medical College of the Ameri- can Health Society." The official organ of the rational system of medical practice. 8°. Boston, 1883. Health without physic, and no expense. By a friend of the people. 16°. London, 1852. Heilkraft (Die) gewisser Bewegungen des Kiirpers bis in die spatern Lebensjahrezur giinz- lichen Vertreibung hartnackiger Hypochondrie, Gicht, Rheumatisuius, Brustbeschwerden, Ma- genschwache, Hiimorrhoiden uud mehrerer an- derer Krankheiten, nebst Angabe der durch fiinfzigjiihrige Erfalirung bewiihrten einfacbeu und natnrgemiissen Mittel dagegen. Zur Be- forderung des korperlichen Wohles fasslich dar- gestellt von einem Nichtarzte. 5. Aufl. 8°. Leip- zig. 187>2. Heinen (H.) Gesuudhcits-Sehatzkammer, oder kurze, deutlicbe und richtige Auweisung zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit und Abwentlung mancher Krankheiten; sowie auch gute und sicbcre Mittel zur Wiederherstellung derverlor- nen Gesundheit. Fiir Deutsche ganz deutlich uud fasslich eingerichtet uud denselben zum uiitzlicheu Gebrauch Avoblmeinend auempfoblen undgewidmet. 12°. Lancaster, [Pa.], 1831. Hellwig (C.) Curieuses Reise- und Hauss- Apotbeckcheu, worinnen zwar wenige, jedoch bewiihrte Artzeneyen zu finden, somit lcichter Miiheund Kosten, ein jeder selbst priipariren . . . kan . . . Nebst einer Zugabe derer zweyen weltberuhniten Medicamenten, dem Tberiac und Mithridat, deren herrlicben Nutzen, Zube- reitung und Gebraueb mit sonderbabrem Fleiss eingerichtet. 16-. Fictiikfurth u. Leipzig, 1711. HemlaKAREN. Popular ordbok i sjukvard och helsobiia enligt nutidens medicinska asigter. En radgifvare, inuan liikarehjelp kan erhallas siiiskiblt for hemmen pa laudet och for sjofa- rande. Efter Prof. A. Thornam's Sundbedslexi- con. in. fl. kallor bearbetad af Willi. Uhrstrom. Metl. forord af Professor P. H. Malmsten. 8--. Stockholm, [1>81]. van der Heyden (H.) Speedy help for rich and poor; or, certain physicall discourses touch- ing the virtue of whey in the cure of the grill- ing flux of the belly, and of the dysentery. Of cold water in the cure of the gout and green- wounds. Of wme-vineger in the preservation from and cure of the plague and other pesti- lential diseases; as also in the prevention of hydrophobia, or dread of water, caused by the biting of a mad dog, etc. 18-. London. 1653. Hill (J.) Yiitues of Britisb herbs. With the history, description, and figures of the several kinds; an account of the diseases they will cure; the family methods of giving them ; and the management of the patients in each disease; containing cures of head-achs by feverfew tea ... of consumptions by coltsfoot tea, of hectic fevers by the daisy, colics by leaves of chamo- mile, and agues by its flowers. A recommenda- tion of the Bidens cerium to supply the place of the Ceylon acmella, so celebrated in the gravel . . . anil a case of the hooping-cough cured by a tea of the fresh root of elecampane. The medicine {Popular). whole illustrating that important truth, that the plants of our own country will cure all its diseases. To which are added cautions against the two othonnas, destructive of sheep. A work intended to be useful to the sick and to their friends, [etc.] 4. ed. 8°. London, 1771. Hoffmann (F.) Griindliche Auweisung, wir ein Mensch vor dem friihzeitigen Tod und aller- band Arten Krankheiten durch ordentliche Le- bens-Art sich verwahren konnc 8-. Halle i. Magdeb., 1715. Hoffmann (F.) The popular health almanac for 1877. 12°. New York, 1877. Hofmann (A.) Eneyclopadie der Diatetik, oder allgenieines Gesundheits - Lexicon. Ein vollstiindiges Rval-AYorterbnch des -geistigen uud korperlichen Verhaltens im gesuuden uud kranken Znstande fiir Jedermann, jedes Alter, Gescblecht, Temperament, jeden Stand und alle Verhiiltnisse des Lebens. Ein Volks- und Hiilfs- bucb zum angenblicklichen Nachschlagen und zur steteu Belehrung, wie man Gesundheit und Leben bis zum spiitesten Alter erhalten und bewahren, Krankheiten vorbeugen, sie mildern und heben kann. Beendet von Dr. Jonathan Braun. 8°. Leipzig, 1834-42. Holbrook ( M. L. ) Hygiene of the brain and nerves and the cure of nervousness. With twenty-eight original letters from leading think- ers and writers concerning their physical and intellectual habits. 8U. New York. 1878. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1879. Hollick (F.) The family physician ; or, the true art of healing the sick in all diseases what- ever. 16°. Philadelphia, [1851], Horlacher (C.) Tbeatrum arcanorum divi- nse sapienthe, oder gnadeureicher Schauplatz der Gottlichen Weissbeit und unerschopfflichen Barmhertzigkeit, welche erhellet in uud auss denen vielf'aehen Wunder- Geheininiissen der wahren Medicin, als neinlich der ungemeinen und in diesen letzten Zeiten durch den Gott- lichen Gnaden-Geist kundt geinacbt, ode"r ge- lehrten Erorter- und Eroffnung der sichern, ohnschmertzlichen, und nicht kostbaren Wasser- suchts, Podagriseher Kranckheit ob Zippcrleins, der Fieber, best, Ruhr und Hals-Braune, wie auch der Kriitze, und Luis Venere oder so ge- naunten Frantzosen-Cur und Heilungs-Art. Iu viererley Classes und Gattung abgetheilet, auch christniitleidigst vorgezeiget, und Prlickmassig vorgestellet, 12°. Franckf. a. M., 1699. Horscht (J.) Ein Vorwarnung der Krancken vor ihren selbs eigeiien Schaden und Vorseum- nuss. Darinn der Artzneyen Urspruug, Anfaug, Zunemeu, uud kegenwertiger Zu.standt, sampt vielen wunderbarlichen Gchevnmussen der Na- tur, kiirtzlieh und deutlich gelebret wird. 4°. Gorlitz, 17)74. Horsell (W. ) Das Buch der Gesundheit. Eine volksthiimliche Belehrung fiber die wah- ren Universal-Mittel zur Erhaltung der Gesuud- heit, sowie zur Heilung der Krankheiten des meuschlicheu Korper 1872 8°. Schwehn n. Leipzig, Hii.mk (N.) Auzeige eines sichern und leichten Mitt.-ls wider den Blasen-und Niereiistein, den bcorbut, das Podagra, wider auszehrende Fieber und die \\ tinner. Durch vcrschiedene Erfah- rungeu erbiutert. Nebst einer Anweisun-. Was- ser und andere flussige Kiirper stdir gescdiwind, durch eine sehr einfache Mischung, ohne Hiilfe eunger Geriithschaft, oder einer "'usauimenge! setzteu Maschine, m.t fixer Luft anzusehwfn- gern. Aus dem Lnglischen ubersetzt 18C zig, 1778. Leip- MEDICINE. 11 MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). Hunter (J.) Domestic medicine; or, the herbalist's vade-mecum; containing directions for making tinctures, syrups, etc., the method of compounding medicines, with the nature, use, aud various properties of the herbs used in medi- cine. Their application to the various diseases of the human frame, together with many valu- able recipes by which the assistance of the doctor is often rendered unnecessary. The whole forming a complete family physician. 8°. Lon- don, [n. d.] Hutuiiings (T. G.) The medical pilot; or, new system; being a family medical companion, and compendium of medicine on a totally new plan, and by which all diseases can be treated successfully without minerals, or any poisons whatever, [etc.] 8°. New York, 1855. Instructions how to possess good health and buoyant animal spirits. To which are now for the first time added instructions how to act in cases of fractures, dislocations, wounds, poison, the bites of rabid animals, suspended anima- tion, [etc.] By a village doctor. 8°. London, 1842. Israel ( T. ) * De praestantia remediorum domesticorum. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1718]. J. (W.) A choice luauuall, or rare and select secrets in physick and chirurgery. Collected and practised by the Right Honourable the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the virtues of Gascon pouder, and lapis contra yervam, by a professor of physick, [etc.] 4. ed. 24°. Lon- don, 1654. Jacobi(A.) Volksmediciu. Vortrag gehalten vor dem deutschen gesellig - wissenschaftlichen Verein von New York am 11. Miirz 1885. 8°. New York, 1885. Jacobi (H.) Schat der armen, ofte een me- decijn boecxken, dienstelijck voor alle men- schen : Inhoudende hoe men zijn gesontheydt onderhouden sal: daer by veelerhande simpele remedien ende medicamenten, omme veelerhande steckten, met kleyne kosten, geheel lichtelijcken te genesen. Kb. Haerlem, 1661. [-----. ] Den kleynen herbarius ofte kruydt- boecxkeu, inhoudende de kraeht, ende operatie van alle de ghemeene kruyderen ende bekende vruchten, die men dagelicx gebruyckt, waer deur meu met Gods hulpe een yder zijne ghesoudt- heydt kan onderhouden ende veelderhande sieckten te genesen. Van uieus oversien, en op veel plaetien verbetert, ende vermeerdert. 18°. Dordrecht, 1637. [------.] The same. 18°. Amsterdam, 1683. Jager (H.) Der Apothekergarten. Anleitung zur Kultur und Behandlung tier in Deutschland zu ziehenden mediciuischen Prlanzen. Fiir Apo- theker und Gartner, Land- und Gartenbesitzer. 8°. Leipzig, 1859. Jaiin (F.) Versuch eines Handbuchs der popularen Arzneikunde. 12°. Jena, 1790. -----. Die Naturheilkraft. Vorarbeit zu einer zeitgemiissen Umgestaltung der Heilkunde. 8~\ Eisenbach, 1831. James (F.) Disease; its cause and cure; with plain directions for the home treatment of all kinds of complaint. 7. ed. 16°. Nottingham, 1883. Jennings (I.) The tree of life; or, human de- generacy; its nature ami remedy, as based on the elevating principle of orthopathy. 8 . Xew York, 1867. Jewett(M.) Jewett's family physician. The iatroleptic practice of medicine, or the curing of diseases principally by external application and friction. 8°. Columbus, 1838. medicine {Popular). Johnson (R. W.) The nurse's guide, and family assistant, containing friendly cautions to those who are in health; with ample directions to nurses and others, who attend the sick, women in child-bed, etc. 2. Am. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1819. Jones (P. B.) Pearls of wisdom, gems of knowledge for all. Common-sense prescriptions and practical information; a systematic treat- ment in the domestic practice of medicine. 8°. Kansas City, 1880. Kadner (P.) Gelebrte und ungelehrte Heil- kuust. Auf kliirungen in popularen Briefeu dem gebildeten nichtarztlichen Publikuui . . . gege- ben. 12°. Leipzig, 1855. Kaiser (J. A.) *De medieina populari. 12°. Lanclisliuti, 1816. Keating (J. M.) Maternity, infancy, child- hood. Hygiene of pregnancy; nursing and wean- ing of infants; the care of children in health and disease, adapted especially to the use of mothers or those intrusted with the bringing up of infants and children, and training schools for nurses, as an aid to the teaching of the nursing of women and children. 12°. Philadelphia, 1887. Keck (J. E.) Die Hausmutter am Kranken- bette, eine gemeinniitzige Schrift fiir alle Stande. 8°. Berlin, 1784. Kelley (J. C.) Key to medical science. 12°. New York, 1842. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1842. The cover of this book marked '' Second uniform edition, New York, J. W. Kelley, 1844". Kemp (T. L.) The medical guide to the pre- servation of health and the knowledge of dis- ease . . . Designed for popular use. 8 \ Lon- don, Edinburgh, anion. The physi- "•ui. 1. The cholera. 16-. Loudon, 18:--> * MEDICINE. 19 MEDICINE. medicine {Poptdar). Solomon (S.) A guide to health; or, advice to both sexes, in nervous and consumptive com- plaints, [etc.] 54. ed. 8-'. New York, [n. d.] Sqiiurell (R.) Maxims of health; or, au abridgement of an essay on indigestion; con- tainiug advice to persons afflicted with indiges- tion, nervous, bilious, and gouty disorders; head- ach, female complaints, worms, etc. ; also re- marks on sea and cold bathing, the effects of sea air, [etc.] 12°. London, 1798. Statmion (C.) Ein kiirtzer doch volkiim- licher Bericht, wie man sich in Sterbensleufften halten sol, jedernieniglichen zu gut, Beden denen so von Ampts oder Beriitfs wegen nicht gebiiret und auch denen so Arniut uii not halbeu nicht miiglich ist zu weichen, sehr niitzs unnd gautz trostlieh. 4°. Cohiirgk, 1551. Steinhauser (G.j Eiiifache Mittel gegen Unterleilis-Ausehoppungeii, sch were Yerdauung uud Blahuugs-licschw t-rden, nebst einem An- hange iiber die gcbrauchlichsten und besten inageustarkenden und blahiuigtreibenden Mit- tel, uud Angabe der schwer und der leicht ver- daulichen, dabei viel oder wenig niibrenden Nahrungsniittel. 8-. Wien, 1844. Steward (W.) The first edition of . . . heal- ing art, corrected and improved by the original hand . . . To Avhich he has added, a concise herbal, containing a full description of herbs, roots, barks, and plants, both in their simple and compound use; with a description of their soils and the countries where they are generally found. 12-'. Saco, Maine, 1827. [Stewart (A.)] Some account of the life of the author, together with many observations on various diseases of the human frame. With full aud copious directions for combining and using his compound vegetable and other pills. 8'-'. Roxbury, 1834. Stookiilin (Anna Maria). Aitzeney Buech ; worinnen vill un erschidlieh guete Hausmitl zu linden. MS. fob [n. p., 16th century.] Strauss (G.) Die Heilkraft dei" IVatui-, ihre Erkenutniss im Allgemeinen, und in Beziehung auf die Grundsiitze der Zoochirurgie insbeson- dere dargestellt fiir Aerzte und Thierarzte. 8°. Wien, 1829. Strong ( S. S. ) Lung, female, and chronic disease:-,. 16". New York, 1866. Stkotiieks (E.) Euodia ; or, a discourse on causes and cures. In 2 pts. 8\ London, 171*. Strupp (J.) Hochnotigcr unterricht geistli- cher und biblicher Artzney in jetzigen Leuff- ten widerumb auffs new gcinehret, sampt einem trew hertzigen Cousilio medico Avie es sonsten auch jederzeit allenthalbcn niitzlich und loblich zu halten. 16°. FrauckJ'orl, 1567. Siruve (C.A.) Krankcnbuch. beberdie Er- haltung des menschlichen Lebens, Verhiitung undzweckniassige Behandlung der Krankheiten. 2 v. 12°. Urcslau, Hirscltberg u. Lissa in Siid- prens.se ii, 1798-9. Sunderland (L.) Theory of nutrition. The treatment of disease, aud philosophy of healing without medicine. 8". Boston, 1855. Sympa iiietische (Der) Hausarzt, oder die ent- hiillten Zauberkrafte der Natur. Eine Samm- lung der von den Mysferien des Altcrthunis, TheophrastusParacelsus, Albertus Magnus, etc., bis auf die neueste Zeit bewahrtesten synipa- thetischen und magnotischen Curarteu, und vic- ier hundert der wunderbarsten mit dem glan- zendsten Erfolg gekrtinteu und vielfach erprob- ten Heilmittel gegen die schwersteu, bis jetzt fiir unheilbar gehaltenen Krankheiten uud Ge- brecheu. 2. Aufl. 16°. Bcutliitgctt, [187)6!] medicine (Popular). Tanner (J.) The hidden treasures of the art of physick fully discovered. In four books, containing: I. A physical description of man. II. The causes, signs and cures of all diseases incident to the body. III. The general cure of wounds, tumors, and ulcers. IV. A general rule for making all kinds of medicines; with the use and nature of distilled waters, juyces, decoctions, conserves, powders, electuaries, plasters, etc. To which is added three necessary tables: I. Sheweth the contents of the four books. II. Explainetb all the terms of art which are used in physick and chyrurgery. III. Explaining the nature and use of simples; what they are and where they grow. A work whereby the diligent reader may, without the help of other authors, attain to the knowledge of the art above named. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1672. Tayler(P.) Taylor's ready doctor ; or, cures suitable for most distempers incident to the hu- man body ... To which is added a treatise ou bleeding. 8°. F'ctlkiric, 1785. Taylor (T. K.) The medical pocket com- panion, or domestic adviser; designed for both married and single; containing a brief descrip- tion of the causes, symptoms, and treatment of the most common aud obstinate diseases which affect humanity; together with many valuable hints upon the preservation of health and the proper management of infancy and childhood. New stereotype ed. 12°. Huston, 1858. Tegetmeier (W. B.) A manual of domestic economy; with hints on domestic medicine and surgery. 5 ed., revised and enlarged. 16°. Lon- don, 1860. Theobald (J.) Every man his own physi- cian. Being a complete collection of efficacious aud approved remedies for every disease incident to tbe human body; with plain instructions for their common use, necessary to be had in all families, particularly those residing in the country. Compiled at the command of bis royal highness the Duke of Cumberland. 8°. London, 1164. -----. The same. A new ed., improved. 8°. London, 1766. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1770. Thomas (W.) The safety-valve of life. How to prevent disease and promote health. Vaccina- tion and its results. Why have fevers and small- pox ? The soul aud brain-startling ideas. Brain fever and the ice-pad treatment. Cholera aud hydrophobia. Facts from personal experience, showing how life and health was restored, [etc.] 8'-'. London, 1885. Thomson (A.) The family physician; or, do- mestic medical friend. 8 . New York, 1802. Tilke (S. W.) An autobiographical memoir, with remarks on the various incidents which have occurred during forty-five years of his life, and a full description of his mode of treating diseases, with reasons explanatory of his system. 8'. London, 1840. Tollat(L) Margarita medicime, ein nieys- terlichs ausserlesens Biichlein tier Artzney. Fiir mancherley Krauckheyt uud Siecbtageu der Menschen. Geinacht der weit beriihmten Uui- versitet zu Wien bey dem aller erfaruisten Mann der Artzney Doctor Schwick. 4°. Niirnberg, 1516. Town (The) and country friend and physician; or, an affectionate address on the preservation of health and the removal of disease on its first ap- pearance, supposed to bo delivered by a country physician to the circle of his friends and patients on his retiring from business; with cursory obser- vations on the treatment of children, etc. In- MEDICINE. 20 MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). tended for the promotion of domestic happiness. In 2 pts. 12°. Philadelphia, 1803. Trall (11. T.) Die wabre vernunftgeniiisse lleilkuude im Gegcnsatze zur Medicin-Heil- kunde. f . Berlin, 1868. -----. Die Kohl- uud Lungcn-Krankheiten. 8-. Berlin, 187(1. -. Die Arzneimittel, ihreNatur, ihre Fol- gen und Wirkungen. Eine populate Darlegung der falscben Lehren, auf welche ihre Anwendung sich stiitzt. 8C. Berlin, 1871. -----. The hygienic system. 12°. Battle Creek, Mich., 1*72.' Treatise (A) of diseases of the head, braiu, and nerves. More especially of the palsy, apo- plexy, lethargy, epilepsy, convulsions, frenzy, vertigo, megrim, inveterate headache, etc., with directions for their thorough cure, and how these and many other deplorable nervous distempers may be prevented as well as cured, and conse- quently many lives saved by the medicines herein,' in English, prescribed without the least reserve. To which is subjoined a discourse on the nature, real cause, and certain cure of melan- choly in men and vapours in women ; instructing persons how to cure themselves absolutely of those perplexing and pernicious disorders with safety, ease, and expedition. By a physician. 5. ed. 8 . I^ondon, 1121. Treatise (A) on the diseases most prevalent in the United States, with directions for medicine chests. Designed for the use of families. 8°. Philadelphia,'1821. Timiost (Den) der armen, bebelzende lighte en souvereijue rcmctlien, tegen verscheijde ziek- ten, wonden, gezwellen en andere kwaelen des menschens lichaem. sm. 8°. Gend, [1712]. Tsuda Gensen. Rioji Sadan. [Tea-table talks on medicine.] 10 v. 8°. Yedo, 1770. Japanese text. Universally (The) experienced family physi- tiau; or every man and woman their own doc- tor aud chirurgeon. Setting forth the nature, causes, signs, and cure of disease, pains, and griefs incident to men, women, and children, as also how to preserve health, aud prevent sickness, to know by various symptoms and dispositions of the body when diseases arc approaching, and what remedies are proper to antidote them by almost a never-failing method ... To which is added a brief herbal, shewing the nature aud virtue of herbs, and their physical use; bow to prevent miscarriages aud abortion, also the pica or immoderate longings of women with child, and many other useful things never before made publick. 16°. London, 1720. Yaidex (T. J.) The commencement of a prac- tical system of medicine to meet the premoni- tions of disease, and to secure on rational prin- ciples more uniform popular benefit, on the im- mediate and absolute requirements of nature, through her earliest co-operation, with perma- nent and satisfactory pledges as to the medicine used in all the departments of fevers of geueral character. 8-". Mobile, 1845. [Yandermonde (C.-A.)] Dictiounaire por- tatif de sante" ... Le tout recueilli des ou- vrages, taut auciens que modernes, des merlecius les plus faiueux, et augmente" d'une infinite de reccttes particulieres, et de spocifiques pour toutes sortes de maladies, par M. L. . . . et M. de B. . . . 3 v. 12-. Paris, 17611-71. ■ Yaussard (G.) L'operateur des pauvres, ou la fleur d'operation uecessaire aux pauvres pour conserve!' lour saute et soy guerir ii pen de frais. Oil se nionstn- un discou'rs de op6rateurs, avec les remedes de purgation, le prix que coustent medicine (Popular). les drogues, et les moyens de les appliquer. En- semble le secret du baulme policreston, sa vertu, et antics secrets admirable*. 16°. Troyes, 16)47). VicarY (T.) The Englishman's treasure; with the true anatoniie of man's bodie. Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chi- rurgerie, with divers excellent approved reme- dies for all diseases the which are in man or woman; with emplasters of speciall cure; with other potions and drinkes approved iu phisicke. Also the rare treasure of the Euglish bathes. Written by William Turner. Gathered and set forth for the benefit of his friends and country- men in Eugland, by William Bremer. 8J. Lon- don, 17)99. -----. The same. . . . With divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and soul- diers, that travell eyther by water or land; and likewise for all diseases which are eyther iu man or woman . . . and now eighthly augmented and enlarged, with almost a thousand approved waters and medicines, meet and necessarie for pbysicke aud chirurgie; as also oyntment and plaisters; with especiall and approved remedies for the plage, and pestilent fever; by W. B. 8°. London, 1633. Vindevogel (J.) Le guide du poitrinaire, ou methode a suivre pour prevenir et gu6rir les ma- ladies du sang et de la poitriue ainsi que la dc- bilit6 constitutionnelle. 24°. Brnxelles, 1881. -----. Recueil cliuique, ou repertoire des traitements nouveaux. 24°. Brnxelles, 1881. Yitter (J. C.) Artznei Biichlein, angefangen den 29. Oetobris A. 1656. MS. 4 \ [n. p., it.d.] Yogel (S. G.) Kleine Sehrifteu zur populai- ren Medizin fiir gebildete Loser, die der Arznei- wissenschaft unkundig sind. 3 v. in 1. 16°. Berlin, 1814-17. Vogter(B.) Ein nutzlich uud nothwendigs Artzney Biichlein fiir den gemaynen Menscbeun, [etc.] ' 4°. [Augspurg, 1533.] -----. Wie man alle Gebresten und Kranck- htiten des menschlichen Leibs, ausswendig und ynnwendig, von dem Haupt an hiss auf die Fuss, artzneyen und vertreyben soil, mit aussgeprau- ten Wassern. sm. 4°. Augspurg, 1533. -----. The same. 4°. Franckf. a. M., 1550. Voisin (B.) Le mddecin familier et sincere; qui appreud a un chacun a se guerir soi-inenie de toutes les maladies veneriennes de nieine (pie de la goutte nouvelle, et de calmer les douleurs de celle qui est inve"te"ree, et d'en retarder les at- taques des anuees eutieres et nieine plus et de guerir plusieurs autres differeutes espoces de ma- ladies avec sou secret qu'il a du depuratif du sang, et de sa panacee vdgotale. 16°. Turin, 1161. Vougut (J. G. ) Treatise on bowel com- plaints; intended for the use of physicians, families, parents, masters of vessels, etc., in the United States. 16'-. Bochester, N. Y., 1823. W. (G.) A rich storehouse or treasurie for the diseased, wherein are many approved medicines for divers and sundry diseases, which have been long hidfeu and not come to light before this time. First set fourth for the benefit and com- fort of the poorer sort of people, that are not of ability to goe to the phisitions. And now sixtly augmentetl and inlarged by A. T., practitioner iu pbysicke and chirurgerie. sm. 4-\ London, 1616. ' -----. The same. 8 . London, 1630. -----. The same. 8 . London, 1631. -----. The same. The 8. ed., enlarged by D. I!. 4-. Loudon, 167,0. Walker (B. B.) The Indian practice of med- icine;- being a treatise, divested of professional MEDICINE. 2\ MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). terms, on the nature, causes, symptoms, and treatment of the diseases of men, women, and children ; with appropriate prescriptions, in Eng- lish. By Benjamin B. Walker, student of Dr. Richard Carter, jr., of Kentucky. 12°. Louis- ville, 1847. Wiuits pp 111-119. Wallace (Mrs. C. L. H.) Physianthrophy; or, the home cure and eradication of disease. sm. 8°. London, [n. d.] Wallis (G.) The art of preventing diseases and restoring health, founded on rational prin- ciples, and adapted to persons of every capacity. 8°. London,1793. Walwyn(W.) Physick for families; or the new, safe, and powerful way of physick, upon constant proof established, enabling every one, at sea or land, by the medicines herein men- tioned, to cure themselves, their friends, and re- lations, in all distempers and diseases. With- out any [of] the trouble, hazzard, pain, or dan- ger of purgers, vomiters, bleedings, issues, glis- ters, blisters, opium, antimony, and quicksilver, so full of perplexity in sickness. 16°. London, 1696. Weicker (G.) Die Natur beilt, oder das Wasser und die Pflanzenkost in ihrer Beziehung zur Lebens- und Heilkraft in gesunden undkrau- ken Tageu. 8°. Leipzig, [1884]. -----. Die Natur beilt, oder die Wasser- und Diatkur in ihrer Beziehung zur Heilkraft des menschlichen Korpers. Ein Beitrag zur Frage : Was giebt Lebenskraft ? Zugleich Wegweiseriu der arzneilosen Heilkunde nnd volksverstiindli- cben Gesundheitspflege. Mit Heilerfolgen aus der Praxis versehen. 2. Aufl. 8y. Auerbach, [n.d.] [Wesley (J.)] Primitive physick, or au easy and natural method of curiug most diseases. 8°. London, 1747. -----. The same. 22. ed. 8-. Philadelphia, 1791. -----. The same. 23. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1793. -----. Tbe same. 24. ed. Revised and en- larged by W. M. Cornell. 12'-. Boston, 1858. -----. The same. 26. ed., corrected. 12°. New York, 1804. -----. The same. 27. ed., corrected. 16°. New York, 1814. •-----. The same. Wesley's family physi- cian, revised, and Ware's medical adviser. A book of receipts, with directions for the use of Dr. Samuel Thomson's medicine and bath. For the benefit of families, clergymen, philanthrop- ists, and reformers. By T. E. Ware. 27. ed. of the Primitive physic. 12°. Salem, N. J., 1839. Whitney (D. H.) The family physician, or every man his own doctor; in three parts. To- gether with the history, causes, symptoms, and treatment of Asiatic cholera; a glossary, ex- plaining the most difficult words that occur in medical science, and a copious index and ap- pendix. 8-. New York, 1834. CONTENTS. Part I. Contains tbe. theory and practice of physic. Part II. Diseases of women and children, and the bo- tanic practice. Part III. Dispensatory, anatomy, and the practice of surgery. Wilkes (F. C.) A manual of practice for the diseases of Texas. 2. ed. 8kJ. Chappell Hill, Tcr., 1867. Wilkins (II.) The family adviser, or a plain aud modern practice of physic, calculated for medicine {Popular). the use of private families, and accommodated to the diseases of America. To which is an- nexed Mr. Wesley's Primitive physic, revised. 12°. Philadelphia, 1793. -----. The same. 4. ed., corrected. 12°. New York, 18.04. -----. The same. 5. ed. 16°. New York, 1814. Willemier (G. A. F. Q.) Handleiding der bijzondere natuurkunde van den zieken meusch en der geneeskundige behandelingswijze der ziekten. Ten gebruike bij bet onderwijs aan 's Rijks kweekschool voor militaire geneeskundi- gen. 2. deel. 8°. Utrecht, 1852. Williams (J.) Last legacy, and useful family guide. 8°. New York, 1826." Wilson. Der kranke Mensch, oder Ursache und Heilung der Krankheiten. Belehrungen, wie man die Gesundheit bewahren und Krank- heiten durch ein sicheies, wissenschaftliches, an- genehnies, wirksames und Jedermann zugangli- ches Mittel beilen kann. 8 -. Berlin, 1873. Winkler (T. C.) Dokter en patient. 12°. 's- Hcrlogen boseh, [ 188() ]. Wittich (J.) Pneservator sanitatis. Ein niitzlieher Bericht von den sechs unvormeid- lichen Dingeu, zur Gesundheit gantz erspriess- liehen, wie man sich in donselhen beydes zu Hause, und auch iiber Land verhalten sol. Al- les auf die deutsche iiblicbe Kost, Speise uud Tranck gerichtet, und mit Sententiosis versibus, alien Rythmis, und gut-en Ertzneyinitteln gezie- ret. Dabey auch ein Vcizeicbnis oder Teffe lein einer Reise-Apotecken, denjenigen sehr niitzlich, so stets iiber Land reisen miissen, sol- dier in vorfallenden Niiten zu gebrauchen. Zu Ehren und giinstigem Gefallen alien Liebhabern der Gesuudheit gestalt. 12c. Leipzig, 1590. -----. Areola itineraria. Das ist: Reise- kiistleiu, fiir allerhand zukiinfftigen Kranck- heiten, von vielen niitzlichen uud probierten Stiicken, so in fiirfallenden Nohten kriifftig kon- nen gebraucht werden, mit hochstem Fleiss zu- sammen getragen. Darzu ein kurtzer und hoch- notiger Bericht, von den Extractionibus, so man jetziger Zeit auch mit grossem Nutz zu gebrau- chen pfleget. Item, von des Tberiaea) Andro- inacbi und Mithridati Damooratis reebtein Ge- brauch in allerhand Kranckheiten. 12°. Leip- zig, 1590. -----. The same. Jetzo auffs Newe iiberse- hen, corrigirt, vermehrt und in Druck gegeben. 12°. [n. p.], 1607. -----. Vatic niecum, das ist: Ein kiinstlich new Artzneybucli, so man stets bey sich haben und fiihren kan, in fiirfallender Not sich Hiilff daraus zu erholen, wider allerhand Kranckheit des inenschlichen Leibes, voiu Heupt an bis auff die Fussohlen. In gewisse Capitel unnd ricbtige Ordnung gebracht, und mit guten, heilsanien, schlecbten, einfeltigen uud zusaninien gesetsten Mitteln, aus vieler hoehgolahrter Leute Biicher, gezieret. Auch zum Anfang ein Unterricht ge- satzt, Avie man durchs gantze Jahr, gute Gesund- heit erhalten moge. Sampt eines vornemen er- farnen Miinchs Experimentlein, welcher zur Zeit Fridirici, des ersten Chnrfiirsten zu Sachsen, gelebet. und in sehr grossem Beruff gewesen. Allen llaussviitern, holies und niedern Staudes Personen gantz niitzlich. Dergleichen znvor niemals also in Druck koninien. sm. 4°. Leip- zig, 17)97). Wolbewahrte (Der) Kriiuter-Artzt, welcher in allerhand Kranckheiten, Wunden und Schii- den, so wol bey erwachsenen Manns- und Weibs- Personen, als auch bey kleiueu Kindern; des- MEDICINE. ■!•} MEDICINE. medicine {Popular). gleichen bey Schwangern, Kreisenden, Seehs- wiiclineriniienund Saugenden, durch geringe und sit-here Mittel, baldige Hiilffe und erwiinsehte (ienesung verschalfen kan. Allen Nothleiden- den zum besten an das Lieht gestellet von G. C. W. 16°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1725. Wolfics (H.) Tractatus und kurtzer Be- richt, wie man sich vcrmittelst Gottlicher Hiilff, vor der jetzo anfahciiden, regierenden Seuche der gifftigen. Pestilentz pra'scrviren, verhalten, dienlichen Mitteln verwahren, und was teglieh, so wol ad pnoservationein, als dann auch cnra- tioneni, niitig Gebrauch werden konne. Allen den jeiiigcn. da diese Seuche angefangen zu grass'iren (oder welches Gott der Allmechtige gnediglieh abwenden wolle), inkiinfftigen regie- re n liiochte. Iusonderheit aber denen nothlei- denden Mitehrislen, uud gemeinem Mann in Vi- ciuia, welche der Herren Doctoren und Medico- rum consilia nicht gebrauchen und crreiohon konnen. Aus fiirnehiner Herren Doctoren Scrip- tis uud Consibis zu Nutz und Gut colligiret, zusammen gebraebt, auch auff begehren wob nieynendlich in Druck verfertiget. sm. 4°. Gosslar, 1625. Woodman (P.) Medicus novissiinus; or. the modern physiciau; shewing the principal signs, causes, and most material prognosticks; to- gether with the true method of curing all the principal and curable diseases incident to man- kind, according to the most modern and best method of practice now in use, [etc.] sm. 8 . London, 1712. [WitiiiHT (J.)] The treasurie of hidden se- crets; commonly called the good-huswive's closet of provision for the health other houshold. Gath- ered out of sundry experiments lately practised by men of great knowledge, and now newly en- larged, with divers necessary pbysicke lielpes, and knowledge of the names and naturali dis- position of diseases that most commonly happen to meu and women. Not impertiuent for every good huswife to use in her house, amongst her owne familie. sm. 4°. L,ondon, 1627. Youth's (The) health-book. 18°. New York, Zaar (L. G.) Nt'idhjelpare, eller ordbok till anvisning af fornuftsenliga, pa, siiker erfarenhet gruudade och minst kostsamma huskurer med allniant tillgangliga niedel, for mindre benied- lade och fattiga samt i a'liniinhet dem, som nodgas sakna nog skyndsamt lakare-bitraile i de alluianuaste sjukdoms-faror; jeinte erinringar om de angeliiguaste fall, da bikares siirskiblta rati och hjelp ovilkorligen iiro af noden. [An aid, or phrase-book, for instruction iu a rational maimer as to cures, with plain, easy remedies, etc.] 8 . Gbtheborg, 184i). Zimpel(C.F.) Dermedizinische llaus-Sihatz. Xeue und alte Heilmittel fiir Jedermann. Mit besouderer Riicksicht auf die Ars spagyrica, uud ibreu Anwendung zur Bereitnng von ausseror- dentliehen medizinischeu Geheimmittelu, nebst einigen Bemerkuugen iiber die bniversalmedi- zin der Hermetik. 8-. Bern, 1870. Zil'PERLEN (J. B.) Hulfsbiichlein zur Ge- suudheitslehre fiir alle Stande. Eine gcinein- niitzige Anleitung zum wirksammen Gebrauch des kalten Wassers in Verbindung mit Bewe- gung iu freier Luft und Massigkeit als der ein- fachsten Mittel zur Forderuug des korperlieheu Wohlseyns wie zum Schutze gegeu Krankheiten 12-'. Stuttgart, 1844. Zwincer (T. ) Sicherer und geschwinder Artzte, oder neues Artzney-Buch, worinnen alle uud jede Kranckheiten des menschlichen Leibs, meilicine {Popular). nach Ordnung des Alphabcths griindlicb und deutlich beschrieben; und wie sie gantz sicher und geschwind durch die Gnad (iottes zu heilen, so wol auss eigener, als auss vieler welt-beriihin- ten Aertzten langwiriger Erfahrung kurtzlich an den Tag geleget wird. Denen miff dem Land wohnendeii, von Aertzen abgelegenen liotblei- denden Lenten, wie auch anderen Liebhabcrn tier edlen Artznevkunst vielfaltigein Nutzen. 4. Aufl. 12°. Jlasel, 1103. -----. Die Gest alt eines fiirsichtigen Frcundes in der Noth. Das ist: Der mitleidige und gewis- senhaffte Apothecker, wie derstdbe seine Ol'ficin nach einem bey alien verstandigen Medicis mni- niehro angenoniinenen rationalen Medendi me- tbodo einriebten und dieser wol fiirsteben, als auch die Artzneyen prapariren und nach denen Grund-Regeln der heutigen Distillir-Kunst zu- bereiten, heruach die bewahrtesten Mittel recom- niendiren und niittheilen soil. Neue Aufl. 12J. Niirnberg, 1721. Bartlctt (YV. R.) Doctors; or, the science.of medical thought anions the people. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1x70. vii, 112-121.— Beach (S.) Remarks on popularizing medical I nilh. Proc. Connect. M. Soc., Hartford, 1853, 61-78.— ■Solwciiwiii™. Volksmedkin tier Let ten. Repert. f. tl. gos. Met!., Jena, IS-)!!, vii, 1-5. — RoilflewOII (A.) Olll Volkets iiikekonst i mellersta Ibillantl. Lpsala Liikaref. Fbrh., 1880-81, xvi, 214-221—Cohen (J. S ) Kitchen med- icine.. I'liila. M. Times, 1878-4, iv, 146.—lone (A.) La metleciiie populaire an Mexique; analyse et fragments du Ti esoi tie medecine, dn R. P. Gregoire Lopez. (Ja/,, hehd. de med., Par., 180!), 2. s., vi, 478-480.— I>i«lay. KtMliger pour les ouvriers lyonnaisnn opuscule oil ilspuissent tiou- ver les notions qu'il leur import© le plus do posscdei- sin . leurs interets hygieniques et sanitaires. | I tap. stir les Sir moires. | Gaz. med. tie Lyon, 1856, viii, 85-91.— van I>in- nel (J. A.) Behandeling van ziekten door tie Doekociis (inlandsche volks-gcneeskuniligen) met inlandsche genees- middelen. Nederl. Tijdaclir. v. Geneesk., Anist., 1807. 2. K., iii, Afd. 1, 407. — Moinastiniaja apteka. | House apothecary.] Zdorovje, St. IVtersh., 1885, xii, nos. 1-t;— 1>oineNlic quackery. ]\Ietl. & IMtvs. .}., Loud., 1802, vii, 392-396.— Heller ( A.) Ueber Yolks- mid Geheiinmil tel. Schrift. tl. naturw. Ver. f. Schlesw.-Hoist., Kiel, 1878, iii, 1- 21.—Ilendley (T. II.) The "Umrit Sagur". Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, C; 91; 119; 171 ; 284; 291. —Hof- ■iiami. Ankla<:e wegen nubefugtcn Yerkaufs eines Ge- heimmittels. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Ki-lan};., ls(i:{, lxxxvi, :!4:.i-:i58.—Hirsehlegei- (F.) La me.lc cine itopu- laire et les lierbotistes a St rnsbourg. (In/,, med. tie Strnsb., ls'iG. xvi.78; 121 : 1-S.~^irniciiiadoniestica. ossia notizie scientitico po|iolari intornu ;nl alcune piitnte o prottotti ve- ^etabili piii \ td-;n i. Salutt , Genova, 18(i9, iv. (it!9; 625; 641; 657; 787; 75:j.— 'Ii n« -< » (.J. I;.) Abulias olisei vacioues sohre los ineouvenientes de los libros de, niedicina en mano del vul^-o. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago, 1867, xxi\. 2(i.i- 2i:; — Tiollcson (I.) Oeherknarodutii meditsini \ Uossii. [ I'opulaimedicine.in Russia.] Arch, suile.bnoi med., St. Pe- tersb., 18li!),v, pt. 3, no. 4, 1-19.— Tl uii-head (C.) Minor iiilinents and their treatment. Kdinb. Health Soc. Health Lect.. l«M'-:i, 3. s., 151-174. — von J\ u**l>;t iiiii (J. W.) \\ elche Ilille kann der Laie bei plotzlicbt-n Lrkrankun- ■gen und rnjiliiokslallen leisten I Deutsehe Lev Lresl. u. Leipz., 1W;1, x, 49-58.—PantyiililioU (I ) Onarodnoo iiieditsiiiaetuzeintsevRioiiskuidoliniii. |On po]tular medi- cine as practised in the valley of Kion (in M iieM-elia).] Med. Sbornik, TiHis, 18(i9, no. (i, pt. 2, 1 :;:; — ISilimann. Lie voihellenisehe Heilkunst und die VolUski-ankheiten. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1807, xii, 65-68. -----. Die Volks- niedizin bei den heidnisebeii Ceimanen und Shiveu. Ibid 291-29:!. — Kiibbeleii (A. II. i Leber Volksmittel und \ olksgebrauche in Krankheiten. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1861, xm, 191; 207; 325; 849. — Kchmilt (A.) Leber die Sttteii, C.ebrauche und Volksmittel in der lihdn. Aerztl. Int. I'd., Miinchen, 1880, xxvii, 361-364. — M<-Iil»eluiliiii (U.S.) Zur Volksmedicin tier Jakuten. I/';-..,//.- Jouiii. M. V. I).] Metl. Ztjr. Russlands, St..Petersb.. 1854 m 383.—^ehnlle (I).) Volks-Heilmittel in niehreren Dis- trikten am linken Lfer des Kiedenhein mid von West- phalen. N. Jahrb. d. tents,-b. Med. u. Chir., llamiii, 1825, x, 1. St., 55-71.—Sti-ohl (K.) Lne pharmacopce domes- titjue des annees 1591 et 1593. Mem. Soc. de metl. tie Strasb., 18,-6, xxiii. 257-271.— Slitv (C.) De la medecine chez les litterateurs. Lnion metl., Par., 1865, 2. a., \xv, 497: xxviii, 17 — ^ i«othhi (S.) Oeherki Russkoi narod- noi rneditsini. (Sketch of Russian popular medicine.) Zdoroyje, St. Petersb., 1876, ii, no. 31, 19-22 — Vulgari- Hation (Die) der Wissenschat'ten untl besomlcis tier Me- dicin. Her. d. k. k. Kraukenh. Wieden 1863, AVieu 1864 'Air, •{-,!) ' ' MEDICINE. 23 MEDICINE. WIedit'ilie {Popular, Journals on). See, also, Hygiene (Journals on). Aberdeen (The) Sanitary Reformer and Fam- ily Guide tolloalth. ISyA. Monro, v.1-2,1861-2. 8°. Aberdeen. Aerztliciie (Der) Hausfreund. Von R. Fro- riep. v. 1-2, 1833-8. 8°. Weimar n. Erlan- gen. Aerztliciie (Der) Hausfreund. Von A. Moseh- bau. Nos. 1-',), v. 4, ls?(l. 4 \ Dresden. Ali.gemeixe (Der) Volksarzt. Von C. F. Lu- therilz. v. 1-2, 1S2(I-21. f°. Leipzig. Almaxacc > della fami<>-lia. Ked.: A. Lon- ghena. v. 1-!?, 1873-5. 12. Milano. Auiaxacco igienieo popolare del dott. P. Man- tegazza. v. 2. London. People's (The) Health Journal of Chicago. By L. D. and S. Ida Wright Rogers, v. 1-2, 1885-6. 8°. Chicago. People's (The) Medical Adviser. [Weekly.] Nos. 1-36. 1 v. 284 pp. 4°. London, G. Croker, [n. el.] People's (The) Medical Gazette. By John Davis. Nos. 2-4, v. 1, Oct., 1853, to Jan., 18.54. 8°. Abbeville C. H, S. C. People's (The) Medical Journal and Family Physician. Edited by Thomas Harrison Yeo- man. [Weekly.] v. 1-3, Jan. 5, 1850, to June 28,1851. 4°. London, G. Videos. People's (The) Medical Journal and Home Doctor. By F. Itollick. v. 1-2, July, 1853, to Dec, 1854. 8". New York. Petit (Le) journal de la sanfe". Directeur: Marc de Rossi'eny. v. 1-3, 1884-6. fob Parti. Petit (Le) medecin des families, v. 1-2, 1887. fob Paris. Petit (Le) moniteur de la santd. v. 1-3, 1885- 7. 8°. Paris. Philosophical (The) Medical Journal, or Family Physician. Devoted to chemistry, bot- any, and analytical practice of medicine. Edi- ted by J. Clawsou Kelley and J. King. [Month- MEDICINE. 21) Ml-.DK'INE. Jledieiaie {Popular, Journals on). Iv.] v. 1, 1814; Nos. 1-10, v. 2, 1817-8. 8 . New York. Physiologist (The). A popular domestic journal, designed to explain aud illustrate the laws of physical culture, [etc.] By C. W. Glea- son and A.' O'Leary. No. for Nov. 1, 1869. fob Louisville. Ky. An advertisement. Physiologist (The) and Family Physician. Bv Sara B. Chase, v. 1-4, 1878-81. fob New York. Populare ("isterreicbische Gesundbeits-Zei- tung zur Warming fiir Nichtkranke und zum Trust e fiir Lcidende. Hrsg. und redigirt von A. D. Bastler. v. 3, 1832. 4°. Wien. -----. Neue Folge. Hrsg. von H. H. Beer. v. 1-4, 1837-40. 8°. Wien. Popular (The) Journal of Physical and Men- tal Hygiene. Edited by Thomas H. Helsby aud Tims.'J. Mays. [Monthly.] v. 1, April to Dec, 187:!. 8 \ Williamsport, Pa. Porter's Health Almanac for 1832. sm. 4 . Philadelphia. Practical (The) Physician. By J. J. Rivera. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, March to Sept., 1886. fob New York. Preyentiva (La). Red.: D. Franco, v. 1-4, 1884-7. 8-\ Napoli. Propugnatore (II) della salute. Red.: A. Spatuzzi. v. 1, 188:?. 8°. Napoli. Pcget Sound (The) Sanitarian and Prohibi- tionist, v. 1, 1885. 8J. Seattle, W. T. Pulse (The) of Health. Frank AY. Reilly, ed- tor. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Nov., Dec, 1871; Sept., 1872. 4°. New York, lite Health Lift Co. Rhode Island (The) Medical Reformer. A family journal for the promotion of health and longevity. Edited by B. Franklin Clark. [Semimonthly.] v. 1, 1843. 8°. Providence. Bush's Almanac and Guide to Health. 1882. 12°. New York, A. H. Flanders. Salud (La). Semauario popular. Director: J. de Letamendi. v. 1, 1877. 8J. Barcelona. Salute (La). Red.: G. Du Jardin. v. 1-14, 18(55-80. 8\ Genora. Salute (La), v. 1, 1886. fob Trapani, Sanitarium Journal. Published quarterly. No. 1, v. 1, May, 1874. fob Cincinnati. An advertisement. Sanitary (The) Monitor. By J. F. Winn. v. 1-2, May, 188-,, to July, 1886. 4°. Bichmond, Va. Sante (La) publique. Hygiene et medecine populaires. Red.: P. Gamier. Nouv. s(bie, v. 1-4, 1872-6. fob Pan's. Sante (La) universelle. Par Jules Masse. [Monthly.] No. 3, v. 1, Dec, 1851. 8J. Paris. Scalpel (The). A journal of health, adapted to popular and professional reading and the ex- posure of quackery. Edited by Edward II. Dixon. [Quarterly.] v. 1-12, Jan., 1849-61. >J. New York. Schat der Gezondheid. Een tijdschrift voor alle standen, tot bevordering van volkswelvaart, door verspreidiug van eenvoudige begiuselen van gezondheidsregeling en limine toepassing op bet individueel en maatschappelijk leven. Oiider redactie van Dr. D. Lubach en Dr. L. J. Ege- ling. Jaai-oang 1-9, 1858-66. 8:. Haarlem, C. Zwnardemaker: Amsterdam, 1864; Gorinchem, 1865-li. Schweizerische Blatter fiir Gesundbeits- pflege. Neue Folge, v. 1-2, 1886-7. e-\ Ziirich. Science and Health. By G. G. Groff. v. 1, 1881-2. 8 . Lewisburc/li, Pa. Science (The) of Health. Bv S. R. Wells. V. 1-8, 1872-6. 85. A'cir York. Jledieine {Popular, Journals on). Scott's Journal of Health. ('. W. Scott, jr., editor. Nos. 1, 5, v. 3; No. 11, v. 4, 1874. HP. Boston. An advertisement Scon's Journal of Medical Information for the People. Edited by J. Walter Scott, [Quar- terly.] No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1870. 8°. New York. Seerza (La). Giornale populare [etc. ] Red.: T. ed U. Santopadre. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Sept., 1874. fob Bologna. Southern (The) Journal of Health. By H. P. Gatchell. v. 1, 1885. s'. Asheville, N C.; Atlanta, Get. Teacher (The) of Health and the Laws of tbe Human Constitution. W. A. Alcott, editor. v. 1, 1843. 12°. Boston. Tudschriet voor Gezondheidsleer. Red.: C. P. Pons Koolhaas, v. 1-5, 18(57-72. 8C. 's Grct- venhage. University (The) Journal of Health ; a com- mon-sense medical magazine for the profession and tbe people. Edited by J. Walter Scott. [Monthly. ] Nos. 1-2, v. 1,18(56. 8°. New York. Vita (La). Periodico popolare. Red. : D. Sbardolini. v. 2-4, 1883-5. fob Brescia. Volksarzt (Der). Yon C. Winde und C. B. Griesbach. v. 1-6, 1869-74. 8°. Leipzig. Volksarzt (Der). Von Dr. Schulze. v. 2-4, 1885-7. 8D. Berlin. Western (The) Health Journal. Devoted to physiology, hygiene, physical culture. Pub- lished by Drs. Jones, Woodbury A: Co. [Monthly.] No. 1, v! 1, Dec. 1,18(52. 8'\ Wabash, Ind. Wheatley's Journal of Health. By J. B. Wheat-ley. fob An advertisement. Wilson's Herald of Health aud Atlanta Busi- ness Review. Edited by Jno. Staiuback Wilson, M. D. [Quarterly.] 'v. 1, May, 187:5-4. 8-. Atlanta, Ga. Wilson's Herald of Health and Farm and Household Help. Title of No. 3 et seq., v. 1, Wilson'* Herald of Health [etc.] Zdoroyje nauchno-popularnii gigienicbeskii jurnab v. 1-10, 1874-85. 4°. St. Petersburg. Zeitschrift des deutschen Yereius fiir volks- verstandliche Gesundheitsptloge, [etc.] Hrsg. von H. Canitz. v. 11-14, 1883-6. 8°. Berlin. Medicine {Popular, Manuals of). Abernethy (J.) The new family physician, and guide to health .and long life. 8 . London, [n. d.] Arerxethy's family physician ... 2. Am. ed., revised and enlarged by H. Bostwick. 12°. New York, 1849. Andrew (T.) A cyclopedia of domestic med- icine and surgery, being au alphabetical account of the various diseases incident to the human frame . . . With contributions by several mem- bers of tbe Royal College of Surgeons, Edin- burgh, roy. 8°. Glasgow, 1865. Beard (G. M.) Our home physician; anew and popular guide to the art of preserving health and treating disease. 8J. New York, 1869. Beverovicius [van Beverwyck] (J.) Schat der ongesontheyt ofte genees-konste van de sieck- ten. Yorciort met historyen, als oock met vers- sen van Jacob Cats. 12°. Dordrecht, 1642. -----. The same, fob Amsterdam, 1656. -----. Schatz derUngesnndheit, das ist, kur- tzerBegrifderalgomeiiien Artzneikunst; dadurch der schwache, und in Ungesiindheit oder Seucben gefallene Meuschwieder zu volstiindiger Gesund- heit gelangen kan; dem gautzen menschlicheu Geschlechte, so wohl den Gesuuden als Kranken, MEDICINE. Medicine {Popular, Manuals of). zum nothwendigen Gebrauche beschrieben, und mit allerhand Kupferstiikken, wie auch ahrtigen Reimen des . . . Jakob Katsens, gezieret. Aus dem Niederdeutschen, dem Hochdeutschen Lieb- hahor zum besten, iibergetragen, uud nach des- selben Landesahrt bier und dar eingerichtet. fob [ Amsterdam, 1671.] Boerhaaye (H.) Apborismi de cognoscendis et curaudis morbis in usuni doctrinre domestica1 digesti. 8°. Norimbergee, 1747. Book (The) of health; a compendium of do- mestic medicine deduced from the experience of the most eminent modern practitioners; entirely divested of technicalities and rendered familiar to the general reader ... 1. Am. from the 2. Lond. ed., revised and conformed to the prac- tice of the United States, -with additions by a fellow of the Massiehusetts Medical Society. 8°. Boston, 1830. Boudier. La, medecine et la sanfe" mises a la portec de tons; manuel de me~deciue des families [etc] 12-\ Parti, { 1886?] Boyd (J.) Family medical adviser, giving such information on the practice of physic, and the diseases of women and children, as may prove useful in families when regular physicians can not readily be procured ... to Avhich is an- nexed anatomy, surgery, materia medica, and many valuable prescriptions, being a useful com- panion and guide for intelligent heads of fami- lies, overseers of plantations and manufactories, masters of vessels, and travellers. tc. Philadel- phia, 1845. Boyle (R.) Medical experiments; or a col- lection of choice and safe remedies, for the most part simple aud easily prepared; very useful in families, and fitted for tbe service of country people. 3 v. in 1. 16°. London, 1703. Buciian (W.) Domestic medicine; or a trea- tise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1772. -----. The same With an appendix con- taining a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners. 3. ed. 8J. London, 1774. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1781. -----. The same. A new ed. With re- marks on vaccination, electricity, galvanism, bathing, [etc.] 18°. London, [n. d.] -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, [1771?] -----. The same. 20. ed. 8°. Waterfonl, 1797. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1774. -----. The same. 3. Am. ed. 12°. Norwich, 1778. -----. The same. Revised aud adapted to the diseases and climate of the United States of America, by Samuel Powel Griffitts. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1795. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1797. ------. The same. Adapted to the climate aud diseases of America, by Isaac Cathrall. 8-\ Philadelphia, 1799. Incomplete. -----. The same. A new ed., revised and amended, by John G. Coffin, M. D. 8-'. Boston, 1825. -----. The same. Medieina domestica, o sia trattato completo di mezzi semplici per conser- varsi in salute impedire e risanare le malattie; opera utile e adattata all' intelligenza di cias- cuno. Trad, dall' inglese c arricchita di molte aggiunte ed annotazioni dal sig. Duplauil. 2. Ital. ed. 5 v. Sr Paelova. 1789. ------. The same. Medecine domestique, ou Oraitd complet des moyens de se conserver en 27 MEDICINE. Medicine {Popular, Manuals of). santo", [etc.] Trad, de l'anglois par J.-D. Du- plauil. 4. 6d. 4 v. 8°. Parti, 1792. -----. The same. Medieina domdstica, 6 tra- tado complet o sobre los medios de conservar la salud, [etc.] Traducida por D. Pedro Siunot. 2. ed. v. 1. 4°. Madrid, 1792. -----. Every man his own doctor; or, a trea- tise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines. To which is added a treatise on the materia medica, in which the medicinal qualities of indigenous plants are given and adapted to common practice, with an appendix, containing a complete treatise on the art of farriery, [etc.] 8°. New Haven, 1816. Burdett (H. C.) Hints in sickness, where to go, and what to do. 8°. London, 1883. [Chamney (R. M.)] The Dublin handbook of medicine and surgery; a popular treatise for the million. 5. ed., greatly enlarged and improved. 8°. Dublin, 1872. Chann (M.) Cours de mddecine populaire. 2. se"rie. 8°. Paris, 1863. Charlouis (M.) Genees-, heel- en verloskunde in tijd van nood doorleeken in praktijk te breu- gen. 8°. Samarang, 1886. Chase (A. W.) Dr. Chase's family physician, farrier, bee-keeper, and second receipt book; being an entirely new and complete treatise, in- cluding the diseases of women and children, [etc.] 8-\ Toledo, Ohio, 1883. Churchill (T. F.) The new practical family physician; or, improved domestic medical guide. Containing a very plain account of the causes, symptoms, and method of curing every disease incident to the human bodv, [etc.] 8°. Tendon, 1808. Coales (R.) Popular medicine; or, family adviser ; consisting of outlines of anatomy, phy- siology, and hygiene, with such hints on the practice of physic, surgery, and the diseases of women and children as may prove useful in families when regular physicians cannot be pro- cured. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838. Courvoisier (L. G.) Die hiiusliche Kranken- pflege. 8 ■'. Basel, 1816. Dancer (T.) The medical assistant; or, Ja- maica practice of physic Designed chiefly for the use of families and plantations. 4J. Kings- ton (Jamaica), 1801. -----. The same. 2. ed. 4°. St. Jago de- la Vega, 1809. Dieperink (A. J.) Handbook voor zeevaren- den, ter herkenning en genezing van de meest aan boord voorkomende ziekten en gebreken. 8°. Amsterdam, 1862. Dobereiner (K.) Mediciniscli-diiitetisches Lexicon. Die Krankheiten des Menschen, deren Erkennen, sowie alle dem Wohlbefinden die- nenden Mittel und Anleitungen. Iu popularer Darstellung. 8°. Hamburg, [1885]. Domestic mediciues; their uses and doses . . . Poisons and their antidotes. 32°. London, [1866]. Durante da Gualdo (C.) II tesoro della sanita. Nel quale s' insegna il modo di conservar la sa- nita-, prolungar la vita, e si tratta della natura de' cibi, e de' rimedij de' nocumenti loro. Con la tavola delle cose notabili. 8°. Venetia, 1588. -----. The same. 12°. Venetia, 1600. -----. The same. 8°. Venetia, 1601. -----. The same. 8°. Venetia, 1646. -----. Hortulus sanitatis, dast ist, ein heyl- sam und niitzliches Giihrtlin der Gesundtheit. Iu welchem alle fiirnehme Krautter, die so wol in den beyderley Indien, als an alien andern Or- ten der Welt zu linden, in einer wundeibareii Kiirtze werden beschrieben. In italianischer MEDIC.1NK. 2S MEDICINE. Medicine (Popular, Manuals of). Sprach verfertigt, uninehr aber iu unsere boch teutsche Sprach versetzt. Durch Petrum Ftfcn- bachium. 4-\ Franckf. a. M., 1609. Dwinelle (J.) Domestic practice of medi- cine; an entirely new and original work, con- taining a minute and faithful description of the causes^svmptoiiis, and treatment of diseases, and designed for the use of heads of families, plant- ers, "emigrants, sailors, and all others who are deprived of the immediate services of a physi- cian. 8-. Sgraruxe, 1861. [Ettner (J. C.)] Des getreuen Eckharts un- wiirdiger Doctor, in welchem wie ein Medicns, der rechtschaffen handeln will, beschaffen seyn soil, [etc.] 18J. Augspurg u. Leipzig, 1697. Every man bis own doctor; or, the poor planter's physician. Prescribing plain and easy means for persons to cure themselves of all or most of the distempers incident to this climate, and with very little charge, the medicines being chiefly of the growth and production of this country. 3. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1731. E we'll (T.) American family physician, de- tailing important means of preserving health, from infancy to old age; the offices women should perform to each other at births, and the diseases peculiar to the sex; with those of children and of adults, with au appendix con- taining bints respecting tbe treatment of domes- tic animals, and the best means of preserving fish and meat. 8°. Georgetown, D. C, 1824. Familienarzt (Der). Ein Hausbuch zur richtigen Erkenntniss der im nienschlicheii Le- ben am haufigsten vorkommeuden Krankheiten, mit Angabe dor Frsachon, Behaudlung, des Ver- lanfs und der Mittel zur Heilung derselben sowie auch mit Franzbranntweiu und Salz. Hrsg. von Dr. J. Miiller. 8J. Bern, [1885?] Fraser (J.) The emigrant's medical guide. 12°. Glasgow, 1853. Frisbee (J.) Family physician; designed to assist heads of families, travellers, and sea-faring people in discerning, distinguishing, and curing diseases; with directions for the preparation ami use of a numerous collection of the best American remedies, [etc.] 8°. Boston, 1847. Goodlett (A. G.) The family physician, or every man's companion; being a compilation from the most approved medical authors, adapted to the southern and western climates. To which is added an account of herbs, roots, and plants, used for medical purposes . . . With an appen- dix, containing a new and successful mode of treating Asiatic cholera, by the compiler. 8-'. Nashville, Tain., 1838. de Gortek (J.) Medieina; compendium, in usum exercitationis domesticas. Pars prima.. 4 '. Lngcl. Bat., 173,1. -----. The same. Partes prima et secunda in 1 v. 4"-'. Vmetiis, 1751. Groee (G. G.) A manual of accidents and emergencies. . . With notes on the preservation of health, including the care of the sick, foods for the sick, [etc.] 8°. Lewisburg, Pa., 1881. Handy book of medical information and ad- vice; containing a brief account of the nature and treatment of common diseases ; also hints to be followed in emergencies . . . By a physician. 8 . London, [n. d.] Haydex (J.) Dictionary of popular medicine and hygiene . . . Edited by Edwin Lankcster. 8-'. London, ls74. Headland ( F. W. ) A medical handbook, comprehending such information on medical and sanitary subjects as is desirable in educated per- sons. With hints to clergymen and visitors of the poor. 16°. London, 1861. Medicine (Popular, Manuals of). Hecquet (P.) Ar/.ney und Chirurgie der Ar- men. AusdeniFranzosischen iibersetzt. 2. Aufl. 8 >. Augsburg, 1781. HOGG (J.) The domestic medical guide, for families, clergymen, emigrants, and sea captains; giving tbe best advice in the absence of a physi- cian or surgeon, in cases of accident or sudden illness, [etc.] 4. ed. 12J. London, 1857. Hope (G. H.) Till the doctor comes, and how to help him. Revised, with additions, by a New York physician. 8 b New York, 1871. House (The) surgeon and physician ; designed to assist heads of families, travellers, and sea- faring people iu discerning, distinguishing, and curino- diseases. With concise directions for the preparation and use of a numerous collection of the best American remedies; together with many of the most approved, from the shop of the apoth- ecary. Allin plain English. 16°. Hartford, 1818. Hunt (E. M.) The patients' and physicians' aid; or how to preserve health; what to do in sudden attacks, or until the doctor comes; and how best to profit, by his directions when given. 12°. New York, 1830. Hunter (G. Y.) A new and complete domestic medicine for home and abroad, containing prac- tical hints on hygiene. 12°. London, 1879. Imray (K.) A popular cyclopedia of modern domestic medicine ... 1. Am. ed. To which are prefixed by the editor, popular treatises upon anatomy, physiology, surgery, dietetics, and the management of the sick. 8°. New York, 1849. J[acobsz] (H.) Den kleynen herbarius, ofte kruyt-boeexken, inhoudende de kracht, ende operatie van alle de gemeene kruyden, ende be- kende vruchten, die men dagelijer gehebruyckt, waer deur men met Gods hulpe een yder zyne ghesontheyt kan onderhouden ende veelder- haude sieckten genesen. Dan nieus obersien, en op veel plaetse verbetert ende vermeerdert. 18°. Dordrecht, 1637. Jahx (M. ) Hausliche Krankonpflege. 12°. Stuttgart, 1887. Jameson (H. G.) The American doin'estiek medicine; or, medical admonisber, [etc.] 2. ed. 8 '. Baltimore, 1818. Jeeferson (R.) The family doctor. A dic- tionary of domestic medicine and surgery, espe- cially adapted for family use. 15. ed. 12' . Philadelphia, 1869. Jenkins (W. H.) The family medical index, or what to do in cases of emergency ; written ex- pressly for the colonies. 8-\ Melbourne, 1874. Kittoe (\V. II.) The domestic medical pocket book, or family vado ne.cuin ; containing a con- cise account of diseases incident to the human frame, with formulas to meet the exigence of the moment, where, medical aid is distant or not to be procured; remarks on some of the dis- eases of women and children, accidents, wounds, etc., poisons, bathing, climate, settlers in distant lands, sea voyages, etc. 8°. Southampton f London, 1837. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8J. London, 1814. Kxorlein (J. A.) Die Pflege der Krauken und Verwundeten und die siehersten Schutzinit- tel zur Zeit herschender Epidemien, [etc.] 12c. Linz, 1849. Krankenpelege (Die) in der Familie. Zur Aufklarung und Unterstiitzung in der hauslichen Krankenpflege und als Lecture fiir Jedermann heransgegeben von F. Kiesewetter. H'->. Trap- pan, 1885. Lang (M.) Der vollstiindige Haus-Doktor. 600 hewiihrte Hausarzueimittel gegen die meist vorkommeuden Krankheiten des Menschen. 30. Aufl. 16°. Reutlingen, [n. d.] MEDICINE. 2!) MEDICINE. Medicine {Popular, Manuals of). Littre (E.) Atlas populaire de medecine, de chirurgie, de pbarmacie, de l'art v6terinaire et des sciences qui s'y rapporteut pouvaut servir de complement a tons les dictionuaires de medecine. 8?. Paris, 1885. Macauley (A.) A dictionary of medicine, designed for popular use. 8. ed. 8°. Edin- burgh, [1828]. -----. The same. 10. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1849. -----. The same. 11. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1852. J ' Medecine (La) et la chirurgie des pauvres, qui contienuent des remedes choisis, faciles a preparer, et sans dcpense, pour la plupart des maladies internes et externes qui attaquent le corps huniain. Nouv. ed. 16. Paris, 1771. Medical hiuts, designed for the use of clergy- men and others in places where professional advice cannot be immediately procured. By a medical practitioner retired from business. 8 . London, 1820. Mercklein (G. A.) Neu aussgefertigtes his- torisch-niediciniscbes Thier-Buch in vier Theilen verabfasset; deren bandelt: I. Yon vierfiissigen Thieren, die zur Arzney dienen konnen. II. Yon Yt'igeln und denen davon eutiieliinlichen Artz- neyen. III. Yon Fischen und denen davon in der Medicin brauchbaren Dingeu. IX. Yon al- lerley Ungezieff.>r, oder Gewiirm, und kleinen zer- kerbten Thierlein, so in Medicin zu gebraucben seyu. Eut.haltende wider fast alle Kranckheiten und Leibos-Zufalle so wohl fremde als eigene ver- schiedeue heilsame Secreta, uud bewerte Geness- Mittel. Durch und (lurch mit sehonen an der Zahl ccxxv Kupfern gezieret. Auf freundliches Begehren zusamnien getragen in diese Form ge- bracht,mit aiissfiihrliclieii Register verseben und herausgegeben. 16°. Niirnberg, 1696. Millot (A.) Medecine perfective, ou code des bonnes meres. 2 v. 8 . Paris, 1809. Moore (W. J.) A manual of family medicine for. India. 8°. London, 1874. MWhsam (S.) tfc Boginsky (A.) Die Haus- apotheke, entbaltend die unentbehrlicheu Haus- mittel. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.] Parkinson (J.) Medical admonitions to fami- lies, respecting the preservation of health and the treatment of the sick. Also, a table of symp- toms, serving to point out the degree of danger, audio distinguish one disease from another; with observations on the improper indulgence of children, etc. 1. Am., from 4. English, ed. 8°. Portsmouth, 1803. Ready remedies for common complaints. A manual of domestic aud household surgery. 12°. London, [n. d.] Reyher (O.) Aerztlicher Katbgeber, oder Belehrungen iiber Wesen und erste Behandlung der haufigeren Krankheiten. 12°. Reudnitz- Leipzig, 1885. KlKLl (A.) Lihrbuch der Naturheilkundc. 1. Theil: Die Fieberkrankheiten, mit besonderer Bcriicksichtigung der Blat tern. Yolksverstiiud- liche Abhandlung spcziell den schweizerischen Kantonsrathen sowie dem gesaniniten Lehrer- stande Deutschlands und der Schweiz gewidmet. 8''-. Leipzig, 1886. Ryefen (W.) Praeticierbuchlin bewerter Leibartzeney, in alien Kranckheiten, uud Leibs gebriichen. Erneuwert und gebessert. 16°. Franckf a.M., 1583. DE Saint-Vincent (A.-C.) Nouvelle medecine des families a la ville et a la campagne. A 1'usage des families, des maisons d'ddueation, des 6coles communales, des cures, des soeurs hospitaliercs, des dames de charitc et de toutes les personnes Medicine {Popular, Manuals of). bienfaisantes qui se dcvouent au soulagement des malades. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1874. Sankey (F. F.) Familiar instructions in medicine and surgery, with observations on the means of maintaining the health of men on ship board, or when employed in unhealthy localities. Intended for the use of the merchant navy, com- manders of yachts, travellers, [etc.] 8J. Malta, 1846. Simons (J. H.) The planter's guide and fam- ily book of medicine ; for the instruction and use of planters, families, country people, and all others who may be out of the reach of physicians or unable to employ them. With particular di- rections respecting Asiatic cholera, by a Charles- ton physician. 8\ Charleston, [1848]. South (J. F.) Household surgery, or hiuts on emergencies. 12-. London, 1847. Stark (A.) Die Heiluug aller Krankheiten ohne Arzt uud Apotheke durch AYasser und Diiit. Eiu unentbehrliches Hausbiichlein fiir Jeder- mann. Nach den besten Schriften iiber die Was- serheilmethode uud nach eigenen Erfahrungen einfach und kurz zusammengestellt. 16°. Rettt- l in gen, [n. d.] Thomas (A.) Der Hausarzt. Bewlihrte Haus- arzueimittel gegen die meist vorkonnueuilen Krankheiten des Menschen. Unentbehrlieh fiir Stadt und Land. 16J. Reutlingen, [n. d.] Thomas (R.) The way to preserve good health, invigorate a delicate constitution, and attain an advanced age ; together with a treatise ou domestic medicine . . . This work is princi- pally intended for the use of the clergy, and other heads of families and seminaries, managers of plantations and factories in the English colo- nies, and captains of ships having no surgeon on board, but may also prove useful to medical students and young practitioners. 8°. London, 1822. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. Revised by David Hosack. 8°. New York, 1822. Thomson (S.) A dictionary of domestic med- icine and household surgery. 1. Am., from the last Loud, ed., revised, with additions, by Heury H. Smith. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. Tissot (S.-A.) Avis au peuple snr sa saute-, ou traite" des maladies les plus frcquentes. Nou- velle Edition, augmentee de la description et de hi cure de plusieurs maladies, et priucipalemeut de celles qui demandent de prompts secours. Ouvrage compose" en faveur des habitants de la campagne, du peuple des villes, et de tous ceux qui ne peuvent avoir facilenient les couseils des medecius. 12°. Liege, 1763. -----. The same. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health. But more particularly calculated for those who, by their distance from regular physicians, or other very experienced practitioners, tire the most unlikely to lie seasonably provided with the best advice and assistance, in acute diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward accident. With a table of the most cheap, yet effectual, remedies, aud the plainest directions for preparing them readily. Trausl. from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's: Avis au peuple, by J. Kirkpatrick. 8 . London, 1765. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8~. London, 1166. -----. The same. To which is added the art of preserving health; containing the most im- portant rules recommended by physicians and philosophers for the preservation of health in the several periods and circumstances of life; together with the reasons on which these rules are founded. By J. Mackeuzie. v. 1. 12 . Lon- don, 17(57. MEDICINE MEDICIN K. Medicine {Popular, Manuals of). -----. The same. With all the notes iu the two former English editions, and few addi- tional ones. By J. Kirkpatrick 3. ed. 8-'. London, 1768. -----. The same. Transl. from the French ed., printed at Lyons; with all the notes iu the two former 1'nglish editions, and a few aditional ones. By J. Kirkpatrick. 1. ed. 8 . London, 1771. ------. The same. 9. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1118. Troost (Den) der arnien; behelsende lichte ende souvereijne remedien tegen verscheijde siek- ten, wonden, gezwellen, en andere qualen des lichaems van den menscli, door de onderviudinge goet gekeurt, tot grooten dienst en de troost vau velo beboeftige menschen, welker qualen ouge- neselijk schijnen te wesen. Seer dienstig in idle familien en hospitaleii. Desen laesteu druk ver- ineerdert met eenige nieuwe remedien voor peir- den ende horenbeesten, mitsgaders een tafel der- selve. 18°. Gendt, [1712]. Turner (D. W.) Hints and remedies for the treatment of common accident and diseases and rules of simple hygiene. The two parts com- plete. From the 8. Eng. ed. 16'-J. New York. 1882. Universal (The) family physician aud sur- geon;_ containing a familiar and accurate de- scription of the symptoms of every disorder in- cident to mankind; together with their gradual progress and method of cure . . . The whole compiled from Sniythson, Tissot, Buehan, Corn- well, [etc.] 8 ■'. Blackburn, 181)1). Yogter (B.) Ein niitzlich unnd notwenndigs Artzney Buchlin fiir den gemeyuenn Menschen, dariunen voun alien Kranckhaiteun allerlay Art, so dem Menscbenn zu steheu mogenn, die zu ve- treibenn, mit vii bewertenn" Stiickenu, Kreijtern, Salbenn, Pilaster unnd Reeepten. Durch den weyt beriimbtenn Mayster . . . bev dem hoch- wirdigen . . . Herrn, Herrn Cristotfen, Biscboff zu Augspurg, newlich beschriben und in Truck gegeben. sm. 4 . [Augspurg, 1536.] Warren (I.) The household physician ; for the use of families, planters, seamen, and trav- ellers. Being a brief description, in plain lan- guage, of all the diseases of men, women, and children, with the newest and most approved methods of curing them. 8r Boston, 1859. Wood's household practice of medicine, hy- giene and surgery. A practical treatise for the use of families, travelers, seamen, miners, and others. Edited by Frederick A. Castle. 2 v 8°. New York, 1880. Wovrs (J. J.) Gazophylacium medico-physi- cuni, oder Schatz-Kammer mediciuisch und na- tiirbcher Dinge, iu welcher alle medicinische kunst-W orter, mu- und ausserliche Kranckhei- ten, nebst dererselben Genesmitteln, alle Mine- rahen, Metalle, Ertzte, Erden, zur Metlicin geho- rige iremde uud eiuheimische Thiere, Krauter Blumen, Saamen, S.-ifte, Oele, Hiirtze, etc., alb- rare 8pecereyen und Materialien, in einer rich- ttgen lateinischen Alphabet-Ordnung auf das deutlicbste erkliiret,vorgestellet, und mit einem notbigen Register versehen siud. 4. Aufl 4^ Leipzig, 177)7). Medicine {Popidar errors in). Bachot (G.) Erreurs populaires touchant la medecine et rc'gime de sante. CEuvro nouvelle • lestree de plusieurs, et promise par feu M Lau- rens Joubert. 8-. Li/on, 1626 BuvrssiER (J.-C.-J.-) -De metuen.lissimis er- roribus populari bus in medieina, in hyieim in therapeutica. 4 . Parisiis, 1831. Medicine (Popular errors in). Behr (J. C. L.) *Dc noxis medieina* popu- laris. 4'-'. Jence, 1791. Bernilvrdi (A.) Leber die verschiedenen iirztlicheu Richtungen. Ein Wort zur geinein- verstandlichen Beantwortung der Frage: Welche Aerzte siud die besten f 8°. Eilenbitrg, 1856. IiEssieres (A.-F.-E.) Etude sur les erreurs et les prejuges populaires en medecine. 4'. Paris, 1860. Borianne (J.) * Essai sur les erreurs en mede- cine repandues dans le dejiartenieut de la Haute- Vieune et sur leurs dangers. 4 '. Paris, 1831. Colon (P.-P.) * Essai sur la medecine popu- laire et ses dangers. 4'. Paris, 1824. Furstexau (J. II.) [Pr.] de pnejudieiis in artis exercitio salutaris vulgaribus setlulo vi- tandis. 4'-'. Rintelii, [1750]. Hawks (W.) An examination of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's Primitive physic, shewing that a great number of the prescriptions therein contained are founded on ignorance of the medi- cal art and of the power and operation of medi- cines, and that it is a publication calculated to do essential injury to the health of those persons who may place confidence in it. Interspersed with medical remarks and practical observations. 2. ed. 8 . London, 1780. Hoppe (I.) Ist es erlaubt, (lass Nicht-Aerzte Kranke heilen ? Eine niedieiuiseh-volkswirth- sehaftliehe Untersuchung. 8°. Leipzig, 186)4. d'Iharce. Erreurs populaires sur la m6de- cine; ouvrage compost'; pour l'instruetion de ceux qui ne professent pas cette science, avec I'explication des tennes de Part dont on n'a pu se dispenser de se servir. 8-'. Paris, 1783. Joubert (L.) Erreurs populaires et propos vulgaires touchant la medecine et le regime de sante. Revue et augmentee presque de la nioi- tie, etc. 8°. Boureieati.r, 1579. -----. The same. La prima parte degli Er- rori popolari dell' Lorenzo Gioberti . . . Tra- dotta di franzese in lingua toscana del Mag. M. Alberto Luchi da Colle. 4 . Fiorenza, 15«.)2. Laib (J. G.) * Perversa, jndicia de medicis et medieina. 4°. Halce Mac/deb., [1712]. Lichtenrerg (C. F.) *De nonnullis vulgi l>ra-judicatis opinionibus medica*. arti obsistenti- bus. sm. 8°. Herolini, [1822]. Murray (J. A.) De liniitaudalatule libroruni medicoruiu practicorum usu populari destiuato- rum. sm. 4J. Gottingce, [1779]. Piorry (P.-A.) * Dissertation sur It- danger de la lecture des livres de mddecine par les gens du monde. 4-. Parti, 1816. —----. La merit-cine du bon sens. De l'em- ploi des petits moyens en medecine et en thera- peutique. 2. (5(1. 8'-=. Paris, 186)7. Primrose (J.) De vulgi erroribus in medi- eina. Libri iv. 16'. Antstelodami, 1639. -----. The same. Pojnilar errours, or the errours of the ]»eoplo in pliysick, first wrilten in Latin. Divided info four bookes : 1. The fust treating concerning physicians. 2. 'the second of the errours about some diseases, and the knowledge of them. 3. The third of the errours about the diet, as well of the sound as of the sick. 4. The fourth of the errours of the people about the use of remedies. To which is added by the same authour his verdict concerning the antimoniall cuppe. Translated into English by Robert Wittie. 16°. London, 1651. -----. The same. Traite" do Primerose sur les erreurs vulgaires de la medecine, avec des ad- ditions de M. de Postagny. 12°. Li/on, 16-9. Richard (M.-J.-M.) 'Dissertation sur les er- icius populaires relatives a la mddecine, et leurs dangers. 4°. L'aris, 1833. MEDICINE. 31 MEDICINE. Medicine {Popular errors in). Richerand (A.) Des erreurs populaires rela- tives a la medecine. 8°. Paris, 1810. -----. The same. Leber medicinische Volks- irrethiimer. - 8'. Leipzig, 1811. Tripler(C. S.) The duties of physicians in relation to popular medical delusions. An ad- dress. 8°. Covington, Ky., 1859. Alpajjo-lVovello (I,.) Dei pie MEDICINE. Medicine {State). Houze de l'Aui.noit (A.) De l'assistancc publique a Lille. L'hopital Saint-Sauveur. 8\ Lille, 1866. liepr.from: Mem. Soc. d. imp. sc, (It: l'agric. et d. arts de Lille. Hussty (Z. G.) Diskurs iiber die medizinische Polizei. 2 v. 8°. Pressburg u. Leipzig, 1786). Lacassagxe (A.) Les actes de l'etat civil; dtude niedico-legale de la naissance, du mariage, de la mort. 12°. Lyon, 1887. Lion (A.) sen. Handbuch der Medicinal- und Sanitatspolizei. Nach eignen Erfahrungen und ,x nach dem neuesten Standpunkt der Wissenschaft ...at und der Gesetzgebung fiir Aerzte, Apotheker und Verwaltuugsbeamte. 3 v. iu 2. 8°. Jserlohn, ; 1862-77). -----. Compendium der Sanitats-Polizei und gei iehtlicheu Medicin. Lin Repetitoriuni fiir die l'hysikats-Priifuug, fiir Physiker, Juristen und Apotheker. 8°. Berlin, 1807. Loder (J. C.) Anfangsgriinde der medicini- schen Anthropologic uud der Stats-ArzneyLunde. 2. Aufl. 8-'. Weimar, 1793. Ludwig(C. F.) [Pr.] adversaria ad medici- nam publicam. i-iv. 4°. Lipsice, 1814-18. Lundy (C. J.) The relations of the state and the medical profession. An address. 8°. Ann Arbor, 18*6. de Macedo Pinto (J. F.) Medieina adminis- trativa e legislativa; obra destinada para servir de texto no ensino d esta sciencia, e para eluci.- (bir os facultativos civis e militares, os pharnia- ceuticos, os engenheiros, os nnigistrados aclmi nistrativos, os directores de estabelecimentos de indtistria e de educacao litteraria, etc., nas ques- toes de hygiene piiblica e policia medica e sani- taria. Hygiene piiblica. 2 v. 8°. Coimbra, 1862-3. Markus(M.-F.-C) Essai sur la ine'dccine dans ses rapports avec l'etat. 8°. St.-Petersbourti, 1847. J' Martini (L.) Elementi di polizia medica. 5 v. 8°. Torino, 18-24-7). Michaelis (G. P.) *Diss. exhibens usnni et abusum medieina* in re piiblica. 4°. Marburcii, [1738]. Moxatsschrift fiir exacte Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Sanitats-Polizei. Hrsg. von L. Pap- penheim. Jahrg. 1-2, 1859-62. 8~. Berlin. Monti (B.) Della igiene pubblica della poli- zia medica. della medieina legale e della lore eoordinazione sintetica e del principio unitivo nel quale si congiungono. Prolusione letta nella R. Universita di Bologna. 8°. Bologna, 1800. Also |Rev.], in: Kaccoglitore med. di Fa'no, 1861 2 s xxin, 140-147. Most (G. F.) Ausfiihrliche Encyklopiidie der gesainmten Staatsarzneykunde. Im Yereine mit mehreren Doctoren der Pechtsgelahrtheit, der Philosophic, der Medicin und Chirurgie, mit praktischen Civil-, Militair- und Geriehtsarzten und Chemikern bearbeitet uud heransoeneben Fiir Gesetzgeber, Rechtsgelehrte, PoliceTbeanite' Mihtairarzte, gerichtliche Aerzte, AVundarzte Apotheker und Yeteriniirarzte, 2 v. c Leip- zig. 1838-40. ' 2 Niemann (J. F.) Taschenbuch der Civil-Me- diciual-Polizei fiir Aerzte und AVundarzte, Medi- cinal- und Sanitatsbeamte. 12°. Leipzig, 1828. Protokoli zasaidanii gubenskago zeniskago vrachcluago soveta i soveta vrachei giibern- skoi zemskoi bolnitsy za vtorujou polovinu 18*5 g. (Jul.-Dek.) [3. year.] [Transactions of meetings of government provincial medic-, coun- cil and council of government pi ;eians for provincial hospitals for the setouu half year ls=o (July-Dec.).] S°. Kursk, 1880. Medicine {State). Puxeddu (G.) Delle attinenze e de' rapporti dell' igiene della polizia medica, e della medi- eina legale, col progressivo incivilimento de' popoli; discorso accadeniico. 8-. [Torino, 1859.] Riciiter (A. L.) Anleitung zur Vermeidung der Arznei-Verschwendung und zur AVahrneh- mung des Staatsinteresses bei der Behandlung von Kranken auf offentliche Kosten, besonders fiir Militairiirzte. 8°. Berlin, 1839. KriiSKY (H. AV.) Essays on state medicine. 8'-'. London, 187)6. Sauvaget (P.) * Necessitd d'orgaiiiser la me"- deciue publique. 4°. Paris, 1883. Scheidnagel (L.) Apuntes acerea del servi- cio sanitario en campana, en relation con el ser- vicio de ingenieros. 8°. Madrid, 1875. [Sciiopff (J. D.)] Ueber den Einfluss des Medizinalwesens auf den Staat und iiber die A'ernacblassigung desselben in den meisten deutschen Stanton. 12°. [/To/], 1799. Sen R a I'D (F.) Aphorismi de politia medica. 12°. Pestini, 1795. Schurmayer (J. H.) Handbuch der medici- nischen Policei. Nach den Grundsiitzen des hVehtsstaates, zu acadeniischen A7orlesungen und zum Selbstunterrichte fiir Aerzte uud Juristen. 8-\ Erlangen, 1848. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 187,6). -----. The same. Handboek der genees- kundige police; volgens de grondregels van den constitutionelen staat. . . naar bet lloogduitsch, met aanteekeningen en toelechtingen voorzien, door G. Rombouts. 8b Tiel, 1849. de Sousa Pinto (A. J.) Medicimi politica, ou principios necessa.rios tanto aos professores como uteis aos enfermos. 8°. Lisboa, 1822. Srfrz (AV. A.) Leber Medicin und Chirurgie in Beziehung auf den Staat. Nebst einem An- haug, eine Skizze der Me'dicinalpolizei entkal- tend. 8°. Stuttgart, 1803. Tyrrei.l (G. G.) Annual address delivered before the Medical Society of California. 8°. Sacramento, 1882. I'den. Medizinische Politik. 8°. Leinzici, 1781. Vogel(C) Das staatsarztliche Verfahren; fiir Aerzte, Chirurgen, Apotheker, Thieriirzte und fur Rechtsgelehrte. Nebst einem Anhange, Fornmlarien zu staatsarztlichen Geschaftsschrif- ten e.nthaltend. 8°. Jena, 1836. -----. Die medicinische Polizeiwissenschaft. 83. Jena, 1853. AVildberg (C. F. L.) A7on den polizeylich- medizinischen Geschiiften der Phvsiker. Forms 1. Tli. of his: Praktisches Handbuch fur Phvsi- ker. 8°. Erfurt, 1823. Wistrand (A. T.) Afhandlingar i statsmedi- cinen. 2 pts. sin. 8°. Stockholm, 1842-60. Yeld (H. J.) State medicine iu relation to education. 8°. Sunderland, 1875. Also, in: Pub. Health, Lond., 1875, iii, 497-499. ^ Albert. B-emerkiiugen und Erfahrungen iiber einige Gegenstande der medieinischen Polizei. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1832, \xiii, 76; '.'79. — Allen (X.) State medicine ami its relation* to insanity and public charity. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1875, n. «., i, -Jl8--_'(iG.— Ar- in:iin<;auil. Stir les moyens de. la ire about ir les pro- jets d organisation de la medeciue publique. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1881, iii, 147-157.—Bsiilogolovi (1.) O gub'ern- skikh meditsinskikh obsbehtstvakli. [On governmental nietlical societies ] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 18(i", vii, 9; 17.—Beiulto. Kachrieht iiber den A'erein fiir ge- meinscbali liche Arbeiten zur Fonlerung der wissenschaft- lichen Heilkunde. Aiutl. Per. ii. d. Vcrsanmil. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 185ti, Wien, 1858. 255-i'lil.— g5< i nl ( I.) Ausziiiie aus des Herrn . . . Rcitrageii zur gent hi lichen Arzueikunde, nebst Beinerkungen. Von Joseph Schnei- der. ATer. deutsche Ztschr. f, d, Staats-Arzuk., Frwb. i. MEDICINE. 33 MEDICINE. Medicine {State). Br., 1851, n. F., ix, 317-342.—Betrachtungen iiber die rechte Stellung der Physiker im Staate als das erste und nothwendigste Mittel, den ruoglichst grossten Nutzen fiir das allgemeine Gesundheitswohl durch dieselben zu erreichen. Jahib. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1835. i, 4. Hft., 16-24. — Be tracliliiugcu iiber die medicinische Polizei, als ein wesentlichesEi forderniss eines jt den wobl- geordneten Staats. Ibid.. 1837, ii, 205-214. — Billings (F. S.) State medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 309-315.—Blosfeld (G. J.) Zur medieinischen Statis- tik und medieinischen Polizei. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1844, i, 69.—Braun. Die beste Medicinalver- fassung. Jahrb. d. phil.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1828, i, 2. Hft., 116-134. — Ricfrlil. Uebersicht der Fort- schritte, Entdeckungen uud Veranderungen iu der Staats- arzneikunde in den Jahren 1823-6. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1829, 10. Ergnzngshft., 163-328.—Brock (H. W.) Report on state medicine and public hygiene. Tr. M. Soc. AV. Virg., Wheeling, 1877, 258-266. —Caba- nis. Quelques principes et quelques vues sur Jes secours publics. In his: CEuvres completes, 8°, Par.. 1823, ii, 185- 306.— -Carroll (A. L.) An address on state medicine. Tr. N. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886, ii, 42-55. — Chaillo (S. E.) State medicine and state metlical societies. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1879, xxx, 299-320. Also, Reprint.-----. Annual report for 1881 of the committee on state medi- cine of the Louisiana State Medical Society. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 1062-1088. —Chu'iiile (A.) De l'assistance m6dicale dans les campagnes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1881, 3. s., v, 138-155. Also, Reprint. — C'liipniaii (M. M.) Report of the committee on public hygiene and state medicine. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1880, 48- 57. Also, Reprint. — Comcgjs (C. G.) On the impor- tance of the establishment of legal medical councils of state and medical politics. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1877, xxviii, 499-503. — Condotlc (Le) mediclie nei onmimi rurali della Sit ilia. [Edit,] Ingtassia. Palermo, 1885, i, 281-291.—€01111 ((LP.) State medicine. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc., Con cold, 1881,13-30. Also, Reprint.—Co vera ton (C. W.) State medicine, ancient, mediaeval, and modern. Rep. Prov. Bd. Health Ontario 1883, Toronto, 1884, ii, 359- 371.—l>iday(P.) La police des moeurs. Lyon med., 1881, xxxvi, 018-024.—E. Het ontwerp van wet regelende het geneeskundig staatstoezigt. Schat d. Gesondh., Haarlem, 1862, v, 321-328.— Einigc Worto zur Beantwortung der Frage: Woher konimt es, dass in so vielen Liindern die me- dicinische Polizei so sehleeht verwaltet wird, und wie ist eine bessere Verwaltung derselben auf eine lei elite Weise zu erreichen? Jalnb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1835, i, 70-75.—Eisner. Beinerkungen aus dem Gebiete der Staatsarzneikunde. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1828, 9. Ergnzngshft., 119-158, 1 tab. — Elsbcrg (L.) The domain of medical police. Am. M. Month., N. T., 1862, xvii, 321-337. Also, Reprint. — Ki-ilniiiiiii (F.) Ueber die Heilkunst im Verhaltnisse zum Staate. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1841, 29. Ergnzngshft., 28-46.— Eriimeriiiig an einige Gegenstande der medieinischen Polizei, welche ungeachtet ihrer AVichtigkeit fiir Gesund- heit und Leben iter Landeseiuwohner doch an manchen Orten ganz uuberiicksichtiget gelassen werden. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1835, i, 48-61.—Fodcre (F.- E.) Police medicale. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xliv, 42-91.—Gardner (J.) On the mutual duties of the state and the citizen, and the relations that exist between both and the physician. Indiana M. Reporter, Evans- ville, 1880, i, 365-371.—«nlch (J. D.) Harmony and as- sociated action in connection with state medicine. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1880, xxx, 153-161. — Gia- nelli (G. L.) Proposta di ordinata collezione e rivista dei casi ed argomenti di medieina pubblica delpiof. . . . Gazz. med. ital lomb., Milano, 1848, 2. b., i, 8-10.—CJIeiis- inann. Darstellung der Fortschritte der Staatsarznei- kunde im letzten Decennium und des gegen wart igen Standes derselben. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1843, v, 177-226.—Gray (J. P.) Relations of the State to medical science. Tr. X. York M. Ass. (1885), 1886, ii, 32-41.— Grimshaw (T. W.) Address in state medicine. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1884, 3. s., Ixxvii, 198-226. -----. The State in its relation to the medical profession. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 189-192.—Oruudsatzc fiir die Organisi- rung der offentlichen Medizinal-Verwaltung. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 131-135.—Iliiusslcr (F.) Kurze Brmrr- kuugen iiber medicinische Polizei. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1830, 13. Ergnzngshft.,-802-311.-Hcil- rich. Ideen zur Feststellung periodischer medicinisch- polizeilicher Revisionen durch Landphysiker. Ibid., 1827, xiv. 247-255.—Ileije (J. P.) Over geneeskundige staats- regeling. Arch. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1843, iii, l-(i4.— Helm (J. H.) President's address. Tr. IndianaM. Soc, Indianap., 1876, xxvi, 1-13.—History of the joint commit- tee ou state medicine of the British Medical and Social Science Associations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 921-923.— I initialiser (F.) Zur Organisirung des Wiener Stadtph v- sikates. Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi, 1389; 1420; 1453.—Jani- kowski (S.) Uwagi o wykladzie medycyny publieznej i Bzczegolniej zas sadowej w uniwersytecie Paryzkiin i mek- torych Niemieckich. [Medical police and jurisprudence as 3 Medicine (State) taught in the University of Paris and in Germany.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1861, xlvi, 153-187. —Julius. Nachweis indischer Medicinal-Polizei vor langer als zwei Jahitausenden. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1839, xii, 425-427.— Knauer (R.) Vorschlage zu einer zweckmas- sigeren Einrichtung in Betreff der Medicinalanstalten; alien Staatsmannern und Aerzten zur Priifung vorgelegt. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1833,18. Ergnzngshft., 1-47.—Knolz (J. J.) Vortrag iiber den dermaligen Zu- stand der Staatsarzneikunde in den europiiischen Staaten, ihre tin ilweisen Miingel und die MitteLzu ihrer Vervoll- komuiuung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. (1. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1853, i, 7. — liopf. Notizen und Reflexionen iiber verschie- tlene Gegenstande der Staatsaizneikunde. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1823, v, 379-396. -----. Notizen iiber verschiedene, die Staatsarzneikunde berulirende Gegenstande. Ibid., 1826, 5. Ergnzngshft., 238-249. ---■—. Notizen und Miscellen, die Staatsarzneikunde be- treflfend. Ibid., 1831, xxi, 396-408. — Kopp (J. "T. ) Bemerkuugen iiber das System der Staatsarziteiku c!e in Hinsicht auf Eintheilung und Bezeichnung. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M., 1809, ii, 3-17.— Kuborn. Communication au sujet de l'organisation d'un service officieux de medecine publique dans le royaume. Bull. Acad. roy. de ined. de Belg., Brux., 1877, 3. s., xi, 292- 302. — Larcock ( T.) Letters on political medicine. Dublin M. Press, 1841, v, 167; 202: 235; 265; 315; 369; 420: vi, 43.— liCfort ( L. ) L'assistance publique et la reorganisation ties services d'accouchement. Rev. scient., Par., 1881, 3. s., i, 346; 401.—Ijehre (Zur) von den Vergehen gegen die Sicherheit des Lebens und der physischen und psvehischen Gesundheit. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Numb., 1857, viii, 5. Hft,, 28-61.—Lehrkanzel (Die) der Staatsarzneikunde. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1848, ii, 25-27— liinzbaner (D.) All- seitige Vereinigung zur Anbabnung einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Staatsarznei. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1856, Wien, 1858, xxxii, 238-243.—f.orentz. Kurze Untersuchungen der Frage: Darf es von einer guten medieinischen 1'olizei gestattet werden, dass Aerzte und Cbirurgen sich auch mit He bung natiirlicher Geburten absreben? Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1835, i, 4. Hft.', 25-28— ¥, und y (C. J.) State regulation of medical practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 57-60.—Marc. Politique (medecine). Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1842, xxv, 513-534.—Marcus (A. F.) Beytrage zu einer Medizinalverfassung. Mag. f. spec. Therap. u. Klin., Jena, 1805-6, ii, 203-271.— Mari- nus (J.-R.) Discours sur la medeciue judiciaire et la me- decine politique, au point do vuedela science. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1847-8, vii, 769-788. Aluo: Mem. Acad. roy. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1849, ii, 26-42.— Mcndc. Wie'kann das Medizinalwesen fiir Flecken und Dorfer oder fiir das platte Land am besten eingerichtet werden? 'A.. Chicago, 1884. iii, 1-6.—Kobe (G. H.) Address in Btate medicine: recent advances in preventive medicine. J. Am. M. Ass . Chicago. 1887. ix, 1-11. Also, Reprint,— Boosa (D. I!. St. J.) The relations of the medical pro- fession to the state; anniversary address. Tr. M. Soc. N. V Syracuse, 1879. 49-72. Also, in his: A doctor's sug- gestions, etc.. 12°, X. Y.. 2880, 173-214. Also [Abstr.]: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1879. vii, 145-154. — Buuisey (H. \V.) The public relationsot medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 214-218. — Kii*m-II (J. B.) An address delivered at the opening of the section of public medicine, at the an- nual meetins oft he British Medical Association. J&td., 187(5, ii, 206-211. \IU«: Metl. Times ,v Gaz., Lond., 1876. ii, 193- 197.—von Maiiison-IIiiiiiiM'Isliei-n (G.) Mittheilun- gen aus dem practischen W'irkungskreise des Professors der Staatsarzneikunde an der ksiiseilichen Cniversitat Dorpat, Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1849-51. i, 135: 1855. iii, lit:,.—Serrano (M. N.) Discui so [sobre las relacionesde las academias con las ciencias & tjiie eorresponden, tie sua funi ieiies en la adininistracion iniblica y del intlujo tie la medieina en la ciencia del nobierno]. Mem. r. Acad. med. de Madrid, 1862, ii, pt. 1, 1-15—Smith (S.) On the reciprocal relations of an efficient public health service and the highest educational qualifications of the metlical profession. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1874-5, N. Y., 1870, ii, 187-200. Also, Reprint. — Suijdcrs (C. J.) De gemeentewet en de armenartsen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v Ge- neesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii. 661-678. — Sociele (La) beige tie medecine publit|un. Tribune metl.. Par., 1879, xi, 220; 245; 282; 306. — Nomli-rejJiJi-i-. Aerztliciie Antworten auf politische Frageu. Cor.-LI. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1883, xiii, 289-296— Sporer (G. M.) Gniudbegriti'e iiber die Staats-Arzneykimtle und ihre listen Verzweigungen. Metl. Jahrb. d. k. k. tisterr. Staates, Wien, 1835, xvii, 96- 132. ------. Das offentliche Medicinalwesen und seine Tcinleii/.en zur festern Begriiudung des Gemeinwohls. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1844, ii, 205- 216— Miale medicine in (ireat Britain. J. Pub. Health & San. Lev., Lond., 1856-7, ii, 105-113— Slepbeusou (F. I!) Duty of the state in public health. X. York M. J., 1887, xiv.'705-707. Also, Reprint.— Stevens (T. M.) Address ou state medicine. Cincin. Lancet \-.Clinic, 1879, n. s., iii, 527-53:1. ------. Report of committee on state medicine. Tr. Indiana M. Soc., Indianap., 1884, xxxiv, 35- 39. AUo, Reprint. — Stokes (W.) A discourse on state medicine. Brit. M J. Loml, 1872, i. 385-389. Also: Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1872, i. 440-442.—von siybel (H.) I'ebei-die AVirksantkeit der Staatsgewalt in socialen und tikonomischen Frage-n. Cor.-Bl.d. nied. i hein. Ver. f. off. Gsinlhtsptlg.. Kiiln. 1871-2, i, 229-233. —Sjmonds (J. A.) On metlical evitlenee in relation to state medicine. Inhis: Misc.. 8-, Loml., 1871, 372-381.—Thayer (S. W.) State medicine. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 188t>, Montpelier, 1881, 11-22.—Tbierfelder sen. Beleuchtung einiger Mangel in der Verwaltung der Medicinalpolizei der Staaten, ihrer I'r.-achen und der Mittel ihnen abzuhelfen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1866, n. F., xxiv, 3- 13. — Verlisiltniss (Ueber das) der Aerzte zum Staate und zu tit n U-idcndeu; von einem Physieatsarzte. Zt- schr. f. tl. Staatsar/nk., Erlang., 1829, xvii, 47-62. — Ver- mix-lite Bemerkungen iiber verschiedene Gegenstande der medizinischen Polizei. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb Jnii't 45; 59; 143: 182. —Tetter. Ueber die Greuzen zwischen medicinischcr Polizei und anderen auf Sicher- heit des Lebens und tier(Gesundheit abzweckenden Staats- einrichtungen, namentlich der Sicherheits-Polizei iiber- haupt. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl, 1839, lxxxix, 1. St., 76- 83. —Virchow (K.) Der Staat und die Aerzte. Med Reform, Berl . 1H8-9, 213: 217; 221; 225; 228. Also, in his: Ges. Alihandl. a. d. Gob. d. off. Med., 8°, Berl, 1879 i. 50-71— YVai-dner (H.) State medicine. Indiana m' Reporter, Evansville, 1880, i, 529-539.—vou Wedekind (G. F.i Ideen zur Polizei der Heilkttnde. Jahrb. tl. Staatsarznk.. Frankf. a. M., 1813, vi, 3: 1814 vii 3- 1815 viii. 3: 1816, ix, 20: 1817, x, 3. ------. Noch ein Paar Worte iiber die Stellung des Arztes im Staate. Ztschr f ,\ Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1829, xvii, 155-162. — Wri gel (L! A.) State control of medicine. Med. Press West N York. Buffalo, 1887, ii, 291-301. —Wie kann man auf eine leichte, und nicht altzukostspielige Art. den Wnnd- arzten, denen das Landvolk anvertrauet ist, und die der leidenden Menschheit oft mehr schadlich, als niitzlich sind, einen bessern uud zweckmassigern Unterricht bey- bringen ? Eine Preisschrift. Arch. f. d. alle Heilk Berl, 1792, ii, 501-531. - Wildberg (C. F. L.) Erinne- rungen an verschiedene zur Yerbesserung der Verwaltun"- der metlicinischen Polizei nothwendige Punkte .Jalii-h" d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1839. v, 469-479.—Wi»irand (A. T.) Om slatsnietlicinens tillstand i Sverige de-. blis- ter, dess forlio]iimingar. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1840 ii 539- 51 — Wislrand (A. H.) Kurt framslallnin-- af stats- medicinens uppkomstoohiitvetklinginoni Sverige Ibiil 1849. xi. 517: 1850. xii. 3: 129; 379; 520: 1851 xiii 3- t;5 — teaman (G. H.) State medicine. Public Health N \ ls7!l-MI i i Medicine ( Veterinary). See, also, Animals (Diseases of); Ausculta- tion in animals; Epizootic diseases; Hospitals, Hygiene, Jurisprudence,Obstetrics, Surgery, Veterinary; also under names of animals, as : Birds, Cattle, Dogs, Horses, etc.; also under names of diseases, as: Eye (Diseases of) in animals; In- sanity in animals, etc Adamovicz (A. F.) *Diss. inang. niorbornm inter animalia domestica oliservatorum indicem singulorumque constantissima signa exhibens; adnexa synonvmia (.ernianica, (iallica, Rossica etPolonica, so. Vilnce, [1824]. Ammcn (C. W.) Allgeineines Hausviebarz- neibneb, oder vollstiindiger llntorrieht, wie man die Krankheiten der Pferde, des Rindviehes, der Sehat'e, Sehweine, Hnnde, Katzen mid des Fe- derviehes auf die leichteste und wohlfeilste Art selbst heilen kann. (5. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, [1813]. Blaixe [D.] Outlines of the veterinary art; or, a treatise on the anatomy, physiology, and curative treatment of the diseases of the horse, and subordinately of those of neat cattle and sheep. 7. ed. Bv Charles Steel. 8°. London, 1867). -----. The same. Notions fondamentalesde l'art vctcrinaire, ou principes de medecine ap- pliques a la connaissauce de la structure des fonctions et de l'dconomie du cheval, du bnuif, de hi brebis et du ehien, avec la maniere de traiter leurs maladies. Trad, de Fang]ais. 3 v. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Blasco (A.) Manuale del veterinario, ossia trattato sulle malattie del cavallo e sui rimedi neeessari per guarirlo a norma delle recent! scoperte della seienza. 8°. Milano, 1886). BorciiAKDAT (A.) Formulaire . v6t(*rinaire, con tenant le mode d'action, l'emploi et les doses des medicaments simples et composes presents aux aniinauxdomestiqnes par les m6ileeins vete- rinaires fraieais et Strangers, sui vi d'un memo- rial therapentique. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1862. Boulry (H.) & Rkynal. Nouveau diction- naire pratique de medecine, de chirurgie et d'hy- giene v^t6rinaires, publie" avec la collaboration d'une societe" de professeurs veteriuaires prati- ciens. [A-Jar.] v. 1-10. 8°. Paris, lHf.<;-74. Bourgelat. £l6mens de Fart veterinaire. Essai sur les appareils et sur les bandages pro- pres aux quatlrnpedes, a 1'usage des eieves des ecoles royales veterinaires. S°. Paris, 1770. -----. fiieuiftns de l'art vet6rinaire; matiere medicale raisonne'e, ou precis des medicamens consideres dans leurs effets; a 1'usage des eieves des ecoles veterinaires, avec les formules mctlici- naleset officinales des meraes 6coles. 3. ed. v. 1. 8°. Paris, an IV [1796]. Bracken (H.) The gentleman's pocket far- rier, with large additions and remarks. 3. ed. 16c. London, 1737). -----. Farriery improv'd; or, a compleat treatise upon the art of farriery, [etc.] 4. ed. 2 v. (v. 1), 1742; (v. 2), 1749. 'l2\ London. -----. The same. 2 v. v. 1, 6. ed. (1749); v. 2, 2. ed. (1740). 8\ London. [Bcchan (W.)] A complete treatise on the art of farriery, wherein are fully explained the nature and stri.etnre of that useful creature, a horse; with the diseases and accidents he is liable to, and the methods of cure. Likewise, rules for breeding and training of colts; practical receipts for the cure of common distempers inci- dent to oxen, cows, calves, sheep, lambs, hogs, etc. To which is prefixed ten minutes' advice to the purchasers of horses. 8°. New Haren, 1816. BrciiMULLER (A L) Allgemeine Pathologie nud Therapie der Hausthiere. S-, IVien, 1840, 35 MEDICINE. MEDICINE. PVIedicine {Veterinary). Buc'hoz. Medecine des animaux domestiques, renfermant les difl'erens remedes qui conviennent pour les maladies des chevaux, des vaches, des brebis, des cochons, de la volaille, des oiseaux de fauconnerie, des petits oiseaux, etc. 2 v. in 1. 16°. Paris, 1187). Bull (B.) A compendious system of veteri- nary instruction by question and answer. 8°. London, 1837). Blsch (J. D.) System der theoretischen und practischen Thierheilkunde. Zum Behuf aka- demiseher Vorlesuneen. 4 v. 12°. Marbura. 1806-16. "" Clark (B.) Pharmacopoeia equina; or, new pharmacopoeia for horses. 4 . London, 1833. -----. Hippiatria; or, the surgery and medi- cine of horses. 4°. London, 1838. -----. Supplementary matter to the Phar- macopoeia equina. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Clater (F.) Every man his own cattle doc- tor; containing the causes, symptoms, and treat- ment of all the diseases incident to oxen, sheep, swine, poultry, and rabbits, by Edward May- hew. New ed. 8°. London, 1868. -----. The same. Entirely re-written to the present date by George Armatage. 8°. London, 1870. -----. The same. Le veterinaire domestique, ou Fart de guerir soi-rneme ses chevaux; traduit de Fanglais sur la 2le ed., par P.-L. Pretot. 8C. Paris, 1822. C'omparolo (P.) II servizio veterinario nel comune di Sondria. Relazione. 8°. Sonclrio, 1884. Complete (The) grazier; or, gentleman and farmer's directory. Containing the best in- structions for buying, breeding, and feeding cattle, sheep, and hogs, and for suckling lambs. A description of the particular symptoms com- monly attending the various distempers to which cattle, sheep, and hogs are subject; with the most approved remedies . . . With several other useful and curious particulars. Written by a country gentleman, and originally designed for private use. 16°. London, 1767. Conferencias agrlcolas sobre diferentes te- mas: Discursos pronunciados por catedr^ticos de la Escuela veterinaria de Madrid. 8°. Ma- drid, 1811. Corsaletti (G.) L' empirismo in veterinaria. 12°. Fano, 1886. Colrtexay (E.) The practice of veterinary medicine aud surgery. 12. London, 1887. Cressy (X.) Reports of a course of lectures on veterinary science. 8°. [Burlington, 1877?] Delafond (O.) Traite de pathologie generale comparee des animaux domestiques. 2. ed. 8°. Parti, 187)7). Delwart (L.-V.) Pathologie speeiale ou de- scriptive des priucipaux animaux domestiques. 8°. Bruxelles, 1837. Desmarest (M.-E.) Remarques sur plusieurs cas de pathologie observes chez des animaux. 8°. Paris, [1849]. Repr.from. Rev. etmag. de zool, 1849. Dick (W.) Occasional papers on veterinary subjects. With a memoir bvR. O. Pringle. roy. 8°. Edinburgh <$• London, 1869. Dux(F;) Veterinary medicines; their actions and uses. With an appendix on the diseases of the domesticated animals. 8°. Edinburgh, 1864. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. New York,1874. Encyklopadie der gesammten Thierheilkunde und Thierzuchfc mit Inbegriff aller einschliigi- gen Disciplinen und der speciellen Etymologic Handworterbuch fiir praktische Thierarzte, Thierztichter, Landwirthe und Thierbesitzer medicine (Veterinary). iiberhaupt. Hrsg. von Alois Koch. 4 v. [A- Nyrus.] 8°. Wien it. Leipzig, 1885-6. In course of publication. Ercolani (G. B.) Nuovi elementi teorico- pratici di medieina veterinaria. 8-J. Bologna, 1859. Espejo y delRosal (R.) Diccionario general de veterinaria. Contiene : la detinicion de todas las voces de este arte, explicacion de las enferme- dades de los animales domesticos y modo de cu- rarlas. Seguido de un formulario complete para recetar, con explicacion de los medicamentos y determinacion de dosis en que deben adminis- trate. 3 v. 8°. Madrid, 1877-83. Falke (I. E. L.) Universal-Lexicon der Thier- arzneikunde. 2 v. 8°. Weimar, 1842-3. -----. Die thierarztliche Receptirkunde. 8G. Leipzig, 1849. -----. Lehrbuch der gesammten Thierarznei- wissenschalt. 2. Ausg. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1855. Fearnley (W.) The veterinarian's clinical notebook. 8°. Edinburgh, [it. d.] Felizet (L.) Dictionnaire veterinaire, a 1'usage des cultivateurs et des gens du monde. Precede d'une introduction par J.-A. Barbal. 16°. Parti, 1870. Fernandez e Isamendi (E.) Tratado de pa- tologia especial y terapeutica veterinaria. v. 1. 8°. Madrid, 1883. Imperfect. Field (J.) Posthumous extracts from the veterinary records, edited by his brother, Will- iam Field. 8°. London, 1843. Foringkr (E.) Die Ophthalmoskopie in der Veteriniir-Medicin. 8°. Jena, 1881. Foster (L.) Recept-Taschenbuch fiir Thier- arzte. 12°. Wien, 1873. Frenzel (J. T. G.) Praktisches Handbuch fiir Thierarzte unci Oekonomen, nach alphabe- tischer Ordnung, in zwei Theilen. 3 v. 12c. Leipzig, 1794-7. Friedberger (F.) & Frohner (E.) Lehr- buch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der Hausthiere. Fiir Thierarzte, Aerzte und Studi- rende. 8°. Stuttgart, 1685. Friedreich. Gerichtliche Veteriniirkunde. Ein Separatabdruck aus dessen Handbuch der gerichtsarztlichen Praxis. Zum Drucke befor- dert und mit Zusatzen versehen von S. Land- mann. 8°. Regensburg, 1846. Gamgee (J.) On the study of veterinary medicine; inaugural address. 8C. Edinburgh, 1857. -----. Our domestic animals in health and disease. Illustrated. 2 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863-4. -----. The veterinarian's vade-mecum. 2. ed. 8°. London,1868. Gibson (W.) The farrier's new guide. Con- taining: First. The anatomy of a horse, being an exact and compendious discription of all his parts, with their actions and uses. Secondly. An account of all the diseases incident to horses, with their signs, causes, and methods of cure; wherein many defects in the farrier's practice are now carefully supply'd, their errors expos'd and amended, and the art greatly irnprov'd aud advane'd, according to the latest discoveries. The whole interspers'd with mauy curious and useful observations concerning feeding and ex- ercise, etc. 2 v. in 1. 8°. London, 1720. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1722. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1727. -----. The farrier's dispensatory in three parts. 8°. London, 1721. -----. The same. 4. ed., corrected. 8°, London, 1734. MEDICINE. 36 MEDICINE. Jledicine (Veterinary). -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1741. -----. The true method of dieting horses. Containing many curious and useful observa- tions concerning their marks, colour, and ex- ternal shape; their temper and instinct; and how they are to be governed, so as to prevent accidents and diseases. The proper method of feeding suited to their age, strength, and consti- tution ; wherein the pernicious customs, which have obtain'd among many ignorant grooms and other pretenders to horsemanship, are exposed, and their errors carefully amended. Under which is likewise contain'd the right and proper exercise necessary, not only in the above-men- tioned respects, but apply'd to the most usual services required of horses, whether those for travelling and labour, those for the manage, or those for pleasure. As also observations con- cerning the right ordering of troop horses, with a discourse of breeding, founded on the Dnke of Newcastle's short method; very necessary for the improving of our breed, and raising a beautiful and useful race of horses. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1731. Girard (J.) Notice sur le vomissement dans les prineipaux quadrupi'des domestiques. 8°. Parti, 1841. Gleisberg (J. P.) Lehrbuch der vergleichen- den Pathologie. *\ Leipzig, 1865. Gresswell (G.) & Gresswell (C.) The vet- erinary pharmacopoeia, materia medica, and therapeutics. With descriptions of the physio- logical action of medicines, by Albert Gresswell. 12J. London, [1886]. G isesswell (J. B.) Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. 16°. London, 1^-5. -----. The same. 16-. New York, 1887). -----a; Ghesswell (A.) A manual of the theory and practice of equine medicine. 12°. London, 1887). Gsell (G.) Traite des injections hypoder- miques dans la therapeutiqtie veterinaire. 8°. Paris, 1886. Glrlt (E. F.) Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatoniie der Haiis-Siiugothiere. Nebst einem Anhange, welcher die Beschreibung der bei den Haus-Siiugethieren vorkommenden Eingeweide- wiirmer enthiilt. 2 v. 8C. Atlas, fol. Berlin, 1832. ' Haselbach (H.) Pratt isches Thierarznei- buch, enthalteud die Krankheiten unserer Haus- thiere, ihre Ursacheu, Kennzeichen und Heilung, nebst einer Anleitung zur Geburtshiilfe, den gebriiuchlichsten Operatiouen, zur Errichtung einer Hausapotheke u. a. m. sowie das beste- hende Viehseuche-Gesetz. Neu bearbeitet fiir Liindwirthe und Viehbesitzer. 2. Aufl 8° Berlin, 1-85. Heatley (G. S.) Practical veterinary reme- dies. A useful hand-book on medicine. 12°. Edinburgh, 1887). -----. Every man his own vet.: a practical manual of the diseases of domestic animals, with their remedies. 12°. Edinburgh, 1886. Heki.vg (E.) Specielle Pathologie und The- rame fiir Thierarzte. 3. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, Hehixg (E.) jtin. Etyinologisch.es Worter- buch fiir Thierarzte. Enthaltend die Abstam- mung und eine kurze Erkliiruug der iu der Thier- lieilkuude uud ihreu Hiilfswissenschaften haufig gebrauehteu Freindworter. Mit einer Vorrede von Dr. v. Hering. 12c. Stuttgart, 1871 Hecslvger (C.-F.) L'eeherehes de pathologie comparee. 2 v. 4°. Cased, 1853. Hicks(H. C ) The gentleman's, farmer's, and traveller's pocket companion ; containing many Medicine {Veterinary). valuable preventatives incident to horses, cat- tle, and sheep. Also many receipts for the cure of the same when diseased. 16°. Baltimore, 1811. de HooG (G.) *De analogia, nexu et reci- ]>roc;e applications utilitate medieina; hmmime et animalium rustieo-domesticoruni, she vete- rinaria* artis, non negaiula. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1811. Hurtreld'Arboval (L.-H.-J.) Dictionnaire de medecine et de chirurgie veterinaires. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1826-7. -----. The same. 4 v. 8 . Paris, 1827-8. -----. The same. 2. ed. 6 v. 8J. Paris, 1838-9. -----. The same. Ed. entierement rel'ondue . . . par A. Zundel. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1*74-7. Huzard (J.-B.) tils. Ed eve des animaux do- mestiques. Sur les mots croisement, metissage, appareillement, appatronnementetappariement, et les faits que ces mots desiguent. 8'J. Paris, 1840. Kai'emaxn (M.) Precis de therapeuti(|ue ve- terinaire, avec donnees scientifiques spi*cialos sur les etf'et-s des alcaloides. 12°. Paris, 1880. Knowlson (J. C.) The complete farrier or horse-doctor; being the art of farriery made plain and easy ; explaining the nature of the dis- orders to which a horse is subject, and the best methods of preventing or curing them. With an introduction, containing the best directions for chusing horses of all kinds ; also instructions how to ride, and how to treat a horse on a jour- ney. With a collection of the best recipes, from practice alone. The whole written in so plain and intelligible a manner that by attending to it those who have horses may manage them and cure the disorders to which they are subject, without the assistance of a farrier. To which is added a catalogue of drugs. 8°. Otley, 1820. -----. The Yorkshire cattle-doctor and far- rier ; a treatise on the diseases of horned cattle. calves, and horses. Written in plain language, which those who can read may easily under- stand. The whole being the result of seventy years' extensive practice of the author. The twenty-sixth thousand. Revised and corrected. Many of the receipts in this book are worth ten guineas each, and the whole are new to the world. 8°. London <)'■ Oth y, [n. d. ] Kohne (H. W.) Handbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie fiir Thierarzte. 8C. Berlin, 1871. Kreutzer (J. M.) Grundriss der gesammten Veteriuarmedizin, mit ausfiihrlicher Darstellung aller in sanitiits- und vcteriuarpolizeilicher, ge* richtlicher, praktischer und komparativ-wisseu- schaftlicherHinsicht besonders wiehtigen Krank- heiten. 8°. Erlangen, 1H53. Langguth (G. A.) [Pr.] de utilitate atque dignitate artis veterinarian 4°. ( Wittemberace, 1753.] y ' -----• [Pi"-] de rectiperanda mediciiue ve- tennariie prima dignitate. 4:. [Wittembergce, 176.). ] Law (J.) The farmer's veterinary adviser'; a guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals. 12°. Edinburgh, [1887]. Leblanc (U.) & Trousseau (A.) Anatoniie chirurgicale des prineipaux animaux domesti- ques, ou recueil de t rente planches [etc.] [Atlas pour servir de suite au dictionnaire de medecine et de chirurgie veterinaires de M. Hurt re 1 d'Ar- boval.] fol. Paris, 1828. Leontovitcii (I.) *Razsnjdeuie o boliezni, take nazivaemoi puchlinie u loshadei. [Disser- tation on pain, called talpa (mal de taupe) iu domestic animals. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, lti70. MEDICINE. 37 MEDICINE. Ifledicine (Veterinary). Lompagieu Lapole (J.) Observations rela- tives a la sante des animaux, ou essai sur leurs maladies. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Paris, 1785. Lldwig (C. F.) [Pr.] de mulomedicina in civitate regenda. 4°. Lipsiee, f 1807]. Lrx (J. J. G.) & Benedict (T. G. G.) * Dis- quisitioues politico-ieconomicte et veterinaria*. 4 . Lipsiee, [1806]. McClure (R.) Diseases in the American stable, field, and farm-yard. roy. 8°. Phila- delphia, 186)6. M'Kendrick (J. G.) Introductory lecture . . . Edinburgh Royal Veterinary College. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1817). Malats (S.) Elementos de veterinaria que se han de ensenar a los alumnos del Real collegio de veterinaria de Madrid. [Auatomia. ] 4 v. 8\ Madrid, 1793-4. -----. The same. [Materia medica.] 2 v. 8°. Madrid, 1796. -----. The same. [ Patologla. ] 3 v. 8°. Madrid, 1797-1800. Muller (G. A.) Veterinar-Receptir- und Dis- peusirkunde. Auf Grundlage der Pharmacopcea germaniea. Ed. altera. 12°. Berlin, 1887). Norton (W. J. T.) A manual of pharmacy for the student of veterinary medicine ; containing the substances employed at the Royal Veterinary College, with an attempt at their classification, and the pharmacopo>ia of that institution. 7. ed. Va°. London, 186)8. Oksteri.kn (J. F.) *De hernia interna bobus veetariisfaniiliari. 12°. Tubingw, 1810. Olalla (J. M.) Nosologfa veterinaria. En- ferniedadesdelasfosasnasalos. 8°. Madrid, 186)2. Oreste (P.) Lezioni di patologia sperimen- tale veterinaria. 3 v. 8°. Milano, 1871-4. Ostapknk (A. P.) Veterinarnaja diaguostika. H '. Charkow, 1887). Patents for inventions. Abridgments of spe- cifications relating- to farriery; iucludiug the medical and surgical treatment of animals, A. D. 1719-18.iti. 12°. London, 1872. -----. The same. Pt. 2. A. D. 1867-76. 12■-. London, F-8U. Peuch (F.) Precis de police sanitaire veteri- naire, ou expose des mesures sanitaires applica- bles anx animaux, en France et en Algerie. 12°. Paris, 1884. Pilger (F.) Systematise-lies Handbuch der theori-tisch-praktischen Veteriuar-Wissenschaft. 2v. 16°. G lessen, 1801-2. Pringle (R. O.) The diseases of horses, cat- tle, sheep, swine, dogs, and poultry; their causes, symptoms, and treatment; corrected and ar- ranged from the best authorities, sm. 8°. Dub- lin, 1871. Pkixz (C. G.) Quaedam de excolenda medieina veterinaria. 4 . Dresdte, 1716. Probstmavr (W.) Etymologisches Worter- buch der Veterinar-Medicin und ihrer Ililfswis- senschaf'ten. 8°. Miinehen, 1863. Putz (H.) Die Stellung der Thierniediciu zu den iibrigen Zweigen der Naturwissenschaften. H-. Leipzig, 1880. -----. Compendium der practischen Thier- heilkunde. 1. 8°. Stuttgart, 1885. Ratzeburg (C.) Handbuch der Zoopharma- kologie fiir Thierarzte. Vorziiglich zum Ge- brauch bei Vorlesuugeii in der koniglichen Thier- arzneischule zu Berlin. 1. Th. 81-'. Berlin, 1801. VON Reek en (C. G.) Volksvoediug-Veeartse- nijkuude. AVas staat de veeartsenijkunde in Ne- derland wachten I Eene vraag, ook van gewigt voor ouze volksvoeding. 8°. Utrecht, 187)6. -----. De geneesknnde der dieren in verband met staats- en volksbelang. 8°. [w. p., n. d.] Medicine {Veterinary). Reichardt ( G.) Der Hausthier-Arzt, oder zweckmiissige Wartuug und Pflege der Haus- thiere in alien Krankheitsfallen. 12°. Reutlin- gen, [n. el.] Reynders (J.) &, Co. Catalogue of veteri- liiiry instruments manufactured and imported. 12°. New York, [n. d„] Richardson (J.) The New-England farrier and family physician; containing, firstly, Paul Jewett's farriery, in four parts, wherein most of the diseases which horses, neat cattle, sheep, and swine are liable to are treated of, hi 41 pages; secondly, a collection of brutal receipts, many of which are valuable, 23 pages; thirdly, a very valuable collection of receipts for human dis- eases, 90 pages; fourthly, receipts by a very learned, skilful, and pious English author, 100 pages; fifthly, an extraordinary English author, of great experience and information on neat cat- tle, sheep, swine, asses, mules, dogs, etc., 82 pages; sixthly, a large number of valuable re- ceipts from Capt. Joseph Smith, of Exeter, and others, on different creatures, but especially horses; seventhly, a very large number of mis- cellaneous receipts, on various subjects, useful for farmers and mechanics; last of all, Doet. J. Williams' family physician; this man was two years with the Indians, and was assisted in that time by a young Indian educated at one of our best medical colleges. 8°. Exeter, 1.828. Rigoni (S. ) Trattato di patologia speeiale veterinaria. 2. ed. 8°. Firenze, i860. Roll (M. F.) Lehrbuch der Pathologie und Therapie der Hausthiere. 2. Aufl. roy. 8°. Wien, 18; ;o. Rudolpiii (K. A.) Beinerkungen aus dem Ge- biet der Natui geschickte, Medicin und Thierarz- neykunde, auf einer Re.ise (lurch einen Theil von Deutschland, Holland und Frankreich gesam- melt. 8-. Berlin, 1.-04-5. Rychner (J. J.) Naturgeschichte des krank- haften Zustandes der Hausthiere, oder Grundla- ge n zu einer naturgerechten, allgemeinen Pa- thologie uud Therapie derselben. 2. Ausg. 8°. Hern, 1843. Ryding (W.) Patologia veterinaria, o sia vade- mecum del cavaliere, conteueute un trattato sulle cagioni e i progressi delle malattie del cavallo, con una narrazioue dei metodi i piii atti a pre- venirle e a medicarle. [Transl. from the Eng- lish.] 8°. Firenze, 1831. Ryss (A.) *Et\vas fiber Veterinar-Medicin. 4°. Wiirzburg, 1810. de Sainbel (C. V.) Elements of the veteri- nary art, containing an essay on the proportions of the celebrated Eclipse; six lectures on farri- ery, or the art of horse shoeing, aud on the dis- eases of the foot. An essay on the grease, which obtained the prize given by the Royal Society of Medicine; an essay on the glanders; and obser- vations on the gripes. 3. ed. 4°. London, 1797. Saxony. Bericht fiber das Veteriniirwesen im Konigreiche Sachsen. Hrsg.von der konigl. Com- mission fiir das Veterinarwesen durch G. C. Haub- uer. 30., 1885. 8°. Dresden, 1868-86. Schlampp (K. W.) Das Dispensirrecht der Thierarzte, nebst den fiir Thierarzte wisseuswer- theu Abschnitten der Apothekeu-Gesetzgebung fiir Studireude der Thierniediciu, Thierarzte, Apotheker und Beamte. Mit einem Vorwort von J. Feser. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1886. Schreger (C. H. T.) [Pr.] insunt: qnauburn de talis artis veterinaria'. 4■'. Vitebergce, [1813], Schlrink (H.) Volledig handboek der vee- artsenijkunde voor elken landbouwer, alsmede voor lief hebbers van paardeu- en vee-bezitters iu MEDICINE. 38 MEDICINE. Jlediciiie (Veterinary). het algemeen, met bijzondere beschouwing over verlosknude en operatien door drie praktische veeartsen oingewerkt en aan 23jarige ondervin- ding geloetst. s:. Zwolle, 187)9. Schwab ( K. L.) Katechismus der Hufbe- schlagkuust, oder theoretiscb-praktischer Un- terricht fiber den Beschlag der Hufe und Klauen im gesunden und kranken Zustande. Neu bear- beitet von Konrad Schreiber. 13. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1863. Siedamgrotzty (0.) G. C. Haubner's land- wirthschaftliche Thierheilkunde. 9. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Signol (J.) Aide-memoire du veterinaire; medecine, chirurgie, obstetrique, formules, police sanitaire et jurisprudence commerciale. 12°. • Parti, 1881. Skeavington (G. ) The modern system of farriery; comprehending the present entire im- proved mode of practice, according to the rules laid down at the Royal Veterinary College . . . 4°. London .) New York, [n. d.] Small (M.) Everyman his own cattle doc- tor; or a treatise on the diseases of horses, cat- tle, dogs, sheep, and swine; with their causes, symptoms, and cure, [etc.] 12°. Philadelphia, [„. d.] -----. A eterinary tablet; being a synopsis of the diseases of horses, cattle, and dogs; with their cause, symptoms, and cure. 6. ed. 1 large sheet, in case. Glasgow, [n. d.] Smith (H. J.) A plea for veterinary surgery; to which is appended a report on epizootic, pleuro-pneumouia, aud hog cholera. 8--'. Har- rtiburg, 1819. Repr.from: Rep. Penn. Bd. Agric, 1877. Spinoi.a (W. T. J.) Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie uud Therapie fiir Thierarzte. 2 v. f'. Berlin, 1858. Sprencel (C.) *De Apsyrto Bithynio, hip- piatro. 4J. Haiti, [1832]. Strebel (V.) &. Reicherter (E.) Neues il- lustriertesHaus-Tierarzneibuch . . . Ein Hand- buch fiir Landwirte,Tieriirzte und Huffschmiede, sowie ein Lehrbuch zum Gebrauch an laudwirt- sehaftliehen Schulen nach dem neuesten Stand der Wissensehaft popular bearbeitet. Hft. 1-8. 8°. Reutliiigen, 1885. Sweden. Svensk veteriniir-farmacope. 3. uppl., auyo utgifven. 8°. Stockholm, 1880. Tabolrin (M.-F.) Nouveau traitede matiere medicale, de therapeutique et de pharmacie ve- terinaires, suivi 1° d'un formulaire raisonne, ma- gistral et officinal; 2° d'une pharmacie legale, ou analyse des dispositions legislatives couceruant l'exereice de la pharmacie veterinaire; 3° d'uu tableau du prix approximatif des medicaments a Paris, Lyou et Toulouse. *-. Paris, 187)'.]. Tellor ( L. V. ) The diseases of live stock, and their u.ost efficient remedies; including hoises, cattle, sheep, and swine. Being a popu* lar treatise, [etc.] 8. Philadelphia, 1879. Thomas. Allgemeines Vieharzneibnch. oder des alten Sehafer, Thomas, aus Bunzlau in Sehlc- sien, seine Kureu an Pferden, Riudvieh, Schafeu, St hweinen, Ziegen und den iibrigeu Hausthie- reu, sowie seine Keuntnisse, Erfahrungeu uud Hilfsleistuno, u bei den Geburten der Pferde. \ ou ihm s.lb.st in seiner Mund- uud Schreibart beschrieben und zum Nutzen seiner Nebenmeu- sehen herausgegeben von seinem Sohne, dem Sehafer Thomas in Weissenborn. s. Aufl. 8° Glogau, 1834. Tindall (J.) Tindall's Yorkshire farriery being a treatise on the diseases of horses, with"a statement of cases, and applicable recipes, never before published, whereby gentlemen,. sports- Ifledicine {Veterinary). men, farmers, and others having the management of horses, are enabled to apply remedies to the diseases incidental thereto. 8 . London, 1814. Tolnay (A.) Von der Nothweudigkeit und dem Nutzen der Thierar/.ney besonders fiir t'n- garn. Eine akadeiiiische Rede bei Antritt seines Lehramtes gehalten. 8G. Pest, 1787. Topham (T.) A new compendious system on several diseases incident to cattle . . . There is also annexed an essay on the diseases incident to calves, and their curative indications. In the course of this work will be found several obser- vations on the diseases peculiar to horses, and their proper method of treatment. 8 . York, 1787. Turkey. Instruction aux veterinaires inspec- tenrs. 8°. Constantinople, [n. d.] Tuscon (R. V. ) A pharmacopoeia, including the outlines of materia medica ami therapeutics, for the use of practitioners and students of veterinary medicine. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1886. Vegetius Renatus (P.) Artis veterinaria*, sive mulomedicina* libri quatuor, jam primum typis in lueem a*diti. Opus sane in rebus uiedi- cismiuime asperuandum. sm. 4°. Basilea; 1528. -----. The same. Mulomedicina. Ex trib. vetustiss. codd. varietate adjeeta; unde infiniti loci addi et expurgari a quovis poterunt, uso magno publico. Opera Joan Sambuci. 8°. Ba- silece, 1574. -----. The same. Cnrante Jo. Matthia Ges- nero. 12°. Mannhemii, 1781. -----. The same. Flavii Vegetii Renati ain Biichlein, vonn reehter unud warhaffter Kunst der Artzney, allerlay Krauckheyteu, ynnwendi- gen und ausswendigen aller Thyer, so etwas zye- hen oder tragen niiigen, als Pferd, Esel, Maul- thyer, Ochsen, uud anderer, auch wie man aller- lay Kranckhayten art un gepresten erkenen soil, die mit Getreucken, Salbungen, Prenungen, La: - sen, und auder Artzneyen, etc., zu vertreyben, vormals durch Vegetiu Renatu in Latein beschri- ben, yetzunder inn teiitsche Sprach verwendt, alien Vichiirtzten, Marstalleru, Sehiniden, Reyt- tern, Burgern unnd Pa wren, auch alien denen die mit gemelten Vich umbgeend, ganz nutzlich und notwendig zii geprauchen. sm. 4°. [Augs- purg, 1532.] It is probable thatFlavius Veuetius Renatus, the writer on military art, was not tlie author of the foiegoiug work. The Augsburg edition, evidently translated from the edi- tio princeps of 1528, ascribes tlie work to him, probably on the strength of a passage in the dedication of the lat- ter. The edition by Sambucus, in 1574, which has Publius on the title-page, speaks of the edition of 1528 as being mutilated and corrupt. Veith (J. E.) Handbuch der Veterinarkuude fiir Physiker, Thierarzte und Oekonomen. Vierte Auflage versehen und zeitgemass vervollstandigt von Joh. Elias Veith. 2 v. in 3. 8°. Wien, 1840-42. Venturini (A.) Le medicine che da tutte gl' animali si pub cavare Etbeneficio dell' huomo; al- tre volte iutitolato: II zomistii, e seeretario degl' animali. Hora accresciuto d' iiuportanti secreti da Francesco Piguocatti, e di uu' indice di tutte le infermita, per trovar h medicament i da risol- verle. 6. ed. 24°. Venezia, 1704. Veterinarnyi kalendar na 1887 g. od. Spra- vochnaja klinika dlja veterinarnych vrachei vsiech vedomstve. Izdanie J. M. Schmulevicha. [Veterinary calendar for 1sh7. Clinical inquiries for veterinary surgeons, with list of names. 1 - sued by J. M. Schmulevich.] 12r St. Peter:- burg, ls-7. Vili.bourg (C.-A.) Medecine veterinaire, ou instruction au laboureur, sur la maniere d ■ connoitre et de guerir les maladies de son betail MEDICINE. 39 MEDICINE. Ifledicine (Veterinary). a comes, et de ses brebis; traduite de Falleniand de . . . avec un abrdg-e de matiere medicale, et les noms des remedes, taut simples que compo- ses; par George Moschard. 12°. Berne, 1785. Vincenzo (G.) Trattato di patologia veteri- naria. 2 v. 8°. Paclova, 1838. VORTRAge fiir Thierarzte. Redigirt von Prof. Dr. J. G. Pflug. Series 1-7 ; Hfte. 1-4, Series 8. 8°. Leipzig, 1878-86. Walley (T.) Thoughts ou the action of med- icines, and ou veterinary medical politics; with addenda and a defence of science. 8°. Man- chester, [1871]. White (J.) A treatise of veterinary medi- cine, in 2 v. v. 2. Containing the materia me- dica and pharmacopieia. A new ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1808. -----. The same. In 2 v. v. 1. Contaiuing a compendium of the veterinary art. Or, au accu- rate description of the diseases of the horse, and their mode of treatment; the anatomy and physi- ology of the foot; and the principles and prac- tice of shoeing. With observations on stable management, feeding, exercise, and condition. 9. ed. 12°. London, 1809. -----. The same. In 4 v. 12°. London, 1817-20. Williams (W.) *The principles and practice of veterinary medicine. 8°. Edinburgh, 1874. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Edinburgh $ Glasgow, 1884. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1875. Winter (G. S.) Hippiater expertus, sen me- dieina equomm absolutissinia, tribns libris coin- preheusa: Quorum I. agit de equoruin tempera- mentis, a*fate cognoseenda, morbis omnibus in- tends capitis, oculormn, aurium, narium, lin- gua*, dentium, oris, aliisqne his similibus. II. De affectibus intends thoracis et abdominis nempe pulmonum et cordis, itemque hepatis, lienis, veutriculi, intestinorum, reiiura, vesicas, nee lion de purgatioiie equorum et pabulatione per gramen, de clysteribus, suppositoriis, de fe- bribus et, de peste. III. De oinnis generis un- guentis; oleis; balsamis et emplastris in genere; item de quibuscunque morbis ac symptomatibus externis; ut: tuinoribus, ulceribus et vulneribus enjuscunqtre generis; ungularum etiam vitiis; fraetura et luxatione ossium; medicamentorum ad horum morborum curationem necessarioruni variis formulis; de vena-sectione; de affectibus nervorum, etc. fol. Norimbergce, 1678. Title-page and text in Latin and German. Wurth (L.) * De inlluxu zoojatria* in anthro- pojatriain. 83. Pestini, 1828. Youatt (W.) «Vr. Clater (F.) Cattle doctor; containing all necessary directions in respect to the diseases, and their cure, of cattle, sheep, and swine. Also, the best method of raising aud fat- tening. 16°. New York, 1851. Zipf (S.) Lehrbuch der Krankheiten der Thiere, und besonders der Pferde. 1. u. 2. Theil. 12°. Mannheim-, 1807-8. Billings (F. S.) A national veterinary police code: with State execution of the laws, and a national institute for the study of comparative pathology anil the education of scientifically qualified veterinarians. Newspaper cut- ting .- Turf, Field, and Farm, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1879.— Black (W. S.) Horse and cattle sickness at the (ape. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1872, i, 173. — BIuuiImij; (K.) O znacheuii patolog. zootomii v veterinarii. [Importance, of pathological zootomy.] Arch. vet. nUuk., St. Petersb., 1882, xii, pt. 3, 167-191.—Buchler (A.) Esquisse statis- tique des maladies des animaux domestiques aux Ver- rieres, Suisses, et dans les environs pendant les aunees 1855-61. Echo metl., Neuchat., 1861, v, 521; 570. — Ca- diot. Application de l'e.serine a. la therapeiitiqiie veteri- naire. Arch, vet., Par., 1884, ix, 681-690. — «Joii«r«'**o veterinario. Rapporto suite deliberazioni del . . . tenutosi in Milano dal 10 al 15 aprile 1865. Ann. univ. dimed., Mi- Itledicine (Veterinary). lano, 1865, exeii, 189.—Duchesne & Michel (E.) L'hy- giene proi'essionnello des veterinaires. Hull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par. (1882), 1*83, 28-31.— Oarcia (M.) Estudio sobrelaranillaen losanimales. Observadormed., Mexico, 1872-1, ii, 283-288.—(.cuckcii (E.) Versuch einer Phar- macopcea veterinaria germanica. Arch. d. Pharm., Han- nover, 1856, 2. 1!., lxxxvi, 337: lxxxvii, 93. Also, Reprint.— G!crar—(5 (1.). 8°. Boston, 187)7). Bumm ( K. ) Die Priifnngsvorsehriften fur Thieriirzte, mit besonderer Rucksieht auf Bay- ern, zusamineng-estellt und erlautert. 24°. Augs- burg u. Leipzig, 1884. Chirurgiscii-medicinische Akadeinie und die Thierarznei-Schnle zu Dresden. Nachricht iiber die W irksamkeit wakreud des ersten Jahr- MKDICINK. 40 MEDICINE. Hedieiiie {Veterinary, Education in and schools for). zehnds nach ihrer Erweiterung, von D. Burkhard YVilhehn Seder. 4°. Dresden, 1828. Coi.tMHi.v Veterinary College and School of Comparative Medicine, New York City. An- nual catalogues and announcements for the ses- sions of 1.-7K-HI (2.); 1880-81 (3.). 8^. New York, 187U-80. (Jamuee (J.) Veterinary education. 8-. Lon- don, 187)7). -----. On the study of veterinary medicine; inaugural address. 8\ Edinburgh, 187)7. Hakvard University. School of Veterinary Medicine. Circular announcing its establish- ment, April 16, 188:5. 4°. [Boston, 18-:!.] -----. Annual announcement for the vears 1884-f) (2.); 1886-7(4.). 12°. Cambridge, 1884-6. -----. [Circular of the faculty, May 26, 188;..] 4 . [Boston, 1887).] Instituto agron6n>ico-veterinario de la pro- vineia de Buenos Aires en Santa Catalina. Anales del ... 1. alio, Nos. 1-17, 20 Aug., 1886, to '20 April, 1887. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1886-7. Koxkji.iciik Central - Tliierarzneischule in Miinelien. Jaliresberiehte 1.-7., 1876-7, to 1882- 3; 9., l884-r>; 10., 188.V-6. 8°. Leipzig, 1878-87. Konigliciie Thieraizneischule zu Hannover. Jaliresberiehte von dem Lehrer-Collegiuni, redi- girtvondem Director. 1., 1868; 2.. 1869; 4.-17., 1871 — 1881--,. 8°. Hannover, 1869-8:"). Koniglicii - lxgarische Veteriniir- Lehran- sttilt iu Budapest. Bericht fiir (his Seliuljahr 18-0-8]. Vert'iflentlicht voni Director Beia Tor- may. 8\ Budapest, 1882. Montreal Veterinary College. Annual an- nouncement for the session of 188:5-4 (17.). 8°. Montreal. 188;'. New York College of Veterinary Surgeons aud School of Comparative Medicine. Annual an- nouncements for the sessions of 18(57- 8(3.); 1877- 8(K5.); 18-0-7 (22.); 1887-8(23.). 8-. New York, 1861-81. -----. Pules and regulations, with lists of subscribers. .--. New York, 1868. -----. The same. 8 . New York, 1870. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1874. -----. Circular of. [With tariff of charges. ] 8 \ New York, [n. d.] Perkoncito (E.) Breve cenno sulle confe- ren/.e tenute alia R. scuola di medieina veteri- naria di Torino sulle malattie earbonchiose. 8-. Torino, 1--7. Programme des conditions d'admission aux eeolesnatiouales veterinaires. 12°. Paris, [1?8:o], Prussia. Reglement fiir die Priifnug der Thierarzte voni 2"). September 1809. yc jjer. I'm, 1869. Re ale scuola superiore di medieina veterina- ria di Milauo. Storia e ordinamento programing degl' ius.gnamenti istituti scientifici. roy. 8C. Milano, 18-4. -----. Auuuario per 1' anno scolastico 1885-6 8 . Milano. 1886. Eivolta (S.j Sulla couvenienza del riordi- naiuento delle scuole veterinarie nazionali. 8-. Torino, 1885. Rukff. Die koniglieh - wiirttembergische Thier-Arzneisehule zu Stuttgart nach ihrem fiiufzigjahrigen Bestehen. Hrsg. von 8 Stuttgart, 1-71. Sellers (C.) An appeal to the citizens of Pennsylvania for the foundation of a veterinary department in the University of Pennsylvania 8 . Philadelphia, 1819. -----. Address on the need of a veterinary school in Pennsylvania. 8-. Philadelphia, 1879. Uledicine (Veterinary, Education in and schools for). Veterinary College, London. To the pub- lic. [A short statement of its views and ob- jects.] 4°. [London, 1814.] Bericht iiber das Wiener k. k. Thierarznei-lnstitut fiir die Studienjahre 1858-83. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wis- seusch. Veteriuark., Wien, 1859, xiii, 91: 1861, xv, 8:i: xvi, 34: 1862, xvii, 85: xviii, 1 : I8(i3, xix, fH: xx, 128: 18(14, xxi, 20: xxii, 21: 18 5, xxiii, 35: xxiv, 87: 1806, xxv, 71: 18G7, xxvii, 62: xxviii, 21: 1862, xxix, 28: xxx, 155: 1809, xxxi, 130: 1870, xxxiii, 02: xxxiv, 1: 1871, xxxv, 51: xxxvi, 12: 1872, xxxvii, 147: xxxviii. 2!l: 1873, xl, 77: 1874, xii, 138: xiii, 65: 1875, xliii, 50: 1K76, xiv, 89: xlvi, 1: 1877. xlvii, 149: xlviii, 129: 1878, 1, 1: 1879, Iii, 75: 1S80, liii. 37: 1S81, lv, 89: 1882, Ivii, 23: 1883, lix, 1: 1881. lxi, L—ehisip- per© (F.) Le attuali coudizioni per 1' aminessione alle scuole veterinarie. Medico vet., Torino, 1876, 4. s., v, 52.'- r>:;<>.—t'ollieniii*. Considerations sur la neetssitt tl 'une eeole veterinaire, avec des projets sur la maniere de teta- blir, dresses k la requisition du grantl directoire royal, et sounds a l'exanien de 1'Academic. Trad, du latin. Mem. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon et Par., 1774, ix, pt. 1, 289- 343. Also [Trad, del'alleuiaud. From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Berl.]: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1774, xii, 287-306.— Drcrct portant organisation des ecoles veterinaires. Kee. de med. vet., Par., 1882, 6. s., ix, 1141- 1149.—Fnlke (J. E. L ) Die Thierarzneikuude in Bezug zur Authiopoiatrik, mid die Universitaten und Thierarz- neischulen als Bildungsanstalten fiir Thieiiirzte. Metl. Argos, Leipz., 1842, iv, 285-296. — Ij'ecole veterinaire d'Alfort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 189-191.—I-e- Uiaiii (,T.-B.) Etude sur l'onseignement do la niedeeino veterinaire en Belgitjne. Ann. de med. vet., 3. 6(1., Brux., 1804, xiii, 444; 563. Also, Kept int. —.TIi-E.lchraii (I).) Veterinary education. Am. Vet. Lev., N. Y., 1877-8, i, 12; 45; 85; 113.—IVeiic organisclie Bestimmungeii fiir die Tliierarzneischule iu Stuttgart. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1868, xxxviii, 185-186.—Plan zur Organisirung und Erweiterung des k. k. Thierarznei- Institutes zu Wien. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1824, n. F., ii, 162; 323— Priiiz (C. G.) Bericht iiber die Thierheilaustalt bei der ktiuigl. Tliierarzneischule zu Dresden uud ihre Leistun»en im Jahre. 18i3. Beitr. z. Iirakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 134-15(1 —Quivogue (F.) Retbrme de reuseitrnemeiit de la ineileeino veteiinaire. Congres ni6d. de France (Lyon, 1872), 1'ar., 1873, iv, 492- 494— K. Universita. di Pisa. Begolameiito provvisorio per le scuole di zoojatria e d' agraria. Gior. di anat , fisiol. e patol. d. animali", Pisa, 1871, iii, 206-221. —Roloflf (F.) Be- richt fiber die k. Thierarzneiscbule zu Berlin (1879-82). Arch. f. wissetisch. u. prakt. Thierli., Burl., 1881, vii, 1: 1882, viii, 1; 381.—Verciii dents, ber Aerzte in Prag. Petition betreffend die Errichtiing einer hbheren Tliierarz- neischule in Prag. Aerztl. Lor.-HI. f. Hiilnnen, Prag, 1874, ii, 332-341. —Velci-iiiiii-vaNoiKlel. [1851-74.] Sundh.- Coll. Beriittelse, Stoekltoliu, 1814-76, passim.—Withing- lon (C. F.) The sehool of veterinary lttetlieine of Harvard [Tniversity. Boston M. .fc S. J., 1883, cix, 241-244. J?Iedicine ( Veterinary, History, condi- tion, aud legislation of). See, also, Medicine ( Veterinary, Education, etc., for). Adam (T.) Die Veterinar-Polizei, init Beriick- sichtignng der neuesten Gesetzgebungen. 8-\ Munchen, 1862. —----• Sainmlung der veterinar-sanitatspo- lizeilichen Verordnungen fiir das Kouigreirli Bayern. Mit allerhochster Genehniiguug her- ansgegebeu. 8°. Miinehen, 1863. American Veterinary Hospital. Annual re- port of the . . . 8., 1882-3. 8°. New York, 188:!. Austria. K. k. Ministerinm des Innern. Ve- terinar-Berichte fur die Jahre 1880-8:5. . . Bear- beitet von Dr. M. F. Roll. 8°. Wien, 1882-7). Baden. Aintliche Bekanntniachungen, betref- fend das Veterinaxwesen im Grossherzogthum Ba- den. 11. Jahrg.,No. Ill, Miirz 1882. 8. Karls- ruhe [Baden, 1882]. Baraxski (A.) Handbuch sanimtlicher Vete- riniirgesetze uud Verordnungen, die in Oester- reich-Uugarn und Bosnien giltig sind. 8---. Wien, 1884. & h -----. Geschiehte der Thierzueht und Thier- medicin im Alterthurn. 8°. Wien, [1880]. Bierlich (E.) Der preussiselie Militair-Ross- arzt. Eine Sammlung von Verordnungen, welche MEDICINE. 41 MEDICINE. ]?Iedicine {Veterinary, History, condi- tion, and legislation of). iiber die Rossaxzte der preussischen Armee ent- weder direct erlasseu worden sind, oder auf die- selben Anwendung finden. 8°. Berlin, 1869. Buchting (A.) Bibliotheca veterinaria, oder Verzeichniss der seit Mitte 1842 his Ende 1806 im deutschen Buchhandel erschienenen Biicher uud Zeitsehriften iiber alle Theile der Thierarznei- kunde; im genanen Anschluss an die Wilhelm Engelmann'sche Bibliotheca veterinaria bis zur Mitte des Jahres 1842. Nebst einem vollstandi- gen Materien-Register. 8\ Nordhausen, 1807. Costa (A.) Sui servizio veterinario militare in Italia. 8°. Conegliano, 1884. Ciiomel (C.) Histoire du corps des v6te"ri- naires militaires en France. 8°. Paris, 1887. Eichbalm (F.) Grnndriss der Geschichte der Thierheilkunde. 8°. Berlin, 1887). Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca veterinaria, oder Verzeichniss der in iilterer uud neuerer Zeit bis zur Mitte des Jahres 1842 in Deutschland erschienenen Biicher iiber alle Theile der Thier- arzneikunde . . . von nenem ganzlich umgear- beitet von Wilhelm Engelmann. 2. Ann. 8J. Ltipzig, 1843. Ekcoi.ani (G. B.) Rirerche storico-analitiehe sngli scrittori di veterinaria. 2 v. 12°. Torino, 187A-4. Also [Rev.], in: Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. 8., xiii, 271-275. Falke (J. E. L.) Propiideutik und encyklo- piidische Uebersicht der Thierheilkunde, nebst ihrer neuern bessern Literatnr. 2. verniehrte Ausg. 8°. Leipzig, 18.")."). Feser (J.) Die Notliwendigkeit der Reform des thierarztlichen Uiiterrichts in Deutschland, bewiesen durch die Geschichte der Munchener Thieraizneischule. Vortrag. 8 . Berlin, 1873. Great Britain. Privy Council Office. An- nual reports of the veterinary department of the Privy Council Office, with appendices. For the years 1872-82. fol. & 8-. London, 1873-83. Hexzen (J. C. G.) Entwurf eines Verzeich- nisses veterinarischer Biielier und einzelner Ab- handluugeudiezur tlieoretiselieii undpraetisehen Kenntniss von Pferdeu, Eseln, Mauleseln, Rind- vieh, Schaafen, Ziegen und Sehweinen, den Vieh- arzneykundigen niitzen konnen. 8°. Gottiugen u. Stendal, 1781. Hippocrates. Trattati di mascalcia attri- buiti ad Ippocrate. Tradotti dall' arabo in latino da maestro Moise da Palermo volgarizzati nel secolo xiii. Messi in luce per eura di Pietro Delprato, eorredati di due posteriori conipilazioni in latino e in toscano e di note filologiche per cura di Luigi Barbieri. 8°. Bologna, 1865. Holland. Verslag aan den koning van de be\ indingen en handelingen van het veeart- senijkuudig staatstoezigt in het jaaren 1871, 187:5-7. roy. 8° & 4°. 's Grarenha'ge, 1872-8. Hugues (J.) Le veterinaire en Belgique et sa deoutologie. 8-'. Lourain, 1880. New York (State). An act to amend chapter 313 of the laws of 1886, entitled: "An act to reg- ulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in the State of New York". In assembly. No. 201. Feb. 1, 1887. Iutrod. by Mr. Ingersoll. fol. [Albany, 1887.] Norway. Veterinair-Mediciual-Taxt for Norge, som ifdlge kongelig Placat af Ote Juli 1861 er gjaehb-nde fra lste September 1861 ind- til videre. 8U. Christiania, 1861. -----. Tillseg til Yeterinair-Medicinal-Taxten for Norge, udfaerdiget af den Kongelige Norske Uledicine {Veterinary, History, condi- tion, and legislation of). RegjeringsDepartement fordet Indre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af 6te Juli 1861. 8°. Christiania, 1862. -----. Andet Tillseg til Veterinair-Medicinal- Taxten for Norge, udfaudiget af den Kongelige Norske Regjerings Departement for det Indre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af Ote Juli 1861. 8°. Christiania, 1863. -----. TredieTilheg til Veterinair-Medicinal- Taxten for Norge, udfa-rdiget af den Kongelige Norske Regjerings Depaiteinent fordet Indre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af Ote Juli 1801. 8'-. Christiania, 1864. -----. Veterinair-Medicinal-Taxt for Norge, ifolge naadigst Beniyudigelse, udherdiget af den Kongelige Norske Regjerings Departement for det Indre os gjseldende fra lste Januar 1800 iudtil videre. 8°. Christiania, 1865. Padua (Province of). Regolainento pel servi- zio veterinario nella provincia di Padova. 8°. Padova, 1879. -----. II servizio veterinario nella provincia di Padova nell' anno 1882. Relazione della coin- missione veterinaria pennanente. fol. Padova, 1887). Potterat (D.) Bericht au das schweizerische Landwirthschaftsdepartemeut iiber den thier- arztlichen Unterricht in der Sehweiz und die Mittel zur Hebung desselbeu. 8°. Bern, 1887). Prussia. Jaliresberiehte der kouigl. techni- selien Deputation fiir das Veterinaxwesen iiber die Verbreitung ansteckender Thierkrankheiten in Preussen. 2.-8., 1877-8 to 1883-4. 8°. Ber- lin, 1879-84. Suppl. in: Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierli., Berl., 1879-84, v-x. [Ruellius (J.)] Zwey niitzliche sehr gute Biicher von allerley Gebrechen und Kranekheiten, damit die Rosse, Maulesel, uud andere vier fiis- sige Thier, welche etwas sehwer tragen, oder Ziehen, geplaget, dariunen eigentlich beschrie- ben. Die Ursach davon sie entspringen, und durch welche Zeychen man dieselb erkenneu, und yon einander unterscheydeu mocht. Des- gleichen durch was Mittel und Artzney inen zu helffen nud Rath zuschaffen. Vormals iu deut- scher Sprach niemals gesehen noeh gelesen wor- den. [Uebersetzt von Gregorius Zecheudorfer. ] fol. Eger, 1571. Russia. Medical Department. Otchet med. depart, po veterinarnomu otdieleniu za 1882 g. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1885. Rvss (A.) * Ueber die Organisation des Vete- rinlir-Institutes zu Wurzburg. 8°. Wurzburg, 1808. -----. * Ueber Verhiiltniss und Einfluss der Thier-Arzneikunde auf die gesaiuinte liaus- und Laudwirthschaft. 8°. IViirzburg, 1815. Saxony. Berichte iiber das Veteriniii weseu im Konigreiche Saehsen. Heransgegeben von der kouigl. Commission fiir das Veterhiiirwesen durch G. C. Haubner. 1.-13., 1856-68; 22.-2iinz (C. (1.) Bericht iiber die Thier- heilanstalt bei der ktinigl. Tliierarzneischule zu Dresden und ihre Leistungen in den Jahren 1833-6. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz:. 1834, i, 134: 1836. ii, 75: iii, 113: 1837, iv, 209.—Qnivogne (F.) La candidature de M. Chauveau k l'iuspection generale des ecoles veterinaires. Echo d. soc, et ass. vet de France, Lyon, 1885. vii, 574; 619.— Kiill. Das k.-k. Militar-Thierarzuei-Institut iu "Wien wahrend ties ersten Jahihundertes seines Bestebens. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veteriuark., Wien, 1877, xlviii, 1-128. 1 pi.—Matlun (B.) Uttici della medieina ve- terinaria. Gior. di anat.. lisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1869, i, 271-279 [331-339].— Nciler (15. W.) Ueber die Or- ganisation ties Vetei-iuar-Metlicinalwesens, mit besonderer Riicksicbt auf das Kbnigreich Sachsen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1833, 18. Ergnzngshft., 156-228.— Steel (J. 11.) On the progress and present state of veteri- nary science in America. Veterinarian, Lond., 1880. 4. s., 1 Iii, 1-18.—Taxt for veterinaire La-getnidler; metl Inden- rigsministeriets Autorisation fastsat af det veterinaire Suudhedsraad. gaeltlendefra30. April 1879til 30. April 1880. [Suppl.] Tiilsskr. f. Vet,, Kjebenh., 1879, ix, 1-16 — Taxt for veterinaire La'gemidler; med Indenrigsministeriets Autorisation fastsat af det veterinaire Sundhedsraad. [Suppl.] Ibid., 1883, xiii, (2. H.).—Tombari (T.) Le sorti della veterinaria nel regno d' Italia. (Jior. tli anat., tisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1874, vi. 193-201. — Toini- Iin (I. J.) Kratkii ocherk istorii veterinarii. [Ilistory of veterinary art.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1886, xvi. ])t, 6, 61; 83.— I'lrieli (C.) Denkschrift iiber die Verhiiltnisse der Militar-Thierarzte und iiber das ge- samiute Veterinai-Wesen in tier pr. ussischen Armee. Prenss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Berl, 1862, 229; 241; 253; 265.- \ < i Im-y< u (S.) Des tloctriues metlicales et de leur influ- ence sur le tleveloppement de la medicine veterinaire. Arch, bel-esde med.mil, Brux.. 1859, xxiii. 177; 273; 389: xxiv, 91 ; 193; 257; 321.------. K tpport sur la Question de medecine vtH6rinaire. Bull. At ail. roy. de med. de Beige, Brux., 1861, 2. s., iv, 69-98.—Znrelii (C.) Sull esercmo della veterinaria. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1866, 5. s., v, 126-129. MEDICINE. 43 MEDICINE. Uledicine (Veterinary, Homoeopathic). Bohm (C. L.) Kurze praktisehe Anleituug fiir alle Viehbesitzer, welche ihreu Hausthieren in den am haufigsten vorkounnenden Erkran- kuugsfiilleu, dureh sorgfiiltige Auffassung der sammtlicheu siunlich wahrnehnibaren Krank- heitserscheinungen mit den dagegen erprobten homoopathisehen Heilmitteln auf die einfachste ganz naturgeinasse und wenigst kostspielige Weise selbst Hilfe leisten wollen. 12°. Leipzig, 1873. Gunther (F. A.) Der houitiopathische Thier- arzt. Die Krankheiten des Pferdes und ihre ho- nioopathische lleilung. 9. Aufl. 8°. Sonders- hausen, 187)7. -----. Der kleine honioopathische Tbierarzt. Ein fiir Jedermann verstiindliches Buch . . . Als Auszug aus den 3 Btiuden von Dr. Giiuther's ho- moopathisehem Tbierarzt, bearbeitet und her- ausgegeben von . . . 12°. LAiugensalza, 1881. Haycock (W.) Elements of veterinary ho- moeopathy, embracing hiuts on the application of hydropathy ; or, a treatise on the diseases of the horse aud cow, with remarks on the general management and principal diseases incidental to the sheep and dog. 8°. London, 187)2. Hubner(G.) Der honioopathische Hausthier- arzt. 8°. Berlin, 1864. Humphreys (F.) Manual of veterinary spe- cific homoeopathy, comprising diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, and dogs, and their specific homoeopathic treatment. 12°. New York, 1860. Manual (A) of homoeopathic veteiiuary prac- tice, designed for horses, all kinds of domestic animals aud fowls. 8°. New York, 1873. Marzo (M.) Examen critico comparativo de las doetrinas m6dieas, veterinaria homeopiitica y alop^tica, con un apeudice del tifus en el ca- ballo. 16°. Madrid, 187)7). Moller (J. G.) Hydro-honioopathisches Ta- schenbuch der Thierheilkunde, oder die Krank- heiten der Hausthiere und deren Heilting durch kaltes Wasser, vorziiglich aber durch honioopa- thische Mittel. Ein neues, alphabetisch bear- lieitetesNoth- und Hiilfsbuchfiir jeden Tbierarzt und Viehbesitzer. Durchgesehen vom Mag. Lux. 83. Leipzig, 1839. Moore (J.) Outlines of veterinary homoo- pathy ; comprising horse, cow, dog, sheep, and hog diseases, and their homoeopathic treatment. 7. ed. 12°. London, 18.74. -----. The same. 9. ed. 12°. London $ Leamington, 18—2. Perrussel L'homceopathie, on la medecine de l'analogie devant la commission d'hygiene hippique au ministere de la guerre (s6anee offi- ci<-lledu26avril 1861). Proposition d'une reToraie fundamentals de la nie'decine ve"terinaire, sui vie d'un parallele enlre les deux m^decines. 8°. Paris, 1862. Ki:sn (J.) The hand-book to veterinary ho- moeopathy ; or, the homoeopathic treatment of the horse, the ox, the sheep, the dog, and the swine. From the London edition, with numer- ous additions translated from the 7th German edi- tion of Dr. F. E. Guenther's Homoeopathic veter- inary, by Jacob F. >Sheek. 16°. Philadelphia, 187)4. Schaefer (J. C.) New manual of homoeo- pathic veterinary medicine. Translated from the German, with numerous additions from other veterinary manuals, by Charles J. Hempel. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871. Schwade (W.) Illustrirter Hausthierarzt. Die iunerlichen und ausserlichen Krankheiten der Pferde, Rinder, Schafe, Ziegen, Schweine, Hunde und des Federviehes, die Verhiitung uud Behandlung derselben, nach den Grundsiitzeu medicine (Veterinary, Homoeopathic). der homoopathisehen Heilmethode bearbeitet von anerkannt tiichtigen homoopathisehen Tliier- jirzten im Verein mit erfahrenen Landwirthen. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. medicine ( Veterinary, Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Alianza (La) veterinaria. v. 3-4, l884-.r>. fol. Jdtiva. American (The) Veterinary Journal; devoted to the diffusion of veterinary knowledge. Kdited by George H. Dadd. [Monthly.] Nos. 1, 3,5, 8, 10-12, v. 1, Sept., 1851, to Aug., 1852. -----. The same. [New series.] v. 1-3; Nos. 1-3, v. 4; Oct., 18.-).-), to March, 1859. 8°. Boston. American Veterinary Review. A. Liautard, editor, v. 1-11, 1877-87. 8°. New York. Ann ales de medecine veterinaire. Par Del- wart et Thiernesse. v. 1-36, 1852-87. 8°. Brn- xelles. Anxales de zootechnie et de nie'decine veteri- naire. Par E. Darbot [et al.]. v. 1-2, 1874-5. 8\ Langres. Arciiiv fiir Thierheilkunde. Hrsg. von der Gesellschaft schweizerischer Thierarzte. Neue Folge. v. 1, 1838-9. 8°. Zurich. Arciiiv veterinaruich nauk. v. 12-17, 1882-7. 8°. St. Petersburg. Archiv fiir wisseuschaftliche und practische Thierheilkunde. Hrsg. von C. F. Miiller und J. W. Schiitz. v. 1-13, 1875-87. 8J. Berlin. Archives veterinaires. Publiees a l'ecole d'Alfort. v. 1-9, 1876-84. 8°. Pan's. Archivio di medieina veterinaria. v. 1-3, 1*76-8. *°. Milano. Australasian (The) Veterinary Journal. By G. Mitchell [et al.]. v. 1, 1882. 8°. Melbourne. Bayerischk Thierarzte. Bericht fiber die Versammlung ... in Nurnberg am 11. Juui 1863. 8°. Augsburg, [1863]. Repr. from: Wchnschr. f. Thierh, u. Viehzncht, Augs- burg. Boletin de veterinaria. v. 2-3 (Nos. 25-68), 1846-7. 8°. Madrid. Bullettino veterinario. Red.: P. Oreste [et al.]. v. 1, 1880. 8°. Napoli. Centralblatt fiir Thierniediciu. Hrsg. von H. Piitz. v. 1, 1884. 8°. Stuttgart. Centralblatt fiir Veteriuiirwissenschaften. Red. von H. Piitz. v. 1-4, 1882-6. 8°. Leipzig. Centralzeitung fiir die gesammte Veterinar- medicin und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, mit ver- gleichender Bezugnahme auf die Menschenheil- wissenschaft. Hrsg. von Johann Martin Kreu- tzer. v. 1-5, 1851-5. 4°. Erlangen. Clinica (La) veterinaria. Red.: N. Lanzil- lotti-Buonsanti. v. 2, 1879; v. 7-9. 1884-6. * . Milano. Congres national de medecine veterinaire tenu du 8 au 11 juillet 1880 sous le haut patro- nage de S. M. Leopold II, roi des Beiges, roy. 8°. Lotivaiu, 1881. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Thier- keilkunde. Hrsg. von J. D. Busch. v. 1-3, 1830- 33. 8°. Marburg. Dkutsche Zeitschrift fiir Thiermediein und vergleichende Pathologie. Yon 0. Bollinger uud L. Franck. v. 1-13, 1875-87. 8°. Leipzig. Echo (L') des societes et associations veteri- naires de Frauce. F. Quivogne, redacteur. v. 1-9, 1879-87. 8^. Lyon. Edinburgh Veterinary Review and Annals of Comparative Pathology, v. 1-6, 1858-64. 8 . Edinburgh. Gaceta medieo-veterinaria. Director: R. Es- pejo y del Rosal. v. 2-10, 1880-87. 8-. Madrid. MEDICINE. 44 MEDICINE. medicine ( Veterinary, Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Gazzetia medico-veterinaria. Red.: P. Oreste [elal.]. v. 1-6, 1871-8. S~. Milano $ Napoli. dioiiXALE di anatomia, fisiologia e patologia .It gli animali. Compilato da L. Lombardini e 1' Tlreste con 1' aiuto dei professori A. Cristiu, S. l'alconio.G.Geiierali. v. 1-19,1869-87. 8-. Pisa. Giornale di medieina veterinaria pratica e di zootecnia della Socicta reale e nazionale veteri- naria. v. 5-6, 1856-7; v. 23-36, 1874-87. 8°. Torino. Giornale delle razze degli animali utili e di medieina veterinaria. Red.: S. Falconio [et al. ]. 3. serie. v. 3, 1874. 8°. Napoli. Giornale di veterinaria. v. 1-4, 1852-5. 8°. Toriltl). Jahriuch der praktisch-polizeilichen und ge- richtlichen Thierheilkunde von und fiir Bayeru. In Verbindune; mit vielen Hru. GeriehLs-, Mili- ttiir- und Civil-Veterinairiirzten lierausgegeben von der Litteratiir-Coniinission des Industrie- und ('tiltur-Vereins zu Niirnberg, dirigirt von Dr. .Lie. J. Weidenkeller. v. 1-3, 1830-33. 8-. Xiirnberg. .JAHRESBERiCHTder konigl. teehnisehen Depu- tation fiir das Veterinairwesen iiber die Ver- breitung ansteekeuder Thierkrankheiten in l'reiissen. v. 2-6, 8-9, 1877-85. 8 . Berlin. .Jaiikksbericht iiber die Leistungen auf dem (iebiete der Vetcriniir-Medicin. Von Dr. Ellen- lierg.-r und Dr. Schiitz. v. 1-6, 1881-6. 8°. Iterlin, 1882-7. Journal de medecine veterinaire militaire. A. Goux, redacteur. v. 1-14,1862-77. 8-. Paris. JouRNAi.de medecine veterinaire pratique et de zootechuie. Par J. lYllctan [et al.]. Nos. 5-6, v. 2, Jau. to Feb., 1880. 8-. Paris. Journal de medecine veterinaire theorique et pratique, publie par MM. Bracev-Clark [et al.]. May, 1830. 8 . Paris. Journal de medecine veterinaire et de zoo- leehnie. Redacteur: F. Peueh. 3. serie. v. 1- 12, 1876-87. 8 . Lyon. Magazin fiir die gesammte Thierheilkunde. Hrsg. von E. F. Guilt und C. H. Hertwig. v. 1- 10. 1835-74. 8°. Berlin. Mkdictna (La) veterinaria. Red.: E. F. Isa- smendi. v. 4-5, 1887. 8J. Madrid. Medico (II) veterinario. 1861-7; 1871-86. 8-. Torino. Mittheilungen aus der thierarztlichen Praxis im preussiseheu Staate. Von C. Miiller und F. Kololf. Neue Folge. v. 1-8, 1874-82. 8°. Mer- lin, 1876-83. Xohddeutsciie Thierarzte. Bericht iiber die am 18. und 19. Mai 1868 in Berlin abgchaltene Versaminlung . . . uud iiber die am 20. Mai statt- gefundeue Jubelfeier des Herrn . . . Guilt. Hrs»\ von den Yorstiiuden des Berliner, schlesischen und rheiuprenssist hen thierarztlichen Vereins. 8-. Berlin, 186*. Novosti veterinaruoe literaturi otchestvenuoi i iiiosti-iinnoi. v. 2-3,1885-6. 8-. St. Petersburg. <>esterrkiciiis< he Monatsschrift fiir Thier- heilkunde. Von A. Koch. v. 1-11, 1877-87 4° ''ien. Okstkrreichis( he Vierteljahrsschrift fiir wis- seuschaftliche Veteriniirkunde. Red.: Dr. Miil- ler und Dr. Roll. v. 19-64, 1863-85. 8°. Wien. Oestekreichische Zeitschrift fiir wissen- schaftliehe Veterinarkunde. Hrsg. von J. Bayer und St. Polansky. v. 1, 1887. 8-. Wien. Porvenir (El) de la veterinaria. Dirigido por E. F. Isasuiendi. v. 2-4, 1884-6. 8 . Madrid. Presse (La) veterinaire. Par J. Biot [et al ] v. 1-7, 1.8-81-7. 8-. Parti. medicine ( Veterinary, Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Quarterly (The) Journal of Veterinary .Sci- ence in India, and Army Medical Management. ByC. Steel [et al.]. v. 1-5,188-2-7. 8 . Madras. RECUEIL de medecine veterinaire. (Nouvelle bibliotheque medicale, 2. serie.) v. 1-8, 1824-31; 2. serie, v. 1-12, 1832-43; 3. serie, v. 1-10, 1844- 53; 4. serie, v. 1-10, 1854-63; 5. serie, v. 1-7, 9- 10, 1864-70, 1872-3; 6. serie, v. 1-10, 1874-83; 7. serie, v. 1-4, 1884-7. 8°. Paris. REcUEiLdememoires et observations sur l'hy- giene et la medecine veterinaires militaires. v. 1-19, 1847-71; 2. serie, v. 2-6, Nov., 1875, to Dec, 1879. 8-. Paris. Repertorium der Thierheilkunde nach homoo- pathisehen Grundsatzen [etc.] v. 1, 1836. 8°. Leipzig, L. Schumann. Rerertorium der Thierheilkunde. Von E. Heriug. v. 1-48, 1840-87. 8°. Stuttgart. Revue fiir Thierheilkunde und Thierzucht. Von A. Koch. v. 1-10, 1878-87. 8°. Wien. Rundschau auf dem Gebiete der Thiermedicin und vergleichenden Pathologie. Von G. Schnei- demiihl. v. 1-3, 1885-7. fol. Osterwick im Harz. Schwkizer-Archiv fur Thierheilkunde. Re- digirt von A. Guillebeau und E. Zschokke. v. 25-29, 1883-7. 8 . Ziirich. Schweizerisciies Archiv fiir Thierheilkunde und Thierzucht. Hrsg. von D. v. Niederhseusern [elal.]. v. 1-5, 1879-83. 8°. Bern. Studente (Lo) veterinario. Red.: E. Arden- ghi. v. 1-3, 1875-8. 4°. Parma. Thierarztliche Jahrbiicher. Von J. E. L. Falke. v. 1-4, 1878-81. 8°. Leipzig u. Jena. Thierarztliche Mittheilungen. Vou A. Lyd- tin. v. 11-22, 1870-87. 8°. Karlsruhe. Thierarztlicher Verein der Provinz Bran- denburg. Piericht iiber die fiinfte Versamin- lung . . . am 5. October 1872. 8 \ Berlin, 1872. Thierarztliches Wochenblatt. Vou G. Ni- clas. v. 1-8, 1819-51). 4°. Xeu-Ulm. Thierarzt (Der). Von W. Schumacher, v. 2, 1863; v. 15-26. 1876-87. 8°. Wetzlar. Thierfreund (Der). Von F. A. Ziirn. v. 1, 1879. 4-. Leipzig. Tidsskriet for Veterimerer, redigeret af H. Bagge og H. Krabbe. 2. Rtekke, v. 3-17, 1873- 87. 8C. Kjejibenhavn. Tijdschrift voor veeartsenijkunde en vee- teelt. Red.: J. J. Hinze [et al.]. v. 10-13,1879- 86. 8°. Amsterdam. Uciienija zapiski Kazanskago Veteriuarnago Instituta. v. 2-4, 1885-7. 8C. Kazan. United States (The) Veterinary Journal, v. 1-2, 1882-4. fol. Chicago. Veterinar-Kai.ender. Von A. Koch. v. 8- 9, 1885-6. 12r Leipzig u. Wien. Veterinaria (La). Red.: E. Ardenghi e G. Fogliata. v. 1-2, 1880-81. 8°. Parma. Veterinaria (La) espanola. Director: S. F. Gallego. v. 20-21, 1876-7; v. 28-30, 1884-7. fol. Madrid. VETERiNARiAN'(The); or monthly journal of veterinary science. Edited bv W. Dick, AV. F. Karkeek, W. Pereivall, W. Youatt, M. U. Le- blanc, Profs. Morton, Sinionds, Varnell, Tuson, and Brown, v. 1-60, 1S28-S7. 8°. London. Veterinarnii Vestnik, journal nauchuoi i prakticheskoi zoojatrii. Red. : E. M. Zemme- rom i P. A. Gordiev. v. 3-7, 1881-7. 8 . Chctr- kojf. Veterinarnoe dielo. Red.: A. I. Alexiev. v. 3-5, 1885-7. S°. St. Petersburg. Veterinary (The) Gazette. By C. A. Meyer [et al.]. v. 1-2, 1880-82. 8-. New York. MEDICINE. 45 MEDICINE. medicine ( Veterinary, Journals and transactions of societies relating to). Veterinary (The ) Journal aud Annals of Comparative Pathology. By G. Fleming, v. 1- 25, 1875-87. 8°. London. Veterinary (The) Record, [etc.] Edited by Professors Spooner, Simonds, and Morton, v. 1- 6, 1845-50. H'\ London. Vierteljah ksschrift fiir wisseuschaftliche Veteriuarkunde. Herausgegeben von den Mit- gliedern des Wienerkaiserlich-koniglichenThier- arznei-Institutes. Redaeteure : Prof. Dr. Miiller, Prof. Dr. Roll. v. 1-18, 1851-62. 8. Wien. Wochensch rift fiir Thierheilkunde und Yieh- zucht. Von Th. Adam. v. 20-31, 1876-87. 8. Augsburg. Zeitschrift fiir praktische Veterinair-Wissen- schaften. Redigirt vou H. Piitz. v. 4-5, 1876- 7. 8°. Hern it. Berlin. Zootecnico (II). Diretta dal Prof. A. de Sil- vestri. No. 1., v. 1, Jan. 7, 1875. 8°. Torino. Ableitiiri- (K.) Die thierarztlichen Vereine in Deutschhintl, ihr Entstehen, ihre Eutwicklnnj; und Ver- breituug, ihre Leistungen innerhalb ties letzteu halben Jahrhundertes; im Anszujre aus den deutschen Zeitschrif- ten von Kreuzer, Nicklas, Heriiijr, Adammitgetheilt. Oes- terr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wieo. 1880, liv, 71-131!. medicine and religion. See, also, Baptism; Bible (Medicine of the); Caesarean section post mortem; Chorea; Con- vulsions (ICpidemic); Ecstacy; Insanity (Re- ligious); Labor (Accelerated or forced in the dy- ing); Materialism; Medicine (Magical, etc.); Philosophy (Medical); Revivals; Sacred em- bryology; Sacrifices (Human); Superstition. Alberti (M.) *De medieiiue et doctriua* mo- ralis nexii. Respondens A. Ajtai. 4 . Halce Magdeb., [1714]. -----. Specimen medieina' theologicte, selec- tiora qua*dani themata ad scientiaiu et experi- entiaiu medicam praecipue pertinentia cum s. theologia taiiien pro])iusfirmiusqueconnexa mul- tis particularibus observationibus necnon casi- bus conscientia* illustrata coiniiiendans in medi- ciiue et theologiie usuin directum. Cum p rela- tione J. M. Langii. sm. 8°. Hala; Magdeb., 1726. Baither (J. G.) *De noxis neoterisnii in medi- eina, et t-onstituendo trihuuali medico-catholico. 4J. Tubingce, [1806]. Baldit (M.) Speculum sacro-medicum octo- gonuin, in quo medieina octo ex angulis, veluti totidein fontibus a primo et in primum salienti- bus, sacra repra*senfatur. Pnefixa appendice gemina, taniquaiu vita speculum tequilibraliter suspeiisura. 12°. Lugduni, 1666. Bowditcii (H. I.) Au apology for the medi- cal profession, as a means of developing the whole nature of man. A valedictory address . . . Harvard University, March 11, 1S63. With ad- ditional remarks on a topic of importance at the present hour. 8°. Boston, 1863. Brigiiam (A.) Remarks on the influence of mental cultivation and mental excitement upon health. 12°. Philadelphia, 1833. -----. The same. 3. ed.- 12°. Philadelphia, 1845. -----. Observations ou the influence of re- ligion upon the health and physical welfare of mankind. 8°. Boston, 1835. [Brodie ( Sir B. C. )] The healing art the right hand of the Church ; or praclieal medicine an essential element in the Christian system. By Therapeutes. 8°. Edinburgh, 187>9. Broesike (J. F.) *De religione medici. 4r Halve Magdeb., [1722]. Browne (Sir T.) Religio medici, cum aunota- tionibus. 16°. Argentorati, 1677. medicine and religion. -----. The same. With annotations never before published, upon all the obscure passages therein. Also observations by Sir Kenelm Di^by, now newly added. 8. ed. 18 . London, 1682. Cheverry. * De la meaecine morale. 4°. Paris, 1820. Combe ( G. ) Answer to the att tick on " The constitution of man", contained in "Nature and revelation harmonious", etc., by the Rev. C. J. Kennedy, Paisley. 8~. Edinburgh, 1848. See, also, infra. Connor (B.) Evangelium medici, sen medi- eina mystiea ; de suspeusis natune legibus, sive de iniraeulis; reliquisque iv tok: fiifi'Aiotc. memo- rat is, qine medica* indagini subjiei possunt. 12°. London, 1697. Coitkageot(A.) * Reflexions sur la me~decine morale, et les qualit6s physiques it morales du meuecin. 4°. Paris, 1832. Cowling (R. O.) The relations of medicine to modern unbelief. A valedictory address . . . commencement of the University of Louisville. 8°. Louisville, 1876. Crlger (J.) Epicrisis xii, curiosatheologico- medico-chimica, de menstrui obstructione. Et epicrisis xiii, curiosa inedieo-chimica, de ephialte infantum. 4°. [n. p.], 17\2. Dale (J. W.) Essay upon the question: "Is medical science favourable to scepticism?" 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. Debreyne (P.-J.-C.) Essai sur la theologie morale, consideree dans ses rapports avec la physiologic et la n*6deciue. Ouvrage speciale- ment destine" au clerg6. 2. ed. 8°. Parti, 1843. Declaration (The) of students of i he natural and physical sciences. [That it is impossible for the word of God, as written in the book of nature, and God's word written in the holy scripture, to contradict oue another.] 8C. London, [n. d.] Denkel. * Ueber die religiose Seite iu der Medizin. 8 . Mi'tnehen, 1844. Difexhach (J. P.) * Diss, medieo-forensis qua rationibus theologicis legalibus et medicis osteuditur firtum ex utero matris mortme ma- ture exscindendum esse et simul singularis ob- servatio de ruptura uteri iu partu exhibetur. sm. 4\ Altorfii, [1720]. Draper (J. W.) History of the conflict be- tween religion and science. 8°. New York, 1875. Drelixcurtics [Drelixcolrt] (C.) Oratio doetoralis Mouspessuhi, qua medicos, jugi Dei operum consideratione atque couteinplatione per- motos, cieteris homiuibus religioni astrictiores esse ileiiionstratur; atque adeo, impietatis crimen iu ipsos jaetatuni diluitur atque propulsatur. In his: Opusc. rued. 8°. Hagce Comitum, 1727, 57-75. Durfeld (E. A.) *Diss. inaug. coiiinientatio- nem theologieo medicam in Jur. Canonic, de- creti part. iii. de consecrat. distinct, v, c. xxi, contraria studiose sunt divime eognitioui pra*- ceptii mediciuie, a jejuuiis revoeant, lncubrare non sinunt, ab omui inteutione nieditationis ab- ducunt, itiique qui se medicis dederit, seipsum sibi abnegiit, exhibens. 4°. Hake Magdeb., [1739]. Feroas (R.) Etudes de physiologic theolo- gique. Aecouplement des sexes et nitiriage ; ac- couchement et embryologie selon les theologiens. 8'-'. Paris, 1880. Figatelli (G.) M^edico sacro ehe si piglia pensitno de gl' incurabili ; e pratica riinedij pre- servativi, curativi, e eomfortativi ; quanilo ap- punto 1' huoino, dovendo far passagio all' eternita dell' altra vita, 6 per eorso nalurale, 6 di niorte violenta per uiaiio della giustitia, [etc.] 18°. Venetia, 1677. MEDICINE. 46 MEDICINE. medicine and religion. (ioiiL (J. D.) Exarans epistolam gratulato- riam ad Gothofred. Mich. Cortum: in ea expeu- dit obiter lneresiu medicam in comparatione enni theologica. sm. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1724]. Hartwig (F. G.) Epistola, qua de usu scien- tial medica* in theologicis breviter disserit. 4°. Li price. [1763]. Hoffmann (F.) Opuscula theologico-physico- mediea, sen script a selectiora antea diversis tem- poribusedita, lftine revisa, correctaet aucta. 4°. Halce, 174(1. IIofmann (J. J. C.) *De verbi divini miuis- tro ad agrotorum lectulos commorante. 4°. Vifeberga; [1806]. Hope (M. B.) A discourse designed to show that physiological inquiries are not unfriendly to religious sentiment. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. Joit.in (J.-D.) Au feu les libres penseurs!!! 3. ed., contenant. outre les trois premiereslettres a Mgr. Dupanjoiip, deux nouvelles lettres a Mgr. de Bonnet-hose, suivies d'une lettre a son ami Giraud, par le docteur Flavins. 8°. Paris, 1868. Kaiiler (L. A.) Einiges iiber die Verwandt- schaft der Medizin und der Theologie. 4°. Kottbus, [1818]. Lettres intoressantes pour les nnSdecins de profession, utiles auxeeel^siastiques qui veulent s'appliquer a la medecine, et ettrieuses pour tout lecteur. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Avignon, 1759. Livres (Les) secrets des confesseurs, [etc.] 8°. Paris, [1881]. Mac uowan (D. J.) Claims of the missionary enterprise on the medical profession; an address delivered before the temperance society of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Uni- versity of the'State of New York, Oct. 28, 1842. 8 . Xew York, 1842. Meier (F. A.) * Ueber das Verhaltniss der Religion zur Heilkunst. 8°. Miiueheii, 1840. Mezler (V. X.) Leber den Einfluss der Heil- kunst auf die praktische Theologie. Ein liey- trag zur Pastoralmedizin. 2 v. 12 . Vim, 1806. Proft (W.) Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion considered with reference to natural theology. 8°. London, 1831. Rothe (J. A.) * De convenientia medieina' cum theologia practica. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [173-2]. Scorn {A. A.) Catechismo medico, ossia svi- luppo delle dottrine che couciliauo la religione colla medieina. 8°. Venezia, 1826. -----. The same. 8--. Boma, 1850. Sehizifs (M.) Dissertatio Trepi deiov, de di- vino, quod Hippocrates in morbis considerandum in prognostieorum suorum vestibulo praecepit. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1643. Sentido (El) cat61ico en las ciencias me"dicas. Revista medico practica. v. 1-9, 1879-87. 4° A; 8°. lUtree.lona, 1879-87. Si.ibraxdi (X. D.) * De necessitudine, qua- fuit apud veteres inter religionem et medicinam. 8". Amstelodami, 1841. Spinckes (X.) The sick man visited, and furnished with instructions, meditations, and prayers for putting him in mind of his change; for supporting him under his distemper, and for preparing him for, and carrying him through, his last conflict with death, ii. ed. 8" Iondon 1775. Stevens (W. B.) The religious teachings of medical science. A sermon. 8°. Philadelphia, Stonhoise (J.) Friendly advice to a patient; calculated more particularly for the use of the Sick belonging to the infirmaries, as well the out medicine and religion. patients as those within the house. 10. ed. 12'1. London, [1748]. -----. Spiritual directions for the uniin- structed; not less proper for the use of infirmary patients than for the uninstructed in all condi- tions. 10. ed. 12°. London, [n. d.] Thompson (L. P.) The study and practice of medicine not unfavorable to the cultivation of a religious character. A serinou. sJ. Buffalo, 1852. Weigand (J. E.) *De morbis ex concionibus prolixis et impetuosis metueudis. 4°. [Erfor- dice, 1778.] Windrif (E.-A.) * Essai sur 1'iiitliienee des moyens religieux en medecine. 4°. Paris, 1849. Zeitler (J. B. ) 'De nexu, qui est inter medicinam et religionem. 8T. Monachii, 18:54. Aelaml (H. W.) The influence of soeial aud sanitary conditions on religion. Med. Press & Lire., Lond.. 1874, xviii, ;'27-".{li!>. — Efi. (L.) Medieina e religione. Indipen- dente, Torino, 1875. xxvi, 241-246. — Bataillanl (P.) Sur la religion, hi morale et 1'art im point de vue antliro- pologiqiio. Bull. Soc. d'untiltoil, tie Par., 1867, 2. s., ii, 491- 570.— Bcuavciilc. La religion y la medieina. Siglo med., Mitdi-itl. 1856, iii, 257.— K« i-n-K in (M.) Betrach- tnngen iiber das Verhiiltniss tier Religion zur Medicin. Deutsche* Arch. f. Gescb. d. Metl. ti. metl. Geog., Leipz., 1881, iv, 107; 201; 297.— Kfi'tuliiM (Kj El ateismo del siglo xix en presencia de la historia, la fllosofia medica y la huiuanidad. Siglo med., Madrid. 1868, xv, 740; 777; 795. -----. De la th6ophobie scient ifique et medicale. lift-, de therap. ined.-chir.. Par., 1872, xxxix, 136-140.— C. y A. (•!.) Deontologia medica; nceesidatl tjue tiene el int'-tiie.i tie set- catolico. Sentido catbl., Barcel.. 1879, i, 66; Kit; 169— Combe (C.) [Review of J Nature and revela- tion harmonious; a defence of scripture truths assailed in Mr. George Combe's work on the Constitution of man, etc. By J. C. Kennedy, Paisley. Published under the sanction of the Scottish Association for Opposing Preva- lent Errors. Edinburgh. W. Oliphaut A Sons, 1816, 32mo, pp. 147. Phrenol. J., Edinb., 1847, xx. 425-4115. [See, also, supra.]—i 111011 (T.) The influence of medical studies upon religious belief. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1875-6, xv, 54-59.—Fa brc (A.) De la philosophic cine- tienne et de son intervention en nietlecine. Marseille med., 1872, ix, 506; 553 — Friiiikel (H.) Die Metli/.in und die Religion. Med. Aim. I Serb. 1839, 50-79.—Uln* (O.) Tal ballet vid Lpsala. Lakai eforeiiings hbgtitlstlag den 17. September 1875. [Oration delivered at a festival of the Upsala Medical Association.] Upsala Lakaref. Fork., 1875-6. xi, 1-61.—Ilirsch (A.) rebel- tb-n Zusaui- menhang der wissenschaftlieheii und religibsen Naturan- sehauuug. Aintl. Ber. ii. d. Versainml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1860, Kiinigsb., 1861, xxxv, 28-32.—Hitchcock (A.) Organic and parallel relation of some of the truths and errors of Christianity and medical science. 1869. Metl. Coiiimunicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost,, 1866-74, xi, 93-127 — ■ iClouriicau. De la religiosity etdes religions an point tie vne anthropologitiuc. Bull. Soc. d'anthiop. tie Par., 1865, vi, 581-604— I, i< hl< ii*l;i«ll. Ueber theologische Ansichten in der Natur- uinl lleilknnde. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1827, 1-8— iVIm-lin <|<> ITIoumn). La re- ligiosite est-elle un des carat-feres speciaux tin genre huniain? Bull. Soc. d'anthiop. de Par., 1866, 2. s.. i, 105- 121. — ITIartinoz ( M.) Disourso pbisico sobre si bis vivoras tleban reputarse por carue, b pescado, en el sentido en que nuestra luadre la Iglesia nos vetla las carnes en dias de abstinencia. Repuesta a una eonsulta, que hici- cron los RR. Padres Carttijanos, para en vista tie la reso- lucion poder usar las vivoras k lo mentis como mctlica- niento, lo qual en caso de reputarse por came, les seria vedado, segun su laudable costnmlne. In his: Xoehes anatomicas. 4°, Madrid. 1750, 205-222.—Wl«>»lre v Jlar- zal (C.) El ateismo v los medicos. Siglo med..'Madrid, 1860, vii, 333; 366; 782.— H« yn. Die Feier des Abend niahls, beurtheilt aus staatsarziieiliehem Gesichtspunkte. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1825, ix, 331-361.— .Tloore (T. V.) Religion and medicine. Maryland & Virg. M. J. Richmond, 1860, xiv, 89 99. — O'Dra (J. J.) The tlevelopment of religious ideas. J. Psvch. M., N. Y., 1872, vi, 76-101. Also, Reprint— l»:ili.i«i: (15. M.) The pious physician, or thcclaims of religion upon the medical profession; a discourse delivered upon the occa- sion of the death of the late John M. W. Pit-ton, Dec. 26, 1858, in Xew Orleans. N. Oil. M. News dc Hosp. Gaz., 1858-9, v, 737-750.—l»ol It (\V. M.) Religion aud medi- cine. X. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 421-424— Kccupito (F.) L' igiene sociale e la religione. Kjv. ital. di terap. ed ig., MEDICINE. 47 MEDIO INE-CHESTS. medicine and religion. Piacenza, 1887, vii, 90-93.—[ltevicw of] The work and the counter work; or the religious revival in Belfast. With an explanation of the physical phenomena. By Edward A. Stop ford. 6. ed. Dublin. Hodges, Smith &. "Co.. 1859. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1859-60, vi, 167-178. — Kilt man n. Die Fachmedi/.in der Alexandriner und die religiose Heil- kunst tier Lt'imer. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867, xii, 223.— Rougirr. 1 ).s dangers de la science moderne, positive ou del'atheisine. Marseille med., 1872. ix, 653-663.— Scotti(A. A.) Catecismo medico 6 armonias eutre la medieina y la religion. Sentido catob,Barcel, 1884, vi,637; 653; (is5; 701; 717; 733: 1885. vii, 17; 33; 146; 161; 177; 193; 225. — Sliattleworlh (J. K.) The moral aspect of the medical art Med. limes . Martin (K.) Tal om de griinsor, som natur- lig liillig het synes hafva utstakat iniellan mede- cine ocli chirurgie. 8.-'. Stockholm, 1757. Mendez Ai.\ aro (F.) Defensa de la clase mddica contra las pretensiones de cirujanos y ]iraeticiiiites; examen critico de hi proposieion de ley que los seiiores diputados"Herrer;i y Ortiz de Zarate lian presentado til Congreso, enipefiados en realizar la pre\ aricada mctainorfosis de los cirujanos en medicos, y de los niinistrantesy prac- ticautes en lo misnio. h . Madrid, 186)6. Peitilner (F. E.) * Feber die Vereinigung der Medicin und Chirurgie. 8-. Prag, lHl'.t. Question de ni(*decine ou il s'agit de savoir si /e me"decin est plus certain que le cbirurgien. 12 \ [Parti], 1739. Text iu Latin and French. Resposta a carta, da despedida que fez a me- dieina, quando se ausentou deste reino de Portu- gal, queixando-se diis affrontas, e caluinnias, que reeeliera dos Portuguezes, dando preferencia iios cirurgioes no curativo das suas ent'erniidades. Acceita-se-llie ;i desiiedide, fazendo-se, ver que a tal auseneia nilo sera sensivel, pois a cirurgia p6do muito beni supprir a s a falta. 8°. Lis- boa, 1781. Medicine and surgery (Relations of). Roschlaub (A.) Ueber Medizin, ihr Veihalt- niss zur Chirurgie, nebst Materialien zu einem Entwurfe der Polizei der Mediziu. 8°. Frankf. a. M., 1802. Schweizer (G. G.) * De medieina* et chirur- gia* perpetuo nexu. 4 . Halce Magdeb., [1705], da Silva Pereira (M. M.) Dissertaeao sicerca (hi indissoluvel connexiio, que existe entre a ci- rurgia e a medieina, apresentifda e defendida na Escola medico-cirurgica do P(rt-to. 8°. Porto, \817). vox Walther (P. F.) Ueber das Verliiiltniss tier Medicin zur Cliirurgie und die Duplicitiit im iirztlichen Stande; eine historiscue Untersu- chung mit dem Endresultat fiir die betreffeude Staatseinrichtung. 8 \ Carlsruhe u. Freiburg, 1841. Riri'inann. Die Granzen tier Medicin und Chirur- gie. Ein nietlicinal-polizeilicher Yersuch zur Feststellung des praktischen Verhaltnisses zwisehin beideu Discipli- nen. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1834, xxvii. 1-10.— Oarcmberg (C.) Lett re. a. M. le Tocteur-Salvatore de Reuzi stir un passage de Celse relatif a, la division de la medecine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1852, '3: s.. vii, 169-177. Also, Reprint. — Fiwrln'r (A. F.) Lasst sich von der zur Norm gewordeuen gleichmassigen Ausiibung der innern und aussern Heilkunde ein wahrhafter Gewirtn fiir das so erfonlei-liche Fortbilden der ■wissenschaftlieheii Medicin ei warten .' TVchuschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., liert, 1839, 17-29.— Frank (J. P.) De chiringo medicis auxiiiis iudigente. In his: Delect, opusc. metl., 8°, Ticini, 1787. iv, 304-327. Also, in his: Opusc. med., 8°, Lipsia*, 1790, 136-153.—(Jr, Ueber die Vereiuignng der Chirurgie. mit der Medizin Allg. med. Ann , Altenb., 1809. 839; 951 : 1039. —lloa.«*«-l (J.) Wo ist die Grenze zwiscben Medicin und Chirurgie, oder welches sind inneiv, welches sind anssei e Krankhei- ten? Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1859.viii, 29-32.— Mayor (M.) Des caracteres difl'croiitiels de la medecine et tie la chirurgie, et tie la necessite tie les tracer nettement. -I. (1. conn. metl.-chir., Par., 1842-3, x, pt. 1, 144; 221. — IVa- licre Bestimmung der Sphiiren der Medizin und tier Chi- rurgie, zufolge der "Walther'schen Scluift: Die Chirurgie in ihrer Trennung von it t Medizin. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1808, 159-176. — IN'iililrkc (G. J. F) Ueber die Moglichkeit und Nothwendigkeit. tlie Medicin und Chi- rurgie in ihrer Erlernung uud Ausiibung zu verbinden; in einem Sendschreiben an einen die Heilkunde studie- rentlen Freund. J. d. prakt. Heilk., Beil, 1811, xxxii, 2. St., 87-114. Medicine-chest*. See, also, Medicine (Naval). Carpenter (G. \V.) Carpenter's family med- icine chest dispensatory, containing a select cat- alogue of drugs, chemicals, and family medicines, with the properties and doses of each article most approved of in domestic medicine; to which is appended a concise description of diseases, with directions for the treatment of such as are unattended with serious consequences; showing also, the best immediate measures to be adopted in those disorders and accidents which are de- structive to life when the physician is not at hand, or until his assistance can be procured. 8 '. Philadelphia, 1837). Catalogue des remedes dont on pent s'ap- provisionner pour avoir une cassette de pharma- cie bien fouruie. L'on y a joint quelques re- medes particuliers coiinus coninie specitiques, et quelques compositions (le pur agreement. Chaque partieulier pent reduire sa petite cassette a ce qui est absoluiuent neeessaire dans une nniison de campagne, pour une laniille et un domes- tique plus ou moius considerable. 1*2 -. Paris, 1765. Companion (A) to the medicine chest, or plain directions for the employment of various medi- cines and utensils contained iu it, and for the treatment of diseases. By a medical practi- tioner. 12°. London, 1802. Directions for the medicine chest. s°. North Shields, 1197). Directions, etc. [for medicine chests]. 12°, [n.p., n. d.] MKD1C IN K-CHESTS. 4, [1696]. Boekiia.vve (H.) Tractatus de viribus medi- caineutoruni. Accesseruut epistolaj dua>. 12. Parisi is, 1123. -----. The same. Ed. now Recensuit Bene- dictus Boudon. 12°. Parisiis, 1740. -----. The same. Trait6 de la vertu des nie"dicameus. Trad, par M. de Vaux. 12°. Pa- ris, 1129. ------. The same. De viribus medicamento- ruin ; or, a treatise of the virtue and energy of medicines. 12c. London, 1720. ------. The same. A treatise on the powers of medicines. Transl. by John Martin. 8 . London, 1740. Boiin (J.) &. Philippi (J. A.) *Diss. med. de inedicanientorum chymicorum et galenieorum prtepollentia dubia. sm. 4-. Lipsiee, [1706]. BrsiiNAN (J. S.) Ou the classification, ad- ministration, modus operandi, and combination of medicines. 8°. London, 1834. Icdicines. Gaels (T. P.) *De viribus medicamontoruni. In: LOU VAIN Diss. 8°. Loveinii. 1795, i, 9-23. Camper (P.) De remediorum specialiuin re- quisitis, genniua historia, actione, et optima ad- niinistrandi methodo ; uecnon de morbis quorum spoeiales curationes desiderautur. In his: Diss, decern. S°. Linc/ee, 1800, ii, 1-126. Capua [or Di Capua] (E.) Rngionainenfci in- torno alia iuceitezza de' niedicainenti. 4 . A'a- poli, 1689. Crausils (R. W.) [Pr.] coiiiinendans stu- diuni inquirendi facilitates niedieanientoruin, luodmnque eoruin agendi. sm. 4°. Jane, 17(12. DETHARDING (G.) Seintatio physico-medica de operationibus medicainentoruin reticieiitiuin et adjuvantiuin, noniinatim eordialium, anodi- noruin,speeilieoriiin, [etc.] l.esp. Sam. Ernesto Criigner. sm. 4°. Hafnice, [1737)]. Fagileus (J. T.) Medicanienta graveolentia, sin. 4°. Vpsaliee, 177)8. Eock(H. C. A. L.) *De qiuestione, numphar- inaca ante absorptioneni etli-etus speciticos pra*- stare possint. 8°. Traj. ad Rlicnum, \K\7). (Iioddy (J. C.) * Experimental essay on the absorption of medicines. 8°. Philadelphia, lH).->. Geokgi (E.) * De medieainentis inspissanti- bus eoriunque modo operandi. 4°. Halce Mag- deb., [1747)]. Gerard (.1.) * Contribution ;\ l'etude de la duree de reliiuination des inddicainents. 4°. Parti,1880. Cokky (C. F.) De eognoseenda corporis hu- niani natura ex elfectu remediorum, oder: ^'ie man die Naturen derer Menschen, aus der Wir- ckung derer Artzney-Mittel erkenuen kouue ? 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1732. Headland (F. W.) An essay on the action of medicines in the system; or, "on the mode in which therapeutic agents introduced into the stomach produce their peculiar effects on the animal economy". 8°. London, 187)2. -----. The same. 8 . Philadelphia, 187)3. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8L. Philadelphia, 1859. -----. The same. From the 4. Lond. ed. 8 -. Philadelphia, 1868. Hengstmann (J.-B.) Dissertation surl'inuti- lite" des meilieaniens etrangers. In .- Chirac (P.) & Silva (J.-I5.) Dissertations et con- sultations medicinales. 12°. Paris, 1744, i, C1-15H. Henry (T.) Experiments aud observations ou the following subjects: 1. On the prepara- tion, calcination, and medicinal uses of magne- sia alba. 2. On the solvent qualities of calcined magnesia. 3. On the variety in the solvent powers of quicklime, when used in different quantities. 4. On various absorbents, as pro- moting or retarding putrefaction. 5. On the comparative antiseptic powers of vegetable in- fusions prepared with lime, etc. 6. 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Halce, Magdeb., [1746]. de Kock (Y.) juu. * Depotiori bus vires medi- camentoruin indagandi subsidiis rationalibus, deque vindicaudo vero analogia* botauica' iu hac re usu. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenuni, [1806]. Kohnaciier (J. C.) * De modo agendi medi- cainentorum iu corpore A'ivo animali. 4°. Al- torfii, [1798]. Kottmann (A.) Die Arzneiniittel. 8°. Ba- sel, 1884. Kraniciifeld (F. G. G.) A Hildebrand (C. A.) Dissertatio medica de dignitate medica- minibus noiiuullis restituenda. 4 . Berolini, 1827. Klhne ( F. O. E. ) * De causis salutareni medicameutorum effectum impedientibus. 4°. Halm Magdeb., [1763]. Langewagen ( N.) * De medicamentorum operationibus iu genere. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1691. Langitii (J. H. G.) *De inexspectato me- dicainentoruui effectu. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1739]. Lavater (J.) " De a-quivalentibus qiue sur- rogata vulgo dicuntur. 4°. Gottingce, [1811]. Layeran A Millon. Miuiioire sur le passage de quelques medicaments dans l'econouiie ani- uiale et sur les modifications qu'ils y subissent. 8°. [n. p., u. d.] Iiepr. from,: Rev. scient. et industr., Par. Also [Abstr.], in: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1844, xix, 347-350. Leiimann (J. G.) * De minus generosis ge- nerosorum mediciinientorum effectibus. sm. 4°. Vitembergce, [1745]. Eheritier (S.-D.) Considerations sur quel- ques-unes des causes qui peuveut faire varier Paction des medicamens. 4°. Paris, 1834. Linekogel (S. F.) * De niedicainentoruni efficientia generatim determinanda. 4J. Got- tingce, [1736]. Lystiienhs (G. P. A.) *Principia ad modum operandi meilicamentoruni iutelligendum. 4°. Halo; Magdeb., [1756]. Lystiienhs (J. A.) *De medicaiuenforum modo operandi in corpore vivo specimen tertium. 4^. Halw Magdeb., [1720]. Marcellls [ " Empiricus"']. De medicamentis. In: Meuici antiqui omnes qui latiuis [etc.] 4°. Vene- His, 1547, 83-141. ------. The same. In: Medici artis principes. fol. 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Do they produce their effects by their action on the blood as taught by all modern physiologists, or do they produce their effects by their action on the organic nervous system through the agency of the bloodi? The latter question considered and affirmatively answered. 8°. New York, 1863. Ott(I.) The action of medicines. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1878. Percival (T.) A physical inquiry into the powers and operation of medicines. 8°. Man- chester, 1786. Quellmaltz (C. S.) *De medicamentorum delectu. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1694]. Quistorp (J. B.) *Scrutinium operationis niedicainentoruni evacuantium, nomiuatim vonii- toriorum, purgantium, enematum, suppositorio- rum, diaphoreticorum, diureticorum, errhinorum, apophlegmatisantium, salivantiuni, emmenago- gorum, vesicatoriorum, aphrodisiacorum. sin. 4°. Bostochii, [1713]. Richter (J. G.) De medicanientorum modo operandi in corpore vivo. 4°. Halce, [1719]. Ridiger (A.) *De veritate virtutis medica- mentorum. In: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. 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[\7>9], Schaei ier (J. G.) * De causis cur alimeuta et liiedjeamenta aliuni sa'pe effectum edant in hoinini'lius stinis tpiam in segrotis. sm. 4°. Al- torfii Noricornm, [1745]. Sciialtenbrani) (J. F.) * Cogitationes 11011- nulhe eireaeftieaciani liiedicanientoruni physieam, vitalem et niedieam, euni propositionilms quibus- dain eheniicis. 4°. Erlangce. 1184. Sohectixek (J.) * De etticientia medicanii- nuin in corpore humano aegrotaute. 8\ Pas- sarice, 1819. 8(-iioepff (J. D.) " De medicamentoruin um- tatione in corpore humano pnecipue a fluidis. 4 . Erlangce, [1776], Seyler (D. C) * De pra*stantia niedicainen- toruni siinpliciuni et Galenicorum pra* ehymicis. sm. 4°. Erfordice, [1113]. Soi/qiks (A.-L.) * Propositions sur Taction et les en'ets des medicamens. 4°. Paris, 1821. SntoiiL (E.) *De l'aetion synipathiqne ties medicaments. 4 . Strasbourg, 1*38. Strive (C. G. V.) *De niedicainentoruni etfect.uuin siinilitudine ot a'qualitate. 4 . Jctce, [117)2]. 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M., • 1711. Van Dyke (R.) Introductory lecture . . . Philadelphia College of Medicine. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1848. Veielii s (S. • * De niedieamentorum proprie- tatibus. 4 . Lipsiee, [1692]. Yenel (G. E.) * De medicamentis conipositis pra*lectiones. 4°. Monspelii, 1761. Wahlin (A.) *Odores ineilicanientorum. In.- Linn.-kcs. Amtenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Luqd Bat., 1756, iii, 183-201. Walmsley (T.) *Au essay on glandular ap- lietencv, or Hie absorption of medicines. Philadelphia, 1-03. Wedkuis ((;. XV.) De niedicanieutoruiu facul- tatiliiis eoiiiiosci-ndis et applicandis libri duo. •<>. ed. 4 ~. ./. na; 16J6. Wendleu (C.J * De pra-sentissiniaruui medi- camentis viiiuui. s:n. 4°. Vitembergce, [1744]. "Willi-; (J. JI ) De modo agendi niedieamen- torum in genere. 4°. Jence, [1744]. Willis (T.) Pliarinaceuticeratioualissivedia- triba de medii-aniontoruin (ipern.tionibus in Im- ^Icdicinc*. mauo corpore. Pt. I. 24J. lt!74. ------. The same. [2 pts. in 1 v.] 4 nice], 16>74- Haga- Comitis, [ O.ro- The same. 4-'. Lugduni, 16*1. -----. The same. 4°. Geneva-, 16!) I. -----. The same. Pharinaceutice rationalis ; or, an exercifatioii of the operations of medicines iu humane bodies,'shewing the signs, causes, and cures of most distempers incident thereunto, in two parts. As also a treatise of the scurvy, and the several sorts thereof, with their symptoms, causes, and cure. fol. London, 1619. Wi'itrz (G. C.) * De aninitatibus virtutum nie- dieataruni. 4J. Argentorati, [1777]. Yema, Sinkei. Yakubutsu KoyoRon. [On the action of medicines.] 5 v. 12°. Tokio, 1**3. Japanese text. Zenhs (L.) *Aphorisinorum dc viribus niedi- caniinnin prolegomena, sm. 4G. L'psalite, (1793], Abraham (J.) Short notes on drugs aud pharma- ceutical preparations of recent introduction. Liverpool M. &. S. Rep., 1871, v, 115-119— A nglaila (C.) Des rap- ports dela chimie avec Taction ties medicaments. J. Soc. de med. prat, de Montpel., 1842, v, 421-444.—Bambarcn (C.) Penetracion de los medicamentos eu el orgaiiUnei. Gac. med., Lima, 1875, i, 197 ; 205 ; 213 ; 221 ; 229 : 253: 2fil ; 269.—ItarncM (.1.) Remarks on certain objects of the ma- teria medica, in ieplytoa paper on the same subject, by Professor Coxe. Am! M. Recorder. Phila., 1S22, v, 100-108.— It a iii-11 (R. F.) Notesof lectures on the modus operandi of medicines, with letter from the author. Missouri M. & S. J., St. Louis, 1815, i, 33 ; 56.—Beck (J. P.) On the mo- dus operandi of medicines. Am. J. AL Sc., Phila , 1844, n. s., vii, 27-43—Blake (1.) On the action of medicines St. LouisM. & S. J., 1847-8, v, 209; 313.— Borilier (A.) Dc 1 elimination des m6dicaments. Bull. gen. detherap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 49-60.— Ititnvici-. Quelques mots de repouso a un point du travail de M. Haelew,\e.k intitule: De l'aetion locale des medicaments. Arch. liel .soleinne de recibir la investidura de,doctor en la Facultatl de niedicina y eiru- gia. Pabellon med., Madrid, 1874, xiv, 500; 547 ;' 559.— dimming (C. F. G.) Strange medicines. Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 1887, xxi, 901-918.—Bavin ( NT. S.) What are medicines; what the distinctions bet wien food and medicines; their classification for therap- utic purposes: aetiology. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1875, xvi, 117-12(1,—Bay (J.) An attempt to explain the curative action of certain remedies in general use. Austral. Bract., Sydnt-v, 1877-8, i, 223-229. — Bi-bioiuic (J.) De l'histoircdu medicament. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1884, ii (suppl), 1-8.— Demarquay. Kecherches sur l'absoi ption des medica- ments fait.es sur l'hotutne sain. Union med.. Par., 1867, 3. s , i, 19; 35; 54. Aho.transl.: South. J. M. Sc, X.Orl.,1867, ii. 225-242.—Drake (D.) Obsci vatit.ns on the modus ope- randi ami effects of medicines. West. M. &. Phys. J.. Cm ein., 1827-8, i, 219-362.—Eve (J. A.) Essay on'the modus operandi of medicines. South. M. ,V S..L, Augusta, 1836-7, i, 449-457.—Falc-lt ( F. A.) Ueber den Eiuflitss ties Alters auf die Wirkun^ tier Arzneiniittel. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1884, xxxiv, 525-529. — Foii>*:«j;i-iv<-«. Medica- ment. (Bibliographic.) Diet, encycl. tl. sc med., Par.. 1873, 2. s., vi, 240-316.—(i. (X ) Stir quelques proprietes physiologiques et therapt utitpies tin butyl-chloral; sur le Gelseniinum sempervirens; sur la presence de la dextrine dans Purine, et sur line modification a apporter au proet'tle de dosage de la glucose, par la liqueur tit; l-'ehling. Union med., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 977-981. —(Jawloii (J. Ml'.) Tbe unknown factor in the et]nation of the nervous sys- tem ; the action of medicine on the cure of diseases Med. .V Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, 1, 359; 385; 417. — Ui-rrii (W. S.) Modus operandi of medicines. West. Si South. M. Recorder, Lexington, Ky., 1811-2, i, 259-264, I pi.— ilaelcwyek, Id6es gene rales sur faction locale des MEDICINES. 51 MEDICINES. Medicines. agents therapeutiques. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1862, xxix, 273; 292; 401; 433— Hahnemann (S.) Ver- such iiber ein neues Prinzip zur Auffindung der Heiikrafte der Arzneisubstanzen, nebst einii;cn Blicken auf die bisbe- rigen. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Jena, 1796, ii, 3. St., 391; 4. St., 465— Ilanfi. Ktwas iiber die Wirkuug uud Gabe der Ar/.iieistotl'e. Med. Uor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1834, iii, 195-198.—Mocker (J. F. C.) Allgemeine Lehrsatze iiber die inneren Wirkungen der Arzneiniittel. J. d. Chir. u. Augenb., Berl, 1823,'v, 373- 390— HeiiKi-liel (A. AV.) Kritische Bemerkungen iiber tlie ueueren Theorien die Kraft, tier Arzneimittel betref- I'enil. Ala-, f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1828, xxvii, 340-374.— Hill (\Y. N.) Medical economics from the standpoint of the gent rtil practitioner. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xii, 154-156.—Ilirlz. Medicament; medication. N.dict. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1876, xxii, 10-33.—■■■man (T.) The duration of tbe influence of medicines, etc. Liv- erpool & Manchester M. .t S. Rep., 1875, iii, 190-198.— Johnstone (J.) A lecture on the accumulative action of medicines, with some remarks on slow poison. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1847, 561-565—Jones (H. B.) Ap- pendix to a course of lectures on the relationship of chemi- c il anil mechanical diseases, being a sketch of the action of medicines. Med. Times A: (Jaz., Lend., 1866, ii, 245; 333.—Keidel (G.) On the action of medicine. Bait. J. M., 1861, i, 233-202. — I.auotlt (T.) On observing and judging as to tbe effects of remedies. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, i. 365-368. — iTIaililox (C. C.) A thesis on the action of remedies. Atlanta M. ..V S. J., 1880-81. xviii, 1-6.—IVelson (D.) On the action of medicines singlv or combined. Assoc. M. J.. Loud., 1863. i, 617-619— \ol. Lugd. Bat., 1751. Paris (J. A.) Pharmacologia; comprehend- ing the art of prescribing upon fixed aud scien- tific principles; together with the history of medicinal substances. 5. ed. 2 v. 8°. London, 1822. -----. The same. Pharmacologia; or the history of medicinal substances, with a view to establish the art of prescribing [etc.] From the last Lond. ed., with a general English index. 8°. New York, 1822. -----. The same. Pharmacologia ; compre- hending the art of prescribing upon fixed and scientific principles, [etc.] 2. Am. from the 5. [enlarged] Lond. ed., with additions and illus- trations of the materia medica of the United States, by Ansel W. Ives. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1*23-4. -----. The same. 3. Am. from the 6. Lond. ed. 8°. New York, 1825. -----. The same. 3. Am. from the 6. Lond. ed., embracing a history of the most important medicinal substances of the United States, by Ansel \V. Ives. 2 v. 8. New Fork, 1*25. -----. The same. Pharmacologia ; being tin extended inquiry into the operations of medici- nal bodies, upou which are founded the theory MEDICINES. 53 MEDICINES. Medicines (Administration and doses of). and art of prescribing. From the 9. Lond. ed., rewritten iii order to incorporate the latest dis- coveries in physiology, chemistry, and materia medica, with notes by Charles A. Lee. 8°. New York, 1846. ------. Appendix to the eighth edition of the Pharmacologia; with some remarks on various criticisms upon the Loudou Pharmacopoeia of 1836. 8°. London, 1838. Paui.i.ini ( C. F. ) Simplex medieina (ali- quando) optima. In his: Obs. med.-phys. 12°. Lipsiee, 1706, 229-241. Pelletan De Kinkelin (J.) * Essai sur les differeiites voies d'iutroduction des medicamens dans I'oconomie animale. 4°. Paris, 1831. Phoebus (P.) Zur Vereinfachung der Arznei- Verordnungen. ,* -'-. Giessen, 1856. Pichlei; (J. F. C.) Methodus formulas medi- eas eonscribeudi in ii sum prtelectionum academi- carum. 12°. Argeiitorati, 1785. Plohn (L.) * De arte formulas eoncinnandi. 8°. Pesthiui, 1833. Ke( epteerkunde voor genees- en heelkundi- gen, naar het tegenwoordige standpunt der schei- eu geneeskunde, en hoofdzakelijk met inachtueming van eenvoudigheid en goedkoopte der voorsehriften, kritiseh bewerkt door een hoogleeraar en prakt. geneesheer. Naar het Hoogduitseh. sm. 4°. Amersfoort, 1846. Rondeletius (C.) De materia mediciuali et cornpositione niedicainentoruni luculentus et brevis methodus. In: Illustuium in re medica [etc.] 12°. Patavii, 1556, 40-102. ------. De pouderibus, sive de justa quanti- tate, et proportione medicanientorum. In: Dosibus (De) seu de justa quantitate [etc.] 12°. Yenetiis, 1579, 124-188. Rudberg(J.) * Diss, sistens saporem medi- camentorum. sm. 4°. Holmice, [1751]. Also, in: Linn.eus. Amcenitates aead. [etc.] 2. ed. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1764, ii, 335-355. Ruiz (P. A.) Tarifa farmaeentica arreglada al sistema metrico decimal. 8°. Madrid, 1872. Rulandus(M.) Appendix de dosibus, seu justa quantitate ac proportione medicamento- rum compositorum omnium, quae hodie officinis parata extant. 18°. Argeiitorati, 1567. Saucerotte (A.-A.-F.j * Considerations pra- tiques sur la posologie. 4°. Paris, 1852. Schaebf.l (F.) Vejleduing i Recept-Laesning. Med. tillhOrende Glossarium. Udarbejdet till Brtig for Farmacevter og Apoteks-Discii'le. 8°. Kjtjibenharn, 1884. Schauer (J.) * De vehiculis medicamento- rum adpropriatis. 4°. Erfordice, 1721. Scheffel (C. S.) [Pr. ] de methodo quorun- dam medieoium tentativa disserit. 4°. Gry- phtiwald'w, [1747]. Schomax (X.) Lehrbuch der Receptirkunst fiir Aerzte, als Leitfaden zu academischen Vor- lesungen undzumSelbststudium. 8°. Jena, 1854. Stewart (M.), jr. Pocket therapeutics and dose book, with classification and explanation of the action of medicines, [etc.] 18°. Detroit, Mich., 1878. -----. The same. 2. ed. 24°. Detroit, 1878. Strumlf (F. L.) Die Normalgaben der Arz- neien nach dem Unzen- und Grammengewicht, zugleich als Repetitoriuni der Arzneimittellehre. 81. J^eipzig it. Heidelberg, 1862. Thomas de Garbo. Tractatus de reductione medieinarum ad actum. In: Dosibus (De) seu de justa quantitate [etc.] 12°. Venetiis, 1579, 78-90. ------. Tractatus de gradibus medieinarum. In: Dosibus (De) seu de justa quantitate [etc.] 12°. Venetiis, 1579, 91-101. Medicines (Administration and doses of). Trousseau & Re veil. The piescri bet's com- plete handbook, comprising the principles of the art of prescribing. A materia medica . . . and a concise sketch of toxicology. Edited, with notes, by J. Birkbeck Nevins. 8°. London, 1852. Vara (F.) *De variis viis ad excipieuda me- dieamenta. 8°. Monachii, 1835. _ Victorius (B.) Faveiitinu8. De dosibus medi- einarum. In: Illustrium in re medica. 12°. Patavii, 1556, 21. Also, in: Dosibus (De) seu de justa quantitate [etc.] 12°. Yenetiis, 1579, 18-22. Wythe (J. H.) The physician's dose and symptom book, containing the doses and uses of all the principal articles of the materia me- dica and official preparations, arranged in alpha- betical order. Also, table of weights and meas- ures, rules to proportion the doses of medicine, common abbreviations used in writing prescrip- tions, alphabetical list of materia medica, prep- arations and modes of administration, list of incompatibles, hints on prescription-writing, table of poisons and antidotes, hints ou treat- ment, table of symptoms. 17. ed. 18°. Phila- delphia, 1887. Zabitsanos (G. N.) IiwrayoXoyta i/rai Tcepl rfjc Kar' EntcrTJ)/Li7]v avaypaepfjr teal itcTe^caeuc; toiv ovvra- yeJv. 8°. AdrjVTjat, 1*79. | Action terapeutica especial de algunos medicamentos administrados a ddsis elevadas.] Siglo med., Madrid, 1873, xx, 204; 2:i(i; 251 ; 269; 283; 299; 313; 331; 365; 382; 746; 763; 777; 794; 810.—Act (An) to require physicians and others to write the names of medicines in the English language on their recipes; introduced before the Pennsylvania legis- lature. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., L81, xliv, 25o.— Arton (W.) On best means of disguising the taste of nauseous medicines. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1846, v, 502- 505. A Iso, Reprint.—Allen (R.N.) A table for the regu- lation of doses. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait., 1829, i, 399.— Anstcc (F. E.) On the dosesof remedies recommended in the pharmacopoeia. Practitioner, Loud., 1873, xi, 259- 262.— Armstrong (J. A.) Medical latin. Med. Pec, N. Y., 1882. xxii, 566-568: 1883, xxiii, 138. [See. also, infrit. Rice (C.)]—Aiifllioui (V.) Quelques observations stir 1'art de formuler. Therap.contemp.,Par., 1881,i.561 -563.—Before or after meals? [Talcing medicine ] Med. News, Phila., 1883. xliii, 11—Black (J. R.) The comparative value of large anil small doses, and long and short intervals, in the administration of medicines. Ibid., 1882, xii, 142-141.— ISoiixm'iii- (J. P.) The simplification of the present method of prescribing. Clinic, Cincin., 1872, iii, 122.— Bouilkon. Moyen pratique de preserver du gofit des substances ameres. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1870, lxxix, 80-82.—Bree (C. R.) On the doses of active medi- cines. Med. Times & Gaz , Lond.. 18(56, i, 264. -----. The doses of medicines. Ibid., 379.— ISiiuii (E. T.) Thera- peutic dosage in connection with the use of certain medi- cines as alteratives. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 745 -749. Also: Ptoc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1881-2, Phila., 1882, iv. 196- 201.—Burton (H ) On the use of different forms of the same medicine in equivalent doses. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841-2, u. s., xxix, 40-44.—CercMoli (F.) Nuovo epiii opportuno veicolo perl' applicazione esterna di talune sostanze me- dicamento.se. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1879, xxii, 199. — Chapman (W. B.) On tbe uncertainty of the composition of pharmaceutical preparations, aud the most eligible form of medicines for administration. Tr. OhioM. Soc, Dayton, 1853, viii, app., 44-48—Chirac (P.) Doses des remedes, tant simples que composes. In: Chi- rac & Silva. Diss, et consult, metl, 12°. Par., 1755, iii, 317-322.—Clarke (E. 11.) A new rule for doses. Boston M. & S. J., 1872-3, lxxxvii, 209. -----. The continued and the frequent dose. Ibid., 1875, xciii, 147-152. — Cock- burn (W.) A problem of finding the true doses of vomit- ing and purging medicines. Phil. Tr. 1700-20, Lond., 1731, v, 394-404.—Coinptou (J. AV.) Solution and absorption of medicines; or, the best means of securing the good effects of medicines in the cure of disease. Am. M. Bi-Weeklv, Louisville, 1877, vi, 197-203. Also, Reprint. — Cook (S. A.) Latin prescriptions. Boston M. & S. J., 1846, xxxiv, 48-52.—Coruaz (E.) Quelques mots sur les maxima des medicaments ties actifs. l5eho metl., Neuchat., 1859, iii, 15-22. Also, Reprint.—Couderenu. Note sur l'inten- site d'action des medicaments, proportionnellea l'augniea- tation ou a la diminution de poids de l'animal, a propos d'experiences sur Taction physiologique du menthe-chlo- ral. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 407-410. — Ci-«'<|iiy. Sur la n6cessite d'employer des compte-gouttea identiques. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., MKDH'INKS. 54 MKDICINKS. Hvilivine* (\ dm i n istrat ion and dosesof). Par., 1877, xcii, 360-3<;?. -I'mminer i B. F.) Some gen- eral considerations in drug piesciiliini:. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago. 1881, xxxiv, '253-258. — t'iilbrrl»ou (H.) Medicinal doses and therapeutic effects. Detroit Lancet, 188 1-81. iv, 56-60. Also, Reprint — Bale (\V.) On tbe taste of medicines. Lancet, Lond., 186!i. ii. 530. —Ballon (K. H.) Practical lemarks on the doses of metlicines. Pacific M. tfe S, J., San Fran., 1877-8, xx, 347-352.— B'Aiim. Lis doses maxima, pour une prise et pour les vinitt qnatre hen us, ties medicaments energiques. Arch. beiges tie med.mil., Brux., 1862, xxix, 135-138. — Bavis (J. I..) Palatable prescriptions. Cincin. Lancet A. Clinic, 1884, xii. 550-554. ----- Small doses frequently repeated. Ibid 636-639.— I»c»*au a»«*ol ( A.i Lesdoses. Concoursmed.. Par., 1883, v, 232: 254. — <;»■<«< li:i I k (A.) Die zusam menzieheiitlen Arziieitnisrhungen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med.. Hamb., 1843, xxiii, 137: 1844. xxv. 16(1. — Ciiii^rl (J.) L'art de prescrire. Montiiel. med., 1882, xbx, 107: 316.— (■rnysioii (W. H.) The importance of liquefaction in the successful administration of medicines. SI. Louis Ecleet. M. J.. 1879. vi, 309-315.—Griffiths (W. H.) Lessons on prescription and the art of prescribing. Med. Press & Lire. Loud., 1874, n. s.. xvii. 154: 27(1: 426: 465: 1874, n. a., xviii. 265; 341; 375.—Guicharil. Essai sur la posologie ties medicaments composes J. tie chim. med., etc., Par., 1873, xlvii, 220-224.—Guilliermond (A.) De l'emploi des granules pour l'atlministration de l'acide arsenieux et ties ft i xii pies en general, (raz.med.de Lyon, 1850, ii, 235.— Hale (J.) On presetiptious. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1871, iv, 257-262. — llecker. Von der Schwierigkeit, die Dost n einiger wii k-aiuen Arzneymittel genau zu bestini- nien. J. d. pracr. Arznk. u. Wundarzuk., Jena, 1800, ix, 2. St.. 59-86. — llemeii way (H. B.) Influence of dose on the action of remedies. Me*. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 623.— lloglaucr. Kurze Bemerkungen iiber die Anwendung jirogressiv ei holder Arzneidosen iu mehreren chronischen Krankheiten. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1841, ii, 689-704. — llopue (d.) DieBegriindtingderDosenlehre und der Lehre von tier Wiedt rholung der Arzneien auf das Verhalten der thieiischen 'l'hiitigkeiteii. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1860. v, 109; 129.—Ho wi»on t\V.) On various circumstances important to be attended to in prescribing medicines. Lancet, Lond., 1831-2. i. 909-914.—Hudson (J. J.) Metlicines: their modes of administration, etc. Physi- cian cSc Surg , Ann Arbor, Mich., 1879, i, 152-159.—Hughe* (C. II.» >.'ote on the value of adequate tloses repeated at judiciously lengthened intervals, especially in nervous af- fections. N. Eng. M. Month.. Sandy Hook, Conn., 1883-4, iii, 254-256.—Jacqut/. Mi moire en reponse a la ques- tion: Quels sont Its im illeurs precedes a suivre dans l'ad- ministratiou des medicaments qui repngnent au gout des nialatles? Ann. Soc. de. metl. de Gaud, 1849, xxiii, 101- 144. — J can ml tJ.i ,v IHoiiccl (L.) Formules magis- trates pour l'adiniiiiMratiou ties corps gras et du co- pahn. J. de med ib- I! nle,tux, 1858, 2. s.. iii, 37-39.— (Joy <\V. B.)] Preliminary remarks on the art of pre- scribing: with extemporaneous formula-. Svst. Pract. M. (Tweetli.-.l, Phila., 1841, v, 3S8-477. —Itcene (-1. W.) Ca- coepy in medicine. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1879-80, xix, 277- Vletlicilie* (Administration and dosesof). 285. — Kennedy ( H.) A few general remarks on the modes of administering medicines. Dublin M. Press, 1861, xiv, 137-130. —Kinalake. Maximum dosesof medicine. Med. & Ph\s. .).. Loud., 1822, xlvii, 8.1-94. — l.ngncnu ((i.) tils. Keclu-n -lies sur le inoyen de faire par\ enir lies medicaments dans l'intestin grele, en les preservant de l'aetion du sue pancreatiqite. Gaz. hebd. tie med.. Par., 1857. iv, 558— Laurel. De rintroduction ties substances medicaiiienteuses dans le corps huniain par l'innuence tie l'electrieite. (laz. hebd. tl. sc. med. de Montiiel., 1884, vi, 73-76. — licH'muim (II.) Criticisms, from a chemical point of view, on some favorite prescriptions. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1881, 3. s., vii. 157-162. Also: Boston AL A S. j., 1884, ex. 411. Also: N. Oil. M. A S. J., 1883-4, 11. s., xi 9>0-!)-'4. Also: N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix. 536. Also: Maryland M. .1., Bait., 1884-5, xi, 4. Also lAbstr.|: Poly- clinic, Phila., 1883-4, i, 161.— I. or, an ( W. M. ) A new- method of prescribing and ailniinislt-ring medicines. Clinic, Cincin., 1878, xiv, 74. — l-uxcr. Du danger tie doser certaines substances vegetales, d'apres la qttantite de principe actif qu'elles renferment. Expose d. trav. tie la Soc d. sc. med. de la Moselle, Met/., 1853. 165-168.— Harkbrciter (P.) Zur Yerinittliing tier Extreme iu tier llosculehre. Wien. Metl.-Halle, i860, i, 37; 60; 98.— Vlartin (F. 11.) Palatable therapeutics. Therap Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 11-14.—JIaurin (S. 10.) Cuatlro •■■eneral de posologia, seguu el doctor S. E. Maurin. En- cicl metl.-faun., Barcel.. 1882, vi, 508 : 615; 629; 647; 662; 676; 693; 708; 724; 739; 756; 771.—itlay* (T. J.) On the elective action and small doses of medicines, with illustra- tive cases. N. York M. J., 1879. xxix, 251-267.—iTI illi- Kan(E) On the doses of the ant ienl physicians. Rtliub. M. A; S. J., 1820, xvi. 186-198. — Jlorrix (J.) Effects of medicine in small dose*. Med. *.V Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 199-204.—\clwald (•!.) Leber tlie Anwen- dung neuer Heilmittel im allgeineincii iiutl insbesondere rhemischer. Yerhandl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1843, ii, 161-177.— O'Reilly (J.) On the art of prescribing; an introductory address. Am. Pract., Louis- ville, 1872, v, 209-214. Also. Kept int.—Overtoil (J.) Of the modus agendi of remedial and noxious agents upon the living body; and of its different surfaces suitable for their application and necessary for the exercise of their respective properties. South. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Knox- ville, 1857. vi, 79-97.—Parrish (E.) Thoughts on pre- scribing. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1863, x, 112; 145. — IMcincIiI (A.) Mittel, den unangenelnuen, bittern und scharfen Gesehmaek einiger Salze, und zwar: des Bittersalzes, des Duplicatsalzes, des Glaubersalzes, des Salmiaks untitles Salpeters, zu verhiilleu. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien. 1848, 65-71.—Pooley (J. II.) The art of prescribing. Ciucin. Lancet A Clinic 1886, xvii, 5-10.— Potain. Du ehoix du medicament et de son dosage. Tribune med., Par., 1880, xii, 5; 15: 77. —Professional ollapodrida. Atlanta M. & S. .1., 1858-9, 709: 1859-60, v, 1 — Quincke (H.) Ueber Dosirung und Aiifertigung fliissiger Arzneien. Deutsche mod. Wchnschr.. I'.erl.. 1881, vi, 121.— IS. Einige Beinerkungen iiber das ReceptM-hrei- ben. Allg. metl. Ann., Altenb., 1807. 275-2S2. — KaniMcy (F. A.) Thoughts upon prescribing. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1874, iv, 190-205.—Reslelli tfe Strambio (G.) Experiences sur l'aetion comparative de certains medica- ments administres par l'estomac it par le rectum. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 128 — Keveil. Posologie ties liquides metlicamenteux k propos du ctunpte-goutte Sal leron. Hull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par.. 1863, l.xiv, 262- 271. —Rice (C.) Metlical Latin: a rejoinder [to J. A. Armstrong's article], Med. Rec , X. X'., 1882, xxii, 637.— ItoNcnthal. Pitsse zur Compression voluininoser Arz- neimittel. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1873-4, vi, 117-151— MandraM. De l'infiuence do la dose sur la liietlication. Ex]tt'-■ ience. Par., 1838, ii, 167-170.— Nchmiflt (W.) Ytii-schlfige zur Yerminderung der Arz- neikosten. J. d. pract. Heilk , Berl., 1837. lxxxiv. 5. St., 24-48.—ttchmidtmami. Einige Beinerkungen iiber das Verl'assen tier Arziiei-Foi-mi'lii. Ibid., 1827, Ixv, 3. St., 50-62— Nclimitt (E.) De la jiosologie tb-s toxitpies. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1882, iv, 508-513. — Nchwalbc. Leber den Werth des Alkohols und tier Jodtiuctur fiir subcu- tane und pai-eiichvinatiist; Injectioneu. Tagebl. d. Ver- samml. tleutscb. Xaturf. it. Aerzte, Salzb., 1881, liv, pt, 2, 158. — Nlitaitloivii ( T. W. ) Physicians' prescriptions analyzetl. Northwest. Lancet. St.'Paul, 1881-5, iv, 217- 223.—Simon (J.) Essai sur le dosage des metlit-aments chez les enf.tnts. Mouvement med., Par., 1876. xiv, 211 ; 228.—Mini th (A. A.) A lecture ou tlie frequent iepetinon of doses. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 145-1 H. — Nmith (W. H.) Doses of certain preparations that are not given in Stewart's dose-book. Physician abbee (E.) De l'antidotisine, ou tie l'antagonisme therapentique. Bull, gen de therap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 510; 556.—II use in a mi (T.) Antago- nistische und autidotarische Stndien. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876-7, vi, 335: 1878, ix, 414: 1878-9, x, 101.—Leblanc (F.) De l'antagonisme thera- peutique dans les formules complexes. J. de therap., Par., 1880, vii, 50-56. Also, transl.: Gazz. med. di Roma, 1880, vi, 60-62. Also, transl.: Gazz. med. ital, prov. ve- nete, Padova, 1880, xxiii, 85-87. —1» rev ost (J.-L.) An- tagonisme physiologique. Com:, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt'.-rend. 1877, Geneve, 1878, v, 716-743. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1877, 2. s., iv, 801- 839.—Kiugcr (S.) On the antagonism between veratria and potassium salts. Practitioner, Lond., 1883, xxx, 17- 19.—Ringer (S.) & Buxton (D.) An examination of the supposed action exerted by tbe antagonism between acids and alkalies in modifying the tonicity of the heart and arteries. Lancet, Lond.. 1885, i. 6.—Smith ( W. G.) The antagonism of drugs. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1884, 3. s., lxxvii, 33_39._Vertrees (\V. M.) The antagonism of medicine. South. Pract., Nashville, 1885, vii, 397; 445; 493. MEDICINES. 56 MK DIC INKS. ^ledicine* (Classification and nomencla- ture of). See, also, Materia medica ; Medicines (Prices, etc., of). A(land (II. W.) Standard medicines, or re- vision of remedial agents; a paper read at the Social Science Association. 8°. London, 186>2. Bapdrimont (A.-E.) *Sur la classification des medicamens. 4 . Paris, 1831. Becker (C. A.) *De medicanientorum acri- nm vegetabilium classificatione. 8 . Berolini, [1819]. Beral (P.-J.) Nomenclature et classification pharmaceutiques, accompagnees d'une nouvelle methode de formuler, et d'un grand nonibre de formules redigees d'apres cette methode; avec des tableaux reprdsentaut d'autres nomencla- tures et classifications pharmaceutiques. 4°. Paris, 1830. Bostock (J.) Remarks ou the reform of the pharmaceutical nomenclature; and particularly on that adopted by the Edinburgh College. 8°. Liverpool, 1807. Chereau (A.) Nouvelle nomenclature phar- maceutique, avec tableaux, synonymie ancienne et nouvelle et vocabulaire abrege". 8°. Paris, 1827). Fleming (A.) On the classification of medi- cines according to their action on the healthy body. 8-. Dublin, 187)2. Foy (F.) "Propositions pharmacologic]ues et theiapeiitiques, suivies d'une nouvelle classifica- tion des medicamens. 4°. Paris, 1830. Hufei.and (A.) Addresse a tons les medecins sur la necessite de conserver le nom officinal des medicamens. 1"J°. Berlin, 18-11. Also,in: X. Jour, denied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1821, xii, 97-109. King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Catalogue of the museum. w0. Dub- lin, 1864. Kuster (J. E.) *Introductio in akologiam systematicam et rationalein. 8. Halce, 1795. Lersch (B. B.) Beitriige zur Arzneiverord- nungslehre uud chemischen Nomenklatur. 8°. Aachen, 187)1. Pietsch (J. G.) "Schema novum systematis circa divisionem medicamentorum. 4°. Helni- stadii, [1717]. Pitet (J.-P.-M.-F.) *Histoire de la classifi- cation des medicaments. 4°. Parti, 1851. Rudolphy (J.) Pharmaceutical directory of all the crude drugs now in general use; their etymology aud names in alphabetical order. In 4 pts. 2. ed. 8-. New York, 1872. Schreger (C. H. T.) [Pr.] novam medica- mentorum divisionem praemittit. sm. 4°. Vite- bergce, [1811], Seraus (F.) Petitorium sen index medica- mentorum simplicinm et compositorum, qiue quilibet hujus urbis, regnique pharmacopola in officina sua servare et in regia annuali visita- tione exhibere tenetur. Regio jussu correctnm, et editum ab almo hujus urbis chemiatrorum col- legio. 4°. Neapoli, 1780. Tragus (H.) Disscrtatioues fere quiuqua- ginta, de herbarum qnarundam uomenclaturis. In: Vera (De) herbarum. fol. Argentorati, 1532,156- 165. Wurtz (G. C.) Couamen iuappa* generalis medicamentorum simplicium secundum affinita- tes virium naturalium nova met hodogeographica dispositorum. 4-. Argentorati, 1778. ISiirwald. Feber Beral's pharmazeutische Nomen- clatur und Classification. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl 1837, xxvi, 111-124.—Bartholow (R.) The claim of Dr' Z. Collins McElroy to priority in the invention of a certain classification of remedial ajients. Clinic, Cincin., 1877, xiii, 40.— Berlin (N.J.) Nagot om lakemedlens benam'- IVIediciilc* (Classification and nomencla- ture of). ning. [Ou nomenclature of remedies., Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1841, iii, 550-554 —i'laswiflcatioil of the materia medica; a review. Dublin (>. J. M. Sc, 1850, ix, 452-4ii4. Also, Reprint— KII iol I (•!. H.) Classification of the ma- teria medica. N. Oil. M. ,V. S. .L, 1878-9, n.s., vi, 423-431.— Falc-k (C. P.) Versuch einer Classification tier Arznei- niittel in den allgemeinsten Umrissen daigestollt Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1847, vi, 204-232.—Fleming reiis;er (A.) Arabic terms of materia me- dica. Tr. M. tV l'hys. Soc Calcutta, 1844-5, ix, pt. 1, 52- 130. — Thomson (W. H.) Classification of medicines, according to the time required for their operation. Bull. X. York Acad. M. (1870-71), 1872, iv, 219-233. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1870-71. v, 531-534. ITIedicilies (Dispensing of) by physicians. See Pharmacy (Legislation in relation to); Physicians (Relations of) to pharmacists. Medicines (Doses oj). See Medicines (Administration, etc., of). Medicines (Effects of) on the foetus. See Foetus (Effects of medicines on). Uledicines (Endermic application of). See Endermic method. Jledicines (Nomenclature of). See Medicine (Dictionaries, etc., of'); Medi- cines (Classification, etc., of); Pharmacy. ]?Iedicines (Patent, proprietary, quack, and secret). See, also, Abortion (Criminal, etc.); Formulae; James's powder; Litholysis, etc.; Medicine (Popular); Medicines (Specific); Toxicology (Cases, etc., of); Venereal diseases (Popular trea- tises on); Warburg's tincture. Academie de ni6deciue, Paris. Extrait d'un rapport [sur l'exarnen des remedes secrets], pre- sent a S. Exc. Mgr. le ministre secretaire d'etat de l'interieur. 4°. [Paris, 1823.] Account (An) of remarkable cures, performed by the use of Maredant's antiscorbutic drops prepared by John Norton. 12°. London, 1774. Anthonie (F.) The apologie, or defence of a verity heretofore published concerning a medi- cine called aurum potabile, that is, the pure substance of gold, prepared and made potable and medicinable without corrosives, helpefully given for the health of man in most diseases, hut especially availeable for the strengthuing and comforting of the heart and vitall spirits, the performers of health; as an uuiversall medicine. Together with the plaiue aud true reasons, manifold and irrefragable testimonies of fact, confirming the universalitie thereof. Aud lastly, the manner and order of administration or use of this medicine in sundrie infirmities, sm. 4°. London, 1616. d'Araujo (A. J.) Agua d'Inglaterra prepa- rada no laboratorio pharmaceutico. 16°. Porto, 1856. MEDICINES. 57 MEDICINES. Iflediciiies (Patent, proprietary, quacic, and secret). Barrett (C. B.) Directions for the use of Dr. C. B. Barrett's guardian in connection with his medico-electro-galvanometer, for the treatment and removal of certain diseases incidental to woman. 12°. New York, 1848. de Bavay (P.-.J.) Petit recueil d'observations en medecine sur les vertns de la confection to- niquo resolutive et diur6tique pour toutes les lievres intermittentes, l'asthme, latoux, lVnroiie- nieut, la phthisic au premier degre, la jaunisse et toutes les obstructions, la concretion et l'iiillam- uiation absente. 8°. Brnxelles, 177)3. Bexoist. Menioire pour scrvir d'avis conccr- nant les propi ietes et usages de plusieurs speci- fniues. 12°. [h. }>., u. d.] Beta (H.) Die Oeheiinmittol- und Unsittlich- kcits-Industric in der Tngcsprcs.se. S . Berlin. 1M72. Britinsma (V.) Onze strijd tegen den geheim- middelhandel in Nederland. 1. De Industrie van de finna F. A. Richter & Co. te Nijruegen. 8°. Leeuwarden, [n. d.] Repr. front: De Farmaceut. -----. Onze strijd tegen den geheimmiddel- handel in Nederland. II. Wat men deed, wat men doet, en wat men niocst doen tegen deze kwakzalverij. 8°. Leeuwarden, [n. d.] Repr. from: De Farmaceut. -----. Onze strijd tegen den goheiniiniddel- handel in Nederland. III. Nieuwe hijdragen tot de kennis der kwaal. H . Leeuwarden, [n. d ] Repr. from: De Farmaceut. Castellls (J. P. C. ) De diatartari julapii temperamento, qualitatibus, usu et dosi enarra- tio. 8°. [n. p., 11. d.] Clarin (C. F.) * De laudationibns niiniis me- dicamentorum iircanorum veualium: was von denen Artzeneyen zu halten, welche als Arcana, mit vielen Lobes-Eihebuugen otfentlieh fcil ge- bohten werden. sm. 4°. Bostochii, [1731]. Cluttox (J.) A true and candid relation of the good and bad effects of Joshua Ward's pill and drop. Exhibited in sixty-eight cases, [etc. ] 12°. London, 1736. Colleccao de decretos, avisos, e outras ordens regias a favor da verdadeira, e unica agoa de Inglaterra, da composicao do doutor Jacob de Castro Sarmento, preparada por Jose" Jnaquim de Castro na sua real fabrica em Lisboa. fol. Lisboa, 1814. Davy's lac-elephantis; or, medicated milk of elephants. An effectual cure for debility, semi- nal weakness, gleets, impotent y, spasmodic strict- ure, and the venereal disease, in both sexes; with a plain prescription, whereby all persons, attlictcd by impure connexion, can radically cure themselves the first day. [Under the caveat of government.] f>. ed. 8°. London, 1817). Docssix-Dubreuil (J.-L. ) De 1'einploi du reinede contre les glaires, et observations sur ses etfets. Ho. Paris, [n. d.] Drewry ( G. O. ) Consumption and wasting diseases successfully treated by "hydrated oil", with cases showing the immediate increase in weight produced by it. 4. ed. 1(>G. London, [1877]. Edleber (J. S.) * De panaeaea salutari, sive reincdco pauchresto. 4°. IVircehurgi, [1735]. Epperson (J. P.) A bomb in the camp of the enemy, or an exposure of quackery and "patent medicines". 8°. Columbia, 1847). Ettmuller (M.) De singularibus. 4°. Lip- siee, 1663. Genteral treatise on the nature and cause of disease in the human body, together with proofs medicines (Patent, proprietary, quack, and secret). of the efficacy of Vaughn's vegetable lithontrip- tic mixture, as a general restorer of the system, and purifier of the blood, with numerous testi- monials, [etc.] 8°. Buffalo, [1845]. Gustafson(A.) The medicine stamp tax; an oppressive burden on the sick, an encouragement to quackery, a stigma upon legitimate medicine, giving foreign trade unfair advantage over Eng- lish commerce. 8°. [London], 1884. Cy("ix(1Y("issi ( P. ) * De empiricis remediis. 2. ed. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [177)3]. Also, in: Hai.lek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lau- sannte, 1700, vii, 127-140. [ IIeim (A.)] A short treatise on Mathey-Cay- lus's gluten capsules of pure copaiba and other medicines. Uzac's iodo-phosphated mineral water, the best substitute for cod-liver oil. Ma- thcy-Ciivlus's injection for the cure of recent and chronic gleets. 8°. New York, [187)4]. IIeix.s (A.) Ueber die Ursachen der Krank- heiten und deren Heilung, nebst Betraclitungen iiber medicinische Vorurtheile und Mode-Kuren im Gcgensatz gegen eine verniinftige Behandlung der Kranken, bey Gelegenheit eines neuen von dem Verfasser erfundeuen Arzney-Mittels, nntcr dem Namen: Elixirum naturse completuni. 2 Aufl. 12°. Hamburg, 17<>3. IIoyer(E.) Dieinedizinisclien fleheinimittel. Ihr Zweck, ihre Vcrwerflichkeit und dit^ Mittel zur Beseitigung des dainit getriebeneu St-hwin- dels. Nebst einer Zusammenstellung von etwa 70 Geheimniittelenthiillungen. 8°. Hannover, lHtiG. Japan. Home Department. Notification of the sanitary bureau. April 7, 18711. Changes in method of examining stamps on medicines (revenue). No. 10. sm. 4°. [ Tokio, 1819.] Jungkex (J. H.) Hochstgemiisigt- und abge- ndthigte Dcl'ension-und Remoustrat ions-Schrifft contra der hiesigen Herrn Apothecker unbeson- nenes und absurdesPetitum. Mir meiner sonder- bahren selbst erfundeuen Mcdicamenten, cigen- handige Elaboration, zu verbiethen, etc., ut in- tus. 4°. [Frankfnrih, 1708.] Keith (B.) Manual of the active principles of indigenous and foreign medicinal plants, as prepared at the laboratory of B. Keith A Co. 16°. New York, 1863. Keyser. K'cponse a. l'anteur anonyme d'un livre intitule: TraitiS des tumeurs et ulceres. T2 r [n.p.], 1759. vox Kxor (L. G.) Truckne Rauerbrunnen- Cur, vermittelst eines, mit dem solarischen Schwefel vereinigten astralischen Gold-Saltzes, samt ausfiihrlicher Auweisung, wie die Cur durch dieses Universal-Saltz, mit hochstem Nu- tzen, an alien Orthen, zu alien Zeiten, und mit leichter Bequemlichkeit, in denen meisten Kranckheiten, furnemlich aber den Morbis- Chronicis, zu gebrauchen, darinne man des vielen Wasser-Trinkens iiberhoben seyn kan, weil eine geringe Dosis dieses 8altzes mehr effectuirt, als viel Kiinnen des Sauer-Wassers thun mogen. 12°. Leipzig, [n. d.] Legitimate medicine and pharmacy vs. nos- trum venders. 8°. [Detroit, 18. New York, 18-21. Also [Rev.], in: N". York M. & Phys. J., 1827, vi, 42G-442. Me.moria sobre a excellencia, virtudes, e use medicinal da verdadeira agua de Inglaterra da invencao do Dr. Jacob de Castro Sarniento, por Jos6 Joaquini de Castro. 8°. Lisboa, 1845. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Lisboa, 1845. Moxroe County Medical Society. Report of a committee on Dr. Lovejoy's alleged new reme- dies. Published by vote of the . . . Rochester, June 9, 185*. 8°. Bochester, 187)8. Mortimer (C.) An address to the public, con- taining narratives of the effects of certain chem- ical remedies in most diseases; particularly ex- emplified iu the histories of various cases, both medical and chirurgical, attested by the patients themselves or by their friends; whereby it ap- pears that these medicines have cured many dis- tempers with single doses, and given great relief in the gout aud some disorders usually pro- nounced incurable. To which is prefixed a pre- face gi ving an account of the uses and operations of these particular remedies with practical re- marks on some diseases, and a few hints relating to virtues, not commonly known, of some medi- cines already iu use. 8°. London, 1714. Negri ( L. ) * Sui farmaco cerotto-Briziano. Due parole del dottore Luigi Negri al dottor cavaliere Melchiori Giovanni. K°. Milano, 1869. Norris (T.) A short essay on the virtues of Dr. Norris'drops for fevers. 8°. London, 1111. Notice sur la medecine electropathiqne du doeteur J.-P. Bachoue de Lostalot, de Vialer (Basses-Pyrenees), approuvee par l'Acade~mie de Paris, sur la loi terpathique organique ... 8J. [n. p., u. d.] Observations on the baume de vie, first dis- covered by M. Le Lievre, the king's apothecary at Paris. Wherein all the objections made to it by the ignorant and interested are fully refuted, and its wonderful efficacy in a. variety of diseases justified on the most reasonable principles ; with letters and attestations in its favour, from peo- ple of the first distinction. 8'J. London, 1765. Page (J.) Receipts for preparing and com- pounding the principal medicines made use of by the late Mr. 'Ward. Together with au introduc- tion, [etc.] 8°. London, 1763. Paine (\V.) The medical properties and uses of concentrated medicines. 8°. Philadelphia, 1867). Patent and public medicines. An essay on the virtues, uses, and effects of some valuable genuine patent aud public medicines, invented and prepared by men of science, for the relief and cure of asthma, head ache, indigestion, tooth ache, etc., etc. To which are added some observations respecting public medicines and tbe; conduct of the faculty in general, by a candid physician. 8°. London, [n. d.] Philadelphia Medical Society. First report of the committee of the ... on quack medicines. Head on the 15th Dec, 1*27. 8^. Philadelphia, Also, in: X. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1828, v, 149-183. Positive medical agents, being a treatise on the new alkaloid, resinoid, and concentrated preparations of indigenous and foreign medical plants. By authority of the American Chemical Institute. 8°. New York, 1855. medicine* (Patent, proprietary, quack, and secret). Reflexoes criticas dodoutor . . . sobre as di- rcccoes para o nso da agoa de Inglaterra, com- posta e manipulada por Antonio Jos6 de Sousa Pinto, boticario na cidade de Lisboa, on exanie comparative da mesnia agoa com a verdadeira agoa de Inglaterra do doutor Jacob de Castro Sarniento, manipulada por Jose Joaquim de Cas- tro na sua real fabrica. 8°. Lisboa. 1811. Remarks, preliminary to tbe exhibition of Dr. Phelps' practically established arcanum. 8 . Boston, [n. d.] Richter (H. E.) DasGeheimmittel-Uiiwesen ; nebst Vorschliigen zu dessen Unterdriickung. 2 v., paged consecutively. 8°. Leipzig, 1*72-5. Ridiger (A.) Observationes et meditationcs de veritate virtutis medicamentorum propria* et methodo banc exploraudi. 4°. Lipsiee, [1750]. Sciimeltz (J.) Guide pratique pour l'emploi des remedes dynamiqnes. 12°. Nice, 1885. Schmitt (F. L.) *De vaiiitate remediorum universalium. sm. 4°. Gottingee, [1757]. Also in: Yoget. (R. A.) Opusc. med. seleeta, etc. 4°. Gottingee, 17G8, 115-146. Seglix(G.) Vin spdeifiquefebrifuge etstoma- chique. 8 '. Paris, [it. d.] Sembexixi (G. B.) Manuale pratico di rimedi moderni di scgreti analizzati e di altri preparati tecnici e speeifici nuovi o migliorati dopo le ul- time edizioni delle o[»ere di G. Ruspiui e G. Orosi. 8°. Verona, 186)8 Semmedo (J. C. ) Coinpendio dos segredos medicinacsou remedioscurvianos. 16°. Lisboa, 1783. Short (A) account of Sir Astley Cooper's vital restorative, the only acknowledged successful remedy for the removal of general, local, and nervous debility, confided to Messrs. Harvey and Co., consulting surgeons. (Registered under the new medical act.) 16 \ London, 1^64. Simons (G.) Den troost der armen, behel- sende lichte ende souvcrcine remedien tegen verscheide siekten, wonden, gezwellen, ende an- dere qualen des lichaams van den mensch, door de ondervindinge goet gekeurt, tot grooten dienst en troost der behoeftige menschen, welker qualen ongeneselijk schenen te wescn, zeer dienstig in alle faniilien en hospitalen, xiv. druk, door den autheur vermeerdert, met nieuwe remedien voor menschen en beesten. 12°. Dordrecht, [1711]. Solbeiran. Discours sur les remedes secrets, autorises par le goiivernement. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] de Solsa Pixto (A. J.) Direccoes sobre o uso da agua d'lnglatcrra. 8°. Lisboa, 1809. -----. Documentos que authorisao a verda- deira agua de Inglaterra da composiciio, e mani- pulacao. fol. [Lisboa], 1*10. Stewart (F. E.) An old system and a new science. 8°. Detroit, [1882]. Strixgeo (M.) Variety of surprising experi- ments, made of two incomparable medicines: elixir febrifugnm martis, and salt of limons ; as also of elixir renovans, shewing their virtues, use, and operations; being the peculiar secrets and acquisitions of the author. 12-\ London, 1707. Swaim (W.) A treatise on Swaim's panacea; being a recent discovery, for the cure of scrofula, or king's evil, mercurial disease, deep-seated syphilis, rheumatism, and all disorders arising from a contaminated or impure state of the blood. With cases illustrating its success. 12°. Philadelphia, 18-22. -----. The same. &-. Philadelphia, 1825. -----. Some remarks upon a publication by the Philadelphia Medical Society concerning Swaim's panacea. 8-. Philadelphia, 1828. MEDTCINES. 59 MEDICINES. medicines (Patent, proprietary, quack, and secret). ■----- Cases of cures performed by the use of Swaim's panacea. 12°. Philadelphia, 1829. -----. The same. 8 . Philadelphia, 1831. -----. A collection of cases, illustrating the restorative and sanative properties of Swaim's panacea in a variety of diseases. 8 . Phila- delphia, 1832. —---. Plain and practical observations upon diseases resulting from worms; with remarks upon the utility of Swaim's vermifuge in cholera- morbus and in many other diseases originating in debility ot the digestive organs. 8 . Phila- delphia, 1833. Toscanelli (C. M.) Del maraviglioso speci- fied delle lncertole, o ramarri per la radical cura del t-iiucro, della lebbra, e lue venerea nltima- inente scoperto dal signer D. Giuseppe Flores alle di cui sperieuze, ed osscrvazioni si aggiun- ginio le relazioni di varie cure fatte recenteniente nel Piemonte, con una distiuta ed esatta analisi della lucertola, e del ramarro, \ olgarmente detta da Piemontesi l'ayeul. 12°. Torino, 1784. I'nitkd States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. Report from the select committee to whom was referred the resolution of the House of Representatives, orderiug an inquiry into the expediency of so amending the patent laws as to preven t the patenting of compound medicines. SO. Cong., 2. sess. H. of R. Feb. 6, 1841). Rep. No. 52. [To accompany bill H. R. No. 755.] 8 . [Washington, 1849.] ----—. A bill repealing the tax on proprie- tary medicines. 47. Cong., 1. sess., H. R. 2108. In 'the H. of Rips. Dec. 19, 1881. [Iutrod. by- Mr. Joyce.] roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1881.] -----. A bill to provide for extension of let- ters patent for improved medical compound to J. W. Ewing, assignee of M. R. G. Garsani, admin- istrator of the estate of C. II. Mitchell, deceased. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 724:5. June 9, 1884. Introd. by Mr. Halsell. row 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] Varigxaxe (G.) Secreta sublima ad varios curandos morbus verissimis autoritatibus illus- tiata; nosculi iteinque plurimi in gratiam stu- diosorum utiliter superadditi, cum marginalibus dccorationibus et siuguloruni capitum tabula. 12°. Lugduni, 1539. Wagxei: (J. (L) De medicamento arcane po- lychn sto lacrynne Jobi dicto in artis salutaris incrcnieiituni consignata. 4°. [n. p.], 1733. am und yom Wald (G.) Genichrtcr Bericht, wie und was gcstalt die new erf undue, unnd nicht allein in teutscher Nation, sonder anch an- dern weit aussligendeu Landern, von siebcn und zwcintzig Jaren hero, viel probirte Terra Sigil- lata am Waldina, wider die Pestilentz zauberisch unnd andere einpfangne gifften Fieber, Schlag, Fallendtsucht, Freysz, Schwindel, Wasscrsucht, Gcelsucht, Grimnien, Griesz, Ruhrcn, Coutractur, Podagram, Aussatz, Frantzosen, Rotblauff, und viel andere schwei-e Kranckheiten mehr, ohn alle Gefahr zu gebrauchen sey. Zu Nutz unnd from- nieii arm unnd reichen krancken Persouen, wide- runib au Tag gegeben. 4°. Stuttgart, 1601. Ward's pill dissected and examined, etc. With a full confutation of Mr. Glutton's new hypothe- sis of arsenide being a part of its composition. By a chemist of London. 8^. London, 1736. Addon. Sur la concession de brevets d'invention pour remedes. Ann.d'hvg.. Par., 1838, xix, 226-231.—Bachil- ler (J. J. G.) ;;Si^:t la hroma!!! Siglo metl, Madrid, 1858, v, 378.— Barniu;; (A.) Is de leer der geheiinartsen vijandig aan den vooi uitgang der geneesk untie ? Tijdschr. v. geneesk. ervaring, Tillmrg, 1852, i, 377-416.—Bavaria. Ktinigl. bayersehe Verordniing, den Verkauf von Geheim- niitteln hetreffeud. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1838, iii, medicines (Patent, proprietary, quack, and secret). 77. — Bemholil'N (G.) Algophon. Wien. metl. Wchn- schr., 1853, iii, 170. —Biach (A.) Referat iiber die voni iv. osterr. Aeizleverein.Ntage angeregte Frage der Be- kampfung ties Yerkanl'es von Geheinimittelii. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied -Oest , Wien, 18K2, viii, 55-63.— Bigclow (II. R ) Trade mark pharmacy. Chicago M. J. tk: Exam., 1882, xliv, 130.—Bliimlciu. Eine Folge der Anpreisuug von Heilmitteln in dffeiitlichen I'lattern, nehsteinigen Beinerkungen iiber this Verliiiltniss der Sani- f iitspolizei zu denselhen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl u. off. Med., Berl., 1863. xxiv, 327-341.—Boo (A.) Dn danger ties re- medes set-rets; enipoisonuement par le shop tie Pagliano. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1877, xcii, 207-270.— Bra. coiniot. Sur la poudre tie (iodernaux. .1. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1835, 2. 8., i, 406-410. — IS raid. Restoration de la patente sur les medecins. Proposition tie M. . . . re- presentantdu peuple, suiTetablissementd'une ttixe prot'es sionnelle. Union metl, Par., 1849, iii. 45. — Ki-flbii-j; (J. Y.) Om "Hjai-nestestaniente". Hygiea, Stoekhtilm,i880, xiii, 283-286.—Brouaidrl (P.) A ffaiiede remetle sec let: ensnietique Delaeour. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., ix, 163-180. — Biiigncl. Rapport sur les specialites phat ina ceutitpies. Bull. Acad, denied., Par., 1875, 2. a., iv 20-24.— Carey (St. (!) Nostrums and patent medicines; general consitlei-ation of their nature and effects, with a reined v. West. Lancet, Oinein., 1852, xiii, 713. — Carter. Noti-s ou the English law as to patent medicines. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1885, v, 56-59 —Chester assizes. Accusation of manslaughter against one of ' i Jrahain's Own". Lancet, Lond., 1844, ii, 382— Clicvallicr (A.) Remede secret; lean Broeehieri; tromperie sur la nature de la marchan- dise vendue. J. de chim. med., etc.. Par., 1855, 4. s., i, 31- 34 — Chittenden (T. W.) Nostrums. Rep. Btl. Health Wiseoiisin, Madison, 1882, vii, 164-180. Also: Rep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire 1884-5, Cone rd, 1885, iv, 290-304.— Clerical quackery; Taylor's specific liniment. Glasgow M. J., 1858-9, [2. |" a., vi, 424-433—Companion* for "bread-pills''. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 351— Condic (I). F ) Report on quack medicines. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila , 1850, n. s., i, 20-24. —Coventry (A.) Extracts from ad- dresses on epidemic fevers, patent metlicines. etc. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1859, 343-366.—Cowley (R A.) In forme de la comision de remedios nuevos y secretes. An. i- Acad. d. cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1809-70, vi, 129; 200; 238.—trais (A. L.) Patent medicine. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 18S3, xlvii, 41-46 —Crosby (A.) Some of the evils which result from the free ami injudicious adminis- tration of nostrums to infants and young children. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1881, Lansing, 1882. ix, 160-164.— Death from Morison's pills; post-mortem appearances. Loml. M. & S. J., 1835-6, viii, 605.— Dc-ttianoni (S. B.) Dell abuse dei remedi segreti e delle speeialita medicinali. Atti Cong. gen. tl. Ass. med. ital. 1880. < It-nova, 1882. ix, 724- 731.—Dcvergie (A.) Affaire de remetle secret (pilules Cronier); jurisprudence du tribunal; inconvenieiits de cette jurisprudence; definition des specialites et du re mede secret donnee en 1875 par l'Academie de medecine. Ann. tl'bvg., Par., 1877, 2. s., xlviii, 151-172. Also: Soc. de med. leg. de France. Bull. 1877-8, Par., 1879, v, 89- 110.—Dorr (J. A.) Are improvements in medicine and surgery proper subjects for patents'? Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 523.—Empoisoiiiicmcnt par le baumede Fioraventi. J. de chim. med., etc., Par , 1857. 4. s., iii, 656.—Eyaiinii chimitpie ties pilules difes tie Morison. Ibid., 1839, 2. s., v, 20-26. — Fritschi (J.) Leber Km pfuscherei und ihre Bannertrager; die Geheimmittelfabrikanten und (leheim- niittelkramer. Gesundheit. Elberfeld, 1875-0. i, 299; 314.— Gehciuiuiittcl-Polizci. (Aus den Acten der Aerzte- Commission.) Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1877, vii, 249-253.-^Gonzalez (A. F.) Las inedicinas de, patente. Voz de Hipocrates, Mexico, 1885, iii. 65-67. — <»uerricr (L.) Remedes secrets. Que faut-il entendre par remetle secret? Annonces relatives aux remedes secrets; interdic- tion aux charlatans, et memo aux plmrmaciens et docteurs, de vendre des remedes secrets ; penalites. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 764-766.—II. ( K. 15.) Vegetable medi- cines. Nashville J. M. & S., 1877, 2. s.. xix, 7-9.— Ilarc (R.) Mercury detected iu Swaim's panacea by chemical analysis. Alii. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1829, iv, 530.—tf islory of panaceas and nostrums. Boston M. & S. J., 1829-30, ii. 577; 593.—Ilolloway's pills and ointment, Metl. (lire, Lond., 1853, ii, 45; 67; 86. — Hubbard (II. W.) Patent medicines. Macmillap'sMag., Lond., 1883. xlvii, 499-504.— Inconsistency (The) of ethical physicians in regard to copyrighted medicines. [Edit. J Therap. Gaz.. Detroit 1881, n. s., ii, 19. Also, in: Legitimate medicine, [etc.], 8-, [Detroit, 1881], 5-7.—Inexpediency (On the) and in- validity of granting patents for medicines, considered in a medico-legal view. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1835, xii, 218-221.— ■ lard. Rapport general sur les remedes secrets. Mem. Acad, tie metl.. Par., 1833, ii, 24-31.— .1 aniUowslii (S.) OpokaLiem leczenm. [Secret medicines.] Pani. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1864, Iii, 161-165. —Jealous (A) Watch- man and a Religious Herald on quack remedies. [Edit.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 463—Jcanjean. Des re- MEDICINES. <;o MEDICINES. Medicine* (Patent, proprietary, quack, and secret). modes secrets et des specialites. Oaz hebd. d. sc, med. de Montpel., 1880, ii, 351; 374—.leanncl. Sur un t as dim- | poisonneinent par les pilules tie Orosnier. Soc. tie metl. leg. tie France. Bull, Par., 1875-6, iv, 489-491. —Keller (A.) Kxatnen de quelques remedes secrets, recettes. arti- cles de toilette, etc. Monit, scient.. Par., 1805. vii. 1073- 1081.—Klein (A.) Erfahrungen iiber die \Yirksamkeit ties (ileiclienberger Brust-Saftes und der Gleicheuber^er Pastillen. Wien. med. Presse, 1870, xi, 656-058—Koniy. Ciitei-sclning und (iutachten iiber die einer Kranken von Seite einer Pfuscherin angerathtnen simenaiinten " privi- b -iiteii blutreiuigenden Kaiserpillen". Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1851, lxi, 370-395. — l.ang'sclic Pill, ii. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1852, ii, 670. — I„ere- bonllet (L.) Les specialitespharraareutiipies. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par.. 1879, 2. s., xvi, 549; 505. — l.cllic sur les remedes secrets, j. gen. itemed., chir. et pharm., Par., 1829, cviii, 161-166—I/iiulsley (C. A.) Essay. Resolved. That it is demoralizing to the medical profession, and det- rimental to the public welfare, to prescribe proprietary medicines for the sick. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1882. 103-120. Also, Reprint. -----. The uncertainties and risks attending the use of proprietary and other ready-made medicines. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1882, Hartford, 188::, v, 95- 99. — Ii issuer. Die Geheiniinit- tel. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnilhtspfig.. Brnschwg.. 1870, ii, 214; 220. — Ijobethals Essentia autiphthvsica. Wien. metl. Wchnschr.. 185:;. iii, 12.—.TIcISraw. Why clergyman should not ivcointnend quack metlicines. De- troit Rev. Metl. & Pharm., 1868, iii, 47-51. —.Tl a sues fits. Queltpies mots sur les remedes secrets. ,T. do metl. et chir. de. Toulouse. 1844-5, viii. 3U9-310. —.Hnlmstcii. HaiTa'rg- iiingsnieder " Hall's hair-renewer ". Fiirh. \ . Svens. I.iik.- Siillsk. Samniank.. Stockholm. 1871. 63-1.1.— Tlathelin. Des specialites pharmaceutiques en meil.■<• iit.■ publique. Rev. d'hyg., Par.. 1880, ii, 486-505.— iTIayet. Sur lan- nonce et ia vente des remedes secrets. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1879, 3. 8., ii, 433-438. — .Tlesures a prendre eontre l'an- nonee et la vente des n-mede* secrets. Hull. Soc. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Lausanne,, 1877, \i. 171-170.— 'lollci- (,J.) Ktwas iiber Volksmittel und Sabina. Ztschr. I. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Uugain. Oedenburg, 1859, x. 35 — Nielsen's schwedischer Balsam gei-eii Frostheulen. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1851. iv, In5—Xoehrasir-, Kiild- undGIa'tt- Ksseiiz. Ibid., iii. 1853, 217.—."Vostrnni (The) trade: its influence on health ami morals. Huston M. & S. J.. 1848-9, xxxix, 129-110. —Paaseh. Analyse tlci sogenanntcn Wie- ner Kaiserpillen. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berk, 1840. 304-306.— I'nlenl (The) nietliciueevil; its extent and a few ofitsmaiiytlangers. Canada Health J., Ottawa, 1887,ix.6o- 1,2. — I'alent (The) medicine stamp tpiestitm. Midland M. Misc., Leicester, 1884, iii, 290. — Paleutovanniya /.agraiiichniya laikarstva i mineralniva vmli. [ Patent metlicines and mineral waters.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1801, i, 230.— I»fetreriiiaini'sche Zahnpasta. Wien. ined.Wchiisc.hr., 1853, iii, 24. — Pharniaeopoeia t in- pirica, or the list of nostrums and empirics, (lent Mag. •c Hist. Chron., Lond., 1748, xviii, 348-350. — Philadel- phia (The) medical profession and copyrighted medicines. [Edit.] Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1881. it's., ii. 19. Also, in: Legitimate medicine, [etc], 8°, [Detroit. 1881], 3-5.— Pierron i.I. J.) Examination of "pain killers". West. Lancet, San Fran., 1877, vi, 39. — Preseott (A. B.) Con- stituents of proprietary remedies for rheumatism. Phy- sician A, Surg., Ann Aibor, Mich., 1880, ii, 97-100. -----. Nostrums in their relations to the public health. Rep Bd. Health Mich. 1881, Lansing, 1882, ix, 151-160. Also: Phy- sician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881. iii. 213-225. ----'-. Should proprietary medicines be required to give an ac- countof contents .' Tr. M. Soc. Mich.. Lansing, 1885,153- 158.—Professor Vire.how and secret remedies. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i. 1135.— i^nack medicines, their history, composition, and qualities. Med. Circ, Lond.. 1853 ii, 8; 25; 45; 67: 86; 106; 126; 146; 167; 188: 207: 227: 206: 347 • 380; 406; 492; 509: 1854, iv, 8; 31 ; 85; 118— <(ii'enlen<|. on par specialites pharmaceutiques? Quel tleure de con- fiance peiit-on leur accorder? Bull. Soc. metl. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1878. xii. 09-73.—Rainaer (J. N.) Over het begrip van specifieke goneesniiddelcn. Arch. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1844. iv. 1-70.— Kemni-lts on some em- pirical medicines anil modes of treatment. Glasgow AL J., 1859-60. [2.] s., vii, 422-432.— Kem< . Guns, 184Q. Morshead(E. A.) Tables of the physiological action of drugs. 12°. London, 1880. MtJLLER (C.) Die Quellen der Arzneimittel- lehren. Eine kritische Beleuchtnng der herr- schenden Ansichten. 8°. Leipzig, 186)0. Nicoi.ai (E. A.) [Pr.] dc viribus niedicainen- toruni explorandis. 4°. Jence, [1770-71], Piper (G. O.) *De explorauda inedicamen- torum natura. Sc. Lipsite, [1838]. Plague (M. W.) Handbuch der Pharmakody- nainik fiir Aerzte, AVundarzte und Studirende. Nach den neuesteu Erfahrungen des In- und Auslandes wie auch nach eigener dreissigjahriger Erfahruug am Krankenbette. 8J. Braunschweig, 1847. MEDICINES. Medicine* (Physiological action and in- vestigation of). Plaz (A. G.) [Pr.] de plantarum virtutibus ex ipsa rum charactere haudquaquam addiscendis prolusione ]iriore pra*fatus. 4°. [Lipsiee], 1762. Plloge (P. C.) Overzicht van de wissclende clieinische sanieustelling en pharmacodyuami- sche waarde van eenige belangrijke geueesmid- delen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1885. Riemer (G.) * De medicamentorum viribus rite a'stimandis. 4-. Bintelii, [1751]. Schreoer (C. H. T.) [Pr.] succinctam phar- macologiie sys.tciuat.um censuram prtemittit. Comment, i-iv. 4°. Vitebergix, [1811]. Simon (J.) *La methode exp6iimentale ap- pliquee a l'ctudedes substancesmedicamenteuses et toxiquos, Its succotlane~s en tlie"rapeutique. Etude comparative de Faction physiologique des (pi at re ]irincipaiix alcalo'ides du quinquina: qui- nine, cinclionine, cinchonidine, quinidine. 4°. Paris. 18<3. Solbeu'an (E.) *De Fetude de la pharma- cologic. 4G. Strasbourg, 1853. Stole (O.) * Teller die Einwirkung einiger Arzneistoffe uud Gifte auf die Form der Puls- welle beim Hunde. 8J. Greifsivalel, 187(5. Storr (G. C. C), Bebel (F. G.) A Bischokf (G. T. 11.) Sciagraphia methodi materia* medi- ca; (jualitatuin icstimatiom sujierstructa'. Pars prima et seeunda. 12c. Tubingen, 1792-3. Thomson (H.) * I'eber die Beeinflussung der periphercu Getasse durch pharinakologische Agentien. 8-. Dorpat, 1886. Vogt (P. F.) Lehrbuch der Pharmakodyna- mik. 4. Aufl. 2 v. HIJ. Glessen, 1838. Wii.i.emoes (F.) "Diss, sistens nonnulla ex pharniacologiit generali momenta secundum principia thetiritc incitationis. fc°. Havniee, I8i)3. Willis (T.) Pharmaceutice rationalis, sive diatrilia de niedicainentoruni operatiouibus iu corpore humano. 4°. Genevce, 1676. -----. The same. 4J. Genevce, 1694. Wood (II. (J.) An investigation into the ac- tion of coiivulsants. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] A ii I i: i anti-spasmodici succeilono j^li scuotenti, o teta- nizzanii. note vomica, fava di S. Ignazio, stricninu, sol- f'tito tli slricninn, biucina. Ippocratico, Fano, 1871, 3. s., xix, 121-132.— AI ber*. Isopathische und homoopathi- sche Heilvei suche an Thieren. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1834, iii, 63-67. —Avila j- Pezuela (L. R.) Eli'ectos fisiologicos y terapeutices que causan algimos medicamentos en la economia liuimma. ii. I'abellon med., Madrid, 1875, xv, 400; 447.—Kaalia (S. i Action tisiologica de algunos me- dicamentos sobre el higado e inte.stinos. Encicl. ined.- farni., Barcel, 1884. viii, :i22-.'!24. — Bardclcbeii (K.) Die Eiuwirkung \on Kali- und Xatrnnsalzcu auf tlie Muskeln des menselilichen Damns. Arcli. 1'. ]iath. Anal., etc., Berl, 1882. lxxxix, 190-192. — Rartholow (]l.) The ophthalmoscope and the sphygiut.graph iu the study of the physiological action ef inetlicines. Tr. Ohio M. Soc., Ciiicin.', 1871. 213-22(5. Also: Clinic. Cinciii., 1871, i, 78; 89—Bennett (.T. H.) Report of the committee of the British Medical Association to investigate the antagonism of inedit-im-s. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874. ii. 436; 464; 485; 518; 547: .".nl; (il5: (174; 697; 771; 805. [See, also, infra, Coyne |—Itlalte (J.) Observations ou the physiological effects of various agents introduced into the circulation, as indicated by the haimadynaiuonieter. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1839,11,330-345. AIso, Reprint. -----. Sur taction phy- siologiquedesselsde lithium, de rubidium et do potassium. IKxtr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1886, cii, 128.— ISotliin (S.) jun. Zur Frage iiber den Zusammenhang der j.li \ sicilngist-hen AVirkung mit den chemischen Eigen- scliaiL n ,1, r Alkalimctalle der ersten Grnppe nach ll.-u- ihlejetf. Contrail.1. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl, 1**5, xxiii. *19-*.V_\ — Ki-OM n (A. C.) 6c Frawer (T. Ii.) On the changes produced I .y direct chemical addition on the physiological action ol certain poisons. Proc. Roy. Soc. Etlinl)., 1X66-'.), vi, 228-232. Also, Reprint. -----. On the physiological action of the silts of the ammonium bast s derived from atropia and couia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1*06-9, vi, 461-464. -----. On the connection between chemical constitution ami physiological action; on the nhysiological action of the salts of ammonia, of tri-methy- iamine, and of tetrametkylaiumoniuin ; of the salts of tro- H2 MEDICINES. Medicines (Physiological action and in- vestigation of). pia, and of the ammonium bases derived from it; and of tropic, atropic, and isatropic acids and their sails; with further details on the physiological action of the salts of methyl-str\i limum and of ethytsti ichnium. Ibid., 556. _____i. ()n the connection between chemical constitution and physiological action, with special reference to the physiological action of tin; salts of the ammonium bases derived from strychnia, lnucia., thebaia, codeia, morphia, ami nicotia. .T. Anat. A Physiol, Lond., 180*. ii, 224-242. Kriinloii (T. L.) Lectures on the experimental investi- gation of the action of medicines. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 413: 439 ; 495 ; 521; 581 : 663 : ii, 659; 687 : 749: 1875, i; 201. -----. Researches made, in the pharmacological laboratory of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1876, xii, 125-134. -----. The Goul- stoniau lectures on pharmacology ami its relation to thera- peutics. Brit. M. ■}.. Lond.. 1*77. i, 251; 285; 315; 345; 379. 415. —Brnnton (T. L.) -V (a«h (T.) On the at- tion of various alkaloids on processes of oxidation. St. Barth. Hosp. Hep., Loud., 1882, xviii, 267-270.— Itiifa- lini (G.) L' attuale indirizzo nella farinacologia spoil- men tale. Gior. di clin. e terrp., Messina, 1*83, ii 1-19.— 4'ameron (C. A.) On the phy.-iological activity of super- oxidised molecules, especially of those of quinine iotlate and bromate. [Abstr.] Lancet, Lond, 1882, i, 1026.—t'nvaz- zani (O.) Suit azione dell' atrophia, della digitalina e della chinina associate print ipalmente sulla circola/.i....... Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano.1*79. ccxlvii, 3-42.—t'lii- rone (V.) La farinacologia sperimentale. Arch metl. ital., Torino, 1882, i, 48-71!. — Cleronx (L.-J.-V.) Consi- derations generates sur la physiologie du medicament. 1'nion metl. du Canada, Montreal. 1882, xi, 245 ; 327.— Coyne. De Taction des medicaments. Reehcrches du contite tie the British Medical Association, (la/., med. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii, 556: 570; 607. \See, also, supra, Ben- nett (J. H.)] — Cliirei ' A ) Azione tli alcnni metlica- menti sulla eireolazione tl I sangue nel eervello. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1884, liii 2-L-265.— l)nboi» (K.) Note sur taction des vapours de qui -lques liquides oiganiques neutres sur la substance organisee. C'umpt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1883, 7. s.. v, 376-379.— I'< no^lio (I.) Azione d' alcuni ritnedi sulla l icchezzii emoglobinica tlel sangne. Indipcndeute, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 241-246.— I'iclil (H. M. ) Six generic drug modifications. Bos- ton M. A S. J., 1884, ex, 601 : cxi, 3. Also, Reprint.— Flemiiii; (A.) On the classification of medicines ac- cording to their action on the healthy body. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1852, xiv, 278-309. Also, Reprint. — Floel to.) Die Wirkuug tier Kalinin- und Natl ium-Salze auf die glatte Mnskniattir veischiedener Thiere. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn 1*81-5, xxxv, 157-173.—Fi-asrr (T. R ) Re- port on pharmacology. -I. Anat. A. Ph\ sitL, Lond., 1873-4, viii, 217-232.—4»iioin*lii (O.) K'voprosu o inaterialakh dlya budushchei pharniakodinamiki. [On the data for a science of pharmacodynamics.| Med. Vestnik, St. Pe- tersb., 1864, iv, 497; 507. — Heger (P.) Notice sur tab- sorption des alcaloi'des dans le foie, les poumons et les muscles. J. tie metl., chir. et pharmacol.. Brux., 1877, lxv, 305-317. Also, Reprint.— IiiOMcmlzeflf (T.) Programra eines wissenschaftlieheii therapeutiselien Experimentes als des besten Mittels zur richtigen A iisarbeitung einer ratiouellen Therapie. Berl. kliu. A\'chnschr., 1864. i~ 504.— Jawomki (W.) Badania do.4wiadczalne nad zachowa- niem sie soli lec/niczych w £oladku ludzkim. (Inlluenceof medicinal silts upon the stomach.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow., 1882, xxi, 520; 537; 546; 584; 597; 606; 619; 642; 654; 667. Also: Medyeyna, Wars/.awa, 1*82, x, 647; 661; 675; 691. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miincheu, 1883, xix, 397-445, 1 tab.—Klcnlic. Beitrag zur Priifung gewisser Heilpotenzen in ihrer Wirkuug auf sogenannle mikrosko- liische Krankheitsmonaden. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. Oesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1844, ii, 253-266. —Kobrrl (E. R.) Leber den Eintiuss veischiedener pharmakologischer Agentien auf die Muskelsubstauz. Arch. f. exper. Path. n. Pliar makol, Leipz., 1881-2, xv, 22-80. -----. Leber digitalisar- tig wirkende Arzneimittel. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., lss:i, exevii, 185-205. -----. Ueber die Beeinflussung der pheri- phercn Gefiisse durch pharinakologische Agentien. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1886-7, xxii, 77- 106. — Labor«lc (J.-V.) Du role tie rexperimentalion dans la recherche et la determination des suecedanes, en therapentique. Tribune metl.. Far., 18*0. xii, 88-92.— licech (D. .1.) The relation of pharmacology to therapeu- tics. In: Six introductory lectures, 12°, Mancheter, 1*84, 49-78.—lupine (R.) Sur taction vaso-motrice de cer tains medicaments. Semaine metl., Pai-., 1887, vii, 113.— l-c Thiere (G.) Action pliysiologique de quelques 1116- tlit-aini-nts sur l'homnie sain et leur application en cas de mal.ttli.t. In his: Etudes med., 83, Par., 1869, 70-112.— :Tlarlin (11. X.) The study of tbe physiological ac- tion of drugs. Tr. M. A. Chir. Fac. Marvland, Bait., 18*5. 79-92.— VlaMoiii &. Briiylanlx. Kecherches ex- perimc'iitalis sur Taction ])li\ siologiquc ties essences d'as- pic, de lavauilc, de marjolaine et tie romarin. Bull. Acad. roy. de in^d. de Belg., Bnix., 1«79. 3. »., xiii, 547-562.— MEDICINES. . 63 MEDICINES. Medicines (Physiological action and in- vestigation of). ITIatlievicb (F.) O daiistvii alkogolya, strikhnina i opiya. [On the effects of alcohol, strychnia, and opium.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1864, iv, l'; 9; 17 —..lays (T. J.) The action and antagonism of some drugs on the frog's ventricle. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1885, 3. s.. i, 73- 90. -----. A new and delicate method for determining the local sensory action of drugs. J. Physiol, Lond., 1886, vii, 458-462.'—Merat (F.-V.) Pharmacologic. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xii. 246-260.—ifl itschcrlich. Ueber die Eiuwirkung. der Gerbesiiure, tit t Thonerde und des Mangans auf den tltierischeii Organisnms. Metl. Ztg., Berl, 1838, vii, 213; 219; 229.—.lionro (A.) An attempt to determine by experiments bow far some of the most powerful medicines, viz, opium, ardent spirits, and essen- tial oils, affect animals, by acting on those nerves to which they are principally applied, and thereby bringing the rest of the nervous system into sufferance by what is called sympathy of nerves; and how far these med eines affect animals, after being taken in by their absorbent veins, and mixed and conveyed with their blood in the course of its circulation; with physiological and practical remarks. Essays & Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb.. 1771. iii. 292-365. —lTlo- reau (A.) Analyse de l'aetion pbysiologiquedes sulfates de maguesie etde sonde. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1879. lxxxviii, 737. — iVIorelti (K) I)'alcune sperionze still' azione tisiologica dell' arsenico. del fosforo, degli io- duri di iuercui io, e di altri en.rgii i riniedi. Gior. di med. mil, Torino, 1862, x, 436-441. —.Morrie* (J. D.) Obser- vations on the chemical and physiological properties of the empviciimatic oils of foxglove, henbane, and tobacco. Edinb. Si. &. S. J . 1833, xxxix, 377-383. Also, Reprint.— i?Io»*o (A.) La pharmacologic expe imentale. Rev. scient., Par., 1876. 2. s . x. 523-526.— Hurray (W.) On the theraneiitic and physiological action of remedies. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1865, i, 383. -----. The phy- sical ami physiological action of metlicines. J. Anat. A Physiol.. Lond., 1866-7, i, 319-322. — rVeebaev (A.) Ob iignetajoutshem vlijanii na otdelenie .jeltulocbnago soka : atrophia, morphija, chlorad-gidrata i ra/.tlrajenija chuvst vitelnich uervov. [Depressing effects on arteries of atro- pine, etc.] Arch, klin., etc., St Petersb., 1883, vii, 325- 387. — Nehrer. Leber Arzm-ipri'it'nngen an gesmiden Menschen. Metl. Jahrb. tl. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1S42, xl, 160; 315. —Oken. Idee, det Pharmakologie als Wissenst haft. Jahrb. tl. Med. als Wissensch., Tubing., 1806-7, ii, 75-94. — Padiolcan. De la reserve que doit apporter le praticien dans lappreciation de Paction the- rapentique des medicaments. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 219-224.— Petrone (L. M.) Contribu- zione sperimentale still' azione di certi farmaci sopra la mucosa respiratoria. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1883, li, (J 14— 618.-----. Note, di farinacologia spei -iinenlale. Ann univ. di metl. e chir., Milano, 1883, eclxiii, 539-556. — I'oioeii i I le. Recherches expel imentales sur Its medicaments. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1844, xix, 994-1006. — IMirkinjc (J. E.) Einige Beitrage zur physiologischeu Pharmacolo- gie. X. Breslau. Saniml. a. d Geb. d. Heilk. . . . d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Knit., Bresl.. 1*29, i. 423-444. —Re- fctelli (A.)& Slrainbio (G.) Recherches et experiences snr cette question : Les medicaments narcotiques et les te- taniques agissent-ils stir le systeme nerveux directeinent ou par l'iutermediaire du sang veineux? Gaz. metl. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 196. — Ringer (S.) Concerning the influence of season and ol temperature on the action and on the antagonisms of drugs. J. Physiol.. Lond., 1880-82, iii, 115-124.—Kin«er (S.) & »aiii»bnrv (H.) Concern- ing the action of saltsof potash, soda, anil ammonia on the frog's heart. Med.-Chir. Tr , Loml., 1**2, lxv, 191-223, 3 diag. -----. On the influence of certain drugs on the pe- riod of diminished excitability. J. Physiol., Loml., 1883- 4, iv, 350-364, 1 pi—Ross (J.) Lecture on comparative pharmacology and therapeutics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 236-239.—Kiimmo (G.) Prolusione al corso uuiversi- tario di farmacologia sperimentale e terapia. Med. con- temp ., Napoli, 1884, i, 297-310.—Rutherford (W.) An abstract of an experimental research on the physiologi- cal actions of drugs on the secretion of bile. Gaillard's M. J., N. V., 1879, xxviii, 519-536. — S:i«e.«*leben. sm. 4°. Mitlhausen, 1715. -----. Revidirte und erneuerte Apothekor- Taxa aller Medicamenten, Materialien, Spoce- reyen und Waaren, welche man bey denen pri- vilegirten und gescb women Apothckern in der kiiyserlichen Reichs-Stadt Miilhausen zu kautfe findet. sm. 4°. Miilhausen, 1715. Nova pharinacopoeorum taxa, sen ordo ac pre- tium omnium medicamentorum, tain siniplicium quam compositorum, cliyinicoruin, atque Gale- uicorum, moderno tempore in otficinis publicis pharmaceutic is Yiennensilms in Austria magis usualium, justa norniain dispensatorii pharnia- eeutici Austriaco-Viennensis format a ac pnepa- rata, etex . . . regio mandato in publici et iera.rii emolumeutum tradita et publicata. fol. Viennte Austria', 1744. Text Latin aud German. Pavia. [Enactment regarding price-list for apothecaries, dated Pavia, September 7, 18'Jli.] fol. Pavia, 1823. Pontin (M.) Anvisning till valet af liikeme- del for allmtinua sjukvarden, till inrattaude af socken-apothek. HJ. Stockholm, 1816. Portugal. Regiinento dos precos dos inetli- camentos simplices, preparados, e compostos, as- sim eomo se descrcvem na farmacopea geral do reino, feito, e pnblicado por ordem de sua ma- gestade El-Rei nosso senhor, para governo dos boticarios no reino de Portugal e Algarves. 8C. Bio de Janeiro, 1818. -----. Regimeuto dos precos das drogas me- dicinaes, e dos medicamentos preparados, simple- ces, e compostos, feito, e pnblicado por ordem de S. M. El-Rei nosso senhor, para governo dos bo- ticarios dos reinos de Portugal, Algarves, e sens dominios. oblong 8°. Lisboa, 1831. Prussia. Konigliche preussische und churil. brandenburgische Medicinal-Edict und Ordnung; wie auch erneuerte Apotheckcr-Taxa, auff seiner koniglichen MajestiitallergnadigstenVerordnung aufs neue herausgegeben und publiciret, von der Collegio medico. Die 3. Aufl., mit dem franzosi- schen und andern Sachen vermehret, wovon die beygefiigte Yorrede ausfiihrliche Nachricht er- theilen wird. Mit Ihro kouigl. Majestat allerguii- digsten Privilegio. sm. 4°. Berlin, 1715. -----. Revidirte und erneuerte Taxa, aller auf den Apotheken behndlicher Medicamenten. sm. 4°. Berlin, 1715. -----. Koniglich preussische Arznei-Taxe fiir 1804; 1832; 1849; 1853; 1857-H; 1^(31-4; 18fi()-H; 1H7U-74; 1875-80; 1883-5. 4° & 8r Berlin, 1804-87). Regulations de pretii delle cose medicinali semplici, e composte, che si vendono nelle specia- MEDICINES. 65 MEDICINES. Medicines (Prices and lists of). rie della magn. eitta di Verona, fol. Verona, [1696]. Revised and enlarged manual'of the active principles of indigenous and foreign medicinal plants, as prepared at the laboratory of B. Keith & Co., New York. 32^. Jerseg Citg, 1882. Saxony. E. e. und hochweisen Raths der Stadt Leipzig vor die Apotheken daselbst auffge- richtete und von Churf. Durehl. zu Sachsen gnii- digst contirmirte Ordnnng und Taxa. sm. 4°. Leipzig. [1689]. -----. Zweiter Nachtrag zur zehuten Auflage der Arznei-Taxe fur das Konigreich Sachsen auf das Jahr 18H5. s\ [Dresden, 1887).] -----. Zweiter Nachtrag zur fiinften Autlage der thiorarztliehen Arznei-Taxe fiir das Konig- reich Sachsen auf das Jahr 1885. 8°. [Dres- den, 1887).] Servia. Taksa apotekarska. [Standard prices of drugs.] 4°. Beogrd, 188\. Sociedadk pharmaceutica Lusitana. Formu- lario dos preparados pharmaceuticos a que se re- fere o regimento dos precos dos medicanieutos.de 1H54, nao inseridoa no Codigo pharmaceutico Lu- sitano. 8°. Lisboa, 187)7). de Soiisa Ferreira (M. J.) Preyo corrente da pharmacia. 8 . Porto, 187)8. Strassijirg Apotheker-Tax, oder Verzeichniss uud Tax aller Arzneyen, welche sich, auf Befehl eines hochloblichen Magistrats gedachter Stadt, in den Apotheken zu Strassburg nach der neu- esten Verbesserungbeundeu, und befinden sollen. Dem Publico zum Besten offentlich augezeiget in lateinisch-, deutsch- uud franzosischer Sprache. 4J. Strassburg, 1760. Tassa delle robbe medicinali tauta semplici (|uanto composte ad uso di questa illustrissima eitta di Modaua et suo distretto. Dall' illustris- sima communita, e dall' eccelleutissiiiio colleggio de signori medici con 1' iutervento delli eletti del collegio de spetiali, con ogni cautezza esatta- mente revista, et approvata il presente anno 1677. fol. Moclana, 16)77. Tassa de medicinali semplici, composti, e spa- girici, disposta con 1' online dell' alfabeto e pu- blicatadall' . . . Collegio di medieina. ed . . . coin- pagniadegli speciali della eitta di Bologna 1' anno mdeci. fol. Bologna, 1701. Taxa anni mdcci, seu pra*tia Yeneta rerum medicinalium, tarn simplicium, tain composita- rum. fol. [Venetiis, 1701.] Taxa medicameutorum in pharmacopa>a Aus- triaco-Provinciali emendata contentorum pro anno mdecovii. Taxe der iu der umgearbeiteten osterreichischen Pirn inzial-Pharmacopoeenthal- tenen Arzneyen fiir das Jahr 1807. 12°. Wien, LIH07]. Taxa pharmaceutica universalis, oder allge- meine Apothecker-Taxc, btsteheud in der Augs- purger, Brandenburger, Braunschweiger, Frank- further, Leipzigei', Niirnberger, Prager, Ulmer, Wiener, Wiirteniberger. Zu bequemeu Gebrauch siimtlich neben einander in Tabellen gesetzt, [etc.] fol. Niirnberg, 1747. Taxa seu prelium tain simplicium quain com- positorum juxtadispensatoriumWirteubergicum praeparandorum et aliorum iu officinis pharma- ceutics usualium medicameutorum imindato. Ducis adoruatum et statutum. fol. Stuttgardia;, 1741. Taxatio seu valor medicameutorum omnium, tam sinqilicium, ijuam compositorum, qu;e in officina pharmaceutica Isnacen.si pnestant. Tax oder Werth aller Arzneyen, sowohl einfachen als ziisamraengesezten, welche in der Apotheken zu Eisenach zu linden. 8°. Jena, 1681. 5 Medicines (Prices and lists of). Tseny lekarstvenuych vetshestve, nevoshed- shich v aptekarskuju taksu, v g. S.-Peterburge, s 1 Jan. 1887 g. [Price-list of medical prepara- tions not included in pharmaceutical tariff, for the city of St. Petersburg, Jan. 1, 1887. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1881. Valor sive taxatio medicamentorum tain sim- plicium ijuam compositorum, qua* in officinis Francofurtanis prostant. Tax und Werth aller deren Artzneyen, welche in den Apothecken zu l-'rankfurt auzutreffen und zu fiuden. 4°. Franckf. a. M., 1628. Verordnung des Ministers des Innern vom 28. October 1876, belreffeud die neue osterreichische Arznei-Taxe. 24°. [ Wien, 1877 ?] Weinlig (C. G.) Index singulorum tain sim- plicium quain compositorum medicameutorum, quibus officina medicinalis qua' auspiciis serenis- siniie priucipis regiie et electoralis Domina* Ma- ria? Autonhe Dresihe jam floret, instructa est, pii- blica- luci expositus. 4'. Fritlrieostadii, [17(51], White (C.) A catalogue of the materia me- dica and of pharmaceutical preparations. 16°. Boston, 1817. Wittstein (G. C.) Arznei-Taxe der deutschen Staaten, oder: Vergleichende Uebersicht der neu- esten Arznei-Taxen des KaiserthuinsOestcireich, Konigreichs Bayern, Konigreichs Wiirtemberg, Grossherzogthums Baden, Kurfurstenthums Hes- sen, Konigreichs Sachsen, Konigreichs Hannover und Konigreichs Preussen. 4°. Niirnberg, 1843. Act licensing apothecaries aud druggists and regulating tbe sale of drugs. Re]). Bit. Health Smith Car., Columbia, 1882, iii, 117 120— AlUihotljwtc Verortliiutig, dieallge- nieine Medicinal-Taxe fiir this Kt'inigreich Bayerii betref- fentl. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., is:iii', xxxii, 140- 156.—Kisciuiiiiiin. Vorsehliige zu einer Arznei-Taxe fiir Deutschland. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1840, iii, 257-260.— ■ '<»i'li:iiii»l:i de los medicamentos y utt nsilios que debe tener toda olicina farniaceutiea, con determina- cion de las cantidades niiniuias de cada una, seguu resolu- cion de la Facultad. Gac. med., Lima, 1877, iii" 132-136.— Monthly list of the drugs on sale in the Euglish market, with their prices anil several duties. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839- 40, xxv, 175.— ?liill26: viii', 270; 544: 1S18, ix, 262; 525: x, 262; 526: 1819, xi, 262; 534: xii, 271; 543: 1820, xiii, 279; 542: xiv, 262; 530: 1821, xv. 263; 526: xvi, 260; 526: 1822, xvii, 262; 526: xviii, 274; 542: 1823, xix, 262; 526: xx, 266: 1824, xxii, 526: 1825, xxiii, 526: xxiv, 294; 582: 1826, xxv, 283; 574: xxvi, 278; 562: 1827, xxvii.278; 566: xxviii, 279.—Tribunal supremo de justicia; seiitencia absolutoria por expendicion de drogas. Bol. de med. y cirug. de Jaen, 1881-2, iv, 24-28. — Ulrirh. Beinerkungen iiber die konigliche preussische Arznei- Taxe. Zlschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1830, xix, 237- 252, 1 tab. — Vcrortliiinig des Ministeriums des Innern und des Ministeriums des Handels voni 31. December 1875 betreffend die Arzneitaxe mit Lucksicht auf das durch das Gesetz vom 23. Juli 1871, R. G. B. Jahrgang 1872, Nr. 16, eingefiilirte nietrische Gewicht. Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1876, xi, 15. Medicines (Quack). See Medicines (Patent, etc.) ITIecIiciiie* (Secret). See Medicines (Patent, etc.) iHeclicine* (Specific). See', also, Medicines (Patent, etc.) B.U'kr(G. F.) Mlespeciticaquornndani reme- diorum cliicacia. 4°. Halcje Magdeb., [172?]. MKDICINES. C)r Metlicine* (Specific). Boyle (K.) De speciiicorum remediorum cum corpusculari philosophia coucordia. Cui accessit dissertatio de varia simplicium medicamentorum utilitate usuque. Ex Anglico . . . trad. D. A. 16°. Londini, 1686. -----. Nouveau traite sur la couvenance des remedes speciliqnes avec la philosophie des i-or- puscules, et sur 1'usage et les propri6tez des medi- camens simples. De la traduction de Rostaguy. 18°. Lyon,1689. Eciite (P. G.) v De speciticis. 4'■'. Gottingee, [1805]. Gastellier. Des specitiques en ru6decine. 8°. Paris, 1783. Hali'mayer (J. M.) * De cauto speeincorum usu et commeudatione. 4°. [Erlangce, 1765.] Hexntg (E. A.) * Adnotationes quiedam de medicamentis speciticis. 8°. Haiti, 1847. de Joxo (P.) *De specificiis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1693. Kindler (E. E.) *De remediorum speeinco- rum notione. 8". Francof. ad V'tadr., [1804]. Km mm (J. C.) *I)e medicamentis speciticis, eorumque agendi modo. 4°. [Halce Mae/elcb., 1694.] Mayer (E. R.) Hints towards a better knowl- edge of some of the methods of, and substances used in, specific medication; a paper read before the Luzerne County Medical Society, at Pittston, Pa., Sept. 13, 1876. 8°. [ Wilkcsbarre, Pa. ], 1876. Milde (G. G.) * De speciticis eorumque ope- randi modo et usu. 4°. Halw, 1747. Molin (L.-J.-J.) *Des specitiques en mede- cine. 4°. Paris, 1847. Scudder (J. M.) Specific medication and specific medicines. 8°. Cincinnati, 1870. -----. The same. Revised, with an appen- dix containing the articles published on the sub- ject since the first edition. And a report of cases illustrating specific medication. 4. ed. 8°. Cincinnati, 1873. -----. Tbe same. 5. ed. 8°. Cincinnati, 1874. Speyer (C. V.) *De remediis specificis sic dictis. 4 . Jence, [1800]. Itoi»*4'iiM (F.-G.) Quelques considerations sur les specitiques; lues a. la Societe medicale tl'emulation. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1826, xliii, 276-292. Also, Re- print.— Brcfcll.; 3 p. 1., 437 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Hoffmann it. Cuinpe, 1830-33. Ulediciuisch-chirurgische Gesellschaft des Kan tons Zurich. Denkschrift zur Feier des fiiiif- zigsten Stiftungstages den 7. Mai I860. 171 pp., 7 pi. 4°. Zurich, Zurcher u. Ettrrer, i860. Mediciniscli-eliiriirsisclieAo.sY'y^A.s Academic K. Die, med.-cbirurg. Josephs-Akatlemie in Wien. Eine historisch-kritische Skizze. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.- Aerzte, Bruschwg., 1845, iii, 289 ; 316. — Flb-cl (J.) Auf- hebung, Fortbestand oder Umstaltnng tier meilicinisch- chiriirgischen Josephs-Academic. Oesterr. med. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1818, 966- 1)70. — <»egen\t iirfigr Winter- vorlesungen in der k. k. Josephinischcn Akademio zu Wien. Med. Nat.-Ztg. f. Deutsclil.. Altenh., 17!»8, i, 173.— von Tiiltciiyi. Aufhebung oder Umstaltnng der k. k. medioiniseh-chii urgisehen Josephs-Acatleniie. (testcrr med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1848, 673-682. — VerzHcliniww der in den Schuljahren 1833-40 au der inetlicinisch-chirur- gischeu Josephs-Acatleniie graduirten Doctoren der Chi- rur.'ie. Mtigister der Geburtshiilfe und Augenheilkuiide. Med. Jahri). d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1835, n. F., ix, 2: 1837. xiii. ISO: 1838, xvii, 104: 1840, xxiii, 167 : 1841, xxvii, 8!).—Wort (Lin) zu seiner Zeit, die k. k. medic, chirurg. Josephinische Akademio zu Wien hetreffeud. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1794, ii, 321-334: iii, 49-75. mediciniscli-chirurg-isclie Journal-Kevne. Beilage des "Med.-chir. Oentralblattes". Hrsg. vou Christ. Ludvvig Praetorius. Jahrg. 1876-87. 8°. Wien. Current. Want no. 12 in 1878; nos. 4, 15, in 1880; title and index for 1881. Mediciiiiscli - chirurgische Mouatsheftc. Kritisches Sammeljournal fiir praktische Heil- kunde. Hrsg. von Fr. Emil Friedrich und Al- fred Vogel in Miinchen. [2 v. annually.] v. 1- 15, 1857-64. 8°. Erlangen, E. Puke. A continuation of: IV€;ue medicinisch-chiriirgische Zei- tung. In 1860 Vogel dropiied and W. Brattler added; in 1861 Brattler dropped; in 1863 O. v. Franque aud A. Geigel became editors. Medicinisch - chirurgische Rundschau. Mouatsschrift fiir die gesammte praktische Heil- kunde des In- und Auslandes. Hrsg. von Ph. Markbreiter uud Jo. Schnitzler. v. 3-28, 1862- 87. 27) v. 8;. Wien. Current. Want Jan., 1873. See: Kcvuc tier Wiener Medizinal-Halle for v. 1-2, 1860-61. v. 19 edited by Karl Bettelheim; in 1879 W. F. Loebisch became editor. Medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitschrift fiir Landarzte und (Jhirurgen. Hrsg. von Franz Andreas Oft. [4 Nos. form 1 v.] v. 2-3, 183-2-5. 2 v. 8°. Mii itch en. Title of v. 1 was; Zeit«<-hrift der praktischen Medi- cin, Chirurgie und Geburtshilfo [etc.] MEDTCINTSCH-CHIRURGISCHE. (I Mediciiiisch-chirurg'ische Zeitung. Hrsg. vou J. J. Hartenkeil und F. X. Mezler. [Issued every 4 days; 4 v. annually.] 1790-1839. 200 v. 8. Nebst 43 Erganzungsbanden. Salzburg, F. A". Gberer. 1790-18.20; Innsbruck, 1821-39. In 1794 Mezler diopped; Hartenkeil died June 7, 1808 ; in 1808.L X. Khrhartbecame editor. Continued as: IMtne medicinisch thirurgische Zeitung. Medici nisch-chinirg;isches Centralblatt. Organ der praktischen Aerzte. Redaction von Ch. L. Pr.ii'torius. [Weekly.] v. 11-22, 1876- 87. 12 v. 4 . Wien. Current.. Contains a supplement: sVlctliciniscli-clii- rurgiwclM' Journal-Rev tie. Medicinisch -chirurjjischcs Con-espon- denz-Blatt fiir deutseh-aiuerikanische Aerzte. In Verbindung mit Dr. Meisburger [et al.] hrsg. und redigirt von Mareell Ha.rtwig. [Month- ly.] v. 1-2, 1883, to July, 1884. 8°. Buffalo, N. Y. Completed. No. 19, July, 1884, last published. Mediciuisch-chirnraiselies Journal. Was title .if v. 3-5, 1798-1.804, of: {TIr. Clin, 1783. Medicinische Aehrenlese. Eine Zeitschrift fiir die wissenschaftlich - praktische Gesainmtheil- kuude. Hrsg. von August Droste. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, 1856-65. 8-. Gsnabriick. Completed. Medicinische Analecten. Wochenschrift fiir praktisclie Aerzte. Untor Mitwirkung inehrerer Fachgenossen hrsg. vou Hermann Rahn. [Week- ly.] Nos. 1-21, 24, Jan. 1 to June, 1870. 88 pp., 44 1. 4°. Harzgerode, IV. Grttpe. Each no. contains 4 pp., not numbered. Medicinische Anekdoten ; oder Sauimlung be- sonderer Fiille, welche in die Anatomie, Fharma- ceutik, Naturgeschichte, etc., einschlagen, nebst einigen inerkwiirdigen Xachrichten von den be- lli hintesten Aerzten, aus dem Franzosischen ubcrsetzt. 2. Tli. in 1 v. 19 p. 1 , 256, 255 pp. 8". Frankfurt ti. Leipzig, 1767. Medicinische Annalen; eine Zeitschrift her- ausgegi'ben von den Mitgliedern der grossher- zoglicli-bailisclien Sanitats-Coiiiinission in Carls- ruhe und den Yorstehern der niedicinischeu, chi- rurgisehen und geburtshiilnichen Austalten in Heidelberg, F. A. B. Puchelt, M. J. Chelius und F. C. Nii^elc. v. 1-13, 18:55-48. 8 . Heidelberg, J. C. B. Muhr. Coiitinnatiou of: Hcitlclbergcr klinische Annalen. Completed. Medicinische Anorduung wegen der jetzt an vielen Orten grassirenden Fleck-Fieber, wit- sich besonders die Leute anf dem Lande dabey zu verhalten haben, die entweder keinen Medicnni haben, oder nicht bezahlen konnen. 28 pp. 4°. Schneeberg, 1759. MEDICINISCHE. Medicinische Anweisung wegen der tollen Huudewuth [followed by " Vorschrift fiir die Wundiirzte und Barbierer, besonders auf Dor- fern, was sie im ersten Anfaug bei den von wiitliigen Thiereu gebissenen Menschen zu beob- achten haben"]. 36, iv pp., 1 pi. 4°. Stutt- gart, C. F. Cotta, 1182. Mcdiciiiisclie-Arcana zu Herstelliing aller Gebrecheu des menschlichen Korpers und Er- haltung eiues langen Lebens; aber Alles nach dem Willen (lot tes, seiner Gnade iind Baruiherzig- keit, 18 1. 4'. [n.p.,n.d.] Medicillisclie (Der) Bernhiiuter, vorgi stellet in einem lustigen Discours, ehe (lessen in calecn- tischer Spraehe herausgegeben, a.uf iustiindiges Begehren aber anjetzo verteutscht durch tSepti- mus Podagra, M.'D. 2 p. I., 120 pp. 12-''. [n. p.], 1720. Medicillisclie Bibel, oder die Gesundheifs-Stii- riingen und ihre Ausgleichung. 2 v. iv, 219; 224 pp., 1 1. 8•■'. Leipzig, 1. Midler, 1845. Medicillisclie Bibliographic und Anzeiger zum Centralblatt fiir die gesammte Medicin, bear- beitet von Arthur Wurzburg. [ Weekly. ] v. 1-5, March 3,1883-7. su. Leipzig, Breitkopf u. Hdrtcl. Current. Medicinische Bibliothek. Hrsg. vou J. F. Bluinenbach. v. 1-3, 1783-8. 12°. Gbttingen, Dieterich. Medicillisclie Bocke, von Aerzten, welche sich fiir infallible Herren iiber Leben und Tod halten, iu der Cholera gesehosscn. XXXX—weniger I. 24 })]). 4°. Bocksdorf it. Schnssbach, S. Tresser it. Com p., [1832, rel subseq.]. .llcdiciiiischc Briefe. fieobachtungen und Erfahrungen in der Wissenschaft und am Kran- kenbette, Von I. Hoppe. [Monthly.] Hft, 1, 2, 4, Jahrg. 1, 1854; Jahrg. 2, 1855. 2 v. 8°. Ereiburg im Breisgau, Herder. Medicillisclie und chirurgische Berlinische wochentliclieNachrichton von 1). SamuelSeliaar- schmidt, nebst einer Vorrede D. Friedi it-b Hoff- manns, v. 1-3, 1738-40. 4J. Berlin, J. A. IHitli- ger, 1742. Medicillisclie Chronik. Hrsg. von Joseph Eyerel. v. 1-3, 1793-4. 8°. Wien, Meyer it. Palziiivsky. v. 3 editetl by Eyerel and Sallaba. Medicinische Denkwiirdigkeiten aus der Yer- gangenheit und Gegenwart fiir practische Aerzte. In liionatlicheii Liefernngen hrsg. von Dr. Albert Sachs, v. 1 (Nos. 1-6), July to Dec, 183.4. 608 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. Completed. Medicinische Ephemerideu; nebst einer niedi- cinischeu Topographic der Grafschaft Ravens- berg, xii, 268 pp., 5 tab. 12°. Chemnitz, K. G. Hot'inann, 1793. Medicinische Ephemerideu von Berlin. Hrsg. von Dr. L. Formey, 1. Bd. iu 4 Hft,, 1799-1800. 12°. Berlin, Naitek. Medicinische Facultiit zu Heidelberg. Be- leuchtung der von der niedicinischeu Facultiit zu Heidelberg gegen die Errichtung der neuen badischen Irienanstalt erhobeuen Einwiirfe. 19 pp. 8~\ [Heidelberg, 18:57.] Medicinische FakuUiit in Wurzburg. Herrn Franz von Riuecker ihn-in litiehverdiensten Se- nior, bringt zum 31. Miirz 1*77, tin welchem Tage derselbe vor 40 Jahren seine Eehrthatigkeit tils Professor beganii, die medicinische FakuUiit in Wiirzburg ihre besten Gliickwiinsche uud ihren aufrichtigen Dank dar. 42 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Leip- zig, JF. Engelmann, 1811. ----■—. Festschrift zur dritten S-icnhirfeier der Alma Julia Maxiiniliana, gewidmet von der . . . 2 v. 2 p. 1., 308 pp., 8 pi.; 1 p. 1., 305 pp., 9 pi. imp. 4^. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1882. MEDICINISCHE. 68 Medicinische Geschiehte des russisch-tiirki- schen Feldzugs in den Jahren 1828 und 1829 von Seidlitz, Petersenn, Riuck und Witt neu hrsg. und mit kritischen Anmerkungen begleitet von Dr. Friedrich Alexander Simon. 1 p. 1., 292 pp., 2 pi. 12°. Hamburg, Hoffmann u. Camjie, 1-7)4. Medicillisclie Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Ver- handlungen. v. 1 (1863-4). xv, iv, 205 pp.. 2 1., 151) pp. 8°. Leipzig. Veil u. Contp., 1864. -----. Bericht iiber tlie wissenscliaftliehen Yor- triige der ... in den Jahren 1875 uud 1876. 52 pp. 8J. Leipzig, E. C. W. Vogel, 1877. -----. Statuten. 8 pp. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] Medicinische (Der) Hausfreund. Redacteur: Dr. Tli. Kohler. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-2, Dec. 12, 18<0, to Dec 30, 1882. 8C A 4-. Cassel. Title of nos. 1-2, v. 1, was: Haiiisfi-cniiil (Der). Medicinische Jahrbiicher. Wien, 1861-87. See Medizinische Jahrbiicher. Medicillisclie Jahrbiicher fiir das Herzogthuin Nassau. Aus Auftrag tier Landes-Regierung. Hrsg. vou J. B. von Fraii<[ue, W. Fritze, P. The- walt und C. Vogler. Hfte. 1-23, 1843-66. 10 v. 8°. Wiesbaden, A. Seholz. 1851—r> also under (itle: iVIittlH-ilmigrii des Vereins nassatiischei-Aerzte an Seine. Mitglieder. In 1866, edited by L. C. T. He;,denreich, W. Fritze, ami Edward Bickel. Me«Iiciliische Jahrbiicherdes kaiserlich-kouig- lichen oslerreichiseheu Staates. Hrsg. vou den Directoren und Professoren des Studiums der Heilkunde an der Universitat zu Wien. v. 1-6, 1811-21. Neue Folge, v. 1-3, 1822-6. Neueste Folge, v. 1-57, 1829-48. 66 v. 8°. Wien, C. F. Beck. From 1841 to 1848, also: " Oestcrreiohische medici- nische Wochenschrift als Erganzung der medieinischen Jahrbiicher des kaiserlich -koniglichen osterreichischen Staates". v. 11, is:i2. hrsg. von Dr. A. J. Freyherru von Stift't, uud redigirt von Dr. Job. Nep. Ed. von Raiinan : v. 21, 1837, Stifft dropped; v. 23, S. C. Fischer, A. Kosas, and Joh. "Wisgrill added; v. 60, 1847, Raiman dropped and Dr. Wil. Ed. v. Well added. In 1829: Bcobachtungrn und Abhandlungen aus dem Gehiete der gesainmteu prak- tischeu Heilkunde, merged in this journal. Medicinische Literatnr fiir practische Aerzte. Hrsg. von Joh. Christ. Traugott Schlegel. Theil 1-12, 1781-7. In 9 v. 8°. Leipzig, C. F. Schnei- der. v. 12 contains index to v. 1-12. Continued as: IVcuc nieilicinische Literatnr [etc.]; also, in 1795-7, as: Schlo g«'l* rebersit lit tier neuesten mediciuischen Literatur. Medicinische Litteratur des Jahres 1794. Hrsg. vou Paul Usteri. Erste Hiilfte. 1 v. 616 pp.' 8°. Leipzig, P. P. Wolf, 1795. A continuation of: Rrpertorium der medieinischen Litteratur, Ziirich. Medicinische Merkwiirdigkeiten fiir Criiniual- richter, Aerzte und Prediger. xvi, 352 pp. 8-. Cassel. Cramer, 18115. Medicillisclie Neuigkeiten; ein Intelligenz- blatt fiir jiraktische Aerzte. Herausgeber: Dr. Kastner. [Weekly.] v. 1-35, 1851-85. 4°. Er- langen, J. J. Palm it. Euke. In v. 3 A. Wintrich Lectin.- editor: in v. 35 Aloys Mar- tin editor. In 1870-s."), title: HcriiciiiiMi-lic Xeuigkeiteu fiir praktische Aerzte. Medicinische Xovitiiten. Rundschau auf dem Gebiete der medieinischen Literatnr. Hrsg. vou 0. Reyher. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-12, v. 1, 1884. 8^. Leipzig. Denicke. Medicillisclie (Die) Praxis der bewahrtesten Aerzte unserer Zeit, syslematisch dargestellt. Zsveite durchaus nmgearbeitete und ansehnlieh vermehrte Ausgabe. Bartels, Bauingartm r, et al. 2 v. in 3. xii, 1115 pp.; xii pp.". 1 1., 1408 pp. 8J. Berlin it. Wien, Veil it. t'omp. u. ('. Gerolcl. 1-10-41. Medicinische Reform. Eine Wochenschrift, eist-hienoii vom 10. Juli 1848 bis zum 29. Juni MEDICINISCHES. Medicinische Reform—continued. 1849. Hrsg. von K Virchow und R. Enibuscher. 1 v. 276 pp. 4 . Berlin, G. Beimer. Comideted. Medicinische Repetitorie:' u. Examinatorien. 5. Bd. Eepetitorium der Physiologic des Men- schen, nebst beigefugtein Extiiuen von Dr. ('. Kolb. 16c. Stuttgart, A. Krabbe, 1861. Medicillisclie riiterhaltungs-Bibliothek, oder Collectiv-Bliitter von heiterein undernstein Colo- rite fiir alte und juuge Aerzte. v. 1-10, l*:!s~ 43. 8 . Leipzig, W. Engelmann. Completed. Continued as: .tI<-«li«-iniNchcsu. naturw. fnterhaltuuirs-Magazin. Medicillisclie (Der) rnten-icht an der Wiene: Hochsehule und seine Gebrecheu. Von einigei. Studirenden. 24 ]ip. 8^. Won, G. J. Manz, 1869. Medicillisclie Zeitung. Hrsg. von dem Verein fiir Heilkunde in Preiissen. [Weekly.] v. 1-26, Sept, 5, 1832, to Dec. 30, 1857. fol. Xeue Folge. v. 1-3. 1858-61). fol. A 4°. Berlin, T. C. /•'. Enslin. In ls.">s. Iv Miill.-r became editor. Continued as: Pr«'iiw«i>>«-ln' Metliciiial-Zeitung. Medicinische Zeitung des Auslandes. Redi- girt von Dr. Kalisch. No. 4, v. 2, Jan. 14, 18;;4, fol. Berlin, E. s. Mi I tier. Medicinische Zeitung Russlands, redigirt und hrso. yon den DDrr. M. Heine, R. Krebel und H. Thielmann. [Weekly.] v. 1-17, 1844- 60. 16 v. 4°. St. Petersburg. Want v. 2, 1S45, and nos. 2, 2!) in 1851. Followed, in July. 1861, by: St. Pt'torstbn riser medicinische Zeit- schrift. Medicinische!' Almanack fiir das Jahr 18:56. [Also for 1837-84.] 49 v. 8-. Berlin, <'. Hey- man u. v. 2-13 edited by J. J. Sachs. A Iter 1846, title: Nnc-hs' medicinischer Aluianach. In 1847-8 edited by \V. Hoff- bauer; in 1849 by Dr. Abarbanell; in 1850 et seq. by L. Posner. Medicinischer Argos. Hrsg. von II. A. Hacker und Hohl. Bde. 1-6 a 3 Hfte., 1839-15. 8=>. T^eipzig, O. Wigantl. Title of v. 6 is: Ar^os: Zeitschrift fiir Kritik und Anti- Kritik auf dem Cesatnmtgehiete tier Medicin. In v. 4-6 Hacker sole editor. Medicinischer Briefwechsel von einer Gesell- schaft Aerzte hrsg. St. 1-2, 1785-6. 8'-. Halle, J. J. Gebauer. Medicinisches Bedencken, wie man bey Iu- fections-Zeiten sich sowohl pr< servative als cura- tive zu verhalten habe. See Saxony. Medicinisches Couversationsblatt. Hrsg. von Dr. Carl Hohubaum und Dr. Ferdinand Jahn. v. 1-3, 1830-32. 4°. Hildbitrghauseii. Completed. Medicinisches Conversations- und Correspon- denzblatt fiir die Aerzte im Konioreich Hanno- ver. Hrsg.: Dr. Schneeinanb. [Semi-monthly.] Jahrg. 5, April, 1854, to March, 1855. 1 v. 18ft pp. 4°. Hannover, Helwing. Medicinisches Correspon'denzblatt. 1801-5. An appendix to: Alljjeiiieiiie nit tliziuische Annalen Medicinisches Correspondenz-Blatt bayeri- scher Aerzte. Unter Mitwirknng vieler Aerzte hrsg. von Dr. Heinrich Eichhorn. [Weekly.] Jahrg. 1-11, 1840-50. 8\ Erlangen, F. Enke. Completed. Medicinisches Correspondenz-Blatt rheini- scher uud westfalischer Aerzte. Hrsg. von F. Nasse und J. F. H. Albers. [Fortnightly.] v. 1-4, L-12-5. 4\ Bonn, H B. Kiinig. Completed. Medicinisches Correspondenz-Blatt des wiirt- temliergischen iirztlichen Vereins. Aus Auftrag di;sselbeu hrsg. von J. F. Blumhardt [etal.]. v. 1-57, March 1, 1832-87. 4°. Stuttgart, J. B. Mclzler. Current, v. 47 et see/, edited by C. 15. Arnold, O. Kost- 1 in anil J. Teull'il. 40 nos. form 1 v. Indexes to v. 1-55 accompany. MEDIC.NISCHES. 69 MEDICO-CHIRUKGICAL. ITBcdicinisches Jahrbuch. Kurze Darstellung der fiir die praktischen Aerzte wichtigsten Fort- schritte auf dem Gebiete der Medicin. In Ver- biudung mit zahlreichen Fachmannern hrsg. von Paul Bonier. Jahrg. 1, 1877. 8°. Leipzig, B. E. Kloz, 1818-9. Medicinisches Jahrbuch der Therinalquellen von Teplitz-Schonau in Bdhiuen. Begriindet und hrsg. von Franz X. Bert-hold und Joseph Seiche. Jahrg. 1855. Der ganzen Reihe 4. Hft. 218 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Meissen it. Biesa. Medicinisches Journal. Yon E. G. Baldin- ger. v. 1-9, 1784-96. 8°. Gottingen, J. C. Die- terich. Continued as: IVcues medicinisches und physisches Journal. Medicinisches Journal. Yon D. Johann Cle- mens Tode. v. 1-5, a 4 Hfte., 1793-1804. 8 '. Kopenhagen it. Leipzig, A. Nitschkc. Completed. Title of v. 3-5, 179S-1804, was: Jleilic-i- ■■iNch-cliirurgisclics Journal. Medicinisches Journal iiber allerhand in die Arzneywissenschaft und deren Ausiibung ein- sehlagende Materien. Hrsg. vouGottwald Schu- ster. Theil 1-5, 1767-70. 2 v. 8C. Chemnitz. Medicinisches und naturwissenschaftliches rnterhaltiings- Magaziu. Eine Monatsschrift von lieiterm und ernstein Colorite fur alte und junge Aerzte, wie fiir Freunde der Natur- und Heilkundeiiberhanpt. [Monthly.] Jahrg. 8-9, Jan., 1815, to Dec, 1846. 2 v. 8\ Nordhausen u. Leipzie/, B. G. H. Schmidt. Title of: Jahrg. 1-6, 1838-43, was: ?lc.li< iiii*»he Uu- terhaltimgs-Bibliothek, [etc.] Jahrg. 7, 1844, wanting. Medicinisches Reformblatt fiir Sachsen. Hrsg. vou G. B. Giiuther, Millies, Clotar Miiller, Hugo Sonneiikalb und Winter. Organ des Aussclms- ses tlersiiclisischen Aerzte. v. 1-3, July, 1848-50. 4°. Leipzig, <). Klein in. Completed'. At first published fortnightly; in (Jet,, 1848, became weekly : in Jan., 1850, became monthly. Xo. 9, v. 3, 1850, issued'March 3, 1851, was tbe last published. Medicinisch - klinisches Iustitut der k. Ludwig-Maximilians-I'niversitat zu Miinchen. Arbeiten des . . . hrsg. von Dr. H. v. Zieinssen und Dr. Jos. Bauer, v. 1. 8~\ Leipzig, 1884. Medicinisch-physisclieil (Ueber die) Lehr- anstalteii der ganzen Welt. 2. St., iiber Wien. 48 pp. 16°. Wien, [1796]. Medicinisch-politische Blatter, oder Mit- theiluiigen fiir die Refonnen im Medicinal-We- sen. In zwanglosen Lieferuugen. Lieferungen 1-11, June 20 to Nov. 17, 1848. 1 v. 640 pp. 8°. Niirnberg. L)r. vou Jan. editor. Meclicinisch-practische Bibliofhek, worin Xachrichten von den ueuesten zur Ausiibung der Heilkunde gehorigen Schriften und Vorfiilleu geliefert werden. Yon Johann Andreas Murray. v. 1-3, 1774-80. 12°. Gottingen, J. C. Dielcrie'li. Medicinisch - therapetitisches Worter- hnch, etc. See Siegcrt (Johann Christoph). 8°. Berlin, 1856. Medicinsk Tidning. [ Weekly. ] Nos. 1-20. Sept, 3, 1818. to Jan. 28, 1819. 4°. Stockholm, A. Gadelius. Medicinske Selskab i Christiania. Forhand- linger i det medicinske Selskab i Christiania om roiplantelsesinaaden af Cholera. 106 pp., 1 map. 8°. [Christiania, 1854.] Round with : Actstykker angaaende Cholera-Epidemien. 8°. Christiania, 1854. Medicinskt Archiv. Utgifvet af liikarne vid Ciirolinska Institutet i Stockholm, redigeradt af E. A. Key, C. J. Rossan'der, S. G. Troilius. v. 1- 3, 1863, to Aug., 1868. 8°. Stockholm, Samson cf Wallin. In no. 3, v. 1, Troilius dropped and A. Kjellberg added. v. 3contains, also, "Tillaggshiifte", 170 pp. Continuedas: Xordiskt medicinskt Arkiv. Medicis (De) quos Halberstadiensis, Quedlin- burgensis, Wernigerodensis ditio vel genuit vel aluit. viii, 90 pp. 8°. Halberstadii, 1840. del Medico (Giuseppe). Auatomia per uso dei pittori e scultori. 84 pp., 38 pi. fol. Boma, V. Poggioli, 1811. Medico (II) di Casa. Giornale di igiene e medi- eina popolare ; diretto dal Professore Paolo Man- tegazza. [Semi-monthly.] Anno 1-9, 1873-81. 8 . Milano. Completed. A continuation of: Igca (L'). Medico (El) casero, 6 el conservador de la salud. Reglas dirigidas & toda clase de personas acerca de los peligros que les importa evitar para man- tener la salud y prolongar largos afios la vida. 5 p. 1., 13-411 pp., 9 1. 32°. Barcelona, de el Barcelones, 1849. "Medico Chirnrgus" [pseudon.]. A letter addressed to the medical profession, on the en- croachments on the practice of the surgeon- apothecary by a new set of physicians. 20 pp. 8°. London, for the author, 1826. Medico (El) y cirujauo centro-americano. Publi- cacion mensual de medieina, cirujia y los rainos colaterales. Propietario y editor: Ferd. C. Va- lentine. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1880, to Oct., 1881. 4°. Guatemala. Medico (II) omeopatico di casa e di viaggio, os- sia manuale indispensibile ad ogni persona, ed in particolare a tutti i padri di famiglia che diino- rano in campagna lontana dai socorsi del me- dico, onde potere, senza di essi, ne' casi di subi- tanea malattia da se stessi-aiutarsi ne' primi nionienti del male. Tradotto dal tedesco. 210 pp., 1 1. 8°. Capolago, tipog. e libreria Elvetica, 1840. [P., v. 1456.] Medico (II) veterinario. Giornale teorico-pra- tico della Regia scuola di medieina veterinaria di Torino. Redattori: i professori ed assistenti della scuola. [Monthly.] 2. s., v. 2-6, 1861-5; 3. s., v. 1-2, 6, 1866-7, 1871; 4. s., v. 1-6, 1872-7; 5. s., v. 1-6, 1878-83; 6. s., v. 1-4, 1884-7. 24 v. 8°. Torino. Current. Medico-Botanical Society of London. Ori- gin and progress of the society, with general proceedings from Oct., 1827. to Jan., 1829, aud ap- pendix. 31,32,78 pp. 8°. London, 1830. [P., v. 32.] -----. By-laws. 28 pp. 8°. London, 1831. [P., v. 32.] Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1881- 2(1.); 1882-3(2.); 1885-6(5.). 8°&12°. Phila- delphia, 1881-5. List of graduates for 1881-2, in : Announcement for sub- sequent year. 2. is 12°. Opened April 4, 1881. Mcdico-Chinirgical (The) Journal; or, Lon- don Medical and Surgical Review. Was title of v. 2, 1819-20, of: lTIcilico-Chirurgical (The) Journal; or Quarterly Register of Medical and Sur- gical Science. Medico-Chirurgical (The) Journal; or Quar- terly Register of Medical and Surgical Science; including memoirs of naval aud military medi- cine. Conducted by James Johnson. Quarterly series, v. 1-2, July, 1818, to April, 1820. 8°. Lon- don. A continuation of: ITIedico-Chirurgical (The) Jour- nal and Review. Title of v. 2, 1819-20, was: .Hc. In Jan.. 1S27, a new series commenced, title: iH«'«li<-o-<'liirnrjji€-al (The) Review and Journal of Practical Medicine. In Jan., 1S2S, et seep, published by S. Highley. In 1S.J4 U. J. Johnson added as editor. In 1843 James Johnson dropped ; died Oct. 10, 184,*. In Jan., 1848, consolidated with: British (The) and Foreign Medical Review, forming: Biiti-.li (The) and Foreign Medieo-Chirurgical Review or Quarterly Journal of Prac- tical Medicine and Surgery. ------. The same. General index to the new series of the Medico-Chirnrgical Review, v. 1-20, inclusive [from June 1, 1824, to June 1, 1834]. With an appendix, comprising an index to the series of four annual volumes, from June, 1820, to April, 1824. 110 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1834. Medico -Chirurgical (The) Review, and Journal of Medical Science. Exhibiting a com- prehensive analytical record of progressive medi- cine and surgery. Conducted by associated phy- sicians and surgeons, and superintended by James Johnson. ( Analytical series.) [Quar- terly.] v. 1-4, June 1, 1820, to March 1, 1824. 8°. London. A continuation of: IVIedico- Chirurgical (The) Journal, |etc.) Continued as: Meilico-Chirurgical (The) Review. Medico-Chiriirgical (The) Review aud Jour- nal of Medical Science. Conducted by associated physicians and surgeons, and superintended by James Johnson. [Quarterly.] Analytical series, v. 1-4; new series, v. 1-47, June 1, 1820, to Oct. 1, 1847. 8°. Am. reprint. London, republished in New York, J. V. Seaman and Ii. dic©-C!hiriirgica! (The) Review in 1827-47. Medico-Chiriirgical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions, v. 1-3, 1824 - 9. 4 v. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1824-9. -----. Laws. 12 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Balfour $■ Jack, 1841. [P., v. 1199.] -----. Transactions, sessions 1881-2 to 1885-6. New series, v. 1-5. 8°. Edinburgh, 1882-6. Medico - Legal (The) Journal. Published under the auspices of the Medico-Legal Society of New York. Clark Bell, editor. [Quarterly.'] v. 1-5, June, 1883-7. 8°. New York. Current. Medico-legal report on the medical testimony of the Schoeppe murder trial, presented to the College of Physiciaus of Philadelphia, and unanimously adopted, Nov. 3, 1869. pp. 77-91. 8'-. Philadelphia, M. Dahlem, 1869. Medico-Legal Society of the City of New York. Constitution and by-laws. 11 pp. 12°. New York, G. A. Francis, 186)9. Founded in 18G0. Incorporated in 1869, ------. Report of the committee on criminal abor- tion. 15 pp. 8-. New York, D. Applet on A- Co., 1872. Repr. from : N. York M. J., 1872, xv. ------. First annual diuner, March 19, 1873. 45 pp., 1 phot. 8°. New York, H. E. Thomson 6 pp. 8°. New York, 1879-80. Issued with: Physician, and Pharmacist, N. J., 1879- 80, xii-xiii. ------. Bulletin Nos. 1-6, v. 4 (Nov., 1880, to April, 1881). Edited by George W. Wells. 220 pp. 8°. New York, T. B. Mead, 1880-81. ------. Charter, constitution, by-laws, and reso- lution establishing permanent commission. 6. ed. xvi pp. 8\ New York, T. B. Mead, 1881. ------. Constitution and by-laws, officers, com- mittees, and members, aud list of donors and con- tributors to the library to Let-ember 31, 1882. 40 pp. 8°. [New York, 1882.] ------. Report of the permanent commission of the . . . iu answer to the senate resolutions of January 4, 1882, in reply to the letter of the at- torney-general and State commissioner in lunacy of the State of New York. 16 pp. 8°. [New York, 1882.] ------• [Organization, objects, and plans.] List of papers read and of officers for 1872-3. 5 pp., 1 1. Sr [-«. p., n. d.] ------. Constitution and by - laws. 6 pp. 8°. [New York, n. d.] ------. Constitution, by-laws, and list of mem- bers. 14 pp. 8°. New York, H. E. Thomson &■ Co., [n. d.] See, also, Wood (C. S.) The Medico-Legal Society his- torically considered. Bull. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y., 1880-81, iv, 1-31. Medico-Legal Society of Philadelphia. An act [proposed] to establish a State board of medical examiners and licensers, and to define the duties and power of such board. 4 ft', fol. Philadelphia, Siddall Bros., [1884]. Medico-Literary (The) Journal. A monthly, devoted to the diffusion of medical knowledge among women. Mrs. M. P. Sawtelle, editor aud publisher, v. 1-6, Sept., 1878-84. 8J. San Fran- cisco. Medico-Pharmaceutical (The) Abstract and Review. [Monthly.] v. 1, Sept., 1874, to Aug., 1875. 352 pp. 4°.' London, B. Hardwieke .y Co. In Oct., 1S74: Chemists' (The) and Druggists' Advo- cate incorporated with this journal. Medico-Psychological Association. The memorial of a committee appointed at a meeting MEDICO-PSYCHOLOGICAL. Medico-Psychological Association—cont'd. of the association held at the Royal College of Physicians, London, on the 4th of August, 1868. 3 pp. 8°. [London, 1868.] -----. Draft of petition to the lord advocate, to be submitted to the meeting on 1st Nov., 1876. Adopted by the superintendent and other officers of the Scottish district and parochial asylums for the insane, Oct. 31, 1876. 2 pp. fob [Edin- burgh, 1816.] [P., v. 1295.] -----. Pensions in British asylums. Extracts from circular issued by the . . . and forwarded to the board of directors of every lunatic asylum in tbe three kingdoms, Aug. 4, 1879. 1 sheet. * 4 . [London, 1879.] [P., v. 1295.] -----. Handbook for the instruction of attend- ants on the insane. Prepared by a subcommit- tee of the Medico-Psychological Association ap- pointed at a branch meeting held in Glasgow on the 21st February, 1884. 64 pp. 8 . Lon- don, BuiUieve, Tin dall o'1 Cox, 1885. -----. Rules of. 3 pp. 8°. [».p., n. d.] "Mcdico-Psyohologicus" [pseudon.]. The treatment of lunatics; a reply to the "Lancet" annotation of Saturday, January 22, 1870. 19 pp. 8<-\ London, J. Churchill cj-Sons, 1870. Medicoriilll grajcornui opera qu;e extant. Edi- tionem ctiravit Carolus Gottlob Kiihn. 28 v. 8°. Lipsiee. 1821-33. v. 1-20, Galen; 21-23, Hippocrates; 24, Aretaeus; 25-20, Dioscorides. Medicoriilll Silesiacorum satyrae, qme varias observationes, casus, experiinenta, teutaminaex onini medicime ambitu petita exhibent. Spec. i—vi. 6 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Wratislaviie et Lipsiee, imp. J. J. Eornii, 1736. Each part has separate title-page and pagination. Medico-Statistical Association. First re- port by W. T. Gairdner aud J. W. Begbie, secre- taries. 14 pp. S71. Edinburgh, Sutherland <$- Knox, 187)2. [P., v. 97.] Medicus [pseudon.]. Sec [Pidduck (Isaac)]. National Metlical Establishment [etc.] "Medicus" [pseudon.]. Human frailty; or, physiological researches into the causes aud ef- fects of diseases of the generative system, [etc.] vii, 122 pp. 12c. New York, H. A. Barrow, [1856]. 24 pi. missing. "Medicus" [pseudon.]. A short letter to a noble lord, on the present state of lunatic asy- lums in Great Britain. 10 pp. 8J. Edinburgh, A. Neillcy Co., 1806. Medicus (Carolus Fridericus Guilielmus). *Ide;e de liiammalium systeinate. [Munich.] 56 pp., 2 tab. 8-\ Lulrinee, L. Vatler, 1847. Medicus (CarolusLudovicns) [1810- ]. *Nou- nulla de morbis panereaticis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, tgp. Nietackianis, [1835]. Medicus (Friedrich). *Geschiehtliche Darstel- lung der unblutigen Steinzerstornngs-Methodeu. vi, 7-80 pp. 8°. Witrzburg, F. Bauer, 1827. Medicus (FriedrichCasimir) [17:56-1808]. Seud- Sclireiben von der Ausrottuug derer Kinder-Blat- tern. 1 p. 1., 121 pp. 12°. Franckfnrth u. Leip- zig, 1763. -----. Geschiehte periodischer Krankheiten. 16 p. 1., 370 pp., 12 1. 12°. Carhruhe, M. Macklot, 1764. 2 v. in 1, paged consecutively. -----. Geschiehte periodehaltender Krankheiten. 2. Aufl. xv pp., 16 p. 1., 370 pp. 12^. Carh- ruhe, .)/. Macklot, 1192. -----. The same. Trait6 des maladies pe~rio- diques sans fievre; ou histoire de ces maladies, avec la vraie me"thode curative qu'il faut suivre pour les guerir. Trad, de l'alleinaud, par Le- febvre de Villebrune. xxiv, 380 pp. sin. 8-. Paris, Maradan $• Perlet, 1790. 1 MEDING. Medicus (Friedrich Casimir)—continued. -----. Brief an den Herrn Joh. Georg Zimmer- mann iiber einige Erfahrungen aus der Arzenei- Wissenschaft. 52 pp. 16°. Mannheim, 1766. -----. Sammlung von Beobachtungen aus der Arzueiwisseuschaft. 2 v. 7 p. 1., 332 pp.; 335- 882 pp. 12°. Zurich, Heidegger u. Comp., 176)6. 2 v. paged consecutively. For Portrait, see Collection—von Kaathoven. Medicus (Georgius Fridericus). Anacrisis me- dico-historico diietetica, seu dissertationes qua- dripartitie de catfe et chocolate, nee non de her- b;e thee ac nicotiame natura, usu et abusu. 50 1., 4 pi. 4'-'. [«. p.], 1720. Medicus (Karl). Ueber die Brechweinstein- salbe zur Heilung von Geisteskrankheiten. 84 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. W. Becker, 1824. Medicus (Ludwig). Sudebno-med. izsledova- nie pitshi'vich i v kusovich sredstve. Perevod s Nemetskago N. Kruzensterna i A. Dobroslavina. [Medico-legal examinations of food and bever- ages, with means of detecting adulterations.] 133, ii pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, Med. Biblioteka, 1881. Medicus (Max). See Iti'ftiiH'ii-IIrilaiiHtall zu Ecksherg hey Mlihl- dorf in Oherhayern. Bericht. 8 . Mihichen, 1854. Medicus (Maximilianus Lud. Phil.) Mteorga- nismi et reruiu exteruarum actione raut.ua. vi, 7-23 pp. 8°. Monachii, J. A. Giesser, 1834. Medicus afflictus, oder der wohl-geplagte Medi- cus, etc. See L. (C. T. A. S. M.) Medicus politicus, dat is, ouderwijs aan een jouger medicus, wegeus de politike steekeu, welke in de praktijk der m'edicijuen ingesloopeii zijn. 148 pp., 1 1. 12°. Amsterdam, N. ten Hoom, 1700. Medicus Romanus servus sexaginta solidis a\sti- niatus. 46 pp. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1671. Foot-note on last page says: Recusum 174G. Medieux (A.) * Essai sur les appareils platres; de leur eniploi en chirurgie de guerre. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 136. Mediko-pedagogicheski Vestnik. Izdanie vrachebno-vospitatelnago zaredenija. Redaktor, I. V. Maljarevski. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Jan. to Feb., 1885; Nos. 1-3, v. 2, 1886. 8'. St. Petersburg. Mediko-topographicheskii Sbornik. Iz- danie meditzinskago departamenta. v. 1-2, 1870- 71. roy. 8°. St. Petersburg. Medill (Oskar). * Meningitis cerebro-spinalis epidemica infantum. Ett bidrag till kanuedo- men om sjukdomarna bland de spada barneu pa Allm. Barnhuset i Stockholm under aren I812-7(i. 80 pp., 1 tab. 8U. Stockholm, P. A. Norstcdt $ sbner, 1880. Tied in a. Boukillet (C.) * Essai de topographie me- dicale sur le poste de Mediae (S6n6gal). 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Medina y Gutierrez (Franciscode P.) Tra- tado de patologia quiriirgica general, xvi, 426 pp. 12^. Cadiz, F. Jolg, 1877. de Medina 6 Jsasi (Rafael). See ISniz y Naiironiiin (Emilio). Manual del prac- ticaute tie sanidad, etc. roy. 8°. Madrid, 1881. Mediug ( C. Th. Bernardus). *Ad naturam glyeogenii. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lipsiee, typ. L. Sehnaussii, 1860. Mediug (Carolus Henricus) [1791-1851]. * De regeneratioue ossium per experiinenta illustrata. 40 pp., 1 1., 15 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, ti/p. Hirschfeldi- anis, [1823]. [Also, in: P., v. 1607.] For Biography, see Kiielm (Carolus Gottloh.) Mediug (Heinrich Ludwig) [1822-65]. * De er- roribus et peccatis qnibusdam in re obstetricia s.'epius ocenrrentibus. viii, 16 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, typ. C. E. Elberti, [1846]. IWEDIXG. VI MEDLOCK. Mediug (Heinrich Ludwig)—continued. -----. Kssai sur la topographie medicale de Pa- ris; examen general des conditions de salnbrite dans lesqnelles cette ville est plac6e. 4 p. 1., 282 pp.. 1 ch. 12°. Parti, J.-B. Bailliere, 187)2. -----. Paris medical. Vade-mecum des me'de- cins etrangers. Reiiseignements historiqnes, statistiques, adininistratifs et scientitiques sill- ies hopitaux et hospices civils et militaires, l'en- seignement de la medecine, les academies et so- ci6t6s savantes. Precedes (rune topographie medicale de Paris et sui vis d'un preVis de biblio- graphie medicale fiancaise et des adresses de tons les medecins de Paris. 2 v. 352, 558 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Parti, J.-B. Bailliere, 1852-3. -----. The same. Manuel du Paris medical; re- cueil de reiiseigneinents [etc.] 7)7)8 pp., 1 ch. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 187)3. -----. Bibliotheque du Paris mddical. Ensei- gnement et bibliographie de la nie'decine. x, 84 pp. 12°. Paris, V. Masson, 187)7). -----. Congres international de statistique. Conipte rendu critique des travaux sur le cadre liosoloeitjue des deces fait a la Societe medicale alleniande de Paris. 39 pp. 8'. Paris, V. Mas- son, 187)6. See, also, Verein deutscher Aerzte in Paris. Fest- Bericht [etc.J 4a. rails, Leipzig. Bonn, Breslau, 1854. Mediug (Henricus Ferdinandus). * Diss, sis- tens observationem de hydrocephalo in tern o chronico. vi, 7-32 pp. 4'-. Jence, typ. Schrei- beri et soc, [1^19]. Mediterranean (The). See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities; and under names of islands and bor- dering countries. Hkxxkx (J.) Sketches of the medical to- pography of the Mediterranean; comprising an account of Gibraltar, the Ionian Islands, and Malta; to which is prefixed a sketch of a plan for memoirs on medical topography. Edited by his son, J. Hennin. 8°. London, 1830. Hokxkk (G. R. B.) Medical and topographi- cal observations upon the Mediterranean ; and upon Portugal, Spain, and other countries. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. American Medical Library. I>;ir. Malines, P.-J. Hanicq, 1841. -----. Coup d'oeil sur l'e"tat actuel de l'enseigue- ment medical a Paris compart a celui qui se donne en Belgique. 1 p. ]., ii, 26 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles, F. Vertenuil, 1842. -----. Rapport sur l'dtat de l'euseignement medical de l'Universite' de Berlin, pendant le premier semestre de l'annde acad6mique 1841-2. 9 pp. 8°. Brnxelles, F. Vertenuil, 1842. Bound with preceding. -----. Relation d'un voyage mddical en Hol- lande, fait pendant l'annde acaddmique 1H40-41. vi, 7-39 pp. 8°. Brnxelles, F. Vertenuil, 1842. Bound with preceding. Uleerhurg- (Petrus Cornelius). * De tetatis et sexus differentiis. 3 p. 1., 84 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apud viel. D. du Saar, 1833. Uleerluirg (Samuel. Antonius). * Do ovariis necuon ovarioruru morbis. 4 p. 1., 103 pp. 8,J. Lugd. Bat., G. G. Menzel, 1839. van Uleerdervoort (Jacobus Pompe). * De locatione et conductioue. 23 ])]>. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1730. [P., v. 987.] Ifleerfurtli (J. Fr. Adolphus). * De sede mor- borum psychicorum. 32 pp. H . Gryphia;, F. G. Kunikc, [1846]. IWeerhoId (Joh. Gottlieb. Augustus). * De usu ac vi chemiie hodieruaj ad explicandam corporis animalis segroti rationem. 30 pp. 4°. Viteber- gw, lit. C. H. Graessleri, [1705]. For Biography, see Vogt (Traugott Carolus Augustus). ITIeeriiiaiiii (Peter). See lTIatthia* (Friedrich Christian). Leber Meer- niann's auf hiesiger Stadtbibliothek [etc.] 4°. Frankf. a. M., 1821. Uleerovitch (I. J.) K etiologii roji i soputstvu- joutshich ee zabolevanii. Bakteriologicheskoe izsledovanie. [Etiology of erysipelas and ery- sipelatous affections. Bacteriological investiga- tions.] 129 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, tipog. N. A. Lebcdeva, 1887. itleer* (John Daggett) [1794-1S78]. jTIeerw (E. S.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1878, 208. van der Ifleerscli ( Desideratus Josephus). * De hypochondria. 2 p. 1., 13 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. W. van Leeuwen, 1817. de Meersniaii (Eduardus). * De prascipuis mediis ad aeris vitia corrigenda aptis. 40 pp. 4°. Gandavi, H.Vandekerckhove, [1829]. [P., v. 959.] Uleerstadt (Jan Willem Gerhardns). *Bijdrage tot de casuistiek der chorea minor. 2 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Leiden, S. C. Van Doesburgh, 1882. van Ifleerten (Hubertus Elisa). * De morbo strumoso. 1 p. 1., 122 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Hasebroek [et al.], 1788. ifleerut. Murray (J.) On the topography of Meerutt, and the principal diseases which prevailed in the 1st brigade of horse artillery at that place. Printed by order of government. 8°. Calcutta, 1839. Jai-knon (T.) General and medical topography of Meerut. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1823-5, 1,'292- 298. MEES. 76 MEHI-HAUSKN. Jtlees (Lucas). * Overuitscheidingeu omzetting van digestiefermenteii. 2 1.. 49 pp., iv. 8°. Groningen, Scholtcns $• Zoon, 1885. Itlees (Ludovicus Adrianus Altiug). Di.ssertatio medica, continens quaedam de usu chloroformi in operationibus chirurgicis. 4 p. 1., 67 pp., 3 1. ^ . Groningce, P. W. van Heijningen Bosch, \ 187)7)]. Ulees (Willem). * Over de werking van Euca- lyptus olobulus. 2p. 1., 72, vi pp., 21. 8~. Gro- ningen, R. J. Schierbeek, 1873. Ulees ten Oever (J.) * Een geval van haema- toinetra in den rudimentairen hoorn van een uterus unicornis. 1 p. 1., 53 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Gro- ningen, P. Noordhoff, 1879. de IWeester (Petrus). * De sudore. 28 pp., 4 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans, 1762. [P., v. 1000; 1473.] I?Ieesters (Theodoras). * De plethora. 21 pp., 3 1 sui. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Hasebroek, 1735. van Itleeteren (Gysbertus Nicolaus Wester- ouen). * De animi patheniatibus. 2 p. 1., 40 pp. 8C. Lugd. Bat., J. W. van Leeuwen, 1819. ^legabacclius (Joh.) [U!)5-l.")5,)]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Megalomania. See Insanity with delusions of greatness. Tle^aslonia. iScc Jp3.Teisi.t6S etc JTlege (Jean-Baptiste) [1787- ]. * Sur les ob- jets de toilette qui peuvent nnire a la saute\ vi, 7-28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 74, v. 97. ------. Description d'une hevre intermitteute e'pide^nique, avec une notice topograpliique et des inflexions sur la nouvelle doctrine des fie vies. viii, 64 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet, 1822. [Also, in : P., v. 1618.] ------. Observation d'une fistule ae"rieune occa- sionne'e par une rougeole rentre'e, et gii(5rie par un bandage compressif. 7 pp. 8G. Paris, C. L. F. Panckoucke, [1*24]. Repr. from: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1824, xix. ------. Lettre a 8. Exc. le grand-maltre de l'Uui- versit-6 royale de Frauce, au snjet de son exclu- sion du coucours des agreges pies la Faculte de medecine de Paris. 30pp. rt°. Paris, Ponthieu, 1824. ------. Des principes fondamentaux de la phie"- nologie appliques a la philosophic. Discours pronouc6a la stance annuelle de laSoci6te phre"- nologique de Paris le 9 fevrier 1845. 24, 4 pp. h°. Paris, Guiraudet <.y Jouaust, 1845. ^le^erlin (Amadeus). See Mt-ulU-lns (Joannes). "VVnnd-artzneyisches Zeug- Hauss. sm. 4°. Franckfurt, 1665. ^Ie$feiiin (Christian Albertus). * De diabete hypochondriacorum periodico. 28 pp. 4°. Tu- bingte, typ. G. H. Beisi, 1696. Ulegevand (Alphouse). * Etude de pnysiologie expe'rimentale; action de la digitale et de la digitaline. 84 pp. 4°. Parti, 1872, No. 253. Jleggen. See Gurnigel. IHegrgeiihofen (Carol. August.) * Diss, sistens indagatiouem lactismuliebris chemicam. 22 pp. 4-. Francof. a. M., C. Naumaun, 1826. .lleglill (Auguste). *Apercu historique et pra- tique sur l'ope'ration de la faille chez l'homme. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Stiasbourg, 1822, v. 50. Mejniin (J.-P.) MiSmoire sur ratt'ection ty- pliique du cheval ou le typhus d'<*curie (typhus equilis), 95 pp. 8°. Paris, Benou, 1874. ' ------. Etude sur la diatheise dart re use (herpe"- tisme), et ses manifestations tegumentaires chez les animaux domestiques. 9-* pp. 8°. Part*, J 'es. Benou, Maulde $ Cock, 1875. IVIe^nm (J.-P.)—continued. ------. Des conditions de la contagion de la male des animaux a l'homme. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, P. AsseUn, 1876. Repr. from : Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1876, 6. 8., xxxviii. ------. Les parasites et les maladies parasitaires chez l'homme, les animaux domestiques et les animaux sauvages avec lesquels ils peuvent etre en contact. Insectes, arachnides, crusta- ce"s. Avec un atlas. 1 p. 1., 478 pp., 26 pi. »°. Paris, G. Masson, 1880. ------. Formes ext^rieures et anatoniie <*le"men- taire du cheval. 1 broadside fol. I'aris, 1 . As- seUn, [n. d.] —-—. Tableau de l'age des animaux domestiques. Age du cheval, du bceuf, du mouton et du cliieu. 1 broadside fol. Paris, P. Asselin, [n. d.] ------. Tableau de l'anatomie ^lcnientairc des maniements et des coupes de boucherie du bieuf. 1 broadside fol. Parti, P. Asselin, [n. d.] ------. Tableau de la ferrnre du cheval, du mulct et du bd'uf. 1 broadside fol. Paris, P. Asselin, [n. d.] ------. Tableau des tares et de'fectuosite's du che- val. 1 broadside fol. Parti, P. Asselin, [n. d.] Jlegrim. See Hemic rania. Mehadia. Popoviciu (A.) Dtis Herkulesbad bei Meha- dia in 8iebenbiirgen. 8°. Wien, 1885. Schwarzott (J. G.) Die Hercules-Bader bei Mehadia. 8->. Wien, 1831. Chorin. Mittheilungen aus den Herculeshadem nachst Mehadia. Wien. med. Presse, 186G, vii, 1131; 1155; 1178; 1235. ]Heliai*ry medical department of Central Ten- nessee College, Nashville. Proceedings of the second annual commencement, held Feb. 22, 1878. 14 pp. 8-. Nashville, Weekly Pilot print, 1878. ------. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1879-80 to 1H84-5 (4.-9.); 1-86-7 (11.). 8 . Nashville, 1879-86. List of students and graduates for the years 1878-9 to 1883-4; 1885-6, in announcements for subsequent years. Organized in 1875 for colored students. Opened Oct.', 1876. Ulehee (Jean). Trait6 des plaies d'arinos a feu, dans lequel on demontre l'inutilite' de ^imputa- tion des liienibres a la suite des blessures faites par les coups de fusils, et l'inutilite" g6nerale de cette operation, dans le plus graud nombre des autres cas. x, 11-268 pp. 8°. Parti, an Fill [1800]. -----. The same. Abhandlung iiber die Sehuss- wundeu. Aus dem Frauzosichen ubersetzt von C. R. W. Wiedemann, xiv, 296 pp. 8°. Braun- schweig, C. Beichard, 1801. Nlehee de £*a Touche [ Jean]. Traits des lesions de la tele par coutre-coup, avec des ex- p6riences propres a en 6clairer la doctrine, xix, 264 pp. 8°. Meaux, L.-A. Courtois, 1773. ITIehes (Samuelis). De respiratione aiiimalium commentatio. 4,60 pp. 4°. Heidelberga>, Pfaeh- ler, H10. Ittelller (Hermann). * Das partielle Herzaneu- rvsma. 32 pp. 8J. Berlin, G. Lange, [1868], HolllllUllseu (A.) Die Cholera-Epidemie des Jahres 1-73 in tier At nice des ehemaligen Nord- deutscheu Buudcs. In: Beuichte der Cholera-Konimission fiir das deut- sche Reich. 5. Hft. 4°. Berlin, 1877, 1-88. ------. Ueber kiinstliche Beleuchtmig. Yortrag oelialten in der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir offentliche GesuiidheitspHegc zu Berlin am 23. Februar 1885. 23 pp. ,w-. Berlin, F. Grosser, 1887>. Repr. from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 51. Hft, 1885, vi. See, also, I'harite-Annalen. 1.-5. Jahrg. (1874-8), 8°. Berlin, 1870-8U. MEFTLTTATTSBN. 77 METBOMIUS. IVIelilhausen ( Felix ). * Ein Fall von Aueu- rysma der Arteria poplita*a, welches durch Stan- gendrnck geheilt wurde. 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt u. Klaunig, 1884. Melilliaiisen (Frid.) [1792- ]. * De asth- mate convulsivo. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1827)]. IVIelilliaiiseii (GustavnsGuilelmus) [1823- ]. *De nieniiigitide. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, fra- tmm Sehlesint/tr. [1849], [Tie III hose (Christophorus) [1800- ]. * De in- testinis se inttissuscipientibus. 28 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Berolini, typ. Brueschckianis, [1827]. MelllllOSe (Ludov.) * De tumoribns ovariorum cysticis, iidjecta morbi historia. 2 p. 1., 57 pp. 8b. tiryphi'a; F. G. Ktinike, 1856. Melllig (Fridericus Ludovicus). *De ferro cau- dente ejusque in artlirophlogosibus usu. 27 pp. 4 \ Lipsiee, ex off'. Sturmii et Eoppei, [1843]. ITIelilin^ (Stanislas-Joseph). *Cure radicale de l'liydrocele par la me'thode de l'incision avec les precautions antiseiitiqnes. 134 pp., 1 1. 4°. MontpelUer, 1883, No. 60. [VI ell I i* (Car. Frid. Ed.) [1796-1832]. Commen- tatio de morbis hominis dextri et sinistri. 119 pp. 4°. Gotlinga>, C. Herbst, 1818. Also, in: Frank (J.) Delect, opusc. ad prax. med. spec. 8°. Sorocomi, 1827, i, 1-222. [Tlelllis (Christian). * Die Grundidee des Her- mes vom Standpunkte der vergleichenden Mv- thologie. 64 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1817). [Tie III is (Georgius Henr. Couradus). * De exci- tantium usu in f'ebribus, potissimum pntridis. 11., .19 pp. 8J. Gottingee, J. A Barmeier, [1787], .llelllis ( Theodor ). # Ueber Heptylsiiure aus Oenanthol und einige ibrer Deri vate. 30 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1876. Mellliss (Carl Wilhelm) [1806- ]. * Helco- gr;i|ilii;e specimen. 40 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [187,0]. -----. Ueber Virilesceuz und Rejuvenescenz thie- rischer Korper. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der rcgelwidrigen Metamorphose organischer Korper. 1 p. 1., 114 pp. 81-'. Leipzig, L. Schreck, 1838. -----. Die Krankheiten des Zwerchfells des Men- schen. x, 212 pp., 11. 8C. Eisleben, G. Beichardt, 1847). Iflellls (Guilielmus Ludovicus). *De tussi enn- vnlsiva. 30 pp. 8C. Begiomonti, typ. Hartungia- uis, 1814. [Tlelnierl (Joannes Gotthelfus). See l.i-onliarili (Fridericus Gottloh.) & Ulehnertus (Joannes(Jetth) Symbola* ad historiam agricultural fete] 4°. Lipsiee, 1790. ver Itlelir (Joa. Leon. Corn.) * De endosmo et exosmo. 4 p. 1., 59 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lugd. Bat., Hank et soc, 1835. ^leliriiig (Abraham Buffington) [1842- 7SJ. flcwsion ((i.) Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1878-9, Sacramento, 1871), 249. [flehrmaiin (H. B.) Co-Editor of: California Medical Journal, Oakland, 1880. Helm (Camille-Jean-Marie). * Recherches pour servir a l'histoire chimique et pharinaceutique de la petite ceutaur^e. 44 pp. 4°. Parti, Pillet fits dine, 1862. Eeole sup. de pharm. de Par. -----. * Etude chimique et physique sur l'eiy- throceutatirine et sur la santonine. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867), No. 263. Observations pharniaceutiques. 13 pp. Irlellll (Camille-Jean-Marie)—continued. Traite pratique et 616mentaire de chimie 8°. [Paris, 1868.] Repr. from : J. de pharm. etchim., Par., 1868, i. s., viii. ----. Nouvelles observations sur 1'huile phos- plioree. 8 pp. 8'-. [Paris, 1868, vel subseq.] nnSdicale applique"e aux recherches cliuiques. 394 pp. 12°. Parti, P. Asselin, 1870. —. The same. 2. eYl. viii, 592 pp. 12°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1878. -----. L'urine norinale et pathologique. Les calculs urinaires. Histoire ru6dicale, analyse chimique. vi, 391 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin cy Cie., 1880. Also, Editor of: Annuaire de la pharmacie f'rancaise et etrangere. Paris. 1875-7.—Annuaire pharmaceutique, Paris, 1S71-4. — A nn a les des maladies des organes ge- nilo-ui-inaires, I'aris, 1882. See, also. Sesticr (F.) De la foudre, [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1866. I?Ieit>oniian glands. See Eyelids. ITIeitioniiait glands (Diseases of). See Eyelids (Diseases of). iVIeihoilliils (Brandanus) [1078-1740]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portraits of Pl^'s. & Men of Sc, 116. ftleiboillius (Daniel. Henricus). *Disputatiode pate]he osse ejusque laasionibus et curatione. 1697. In: Haller. vi, 209-224. MeiboinillS (Henricus) [1638-1700]. De in- cuhatione in fanis deorum medieina* causa olim facta. 19 pp. 4°. Helmstadi, typ. H. Mulleri, 1659. -----. Exercitatio medica de observationibus rarioribus in nupero subjecto auatomico. Gro- ningce,J1660. Disp. anat. [etc.j 4°. Groningm, 1751, Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Groningce, 1751, In: Haller. vi, 635-651. De longajvis. 30 pp. Helmcestadi, typ. H. Mulleri, 1664. ----. * De vasis palpebrarum novis epistola. 11 1., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Helmstadi, typ. H. Mulleri, 1666. ----. De motu sanguinis .naturali et pra*ter- uaturali. Helmst., 1668. In: Haller. Disp. anat. |etc.] 4°. Groningce, 1747, ii, 567-593. ----. De medicorum historia scribenda. Epis- tola ad Georg. Hier. Velschium. 7 1. 4°. Helm- stadii, typ. H. Mulleri, 1669. ----. Exercitatio anatomico-medica de valvulis seu membranulis vasorum ear unique structura et usu. Helmstadii, 1682. In: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc. 1 4°. Groningce, 1747,ii, 49-78. -----. De abscessuum interiorum natura et cou- stitutione. Discursus, in academia Julia e ca- thedra olim habitus, et nunc a paterua biblio- theca communicatus a J. G. B. med. dr. 120 pp. sm. 4°. Dresdce et Lipsiee, J. J. Wincklero vid., 1718. -----. De catheterismo. In: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc. | 4°. "Lausannce, 1755, iv, 441-156. See, also, Cober (Tobias). Observationum medicarum castrensium Hungarieariim decadestres, [etc.] 4°. Helm- stadii, 1685.—Quatuor luculeiitorum opusculoruni. [etc.] 12°. Lugd. Bat , 1723. For Portrait, see Collection—van KaathoVen.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 110. ITIeibo ill ills (Heuricus Johannes). De methodo prajcaveudi in cousolidandis vuliieribus et ulceri- bus cicatrieem. 16 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Croekeri- anis. 1739. -----. *De texturse solidorum in humano cor- pore diversitate, ejusque cognitione iu dia*ta ordinauda et medicamentis prtescribendis neces- saria. 23 pp., 3 1. 4°. Helmcestadi, typ. P. D. Schnorrii, [1740]. Diss, sistens casum rarissimum hepati- Repr.'from: J. depharm. et chim., Par., 1868, 4. s., viii. tidem fluxu alvi puruleuto solutam sicque per- MEIBOMIUS. 78 METGE. Meibomili* (Henricus Johannes)—continued. Vecte sanatam. 38 pp. 4°. Helmcestadi, lit. Drimbornianis, [1741]. ------. Cegriindetes Bedencken iiber einen Ge- stiinck aus dem Munde, benebst der Untersu- chung und Widerlegung des darin befindlichen Visi reperti. Mit Annierckungen von Paul Gott- lieb Werlhof. 64 pp. 4°. Franckfurt u. Leip- zig, 1743. Meibomilis (Joannes Henricus) [1590-1655]. De flagroruin usu in re veneria, et lumborum renuiiKjue ofticio. 79 pp. 32°. Londini, 1667). ------. Magni Aurelii Cassiodori, formula coraitis archiatrorum ; coinmentario [etc.] 2 p. 1., 86 pp. 4 . Helmestadi, typ. H. Mulleri, 1668. ------. De cerevisiis potibusqne et ebriaminibus extra- vinum aliis commentarius. Accedit Adr. Turnebi libellus de vino. 961. sm. 4°. Hel- mestadii, typ. J. Ileitmulleri, 1668. See, also, Itai-lliolinus (Thomas), MeibomiiiM (Joannes Henricus), it iVIeibomiuN (H.) De usotlagro- nini in re veneria. 8°. Francofurti, 1670.— Ilippo- (i-alts. "Op«o9, sivejusjurandum [etc.] 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1643. Meielienierus (Matthias). De formis materi- alibus. 9 1. 1 . JVittebergce, typ. hatred. J. Ha- ken, [16."i4]. Meiehinger (J.) See Widman (Joh.), dictus Meichinger. Meidinger (Heinrich). Statistische Ueber- sicht der gcistigen und sittlichen Zustiinde in (Jrussbritanuien und Ireland. 1 p. 1., 144 pp., 4 1. 8°. Leipzig, F. Fleischer, 187A. Repr. from .- Hritische (Das) Reich in Europa [ein gros- seres VVerk desselhen Verfassers]. Meier (Arnoldus). * De errore loci. 25 pp., 2 1. sin. 4d. Lugd. Bat., T. Haak, 1720. Meier (Car. Theod. Maxim.) [1810- ]. * De morbis senii nonnulla. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. Nietackianis, 1836. ------. Case of carcinoma of the eyelid, cured by blepharoplastic operation. 4 pp. 8"-'. New York, J. F. Trow, 1852. Repr. from : N. York J. M., 1852, n. s., ix. ------. On the formation of an artificial anus. 8 pp. 8p. 4°. Gotlincjee, J. D. G. Brose, 1789. Meier (Joan. Christianus Fridericus Immanuel.) * De affectibus gravidarum. 57 pp. 4°. Hales Salicce, cere Hendeliano, [1779]. Meier (Joannes Ludovicus). * De yethiope vege- tabili cum analectis nonnullis de salibus. lxxii pp. 4°. Erlangce, typ. Waltherianti, 1774. Meier (Joh. Ludolphus Christianus). * Historia nupera* dissectionis feminte gravidic. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingee, A. Vandenhoek, [1739]. Meier (Otto Fridericus). *De dysenteriie cura- tionibus antiquis. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingee, lit. Sehulzianti, 1765. Meier (Wilhelm) [1785-1853]. Eutwurf einer Hospital-Ordnuug fiir die Hospitaler oder Kran- kenhiiuser im Grossherzogthum Baden. 3-40 pp. 8°. Freiburg, F. Wagner, 1843. Repr. from: Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freib., 1843, viii, 4. Hft. ------. Mittheilungen iiber die Einrichtung meh- rerer badischen Militar-Hospitiiler und uber den Staud der Kranken und Yerwundeten iu densel- ben wiihrend der revolutioniiren und kriege- rischen Bewegung des Jahres 1849. 44 pp. 8-->. Erlangen, F. Enke, 187)3. Repr. from: Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang., 1853, n. F., i. ------. Erinuerungen aus den Feldziigen 1806 bis 1815. Aus den hinterlasseuen Papieren eines Militjirarztes. viii, 160 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, C. F. MUller, 1854. Meierei "Zschadras". See LtamleM-Versorg-Anstalt zu Colditz. Ueber die Foi tentwickelung der". . . 8°. (Berlin, 1872.J von M[eiern] (C[aroline]). Entdeckung des Geheimnisses die Cholera-Krankheit im Keime zu ersticken, und zugleich diejenigen bewiihr- ten Schutz- und Heilmittel enthalt, welche diese Krankheit schon friiher in Deutschland ausge- rottet haben, [etc.] <>4 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, F. S. Huhsehmann, 1831. Meierott (Hemic. Frideric.l *De increineiitu corporis animalis. 27 pp. 8U. Haiti, typ. J. t'. Hendelii, [1801]. Meierns (Michael). *De epilepsia. 11 1. 6 . Basileee, C. Waldkireh, 17,96. [!'., v. 133.] Meige (Achille). *De 1'application de la gal- vano-puncture au traitement des anevrysmes. 44 pp. 4°. Parti, 1851, No. 253, v. 512. Meig-e (Lenti). * Etude sur les metastases gout- tenses et leurs principales causes. 52 pp. 4°. Parti, 1862, No. 182. Meige (Pierre-Ulysse). * Sur la ine"trite, con- sideie'e dans son (Stat aigu et ehronique. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 90, v. 207. MEIGE. 79 MEIGS. Meige (Victor-Pierre) [1856- ]. * Recherches sur les variations de l'ure^e dusang dans les diff6- rentes maladies et en particulier dans la reten- tion d'urine. 83 pp., 11. 4°. Parti, 1885, No. 109. Meigs (Arthur V.) Milk analysis. 4 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1882. Repr. f noii.- Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii. ------. Memoir of J. Forsyth Meigs. Read before the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, March 5, 1884. 25 pp. 8'3. Philadelphia, 1884. Repr. from : Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884, 3. s., vii. Milk analysis and infant feeding. A practical treatise on the examination of human and cows' milk, cream, condensed milk, etc., and directions as to the diet of young infants, vi, 102 pp. 12 . Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1887). Meigs (Charles D.) [1792-1869]. An oration de- livered before the Philadelphia Medical Society, February is, 18-29. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Kay, jr., <,- Co., 1829. [Also, in: P., v. 763.] ------. The Philadelphia practice of midwifery. xii, 370 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, J. Kay, jr., 8. ------. Introductory lecture. 21 pp. 8':'. Phila- delphia, J. M. Wilson, 1859. ------. A farewell address to his class, Feb. 27, 1861. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1861. Also, Co-Editor of: North American (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, Philadelphia, lSJ(i-7. See, also. Coloinhat (Marc). A treatise 011 the dis- eases and special hygiene of females. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. —History (The), pathology, and treatment of puer- peral fever and crural phlebitis. '8°. riiilndfljihifi. 1842. - Ilufelnnd (Christoph Wilhelm). A tn-atise mi the scrofulous disease (etc.] 8°. Eliiladrl/diiit. lsi'ii. — I,ee (Robert). On puerperal fever [etc. J s '. I'liiholel/iliin, 1842— Velpean (A. A. L. M.) An elementary treatise on midwifery [etc.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. Ear Biography, see Boston M. &. S. J., 1849, xl, 313; 333. Also: Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1873, xiii, 170-179 (J. Bell). Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1872, n. s., iv, 417-448 (J. F. Meigs). Uleigs (J. Forsyth) [1818-82]. A practical treatise ou the diseases of children, xv, 24-575 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay § Blakiston, 1848. ------. The same. 2. ed. xvi, 17-711 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay tf Blakiston, 1853. ------. The same. 3. ed. xvi, 17-721 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay iy Blakiston, 187)8. See, also, infra (Meigs & Pepper), for later editions. Address delivered before the managers, medical staff, and students of the Pennsylvania Hospital, on the occasion of the opening of the new lecture aud operating room, Jan. 9, 1869. 35 pp. sm. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay $• Blakis- ton, 1871. A history of the first quarter of the second century of the Pennsylvania Hospital. 145 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Philadelphia, 1877. On the internal use of water for the sick, and on thirst. A clinical lecture. 54 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lindsay $• Blakiston, 1880. Proceedings of the Alumni Society of the medical department of the University of Penn- sylvania for 1880. With the annual address bv ... 31 pp., 1 pi. 8'-. Philadelphia, Collins,1881. See, also, Sanitary (The) care and treatment of chil- dren, etc. 8°. Boston, 1881. For Biography, see Pepper (W.) Memoir of J. F. Meigs. 8°. [n. p., 1883.J Also: Med. News, Phila., 1882, xii, 724. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884, 3. s., vii, pp. lxxi-xciii (A. Vr. Meigs). Also, Reprint. ---:— & Pepper (William). A practical treatise on the diseases of childen. 4. ed. (of Meigs On diseases of children), xvi, 17-921 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lindsay if- Blakiston, 1870. See, also, supra (Meigs), for prior editions. ------. The same. 6. ed. xv. 16-1012 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay cf Blakiston, 1877. ItleigS (James Aitken) [1829-79]. A brief notice of Dr. Martyn Paine's work on the "Institutes of medicine"; with some remarks on the theory of the correlation of the physical and vital forces. ID pp. s-\ [Philadelphia", 1*7)3.] Repr. from: N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1853. ------. Essay on the relation of atomic heat to crystalline form. 32 pp. 4J. Philadelphia, Mer- rihew «!'• Thompson, 1855. Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1855, iii, pt. 2. —. Catalogue of human crania, in the collec- tion of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia; based upon the third edition of Dr. MEIGS 80 MEINBERG Meigs (James Aitken)—continued. Mortou's Catalogue of skulls, etc. 112 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. -----. Hints to craniographers, upon the im- portance and feasibility of establishing some uniform system by which the collection and pro- mulgation of craniological statistics aud the ex- change of duplicate crania may be promoted. 8 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, Merriheiv 4' Thompson, 187)8. [Also, in: P., v. 1492.] Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1858. -----. Description of a deformed, fragmentary human skull, found in an ancient quarry-cave at Jerusalem ; with an attempt to determine, by its conliguration alone, the ethnical type to which it belongs. 262-280 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew 4' Thompson, 1859. Cutting from .- Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc. Phila., 1859. -----. Some remarks on the methods of studying and teaching physiology- 36 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, J. Ii. Lippincott 4 Co., 1859. Repr. from: N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila,, 1859, iii. -----. Valedictory address to the graduating class of the Philadelphia College of Medicine. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Bryson, 1859. -----. Observations upon the cranial forms of the American aborigines, based upon specimens contained in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 39 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, [1866]. Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1866. -----. Aii inaugural address introductory to the course on institutes of medicine in the Jefferson Medieal College. (Correlation of the physical and vital forces. ) 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Medical 4' Surgical Reporter, 1868. -----. Valedictory address to the graduating class of Jefferson Medical College. 29 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1870. -----. Valedictory address to the graduating class of Jefferson Medical College. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia. Collins. 1879. For Riai/rnplm, see lioston M. &. S. J., 1879, ci. 742-744. Also : Meti. hull'.. Phila.. 1SS0. ii, 05; 70: 91 ; 119; 126: 1881, iii. 33-37. Also, Reprint, Also: Med. Rec, N. T.. 18711, xvi, .->()_'. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 102-104 (F. W.) Also.- Tr. Am. Ass., Phila,, 1880, xxxi. 1069-1075 (F. Woodbury). Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1881, 3. s.. v, ?p. cxvii-cxxxiii (H. C. Chapman). Also: Tr. M. Soc. Vim., Phila., 1880, xiii, pt, 1, 385-400 (G. Hamilton). Also, Reprint. Uleilisner ( Joann. Gust. Car. ) [1814- ]. * De Paracelso. 34 pp., 11. 8C. Berolini,typ.fratruni S-hlesinger, [1847]. ITIeiluii'/.eii (Samuel). Invloed van sommige stoffen op de reflexprikkelbaarheid van het rug- gemerg. 62 pp. 8. Groninqen, J. B. Wolters, 1872. de Uleij (Gulielmus Franciscus). * De gastritide. 1 p. 1., 55, iv, 4 pp. 8°. Groningce, F. Mekel, [1827)]. cle ITIeijer (Gillis van Overbeek). See van Over- beek de Meijer (Gillis). de .llei.jer (Guilielums Jacobus). *Diss. conti- nens etilitidis gaugramoste casus duos. 30 pp. 8 . Lugd. Bat., D. Noothoven ran Goor, [1855]. Meijers (J.) Handle!ding voor de verpleging van ziekeu aan boord Zr. Ms. schepen. vi, 7-134 pp.. 3 1., 1 pi. 12°. Nieuwediep, J. C. De Bui- souje. 18-0. .llei.jers (Mr. jr. See I'll f. ■■■ a un (Robert) & If ofliuann (Rarel Ber- thold). Handleiding tot het ouderzoek der uriue, [etc.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1873. Heijliiik (B.) See Hermann (R.) Schekundig onderzoek van de uitgebiaakte en duor .stoelgang ontlaste stoffen, etc. 8°. Deventer. 1831.—Tile-win* (YV. G.) lets over de cholera en eenige artsenijen, (lit eene heilzame werking teticu de- zelve oefenen. Uit het HoogduitscU door B. Meijlink. 8°. Beienter, 1831, Meikle (James). Observations on the rate of mortality of assured lives, as experienced by ten assurance companies in Scotland, from 1815 to 1863. 69pp.,10diag. fol. Edinburgh, W. Black- wood <)■ Sons, 1872. IHeiklehain (D. sr Editor of: IVow Vork (The) Medical Intelligencer, oi Eclectic Gazette, 1845. Uleilliac(Geraud). *Sur lagoutte. vi,7-31pp, 4". Parti, 1826. No. 105, v. 200. Meilliae (V.) * Recherches sur I'amaurose sy- philitique. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 186)3, No. 36. Uleillieurut (P.-A.) *Sur l'erysipele. 30 pp. 4 '. Paris, 1828, No. 195, v. 218. MeilllOll (Abel-Joseph). *Dn suicide dans le delire ou folic des persecutions. 56 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1886, No. 64, 1885-6. I?IeiIitz(Davides)[l840- ]. * De syphilidis liis- toria et theoria. 30 pp., 1 1. s . Berolini, G. Schade, [1862]. Meillet (Antoine-Frederic). * I. Des modifica- tions que le sexe apporte dans le traitenient des maladies. II. [etc] 33 pp. 4J. Parti, 1841, No. 177, v. 378. IVIeillet [H.] *Des deformations pernianentes de la main au point dc vue de la semeiologie nie- dicale. 130 pp., 2 pi. 4C. I'aris, 1874, No. 101. ITIeilly (OttoLudovicus) [1844- ]. *(pw ami's tlietica usque ad nostra tempora in arte chirur- gica adhibitasiut, 32 pp. S1 Berolini, G. Lange, [1867]. IVIeilliaroglu (Pauagiotis A.) * Ueber einen Acardiacus. 30 pp., 1 1. 8 . Halle a. S., I'liitz, 1879. Meinau (Joannes Everhardns). *De insitione morbillorum. 1 p. 1., 10 pp., 11. 4°. Harclervici, J. Moojen, [1777]. ;i iiber:;. Bkandes(R.) Die MineiiuqueLen und Selnve- felsehlanunbader zu Meinberg, nebst Beitriigen zur Kenntniss der Vegetation und der klimati- schen und mineralogisch-g -ognostischcii Beschaf- fenheit des Fiirstenthums Lippe-Dctinold. 4°. Lemgo, 1832. Trampee(J.E.) Beschreibnng der Meinberger Mineralquellen iu der Grafscliaft Lippe, nebst einem Sendschreiben des Johann Friederich Zii- ckert, vom Meinberger Mineralwasser zum iuner- lichen und ausserlichen Gebrauch. 2. Aufl. 8 -. Lemgo, 1775. Uebersicht iiber die Curmittel Meinbergs, de- re"n Anwendiuig und Wirksamkeit. 8°. [Det- mold, 1862.] Zuckert (J. F.) A'om Meinberger Mineralwas- ser iu einem Sendschreiben an den Herrn D. Jo- hann Erhard Trampel. 12°. Lemgo, 1714. von ill'in Run ch (G.) I'eber die Heiltjuellen zu Meinberg, nanientlich tlie dortigen Minenil-Schlaiuiiiba- der und tlie neuen Einrit htungen r.ur Beniitzung des koh- lensauren Gases. J. d. pract. Heilk., Perl., 1837, lxxxiv, 2. St., 61-94.—4 a>|»ai i. Das Bad Meinberg im Fuisten- thuni Lippe iiiul seiue kohlensauren Gastpielleii. Deut- sche Klinik, Her!, 18G9, xxi, 49-53. —---. Die Cursaison des Jahres 1809 in Meinberg, Lipne. Ibid., 1870, xxii, 133; 143. -----. Bad Meinberg im Fiirstenthum Lippe-Detinold. Ibid.. 1871, xxiii, 108; 141; 151. -----. Ueber Curerfolge bei Tabes dorsualis und anderen Central-Lahmungen im Bade Meinbers, Fiirstenthum Lippe. Ibid., 1872, xxiv, 135; 149. -----. Geschichtliches iiber Meinberg, beson- ders Autiindung der kohlensauren Gasquellen daselbst. Ibid., 249-252. -----. Ueber die Curerfolge bei Gicht und Rheumatism us zu Bad Meinberg. [15cases.] Ibid., 1873, xxv. 34-37. -----. Lage, Umgebung und Einrichtung von Bad Meinberg. Ibid., 153; 161. -----. Meinberg als Cur- ort fiir Frauenkraukbeiten. Ibid., 457; 469. -----. Die Kchwefelschlammbader in Meinberg. Jahrb. f. Balneol, etc., Wien, 1876, ii, 94-102. -----. DieKursaison des Jah- res 1877 in Member:1. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl, 1S78. iv. 145-148.—I»i«lrrit. Meinberg im Somruer 1836. Jahru. f. Deutsch! Heikj. u. Seebader. Berl, 1*37, ii. 147- 182. -----. Meinherg im Sonimer 1837. Ibid., 1838, iii, 439-474. MEINDERSMA. 81 MELNICKE Meindei'Sina (Sieds). * lets over resectie van de ouderkaak. 2 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Utrecht, Ee- miuk 4' Zoon, 188-2. Meilldl (Josephus). * De osteomalacia. 19 pp. 8 . Monaeitii, E. S. Uiihsehmaiin, 1843. Uleincekc (Augustus Henricus) [1808- ]. * De inguinum bubonibns syphiliticis q median. 32 pp. 8J. Berolini, typ. fratrum Ungcr, [1830]. ------. Das Chloroform und seine .schinerzstil- lende Kraft. 69 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Hartwig it. Midler, 1849. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Tlamb., 1849, lx. llleiliecke (Chr. Amir. Davides) [lfOl- ]. *Decyanosi. 43 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Britieh- ckianis, [lS2.r>]. ffleilieke (Albertns Christophorus). * De vera niorbi hypochondriaci sede, indole, ac euratione. 36 pp. sm. 4 . Halce Macjdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1719]. Uleilieke (Daniel. Christophorus). *Deincubo. 13 1. 4 . Jence, typ. rid. S. Krebsii, 1683. Uleilieke (Guilielinus). ^Svstematis medico- rum psychici succinctam historiam . . . publice defendet. 37 pp. 8 . Halce, typ. J. C. Hende- lii. [1800]. ITIeiliel (Carl August). Ein Fall von Aetherisa- tion mit lethalem Ausgang, bei Tetan. traunia- tlcus. 32 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. Bbsl, 1847. ITIeiliel (Eugen August) [1-19-52]. * Ueber Knocheiituberkeln. [Munich.] iv, 64 pp. 8-'. Erlangen, F. .lunge, 1842. Itleinel (Friedrich). * Ueber die Erkrankung der Lungen durch Kieselsfaubinhalation (Clia- licosis puliiionum). 46 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 186)9. c. See, also, f^arct (A.) Allgemeine und spccielle Ge- \verbe-l*atht)h)gie. [etc.] 8°. Erlangen, 1877. 'leinel (Joannes Georgius Christophorus). * De ditlicili vulueruni in nosoconiiis militai ibtis cura ejusque causis. 22 pp. 4°. Altorfft, lit. J. P. Mcyeri, [1799]. Jleinel (Joh. Heinrieus). *De cataractas nova pathologia. Von dem weisen oder grauen Stahr. 11 1. 4°. Erfordice, typ. Groschianis, 1708. IVIeinei'S (Heinrich). Das stadtischeWobnhaus der Zukuuft, oder, wie sollen wir batien und auf welche Weise ventiliren und heizen? Theore- tisch-practische Abhandlungen iiber Bau-Aus- fiilirungen vom hygienischen, okonomischen und staatlichen Standpuukte aus beleuchtet. 2. Anfl. vi pp., 1 1., 136 pp. roy. 8 . Stuttgart, K. Witt- we.r, 1880. Ifleiliert (August "Wilhelm Erich). * Bericht iiber die Militar-Pockenstation zu Leipzig im Jahre 1871. 37 pp., 1 1., 3 tab. 8°. [Leipzig, 1872.] ITIeinei't (C.A.) Arinee- und Volks-Eriiahrung. Lin Xiisiieh Prof. C. von Yoit'sErnahrungstheo- rie fiir die Praxis zu verwerthen. 1. u. 2. Th. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 544 pp., 1 L; vi, 390 pp., 1 1., 8 pi. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Miltler u. Sohn, 1880. ------. Die neueste Ernalirungstheoiie und deren praktische Verwertlmng bei der Ernahrung der Arinee, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des von Prof. Dr. Med. Franz Hofniann dargestellten und empfohleiien Pafent-Fleischpulvers. 1 p. 1., 54-1 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, F. S. Miltler u. Sohn, 1880. Title of 1. pt. of his: Arniee- und Volks-Erniihrung. ------. Die Kost in staatlichen und konimunalen Anstalten, die Volkskiichenkost und die Kost der arbeitemicn Klassen, mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung des Patcnt-FIcischpulvers. vi, 390 pp., 1 1.. s p]. sr. Berlin, E. S. Mittler it. Sohn, 1880. T. Je of 2. pt. of his: Armee- und Volksernahrung. ------. Wie niihrt man sich gut und billig ? Ein Beitrag zur Ernalirungsfragc. Preisgekront durch (leu Verciu "Concordia". 1 p. 1., 100 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Mainz, E. S. Miltler u. Sohn, [1882]. 6 irjiCiEEei't (C. A.)—continued. ------. The same. Comment on se nourrit bien et a bon marclie; 6tnde de la question alimen- taire. Trad, de l'alleniand par F. Timmerhans. 2. ed. Ill ])p.,2 tab. 8'J. Paris, LeSoudier,188:i. ------. Ueber Masscii-Ernahrung. Mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung der von Sanitiitsrath Dr. Biir, von Dr. Paul Jesericli, und von dem Ver- Casser, in Plotzensee angestellten Erniihrungs- versuche. vii, 122 pp., 2 pi. s J. Berlin, S. Gerstiuann, 1885. IHeiiiert (Eugenius Theodoi-nsHugo) [1833- ]. * De typhi pathologia et therapia. 31 pp. 8 . Berolini, G. Schade^ [1859]. ^feinei't (Fr.) Crustacea isopoda, amphipoda et deciijiotla Dania-: Fortegnelse over Danmarks isopotle, aniphipode og decapode Krebsdyr. pp. 57-248. 8°. hjohenhavn, Thieles, 1877. Cutting from .- Naturhistorisk Titlsskrift. 3. R.,2. B., 1877. Uleiliert (Herrm. Aug.) *De enormitate virium vitalium in organismo humano. 28 pp. 8J. Budce, ti/p. Beg. Scient. Univ. Hung., 1835. [P., v. 1327.'] ITleiiiei't (W.) Behaudeling van de ziekteu en verzwakking der mannelijke geslachtsdeelen, uitgaande van bet standpunt der natuurgenees- leer. Voorlezingen in de "S'crt'c:iii,,,in<^- van de na- tuurgeneesvriendeii (Hydro-diiitet ist-hen Verein) te Dresden in Februarij 1^64. Ook als Aveder- iegging van het over (lit onderwerp nitgegeven bock viin Doctor La' Mert. onder tie titels "Zelf- bewaring" en " Het zelf behoud". Vri.j vertaald. 71 pp. 8°. Zutphen, TV. J. Thieme .1 ("te.. 1864. Jleinert (Wilhelm). Editor of: Wa«M'i'fr]). 4C. Vitcbergce, lit. haredum C. H. Greiesleri, [1815]. For Biography, see Klcltcn (Georgius Ernestus). Meiilliof. Das preussische iMediciual-Gewicht. 21 pp. 8,J. Berlin. G. Primer, 186)8. Repr. from : Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1867, xix. llleilliiold (Julius) [1814- ]. * Gleiclinnissig verengtes Becken mit Exostosen und Ankylose des Os sacrum und Oscoccygis. 32 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, G. J.ange, [1868]. Mcinieke. SeelTIai-i-'-l (Alexander). Chemische Untersuchungcn [etc 1 8°. Mirnberg, 1820. Meillicke (Joannes Georgius). * De maniniarnm structura et morbis. 28 pp. 4°. Vitebergce, lit. viduce Tzschiedrichii. [lso.">]. jFor Biography, see Seller ((Uilielruus). MEINIKV s-j MEISSXER. IVIeinieu (Nicolas). *Surla nnStritc. 14 pp. 4°. Parti, 1821, No. 161, v. 167. Hciiiingeii. Hermann (K.) Mortalitatsstatistik der Residenz- stadt Mciningen fur das Jahr 1876. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Leipz., 187S, vii, 25-30. -----. Mor- talitatsstatistik der Residenzstadt Meiningen fiir das Jahr 1880. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1881, v, 267. Meire (Xorbertus). * De medieinaetejusobjecto. 1788. In: Lot'vain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 144-161. de Ifleirelles (Antonio daCunha Yieira). Me- moriasdeepidemologiaportugueza. 251pp. 8°. Coimbra, 1866. cle Mei relies [1777-1SOS Joaquim Candido Soares) Itioifrapliy. Brazil. Bioj Jan., ls7(i. iii. 373-37S. Ann. [Macedol, Rio de de Itleirelles Kendall (Henrique Carlos). Ao illustrissiino e excellentissimo senhor Antonio Augusto Pereira de Miranda digno membro da commissao encarregada de re ver o regulamento das quarenteuas nameado por decreto de 23 de Maio de 1872. 30 pp. 8->. Porto, ls74. [P., v. 1267. JTleii'ien (Auguste-Pierre). * Quelques reflexions sur l'iutluence de la civilisation dans les mala- dies, viii, 9-39 pp. 4°. Parti, 1820, No. 8, v. 154. -----. Kesiune complet d'hygiene prive'e, ou ex- position des moyens propres a maintenir les fonctions de nutrition, de relation et de genera- tion dans le meilleur etat de sant6 possible; pr6- c<*(16 d'une introduction historique et snivi d'une biographie, d'une bibliographic et d'un vocabu- laire. Revu par Le"ou Simon, xii, 268 pp. 32°. Paris, Bachtlier, 1828. Constitutes 1 v. of: Encyclopedic portative, etc , par line societe de savans sous la direction de M. C. liailly dc Merlieux. -----. Compendiocomplctodi chirurgia, seguito dall'arte obstetrica, e preceduta da un' introd u- zione storica. [Transl.] xi, 271 pp., 2 pi. 16°. Milano, A. F. Stellaefigli, 1835. Rleishiir^ei- (W.) Editor of: >ori\e hydrotherapia. 31 ]»p. 8 \ Bero- lini, typ. Iriiwilzsehii et ftlii, [1853], !Hei**iier,N corpuscles. l-'i-i lii-i- (E.) Feber den Ban der Meissner'schen Tnst-Korperehen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xii. 364-390, 1 pi. Meister (Carol. Gnil. Rudolph.) [1803- ]. * De caloris usu externo atque interno. 32 jtp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Briischekianis, [1829]. Meister (Franc. Ser. ) * De rheuniatismo in genere. 30 pp. 12-. Vniiloboiice, J. N. Fridrieh, 1839. Meister (Jo. Conradus). * De succis herbarum rccentiuin eoruinqiie usu ad inorbos pneter scor- butum alios. In: LEIDKM litisi (I. (i.) Opus, phvs.-clieni. et med. 12°. Duisb. ad Rhen., 17SI7. i, 277-320. Meister (Joannes Jacobus). * Nonnulla de phle- bolithis. 24 pp. ^ -. Halce, formis Ploetzianis, 1835. -----. * De secundinis arte removendis. 23 pp. 8°. Tnrici, typ. Orcllii, Fuessliui et soc, 1838. (Also, in: P., v. 5S(i.] Meister (Job. Christian Friedrich). Urtheile und Gutachlcn in I'einlichen und andern Straf- talleu. 3 p. 1., x-xvi, 530 pp , 2 1. S\ Frankf. a. d. Oder, 1808. -----. Eines T. Lucretius Cams Schauergenijilde der Kriegs-l't st in Attika. Original-Text nach der Heiur. Ca. Ahr. Eiehstadtschen Ausgahe. Vol. 1. Leipzig, 1801. Buch vi, Vers 1089, biszu Ende. Des Herrn Obristwachtincisters von Km - bel Uebersetzung in llcxanietern. Erliiuternde Aumerkungen iiber Sprache, und aus der Ge- schiehte. Fortlaufenderarznei wissen scliaftlicher Kommentar. viii, 152 pp. 8°. Ziillichau, Darn- mann, 18]6. For Portrait, see Collet-lion tit 1'ortr. of Phvs. \ Men of Sc, 118. — .lalnb. tl. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M, 1816, ix. Meister (Josephus). * Deelilorosi. xvi pp. 8C. Augnstce Vinclel., 1812. Meitl (Maximilian ), Sternberg bei Schlan in Bohinen. Ein Taschenbuch fiir die dortigen Kurgaste. 68 pp. 16°. Prag, T. Thaber, Is;?:'. Mcitzen (Theodor. Robertus) [1816- ]. *De sectioue ctesarea. 25 pp., 2 1. 8-'. Berolini, typ. frut rum Schle singer. [1843]. Mejan (Andre). Sec I*i'ovi'ii<-al t I can Michel). < luestionsde chirui"ie etc. 4 . Mont/.rli;, ,-. 1S11. Mejansae (J.-M.-Alphonse). * De la pleuresie tliapliiagiuatique. :58 pp. 4-. Paris, 1855, No. 246, v. 577. Mejassoil (Henri). * Desblessuresde la corne"e au point de vue du pronostic et du traitement. 64 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 208. Mejdiiiiaroclnaja Klinika. Ejemesjachnii journal, sobranie oiigiualnichi perveodnich lekt- siiistatei. Kedaktor: V. Popotf. [International clinic; a monthly journal containing original and translated articles.] v. 3-6, 1884-7. 3 v. s-. St. Petersburg. Meier (Henricus Gerhardns). * De intellectu iin- |)iiro sectio prior. 30 pp. sm. 4-\ Vilembergce, lit. viel. GerdesUe, [n. d.] Mejer (Job. Martinus). * De morbis ex motu sanguinis circulatorio iiniiiinuto oriundis. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. sm. 4°. Basilcee, typ. F. Liidij, 1719. Mejer (Ludovicus). * De aneiirisniato arteria* occipitalis. 95 pp. s . Wireibergi, F. E. Yt- tribitt, 1804. Me.jia (Demetrio). Estadistica de mortalidad en Mexico. Memoria de concurso prcmiada por Mejia (Demetrio)—continued. la Academia de medieina. 32 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Mc.ri.o, I. Escalante, 1879. Mekertisrhiantz (Mimas ter - Gabrielian ) [1843- J. * Ueber die Ovariotomie und Diag- nose der Ovarialcysten. 59 np. 8°. Berlin, M. Nicthe, [1812]. MekllS (Jos. Arminius). * De lnematooele retro- vaginali et refrouterina intraperitoneal!. 32 pp. s\ Begimonti Pr., typ. Dalkowskianis, 1866. c. Jlel. See Honey. Mel (Franciscus l'etrus). * Mel saccharo pne- stantins. 20 pp. sin. 4°. Altdorfi Noric, typ. J. G. Kohlesii, [1721]. Tie I an a. Nee, also, Amaurosis (Causes of); Fever (Ma- larial, Hemorrhagic); Haematemesis; Haemor- rhage ( Intestinal); Infant (New-born, Diseases "/)■ Axi)i-:i!s(J.) * Ueber Meheiia neonatorum. 8°, Greijswald, [1885]. Biskvkl (F. G.) * Qmedam de morbo nigro Ilippoeratis. 4°. Lipsiee, [1802]. Bitiox (J.-J.) ' Becherches sur la maladie noire. 4 . Paris, an Nil, [1804]. MitY.vx (O. A.) * De mehena. 8 . Edinburgi, 1186. Ciiatki. (L.-M.) * Sur le niehena. 4°. Stras- bourg. 1806. Di.\(;i',i.sn:i)T (F. G. C.) * De morbo nigro. sm. s . Berolini, [1820], Fkiedi.kix ( L. ) * De niehena. 8J. Wirce- Inogi, 1838. Gasskk ( T. M. ) * De morbo nigro Hippocra- tis. 4'-'. Argentorati, [1761]. Gexkich (E.) * Ueber die Mehena neonato- rum, s . Berlin, [1877]. Gif.sf.ckex (C. II.) * De morbo nigro Hippo- cnitis. s . Gottingee, [1829]. Hall ( H. ) * De niehena. 8C. Edinburgi, 1182. Hkuths (J. C.) * De morbo nigro Hippocra- tis. 4 . Halce, [1701]. Himmi.i; (C. \Y.) De morbo nigro. 45. Lipskv, [1811]. Hoeiix (A. C. I'.) * De morbo nigro Ilippo- eratis, voinitu cruento, et diarrho'a crueiita. 8 . Jence, [1796]. Hoin (V. J.) * De morbo nigro. 4 . Vesioi- Hone, [1769]. Kelleh (J. B. M.) * De niehena. 8. Mona- cltii, 1836. Klix(;(L.) Ueber Mehena neonatorum, s-, Miinchen, 1875. KrEHsciixi.i: (T. F.) * De niehena seu morbo nigro Ilippoeratis. 8°. Berolini, [1851]. Landau (L.) Ueber Mehena der Neugebo- renen, nebst Beinerkungen iiber die Obliteration der fotalen Woge. 8-. Breslau, 1874. LiciiTsciiLAG (J.) * Meheme Hippocratica eenuime imaii'o, indoles, et diagnosis specialior. 4°. Bounce, [1828]. Loewy (A. S. ) * De niehena. s^. Pragce, 18-26. Mf.ntixgh (J. E.) De mehena. s . Traj. ad Rhen uin, 1843. Moiiel (J.-T.) * Essiii sur le mehena, ou la maladie noire. 4 . Paris, au XIII [1807>]. Noyeu (J.-B.-U.) Sur le niehena. 1 . Paris, 1816. Pasquif.r (11.) * Sur le mehrna. 4 . Parti, 1817). Petit (J.-J.) * Dissertation sur la nature et les veritables caractercs du niehena. 4°. Parti, 1 1813. MELENA. 85 MELJEXA. Tlela'iia. Poma (J. F.) *Dcmela*na. 4°. Argentorati, an. XI [1803]. de Rooy (J.) * De morbo nigro Ilippoeratis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1793. Sciioxingii (T. J. J.) * De morbo nigro Hip- pocratis. 4°. [Groninger], 1768. Stern (G. C.) *l)iss. inaug. sistens melete- mata de atra bile Hippocratis. 8C. Iseherace. [1794]. Also, in his: Epist. med. pract. 18°. Lausannce, 1770, 1-180. Tissot (S. A. D.) De morbo nigro, scirrhis viscerum, cephalea, inoculatione, irritabilitate, cuin cadaveruin sectionibus. 12°. Loranii, 1761. Also, in: Saxdifoht. Thesaurus diss, [etc.] 4°. Roter- dami, 1768, i, 65-83. -----. The same. A letter to Dr. Ziininer- manii on the morbus niger; including some oppo- site cases equally curious and interesting. The whole illustrated with an account of the morbid appearances of the dissected bodies. Transl. from the French by John Burke. 8C. London, 1776. Also, transl. -with additions, in his: Obs. et diss, de med. prat. 12°. Lausanne, 1780, i, 27-145. Wuxdram (E. G. L.) *Qua*(lain circa mehe- nam. sm. 4-. Gottingee, 1803. Zeisixg (J. E.) *De morbo nigro Hippoerat is vomitu cruento et, diarriuca crueiita. 4°. Jence, [1824]. Aiivity tils. Observation sur -.ill melena febrile. Bull. Fac. tie med. tie Par. (1809-11), 1812, aim. 7, ii, 105.—Bartl. Quelques recherches sur la nature du niehena, et sur les moyens curatifs a. lni opposer. J. gen. de metl, chir. et phiirni., Par., 1815, Hi, 269-280.—Bclcombc (H. S.) Me- lsena. Lond. M. Gaz., 1829, iv. 109. Also: Boston M. At S. J., 1829-30, ii. pt. 2, 455. — Bcnnewit*. Mehena in Folge seltener Veranlassung. J. d. pract. Heilk., Herb, 1839, lxxxix, 1. St., 84-96.—Bergcr. Morbus niger Hip- pocratis nach Wecliselfieber, mit feliicklichein Ausgange. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1839, viii, 241.—Belz (F.) Zur Aetiolo- gie tier Mehi'ua neonatorum. Menioialiilien, Heilhr., 1879, xxiv, 549-557. — Bonte. Sur la maladie noire. J. de metl, chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 175s, viii. 222-241. — Bon- teillc (X.) Observations et reflexions sur la maladie noire. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel, 1808, xii, 407-444.— Brieuilc. Observations sur la mahidie noire, et methode curative. Rec. period. Soc. tie sante tie Par., 1797, i, 441-455.—Brooke (W.) Three cases of mehena, in which the most decided good effects appear to have been produced by the exhibition of the oil of turpen- tine. Tr. Ass. King's iickcl. Mehena. (Jen.-Her. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1840, Koblenz, 1841, 65.—Poi-lal (A.) Observations sur la nature et sur le traitenient du melena, vulgairemeiit maladie noire. Mem. Soc. men. d'emulat. de Par., an vii [1799], ii, 107- 168.—Rah III" (G.) De melama, calculorum biliosorum ac eineticoruni effectu, hnjusque niali memorabili exemplo. Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn., 1829, vii, 20-42. — Helm (H.) Zur Genese der Mehena neonatoi'um. Oeutr.-Ztg. f. Kiu- derh., Berl. 1877-8, i, 227. — Bembolil (S.) Beitrag zui Lehre von tier Mehena neonatorum (Ulcus ventriculi sive duodeiii neouatoruin). Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 385.—IS on aril. Sur la maladie noire. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1765, xxii, 449-455. — Bil- let. Memcire sur les hemorrhagies intestinales chez les nouveau-nes (melsena des enfants). Gaz. med. de Par., 1818, 3. s., iii, 1029-1033. Also.- Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1849, i, 117-131. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. n. Gebiutsh.. Ziirich, 1850, vi, 119.—Killer (A.) Zur Casuistik der Melsena vera neonatorum. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1882, xxxvi, 15-17. —Rodainel. Ob- servation sur un melena. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par., an xiv [1806], vi, 145-149". — Rouchette. Melsena s'accompagnaut tie symptomes ties graves; terminaison heureu.se. Courrier med., Par., 1868, xviii, 5. — Sawtell (T. H.) HaBinatemesis and mehena in which blood was first vomited twenty-one and a half hours after birth ; death within twenty-four hours. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 741. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1885, ii, 547. Also : Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xl, 349. — Schmiil (H.) Melsena neonatorum. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. •wiirttemb. arztl. Vor., Stuttg., 1884, liv, 193— Ni hmilt (W. J.) Ueber das Phanoinen des blutigeu Krbrechens und Stuhlabsetzens neugeborner Kinder. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1817-18, iv, 86-101.—Schiipinann. Sections-Be- fimd bei einem au Morbus niger Hippocr. verstorbenoti Mamie. .1. d. pract, Heilk., Berl., 1832, lxxiv, 4. St., 130- 133.—Silboi-niaiin (O.) Ueber Melsena vera neonato- rum. Jahrb. f. Kindeih., Leipz., 1877-8, n. F.. xi, 378-384, 1 tab. Also [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. va- terl. Kult. 1877, Bresl, 1878, lv, 205.—Skorkowski (A.) Czarna choroba Hippokratesa. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1873, xiv, 276-278.—Sorgoni (A.) Morbo nero associato a per- niciosa apo])letica; cura. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1846, xvii, 113-123.—Stengcr (A.) Eiuo besondere Form vou Blut MELSENA. Si; MELANCHOLIA. Vlela-na. erbrechen und blutigem Stuhlgnng bei Siiuglingen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1S87, xxiv, 457. — Tliomaiiu (J. >'.) Schwarze Krankheit, Ann. d. klin. Anst. in d. Julius- Hosp. zu "Wiirzb., 1801, 320-327.—Tiild (C. H.) Melsena neonatorum. Detroit Rev. Med. Sc Pharm., 1876. xi, 789- 792.—Tissot (S. A. D.) Dissertatio historica de morbo nigro. Acta Helvet... BasnYte, 1777, viii, 61-67.—Trous- seau. Let cm stir le mehena. (raz. d. hop., Par.. 1854. xxvii. 205.—Vaiiilernionilc. Observation sur line mala- die noire d'une espece particuliere, Rec. period, d'obs. de med., dechir. et pharm., Par., 1757,vi, 336-341.— Varnier. Observations sur la maladie noire. Ibid., 83-95.—Veil (O.) Fall von sogen. Mehena neonatorum. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl,'1882, iv, 471. —Vioat (P. R.) Mehena diu- tiirna post hi])sum ex alto, gravissiuia facta, sed leuissi- nioriim laxantiiini et i-csolventium ope, multo raritu- et tele rabilior qnam antea erat, reddita. In his: Delectus nbs. pract. ex tliario clin., 8°, Vi tod nriim, 1780,96-110.—Walker (H. V.) t In a newly-born female child; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1885, ii, 632.—Watson. Cause of the black color of tbe blood in hsemateniesis ; intestinal hainoirhage; haemorrhage from the urinary organs. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833. x, 465-473.—"Webber (S.j Case of mehena cruenta. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1827, vi, 73-78.— Wemlrykowski. Mela-na, fluxus lienis s. hepaticus, s. vomitus cruentus. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1861, x, 331-337.—White (J. F.) Vomiting and purging of blood in an infant twenty hours after birth. Cincin. M. Obs., 1857, ii, 298-304. —Wi-fKerl. Zur Casuistik der Melsena vera neonatorum. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1878, xlvii, 206.—Woronioliin (X.) Ueber den Nigrismus. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1877-8, n. F., xi, 385-392 — Wright (T. II.) Case of mehena. Am. J. M. Sc, Phil i., 183ti, vii, 130-133.—Zacchii'oli. Della melena. ossia del morbo nero tl' Ippncratc. Oss. med.-prat, e chir. di val. clin ital., Imola, 1793, i, 99-141—Zarlen«a. Caso di melena. Filiatre-sebezio, Napoli. 1815. xxix. 343-346. I?Ielaleiica.//f< viflora. Vlai-lin (S.) Essence tie miaouli, son action medi- cale. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1879, xcvii, 402-404. IfVI a le II c a Pa rap a a r i'en sis. Bonpland (A.) Notes sur le Melaleuca Paraguarien- sis. [Memoire remis par M. Norbert Wuy.] J. tie the- rap., Par., 1879, vi, 334-342. Melaiiipus. He na*vis corporis tractatus. In: Mei.etiis. De natura structuraqtie, hominis opus, etc. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1882, 189-191. Melaiiipyi'ii*. See, also, Flour, etc. Ikize. Experiences sur la coloration du pain par la graine dn melauipyre. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1833, iii, 340-349.—<;aspard (B.) Menioire sur la rongette ou melampire, Mi latnpyrum arvense. L. J. de phvsiol. ex- per., Par., 1821I. ix. 236-286.—Henry. Note a a'jouter au memoire de M. Ibze sur le melampyre. Mem. Acad, tie med., Par., 1833, iii, 350-353. Helaiiremia. See, also, Fever (Malarial, Complications, etc., of); Pigment (Abnormities, etc., of). Bkxthaus (F.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Melauiimie. 8:-. Greifswalet, 1877). Arinainii (L.) & liOpiiEi {(I.) Sovra un caso di me- lanemia congenita. Morgagni, Napoli, 1871, xiii. 145-153, 1 id. Also: Movimento, Napoii, 1871, iii, 49-52—Ball (B.) Melanemie. Diet, encyel. d. sc. med., Par.. 1873 2. s vi 350-359. — von K:i*eh (S.) t Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1873, iii' 233-239. —Beckmanii (O.) i Arch. f. path. Anat., etc Berl, 1859, xvi, 1*3-1*7. — Carilarclli (A.) Uu caso raro di melanemia acuta. Morgagni, Napoli, 1887, xxix. 193-202. Also [Abstr.]. in his: Alcune lez. clin, 12° Na- poli, 1887, 30-37. — Carter (H. V.) Melamemia. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1885), 1886, n. s., viii, 30-34. 1 pi — Chariot (J.-M.) De la melanemie, alteration du sang par ties granules et ties corpuscules de pi'inent. Gaz hebd. tie med., Par., 1857, iv, 659-665. — Colin (L.) Sur la migration du pigment sanguin a travels les paiois vas- ciilaiies dans la melanemie palustre. Ibid., 1872, 2. a., x, 35- -----• O'-s rapports qui existent entre la pigmenta- tion splemque et la pigmentation des aut res tissus dans la melanemie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de. Par (1873) 1874, 2. s., x. 407. Also: Union med., Par., 1874, xxviil :is- ---—• **a melanemie palustre, consideree conime preuve de la migration des leucocytes a travels les parois des vaisseaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1875, Par 1876 6. s., ii, 298-300.—De Kcghcl. Observation de melane- mie, sui vi de guerison. [Rap. de Van Bambeke.l Bull Soc. de med. de Gand, 1869, xxxvi, 9; 95.—De Martini (A.) Considerazioni sulla melanemia cutanea, seguita da due stone di siffatta malattia, Rendic. Accad. med.-chir di Xapt.li. 1856, x, 66-71, 1 pi. — Freriolis (F. T.) Die Melanainie und ihr Einfluss auf die Leber und auf andere IVIelaiiaeiiiia. Organe. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1855, vi, 321-338. Also, transl.: Arch. g6u. de med., Par., 1859, i, 513-532.— <«i'ohe (F.) Zur Geschiehte der Melanainie nebst. Bo- mt'ikungen iiber den iiorinalen Bau der Mil/, nnil Lymph- driisen. Arch. f. ]»ath. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xx, 306: xxii, 437,1 pi.— Ilarily. Melanheinie. (Jaz. d. hop., l'ar., 1881, liv, 9ii7.—Jaoeoml (J.) Sur les maladies bronz6eu, a ]iropos d'uue observation do M. le piofessetir Fauvel, de Coiistantino]ile. (raz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1864, 2. 8., i, 1 ; 17.—Karamotsas (G.) Avui 7rept7rTuJo-ei? ficAai'at/oua?. 'Ao-/cA7)7rios, ASrjvai, 1872-3, xi, 271-279. — Itartoillc (S.) Ileptn-Ttoo-t.? ^.e'tai'ai/j.ta?. l'aArji/bs, '\6rjvai, 1880, A', 65-67.— It oh ler (H.) Mehuneinia : tuberculosis pulmonum ; ta- bes dorsualis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1859, xi, 110.— IVIohcriano (P.) Un caso de melanemia; el dcido ac6- tico y el alcohol empleados en su curacion. Andahicia med.; Cordoba, 1881, vi, 25-31. — hosier (F.) Melana. mie. Handb. d. spec. Path. u. Therap. (Zieinssen), Lei])/.., 1875, viii, 2. St., 182-196. ------. Leber this Voi koinnieii von Melanainie. Arch. f. ]iath. Anat., etc., Berl, 1877, lxix, 369-379. — IVesti (I..) A liri^iili (V.) t Speritnen- tale, Firenze, 1867, xix, 289-307.—i\yslroni (C.) t Upsala Liikaref. Forli., 1872-3, viii, 491 ; 658. — Perroml. Ca- chexie paludeeiine; melanose du I'oie et do la rate. Metn. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1865), 1860, v, 286- 289.—Ter/.i (G.) Delia melanemia. Ippocratico, Fano, lsiil. vi, 295-312.—Tijjri (A.) Tre casi di cachessia per diatesi melanotica (milza nera), scn/.a alteraziono dellecas- sule soprarenali. Gazz. med. ital. fetler. tosc., Firenze, 1857,3. s., iii, 16i. —-----. Sulla cachessia melanotic!) (milza nera) in relazione della malattia tlescritta dal Addison. Ibid., 317-320.—Tommasi Crmleli (C.) Di alcuui t f- fetti delle embolie di pigmento nel corso della melanemia, e .speoialmente di una tubercolosi polmonale prodotta da esse. Riv. din. di Bologna, 1873, 2. s., iii, 90-93, 1 pi.— Tiinjjel (C.) Melanamie. [5 cases.] Klin. Mitth. v. d. med. Abth. d. allg. Krankenh. in Hamb., 1861, 18-23.— Wilks (S.) Melanaemia and discoloration of the tissues arising from intermittent fever. [2 cases.] Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loml, 1859, 3. s., v, 100-108. melancholia. See, also, Criminals (Mental condition, etc., of)— Special cases; Hypochondria; Insanity ; In- sanity (Periodic, etc.); Insanity {Religious); In- sanity (Treatment of); Insanity and suicide; In- sanity in women. Axckaumk (F.-H.) * De la melancholic. 4°. Paris, 1818. Auxould (J.) *I)e melancholia. 8'J. Edin- burgi, 1808. Hkaux (J.-J.) ; Quelques idees snr la in^lau- colie: le jtioenient, la manic, [etc.] 4°. Paris, \822. -----. * Quelques ide~es sur la melaucolie. 4°. Parti, 1823. Bergomkii (L.) *De la iu61aucolie, consid6- rde conime cause de tuherculisatioii. 4r Paris, 1871. Black (A.) *])<■ melaucholiii. 8 \ Edin- burgi, 1809. Boisiia(;o.\ (H. C. ) *De melancholia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. Boitiukxxk (A.) -De la m61ancolie. 4^. I'aris, 187)3. Borscnox (V.) *De luelaucliolia. 8°. Mons- peiii, 17W). vax Bkif.xkx (N.) *De melancholia, roy. 4J. Lugd. Bat., [1738]. Bright ( T. > A treatise of melancholy, con- taining the causes thereof, and reasons of the strange effects it worketh iu our minds and bodies, [etc.] 16°. London, 1613. Buquoy(J. A.) *Demelancholia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1800. Biiutox (K. ["Democritus"]). The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it, [etc.] 8. ed. 8\ Philadelphia, 187)7. Camkkakh's (M. ]\. J.) *Tensio cordis lipo- thymia* causa occasione experinienti pneuinatici exposita. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [1686]. Charpextikk (C.-A.-T.) * Essai sur la me'lan- colie. 8°. Parti, an XI [1803]. Chkglt (L.) * Dc la lyp^manie et de ses rap- ports avec la paralysie g6uerale. 4°. L'arti, 1868. MELANCHOLIA. S7 MELANCHOLIA. Melancholia. Chiiistiax (J.) Etude sur la melancolie. Des troubles de la sensibilite gcnerale chez les mc~- lancoliques. 8°. I'aris, 1876. Christopiif. (G.-A.) * Sur la melancolie. 1 . Strasbourg, 1831. Clemens (J. F.) * Dc melancholia hysterica, sm. 4°. Frfordiw, [17*27]. Cobet (J. H.) * De atra bile. 8 . Marburgi Cattorntn, [179.5]. Colin (L.) De la melancolie; memoire cou- ronne. sm. 8C. I'aris, 1866. Ckell (J. V. ) * De melancholia hysterica, sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1732]. Crichton (A. G. ) *De melancholia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1810. Crou ( L. ) * Essai sur la susceptibilite ner- veuseetles affect ions melancoliqnes. 4°. Paris, 1814. DuVivier (E.) De la melancolie. 8-\ Parti, 1864. Exgelmaxx (J. M.) * De melancholia. 4°. Argentorati, [1754]. Ereytag (G.) * De lypothymia. sm. 4°. Altdorffi, 1660. Ereytag (J.) Kurtzer Bericht von tier Me- lancholia hypochondriac;!. Nebenst zwolff cu- riosen Frageu nml einer Analogia der grossen Welt mit der kleinen. 12 . Franckfurt a. M., 1643. Fridericus (J. W.) * Diss, sistens melaucho- liam, vulgo die Schwermiithigkeit. sm. 4°. Er- fordice, 1128. Fi'Ciis (J. C.) *De melancholia. 4°. Jence, 1671. Gf.rardi (J.) *l.)e tristitia. 4-;. Lugd. Bat., 16)6)7). Gerber (C. G.) De melancholia hypochon- driaca. 4°. Erfordice, [1715]. Graebxer (G. L.) * De melancholia vera et simulata. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1743]. Haliczky (A.) * Imago melancholia?. 8r Budce, [1.-33]. Hasse (G.) * Die Melaucholie mit Riicksicht auf Aetiologie und Ausgang in Suicidium. 8 . Greifswald, 1886. Heixsius (J. S.) *De syncope et lipothvmia. 1J. Jence, [1715]. Herixg (H.) Microcosmus nielancholicus sen tractatus singnlaris de melancholia in genere, et affectione hypochondriaca in specie, una cum appendiee variorum exeinplorum et medicamen- torum probatissimorum ex optimis autoribus col- li'ctorum. 16°. Bremce, 16)38. Heydexreicii (.I.E.) * Diss, proponens ju- venem melancholia laborantcin. 4 . Jence, [1677,]. Hiusciiei. (L. E.) * De morbis melancholico- maniacis. 4 . Halce Magdeb., [1763]. Hofriciiter (B.) * De locis in melancholia adf'ectis. ,* '. Halce, [171)7]. Kleix ( G.) *De melancholia, ex epitome prnxoos clinien'. 4°. Jence, [1707]. Kokiiyt (I.) * Dc melancholia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1687,. vox Krafft-Ebixg (R.) Die Melancholic Pine klinische Studie. 8°. Erlangen, 1874. Kraussold (C.) Melancholic und Srhuld. .Psychologische und psychiatrische Betrachtun- geii. 8-. Stuttgart, 1881. Laxdis (('.) * De melaucholia ex mente. 8. Gottingee. 1788. Le Febure (J. L.) *I)e melancholia. 1785, In: Lot:vain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iii, 243-261. Letual (F.-J.-P.) * Essai sur la melancolie. 4J. Strasbourg, 1810. Levikil (.I.-L.) *Sur la melancolie. 4°. Paris, 18\3. Helancliolia. Lorry (A. C. ) De melancholia et morbis melancholicis. 2 v. 8°. Lntetice Parisiorum, 176,7). Mairet (A.) De la (lenience melancolique. Contribution a l'etudedela pericncephalite chro- nique localises et a l'etude tics localisations ccre"- brales d'ordre psyehique. 8J. Paris, 1883. Marcade (L.) * Sur la melancolie. 4°. I'aris, 1810. de Marcq (F.) * De melancholia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 177)1. Massexat (J.-F. ) "Sur la melancolie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Maty us (S.) "De melancholia universali et hypochondriaca. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1756. 'Meyleii (A.) *De melancholia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1803. Muller (J. B.) *De melancholia, sm. 4°. Jence, [1727]. Muller (J. J.) De melancholia attonita raro litteratonnn affectu. 4°. Jence, [1741], A Muuillo "(T.) Novissima, vetiiica, et par- ticularis hypochondriacal, melancholia'- curatio, et medela. 16J. Lugduni, 1872. Neerixcx (V.) *De melancholia. sm. 4". Lugd. Bat., 1727. Xeuse (J. G.) *De melancholia, sm. 4°. Jence, [1685]. Xicoi.au (J.-B.) * Essai sur la melancolie ou lypemanieproprementdite. 4°. Montpellier, 1824. Ohm (W.) *De melancholiie specie qua af- fee tie pro sagis vulgo habentur. 4U. Heidel- bergai, [1681]. Olpius (J.) * De natura, causis, signis, diffe- rentiis et curatione humoris melancholici. sm. 4°. Marpitrgi Cattorum, 16)28. Peox (A.) De la melancolie avec ddlire. 8°. Paris, 1814. Peteha (W.) *De melancholia attonita, ad- nexis historiis morbi synopticis. 8°. Pragce, 1842. Pichox (F.) * Essai sur la m61ancolie. 1 . Paris, 1821. le Pi per (J.) *De melancholia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1621. Pohl (E.) Die Melaucholie nach dem neu- esteu Standpuiikre der Physioiogie und auf Gruudlage klinischer Beobachtungen bearbeitet, s~. Prag, 187)2. Raesvf.lt (T. L.) * Fe melancholia. 1 . Traj. ad Rhenum, [1687]. Reigxier (G.) Traite" de melaucholie simple. S\ Paris, 1887,. Reixiiaiidt (F. G.) *Qua'dain de morbo atrabilario vcterum, atljecta morbi historia. 8 . Berolini, [1826]. Relaciox histtuica del extraordinario pheno- nieno medico, que ha ocurrido en el Hospital ge- neral con un cnferino, que entro en el a 22 de enero tie este alio, y dictaiuen que sobre el couo- cimiento pronostico, y curaciou de su enferme- dad han dado los m6dic-os de niimero de los reales hospitales general, y passion de esta corte. sm. 4°. Ma el rid, 1163. Reyeille-Pakise (J.-H.) Memoire sur l'ex- istence et la ctiuse organique du temperament mdlancolique. 8J. .Port's, 1831. Reyes y Zamora (A.-W.) * De la stupeur simple et de la stupeur melancolique. 4°. Pa- rti, lo73. Rodrigues de Payya (G.) Epicrisis critico- apologetica de affectu atrabilario, mirachiali, sive de morbis cerebri et mentis, qui extra cere- brum originem ducunt. 4°. Romce, 1751. Rolfixck (W.) *De melancholia. Resp. Joh. Gasp. Horn. 4°. Jence, 1729. de Saxtacruce (A.) Diguotio et cura affec- tuum melancholicorum. fol. Malriti, 1622. MELANCHOLIA. XX MELANCHOLIA. ^lelaneliolia. Sarluis (J.) * De differentia inter nielancho- liam et mehenam, tnin secundum veteres tuin se- cundiini recentioies. s . Ifagce-Comitis, 1840. Sciiihmeyer (L.) * Ueber das melancholi- sche Aiilangsstadinni der Geistesstiirungen. 8°. Strassburg, I8~(i. Schoxlixus (J. T.) Discursus philosophicus et medicus de melancholia et catarrho, in quo de eorutn differentiis. causis, signis, et cnrandi ra- tione accurate disseritnr. Ex . . . Andrea' P.-iu- renfii . . . libello latio adscriptns. 18°. Augus- ta; [ Vindeiicoritin], 1620. Sebire (A.-L.-H.) *I)ela melancolie, cons:- d(*r6e comme tristesse liabituelle sans derangi- ineiit de la raison. 4J. Paris, 18M. Simoxxot (E.-L.) * Essai ni^dico-philoso- phique sur la melancolie. 4-'. Strasbourg, 1827. de S.metii (J.) De la meJancolie. Etude me- dicale. 8°. Brnxelles, 1872. Tiieoi'oli>(H. L.) *Melancholici cnjiisdain vita ac melancholia', ejus curatio. 8°. Jena; [ 1835]. Toussaixt .(A.) * Dissertation sur la melan- colie. 4°. Paris, 18H. Vexatok(A.) De triplici melancholia, sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat , 1618. Waciitel (J. C.) * Diss, exhibens mulierein melancholia liypochoudriaca laborantcin. sm. 1 . Jena; 1674. Wille (E.) * 1st die Mclancliolio eine psy- chische Depressionsform 1 8'. Erlangen. 187)8. Ailam (J.) A case of luehincholv. with stupor anil ratah-psv. .1. Aleut, St., Loml , lss3-4, xxix, 508-511.— AilrailaM (<'. I..) Uu cast) de lipemania partial auto-ino- Iriz. An. tie eieii. metl., Madrid, 1S76, i, 509-515.—An- ilrv. Kecherelics sur la melancholic Hist. Soe. mv. tie med. 17S-J-3, Par., 1787, v, 97-150.—Aims (S.) Acute inehincholia ; phimosis: circumcision: recovery. Pitts- burgh M. Rev., 1880-7, i, 108.— Itail larger. Delame- lanoolie avec st upenr. Ann. ined.-ps\ ch.. Par., 1853. 2. s., v, 251-276.— Italli'xli-i-o (A.) Lipeiuaniii sintoniatica de una cloro-anemia. Corresp. metl.. M.ulriil. 1878. xiii, 67-69— Knylt-N (G.) On causes of nielancholia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersev. Newark, 18K3. S8-112. Also: N. York .M. J., 1SS3, xxxviii. 171: 2o2—Uilli (S ) Della nielancholia con stiipiu-e t> mclam-nlia attonita. < Jazz, inert, ital. lonih., Milano. ls.->3, 3. s.. iv, 421-422. —Billot (E.) Du delire mclant-nlitpie constdere cinnme signc precurseur (le la paralvsie gcnerale. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1860,'ii, 399-403.—It I ii in (Z. A.) .Melancholia passiva s charakterom psvrhichesk. virojihii!ja. [Passive melan- choly as a characteristic psychical'tielieiiei at ton.] Metl. Sbornik. TiHis, 18S.">, mi. 39, 7.5-80.—Itom-lier. Sur un cas tie delire double: cpilepsic et niclancolie. Hull. Soc. clin. de Par., 18s4. viii, 33-37. — Koiiviti-. Memoire sur la melancolie dans Its fievres. Rec. period. Soc. de ined. de Par., 1798, iv, 343-358.— Kroailwent. Cases of melan- cholia. Metl. Press ,v Circ, Dubl., lsiiS, n. a., iii. 284.— BrowillM. Melancholia simplex (nebst Bcnierkungcn iiber tlie I Jem-sis dieses Kill les und ties Irreseins iiber- haupt). Med. Ztir., Berl.. 1857, xxvi, 9 ; 13 ; 19— Uriiek- iiiaini. Beohachtung eines Falles von hvpochondi ischer Melancholic und Walnnvitz. Arch. f. metl. Eriah., Perl., 1812. i, 135-13*. — iiiieliiii",. Zu den vielen noeh eine be- soiulre Art tier Melancholic. N. Mag. f. Aer/te, Leipz., 1785, vii. 17-52. — Buzzard i'I'.j A ease oft eco very from nielan- cholia, alter refusal of food and obstinate silence during four \cars. Tr. (Mill. Soc. Lond.. Is75, viii, 31-37.—t'al- ■Hi'il. Lyp(onauio (bibliographic). Diet, encvl. (1. sc. ined.. Par'., 1870, 2. s., iii, 542-575— Campbell (J. A.) Two eases of nielancholia presenting .similar mental mani- festations, evident lv Ihe result of visceral lesion. J. Mint. Se.. Loud., 1874-5, xx, 596-600. Also, Reprint.- ('ai'iiMO alil (L.) Psychiatr'iske Med- delelser. Norsk Ma"-, f. Licgevidensk.. Christiania, 1x55 ix, 217; 384: 419.—I»avy (R. B.) A case of inehincholia co-existant with alieni ism of the arch of l he aorta. South. Clinic, Richmond. 1883, vi, 169-173. Also: Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1883, n. s., x, 338-340.—Uelawinuve. Du diagnostic tlitlerentiel tie lal\ peioanie. Ann. mcil.-psvcii., Par., 1851, iii, 380-442. a'.so,' Reprint. ------. I )e la in.-lan colie avec stupeur, tie M. Paillarger. llev. tnetl. lianc. cl C-trang., Par.. 1S53. ii, 3S5-399. ------. Sur la .melancolie a\ ci stupeur. Ibid.. 1X54, ii, 459-464. — Donly (J. H.) Melan- cholia, in its relations to diminution of tin*oxygen supply. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 633-635. ------. Senile melancholia ; ifscharacte.rs and pathology. Am. J. Insan., Utica, X. Y., 1SS5-6, xiii. 328-333.— Hnfoiir. Rctlexions a propos d'un cas tie lypemanie eomplitpiee de. spasines. etc. Ann. metl.- psych .Par.. 1867, 4. s . x, 468-479. —I>u liii iiri'iiN (A i Des maladies nielancholii|Ucs, etdu moyeu tie les guarii. /)?. his: Diseours tie la conservation de la vent'-, 12", llouen, 1620, ff. 73-146. —Elli'i-o (I..) Raptus nielanclioli cits : studio p-tieo-patoloiiico e medico-legale. Gazz. noil ital.. prtiv. venete, Padova, 1884, xxvii, 353; 361. —Hi-. Iiartl. Kcher die Mclanc.ho'ie. Comment, d. n. Arznk.. Tiibing., I8in), vi, 323-401—KrleuiiU'jor. Die Melan cholia trausitoria. Cor.-111. tl. deutsch. (resellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Xeuwied. 185!), vi. 113: 129; 145. —E»- qnirol. Melancolie. Diet. tl. sc. metl, Par., 1K19, xxxii, 147-ls:;.—Fischer (R.) Vesania inelancholica, durch Prechweinstein behobeii. M^etl. Jahrb. tl. k. k. dstcrr. SUates, Wien, 1842, xxxix, 37-44. — Ford (W. E.) The e trly management of cases of mental depression. Tr. M. Soc' N. V., Syracuse, 1.-X0. 225-231!. —Fovillc (A.) flls. Lvpemanic. N. diet, tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1S75, xxi, 105-131.—French (E.) Melancholia. Tr. N. Hampshiro M.Soc, Manchester, 1885. 105-112— Frese (A.B.) Ueber den ph\ sioloi:ischen tJnterschietl der Melaucholie und Ma- nic. All;;. Ztschr. f. Psychiat,, etc., Berl, 1871-2, xwiii. 487-5D2. —Frilm-h (-1.) Zur Kenntniss tier Melanehnliti atonita. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix. 1477; 1512; 1574. -----. Zur Differentiahliagnose tier Melancholic. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Wien, 1879, 119-149. -----. Diagnostik und Therapie der melancliolischen Krankheitsformen. Ztsr.hr. f. Diagn. u. Therap., Wien, 1882, i, 101; 113; 121.—dialrr- ran (A.) Mclancolia aguda cou tlelirio ambicioso y act t- sos ile agitaciou. Rev. frenopat. barcel., 1881, i, 113-117.— (liatti (K. A.) Storia di una inelancolia miraehiale stia namente guaritn. 'tier. anal, di med.. Milano. 1830, xiv, 434-447.—(.iai-i-lii M>.) Melauetinia spennatica. Speri- mentale. Firenze, I8.S7. lix. 51-59.— 4»irand (A.) De la melancholic dans seS rapports avec la jciralvsie gcnerale. Mem. et bull. Soe. tie nn-tl. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1878. 96- 133. Also: J. tie metl. de Bordeaux. 1878-9, viii, 208- 220.—G re i we I (J. (i.) Von einer nielan. holisrhcn Tml- sucht. Auscrl. metl.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. tl. niin.-kais. Akad. d. Nattirf., Niirnh., 1756, iii. 07-70—4i nil (W. W.) Case of un lancholia. Tr. Clin. Sot:. Lond., 1875, viii, 37- 41. — (wiitinkov ( Z. V.) Staicheskaja melanc.holi.ja. [Melancholia in old age.l Arch, iisichiaf., etc.. Charkov, 1885, vi, no. 2, 92-109. — ilagen. Fall einer Melaucholif, welcher Aiihasie. vorhei-gegiingen war. Sit/.ungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1870-71. 3, lift.. 37-39.—II.-ir- hiuson (A.) A case of typical inchtnclitilia from heletli- tary iiredisposition. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1877-8, xxiii, 359-302. — [llan*brainl.] Heilung einer Melancholia attonita, Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk.. P.crl.. 1831, xxxiii, 6«8- 612.— Eleiiiioth (J. C. A.) Krankheitsberiehte. Zt- schr. f. psych. Aerzte, Lei])/.., 1818, i, 2. Vrtljhrshft., 231- 254.— llililenbraiiil. D'un eleinent syniptoiiiatiipie sc contlaire tie la melancolie etde son traiteinent. Ann ined. psych., Par., 1879, 6. s., ii, 387-397.—Hill (P. O.) Melan- cholia. Metl. Circ, Loud., 1858, xii, 99— Ho lima nil (II.) Melaucholie mit starker Aufiegung uml (lehdrs-ll- lusionen. Jahresb. ii. tl. Verwalt. tl. Mcd.-Wes., il. Ki-.tc- kenanst. ... d. Stadt Frankf. (1859). 1861, iii, 266. -----. Opium ein hulfteiches Mittel in Fallen von eitifacher Melaucholie. Ibid. (1862), 1865, vi, 139. -----. Ctinstig endender Fall von Melaucholie cum excitatione et cum sttipore. Ibid. (1863), 1867, vii. 129. -----. Melancholic mit Hallucinationcn des Ilaiitgefiihls. Ibid. (1864), 1867, viii, 98.—HoMpital. Observation iiiteressante de lypemanie Ann. meil.-iisycli.. Par., 1875, 5. s., xiii, 11-18.—Ilu^lici (C. H.) Glycosuria and niclaucholia, Weekly M. Kev . Chicago, 188:!, viii, 312. Also, Reprint— lliilchiiiHOii (H. A.) Acute melancholia caused by impacletl faices. Am. J. Insan., I'tica, X. V., 1886-7, xliii. 365—.laeni- ehi'ii (J. G.) Melancholia ex ulcere neglecto. In, his: Pentas obs. mod.. 4°, Hala*, 1768, 15.—.Iolni«tone (C.) Case of ])rt)founil and somewhat ])i-oloiigetl suicidal melan- cholia; diarrhoea, with fever: rccovei \. .1. Mint. Sc, Lond., 1885-6, xxxi, 203-205.—fo«.«.elyii (E.E.) The early recognition of incipient melancholia. Metl. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 314-318. — J inlee. Melancolie avec stupeur. France metl, Par., 1870, xvii, 89 — Kelp. Melaucholie MELANCHOLIA. 89 Melancholia. mit voiliger Ahinagernng und todtlichen Ausgang bei zwei Geschwistern. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psy- chiat., etc, Neuwied, 1855, ii, 17-20. -----. Melancholia eataleptica, Ibid., 1863, x, 353: 1864, xi, 321. -----. Tod (liirchConvulsioiien bei Melaucholie. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1875, xvii, 161-164. -----. Melancholieniitjodtlichem Aus- gang bei zwei Geschwistern. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1878, xxiii, 397-404.—Kelp (F.) Melancholia activa mit be- sonders hervortretenden Gemeiugefiihlsstorungen. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl," 1873-4, xxx, 461-468.— Kitchen (D. H.) Melancholia. Ohio M. & S. J., Co- lumbus, 1877, n. s., ii, 237-256.—Klein. Ein Fall von Me- lancholia attonita. All"., med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1852, xxi, 525-529.—Kovalevslti (P.) Sostojanie chuvstva miesta u melaucholikov. [Nature of the feeling of grief in mel- ancholia,] Moskov. med. Gaz., 1876, xix, 906; 938; 979; 1014; 1034; 1066: 1098; 1143; 1321; 1353. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1870, xvi, 385 393; 405; 416; 427; 440: 451; 461; 477; 489; 500; 509. -----. Ob izmiene- nijach chnvstviti'linosti koji ti melancholikov. | Dimin- ished sensibility of skin in melancholia.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb.,'1877, exxviii, 53; 165; 238.—voil Krallt- Ebing. Melancholia sine delirio; Anziinden einer Pul- venniiiile inn aus der Welt oder in's Zuchthans zu kom- nien. Irrenfreuinl, Heilbr., 1883, xxv, 33-37. -----. Me- lancholic; Sclbstbeschuldigungeu; fraglicber Werth der- selben. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1887, xxxviii, 121-130.—Kramer. Geschiehte einer koropli- cirten Melaucholie. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl, 1825, ii, 417-431.—liagardelle. Quelques mots stir la lypema- nie J. de med. ment , Par., 1867, vii. 257-259. -----. Troubles de la sensibilite gcnerale dans le delire melance- litpie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 705; 791; 840.— l.aiiiailrid (.J.J.) A supposed case of melan- cholia. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877, ii, 36- 42.—1> a segue (C.) Lannlancolieperplexe. Arch, gen.de med., Par., 1880, cxlvi, 513-532. Also, in his: fitudesmed., H-, Par., 1884, i, 701-721.— ricidesdorf (F.) Melaucholie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1859, iv, 23; 3i ; 51 ; 72— f.eiries- dorf ( M.) Ein klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Melancholic. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 289; 313. -----. Zur Lehre der Melaucholie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1871, xvii, 201-206. — l,ichtencr. Kran- kengeschichte einer Melancholia. Beob. u. Abhandl. . . . v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1823, iii, 421-432. — JiOtz. Fall von Melancholia transitoria. All".. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1808, xxv, 552-563. —1TI a hi lie (H.)' Elude clinitiue sur quelques points tie la lypemanie. Ann. metl.- psych.. Par., 1880, 6. s , iii, 177; 345. — IVIacdouald (A. E.) Clinical lecture, on inehincholia. Med. Rec, IM". Y., 1879, xvi, 481-484.— .tl ajorli ( G.) Delirio acitto degli alienati a forma mclaiicolico stttpida. Arch. ital. per It: mal. nerv., Milano, 1883, xx, 173-216, 2 diag.—lie .Hallo* (J.) Varietlades inclancolicas. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1884, ii, 33; 60; 67 — Tlauer (F.) Die Melancholia atto- nita; eine gekidnte Prcisschrift, Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1858, lxxv, 197-244.— H< inert. Melan- cholia. Vrach. Yaidom., St. Petersb., 1881, vi, 2441; 2504.— lTIelaneoiiia con allucinazioni visive ed uditive. Boll. tl. priv. manic. Fleurent, Xapoli, 1886, xii, 77. — ITIelen- dez (L.) Melancolia sin estupor; repiignancia hacia los aliinentos; alimentacion forzada; muerte. Rev. meil.- quir., Buenos Aires, 1881-2, xviii, 179-181. -----. Lipe- mania simple. Ibid., 1886-7, xxiii, 357. — itleynert (T ) Ueber Melaucholie. Wien. med. Bl, 188], iv, 793; 82,; 857; 887.— »lit-hea. De la lypemanie, ou folic melaneo- lique, tie ses genies, de ses espcc.es, de ses varietes, de se,s formes. Rev. de therap. metl.-chir., Par., 1859, xxvi, 535; 564; 622. —:Vlicklc (A. F.) Insanity of twins; twins suf- fering from melancholia, J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1884, xxx, 67-74.— iVIiIIm (('.. K.) Clinical lecture on stuporous nie- lancholia, Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 481-483.—.tloi-l i. Ueber Melaucholie nach Verrucklheit, Tagebl. tl. Ver- samnil deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Eisenach, 1882, lv, 310. — .Tin«t«,o ((i.) Sui movinienti del respiio nell' an- goscia preeonliale degli stati mehincolici. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1886, xxiii, 75-86.—.\agel. Gedan- ken iiber die Mehincholia attonita bezi'iglich ihrer Ver- waiitlt.sehaft mit einem besontleren Kranklieitszustande ties Riickenmarkes und iiber den verineiiitlichen oder inuthniasslichen Sitz derselben daselbst. Ztschr. f. Metl., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb., 1856, x, 112-116. — JVeflel (VVr. B.) On periodical melancholia. Med. Rec. X. V., 1875. x, 545-549. Also, Reprint. — Oka Gcnkai. [Epi- leptic melancholia.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1884, no. 126, duly 5. —Olio. Melancholia attonita, Cor.-Bl. (1. deut- sch! Gesellsch. f. Psvchiat , etc., Neuwied, 1857, iv, 139- 141. —Paris (A.) Cas de guerison rapide de lypemanie avec mutilation. Ann. metl.-psych., Par., 1883, 6. s., ix, 219-222. — Pallon (A.) 'Two cases of melancholia. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1885-6, xxxi, 499-501. — Pepper (W.) Melancholia; malignant disease of the lett lobe ot the liver. Med. Bull, Phila., 1886, viii, 36-39. — Petit. Ob- seivation tie lypemanie. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 18.56, n. s„ xxxii, 20-33. — Petra*us (H.) De melancholia. In: Xosol. harmonica dogmat. et berrnet., 4°, Marpnrgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 55-68. — Pihl. MELANCHOLIA. Melancholia. Fdredrag om melancholien. Upsala Lakaref. Fdrh., 1865- 6, i, 111-117.—Pitt". (G. R ) Hints on melancholv. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 596-602. — Poggi (C. ) Raptus melancholicus; perizia metlico-legale sullo statu di meute tli P. G. . . . Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Mi- lano, 1885, xxii, 469-490. — Potain. Melancolie avec stupeur. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1, 825. — Poterin iIh ITIotel (E.-P.) ittudes sur la melancolie et sur le trai- tement moral de cette maladie. Mem. Acad, de metl., Par., 1857, xxi, 443-527.—Redi (F.) Per ulcere in bocca, piagho nelle ganibe, rogna, niagrezza, stitichezze e ma- lincouia. In: Cons. med. di varii autori, 12°, Venezia. 1839. i, 26-40. -Reiinan (J. A.) Historia morbi me- lancholic! Sainnil. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gescb. 1717, Bresl, 1718, ii, 297-299 (Latin text).—Richarz. Ueber Wesen und Behandlung der Melaucholie mit Aufi-eguiig (melancholia agitans). Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat.. etc., Berl., 1858, xv, 28-65.—Rodriguez y Rodriguez (A.) Cuatro casos do melancolia en sus diversas formas. Rev. frenopat. barcel., 1885, v, 83-89,4 pi. — Rosch. Melau- cholie mit Exaltation bei einem 18jiihrigen Baueinbiirschen plotzlich entstanden. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1853, xxiii, 133. —Russell (I.) Melancholia. Alienist & Neurol, St. Louis, 1881, ii, 195-207. —Sales. (*iroiis. Faut-il admettre une troisieme especc de melancolie dite la melancolie avec stupeur (tie M. Baii- larger) ? Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1853, i, 464- 477.—.Sanborn (B. T.) Acute melancholia. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1885, 535-545. — Sankey (W. 11. C.) On melancholia. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1863-4, ix, 173- 196.—Sarget (J. M.) Hiperfrenia melancdlica. Union de 1. cien. med., Cartagena, 1883-4, ii, 229. — .Savage (G. H.) Melancholia. Giiy's Hosp. Gaz., Loml., 1870, 2. s., i, 132; 137. -----. Twins suffering from similar attacks of inehincholia. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1882-3, xxviii, 539.— Schlager (L.) Ueber die sogenannte Melancholia atto- nita oder stupida. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk.. Wien. 1857, iii, 417; 441; 461; 480. — Sch mid (J.) Von tier falschen Einbilduiig chirr melancholischen Person. Auserl med.-chir.-. . .Abhandl. d rotn -kais. Akad. tl. Na turf., Niirnb., 1761, ix, 72-74.—Sehiile (II.) Eiu inferos santer Fall von Melancholia agitata mit Ausgaiii in Or- nesuug. Ii-renfreuiid, Heilbr., 1883, xxv, 17-23.—Srgla* (J.) Note sur un cas de ni61ancolie anxieuse. Arcn. dr neurol., Par., 1884, viii 56-68.—Senial. De la sensibililc generate et de ses alterations dans les affections melanco litpies. Ann. metl.-phys.. Par., 1875, 5. s., xiii, 323-353.— Semelaignc. Du diagnostic et du traiteinent tie la me lancolie. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1861, xxv, 188-'96.— Stahlcy (G. D.) Oxaluria in melancholia. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 621-623. — Steenherg. I Anletlniog af Prof. Lange'sSkriftomperiodiskeDepiessionstilstantle. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1886, 3. R., iv, 028-648. — Stein- heiin. Mehuicholio mit Bewusstsein. Ein Gegcnstin-k zur Mania sine delirio. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1834, iii, 297-305. — Slilliug* (F. A.) Melancholia, ami its connection with ancient and modern suicides. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1880, 75-87.—Sutherland et al. Melancholia. Rep. (Further) Com. Lunacy, Lond.. 1847, pt. 4, 447-463.—Tanb. Zwei Falle von Melaucho- lie mit dem Ausgange in Genesung. Wien. Metl.-Halle. 1861, ii, 260; 287; 297.—Tott (C. A.) Melancholia auto- chirica und Wahnsinn. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1853, vii, 89-94.—Turnbiill (F. M.) A report of three cases of melancholia, being especially a consid- eration of the prognosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv, 230.—Tuttle (G. T.) Cases of melancholia. Ibid., 1884, ex, 77-80.—Vaureal (C.) Recherches sur les causes de 11 melancolie. J. denied, ment., Par., 1867, vii, 234-243. A Iso: France med., Par., 1867, xvi, 316: 323: 329.—Voisiu (A.) & Bnrliireaux (C.) De la melancolie dans ses rapports avec la paralysie gcnerale. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1880, xxxiii, 1-264. — V oisin (J.) Note sur un cas de me- lancolie avec stupeur a forme cataleptique, avec conserva- tion de l'intelligence, ayaut dure six ans. Arch, de neu- rol., Par., 1887, xiii, 354-366.—Weber. Geschiehte eines melancholischen Wahnsinnes bey zwey Sch western. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1824, n. F., ii, 79-89 - Weigel (C. J.) Fall von Melaucholie. Beitr. z. prakt, Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 407-414— Wiglesworth (I.) Ou the pathology of certain cases of nielancholia attonita. or acute dementia. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1883-4, xxix, 35.5- 372, 1 pi. -----. Four cases of melancholia iu one family. Ibid., 1884-5, xxx, 553-556.— Wilhelmi (B.) Zur 0 isii- istik der Melancholia eataleptica. Cor.-Bl. (1. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied. 1864, 71. -----. Kin Fall von Melancholia transitoria. Ibid., 1873, 177-189 — Willc (L.) Melaucholie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, ii, 321; 333.—Wilsey (O. J.) Report of a ease of melancholia, with stupor of live years' duration; rec >v- ery; synopses of patients; asylum experience. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1886, vii', 209-216. — Wood (IL C.) Melancholia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1885, 3. s , i. 793-799.— Y< gnrlii (J.) [Acute melancholia.] Iji Shinbun, To- kio, 1886, no. 194, May 25. — Xippe (H.) Melancholic; VerfolgungsYvahii; Moid. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 1142 ; 1166; 1193 ; 1221. MELANCHOLIA. Helaiicliolia {Treatment of). Colombikr (J.) "An melancbolicis pcre- griuatio? Pni'srs L. A. Gervaisc. 4°. [Paris, 1161.] Got ubelly (C. A.) T Aii melaneholici lcniter purgaudi? 4\ [I'aris, 1771.] Midy (J.) *An diluentia, iu affectibus me- laucholicis, purgantibus pncfereuda? 4". I'a- rtiiis, 1731. Schramm (A.) * Ueber die Wirkungou des Amylnitrits iusbesondare bei Melaucholie. H . Beiiin, 1874. Also, in: Arch. f. Psvchiat. 1874, Berl, 1875, v, 317- 340. Spikss (J. C.) Melancholia hypochondriaca salivatione niercuriali cito, tuto ac radicitns exstirpata; quain secundum omnes circumstan- tias niethodunique curandi adhibitaui ulteriori pliiliatroruin disquisitioui exposuit. 12°. [n. p.], 1701. AI hern* (J. F. II.) Die Tciiiperatnrentziehung als llcil- niittel in der unruhigen Melancholic. Alii:. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl, 1864, xxi, 235-243. — Blake (J. Iv) i.-, ilauiiltou (A. McL.) A preliminary report upon the use of dilute nitrous oxide gas in the treatment of melan- cholia and nervous exhaustion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 118.—Brier re ile Itoivinoiit (A.) On the treat- ment of melancholia, or lypcinania. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1875, n. s., i, 21-37.—Cliometowski (S.) Nowy sposdb leczenia posepnicy z otepieniein (melancholia attonita), za pomaca elektrycznosL-i indukcy.jnej (pradow przcry- wanvch). [New method of treating. .. by the electiic inductive current.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa', 1866, i, 101; 133—t'leriei |( ;.) Del vantaggio dell' opio nelle melan- colie. (lazz. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 369- 371.—t'ourteusiy (E. M.) The use of opium in the treatment of melancholia. Wist Biding Luu. Asyl. Rep., Lond., 1872, ii, 254-277— C'uhitt (VV. R.) A case of in- cipient melancholia, treated by pressure on the nerves of the neck and carotids. Midland M. &. S. Reporter, Wor- cester, 1830-31, ii, 139-146. — Delma» (P.) Traitement hvdrotheiapitpie de la lypemanie simple. Bordeaux med., 1K74, iii, 115; 121—Ev'ers (O. J.) Ein hall) Dutzend be- sonderer YVirkuugen von tier Belladonna oder gemeinen Wolfskirsche in luelancholischen Krankheiten. Berl. Samml. z. Befiird. d. Arzneyw., etc., Berl, 1773, v, 565- 583.— ■loeMtenuauii (C. E.) Ueber die Anwendung ties Amyluitrites bei Melaucholie. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1872, xxii, 1148; 1176; 1201.—Hughes (C. H.) An outline brief in the management of melancholia. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis. 1886, vii, 217-236.—I,eiilesilorf. Die Behandlung der Melancholic. Memorabilien. Heilbr., l.s.59, iv. tjo-62. —LucaxzewMki (j.) Jiiri Fall von frisclier Melancholic durch Morphiuminjectionen geheilt. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat,. etc., Berl, 1884, xii, 173-179.— iTIaree ( L.-V.) Observation de uielancolie traitee et gueiie par l'npium it haute dose. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 103, — »lclion. Melancholic, geheilt (lurch den Ge- brauch der versentleten Ftanzcnstjuelle. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien. 1848, 353-358.—.tlemlel ( E.) Zur Therapie der Melancholic Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 287-301. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1871-3), 1874, iv, 1. Theil, S6-99.—iHiekle (W.J.) Morphia in melancholia; its influence on temperature, etc. Practi- tioner, Loud., 1881, xxvi, 430-435.—.VI ore an. Lypema- nie avec stupeur: tendance a la (lenience; traitement par l'extrait (principe resiueux) de cannabis indica; guerison. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1857. xxx. 391— iTIoullou (A. R.) The treatment of melancholia. Alienist ic Neurol., St. Louis, 1887. viii, 69-83. — :Tluzell (I'. H. L.) Von einer Melan- cholic, bey welcher tier tartarus tartarisatus uiohts helfcn wollen. welche aber durch Bader im kalteii Wasser den- noch curirt worden ist. In his .- Metl. u. chir. Wahrnelmi., 12°, Berl., 1761, 2. Samml., 54-6(1.—Pasta (A.) Cura della nielaiiconia, Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1868, 6. s., i. 345.—I'olli (G.) Storia di una lipemania guarita priu- cipaliuente con forti dosi di solfato di chinina. unite ad un ]io tli oppio. Gazz. med., Milano, 1842, i, 49-51.—Sclii- varili 11') Delirio melancolico guarito coll elettricita. Gazz. ined. ital. lomb., Miiano, 1867, 5. s., vi, 31-32 — Scliubcrl. Iicsperatio aeterna) salntis durch Opium hcilbar. .Med. Ztg., Berl, 1857, xxvi, 105.— Scgiiiu (E. C.) lie treatment of mild cases of melancholia at home, Am. Clin. Leet. N. Y., 1876, ii, 41-65. Also, in his: Op. mill., [etc.], *'■>, N. Y., 1884, 655-671. —Tigges. Zur Be- handlung der Melancholie mit Opium. Allg. Ztschr. f Psychiat,, etc., Berl., 1864, xxi, 421-444.—William* (S. AY. D.) On the treatment of melancholia attonita with refusal of food, by the continuous current. Lancet, Loud 1873, i, 127. ' I Helaiicliolia (De) et morbis melancliolicis. See [Lorry (Auuseus Carolus)]. j MELANOSIS. lleluiiclltlioil (Philippus) [141)7-1060]. Loci tiliiiuot ... in libro de aniuia, do moderatioue eibi et potns, item sotnni et vigiliarura. In: MouEsctu ti (Alfonso). Compendium medieina: totius. 16°. IIrrborn.ee Xassoriorum, 1604. 391-394. See. also. .Tlagiru* (Joannes). Antliropologia. sm. 8°. Franeofurti* 1603.— Snlernuui (.School of). De conser- vauda bona valetudiue opuscultini schola- Salernitane. 18°. ParisiisAo'io. -----. The same. 16°. Francofurti, 155G. -----. The same. 12°. Francoforti, 1557. IVIelajidi'i-Coiitessi (Girolanio). Nuove ri- eercbe lisico-cbiiniclie ed aualisi delle acque minerali di Recoaro e delle ac(|iie di Staro e di (Jivillina. 206 pp , 1 1., 4 pi. 8-\ Padova, tipi della Minerva, 1830. [P., v. 121:?.] Melanesia. See, also. Ethnology. t'oilringtoii (R. H.) Iteligious beliefs and practices in Melanesia. J. Anthrop. Inst., Loud., 1880-81, x, 261- 316, 1 map. Melanges de chirurgie e"trangere, par une so- ciete de chirurgiens de Geneve, conipose"e de J.-P. Maunoir, etc. 2 v. xv, 47(5 pp., 2 1., 2 pi.; xi, 603 pp., 2 1. c4 . Geneve, J.-J. Paschonel, 1824-7). Vlelaiiin. I>re.«t*ler (W.) Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der im Organisnius vorkoiunienden, Melanin genannten Pigmente. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. 1869. ci, 59-68.— tli ma (M.) Beitrag zur Keuntniss des Mela nius. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1887, cvii, 250-259.— Pribram (A.) Melanin im Harne. "Vrtljschr. f.d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1865, lxxxviii, 16-22. VI el a ii oiler m a. r Gryphtiwaldice. 1861. Kawka ( P.) * Ueber Melanosarcoiu. 8 \ Beiiin, [1883]. Krebs ( E. II. ) * De melanoseos anatomia pathologica, 8°. Llalee, [1839]. MELANOSIS. !)1 MELANOSIS. Melanosis and melanotic tumors. Laei:exs(M.-L.) * Sur la melanose. 4°. Pa- rti, 1833. Lesckoel Desprez (T.-E.) * Sur la mela- nose et principalemeut sur ses caractercs aua- tomiques. 4°. Paris, 1831. Marius (C. G. F.) * De melanosi. 8°. Gro- ningce, 1835. Moknek (K. A. H.) * Bidrag till kiinnedonien om fargiimnena i melanotiska svulster. s^!. Stockholm, 1886. Nehse(A.) *De melanosi. 8°. Berolini, 1839. Kif.berg ( C. ) * Zur Statistik der melauo- tischeu Geschwiilste. tv-. Wurzburg, 1882. Niiack (C. A.) *De melanosi cum inhomini- bus turn in equis obveniente. Specimen patho- logia' comparnta*. 4°. Lipsiee. 1826). Peilea e (M.-V.) * Contribution h 1'elnde de la melanose gendralisee. 4°. Parti, 1866. Reess (A.) * Tentamen auatomico patholo- gicum de melanosi. ?°. Pragcv, 1833. Roederer (J.) * De la melanose en general et celle de Fieileu particulier. 4°. Strasbourg,18'.]',. Roemiiild (J. C. G. L.) * De melanosi. 4 . Hal is, [1833]. Saint-Lacier (J.-B.) * De la melanose. 4C. Paris, 187A). Schier (M.) * De morbo quodam maculoso quern melanosimecentiores appellant. 8°. Bero- lini, 1826. Schillixg (E.) *De melanosi. 4°. Francof. a. M., 1831. Schneider (R.) * Vom melanotischen Krcbs. ST. Jena, 1864. Si>erber(J.) * De melanosi. 8°. Halce, 1813. Tiiu.vu (P.) * Etude sur la melanose geneia- lisee. 4°. Paris, 1876. Vazeille (M.) * Quelques considerations ee- ne'rales sur la melanose h propos d'un cas de me- lano-sarcome de l'ceil. 4°. Paris, 1879. Weisser (P.) * Ueber Melanosarcoma. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Zimmermann (C.) *De melanosi. 8-'. Stras- burgi, [1828], Albers (J. F. H.) Zur Lehre vom Fucgus melanoides. J. d. Chir. u. Aiigenh., Berl, IS.'lu. xiv. 339-372. — A rn- Mlein. Beinerkuiigen iiber Melanainie und Melanose. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1874, lxi, 494-508. 1 pi.— Bard (L.) De la nature parasitaire de la melanose et de certaines tiimeurs melaniques. Lyon med., 1885, xlviii, 407-414.—Iteuilz (J. C.) Einige Beobachtiingen iiber die Melanose. Aus dem Danischen, nebst Zusatzen, mitgt- theilt von Xevermann J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Beil. 1835, xxiii, 102; 250: 415: 590 — Berdez (J.) & IVem Iii (M.) Leber (tie Farbstoffc der iiielaiiotiseheii Sarkome. Arch. f. ex]ier. Path. u. Pharmokol., Leipz., 1885-0, xx, 346-361. —Kereiul (H. \V.) Ueber Melanosis. .Nach fremden und eigenen Beobachtiingen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1849, 497-509, 1 pi — ISololof ( T. G.) Melyaiio-sarktniia u loshadi. [ Melano-sarcoma in the horse.] Metl. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1876, No. xxii, pt. 5, 29.— Itolze. Zur Harnuntersuchung bei Pigmentkiebs. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. 1860, lxvi, 140-142 — Bredin (J. N.) Case of melanotic, sarcoma. Laiict t, Loud., ]s87. i, 367. — t'arsn-ell (H.) Melanosis, ("vel. Pract. M. (tweedie), Phila,, 1845, iii, 284-30:'.—«'n«e (A ) of melanotic sarcoma. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi, 160.—C'azenave (A.) Melanose. Diet tie metl., 2. ed., Par.. 1839, xix, 324-355. — Ciontra-indieaf ion* (The) to the removal of melanotic tumours, derived from the microscopic examination of the blood and the urine. Med. Times \-. Gaz., Lond.. 1874, i, 355.—t'ornil (V.) & Tras- bot (1..) De la melanose. Mem. Acad, de metl.. Par.. J867-8, xxviii, 319-423. — €ulien (W.) & C'nrswell 7, i, 129- 166, 4 pi — Pick (F. J.) Ueber Melanosis leitticularis progressiva. Yrtjschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1884, xi, 3-32, 4 pi.—Poucbct (G ) Sur la formation du pigment inela- uique. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 306. -----. Sur la formation du pigment melanique. Ibid., Par., 1887, 8. s.. iv, 164-166. — Rainier. Les resullats de l'etude histologiqiie d'un fait de melanose generalise.!', ,T. del'anat et physiol.. etc., Par., 1868, v, 326-329. —Kind- (leiMeli. Ueber einen Fall von Melanose; mit Demonstra- tion. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1885,125-127. — It obi u (C.) Melanose. Diet, encvcl. d. sc med., Par., 1873, 2. s., vi, 374-410. — Bundle (H.) Multiple melanotic sarcomata; necropsv. Lancet, Loml., 1886, ii, 1221. — Mehultz ( C. H. ) Ueber Fntstehung tier Melanosen. Beitr. z. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Berl., 1843-4, i, 574-577. — !«ic hwa I be. Experi- meiitelle Melanainie und Melanose. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884, lvii, 201. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1881, vii, 1323- 1325. — Mecoud-Fereol. Melanose generalisee et compliquee tie cancer enceplia- loitle. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 350-355.— Neminer ( K. ) Mclanosarconiatose und Melanainie bei Schiminelii. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Lei])/,., 18c3, ix. 89. — Niebold. Leber den melanotischen Hautaus- schhigder(!vpi-iiioiden. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. dent. sch. 'Naturf! u. Aerzte, Kiiuigsb. (1860), 1861, xxxv, 138.— '■':■ vii'iiol. La melanose est-elleun cancer? Ann. d'ocul.. Brux., 1853, xxix, 279-282.—Trousseau & lieblane. De la melanose. Arch. gen. tie med., Par., 1828, xvii, 165- 188. — Vcrneuil. Du cancer melanique. Mouvenient med., Par., 1876, xiv, 87.—Wbite (J. ('.) Melanosis lenti- cularis progressiva. Boston M. & S. J., ]8.s.">. t xiii, 615. .i?I<*lailO*is and melanotic tumors (Cases of). See, also, Arachnoid (Diseases of); Eye (Tu- mors in). Altmann (A.) * Einige Fiille vou Mclunose. su. Erlangen, 1887,. MELANOSIS. 92 MELANOSIS. Jlolaiio**;- and melanotic tumors (Case's of). AXGEK (K.) A: Wortiiington (L.-S.) Mela- noines. s . I'aris, 1866. Fawdingtox (T.) A ease of melanosis, with general observations on the pathology of this I iiiteicstiiiej dist'jise. s . London, 1826. Mattisskx (,J.) -Kin Fall von ninltiplein melanotiscliein Sarkoni. 8-. Bonn, 1879. Xatorp (C. G.) *Diss. sistens historiani morbi de melanosi, cordis, hepatis totinsqne tehe celln- loste. s~\ Berolini, [1836]. Tuoltscii (E ) *Ein Fall von Cancer mela- nodes. [Erlangen.] 8°. Augsburg, 187,1. Aider* (J.-F.-II.) Observations suivies de reflexions tur le fongus melanode. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. ined , I'ai -., 1831, xxxix. 354-373 [wrongly paged 338-373 |.— Allen. Melanoid tumours of manv organs. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1880, ii. s., ii, 507.—Alonzo. Lnornie tttnior inelanico; oppracion: niueite de la enferma. Siglo ined., Madrid. I860, vii, 355. —Arnoll ( H. ) Case of multiple melanotic tumours. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1868- 9. xx. 322 -324. — Auberl. Melanose tit- la rate, tin toil- et ties reins; albuminuric et anasarque; etat nncmique tn'-s-avance: mort. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1805), 1866, v, 284-286. —Behier. Dia- these luelaniqup. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1838. 3. s.. iii, 286-293. —Kennell. Melanosis. Mont h. J. M. Sc. Loml. iV, Kilinb., ls.51. xiii. 189-193.— de Iteurinaiiii. Melanose de la lace: tin traumatism!- aceitlentel: deux interventions chlrurgicales : trois reridives avec extension sur place. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 3. s., x, 739-742. Also: Progies med., Par., 1876, iv, 277. -----. Melanose geneialisee; tumours multiples du tissu cellulaire sous- cntane: disparition spontanee de deux de ces tumeurs. Hull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1875, 3 s., x, 742-747. Also: Pro- gres metl., Par., 1876, iv, 278.— Itirkelt. Secondary mel- anotic cancer of the lumbal- glands and omentum: multi- ple melanotic cancer of the skin. Med. Times & Gaz., Loml., 1854, n. s . ix. 467.---—. Excision of a melanotic tumor from the thigh. Ibid.. 1860, ii. 455.—Bine Ii. Case of melanic cancer in the horse. Tr. Path. Soc. Loml., 1855-6, vii. 400.—Blawiuw (L'.I Melanosis. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Halle, 1836-7, i, 145-159. — Bonne eioli (T.) Adeline annotazioui supra casi di melanosi. Kentlic Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. 1853, 37-12.—Bond (K.) Mehinosis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62), 1863, iii, 204-206. — Bowi (P.) Caso di melanosi vera diffusa. Kentlic. Accad. med.-chir. di Perrara. Bologna, 1843, 39- 47. — Bre*clifl. Considerations stir l'alteration orga- niipie apiielee melanose. J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1821, i, 354-373. — Broea. Tmnetir melanique tie la raeinedu ne/. J. de metl. et chir. prat.. Par.. 1877, xlviii, 208.— Bryant (T.) Melanotic tumour developetl in a mole; excision, and the secondary formation of melanotic tu- mours m the integnments and nearly every internal organ. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud.. 1862-3, xiv, 246.' Also : Lancet, Lond., 1863 ii. M Also: Metl. Times i Gaz.. Lond.. 1803. i, 480.— ] BulLlev (I.. I).) Case of multiple melano sarcoma of the skin. Boston M. & S. J., I88u, cii.218-220.—Bul- lock. Melanosis of the eye, liver, and mesenterv. Tr. Path. Soc. Loml., 1853-4, v, 330.—taxamayor (L-A.-L.) Tubi-rcul. s melanes ; foiedu poids de vingt-quatres livres. J. hebd. de med.. Par.. 1830, vii, 213-220— ancet. Loud., 18,5. ii, 449. — De 9nux*urc (H. W.) Case of melanosis. South. J. M. & Pharm., Charleston, 1846, i. 129-136 -Drivon (J.) Quelques remarques snf ia melanose a propos d'un cas de melanose, generalisee. Aleni. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1868). 1869, viii, 17; 143— Dunlny. Melanose; tumeurs melaniques JIeIa;;o*i* and melanotic tumors (Cases of)- et leur generalisation. Prance med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 109._ Fall* (\V. II.) A case of melanosis. Cinciu. Lancet \ Clinic, 1882, n. s., ix, 479—188, .') pi.—Fano. Melanose et tumeur nielanique de la conjunctive. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1872, xiv. 651. — Fnvrer (J.) Melanosis. Indian Ann' AL Sc., Calcutta, 1864-5, ix, no. 18, 103-106.— Fei-her (It. II.) Fall von lnehinotischem Krebse, mit zahlni chen Abhigernngtn in fast alien Orgaiien und "Vcrgrds- serung der Nebcnnieren. Arch. il. Heilk., Leipz., 1863. iv, 565-569.— Ferjfn»oii (G.-B ) Ablation d'un aar- come nielanique tlevilojipe dans la gaine du muscle cou- turier. Prance med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 165.— FerjgiiNNon (W.) Melanotic tiiniors in different parts of the trunk. Lancet, Loml., 1852, ii, 176. -----. Melanotic cancer re curring after several operations ; curious change in colour of the hair. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., xi, 408. -----. Melanosis recurring in the scar of a previous opera- tion; no signs of constitutional affection. Assoc. Al. J., Lond., 1857, ii, 919. -----. .Melanosis of the groin. Lancet, Loud., 1857, i. 62. -----. Melanotic tumours of the groin, excised, in a man aged thirty-si x, who had a similar growl It removed from the great toe five years ago, with recur- rence; recovery. Ibid., 1857, i, 289. -----. Melanotic tumour of the left arm, growing from the cicatrix of a mole eradicated by caustics. Ibid., 1861, i, 262.-----. Alelauotic deposit in iiii ulcer inside the lip; extirpation. Ibid., 1862. ii, 017.—Folet (H.) Note sur un cas de melanose gene- ralisee. Bull. metl. du nonl, Lille, 1870-71, 2. s., xi, lol- 177. — FoImoiii (N. L.) Case of melanosis; false, mem- brane passed per anuin. Boston Al. ,y. S. J., 1856-7, lv, 203-205— Foistir (C.) Melanosis of the toes; partial amputation of the foot by Chopart's operation. Lancet, Lond., 1862. ii, 617. — C!ail!ard. Melanosis of the in guinal glands. South. J. AL A Pharm., Charleston. 1847. ii, 35— (^airliner. Melanotic cancel-. Glasgow AL J., 1875, [4. s ], vii, 410-412.—tin II nty (M. B ) Two cases of unusual discharge of carbonaceous matter from the nares and intestines. Lancet, Lond., 1859. ii, 387. ----. Discharge of carbonaceous matter from the nares, etc. Ibid., 1860, i, 635— <;iierini (A.) tt Gazz. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1854, 3. a., v, 188-190.— «JillelIe. Plu- sieurs cas tie sareoine nielanique. Union metl., Par., 1874, 3. s., xviii, 625-630.—4»illkrc *t. Extraordinary case of melanosis of the skin in a woman iu whom the greater part of the surface became of a dark color. Lond. Al. Gaz., 1839, xxiv, 721-723. Also, transl.: Bull. Acad, dc med., Par.. 1839-40, iv, 493.—f«ri«eom. Melanotic tumors of various thoracic and abdominal viscera without external signs of melanosis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62), 1863, n. s., iii, 156-158— ii row* (S. AV.) Case of universal mela- nosis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1857-60), 1860, i, 2saucereaux. Tumeur pigmeutaire et epitheliale (le la region lnalaire; deux ganglions corre- sponthiiits attaints du melanose. Ibid. 1860. Par., 1861, 3. s., ii, 19-21.— I>aueereaii\ & Dnbrenil. Tumeurs melanotiipics multiples; melanose ayant envahi la plupart tin systenie organique. Ibid., 111-116. — l.aiuliieux. Melanose generalisee; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii. 497-509.—liawrcucc. Subcutaneous melanosis scattered over the trunk and extremities; the tiibercnlated sarcoma of Mr. Aberneth v. Lancet, Loud.. 1864, i, 183; 382. Also: AL il. Times & Gaz., Loml., 1864, i. 225.— I.aza- revieb il. P.) t Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1876, xvi, 1- 4.—l.ob»lein (J. F.) Observation sur des melanoses dis- seniinees en ties grand nonibre dans beaueoup de parties du corps et notaiunieiit dans la peau. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1829, vii. 48-51. 2 pi.—I.iii be (A.) Melaiiotisches Carciuomder YTange, in die Vene hineinge- wuchert; Extirpation; Heilung. Berl. klin. AVchiiselir., 1868. v, 341. -----. Melanoma [10 cases). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872-3, ii, 242-246 — lU'C'lintoek. Melanosis of peritoneum. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1856, n. s., iii, 90— iVInrkoe (F. M.) Case of false melanosis. N. York J. Al., 1850, n. s. [2], iv, 332. — .tlaupin. Tumeurs nielaniqiies: reflexions sur la melanose cutanee et sous- ctitaiiee. Pt c. tie mem. de ined . . . mil, Par., 1859, 3. s., i, 340-349. — IVIonnercl. Melanose des deux poumons. du peritoine. de l'epiploon, du tissu cellulaire sous-peritoneal, des ganglions mesenteriques, de l'intestin gn-le. Pnion med., Par., 1863, n. s., xx, 418-425.—von .VIo»cnacil (K.) Ein Fall von verhaltnissmassiggutartigtm Melanoni. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1870, xi, 734.->ep veil (G.) Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs melaniques. Gaz. med. de Par., 1872, 4. s., i, 335; 384. Also ■ Compt. rtml. Soc. de biol. 1872. Par., 1874, 5. s., iv, pt. 2, 3-1(1. — J\orri« (TV.) A case of fungoid tumor, succeeded bv melanosis. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond.. 1835-6, iv, 437-446. —---. Eight cases of melanosis. Midland Q. J. M. Sc., Bir- iniiigh., 1857, i, 229-239. -----. Cases of melanosis. St. Andrew's M. Grail. Ass. Tr. 1869, Lond., 1870, iii, 153- 161.—O'Qrady (K. S.) Removal of a melanotic tumour from the h-tt suprascapular region ; recovery. Dublin J. AL Sc. 1875, 1\, 39. 2 pi.—Ozenne. Melano-sarcome du pied; generalisation: tumeur cerebrale de nienie nature; aphasie ; mort. Prance med.. Par., 1880, xxvii, 233. Also: Piogrts med.. Par., 1880, viii, 804-806. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880;, 1881, iv. 45-50.—I* a in aril. Obser- vations propres k demontrer hi nature lion cancereuse des melanoses. Lev. metl.-chir. de Par., 1852, xii, 334-339.— Parrisb (1.) Case of melanosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1837, xx, 266-268. — 1'ayiic (J. F.) Melanotic sarcoma oc- curring in the liver, lungs, and other parts. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872-3, xxiv. 134-136.— Pelel. Melanose generalisee ayant pour oiigine une taclieniTanique conge- nitale de la jouc gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875. 3. s.. x, 833. Also: Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 419.— Pelit. Melanose atfectant it la fois les poumons, les ganglions bronchiques, l'epiploon, le foie, la rate, le pan- creas, la capsule surrenale gauche, le rein droit, le tissu cel- lulaire sous-muqueux de l'intestin grele, le sous-cutane ile l'aisselle et celui des parois de la poitriue du cote gauche. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1829, ii, 122-124.— I*euleve. Melanoso generalisee. Examen niicrosco- pique par Cornil. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1865, xl, 341- 355.— Poikmoii. Melanose generalisee. Ibid., 1876, 4. s., i, 108-111. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1876, iv, 399.— Porter. True melanosis. Tr. M. Soc. County Albany (1851-70), 1872, ii, 77-80.—Riehet (C.) Sarcom'e melani- t|ite; generalisation. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1873, 5. s., viii, 136.—Kimlilcixcli. I'eber einen Fall von .Melanose. Sitziingsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu "VViirzb., 1885, 125- 127.—Hob in. Titmeur cancereuse melauotitpietle hi peau. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1849, Par., 1850, i, 91.—Kollet. I-'all von Melanosis tuherosa. Wien. med. Pres.se, 1865, vi, 19.—Rolhacker (W. A.) l. 8°. Messina, 1887). Ulelart (Carolus Christianus). *De tempore ex- hibendi eruetica in febribus iiitcriuittentilms maxime opportuno. 38 pp. sin. 4 . Gottingee, J. C. Dietcrieh, [1782]. Melasma. See Addison's disease; Skin (Discoloralions, etc., of). Ulelays (Marie-Louis). * I. Des rapports qui existent entre la pathologie et l'auatoinie patho- logiqne. II. [etc.] 23 pp. 4J. I'aris, 1840, No. 377, v. 363. Melfocr (Georg. Carol. Frid.) [1816-73]. * De medulla spinalis erethistno. [Heidelberg.] 80 pp. 8°. Francof. a. 21., typ. Andrea; 1838. JTIclfoer (Joannes David.) [1773-18-24]. * De febre putrida, ex priueipiis Urunonianis expli- cata. 48 pp. 8°. Jena; lit. Maukianis, [1794]. For liiographij. see Grnncr (Christ. Goth.) Melbourne. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of); Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Ty- phoid, History, etc., of). Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, rules, etc., of), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), by localities ; Inebri- ates, etc., (Asylums for) ; Insane (Asylums for). Gibbons ( S. ) Air and -water poisoning in Melbourne. 8:\ [Melbourne, 1869.) Also [Abstr.], in: Austral. M. Gaz., Melbourne, 18C9, i, 259. Melboi'Hnm International Exhibition, 1^80. Opened Oct. 1, 1880. The official catalogue of exhibits, with introductory notices of* countries exhibiting. 2. ed. 2 v. 8 . Melbourne, 1881. Xrcr.MAYKR (G.) Eesults of the magnetical, nautical, and meteorological observations made and collected at the "Flagstaff Observatory", Melbourne, and at various stations iu the colony of Victoria, March, 1858, to February, 18.">i». fol. Melbourne,'[WW)]. -----. Discussion of the meteorological and magnetical observations made at the " Flag- staff Observatory", Melbourne, during the years 18.")8-63. 4°. Mannheim, 186,7. Victoria. Return for the month of Novem- ber, 1879, showing the estimated population, the number of registered births and deaths of per- sons, males and females, in the statistical district of Melbourne, fol. [Melbourne, 1879.] MELBOURNE. 94 MELCIIIORI. Melbourne. -----. Monthly record of results of obser- vations in meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, etc., taken at the Melbourne Observatory; to- gether with abstracts from meteorological ob- servations obtained at various localities in Vic- toria. Under the superintendence of R. L. J, Ellery, government astronomer. Jan. to Sept., Nov. and Dec, 1819; March to June, Sept., 1880. 8 \ Melbourne, 1879-^0. C'lilelieth ("W. AV.) The drainage of Melbourne. Tr. & l'roc. Boy. Soe. Vietoria 1881, Melbourne, 1882, xviii, KO-71.— " Night-soil " (The) and "sewage" question iu Melbourne. Med. Times . Milano, 187>9. [P., v. 1409.] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano. 1859, clxx. ------. Induranienfo intianimatorio del musculo sterno-cleido-mastoideo nei neouati. 11 pp. 8°. Torino, G. Biancardi, Mil. [P., v. 1409.] Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital, Prov. Sarde. ----—. Sulla insalubrita delle filature da seta. Memoria premiata dal governo con voto della R. Aceatleiuica nicdico-chirurgicadi Torino nella seduta del 17 maggio 1851*. (id pp. 8\ Milano, 1861. [P., v. 1409.] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1801, clxxv. •------. Rovesciamento incompleto dell' uteri) in seguita a part-o ridotto da una successiva gravi- (lanzti. 11 pp. 8°. [Milano, 18(52.] [P., v. 1-109.] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1862, clxxx. ------. Efticacia anafrodisiaca del broinuro di potassio. Lettera al dottore Angelo Searenzio. 7 pp. 8°. [Milano, 186,3.] [P., v. 1409.] Repr. from .- Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1863, clxxxiii. ------. Della fessura all' ano e piii part ieolar- mente della sua cziologia. 21pp. 8'-. Milano, 1864. [P., v. 1409.] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1864, clxxxvii. ------. Memoria sopra una varieta rara e poco conosciuta di ernia inguinale a sacco intravagi- nale o adoppio sacco; ernia saccata della fonaca vaginale di A. Cooper; del dottore Bourguet d'Aix. (Gaz. hebd. de merl. et de chir., No. 44 e seg., 1844.) Annalisi bibliograticacon aggiunta dicasi cliuici. 24 pp. 8°. [Milano, 1867,. ] [P., v. 1409.] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1805, clxxxxi. ------. Dell' idrocele della touaca vaginale, sue varieta, e di altri tumori acquosi del testicolo e del cordoue sperinatico. Note cliuiche. 110 pp. 8\ Milano, 186)6. [P., v. 1109. ] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 18C6, clxxxxvi. ------. Caso di ainputazione sopracondiloidea del femore col metodo del Dott. Potto Gritti, eioe con lembo patellare, per ferita da arma da f'uoco; I preceduto da altri due, in cui fu i-onservata la MELCHIOW. 95 MfiLIER Melcliiori (Giovanni)—continued. rotella, disarticolando il giuocchio ed amputando ai condili femorali. 13 pp. 8°. Milano, 1867. [P., v. 417; 1409.] Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milauo, 1867, cc. -----. Ferita da anna da fuoco alia regione del- toidea del braccio con frattura dell' omero. Disar- ticolaziono scapulo-omcrale. 6 pp. 8°. [Milano, 1867.] Repr. from : Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1867, cc. -----. Delle ferite cagiouate dallo seoppio di armi da fuoco. Note cliniche. 61pp. 8 . Mi- lano, 1868. [P., v. 1409.] ------. Del caiicro periuretrale nella donna, con processo operativo. 31 pp. S°. Milano, 186,9. ■-----. Dell' emorragia e dell' ematocelo da. pun tura dell' idrocele della tonnca vaginale nelle aberrazione del testicolo e del cordone sperina- tico. 54 pp. 8°. Milano, 1870. [P., v. 322. J For Biography, see Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1880, ccli, 541-543. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1880, 8. s., ii, 90-101 (L. He Maria). Melcllisedccll (Joannes) [1S57- ]. * De emphysemate puluiouum. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1863]. Melcion (Charles-Elophe). * Sur les fievres in- termittentes pernicieuses. 23 pp. 4°. Parti, 1835, No. 134, v. 28(5. Melcioil (Gustave-Einile). * Dc quelques com- plications pen connues de la scarlatine. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 4°. Xancy, 1878, 1. s., No. 54. Melcioil (J.-F.-J.) * Considerations surlesluxa- tions en general. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835, v. 67. Iflelcomfoe-Rogis. Clark (G. T.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sauitary condition of the inhabitants of the parish of Melconibe-Rcgis, in the county of Dor- set. 8°. London, 1819. -----. The same. On a further inquiry as to the boundaries which may be most advantage- ously adopted for the borough of Melcoinbe-Regis and Weymouth, in the county of Dorset. 8~. London, 1851. Melcop (Friedrich). 'I'eber die diagnostische Verwerthbarkeit localer Teinperaturen bei Er- krankuugen der Brustorgane. 36 pp. 6°. Got- tingen, W. F. Kdstner, 1880. C. Melczer (Joannes). * De pvrola umbellata. 27 pp. 8°. Pesiini, J. Patzko, [1829], No. 12. [Also, in: P., v. 1317.] Meldoil (Austin) [1843- ]. A treatise on dis- eases of the skin and its appendages. 8°. Lon- don, Longmans [and others], 1872. -----. A treatise on gout, rheumatism, and*rheu- matic gout, xi, 9-146 pp. 8J. Loudon, Long- mans [and others], 1872. -----. The same. 10. ed. xii, 206 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall $ Cox, 1886. Meleildcz (Antonio). Colera, su prescrvacion. 45 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. Santa Coloma, 1855. Meleildcz (Lucio) & Colli (Emilio R.) Con- eideraciones sobre la estadistica de la enageua- cion mental en la provincia de Buenos Aires. 38 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Buenos Aires, P. E. Coni, 1880. Melenfeld (J.) *0 peptonach volokniny. [Peptonized albuminous bodies.] 27 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, J. Treja, 1872. Melelius. be natura structuraque hominis opus PolemonisAtheniensisinsignisphilosophi natura* signorum intcrpretafionis. Hippocratis de ho- minis structura. Dioclis ad Antigonem regem de tuenda valetudine epistola. Melainpi de nevis corporis tractatus. Omnia htec non prius edita, Nicolao Petreio Coreyrao interprete. 4 p. 1., 191 pp 17 1. «"*• 4°- ' ene.titi, ex off, Gryphii, 1552. Mcleti lis—continued. -----. The same. Ueplrf/e tov avdpunov tcaTatjKn'i/e. Tractatus de natura hominis. pp. 1075-1326. fol. [Bos lock, 1833'!] Greek and Latin text. Cutting from : Patrol. Gr., lxiv. Meleiix ( Augustin-M.-A. ) s Des ovraires, de l'uterus, ou quelques considerations anatomiques et physiologiques sur ces orgaues. 43 pp. 4°. Parti, 1860, No. 233. Mellioril (Bernhardiis Fridericus Henricus). See I In'.'in (Carolus Godofredus). *Staiinum. Para secunda. 4r Regiomonti, 1770. Meli (Domenico). Su la condizione patologica delle febbri biliose. Nuovi fatti esposti. 53 pp. 8°. Milano, 1824. [P., v. 1350.] -----. Lettere polcmiche su 1' abuso del salasso e sopra dell' eeeezioni fatte al tentative di conei- liare i medici italiani. v. 1. 402 pp., 2 1. 8°. Pesaro, A. Xobili, 1827. -----. Risultamenti degli studii fatti a Parigi sui cholera-morbus per online di sua sautita Papa Gregorio X NT, 1832. xv, 320 pp., 2 pi. 8-. Roma, stamperia camerale, 1833. -----. Trattato delle febbri biliose ; nuova edi- zioue, corretta ed arricchita di molte giunte dall' autorc ; con un discorso preliminare e varie note del dottore N. IM. Soriuaui. 240 pp., port. 4°, Milano, 1837. See, also, Soardi & ITIeli (D.) Analisl medica delle acque mineral! di Trescore [etc.] 8°. Milano, 1812. Meli (H.) Du cholera asiatique dans la ville de Marseille en 1849. Rapport fait a la Soci6t6 nn- tionale de medecine de Marseille. 8(i pp. 8-, Marseille; P. Chauffard, 1850. [P., v. 461.] Meliail (O.) * Recherches sur le bacille tuber- culeux, surtout an point de vue de sa valeur diagnostique et pronostiquo dans la phtisie pul- monaire. 49 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Montpellier, 1881, No. 73. Hclianali. See Medicine (Military, Hisiovy of)—Cam- paigns, etc. Helicerta. Joliet (L.) Developpement de Tronf des melicertes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1881, xciii, 856-858. Melicliar (Joannes). * De dulcamara. 29 pp., 1 1. 8 . Pragce, J. Sjntrny, 1840. Melicher (Ludwig Joseph) [1816-71]. * Trac- tatus de apoplexia. x, 11-212 pp. 8°. Vindo- bonce, C, Ueberreiter, 1840. -----. Die angebornen Yerronkungen. xiv, 220 pp., 2 pi. 86. Wien, C. Ceroid, 1845. [P., v. 879.] -----. Die Wendungs-Kriicke und deren An wen- dung bei den tiefen Schulterlagen mit vorgefal- lenem Arme des Kindes. 1 p. 1., x, 16-70pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Wien, C. Ueberreuter, 1846. -----. Erster Bericht iiber das Institut fiir schwedische Heilgynmastik und Orthopadie zu Wien, Alservorstadt, No. 59. 44 pp. 4-. Wien, J. B. Wallishausser, 1653. Melictlio (Giorgio). Avertinienti nelle coinpo- sitioui de' medicaiuenti per uso della spetiaria. Con una diligente esaininatione di molti sim- plici, tratta da piii degni autori autichi et mo- derni. 15 p. 1., 253 pp., 1 1. 4°. Venetia, 1575. -----. The same. Aggiuntovi un trattato delle mirabili virtu della theriaca, dell . . . signor Oratio Guarguauti. 15 p. 1., 200 ff. sm. 4°. f'enetia, 1605. See, also, Sgobbiw (Antonio). Universale theatro farmaceutico, etc. fol. Venetia. 1682. Melier (Francois) [1798-1866]. * Es.sai sur le diagnostic medical. 42 pp. 4\ Paris, 1823, No. 32. [P., v. 178.] MftLIKK. :m; M ELLIN. Melier (Francois)—continued. -----. Memoire et observations sur quelques ma- ladies de l'appendice cu'cal. 30 pp. 8. [Pa- rti. Crapelet, 1827.] [Also, in : P., v. 1398.] Rcj>r. from: J. gen. (le metl., chir. et pharm., Par., 1827, c. -----. Etudes sur les subsistances envisagees dans leurs rapports avec les maladies et la mor- tality. 5-40 pp. 4-'. I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1842. Rgpr.from: Mem. Acad, do med., Par., 1841-3, x. -----. Des affections iutermitteutes a courte pe- riode. 24 pp. 4°. [Paris, 1842.] -----. Experiences et observations sur les pro- prietes toxiques du sulfate de quinine. Memoire lu a l'Acad^mie royale de niddecine. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1843. ---.—. Ouverturc du lazaret de Ratoneau. 16 pp. 8J. Marseille, Barlatier-Fcissat 1). 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 186. Mclisiirgo (Ginlio (Vsare). Ingegnerio sani- tarie ed" urbane, xxiii, 240 pp. s . Xap»li, [1880]. Iflelitagra. Alibert. Nouvelles observations stir la melitagre fla- vescente. J. univ. <1. sc. metl., Par., 1829, lvi, 68-72.— Arnnl. Observations sur la melitagre llavescente. Ibid., lv, 70-77. Mclitsch (Job.) [1763- ]. Abhandlung von der sogi'iiannten Umbeugung der Gebahriiiutter, zum Anfange seiner Privatvoilesungen iiber die Entbinduiigskunst, vorgetragen den 21. Herbs! - monds, 1789. Nebst einer Nachrioht des daniit verbundenen praktischen Institute:*. 2 p. 1., 87 pp. 83. Prag, Elsenwangcr, 1790. Jlelitiiria. See Diabetes. Mclizan (L6opold). * I )es laches de la cornee et de leur traitement. 6,3 pp. 4°. Montpellier,1873, N... 43. MelksJiaill Cottage Hospital. Annual report of the committee to the subscribers. 15., 1882-3. 15 pp. 12°. Mclksham, J. II. Maggs, 1883. Established 1868. de Melle (Christophorus Andreas), * De vi vi- tali, quoad medicinam et ex ilia morbi oriuntes. 62 ii))., 2 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Bos, 1761. il Melle (Franc. Jacobus). * Dc fortuitis in me- dieina proticnis. 1 p. l.,44pp. 4°. Argentorati, lit. 1). Maagii, 1718. Zl Melle ( Franciscus Josephus). * Adagiorum medicinaliuin sylloge. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. sm. 4J. Altorfii Xoric, lit. I. G. Kohlesii, [1717]. Melier (Joannes Henricus) [1828- ]. *De tnssi convnlsiva. 29 pp., 1 1. 8 . Berolini, typ.fra- ti-nm Schlesinger, [1853]. Melier (Josef). * Beitrag zur Lehre vom .Sclero- derma adultorum. [ Strasburg. ] 36 pp. 8-. Crefeld, G. Kithler, 1883. Mellerstadt (Martin). See Pollich:u« (Marti- n us). Mellet (David-Louis). * Sur le rachitis. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 171, v. 182. Mellet (Francois-Louis-Edouard). * Considera- tions generales sur les deviations des pieds (pieds-bots). viii, 9-32 pp., 2 pi. 4 . I'aris, 1823, No. 82, v. 179. -----. Manuel pratique d'orthope'die, ou traitc dleiuentaire sur les moyens de preveuir et de guerir toutes les difformites du corps huniaii). xv, 5-524 pp., 18 pi. 16°. Paris, J. Bouriei; 1844. Mellet (Jacques). "Rellexions relatives a la pourritiii-e d'hopital. Ip. 1., 12 pp. 4J. Stras- bourg, 1834, v. 58. Mclli (Sebastiano). La comaic leva trice istruita nel suo ufflzio secondo le regole piii certe, e gli ammaestramenti piii moderni. 1 p. 1., viii, 448 pp., 19 pi. 4 \ Venezia, C. Palese, 176)6. Melliar (Jacobus). * De asthmate spasmodico. 1 p. 1., 38 pp. 8\ Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1777. Mellie (Albert-Charles Jules-Ernest). * Recher- ches sur le mode (faction du panscinent ouat6. 26 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1811. No. 309. Mellier (Alfred). "Etudes sur les bossns ob- serves dans les 6"tablisseinents d'ali(-n<5s [Monl- pellier.] 52pp., 11. 4J. Avignon, Bonnet cl Jils, 1866, No. 104. C. Mellier (Fred6ric). * Observatiotis pratiques sur quelques derangements de la menstruation, et principaleinent sur la difticulle' de leur diagnos- tic. 69 pp. 8 . Montpilliei; J. Muriel ainc, l8.\6. Mellill (Christoph Jakob) [1744-1817]. * Fric- tionuin pra'stantissimus usus iu arte salutari MELLIK 97 MELSENS, Mellill (Christoph Jakob)—continued. ostcnditur. 32 pp. 4°. Jena; apud G. M. Marg- grafii viduam, [1766]. -----. Ausziige aus den besten medieinischen Probeschriften des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. 2 v. iu 1. viii, 296, 309-312 pp.; ii, 225-316 pp. 12°. Altenbtirg, Richter, 1771-4. Incomplete; -want pp. 1-224 of v. 2. -----. Praktische Materia medica. 2. Ansg. 7 p. 1., 303 pi)., 16 1. 12°. ...'tenlmrg, Richter, 1778. For Biography, see ICalt*clniiieil (Car. Frid.) iVIcllill (.1. 3.) S., 1 1. 4°. Rio de Janeiro. E.

4, xxxix. For Biography, see rVobile (Antonio). Elogio storico tli Miteetlonio Melloni, recitato nella reale Accadomia delle scienze di Napoli nella tornata del 1 dicetnbre 18.34. fol. Xeijioli, 1855. Mellor ( Georgius Henricus). * De hepatitide chronica. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. Edinburgh C. Stewart, 1813. [P., v. 864.] Meli wig (Joh. Jos. ) *De fluxus menstrualis auomaliis per excessum. 2 p. 1., 56 pp. 8". Grypliia; F. G. Kunike, [1839]. IT] CI III (Godofredus). *De rhachitide. 1 p. 1., 52 pp., 2 pi., 1 1. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, J. Sas, [1730]. MelnottC (Emile). * Contribution a l'6tude des perforations intestinales. 70 pp. 4 . I'aris, 1880, No. 42. Melocclli (Vincenzo). Considerazioni clinico- scieutifiche intorno al reuniatismo articolare acuto e cronico, o adeiioderinopatia reumatica discrasica e sua terapia, iu ispecie per gli alca- lini, e bagni idropatici e termo-minerali. 90 pp., 1 tab. 8 . Xapoli, P. Androsio, 1878. rtleloe pro scarab ecus. Fiedler (K.) Fall einer todtliclien Vergiftuiig (lurch ein ;tns Mi-lei- prost-araba-us bereitetes I'ulver. Sunini. tl. Xettest. 11. Wisseiiswiiril. a. (1 j;es. Metl., Leipz., 1838, u. F., viii, 'Jo-'.)'.). — lloll liaiiei-. Vergil'lung durch ein Pnlver von Melee prnsearaha-iis und M violaceus. Vitljsehr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl, 1875, n. F., xxiii, 244- 264. Vlelograiio. Kii^liini (* i.) Cenni intorno ad un nuovo principio rinvenuto nella t-oi teccia tlella ratlice del melograno sil- veslre, e sopra aleuni preparati della nietlesiiua coutenenti lo stesso prinei])io. Bull. d. se med. tli Bologna, 1813, 3. s.,iv, 341-354. Mcloni-Satta (Pietro). Tcratologia iu genere ed illustr.i/.ione di aleuni ctisi in specie. Confe- renze tenute nella lv. Universita di Cagliari. [Anno 1.] 104 pp., 11., 3 pi. 8\ Sassari, G. Dessi, 1885. Jlelon*. Commnille (A.) Note sur les hydrates de carbone solubles eontenus dans les sues de melon et, de pasteque. Rec. tie mem. de metl. . . . mil, Par., 1869, 3. s., xxii, 230- 235. — !\ali ila Bibbienn (M. P.) Breve discorso in- torno alia natura tlel popone, e sopra il eattivo uso del ber fresco eon la neve. In: llac. il' opusc. scient. e fllol., 16°, Venezia, 1730, iv, 373-308. r?IeIop*itlacu* nndulatus. See' Intestines (Comparative anatomy of). Jlelot f -1832], C'rnveilhier. (Jueltiues mots sur Melot. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1832, vii, 107. Wclqniond (C.-E.-J.-A.) * De l'influence de la-brusque transition du chaud au froid dans la production des phlegmasies. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 62, v. 545. MelseiiS ( Louis - Henri - Frederic ) [ 1814-86 ]. Kecherches sur la persistance des impressions de la refine. 42 pp. 8U. Bru.retles, [187,1]. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1857, 2. s., iii. ------. Memoire- sur IVinploi de l'iodure de potas- sium pour combattre les affections saturnines, nicrcurielles, et les accidents conseeutifs de la syphilis. 167 pp. 8°. Bruxellei, M. Hayez,1867). ---■—. Note sur la conservation du vaccin. 4 pp. 8 . [Brujrellcs, II. Maiieeaii.i; 1871.] [P., v. 797.] Repr. from: .1. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1871, liii. ------. Note sur les plaies produites par les amies a feu, sur quelques ett'etsde la penetration des pro- jectiles (bins divers milieux et sur rimpossibilite de la fusion des balles de plomb qui frappent les homines ou les chevaux. 61 pp. 8°. Brnxelles, H. Manceaux, 1872. [P., v. 797.] Repr. from: J. de med., chir. et phannacol., Brux. 1872-3, liv-lv. ------. Sur la congelation desliquidesalcooliques. 12pp. 8. [Brnxelles, F. Hayez, 1873.] [P., v. 801.] Repr. from : Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1873, 2. s., xxxv. ______. Sur les boissmis aleooliques glacees por- tdes a des tempera! ui is t ivs-basses et sur le re- froidissement et la congelation des vins ordi- MKLSKXS. 98 MEMBKANA. MclM'iis (Louis-Heiiri-Fre'derit-)—continued. naires ou mousseux. 25 pp. 8 . [Bruxelles, F. Haycz, 1873.] [P., v. 801.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1873. 2. 8., xxxv. -----. Emploi the'rapeutique de l'ammoniaque, de ses sels et des composes ou melanges annuo- niacaux complexes dans les affectionsdes organes respiratoires. 8 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1881. Repr. from .- Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1881, 3. s., xv. -----. Deuxieme note sur les matieres albumi- noi'des. 48 pp., 1 pi. 8 . Acad. roy. de Belgiquc; [n. d.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad, roy de Belg., Brux., xxiv. For Biography, see Art nied., Brux., 1886-7, xxii, 109- 111. Melsheiiner (Julius). * Ueber die Lehre vom Affect in gerichtlich-medicinischer Beziehung. 20 pp., 2 1. 8°. Giessen, F. C. Pietsch, 1862. c. Meltz (Hermann). *Casuistischer Beitrag zu den Resectionen. 41 pp., 11. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1876. Meltzer (Franz Carl). Abhandlung von dem Keichhusten. 7 p. 1., 135 pp. 12°. St. Peters- burg, C. Tornow u. Comp., 1790. Mellzer (H. A.) Flugblatt Nr. 1. Hochst wich- tige Mittheiluug fiir'Jedermann! 3. Aufl. 16 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Frankenstein it. Wagner, [1881]. Repr. from his: Lehrbuch ii. Naturheilk. Meltzer ( S.) [1853- ]. * Das Schluckcen- trum, seine Irradiationen und die allgemeine Bedeutung derselben. 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, [1882]. -----. Schluckgerausche im Scrobiculus cordis und ihre physiologische Bedeutung. 4 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1883.] Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. med. "Wissensch., Berl, 1883, xxi. Bound with: Arb. a. d. spec, physiol. Abth. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Berl, 1883, [No. 2]. ^lelim. KjC Brise-Orgneil. Topographie medicale de Me. Inn. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1786, lxvi, 8-15. Melvill (John). Observations on the nature and properties of fixible air, and on the salutary ef- fects of the aqua salubris, iu preserving health and preventing diseases; to which are added strictures on the present practice of physic, [etc.] 92 pp. 8°. London, the author, [1787]. Melville (Alexander)1. *De apoplexia. 2 p. 1., 53 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1797. [Also, in: P., v. 6.J Melville (Alexander)2. *De hepatitide. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et soc, 1801. [P., v. 19.] Melville (Henry). The modern treatment of pulmonary consumption and other diseases of the respiratory organs, being suggestions to in- valids on the most rational method of cure. 76 pp. 12:. New York, 187,9. Also. Co-Editor of: Hunter's Metlical and Surgical Specialist, Xew York, 1855-7.— I pper Canada (The) Journal of Medical, Surgical, and Phvsical Seieuce To- ronto, 1851-3. ?l< Ivin (/>'. X.) Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.) JIely**yl. vt.x Pii.yerlixg (L.) * Ueber Melissyl-Alco- hol und seine Unisetzungsprodukte. 8°. Er- langen, 1876. Melzer (Antonius). Tractatus de diminuendo sub partu fcetus capite. vi, 56 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Labaci, L. Ecjer, 1821. Melzer (Frauciscus Carolus). *De hernia cru- ra li incarcerata. 30 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J: H. Heitzii, [1769]. Also [Abstr.], m.- Weiz (F. A.) Yollstiind. Aus/.. [etc.] 12°. Leipzig v. Budissin, 1771, iii, 434-441. Melzer (Kaimund). Stndien iiber die asiatische Brochruhr. 58 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke; 1850. Melzner (Joannes Jacobus). * De majori fre- queutia apoplexia' in eruditis quam alius sortis hominibns observanda. 28 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1755]. Vlembrana tympani. See, also, Chorda tympani; Ear (Ossicles of); Tensor tympani. Aepli (A. T.) * De membrana tympani. 4; Gynopedii, 1837. Burkxek (K.) Atlas von BeleuchtungsbilderD. des Trommel fells. 8\ Jena, 1886. Coknelils ( F. ) * De nienibranaj tympani usu. 8°. [Dorpat], 1827). Fick (A.) Betrachtungen iiber den Mechanis- mus des Paukenfelles. 8°. Wurzburg, 1886. See, also, infra. Home (F.) On the structure and uses of the membrana tympani of the ear. 4C. [London, 1799.] Nolda (A.) #Phonautographische Studied als Beitriige zur Physioiogie der Membrana tympani des Menschen. 8°. Wurzburg, 1886. Politzer (A.) Die Beleuchtungsbilder des Trommelfells im gesmiden und kranken Zu- stande. Klinische Beitriige zur Frkenntniss und Behandlung der Ohreii-Krankheiten. 8°. Wien, 1865. -----. The same. The membrana tympani in health and disease. Clinical contributions to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of tlie ear, with supplement. Transl. by A. Mathewson and H. G. Newton. 8°. Xew York, 1869. POPrER. (M.) * Sosudi i nervi barabannoi pereponki. [Vessels and nerves of membrana tympani.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 186,9. Also, transl. in: Monatschr. f. Obrenh., Berl., 1869, iii, 63; 79. Verkade (P.) * Verhandeling over het troni- melvlies en de gehoorbeentjes. 8°. Amsterdam, 1856. Walther (A. F.) *Diss. anat. de membrana tympani, respondente Caspar Bose. sm. 4\ TJpsice, [1725]. Also, in: Hallek. Disp. anat. [etc.J 4°. dottim/cr, 1749, iv, 337-354. Wirtz (P.) * Ueber das Foramen Rivini and seine Beziehuugen zu den Fiterungsprozessen hintcr der Membrana flaccida. [Bonn.] 8 . Oberhausen, 1886. Ban (Leber den) des Annulus tendinosus seu tartila- gineus des Tronnnelfelles. AHg. Wien. med Ztg., 186!i, xiv, 43. — Berlholil ( E. ) ()|)tiselie Darstelluug der durch Schallleitung durch die Kopfknochen er/.euuten Bewegungen des Trommelfells am Lebenden. Monat- schr. f. Ohrenh., Berl. 1872, vi, 29-32.—Binjj (A.) Li- ber Bewegungserscheiiiungeii am Tronunelfelle. Wien. med. Bl. 1886, ix. 473: 509. — Blalte (C. J.) The use of the membrana tympani as a phonautograph and lo- gograph. Arch. Opitth. & Otol, N. Y.. 1876, v. 108, 1 pi: 1878, vii, 457. Also, Reprint. -----. Tlie membraua tym- pani telephone. Am. J. Otol. N. Y., isso, ii. 180-18:; -----. The pronressivo growth of tlie dermoid coat of tbe niembraiia tympani. Ibid., 1882, iv, 266-268. — Bur- nett (C. II.) A contribution to the comparative distri- bution of bloodvessels in the membrana tympani. Am. TL M. Sc. Phila., 187:5. lxv, 119-122. Also, Reprint. Also, transl. | Abstr.]: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1872, vi, 17.— Cooper (A.) Observations on the effects which take place I'roin the destruction of the membrana tympani of the ear. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1800, xe, 151-160.'-----. Farther observations on the effects which take place from the destruction of the membrana tympani of the ear; with an account of au operation for the removal of it particular species of deafness. Ibid.. 1M11, xci, 435-450. ] pi — Coyne. ^Morphologic, tie la membrane, (bl tynipan an niveau de la portion iiaccide dite de Schrapitell. Gaz, hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1880, i, 147-150.—Cronibie (J. M.) Function of the membrana flaccida ol tbe tym- panic membrane. Nature, Lond., 1882. xxvii, 129-131. -----. On the membrana tympani. I. Anat. & l'lnsiol., Loml.. 188-.'-:!. xvii, 523-536.— On I by ( W. B. ) On tin- diagnostic value of morbid appearances in the tympanic MEMBRANA. 99 MEMBRANA. Hie in l> ran a tympani. membrane. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 493.—Dnfrane. De lexploration tie la membrane du tympan. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1876, 3. s., ix, 328-347.'— Fick (A.) Beob- achtiingen iiber den Mechanisinus des Paukenfelles. Ver- bantll. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. /n Wiirzb., 18S7, n. F., xx, 73-83. [See, also, supra. |— I Iciohiiiaiin. Eiuiges iiber das Wittmannsehe Loth im Trommelfelle. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg., 1S36. v, 321. — Folirenscb v» :i i-*. ("M.) Die Erkeimtniss der rroiniuelfellbewegungt n ; Beschrei- bung einer optiscben Vorrichtung furdidaktische Zwecke. [Myriugoscop. | Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1870, xv, 001: 1871. xvi, 36.—Cialton (•!. O.) Notes ou the condition of the tympanic membrane in the insane. West Riding Lun. Asyl'. Rep., Lond.. 1S73. iii, 258-272 — ISelle. Developpo- meut tie la partie fficeide tie la membrane tin tympan. Trav. lab. physiol. Kac. metl. de Par. (1884), 1885', i. 185- 191, 1 pi —tSreen (J. 0.),jr. Restoration of tbe mem- brana tympani after its almost complete destruction from chronic' inflammation. Boston M. & S. J., 1870, lxxxiii, 347-34!!.—Ornber (.Li Beitriige zur Anatoniie des Troni- melfelles. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1866, xi, 385. Also: Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. (M. K.) Deafness re- sulting from relaxation of the drum membrane. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1886-7, viii, 505-508.—Balky (W. B.) The functions of the menibrana tympani illustrated by disease. Am. J. M. St;., Phila.. 1886. n. s., xcii, 121-123.— Fulton (J. F.) Myringitis. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1882-3, ii, 182-185. — <;iani|»ieli-o (E.) Una dia gnosi di sortlita per sclerosi della cassa. dimostrata esatta dal! esito della cm a. Gazz. di metl pubb., Napoli, 1871, v, 33-39.—4«otlstiiii. Sur un cas tie iiiyringite aigue, avec abondante desquamation. Cong, period, internat. d'otol Compt.-rend. 1880, Trieste, 1882, ii, 143. <« ruber (J.) Ueber Treunungen ties Ziisainmenhaiiges sowie Substan/.verluste im Trommelfelle und deren Behandlung Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi. 317; 325; 333; 341; 366; 368; 389; 406: 1867, xii, 3; 27; 57; 82; 118; 156; 191. -----. Zur Behandlung der Trominolfcll-Eiitziinduiig. Ibid., 1869, xiv, 129; 137. -----. Ueber eine eigenthiimlichc Kund- triibuiig am Troininelfell und deren Bedeutuiig. Monat- schr. f. Ohrenh., Berl. 1878, xii, 106. -----. Schweihtirig keit und subjective Gehiii seniptinduiigon in Folge von Verwaohsiing ties Trommelfelles mit tier iiiuereii Troin- mt Ihtihleiiwanil; secondare Relaxation des nicht, ango- wachseneu Theiies des Trommelfelles : Treiiniing' der Sy- nechie, (lurch tlie Luftdouche,; Heilung. Allg. Wien. ined. /.tg., 188-.', xxvii, 173. — lleriuet I !'. ) Des cpaississe- ments de la membrane tin tympan. Union metl, Par.. 1882. :i. s., xxxiii, 881; 905.— llintou (,l.) Ulceration of the fibrous. Itinina of the ineinbi-ana tympani. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1860-61, xii, 201. -----. Clinical remarks on MEMBRANA. 101 MEMBRANA. Heinbrana tympani (Diseases of). perforations and some other morbid conditions of the menibrana tympani. Guy's Hosp. Rep., lond., 1866, 3. s., xii, 617-666.—.lounia. Myriugitediplitheritiquo. Rev. tie therap. med.-chir. de Par., 1883, [xxxil, 291-293. —Ke«- wel (J.) Zur Myringitis villosa. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1870. v, 250-253.'—Kramer (W.) Die, acute Entziindung ties Trommelfells. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 185.8, x, 211; 223. Also, transl. .- Gaz. med. de Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 208- 272. -----. Die chronische Entziindung des Troinmel- fells. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1858, x, 423; 431. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 354. Also, transl. | Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 567- 571.—ICiiii (Z.) Az idiilt genyes dobiirlob a anuak ve- s/.elyes befolyasa a szervezetre. [Purulent chronic tym- panitis and its serious effects uiioii the organism.] (Jyii- gyHszat, Budapest, 1886, xxvi, 921 ; 953.—l^ekrubeelier. Vier Falle von Erkraiikungen ties Trommelfelles. Aerztl Int.-Bl, Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 119-121. — liOiighi (G.) Miringite erpetico-desquamniativa ambilaterale ; c.ura; guarigione. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1882, 8. s., iv, 473-475.—liiicse (A.) Aragonitkrystalle in der venlick- fen Epidermis eines niensehiiehen Trommelfelles. [Nebst eiuer Mittheilung des Prof. Gust. Rose.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc , Berl, 1866, xxxvi, 286-289, 1 pi— U'Kronn (W. A.) On a new method of treatment of relaxation of the ineiubrana tvnipani. Dublin .1. M. Se., 1880, 3. s., lxix, 502: 1881, 3. s., jxxi, 8.—aTloo* (S.) On the medico legal significance of atrophy of the tympanum, produced by hardened cerumen. Arch. Ophth. & Otol, N. Y.. 1869, i, 321-324. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Aitgen- u. Ohrenh., Carlsiuhe, 1869-70, i, 244-246. -----. On the mechan- ism of chronic purulent myringitis in tuberculous indi- viduals. [Transl bv A. Schapringer] Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1887, xvi, 31-40. 2 pi— Polilzei- (A.) Zur patholo- gischen Anatomic der Tromnielfelltrubuugen, uud deren Bedeutung fiir die Diagnostik der Gehorkrankheilen. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1862, viii, 777; 793: 817: 879; 977. — Pope (B. A.) Relaxation of the inembrana tympani. N. Oil. M. & S. ,L, 1867, xx, 91.— ■Coooii \- Beni-il. The appearance of the membrana tympani and fauces in 296 cases of acquired and congeni- tal deaf-mutism. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., liii, 399-402. — Kchle*iiigei' ( Z. V.) A dobhartya seriile- seirtil [On lesions of the membrana tympani.] Gyo- gyaszat, Budapest, 1885, xxv, 347; 366;' 382; 397; 414; 430; 447. — Srhn-artzc (H.) Anuahernd normale HSr- seharfe bei hochgradiger Degeneration beider Trommel- felle. Arch. f. Orenh., Wiirzb., 1804. i, 142-144.-----. Synechie des Tromnielfells mit Promontorium und Steig- b'iigel. Ibid., 1867, ii, 207-210. — Spear ( E. D. ) Re- marks about the drum membrane, with cases. Boston M. A: S. J., 1887, cxvii, 177-180—.*»>van (J.) Observations on the tympanum as connected with deafness. Lond. M. Gaz., 1829-30, v, s.—T'hom:i« (L.) On certain abnormal movements in the membrana tympani producing cerebral symptoms. Lancet, Lond.. 1877, ii, 837-840.—Toynbee. Series of preparations illustrative of the diseases of the menibrana tympani. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1849-50, ii, 273-275.-----. Preparations illustrative of hypertrophy in flit; epidermoid and dermoid lamina) of the niembrana tympani. Ibid., 1850-51, iii, 178. -----. Case of ulceration of the fibrous lamuue of the membrana tympani. Ibid., 1852-3, iv, 251.—von Tscliarner. Leber die Trommel- fellentziinduiig. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Ge- burtsh., Zurich, 1856, xii, 92-105.—Turnbiill (C. L.) A rase of calcareous degeneration of the membrana tympani. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1879-80, Phila., 1880, ii, 13.— Verilon Mam-i (P.) Miringitis parciales cronicas; un mievo capititlo para la patologia del oido. Gac. med. ratal., Barcel. 1884, vii, 1-7, 1 pi—Vollolini (R.) Die Krankheiten ties Trommelfelles. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1870, iv. 129; 137: 1871, v, 1; 17.—Weber (F. E.) Beiuerkungen iiber die Horbeeiutrachtigungen bei ganz oder theilweise zerstortem Trommelfell, resp. defecten Ge- libikndchelchen. Ibid., 1868, ii, 9; 23.—Webster (D.) Case of polypoid granulations of the membrana tympani of ten years' standing cured by four applications of a forty- grain solution of nitrate of silver. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 199.—Wcstropn (T.) Cast! of collapsed mem- brana* tynipanorurii. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, ii, 763- 765.—Wette. Ein Fall von acuter desquamativer Ent- ziindung des Trommelfells. Monatschr. i. Ohrenh., Berl, 1882, xvi, 33-35. HI em bra IB a tympani (Inflammation of). See Ear (Diseases of, Catarrhal, etc.); Mem- brana tympani (Diseases of). Ifleinbrana tympani (Paracentesis of). See Ear (Diseases of, Catarrhal, etc.); Ear (Sur- gery of); Membrana tympani (Surgery of). II cm bran a tympani (Perforation of). See Membrana tympani (Surgery of); Mem- brana tympani (Wounds, etc., of). Tl nil bran a tympani (Reproduction of). Burnett (C. H.) A rare case of restitution of the niembrana tympani after fifteen \ tars of disease. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 502.—€healliaui (W.) A case of secondary drum membrane. Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1885, xiv, 11.—tireen (J. O.), ,ir. Restoration of the niembrana tympani after its almost complete destruction from chronic inflammation. Extr. Rec. Boat. Soc. M. Improve. (1866- 74), 1876, vi, 158-160.—II in ton (J.) Case of restoration of a perforated and collapsed membrana tympani. Metl Press & Circ., Dubl, 1866, ii, 614.—Richer (S. (').) Res- toration of the membrana tympani. Tr. Illinois M. Sue., Chicago, 1878, xxviii, 218-225. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of reproduction of the membrana tympani. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. a., lxxix, 144-148. Also, Reprint.— Speneer (II. X.) A case of reproduction of the niein- brana tympani. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1871, 39.— Triquet. De la reproduction de la membrane du tym- pan. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 418. ifleinbrana tympani (Rupture of). See Membrana tympani (Wounds, etc., of). Ifleinbrana tympani (Surgery of). See; also, Ear (Surgery of); Membrana tym- pani (Artificial). Badin (J.) * Sur la perforation artificielle du tympan. 4°. Paris, 1875. Beck (J. S.) * De tympani perforatione iu surditatis cura cautius rariusque adbibeuda. 8°. Erlangai, [1806]. Appears, also (with additions), under Harles (C. F.). See infra. Blanche (A.-E.-P.) * Dissertation sur l'uti- lite de la perforation de la membrane du tympan, dans le cas de surdit6 causae par l'obliteration du conduit guttural. 4°. Paris, 1806. Bkunner (H. M.) * De tympanectomia. 12°. Monachii, 1842. Deleau (N.) Memoire sur la perforation de la membrane du tympan, pratique'e pourre~tablir l'ou'ie dans plusieurs cas de surdity; avec des observations sur des sourds-nmets et quelques considerations sur le developpement de l'ou'ie et de la parole. 8°. Parti, 1822. Fabrizi (P.) Sopra un nuovo processo di pra- ticare la perforazione della membrana del tim- pano e sulle malattie eke la esigono. Memoria. 8°. Livorno, 1827. Also, transl in: J. d. progr. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1828, vii, 153-166. Flciis (J. F.) * Disquisitiones de perforatione membrana* tympani, priecipue de vera hujus ope- rationis indicatione exliibens. 4°. Jence, [1809], Grazzi (V.) Sulle perforazioni della mem- brana del timpano; studi cliuici e proposte. 8°. Firenze, 1884. Gruber (J.) Zur Lehre von der kiinstlichen Perforation des Trommelfelles. 8C. [Budapest, 1872.] Repr. from: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1872. Kosegakten (W.) Ueber eine kiiustliche Ue- horsverbesserung bei grossen Trommelfellperfo- rationen. Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Venia legendi. 8°. Kiel, 1884. KfJHNEL (F. M.) * Die Paracentese des Trom- melfells. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Miot (C.) De la myringodectomie, ou perfo- ration artificielle du tympan. 8°. Paris, 1877. Nielwenhi'is (L. C.) * Momenta qua'dam, de surditate per puncturam membranie tympani curanda. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, [1807]. Philipeaux (R.) Etudes sur la surdite. Re- cherches nonvelles sur la perforation artificielle du tympan. 8°. Paris, 1863. See, also, infra. Schwartze (H.) Die Paracentese des Trom- melfells. Ein Beitrag zur chirurgischen Behand- lung der Ohrkrankheiteu. 8°. Halle a. S., 1868. Trucy (G.-H.) Considerations sur la perfora- tion de la membrane du tympan, dans Je cas de surdite" causee par l'obliteratiou de la trompe d'Eustache. 8 >. Pan's, att AT [1802]. MEM MJ AN A. 102 MKMI5KANA. ifleinbrana tympani (Surgery of). ;%Kuew (('. R.) Subacute inflammation of the middle ear, with fluid in the tympanic cavity; puncture of the drum-head; recovery. Arch. Otol, N. Y.. 1879, viii, 76. -----. Subacute inflammation of the middle ear, with fluid in the tympanic cavity : relieved by puncture of the drumhead. Ibid.. 76.— vou Aii«lrejev»*liiy. Ueber die. Heilung einer angebornon Taubheit uml iiber ein neues Instrument /aim Durchbohren des Trommelfells. J. tl Chir. u. Augenb., Berl, 1830, xiv, 58!!-59(1. — An- bury (J. V.) Strictures, iu reply to Mr. Wright's ob- jections to the operation of puncturing the niembrana tvmpaui. Metl. & Phys. J., Loud., 1819, xii, 281-288. — Balestra (A. R.) Perforazione chirurgica della mem- Inana del timpano. Boll. d. mal. d' orei ihio. il. gola e il. naso, Firenze, 1886, iv, 33.— Baratoux. Inflammation chronique des trompes et lies caisses avec adherences multiples des tympans k la grande branche de 1' euclmne, a l'etrier et aux parties voisines; traitements divers; uiyiiitgodectomie h gauche: guerison. Mouvement metl. Par., 1877, xv, 248. —- Kni'llell ( E. W. ) Paracentesis t\mpani. Tr. Wisconsin M. Sot., Milwaukee, 1876, x, 82-8 . — Bei-tholtl (E.) Leber Myringoplastik. Wien. med. Bl, 1878. i 627-63(1. -----'. Zwei weitere Fiille von (lurch seine Methode der Myringoplastik geheil- ten Trommelfell]iei liuationeii. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 587.—Bin:; (A.) Zur Paracentese des Trom- melfells. Allg. Wien med. Ztg.. 1877. xxii, 110: 119; 148 - Hi.hop iS. S.) Operations on the drum-head for impaired hearim;; with fourteen cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1886, vii, 232-235. Also. Reprint.—Kill lie (0. ,1 » Acupuncture anil drainage in the treatment of serous effusion into the tympanic, cavity. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1875-8. ii, 226-221). -----. Application of pupei dress- ings in treatment of perforations of the membrana tym- pani. Tr. Intel nat, Otol. Conn. 1876. N. Y., 1887, i, 125-132. Also, Reprint.— Kouunfout. Note sur un t as de sur- dite ancienne rebel!- a tons les traitements ordinaires, gueiie radicalemeut par la trepanation dela membrane du tympan pratiquee par un nouveau procede. Mouvement liied., Par., 1877, xv, 339-341. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1, 692-694. Also: Union med., Par., 1877, 3. s.. xxiv, 113-118. Also: Ann d. mal de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1877, iii, 251-256 Kiminer (H. M.) Leber die Dureh- bohrung dos Paukenfells (Excisio niembrana- tympani). Allg. Ztg. f. Chir., Miinchen, 1811, i, 131 ; 163.— Km mil (C. H.) Tympanic, trephine. Tr. Am. Otol. Sot , Host,, 1873, 109.—Butcher (R. G. H.) On puncturing the mem- brane of the tympanum. Dublin M. Press, 1846. xv, 196- 198. Also: Med. Times, Loud., 1846, xiv, 44.—('sinni-IIn (J. P.) On parakentesis of the membrana tympani; ob- servations historical and clinical Olasgow M. J., 1X74, [4. s.J, vi, 198. [Discussion], 271. —I'hiinaiii (R.) Le- ber die Wirkuugsweise der Methode von Dr. A. Poli- tzer zur Behandlung des eitrigeu Mittelohrkatarrhs mit Perforation ties Trommelfelles. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii. 531; 548.— 4 miihcrbati h (A. E.) Paracente- sis of the menibrana tympani for mucous accumulation in the tympanum. St, Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1*76, xii, 171-174 —IJalhy (W. B.) Perforations of the niembrana tympani. lancet, Lond., 18711, ii, 251.—Deleau. Re- ponseau memoire de M. Bonnafont sur la perforation (le la membrane du tympan. Lnion med., Par., 1877, 3. s., xxiv, 477-479.—Fabrizj (P.) Sopraun nuovo processo di pratieare la perforazione della menibrana del timpano con esportazione di parte. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1830. lv, 236-283, 1 pi -----. De la perforation de la membrane du Uiupan. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 331—<; iam|»i<'lro (E.) Trapanazioue della membrana del timpano. Atti. Cong. gen. d. Ass. metl ital. 1878, Pisa, 1879, viii, 434-453. ---:—. La perforazione del tim- pano a scopo terapeutico. Salute: Italia med., Geneva, 1881, 2. s., xv, 369. -----. Lo speculum perforante nella paraceutesi del timpano. Arch, internaz. di utojat. rino- .jat. ed aeroterap., Napoli, 1885. i, 17-21. ---■—. Delia miringotomia; indicazioni e metotli. Gior. internaz. d. sc. metl, Napoli, 1886, n. s., viii, 288-302. — Gioniuii (M.) Della perforazione del timpano nel! otite interna eronica e principalniente della sua cura. Raecoglitore metl Forli, 1873, xxiii, 225-243.—Gomez lie la Mat a (F.j La perforation artificial del timpano. Gac. de offal, otol y laringol, Madrid. 1886, i, 6; 32. — Grazzi ( Y. j Sur la perforation du tympan, et un uouvt 1 instrument pour la pratiquer. Cong, period, internat. d'otol (ompt.-reud 1880, Trieste, 1882, ii, 84-87. -----. Instruments pour la perforation artificielle du tympan. Bull, de l'arsenal med.-chir., Par., 1883-4, i, 93.—Gruber (J.) Die Myrin- godectomie als Heilmittel gegen Schwerhorigkeit' und Ohrensausen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1864 ix 97- ]'*1- 145; 161; 177; 186. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre' voil der Patacenthese der Tromnielhiihle. Ibid., 1871, xvi. 173 ; 181 ; 200. -----. Die mehrfache Durehsehiieitlung des Trommelfells als Heilmittel gegen primiire oiler mif Tru- bung einheigchende iibermiissige Spaiiuun"- desselben Ibid., 1873, xviii, 2; 17; 33; 49. Also: Monatschr. f! Ohrenh., Berl, 1873, vii, 63-66. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre und Casuistik der mehrfacheu Durchschneiduug des Trommelfells behufs Minderung der abnormen Ispan- flembrana tympani (Surgery of). nung desselben. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1876, xxi, 295- 303; 311; 319. -----. Leber Ditrclischneitlung tier hin- teren Troninielfellfalte zu Heilzweckcn. Mitth. d. Wien med. Doct.-Coll, 1881, vii, 116-119. Also: Allg. Wien med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 123; 135.—«nye. Paracentesis meinbr. tympani. Work. v. h. (ienootscb. t, Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1871-2, ii, 23. -----. Paracentese van bet trominelvlies. Ibid., 1875, iv, pt. 1, 7-22.—llarle* (('. F.) De iiienibrame tympani perfora- tione in surditatis cura rarius cauliustpie adhibeiiila. In Ids: Opera minora Acad, metl fete. |, 8°, Lips., 1815 t, 18!)- 230.—Harvey (W.) On the treatment of perforation 0f the membrana tympani by operation. Metl. Times, Loud., 1850, xxi, 135.—llciiuan (T.) <) pi-zedziurawieiiiacli blony bebenkowej. [On perforation of iiieinbiana tvm- paui'.] Gaz. lek.,' Warszawa, 1886, 2. s., vi, 929; 962; 981; 1005; 1030. — llewelsou (H. B.) Tbe immediate im- provement of hearing following division of cicatrices in the membrana tympani. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 735 — lliuton (J.) On accumulation of mucus within the tympanum, and its treatment by incision of the membrana tympani. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loml, 1869, 3. s.. xiv, 149-164.— van lloek (J.) De doorboriug van bet tromnit Ivlies, als hulpmiddel ter genezing van acuten en ihioiiischeu katarrh der troinmelholte. Ncdeil Tijtlsehr. v. Heel-en Yerlosk., Utrecht, 1866-9, xvi, 376-382. II ufelanil (('. W.) Fragmentarische Beinerkungen iiber tlie 1 bit cliboli- i ung ties Trominelfells zur Kur der Taubheit. J. d. pruct, Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Berl. 1806, xxiv, 3. St.. 163-16!).- Ilunolil (P.) Wiederhei-stellung ties < Ichors inittelst Durchbohruug des Troninielfells, durch zalilrcit he Ver- suche bestatigt. Ibid., 2. St., 172-178.— Kaiii-iu (K.) Paracentesis membrana* tvmpaui. Norsk Mag. f. lage vitlensk., Christiania, 1876, vi, 583-594. — Kern (V.) Ueber tlie Durchbohrung ties Trommelfelles. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1813-14, ii, 3. pt,, 121-132.— Levi. Des divers moyens proposes pour maintenii- ouverte. une perforation chirurgicale de la meiubrane du tvmpan. Ann. d. mal de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1875, i, 349-358.—fjonglii (G.) Sulla perforazione della mem- brana del timpano. Gazz. med. ital lomb., Milano, 1875, 7. s., ii, 65; 81.—ltl'Ifceown. A new method of keeping perforation of the niembrana tympani open. Metl Press \-. Circ. Lond., 1886, n. s., xii,'215. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, 3. s., lxxxi, 357-359.—iTIaunoir (J.-P.) Obser- vation sur une maladie de l'organe de l'ou'ie, gu6rie radi- calement par la perforation de la membrane du tvmpan. L. de med., chir., pharm., etc, Par.. 1805, ix, 106-110.— ITIercer (J.) On deafness, caused by hemorrhage into I he cavity of the tympanum, successfully treated by per- foration of the membrane ; with statistic observations on the results of this operation neutrally. Xorth. J. M., Edinb., 1844, i, 353-361. Also, Reprint.—Jlilliiigcn (E.) Sur la perforation artificielle du tympan et le moyen d'as- surer sa permanence. Gaz. med. d'Oi ient, Constantinople, 1870-71, xiv, 84-87.—Nassc. Beinerkungen iiber A. Coo pel's Durchbohrung des Troninielfells. J. d. pract, Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Berl, 1807, xxv, 4. St., 168-190. — IVoyes (J. F.) Paracentesis membrana* tympani, with an illus- trative case. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1870, v, 395- 400.—Paquet (A.) Nouveau procede de my ringed ecto- mie applicable au traitement de l'otite sclere.use. Ann. d. mal de l'oreille.et du larynx, Par., 1881, vii, 187-198. -----. Myriiigotlectomie par formation d'un lambeau a base su- perieure adbereute et a sommet inferieur libre. Bull, et intin. Sue. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 332-336.—Phi- lipcaux (R.) Memoire sur la perforation de la meiu- brane tin tympan. Ann. Soc de med. tie Lyon, 1863, 2. 8., xi,152-230.' Also: Gaz. med. tie Lyon, 1863,xx,385; 406; 426; 444; 468. [See, also, supra, j — Politzer (A.) Leber eiu Verfahren zum Ott'enhalten kiinstlicher Perforationsiitl' nuugen im Trommelfelle, Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1868, xviii, 1567; 1581: 1869. xix, 533. Also. Reprint. ----- Plas tische Darstellung der CoutinuitatsstSruugen '.ind Wol- bungsanonialieii des Trommelfelles. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1876, xi, 31-33— PollaU (J.) Leber den Werth von Operationen, die den Schuitt ties Paukenfells erhei- schen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv. 484; 492; 505. Also, transl.: Metl. Press ..V Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 114; 48!). —Pomeroy (O. D.) Cases illustrating some of the results of paracentesis of the menibrana tympani, and of the introduction of Politzer's eyelet. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1873,92-106. Also, Reprint— Prout (J. S.) Paracen- tesis of the drum-membrane; the conservative, and not "heroic", treatment of severe inflammation of the middle ear. Proc. M. Soc County Kings, Brooklyn, 1878, iii, 176- 178.—PurveN (W. L.) Trepanation of the membrana tym- pani. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1875, 3. s., xx, 563. -----. One hundred eases of paracentesis of the tympanic mem- brane, with the results obtained therefrom, and remarks on the methods of operation. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1878. lxi, 189-206. —Kibe*. De la perforation de la membrane ilu tvmpan. J. tie med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1816, xxxv. 222-234. —Koosta (D. B. St. T.) On the value of operations in which the menibrana tympani is incised. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Host., 1881, ii, pt, 5, 448-463. Also: Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1881, x, 181-183. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., MEMBRANA. 103 MEMBRANA, tie in l> ran a tympani (Surgery of). Wiesb., 1881-2, xi, 1-3. [Discussion], 23-25.'—«le Salazar (P.) Memoria sobre la perfbracion tie la membrana did timpano. Bol. de mod., cirue. y farm., Madrid, 1839, vi, 57; 66.—Ma no I ■ n ■ (G.) Delia perforazione della meni- brana del timpano. Ann. univ. di metl, Milano, 1867, cxcix, 298.—Nilmiij; (E.) Giinstiger Erf'olg der kiinst- lichen Ruptur einer Trommelfelliiarbe niittelst des Poli- tzer'schen Verfahrens. Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 482. -----. Leber die Paracentese des Troinmelfells. Jah- resb. d. Oesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1870, 34-42.— Schwai-l/c (II.) La paracentese du tympan ; contribu- tion au traitement chirurgical des affections de l'oreille. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol, Brux., 1871, Iii, 17; 135; 209: 291. Also, Reprint, -----. Weitere Erfahrungen untl Bemerkungen iiber die Paracentese ties Troninielfells. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1873, vi, 171-199.—Nolera (G.) Sulla perfoiaziorie della niembrana del timpano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1830, liii, 81-90. —Turuhull (L) Artificial perforation of the membraua tympani. Med. i: Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1877. \xxvii, 36'l-365. Also. Re- print. — Vollolini (R.) Die Perforation des Trommel- felles inittelst tier Galvanocaustik. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1867, i, 37-43.-----. De la perforation de la membrane du tympan ; enumeration des dine rents precedes employes pour cette operation. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol, Brux., 1868, xlvii, 201-210. -----. Leber die Perforation ties Trommelfells. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1870, iv, 140-118. -----. Leber eine neue Operation am Trommel- felle zur Verbesserung des Gehorvermbgens. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 618. Also.- Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Btrl, 1874, viii, 12-15. -----. Die riiigftirniige Cauulezuni Otl't nhalten eiuer kiinstlichen Perforations-Oeffnnng im Trotnmelfelie. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1874, viii, 33- 38. -----. Etwas zur Perforation des Trommelfelles. 1 bid., 74. -----. Hochgratlige Sell werhorigkeit, excessive subjective C.en'iusche. Perforation des Trommelfells; Duichschnt idung tier Sehne ties M. tensor tympani. Ibid., 1876, x, 149-154. -----. Leber das OfFenhalten einer kiinst- lichen Oeffnung im Tronunelfelle uud die ringforniige Ca- unle. Ibid., 1878, xii, 1-7. — W. (A.) Case, of deafness effectually cured by puncture of the menibrana tympani. Lancet, Lond., 1840, ii, 334-336. — Weber- I„iel (F. E.) Zur Illustration der von mil- voigeschlagenen Methode, eine persistente Oeffnung im Trommelfell zu erzielen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1875, ix, 41-46— Vearsley (J.) Operation of puncturing the menibrana tympani in deafness. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, xxviii, 430-433. Ifleinbrana tympani (Trephining of). See Membrana tympani (Surgery of). ifleinbrana tympani (Tumors of), See, also, Ear (Cancer, etc., of). Buck (A. H.) Vascular tumors of the membrana tympani. Tr. Am. Otol Soc., Bost., 1881, ii, pt. 5, 503. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Otol, X. Y., 1881, iii, 282 — IVIoom (S.) Leber ein thrauiuatisches wanderndes Hania- torn ties Trommelfelles. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 32-36.—Sun e y Tloli-I (L.) Polipo celtilo-glohular del disco timpanico : utilidad diagnostica y terapeutica del acidocromico. Sentido catol, Barcel, 188U, ii, 181-184. ifleinbrana tympani (Wounds and inju- ries of). Sec, also, Membrana tympani (Surgery of). Hexdriksz (M. A.) De perforatioue mem- braiiic tympani. 4°. Groningce, [1828]. Herz (J.) * Ueber traurnatische Rupturen des Trommelfells. 8°. Wurzburg, 1873. Kauerz (J. H.) *!)<■ perforatioue membraua) tympani. 4°. Argentorati, 1807. Nelss (J. II. (i.) * Dc, perforatioue uiembraua* tympani. 41--. (lottingtt; 1802. Agnew (C. R.) Acute inflammation of the middle ear apparently caused by rnpture of the drumhead while blowing the nose. Arch. Otol, N. T., 1879, viii. 75. -----. Rupture of the menibrana tympani. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1880, xviii, 169-171. — Agne'w (C. R.) & Webster (D.) Double rii])tnrt! of the membrana tympani from a blow. Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1881, x, 339. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1882, xi, 180.—Alden (C. H.) Report of a case of repeated nipt ore of the membrana tympani by discharges of artillery, with concussion of the auditory nerves and total dealnoss ; result, discharge from service. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1885-6, 87. — Ainick (W. Ii.) Can a physician recommend a person with a perfo- rated membrana tvnipani to a life insurance company? Cincin. M. News, 1880, n. s., ix, 793-799. — Bacon (G.) Traumatic lesions of the menibrana tympani. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1885, xxvii, 403. -----. Injury to the membrana tympani from the twig of a tree. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, 1882-6, iii, 541. — Baizenu. Observation de rupturejdes deux membranes du tympan, produite par la Ifleinbrana tympani (Wounds and inju- ries of). detonation d'une piece d'artillerie. Alger med., 1873, i, 39,-Baraloux (J.) De la perforation du tympan; de ses cicatrices : moyens d'y remedier. Rev. men's, de laryn- gol, etc., Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 333-343. Also [Abstr.]: Rev- ile therap. nnid.-chir., Par ,1882. [xxxi], 603. Also [Abstr.]: Progres metl, Par., 1882, x, 944. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev. de terap. y farm., Madrid, 1882-3, i, 177. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: An. deotol ylaringol, Alcala deHenares, 1883, i, 37-39— Baumgarten (E.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Trommelfellruptiiren. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1885-6, xxiii, 31 -33. — Bezoltl (F.) Verbriihung des Trommel- fells. Ibid., 1881-2, xviii, 49-58. — Bing (A.) Zur Per- foration des Trommelfelles. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1873, xviii, 484.—Blake (C. J.) Ruptured niembrana tvmpaui and perception of high tones. Boston M. & S. j., 1873. lxxxviii, 628. -----. A curious result following cicatrix of the membrana tympani. Ibid., 1875, xcii, 692. -----. Treatment of perforations of the menibrana tympani. Ibid., 1876, xciv, 42. -----. Application of paper dress- ings iu treatment of perforations of the membrana tym- pani. Iiep. Cong. Internat. Otol. Soc. 1876, N. Y., 1877, 125-132. -----. Manometric cicatrix of the membrana tympani. Arch. Ophth. & Otol, N. Y., 1876, v, 280- 282. -----. Manometric cicatiix of the niembrana tym- pani. Am. J. Otol, N. Y., 18811, ii, 201-203. — Booth' (J. M.) A case of rupture of the tympanum, with paralysis of the face. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i, 922. — Bos (A.) Rottura spontanea della niembrana del timpano. Impar- ziale, Firenze, 1866, vi, 231-240. —Breton. Observation de perforation par traumatisme tie la membrane du tym- pan ; guerison complete et rapide. Rec. tie mem. de nied. . . . mil, Par., 1881, xxxvii, 579-581.— ICutnett (C. H.) Accidental evulsion of the niembrana tympani and the ossicles of hearing. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost, 1872, 50-53. —---. Reflex ulceration in the external auditory canal, with perforation of the membrana tvmpaui, produced bv diseased teeth. Am. J. Otol, N. Y., 1880, ii, 285-291. -----. Perforations in the membrana flaccida, the tym- panic diseases they accompany, and their treatment. Ibid., 1881, iii, 12-25. — 4 :i-;mova (I'.) Perforacioues de la membrana del timpano. Cnin. metl, Valencia, 1879- 80, iii, 93; 125; 253; 285; 509.—t'iiN*elli* (J. P.) On in- juries of the membrana tympani. Glasgow M. J., 1870, [4. s.J, viii, 307-323. -Clarke (E. H.) Observations on the causes, effects, and treatment of perforation of the meni- brana tympani. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila , 1858, n. s., xxxv, 13-51. —fore (A. S.) Rupture of the drum-head from a box on the ear; recovery complete. Peoria M. Month., 1881-2, ii, 128— (oilman (J. B.) General erethism pro- duced by injury of the membrana tympani. Med. Exam., Phila,, 1846, n. s., ii, 521-523. —Oalby (W. B.) Perfora- tions of the niembrana tympani. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 579: ii, 252: 1871, ii, 257 ; 318. -----. On traumatic rupture of the tympanic membrane. [5 cases.] Tr. Clin. Sue. Lond., 1873, vi, 178-182— Demoulin (A.) Rupture trau- matique du tympan par cause indirecte; otite moyenne sup- puree consecutive. Gaz. med. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 232.— Dills (T. J.) A case of rupture of the drumhead from a box on the ear; lapid and complete recovery. Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1880, ix, 154. A Iso, transl.: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1880, ix, 367-369.—Field (G. P.) An analysis of Ave hundred cases of perforation of the membrana tym- pani. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxx, 85; 169; 191.—Fritsche (G.) Czy moze nastijpio pekniecie blony bebenkowej skutkiem uderzenia w twarz ? [Was the rup- ture of the membrana tympani caused by a blow on the head?] Medycyna,Warszawa, 1876, iv, 509-511.—Gallijjo (I.) Sulla rottura cosi detta spontanea della membrana del timpano in generale, ed in ispecie circa una di lei ma- niera di perforarsi fino ad ora non dimostrata da fatti iu- concussi. Gazz. med. ital feder. tosc, Firenze, 1850-51, 2. s., i, 473; 483.—4^ruber (J.) Verletzung des Trommel- fells. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenb. zu Wien (1867), 1868, 337-345. -----. Ueber eine seltene Form der Couti- nuitatstienutiug im Trommelfell Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1868, xiii, 123; 132; 148. -----. Narben des Trommelfelles. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1873), 1874, 255.—Hallin.au (J. B.) Perforation of the tym- panum ; deafness ; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1858, lviii, 93-96.—Ilealy (W.) Rupture of the membrana tympani, the effect of accident. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 41. — Hcinian (T.) Przypadek urazowego potrojnego pckniccia blony bebenkowej z zejsciem suiiertclnem. [Rupture of niembrana tympani terminating in death.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1885, 2. s., v, 191; 221. — IIe**ler (H.) Traurnatische Ruptur eines iu Folge chronischen sklerosirenden Mittelohrkatarrhs verdickten Trommel- fells. Arch. f. Ohrenh.. Leipz., 1881, xvii, 52. — Ilewcl- koii (H. B.) A case of rupture of the right membrana tympani during an attack of vomiting. Lancet, Loud., 1875, ii, 417. — Iliulon (J.) Perforated menibrana tym- pani and the Eustachian tube. Ibid., 1866, i, 481. -----. On the treatment of perforations of the membrana tym- pani. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, 3. s., xvi, 241-246.— ■lolineN (E. L.) Perforation of the menibrana tympani, MK MRU ANA. 104 MUMBKANES. ITI e ill bra n a tympani (Wou?uls and inju- ries of). with scarcely a symptom of disease. Rep. Cong. Internat. Otol. Soc. 1876. X. Y.. 1877.113.—Jacob (G.) Perforation bilateralc du tympan. Mem. et conipt.-renil. Soc. d. sc. metl de Lyon'(1883), 1884. xxiii, pt. 2, 103.—I.iehten- bvvss ( K. ) Atlatok a dobhartya trauinajahoz. ( Upon wounds of the membrana tympani. | Gyt'u;\ as/.at, Buda- pest, 18S1, xxi, 217-222. Also, transl. .-' Pest. med.-chir. I'resse. Rudapest, 1881, xvii, 437-442. — tl a :;ii.is (A.) Atis^eilehnte /erreissuug ties Troinmelfells mit vollstiin- diger Heilung. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb , lsr,7, ii. -13-47. ------. Die Zersprengiini; des Troimiielfelles infuliie von Schlauen. Allg. Wien. metl Ztg., 1880, xxv, 21 »l illin- yi-n iIO.) Cicatrices of the menibrana tympani. Boston M. ,V S. 1. 1871, Ixxxiv, 229.— Tloos (S.)' Leber ein trail matisch. s wantlenules ILimatom ties Troninielfelles. Zt- schr. f. ohrenh.. Wiesb., 1«79, viii, 32-36. Also, transl: Arch. Otol, N. Y„ 1879, viii 332-335. ------. Rupture des ilt u \ tympans, par compression de l'air a la suite d'explo- sion tie l'ether chhirophtalhpae pendant la preparation de I cosine. Bullet m« tit. Sot . franc, d'otol et laryngol, Par., ISS3—4, i, 208. 0|>|>olxcr. Diirchbobrung des Pauken fells uud Catarrh tier l'aukeiihdhle. Allg. Wien. med. Zt»., 1857, ii, 241.— I'arieiill. Fall von t raitmat isclier I'uptui ties Trommel tells mil Svin]itiiinen von Labvrinth- tei/.uit".. Arch. f. Ohrenh., leipz.. 1>74. i\. 179— I'llii- Sji'r. Zur Casuistik tb r 'fromnielfellrupl iiren ; Trommel fill 11 {> l ui- diiich Wellenschlag. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., lierl, 1-7 1. viii, 144. ------ Troinniclfcllruptur durch Ex- plosion. Ho,I., 145.--l»ieree (K. M.) Two cases of trau- matic perforation of the menibrana tympani. Specialist, Loml, 1880-81, i. 25. —Folilzer (A.) 'Leber (lie giinstigeu Resultate tier iliitt h lullilrutk erzeugteii Rupturen iliin- uer Troiumelfelbiarben. Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 6; 39; 94; 116. Also. Reprint. ------. Leber Troiuiuelfelluar- ben. Wien. ined. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 9; 33. Also, Re- print. Also, transl. [Abstr. |: Med. Times & Gaz., Loml, 1871, i, 244. ------. Leber traurnatische Tnmimelfellruptu- reu mit besonderer Ri'icksicht auf die forensische Praxis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872. xxii, 881; 901. Also, Re- print.— Prat. Perforation trauniatique tin tympan, da- tan t de deux mois, guerie par une seule irrigation d'eau tietle. Pull gen. de Therap., etc., Par., 1869. lxxvi, 516. Also: Union metl. Par., 1869, 3. s., vii, 775. —Front (J. S.) Ou the use of adhesive rubber plaster in cases of per- foration of the membrana tympani. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc., New Bedford, 1882-6. iii. 686 I'ru^nh (A. K.) Po po- vodu otverstii v barabau. pcivponkie. [Oases of rupture of membrana tympani. | Kjenetl klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 53; 76; 1(12—Ravo-ili (A.) Rupture of the niembrana t\nipani by an injury of the skull Cincin. Lancet & Clinic. lss5! u. s., xv. 649-653. Also | Abstr.]: Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1885, liii, 651 —Kay (J. M.) Rupture of both niembrana.- tympani from a fall on the head; escape of blood followed by a watery discharge; fracture of the t\ mpanie. portion of both temporal bones. Arch. Otol, X. V.. 1886. xv. 192-194. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1887. xvii, 65-67.— KeynoliU (L. W.) Case of perforation of membrana tympani from as. at is luinbricoides. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 65:!. — Kuinbolil (T. F.) The luning-fork as a means for diagnosing per- foration of the niembrana tympani. Med. Rec, N. V., 1874, ix, 174.—WnjoiiM (C. E.) Perforating wounds and injuries of the menibrana tympani. Metl 6: Surg. Re- porter, Phila., ]87eitrat- mutiia cutis et liiem- braiiartini iiitcriuiriiiii relatione. s°. Haiti; [1823]. Bichat (M.-F.-X.) Traits des membranes en general et do diverses membranes en narliculier. S ». Paris, an III I [1800]. ----—. The same. Nouv. ed. Kevne et aug- mented par M. Magendie. H ; Paris, \8-27. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1831. -----. The same. A treatise on the mem- branes in general, and on different membranes in particular. A new edition, enlarged by au historical uotice of the life and writings of the author; by M. Husson, Paris, 1802. Transl. by John (J. Coffin. 8°. Boston, Cambridge, 1813. See, also, infra. Bonn (A.) * De contiuiiationibus ineinbra- uarnm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1763. Also, in.- S.vndifo'kt. Thesaurus diss, (etc.) 4°. Rotero- dami, 1769, ii, 265-306, 1 pi BuciiXKR (ii. P.) *De nonunllis notatu dig- uioribus niembranaruni mucosa rum et serosanuu morbis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1826. His (W.) Die Hiinte uud Mohleu des Korpers. 4 . Basel, 1867>. Ludwig (C. F. ) De membranaruni ortu. sm. 4 \ Lipsiee. 1778. Kii-hat (M.-F.-X.) Dissertation sur les membranes. et sur leurs rapports generauxd'organisation. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. tie Par., an vii [17991, ii, 371-385. [See, also, supra.] — Dai y (J.) On the action of vinegar on animal textures. In bis: Kesearchos, Phys. ■- (H.) Entwicklnng quergestreifter Mnskel- fasern in Pseudonieinbranen. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl, Hei- delb., 1846, iv, 17-20. — Barth. [Production pseudo membraneuse rem arqu able, t|iii a etc rejetee jiar un malade atteint de pleiiro-pneuiiionie.] Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 103.—C'hoiui'l. Pseudomeuibi-anes. Diet de med.. 2. ed., Par., 1842, xxvi, 240-262.—t'oxe (J. IM On the discharge of various matters from the trachea Am. ,T. M. Sc, Phila., 1828, iii, 243.—l>ebest tic l-a- croutiille (A.) Des pseudo-membranes vasculaires ou organisees, des s6reuses en general et du pericardii en particiilier. France ui6d., Par., 18(15, xii, 441; 450; 457; 466. — llallicr (E.) Leber eine psendo-diphtheritische Membran. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1866, xxxvi, 160.— Klob (J.) Die Pseutlotnenibraneu auf serosen Hauteu. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1860, xvi, 561-563.— I.aboi-ili-. [Fausses membraiies provenant d'un chien sur lequel on avait essaye, de prati- quer la tracheotomie.] Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1864, xxxix, 85-87.—liRssaigue (J.-L.) Sur la composition des fausses membranes. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1825, i, 68-71. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur la compo- sition chimique des fausses membranes chez l'hoiniue. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1826, xc-iv, 294-299.— Laugier. Examen chimique de fausses membranes re- eueillies sur la plevre d'une femme tleeetlee a la suite d'une pleuro-pueumouie. J. de chim. metl., etc., Par., 1827, iii, 419-423.—Law (R.) Pathological affections and relations of false membranes. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1855, xix, 60-72.— l.eloii- (H.) Contribution a. l'etude de la structure et du developpemeut lies productions pseiido-membraneuses, sur les inuqueiises et sur la peau. Arch, de physiol. norm. et path., Par., 188(1, 2. s., vii, 42U-458, 1 pi— Ozauam (C.) Memoire sur les dissolvauts et les desagiegeants ties produits pseiido-meinbraneux, et sur l'einploi du hrome dans ces maladies. Rev. de tli6rap. med.-chir., Par , 1868, xxxv, 5; 484.—Pigne (J.-B.) Histoire anatomique et physiologique des pseudo-membranes. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 349-362. Also, Reprint,—Ramsey (F. A.) Membranous formations on mucous surfaces. At- lantaM. & S. J., 1872-3, x, 226.—Rousscl (H.) Nouveau traitement des affections pseudo-niembraneuses. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1876, xliii, 547. — Nil a II in-It. False membrane from the pleura, containing a large cavity. Boston M. & S. J., 1865, lxxii, 182.—Villerme (L.-R.) Membrane (fausse). Diet. d. sc metl, Par., 1819, xxxii, 245-269. [See, also, supra.] Membranes (Fcetal). See Amnion ; Chorion ; Decidua; Embry- ology; Labor (Abnormities of); Placenta. Membranes (Mucous). See, also, Intestines ; Mucus ; Nose (Mucous membranes of); Skin. Aubert(L.-K.) * Des muqueuses. 4°. Paris, 1833. Bichat (M.-F.-X.) A treatise on the auatomy and physiology of the mucous membranes; with illustrative pathological observations; from the French by Jas. Houltou. 8°. London,1821. de Bordeu (T.) Eecherches sur le tissu mil- queux, ou l'organe celliilaire, et sur quelques maladies de la poitriue. Nouv. 6d. sm. 8°. Parti, 1791. de Brandt (A.) * Nonnulla de auatomia raem- branarnm mucosarum. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Chassaignac ( F. ) * Des membranes mu- queuses. 8°. Paris, 1840. Demoulin (J.-C.) * De quelques productions he"tdrofopiques de muqueuses a epithelium pris- matique cilid. 4°. Parti, 1866. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 126-130. Fekre (G.) Les membranes muqueuses. 8°. Paris, 1886. Fischer ( E. ) * De immiuuta niembranarum mucosarum muci secretione. 4C. Pounce, [1826)]. Heidenhain (A.) * Ueber die acinosen Drii- sen der Schleimhaute, insbesondere der Nasen- Schleimhaut. 8°. Breslau, 1870. Heme lot (J.) * Considerations sominaires, physiologiques et pathologiques, relatives au systeme de la membrane uiuqueuse. 4°. Parti, an XII, [1804]. Membrane* (Mucous). de Manee (L. J.) *De membranis mucosis in statu sano et morboso. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 18;\6. Czcrny. Erfolgreiche Transplantation eines Stiickes Epithel tier Nasenschleiitihaut auf eine granulirentle WuntlHaelie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1871, xvi, 109.— Debovc. Snr la couche endotheliale sous-epitheliale des membraues muqueuses. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxv, 1776. -----. Memoire sur la couche endothe- liale sous-epitheliale des membranes muqueuses. Arch. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1874, vi, 19-26, 1 pi.— Drosle (A.) Ueber die Bedeutung der St-hleimhaute. •I. tl pract. Heilk., Berl, 1841, xcii, 5. St., 94-103. — Flou- 1'i'iiw. Recherches anatomiques sur les structures com- panies de la membrane cutauee et. de la membrane uiu- queuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Pin-., 1838, vi, 262-269. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s, vi, 145-147. -----. Recherches anatomiques sur la structure des membranes inuqueiises. Gaz. med. de Par., 1841, 2. s., ix, 785-787.— llulin (P.) Recherches d'anatomie physiologique et pathologique sur la membrane muqueuse gastro-intesti- nale. N. biblioth. metl, Par., 1825, viii, 269: ix, 5; 328. Also, Reprint.—Kebev (F.) Leber die mikroskopiseh naehweisbare Porositat der Gefass- und Schleimhaute. Arch. f. path. Anat... etc, Lett, 1868, xliii, 19-34.— r,i.«l ( J. II. ) Leber Beoherzellen und Leydig'sche Zellen (Sihleimzellen). Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bonn, 1885-6, xxvi, 543-552, 1 pi—Nathan ( E. ) Vom Sehleiinhatit- kit/el oiler den subjectiven Thsitigkeitcn der Schleiiu- haut Organe. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1840, xv, 293-320.—Overton (J.) An essay on the mucous mem- braues. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1845, 2. s., iv, 471- 482. — Posadski St. Izmaineniya slizistikh oboloehek. [Modifications of the mucous membranes.] J. dlya nor- mal i patol. gistologii, St. Petersb., 1876, x, 437-447.— Koliiu (C.) Muqueux (tissu et systeme); anatoniie et physioiogie. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. metl, Par., 1876, 2. s., x, 406-475.—Kobin (C.) & Cniliat. Sur la structure et les rapports ties teguments au niveau de leur junction dans les regions anale, vulvaire et du col uterin. J. de l'anat. et physiol, etc., Par., 1874, x, 589-620, 1 pi ----- -----. Sur la constitution des muqueuses de Interns male, ties canaux deferents et des trompes de Fallope. Ibid., 1875, xi, 83; 105, 3 pi—Sebastian (A. A.) Over de reproductieder slijnivliezen. Tijdschr. v. nat. Gesehied. en Physiol, Amst., 1834, i, 223-234, 1 pi—Villerme (L.- R.) Membranes muqueuses, folliculeuses, ou villeuses eoinpliquees. Diet. d. sc. metl, Par., 1819, xxxii, 211- 225.—VoytitM. Beitrag zu tlen Beobachtiingen iiber die Sensibilitatsverschiedeuheit der Sehleimhaute. Wieu. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 146.-.-Zeis*!. Leber Sensibilitats- verschiedenheit eiuzelner Sehleinihautpaitien unterein- autler und gegeniiber der allgeineineu Bedeckung. Ibid.. 1867, viii, 1105-1107. Membranes (Mucous, Diseases of). Buchner (G. P.) * De nonnullis notatu dig- nioribns membranarum mucosarum et serosal inn morbis. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1826. Carnet (J.) * Considerations ge~nerales sur l'iuflammation des membranes muqueuses. 4°. Paris, 1819. Chaumas (J.-B.-V.-O.) * Parallele eutre les phlegmasies aigues des membraues muqueuses et sdreuses. 4°. Paris, 1824. Doussin-Dubreuil ( J.-L. ) Des glaires, de leurs causes, de leurs effets, et des indications a remplir pour les combattre, avec les r^ponses aux questions suivantes: Existe-t-il une humeur con- sideree comme cause de maladie a laquelle la de- nominatio1* de glaires appartienne depuis long- temps ? Cette humeur n'est-elle point ideutiqne avec celle que secretent les glandes des meni- branes dites muqueuses, et u'est-elle pas, par cela meme, utile aux functions de la vie f 7. ed. 8°. Paris, 1813. Gottheil ( L. J. ) * Specimen pathologia* generalissystematismucosi. 8°. Berolini, [1828]. Guezille ( C.-M.-J. ) * Sur l'inrlammatioii aigue du systeme muqueux, ou les affections catarrhales aigues en g6ne"ral. 4°. Paris, 1815. Gumpert (S. A. T.) * De inflannnatione mein- brauiirum mucosarum. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1808]. Hay (F.-C.) * Sur les affections du systeme muqueux. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Mayeur (M.) * De l'emploi du nitrate d'ar- geut dans la phlegmasie des muqueuses. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837. MEMBRANES. 106 MKMBliAXHS. Membranes (Mucous, Diseases of). Morlet (F.) * I. Ftablir les differences qui existent entre les inflammations des membranes semises et les inflammations des membranes muqueuses, sous le point de vue de Fanatomie pathologique et de la s6m6iologie. II. [etc.] 4 :. Parti, 1838. Necmann (A. P. T.) * De iuflammatione tela- mucosa-. 8°. Berolini, 1820. Philippe (P.) * De l'influence de l'inflamma- tion sur les se"cre"tions des membranes muqueuses. 4°. Paris, 1833. Kobiou i>r Font (L.) *I. De la disposition aux iiiflammatious des membranes muqueuses. II. [etc.] 4\ Paris, 1839. Yelloly (J.) Observations on vascular ap- pearances of mucous and serous membranes as indicative of inflammation. 8°. London, 1836. AI ber* (J. F. TL) Ueber Hautausschlagen iihnliche Bildungen auf iuneren Hauten. (Die iuneren Exauthe me ) Mag. f. tl ges. Heilk., Berl, 1832, xxxvii, 452: 183C, xlvi, 403.— Am.-iid (L.-V.-F.) Clinique gcnerale inter- pretative des phenomenes morbides; maladies muqueu- ses. In his: Assoc, intellect nelle, 8°, Par., 1821, ii, 1-72.— Armor (S. G.) Catarrhal and croupous inflammation of mucous menihranes. N. York .M. J., 1871, xiii, 151-163. Also. Keprint. — Arragoii (Ii.) 1" Etude sur les angi- omes ties inuqueuM-s. 2" It ipprochement de leurs lesions et de celles du purpura hemorrhagique. Arch, de phy- siol. norm, et, path . Par., 1883, 3. s., ii, 352-366, 3 pi— ICrown-Nei|iiai'il. Simples procedes pour la preven- tion, dans cert nines t ircoustauces, d'att'ections catarrhales du I intlaiumatitinsile nombre d'organes ou des muqueuses nasales, bucco-pharyngee, laryngee, tracheale ou bronchi- ale. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol, Par., 1886, 8. s , iii, 109.— I'hambei'ct. Maladies tnuqueuses. Diet. d. sc. med., I'ar., IS18, xxx, 291-294.—Ulos (J.-A.) 1" Quids sont les syinptomes carticttt istiipies de rinflammatiou du systeme muqueux, et quels sout les phenomenes qui resulteut de cette inflammation, consideree sous le, rapport des organes on elle a lieu? 2U Quelfes sout les causes qui deterniinent cette iuflammation ? 3° Comnieut doit-on traiter cet onlre tie phleginasie, et particulieretnent linflamiuation svphi- litique de la membrane niuqueiise du canal de l'metre ? [Prize essay.] [Premier memoire.] Actes Soc. de med. de Brux., 1808, ii, 1-100. Also: Actes Soc. tie med., chir. et pharm., Brux., 1808, ii, 1-100. — Deelary (J. P.) On diseases of the mucous membrane. Transvlv. J. M. Lex- ington, Ivy., 1832, v, 461-468.—Cucnrau tie .VIiikmv (X ) Contribution a l'histoire des enanthentes. Prance metl Par., 1884, i, 735-741. — Ouibout. Etude pathologique comparative des membranes muqueuses et de la peau. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii, 386. Also, transl..- Tri- buna med., Par., 1875, ii, 85-87. — Kauouuikotl (V.) Sluch. muojest. eksntlat, eritemi s porajen. slizist. obolo- ehek. [Erythema multiforme in an affection of the mu- cous membrane. | Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxvi. 283- 287.—Limit* (A.) Erythema exsudativuni multiforme s porajeniein sli/.istich oboloehek. [Of mucous mem- branes.] Ibid., xxiii, 927-934.— Hala (K ) De los eatar- ros e iuflamacioues de lis mucosas. Progreso med. Ma- drid, 1877, ii, 59-61.— .Hilcliell (J. D.) Exantheinatoiis inflammation of mucous membranes. Indiana J. M., Indi- anap., 1875, vi, 198-2114—}in-lques recherches sur les phlegnitisie.s heniorrhagiques de hi plevre, du periearde, et du peritoine. 4 . Paris, 1-6,2. Martin (A.) * Quelques considerations sur les plaies des membranes sereuses et sur leur mode de cicatrisation. 4 . I'aris, 1877,. RENOU (E.-F.) M)es sereuses splaucllliiques et de leur inflammation. 4 . Paris, 186,0. Sacyelr de la Yilleraye (M.-J.-S.) * Essai sur les intJainuiations du systeme sereux et du systeme synovial; recherches et observations pour servir a l'histoire de ces maladies. 4 . Parti, 1812. Teissiei; ( L.-J.-A. ) * Dissertation sur l'in- ilammation des membranes sen-uses eu general et plus particulii'iement des membranes sereuses splanchniqiies. 4 . Paris, 1827. Toczet ( (.'. ) * ('ousid^rations generales sill- ies inflammations du systeme sereux. 4 . Paris, 1824. Bi-iqui't (P.) Du d6veloppement simultane de pro- ductions heterologues (tubercules et encephaloides) ii la surface de plusieurs membraues sereuses affectees de phleginasie, el tie 1 hvdropisie qui laecompagne. Arch. cen. tie med., Par., 1842, 3. s., xv, 174-210. Also, Reprint.— t'oliiilii-im t.L.i Leber die Entziindung serijser Hiiute. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl, 1801, xxii, 516-526, 1 pi — tomato (L.) Sulla polioi-ronieniiite serofolosa. o tisi delle sierose. Gior. internaz. tl. se. med.. Js'apoli, 1881. n. s., iii, 10:J7— I().">::. — linns til.) Ein Fall von Tuberculosis nienibranaruni serosa rum. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt, Heilk., Lei]>7,., 1S75, exxvii, 28-:u,ltab. —Iliii;lii-« ( W. E.) Gene- ral tit beret tlosis of serous in em branes. Tr. I 'a th. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 1880, xii, 134— Kilinitutt I 1. I'.) A case of idiopathic!?) purulent inflammation of the serous mem- branes of all the great cavities. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1883, xxiii. 427. —linn il II. Zur Histologic ties M iliai tubel kcls auf seriisen llauteii. Centralbl. f. tl. metl Wissensch , Berl, 1807, v, 501-503. — Koch. Acute 'Puberknlose tier seriisen Haute. Metl. Cm -Bl d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1809, xxxix, 271—lii'bi'i'l. Quelques reniart|ues sur les corps etrangers des membranes seieuseM. (Jnz. med. de Par., 1852, 3. s., vii, 4!»()-4!i2. — I.i^uoi-i (L.) In- torno ai tubert-oli tlelle membrane sierose. Ateneo, Mi- lano, 1846, i, 221-223. — I.iouvilli' (II.) (.'as ilu sarconie generalise des sereuses chez un rat. Art h. de physiol. norm, et path., Tar., 1873, v, 20ir 209. — Tl< nii-n; (P.) Memoire sur la retraction quo subissent lis membranes sereuses enflamniees. (iaz. metl de Par., 1857, 3. s., xii. 38-41 —Pi-rroml. Observations tie tubereulose sen-use generalisee. Gaz. metl. de Lyon, 18(17, xix, 511-51-1.— Ki'iil (.1.) Case in which accidental cartilages weie found in the interior of several of the serous membranes. Edinb. M. iS.,1, ]83(i, xlvi, 01-05.—Kinilll<-i»cli (E.) Beitriige zur Lehre von den Entziindungen sertiser Membianen. Arch.f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 18G2, xxiii. 519-526, Lpl — Robin (C.) Recherches anatomiques sur Pepithelioma des sereuses. .L de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1809, vi, 239-288, 2 pi—Tail (L.) Notices of the. abnormalities of serous membranes, Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1809, xlvii, 85- 87.—Traubi- (1.) Leber den EinHuss starker und an- haltender Diarrhiien auf die Gestaltung poritonitischer Adhiisionen, nebst Beinerkungen iiber pletuitisehe Adha- sionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 36; 49; 63.— Turner (TV.) On the textural changes which occur iu inflammation of serous membranes. Edinb. M. J., 1863-4, Membranes (Serous, Diseases of). ix, 908-914. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1864, ix, 217; 227. — Wilmai'l (L.) Cnrieux specimen de dis- position a, l'iiittainniatiou des sereuses. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii, 3.— Zinli. Reflexions et observa- tions sur les fungus ties membranes sereuses. J. coinpl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par.. 1825, xxi, 24-37. Membrane* (Synonal). See, also, Bursae; Joints; Tendons (sh-aths of). Hagen-Tokx (0.) *Razvitie i stroenie siuo- vialnycli oboloehek. [Development aud struc- ture of synovial membranes.] 8°. St. Peters- burg. 1883. Marc: (J.-B.-G.) * Essai sur les syuoviales. 4°. Paris, 1834. I.aiiil/i rl. Zur Histologic tier Svnovialhaut. Cen- tralbl. f. d. ined. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v, 369-371.— Soubbolinc. Ueeherches histologitpiessur la structure des membranes syuoviales. Ait.Ii. de physiol. norm, et path,, Par., 1880,2. s., vii, 532-554, 1 pi — Tillninnu* (II) Zur Histoiogie der Synovialmenibiaiien. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1875-0.'xix, 693-711. — Toyiibcc. Structure of synovial membrane covering articular car- tilage. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1848-9, ii, 101—Villi'i'ine (L.-R.) Syuoviales (capsules on membranes). Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1821, liv, 97-122. Membranes (Synovial, Diseases of). See, also, Joints (Diseases of). Brunahd (J.-P.) *Sur l'inrlainmation des membranes syuoviales. 4°. Strasbourg, 18 >3, Frolich (T.) *Die Entziinduug der Syuo- vialliaute. S°. Tiibingen, 1846. Thomson (S.) * Quelques considerations pa- tliologiques sur la phlegmasie du tissu synovial. 4°. Paris, 1837. ISnrtou (J. M.) Splint for the treatment of synovitis of the wrist joint. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1883, i, 503. — ISai-«I'll (R.) Three cases illustrating the good effects of pressure in strumous synovitis, lancet. Loud., 1859, ii, 433— Bidili'i'. Leber Kntstehung fester Korper in den von Synovialhauteu gebihleten Hiihlen. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1845. iii, 99-109. — Kroea. |Cas de transformation graisseuse des synoviales tendineuses de l'extensenr cominun ties doigts.J Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 23.— IS I'll ■■ i Hi; ( I.) Ontsteking der peesschec- den. N. pract. Tijilschr. \. tie Geneesk., (Jotincbein. IS56, n. s., ii, 129—1:!!»—It u I lean (A.) Inflaininatiou lies gaines syuoviales tie la main; phlegmon de l'avaut-bras; albuiui- iiiuie; mort. Bull.Soc.anat.de Par.,1878, 4. s., iii, 146-148.— t'rocq (J.) De la formatiou de matiere tiiberciileuse ii rinterieui'des syuoviales. Ann. Sou. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1853, 2. s., i. 481-492. Also: Presse metl beige, Brux., 1852- 3, v, 413-410.—liii-OMM. Deux observations tie synovite ten- dineusi) tubereuleuse. Mem.Soc.tlenied.de Xaney, 1884-5, 14-23—l.i-o** (S I).) Synovitis of the foot. Metl. Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 374.—Hewitt (D. B.) Cases of suppura- tion in and near synovial cavities. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, 2. s., xi, 438. — llii'^ui-l. Syuovite'a grains riziformes de In bourse serouso interne ou cubitale; incision; drainage; guerison. .1. d'accouch., Liege, 1883, iv, 253.—Hopkins ( W. B. ) Tenosynovitis; its causes, nature, symptoms, and treatment; based upon the analysis of fifteen cases. Boston M. &c S. J., 1882, cvii, 81. Also: Cincin. Lan- cet & Clinic, 1882, n. s., ix, 74. — l,npcyi-e (J.) Du phlegmon des gaines syuoviales tenilineuses des flechis- seurs de la main. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ined. de Montiiel, 1884, vi, 484; 494; 505; 519; 533; 544; 553. — Li'ioco. Synovite teiidiueuse; phlegmon chroniipie; caiie des os d'u carpe.; amputation de l'avant-bras. Arch, metl beiges, Brux., 1880, 3. s., xviii, 467-471. — LcrotaN (J.) Case of synovial olfusions complicating hemiplegia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1876, xi, 212. — tlct'liiiKM L (J. C.) A case of pyjemic synovitis. Kansas City M. Rec, 1884, i, 173.—.!lct»i-a»v (T. A.) Two cases of enlarged synovial sacks, containing fibrinous concretions. Detroit Cliuie, 1882, i, 185.— tlaciianiai-a (C.) Clinical lecture on syno- vitis and granular disease of the synovial membrane; pulpy degeneration ; scrofulous synovitis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 213-217.— Tlaiiinh r (C.P.) Clinical lecture on gelatinous disease of synovial membrane. (New operation.) lancet, Loml, 1876, i, 559. — .Tloi-i (U.) Snl trattamento delle siuoviti acute. Gazz. metl ital. lomb., Milano, 1885, 8. s., vii, 303; 333. — JVicaisc. Synovite tendineuse & grains riziformes; incision; traitement aii- tiseptique; guerison. Bull et niein. Soc. deehir.de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 402-406. Also: Gaz. tl hop , Par., 1881. liv. 916. Also : Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1881, ii, 479- 483. ------. Rapport sur une communication de M. le Dr. Schwartz, intitulee: Synovite a grains riziformes tie la gaine carpo-phalaugieuue interne; incision ; drainage sous le pansement de Lister; guerison complete et per- MEMBRANES. 108 MflMOIKK. Tlemhraiir* (Synovial, Diseases of). sistante. Bull et in em. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1883, n. s., ix, 470-472. —l*njji'l (*•) Synovial cyst of tlie calf from chronic s_\ nm itis'of the knee. Tr. Cl'in. Soc. Lond., 1886. xix. 329.—I'ran. Atfections ties syuoviales tctitliueuses. In his: It-cons de clin. chir., etc.,'8°, Par.. 1882. 34-82. I'l-i-ulini'ity in treatment of synovitis. Med. Kec.X.T., 1*73. viii. 5u-j. — Pii'rrrl.l. G.) ' Synovitis. Tr. Maine M. Ass. Porthunl 1**::. viii. pt. l,*69-75.— I'oupon (II.) Synovite crepitante double du poignet. France metl. Par., 1885, i, 797-799.— Kamoiici, l5pancheiuenttraiiniatique de serosite thins la synoviale sous-tricipitale, sans commu- nication avec l'articulation du genou; deductions anato- mitpies et clinitpies. Rec. tie mem. de med. . . . mil, Par., 1880. 3. s.. xxxvi, 574-580. —Recliiw (P.) Synovites f'on- gueusestles gaines des tendons. In bis: Clin, et crit. chir., h~-\ Par.. 1SS4. 259-276. — R«'j»riisbiirj»«'r (A.) A caso of syphilitic synovitis. West, lancet, San Plan., 1876, v, 413-415. — Ki-iil (J. .1.) Synovitis of tendons of the wrist. N. YorkM.L, 1880, xxxi, 49. —Rinlol (P..) ZurKenutniss der primareu akuten resp. subakuten Synovitis teDdiuum inaitus. Centralbl f. Chir.. leipz.. 1SS3, x, 113-116.— Kol. [London, /.'. cy J. E. Taylor, n. d.] [P., v. 17)63.] Memoir of William Proctor, jr., late professor of pharmacy in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. 27 pp., port. H' . Philudelpliia, Merrihew <.y Son, 1874. Memoire sur l'anielioration des biens commu- naux, le dessechenient des niarais, le dofrirhc- inent des terres incnltes et la replantation ties bois; avec les moyens de proceder a leur partage. 32 pp. 12'■-. Paris, imjirimerie royale, 1790. Memoire pour Anne Craniljoan, connn sous le nuni do Jean-Uaptiste Grandjean, accus^ et ap- pellant, contre monsieur le proenrenr general, a.cciisatoiir et intime\ Question : Un hermaphro- dite qui a epouse unenlle, peut-il etre reputepro- fanateur du sacrement de manage, quand la na- ture qui le tronipoit, Fap])clloit a l'etat de mari '! 23 pp. 4°. Paris, L. Cellot, 1767). [P., v. (i:ill.] Memoire sur le bureau de la sante' de Marseille, et sur les regies qu'on y observe. SI pp. 4'■'. Marseille. P. Boy, 1753. Memoire sur un cas d'herntaphrodisine mas- culin. 1") pp. 8'. [Paris, Gre'goire, 18361] [Also, iu: P., v. 4.r>0.] Memoire a consulter. [Letter from a eoininis- niission composed of MM. Bigot. Miranlf, D11- mont, Paige, Daviers, relative to coneenliiieiit of a supposed case of infanticide.] 10 pp.. 11. 4°. Angers, Costlier <.y Laehese, 187,0. [P., v. 4711] Memoire a consulter avaut de modifier les lois existantes sur la phannacie. (Kecneillis par M. le Dr. Quesueville.) 77) pp. 8r Paris, L. Mar- tinet, 1847. [P., v. 4f>7.] Repr. from: Rev. scient. et rndustrielle. Memoire a consulter pour M. Jules flueiin, contre MM. Malgaigne, Vidal (de Cassis) et Hcn- roz. iv, 362 pp. 4'-. [Paris, F. M til teste .(' Cie.], 1844. Memoire sur les depots d'engrais desinfoctes, systeme Goux, etablissements de deuxieine classe. 15 pp. 8 . Paris, A. Chaix $■ Cie., 1880. Memoire sur l'eau de Sellers, ou de seltz nat 11- relle. Sa source dans le duche" dc Nassau; sa su- periorite" sur l'eau de Selters factice ; sa composi- tion chimique; ses vertus curatives et liygie- niques. 75 pp., 1 pi. s . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere; 1841. Memoire sur l'emploi de la methode Kiinekel, contre les maladies de la peau; par un docteur de la Faculty de Paris. 47 pp. 8-. Paris, M. Kiinekel, 1844. Memoire snr 1'empoisonuement par 1'arsenic. 44 pp. H. Paris, Pagnerre, 1842. [P., v. 874.] Memoire liistorique sur la vie et les e"crits de Abraham Trembley. ss pp. h1-'1. Xeneliiitel, S. Fauche, 1787. [P.,'v. 516.] Memoire sur la maladie qui a attaque, en difl'e- rens temps, les femnies eu couche, a rilotel-Dieu de Paris . . . Suivi d'un rapport, fait par ordre du gouvernement, sur le meme sujet; avec des reflexions sur la nature et le traitement de la fievre puerperale. Lu dans la stance de la- So- MfiMOIRE. 109 MEMOIRES. Memoire sur la maladie [etc.]—continued. cidte" royale de medecine, tenue an Louvre le 6 siqitembre 1782. 34 pp. 4°. Rouen, J.-J. de Boullenger, 1783. Memoire sur la necessity de transferer et re- construire l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris, suivi d'un pro- jet de translation de cct hopital, propose par le sieur Poyet, architecte et controleur des bati- mens de la ville. 44 pp. 4°. [Paris], 1785. Memoire prescnte a son altesse roy ale Mgr. le due d'Orleans, regent de France, coueernant la precieuse plante du gin-seng de Tarfarie, decou- verte en Amerique par le pere Joseph-Francois Lafitau, de la compagnie de Jesus, missionuaire des Iroquois du Sault St.-Louis. Nouv. ed., \it6- ceilee d'une notice biographique, par M. Hospice Verreau, et accompaguce d'un portrait du pere Lafitau, d'un fac-siinile de son autographe et de la planche representant le gin-seng. 39 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Montreal, Senecal, Daniel 7 pp. 32:. Weimar, 1840. Memoranda der Augenheilkuude. xxiv, 440 pp. 24-'. Weimar, Landes-Industrie-Coinptoii;l840. Memoranda der Hautkraukheitcu. xl, 586 pp. 32°. Weimar, 1841. Memoranda der Ohreuheilkuude. xvi, 266 pp. 32 . Weimar, 1841. Memoranda der Pharniacopoe. iv, 526 pp. 32-'. Weimar, 1840. Memoranda der Semiotik. xvi, 536 pp. 32-. II dinar, 183,9. Memoranda der speciellen Anatomie des Men- schen. viii, 314 pp. 24°. Weimar, Land.es-In- dustrie-Comptou; 1839. Memoranda der Toxicologic, x, 144 pp. 32°. Weimar, 1839, Memorandum on cholera, adopted by a med- ical conference held in the bureau of agricul- ture, in March, 1866. Printed by authority. 34 pp. 12-. [Ottawa], printed by the Bureau of Ag- riculture and Statistics, 1866. Memorandum of facts and considerations re- lating to the "cruelty to animals bill", by leaeh- ers of physiology in England, Scotland, and Ire- land. 6 pp. fol. [London, 1882.] Memorandum of facts and considerations re- lating to the practice of scientific experiments on living animals, commonly called vivisection, Issued by the Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research. 14 pp. fol. [Lon- don, 1882] Memoria apologetiea dos cirurgio-es militates Portugueses, offerecida por elles aostlignos pares do reino, e aos senhores deputados da nat ao. 20 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1837,. [P., v. 1204.] Memoria eientifico-descriptiva de las aguas minero-niedicinales de la Favorita de Carabana (provincia de Madrid), autorizada por real or- den de 11 de diciembre de 1883. lift pp.? 1 ]. 12°. Madrid, tipog. Gutenberg, 1884. Memoria liistdrico-cientiuca sobre la epidemia de fiebre amarilla sufrida en Barcelona en 1870, redacttida por una comision especial compuesta de los acadeinicos de niimero dot-tores I). Anto- nio Mendoza, D. Ramon Torent, D. Luis Curre- nts y Arago, I). Bartolom6 Robert y I>. Francisco de P. Camp£, seeretario ponente. Pnblicasepor acuerdo de la corporacion tornado en scsion de 15 de Julio de 1872. 222 pp , 2 pi. 8°. Barce- lona, J. Jepus, 1872. Memoria historica del oolera-morbo en la Ha- bana. v, 100 pp. 4°. Habana, 1843. Bound with: RErEUT. med.-habanero, Habana, 184:i, following page 348. Memoria Joanuis Nathanaelis Lieberkiihnii. x pp. 4*-'. [London, 1757?] Memoria medica. A medical commonplace book, with au alphabetical index of the most common terms occurring in practice. Carefully selected aud arranged by a fellow of the Massa- chusetts Metlical Society. Iudex 20 pp.; MS., 17(3 pp. 4°. Boston, Carter p. 16°. Lisboa, 18(11. [P., v. 1261.] Memoria sulla pellagra c sulle condizioni della proprieta fondiaria e della classe ngricola in Italia. G. Scanzi,relatore. 10 pp. 4. Milano, G. Ptiola, 1882. Memoria, en que se trata del insecto grana 6 cochinilla, de su naturalcza y serie de su vida, coino tambien del metodo para propagarla y rc- duciila al estado en que forma uno de los rainos mas utiles dc comercio, escrita en 1777 por el autor de csta gazeta. [P., v. 1242.] Cutting from: Gazeta de literatura, Mexico, 1794, iii, no. 26, 199-259, 3 pi. MEMORIAL. 11 1 MEMORIALS. Memorial. Ebenezer Alden, M.D. [1788-1881]. [Commemorative sketch by Rev. Increase N. Tarbox. Address at the funeral service, by Rev John C. Larabee. Remarks at the funeral ser- vice, by the Hon. Alpheus Hardy.] 24 pp., port. 8°. [Boston, D. Clapp $ Son, 1881.] "Memorial" (A) by certain line officers of the navy, intended to re-open a dispute which was settled by Congress in 1871, after full discussion and deliberation. With notes, comments, and an appendix. 39 pp. 8°. [ Washington], 1879. Memorial of committee representing the med- ical profession of the United States, praying for an appropriation to aid in defraying the •ex- penses of the International Congress to be held in Washington, D. C, iu 1887. 49. Cong., 2. sess. Sen. Mis. Doc Xo. 35. Jan. 24, 1887. 7 pp. 8k . [Washington, 1887.] Memorial Cottage Hospital, Mildmay Park, N. [Report from re-opening of the hospital Sept., 1886, to March 31, 1887.] 10 pp., 4 1.- sm. 4°. [London, Harrison if Sons, 1887.] Memorial of Dr. James Monroe Sturdevant. Prepared for private distribution. 44 pp., port. 8-'. Xew York, T. Holman, 1874. Memorial Hospital, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Balance sheet for the year 1882. 2 1. 12°. [Jarrow-on- Tyne, 1-83.] Memorial Hospital and Dispensary of Orange, X. J. By-laws. 17 pp. 12:. Orange, Orange Journal offiee. 1873. Incorporated April, 1873. Memorial des hdpitanx du Midi, et de la cli- niquc de Montpellier. Par le Prof. Delpech. v. 1-2; Xo. 1, v. 3, Jan., 18-29, to Jan., 1831. 4°. Parti, Gabon. Completed. A continuation of: Kphenierides medi- cates de Montpellier. Memorial for John Bell and Charles Bell, mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edin- burgh, against the managers of the Royal In- firmary <>f Edinburgh. [With an appendix.] 78,28 pp. 4°. [Edinburgh. 1801.] [P., v. 1623.] Memorial of the life and work of Charles More- head [1807-1-82], edited by Hermann A. Haines. vi pp., 1 1., 125 pp., 1 pi.' 12°. London, W. H. Allen 4- Co., H84. Memorial to the lord advocate of Scotland, by medical officers and proprietors of public and private asylums in Scotland. 11. fob [n. p., n.d.] [P., v. 1291.] Memorial for the managers of the Royal Edinburgh Asylum for the Insane. 8 pp. 8'. [Morniugside, 1848.] [P., v. 1053.] Memorial or notice on the iodine oil of Mr. J. Peisoiine, approved by the Academy of Medicine of Paris. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, Labelonye, 1862. [P., v. 1031.] Memorial (A) of Paul Joseph Revere and Ed- ward H. R. Revere. 218 pp. 12°. Boston, IV. P. Litnl, 1874. [Memorial and petition of physicians and sur- geons to Senators and Representatives iu Con- gress, requesting their special attention and favorable consideration of an application for a fire-proofbuilding for the Army Medical Museum and Library at Washington, and protesting against the separation of the library from the museum.] 2 1. 4 :. [Xew York, 1884 '!] [Memorial (The) of physicians and superin- tendents of chartered and private asylums of Scotland unto the lord advocate for Scotland. Considerations upon bill for the amendment of the present, lunacy act for Scotland.] 4 pp. 4°. [Edinburgh, n. d.] [P., v. 1291.] Memorial relating to the Uuiversily of Edin- burgh, [lieing an appeal to the public for a general subscription to rebuild the institution on Memorial relating to [etc]—continued. a new plan.] 12 pp. 4°. Edinburgh, Balfour, Auld if Smellie, 1768. [P., v. 641. ] Memorial (A) of Samuel Conant Foster, obiit April 18, 1873. 14 pp. [Xew York, 1873.] Memorial de sanidad del ejercito y armada. Publicada poruna reunion deoticialesde sanidad. Editor responsable, Manuel Alvarez. [Semi- monthly.] v. 1-2, Dec. 1, 1858, to Feb. 1, I860. So. Madrid. Memorial to the senate and house of delegates of the State of West Virginia [for the establish- ment of a State board of health, By the special committee of the American Medical Association for the State of West Virginia]. 2 1. 8 . [ Wheel- ing, 1876.] Memorial of tlie surgeons and physicians of the Massachusetts General Hospital, at Boston, and members of the Massachusetts Medical Society, in support of the claim of W. T. G. Morton, for the discovery of etherization. 36-39 pp. 8 \ [Boston, 1852.'] [P., v. 1202.] Cutting. [ Memorial tribute to Dr. Winslow Lewis. ] pp. 396-402, port. [8°. Boston, 1875.] Cutting,from .- N. Eng. Free Mason, [Lost.J, 1875, iii. [Memorial tribute to Dr. Winslow Lewis.] vii. 87-38(5 pp. 8°. Boston, Rockwell if Churchill, 1875. Cutting from : Proc. Grand Lodge of . . . Masons, Bost., 1875, S7 :'l'l8: 'A'l'l. Memorial, etc., to the trustees of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. [In relation to tlie pro- fessorship of botany.] 26pp. 8'. [Philadelphia, 1820.] [Memorial to the trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, recommending the appointment of Dr. H. Lenox Hodge, as professor of clinical sur- gery. Philadelphia, May 26, 1877.] 1 sheet, 8°/ [Philadelphia, 1877.] Memorial of upwards of one hundred physicians and surgeons of the city of New York, praying for the incorporation of the Manhattanville Col- lege. To the lion, the legislature of the State of New York. In assembly, March 28, 1-->S. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1828.] Memoriale della medieina conteinporanea. Opera periodica mensile, diretta dai dottori Adolfo Benveuuti e L. Paolo Farrio. [Monthly ; 2 v. annually.] v. 7-13, Jan., 1842, to June, 1845. 7 v. 8 . Venezia. Each year forms a separate series ; 1842 is 1. series. In July, lSoO, united with: 4«ioniaU' per servile [etc.], forming: fSiornalc yeneto di scienzemediche. Memoriale presentato da un medico italiano agli eecellentiss. e venerandi collegj ed uni- versita, medicali d' Italia sopra la neeessita ed il modo di guarire la, medieina dalla grave ma- lattia dell' impostura. xiii, 222 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1766. [P., v. 1138.] Memorials of Agnes Kdizabeth Jones, by her sister. 7. ed. xxxix, 486 pp., port. 12°. Lon- don, Slrahan iS'Co., 1873. Memorials from Ben Rhyddiug, concerning the place, its people, its cures. 1 p. 1., ix, 249 pp , 1 pi. 8°. London, C. Gilpin, 1852. Memorials of Dr. Calvin Ellis [1*26-*:!]. 14 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Wilson if Sou, 1884. Memorials in favour of Robert Dundas Thom- son, candidate for the chair of chemistry in the University of Glasgow. 2(5 pp. 8J. [Glasgow, 1852.] Memorials of judges, inspectors, wardens, phy- sicians, and philanthropists, approving the rec- ommendations of the board of public charities, in behalf of the insane in the prisons and poor- houses of Pennsylvania. 8pp. 8■'. Philadelphia, A. C. Bryson $■ Co., 1874. MEMORIAM. 112 MEMORY. Memoriam (In). Dr. Landon Rives Long- worth, born December 25, 1846; died January 14, 1870. [Ilv] M. F. F. Edmund Dexter, born Sep- tember 25, 1835; died March 19, 1879. [By] G. McL. 12 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, R. Clarke <$• Co., 1879.] Memoriam (In). Eli Geddings. 71 pp. 12°. Charleston, Walker, Erans if Cogswell, 1878. Memoriam (In). Francis Asbury Ashford, born September 19. 1841; died May 19,1883. [Proceedingsof directors of Children's Hospital. ] 15 pp. 8°. Washington. D. C, Gibson Brothers, 1883. Memoriam (In). Francis Asbury Ashford. [Proceedings of various societies.] 20 pp. 8°. Washington, D. C, Gibson Brothers, 1883. Meinoriain (In). Howard Townsend, M. D., died January 16, 1867. 41 pp. 8°. Albany, 1867. Meilioriaill (In). James Crowdhill Hall, M. D. [By the board of directors of the Children's Hospital of the District of Columbia.] 14 pp. 8 . Washington, Gibson Bros., 1880. Memoriam (In). Dr. James Crowdhill Hall. [Proceedings of the Medical Society of the Dis- trict of Columbia, with memoir by Grafton Ty- ler.] 32 pp. 8°. Washington, W. H. Moore; 1881. Memorial!! (In). James Piatt White [1811- 81]. 33 1., port. 8 . [n. p., n. d.] Memorial!! (In). James Warbnrton Begbie. 12 pp. s \ Edinburgh, (Hirer 4' Boyd, 1876. Memoriam (In). J[ohn] M[etcalfe] S[mith] | 1828-70], founder of the Cookridge Convales- cent Hospital, Leeds. Containing also a report for the first six (6) months from the opening, July 12 to D.-e. 31, 1869. 43 pp. 4°. Leeds, F. Haines iy Sons, 1871. Meinoriain (In). John Pose Baillie Connack [1848-76]. 2 1. ^ . [n. p., it. d.] Repr. from .- Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1876, i (B. \V. R.). Lnion metl., Par., 1876, xxi (G. Deeaisne). Memorial!! (In). The late Dr. Wm. Whelaii, chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department. Sept. 4, 1865. 1 sheet. 8°. [Wash- ington, 18115. ] Memoriam (In). Proposition to erect a hall iu memory of Azariah Smith, M. D., iu connec- tion with the medical department of the Central Turkey College. 2 1. 8J. [n. p., 1874 ?] Meinoriain (In). Kandle Wilbraham Fal- coner [1814-81]. 8 pp. 12°. [Bath, 1881.] Repr. from: Bath Herald, May 7 & 14, 1881 Memorial!! (In). Thomas B.Hitchcock [1839- 74]. 38 pp., 1 1., phot? 12-". Boston, G. L. Keges, [n. d.] memorial!! (In) viri Autonii Guilielmi Plazii. Oratione annivcrsaria. xxviii pp. 4 . [Lipsiee, ex off. Klatibarthia, 1785.] Meinoriain (In). William Beverly Drinkard. Born December 7, 1842 ; died February 13, 1877. 8 pp. 8-. Washington, L). C, H. L. Rose, 1877. llemoriam (In). William Beverly Drinkard. [Proceedings of the Medical Society of the Dis- trict of Columbia upon the death of . . .] 10 pp. 8". [ Washington, 1877.] Hemorinin (In). William P. Johnston [1811- 76]. [By the board of directors of the Chil- dren's Hospital of the District of Columbia.] 8 pp. 8r Washington, I). C, Gibson Bros., 1876. Memorias leidas en la Sociedad anatdmica cspaiiola. 4 v. s7. Madrid. 1873-6. Memorias premiadas por la real Academia de medieina de Madrid, v. 1. 4°, Madrid, 1860. Date on cover, 1870, Memorias do la real Academia medica de Ma- drid, v. 1-4. 4 . Madrid, 1797-1877. Memorias de la Sociedad inodieo-farinaceutira de Toluca. Coniision de publication : Juan Ko- drigues [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1; Nos. 1-2, v. 2, Sept. 16, 1875, to Oct. 15, 1876. 4°. Toluca, P. Martinez. Meiliorie dell' Accademia delle scicuze dell' 1st i- tuto di Bologna. 2. s., v. 7-10; 3. s., 1-10; 4.s., 1-5. 4°. Bologna, 1868-83. Meinorie sui bonificainento delle Mareinnie Toscane. 4 p. 1., 486 pp., 1 tab. 8'-'. Firenze, G. Molini, 1838. Memorie sui cholera-morbus. Appendiee al bullettino delle scienze medicbe pubblicato per cura della Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna. 1 p. 1., 238 pp., 6 tab. 8°. Bologna, Xobili c Comp., 1836. Memorie di diverse provision!, et usi, praticati nella eitta di Palermo con occasione della peste gl' anni 1624, 1625, 1626. 12, 12 pp. 4-\ .1/./- dena, G. Cassiani, 1630. Memorie del dottore Leopoldo Biaggi di Pa- dova. Edizione corretta e rifusa. 144 pp., 1 pi. 8°. I'adora, A. Sicca, 1842. Memorie di quanto s' e fat to per prescrvazioue dalla peste in Ferrara durante il governo dell' . . . Cardinale Saechetti Legato, etc., nelli anni 1629, 1630, 1631; fatte ristain pare a comiine l»e- nefizio dagl' . . . Alessandro Roverella . . . e sie;- nori conservatori di sanita, sotto la legazione dell' . . . Cardinale d' Elci Legato, etc. In occa- sione del contaggio di Messina 1' anno mdccxliii. 32 pp. 4°. Ferrara, Barbieri, 1743. Memorie della reale Accademia medica di Roma. 120 pp. 4°. Roma, 1882. Memorie did reale Istituto lombardo di scienze e Jettere. Classe di lettere e scienze matema- tiche e naturali. v. 10-16. 4°. Milano. 1865-86. Memorie del reale Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. Classe di lettere e scienze morali e po- liticly, v. 10-13. 4°. Milano, 1865-73. Memorie del reale Istituto veueto di scienze, lettere ed arti. v. 14-22. 4°. Venezia, 1869-87,. Memorski (Metrophanes). *0 vlijanii niest- nych uslovii na krovcobrashenie i o javleiiijaeli diffusii vnutri glaza. [Effect of local conditions on circulation and ou phenomena of diffusion within the eye.] 47 pp., 1 1. so, St. Peters- burg, tipog. K. Stremmera, 1863. Memory. Aiixouu's de Villa Nova. Tractatus de bo- nitate memorise. MS. 4'-'. [n. p., 1480?] ISlondl.s (M. A.) Deineinoria libellus, inipio non tarn dogmata quain et pnosidia pra'sta.ntis- sima narrantur, cum horis niercurialibus, qe'bns omnibus servatis, et compressa excita,.ir, et firma solatur, procul dubio et diuturna servatur memoria prudentiuin. 16°. Venetiis, 1545. Creighton (C.) Illustrations of unconscious memory in disea.se, iucL-Xiiug a theory of altera- tives. 8°. London, 1886 [1885], -----. The same. 8°. JVew York, 1886. Fauvel-Golraud (F.) Phreno-mnemotecli- nic dictionary ; being a philosophical classifica- tion of all the hoinophonic words of the English language; containing also separate classifica- tions of geographical, mythological, biograph- ical, scientific, and technical hoinophonic words, to be used in the application of the phreno- iiiiii'inotechuic principles. [Pt. 1.] 8J. Xew York, 1844. FoitEL (A.) Das Gedachtuiss und seine Ab- normitaten. Rathhausvortrag gehalteu am 11. Dezember 1884. 8°. Zurich, 1885. Fowler (L.N.) Memory; how to secure and retain it. 12J. London, [n. d.] MEMORY. 1 Ulemory. Gratarolus (G.) De memoria reparanda, augenda, conservandaque ac de reminisceutia ; tutioria omnimoda remedia, pra'ceptiones opti- ma*. 7)i: am Indaoine (J.) Inti'oiluctioni'S apotelesuiatieas [etc.] 12°. Aug. Treboc, 1563, 120-215. Also, in: Ran- tzovils (H.) De couservanda valetudine, etc. 24°. Franckofurli, 1596, 193-239. Also, in: -----. The same. 24°. Francofurti, 1604, 193-239. Hagk.x (J. C.) *De memoria. 4°. Regio- monti, [170D]. Middi.eton (A. E.) All about mnemonics. 1-2°. Loudon, 1887). Pielz (J. G.) De memoria memorabili. 4°. Lipsiee, [1699]. Ryff (G. H.) De memoria artiliciali quain memorativaiii artein vocant. Opusculuni rarum ac insigne, totius ejus negotii rationcni, mirain- dustria et brevitate coniplectens. Item, de na- turali nienioria, quoinodo medicime beueficio ex citanda, capitis et cerebri bona contemperatione roliorationeque; libellusstudiosisoniniiius longe utdissimus. 10-. [u. p.], 17)41. Ski.s (J.) * Memoria* physiologia et patho- logia. 8 . Bonnet; 1836. Wkgkneh ( G. F. ) * De natura, labe et pnesidiis memoria* humana*. 4°. Gottingee, [17.V2]. Wolff (C.J.) * De memoria ejusque reme- diorum natura usu et abusti. 4°. Jence, [1696], van Zyl (D.) * De memoria, ejusque vitiis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1694. Davics (W. G.) Memory and the brain. J. Ment. Sc, Loud.. 1864-5, x, 34-49.— Eyselin (O.) Leber Er- inneningstausohungen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1874-5, v, 575-577. — Fauvelle. Des itlees et de la memoire. Lull. Soc. d'authrop. tie Par., 188.">. 3. s.. viii, 485-507.—' Ilenle. Leber das Gedachtuiss in den Sinuen. Wchn- sciir. f. il. ses. Heilk., Berl., 1838, 281; 297.—Jolly. De la memoire. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1877,2. s., vi, 76-86. Also: Lnion men., Par., 1877, 3. s.. xxiii, 122-126. Also: Rev. metl. franc, et etrang., Par., 1877. i, 129: 161. Also: Moniteur. J. de med.. etc., Par., 1877, ii, 73; 89.— Kelso (J. J.) Memory, its influence and importance. Lancet, Loud., 1844, i, 579.-----. On memory; its in- fluence and importance as a source of action in animals. Ibid., 1845, ii, 233: 1846. i, 488. — I.aycock (T.) A chap- ter on some organic laws of neisonal and ancestral memory. .1. Ment. Sc, Loud., IS75, xxi, 156-187. Also, Reprint— liOuyer-Villei-may. Memoire (physioiogie et psychologic). Diet. tl. sc med., Par., 1819, xxxii, 278- 330—.tliiemotecliiiie (La) appliijuee a l'ai t tie la mede- ciue. Courrier med.. Par., 1874, xxiv, 281.— Tlorliincr- Granville (J.) Ways of remembering- Lancet. Lond., 1879, ii, 458-460. — Ko».% (A.) Mind ami memory. X. South Wales M. Gaz., S.ulney, 1x71-2, ii, 97-100. Memory (Disordered). See, also, Aphasia; Consciousness (Double); Puerperal conruhions (Complications, etc., of). Blandet(E.-A.-F.) * De riiypermnesie, ou de l'exaltation de la memoire. [Fragment d'une analyse psychologique de l'homme malade.] 4°. Paris, 1840. Ribot(T.) Les maladies de la memoire. 4. 6(1. 12°. Parti, 1886. -----. The same. Boliezni pamjati. Pere- vod s Frantsuzskago pod redaktsiejou A. Che- remshanskav [Diseasesof the memory. Transl. from the French.] - 8°. St. Petersburg, 1881. -----. The same. The diseases of memory. Transl. from the French, by J. Fitzgerald. 8°. AVir York, 1882. -----. The same. Transl. from the French, by W. H. Smith. 8U. Xew York, 1882. Taverxier (A.) *Quel<|iies considerations sur l'amnesie. 4°. Paris, 1*27,. Wirsxizer ( G. A. ) * De memorise hesione. 4°. Altorfii, [1727)]. Anjel. Beitrag zum Capitel iiber Erinnerungstau- scbumx-n. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1877-8, viii, ^-64.— Berthier. Amnesie svphilitique. (Recueillie par M. Fortin.) Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 346.-Bitot. Sur l'efncacite de la cauterisation legere (badigeonnage de MEMPHIS. Memory (Disordered). teinture d'iode) de la muqueuse pharyngienne contre cer- taines uevroses coi'neidant avec de l'aninesie; role pre- sume du ganglion cervical superieur dans cette circon- stance. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1876, 2. s., v, 1042.— Bonncci (F.) Della memoriadie la mania lascia di se medesima, specialraente in relazione alia medieina legale. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv.. Milano, 1864, i, 255-258.— Bristowe (J. S. ) Right hemiplegia; amnesia; bron- chitis; autopsy. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869-70, xxi, 34- 36— Calineil. Aninesie. Diet, denied., 2. ed., Par., 1833. ii, 401-410.—C'hniMy- Observation sur une affection cere- brate aigue, avec diminution considerable de la memoire. et oubli de la plupart des notns substantit's. J. u't'-n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1820, lxxiii, 308-316.—Cham- beret. Perte de la memoiredes noins substantit's, surve- nue a la suite d'une flevre intermittente. J. coinpl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1818, ii, 364-367.—Cowling (R. O.) The influence of shock on memory. Am. Pract., Louis- ville, 1880, xxi, 1-5.— Davie* (F. P.) Remarkable case of sudden loss of memory. Am. J. Insan., Utica., X. Y.. 1886-7, xliii, 460-472, Iphot.— Diekton (S. H.) Case of amnesia. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1830, vii, 359-361.— Dobrzycki (II.) Z dziedziny chorob pamieei. [Heredi- tary disease, of memory.] Medycyna, VVarszawa, 1883, xi, 150.—Drake (D.) A case of partial amnesia, in which the memory for proper names was lost. West. .1. M. & Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1835, viii, 209-212.—Duval (E.) Ani- nesie profonde eausee et entretenue chez une jeune dame, par une vie tit ntiaiiieiuent; guerison rapide, sons l'influ- enee de rhydrotherapic. M6d. contemp.. Par., 1877, xix, 13-15.—Kjjjjer (Y) &. lj«*rebonllet (L.) 15tude psycho- logit]iie et physiologique tie l'atiinesie dans certaines ne- vroses. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., xiv, 357; 374.—Falrct (J.) Amuesie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, iii. 725-742. — Finzi (L. M.') Caso di una perdita periodica di memoria. Rentlie. Accad. med.-chir. tli Ferrara, 1846-9, 171. — Galceran (A.) Mnemopa- tias. Rev. frenopdt. barcel., 1881, i, 445: 1882, ii, 5: 45.— Guardia (J.-M.) Les maladies de la memoire. Rev. scient., Par., 1881, 3. s., i, 738-747. — Onillemeaii. Ob- servation sur une perte de memoire singulieie, a la suite d'une apoplexie, dans une persouue qui n'etoit pas i oglee. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764, xx, 61. (!6.— Ilamiltoil (F. IL) Effect of the loss of consciousness upon the memory of preceding events. Sanitarian, N. Y , 1876, iv, 49-59.—IIiiu (T.) A case of amnesia. Am. .1. Insan., Utica, 1850-51, vii, 358-363.—lackson (S.) Case of amnesia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1S2S. iii, 272-274. Also: Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1829, xv, 272-271. — ICotiiiplcn. Observation sur un casde perte de ni6itioite. Mem. Acad. tie med., Par., 1835, iv, 489-494.— 1-ajcock (T.) Ou cer- tain organic disorders and defects of memory. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 865-879. Also, Reprint. — liCgiancl du Saulle. Les maladies de la memoire; troubles morbides niulti])les; conditions pathogeniques et etiologiques; va- leur diagnostique et pronostique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 1105; 1129; 1153; 1177; 1193.—I,ittre (E.) Conges- tion cerebrate et perte momentaiiee de la memoire de quel- ques mots. J. hebd. de med., Par. 1828, i, 218. — Lou- yer- Villcrmay. Essai sur les maladies de la memoire, suivi d'un tableau svuoptique des alienations. Mem. Soc. de med. de Par, 1817, 68-96.—.tli I Is (C. K.) Some dis- orders of consciousness and memory. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 292-298.— Pelman (C.) Ueber das Verhal- ten des Gediiclitnisses bei den verschiedenen Formen des Irreseins. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxi, 63-121. —Perassi. Caso di amnesia parziale con afasia cousecutiva a ferita del cranio al disopra della bozza front ale sinistra. Gior. d. i. Accad. di metl. di To- rino, 1870, 3. s., ix, 164-166. — Pick (A.) Zur Casuistik tier Eriunerungstauschungen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1875-6, vi, 568-574. -----. Zur Pathologie des Gediiclitnis- ses. Ibid., 1886, xvii, 83-98. — Pigeolet. Histoire d'un cas (l'amnesie, survenue siibitemeiit pendant la convale- scence d'une affection exautheniatique. J. de metl. chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1846, iv, 137-142.—Sacauella (E.) Anamnesis etioltigiea; caso clinico que denmestra su gran importancia terapeutica. Sentido catol., Barcel., 1882, iv, 559-562. — Wander (W.) Ueber Erinnetungstiiust liuu gen. Arch. f. Psychiat,, Berl., 1873-4, iv, 244-253 —Ten- hinoii. Amnesie consecutive a une cauterisation par la pate tie Vienne. Union med., Par.. 1868, 3. s., vi, 896-898. Also: Bull. Soc med. d'emulat. de Par., 1869, ii, 188-190.— ToimiiaNi (T.) Le memorie loeali e il Dalt.oiiisnio. Spe- rinientale, Firenze, 1884, liii, 64-71. — Zaborowwki. La memoire. et ses maladies. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1881, 3. s., iv, 514-516. Memory (In) of Edwin Chauuing Larned [1820- 84]. L50 pp. H \ Chicago, A. C. McClurg 4" Co., 1886. iflt'iliory (In) of Ernst Krackowizer. 68 pp. 8°. Xew York, G. P. rut nam1 s Sons, 1877,. IVICIIiplliS. Report of the chief engineer to the water-works and sewerage commissioners upon 8 MEMPHIS. 114 MEMPHIS. Memphis—continued. a public water supply and a system of drainage for the city of Memphis. 110 pp. 8°. Louisville, J. P. Morton A'- Co., 1868. -----. Annual report of the hoard of education of the city of Memphis. 27). (1877,-6). 8°. Mem- phis, 1877. -----. Biennial report of the president of fire and police commissioners of the taxing district (Mem- phis), Shelby County, Tennessee, to the governor of the State, for tlie years IS?9-80. 8°. Mem- phis, 1880. For 22 months ending Nov. 30, 1880. -----. Annual reports of the board of health of the taxing district of Shelby County (city of Memphis). 1.-8., 1879-86. 8°. Memphis, 1880-87. -----. [Circular in relation to the Waring sys- tem of sewers iu Memphis. By Niles Meriwether, engiueer in charge.] Dec. 1, 1882. 1 sheet. 4°. [Memphis, 1882.] -----. Monthly reports of deaths. Official report of the board of health of the taxing district of Shelby County, Tennessee (city of Memphis). Jan. to Dec, 1882; March, 1883; June, 1883. sm. 4°. [Memphis, 1882-3.] -----. Map of the taxing district of Shelby County, showing construction of sewers, 1883. fol. 10x16 in. [Memphis, 1883.] -----. Water committee. Report on a public water supply for the city of Memphis. Feb. 23, 1*86. 72 pp. 8°. Memphis, S. C. Toof 4 Co., 1886. -----. Water committee. Report on a public water supply for the city of Memphis. Dec, 1886. 60 pp.', 3 plans. 8°'. Memphis, S. C. Toof «,• Co., 1887. Memphis. See, also, Cholera; Education (Medical); Fever (Malarial), Fever (Yellow, History, etc., °f), by localities. [Holt (J.)] Discussion on the Memphis sys- tem of sewerage. A defence of the principles of organized effort in the sanitation of New Orleans. SJ. Xew Orleans, 1881. Howard (The) Association of Memphis. Char- ter, constitution, and by-laws. 8-'. Memphis, 1877,. Lavoixxe. Assainissement de Memphis, Ten- nessee (fltats-Unis). 8r Saint-Germain, 1881. Repr. from: Ann. industrielles. 1881. Quintakd (C. T.) A report on the health and mortality of the city of Memphis, Tenn.,for the year 1852. 8°. Memphis. 187,3. Section of a human stomach, having been used twelve years iu trying to digest Wolf River third-best water, showing cause of dyspepsia. Respectfully dedicated to the original incorpo- rators of the Memphis waterworks. By----- M. S. P. C. A. fol. [Memphis, n. d.] Thornton ((L B.) The present improved san- itary condition of Memphis. 8-. Xashville, L1----7]. Vance (C. F.) Address on Memphis as the Shelby County taxing district, delivered before the Old Folks' Society. 8:. Memphis, 1882. Billings (J. S.) Report on sanitary survey of Mem- phis, Tenn. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1880, Wash., 1882, ii 416-441.—Hillim;* (I. S.) [et al.}. Keporf of the com- mittee charged with making a sanitary survey of Mem- phis. Tenn. Ibid.. 1870.237-202. ---—. The sanitary condition of Memphis. Nat. lid. Health Bull., Wash., 1879-80, i, 187-189 —«rant (G. 11.) The vital statistics and sanitary condition of Memphis, Tenn. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1851-2, viii. 089-705. Also, Reprint. -----. The meteorology, sanitary condition, prevailing diseases, and mortuary statistics of Memphis. Tenn., in 1852. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 185:t, ii. s.. xxvi, 114-115.-----. The san- itary condition of Memphis. 1 i im., in 1853. Memphis M. Recorder. 1854, ii, 285-298. — Krrizie t R. (I.i 'The city of destruction ": a paper read before tin- Sanitary Conveii- I tion at Detroit, Jan. 8. 1880, with supplemental remarks by ' Memphis. J. S. Billings. Detroit Lancet, 1879-80, iii, 345-353 Also: I'rot-. . . . San. Convent. Detroit. Lansing, 1880, 72-81.-1 ,fl:i u ry (R. B.) Memphis; its sewers ami its health. Metl. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 168.—.VIemuImm and sewer "as San. Engin., N. Y., 1882-3, vii, 241. — Vlemplii* ( The) water supply. Ibid., 1883, viii, 399. — .Merrill ( A. P. ) Health and mortality of Memphis, Tenn ; a public ad- dress delivered by appointment of the Memphis Medical Society, January, 1853. Memphis M. Recorder, 1852-3, i, 81-95. -----. 'On the health and mortality of Memphis Ibid., 1885. iii, 193-201.—Qninf a riinentale sur quelques lesions de l'empoisonnement aigu par le phosphore. 28 pp., 3 1., 1 pi. 4\ Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 150. Menard ( Gustave ). * Etude sur la maladie kystique du testicule. 66 pp., 2 pi., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, P. Groilier, 186,7,, No. 71. c. Menard (Louis)1. * Du rhumatisnie articulaire aigu, et de son traitement. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 209, v. 529. Menard (Louis)'2. * Essai sur la congestion pul- monaire localisee aux sommets. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 157. Menard ( Pierre ). * Dc l'otite moyenne puru- lente, 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No.' 156. Menard (Saint-Yves). * Contribution a l'etude de la croissauce chez l'homme et les animaux. (Phvsiologie et hygiene compar6es.) 119 pp., 2 pi. "4°. Paris, 1885. No. 122. -----. The same. 113 pp., 2 ch. 8°. Paris, Asselin <\- Houzean, 1887,. Menard (Victor). "Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs blanches et des abces froids dans leurs rapports avec l'infectiou tuberculeuse. 134 pp., I 1. 4°. Paris, 1884. No. 91. Menardus. See SlalMillion (Christophorus). De tertiana febri astrologica e-qierientia, [etc.] 16°. Vitebergtv, 1556. Meiiailt (Jacques). * De la mort subite dans le decours et la convalescence de la fievre typho'ide. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 360. Mencelius(Franciscus Wilhelmns). *De struc- tura mammarnm. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. ran der Act, [1720]. Also, in: de Oberkami' (F. J.) Collect, diss. 4°. Francof a. 21., 1767, i, 525-548. MencelitIS (Joannes). Griindliclier Bericht und Orduung, wie bey vorstehenden Sterbenssliiufften die Gesuuden fiir der abscheulicheu Gift't-Seuche sich priiserviien, und die Krancken so damit an- geziindet worden, sich verhalten sollen, damit sie widerumb curiret und geheylet werden nitigen. Gcstellet vor die volckreiche Gemeine der Stadt Gross Glogaw, und zugehiirigi' Landschafl't. 591. sm. 4°. Gross Glogaw, J. Punch; 1613. Menehaea (Anjel). See tVilde (Eduardo). Curso de hijiene piiblica, etc. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1878. Menche (Hermann). *Ein zusammengesetztes Cystom des Ovarium mit adharenteni Processus vermiformis. 22 pp. 8-J. Gottingen. Hofer, 1873. Menche de Loisne. Etude del'alimentation en can de la ville de Lille. Rapports de com- mission. 58 pp., 2 plans. 8°. [Lille, 1864.] Menche (W.) Das KrankenpHegehaus in Wil- ster. Seine Eutstehung, Einrichtung und ein- MKXCKE. 1lfi MKNDKLSSOIIN. Menche (W.)—continued. jiihrige Thiitigkeit. Rechenschaftbericht. 12 pp. 8°. Wilster, 1871. -----. Das Krankcnhaus der kleinen Stiidte. Ein Fortschritt auf dem Gebiete der dffentlichen Heilkunst. 92 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1879. -----. Kriegschirurgische Hiilfe uuter freiem Himmel. Eine Skizze den Vereinen vom rothen Kreuz gewidmet. 28 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Berlin. T. C. F. Enslin. 1884. Menche (Wilhelm). *Detumoribuscavernosis. 15 pp. 8°. Kilia; C. F. Moltr, 1853. Mencken (Frid. Otto). De vita, moribus, scrili- tis meritisque . . . Hieronymi Fracastorii Vero- nensis.. . Commentatio. 229 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, Breitkopf, 1731. Mencncci (G. B.) Del Manicomio Anconitano nel triennio 1865-7; tavole statistiche illustrate. 32 pp., 23 tab. 4°. Ancona, G. Cherubini, 1868. -----. The same. Nel triennio 1868-70. 58 pp., 28 tab. 4°. [n.p.], 1871. Menda (Adolphus Carolus). *Deelectromagne- tismo. 39 pp. 8°. Praga; C. Gerzabek, [1846]. Ulemlacity. See Insanity (Diagnosis, etc., of). Mende (Henricus Guilielmns). *Nonnulla de venarum inflammatione, praesertim phleboto- miam exci]>iente. 59 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. J. C. Schiiumaiini, 1826, v. 15. Mende (Ludwig Julius) [1779-1832]. * De exantheinate tutorio quod vulgo variolas vacci- nas dicunt, cujns primam partem vaccini morbi deseriptionem . . . publicedefendet. 43pp. 8°. Gottingw, in off. Barnieieriaua, [1801J. -----. Die Krankheiten der Weiber, nosologisch und therapeutisch bearbeitet. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 309 pp.; viii, 400 pp. 8°. Leipzig u. Berlin, C. Sal- feld, 1810-11. -----. Von der Bewegung der Stimmritze beym Atheinholen. Eine neue Entdeckung, mit beyge- fiigten Bemerkungeu iiber den Nutzen und die Verrichtung des Kehldeckels. 24 pp., 1 1. 4°. Greifswald, 1816. [Also, in: P., v. 1581; 1606.] German and Latin text. Additional title: De actione glottidisin respiratione no- vum inveutum. -----. Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der gerichtlicheu Medizin fiir Gesetzgeber, Rechtsgelehrte, Aerzte und Wundiirzte. 6Th.in6v. 8°. Leipzig, Dyk, 1819-32. 6. Theil: Mit einer Vorrede von C. Gottl. Kiihn. -----. Die menschliche Frucht, das Fruchtkind, und das Kind kurz vor, in, uud gleich nach der Geburt. In gerichtlich-mcdicinischer Hinsicht dargestellc. 1 p. 1., 136 p]). 12°. Gottingen, Vandenhoek u. Ruprechl, 1827. -----. Commentatio anatomico-physiologica de hymene seu valvula vaginali. 22 pp., 6 pi. 4°. Gottingw, typ. Dieterichianis, 1827. -----. De partu arte pra*inaturo, auxiliisque qui- bus perficitur; cum descriptione et imagine in- strument! ad os uteri gravidi clausuui in hunc finem dilatandum. 20 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Gottingw, typ. Dieterichianis, 1831. -----. Die Geschlechtskrankheiten des Wei- bes, nosologisch und therapeutisch bearbeitet. [Zweiter Theil: Nach (lessen Tode fortgesetzt von Dr. Franz Anton Balling.] 2 v. viii, 325, 7:!6 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen. Dieterich, 1831-6. Also, Editor of: Bcobachtmigeii unil Beuierkunger aus der Geburtshult'o und geiichtlicheii .Medicin. Gottin- gen. 1824-6 —Zeitschrift fiir die Geburtshiilfe in ihrer lie/.iehiui:: mil' the get i< htliche Medicin. Gottingen, 1827-8. M*o. c-o-Editor of: <»< iiiciii*ainc deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde, Weimar, 1826-32. For Biography, see N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Perl., is:!4 i, 1. Hit , 1-6 For Portrait, see Collection—yan Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 26. I Mende (Paul). *Ein cntwickelungsgcschicht- lich interessaiiter Fall von friih/.eitiger \'er- wachsung der Mesocola mit dem parietalen Bauchfelle bei gleichzeitigein abnorinen Verhal- ten des Netzes und der Leber. 30 pp., 11. «', Breslan, Breslauer Geuossenschafts-Buchdruckerci 1887. Mende (Paulus). *l)e hepate adiposo, addita morbi historia. 2 p. 1., 34 pp. - . Grijphite, F. G. Kttnike, 1859. Mende (Paulus Julius). * De hypertrophia cor- dis. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Turici, ex off. Ziireheri et Fttrrcri, 1839. [Also, in: P., v. 586'.] Mende (R. Theophil). * Beitriige zur Lehre von der Aiifsaugung mid Absonderung. [Ziirich ] 52 pp. 8°. Winlerthur, J. Westfehling, 1876. Mende (Stephanus). * De dystociis dynamicis. 3 p. 1., 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Yralislaria; typ. A. Xeu- maiini, 1865. c. Mendel (Albertus) [1834- ]. * De bronchoto- mia ad extrahenda corpora aliena. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Sehade, [1859]. Mendel (Emanuel) [1839- ]. * De operationi- btis ad sanandam epilepsiam adhibitis, adjectis dualius observationibus. 34 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, 18 i0. -----. Die progressive Paralyse der Irren. Eine Monographic, xii, 352 pp., 12 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1880. -----'. Die Mauie. Eine Monographie. viii, 196 pp. 8-'. Wien it. Leipzig, Urban u. Scliwarzcti- berg, 1881. Also, Editor of: Neurologist-hcs Centralblatt, Leip- zig, 1882. Mendel (Levi). * De suffocatis. 44 pp. 4°. Argentorati, J. H. Heitz, 1776. Mendel (Mauritius Henricus) [1777-1813]. De perimei cura in partu. Commentatio maxiiue ad rei obstetricia' historiani spectaus. 39 pp. 4°. Vratislaria; G. T. Korn, 1811. -----. Versuche und Beitriige geburtshiilflichen Inhalts. l.Hft. vi pp., 1 1., 163 pp. 12J. Bres- lan, C. F. Barth, 1812. -----. Lehrbuch derGeburtshilfe fiir Heliaiiinien. 2. Ausg. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers neu be- arbeitet und mit Zusiitzen versehen von Dr. Mu- riz Kustner. xvi, 331 pp. 12°. Breslan, J. Mar u. Cotnp., 1824. Mendel ( Philippus ). * De saccharo. 24 pp. 4C. Francof. ad Viadr., tup. J. C. Winteri, [1761J. Mcndelson (Walter). On the renal circulation during fever. An experimental research . . . Cartwiight prize essay for 1883. 24 pp. 8°. [«. p., 1883.] Repr. from .- Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. s., lxxxvi. See, also, Schreibei' (Joseph). A manual of treatment by massage, [etc. ] 8°. I'hiladelphia, 1887. Mendelssohn (Arnoldus) [1817- ]. *!><■ porrigine lupinosa. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Friedlaenderianis, [1841]. -----. Der Mechanismus der Respiration und Cirkulatiou, oder das explicirte Wesen der Ltin- genhyperiiniien. 2 p. 1., 384 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, B. Behrs, 1845. Mendelssohn (Maurice). * Untersuchiiiigi-n iiber die Muskelzuckung bei Erkrankungen des Nerveu- und Muskel-Svsteiiis. 89 pj)., 11. 8 . Dorpat, Se.linakenburg, 1884, Also, Co-Editor of: Archives slayesdebiologic, Paris, 1886. -----& KicllCt (Charles). Revue des travaux slaves de physiologic pour l'annee 1885. 71 pp. 8. Parti, 1886. Repr. from: Arch slaves de biol., Par., 1886, i. Mendelssohn (Salomon) [1839- ]. * Die Meclianik ilci Gallensecretion. 33 pp. 8j. Ber- lin, G. Lange, [1868]. MENDENHALL. 117 MENEBOO. Mendenhall ( George ) [ 1814-74 ]. Report of the committee on the epidemics of Ohio. 6 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1858. Repr.from : Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1858, xi. [-----.] Report on the epidemics of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, for the years 1852 and 1853. 132 pp., 1 map, 3 diag. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1858.] Repr. from : Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1858, xi. -----. Introductory address at the opening of the sixth session of the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati, Nov. 1st, 1865, on: Professional success. 24 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, A. Moore, 1865. -----. Address delivered before the American Medical Association at its twenty-first annual meeting. 21 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1870. -----. The medical student's vade mecum. A compendium of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, poisons, materia medica, pharmacy, surgery, ob- stetrics, practice of medicine, diseases of tbe skin, etc. 10. ed. 692 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4" Blakiston, 1871. -----. Catalogue of the medical library, and sur- gical instruments, etc., of the late ... 17 pp. 8:-. Cincinnati, J. Barclay, [1877 J. Also, Co-Editor of: Western (The) Lancet, Cincin , I8")(i-5:i.—Cincinnati (The) Medical Observer, 1856-7.— Cint'iiinali iThe) Lancet and Observer, 1858. Fur Bioqrnpliu. see Cincin. Lancet & Obs.. 187-1, xvii, 439-443. Also: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1875, xxvi, 447- 449. Also: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Pitpia, 1874, 379-383 (T. \V. Gordon). Also: Ibid., Cincin, 1876, 87-89 (B. B. Leonard). Mendenhall t.T. C.) Characteristic curves of composition. 16 pp. 8J. Terre Haute, Moore 4 Laugen, 1887. Mendes (A. Maia). Editor of: Saude (A) publica, Porto, 1884. Mendes (Catulle). See Vlonin (E.) L'hygiene dela beaute. 12°. Paris, 1886. blendes (Joao Clemente). Estudo sobre a he- meralopia a proposito dos cases observados na guarnicao de Lisboa offerecido a Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa. 1 p. l.,80pp. 8°. Lis- boa, 18(12. Mendes (Jose-Pereira). * Du typhus d'Europe, et en particulier de son traitement par les affu- sions d'eau froide. vi, 7-43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 136. v. 241. sa Mendes (M. H. de N.) A questao da ophthal- mia do regiinento 12, cousiderada pelo lado sci- entifico, mormente em referenda ao seu trata- inento. iv, 28pp., Sch. 8°. Lisboa, 1856. [P. v., 1266.] Mendes de Leon (M. A.) * Ueber die Zusam- iiiensetzung deiEraueninilch. [Heidelberg.] 36 pp. 8-. Miinchen, R. Oldenbourg, 1881. Mendeville ( Albert). * Quelques considera- tions sur les tumeurs gommeuses. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 216. Mendez (Gualberto). *Dn phlegmon et des abces de la paumede la main. 32 pp. 4°. Parti, 1857, No. 215, v. 607. Mendez (Julio). *Esclerodermia (lesion tr6- fica). 72 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, impr. de la Xacion, 1884. Mendez (Rafael Rodriguez). Prolegomenos de higiene. 79 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Barcelona, J. Jepus, 1874. See, also, Cine y Partagas (Juan). Curso elemental de higiene, [etc] s°. Barcelona, 1874-6.—£ Son autago- nistas la caquexia paliidica y la tisis? 8°. Cartagena, 1884. Mendez Al varo ( Francisco ) [ 1806-83 ]. De- fensa de la claso meYlica contre las preteusiones de cirujanos y practicantes ; examen critico de la proposicion de ley que los senores diputados Herrera y Ortiz de Zarate han presentade al Con- grest), empeiiados en realizar la prevaricada nie- taindrfosis de los cirujanos en medicos, y de los Mendez Alvaro (Francisco)—continued. ministrantes y practicantes en lo mismo. 134 pp., 1 1. 8-. Madrid. T. Fortanel, 1866. See, also, Classe (J. N.) Atlas completo, [etc.] 12°. Madrid, 1845. For Biography, seeEncicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1883, vii, 784-787. Also: Gac. d. 1. hosp., Valencia, 1883-4, ii, 481- 485 (Canto). Also: Higiene, Madrid, 1883, ii, 366, port. Also : Siglo med., Madrid, 1883, xxx, 785-795, port. Mendheim (Gustavus Albertus) [ 1842- ]. * De signis graviditatis. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Sehade, [1866]. Mendibonre (Alexandre) [1858- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude de l'ictere spasmodique. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 355. Mendikil. Polak (E.) Scheikundig onderzoek van water uit de warine bron te Mendikil. Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1867-8, xxx, 371-374. Mendini (Giuseppe). La fulminazione. 32 pp. 8°. Milano, E. Sonzogno, 1887. Mendiondo (Andr6-Marie-Joseph) [1857- ]. *fitude clinique sur deux cas de pericardite ln§- morrhagique. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 245. Mendler (Leopoldus). * De capitis dolore, sive cephalodynia. 23 pp. 8°. Monacliii, J. Roesl, 1836. de Mendoea (Luys Hurtado). See Hurtado de Mendoea (Luys). de Mendonca (Joaquim Jacintho). Boletim do'expedienteda presidente da provincia de Ser- gipe contendo medidas e providencias em soc- corro da populacao da mesuia ])i'ovincia affectada do-cholera morbus desde 1862 ate' 1863. 126 pp. 4°. Sergipe, typ. provincial, 1863. Mendousse (Fretle'ric). * Considerations sur le diagnostic des tumeurs qui peuvent simuler la pleur6sie. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 135. de Mendoza (Manuel Hurtado). See Hurtado de Mendoza (Manuel). Mendoza y Rneda (Antonio) [1811-72]. Estudios clinicos de cirujia. Pts. 1 & 2: Com- preude las clinicas quinirgicas general, parti- cular y especiales, conforme al orden de euse- Sanza establecido y reglamentos vigentes. Pt. 3: Comprende el diaguostico quirurgico, y corre- spondieute auatomia patologica. Pfc. 4: Com- preudeel formulario y varios preceptos terap6u- ticosiaplicables al tratamiento de las priucipales afecciones quinirgicas. 8°. Barcelona, A. Flexas, 1850-52. For Biography, see Roqncr y Torrents (J.) Bos- quejo necrologico del Dr. Antonio Mendoza y Rueda, leido en la Academia de medieina y cirujia de Barcelona ... el dia 20 de novienibre de 1872. -2. ed. 8°. Barcelona, 1879. Ulendrisio. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Mene (fidouard-Ediue). * De la ne>ralgie fe- moro-poplitee et de son traitement par la caute- risation trauscurreute. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 14, v. 634. See, also, Mene (Maurice) & iVIt-nc (E\k>uard). Nou- velles recherches sur les causes de la surdite, etc. 8°. Paris, 1860. Mene (Maurice). * Sur la rougeole. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 76, v. 215. -----. De la nature du si6ge de la migraine (he- mieranie), de la surdity accidentelle et leur traite- ment rationnel. 4. etl. viii (1 1.), 160 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Parti, chez Vauteur, 1840. [Also, in : P., v. 1245.] -----& Mene (fidouard). Nonvelles recherches sur les causes de la surdity, les bourdonnements, les 6tourdissements et la migraine, leurs traite- ments. 8. e"d. vii, 8-224 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Parti, Allouard, 1860. Menetooo (Pierre-Francois-Louis). * Sur l'aine'- I norrhee. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 283, v. 153. MEnECIER. 118 MENIERE. Menerier (Charles). Notice sur la rage, avec un projet nouveau de police sanitaire sur la race ca- nine, pr<*sente a son excellence M. le ministre de ragriculture et du commerce. 511 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye; Marseille, Camoin, 1864. -----. Knqnete generale sur la rage. Rapport a monsieur le maire de Marseille sur les cas de rage canine observes en 1864. 47 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, A. Delahaye, 1865. -----. Historique de l'epidemie de cholera a Mar- seille, 1865. 61 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye; Marseille, Camoin, 1866. Repr. from: Actes du Comite med. d. Boue'ies-du-Rhone, Marseille, 1865. Menees (Thomas) Ar Moi'tOll (John W.) Ad- dresses, delivered at the public commencement, Feb. 28th, 1868, medical department, University of Nashville. 30 pp. 8°. Xashrille, W. H. F. Ligon, 186)7. Mene^azzi (Giuseppe). Prospetto d' un piano di riforma dell' arte medica. 260 pp. 8°. Ve- nezia, G. Gatti, 1786. -----. Aualisi critica del prodrorao alia terza parte del trattato dei bagni di Abauo, e apologia del libretto intitolato: Della efficacia delle acque termali di S. Elena, ecc. 34 pp. 12°. Vicenza, B. Paroni, 1805. [P., v. 940.] -----. Autipiretologia, o nuova idea delle febbri; memoria. 72 pp. 12°. Padova, 1807. Meiieglielli (Mario). Note sulla igiene del bam- bino. 124 pp. 12°. Verona, H. F. Minister, 1886. Meneg'hilli (Joseph). * De axe cephalo-spinali. 1 p. 1., 276 pp. 8°. Patavii, 1834. Meneglliil (Joseph-Alfred). * Etudes cliniques sur l'hypertrophie du cceur. 94 pp., 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 4. Menesf rel ( Alexandre - Charles - Ferdinand ) [181(2- ]. *De l'iufluence du systeme de Gall sur l'id6ologie. 36 pp. 4°. Parti, 1836, No. 64, v. 295. Menestrel (P.-M.) *Des signes de la mort, cousideres sous le rapport m£dico-16gal. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 283. See, also, Thonreuel [Pierre]. Elements d'hygiene [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1840. Menet (J. Kaspar). Eadicale Heilung der Briiche, oder das bewahrte Bruchpflaster. 78 pp. 8°. Tenl'eit, J. J. Brugger, 187,6. Menetrez (Alphonse). * Des polypes del'urethre chez la t'cnime. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 466. Menetrier (Pierre-Eugene). * Grippe et pneu- monic en 1886. 203 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 110. Meng* (Richard Magendie). *De cataracta. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lipsiee, typ. E. Polzii, 1859. Meilgardlique (Louis). *Des sarcomes apo- nevrotiques. 59 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884, s. 7., No. 7. Menger (.Emilius) [1840- ]. *De operatione rhinoplastica. 32 pp. 8. Berolini, G. Lange, [1864]. Meilger (Henry) [1844- ]. *Die Nervenen- digungen und Epithelien der Geschmackspapil- len. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1869], c Meilger (Rudolph). * Ueber das Adenom der Niere, eine neue Geschwulstfonn. 16 pp. 8 . Leipzig, Sturm it. Koppe, 1875. Mengering:(Heinricus Andreas). Faciem Hip- pocraticain levi penicillo adumbratam . . . sistit. 13 1. 4°. [Lipsiee], typ. hcered. T. Honii, [1651]. -----. #De quartana. 18]. 4°. Lipsiee, lit. Q. Bauchi, [1652]. von Mengershausen (Julius). * Ueber Cys- tosareoma ovarii duplex. 31 pp. 8J. Jena Hossfeld u. Getting, 1876. Menkes (Peter). *Die Ursachen der Speck- hautbildung, ein Beitrag zur Lehre der empfind- lichen Blutkrasis. 71 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Becker, 1844. Menges (Peter)—continued. -----. Statistik der Lebens- und Gesundheits- Verhaltnisse in Nassau im Allgemeinen und der- jeiiigen der Aerzte im Besonderen. 143 pp. 4 . 'Weilbnrg, L. E. Lanz, 1855. Repr. from: Mitth. d. Ver. nassan. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1854-5. Also, Go-Editor of: i'orrcapoiitlenzblatt ties Ver- eins nassau'scher Aerzte, Weilburg, 1856-67. VOU Menghin (Joannes Michael.), Bitter ron Brunenthal [1738-89]. "Diss, sistens diagnoses morborum ventriculi et intestinorum. 04 pp. 12°. Vienna?, typ. Ghelenianti, 1764. Meiljflis (Autoine). *I. Des eaux distilleVs. II. [etc.] 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1839, No. 27, v. 4. Mengus (Joseph-Jules-C6saire). * Essai sur le lupus. 37 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868, 3. s., No. 102. Menici (Ranieri). Osservazioni sulle aueurisme. 48 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Pisa, S. Xistri, 1824. -----. Observatioues ad clinicam externam per- tinentes anno academico 1827. 110 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Pisa, ex typog. Nistrio, 1829. Menier. Catalogue commercial, ou prix courant general des drogues simples, produits pharma- ceutiques et chimiques, plantes m^dicinales, ni6- dicaments speciaux et homceopathiques, instru- ments de pharmacie, de chirurgie, de chirnie, de physique et tons autres articles et appareils scientifiques et industriels a 1'usage de la phar- macie et de la medecine. 5. 6(1. 672 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Paris, H. Plon, 1860. Menier (Jean-Fr6d6ric). * Considerations gen6- rales sur les fractures et leur traitement. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 494, v. 57. Menier (Jules). * De la cure des vegetations par 1'usage a l'interieur de la teinture de Thuya occidentalis. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 541. Menier (R6n6-Fraucois). * Des fievres intermit- tentes. Anatomie pathologique, causes, traite- ment. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No 25. Meniere (Emile). * Des moyens th6rapeutiques employes dans les maladies de l'oreille. 3 p. 1., 119 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 57. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 119 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot 4 Cie., 1868. -----. Du traitement de l'otorrhee purulente chrouique. Quelques considerations sur la mala- die de Meniere. Memoires lus au deuxieme cou- gres otologique international tenu a Milan en septembre 1880. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bail- Here, 1880. Meniere (Louis-Pierre). * De la vitesse relative d'absorption par les differentes membraues de l'economie et particulierement de l'absorptiou cutanee. viii, 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 422. -----. Variations de composition et r6actions chimiques des humeurs normales et morbides de l'appareil genital de la ferame. 29 pp. 8°. Pa- rti, 0. Doin, 1885. Also, Editor of: Gazette de gynecologie, Paris, 1885. Meniere (Prosper) [1799-1862]. 'Recherches sur la constitution medicale du troisifeme tri- mestre de 1826 (juillet, aout, septembre). 22 pp. 4^. Parti, 1828, No. 28, v. 213. -----. L'Hotel-Dieu de Paris en juillet et aout 1830. Histoire de ce qui s'est pass6 dans cet hdpital pendant et apres les trois grandes jour- nees, suivie de details sur le nombre, la gravity des blessures et les circonstances qui ont les ren- dus fatales. 367 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Heideloff 4 U. Canel, 1830. -----. De l'irnportance des signes fouruis par le pouls dans le diagnostic des maladies. 20 pp. 4°. Parti, 1832, No. 368. Concours. MENIERE. 119 MENINGITIS. Meniere (Prosper)—continued. -----. De la guerison de la surdi-inutite. De l'iustruction des sourds-muets. 14 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, 187)3. [P., v. 481.] Repr. from ; Moniteur universel. -----. Etudes metlicales sur les poetes latins. vii, 450 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere; 187,8. -----. t'iceron medecin. Etude m6dico-litte- raire. 2 p. 1., 376 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bail- liere, 1862. -----. Les consultations de Madame de Sevigne. 145 pp., 1 1. 8". Parti, Germer-Bailliere, 1864. Meniere's disease. See Vertigo from aural disease. ifleninge*. See, also, Arachnoid; Dura mater; Pia mater. Baumeh (J. W.) *De meningibus. 4°. Gies- sa; 1775. Ettaii'ller (M. E.) [Pr.] de menynges ana- tome nonuulla. 4°. [Lipsiee, 1721.] Martix-Saint-Axge (G.-J.) Recherches ana- toniiques et physiologiques sur les membranes du cerveau et de la moelle epiniere, et sur le liquide c6r noldw (J. P.) & Webber (S. G.) Calcareous degeneration of the mem- branes of the spinal cord; severe spasmodic affection of the muscles of the body generally before death. Boston M. & S. J., 1868-9, lxxix, 247. Also .- Extr. Kec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1866-74), 1876, vi, 76— Wernicke (R.) Hi- |ieremia de los meninges espinales v cerebrales. An. d. Lire. med. argent., Buenos Aires isso-81, iv, 365-370.— Willi*. Bony plates on the spinal arachnoid. Lancet, Lond., 1S60. i, 323. — Zengiruf (A.) Sluchai organiches- nago porazheniya mozgovoi kori. [Organic affection of the cerebral membranes. 1 Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1876, vi, 35-39. Meninges (Tumors of). Sabatie. * Etude sur les tumeurs des me- ninges encephaliques. 4°. Paris, 1873. All ha ii*. Case of syphilitic tumours of the cerebral membranes. Med. Piess & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi. 375. A Iso: Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1883, ii, 531.—Cay- ley (W.) Sarcoma of the cerebral pia- mater. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, xxvi, 1— C'oppee (C.) Cas de fongus de la dure-mere rachidieune. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1854, xxi, 101. [Rap. deMeulewaeter], 106.—Bowse (T. S.) Fibro nucleated tumor from the dura mater of the cervical portion of the spinal cord. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 705.— Dntard. Une tumeur des meninges qui repose sur la convexite du cerveau ;\ l'union du tiers posterieur de l'he- misphtre gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 360- 362.—Humbert. Cancer des cotes; tumeur des meninges compi'imaiit la tmisieme circonvolution frontale gauche; aphasie. Ibid., 1870, xiv, 335-337.— liebcrt. Tumour fibro-plastique des meninges. Ibid., 1850, xxv, 170.— fleiiinge* (Tumors of). Rich ter (J.) TJeber einen Fall von multiplem Sarcom der inneren Meningen des Centralnervensystems. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xi, 213-215. —Sawyer. Hydatid cyst in the meninges of the brain. Lancet, Lond., i873, i, 201.—Tanln'(J.) Lvmphangiom der Pia spinalis: Druck- myelitis. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1887, vi, 247-250.— Tyson (J.) Primary sarcoma of the cerebral meninges. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila: (1871-3), 1874, iv, 194. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 634. Ifleningiti*. See, also, Brain (Inflammation of); Brain (Si- nuses of); "Brain (Syphilitic disease of'); Cranium. Dura mater, Diseases of; Ear (Diseases of, Catar- rhal, etc.); Ear (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of); Erysipelas; Erysipelas (Facial), etc.; Fe- ver ( Malarial, Masked, etc.); Fever ( Typhoid, Complications, etc., of); Head (Injuries of); In- sanity (Pathology, etc., of); Mastoid process (Diseases of); Mumps, Pneumonia, Small- pox, Complications, etc., of. Bellebon (L.) * Essai sur l'inflanimatiou des membranes du cerveau. 4°. Paris, 1810. Bierbaum (J.) Die Meningitis simplex. 8-. Leipzig, 1866. Bourse (P.-L.) *De l'iuflammation des me- ninges et du traitement qui lui couvient. 4°. Paris, 1821. Brodard-Leroy (P.-F.) * Essai sur la m6- ningite aigue. 4°. Paris, 1832. Brouillet (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de la ineningo-enc6phalite traumatique. 4°. Pa- ris, 1881. Cailliot (E.-A.) * Observations de meningo- perienccphalite, chronique et primitive; conside- rations sur cette affection. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. von Campe (H.) * Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der meningitischen und nieningo-euce- phalitischen Processe. 8°. Tiibingen, 1882. Demiany (P.) *De orrhymenitide psyctica. 8°. Pestini, [1835]. Desbiez (C.-fi.) *De la meningite c6r<5brale. 4°. Paris, 1851. Deslandes ( L.) * Examen des differentes formes que peut prendre la phlegmasie des me- ninges. 4°. Parti, 1817. Doury (C.-J.-H.) * De la meningite aux diffe'- rents ages. 4C. Parti, 1846. van Driel (A. H. C.) * Spec, exhibens casum meningitidis suppurantis in nosocomio academico observatum. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1854. DuBOSCQ(L.) *De la meningite. 4°. Paris, 1848. Feraud (S.-H.-H.) * Sur l'arachno'idite. 4°. Paris, 1824. Fouques (G.-F.-V.-D.) * Sur la meningite c6- rebrale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1836. Fousek (J. A.) * De tunica araclmoidea ejus- que inflammatioue. 4°. Vindoboua; 1831. Frankenberger (J.N.) * Diss, sistens me- ningitidem, aduexa morbi historia synoptica. 8°. Pragce, 1843. Garnier (L.-A.) *Sur l'arachuitis aigue c6- rebrale et rachidienne. 4°. Paris, 1830. Gaston (J.-F.) * Sur la meningite. 4°. Paris, 1830. Gignoux(L) * Sur la meningite. 4°. Paris, 1835. Hellebaut ( L.-F. ) * De phrenitide. 4°. Gait dee, [1823]. Herpin (F.) * Meningitis, ou inflammation des membranes de l'encephale ; precede de quel- ques considerations physiologiques sur ces mem- branes, et suivi de plusieurs observations recueil- lies a l'armee du Rhin. 8°. Paris, [1803]. Hildebraxd (O.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Aetiologie der Meningitis traumatica suppura- tiva. 8°. Jena, 1886. MENIXC.ITIS. 120 MENINGITIS. Ifleiiiiijuiti*. Hii'pmanx (XV. J.) * Diss, sistens tractatum de inflaininatione arathnoidete, aduexa historia morbi synoptica. 8 . Praga; 1840. Kieckkxs (C. A. A.) * Diss, sistens quasdam observationes medieo-practieas de meningitide. 8°. Lugd. Bal , [1849]. Krem.iaxski (J.) - O krovotochivom vospa- lenii tverdoi mozgovoi obolochki siikazauiem na svjaz ego s pjaustvom i iiovaluoe pojavlenie v nasfojashee vremja v S.-l'etcrburge. [Pachy- meningitis hieniorrhagiea interna prevailing epi- demically at present time in St. Petersburg.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1867). Leroiix (H.-A.) *De la meningite aux diftVv rents ages. 4°. Paris, 187,0. Lf.koy (A.-L.) * Quelques considerations sur la nieningitc i-erebrale aigue. 4°. Paris, 1869. Liox (J.-B.-M.-E.) * De la meningite cere- brale aigue. 4 . Paris, 187,2. Malai-ssexk (M.) * De la meningite cere- brale aigue simple et de ses diverses variete.s etiologiques. 4\ Montpellier, 1877. Martel (F.-E.) *De la meningite, ou inflam- mation des membranes du cerveau. 4°. Paris, 1827. Mehlhauskx (n (\V~.) Case of cerebral menin- gitis. Lancet, Loml., 1864, i, 3.—Brown (J. 1>.) Acute arachnitis induced upon chronic disease of the brain, by riding in a vertical swing at a fair. Med. Times & Gaz'., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 387.—Brunei (D.) Neo-membraues et extravasations sanguines ptoduites par linflanimation tie l'arachnoide cranienue T>arietale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1864, 3. s., xix, 34; 49; 104; .20 ;172; 200; 216.— Binder. Cerebral meningitis, with formation of pus beneath the arachnoid. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 81. — Burkarl (A.) Ein Fall von subaeuter Meningitis (aiachnitis). Metl. Cor. -Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1872, xiii, 17; 25. — Burnet (J. B.) Case of acute meningitis. Med. .) Cases of meningitis ; three tenii- nateil fatally, and one recovered. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1834, xii, 71-70.—Crisp ( K.) Meningitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1876, xxvii, 28-30. —Crocq. Autopsie d'un hoinme ilccetle il la suite de meningite. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1874-5, xxvii, 53. — Ci'iiveilhier. Dowx. cas do meningite tor mines par la mort. Quelques rollexions sur les alterations cadaveriqiies et sur le tiaiteinent. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s.. v, 429.— Danillo (S.) K kazuistikie mcningitov. Med Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1879, xix. 33 — Darin (H. \V.) Cerehralineni gitis. VirginiaClin. Rec., Kiehniontl, 1872-3, ii. 415-417.— Beeloux. Surun casde nieningo-encepha lite. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1886, 3. s.. xxx, 361-367.— Be Hiii/i. Leptomeningite della convessitii cerebrale senza delirio. Salute (suppl.), Geneva, 1877, iii, 97-99.— Devay. Symptomes du debut dune meningite; niedi- cation energiqiio coupant court aux accidents. Gaz. med. tie I.von. 1850, ii, 281.—Discussion ou meningitis. Med. Rec., X. Y., 1866, i, U',5. —Dixon (A.) Sub-acutemeiiin- gitis. Indiana M. Reporter. Evansville. 1881, ii, 107.— van Dommeleu. Arachnitis. X. pract Tijtlschr. v. tie Geneesk., Gorineliein, 1855, n. s., i, 197-213. — Dumas. Deux cas de meningite aigue apyi-clique : mort. Gaz. hebd. d sc. med. de Montpel.. 1885, vii. 325-329.— Duug- lison (R.) Case of aiaelmitis cerehelli. Lond. M. Re- posit.. 1822, xviii. 286-288.—I»urami-Fardel. L'araeh- noi'tle et la pie-mere une infill 1 atit>n purulente. Bull Sue anat. de Par., 1842. xvii, 342—Fallot. Observation d'iutlammatioii de la substance et des meuingesdu cerveau et de la moelle spinale. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxvii, 64-67. ------. Observation d'inflniiinia- tion ties meninges et de la substance cerebrale, terroinee par raniollissenient, epanchement et abces. Ibid., xxxvi. j 291-293.—Fas (I) ) [liver de, paraphrenia.] Handel v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst.. 1792, xvi. 87-149.— Filiatrault (C. M.) Meningite cerebrale. Lnion med. du Canada. Montreal, 1883, xii. 289-292. — Finger, t Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1858, lx, 7-9.—Finzi (E.) Delle varie forme di meningite curate nello spedale railitare di Parma durante il 1° quadiimestre del 1)84. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma, 1886, xxxiv, 129; 257; 385. — Fisbburn (J. H.) A case of acute idiopa- thic meningitis; suspected poisoning; post-mortem ex- amination. Med. Times, Phila., 1871-2, ii, 225. — Fitz- gerald (J. P.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1879, n. s , i, 531-535. — Foot (A. W.) Acute meningitis terminat- ing fatally in nineteen hours. Dublin M. Press. 1861, 2. s., iv, 338. — Forget. Meningite fondroyante spora- dique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859. xxxii, 489. — Frag- ments historiques, relatifs^l'inflammation des meninges arachnitis ou meningite des modernes. Rev. med. franc. et etrang., Par., 1835, iii, 161-178— Gardner (C. K.) Simple meningitis (fatal ) : post-mortem examination. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1883. vi, 163. — Gargam. Sur un cas de meningite suppiiree trauniatique. Lnion med. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen, 1884, xxiii, 17-21. — Gamier. Meningo-encephalite chroniqno ; autopsie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux.. 1885, 3. s., xxvii, 173-179.—Gennaile* (G. S.) 'lo-ropta o^tta? n-qviyyIti&os tat^ettjrj?. 'Ia-rpiKTj Kr//j.. 'AOyai, 1858-9, i, 154-156. — Giutrac. Inflammation du feuillet ex tern e. de l'arachnoide. Bull. Acad, de metl., Par., 1842-3, viii, 851-856—Goodhart (J. F.) Cases of meningitis of obscure origin. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1886, xix, 131-136. — [Gordon.] Acute suppurative meningeal inflammation. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 200-209.— Gordon (F. E ) Two cases of meningitis by metastasis. N. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1849-50. vi, 211-213.—Gosselin. En- cephalo-meiiingite; fracture de la rotule. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix. 521. — Grabacher. Meningitis. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1846. lv, 68-72.— Grnux. Meningite cerebrale. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1857-8. x, 381-383.—Green (P. II ) Acute meningitis. Lancet. Lond., 1839, ii, 922-924.—Greenfield (W. S.) On simple meningitis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, n. s.. viii, 143-185.—Gribliug (J. J.) Leu geval van ver- nieerderdeiiriiie-secretiebij meningitis. Xederl. Tijtlschr. v. Geneesk:, Amst,, 1887, xxiii, 107-1 HO. — Gueneaii dc ITInssy (X.) Arachnitis avec pseudo-membranes. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836-7, xi, 286-289. — Guersaut pere. Meningite; autopsie; des caractercs aiiatoniiqucs de la ineiiiiigite. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1843, 2. s . v, 209.—Guei-- scnt. Meningite. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 183.9. xix, 387-140. — Haddon (J.) Meningitis. Liverpool & Man- chester M. &. 8. Rep., 1876, iv, 74-77. Also, in Ms: Glean- ings from private practice, 8°, [Liverp.], 1876. 3-6, 1 pi.— ■lardy. Meningo-encephalite franche aiguii chez un siijet tuberculeux. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 705.— Ilai'tiiianii (P.J.) Zergliederung eines Menschen, der an einer Eiitziinilung der Hirnhaute start). Auserl. med.- chir.- . . .Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1766, xv, 120-127, 1 pi— Hartshorne. Cases of menin- gitis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1853-6), 1856, n. s., ii, 342- 351. —Hay ( W.) ' Cerebral meningitis (intercurrent). Chicago M. J., 1875, xxxii, 481-485. — Heatoii (J. E. H.) 121 MENINGITIS. Meningitis. Meningitis in the adnlf. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 094.— Hellema (I.).) Enceplialo meningitis. Geneesk. Tijd- schr. v. do Zeeniagt, Gravenh.. 1870, viii, 339.—Hell wig. Tod durch exsutlative Meningitis. Metl. Ztg., Berl.. 18:6, v, 240. — Hermann & Kober. Die Meniiigitisepide- mie in Beuthen ( Oberschlosien). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 513-515. — Uerlzka (IL ) Meningitis mit ty- pischcni Verlaufe. Wien. med. Presse, 1871. xii, 275-277.— Iliai-d ( T. ) Meningite aiguii suivie d'epanehenieut; guerison. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1857, 3. s., xxx, 580. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Far., 1857, [xxv], 482-484.— von llolfiiiami. Ueber einen operativ beh intlelteu Fall von Meningitis mit Eiterungim intravaginalen Rauin ties Xeivus opticus. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1887. xviii, 292-291—Iloi-ming (A.M.) t Metl. Jahrb. il. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1835, xviii, 531.—Howard (T. G.) A case of meningitis. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery. 1872, 81-84. — Iliigueiiiu. Zur Casuistik der Meningitiden. Cor.-Bl. f.schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1882, xii, 97; 129. —Huss (M.) Meningitis cerebralis. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1843, v, 272-274. — Hutchinson (J.) Direct traumatic a-at-lini- tis. Med. Times & Gaz , Lond., 1875, i, 519; 547— Hutch- inson (J. H.) Cerebral meningitis. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 470-472. Also: Chicago M. ,T. & Exam., 1881, xliii, 225-228.—Jackson. Very extensive arachnitis, connected with disease of the temporal bone. Boston M. & S. J„ 1863-4. lxix, 140. Also: Extr. Rett. Bost. Soe. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v, 95— Jacob! (A.) Brain; in a case of meningitis. N. York M. J., 1866, ii, 134-136.— .lansi-n (J. H.) Meningitis subarachiioidea cerebralis et spinalis, in verband staande met verettering tier dura ma- ter en caries van het rotsbeeu, na ostitis interna. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1849-50, 2. s., v, 408-415. —Johnson (W.) An anomalous case of meningitis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859, n. s., ii, 269-272.—Jolly. Obser- vation sur une meningite aigue. Bull. Soc. de metl. de Poitiers, 1842, no. 6, 106-113.— Jones (C. IL) Clinical lecture on cases of meningitis. Med. Press &Circ, Dubl., 1867, n. s., iv, 1-3. -----. Observations on the changes in meningitis in the small vessels. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1886, xxxvii, 203-215.—Judec. Des epanoheinonts purii- lents sous-arachnoi'diens. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 457.—Itiemaiiii. Meningitis; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kian- kenanst. Rudolph St iftung in Wien (1883), 1884. 302.— Klob (J.) Ueber das Araclinoitleal-Epithei uud die Ei- terbildiing bei Meningitis. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1861, xvii, 225-228. — Klyupciiniuk (J. R.) [Over tie paraphrenias.] Handel, v. b. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1792, 1-83. — Krunicr. Meningitis cerebralis et spinalis. Med. Cor.-111. buyer. .Yrzte, Er- lang., 1850, xi, 481-485. — Kremyausk'i (Y.) Krove- tociinom vospalenii tverdoi mozgovoi oboluchki. [Men- ingitis from internal lueinoi rhage.] Metl. Vestnik. St. Peteisb., 1865, v, 113— JEaidier. Meningite a f'rigore; etfet rcmarquable du tannin; guerison. Bull. med. d. Vosges, Rambervillers, 1886-7, i, no. 4, 45-50, 1 diag.— lia Roche (R.) A case of acute supervening or chro- nic arachnitis, attended with symptoms of nervous ir- ritation without fever; death in consequence of a fall. N. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1830, ix, 176-187.—de I,a Tremblaye. Observation de meningite itliopathique, suivie de guerison. Rec. d. trav. Soe. med. d'lndre-et- Loire, Tours, 1850, 58-63. — lie beau. Encephalo-meiiin- gite consecutive a. la grippe; compression cerebrale; ne- eroscopie. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1858, xxi, 346-351. — Ijees. Acute meningitis, with softening of substance of brain. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855, ii, 358 —de ■ jCiiios Vianna. Meningite. Gaz. d. hosp. mil., Lisb.. 1879, iii, 126.—I,eroy-I>ii|»re (M.-A.-H.) Observation dc meningite subuigue. suivie,tie, guerison. Gaz med.dePar., 1849, 3. s., iv, 512. — B.ellsoin (J. C.) & Ware (J.) His- tory and dissection of a fatal case, attended with a painful affection of the head. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1792, iii, 44- 57.—I>eubuscher (R.) Zur Pathologie der Meningitis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1856, x, 221-224. —lie- reran (A.) Meningite. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., Par.. 1873, 2. s., vi. 632-676.—1.< >vis»ou. 'Fall von Meningitis. Ilerl. klin. Wchnschr., 1865, xxiv, 249. — liilaidiere. Observations de nu'-iiingite. Bull. Soc.de metl. de I'uitiers, 1842, no. 6, 116-122 — l.iiwriihai'd, Ueber tlie Entziin- dung der Schleinihaut des Gehirns. J. d. pract Heilk., Berl., 1832, lxxv, 3. St., 61 -76. — i.iiczkie\vi« y. Dwa rowuoczesne wypadki pioriiiiiija^cego zapalciiiu oslon nidz- gowyeh. [Meningitis touaus.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa. Is72. xiii, 769-776.—ITIeGaiighey (J. D.) Cases of cerebral meningitis. Phila, M.'Times, 1872-3, iii, 195; 216.— M'Kendriek (J. G.) A ease of meningo-t erebritis, caused probably by exposure to the sun. Edinb. M. J., 1868-9, xiv 517-522.— ltlaclagan (D.) Case of menin- gitis. Edinb. M. & S. J.. 1835,xliv, 342-348.—ITIarliuet (L.) De quelques cas de gnerisonsd'arachnitis. Rev. metl. franc, et etrang , Par., 1824, i. 76-85. — Martinet (L.) & I»arc:nt-Diiclialelel. Resultats de recherches sur l'inflammation de I'arachnoi'de. Rev. med. hist, et phil., Par., 1821, v, 76-80. —.tlead (R. M ) A case of meningi- tis. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1883-4, viii, 231.— Jlcmloza (A.) Rasgos de una aracnoiditis aguda MENINGITIS. 122 MENINGITIS. Jl<>iiiiii;i1i«. con conatos de suieidio. (inc. med., Madrid, 1849, v, 171; 177. — .Vleuiggitidos (Ilepi). 'Ia-rpiKTj MeAitro-a, 'Adfivai, 1857-8, v, 289-324. — .Tlerbaeh. Ueber die Meningitis psi tidoniembrauosa. J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1847, ix, 241- 253.—.VI o ore. Cases of idiopathic and tubercular menin- gitis. Dublin Q. J. M. Se., 1862, xxxiv, 169-172.—.More- head. [Meningitis, with effusion ; autopsies.] [2 cases. ] 1 r M. & I'hva. Soc. Bombav, 1839, ii, 100-102. —Morton (T ) t t Metl. Press & Circ. Lond., 1882, n. s , xxxiii. 395; 415.—.Hoi-tou (T. G.) Meningitis of the convex surface of the brain; tubercular deposit in the lungs. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1857-60, i, 68. — .Murphy (J. A.) t Death. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1866, ix, 355. — Nacquart. Ope- ration de gastt o-diiodeuite avec complication d'arachnitis. •L gen. de ined., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1826, xciv, 352-360.— \:i»li (J. B.) Cerebro-araehnitis. Northwest. M. & S. .1, Chicago, 1851-2, viii, 319-321.—IVelter. De la menin- gite due an pncumocoque (avec ou sans pneumonie). Arch. geu. de med., Par., 1887, i, 257; 434, I pi ; ii. 28. — >eve (E. F.) Case of rapid acute meningitis, with death. Lan- cet, Lond., 1883, i, 586. -----. Case of simple meningitis; necropsy. Ibid., 1884, ii, 1139.—Newman (D.) A brain which was the seat of idiopathic suppurative meningitis. Glasgow M. J., 1885, |4. s.], xxiii, 63.—Nixon. Meningi- tis of thfi convexity of the brain. Brit. M. J.. Loml., 1877, i, 684. — O'l'ei rail. Sub-arachnoid meningitis of Cru- veilhier. Dublin J. M. Se., 1844, xxv, 496.—Ogle (J. XV ) Cases illustrating the formation of so-called false mem- branes, in connection with the immediate coverings of the brain Arch. Med., Loml.. 1857-9, i, 277: 1860-61, ii, 85.— Ogslou iK.) A case of acute meningitis. Brit. M. J., Loml , 1885,i,984.—Oiiileiflouk (ILL.) Case of disease in the head, with the appearances after death. N. York Al. Mag., 1815, i 326-330. — Oppolzcr (J.) Meningitis acuta idiopathic;!; mit besonderer Beriieksichtigung dei Diagnose und Therapie. [Case.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi. 399; 410. -----. Leber Meningitis acuta. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 427; 436. -----. Mediziniscbe Klinik. Meningitis. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864. 367; 373; 381; 389; 397.—Osborne (T. C. ) A case of meningo-cerebritis. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1849,3. s., iii, 202-204,—Papa- basileios (B.) 2rjfieiu>treis emcrTrip.oi'iKai Ar)tp8ei(rai Kara. Tr)VTe\evTaiav iTTiaTpareviriv trapd Tio-t riiv ev ©ecrtraAta 0epa- nevTTjpitov. TaArji/bs, 'A69jvai, 1886, 1ST'. 153; 165.—Part- ridge. Latent meningitis. Lancet. Lond., 1850, ii, 510.— Peabody. Cerebral meningitis. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1883, xxiii. 4!i. — Peufold ((I.) Case of arachnitis following a fall on the head; tre])hining; death. Lancet, Loml., 1869, ii, 119.—Picirilli (L.) Caso di meningite cerebrale. N. Liguriamed., Genova. 1874, xix, 433-439. — Piersou ( S. B.) Observations on brain fever. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1813, ix, 326-332. — Pingaul.t fils. Observation d'arachuitis (fievre cerebrale), suite d'une chute sur la partie poste- rieure tie la tete: autopsie. Bull. Soc. de med. de Poi- tiers. 1841, v. 46-56.— Plant ( W. T.) A lecture on acute meningitis. X. York M. J., 1883, xxxviii. 677-680. .1 Iso .-North Car. M. J.. Wilmington. 1884, xiii. 13-21.— Popis. Deux observations de meningite aigue. ,L (li- med, et chir. de Toulouse, 1845-6. ix, 36-42. — Pratber- noii. Observations sur les inflammations des meninges et du cerveau. J. gen. denied.,chir. et pharm., Par., 1823, lxxxii, 74-92. — Putzcl ( L.) Pachymeningitis hamor- rhagica interna. Cycl. Pract. M. (Zieinssen), N. Y., 1881, [suppl., 551-554]. —Ramskill (J. S.) Simple meningi- tis. Syst. Metl. (Reynolds), 8=, Lond., 1808, ii, 356.—Ra- piu (().) Relation dun cas de meningite traumatitpie. Rev. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1881, i, 248-250, 1 pi.—ReissB(C) Leptomeningitis. Hosp.-Till , Kjobenh., 1864, vii, 129.— Rendu. Meningite aigue su'ppuree- mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1872), 1874.2. s., xlvii, 157.— Reyuold*. Case, of meningitis. Med. Times &. ii|»uy. Meningite sub-aiguij simulant la meningito tuberenieuse ; guerison. Ibid., 1807. 55. —ic*. qucrdo (P.) Lx])osicion de los sintomns \ h-.-i.....s tie un caso de meningitis especial aguda y simple: esttulio razonado de los mismos; consideraciones seineiiiticas y terapciiticas. Rev. tie med. y cirng. pnict., Madrid. 1878, ii, 3,88-397.— Fournier (A.) Meningite tuberculeuse; debut insidieux; intei inittenco des symptomes dans la premiere et la deuxienie periodes. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1880, ii, 845-847. — Frsinkel (15.) Weitere Beobachtiin- gen vou Aderhauttuberkeln. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 37-39. — h- Stiftung in Wien (1881), 1882, 308. Also: Wien. med. PL 1883, vi, 131. ------. Fibriuos eitrige Meningitis nach Pneunionie; deutliche linksseitige II-iniparesis, anschei- nend bed ingt (lurch weif.iiisstarkere Kxsudation uberdein motorischenGyrisderrechtenGiosshirniiude; Tod. Ber, MKXINGITIS. 125 MENINGITIS. HI cning'itis (Diagnosis and symptoms of). d. k. k. Krankeuanst. Rudolpli-Stiftung in Wien (1884), 1885, 328. -----. Tuberculose Meningitis; initiale Apha- sie und Schwaehe des rechten Amies; dem entsprechend iiusges])i-oclien iibeiwiegende Affection iiber der 3. Stirn- windung ; Tod. Ibid., 329.—iTIaew. Symptomes singu- liers de nieuingite tuberculeuse, se jugeantpar l'expnlsiou d'un lamia. [Rap. de Poirier.] Bull. Soc. de med. de Gaud, I860, xxxiii, 40-45. [Discussion], 87-97. —lTIal- herbe. Observations de nieuingite tuberculeuse, suivies de reflexions sur le diagnostic de cette maladie. J. de la sect, de med. Sue. acad. Loire-lnf, Nantes, 1842, xviii, 100- 124. AIso, Reprint.— Uaro,new (J. A.) Dor nos joelhos como symptoma da nieuingite. Escholiaste metl., Lisb., 1805. xvi. 55. — von 'VlaNChha. Rasch und unei wartet eingetreteiier Tod; Vcrdacht einer Vergiftung; eitrige Meningitis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 781.— Pajje*. Observation de meningite epileptifonne. Gaz. d. hop. Par.. 1861, xxxiv. 138. — von IM'nngen (R ) Leber tupische Begiiindnng der Bewegunsstorungen an den Augenniuskeln bei Meningitis. W en. med. Bl., 1883, vi, 213; 253; 281 ; 314. —Pitt (G. N.) Non-tu- bercular meningitis; persistent retraction of the bead and neck. Med. Times &. (Jaz., Lond., 1885, ii, 872.—Piz- zainiglio (A.) Sui valore della febbre nel processo flogistico suppurativo degli involucri cerebrali. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. 1861, 4. s., vi, 221.— Ponti (G.) Diagnostico comparative entre la nieningitis y la fiebre tifoidea en un caso medico-legal. [Contestation a. las ob- servaciones de Jose Garcera.] Encitl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1877, i, 65; 423; 496.—Poulet (V.) Note sur le diagnostic de la meningite. Concours ined., Par., 1883, v, 76.—Bey- naud. Note sur un cas tie pseudo-meningite hysteriquo simulant une meningite tuhercnloiise. Loire med., St.- Etienne, 1t*80, v, 57-00.—Billiet \- Barthez. Memoire sur le diagnostic de la nieuingite tuberculeuse. J. de med.. chir et pharm. de Toulouse, 1857, 3. s., ii, 161: 193.— Boosa i D. B. St.. J.) A case of basilar meningitis in which the ophthalmoscope appearances (choked disk) were observed one month before death; with the account of the post-mortem examination. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 389.—Biihle. Leber den Einfluss, welchen die Combi- nation einer Meningitis basilaris mit allgemeiner Miliartu- berculose auf die Diagnose beideiPiocesse babe. Silzungsb. d. uied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn. 1879. 397.—Sanger (M.) Oculomotorinslahmung bei Menin- I gilis tuberculosa adultorum durch periphere und centrale Pdutung. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1879-80, x, 158-178. 1 pi.—Nauto* (iioiizaio Lope. Un caso de meningi- tis i'i. Siglo med., Madrid, 1881, xxviii, 201-203. —Sat- terthwailc. High temperature with acute cerebral i meningitis. Med. Ret-., N. Y.. 1880, xvii, 519— Schna- bel. Leber einen Fall von Exophthalmic als Symptom von Meningitis. Jabresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1872, Bresl., 1873, 1, 208.—See (G.) Diagnostic et physiologic de- la nieuingite tuberculeuse. Union metl , Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvii, 790; 813: 889: 909; 945.—Siredey (F.) Note sur un caractere du pools de la lneningite. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1868), 1809, 2. s., v, 210-214. Also: Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s., vi, 216- 220. — Smith (J. L.) An analysis of the symptoms of twenty-one cases of meningitis in the adult. N. York J. M., 1855, n. s., xiv, 258-203. —Sinilh (W. F.) Case of sub- acute nieningitis of the mem brant s of the brain and spinal cord, connected with ischsemic papilla; diagnosed by the ophthalmoscope, and verified by post-mortem examination. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1872-3, i, 482-487.—Turin (J.) Ueber Tempera turverhaltuisse beidei- Meningitis tubercu- losa der Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz.. 1880-81, u.F., xvi, 1-34,-2 tab. Also, Reprint. — Vance (R. A.) The ophthalmoscope as a means of diagnosis in tubercular meningitis and the diseases which simulate it. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1873-4, ii, 13-25.— Vigla. Deux cas de meningite avec taohes lenticulaires i usees, sans le- sions intestinales. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 233.— Votlolvr (J.) Leber Puis und Temperatur bei der tu- lierkuldsen Meningitis im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh., Leipz., 1881-2, xvii, 69-87, 1 chart. — Wilber (G. D.) The diagnosis of meningitis. Tr, Wisconsin M. Soc. 1874, Milwaukee, 1875, viii, 74-80.— M illicit (E.) Zur Lehre von den meuingitischen Erscheinungen bei croupo- ser Pneunionie. zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre von dem sporadischen Vorkommen der Meningitis eerebrospinalis epidemicn. Deutsche med. Wchiisehr.. Perl., 1879, v. 294; 307; 321. Also, Reprint. — Zipitla (F.) Diagnostico diferencial entre la meningitis franca y la meningitis tu- berculosa. Observador med., Mexico, 1869-71, i, 99-107. Meiiingiti* (Treatment of). See, also, Meningitis (Tubercular); Menin- gitis in children, etc. Levy (E.) *De l'einploi des affusions froides dans le traitement de, la meningite. 4°. Stras- bourg, 187,6. Arinaii£uc (J.) Meningitis iirobablemente granu- losa; trataniientopor el yoduro potasico; curacion; afasia conaecutiva ; reflexiones sobre la naturaleza de la menin- IflcniiiiUitis (Treatment of). gitis granulosa. Rev. dc cien. med., Barcel.. 1883, ix, 201; 229; 273; 328; 3(30; 391; 422: 463; 483; 524— Barre. Ob- servations d'arachnitis, suivies de reflexions sur l'emploi des frictions mercurielles. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-lnf., Nantes, 1836, xii, 178-188. — Bauer. Lin Fall von Meningitis tuberculosa, geheilt durch (Iodoform. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii. 250.—Baziu. Etudes sur le traiteinentde la nieningite granuleuso. Rec. de mem. tie med. . . -. mil., Par., 1857. 2 s , xix, 100-178 — Benavente. Apuntes sobre los resultatlos que produce en la meningitis tuberculosa el tratainiento por el iodure de potasa. Siglo med., Madrid, 1803, x, 101-103. — Biei- baum (J.) Therapie di'i-Meningitis tuberculosa. J.I Kinderkr., Erlang., Ih72, lviii, 133;'330.—Bonamy. Sur un cas de guerison de meningite; lions effets de l'iodure de potassium. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par . 1876, xc, 453- 455. -----. De l'iodure de potassium dans Its nieuingites. Ibid., 1882, ciii, 366-370. — Boui-i-oiikm' «lc I.alioi-e. Du traitement de la meningite tuberculeuse par liode, et les iodures. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharin., Par., 1801, iii, 498; 509; 514; 530; 539; 556; 566; 570 ; 580.—Rrodiiax (1). W.) Report of a case of nieningitis, witn remarks on the use of opium in inflammation of tlie brain antl its meninges. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1851, i, 433-439.— Buch (M.) O liechenii gipere-mii mozga i mozgoviche oboloehek razdrajeuijami koji. [Treatment of meningitis.] Vrach. St. Petersb.,'l880. i,'ses- crime*. Observation d'arachnitis, aecompagneo de re- doublemens, tie delire et de convulsions, traitee par le sul- fate de quinine, associe k l'opiuni. Rev. metl. franc,, et etrang.. Par., 1827, ii, 188-193. — l>ujarBeauaiel/;. A lecture on the treatment of meningitis. [Transl l> , ].. P. Iliirtl. | X. York M. J., 188.1, xxxviii, 141-144.— Fleaniii;; (A.) Tubeicular nieningitis; use of the iodide of potas- sium; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 187i, i, 443.—Fuller (W.) Treatment of nieningitis. Canada M. Rec, Mon- treal, 1870-7, v. 237-239. — (Garcia de Ca»lro (L. J.J Meningitis aguda, de su tratainiento y curacion por el bro- mui-o tie potasio. Gac. metl. tie Sex ilia, 1880, ii, 62; 81.— Gauclicl. Huile de croton en frictions surle cnirche- velu dans les inflammations des meninges cerebrales. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc.. Par., 1869, lxxvii, 470-474.— Oelincau. Dun nouveau traitement de l.i nieningite Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1870, 141 ; 199; 227; 317; 374 ; 404.—Gibbs (O. C.) On the treatment of tubercular nieningitis. Med. Exam., Phila., 1853, n. s., ix, 144-147.— Giluicv (V. P.) Cure of tubercular meningitis by ergot. Med. Rec, N._ Y., 1877, xii, 707-710.—Green (W. E.) 'Tu- bercular meningitis treated with tvoe> phosphorus. Prac- titioner, Lond.,'1884, xxxiii, 438-440. —Greenivay (II.) Treatment of tubercular meningitis by phosphoi us. Brit. M. .)., Lond., 1884, i, 1145. — vou Griiuetvaltlt. Fall vou Meningitis serosa, der unter Pilocaipin einen auffal- lend guten Verlauf geuominen hat. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 78. — Uashi-ouch: (M. C.) Symp- toms of cerebral meningitis, recovered from under the in tluence of tile sulphate of nioiphia. Metl. Rec, X. Y., 1809-70, iv, 99.—IlentiB (C. A.) Meningitis; treat.uent. Atlanta M. & S. ,]., 1877-8, xv, 275-277. — Holt (R. C.) Iodoforni-iniinction in nieningitis. Practitioner, Lond., 1887, xxxviii, 342-345. — Jaejjerschmitw. Cas de 1116- ningite aiguii traite avec succt's par les antiphlogistiqucs et les revulsifs. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1849, xxxvi, 464-466.-.Telks (J. T.) Meningitis, and its treat- ment. Atlanta M. «ibel. Meningitis basilaristuberculos t, incipiens cum aphasia; mors. Her. d. k. k. Krankeuanst. Rudolph-Stiftuiig in Wien (1866), 1867, 181-183.—I.yons. Arachnitis situated at the base of the brain. Metl. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1866, n. s., ii, 69. — iTIartiuei (L ) Ob- servation d'arachnitis de la base et ties ventritules lale- raux, compliquee de ramollissement des parties centrales du cerveau. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par.. 1829, i, 62- 67— Tletlciili) inier (('.) Leber tlie Wirkuug der Nar- cotica in il; l b-isil-m n M; ningitis M inorabili; n Ht dbi 1867, xii. 105-107.—Modi (E.) Ein seltt'ner Kail von Me- niugitis basilaris. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 821.— Palois. Observation pour servir a lhistoire de l'arach- nitis de la base du crane etdu conduit rachidien on spinal. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-lnf, Nantes, 1827, iii, 95-99.—Bitter vou Killei—liain (G.) Meningitis purulenta basil.; Thrombosis ven. meuing., vente .iugul. ext. sin.; In fare ti pulmonuni; Tumor lienis acutis; Lernia- titis iu vsipelatosa; Pyophthalmia. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Pae- diat,. Wien. 1870, i, 60. -----. Meningitis basilaris. Ibid., 67.—Bodelhciuier. Ein Fall von Meningitis der Basis. Med. Cor.-HI. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1867, xxxvii, 108; 113.—Ncholz. [Meningitis basilaris puru- lenta; Hydrocephalus acuttis] Aer/.tl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1873), 1874, 4!).—von Nchrolter. Meningitis basilaris; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kraiikenanst. Rudolph-Stiftuiig in Wien (1879), 1880, 326.—ttchiitzen- berger (C.) Meningite de la base et dela nioelle allongee; mort. Gaz. med.de Strasb., 1845, v, 196-199.—Sch nh (L.) Ueber autocbthone Hirnarterienthrombose als Lrsache halbseitiger Motilitatsstorungen bei Meningitis basilaris tuberculosa. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1875, n. F., viii, 179-201, 1 pi.—Schultze (F.) Leptomeningitis acuta tuberculosa cerebrospiiialis (vulgo: Meningitis basilaris). Arch. f. path. Auat,, etc,, Berl., 1876, lxviii, 111-120. -----. Ueber das Verhalten des Riickenmarks und der Ruckenniarksnerveiiwurzeln bei akuter Basilarmeningitis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 2; 17.—See (G.) Meningite de la base; diagnostic; pathogenio physiologique. Praticien, Par., 1879, ii, 103- 105.—Sue. Meningite dela base du cerveau; emphysenie general produit par une piqure de sangsue dans lo pha- rynx; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, \i\, 539 —'I'ei<«wier (B.) Meningite partielle et ehronique de la base tin cer- veau; caillot sanguin de forme polypeuse dans le ventri- cule moyen; cephalalgie intense; contractions dotilou- rouses des muscles de la face; strabisnieconveigent; arnbly- opie; dyplopie. Gaz. med. deLyon. 1855. vii, 303-307. Also: Monit. d. hop.. Par., 1855, iii, 853-855.—Traubc. Menin- gitis tuberculosa basilaris. Ann. d. Cliar.-Krankeuh . . . zuBerl., 1862-3, x, 2. Hft., 166-172.—Veuluriui (E.) Storia di meningite basilare. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1867, vi, 329- 331.—Williams (A. C. ) Das Verhalten des Riicken- marks und seiner Haute bei tuberculoser und eitriger Basilarmeningitis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1879-80, xxv, 292-297. Meningitis (Cerebrospinal). See, also, Fever (Cerebrospinal); Meningitis (Spinal); Meningitis (Tubercular); Puerperal state (Complications of). Clavekie (P.) * Mdningites cer^bro-spinales <>bserv6es a Rochefort ])enilant Fliiver lS8.">-(;. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Coxdorelli (G. M.) Rapporto medico sulla meningite- cerebri)-spinale-cpideniica svilnppa- tasi in Misterbianco li 7 niarzo 188;\ alia Conmiis- sione sanitaria di Catania. 8°. Catania, 1884. Dezox ( F.-J. ) * De la nieuingite ceacbro- spiualecpideanique. 4°. Paris. 1850. Herrmann (R.) * De meningitide cerebro- spinal! ezorta ex otitide. interua. S-'. Regimonti Pr., 1866. Kaemmerer ( K.) *Ein Fall von Doppel- empfinduug nach Meningitis cerebrospiiialis. 8-. Warburg, 1882. Majer (E. L.) * Ein seltenerFall von Menin- gitis cerebrospiuali.s. ^ . Tubingen, 1871. Miiiews (P.) * Des acccs pernicieux a forme c6re"bro-spinale. Diagnostic et traitement. 4C. Montpellier, l88->. Ohlsen (G.) * Beitrag zur Meningitis cerc- bro-spiualis. 8°. Wurzburg, 1866. MENINGITIS. 128 MENINGITIS. nieningitis (Cerebrospinal). Sai.eei.d (A.) * Beitrag zur Symptonialologie der Meningitis cerebro-spinnlis. 8°. Jena, 1872. Schmidt (L.) * Eiu Fall von Meningitis cere- bro-spinalis epidemica. S . Greifswald, 1886. Sievers (R.) * Om meningitiscerebro-spinalis e]iiileiiiica i Sverige, Norge och Finland. 8°. Iletiingfors, 1886. Vivier (A.) * Dc lani6uiugite c4r6bro-spinale 6|)idemiipie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866. Ziemkk (A.) * Zur Kenntniss der Meningitis cercbro - spinalis epidemica. 8°. Greifswald, l.-H.->. Ailing. Meningo-eneephalite sur-aigue cerebro-rachi- dienne avec symptomes taitlit's. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (186!)). 1870, xl'iv, 130.—Andrew, t Autopsv. Tr. Path. Sec. Lond., 1864-5, xvi, 28-30.—Andruss. t Recovery. Tr. M. Sue. N. Jersev, Newark, 1872, 298— Ariiiwtrouu (O. A.) 1 t Canada M'. iG D.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis. X. York M. J., 1873, xviii, 479-41M).— Blum (Z. A.) K kazuistikie nieningitis c.ere- bro-spinalis nun epidemica. Protok. zasaid. Kavka/.sk. metl. Obsh., Tiflis, 1883-4, xx, 29-37.—Borland (J. N.) Cerebro-siiinal nieningitis. Boston M. i-.»Noii(A. A.) t t Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1873-4. ii, 1. —Field (.LT.) t T.-xas Cour.- Rec Med., Fort Worth. 1885-6. iii. 296-299.— Finiay. t Med. Times & Gaz., Lorn!., 1878, ii, 167.— Fischer ( K ) Meningilis cercbro spinalis. Metl. chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii, 424. —Foil (P.) A-. Bordoui-Fflreduzy.i ((1.) Sulla nieningite rorcbro-spitiulo ep'uleinica. Gior. d. r. Ac- cad. di metl.'tli Torino, 1886, 3. s., xxxiv. 52.-----------■ Leber Bakterienbel'untle bei Meningitis cerebrospinalis uud tlie Beziohiingeu derselben zur Pneumonic Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 18-6, xii. 249—Fori (W. K.j t N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1876-7, 11. s., iv, 510-518. —Franlicl (A.) Leber einen Bacterieiibefund bei Meningitis cerebrospi- nalis, nebst Beinerkungen iiber tlie Pneumnnit-Microro cheu. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 366. 'Discus- MENINGITIS. 129 MENINGITIS. Meifiiilgiti* (Cerebro-spinal). sion], 396-398. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1885-6), 1887, xvii, 89-100. [Discussion], 101-108. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 209-213.— Frensdorf. Sporadisches Auftreten der Meningitis cerebrospinalis. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1881, xxv, 169- 172.—Fulton \ctal.]. Cases of cerebral nieningitis. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1886, viii. 420-425— Gnhlberg (A.) Bericht iiber die in Mailberg und Lingeluing bcob- achteten Fiille von Meningitis cerebro-spinalis epidemica, Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi, 821-825. -----. Me- ningitis cerebrospinalis. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest, Wien, 1S86, xii, 153; 167—Gairduer. t Glasgow M. J., 1883, [4. s.]. xix, 459-461. — Gallard. t Chez un alcoolique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliii, 109.— (Waller. Meningitis cerebro-niedtillaris mit dem Aus- gange in Kokkvgodvnie und endliche Heilung. Aerztl. Iut.-Bl.. Miinchen. 1865, xii, 358-360. —Gaste (L.-F.) Re- sume cliiiii|ue sur lis meningites CAcephalo-rachidiennes observees pendant le l"r trimestre 1840. Inhis: Melanges de med., 8°, Metz. 1841, 98-130.—Gaston (J. McF.) Treat- ment of a case of cerebro-spinal meningitis. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1885, xv, 161; 210.—Gibbon (S.) t (Seven days) with imiple spots (thirty hours). Med. Times , Oct. 25.—Hamilton (G.) Cerebio-spinal nieningitis. St. Louis M. tfc S. J.. Isj-3. xliv, 237-245— Hammond el. F.) t Georgia Feb it. 51. J., Atlanta, 1879-80, i, 319-325. — Hanipelii. Leber acute Cerebro-Spinal-Meuingitis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875-6, xvii, 300-303.—Harry (S. I.) Nitio mu- riatic acid and strvchnia in cerebro-spinal nieningitis. Med. &Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xv, 218— Harden. Cerebro-spinal arachnitis. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1866, n. s., ii, 439.—Haves (R. A ) Case of cerebro-spinal men- ingitis. Brit, M.J., Lond., 1886, i. 1216. Also: Tr. Acad. M.'Ireland, Dubl., 1886, iv, 89—Ilayward (G.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1864, Ixx, 200-202. Also: Extr. Pec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v (app.), 93- 95. — Ilelliiigci (A. C.) Sporadic cerebro-spinal meningitis. Boston M. & S. J. 1879, ci, 172 — Heiiieiuan (H. N.) t AVith acute cndocanlitis and pericarditis. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 323-325. Also: Metl. Rec , N. Y.< 1881, xx, 746.— Eleiler (A.) Zur anatoiuischen Begrundiing der Gehbrstorungen bei Meningitis cerebrospinalis. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med , "Leipz.. 1867, iii, 482-487.— Hemev. t Chez uu alcoolique. Rec. d. trav. Soc. m6d. d'obs. tie Par., 1866-70, 2. s , ii, 414-420.— ilendley (J.) Acute sporadic cerebio-spinal nieningitis. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 540.— Henoch (E.) Zur Patholo- gie der Meningitis cerebrospinalis. Charite-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1886, xi, 575-586. — Hcrard. t Guerison. Oaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 409; 413.—Hickman (J. G.) t t St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1872, n. s., ix, 358-360. — Hochst. Sporadisches Auftreten der Meningilis cerebro-spinalis. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1879, xx, 241 ;'205. — Holdeu (L.) Sporadic cerebro-spinal meningitis. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1884, n. s., vi, 289-29L —Hollister (J. H.) t t Med. Exam., Chicago. 1873. xiv, 169-172.— Hohihiih (C. D.) t Autopsy. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1866-7, l.xxv, 125.— Houiollc. Meningite cerebro-spinale suppuree chez un enfant atteint d'eiitiocardite ehronique avec anevrysme valvulaire de roriticc aoitiqne et perforation tie la. cloi- son interventiiculaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 840-844.—Houze. Quelques mots sur la menin- gite ceiebro-spinale. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1887, 3. 6., xxxi, 366-375. —Hughes (IL V.i t St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1850, viii, 128-130. — Humphries (XV. F.) t t St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1884, xlvi, 219-223.— Hunt (J. W.) Case of purulent cerebral and spinal meningitis; no symp- toms; sudden death bv coma. Brain, Lond., 1879-80, ii, 409-412— II utchiiison (J. H.) t Pioc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-66), 1867, ii, 209-211. Also: Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1866,n.s., Hi, 125-127. — Hutincl. Meningite ceiebro- spinale suppuree. France med., Par., 1878, xxv, 189.— Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 26-29.—Bn- 9 ifleiiang'itix (Cerebro-spinal). gals (E. F.) t Marked symptoms treated with Cannabis indica. in large doses ; speedy and almost perfect recovery. Med. Exam.. Chicago, 1872, xiii. 132. — Jaeobi. Taches meuingitiques in the diagnosis of cerebro-spinal meningi- tis. N. l'ork M. J., 1882, xxxv, 524. Also.- Tr. X. York Obst. Soc, (1881-5), 1885, iii, 56.—Jaeobi (Mary P.) Cere- bro-spinal nieningitis; pseutlo-nieinbranous croup. Med. Bee. N.Y., 1877, xii, 237.— .laneway (E. G.) t Autopsy. N. YorkM. J., 1880, xxxii, 60 —Jones (('. H.) t Autopsy. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880. i, 657-659.—Jones (S.J.) Notes of some recent, cases of deafness, following cerebro- spinal meniugit is. Chicago J. Nerv. & Ment, Dis., 1874, i, 171-175.—.Bunhin (S. B.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Buffalo M. ,fc S. J., 1872-3, xii. 15-17.—Italfus ( H. F.) On cerebro-spinal meningitis. Am. Pract , Louisville, 1873, vii, 345-353— ICeene (S. S.) t t Boston M. & S. J., 1870, lxxxii, 261-263. — Hehrer (F. A.) Leber Cerebro- spinalmeningitis bei Siiugliiiitn. Oesterr. .lahi-b. f. Pae- diat., Wien, 1873, i, 69-78.—Kclk (J. W.) Waarneming eeuer meningitis cerebro-spinalis subarachnoidea, met zwarte verweeking van den oesophagus. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1845, 2. s., i, 193-214. AIso,Reprint.—Kendall (J. V.) Cerebrospinal meningitis, or "the brain fever" of 1857. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1858, 97-111. — Ker- uig (V. M.) Ob odnoiu malo izviestnom prizuakie vos- paleuija nijagkoi mozgovoi obolochke. [Diagnosis of cere- bro-sp'inal'meningitis.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1884, v, 427 ; 446.—Kicmaiin. Meningitis cerebrospinalis serosopu- rulenta cum hytliocephalo acuto interno; Prostatitis sup- purativa : Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftuiig in Wien (1880), 1881, 329-332.-----. t Tod. Ibid., 341-343.-----. t Genesung. Ibid. (18S3), 1884. 303-305.— Kiugslcy (J. P.) Paralysis from cerebro-spinal menin- gitis, and the humerus out of the glenoid cavity. Proc. St, Louis M. Soc. Missouri (1879), 1880, ii, 209-211. -----. Cerebro-spinal meningitis; a clinical lecture. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, v, 489-497.—Kirchucr. Ueber Menin- gitis cerebrospinalis und deren Bedeutung fiir das Gehor- orgaii. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 65-68.— Kiiapp (H.) Two cases of deafness from cerebro-spinal nieningitis, the one one-sided, the other double-sided with simultaneous affection of both eves, ending in recovery in one. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1884, xiii, 297-300. Also, tiahsl.: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1884-5, xiv, 241-244.—Horn- feld (H.p Trauinatischecercbrospinalo,Meningitis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 325-328.— ICratsclnncr. Ein Beitrag zum Krankheitsbilde der Meningitis cerebrospi- nalis. ' Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 656; 685; 717.— Iii ohn (V.) t t Ugcsk. f. La'ger, Kjobenh., 1885, 4. R., xii, 421-425.—Kuhuttfc Nebulize. Meningite cerebro- spinale par suite de sarcome du cervelet et dela moelle epiniere : nevro retinite; guerison avec paraplegic; epi- lepsie spiuale ; eschares; autopsie; histologic. Paris med., 1881, 2. s., vi, 105; 113 —liiinhler (G. A.) t Followedby paralysis of the lower extremities. Med. Counsellor, Co- lumbus, 1856, ii, 243. — Laiiiiclonguc. t Opisthotonos; paralysie de la face; paraplegic; kyste apoplectique des tubercules quadri.jumeaux et des pedoncules superieurs du Cervelet. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 186L 2. s., vi, 55- 63. — Langcr (A.) t Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883. xix, :;n5-309. — Larrabrc (J. A.) t t Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1872, xiv,764-785. — 1-asigue, Meningite cerebro spiuale a frigore. Arch. gen. de rued., Par., 1876, ii, 88-91.—Laust'hmanii ( G.) Meningitis cerebrospinalis egy esete. Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1886, xxvi. 465-468. — Lnwaoii (H. M.) Cerebro-spinal men- ingitis. Metl, tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 3866, xv, 141.— liConarfli (M.) t Con appaienze di delirium tremens. Bull. d. sc. ined. di Bologna, 1846, 3. s., x, 124-133. -----. Gravissima meningite cerebro-spinale con appaienze di delirium tremens. Ibid., 1847. 3. s., xi, 244-240. —Le*. piau. t Spjiatlique; gu6rison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 389. — liCydcn (E.) Bemerkuugen iiber Cere- brospinalnieningitis und iiber das Erbrechen in fieber- liaften Krankheiten. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xii, 385-40U.—Liegey. Fievre dyspueique meiiingitique chez un enfant ilia maiuelle, et nieningite ceiebro-spi- nale debutante sous la forme dyspneique, chez un enfant plus age ii la suite d'une rougeole anormalc Courrier med., Par., 1878, xxviii, 21-23.— Ligucrollcs. Menin- gite cerebro-spinale purulente consecutive k une carie du rocher. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 248-252. -----. Meningite cerebro-spinale suppuree consecutive ii une carie du rocher. Ibid., 350.—Li pari (G.) Caso di nie- ningite cerebro-spinale senza sintomi. Morgagni, Napoli, 1885, xxvii, 301; 406.—Little (J.) A case of cerebro-spi- nal meningitis, in which hypodermic injections of morphia and atropia were freely used. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, lvii, 266-271. Afoo[ Abstr.]-Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl.,1874, ii,79.— Little (P. C.) Cerebrospinal arachnitis. Med. Press tfc Circ, DublM 1866, n. s., ii, 7-9. -----. Traumatic cerebro- spinal arachnitis. Ibid., 1867, n. s.. iii, 243. — Loudon (II.) t Wien. med. Presse. 1865, vi, 785-787.—Longslreth (M.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (L71-3), 1874, iv, 195.—Lorcy (J. B.) t Bei einem 15jahrigen Madchen ; Section. Jah- resb. ii. d. Vet wait. d.'Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1865), 1869, ix, 33-36— Luzzatti. t Resoc. MENINGITIS. 130 MENINGITIS. Tlcni ileitis (Cerebro-spinal). san. d. Dsp. civ. di Trieste (1876), 1878, iv, 133.—Macdon- nell (R. L.) Case of acute cerebro-spinal arachnitis, tho patient having presented during his whole life an irregu- lar intermitting and slow pulse. Brit. Am. J. M. A-Phys. St., Montreal,"1848-9. iv, 202-206. — tliieLauiin (H. X.) t N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1873-4, iv, 109; 132. — Mackall (L.), jr. A case of'intermittent cere- brospinal meningitis. Nat. M. J., Wash., 1871-2, ii, 524- 531.—.Mailer (J.) t Austlehnung sammtlicher Ventrikel durch inassenhatten Eiter (mit sccundarer Vereiterung der Gehirnsiibstauz); sehr langsamer Verlauf; sehr ge- ringe Afi'ection der Psyche ; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kraii- kenanst. Rudolph-Stii'tung in Wien (1876), 1877, 341-344. -----. Meningitis cerebro-spinalis; epidemica? Wien. med. Bl., 1880, iii, 385 : 411. -----. Ausgedehnte Paralysen und Muskelafrophie nach Meningitis cerebrospinalis (My- elitis?); gebessert. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1880), 1881, 338. -----. Eitrige (epide- mische?) cerebro- spin aie Liqitomeningitis; tit tiger Hy- drocephalus; Tod. Ibid. (1883), 1884, 305.— iHaicr (E. L.) t Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1871-2, v, 109-116.— Maix- ner (E.) Ein Fall von traumatischer Spinal-Meningitis. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882. xvii, 304.—Major (G. W.) t Canada M. tfc S. J., Montreal, 1881-2, x, 592-594.— Manu (E. C.) On the treatment of blindness and deaf- ness resulting from cerebro-spinal meningitis, by the con- stant current of electricity. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880. vii, 687. Also: J. Psych. M.', Lond., 1881, n. s.. vii, 70-73. -----. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Am.Ptact.. Louisville. 1885, xxxi, 134. — Markusy. Beiderscitige Panophthal- mitis in Folgevon Meningitis cerebro-spinalis. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1879. iii, 165-167. — Martin, t (Idiopathic.)" Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1865, i, 465.— Masferrer(R.)& l.'spnclic (P ) Tifus cerebro-espinal. Gae. med. catal., Barcel., 1883. vi, 429-434. — M a son. Chronic cerebro-spinal meningitis; specimens from the caso of a boy aged 11. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 944.— .Mason (A. L.) 11 One, of the fulminant type, treated by subcutaneous injections of apomorphia, morphine, anil atropine: recovery; one autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, ex, 121.—Mathcsou (A. R.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1872-3, iii, 577-585.— ITIaurer (A.) Croupbse Pnemnouie und Meningitis cere- bro-spinalis bei Kiudern im ersten Lebens.jahre. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiv. 47-63.— Maync. Acute cerebro-spinal arachnitis: illusion into the subaraclinoid tissue. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.. 1846, i, 375-377.— Hay ne (P.) Cerebro spinal meningitis. Dub- lin Hosp. Gaz.. 1859, n. s., vi, 259- 261. — .Miller (J. S.) Cerebrospinal meningitis. Peoria M. Mouth., 1883-4, iv, 433.—.Mills (B. L.) Case of epidemic cerebro-spinal men- ingitis. Edinb. M. J., 1886-7, xxxii, 500-502 —Moll'ctt (J.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Tr. IndianaM. Sot-., Indianap.. 1867. xvii, 10X-115. — Moncttc (G. N.) t t Am. Pract., Louisville, ls73, vii, 264-266.—Moore, t Followed by com- plete aphasia; recovery. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 228-230.— Moos (S.) Eigenthiimliche Gehbrsstorungen nach Meningitis cerebrospinalis; bedeutende Besseruug durch den constauten Strom. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh. Carlsruhe, 1869-70, i, 1. Abth.. 216-222. Also, transl..- Arch. Ophtb. tfc Otol., N. Y., 1869, i, 332-340.— Moreland. Ce- rebro-spinal meningitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1866-7, lxxv, 66.— Morris (M.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1872, vii. 245— Uurchisoii. t Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1866-7. xviii, 14-18. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 483.— Murphy (T. C.) Cerebrospinal meningitis. Chicago M. J., 1870. xxvii, 202-204— \ccliaeft (A. A.) K symp- tomafol. meningitis cerebrospinalis. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv, 529-535.—Neufcld (J.) t Intermit- tens quartaua. Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1879, xxvii, 201- 203.—IVcwhall. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Boston M. <&S. J., 1873, l.xxxviii, 651.—Nicmeicr (G.) Intermittent cerebro-spinal meningitis. Buffalo M & S. J., 1872-3, xii, 6-9— >o<|iicl. Otite moyeune purulente double; osteite iles apophyses mastoldes et de la region des rochers avoi- sinant Its caisses; pus dans les labyrinthes (pieces patho- logiques ret ueillies sur un sujet mort de meningite cerebro- spinale). Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1880, xx, 45-50.—©el- ler (J. N.) Retinitis und Cyclitis suppurativa bei Cere- brospinalmeningitis. Arch.'f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1878-9, viii, 357-378. — Ohr (C. H.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis• spotted fever. Tr. M. tfc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1879, lxxxi, 116-121. — Olivier. Indigestion; commencement de meningite ceiebro-spinale; gastro-enterite: guerison. Clin. d. hop. d. enf., Par., 1844, iii, 129-133.—©'Meagher (W.) t t Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1860, i, 134.—O'Neill (E. D.) Simulative cerebro-spinal meningitis, with abnor- mally high temperature. Med. Press tfc Circ, Lond.. 1879, n. s., xxviii, 131.—Oresle (P.) Sulle varie forme di me- ningite ed in particolare di quella cerebro-spinale negli animali domestici. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1873, x, 348-352.—O'Ryan. Hysteria progressing to spiuo- cerebral arachnitis, attended by some unusual symptoms. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xix, 177-179.—Osgood (XV.) t Re- covery. BostonM. 6c S. J., 1874, xci, 415-417.—Otte (R.) t Complicirt mit Noma; Heilung. Allg. med. Centr.Ztg., Berl., 1866, xxxv, 73-75. — Oudin. Pneumonie et nie- Tleilillg'iti* (Cerebrospinal). ningite cerebi o-spinale a marche insolite. France med., Par., 1878. xxv, 378. — Piitseh. t Hemiplegia sinistra- Heilung. Charite-Ann. 1879, Berl., 1881, vi, 176-182. _! Parker (R. W.) t Traumatic; postmortem. Med Times .t Gaz., Loml., 1881, i, 457-459.—Parks (L.), jr. A case of cerebrospinal meningitis, with remarks. Extr. Pec. Host. Soc M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867. v (app.), 73- ^~>. — Payne (J. F.) t With disease of the kiilm \ s. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869-70, xxi, 7-9.—Pcabody (G. L.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s.,i, 102. —Petersen (A.) Meningitis cerebro-spinalis Hosp.-Titl.. Kjobcnli., 1876, 2. P., iii, 177-180. —Pelrini (G.) t J. Soc. sc. med. d. Bucuresci, 1879, i, 261-268.— Philip (D. L.) Cerebro-spinal nieningitis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, v, 541-546.—Polapovoi (T. A.) K kazuistikie cerebro spinalnago meningita. Protok. za- saitl. Kavkazsk. metl. Obsh., Tiflis, 1883-4, xx, 318-327.— Powell (T. S.) t t GeorgiaM.Companion, Atlanta. 187! i. 101-107.—Provitt (T. F.) Cerebrospinal meningitis. St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1865, n. s.. ii, 205-211.— Puiiiphi-cy ((1. W.) t Leavenworth M. Herald, 1869-70, iii, 389. —Ram. pold. Zur Cerebrospinalmeniugitis der franzosischeu Aerzte. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1846, xvi, 4-6. -----. Eiuiges Liber Herrn Dr. Roger's Be- merkiingen zu der von mir mitgetheilten Beobaihtung einer Cerebrospiualmeuingitis. Ibid., 110-112. — Kam. sey (I). ('.) Salicylic acid in the treatment of cerebro- spinal meningitis. St. LouisCour. Metl., 1884, xi, 97-100.— ICapisarda (O.) Due casi di meningite cerebro-spinale guariti col bromuro di potassio ad alte dosi. Arch. cliu. ital., Poma. 1884, xiv, 257-259. Also: Riv. cliu. e terap., Napoli, 1884, vi, 315-318. — Rcignier (G.) Meningite cer6bro-spinale a forme rabique. France med., Par., 1869, xvi. 394. — Kicaille. t Ann. Soc. d'auat. path, de Brux. Pull , 1875, 55-59. — Kichter. Zur Incubationszeit der Mining, epidemica. Breslan. arztl. Ztschr., 1887, ix, 161.— ISiekards. 1 Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1875, ii, 365.—von Hit. ter. Eiterig-faserstortige Entzundung der Meuingen der Hirnbasis und des Riickenmarks. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1851, xxxiii, 52-56.—Robinson (T.) A caso of cerebral meningitis. Metl. Exam., Lond., 1878, iv, 95. -----. Case of cerebro-spinal meningitis; autopsy. Lan- cet, Loml., 1880, ii, 612— Kodenstein (C. F.) Papers on "cerebrospinal meningitis''. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 71. -----. Thermometry in cerebro-spinal meningitis. Arch. Scient. & Pract. M. tfc S., N. Y., 1873, i, 210-222. Also, Reprint. — Koger. Bemerkungen iiber die von Herrn Dr. Rauipold mitgetkeilte Beobachtung von Cere- brospinalmeningitis. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurtfeinb. arztl. Ver, Stuttg., 1816, xvi, 85. — Kollo (J. B.) Meningite eerebto-espinhal (esporadica). Escholiaste med., Lish., 1863, xiv, 349-35L— Roosa (D. B. St. J.) (Cases of deaf- ness following cerebro-spinal meningitis.) Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,. 1874, n. s., lxviii, 377-400.—Kosenfeld (A.) Fall von Meningitis cerebrospinalis mit Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 1078.— Rosenthal (M.) Contrihu- zione alio studio della meningite cerebri) spiuale. [Transl. by E.Coeu.] Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1887, iv, 162-168.—Ross (G.) t Recovery. Canada M. tfc S. J., Montreal, 1872-3, i, 111-113.—Sachcro (O.) t Seguita da improvvisa apoples- sia capillare, con epicrisi. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1842, xv, 257-268.—Sanders. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 151-154.— Schcnk (K. A.) Chetire sluchaja tserebrospinalnago me- ningita. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb , 1881, i, 213-217.— Seifert (O.) Ein Fall von Myelitis nach Meningitis cere- bro-spinalis mit Doppelempfindung und deren giaphische Darstellung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1882, xxxii.785; 821.— Senator (H.) Ueber einige Fiille von iufectioser epide- miseherCeicbro.spinaliiieningitis, nebst Beinerkungen iiber die Diagnose dieser Krankheit. Charite-Ann. 1884, Berl., 1886, xi, 248-264.—Scnsenig (J. B.) t Piactitioner, Lan- caster, 1884, ii, 12. —!>»lia linei- (C.) A mild case of cere- bro-spinal nieningitis followed by blindness. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 520—Shaw (T.'W.) t Pittsburgh M. J., 1880-81, i, 136. —Sicherer (P. F.) Die gastrischen Fieber und die Cerebrospinalnieningitis. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1847, xvii, 245-247.—Silfverski- dld (P.) Om en epidemi af meningitis cerebrospinalis i Giiteborg 1883. Lira, Obteborg, 1886, x, 31; 73; 103,1 diag., 1 map.—Sil veslriiii (G.) t Gazz. med. ital., prov. vencte, Padova, 1876, xix, 137; 145.—Sinclair. Acute sporadic cerebro-spinal meningitis; death on the fourth day; ne- cropsy; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 312.—Skinner (C. M.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis again. Tin rap. (laz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s , i, 139-141.—Smith (C. W.) Report of a case of sporadic, malignant cerebro-spinal meningitis, with death in thirty-six hours. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1886-7, v, 493. — Smith (J. H.) Cerebro-spinal menin- gitis. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1874-6, St. Albans. 1877, 457- 475. — Smith (J. L.) Cerebrospinal meningitis. Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s., i, 239-246. Also: Cvcl. Pract. M. (Zieuissen), N. Y., 1881 (suppl.), 151-163.—Sokolowski (A.) t Medycyna, Warszawa, 1882, x, 339-344.-Southall (J. H.) Cercbro -spinal meningitis. Richmond & Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1872, xiv, 138-146.—Sporcr. t St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1866, x, 48-50.—Standthartuer. MENINGITIS. Meningitis (Cerebrospinal). t Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1875). 1876, 56.—SteiiibriijiJjc (II.) Dopp^lsoitige Labyiintherkran- kung wiihrend einer Cerebros]iinal-Meniiigitis. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1886, xvi, 229-237. —Steiner tfc IVeu- rentier. Krankheiten ties Kiickenmarkes. N'rtljschr. 1. d. prakt, Heilk., Prag, 1863, iii, 71-73.—Steward I Re- covery. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 128-i:u. — Slille. Cerebrospinal nieningitis. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila. (1856- 62), 1863, n. s.. iii, 104-100— Ntoltz. Meningite cerebro- spinale. congeiiitale, idiopathique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857. xxx, 395—Stone (J. O.) tt Inhis: Clinical cases, 8=>, X. V.. 1878, 73-78. —Stone (R. K.) Cerebrospinal meningitis. Boston M. & S. J.. 1849, xl, 297-299.-Smn- mere 11 ( L J.) t (Erysipelatous.) Med. J. X. Car.. E'len- ton,1858-9, i-ii. 349-354.—Sutton (W. H.) t With embolism. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, :;9'i-::96—Sweriugen (H. V.) t Obst, Gaz., Cincin., 1883, vi. 172. —Teleky (II.) Ueber Meningitis cerebrospinalis infectiosa. Wien. ined. BL, 1886, ix, 1535; 1570; 1605.—Tempiui (G.) Ln caso sporadico e fulminaute di nieningite cerebro-spinale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1872, 6. s., v, 237-241.— Thompson (H.) t Death. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 849.— Thomson ( XV. H.) Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878. xiv. 329. —Tildcn (G.) t Idiopathic. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc. Omaha, 1873, 7-9— Toriik (J.) t Gyogyaszat. Budapest. 1880, xx 289-292.—Tosquinel. Meningite ccrebro-spinaleepidemique. Arch. mod. beiges. Brux., 1886,3. s., xxx, 160-169. —Tranbe (L.) t (Ob tuber culoser Natur.') Ann. tl. Char.-Krankeuh. . . . zu Berl.. 1862-3, x. 2. Hft, 172-176. -----. Zur Lehre von der Cere- brospinal-Meningitis mit Beinerkungen iiber das Ver- halten und die diagnostisehe Wichtigkeit tier Temperatur- curve bei dieser Krankheit. Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Phy- siol., Berl., 1878, iii, 565 —Trenholme (E. II.) t Canada M. Rec.. Montreal, 1873-4. ii, 121— Trilcsski (A.) Cere- biospinal. meniugit v g. Ismaile. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 476; 497; 508.—Troisier. Meningite cerebro-spinale purulente. Bull. Sot . anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 608.—Tiiriibull (L.) Observations on the nature and treatment of the diseases of the eye in cerebro-spinal meningitis. Med. A Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1868, xviii, 205- 207.—Turner (F. C.) Spinal cords from two cases of cere- bro-spinal liieniDgitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv. 63. — Upham (J. B.) t Boston M. tfc S. J., 1867, lxxvi, 485-489. — Van Rclliiigheu. Meningite eerebro-rachi- tlienne, suite d'acces hysteriques : antiplilogistiquos; calo- mel: torsion abdominale; guerison. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1879, xxxi, 353-355. — Van Dewalker ( J. G. ) Cerebrospinal nieningitis. [Treatment by Calabar bean.] Chicago M. Times, 1872, iv, 54-57.— Van Iloiilcn (J. A.) Celt -bro -spinal meningitis, the result of an abscess opening into the spinal canab N. York M. J., 1877, xxv, 182.— Vcrliac. Meningite cerebro-spinale. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par.. 1863. xxxviii. 110-112.—Vinogradov (K.) t Protok. zasaitl. Obsh. russk. vrach. v St. Petersb., 1877-8, xliv, 40-54. — Voronich (X.) Ob izinienii mejpozvonoch. chi iatsha pi i meningitis cerebro-spinalis. [On the changes of the sninal cord in cerebrospinal meningitis ] Voyenuo- med. J.," St. Petersb., 1877. cxxix. pt. 2. 251-206.—Webber (S. G.) t Boston M. & S. J. (1872). 1873. lxxxvii, 96. -----. Three cases of cerebral meningitis from different causes. Ibid., 1879, ci, 357-362— Weichselbauni (A.) Gehirn- abscesse bei Meningitis cerebro-spinalis. Ber. d. k. k. Kraukenanst, Rudolph Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884. 381 — Weiver (,L B.) Salicylic acid in cerebro-spinal nieningi- tis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 410.—Welch (S.) Cerebrospinal meningitis. Med. Herald, Louisville. 1882-3, iv, 443.—Westmoreland (J. G.) Cerebro-spinaJ nieningitis; its pathology and treatment. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta. 1873, xxiv. 132-137. -----. Cerebro-spi- nal meningilis. Atlanta M. Hvdroi-hachisrheumatica. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1*50, ii,'490-492.—Collin (J. G.) Om inflammation i rygg- margeu och dess hinnor bos barn. Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1843, v, 6J7-641. — Colsoii (E.) t Recovery. Lancet, Lond., MENINGITIS. 133 MENINGITIS. Heniiig'iti* (Spinal). 1879, ii, 275.—Concato. Meningite spinale renniaticii diffusa, Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1865, iv, 193-210.—Coruil (V.) Anatomiepathologique de la (lure-mere dansle mal de I'titt; inflammation ehronitpie des vaisseaux lymphatiques de cette membrane. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1873, Par., 1875, 5. s.. v, 363-367. -----. Pachynieiiingite spinale ca- seeuse; localisation des foyers caseeux dans les cspaces lymphatiques Lull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1874, xlix. 605.— Cotlin^ ill. E.) A case of abscess in the cerebellum and meningeal disease of the spinal cord. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1861-2, lxv. 381-385. Also.- Kxtr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Im- ptove. (1859-01), 1862, iv, 255-25!).—Cowan (P.) Hvdro- racliitis. Glasgow M. J., 1830. iii. 326.—Ci-osliciy (H.) Case of spinal meningitis, treated by quinine ami opium, with mercurial iuuncf ion : recovery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliii. 115-119.—I»ay (XV. H.f Spinal meningitis in a child following spinal concussion; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i. 770.—Delconr (J.) Recherches sur la nfeuingo-ent ephalite des enfants. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1844, xiii, 43-49. — Belmotle. Meniiigo-niyelite aigue; absence de desordres fonctionnels. Ann. de metl. beiges, Brux., 1837, i, 2-4.—Bowse (T. S. 1 Abridged notes of cases of nieiiingti-niyelitis. Lancet, Lond, 1876, i, lli8.—Biimolai-d. Meningite cervicale bvpertrophique. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1877, 4. s., vi. 333. — Biincan (J. F.) Spinal arachnitis; its diagnosis; rarity of the idiopathic form; its epidemic appearance; appropriate treatment. Dublin M. Press, 1848. xix. 369-371.—Dunlop. Meningitis caused bv penetration of a fish-bone into the spinal canal. Brit. M.J.. Lond., 1879, i, 289. Also.- Glasgow M. ,L, 1870, xi, 247.—Elliott (G. F.) Case of chronic spinal meningitis after a fall; improvement. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 725.— Esqucrdo y Esqnrrilo (P.) Meningitis espinal aguda. In his: Lccc. de clin. med.. 8°, Parcel., 1879, 5-28.—Fa- een (J.) Meningite rachiilea acuta. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1851, 3. s.. ii. 29-31.—Feith. Pachymenin- gitis interna cerebro-spinalis ; paralytische Geisteskrank heit. AIL. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc'., Berl., 1864, xxi, 271- 278.—Fieber (F.) t t Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1x73), 1874, 238. —Forrest (XV. H.) Meningitis of the spinal cord. Lond. M. & S. .L, 1834, iv, 306.—For- rcster(W.) Case of acute spinal meningitis. Richmond tfc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1874, xvii, 511-517. — Fox (E. L.) Cases illustrating some of the lesions included under the term spinal meningitis. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 682-684.—von Franqnc (A.) Leber Meningitis spina- lis. Cor.-Bl. d. Yer. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1862, 17.— Cianiie. fipidemie de congestion rachidieune, observee a Xiort. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1858, 5. s., xi. 1-10. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 9.— (»oli«. Beobachtungen iiber die Entziindung der Riickenmarks- haute der Kinder, mid die Zellgewebsverhartung. Med.- chir. Ztg., Salzb.,1815, iv, 125-128.—<»ro«Ktcrii (W.) Pe- lipachymeniiigitis spinalis. Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1877. xxiii, 1; 17.—Oiill(U') Paraplegic rigidity of the mus- cles of the upper and lower extremities from limited arach- nitis of the cervical portion of the cord ; the affection of the upper extremities preceding that of the lower for some months. (lev's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1856. 3. s., ii, 165— 168, lpl. — IIa*sc't.C. E.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855. vii. 309.—Heck. Meningitis spinalis thoracica. Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1847, 171-174.—Helm (E. C.) Spinal meningitis. Cincin. Lancet'ix(H.) "Observations pourservir a l'his- toirc de la nieningite tuberculeuse chez lis adultes. 4C. Means. 1873. (Laldin (G.) ' Di- nieningitide tuberculosa. 8-. Berolini. [1*40]. Tleniiigiti* (Tubercular). (.Ki:i)i:s (A.) * Leber Meningitis tuberculosa der Kinder, s . Wiirzburg, 187)4. Gezymatto ( B.) * De nieningitide tubercu- losa infantum. 8-. Petropoli, 187,4. Golli.ox ( H. ) * De meningitide granulosa. 8; . Jena; 187,9. Hahn* ( H. ) De la meningite tuberculeuse etndice au point de vue clinique. Monographic couronnee. 8°. Paris, 187)3. Also [Abstr.]. in.- Bull. Soe. de med. deGand, 1853, xx. 198-218. -----. The same. Die Meningitis tubercu- losa. "-. Kbln. 187,7. Heidemaxx (II. 1'.. R.) * Dc nieningitide tu- berculosa infaiitiiini acuta, n-. Berolini, [1H.")4]. Hessekt. * Feber tuberkulose Meningitis. s -. Wurzburg, 1860. Also, in: Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1860. i, 315-343. Jakob (A. R. H.) *De nieningitide tubercu- losa infantiuni. Hc. Berolini, [I860]. Juviiixv (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la nieningite tuberculeuse du nouveau-n6 et de l'adulte. 4 '. Paris. 1886. Kothek (J.) * Felicr Meningitis tuberculosa. 8-. Bonn, [1872]. Lacombe (T.-B.) *Dcla nieningo-encephalite tuberculeuse des enfants. 4°. Paris, I860. Le Diberder (Y.) * Sur l'affection tubercu- leuse aigue de la pie-mere chez les adultes, mala- die coiinue chez les enfants sous les nonis d'hy- drocephale aigue, fievre cerebrale, meningite, in^uingo-ence'phalite, nieuingite grauuleuse on tuberculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1837. Le Rorx (J.) * De la meningite tuberculeuse de l'enfance. 4-. Paris, 1877. Makiikr ( G. F. R. ) * De meningitide tu- berculosa. rs5. Berolini, [1(363]. Martin (J.-B.) *Sur l'anatomie patholo- gique de la nieningite tuberculeuse et sur les diverses phases qu'a- parcoiirues son histoire de- puis les premieres observations qui en out ete faites jusqu'a nos jours. 4°. Paris, 1870. Maurel (T.-H.) * De la nieningite tubercu- leuse, ou fievre cerebrale chez les enfants. 4-. Paris, 187,3. Mehi-axt (C.-F. ) * De la meningite aigue tuberculeuse des enfants. 4C. Strasbourg, 1844. Mf'iisAM (J.) * Fiinf Fiille von Meningitis tuberculosa. 8°. Berlin, [1^74]. Pieper (O.) " Fiinf Fiille von Meningitis tu- berculosa. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Piet (J.-A.) *8ur la nieningo-cephalite tu- berculeuse des enfants (hvdroc6phale aigue). 4°. Paris, 1836. Pivent (J.-B.-A.) *l)e la meningo-encepha- lite tuberculeuse (fievre cerebrale des enfants). 4°. I'aris, 187,2. Poxtis(J.-B.) * De la meningite tuberculeuse chez les enfants. 4-. Paris, 1851. Pott (R.) Llua'stiones de symptoinatibns me- ningitidis tuberculosa*, puerorum. 8:. Halts Sax., [_1876,-\. PkoL( het (A.) * Etude de la meningite tu- berculeuse. 4°. Paris, 1866. Rkdier (J.-M.) * Quelques observations (l'af- fection tuberculeuse aigue de la pie-mere chez des adultes. 4°. Paris, 1871. Kexih* (H.) * Recherches cliniques et ana- toiniques sur les paralysies liees a la nieningite tuberculeuse. 4 . Paris, 1-73. -----. The same, s . Parti, 1874. Rodemieimer (R.) * Ueber Meningitis tu- berculosa. 8-. Tubingen, 1886. Sakellario (G.) *De meningitide tubercu- losa. 8\ Berolini, [185")]. Saltix (F. V.) * Iakttagelser of ver meningi- lis tuberculosa hos barn. 8C. Hclsingfors, 1864. MENINGITIS. 135 MENINGITIS. Meningitis (Tubercular). Sarlix (Y.-A.) * De la nieningite tubercu- leuse. 4. Paris, 1848. .Savouret (P.) *Dc rencephalo-meningite tuberculeuse, ou fievre cerebrale des enfants. 4°. Paris, 1853. Schlesixuer (S.) * Observationes circa me- ningitidem tuberculosam infantum. 8°. Bno- lini, [187,0]. Schuh (L.) * Feber autochthone Hirnarte- rienthrombose als Ursache halbseitiger Motili- tiitsstorungen bei Meningitis basilaris tubercu- losa. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1874. Seitz (J.) Die Meningitis tuberculosa der Erwachscnen. 8°. Berlin, 1874. Seitz (P.) * Ueber Meningitis tuberculosa der Kinder. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1864. Sergiu (D.) * La nieuingite tuberculeuse des adultes. 4°. Paris, 1866. SiCH'nxu (O.) *De meningitide tuberculosa. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1^65]. Sorxas (F.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude cli- nique de la meningite tuberculeuse a forme de delirium tremens. 4 . Paris, 1886. 8teixbach (R.) * Ueber die Ursachen der Meningitis tuberculosa. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1878. Yiard (L.) Contribution a l'etude de la me- I ningite tuberculeuse chez l'adulte. 4°. Paris, 1881. Yivaxt (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la meningite tuberculeuse chez Fadulte, forme apo- plectique. 4C. I'aris, 1886. "Weissexfels (P.) "Meningitis tuberculosa. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1882. Wessberger (G.) * Beitrag zur pathol. Ana- toniie mid Aetiologie von Meningitis tuberculosa infantum. 8C. Wiirzburg, [1880?] Woktmaxx (J.) * Beitrag zur Meningitis tu- berculosa und der Gehirntuberculose im Kindes- alter. [Strasbuig.] h ■-'. Leipzig, 188?,. Also, in : Jahrb. t. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1883, n. F.. xx. 300- 340. A. Du traitement et de la prophvlaxie de la meningite tuberculeuse. Gaz. metl. de Par.,'1871, 3. s., xxvi, 412; 420.—Albeis (J.V. H.) Tuberculosis der Pia mater; Bliitmangel des Gehirns; olighamisches Hydrocephaloid. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 467-409.—Arnold (A.B.) Tubercular nieningitis. Med. & Surg. Keporter, Phila., 1867. xvi, 206-209.—Bandera (J. M.j Ln caso de me- ningitis tuberculosa. Gac. med., Mejico, 1886, xxi, 70-73.— It aire 11 (H.) On some cases of tubercular meningitis. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1879, Lond.. isso. x. 007-626.— Barth. Meningite peut-etre tuberculeuse'' Guerison. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1877. 47-54. — Baslinn (H. C.) THbercular meningitis and otorrhcea, with small fibro- -eellular growths from the dura mater. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866-7, xviii, 4. -----. Portions of pia mater from a case of tubercular meningitis. Ibid., 21. -----. On the pathologv of tubercular meningitis. Edinb. M. J., 1866-7, xii. 875-901, 1 pi. AIso, Reprint.— Baxter (E. 15.) Cer- ebral fever ending in death ; optic neuritis an early symp- tom ; meningeal tuberculosis without meningitis. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1878, i, 295.—Bergcret. Fibrome disse- mine des meninges ; hvpeihydrurie. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de L.\on (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 2, 175- 178.—Bemeaiideaux. Meningite tuberculeuse. Gaz. med. de Nantes. 1883-4, ii, 152-154 — Bertalot (A.) Le- j ber Meningitis tuberculosa bei Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kin- ! derh., Leipz., 1876, ix, 227-258. — Bierbaum (J.) Me- ningitis tuberculosa. [12 cases.] J. f. Kinderkr., Er- lang., 1860, xxxv, 63: 1863. xii, 168: 1866, xlvii, 61: 1868, 1, 90. -----. Aetiologie der MeniDgitis tuberculosa. Ibid., 1871, lvii, 273-371. -----. Die Prognose der Meningitis tuberculosa. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1871, xxiii, 102; 110. -----. Geschichtlicher RiicKblick auf die Menin- gitis tuberculosa. Ibid., 221; 233; 244. -----. Patholo- gische Physioiogie der Meningitis tuberculosa. Ibid., 261; 279; 290; 297. -----. Auatomischer Character der Meningitis tuberculosa. Ibid., 1873, xxv, 81-84.— Bit- Hare (A.) Mriviyyiri'; kokkojSj)? ij $v/u.aTioS)7S. 'Ao-kAt;- ttios, Aefivai, 1871-2, x, 98-116. — Blache (R.) Menin- gite tuberculeuse; guerison. Tribune med., Par., 1875, viii, 195-197.—Blasi (P.) Caso di meningite tnbercolosa al 2° stadio portato a guarigioue. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1864, 2. s., xxiii, 599-601. -----. Delia termonie- tria nella meningite tubercolare dei bambini Bull.d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1882, viii, 368-389. — Bock (K. E.) Meningitis (Tubercular). Tuberkulose mit Meningitis. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 324.—Bukai (J.) Granulbse Meningitis mit Hirnhoh- lenwassersucht und weisser Gehirnerweichung; lobulare Pneunionie der rechten Lunge und Pleuropneumonie der linken, mit tuberculbser Infiltration. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1861-2. v, 99-108. — Booth (J. M.) Case of tuber- cular meningitis. Edinb. M. J., 1882-3, xxviii, 090-694.— Borland (J. XT.) Tubercular meningitis, with general tuberculosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxix, 145-148.— Bouclint (E.) Tubercules de la chorolde et tuberculose gener79. c, 229.—Dawson (V.) Tubercular me- ningitis in an infant: necropsy. Lancet. Loud., 1884. i, 660—Day (XV. H.) On tubercular meningitis and the mode of treatment. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 339- 348.—Debove. Note sur la meningite spinale tubercu- leuse. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. (L hop. de Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv. 2S5-288. Also: Lnion m6d., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvii, 696-699. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1879, vii, 37 — Dclatield i F.) Tubercular nieningitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 306. — Delauy (J. J.) Tubercular men- ingitis: atrophy of the kidney. N. Yoik M. J., 1878, xxviii, 385-387.—Deschanips'. De la meningite tuber- culeuse ultimo simulant l'hemorrhagie cortieale ou me- niugee. France med.. Par., Is77. xxiv, 577: 585.— !>«'•»- croizille*. Meningite tuberculeuse : autopsie. Ibid., 1884, ii, 1155-1161. —Douli-ele|toiit. Fall von Menin- gitis tuberculosa nach Lupus ; 1 ubt rkt lhacillen itn Blute. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 98.-Drazic. Tuberculosis liteiiingum, pulmonum et glandularuni lym- phaticanini. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843. 1261- 1264.— Dreyfus. Tuberculose meningee: autopsie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. *., iii, 75.— Dubar (L.) Meningite cerebro-spinale tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1879, 4. s.. iv. 240-243. Also: Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 834.—Du Castel. Menin- gite tuberculeuse du lobule paracentral. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1884, 3. s.. i. 250-254. Also: Gaz. hebd. tie med.. Par., 1884, 2. s., xxi, 450-452.— Duilou. Meningite tuberculeuse; guerison; reeidive trois ans et, demi apres: guerison ; nouvelle recidivo six mois plus taul ; mort. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1876, 95-98. [Discussion], 98-101.— Duiai'iliii-Keaiimetz. Meningite tuberculeuse: ar- ret tlans la man-he tie la maladie : guerison des symptomes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hopi de Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 256-261. Also: Lnion med., Par.. 1879, 3. s., xxvii, 469-474.—Dupart-que. Meningite tuberculeuse. Gaz. hebd. denied., Pur., 1855, ii, S39-842.—Earle (C. W.) Tu- bercular nieningitis. <'hitago M. J. & Exam., 1879, xxxix, 11-24, 1 pi.—E«lle'«.< u (G.') Leber Meningitis tubercu- losa und Tuberculose im Kindcsalter. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Sehlosw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1879, 51-02. —Engel (H.) Tubercular meningitis. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, liii, 57-61. —Eskriilge (J. T.) Tubercular cere- bro-spiual meningitis. Ibid., 1883, xlix, 9; 40: 65. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 18s 1-3. 3. s., vi, 307-352. Also.- J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. V., 1883, viii, 275-303. —I'" a i sans (L.) Meningite tuberculeuse; lesion circonscrite tin lo- bule paracentral a droite ; hemiplegie gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 277-279. Also: Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 574. — Fen wick (J. C. J.) Three cases of cerebral disease: with a table of cases of tubercular meningitis. St. George's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1875, vii, 29-37, 1 tab.— liusjei-. Tuberculose Meningitis mit Hydrocephalus und Gehirnerweichung, plbtzlich todtend. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1858, iv, 10. — Fin- layson. Tubercular meningitis in an adult: progress of case: post-mortem. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 234-230.— Finny, t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv, 259-261. — Fish (J. C. ) tt St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1867, iii, 402- 408.—de Fleury (M.) Meningite tuberculeuse. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 76.— Foueart (E.) Me- ningite piobablemt nt tuberculeuse guerie. France med., Par., 1879. xxvi, 466. —von Franque (A.) Leber Me- ningitis ciTcbro-spinalis tuberculosa. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. I's.vchiat., etc., Neuwied, 1864, xi, 97-102.— Froniiiiillcr sen. Meningeal-Tuberkulose. Memora- bilieu, Heilbr., 1875, xx, 247-249.— Fuchs (('. H.) tt In his: Ber. ii. d. med. Klin, zu Gfitting., 1853-4, 8°, Gotting., 1885. — Fussell. Tubercular meningitis in an adult; difficulties of diagnosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 13.— Gaii-dner. t Instructive difficulties in diagnosis. Glas- gow M. J., 18,8, s, 151.—halliard (L.) Aphasie, symp- tome initial de la meuingile tuberculeuse; amas de tuber- cules au niveau ties scissnres de Sylvius et de Rolando du cote gauche, et des circonvolutions avoisinantes, sans alteration de la substance cerebrale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. Issl, lvi, 204-206. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1881, ix. 703—Galliaux. Meningite tuberculeuse cerebro- spinale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 435-437. Also: Progres med.. Par.. 1881, ix, 239. — Gatli (F.) Le forme anoinale di meningite tubercolare nell' adulto. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, ]s,s5, vi, 274; 284; 290; 299; 315; 323.—Gau- cher (E.) Meningo-encephalite tuberculeuse, localisee autour de remergence du nerf facial; hemiplegie faciale directe et complete. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1879, 4. s., iv, 30.—Gee (S. J.) Tubercular meningitis. Syst. Med! (Reynolds). Lond., 1868, ii, 371-396. — Gel in Can. Me- ningite tuberculeuse. Lev. de therap. metl.-chir. Par 1879, xlvi, 04-92 -Gerhard (W. W.) On the history of tuberculous nieningitis. Med. Exam., Phila., 1840, iii, 293-295.—Gibb* (O. C.) Pathology and treatment of tu- bercular meningitis. Nelson's North. Lancet, Platlsburg, N. Y.. 1853-4, viii, 23-25. -----. On meningeal tubercu- losis. Am. M. Mouth., N. Y., 1856, v, 1-12. — Gibson nieningitis (Tubercular). ( F. XV.) t Autopsy. Brit. M. J„ Lond.. I860, i, 75._ Giscaro. t Guerison apparente; rechutedixjotirs apres- guerison definitive. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1879, xiii, ;ql 48—Godard. t Tubercules dans lest tins, Interns, etc. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 221-225.—Grabaclicr! M*eni ns: it is tuberculosa cum hvtlrocophalo subacute. Metl Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1845, li, 03.—Gru*.! *ct (J.) Deux observations de meningite tuberculeuse. I. Lesions du cervelet; vertigo, nystagmus. II. Lesions tie la zone motrice cortieale ; heniiplegic I ransitoii e. Mont pel. med., 1878, xii, 48-59.-Green (P. H.) Observations on the tubercular meningitis of children, with preliminary remarks on hydrocephalus. Lancet, Lond.. IS35-6 ii -'ij:j'_ 276. Also, transl: Mag. f. d. gt s. Heilk.. Bcil, 1837 xlviii, L9-232.-----. ft Lancet. Lund.. 1837-s ii 536- 1839-40, ii, is:',.—Greenfield (W. S) tt Ibid., Is74 j" 833; 904.—Grimes (G.J.) t Tr. Georgia M. Ass., Atlanta! 1878, xxix, 59-63.—Guarnieri (G.) Osserva/.ioni istolo- giche sulla nieningite tubercolare. Bull. tl. r. Accad. med di Roma, 1882, viii, 129-133. -----. Note istologiche sulla meningite tubercolare. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1883-4,' vii, 59-70, 1 pi.—Guillauinet. Meningite c6re- bro-spinale tuberculeuse; tuberculose generalisee (pou- nion, plevres, foie, rein); pericardite adhesive tubercu- leuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 758-704.— Gussnei- (C.) Meningitis baseos cerebri et spinalis tu- berculosa ; myelomalacia ; tuberculosis pulmonum rctro- grada. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 119-121.-Gun- man n. Phn Fall von Meningitis tuberculosa (hydro- cephalic;!) mit Erweichung und theilweiscr Verhartung ties groHsen uud kleincn Gebirn. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. vriirt- temi). arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1848, xviii, 97-103.—Hahn. Recherches sur la meningite tuberculeuse et sur le traite- ment de cette maladie. Arch. gen. denied., Par., 1819, 4. S , xx, 385: xxi, 43. —liaison (G. J.) Case of tubercular meningitis, with softening around the centrii les of the brain, large cavity in the summit of the right lung, and deposit of grav granulations in the left lung. Med. Exam., Phila., 1839, ii, 6/8-680. — ilayem (G.) Note sur deux cas de meningite spinale tuberculeuse lice a la tuberculose miliaire generalisee. Compt.. rend. Soc. do biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 2S7-29L —Ilcngst (I). A.) ♦ Med. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 150. —Hcn- nig. t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1849, i, 35. — Henoch (E.) Zur Pathologie der Meningitis tuberculosa tier Kin- der. Charite-Ann. 1877, Berl., 1879, iv, 517-526. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1879, ii, 717; 750. '■-----. Meningitis tu- berculosa. Charite-Ann. 1882, Berl., 1884, ix, 596-599. Also, transl: Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli. 1885, iii, 9-11.— Hervev. Meningite tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii. 498-501. — Hill (XV. R.) t t Brit. M.J., Loud., 1860, ii, 836-838—Hii-ons (J. B.) Tubercular meningitis. Nashville J. M. tfc S., 1886, n. s., xxxvii, 195- 198.—Iloehhaus (II.) Ein Beitrag zur Diagnose der eitrigen und tuberculosen Hirnhautentzuiuliing. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 10.—vou Horing. Tuber- kulose; chronische latente Hirnhautentziiiidiiusr. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1861. xxxi, 336.— II u rd (A.) Tubercular meningitis. Detroit Lancet, 1879, n. s., ii, 83-95. — Husson. Meningite granuleuse : affec- tion organique du euur ; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, xi, 91. [Rap. dt: Tessier], 98.—Hutchinson (J. H.) Tubercle of the meninges and of the kidney. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila.. 1857-60. i. 231. -----. Tubercular meningitis. Med. Gaz., N. Y.. lssn, vii. 261. -----. Case of tubercular meningitis suddenly developed in an adult. Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 386. — Ilu ! inel. Meningite cerebro- spinale tuberculeuse; tuberculose generalisee. Bull. Sot:. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 390-394.— Jaccoud (S.) Sur la meningite tuberculeusedel'adnlte. In his: Lectins dcclin. med., 8°, Par.. 1885, 349-363. -----. Meuingi'te cerebro- spinale tuberculeuse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887. Ix. 250.— Jackson (J. B. S.) Tubercular meningitis in the adult. N. Eng. ('. J. M. & S., Bost., 1842-3, i, 211-221. -----. Tu- bercular meningitis in the adult. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi, 366.—Jailelot. t Autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1843. 2. s., v, 454. A ho, transl..- J. 1. Kinderkr., Berl., 1844, ii, 53-59. — J anikowski (A.) 0 zapalenia gruzt-1 howein blou mozgowych u dzieci (meningitis tuberculosa). Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1838-9, ii, 391-411.—Jaqiics (H. P.) t Autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1885, cxiii, 5-7. Also: Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1885, viii, 365-374. — Jenncr. Case of acute tubercular meningitis. Med. Times & (biz., Lond., 1860, ii, 504. -----. Case of chronic tubercular me- ningitis. Ibid., 505— Jotli-oy it I.cniez. Meningo-en- cephalite tuberculeuse localisee : hemorrhagic cerebrale. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par. (1871), 1873, xlvi, 208-212.-John- ston (W. W.) Tubercular meningitis; caseous muss at apex of lung; miliary tubercle in pia mater, .spleen, etc. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1876, iii, 50-58.— Ii abler ( O. ) Leber Wurzelnenritis bei tuberculoser Basilarineningitis. Brag. med. Wchnschr., 18h7, xii, 33- 35.—Kieinanu. Meningitis tuberculosa ; To I. Ber. d. k. k. Kraiikenanst. Uudolph-Stiftuug in Wien (ISSO). 1881, 281. -----. Meningitis tuberculosa basilaris; Toil. Ibid., 284.-----. Meningitis basilaris tuberculosa: Tuberculosis chronica pulmonum etrenum; Tod. Ibid., 285-287. ----• MENINGITIS. 137 MENINGITIS. Mening iti* (Titbercula r). Meningitis tuberculosa chronica in fossa Sylvii sinist sub- sequente nieningitide basilari receute ; Pneumonia lobu- laris ; Tuberculosis chronicapulmonum intestinuin et glan- dularum lymphaticarum ; Tod. Ibid., 287. -----. Me- ningitis basilaris tuberculosa; Tuberculosis veins apicum pulmonum et glandularuni bronchial.: cystitis incipiens; Tod. Z&irf., 289.-----. Meningitis tuberculosa : tubercu- losispulm. ; Tod. Ibid. (1882), 1883. ::65.—Kuowles (H.) t Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 357.—| Roller & Schmidt.] Me- iiingitislubercnlosaeum exfoliationeossiunieranii. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1863, vi, 186-189.—Kreiiser. Meningi- tis granulosa. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1866, xxxvi, 299.— Lnnccrennx. Meningite tuberculeuse: encephalite. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1870, xliii, 401.—Ijaiidouzy (L.) Meningite tuberculeuse chez un enfant; absence de symptomes; ganglions axillaires nie- senteriques et thoracitpiescaseeux, sans lesiou notable des visceres; rapports entre la caseification gunglionnaire et la meningite tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873; xlviii, 8-12. -----. Meningite tuberculeuse. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1884. lvii, 169. — I>arsen. Meningitis tuberculosa. Norsk Mag. f. Lnegevidensk., Christiania, 1866, xx, 1024- 1026—Iiearcd (A".) Cerebral disease, apparently tuber- cular meningitis: recoverv. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 121. — Ltederer ( L ) Ein Beitrag zur Meningitis tuberculosa. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1882, n. F., xix, 179-188. — I.ee*. Tubercular meningitis. Dublin (J, J. M.Sc, 1854, xvii, 448.—I^egendre. De la nieningite tu- beiculeuseetudieeau point de vue elinique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1852, x, 73 ; 129 : 217 : 328 : 592; 669. Also .- Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1852. ii, 333: iii. 26; 212: iv, 60.— I>eger ( H. ) Convulsions pai tielles precedees d'une aura et premonitoires de meningite tuberculeuse Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens. 1885, iii, 38. — IjCi-oiix (C.) De la meningite tuberculeuse de l'adulte. J. d. conn. med. prat.. P;>'. 1884. 3. s.. vii, 257. — Levy (M.) Me- moire sur ' cas d'affection tuberculeuse aigue de la pie-m'-:, chez les adultes. [Rap. de Rothoux.] Bull. "...til. denied., Par., 1847-8, xiii, 1134-1139.—Lewis (M. J.) Tubercular meningitis, with a tubercle granulation on the floor of the fourth ventricle. Tr. Path. Soc. Plila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 172-176.— I.iaiiilier. Meningite tu- berculeuse chez l'adulte. France med., Par., 1882, i, 726- 728. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 131- 133.— l.imasset. Mal de Pott; n^ningite tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc med. de Reims. 1868. No. vi, 75-81— l.ioiiville (H.) Faits de nieuingites cerebro-spinales tuberculouses. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1869. Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 296; 347. j -----. Meningite cerebro-spinale tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 133. — Liowcnstauiiii. Zur Meningitis tuberculosa. Med. chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 118. -----. t Ibid., Is78. xiii, 124. — Lootin. Contribution a l'etude de la granulie; earacteres qui la distinguent de la meningite tuberculeuse et de la fievre tvphoide: curabilite tie cette affection. Bull. med. du n'ord, Lille, 1876, xv, 33-42. —i-orey (C.) t Bei einem ein- | jiihrigen Knaben. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes.. d. Kraiikenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf., 1869, xiii, 89.— Vlacleod (G. H. B.) Symptoms of tubercular meningi- tis in an adult, suddenly'developed, during treatment for simple fiat ture of the tliigh. Glasgow M. J., 1871-2, 4. s., iv, 13. — Macneven (W. H.) t N. York J. M., 1849, ii, 306-312.—ITIader (J.) Tuberculosis mening. et eorticis cerebri primal ii subebrouica in regione superiori; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kraukenanst. Rudolph-Stiftuug in Wien (1877), Is78. i's-_>. ------. Meningitis tuberculosa mit unge- wrihnlichem Vei lanf. Ibid. (1878), 1879, 293. ------. Menin- gitis tuberculosa mitungewohnlichemVerlauf. Metl.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1880, xv, 520. ------. Meningitis tuber- culosa; ungewohiilichelnitialerscheiniingen; Tod. Ibid., 1886, xxi, 340.—.Vlaguaii. Note sur une observation de meningite tuberculeuse ceiebro-spinale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869. Par., 1870. 5 s., i, 284-287— Maliiisleu. Fall af nieningitis tuberculosa cerebro-spinalis cum spon- dylarthrocaee tuberculosa. Liirh. v. Svens. liik.-Siill.sk. Sammank. 1850-51, Stockholm, 1852, 78. — tlauouvricz (A.) Observation de granulie de forme cerebrale. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1876, xvi, 161-166. — M artel (E.) Meningite tuberculeuse a la suite du redri'ssement dune fausse ankylose du geuou. Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 674. ------. Curabilite de la meningite tuberculeuse. Lev. internat. d. sc. med., Par.. 1880, iii, 287-294. — iVfathieu (A.M.) Meningite tuberculeuse cerebro-spinale. France med., Tar., 1882, ii, 793-796.— VI a librae. Meniugite tuberculeuse; evolution anor- male. Gaz. med. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 315-317.—tl a jr. t Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1859-60, iii, 259-260.— Tied in (0.) Om nieningitis tuberculosa hos spada barn. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1883, xv, no. 26, 1-30. ------. Den tuberkulbsa nieningitens behandling med jodoformsalva. Svens. Liik. Sitllsk. u. Handl., Stockholm. 1886, 201-206.— iVIichelacci (M.) Orronienite tubercolare. Sperimen- tale. I- ii'iize, D79, xliii, 14. — .Vlickle (W.J.) On men- ingeal tuberculosis of the cerebral convex it v. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1882, i. 377-379. —Millijjan (W.) t Lancet, Lond., 1883. ii, 900.—Mills (C. K.) Localised tubercular meningitis, with cortical softening; involvement of the tVIeiiiiig'itiw (Tubercular). centres for the limbs aud face. Brain. Lond., 1879-80, ii, 554-500. -----. Localised tubercular meuingitis with cor- tical softening; involvement of oro-lingual centres: in- ternal pachy-meningitis of the opposite hemisphere. Ibid., 560-563. -----. Tubercular meningitis : disseminated mil- iary tuberculosis. J. Nerv. & Ment, Dis.. X. Y.. 1887, xiv, 359.—Mills (C. K.) us les noms tie meningite, arachnitis, hydrocephale aigue des enfants et eu particulier sur la meningite granuleuso ou tuberculeuse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837. 2. s., v. 273-283. Also: Ann. de med. beige. Brux., 1837, ii. 232-247. —Por- ter (W.) & Pisehel \\V. E.) Tubercular meningitis; dilatation of the pulmonary artery. Proc, St. Ltfuis M. Soc. Missouri. 1878, i, 219.—Posailski (S. V.) K kazuist. pervich. bugorchat. vospalen. miatkoi mozgovi obolochki (meningitis tuberculosa). Ejened. klin. gaz., St, Petersb., 1886, vi, 221; 212. —Prud'hoiiime. Attaques anteii- eurcs de delirium tremens: tuberculis ttion miliaire; mala- die de Bright; meningite ultimo. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1870, xliii, 261— Radelitle. Case of strumous meningitis of obscure character. L-nicer, Lond., 1869. i, 602. — Kauten- ber;j. Meningitis tuberculosa ohne Voihandeiisein eines kiisigt-n Heerdes. St. Petersb. med. Zlschr.. 1869, xvi, 228-231. — Raymond ( F.) Meningite tuberculeuse de l'adulte. Progres med., Par.. 1881, ix, 787. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 18sl. bv, 883. —Raymond (P.) Meningite tuberculeuse de l'adulte; aphasie transitoire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885. Ix, 84-86. Also: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 333 —Raynaud, t Bull. Soc. anat, do Par., 1860, xxxv, 167-169.—Recainier. Cephalalgie; douleurs des lombes; stupeur; contraction des nieinbres thoraciqiies suivie de resolution et d'un letourde la rigidite museu- laire: arachnitis; tubercules en dehors de la (lure-mere lachidienne. Rev. med. franc, et etranir., Par.. 1825, iii, 105-168.—Rcibel. Meningites tuberculeuses ; leur cura- bilite. Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1880, xiv, :>j_37. — Reimer. Meningitis tuberculosa. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1877, xi, 2-10.—Rendu (H.) Meningite MENINGITIS. 13S MENINGOCELE. Jlciiiiiiiiti* (Tubercular). tuberculense cerebro-spinale: predominance des symp- tomes spinaux; lesions eoutlnentes au niveau du renfle- nient lombaire, ties peu accentuees sur leiicephale. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1883), 1884 vii. 2-9. Also: France metl., Par., 1883. i, 109; 181.—Richardson (J. B.) Tubercular cerebral meningitis. St. Louis M. & S. J.. 1880. xxxix, 700-703. ------. Tubercular cerebral men- ingitis. Louisville M. News, 1885, xix, 225-233. — Ricuis- IjijjIi. Ohservatioii dun cas de tuberculose des menin- ges; autopsie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux.. 1880, 3. s., xvii, 237-242.—Rilliet. Nonvelles recherches sur la menin- gite tuberculeuse chez les enfants. Gaz. med. de far., 1840. 3. s.. i. 4; 22: 872; 894. Also: Ann. de metl beige. Brux., 1840, j, 67: 244: iv, 224: 367. Also, transl: J. f. Kintlerkr.. Berl., 1816, vi, 255-275. Also, transl: Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Metl.. Chir. u. Geburtsh.. Ziirich, 1847. 69: 1818, 372. ------. De la guerison de la nieningite tuberculeuse. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1853. 5. s., ii, 641-674. -----. Dc la guerison de la nieningite tuberculeuse. Aetes Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1855, iii, 126-159.—Roger (G.-H.) t Rev. mens. d. mal. tie I'enf. Par., 1886, iv, 14-24, 1 pi.—Rosko- tcu t(). J.) t Peoria M. Month., 1884-5. v, 23-25.— Ross (G.) Case of acute general tuberculosis, fatal by menin- gitis. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1876-7, v, 59-61. j -----. t Ibid.. 258-202. -----. tt Ibid . 1881-2, x, 344-347.— Rou»»ean. I'll cas lie guerison de nieningite granti- | huse. Lneephale. Par., 1882, ii, 460-403. — Rowbolliam (II. <' ) t In an adult. Med. Times tt Gaz,, Loud.. 1879, i, 317.—San vase (R.) t Recovery. N. Oil. M. & S. J.. 1882-:!. n. s., x. t K9-748. — Nt-arpari (S.) La meningite tnbercobire primitiva del cervello. Ann. univ. di mod. e cbir., Milano, 1882. cclxi, 497-518.— Nch lajjer. [ Residuen J einer Meningitis an der ('oiivexitiil. chronischer Hydroce- phalus,Tiiberculosispubii. und tin Fibroma uteri.1 Aerztl. Ber. tl. k. k. allg. Krankt-iih. zu Wien tls72), 1873. 364.— Mcholz. t t I bid. (1879). 1880, 64-66.—Se hoi z \-. Stand- Ihai-liier. tt Ibid. (1875), 1876, 53-56. — Sch iilz ( E.) A]ibasie als Initialsyuiptoin vou Meningitis tuberculosa. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 301: 310. — Si-journet. Note sur deux cas de nieningite tuberculeuse guerie chez l'adulte. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1884, xvi. 118-128 — Keuiple (C. L. A.) t Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv, 202. ------. t Death. Ibid., xxxvi, 439. ------. Case of tubercular meningitis with tubercle of I tbe choroid: death. Ibid.. 1885. n. s., xxxix. 557.—Sey- ■iioiir (('.) A caseof acute tubert-ularmeningitis. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iii, 407 — Sillverbers I K.I Et Tilfadde af Meningitis granulosa helbredet. ilosp.-'I'id., Kjobenh., 1858, i, 69. — Si I vest riu i (G.) Meningite tnbercolosa: i ammolinieuto e tuniore al lobo mediant) del cervelletto, sintomi agli organi genitali. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv.. Milano. 1873, x, 29-33.—Simon (J.) De la meningite tu- berculeuse. Praticien, Par.. 1887. x, 147-149.—Simouo- viteh (J. M.) Dva sluchaja bugorchatago vospalenija mjagkoi mozgovoi obolochki (meningitis tuberculosa), nat havshiesja afaziejou. Ejened. klin. gaz.. St. Petersb.. 1882, ii, 449-453. ------. t ibid.. 510-517.—Sheer (J. IX) A pathognomonic symptom in the diagnosis of tubercular meningitis. Chicago M. J. A; Exani.T 18s7. liv. 41-46.— Smith (L.) Tubercular nieningitis. N. York M. J., 1873, xviii, 176-199. — Smiili (W.) Tubercular meningitis : tu- bercular tumours in cerebellum. Glasgow M. .)., 1879. n. s., xi, 15o.—Siiiioli r. Akute Miliartuberkulose : Menin- gitis. Meuioialuli.n, Heilbr., I860, xi, 149. — Nolomki (N\ V.) lv ka/uisiikie meningitis basilaris tuberculosa. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. inert. Obsh., Tiflis, 1883, xx, 257-267.—Southey (R.) Clinical lecture on tubercular meningitis. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1876, i, 97-99. ------. Tu- bercular meningitis. Ibid., 1877, ii, 557; 585.—Stille. t Med. Exam., Phila., 1850, n. a., vi, 137-140.—Storer. Tu- bercular nieningitis complicated by intercurrent measles. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi. 354. — Stumle. t St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1808. xiv, 124-126. — Miirmay. Memoire sur la tuberculisation aigue des m6ninge.s chez l'adulte. Gaz. med. de Par., 1855. 3. s., x, 80sr: 820.— Kzoiilasli (F.) Az agy gunibkoros niegbetegedesenek nehariy erdekesebb esettroL [Some interesting cases of tuberculous meningitis, j Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 869-874.—Taehard (E.) Analyse clinique dun cas i de meningite tuberculeuse. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1879, xiii, 3-17— Talauion (<'.) Meningite tuberculeuse cir- I cuni-pedonculaiio; agitation choreitpue et mouvement gira- toire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1879, liv, 34-39. Also: Pro- gres med., Par., 1879, vii, 486— Taylor (J.) Caseof tuber- I cular meningitis; tubercles in I he lungs; intestines; bronchial and mesenteric, glands: postmortem. Lancet, Lond., 1840. i, 24—Tosqninet. t Autopsie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., Is7s, 3. s , iv. 116-118. —Trastour. t Gue- rison. J. de ined. de l'miest, Nantes, 1882, xvi, 71-70. — T ran he (L.) tt Ann. d. Char.-Krankeuh. . . . zu Berl l>02-3. x.2. lift, 176-185.-----. AlteLiingeiituberkulose- Toil ilurch tuberculose Meningitis ira 2ten Stadium: eigenthiimlicher Ver)auf derselben mit cpilcptitbrinfu und tetaniformen Anfallen. Ibid., I!is-2u2. _____. tt i Ibid., 1863, xi. 3. Hft., 15-37. -----. Meningitis basilar. tuberculosa Tod im zweiten Stadium. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1864, i, 3oo. Also, in his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Heiiingitis (Tubercular). Physiol.. Berl.. 1871, ii. pt. 2, 717-722. — Troisier. Me- ningite cerebro-spinale tuberculeuse. Bull Soc. anat. tie Par., 187:!. xlviii, 366-308. Also: Progres med., Par., 1873, i, 56.—Trousseau. Meningite gianuleuse. Gaz] d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 271 : 295. — I'lrieh (('.) Er'. Rcheinungen einer acutcn Meningitis; Tod am 0. 'l'age: allgemeine Miliai tuberculose: Infarcfe im Gebirn mid der Milz; Caries der linken Tibia. Deutsche Ivlinik. Herl., 1859, xi, 350.—Vallcix. Note sur tin cas tie tubet tulisa'- tion des meninges, chez un adulte, avec rainollissoment it a]io|ilexie eapillaire. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1840. 4. s., xi, 192-204. Also: Ann. de ined. beige, Brux., 1838. i, 102- 112.— Versely if.) Meningite tuberculeuse; symptomes ties obscurs au debut; paralysie de la vessie; mort rapide : autopsie: tuberculose generalisee. Bordeaux med., 1877, vi. 289.— Viliar, t Gac. med., Lima, 1875, i. 277-279.— Vogelsang (K.) Meningitis cerebro-spinalis tubercul. Me.....rabilien. Heilbr. 1872. xvii. 393-409.—Vrain (L.) Meningite tuberculeuse en plaque au niveau du sillou de Rolando, avec epilepsie Jaeksonnieune et monoplegia brachiale chez un tlebile. Encephale. Par., 1886. vi, 356- 361. —Wardell (J. Ii.) Tubercular meningitis. Inhis-. Contrib. Path. & Pract. Med., 8°. Lond.. 1SK5.667-673.— Wui-fvinsge (E W.) Fern fall af ttiberkuliis meuingit metl liaingang behandlado med ingnidingaf joibifu msalva. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1886, xlviii, 479-491.—Weber (II.) On the connection of tubercular meningitis and tubercu- losis of the other serous membranes with the presence of caseous deposits in the body. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1869- 70, xxi, 14-22.------. Specimens of the brain, lungs, case- ous glands and other organs from a case of tubercular meningitis. Ibid..23.—Weeks. Acute tubercular men- ingitis. P.ostonM. 'cS.J.,1877. xcvi,3!8.—Weir(.L) t Re- covery. Louisville M. News, 1885. xx, 354—Wenjjler. Leber eine mit A phasic complicirte tuberculb-te Meningitis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz.. 1880, xxvi. 179- 189.—Werner (H.) Acute Miliartubereulose tier Hirn- hiiute. I">*r. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1871, Wien, 1873, 97-9!).—We*t (F.j t Med. Exam., Phila , 1851. n. s., vii, 485-489.— Wilhs. tt In adults; with remarks on the ob- scurity of the earlv svmntoms. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond.i 1863, ii, 274-278— Williams. Tubercularmeuin- gitis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1860-66, 1867, ii, 186-188. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, u. s., Ii. 409-411. —Will- shire. Tuberculaji- meningitis. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i. 467.—Wise (J.) Case of tubercular spinal meningitis with deposit of tubercle in the liver and p ritoneura. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 179. —Woods (0. T.) Tubercular nieningitis in an adult idiot; uo tubercle fouutl in lungs. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1874, ii, 32.—Xaragoza (L. M.) Meningitis tuberculosa. Estudio, Mexico. 1870 i, 249-252. — Y.inliv (K. G.) t Cincin. Lancet & Clinic. 1881. n. s., vi, 398-401. -----. t Ibid.. 1883. n. s.. x, 385-3S9. Meningocele. See, also, Encephalocele ; Hydrencephalo- cele ; Spina bifida. Agnew (I). H. ) Meningocele. P.lot Rev. M. &. S.. Phila., 1870-71. i, 2. 1 pi.—Bailey (J. S.) t Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1873, vi. 205.— Bareev ( C 1. ) t Metl. Times & Gaz.. Lintl., 1873, i, 531. — Billroth ( T.) Ein Fall von Meningocele spuria cum fistula ventriculi cerebri. Arch. f. klin.Chir., Berl., 1862. iii, 398-112. 1 pi. —[Case.1 Case of very large meningocele. Bristol M.-Chir. J.. 1883, i, 129, 1 pi.—Chudnovshi (J. V.) Hydronieningocele cerebra- lis cougenilum (s. hernia meningea nasofrontalis). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii. 7S2-7S5. — Faekler (G. A.) Men- ingocele, (.'iiicin. Lancet "c Clinic, 1885, n. s.. xiv, 293- 297. — Hamilton (.1. A. G.) Meningocele and imperfo- rate anus iu the same child ; operations: recovery. Proc. South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass.. Adelaide, 1883-4. 18. .W.iti.- Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1882-3. ii. 271.— Hebert (T.) Remarks and suggestions on meningocele. X. Oil. M. "c S. J., 1S87-8. n. s., xv, 95-101. —Ilirigoj-en (L.) Presentation dun enfant atteinttie meningocele. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1884). 1885. 326- 329—Holmes (T.) Caseof meningocele, in the occipital region, which was injected with iodine without ill conse- quences, the patient living of broncho-pneumonia. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1866, i. 35-46. — Kiii«slej (L P.) Meningocele. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1880. xxxviii, 108-112.— l.arjjer. Diagnosticile la meningocele: patho- geniedes kvstesdcrniohles. Bull, et mem. Soe. de cliir.de Par., 1886, U.S., xii. 313-318 -La/./.ari (A.) Meningocele del cranio: legatura elastica : guarigioiie. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1885, xxxvi, 124-131. —Marshall (L. XV.) t Ope- ration; necropsv. Lancet. Loml., 1885. i. 890. —Nicola- don i ( P. ('. ) 'Meningocele falsi, geheilt (lurch wieder- holte Injcklion vou .lodtinktur. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 41-44.— Nicoli (Li Voluminoso tumore idro-me uingeo eianiile operato mediante li pinzetta enterotoma del Prof. Rizzoli. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1876, 5. 8., xxi, 125-129.—Kasori (E ) t t Gazz.d. osp., Milano, 1882. iii, 338.—Roddick (T. G.) A case of occipital meningo- cele, tie ited bv seton. with antiseptic precautions; death. Montreal Gen.' Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 201-206, 1 pl„ 1 1.—Boy MENINGOCELE. 139 MENOX. Meningocele. (M. ('.) A case of meningocele (congenital) complicated with chronic hydrocephalus. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1874. ix, 181.— N in i III iN.) A new plan of operating upon meningocele. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 490.—Sleavciison (XV. E.) t Tr.Clin. Soc. Lond., 1881, xiv, 181,1 pi.—Kivenw- sou (A.) Hydronieningocele frontalis. Lpsala Lakaref. Liirh., 1886-7.' xxii. 570-579. — Viui-a y C'arrrras (J.) Meningocele en la region occipital. Lev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1882, viii, 590-590. Also, transl.: Ann. de gvnec. Par., 1883. xix, 212-216—West (.1. V.) Case of meningo- cele associated with cervical spina bifida, cured by aspira- tion. Lancet, Loud., 1875. ii, 552. "lWeiiiiito." Gespriiche im Reiclie derKran- ckcu. Jl. Entrevue, zwischen eiuen Podagricum und Calculosnin, oder: zwiscben einen Podagris- ten und einen init Stein beladencn. Darinnen ein jeder von seiner Krancklieit sicli grund- lich unteiTedet, mid eine jedc nach ihrer Be- schreibung, Unterschied, Person die es trift, Kennzeiehen, Ursachcn, was damns entstchet, Hiilfs-Mittel, Dia*t und Cantelcn aufs deutlich- ste. erkliiret und anst'iiliret, und iin Eingangc die Cliarlatanerie und iibles Bezeigen vieler gewinn- siichtiger Apothecker gegen den Krancken, dargestellet und entworti'en wird. 56 pp. 4°. Franekf'ttrt u. Leipzig. 1738. MeillS (W. [Gulielmo?]) [1798- ]. Saggio di topografia statistico-uiedica della provincia di Brescia aggiuntevi le notizie, storico-statistiche sui cholera epidemico die lti desolo nell' anno 1836 dell' I. R. medico provincialc. 2 v. in 1. vii, 9-327. 311 pp. s-'. Brescia, tipog. della Mi- ll erra, 1837. I?Ieni§peiaiiiuiii. See, also, Cocculus indicus. Blottikhe (K.) * Etude anatomiqnc de la famille des menispeiniees. 4-'. Paris, 1886. Matrix (E.-H.-A.) * Sur la lainille des nn*ni- sperniees. 4-. Strasbourg, 1863. I.aeallc (J.) Nota sobre las propiedades terapeuticas del ineuispeimiini riniosnm. (lac. de sanid. mil., Madrid. 1877, iii. 25S-26U.—Plauat (F.) Des proprietes de la me- nispeiiiiine. Xiee-med.. 187S-9, iii. 303-308. — Kam <"o- nioI Nhen. Remarks ou the native drug called Gulan cha. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1826-7, iii. 295-299. Mcnissici' (E.-D.) * Considerations gcnerales sur quelques maladies qui aft'ectent les t'enimes a l'age critique. 27 pp. 4. Paris, 1808, Xo. 62, v. 70. Meilissier ( Pierre ). '" Sur l'inflammation en general. 22 pp. 4-. Parti. 1817,, Xo. 130, v. 111. Meiljaud (Albert-Louis) [ l-<30-66]. M)ela retraction spontance et progressive des doigts dans ses rapports avec la goutte et le rhuina- tisicegoutteux. 31pp. 4°. I'aris, 1861, Xo. 148. See, also. Behier (Louis-Jules). Conferences de di nique medicale [etc.] 8~. I'aris. 1864. For Biography, see Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., I860. 2. s.. iii, 28s. Meiljot (Antoine) [1615-96]. Fcbrinm nialigna- riiiii historia et curatio. Accesserunt disserta- tiones patliologicjc. 322 pp., 2 1. H-. Parisiis, G. Meturas, 1660. ------. The same. Item dissertationes patholo- gic;!'. Editio altera . . . selectisque aliquot dis- sertationibus . . . adaucta. 3 p. 1., 245 ]ip., 1 1. 1-. Parisiis, T. Jolly, 1662. ------. The same. In duas partes divisa*, qua- riiiii prior tertium jam editur, sed emeiidatior multaque commentatione ac meditatione locu- pletior. Altera nunc prinnun in luceiu prodit. 11 p. 1., 775 pp. 4C. Parisiis, Cramoisy, 1665. "With autograph note of the author, presenting tbe work to Melcliior Sebizius. Meilke (Carolus Theodorus) [ -1861]. * De legnminibus veterum. Part, prima. 32 pp. 4°. Goltinga; H. Dieterich, 1814. ------. De nova morbos chronicos ope pastus ta- raxacini curandi ratione. 13pp. 4°. Pyrmonti, [1833]. Meilke (Carolus Theodorus)—continued. j------. Pyrmont und seine Umgebungeu, mit be- sonderer Hinsicht auf seine Mineralquellen; historisch, geographisch, physikalisch uud me- dicinisch. 2. Ausg-. xxii, 4-is pp., 1 pi., 1 map. s-. Pyrmont. G. I'slar, 1840. See, also. Ti-auipel (Joh. Erh.) "Wie erhalt man sein Gehbr gut, [ett .] 8. Hannover, 1822. Meilke (Gustav). * Ueber das chronische Ma- gengeschwiir. 29 pp. s\ Marburg, C. L.Pfeil, 186)2. c. Meilke (Jos. Christoph). * I'eber den Durch- bruch des Empyein in die Lunge. 20 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, P. X. Biicher, 1882. Menu (Joannes Georgius). Harinonia, subsidia, nexus, et afitinitas theoreniatum medicorum cum disciplinis altioribus demonstrata a Petro Wil- heimo Josepho de Ginetti, Joanne Wilhelino Hcis, Matthia Josepho Meyer, Francisco Stephano Schuiriiiann Agrippinatibus medieina* licentia- tes. Curante Joanne Georgio Menu. 52 pp. 4°. [Colonice], typ. academicis, [1779]. Me line ( Ferdinand ). * Ueber Hodgkin'sche Krankhe.it. 48 pp. «-. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1878. Meime (Ferdinandus). * De voniitoriorum ef- i'ectu et usu medico. 28 pp.. 11. 4°. Gottingw, seriptis Barmerianis, [1892]. Menne (Janus Hermanns). *De tuberculosi re- I num. [Leyden.] 2 p. 1., 4S pp. 8-'. Amstelo- ' dami, Ipenbuur et ran Seldom, 1855. Meimecy. Bureau de bienfaisance de Mennecy. Compte-reudu m6dico-moral du service de sante" du 29 aout 1S43 an 31 octobre 1845; par Eug. Danzanvilliers. 96 pp. 8-. Corbeil, 1846. Meimehund (Lucien). * De la caut6risation actuelle. 47 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 186,8, 3. s., Xo. 93. Me il lie hit lid (Paul-Henri). * De l'exainen chi- | mique des urines. 32 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, Xo. 502, 2. s., v. 27. Meimens (Guilielmus) [1525- ]. Aurei vel- leris, sive sacra? philosophic vntum selecta* et uuica*, mysterioruinque Dei, natura*, et artis ad- niirabilium libri tres. In: Theatkum chemicum. 12°. Argentorati, 1660, v, 210-428. Meiiness©ii-l'Heritiei*(Alfred). * De la me- trite aigue simple. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)3, Xo. I 130. Mennicke (Gustav Adolph). * Ueber Angiua membranacea. 29 pp , 1 1. 8~. Halle, W. Plbtz, . 1868. C. 1 Meilllicke (Robert). * Verglcicheude Versuche iiber die Wirksamkeit veischiedener Aeonitinprii- parate. 34 pp., 11. 8 . Halle a. S., Plbtz, 1883. MeilllUS (Joh. Henricus). Guldiner Apft'el. Von dem Goldbaum dess irrdischen Lebeus decerpi- ret, durch welches Anatomi die geheime und verborgue Universal Medicin, sampt anderen hierzu nottigen Wissenscliaft'ten geoft'enbahret. (iu 1. 24w. Tiibingen, J. C. Geyssler, 1635. Bound with : Joxston (Job.) Idea hygieines recensita. Libri ii. 24°. Jence, 1661. Heiiobraiiclm*. van «ler Hoeven (J.) Les globules du sang du nie- liiibrancliiis. Arch, mierl. d. sc. exactes, etc.. La Haye, 1867. ii, 288. MeilOCal (Francisco de S. ) * Du croup des adultes. 50 pp. 4'-'. Paris, 1859, Xo. SH, v. 634. Menoii (Dominique). L'ecole de Salerne. Tra- duite de latin en frangois. Oil chacun tronvera, couformement a ses humeurs, la maniere de vivre, et se conserver long-temps dans une bonne et parfaite sant^. 24 pp. 12°. La Haye, A. Moetjens, 1695. Bound ivith.- Hauvev ( G.) Ars curandi morbos ex- pectatione, etc. 12°. Amstelodami, 1695, MENON. 140 MENORRHAGIA. Menon ( Jean-Jacques-Olenient). * Sur l'iode, et son emploi en nie'decine. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, Xo. 2-7, v. 212. Motion (V.) *Sur le spasnie de la vessie et dc l'uretre. 23 pp. 4C. Parti, 1829. No. 79. v. 223. Menopause. See Menstruation (Cessation of). Menorrhagia. See, also, Hemorrhage ( Uterine). Ai'flhalm (P.) * Menorrhagia' erroneie casus singularis. sm. 4°. Lunda; [1781]. Assklineau (B.-A.-A.) "Sur la me"norrha- gie, ou flux iinmodere des regies. 4°. Paris, 1808. Als.saxdon (J.) * Sin- la menorrhagie. 4 . Paris, 1806. Billing (J. H. F.) "Menorrhagia seu uteri hseniorrhagia. 4°. Wirceburgi, [1799]. Billot (J.-A.-E.) * Sur la nieJiorrhagie, ou le flux iinmodere des regies. 4°. Paris, an XII [18(14]. Bottlek (J. E.) * De metrorrhagia. 8J. Mo- nach'ti. 1836. Bhiskz (X.-L.) *Sur la menorrhagie. 4:. Paris, 1813. Blrgkhs (H.-J.) * Sur la mdnorrhagie. 4C. Paris, 1817). Daly (D.) * De menorrhagia in non gravidis nee puerperis. s°. Edinburgi, 1774. Dliikm (J.) * Smla nienorrhagie. 4-. Paris, 1819. Di'vkrnoy (C.-L.-A.) * Essai sur la menor- rhagie, ou flux iniiiiodeJe des menstrues. 4°. Strasbourg, 1829. DrvKiNKAi i> (J.-B.-C.) *Sur la menorrha- gie, piecedee de quelques considerations gein''- rales sur la menstruation. 4-. Paris, 1808. Erich (F.J.) *De nunsiuin fluxu innnodico. 4>. Jence, [1(188]. Feild (R.) * De menorrhagia. 8J. Edin- burgi, 1790. Foertscii (C. J.) *De fluxu ineustruoruni uiinio. 8r Gottingee, [1793]. Forrkster (R.) * De menorrhagia. s-. Edinburgi. 1795. (ii:n:iSMAYR(P.) * De catameniorumexcessu ejusque cura. 12 \ Vienna; 1817. LIarder (K.) *Ein Fall von menstrueller Verblutung. 8°. Kiel, 1887). Hommey (H.) *Del'iutervention chirurgicalc dans la mdnorrhagie grave. 4°. Paris, 186,7,. Kmeti (P.) * De hiemorrhagia uteri non gra- vidi. 8 . Pestini, 1829. Labernardik (L.) "Sur la menorrhagie active. 4-'. Paris. 1811. Lii raxc (J.-B.) *Sur la menorrhagie. 4 . Paris, 1818. Lentscii (D.) * De fluxu mensium nimio. 4°. V'iteinbergte, [1704]. Mace (A.-A.) * Sur la menorrhagie, pr(5cedee de considerations gcnerales sur 1'uterus et la menstruation. 4-. Paris, 1817. Xf.lmanx (S.) * De fluxu mensium immodico. 4-. Jena; 1746 Peroxneal (R.) ^Demenstruorumprofluvio innnodico. s '->. Edinburgi, 1775. Pflnxigkaiffkr (F.) * Dc fluxus menstrua- lis anomaliis per excessum. 8-. Marburgi, 1822. Phexe (P.) *De meusium abundantia. s-. Edinburgi, 1802. Pix (P.) * Etude sur la menorrhagie au point de vue patliogeiiique et therapeutique. 4°. Montpellier, 186,6. Potheau (A.) * Etude sur la valeur se'm'Sio- logique de la ineuorrhagie, ou exageration du flux menstruel. 4°. Paris, 1873. -----. Tin- same. 8D. Parti, 1873. Menorrhagia. Saykrs (A.) * De menorrhagia. 8". Pdin. burgi, 1782. S.ioi?oi:i; (A.M.) * Dc menorrhagia rubra 4°. Lunda; [1794]. Slciiet (L.) *Sur la menorrhagie, ou flux iinmodere des menstrues. 4 . Paris. 1813. Tabolrier (A.-P.) *Snr lamenorrhtioie. 4o_ Parti, 1*18. Will (C.A.) * De diagnosi et cura nienorrha- giie. 8'. Regiomonli Pr., [1738], Writs i schmidt (J. O.) * Ha'tuorrhagia' uteri menstrua.' prieiiaturalis, -dtiogiar ml iiti>a~Ftav . . . exhibet. 4'-. Jence, 1770. Andrews (II. II.) Sulphate of beheerin iu the treat- ment of menorrhagia. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1877, xi, lit. 2, GG2.—Allhill (L.) < >n some forms of menonhagin. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1871, lii. 407-502. Also: Iiiir M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 666-668.— Aulile (J.) national treatment of menorrhagia. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, I'hihi.. 1SS3. xlviii, 59-62.—Barker (B. F.) Cliinat-tei it- iiienorrh:igia. Ibid , ls67. xvi. 1. — lialtcy ( R. ) Cinchona in menorrhagia. Atlanta M. & S. .1., 1858-9. iv. 734.— Reruulz. Dela iiieiiorrhagie. Lev. tie therap. metl.-chir., Pur., 1880. xlvii, 57; 85. — Kerf rami. Kin Fall von t'ulniiunntor Erhlin- dung nach Menorrhagie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt Metl., Leipz., 1878, 160. — Black (J. R. ) Bromide of ammo- nium in catameuial excesses. Cincin. Lancet pn»t.isi <'■ causa di menorr.igia. Guglielnio da Saliceto. Piacenza, 1884, vi, S8-!)1. — It re* I an (B.) Aeusserst liiirtnackigc Me- iiorrhagie bei vollstiindig retrotlectirtem Uterus, geheilt ilurch F.insprit/.ung von Liquor ferri sesquichlorati in die Ltcrinhohle. Monatselir. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, x. 274-277.—Brewer (W. P.) Menorrhagia treated by plugging the uterus. N. Orl. M. tfc S. J.. 1879-80, vii, 778.— Brown (A. S.) Case of menorrhagia successfully treated with cathartics. Transylv. J- M., Lcxingt >i>,Ky'., 1828, i, 556-55!)—Brown (J.) "Cannabis indica ; a valua- ble remedy in menorrhagia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, i, 1002.—C'ampa. De las menorragias siiifomaticas de Lis iilteraciones cartliacas. Cron. med., Valencia, 1870-80, iii, 7-11— Cai-NlcuM (J. It.) Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia. Obst, Gaz., Cincin., 1882, v, 393-399. Also, transl.: Rev. med.-eliir. d. mal. d. t'enimes, Par., 1882. iv, 080-688. — [Case.] Menorrhagie causee par tin polype. Rev. d. hop. civ. de Met/,, 1*52, 5(1-50.—CI Ii a p in a u (■!.) Menorrhagia and menorrhagie. pain treated successfulh bv the spinal hot-water bay,. Metl. Mirror, Lund.. lsti7, iv, 6-9—C'hnp- ■IIa■■ ( X". ) A lecture on monorrhagia. Med. Exam., Phila., 1830. ii. 197; 213. — 1'levelaml (J. L.) The inthi- euceof malaria in some cases of metrorrhagia and menor- rhagia. Clinic. Cincin., 1876, xi, 217-210.—t'o|il:uiig g< holn n wiirde. X. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz.. 1783, 3. St., 234-238. — Mitchell (T. R ) On the treatment of menorrhagia with Indian hemp. Dublin M. Pn■--. Is47, xviii, 214.—Moycr (L. C.) A case of menor- rhagia and treatment. Atlanta M. iV S. J., 1857-8, iii, 16.— Neumann. Hoc-list seltner La 11 eines schuellen 'Lodes von inuerer Yerhlutung im Unterleibe ohne Zerreissung, durch unterdruckte monatliche Reinigung. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl.. 1821, lii, 2. St., 114-116. —Ogden (XV. W.) Menorrhagia, wiih its treatment by bromide of amonium. Dominion M. J., Toronto, 1869-70,'ii, 181-184.—Osborne (J.) Observations on the use of emetics of ipecacuan in meuorrhagia. Tr. Ass. King's &. Queen's Coll. I'hvs. Ire- land, Dubl., 1828, v. 18-27— Oxiauder (F. 11.) Beobach- tung ties Hervorflicssens des Menstruation-Blutes. Ann. A. Enthind.-Lehranst. a. cl. Univ. zu (Jotting., 1800, i, 1. St., 174-176.—Fallen (M. A.) Menorrhagia caused by subinvolution of the uterus after delivery. St. Louis M. Reporter, 1867-8, ii, 225-229.—Parker (IL) Fatal menor- rhagia. Boston M. & S. J., 1840, xxii, 127.—Payne (J. B.) On the use of sulphate of bebeerine in menorrhagia. Mem- phis M. Recorder, 1856, iv, 346.—Pulido (A.) Un caso notable de menorragia. An. Soc. ginec. espaii.. Madrid, 1877, iii, 112-118.—Kaciborski. Kouvclles considera- ' tions pratiques sur la menorrhagie et ses rapporls avec l'liematocele peri-uterine. Congres med. do France, Par., 1863, i, 124-133. -----. De la menorrhagie et de son traite- ment. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1864, 146-148.— Regius (H ) Medicatio fcemina*, superfluis mensibus lahorantis. In his: Medieina; libri iv, 2. ed., 4°, Traj. ad Rhenum, 1657, C09-61L—Kigby (E.) Reports on uterine diseases. [Observations ou "menorrhagia.] Med. Times, Loml.. 1844. x, 505; 547. Continued in : Med. Times & Gaz., Lund., 1852. n. s., v, 410; 5cs : 588: 1853, n. s., vi, 33: 1854, n. 8., ix, 29; 53; 207; 313: 385; 437: 538.—Kilter (H. B.) On the tieatruent of menorrhagia. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1884-5, vi, 337-341.— Koeiie. Menorrhagie promptement mortelle. surveuue a hi troisieine menstruation, dans l'etat de vacuite de bitterns, chez une jeune fillo de 17 aus, au milieu de la sante la plus florissante. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 582.-Koulh (C. H. E.) Three cases of me- norrhagia, two of them depending upon the presence of uterine polypi, successfully treated. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 503. -----. Four eases of inenoriliagia treated by injec- tion, or the removal of the uterine mucous membrane by the gouge or both means combined. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond!, 1860, ii, 117-134. Also r Abstr. |: Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 397-30!).—Mai-ubbi. Menorragia grave guarita con 1' er- gotina. Rendic. .Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1856, x, 74.— Savage (H. N.) On obstinate menorrhagia. Lancet, Menorrhagia. Loud., 1857, ii, 570. — Schott (A.) Menorrhagieen und chronische Hvperamieen des Lteruskorpers. Samml. klin. Vortr., No. 161, Leipz., 1879 (Gynakol., No. 47), 1241-1272.— Silver (A.) On the value of Indian hem]* in menuor- rhagia ami dysmenorrhrea. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, 59-61. — Smith (W. R.) Case of menorrhagia, with complications. Nashville J. M. & S., 1859, xvi, 392- 397. — .Southworth (J. W.) Apvretic malarial menor- rhagia. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1871-2, xi, 174-177.—Stevens (A. D.) A severe case of menorrhagia. Med. Chron., Monti eal, 1S58, v, 205 - 207. — Strother (C. S.) Carbolic acid in metrorrhagia and monorrhagia. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1872-3, x, 446-448.—Sutnhiii (P.C.) Case of obstinate menorrhagia, successlullv treated with injections of ace- tate of lead. Stethoscope, Richmond, 1855, v, 609-671.— Tanner (T. IT.) On the use of cinnamon in certain ex- amples of .menorrhagia. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 363.— Thomas (T. (J.) t Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1872. v, 465-467. -----. Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1874, ix, 395-398. —Thweatt (J. J.) On the use of the oxide of silver in certain forms of menorrhagia, with cases and remarks. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1849, n. s., xviii, 69- 72. Also, transl: Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1850, viii, 17-21. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 349.—Tott (C. A.) Bemerkuugen iiber die mit hysterischen Affectionen ver- bundenen Blutungen ans dem Uterus im Alter der De- crepiditiit., nebst Mittheilung eines Falls von Cataiuenial- fluss auf ungewohnliehem Wege. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1835, xiv. 105-118.—Trousseau. De la digitale a haute dose dans la menorrhagie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 597. — Valcarcel Vargas (L.) Dilatacion del cuello nteriuo en el tratainiento de las menorragias. Corieo med. castellano, Salamanca, 1886, iii, 20-24.—Valeur (De la) du chanvre indien dans le traitement do la menor- rhagie et hi dysmennorrhee. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1870, lxxix, 417-422. — Vereelli (M.) Tie casi di menorragia tiattati colla divisions del collo dell' utero. [3 cases.] [From: Osservatore, Torino, sett. 1866 ] Gazz. med. ital., prov. veix-te, Padova. 1800. ix. 325-328.—Vogel- sang. Menorrhagie mit letalem Ausgang. Meinorabi- lieu, Heilbr., 1876,'xxi. 447-451.—Waldenstrom (J. A.) Om hehaiiillingeii af for ynmiga menses. Liisala Lakaref. Fiirh., 1876-7, xii, 435-452. — Westmoreland (J. G.) [Carbolic acid in the treatment, of menorrhagia.] Atlanta M. &, S. J., 1871-2, ix, 330-333.—Wooster (D.) Chromic acid in the treatment oi meuorrhagia and uterine leucor- rhcea. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., I860, n. s., Iviii, 367-370. — Xuccari (G.) Cenuo sull' efUcacia dell' ossiseptonato depurate di potassa (nitro Y. S.) nella cura della menor- ragia. Ann. univ. di ined., Milano, 1824, xxix, 270-277. miction. * Etude critique sur le traitement de la fievre typhoide par l'acide phduique. 56 pp. 4°. Paris", 1884, No. 18:1. de Menou (Georges-Louis-Augnste). *I. Faire l'liistoire de ranasarque idiopathique. II. [etc.] 23 pp. 4\ Parti, 1842, No. 65, v. 387. Menouillai'd (L.) *1. Faire connaitre les causes, la marclie et les symptomes de la men- tagre. II. [etc.] 33 pp. 4°. Parti, 1840, No. 274, v. 363. IVIenradus de Vorwaltncrn. See de Vor- waltnern. UleilS (.Juacliimus Guilelnins Sigismuudus) [1795- ]. "Disquisitio a*tiologica in morbum arti- culareni. iv, 38 pp., 11. tfJ. Berolini, A. Petsch, 1818. JVletisa pliilosopliica. In hoc opusculo tractattir de his quibus utimur in niensa. De naturis re- runi, videlicet cibi et potus. Dc questionibus mensalibus variis ac jocundis quibus in mensa recrcaniur, deque coutlitionibiis eoruin quibus iu mensa couvci-siiinnr phylosophice hilariterque proccilit; quare merito appellator: Mensa philo- sophic;!. 511. 4C. Colonic, [1500]. Bound with: Mauni.sts Mediolanensis. Regimen sani- tatis. 4°. Argentine, 1503. van der Meiisbriigglie (G.) Notice sur J.-A.-F. Plateau. 98 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1*34. Repr. from : Ann. Acad. roy. il. sc. deBelg., Brux., 1885. IVIeilscll (Dei) und der Parasit. Ein fliegendcs 131«i 11 fiir Aerzte und Naturforscher beider Henii- sphiii-eu vou Dr. Supinator Longus. 2. Aufl. vii, 12 pp. 12J. Magdeburg. II. h'rclschmann, 1863. -----. Tin- same. 4. ed. 33 pp. 8'. Magde- burg, Kreischmann u. Koltzsch, 1S72. MENSCHINCr. 142 MHNSES. aeris fixi 1 p. 1., Barmeier, *De diabcte. Amstelodami, Verhandeliug ll<'iis4-li iiitf (August. Ludov. ) * De regulis gt■ncralioi-ibus in morbornm curationibus ubi- que observaudis. 1 p. 1., 2S pp. 4°. Gottingee, J. C.Dieterich, [1777]. IVIeilSCllillg (Fridericus David. Wilhelm.) *De operationibus quibusdam chirurgicis temere in- stitutis. 24 pp. sm. 4C. Bostochii, lit. Aclleri- anis, [1756]. ^Ieil$clllii^ (Joann. Henricus). *D ac dephlooisticati in medieina usu. 106 pp . 1 1. 12\ Gottingee, J. A. [17S7]. ' ITIensert (Henricus Marhms), [ Liydeu.] 4 p. 1., 64 pp., 2 1. 8 C. a. ran der Post, 1841. Jleusert (Wilhelm) [1780-lsJs] over de keratonyxis (punctio cornea', lioren- vlies-steek). Eene onlangs uitgevoudene kuust- bewerking, om de blindheid, welke door dc cata- ract ontstaat, te genezen ; benevens ecnige geno- i mene proeven en waaruemingen aangaande dczc nieuwe methode. 1 p. 1., viii, 208 pp. 8°. Am- sterdam, L. ran Es, 1816. ------. Gesehiedkundige verhandeliug over de operatic tot vorming van ecu kunstigen oogap- pcl (pupilla artificialis), benevens dc beschrij- ving ecner nieuwe en zekerder niauier, om de- zelve door eene tweevoudigo of dubblc scbaar te bewerkstelligen. viii, 56 pp., 2 pi. 8-\ Am- sterdam, L. ran Es, 1828. ------. Verhandeliug aangaande dc uitvindiug, het gebruik en het misbruik der brillen, bene- vens algemeene aanwijzingeii, om ecnen bril te kiezeu, en wat men vooral bij het oebruik van denzelven bi-t-t't in aclit te ncinen. s-'. Amsterdam, (I. Portielje, 1831. ------. The same. Nienwe uitgavc. 8C. Amsterdam, G. Portielje, 1846,. ------. Wees toch voorzigtig met de oogen, en doe er niet te veel aan! Eene raadgevende waarschuwing, tot behoud en bewaring van het gezigt. xvi, 68 pp., 2 1. 8-. Amsterdam, S. de Grebber, 1842. ------. Betoog ter overweging, aangaande eene voorgestclde gehecle vereeniging, zoowel als van het doelmatige van de bestaande scheiding, doch slechts in dc beoefeniug der bijzondere vakken vau genees- en heelkunst. 34 pp. 8'-'. Amster- dam, C. (i. Sulplc, 1842. [P., v. 766.] Ib'scliouwingen en mededeelingen betref- xiv, 199 pp. xvi, 199 pp. fende de oogheelkunde benevens een overzigt aangaande de iurigtiugen van onderwijs, met j betrekking tot de oogheelkunde in Duitschland, vertaald volgens Beger en met aanmerkingen vernieerderd. xii, 95 pp., 3 pi., 11. 8°. Utrecht, X. ran der Monde, 1843. ------. Hoe meu het gezigt, het edelste ziutuig van den mensch, het beste tegen de dikwerf ongiqiaste aanwending van den bril, behoeden en bewaien kan; medegcdeeld in eene rede, bij gelegenheid van eene nieuwe uitgavc der Ver- handeliug aangaande de uitvindiug, het gcbruik en hot misbruik der brillen. 18 pp. 8°. J«t- sterdam, G. Portielje, 1846. JIeii*e* (Retention of). See, also, Hymen (Imperforate); Vagina (Ab- normities of). Breidexbach (E.) *De retentione mensium commentatio, iuprimis respiciens ad lneinato- lnetram unius lateris in utero et vagina duplici. s;. Bo n n a; 1866. Derelx (A.) *Des accidents conse"cutifs a l'ope'ration dans les cas de retention meustruelle. 4°. Paris, 1886. Dieterict(J.T.) *Detuiiioribus.singularibu.s a mensium suppressione obortis. 4°. Vitemberqa; [175-]. flense* (Retention of). Gaxskl (E.) *De haiinatometra ex atresia vagime hymenaica orta ejusque operatioue. S-. Vratislaritt; {1864]. Heilbut (M. S.) * Dc atresia vagime, adjecti.s duobus casibus atresia* vaginalis, et aualysi chemica sanguinis menstrui ex atresia vaginas retenti. 4,J. Heidclbergce, 1832. Helen'us (H. G.) * De retentione lnensium. 4°. Jena; [1736]. Hess (F.) * De hymene clauso, adjuiictis tie sanguine nienstrnali retento disquisitinnibus. 8°. I Dorpat], 187,4. Labadie de Lalaxde (J.-B.-C.-O.) v J)c l'oc- clusion complete du conduit vulvo uterin, et de ses rapports avec la menstruation. 4 . Paris, 187)6. Melchiori (G.) Kitenzioue del sangue me- struo per atresia, della vagina; lettera al dottore Agostino Bertani. rt°. Milano, 187,7). Osaxx (II. W.) * Tributnm luiiare in virgine retentuin. 4°. Erfordice, [1701]. Salnelve (G.-H.-A.) * Essai sur riscliom6nie, ou retention des meiistrues. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823. Smiisert (W.) * De inenstruis retentis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1762. A. (F.) Retencion de meses. produc ida por tl himeu iinperfoiado. Uac. med., Madrid, 1S49, v, 74.—Appier (W. L.) Obstruction of the vagina, with retention of the menstrual fluid for two years. Metl. A: Surg. Reporter, Phila, 1870, xxiii, 93.—Xwliwell. Case of adhesion be- tween the walls of the vagina, occasioning retention of the catanienia. Guy's Hosp. Hep., Loud., 1837, ii, 244- 247.—Bailey (D. F.) Caseof retained menstruation with anomalous symptoms. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1838, ii. 93-90.— Bauer (A.) Hymen imperforatus; ha*ma- tokolpos; lueniatometra. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 101-103.— Bayard (XV.) Hydroinetra-with ab- sence of the vagina. Canada M. tfc S~ J., Montreal, 1878, vi, 289-291. — Becasseau (('.) Imperforation du col do la matriee. Ann. Soc. tl. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1842, 59-63. — ISeillord (G. S.) Retention of the menses with ha'uiateiucsis in a girl 17 years of age. Nelson's North. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1852-3, vi, 5.—Bernulz (ft.) Memoire sur les accidents produits par la retention du tbix: nienstruel. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1848. 4. s., xvii, 129; 433: xviii, 405: 1849, 4. s., xix, 18(1— Bcrtlicraml (A.) Imperforation de 1'hymen ; accidents graves; inci- sion; it-occlusion de l'ouverture; guerison. Ga/.. med. do l'Algerie, Alger, 1874, xix, 139.—Breini« (P. B.) de- tention of menses, for over three years ami a half, from occlusion of os uteri, resulting fioinadhesive inflammation produced by severe and protracted labor. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1875, x, 70 ! — Brineken (G. T. L.) En fuldkomment impcrvialtel enorin stor Hymen, og derved fleeraarig forhiiulret Utlleb af Menstrua. Eyr. Christiania, 1834, ix, 97-99.—Brown (I. B.) Case of retained menses from imperforate os uteri. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i. 41)."). -----. Case of retained menses, of two years' duration, caused by atresia vagina-; puncture of the uterus by the rectum; recovery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1862), 1863, iv, 21: (1863), 1804, v, 162. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 175. — Byforil (W. H.) Occlusion with retention of meuses. Metl. Exam., Chicago, 1874, xv, 53f>-539.— Ca- baret (F.-J.) Retention des regies pai imperforation duvagin. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1854, ii. 34U- 342.—Cabaret (P.-J.) Mcnaphanie detcrminee par l'im- perforation du vagin. J. Soc.de med.-prat, de Montpel., 1847, xv, 97-103.— Calvi (P.) Atresia vaginale ineoui- pleta; raccolta di sangue mestruo nel cavo uteri no, per. antiversione; guarigioue pel Lett a proeursitane la uscita per la via dell' intestino ret to. Ga/./,. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1851, 3. s., ii, 245. —van Cnmp (F.-L.) De leteiition des reglesparimperforationdolamembrane hymen. Mem. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1838-9, 17.—Campbell (XV.) Case of cmansio mensium from interception of the vaginally a pn:- ter-natural membrane. Edinb. J. M. Se . 1826, i, 339-342.— Caraigeduc. Observation sur une tumeur formee par le sang nienstruel, tl tpii avait pour cause la reunion de la membrane ditodcl'livmen. J. denied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1803, vi, 420-422. — Carter ((.'. II.) Absence of the vagina; uterus distended by retained menstrual fluid; operation; recovery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. USSOj, 1881, xxii, 251-200.—Carville. Imperforation duvagin; ame- norrhee ; hematocele considerable ; operation ; rupture ihs trompes ; mort par peritonite latente. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 306-310.—[Case.] Uterus distended with menstrual blood ; diagnosis of pregnancy. Med. &. *nr£- Reporter, Phila,, 1876, xxxv. 209.— de Caxtella. Ein tall von Ketentio mensium in Folge vou Atn-sie des Hymens. MENSES. 143 MENSES. JIen*es (Retention of). Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Metl., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Zurich, 1851, 140-144. Also, transl. .- Gaz. med. de Par., 1852, 3. s., vii, 295. — Chapman (XV.) Case of retention of the cata- menia for more than two years in a married woman. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1863, iv, 251-255. — Cliavei-iatjeune. Imperforation de l'hynien ; retention du sang nienstruel; operation: guerison. Gaz. med. de Lvon, 1851, iii, 159- 161. Also': Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851,3. s., iii, 410.—dc Che- goin(H) Imperforation complete et congemiale del'ute- rus, avec absence totale du col, et retention des regies de- puis dix-sept ans, determinant des douleurs atroces; gue- rison par une ouverture pratiquee au corps de la matrice et entretenue pendant phisieurs mois. J. hebd.de med.. Par., 1830, vi, 49-55. —Clarke (VV. M.) On the treatment of retention of the incuses from occlusion of the vagina and uterus. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1865, ii, 655-658. — Cork (T. F.) Two cases of retention of the menses. X. York M. Times, 1855, iv, 342-346. — Col ran ( J. ) Case of im- perforate hymen with retained menses, treated success- fully. Lancet, Lond., 1832, i, 695. —Copcman (E.) On the treatment of imperforate hymen, with retained men- strual fluid. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1868), 1869, x, 246- 263. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 37. — Co- poramly. Observation de retention menstruelle par im- perforation de 1'hvmen. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nietl.de Lvon, 1863-4, iii, pt. 2, 14-18. Also: Gaz. med. tie Lyon, 1863, xv, 366-368.— Craddoek (S.f Gase of occluded vagina after delivers-, with subsequent retention of the menses. Tr. Obst. Soc' Lond. (1871), 1872, xiii, 101.— Craghead (W. G.) Case of catamenial retention from imperforated hymen. Stethoscope, Richmond, 1855, v, 191-193.—Curling. Menstrual retention from imper- forate hynien, with distension of one of the Fallopian tubes. Lancet, Lond., 18C4, i, 38i—I>avis (J. H.) Complete oc- clusion of the os uteri, with retention of the menses after difficult labour. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1862 ), 1863, iv, 91- 96.— Depaul. Imperforation congenitale du vagin ; di- latation considerable de ce conduit avec accumulation de liquitle thins son iiiferieur; estomac situe adroite; rate re- duite a un petit tubercule situe dans 1 hypoclioudre droit. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1857. Par., 1859. 2. s , iv, pt. 1, 46-48.— Desmond ( L. E. ) Case of retention of menses from imperforate hymen. Metl. Times tfc Gaz.. Lond., 1852, n. s.. iv, 353.—Despres. Retention des regies dans l'ute rus ; tumeur ombilicale. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1886, n. s., xii. 39-44.—B-owne* (E.) Case of com- plete congenital occlusion of the os uteri; operation ; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 660. — Dmiean (J. M.) Clinical lecture on retention of blood. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1880. i. 1-3.-----. Retentionof menses. Ibid., 1883, ii, 733-735—Easlnian (J. A.) Case of suppression of the menses of ten months' duration, from imperforate os tinea*, complicated with retroversion. Cincin. Lancet & Ohs., 1808, n. s., xi, 526. — KI king ton (F.) Imperforate uterus; retained menses; uterus twice opened by a tro- car. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond.. 1850,128.—f Emmelt'(T. A.)] Case of occluded vagina with retained menses ; operation. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiii, 404. -----. Congenital absence, and accidental atresia of the vagina; mode of operating. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1877, Bost , 1878, ii, 437-478.—Evans (G. H.) Case of retained menses, with complete atresia of seven years' standing. Nashville J. M. & S., 1869, n. s., v, 16-18.— l-'letrlier. Menstrual fluid confined in the uterus by an imperforate h\ men. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1852,274.—Fleiiry. Imperforation rtel'liymen ; accumu- lation de sang dans l'literus ; incision de la membrane; guerison prompte. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 147.— FraiikenliiiiiMer. Leber Reteutionsgesehwiilste bei gedoppelten innern Genitalien. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1882, xii, 517-522.—Frcrichs (F. T.) Fiille von Re- tention ties Menstiualhlutes. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 528-530.—Frisbie (J. B. S.) Occlusion of theos uteri inasnpposed case of pregnancy. VirgiuiaM. J.. Richmond, 1857, ix, 305-307.—Furtado(A.G.) Obliteraeiio da vagina; retencao do producto catamenial por mais de sete annos ; cura. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1861, 2. s., xxv, 302-304.— Galabin ( A. L.) Retention of menstrual fluid in one- half of a double uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1882), 1883, xxiv, 21-28. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 344. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1882, i, 398. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1882, xv (Suppl.), 132-134.—Gantt (W. H.) Imperforate hymen, presenting symptoms of preguancy. Nashville J. M. & S,, 1854, vi, 6-8. — Gaudin. Gloisomiement trans versal du vagin ; retention des i ogles ; mort par pcritonite. par suite de perforation tubaire. Marseille med., 1886, xxiii, 432-436. Also [Abstr.J : Gaz. tie, gynec.. Par., 1885- 6, ii, 275.—Genin. Retention des menstrues par imperfo- ration dela membrane hymen; accusation d'iufanticide. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1841, xii, 337-339. — Oilbert (F. D.) Observations on a case of retention of the menses. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1853-4, i, 286.—Gillette. Imperfo- ration de l'hymen ; accidents produits par la retention du flux menstruel et ayant fait croire ii uu accouchement. Union med., Par., 1874, xxviii, 120. — Ginicno (•).) Oc- clusion vaginal completa; retencion menstrual durante cuatrosaiios; operacion. Cliuica, Zaragoza. 1884. iv, 267.— Greeuhalgh. Case of atresia of the vagina with reten- Jlenses (Retention of). tion of the catamenial fluid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 273.—Griffin (E.) A case of retained menstrual matter from occluded os. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1879-80, xvii, 65- 67.—llalbcrfsma (T.) Atresia vaginas met retentio mensium sedert 10 jaren; hauiiatometra tot bijna eeu liandhreed boven den navel, gecomplieeerd met een tweede tumor (uitgezette tuba Fallopii); punctie met den trois- quart explorateur; genezing. Netlerl. Tijilschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1869, 2. R., v, 1. Afd., 541-544.—Hamilton (F. H.) Complete occlusion of the vagina and retention of menses, relieved by an operation through the rectum. Buffalo M. J., 1856-7,'xii, 198.—Hemman (J. A.) Ver- haltung der monatlichen Reinigung wegen Yersehliessung tier weiblicheu Scheido, oder des innern Muttermuudes. In his: Med.-chir. Aufsatze, [etc.], 8°, Berl., 1778,41-83.— HeiiNon (S.) Retention of the menses from imperforate hymen. _ Lancet, Lond., 18.19, i, 402.— Hick*. (B.) & Gnlabin. Case of complete occlusion of the vagina and retention of menses, consequent upon an aboition: relief by operation. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1875, iii, 507-509.— ■licks (J. B.) Retention of menses from imperforate hymen; operation ; recovery. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 163. — Iloldsworlh. Case of occlusion of the vagina following parturition, causing retention of menses; evacuation: cure. Lancer, Lond.," 1883, i, 949.—Hub- bard (T. W.) A case of imperforate hymen; confined secretion entirely fluid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 292.— Kennedy (E.) Case of occlusion of vagina with reten- tion; operation; ultimate ret tal menstruation. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1874, 10-21. —I.arrive. Occlusion va- ginale consecutive a une parturition; retention du flux nienstruel, sans dilatation do la eavite uterine; operation. Lyon med., 1880, xxxiv, 236-241. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1881, viii, 112-116.— I,atta (J. F.) Case of imper- forate hymen, occasioning retentionof the menstrual fluid; division'of the membrane, etc. Med. Exam., Phila., 1839, ii, 677.—Lawrence (A. E. A.) Notes on a caso of re- tained menstrual discharge. Tr. Bristol Med.-Chir. Soc., Loud., 1874-8. i. 98. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1877, v, 108-112. — Lee (R.) Imperforate vagina: puncture: peritonitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 126.— Lee*. Re- tained menses from imperforate hymen. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 345.—Lees (L. I).) Obstruction of the bow- els from retention of the menses. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1857, xiv. 347.— Lever (.T. C. AY.) Case of retained catamenia. Guy's Hosp. Re]) , Lond., 1850-51, 2. s., vii, 150-154.— Lewis (E. S.) Caseof retentionof menstrua- tion with regurgitation in left Fallopian tube. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 1123-1126. — .Mackenzie (F. M.) Imperforate hymen; retained menses; puncture; death from peritonitis Cliu. Lect. ur re- meiliir a ce vice de conformation; angine t-oueniit-use; peritonite : autopsie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi 341-343.—Tubbs (W. J.) Case of occluded vagina; re- tained menses; operation ; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, m i. 85.—Tnckwell (IL M.) Three cases of imperforate hynien with retention of the menstrual fluid. Brit. & For. i M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1867, xl, 203-210. Also, Reprint.— Valentino (M.) Ritenzione dei mestrui iu utero didel- phys con divcrso grado tli sviluppo dei due uteri, coiigiunto a vagina unica con atresia. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1885, 4. s., xxiii, 57-65.— Voi im nil. Obliterationcitatricielledii vagin; retention des regies: operation; guerison; fistule vesico-vaginale; guerison s])oiitanee. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1864, 2. s., iv, 271-282.—Yoixiu. lletentioii men- struelle causee par imperforation duvagin: moit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 145.—Ward tC. S.) Re- tained menstrual fluid : method of removal. Am. J. Obst N. Y., 1-8U. xiii, 009-611.—Warren (J. M.) Cases of oc- I elusion of the vagina, with retention of the catamenia, re- lieved by an operation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., UleBlse* (Retention of). xxii, 13-22. Also, Reprint.-----. Occlusion of vajina; retention of menstrual fluid. Boston M. & S. ,1. 185L hi 298. Also: Extr. ILc. Bost. Soc. M Improve. (1856-8),' 1859. iii, 93—Weber. Hymen non perforatum, musculo. sum: lui'iuomt'tra. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, sii!l-sn._ William* ( E K.) Atresia of vagina. Mississippi Vnl- ley M. Month.. Memphis, 1880, vi, 526-52!). —Win-or (l<\) Imperforate hymen with large accumulation of menstrual fluid. Boston'M. & S. .1., 1877. xcvii. 36-40. —Woml i.J.) Ctimplete occlusion of the vagina in a patient aged 21 re- tension of menses for nine months ; operation ; speedy re- covery. Med. 'limes &. Gaz., Loud., 1865, i, 520. Itlonsisij; (Job.) * Beitriige zur Statistik der Kiiicgclciiksre.scctioucn. 3t5pp., 1 a. 1. <0. Kiel C. /-'. Main; 1883. fYlt'ii*iiiiru. Co-Editor of: Francnarzt (Der), Berlin, 1886. llfaasillga (W. P. J.) *Mon.stri galliuacci bi- corporci bicephali descriptio anatoniica, una cum disquisirioue de ejus ortu. 17 pp., 1 pi. LJ. Kilice, C. F. Mohr, 1861. In: SciilUFT. d. Univ. zu Kiel, viii, 1861, vii, med. iii. -----. Ibis Pessarium occlusivuin uud (lessen Application. Sup])lcincnt zu "Ueber faculta- tive Sterilit^t, etc.". Vou Dr. C. Hasse (Pseu- donym). IL Autl. 15 pp. <0. Leipzig u. Xen- wied, Lj. Heuser, 1883. IVIcilSOBiitles (Justus Aklerts). *Do absoi-p. tione nioleciilarum solidarum noiinulla. 2 p. 1 , 44 pp. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, C. Bielerelt, 1848, [Also, in: P., v.'l097.] Meiisouidcs ("Willem Carl). * Over den invloed van actieve hyperaeniie op den lyinplistroom. 2 p. L, 12 pp. 8°. Utrecht, KemiuK ,|- Zoon, 1886,. Meiissen (Carolus Christianus). *De maligni- tatc varioiarum naturalium tenipestivo vosica- torioruin u.iu avtrtenda. 1 p. 1., 22 pp., 3 1. 4°. Halce ad Salam, cere Beyeriano, [iTfi?]. Menstrual blood. See, also, Menstruation; Gonorrhoea (Causes, etc., of). Caspar (J. P.) *De sanguiue menstruo. sm. 4°. Tttbingce, 1676. Laugieu (C.) *Dn fluiilc menstruel, et dela valeur semeiologique des caillots sauguins dans les regies. 4°. Paris, 1846. Ekmak (R.) Die abnorme Js'atur des Mcn- strualblutfiusses eilauterf. 8-. Berlin, 1842. I^ischer (D.) De sanguine menstruo ]>hiltri loco pro- pinato. Acta Acad. nat. curios., 2. ed., Norimb., 1727, i, 300-314.—« rube. Ueber das Menstrualblut. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Metl., Berl., 1840. 3C —llail- don (J.) ' On menstrual coagul.t. Edinb. M. J., 1871-2. xvii, 611-614. —Mennig ((!.) Die weissen I'.hitkiir- perclien uud die Deciduazellcu. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl, 1874, vi, 508-510.—Julia «lc Fontcuelle. X tture tin sang; nienstruel. .T. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1837, 2. s., iii, 587-.>'.i.— Sie I'anu. Si le sang menstruel ditferc du sang que la it couler raccouchement. Bull. Acad, denied., Par., 1845-6, xi, 255-257.—Letheby (H.) Microscopical aud chemical examination of menstrual fluid which had been retained for some time within the vagina. I itcet, Lond., 1845, ii, 125-127. —Mil Her (H.) "Leber die Blut- kdrptrchen in ziiruekgelialteneni Menstrualblut. Ztschi. f- rat. Med.. Hoidelb., 1846, v, 140-142. —Kemak (It.) Leber die ISehiiilliilikeiten ties Menstrualblutes und iiber deren wahrscheinliehe. Lrsachen. Metl. Ztg., Berl., 1839, viii, 261.—Sii'!>|>OMe, 1750, v, 173-181. Perier (L.-M.) * Considerations medicales et physiologiques sur la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1819. Petrasch (A.) *De menstruatione ejusque de via normali aberratiouibus. « . Gryphice, [1833]. Petreqlix (T.-J.-E.) * Recherches sur la men- struation. 4 . Paris, 18W7). Pfannenschmid (J. H.) *De menstruis na- turae et artis. 4C. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1710. Poumies de la Siboltie (1\-L.) * Essai sur la premiere menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1815. Power (J.) An essay on the periodical dis- charge of the human female, with new views of its nature, causes, and influence on disease. To which are added directions for its management in the different stages of life. 8°. London, 1832. Prigext-Kallain (J.-B.) * Sur la menstrua- tion et les hemorrhagies uterines. 4°. Parti, 1817). Prime (B. Y.) *De fluxu muliebri menstruo. 4°. [Lugd. Bat., 1764.] Qt aet(I. M.) * De catameniis eorumque usu. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1749]. Menstruation. Raciborski (A.) Traite de la menstruation, ses rapports avec 1'ovulation, la fecundation, l'hygiene de la puberte et de Page critique, son role dans les differentes maladies, ses troubles et leur traitement. 8'-'. Paris, 186,8. Haxshoff (8.) * De catameniis. 4-\ Got- tinga>, 1818. Remak (R.) Die abnorine Natur des Men- strualblutflusses erliiutert. s-'-. Berlin, 1842. Repr.from: K. Ztschr. f. Gebnrtsk., Berl., 1843, xiii. See. also, infra. Rivelli (G.) Della priorita dovuta all' Italia sopra al francese prof'essore C. Negrier d'Auger ed altri insigni autori relativamente alle cause occasionali della liienstrnazione, auche queste * scoperte dal . . . 8C. Bologna, 187)3. Kobeht (L.-B.-T.) * Considerations gcnerales sur la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1833. Rue (A.-J.) * Essai sur la premiere menstrua- tion, precede de quelques consideratious sur la chlorose. 4°. Paris, 1819. Sallxier (J.-F.) *Sur la menstruation et l*anienorrhee. 4°. Paris, 1832. Sohliciitixgius (E. G.) "De catameniis. 4;. Groningce, 1730. S( hollmeyer (J.-F.-G.) * De menstruationis natura. 8°. Berolini, [1839]. Kciiulz (, viii, 341-351.—Barthel (E.) Leber das Verhalten der Menstruation und iiber die Haiitigkeit del Pseudomenstruatiou bei den verschiedenen Typliiisfonnen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1881, vi, 15.—BavlclRl De causis fluxus menstrui mulierum. ]„his: Diss. med. tres, 18°, Hagae-C'omitis, 1678,1-34.— Beimel (II.) Leber das Verliiiltniss der Menstruation zur Ovulaiion. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1873, xxiii, 637; 665: (i,-8; 709. ------. Ueber Ovulation uud Menstruation. Ibid , 1875. xxv, 692-696. — K«-inict (J. H.) On healthy and uioi'biil menstruation. Lancet, Lond., 1852. i, 35; 65; 215; 328; 353— Itiiiianl (C.) De l'influeuce des diffe- rens organes genitaux sur la menstruation tt sur l'appa- rence exlt-i it-tire du corps. Union med., Par.. 1850, iv, 513.—Borti (A.) Kicerche statisticbe sui fcnonieiiodella nii'struaziouc. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova. 1870. xiii, 2:9.— von Bi*eholl'. Leber Ovulation und Meu- strualion. "Wien. metl. XVi hnst hr., 1875, xxv, 44!l; 473; 497 ; 521.— Bonlr. Objections contre le nouveau systeme de la menstruation, propose par M. Lef'at. .1. denied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764, xxi, 315-342— Borcl. Kou- Menstruation. vclles theories de la menstruation. Bull. Sm-. rt. sc. mit.de Keuchattl, 1875-6, x, 335-341 .—Bouwq,nel ( I-'.) Dt-scauses qui peuvent faire varier ]'cpui|iie tie la n apparition ties regies apies raccouchetnent it apres 1 avortcmeiit. Mar- seille med., 1875, xii, 331; 394. — Braim (E.) Zur 1'hy siologie del' Menstruation. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 729; 762; 792: 826: 888 — Brcwd' (YV. P.) On mensirua tion : 1st. What are tins best means of bringing on the re- tarded menses, when the possibility of pregnancy is out of the question '. 2d. Is the period of the menopause really a critical period ? N. Oil. M. &S..I., 1874-5, ii, 918-920.— Brierrc dc ISoiwiiionl (A.) De la menstruation ; faire counaitre l'intliieiice que cette fonction exereo sur les ma- ladies et celle qu tile en recoil. Mem. Acad. denied.. Par., 1841, ix, 104-233.—BSi-ij*;;* (C.E.) A menstruating vii; in uterus. St. Louis M. A; S. J., 1880, xxxviii, 265-269. Also, in: Proc. St. Louis M. Soe. Missouri, 1881. i,i. 67-72.— Campa ( L. ile P. ) (.'ontribucion al estutlio dc la em- meuologia. An. de obst., ginecopat. y pediitt., Madrid, 1882, 2. ep.,ii, 289; 32i.—Campbell (IL E.) Observations upon menstruation ; its cause, character, and effects upon the female economy. AtlantaM. tt S. J., 1856-7, ii, 10-15.— Carpenter (\V. M.) Ketuarks on the periodical matura- tion and discharge of ova in man, and other liiaininifcrai; and tlie practical bearings of this theory. X. Oil. M & S. J., 18-15-6, ii, 563; 099.—Carstciiw (J. H.) The Licwcn- thai theory of mensti ualimi. Detroit Lancet, 1884-5, n. s., viii, 437-442.—Cauelioiw. Sur ^augmentation de la tension vasctilaire dans It- systeme de la circulation gcne- rale pendant la periode mcnstruellt. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol. 1872, Par., 1874, 5. s., iv, 144-147. — Chanilelux. Note sur la structure des corps .jaunes de Dalton. Ibid.. 1880, Par., 1881.7. s .ii.266-270. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 427-429.—Chomvletal. Kapport sur les memoires envoyes au concours de l'Academie; la question est cello- ci: "Faire l'histoire physiologique de la menstruation, faire counaitre l'influeuce que cette fonction exerce sur les maladies et celle qu'elle en recoil". Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1837-8, ii, 1056-1067.—Clay (C.) On the duration of that part of human life connected with menstruation, with general remarks on that important function. Med. Times, Lond.. 1845, xi, 95; 145; 179— Cocclii (B.) Intorno alia ovulazione della donna. (Xota all' osservaziouo del Dott. P. Gaddi.) Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1850, exxxv, 5- 20.—Cochran (J.) On menstruation as a pathological process. Virginia M. Month., Kichmnnd, 1876, ii, 824- 826.— Coo. (II.) Kcmarks upon menstruation; physiologi- cal anil pathological. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1858-9,'iv, 470- 473.—Cooler (F.) Do women menstruate during gesta- tion .' St. Louis M. & S. J., 1854, xii, 59-63.—Cordest (A.) Influence of bromide of potassium upon menstruation. Ohs. J. Gr. Brit, Lond., 1874, ii, 11.—Coilejarena (V.) Sur la menstruation. Cong. med. internat. de Par. (1867), 1868, 219-222. Also, transl: Siglo med., Madrid, 1867, xiv, 613-615.— Denny (T. S.) Phvsiologv of menstruation. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1859-60, v, 18-20.—B-cpanl ic iim- niol. Menstruation. Diet, t-ncvcl. d. se. metl., Par.. 1873, 2. s., vi, 678-738.—Desoiiiieanx & Dubois (P.) Men- struation. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par.. 1839, xix, 440-480.— B-evendorf. On the loss of blood during the menstrual period by the human female an abnormity. Detroit Lan- cet, 1882-3, n. s., vi, 454-456.—Dewec*'(W. P.) Obser- vations on menstruation. Phila. J. M. tfc Phys. Sc, 1826, xii, 283-305.— draper. Extraordinary cardiac excite- ment before a Iirst.menstruation. Boston M tfc S..L. 1886, cxv, 547.— I»iil>oi». De riieinorrhagie catameiiiale. Soc. med. d'Amiens. Bull. (1878-9), 1880, xviii-xix, 103-165.— I>u lEuiit (E ) A dissertation of conception, inenstina- tion, and its irregularities. Med. lieposib, >»'. Y., 1MI8. v, 25-31.—Edson (15.) A contribution to the resumption of menstruation after parturition. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1882, xv, 890-892. — Eltlund (F.) Notis om ineiistruationen has )appq\ inuorna. Jlvgiea, Stockholm, 1876, xxxviii, 105.—livers (J. C. G.) ' Statislickc opgavcii .....Hint het begin en ophouden der menstruatio. Kt-deil Tijtlschr v. Geneesk., Amst., 1873, 2. IL, ix, 1. Afd., 407.— »'aye. 1 )c la menstruation en Norvcge. Cong. med. internat. dc I'ir., 1868,191-195.—Frokli»tofr(A.E.) JS'eskolkoslov oprin- chiuach i tseli inenstruabiago proctssa. [Sonic words on the causes and purposes of menstruation.] Yoyeinio-meil. J., St. Petersb., 1885. clii, pt. 2, 125-172. Also, transl: Arch. f. Gvnack., Beil., 1885-6, xxvii, 379-418. Also.transl. and reprint.—Vlvsch (M.) Eine Kiagezur Lehre von der Menstruation. Centralbl. 1. G\ niik., Leipz., 1*86, x, 289- 291—Follierj»ill (J. M.) The systemic relations of the menstrual week. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1881. xiv, 38-47.— Function (On the) of thcovaiics in menstruation. Lan- cet, Lond., 1840-41, i, 294— Galippe. De la menstrua- tion dans les etablissemonts consaeres a Fedm-ation des jeuncs lilies. Bull. Sue. de med. pub., Par., ISMUii, 277- 280. Also: Ann. d'hvg , Par., ^80. 3. s., iv. 165-16,. Also: Rev. d'hvg.. Par., 1880, ii, 605-608.— <»a*pai-iiii. Dell influenza'iii 11' eletti it it;i sulla nicst ruazionc c suoi tlisturbi. N. Liguria med.. Ocnova, 1873, xviii. 531-539.—CJeorjje (G. A.) The rationale of the menstrual flow. Lancet. Lond., 1878, i, 346. —«iraiidet (E.) De la valeur des theories dans l'cxplicatiou ties causes de la menstruation. Gaz. u. MENSTRUATION. 149 MENSTRUATION. Menstruation. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 274—CJird wood (G, F.) Theory of menstruation. Lancet. Lond., 1842-3. i, 825-830. -----. On the theory of menstruation. 1 bid., 1844, ii, 312 ; 333.— Cioddard. Observations relatives a la menstruation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1854, Par., 1855, 2. s., i, pt. 2, 107-111. — Goodman (J.) Menstruation and the law of monthly periodicity. Richmond tfc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1875, xx, 553-567. Also, Reprint. -----. The menstrual cycle. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1877, Bost., 1878, ii, 650-662.-----. The clinical theory of menstruation. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1878, xi, 673-694. —«6 Hi (E ) Un- tersuchuugi-n iiber die Menstiuationsverhaltnisso der in Siebenbiirgeii woluienden Volkeistumme. Post, meil- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1879. xv. 845: 859; 875; 911: 929; 963. — G-recnhow (E.) Effects of opium on the cata- menia. Lond. M. Gaz., 1844. n. s., xxxiv, 117. — CSriins- dale (T. F.) Final cause of menstruation. Med. Times ic Oaz., Lond. 1852, n. a., iv, 299.—(Jnsscrow (A.) Leber Menstruation und Dvsmcnorrhoe. Samml klin. Yortr., Leipz., 1875, No. 81 (Gynak.. Ko. 27), 619-048.— Ilarlcy (G.) Uterus audits appendages at the catame- nial period. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861-2, xiii, 170-172. -----. The menstrual secretion; including critical re- marks on the pathology of retained menstrual fluids in the organs of reproduction. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 815.— ■Iaiismaiin. Bcitiiige zur Lehre der Decidua menstru- alis. Yerhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1868, xx. 140-155. — Ha us*in a■■ n (D.) Beinerkungen zu den Sigismimtlscheit Ideen iiber das Wesen der Menstruation. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 66.—Hcjjar. Bemer- kungen zur Menstruation. Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freib. i. Br , 1884, Ivi, 202.—Ilenke (E.) Ovulation and menstruation. Med. & Surg, lb-porter, Phila., 1874, xxx, 305-308—Hennig (C.) Tempeiaturbeobachtiingen wiihrend der Menstrua- tion. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871, ii, 300: 1872, iv, 371. -----. Leber das Verhalten des Eileiters wahrend der Menstruation. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1877, xviii, 418- 425.-----. Ueber die Temperatnr ]\fpiistruireiider. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1882, n. F., ii, 214-216.—Herman (G. E.) Cases illustrating the relation between uterine and ovarian pain at the menstrual period. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1880, viii. 145-153.—Hillycr (E.) An essay on the physiology of menstruation. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1858, n. s., xiv, 795-802 —Hodgdon. Bifid uterus : ovula- tion independent of menstruation. Extr. Bee. Bost Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9). 1880, vii, 13. — Hogg (F. R ) Notes on menstruation. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 555.— Iricpar (A. E.) La menstruacion considerada bajo el punto de vista fisiologico. Siglo med., Madrid, 1867, xiv, 755; 789; 804; 819.— Irwin (.LA.) The influence of sea- voyaging upon the genital functions in women. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 536. — Jackson (A. R.) Non-ovarian menstruation; with cases, and some remarks upon the ovulation theory. Chicago M. J., 1S70, xxvii, 583-593. -----. The ovulation theorv of menstruation ; will it stand? Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1876, xxvi, 128-161. Also: Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1876, ix, 529-560. Also, Re- print. -----. A contribution to the relations of ovulation and menstruation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1881. iii, 365-372. Also, Keprint.—Jacquemier. Menstruation. Diet. d. diet, de med. (suppl.), Par., 1851, 444-453.— J arte (T.) Ovulation und Menstruation. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1886, n. F., vi, 255-266.—Janzcr. Liitcrsuchung der in- nern Genitalien eines kurz nach tier Menstruation ermor- detenMadrhens. Med. Ann., ileitlelb., 1848, xiii, 601-604.— JenliK (E. XV.) Menstruation without ovulation ; a few thoughts .suggested by a case of double ovariotomy. Tr. M. Soc. Midi. 1870. Lansing, 1871, 137-143.—Jeps'on (S. L.) The relation of ovulation to menstruation. Tr. M. Soc. AV. Virg.. Wheeling, 1877, 275-285.— .lolniitone (A. W.) The menstrual tugun. Brit. Gynrec J., Lond , 1886- 7, ii, 292-306, 3 pi.—.loulin. Memoire sur la menstrua- tion. Cong. med. internat, de Par. (1867), 1868, 178-186.— .fndec (C) Des modifications subies par l'uterus h l'e- poque menstruelle. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 154.— Kahlci*. Keiiiarques sur la menstruation. J. compl. tin diet. tl. SC. metl., Par., 1824, xviii, 252-257.— Kcrscli (S.) Leber Vcranderung der Korperteinperatur durch den Mcnstrnationsprocess. Memorabilieii, Heilbr., 1882, u. F.. ii, 65-71. — Kcsteven (W. B.) An examination into the grounds of tlie ovular theory of menstruation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, xliv, 930-935. Also, transl: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1850, 4. s., xxii, 438-447. -----. On the final cause of menstruation. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 171.—King (A. F. A.) A new basis for uterine pathology. Am. J. Obst.. 1875, viii, 237-256. [See, also, Studley (\V. H.)]—Krieg. Leber den Monatstluss und einige denselben befordernde Mittel. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, 217-226. — I.atfneau (G.) Re- cherches comparatives sur la menstruation en France. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1865, vi, 724-740. [Discus- sion], 740-751. -----. Recherches comparatives sur la menstruation dans les diverses contrees sous le rapport ethnologique. Cong. med. internat. de Par. (1867), 1868, 170-178. Also [Abstr. ] : Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1867, 2. 8., iv, 613.—I,angheiiirich (G.) Beobachtung eniiber menstruation. die Zeit des Wiedereintritts der Menstruation nach vor- ausgegangeiien Entbindungeu. Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb., 1854, i, 232-240. —I-cbedeff (A. I.) K vopr. o menstrual, protsessc v sviazi s. teorici W. Lii wen- thal'a. [The menstrual process according to Lowenthal'.s theorv. 1 Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 188-191.— lie Cat. Nouveau systeme sur la cause de l'evaeuation peiiodique du sexe. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764. xx, 309-334. —Lee (R.) On the state of the ovaries during menstruation. Lancet, Loud., 1845, i, 583-585.— lice (It. G ) Menstruation aud the functions of the ova- ries; a comparison between the false and true corpus lu- teum; remarks on the physiology of nutiition and circu- lation in the fu-tus. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Loud.. 1875, vii, 45.—lieopold. Uiitersiichuugen iiber Menstruation und Ovulation. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1883, xxi, 347-408, 2 pi.—Ijeiheby (II.) An account of two cases in which ovules or their remains were discovered in the Fallopian tubes of iiniinpregnated women who had died during the period of menstruation. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1852, 57-63, 1 pi.— dendct. Etude sur la menstruation des femmes de la ville do Rouen et du departement do la Seine-lnferieure. Cong. med. internat. de Par., 1868, 162-170. — l.icvcn. Statistique de la menstruation de mille habitantes de Saint-Petersbourg. Cong. med. internat. de Par. (1867), 1868, 205.—[liittre.J Sur les regies des femmes. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1720.1 Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1774, v, 277-279. — liocwciillial (W.) Eine neue Deutung des Menstriiationsproccsses. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl,, 1884, xxiv, 169-261. AZso [Rev.] : Wien. med. Bl., 188~>, viii, 337; 433; 462. Also, transl. .- Medecin prat., Par., 1884, v, 577-580. Also: Semaino med., Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 4G1.-----. Zwei easuistisehe Beitriige zur Menstruationslehre. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 188), xxvi, 156-162. -----. Ueber einige .Erfahrungen bei kiinstli- cher Unterdriickung des menstrucllen Blutfhisses. Ta- gebl. (1. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb.. 1885, lviii, 110. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1885, xxxi 442. -----. Bemerkungen zu A. E. Feoktistow's "Einige Worte iiber die Ursachen und den Zweck des Menstrual- processes '. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1886, xxviii, 158- 160. — Ijougc (P.) De rinvariabilite de frequence du pouls dans les different.es attitudes pendant la pei-iode menstruelle. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1885, lviii, 1172, — l.ovctt (R. W.) Menstruation in women and animals. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1884, cxi, 201-205.—" Lucine." A propos de regies; confidences d'une feinnie. J. de med. dc Par., 1887, xii, 399-407. Also, transl: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1887, n. s.. xviii. 705. Also, transl.: Nashville M. News, 188"7, i, 174-176.—M'Ciolgan (T. J.) The revelations of a woman doctor reviewed. South. Pract., Nashville, 1887. ix, 291- 294.—Mcliaiiry (XV. M.) Remarks on the it-lalion of menstruation to the sexual functions. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1887, xx, 158-164. Also, Reprint. — MndiiNoodeii Gupta. On menstruation among Hindus. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1843-5, ix, 308-312, 1 pi.— Handl (L.) Resume des travaux inodernes sur la menstruation et la fecondation. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1845, 4. s., viii, 66- 86.—Mauley (J. R.) Remarks on menstruation; being an attempt to show that the generally received doctrines ou this subject are not only untrue, but inadequate to ex- plain some of the most interesting phenomena connected with that process. N. \rork M. & Phys. J., 1825, iv, 52- 61.—Manrel (A.) De riuflnence de la grosscsse et des menstrues sur les elements figures du sang chez les races hiiidoue et noire. Arch, de tool.. Par., 1883, x. 705-710.— Mayer (C.-E.-L.) Expose statistique de la menstruation dans l'Allemagne septontrionalo et centrale. Cong. med. internat. de Par. (1807). 1868, 206-219. -----. Statistische Beitriige zur Hiiufigkeit der Menstruation wiihrend des Stillcns. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Berl., 1872-3, ii, pt. 2, 136-142.—Maygrier (J.-P.)" Menstruation. Diet. d. sc. mod., Par., 1819, xxxii, 375-396. — Meadows (A.) Menstruation and its derangements. [Abstr. report of Harveian lectures for 1881.] Mod. Press & Circ., Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxii, 487; 509; 531: 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 1; 19.— Meckel (H.) Ueber die anatoinischen Verhaltnisse der Menstruation. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med., Jena, 1850, i, 192-205. — Menstruation anil the curing of meat. Brit.M.J., Lond., 1878, ii, 544; 654; 714.—Micliae- lis (G. A.) Ausnahmen von tier Regel. X. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl., 1836, iv, 361-389.—Michel (M ) On the dependence of menstruation upon the development, and expulsion of ova, illustrated by a case in which a corpus luteum iu process of formation was found coinciding with menstruation. Charleston M. J. tfc Rev., 1848, iii, 21-27.— .Viinot. Local congestion vicarious with menstruation. Boston M. <> MENSTRUATION. ^Icii«ti*n.ifiofii. (.\.) Leber die Bedeutsainkeit tier Menstruation uud ihr Verliiiltniss zu der Bruust der Thiere. N. Ztschr. f. Ge- luirtsk., Berl., 1843, xiv, 427-435.—.>.ium:imi (M. E. A.) Von tier Menstruation, beitr. z. prakt.. Heilk.. Leipz.. I 1*31., i, 25; 40. ------. Leber die pliysiologische und pa- thologische Bedeutung der Menstruation. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. it. Chir., Leipz., 1839, ii, 18-34.—Aijbotl (G. (J ) Ovulatieen nienstiuatic. Xederl. Tijtlschr. v. Gt - neesk., Amst,, 1886, xxii, 2S5-300. — Nlines (L C.) .jr. Menstruacao; theoria do Rouget elucitlada. Rev. med.. Rio de Jan., 1877, iv, 137. — IVoursc (A.) Menstrua- tion and its connection with literogestation. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1864, Ixx, 490-493.—Oliver (J.) Menstruation, not a shedding of mucous membrane. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 710. ------. Menstruation; its nerve origin; not a shedding of mucous membrane. J. Anat. tfc Plivsiol.. Lond., 1880-7, xxi, 378-384, Also: Metl. Rec, X. Y., 1887, xxxii, 69-71.—Ormicres. De la menstruation apres l'ovariotomie et l'hvsterectoniie. Paris med., 1880, 2. s., v, 402-404—Osterloli. Leber Menstruation. Jah- resb. d. Gesellsch. f. Xat.- u. Heilk. in Dread., Leipz., 1879, 40.—Ott (D. O.) K uteheniou o phiziologicheskich proja- vlenijaeh polovoi jizni i jentchin krestjanok Kalugskoi gubernii. [Sexual function of women; physiological phe- nomena] Zdorovje, St. Petersb., 1879, v," 226; 280; 301; 321 — Fan u in (P. L.) Et. lille Bidrag til Kundskab om Forholdet imellem Tiilspunkterne for Aglosning, Sam- leje og Befrugtniug. Xord. nu-il. Ark., Slockholin. 1882. xiv, no. 29,1-3. Also. Reprint.— I'liivin (T.) Is men- struation pathological.' Am. Pract.. Louisville, 1875. xii, 140-149. ------. A brief study of 100 cases of menstrua- tion. Am. Pract,, Louisville, 1877, xvi, 65-69.—l*avesi (('.) Delia niestruazioiic e specialiueute della applicazione tit H'acetato di sesquiossido di ferro dializzato. Iudipen- dcnie, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 661-663.—Payne (R. L.), jr. Probable want of connection between menstruation and ovulation. X'orth Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1886, xviii, 145-148. — Pcrrond (L.) Influence des pyrcxies sur les prineipaux phenomenes de la menstruation. France med., Par., 1862, ix, 53; 71; 85; 102; 119. — I'itcai-ii (A.) Ob- servation's quu'daiu de fluxu menstruo. In his: Diss. med., 4°, Edinburgi, 1713, 161-174. Also, in liis: Opusc. med., 4°. Rotcrod., 1714, 145-157. Also, in his: Optra omnia medica, ed. now, 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1737, 305-314. Also, transl. in his: Works, 8°, Lond., 1715, 221-237.— Ponle (M. M.) Contribuciones & la historia de la men- struation, (lac. cient. de Venezuela, Caracas, 1878, ii, 41.—Post (A. C.) Appearances of the uterus and ap- pendages in a woman who died soon after menstrua- tion. N. York M. Gaz., 1842, ii, 81-86.—Power (J.) On the theory of menstruation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1844, n. s., xxxiv, 217-221.—Pnecb (A.) L'expulsion de l'teuf sub- file on precetle-t-clle les regies? Gaz. obst.. Par., 1880, ix, 49-52. — Purple (S. S.) Menstruation, its true nature and office, with a review of the evidence of its vesicular origin, with illustrative cases. N. York J. M., 1846, vi, 229-236.—Qucircl (A.) & Kouvier (J.) Recherches statistiques sur la menstruation a Marseille et dans les Bonchcs-tlu-Rhono. Assoe. f'ran:. pour lavance. tl. sc. Oonipt.-rend. 1879, Par., 1880, viii, 962-968. Also: Ann. de gynec., Par.. 1879, xii, 401-410.—Kabutean. Note sur l'influence tie la menstruation sur la nutrition, le pouls et la temperature. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1870, Par., 1872, 5. s., ii, 75-77. —----. De Tintlm-nce de la men- struation sur la nutrition. Ibid., 110-114. Also: Gaz. hebd. tic med., Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 402-405— Kaciborski (A.) Dc la ponte pcriodique spontanea chez la femme et Its femellcs des mauiniiferes. Experience, Par., 1843, xii 274; 292; 307; 321; 343.—Ranisbotham ( F. H.) On the final cause of menstruation. Metl. Times tfc Gaz Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 57; 115; 138; 219— Rausclienbcrg (C.) Normal ovariotomy; menstrual physiology. Atlanf i M. fc S. J., 1874-5, xii, 350-352. -----. Ovulation and menstruation, and Dr. R. Battey's operation of normal ovariotomy. Ibid., 1875-6. xiii, 713-727.—Remak (R.) Ueber Menstruation und Brunst. X". Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1843, xiii, 175-233. [See. also, supra.'] Also, transl': Ann. de, la chir. franc-, et etrang,. Par., 1843, viii, 320-362. Also: Ann. denied, beige. Brux., 1843, iii, 222-233. — Rey- nolds iL J.) Menstruation a pathological process. De- troit Lancet, 1884-5, viii, 52-55.—Riedel. Benierkuuge.n zur Physioiogie und Pathologie tier Menstruation und zur Therapie gvwisser Meustruatioiisstdruugen. Verhandl. (1. Ocsellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1867, xix, 142-145.__ Rilgen. Leber die pliysiologische Bedeutung der Men- struation. Gem. tleutscho Ztschr. f. Geburtsk'.", Weimar, 1828, ii, 464-487— Roberton (J.) An inquiry into the natural history of the menstrual function. Edinb M & S. .L, 1832, xxxviii, 227-254. Also, transl: N. Ztschr f Geburtsk., Berl., 1840, viii, 361-383. — Roberts. Men- struation: its natural history aud physiology, ami its re- lations to amenoi-rhtea. Bull. N. York Ai-atl'M.. 1869. iii, 332-342.— Rossetti (A.) Menstruation et ovulation'. Mouvement metl., Par., 1876. xiv, 305-307.—Ronvier (J.) Quelques phenomenes stipplemcntaires ties regies. Ann. tie gyuec, Par., 1879, xii, 10; 120: 1880, xiii, 7l5. ______. Recherches sur la menstruation en Svrie. Ibid., 18S~" Vie ii*trua1ioifi. xxvii, 178-201.—.Sakaki (Junjiroi. |A study of the sta- tistics of eight hundred t ascs of menstrual ion and concep- tion in Japanese women. I I'biugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio 1886, no. 156, Sept. 25.— Naiiloriiius (J. D.) De cata- meniis. Opusculum iv. In: Kaiilh ins (G.) Opera omnia 4°, Lugduni, 1710, 843-854. Also, in his.- Opusc. metl 16°, Rofterod.. 1719, 189-21.6. — !»>c han er (C. 11.) Leber die Menstruation. Verhandl. tl. Ocselbi-h. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1853-5, viii, 1; 14. ------. Die Theoricn der altercn und neiiereu Zeit iiber die Menstruation. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. n. Frauenkr., Berl., I,s55, v, 94- 111. — Sch el- ver (F.J.) Die Menstruation. .1. d. Naturw. n. Med. Frankf. a. M., 1810, i, 228-24 !.— Mch warzsehild. Dei Zweck der Menstruation. (Aus einem noch uugeili uckten Werke: Die Menstruation, historisrh-phvsioluMjseh bc- trachtet.) J. f. Geburtsh.. Leipz., 1834. 398- I Hi — Mlian- nnn (H.) Ovulation without menstruation ; conception: albuminuria; dropsy; delivery at full term : good gelling up. Tr. M. Soc, N. Jersey, 'Newark, 18S4, 255.—sii^i*. ■IInnd (R.) Ideen iiber das Wescu der Menstruation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 624.—Simpson (A. U.) Enimenologia. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loml., 1876, iii, 075- 688. Also: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Sot-., 1874-7, iv, 176-194. Also, Keprint.—de Ninety. Note sur rindependance relative qui pent cxister entre I'ovulation et la menstrua- tion. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 365-367. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1870, 4. s., v, 623. ------. Recherches sur la mnqueuso uterine pendant la menstruation. Lonipt. rend. Soe.de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s.. iii. 99-102. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1881. 6. s., iii, 175.— Mmilli (J. McC ) Intliience of opium upon the eatame- nial functions. X. York J. M., 1844, ii. 56-58. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1843-4. xxxiii, 878. — .Stephenson (W.) On the menstrual wave. Am. J. Obst , X. Y., 1882, xv, 287-294.—Stolfz (A.) Menstruation. X'. diet, tie metl. et chir. prat., Par, 1876, xxii, 299-339.—Storer (II.-R.) 1 )e la menstruation sans ovaires. A rob. dc physiol. norm. et path., Par., 1868, i, 370-378.-Strieker (W.) Aufforde- iung zu gemeinsamen statistischenEiinittcluugen iiber die Verhaltnisse der Menstruation. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxviii, 295: 1878, Lxii. 281: 1879, lxxvi, 212: lxxviii, 194: 1882, lxxxviii. 379 —Mlrohl (K.) Rc- cherclies statistiques sur la relation qui pout cxister entre la periodicite de la menstruation et les phases de la bine. Oaz. metl. do Strasb., 1861, 2. s., i, 93-103—Studley (XV. II.) Is menstruation a disease? A review of Professor King's article entitled: "A new basis for uterine pa- thology ". Am. J. Obs;.. N. Y, 1875, viii, 487-512.—Siit;- jjcslive (A) custom in Devonshire. Lancet, Lond 1878, ii, 205; 244; 279; 427; 498.—Sylvius (J.) Dc mensi- bus muliebribus liber: in quo etiam obiter diversi foniinci affect us explicantur et curantur: quibus adjiciturde gene- ration e hominis, sive de fcecunditatis et sterilitatis causis libellus. In: Gvnaeciorum [etc.], 4°. Basileie, 1566, 771- 850. Also: 8°, BasiletB, 1586. i. 304-340. Also: fol., Argen- tina', 1597, 148-166. — Sznkil* ( F. ) Ueber tlie Men- struation in Oestcrreicb. Ztschr. tl. k.-k. (icsellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1857. 509-514. —Taguet (II.) De Tin- flueuce de la menstruation sur le svsteiue nerveux. Mar- seille metl., 1879, xvi, 541-552. —'Tait ( L. ) Note on the relations of ovulation anil menstruation. Mod. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, CI9-624. — Tanszky (It.) The ovulation and other theories of menstruation ; the anoma- lies of menstruation, their appreciable causes and treat- ment. Physician & Thai-mac, X. Y.. 1879, n. a., xii, 275- 282.—Tholauder (F.) Kritik och belysning af migra punkter i lii ran om nienstriiationen. [Some points apd theories of menstruation.] Svens. Liik.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1871, 2. s., iv, 1-55.—Tillanx. De I'ovula- tion dans ses rapports avec la menstruation. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1880, 2. s., ix, 880. —Till. De l'infiuenco tin climat et tie la race sur la menstruation. Cong. med. internat,. tie Par. (1867), 1868, 187 -190. — Torres (G.) Del uso de agentes terapeutieos durante las reglas. Cron. med., Valencia, 1878-9, ii, 103- 108. — Townsend (F.) Ovulation and menstruation considered iii their physio- logical relations. Albany M. Ann , 1-85, vi, 97-112.— Trousseau. Ueber Menstruations Fieber. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 393; 401. —Underbill (C. E.) Xote on the uterine mucous membrane of a woman who died immediately after menstruation. Tr. Edinb. Obst, Soe., 1878, iv, 129-132. — Versari (C.) Esame critico sulla tesi: Menstrui derivauo dalla ovoluzione. Rendic. Ac- cad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1873, 120-124. -----. In- torno la ovulazione inuliebre dirette a iiidurne. se ella. conic credono i piii, sia propiio, o no la efticieuza dei mestrui. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1874, xxxvii. 489- 498.—Vogel (C.) Folgen ubermiissiger Menstruation. Mag. f, d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1828, xxvi, 325-336.— Vogl (II.) Sur la menstruation norinale en Norvogc. Cong med. internat. tie Par. (1867), 1868, 196-204. Also, transl. : Norsk Mag. f. La-goviileusk., Christiania, 1867, xxi, 23- 37.— 'Walker (A. 1).) Ovulation and menstruation. Obst. J. Gr. Brit, Lond., 1874, ii, 412-416.—Warner (Helen). Some objections to Ltcwenthal's theory of men- struation. Detroit Lancet, 1884-5, n. s., viii, 412-444.— Warwick (J.) Notes on menstruation. Lond. M. Gaz., MENSTRUATION". 151 MENSTRUATION. IVIeiistriiutiosB. 1843-4, n. s., i. 863-866. —Weber (F.) Ueber die Men- strualverhiiltnis.se tier Kr.iueu in St. Petersburg. St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr., 1883. viii, 329: 337: 345— Wendl (E. <'.) Ltcrus and appendages of a woman who died while menstruating; no marked hypertrophy or destruction I of mill-tuis membrane. Med. Rei-,., X. Y., 1882, xxii, 582.— Wilder (A.) Menstruation; its use, or its relation to the moral aud religious nature. X. York M. Rev., 1873, n. s., i, 17-22. — Williams (J.) Additional cases illus- trating the changes which occur periodically in the mu- cous membrane of the uterus. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1877. v, 593-597: 1884, i, 253: 301.—Wiltshire (A.) Lect- ures on the comparat ive physiology of menstruation. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1883, i, 395 : 440: 500. Also [Abstr.]: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1883, xi, 251-261. Also: Vet. J. & Ann. Coiup. Path.. Loml.. 1883. xvi, 257; 349: xvii, 16. Also: J. Conip. M. tfc S., N. Y.. 1883, iv, 284: 1884, V, 58; 163: 254 —Worster (J.) Observations on the physiology of menstruation, with notes of a ease in point. Mod. Bee. X. V,. 1876, xi, 683-085.— Wyder (T.) Das Ver- j halten der Mucosa uteri wiihrend tier Menstruation. Zt- ' sehr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg.. 1883, ix, 1-37. Menstruation (Abnormal and vicari- ous). See, also, Fallopian tube (Rupture of); Hy- men (Imperforate); Jaundice (Causes, etc., of); Menses (Retention of); Menstruation (Prema- ture); Ovariotomy (Sequela; etc., of); Preg- nancy (Menstruation during); Vagina (Imper- forate, etc.) Abbal (G.) *])<>s prineipaux caraeteres cli- uiques ]>leuientaire a la menstruation. 4 . Montpeller, 1867,. Ahoxsox (J.) * Dc hyemorrhagia* narium ac gingivainm salubritate loco rluxus menstrui c;i8ii quortam com probata. 4\ Halce, [177'2]. Beauchamp (P.) * Essai sur la x£nom6uie. 4:. Strasbourg, 1864. Clkmkxt(F.) Geueralisetbrevis tractatus de anonialiis menstruoruni. .^-\ Vindobona; [n.d.] Hedluff (J. E.) * De viis mensium iusolitis. 4°. Jence, [1745]. Jaschke (G. E.) * De niensiuin iusolitis viis. 4-. Halce Magdeb., 1707. Also, in: Hai.i.eii. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausan- na;, 1758, iv, 525-553. Jamix ( F. ) * Essai sur la nienoxenie, ou deviation du rlux nienstruel. 4C. Strasbourg, 1-10. Kei.lxei: (G.) * De menstruatioue anoniala. 8J. Haiti; 1823. Kikchxek (A.) * De conocstionibus atque liieinorrhaoiis menstruationis vicariis. S-. Wire-e- bttrgi, 1833. Lksciie (C. aI.) *De a-gra lneinorrliagia na- rium a suppressione mensium laborante. sm. 4C. Helmstadii, [1716]. Lohey (G.) * Des voniisscnients dc sang sup- j plemeutaires des regies, et pathogenic des hemor- rhagies supplement;!ires du iinx menstruel, en general. 4 -.' Paris, 1817,. Maisonxave. * Quelques considerations sur le traitement des lieniatenieses supplcmentaires des regies. 4'-. I'aris, 1877. i Maldlit (J.-A.) * Considerations sur la men- \ struation, ses anomalies en general, cf sur I'lnS- ruoptysie svmpathotique en particulier. 4'". Pa- ris, 1827). Michaelis (E.) * Observatioues qua'dani dc catameuiorum viis iusolitis. 8°. Berolini, [1830]. Peter (C.) *Diss. sistens liistoriam rarioreni mamma; cancrosa; sanguinem menstruum fnn- dentis, methodo simpliciorc sanata'. 4-. Tiibin- gce, 1763. Also, in: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ti- cini, 1791, x, 64-94. DE Rayssac (F.) * Etude sur la menstruation dans ses rapports avec les hemorrhagies supple- mentaires et compleineutaires des regies. 4U. j Paris, 1-7.-. ' Menstruation (Abnormal and vicari- ous). Sciiaciit (C. ) "De menstruatione vicaria. 8-\ Berolini, [1847>]. Stitzek (II. C.) * Dc menstruatione vicaria. K-. Haiti, [I860]. Tiedemaxx (H.) * Ueber die stellvertreteude Menstruation (Menstruatio vicaria). 6:. Wiirz- burg, 1842. TuiLLF.it (D. W.) [Pr. ] . . . prsemissa nova veraque explicatione lofci cujusdam Hippocratici hactenus obscurissinii e lib. vii de morb. epidem. extrem. de mensibus per nares Leonida* filiic erunipentibns, ab imprudenti antem medico cum ipsius interitu infeliciter repressis. sm. 4°. Vi- teinberga; [177,8]. YVallextin ((J.) * Menstruatio prsecox. 8~. Breslan, [1887,]. Zissy (D. M.) * De anomaliis catameniorum. s . Herbipoli, 1836. Aclsims (F. VV.) Case of apparent Fallopian men- strual secretion. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1836, xviii, 38- 43. — Albertus (M.) De fluxu menstruo per sudorem sanguinis e pedibus. Acad. nat. curios, ephem., Norib., 1715, cent, iii—iv, 241. — Alibert. Hemorrhagic auricu- laire, stirvenue ;i la suite de la suppression des menstrues. J. do med. et chir. de Toulouse, 1845-6, ix, 244. — Allbul (T. C.) Case of premature menstruation. Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 11; 85. — All port (W. W.) A case ef vicarious catamenial haeinorrhage from the gums, with recession of the gingival margins and alveolar processes, the result of amenorrhoea. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, iv, 147-149.— d'Aiidradc (A. P.) An account of a case in which the menses were apparently substituted by haemorrhage from the, skin. Tr. M. tfc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1862), 1863, n. s,, viii (app.), pp. xx-xxiv.—Amlrcae (D. XV.) Menstrua vetuhc. Acta Acad. nat. curios,. 2. ed., Norimb., 1727, i, 82. — Astbni-y (J.) Case of menstruation by the ha-mor- rhoidal vessels for more than two years. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1821, xvii, 307.—15. (W. IL) Vicarious menstruation. Boston M. & S. J., 1850, xii, 63.—Baker (E. C.) A case of vicarious menstruation from an ulcer on the right mamma. South. -1. M. & Pharm., Charleston, 1847, ii, 152- 155. 1 pi.—Bantock (G. G.) Amenon-hiea and vicarious menstruation. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1884, i, 210.— Bnrancy. Note sur quelques cas de deviations men- struelles. Ann. ined.-chir. franc, tt etrang., Par., 1885, i, 54-56 —Barbce (W. J.) Cholera morbus occurring monthly in lieu of menstruation. Maryland M. & S. J., Bait,. 1840, i, 287.—Barnaul (C.) Periodical purpura vicarious of the catamenia. Prov. M. tfc S. J., Lond., 1847, 455. — Barnes ( B. ) On vicarious menstruation. Brit. Gvna-c. J., Lond., 1886-7, ii, 151-177. [Discussion], 188-207. -----. Clinical paper on vicarious menstrua- tion. Med. Press tfc Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xii, 397; 419.— Barnes (T.) Case of vicarious menstruation, with singu- lar discharge from the ear. Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1826-7, ii, 273- 283. -Barrel! (K. C.) Vicarious menstruation per rectum. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1875, ii, 671-673.—Barry (EL. H.) A case of vicarious menstruation. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1873, ix, 78-81.—Baster (1.) Fremina cui men- ses per ulcus fluebant, tiliuni sauissiiniiminbicemedit, sub- sequente ulceiis consolidation!'. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1748, viii, 93. — Belimi*. Menstrua per ocu- los excreta. Zodiacus med.-gall. 1680, Geneva, 1682, ii, 42.— lie I la m v (W.J. H.) A caseof vicariousinenstruation(?). Virginia NI. Month.. Richmond, 1875. ii, 31-33. — Beni- vcui (A.) Menses vomitione projecti. In: Dodonaeus iii..) Med. obs. exempla rara, 16°, Colouia*, 1581, 196.— Bennett (tt.) Early menstruation; profuse and long- continued hu'inopt > sis in connection with scanty menstrual flow. Med. Times tfc Ga/.., Loml., 1857, n. s., xiv, 190.— Beziat. Observation dune veuve bien constituee, con- tinuant d'etre region a l'age de quatre-vingt-sept ans. Ann. Soc. dc ined. prat, de Montpel., 1804, iv, 188-192.— Bierling (('. T.) Signuni instautis mensium fluxus in facie, lnliis: Adversarioruni curiosoruinccnturiaprima, 4° Jenic. 1679, 93. — Billing. Vicarious menstruation. Lancet, Lond., 1831-2, ii, 520-522. —Black burn (J. C.) Menstruation in an old woman'! Nelson's North. Lancet, Plattsburg. K. Y., 1852-3, vi, 101.-Blair (H. A.) A ease of attempted vicarious menstruation, attended with conjunctivitis and opacity of the cornea. Oglethorpe M. tfc S. J., Savannah, 1858-9, i, 11-15. —Blair (H. R.) Case of vicarious menstruation. Edinb. M. J., 1858-9, iv, 882.— Boring (J.) t t Vicarious menstruation. Atlanta M. tfc S. J., 1855-6, i, 211-214. — Borrichins (O.) Menstrua per nares exeuutia. Acta med. et phil. 1677-9, Hafn., 1680, 174-176. Also, transl: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 370.—Boucherean. Observation sur uu ulcere au sein, a la suite d'une suppression tie regies, guerie par les eniinenagogues. J. de metl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1783. Ix. 317. —Bonlgcr (E.) Case of a discharge which MKIWSTIU ATIOX. 152 MEXSTKUATION. t|< u*.(rn;ilioii (Abnormal and vicari- ous). issued at monthly periods from beneath the left mamma. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, i, 493.—Brincken Hi. T. L.) En Deviatiomenstruationis, hvorvetl Blotlet afsonilredcs igjen- nem do undertidenopbrydendeArafet gain melt lcprostSaar paa Uyggen. [Flow of blood from cicatrix of a leprous ul- cer. 1 Evr. Christiania, 18,14. ix. 99-102. Also, transl.: J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1838, xvii. 6.'2-624. — Broeri (H. J.) Anomalie dermeustruatie met bcgeleidcndc vei schijnselen in amlero orgfincn ; asthma uterinum (van Simpson). Ne- derl. i'iitlst hr. v. Heel-en Verlosk.. Utrecht, 1859-60, x, 230- 239. — Kro«M' (P.) Vitarirende Menstruation. Mitth. a. d.i.eb. tl. Il.-ilk., Leipz., 1845, 207.— Buchanan (G.) Case of menstruating ulcer. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1879, vi, 780-782. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 304.— B---w. Zwey Beobachtungen von einer zweyjahrigen Zuruckhal- tung der lnonatlichen Reinigung, (fie (lurch Geschwiire des liaises ersetzt wunle. X". Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz. 1787, ix, 20-26. — Ciibadr. Sur un cas de menstruation pie- coce. Gaz. med. de Bar., 1883, 6. s , v, 462 : 474—Calder (J.) The menstrua regularly evacuated at aii ulcer of the ankle. Med. Lssavs c lUuynck. Retour des regies a un age tres-avance; gue- rison d'affections opiniattes. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand 1844, x. 168- 170. —Be Bcynel. Observations sur deux aberrations du flux meiistrucl. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xiv, 361-365.— Droslc (A.) Menstruation aus dem After. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 1197.— Duchesne (E.) Amenorrhee complete; sang des men- strues remplace par des sueurs periodiques. Monit, d. hop.. Par , 1856. iv, 66!.— Duncan (J. M.) Amenorrhoea and vicarious menstruation. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 139-141. — Diipuis (T. R.) Caso of menstruation iu a woman aged sixty-four years. Canada Lancet, To- ronto, 1871-2. iv. 21. — Dnpiiytren. Brfilure; denuda- tion de la peau; flux menstrui 1 s operant par cette plaie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1828-9, i, Ho. Also, transl. (Abstr 1 South. M. tfc S. J., Augusta, 1836-7, i, 228.— Edward*. Menstruation at the age of eight; vicarious luemopt vsis. Med. Times ,v Gaz., Lond., 1857. xiv, 190.—Elmslie (W. j J.I A case of vicarious menstruation. Indian M. Gaz. Calcutta, 1867, ii, 102. — Enibling (T.) Infantile men- I TlciB*!iMiatioii (Abnormal and vicari- ous). struation. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, 137.—Eininei (L .\.) A case of persistent menstruation in a lady seventy \ears of age. Am. J. Obst,. N. V , 1886, xix. 152.— Falkcii. baeh (XV. A.) ('onsensuelle Anschwellung eines l'.rust- knofens wiihrend der Menstruation. (In.-Ber. d. k. rhein Mod.-Coll. 1837, Koblenz, 1839, 2i8. —Farre. Examples of vicarious haeiuateinesis. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 447.__ Field. A ease of vicarious menstruation from tin- em-, Med. Press >V Circ., Loud.. 1882, 11. s . xxxiii, 115. — I in- gerhuth. Vicarii-enile Menstruation. Wchnschr. f. d ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1836. 87-89.— Finley (S. B. 11.) Case of menstruation from the mammae. Carolina J. M. Sc. Charleston, S. O., 1825, i, 2b3. — Flccbner (A. K.) Fstii einer (lreyzehnjahrigen Amenorrhrea mit sechs rcgolmas- sig vcrla'iifeiiilcn Schwangerschaften. Metl. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien. 1840, n. F., xxi, 531-534. — Flee Ii- ' sig. Merkwiirdiges Wiederauftreteu der Menstruation im siisfen Lebensjahre mit kritischer Beth-iitiiu^ fiir ein chroniselies Xei veiileiden. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., BeiL 1843, 120-432— 1'lei sell 111:111 n. Menstrualblutiing auf uiigewiihnlu'hem Wege. J. (1. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 2. St.. xc 108.— Foil I (F. A.) Casde menstruation chez un homme. Bull. Soc. metl. de la Suisse Rom., Lau- sanne, 1869, iii, 53-61. — Forstcr (I. C.) A case of men- strual iiber on the face. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xlvii, 447— Foster (L VV.) Early menstruation. St. Louis M. &. S. J., 1880, xxxviii. 300.—Fonquier. Menstruation d'uno jeuue fille par lestomac; heinatemese symptomatiquo. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1835. ix, 93.—Oajnui (M.) Meustrua- zione dall' apertura fatta da uno spillo in un punto della vena salvatella sui dorso di una mano. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1836, 2. s., i, 17-19— Gardner (A. K.) Case of supposed consumption; vicariousmenstruatiou dependent upon stricture, of cervix uteri cured by incision of the cer- vix. Bull. X. York Acad. M., 1860-62, i, 134-137.—Oar- riguc. Deviation du flux catamenial; hematuiie; gue- rison. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1883, liv, 161-164.— C»aucher (E.) Arret de developpement ctimperfoiuiion de luteins, avec absence complete de cavite uterine et im- perforation des oviductes, chez une femme do 44 ans, dont les ovaires etaient norinaux et couverts de cicatrices men- struelles, etqui n'avait jamais et6 reglee. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1880, lv. 229-231. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1880, viii, 936.—Gay. Vicarious menstruation following an accident to the fiuger; removal of the finger, etc. Lancer, Lond., 1843-4, i, 574.—G[aynor (J. G.)] A caseof vica- rious menstruation. Physicians' & Surgeons' Invest., Buffalo, 1884, v, 161-164. — Gibbs (0. C.) Case of pug- nancy iu a female, in whom the menstrual function had been for some years suspended. X. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 741-743. — Gillct. Un cas de deviation de menstrues chez une jeuue fille. Bull. Soc. med. do l'Youne 1867, Auxerre, 1868, pt. 2, p. viii. Also: Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1867, lxxii, 30. — <»loiiin- ger (J. W.) A case of periodical haemorrhage from the urethra of a male. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1819, ii, 371. -----. A case of haemoptysis, alternating with a discharge of blood from the uterus. X. York M. &. Phys. J., 1824, iii, 64. — Gliicksclig (A. M.) Entziindung und Eiterung der rechten Brustdriise als vicarirendes Leiden bei zuiiickgetretener Menstruatiou. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1839, n. F., xx, 156.—Gor- don (J. T.) An unusual case of vicarious menstruation. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1882, xv. 343. —Gould (A. A.) Vi- carious menstruatiou. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1856-7, lv, 266. Also: Extr. Rec. Host. Soc. M. Improve. (1856-8). 1859, iii, 28. — Gray (G. 1). ) A case of vicarious menstruation from mammary glands. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, Ky., 1877, vii, 146.—Green (J. O.) Vicarious menstrua- tion from a sebaceous tumor of the meatus. Am. J. Otal., N. Y., 1881, iii, *33.—Gregory (S. T ) Case of a female, the mother of seven children, who had never menstruated. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 549. — Groer. Czvszozeuie miesieczne nieprawidlowe (menstrua ano- mahi). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1874, xvi, 17-23. — Gross- kopf (A.) Anoinale Menstruation durch den Alter. (Iisterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 255-257.— Gubler. Des epistaxis uterines. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1863, xxxvi, 461.—Gnepiii. Hemorrhagic dans la chanibro anterieure suppleiutntaii c da flux menstruel. J. tb- med. de Bor- deaux. 1801, 2. s., vi, 354.—Gutgesell. Widernatiirliclie monatliche Reinigung. J. d. pract, Arznk. u. Wuud- arznk., 2. And., Berl., 1800, xi, 1. St.. 191.— Hageiulorn ( E.) Nouagenaria m.-nstruata. Misc. Acad', nat. cu- rios. 1687. Xoriiub., 1707, 2. decuria, vi, 305-307. Also, transl: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 4(11.— Halliburton (W. D.) A peculiar case. | Menstruation in a male;] Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, xii (suppl.), 392. — Hamilton ( R.) History of a case in which an epistaxis occurred vicarious to the menstrual discharge. Med. Comment, 1786, Edinb.. 1787, 2. decade, i, 337-342.— Hamoir (C.-P.-E.) Deviation des regies se produisant par une vaste plaie de la jambe; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 49. — Hecking & Elfes. Menstruatio anomala. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1836, Koblenz, MENSTRUATION. 153 MENSTRUATION. Menstruation (Abnormal and vicari- ous). 1839, 188.—Hedrich. Vicarirende Milcbsecretion, staff der Menstruation. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1844, xv, 469.—Heine. Wiederkehrder Menstruation. Sunnn. d. Xeuest, u. Wissenswiird. a, d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835, xii, 418.—Heitzuiaun (J.) Vicariirende Menstruation und Mcnstrual-Exanthenie. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1884, 9-41.— Hellwig (J.) Menstruus fluxus per oculos. In his: Obs. phys.-med., 4°, Aug. Vindel., 1680, 381. — Hennig. Merkwiirdige Yerhartung im Unterleibe und Lnordnung in der Menstruation, von Wiirniern entstanden. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1806, iv, 531- 537.—Henry. Observation au sujet d'une femme qui etoil reglee par la bouche, a 1'ouverture du cadavre de la- quelle on trouva 207 pierres logees dans la vcsicule du flel. Rec. period, dobs, de med., de chir. et pharm.. Par., 1757, vii, 384-389.—H ildcbrand. Fiir die Menstruation vica- riirende Hamorrhagie aus einer Zahnliicke. Med. Ztg., Berl, 1842, xi, 214. — Himmclselier. Menstruation durch die Briisto und einzelneHautstellen. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Karlsruhe, 1831-2, iv, 2. Hft,, 135-138. —Hinton (R. L.) A case of vicarious menstruation. Memphis M. Recorder, 1857, v, 657.—von Honigsberg. Vicarirende Menstruation. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, 198.—Hofcr. Wiedereintritt der Menstruation bei einer 75iahrigen Frau. Med- Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg.", 1839, ix, 108.—Holmes (A. S.) Vicarious menstruation. Missis- sippi Valley M. Month., Memphis, 1883, iii, 63-65.— Hooper (P.) A sloughing nicer performing a vicarious function. Phila. M. Times. 1882-3, xiii, 433.—Horrocks (P.) Amenorrhrea; monthly epistaxis. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1883-4, xiii. 173. — Hotlinger (J.'H.) Dc. cata- meniorum fluxu in muliere octoginta trium annorum. Misc. Acad, nat, curios. 1701-5, Xorimb., 1706, 3. decu- ria, ix-x, 403. — Iloyer ( J. G. ) De fluxu menstruo in vetula [76 years of age], Acad. nat. curios, ephem., Francof. et Lips., 1712, cent, i-ii, 239. -----. De muliere septuagenaria bis menses iterum experta et tandem pro gravida habita. Ibid., 1717, cent, v-vi, 333.—Jacobson. Cas tie menstruation habituelle par les deux seins. J. coiupl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1828, xxxi, 83-85. Also: Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 3.— Jouillctton. Hemor- rhagic periotlique et reguliere par la verge. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1813, xxvi, 329. —----. Cas d'une femme reglee depuis 5 ans par l'oreille droite, a la suite d'une fausse couche. Ibid., 330.—Kelly (B.) A case in which menstruation is performed without any direct or apparent communication between the cavity of the vagina and that of the uterus; the latter being ascertained to exist in a rudimentary condition. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 420-422. — Kenuard ( T.) Anomalies of men- struation. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1871, vi, 74-81.—Ken- worthy (J.) [Case of vicarious menstruation. ] Mod. tfc Phys. J., Lond., 181], xxv, 24,-27. —Kilpatrick (J. B.) Anomalous menstruation; quinine idiosvneracv. Texas Com.-Rec. Med.. Fort Worth, 1883-4, i, 29.—King (A. F. A.) Hematcmesis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 420-422.—Kin:; (V. ().) Case of menstination in the male. Camilla M. J., Montreal. 1867, iii, 472.—Kirby (J.) Singu- lar disease; vicarious menstruation; profuse hemorrhage from the mouth ; nervous symptoms; treatment; recovery. Dublin M. Press, 1852, xxviii, 339— Kirk (C. D. R.) Fatal case of vicaiions menstruation. IndianaM. J., Indianap., 1881-2, i, 329.—Knight (A. W.) Vicarious menstruation. South. M. tfc S. J., Augusta, 1852. viii, 660. — Koltsch (H.) Mentiuatious-Anomalien. Deutsche Klinik. Berl. 1858, x, 333.—Kratkv. Eine rath sell ta ft e Krankheitsge- schichte. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1815, pt, 2, 57-64.— Krishaber. Hemorrhagic linguale k l'epoqne de la me- nopause. Ann. tl. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1877, iii, 38-40.—liachiiiuiiil (F.) Menstruali partium in pu- ella quadam externarum, utpote aurium, narium, digito- ruin. etc., niortiflcatione. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1673-4, Francof. et Lips.. 1676, iv-v, 238. Also: Ibid. (1673-4), 1688, iv-v. 224— I.audi* (H. G.) Vicarious menstruation. Cin- cin. Lancet & Clinic, 1880, n. s., iv, 187-192. Also, Reprint.— Ecbcuf. Lottie sur un homine qui est regie par la verge, conime une feinnie l'cst par lo vagin. Rec. period, d'obs. dc med., de chir. et pharm., Par., 1756, v. 280-283.— Eee(J. tl.) Vicarious mensti nation. South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1884, vi, 109.—Leonard (C. IL) Vicarious menstru- ation. Renins. J. M., Detroit, 1870, i, 559-571. — Eewis (J.) Case of apparently vicarious menstrual discharge. X. Eug. J. M. A- S., Bust., 1818. vii, 317-319.— Fieber. Merkwiirdige Folge des Zahuauszieheus wahrend der Mensti nation. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1833. ii, 1031. — Fucas. Menses anomahc. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. Is37, Koblenz, 1839, 97— Lyneker (F.) Neue Menstruation im spaten Alter. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, 590.—.TIcGraw (T. A.) A case of vicarious menstruation from an ovariotomy scar. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1884, xvii, 912-914.—iTIader. Vicarirende Ibemoptoe by Menstruationsstbrung; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- k't-nanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 379.— Malgonvre. Observation sur un cas tie regies devo- yees. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, do Montpel., 1808, xii, Menstruation (Abnormal and vicari- ous). 358-365.—Mann (M. D.) Vicarious menstruation ; gene- ral peritonitis without characteristic symptoms. X. York M. J., 1881, xxxiv. 180. Also: Am. j" Obst., X. Y.. 1882, xv (suppl.), 16.—Mareacei (G.) Ovulazione periodica senza mestruazione in gioviue di venti anni. Arch. med. ital., Torino, 1883, ii, 248-259.— Marsden (XV.) Case of uiismenstruation with sterilitv. Brit.-Am. M. tfc Phys. J., Montreal, 1850-51, vi, 205-207. —Marsset (A.) M'en-~ struation precoce. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 259.— Mcurer. Vicarirende Menstruationsthatigkeitder Lun- gen. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1837. Koblenz, 1839, 97. -----. Menstruation wahrend der Schwanger- scliaft; Amenorrhoe ausser derselben. Ibid. 217.—.TSey- nct (P.) Xoto sur nn cas de deviation des regies; hemor- rhagies supplementaires par les mamelles. Mem. 11 compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc, med. de Lyon (1872), 1873, xii, pt. 2, 3-5. Also: Lyon med., 1872, ix, 396-398.—Michelsen (G) Vi- cariireuder Monatstluss (lurch ein Gcschwiir auf dem Schienbein. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1846, xxxii, 527.—Miller (C. H.) A case of precocious menstruation, with procidentia uteri. South. Clinic, Richmond. 1887, x, 104-106. — Moehring (P. H. G.) Pleuripneiimoiiia, a sanguine menstruo, per vomitorium thoraccm versus presso, oborta. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Xorimb., 1737, iv, 344-348.—Montagud (A.) Apuntes para una historia de menstruacion procoz. Aetas . . . Cong, region, de cien. med. 1879, Cadiz, 1882, 533-540.—Morris (G. de C.) Vica- rious menstruation. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 1013.—Moses (I.) Vicarious menstruation from the umbilicus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859, n. s., xxxviii, 356. -----. Vicarious menstruation from an ulcer on the head. Ibid., 357.— Moslcr (F.) Lebensgefahrliche Blutung eines varikbsen Geschwiirs nach Suppressio mensium. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl , 1861, xxii, 195-197.— Mosse. Epitheli- oma niyxoideilel'ovaire; ponction; epistaxis uterines chez une femme ayant depasse depuis quiuze ans la menopause. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1877, lii, 772-776.—Miihlbraml. Eine Blutblase als Stellvertreter der Cutamenieu. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, xxii, 597.—Miiller. Fehleiide Menstruation. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk , Karlsruhe, 1827-8, iii, 1. Hft,, 72-76— rVeuhold (J. J.) De hainorrhagia mi- lium menstrua, inpuellasexenni. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Xorimb., 1733, iii (app.), 171— l\ye. Vicarious menstrua- tion simulating pulmonary disease. J. Gynsec. Soc Bost., 1870, ii, 75.—Obermcicr (0.) Ein Fall von menstruellem Xasenhluten. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, liv, 435. — Okc (XV. S.) Abnormal menstruation. [3 cases.] Assoc. M. J., Loud., 1853, 392-394. — Oppel. Menstrua- tionsanomalien. Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi. 1048.—d'Ou- trcpont. Geschichteeiner Atropine des Lterus und der damit verbundenen Menometastasie (Menstiuatio aber- rans). Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1842, 497-508.— Paget(G. E.) Menorrhagia brought on in old age by emo- tional disturbance. Brit. M. J., Lond . 1880, ii, 16. ' Also: Lancet, Loud., 1880, ii, 54— Panaiobis ( D.) Vetula septuagenaria ab adolescentia ejiciens menses per es. In his: Iatrologismoruni,4°, Roma*, 1652,6.-----. Sanguis fon- tismodo per mammas scaturiensmenstruoruni loco. Ibid., 234-236.—Parviu (T.) Aniiiustraiion of xenomenia, Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1876, Bost.. 1877, i, 135: (1877), 1878, ii.482, 2 pi. — Pauli(F.) Vicariirende Menses. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1839, vii, 261-263. — PauHini (C. F.) Menses verminosi. In his: Obs. med.-phys., 12°, Lips., 1706, 34. — dn Pcyrosi de Cheyssiolc tfc Bonhoure. [Lne paysanno iigce, de plus de quatre-viiigt-onze ans, assujettie aux evacuations oriLiiairis h son si-xe ] Col- lect, acad. d. mem., etc. Paitie franc., Par., 1787, xiv, 320.—Pitehcr (Z.) A case of vienribus menstruation, showing also the morbid relations of the colon anil ute- rus. Renins. J. M.. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1850-7, iv, 121- 124.— Plumnier-Rates (J. W. ) Vicarious menstru- ation. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, x'ii, 295.— Porter (1. G.) Vicarious menstruatiou. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 135. —Post (A. C.) Remark- able (edema of the arm of a female alternating wiih tho state of the menstrual discharge. N. York J. M. tfc S., 1841, iv, 215. — Prion. Menstruation tardive et avortc- ment a 1 age de 72 ans. Bull. Soc. dcv ined. d'Augers (1864), 1865, n. s., i, 42-45.—Puech (A.) A propos d'uno devia- tion des menstrues ayant peisiste pendant toute la duree de la viescxuelle. Gaz. obst , Par., 1877, vi, 2-7. — Puejac (Anna). Des displacements de la fluxion uteiiue nien- struelle. Gaz. med. do 1'Algerie, Alger, 1887, xxxii, 85.— Putney (G. E.) A case of vicarious menstruation. Bos- ton M. tfc S. J., 1878, xcviii, 628. — Kauoc ( A. B. ) Ibe- moptvsis a nienstmis suppressis. Acta leg. Soc. med. Havii. (1782-8), 1791, ii, 110-113.—Kan (W. t.) De vctu- lis menstruiitis. Acta Acad. nat. curios., ixorinib., 1752, ix, 159-161.— Kayinnun (J. A.) De haunoiThagia penis periodica. L6iti.,1742, xi, 17-20.—Rcvillout (V.) JHema- temeses siipplementaires dos regies. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1878, li, 617-619.—Keydellet. Des metastases, suites de la suppression ou dc hi repercussion d'evacuations natu- relles ou habituelles. Diet. tl. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxiii, 61-67.—Kichardson (B. F.) Case of vicarious menstrua- MENSTRUATION. 154 MENSTRUATION. .^leii*ti'iiation (Abnormal and vicari- ous). tion. West. Lancet, Cincin.. 1850. xi, 369.—Richardson (T. G.) Atresia vagime with vicarious mensti nation. X. Orl. M. tfc S ,L, 1873-4, n. s.. i, 74. — Richardson ( W. L. ) Abnormal menstruation, etc. Boston M. A S. ,L. 1882. ovi, 207.—Roinmclius (P.) De voluntaria fluxus menstrui retardationc. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1686, Xorimb., 1687, 2. decuria, v, 48-52. -----. Mensium de- fectum menstruum alvi profiuvium supplens. Ibid. (1691), 1692, 2. decuria, x, 374-376.—Rouxeau. Menoxenie ; jeuue fille de 17 ans. reglee parlc sein gauche. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1883-4, ii, 39.—Rubini. Storia di un atresia, e d' una mestruazioiie straortlinaria. (Jior. d. Soc. med.- chir. di Parma, 181], x, 36-42. -----. Osservazioni in ris- posta al Prof. Tcrnianini. Ibid.. 1812, xii. 94-102. —Sam- uels (F. W.) A caseof vicarious menstruation success- fully treated with the manganese salts. South-West, M. Gaz., Louisville, 1887, i, lo:;. — Meliliehting (J.D.) Men- strua protheiformia. Act* Acad. nut. curios., Norimb., 1742, vi, 112. — Mehneider. Menstruation (lurch das Zahnfleisch. Wchntl. Beitr. z. metl. n. chir. Klin., Leipz.. 1833-4, iii, 165. — Nehult/.ius ( S. ) De menstruis per aliena loca fluentibus. Mist. Acad. nat. curios. 1673-4, Francof. et Lips., 1676, iv-v, 63. Also : Ibid. (1673-4), 1688, iv-v, 59. -----. De singularihus vesiculis post aures menstrua ordinarie et immediate pra'cedentihus. Misc. Acad, nat, curios. 1675-6, Francof. et Lips., 1688, vi-vii. 341. Also, transl. . Collect, acad. d. mem., etc.. Dijon 1755. iii, 318. — Schwabc (C.) Menstrual-Gcschwiir. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1843, 141. — Neolari (L.) Mania ricorrente per amonorrea o menostasia, cura energica autiflogistica; guarigione dopo tie mesi circa coll' apparii e della mestruazioiie. Gazz. med. ital. limb., Milano, 1848, 2. s., i, 279-282. — Seymour ( F. ) A case of vicaiious menstruation, and singular action of the uterus developed in its treatment. Cincin. Lancet & Ohs., 1872, u. s., xv, 65-68. — Seymour (IL H. G.) Case of vicaiious menstruation simulating haemoptysis: treat- ment. Med. _r,,«h„r (J. X.)' A case of vicarious menstruation. Virginia M. Mouth Menstruation (Abnormal and vicari- ous). Richmond, 1875, ii, 432.—Van Herveer (A.) A case of iufantile menstruation. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1883, xvi 1005.— Varges (A. XV.) Ulutsehweiss am Kopfe als Men- struatio vicaria, Ztschr. f. Metl.. Chir. u. Geburtsh Leipz., 1861, xv, 171-174.—Vasser (E. M.) Gastric h,.'- mateinesis. vicarious of regular menstruation, produced by malarial causes. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1873, iii, 536-538.—V[ergar]i (A.) Mestruazioiie da un pnlna- streilo d' un dito, alternnntecon quella delle parti innliebri ordinarie a darle. Esculapio napol., Napoli, 183."), xvii, 90-92.— Vicarious ha'inoptysis. Med. Times & Gaz.] Loud., 1857, u. s., xiv, 189—dela Vigue. Menstruation durch die Lungen. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1831 Koblenz, 1833, 49— Waiuwright (W. A. M.) Vicari- ous menstruation: general peritonitis without character- istic symptoms. X. York M. J., 1881, xxxiv, 180. Also- Tr. X! York Obst. Soc. (1881-5), 1885, iii, 2. —Ware (C. E.) Vicarious menstruation, in the course of nursing. Am. J. M. Se., Phila,, 1850, n. s., xix. 371.—Watson (.f) Atresia vagime : vicarious menstruation. X". York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 235.—WedeO (G. W.) Von dem Fluss tier nionatlichen Reinigung (lurch den Hintcrn. Auserl. nied.- chir.-. . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Xraturf., Niirnb., 1756, iii, 35. — Weisse (J. F.) Aberratio mensium (Ibe- mato])lania Ploucquet). Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer (ie- sellsch. pract, Aerztezu St. Petersb., 1842, vi, 250.—Wells (D. E.) Vicarious menstruation. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1*78, xcviii, 617. -----. Protracted menstruation. Ibid.. 18*2, cvii, 39.—lie Wenekh (J. B.) De duobus viris styriai is fluxum liienstrualem sanguinis per pcneni pntientihiiH. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1701-5, Xorimb., 1706, decuria 3, ix-x, 258-261. — WilUs. On vicarious menstruation. Brit, Gymec. J., Lond., 1886-7, ii, 177-183. — Wiltshire (A.) Clinical lecture on vicarious or ectopic menstrua- tion, or menses devii. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 513-517.— Winkler (D.) Von dem (lurch dio Verstopfung der nionatlichen Reinigung erregten Blutbrechen. Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1759, vi, 88. —Wolf (I.) Tributum lunaie per mammas solutum. Inmhis: Obs. nied.-chir., 4°, Quedlim- burg, 1704, 66-69. — Wood. Stomatorrhica vicarious to the menses. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62), 1863, n. 8., iii, 305. — Wright (C. 0.) Cases of vicarious menstrua- tion. Am. J. Obst,, X. Y., 1887, xx, 88-94. — Wright (XV.) Menstruatio recidiva after 17 years' cessation. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1855, ii, 381-383.—Wygrzywalski. Zatrzymanie miesiaczki przez pietnascie liiiesiery, guzy w brzuchu, watpliwe vozpoznanie, potw6r, zapafrzenie 1 [Cessation of menstruation during 15 mouths; doubtful diagnosis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1872, xiii, 485-48!).— Vonge (J.) Of a woman who had the menses to 7(1 years of age. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700-20, v, 352. — Zun- gerl. Menstruatio vicaria. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 309-311. Menstruation (Cessation of). See, also, Climacteric years, etc.; Insanity in women; Uterus (Cancer of). Akmaxd (P.) * Considerations sur 1'age cri- tique des feniuies, et snr les moyens de prevenir les maladies qui peuvent suiveuir a cette pei'iode de la vie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Assegoxi) (H.) *De la femme conside're'e a l'age critique, changemens physiologiques qui s'operent dans son etat physique et morale, et de l'applicatiou des regies de Lliygiene acetteprin- cipale 6poque de sa vie. 4°. I'aris, 1821. Aulacxier. Considerations sur l'age critique qui amene la suppression absolue du flux p^vio- dique; fa isant suite aux observations dejapubliees sur les maladies des femmes. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Bahdout (C.-M.) * Considerations generates snr la cessation du flux menstruel, et sur les pre- cautions a prendre pour en pre"veuir les accidens ou les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1816. Bakik (E.) * Etude sur la menopause. 4°. Paris, 1877. Baron (J.-S.) * Dc la menopause. 4°. Paris, 1851. Beclahd. * Essai sur les maladies auxquelles les femmes sont le plus fiequemmeut exposoes a l'epoquc de la cessation des menstrues. 8J. Pa- rti, an X [1802]. Bkhti.n (£,.) *De la menopause consideree prineipalemont au point de vue de l'hygiene. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Montpellier theses, 1865. Concours pour l'agr6gation. MENSTKUATIOK 155 MENSTRUATION. Menstruation (Cessation of). Bektham> (P.-J.-B.) * Dissertation surl'anie'- norrhee definitive ou age critique des femmes, sur les accidens auxqnels clles sont exposees a cette epoque, et sur les moyens therapeiitiquos, hygieuiqnes et prophylaetiques les plus appro- pries a leur situation. 4~. Paris, 1824. Borxer (E.) Die \Yechsel.jahre der Fran. H-. Stuttgart, 1886. Bot'RLET (L.) *£tnde snr la metrite interne ehronique apres la menopause. 4°. I'aris, 1879. Bt'HL (J. C.) * De pra*servatione morboruin post plenariam nieusium cessationem. sm. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1722. Cham run de Moxtaex (X ) Maladies chro- ni(]iies a la cessation des regies. 8-. Paris, an VII [1799]. Subtitle of pt. 5 of his Maladies des femmes, 2. ed. CilAXDELUX (L.) *l)e rage critique de la femiiie (menopause). 4°. Paris, 1850. Ciioufee (J.-B.-P.) *Des accidens et des ma- ladies qui survieunciit a la cessation de la men- struation. 8°. Paris, an A" [1802]. Coi.uxet (M.) * Des modi fictitious des organes genitaux de la femme a l'epoqne de la meno- pause. 4C. Paris, 1887. Dryers (J.) * Essai sur la cessation des regies 4°. Parti, 1822. Dot'E (L.-H.) * Dissertation sur la cessation des menstrues, vulgaireiiieiit appelee age cri- tique, et snr les moyenshygieuiqnes que reclame la sante de la femme a cette epoque. 4^. Pa- ris, 1831. Dumoxt (P.-L.-C. ) * Dissertation sur la disparition des regies, les accidens anxquels la femme est alors exposee, et les precautious qn'elle doit prendre pour les eviter. 4°. Paris, 1833. Foi;ce(Y.) *Duihumatisme ii la menopause. 4°. Parti, 1877. Fothergill (J.) Conseils aux femmes de quarante-cinq a cinquante aus, ou conduite a tenir lors de la cessation des regies. Traduit et extrait des observations ct recherches dc la So- ciete medicale de Londres, et augmente de notes par le D. Pt-tit-Kadel. 2. ed. 8-. Paris, an VIII [1800]. For original, see infra. de Gardanxe (C.-P.-L.) * Sur les avis a don- I ner aux femmes qui entrent dans l'age critique. 4°. Parti, 1812. -----. Dc la menopause, ou de l'age critique des femmes; traite dans lequel sont exposes la description anatomiqne et physiologique de l'ute- rus a la menopause, les changemens que cette epoque opere taut sur le physique que sur le i moral de la femme, les moyens hygieuiqnes qui doivent etre alors employes, enfin les maladies qui survienuent ordinairement a l'age critique. 2. eel. 8C. Paris, 1821. Gerard (B.-E.) *De l'age critique chez la femme, ct des maladies qui l'accompagneut. 4°. Paris, 1849. Gilles (J.-F.) * Sin- la cessation de l'ecoule- ment menstruel. 4'-'. Paris, 1821. Glixel (P.-N.) Sur l'age cri tique des femmes. 4°. Paris, 1818. Grn.BERT (J.-N.) *Des purgatifs a la cessa- tion des menstrues. 8°. Parti, an XII [1803]. Guimbail (H.) *De la folic a la menopause. 4°. Parti, 1884. Hekert (E\-L.) * Sur la cessation des regies, les accidens auxqnels la femme est alors exposee, et les precautious qn'elle doit prendre pour les eviter. 4J. I'aris, 1817. Ja( qlemart (P.) * Contribution a l'etude du r61e etiologique de la menopause. 4°. Parti, 1884. [eii»ti*na1ion (Cessation of). Jallox (L.-.).-S'.) * Essai sur l'age critique des femmes. 41--. Paris, an XIII [ 180.")]. Jaedel (J.) * Sur les phenomenes qui se manifestent a. la cessation du flux periodique, et sur les moyens propres a preserver les femmes des maladies qui peuvent les affecter si cette epoque. 4C. Paris, 1819. Jeaxxix (L. - M. -A.) * Considerations phy- siologiques, pathologiques et hygieuiqnes sur rame de retour des femmes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1830. Jlxod (C.-L.) ~ J )c repoque critique chez les feninies et des precautions a prendre pour en prevenir et combattre quehiues accidens ou ma- ladies. 4°. raris, 1822. Lamaze (H.) *Sur la cessation du flux men- struel, et sur les moyens propres a prevenir les accidents et les maladies qui peuvent affecter les femmes a cette epoque. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1807)]. Lefevre (J.-P.) * Considerations generales sur la menopausie, on cessation naiurelle des menstrues. 4C. Paris, 1826. Lemoyxe (N.-N.-F.) * Considerations gene- rales sur les phenomenes qui se manifestent a la cessation du flux nienstruel, et sur le regime que doivent adopter les femmes pour frauchir heu- reusement cette epoque. 4°. Paris, 1824. Lestrade (J.-N.) * Considerations gcnerales sur l'epoqne critique des feiiiines, et sur les mala- dies qui sout attachees a cet age. 4°. Parti, 1817). Loewexiiardt (O. A.) * De pathologia au- norum cliinactericorum. 8°. Haiti, 187,1. Maladiere-Montecot (G-M.) * Considera- tions generales sur la menespausio, ou cessation des menstrues, et snr les moyens a employer pour prevenir les accidens et les maladies qui peuvent racconipagner. 4C. I'aris, 1818. Martin (A.-F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des femmes parvenues a l'age oil r6vacuation men- struelle doit cesser. 4°. Paris, 1831. Marvald (G.-F.) * Considerations generates sur la cessation des regies, et sur l'age fausse- meut appeie critique. 4°. Paris. 1829. Maurice (P.) * De la nienespausic. 4 . Pa- ris. 1832. Mayer (A.) Conseils aux femmes sur l'age de retour; medeciue et hygiene. 8-. Paris, 1877). Mexissier (E.-D.) * Considerations gcnerales sur quelques maladies qui affectent les femmes a l'age critique. 4J. Paris, 1808. Mexville. Conseils aux femmes a l'epoque dc l'age de retour, ou de l'age critique, et des moyens de combattre et prevenir les maladies qui peuvent survenir a cette epoque de la vie. 8G. Paris, 1839. -----. De l'age critique chez les femmes, des maladies qui peuvent survenir a cette epoque de la vie, et des moyens de les combattre et de les prevenir. 8°. Paris, 1840. Nicaise (A.) * Essai sur l'age de retour chez la femme. 4-. Paris, 1838. iNosley (J.-B.) * Sur l'age critique. 4■'. Paris, 1848. Pei.oex (C.-A.-M.) * Essai sur l'epoqne cri- tique et sur les moyens propres a prevenir les accidens et les maladies qui en dependent. 4°. Paris, 1812. Plihon (G.-A.) * De la menopause. 4C. Pa- ris, 187)9. Poirsox (H.-Q.-F.) *Sur la nieuespausie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827. Poqlillon (J.-B.-L.) *De la menopause, ou de l'age dit critique chez la femme. 4°. Paris, 1846. ^ MENSTRUATION. 15G MENSTRUATION. iHcii«ti'iiation (Cessation of). Porssit: (J.-A.) Reflexions sur l'hygieue qui convient aux femmes arrivees a l'age de retour. 4"". Montpellier. 1813. Puyo (B.-G.-E.) *De la menopause. 4°. Pa- ris, 186)7). Ramoxdexc (S.) * Considerations sur l'etat de la femme a lY'poqne de la cessation des logics. ' 4°. Montpellier, 1820. Regemaxx (J. L.) * De morbis ex menstruis per a-tatem cessantibus. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1737. Remarks on the final cessation of the menses, and on a remedy and method of treatment adapted to prevent and remove tlie evil conse- quences attending that period, etc. 8°. Lon- don, 177"). Ricard (H.) # Etude sur les troubles de la sensibilite genesique a l'epoqne de la menopause. 4°. Paris, 1879. Ripeallt (C.-A.-D.) # De la menopause. 4°. Paris, 1848. Rocqle (H.-E.) * Essai sur la physioiogie et la pathologie de la menopause. 4C. Paris, 1858. Also [Abstr |, in: Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 38. Saeye (P.-L.) * Reflexions sur l'age critique et particulierement sur le regime le plus conve- nable pour preserver les femmes des accidens qui out continue de survenir a cette epoque de leur vie. 4C. Strasbourg, 1826. Srrri'A (H. H. L.) * Commentatio physio- logico - pathologica mutationes, affectioncs et morbos in organismo et (ecouomia feininarum cessante fluxus menstrui pcriodo sistens. 4°. Gottingee, 1818. Tiiomasi (A.) * Apercti snr diverses maladies qui peuvent affecter les femmes a l'age de retour. 4C. Montpellier, 1820. Tilt (E. J.) On the preservation of the health of women at the critical periods of life. 12J. Xew York, 1851. -----. The change of life iu health and dis- ease. A practical treatise on the nervous and other affections incidental to women at the de- cline of life. 3.(-(l. *-. London, 1870. Also [Abstr.], in: Lancet, Loud.. 1856, n. s., ii, 564; 592: 044. ------. The same. From 3. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8C. Xew York, 188-2. Also, transl. in : Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1883. v, 301; 426: 486: 548; 606; 665: 1884, vi, 5; 64; 133; 185; 265; 312: 431: 1885, vii, 141; 246; 369; 493; 665. Titils (S. D.) * De flue niensiuin initiis mor- borum variorum opportune 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1710]. Traxstoer (J.-A.) * Considerations gene- rales sur quelques maladies qui affectent les femmes a l'age critique. 4°. Parti, 1812. Vaxderlixde (F. J.) *Fata ac incommoda ex menstruis uatune lege tandem cessantibus oriunda. sm. 4J. [Heidelberg, 1789.] Vkiixe (H.-J.) * Essai sur la cessation des menstrues et sur quelques maladies qui atta- qnent les femmes a cette epoque critique. 4°. Parti, 1809. Verpillat (N.-T.) *Sur les affections orga- niques les plus trequeutes lors de la cessation des menstrues. et le traitement qui leur est appli- cable. 4°. Parti, 1829. Vizeyexe (D.) * De feminarum tetate critica sive de i>eriodo climacterica. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 18-37,. Willette (T.) *£tude sur les accidents ner- veux de la menopause. 4°. Paris, 1877. Windhif (L.-J.) * Essai sur les phenomenes de l'age critique chez la femme; sur les prinei- paux accidens que Ton remarque a cette epoque, lleii«ti'iiation {Cessation of). et snr les moyens de les prevenir. 4C. Stras- bourg, 1811. Zalzal(N.) * Troubles cardiaques dc la me- nopause. 4°. Lyon, 1887,. dc Alarcon (U.) La nienos])ansia. Corrosp. mod Madrid, 1879, xiv, 9(1 : 9S ; 114; 130; 138; 110; 154; 162'; 178; 186: 202— Aphcl (F) Moiiopuusa. (buz. inert, tli Torino, 1885, xxxvi. 724-734.—Arnold (A. 11.) Theme- nopause. Med. tc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 18so. xiii, 4so_ 4ss. — BS:i< r (B. F.) The significance of metrorrhauia rp. ciirrinu: about anil after tbe menopause. Am. J. Obst. X Y.. 1884, xvii, 449-464. Also, Kepi int. — ■tmliei (F.) Tin' uso of woman vvlien child-bearing ceases. Phila. M. Times. 1874-5, v, 161-161.—Clement (E.) Ca'diopathii' de la menopause. Lvon ined., lsst. xlvi, 433: 407. Alsn: Rev. de med., Par..' 1S85. v. 118-130. Also: J. Sot-, do med. et pharm. de list iv, (In-noble. 1884-5, ix. 82: 114 ; 126—Colmslciii. Leber Menopause. Deutsche Klinik, Bill , 1873. xxv, 45. -----. Zur Phvsiologie der Meno- pause. Arch. f. path. Aunt., etc., Berl., 1874, lxi, lOO-lnd.— Fothcrgill (J.) Of tin- management proper at the res- sat ion of the menses. Metl. Obs. Sue. Phys. Loml., 1776, v, ltiii-186. [See, also, supra.]— Francc*chi (G.) Sulla sintisi del ]iubo mnliebre prima e dopo della menopausa. Bull. d. se. ined. di Bologna. 1886, 6. s., xviii, 15-38.— ■ 'raiieiK (C. R.) Profuse elimaoteric uienoi-rhaiiia aud sympathetic vomiting cured bv npiuin. Med. Times "c Gaz.. Lond., 1882, ii, 492.— I'liiiiitHlc (X.) Etude snr la menopause au point do vue pathologique et tliGriipeu- tique. Ann. Soc. do med. d'Anvers, 1881, xiii, 5; Ida.— Oemlrin. Let-on sid- l'age critique, (inz. d. hop.. Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 542. — Gros. Du rhumatisme coincithint avec l'age critique it tie son traitement par les eans de Lanialou-l'Auoien. Xicemed., 1883-4, viii, 17-22.—<»iic- neaii dc ITInswy (X.) firotisme de la menopause In his: Clin. med.. s\ Par., 1875, ii, 343-352.—«Suy (\V. A.) On the first, and last appearance of the menses, and the relation existing between the two periods. Metl. Times, Lond.. 1845, xii, 363.—Halford (IL) On the climacteric disease. In his: Essays and orations, 12°, Lond., 1842, 1 — 14.—Ilclllt. Die Decrepiditiits-Periode und das Ver- halten ties Ar/.tes wahrend und nach derselben. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iii, 201; 273 — ■ lii;<-<'iiM (C.) Asthenopia occurring in women about the cliinacteric. period. Bi it. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 557.— Ivanolf (X. P.) K ka/.uistike chrezmernngo potenija i jeltnchi v klimaktericheskoin periode. [On the great num- ber of cases of dropsy and .jaundice during the period of change of life.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1883. cxlvii, pt. 3, 63-92.—J agg'ard (XV. VV.) Functional disorders in connection with the menopause. Syst. Pract. M. (Peppei), Phila., 1886, iv, 432-446.—Kisch'(L. II.) Die nervosen Leiden der Fraueu im kliniakteriscben Alter. Wien. mid. Presse, 1876, xvii. 600; 644.—lyiejjeois (('.) Les siieurs de l'^ge critique, leur traitement par le sulfate d'atropine. Lev. med. do l'est, Nancy, 1879, xi, 460-472.—.Tinmi (E. C.) A case illustrating the neurotic disturbances incident to the menopause. X. York M. Month , 1886-7. i, 73.— iTIarsh (J. O.) Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia of the climacteric period, with cases. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1881, iv, 285-288.—.TIersoii (J.) The climacteric period in re- lation to insanitv. West Riding Lun. Asvl. Rep.. Lond., 1876, vi, 85-107.— TIetllei- (L. H.) Tlie'meiiopaiise. anil some of its disorders. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887. ii. 323-327.- Tloiidoni*. Remarques et observations relatives aux phenomenes de la menopause. J. de med., chir et pharm. de Toulouse, 1858, 3. s., iii. 257-261.—Orr (O. XV.) Intiam- mation of the fore-arm caused bv cessation of menstrua- tion. Physician tfc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich.. 1881. iii, 19.— Parriwh (L) The chan<:o of life in women, with re- marks on the periods usuallv called "critical". X. Jer- sey M. Reporter, Burlington. 1851. vii, 13: 63: 92; 205; 313; 381. — Pepper (VV.) The. change of life in women. Clin. Xows. Phila., 1880, i. 505. —Pray (T. J. W.) Re- port on gynaecology. Tr. X. Hampshire M. Sue. Con- cord, 1876, 55-67.—de Kedondo (A.) Menopdusia.no edad critica. Fratei-iiithnl metl., Vallad.. 1880. ii. 610- 654—Ribell. Ago crititiue. Lev. metl. de Toulouse, 1885, xix. 273-278— Rodzcvitch (G. I.) Antropologi- cheskaja ekskmsija po Volga, fAnthropological exclu- sion to the Volga. (Statistics of menopause in different nationalities.)] Vrach. Vaidoni.. St. Petersb., 1882. vii, 3344-3347. —Koi-i y Uofill (E.) Consideracioms gcne- rales aceica del inthi.jo pato.genico de la menopansia, especialmente en la produccion del cancer uteriuo. Gac. med. de Cataluiia, Barcel., 1878, i, 38-45. -Schmidt (J. A.) Eine soinlerbare Hautkrankheit [welche mit der ces- sirendeu Menstruation in Verbinduug zu stehen schieii, uud (lurch die wiederholte Anwendung von Brech- und Purgiermitteln geheilt wurdeb N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1807, iv, 139-157.—Smed Icy (I.G.) The impor- tance of making a phvsical exploration durin" the climac- teric period. Hahueman. Month.. Phila., 1886. viii, 487- 489— Nortoni (A.) Su varii f'euomeni straordinarii chc si sviluppano tlopo 1'enoca della cessazione tie'nnstrui. Raccoglitoiv, Fano, 1839, iii, 1G1-165.—Sladler. Leber MENSTRUATION. 157 MENSTRUATION. Menstruation (Cessation of). Lnterleibs - Wassersucht zufolge cessirender Menstrua- tion. J. f. Geburtsh.. Leipz., 1835, xv,48: 704.—Suss- dorlT (G. K.) On radical treatment of local disease at the nieuopause. Med. Rec, X\ Y.. 1878, xiv, 486; 506.— Tait (L.) Climacteric diabetes in women. Practitioner, Lond., 1886, xxxvi, 401-408. — Tilt (E.J.) On uterine pathology at the change of lite and after the menopause. Brit. M.'J., Lond., 1870, ii, 435. -----. The right tinder- standing of the change of lite. Med. Press & Circ . Lond.. 1879, n. s., xxvii, 419.-----. Lteriue inflammation at the change of life. Ibid., 481. -----. On uterine inflamma- tion after the menopause. Ibid., xxviii. 103: 201.—Tolt (C. A.) Einige Erfahrungen iiber Krankheiten zur Zeit, wo bei "Weibern die Catamenien cessireu wollen. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1837, xvi, 591-598.—IVyiuan (H. C.) The menopause; gangliasthenia. Michigan M. Kews, Detroit, 1882, v, 313. Menstruation (Commencement of). See, also, Menstruation (Hygiene, etc., of); Pregnancy (Early); Puberty. B.vrbaiun-Duriyaud (P.) * Considerations gcnerales sur les ph6nonii>nes physiologiques et pathologiques de la femine a la premiere epoque de la menstruation., 4°. Paris, 1829. Berlioz (L.-J.) * Sur les phenomenes et les maladies que produit la premiere apparition des regies. 8°. Paris, an X [1802]. Beuil (L."i " .Sur la menstruation a l'epoqne de la puberte. 4°. Paris, 1837. BorciiAiiD (J.-P.) * Sur la premiere eruption des menstrues. 4°. Paris, 1819. Brebisius (J. A. H.) *De initio mensium fine morboruni. sm. 4-. Halce Magdeb., [17*27]. Cesar (A.) *De la premiere menstruation. 4:. Paris, 1847). Ciiarbonxier (T.) *Aper$u sur les phduo- menes et les maladies que produit la premiere apparition des regies. 4-. Paris, 1819. Chesxel (A.-L. ) * De la menstruation a l'epoquc de la puberty. 4°. Parti, 1847. Dieldoxxe (J.-B.) * Considerations ge"n6- rales sur les causes et les moyens pre'servatifs des maladies des femmes a l'epoqne de la premiere menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1817. Gavaudax (J.-B.) *Sur le de"faut de men- struation a l'epoqne de la puberte". 4°. Paris, 1807. (jlexeau de Mlssy (F.) * Consid6rations sur la premiere eruption des menstrues etptinci- palement sur le regime qui doit v disposer. 8°. Parti, an XII [ 1803]. Glyard (F.-M.) *Coup d'ceil me'dical sur la premiere menstruation, suivi de propositions sur raccouchement contre-nature. 4C. Paris, 1833. Lartigal (L.) *Sur la premiere menstrua- tion. 4°. Parti, 1822. Libert (J.-A.-A.-C.) * Sur les accidens que peat occasiouner la premiere menstruation. 4-. Paris, 1827. Marclse (S.) *lJeber den Eintritt der Men- struation, nach Angabe von 3,030 Schwaugeren in der kouigl. Uiiivcisitats-Eiitbinduugs-Anstalt zu Berlin. 8C. Btrlin, [1869]. Moutard-Martin (E.) *Des accidents qui accompagnent l'etablissement de la nieustrua- tiou, de la chlorosc en particulier. A'-1. Paris, 1846. Rle (A.-J.) * Essai sur la premiere menstrua- tion, precede de quelques considerations sur la chlorosc. 4°. Paris, 1819. Sabatier (M.) "Considerations sur les prin- eipaux phenomenes de la premiere menstruation, sp6cialement sur les causes dc la retention du flux menstruel, les moyens de les prevenir et de Jes combattre. 4°. Paris, 1818. Saiier (S. G.) * De initio mensium initio morborum. sm. 4J. Halce Magdeb., [1727,]. Saint-Alary (D.) *Aperc,u sur la premiere menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1819. Menstruation (Commencement of). Westiioef (C.) * Ueber die Zeit des Eintritts der Menstruation, nach Angabe von 3,000 Schwau- geren in der kouigl. Uiiivcrsitiits-Entbindungs- Anstalfc zu Marburg. 8°. Marburg, [1873]. van den Bus:; (C. L.) Jets over den ti.jd van het ontstaan der menstinatie bij europeesche meisjes in Indie geboren. Geneesk. Tijdsclir. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1879, n. s., viii, 121-121— Dawosky (S.) Merkwiirdige Gleichheit der Syniptome sowohl beim Beginneu, als beim Aufboren der Menses. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1838, xvii, 304-306.—Enko (I'.) O vlijanii phizicbeskago razviti.ja na poiavlenie menstiuatsii. [Physical influences in the commencement, of menstruation.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. russk. vrach. v St. Petersb., 1877, xliv, 137-141.— Faji-ci- (J.) Tabular statement showing the birthplace, date of birth, and age at which the catamenia first appeared in twenty-seven girls of European lineage, educated and brought u]> (many born) in India. Med. Times ..v Gaz., Lond.. 1873, i, 545.—Hcinricius (G.) Ueber das Alter beim Eintritt der Menstruation bei 3,500 Weibern iu Film- land. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 72.— II■■<.<-- maim (T.) Normales Verhalten der Menstruation in Norwegen. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1868, 24-28.—fjisl'i-aiic. Des ecoulements qui ont lieu par les organes genitaux de la femme; premiere men- struation. J. tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1841, xii, 254- 256.—Ooiainlcr (F. B.) Kesnltate von Beobachtungen und Nachrichten iiber die erste Erscheinung des Monat- lichen. In his: Denkwrdgktn. f. d. Heilk. u. Geburtsh., 8°, Gotting., 1795, ii. 3S0-3S8.—Kncibor»l de quelques considerations snr la menstrua- tion. 4°. Paris, 187,4. Ca.miade (J.-H.) * Etude sur la deviation des menstrues. 4°. Paris, 1872. Castaixg (S.-E.) * Sur les accidens relatifs a la menstruation. 4-~. Paris, 1821. Casteran (E.-A.-E.) * Considerations sur quelques points relatifs a l'amenorrhe'e. 4°. Montpellier, 1837. Cli.ophas (M.) *De suppressione mensium. sm. 4■-. Witteberga; 1664. Colas (E\) * Traitement des accidens qu'c- prouvent les femmes lors de I'apparition des regies, quand le cours en est interrompu, et lorsqu'elles veulent disparaltre. 4°. Paris, 1823. Crucer (J.) Epicrisis xii, curiosa theologico- medico-chimica de menstrui obstructione, et epicrisis xiii, curiosa medico-chimica de ephialte infantum, sin. 4-'. [n. p.], 1712. Dietehicus (J. T.) *Dc tunioribns siugulari- bus a mensium suppressione obortis. sm. 4°. VUeniberga; [ 1758]. Dkeyi.r (D.) * Dc menstruo Huxu sufflami- nato. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1683. Duboille (C.-B.) * Surles irregularit&s de la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1814. DuKorssEAi'-DuGONTiER (E.-F.) * Pathologie de la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1844. Dlsonchet (J.-M.) *De la menstruatiou, de ses derangeinens et de leurs traiteniens. 4'-'. Paris, 1837,. Duvi(iXEAUi) (J.-B.-C.) * Dissertation sur la menorrhugie, preccdee de quelques considera- tions g«?nerales sur la menstruation. 4 . Parti, 1808. Effler (J. H. 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Halce ad Salam, [1779]. Kr.eiie ( C. T. ) * Xonnulla de pathologia catameniorum. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1820]. Laan ( J. ) * De suppressioue mensium. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1831. Lallemant (J.) *An menstruis morantibtis chalybeata? Prteses C. L. Liger. [1743.] In: SntwART (G. F.) Qua*st. med. Paris. 4°. Tubingm, 1789, i, 233-238. Lataste (J.) * Snr la deviation des regies, 4 . Montpellier, an /'/[179s]. Liotard (A.) * Apercu sur 1'anienoiTliee, ou suppression morbifique du flux menstruel. 4r Montpellier, 1824. Loewenstein (L.) * Ueber den iitiologisclieu Zusamnienhang der Katamenien und ihrer Ano- malien mit den Geistcsstorungen. 8°. Berlin, [1877]. Mangon (A.-P.) " De l'hematidrosc et de ses rapiiorts avec la menstruation. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Marestang(L.-E.) * De la navigation conime cause de troubles meustruels. 4r MontpcUin; 1885. Martley (J. F.) *De mensibus paucistjuc morborum ah eorum vitiis pendeutium. 8-. Edinburgi, 1783. Mellier ( F. ) * Observations pratiques sur quelques d6rangemeuts de la menstruation, et principalement sur la difficulte" de leur diagnos- tic. 80. Montpellier, 1836. Mei.lwig (J. J.) * De fluxus menstrualisauo- maliis per excessum. 8°. Gryphice, [1839]. Mistral (A.) * Essai clinique sur les troubles de la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1881. Morix (E.) *Des maladies et en particulier des affections pulmonaires resultant de la sup- pression brusque des menstrues. 4°. Paris, 1878. Also, in: Rev. de lit. med., Par., 1878, iii, 513; 541: 1879, iv, 19; 47; 69; 88: 111; 140; 162; 185. Moscho ( S. P.) *De mensium vitiis. 8°. Halce, 1800. MOller ( F. ) * De caussis perturbati cata- meniorum protiuvii, et link pediscqua chlorosi, addita sparsim therapia. 12°. Pragee, 1817. Munier (J. C.) Au suppresso et immoderato catameniorum fluxui aperientia? Prus. A. J. Seron. In: Haller. Disp. anat/[etc. 1 4°. Gottingee \tf.s, 197-232. Also, in: Sigwart (G. F.) Quajst, med. Pans. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 289-326. Mlret (H. ) *Sur le traitement des prinei- paux derangemens des menstrues, cousiderees dans les difl'erens ages de la femme. 4°. Paris, 1826. . „ . Neithardls (P.) * De tributo lunan fcemina- ruiu intercepto, in certo quodam casu. 4. Altdorfl, 1681. MENSTRUATION. 159 MENSTRUATION. Menstruation (Disordered, irregular, suppressed, etc.) Neliiofei; (G.) * Dc morbosa catameniorum suppressione. 4-. Lugd. Bat., 1750. Nicolon (J.-J.) * Observations sur la menor- rhagie qui survient il l'approche de l'age criti- que, et sur 1'anie'iioiThe'e par vice de conforma- tion. 4°. Strasbourg, 1808. Niedt ((J. W. ) * De vitiis menstrui fluxus perite einendandis. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1754]. Nordmaxn (J. P.) * De obstructione sangui- nis menstrui. sm. 4r. Jena; [1757], Paczkoavski (S.) * Observationes quaedain de menstruationis anomaliis atque exantlicmatibus. 8°. Gryphiswuldia; 1867,. C. Pagexstecher (H.) * De menstruationis pcr- turbationibus. 8-'. Berolini, 1846. van Peene (J.-H.) Dissertation sur l'emme'- nologie et sur les maladies les plus communes des filles puberes, qui out un rapport plus ou moins special avec la menstruation. 8°. Gaud, 1815. Pet ( (.). ) * De suppressione mensium. sm. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1727. Petit ( G. ) * Des rapports de la paralysie generate chez la femme avec certains troubles de la menstruation. [Paris.] 4-\ Conlommiers, 1886. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1887, xiv, 337-347. Petk.eus (H.) * De suppressione et profluvio menstruorum, resp. Andrea Lipio. In his: Xosologia harmonica dogmat. et herniet. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1616, ii, 370-386. Praeger (J. C. G.) * In menorrhiea' patholo- giam inquirens. 4C. Vitcbergce, 1801. Riemballt (A.) * Quelques recherches pour servir a l'etude de la. menstruation en patholo- gie. 4 . Paris, 1854. Eogexhofer (J. N.) * De menstruatione mor- bosa. sc. Landishuti, [it. d.] Rocssel (C.-F.-C.) * Sur l'epischonienie, ou suppres-siou accidenti'lle des regies. 4°. Stras- bourg, 18-29. Rukff (J. A.) * Diss, sistens casuni puelhe post mensium suppressiouem epileptica* et posteasub fluxu eorum difticili hysterica;, cum epicrisi. 4 . Tubingce, [1780]. Samalens ( G. ) * De la suppression brusque de la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 187,7. Salkin ( B. ) * Essai sur l'ame'norrlie'e, ou la suppression morbifique des regies. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1820. Sc hill ( C. F. ) 'De mensium defectu cum casu hue pertinentc. 8°. Giesei, [1793]. Sciimid (J. G.) * De suppressione mensium. 4; Argentorati, [1782]. Seiihexk ( F. ) * I'eber Menstrualexanthe- lnuin. 8J. Wurzburg, 1885. Smibert (W.) "'Dc menstruis reteutis. . ii. ")0.—Allen (J.) Remarks on the de- velopment and decline of the function of menstruation when not in correspondence -with the general system. Med. Tinics & Gaz., Lond.. 18,")6. 11. s., xiii, 567.—Ancclot. De la suppression des regies. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1878, xiv, 113-116.—A11 frage [iiber ibeKrankheits- Zufalle einer Fran]. X". Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc., Jena, 1798-1800, i, 1. St., 58-62.—Aulouv (M.) On menstrual ir- regularities. South. M. tfc 8. J.. Augusta, 1837, i. 711-731— Artaud (F.E.) Amenorrhoea. N. Oil. M. tfc S. J., 1882, 11. s., x, 408-412.—Ash by (T. A.) Note on the treatment of anienorrhoea with permanganate of potash. Mai viand M. J., Bait., 1887, xvii, 8.")-88'. Also, Reprint. —Austin. On the effect of electricity in removing obstructions of the menses. Essays & Ohs. Phil. Soe. Edinb., 1771, iii, 116- 120.—B. (P.) Obscrvacion de una gastro-entero-encefali- tis aguda, producida por una insolacion y la supresion del fiujo menstruo. Decadas de med. y ciiug. pract., Madrid, 1828, xviii, 142-146.—Bardslcy (J. L.) On the medicinal properties of strychnia in anienorrhoea. In his: Hosp. Facts tfc Ohs., 8°, l.ond., 1830, ..1 ."8 — Barker (F.) Per- imiie'auate of potassium in the treatment of amenorrhiEa. | Abstr.] X. York M J., 1886, xliii, 238-240. [Discussion], i!4!l.— It.-iron (J.) Teljes sziizhartyazarlat kdvetkezte- ben letrejott huvely-es mehverdag (liamatocolpos et ha3- niatometra). [Complete atresia vaginae in a virgin, fol- lowed by ... ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876, xx, 568; 592.— Rai'thez. Consultation sur des eoliques nerveuses de- terniiuees par la suppression des regies. Hist. Soc. tie med.-prat. de Montpel., 1808, v, 94-100. —Batuaud (J.) Uu cas d'erysipele catamenial; arret brusque du dux men- sti -nel; eczema des fosses nasales; pharyngite et adeno- pathie cervicale; et ysipelede la face; aciiiepiciique; gue- rison. Lev. mid. t-liir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1886, viii, 260-265. —Bayard (K.) Effects of venesection in abdomi- nal dropsy, supervening on a suppression of the catame- nia. N. York M. tfc Phys. J., 1828, vii, 81-85.—Bell (S.) Permanganate of potassium in amenorrhoea. Med. Age, Detroit, 1886, iv, 3S5-IS88.—Beni-Bade. De l'hydrothe- rapie dans quelques troubles de la menstruation. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1873, xix. 64-84— Bernutz (G.) Memoire sur les accidents produits par la retention du flux nienstruel. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1848, 4. s., xvii, 129; 43:!: xviii. 405: 1849, 4. s., xix, 186. Also, Re- print.—Billiugtou (('. E.) Permanganate of potassium in anieiiorrboea. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1886, xxix, 270-27-1.— Bird (F.) Leber den Nutzen der Birkenbliitter in der Gicht; und der Sabina mit borax in unterdruckter Men- struation. X. Jahrb. tl. teutsch. Metl. 11. Chir., Hamm, 1824, viii, 2. St.. 28-34.—Blackwood (W. R. D.) Treatment of ainenorrluca. Med. Bull.. I'hila.. 1881, iii,7-9.—Board- man. Case of menstrual decidna. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1883. cviii, 460.—Boldt (II. J.) Therapeutics of amenor- rhea. Metl. Rec. X. Y., 1886, xxix, 623-625. Also |Ab- str. 1: Therap. (biz., Detroit, 18*7, 3. s.. iii, 31. — Bol- ton (J.) Case of disordered menstruation. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 192 -197. — Bon- tils (J.-F.) Observations sur des deviations meustru- elles. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828, cv, 162-167. Also: Tr. med., 1'ar., 1831, vi, 26- 34. — Borel. Observation sur une tumeur formee par le sang menstruel avec, des points gangreneux et retention d'uriue. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. do Montpel., 1804, iii. 316. — Bor- land (J. X.) Death following catamenial suppression. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1865, Ixxii. 373. —Brame (C.) Sur le traitement de iauienorrhee it de la dysmenorrhea. Bull. et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1884, xvi, 75-78.—Browne ( B. B.) On the uso of electricity in the treatment of itmeiiorrhiea. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1882-3, ix, 49-51.— Bji-ii (M. L.) Remarkable case of suppression of the menses. Nelson's North. Lancet, Plattsburg, X.Y.. 1851-2, iv, 137.—Caiupa. Contribucion alestudio de las euiuieno- patias; fisiologfa patologica tie la nienstiuaciou. Cron. med., Valencia, 1880-81, iv. 353; 481. —Carle (J.) Acne seba- ces. tal vez sucesivo, tie la cura, producidoy sostenido por desordencs menstruales. Independ. med., Barcel., 1872-3, iii, 67. — t'arrasco ( L. ) Urticaria febril intensa produ- cida por retropulsion del flujo catamenial. Rev. de nied. MENSTRUATION. 160 MENSTRUATION. IflrilKti'iiatioii (Disordered, irregular, suppressed, elc.) i y drug, pract,, Madrid, 1877, i, 538-541.—Carroll (R. C.) ! Cases of menstrual derangement-in neuro women. South. M. & S. J.. Augusta, I860, n. s.. xvi, :;:;-_'-;;:i,. —t'arwlenw i J. H. ) Remarks on the mechanical therapeutics of iiinenorihca. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1.-83, xvi, 1143-1146.— (In ron t.L) Dcsonlres graves des fouctions biliaires causes par la suppression brusque ct la retention ties regies. Lev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1880, ii, 503-512.—Chevalier (P.-J.) Observation d'une suppres- sion snbite tin flux nienstruel, occasionuee par une affection morale, it tb s suites auxtpielles elle a donne lieu. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par. (an v), au vi [1798], i. 62-66. — Clunelik (C.) Leber den Xutzen kalter Sitzhiider bei Auomalicn der Menstruation. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, .1846, 389-392. — C'hristenseii. S.\ nslorst vnelser veil Menstriiationsanoinalier. [ Disturbance of vision in connection with anomalies of menstruation ] Lutsk, f. Lager. Kjeuenh., 1879, 3. R., xxvii, 270-271. — Christo- pher (H.) A case of suppressed menstruation. South. M. lice, Atlanta, 1886, xvi, 285-287. — Churchill (F. ) Xotes on some of the disorders of mensti nation. Edinb. M. \- S. .1., is:j6, xiv, 344-358. Also, Reprint. — Corchi (A.) Sregolatezza de' mestrui. In his: Consult! med., 85, Milano, 1824, 404-406. — Coomes t M F. ) Menstrual amblyopia. Metl. Herald. Louisville, ls8'-3. iv. 273-276. Also, Reprint.—Conduct (A.) L'anienorrhee et la dys- iiieiioirht'e, doiveiit-elles ctre consitlcrees comine maladies k part, ou comme symptomes tie plusieurs affections'? Nice-nied., 1878-9, iii, 181-184— Darling. Merkwiirdige Irrcgiilaritat in tier Menstruation. J. f. ii. Chir., Geburtsh. ii. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1797. i, 355. — Dins ( P. M.) Note on the use of permanganate of potash in cases of in- sanity assot iatetl with aiiicnorrliiea. Bril. M.J.. Loud., 1885, i, 778.— De-I'ietra-I.iconc (E.) Ln caso raro tra le anomalie della incstruazione. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1882, xii, 280.—Vittel. Colica menstrualis ex hyperemia stpinali acliva. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 9i)3 —I)ol>i-onra wow (W. A.) Siebenjahiigo Anienor- rhiie; Heilung. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i, 98 —Moeriii^ ( E. •!. ) Some remarks on the value of perniiuigamitiMd'potassium in ainciiorrhtt'a. Chicago M. J. A: Exam., 1885, 1. J8:j-.87. Also, Keprint.-Dngns, Men- struation not appearing for six months. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1SIS7, i. 567-573. — Diniins, Ventouse em- nienagoguo. Oaz. hebd. d. sc. metl. lie Montpel.. 1886, viii, 1-8.16-20. Also, Keprint. — Dimran ( J. M. ) On intrauterine menstrual coagula. Obst. J. Or. Brit.. Lond., 1880. viii. 129-137.—Egan (L) Menorrhagia iind metror- rhagia. St. Louis M. J., 1884, xi, 291-299.—KHer (J. T.) Observatio de eephala-a atrocissiina a mensium obstrue- lione originem trahente, et cariem cranii denit|iie admit- teute. Inhis: Med. u. chir. Anmerck. . . . d. Charite zu Berl., 12-, Berl., 1730, 26-30. —Ellis ( XV. P. ) Perman- ganate of potassium in the treatment of menstrual de- rangements. Am. Pract. tfc News, Louisville, 1887. n. s., iii, 5-7—Eskridge (•). T.) Abscess of the liver follow- ing arrested menstrual discharge from exposuie to cold: pyraunie abscesses of the lungs and spleen ; perforation of the bowel; seveie heart complications; death during the seventh week. Med. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882. xlvii, 684. Also : Phila. .M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 201. Also : Med. News. Plnla., l-sj. xii, 664. Also: N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii 76-iS.— Fabre(A.) Duroledu systeme nerveux dans Its troubles liiorliiilcs dela menstruation. Marseille med., 1869, vi, 473-482.— Fai-low (J. XV.) Anomalous menstrual symptoms with atiophy of the uterus. Boston M. tfc S. J..'1883, cix, 296. — Canqnez ( K.) Deux cas d'anieii.>ri lice traitespar li-leetrii ite statitpie. Rev. med.- chir. tl. mal. tl. femmes, I'.it., isst. vi. 619-625. — Fellner (L.) Beitriige zur Pathologie und Therapie der Menstrua- tion?anoiualicn. Wien. ined. Presse, 1872, xiii. 443 ; 467 ; 506; 555; 579. — Fci'jjii.xon ( R.) Disordered menstrua- tion. S.vst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1841, iv. 433- 457. — Ferrer ( L. ) Mcnostasi i y amenofeuia. Correo med. castellano, Salamanca, 1886. iii', 3-7.— Fleckles(L.) Leber Menstriiations-Anomalien; Ainenorrhoe und Dys- nieuorrhoc. Allg. med.Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1863, xxxii, 113- 116.—Fribors; (X.) Aphonia a suppressis menstruis or- tum duceiis. Sot. med. Havn. collect., 1775. ii. 183.— l.areia Qnintcro (It.) Dospalabras.sobredesarreglos tie meiistrualcs. Cliuica. Zaragoza, 1881, v. 378. Also: An. obst.. ginecopat. y pediat., 2. ep., Madrid, 1881. i, 309-372.— ««ee(S.) Menstrual fever. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886. xxii. 93-95. -----. Menstrual colic. Ibid., 95.— <»oli11j>t<-1>■ Vterine atresia; atrophy of the uterus; probable iitropliy of t"he ovaries, anil absence of niolimeu. Med. Chron Bait., 1883-4, ii, 160. — I-c Pilenr. Ameiiorrhci- enlist- cutive a l'avulsion d'une dent pendant la periode ini'ij- strut-lie, chez line hvsterique. Rev. med.-chir. d. null d. femmes, Par., 1879, i, 401-403. — I.,evi»eiii-. Alain- und Aphonic nach pldtzlich ziniickgetreteuer .Min-lini- tion. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Posen (183(h, 1832, pt. 2. 21.—liindslev (II.) Cases of deranged menstrua tion. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1833-4, xiii, 366-370.— I-1»- lianc. ()neh|iies considerations iiiatiques snr Lmi' norrliee et la il \ sineuorrhee. Bull, clin., I'm:, 1.^35-6. i 145-148.- l;0('ock (C.) Mtnstriiation, patliulog,\ "< Cvcl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila.. 1845, iii, 8(18-312.—I-o- Ihrop (C. IL) Case of suppressed inensti-uation. Bos- ton M. tfc S. J., 1860-61, lxiii, 457 — -larlin ( A.) Obser- vation de colitiues hepatiqucs sous la dept-ndauce de la menstruation ct d'un tibrome nterin chez une femme dc MENSTRUATION. 161 MENSTRUATION. delistrnation (Disordered, irregular, suppressed, etc.) 15 ans. Union med., Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 1037-1039.— Martin (F. H.) Manganese as a stimulant of the men- strual organs and as a remedy in certain forms of amenor- rhea aud menorrhagia or metrorrhagia. Med. Rec., X. Y., 1883, xxiv, 344. -----. Manganese as a remedy in menstrual troubles. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 110.—Mar- tin (J. XV.) Arrested menstruation ; pain and tenderness in the uterine and right ovarian regions ; pains down the right thigh, and in the right knee joint; sensation of chills up the spine; headache; insomnia; lloivous excitement and restlessness; pyrexia; treatment; recovery. Metl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxv, 294. — Martini. Zwei Fiille von Menstruations-Storungen (Menostasis) und pliitzliche lleistclhing der Menses (lurch psychischen Eintiuss. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1871-2, xxviii, 657-659. — Meade ( R. H.) Amenorrhoea from over brain-work, followed by atrophy of uterus. Med. Press tfc Circ, Lond.. 1887, n. s., xliii, 98.—Meissner (F. L.) Eine Pneumonic unit eine Hepatitis in Folge unter- driickter Menstruation. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1826, vi, 324-326. — Mensfruationsstorungeii (Die) und ihre Beseitigung durch Tsatsin. Cor.-Bl. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg, 1864-5, iii, 158-160.— Metrorrhagie (De la) passive chez les jeunes filles, et de sm traitement. Bull. geu. de therap., etc., Par., 1841, xxi, 150-160. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1841, iv, 29-33. — Michalon" (E.) Sluchai katamenial. roji. [Caseof meustrualexantbem.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885, xxiii, 693-697. Also: Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach., Mosk., 1886, 44-49. — Middleton ( F. ) Aplicacion de las corrientes electricas continuas al tratamiento de la amenorrea concomitante de las enfermas del pul- mon. Bol. de med., Santiago, 1884. i. 60-63. —Mom- foert (M.) Leber Afterprodukte in Folge des zu friilien Wegbleibens der Menstruation. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1847, xxii, 147-156.—More y Rargit (M. E.) V6- mitos estercoraceos producidos por una t'alta menstrual. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1882, viii, 136-141.—Morse (\V. H.) Delayed menstruation and pelvic contraction. XT. York M. J., 1881, xxxiii, 428-434.—Moses (I.) Cases of disordered menstruation producing phenomena simulating the symptoms of grave diseases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859, n. s., xxxviii, 355.—IVoxon (Mary W.) Absence of menstruation terminating in Addison's disease. Tr. Hoinu?op. M. Soc. XL Y. 1880-81, Havana, 1882, xvi, 355- 358. Also: HomiEop. J. Obst., X. Y., 1881, iii, 286-292 — Ortiz de Laredo (A.) Supresion brusca de la meu- struaeion; fiebre intermitente, teiciana con siutomas gastrorragicos, ahcesos en el triangulo axilar derecho del vohimen de uu melon pequeno; curacion. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1872, vii, 367. — Panarolns (D.) Menstrua in virgiuibus maxima piudeutiarevocauda. In his: Iatrolo- gisiuorum. 4°, Romas, 1652, 178.— Paper (Einestina). Due casi di amenorrea guariti colla ctirrente elettrica. Im- parziale, Firenze, 1883, xxiii, 687.—Parsons (S. C.) Men- strual leucorrbrea contra indications for vaginal injections. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1884, xiv. 201 — Parvin (J.) Disorders of menstruation from psychical causes. Am. Pract., Louisville; 1872, vi, 146-158.—Paiili. Ainenor- rhoe, Menstrualeiythem und Mcnstrualerysipel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. i880, xvii, 646. —Penny' (E. J.) Sud- den death from haemorrhage into the abdominal cavity during menstruation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886. i. 539.— Phrcze(A.) Obotnozheuieuepravilnostie menstruatsii. [On irregular menstruation.] Med. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1861, i, 97-102. — Pitcairn (A.) De inensiuni suppres- sion!'. In Ids: Op. omn., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1737, 179-183.— Poilronx. Histoire d'une suppression menstruelle, sui- vie d'hydropisie ascite. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. tie Mont- pel., 1807, ix, 46-64. — Prati (P.) Ln caso di asma, eil un' altro di colica catameniale curat! e guariti secondo el' insegnamenti della restaurazione Ippocratico in Italia. Raceogbtore med. di Fano, 1861, xxiii, 306-310.—Pneeh (A.) De la retention dn flux lnenstrnel. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1859, xxxii, 162.— Regius (H.) Medicatio virginis a mensium suppressione epileptica*. In his: Medieina libri iv, 2. ed., 4°, Traj. ad Rhenum, 1657, 324-330.—van Rhvn (II. B.) Menostasia; paralysis; mentis alienatio; status veternosus; gaugraena ex decubitu; mors; h.yda- tisad tubum Falloppii sinistrum; serum linii .^.ini effusum inter medullam spinalem ad nuchas et bimbos. In his: Brevis conspectus morborum, etc., 8°, Lugd. Bat., 1840, 36-3S— Riebc (J.) Wclchen Einfluss iiben die Schwau- gerscliaft und die Menstiuationsstorungeu auf das Zahn- fleisch uud die Zalinc aus? Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1885, iii, 527-533. — Riggs (C. E.) Neu- rasthenic anienorrbeea. Xorthwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1886-7, vi, 161-167. —Ringer (S.) tfc Mnrrell (W.) On manganese in thetrcatmeut of meuorrhiEa. Lancet, Lond., 188.), i, 7— Rockwell (A. D.) Electricity in the disor- ders of menstruation. X. Eug. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-6. v. 201-204.—Rohring. Ueber den men- struellen Kothlanf. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1884, vm, 827—Romiti ((!.) Delia peritonite nelle mestruanti, e riflessioni scieutitiche sulla mestruazione. Raccoglitore llriislrnation (Disordered, irregular, suj)pressed, etc.) ined., Forli, 1875, xxxviii, 193-205. — Rossetti (A.) Des divers troubles de la menstruation. Mouvement med., Par., 1876, xiv, 438; 451.- Routh (A.) Santonin in ame- norrhoea. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 61. — Ronvier (J.) Quelques considerations sur les deviations menstruelles. Marseille med., 1879, xvi, 257; 328. ---—. Recherches sur les deviations menstruelles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par.-,. 1884, xcviii, 244. -----. Etude sur les devia- tions menstruelles. Ann. de gynec... Par., 1885, xxiii, 24; 103; 177. Also, Reprint. — Sainton. Peritonite ehronique aigue a la suite d'un refroidissement et de l'arret brusque de l'ecoulement menstruel. France m6d., Par.. 1880, xxvii, 442. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1880), 1881, iv, 73-76.— Salazar (M. R.) Menogenia- v6mica-consecutiva; curacion. Gac. med., Madrid, 1846, ii, 376.—Sanctuary (T ) Concerning the action of cer- tain remedies in 'functional" amenorrhoea. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 59.—Schrader. Beitrage zur Pathologie der Menstruation. In: Ahlfeld (F.) Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Marb . 8°, Leipz., 1885. ii, 207- 237.—Schramm. Zur Casuistik der Menstrual-Exan- theme uud der Urticaria nach mit Blutegelanwendung am Muttei-mund. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1878, xiii, 556.—Schroctcr (R.) Ueber das Verhalten der Men struation bei Psychosen. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1874-5, iii. 294-310. — Schnermans. Role des ovaires dans la dysmenorrhea et 1'amenoi rhee. Presse med. beige, Brux..1849, i, 393-395.—Sehulz. Die Reflex- Wirkungen der Induktions-Elektrizitat im allgemeinen und deren Beniitzung als Heilmittel, iusbesondere gegen Abnormitiiten der Menstruation. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1855, v, 79u: 806.—Seger (G.) Von uuvorsichtiger Stil- lung eines all/.uhiiiitfigcii Ahgaugs der monatlicheu Reini- gung bey einer vollhliitigen Person, und dem dadurch ver- ursachten Tode. Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl rom.- kais. Akad. d. Wissensch., Xiirnb., 1756, ii, 56-59.—Sent- medo (J. C.) Quandam ex coutiuenti austera* religionis vita porpetua* mensium obstructiones. ex iis autetn im- mauis salsugo et acrimonia, quae inordacein atque pustu- losum creabant pruritum, occuparunt; hauc ptiiribns et appositissimis auxiliis sic persanavimns, ut abolitis etiam minimis ipsorum reliquiis superstitem reddiderimus. In his: Obs. aegritudinum, fob, Ulyssipono Oeciu., 1718, 22- 21. — Simpson (J. Y.) Amenorrhrea. In his: Works [Dis. of Women], 8°, Edinb., 1871, iii, 604-643. —Skene (A. J. C) Deranged menstruation from imperfect devel- opment of the reproductive organs and diseases of the general system. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1874, ix, 451-455. -----. Aiiienorrliiea. Med. Xews, Phila, 1885, xlvii, 253-257.— Sorcl. Documents pour servir a l'histoire d'une donleur hypogastriquo iutermenstruelle. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1886, iv, 167-170. — S ted man (C. E.) Fetid menstruation relieved. Boston M. >v S. J., 1880, ciii, 482.— Steinberger. Struma nach Lntenlruckung der Men- struation. Gemein. deutsche Ztschr. 1. Geburtsk., Wei- mar, 1831, vi, 249. -----. Eine, durch pliitzliche Unter- driickung der Periode entstandene Sceleustorung. Ibid., 250-253. — Stephen (J.) Chronic suppression of the menses. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, u. s., lix, 429.— Stevens (E. B.) The condition of the cervical canal, as atl'ecting the menstrual flow. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1879-80, ii, 1-6.—Tate (XV. H.) Amenorrhoea [treated with po- tasste permauganas]. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 505.— 'lYi'i-ilIon. Des troubles de la menstruation apres les lesions chirurgicalcs ou traumatiques et apres l'ovario- tomie. Ann. de gynec. Par., 1882, xvii, 161-172 -The- nance (J.-S.) Observation sur une hemiplegie occasionuee par la suppression des regies, guerie par linstrunient tranchant. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1806, vii, 351-361.—Tilt (E. J.) Treatment of remittent menstrua- tion by sulphate of quinine. Lancet, Lond , 1851, i, 148.— Tnmenrs (Les) peri-uterines cataineniales de cause h6- niorrhagiqiie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 714—Vance (R. A ) The effect of menstrual disorders upon the vas cularity and nutrition of the intra-ocular structures. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 293-295. — Vieat (P. R.) Spasmi et dolores varii, post menses ab iracuudia sup- pressos; phthisis funesta malorum seenam claudit. In his: Delect, obs. pract. exdiarioclin., 8D, Vitodurum, 1780, 212-228.—Voisin (A.) Du traitement de ramenorrhee par la suggestion hypnotique. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1887, 7. s., v, 279-283". Also, Reprint.—Watkins (J. L.) The salts of manganese in functional disorders of menstru- ation Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 746-753.— le Weehel (\V. A.) Deviatio menstruationis. Boer- liaave. Tijtlschr., etc., Gravenh., 1840, ii, 231-234.—Whit- beck (C. E ) Cases of malposition and disease of the uterus in young girls, as a cause of amenorrhosa and dvs meniH-rlitea. Toledo M. & S. J., 1880, iv, 126-128.— Whitehead (XV.) Santonin in amenorrhea. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 430—Whitmire (J. S.) Sudden suppres- sion of the catamenia and aincnoi rluea, as belonging to the neuroses. Tr. Illinois M. Soc , Chicago, 1884, xxxiv. 215-224. —Wilhelm (L ) Leber Meustrual-Exantheine. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 50.— Wiltshire (A.) 11 MENSTRUATION. 162 MENSTRUATION. menstruation (Disordered, irregular, suppressed, etc) An oll'eiisive catamenia, or bromomenorrluea. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1882, ii, 551.—Winter (M.) Apoplexia e suppressione mensium. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882. xvii, 159.— Wittke. Folgen einer plotzlic hunterdriicktcn Menstruation. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk , Berl., 1826, xxii, 558- 565.—Worthain (J. W ) Case of interrupted menstrua- tion. Transylv. J. M.. Lexington, Ky., 1839, xii, 39-41.— Vomit (S. T.) The use of indigo as an t nimenagogue. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 47.—von Zieinssen. Pe- ritonitis rheumatica menstrualis. Sommerscni. (Ein) in d. j Klin, von Ziemsscn zu Miinchen [1879], 1883, 54-57. Menstruation (.Excessive). See Menorrhagia; Menstruation (Disordered, etc.) Menstruation (Hygiene and manage- ment of). Bkasseur (F.) * Diss, bygieniqne sur la feiiiiiie considered sous le rapport de la men- struation. 4°. Paris, 1828. Ciiazal (S.-G.) *l>e I'liygicne des femmes a repoque de la cessation des ineustrnes. 4D. Pa- ris, 1826. C'mkvalier (J. D.) *An quo tempore fluuut catamenia noxia Venus? 4C. [Paris, 1716.] Duplessis (E.) * De l'age critique, et des soins hygieniques que rex-lament les femmes a cette Epoque. 4°. Paris, 1828. (iAiixiF.u (J.-F.) * Considerations sur l'age critique, ct sur l'bygii'iie des femmes a cette epoque. 4°. Paris, 1820. Gravis (J.-P.) *Sur la cessation des men- strues, et sur les conseils a donner aux femmes jiour les preserver des accidens ou maladies dout elles sout menac6es a cette dpoque. 4C. Paris, 1813. bniux (L.) * Considerations gcnerales sur l'etat physiologique de la femme parvenue a l'age critique, et sur les moyens hygieniques qui liii conviennent. 4°. Paris, L-16. Jacobi (Mary P.) The question of rest for women during menstruation. Bovlston prize essay for 1876. 8°. New York, 1877. Also, transl. [Abstr.] mi: Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1880, ii, 411; 459; 512; 572. Laville (J.-C.-A. ) * Considerations gene- rales sur les causes et les moyens preLservat it's des maladies des femmes a l'epoqne de la cessation des menstrues. 4°. Paris, 1816. Levin (W. E.) *De regimiue tempore men- sium ohservaudo. sm. 4°. Halce, [1742]. Olive (A.-A.) *»Sur la premiere menstrua- tion, l'age critique, et les soins hygieniques que reclainent les femmes a ces deux epoques. 4C. Paris. 1819. Robileard (J.) Considerations gcnerales sur les soins a donner a la premiere menstrua- tion. 43. Paris, 1829. Cederstrom (C.) Om bad under qvinnans menstrua- tion och gnissi-ss. Tlygiea. Stockholm, 1877. xxxix, 92- 90.—Cottiii^. Professional nianagcment of menstrua- tion. Bostnu M. &. S. J., 1872, Ixxxvi. 350— Etclmas (P.) Du traitement hydriatitpie pendant la menstruation. Bor- deaux med., 18t(i, v, 74 : 290; 385.—Fiirst (L.) Eine vcr- besserte Mensti uatiousbinde. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1885, ix, 577-581. Also, Reprint.—Levin (P. A j Nagra ord till geumale af sporjsmalet: Ar en hydriatisk bchantlliug miijlig och lamplig under qvinnans menstrua- tion .' Hygiea, Stockholm, 1877. xxxix, 1-6.—Putnam (C. G.) The cold bath during menstruation. Boston M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxv, 81.—Raciborski (A.) Reflexions sur l'administration des medicaments au moment des regies. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxiv, 350- 353. Extr. from his: Traite de la menstruation, 8°, Par. 1868.—Stengei- (A.) Die Trikot-Badehose iu der Gyua kologic. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1887, xi, 203. Menstruation (Hygiene and manage- ment of). [Collection of patents.] Ainia (X.) Catamenial sack. No. 29611)4. April. 1, 1881.—Campbell (Gertrude). Monthly-protector. No! 276770. May 1, 1883.— Farr (H.G.) Menstrual receptacle. No. 300770. June 24,1884.— Johnston (G. E.) Catamenial Menstruation (Hygiene and manage- ment of). sacks. No. 182024. Sept. 12. 1*70.— Knabe (F. A.) Cat- amenial sack. Xo. 174540. March 7, 1876. — Kortl (J.) Catamenial .sack. No. 235881. Dec. 28, 1880.— I,an-t (L.) Catamenial sack. No. 282201. July 31,1883.—I,evj iC. H.) Catamenial sack. No. 297274. April 22. ls,s4._L .Tleaeom (G.) Improvement in catamenial sacks. Xo 168515. Oct. 5, 1875. Menstruation (Irregular). See Menstruation (Disordered, etc.) Menstruation (Lactation in). See Lactation in menstruation, etc. Menstruation (Premature). See, also, Pregnancy (Early); Puberty (Early, etc.) Allbult (T. C.) Caso of premature menstruation. Moil.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1865-6, xlix, 161-164. Also.- Proc. Roy. M. tfc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1804-7, v, 193. — Alonzo (D.) [Lua liii!a do 8 aims esta meiistruando con el 6rden, rcgularidad y constant-ia.] Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 221. — Arnold (C. D.) Infantile menstruation. Louis- ville M N'ews. 1876, ii. 42. — Bcrdot (I). C. E. ) Men- struus lia-mori hoiduiu fluxus in puella tricniii. Acta Hel- vet., Basileic, 1762, v, 192. — Bertram!. Observation sur un enfant de huit ans, regie depuis l'tige d'un an et demi. J. dented., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1702, \vi, 227.— Bei'i'.v (W.) Notes of acase of early menstrual ion. Med. Lress \ Circ, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiii, 202.— Bctschler (J. XV.) Menstruatio prematura. Ann. d. klin. Anat. d. Univ. zu Bresl. f. Geburtsh., 1832, i, 198.—Brebisius (J. G.) De mensium fluxu praecoci putatitio. Acta Acad. nat. curios., 2. ed., Norinib., 1727, i, 372. — Bronson (.1. O.) Case of early menstruation. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1855, iv, 180-182.—Buxtorf (J.) Menstruus fluxus puella* scptcni dies nata*. Acta He!vet., Basileai, 1772, vii, 107.— Campbell (E. N.) Infantile menstruation. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 75.—G'azals. Menstruation pr6eoce. Ann. Soc. de med.-prar. tie Montpel., 1808, xi, 361-364.— Cortcjarena. L11 caso de menstruacion infantil 6 pre- coz. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1880, ii, 202-205.— 4'raiy. A case of precocious menstruation. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1877, 122; 209—Davis (M. M.) A case of early menstruation: tlvsiiiiiiiirrhti-a. Tr. Wis- consin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1870, x, 69. — Descurrt. Note stir line menstruation precoce. N. Jour, de metl., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1820, vii, 100.— Vriiinmoiid (D.) Case of early womanhood. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 47.— Duncan. Sur une fille prematuree. [From: J. d. sea- vans, 1083.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1755,' i, 296.—Fschenbach (C. E.) Menses pra'coccs In his: Obs. auat.-ehir.-med. rariora, 12°, Rostoch., 1769, 210-214.— Fitch ((>. L.) A singular case of menstrual flooding, in a girl nine years old. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1872, u.s., vi. 394—Forman (W.) Caseof periodical discharge of a sanguineous fluid from the vasjina of a child six years old. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1822, v, 664-666.—Gaiiticr (V.) Des heinorragies gt'-nitales des petites filles; de la menstruation ct de la matin ite precoces. Lev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1884, iv, 501 ; 553; 633, 1 pi.—Hor- ding (Ii. C.) Unusually early menstruation. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 71.—Harlc (C. E.) Monthly sanguineous discharge in an infant. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880. i, 848.— Harris (T. M.) A case of precocious development. Metl. 'o Surg. Reporter, Phila., 18&2, xlvi, 27. — I.en/.. Mensti nation bei einem Kinde. Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk.. Berl.. 1840, 051— l.itlxr. Eruhzeitige Menstrua- tion. Ibid., 1833, 143. —liiltel (C. H.) [Menstruation in an infant.] Detroit Lancet, I8811-8I, n. s, iv, 350.— Wl'CJrary (E. W.) Precocious development. Louisville M. News, 1879, vii, 271. — 1TIarable (J. T.I Cases of early catamenia. Memphis M. Recorder. 1858. vi, 1-4.— iTIodcry. Menstruus fluxus in puella trienni. Zodia- cus ined.-gall. 1679, Geneva, 1680, i. 143.—Jliiller (J. M.) De nieusiiim fluxu in puella 7 annorum. At ail. nat. cu- rios, ephetn., Noribergas, 1717, cent, v-vi, 83-85. — I'et-h- B in (J.N.) Detiuore sanguinis tertio aetatis anno, ctalbn septeuario primo erumpeute. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1678-9, Norinib., 1693, ix-x, 84. Also, transl.: Collect. acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1755, iii, 371.—Prochownick. Fall von Menstruatio pra*cox mit Sectionsbcriclit. Arch. f. Gymek., Berl.. 1881, xvii, 330-337. — Reuler (C. ¥■) Ueber Priicocitiit der Menstruation in psychologischer und kranioskopischer Hinsicht. Med. Jahrb. f. (1. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1846, v, 1- 47. — Kobillard. Case ot early menstruation. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870-71, vii. 409.—Rbbbeleu (A. H.) Menses prematuri. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1864, xvi, 269.—Schonheit. In tvpischer Reihcnfolge zuriickkehrendc Menstruation ln-i einem sit- benjahrigen.Madcheii. Ztschr. f. Nat.- 11. Heilk. in U11- gaiii, Oedenburg, 1856, vii, 74.—Smith (J.) Remarkable case of early menstruation and pregnancy. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, u. s.,' vii, 751. —Stalpart vandcr Wiel (C.) MENSTRUATION". 1G3 MEXSTRTJATION. Menstruation (Premature). Maand-stonden bij een kiut van ecu jaar. [Menstruation at one year.) In his: Hondert seldzame aamuerk., 12°, Amst., 1682. 254-256. - Stocker (O.) Kin Eall von Men struatio pra-cox. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879. ix, 201-203. — Trey ling (J. J.) Lac in mammis puella- vix nata-, et t|iiii' vix triniiila nienstrnata fuit. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Xorimb., 1740, v, 442.—Van Derveer (A.) A case of infantile menstruation. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 1005. Also, Reprint. — Van Patten (P.) Early appearance of the catamenia. Iowa M. J., Keokuk, 1853, i, 131.— Vella. Mestruazioiie prccoce. Morgagni, Napoli. 1857, i, 123. — Wachs (O.) Ein Eall von vorzei- tigcr Menstruation bei einem dreijahrigen Kinde. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., St.uttg., 'l877, i, 173-188.—Wedel (G. W.) Von einem Miidgen von sechs Jahren, welches schon die monatliclio Reinigung hi kam. Auserl. med.- chir.-.. . Abliaii-M. tl. rdni.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf'., Niirnb., 1766, xv, 197. —Whitinore <\V. 11.) Case of menstrua- tion in an infant, commencing a few days after birth. North. J. M., Edinb.. 1845, iii, 70. Menstruation (Suppressed). See Amenorrhoea: Menstruation (Disordered. etc.) Menstruation (Vicarious). See Menstruation (Abnormal, etc.) Menstruation in animals. Alt (O.) Leber die Ideutitat der Menstruation mit der Bruiist der Thiere. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iv, 85-96. -fierrard (J.) Menstruation in the lower animals. Vet. J. &. Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1877, iv, 323-331.— Numan (A.) Over de peiiodische ontlasting van bloed nit do geslachtsdeelen bij sommige huisdicren. bepaaldelijk bij de koe: en beschouwing van (lit verschijnsel, in betrekking tot de menstruatie der vrouw. Tijdschr. v. nat. gesc.hieiL en Physiol., Leiden, 1837-8, iv, 334-358. — Sutton (J. B.) Menstruation in monkeys. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1886. n. s., xiii, 259- 261. Also: Brit. Gynac. J., Lond., 1886-7, ii, 285-292. Also, transl.: France med., Par., 1886, ii, 1421-1425. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1887, xiv, 260-265. Menstruation and disease. See, also, Erysipelas ( Periodic ); Insanity and menstruation; Menstruation (Cessation of); Menstruation ( Disordered, etc. ); Small - pox (Diagnosis, etc., of); Uterus (Cancer of). Danlos (H.) * Etude sur la menstruation au point de vue de sou influence sur les maladies cntanees. 4 . Paris. 1874. Felgiek (T.) * Influence des maladies snr la menstruation ct re"ciproqueinent. 4--. Paris, 1864. Glockexiuessei: (AY. T.) *"Diss. sistens ca- siim menstrui fluxus anomali animique patbe- matibus perturbati. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1740]. Godot (A.) *De l'erysipele menstruel. 4'-. Parti, 1883. d'Heukle (L.-E.) * Sur I'apparition des men- strues pendant le cours des maladies aigues. 4 . Paris, 1847. Holmax (J.-B.) *Sur la menstruation cbez les femmes rhumatisantes. 4°. Paris, 1877. Ladmiral(E.) *Dcs alterations du systeme uterin et particnlierement des regies cbez les phthisiques. 4°. Paris, 1876. Miciiaux (E.) *De l'iufluence menstruelle sur la production d'accidents rbumatismaux. 4-\ Paris, 1876. Panzer (F. G.) *De fluxu mensium febrihus ncutis et malignis superveniente ufc plurimuui funesto. 4°. Altorfii, 1753. Sicheling (J. S.) *De effectibus mensimu morbis supervenientium. sm. 4C. Halce Mag- deb., [177)7]. S.mits (P.) *De ratione quae est inter cata- menia et morbos feininarum. 8 Lugd. Bat., \ 1848. Taglet (H.) *De l'influeuce de la menstrua- tion sur le systeme nerveux. 4°. Paris, 1872. Vraix (O.) *La menstruation e* la grossesse dans leurs rapports avec quelques manifestations cutandes diatbesiques. 4°. Parti, 1878. Menstruation and disease. WorKSALEK (T.) *Diss. sistens bistorias s.v- nopticas inorborum organicornm ex anouialiis meustruorum prodeuntium in scbola medico-cbi- rurgica anno scbolast. 1839 tractatoruin. 8°. [n. p.]. 1841. Bernard dc* Carriers. Observation sur plusieurs maladies iiependaiit.es tie suppression de regies, gueries par une especed'eau minerale artificielle. J. denied., chir., pharm.. etc.. Par., 1773, xxxix, 416-422.—Bin tr. Merk- wiirdige Kolge einer pliitzliehen Unterdriickuug der Men- struation. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. n. M., 1834, xiii, 137- 140.—Oerda (R. O.) Influeucia del flu jo menstrual sobre la salud i enferniedades de la mujer. Lev. med. tie Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1874. ii. 310; 333— Chre»tieii (J.-A.) | Observations sur la suppression des regies, aceoinpagnee tie fievre intermittent!': l'emploi exterieur de i'opium.] J. tl. conn. med. chir.. Par., 1852, xx, 311. Also: Rev. de therap. metl.-chir., Par., 1853, i, 535. — Clemens ( T. ) Leber den Eintlussder Menstrual- Ausduustungen auf den Verlauf versehiedener Infectious-Krankheiten. Alls. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1883, lii, 369.—Coe (II. C.) .Me- trorrhagia at the time of puberty. N. York M. J.. 1887, xlvi, 238-241.—Dnnitlo (S.) O czestosci chorob organow plciowych u kobict obbrkanyeh. [Frequency of mental dis- turbances in women during menstruation.] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1882, lxxviii, 537-551.—Darcmbcrg (G.) Influence de la fonction meustruelle sur la marchc de la phthisie pulmouaire. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1880, cxlvi, 533; 085. Also [Abstr.] : Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1879, i, 493-497.—Dawosky (S.) Merkwiirdige der Periode voi-herge.hende Zeichen. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz.. 1837, xvi, 632-634.—Dor (A.) Deux cas d'affections ocu- laires dependant de troubles de la menstruation. Bull, et raein. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 18S4. ii. 152-156.—Diuiiaii (XV. A.) Case of recurrent pemphigus prurigiuosus fol- lowing checking of the menses. Lancet, Lond., 1881. i, 53. — Dnteher (A. P.) Menstruation its condition in pulmonary tuberculosis. Med. Jt Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861-2. vii, 30-33. Also.- Cincin. M. Repert,, 1871, iv, 389- 399.—Grellety (L.) De l'erysipele lie a la menstruatiou. Abeille ni6d., Par., 1878, xxxv, 195-197.—Iferard (II.) De l'iufluence des maladies aigues febriles sur les regies et reciproquenient. Actes Soc. ined. d. hop. de Par., 1852, ii. 153-212. [Rap. de Trelat], 213-223. Also, Reprint,— Janovsky & Nchwiiiij. Herpes beider Hiinile ala, Menstriialexantheni. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1882, vi. 257-259. — Kelly (W.) Menstruation in sinall-pox. X. York M. Times, 1852, ii, 167-169.—liandesberg (M.) Eye diseases in connection with normal menstruation. .Med. Bull., Phila., 1883, v, 203-205.—Lopez (J. F.) De la influeucia de la nienstruacion en la exacerbaeion de al.gunos enfermedades. Siglo ined., Madrid, 1857, iv, 362; 380. — .Vletcalfc (J. T.) Pneumonia of apex of right lung; menstruation: death; appearance of the uterus and ovaries. N. York J. M.. 1851, vii, 90.— Tloreno (L. B. R.) Menofauia y clorosis; empleo del protoxalato de hierrodel Dr. Girard: curacion. Siglo med., Madrid. 1879, xxvi, 260. — Pallen (M. A.) Meustrual neuroses. J. Nerv. & Ment, Dis., N. \r., 1877, iv, 463-473. — Perrond (L.) Influence des pyrexies snr les prineipaux pheno- menes de la menstruatiou. Mem. et coinpt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1861-2, i, 148-168. Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1862, xiv, 17; 39.-----. Note sur les pseudo-menstru- ations liees aux pyrexies. [Sobs.] Mcin. et eomiit.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1870), 1871, x, 114-131. "[Discus- sion], pt. 2, 102. Also: Lyon med., 1870, v, 437; 402.— Piecirilli (L.) Su 1' auiministrazione de' rimedi nelle malattie al periodo della mestruazioiie. N. Liguria med., Genova, 1874, xix, 113-119.—Baciborski (A'.) De l'iu- fluence des affections des organes respiratoires sur la men- struation et de celle que cette evacuation exerce sur la marche de ces affections. (Extrait de l'oiivrage couronne par l'Academie royale de inedeoino.) Gaz. metl. de Par., 1842, 2. s., x, 401-407. -----. Du role de la menstruation dans la pathologie et la therapeutique; de son influence sur la inarche des maladies, et reciproquemeut. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855, iii. 681; 690; 699; 715; 732; 755: 764; 772; 857; 881; 917; 945; 953: 901; 985; 1003; 1081; 1089; 1097.—Bonvier (J.) Quelques phenomenes supplemen- taires des regies. Ann. de gyuec, Par.. 1879, xii, 10; 120: 1880, xiii, 115. —Santos Fernandez (J.) Amaurosis cougenita curaila espontaiieainente ii la presentacion de la primera erupcion menstrual. Actas . . . Cong, region, de cien. med. 1879, Cadiz, 1882, 238-243. —Scliramm (J.) Zur Casuistik der Menstrual-Exauthetue und tier Urti- caria nach Blutegelanwendung am Muttermiind. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 626-628.—Stiller (B.) Leber Meustrual-Exantheme. Ibid., 1877, xiv, 731-733.—Tait (L.) Menstrual irregularities and their relatiou to dis- eases of the nervous system. Obst. J. Gr. Brit,, Lond.. 1873, i, 94; 173.—Tcrrillon. Troubles de la menstrua- tiou apres los lesions chirurgicalcs ou tiaumatiiiues. Pro- gres med., Par., 1874, ii, 737; 754; 774; 790,-Tilt (E. J.) Ou catamenial diarrhoea. Lond. J. M-, 1851, iii. 690-702. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s.. ii. 247.— Tucker (A. Ii.) Pathology aud treatment of diseases of MENSTRUATION. 164 MENTHOL. Menstruation and disease. menstruation. Savannah J. M . 1860-61, iii, 367-372 [377- 382]. —Walther (J. A.) Regulativ fiir die Praxis bei den Krankheiten des Weibes nach dem AufhSren der Menstruation iiberhaupt, iubesondcrc aber in Hinsicht auf die zu dieser Zeit eintretenden, oft so hartniickigen Diarrhoen und Hiistenzufallc. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1824. lix, 6. St.. 3-19. Menstruation in males. See Menstruation (Abnormal, etc.) Menstruation in old age. See Menstruation (Abnormal, etc.) Menstruation in pregnancy. See Pregnancy (Menstruation during). Mentagra and sycosis. Bernhardt (H.) *Desvcosi. 8-. Berolini, [1862]. Chausit ( J.-M. ) Sycosis ou mentagre. s--\ Paris, 1859. Yallee (J.-P.) * Propositions et observa- tions sur la mentagre et son traitement. 4°. Paris, I8:n. "VYarion (J.-P.-A.) "Du sycosis. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1861. Anderson (T. McC.) Pathology of svcosis menti. Edinb. M. J., 1867-8, xiii, 1089-1093, 1 pi.— Kn/iu. Con- siderations gcnerales sur la nientagrc et les teigncs de la face. Gaz, tl. hup.. Par., 18.">4, xxvii, 301; 305; 341; 354; 365; 370. Also, Reprint. -----. Mentagre; mentagra; sycosis. Diet, eueycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1873, 2. s., vi. 738- 767.—Belcher (T. W.) Remarks on a case, illustrative of some points of difference between svcosis parasitica and impetigo syc.osifbrmis. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1867, xliv, 316-320. —Cartas. Observation de blepharite men- tagrcuse. Lyon med., 1870, iv, 112-116— t'azenave (A.) Sycosis ou mentagre. Diet, de med.. 2. ed., Par., 1844, xxix, 81-90. -----. Observations et reflexions sur le syco- sis. Gaz. d. bop., Par. 1851, 3. a., iii. 457; 465.-----. Lectin snr le sycosis. Monit. tl. bop.. Par., 1854, ii, 698- 701.—1'liaiiMJt (M.) Descoinplicatinnsdusycosis. Ibid., 514-516. -----. lttude clinitpie du sycosis, et en particu- lier du sycosis tuberculeux. Ga/,. hebd. de med. et chir., Par., 1856. iii, 412; 452; 510. — Cumin (W.) Sycosis. Cvcl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila.. ls4.->. iv. 296-298.—'Bale (J. Y.) t Sycosis cured bv sulphite of soda. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866. n. s., Ii, 281. — Beverjjie (A.) Thera- peutique de la mentagre ou sycosis. J. de med. et chir. I prat., Par., 1846, xvii, 123-128.'---—. De l'epilation dans le traitement de la mentagre et des divers faeteuis de ce traitement. Ibid., 1861.2. s., xxxii, 304-308.—Diday (P.) Traitement tie la mentagre en une seance. Cong. med. de Fiance 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 467. Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1864, xvi, 590. — Om-and. Sycosis parasitaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1867-8, vii, 5-8.—Fox (T.) Clinical lecture ou tinea sycosis. Lan- | cet, Lond., 1873, ii, 141.—Gaskoin. ('use of true svco- sis. Med. Times & (Liz., Lond., 187:!. ii, 89. — Gintrae (H.) Observation de mentagre. J.de med. de Bordeaux. 1859, 2. s., iv, 39-44.—CJodon (F. W.) Clinical notes on two cases of sycosis. Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1875, ii, 37- 39.—llanghlon (R. E.) On mentagra, or svcosis. Chi- j ein. Lancet & Obs., 1858, n. s., i, 660-663.—IIein a. Syco- sis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1864, ix, 283.—HntchiiiNon. On the true nature of the disease known in England as sycosis or mentagra. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 52.— JaiiNOii (L.) Dartre mentagra pustulosa, guerie par la depilation. Ann. Soc. de metl. de Gaud. 1835, i, 76-79. [Rap. de G. Beydler, 80-82.] Also: Ann. de med. beige. Brux.. 1835. ii.i.—Kobner (H.) Ueber Svcosis. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1861, xxii. 372-411. 2 pi. — litili- ner (H.) tfc .Vliehelson (P.) Leber parasitiire Svkosis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prag, 1869, i, 7-17.—l^aycoclt. Kotes of some cases of sycosis, and of a case of eczema produced by paraffin oil. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond , 1864, ii, 650. — l.v Bins (C ) Dartre, mentagre guerie par l'emploi de l.i belludomieunieal'ouguentmercnriel. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1846, 507. [Rap. de De Maeyer], 508-511. — licwin. Leber parasitiire Sycosis. Ch;irit6- Ann. 1874, Berl., 1876, i, 639-648. — I.owciiMtaiimi. Zur Sycosis. Metl.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 219.— I.■■ lent jeuue. Dartre mentagra pustulosa, guerie par la depilation, ou plutot par la calotte du menton. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1835. i, 312-314. Also: Ann. de med. beige. Brux., 1835, iv, 192. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. de metl. de Gaud, 1835, i, 149. — HanaxM-i (C.) Mentagra. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1877, xii. 212-220 -llassc (E.) Svcosis parasitaire ; nouveau traitement par la creo- sote. Montpel. med.. 1864, xiii, 441-446.—Matson (C. M.) Sycosis menti cured by the sulphite of soda. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1866, d. s., lii, 276.—Sanllii*. Eine Frage iiber dieBartfinue (Mentagra). Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1854, Mentagra and sycosis. vi, 377—Smith (A. C.) On svcosis; a clinical study X. York M. ,L. 1876, xxiii. 119-124. —Ntnrk (G. A.) Case of sycosis, treated by carbolic acid and Canada balsam. Canada M. "c S. J.. Montreal, 1876-7, v, 97-99. —Turner (\V. M.) Sycosis, and its treatment. X. Oil. J. M.lstis, xxi, 727-733. — Veiel. Sycosis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 221. -----. Leber tlie Behandlung der Sykosis in tier Heilanstalt zu Cannstatt. Bl. f. Heilwisscnscli Miinchen. 1873, iv, 81; 89.—Werner. Mentagra; Hei- lung durch Ausziehen der Barthaare und Ttmchircn der kranken Fliiche mit Lapis. Ztschr. f. W'uuiliii'zt.e u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttg., 1859, xii. 117-119. — Wertheini ((!.) Leber Sycosis. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1861, ii, 87-100.— Ziem«*cn (H.) Sycosis oder Mentagra. Greifswaldcr med. Beitr., Danzig, 1864, ii, 99-110, 1 pi. Mental disease. See Insanity; Psychology (Medical). Mental effort. See Epilepsy (Causation of); Mind (Overwork of). IVIciltal Healing Monthly. Published by Mental Science and Christian Healing, Association. Miss M. B. Gage, editor, v. 1-2, August, 18*0-7. 8°. Boston. Current. Mental philosophy. See Psychology. Mental responsibility. See Responsibility. ITIental Science Magazine and Mind-Cure Jour- nal. A. J. Swarts, editor. [Monthly.] Nos. 4- 12, v. 2; v. 3, January, 1-^C-?. 2 v. h°. Chi- cago, Mental Science Cnirersity. Current. Title of prior nos. was: Mind-Cure Jour- nal. Mental strain. See Mind (Ocertcork of). ITIeilte (Christophorus). * De phthisis curationc per lac. -15 1. sm. 4C. Helmcestadi, typ. C. W. Hammii, [H>87]. Mcntel (Jacques) [1599-1670]. Corlicu (A.) Jacques Mentel et le reservoir du chyle. France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 246. -----. Jacques Mentcl, docteur regent et professeur a la Faculte de m6decine de Paris. Ibid., 1880, xxvii, 345; 361; 377. Mentha. See, also. Puerperal fere r (Treatment of). d'Hkilly (C.) * De la menthe poivr6e. 4 . Paris, 1861. Kxiguk (T.) De me nth a piperitide; commen- tatio botanico-medica. 4°. Erlangce, [1780]. Lackix (C. G.) * De mentha* usu. sin. 4r Upsalice, [1767]. Kozf. (L.) La inenthe poivree, sa culture en France, ses produits, falsifications de l'cs- sencc, et moyens de les reconnaitrc. 12°. Pa- ris, 1868. Colctti. Veneficio per essenza di inenta. Gazz. metl, ital., prov. venete, Padova. 1864, vii, 426-429. — Beli- onx dc Savijjnac. L'essenee de menthe et ses pro- prietes antalgiipies. Bull, ct mem. Soc. de therap. 1871-2, Par., 1875. iv lapp.). 41-57. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii. 424; 147; 4S4. Also: Union med., Par., 1874, xxviii, 557; 5117; 639.— IVIarlin (S.) Un mot sur la menthe poi- vree et sur la falsiticai ion de sou essence. Bull, gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1867, lxxiii, 317-319. ——. Ln mot sur la menthe poivree e.tiltiv6e a Gennevilliers. Ibid, 1872, lxxxiii, 224-226— Poixonins from an over-dose of oil of penuvroval. [Eilit.J South. Clinic, Richmond. 1883, vi. 323.—Starke. Leber die verschiedene Qualitiit des inliiudischeii und englischen Pfeffermiinzkrautcs und Pfef- fermiiii/.iils. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1835, xxiii, 671- 676.—%'iglezzi (F.) Caso di veneficio per essenza di nienta. (ia/.z. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1864, vii, 425.—Wileox (W. A.) Poisoning bv pennyroyal. Bos- ton M. & S. J.. 1868, lxxviii, 394. Menthol. I'aimnami (D. M.) Menthol versus pain. Med. Rec., N. Y.. 18e3. xxiii, 458.—Casper (L.) Ou menthol. Metl. & Surir. Reporter, Phila., 1885, liii, 489-491. — «©ld- Hcheider. Leber die speciflsche Wirkung des Menthols auf die Teiupeiattir-Xeiven. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., MENTHOL. 165 MENUEET DE CHAMBAUD. Mentone, the Riviera, Cor- as winter climates. 2. ed. Menthol. 1886 555-558.— .llacdonald (A. D.) On a new antisep- tic ami antiiii'uraltnc agent. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 121-128.—Koscnbei's (A.) Das Menthol, ein Ersatz des Cocain zur Erzeiigung localcr Anasthesie in Xase und Pharynx. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 449. -----. Zur Beseitiiiiing di r von der Xaso ausgeliisten Reflexueu- rosen tliirc'h Menthol. Ibid.. 788-790. — Mehmitz (A.) Ueber Menthol uud seine Wirkuug. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1885, vi, 537-543. — Wendt (E. C.) Note on the use of the menthol cone as an anodyne. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 104. Also: Med. News, Phila.. 1884, xliv. 111. MeiliOll et ses environs par un touriste anglais, accompagne du panorama des montagnes de M. Moggridge. 75 pp., 3 1., 1 map. r-K Paris, [». ch] Mentone. Bexxet (J. H.) sica. and Biarritz ^-'. London, 186)2. Drysdale (A.) Wintering abroad: Mentone j and the Riviera. 12°. London, [1884]. Farina (J. F.) Le climat dc Menton, son in- fluence snr le traitement de la phthisie pulmo- nale. Etude clinique accompagne'e de statis- tiques et d'observatious nnStiSorologiques. 12°. | Paris, 1879. * Gexzmer (W.) Mentone und die Riviera. In klimatoliigist-li-medicinischer Darstellung. 8°. Mainz, 1867). Menton et ses environs par un touriste anglais, accompagne" du panorama des montagnes de M. Moggridge. »°. Paris, [n. d.l Siordet (J. L.) Mentone, in its medical as- pect ; being tetters addressed to a medical friend. 12°. London, 1863. Stiege (E.) Mentone und sein Klima. Nach eigeneu Beobachtungen. Nebst einer kurzen Ab- handlung zur Geologie Mentone's von Dr. H. A. Pagenstecher. bQ. Berlin, 1868. Bennet (J. H.) A winter at Mentone, near Nice. Lan- cet, Lond., 1860, ii, 2-5. -----. The new drainage of Men- tone. Ibid., 1883, ii, 926.—Cazenave dela Roche. De Taction physiologique du climat de Menton. France med., Par., 1880, xxvii, 682.—De Pascale. Observations on the climate of Nice, Mentone, and San Remo. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1861, ii, 329.—Diihrssen. Mentone, sein Clima und seine Bedeutung als siidlicher Curort. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1869, xxi. 13; 33. -----. Einfluss des Clima von Mentone auf kranke Individuen im Allgemeinen. Ibid., 257; 279.—Fenger (S.) Mentoii.soni Vinteropholdssted for Brvstsyge. Hosp.-Till., Kjobciih., 1878, 2. R., v, 625; 641—Ouiraud. Notes statistiijues et eliniques sur Tac- tion therapentique du climat de Menton. Cong, period. internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1877, Geneve, 1878, v, 590-598. Also: Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1878, x, 193; 201. — Ulatvieff (Y. G.) Opit statistich. izsledovanija boleznennosti i smertnosti jitelei Mentona. Yoyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1885, clii, pt. 7, 11-52, 2 tab. Also, Re- print. — Payenwtecher ( H. A. ) Mentone als Kuiort. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1862-5, iii, 68- 79. Also, Reprint. —Price (P. S.) Winter climate of Menton. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1862, ii, 53; 78.— Mybrniirii (X. D.) lets over Mentone en andere zuidelijk yelegt neplaatsen.welke als winterverblijf voor borstlijders worden aanbevolen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, 2. IL, iii, 2. Afd., 285-307. [Mentor.] Good news for the blind. 2 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1834.] Repr. from: Poulson's Am. Daily Advertiser. jllentz. See, also, Medicine (Clinical, Cases of). Hei.wk; (A.) Beitrage zurMortalitiits-Statis- tik der Stadt Mainz vom Anfang dieses Jahr- hunderts bis inch 1872. 4°. Mainz, 1873. Klpi erberg (F.) Ein Beitrag zur Beurthei- lung ties Gesundheits-Zustandes einer Stadt mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Mainzer Verhalt- nisse. 8-. Mainz, 1877. Raltert (A. ) Beitrage zur YVasserleitungs- Frage der Stadt Mainz. 8'-. Mainz, 1879. —---. The same. 2.Tlicil. 8'-\ Mainz, 1879. Jahrcs-Tabelle der Sterblichkeits- Verhiiltnisse der Stadt Mainz wiihrend des Jahres 18"6. Verotf'entl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1877, i, No. 8.—St. (J.) Die ^fentz. Kanalisation der Stadt Mainz. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsnd- htspflg., Bonn, 1882, i, 189: 261. — Wittiiiann. Ueber stehende Constitution iu mediciiiisch-praktischcr Ilinsicht. Ferner iiber die Krankheiten, welche von 1815 bis hieher zu Mainz und in der Provinz Eheinhessen beobachtet wurden. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn, 1821, iv, 2. St., 80-118. -----. Ueber die Krankheiten, welche von 1815 bis jetzt (1822) zu Mainz undin der Provinz Ehein- hessen beobachtet wurden. Ibid., Elberfeld, 1822, v, 3. St., 30-99. IVIetitz (Jo. Gabriele). Religionem anedicorum esse optimam paucis asserit. 8 pp. 4>". Longo- salissa; lit. Heergarthianis, [1755]. See, also, Vatei' (Abraham) & IVIentz (J. Gabr.) Phosphori loco medicanienti, [etc.] 4°. Wittenberga: 1751. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.J 4°. Lausanncv. 1760, vii. 288-301. For Biography, sec Vater (Abraham). Heiltz (Joannes Henricus). * De chlorosi. 3 p. 1., 4(i pp., 1 1. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, C. Bielerelt, 1847). IUentzel (C. A.) See Handbuch fiir den Ban der Feuerungsanlagen, etc. 3. Aufl. 8°. Halle a. S., 1875-6. Ifleiltzel (Christian) [1022-1701]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. of Phys. A: Men of Sc, 189. Meiitzel ( Christianus Ludovicus). * De sensu vitali. 72 pp. sm. 4°. Halw Magdeb., lit. C. Henchelii, L1716]. Meutzel ( Emanuel Gottlob ). Exercitatiouem iitterariani de Joannis Langii studiis botanicis publice defendet. 20 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., e typog. Winteriano, [1774]. Itlentzel (Georgius Godofredus). *De anthel- micornm eonvenienti usu et operandi modo. 39 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. G. Eittleri, [1748]. rtleiltzel (Jo. Henricus Daniel.) *De mortibus repentiuis juvenilibus annis potiss4muni impu- •tandis. 24 pp. 4°. WiCenberga; lit. C. C. Dur- rii. [1772]. For Biography, see BoeInner (Geo. Rudolphus). IHentzel (Joh. Christianus) [ -1718]. * De veneuis. 24 pp. sm. 4U. Francof. ad Viadr., lit. C. Zeitleri, [1682]. ITIeiitzel (Joh. Christophorus). * De diaeta prin- cipuin. 47 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1728]. [Meiltzer (Balthasar). ] Das bey strengcr Kiilte entlaivtc Wetter-Glass. 16 pp., 1 pi. 4C. Ham- burg, C. Neumann, 1709. ]TIeiitzler (Franciscus Jacobus). * De veuaesec- tionis in purpura abusu et usu. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, typ. M. Pauschingeri, 1744. ITIeilll (Ferdinand). * Dc la p6riostite dans le conrs du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 56 pp. 4J. Parti. 1874, No. 105. Menu (J.-O.) *De la transplantation du sol ciliaire conime methode de traitement du tri- chiasis ct de l'entropion chroniques. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 472. Ifleuu (Joannes). *De pleuritide vera. 39 pp., 2 1. 4'-. Lugd. Bat., apud A. Costerum, 1782. IVIeiiliail (Felix-Charles). *I. Histoire auato- mique de l'amaurose. II. [etc.] 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 177, v. 363. Menudier (Adolphe). * I. De la gastro-enterite ehronique par enipoisonnement. II. [etc.] 36 pp. 4°. Parti, 1839, No. 215, v. 346. Menuret de Chambaud (Jean-Jacques) [1733-1815]. Nouveau traite du ponls. xlvi, 280 pp. 12°. Paris, Vincent, 1768. Another copy bound with.- Michel. Nouvelles observa- tions sur le pouls. 12°. Paris, 1757. -----. Essai sur Taction de l'air dans les mala- dies contagienses, qui a remporte le prix propos6 par la Societe royale de medecine. xxiv, 112 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, Soc. roy. de med., 1781. Bound with : Aikin (Jean). Observations sur les hopi- taux [etc.J 12°. Londres, 1788. MENFRKT DE (HA MB AUD. Iflfi Ml7: PL ATX. Me mi ret de Cliainhaud (J.-J.)—cont'd. -----. Kssais sur 1'histoire niedieo-topographique dc Paris ; ou lettres ii M. D'Auniont, snr le climat de Paris, sur l'etat de la medeciue, sur le carac- tti-c et le traitement des maladies, et particu- lierement sur la petite verole et l'inoculation. xii, 293 pp., 2 1. 12-. Paris, N.-H. Nyon. 1786. Another copy bound with: (Tui.ly.J Essai sur les ma- ladies de. Duukerque. 12°. Dunkerque, 1760. -----. Essais sur les moyens de former de lions medecins ;# sur les obligations reciproques des niddecins et de la Si>oie~t£; jiartie d'un projet d'etlucation nationale, relative a cette profes- sion, xvi, 150 pp. is--. Paris, Belin, 1791. For Biography, see J. univ. d. sc. med., Par.. 1816, i, 384- 380 (F.-P. (J.). Ifleilllt (B.) *De la virulence du bubon qui ac- compagne le chancre mou. 80 pp. 4C. Paris, 1887), No. 33. Menville. De l'age critique chez les femmes, des maladies qui peuvent survenir a cette 6poquc de la vie, et des moyens de les combattre ct de les prevenir. f>67 pp. *-. Paris, Gcrmer-Bail- liere, 1849. -----. Histoire medicale et philosophique de la femme consideree dans toutes les epoques prin- cipales ch- sa vie, avec tons Jes changi'iiients qui snrvicnnent clans son physique ct son moral, avec I'hygiene applicable a son scxe et toutes les ma- ladies qui peuvent 1'ntteiudre aux differents ages. 3 v. 8U. Paris, chez 1'attleiir, 1847). -----. The same. Histoire philosophique et me- dicale de la femme cousidere~e dans toutes les epoques principales de la vie, avec ses diverses functions, avec les changements qui surviennent dans son physique et son moral, avec I'hygiene applicable a son sexe et toutes les maladies qui peuvent l'atteindre aux differents ages. 2. ed. 3 v. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'- jils, 187)8. Menville (Ch.) *Sur l'henionhagie ceredirale. 2-2 pp. 4 '. I'aris, 1831, No. l.">0, v. 242. Menville (E\) "Etude sur les variations de la temperature sous l'influeuce de l'acide pheuique. 49 pp., 11. 4 . Paris, 1880, No. 331. Ifleiiyautlies trifoliata. Fkiksk (C F.) *Trifolium fibrinum, Fieber- Klee. 4-. Erfordia; [1716]. Kaempfk (G.) * Ueber die Wirkuug einiger Amara beim gesunden Menschen. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1887). Kikllmax (C. J.) *De usu menyanthidis tri- foliatie. sm. 4°. Cpsaliee, [1797].' Willing (J. V.) Vires trif'olii fibrini. Acta med. et phil. 1674-.-), Hafn., 1677, iii. 123-132. Also, transl: Col- lect, acad. d. m6in., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 279-286. Itleiiyliert (Fesiis). Ertekezes az ember testi- neveleserol. [Dissertation on physic-tl educa- tion.] xvi, 64 pp. 8°. Buddn,d mac/yar Kirdlyi unit-, betiiirel, 1829. [P., v. 1317. ] Ifleuz (Carolus Christianus Fridericus). De febre continua remittentc putrida. 16 pp. 8-. Lip- siee, lit. Sonuneri, [1781J. -----. * Quiedam de inotuum in morbis utilitate ac pnestautia. 11pp. 4. Lipsiee, typ. Walthe- rianis, 17S!. -----. * Pathologia rheuinatisnii in morbis puer- peral-imi. r>0 pp. 4-. Lipsiee, cc off. Solbrigia, Sre. also, Pohl (Joh. Ehrcnfried). Diss, de varice in- terno niorborum qnorundam caussa. 4°. Lipsia: 178."). -----. The same. 8°. Ticini. 1790. Ifleuz (G. Fridericus). * Dc .seciindinaruni re- taidatioiiibus nonnulla, [Marburg.] viii, .">9 pp. t-°. Cassellti, typ. R. Hotopii, 1838. Ifleuz (Otto Fridericus) [1^42- ]. * De aneu- rysmal!'. 32 pp. 8\ Berolini, G. Lange, [1867)]. Menzel (Abr. Frid. Guilielmus) [1800- ]. * De tractu iiitestiiionimejiisquefunctioiiibus. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Spcethenianti, [1*24]. Ifleiizel (Arthur) [1~i 1-78]. Feber die Eiuwir- kung des Frins auf das Zellgewebe. Eine ex- perimeutelle Studie iiber die Frin-Iiifiltration. 23pp. 8°. [Wien, C. Finsterbeek. 1869.] Repr..fram • AVien. med. "NVchnshr., 1869. xix. For Bioaraplnj, see Wien. ined. Wchnschr.. 1878, xxviii 577 (Brettaucr). Ifleiizel (Carolus). * De fundi oculi morbis oph- tlialmoseopio eoguosceiidis. 32 pp. H . Ilegio- monti Pr., typ. Dalkoicskianis, [187)7)]. Menzel (Frid. Guilelin.) [1799- ]. * lb- de- bilitate nervosa. 32 pp. 8\ Berolini, C. A. (i. Schmidt, [1826]. Ifleiizel (Hugo). * Ueber die in der Breslauer Fratienklinik im Studienjahre 18«-f2-3 (qierirten 22 Friniisteln. 1 p. l.,31 pp. f-. Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, 1883. Menzel (Josephus Davides). * De hydrope ova- riorum. 2 ]). ]., 46 pp., 2 1. 8-. Halce, formis Pltrlzianis, [1835]. ifleiizel (Karl). *Die operative Eroffnuug der Scliadelhohle. 38 pp. 9 pp.. 1 pi. 8J. Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1790. [P., v. 386.] -----. The same. A dissertation on respiration. Transl. from the Latin of . . . with notes by Charles Sun-rue. iv, 66 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Edin- burgh, G. Mitelie $ Son, 1796. [Also, in: P., v. 4; 86; 821; l.">21.] Iflenzin^ (Wilhelm). * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Sputa bei Brouchectasie. 19pp. 8-'. Er- langen, Jttuge it. Sohn, 1878. -flenziiis (Frid.) Memoriam Christophori Seyf- ferfi ortitione recolendain indicit. 12 pp. 4J. Lipsiee, ex off. Langeuheniiana, [1740]. .flenziiis (Joan. Christianus). * De saliva non teniere esspuenda. 3 p. 1., 23 pp. 4°. fApsice, ex off. Langeuheniiana, 1741. ifleola (Felice). Co-Editor of.- Eco (L') degli ospedali, Xapoli, 1883. .lleola (Gio. Battista ). II vade-mecum degli crniosi, ossia regolamento pratico-popolare onde ridurre prontamente 1' ernie incarcerate. 42 pp., 1 1. 8-. Napoli, G. Nobile, 1853. [Also, in : P., v. 1141.] fiephif i«.iu. See Gases (Irrespirable); Latrines, etc. Ifleplain (Firinin). Du cafe\ Etude de thera- pentique physiologique. 104 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 167. Ifleplain (J.-B.-Augusto). * Considerations phy- siologiques sur l'homme moral, ou introduction a l'etude des passions. 39 pp. 4:. Paris, 1^17, No. 14f), v. 134. MEPPEL. 167 MEBCADO. lUeppel. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Ifleppen (N. C.) See Kluyslten* (Joseph Francois). Berigt betrekke- lijk de febris inflaiiiniatoria. etc. 8°. Amsterdam, 1818. Mcquineiiza. See Fever ( Yellow, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Me ran. Jahoszyxsiii (W.) Meran i Arco jako leczni- cze stacye klimatyczne. [Meran aud Arco as medico-climatic stations.] 8°. Lieoie, 1887). Mazecuer (Ii.) * Meiau-Mais, station cliina- teiiqne pendant les saisons d'automne, d'hiver et de printemps. Trad, de rallemand. 2. 6d. 12J. Meran, 1887. Pircher (J.) Meran als klimatischer Curort mit Riicksicht anf desseu Molkeu- uud Trau- bencur-Anstalt. 8 . Wien, I860. -----. The same. 8°. Wien, 186)2. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1875. Hansmanii (11.) Leber den Winteraufenthaltsort Meran. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr, 1866, iii, 382: 390; 413; 4'_>3; 44.).— HelHTt. Meran als Molken-. Trauben- und klimatischer Kurort. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1860, xii, 407-411. -----. Leber Meran und Venedij; als Wiuter- aiit'enthaltsorte fiir Kranke und die klimatischen Kurorte • im All»emciueii. Bell. klin. Wchnschr., 1864, i, 74: 83.— Klein ill.) Meran in Siid-Tyrol als Aufenthaltsort fiir heitlentle. Zlschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1851, ii, 374-384.— I» ire her (J.) Dei Kurort Meran. 1861-62. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 186l>. xiv. 443. -----. Vorziige von Meran als kliniiitischer Kurort. Ibid.. 1861!, xv. 268-270. -----. Meran als klimatischer Kurort. Riickhlicke auf die Sai- son lsti4-. Wchnbl. tl. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. 1865, xxi, 277.- L'ss. — Mi<*miiii. Paris, 187>3, No. 145, v. 545. Jflercadier (Jean-Hippolyte). * Contribution a l'etude de la pectoriloqnie aphonique dans la pleuresie. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 335. Iflercado (Lniz) [ Mereatiis (Ludovicus)] [1573-99]. De mulieruin aft'eetionibus libri iiii. Primus de commuuibus mulierum passionibus disserit. Secundus virginum, et viduarum mor- bos tractat. Tertius sterilium et pnegnantium accidentia ad unguem exequitur. Lluartus puer- perarum et nutrieum accidentia ad unguem exe- quitur. 3 p. 1., 528 pp., til. 4°. Venetiis, apud F. Valgrisium, 17)87. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 567 pp., ti 1. 8°. Ba- silece, C. Waldkirch, 17)88. Being- v. 4 of: (iwwKciourM. 8°. Basilece, 1588. -----. The same. De eommuuibus mulierum af- t'eetionibus. In: Cvxveciori.m. [etc.] fol. Argentina?, 1597, 803-1080. -----. The same. 9 p. 1., 475 pp. 4-'. Venetiis, apud Societalem Venetam, 1602. -----. De conimuni et peculiari praesidiorum artis medica* indicatione. Accessit proeinii loco methodus universalis in tres classes dissecta: i. atfectas partes, ii. affectus ipsos, iii. inedeudi rationem monstrat. 14 p. 1., 952 pp., 31 1. 16'-'. Colon in; J. II. Ciolti sen., 17)88. -----. De pulsions libri duo in quibus tota ars cogno.scendi morbos et prognosticaudi disertis- sinietractatur. 9 p.l., 184 tf. 4C. Patavii, apud P. Meuttum, 1592. -----. De essentia, causis, signis et curatione febris maligme, iu qua macuhe rubentes similes niorsibus pulicum per cutem erumpunt. Cui ac- cessit consilium continens summam totius pne- dictionis et curationis in eodem affectu. 203 pp., 10 1. 10-. Basilece, C. Waldkirch, 1594. -----. Libro en que se trata con claridad la natu- raleza, causas, provideucia, y verdadera orden y modo de curar la eufermedad vulgar, y peste que en estos afios se ha divulgado por toda Espaiia. 1 p. 1., 85 if. 16°. Madrid, [ V. de] Castro, 1599. -----. The same. 4 p. 1., 128 ff. 16°. Madrid, C. Sanchez, 1648. -----. Opera omnia, in quatuor tomos divisa. Sedulo ac accurate relecta, emaculata, brevibus epitomis, ac indice locuplete donata, a Zacharia Palthenio. Cum pradatione ac encomio Joanuis Hartmanui Beyeri. 4 v. in 2. 11 p. 1., 516, 438 pp., 4 1., 682 pp. fol. Francofurti, 1608. -----. Consultationes morborum complicatorum et gravissimoiuiu : cum disputatiouibus necessa- ME RCA DO. 1G8 MER.CII IE. Iflercado (Lniz)—continued. riis ad naturam cujusque morborum capesseii- dam, pra'sagiuin et eurationem, quibus accedunt, I. Tractatus unicus, coutinens gravissimas atque ditiicilcs abditaruin reruin disputationcs, niagni monienti et usus. II. Libri duo, de puerornin educatione, custodia et providentia, atque de morborum, qui ipsis accidunt, curatione. Operum ejusdem auctoris tomus quintus. 7 p. 1., 291 pp., 15 1. fol. Francof urti, e collegio musarurn Pallhe- niano, 1614. -----. Opera medica. 3 v. in 2. fol. Franco- furti, sumpt. haired. Z. Palthenii, 1619-20. See, also, Yiiliu* (Vidus). De febribus, [etcl 4°. Patarii, 1591. -----. The same. sin. 4°. I'atarii, 1595. Iflercanti (Ferruccio). 8nl muscolo ciliare dei rettili. 8 pp., 1 pi. 4~. Roma, Salviucei, 1884. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. CI. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1883-4. 3. s., xix. iflercnntOll. Analyses des eaux mine'rales de Bex. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lausanne, freres Blan- chard, 1824. [P., v. 1398.] Iflercanton (Victor). *Du traitement des plaies de l'estomac. [Strasburg.] 39 pp. 8 . Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1875. Iflercat (Edgard). *La frequence relative de la colique hepatique chez l'enfaut. 27 pp., 21. 4°, Paris, 1884, No. 32. Iflercati (Miehole) [1541-93]. Iustruttione so- pra la peste. . . Aggiuntevi tie altre instruttioni sopra i veleni occultamente ministrati. Podagra et paralisi. 12 p. ]., 143 pp. 4 . Roma, V. Ac- colto, 17)76. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Iflercatns (Ludovicus). See Mercado (Luiz). Iflerce (Donatien-Pierre). *I. Peut-on constater la presence d'un sel de brucine lougtemps apres rinhumation d'un cadavre ? II. [etc.] 25 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1838, No. 340, v. 331. -----. Manoeuvre simplifies des accouchements artificiels ou contre nature que l'on termine a I'aide de la main et du forceps, pr6cerlee du nie- canisine raisoune" de raccoucheiuent naturel et suivie d'un article sur la delivrauce avec les indi- cations pratiques, viii, 9-328 pp. 8°. Parti, Vre. Hildebrand, 1848. Jlercecles Queen of Spain. Historia cliuica de la enfermedad de S. M. la Reina Doiia Maria de las Mercedes de Orleans y Borbon. Rev. de med. v cirug. pract., Madrid, 1878, iii, 152-159. Also: An. de cien. med., Madrid, 1878, vi, 121-128. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1S78. xxv, 483-487. Mercelis (Cornelius Petrus). "De morbis con- vulsivis in genere. 24 pp. 4°. Gandavi, P. F. de Goesin-Verhaeghe, [1829]. Iflercenarius ( Archangelus). Disputatio de putrediue. 3 p. 1., 31 1. 4°. Patavii, apud P. Meielum, 1583. -----. Adversus Erasti responsionem; secunda de putrediue disputatio ; in qua, praeter ea, qua* ad exactam putredinis notitiam spectant, plu- rima philosophic, medicinseque studiosis ueces- saria explicautur. 5 p. 1., 60 1. 4C. Patavii, apud P. Meietum, 1585. Bound with preceding. Iffercenier (L.-C.-Stanislas). * De l'hydroperi- tonie. 42 pp. 4-. Paris, 1852, No. 201, v. 529. Iflercer (A. Clifford). Myxnedema. 16 pp. 8. Xew York, Trou; 1881. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. T., 1881, xix. Iflercer (Alfred). The relations of general (scien- tific medicine) to special and specific modes of medication. 18 pp. 8. Buffalo, Baker, Jones iy Co., 1*74. Repr. from: Buffalo M. tfc S. J., 1874, xiii. -----. An address, presenting the claims of the medical department, read before a council in the interest of Syracuse University, held at Syracuse, Iflercer (Alfr d)—continued. N. Y., December 18, 19, 187*. 19 pp. s . S,jrn. cuse, X. Y., Masters . 1., 492 pp., 4 1. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas et Baba, 1644. See, also, Haase (C. A.) Das Stottern. 8°. Berlin, 1846. —Hippocrates. Opera, fol. Yenetiis. 1 jc8. — .flimsier (J.) Discussio eorum, etc. 12°. Francofurti, 1603.—Varolius (Constantius). Anatomise . . . libri iv. 8°. Francofurti, 1591. For liiograjthy, see Boerncr (F.) De vita, moribus, meritis et script is Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis commentatio. In his: Noc'tes Guelphica*. 8°. Rostochii et Wismariuf, 1755, 15-59. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 220, IHercurialis perennis. Cases of poison. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1830-31, iii, 358.— Schulz (H.) Zur Wirkung der Mercurialis perennis L. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1880, xxi, 88-96. ^lercuric ethyl. Ilepp (P.) Ueber Quecksilberathyl. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, vi, 665. -----.* Leber Queeksil- berathylverbinilunKen und iiber das Verhaltniss der (Quecksilberathyl- zur QuecksilbervergiftniiK. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887. xxiii, 91-128. mercuric methide. Edwards (G. N.) Two cases of poisoning by mercu- ric methide. St. Barth. Hosp. liep., Lond.. 1805. i, 141: 1866, ii, 211. Merciirin (Paul). * Relation medicale d'un hivernage a File Maurice (1866-7). f>4 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, Boehm^fils, 1868, No. 51. C. .^Icrciirio (Ceronimo Scipio) [1550-95?]. La commare o riccoglitrice. 19 p. 1., 356 pp. 4 . Venetia, G. B. Ciotti, 1601. MERCURIC). 173 MERCURY. Mercurio (Geronimo Scipio)—continued. -----. The same. 17 p. 1., 363 pp. 8°. Venetia, G. B. Ciotti, 1601. Books 2 and 3 have separate title-pages and are dated 1620. The dedication of this edition is dated at "Milano, xxx ottobre 1604 ". -----. The same. 17 p. 1., 363 pp. 4°. Venetiis, C,. B. Ciotti, 1621. -----. The same. In questa ultima edittione corretta ed accresciuta di due trattati; uno del colostro, dove si tratta di diversi mali de i bam- bini con loro cause e rimedj singolari del . . . Ezechiele di Castro. L' altro di un gravissimo auttore, nel quale si risolvono aleuni dubj im- portant! circa il battesimo de i bambini, e si danno aleuni avisi spirituali molto a proposito per le parturienti. 10 p. 1., 327 pp. 4°. Ve- rona, F. de1 Rossi, 1645. -----. The same. 10 p. 1., 350 pp. 4°. Venetia, G. F. Valuasensc, 1686. -----. The same. Kiudermutter. Oder Heba- iTien Buch, worinnen von dem wuuderbaren Werck der Empfangniiss, und Geburth eiues Menschen; und was deroselbeu anhanget; wie sich ein Weib vor der Geburth; in der Geburth; und nach der Geburth zu halten; von dem ampt der Kiudermutter, so wohl bey einer Rechten, und Naturlicheu ; als bey denen Bosen, Uurech- ten, und schwereu Geburthen; von denen Zu- fallen und Kranckheiten der Sechswochnerin, so meistentheils auf eiue schwere Geburth zu folgen pflegeu; ingleichen von den Kinder- Kranckheiten; uud wie deneuselbeu, und mit was vor Hauss- und Weiber-Mitteln, bey Eut- stehung eines Medici, soil, und kan gerathen werden, gehandelt wird. Darbey auch aller- hand curiose, und anmuthige Sachen zu findeu seynd. Welches auss dem Italianischeu in die Hocbteutsche Sprache versetzet, an vielen Or- then vermehret und mit denen Alten, auch etz- lichen neuen Kupffern verbessert hat Gottfriedt AVelsch. 14 p. 1., 844 pp., 23 pi. 4°. Leipzig, T. Ritzschen, 1652. •-----. The same. 14 p. 1., 844 pp., 23 pi. 4°. Leipzig, T. Ritzschen, 1653. The title-page and 1. and 2. leaves of preface are a dif- ferent imprint from the edition of 1652 by the same pub- lisher. -----. The same. 16 p. 1., 844 pp., 22 pi. 4°. Wit- tenberg, T. Mevii scl. Erben it. E. Schumacher, 1671. -----. De gl' errori popolari d' Italia. Libri sette, divisi in due parti. Nella prima si trat- tauo gl' errori, che occorrono in qualunque modo nel governo de gl' infermi, e s' insegna il modo di corregerli. Nella seconda si cotengono gl' er- rori quali si coniniettono nelle cause delle ma- lattie cioe nel modo del vivere, come nell' uso dell' aere, dell' esercitio, e ozio; mangiare, e here, evacuatione, dormire, e veghiare e passioni dell' animo, con gli snoi rimedij, dove, come in uno horologio della sanita si mostra '1 modo di allun- gar la vita e viver sano senza medico, e senza medicine. Parte ]»riiua. 6 p. 1., 592 pp. 4°. Verona, F. Rossi, 1645. Mercurio delle scienze mediche. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-10, Dec., 1823, to Dec., 1828. 8C. Lieorno. Continuedas: IVnovo mercurio delle scienze mediche. mercury. Sec, also, Bile; and under diseases, as: Hip- joint (Diseases of, Treatment of); Hydrocepha- lus (Acute, Treatment of); Intestines (Obstruc- tion of, Treatment of) by metallic mercury, etc.; Syphilis (Treatment of). Abele (C. A.) *Diss. sistens experimenta circa pra'sentiani hydrargyri in sanguine aiii- malium infrictionibus mercurialibus necatorum, et circa quantitatem ferri iu sanguine. 4°. Tu- bingce, [1824]. mercury. Ameluxg (C. C. G.) *De mercurio soluhili Hahnemauni. 4°. Jena',, [1792]. Arnott (J.) Au enquiry into the mode in which mercurial ptyalism operates in the cure of acute disease; and whether there exist other remedies of similar action that may be advanta- geously substituted for it. 8°. London, 1824. Azum (A.) * Comparer les effets du mercure sur l'homme sain a ceux que produit la syphilis. 4°. Parti, 1844. Baier (J. G.) *De mercurii in corpus huma- num agendi modo secundum leges phvsicas. sm. 4°. Altorfi Noric, 1739. Baldinger (E. G.) [Pr.] historia mercurii et mercurialium medica. Pars i-iv. 4°. Gottin- gw, 1781. Baxares (G.) Apologia del mercurio ; demo- stracion de la verdadera naturaleza y propiedades de los compuestos que se originau de 61, con el metodo de usarlos con toda seguridad y eficacia, y refutacion de las ideas falsas 6 infundadas que Laffecteur, Mittie" y otros muchos autores han procurio difundir acerca de los efectos del mer- curio, 6 por no haber conocido su naturaleza y virtudes, 6 de iutento para ensalzar el rob anti- sifilitico del primero, y otros secretos empiricos de los extraugeros. 16°. Madrid, 1816. Barulli (V. N.) Teorie fisico-chimiche ed aualisi dimostrative, cirea F unguento mercu- riale. 8°. Xapoli, 1839. Baudrimont (E.) * Des preparations mercu- rielles; du mercure et des composes mercuriaux usite^s en m6deciue. 4°. Paris, 1864. Baumann (C. F. T.) *Diss. inaug. pharm.- med. de hydrargyri natura, viribus et usu medico praasertim interno. 12°. Marburgi, [1828]. Bayer (J. A.) *De viribus inedicamentosis hydrargyri et inde arte factorum pharmacorum. 4°. Lipsiee, [1783]. Belloste (A.) Esperienze mediche ed osser- vazioni sopra il mercurio. Tradotto dal frau- cese. 16°. Venezia, 1734. -----. The same. Traite' du mercure. 12°. [Parti], 1738. -----. The same. A treatise on mercury, exhibiting its wonderful powers when taken in a crude state. Translated from the Italian, by au English medical gentleman. With observa- tions in a preface, by E. Carlile. 8°. London, [1824?] -----. Traite du mercure. 32°. [Parti], 1787). Although this work is attributed to Belloste on the title- page, it is merely a collection of notices of "Belloste's pills", a specific for syphilis, sold by his widow. Belloste [M.-A. ] Dissertation sur ses pi- lules mercurielles. 12°. Parti, [n. d.] Bieljaeee (A.) * O vsasivanii rtutnich prepa- ratovjivotnimorganizmoni. [Absorption of mer- curial preparations.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1862. Blomberg (A. G.) *Nagraord om qvicksil- frets absorption af organismen. 8C. Helsing- fors, 186)7. Bolenstein (J. C.) * De viribus medicamen- tosis hydrargyri et inde arte factorum pharma- corum. 4°. Lipsia; [1773]. Boerhaave (H.) De mercurio experimenta, in trausactione regia*. soc. Londinensisanni 1733. N. 430 conteuta. 4°. Francofurti et Lipsiee, 1736. Boernek (C. G.) * De medicamentorum mer- curialium varia indole, sm. 4°. Halm Sax., [1791]. Bolshesoi.sk i (P. K.) * K voprosu o sravnitel- nom deistvii dvuiodistoi i dvuchloristoi rtuti kak autisepticheskieh sredstve. [Comparative eftect of biuiodide and bichloride of mercury as anti- septic remedies. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. MERC UK Y. 174 MERCURY. mercury. Hosciiettls (B.) Dissertatio de salivatione mercuriali plivsico-medico-mechanica, in tria capita divisa. Quorum prius continet saliva' naturalis examen, alferum caput ejusdem vitia considerat, tertium salivationem artificialem ex- hibet. lis acccdunt hystorite fcelici, et lethali experimento eomprobatte. sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1722. ------. The same. 4°. Parisiis, 1732. Also, in.- Svdexham (T.) Opera med. fol. Yenetiis, 1735, 533-574. Bowling (W. K.) Mercury and cinchona shown to be therapeutically allied. 8°. Xash- rille, 1868. Brest (V.) An analytical inquiry into the specific property of mercury relating to the cure of venereal diseases. * -\ London, 1724. -----. The same. Dissertation sur 1'usage du mercure dans les maladies veue~riennes, et autres; et sur la maniere de s'en servir avec suc- ces sans salivation. On y a joint une conrte re- lation de l'etat de la medecine en Russie, et de quelques cures fort remarquables qu'ou y a faites, en suivant la methode proposee. 8°. Londres, 1733. Blrklin (P. J.) * De phosphori mercuria- lis historia, plneuomenis, parandi modis. et novis explicationilms. sm. 4'-:. Vitemberga; 1715. Cabasslt (M.) * Du mercure et de ses com- poses au point de vue chimique, pharmacolo- gique et toxicologique. 4°. Montpellier, 1887). Caiee (P.-P.-A.) * Considerations sur les avantages de la methode des bains mercuriels dans le traitement de la siphilis et de la plupart des affections cutanees. 4 . Paris, 1815. Carnus (A.) " III. Des preparations pharma- ceutiques qui out pour base le mercure. IV. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1839. Caspar (J.) * De pauacea mercuriali. sm. 4°. Tubingce, 1700. Ciiapuis (F. X.) * Dissertatio medica sistens hydrargyri usnm in quibusdam morbis hand syphiliticis. 4°. Argentorati, 1811. Coenen (J. A. L.) *Over de antifermenta- tieve werkiug van calomel in hot darmkanaalen het inweudig gebruik van cinnaber als genees- middel. 8C. Amsterdam, 1887. Combes (A.) * IV. Comment peut-on con- stater la presence de preparations niercurielli-s longtemps apres l'inhumation d'un cadavre ? 4°. Paris, 1842. Clrry (J.) Examiuatiou of the prejudices commonly entertained against mercury as bene- ficially applicable to most hepatic complaints, aud to various other forms of disease, as well as to syphilis. K->. London, 1809. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1810. Da vies (D.) Au essay on mercury, wherein are presented formulie for some preparations of this metal, including practical remarks on the safest and most effectual methods of administer- ing them for the cure of liver complaints, drop- sies, syphilis, and other formidable diseases in- cident to the human frame ; beiug the result of long experience and diligent observation. 8° London. 1829. i Desevedaxo (P.) *IV. Comment reconnai- tre le bichlorure de mercure dans du vin, dans ] du cafe, ou dans la matiere des vomissements ? 4-. I'aris, 1840. Dobrowolski (C.-B.) *IV. Comment peut- on coustater la presence d'une preparation mer- curielle longtemps apres l'inhumation d'un ca- davre '! 4-. Parti, 1842. Dose (A. P. J.) Zur Kenntniss der Gesund- heitsverlialtnis.se des Marschlandes. III. Hy- drargyrose und Quecksilberwirkuug in ihrer Ab- mercury. hangigkeit voni Chlorgehalt der Lul't. 4 . Leip- zig, 1887. Douglass (J.) * An experimental essay on mercury. 81. Philadelphia, 1805. Howling (E.) *De hydrargyro. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1809. Ducastel (W.) * IV. Comment peut-on con- stater la presence d'une preparation mercurielle longtemps apres l'inhumation d'un cadavre ? 4° Paris, 1839. Du Fresne (C. F.) * Diss, qmi'daui de hy- drargyro coinplectens. S°. Edinburgi, 1^14. Eckmann (d. G.) * De usu et abusu medica- meutorum mercurialiuin. 43. Erfordia; [170.")]. Eiihmann (J. F.) * De hydrargyri pneparato- rum internorum in sauguinem effectibus. sm, 4°. Argentorati, 1761. Also, iii: Saniufort. Thesaurus diss, [ete.l 4°. Rotero- dceini, 17IW. i, 539-567. Also, in: WllTWEK (P. L.) De- lect, dis. med. Argent. 8°. Xnrimb., 1777, i, 175-li;!9. Eisenstein (L. S.) "" D<- hydrargyri actione in corpori animali. 8°. Hala; [1815]. Eschenbacii (C. G.) [Pr.] de quibusdam auri calcibus et salibus niercurialibus observatioues. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1785]. Falk (N. D.) A treatise ou ths medical quali- ties of mercury, in three parts. I. On the nat- ural properties of mercury, and its operation iu the animal (economy. II. On the principal preparations of mercury. III. On the medical qualities of mercury in various diseases. 12°. London, 1776. Feinler (G.) * De mercurii in corpore hu- mano agendi modo. sm. 4'-'. Erfordice, 1738. Fknwick (M.) * On mercury. 8°. Baltimore, [1813]. Folrton (F.) * Au salutaris sit in medieina facienda, mercurii usus? 12°. Avenione, 1713. Fraeys (L.) Des preparations mercurielles usitees en medecine. roy. 8°. Bruxelles, 1843. Repr. from: Ann. d. univ. de Belg., Brux., 1841-2, i. Francis (J. W.) *Au inaugural dissertation on mercury, embracing its medical history, cura- tive action, aud abuse in certain diseases. 8-; Xew York, 1811. de Freitas Soares (J. P.) Memorias acerca do estado, em que se acha o mercurui nos uu- guentos e outras preparacoes mercuriaes, feitas por meio da trituracao ao a'r livre. 8*-. Lis- boa, 1814. Friis (L. C.) Siugulares quasdam observa- tioues circa mercurii usum internum exponit. 4C. Hafnice, [1750]. Gnusciicke (J. E.) *De hydrargiri in san- guinein receptione. 8°. Berolini, [1827]. Gov (J.) * De virtute mercurii inflammationes resolvente, nee non de modo quo his iu morbis agit. 8,\ Mogunt'ue, [1794]. Grifberg (I. O.) * De spiritu viui mercuriali. Upsalice, 1760. In: Sandifort. Thesaurus diss, [etc.] 4°. Rotero- dami, 1769, ii, 307-324. Also, in: Wkiz (F. A.) Xeue Aus/.. [etc.] 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1775, iii, 39-41. Gllde ( C. C ) * De suspectis quibusdam pharinacis salino-niercurialibus. 4J. Eraneoj. ad Viadr., [1759]. Haase ( G. A. ) [ Pr.] de usu hydrargyri in morbis non syphiliticis. Prol. i-xxxviii. 4-. Lipsiee, 1826-37. Haicke (E. F.) * De hydrargyro. 8-. Hahs Sax., 1822. Hallopeau (H.) Du mercure; action physio- logique et therapeutique. 8-. Paris, 1878. -----. The same. Accion tisiologica y tera- peutica del mercurio. Traducido del francos por M. de Riba y Bassols. 8-. Barcelona, 1879. MERCURY. Hi) MERCURY. mercury. Hamilton (J.), jr. Observations on the use and abuse of mercurial medicines in various dis- eases. 8'. Edinburgh, 1819. ------. The same. With notes and an ap- pendix by Ansel AV. Ives. 8 . Xew York, 1821. Hassenstein ( O. ) * Vcrsuche iiber Queek- silberausscheidung durch dieGalle. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Pr., [1879]. Hegewiscii ( F. H. ) De usu hydrargyri in morbis iufhinmiatoriis. 4°. Kilici; 1810. Heinkici(H.) Tela ex pharetra Apollinis a Mercurio iu sui securitatem suhducta, sive testi- monia et argumeuta medica pro mercurio mili- tantia, cum coutrapugnantibus ex adversarioruni pnecipue conmientariis collecta, inter se eollata, [etc.] 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1713. Hermann (J.) Die Nachtheile derMerkurial- kur. b . Wien, 187)9. ------. I'eber die Wirkuug des Quecksilbers auf den menschlicheu Organismus. fol. Teschen, 1873. Herold (N. B.) * De usu mercurii phosphorati 8eliaetferi. 4°. Jence, [1793]. Herrenschwandt (J. F.) * Diss, sistens kisto- riam mercurii medicam. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1737]. Howard (J.) A treatise on the medical prop- erties of mercury. 8°. London, 1782. de Hoya (A.) * De variis mercurium subli- matuin corrosivummitigandi et mercurium dnl- cem parandi modis hujnsque genuini notis. 4°. Gottingee, [1791]. Huber(E.) Mercury aud its preparations. A pharmacological and therapeutic study, accord- ing to the principles of homoeopath v. 8 . [Xew York, 1884.] Imperfect. Hulleman (J.) * De multiplici usu medica- mentorum inercurialium iu variis morbis. 4°. Leidee, 1.-13. Hundertmark (C. F.) * De mercurii vivi et cum salibus rarie mixti sunima iu corpus hu- mauum vi atque efficacitate ejusque cum sul- phure laxius vel arctius conjunct! virtute in idem nulla. Respondente Friderico Courado Berg- mauu. 4°. Lipsiee, [1754]. -----. The same. Liber singularis in quo siinul varia chemiie capita illustrantur. 4°. Lipsiee, 1754. Jablonowski (G.) * Ueber die Einwirkuug des Quecksilbers auf den thierischen Organismus. 8°. Berlin, [1885]. Karnitski (F.) *0 vlijanii vlutnoi mazi i sub- limata na kolichestvo glikogena ve pecheni. [Effect of mercury on glycogenic function of liver.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1870. Klatten (E. A. A.) * De Louvrierii hydrar- gyrum adhibendi methodo. 8°. Berolini, [1821], Klitzpera ( F. V. ) * De illinitionibus mer- curialibus. 8°. [Pragce, 1816.] Knops ( F. G. ) * De therapia mercuriali in iis, qui vocantur dyscrasise chronica* morbis, im- primis in syphilide. 8°. Berolini, [18(53]. Kornmesser(G.) * De hydrargyro. 8°. Bero- lini, [1837]. Kosmaxn (C.) * Des preparations mereurielles. Mercure et composes mercuriaux usite's en me- decine. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Krause (R. F. G.) * Diss, analecta qua*dam dehydrargiro continens. 8°. Vrattilaria; [1821]. KLnstel (J. W. ) De salibus metallorum, pra>sertim auri et mercurii. 2. ed. 4°. Lipsiee, 1711. -----. The same. 3. ed. 4:. Lipsiee, 1760. Keener ( J. ) * Teutamen sistens rationem qua morbi inter se tam diversi mercurio sauen- tur. 8°. Monachii, 1832. mercury. Lancilotti (C.) II trionfo del mercurio, nel qual si tratta del suo origine, natura e tempera- niento, diniostrtindo diverse curiosissime, e uti- lissime operatioui. Con un trattato di diverse acque cosmetiche e medicinali, et altre curio- sity estratte da diversi autori. 16°. Moclona, 1677. Langenbecker(H. G.) *Quiedamde mercurii in corpus humanum efficacia. 8 . Berolini, [1827]. Lazai:evic(L. K.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Wirkuug des Quecksilbers. Nebst einem Auhange iiber den Naclnveis des Quecksilbers inittelst Electrolyse. 8C. Berlin, [1879]. Lemaire (L.) Des effets du mercure et de ses preparations dans les diverses maladies, la syphi- lis exceptee . . . 1CI" prix Corvisart. 8C. Blois, H43. Losoh (A.) * Ueber die Einwirkuug des Ain- nioniaks auf Queeksilberoxydulsalze, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des Hahueniannschen Salzes. s-. Dorpat, 1862. Lot (U. E. ) *Martis cum mercurio con- junctiouem usibus practicis coiumendat. 4°. Halce Magdeb.. [1759]. Maclean ( C. ) A treatise on the action of mercury upon living bodies; and its application for the cure of diseases of indirect debility. 8°. Philadelphia, 1797. Maywood (E.) An essay on the operation of mercury in the human body, in which the man- ner how salivation is produced by that medicine is attempted to be explained; interspersed with observations on the treatment of the venereal disease. 8°. London, 1787. Mitscherlich (C. G.) * Hydrargyri prtepa- rata usitatissimi analytice accuratius perscru- tata. 8-. Berolini, 1829. MfTLLER (J. C. G.) *De viribus ac usu mer- curialium. sm. 4°. Jence, [1775]. Nega (J.) *Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Elimi- nation des Mercurs, mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung des Glycocollquecksilbers. 8-\ Strass- burg, 1882. ------. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Resorption und Wirkuug verschiedener zur cutanen Behandlung verwandter Quecksilber- priiparate. 8°. Strassburg, 1884. Nieter (A. J. C.) *De vi et effectu hydrar- gyri in quibusdam morbis non syphiliticis. e-'. Berolini, [1818]. Xotter (J. F.) *De actione mercurii in cor- pus humanum. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1749]. (Lrils (C.) De hydrargyri natura, viribus et usu. 4'-'. Basiled; [1706].' Also, in : Fascic. diss. med. select, [etc.] 12°. Basilece, 1710,222-308. Oswald (J. A.) * Qutedam de hydrargyro. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. Otto (C.) *De actione hydrargyri medica. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Hafnice, 1819. Owen (P ) *De mercurio. 8°. Edinburgi, 177)7. Also, in: Smelliis. Thesaurus med. [etc.] s\ Edinb. ct Lond., 1785, ii, 427-451. Pantelius (M.) & Vasmarcs (D. P.) Dis- putatio medico-chymica de mercurio, et ejus in usu medico operandi ratione. sm. 4 . Rcgio- monti, [1698]. Penates (B. G.) Qua*stiones tres de corporali mercurio. In: Theatruji chemicum. 8° Argentorati, 1659, ii, 129-150. Pkemers (H.) * Ueber das QuecLsilberatkyl- chlorid (Aethylsublimat) in physiologischer, chemischer und therapeutischer Beziehung. 8°. Berlin, [1870]. MERCURY. 176 MERCURY. mercury. Peumann (M. G.) Ausfiihrlicher Unterricht, und Auweisung wie die Salivation-Cur nach alien Umbstanden uud Vortheilen anffs beste und sicherste vorzunehmen: damit der gebiihrende Nutzen und gewiindsehte Hiilffe darauf folgen lmige. 8-\ Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1700. Qeelmalz (S. T.) [Pr.] quod hydrargyri vires a sulphure in c. h. suspensas expendit. 4C. Lipsiee, 1748. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morh. [etc.] 4°. Lausan- nee, 1757, i, 493-501. Ramhacii (J. J.) *Usus mercurii in morbis inflannuatoriis. h~. Halce, [1794]. K'alch (J. G.) *De mercurii usu et abusu. 4°. Marburgi Cattornm, [1727]. Robin (E.) * Recherches sur l'influeuce du traitement mecuriel sur la richesse globulaire du sang. 4-'. Paris, 1880. RoLFiNtirs (G.) Non ens chimicum, mercu- riusnietalloruni et mineralium. 4°. Jena; 1570. SSachs (L. W.) Das Quecksilber. Ein phar- makologisch-therapeutischer Versuch. H0. Ko- nigsberg, 1834. Sartories (C. F.) *De usu hydrargyri in- terno. 4°. Lipsiee, 1735. Si ii.vEEi er (J. A. M.) *De niercurialibus quibusdam pharinacis eorumque praecipuis vir- tutibus. 4^-. Lipsiee, 1790. 8ch.mid (.1.) De mercurio in morbis iuflam- matoriis. H°. Monachii, 1833. Schmidt (O.) *Eiu Beitrag zur Frage der Elimination des Quecksilbers aus dem Korper, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Speichels. 8°. Dorpat, 1879. 8chulz (J. H.) * Pnecipuorum ex hydrargyro remediorum examen chemicum. 8~. Francof. ad Viadr., [1HJ5]. Seeck (J. J.) *Meletema de hydrargyri effect u. 8C. [Dorpat], 1859. Sigmoxd (G. E.) Mercury, blue pill, and calomel; their use and abuse. 12 . London, 1840. Simon (A.-L.) 'Comparer les effects du mer- cure sur l'homme sain avec ceux que produit la syphilis. 4°. I'aris, 1847. Smit (H.) De mercurii usu in quibusdam morbis non venereis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1777. Sommer (C. J.) Cautiones nonuulla* ad li- quoris mercurialis Pleukiaui usuni spectantes. sm. 4-. Francof. a. M., [1769]. Si'RENGEL (C.) [Pr. ] hydrargyri antiquitates. 4 .. Hala; [1823]. Stang (D. F.) *De usu et abusu mercurii et medicanientorum mercurialium. 4Z. Jence, [177)4]. Sieeer(G.) *De mercurii in morbis iuflam- matoriis agendi modo. 8°. Berolini, [1819J. Stickel (C.) De evaporatione hydrargyri hujusque ad aquani salsam et corpora organica ratione commentatio chemica, praemio primario ornata. 4°. Jence, 1837. Text Latin and German. Stott (IL) The modern Hermes, or experi- ments and observations on different methods of combining quicksilver with acids; in supple- ment of ancient chemistry on mercury 8° Dumfries, 1811. Stromeyer (F.) De counubio hydrar<-yri cum acido acetico. 4°. [n. p., 1809.] °' 8w ainson (I.) Mercury stark naked. A series of letters addressed to Dr. Beddoes, strippiu<>- that poisonous mineral of its medical preten* tions, and showing that it perpetuates, increases and multiplies all the diseases for which it is ad- ministered; and while it may sustain worthless branches of medical practice, the use of it is an opprobrium to the scientific and moral character of the profession. 8". London, 1797. mercury. Swan (J.) An inquiry iuto the action of mer- cury on the living body. 8 . London, 182>. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1847. Swohoda (A. B.) * De mercurii virtute medi- cata. S-. Praga; 1837). Tables iu the report of the Edinburgh com- mittee on the action of mercury as a cholagogue. fol. [Edinburgh, ls(>8.] See, also, infra, Bennett (J. H.) Tissier (M.) Memoire pour cdablir la sur- phosphoieseiice des corps, par des observations et des experiences sur l'onguent napolitain double, ou mercuriel; sur l'electricite, le gal- vanisme, etc. 83. Lyon, 1807. T6rn (J.) *De mercurio juxta recentissitna sed moderata principia medica. H . Vieniue [1821]. Turnbull (W.) A letter to Mr. Clare, sur- geon, on his new aud easy method of introduc- ing mercury into the system through the orifices of the absorbent vessels on the inside of the mouth, aud recommending it to the considera- tion of the world in general, and the navy in particular. Also remarks on the same subject by Wm. Turnbull, M. D. 8°. London, 178X Bound with: Clahic (P.) A new and easy method of curing the lues venerea. 8°. London, 1780. Untzerus (M.) Auatomia meicurii spagirica, seu de hydrargyri natura, proprietate, viribus atque usu, libri duo vario doctrinarnin genere referti. 4-. Halce Sax., 1620. van den Velde (J.) * Specimen medicuin solenne de mereuris et medicamentis niercuria- libus selectis, ad expugnandos, sine salivationc, morbos corporis humani rebelles. sm. 4 . Halce Magdeb., [1700]. Wabst (C. X.) De hydrargyro tentamen physico-chemico-inedicum. 4°. Vindobonce, 17f>4. Walburgerus (1). G.) De mercurio metal- loruui et mineralium. 4r Jence, [1670]. Warren (J.) A view of the mercurial prac- tice in febrile diseases. 8°. Boston, 18[:\. Wilson (A. P.) Observations on the use aud abuse of mercury and on the precautions neces- sary iu its employment. 8-. Winchester ML"). \T i'cke (V. 1. T.) *De Weinholdii hydrar- gyr- *i adhibendi methodo. 8°. Berolini, [1821], Wright (W.) Observations on the effects of mercury ou the organs of hearing, and the im- proper use of it in cases of nervous deafness. 8-. London, 1822. Wyciigel (D. R.) * De quibusdam hydrargyri prteparatis. S-. Groningce, [1810]. Zwiklitz (P.) * De usu et pneparatis mer- curii apud veteres, prima historia' parte libelli a splendidissimo medicorum ordine universitatis Berolinensi pra*mio ornati. 8-. Berolini, 1831. Allison (J.) On the medicinal properties of mercury and the chlorate of potash. Med. Times, Lond., 1849. xix, 0(i.—Ariusiiiigaud. Le mercure eusraisse-t-il.' Muni. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1874, 480-486. Also: Bordeaux ined., 1874, iii, 353. — Aulcnrirth tfc. Keller. Leber das iiaseyn von Quecksilber, das iiusser- lit-h augeweudet worden, in der Blutinasse der Thiere. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1807-8. viii, 213-263.—Balzei- (F.) Des accidents locaux determines par les inject ions de calomel et d'oxytle jaune suivant la methodo dc Sca- renzio. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par., 1887, 3. s.. iv, 213-220. Also.- Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1**7. 2. s., xxiv, 276-278.—Barbetlc (A.) Reflexions sur leaner- cure, suivies de plusieurs observations de maladies aigues queries par ce medicament. Rec (1. trav. Soc. de med. de Niort, 1837, 7-3L—Barrallic- (A.) Meri-iu-e. >'. diet. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1876, xxii, 35!>-4u7. —Barry (E.) On the operation of mercury, in diHereiit diseases and constitutions. .Med. Tr. Rov. Coll. I'll vs. Loud.. 13. ed.], 1785, i. 125-164. —Beck (J. B.) An account of the oriiiin of 1he use of mercury in inflammatory diseases. IN. York M. Gaz., 1841-2, i, 1-5.—Beimel (IT.) Notiz zui' Lehre vom Quicksilber. Wien. inert. W~clmsc.hr., 1856, vi, 232.—Bell (A. X.) On the influence of blisters in quick- ening the ell'ects of mercury upon the system. N. York MERC UR Y. 177 MERC UR Y. mercury. J. M., 1858,*3. s., v, 149.—Bellamy (TY. J. H.) Mode of administering quinine and ineiciirv. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1886, xvii, 141-146.—Bellini (R.) Dei sali doppi di niercmio. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1871, xxvii, 561-."68. — Bemerkungen iiber die Anwendung des Quecksilhers bey Brustentzi'miluiigen. J. d. pract. Arznk. ii. VVundarznk., Jena, 1800, 2. St., x,77-119.^Bennett (J. H.) Report of the Edinburgh committee on the action of mercury on the liver. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 78: 1869, i, 411; 503. [See. also, supra, Tables, etc.] -----. Report of further experiments demonstrating that mercury has no special action on the liver. Ibid., 1871, i, L—Bertini (J. M. X.) De usu niercuriiininodiciiia tain inferno, quain externo dissertatio. In: Astruc (J.) De morbis venenis, 4°, Venetiis, 1760, 455-471. —Best (G. P.) The systemic factor in the local use of mercurials. Lancet, Lond., 1879. ii, 463—Biejjaiiski (W.) Moczopedne dzialanie przet- wordw rteci. [Diuretic action of preparations of mer- cury.] Gaz. lek.. VYarszawa, 1887. 2. a., vii, 370; 395: 421; 430.'—Boufanti (G.) Osseivazioni sull' uso del mer- curio. Eft'eni. d. sc. med., Milano, 1840, xv, 5-37— Bouil- hon (E. ) Formule d'une solution contenant uu sel de mercure soluble et sans.action sur h s tissus pour emploi hypodermique. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvi, 315.—Brasse (L.) Dosage du mercure dans les urines. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol. Par., 1887, 8. s.. iv, 297- 299.—Brown (J. L.) On the action of mercury upon the liver. Tr. M. Sue. N. Y., Albany, 1864, 267-279.—Brown (S.) Remarks on Mr. Lee's experiments and observations upon quicksilver. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1803. vi, 265-271.— Briicliinami. Ueber die Wiederherstellungdes Queck- silbers im menschlichen Korper. N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., BeiL, 1810, xiii, 252-255. — Brunton (T. D.) Action of mercury on the liver. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 15. Also, Reprint.— Burger. Erfahrungen iiber die VYirkung von Quecksilbereiureibungen bei sehr weit gediehenen Ent- ziindungen edler Eingeweide. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl 1838, lxxxvii, 6. St., 77-85.—Byasson (H ) Recherches sur l'elimination des sels mercuriels ingeres par l'homme. Au bout de combien de temps un sel mercuriel soluble, in- troduit chez l'homme, dans l'appareil digestif, apparait-il dans l'mine, la salive, la sueur? J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par.. 1872, viii, 500-505.-----. Note sur quelques instructions pratiques pour la recherche qualitative du mercure dans les liquides de Teconomie. Ibid.. 397-400.— Camden (T. B.) Mercury as an antiphlogistic and cho- lagogue. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1M70, xxiii, 313- 320.—Carpenter (G. W.) On the division or extinction of mercury by trituration; with observations and experi- ments ou the blue iflass and other preparations of mercurv. Phila. J. M. . xviii, 140-142.—Clay (('.) On the exhibition of small dosi-s of mercury in effecting ptyalism. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, ii, 751-753.— Clevenger (S. Y.) Micro- scopic examination of tissues after the administration of mercury. Am. Month. Micr. J.. N. Y., 1880, i, 110; 131. -----. Action of mercury. Inaugural thesis. Chicago M. Gaz., 1880, i, 81-88. Also, Reprint. -----. Mechanical therapeutics, chemistry, and toxicology of mercury. Chi- cago Al. J. tfc Exam., 1880, xl, 337-353. -----. Mercury; its chemistry and therapeutics. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1883, xxxv, 283-288.—Coleman (J. B.) Report on the effects of mercurial preparations on the living animal tis- sues. 1853. Tr.M.Soc. X.Jersey 17C6-185X, Newark, 1875, 560-567.—Coles (W.) Remarks on the use of mercury in inflammation. St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1869, n. s., vi, 205- 215.—Colson (A.) Recherches sur Taction du mercure. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1826, xii, 68-103. -----. Memoire sur les effets du mercure sur Teconomie animale. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1828, i, 5; 223.-----. De l'iu- fluence du traitement mercuriel sur les functions de l'ute- rus. Arch, geu.demed., Par.. 1828, xviii, 2-.-48.—CombcN- Brassard (J.-M.) De l'emploi varie du mercure dans un grand nombre de maladies. Memor. d. hop. du niiili. Par., 1830, ii, 6; 445: 513; 181.—Cooper (W.W.) The un- certain action of mercury and iodide of potassium. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 185.1, n. s., x, 4.15; 485.—Copcman (E.) Observations on the use of mercury in general, and in certain diseases of the brain iu particular. Brit, tfc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1872, xlix, 471-470.—Currie (D. A.) The action of mercury. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1876,168-177.— Dclartie(E) De longuent mer- curiel et de Tinfluence du vent du nord dans sa prepara- tion. Monit. scient., Par., 1859-60, ii, 563.—Dclhaye (Y.) Constatant Teffiracite des mercuriaux, calomel et ongucnt mercuriel double, conime antiphlogistique, et speciale- ment dans l'inflammation des sereuses. Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1838, iii, 1-7. -----. Quinze ans d'experi- ence sur l'emploi des mercuriaux conime agents speciaux dans beaucoup d'affections ii ritatives et surtout dans les metro-peritonites graves des femmes en couches. J. de 12 mercury. med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1855, xx, 434-441. -----. Encore quelques mots sur l'emploi des mercuriaux comme agents speciaux contre certaines affections. Ibid., xxi, 33-40.—Desmarest (J.-L.) Memoire sur l'extinction du mercure dans l'onguent mercuriel et les preparations ana- logues, presente a. la Societe de pharmacie, le 15 octobre 1828. J. de pharm., Par., 1829, xv, 31-41. A'xo, Reprint.— Dobson (M.) On the benefit of a resuscitated salivation, in the cure of certain anomalous symptoms. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1784, vi, 174-379— Domingucz (D. S. Y.) Memoria sobre el mercurio y los compuestos que forma con el oxigeuo y el azufre. Bibliot. metl.-castr. espafi., Madrid. 1852, vi, 303-330.— Doughty (W. H.) The therapeutic effects and uses of mercury, as influenced by the report of the Edinburg committee on the action of mercury, podophyllin, aud taraxacum on the biliary se- cretion. Tr. Georgia M. Ass., Atlanta, 1873, xxiv. 95-117. Also: Atlanta M. tfc S. J., 1873, xi, 265; 325. — D.....out (A.) Recherches sur Taction du mercure. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1838, iv, 93-142. [Rap. de Lados], 143-156. [Discussion], Bull. Soc. de metl. de Gaud, 1838, iv, 37-50.— Bupral (A.) De Taction physiologique du salicylate de mercure Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 114.—Eastman (H. N.) On the action of mercury. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Albanv, 1877, 281-289. Also: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1869-70, ix, 201-215.—Eck (V.) K' vrachebnomu upotreblenyu rtuti. [Medical employment of niercury.J Med. Yestiiik, St. Petersb., 1867, vii, 4; 12; 20.—Effects of mercury on the constitution of negroes. Boston M. & S. J., 1835,' xi, 256. — Ehrmann (J. F.) De hydrargyri praeparatoruni internorum in sanguinem effectibus. in: Weiz (F. A.) None Ausz., [etc.], 12°, Frankf. u. Leipz., 1774, ii, 38-52.—Enderlin (0.) Ueber das Verhalten der verschiedenen Quecksilber- und verwandter Metall-Salze zu organischen Substanzen im Allgemeinen uud zu dem Gallenfarbstoffe insbesondere. N.-Yorker med. Monat- schr., 1852, 1, 129-137.—Evan* (J.) Misuse of mercury. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1882, xxxii, 123-126.— Earquharson (R.) The action of mercury. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 130—Fawcus (J.) Memorandum on the use of mercury. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1865, No. xix, 289.—Ferrari (P.) & Asmondo (G.) SulT assorhi- mento del mercurio metallico per la pelle. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 643; 651.—Eiguier. Note sur la prepa- ration de longuent mercuriel. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1862,3. s., viii, 310-314.—Fleischer (R.) Ueber die Veranderungen verschiedener Quecksilberverbindun. gen im thierischeu Organismus. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1885, xi, 620.—de Eonscca Henriques (F.) Tratado unico do uso, e administracao do azo-gue nos casos, em que he prohibido. In his: Medieina Lusitana, [etc.], fol., Amst., 1731, 799-832. — Eonssagrivcs. Mercure; therapeutique. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1873, 2. s.. vii, 48-78.—Francis (J. VV.) Observations on the effects of mercury in its native state, and on its abuse in certain diseases. 'Med. & Phys. J., Loud., 1813, xxix, 207-226. -----. Observations on mercury; embracing its medical history and its abuse as an article of the materia medica. Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. Y., 1814, iii, 424-447. -----. Fur- ther observations on mercury. Ibid., 1813-14, iv, 476-519. -----. Observations on the natural and medical history of mercury. Am. M. Recorder, Phila, 1822, v, 395-407.— Eraser (T. R.) Sketch of the present state of our knowl- edge respecting the action of mercury on the liver. Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvi, 904-9J5. Also, Reprint. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. 1873, Par., 1875, v, pt. 2, 87-97.—Fiirbringer (P.) Experimented Unter- suchungen iiber die Resorption uud YVirkung des reguli- uischen Quecksilbers der grauen Salbe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1880, Ixxxii, 491-51.1. -----. Experimeu- telle Lntersuchungen iiber die "Wirkuug des lebeuden Blutes auf metallisches Quecksilber. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., 1881, n. F., vii, 41.—Gaillard (L ) Action du mercure sur le sang chez les syphilitiqueset les anemiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii. 395-399. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1885, ii, 527-553.—Harri- son (C. G.) Therapeutics of mercury. Tr. M. Soc. X. Jersey, Newark, 1876, 210-217.—Gawpard. Experiences additioiiuelles sur le mercure. •!. tie physiol. exper., Par., 1821, i, 142-148. -----. Memoire sur le mercure. Ibid., 165-189.—Gibcrt. De Tusage therapeutique de certaines preparations mercurielles employees comme agent speci- tique dans les maladies de la peau et dans les maladies ve- ueriennes. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1847, xxxii, 279-2*7. Also [ Rap. de Patissier]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1846-7. xii, 382-391.—Glover (J.) Facts and experi- ments, in answer to some observations on mercury, made by George Lee. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1803, vi, 241-247.— Glover iJ. G.) On mercury. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 68.—Goblcy (T.) [et al.]. Mercure. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii, 21-89.—Gray (G.) On mercury as a dilative agent. Lancet, Loud., 1859, ii, 347; 422.— Greiner. Beinerkungen iiber den Gebrauch der Queck- silbermittel. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1803, 111.—Gu- elpa. Des injections hypodermiques des sels insolubles de mercure. Bull. geu. de therap., etc., Par., 1887, cxii, 289-307. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1887, xii, 642-644.— MERCURY. 178 MERC TRY. mercury. Giintz (J* E.) Chemischer Xachweiss ron der Aus- scheidung ties Quecksilbers durch den Harn Quecksilber- kranker nach dem Gchrauche der Aachener Kaiserquelle. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat,, Wien, 1877, iv, 297-314. -----. Che- mischer Xachweiss iiber die Ausscheidung des Quecksil- bers nach dem Gchrauche der Schwefelwasscr. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Xat.- u. Heilk. in DrestL 1S77, 187-206.— Giier»eiit tfc Cazenave (A.) Du mercure et ties com- poses mercuriaux envisages sous le rapport de la thera- peutique. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1839, xix, 575-583.— Haines (R.) Official reports on preparations of mercury and antimony. Tr. M. clean (C.) A treatise on the action of mercury upon living bodies; and its ap- plication for the. cure of diseases of indirect debility. In: Vales (W.) ,fc Maclean (Cl A view of the science of life fete], 8°, Whitehall (Phila.). 1797, 155-185. Also: Ibid. 8° Dover, 1801, 121-147 — Ma*lienrat. Memoire sur Tac- tion du mercure et celle de ses preparations sur Teconomie animale. De leurs usages therapentiques dans quelques affections des yeux. J. il. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1841, 133- 140. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1841. ii, 98-110.— .Tlayciieoii & Bcrgeret. Moyen clinique de reconnai- tre le mercure dans les excretions et specialoinent dans Tiirine, it de T61iniination et de Taction physiologique du mercure, J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc, Par.. 1873, ix 81- 98. Also [Abstr.]: Marseille med., 1873, x, 687. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Riv. di med., di chir. c di tcrap., Milano' 1873. i, 280.— Mcdrano (N.) Estudios nlosoticos sobre ci mercurio y sus preparados; y eonsideraciones prartiras ac.crca tic su aplicaciou al tratainiento de varias ciifcniie- datles no sitiliticas. Bol. de med.. chug, v farm., Madrid 18.12, 2. s., ii, 108; 156; 163.—.Mercury (On) as a curative agent. Lancet, Lond., 18.19, ii, 274; 399. — von Tiering (J.) Ueber die Wirkungen ties Quecksilbers auf den tliie- rischeu Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol Leipz., 1880-81. xiii, 86-112.— Merrill (A. P.) Observa- tions ou the use of mercury. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1871. iii, 262-267. Also, Reprint. — IMichailovski (J.) () zagriaz. isparen. rtuti bol. i sluch. v otdeleu. svtirajou. rtutny. mazjami. [On the absorption of mercury in dis- eases,' and on special cases treated by inunction of mer- curial preparations in syphilis.] Mejdunar Klin., St. Pe- tersb., 1886, v, no. 11. — IMost ( C. G. B. ) Etwas iiber den Gebrauch des Quecksilbers bey Entziindungcn, be- sonders bey der hantigen Braune. J. d. pract.'Arznk. ii. Wundarznk., Jena, 1799, viii, 3. St., 97- 111). — ITIou- chon. Encore un mot sur Touguent mercuriel. Gaz. med. tie Lyon, 1856, viii, 359- 361. — lMracck ( F.) Die Aufnahme, Umwandlung und Ausscheidung von Queck- silber bei Quecksilberkuren. "Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 823; 8.19; 913.—lMiiller. Bemerkungen und Erfah- rungen iiber tlie Mercurialia, als vielfach nutzlieke Heil- mittel Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1811, 621-644. —Mtil- ler ( F.) Ueber die Aufnahme von Quecksilber durch Einathmung. Mitth. a. d. med. Klin, zu Wiirzb., Wiesb., 1886, ii, 355-366. — lMusgrave (A.) Observations on the unmixed effects of mercury on the systec , with a few practical remarks on some of the most important tropical diseases. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1827, xxviii, 36-61. — Neu- mann. Vergleichung der Louvrierschen uud der Wein- liohlschen Methoden, das Quecksilber anzuwemlen. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl., 1821, ii, 405-433.—Neumann (I.) Leber die Aufnahme des Quecksilbers durch tlie unver- letzte Haut. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 1209; 1233; 125.1. AIso, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1871, xvi, 347. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1871,xii. 1109. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vii, 279-2x1.— IVicol (W. B.) On the state in which the mercury exists in the hvd. c. creta. and pil. hydrarg. Brit.-Ain. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Montreal. 1847. iii. 85-87. —©eslcrlen. Ue- bergang ties regulinischeu Quecksilbers in die Blutmasse und die Organe. Nach Yersuchen. Arch. f. phys. Heilk., Stuttg., 1843, ii, 536-143.-Ou...... (I.) Om Qvikselvfor- bindelsernes physiologisk - chemiske Forhohle. Norsk Mag. f. Liegeviileusk., Ohristiania, 1864, xviii, 242-254.— Otis (F. X.) On the mode of elimination of mercury from the system and the time required for its accomplish- ment. Physician tfc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 18x7, ix. 97- 99.—Padioleau. Reflexions sur le mercure. J. de la. sect, de metl. Soc, acad. Loire-1nf.. Nantes, 1836, n. 8., xii, 231-240. — Paschkis (II.) Leber den Nachweis des Quecksilbers in thierischen Substanzen. Ztschr. f. phy- siol. Chem., Strassb., 1882, vi, 495-503.—von Patruban (C.) Anatomische Erfahrungen nud pliysiologische IV- obachtungeu iiber das Vorkommen von nietalliachem Quecksilber im menschlichen Organismus. (listen. Zt sehr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. 1859, v. 210-213. — Prise. De l'emploi des preparations mcrcuriclles a haute* tlosct dans les phlegmasies lies membranes sereuses dc cause externe. Abeille ined., Par., 1815, xii, 341-343. — Philip (A. P. W.) On the effects of minute doses of mercury hi restoring the vital functions. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831-2. ix, 953-980. Also, Reprint,—Physiek (P. S.) S une experi- ments and observations on the mode of operation ot mci curyon the body. Med. Reposit,, X. Y., 1802. v, 2X8-291.- Plagge(T) ZurMi'ikurfiage. Memorabilien, Heilhr., 1861, vi, 73-78. — Pin miner (A.) [On a combination ot mercury and antimonv.] Med. Essays tfc Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1733, i. 46-62.—Polak (J. E.) Ueber den Gebrauch des Quecksilbers in I'ersit-n. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1860, x, 564-568.—Polotebnoir (A.) Matcriali k' izucheniyu dai- islviya i tutnikh prepai atof. [Effect of mercurial prepara- tions. ] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1863. iii, 389; 405; 421. Also, transl.: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1864, MERCURY. 179 MERCURY. Mercury. xxxi. 35-51. — Potter ( M. G. ) Remarks on a new method of determining whether mercury possesses the power of secreting bile or not, Buffalo M. i; S. J., 1867- 8, vii, 411-418. — Prince (D.) A paper on the employ- ment, of mercury iu cholera, dysentery, and diarrhoea, aud upon the question of its action upon the liver. St. Louis M. Reporter, 1866-7, i, 577-587.—Prhmers. EinigeMit- theiluii'i-n iiber das Aethvlsublimatoder Quecksilberath vl- chloriif An h. f. path.' Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, liv, 259- 262. — ISahnlcaii. Die Mercurpraparate. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1872. xvii, 288; 306; 324; 341; 354.—Reale (N.) Ricerche sulla pomata mercuriali", e proposta d' un nuovo preparuto analogo (with rep.). Rentlic. Accad. med.-chir. di Xapoli, 1866, xx, 24; GO.—Recherche (Sur la) du mer- cure tlanslesanalvses chimico-legales. Ann. d'hvg.. Par.. 1846. xxxv, 206-208. — Rhades. Leber den Uebergang von Quecksilber in das Blut. Deutsches Arch. f. tl. I'hv- siol.. Halle u. Berl., 1820, vi, 128-135.— Riedel (J. U. L.) Hestatigung und Empfehluug tier heilsamen Wirkuug des Quecksilbers gegen Kheuniatisnms chronicus et fixus capi- tis. Allg. metl. Ann., Altenb. u. Leipz.. 1817, 1369-1371.— Rindfleisch (E.) Zur Frage von tier Resorption des regulinischen Quecksilbers. Arch. f. Hernial, u. Syph., Prag, 1870, ii, 309-316. —Robertson (Tl.) On the effect of mercury on the living body. Lond. M. Reposit., 1824, n. s., i, 457-464.—Rogers"(P.) Preparation of mercurial oint- ment, Am. M. Kecouler, Phila.. 1819, ii. 331-338.—Rosen- heim (T.) ZurKenntniss dei diuretischen Wirkuug der Quecksilberpraparate. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 325: 354.—Ross (J.) On the action of mercury. Practitioner. Loml., 1870, v, 211-221.—Maikowsky. Ue- ber einige Veraiiilerungen, welche das Quecksilber im thierischen Organism us hervorruft. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl , 1806, xxxvii. 346-350.—Mchlesinger (H.) Ex- perimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkuug lange Zeit fortgegebener kleiner Doseu Quecksilbers auf Thiere. [Gekronte Preissehrift, 1879.) Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol . Leipz., 1880-81. xiii. 317-353.—Schneider (F. C.) Ueber die Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers wiihrend und nach Mercurialcuren. Metl. Jahrb., Wien, 1861, i, J24-I38—Schuster. Ueber den Einfluss des >chweft-l- thermalwassers auf die Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers bei und nach Queeksilberkuren. Veibffentl. d. Gesellsch. f. Heilk. in Berl. Balneol. Sect.. 1882, vii, 44-58. -----. Leber die Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers wahrend und nach Queeksilberkuren. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat.. Wien. 1882, ix. 51-61. Also, transl .- J. Cutan. tfc Yen. Dis., X. Y., 1882-3, i, 353-356. -----. Erwiderung auf die "Bemer- kung'' des Hrn. E. Ludwig zu nieiner Arbeit " Leber die Ansscheitlting des Quecksilbers', nebst weiteren Auf schliisseniiberdiese Ausscheidung. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1882, ix, 307-311. -----. [Ausscheidung des Queck- silbers durch den Hani und die Faces bei und nach Queck- silbercureu.] Ztschr. f. klin. Metl., Berl., 1883, vii. 80- 82. -----. L'elimination du mercure, iutroduit dans l'or- ganisme par les voies cutanees. Cong, internat. de med. d. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 369-371. -----. Xeue Auf- schliisse iiber die Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii, 273-275.— -----. Neue Aufschliisst* iiber die Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1884, x. 278. Also, transl.: J. Cutan. & Yen. Lis., X'. Y., 1884, ii, 266-268. -----. Die Mercurseife. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1886. xxxi, 86. — Scivoletto ( P.) Del miglior metodo per consta- tare la presenza dei sali mercuriali nelle macchie dei tes- suti. Movimento, Xapoli, 1869, i, 123.—Mcoit (G.) On the influence of mercurial preparations upon the secretion of bile. Arch. Med., Lond., 1859, i, 209-224. Also. Reprint.— Scotti (G. B.) Pilole tletto Dzondi; se convenga sia sot- trata la mollica di pane; cautele in propositi). Ga/.z. ined. ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi, 173.—Searle (C.) Mer- cury; its influence on the system, and the imlicatioiis for its employment. Med. Times, Lond., 1847, xvi, 153.—Mi- chel. Considerations sur Tusage et l'alms des prepara- tions mercuriellcs. surtout dans les affections inflamma- toires. Kev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1846, n. s., iii, 327-340.—Siehert. Notizen iiber den Gebrauch des ver- siissten Quecksilbers. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Er- lang., 1810, 141-112. -----. Leber die Wirkuug des ver- siissten Quecksilbers. Amtl. Ber. ii. iLVersannnl. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1840, Erlang.. 1841, 150-112. —Si I va Aranjo. O salicylato (le mercurio e suas applicaeoes na syphilis e, em algu'mas dermatoses. J. de med. e pharm., Par., 1877, ii, 12-14.—Simancas(E ) Del mercurio Ac- eion tisiologica y terapeutica. An. dc cien. med., Madrid, 1878, vi, 206-209. — Simon jun. Mercurius triumphator. Wchnschr. f. il. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1849, 353; 374; 389; 1850, 401; 780: 1851,449; 476; 491; 505. —Simon (J.) Thera- peutique infantile; du mercure. Progres med.. Par., 1880, viii, 383; 419; 447; 485; 531; 577.—Smith (H.) Observa- tions on the action of mercury in inflammation, and its effects on the system. Med. Times, Lond., 1847, xvi, 132; 172; 213; 271; 293.— Snoep (J. P.) Over het gebruik van het ung. hvilrargyri in distorsio en contusio, volgens de methode van Dr. Kerst. Boerhaave. Tijdschr.,etc, Amst., 1846, n. s.. v, 308-326.—Soubeiran (E.) Mercure et mer- curiaux (composes). Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1839, xix, ■ Mercury. 549-575— Spilmau (C. H.) Therapeutic action of mer- cury. Richmond tfc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873. xvi, 300-312.—Stephenson (YV.) The action of mercury in children. Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvi, 980-988. Also, Reprint.— Snl/cr. Ueber Merkurial-Praparate, und besondeis den Mcrciiricuin phospboratum. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich, 1797. iv, 178-185.—Taddei (T.) Sui modo di attenuare per via di chimici proccssi le molecole del mercurio, onde remlerlo facilmente miscibile con varic sostan/e mediante semplici operazioni meccaniche. Gazz. metl. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1810-51, 2. s., i, 409-411.—Tait (L.) The action of mercury on the liver. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 132.—Taylor ( A. S.) Absorption and diffusion of mer- curv when taken in medicinal tloses. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1864, 3. s., x, 179.—Thiry. De 'l absorption et tie Telimiiiation du mercure thins Torganisiue huinain. I'resse med. beige, Brux., 1887, xxxix, 9-12 — Thorow- good (J. 0.) On the use of mercury in certain inflamma- tions. Practitioner, Lond., 1878, xx, 336-345.—Todd (J. S.) Mercury. Atlanta M. & S. J . 1884, n. s., i, 129-142.— TolmatscheflT. Zur Lehre iiber die Wirkuug tier Queck- silberpraparate auf den thierischen Organismus. Med.- chem. Untersuch. a. d. Lab. . . . zu Tiibing., Berl., 1867, 279-284. Also, Reprint. — Ulmrr (L.) Zur Quecksilber- f'rage. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, 185.—von Vajda (L.) & Paschkis (H.) Zur Abwehr gegen den Aufsatz von Dr. Schuster: Leber die Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers wah- rend und nach Queeksilberkuren. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat,, Wien, 188', ix, 305.— Van de Vyvere'(E.) De Taction que l'iodure de potassium exerce sur la pommade niercu- rielle. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Bruges, 1845, vi, 2.14-2,16.— Vertrees(W. M.) Theaction of mercury. South. Pract., Nashville, 1884, vi, 461-464.—Walker (J. K.) Some ob- servations on the use of mercury, in acute as well as chronic affections. Midland M. tfc S. J., Worcester, 1831-2. iii, 17- 27.—Warren (J.) View of the niereuiial practice in fe- brile diseases. Metl. Cominunicat, Mass. M. Soc. 1809-10, Bost,. 1813, ii, 341-392. — Wcgg (W.) Mercury. In his: Obs Relating to the Sc., |etc]. 83, Lond., 1851, 88-123.— Welander(E.) Understikningaromqvicksilfretsabsorp- tion af och elimination ur menniskokroppen. Forh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Samniank., Stockholm, 1885, 355-363. Also: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1886, xviii, no. 12,1-56; no. 15,1-69, 2tab. Also, transl: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1886, 2. s., vii, 412-417.—Westmoreland (J. G.) An essay on the actions of mercurv. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1875, xiii, 104-109.—Widemann. Leber die Anwendung des Quecksilbers in Entziiuduugskrankheiten. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Berl., 1800, xxiv, 3. St., 116-131.— Wilboiichcwitch. De l'iufluence d"s preparations mer- curii'llt's sur la richesse du sang en giobules rouges et en globules blancs. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1874, 2. s., i, 509-537.—Wildhagcn. Om Brugen af Mer- cur i smaae Doser. Norsk Mag. f. Liegevidensk., Christia- nia, 1842, v, 34-39.—Wilson (J. ('.) Note on hydrargy- rum forniaruidatum. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1883-4, vi, 52.—Winkler. Ueber die Anwendung ties Quecksilbers bei innern Entziindungen. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb.. 1802, 138-143.—Vandell (L. P.) An enquiry as to the therapeutic value of mercurials. Nashville J. M. & S., 1867-8, n. s., iii, 1-10.—Zambrana (S.) La cscro- fulosis y los mercuriales. Mem. Soc. med.-farm, de To- luca, 1876, i. 155-157.—Zeissl (11.) Leber Aufnahme des Merkurs iu den Organismus und (lessen Ausscheidung aus demselben. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864. v. 282. -----. Ueber die Theorie der Aufnahme des Mercui s in den Organismus. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt, Heilk., Wien, 1864, 515-519. Mercury (Fumigations of). See Mercury ( Vapors of). Mercury (Hypodermic use of). See, also, Syphilis (Treatment of). Bernard (H.-TJ.) * Des injections sous-cuta- n6es de sublime corrosif dans le traitment de la syphilis. 4°. I'aris, 1871. Gaillakd (E\) * Essai sur les injections hypo- (lermiques de peptonate dc mercure. 4°. Parti, 1880. Merscheim (A.) * Ueber die h\ podermatische Siibliniatiiijt'i-tion. 8°. Bonn, 1868. von Bamberger. Ueber hypodermutische Anwen- dung eines neueii QiicclssilhiT-l'rapurates. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 357-362. — Brichelean ( F.) On the application of the hypodermic method to the treatment of syphilis by mercury. Practitioner, Lond., 1869, ii, 141- 147.—Buzzard. Cases treated by hypodermic injection of mercurialised peptone. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1878, ii, 475. — Ciillingivorth ( C. J. ) On the subcutaneous in- jection of mercury. Lancet, Loud., 1874, i, 653: 686.— Duncan (J.) Note on the. subcutaneous injection of mercury. Edinb. M. J., 1874, xx, 119—Engelsted (S.) Praktiske Meddelelser om Sytilis, behandlet veil Merkur hypodermatisk. Nord. metl. Ark., Stockholm, 1871, iii, MERCURY. 180 MERCLTKY. Mercury (Hypodermic use of). No. 21, 1-26.*— Rayrand. Peptonate de mercure en in- jections hypotleruiiques. Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Mont- pel., 1882.'iv. 116. — Oriinfeld (J. ) Leber hypoderma- tische Injektionen von loslichem Quecksilber-Albnmi- nat. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 1133; 1167: 1221.— (•vchirhakl. Leber die praktische Verwendbarkeit einiger Sublimatpraparate fiir hypodermatische Injek- tionen. Ibid , 1638. -----. Ueber Sublimatpraparate fiir subkutane Injektionen. Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 224; 267; 295: 320. — Ilagens. Zur Kritik der subeutantn SublimatTnjectionen. [ 44 cases.] Deutsche Klinik. Berl.. 1870, xxii, 149; 164 ; 169: 184 : 191 ; 203 : 212 ; 219. — lleilborn (M. ) Leber experimentelle Beitrage zur Wirkuug subcutaner Subliinat-Iu jectionen. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl., 1878, lv. 219- 222. Also: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1878. viii, 361-374 — Kaspar ( O.) Note sur la prepara- tion et le titre du peptonate de mercure employe en in- jections hypodermiqucs contre la syphilis. Rev.* med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, Issl, i, 352-357. -----. Note sur lis moyens de conserve! intact le titre du peptonate de mercure. Ibid., 617-619.—Kratschmer. Ueber Subli- matpraparate fiir subkutane Injection. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1876. xxvi. 1149; 1171.—iVIarlineau. Des in- jections sous-cutanees de peptone mercurique. Siecle med., Par., 1881. ii. 66. — Pagello (P. ) SulT injezione ipoilermica del calomelano colmetodo del Prof. Scarenzio nella cura dei tumori. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1873, xxxiii, 105.—IMnnicrl (A.) Lebersubcutane In jeetionen mit Bicyauuretum hydrargiri. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 241-244.—Boscnbach (J.) Ueber einige patho- logisehe Veranderungen nach subcutaner Injection von Quecksilberchlorid bei Kanini hen. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1868, xxxiii, 3. R , 36-44.—von Both- munil. Ueber subcutane Sublinnitinjectionen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Miinchen. 1873. xx, 1-4.—Win lib. Chloro-albunii- uate de mercure pour les inject ions liypodcriiiiques dans le traitement de lasypliilis. Bull. gen. de therap., etc. Par., 1873, lxxxiv. 2.1,. — fitvtsinini ( D.) La injezione sotto cutanea di caltiniclano quale mezzo diagnostico in un caso dubbio di sifilide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1874, ix, 90.—Stern (E.) Leber das Qnecksilberchlorid-Chlor- natriuin uud seine-subcutane Anwendiint:. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 59-64. -----. Ueber subcutane Quecksilber-Behandluug. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl., 1878, lv, 213-216. —von Wilie- brand (F.) Till fragau om .subkutau-applikation af mer- kurpreparater. Finska lak. siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1870, xii, 116-133. Mercury (Inunction of). See, also, Mercury (Toxicology of, etc.) Broeker (J.) lets over ungtientum oxydi hydrargyrici. 8°. [Utrecht, 1877.] Repr. from: Haaxman's Tijdschr., July, 1877. Combiikt (R.) *Notes sur les principales m6- tbodes d'administration du mercure par la peau. 4°. Paris, 188-2. Rhadk.s ( F. G. F. ) * Diss, sistens experi- menta. quaedam circa quaestionem : An hydrarey- rum externe applicatum in corpore et pra*sertiui in sanguine reperiatur? 8°. Halce, [1820]. d'Alais (S.) Des frictions niercurielles comme traite- ment special et abort if de l'inflammation aigue de la peau et du tissu cellulaire qn'elle recouvre. Bull. gen. de the- rap., etc., Par., 1832, iii, 5-13. —B. (H.) Un mot sur la reparation de Tonguent mercuriel double. Presse med. elge, Brux., 1812. iv, 371. — ion Basedow. Heilung entziindlicher Krankheiten der Eingeweiile durch Queck- silbersalbe. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1828, lxvii, 6. St., 82-103 -----. Fernere Beobachtungen iiber die jatralip'- tische Anwendung des Merkurs als Antiphlogisticum. Ibid.. 1838, lxxxvii, 3. St., 34-84.—Bouilhon. Prepara- tion tie la ponimade mercurielle double. Bull. gen. tie the- rap., etc, Par., 1872, lxxxiii, 22-25. — Brachet (J.-L) Modifications des frictions niercurielles, d'apres la me- thode de Clare. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1823. lxxxii, 209-237. [Rap. de Lagneau], 289-298.— Cabaret (P.-J.) Stomatite mercurielle, determinee par des frictions avec Tonguent citrin. Rev. de therap. med - chir., Par.. 1867, 395-399.—Cassoni (E.) Esame critico- analitico di un nuovo processo per preparare T unguento mercuriale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1857, 4. s., vii, 321-332. — C'cntcnera (11.) Consideraciones sobre la pomada mercurial y sus metodos de preparacion. Rev. de sanid. mil. espan., Madrid, 1865, ii, 213—t'oldelier. Jsouvelle preparation de Tonguent mercuriel. Echo med Neuchat., 1857, i, 378. —Del pec h. Inflammations com- battues avec succes par les frictions niercurielles. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1831, ii. 185-216. — Keber. Auflosung eines 2 Mouate alten Knocheucallus durch Ein- reibung von 3 Drachmen grauer Quecksilbersaibe. Med Ztg., Berl.. 1846, xv, 11. — Blink (E.) Untersuchungen uber den iNachweis des Quecksilbers in der Frauenmilch Mercury (Inunction of). wahrend einer Einreibungskur mit grauer Salbe. Vrtl. jschr. f. Dermat.. Wien, 1876, viii. 207.—Ijowenhardl. Leber die Anwendung grosser Mercnrialfriktionen zur Beseitigung und Abkiirzung niehrercr Krankheitszu- stande, nainentlich der Apoplexie, Hepatitis, Febris ner- vosa gastrica, Pocken, des Kindbe'tfiebers und des Rhen- matismus acutus. In his: Beob. u. Erfahr., 8°, Preuzlau 1838, 13-196.—IHettaucr (J. P.) Preparation of mercu- rial ointment. Stethoscope Sc Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond 1851, i, 384-386.— Obcrlandcr. Die Mercurseife (Sapii mercurialis). ein neues und praktisches Ersatzmittel fur die Mercursalbe. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1882, ix, 709- 717. — Overbeek (R.) Zur Untersuehnng tier grauen Quecksilbersaibe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861 xxii, 419.—Bust (J. N.) Ueber die Heilkraft der mctlio- dischen Quccksilber-Einreihungen in syphilitischen und nicht syphilitischen Krankheiten. Zur Belehrung und Warming fiir diejenigen. die sich dieser Heilmethodo be- dieueu wollen. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1816, i, 354- 451.—Melinstcr. Die Mercurseife (savon napolitain) Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1882, ix, 45-49.—Merre. [Les frictions niercurielles.] Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1841-2 ii, no. 24, 3. — Sobre el uso de las fricciones inercuriales para combatir las intlamaciones; o sea, sobre el metodo de la mercurializacion. Repert. med. extraug., Madrid, 1833, i, 185-218. — Stahmanu (F.) Ungewohnlich rasche Ne' benwirkungen des Unguentum neapolitanum. Ztschr. f. Metl., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1861, xv, 316-318. - Strauss (B ) Zur aussern Anwendung des rothen Quecksilber-Pracipitats. Bl. f. Heilwissensch., Miinchen 1871, ii, 177; 184.—Tomowilz. Die Durehfiihrung von merkuriellen Friktionskuren unter Zelten. Allg. mil - arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1867, viii, 321-323. — Vergari (A.) Nuovo metodo sulT uso della pomata mercuriale"per appli- cazione. Esculapio uapol., Napoli, 1847, xxv, 705-709.— Walker (J. T.) Unguentum hydrargyri oxidi flavi. Phila. M. Times, 1878, viii, 580. Merc it ry (Toxicology of and accidents from). See, also, Amaurosis (Causes of); Eczema (Mercurial); Hat-makers, Looking-glass ma- kers, Diseases of; Mercury (Ammonio-chloride of); Mercury (Bichloride of, Toxicology of); Mercury (Cyanide of); Mercury (Inunction of); Mercury (iodides of); Mercury (.Nitrate of); Mercury (Sulphur-compounds of); Salivation (Mercurial); Tremor (Mercurial, etc.) Alley (G.) An essay on a peculiar eruptive disease arising from the exhibition of mercury. h°. Dublin, 1804. Bauer (E.) * Ueber Mercurialismus. [Er- langen.] 8°. Neustadt, 1866. Beaulies (H.-G.) * Quelques considerations sur la stomatite mercurielle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1882. Becker (H.) *De erysipelate mercuriali. 12°. Duisburgi, 1817. Blanchon (C.) * De l'iutoxicatiou mercu- rielle. 4°. Parti, 1868. KoxiNUS (P.) Consultatio de hydrargyria In: Circamundus (J. B.) Consult, de iiydrarg. 4°. Maceratce, 1618, 17-38. Bresson (M.-H.-L.) * De l'iutoxicatiou mer- curielle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860. Circamlndus (J. B.) Consultatio dc hydrar- gyria 4°. Maceratce, 1618. Corubolo (H.) * De morbis a mercurii abusu proficiscentibus. 8°. Patavii, 1834. Cron (C. F.) * Dc veneficio mercuriali. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1817]. Destay (A.) * Essai sur la paralysie mercu- rielle. 4-J. Paris, 1879. Dieterich (G. L.) Die Merkurialkrankheit in alien ihren Formen. 8°. Leipzig, 1837. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: J. d. conn, med., Par., 1840- 41, viii, pt. 1, 12-22. Drouot (F.) Des effets pernicieux du mer- cure (ongueut napolitain, calomel, etc.) et de quelques autres agents exclusivement appliques au traitement des maladies des veux. 8°. Pa- rti, 1849. Drysdale (C.-E.) Traitement de la syphilis et d'autres maladies sans mercure, ou recueil de temoiguages tcudaut a prouver que le mercure MERCURY. 181 MERCURY. Mercury (Toxicology of, and accidents from). est une cause de maladies, non un remede. Tra- iluit de i'anglais. 12°. Pan's, 1864. -----. The same. Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis und anderer Krankheiten ohne Quecksilber. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. Josef Hermann. 8°. Wien, 1868. Dihelir (D.) *Eksperiinentalnoe izucheuie toksikologicheskago i pharmakologicheskago diestvija rtuti. [Toxicological and pharmaco- logical cttccts of mercury. ] 8-. St. Petersburg, 1877). Dt'PRK (A.-H.) * De l'hydrargyrie. 4°. Pa- ris, 1884. Feixberg (B.) * Beitrag zur ehronischeu ge- werbliclien Quecksilberiutoxication. 8°. Er- langen. 1878. Freund (H.) *De morbis ex hvdrargyriasi. 8C. Berolini, [1845]. Gaicherand (P.) *Des Eruptions cutauees causees par l'aduiinistration interne du mercure (et en particulier de la forme scarlatineuse). 4°. Paris, 1886. Grapin (J.-B.-A.) *De la stomatite mercu- rielle. 4°. Paris, 1846. Gwalter (E.) *Ein Fall von Quecksilber - vergiftuug. 8°. Zurich, 1877. Habershon (S. O.) On the injurious effects of mercury iu the treatment of disease. 8C. Lon- don, 1~60.' Heim (E. M. A.) * Ueber die Mercurial-Krank- he;t. s-. Erlangen, 1837). Herrmann (J.) Die Mercurial-Kraukheiten und deren Verhiiltniss zur Lustseuche. 8°. Wien, 1865. Herrmann (O.) Ueber die Merkurialkrank- heiten, oder die schrecklichen Folgen, welche ein uuzweckmiissiger und zu lange fortgesetzter Ge- brauch des Quecksilbers bei venerischen Krank- heiten nach sich ziehen kann. Zur Warming und Belehrung fiir Alle, die vom Quecksilber Ge- brauch machen miissen. 12°. Leipzig, 1835. Horn (J. A.) *De noxis in corpus humanum ex abusu mercurialiuni redundantibus, eorumque remediis. 4°. [Gryphiswald, 1728.] Ingram (D.) A strict and impartial enquiry iuto the cause and death of the late William Scawen, esq., of Woodcote-Lodge, in Surry, as- certaining, from the medical evidences against Jane Butter-field, the impossibility of poison hav- ing been given him; to which is added an ac- count of accidental poisons, to which families are exposed, with their antidotes, under the follow- ing general heads, viz: stings and bites, vegeta- bles, minerals, fumes and vapours. ^ \ Lon- don, 1T77. Kalb (0.) *Ein Fall vou letalem Mercuria- lisiuus. 8°. Erlangen, 1876). Kalbe (L.) * Quelques observations d'hy- drargyrie a la suite de frictions niercurielles. 4°. Paris,'1871. Kalbfus (K.) * Ueber Mercurialkrankheiten hauptsachlich in Bezug auf ihre Aehulichkeit mit Syphilis, nebst den characteristischen Uuter- scheidungsiuerktnalen von derselben. .-'-'. Er- langen, 1834. Kramer (J. A.) * Ueber die Angina mercu- rialis fuueium. 8°. Erlangen, [1830]. Klssmall (A.) Untersuchungen iiber den constitutiouellen Mercurialismus und sein Ver- haltniss zur constitutionellen Syphilis. 8U. Wiirzburg, 1861. M'Mullin (J.) *De erythemate mercuriali. 8°. Edinburgi, 1805. Mareohal (P.) *Des troubles nervenx dans l'intoxication mercurielle leute. 4°. Paris, 1885. Mercury (Toxicology of, and accidents from). Mas.sie (A.-C.-E.) * Des accidents mercuriels. 4°. Paris, 1853. Mathias (A.) The mercurial disease. Au in- quiry into the history and nature of the disease produced in the human constitution by the use of mercury, with observations on its connexion with the lues venerea. 8°. London, 1810. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1811. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1816. -----. The same. Del morbo mercuriale, os- sia ricerche sulla storia e natura della malattia prodotta nell' nmaiia costitnzione dell' uso del mercurio, con osservazioni intorno alia sua con- ncssione colla lue venerea. Versione italiana del dottore T. Geusaua. 8°. Milano, 1818. -----. The same. Ueber die Merkurial- krankheit, oder genaue Darstellung der Ge- schiehte und wesentlichen Beschaffenheit aller sich durch Quecksilbermissbrauch im mensch- lichen Korper erzeugenden Uebelseynsformen, nebst einigen Beinerkungen iiber die gegenwar- tige Behandlungsart der Lustseuche. Nach der 3. eugl. Originalausgabe iibersetzt und mit vie- len praktischeu Anmerkungen versehen von Heinrich Robbi. ^ . Leipzig, 1822. Mraovich (A.) *De hydrargyrosi. 8°. Vi- enna; 1825. Niermeyer (J. H.) *Akademische proeve, bevattende een door den schrijver waargenomen ziektegeval. [Morbus mercurialis.] 8G. Leiden, 1856. Pa tli (H.) *Zur Lehre von der Hydrargy- rose und ihrer Therapie. 8\ Greifswald, 1874. Eambach (J. J.) "De hydrargyrosi. 8°. Dorpat, 1825. Samelsohn (J.) * De hydrargyrosi; adjecta observatione. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1864]. Schmitz (E. O.) * Ueber Quecksilber-Vergif- tung. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Schreiber (G. F.) *De morbo mercuriali. 4°. Erfordice, [1792]. Stoll (J. S. T.) *De mercurii in solidis cor- poris humani hwerentis noxa. 4C. Argentorati, [1760]. Ward (D.) An essay ou biliary derangement, and the excessive use of calomel, aud other mer- curials. 8°. Adrian, 1848. Weglau (M.) *Das Merkurialgesckwiir und seine Behandlung mit Broinwasscrstoffsiiure. 12°. Coesfeld, 1884. Wendt (J. C. W.) De abusu hydrargyri, jam magis magisque incresceute, uude morbi et affec- tiones morbosie, syphiliticis perstepe similes, nascuntur. 4 -'. H amies, 1823. Wlczek(F. C.) * De hydrargyrosi. 8C. Vin- dobona; 1826. Zander (H. A.) * De hydrargyrosi. 8°. Bero- lini, 1849. Zawadziniski (C.) * De hydrargyrosi. 8°. Cracoriee, 1830. Aeiil treatment in mercurial fever. West. M. Re- former, Cincin., 1844, iv, 97-99.—Aldiiiger (11.) Zur Lehre vom Mercurialismus, nach Beobachtungen an Further Quecksilherarheitern. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr.. 1861, ii, 362- 375. Also, Reprint.—Alexander. Ein Fall von acutem universellem Mercurialeczetn. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., AVien, 1884, xi, 105-110.— Alexandre. Observation iThydrargyrie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1835, ix. 46. Also: J". hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par., 1835, i, 103-108.— d'Antonio (G.) Avvelenamento acuto da niercnrio per T uso dell' uuguento cedrino come antipsorico. Liguria med., Genova, 1874, xix, 439-442.—Audhoui. Intoxica- tion mercurielle; tremblement; ictus apoplectiforme ; hemiparesie ; hemianesthesie; hemichoree ; guerison et rechute. Paris med., 1885, x, 229-232. — Axenfeld. In- toxication mercurielle; pas d'alhuminurie : presence du mercure dans la salive et dans lesuriues; extraction du mercure a l'etat metalliquo sous Tinthience de bains elec- triques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliii, 97.—Aynard. Observation d'un cas de choree mercurielle. J. de med. MERCURY. 182 MERCURY. Mercury (Toxicology of, and accidents from). de Bordeaux, 1863, 2. s., viii, 550-553.—Baa* (J.) Beob- achtungen iiber ilie beim k. k. Quecksilberwerke Idria voikoiiimeuden Erkrankuugen an Merkurialisnius. Wien. metl. Presse, 1886, xxvii. 711; 741; 774; 879; 944:977: 1010: 1104; 1133. Also [Abstr.]: Mitth. d. Ver. (1. Aerzte in Sttitrmark 188G. Graz, 1887, xxiii, 121-126.—Bacon. Mercurial poisoning. Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1853, n. s.. xxvi, III.—Baron (C.) Observations d'hydrargyric chez lies enfaus. Gaz. med. dePar., 1850, 3. s.. v, 25;'71. Also. Reprint. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1850, xv, 1-8 — Balcman (T.) Some observations in reply to Dr. Etlward Percival on the subject of the poison of mercury. Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1813, ix, 180-18."). -----. Notes of a case of mercurial erethism. Metl. Chir. Tr., Lund., 1818, ix, 220-233. — Bayer. Beobachtung einer Quecksilber- Vergiftung, entstantten durch Verarbeitung des Queck- silbers in einer Spie^elbelege. Arch. f. med. Krfahr., Beil.. 1820, i, 115 -127. — Beaugrand ( E.) Mercure; livgiene professiounelle. Diet, encvcl. d. sc med., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii, 85-89—Belfield (Wi T.) A case of mer- curial necrosis, with specimen. Med. Age, Detroit, 1887, v, 368. — Bciiliam (It. F.) tfc Hendley (H.) A case of poisoning by aminouiatt-d and red oxide of mercury. Brit. ■ M. J., Lonil , 1885, i. 484. — Bici-bnum. Ein auderer Fall von brandiger Zcrstiii-uini th r Mundhdhle hi l-'olge tics Kalomels, ncb*t einigen atiologisehen Benierkungen. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Boun, 1845, iv. 6- 12.— Biver. Observations sur les uleeres mercuriels. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1-43. x, 323-325.—Blaclic. Nonvelles observations sur Temploi du chlorate de potasse dans le traitcnient de la stomatite mercurieHe. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1855, xlviii, 120-127. — Blanc. Ob- servation d'ervthenie mercuriel scarlatinifornie. Province mod.. Lyon, 1887. ii, 393-396. — Boekhart ( M.) Zur Aetiologie uud Behandlung der ulceriisen Merkurial- stoinatitis. Monatsh. f. lirakt. Dermat., Ilaruh., 1885, iv, 245-259. — Koiicliaiil. Casd'empoisonuement mercuriel aigu. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1873, Par., 1875, 5. s., v, 227-22H. — BrauM (().) Exitus lethalis in Folge iniss- braiiclilich gohandliabter Schiiiiercnr. Deutsche med. WYIm.s.-hr., 'Leipz., 1887, xiii, 593. — Brodbelt (F. It.) Case of il. position of mercury upon the bones. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1799, v. 112-118—Brodhurst (B.) Symp- toms resembling syphilis produced by mercury. Med. Times, Loml.. 1850." i, 671.—Buckley'(C) Chronic mer- i-ui-i.il poisoning. Tr. X. York M. Ass. (1884), X. Y., 1885, i, 126-12!!. — Burton (It.) Mercury in the liverof woi kors in mirror manufactories, au experimental evidence of lo- j calization of metallic poisons. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1857, xv, 34.—By ford (\Y. H.) Mercurial niiicoeiiteritis. I Am. J. M. St:., l'hila.. 1857, n. s., xxxiii, 313-316.—Ca- baret (P.-J.) Stomalite mercurielle detei mince pai ties friciitms avec Tonguent citrin. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1851, xxvii. 119. Also: Abeille med., Par.. 1854, xi, 91.—t'an- stalt (C.) Leber Hytlrargviosis. lrhis: Klin. Riickbl. u. Anhandl.. 8°, Erlang, 1848, pt. 1. 91-102. — Carsten (IS. I Hvtlrargvrosis na geringe gif'ten calomel. Geneesk. Ti.jdsc.hr. v. dc Zcemagt. 'Gravenh"., 1804, ii, 271-275.—Cay- ley. Case of mercurial tremors aud paralysis; uncon- sciousness: prostration; cured by stimulation. Med. Times \- Gaz.. Lond., 1881, i, 35. — de (iiiiiville. Note sur Tintoxication mercurielle, suite dun mode popu- j lain; dc tiaiieinent dela gale. Bull. Soc. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1873, vii, 163.—Chanrielon (J.-T.-P.) Description d'un appareil destine a eviter les dangers d'einpoisonneinent dans la fabrication de fulminate de mercure. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 18+7, xxxvii, 215-217.— Chapin (J. B.) Insanity folio-wing exposure to fumes ot mercury. Am. J. Insan., Utica, X. V., 1863-4, xx, 335- 338.— Charpciiticr. Troubles cerebraux observes dans un cas (Tintoxication mercurielle professiounelle. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1885, 3. s.. xiii, 323-330. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 131-137. —ChevaUier. Sur la sante'des ouvrii'is qui manipulent le fulminate tie mercure dans des fabriques d'amorces pour les fusils a percussion. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1844, xxxii, 322-325.—C'lievallier [et al.]. Rapport medico-legal relatif a des nccideiis att dimes aux emanations niercurielles. Ibid., 1841, xxv, 388-406.— Cliitholin (C.) Are those diseases attributed to mer- curial action on the system of the human body peculiarly ami exclusively generated by it.' Edinb. M. \ lv, 91-109.—Ban jfer& Claudia! De Teiiipoisonncment par h- mercure. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 18)5, xx, 951-954. Also, transl.: Metl. Times, Lond., 1845, xii, 00- 62.— Bart-el. Sur un inoyen de soustrairc les ouvriers doreurs aux effets funestes lies vapeurs niciiurielles. X. Jour, tie med., chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1818, i, 256-258.— van Been (1.) Ecu inerkwaardig geval vim hydrargyria maligna. N. Arch. v. bin.- en buitenl. Geneesk., Zwollc 1848, iii, 1-18.—Belhaye (V.) De Tabus des lnercuriaux dans les maladies des nccouchees. Ann. de gvnee. et pediat.., Brux., 1841, 2. s., i, 116-119.—Bcmirhcliw (V.) Ltilita deljoduro di potassio nel morbo mercuriale. e nella stessa lue venerea restia al niercuria. (Lor. tl. sc. med. Torino, 1842, xiv, 129-140. — Bescroizillcs. Eczema hydrargyriqui', coi'iicidant avec une stomatite de. nieine na- ture et observe chez un jeuue garcon ii la suite dc frictions faites avec Tonguent .napolitain. France med., Par., 1885, i, 417-451. — Beutsch. Mcrkuiialfiebcr vou Sublimat'- Badern und Typhus. Med. Ztg.. Berl., 1856. xxv, 49.— Bobrzenxky (J. J. W.) lllustrissinii hypoclioinlriaci mors inisera ab inunctioiie mercuriali. Misc. Acatl. nat. curios., Lips., 1670, i, 185-193. -----. Von dem auf den ausserlichen Gebrauch einer Mercurialsalbe erf'olgten erbiirmlichen Tod einer lnilzsiichtigen grafliehen Person. Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf, Niirnb., 1755, i, 149-165.—Bowse (T. S.) Ap- plication i f mercurial lotion to the scalp. Med. Times A. Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 425.—Draper (W. H ) Mercurial poisoniug. N. York M. J., 188(1, xxxi, 626-628.—Broxte (A.) Tod (lurch zu hautige Wiedei-holiing einer aiztliclien Verordnung. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u chir. Klin., Leipz., 1833-4, iii, 369-371.— Bubar. Empoisonneinent mercu- riel par la poinmade au citrate acide de mercure. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 493. — Esser (('. L.) Einige (lurch den Missbrauch des Quecksilbers hervorgebraclite Krank- heitsfalle. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1826, ix, 024- 638. — Kvcrs (J. C. G.) Morbus mercurialis. In Iris: Brevis conspectus morboruui [etc. J, 8°, llagie-Comitis, 1841, 87-89.— Falconer (\V.) Reflections on the indis- criminate use of mercurial preparations in medicine. Tr. M. Son. Lond., 1812, i, 96-114.—Faueher (L.) Kapport sur des cas (Tintoxication mercurielle par Tusage de cap- sules au fulminate de mercure. Rev. sail, de Boideaux, 1886, iii, 165-168. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1886. viii, 572- 582.— Fa n ver ye. Observations sur les mauvais eti'etsde Temploi tin mercure dans quelques cas do maladies scro- phuleuses. J. gen. de med.. chir. et pliart. ., Par., 1809, xxxiv, 172-177. — F'aye. Schreibcn au Prof. Hcbra in Augelegenheit der Hetniann'schen Hvtlrargirose Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1861, xi, 649-651. — Centauries. Del enipleo del cloratc de potasa en la estomatitis mercurial. Gac. med., Lima, 1859, iv, no. 75, 340; no. 76. 351; no. 77, 364; no. 78, 377.—Ferrini (G.) L' elettro-ihimica nella itlrargirosi. [6 cases.] Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1858, clxvi, 252. — Fliigel. EineQuecksilberwasscisuclit. Me- niorabilicn, Heilbr., 1863, viii, 203-205. — Fournier (A.) Note sur le chlorate de potasse employe contre la stoinatite hydrargyrique avec continuation du traitement mercuriel. Union med., Par., 1856, x, 397; 401.—Frank (J.) Ery- thema mercuriale. Acta Inst. clin. ca*s. Univ. Vihiensis, Lipsia*. 1812, 22-29. — Fremy. Intoxication mercurielle: paralysie diffuse; hemianesthesie. France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 05-67.—Fryer (C.) Case of caries of hard palate from the abuse of mercury. Med. Press tV Circ, Lond., 1870, n.s., ix, 490.—Gallaiier. Chlorate of potash in mercurial stomatitis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., L57, n.s., xxxiv, 64-66.—ii a I la rd (T.) Des maladies causees par le mercure. Union metl , Par., 1867, 3. s., ii, 18; 137; 152. Also, in his: Notes et obs. de med. leg. [etc.J, 8°, Par., 1875, 113-128. Also, in his: Clin, med., 8°, Par., 1877, 577-617.— (aambcriiii (P.) Paralisi tremante degli arti superiori dipeudentc da idrargirosi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1839, 2. s., vii, 214-216. -----. Del clorato di potassa nella cura della stomatite mercuriale, membranosa ecc, tec. Ibid., 1856, 4. s., v. 81-93.— Ginline. Stomatite mercu- rielle guerie iapidcnient par le chlorate de potasse. J. de med. dc Boideaux. 1856. 2. s., i, 481. —CJorup-Be- sanez. Quecksilber in der Leiche eines an Meicurial- cachexie verstoiheuen Individuums. Jeuaisclie Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med., Jena, 1851, ii, 237-243. - Gotaas (J. O.) Misbrug af Mercurius. Norsk Mag. f. Lagcvi- densk., Chiistiania, 1852. vi. 35. —«; rail an (R.) Case of gangrene, oceasioi"-d bv the use of mercury. Tr. Ass. King's tfc I'ueeii's Cull. Phys. Ireland, Dubl., 18211, iii, 236-244. -«;ii a •/. {.).) Chemischer Natdiweis von der Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers bei Quo ksilber-Krankeii nach der Anwendung vou Salzbadern. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 1141; 1476; 1511; 1543.—«nerin de Mamen (H.) Observations sur une apoplexie sui venue pendant Tadniinistration des frictions niercurielles. Ann. de la med. physiol., Par., 1824, vi, 24-42.—Guglielminetti. Leber Blei- und Quecksilbervergiftungeu. Mitth. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Bern (1885), 1886, 3. Hft., 131-163.— MERCURY 183 MEECURY. Mercury (Toxicology of, and accidents from). O nil lery. Cas reinarquable d'ulceration au pli de Taine. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1852, iv, 269.—Crtildbrand (J. W.) De angina mercuriali observata. Acta. rig. Soc. med. Havn., 1792, iii, 410-420.—Hall (C. R. ) Caseof haemorrhage from the mucous surfaces, following the ex- hibition of mercury, -with remarks on the mode of action of mercurials in general. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1813, vi. 169-171.—Harrison (J. P.) Cases of mercurial disease, with reflections. West, Med. tfc Phys. J., Cincin., 1827-8, i, 129-141. -----. Diseases induced by mercury. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio, Columbus, 1841, 9-23.—van Hasselt (A. W. M.) Over het vergiftig vermogen van metallisch kwik, vooral in den vloeibaren toestand. Ncderl. Lancet. Gravenh., 1849-50, 2. s., v, 81-99. Also, Reprint,—Hebra. [Einige liemerkungen in Bezug auf Prof. Faye's Schrei- ben.l Wien. med. YVchuschr., 1861, xi, 651; 665.—Hiek- innii (J. W.) A case of acute hvdrargvsm. Metl. \- Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 424. — Horn (E ) Be- statigte Wirkungen der Schwefelbader in einer langwie- rigeu Merkurialkrankheit. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1813, 140. — IIn»s (M.) Hydrargyriasis chronica inaura- torum : tbrgyllaresjukdom. Hygit-a, Stockholm, 1840, ii, 345-348. — lirdrn'rgyrose. '|io cases. J Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wit-den i870. Wien, 1872,81-86. —Indiscreet (The) use of mercury by physicians. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1845, xxxii, 118-121.—Isambert. De quelques accidents locaux dus aux pieparations niercurielles appliquees k la surface de la peau. Bull, et mem. Sue. de therap. 1867-8, Par., 1868, 18-21. Also : Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1867, Ixxii, 488 ; 561.—Jackson (S.) Lever, with death from mercurial irritation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1828, iii, 289-293.—Jacqueme (('.) Albuinine dans les cas d'eni- poisonncment niercuriel. Marseille med., 1874. xi, 66(1- 662. — Jnrdou. Quelques inflexions sur la stomatite niercuriclle et sur l'emploi des niercuriaux. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1838-9, vi, pt. 2, 56-62.— Kahleis (B.) Leber die Mcrcurialro.se ( Li vthema mercuriale). J. d. pract, Heilk., Berl., 1823, hi. 6. St., 49-68. —Kami das regulinische Quecksilber in foreusischer Beziehung zu den Giften geziihltwerdeii ? Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb.. 1858, ix. 5. Hft,. 61-71. — Keller ( L. J. ) Ueber die Er- krankuiigeu in den Spiegelfabriken zu Sophienhiitte, Friedrichsthal, Neuhtirkenthalunil Elisenthalin Bobineii. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1860, x, 593-596. -----. Zur Frage iiber (leu konstitutionellen Merkurialisnius. Eine Er- klarung an Prof. Kussmaul. Ibid.. 1861, xi, 828. — Kle- tzinsky (V.) DieElektrolvseinderMerkurfrage. Ibid., 1858, viii, 810-812.—Klob (J.) Zur pathologischen Ana- tomie; akute Quecksilbcr-Veigiftung. Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 641-645.—Kreidmami. Hydrargvrum-Ery- sipel. Allg.med. Ceutr.-Ztg., BeiL, 1887, Ivi, 957.—Kuss- ■a mi I (A.) In Sachen des chronischen Mercurialismus. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1864. xvi, 130.— I. a horde (J.-V.) De Temploi du chlorate tie potasse comme nioyen pre- scrvatif et curatif de la stomatite mercurielle. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1858, liv, 10; 115. — Lamberg (C. M. ) Fall af qvicksilfverforgiftning. Upsala Lakaref. Ft'irh"., 1867-8, iii, 681-6S3.— Lambroii. La tete d'un chat qui pendant trois mois a pi is chaque .jour a pen pies deux grammes (Tonguent niivctniel. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1840, xv. 108.—I.arniande. Un eiytheme hytlrar- gyro-atrophique. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 188(1, li, 497-499. — Cciblinger. Gerichtsarztliehe Mittheilung iiber eine Veigif'tung mit Mercurius vivus. in Salhenforni j iu die Haut eingerieben zur Heilung von Scabies Wien. med. Wehuschr., 1869, xix, 1595-1597. — CeliiHe (M. ) j Recherches experimentales sur Tintoxication mercurielle; lesions des nerfs peripheriques dans celte intoxication. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1887, civ, 74-77. Also: France med., Par., 1887, i, 49-51. Also: Tribune med, Par., 1887, xix, 31. Also, transl. : Rev. de med. v cirug. pract., Madrid, 1887, xx, 169-172.— Colliot. Steatose du 1'oie et des reins consecutive a un einpoisonnenient par le sublime. Bull. Soc. anat. de J'ar. ( 1868), 1874, xliii, 437. [Rap. de Henocque], 620-623. — I;oriuser (F. W.) Ba- chengeschwure (lurch chronische Hydrargyrose. Spitals- Ztg., Wien, 1859, 6-9. — liowc (J.)' On fatal erethisnius ineicurialis from inunction. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 188.—liiieaw (J.) [A singular caseof mercurialisni; from external use of black wash ] Indian M. (Jaz.. Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 79— Ludwig (E.) Leber den Nachweis des Quecksilbers in thierischen Substanzen. Med. Jahrb., AVien, 1880, 493-497—de JMacedo (L. A ) Hidrargiria inanil'estada gcnoialinciite como consecuencia del uso tie la pomada lnercurial. para combatir la obstiuceiim esplc- nica. Espana med., Madrid, 1861. vi. 215-217.—.TiePher- son (J.) Case of permanent black discoloration of the skin from the effects of cinnabar. Tr. M. tfc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1845, ix, pt. 1, 278. — ill>Mnil in (J.) Essay- on erythema mercuriale. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1806, ii, 25- 37. — iflansurotr ( N. ) Sluchai nierkurialnago zolovo- kruzheiiiva i drunoti. |Case of lnercurial vertigo.] Med. Vestnik, St, Petersb., 1864, iv, 139. — Mapother (E. D.) Lecture on mercurial trade disease. Dublin M. Press tfc Circ, 1866, i, 531-533. — ITIarti (S. B.) Adherencias con- Jflercury (Toxicology of, and accidents from). secutivas si la estomatitis mercurial; incision; recidiva; incision y extirpacion; cicatrizacion aislada de sus extre- mes por la dilatacion con niedios mec&nicos; curacion completa. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1879, v, 113-116.— ITIarx (E.) Observation d'hvdrargyrie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1859, 2. s., iv, 169-174.'-----. Hydrargyrie consecutive ii l'emploi de frictions niercurielles. Mem. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1866, i, 278-285.— .'la/.ailf (d'Anduze). Observations snr Temploi du chlo- rate de potasse dans le traitement de la stomatite mercu- liellect de la stomatite ulceio-niembraneuse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1856, 1, 337 -344. — iVIelsens. Me- moire sur Temploi (l'iodure de potassium pour combattre les affections saturnines et niercurielles. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par.. 1849, 3. s., xxvi, 215-256. Also, in: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1853, xi, 201-224. [See; also, supra, Corson.]—iVlcrcurial (On) ulcerations. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1814, iii, 153-156.—ltlerget. De l'influeuce qu'il faut attribuer aux vapeurs niercurielles dans Tenipoison- nement professionnel par le mercure. Rev. san. (le Bor- deaux, 1884-5, ii, 33. — Mink Sc Peklo. Chronische Quecksilbervergiftimg. Ber. d. k. k. Krankeuh. Wieden, 1871, Wien, 1873, 144-147.—Molleson (J.) Case of im- mense abscesses and death, resulting from mercury ap- plied in excessive quantity. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1826, ii, 255.—rV . . . Observation sur un enipoisonnemeut lent produit par la solution de muriate suroxygene de mercure, connue sous le nom de liqueur de Van-Swieteu. J. gen. de med., chir. ct pharm., Par., 1821, lxxv, 313-335.— Neukirch (R.) Zwei Fiille von chronisehei-Queoksilber- Vergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 820-823.— Nicholson (J.) Case of erythema mercuriale, accom- panied by an affection of the cornea. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1812, viii, 39-41.—Nicol. Ein Fall von acuter Vergiftung durch Explosion von Mercurius vivus. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1882, xix, 568.—Nouvelles observations des effets rapides du chlorate de potasse dans la stomatite mercu- rielle chez l'adulte. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1855, xlviii, 437-442. — Observation de unas convuisiones mercuiiales producidas por los trabajos de las minas de Almaden. Bol. de metl., cirug. y farm., Madrid. 1843, 2. s., iv, 203. — Ollivier (A.) Contribution a. Thistoire de Tenipoisonneinent mercuriel aigu. Arch, de plivs. norm. et path., Par., 1873, v, 547-557— Oppolzer. Stomatitis mercuiialis. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1862, 200.—Orfila. Re- cherches medico-legales relatives a Tempoisoimement par- ies composes inercuriels. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1839, xix, 587-596. -----. De Tempoisonnen :nt par les prepara- tions niercurielles, considere sous un point de vue nou- veau. J. de chim. med., etc, Par., 1830, vi, 289; 321. Also: Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1830, xxiii, 5-35. -----. Mercure; toxicologic Diet, encvcl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii, 78-85.—Overbeek (R.) Zur Lehre vou tier Hydrargyrose. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1860, x, 198. -----. Regulinisches Quecksilber in inenschlichen Kuo- chen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1861, xxii, 420. -----. Zur Lehre von der Hydrargyrose beim Menschen. Ibid, 422.— Passot (P.) Observation de chloro-anemie mercurielle rapitlenient guerie par le fer. Gaz. ined. de Lyon, 1852, iv, 119— Pedrelli (M.) Clorato di potassa e niercui io. Bull. d. sc. ined. tli Bologna, 1876, 5. s., xxi, 424- 432. — Percival (E.) On the nature of the diseases af- fecting persons employed in silvering mirrors, described bv Dr. Batenian in the report of the Carey Street Dispen- sary for July, 1812. Edinb. M. Sc S. J.,'l813, ix, 62-66. [zee, also, supra, Bateman.]—Petithan. Casinteressants du niercurialisme. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1882, 3. s., xxii, 378-381. -----. Iodure iutus; mercure extra; mye- lite grave; guerison. Ibid., 1884, 3. s., xxvi, 73-78! — PiflTard (H. (J.) A case of gangraenopsis. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1879, iii, 9-IL —Porta y tidal (J.) Estomatitis mercurial; curacion por el zunio de Granada. Gac med. catal., Barcel., 1883, vi, 120.—Postei de Francierc. Lettre sur Tabus des remedes popu- laires. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc , Par., 1761, xv, 426- 434.—Potter (J. W.) Eighteen grains of blue-pill fatal in au adult. Lancet, Loud., 1838, i, 215.—Pouchet (. Also, in: Hoffmann (C. L.) Opusc. lat. med. arg. 8°. Monast. Westphal., 1789, 243-264. Joseph (G.) * Hydrargyrum bichlorutuni cor- rosivum quid in respiratione cordisque actione efficiat ? 8°. Grypliia; 187)8. Lavort (J.-B.-A.) * Considerations nitSdicales sur le muriate de mercure suroxigeue, ou su- blime corrosif. 8°. Paris, an X [1802]. Lettre de M. Sibuet, adresse'.e a Marie de Saint-Ursin. inseree dans le Xo. 34 de la Gazette de saute". Reponse de MM. Lajoie, medecin; Marcelot, chirurgien ; ctDorez, pharmacien. 4°. [n. p., n. d.'\ Meurer (F.) * De vitandis in pra*scribendo mercurio sublimato corrosivo vitiis. 4 . Lip- siw, [1826]. Mi'llkr (C. F.) * Diss, de hydrargyro ninria- tico corrosivo. H-. Halce, [1825]. Prld'hox ( E.-H. ) * Sur le sublime" corrosif, considere" comme agent chimique, toxicologique et therapeutique. 4\ Paris, 1824. Rust (J. C. V.) " De mercurii sublimati cor- rosivi natura et usu. 8°. Rostochii, 1829. Stockhalsen ( A. F. ) * De mercurii subli- mati corrosivi usu medico interne sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1758]. Aline* (H.) Note sur le sublime employe comme re- ennstituant. Union ined.. Par., 1869, viii, 158-162.—Auic- lang (E.) Ueber die ausserliche Anwendung des Subli- mats in Geschwiiren und chronischen Aussehlags-Krank- heiteu. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1828. xii, 325-332.— Barbiit. Observations et remarques sur le sublime cor- rosif. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1776, xlvi, 38- 44. — Ramiies. Observation sur les effets du sublime corrosif dans les maladies de la lymphe. Ibid., 1778, lvii, 423-430. — Be lire ml. Ueber die Anwendung des Subli- niats nach Dzondi. J. (1. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1830, Ixx, 5. St., 37-49.—Cliantourelle. Experiences sur Taction du deuto-hydrochlorate de mercure. J. gen.de med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1822, lxxxi, 309-331. —Coze. Memoire snr faction du sublime corrosif, sur les Unities du corps huniain et sur la reaction de ces nieines Unities sur le su- blime corrosif. J. denied., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1789, Ixxx, 29-80.—D. & P. Leber dieBereitung dei- Snbliinat- Verbaudstoffe nach der neueu Beilage 5 der Kriegs-Saui- tats-Ordnung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1887, xvi, 311-321.—Davy (J.) Some observations ou corrosive sublimate. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1822, 357-366. -----. On the action of corrosive sublimate on the textures of the human bodv. In his; Researches, Phys. Sc Anat., 8°. Loud., 1839, ii, 279-289.—Fonswagrives. Sublime; p'narniacogra- phie. Diet, eucvcl. tl. sc. med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xii, 480- 500.—Gardiner (J.) A particular method of giving the corrosive sublimate mercury in small doses as au anthel- mintic Essays Sc Ohs. Phil. Soc. Edinb., 1771, iii, 380- Merciiry (Bichloride, or corrosive chlo- ride, of). 394.—Giacosa (P.) Snllo sierodi latte al sublimato nella inedicazione antisettiea. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1886. 4. s.. iii. 152-157. — IIaasbaurc. Beitrag zur Em- pfehlung del- Subliinatbaderbei Flechten und chronischen Fussgeschwiiren. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 144-146. —Heine (J.) Ueber die Anwendung desQueck- silliei sitblimats in einer haufigen Form der Pneunionie und im Ilospital'orande, eingeleitet durch parteiische Be- trachtuugen iiber den moderncn Typhus und einige Ent- wicklinigsstufeii der Hiinioralpathologie. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heitlell)., 1844. i, 355-390. — Hcraeus (\V.) Subli- matdiiinpfeals nesiiifectiousniittel. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1886, i. 235-242.— Hoehsteltcr. Die Subliinatbiider. Memorabilieu, Heilbr., 1858, iii, 24-27.—Ives (L.) On the effects of the corrosive sublimate of mercury. Cases Sc Obs. M. Soc. N.-Haven County, 1788, 42. —Kernuclren. Des proprietesdu sublime corrosif pour la conservation du hois, et des effets de cette preparation sur la sante des ma- rins. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1835-6, v, 41-63. —Krci- bohni. Zur Desinfection der Wohnraume mit, Subliiuat- danipfen. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1886,i, 363-30S.—Jlarle ( M.) Ueber den Einfiuss des Quecksilbersubliuiats auf die Magcnveidauung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1875, iii.'397-4ll.—.TIasscrotti (V.) Intorno all' iodoidrargirato di bicloruro di mercurio. Esculapio napol., Napoli, 1848, xxvi, 5-i; 108; 167.— Maut. Obser- vations sur 1'usage iiiterieur du subliiue-corrosif J. de med., chir.,pharm., etc,Par., 1777, xlviii, 396-405.—Jleyer (V.) Versuche iiber die Haltbarkeit der Subliinatlosuu- geu. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xiv, 449-453.— Pi- brae. Sur 1'usage du sublime corrosif. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1768, iv, 153-163.—Plummer (J. T.) Cor- rosive sublimate as a vesicant. Med. Counsellor, Colum- bus. 1856, ii, 505-5"8.— Pserhofer. Sublimat. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk iu Uugarn, Oedenburg, 1856, vii, 1-3.— Rollet. Note sur l'emploi therapeutique du bi-chlorure de mercure dissous dans l'huile d'amandes donees. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1858, x, 63.—von Rothmund jun. Ei- nige Beinerkungen iiber die Anwendung des Sublimats. Festschr. d. arztl. Ver. Miinchen, etc., "1883, 296-300.— Smith (A. H.) On the tolerance of corrosive sublimate in small aud frequent doses. Med. Rec, X. V.. 1884. xxvi, 312.—Some observations upon the use of corrosive subli- mate. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1762,ii, 70-87.—Spen- der (J. K.) The function of bichloride of mercury in the treatment of diseases of the skin. J. Cutan. M., Lond., 1870-71, iv, 186-190. — Thedcn (J. C. A.) Vertbeidi- gung des innerlichen Gebranclis ties Sublimats. Med.- chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1791. ii, 373-376. — Thoulouse (E.) Des applications tie la poudre impalpable de sublim6 cor- losif. Abeille, med., Par., 1876, xxxiii, 217-221-.—Wal- ter. Ueber die ausserliche Anwendung des Quecksilber- subliuiats bei veuerischen Geschwiiren und Feigwarzen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1823, v, 138-141. — von Wedekind ( F.) Ueber den Gebrauch des Sublimat- wassers. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1822, lv, 2. St., 3; 3. St., 36.— Wendelstadt. Bruchstiicke aus meiner Er- fahrung iiber die ausgezeichuete Wirksamkeit des atzen- den salzsauren Quecksilbers (Sublimats), nicht nur bei venerischen, sondern auch inancherlei andern Krank- heiten. Ibid., 1809, xxviii. 5. St., 69-77. —van Wy (J.) Leber eine besondere Bereitung des iitzeuden Sublimats. N Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundiirzte, Leipz., 1785, 8. St., 246-268. — Wyki*«aly (W.) Diss. med. de mercurii sublimati corrosivi iu hylide efflcacitutoque usu. Vienna;, 1780. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.], 12°, Frankf. u. Leipz., 1782, xv, 68-82. Mercury (Bichloride of, Antidotes to). Azione del ferro sopra del sublimato corrosivo. Es- culapio napol., Napoli, 1840, xviii, 302-305.— lirililow (G.) Dr. Buckler's proposed antidote to mercurial poisons Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, i, 643-645.—Bowtock (J.) Experi- ments to ascertain how far the presence of albumen and mu- riatic acid interfere with action of bichloride of mercury and protomuriate of tin upon each other. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1825, xxiii, 65-69.—Buckler (T.H.) On the use of gold- dust and iron-tilings as a galvanic antidote to corrosive sublimate, and all the other poisonous compounds of mer- cury. Maryland M. Sc S. J., Bait., 1840, i, 52-63. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, i, 569-572.— Uiiiiioncpnii Sc Planehon. Observations sur le contrepoison du su- blime corrosif. J. denied., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1778, xlix, 36-39.—Evans (J.) An account of the good effects of alkaline salts in counteracting the poison of corrosive sublimate. Metl. & Phys. J., Lond., 180J, iii, 535.—John- ston (C.) On gold dust and iron tilings, as an antidote fur corrosive sublimate. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1863, n. s., xiv, 339-342.— Lassaigne (J.-L.) Recherches sur la nature et les propriety du compose que fuune l'albumine avec lo bichlorure tie mercure. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1836, 2. s.. ii, 458-460: 1837, 2. s., iii, 161; 213.—Or- fila. Note sur le nouvel antidote du sublime corrosif propose par M. Mialhe. [Protosulphuret of iron.] Ibid., 1843, 2. s., ix, 10-12. — Poumet (J.-YJ Recherches t-» ex- •MERClTttY. 186 MKRCITRV. Mercury (Bichloride of, Antidotes to). periinentations sur le proto-ohlorure detain, considere eoitmie centre poison du deiito-chlorure de mercure Ann. | .1 liyg.. Par.. 1845 xxxiv, 181; 408. Also, Keprint.—Nrhra- de'r (L.) Liweiss und Magnesiahyilrat als Autidota bei Suliliuiatvergiftungeii. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, vi, s7: 39). Mercury (Bichloride of, Toxicology of). Ste; also. Ovariotomy (Antiseptic method in). Uaubk (K.-J.) "Sur rcinpoisonnement par le sublime corrosif. 4-. I'aris, 1829. Bkaykk (A.-B.) "Snr l'eiiipoisonneinent par le sublime corrosif. 4-. Paris, 1814 Cu.vrssiKit (F.) Consultations m6dico-l(?gales snr tint* accusation d'einpoisonneinent par le su- blime" corrosif. 8:. Paris, 1811. Maxceh P.-X.) 1 )t renipoisouueiuent par le ] deiito-chlorure de mercure. 4°. Paris, 1839. j Oiiloff (P. E.) * K voprosu o kolichestveu- | nom opredeleuii rtuti v trupacli jivotnych otra- vlennych stilcmojou. [(Quantitative analysis of mercury in animal body poisoned by corrosive sublimate.] S0. .S7. Petersburg, 1889. Pl.\xciie(L.-A.) * Essai sur Faction reciproque de quelques sels aiumoniacaux et de l'oximuriate de mercure (sublim6 corrosif), pour servir a l'histoire dc l'empoisauueineut par ce sel nietal- liqne; pr^ct5d6 d'observations sur an nouveau sel ammoniacal. 4-. I'aris, 1815. Alibert. Eczema produit par le sublime corrosif eu frictions: dartre squammeuse humide; herpes squammo- sus iiiaiUtlans de Alibert. Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1837, iv. -j5. — Aiiilei-wecU \ llambii-jjci-. Zwei Fiille von Subliiuat - Vergiftung durch Salbe: Ohd notions- Bericht. Vrtl.ischr. f. gerichtl. u. iitf. Med., Berl., 1804, n. F., i, 187- 210. — Anderson (C.) Case of severe affection of the stomach, produced by the external application of an alco- holic solution of muriate of mercury. Edinb. M. &, S. J., 1811, vii, 4:17-439.—Anderitou (IL) Case uf poisoning by corrosive sublimate. Ibid . 1818. xiv, 474-476.—Andrew (J.) Case of poisoning with corrosive sublimate. Month. J. M. Sc. Loud, tfc Kdiub.. 1815. v, 102-104.—Annan (R.) Fatal periostitis from the incidental external use of corro- sive sublimate. Med. Times, Lond., 1846, xiv, 381.— Ariiozaii A: Vaillard. Lesions du pancreas chez un Li pi i i einp'tisoniie par tin sublime. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1883-4, xiii, 223. .t(,vo: Ball. Soc. d'anat. et phy- siol. . . . tie Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 31.—Auer (L.) Ein Fall von Sublimat-Vergiftung. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1860, vii, 609. — Barthelcmy. Empoisonneinent accidentel par letleuto-chloi ure de mercure Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1880, 3. s.,iv, 337-314. Also: Soc. tie rut .1. It-, tie France. Bull.. Par., 1880-81, vi, 368-375. — Berthod. Accouchement normal; huit injections vaginales avec solution de sublime ii 1-2000 pendant les suites de couches; mort. Gaz. med. tie Par.. 1887 7. s . iv. 219— Bigham (J. (1.) Sudden death from corrosive sublimate. Am. M. Times, N. V., 1862, iv, :S47. — Biaeklnek (A.) Case of poisoning with corrosive sublimate. I'M i nb. M. Sc S.J.. 1831, xxxvi. 92-94.— Board- man iJ.) Report of cases of poisoning bv corrosive sub- J limate. Buffalo M. J., 1858-9, xiv, 196-199. — lit);;' (T. W.) A caseof poisoning by corrosive sublimate. L meet, Lond., 1878, ii, 877.—Browne (H. P.) Case of poisoning from corrosive sublimate and white lead : recovery. Dub- lin M. Press, 1861, xiv, 121.—But linuuaii (W.) Case of poisoning bv corrosive sublimate. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xix, 374-376.—Budd (W.) A case of disease pro- duced by taking one ounce of corrosive sublimate : suc- cessfully treated. Phila. M Museum, 1806, ii, 180-183. AUo : Med. tt Phys. J., Lond., 1807, xviii, 347-349.—Bur- well (H.) Case of poisoning by corrosive sublimate suc- cessfully treated. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1841, n. s., ii, 515.—Butcher ill. G. H.) On poisoning by corrosive sublimate injected into the vagina. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1856. xxi, 242. —Butte (L.) De lintoxication par le su- blime corosif employ6 comme autiseptiipie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1886, 8. s.. iii, 491-493. Also.- Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 167—t'abot (S.) Poisoning by corrosive sublimate. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1861, lxv, 218- 220. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1859-61), 1862, iv. 233-235.—C ad bury (R.) Salivation from corro- sive sublimate dressings. Phila M. Times, 1883-4, xiv, 952.—Carey (EL G.) Fatal poisoning from corrosive sub- limate. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Burlington, N. J., 1856, ix, 209.—Cane of death from oxymuriate of mercury. Metl. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1819, xii, 204-206 —Caso di vene- ficio mortale per sublimato corrosivo. Gazz. med. ital , prov. venete, Padova, 1859. ii. 169-171.— CazaU. Obser- vation sur un empoisonneinent volontaire par depit amou- reux, contre lequel leau a la gl ice a ete employe ,t\ t-e sue- ce.s. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1810, xxiii. 337-34 i —Charl- Jlercury (Bichloride of, Toxicology of). ton (E.) Fatal case of poisoning by corrosive sublimate Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1872, i. 211.—Chan in &, Kojfer (G.-H ) Des lesions intestiuales dues ii faction tin su. blunti. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par., 1880, 8. s., iii, x>9- 361. — ChaiiMtiier &, tlaif. (lerielitlich-medit-iii'isclie Lntersuchungon iiber eine iweifelhafte Vergiftung durch Subliiuat: nebst einem Voi worte von A. llenkc. "ztschr f d. Staatsar/.uk., Erlang., 1824, 3. Ergnzngshft., 1-69.— CI heronj (J.) Contributions a l'etude de"l intoxication par le sublime en obstetrique. Rev. med.-chir. d mal. d. femmes, Par., 1885, vii, 5-10. — ChevaUier (A.) Km- poisonneiuent par le sublime corrosif J. tic chim. metl. etc, Par., 1834. x. 723-727.—ChevaUier & lta«tieii. La solution de sublime corrosif proi -ipite-t-elle I'infiision du the? Ibid., 1838. 2. s.. iv. 516-518.—Church (II. M.j Oq a caseof poisoning by corrosive sublimate. Edinb .M J., 1886-7, xxxii, 795-81)0.'—Clark IP. J.) Poisoning honl corrosive sublimate in obstetrical practice. Med. Rec N. V., 1886, xxx, 345— Clcvenjjcr (S. V.) Corrosive sublimate poisoning. Chicago M. Key., 1880. i, 251.— Coale (\V. K.) Poisoning by corrosive sublimate; death on the 11th day. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1851, n. 8., xxi, 47-49. Also : Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve , 1848-53^ i. 1117-109.—Co^hlan (J.) Case of poisoning by corrosive sublimate. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., I860, i. 162.— Cu in in insjw (A. I.) Poisoning by bichloride of mer- cury. Boston M. tfeS. J.. 1852, xlvi, 78.-I>a Cumin (I<\) Cura di avvelenamento provocato con una dose sorpnn- dente di sublimato corrosivo ineqjato e condotta fclicc- mente a termine. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Vine. zia, 1837. vi, 84-100.— «a Coxta (L M.) Mercurial poi- soning from fumes of corrosive sublimate, followed by abscess of the abdominal wall iu the hepatic region (sup. posed to be a sequela of typhoid fever); pleural effusion death. Hosp. (Jaz.. N. Y„ 1879, vi, 339-341.—Dahl (F.) Anatoniisclier Nachtrag zu dem Subliinatvcrgit'tungsfalh' ties Prof Statlfeldt. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1884, viii, 195.—Dakin (\V. R.) On mercurialism in lying-in women undergoing sublimate irrigation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1886), 18-<7, xxviii, 281-307.—Dcgncr (J. H.) R.-latio his- torica de casu singulari quo per mercurium sublimation iu emplastro adplicatum mors inducta fuit. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norinib., 1742, vi (app.), 1-36.—DciiImcIi. Vergif- tung durch Queeksilber-Sublimat. Med. Ztg lifi-l, 1851, xx, 153.— Devergie (A.) Observation extraite d'un rap- port fait a M. le procureur du roi, sur un empoisonnenient par le sublime corrosif. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1825, ix, 461-471. -----. Memoire sur la valeur des moyens pro- poses pour reconnaitre le sublime corrosif dan's les eni- poisonnements. Ann. d'hyg., Par , 1834, xi, 411-440. Also: J. hebd. d. progr cl. sc. et inst. ined.. Par., 1834, i, 205; 245. — Dimidotr (A.) Sulema, kak sred., nplotnja., mozge. | Sublimate as a remedy affecting the brain. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 472-474. — l>oleri» & Butte (L.) Recherches experimeiitales sur 1'intoxication par le sublime emplo\e pour le lavage des muqueuses saines et ties plates. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1886, 8. s., iii, 562-507. Also .- N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec., Par., 1886, i, 73H-756. — Down* (EL S.) Case of poisoning by corrosive sublimate, and death ensuing in forty hours. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1861, 69-71. — Diimm (A. W.) Poisoning bv corrosive sublimate. Ohio M. Recorder, Co lumbus, 1877, ii, 162-164. — Durrant (C. M.) Poison- ing by corrosive sublimate; death in four days. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1850, 369.—Eade. Case of poisoning witli corrosive sublimate. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 302.— Eller. Gutachten iiber eine vennuthete Vergiftung. Repert i tl. iitf. u. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl.. 1789. i. 248-253. — El- Ma*wcr (M.) Sublimatvergiftung im Woehenbett. On trallil. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1884, viii, 449-451—Empoison- neineut parle sublim6 corrosif Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1835 xiii. 225-227.—Empoiaoniienieiit par le sublime corro- sif domic comme calomel. J. tie chim. med., etc., Par., 1855, 4. s., i, 530-535.—Empoisonnemeut par le su- blime corrosif, suivi de mort le 12r jour. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 445. — Fiorioli della Lena (V.) Avve- lenamento per bicloruro di inereurio. Gazz. med. di To- rino, 1885, xxxvi, 457-463. — Flcischmann (('.) Tod- liche Sublimatvergiftung nach einer zweimaligeu Schei- denaiisspiilung. Centralbl. f Gynak., Leipz., 1886, x,761- 705. — Fracnkcl ( E.) Ueber toxische Enteritis im Ge- folge tier Sublimatwunilbehaiiillung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1885, xcix, 276-288 — Fraacr. Case of poison- ing with corrosive sublimate. Med. Chron.. Montreal, 1857, iv. 163-165.—Fries. Fall von Sublimat-Veigiftiing Verhandl. tl. Ver. pt iii/.. Aerzte 1863, Kaiserslauteru, 1864. 13. — FrilMch (H.) Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz des Dr. Keller. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1885. ix, 513.—«lo- ver (R. M.) On the absorption of corrosive sublimate m cases of poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1844, ii, 57. — 5", (VV. W.) Poisoning with perchloride of mercury. N">'la- west M. tfc S. J., Chicago, 1851-2, viii. 405-407.—Hacker. Sehr starke Mundatfection nach kleinen Gabeu Subliiuat. Summ. d. Netiest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d ges. Med.. Leipz., 1836 n. F. ii. 277-280. — Halla. Siihliiiiai-V.rgiftnug. Metl.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien. 1878, xiii, 441.—Hawtreiter. Subliinatukzcin. Med.-chir. Cor.-Bl. f. deutsch am. A-r*te MERCURV. 187 MERCURY. Jlercurv (Bichloride of, Toxicology of). Buffalo, 1884, ii, 273-277. — Henry (W.) Case of poison- ing bv corrosive sublimate. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1811, vii, ISO.—II era pa Ih (W. B.) Po soiling with the bichloride of mercury. Lancet. Lond.. 1845. ii. 650; 699. — von He■-II' (()'.) Leber Ursache und Vcrhiitung der Subli- iuat-Veigiftung bei geburtslii'iltlicbcn Ausspi'ilungen des Lterus und tier Vagina. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl.,'1884-5, xxv. 187 -503. — Ilililebrnndt. Zwei Kit lie von Subli- matintoxication. Deutsche med. Wclmschr., Berl., 1886, xii. 358.— Hodges (R. M.) Fatal jioisoning by corrosive sublimate. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1855. n. *.. xxix. 61-63. Also, in: Kxtr. Rec. Lost. Soc. M. Improve. (1851-5), 1856, ii, 143-145.—Hoist (I. C ) Var det Subliinatforgiftiiiiig '. Tiilsskr. f. prakt. Med.. Kristiania, 1886. vi, 405-409.— Iloi-t ( \V. P.) Case of poisoning with corrosive subli- mate, in which the administration of charcoal afforded great relief. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1830. vi, 540— lloul- ston (T.) A remarkable instance of a patient's recovery after taking a very large dose of corrosive sublimate. Lond. M. Ji, 1785, vi. -71-274. — I llinv-worlli (11. S. ) Case of poisoning by corrosive sublimate. Loud. M. (raz., 1813, n. s.. i, 556.—'.Icrzykowski ( S. ) Przvezynek do uzycia sublimato w jioloznictwie. [Case of poisoning by sublimate in childbed.] Gaz. lek.. Warszawa. 1884, 2. s!, ] iv, 419-423. — Jollcs ( VI.) Lntersuchuiigen iibei die Su- bliiuat vergiftung und deren Beziehungen zur Fermentin- toxikation. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxxvi, 1469; 1507. Also, Reprint. — Keller ( 11.) Ein Fall vou todli- cher Subliiuatintoxikation. Centralbl. f. Gvuiik., Leipz., 1885, ix. 497; 513.—liersten. Subliinatvcrgiftung. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii. 405-407.—Ketli (K.) Merge- zes niaro higanyuyal; felhago heveny bibles folytan halal. [ Poisoning by corrosive sublimate. ] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest. 1878, 81-85. Also, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv, 129; 150. — Kolniner. Sur un cas d'eiupoisonnement par 2 centigrammes tie sublime cor- rosif. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1878. xev, 75.— Kiimmcll (IL) Leber Siiblimatintoxikation bei Lapa- rotomies Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 377-382. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1886, xii, 585-587 — Eaaehe (S.) Sublimatforgiftning. Norsk Mag. f. Licge- vidensk.. Christiania. 1885, xv, 501-506. — Eadrcit de ILacharriere. Empoisonneinent par le deiito-chlorure tie men tire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 35-40. [Rap. dc DolbeauJ. 40.—Ijassaignc (J.-L.) Observation sur I 'existence siinultanee tie l'albuniine et du deiito- chlorure tie mercure (sublime corrosif) dans l'estomac d'un cheval einpoisonne par cette derniere substance. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1823. x. 16-18. -----. Obser- vations chimiques recueillics sur les organes et les visct'res humains a la suite d'un eiiipoisonneiuent par le sublime corrosif. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1858, 2. s., x, 200-205.—Cend- rick ( C.) Case of recovery from the effects of corrosive sublimate. Tr. Ass. King s \ ('men s Coll. Phys. Ireland, Dubl., 1820, iii, 310-315. — Eoweuhardt. Acute Subli- matvergifcung mit toiltlichein Ausgange, wobei durch die schnell instituirte Tracheotoniie die plotzlich eintretende Erstickung abgewendct wurde. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1839, viii, 32. -----. Fall von Subliinatvergiftung, die (lurch Enteri- tistodtete. Ihid., 33. — liin-j- (A.) Mittheilungen ausder Praxis; Vergiftung mi Quecksilberchlorid; Totlnach9Ta- gen. Wien. med. Presse, 1874. xv, 793-796.—Eohmeycr. Vergiftung durch Sublimat. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med. Coll. 1839. Koblenz, 1842, 154 — I. ilea* (R. H.) Case of poi- soning by corrosive sublimate ; death from collapse. Med. Times &.'a- ■nias (G.) Due casi di veneticio, uno per acidi miuerali, 1 altro per sublimato corrosivo. Gior. veneto di sc. med. Venezia, 1869, 3. s.. x, 66-84. JTlercury (Bichloride of) as a disinfect- ant. See, also. Antiseptic obstetrics; Antiseptic surgery; Wounds (Treatment of). Cleland (W. L.) Albuminate of corrosive sublimate as a surgical dressing. Australas M. Gaz., Syduey, 1885-6, v, 65.—Dubois (E.) Sur l'emploi du sublime corrosif (■online antisejitique. Livre jubil. jmblie p la Soc. de med. de Gaud, etc, Gaud, 1884, 411-419.—Kicr (J.) Om Su- blimat som antistptisk Saarbehandlingsiniddel. Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 577; 601; 627; 649.—Ogni- beue (A.) 11 deiitoeloruro di mercurio nella cura delle jiiaghe e ferite usato in Italia da oltre venti anni. Gior di med. mil., Roma, 1884, xxxii. 313-318.—Olst n (J.) Su- blimat som Desinfektionsniiddel. Norsk Mag. f. Leege- vidensk., Christiania. 1884. xiv, 899-901. — Rudall (J. T.) On the surgical use of perchloride of mercury as au anti- scpLe Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1887, n. s, ix, 208-272.— Smith (C.) Corrosive .sublimate as a dressing in minor surgery. Glasgow M. J., 1887, [4.] s., xxvii, 21-25.—Stern- berg (G. M.) The comparative antiseptic value of the salts ami oxides of mercury. Metl. News. Phila.. 1885, xlvii, Js, — Mzabo (D.) Sublimat mint fertiiztelenito. [Sublimate as a disinfectant.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest 1884. xxviii. 1029- 1037. — Taiiigiiehi (Ldzura). [Hy- dra rg. bichlor. as a surgical dressing. | Chiugai Iji Shinp'o Tokio, 1886, no. 142, Feb. 25.— Vaughan (V. C.) Con- siderations concerning the practical use of mercuric chlo- ride as a disinfectant, Med. News., Phila,, 1885. xlvii, 235. Mercury (Bromides of). Smith (P.) Bromide and bibroinide of mercury as the- rapeutic agents. Brit, M. J., Loud., 1808. ii, 421— Wer- nct-It. Therajieiitische Versuche iiber das Broni-Queck- silher. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl., 1830. xiv. 215-229. Also, transl.: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med.. Par 1830 xxxviii. 349-358. Mercury (Chloride of). See, also, Fever (Typhus, Ticatincut of); Mer- cury (Bichloride; etc., of). DE Riu'ix (S.) *De uso medico muriatia hy- drargyri oxydulati in morbo inflamiuatorio. 8C. Traj. ad Rhenum, [1817]. Coxti (G.) Innocuita della miscela degli acidi col mercurio dolec e sue mdicazioni. 8 \ Xavoli 187)6. r ' Chlikshank (W.) Remarks on the absorp- tion <>f calomel from the internal .surface of the. month; accompanied with a preliminary sketch of the history and principal doctrines of absorp- Jlercury (Chloride of). tion iu human bodies. Iu a letter to Mr. Clare. H-. London, 1779. Exnkr (C.) * Dc mercurio dnlci novaipie cum adhibendi methodo. 8°. Berolini, [I8\\u]. Fu.vcke (C.) *De salubri calouielanos in morbis tubi cibarii inflainniatoriis eft'ectu 8-> Berolini, [1832]. Havighokst (J.) 'De sin\te [1832]. HOPFENGAERTNER (P. V.) * Diss, exllibens observationes et cogitata circa mercurii emu acido nmriatico conuubium. 4-. stnlltiardia- [1792]. Hornemann (C. J. E.) *De effectu atipic usu majorum dosium calouiellis. h Havniee 1838. -----. *De rationibus dosium calouiellis, imprimis majorum, zoochemicis. Resn. S s' Neukirch. 8°. Havniw, 1839. -----. The same. De, viribus et rationibus majorum dosium calomellis. 8 . Marnier, 1839. Indelicato (J.) Ensayo sobre el mercurio dulce, y sobre el abuso (pie se hace de este re- medio en la America del Sud. 12°. Lima, 1837. Litthauer (H.) * De calomelane modo Mial- hiano in sanguinem inducendo. sm. 8'J Bero- lini, [187)9]. Mev.ies (W. P.) *Kalornel als Diureticuni. 8°. Amsterdam, 1887. Miege (J.) *De calomele. 8J. Praam [1835]. J ' Ockerse (C. F. R.) *De mercurio dnlci ejus- que usu in morbis infantum et pueronun. 8-. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1823. ab Oettingen (G.) *De ratione, qua calo- melas mutetur in tractu intestinali. h. [Dor- pat], 1848. Rebusca (A.) *De calomelis virtute phar- maco-dyuamica. 8°. Patavii, 1834. Stollius (J. A.) *De mercurio dnlci. sm. 4°. Jence, [1700]. Waxnf.r (F. X.) * Ratio dnlciticationis mer- curii dulcis hincque pendentes etf'ectus iu medi- eina salutiferi. sm. 4-. Art/entorati, [1747]. Amelung (F.) Over de nnttigheid van het zoet kwik bij ontsteliiugachtige ziekten. Pratt. Tijtlschr. v. tie Ge- neesk., Gorinchem, 1841, xx. 235-202. — Anncaley (J.) Observations on the use and abuse of calomel. Tr.M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1825, i. 211-226. —B. Saccliarated calomel. Atlanta M. &. S. J.. 1874-5, xii, 75. — Battcy (R.) Saccliarated calomel. I bid., 1873-4, xi, 261-204 — BanweiiM (C.) tils. De Taction des acitlcs vegetaux sur le calomel. Bull. Soc. de metl. tie Gaud, 1856, xxiii. 188- 190. — Bayles (G.) Sedative action of calomel. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv, 453.—Bellini (II.) Contribute alia storia terapeutica del calomelano o jiroto-cloruro di mer- curio. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1873, xwi, ti34-660.— Blackwell (E. T.) On calomel as a laxative and local antiphlogistic. Phila. il. Times, 1880, x, 522.—Calegai-i (G.) Sulla formazione del sublimato corrosivo in un mi^- cuglio di calomelano e zucchero. Ann. di chim. apjilic. a. med., Milano, 1877, lxv, 103-335.—Calomel in the army. Chicago M. J.. 1863, n. s., vi, 310-320.—Calomel; its uses and abuses. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvi, 189.—Capria (I). M.) Xnta sulle alterazioni del calome- lano col sale ammoniaco, e con altri idroclorati. Escula- jiio napol., Napoli, 1840, xviii, 411-414. — Ca*«oni (E.) Sulla creduta (lecomposizione del calomehino per mezzo del ribes. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1853, 3. s., xxiv, 429- 444.—Cazenave (A.) Calomelas. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par.. 1834, vi, 216-236.—Coe (H.) Remarks on the modus opeiandj of calomel. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1859. iv, 533 — Cole tli (F.) Risposta ad aleuni quesiti sui calomelano e sui cloiato di jiotassa. Gazz. ined. ital., prov. venete Pa- dova. 1870, xiii, 173-175.— Collin* (F. H.) Calomel us a diuretic, Mod. Chron.. Manclicster, lssii, iv, 310.—Cron* (J. C.) Note on the, sedative action of calomel. West. Sc South. M. Recorder, Lexington, Ky., 1841-2, i, 193-198.— MERCURY. 189 MERCURY. Ulercury (Chloride of). Curtis (C. R.) Why such quantities of calomel are con- sumed in the Western States. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk, 1852, ii, 231-236.—Delioux. De l'incompatibilite du calo- mel et des emulsions d'amandes. Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 1855, ii, 551. — Depaire (J.-B.) Sur les varietes de chlo- rure mercureux emjiloyees en medecine; raoyen tie les dis- tinguer et de rcconnaitre les falsifications du calomel a la vapeur. Bull. Acad. roy. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1853-4. xiii, 220-223. — Biez (AL A.) Acciou tisiolojica y tera- peutica del protoeloruro de mercurio. Escuela med.. Ca- racas, 1874-5, i, 21-24: 1875-6, ii, 58; 105— Discussion, in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Lexing- ton, on the action of calomel in health and disease. Traii- sylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky , 1837, x, 457-475. — »uck- woi'lh (D.) On the modern neglect of calomel in cer- tain disorders. Practitioner, Lond., 1876, xvii, 1-6. Also, Reprint. — Uuelos. Memoire sur l'einploi du calomel a doses tractionmies. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1846, xxxi, 10; 85; 166.—Effects (On the) of calomel in produc- ing slimy stools in children. Lond. M. & S. J., 1829, ii, 343-346.—Fonssagrives. Du role du calomel dans la medecine anglaise. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1801, lxi, 481-489. -----. Calomel. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1870, xi, 714-727.—Fremiti (C. H.) Einiges iiber die Bereitungsart und Anwendung des Calomels in Eng- land. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1843, xii, 1-5.—Gas- Ion (E.) Cases, illustrative of the sedative and anti- emetic effects of calomel in large doses. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1849-50,39-51.—Girin. Note sur l'emploi du calomel a doses fvactioiiuees. J. de med. de Lyon, 1847. 2. s.. i, 605-613.— Crisler (X.) Het nut van de calomel in verscheide ziekteu aangetoond. Geneesk. Verhandel. a. de k. Sweed. Acad. (Sandifort), Leiden 1778, iv, 172-195.—Graves (R. J.) On the best method of administering calomel in acute inflammation. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1834, vi, 57-61 —Hatchett (R. J. H.) Calomel an instantaneous nervous sedative. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1884, vii, 97-103.—Hauser (W.) Cases show- ing the advantage of heroic doses of calomel. Atlanta M. &'S. J., 1857-8, iii, 518—Herzka (J.) Das Calomel und seine Stiihle. X.-York. med. Monatschr., 1852, i, 106- 110.—Higgins. Note snr l'emploi therapeutique du calo- mel. Lnion med.. Par., 1847, i, 638.—Hoyt (M.) Remarks on calomel. X. York M. Sc Phys. J., 1826, v, 507-573.— Jackson (S.) The use of calomel in the diseases of chil- dren. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila. 1853-6, ii, 131-146. Also: Med. Exam., Phila.. 1854. x, 129-139. — Jaeobi (P.) Provisional report on the sedative dose of calomel. [Proc.] Therap. Soe. X. Y., 1879. 67-89 —Jeannel. Theorie de la dissolution du calomel dans 1 organisme. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1869, iv, 57-63.— Jendrassik (E.) A calomel mint diureticum. Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 1885. xxix. 1301: 1329: 1357. Also, transl. : Pest. metl. chir. Presse. Budapest, 1885, xxi, 1017; 1037. Also, transl.: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., I 1885-6, xxxviii, 499-524—Johnson (J. M.) Saccliarated calomel. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1874-5, xii, 277-28H.— Jolly. Note sur l'alterabilite du calomel et sur les jut'cautions a prendre pour son emploi therapeutique. Bull. Soc. (li- med, prat, de Par., 1877, 110-113. Also: France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 556.—Joret. Remarques pratiques sur l'emploi du calomelaa en medeciue. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1835, 2. s., vii, 34-51.—I,entc (F. D.) On the seda- tive action of calomel in disease. X. York M. J., 1870, xi, 1-24. Also, Reprint.—I-etehei- (S. M.) On the use of calomel as a remedial agent Transylv. j. M., Lexington, Kv.. 1837, x. 648-654. —I,evick (A. T.) Is calomel a cholagtiguf? St. Joseph M. Herald, 1883, i, 108-119.— I.iiiiiirtl. Alteration du calomel par l'eau tie laurier cerise. J. Soc. de iiu'-d. ct jibarin. de ITsere, Grenoble, 1879-80, iv, 46-50.—.Tie El roy (Z. C.) Case illustrating the action of calomel as a tissue destructive. Cincin. M. Repert., 1809, ii, 69-73 .—JIeK.ee (\V. H.) Calomel in large doses as a diuretic in dropsies. Med. Exam., Phila,, 1851, n. s., vii, 770-774.—Ulazade (J.) Nouveaux faits touchant l'emploi therapeutitiiie du calomel a, doses fractionnees. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1846, xxxi, i 256-263.— Tleans (A.) Calomel; its chemical character- istics and mineral origin considered iu view of its curative j claims. South. M. S: 8. J., Augusta, 1845, i, 97-112.— Itlerklein (F.) Leber die grunen Stiihle, welche nach dem Gebrauche des Calomels im tvjihosen Fieber entleert werden. Allg. Ztg. f. Chir., etc'., Augsb., 1843, iii, 49; 61; 70—JVIichea. Le calomel exerce-t-il une influence speeiale sur la secretion biliaire ? Union m6(1.. Par., 1848, ii, 495; 500.—ITIuller (J.) AVeiterea iiber ('uecksilber- chlorid-Chlornatrium. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 589.—JTIunnich (J.) Beschouwing over de pharmacody- namische werking der kwikmiddelen, in het bijzonder van het calomel. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Neerl. Indie, Batav., 1844, i, 563-598.— Murray. Experiments illus- trat i ve of the physiological effect s of calomel on the gastro- intestinal mucous membrane of dogs. Tr. M. tfc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1841, iv, 3-26. -----. Observations on the food and bad effects of calomel in some of the diseases of ndia. Ibid., 1842, v, 145-154. —Orioli (F.) Di una nuova indicazione terapeutica del calomelano, fondata I Iflercury (Chloride of). sulla sua azione diuretica finora non conosciuta. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1887, xiii, 289-295.—Polk (C. G.) Sac- cliarated calomel. Phila, M. Times, 1874, iv, 552.—Pro- visional report on the sedative dose of calomel. N. York M. J., 1879, xxix, 639-650: xxx, 78-89—R a lupoid. Leber den Gebrauch des Calomel. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1844, x, 252-281— Boucher (C.) Recherches surleschlor- lnercurates niereuriques (oxydo-chlorures de mercure). Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil.'. Par., 1850, 2. s., v, 278-295.— Saccharated calomel. [Edit.] AtlantaM. &. S. J., 1874- 5, xii, 61.—Saxon (\V. H.) Saccharated calomel. Ibid., 288.—Schweieh (H.) Riihrt die griine Farbe der Calo- nielsthhle von der Galle her, oder nicht? Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk., Tiibing., 1845, i, 102.—Soubeiran (E.) Calome- lano, sua preparazione in polvere impaljiabile. Escula- pio napol., Napoli, 1843, xxi, 379; 435. —Stone (W.) Re- marks upon certain jiathological conditions of the gastro- intestinal mucous membrane, and the effects of calomel. N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 653-659. —Terray (P.) Adatok a calomel lnigyhajto haUsaLoz. [Calomel as a diuretic.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 805; 894; 912. Also, transl.: Pest. ined.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 785- 787. — Torsellini (D.) Della influenza della pepsina sulla solubilita del calomelano. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult, d. sc. med. in Siena, 1886, iv, 5-7. Also: Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1886, 4. s., iv, 105-107.—Vanoyc (R.) Sur uu mode particulier d'administrer le calomel. Ann. Soe. med. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1848, 349- 353— Wassilieff (N. P.) Ueber die Wirkung des Calo- mel auf Ga'hrungsprozesse und das Leben von Mikroorga- nismen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882, vi, 112- 134. Also, transl.: Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1882 ii, 177; 205; 219. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Brit, M. J., Lond.] 1883, ii, 21..— Weber (de Mulhouse). Note snr l'emploi du calomel dans les affections typhoi'des. Gaz. med. de Par., 1834, 2. s., ii, 724-726.—Wcdckiml. Einige Bemer- kungen iiber den Gebrauch und den Missbrauch ties Calo- mels iu Entziiudungskrankheiten. Arch. f. med. Erfahr Berl., 1827, iv, 610-624.—Winkler. Ueber die angebliche Lmwandlung des Kalotnels in iitzendes Sublimat bei gleichzeitigem Gebrauche von Chlor, Salmiak und Salz- saure, mitgetheilt und bevorvvortet von Graff. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1848, lvi, 327-339.—Wolff (A.) & lYega (J.) Ueber die Resorption des Quecksilbers bei Verabreiehung des Calomels in laxirender Dosis. Deut- sche med. "Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 847.—Wood (H. C.) On the use of calomel in functional hepatic diseases. Phila, M. Times, 1874, iv, 375.—Vents (G. D.) Account of the good effects obtained from a combination of calo- mel and opium in inflammatory diseases; with observa- tions on effects arising from the aoetite of copper, and on some other important, subjects in the practice of medicine. Ann. Med. 1802, Edinb., 1803, 2. lust., ii, 396-405. — Za. vadzki (I.) O vlijan. kalomelja na gnienie jelchi i o prichine okraski kalomel. isprajuenii. [Effect of calomel on putrid bile and on the causes of color of calomel evacu- ations. ] Yrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 311; 332. Jlercury (Chloride of, Toxicology of). See, also, Salivation (Mercurial). Dialogo fra li signori P. F. Giaccheri e B. Cia- souiigo, autore del mauoscritto: Riflessioni cri- tiche iutoruo la questione se 1' unioue del mercu- rio dolce col sale amnioniaco sift, venefica. 4°. Genova, 1788. Hudson ( W. N. ) Au auti- calomel lecture, [etc.] 8°. Pomeroy, Ohio, 1854. Kinnis(J.) * Dc eft'ectibus muriatis hydrar- gyri noxiis. 8-. Edinburgi, 1814. Bochardt (L.) Merkwiirdige Krankengeschichte ei- ner zufalligen Vergiftung mit vierzehn Drac.hmen Calomel, auf eiumal genommen, mit einem gliicklichen Ausgange. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1827, 441-446.—Bonne wyn (H.) Empoisonneinent par le calomel. Pressenied. beige, Brux. 1851, iii, 368; 405.—de B[ordcs] (C.) Kwikvergiftiging, waarschijnlijk door caloniel-houdende worm-koekjes. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1858, ii, 177-181.—Bro- chiniA.) Ln cas d'empoisonnement par le calomel. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1879, 59-61. Also: France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 307. Also: Art med., Brux., 1879-80, xv, 130-132. — Campbell (W.) Premature labour; uterine haemorrhage; death from an overdose of calomel. Scot- tish Sc North of Eng. M. Gaz., Edinb., 1843, i, 199-201.— Conrsset-aiil. Accidents toxiques survenus pendant radministration du calomel. Rec. d. proc.-verb. . . . Soc. demed. prat,, Par., 1856, 8-11.— De C'all:iiiei di iVIomo (L. F.) Sunto di alcune sperienze dirette ad avverare se il calomelano si commuta in sublimato corrosivo per i clo- ruri alcalini, capiti nella scialiva e negli mnori ehe lubri- cano gli apparati digerenti degli animali, come annun- ciava il distiuto chimieo sig. Mialhe. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1840, xevi, 356-377. -----. Nuove sperieuze dirette a confermare che il calomelano, nell' ecouomia animale vi- veute, non si cangia in sublimato corrosivo per 1' azione dei MERC UK Y. 1!»() MERCURY. Jlercury (Chloride of, Toxicology of). cltiruri alcalini. Ibid., 1841, xcvii, 444-455.—fCiigelniauu (F.) Fall von Erythema universale nach Gebrauch von Calomel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1879, xvi, 647.—Graves (R.) tfc Stoltes (W.) Fatal case of sloughing of the mouth and palate from a small dose of calomel. Dublin Hosji. Rep., 1827, iv, 299. — Lnrocque (A.) Cloruri alcalini, loro azione sui pioto-cloruro di mercurio, fatti (he servono alia loro storia. Esculapio najiol., Napoli, 1843, xxi. 690- 700.— l/esmm-tes (T.-P.) De la superioi ite du eyanure tie meicure sur les autres preparations mercurielles contre la svjiliilis en general. Rev. tie therap. du niidi, Montjiel.. 1854. vii, 308-317: 1855, viii, 112-115.—.Moos. EincCyan- tliieeUsilbci vergiftung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1804, xxxi, 117-125. -----. Note sur l'emploi du eyanure de uiercure dans le traitement de la svphilis. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1833, v, 139-144. —Ollivier (0.-P.) Memoire sur l'eiujioisounement par le cvanure de mer- cure. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1825, i,"269-282.—Tol- matselieff. Kinige Benierkungen iiber die Wirkung von C\ anqneeksilber auf den thierischen Organismus. Med.- chem. Lntersuch. a. d. Lab. . . . zu. Tubing., Berl., 1867. 285-290. Also, Reprint. Ulerciiry (Iodides of). See, also, Acne (Treatment of); Donovan's solution. Bellini (R.) Contributo alia storia terajieutica degli ioduri e bromuri tli mercurio. Sjieriineutale, Firenze, 1874, xxxiii, 372-389.— Bolshesolski (P. K.) Dvujoud. rtut. kak (lesinticiensjirilaparotomii. [Biniodide of mer- cury as a disinfectant in laparotomv.] J. akush. i jensk. boli'ez., St, Petersb.. 1887, i, 285-291.—Bourgoin (E.) Sur la solubilite de l'iodure inercurique dans lean et dans l'alcool. Bull. Acad, denied., Par.. Is84, 2. s., xiii, 1258- 1260.—Cameron (0. A.) On mercuric iodate; its prep- aration and reactions. Analyst, Lond.. 1876, i, 95-97.__ Carre. Note sur le protoindure de mercure contre les artropathies, les orchites, etc. Ann.de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1843, viii, 173-181.—Oanneey. Analyse et formule d'une uouvelle combinaison de chlorine et d'io- dure de mercure. J. de med. tie Boideaux. 1858. 2. s., iii, 360-363. -----. Nouveau jnot t'-tle pour la prejiaration du ehloro-iodure mercureux. Ibid.. 163-165.—Doringcr (J.) Zur Pharmakodynaniik ties Hydrargyrum jotlalum tla- vum. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl.. 1848, xvii. 705-707.— Dut'hesiie-Diipmt. He's jirojn-ietesphvsiologitnies et theraiit'utiquesderioilochlorure mercureux". Gaz. tl. hop Par., 1858, xxxi, 290. — Foot (A. W.) Paralysis of mo- tion aud sensation in the hand and forearm from local contact with cattle blister (red iodide of mercurv); re- covery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1873, lvi, 177-197.—Gibcrt. Note sur 1'usage therapeutique du deuto-iodure de mer- cure et sur un mode special d'administicr ce medicament. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1844, xxvi, 412-421. — I,c Cauu. Note pour le protoiodure de mercure. Annee med., Caen, 1877, ii, 9-1L— Tlaeuamara (N. C.) Noti- on the use of biniodide of mercury. Indian Ann. M. St Calcutta, 1802, viii, 184-180— Tl artin-Barbel (L.) Lii dernier mot sur l'iodure de chlorine mercureiix. J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1858, 2. 8., iii, 553-558.—.?! elm (C.) Sur la solubilite du biiodure de mercure dans les corps gras et dans quelques autres dissolvauts. Bull. Acad, de med., Par, 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1118-1124. — Tliallie. Refle- xions chimieo-tberapeutiques snr le comjiose tie chlore, diode et tie mercure, design6 sous le uom d'iotlhydrargi- lite tie ehlorure mercureux. Union nied., Par.,'1847, i, (j.3 —Olioli (A.) II proto-ioduro di mercurio nella cura delle malattie veneree sara tauto piii utile, quanto piii ,TIcrcii ry (Iodides of). verra dato a dosi ripartite. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano 1875, cexxxii. 418-420.—I»errcns (J.) Observations cri- titiues sur la constitution chimique et la preparation de l'iodure tie ehlorure mercureux. Lnion med dela Girontle Bordeaux. 1857, ii, 34-38.— Riesebert;. Leber tlie Wir- kuugsweise und Heilkraft ties Hydrargyrum bijmlatnni rubriim bei iiusseier An«eiitlung. ' .Metl.Zi^.. Berl., 1847 xvi, 187— Booney (M.l 'I lie protiuilide" of mercury' Cincin. Lancet tfc Obs.. 1809, n. s., xii, 1-7. — Mail lei- i .\L T.) On the external use of red iodide (biniotlidej of nict- cury in chronic glandular aud other tumours. Med. Times & (Jaz., Lond., 1864, n. s., i, 447. — Nmeel* ( C.) Protn. en deuto-iodiiretum hydrargyri, in veronderilc syphilitl- sche en scrophuleuse aandoeniugen. Pract TijiLrlir. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1838. xvii. 97-124. —Taylor Of K.) Case of jioisoning bv biniodide of niercury. lio-ton M. tfc S. J., 1870. v, 490-502. Also, Bejirint. — Vnrlici- (L.) De liodure double de mereure et de sodium en in- jections liypoileriiiitines, Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxii, 794.—"old. Hydrargv rum jodatuni flavum Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1869, xxi. 383. Jlerciiry (Metallic). Harris (T. ) A tretiti.se ou tin- force and energy of crude mercury, proving the usefulness und imiocency of its internal application, by a great variety of experiments and histories of cases, acute and chronick. 2 pts. 8°. London 17:?4. Heixrici (E. G.) * Diss. modum agendi vir- tutis resolventis mercurii vivi in corpore humano exponens. sm. 4C. Halce Magdeb., [1748]. Kaau (H.) * De argento vivo. sm. 4-. Lucid. Bat., 1729. Mallet (J. \Y.) On the density of solid nier- cury. 8C. [n. p., 1877.] Repr. from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1877, no. 179. ItosKLirs (J. P.) De mercurii crudi usu in- terim. 4^. Altdorfi, [1704]. von Franque (J. B.) Anwendung von Mercurius vivus. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 185!), v.-vi. Hft., 750.—Kirschstein. Zur Wirkuug des Hy- drargyrum depuratum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 437.—fiowenhardt. Leber die innerliche Anwendung des lanfenden Quecksilbers. [5 cases.] Metl. Ztg., Berl, 1848. xvii. 53; 57.—IVIagaziner (M.) Das Quecksilber (Hyiliargvtum vivum) als Volks- und svmjiathetisches Heilmittel. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1852, ix, 134. — iVIasclika (J.) Beibringung von nietallischem Quecksilber im Katfce bei einem tuberculosen Kinde; Tod: nicht nachweisbaier Zusanimenbang; leic.hte Ver- letzung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1858, xiii, 274-284.— Tlohsen. Gutachten uber e:nc init rohem Quecksilber versuchte Vergiftung. Repert. f. d. tiff. u. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1789, i, 233-243.—Vogler. Ei- nige Beinerkungen iiber die innere Anwendung des me- tallischen Quecksilbers. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1856, viii, 442-444. -----. Zur inneren Anwendung des metallisclien Quecksilbers. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1853, 63. Jlerciiry (Xitrate of). See, also, Hat-makers (Diseases of). Chambe (C.) *De I'einpoisonnement par le nitrate acide de mercure. 4J. Strasbourg, 187)7. Ciievallier (A.) *Dc l'iutoxicatiou par l't'inploi du nitrate acide de mercure chez les chapelliers. 4°. I'aris, 1860. Godart (A.) *De l'emploi du nitrate acide de mercure. 4°. I'aris, 1826. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1826, x, 573: xii, 203. Atthill (B.) On a new form of citrine ointment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 151. — Bigsley (J. J.) A case of poisoning bv a solution of mercury in nitric acid. Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, vii, 329-331.—Dy mock (W.) Note on the preparation of unguentum hydrargyri nitratis for use in India and other hot climates. Tr.M. & Plivs. Soc. Horn- bay (1882), 1883, [3.] s., No. ii, 85.—Empoisoiiiieiiieiit jiar le nitrate acide de mercure. J. tie chim. mt'-d., etc , Par., 1846, 3. s., ii, 734. —Fan vel. Observation d'un ein- poisonnement par le nitrate acide tie mercuret'tontlud'eau. Bull. Soc. auat.de Par., 1837, xii, 175-181.—«nlc_ (H. S.) Poisonous symptoms from the use of the acid pi initiate ot mercury. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 41—Gay (J.) On the external uso of the solution of the pernitraic of mercury in epithelial cancer, lupus exedens, and the induration of chancre. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, i, 59-61. — l-ysler (C. £.) Note on the use of acid nitrate of men-ui v solution. Liverpool M. & S. Rep., 1869, iii, 36-38 — Ollivier. Ob- servations et rapport medico-16gal eur des accidens deter- MERCURY. 191 MERCURY. Mercury (Xitrate of). mines par 1'usage externe du nitrate acide tie mercure. , Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1842, xxviii, 109-181. — Nealzi (F.) Avvelenamento per nitrate acido di mercurio; sintomi; , autossia. Gior. med. di Roma, 1807, iii, 14-22,1 jil.— Viilal (E.) Emjioisounement par une ajiplication (lenitrate acide de im rcnre sur une large surface tie la peau; mort le neu- I vieine jour apres lacciilent. Compt. lend. Soc. de biol. j 1863, Par., 1804, 3. s., v, 193-195. Also : France med., Par., | 1864, ii, 505. Mercury (Oleate and oleo-stearate of). I Claiborne (J. H.) The discutient power of oleate of mercury and morphia. Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1886, xii, 477-480. — Hi lifer. Leber tilsaures (Quecksilber. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-ined. Soc. zu Erlang., 1873-4, vi, 109- 112. — .le:innel (J.) Combinaisons des oxydes de nier- i-ure avec lis acitles oleitpie et stearique, au point de vue chimique phai-macologitpie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1858, 2. «., iii, 728-74H. — Venot (J.) Emploi de 1'oleo-stearate de niercure. Ibid.. 1857, 2. s., ii, 725-740. -----. Lettre au Br. Ph. Rieord, snr l'emploi de l'oleo-stearate de mer- cure. Ibid., 660-664. Me rc ii ry (Oxides of). Brallik (J. T.) * De mercurio pnecipitato rnbro, adnexis binis historiis morborum clinicis. 8~. Pragce, 18'.V3. Gieskcke (E. A.) *De hydrargyriisprtecipue oxydis. 4 . Viteberga; [1803]. Miller (M. A.) *De mercurio pnecipitato rubro. 4C. Monacltii, [1837>]. Richter (.). T.) ~De virtutibus mercurii. ci- uerei 8aunderi medicis. 4J. JVitteberga; [1798], Valli. Lettre a M. Astier, sur la de"couverte de la vertu autifeniieiitescible de 1'oxide rouge de niercure. 8':. [Paris, n. d.] Allison (W.) Poisoning with the red precipitate of mercury. Lancet, Lond., 1836, i, 401. — Blondean (L.) Quel est l'inventetir de la liqueur de van Swieten .' Union metl., Par., 1880, 3. s.. xxx, 594.—Diiqucsiicl. Del'oxyde jaune de niercure obtenu par precipitation; son emploi I>our la preparation des poniniades opthahnitjues. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1871, lxxxi, 73. — Oreiner. Wirksamkeit des Mercurius pra:cipitatus ruber beim in- nerlichen Gebrauch desselben. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1812, 757-759. — Ibrelisle. Considerations sur l'oxyde rouge de niercure. employe a l'exterieur, dans plusieurs formes de maladies de la peau. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. med. de la Moselle, Metz, 1845, 52-64. — Ken- nedy (J.) Account of the plneuoroena produced by a large quantity of nitric oxide of quicksilver, swallowed by mistake; and of the means employed to counteract its deleterious influence. Metl.-Chir.'J. Sc Rev., Loud., 1810, i, 189-196. — ITInrtin. Vergiftung mit Mercurius pra*cip. ruber, gehoben durch schnelleu und haufigeu Ge- nuss von Milch. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe, 1828, 152. — Prince (A.) Two cases of jioisoning by the red precipitate powder. Lancet. Lond., 1859, ii, 506.—Smyth (F. S.) Poisoning bv red precipitate. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1878, ii, 101. - Sfcllwag von (aiion (K.) Das gelbe ainorphe Quccksilberoxytl. Wien. metl. Wchnschr.. 1865, xv, 417; 437. — Torri (E.) Avvelenamento da tleutos- sido di mercurio. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1851, 3. 8., xx, 299-302. — Weeker (I,.) Du bioxyde (le mer- cure hydrate, ou preoipite jaune, et de son action thera- peutique dans les cas de conjonctivite pustuleuse et de keratite superficielle. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1862, lxii, 27-31. — White (R. P.) Case of poisouing by means of red precipitate. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 308. M e re ii r y (Peptonate of). See Mercury (Hypodermic ttseof). Mercury (Sulphur compounds of). Cadet ( 8. ) * Intorno 1'efficacia particolar- niente anticolerica del solfuro nero di mercurio detto comunemeute etiope miuerale. 8°. Roma, [1874]. -----. Esenipj comprovanti 1' uso interim del sottosolfato di mercurio ed esempj concor- rcnti a comprovare 1' efficacia antilimica del sol- furo nero di esso. Lettera al Erasmo Fabri- Scarpellini. 8°. Roma, 1877). Repr. from: Corrisp. scient. in Roma, 1875, xxvii, no. 27. -----. Ragionamento inteso a comprovare la mirabile efficacia terapeutica del solfnro nero di mercuro detto comnneniente etiope miuerale iu piii nature di morbi particolarmeutedei pesti- Merciiry (Sulphur compounds of). lenziali e piii particolarmeute dell' indocolerico. 4-. Roma, 1875. Repr. from: Atti. d. xi. cong. d. sc. ital. tenutosi in Roma nell' ottobre del 1873. -----. Nuovi esempj a comprovare la solenue efficacia antilimica del solfnro nero d' idrargiro. Lettera al ErasmoFabri-Scai nelliui. s\ Roma, 1877. Clalderls (G.) *De cinnabari nativa liuu- garica, longa circulatione iu majorem efficaciam tixata et exaltata. sm. 4°. Jence, 1694. Demetrius (P.) De medicis ciunabaris viri- bus. 4°. Lipsiee, [1778]. Hii.sciier (S. P.) [Pr.] I. Dc ajthiope mine- ral!. 4'. Jence, [1748]. -----. The same. II. sm. 4'-'. Jena; 1748. Hofsteier (J. A.) Kurtze Ertirteruug der Frage: Ob der natiirliche und reiugewaclisene Zinnobor, als eine Artzeuey in den menschlichen Leib ohne Gefahr gcbrauchet werden konne ? sm. 4°. Leipzig, 1798. -----. Die vortreffliche Giite des natiirlichen jedoch leingewachsenen Zinnobers, zur Bewah- rung und Wicder-Erlangung menschlicher Ge- sundheit, eiitgegengesctzet dem unliiugst von Johann Gottfried! Hcckeru . . . wider die am Ende beyoedruckte Erorterung der Frage: Ob der natiirliche und rein-gewachsene Zinuober, [etc.] 4,J. Schlessidg, 1711. -----, De cinnabari nativa. Kesp. Paulo Dons. 4°. Hafnice, [1714]. Lindner (J. C.) * De cinnabaris inertia medica. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1743]. Also, in : Caktheuser (J. F.) Diss. nonn. select, phys.- chym. ac med. 12°. Francof. ad Viadr., 1775, 1-27. Oetinger ( F. C. ) * Cinnabaris exul redux in pharmacopoliuin cum auctore se publico examini sistens. 4°. Tubingce, [17(>0]. Palm ( R. ) * Ueber die schwel'clbasischeu Quecksilbersalze. 8°. Dorpat, 1861. Poxyrka(D.) * De auathymiasi cinnabaris. sm. 4-; Argentorati, [178(1]. Richter (J. E.) *De niedicainentorum mer- cnrialinni cum salibus paratorum efficacitate, per adjtuictum sulphur ad certos quosdam mor- lios magis accommodauda. sm. 4°. Halce Mag- deb., [1754]. Schrommius (J. F.) * De tBthiope minerali. sm. 4°. [Altorf, 1727).] Stroehlin (J. G. ) * De cinnabare factitia vulgari, cinnabari nativa' et antimouii non solum tequiparanda, sed et i)ra*fereuda. 4°. Argen- torati, [1749]. Wedei.ils (G. W.) [Pr.] De minio lunari. 4°. Jence, [1697)]. Divers (E.) & Shimidzu ( T.) Mercury sulphites, and the constitution of sulphites. J. Chem. Soc, Loud., 1886, xlix, 533-590. — [I.etheby.] Poisoning by turpeth, or turbith mineral. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1846-8, i, 109- 112.—liovc, Poisoning from sulpho-cyanide of mercury. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1882, xiii. 291-294!—Lowndes (11.) A case of poisoning by turbith mineral. Metl. Times \-. Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 195— .TIcIMicilran (A.) A caseof poisoning by turpeth mineral: death. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 682. — "itlcilicu*." Poisoning bv turpeth mineral. Med. tfc Surg. Kept.iter, Phila., 1884, 1, 93.—Mia- iiowski (J.) O siarku rteti (adhiops mineralis), ,jako srodku lekarskim, skutecznym w cholerze. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1871, x, 449-454. — Tlm-iiio (A.) Sull' etiope miuerale, o solfnro nero di mercurio. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1873, xxxi, 527. — Porchcr (F. P.) Use of black sulphuret of mercury (Ethiops mineral) as a means of destroying the effects of contagion, cholera, diphtheria, croup, etc. Results of the recent experience of Italian physicians. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1875-6, iii, 10-16.— Randolph (X. A.) Sc ftoussel (A. E.) On certain un- toward i-ll'eots following the administration of turpeth mineral. Med. News, Phila.. 1884. xliv, 275— Smirnoff (G. A.) () vlijanii sierovod na jivotnii organ, s priba- vlen. niekotor. dannich k patolog. Cheyne-Stokes dicha- uija. fEfl'ect of turpeth mineral on the animal organism. and some remarks ou Cheyne Stokes respiration.] Arch. MERCURY. 192 MEREDYTH. ^1 ere up } (Sulphur compounds of). klin. vnutren. boliez. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1883, ix, pt. 1, 413-558, 2 diag.—Taylor (A. S.) Case of poisoning by turpeth minetal; early occurrence of intense salivation, death in eleven (lavs from forty t;rains. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3.S., x, 180-183.—Valori (G.) [Quanto posso dirle intorno al nuovo solfuro nero di mercurio chia- niato coinunemento Etiope minerale ch' ella, si compiacque osservaro nella mia farmacia.] Gior. med. di Roma, 1870, vi, 324-326. Also, Reprint. Jlercury (Tannate of). Doriii^; (J.) Ueber Hvdrargvrum tannicum. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1885. xxxv, 850-800.—Panly (J.) Ueber Hydrargyrum tannicum. Bell. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 752. Iflercupy in urine. Miciiaii.uvski (J.) *0 vidieleuii niocheju rtuti pri terapevt. upotreb. eja v forme mazei. [Presence in the urine of mercury during its different applications in the form of ointment.] 8G. St. Petersburg, 18*6. Mi'ller ( E. ) * Untersuchuug iiber die Aus- scheidung des Quecksilbers durch den Hani wiihrend der Iuuuctionscur. 8°. Hamclit, 1879. SrcHoi'F(A.) *0 vidieleuii mochejou rtuti pri terap. upotreblenii razlich. eja preparat. v forme pod kojnich vprisk. [Mercury in the urine in its different therapeutical preparations, and in the form of subcutaneous injections.] 8:. St. Peters- burg, 1886. Also, in : Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1886, clvi. pt. 1, 43: clvii, 1; 65. Alwberg (A.) Leber den Nachweis von Quecksilber im Harn nach Eiustauben von Calomel in den Bindehaut- saek. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb.. 1880, ix, 413-416. —Bo- rovski (V.) O vidiel. rtuti niochei. [Proportion of mer- cury in the urine.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1880, iv. 391. — Harvey (E. R.) The influence of mercury upon the urine. Brit. \ For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1S62, xxix, 515- 520—Hayes (P. S.) Metallic mercury found in thenrine following the administration of the green iodide. Chicago M. Gaz.. 1880, i, 155.—Jonrda. Observation snr un ma- lade qui, traite par le muriate suroxygene de mercure, a rendu avec ses urines du mercure revivifie. J. de med., chir.. pharm etc.. Par., 1813, xxvii, 244-248.—.'layen^on Sc JSergeret. Moyen cliuique de reconuaitre le niercure dans bs excretions et specialement dans les urines; de Lt-liiiiinatit>n et tb- l'aetion physiologique du mercure. Mem et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nied. de Lyon (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 1, 3-21. [Discussion], pt.2,15-17. Also: Lyom.'d., 1873, xii, 82; 164; 383—.tlayer (A.) Versuche'uber den Nachweis ilesl'uecksilbersini Harne. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1877, 29-38. — Tlilntin (M.) K voprosu ob otkritii rtuti v niochie licchiv. nierkurieiii. [Detection of quicksilver in the uriui in lnercurial treatment. 1 Ejened. klin. ga/.., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 63-68. — Oberlaiiiler. Versuche iiber die Qiiecksilberausscheidiin..,en (lurch den Harn nach Queeksilberkuren. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1880, vii, 487-515. 3 tab.—Mhiimovski tV.) () vwidailenie rtut- nikh soedimnii mocheyu. [On mercurial preparations in the urine.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1864, iv, 145; 153; 161.—Spill in ;iii n (P.) Del'eliiiiinationdii mercure pen- dant ct apres le traitement mercuriel et des precedes de recherche du mercure dans les urines, applicables k la (-Unique. Ann. de dermat et syph., Par., 1882, 2. s., iii, 721-723. — TiiiibaUIingravc'(A.) De la recherche du mercure dans les urines. Rev. metl. de Toulouse, 1879. xiii, 237; 381. Mercurv seal traps rersus sewer gas and mal- aria, 5 1. s. Philadelphia, 1883. Meicus Doornik (J.J. F. H. T.) Verslag omtreut de ziekteu welke in het jaar 1855 binneu Amsterdam geheerscht hebben. Namens de 6de Commissie (Epidemiologic) van len Geneeskun- digen Kring aldaar. 124 pp., 1 plan. 8". Am- sterdam, Melzler $• Basting, 187)6). de Mercy [ Francois- Christophe-Florimond ] [17/5-1849]. Zvvotpic Tcvptruv, conspectus fe- brium, synopsis des lievres, ou tableaux de plu- sieurs maladies, tires des l'r et 111° liv. des epi- de"mies d'Hippocrate, avec le texe grec et les versions iuteriine"aires fiancaise et la-tine, accom- pagm's de notes graniinaticales et de l'explica- tion des tennes de medecine: ouvrage speciale- ment destine aux dtudians en medecine. xiv, 352 pp. 8°. Parti, Valade, 1898. de Mercy (F.-C.-F.)—continued. -----. De renseignement medical, dans ses rap- ports avec la chimie, consideree comme science accessoire a la thdorie de la medecine; suivie d'un nouveau plan d'organisatiou dessocictc.sde nie'decine etde chirurgie et des cTudes mcdicales }:our le maintien dc la chaire d'Hippocrate, fon- de"e aux ecoles de medecine de Paris, iv (21.) 128 pp., 1 1. 8■■'. Pan's, J.-M. Eberhart, 18\9.' ' -----. Me"moire de M. le. docteur . . . [sur les traductions d'Hippocrate]. 31 pp. 12'J. Paris, V. Renaudiere, 1820. Bound with: HllH'OCiiATEs. Nouvelle traduction des aphorisines, vtc. 12°. Paris, 1821, ii. -----. Demande d'execution de la loi du 14 lii- niaire an 3, pour le r^tablissenient d'une chaire d'Hippocrate fondee aux ecoles de nie'decine d' Paris, portee sur le programme des coins ct les theses, ct reclamation d'encourageniens pour la continuation de la traduction francai.se et Edition grecque complete des oeuvres d'Hippocrate. 23 pp. 4°. [n. p., 1820.] [P., v. 858.] -----. Au roi. Considerations sur le rapport de la Faculte dc m6decine de Paris, pour le maintien dela chaire d'Hippocrate, fondle aux ecoles de nie'deciiie. [2 memoirs.] 4,4 pp. 4°. [Paris, 1820, rel subseq.] [P., v. 858!.] -----. Demande du retahlissement d'une chaire d'Hippocrate. Ann6e 1821. Memoire pour la Commission de l'instrnction publique. 46 pp. 12°. Parti, V. Renaudiere, [it. d.] Bound with: HirrocRATES. Nouvelle traduction des aphorismes, etc. 12°. Paris, 1821, ii. -----. Traites d'Hippocrate, des prcceptes, dela (licence, de mddecin. Traduits en fiancais, et le texte en regard rt-vu et corrige sur les niaiui- scrits de la bibliotheque du roi, avec l'analyse de ces traites. ix, 135 pp. 8°. I'aris, J.-M. Eberhart, 1824. See, also, IHippocrates. Nouvelle traduction des aphorismes d'Hippocrate, etc. 12°. Paris, 1817. ----. The same. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1821. -----. Trail 6s dc la nature de l'homme. de raueienne medecine, des 1 umcurs, de Part medical. 12°. Paris, 1823. -----. Traites de l'osteolonio, du coeur, [etc.] sm. 8°. Paris, 1831.—Tour- let. Article de [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1824. Merdier (Louis-Charles). *I. Des symptomes de la goutte irreguliere. II. [etc.] 41pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. i<»2, v. 331. Mere ( La ) et l'enfant. Journal illustre" d'hy- giene de la premiere et de la secoude en- fance. E6dige" sous la direction du Dr. Caradec. [Monthly.] AnniSe 1-2, May, 1*85, to May, 1886. fol. Paris. Mereau (Adolphe). * De l'heme'ralopie, on ce"- cite" nocturne, consid6ree surtout au point de vue de l'otiologie et du traitement. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 134. Meredig (Theophilus Daniel.) * De occulta et chronica jecinoris inflammatione. 60 pp. 8-'. Dorpati, lit. M. G. Grenzii, 1811. Meredith (Charles). *An inaugural disserta- tion on phthisis pulmoualis. 2* pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, R. Cochran, [1802]. Meredith (L. P.) The teeth aud how to save them. 271 pp. 8U. Philadelphia, J. Ii. Lippin- cott 4- Co., 1871. -----. Our teeth and their preservation . . . Popular lecture. 43 pp. 12c. Cincinnati, Hitch- cock riiidolus (Antonius) [1570-1624]. Ars me- du ,i in duas jiartes secta, in qua non solum ea explicantur qute ad medicinam discendam sunt necessaria; sed multa ctiam qme theologos et philosophos recreare valeant, continentur. Ac- cessit sub fineni cxercitationum medicinaliuin decas unica. 14 1., 419 pp., 14 1.; 1 p. 1., 153 pp., 7 1., port. fol. Aeiuis-Sextiis, J. Roize, 1633. von Meringf (Joseph) [1848- ]. *Ein Bei- trag zur Chcmie des Knorpels. 23 pp. 8°. Coin, J.S. Steren, [1873]. Merino (R. Rodriguez). La elet-tricidad y el ciilera. 20 pp. 8^. Madrid, A. J. Alalia, [1884]. Meriot (Hector) '" De la grenouillette sublin- guale. 40 pp., 21. 4°. Paris, 188:), JVo. 172. Meriot (Paul). * Des indications et coutre-iu- dications de l'ovariotomie et du nianuel opera- toire. 34 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861, No. 554. 2. s., v. 30. Meriwether ( Carolus ). * De pneumonia. 2 p. 1.,28pp. 8-. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1792. Meriwether (Niles). [Circular in relation to the Waring system of sewers iu Memphis. Dec. 1,1882.] 1 sheet. 4C. [Memphis, 1882] Merizalde (Jose" Felix). See Tourlelle (Estevan). Epitome de los elenientos de higiene [etc.] 8°. Bogota, 1828. Merjeevski (I. P.) Ob uslovijach, blagoprijat- stvnjoutshich razvitiou dushevnych i nervnych bolicznei v Rossii, i o merach, napravleunych k ich unienshenijou. [On the conditions favoring development of insanity and nervous diseases in Russia, and ou the means to diminish them.] 25 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, tipog. M. M. Slasoo- Icritrlia. 1887. Merjevski (I.) * Kliuicheskija izsliedovanija ntistovich bolnich (Vesanici). [Clinical re- searches on insanity.] 59 pp. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1865. Merit (Carl). * Ueber die thierische Bewegung. 2 p. 1., 150 pp., 1 1. 8 . Wurzburg, F. E. Nitri- bitt, 1818. Merk (Joannes Matthias). * De curationibus ulcerum difficilium, praesertim in cruribus ob- viorum. 39 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Gottingee, F. A. Rosenbuseh, [1776]. Merkel (A. E. Ernestus). * Nounulla dediabete mellito. 40pp. 12 . [Dorpat), typ. J. C. Schuen- manni, 1835. Merkel (C. F.) See Haddock (Joseph W.) Somnolismus etpsycheis- mus[itc.] ls:. Leipzig, 1852. Merkel (Carl Ludwig) [1812-76]. * De nasi se- cretionibus specimen i. 28 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, typ. Staritzii, [1838]. -----. Anatomie und Physiologic des mensch- lichen Stimm- und Sprach-Orgaus (Anthropo- phonik). Nach eigeneu Beobachtungen und Ver- suchen wissenschaftlich begriindet und fiir stu- dirende und ausiibende Aerzte, Physiologen, Akustiker, Stinger, Gesanglehrer, Tonsetzer, of- fentliche Reduer, Piidagogen und Sprachforscher dargestellt von . . . xxiv, 976 pp. 83. Leipzig, A. Abel. 187)7. -----. The same, xxxx, 976 pp. 8J. Leipzig, A. Abel, 1863. -----. Die Funktionen des menschlichen Schlund- nnd Kehlkopfes, besonders beim Schlingen, Brcchen, Athmen, Singen und Sprcchen. Nach eigenen pharyngo- und laryugoskopischen Ln- tersuchungen. viii, 156 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1862. -----. Physioiogie der menschlichen Sprache ( pliysiologische Laletik ). viii, 444 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Wigand, 1866. -----. Der Kehlkopf, oder die Erkenntniss und Behandlung des menschlicheu Stimmorgans im Merkel (Carl Ludwig)—continued. gesunden und erkrnnkton Zustande. xvi, 326 pp. 8 . Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1873. For Biography, see Knelin (Car. Loft.) Merkel (Christian Valentin). Wahre L'rsachen der jetzt herschenden hitzigen Krankheiten mit der besten Verwahrungsart vor dieselben. Hauptsiichlich fiir den gemeinen Mann tindjun- gen Arzt aufgesetzt. 8 p. l.? 88 pp. V2 ; Frank- furt u. Leipzig, 1776. -----. * Observatio med.-chir. de sarcomate cu- ra to et summoperc adniirando. In: VVeiz (F. A.) Xeiie Ausz., [etc.] 12"'. Lciyzig 1777, vii, 59-64. For Portrait, see Colleetion—van Kaathoven. Merkel (Friderich [Sigmund]) [1845- ]. * Le- ber die Macula ltitea des Mt-uschen und die Ora serrataeiniger Wirbelthiere. [Erlangen.] 2p 1., 20 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Leipzig, IV. Engelmann, 1869. -----. The same. 2 p. 1., 20 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Leip- zig, W. Engelmann, 1879. -----. Die Zonula ciliaris. 1 p. 1., 23 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1879. -----. Die Linea nucha* suprema, amitomiselt uud anthropologisch betrachtet. iv, 22 pp., 7 pi. 8 . Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1871. -----. Die Muskulatur der menschlichen Iris. (Gratulationsschrift.) vi, 13 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Ros- tock, Stiller, 1873. -----. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. xii, 324 pp. sm. 8°. Miinchen, R. Oldenbourg, 1875. -----. Die Anatomie zu Rostock. Vorlesung gehalten am 4. Nov. 1878 bei Begiuu der Arbeiten in dem neuen anatomischen Institut. 16 pp. 8°. Rostock, Stiller, 1878. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der postenibryo- nalen Eutwicklung des menschlichen Schiidels. 22 pp., 7 pi. 4°. Bonn, M. Cohen u. Sohn, 1882. Repr. from , Beitr. z. Anat. u. Embryol. J. Henle als Festgabe zum 4. April 1882 dargebracht von seinen Schii- lern, -----. Die Speichelrohren. iv, 28 pp., 2 pi, roy. 8'-. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1883. -----. Anleitung zur Muskelpraparatiou im Ko- nigsberger Prsiparirsaal. (Als Manuscript ge- druckt.) 28 pp. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., Grafe u. Unzer (Dreher u. Stiirtz), 1884. -----. Handbuch der topographischen Anatomie. Zum Gebrauch fiir Aerzte. 1. Bd. 1. u. 2. Lfg. pp. 1-352, 1 tab. 8C. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg it. Sohn, 1885. See, also, Aiiatoiuisches Institut zu Rostock. 8°. Rostock, 1874. Merkel (G. Hermann). Microscopy in medical practice; its necessity demonstrated in the in- vestigation of disease. 22 pp. 8°. Xew York, A. Metz <)• Co., 1881. -----. Ozone, its merits as a disinfectant, anti- septic and anti-zymotic. 19 pp. 12°. Boston, Rand $• Avery, 1884. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Eclect. M. Ass., 1883. Merkel (Gottlieb) [1835- ]. *Zur Anatomic, Physioiogie und Pathologie der Thraneuablei- tungsorgane. 36 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. E. Jutuje, 187)9. -----. Die Staubinhalations-Kraukheittu. 3. Aufl. In: Handb. d. Hyg , etc. 8°. Leipz., 1 »*•_'. 2. Theil, 4. Abth., 131-224. -----. Die neueren Anschauungen iiber das Wescn der Iufektiouskraukheiten; ihr Eiufluss auf Hans und Gemeiuwesen. Vortrag zu Giui- sten der evangelischeu Miigdeherberge gehalter. 28 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, Ebner, 1887. See, also, Handbuch d. spec. Path. (Zierassen), Leipz. 1874, i: 1875, viii, 2. Hft.—Cyclopedia Pract Med. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1878, viii. Ulerkel (Heinrich). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. MERKEL. 195 MERLOIT. Merkel (J. G.) * Ueber Trepanation im All ge- meinen. 27 pp. 8-'. Wiirzburg. C. J. Becker, 1860. Merkel (Karl). * Beitrag zur Geschiehte der Gastromalacic. 20 pp. 8-. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1863. Merkel (Wilhelm). * Beitriige zur pathologi- schen Entwicklnngsgeschichte der weiblichen Ccnitalien. 36 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Erlangen, A. E. ■lunge, 1856. Merker (Adolphus) [1817- ]. *De vincturis immobilibus. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Xielacki- anis, [1849]. Merkius (Henricus Andreas). De ventis in- ccndii tempore orientibus. 9 -1. 4°. Lipsia; C. Goezius, [1587]. Merkilis (Michael). * Theses medica*, de veme- si'ctione, ex lib. 2 de meth. med. Joh. Fernclij deductii*. et* controversis quiestionibus decadeni materia illustratie. 30 pp. sin. 4\ [VIma], typ. J. Mederi. 1622. Mei'kl (Joannes Gallus). * De vulnere cum h;e- morrhagia arteriosa complicato. 126 pp. sin. 4°. Monachii, E. A. Fleisclnnann, 1826. Iflerkle (Max). * Uebersichts-Tabelle der we- scntlicheu Symptonie der Brustfell- und Lungen- krankheiten. 37 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, F. L. Fues, 1846. Merklein ( Fr. ) * Ueber die griinen Stiihle, welche nach dem Gebrauche des Calomels im typhosen Fieber eutleert werden. 31 pp. 8J. Miinchen, J. Deschlei; 1842. Merkleu (Pierre) [1852- ]. * Etude sur l'anu- rie. 227 pp. 4°. Parti, 1881, No. 182. Merkwiirdige Krankengeschiehten und sel- tene praktische Beobachtungen beruhmter Aerzte. Ein Auszug aus den Abhandlungen der koniglichen medizinisehen Societiit zu Coppen- hagen. Aus dem Lateinischen. 2 p. 1., 539 pp., 2 1. 8o. Halle, Renger, 1795. ITIerland. Singuliere .affaire de simulation; deux accuses traduits (levant trois juridictious; acquitteuieuts. 15 pp. 8°. [Paris. E. Marlinet, 1864.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1864, 2. s., xxii. Merland (Constant). * Sur le cholera-morbus 6pid6mique. 24 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1832, No. 215, v. 254. Merland (Henri). * Des tumeurs du pavilion de l'oreille, chez les allele's. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)3, No. 51, v. 545. Merland (M.-H.-A.) * Sur le diagnostic et le traitement de la pleuresie. viii, 9-39 pp. 4U. Parti, 18-23, No. 157, v. 182. Merland (Marie-Hippolyte). Sur le croup. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 175, v. 175. Merlande (Jnles-Moncle\sir). * Considerations sur la lactation et l'allaitement. vi, 7-17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 110, v. 216. mer lange. Bolrru (E. C.) *Num chronicis aquie mine- rales vulgo de Merlange? 4°. [Paris, 1765.] Examen chymique de l'eau miuerale de Merlange. J. tie ined., chir.,'pharm., etc., Par., 1762, xvi, 228-236. Merlateaii (Pierre-Jules). *I)es mouveiuents forces et de leur emploi en therapeutique. 46 pp. 4°. Parti, 1867, No. 263. Merle (Adrien-Marie-Camille) [ 1843-79]. * Etude clinique sur l'accouchement premature artificiel. 105 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, De Gras, 1868, No. 88. c. For Biography, see Ann. Soc. de m6d. de St.-lttienne et dela Loire (1877-80), 1881, 504-514 (Fayet). Merle (Damien). *Des cicatrices du con et de leur traitement. 98 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 247. Merle (Franc. Xaver.) *De matris iinagina- tione in fietus formatiouem efficaci. 51 pp. 8~. Augusta; Vindelicorum, sumjit. A. Geigeri, 1810. Merle (L.-L.) *I. De la nature de l'epilepsie. II. [etc.] 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 214, v. 393. Merle (Octave-Felix-Emiland). *I. De la litho- tritie chez les enfants. Faire connaitre les dispo- sitions orgauiques propres a developper des acci- dents. II. [etc.] 31 pp. 4-. Paris, 1839, No. 288, v. 347. Merle (Thomas-Pierre-Jules). *Du mal verte- bral de Pott, ou de la tuberculisation des verte- bres. 39 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1846, No. 38, v. 447. Merle-Desisles(C.-R.) " Dissertation medico- philosophique, suivie de propositions de mede- cine, de chirurgie, et sur les accouchemens. 36 pp. 4°. Parti, 1836, No. 233, v. 300. Merlet (Andre-Alexandre). * Sur 1'usage interne et externe des cantharides eu medecine. 21 pp. 4-. Parti, 1815, No. 256, v. 116. Merlet (P.-Ch.-Ferdiuaud). Sur la maladie dite tie vre bilieuse essentielle, ct sur sa complication adynainique. 27 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1829, No, 115, v. 157. Merletta (Vinceuzo Frosina). Cenno sopra un nuovo rimedio da servire come mezzo igienico, come protilattico o preservative e forse come cu- rativo contio il cholera-morbus. 16 pp. 8°. Ca- lania, E. Coco, 1866. -----. Appendice al Cenno sui nuovo rimedio contro il cholera-morbus. 15 pp. 8 . Catania, E. Coco, 1866. Merlhiot (L.) Sur les effets de la saignee, et la preference qu'on devrait tres-souveut donner a celle du pied sur celle du bras. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805], No. 573, v. 59. Merlin (Lewis). The treasure of health, or a wonderful collectiou of the most valuable se- crets in medicine for the cure of all diseases, wounds, and other accidents to which the hu- man body is subject; with the method of pre- paring, and instructions for using, the necessary remedies. Also, the best preservatives against the plague, pestilential fevers, small-pox, and other kinds of contagious diseases, discovered, after much research and experience, by the most skilful physicians in Europe, and employed with the greatest success, and unknown till the pres- ent time in the United States. Faithfully trans- lated from the French and other foreign langua- ges, aud published for the benefit of humanity. 325 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1819. Merlin (Louis-Baptiste). * Considerations sur le chol6ra epidemique qui a sevi au bagne de Toulon en 1863. 53 pp., 1 1. 4^. Montpellier, L. Cristin »,- Cie, 18.66, No. .4. o. Merlin-Leinas (A.-M.-H.) f De la colique de plomb. 36 pp. 4C. Paris, 1845, No. 114, v. 435. Merlin Lenias (Armand). *De la reduction des luxations r6centes de lVq*aule. 42 pp. 4°. Port's-, 1876, No. 73. Merling (Fridericus). *Diss. sistens processus verniiformis anatomiani pathologicam. viii, 20 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Heidelbergce, J. C. B. Moln; [1836]. Merlillg* (!*•) * Beitriige zur Casuistik der Tra- cheotoniie bei Croup und Diphtheritis. 43 pp. 8°. Strassburg, Ii. Schultz u. Camp., 1879. Merlillja (Petrus). *De hydrope. 26 pp., 4 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wtilioff, 1729. [Also, in : P., v. 78.] " Merlit (J.-B.) *Sur les accouchemens, et sur quelques maladies de Puretre et de la vessie. 19 pp. 4°. Parti, 1834, No. 207, v. 275. Merlo (Ernest). *Ueber Vaginismus. 32 pp., 11. 80. Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, [1869]. c. Merlo ( Giuseppe ). Del carattere come virtu morale. 13 pp. 8°. Alessandria, Jacquemod, 1887. Merlou. * De l'ovarite aigue. 89 pp. 4~. Pa- ris, 1877, No. 249. MERLY. 196 MERRIMAN. Merly (Jacques-Philippe). * Considerations sur la bronchite herpetique. 40 pp. 4-. Paris, 1875. No. 137. Mermag'en (Carl). *Die kiinstliche Friihge- burt in ihrer Beziehung zum verengten Becken. 34 pp. 8\ Berlin, G. Lange, [1868]. Mennanil von Schbnberg (Thomas) [1549-1612]. Consultationes ac responsiones medica', a viris doctis hactenus din multumque desideratissimie ; nunc tand' m opera et studio Francisci Iguatii Thierinairii . . . conquisita* ... 16 p. 1., 559 pp., 6 1., [port.], fol. Ingohtadii, J. P. Zinck, 1675. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Also: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 163. IVIeriiiet. tie Poliniere. Noticehiosrraphique de Mermet. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1840, i. 5;i-58. Mermet (L.-G.) "Du pemphigus dans les nd- vroses. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877. No. 323. Mermet (Louis-Xavier). *Des causes qui peu- vent s'opposer a la cicatrisation des plaies et des movens d'y reruedier. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845. No." 44, v. 435. Mermet (Pierre-Marie). * Considerations sur hi paralysie en ge'ue'ral. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, N<». 212, v. 262. JHermi* aquatilis. Kiigiiioii. Note sur les glohtiles sanguins du Mer- niis ai]tiatilis, Du.j., suivie de quelques remarques sur la structure anatoruique de cette espece. Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch., Lausanne, 1870-7, lx, 247-255. Menier (Louis) [1856- ]. * De la terminaison par gangrene des corps fibreux intra-uterins; des dangers de leur extirpation partielle. 46 pp., 1 1. 4'-. Paris, 1883, No. 416. Merner (Mendheini). *De carcinomate ven- triculi. 32 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., A. Samier, 187)1. , C. Iflerocele. See Hernia (Femoral, etc.) Merot (Emile). 'Reflexions sur la dyspepsic. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822. No. 46, v. 171. Merrem ( Angus ns Carol. Ludov. Bias. ) * De tenotomia. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Xie- tackianis. [1840]. Merrem (Blasius) [1761-1824]. De animalibus Scythicis apud Plinium. 22 pp. 4°. Gottingee, H. M. Grape, [1781]. Merrem ( Daniel. "Carolus Theodorus ) [1790- 1859]. *Diss. sistens observationes in Auten- riethii methodum tussi convulsiva* medeudi. 26 pp., 21. 80. Marburgi. typ. Kriegeri, [1810]. ------. Animadversiones qusedam chirurgica* ex- perimentis in animalibus factis illustrate. 46 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Giessce, Tasche et Mueller, 1819. ' Bound with : KlEFER ( D. G.) Ueber die Natur, Ursa- chen, Keuuzeichen und Heilung, etc. 12°. Gottingen, 1811. ------. Ueber den Cortex adstringens Brasilien- sis. iv pp., 1 1., 106 pp. 8<>. Kdln am Rhein, J. P. Bachem, 1828. Merres (Paul Wilhelm) [1843- ]. * Ueber Schenkelhalsbriiche. 32 pp. 8-. Berlin, G. Lange, [1867]. Merrett (Christopher) [1614-95], A collection of acts of Parliament, charters, trials at law, and judges' opinions concerning those grants to the Colledge of Physicians, Loudon, taken from the originals, law-books, aud annals. 1 p. 1., 135 pp sm. 4-. [London], 1660. -----. A short view of the frauds and abuses committed by apothecaries, as well in relation to patients as physicians, and of the only rem- I edy thereof by physicians making their own j medicines. 53 pp. sm. 4°. London, J. Alhstrti, ! 1669. J' Hound with.- Beu.krs (J.) An essav towards the im- I provement of physick. sm. 4°. London, 1714. I Merrett (Christopher)—continued. -----. The same. 2. ed. 5,78 pp. 8\ London J. All est ry. 1670. See, also, Boyle (Robert). New experiments and ob- servations, [etc.] 4°. London, 1683. —Ijex taliouis, etc. 4r London. 1070 —.tiedice cura teipsmn ! or the apothe- caries plea. 4°. London, 1671. Merriam (Clinton Hart). The vertebrates of the Adirondack region, Northeastern New York. 1 p. 1., 9-106 pp. 8-\ [Aw York, L. S. Foster, 1882. ] Repr. from: Tr. Linn. Soc. N. Y., 1882, i. ------. Description of a newly born lyux, Lynx Canadensis(Desm.) Haf. 4 pp., 1 pi. 8-\ Saint John, X. B., J. cf- A. McMillan, 1886. Repr. from: Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick 1886, v. ------. Description of a new mouse from New Mexico. Hesperomys ( Vesperimus ) Anthonyi, sp. now 3pp. 8-. [Washington, 1887.] Repr. from: Proc. Biol. Soc. "Wash., 1886-7, iv. ------. Description of a new species of wood-rat from Cerros Island, off Lower California (Neo- toma Bryanti, sp. now). 2 pp. 8~. Washington, Gibson Brothers, [18*7]. Repr. from: Am. Naturalist, Wash., 1887, xxi. See, also. United State*. Department of Agriculture. Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy. Cir- culars. 8°. [Washington, 1886-7.] Merriam (L[auiestou] A[lphonso]) [1843- ]. Degeneration the law of disease. 8 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1884. Repr. from .- St. Louis Cour. Med., 1884, xii. Merrick. (C. H.) The decimal system of writing prescriptions. 8 pp. 18-'. [Portland, Oregon, A. G. Walling, n. d.] Merrick (Frederick). Introductory lecture delivered to the class of the Starling Medical Col- lege. 16 pp. 8C. Columbus, Legg if Murray, 1818. Merrill (A. P.) Medical essays. 24 pp. 8 . New Orleans, J. 6W)»,.1851. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. tfc S. J., 1851-2, viii. ------. A public lecture on medical ethics, and the mutual relations of patients and physician. 18 pp. 8°. Memphis, 1857. ------. Lectures on fever. Delivered iu the Mem- phis Medical College, 1853-56. 235 pp. 12°. Xew York, Harper if Brothers, 1865. ------. The cholera pestilence. 27 pp. 8C. New York, 1867). ------. Puerperal fever. Chloroform as au in- ternal remedy. 16 pp. 8C. Louisville, J. P. Morton Jf- To.," 1871. Repr. from: Am. Pract.. Louisville, 1871, iv. ------. Uterine diseases. Pneumonia. 16 pp. 8°. Louisville, J. P. Morton <$• Co., 1871. Repr. from: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1870-71, ii-iii. ------. Observations on the use of mercury. 8 pp. 8C. Louisville, J. P. Morton, 1871. Repr. from: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1871, iii. ------. The necessity of dentists in the army and navy. 8 pp. 8'-. Xew York, J. J.Pusey, 1877). Also, Co-Editor of: iTIeniphis Medical Recorder, 1852-7. Merrill (Cyrus S.) The introductory address of the course of 18S2-3, at the Albany Medical Col- lege. 12 pp. 8-. Albany, J. Munsell, 1882. Merrill (Jesse) [179-4-1860J. Biography. Boston M. & S. J., 186:!. lxvi, 291-264.— Obituary. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc , Bost., 1866, x, 165. Merriman (S. William J.) Arguments against the indiscriminate use of chloroform iu mid- wifery. 27 pp. .*°. London, J. Churchill, 1848. [P., v. 1204.] Merriman (Samuel) [1731-1818]. * De con- ccptu. 18 pp. sin. 4. Edinburgi, Hamilton, Bal- four et Xeill, 1753. [Also, in: P., v. 753.] Also, in: Smellie. Thesaurus med. [etc.] 8°. Edin- burgi, 1785, ii, 51-71. MERRIMAN. 197 MERTENS. Merriman (Samuel) [1771-1852]. A disserta- tion on retroversion of the womb, including some observations on extra-uterine gestation, viii, 80 pp. 8°. London, G. Sidney, 1810. [P., v. 1062.] ._____. A synopsis of the various kinds of diffi- cult parturition ; with practical remarks on the management of labours. 2. ed. v pp., 1 p. 1., 204 pp. 8°. London, J. Callow, 1814. _____. The same. With notes and additions by Thos. C. James. 1. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. viii, 9-297 pp., 5 pi. 8C. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1816. -----. The same, viii, 80 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Phila- delphia, T. Dobson if Son, 1817. -----. The same. 3. ed. viii pp., 1 1., 329 pp., 5 pi. 8;. London, J. Callow, 1820. -----. The same. New ed. xxxii pp., 1 1., 351 pp., 6 pi. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1838. -----. The same. Die regelwidrigen Geburteu uud ihre Behandlung. Aus dem Euglischen . . . iibersetzt von Dr. Herrn. Friedr. Kilian. xiv, 354 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Mannheim, Schwan u. Gbtz, 1826. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. xiv, 354 pp., 5 pi. 12-. Mannheim, F. Gbtz, 1847). See, also, I>ever (John C. W.) Case of tumour in the pelvis. 8°. London, 1840. — Scott (P. N.) Case of the separation of the uterus, etc. 8°. London, 1821.—Under- wood (Michael). A treatise on the diseases of children. 8°. London, 1827. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1841. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842. For Biography, see Lancet. Lond., 1850, n. s., ii, 610-615, port. Merritt(A.T.B.) Co-Editor of: Stethoscope (The) and Virginia Medi- cal Gazette, Richmond, 1854-5. Merritt (Emma L.) * Quelques recherches sur le rapport des crevasses du mamelon aux abces du sein. 52 pp., 2 tab. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 135. Merman ( Victor-Jer6me ). * De la vie consi- deree a ses diverses 6poques. x, 11-28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 156, v. 140. Merrylees (John). Carlsbad aud its environs; with a medical treatise on the use of the waters, by B. London, vii, 199 pp., 14 pi. 12°. Lon- don, S. Low [and others], 1885. Mersehei in (Anton). * Ueber die hypodermati- sche Sublimatinjection. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, P. Kriiger, 1868. C. Mersclioff (Herrn. Anton.) De placenta* solu- tione artificiali. viii, 20 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1817]. Merseburg". Anordnungen, die im Betreff der hciannahendeu Cholera morbus zu befolgen sind. [At end:] Die zu Verhiituug der Cholera nie- dergesetzte Kreis-Commission des Merseburger Kreises. 8 1. fol. [Merseburg, 1831.] -----. Berichte iiber das Mediziual- und Sani- tiitsweseu des Regierungsbezirks Merseburg fiir die Jahre 1880-82. Erstattet von Dr. E. Wolff, j, 4°. Merseburg, 1881-3. -----. Berichte iiber das offentliche Gesund- heitswesen des Regierungsbezirk Merseburg fiir die Jahre 1880-85. Erstattet vou Dr. E. Wolff. 4C. Merseburg, 1887. Mersellin (Joannes Wilhelmns). * De vasorum ossificatione et concrescentia ut caussis morbo- rum. 36 pp. 4-. Halce Magdeb., lit. Hendelianis, [177)7]. ITIersey Steel and Iron Works Sick and Benefit Society. Rules. 7 pp. 12°. Liverpool, T. Bra- kell, 1 r-7)9. Established 1835. de Mersseman (B.-J.) * Essai medieo-philoso- phique sur une question de broniatologie : Quelle est l'aetion ou l'influence des alimens et des hoissons sur l'estomac, et par son iuterme~diaire sur les autres organes? 1 p. 1., 70 pp. 4°. Slras- bourg, 1828, v. 57. de Mersseman (Georges). * De l'e'tiologie de la scrofulose et de sa distribution geographique. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 110. de Mersseman (Jacobus Oliverius) [1805-53], * Diss. phys. in qua demonstratur actionem cor- dis et sanguinis circulationem a systemate ner- veo encephalospinali non esseutialiter pendere. 55 pp. 4°. Gandavi. G.de Busscher et fil., [1829]. [P., v. 959.] For Biography, see Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Bruges. 1853, 2. s., i, 205-210. Also : M6m. Acad. roy. de n*6d. de Belg., Brux., 1857, iv, 29-32 (D. Sauveur). de Mersseman (Jacques-Pierre-Marie) [1782- 1839]. * Snr le scorbut. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 37, v. 145. -----. The same. * De scorbuto. 15 pp., 1 1., 4\ Gandavi, G. de Busscher et fil., [1820]. [P., v. 958.] For Biography, see Ann. Soc. mCd.-chir. de Bruges, 1853, 2. s., i, 33-40, port..(de Meyer). Merten (Paul). * Ein Beitrag zur Statistik der Celenkresectioneu. 44 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1872. c. -----. Die Vererbuug von Krankheiten und die etwaigen Mittel, derselben Entgegenzuwirken. Eine hygienische Monographic iv, 43 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1879. Mertens (Carolus Henricus). *Anatomiae batra- chiorum prodromus sistens observationes non- nullas in osteologiani batrachiorum nostratium. 2 p. 1., 34 pp., 3 1. 16°. Halce, F. Grunerti fil., [1820]. [P., v. 834.] von Mertens ( Charles) [ 1737-88 ]. * Diss, sis- tens vulnus pectoris complicatum cum vulnere diaphragmatiset arteria* mesenteric* inferioris. 23 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1758]. -----. Dissertatio exhibens epidemias Viennaa observatas, febris catarrhal is ami. 1762, et dysen- teric aim. 1763. 21 pp. 8°. Viennce, J. T. de Trattnern, [1766]. [P., v. 909.] -----. Observationes medicte de febribus putridis, de peste, nonuullisque aliis morbis. 8 p. 1., 220 pp., 11. 8 . Vindobonai, R. Graeffer, 1778. -----. Trait6 de la peste, contenant l'histoire de celle qui a regne" a Moscou eu 1771; ouvrage publie d'abord en latin, actuellement mis en francois et augmente de plusieurs pieces inte- ressautes, par l'auteur. xxviii, 142 pp. sm. 4C. Parti, Didot le jeune; a Vienne if Strasbourg, les freres fray, 1784. The original published in his: Observationes medieas [etc.] 8°. Yindobonce, 1778. -----. Observationes medicte de febribus putridis, de peste, nonnullisque aliis morbis. 2 v. in 1. 234 pp.; 158 pp. 8°. Ticini, sumpt. B. Comini, 1791. v. 1 same as preceding; v. 2, title: Observationes me- dica*. -----. The same. An account of the plague which raged at Moscow in 1771. [Trausl. from the French, with notes, by Richard Pearson.] x, 122 pp. 8°. London, /•'.'\f C. Rivington, 1799. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. MerteilS (Christoph Aug. Ludwig) [1812- ]. * In tegumentis salus. 26 pp., 31. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1839]. -----. Zur Physioiogie der Anatomie. 86 pp. 8°. Berlin, T. Trautwein, 1841. -----. The same. Das Mark. Zweites Biiudchen. Ill pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1845. See. also, I.utze (Arthur). Die Schutzpocken-Iinpfung [etc.] 8°. Cothen, 1854. -----. The same. 12°. Gothen, 18o9. Mertens [Franz Carl) [1764-1831]. Htachow (C. L.) Biographie. Biogr. Skizzen ver- storb. Bremisch. Aerzte. Bremen, 1844, 239-392. Mertens (Joann. Adamus). * De ambustioni- bus. 2 p. 1., 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halce, typ. H. Ruffii, [1838], MERTEXS. 198 MERYOtf. Mertens (Joh. Willi. Jos.) * Ueber Ueber- schwiiugerung uud llebcrfruchtung. 36 pp. 8 . Gicssen, G. D. Briihl, 187)9. c. Mertens (Karel Hendrik). "Over uitroderi- vaten van dimethylaniliue. 2 p. 1., 47 pp., 1 tab. 8\ Leiden. S. ('. van Doesburgh, 1877. Merthyr-Tydfil. Annual reports on the san- itary condition of Merthyr-Tydfil, prepared for the local board of health by their medical offi- cer. T. J. Dvke. 1.-14., 1865-78; 17., 1881; 19., 1883. 8 -. Merthyr-Tydfil, 1.866-84. 1.-12. hound in 1 v. -----. Forms for the use of officers of health, by Thomas Jones Dyke. No. 7. Diary of applica- tions, and visits bv medical officers of health. 4°. Merthyr-Tydfil', Farrant <,' Frost, 1873. Iflertliyr-Tydfil. Rammkll (T. W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, aud the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town of Merthyr-Tydfil, in the county of Glamorgan. 8- London, 1850. Dyke (T. J.) The sanitary historv of Merthyr-Tydfil. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1885, ii, 192-196. Merthyr-Tydfil Union. Report on the sani- tary condition of the habitations in the parishes of Vaynor aud Penderyn, and in the hamlet of Rhigos, part of the district of the rural sanitary board of the Merthyr-Tydfil Union. Prepared by their medical officer of health, T. J. Dvke. 1873. 1 p. l.,46pp., ltab. 8l. [Merthyr-Tydfil, 1873.] Bound with: Merthyr-Tydfil. Annual rep. 1.-12., 1865-76. -----. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of the rural district of the Merthyr-Tydfil Union, by T. J. Dvke, to the rural sanitary authority. 1,-6., 1873-8. 8°. Merthyr-Tydfil, 1874-9. 1.-4. bound with: Merthyr-Tydfil. Annual rep. L- 12., 1865-76. MertlicR (Franciscus Joannes). * De saburra. 1- pp. 4". Lipsiee, ex off. Klaubarthia, [1786]. For Biography, see Plainer (Ernestus). Mertriid. Hermaphrodite. Dissertation au su- jet de la fameuse hermaphrodite qui a paru aux yeuxdu public depuis environ trois mois. La- quelle hermaphrodite a et6 peinte et grave"e par Gautier [d'Agot-vJ. 1 pi., 1 1. eleph. fol. [Pa- ris, 1741!.] Bound with: Gautier d'Adoty. Essai d'anatomie. eleph. fol. Paris, 1745. VOil Mertschinsky (P.) "BeitragzurWarme- Dyspnt'io. 21 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Wiirzburg, Slahel, 188 1. Repr. from: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1881, xvi. Mertz (Albert). * Beitrage zur Statistik der Tu- moren am Ober-Schenkel. 69 pp. 8°. [Strass- burg], G. Schade, 1882. Mertz (Jeremias). [ Without title-page; p. 1 begins:] Von mancherley heitnlichen Kiinsten. Das erste Buch: In welchem die Art oder Weiss. mancherley Oil, Pilaster, Salben, Lattwergen, Pillulen, und unziilbare andere Arztneyen zu machen begriffen wirdt. Das ander Buch: In welchem mit schoner Ordnuug angezeigt wirdt, wie man mancherley' Weiu, und krefftige Wasser machen soil. Dasdritt Buch: In welchem etliche hochwichtige Heimligkeiten der Arztney, neben vii anderen kurtzweiligeu, und spitzi'undigen verborgnen Kiinsten begriffen werden. 2 p. 1., 635 pp., 111. 16°. Augspurg, G. Wilier, 1570. Mertz (Paul). *Z\volf Fiille von Neubildungen der Vulva. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, R. Xisch- kowsky, 1887). Mei'tznieh (Joannes Josephus). *De cogui- tione morborum trachea*. 48 pp. 8-. Colonice, typ. Bueschleri sociique, [1834]. Tleruliu*. <»onperf. Lthir den llaussehwamm und seine Be- kiimpfun<>. .Jahresh. d. sehles. (itstllsrh. f. vaterl. Kult 1884. ISresl., 1SS5, lxii, 161-168. — Poleek. Lt-bt-r uehin- pene Cultur-Versuthf tits Haussehwiiuimrs (Meriilius la- crimaus) aus seiuen Sporrn. Ibid.. 1885, I'.resl., lssii, lxiii, 100-111.-----. ITcbtr tlif sanitiiro Bedeutung des Hans'- schwamnies. Ibid.. 73-77. Considerations sur les 26 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, Merveil (Fortune). urines albumineuscs. 1861, No. 587, 2. s., v. 31. Merveilles (Les) de l'homoeopathie on millio- nisme; discours academique. 24 pp. 8°. Lyon L. Pcrrin, 1832. [P., v. 911.] .flerville. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by local- ities. Mervy (Camille). * Des hemorrhagies dans la castration, causes et traitement. 40 pp. 4 . Paris, 1876, No. 39. Iflervhauseii. .Sec Hospitals (Man age ment, etc., of), by local- ities. Mery (Cesar-Auguste). * De quelques accidents utei'ins chez les rhumatisantes. 64 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1887), No. 196. -----& Cie 11 til (C. J.) Qiuestio medico-chirur- gica au bubo veuereus skirrhodes absque cau- terio curandus? [Parisiis, 1751.] In: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannae, 1755 iv, 457-461. Mery (Franciscus). See KoiiM»in de lVIontabourg (Joannes Armandus). *Au salubrior Setiuana ! 4°. [Paris, 1759.] Mery (Francois-Caniille). * De la dysenteric des pays chauds et de sou traitement, spocialeineut par le sulfate de sonde. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877), No. 257. Mery (J.-Auguste). 'Des resorptions purulente et cancereuse, de leur theorie, et de la compres- sion comme moyen therapeutique. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 83, v. 296. Mery (J.-B.-.I.) * Sur le goitre. 19 pp. 4r Pa- ris, 1826, No. 99, v. 200. Mery (Jean) [1645-1722]. Observations sur la maniere de tailler dans les deux sexes pour l'extraction de la pierre, pratique's par Frere Jacques. Nouveau systeme de la circulation du sang par le trou ovale dans le tcetus humaiu, avec les repouses aux objections qui out 6t6 faites contre cette hypothese. 9 p. 1., ix pp., 7 1., 120 pp.; 6 p. 1., ix,' 187 pp., 6 pi. 12°. Paris, J.-L. Delorme, 1700. The paging of the first treatise is pp. 1-96, followed by 67-90; the total number of pages is 120. See, also, Taurry (Daniel). Traite de la generation etc. 12°. Paris, 1700.—Verheyen (Philippics). Supple- nientuni anatomicum [etc.] sm. 4°. Colonice. 1713. For Biography, see Ilcrpin (J.-C.) Notice liistorique sur la vie et les travaux de Jean Mery. 8-. Paris, 1864. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Soc. du Berry, 1863-4. See, also, Collect, acad. d. mem., etc.,-Par., 1774, v, 388- 390. [From: Mem. Aead. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1723.] For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. iVIerycisiii. See Rumination in man. Meryoil (Edward). The history of medicine, comprising a narrative of its progress from the earliest ages to the present time, and of the de- lusions incidental to its advance from empiricism to the dignity of a science, v. 1. viii, 483 pp. 8~. London, Longman [and others], 1861. -----. Practical aud pathological researches on the various forms of paralysis, vii, 215 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, J. Churchill $• Sons, 1864. On the functions of the sympathetic sys- tem of nerves, as a physiological basis for a ra- tional system of therapeutics. 6)8 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. If A. Churchill, 1872. MERZ. 199 MESENTERY. Merz (Carl)1. * Ueber das Verhalten des Alloxans zu Asparagin, Malamid, Caffei'n, Chlorbarium und Amnioniak. 29 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1865. C. Merz (Carl)'2. * Leber Gummata, nebst einer Statistik der in den Jahren 1873-83 vorgekom- menen Fiille der hiesigen syphilitischen Abthei- lung. 25 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, X. Scamoni, 1884. Merz (Christophor. Frider.) * De earicibus qui- busdam medicinalibus sarsaparilhe succedaneis. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Erlanga; stanno Ellrodtiano, [1784]. Merz (Georges-IL rniaun). * Du traitement des tievres pernicieuses. 44 pp., 1 1. 4\ Paris, 1877, No. 54. Merz (Gerardus Joannes Fredericus). * De ne- phrorrhagia. 1 p. 1., 50 pp. 8C. Lugd. Bat., P. H. ran den Heuvell, 1839. Merz (Joannes Jacobus). *De digitali purpu- rea ejusque usu in scrofulis medico. 3 p. 1., 16 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Maukianis, [1790]. Merz (Paul Coustantin) [1856- ]. * Ein Fall von Carcinom der niannlichen Brustdriise. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1885. Merz (Victor). * L ntersuchnugeu iiber das Ti- tan, Silicium und Boron. 38 pp. 8°. Zurich, Ziircher it. Furrer. 1864. c. Merzdorff (J. F. A.) See de la Uoelie. Zergliederung der Verrichtung ties Xervensystems, etc. 8°. Halle, 1794-5. Mesa (Alonso Manuel Sedeno). See Hippocrates. Aforismos de Hypocrates, ete. 12°. 2tadrid, 1789. Mescll (Casparus). *Cel. Ant. de Ha*n, etc. Tom. ii. de morbis huinoruni, una cum aduexis thesilms medico-])racticis. 1 p. 1., 64 pp. 8°. Vienna; M. A. Schmidt, [1781]. Mescll (Georg Christoph Michael). *De peri- pneumonia. 30 pp. 8-. Erlangce, typ. Kunst- manni, [1809]. Mesehede (Joannes Franciscus) [1832- ]. * Dc electro-punctura ejusque in sanaudis tumo- ribus cum vasis sanguiferis communicantibus vi et usu. 43 pp. 8°. Gryphia; F. G. Kunilce, 1856. C. ------. Die paralytische Geisteskraukheit und ihre orgauische Grundlage. 102 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Printer, [1865]. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1805, xxxiv. -----. The same. De paralytische waanzinnig- heid en hare orgauische grondslag. Uit het Hoogduitsch door Dr. J. C. van der Voort. viii, 136 pp., 1 pi. 8 . Utrecht, A. van Dorsten, jr., 1867. ------. Bericht iiber die stadtische Krankenan- stalt zu Konigsberg, Ostpr., fiir das Jahr 1883-4. 16 pp. 8°. Konigsberg, Hartung, 1884. MeschwitZ (Johann Jacob). Abhandlung von dem iv'utzen der Tobacksbliitter in Entziiudun- gen der Augen. 8 pp. sm. 8°. Kopenhagen, J. R. Thiele, [1776]. Mesdag (Rein.) * De partu difficili instrumen- ts secautibus absolvendo. viii, 114, iv pp., 1 1. 8 . Groningce, W. Wouters, 1810. Uleseiiibryantlieiiium. Danxemanx (J. F.) * Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Anatomie und Entwicklung der Mesem- bryanthema. 8. Halle a. S., 1883. Lieb (J. W. F.) Die Eisptlanze als ein fast specifisches Arzneimittel. 12°. Hof, 1785. Wendt. Von den Heilkrafteu der Eisptlanze (Mesem- hryaiithemuni crystallinum). J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1801, xi, 3. St., 3-30. Mesentery. See, also, Omentum; Peritoneum. Daiiling (G. II.\ *Deglandulis mesentericis pnecipue vero de illarum conjunctione cum ar- teriis. 4°. Gottingee, [1829]. Mesentery. Ebhakdt (G. 8.) *De statu mesenterii natu- rali et pneteruaturali. sm. 4°. Jence, [1755]. Eschexi'acii (C. G.) De glandularum mesa- raicarum in chylum actione. 4°. Lipsiee, [1777], Eueer (M. C.) * De mesenterio. 4°. Argen- torati, [1714]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1750, i, 719-756, 1 pi. Hertkl (J. H.) *De mesenterio. 4°. Er- fordice, [1767]. Rath (G. S.) * Das Mesenterium, (lessen Struktur und hochste B deutung. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1823. Rush (J.) An inquiry into the use of the omentum. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. Besniei' (E.) M6sentere. Diet, encycl. d. sc. metl., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii. 121-125. -----. Ganglions mesenteri- ques. Ibid., 125-138.—Fanton (J.) De mesenterio, va- sis chyliferis et lvmphaticis. In his: Diss, anat., 8°, Tau- rini, 1745, 165-222. —liister (J.) On the flow of lacteal fluid in the mesentery. Dublin Hosp. Gaz , 1857, iv, 347.— lie id (J.) Some observations on the structure of the mesenteric glands in the bala*noptera rostrata. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1835, xliii, 9-11. Also, in his: Extr. Select Cotn- municar. Edinb. Med.-Chir. Soc, 8°, Edinb., 1835, 1-3.— Kibes (F.) Omphalo-mesenteriques (vaisseaux). Diet. d. sc. metl.. Par., 1819, xxxvii, 305-309, 2 pi.—Urvich (B. O.) K vopr. ob otdel. bryjjeiki ot kishki. [On secretions of the mesentery of intestine.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 921-924. Ulesenlery (Abnormities of). See, also, Intestines (Obstructions of) by adhe- sions, etc.; Peritoneum (Abnormities of). Boncaud. Retr6cissement tres-ancien du colon trans- verse et du colon descendant; double anomalie de l'epi- ploon. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1806-7, vi, pt. 2, 13-15. Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xviii, 331. — Grnber (VV.) Beitrage zu den Bildungs- hemmungen der Mesenterien. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz.. 1862, 588-611, 1 pi.; 588, 1 pi.: 1864, 478, 1 pi. -----. Nachtrage zu den Bildungshem- niungeu der Mesenterien und zu der Hernia interna meso- gastrica iiberhaupt, und Abhandlung eines Falles mit einem Mesenterium commune fiir den Diinu-Dickdarm, einer hetraehtlichen Hernia interna niesogastrica dextra uud einer enorm grossen Hernia scrotalis dextra beson- ders. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, xliv, 215-241, 1 pi. -----. Mesenterium commune fiir das Colon ascen- dens und Jejuno-Ileum. Ibid., 1879, lxxvii, 132.—Heup- ner (C. L.) Ein Fall von Bildungshemmung des Mesen- terium und Rudiment der Vasa omphaloenterica. St. Petersb. nied. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 297-303, 1 pi. Mesentery (Abscess of). See Abdomen (Abscess, etc., of); Mesentery (Diseases of). Hesentery (Diseases of). See, also, Faeces (Fatty); Tabes mesenterica. Avellan (F. W.) *Anmarkningar roraude ett fall af mesenteritis acuta. 8°. Helsingfors, [1840]. Bakth (F.) * De glandularum mesaraicarum iuflammatione. 8». Halw, [1821]. Burciiahd ( C. M. ) [Pr.] de ha*morrhagiis mesenterii culpa iugravescentibus. sni.4°. Ros- tochii, 1727. Gayot (P.) * Recherches sur quelques altera- tions des ganglions mesenteriques chez l'adulte. 4°. Paris, 1875. Hebenstreit (J. C. E.) * Diss, sistens casum de scirrho mesenterii exulcerato. 4J. Halce Magdeb., [1756]. Krause (F. A.) *De glandularum mesarai- carum iuflammatione. 8°. Berolini, 1834. Martini (M.) De morbis mesenterii abstru- sioribus ; in scholis medicorum hactenus praster- missis, nee scriptis veterum illustratis. Item affectionum hypochoudriacarum prioribus quo- dammodo affinium historia et curatio. 18". Lipsiee, 1630. Oberlakxder (F.) * Ein Fall von Cysticercus cellulosa* im Mesenterium des Menschen. [Greifs- wald.] 8 . Ltipzig, [1874], MESESTEKY. 200 MESENTERY. Mesentery (Diseases of). Ri cker (.). D.) *De mensenterio multorum malorum sede. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1728. Svixtsoee. 'Material k ncheniou o vospa- leniibrizjeki. [Intianunation of the mesentery.] *^\ St. Petersburg, 1873. Aeby (C.) Fremde Korper ini Mesenterium des Lrosches. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1*62, 3. R., xiv, 361. — Bierbaiiui (J.) Phthisis mesaraica ; Tuberculose der Gekrdsdriisen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1870, xxii. 305; 374.—Bonnet. [Raniollissement inflani- matoire tin mesentere, consecutif a 1'intiammation intes- tinale entrt'teiiue par tabus ties purgatifs irritants.] Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 86.—Booth (B. S.) Pus in abdominal cavity. Med. Pie.-s Sc Circ., Lond.. 1877. n. s., xxiii, 468.— Bouchul. De la tuberculose entt-roniesen- terique. Gnz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 237; 246. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1860, xxxiv, 413-426.— Boyle (P. A.) On a ease of mesenteric disease with dis- cbarge of f;eets by the navel. Lancet, Lond., 1849. i. 666.—C'arpcntici'. Ganglions m6senteriques engorges et t iitiamnits (lout la plupart renferment des nuyeaiix tubeiculcux k l'etat cas6eux et des foyers purulents. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1874, xxvi, 127.—|Case.] Mes- enteric disease: obscure fever. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 577. —C'liolineley (W.) 'l'ubereular enlargement and ilfgeiier;ttit)ii of the mesenteric glands from an adult male. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond , 1*65-1}. xvii, 165-167.—Cleb»eh. Mesenterialbranil. Metl. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv. 7— Gull (\V.) Fatty stools from disease of the mesenteric glands. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud , 1855, 3. s., i, 369-372—Austin (J.) Note sur un eas de tuberculisation niesentei iijue. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1859, 2. s., vii, 23-28. [Rap. de Van Dronime], 118-120. Also: Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1859, xxiv, 108-113.—Hcyfeldcr. De- generation von Mesenterialdriisen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1835, iv, 49.—Johnston (W.) A case of acute disease of the mesenteric glands. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1842-3, i, 438- 441.—Joninon. Observation d'une affection squir- rhense des glandes m6senteiiques; compression exereee par la tumeur sur le canal eboledoqne et rendant impos- sible l'arrivee dans le duodenum de la bile et du sue pan- creatique. J. de med. de Lyon, 1845, viii, 122-125.— Ijcilercr. Bauchdrusen-(Tuberkulose der Mesenterial- ilriiseii) und Eingfweiih-wuimer. Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1*54, iv, 7; 20. — [lYIarques (J. A.)] Tuberculos mesen- tericos; massa tubereulosa suppurada; derramamento do pus; moite em poucas horas. Escholiaste med., Lisb., 1854, v, 160.—.Tlonro (D.) Case of ossifications in the mesentery. Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. 1768-71, Lond., 1772, ii, 361-365—,\ivi*on (N.) Case of intimation of mesenteric glands successfully treated. X. York J. M., 1856, 3. s , i, 36-42.—Osier (W.) Abscesses in the mes- entery; suppuration of portal vein; empyema; perfora- tion of appendix; general peritonitis. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path. Rep., 1877, i, 51.—Palmer (S.) [Case of dissection of enlargement and ulceration of the mesentery, complicated with tumefaction of the liver.] Lond. M. Reposit., 1819, xii, 381-3*7. — Paulicki. Carcinom der Meseuterialdrusen mit Metastasen nach der Leber und den Nieren. Meniorabilien, Heilbr., 1869, xiv, 163.—Pinto Cerqueira (N. V.) Lm caso de completa liquefacao tie tuberculos uiesentericos. Escholiaste med., Lisb., 1856, vii, 269.—Porter (C. A.) Case of extensive disease, in- volving the glands of the mesenterium. U. States M. & S. J.. X. Y., 1*34-5, i, 171.—Ribbentrop. Kann eine tuberkulose Gekidsdrusen-Vereiterung sich durch den Xabel entleeren? Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 178.—Ro- ilinoflf (G.) K patolog. anatomii podjelud. jelezi pri ubsh. chron. bolezn. [Pathological anatomy of the mes- enteric glands in chronic diseases] Voyenuo-iued. J. St. Petersb., 1885, clii, pt. 2, 209-280.—Romberg. Peri- tonitis; Tuberculosis mesenterii. Wchnschr. f. d. ges Heilk., Berl., 1837, 293.—Scherb. Beobachtung einer Verhiirtung in dem Gekros. Museum d. Heilk., Ziirich 1702, i, 137-143.—Smith (G ) Case of hemorrhage into the mesentery. Lancet, Lond., 1*81, ii, 1124.—Sonthcy. Chronic degeneration of mesenteric glands and marasmus, with cerebral symptoms simulating, cerebral tumour, but due to intraventricular pressure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*78, ii. 518.—[Thomson (\V.)] Diseases of the mesenteric glands. Syst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1841. iv, 229- 23S. — Toel. Leber Mesenteritis skrofuloser Kinder Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1824, ii, 467-474.—Wallach. Ueber steinige Coucremente der Mesenterialdriisen. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1837, ii, 818-821.—Wendt (J. C. G ) De insidiosa mesenterii inflammatione sub setate puerili. Actareg. Soc. med. Havn., 1821, vi. 88-99. Mesentery (Rupture of'). Arnoult. Deehirure du me-sentfere par violence ex- terieure: t panchenient considerable de sang dans le p6ri- toine. Bull. Sue. anat. de Par.. 1845, xx, 46-49. — I,on- jguel. Deehirure du m6sentere; peritonite suraigue ; mort. Ibid., 1*73, xlviii, 767-769. —Rupture of mesen- tery from external violence. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond 1867, ii, 431. Mesentery (Tumors of). Algagneur ( V. ) Tumeurs du mesentere. 8°. Paris, 1886. Collet (F.) * Sur les kistes du mesentere 4°. Paris, 1884. Grambs (J.J.) Anatomische Besrhreibung eines monstrosen Gewachses, welches in dem Leibc einer Fraueu von drey und fuufftzig Jahr, an ein gewisses Stuck des Mesenterii angewach- sen, und aehtzehen Pfund schwer ausgewaehsen gefunden worden. 4°. Franckf. a. M., 1?:10. Allen. Discoid carcinoma of mesentery; cancer in- volving the semilunar ganglion. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1883, n. s., v, 223. — Arnott (H.) SpindleYellcd sarcomatous tumour in the mesentery, with syphilitic tumours elsewhere. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1868-!t xx,221- 224.—Remiss (J. FL) Eneephaloid cancer of mesenteric glands; (pathological report). X. Orl. M. tfc S. J., 1884-5, n. s., xii, 352. —Bennett (J. R.) Cancer of tho omentum] mesentery, pleura, etc. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1*50-52. iii] 101.— Beretta (('.) Di un fungo nel mesenterio simu- lante un ipertrofia di inilza. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1845, iv, 285-289— Berlhelot. Concretions ost6il'oi nies ayant leur siege dans l'epaisseur du mesentere. ('umpt. rend Soc. de biol. 1855, Par., 1856, 2. s., ii, 29. — Bigelow (rL J.) Gaseous cysts upon the mesentery anil intestine. Extr. Lee. Bust, Soc. M. Improve., 1854-0, ii, 17L—Boze- ■iia■■ (N.) C\stic sarcoma of the mesentery anil omen- tum. Metl. Lee., X. Y., 1882, xxii. 72. — Bi-ielu leau (I.) Observation d'une tumeur fibro-t artilaginense du mesen- tere, qui embrassait le duodenum, et coniprimait cetintes- tin au point d'y empeeher le cours des aliniens. J. coinpl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1824, xx, 205-207.—Brusehini (E.) Carcinoma dell' epiploon; coprostasi. Eco d. clin., Napoli, 1887, ii, 129-133—Buekner (P. J.) A very large mesenteric, tumour, simulating ovarian disease, success- fully extirpated. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 358-365. — Carter (C. H.) Large cyst of the mesentery simulating an ovarian cyst; operation; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 7.—Church. Unusually small spleen associated with lymphoma of the mesentery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.,1868-9, xx, 375-378—Custes(G.) ' KapuVot riv fieaevTepiiav aSiviov, TTepivy£isrov8(a8eKa&aKTv\ov: divaTOf. AarpiKi) 'Etf.7)|ot., 'A6r)vai, 1858-9, i, 123. — Di< liiiixoii (W. H.) Mesenteric tumour. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud.. 1*70-71, xxii, 296-304.—van Doinniclen. Waarneming van een steatoma mesenterii. Pract. Tijtlschr. v. de Geneesk., Goriuchem, 1856, n. s., ii, 73-79.— I>uea».*tet. Kyste du mesentere. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 67-70.— Buhamel (V.) Tumeurdu mesentere; cirrhose; ascite; autopsie. Gaz. hebd. de in6d., Par.. 1863, x. 383-'!*0.—Eve (F. S.) Myxosarcoma, or so-called colloid or hydatid tumour of the great omentum, and case of tubercle of the great omentum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886, xxxvii, 496- 499, 1 pi— Fraiponl (F.) Ln cas (It: tumeur ilu mesen- tere. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege. 1886, xxv, 451-459.— CJallemnerlN. Tuineur de l'epiploon. Presse nied. beige, Brux., 1**6, xxwiii, 105-107.— 4»arreau. Tumeur cancereuse tin mesentere. Gaz. nied. del'Algerie, Alger, 1871, xvi, 25.—Gooding (J.C.) Cyst of the great omen- tum; removal; recovery. Lancet,'Lond., 1*87, i, 311 — Gradenwitz. Krebs der Gekrosdriisen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1848, xvii, 103. — Ilnhu ( E.) Ueber Mesenlerial- cyaten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1 **7, xxiv, 408-412.—Har- lan. Cancer of the mesentery and of the duodenum. Proc. Path. Soe. Phila., 1857-60,' i. 271—Ilayilen. Scir- rhus of the mesentery. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1*73. i, 43.—Henry (F. P.) Myxomatous tumor of the mesentery of a hen. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 18*4, xi, 250.— I.aboulbene (A.) (dancer du mesentere, observe sur une vieille femme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1854, Par., 1855,2. s., i, pt. 2, 9-11 — I,admiral. Tumeur tibro- plastique tres-volumineuse du mesentere, developneo pro- bablement dans les ganglions lymphatiques. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 638-642. — Lauderdale ( E.) [Tumors of medullary cancer of the mesentery] Med. Indep., Detroit, 1856, i, 30.— I.ei-oux. Observation sur une tumeur caroinomateuse (16veloppee dans le mesentere. J. de med., chir., phann., etc., Par., 1808, xv, 3-11.—.tlc- Kain ( W. J.) Strangulation of the .jejunum, produced by an encysted tumour of the mesentery. Charleston M. J., 1848, iii, 276-279. — TIcReililie (G. D.) Case of scirrhus cancer of mesentery. Indian M. (>a/.., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 312. — Mudeluiig. Exstirpation eines vom Mesenterium ausgeheiitlen Lipoma ledematosiiin nivxo- matodes mit partieller Resection des Diiiiudarnies: Hei- lung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 75; 93.—.Uerk- len (P.) Exainen histologique dun kvste du mesen- tere. Bull. Acad, de ru6d„ Par., 1880, 2. s'., ix, 926-930.— itlorri* (T. F.) t Cancer of mesentery. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey. Newark, 1875, 181.—IVausc (D-.) Ein Spindelzel- lensafkoiu ties Mesenteriums. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1883, xciv, 473-476. — lVuckel. t Eigenthiimliclie Geschwulst zwiscben den Platten des Mesenteriums (de- generirie .Mesenteiial-Drusel). Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, MESENTERY. 201 MESMERISM. mesentery (Tumors of). 44. — Rota (A.) Carcinoma del mesenterio da trauma; peritonite parziale da disordine dietetieo; morte. Com- ment, di nied. e chir., Milano. 1874, i, 247.—Sahourin. Adeno-lymplioeele du mesentere. Bulb Soc. anat. de Par., 1870, li, 339. Also: Progres med, Par., 1876, iv, 647.— Suinsburv (II.) Primarv spindle-celled sarcoma of the mesentery. " Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 343-348. ----- Case of malignant disease of the mesentery. Lan- cet, Lond., 1884, i, 343.—Sewall (J. G.) [Tumors, sup- posed to be cancerous.] N. York M. Times, 1856, v, 387.— Sileoelc (A. Q.) Malignant lymphoma of mesentery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 348-3.30.—Stobbe (V.) Kin M\osarcoin der Mesenterialdriisen. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1876. xvii, 466-468. — Terrillon. Lipomes du mesentere. Bull. et. mem. Soc. tie chir. de Tar.. 1886, n. s., xii, 23-31. Also: Anh. gen. do ined., Par., 1886, i, 257: 434.—Thornton (J. K.) Mesenteric aud omental cysts. Brit. il. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1242.—Van Bibber (W. C.) The differential diagnosis of cancer in the mesentery. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi, 253-258. Also: Med. tfc Sing. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 193-197. — Violin. Cancel du mesentere; squirrhe atrophique; £traugh-ment inteme. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 342. — Voi- sin. Tumeurs tuberculeuses gauglionnaires du mesen- tere accolees aux deux reins; compression de l'artfere renale gauche par l'une d'elles; absence de secretion uri- naire pendant soixante hemes; phenomenes uremiques coniateux; mort. Ibid.. 1863, xxxviii, 317-324.— Wal- deyer (W.) Grosses Lipo-Myxoin des Mesenteriums mit secundfireu sarcoinatosen Heerden in der Leber und Lunge. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxii, 513.— IrVcichselbauui (A.) Eiue selteneGesehwulstform des Mesenteiiunis (Chylangioma eavernosuni). Ein Beitrag 7.ur Lehre von den Getassgeschwiilsten. Ibid., 1875, Ixiv, 145-162, 1 pi.—Wella ( I'. S.) Fatty tumour of mesentery removed during life. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867-8, xix, 243. -----. Js'ote on mesenteric cysts aud tumours. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1882, ii. 1138.—Woodhouse. Abdominal tumor. Prov. M. tfc S. J.. Lond., 1850, 693.—Zinke (E. G.) Case of round celled sarcoma of the mesentery, oc- curring in a boy five years of age. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1884, n. s., xiii, 502-504. Meseth (Georg). * Vier Falle vou Meningitis cerebro-spinalis epidemica. 28 pp. 8~. Wiirz- burg, F. E. Thein, 1871. mesinto. Villa (E.) Topografia e statistiea medica dei comuni tli Ceriano e Mesiuto. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1886, 8. s., viii, 237; 244. mesitylene. Holt.meykh (A.) * Schwefelhaltige Abkonnn- liuge des Mesitylens. 8J. Gottingen, 1867. Mesko (Joannes). * De camphora. 1 p. 1., 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Budet; typ. Reg. Cuir. Hung., 18:>>9. [P., v. 1318.] Meslier (Adolphe-Hippolytc). *De la gangrene des pouuions. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)7. Xo. 27)2, v. 608. Meslier (E.-M.-J.) ■ Sur l'hepatite aigue. vi, 7-19 pp. 4~. Paris, 1818, Xo. 55, v. Lit). ITIeslier (Elie). *De la fievre interniittente simple. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 123, v. 435. Meslier (James). * Des pleurisies rhumatis- males. 44 pp. 4 . I'aris, 1872, No. 370. de Meslon (Joannes). *Delieue. 24 pp. sm. 4-. Lugd. Bat., G. Potrliet, 1738. [P., v. 80.] Mesly (J.-A.) *Sur les convulsions des enfaus, et leurs causes, vi, 7-20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, Xo. 235, v. 151. de Mesmaecker (Joannes Henricus). * De peritonitide pncrperali. 20 pp. 4°. Gandavi, P. F. de Goesin-l'erhaeghe, 1825. [P., v. 957; 1377.] Mesnier (Friederich Anton) [1733-1817)]. M6- inoire sur la decouverte du magu6tisme animal. vi, 85 pp. 12^. Genere ,f Parti, P.-F. Didot le jenne, 1779. Bound with: u'Esi.ox. Observations sur le niagne- tisme animal. 12°. Londres, 1780. -----. The same. Abhandlung iiber die Eut- deekung des thierischen Maguetismus. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. 04 pp. 12. Carlsruhc, M. Macklot, 1781. -----. Precis liistorique des fails relatifs an nia- gndtisme-auinial jusques en avril 1781. Ouvrage Mesmer (Friederich Anton)—continued. trad, de l'allemand. 2 p. 1., 229 pp., 1 1. 8°. Londres, 1781. -----. The same. Kurze (ioschichte des thieri- schen Maguetismus bis April 1781. Aus dem Franzosischen iib'ersetzt. 1 1., 428 pp. 12°. Carlsruhe, M. Macklot, 1783. -----. Lettre de . . . a M. le comte de C . . . [Copie de la requete. A nos seigneurs, nos sei- gneurs de parlement en la (J rand' chambre.] 11 }>p. 4 . [Paris, 1784.] -----. Lettres de . . . a messieurs les auteurs du Journal de Paris, et a M. Franklin. 16 pp. 16°. [Paris, 1784.] -----. Noms des personnes nouvellement admises chez . . . pour etre instruites dans sa doctrine. 12 pp. 16°. [Parti, 1784.] -----. M6uioire sur la de~couverte du magndtisme animal. 2 p. 1., 7-468 pp., 2 1. 8L. Paris, an VII [1799]. -----. Lettres sur l'origiue de la petite verole et le moyen de la faire cesser, avec une adresse aux meres. 11,16,7 pp. 8°. Paris, an X [1892]. [P., v. 1285.] -----. Magnetisme animal. Me'moires et apho- rismes, suivis des procedes de d'Eslon. Nouv. ed., avec des notes par J.-J.-A. Ricard. xii, 228 pp. 16°. Paris, Germer-BaiUiere if Cie., 1846. See, also, Bcrgassc. Considerations sur le niagn6- tisme animal, [etc.] 12°. La Haye. 1784 —Caullet de Veanmorel. Aphorismes de M. Mesiner [etc.] 2. ed. 8°. Paris. 1785. — Galart de Vloutjoye. Lettie sur le magnetisme animal. 8°. Philndclphie <£• Paris, 1784.— liCttre d'un medecin delaEacult6 de Paris, etc. 16°. La Haye, 1781.—Kiearil (J.-J.-A.) Physiologic et hygiene du maguetiseur. 8°. Paris. 1844.—Theoric du mes- me.risme, etc. 8°. Paris, 1817.—Zender (J. I). L.) An- throponomy, or niagneto-phvsiognomico-craniology [etc.] 8°. Neiv York, 1863. For Biography, see IAfe (The) of [Francis Anthony] Mesnier, the discoverer of animal magnetism or mesmer- ism. By a " Believer". 12°. London, 1843.—Oraisou funebre du celebre Mesnier, auteur du magnetisme ani- mal, et president de, la Loge de l'Harmouie. 12°. Gre- noble, 1785. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. &Men of Sc, 201. Mesmer (Maximiliauus). *De mortalitate li- berorum. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Landishuti Bavar., F. S. Stenno, 1826. Mesmeric Infirmary, London. See London Mesmeric Infirmary. Mesmeric (The) Magazine, or Journal of Animal Magnetism. By K. H. Collyer. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, July, 1842. 8°. Boston, Secrton <$- Pierce. ^lesmerisiu. .See Hypnotism; Magnetism (Animal). Mesmerism. A reply to a letter addressed by Charlotte Elizabeth [Tonna] to Miss Martinean. 3. ed. 15 pp. 12°. London, S. Low, 1845. In: Purland (T.) Collection, v. 4. Mesmerism. Experiments and inferences. 3 pp. roy. 8°. [it. p., ii. d.] [P., v. 1565.] Mesmerism ; its pretentions stated, etc. See " Philadelphos ". Mesmerism in India. Second half-yearly re- port of the Calcutta Mesmeric Hospital from 1st March to 1st September, 1849, containing accounts of formidable and numerous pain- less surgical operations, and of the success- ful administration of mesmerism in insanity aud other diseases. To which is added remarks on the conduct of the English medical journalists, and nearlj' the whole of the medical profession, in reference to the greatest of medical blessings; with some hints to the public on the employment of mesmerism and on mesmerisers. By Dr. Elliot- sou. 2. ed. 43 pp., 3 pen sketches. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 187)9. Repr. from: "Zoist". In: Purland (T.) Collection, v. 4. MKSMEKISM. 202 MESSAND. venir dans le somnambulisme pathologique; con- siderations ine'dico-legales. 30 pp. H-. Paris F. Malteste 4- Cie., 1874. Repr. from: Union med., Par., 1874, 3. s., xviii. ■ De l'heniogiobinurie a frigore. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin if Cie., 1881. Repr. from: Arch. g6n. denied., Par.. 1881, 7. s., vii. Mesnet (Eaonl). *Des ery themes blennorrha- giques. (Contribution a l'etude de la" blennor- rhagie infectieuse.) 49 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 345. Mesmerism in the treatment of insanity. 3 pp. <--. London, Walton leuro-pneumonie aigue. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 128, v. 272. Messcliaert (Nicolaas). *Iets over ovarioto- inie. viii, 4 pp., li, 5-26 pp. 8 '. Utrecht, J. G. van Terr een <$• Zoon, 1863. Messence (Joannes Jacobus). * An a facili per- spiratione, fuuctionuin libertasf Pneses: Na- talis Audra*us Joannes Baptista Chesneau. 4 pp. 4-\ [Parisiis, Qnillau, 1747.] See, also, de la IVonc (Bartholom;eus Petrus). *Au acquiB potus omnium saluberrimus.' 4°. [Paris, 1769.] Messenger (The) of Health: a monthly jour- nal . . . Edited by the medical and surgical staff of the World's Dispensary and Invalid's Hotel. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, June to' Nov., 1883. 74 pp. 8J. Buffalo, N. Y. An advertisement. Messer (Adam). A probationary essay on amau- rosis. 1 p. 1., 21 pp. 8^. Edinburgh, J. Clarke t,- Co., 1826. [Also, in: P., v. 1273.] Messer (Carl). * Beitrage zur colorimetrischen Analyse. 28 pp., 1 ]., 1 pi. 8\ Bonn, C. Georgi, 1868.' c. Messer (Hermann). * Leber Tiiuschuugen des Augenmasses. 34 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Wiirzburg, ('. J. Becker, 1875. Messer (Joh. Frid.) *De cholera morbo. 30 pp., 1 1. sm. 4\ Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1710]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausan- na>, 1757. iii, 73-97. Messer (W. AV.) See IVIorse (E. Malcolm). A treatise on the hot sul- phur springs of El Paso de Eobles [etc.] 8°. San Fran- cisco, 1875. Messerer (Alexandre). * Des lesions viscerates del'impaludisine. 99 pp. 4°. Parti, 1886, No.50. Messerer (Otto). I'eber Elasticitat und Festig- keit der menschlichen Knochen. 3 p. 1., 103 pp., 16 pi. 4°. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1880. -----. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Schadelbruche. I p. 1., 36 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Miin- chen, M. Rieger, 1884. Messerschmid (J. Christ.) Antiquitates bal- neares ex C. Plini. Csecili secuudi epistolis col- lectas. 28 pp. 4°. Vitembergce, typ. J. C. Tzsclti- drichi, 1762. Messerschlllidt (Alexander). *-Observationes de operationibus chiloplasticis, praisertim in la- . biis cancrosis. 80 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. H. Laakmanni, 1850. Messerschlllidt (Fridericus Gustavus). *De pure et sanie. 4 p. 1., 20 pp. 8-. Lipsiw, sunit. G. Engelmanni, [1842]. Messerschlllidt (G.) Die Militiir-Oeconomie. Handbuch fiir Militarverwaltungs-Beamte, Mi- litiirs und diejenigen, welche sich mit der Mili- tiir-Oeconomie vertraut machen wollen. Erster Band: Die Verpflegung der Kriegsheere. xx, 543, 38 pp., 2 pi. 8C. Berlin, Bahn u. Faudel, 187)4. Messerschlllidt (Georg). * Beitrage zur Aetio- logie des Puerperalliebers. 34 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, F. W. Eunike, [1872]. C. Messerschlllidt (Gustav). * Ueber Syndacty- lie. 31 pp. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1885. Messerschlllidt (Heinrich Gottlob) [1776- 1842]. * De natura morborum, ipsisque medendi ratione. 37, xiv pp. 4°. Lipsia; ex off. Klau- barthia, [1805]. -----. Beweisfiihrung, dass die Hiiusersperre als Abwehrungsmittel gegen die Verbreitung der asiatischen Cholera nicht allein nicht niitzt, sondern vielmehr schiidlich uud darum zu un- terlassen ist, bei Gelegenheit des Zusammen- tritts der heutigen Gesundheits-Comite abge- fasst. 82 pp. 8°. Naumburg, Wild, 1831. [P., v. 739.] For Biography, see I-udwig (Christianus Fridericus). Messerschinied (Daniel Gottlob) [1685-1735]. * De ratione prieside universie medicime. 46 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1713]. Messien (Fr.-Omer). Expose, sommaire d'une nouvelle theorie medicale basee sur les fonctions du foie. 2. e"d., corrig6e et augmeut6e notamment d'un apercu sur la respiration pulmouaire. iv, 9-99 pp. 8°. Tonmai, A. Delmee,1867). Messier (Leon). * De la stomatite ulce'ro-mem- braneuse. 34 pp. 4°. Parti, 1855, No. 72, v. 578. Messina. Regolamento di polizia urbana della eitta di Messina. 86 pp. 12°. Messina, tip. delV Opera jo, [1873?] Messina (Pietro). Mediche osservazioni sopra alcuue non ovvie iufermita; lette dallo stesso autore all' Accademia Gioenia di Catania nell' ort'inaria seduta del di 30 dicembre 1851. 50 pp. 8-\ Catania, F. Sciuto, 1851. [P., v. 1115.] Repr. from: Accademia Gioenia di Catania, 1851, 2. s., viii. Jlcsisina. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), by localities. Benigni (G.) Fognatura ed igiene pubblica in Messina. 8J. Messina, 1884. Testa (F.) Relazione istorica della peste che attaccossi a Messina nell' anno mille sette cento quarantatre. Coll' aggiunto degli ordini, editti, istruzioni, ed altri atti pubblici fatti in occasione della medesima. 4°. Palermo, 1745. G'osta-Saya (A.) Delle acque potahili in rapporto alio stato sanitario e specialmeute di quelle di Messina. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1880, n. s., ii, 664; 773; 872. -----. Un' altra parola inform* alia questione dell' acqua potabile di Messina. Ibid., 1881, n. s., iii, 318-322.— Testa (15.) Le acque potahili in rapporto alio stato sa- nitario e specialmente di quelle di Messina. Ibid., 1879, n. s., i, 879-895. -----. Breve risposta al Prof. A. Costa-Saya a proposito della questione delle acque potahili di Messina. Ibid., 1880, ii, 1297-1302. von Messing: (Michael). * Ueber Behandlung der Metrorrhagien NenentbundenermitBeschrei- bung eines neuen Verfahrens. 66 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, C. J. Becker, 1873. Messing- (Wladyslaw). *AnatomischeUntersu- chuugen iiber den Testikel der Siiugethiere, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Corpus High- mori. 97 np., 1 pi. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1877. Messner. Die chronische Stuhlverstopfung (Hartleibigkeit), mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Hiimorrhoidalleidens mid deren Hei- lunj;-. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, A. Zimmer, 1886. Messner (Heinrich Emil). *Zur Lehre von den epidemischeu Entziiudungen der Wiichnerinnen. 31 pp. 8°. Tubingen, L. F. Fues, 1843. Messner (Vincentius). *De chorea St. Viti. 38 pp. 8°. Landishuti, J. Thomann, [1809]. Messow (Franciscus) [1817- ]. *De iuflam- matione vente portarum seu pylephlebitide. 56 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1841]. Mestai'er (L.-M.-M.) *Sur la tympanite. 24 pp. 4°. Parti, 1820, No. 147, v. 158. Mestayer (Andr6). * Observations medicates sur plusieurs aphorismes d'Hippocrate; pr6ce"d6es de quelques reflexions sur l'expe"rience en mede- cine. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 22. Mester (Arnoldus). *De prosopalgia. 30 pp. 8-. Wirceburgi, ex off. vid. C. Becker, 1847. Mesterton (Carl Benedict) [1826r ]. *Om medfodt hjernbrack. [Congenital*cerebral her- nia.] 46 pp., 4 pi. 8C. Stockholm, J. W.Lund- berg, 1855. -----. Studier i brackliiran. 1. Om radicalope- ration for ljumskbrack. 100 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Stockholm, J. is Tarenti phisici principalis aromatariorum compenilium t'eliciter incipit. -----. Mesue cum expositione Moudini super canones universales, ac etiam cum expositioue Christophori de Honestis in antidotarium ejus- dem. Additiones Petri Apponi. Additionos Francisci de Pedemontium. Antidotarium Ni- colai cum expositione Platearii. Tractatus quid pro quo. Tractatus desinonimis. LibellnsBul- casis sive Servitoris Compendium aromatario- rum Saladini. Joannes de Sancto Araando super antidotarium Nicolai. 332 if. fol. [ Venetiis, imp. B. Locatellus, 1495.] -----. The same. 355 ff. fol. Venetiis, 1502. -----. The same. 356 1. fol. Lugduni, imp. V. de Portonariti de Tridinode Monteferrato, 1510. -----. The same, cccxxvii ff., 6 1. fol. Lug- duni, sumpt. pro ct impensis Vincentii de Portonariis de Tridino de Monteferrato, 1525. The first folio with title is wanting. -----. [Incipit:'] In nomine Dei misericordis cujus nutu sermo recipit gratiam et doctrina per- fectionem. Principium verbornm Joannis filii Mesuie: filii Hainech, filii Heli : filii Abdehe regis Damasci. Verbum cecidit interinquirentcs scire quid est quod rememorati sunt quidam de rectificatione medieinarum simpliciuin solutiva- nim, Multi sapientes scripserunt. [F. 302:] Hie compleutur dicta: et hnponitur finis doc- trinaa divini Mesua*: licet imperfecte in de ap- propriatis, [etc.] [F. 302:] Tabula capituloruin additionum Petri Apponi. [Infine:] Petri Ap- poni ... in libruni Joannis Mesuie additio felici- ter finit. 348 if. 16°. Impression Venetiis, per Jacobum Pentium de Leuco, 1505. -----. Canones universales divi Mesue de conso- latione medieinarum et correctione operationuin earundem. Grabadin ejusdem Mesne medieina- rum universalium quod antidotarium nuueupat. Liber ejusdein medieinarum particularium. Ad- ilitio Petri Apponi ... in libruni Joannis Mesue. MESUE. 205 MESUE. Mesne Damascenus (Joaunes)—continued. Antidotarium domini Nicolai. Sunimula Jaeobi de partibus per alphabetum super plurimis reuie- diis ex antidotario ipsius Mesue excerptis. 337 1. 16°. Lugduni, G. de Villiers, [1511]. Gothic letter, with MS. notes and 31 leaves MS. reci- pes, etc. -----. The same. 344 1. 16°. [Lugduni, imp. J. q, F. de Giunta et sociorum Florentini, 1523.] -----. Generates divi Mesue canones . . . No- vissimahac impressione emissi. 321. 16°. [Pa- pie B. de Garaldis, 1517.] Bound with: Avicexxa. Ordo novus multiez. 16°. [Papie, 1517.] -----. Mesue vulgar. Sunimario, overcollectorio uuiversalissimo extracto da tutti li volumini delli antiquissimi medici Hebrei, Greci, et Arabi, tractanti del rectificar delle medicine, etc. . . . Composto, et con surumo artificio compillado per . . . Gioanni Mesue, et altri famosissimi authori... el qual collectorio e distincto, e spar- tito iu quattro notabelissimi libri . . . videlicet: De rectificar le medicine, delle medicine simplice, dello antidotario, delle egritudine partieulare, etc. Foglio 1. Prohemio. Incoraencia el libro della consolatione delle medicine simplice solu- tive, el quale fece el principe di tutti gli practici Gioaune hgliolo di Mesne. Novamente dis- tincto, corretto e diligeutementerevisto. 4 p. 1., cxiii ff. fol. [ Venetia, C. Arrivabeno, 1521.] .-----. The same. 4 p. ]., cxiii ff., 11. fol. Ve- netia, 1521. Another copy bound with: Guy de Cauliac. Guidon in cirurgia. fol. Venetia. 1521. -----. De consolatione medieinarum simplicium et correctione operationum earum canones cum expositione Mondini deLentiisfeliciter incipiunt. ii-xlii ff. fol. Lugduni, 1525. -----. De re medica libri tres, Jacobo Sylvio interprete. 7 p. 1., 350 pp. fol. Parti, ex off. C. Wecheli, 1544. -----. The same. Index locupletissimus cum capitum, turn omnium qua* scitu digna sunt operi praefixus est: in quo prior Humerus, pagi- nam : posterior, lineam indicat. 7 p. 1., 495 pp. 16°. Lugduni, apud G. Rovillium, 1548. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 421 pp. 12°. Lugduni, apud G. Rovillium, 1550. -----. The same. Cum annotationibus et scholiis ejusdem. 248 ff., 4 1. 12°. Parisiis, 1553. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 364 pp. 16°. Lugduni, apud G. Rovillium, 1566. -----. Mesua et omnia qute cum eo imprimi con- sueverunt, pulchrioribus typis reformata, dili- gentiorique auimadversione emendata, et pluri- bus in locis restituta, atque copiosiori indice, quid iu quoque opere contineatur, significante, decorata : qua* in sequenti pagina descripta sunt. Addita est Jaeobi Silvii interpretatio canouum universalinm simplicium medieinarum, atque antidotarii; in quo et pouderum varietatem iu margine annotavimus. Et duo trochisci Mesue, qua* in mannscriptis exemplaribus iuvenimus, et quaedatn compositioues ex Galeno, qua? nunc ab aromatariis in usu habentur. 13 p. 1., 141 ff., 313 pp. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1549. -----. De morbis internis curandis liber unus. Accessit Petri Aponi ad Mesuen Trpoer&gKq, cum vocum Arabicarum in toto opere contrntarum interpra*tatione, ab Joanne Kaeuerio adjecta. Omnia ad diversorum exemplarium fidem summa diligentia emendata. 11 p. 1., 493 pp. 8°. Lug- duni, apud A. Vincentium, 1551. ----. Nam purgantiuiu niedicainentoruni tarn universales regulas quam particularia exempla descripsit, composition em etiam caelebruuu me- dieinarum tradidit, ac denium propria cuique membro remedia accommodavit. Ex duplici ^tralatione, altera quideni antiqua, altera vera Mesue Damascenus (Joannes)—continued. nova Jaeobi Sylvii Medici; item alii omnes, qui cum Mesne imprimi consueverum quorum uo- niina ac librorum titulos sequens pagina indicat. Adjecta* sunt etiam nunc primum annotationes in eundeni Mesue, Joannis Manardi et Jaeobi Sylvii. Opus sane divinum medicis aromatariis- que omnibus, ne dum utile, sed etiam necessa- rium, maxima diligentia a doctissimo medico nu- perrime castigatum. 20, 172 ff. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1558. -----. Libri dei semplici purgativi e delle medi- cine cotnposte, nuovamente tradotti in lingua italiana; con la tavola delle cose, chene' detti libri si contengono, et con la dichiaratione de' vocaboli oscuri. 34 p. 1., 331 pp. 16°. Venetia, appresso gli heredi di B. Costantino, 1559. -----. Opera quae extant omnia. Ex duplici translatione : altera quideni antiqua, altera vero nova Jaeobi Sylvii. Item authores omnes, qui cum Mesue imprimi consueverunt; quorum no- mina, ac librorum titulos sequens pagina indicat. Accesserunt his annotationes in eundem Mesuen Joannis Manardi, et Jaeobi Sylvii. Adjecta* sunt etiam nunc recens Andrea* Mariui annotationes in simplicia cum imaginibus desideratis. Scho- lion item ejusdem in olea qusedam. Qua* omnia maxima diligentia ab eodem Marino e vetustissi- mis exemplaribus sunt castigata. 17 p. 1., 475 ff. fol. Venetiis, apud V. Valgrisium, 1561. -----. Opera a Joanne Costa nunc recognita, et aucta adnotationibus, quibus a recentiorum ca- lumniis divinus hie scriptor vendicatur. Acces- sere his varia diversorum medicorum opuscula, qua* una cum Mesue imprimi consuevere, ac prseterea plantarum de quibus iu libro simplicium agitur, legitima* imagines ad vivuni expressse, in superioribus teditionibus desiderata*. Quibus additus etiam nunc est Cophonis libellus de arte medendi inscriptus, Mesua? operum veluti correlarium: in quo tractanda* medica* materia* ratio atque usus brevissime explicatur. 11 p. 1., 204 ff., 314 ff., 121. fol. Venetiis, in off. Junta- rum, 1568. -----. The same. 8 p. 1., 258ff.; 6 l.,277 ff., 111. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1589. -----. The same. 252 if.; 5 1., 278 ff., 10 1. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1602. -----. Opera. De medicamentorum purgantiuiu delectu, castigatione et usu libri duo. Quorum priorem canones universales, posteriorem de sim- plicibus vocant. Grabadin, hoc est compeudii secretorum medicamentorum, libri duo. Quorum prior antidotarium: posterior de appropriatis vulgo inscribitur. Cum Muudini, Honesti, Ma- nardi et Sylvii iu tres priores libros observatio- nibus, quae vulgo cum his ipsis prodire consueve- runt. His accessere plantarum in libro sinipli- cium descriptarum imagines ex vivo expressse. Atque item Joaunis Costiei annotationes, turn quas in editione superiori dedimus, turn praeterea novie alia* in postremas uovem antidotarii sec- tioned, qua* hactenus desiderabantur, [etc.] 7 p. 1., 272 ff.; 5 p. 1., 277 ff., 12 1. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1581. , In two parts, with separate title-page and pagination. The title of second part reads: Supplementum in secun- dum librum, etc. ------. The same. 5 p. 1., 252 ff.; 5 p. 1., 278 ff., 11 1. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1623. See, also, Aviceima. Canticum . . . de medieina [etc.l 12°. Groningce, 1649. — Campegius (S.) Officina apo- thecariorum seu seplasiariorum. sm. 4°. Lugduni, 1532.— Falciitins (Nicolaus). Audidotarium, etc.' fol. [Argen- torati, n. d.]— de la Fuentc Pierola (Gerouimo). Ty- rocinio pharmacopeo, methodo niediro y chimico. En el qual se continen los canones de Joaiu * Mesue Daraasceno, y su explicacion . . . fol. Pamplona, 1721. — Hahn (J. G.) De veris Mesuse Syri scriptis non deperditis sed sub Jani Damasceni nomine conservatis ad . . . Joannem Al- hertuni Fabricium .. .epistola. 4°. [Vratislaviai, 1733.]— MESUE. 2(H) METALLOTHEKAI'Y. Me*iie Damascenus (Joannes)—continued. Tl a u a rd us (Joannes Jacobus). 'larpoKoyia e7rio"roAiKij >i\ o curia medica, etc. fol. Hanovice, 1611. — de Man- lii* de Boscho (Job. Jacobus). Luminare tnajus. fol. Venetiis. [n. rf.J — Puteaini* (Guil.) Joannis Mi-sue aloeu aperire ora veuaruni [etc.J 12°. Lugduni, 1537.— Kane lii n (!•'.) Ctiminentaire sur les th6oremes et canons g6neraux de Mesne, dicte & Montpellier aux compactions pharniaeiens. In his: (Euvres pharm. 12°. Lyon, 1624, 31-712.—fie Sjjobbis (A.) Universale theatro farmaceu- tico [ etc. 1 fol. Yenetiis, 1682. — Valerius 4.—Grocco (P.) Influenza della metalloscopia sulla linea sfigmiea. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1881), 8. s., ii, 189. ------. Studi composti di metalloscopia. Ibid., 319; 340; 351; 360; 379; 409; 429; 439. — (initeias (J. 1 Two cases of ana'sthesia. with some metalloscopic experi- ments. Phila. M. Times. 1879, ix, 224-227.— Mailer. Zur Lehre von der Metalloskopie. Wien. med. Wchuschr , 1879, xxix, 681-685.—iVIa^gioraui. Alciine sue espe- rienze di metalloscopia. Atti Accad. metl. tli Roma, 1878, iv, fasc. 2, 6; 95. ------. [Sulla metalloscopia.] Bull. d. r. Accad. nied. di Roma. 1880, vi, no. 3, 19-2K. Also, transl.: Bull, et mem. Soc. de th6rap. 1880, Par., 1881, 2. s.. vii, 179- 185. Also: Bull. g6u. de therap., etc., Par., 1880, xcix, l»)l- 106.—IMai'zorati ( P. ) La metalloscopia. (ia/.z. intil. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1877, 7. s., iv, 211-213. — Metallo- wcopy. Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1879, viii. 113-130. — .Meyer (A ) Zur Metalloscopie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 496. — Pa ron a (E.) La metalloscopia studiata in un caso di airoiuatopsia bilaterale con emianestesia sinistra ed ainiosteiiia destra. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1879, ccxlix, 336-366.—Rumpf (T.) Ueberden Transfert. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1879, xvi, 533-535.—Tlike (I). H.) Metalloscopy and expectant attention. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1879,' n. s., xxiv, 598-609. — Vicrordt (H.) Zur Metalloskopie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 1-4. — Westplial (C.) Leber Metalloscopie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1878, xv, 441-446. Also, transl [Abstr.] : Lond. M. Rec, 1878, vi, 455-458 -----. Leber Metalloscopie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1878- 9). 1880, x, pt. 2, 1-17. [Discussion], pt. 1, 1-3. Ifletallottierapy. See, also, Chlorosis, Hysteria, Treatment of; Tractors (Metallic). Adler ( A. S. ) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den "bilateralen Functioneu" im Anschlnsse an Erfahrungen der Metalloscopie. 8°. Berlin, [1879]. Aigre (D.) "Etude cliuique sur la metallo- scopie et la ni6tallotherapie externe dans l'anes- th^sie. 4°. Versailles, 1879. Burq(V.) M6tallotherapie. Nouveau traite- ment par les applications m^talliques. 8C. Paris, 187:3. -----. Metallotherapie. Du cuivre coutre le cholera au point de vue prophylactique et cura- tif. Faits et observations depuis l'6pidemie de 1849, [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1867. -----. Metallotherapie. Du cuivre contre le cholera; rapport officiel du Dr. Vcrnois sur l'im- munite cholerique des ouvriers en cuivre. In- METALLOTHERAPY. 207 METALLOTHERAPY. Jletal lotherapy. struction pour le traitement preservatif et cura- tif. 8°. Paris, [1871 I] Dkliiez(F.) * lets over het Burquisme. 8J. Leiden, 18^1. Ingria (V. E.) Metalloterapia e xiloterapia. 8°. Palermo, LS85. Jennings ( O. ) * Comparaison des effets de divers traitements dans l'hysterie, preced6e d'une esquisse liistorique sur la metallotherapie. 4°. Parti, 1878. Kochlin (J. R.) Von den Wirkungen der ge- brauehlicheu Metalle anf den inenschlichen Or- ganismus iiberhaupt und als Heilmittel uud dem Kupiersaliniak-Liquor und andern Kupferprii- paiaten als solchen insbesoudere. K-\ Zurich, 18'37. Masoin A: Desguix (V.) Le Burquisme, me- talloscopie et ni^tallotherapie. [Rapport.] 8°. Bruxelles, 1884. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1883, 3. s., xvii. See, also, Burq, infra. Petit (L.-H.) La in6talloth6rapie, ses ori- gines, son histoire et les proc6des therapeutiques qui en d6rivent. 2. e"d. 1'2°. Paris, 1881. Repr. from: Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1879-80. xevii-xeviii. See, also, infra. Ratzlaff (A.) "Einige Versuche iiber die bilateralen Fuuctioueu nach Application von Hautreizeu. 8°. Greifswald, 1879. VOGT (I.) * Ueber hysterische Aniisthesie und Metallotherapie. 8\ ' Wurzburg, 1889. Adamkicwicz. Ueber bilaterale Fimctiouen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1880, 159-162.—Adrada* (C. L.) Bur- quismo; rnetaloscopia-metaloterapia. Rev. de nied. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1884, xv, 9; 145: 241—Allexich (G.) Sulla metalloterapia. Gazz. nied. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 187K, xxi, 113-117.—Altana (G.) Caso di ipere- stesia curata colla metalloterapia. Spallanzani, Modena, 1880, ix. 553-557. Also: Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Mi- lano, 1881, xviii, 236— Bennett (A. H.) Metalloscopy and nietallotherapy. Brain, Loud., 1S78. i, 331-339.-----'-. Notes on a case of hemianesthesia, treated by metallic and other external applications. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 563. -----. Case of complete anaesthesia of the right and partial anaesthesia of the left side; experiments on metalloscopy and nietallotherapy; commentary. Ibid., 759-761. — Bernhciiii. De la maguetotherapie; liisto- rique et faits nouveaux. Mem. Soc. de nied. de Nancy (1880-81). 1882, lxii-lxv, pt, 2. 7-49. Also: Rev. m6d.d'e lest, Nancy, 1881, xiii, 3u5; 547; 579; 620; 654; 688; 728: 1882, xiv, 626; 662.—Ber Iran (E.) Sobre nietallotherapia. Eiieicl. ni6d.-farm., Barcel., 1S77. i. 112-114. — Biauelii (L.) Contribuzione clinica alle applicazioni dei metalli, della magnete, e delle leggieri coireuti galvauiehe. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1880, ii, 180-193.—Bocci (B.) Nuove ricerche snll' epitelio vibratile e contributo alia metallo-magiieto-xilo-scopia. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1882, 3. s., ii. 517-539, 2 diag.—Bouehaud. Contribution ii l'etude de la inetallotherapie; monoplegie avec anesthesie; aphasie, hemiplegie %t h6niianesthesie; application de pieces dor; guerison. J. d. sc. med. do Lille, 1880, ii, 77; 149; 405. — Bouchuf. La iiietallotli6rapie, chez les en- fants; observation d'hemianesthesie guerie par l'or. Pa- ris med., 1883. viii, 421-424. Boiulet de Paris. Traite- ment de la douleur par les vibrations mecaniques. Progrfes m6d., Par., 1881, ix, 93-95. — Boiinmi. Observations de deux cas de paralysie avec anesthesie chez l'homine, gueris par la metallotherapie externe. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1879), 1880, iii, 35-41. Also: France med.. Par., 1879, xxvi, 242-244.— Bouzol. Note sur deux cas de chor6e traites par Taimant. Lyon m6d., 1880. xxxii, 490-495.— Bri- quet. De la metallotherapie et du traitement des troubles tie lasensibilite chezleshysteriquespar,l'electricit6. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1880, xcix, 433-444. -----. [A propos de la mctallotherapie.] Ibid., 515-548.—Broad- bent (W. H.) A case of hysterical anaesthesia of both legs below the knee; treatment bv metallic bands; cure. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1877-8, xi, 13-16.—Burq (V.) Note pour servir k l'histoire des effets physiologiques et thera- peutiques des armatures metalliques, ou de 1'infiueuee de certains metaux sur la paralysie du sentiment. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1S50, 3. s., v, 115. Also, Reprint. -----. La mc- tallotherapie a. l'hopital Lariboisi6re. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1877, 4. s., vi, 381; 429; 452; 476. -----. Affection hyste- rique compliqu6e d'achromatOpsie complete do l'teil droit et partiellede l'oeil gauche, guerie par un nouveau procede de in6tallotherapie externe. Compt. rend. ooc. de biol. nietallotherapy. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, pt. 2, 51-55. Also: Gaz. med. de I'ar., 1878, 4. s., vii, 613. -----. Conference sur la metallo- tlierapie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 723; 762; 811; 835; 844.-----. Contribution ii l'etude comparee des inetaux et des aimants au point de vue therapeutique. Ibid., 1879, lii, 805. -----. De Faction oppos6e des applications m6tal- liques et des enveloppements isolants (avec soie et ouate) chez les livsteriques et les choleriques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s , i, 108-110.-----. La metallo- therapie, a Vichy, de 1873 a 1878, contre le diabdte et sub- rtidiairement de l'association des metaux a. la medication alcalinc. pour en augmenter ct corriger les effets. Mede- cin, Par., 1879, v, no. 49. -----. La metallotherapie; ce que pent la metallotherapie; ce a. quoi elle vise et doivent toujours viser les autres moyens, dans le traitement des nevroses, quaml elle ne pent rien elle-meme pourquoi rhydro-metallotherapie et non point hi metallo-hydrothe- rapie. France med., Far., 1879, xxvi, 722-724. -----. La luetallotherapie en chirurgie. [Rap. de Berger. ] Bull. et memv Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 440-442. -----. A propos de la metallotherapie [with reply by Dr. Briquet |. Bull. gen. de therap , etc , Par., 1880, xcix, 545- 548. -----. La metallotherapie depuis 1850: repousea MM. Despine et J. Monard, au snjet de la pretending tlecouverte de la metallotherapie faite par A. Despine des 1820. Lyon med., 1880, xxxv, 475; 509; 601: 1881, xxxvi, 52. -----. Les surprises de la metallotherapie; histoire curieuse de 3,000 disques d'acier; enseignements qui en r6sultent au point de vue de la theorie de "the expectant attention" des Anglais en metalloscopie et de l'aetion compar6e des aimants ct des metaux ; un mot sur la suggestion mentale dans l'liypnotisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1882, Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 155: 310. -----. Des origines de la metallo- therapie. Ibid.. 383; 471: pt. 2, 23. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 525; 635; 891; 908: 916; 933; 1002; 1019; 1075; 1084; 1194: 1883, lvi, 475.-----. Le Perkiuisme et le Burquisme; les niartiaux et la medication polymetallique dans la chlorose. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1882, Par., 18S3. 7. s., iv, 513-518. -----. Les etouneinents de la nie- tallotberapie; angine de poitrine chez un bimetallique; guerison rapide par le cuivre extra et For iutus; action des plaques doubles dans uu cas d'hvst6rie rehelle. Ibid., 541-552. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 781; 796. -----. Explication ties phenomenes metalloscopiques. Compt. rend Soc. de biol. 1883, Par., 1884, 7. s.. v, 173-177. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 213. -----. Contribu- tion aux doctrines de M. Pasteur; imiuuuite des ouvrie s en cuivre peudaut la derniere epidemic de fievre typhoide. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1883, Par., 1884, 7. s., v, 298-303. -----. Contribution a. la preservation cuprique dans lea maladies infectieuses. Ibid., 659-662. -----. Du cuivre centre les maladies infectieuses et de l'innocuite absolue des poussieres professionnellea de ce metal. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xcvii, 1314-1316. -----. Les origi- nes de la metallotherapie. [Rap. de Desguin | Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1883, 3. s., xvii, 1192-1218. [See, also, supra. Masoin & Desguin.] -----. Amblyopic hysterique: vomissetnents incoereibles; anesthesie absolue de tout le cote droit; paralysie complete de la vessie, etc.; traitement par le platine. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1883, lvi, 753-755. -----. Enquetes sur l'inununite cholerique et ty- phoiqtie des ouvriers qui travaillent le metal blanc, dit alfenide, et des ouvriers en cuivre. Ibid., 1076; 1178. -----. Contribution k la preservation cuprique dans les maladies infectieuses; euquetede Villedieu. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1884, 8. s., i, 33-36. -----. Fn dernier mot sur les anteriorites de la metallotherapie et sur la preserva- tion cupriqiif. dans les maladies infectieuses. Ibid., pt. 2, 2(10-206.— Burq ( V.) & ITIoricourt (J.) Metallothe- rapie; hysterie rehelle; aboiement hysterique; hemianes- thesie absolue; troubles trophiques dela peau, etc.; gue- rison rapide par l'aluuiiniuiu. Ibid., 1883, Par., 1884, 7. s., v, 432-436. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 578-580. ----- -----. Ovarie et hyperesthesia mammaire feroees, datant la premiere de quinze aniiees et, la deuxieme de huit; dis- parition immediate par une application d'argent; un mot sur une malade hypuotique et sur l'aboyeuse de Nevers. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii. 453.—Bu*wy. Case of anaes- thesia induced by the applieatiou of metals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 562.—Buzzard (T.) On transfer-phenom- ena in epilepsy, produced by encircling blisters. Ibid., 1880, ii, 332.—Caizerguea (R.) H6niiaiiestli6sie d'origine cer6brale survenue dans le cours d'un rhumatisme; etude comparee des effets produits par la metallotherapie, lea courants continus, les courants induits et le courant tele- phonique. Moutpel. in6d., 1878. xii, 29-47.— Cartier (E.) Note stir trois observations d'hemianesthesie hysterique traitee par la metallotherapie. Lyon med., 1880, xxxiii, 377; 421. [Rap. de J. Tessier], 485-490.—Oegan (A.) La metalloterapia in Oriente. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1878, xxi, 125-128. — Charcot. Remarques sur l'applicatiou des metaux dans les auesthesies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1877, Par.. 1879, 6. s., iv, 21-24. -----. De la metalloscopie et la metallotherapie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 217; 235; 241. -----. Nouveau proc6d6 de metallotherapie externe. Ibid., 692. -----. Lecture on metalloscopy and metallo-therapy applied to the treatment METALLOTHERAPY. 208 METALLOTIIER A PY. Hetallolherapy. of grave hysteria. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 81; 158: 302 — Coriveaiul (A.) Ilysterie; analgesic du cote gauche. rapidenient ainelior6e par la metallotherapie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de mGd. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1878,137-150. A Iso: Bordeaux med., 1878, vii, 138; 115. A iso, in hi.-: Obs. et lect. d'un mud. de campagne, 8°, Par., 1880, 53-62.—t'lil- lerre. Emploi de la metallotherapie dans un cas d'hyste- rie convulsive et vesaniqne; guerison. Ann. metl.-itsvch., Par., 1880, 6. s., iv, 349-363. Also, Reprint — Debove. InHuence curative des aimants sui certaines hemiplegies ou crises gastralgiques avec hematemeacs dans F ataxic J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1879, 1. 532-536. -----. Note sur Temploi des aimants dans les heuiianesthesies liees a une affection cerebrale ou a l'hysterie. Progres mod.. Par., 1879, vii, 973. ----- Note sur diverses varietes tie trans- fer!. Lull, et mem. Soe. med. d. hop. de Pur. (1*80), 1881, 2. s., xvii. 8-11. Also: Union m6d.. Par., 1880, 3. s., xxix, 431-433.—Deeraail. Observation (l'hysterie grave com- pliquee do vaginisme gu6i-ie parlor intus et extra. Abeille med.. Pur., 1*78. xxxv. 401. — Desguin (V.) Etude de metalloscopie et tie metallotherapie. Mem. couron. Acad. row do metl. tie Belsr., Brux., 1880. vi. fasc. 1, 1-55. Also: Presse med. beige. Brux., 1880, xxxii, 297: 305: 313: 321.— De.vpiiie (P.) De Faction des nietatix sur les hysteriques mises en soinuambulisuie. Gaz. ni6d de Par., 1S77. 4. s., v i. 320. Also: Marseille med., 1877, xiv. 317-323. — Dea- platn. Metallotherapie; perte de la sensibilite du mem- j lire interieur gauche: iriierison par Fapplieation externe du fer. J. tl. sc! ined. de Lille, 1880. ii. (W2.—De Visscher. Contribution a l'etude tie la metallotherapie dans l'hyste lie. [Rap. de Verstraeteu.] Bull. Soe. de ined. de (iaml. 1*77. xii v, 489-492. [ Discussion 1, 1878, xiv, 211-213.— Don- kiu(H.) Remarks on metallic and magnetic therapeutics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii. 619 —Dor. Experiences sur la metallotherapie. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. ined. dc Lyon (18.-0), 1881, xx, pt, 2, 41-44.— Dubay (M.) A fem- gyogyaszat 6s fenikeinl6s. [On mctallothcrapvand metal- loscopy.] Gyog\dszat. Budapest, 1878, xviii. 196-199.-----. Anietallotherapiaesnietalloskopia. J bid., 18x1, xxi, 81; 100; 121; 129. -----. Ljabb metallotherapeutikus koresetek. Ibid., 1883, xxiii. 65: 81; 97; 113: 131: 149; 164: 177; 286. -----. Az uj metalloskopikus kesziilek. Ibid., 729-731. Also, transl.: Lest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1883, xix, 1089-1091. -----. Ujabb metallotherapikus koresetek. Gyogvas/.at, Budapest. 1884, xxiv, 75; 96; 105; 125. Also, transl [Abstr] : IVst. ined.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx. 471.— Diijariliii-Beauinetz Sc Abadie (C.) Ce- cite hysterique; amelioration par la met tllotlierapie et les applications d'aiiuauts; disparition complete des trou- bles visuels sous l'influeuce de l'electricite statique. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Far. (1879), 1880. 2. s., xvi, 145-149. Also : Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879. lii. 436 ; 443. Also .- Abeille med., Pur.. 1879, xxxvi. 185. Also: Couiriernied.. Par., 1879, xxix. 164.— Duiuoulpallier (A.) Metallo- therapie: hemiplegie droite hysterique et achromatopsie. Courrier nied., Par.. 1879, xxix, 391. -----. Metalloscopie; metallotherapie. J. de therap., Par., 1879, vi, 613-016. -----. Sur la metalloscopie. Union med., Par., 1879. 3. s. .xxviii, 333: 381; 421: 457; 473; 657; 673; 726; 771. Also {Abstr.]: Kev.de th6rap. med.-chir.. Par., 1879, xlvi. 449- 477 ; 505; 533 ; 561; 589. Also, transl. [Abstr ] : Brit. M J.. Loud., 1879. ii, 7C5-768. — Diinioutpalliei- (A.) Sc .Tla- Kuin (F.) Experiences sur la metalloscopie, l'hypuotisnie et la fo ce neurique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s.. iii. 359-364. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1881, $. s.■ iii. 741. Also: (raz.d.hop.. Par., 1881, liv, 1140.----------. Etude experiniputale sur la metalloscopie, l'hypnotisiue et l'aetion tic divers agents physiques dans l'hysterie. France med., Piii-.. 18x2. i, 76-79.— Diimoiitpailicr (A.) it al. Rapport I'ait a la Societe de biologie sur la metalloscopie du Dr. Burq. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1877, Par.. 1879, 6. s., iv, 1-24. Also : Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1877,4. s., 201-207. Also .- Lnion nied., Par., 1877,3. s., xxiii, 812; 833; 941; 993; 1004. -----. Second rapport fait ii la Societe de biologie sur la metalloscopie et la metallotherapie du docteur Burq. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, pp. i-xxxii. Also.- Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xx\ii, 98-100. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1878. 4. s., vii, 419; 436: 450. Also transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1878, ii, 548-552. —E. (A.) Recherches sur le Perkinisme ou de l'innuence des trac- teurs nietalliques, inventes par le docteur Perkins, sur certaiues maladies, telles que les douleurs de goutte et tie rhuniatisnie, les tumeurs et l'epilepsie. Ann. cliu. Montpel., 1812. xxix, 274-283—Engel (IL) Metalloscopy and nietallo-therapeutics, in a caseof In sterical hyperae- sthesia. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila.', 1879, xl,«265— Eulcnburg ( A. ) Ueber Metallotherapie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878. iv. 315; 327. _____. Metal- loskopie und Metallotherapie. Wien. nied. Presse 1879 xx, 1; 41; 109; 137.-----. Ueber Seusibilitats-Lcbertra- gung. Cong, period, iuternat. d. sc. med. Compt. rend 1879, Amst., 1880, vi, 203-205. -----. Metallische Heilwir- knugen. Deutsche Rev., Berl., 1881, vi, 258-269. —Fere (C.) \- Binet (A.) Note pour ser vir a l'histoiro du trans- tert t be/, lis hypnotiques. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol.. Par. 188) 8. s, i. pt. 2, 442-446. Also: Progres ined. Par 1884, xii, 563. Also: Medecin, Par., 1884, x, no. 32-33 — nietallotherapy. I'irket ((I.) Kesultats lies recherches recent es, entre- prises en Allemagne pour I'tHude du plR'noineaic de trans- f'ert, Ann. Sue. metl.-chir. tie Liege, 1879, xviii, 476-479._ Foilrnie ifi.) (contribution it l'etude de leinploi dc.H metaux. de l'electririte et du magnetisme en mfrircino Lev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1881, i, 685; 721; 757; 793. — Iiibiiii is.) &. Bono (Ii. B.) Uno sguardo all.' principali questioni tli metalloterapia. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1881, 3. s., xxix, 181-226. — Oajkie. wiez. Metaloterapia (zewne.trzna i wewnetr/.na), d/.ia- l.inie iiiagnt'su. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1878, vi, 677; 699.— 4»ai'el (J.) Note relative k la nietallotherupie interne. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. il. sc. med. tie Lyon (1880), 1881, xx, pt. 2, 107-112. -----. Contribution k l'etude de la nie- tallotherapie interne. Rev. mens, de metl. et chir., Par., 1880, iv, 432-443. -----. Double mode de eomhinaison dt< l'auesth6sie provoqu6e et de l'anestbtsie par transfer! avec oscillations eousecutives. Lyon med., 1880, xxxiii, 53-55. -----. Traitement de l'hysterie par les t'euilles nie- talliques ailrainistrees a l'interieur. Ibid., 1881, xxxviii, 5; 44; 75. — Oelle. La metallotherapie. Tiibune iii6tl. Far., 1877, x, 88: 100—Oeorgauta (A. D.) lUpi ^raK- AotricoTrrjtreajs xai ^teTaAAoOepaTreuTiicij;. raATjpb?, 'Afloat 1879, B'. 324 : 360; 369: 387: 1880, V, 4 ; 19; 65; 182; 194; -J57] 330; 405. — Oingeot. Heiuipl6gie mot.rice accotnpagnfee d'hemiauesthesie sensitive et sensorielle traitee a vec suct6s par l'emploi des aimants. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. bop. de Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s., xx, 6-11. Also: Union metl., Par., 1883, xxxvi, 37-42. Also: Abeille ni6d., Par., 1883, xl, 258- 260. —Cradle (H.) Metalloscopy and nietallotherapy. J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis.. Chicago, 1878, n. s , iii, 715-724.— <»raN.set (J.) Metalloscopie et nittallollierapie. Mont- pel. nied., 1880, xliv. 524-510.—CJuaila ill.) La metallo- terapia e la sua applicazione alle malattie dei bambiui. Speriineulale. Firenze, 1878, xii, 400-407. Also: Osserva- toremed.. Palermo, 1878, viii, 356-366.—CJuillnud pere. Lanietallotherapieen1820. Montpel. med., 1880, xiv, 159.— Habermann. Hysterische Taubheit, Blindheit uud Hyperiisthesie des Oifactorius bei einem jungen Manne; Metallotherapie; Heilung. Prag. nied. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 213; 222. — Hammond (W. A.) Ou metal therapeu- tics. Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 38.')- 388.—llenrol (IL) Du transfert de i'lieiuihypotliermie. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1880, iv, 165; 179.—llorrock* (P.) Cases of hemiaualgesia, illustrat- ing the application of nietallotherapy. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1878, ii. 102. — Hoitoles (C.) De lii nietalloseopie hvst.6- rique; de la metallotherapie interne; observations et re- flexions. Montpel. med., 1882, xlviii, 525-533.— Hon leu (A.) & de Piclra-Sanla. Action du cuivre sur I'cco- nomie : histoire dun atelier et d'un village. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1883, xcvii, 1562 —Hague*. Metallo- therapie. Nice nied., 1877, i, 402-405.—Hutu* (M.) Of- versigt of ver den metalloterapeutiska behandlingsnieto- den och deuna metods niivarande stiiiidpunkt, enligt netlan anfdrde tiirtattare. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 354-373. — Ingria ( V. E.) Metalloterapia in uu' caso (F isterismo. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1886, n. s., viii, 969-972.—J ohnstone (A.) Metalloscopvnnd nietal- lotherapy. Arch. Med.. N. Y., 1884, xii, 210-225. — Ka- han (A.J.) K kazuistike metalloskopii i inetallotera]iii. Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1882, xxi. 11; 30; 45; 64: 77; 93; 123; 156; 175. — Kingsley (J. P.) Treatment by mental impression. St. Louis Cliu. Rec, 1878-9, v, 269.— Kobuer (H.) Zur Casuistik des Transfer!. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1880, ii, 50-52.—KraIter (J.) Metallo- skopie und Metallotherapie. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1879, iii, 2— Ki-aiiN (B.) Die hysterische Con- tractur und der Magnet das merkwiirdige Symptom den 'Transfert". Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1878, xxiii, 507; 515.—Kun (T.) A metallotherapianak vau-e jovojei [Has nietallotherapy a future?] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1883, xxiii, 653-657. Also, transl •• Pest,metl -chir. Presse, Budapest, 188!, xix, 962.—L.andolt tfc Ouluiont (P.) Du retour de lasensibilite sous l'iufluence des applications nietalliques dans l'heniianesthesie d'origine cerebrale. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 381-383. — Lamlonzy. Kc- la tion d'un cas de lethargic provoquee ]>ar l'application d'un aimant. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, pt. 2, 1-9. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 60- 62. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, lii,45.—I-an- tlowwki (E.) Metalloscopie et metallotherapie. Alger ined , 1879, vii, 353-357.— Ltindli (A.) Ett iiirsiik ined tleii s. k. metalloterapien. Eira, Oiiteborg, 1879, iii, 748- 753.— Tlazzei (E.) La metaloterapia. Rev. nied. de Chile. Saut. de Chile, 1880-81, ix, 225; 289: 1881-2, x, 44.— Tletallotlierapy. Bv X. Phila. M. Times. 1878, viii, 327-330.— Tlonard (j.) La metallotherapie en 1820. Lyon med., 1880. xxxiv, 411; 449; 485.—.Tlorieourl. Ilys- terie; sensibilite au zinc; bona diets tie ce metal apr'iqnA extericurenient et administi-6 a Lint t'i it-ur. Iluz. d. hop., Par., 1879, lii, 828. -----. Metallotherapie; vertigemelital pris d'abord pour un cas d'alcoolisme, traite avec sneers par le chloiure dor. Ibid., 18-1, liv, 716. -----. Contri- bution a l'etude de I'antisepticitc, ilu cuivre contre la fievre typhoide. Ibid., 1092. -----. Pied hot varus par contrac- ture, gueri par l'application d'une armature de cuivre pen- METALLOTHERAPY. 209 METALS. nietallotherapy. dant une heme; hysterie datant de deux annees: dispari- tiou des crises par'l'argent extra et For intus. Ibid., 1885, lviii, ;j. -----. Nouveaux proced6s metalloscopiques dans les cas d'aptitudes iu6talliques dissiniul6es, notamment chez les su jets lethargiques, cataleptiques ou somnambules. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 95-97. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1885, 3. s., xl, 663-C67. —Miiller (F.) Metalloskopie und Metallotherapie. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1878, Graz, 1879, xv, 27-46. ------. Vorlaufig? Mittheilung iiber Metalloscopie und Metallo- therapie. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1879, ii, 25-27. -----. Zur Metalloscopie und Magnetwirkung bei hysteri- schen Lahmungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., Ie79, xvi, 416; 435.—lVovaro"(D. B.) La metaloscopiay la metaloterapia. An. d. Circ. m6d. argent , Buenos Aire's, 1880-81, iv, 87; 136.—Palaatzolo (E.) Contributo alia metallofisiologia; esperienzesopra batraci. Indipendente, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 535-538.—Feekhain (Grace). Metailotherapy, theoret- ically and practically considered. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1883, x, 155 ; 283.—Petit (L.-H.) Sur la metallotherapie. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1879, xcvii, 32; 75; 126; 170; 221; 272; 318; 365; 407; 461 ; 515: 1880, xcviii, 25; 73; 219; 264; 319; 364; 412; 458; 499; 539. Also: Rev. internat. d. sc. biol., Par., 1881, viii, 1; 113. [See, also, supra.]— Proust (A.) Sc Ballet (G.) De Faction des aimants sur quelques troubles nerveux, sp6cialeuieut sur les anesthe- sies. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1879, Amst,, 1880, vi, 304-325.—Babuleau. Perkinisme et metallotherapie; resume historiqueetexplicatif. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 84-87.—Bos- tan. Observation remarquable de paralysie musculaire atrophique gu6rie par les armatures nietalliques du doc- teur Burq. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 215-217. — Rumpf. Ueber den Transfert. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1879-80, x, 273-275. ------. Ueber Metalloscopie, Metall .therapie und Transfert. Memorabilieii. Heilbr., 1879, xxiv, 385-400.—Ruseoni (U.) Studj elinici di me- talloscopia e xiloscopiain un caso di emianestesia ed ami- ostenia isterica con ambliopia ed aeromatopsia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1881, ii, 385-387.—Schiff. Ueber Metallo- therapie. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Baden-Baden, 1879, lii, 148-158. Also [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1879, xv, 881. Also: Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1879, ii, 464— Schiller*. Hysterie; applications m6tallot.b6rapiques. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1879, xviii, 183-188.—Sciainainia (E.) Applicazione dei metalli sulla superficie cutanea (metalloscopia e metalloterapia). Gazz. med. di Roma, 1878. iv, 127.—Secretan (L.) H6mianalgesiehysterique; amelioration par la metallotherapie; recidive • gu6rison par l'electricite statique. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1880, xiv, 213-228. —Seguin (E. C.) Hysterical convulsions and hemianaisthesia in an adult male; cure by metailotherapy (gold). Arch. Med., N. Y., 1882, viii, 199-201.—Singer'(J) Zur Geschiehte der Me- tallotherapie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 107.—So- nin (D.) Paralich litsevago nerva (ortometallotera- pija; vizdorovlenie). [Paralysis of facial nerve] Arch. vet. nauk. St. Petersb., 1882, "i, pt. 3, 76-83.—Siirre. Cas remarquable de nevrose mentale guerie par 1'usage du cuivre. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 18-6, lix, 179. —T. (T. T.) Histeria; sensibilidadal zinc ; huenos efectosde este metal aplicado topicainente y administrado al interior. Cliuica, Zaragoza, 1879, iii, 301. — Xalko-Hryncewioz (J.) Magnetyzm zwierzecy iproby zastosowania go w medy- cynie (uietallotherapia). Gaz'. lek., Warszawa, 1880, xxix, 3; 13; 25; 33.—Teissier (J.) Pathog6nie du transfert dans les phenomenes de metallotherapie. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1880), 1881, xx, pt. 2, 100- 102. -----. Note sur la pathogenie du transfert dans les phenomenes de metalloscopie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s , iii, 210— Teluieliin (A.) Sluch. uspesh. primen. metallolerapii pri amblyopia hysterica, [Cure by metailotherapy.] Vestnik oftalmol., KiefF, 1887, iv, 130—Thcrmes (IL) Des effets de Fexcitant ther- mique (chaleur ou fioid) sur l'anesthesie, Fachromatopsie et la contracture des hysteriques, leur similitude d'action coruparativement a ceile des metaux, des aimants artifi- cielset.de I'eleetiicite stalique. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1878, li, 982. Also: Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 29-1-299. -----. Note sur un pioc6de d'bvdro- m6talb.therapie externe. Bull. Soc. demed. prat, de Par., 1879. 165-168. Also: France nied., Par., 1879, xxvi, 675.— Tukc (D. H.) Metalloscopv and expectantattention. J, Ment. Sc. Lond., 1878-9, xxiv, 598-609. Also, transl.: Bull. Soc. de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand, 1879, xiii, 42-59.— I'spenski (P. I.) Znachenie musheke i metallove ve terapii nervniche boliezuei. [Metailotherapy in nervous disorders ] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 265; 283.—dc Variguy (H.) La metallotherapie. Rev. scient., Par., 1881. 3. s., i, 7n9-779.—Vetault. De quelques faits ayant trait it Faction des metaux sur les hyst6riques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1882, Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 219.— de Vicente (('.) Burqiiisnio (metaloscopia, metalotera- pia, agentes estesi6geuos). Revude med. v cirug. pnict., Madrid. 1883, xiii, 289; 337: 3884 481: 1884, xiv, 58. Also, Reprint—Vigoiiroux (R.) Des plaques forin6es de 14 Ifletallotherapy. plusieurs metaux superposes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1877, Par., 1879, 6.s., iv, 401-405. -----. Sur un precede nouveau de metallotherapie externe. Ibid. (1878), 1880, 6. s., v, 240-242. Also: Programed., Par., 1878, vi, 573. -----. Sur la th6orie physique dela metalloscopie. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 270-273. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1,1059. -----. Metalloscopie, me- tallotherapie, a'sthesiogenes. Arch, deneurol., Par.. 1880- 82, i, 257 ; 413 ; 564:1881, ii, 92: 1882, iii, S7.-Wachtel (D.) Ueber Metallotherapie und deren Anwendung iu schtaerz- haften Contracturen und in der Chorea. Ztschr. f. Nat.- 11. Heilk. iu Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1860, xi, 97; 105; 113.— Wittlialtn (L.) Ueber Metalloscopie und Metallothera- pie. J. f. Sff. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1880, iv, No. 8, p. 4; No. 9, p. 3. IVIetals. See, also, Minerals in medicine; Miners (Dis- eases, etc., of). a Bergen (C. A.) * De gravitate specifica iuetallorum statice et hydrostatice explorata; resp. J. G. Rammelsberg. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1743]. Boyle (E.) Observationes de generatione me- tailor urn in iniuera sua aeri expositorutn. 16°. Londini, 1676. Conrad (H. F.) * De principiis et transinuta- tione nietalloruin. sm. 4°. Jence, [1686]. Cramer (C. ) *De transmutatione metal- lorum. Resp. J. C. Calckkoff. 4°. Erfurti, [1675]. Mollwkide (J. H.) * De modo agendi metallo- runi in corpore humano. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1752. Timaeus (G.) & Viertel (J. C.) Disputatio prior, de metallurgia rerum gereudarum nervo. 4°. Vitembergce, [1699].. Webster (J.) Metallographia, or an history of metals. Wherein is declared the signs of ores and minerals both before and after digging; the causes and manner of their generations; their kinds, sorts, and differences; with the descrip- tion of sundry new metals, or semi-metals, and many other things pertaining to mineral knowl- edge. As also, the handling and shewing of their vegetability; and the discussion of the most diffi- cult questious belonging to mystical chemistry, as of the philosopher's gold, their mercury, the liquor alkahest, aurum potabile, and such like. Gathered forth of the most approyred authors, that have written in Greek, Latine, or High- Dutch; with some observations and discoyreries of the author himself. 4°. London, 1671. Bcchamp, Sur les metaux qui peuvent exister dans le sang 011 les viscferes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1860, 2. s., xiii, 212-221. — ChevaUier & Cottereau. Essais histo- riques sur les metaux qu#e Ton rencontre quelquefois dans les corps organise& Ibid., 1849, xii, 387: xiii, 124.— Favrc (J.-H.) Sc Frantz (J.-J.) M6moire sur la trans- mutation des metaux. France med., Par., 1866, xiii, 10; 18.—Huff" (G.) Removal of metals from the system by galvanism. N. YorkM. Times, 1855, iv, 346-350.—.lean- nel. Recherches sur le role des corps gras dans l'ab- sorption et 1'assimilation des oxydes metalliqucs. Union m6d., Par., 1859, 2. s., i, 289-292.—Kletziusky (V.) Ue- ber die Ausscheidung der Metalle in den Secreten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 761; 779; 811: 1858, viii, 20; 101; 116; 355; 718; 901.—Osius (C. A.) Ueber die Um- wandlung der Metalle im menschlichen Korper; ein Bei- trag zur Lehre der Arzneiwiikuiigeu. Med. Ann., Hei- delb., 1842, viii, 277-317 —Robin (E.) Mode d'action des composes nietalliques sur l'eeonoinie animale. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1875, xx, 55; 62. ITIetals (Toxicology of, and accidents from). S>e, also, Antimony, etc., Arsenic, Bismuth, Copper, Toxicology of; Iron (Sulphate of); Lead- poisoning ; Mercury (Toxicology of'); Occupa- tions, etc. (Diseases, etc., of); Tin (Chloride of) ; Zinc-poisoning. Kochlatsch (8. A.) * De nietallicolarum non- nullis morbis.. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1721]. Neumann (J. G.) * De pneservandis metalli- coiaruin morbis. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1721. Siemens ( H. J.) * Metallurgia morbifera. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1705. METALS. 210 METASTASIS. Jleta In (Toxicology of and accidents from). Ursinus (L.) * De morbis metallariorum. 4°. Lipsia.:, 1652. Bcaupoil (A.) De l'enteropathie metallique; etude nu'-tlii-ale sur les accidents causes vers le tube digestif par la penetration lente et graduee de certaines substances nietalliques dans lorganisme. J. de med., chir. et Phar- macol., Brux., 1854, xviii, 391; 487: xix, 3; 97; 209; 305.— BoKsmaiin (H.) Ueber die Eiuwirkung der Metall- staubinhalatiou auf die Gesundheit. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 18t4, xxxv, 348-363.—Oiciidonne et al. Rapport sur 1'etainage blanc d'argent du sieur Trannoy. Ann. Cons, centr. de salub. pub. de Brux., 1847, iv. 103-122.—Dorvault. Considerations chimiques sur l'emploi de l'ioiiure tie potassium dans les empoisonne- ments nietalliques. Hull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1849, xxxvi, 261-266.—i. V Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno, 182!), iii, 3-16. — Alberiii* (M.) Trausforniatiofebrium una serie facta. Acta Acad. nut. curios.. 2. ed., Norinib., 1727, i, 475-477.—Allen (J. A.) Phvsiology of metastasis. Penins. tfclndep. M. J.. Detroit, 1858-9, i, 26-30. —Berlioz (L.-J.) Observation sur uno pleuresie terniinee par plusieurs metastases extraorai- METASTASIS. 211 METCALF. Metastasis. naires. J. gen. de ni6d., chir. etpharm., Par., 1822, lxxviii, 34-48.—Rlachcz. Metastase. Diet, encycl. d. sc. mod., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii, 290-299.—van C'alcar (A.) Com- paretur veterum doctrina cum recentioiiim theoria de ista affections pathologiea in homine, quas vocatur metas- tasis. Iudieetur dein quamam ex opiniouibus, quas re- ceutiores hac de re protulerunt, maxime probabilis videa- tur. Ann. Acad. Rheno-Tra.ject. (1821-2), 1823, [no 3], 1-77. — C!aspary(L) Zur Lehre von den Metastasen. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1877, iv, 453-479.—C'erdo (R.) jExiste la metastasis? Siglo med.. Madrid, 1854, i, 145- 147.—C'oiiies* «le GJocrlitz (C. A. E.) Uutersuchungen iiber den Eiufluss dei- Nerven auf Versetzuugen von Krank- heitsstoff. In: Weber (J. S.) Samml. med.-diss, [etc.], 8°, Tiibingen, 1820, ii, 63-97.—Crainptoii (J.) Case of con- version of disease. Tr. Ass. King s tt Qneeu's Coll. Phvs. Ireland, Dubl., 1824, iv, 69-79.—Cnynat. Quelques ob- servations de metastase. Precis d. t.rav. Soc. med. de Dijini (1838-41), 1843,92-97.—Urinaria ((.'.) Sulle. metas- tasi. Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1814, 2. s., iii, 343-415. — Fernet (('. ) Metastase. X. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 187(5, xxii, 410-428.— GohliiiN (J. D.) De ulcere lumhoruni, ex translatione hicniorrhoiduin flstu- loso, per aquamgryseam sanato. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norinib., 1733, iii, 49-56.—dioni-i-taud. Determiner ce que e'est que la metastase, les uiahulies chirurgicalcs oil elle arrive, et celles qn'elle produit: les cas ou Ton doit l'eviter, et ceux oh. il fa tit la procurer; enfin les moyens que Ton doit employer dans l'linet. l'autre cas. Mem. . . . pour les prix de 1'Acad. row de chir., Par., 1819, iii, 1-14.— Hallock (L.) Metastasis. Tr. X. York M.-Chir. Soc. (1883), 1884, iii, 129-134.—Harris (T.) Observations on metastasis. Am. M. Recorder, Phila.. 1822, v, 53-60.— Heller. Metastase. Ztschr. f. Wuiidarzteu. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1849. ii, 204-207.—Horuickcl. Zwei Falle von inteivenireuden Metastasen. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1858, vii, 257-270.—Hort (VV. P.) Metastasis in disease, illustrated by cases. X. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1850-51, vii, 384- 387— Howship. Cases of metastasis, or tiauslation of diseased action. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1810, xxiv, 178- 182.—Hunt (T.) On metastasis in its practical bearings. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, i, 390-392.—Kiihlbrand. Lebensrettung (lurch hochst merkwiirdige Metaschema- tismen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837, Ixxxv, 2. St., 3-12.— I., de S. Metastasis de una afeccion interna de la piel del craneo. Gac. m6d., Madrid, 1848, iv, 122.—Labordc. Observation sur les metastases singulieres dans les mala- dies. J. de med., chir., pbarm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 326-335.—I,icliteii»tadt (J.K.) Merkwiirdiger Fall von Metastase uud Metaschematismus. X. Breslau. Samml. a. d. Geb. d. Heilk. . . . d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, Bresl., 1829, i, 288-297.— MAvgcy. Entirinc tume- faction nee d'une metastase, d'aspect scorbutique et can- ceretix, greffee sur un engorgement ganglionuaire ancien, et developp£e sous l'influeuce d'acces nevralgiques perio- diques: mort; observation pr6c6dee d'un coup d'ceil sur la constitution medicale de la loealit6 ou elle a ete recueillie. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Eoulers, 1858-60, vi, 481- 493. -----. Perturbations cardiaques determinees princi- palemeut par la suspension de sueurs devenues habituelles depuis l'age critique; metastase rhumatismale sur les ex- tiemites inferieures k l'occasion de bains de pieds sina- pises. Cour. med., Par., 1877, xxvii, 267; 275.—liinoli (O.) Storia di una metastasi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1836, lxxvii, 371-383, 1 pi.—Lorenlz. Memoire sur les metastases. J. de med. mil., Par., 1786, v, 500-528.— Iiiigareai (V.) Sulle metastasi. Resit-. Accad. med.- chir. di Ferrara, 1863, 63-68.—Nagel (L.) Einiges iiber Coraplicationen verschiedener Krankheitsformen, Meta- schematismen und Metastasen. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1867, viii, 49; 81.—Pcschier. Memoire sur la conversion des maladies. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1810, xxii, 372-382.— Rcil (J. C.) Von den Versezungen der Krankheitsmate- rien, besonders von den Milchversezungen. J. d. Erfind., etc., Gotha, 1794, ii, 7. St., 55-80— Rcydel let. Metastase. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxiii, 16-105.—Scoutetten. Memoire sur les metastases consid6rees d'apres les prin- cipes dela doctrine phvsiologique. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1823, xxx, 129-147.—Smith (E. F.) On the metas- tasis of disease. St. Louis M. tfc S. J.. 1852, x, 308-313.— Staughton (J. M.) A case of metastasis. Am. M. Re- corder, Phila.. 1822, v, 130.—von Tott ((.'. A.) Zwei Falle von inerkwiirdigem Metascheuiatisnius bei Epilep- tischen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvi, 3. St., 117- 119. -----. Falle von Milchmetastase. N. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl., 1842, xii, 66-70.—Trumphius (J. C.) Carbunculi minores, a gutta rosacea retrocedente per nie- tastasin in scroto prorumpentes. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1752, ix, 413.—Vogler. Zum Processe der Me- tastasen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 79 ; 83.—Vosc (J. K. W.) On some vicarious actious of the human body, in health and in disease. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1841, lv,322- 335— Walther (J. A.) Gedrangte geschichtliehe Dar- stellung mehrerer schnell nach einander ert'olgter metas- tatischerErscheinungen, sammtder allgemeinsteii Angabe des Grundes der Metastasen und ihrer Bedeutung iiber- haupt. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1811, xxxii, 2. St., 71-86. Metasynerisis. Sciiwarz ( X. J. ) * De metasyncrisi. 8°. Praga; [1843]. Metatarsus (Abnormities, diseases, and injuries of). See, also, Foot (Diseasesof); Foot (Dislocations of, or in); Foot (Surgery of). Monnier (P.-P.-M.) * Etude sur une variety de luxation du metatarse, luxation en dehors des metatarsiens. 4°. I'aris, 1883. Dclort. Observation dime luxation des os du meta- tarse sur ceux du tarse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 2. ed., 1826, i, 184-186.—Deniarquay. Luxation des 4 premiers metatarsiens; reduction du 1", subluxation des 2e, 3eet4e. Bull. Sue. de chir. de Par. (1865), 1866, 2. s., vi, 471-473.— <« ruber (W.) Ueber die beideu Arten des iiberziihligen ZwischenknochelchensaniRiiekeii des Metatarsus (Ossicu- lum intciinetatarseum dorsale Gruber) und iiber den (lurch Auchylose eines dieser Knoehelehen entstandenen und eine Exostose am Os cuneifoime i. uud Os metatarsale ii. vortausehendenFortsatz. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877, lxxi, 440-452, 2 pi. -----. Ueber den anomalen Mus- culus abductor metatarsi quinti, seine Substitutiou durch einen Sehneustrang (neu) und seiu Auftreten als M. ab- ductor metatarsi quinti circumflexus (neu) beim Menschen sowie uber constante Homologien dafiir bei Saugethieren. Ibid., 1886, cvi, 489-501, I pi. — «nillct. Luxation du metatarse en dehors. J. de ni6d. de l'ouest, Xantes, 1882, xvi, 340.—Langier. Xote sur les fractures simples du m6tatarse, et, en particulier, sur la fracture par arrache- meut du cinqui^me metatarsieu. France med., Par., 1882, i, 205-208.— Tl at-lie n a nil. Observation de luxation des metatarsiens. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 96.— .ttaieet (C.) Luxation de tous les metatarsiens sur le tarse: amputation; phlebite. Ibid., 1837, xii, 229-242.— .Tlinonzio (P.) Caso di lussazione del metatarso sui tarso. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1856, clvi, 465.—Riberi (A.) Guarigioni di gravi e profonde affezioni cariose e necrotiche del primo osso del metatarso senz' amputazione. In Au'.-.Raecolta d. opere minori, etc., 8°, Torino, 1851, ii, 418-432.—Shaw (W. C.) Dislocation of metatarsal bone atmetatarsotarsal articulation. Pittsburgh M. J., 1882, ii, 301-303. rtletaxa (Luigi) [1778-1842]. L' antrace, i cou- tagi, le intermittenti. Lettere al Paolo Baroni. 199 pp., lpl. s\ R0ma, G. Olirieri, 1837. For Biography, see Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di To- rino, 1843, xvi, 378-382 (A. Garbiglietti). Uletaxa (Teleniaco). Editor of: Annali medico-chirurgici, Eoma, 1843-6. I?Ietaxas (Stavros-Jean). * De Lexploration de la retine, et des alterations de cette membrane visiblcs a l'ophthalmoseope. 168 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Paris, 1861. Xo. 46. lletaxas ( Theniistocle-G.) [ 1855- ]. * Des troubles oculaires dans la grossesse et l'accou- chement. 9(5 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 404. Uletaxas-Zani (Gerasime). * De la cure en deux temps (exerese-anaplastic) de certaines tumeurs de la face. 190 j*p., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 203. -----. The same. Des anaplasties secondaires. Cure en deux temps (exerese - anaplastic) de certaines tumeurs de la face. 190 pp., 1 1. 8°. Parti, G. Steinheil, 1887. Metaxylol. Grewixgk ( E.) * Ueher Nitro- und Amido- derivate des Metaxylols. 8U. Dorpat, 1886. Metazoa. ISiitHcliIi (O.) Ueber eine Hypothese heziiglich der phylogenetischen Herleitung des Blutgefassapparates eines Theils der Metazoen. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1882, viii, 474-482. ITIetcalf (E. C.) See Waring (Geo. E.), jr. Irvington sanitary survey. 8°. New York', 1879. rtletcalf (James W.) Homoeopathy and its re- quirements of the physician; au address de- livered before the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York. 24 pp. 8°. New York, Angell, Engel ij* Hewitt, 1852. [Also, in : P., v. 7)28.-] See, also, Pultc (J. H.) Replv to the article of Dr. J. W. Metcalf, Letc] 8°. Cincinnati, 1851. METCALF. 212 METEOROLOGY. Mctcalf (John George). The physiology of the skin. A lecture. 2:5 pp. 8°. Boston, Marsh, Capen ,)'• Co., 1849. [P., v. 751.] -----. The study and practice of midwifery; a discourse read before the Massachusetts Medical Society. 123 pp. 8-'. Boston, J. Wilson A -Son, 1856. Metcalf (Theodore) & Co. Notes on new reme- dies, collated from medical and pharmaceutical periodicals, etc. 32 pp. 16°. Boston, 1877. MetcaU'( Urbane). The interior of Bethlehem Hospital, humbly addressed to his royal high- ness the Duke of Sussex, and to the other gov- ernors. Hipp. 8-\ London, the author, [18.18], MetcaIf ("IPlney) \ 1804-52]. tI.i^oiiii (C. S.) Riographical sketch of the late Vol- iiev Met calf. M. IL, Natchez, Miss. N. Orl. M. tfc S. J., 1852-3. ix, 484-487. Metcalfe (Joannes). * De rlieumatismo acnto. 2 p. 1., 36 pp. 8-\ Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1798. [Also, in : V., v. 8.] Metcalfe (JohnT.) See United Ntatcw Sanitary Commission. Publica- tions. P. On the suliject of the nature and treatment of miasmatic fevers. 8° Xew York, 1862. -----. The same. Q. On the suliject of the nature and treatment of yellow fever. 8°. Xew York, 1862. Metcalfe ( Joseph ). Memoir of the Rev. Wm. Metcalfe, M. D. 38 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. L. Capen, 1866. Metcalfe (Richard). Medical opinions on the et'ticacy of hydropathy and the Turkish bath, with Lord Lytton's experiences of the water cure, xxxvi, xvi pp. 8°. London, R. Metcalfe, [1869]. -----. Sauitas sauitatum et omnia sanitas. v. 1. xx, 334 pp., 1 pi. s°. London, 1877. Metcalfe (Samuel L.) [1798-1856]. A new the- orv of terrestrial magnetism, v, 6-158 pp. 8°. Xew York, G. .,- C. • Co., 187)9. Metcalfe (William) [1788-1862]. Co-Kditorof: American (The) Vegetarian and Health Journal, Philadelphia. 1850-54. For Biograjihi/. see .Metcalfe (J.) Memoir of the Eev. Wm. Metcalfe, M. D., [etc.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1866. Metelercamp Cappenberg (Martinus Ca- rolus). *De morbis placentas uuiversim, et de placuntitide ejusque sequelis in specie. 2 p. 1., 36 pp., 21. 8°. Groningce, P. van Zweeden, [1844]. Metelerkamp (Rutger). *Depceniscrimiuuui ingeuiis populorum accommodandis. 1 p. 1., 55 pp., 3 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchlmans, 1792. [P., v. KH2.] Meteiiier (Jacques). *Des fievres intermit- tcntes. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 19, v. 608. Meteorism. Sec Flatulence, etc. Meteorology. See, also, Air; Aurora borealti; Barometer; Climate; Dew; Hygrometer; Instruments (Optical, etc.); Ozone. Abdill (D.) A new theory of the-weather, and practical views on astronomy. With a descrip- tion of the constellations from Dick. Barritt, and others. Also a new and important mode of cal- culating the weather, and a general view of the atmosphere, and formation of clouds, rain, snow, frost, dew, etc., accompanied with a dictionary of philosophical terms. 8-. Wheeling, 1842. Adie (J.) Ou meteorological observations. 8-. [Edinburgh, 1831.] Repr. from: Quart. J. Agric, May, 1831. Argentine Republic. Anales de la oficina meteorologica argentina por su director, Beuja- leleorology. miu A. Gould. Tomo II. Climas de Bahia y cor- rientes. 4°. Buenos Aires, 1881. Aii'KLE zur Bildung eines Vereines fiir land- wirthschaftliche Wettcrkunde. Gerichtet an die laudwirthschaftlichen Vereine der Provinz Sachsen, des Herzogthums Braunschweig, des Herzogthmus Anhalt und der siichsischen Her- zogthiinicr. 8°. Magdeburg, 1881. Bacon (F.) Historia naturalis ct experimen- talis de ventis. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1648. Bardili (C. G.) *Diss. philos. contiiicns ob- servatione et explicatioiics quasdam physieas prtesertim metcorologicas. 4°. Tubinga; 1789. Bartha (C.) *De meteorologia cosmica. 8- Bitclce, [1834]. Hungarian text. Bauer (J. B.) *De aiiris constitutionibus ad formandas indicatioues rite icstimandis. 8°. Landishuti, 1815. Becker (J.) * De grandine. 4J. [Lipsiee, 1659.] Belo.st (S.) * Consid6rations sur les quatre prineipaux 6tats de l'atmosphere, on sur le chaud, le froid, le sec et l'humide. 4D. Paris, an XII [1804]. Benko (S.) Ephemerides meteorologico-me- dicie, ab aim. 1780 ad anu. 1793. 5 v. 8°. Vin- dobonee, 1794. Bent (S.) An address delivered before the St. Louis Historical Society upon the thermo- nietric gateways to the pole, surface currents of the ocean, and the influence of the latter upon the climate of the world. 8°. St. Lo ids, 1869. Blasius (W.) Storms; their nature, classifi- cation, aud laws. With the means of predicting them by their embodiments, the clouds. HJ. Philadelphia, [n. d.] Brandin (A. V.) Observationes nieteorol6gi- cas. 8°. [n. p., 1827.] Repr. from: Anales med. de Peru, 1827. Braun (J. A. ) Oratio academica de atmo- spha'iiB mutationibns prsecipuis, earumque pra*- sagiis. 4°. Petropoli, 1759. British Meteorological Society. Proceedings, 1862-71. Edited by J. Glaisher!^ 5 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1863-71. Bruning (J. H. L.) *De caussis grandinum nocturnis horis decidentium. 4°. [Hafniw, 1755.] Buctian (A.) A handy book of meteorology. 8°. Edinburgh $■ London, 1867. -----. Introductory text-book of meteorol- ogy. 8C. Edinburgh Sr London, 1871. Canada. Meteorological service. Monthly Weather Review, for the months of Dec, 1886, Jan., March, 1887. 4°. [Toronto, 1887.] -----. Toronto Meteorological Register for the year 1886. 8°. [Toronto, 1887.] Clouston (C.) An explanation of the popu- lar weather prognostics of Scotland on scientific principles. 8°. Edinburgh, 1867. Cock (W.) Meteorologia, oder AVitterungs- Lehre, iu welcher der rechte AYeg, die Veriiude- rungeu der Luft und Abwechselungen des Wel- ters, in uuterschiedenen Landern, vorher zu er- kennen. Ans dem Englischen. Vou J. M. Glaschke. 4°. Wiirzburq, 1729. Coffin (J. H.) Winds of the northern hem- isphere. 4°. 1850. Revised 1852. Washington, D. C, 1853. -----. Psychrometrical table, for determin- ing the clastic force of aqueous vapor and the relative humidity of the atmosphere from indica- tions of the wet and dry bulb thermometer. -J. Washington, 1860. -----. The winds of the globe . . . completed . . . by S. J. Coffin; with a discussion and analy- METEOROLOGY. 213 METEOROLOGY. Meteorology. sis of the tables and charts by A. Woeikof. 4°. Washington City, 1875. Congres international de me'te'orologie, tenu a Paris du 24 au 28 aout 1878. 8°. Paris, 1879. DAlembert. Reflexions sur la cause gene- rale des vents. Le meme sujet en texte latin: Mcilitatioucs de generali ventorum causa, sm. 4°. Paris, 1747. D[ai.ence]. Traittezdesbarometres, thermo- metres, et notiometres, ou hvgrometres. 12°. Amsterdam, 1688. -----. The same. Abhandlung dreyer so nothwendig- als niitzlichen Instrumenten, nem- lich des Burometri, Therinometri undNotiometri oder Hygrometri . . . Ins Teutsche vorgetra- gen von D. M. H. C. J. sm. 4°. Maynlz, 1688. Danikll (J. F.) Meteorological essays and ob- servations. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1827. Daumius (C. L.) De tempestatum varietate et investigaudis veris ejusdem rationibus una cum observationibns barometricis et meteorolo- gicis. 4°. Vittembergce Saxonum, [1714]. David (A. ) Ursachen uud Arorschriften, warum uud wie die Witteruugs-Beobachtuugen anzustelleu sind. 8;. Prag, 1817. Davy (H.-M.) Metcorologie. Les mouve- ments de l'atmosphere et des mers considers au point de vue de la prevision du temps. 8°. Parti, 1866. Drechsler(A.) Das Wetterglas. Vademecum der Witterungskunde. 16°. Leipzig, 1MJ7. Drew (J.) Practical meteorology. Edited by F. Drew. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1860. Du Boulay (T.) The summer of 1862: founded on the vernal equinox. With observations on the summers of England, coupled with remarks on the locality and meteorology of Great Britaiu. 8-". London, 1862. -----. The summer of 1865: founded on the vernal equinox. 8J. London, 1865. Du Crest (M.) Kleine Schriften von den Ther- mometern uud Barometeru. Aus dem Franzosi- scheu ubersetzt und mit eiuigen Anmerkungen begleitct von J. C. Thenn. 8°. Augsburg, 1770. Eiseni.ohr (O.) Untersuchungen iiber den Zusanimenhang des Barometerstaudes mit der Wittcrung im Winter. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1852. Espy (J. P.) The philosophy of storms. 8~. Boston, 1841. -----. First report on meteorology made to the Surgeon-General, United States Army. fol. Washington, 1843. -----. Second and fourth reports on meteor- ology made to the Secretary of the Navy. 2 v. 4C. Washington, 1850 & 1857. Exner (C.) *De pluvia. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1648]. Fitzroy (R.) The weather book. A manual of practical meteorology. 8°. London, 1863. -----. Barometer manual, 1863. 8. ed. 8°. London, 1865. Flldd [or de Fluctibus] (R.) Meteorologia cosmicn. fol. Francofurti, 1626. de Fonyielle (AV.) Thunder and lightning. Transl. from the French, and edited by T. L. Phipson. 12°. London, 1868. Force (P.) Record of auroral phenomena ob- served iu the higher northern latitudes. (Ap- pendix.) 4°. Washington, D. C, 1856. Forget (C.-P.) De Futility des observations ine'teorologiques. 8". [Parti, 1854.] Forry (S.) The climate of the United States and its endemic influences. Based chiefly on the records of the Medical Department and Adjutant- Geueial's Office, United States Army. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1842. meteorology. Forster(T.) Researches about atmospheric phenomena. 3. ed., to which is added the cal- endar of nature. 8°. London, 1823. Forster (T. F.) 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Meteorology. of her majesty's government under the superin- tendence of Major-Geueral Edward Sabiue. v. 2, 1844-9. 4 . London, 1860. Guyot (A.) Tables, meteorological and phy- sical, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. 3. ed. 8°. Washington, 1859. -----. The same. 4. ed., revised and en- larged. Edited by William Libbey, jr. 8-. Washington, 1884. Hallmann (E.) Die Temperaturverhaltnisse tier Quelleu. Eine meteorologische Uutersu- chung. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1854-5. Hann (J.) Untersuchungen iiber die Veriin- derlichkcit der Tagestemperatur. 8-. Wien, [1875]. Repr.from : Sitzungsb. d.k. Akad. d.Wissensch. Math.- naturw. Cl., Wien, 1875, lxxi, 2. Abth. Hare (R.) A verbal communication, respect- ing some experiments made by . . . to ascertain the comparative heating or cooling influence of changes of density resulting from changes in pressure iu dry air, and air replete with aqueous vapour; also, some experiments favourable to the idea that a vacuum has a capacity for ca- loric. 8C. 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Thilo ( L. ) Ueber eine Methode, die Baro- metersttinde ohne Mitbeobachtung des Thermo- meters auf cine gewisse Normal-Temperatur zu reducireu. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Thomson (D. P.) Introduction to meteorol- ogy. 8~. Edinburgh, 1849. Titils (J. D.) Impetus ventorum eorumque causas exponit. 4°. Witteberger, [1782]. ------& Heun (F. AV.) Artisiustitueudi ob- servationes meteorologicas prima} linete. 4J. Wittebergee, [1769]. Tyas(R.) A companion to the weather-glass, designed to record, numerically and graphically, the natural phaenomena preseuted by the barom- eter, thermometers, rain-gauge, clouds, wind, METEOROLOGY. 217 METEOROLOGY. Meteorology. etc.; with blank forms and diagrams, such that the record may be begun at any time in the year. 8°. London, [w. cl. ] -----. The same. \Vitli a calendar for 1870. 8°. London, [1869]. United States. Department of the Interior. Patent Office. Results of meteorological observa- tions, made under the direction of the United States Patent Office and Smithsonian Institution, from the years 1854 to 1859, inclusive. Being a report of the Commissioner of Patents made at the iirst session of the Thirty-sixth Congress. v. 1; v. 2, pt. 1. 2 v. 8°. Washington. 1861-4. United States. Nary Department. Naval Ob- servatory. Astronomical and meteorological ob- servations made at the United States Naval Ob- servatory. Publication authorized by a concur- rent resolution of the Forty-eighth Cougress. For the years 1851, 1852, 1861-78, 1880-82. 4°. Washington, 1863-85. -----. Meteorological observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. Wash- ington observations for the years 1876-82. 4°. Washington. 1879-85. United States. Treasury Department. U. S. Coast, Survey. Methods, discussions, and results. Meteorological researches for the use of the coast pilot. Pt. I. Ou the mechanics and the general motions of the atmosphere. By AVm. Ferrel. 4C. Washington, 1877. United States. War Department. Signal Office. Annual reports of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army to the Secretary of AATar, for the years 1869-70 to 1884-5. 17 v. 8°. Washington, 1870-86. -----. Annual reports of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army to the Secretary of AATar, for the years 1869-70'; 1877-8; 1880-81 to 1884-5 ; 1886-7. 8°. Washington, 1870-87. -----. Suggestions as to the practical uses of meteorological reports and weather maps. 12°. Washington, 1871. -----. Circular. The practical use of me- teorological reports and weather-maps. 8°. Washington, 1871. -----. Daily bulletins. Signal Service U. S. Army. Division of telegrams and reports for the benefit of commerce. Meteorological record. Jan.-Juue, ls71; and Jan., 1872. 3 v. fol. Washington, 1871-2. -----. AA'eather maps, Signal Service U. S. Army. Division of telegrams and reports for the benefit of commerce. Jan., 1871, to July 31, 1872. 6 v. imp. fol. Washington, 1871-2. -----. Daily bulletins of weather reports, Signal Service U. S. Army, taken at 7.35 a. m., 4.35 p. in., and 11 p. m., AVashington mean time, with the synopses, probabilities, and facts, for the months of Aug., 1872, to Sept., 1875; Jan., 1876, to July, 1877; Jan., 1878, to July, 1879; Sept., 1879 ; Nov., 1879, to Aug., 1880; Dec, 1880. 8- cV 4°. Washington, 1872-82. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 1. Report on the solar eclipse of July, 1878. By Cleveland Abbe. 4°. Washington, 1881. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 2. Isothermal lines of United States, 1871-80. By Lieut. A. AV. Greely. 4°. Wash- ington, 1881.* -----. Signal Service notes. No. 3. To fore- tell frost. By Lieut. James Allen. 8'-\ Wash- ington, 1882. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 4. Report of the tornadoes of May 29 and 30, 1879, in Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Iowa, by Sergeant J. P. Fiuley. 4°. Washing- ton, 1881. leteorology. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 5. Information relative to the con- struction of time-balls. 4°. Washington, 1881. -----. Instructions for voluntary observers of the Signal Service of the United States Army. 8C. Washington, 1882. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 6. The reduction of air-pressure, to sea- level, at elevated stations west of the Mississippi River. By Henry A. Hazen. 4°. Washington, 1882. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 8. Recent mathematical papers con- cerning the motions of the atmosphere. Part I. The motions of fluids and solids on the earth's surface, by W. Ferrel. Reprinted, with notes by Frank AValdo. 4°. Washington, 1882. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. Report on the character of six hundred tornadoes. By Sergeant J. P. Finley. 4°. Wash- ington, 1882. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 9. Charts and tables showing geo- graphical distribution of rainfall iu the United States. By Lieut. H. H. C. Dunwoodv. 4°. Washington, 1883. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 10. Signal Service tables of rainfall and temperature compared with crop production. By Lieut."H. H. C. Dunwoodv. 4°. Washington, 1882. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 12. Popular essays on the movements of the atmosphere. By AV. Ferrel. 4°. Wash- ington, 1882. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 11. Meteorological and physical ob- servations on the east coast of British America, by O. T. Sherman. 4°. Washington, 1883. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 13. Temperature of the atmosphere and earth's surface. By AV. Ferrel. 4°. Wash- ington, 1884. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 14. Charts of relative storm fre- quency for a portion of the northern hemisphere. By Lieut. John P. Finley. 4°. Washington, 1884. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 15. Researches on solar heat and its absorption by the earth's atmosphere. A report of the Mount AVhitney expedition. By S. P. Langley, director of the Allegheny Observatory. 4°. Washington, 1884. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 16. Tornado studies for 1884. By Lieut. John P. Finley. 4C. Washington, 1885. -----. Professional papers of the Signal Ser- vice. No. 18. Thermometer exposure. Bv Henry A. Hazen. 4°. Washington, 1885. -----. Extract No. 3, from annual report of the Chief Signal Officer, 1886. Report on State weather services. By authority of the Secretary ofAVar. 8°. Washington, 1887. United States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. Topographico-niedieal remarks, together with meteorological tables, or diary of the weather, made near the headquarters of the 2d military department, by Benj. AVaterhouse, Hosp. Surg, and Director. MS. 4'-'. 1816. -----. Meteorological register for the years 1822-5, from observations made by the surgeons of the Army, at the military posts of the United States. Prepared under the diiection of Joseph Lovell, Surgeon-General of the U. S. Army. 8°. Washington, 1826. -----. Meteorological register for the years 1826-30; from observations made by the sur- METEOROLOGY. 218 METEOROLOGY Meteorology. geons of the Army aud others at the military posts of the United States. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, Surg.-Geu. U. S. Army. 8 -. Philadelphia, 1840. -----. Directions for taking meteorological observations. 8°. Washington, 1844. -----. Meteorological register for twelve years, 1831 to 1842, inclusive; compiled from ob- servations made by the officers of the Medical Department of the Army at the military posts of the United States. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, Surg.-Gen. U. S. Army. 8°. Washington, 1851. -----. General meteorological directions, and explanation of barometer in use by the medical department, U. S. Army. 8°. [Washington, 1868.] Vekein fiirlandwirthschaftliche AVetterkunde fiir die Provinz Sachsen, die Herzogthumer An- halt und Braunschweig, die thuringischen Gross- herzog-, Herzog- und Fiirstenthiimer, sowie die Ackermark. Constituirt zu Magdeburg am 2. April 1881. 8°. Magdeburg, 1883. Atictoria. Results of the magnetical, nauti- cal, and meterological observations made and collected at the Flagstaff Observatory, Mel- bourne, and at various stations in the colony of Victoria. March, 1858, to Feb., 1859. fol. Mel- bourne, [I860]. -----. Monthly record of results of observa- tions in meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, etc., taken at the Melbourne Observatory; together with abstracts from meteorological observations obtained at various localities iu Victoria. Under the superintendence of R. L. J. Ellery, govern- ment astronomer. Jan. to Sept., Nov. and Dec, 1879: March to June, Sept., 1880. 8°. Melbourne, 1879-80. Vi ilegius (J.) Theses philosophica* de pluvia, nive, et grandine. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1595. Arossius (I.) De motu marium et ventorum liber. 4 . Hagce-Comitis, 1663. AVaiilen (E.) AVahre Tagesmittel und tag- liche ATariation der Temperatur an 18 Stationen des russischen Reiches. Dritter Supplement- band zum Repertorium fiir Meteorologie, heraus- gegeben von der kaiserlichen Academie der AVissenschaften. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1887. von Av'aluew (P. A.) Die Temperatur-Ver- haltnisse des russischen Reiches. Kritisch bear- beitet von H. Wild. 2. Hlf'te. 4C. [AVith atlas fol.] St. Petersburg, 1881. AValter (G. F.) Dissertatio physica pluvise examen sistens. 4°. Argentorati, [1710]. AValton(E.) Clouds; their forms and com- binations. 2. ed. 4°. London, 1869. AVedel (G. AV.) [Pr.] de mutationibus aeris. sm. 4?. Jena; [1719]. Wedel (J. A.) [Pr.] de aeris frigidi in con- clave irruentis accumuiatione impedienda. 4°. Jena; [1720]. AVeihraucii (C.) [Meteorologie.] Festrede. 4°. Dorpat, 1878. AVeissmann (I.) *De etesiis. 4°. Tubingce, [1705]. y ' AVernher (H. L.) De tonitru hiemali. 4-. Lipsiee, [1705]. -----. UeberWetterprophezeiung. 4°. Bern, 1867. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statistik. AAriLLiAMSON (R. S.) On the use of the ba- rometer on surveys and reconnaissances. Part I. Meteorology in its connection with hypsome- try. Part II. Barometric hvpsometrv. 4C. New York, 1868. -----. Practical tables in meteorology and hypsometry, being the appendix to the paper Meteorology. on the use of the barometer on surveys aud re. connaissances. 4'. New York, 1868. Bound with the preceding. AAtolfart (J. H.) *De recto instrumentoruni alterationibus atmospluerae cognoscendis inser- vientium usu. 4 , Hanovice, 1728. Wucherer (J. F.) *Diss. acad. de meteoris igneis et quorundam ficta significatone: von feu- rigen Lufft-Geschichten. Resp. J. M. Hiibsch- mann. 4°. Jena; [1724], Zurcher & Margolle. Meteors, aerolites storms, and atmospheric phenomena. From tin' French, by A\\ Lackland. 12°. New Yovk, 1870. Abstract of results of meteorological observations taken at home and foreign stations in the years ls6()-8't Army M. Dep. Rep. 1660-83, Lond., 1868-85, viii-xxv passim. — Atkinson (J. ('.) On tlie influence of the -winds and apparatus employed in meteorological observa- tions. Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 207; 318; 533: ii, 93.—A vel- loni (D.) Breve saggio meteorologico intorno i tempi pro- cellosi nell' estate ed intorno 1' irregolarita. delle presente stagione diviso in due lettere scritte al Vicenzo Miotti. N. rac. d' opusc. scient. et filol., Venezia, 1770, xix, 327- 380. -----. Ossei vazioni meteorologiche ed astrifere da farsi praticamente dagli agricoltori per regolare protitte- volmente le loro operazioni canipestri all' Giannandrea Crestani. Ibid., 1777, xxxi, l-lu9—Bcrigny. Histo- rique de la meteorologie dans le departement de Seine-et- Oise. Mem. Soc. d. sc. nat. et med. de Sehie-et-Oise 1874-82. Versailles, 1883, xii, 322-332.—Bertherand (A.) Sur la temperature maxima de quelques points du glohe. Gaz. ro6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1873, xviii, 54.—Black- nrifler (H. H.) On the construction of meteorological instruments, so as exactly to determine their indications, during absence, at any given instant or at successive in- tervals of time. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1825), 188G, x, 337- 348, 1 pi.—Blanc (G.) Narrative of a hurricane; with some reflexions on the effect of commotion in the atmos- fibere and in the ocean on the economy of nature, and on ife and health. In his.- Select Dissertations, 8°, Lond., 1822, 358-379.—Bollettino meteorologico dell' Osserva- torio di Venezia. Riassmito delle osservazioni fatte nell' anno meteorologico 1884-5. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc., lett. ed arti, 1885-6, 6. s., iv, pp. xcix-cviii.—Bi-omby. Law of weather and storms. Rep. Roy. Soc. Tasmania (1873), 1874, 73-78. — Buch hoi tx (A.) Ergebuisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen. Cor.-Bl. d. Naturf.- Ver. zu Riga, 1867, xvi, 7; 13; 23; 33.—Buys Ballot (U.-H.-D.) Sur la marche annuelle dela temperature en quelques lieux d'Europe et sur la mesure de sa variability Arch. n6erl. d. sc. exactes, etc., Harlem, 1880, xv, 75-112.— Canloni (G.) Fisica sperimentale. Su due stromenti meteorologici ideati da Angelo Bellani. R. Ist. Lomb. di se. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1877, 2. s., x, 17-23.—Carruc- cio (A.) Sc Spagnolini (A.) Altezza, temperatnra, umidita. dell' atmosfera terrestre. Spallanzani, Modena, 1878, 2. s., vii, 529-539.—Casselberry (I.) A new theory of atmospheric temperature. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1860, n. s., iii, 137-145.—t'ircu I a ire relative aux dispositions ft suivre par MM. les medecins chefs de service pour la constatation des observations m6teorologiques il faire dans les hopitaux militaires. Rec. de mein.de med. . . . mil., Par., 1864, 3. s., xi, 1-58, 1 pi. — Collazo (J.) Contes- tacion a. las observaciones del D. Pablo Garcia de M6rida, sobre el metodo ozonom6lrico adoptado por el observatorio meteoroh'tgico central. Enmlacion, Merida, 1878, iii, 133- 143.—la Cour (P.) Resume du journal met6orologique du c61ebre astronome Tycho Brahe, teuu a Uranihorg, lie de Hveen, pendant les annees 1552-97. Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kjohenh., 1876 (Resum6, etc.), 25-44.—Dcnza(F.) La meteorologie en Italic. Inst. san. en Italic. Milan. 1885, 111-129. —Besbrcst. Lettre sur le froid deshivers 1766 et 1767. J. de metl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1767, xxvii, 148-156.—Bowler (B.) Researches on meteorology. K. Oil. M. & S. J., 1847-8, iv, 411-434. Also, Reprint.—Faye. Sur la partie cosuiique de la ni6t6- orologie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc , Par., 1877, lxxxv, 247- LT);i.—Fcris. Contributions^ la met6orologie; etude sur Its climats equatoriaux en general. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par.. 1879, xxxii, 321-347. Also, Reprint.—Fleury. Sur les differences entre les maxima et les minima de temperature diurnes. Rec.demem.dem6d.. . . mil., Par., 1866,3. s., xvi, 408-411. — [Gerhard (J. G.)] Fernere Eilauteruug des neuen Cockischen Systematis meteorologici, oder Versuch, ob aus denen von Curiosis bissher gefiihrten Observatio- nihus meteorologicis des Cocks meteorologische Grund- Satze nicht etwas zu legitimiren seyn mochten ? Samml. v. Nat.-u. Med- . . . Gesch. 1723. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1724, xxiii. Versuch, 117-120. -----. Von der neuen, oder biss- her new-erlauterteu Wetter-Astrologie des Hr. W. Cocks. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gescb. 1721, Leipz. u. Budis- sin, 1722, xv. Versuch, 205-213.—Gottschling (A.) Ue- bersicht der Witterungserscheinungen in Hermannstadt METEOROLOGY. 219 METEOROLOGY. Meteorology. iui Jahre 1883. Verb. u. Mitth. d. siehenbiirg. Ver. 1. Na- turw. in Hermannstadl, 1884, xxxiv, 117-135.—Cb-im-hon (A.) Beschreibung eines Hyetometers, und desselben sechsjahrige hyetometrische Beobachtungen zu Berlin. Phvs. u. med. Abhandl. cl. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zn Berl., Gotha, 1781, ii, 19-45.—Onyot. Directions for meteorological observations. Rep. Sinithson. Inst. 1855, Wash.. 1856, 215-244.—Hasskarl (J. K.) Metcorologi- sche waarnemingen, gedaan op eene reis van Nederland naar Java, aan boord van het Fregatschip Ambarawa, Kapitein P. E. Karst, gedurende de maanden Junij tot September 1845. Nat.- en Geneesk. Arch. v. Neerl. In- die, Batav., 1846, iii, 1-12, 1 tab.—Hogg (J.) The im- portance of uniformity of well constructed instruments in meteorological research. Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, 189- 192.—Hunt (S. B.) A sketch of practical meteorology. Buffalo M. J., 1855-6. xi, 70-81—Iglcsias y I'aiilo (L.) Memoria sobre algunos dates atniosferonautologicos de cuatro de nuestios buques de primera clase. Confer. cient. il. Cuerpo de sanid. de la Armada, San Fernando, 1882, i, 58-04.—King (T. D.) The science of meteorol- ogy, its utility, the necessary instruments and how to use them. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1873, i, 49-56.— Klugn (C.) Der Atmospbiirograph. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1841, 197; 201.—Lazerges (P.) Observations meteoro- logiques faites a Araguouet (Hautes-Pyrenees) et k Tou- louse. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et tie eiiniatol. ('. r. 1886, Par., 1887, i, 453-472. — Lednsuia (J.) Meteorolojia medica; estudio hecho en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1885-6, xiv, 305; 353; 401, 3 diag.—l.oewciihcrz (L.) Der meteorologische Pavilion und die meteorologischen Iiistrumente. Ber. ii. d. allg. deutsche Ausst. a. d. Geh. d. Hvu. u. d. Rettungsw. 1882-3, Brest, 1885, i, 118-140.— JLoomis (E.) Contribu- tions to meteorology, being results derived from an ex- amination of the observations of tbe United States Signal Service, and from other sources. Am. J. Sc. Sc Arts, IS:. Haven, 1874-9, 3. s., viii-xviii, passim. Continued in: Am. J. Sc, X. Haven, 1880-85, 3. s., xix-xxx, passim. -----. Contributions to meteorology. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sc, Wash., 1886, iii, pt. 2, 5-66, 16'pl. —ITIarguet (J.) Observations meteorologiques faites a 1'Asile~d.es aveu- les de Lausanne. Tableaux mensuels. 2e semestre de annee 1885. Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1886-7, xxii, 97-124. — Marie-Davy. Meteorologie et physique (In globe. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1*72, Par., 1873, i,' 462-482. -----. Me teorological registers. [Transl. from: J. de physique, April. 187!) ] Nature, Lond., 1879^ xx, 320-323.—Meteor- ological register |Edinburgh], 1731-6: [with a descrip- tion of the instruments usedj. Med. Essays ct Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1733, i, 7: 1734. ii, 1: 1735, iii, 1: 1737, iv, 1: 1742. v, L— Meteorological tables; statement furnished by the Chief Signal Officer, L. S. A., showing the meaii monthly barometer, reduced to sea-level; temperature; relative humidity; total amount of precipitation in inches and hundredths; prevailing direction of the wind, and the total wind movement, in miles, at the signal stations at Cairo, Chicago, and Springfield, Ills.; Dubuque and Keo- kuk, Iowa; Indianapolis, Ind.; and St. Louis, Mo., for the year 1885. Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii. 79-81.—Meteorologische!) Tagehuch. In: Reiso d. osterr. Fregatte Novara [etc.], 4°, Wien, 1862-5 135-499, 22 maps.—Morris (O. AV.) Remarks on the quantity of rain at different heights. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1855. Wash.. 1856, 211-214.—Mozzoni (G.) Clessi- dra gastro-eosmita. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1853, 3. s., iv, 145-150—:\ollet (F.) Coup d'leil sur l'hygro- metrie, theiinohygromeire et ses usages. Ann. Soc. d. sc. m6d. et nat. (ie Brux., 1840, 190-194.' [Rap. de Leroyj, 194-197. — IVoycs (I. P.) A new view of the weather question. Kansas City Rev. Sc. & Indust., 1878-9, ii, 218; 279. Also, Reprint. -----. Evidence from the weather map. Kansas City Rev. Sc. tfc Indust., 1879-80, iii, 589- 597. Also, Reprint. -----. Tornadoes [prophecy of the weather]. Kansas City Rev. Sc. fclndust, 1880-81, iv, 208- 216. Also, Reprint. -----. The storm center and weather prophets. Kansas City Rev. Sc. & Indust. 1880-81, iv, 750- 755. -----. The weatlier map and the official weather indi- cations. Ibid.. 1881-2, v, 245-249. Also, Reprint.-----. Me- teorological discoveries. Kansas City Rev. Sc. Sc Indust., 1884-5, viii, 196-204. Also, Reprint.—Osborne (J. W.) On a new meteorological instrument. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1875. Salem, 1876, xxiv, 59-70. Also, Reprint.—Pauly (A.) Le role des vents dans les climats chauds. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1875, 3. s., ix, 448-463.—Pcrcival (T.) On the different quantities of rain which fall, at different heights, over the same spot of ground; with a letter from Benjamin Franklin. Mem. Lit. Sc Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1785, ii, 106-113.— PfaflT (H.) Meteorolo- gische Mittheilungen. Wissensch. Mitth. d. phys.-nied. , Soc. zu Erlang., 1858, i, 139-1G4.—Prcstel (M.- A. F.) Leber die Aenderung der Lage der Achse tier therinischen AVi ml rose in der jahrlichen Periode. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versanmil. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1862, Karlsbad, 1863, xxvii, 188-190, 1 pi.—Radau (It.) Les appareils meteorographiques. Monit. scient., Par., 1867, ix, 761- Meteorology. 776.—Reisscnberger (L.) Die Witterungserscheinun- gen des Jahres 1873 in Siebenbiirgen. Verb, u. Mitth. d. siehenbiirg. Ver. f. Naturw. in Hermannstadt, 1875, xxv, 33-88, 2 tab. -----. Uebersicht der Witterungserschei- nungen in Hermannstadt in den Jahren 1879. 1880, 1881, 1882. Ibid., 1881, xxxi, 70: 1883, xxxiii, 117.—Richard- son (J. G.) Report of the Philadelphia County Medical Society on meteorology and epidemics, for the year 1878. Tr. M'. Soc Penn., Pliila., 1879, xii, pt. 2, 814-823. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of the committee on meteorology ami epidemics, for the years 1881 and 18X2. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884,3. s., vii, 41-63. — Richter (H. E.) Meteorologische Schrilten. Schmidts Jahrb., Leipz., 1861, cxi, 115-125. — Ritter. Observations meteorolo- giques. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1873-4, xvii, 64; 160; 170. — KoiiKKiu (Z.) Des observations meteoro- logiqms. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1856, i, 86; 99; 115.—Scott (R. II.) Recent progress in weather knowl- edge. Fortnightly Rev., Lond., 1873, n. s., xiii, 606-617.— Short memoirs on meteorological subjects. Transl. by C. Abbe. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1877, Wash., 1878, 376- 478.—Simon in (J.-B.) p6re. Est-il possible de prevoir dix-neuf ans ii, 1'avance la constitution meteorologique d'une annee? Mem. Acad, de Stanislas 1864, Nancy, 1865, 258-273.— Sir It* (J.) Nog iets over de "corona" van het noorderlicht. Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevortl. d. Nat.-, Genees- en ITcelk. te Amst., 1871-2, ii, L—Soltesz (M.) Zur Meteorologie. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1858, ix, 2; 9.—Stewart (B.) Meteorological research. Nature, Lond., 1876, xiv, 388-390.-----. On the long-period inequality in rainfall. Mem. Lit. Sc Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1882, 3. s., vii, 161-169. — Tarry ( H.) Meteorologia. De la prediction du mouvement des tem- petes et des phenomenes qui les accompagnent. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. o lett. Rendic, Milano, 1872, 2. s., v, 719- 727.—de Tastes (F.-M.) La meteorologie synoptique et la prevision du temps. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1874, ii, 852-868.—Trautzsch (C. F.) Die vorziiglichsten meteo- rologischen Merkwurdigkeiten des Jahres 1829. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 482-524. — Vcrelst (P.-J.) Expose de la constitution atmospherique pendant 1 ann6e 1844-5. Ann. Soc.domed, prat, delaprov. d'Anvers, Boom et Malines, 1846, iv, 208-221.— Wceikof (A. I.) Meteo- rology in Russia. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1872, Wash.. 1873, 267-298. Also, Reprint. -----. Eludes sur l'amplitude diurne de la temperature et sur l'influence qu'exerce sur elle la position topograpbique. Bull. Soc. imp. d. nat. de Moseou, 1881, lvi, 81-140, 1 tab. Meteorology (Medical). See, also, Acclimation; Air (Pressure of); Climate; Cold; Constitutions (Medical); Electricity (Atmospheric); Fever (Malarial, Causes of); Fog; Forests; Heat; Insane (In- fluence of night, etc., on); Neuralgia (Diagnosis, etc., of); Ozone; Seasons; Topography (Med- ieal); a.id under names of countries and places. Acker.maan (H.) Das Wetter und die Krank- heiten. 8°. Kiel, 1854. Balley (F.) Meteorologie et indte'orographie, pathogeiiie et nosographie; ou elements de re- cherches snr la connexion entre les divers agents meteorologiques et la pathog6nie civile et mili- taire a Rome (de 187)9 a 18(51). Atlas annexe aux nos. 41 et 42 du Recueil de memoires de mede- cine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires. 4 '. Parti, 1863. Belfrage (J.) *De viribus coeli in morbis inducendis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1815. Bekt (P.) La pressiou barometrique; re- cherches de physioiogie experinientale. 8°. Parti, 1878. Foissac (P.) De la meteorologie dans ses rapports avec la science de l'homme et princi- palement avec la medecine et I'hygiene publi- que. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1854. -----. The same. Meteorologie mit Riick- sicht auf die Lehre vom Kosmos, und in ihren Beziehungeu zur Medicin und allgemeinen Ge- sundheitslehre. Deutsch bearbeitet und mit An- merkungen verseheu von Dr. A. H. Emsmann. 8°. Leipzig, 187)9. Forster (T.) Observations on the casual and periodical influence of particular states of the atmosphere on human health and diseases, particularly insanity. With a table of reference to authors. 8°. London, 1817. METEOROLOGY. 220 METEOROLOGY. Meteorology (Medical). (ioiiFFEs i^A.-J.-M.) *Sur l'influeuce des climats, et dc l'atmosphere en particulier. 4~. Paris, an XII [1894]. Grabowski (S.-A.) *I. Du barometre con- sidere comme instrument d'observation clinique. II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1^8. Grosser (G.) *Diss. sistens hominem aero- metrum. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1694], Guillie (£.) * Rapports des maladies avec l'atmosphere. Essai sur l'application de la me- thode graphique a leur etude. 4°. Parti, 1871. Gcixier (H.) *Du degre d'iniportance des etudes meteorologiques pour la connaissance et le traitement des maladies. 4°. Montpellier, 187)7. -----. Ebauche d'un plan de meteorologie medicale. 8°. I'aris, 1857. Havilaxd (A.) Climate, weather, and dis- ease. Being a sketch of the opinions of the most celebrated ancient and modern "writers with re- gard to the inflnence of climate and weather in producing disease. 8°. London, 1855. Hoff.maxx (F.) Observationes barometrico- meteorologiea* et epidemics? Hallenses anni mdec. Pra*missa sunt curiosa? physica* medita- tioues in corpora humana ac barometron, etc. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1701. -----. De curiosis physicis meditationibus circa ventorum causam, vires et operationes in corpora humana ac bnrometra. In his: Diss. phys.-med. [etc.] 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1708, 140-218. Hope (C. G.) *Diss. qua instruenda* meteo- rologia* medica* consilia instituuntnr. 4°. Tu- bingce, [1790]. Hi'.nt (S. B.) Report of the committee on the hygrometrical state of the atmosphere in various localities, aud its influence on health. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 187)7). Huxham (J.) Observationes de aere et mor- bis epideniicis, ab anno nidccxxviii ad finem anni nidcexxxvii, Plynmthi facta'. His accedit opus- culum de morbo colico Damnoniensi. [v. 1.] 2. ed. 8°. Londini, 1752. -----. The same. v. 2. Ab anni nimirum initio 1738 ad exitum usque 1748. 8°. Londini, 177)7. -----. The same. Observations on the air and epidemical diseases, made at Plymouth from the year nidccxxviii to the end of the year mdeexxxvii. To which is added a short treatise on the Devonshire colick. Transl. from the Latin, v. 1. 8J. London, 1758. -----. The same. 8J. London, 1759. -----. The same. From the beginning of the year 1738 to the end of the year 1748. v. 2. And now translated from the original, by his son, J. C. Huxham. 8. London. 17(37. Lamprecht«(J. A. F.) .Etiologia morborum quorundam ex superioris anni constitution. 4°. Lipsiee, [1786]. Lechaptois (J.) *8nr l'ordre qu'observeut les maladies, sui van t la temperature de l'air et des saisons. 4°. Paris, 1896. Legras (L.-P.-J.) * De l'influence des saisons sur rhommc. et dans la production des maladies. 4Z. Paris, 1817. Letolrxelx (J.-B.-P.) *De l'influeuce des saisons sur le physique et le moral de l'homme. 4°. Paris, 1819. L[i]tt[o]x (E.) Philosophical conjectures on aereal influences, the probable origin of diseases; with an unusual cure in the scurvy. 8 . Lon- don, 1747. Lyklama a Nyeholt (J. E.) *Spec. medi- cum inaug. ad Hippocratis aphor. v, sect, iii submittit. 4-. Pranequerw, 1769. Meteorology (Medical). Meisxer (.1. (J.) *De hyemis printer natu- ram tepida* et lmmidie noxis earundemque prse- cautiouibus. 4°. Vittenbergce, 17'J'J. Ockel (C.) * De potentia ventonun in corpus huinanum, ubi simul agitur de ascensu ct de- scensu argenti vivi in baroinetro. 4°. [Halm Magdeb., 1700.] Predieri (P.) Dei rapporti fra la meteorolo- gia e la medieina, dei progressi die si desiderano e dei vautaggi die si possono attendere discorso preliminare. fol. Bologna, 187)1. Royal Meteorological Society, London. Me- teorology in relation to health, ('oufcrencrs by the Koval Meteorological Society. 8-; London 1884. Scalzi (F.) La meteorologia in rapporto idle febbri miasmatiche e pneumoniti nell'anno 1877. Studiate negli ospedali di 8. Spirito, di S. (Jjo- vanni e nella necrologia della eitta di L'tuua. (Lavoro presentato al Congresso meteorologico di Parigi nell' agosto 1878.) row 8-\ Roma 1878. Schull (P.) * De vi et effectu, quern diversa* tempestates iu morbis modiflcandisexerccnt. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1789. Soelling (C. H.) *De meteororum actione iu corpus humanum. 4°. Jena; [1746]. Swyghclsen (W.) *Diss. exponeus magni Hippocratis aphorismum xv, sect. i. 4°. Gro- ningce, 1737. Tonnelier (A.-D.) * Essai sur les vents, Auquel on a joint plusieurs aphorismes recueillis aux lecons de M. le prof. Corvisart. 8-'. i'aris, an XII [1804]. Viauld (J.-B.) * Essai sur la constitution de 1'by ver de Fan xi, et sur les epidemics catar- rh alea en general. 8°. Paris, an XI [iwi:{]. ViGOUROLX (P.) *De l'influence meteorolo- gique sur les manifestations rhuuiatismales pen- dant l'hiver 1875. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Walker (J.) Au essay on the epidemic and pestilential state of the elements, aud the prin- cipal phenomena of the physical world which have preceded, accompanied, aud followed the failure of the potato crop; with observations de- duced from the facts stated. 8°. Ayr, 1-47. Astegiano (G.) Saggio di meteorologia medica. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1883, xxxi, 129; 217: 310; 023. Also, Reprint.—Atkinson (J. ('.) On the effects of dif- ferent winds on the human constitution. Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 207; 318; 533: ii, 91. -----. On the connection of meteorological phenomena with cholera, influenza, and other epidemic diseases. Ibid., 1850, i, 240.—Ballard (E.) A study of the influence of weather and season upon public health, made upon above 217,000 cases of sickness newly occurring at various institutions for the relief of the sick poor in Islington, during the nine years 1857-(>5. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 18G6-7,1, 189, 7 tab.: 1867-8, li, 277, 1 tab.; 289, 2 tab. Also [Abstr.J: Proc. Rov. M. tfeChir. Soc. Loud., 1864-7, v, 288: 1867-71, vi, 108. Also, transl.: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1870, ii, 242-251. -----. On the influence of some of the more important ele- ments of weather upon the absolute amount of sickness. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 536-540. -----. On tlie study of medical meteorology, especially in its relation to epidemic maladies. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. (1875-81), 1882, iv, 30-38.—B axe n del I (J.) On the influence of changes in the character of the seasons upon the rate of mortality. Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1871, 3. s., iv, 303- 314.—Berger. Znsainmenhang zwiscben den pliitzlicheii Todesfallen und den Witterungsverhaltuisst'ii. Ztschr. I. Biol., Miinchen, 1868, iv, 376-389. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Wchnschr., ls«9, xix, 679-682.—Bertulu*. De 1 in- fluence reelle ou propre do la chaleur, du fluid et del'liu- midit6 sur l'economit' animale. Montpel. med.. 1X.VJ. n, 223-251.—Blasins i W.) Some remarks on the connection of meteorology with health. Proc. Am. Phil. Sue, l'liila., 1875, xiv. 607-673.—Blodgct (L.) Report upon -'non- periodic changes of heat as an element iu sanitary clima- tology ". Ani. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 187:;, X. Y., 1875, i, 157-1G3.—Buchnn (A.) Sc Mitchell (A.) The influ- ence of weather on mortality from different diseases and at different ages. J. Scut. Meteor. Sue, Edinb. .V Loml, 1P74-5. n. s.. iv. 187: 1877. v, 171. Also [Abstr.l: lint. Sc For. M..Chir. Rev,, Loud., 1870, lviii, 85-105.—Biichner. METEOROLOGY. 221 METEOROLOGY. Meteorology (Medical). ildeen iiber mctt tiitilogisch-niedizinisehe Beoliachttiugen uud deren Nutzen fiir die gerichtliche Medi/.in. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1851, lxii, 224-230.—Cagnazzi (L. de S.) Nota intorno a relazioni osseivate nil passato febhiaio tra le variazioni baronietriche e la salute degli uomini. Esculapio napol., Napoli, 1828, iii, 129-133.— Campbell (F. K.) The relation of meteorology to dis- ease. Buffalo M. Sc 8. J., 1885-6, xxv, 193-214. Also, Ke- print— Casper (J. L.) Der Einfluss der Witterung auf Gesundheit und Leben des Menschen. In his: Denkw. z. med. Statist., 8°, Berl., 1846. 3-78, 6 tab. Also [Abstr.]: Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl.. 1840. 373: 389 — Chip- man (M. M.) Report of committee on medical topogra- phy, meteorology, endemics, etc.; importance of forest preservation and timber cultivation. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1883, 240-281.—Clams (J. C. A.) Versuch einer vergleichenden Uebersicht der merkwiirdigsten Wit terungs- und Krankheitseieignissc in den Jahren 1833-4. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 78; 630.—Coolidge (E. H.) Report of the special committee ou Government meteorological reports. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1859, xii, 63-72. Also, Reprint.—Corden (G.) On some of the apparent influences of the weather upon the prevalence or otherwise of certain classes of disease. Rep. Cong. San. Inst. Gr. Biit. 1879, Lond., 1880, i, 217-223, 1 tab.—Davis (N. S.) et al. Report of the committee appointed to con- fer with the superintendent of the Signal Service Bureau of the U. S. Government relative to the addition of daily observations concerning the electric and ozonic condi- tions of the atmosphere to the items at present included in the meteorological records made at the several sta- tions in that service; and such other matters as the committee might deem important. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1879. xxx. 38-40. -----. Report of the special committee on ozone and other atmospheric conditions in connection with records of the pievalence of diseases, May, 1881. Ibid., 1881. xxxii, 481-490. ----. Report of the'standing committee on meteorological conditions antl their relations to the prevalence of acute diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, ii, 85; 169.—Discussion on the proposed changes in medical meteorology. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1*02, i, 125-133.—Everett (J. T.) Studies in relation to the production of pain by weather. Chicago M. J. tfc Exam., 1879, xxxviii, 253-260. Also, Reprint.— Faulds (W. ) Effects of meteorological influence on health. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Albany, 1868, 142-182, 1 ch — Fischer. Das Jahr 1819, meteorologist-It -medicinisch dargestellt. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl.. 1825. Ixi, 5. St., 74; 6. St., 52: 1826, lxiii, 4. St., 49.—Forry (S.) Statistical researches relative to the etiology of pulmonary and rheu- matic diseases, illustatiug the application of the laws of cli- mate to the science of medicine; based on the records of the Medical Department and Adjutant-General's Office. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1841, n. s., i, 13-51.—Foubert (H.) Etat de la meteorologie medicale en France dans ses rapports avec la medecine. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1866, 6. s.. vii, 578; 707. Also, Reprint.—CJaycfH.) La medecine et la me- teorologie. Pau med., 1877, i, 3; 12— Gillcbert-d'Her- eourt. De l'utilite des ohser vations meteorologiques pour la medecine. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1863, 3. s., xi, 295- 304.-----. Plan d'etudes simultan^esde meteorologie et de statistique medicale propose a. la Societe de medecine de Saint-fitienne et de la Loire. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.- Etienne et de la Loire. Compt.-rend. (1866), 1867, iii, 522- 528.—[<»rellois.] Cours de meteorologie professe dans le grand amphitheatre de la Faculty de medecine. Union med., Par., 1804, 2. s., xxi, 305-311. —CJiinther. Ueber den Gang der Witterung und die Krankbeitsconstitution zu Coin in den Jahren 1823-9. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innshr., 1824, i, 189: ls25, i, 205; 220: 1826, i, 370: 1827, i, 285; 300: 182S. i, 252; 286: 1829, i, 268; 282: 1830, i, 108; 126.—Gncrry (A.j Des variations meteorologiques comparees aux phenomenes physiologiques. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1829. i, 228-234— ti n v (W. A.) On temperature and its relation to mortality. J. Statist. Soc,. Lond., 1881, xliv, 235-262. [Discussion J. 262-268. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi. 286; 310; 332. — Ciuyot (J.) Influence tie la temperature de l'air et des instru- mens dans les operations chirurgicales. Ann. de la metl. physiol., Par., 1831, xix, 326-341. — Harless ( C. F.) Die Meteorologie, in ihrer Anwendung auf die Medicin, und insbt soudere auf die Kraukheits-Coustitutioneil und herrschenden wie durcblauf'enden Krankheiten; und was ihrXoth thut. Ein historisch-nosologischer Versuch. J. (1. pract. Heilk., BeiL, 1836, lxxxiii, 1. St., 8; 2. St., 3.— Haviland (A.) The iatro-meteorology of Hippocrates. Assoc, il. J., Lond., 1853, 961-964. -Hcwnoii (A.) On the influence of the weather over the results of surgical operations, and on the value of the barometer as a guide in the choice of the time for and the prognosis in such opeiations, as shown by the results of "immediate ampu- tations'' during a period of 30 years in the Pennsylvania Hospital. Penn. Hosp. Rep., Phila., 1869, ii, 17-35, 1 ch.— Hildrelh (E. A.) Synopsis of observations on some of the relations of meteorology and disease. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1879.520:1880, 631: 1882, 783. Also, Reprint. of 1879 and 1882.—Hingeston (J. A.) The nieteorology IHeteorology (Medical). of 1854-8. Assoc, M. J., Lond., 1855, i, 151: 1856, i, 66, Continued in: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1858, 85; 163: 1859, 224.— Hoffmann (F.) De ventorum generatione ortu, causis ac effectu iu corpora humana, et barometron, etc. Inhis: Opusc. theol.-phys.-med., 4°, Halse, 1740,169-218.—Hoppe (I.) Ueber den Einfluss der Witterung auf die Lessening und Verschlimmerung der Krankheiten, im Gegensatze zu dem Einflusse der angewendeten Arzneien. Memorabi- lien, Heilbr., 1875, xx, 390-398. —Hug (C. ) Ueber die Meteorologie als Wissenschaft fiir den Arzt, Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1866, xx, 65-72. —Jameson (H. G.) Diarian observations upon the weather, the sea- sons, and the diseases of certain seasons. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait,, 1829, i, 632-656. — Iter (P. ) A com- parison of the meteorological registers and epidemic dis- eases at Edinburgh, Rippou, Plymouth, and Nuremberg, from May, 1731, to June, 1736. Med. Essays Sc Obs. Soc. Edinb , 1742, v, 35-82.—King (T.) Notes on meteorology and health. Canada M. tfc S. J., Montreal, 1873, i, 495- 499. — Ledesma (J.) Meteorolqjia m6dica; estudio apli- cado & la cimhid de Buenos Aires. An. d. Circ. med. ar- gent,, Buenos Aires, 1885, viii, 360; 409. — I,epine (It.) Do Tinfluenco tie la pression barometi-iqne sur les pheno- menes vitaux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii, 285.— Levy. Witterung und Krankheiten. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1849, 13; 17.—von Liebig (G.) Ueber die Einflusse der Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit auf die Gesundheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 245; 256.—I.ittel (S.) On the influence of electrical fluctuations as a cause of disease. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 390-409. Also, Re- print. -----. On the relations which electricity sustains to the causes of disease. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1866, xvii, 73-126. Also, Reprint. — ljoschner. Ueber den Einfluss der raeteorischen Verhaltnisse auf die Eutste- hung der Kinderkrankheiten. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1856, xxvii, 7-20. — Macintyre (W.) The weather and the more prevalent diseases of the summer of 1846. Lan- cet, Lond., 1847, i, 85: 111.—Mcnges (P.) Der Einfluss der Witterung in den drei nasskalten Jahren 1829 bis 1831 und in den drei trockenwarmen Jahren 1857-9 auf den allgeineineu Gesundheitszustand in Nassau. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogtb. Nassau, Wiesb., 1863, xix-xx, 348- 714. — Meteorologie (Die) als Hiilfswissenschaft zur Medicin. Deutsche' Klinik, Berl., 1853. v, 374; 384.—Eli- nor (T. C.) Notes on the meteorological medicine of Cin- cinnati. Cincin. Lancet Sc Clinic, 1884, n. s., xiii, 544; 562; 630.—Mitchell (S. W.) The relations of pain to weather, being a study of the natural history of a case of traumatic neuralgia. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila', 1877, n. s., lxxiii, 305- 329. Also [continuation of record J, in: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1883, 3. s., vi, 411-427. 3 ch. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 46-49. — Moffat (T.) On medical me- teorology. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 129.— Moore (J. W.) Notes on "mean temperature in its relations to disease and mortality ", wiih special reference to the city of Dublin. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 107-122. Also, Reprint. -----. On meteorology in its bearing on health and disease. In: Lect. on Pub. Health, 8°, Dubl., 1874, 32-61, 5 ch. Also [Abstr.]: Lond. M. Rec, 1873, i, 211; 226. Also |Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 400-402. Also, Reprint.—Mor- ris (J.) New method of investigating the effect of meteor- ological changes and conditions on human life. Med. Times Sc Ga*/.., Lond., 1857, xv, 57-59. — MiiiIcr (G.) Leber die Wirkungen der verschiedenen Luftstroinungen (Winde) auf die verschiedenen Oiganismen. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1850, iv, 361-366. — Nicuwenhuis (C.J.) Geneeskundige waaineiningen, vergelekeu met weerkundige aanteekeningen gedurentle het iaar 1812. 'iTfTroxpaTi)?, Rotten!., 1814, i, 103: 1816, ii, 14; i 17; 340.— Pnroniants ( S.) Po voprosu meditsinskoi meteoro- logii. Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1867, iii, pt. 3, 1-9.—Pendle- ton (E. M.) Meteorology as a collateral science to the study of medicine. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1857-8, iii, 321- 327. — Perez (L.) Ltilidad de las observaeiones meteo- rologicas en la practica de la medieina. Repert, Jalisc de nied. y cirug. pract., Guadalajara, 1874. i, 2-4.—Pope (J. H.) Climatology and epidemics. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Co- lumbus, 1875, vii, 72-79.—Prestel (M. A. F.) Die Winde in ihrer Beziehung zur Salnbritat und Morhilitat. Ein Beitrag znr mediziuischen Witterungs- und Klimakunde. Kl. Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Emden, 1872, xvi, 1- 19. — Kansomc (A.) Sc Vernon (G. V.) On the influ- ence of atmospheric changes upon disease. Mem. Lit. Sc Phil. Soc Manchester, Lond., 1862, 3. s., i, 164-185.— Renauldin. Meteorologie et meteores. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxiii, 122-228. — Rcnon Sc Chereau (A.) Meteorologie. Diet, encycl. d. sc med., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii, 311-339. — Reoch ( J.) Monthly prevalence of diseases. Lancet, Loud., 1873, ii, 225. — Kenss. Ueber den Einfluss einer herrschenden Luft- und Witterungs- beschaffeuheit auf das Entstehen, Vorbereiten und Erlo- scheu der Volkskrankheiten. vorziiglich auf den allge- rueiuen Karakter der zu gleicher Zeit herrschenden Eutziiudungeu und Fieber iiberhaupt und graduelle- entziindliche oder nerviise und pestartige Beschaffenheit der auf eine zufallige Art durch eine spezifische Anste- ckung ausgekommenen exanthematischen Fieber insbe- METKOROLOGY. 222 METHODUS. JIeteorolog"% (Medical). sondere. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1817. xiv, 2. St., 3- 105.—Iti<-hary .James St. John. xvi. 237 pp., 3 tab., 4 pi. H-. London G. Kearsley, 1788. Method (Un a) of cooling the air of rooms in tropical climates. 4 pp. 4° [London, l*4'.l, rel subseq.] Method (The) of practice in the small-pox. N- conomie animale, et les observations pratiques des meilleurs medecins, taut auciens que 1110- dernes. Trad, de l'anglois par M. L. de Pre- ville. 3 p. 1., viii, 509 pp., 2 1. KL. Paris, P ra tilt je une; 1752. Methode asseuree et efficace pour gu6rir la maladie v6uerienue sans salivation mercurielle. Composed en latin par un ceUebre in6decin d'An- gleterre, et nouvellement mise en i'rancois par le Sr. G. B. Dc S. Eomain. 11 p. 1., 128 pp. 16°. Parti, L. d'Houry, 1690. Methode (De la) eu nnSdecine, & propos du dis- cours que M. Broussais a In a l'lnstitut. [Par nn interne des hopitaux de Paris.] h pp. 8J. Paris, H. Tilliard, [n. d.] [Also, in: P., v. 1656.] Methode que Ton pratique a l'Hostel des Iuya- lides pour gn6rir les soldats de la verolle. 14 pp. 8J. Parti, F. Muguet, 1687). Methode a 1'usage des malades pour l'emploi des diff6rent.es preparations des huiles pyroge"- n6es animales. 4 pp. 8°. [Paris], Baudouin 4- Cie., 1808. [P., v. 1746.] Methodism. Schubert (J. S.) De laxitatis caussis dis- serit. 4C. Lipsiee, [1772]. Dezcimeris (E.) Des principes du methodisme, con- sid6r6s comme source de la doctrine physiologique. J. compl. du diet, d. sc. m6d., Par., 1824, xx, 3: 1825, xxi, 80. Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. General instructions for the guidance of archi- tects iu preparing designs for the ... 7 pp. 8 . [Brooklyn], 1881. Methodist General Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. its origin, purposes, needs. 33pp., 1 pi., 3 plans. roy. 8J. [Brooklyn], 1887). Methodo de restituir a vida as pessoas appa- rentemeute mortas por aft'ogainento on sulfo- caciio; rccommendado pela Soeiedade humana de Londres; e descripcao e figura do respirador de Mudge, cirurgiao em Plymoutli; com a maneira de usar delle, e hum summario dos sens effeitos nas tosses catarraes recentes, e noutros achaipies dobofe; publicado tudo impresso por ordem do senhor Diogo Ignacio de Pina Mauiquc 31 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Lisboa, typog. Xunesiana, 1790. [P., v. 1258.] Methodus curandorummorborum mathematical qua morborum depellendorum ex astroruin con- cordanti influxu ratio certa ct evidens ostenditur. Cui et locorum hylegialium, et thematnin coeles- tiun structura adjecta. Nunc primum publiei juris facta, 3 p. 1., 54 pp. 8°. Francofurti, excud. W. Richterm, 1613. METHOMANIA. 223 METHYLENE. IVIethoiiiaiiia. See Dipsomania. Iflethyl. Klek.maxn (S.) * Ueber zwei Syntheseu der Mcthylathylalphaamidoessigsaure. 8°. Miin- chen, 1883." Paxa.iotow (G.) * Ueber Ortho-para-Diine- thylcliinaldin, dessen Umwandlungen, und iiber Ortho - para - Dimethylchinolin - a - Acrvlsiiure. [Erlangen.] 8C. Miinchen, 1886. Regulations for the preparation and sale of methylated spirit, issued by order of the commis- sioners of iuland revenue. 8C. London, 1855. Richahdsox (B. W.) Report on the physio- logical action of the methyl and allied series. 8°. London, [1869]. Cutting from.- Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1869, 405-421. Also [Abstr.], in .- Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 259 Debove (M.) De l'emploi du ehlorure de m6thyle. Bull, et mem. Soc m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1887, 3. s., iv, 386- 188.— Dubois (R.) & Konx (L ) Sur Taction anesth6- sique du inetbylchlorof'orme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 18t-7. civ, 1549-1551.—Ilehner (0.) On the estima- tion of niethylalcohol in presence of ethyalcohol. Ana- lyst, Lond., 1887, xii, 25-29. — d'lvors (C'.) Chlorure de methyle. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1886, xl, 145-149.—Macfarlan (J. F.) On the methylated spirit, and some of its preparations. Pharm. J. Sc Tr., Lond., 1855-6, xv, 310-315. Also, Reprint. — Richardson (B. W.) Methylethyl ether. Asclepiad, Lond., 1886, iii. 361.— Shapirou~ (B. M.) K iznehen. phiziol. deistvija tretich alkogol. na jivot. organ. [Physiological action of triine- thylic alcohol in human organization.] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb.. 1887, viii, 388.—Traversa (G.) Still' azione tisio- logica e terapeutica del fenil-metil-carbonile. Gior. inter- naz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1886, n. s , viii, 699; 799. Iflethyl (Chloride of). See, also, Neuralgia (Treat ment of). dc I, an nay (FL) Deux observations relatives k l'em- ploi du ehlorure de methyle. Ann. med.-chir. franc, et Strang., Par.. 1,-85, i, 63-65. — Nussbauin. MethvlBi- chloiid mit Chloroform verjdichen. Allg. Wien. nied.'Ztii., 1807, xii, 405.—Reguauld (J.) Sc Villejean. iStuiies sur rinhalation du formene et du formene ruonochlor6 (ehlorure de methyle). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, c, 1024-1027.------------. Recherches sur les pro- prietes anesthesiques du formene et de ses derives chiore.s. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1880, ex, 433 ; 490.—Ten- ncsoii tfc Bcyue. Sur le ehlorure de methyle contre lelciuent douleur dans des affections diverses. Bull, et ui6in. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1885, 3. 8., ii, 66-77. Also.- Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1885, 2. a., xxii, 155-157.—Vi- gnard (E ) De l'emploi du chlorine de methyle dans uu certain nombre d'affections douloureuses. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1884-5, iii, 133; 137 [151]. Methyl (Iodide of). Kirk (R.) On the vesicating properties of methyl iodide. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 753-755.—Richardson (B. AV.) Methyl iodide. Asclepiad, Lond., 1885, ii, 62.— Schvt-crin. Leber Methyfenjodid; ein Beitrag zur Keuntniss der Jodverbindungen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii, 130; 146. — Turnbull (J.) On iodide of methyle and therapeutical researches. Brit. M J., Lond., 1868, i, 554. Methyl (Salicylate of). Rabutcau. Recherches sur les proprietes physiolo- giques et le mode d'61imination du salicylate de methyle (essence de Gaultheria procumbens); action de cet ether sur la germination. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. a., ii, pt. 2, 95-100. Mcthylal. Eloy (C.) Ln nouvel hypnotique, le m6thylal; ses pro- prietes physiologiques et ses usages th6rapeutiques. Union ni6(L, Par., 1887, 3. s., xliii, 100. — J.ciiioiuc (G.) Le m6thylal, ses proprietes physiologiques et th6iapeu- tiques. Gaz. med. de Par., 1887,' 7. s., iv, 205-208.—Mai- ret (A.) Sc ('ombeniale. Recherches sur Faction phy- siologique et therapeutique du m6thy]al. Montpel. med., 1887, 2. s., viii, 495: ix, 67. Also .- Progi^s med., Par., 1887, 2. s., vi, 3-8. Also [Abstr]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 248; 1022. — Tlotiochiu (M.) K vopr. o fiziol. deistvii metilala. [On physiological effect of me- thylal.] Shorn, rabot, proizved. lab. Anrepa, Charkoff, 1886-7, ii, 216-265. — IVicot (A.) fitude chimique et phy- siologique du m6thylal. Nouv. remedes, Par., 1886, ii, 458-461. — Personal! (S.) Sull' azione tisiologica del metilal e sui suo potere ipnotico. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. 8., xxxiv, 293-310. Iflethylaniiiie. See, also, Trimethylamine. Romexy(J.) *Over het methyleenmethyla- mine. _ [Leyden.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1878. Behier. On acetate of methylainine. Practitioner, Lond., 1868, i, 207-210.—ffichsner dc Coninck. De la recherche des alcaloides dans les methylamines du com- merce et dans les p6troles bruts. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. 8., ii, 359. Methylaiiiliiie. Jolyct (F.) Sc Calioni's (A.) Sur l'aetion physiolo- gique de la methylaniline, de l'ethylaniline, de l'amylani- line comparee k celle de l'aniline. ' Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1868, lxvi, 1131. Methylene, methyl-chloroform, etc. Marshall (P.) Experiences with the bichlo- ride of methylene. 8°. London, 1868. Millet (J.-E.) * Du bichlorure de m6thylene comme agent anesth6sique general. 4'-\ Stras- bourg, 1868. Villejean (E.-G.) * Recherches experimen- tales sur les propri6te"s chimiques et physiolo- giques du chlorure de methylene. 4°. "Parti, 1886. Brookhouse (J. O ) Methylene ether as an anaes- thetic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 343.—Burroughs (J. E. B.) Note on the use of methyl-ethvlic ether as an an aesthetic Ibid., 1870, i, 515.—Dawson (B. F.) The use and comparative merits of the bichloride of methylene as an anaesthetic Med. Rec, N. T., 1874, ix. 252-255.— [ Doctor Richardson's new anaesthetic, tlie methylic ether.] Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1869-70, n. s.,ii, 187-190.—Fayrer (J.) On the bichloride of methylene as an anaesthetic Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1868, iii, 275.— Hollacnder (L.) Bichloride of methylene. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 519. —Jones (H. M.) Remarks on bichloride of methylene as an anaesthetic Med. Press tfc Circ, Lond., 1873, xvi, 227.—Junker (F. E.) On a new apparatus for the administration of narcotic vapours, and some observations on the variations of pulse and respira- tion during the anaesthesia from bichloride of methylene (chloromethvl). St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr. 1807, Lond., 1868," i, 213-220. -----. Bichloride of methylene before the Academy of Medicine of Paris. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, i. 450-452.—Kirk (R.) Remarks on bichlo- ride of methylene. Ibid., 1883, ii, 1233.—I.e Fort (L.) Sur le bichlorure de methylene comme anesthesique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 18,-:6, 2. s., xv, 171-175.— Utili- ty re (J. H.) Bichloride of methylene used in a Junker's in- haler. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1883, xiv, 306-311. — ITIiall (P.) On bichloride of methylene; an account of one hun- dred cases of its use as an anaesthetic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 6. — Minkevich. Dvukhlorisuii methilen. [Bi- chloride of metbvlene.J Metl. Sbcrnik, Tiflis. 1869, No. vi, pt. 2,101-114.—tloiisaiii (D.) tfc Bianehi (L.) Sull' anestesia per il bicloruro di metilene. Movimeuto, Napoli, 1878, x, 447; 405.—Moxey (D. A.) Inhalation of bichlo- ride of methylene. Edinb. M. J., 1868, xiv, 323-325.— IVussbaum. Methyl-Bichlorid mit Chloroform vergli- chen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1867, xiv. 690. —Pan- li OH" (W.) Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen des Me- thylenchlorids. Arch, f.' Physiol., Leipz., 1881, 419-436.— Rcgnauld (J.) tfc Villejean. Eludes sur l'inhalation du formene bicliloie (chlorure de methylene) et du formene tetrachloi-6 (perchlorure du carbon). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, c, 1146-1148.—Rendlc (R.) The bichlo- ride of methylene. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 359. ------. On the use of protoxide of nitrogen gas; and on a new mode of producing rapid anaesthesia with bichloride of methylene. Ibid., 412. —Richardson (B. W.) On bi- chloride of methylene as a general anaesthetic. Med. Times & Gaz., Loinl., 1867, ii, 423; 479. ------. On bichlo- ride of methylene. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 487. -----. Methyl-ethylic ether; a new compound for the produc- tion of rapid general auaesthesia for short operations. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1870, n. s., ix, 245. -----. Me- thylene ether. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 564. -----. Ou methylene ether or ethyl. Ibid., 1873, i, 164.— Rossi (P.) Risultamenti ottenuti nella scuola di chirur- gia della R. University di Padova col bicloruro di meti- ieue, quale anestetico generale. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1871, xiv, 237-240.—Schmidt (C.) Das Methyienbichlorid als Anaestheticum. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1873, xxvii, 179-181.—Tait (L.) Me- thylene ether as an anaesthetic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 254.—Tauber (E.) Ueber zwei neue Anaesthetica. I. Monochloraethylidenchlorid (Methylchloroform ). Wien. med. BL, 1880,' iii, 1093-1095. Also: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1880, xviii. 775-778. Also: Allg. med. Ceutr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 1021-1023. ------. Leber zwei neue Anaesthetica. 11. Monochloraethylenchlorid, CH2C1- CHCP. Wien. med. Bl., 1880, iii, 1095. Also .- Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1880, xviii, 778. Also : Allg. METHYLENE. 224 METROPOLITAN. Metlivlene, methyl-chloroform, etc. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880. xlix, 1023. —Taylor (B.) CaMi ni' apparent death from the inhalation of bichloride of methylene, ami resuseitation. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 462. — Tourdes i.<;.i 108* 63** pp. 8°. '* Gravenhage, J. Belinfante, 1841 [1\, v. 12273.] Metoz (P.-F.-G.) *Sur le rliumatisnic articu- laire. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837), No. 248, v. -239. ftletral (Albert). * Dc la rejection sous-periostfc du poignet, ses resnltats delinitifs. 104 pp. 40 Lyon, 1882, No. 106. iTOetral (Antoine) [1778- ]. Description na- turelle, morale et politique du cholera-morbus a Paris, vi, 162 pp. 12°. Paris, Didotfreres, 18;W. Metras (Armand). * Rapports pathologiques de l'o'il et des dents par action re^flexe. 47 pp. 4. Paris, 1873, No. 71. metrasse (G.) * Consid6rations sur 1'usage et Tabus des purgutifs. vi, 7-19 pp. 4-. I'aris, 1811, No. 83, v. 84. de Meti'i (Nicolans). Artzney Biich: von vilen berrlichen, treflichen, unnd bissher verborgeuen Artzneyen, zii mancherley eusserlichen und in- ner! ichen leybsgebrecheu dienstlich. Von ihrae erstlich vor vicr unnd aclitzig Jaren, oknge- l'ehrlich, trewlich und mit hochstein lleiss, uud grosser niiihe und arbeyt zusamen getragon. Jetzundt aber durch Hieremiam Martium, von newem iibersebeu und in Truck verfertiget, al- ien Artzeten nicht allein lustig, sonder auch nothwendig zu leseu. 7 p. 1., 332 pp., 12 1. 24°. [Augspurg, M. Manger], 1578. metric (Tlie) Bulletin. Official journal of the American Metric Bureau. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-15, July, 1876, to Sept., 1877. 192 pp. 8°. Boston. Want no. 7, Jan., 1877. Metric primer, a text-book for beginners. Pre- pared for the society liv a practical teacher. 48 pp. 16°. Boston,"1878. Metric system. See Weights, etc. ITIetric system of weights and measures. 9 pp. 8-'. [Boston, 1876.] Metritis. See Phlebitis (Uterine); Puerperal metritis; Uterus (Inflammation of). Metritis (Puerperal). See Puerperal metritis. Metroperitonitis. See Peritonitis; Peritonitis (Pelvic); Puer- peral diseases; Puerperal metritis ; Uterus (In- flammation, etc., of). Metrophlehitis. See Puerperal phlebitis. metropolitan Association of Medical Officers of Health. The committee appointed by the as- sociation to enquire into the laws relating to slaughter-houses, the duties of medical officers under those laws, and the sanitary conditions under which slaughter-houses ought to be li- censed. 3 pp. 8-. [London. 187)6.][!'., v. 1620.] -----. Health and meteorology of the metropo- lis. Weekly returns. Communicated to the General Board of Health, v. 2. Nos. 1-42 and 44, Jan. 9 to Nov. 6, 1858. 1H) pp. h°. London, G. E. Eyre $ W. Spottiswoode, 1858. Metidja. ((ucNiioy. Topographie medicale de la plaine de la Metidja (Algtrie). Rec. de 1116111. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1865, :i. s.. xvi. 07; 216; 318.—Villate. Topographie medi- cale dc hi Metidja. Ibid., 1842, liii, 125-167. Metis. See Hybridity. Ifletiiis (Gottlieb). *De construendo sceleto. 52 pp., 2 1. 4~. Erfurti, lit. J. C. Herinc/i, [1736]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. select, [etc.] 4°. Got- tingee, 1751. vi, 45-85. metivier (Francois-Alexis). *Sur la pleuresie. 32 pp. 8°. Parti, an XI [1893], v. 28. Metivier (Louis-Auguste). *Apercu sur la na- ture de la lie vre puerperale. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 114. metivier (Mathurin). * Sur I'hygiene des fem- mes enceintes. 37 pp. 4:. Paris, 1836, No. 214, v. 300. metivier (Theophile-Dieudonne'). * Du croup. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 82. metliilger (Bartholoimeus). [Regiment der jungen Kinder.] [Incipit:] ,Vaun nach Anse- hung gotlicher und meuschlicher Ordenuug unnd Gesacztein jeglich Vatter und Miiter [etc.] [In fine:] Damit sich das vierd Capitel endet, uud dardurch discs Buchlin. Dar von Got dem al- mechtigen Er wiird und Lob gesagt sey, uud sei- ner werden Miiter der jungfrauwen Marie. Ge- schehen, als man zalt nach Christi Geburt tauset vierhundert und in den lxxiii. Jar, an dem achten den Tag Sant Endris des zwolff Boten. 28 1. fol. [Augsburg, 1473.] metilian (M. L.) Wetgeving op de k.ankzin- nigen, bevattende: 1°. De Fransche wet van 30 Juuij 1838, sur les alieues, met de daarover bij de wetgeveude Kainers gehouden discussieu; METROPOLITAN. 225 METROPOLITAN. metropolitan Association [etc.]—continued. ______. Health of the metropolis. Quarterly re- turns. Communicated to the General Board of Health. Nos. 1-3, Jan. to Sept., 1858. 8C. Lon- don, G. E. Eyre $ W. Spottiswoode, 1858. Bound with the preceding. ._____. The cattle plague. Return from the . . . of the number of cowsheds, of cows, and, so far as could be ascertained by inspection aud in- quiry, the number of cases of the cattle plague that have existed in each parish or district from 1st May to 13th Aug., 1865. 2 1. sm. 4°. [Lon- don, B. Pardon, 1865.] ______. Memorandum of a plan of united action in the case of an epidemic of cholera.; to be com- municated to vestries and district boards. 12 pp. 8°. London, [1866]. metropolitan Asylums Board. Caterham Im- becile Asylum, Surrey. Annual reports of the committee of management and medical superin- tendent to the managers of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, l.-ll., 1870-71 to.^,1881; 15., 1885. 8°. London,1871-86. 9., for fifteen months ending Dec. 31, 1879. ______. Dan-nth Asylum and Schools for Imbe- ciles. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement and the medical superintendent to the managers of the metropolitan asvluni district. 1-8., 1875-82: 11., 1885. 8°. London, 1876-86. Opened April 28, 1875. ------. Ambulance committee. Annual report of the committee of management aud medical superintendent. 1., 1884-5. 28 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, McCorquodale 4' Co., 1886. First report, Feb. 9, 1884, to Dec. 31, 1885. ------. Darenth Camps for Convalescing Small- pox Patients. Report of the medical superin- tendent on the working of the Darenth Camps for Convalescing Small-pox Patients. 1., 1884-5. 59 pp. 8°. London, McCorquodale $ Co., 1886. First report, for eighteen months, from opening, April, 1884, to Sept., 1885. ------. Eastern Hospitals (fever and small-pox). Annual reports of the medical superintendent to the committee of management for the year 1884. 68 pp. 8 . London, McCorquodale 4' Co., 1886. ------. Leavesdeu Asylum (insane). Annual re- port of the medical superintendent to the com- mittee of management for the year 1885. 41 pp. 8°. London, McCorquodale, $ Co., 1886. Opened Oct, 9, 1870. ■------. Hospital ships (Atlas aud Castalia) for small-pox patients. Annual report of the medi- cal superintendent to the committee of manage- ment for the year 1885. 26 pp. 8°. London, McCorquodale Statistik der Gemeinde Mettmann. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1873, ii, 189-193. metton (Alfred). T Etude sur le pityriasis rose". 48 pp. 4~. Parti, 1877, No. 471. METTRAY. 227 METZGER. iflcttray. See Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities. de la mettrie (Julien-Offray). See La Mettrie (Jiilicn-Offray). mettrier (N.) * Sur la congestion c6re"bra]e. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°.. Montpellier, Gras, 1866, No. 7)8. L. Metz (Ville de). Projet de distribution d'eau. Rapport fait au conseil municipal, dans sa se- ance du 29 Janvier 1853, par M. Vander-Noot, ingenieurde la ville. 96 pp. 4-. Metz, S. La- ntort, [1853]. -----. Avis motive' et propositions de l'admi- nistration municipale sur les projets prcsentes par M. Vander-Noot, ingenieur de la ville, pour la distribution d'eau et la reconstruction des usines. Memoire lu au conseil municipal dans les stances des 19 et 21 avril 1855, par M. Philippe-Felix Marechal, maire de Metz. 4°. Metz, 1855. Jletz. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of). Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, His- tory, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hospitals ( Description, etc., of), Hospitals (Military), by localities; Measles (Epidemics ot); Medicine (Military). Marechal (F.) Tableau liistorique, chrono- logique et meuical des maladies endeniiques, 6pideiniques et contagieuses qui out regne" a Metz et dans le pays messin depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. 8°. Metz, 1850. ----- & Didiox (J.) Tableau liistorique, j clironologique et medical des maladies end6- | miqnes, epidemiques et contagieuses qui out regn£ a Metz et dans le pays messin depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Metz, 1850-61. Didion aided in Pt. 2. Date on cover is 1*63. d'Arrewl. Topographische Notizen iiber Metz. Deut- sche mil.arztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1873, ii, 1; 65.—R run It (J.- C.) Topographic physique et medicale de Metz et de ses environs. I'm:, tie mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1827, xxii, 1-245 —Diilion. De l'assisfauce publique a Metz en 1867. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. si-, med. de la Moselle 1866, Metz, 1867, pp. i-lxxxvi.—KtmlCM statistiques sur la con- stitution medicale et la mortalite de la ville de Metz pen- dant les aunees 1850-60, 18P2, 1864-9. Ibid. (1850), 1851, 61: (1851), 1852, 70: (1852). 1853, 93: (1853), 1854, 51: (1854), 1855, 37: (1855), 1856. 45: (1856), 1857, 61: (1857), 1858, 73: (1K58), 1859, 69: (1859). 1860. 61: (1860), 1861, 111: (1862), 186D, 69: (1864), 1865, 117: (1865), 1866, 69: (1866). 1867. 83: (1867), 1868. 81: (1868), 18ti9, 9: (1869), 1870, 53.—Gt'liin (J.-B.) Kapport sur l'etat de quelques fosses de hi place de Metz au mois de .juillet 1868. Ibid. (1868). 1869. 1-7.— ■«aiii;loiK. Analyse tie l'eau ferrtigineuse de la Bonne Fontaine, situt-e a 3 kilometres de Metz, sur la route de I Lorry. Ibid. (1850), 1851, 12."). — I.iiveran. Rapport fait h la Societe des sciences medicales tie la Moselle, sur les maladies qui ont re^ne a Metz depuis l'ainieo 1838 jusqti'H, l'liunee 1849. Ibid.! (1848), 1849, 55-90.—IVIareehal (F.) Keeherehes historiques, chronolngiques et m6dicales sur les maladies endeniiques, 6pidemiques et contagieuses qui out regn6 a Metz et dans le pays messin, depuis les temps les phis recules jusqu'a nos iours. Ibid. (1849). 1850, 109: (1851). 1852, 41: (1852), 1853. 63: (1856), 1857, 98: (1862), 1863, 99.— Tlrincl. Saluhiitatsverhaltiiisse und sauitare Ein- riehtuiiKen in Metz. Arch. f. tiff. Gsndhtspflfj., Strassb., 1880, v, 91—107. — Kcnanld. Observations sur la consti- tution physique le caractere, les iiiteurs et les habitudes des .Mcssins. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. m6d. de la Moselle, Metz, 1838-41, 173. — Ne haster. Resume des observations meteorologiques faites a Metz pendant Tannee 1847. Ibid. (1847), 1848, 192-194. Metz (Siege of). See Medicine (Military, History of)—Cam- paigns, etc. Metz (A.) The anatomy and histology of the human eye. xvi, 17-184 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, office Mtd. 4' Surg. Repot ter, 1868. -----. An introductory address, before the stu- dents of the medical department of the Uuiver- MetZ (A.)—continued. sity of Woosir.'r, delivered Oct. 4, 1871. 23 pp. 8°. Cleveland, Spencer 4' Barker, 1871. Metz (August). * Feber die Gewichtsveriinde- riingen der Neugcboreneu. 20 pp., 2 1., 1 tab. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 187:5. C. Metz (Carolus) [1824- ]. *De gastro-entero- malacia. 26 pp.. 2 1. 8:>. Berolini, typ. fratrum Sehlesiitger, [1848]. Metz (F.) * De ulceribus ventrieuli, pruecipue de iis, qiue dicuntur hemorrhagica. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Bounce, formis F. Eruegeri, [1864, vel subseq.]. c. Metz (Franciscus Antonius). * Diss, sistens au- ginam parotidieam una cum thesibus ex universa medieina et chirurgia. iv, 32 pp. 4°. [ Wirce- burg], F. E. Nitribitt, [1801]. Metz (Georgius). * O temperaturie v pereineja- joutsheisja lichoradkie, tide, vospalenii legkicb i legochnoi bugorchatkie. [Temperatures in in- termittent and typhus fever, pneumonia, etc.] 92 pp , 1 1., 10 tab. 8.0. St. Petersburg, 1862. Metz (Hermann). * Ueber die Losung des Ober- scbenkels aus dem Hiiftgelenke. 44 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. E. Thein, 1841. Metz (Job. Adamus). * De tactu regis Francise, quo strumis laborantes restituuutur. 7 1. sm. 4°. Wittebergcv, lit. M. Henckelii, [1675]. ITIetz (Joh. Fridericus) [1724-82]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Metz (Job. Philippus). * Diss, sistens diabetis observationem rarani. 22 pp. sm. 4°. Basilece, J. H. Decker, 1737. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morh. [etc.] 4°. Lausan- nee, 1758, iv, 33-49. Metz (Vitus Jacob) [1792-1866]. Ueber die An- wendung der Kiilte nach gemachtem Kaiser- schnitte. 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1852. Repr. from: Deutsche Klinik, Bed., 1852, iv. -----. The same. De l'emploi du froid apres l'operation ce"sarieune. 18 pp. 8°. Aix-la-Cha- pelle, 1856. Metz (Vitus Nicolaus). * De teleangiectasia uteri, vii, 56 pp. 8°. Groninc/a; W. van Boeke- ren, 1838. Metzendorflf (Joann. Mart.) [1805- ]. *De asphyxia. 43 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1827]. [Also, in: P., v. 1548.] Metzger. See von Pfcufer (C.) Beobachtungen aus der Klinik, Dr. v. Pfi'iifer'srhen Winter-Semester 1856-7, [etc.] 8°. [Bamberg 0), 1857.]—Robert. Recherches et considera- tions critiques sur le niagu6tisme animal, [etc.] 8D. Pa- ris, 1824. Metzger (A. D.) Ueber Irritabilitiit und Sensi- bilitiit als Lebensprincipien in der organisirten Natur. xiv, 118 pp. 12°. Konigsberg, Hartung, 1794. [P., v. 1545.] Metzjyer ( Carl). Zusaminenstellung siimmt- licher im Grossherzogthmn Baden z. Z. giltigen Verordnungen iiber die Gebuhren dei" Sanitiits- diener fiir amtliche Verrichtungen und Privat- leistungen. Empfohlen durch Dr. Battlehner. viii, 68 pp. 12°. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1874. Metzger (David). * De la lypemanie et pins particulierement de la lypemanie anxieuse. 72 pp. 4°. Parti, 1884, No. 77. Metzjjer (George A.) Plans for the proposed asylum for insane, to be located in northern New York. Plan A. 33 X 76 iu. broadside. Buffalo, 1887. Metzger (Joannes Ludovicus Fridericus). * De hactenus prietcrvisa nervorum lustratioue in sectiouibus hydrophoborum. 46 pp. 8J. Tu- bingce, typ. Scliraininianis, [1802]. Also, in: Wehek. Samml. med.-prakt. Diss, [etc.] 8°. Tiibingen, 1824, iv, 1-69. Metzger (Joh. Caspar). *De uatune et artis effect u in medendo. 39 pp. sm. Y . Halce Mag- deb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1708]. METZGEB. 22H UETZLER. MetZger (Job. Caspar)—continued. -----. Deutlich- und griindlicbe Besehreibung zweyer vortreffliclien Speciticortim chymico-me- dicorum, davon das eistc als ein metalliscbes Ant-Epilepticum, gegen die falleude Kranck- heit und die Gichter, das zweyte aber als ein mineralisclics Alexipharmacum, wider allerliand Arten, boser und gifftiger Kranckheiten, uud in Siietie, gegen die Kinder-Blattera, sich als sou- veraine Mittel erzeigen. wie solche, zum Nutzen vieler Krancken, mil alien niithigen Uinstiiiiden, die in uud bey dem Gebrauch derselben zu beob- achten sind, mit allem Fleiss und auf das deut- lichste entworffen worden. 144 pp. 12°. Strass- burg. J. Beck, 1724. Metzger (Joh. Daniel) [1739-1805]. De argilla, 2 ji. 1., 44 pp., 1 1. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii. [176.-)]. -----. * Nervorum primi paris liistoriam defen- det. 1 p. l.,36pp. 4°. Argentina;, Chrtilmann et LevrauV, [1766]. Also, in: Script, neurol. minores select!. 4°. Lipsiee, 1791, i, 108-126. Also, in.- Sandikort. Thesaurus diss. [etc.] 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1778, iii, 457-476. -----. Grundriss der Physioiogie. 7 p. 1., 133 pp- 16°. Konigsberg it. Leipzig, G. L. Hartung, 1778. -----. Gerichtlich-niediciiiische Beobachtungen. 1. n. 2. Jahrgang. 2 v. in 1. 5 p. 1., 153 pp.; 4 p. 1., 192 pp. 16°. Konigsberg, J. J. Kauter, 1778-80. -----. The same. 1. u. 2. Jahrg. 5 p. 1., 154 pp.; 4 p. 1., 192 pp. 12°. Konigsberg, F. D. Wagner it. K. G. Dengel, 1781. -----. Beytrag zur Geschiehte der Friihlings- Kpidemie im Jahr 1782. 78 pp. 8°. Konigsberg u. Leipzig, (1. L. Hartung, 1782. Bound with .- Wjttwer (P. L.) Ueber den jiingsten epi- demisehen Katarrh. 8°. Leipzig, 1783. [Pr.] de non negligendo linguae latinie et bonarum litcrarum studio ad commilitones ad- monitio. [Cum vita candidati Alexandri Mag- nus.] 8 pp. 40. Regioinonti,typ.G. L.Hartungii, [1783]. ----. [Pr.] de rene rupto observatio. [Cum vita candidati Christoph. Heur. Kruppa. ] 8 pp. 4°. Regiomonti, typ. G. L. Hartungii, 1783. ----. Verniischte medicinische Schriften. 2. And. 3 v. in 1. 284, 244, 432 pp. 12°. Konigs- berg, K. G. Dengel, 1784. ----. Opuscula auatomica et physiologica, re- tractata, aucta et revisa. viii, 208 pp., 4 1. s°. Gothce, apud C. 77'. Ettingerum, 1790. Skizze einer praginatischeu Literiirge- schichte der Medicin. 7 p. 1., 448 pp., 1 1. Konigsberg, F. Nicolovius, 1792. Another copy with which is bound the following. Zusiitze und Verbesserungen zu seiner Skizze einer praginatischeu Literargeschichte der Medicin. 180 pp. 8°. Konigsberg, F. Nicolo- vius, 1796. ----. Kurzgefasstes System der gerichtlichen Arzueiwissenschaft. xvi, 414 pp. 8°. Konigs- berg u. Leipzig, Hartung, 1793. ----. The same. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers revidirt, verbessert, mit den niithigen Zusiitzen . . . versehen von Christian Gottfried Grnner 4. Ausg. xvi, 544 pp. 8°. Konigsberg u. Leip- zig, A. IV. Unzer, 1814. ----. The same. Erweitert und berichtigt vou Wilhelm Hermann Georg Remer. 5. Aufl. xv 615 pp. 8J. Konigsberg u. Leipzig, A. W. Vnzer, The same. Compendio di polizia medica Metzger (Job. Daniel)—continued. -----. The same. Principes dc medecine legale ou judiciaire, trad, de l'allemand, et augincntcs de notes, par le Dr. J.-J. Ballard, xxiii, .Mil pp. 8°. A ill ten, Dejussieu, 1812. -----. The same, xxiii, 504 pp. 8°. L'aris, Ga- bon, 1813. Tbe same. Gercgtelijke geneesknnde. Naar het Hoogduitsch door Mr. J. van der Lin- den, xvi, 561 pp. 8 . 's Gravenhage, J. Allavt 1815. ----. Ueber Irritabilitiit und Sensibilitiit als Lebensprincipien in der organisirten Natur. xiv, 118 pp. 16°. Konigsberg, Hartung, 17!»4. [Also, in: P., v. 1431.] ----. Ueber den menschlichen Kopf in anthro- pologischer Riicksicht; nebst einigen Bemei-- kuugen iiber Dr. (Jails Hirn- und Schadeltlieo- rie. 133 pp. 12°. Konigsberg, Goebbcls u. Unzur 1893. ----. Skizze einer medizinischen Enkyklopiidie fiir den Aufang des neunzehnteu Jahrhunderts. Ein Leitfaden zu akademischen Vorlesungen. x, 139 pp. 12°. Konigsberg, Goebbels it. Vnzer, 1894. Gerichtlich-medizinische Abhandlungen. Ein Supplement zu seiuem: Kurzgefassten Sys- tem der gerichtlichen Arzneywisseuschaft. 2 v. in 1. 2 p. 1., 136 pp.; 3 p. 1., 128 pp. 12°. Wien, A. Doll, 1810. Also, Editor of: Annalen der Staatsarzneykunde, Ziil- lichau, 1790-91. For Biography, see Krit. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Bed., 1809, ii, 15i-172. Also: Med. Briefwechsel, Halle, 1876, ii, 1-26. For Portrait, see t'olleetion—van Kaathoven—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. Sc Men of St-., 7. -----&• Elsiier(ChristophFried.) Medicinisch- gerichtliche Bibliothek. 4 St. in 1 v. viii, 47li pp., 5 1. 8°. Konigsberg, G. L. Hartung, 178f>[-6]. Metzger (Joh. Ulricus). *De vanitate medica- mentorum pellentium in partu difficili. 3 p. 1., 50 pp. 4C. Argentorati, typ. M. Pauschitiifeii, [1747]. Metzig-(Joan. HeinrichChristian)[1804-G(.»]. *De bubonibus syphiliticis. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1827]. -----. Das Kleid des Soldaten vom iirztlicbeii Standpunkte aus betrachtet. Ein Beitrag zur Kriegs-Hygieiue. xii, 158 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Lissa u. Leipzig, E. Giinther, 1837. -----. Gegen das Amputiren gleich nach sclnveren Verletzungen. 2p. 1.,81 pp.. 11., 1 pi. 8°. Lissa, E. Giinther, 1857. [P., v. 195.] Der modincirte Seutiu'sche Verband als del . . . recato dalla tedesca all' italiana favella con alcune viste del dottor Carlo Pietro Ferrari 128 pp. 8°. Venezia, 1800. [P., v. 1122 ] vollkommenes Krsatzmittel der primairen Ainpu- tationen nach schweren Verletzungen. EinVor- trag am 20.November 1859 in einer Versaiiiinliin^ vou Aerzten und Freunden der Wissenscliaft zu Lissa gehalten. Mit Auhang: Statuten des Seutin -Vereins. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, Xicolui, 1860. Metzillger (Joannes). ' De singultn. 1781. In: Lou vain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795, ii, 124-126. Metzis (Davides). * De morbo luemorrhoidali. 23 pp. 8°. Jena; typ. Ratii, 1858. c. Metzke (Ernestus Augustus). *De morbis pul- monum ex mixtura formaque liesa explicaudis. 32 pp. 4°. Hake, typ. Batheanis, [1800]. Metzlar (A. G.) *Over radicaal operatic van breuken. 2 p. 1., 61 pp. 8 . Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1889. Melzler (Adamus). *De balsamis nativis. 2'J pp., 1 1. 8;. Vindobonec, typ. Congregationis Me- chituristicce, 1836). ITIetzler (Adolphns). *'De niedulli spinalis avium textura. 57 pp. 8 . Dorpat, typ. vid J. C. Sehiiumanni el C. Mattiestni, 1855. Metzler (F. X.) See Mezler (F. X.) METZLER. 229 MEUNIEE-QUJSAUX. Metzler (Johannes). *Zur Casuistik des Echi- nococcus hepatis. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Klemm, [1880]. MetZlier (Edinundus). *De carcinomate me- dullari. 13 pp. 8°. Haiti, typ. Orphanotrophei, [187,7]. MetZlier (Jo. Christianus). *De somuo men- diana. L'> 1. sm. 4°. Vitembergce, prelo Gerdesi- ano, [1706]. Metzner (Reinholdus Alexander). *Dc petio- logia scabiei. 30 pp. 8°. Gryphia; typ. 0. F. Zinckii. [1849). Metzquer (A.) "Snr les ulceres simples ou atouiques des extremite's. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 18:16, No. 358, v. 304. Metzqiier (Edmond). Etude clinique de la phthisic galopante. Preuves experimentales de la non-specificite et de la non-inoculabilite des phthisies. Ouvrage pre"ced6 d'une preface de M. le professeur Feltz. 219 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1874. Mender (Carolus Henricus). *De urinse se- et excretione ob multitudinem arteriarum renalium largiore casu quodam singulari illustrata. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. Halce ad Salam, are Reyeriano, [1763]. Also, in: Sandifort. Thesaurus diss. [etc. J 4°. Lugd. Bat.. 1778, iii, 123-144. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz (F.'A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Frankf'. u. Leipz., 1774, i, 109-112. Mender (Ernestus Ludovicus). *Diss. sistens spicilegium de pedum ulceribus. 20 pp. 4°. Wittcnberga; lit. Tzschiedrichi , [1802]. For Biography, see Itreysig (Frid. Ludovic.) Mender (Ernestus Petrus). *De febribus bilio- sis. 31pp. 4°. Halcje Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1701]. -----. The same. 32 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., recusa, typ. C. A. Zeitleri, 1707. -----. The same. 32 pp. 4C. Halex Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, 1726. Uleuder (Georg Christian). De contagiis idea nova et succincta seu malignitatis vere febrilis disquisitio physiologico-pathologica qua sub- Btantiarum macrocosmicarum in corpore animali maligne agentium ortus, indoles ac progressus iu morbis omnibus acute malignis ex veris artis fuudamentis, rati on i et experimentia* consenta- ueis, in usum publicie utilitatis exhibetur, nbi simul causarum accidentalium effectus tumul- tuarii distinctius explanati, et rationibus a priori et posteriori perspicue evolnti sistuntur. 8 p. 1., 78 pp. 12°. S^rvcstce, G. W. Goeckingen, 1725. Meuder (Joannes Christianus Carolus). *De scirrho ejusque medela. 32 pp. 4°. Vitember- gce, lit. A. C. Charisii, [1800]. Mention. dk Jussieu (A. L.) * An clivi Meudonici situs, ut amcenus, sic salubris? Pneses P. A. Pajon de Moncets. 4°. [Paris, 1771.] Meiigy (Jules). * Sur le diagnostic des tumeurs. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 174, v. 634. Mcugy (P.-A.) *Sur la douleur physique. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 115, v. 166. ter Meuleil (Gerard). *Over reflexprikkel- baarheid en peesreflexen aan de verlamde zijde bij cerebrale hemiplegien. 2 p. 1., 88 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Amsterdam, J. H. 4' G. van Heteren, 1879. van der Meuleil (Jacobus). * De inflamma- tione. 61. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 16)82. vailder Meuleil (Joh. Engberts). *Stereo- scopie bij onvolkomen gezichtsvermogen 2 p. 1., 49 pp. 8C. Utrecht, P. W. randc. Weyer, [1873]. Menleilbergli (Pet. Joh. Mathias). *De rup- turu perimei. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Haiti Sax., typ. Schhtiiltianis, 1853. C. Menli (Joh.) *Die Veranderungen von Puis und Temperatur bei elevirten Gliedern. [Bern.] 2 p. 1., 44 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirsch- feld, 1882. Meunier (Albin). * Etude parallele des glo- bules rouges et blancs du sang et des prinei- paux elements de Purine dans quelques maladies aigues. 66 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 264. Memiicr (Alcide-Felix). *De la coutagion et de l'infection, spocialenicnt etudiees dans le cho- lera. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 205, v. 578. Meuiiier (Alexius). *De aphthis. 1783. In: Louvaix Diss. s°. Lova:iH, 1796, iii, 105-107. Meunier (Autonin-Camil'*). * Contribution a retnde des paraplegies par troubles de circula- tion de la moelle. 48pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 26. Meunier (Augustin). * Doit-on employerl'acide hydroevanique dans quelques affections de poi- trine? ' 19 pp. 4°. Parti, 1823, No. 34, v. 178. Meunier (Carl). *Zur Casuistik der Araputa- tionen, insbesondere Ampntatio femoris. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kitnike, 1873. c. Meunier (Edouard-Marie-Jules). * Etude sur la fievre typhoide a rechutes. 92 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 24. Meunier (Ernst). * Statistik der chirurgischen Klinik zu Greifswald fiir das Sommersemester 1874, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung einzelner Falle. 39 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kitnike, 1874. Meunier (Felix)1. * Sur l'amputation du bras dans son articulation avec l'omoplate. 23 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1815, No. 28, v. 108. Meuiiier (Felix)2. * Considerations sur l'hepa- tite et les abces du foie. 27 pp. 4°. Parti, 1850, No. 140, v. 499. Meunier (Georges). * Du syphilome, ou gomme en nappe de la cavite" buccale. 94 pp. 4°. Parti, 1882, No. 56. Meunier (J.) *De la congestion pulmouaire dans les occlusions intestinales, 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 218. Meunier ( J. -A. -Alexandre ). *H6morrhagie produite par la lesion des intercostales; moyens proposes pour Tai-reter ; ligature de ces arteres. 34 pp. 4°. Parti, 1861, No. 111. -----. * Traitements chirurgicaux des collections de liquides qui se form en t dans le thorax. 150 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 204. Meunier ( Jules ). * Essai critique sur l'ictere des femmes enceintes a propos de l'epidemie de Paris, 1871-2. 64 pp. 4°. Parti, 1872, No. 213. Meunier ( Jules-fitienne-Ernest). * De l'atro- phie des nerfs et des papilles optiques dans ses rapports avec les maladies du cerveau. 58 pp. 4-. Parti, 1864, No. 227. Meunier (Leon). * Notes pour servir a l'histoire de la choree vulgaire chez les vieillards. 38 pp. 4°. Parti, 1879, No. 299. Meunier (Marie). * I. Tracer les caracteres des ordres de la famille des rubiace"es, d^sign(*cs sous le nom d'asperule'es et de cinchouees. Faire l'histoire abregee des medicaments fournis par ces deux ordres. II. [etc.] 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 332, v. 331. Meunier ( Theodore ). * Etude sur l'affection | veriiiineuse. 42 pp. 4°. Parti, 18(37, No. 132. Meunier (V.) See t'oste (Jean-Jacques-Marie-Cyprien-Victor). Era- hryog6nie comparee [etc.] (Atlas.) fol. Paris, 1837. Meunier (Valery). * Compte rendu d'une mis- sion medicale au Guadarrama (Espagne). 54 pp^ 4°. Paris, 1803. No. 21 & 24. Mcuiiier-Queaux (Camille). * D'une anoma- lie rare dans la conformation de la matrice (ute- rus duplex seinipartitus, globularis, bicollis). 54 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 40. Paris, 1879, No. 356. MEUECITIN. 230 ME USC IT EX ^Ic urchin. .MiaUie. Kapport sin lean de Meurchin (Pas-de-Ca- lais). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., i, 179. Meurdefroy (Paul-Michel). * Sur les affections chi uniques des reins, vi, 7-47 pp. 4-. Paris, 1823, No. 36, v. 178. Meureiu ( Victor). Observations me'te'orologi- ques faites a Lille, pendant les annees 1855-6; 187)8-9: 1866-7: 1878-9. 8°. Lille, L. Da nel, 1857-cO. Repr. from: Rap. trav. Cons, centr. de salub. du dep. du Nord, Lille, 1855-66, 58; 166. Meurer (Carl). * Ueber Krankheiten der Circu- lationsorgane bei Glaukom. 44 pp. 8°. ll'ieiz- bnrg, Becker, 1884. Menrer (Christophorus). Ein kurtz niitzlich Haussregiinent, darinnen gruudtlicken verinel- det uud angezeiget wird, wie ein Haussvater sich und sein Gesind vor der schrecklichen Seu- che der Pestilenlz bitten soil, oder, so jemandes von derselben angriffen, wie ihm zu Rettung seines Lebens vermittels Gotlicher Gnaden zu held'en, uud da auch letzlieben eines oder inehr aus einem Hanse gestorben, das es nicht wetter einreisse, und ferner mehr schaden thun moge. Auff auordnung uud vaterl iche Vorsorge eines Ebrn vesten Hochweisen Rat lis der stadt Leiptzig, gemeiner Biirgerschafft zu besondern nutz und froinmen, mit allem trewen gebiihrenden fleisz gestcllet. 3 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Leiptzig, A. Lamberg, 17,98. Bound with- Spkemherg (J.) Kurtzer Bericht von zweyeiley (ieschleiht der pestilentischen Febern. 4°. Bresslaiv. 1568. Meurer (Franciscus) [1808- ]. * Devi atque potesta te graviditatis iu morbis. 32 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. Nielackianis, [1835]. Menrer (Fridericus). Theinata disputationis ordiiiaria*, de vertigine, proposita a Francisco Kest. 10 1. sm. 4-. Lipsiee, J. Glitch; [1621]. Meurer (Fridericus) [1792- ]. * De vitan- dis in pra*scribendo mercurio sublimato corro- sivo vitiis. 31 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, lit. Staritzii, [1826). For Biography, see Kuril■■ (Carolus Gottlob.) Meurer (Martin). * Beobachtungen iiber Fe- bris recurrens. 30 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, Meurer (Paulus). * Qna*stiones de coutagiosi- tate syphilidis secundaria*. 27 pp. 8°. Gru- phia; F. Hache, 1859. Menrer ( Joannes Gottfridus Josephus ). * De (]iiadrnplici hydrope in uno subjecto observato 27 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Erfordice, typ. J. C. Herin- gii, [1745]. Meurer ( Wolfgang ) [ 1513-85 ]. De recta, mc- deudi ratione. Respondent!- Georgio Masba- chio. Disputatio. 111. 4°. Lipsiee, J. Rhamba, 1562. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. von Meurers (Ludwig) [1849- ]. * Die liiiniui-rlingi.sche Diathese uud ihr Vorkommen bei Recurrens. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Nietlie, Meurers ( Petrus Heuricus). * De kyesteinio 29 pp , 1 1. ,<-. Bounce, C. Kriiger, 18.53. Meurjfey ( Henri), * I. Des causes de la mort apres la cystotoinie pcrineale. II. [etc.] 61 dd 4^. Paris. 1845, No. lsij, v. 435. P' Meurin (Victor). See Nord (Departement du). Observations meteorolo- giques. s°. Lille, 18.37-6S. Meilliot (Andre-Isidore). * De la methode phy- siologique en therapeutique et de ses applications a I elude de la belladoue. 164 pp. 4- Paris 1868, No. 68. " *' ------:. The same. Etudes de therapentique ex-' P6riineutale. 159 pp. 8-. Paris, P. Asselin, 1868. JIeuri**c (Henricus Emmanuel.) \ 1GU4J. l Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Meurisse (J.-L.-A.) * Quelques considerations gcnerales sur les neYroses et sur la methodo rcfrigerante. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No 19<; v. 299. ' Meurisse ( Martial - Xavier-Joseph ). * Sur la tumeur et la fistule laervinales, 24 pp 40 Parti, 1837), No. 180, v. 287. See Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities. Meurs (Alfred). * Des accidents qui peuvent sui vre les operations. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850 No. 94, v. 409. van Meurs (Lambertus Lucas). * Diss, inaug. sive systematis vasorum absoi-beutium succincta descriptio. 2 p. 1., 52 pp., 3 1. 4. Hardcrori-i J. Mojen, [1786]. [Also, in: P., v. 1477; 1578.] van Meurs (Petrus). *De natura morbi a Thucydide descripti. 2 p. 1., 107 pp. 8. Lugd. Bat., H. IV. Hazenberg et soc, 1843. Meurs (Rudolphus). * Remediorum quorundain cxternorum apparatum exhibens sclectiorem. 1 p. 1., 66 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., L. Herdincth, 1793. [Also, in: P., v. 1479.] Mcursiuge (Hendrik). *Verslag der verlos- kundige kliniek en polikliuiek aan de Rijks- Fniversiteit te Leiden gedurende den cursus 1879-1880. 1 p. 1., 83 pp. 8°. Leiden, S. C. ran Doesburgh, 1881. Meursinge (N.) Ontleedkundig onderzoek over eene aangeborene misvorming der beide hauden. 23 pp., 4 pi. 4J. Amstevdam, C. G. van der Post, 1858. Meursius (Joannes). See Antigoiiiitt Carystius. Historiarum miiabiliuin collectanea [etc.] sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1619.—IMile^on- tis Tralliaui qua?, extant, opuscula [etc. I siu. 4°. Lund Bat., 1620. J Meurthe ( Departement de la ). Assistance pu- blique. Rapports anunels sur le service depar- temental de l'assistance medicale et de la vac- cine de Menrthe-et-Moselle. Lus au Comitd cen- tral de l'assistance mddieale et de vaccine. Par Edmond Simouin, directeur du service. 1., 1855; 6., 1860; 10.-12., 1864-66; 16., 1870; 25., 1879; 27., 188]. 8°. Nancy, 1856-82. Keports for 1860, 1864-6, 1870, 1879, and 1881 contain 18., 22.-24., 28., 37., and 39., on vaccination. ------. Reglemeut relatif au service de l'assis- tance medicale et au service de la vaccine de la Meurthe. [20 mai 1869.] 28 pp. 8C. Nancii, N. Collin, 1869. ^leurthe (Departement de la). See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), bylocali- Departement ties. Jleurtlie - et - Jloselle de). AMMiMtaucc (L') m6dicale dans le tlepaitenieut de Meurthe-et-Aloselh-, pendant l'annee 1877. ltev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1878, x, 289-292. Meurthc-et-Moselle (Departement de). Rap- ports g6ueraux sur les travaux des conseils d'hy- giene publique et de salubritd du departement de Meurtlie-et-Moselle, pendant les annees 1850- 80. In 16 v. 8r Nancy, 1852-81. v. 1, by K Simonin; 2 and 3, bv L. Parisot; 4-11, bv De- mange; 12, by E.Claude; 13-16.'by E. Deleoiuinete/ Meusclicu (F. C.) Sec Delius (H. F.) Natuur- en geneeskundige ver- handeling [etc.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1777. Meusclieu (Job. Gcrhardus). Disquisitiophi- lologica de ritu salntandi sternutautes. Resp. Vito Henrico HasenmiiUer. 24 pp. 4°. Kiloni, lit. B. Reutheri, [1704]. MEUSE. 231 MEXICO. Mouse ( Departement de la ). Rapports sur les travaux du Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departement de la Meuse, par Ach. Henriot, depuis le lcr aout 1855 jusqu'au ler aout 1804. 2 v. in 1. 2 p. 1., 140 pp., 5 tab. ; 2 1., 112 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Bar-le-Duc, N. Rollin, 1860-05. Meusel (Christianus). De balneis veterum vale- tudinis caussa adhibitis. 32 pp. 4°. Vitem- berga; ex off. Meyeriana, [1611?] Meusel ( E.) * Osteopsathyrosis. 38 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. W. Becker, 1849. Meusel (Krnst). *Znr Lehre von den Folgen der Bronchectasie. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, J. Hermsdorf, 1866. [P., v. 270.] -----. Die Krankheiten des Fusses. In: Handh. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tubing., 1880, vi, 2. Abth., 5.33-618. Meusell (Joannes Gottlob.) *Diss. sistens ope- rationis hydrosarcoceles et hydro-hamiatoceles historiam. 18 pp. 4^. Goltinga; lit. Grapianis, [1804]. Meusnier (Augnste). *De Faction de la digi- tale sur la fonction glycog6nique. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 269. Meusnier (Francois). * Considerations geiie"- rales sur l'hysterie. vi, 7-25 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1817, No. 77. v. 131. Meusnier (Francois-Paul-Emile). * De la dy- senterie epide"mique et de Temploi des purgatifs salins dans le traitement de cette maladie. 25 pp. 4C. Paris, 1830, No. 99, v. 232. Meusnier (Paul). * Etude sur la suette mili- aire. 06 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 218. Meutll (Camille). * Ueber das Fieber im Allge- meinen und dessen besoudere Fornien. 1 p. 1., 82 pp. 8°. Mainz, F. Kupferberg, 1822. -----. Ueber die Wirkungeu uud den Gebrauch der Dampfbader als Gesundhettserhaltuugs- und Heilmittel. Nach eigenen und anderer Erfah- rungen und mit besonderer Beziehung auf deren Anwendung gegen die ostindische Cholera, viii, 57 pp. 8\ Zweibriicken, G. Ritter, 1832. Meiivret ( Theophile-Victor ). * Etude sur la pleuresie, particulierement sur ses phenomenes physiques. 47 pp. 4°. Parti, 1863, No. 110. Meverell. See [Pccliey (John)]. Some observations made upon the Ulatta bizantina. sin. 4°. London, 1694. Mewers (Jo. Frid. Aug.) *De hydrophobia. 32 pp., 2 1. 8-. Halce, formis F. Grunerti, [1824], Me wis (Christian). * Ueber puerperale Erkran- kungen in der tStrassburger Entbindungsaustalt. 63 pp., 19 ch. roy. 8=. Strassburg, II. Schultz it. Comp., 1874. Mexborong'li. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, for the urban sanitary district of Mexborough, for the years 1878; 1H80. 12°. Mexborouqh, 1879-81. 1878; 1880, by "Wm. Sykes. -----. See, also: Thokxe (T.) Report on the sanitary condi- tion of Mexborough, with special reference to the prevalence of infections diseases there. April, 1873. fol. London, 1873. Mexia (L. M.) Tratado teorico-priictico de las enferinedades de los ojos, 6 de las experiencias, observaciones y operaciones sobre las enferme- dades que afligen este 6rgauo. 2 v. ix, 235 pp., 1 tab., 2 1.; 263 pp., 1 pi., 2 1. 12c. Valladolid, H. Santander, 1814. Mexican tear. See Medicine (Military, History of) — Cam- paigns, etc. Mexieo. Instruccion formada para ministrar la vacuna, como uuico preservativodel contagio de las viruelas, y eu defecto de su fluido inocular Mexico—continued. con el pus de esta ; del modo de conocer y distin- guir las calidades de las uaturales, y el metodo de curarlas. 25 pp. 12c. Mexico, M. Ontiveros, 1814. -----. Army. Memoria del secretario de estado v del despacho de guerra y marina. 45 pp., 13 tab. 4°. Mexico, V. G. Torres, 1845. -----. Reglamento del cuerpo medico-militar, espedido en virtue! del decreto de 12 de Febrero de 1846. 23 pp., 10 1. roy. 8°. Mexico, estable- cimiento tipog. cie Minerva, 1846. -----. Cuerpo medico-militar. Detail del mismo. Parte que el que suscribe rinde al cindadano subinspector del cuerpo como gefe del detail del expresado. Mexico, Oetubre 2 de 1871. pp. 391-396 ; 404-408. fol. [Mexico, 1871 f] Cutting from : Revista militar. -----. Reports of the committee of investigation sent in 1873 by the Mexican government to the frontier of Texas. Transl. from the official edi- tion made in Mexico, viii, 473 pp., 3 maps. 8°. New York, Laker if Godwin, 1875. -----. Memoria que el secretario de estado y del despacho de gobernacion presenta al Con- greso de la Union, correspondiente al tiempo trascurrido desde el 15 de Diciembre de 1877 hasta de 31 de Diciembre de 1878. fol. Mexico, 1879. Contains 94 documents, each with separate pagination. -----. Secretaria de estado y del despacho de gobernacion. Resiimen general dela mortalidad habida en la ciudad de Mexico durante el alio de 1879 en los ocho cuarteles mayores que la com- ponen, formado por el Consejo superior de saln- bridad del distrito federal. 1 sheet imp. broad- side 4°. [Mexico, 1880.] -----. Auales del miuisterio de fomento de la Republic;! mexicana. Tomo 3. pp. 185-687. 8°. Mexico, 1889. Incomplete. -----. Boletin del Consejo superior de salubridad del distrito federal. 1.-3., Julio de 1880 a di- ciembre de 1883. fol. Mexico, 1880-85. -----. Republica mexicana. Biblioteca de la secretaria de guerra y marina. Primera serie. Departauiento del cuerpo medico. Reglamento para el servicio de hospitales militares, ambu- lancias y enfermerias en los cuarteles. 55 pp. fol. Mexico, I. Cumplido, 1880. -----. Republica mexicana. Biblioteca de la secretaria de guerra y marina. Primera serie. Departauiento del cuerpo medico. Reglamento general del cuerpo medico-militar. 50 pp. fol. Mexico, G. A. Esleva, 1889. Bound with preceding. -----. Medidas preservativas del cdlera asiatico que se han de poner en priictica en la Republica mexicana. 21 pp. 12°. [Mexico, 1887.] Ulexico. See, also, Aguas calientes; Anahuac; Army (Mexican); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever - (Typhus, History, etc., of), Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by localities; Guadalajara; Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities; Irapuato; Leprosy (History, etc., of); Medicine (History, etc., of), by nations, etc.; Medicine (Military, History of)—Campaigns, etc. ; Merida; Mexico (City of); Nervous system (Diseases of, Causes of); Orizaba; Pharmacopoeias; Prostitution (History, etc., of), by localities ; Puebla; Saltillo; San Luis Potosi; Vera Cruz. Bo.nte (A.) * Relation topographique et me- dicale d'une campagne sur les cotes occidentalea du Mexique. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. MEXICO. 232 MEY. Jlexico. Cuadko que demuestra las diversas afecciones que causarou la mortalidad habida en la ciudad de Mexico durante el mes de setiembre de 1879, formado por el Consejo superior de salubridad del distrito federal, imp. fol. [Mexico, 1879?] Dug^s (E.) *De l'iufluence du climat des altitudes mexicaiues sur l'organisme bumain. 4°. Pan's, 1865. Gonzalez & Avkndano (F.) Pachelion Ma- riainuii Mexici conspicuuiu suburbiis. 4°. Me- xici, 177)7. Gonzalez (E.) Cuadio gr&fico coniparativo por eufermedades, de las defunciones habidas en la municipalidad de Mexico, el ano de 1885. 1 chart, broadside. [Mexico, 1886.] Jourdanet (D.) Le Mexique et l'Amerique tropicale; climats, hygiene et maladies. 8°. Parti, 1864. Larkey (F.-H.), le baron. Commission scien- tifique du Mexique. Programme d'instructious sommaires sur la medecine. 8:. Paris, 1864. Penaeiel (A.) Memoria sobre las aguas po- tables de la capital de Mexico. 4C. Mexico, 1884. -----. Nombres geogralicos de Mexico. Ca- talogo alfabetico de los nombres de lugar perte- necieutcs al idioma "Nahuatl". Esludio jero- glilico de la matricula de los tributos del C6diee Mendocino. Dibujos de las "Antiguedades me- xicauas" de Lord Kiugshorough por el Sr. D. Canal y grabados por el Sr. A. H. Galaviz. fol. Mexico, 1887). Pommier (C.-L.-F.) * Relation medicale d'une campagne dans le golfe du Mexique. 4°. Montpellier, 1868. Beni (C.) Notizie sopra gli indigenidi Mexico. Arch. per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1882, xii, 1-17. Also, Keprint.— Bncz (A.) Lettres inedicales sur le Mexique. Gaz. hehd. denied.. Par., 1862, ix, 71)7; 769; 785: 1863, x, 1; 17.— Char- nay (D.) La civilisation tolteque. Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 1885, iv. 281-305.—Coiinlet (L.) fitudes statistiques sur le Mexique. Gaz. hehd. de med., Par., 1864, 2. s., i 129- 161; 2:34; 265; 371; 450: 545; 579: 674: 1865, 2. s., ii, 467! -----. De l'influence des altitudes sur les flfevres inter- mittentes, les diarrh6es, les dyssenteries contract6es dans les terres chaudes du Mexique. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1866, 3. s., xvii, 273-303. -----. Climatologieou eliniat des altitudes du Mexique. Phenomenes m6teoro- logiques. Ibid., 1868, 3. s., xxi, 1-43. -----. Physioiogie. Le la respiration et de la circulation sur les altitudes du Mexique. Ibid., 193; 290. -----. Hygiene des altitudes du Mexique. Ibid., 1869, 3. s., xxii, 189; 273. -----. Le Mexique considere au point de vue m I'cra (A.) Estudio sobre el origen del cloruro tie sodio y el caibonato tie sosa en el valle de Mexieo. Ibid., 1866, ii 85-91.—Noriega (T.) A pontes sobre la beneflcen'cia lu'iblica en Mfixico. Rev. m6d.-quir. de Mexico, 1883. i. no. 2, 4-7. —OI vera (J.) Corto ensayo sobre una constitu- cion medica especial de la primavera en M6xito. Ohser- vador metl., Mexico, 1873, ii, 217-226.—Orvaiianos (I).) Apuutes para el estudio del clima de Mexico. Gac. med de Mexico. 1879, xiv. 153; 198, 3diag., 1 plan — M< hleiddi (M. .1.) Ueber Friichte, Gemiise und Droguen an der Westkiiste von Mexico. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol u Med., Jena, ls5(», i, 99-103.—Schmidt (II.) Briefe aus Mexico. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver. Stuff." 1867, xxxvii, 253; 258; 285; 293 ; 301; 316: 333 : 341 : 34fl"— Soriano (M. S.) Itin«rario deM6xico& Moulin ]>m To- luca. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1869, iv, 119-128.—Ntrieker (W.) Natur-und Heilkunde in Mexico. Ein Ili-itrag zur medieinischen Geographic. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Harah., 1847, xxxiv, 520-533.—Viilc (A.) Medical topography of the coast of Mexico. Statist. Rep. Health Navy 1886, Lond., 1868, 174-176. Mexico (City of). See, also, Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descrip- tions, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by lo- calities. Iiobato (J. G.) Meteorologia y constitution m6dica de la capital, en los cuatro primeios meses del ano. Oh- servador m6d., Mexico, 1874-6, iii, 71. —Newton (R.) Medical topography of the citv of Mexico. N. York J. M., 1848, i, 295-307.—Ortega (A.) Nota sobre el Hospi- cio de Pobres, considerado bajo el punto de vista de su salu- bridad. Gac. ni6d. de M6xico, 1864-5, i, 499-509.—I*n»a- lagna (M. A.) Algunas observaeiones higicnicas sulire la ciuilad de Mexico, relativamente a- los lagos que la ro- dean. Ibid., 1873, viii, 45-55— Peaslce (E. K.) Mexico as a residence for invalids. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1876, xi, 273; 290; 308; 835.—Reyes (J. M.) Estadistiea de mor- talidad en la capital. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1864-5, i, 136.— Ruiz y Sandoval (G.) jCual es la influeucia pato- genica que tienen los lagos sobre la ciudad de Mexico? Ibid., 1873, viii, 65-76.—Senieledcr. Rapport sur lea malades qui se sout presentes a la consultation gratuite donnee par les docteurs Sehmidtlein et Semeleder, dana l'espace des deiniers deux ans et trois niois. Ibid., 1874, ix, 26; 46— Strolher (D. H.) Climate and health of the city of Mexico. Rep. Consuls U. S. on commerce, etc., Wash., 1881, No. iii, 16-21. ITIexico seeds. Pixhey (J.) Some observations made upon the Mexico seeds, imported from tbe Indies, shewing their wonderful virtue against worms in the bodies of men, women, and children. Written by a countrey physitian to Dr. Burwell, president of the Colledge of Physitians in Lon- don, sm. 4°. London, 1695. de Itley ( Abuse-Francois). * Recberches sur quelques affections chroniques de Festoinac. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 50, v. 214. Itley (Ernest). * Des rapports de la pleuresie et de la tuberculose. 43 pp., 3 tab. 4-. Paris, 1877, No. 421. delfley (Franciscus). * Deinntationesententue. 35 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans etfil., 1748. [P., v. 993.] van der Ittey (Gerrit Hendrik) jr. * De leer der ademhaling, historisch-kritisch loegclicht. [Utrecht.] 2 p. 1., vi, 220 pp. s-\ Amsterdam, Metzler 4~ Basting, 1876. Itley (Joannes) [1619-78]. De admirando dextra* tulue ntcrime hydrope. 5 1., 1 pi. 4°. Ultra- jecti, ex, off. A. ab Eynden, 1678. For Biography, see Rayle (P.) Hist. Sc Crit. Diet. 2. ed. fol. London, 1737, iv, 179. Mey (Leonard). * Sur le creux de l'aisselle. vi, 7-30 pp. 4°. Parti, 1817, No. 63, v. 131. MEY. 233 MEYER. Mey (Max). Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Lungenschwindsucht. 26 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld, 1875. Mey (Philipp). See May (Philipp). MeybaclliilS ( Joannes Godofrod. ) * Medita- tiouesde invenlione remediorum. 32 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Viteinbergce, ex off. Schlomachiana, [1729). Meyburg (Heinrich). * Ueber Milzbrand. 2 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1875. Meye (Bruno). * Ueber Puerperal -Eelampsie. 211 pp., 11. 8°. Halle, W. Plbtz, [1869]. Meye (Robertus Samuelis). * Abscessus pelvis subperitomealis casus duo. 33 pp. 8°. Haiti Sax., formis Ploetzianis, 1863. C. Meycil (Franz Julius Ferdinand) [ -1840], * De primis vita* pha*nomenis in fluidis form at i vis et de circulatione sanguinis in parenchymate. 27 pp. 4~. Berolini, typ. Brueschckianis, 1826. -----. Untersucbungen iiber die Natur parasiti- scher Geschwiilste im menschlichen Korper, ins- besondere iiber den Mark- uud Blutschwamm. 99 pp. 8°. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1828. ------. The same. An enquiry into the nature of parasitic tumors in general, and particularly those called medullary sarcoma and fungus h;e- matodes. 52 pp. 16°. Dublin, J. M. Leckie, 1829. -----. A report on the progress of vegetable physiology during the year 1837. Transl. from the German, by William Francis, iv, 160 pp. 8°. London, R. 4 J. E. Taylor, 1839. Meyen (Georg). * Ueber Icterus als Complica- tion der croiipi'isen Pneumonic 46 pp. i-K Greifs- wald, C. Sell. 1881. Ifleyen (Julius). I'm-trait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Meyenberg (Fridericus Conradus). * De spas- mis eorumque qnadruplici respectu. 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1754]. Meyenberg- (Friederich Gabriel). * De ha*inor- rhoidibus ha*reditariis. 36 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. Hendelianti, [1727]. [Also, in : P., v. 72.'] von Meyendorff (Fr.) * Einfluss des jugend- lichen Alters auf die strafrechtliche Zurechnung. 47 pp. 8C. Zurich, D. Biirkli, 1862. c. Meyer (A.) Anatomische Charakteristik officineller Blatter und Krauter. Abhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle, 1882, xv, 445-497. Meyer (Achille -Abraham). * Pseudo - paralysie gcnerale d'origine saturnine. 42 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1881, No. 325. Meyer (Adanius Henricus). * Qua*dam de recto emeticorum usu. 18,11pp. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off'. li. T. Hoelimii, [1832]. For Biography, see Kuchn (Carolus Gottlob.) Meyer (Adolf). *Ein Fall von Extrauterin- schwaugerschaft mit glucklichem Ausgang. 22 pp. 8-. Erlangen, Junge u. Sohn, 1874. Meyer (Adolf Bernhard). * Beitrage zur Lehre vou der elektrischen Nervenreizung. 35 pp. 8-\ Ziirich, Zurcher u. Furrer, 1867. -----. Das Hemmungsnervensystein des Herzens. Kritisches und Experimentelles. viii, 95 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1869. Meyer (Adolph Ludwig). *De causis quibusdam convulsionum imprimis vero animi aft'ectibus im- moderatis occasionalibus. 24 pp. 4Z. Gryphti- walelice, A. F. Rose, 1773. [P., v. 59.] Meyer (Adolphus)1. *De hepatis abscessibus. 30 pp. 8 . Recjinionti Pr., typ. Dalkoivskianis, 1 ~(io. c. Meyer ( Adolphus )2. * Iridectomia quain vim habeat ad sanandas oeulorum inflamuiatioues, necuon ad tollenda mechanica visits impedi- menta casibus nonnullis demoustratur. 24 pp. 4°. Kilia; C. F. Mohr, 1869. In: SCHKIFT. d. Univ. zu Kiel, vii, 1H0, vii. mul. iii. Meyer (Adolphus)3 [1837- ]. *De nephritide chronica post scarlatinam. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Recjinionti Pr., typ. Dalkoivskianis, 1863. C. Meyer (Anninius). *De atrophia musculorum progressiva. 31 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., typ. Dalkoivskianis, 1858. o. Meyer (August)1. Heil- und Pflege-Austalt fiir Nerven-Krauke zu Eitorf a. d. Siesj. [Prospec- tus.] 2 1. 8°. [Eitorf, 1876.] Meyer (August)2 [1860- ]. * Experimentelle Stndien iiber den Einfluss des Ozons auf das Gehirn. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1883. Meyer (August Hermann). * Ueber die Gastro- toniic. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, L. Schnauss, [1802]. Meyer (Auguste). * Essai de quelques compli- cations des plaies pen6trantes de poitrine. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1830, v. 61. Meyer (Augustus). *Depachymeningitide cere- bro-spinali interna. 56 pp. 8C. Bonnce, P. Neus- ser, 1861. o. Meyer (Augustus Bruno). *De tetano trau- matico. 15 pp. 8-. Jence, typ. A. Neuenhahni, [1862]. Meyer (Augustus Eduardus). * De variolis modi- ficatis. 47 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. Schiinmanni, 1827. Meyer (Augustus Guilielmus). * Diss, sistens cogitata qmedaui de febre sic dicta puerperali, aduexa historia morbi punctione sanati. 36 pp. 4°. Giessce, typ. Braunii academicis, 1804. Meyer (Augustus Joannes Theodorus). * Sym- bolic ad morbum Brightii. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Haiti Sax., typ. Colbatzkii, [1846]. Meyer ([Augustus Robertus] Eduardus) [1818- ]. *De morbosis urinas alterationibus. 31pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1841]. Meyer (B. J.) Merkwaardige waarneniingen van behandeling en genezing door het dierlijk maguetismus en somnambulismus. Verrijkt met het portret van de somnambule Mejufvrouw Steffens. 1. deel. viii, 111, 135, 152 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, J. Hendriksen, 1826. -----. Een woord ter verdediging van het dier- lijk maguetismus en somnambulismus tegen F. van der Brcggen, Cornz. iv, 112 pp. 8°. Rot- terdam, T. J. Wynhoven 4' Hendriksen, 1829. Meyer (Benedict) [18(17- ]. * De entozooruin natura et indole. 35 pp., 2 1. 8C. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1832]. -----. Die Wurmkrankheiten des Menschen mit Yersuchen an lebeudeu Thiereu. 2. Aufl. v, 137 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. Wallerslein, 187)8. Meyer (Benno). * Leber Hysterie. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, F. Kritgei; 1867. Meyer (Bernhardus) [1767-1836]. De mercuria- lium in morbis venereis actione et usu commen- tatio. 109 pp. 8°. Marburgi, in nova off. libraria academica, 1790. For Biography, see Med. Aim., Berl., 1838 (Nekrolog. Erinnerungen, etc.), 27-34. Meyer (Bruno). Fiihrer durch die Literatur der Gcsundheitsptlege, Naturheilkuude, Vegetaris- mus, Hecleudiatetik fur Freunde einer naturge- miissen Lebensweise in Verbindung mit solchen herausgegeben von ... 2. Aufl. 72 pp. 16°. Rudolstaclt i. Th., H. Hartung u. Sohn, [1^1]. Meyer (C. G. R.) [Twenty-dve original draw- ings in water colors. Comparative myologv.] Bound in 1 v. fol. [n. p., 1849-47.] Meyer (C.-R.) *I. Des causes des tubercules. II. [etc.] 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 274, v. 378. Meyer (Cains G.) *De episioraphia Friekiana. l(i pp. 8^. A'iii'fl', C. F. Mohr. 1842. C. Meyer (Carl)1 [1848- ]. * Ein Fall von Ulcus simplex in Verbindung mit Carcinom. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1874]. METER. 234 METER. Meyer (Carl)2. * Beitrage zur acuten Nephritis. 56 pp., 1 pi. 8 . Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1874. Meyer (Carl)3. "*I. Eiuwirkung von Bernsteiu- siiunclilorid auf Acetanilid. II. Zur Kenntniss der Anhydrobasen. [Gottingen.] 30 pp. 8-. Hannover, Gebr. Jdnecke, 1878. Meyer (Carl)4. *Die Uterusfibroide in der Schwangcrschaft, unter der Geburt und im Wochenbett. 82 pp. 8°. Zurich, Ziircher u. Furret; 1887. C. Meyer (Carl Joseph) [1798- ]. Vollstaudiges Recept-Taschenbuch zur neuesten osterr. Phar- ruakopoe. Fiir Aerzte und Wundiirzte. Supple- ment zu (lessen Handbuche der Pharmakologie als Erliiuterung der osterr. Pharmakopde vom Jahre 1834. 1. Abth. x, 682 pp., 1 1. 16°. Giins, Reichard, 1836. -----. Pharmakologische Blatter zur Mitthei- luug und Besprechuug des Neuesten und Wis- senswerthesten aus dem Gebiete der Arzneimit- tellehre. Fiir praktische Aerzte und Wundiirzte. vi, 386 pp. 8°. Giins, C. Reichard, 1840. Meyer (Carolus) [1825- ]. *Descriptio ossis frontis macrocephali. 29 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bero- lini, J. Plessner, [1850], Meyer (Carolus Albertus). *De pneumonia bi- liosa. 35 pp. 4C. Lipsiee, ex off. F. Andrcei, [1841]. For Biography, see Clarus (Jo. Christ. Aujj.) Meyer (Carolus Arnoldus). *De eximio ipeca- cuanlne nee non aliorum quorundam emetico- rum refracta dosi exhibitorum usu. 36 pp. 4°. Gottingw, F. A. Rosenbusch, [1779]. For Biography, see Murray (Jo. Andreas). Meyer (Carolus Fridericus)1. *De affectione coliaca ex viscerum abdoniinalium infarctu oriunda. 32 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., e typog. Apitziano, [1794]. Meyer (Carolus Fridericus)2. *Diss. exhibens tineie pathologiam. 2 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bounce, typ. H. Knirenschildi, [1829]. For Biography, see Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1886, xliii, 331-333 (W. N.). Meyer (Carolus Gottlieb). De discrimine motus elastici et vitalis fibrarum. 40 pp. 4°. Altorfii, lit. rid. Meyer ice, [1735]. ■-----. * De venae sectione in hecticis ssepe noxia. 16 pp. 4°. Altorfii Noricorum, tup. J. G. Meiteri, [1738]. Meyer (Carolus Hermannus) [1823- ]. * De ta- lipede varo et nova correctione machina* Stro- nieyeiiaine. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berolini, G. Sehadc, [1.846]. Meyer (Charles). * Essai sur les baraquements. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, £. Huder, 1870, 3. s., No. 302. Meyer (Christian). * Ueber die Exarticulation des Unterschenkels im Kniegelenk. vi, 7-44 pp 8°. Wiirzburg, F. E. Thein, 1847. Meyer (Christianus David.) [1791- ]. *De iutiammationibus infantum intends generatim. 28 pp. 8-'. Berolini, T. Briischcke, [1819]. Meyer (Christianus Ludovicus). *De strumis earumque causis atquemedela. [Jena.] 24pp. 8J. Hannoverie, typ. L. Pockivitzii, [1817], Meyer (Conradus). *De fissuris hominis mam- maliumque congenitis; accedit fissura* buccalis cougenitie cum fissura tuba- Enstachii et tympani complicate descriptio. 3 p. 1., 44 pp., 2 1., 4 pi. fol. Berolini, J. Sittenfeld, [1835]. Meyer (D. L.) A method of making useful min- eral collections. To which are added some ex- periments on a deliquescent calcareous earth, or native fixed sal ammoniac. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, L. Davis, 1775. Meyer (Daniel). *De noxa potus frigidi. 22 PI>. sm. 4°. Hake Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, Meyer (David). *De aurium ceruiniue. 40 pp, sm. 4°. Argentorati, J. F. Spoor, [1684]. Meyer (David) [ -18:)7>]. *l)e cerebri tn- moribus. 24 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Berolini, typ. Briisch- ekianis, [1829]. Meyer (David) [1808- ]. * De signis ex forma pupillse. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berolini, F Nietack, [1831]. Meyer (Ed.) Direktorialbericht uber die Ver- waltung der Irren-Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt zu Brake, von der Eroft'nung im Jahre 1811 bis Ende 1868. 32 pp. 4°. [Brake, 1869.] -----. Die Verwaltung der Heil- und Pflegcan- stalt zu Brake. [27. Jauuar 1869.] pp. 181-187 Y. [Brake, 1869.] Beilage zu Nr. 13 des Eegierungs- und Anzeisehlattes de 1869. Meyer (fidouard)1 [1838- ]. * Du strabisme et spe"cialeinent des conditions de succes de la stra- botomie. 112 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 122. Meyer (fidouard)2. Maladies des yeux. Lecons sur la refraction et l'acconnnodation professed & l'ecole pratique de la Faculty de medecine de Paris. Recueillies par le docteur A.-L. Rotdet, revues et approuv^es par le professeur ... iv, 270 pp., 1 pi. 8D. Parti, Chamerot 4'Lauwereyns, 1869. -----. The same. Traits pratique des maladies des yeux. 2. e"d. xx, 796 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1880. -----. The same. 3. 6d. xvi, 800 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, G. Masson, 1887. -----. The same. Tratado pr£ictico de las en- fermedades de los ojos. Trad, por D. Pedro M. Brun. vii, 660 pp., 1 1. 8°. Madrid, Moya y Plaza, 1875. -----. The same. Handbuch der Augenheil- kuude. Ins Deutsche iibertragen und bear- beitet von W. Block, vi, 562 pp. 8;. Berlin, H. Peters, 1875. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xvi, 587 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Peters, 1879. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. xvi, 592 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Peters, 1883. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. xviii, 602 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Peters, 1886. -----. The same. A practical treatise on dis- eases of the eye. Transl., with the assistance of the author, from the 3. French ed., with ad- ditions as contained in the 4. German ed., by Freeland Fergus, xi, 637 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lon- don, C. Griffin 4- Co., 1887. -----. Thesame. xi (2 1.), 17-647 pp.. 3 pi. 8r Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4 Co., 1887. Also, Co-Editor of: Revue g6n6rale d'ophthalmologie, Paris, 1882. -----& de Moiltilieja (A.) Trait6 des ope- rations qui se pratiquent sur l'ieil. viii, 275 pp., 22 phot. pi. 4C. Paris, H. Lauwereyns, 1871. Meyer (Eduard)1. * Hepatitis suppurativa her- vorgerufen durch Gallensteiubildung. 23 pp. 8-. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestnei; 1868. C. Meyer (Eduard)2 [ 1859- ]. * Ueber Infection durch todtfaule Friichte. 41 pp., 11. 8J. Ber- lin, E. Muller, [1883]. Meyer (Eduardus)1 [1819- ]. *De eclampsia parturientium. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1844]. Meyer (Eduardus)2 [1823- ]. * De tabe dor- suali. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1847]. Meyer (Eduardus)3. * Disquisitiones de intoxi- catione acuta phosphoro effecta. 47 pp. c-'. Dorpati Livonorum, ti/p. E. J. Karowi, 1861. Meyer (Eduardus Simon.) * De perforatione foetus sectione ca*sarea. 32 pp. 8-. Berolini, G. Lange, [I860]. Meyer (Ernst)1 [1845- ]. * Ueber Fibromyome des Uterus. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, 1871. METER. 235 METER. von Meyer (Ernst)2. * Ueber die in Steinkoh- len eingescblossenen Gase. 42 pp., 1 1. 8-. Leipzig, Metzger it. Witiig, 1872. Mever (Ernst)3. * Ueber rotbe und blasse quer- gcstreifte Muskeln. 19 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1875. Meyer (Ernst)4. * Klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre vom Wundstarrkrampf. 36 pp., 2 1. 8. Bres- lan, T. Schatsky, [1887]. Meyer (Ernst Julius Jacob). Versuch einer niedicinischeu Topographie und Statistik der Haupt- und Residenz-8tadt Dresden, xx, 350 pp 1 map, 3 pi. 4 . Stolberg am Harz tt. Leip- zig, B. G. H. Schmidt, 1849. Meyer ( Eugen ). * Kritiscb - historische Be- trachtungeiriiber Tabes dorsalis. 101 pp. 8°. Strassburg, R. Schultz tt. Comp., 1880. Meyer (F.-E.-Gustave). * I. Des complications delacoquelucbe. II. [etc] 41pp. 4°. I'aris, 1841, No. 42. v. 378. Meyer (F. H.) Aus der Havanna. Erfahrun- gen und Ansichten iiber die Fabrikation der iichten Cigarren ; nebst Mittheilungen iiber Ta- backshandel, sowie niitzlichen Winken fiir Fa- brikanteu zur Erzielung eines vorziiglichen und den Havanna-Cigarren gleichkommenden Frabrikats. 3. Ansg._ 1 p. 1., 53 pp. 12°. Bre- men, J. Kiihtmann, 1878. Meyer (Felix) Ll84l- ]. * De phosphoro veneno. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [i860]. Meyer (Ferdinandus Augustus) [1807- ]. *De morborum psychicorum curatione generatiora qmedam. 42 pp., 3 1. 8r Berolini, F. Nietack, [1839]. Meyer (Fernand). * De l'influence des emotions morales sur le d6veloppemeut des affections cu- taneVs. 55 pp. Y. Paris, 1876, No. 310. Meyer (Franz)1 [1858- ]. * Zur Diagnose des Aiieurysma areas aortse. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1881. Meyer (Franz)2. -* Ein Fall von Echinococcus multilocularis. 36 pp., 1 1. 8C. Gottingen, W. F. Kastnei; 1881. Meyer (Frid. Aug.) De oziena. Commentatio ad . . . Matthieum Mederer. 39 pp., 1 pi. H-. Hamburgi, B. G. Hofmann, 1785. AIso, in: FRANK (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ti- cini, 1792, xi, 249-273. Meyer (Fridericus)1. * De operatione cataracta*. 31pp. 8°. Erlangce, typ. Kunstinannianis, [1810]. For Biography, see Kiilin (Carolus Gottlob.) Meyer (Fridericus)2. *De tussi convulsiva. 39 pp'. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, lit. Staritii, [1822]. For Biography, see Kiihu (Carolus Gottloh.) Meyer (Fridericus)* [1800- ]. * De menstru- atione ejusque anouialiis. 51pp. 8\ Berolini, formis Briischckianis, [1826]. Meyer (Fridericus Augustus). *Diss. sistens progressum digestionis. 98 pp. 8C. [Dorpat], ex of. acad. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1823. Meyer (Fridericus Guilelmus). * De hernia pul- monale 31 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Kunike, [1843]. Meyer (Fridericus Gustavus) [1809- ]. * De tuiuorum genu natura variisque speciebus. 38 pp., 1 1. 8-. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1833]. -----. Die Lehre von deu Fracturen. xii, 322 pp. 8 . Berlin, A. Forstner, 1843. Meyer (Fridericus Wilhelmns). * De abscessu ad coxaui in febribus in leutam degenerantibus. 33pp. sin.4°. Gottinga; exoff. Schulziana, [1759]. Meyer (Friedrich) [187)2- ]. * Ueber Sehuss- verletzungen des Auges. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1876]. Meyer (Friedrich Albert Anton) [1768-95]. *De cortice Angustune. 53 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, [1790]. Meyer (G. M.) Sec Saiuuiliiiig auserlesener Eecepte der neuesten Zeit. 11 v. 12°. Erlangen, 1833-9. Meyer (Georg)1. * Ueber das Vorkommen des Leberzuckers in Krankheiten. [Zurich. ] 39 pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., A. Osterrieth, 1858. Meyer (Georg)2. * Ueber einige kiinstliche und naturlicheAlkalo'ide. 30 pp. 8°. Kiel, P. Peters, [1880]. Meyer (Georg)3 [1860- ]. * Ein Fall von Carcinoma bepatis idiopathicum. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, O. Franche, [1882]. Meyer (Georg Hermann) [1815- ]. *Demus- culis in duetibus efferentibus glandularum. 34 pp., 2 1. 80. Berolini, J. Sittenfeld, [1837]. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Physioiogie der Nervenfaser. vi, 316 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1843. Die Phrenologie vom wissenschaftlichen Standpunkte ans beleuchtet. viii, 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1844. ----. Lehrbuch der physiologischen Anatomie des Menschen. 2 pts. in*l v. xviii, 396, 250 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1856. ----. The same. 2. Aufl. xvi, 752 pp. 8-. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1861. ----. The same. 3. Aufl. xvi, 806 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1873. ----. DierichtigeGestaltderSchuhe. Eine Ab- handlung aus der angewandten Anatoniie fiir Aerzte und Laien geschrieben. iv, 30 pp., 11. 8°. Ziirich, Meyer u. Zeller, 1858. The same. Procrustes ante portas. Why the shoe pinches; a contribution to applied anat- omy. Transl. from the German, by John Stirling Craig, xiii, 15-55 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, Edmon- ston4- Douglas, 1864. Chiefly a reprint transl. from v. 2 of: Monatschr. d. "Wis- sensch. Vereiuschrift in Zurich, 1857. ----. The same. 24, 14, 4 pp., 4 1., 4 pi. 8°. Boston, J. C. Plumer, 1861. [Also, in: P., v. 227.] ----. The same. 29 pp., 1 pi. 18°. New York, G. F. Nesbitt 4~ Co., 1877. ----. Anleitung zu den Priipaririibungen. Fiir den Gebrauch von Studirenden. 2. Aufl. viii, 216 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1864. The same. 3. Aufl. viii, 219 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1873. ----. Die Entstehuug unserer Bewegungen. pp. 8°. Berlin, C. G. Liideritz, 1868. Stinim- und Sprachbildung. 32 pp. 32 8°. Berlin, C. G. Liideritz, 1871 ----. Ueber Sinnestauschungen. 2. Aufl. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. G. Liideritz, 1871. ----. Die Stati k und Mechanik des menschlichen Knochengeriistes. viii, 402 pp. roy. 8C. Leip- zig, W. Engelmann, 1873. ----. Die riehtige Gestalt des menschlichen Korpers in ihrer Erhaltung und Ausbildung fiir das allgemeine Verstiinduiss. vi (1 1.), 184 pp. 8r Stuttgart, Meyer u. Zeller, 1874. ----. Ueber die Bedeutung des Nervensysteins. Ein populiirer Vortrag. 36 pp. 8'-. Stuttgart, Meyer 11. Zeller, 1874. Der Mensch als lebendiger Organismus. Ein Hiilfsbuch fiir Lehrer, Seminare und hdhere Lehranstalten, sowie zum Selbstunterricht fiir Jedermann. viii, 330 pp. 8~. Stuttgart, Meyer u. Zeller, 1877. ----. Unsere Spraehwerkzeuge und ihre Ver- wendung zur Bildung der Sprachlaute. x, 367 pp. 12°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1889. ----. The same. The international scientific series. The organs of speech, and their applica- tion in the formation of articulate sounds, x, 349 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton f Co., 1884. METER. 236 METER. Meyer (Georg Hermann)—continued. -----. William Harvey der Reformator der Phy- siologic 32 pp. 8C.' Berlin SW., C. Habcl, 1880. ~------. Zur geuaueren Kenntniss der Substantia spongiosa der Knocheu. 20 pp. 8-\ Stuttgart, J. G. Cottct, 1882. Repr. from: Beitr. zur Biologie. Juhilaumsschrift fiir Geheimerath v. Bisehoff. ------. Ursache und Mechanismus der Entstehuug des erworbenen Plattfusses, nebst Hinweisung auf die Indikationen zur Behandlung desselben. vi, 52 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1883. 1. Hft. of Studien iiber den Mechanismus. ------. Stndien iiber den Mechanismus des Fusses in normalen uud abnormen Verhiiltuissen. 1. Hit. Der Plattfuss. vi, 52 pp. 8J. Jena, G. Fticho; 1883. ------. Statik und Mechanik des menschlichen Fusses. Nach neuen Untersuchungen. vii, 119 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1886. Second title-page of his: Studien iiher den Mechanismus [etc.] 2. Hft. ------. Studien iiber den Mechanismus des Fusses in normalen und abnormen Verhiiltuissen. 2. Hft. vii, 119 pp. 8°. Jena,, G. Fischer, 1886. Meyer (Georgius Justus Guilielmus). *De coui- mercio inter hepar et caeterum organismum mutno. 1 1. Y. Gottingee, J. C. Baier, [1806]. Meyer (Godofredus). * De fundameutis theoria* medica'. 48 pp. 8°. Hake Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1704]. ------. *De tertiana, febris genium universum manifestante. 56 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1706]. ------. The same. 56 pp. 4°. Recusce Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, 1715. For Biography, see Stall I (Georgius Ernestus). Meyer (Gottfried). *Zur Lehre von dem Me- chanismus der Brucheinklemmung. 30 pp. 8°. Hern, G. Michel, 1878. Meyer (Gotthelf Lotbarius) [1841-82]. *De neonatorum tetano. 30 pp., 1 1. 8-. Berolini, G. Schadc. 1864. Meyer (Gustav)'. *Ueber Resection and De- capitation, vi, 7-64 pp. 8-\ Erlangen, Kunst- mann, 18-29. Meyer (Gustav)2. Handbuch der wundiirzt- lichcn Klinik, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf all- gcnieiue Chirurgie und die chirurgischen Opera- tionen. 2 v. x, 517 pp.; xii, 546 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, F. A. Herbig, 1840-41. Meyer (Gustav j:i [1841- ]. * Ueber Aueurysma. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1868]. Meyer ( Gustav y. * Ueber die autiseptische Wirksanikeit des Jodoforms. 19 pp. 8°. Got- tingen, E. A. Hulh, 1882. Meyer (Gustavus) [1819- ]. * De uteri inter partuin spasmis. 37 pp., 11. 8-\ Berolini, typ. Sch n iizerianis, [ 1844]. Meyer(CustavusEduardus) [1801- ]. *Quae- dain de morbo leproso inter rusticos Esthonos endemico. 71 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], revalice ex off. C. Dullo, 1824. Meyer (H.) * Zur Behandlung des traumatischen Tetanus. 18 pp. 8:. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1862. Meyer (Hans). * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Stoffwechsels im Organismus der Hiihner. 33 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Konigsberg, E. J. Dalkowski, 1877. Meyer (Heiur.) *Knochenabscesse. 21 pp., 11. 8 . Kiel, Schmidt u. Klaunig, 1887. Meyer (Heinr. Ferd.) *Die Iudieationen zum Kaiserschuitt und zur Perforation, in ihrer Be- ziehung zur Frage: Hat die Mutter oder die Frucbt bei einer Collision des Lebens mehr Recht auf Schonung von Seiten der Kunsthilfe? 57 pp. 8C. Wurzburg, C. Becker, 1845. Meyer (Heinricus). See Welsch (Gottfried.) & Meyer (Heinriens). Ana- tome cerehri humani. 4°. Lipsiee, [1639J. Meyer (Heuricus). *De chlorosi virginum. 21 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. et II. Verbeek 1728. [Also, in: P., v. 71.] Meyer (Henricus Ernestus Ludovicus). * 1 >e opii usu in iuflammationibus. 1 p. 1., 18 pp., I I. 4J. Gottinga; in off. Barnieieriana, [1800]. Meyer (Henricus Gottlob.) *l)e officio niatris proleni lactaudi. 32 pp. sm. 4-■. Willenberga; prelo E. G. Eichsfeldi, 1752. For Biography, see Iiangguth (Geo. Aug.) Meyer (Henricus Josephus). * De morbis glandu- larum salivalium capitis. 42 pp. 8-. Bonna; typ. C. Georgii, 1840. Meyer (Henry). See Ildpital (L') de Set. Hans, ohlong fol. ('open- hague, 1884. Meyer (Henry C.) Water-waste prevention; its importance and the evils due to its neglect. With an account of the methods adopted in various cities in Great Britain and the United States. With an appendix. 70 pp. 8-. .Yeu> York, 1887). Also, Editor of: Sanitary (The) Engineer, Xew York, 1880. Meyer (Hermann). * Zur Toxicologie des Broras. 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich, Zurcher u. Furrer, 1870. ------. Ueber das Milchsaureferment und sein Verhalten gegen Antiseptica. 66 pp., 1 1., 1 tab, 8°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1880. Meyer (Hermann. Pet.) *De punctura vesica) urinaria} in ischuria vesicali adhibenda. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. P. C. Mul- leri, 1727. Meyer (Hermanuus)1 [1811- ]. *De aeris in venas ingressu iu operationibus chirurgicis. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1834]. Meyer (Hermanuus)2. * De gastritide chronica. 38 pp. 8°. Rostocltii, lit. Adlerianis, 1838. c. Meyer (Hermanuus Fridericus) [1807- ]. *De balneis nonnulla. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Friedlaenderiauis, [1836]. Meyer (Hugo). * Ueber den Einfluss einiger - fliichtigen Stoffe auf die Zahl der farblosen Zellen im Kreislauf. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 8-'. Bonn, P. Neusser, 1874. Meyer (Immanuel Ferd.) [ -1813]. Versuch einer systematisehen Enzyklopiidie der gesaiinn- ten Medizin. Nebst einer Abhandlung iiber das Studium der Medizin. viii, 374 pp. 8~\ Berlin, Schiippel, 1807. 2. pt. wanting. ------. Repertorium der gesammten medizinischeu Literatnr. 2 v. in 1. 239 pp.; xvii, 532 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, 1809. ------. Ueber die Natur der Entziindung; ein historisch-kritischer Versuch. 133 pp. 8-. Ber- lin, J. E. Hitzig, 1810. ------. Versuch einer kritischen Geschiehte der Entziindungen. Erster Theil, oder Eiiileitung in die Geschiehte der speciellen Pathologie und The- rapie. xvi, 463 pp. 12°. Berlin, F. Maura; 1812. Meyer (Is.) [1847- ]. *Die Lehre vou (let Eutstehung der Herztone. 30 pp. 8J. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, [1880]. Meyer (Isidorus). *De Joannis Christiani Reilh in physiologia dignitate. 2 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1. ~ -. Vratislavice, H. Lindner, [1857]. Meyer (J. A.) Der Kurgast in Ober-Salzbrunn. 48 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1858. Meyer (J. A. G.) Natur-Analogieu, oder die vor- nehiusteu Erscheinungen des aiiimalischen Mag- uetismus in ihrem Zusainmenhangc mit den Ei- gebnissen der gesammten Naturwissenschalteii, mit besonderer Iiinsicht auf die Standpunkte und Bediirfiiisse heutiger Theologie. lxiv, 412 pp. b-. Hamburg u. Gotha, F. u.A. Perthes, 1839. METER, 237 METER. Meyer (J. Couradus). * De exstirpatione partium degcneratarum ossis maxillse inferioris. [Got- tingen.] 35pp.,2pl. 4°. Berolini, typ. Feisteri- anis et Eisersdorffianis, 1828. Meyer (Jacobus) [1810- ]. * De rarissimis duo- bus exemplis suppurationis cerebri, aduotatioui- bus nonnullis adspersis necessariis. 18 pp., 2 pi., 1 1. 4°. Haiti, typ. Baentschianis, [1832]. Meyer (James). How to prevent the spread of contagious diseases and epidemics. 24 pp. 8. {Xew York. 1879.] An advertisement of the Girondin disinfectant. Meyer (Jep Heinrich) [1846- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Literatnr der Freindkorper in den Speise- wegen aus eigner Praxis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ber- lin, G. Schade, [1881]. Meyer (Joachim). *De medici prudentia. 28 pp. 8 . Landishuti, S. F. Storno, 1829. Meyer (Joann. Augustus). *De rubo idaeo offi- cinarum. 1 p. 1., 26 pp., 11. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1744]. Meyer (Joannes). * De fistula ani. Argentorati, 1771. In: Wf.iz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, 1780, xi, 115. Meyer (Joannes Antonius) [1809- ]. *De cho- lera asiatica. 35 pp. S3. Berolini, typ. Nietacki- anis, 1838. Meyer (Joannes Carolus)1. *De paracentesi ve- sica?, ii, 3-65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangce, typ. Hil- pertianis, 1798. Meyer (Joannes Carolus)2 [1780-1831]. * De fund nicotianae suctu. 35 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, J. Franz, [1803]. For Biography, see Plainer (Ernestus). Meyer (Joannes Georgius) [1805- ]. *Defebre hectica. 32 pp. 8:. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1830]. Meyer (Joannes Gottlob.) *Demetaschematisino morborum. 40 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off. Langenhe- miana, [1747]. Meyer (Joannes Michael.) *De difficili in ob- servationes anatoinicas epicrisi commentatio iii. 59 pp. 4°. Erlanga, ex off. Waltheriana, [1773]. Meyer (Job.)1 * De fistula ani. 34 pp. 4°. Argentorati, axprelo J. Lorenzii, [1771]. Meyer ( Joh. )2 * Einige Versuche uber Strych- nin-Vergiftung, als gerichtlich-toxicologischer Beitrag zu den Strychnin-Vergiftungen. 32 pp. 8°. Bern, K. J. IVyss, 1864. C. Meyer (Joh.)3 Berichte iiber die Idiotenanstalt in Kiel. 3.-6. (Juli 1864 bis Juli 1875). 8°. Kiel, 1,866-75. -----. Prospectus fiber die Idiotenanstalt in Kiel. 21. 8\ Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1868. Meyer ( Joh. )4 [1855- ]. * Ueber Placentar- polypeu. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1880]. Meyer (Joh. )5 * Klinische Untersuchungen fiber das Verhalten der Ovarien wahrend der Men- struation. 55 pp. 8°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1883. Meyer (Joh. Carol. Heinrich). * Delirii febrilis meletemata. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, in off. Ba- th ea n it, [1797]. -----. Grundriss der Physioiogie des menschli- chen Korpers zum Behuf seiner Vorlesuugen ent- Avorfeu. 4 p. 1., 361 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1805. Meyer (Joh. Casparus). * De morbis endemiis. 19 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Kallewier, [1737]. Meyer (Joh. Conrad). * De clysmatibus. 27 pp. 4°. Gottinga; H M. Grape, [1786]. Also, in: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ti- cini, 1790, ix, 146-186. Meyer (Job. Couradus). * De phthisi. 61. sm. 4-\ Basilece, typ. J. H Meyeri, [1678]. Meyer ( Joh. Fridericus ). * De spiritibus ani- malibus ex foro medico proscribendis. 36 pp. 4°. Francof. cti Viadr., lit. J. C. Schwarzii, [1723]. von Meyer ( Joh. Friedrich ) [ 1772- ]. Wahruehmungen einer Seherin. 1. Theil. x, 400 pp. 8°. Hamburg, F. Perthes, 1827. Meyer (Joh. Jacobus). * De dysenteria. 48 pp. H=>. Duisburgi, F. A. Benthon, [1800]. von Meyer (Joh. Nep.) Einige neue Beobach- tungen fiber das Wesen der Cholera morbus aus der Erfahrung geschopft, in besonderer Bezie- hung auf die Haare als Leiter des Contagiums. 49 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Wien, F. Tendler, 1831. [P., v. 210.] -----. Ueber Sanitiits-Anstalten im Orient und iiber die Stellung der dortigen Aerzte. 26 pp. Hu. Erlangen, Kunstmann, 1840. Meyer ( Job. Rudolphus ). * De strangulationi- bus intestiuorum in cavo abdominis. 37 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1776]. Meyer (Jonas) [ -1836]. &e Frank (Joseph). Annalen des klinischen Insti- tuts an der kaiserl. Universitat zu Wilna. 8°. Berlin, 1810. Meyer (Jorge Alberto). * Ueber einen Fall von multipleu Stenoseu bei primarer Darmtuberku- lose. 31 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1886. Meyer (Joseph)1. Untersuchungen zur Therapie des Pleuritis. 335 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1863. Repr. from: Ann. d. Char.-Krankenh. . . . zu Berl., 1863, xi. Meyer (Joseph)2. * Ueber die Impfbarkeit der Tuberkulose. 31 pp. 8°. Gottingen, G. Hofer, 1873. Meyer ( Josephus ). * Memoria Thomas Syden- ham. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, typ. Gebaueriis, [1833]. Meyer ( Julius )l [ 1820- ]. * De morbis false reeteque diguosceudis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Friidlaenderianis, [1843]. Meyer (Julius)2 [1844- ]. * De natura morbi hypochondriaci. 31pp. 8°. Berolini, Niirnberg et Jeretyke, 1867. Meyer (Karl). * Die Behandlung der Blennorhoe des Thranenkanales. 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich, F. Walder it. Sohn, 1860. Meyer ( Karl Joseph ). * Ein Wort fiber den Aderlass als Priiservativ-Mittel. viii, 39 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Kblisch, [1798]. Meyer (L. C.) * Ueber das Kindbettfieber. 59 pp. 8-. Wurzburg, C. Becker, 1844. Meyer ( L. N. ) Sistemy kanalizatsii gorodov i sposoby ochistki grjaznoi kanalizatsionnoi vody. [Systems of canalization of cities, and means of purifying water by canalization.] iii, 62 pp., 15 pi. 8°. Kieff, tipog. G. T. Korchak-Novitskago, 1887. Meyer (Leo). Festrede zur Jahresfeier der Stif- tung der Universitat Dorpat am 12. December 1871, nebst den Mittheilungen fiber die Preisauf- gaben, sowie dem Univcrsitats-Jahresbericht fiir das Jahr 1871. 34 pp. 4°. Dorpat, C. Mattie- sen, 1872. Meyer (Leopold) [1852- ]. * Uterinsygdom- mene som Sterilitetsarsag. 283 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kjfibenhavn, Brcjidrene Salmonsen, 1880. Meyer (Levinus Bened.) * De ascitis origine et curatioae. 51 pp. 8°. Halce, in off. Batheana, [11. d.] Meyer (Lothar) [1830- ]. *DieGasedes Blutes. [ Wurtzburg. ] 61 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1857. [ Also, in: P., v. 790.] c. -----. Ueber die Eiuwirkung des Kohlenoxyd- gases auf Blut. 11 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1857, vel subseq.] [P., v. 790.] -----. * De sanguine oxydo carbonico infesto. 12 pp., 11. 4°. Wrattilaviw, typ. Grassii, Barthii et soc, 187)8. -----. Chemische Analyse der Heilquellen zu Bad Landeck (Preussiscii-Schlesien). Hrsg. von METER. 238 METER, Meyer (Lothar)—continued. Dr. Langner. 26 pp. 8-\ Breslau, A. Gosohor- sky, 1863. Meyer (Lucien). * Contribution a l'etude de la scarlatine hemorrhagique. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Davy, 1887, No. 251. Meyer (Ludovicus)1. *De cognoscenda ct cu- randa chorea St. Viti. 24 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Gebaiieriis, [1828]. Meyer (Ludovicus)2 [1807- ]. #Defuco crispo, seu lichene Carrageno. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. Nietackianis, [1835]. Meyer (Ludovicus)3 [1826- ]. * Observationes qiuedam in tuberculosin. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1852]. Meyer ( Ludovicus Julius ) [ 1810- ]. * De cura cataracta' secundaria. 38 pp., 1 1. sm. 8C. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1834]. Meyer (M. A.) Diiitetiscbe Verhaltungsregeln und erste Hiilfe bei der asiatischeu Cholera. 22 pp. H°. Hannover, Hahn, 1848. Meyer (Marie-Joseph-Edouard). * Recherches experhnentales sur la refrigeration des mammi- feres. 95 pp. 4°. Lille, 18.86, 3. s., No. 24. Meyer (Martinus). *Diss. sistens ideam de se- cretione in genere. 28 pp. 4°. Argentorati, in off. Kiirsneriana, [1777]. Meyer (Mauritius)1. *De acologhe chirurgiea* systemate. 38 pp., 1 pi. 4~. Berolini, lit. A. Pel sch i, [1827], v. 328. Meyer (Mauritius)2. *De rupturis uteri et va- gina} una cum duobus casibus rupti in partu uteri et ruptse vagina*. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Haiti Sax., typ. Semmlerianis, [1844]. Meyer (Max) [1845- ]. * Klinische Beobach- tungen fiber einige Formen von Ruckwartsbeu- gung der Gebarmutter. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1869]. Meyer (Meyer Jacob) [1820- ]. * De iudura- tione tebc cellulosa* neonatorum. 32 pp., 2 1. S~. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1843]. Meyer (Moritz)'. Grundzuge der Militair-Che- mie. 1 p. 1., 246, xv pp. 8°. Berlin, Schlesin- ger, 1834. Meyer (Moritz)* [1821- ]. L'utilite" de l'elec- tricite et son emploi dans les maladies de"rnontr6s par des faits cliniques . . . Trad, de l'allemand par les soins de la soci6te\ 104 pp., 1 pi. 8° Garni, F. iy E. Gyselynck, 1852. Repr. from .- Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1852, xxx. -----. Die Elektricitat in ihrer Anwendung auf praktische Medicin. 3. Aufl. xx, 423 pp. 8. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1868. -----. The same. 4.Aud. xx, 632 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirxehwald, 1883. -----. The same. Electricity in its relations to practical medicine. Transl. from the 3. German ed., with notes and additions, by W. A. Ham- mond, xxi, 497 pp. be. New York, D. Apple- ton 4- Co., 1869. Meyer (Moritz)3. *Zur Casuistik des geheilten Pneumothorax. 17 pp. Y. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1878. In.- Schkift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xxv, 1878, vii, med. i. Meyer (Moyses). *De tabe dorsuali. 35 pp. 8-. Gottingee,. typ. Dieterichianis, 1830. Meyer (N.) * Ueber die pliysiologische Wirkuug (lerArsenik-Verbindungen.* 32 pp. 8J. Berlin, Tltormann u. Goetsch, [1873]. Meyer (Nicolaus) [1775- ]. *Prodromusana- tomiie murium. 40 pp., 2 pi. sm. 4C. Jence, typ. Prageri et soc, [1800]. -----. Geschiehte einer durch den Kaiserschnitt gliicklich beendigten Entbindung. 74 pp., 1 pi. 12c. Frankf. a. M.. F. Varrentrapp,l8->1. ------. I'eber die Ursache des Erstickungsto- des der Kinder in und g-leich nach der Geburt. Meyer (Nicolaus)—continued. 36 pp. 12°. Frankf. a. M., F. Varrentrapn 1823. F1' For Biography, see Ijorter (Justus Christian.) For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Meyer (Otto) [1860- ]. MVber den Glvco- gengehaltembryonaler und jugendlicherOroaue 30 pp., 1 1. 8\ Breslau, 1884. Meyer (Paul)1 [1852- ]. * Etudes histologiques sur le labyrintbe meinbraneux et plus speciale- ment sur le limacon chez les reptiles et les oiseaux. 189 pp., 1 1. 8-'. Strasbourg, C.-ti Triibner, 1876. Meyer (Paul)2. * Beitriige zu den Functioneu der Hirnteile des Frosches. 29 pp., 1 1. 8° Berlin, G. Schade, [1881]. Meyer (Paul Oscar) [1856- ]. * Zur statis- tik fiber Affection der serosen Haute bei Xieren- erkrankungen. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Niethe, [1881]. Meyer (Philippus) [1798- ]. *Signa nou- nulla ex naso atque olfactu. 43 pp. 8°. Bero- lini, formis Brueschckianis, [1820]. Meyer (Philippus Christianus). *De astlnnate ejusque speciebus. 60 pp. sm. 4-. Gottingee, j. C. Dieterich, [1779]. For Biography, see .Murray (Jo. Andreas). Meyer (Rudolf). * Zur Pathologie des Hirnab- scesses. 99 pp., 1 1. 8-. Zurich, Ziircher u.Fuv- rer, 1867. c. -----. Ueber die Endocarditis ulcerosa. Habili- tationssehrift. 78 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Zurich, Z'tiv- • cher u. Furrer, 1870. Meyer (Rudolph). * Ueber die ungliicklichen Ereignisse wiihrend uud nach dem Aderlass. 39 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Bauer, 1833. Meyer (S.) Report of one huudred joint resec- tions treated at Professor Saxtorph's department, in Frederick's Hospital, Copenhagen. Statistics collected by S. Meyer. Transl. from the Danish, by Robert T. Morris. 41 pp. 8:; [Newtown, 1886.] Repr. from.- X. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-6, v. Meyer (Salomon Leyser). *Virilis impotentia* rationes. 40 pp. sm. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., typ. Winteriano, [1782]. Meyer [Meyr] (Sebastian). Institutionesnie- dicie prinne. Omnes medicinse locos solidaque totius artis fundamenta, distiucte. breviter ordi- neque comxilecteutes, quibusvis etiam literatis proficua*, [etc.] 6 p. 1., 226 pp. 18°. Frib. Brisgoia; M. Bbckler, 1603. ------. Selectorum physicorum medicinalium, po- liticorum, aliorumque maxime memorabilium, exquisitorum, publican privatieque fielicitati ser- vientium, sylloge prima. 188 pp. 18°. Fri- burgi Brisgoia; ex typog. J. Strasseri, 1617. Meyer (Servatius). "De febri puerperali. 50 pp. 8-. Gryphice, F. G. Kitnike, [1834]. Meyer (Siegismundus). *De situ viscerum ab- normi. 1 j). 1., 36 pp., 1 1. 8 . Vralislavia;typ. R. Lucie. [1847]. Meyer (Theodor). * Untersuchungen fiber das Carcinom der Leber und einiger anderer patho- logisch-anatomischer Abnormilaten desselben Organes. 60 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8-. Basel, Sclnve'uj- hauser, 1843. Meyer (Theodorus B.) *Qua*stionesde fontibus, ex quibus animalia et planta? nitrogenium exci- piant. 34 pp. 8°. Dorpati Lironorum, typ. viel. J. C. Schiinmanni el C. Mattieseni, 187)3. Meyer (Valentin). * Observation sur un cas d'operation ce\sarienue, pratiquee avec.succes pour la mere et l'eufant, par M. le professeui Stoltz . . . suivie de reflexions sur rosteosarcoine du bassin, consid(Sr6 comme cause de dystocie. 1 p. 1., 45 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, 1847, No. 171, v. 13. METER. 239 METKOW. Meyer (Veit). Homoopatischcr Fiihrer fiir Deutschland und das Auslaud. Enthaltend die Verzeichnisse der homoopathisehen Aerzte und Anstalten Deutschlands, Englands, Frankreichs, Spaniens, ltaliens, des iibrigen Europa und Amerika's. vi-100 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C. H. Re- clam sen., 1856. Also, Go-Editor of: Honioopathische Vierteljahrs- schrif't, Leipzig, 1851-61.—Allgemeine honioopathische Zeitung, Leipzig, 1853-72. Meyer (Vincenzo). '('(/Editor of: Archivio di patologia infantile, Napoli, 188.'!. Meyer (Vitus). * De ha*mospasia sen de acre cxpanso variis morbis adhibito. vi, 7-23 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, ex off. P. Reclami jun., [1842]. Meyer (W. H. Theodor). * Bestimmungen fiber die Intensitat des freien Maguetismus in kiinst- lichen Magneten, nebst Untersuchungen iiber Coeicitivkraft. [Marburg.] 31 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, 1857. C. Meyer (Wilhelm)1. * Zwei Riickbildungsformen des Carcinoins 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich, E. Riesling, ImV. C. Meyer (Wilhelm)2 [1856- ]. * Untersuchungen iiber deu Bacillus des Abdominaltvphus. 37 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1881. Meyer (Wilhelm)3. *Ein Beitrag zur Behand- lung der Rachitis mit Phosphor. 32 pp. s^. Kiel, Schmidt u. Klaunig, 1885. Meyer (Wilhelm Benedictus). * Ueber die kiinst- liche Friihgeburt. 34 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuen- hahn, 1.869. [P., v. 304; 401.] Meyer (WilhelmH. A.) * Ueber systolische Ein- ziehungen iu der Gegeud der Herzspitze. 31 pp. 8°. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1881. Meyer (Willy). * Die Behaudlnng der Skoliose nach Sayre'schem Princip mit Zuhiilfeuahme von Jacken aus plastischeni Filz ; nach Beobachtun- gen in der chirurgischen Klinik und Poliklinik zu Bonn. 37 pp., 1 1. 8C. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1880. c. Meyer-Alirens (Kourad) [1813-73]. Der Stich iu den Jahren 1564 und 1565 im Zusammeuhange mit den iibrigen Epidemieen der Jahre 1562- 1566. 1 ]». 1., 182 pp., 11. 8~. Zurich, F. Schul- tliess, 1818. —-—. Die Bergkrankheit, oder der Einfluss des Ersteigens grosser Hohen auf den thierischen Organismus. xi, 130 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1854. -----. Die Heib|iiellen und Kurorte der Schweiz und einiger der Schweiz znuachst augrenzenden Gegenden der Nachbarstaaten. 2. Ausg. viii, 812 pp., 7 pi. roy. 8°. Zurich, Orell, Fiissli u. Comp., 1867. ---- & Bmegger (Chr. Gr.) Die Thermen von Borniio, iu physikalisch-chemischer, thera- peutischer, klimatologischer uudgeschichtlicher Beziehung. 135 pp. roy. 8°. Zurich, Orell, Fuessliu. Comp., 1869. —;— & Keiser-Miios. Hotel, Kur- und Pen- sionshaus Schonfels auf dem Zugerberg, Ct. Zug (Schweiz). 41 pp. 8C. Basel, 1876. ---- & Wiel (Josef). Bonndorf und Steina- miihle, zwei klimatische Curstationen auf dem Schwarzwalde. ii, 82 pp., 4 pi., 3 1., 2 maps. 8-\ Bonndorf u. Zurich, J. A. Binder, 1873. de Meyeren (Albertus). * De elephantiasi, nee non de casu quodam elephantiasis penis et scroti. 31 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Ploetzianis, 1865. voii Meyeren ([Carolus Augustus] Theophilus [Theodorus])[1804- 1 * De eclampsias diag- nosi atque prognosf. 31pp. em. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1825]. Von Meyeren ([Job.] Fridericus [Theophilus]) [ 1800- ]. * De accuratiore phthisis nervea- diagnosi. 26 pp. sm. 4C. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1825]. Meyerlieiiie (Ernestus) [1792- ]. *De angina polyposa. 23 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, formis F. Grunerti, [1823]. For Biography, see Sprengel (Curtius). Meyerlioff (Jacobus ) [1767- ]. * De vesti- mentoruin vi et efficacia deque optima ratione vestitus, priesertim virilis, apte instituendi; ad- jecta descriptioue vestis virilis nova*, origiuis Gennanica*, qua* propositis conditionibus quam maxime respondeat, simulque subjuncto pro- dromo litterario de omni re vestiaria. vi, 29 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Berolini, liberaria Maureri, 1815. Meyerlioff (Maximilianus Hugo Eduardus) [1843- ]. * De rlieumatismo articulorum acuto maximequeejustherapia. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1867]. Meyerillgh ( Ernst Friedrich ). * Feber die Behandlung von Oberschenkel-Fractureu durch permanente Extension mit Gewichten. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Halle, Plcitz, [1872]. c. Meyerowitz (David) [1829- ]. * De Inxa- tione patella1 in partem superiorem congenita. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, Jacoby et Stein thai, 1H57. Meyerowitz (Theodor). * Mikroskopische Un- teisiichuugeu fiber die normalen Hornhautzellen und deren Veriinderungen bei der traumatischen Keratitis. 60 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg in Pr., J. Jacoby, 1875. Meyers (Arthur B. R.) See .Seitz (Joh.) Die Ueheranstrengung des Herzens [etc.] *-. Berlin, 1875. Meyers (J. Fred.) See United Slates. Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary ... in compliance with a Senate reso- lution of March 11, 1873. 8°. [Washington, 1874.] Meyers (Maurits). * Een geval van perichon- dritis laryngea laryngoskopisch onderzocht. viii, 47 pp. 8°. Hoorn, Gebr. Vermande, 1867. Meyersollii (Bernhard). * Congenitale Defect- bildungen an deu Unterextremitaten eines Er- wachsenen. 47 pp., 1 pi. 8'-. Greifswald, F. TV. Kunike, [1878]. Meyersohn (Moritz) [1849- ]. * Zur Casu- istik der Pulmoualklappenleiden. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, R. Boll, [1872]. Meyerson (Albertus). * Sententiarum de in- flanimationis natura historia. 28 pp. 8°. Jence, typ. Schlotteri, 1846. Meyerstein (Rudolph). *Depertussi. 43 pp. 8°. Gottinga; F. Baler, 1831. Meyfeld (Joannes Godofredus). * Diss, sistens historiam partus difficilis ex spastica strictura uteri circa placentam. 20 pp. 4°. Altorfii, typ. J. G. Kohlesii, [1732]. Meylioeffer (Eduard). * Ueber die mechani- sche Behandlung der Hiiftgelenksentziindung. 31 pp. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1884. Meyhoeffer (Franciscus Fridericus). * De pneumatosi chronica intestiuali. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1853]. Meyhoffer (Job.) * Ueber acute Tuberculosis der Lungen. 81 pp., 11. 8°. Zurich, E. Kies- ling, 1855. Meyjes (Willem Christiaan Posthumus). Over traurnatische beleedigingen der wervelkolom. [Leiden.] 2 p. 1., 92 pp., 2 1. 8°. Amsterdam, ten Brink 4' de J'ries, 1859. Meyjes (Willem Posthumus). * Kalomel als diu- reticum. 2 p. 1., 80 pp., 21. 8°. Amsterdam, ten Brink 4- de Fries, 1887. de Meyjounissasdu Repaire (Guillaume- Puyjoli). * Du goitre exophthalniique. 48 pp. 4°." Paris, 1867, No. 90. Meyke (AVilhelm). * Beitrage zur Ermittelung einiger Hopfeu-Surrogate im Biere. [Dorpat.] 44 pp., 1 tab. 8~. Libau, V. Niemann, 1878. Meykow (.Emilius). * Comparata* de radice rhei aliisque qui°usdam substautiis investiga- METKOW. 240 MEYR. Mcykow (^Einilins)—continued. tiones. 36 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. H. Laak- manni, 187,8. Meyl (Fr. Wilhelm). * Ein Beitrag zur Diag- nostik der Neubildnngen iu der hiutern Schii- delgrnbe. 27 pp. 8-. Jena, A. Nettenhaltn, 186,9. [P., v. 270.] Meyler (Antonius). * De melancholia. 24 pp. 8-*. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1893. [P., v. 27.] Meylert (Asa P.) Notes on the opium habit. 36 pp. 16°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884. -----. The same. 3. ed. iv pp., 1 p. 1., 47 pp. 12 . New York if- London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1885. -----. The same. 4. ed. vi (11.), 49 pp. 12-. New York t)'- London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1885. Meylett ( Gtilielmtis Gough ). * Dc calculosis. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1798. [Also, in: P., v. 8.] Meylor (J. J.) See Watson (Thomas). Watson abridged ; a synopsis of the lectures [etc.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1887. de Meymar (Alexandre). * Contribution a l'etude du phlegmon diffus du membre superieur. 33 pp., 1 1. 4 . Paris, 1881, No. 272. Meyn (Andr. Ludw. Adolph). Die Asphyxie, in ihren staatsiir/.tlichen und klinischen Beziehun- gen. 1 p. 1., 172 pp. 8°. Kiel, C. Bilnsoiv, 1843. Meynard (J.) * I. D6terniiner si des obser- vations reiueillies jusqu'a ce jour permettent d'ctablir que telle m6thode de traitement de l'affection calculeuse est preferable a telle autre, suivaut les pays, les ages, les habitudes, les professions. II. [etc.] 41pp. 4\ Paris, 1840, No. Ill, v. 363. Meynard (J.-X.) * Etude sur l'obliteration de l'aorte abdominale par embolie ou par throm- bose. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883. Meynard (Joseph). * Des indications et contre- indieationsoperaloires. 31pp. 4C. Parti, 1845, No. 175, v. 435. Meynard (Louis-Gabriel). * Considerations sur les maladies nervenses les plus communes aux filles a l'epoqne de la puberty. 24 pp. 4^-. I'a- ris, 1812, No. 23, v. 87. Meynard (J'iene-Alphonse). *De la niye'lite. 26 pp. 4C. Paris, 1847, No. 169, v. 462. Meyner (Ernst Albrecht). * Mittheilungen iiber Hautkrankheiten. 25 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuen- hahn, 1868. Meyners d'Estrey. Editor of: Revue hihliographique universelle des sci- ences niedicales, Paris, 1884. Meynert( Theodor) [1833- ]. Der Bau der Gross-Hirnrinde and seine ortlichen Versehieden- heiten, nebst einem pathologisch-anatomischen Corollariuni. 08 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Neuwied, J. H. Heuser, 1872. Repr. from.- Vrtljschr. f. Phychiat, Neuwied, 1867-8, i. -----. Zur Mecbanik des Gehirnbaues. 20 pp. 8C. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1«74. -----. Skizzen iiber Umfaug und wisseuschaft- liche Anorduung der klinischen Psychiatric 38 pp. 8 . Wien, W. Braumiiller, 187(i. Repr. from: Psychiat. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, vi. -----. Die Winduugen der couvexen Oberfliiche des Vorder-Hirnes bei Menschen, Alfen und Raubthieren. 32pp. 8~. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, ls77. Repr. from: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1876-7, vii, 2. Hft. -----. Ueber Fortschritte im Verstanduiss der krankhafteu psychischen Gehirnzustiinde. 54 pp. S3. Wien, TV. Braumiiller. 1878. Repr. from: Psychiat. Centralbl.. "Wien, 1877, vii. -----. Die acuten (hallucinatorischen) Formen des Wahnsinns und ihr Verlauf. 16 pp. y Wien, Toeplitz u. Deuticke, 1881. Repr. from: Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Wien, 1881, ii. Meynert (Theodor)—continued. -----. Psychiatric Klinik der Erkrankuniren des Vordeihirns begriindet auf (lessen Ban, Leis- tungen uud Erniihrnng. 1. Iliilftc. x, 2-8 ,,,, 1 pi. 8-'. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1884. -----. The same. Psychiatry; a clinical treatise on diseases of the fore-brain, based upon a study of its structure, functions, and nutrition. Transi. by B. Sachs. Pt. 1. The anatomy, physiology and chemistry of tbe brain, ix pp., 1 I.', osf, ?,,,' 8J. New York <)'• London, G. P. Putnam's Sons 1887). -----. The same. Psichiatrija. Klinika zabo- levauii peredniago mozga, osnovannaja na stroc- nii, otpravlenijacb i pitanii. Perevod M. E. Liona, pod redaktsiei P. I. Kovalevskago. ;VS3 pp. 8. Cltarkoff, M. P Silberberg, 18*7). Also, Co-Editor of: Vierteljahrsachrift fiir Psychia- trie, Neuwied und Leipzig, 1867-9. — P«veliialii>.c Im* Centralblatt, Wien, 1871-8.—Jahrbiicher fiir l'su i,i:i- trie, Wien, 1ST!). Meynet (C.-H.-Paul). * Epidemic d'orysipHe et d'ulce'ration de l'ombilic chez les noiiveau-ne\s observee a l'hospice de la Charitc dc Lvon. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 156, v. 608. Meynet (C.-Lucien). * Considerations sur quel- ques points de la physioiogie et de la pathologie du cceur. 71 pp. 4-. Paris, 1858, No. 126, v 621. Meynet ( G. ) Assistance publique. Medecins munieipaux. 15 pp. H~. Paris, A. Parent, 1881). Repr. from: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1S8U, xlvii. Meynet (P.) See Vaccine et verole, etc. X'-\ Paris, 1865. Meynial (J.) * Quelques considerations sur la formation (les hydropis,' ... en g6iieral, leurs causes et leur traitement. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 148, v. 242. Meynier (Achille). * Essai sur l'amaurose, suivi de quelques propositions sur la nie'decine. 16 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1831, v. 62. Meynier (J.) * Considerations sur l'emploi de la methode inamovible dans le traitement des fractures des membres. 31 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 714, 2.8., v. 37. Meynier (J.-C.) * Etude des deviations de l'uterus gravide comme cause de dystocie. 6>8 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 132. Meynier (J.-F.) "Considerations hygiehiqnes sur la femme pendant la gestation, vi, 7-29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 22, v. 170. Meynier (M.-L. -Gustave). * Recherches sur l'aetion toxique de quelques essences. 47 pp. 4-. Paris, 1859, No. 122, v. 634. Meynier (Prosper). *Sur l'expectation. 32 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1828, No. 177, v. 218. Meynne (Amand). P" la construction des ca- sernes au point de vuede I'hygiene. (it pp. 8 . Bruxelles, J.-B. Tircher 1847. -----. Hygiene militaire. Etudes sur la con- struction (les casernes sur raliineutation du sul- dat, et sur les fatigues de la vie militaire. 1 p. 1., 79, 111, 63 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, J.-B. Tircher, 187)6. -----. Elements de statistique meilicale mili- taire. 95 pp. 8~. Bruxelles, Tircher, 187)9. -----. Topographie medicale de la Belgique. Etudes de geologie, de climatologie, de statis- tique et d'hygiene publique. xii, 582 pp., 1 map. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Mauceaux, 1865. Also, Editor of: Archive** de medecin*- militaire, Bruxelles, 1848. Meyr (Iguaz). Beitrage zur Augeuheilkiuide. 44 pp., 1 pi. 8 . Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1850. -----. Compendium der Augenheilkunde. x, 333 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wien, W, Braumiiller, 1852. ------. The same. 2. ganzlich nmgearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. vi, 347 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Brau- miiller; 1866. MEYE. "' 241 MEZLER. Meyr (Ignaz)—continued. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. vi, 358 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1871. ------. The same. Beknopt handbook der oog- heelkunde, nit het Hoogduitsch, door J. E. C. van Cainpen. viii, 298 pp. 8°. Utrecht, ran Heijnin- gen ,y- Post Uilerweei; 187ri. ------. Anleitung zur Wahl der Kurorte. Prak- tische Rathschlage fiir Aerzte und Kurbediirf- tige. x. 287 pp., 1 map. 8°. Wien, IV. Brau- miiller. 1871. Meyrae (F.-Eugene). *Des nevralgies articu- laires en rapport avec. des fievres iutermitteutes anciennes. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 117. v. 378. Meyrae (Joseph-Sylvain). * Essai semeiotique sur l'e'tat de la langue dans les maladies aigues. 34 pp. 8-. Paris, an NI [1803], v. 24. Meyranx (Pierre-Stanislas) [1790-18:52]. Ob- servations sur la constitution nie'dicale dos mois de novembre, de'eembre et Janvier des annees 1819 ct 1820, et sur les maladies qui se sont pre- sentees pendant ce trimestre, a l'Li-ole, clinique interne de Montpellier; et quelques reflexions sur le systeme de Broussais. 109 pp. 8-'. Mont- pellier, J.-G. Tournel, 1821. Meyrick (William). The new family herbal; or, domestic physician; enumerating, with ac- curate descriptions, all the known vegetables which are any way remarkable for medical effi- cacy; with an account of their virtues iu the several diseases incident to the human frame. 469, 10 pp., 14 pi. 4°. Birmingham, T. Pearson, 1790. de Meyrignac (Heuri-Paul). * De l'empoison- nenieut par la strychnine. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 225, v. 634. de Meyserey. Methode aisee et pen couteuse, de traiter avec succes plusieurs maladies 6pide- miques, comme la suette, la fievre miliaire, les fievres pourprees, etc. 48 pp., 1 1. 12c. Parti, Le Breton, 1752. [P., v. 779.] -----. The same. 2. e"d., revile et augmented. 58 pp. 8. Paris, Vve. Cavelier 4'fils, 1753^ [P., v. 1637. ] ------. La m6decine d'armee, contenant des mo- yens ais^s de preserver de maladies, sur terre et sur mer, dans toutes sortes de pais et d'en guerir, sans beaucoup de remedes ni de de"penses, les gens de guerre et autres de quelqne condition qu'ils soient. 3 v. 12°. Parti, Vve. Cavelier 4~ fils, 177)4. Meyssonerills(Hieremias). De peste libellus. In quo morbi essentia, causa*, signa et curatio, breviter pertractantur. 38 pp., 1 1. 16°. Ave- nione, I. Bramereau, 1607. Meyssoimier(Lazare)[1602-72]. Themiedela medecine d'une maniere nouvelle et ties-intel- ligible. 3 p. 1., 7-53 pp., 7 1., 1 pi. 4°. [Lyon, G. Barbier, 1678.] In: Guyon Dolois (L.) Le cours de medecine, etc. 4°. Lyon, 167H. ------. Traite des maladies veu6neuses, qui man- quoit a ce cours. 7. e"d. 12 pp. 4°. [Lyon, 167rt.] In: G ivon Dolois (L.) Le cours de medecine, etc. 4°. Lyon, HITS. For Biography, see Ann. Soc. dc med. de Lyon, 1872, 2. s., xx, 67-72 (J.-G. Lavirotte). Also.- Lyon m6d., 1872, ix, 495-500 (J.-G. Lavirotte). Mez (Job. Fridericus). *Diss. sistens: Noli me +augere medicum, sive morbos quos tangere non licet. 29 pp., 3 1. sm. 4°. Halce Mae/deb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1751]. de Meza (Jacob Theophilus) [1756-1844]. Be- merkung eines durch kaltes Wasser geheilten Zahnschmerzes. Eine Streitschrift. 7 pp. 16°. Kopenhagen, J. R. Thiele, [1775], 16 de Meza (Jacob Theophilus)—continued. ------. Von dem Gebrauche der ausserlichen Artzneyen in der Artzueykunst. Erstes Capitel. 15 pp. sm. 8°. Kopenhagen, J. P. Thiele, [1776]. ------. Tractatio de quibusdam notabilioribus objectis ad artem obstetricandi spectantibus tyronum usui destinata. 118 pp. 8°. Hafnice, C. G. Proft, 1783. de Meza (Justus Zadig). See Mtrack (Carl). Medicinische Beobachtungen von der Petetsi-licnkrankheit [etc.] 12°. Copenhagen u. Leip- zig, 1777. , de Meza (Salomon Theophilus). Diatriba* me- dica' tres. 176 pp. 8°. Hafnice, J. G. Rothe, 1775. CONTEXTS. I. De officio medico clinico. II. De sanguinis missione. III. De usu noxio et salubri vesicantium, ------. Fasciculus alter, iuflammationes et do- lores sistens. xxv pp., 11., 162 pp. 8-: Hafnice, C. G. Proft, 1780. ------. Tentainen historia* medica'. viii, 248, 300 pp. 8°. Hafniw, C. G. Prof I, fil. etsoc, 1795. Mezbonrian (Nerses-Sahak). *Du diagnostic des bruits de souffle extracardiaques. 40 pp. 4-. Paris, 1874, No. 470. Tlr 74'IT II III. Sec Daphne Mezereum. Mezger (Carl). * Beitrag zur auatomischen und chemisehen Kenntniss des Holzes der Eperua falcata. [Erlangen.] 19 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1884. Mezger (Christophorus Daniel.) *De cuticula etcute. 52 pp. sm. 4°. [Altdorfi], H. H. Meyer, [1685]. ------. * De lactatione. 40 pp. sm. 4°. Altdorfi, H. Meyer, [1685]. Mezger (Gottlob Immanuel Siegfried) & Closs (Job. Fridericus). Disputatio de miraculorum indole, criterio et fine. 16 pp. 4°. Tubingw, typ. Loefflerice vidua; [1755]. Mezger (Joh. Georg). *De behandeling van distorsio pedis met f'ricties. [Leiden.] 2 p. 1., 53 pp. 8-'. Amsterdam, C. van Helden, 1868. Mezger (Ludovicus). *De murorum recens il- litorum exhalatione nociva. 31 pp. 8°. Tu- bingce, typ. Eifertianis, [1832], i?Iezgei* (Martinus Christophorus) [1625- 90]. Portrait in : Collection—van Kaathoven. Meziere (Victor). * De la puberte dans les deux sexes. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 186, v. 448. Mezler (Franz Xaver) [1756-1812]. Unfehlbares Wehrmittel gegen die Wuth- und Wasserscheue, welche auf Bisse wfithendcr Thiere folgen. 1 p. I., 80 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Wagner u. Sohn, 1781. ------. Von der Wassersucht. Eine gekronte Preisschrift aus dem Latcinischen. Nebst einem Anhange fiber die Ansteckung. 3 1., 9-174 pp. 8°. U'lm, .1. K. Woltler. 1787. ------. Vou der scliwarzgallichten Konstitution. Eine gekronte Preisschrift. Aus dem Lateiui- schen. 198 pp. 8C. Ulm, I. K. Wohler, 1788. ------. Leber die Vortheile des Fieliers in laug- wierigen Krankheiten. Eine Preissschriff. Aus dem Lateinischen. 218 pp. 12-\ Ulm, Wohler, 1790. ------. Preisfrage. Welche Methode ist die beste, veraltete Gescbwiire an den untern Gliedmassen zu heilen f Mit einem Anhange practischer Beobachtungeu. 157 pp. 4°. Wien, R. Graeffer u. Comp., 1792. ------. Versuch einer Geschiehte des Aderlasses. 293 pp. 12°. Ulm, Wohler, 1793. ------. Ueber den Einfluss der Heilkunst auf die praktische Theologie. Ein Beytrag zur Pasto- MEZLER. 242 MIALHES. Mezler (Franz Xaver)—continued. ralmedizin. 2. Aufl. 2 v. xxxii, 240 pp.; 242- 568 pp. 12°. Ulm, Wohler, 1800. ------. Versuch eines Leitfadens zur Abfassung zweckuiassigermedizinischerTopographien. xx, 189 pp., 2 tab., 1 pi., 1 1. 12°. Freyburg it. Kon- stanz, Herder, 1814. ------. Versuch einer medizinischen Topographie der Stadt Sigmariugen. xxviii, 381 pp., 1 1., 30 tab., 1 chart. 12°. Freiburg, Herder, 1822. Also, Co-Editor of.- IVIcdicinisch-chirurgischr Zei- tung, Salzburg. 17!iti-!i:i. von Mezler von Andelberg (Franz Joseph) [1787-1858], Sammlung auserlesenerAbhandlun- gen Uber Kinder-Kraukheiten. Aus den besten medieinisch-chirnrgischen Zeitschrifteu und an- dern Werken der neuern Zeit zusammengestellt. 6 v. in 3. 8°. Prag, G. Haase Solute, 1833-7. ------. Die Leistungen des kaiserl.-konigl. Artil- leriespitals zu Prag, nebst vorausgescbickteu Be- trachtungen iiber die Gesundheitspflege der Sol- daten iiberhaupt und der Artillcristen insbeson- dere. viii pp., 11., 357 pp., port., 3 1. 8°. Prag, G. Haase Sbhne, 1839. -----. Der iirztliche Kathgeber fiir den Soldaten. Eine leichtfassliche Belehrung, wie sich der Krie- ger selbst keunen lernen soil, seine Gesundheit erhalten kann und sich bei Krankheiten und Uufallen zu benehmen hat, mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf die Einrichtung und Verhaltnisse der k. k. osterreichischen Armee. xii, 592 pp. 12°. rrag. F. Scheib, 1846. Mezler de Andelberg (Joannes Baptista). * De influxu auatomia? pathologica* iu medicinam practicam. 80 pp., 2 1. 8°. Pragce,typ. filiorum T. Haase, 1841. Mezzabotta (E.) La verita sui cholera; la storia; i colpevoli, le rivelazioni; le eonseguenze, i rimedii necessarii. 47 pp. 8°. Roma, E. Pc- rino, 1883. iflezzanotte {Antonio) [1786- ]. Dkagomanni (F. G.) Biografia, [etc.] 8°. Imola, 1843. Repr. from: Ltile-Dulci, anno ii, nos. 4-5. Mezzini (Augusto). Sulla emorragia cerebrale; coiisiderazioni teorico-pratiche. 45 pp. 8°. Bo- logna, Gamberiui et Parmeggiani, 1862. Repr. from : Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1862, 4. s., xviii. Mliieliel (Adrien). * Reduction en masse des heri)iesetrangl(3es. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 70. Itlhovr. Wcathcrhead. [Observations made at Mhow.] Tr. M. .t Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1840, iii, 204-206. Miagliano. Eegolamenti di pubblica igiene e polizia urbana. 32 pp. 8°. Biella, G. Amosso, 1886. Mialaret (Gerard). * Contribution a l'etude des modifications de la sensibility du membre snpe- rieur cons^cutives aux sections nerveuses. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 232. Mialel (Antoine). *De la dysenteric 26 pp. 4-. Paris, 187,-A, No. 292. Miallie (Louis)1 [1807-86]. * Essai de proposi- tions et d'observations pharmaceutiques. 44 pp. 4-. Paris, Fain, 18116. For Biography, see France med., Par., 1886, ii, 1536(A. C). ------. * Essai de propositions et d'observations chimiques et meYlicales. 40 pp. 4°. Parti, 1838 No. 26, v. 331. ------. *De la decomposition spontanee des etres organises, et des moyens de la prevenir. 52 pp. 4C. Paris, Rignoux, 1839. Concours. ---■—. Considerations chimiques et th6rapeu- tiques sur les differentes especes de magudsie caleinee employees en medecine. 24 pp. 8'-. Paris, Lange, Levy .('■ Cie., 1844. [P., v. 1644.] Repr. from: J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1843-4, xi. Miallie (Louis)1—continued. ------. Memoire sur les Emanations du plomb et .sur Taction physiologique des divers composes founds par ce metal, lu a l'Academie royale de medecine, le 27 decembre 1842; suivi de quel- ques reflexions sur l'absorption des me'riicaincns et des poisons. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, Lange, Uvu if- Cie., 1844. [P., v. 1666.] Repr. from: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1843-4, xi. ------. Traite de 1'art de forniuler, ou notions de pharmacologic appliqu(>e ii la medecine. iv cccvi, 220 pp. 8°. Paris, Fortin, Masson 4- Cie., 1845. ------. Memoire sur la digestion et l'assiniilation des matieres amvloi'des et sucreVs. 26 pp. 8-1 Parti, V. Masson, 1846. [P., v. 474; 1644.] ------. Memoire sur la digestion et l'assiniilation des matieres albumino'ides; lu a. l'Academie des sciences le 3 aout 1846. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, V. Masson. 1847. [P., v. 474; 1203; 1644.] Repr. from : TTnion med., Par., 1847, i. ------. Recherches the"oriques et pratiques sur les purgatifs. 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1848. [P., v. 803; 1644.] Repr. from: Union m6d., Par., 1848, ii. ------. Nouvelles recherches sur la cause et le traitement du diabete sucr6 ou glucosurie. 12 pp. 8°. [ Parti, 1849. ] [AIso, in: P., v. 453; 1647.] Repr. from: Bull. g6n. de therap., Par., 1849, xxxvi. ------. Nouvelles considerations chimiques et the"- rapentiques sur le tartrate de potasse et de fer (tartrate ferrico-potassique). 7 pp. 8°. [Pa- ris, Hennuyer 4' Cie., 1850.] Repr, from: Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1850, xxxviii. ------. Die Receptirkunst, oder die Kenutniss der Pharmacologic in ihrer Anwendung auf die Me- dicin fiir Studireude und praktische Aerzte, ins Deutsche iibertragen von Dr. R. Biefel. viii, 268 pp. 12°. Breslau, Trewendt u. Granier, 1852. ------. De l'albumine et de ses divers etats dans l'econoinie animale. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Mal- teste 4- Cie, 1852. [P., v. 798 ; 1644.] Repr. from: Union m6d., Par., 1852, vi. ------. Du r61e chimique de l'acide carbonique dans l'econoinie animale. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste 2. In 1857 it coalesced with the Medical College of Ohio. In 181)5 the connection was severed, and the school was reorganized under the old title. -----. Announcements of spring and summer ses- siousfor 1853; 1807: 1872; 1873; 1876. 8°. [Cin- cinnati, 1853-76.] .-----. History of the . . . and of its faculty and alumni. From the years 1852 to 1880, inclusive. 119 pp. 8?. Cincinnati, 1881. Alumni Association, 1881. I?lianow*ki (Joseph) [1804-79]. [Necrology.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1879, xxvi, 47.— IVekrologia. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1879, vii, 47. Mianowski (Nicolaus) [ -1844]. *Diss. therapiain febris nervosa* exhibens. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Vilnce, J. Zawadski, [1807], Mia I'd (Antony). *Origine de la myopie, l'ac- conmiodation et les defauts de refraction. 119 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 264. -----. Des troubles fonctionnels et organiques de l'ametropie et de la myopie en particulier, de l'accommodation binoculaire et ciliaire dans les vices de la refraction. Recherches etiologiques des conditions d'existence des divers defauts r6- fractifs; nature et mecanisme des phenomenes physiologiques qu'ils comportent et des etats pa- thologiques prineipaux qu'ils engendrent. Trai- tement de la myopie. viii, 460 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ffils, 1872. Mias (R.-N.) "Sur les passions considers conime causes de maladies. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 371, v. 305. Miasm. See, also, Contagion, etc.; Effluvia; Fever (Malarial, Causes of); Gases (Irrespirable, etc); Germ theory of disease, etc.; Malaria, etc.; Soil. Baehken (J. F.) Over contagium en miasma. 8-". Tiel, 1876. Balestra (P.) Ricerche ed esperinienti sulla natura e genesi del miasma palustre. 2. ed. 8U. Roma, 1877. Bertllls (E.) Observations et reflexions sur l'iutoxicatiou miasmatique, consideree en general dans les differents etats pathologiques qui en resulteut, et plus specialement dans la peste, le typhus, la fievre jaune et le eholera-inorbus epi- demique. 8°. Montpellier, 1843. Boisdon (A.) * Des effets produits sur l'orga- nisme par les miasmes animaux non contagieux. 4°. Paris, 1861. Bkeslaler (J.) *De miasmatibus et conta- giis. 8J. Vratislavice, [1855]. Bressy. Cours de miasmatique, traduit de la nature. 8°. Paris, 1832. Ciiexald (L.) *Dela receptivite" inorbide de l'organisme a jeun. 4°. Paris, 1875. Durand-Claye (A.) Memoire sur le desse"- chement du lac Fucino. 8°. Paris, 1878. Repr. from: Ann. d. ponts et chaussees, 1878, xv, 1. sen*. Froehlich (J. B.) *De prsecipuis miasma- tuni fontibus. 8-. Landishuti, 1812. Gericke (J. L.) *Diss. sistens miasnm.tolo- giaiu generalem. 4°. Gottingee, [1775]. Malischewski (H.) * Des principes miasma- tiques. 4°. Paris, 1867. Pradeau (M.-E.-A.) * Parallele des miasmes, des virus, des venins, des poisons et des medica- ments. 4G. Paris, 1867. ^Iia*m. Romershalsen (E.) Das Miasma. Ueber wahrscheinliche Entstehuug und Verbreitung desselben im Allgemeiuen, und in besonderer Beziehung auf eine naturgemasse, richtige und schiitzende Construction der Abtrittsanlagen und Kloake. Eine physikalisch-technische Mitthei- luug an Sanitats-Behdrdeu, Aerzte, Ortsvor- steher, Bau-Unternehmer und Familieuhaupter. 12°. Marburg, 1856. Sciilelrholts (L. T.) * De effluviorum pa- ludosorum, in regioue inprimis Groningana, ori- gine, natura et efficacia noxia in corpus huma- num. 8'-. Groningce, [1830]. Ulfeeks CSV. J.) "De miasmate contagioso. 4°. Kilice Holsatorum, 1773. Bell (J.) On miasm as an alleged cause of fevers. Phila. J. M. tfc Phys. Sc, 1825, xi, 274-316. — Rrrgman (F. A. O.) Om niiasnuruas och contagiernas natur och verkuingssiitt. Lpsala Lakaref. Fdrh., 1867-8, iii, 600-629. Also, lie-print.—Bi»ehof (G.) Ueber die Natur der Mi- asmen, welche sich bei der Vermischung des Meerwassers mit siissem Wasser biltleu. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bonn, 1840-41, i, 479-493.— Blue (J. H.) Remarks on miasm. West, tfc South. M. Recorder, Lexington, Ky., 1843, ii, 67- 71.—Bveyt-t- etal. Sur les miasmes. Bull. Soc. roy. d. sc. nied. etna), de Brux., 1874,2-12.—Bryan (J.M.) The ori- gin of miasmatic disease. Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1873, ii, 688.— B iir«lel (K.) Nouvelles recherehes sur le miasme et l'iiu- paludation. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1861. 2. s., iv, 98; 435: 1862,2. s., v,'90. Also, Reprint.—Carman (B. R.) Remarks ou the existence and mode of obviating the injurious effects of miasma, resulting from decomposi- tion of vegetable matter. San Francisco M. Press. 1860, i, 5-8. — Colin ( L. ) Miasme. Diet, encvcl. d. se. m6d., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii, 511-551. Also, Reprint.—Corrca de Serra (E.-J.) Notice sur le miasme epideiniijue. Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1876, 320; 376; 430: 457. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Salute, Genova, 1876, xi, 285; _> Kiel, Lipsitts u. Tticher, 1886. MichahellCS (G. C. C. W.) Das Malo di scar- lievo in historischer umlpathologischer Hin.siohf. beschrieben. 64 pp. 8-. Niirnberg, J. A stein 1833. ' Michailescil. * Etude sur nn fait de pleuresie avec epanchemeut purulent d'emblee. 41 pi> u 4 . Paris. 1889, No. 437. MichailofT (N. F.) Materially k opredelenijou fizicheskago razvitija i bolieznennosti v selsk'ich schkolach Kuzskago uiezda Moskovskoi gu- bernii. [Material for statistics of physical de- velopment and morbidity in rural schools of Ruzsk district, government of Moscow.] 42 pp., 4 diag. 8 . Moskva, tipog. V. V. Islenerct, | 1887. -----. Obtsbaja charakteristika dejateluosti ua- shich vospitatelnych domov. [General features of tbe foundling asylums.] 21pp. so, Moskva S. P Jakovlcra, 1887. MichailofT (V. I.) Hi| notizm v sravnenii h javleuijami jizneuno-magniticheshinii, v isklu- chitelnom primenenii poslednich k lecheniu bol- nich. [Hypnotism in comparison with the phe- nomena of bio-magnetism, excluding its appli- cation to treatment of diseases.] ii, 133 pp., 2 1. 8C. Moskva, tip. A. I. Mamontova 4' Ko., 18*6. -----. The same, ii, 137 pp., 11. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1886. Michailovski (Jakov). * O vidieleuii mocheju rtuti pri terapevt. upotreb. eja v forme mazci. [Presence of mercury in the urine after its ap- plication in the form of ointment.] 58 pp 1 diag. 8°. ,S7. Petersburg, 1886. Michalevich (I.) *Obmien i usvoenie azot. chastei pitshi pri tsinge. [Metamorphosis aud assimilation of nitrogenous matter of food in scurvy. 34 pp., 6 tab. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1886. IVIichalke (Carl). * Ueber die Venvachsung des Herzbeutels mit dem Herzeu. 38 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1880. Michalke (Job.) *Ein Beitrag zur Behai-'lung des Baudwurmleideus. 20 pp. 8-. Gn fswald, F W. Kunike, 1874. Michallet (F.-Saint-Ange). *Coup-d'a*il rapide sur Part de guerir. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 150, v. 167. Michaloff (Ivan H.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'euchondrome avec metastases. 83 pp., 3 1., 2 pi. 8-. Geneve, Taponnier 4' Studer, 1882. Michalon (Lucien). * Des insertions vicieuses du placenta et des indications qui en d6coulent. 94 pp. 4C. Paris, 1869, No. 202. Michalowicz (Edgard). * Dege"ue"rescence kystique des reins et du foie. 31 pp. 4^. Pa- ris, 1876, No. 95. Michalski (A.) See Eiarrey (Felix-Hippolyte), le baron. Observation d'amputation [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1857. Michalski (Audr6). *I. Quelles sont les ma- ladies de la peau qui consistent dans une colora- ation anormale f £tablir les caractercs de ces maladies. II. [etc.] 47 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1842, No. 149, v. 393. Michalski (Arthur). * De la meLhode liypo- dermique, ou des injections sous-cntanecs. 100 l>p. 4C. Paris, 186*, No. 289. Michalski (Franciscus). * De epilepsia. 31 pp. 8°. Vratislavict; G. T. Kom, [18311], Michalski (L.) * Etude sur la premiere denti- tion. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 152. -----. Du sevrage. Conseils ii ma fille, aux jeuiies meres et aux nourrices. 46 pp. 8 . Pa- ris, Delahaue 4' Cie, 1876. Michalski (Ludwig). * Experimeutelle Bei- triige zur Frage Uber die Bedeutung derhalbzir- keliorniigen Kanale des Ohrlabyrinths. 29 pp. b°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1876. MICHALSKY. 247 MICHEL. Michalsky (Carolus Oscarus). *Nonnulla de pneuiiiothorace. 14 pp., 1 L 8-'. Jena, typ. A. Neuenhahni, 1863. C. Michalsky (Joannes Joseph.) * De iuflamma- tione tuuicie mucosae tractus alimentarii follicu- losa. 1 p. 1., 39 pp. 8°. Gryphiw, F. G. Kunike, [1839]. Michauck (Job. Heiurich). *Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie des Uterus fibroides. 36 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, Huethel u. Legler, [1868]. [P., v. 304.] Mich:iu. 8-. Pa- ris, Labe, 1851. ------. Du pronostic de Pepilepsie et du traite- ment de cette maladie par le valerianate d'atro- pine. Fragment d'un memoire lu devant l'Aca- demie imperiale de m6deciue, pr^c^de" d'un ex- trait du rapport a PAcadeinie sur ce memoire. 43 pp. 8°. Parti, Labe, 1858. ------. Recherches experinientales sur l'emploi compare des priucipaux agents de la medication stup6fiante dans le traitement de Pali6nation mentale. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot, [n. d. 1 [P.,v. 478.] -----. The same. 2. ed. 112 pp. 8°. Pan's, Labe, 1857. Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1852, 3. s., vii. MicheS'. See Bertranil (JeanLaptiste) & ITIiehel. Observa- tions faites sui la peste, [etc.] 16°. Lyon, 1721. Michel2. Nouvelles observations sur le pouls, par rapport aux crises, xxxiv, 118 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, De Bare Vaine, 1757. MICHEL. 248 MICHEL. Michel, Etude sur la nature et la cause pr6- snniee des accidents survenus parmi les ouvriers qui travaillent aux fondations a Pair comprint du bassin de Missiessy h Toulon. 55 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4- fils, 1889. Repr. from-. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1880, xxxiii. Michel (Madame). Les remedes de bonnes femmes, ou moyens de prevenir, soigner et guerir toutes les maladies, [etc.] 104 pp., 1 pi. 32°. Paris, 1827. Michel (A.-E.) Quelques reflexions au sujet de la doulcur en general et de sa pathogenic, avec indication sommaire de son traitement uiddical et chirurgical. vi, 7-106 pp., 1 1. 4'-'. Mont- pellier, 1878, No. 31. Michel (Alph.) * Considerations sur la pnen- monie, d'apres les experiences de M. Magendie. 29 pp. 4'-'. Parti, 1838, No. 166, v. 331. Michel (Alphonse-Armand) [ 1854- ]. * Du pan- nus et spe'cialenient de son traitement local par la poudre d'iodoforme. 36 pp. 4C. Paris, 1880, No. 471. Michel (Augustus Ferdiuandus). "De rachi- tide. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1853]. Michel (Carl). Die Kraukheiten der Nasenhohle und des Nasenracheuraumes. Nach eigenen Be- obachtungen. 1 p. 1., 107 pp.. 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1876. -----. The same. Trait6 des maladies des fosses uasales et de la cavite nasopharyngienue d'apres des observations personnelles. Trad, de Palle- mand par le docteur A. Capart. 158 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Mauceaux, 1879. -----. Du traitement des maladies de la gorge et du larynx. Etudes cliniques .. . Trad, de Palle- niand par R. Calmettes. iv, 143 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles, A. Mauceaux, 1884. Michel (Ch.-H.) * De la dysenteric 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 40, v. 448. Michel (Charles)1. *De lachlorose. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 248, v. 301. Michel (Charles)2. * Quelques considerations sur les plaies de la trachee et de l'emploi de la canule comme moyen hdinostatique. 43 pp. 4°. Parti, 1877, No. 122. Michel (Charles-Evariste). * Topographie medi- cale de Pile Maurice. 134 pp. 4°. Parti, 1842, No. 88, v. 393. Michel (Denis). * De la grippe et de ses niani- festatious pulmonaires (pneumonie et broncho- pneumonie). 91 pp., 8 ch. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 172. Michel (Denis-Frerleric). * Essai sur l'erysipele. 15 pp. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel aiiti, 1824, No. 87. [P., v. 1331.] Michel (E.-Adolphe). * De la variole auomale. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 76. Michel (Edouard-Isidore-Jules). * Considera- tions sur le rhumatisme cerebro-spinal. 45 pp., 1 1. 4G. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 713, 2. s., v. 37. Michel (Evariste). " De Pictere heniaph&que. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 229. See, also, I^anglebcrt (Edmond). Traite theorique et pratique des maladies veiierieiines, [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1864. -----. The same. Tratado teorico y pr&ctico de las enfer- medades venereas. 8°. Madrid, 1877. Michel (F.-J.-X.) *Sur l'emploi des eaux mine- rales de Plombieres et de Luxeuil dans le traite- ment de quelques maladies chroniques. vi, 7- 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 8, v. 177. Michel (F.-M.-Eugene). * Des corps strangers penetrantsdel'oeil. 30pp. 4°. Pads, 1859, No. 185, v. 634. Michel (Felix). * Sur les fievres iutermittentes. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 266, v. 245. Michel (Francisqiie[Fraucois-Xavier]) [1809- ]. Histoire des races inaudites de la France et de Michel (Francisque [Francois-Xavier])—cont'd. PEspagne. 2 v. xii, 373; 341 pp. b°. Paris' A. Franek, 1847. Michel (Francois). * Etudes snr les accidents ur6miques. 46 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, i860 No 527, 2. s., v. 29. Michel (Francois-Jacques). * I. Du diagnostic des scrofules. II. [etc.] 34 pp. 4°. Paris 1841, No. 275, v. 378. Michel (Francois-Jules). * Observations pour servir a l'histoire de la nevralgie du mem live supe'rieur. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 308, v 621. Michel (Friedericus). * Abhandlung fiber Ge- burtslagen, nebst Beschreibung und Abbihlung eines neuen Gebarbettes. 2 p. 1., 70 pp., 1 pi. 8;. Prag, G. Haase, 1824. German text. Additional title is: De situ parturien- tium adnexa descriptione cubilis partiiiientibus dicati nu- per inventi. Michel (Gustave). * De l'erysipele dans la con- valescence a Pasile imperial du Ve"siuet. 44 pp 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 131. Michel (H.) De l'influeuce de Peau potable sur la sant6 publique, ou recherches sur I'hygiene. viii, 92 pp. 12°. Paris, Motteroz, 1884. -----. Une epklemie de cholera dans les Basses- Alpes. 18 pp. 8C. Annecy, J. Nie'rat 4 Cie., 1885. Michel (Heinrich). * Ueber die Wirkuug des Staphylococcus pyogenes albus auf die Milch. 24 pp. 8°. TViirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1886. Michel (Henri). * Contribution a l'etude de Palbuiuiuurie transitoire dans quelques mala- dies du systeme nerveux. 94 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1885, No. 268. -----. The same. 94 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here # fits, 1885. Michel (Hubert). * Des hydropisies en general, et sp^cialement de leur mecanisnie ou de leurs divers modes de developpement. 32 pp. 4°. Parti, 1845, No. 149, v. 435. Michel (J.)1 * Reflexions sur P6pid6mie dysen- terique qui re'gna en 1811 et 1812 a bord du vais- seau PAuguste, dans Pescadre de PEscaut. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 105, v. 104. Michel (J.)'2 Die histoiogische Structnrdeslris- stroma. Programm zum Eintritt iu die medi- cinische Facultiit und in den Sen at der kouigl. Friedrich-Alexanders-Universitat zu Erlangen. 36 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Erlangen, E. Besold, 1875. -----. The same. Eine Monographic 36 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Erlangen, E. Besold, 1875. -----. Die Priifung des Sehvermogens und der Farbenblindheit beim Eisenbahtipersonal und bei den Truppen. 11 pp. 8°. Miinchen, A. A. Finsterlin, 1878. Michel (J.-B.) * Des oreillons; etudes critiques sur leurs metastases. Orchite. 64 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1868, No. 59. Michel (J.-B.-Adrien). * Considerations physio- logiques sur le corps thvroide. 31pp. 4J. Pa- rti, 1850, No. 10, v. 499'. Michel (J.-B.-Edmond). * De Pendocardite dans PeLat puerperal physiologique, dans la fievre pnerperale simple ou traumatique, et dans la fievre puerp6rale iufectieuse. 83 pp. 4~. Pa- rti, 1873, No. 145. Michel (J.-M.-Aime"). * Des sympathies mor- bides, et des phenomenes secondaires dans les maladies. 31 pp. 4°. Parti, 1830, No. 158, v. 233. Michel (J.-M.-J.) *Sur Paffection vermineuse. 23 pp. Y. Paris, 1808, No. 96, v. 72. jflichel {Jean) [ -1495J. Chekeal (A.) Jean-Michel de Pierrevive, premier meVlecin de Charles VIII, roi de France, et le mystere de la passion. 8Z. Paris, 1864. Repr. from.- Bull, de biblioph. MICHEL. 249 MICHEL DE TEETAIGNE. Michel (Jean-Baptiste). * Sur la fievre inter- niittente adynamique. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 88, v. 89. [Also, in : P., v. 958.] ______. Statistique medicale de l'Hopital militaire du Gros-Caillou, adresse"e an Conseil de sante des annees, suivie de recherches thcoriques et pra- tiques sur les fievres intermittentes et r6mit- tcntes, simples et pernicienses, et sur les mala- dies typho'ides. xxiv, 261 pp., 11. 8-. Paris, Forlin, Masson 4' Cie, 1842. ITIichel (Jean-Laurent-Auguste). * Sur le sarco- cele on cancer du testicule. viii, 9-41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 150, v. 134. Michel (Jean-Simon-Eugene) [1819-83]. * I. Du traiteineiit a mettre en usage contre les helmin- thes intestinaux. II. [etc.] 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 167, v. 378. ------. * Des muscles et des os au point de vue de la m6cauique animale. 40 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1846, v. 12. Concours. ------. * De la contractility et des organes con- tractiles. 63 pp. 4-\ Strasbourg, 1849, v. 15. Concours. ------. Essai sur la chirurgie de Strasbourg; lu dans la stance annuelle de la Societe dc medecine de Strasbourg le 6 juillet 1854. 92pp., 1 pi. 8°. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1855. For Biography, see Rev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1883, xv, 289-298 (Gross etal.). Michel ([Johannes Philippus] Carolus) [1843- ]. * De favo. 26 pp. 8°. Gryphiw, F. Hache, 1866. c. Michel (Joseph)1. * Surladouleuretlesanesthe- siques en obstetrique. 34 pp. 4°. Parti, 1855, No. 127, v. 578. Michel (Joseph)2. * Etude sur les arthropathies survenant dans le cours de Pataxie locomotrice progressive. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 93. Michel (Joseph-Alfred). * Notes metlicales re- cueillies a la Cote-d'Or (geographie et patho- logie exotique). 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 183. Michel (Jules). * Etude du jalap. 57 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, Crtitin, Serve 4~ Ricome, 1882, No. 313. fieole supeiieure de pharmacie. Michel (Julius) [1843- ]. * Ueber die Verande- rnngen des Sehnerven, der Netzhaut und Ader- haut bei der Epilepsie. 26 pp. 8'-. Wurzburg, C. Becker, 1867. C. ------. Lehrbuch der Augenheilkunde. xvi, 674 pp., 2 pi. row 8'-. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1884. Also, Editor of: Jahresbcriclit iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte im Gebiete tier Ophthalmologic, Tiibin- gen, 1877. Michel (Leon-Fraucois). * Quelques considera- tions sur le cr&ne, surtout au point de vue des fractures. 42 pp. Y. Paris, 1854, No. 93, v. 563. Michel (Louis). * Sur Pascite et la paracentese. 23 pp. 40. Paris, 1825, No. 77, v. 192. Michel (Louis-Alfred). * Sur les rechutes de la fievre typhoide. 50 pp. 4°. Parti, 1864, No. 71. Michel (Louis-Ernest). * De Pictere des nou- veau-nes. 28 pp. 4-. Paris, 1867, No. 61. Michel (Ludovic). * Essai sur le diagnostic des tumeurs inguinales. 114 pp., 3 1., 1 tab. 4°. Montpellier, 1878, No. 51*. Michel (Marie-Ferdinand-Louis). * Etude cli- niqne sur la fievre typhoide chez les vieillards. 56 pp., 1 1. 4°. Mo"ntpelliei; 1884, No. 45. Michel (Marx Friedrich). Einige Fiille aus der Entbindungs-Wisseuschaft. 108 pp. 16°. Frank- furt u. Leipzig, 1781. Michel (Middleton). * On organogeny. 21pp. 8-. Charleston, Burges 4' James, 1846. Michel (Middleton)—continued. ------. Poisouing by ergot in attempting crimi- nal abortion; with reflections upon some of the causes of sudden death. 30 pp. 8°. Charleston, V. Canning, 1850. Repr. from: Charleston M. J. & Kev., 1850, v. ------. Introductory address, delivered before the class of the Medical College of South Carolina, Nov. 1. 1851. 31 pp. 8°. Charleston, J. B. Nixon, [1851]. ------. Microscopic researches on the black vomit of yellow fever. 26 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Charleston, Walker 4' James, 1853. Repr. from: Charleston M. J. ita- liani dalla sua prima comparsa in Europa fino al presente; fatta e corredata delle opportune annotazioni e reflessioni e ridotta ad intelligenza comune da . . . 282 pp., 2 1. 8°. Livorno, Sig- nozzi, 1831. Also, Co-Editor of: tlercurio delle scienze mediche, Livorno, 1823-30. Michelotti (Pietro Antonio) [1680-1740]. De separatione.nuidorum in corpore animali. 2 p. 1., 362 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Venetiis, Pinellorum cere, 1721. For Biography, see Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento, 1823, v, pp. v-xxvii, port. (Abbate Maistrelli). Michcls (Adolf). * Ueber die Entstelmng des ersten Herzkammertons. 31 pp. 8°. Marburg, J. A. Koch, [1870]. C. Michels ( Ambroise - Francois - Joseph). * Des fractures de l'oiecrane. 31 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 187,4, No. 318, 2. s., v. 20. Michels (Ernst) [1863- ]. * Zur Casuistik der Darm-Resectionen wegen in aligner Tumoren. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1885. Michels (Franc. Josephus) [1806- ]. *De fracturis ossium pelvis et de eoruin certo quo- dam casu. 23 pp. 8-; Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1829]. Michels (Hermann) [1847- ]. * Ueber Car- cinom der Niere. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1872]. MICHELS. 251 MICHIGAN. Michels (Josephus Ferdiuandus). *De inda- ganda* Iiistoriie morbi utilitate ad coguoscendos et curandos morbos. 1 p. l.,27pp. 4°. Argento- rati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1766]. Michels ( Louis ). Das Bad Kreuznach. Mit- theilungen fiir Aerzte und Brunueugaste. 7'2 pp. 8°. Beiiin, A. Hirschwald, 1859. -----. Die chronischen Frauenkrankkeiten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Behandlung im Bade Creuznach. 53 pp. 8°. Berlin, M'tt- scher u. Rostell, 1862. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. viii, 81 pp. 16°. Berlin, Mitseher ii. Rostell, 1869. -----. The same. The chronic diseases of wo- men, with special regard to their treatment in Creuznach. 2. ed. viii, 75 pp. 8°. Berlin, Mitseher n. Rostell, 1872. -----. Die Fibromyome des Uterus. 61 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1877. -----. The same. Contribution a l'etude des corps fibreux de la matrice. 36 pp. 8°. Kreuz- nach, II. Schmithals, [n. d.] Michels (Wilhelm) [1884- ]. * Ueber Dia- betes. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1868]. des Michels de Champorciii (Josephus Petrus). * Theoria convnlsionis. 15 pp. 4°. Monspelii, J. Martel, 1759. [P., v. 1282.] Michelscn (A.) See llorneiuaiiii (Claud Jacob Emil). Vom Zustande des Menschen kurz vor dem Tode. 8°. Gotha, 1882. Michelseii'(Frederik Job.) *Behandeling der scabies. [Utrecht.] 8°. Amsterdam, C. G. van der Post, 1877. Michelsen (Julius). *De nervi quinti neural- gia, priemissa historia morbi. 31 pp. 4°. Gry- phimaldice, F. G. Kunike, 1863. c. Michelsen (Maximilianus). *De ulcere ven- trical i chrouico. 39 pp. 8°. Gryphiswaldice, F. G. Kitnike, [1862]. Michelsen (Otto). * Ueber Puerperalpsycho- sen. 34 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. Schaumberg, 1878. Michelsen (Sigism. Henr.) *Impetigiuumnova divisio. 24 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1826]. Michelson (Eduard). * Einige Versuche fiber die Todteustarre des Muskels. 32 pp. 8°. Dor- pat, H. Laakmann, 1872. Michelson (Otto). *Ob amigdalinie v korie clieremuchie i siemenach vishui. [Amygdalin from the bark of the rock-cherrv and cherry- stones.] 12 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1872. Michelson (P-) Ueber Herpes tonsurans und Area Celsi. In: Samjil. klin. Vortr., Xo. 120 (Chir., Xo. 36), Leipv, 1877, 977-1012, 2 pi. Michelson (Paul Oscar). * Zur Histiologie der Vater-Pacini'scheu Korperchen. 33 pp., 11. 8°. Konigsberg, E. J. Dalkowski, 1868. Michener (E.) [et al.]. Hand-book of eclamp- sia, or notes and cases of puerperal convulsions, comprising all the cases which have occurred during the present century within a radius of several miles around Avoudale, Chester County, Pa., so far as can be ascertained. 68 pp. 16-. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis, 1883. Michjfoi'ius (Willem Hendrik). * De lipomate, una cum duobus exemplis insignis hujus tumoris, iu Nosocomio academico chirurgico observatis, et delineatis. 2 p. 1., 27 pp., 2 pi., 1 1. 4°. Groningce, J. RomeUngh, 1824. Michieli (Antonio). Della febbre, trattato me- dico-anatomico, teoretico, pratico, con in line un discorso sopra la china-china del Dr. Gabriele Longobardi. xiii, 312 pp., 21., port. 4°. Celine; A. de! Pedro, 1764. Michiels (Ernest). *Etude sur la phlegmasia alba dolens. 36 pp., 2 1. 4 . Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1868, No. 11. c. Michiels (H.) * De la puberte chez la femme. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 172, v. 448. Michiels (Theophile). *Du traitement des fie- vres intcrmittentes simples. 34 lip. 4°. Paris, 187)2, No. 197, v. 529. Michielseii (C. F.) Catalogus der bibliotheek van den militair-geneeskundigen dienst te Ba- tavia; op last van den Chef over den geneeskun- digen dienst opgemaakt; uitgegeven door de Vereeniging ter Bevordering van Geneeskundige Wetensckappeu in Nederlandsch-Indie. 1 p. 1., 226 pp., 1 1. 8-. Batavia, Braining 4- W'tjt, 1871. Michigan. Report of joint committee on State prison to the senate aud house of representatives of the State of Michigan. 15 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1848?] -----. H. R. Report of the select committee appointed [by the legislature] to inquire con- cerning the character of a certain report alleged to have been made by the faculty of the univer- sity to the board of regents. House Doc. No. 24. 1850. 7 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1850.] -----. H. R. Report of the select committee rel- ative to establishing a homoeopathic department in the University of Michigan. House Doc. No. 25. 1861. 16pp. 8°. Lansing, 1861. [Also, in: P., v. 578.] -----. Annual reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Michigan. 1862-5. 6 v. 8°. Lan- sing, State printer, 1862-6, -----. Annual reports relating to the registry and return of "births, marriages, and deaths in Michigan. By the secretary of state. 1.-15., 1867-Wl. 8°. Lansing, 1868-84. -----. Laws of Michigan concerning the solem- nization of marriages, and the record and return of births, marriages, and deaths. 12 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1871 ?] -----. Law of Michigan establishing a State board of health, providing for the appointment of a superintendent of vital statistics, and as- signing certain duties to local boards of health. Approved April 12, 1873. 4 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1873. ] -----. Introduction, summary, and index to the statistics of Michigan, collected for the ninth census of the United States, June 1, 1870; com- piled iu the state department of Michigan, un- der the direction of the secretary of state, in accordance with an act of the legislature. Ap- proved April 15, 1871. exxiv, 700-711 pp. 8°. Lansing, W. S. George 4' Co., 1873. -----. Census of the State of . . . 1874, collected by the supervisors and assessors, and compiled and published by the secretary of state, in ac- cordance with au act of the legislature, approved Feb. 9, 1853, as amended by acts approved April 17, 1873, aud April 1, 1875. c pp. 8°. Lansing, IV. S. George 4- Co., 1875. ----. Biennial report of tbe State librarian of the State of Michigan to the legislature, for the years 1875-6. vi, 50 pp. 8°. Lansing, TV. S. George .,- Co., 1876. ----. Laws of the State of Michigan relating to the public health. Compiled aud published un- der the supervision of the secretary of state, in pursuance of joint resolution No. 18 of the ses- sion laws of 1875. 86 pp. 8°. Lansing, W. S. George 4' Co., 1876. ----. Annual reports of the State inspector of illuminating oils of the State of Michigan, to the governor of the State. 1., 1877; 2., 1878. 8°. Lansing, 1878-9. ----. Saline statistics by the salt inspector of the State. Dec. 15, 1879. 1 sheet, fol. [East Saginaw, 1879.] ----. II. R. A bill to amend sections one and two of act number 138 of session laws of 1875, MICHIGAN. 252 MICHIGAN. Michigan—cm tinned. relative to subjects for dissection for the ad- vancement of science. Approved April 27, 187."), the same being sections 2110 and 2111 of the compiled laws of 1871, as amended. File No. 213. H. of Rep. No. 30. Introd. by Mr. Saw- yer. March 14, 1879. 2 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to amend sections 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, and 19 of chapter 48 of the compiled laws of 1871, being compiler's sections 1779, 1781, 1782, 1783, 17.-5, 1786, 178.8, 1789, 1790, 1795, and 1796, as amended by act number 140. of the session of 1875, approved April 28, 1875, also by act number 109, session of 1877, approved May 10, 1877, aud act number 195, session of 1877, approved May 22, 1877, relative to the lay- ing out, opening, locating, or constructing a water-course, ditch, or drain by township drain commissioners. State of Michigan. File No. 237. H. of Rep. No. 555. Originals introduced by Messrs. Pray, Chase, and Sharts. Substitute by committee ou drainage for house bills number 64, 65, and 555. March 17, 1879. 10 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. Joint resolution for the prevention of adulteration of honey. State of Michigan. File No. 1. H. of Rep. No. 2. Introd. by Mr. Cheney. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. Joint resolution for the preven- tion of the adulteration of sugar. File No. 5. No. 5. Introd. by Mr. Blackmail. Recommended by committee on public health. Jan. 23, 1879. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to authorize boards of health of cities, villages, and townships to furnish vac- cination to the inhabitants thereof. File No. 6. No. 52. Introd. by Mr. Chase. Rep. by com- mittee on public health. Jan. 18, 1879. 11. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to amend section 1740 of the compiled laws of 1871, the same being section 49 of chapter 46, relative to boards of health in cities and villages. File No. 7. H. of Rep. No. 53. Jan. 18, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Chase. 1 1. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to amend chapter 35 of the revised statutes of 1846, being chapter 46 of the compiled laws of 1871. by adding two new sec- tions thereto, to stand as sections 51 and 52. File No. 98. No. 296. Introd. by Mr. Moe. Recommended liv committee on public health. Feb. 19, 1879. Tsheet. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to prevent and punish the crime of criminal abortion. State of Michigan. File No. 100. H. of Rep. No. 355. Introd. by Mr. Kuhn. Recommended by committee on pub- lic health. Feb. 19, 1879. 1 1. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] "" -----. H. R. A bill to amend sections two (2) and six (6) of act number 181 of the session laws of 1875, as amended by act number 196 of the session laws of 1877, entitled "An act to provide for the inspection of illuminating oils, manufac- tured from petroleum or coal oils". File No. 53. Introd. by Mr. Willett, Jan. 30, 1879. 3 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill relative to the duties of health officers of cities and villages. State of Michigan. File No. 110. H. of Rep. No. 259. Introd. by Mr. Chase. Recommended by com- mittee on public health. Feb. 19, 1879. 1 1. fol. . [Lansing, 1-79.] -----. H. R. A bill to prohibit the sale of to- bacco to minors. File No. 193. No. 574. In- trod. by Mr. Blackmail. Rep. without recom- mendation by committee on public health. March 14, 1879. 11. fol. [Lansing, 1^79.] Michigan—continued. -----. H. R. A bill to prevent the sale of un- sound meat in the city of Detroit. Slate of Michigan. File No. 242. H. of lb-p. NO. no;,. Introd. by Mr Cottrell. UVcommendcd hy com- mittee ou public health. March 20, 1879. 2 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to prevent and to punish for the careless use of naphtha, gasoline, kero- sene, or other products of petroleum. File Xo, 245. No. 678. Introd. by Mr. Hall. Recom- mended by committee on public health. March 20, 1879. * 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to provide for the compila- tion, printing, aud distribution of the laws in regard to establishing water-courses and locat- ing ditches and drains by drain commissioners. State of Michigan. File No. 250. H. of Rep. No. 124. Introd. by Mr. Pray. Recommended by committee on drainage. Lansing, March 29, 1879. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. li. A bill to establish au institution, under the name and style of "The Michigan Re- formatory " for girls. File No. 34(i. Original No. 14, by Mr. Sawyer; original No. 493, by com- mittee on State affairs; original No. 693, by Mr. Campbell. Substitute by house committee on education for house bills Nos. 14. 493, and 693. April 16, 1879. 7 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to prevent and punish the sending of any explosive substance to a person with intent to do grievous bodily harm. File No. 335. No. 385. Introd. bv Mr. Henderson. April 16, 1879. 1 sheet, fol." [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to provide for the holding of inquests upon the view of bodies of diseased persons, and to repeal sections 7970, 7971, 7972, 7973, 7974, 7975, 7976, 7977, 7978, 7979, 79MI, 7981, 7982, and 7983, compiled laws of 1871, relative to inquests on the view of dead bodies. File Xo. 347. H. of Rep. No. 686. Introd. by Mr. Saw- yer. Rep. without recommendation by commit- tee on judiciary. Lansing, April 22,1879. 5 pp. fol. Lansing, 1879. -----. H. R. A bill to authorize the board of control of State swamp lands to make an ap- propriation to drain and reclaim certain swamp and overflowed lands on section (16) sixteen, Yankee Springs township, Barry County. State of Michigan. File No. 372. H. of Rep. Xo. 431. Introd. by Mr. McAllister. Lansing, April 26,1879. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to amend sections 1, 2, 3, 6, and 11, and to add a new section to stand as sec- tion 12 of act 181 of the session laws of 187."). as amended by act number 196 of the session laws of 1877, entitled "An act to provide for the in- spection of illuminating oils manufactured from petroleum or coal oils. Reprint of file Xo. .">3. No. 5. [Substitute reported by conference com- mittee.] May 8, 1879. 5 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to authorize and empower the board of control of State swamp lands to make an appropriation of State swamp lands to drain and reclaim certain swamp and overflowed lands in town eight north, of range three cast, being the town of Rush, Shiawassee County, State of Michigan. File No. 284. H. of Kep. No. 372. Introd. by Mr. Sharts. Lansing, March 28, 1879. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. H. R. A bill to appropriate 4,Odd acres ot any State swamp lands to drain Gun marsh, in the townships of Martin and Gun Plain, in Alle- gan County. State of Michigan. File Xo. 31/. H. of Rep. No. 620. Introd. by Mr. Blackman. Lansing, April 2, 1879. 1 sheet, fol. [L«««- ing, 1879.] MICHIGAN. 253 MICHIGAN. Michigan—continued. _____, s. A bill to provide for the collection of the social statistics of Michigan, and to provide for the publication of said statistics, together with the statistics to be taken by the authority of the United States, in the year'1880. State of Michigan. No. 181. Senate. Introd. by Sena- tor Moore. Feb. 19, 1879. Rep. favorably by committee ou State affairs, and ordered printed March 31, 1879. 2 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] _____. S. A bill to amend sections two, four, and six of act number 196 of the session laws of 1877, approved May 23, 1877, entitled "An act to amend act number one hundred and eighty-one of the session laws of 1875, entitled An act to pro- vide for the inspection of illuminating oils man- ufactured from petroleum or coal oils". No. 41. Introd. by Senator Robbins, Jan. 8,1879. Rep. with amendments bv committee on State affairs, Jan. 1879. 2 pp. fol. r Lansing, 1879.] -----. S. A bill to authorize the board of health of the township of Pentwater, Oceana County, State of Michigan, to remove and re-inter all the dead bodies and remains buried in cemetery on block 36 of the village of Pentwater, Oceana County . . . No. 134. Introd. by Senator Amb- ler, March 18, 1879. Rep. favorably by commit- tee on public health and ordered printed, March 12(?), 1879. 11. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. S. A bill to amend sections 2, 4, and 6 of act number 196 of the session laws of 1877. ap- proved May 23, 1877, entitled "An act to amend act number 181 of the session laws of 1875, en- titled An act to provide for the inspection of il- luminating oils manufactured from petroleum or coal oils". No. 41. Introd. by Senator Robbins, Jan. 8, 1879. 2 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. S. A bill to protect the people of the State of Michigan from empiricism aud quackery. Statu of Michigan. No. 27. Senate. Substi- tute reported by committee on public health for bill iutroduced by Senator Robbins, Jan. 10, 1879. 4 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. S. A bill to regulate the sale of medi- cines aud poisons. No. 43. Introd. by Senator Benjamin, Jan. 24, 1879. Rep. by committee on public health, Jan. 31, 1879. 4 pp. fol. [Lan- sing, 1879.] -----. S. A bill to protect the people of the State of Michigan from empiricism and quack- ery. State of Michigan. No. 141. Senate. Re- print of Senate bill No. 27. Substitute reported by committee on public health for bill introduced by Senator Robbins, Jan. 10,1879. Amended by committee on public health aud ordered reprinted, March 14, 1879. 4 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. S. A bill to regulate the practice of den- tistry. State of Michigan. No. 184. Seuate. Substitute for senate bill number 129. Rep. by committee on public health and ordered printed, April 1, 1879. 2 pp. fol. [Lansing, -----. S. A bill to authorize the board of con- trol of State swamp lands to make an appropria- tion to drain and reclaim certain swamp lands in the townships of Ganges, Casco, and Clyde, in Allegan County. State of Michigan. No. 202. Senate. Introd. by Senator Lewis, Feb. 19, 1879. Rep. favorably by committee on public lands and ordered printed, April 11, 1879. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1879.] ■-----. S. A bill to provide for the safety of per- sons attending public assemblies. No. 206. In- trod. by Senator McElroy, Feb. 17, 1879. Rep. favorably by committee on State affairs, and or- dered printed, April 12, 1879. 2 pp. fol. [Lan- sing, 1879.] Michigan—continued. -----. S. A bill making an appropriation to enable the State board of health to purchase meteoro- logical instruments, and cause to be made aud distributed reprints of articles published in the annual report of the secretary. State of Michi- gan. No. 240. Senate. Introd. by Senator Ty- ler, Fell. 19, 1879. Rep. favorably by committee ou public health, aud ordered printed May 24, 1879. 11. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] -----. Laws of Michigan concerning the manu- facture, inspection, sale, and use of illuminating oils. 4 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 187-.] -----. H. R. A bill to amend section 2 of act No. 56 of the session laws of 1877, approved April 20, 1877, entitled "Au act to amend sections 1692 and 1693, chapter 46, of the compiled laws of 1871, relative to boards of health and health officers in townships". State of Michigan. File No. 371. II. of Rep. No. 348. Introd. bv Mr. Ballentine, April 8, 1881. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1881.] -----. H. R. A bill making an appropriation to enable the State board of health better to col- lect and disseminate information useful for the promotion of the public health. File No. 220. H. of Rep. No. 570. Introd. by Mr. Wilkins. March 14, 1881. 1 sheet, fol. [Lansing, 1881.] -----. H. R. A bill to regulate the manufacture aud sale of adulterated foods and drugs. State of Michigan. File No. 299. H. of Rep. No. 644. Introd. by Mr. Root, March 23, 1881. 2 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1881.] -----. Michigan and its resources. Sketches of the growth of the State, its industries, agricult- ural productions, institutions, and means of transportation; descriptions of its soil, climate, timber, financial condition, and the situation of its unoccupied lauds; and a review of its general characteristics as a home. [Compiled under authority of the State by Frederick Morley, com- missioner of immigration.] 144 pp., 1 map. 8°. Lansing, TV S. George 4" Go., 1881. -----. Michigan in the war. Compiled by John Robertson, adjutant-general. Rev. ed. 1039 pp., 3 port. 8°. Lansing, W. S. George 4- Co., 1882. Tlicliigan. See, also, Blind, Deaf-mutes (Asylums for); Education (Medical), etc., by localities; Detroit; Fever ( Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, His- tory, etc., of), by localities; Grand Rapids; Greenville; Kalamazoo; Lansing; Mackinac; Medicine (History, etc, of), by nations, etc.; Monroe ; Saginaw City; Saint Louis magnetic spring. Kennedy (S.) The magnetic and mineral springs of Michigan, to which is prefixed an es- say on the climate of Michigan. 8°. Wilming- ton (Del), 1872. McCracken (S. B.) The State of Michigan; embraciug sketches of its history, position, re- sources, and industries. Compiled under author- ity of the governor in the interests of emigration. 8C. Lansing, Mich., 1876. Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan. General circular [to the pioneers of Michigan, soliciting facts and materials towards the publi- cation of a series of volumes to be entitled "Pio- neer collections", in which the "Memories of other days" may be preserved in an authentic form. By the committee of historians. Feb. 28, 1876 J. 8'-'. [Lansing, 1876.] Winciiell (A.) The Grand Traverse region. A report ou the geological and industrial re- sources of the counties of Antrim, Grand Trav- erse, Benzie and Leelanaw in the tower penin- sula of Michigan. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1866. MICHIGAN. 254 MICHIGAN. Michigan. Baker (H. B.) A report, on the death-rate of each sex iu Michigan, and a comparison with Dr. Farr's life tables of healthy districts of England. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1874-5, N. T., 1876, ii, 125-138. Also, Reprint. -----. The principal meteorological conditions in Michigan dur- ing the year 1881. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1881-2, Lansing, 1883, x, 441-512. -----. Principal meteorological conditions in Michigan in 1884. A compilation of reports by observ- ers for the State board of health and for the United States Signal Service. Ibid., 1884-5, Lansing, 1886, xiii, 1-86. -----. The time of greatest prevalence of each disease; contributions to the study of the causes of diseases. A statistical report based on weekly reports of diseases in Michigan during the year 1884, and preceding years. Ibid.. 87-151. -----. Climate and health in Michigan. (Revised from his paper in Descriptive America, 1884.] Detroit Lancet, 1885-6, n. s., ix, 145-150. Also, Reprint.— Beech (J. H.) On the topographv and epidemic diseases of Michigan. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1859, xii, 185-207. Also, Reprint.—Corbin (G. E.) Report to State Society on the diseases and topography of Livingston aud Ingham Counties, Miehigan. Penins. & Indep. M. J., Detroit, 1858-9, i, 12-15. Also, Reprint.—Diseases of Michigan in the years 1875-82. Rep. lid. Health Mich., Lansing, 1875-6, i'v, 141: (1876-7), 1878, v, 167: 1877-8, vi, 105: (1878-9), 1880, vii, 147: (1879-80), 1881, viii, 221: (1880-81). 188', ix. 252: (1881-2), 1883, x, 282: (1882-3), 1884, xi, L—DnlHelri (S. P.) Report on the geological relation of the mineral waters tit Michigan. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1871, vi, 339-343.—«oil' (W. W.) Medical topography of York Township, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Xorthwest.' M. &. S. J., Chicago & Indianap., 1850-51, vii, 415-418.—Hazlc- wood (A.) Water anil the water supply in Miehigan. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1875-6. iv', 71-80.—Kcd- zic(R. C.) The meteorology of Central Michigan. Ibid. (.1873-4), 1875, ii, 197 213. -----. Report on tho water sup- ply of Michigan. Ibid., 1875-6, iv, 109-119. -----. Report on the resolutions, referred to the section on State medi- icine and public hygiene, on the use of alcoholic liquors, and the establishment of a national sanitary bureau, and the influence of drainage on public health in Michigan. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1874, xxv, 401-424. -----. Report on the water supply of Michigan. Ibid., 1876, xxvii, 357- 370.—lit'ach (E.) Topography and diseases of Shiawas- see County. Tr. M. Soc. Mich.. Lansing, 1859, 43-52.— lijstor (EL F.) A study of the climate and topography of the lower peninsula of Michigan. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1877-8. vi, 167-210.-----. Report on the work of the State board of health. Tr. Michigan M. Soc, Lansing, 1879, vii, pt. 3, 443-454— Principal (The) meteorologi- cal conditions in Michigan during tlie vears 1877-82. Rep. BcL Health Mich., Lansing, 1877-8, vi, 211: (1878-9) 1880 vii, 335: (1879-80), 1881, viii, 303: (1880-81), 1882, ix, 403: (1881-2), 1883, x, 444: (1882-3), 1884, xi, 121-Report of committee on the mineral springs and wells of Michigan. Tr. M. Soc. Mich., Lansing, 1871, 32-51.—Report on"epi- deiuics in Michigan. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1852, v, 503-530.—Sprague (G.) Remarks on the topography of Michigan, and the diseases incident to its climate. West Lancet, Cincin., 1845-6, iv, 289-301.—Stockwell (C. M.j Report to State Society on diseases aud topography of north-eastern district of the State of Michigan. Penins & Indep. M. J., Detroit, 1858-9, i, 136-142.—Water- supply (The) in its relations to health and disease in some of the townships, cities, and villages of Michigan Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1874-5. Lansing, 1876 iii 107- 1875-6, iv, 81: (1876-7), 1878, v, 143: (1878-9), 1880, vii, 279 — Weekly reports of diseases in Michigan. September 1876, to December. 1882. Ibid., 1875-6. iv, p. xiii: (1876-7)' 1878, v. 237: 1877-8, vi, 253: (1878-9), 1880, vii, 395: (1879- 80), 1881, viii, 365: (1880-81), 1882, ix, 305: (1881-2) 1883 x, 513: (1882-3), 1884, xi, 197—Willsoii (G. B.) Report of the committee on vital statistics. Tr. M. Soc Mich Lansing, 1859, 7.3-81. '' Michig-an. Eastern Michigan Asylum, at Pontiac. By-laws, rules aud regulations of the . . . and by-laws of the joint boards of the Michigan and Eastern asylums. 48 pp. 8°. Pontiac, Gazetle Company's Printing House, 1878. -----. Biennial reports of the trustees aud med- ical superintendent to the legislature, for the years 1H7S-9 to 1883-4. 8P. Lansing, 1880- 84. ■" ---. Admission of private patients (conditions of). 1 sheet. 8C. [Pontiac, n. d.] -----. Visitors (rules for). 1 sheet. 8°. [Pon- tiac, n. d.] -----. [Blank forms in use in the hospital. 1 v. s. [Pontiac, 188-.] Daily record. Examination of urine. History of patient. Micllig-an. Miehigan Asylum for the Insane, at Kalamazoo. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the governor, for the vears 187)7 1867 and 1871. 8°. Lansing, 1858-72'. Opened Aug. 29, 1859. -----. Biennial reports of the board of trustees to the legislature. 1.-13., 1859 to 1883-4. s , Lansing, 1861-84. 1. report dates from reorganization in 1859. -----. Report of the building commissioner. I. From the establishment of the asylum in 1h48 under a joint board of trustees, until the disso- lution of its connection with the asylum at Flint in 1857. II. From its commitment to a distant board of trustees until its organization in 1859. III. From its organization to the present time. 66 pp. 8°. Lansing, J. A. Kerr 4 Co., 186)6. Bound with: Biennial reports, 1-4. -----. By-laws, rules, and regulations of the Michigan Asylum for the Insane. Revised De- cember, 1867. 31 pp. 8°. Kalamazoo, 18(!8. -----. Supplement to the report of the hoard of directors for the years 1867-8. Being observa- tions on a form of nervous prostration (neuras- thenia) culminating iu insanity. By E. H. Van Deusen. 19 pp. 8°. Lansing, TV. "S. Georqe if' Co., 1869. -----. By-laws, rules, and regulations of the... Revised Aug., 1879. 40 pp. 8°. Kalamazoo, 1879. -----. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] fol. [Kalamazoo, 188-.] History of patient. Order for admission to insane asylum. Order for pauper patients. Present condition of patient. Request for admission, bond, and physicians' certificate. Michigan. Michigan Institution for the Educa- tion of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, at Flint, Biennial reports of the board of trustees and offi- cers to the governors of the State. 2., 1854-5 & 1855-6; 4.-7., 1858-9 to 1865-6; 9., 1868-9 & 1869-70; 10., 1870-71 & 1871-2. 8°. Lansing, 1856-72. Reports for 1854-5 and 1855-6 are in: Reports Mich. Asyl. for Insane for same years. Michigan. Michigan School for the Blind, Lan- sing. Biennial report of the board of commis- sioners to the governor of the State. 2., 1882-3 & 1883-4. 58 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Lansing, W. S. George, 1885. Michigan. State Board of Health of Michigan. Circular No. 1. To the clerks of local boards, calling attention to the legal provisions relating to public health. Sept., 1873. 1 1. 4C. [Lan- sing, 1873.] Established July 30, 1873. -----. Circular No. 2. To the physicians of Michigan, directing their attention to section 1735, compiled laws of 1871, which requires phy- sicians to report cases of small-pox, or other dan- gerous diseases to the local board of health. Oct., 1873. 2 1. 4°. [Lansing, 1873.] -----. Circular No. 3. To the clerks of local boards, transmitting blank form for annual re- port for the year ending Sept. 30, 1873. Also^a form for record of a dangerous case. Sept., 1873 21. 4°. [Lansing, 1873.] -----. Circular of the chairman of the committee on climate, etc., to physicians, requesting iu- formation on the climate, sewerage, and drain- age in their vicinity. Nov. 10, 1873. 1 sheet. 4°. [Detroit, 1873.]^ -----. Annual reports of the secretary to the governor. 1.-12., 1873 to 1883-4. 8r Lansing, 1874-85. The 1. report for the 2 months ending Sept. 30, 1873. -----. Circular of the president to physicians, with a schedule of questions, requesting facts or MICHIGAN. 255 MICHIGAN. Michigan. State Bd. of Health of Mich.—cont'd. statistics ou the entailments of "alcoholism". Jan. 1, 1874. 1 sheet. 4°. [Kalamazoo, 1874.] .------. The same. To officers in charge of public institutions. 1 sheet. 4J. [Kalamazoo, 1874.] ■-----. Shadows from the walls of death; being arsenical wall papers, gathered by R. C. Kedzie, member of the board. 1, 86 specimen leaves. 4°. [n. p.], 1874. ------. Circular of the . . . The entailments of alcohol; being the annual address of the presi- dent, H. O. Hitchcock. 32 pp. 8-. Lansing, W. S. George 4 Co., 1874. ------. Circular of the chairman of the committee on epidemic, endemic, and contagious diseases, to the presidents of local boards, calling atten- tion to the law and their duties relative to dan- gerous diseases. April, 1874. 2 1. 4°. [Grand Rapids, 1874.] ■-----. Circular No. 7. To correspondents rela- tive to water-supply. Oct., 1875. 1 sheet. 4°. [Lansing, 1875.] ------. Rules aud regulations recommended for adoption by local boards of health throughout the State. Aug., 1875. 8 pp. 8-\ [Lansing, 1875.] -----. Circular No. 19. To health officers of townships [relating to their duties as sanitary advisers of the local boards of health]. June, 1877. 11. 4°. [Lansing, 1877.] -----. [Blank forms used by.] 4C. [Lansing, 187-.] A. Special report of the clerk of ... on dangerous diseases, to the State board. B. Annual report of the clerk of ... to the State board. ------. Restriction and prevention of scarlet fever. April, 1877. 8 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1877.] -----. The same. No. 72. Rev. ed. 8 pp. 8C. [Lansing, 1884.] ---■—. Circular No. 25. Relative to notices of diseases which endanger the public health; duties of householders, physicians, and others. Circular to supervisors and other officers of townships. March, 1878. 8 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1878.] ------. Circular No. 34. Being a modification of circular No. 25, embodying one new law and one amended law. Jan., 1880. h pp. 8°. [Lan- sing, 18811.] ------. No. 35. Circular to health officers, rela- tive to the work of health officers aud of local boards of health in Michigan. Being a modifi- cation of circular No. 28. Jan., 1880. 3 pp. 8 . [Lansing, 1880.] ------. List of books which will be found valua- ble to candidates for examination in sanitary science, by the Michigan .State board of health. 7 pp. 16°. Lansing, 1880. Repr. from .- Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1880, iii. -----. Proceedings and addresses at the sanitary conventions, held under the direction of a com- mittee of the State board of health and a com- mittee of citizens. Jan. 7 & 8, 1880, at Detroit; Jan. 31 & Feb. 1, 1883, at Pontiac; April 26 &. 27, 1883, at Reed City: Dec. 13 & 14, 1883, at Ionia: April 17 & 18, 1884, at Hillsdale; Jan. 1 & 2, 1886, at Kalamazoo. 6 Nos. 8°. Lansing, 1880-86. Suppl. to: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1879-80, 1882-3, to 1884-5, Lansing, 1881, 1884-6, viii. xi-xiii. -----. Restriction and prevention of diphtheria. 8 pp. 8°. [Lansing, n. el.] -----. The same. Revised ed. of 1881. 8 pp. 8 . [Lansing, 1881.] ----. The same. 3. ed. Dec., 1881. 8 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1881.] -----. The same. No. 76. 4. ed. July, 1884. 6 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1884.] Michigan. State Bd. of Health, of Mich.—cont'd. ------. Circular No. 4ti. Restriction and preven- tion of scarlet fever. Revised ed. 1881. 8 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1881.] ------. Circular No. 47. Contagious diseases: scarlet fever, diphtheria, small-pox, typhus fever, etc. General rules for their prevention and restriction. Dec. 1831. 1 1. 8°. [Lan- sing, 1881.] ------. No. 54. Prevention aud restriction of small-pox. 16 pp. 8J. [Lansing, 1882.] Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1880-81, Lansing, 1882, ix. ------. No. 55. The work of health officers and of local boards of health in Michigan. April, 1882. 12 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 1882.) ------. No. 110. Report of the committee ap- pointed by the Sanitary Convention at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, March 1, 1882, on the sanitary condition of the hospitals of the University of Michigan, at Auu Arbor, pp. 124-135. 8°. [Lansing, 1*83?] Cutting from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1881-2. Lansing, 1883, x. ------. No. 75. Prevention and restriction of cholera. Issued July, 1884. 4 pp. 8J. [Lan- sing, 1884.] ------. Health in Michigan. Monthly reports to the State board. For Aug., 1884. 21. 8°. Lan- sing, 1884. ------. No. 211. Laws of Michigan relating to the public health, in force Sept. 8, 1883. Compiled by tbe secretary by direction of the board. 122 pp. 8°. Lansing, W. S. George 4" Co., 1884. Suppl. to: Rep. Bd. Health^lich.' 1882-3, Lansing, 1884, xi. ------. Report of proceedings of the Michigan State board of health. Quarterly regular meet- ing, July 13, 1886. 13 pp. 8°. [Lansing, 18815.] ------. See, also : Sanitary Convention. Health topics ably pre- sented and discussed. Important papers and ad- dresses by scientists and prominent citizens. Held at Battle Creek under the auspices of the State board of health. Report of the proceed- ings. [Supplement to Battle Creek Daily Jour- mil, March, 1881.] Michigan. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Report of a special committee of the board of regents oi the University of Michigan, on the organization of a medical department in the university. [Jan. 9, 1849.] 8 pp. 8°. Detroit, Harsha 4' Wilcox, 1849. ------. Annual catalogues of the officers and stu- dents [including the medical class] for the years 1853-4; 1854-5: 1856-7 to 1870-71. S'-\ JimJi-- bor, 1854-71. 1860-61 to 1870-71 bound in 1 v. ------. A general catalogue of the officers and graduates from its organization, in 1837, to 1864. [Including the graduates in medicine from 1851 to 186:?.] 40 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, by the Uni- rersity, 1864. ------. Annual reports of the president, made to the board of regents, for the years 1866-7 ; 1872-3 to 1880-81. 8U. Ann Arbor, 1867-81. 1872-3 to 1880-81 bound in 1 v. ------. [Brief announcement to answer inquiries for information pijior to the publication of the catalogue for 1868-9.] 20 pp. 8^. [Ann Arbor, 1868.] Bound with: Catalogues, 1860-61 to 1870-71. ------. The Chemical Laboratory 8 pp. 8°. [Ann Arbor, Chase, 1869.] Repr. from: University Mag., April, 1869. ------. Report on a department of hygiene aud physical culture in the University of Michigan, by a committee of the university senate. 18 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, by the University, 1870. MICHIGAN. 256 MICHNIEWICZ. Michigan. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor—cont'd. ------. Catalogue of the academic senate aud of those who have received its regular and honorary degrees. A trieuuial catalogue. 88 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, by the University, 1871. ------. Historical sketch of the University of Michigan. (Prepared in compliance with an in- vitation from the Commissioner of Education, representing the Department of the Interior in matters relating to the National Centennial of 1876.) By Charles Kendall Adams. 56 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, by the University, 1876. •------. The Michigan University book, 1844-80. Compiled by Theodore R. Chase, class of '■ '49". 399 pp. ?°. Detroit, Richmond, Backus 4' Co., 1881. Michigan. Univevsity of Michigan Ann Arbor. College of Dental Surgery. Annual announce- ments for the sessions of 1881-2 (7.); 1883-4 to 1885-:; (9.-11.). 8. Ann Arbor, 1881-5. Organized in 1875. List of graduates from 1875 to 1885 in : Announcement for 1885-6. Michigan. University of Michigan. Department of Medicine and Surgery, Ann Arbor. Annual an- nouncements for the sessions of 1851-2 to 1858-9 (2.-9.): 1860-61(11.); 1864-5(15.); 1*68-9(19.); 1870-71 (21.); 1871-2 (22.); 1876-7 to 1878-9 (27.-29.); 1880-61 (31.); 1881-2 (32.); 1885-6 (35.). 8°. Detroit 4- A nit Ai bor, 1851-83. List of students and uraduates for the years 1851-2 to 1857-8: 1876-7 to 1880-81: 1882-3; 1884-5, in: Announce- ments for subsequent years. ------. A statement of the relations of the faculty of medicine and surgery in the University of Michigan to honiu'opathy. 12 pp. 8°. Detroit, Tribune Printing Co., 1877). ------. Statement of the faculty of the depart- ment of mediciue and surgery in the University of Michigan, regarding the action of tlie Michigan State Medical Society, and their relation to the introduction of homoeopathy in the university. 9 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Pub. Co., 1876. ------. See, also : Michigan. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Report of a special committee of the board of regents of the University of Michigan ou the or- ganization of a medical department in the uni- versity. [Jan. 9, 1849.] 8~. Detroit, 1819. M ichigail - University of Mich igan. Homoeopathic Medical College. Annual announcement for the session of 1875 (1.). 8 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, Courier print, 1H75. ------. See, also : Michigan. H. R. Report of the select com- mittee relative to establishing a homoeopathic department iu the University of Michigan. House Doc. No. 25, 1801. 8°. Lansing, 1861. Michigan. Univevsity of Michigan. School of Pharmacy. Schedule of the course in pharma- ceutical manipulation. 4 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor [n. d.] ---■—. Schedule of course in qualitative analy- sis. Schedule of work in organic analysis for students in pharmaceutical chemistry. 2 galley sheets. [Ann Arbor, n. cl.] ------. See, also: Students' resolutions on the homceopathy complica- tions. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1876. n. a., i, 162-164. Also Reprint. Michigan College of Medicine, Detroit. An- nual announcement for the session of 1880-81 to 1882-3 (1.-3.). SK Detroit, 1880-82. List of students and graduates for the sessions of 1880- 81; 1881-2 in: Announcements for subsequent years. Michigan Dental Association. Transactions of 24.-26. annual meetings. 3 Nos. 8. Detroit, 1879-81. Michigan Free Eye and Ear Infirmary, Detroit Biennial report of the . . . and eye and earth;! partnient of the Michigan College Hospital 1 1880-81 & 1881-2. 28 pp. 8-. Detroit '<; s Davis, 1882. ' ' ' Michigan Homoeopathic College, Lansing. An- nual announcement for the session of 1872-:* (2.). 7 pp. 8\ Jackson, P. H. Tan Ihine 1872. ' List of students and graduates for the year 1871-' iM. Announcement for 1872-3. Michigan Homoeopathic Institute. Proceed- ings of annual meetings, 1855; 18C0; 18(15• 186>7 4 Nos. 8°. Detroit, 1855-67. Michigan Homoeopathic Journal. Was title of nos. 8-9, v. 2, of: Michigan (The) Jour nal of Homoeopathy, 1853-4. Michigan ( The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by John Ellis and S. B. Thayer. [Monthly.] [Commenced Nov., 1848.] Nos 5 7-9, v. 1 ; Nos. 6, 8-9, v. 2, March, 1849, to June! 1854. 8 . Detroit. Title of nos. 8-9, v. 2, was: Michigan Homoeopathic Journal. Iu v. 2 John I. Hewitt added as editor. Michigan (The) Journal of Honuropatliy; de- voted to medical and surgical science. Pub- lished quarterly by the faculty of the Detroit Homoeopathic College. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, July, 1872, to April, 1873. 8°. Detroit. Nos. 2-3, E. R. Ellis, editor and publisher. Michigan Medical Association. Journal of pro- ceedings for the years 1849 and 1850. v. 1. 28 pp. 8°. Jackson, R. S. Cheney, 1850. Michigan Medical News: a semi-monthly jour- nal devoted to practical medicine. J. j. Mul- heron, managing editor, v. 1-5, 1878-82. 8 . Detroit. Ended. United with : Detroit (The) Clinic, forming: Medical (The) Age. Michigan State Medical Society. Transactions, 1867-87. 4 v. 8-. [r. p.], 1867-87. ------. Action regarding homoeopathy in the Michigan University, at its meeting in Ann Arbor, May 10, 11, and 12, 1876. 4 pp. H . [w. p., 1876.] ------. State of Michigan. File No. 102. House of representatives. No. 258. [Introduced by Mr. Chase.] Ordered printed for the use of com- mittee on public, health, Feb. 19, 1879. A bill for the incorporation of the Michigan State Medical Society. 3 pp. fol. [Lansing, 1819.] ------. See, a I so : Michigan State Medical Society. Transactions, 1855-8. Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1854-5, ii, 481; 529: 1855-6. iii, 1; 481: 1856-7, iv, 575-581. Continuedin: Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1858, v, 433-440. Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings of the convention of druggists and the first annual meeting of. . . held at Lansing, Nov. 14 and 15, 1883. Also, constitution and by-laws, roll of members, etc. 67 pp. 8°. Mus- kegon, Mich., J. Jesson, 1883. ------. Proceedings, 1884-7. 4 Nos. 8. [v. p.], 1885-7. Michigan State Society of Rational Medicine. Transactions. 16 pp. 8-. Detroit, McCormack "- Miction (Louis-Marie) [1803-66]. *Quelques propositions sur 1'anatoniie, la physiologic et la pathologie. 17 pp. 4'-'. Parti, 1832, No. 97, v. 251. ______. *De la carie ct de la necrose, 47 pp. 4 . Paris, 1832, No. 379. [Also, in: P., v. 494.] Concours. .-----. * Texture et developpoment de l'ence'phale et dela moelle epiniere. 47 pp. 4 . Paris. 1836. [P., v. 937.] Concours. ------. * Des operations quenecessitent lesfistules vaginales. 245 pp. 4-. l]aris, Rignoux, 1841. [Also, in: P., v. 935.] ''■ (.'oncours. ------. * Du cancer cutaue*. 151 pji., 2 pi. Y. Paris, 1848. [Also, in : P., v. 479; 1660.] Concours. Memoire et observations pour servir a l'histoire de rapplication de la suture au traite ment des plaies. 112 pp. 8 . I'aris, Henna yer 4 Co., [n. el] Repr. from.- Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1850, xl. * Des tumeurs syuoviales de la partie in fericure de l'avant-bras, de la face palmaire du poignet, et de la main. 217 pp., 1 ]., 2 pi. 8 \ Paris, J.-B. Gros, 1851. [Also, in : P., v. 494.] Concours. ------. The same. 220 pp., 2 pi. 8 . Paris, Gcriiitr-Bailliere, 1851. [P., v. 754.] ------. Memoire et observations sur quelques cas d'autoplastie de la face. 2:! pp. 8°. Paris, P. Dnpont, [1851, red subset/.]. Repr. from: Rev. nied.-chir. tie Pie,, 1851. ix. For Biography, see Mem. Sue. de chir. de Par., 1871, vii, pp. xxxix-lvi (F. Guyon). Wiclion (Casimir-Laurent). * De la congestion puhnonaire dans la lievn- typhoide, principale- nient an point de vue du traitement.. 50 pp. 4 . Parti, 1869, No. 68. Mich il (J.-L.) * De l'etude pratiiiue des fievres sideno-nieuingees ( pituiteuses). vi, 7-31 pp. 4 . Paris, 1813, No. 39, v. 96. ------. Doctrine metlicalc explique~e d'apres les theories enseignoes depuis Hippocrate jusqu'a Broussais. 459 pp. 8°. Paris, Compere jeuue [and others], 1824. IVIickailiewski (Witold). * Considerations sur la terminaisou de l'orchite par suppuration. 52 pp. 4 . Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 159. I-Iickel (Gustav). *Eine Diphtheritisepidemie iin Jahre 1878-9. 51pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, Ulickle (William Julius). General paralysis of the insane, vi pp., 1 p. 1., 246 pp.. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1880. -----. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 466 pp. 8 . London. II. K. Lewis, 1886. IVIicklchain (R. S.) See Engineer (An). The theory aud practice of warming and ventilating public buildings. 8°. London, 1825. ° F 17 Michsch ( lleniit-us Julius). * De perforatione crauii. 27 pp. 4 . Lipsia; lit. Slaritzii, 1828. Fur Biography, see llaawc (Guil. And.) Mickscll (Josephus). * Diss, sistens historias atrophia: ac eniollitionis medulhe spinalis. 48 lip. 8°. Praga; T. Thaboi; [1849]. dc Mickwitz (Constautinus Eb.) *Xonnulla de tetaui causa proxima et cura. 46 pp. 8?. Dorpali Livonorum, typ. J. C. Scltiinmannl, 1829. Mickwilz (Eberhardus). * De usu belladonnas in inorsu eanis rabidi. 21! pp. sm. 4'-''. Jena; lit. Fietllerianis, [1795]. For Biography, see Nicolai (Ernestus Antonius). Mickwit'A (Henrik Job.) *Om febris recurrens. 65 pp., 6 tab. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell 4' Son, 1866. Mickwit'A (Louis). * Yergleichende Untersu- chungen iiber die pliysiologische Wirkung der Salze der Alcalien und alcalischen Erden. 104 pp., 1 1., 3 tab., 2 ch. 8°. Dorpat, C. Matliesen, 1874. Ulickwitz (Theodorus). * De trnuci anonyini ligatura. 40 pp. 12°. Dorpali Livonorum, typ. J. C. Schuenmanni, 1836. Micolon de Blanval. Eloge de M. Duvcr- nin . . . Lit dans l'asseniblo'e publique de la So- ciete royale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Clermont-Ferrand, le 27 aout 1786. 32 pp. 8J. Clermont-Ferrand, A. Delcros, 1786. [P., v. 1388.] Micrer. Tractatus suo discipulo Mirnetindo. In: Tiikatuim chemicuni. 4°. Argentorati, 1600, v, 90-101. Micridis (Pierre-Paul). * Etude sur le diagnos- tic des ('paiiclieiiieiits pleuraux. 46 pp. 4°. I'aris, 187)8, No. 196, v. 621. H ic robe. tS'ee Bacteria; Micro-organisms. Microceplialiis. tS'cc, also, Cranium (Abnormities, etc., of); Dwarfs, etc. ; Idiots; Idiots (Pathology of). yon Bisciioff (T. L. \V.) Auatomische Be- schreibung eines niikrocepbalen 8jahrigen Miid- cheus, Helene Becker aus Offenbach. 4'"•'. Miin- chen, 1873. Repr. from: Sitzungsb tl. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-haver. Akad. d. AVissensih. zu Muuehen, 1872, ii. [See, also, infra.] Di'Cattk (E.) *La microcephalic au point de vue de l'atavisme. 4°. Paris, 1880. Also [Abstr.], in: Rev. iutemat. d. sc. biol., Par., 1880, vi, 518-538. Giacomixi (C.) Una. microcefala. 8J. Torino, 1876. Hohl(A. F.) *De microcephalia. 8°. Halce, [1827]. Janlscii (A.) *Drei l'iille von Microcephalie. 8 !. Greifswald, 1889. Klupfel (K.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Mikrokephalie. 8 . Tubingen, 1871. Mom axe (L.) * Etude anatoniiqtie du crane chez les inicroeeiihales. 4 . Paris, 1874. ------. The same. 80, Paris, 1874. Om kiiowicz (W.) * Das balkenlose Mikroce- phalengehirn Hofmann. Ein Beitrag zur patho- logischen und normalen Anatomie des inensch- lichen Grosshirnes. [Ziiricb.] S-. Berlin, 1887. Also, in: Arch. f. Psvchiat., Berl., 1887, xviii, 305-328, 2 pi. van Scholwf.n (C.) * Over mikrocephalie. 8°. Leiden, 1876. V<•- lisle (E.) Observations d'une microcephalo de. I'Asile ties alii in is de Saint-You, pits Rouen. liull. Sue. d'antlirop. de Par.. 1885. 3. s., viii, 520-529.—Delorenzi ((J.) In- torno al cervello e al cranio di due microcefali. (iior. d. r. Accad. di ined. di Torino. 1874. xxxvii, 567-588.-Ooirn (L.) Cases of microcephalic skull. Tr. Path. Sue. Lond., 1808-9, xx, 284-286. — Burse I en. Cas remarquable tie microcephalic et asvmetrie tin cerveau. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path. deBrux. Bull., no. 30,1880-81,191-194, lpl. —Eaincs (J. A.) Case of microcephalic idiocy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875. ii, 523.—Falkcnhciiii (A.) 'Ein 12jahiigoi Micro- eephale. Bcil. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 284-287.— Fcijao (0.) Caso de microcephalia. Corrcio med de Lisb.. 1880, ix, 217-219.—Finci (E.) Sur trois cas de mi- crocephalie observes en Italic. Cong, internat, d'antlirop. 1809, Copeiihague, 1875, iv, 358-360.—Flcsch (M.) Ana- toinische Lntersuchung eines niikroropbalen knabeu. Festschr. z. 3. Saectilarfeier . . . tl. metl. Eac. Wiirzb Leipz., 1882. ii, 95-125, 3 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Berl. (iesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1882, 40-42. ------. Ueber Mikrocephalie. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. < iesellsch. f. Anthrop.. etc., Braschwg., 1882. xiii, 152-154. —Fle.M'h (O.) Eine lieueMicrocephalen-Eainilie. Vci hamll. d. Berl (iesellsch f. Anthrop , 1883, 72-77. ------. Leber den anatomist-hen Behind am Ruckonmarke zweier Mikrocephalen. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 7884, lvii. 365.— Fracnkel. Feber einen Fall von Mikroke- jilialus. AVieu. med. Presse. 1869, x. 43.—Frickhol'rr. Leber Mikrocephalus in Folge friihzeitig. r Yorkndche- rung der Nahte und Fontanellen. Mitth. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1853, 68-73. — Fridolin (J.) Be- schreiliung eines Falles von Scaphocephalie bei einem mi- I crocephalen jungen Kinde, auf angeborener, thcilweiser A eiknbcherung der Pfeilnaht beruhend. Anh f. An throp., Brnschwg., 1883-4, xv, 391-398, 2 pi, — Friyerio (L.) Caso di microcefalia con atiofia di molte eirconvo- lnzioni. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., .Milano, 1884, xxi, 353-361. ------. Caso di porencefalia posteriori' destra da I °"K MICROCEPHALUS. ^licrocephalus. causa traumatica. Ann. univ. di med. e chir Milim. 1887, cclxxix, 46-52, 1 pi.—Fills I (C. M.) Tie fall ar mi' krocefali. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. 1881, \iii Mu jjj 1-22. 9 pi. Also, transl.: Arch. f. A nl hi up. ' linisrliwe ' 1882-3, xiv. 41-60.— Rancher lv. sentazione di cranii e cervelli di microt t tali. Atti Coin' gen. d. Ass.med.ital., Torino, 1876, vii, 150-152. _____. I'nii microcefala. Osservazioni anatomiche ed autropologirln'. Gior. d. r. Accad. di nied. di Torino, 1876, 3. s., xx, 771" sin 873, 4 pi. ------. Contrihuto alio studio della niicrocclalia Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1885, vi, 63-81. i; pl._<;on. zales (E.) Altro caso di microcefalia. Anh. ital. per lo mal. nerv., Milano, 1881. xviii, 13-15. — (Jorr (K. T.) Notice of a case of microcephalv. Anthrop. I!ev Lond' 1803. i, 168; 187— <;raliolel (P.) Memoire sur la miero' ccphalie consideree dans ses rapports avec la question ilo, caractercs du genre humain. Mem. Sue. d'antlirop tie Par., 1860-63, i, 61-67. Also : J. de la physiol. tic l'htmuiie Par., 1860, iii, 110-116.—Ilamy (E.-S.) ' Dcsci iplion d'nii ciiine de fcetus microcephalo avec deformation infra-ute- rine. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1867, 2. s., ii, 507-511._ Hill (A.) The anatomy of a livilromicrocephalous brain. .1. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1884-5, xix. 363-384, 2 pi.— Iliiiehiiison (J.) Microcephalus t A/.tec heatl), with indications of bilateral cerebral atrophy; tlitticult birth, and severe convulsions dining the liisi wick of life, lirit M. ,L. Lond., 1886, i, 1018—Jaeobi [A j Premature os' sitieation of the cranium : lnicrocephalie child. Tr. X York Obst. Soc. (1876-8). 1870. i. 170. Also: Am. .1. Obst X. Y., 1879. xii, 354. -----. Microcephalus. N. York m! .!., 1880, xxxi, 199.—Jaeobi (Man P.) Case of micro- cephalus. Med. lice.. X. Y., 1881, \i\, 645-050.—Jeimcn (J.) Schtidel iiinl Hirii einer Microcephalin. Arcli. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1880, x. 735-759. 1 pi — lioi iii.-iiiii (K.) Fall von oxycephaler Microcephalic. .Jahrb. I. Kinder!)., Leipz., 1880-81, n. F., xvi, 174-177—l,< i< n in a n n \- Joseph (G.) Eine 15- jahrige Mikroccphalin. .Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. t. 'vaterl. Cult.. lircsl.. 1878. lv, 235-213. — OI«le«t (The) living microcephalic. Metl. Rec, N. Y.. Iw4, xxvi, -,■»■> — Fllnjier (E.) Microcephalie und M it (ophthalmic Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb.. 1884-5, xiv, 1-11, 1 pi. Al*a, transl.. Arch. Opbth.. X. Y., 1885, xiv, 91-97, 1 |||:- PonAck. Demonstration einer Mikroccphalin, des Mail- ehens mit dem Vogelkopf. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch- f. vaterl. Kult. 1884, Bresl., 1885 lxii. 154-157. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr.. 1885, vii. 54 — Poll (It.) Em mi- crocephalisches Miidclien. Jahrb. f. Kinderli., Leii>z., 1879 n. F. xiv 273-270—von Bineeker. Ein lOjalin- ges niikrocephales Matlcheii. Verhandl. (1. phys.-iucil. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1881, n. F., xv. pt. 2, p. xi. •-----• Yoi stellung tines mikrocephalen Madehens. mi/.im-isn. tl. phvs. metl. (iesellsch. zu Wiirzb., le*l, 86-90.-Kiulm- «cr (X.J LeberHime von neugeborenen und erwachseiien M it rocephalen. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.■ buyer. A kail. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1885, xv. H'j-"'' -----. Mittheilungen iiber einige mikrocephale Hirne. MICKOCKIMIALL'S. Microcephalus. Miinchen. med. AVchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 161; 185; 205.— Marnier (J.) Beschreihuiig zvvcier .Microccphalen-lie- liirne. Arch. f. Psychiat., lieiL, 1808, i, 299-307, 2 pi — Mii|iolini. Caso tli microcefalia parziale Ann. univ. di ined., Milauo, 1870, ccxiii, 369-378.—Meheiber (S.-H.) Sur l'cnfant niicrocephale. Cong, inteinat. d'antlirop. 1876, Budapest, 1877, viii, 210-213. — Schciithaiier (G. ) Autkiopologikuseldailasok ; microcephalia. Orvosi hetil., liuthipcst, 1881, xxv, 629-636— Nchiile (IL) Morpholo- gisehc Eiiiiulci-iing eines Microccphalcn-Gehiriis. Arch, f. Anthrop.. Brnschwg., 1872, v. 437-449, 1 pi.--Short! (J.) Description of ii living niicrocephale. Mem. An- throp. Soc. Lond., 1865-0, ii. 257-201. ------. A brief ac- count of three lnicrocephalcs. | Abstr. | J.. Anthrop. Inst., Loud., 1873-4, iii, 205, 2 pi.—Shntllcw ©rlh (E. (}.) Two cases of inierocephalic idioey. Bril. M. J.. Lond., 1875. ii, 454. ------. A case of microcephalic imbecilitv. J. Mint, Sc, Loud., 1878, xxiv, 438-443, 1 pi. Also, Be. print.—Spilzka (E. C.) Coucerning the case of miero- rcphahis. Metl. Bee, X. Y., 1881. xx, 48— Mtark (C.) Mikrocephalie. I'otale Encephalitis unil aniylniilc I ichirn- tlegi'iieralion. Allg. Ztschr. I. Psychiat.. etc. Perl.. 1875, xx"\ii. 260-332, 5 pi.—Steinlei'huei'-d; relsehisclini- koir(A.) Leber den Ban ties IJiickcninnrkes bei Microoe- phaleii. Ein Beitrag- zur Kenntniss ties Fintliisses des Vor- derhirues auf die Kntwickelung antlerer Theile des centra- leu Xcrveiisvstenies. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1886, xvii, 649-692, 1 pi.—.•ileiulel. Margarethe Becker von Offen- bach, ein niicrocephales Miitlcheu von 16 Jahren. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1886, lvi, 33-35.— Tamburini (A.) Un caso di microcefalia. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano. 1881, xviii, 5-12. Also, Keprint.— Theile (F. AV.) Leber Microcephalie. Ztschr. f. lat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidi lb , 1861, 3. It., xi, 210-249, 2 pi. -----. Beitrag znr Lehre von der Mikrocephalie. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1870, elxix, 95-104.—Tirrizzi (S.N.) Quat- tro microcefalia ed un clinocefalo in una I'amiglia. Atti (1. Accatl. Gioenia tli sc. nat. in Catania, 1881. 3. s., xv, 1-18, 1 pi—Topi n a i-«l (P.) Sur deux niicrocephales. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1875, 2. s., x. 36-39. [ Discussion], 54- 72— Vcnlnri (S.) Di un imbccille microcefala. Manico- mio, Noccra, 1885, i, 5-31— Virrhow (R.) Zur Geschiehte der mikrocephalen Mahler. Arch. f. path. Anat , etc., Berk, 1867, xl, 295. ------. Eine Mikrocephale. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (I8n-s), 1879, ix, 2. Th., 12-16. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 713. ------. Leber Microcephalic. Verhamll. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1877, 280-295. ------. Ueber Microcephalen. Ibid., 1878, 25-33. -----. Vorstellung der microcephalen Becker von Offenbach. Verhandl. d. Berl. mod. (iesellsch. (1883-4) 1885, xv, 272-275. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1884. xxi, 691.—Virgili© (C.) Di un caso singolare di mierot t-falia. Riv. sper. di 1'reuiat.. Beggio-Emilia, 1875, i, il-28.—Vogl. (C.) Ueber die Mikroccphalin oder Atfen Menschen. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1807, ii, 129-284, 25pi. [See, also, supra.] ------. Leber Mikrocephalie. AVien. nied. AVchnschr., 1869, xix, 1635; 1666. Also.- Wien. med. Presse. 1809, x, 1153; 1177. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. AVien. nied. Ztg.. 1800. xiv, 459-462.— Voisiia. Cerveau niicro- cephale. Lull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1808. 2. s.. iii. 651- 050.—Weill (C.) Mikrokephalus bei einem Ncu^ebore nen. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1863, v. 149-152.— Weslbrook (B. F.) Microcephalus. Proc. M. Soc. County Kim's. Brookljn, 1879-8(1, iv, 275.—Wood (H. C.) Microcepha- lus; hydrocephalus. [Extr.J Arch. Pediat, Phila.. 1884, i, 748-752.—Zaliorowski. I'n cerveau tie niicrocephale. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 101-104.—Xwja (G.) Di un teschio boliviano microcefalo. Mem. r. 1st Lomb. di se. e lett. Cl. di sc. mateniat. e nat. 1873-6 Milano, 1877, xiii, 53-60, 4 pi. Also: Arch, per 1* antrop.. Eirenzc, 1874, iv, 205-217, 4 pi. Also, Keprint.— Zucker- hiindl (E.) Ueber Mikrocephalie. Mitth. d. authiop. Gesellsch. iu AVieu, 1875, v, 138-148, 4 pi. lUiCB'OCOCCUS. Set; also, Bacteria; Eye (Inflammation of, Sym- pathetic); Germ theory of disease, etc.; Gonorrhoea (Causes of, etc.); Microorganisms; Pneumonia (Causes of). t'heyne (W. W.) Report on micrococci in relation to wounds, abscesses, and septic professes. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1884. ii, 553; 599; 645.- I>n< l.-iuv (E.) Influence de la lumiei-e du soleil sur la vitalilc ties micrococcus. Compt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1885, ci. 395-398. Also.- Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 508-510 — I'in ne (G) Gin Sinaasoppeni;. | On micrococci. | Tiils- skr. t. prakt. Metl . Kristiania, 1880. vi, 145-153. —Fost (P.) &-. ICoiiloiii-l lliiilnzzi (G.) Ulteriori ricerche sui nienuigococco. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. s., xxxiv, 53, A Iso. transl.: Deutsche med. AVchn- schr., Her)., 1886, xii, 508.—iivtaa (R. R.) The lecogni- tion of micrococci. Med. Rec., N. Y„ 1882. xxii 202-200.— Ileileniiis (P.) Fall af spontan sepl ichamui metl mi- crococcus septieus. Lpsala Lii karri, t'l'uh.. 1873, viii, | 529-533.—von Jakseh (R.) Leber die Entwickelunsrs- bedmgungeu des Microccua Urcic, Tasteur. Centralbl. 259 MICROORGANISMS UlBCl'OCOCCIIW. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1880, xviii, 180— Tlanfredi (L.) Di nn nuovo micrococco nella patogenesi di una forma speriiuentale di tumori da infezione; suoi rapporti con la, pneumonitis Gior. interna/,, d. sc. nied.. Napoli, 1886, n. s., viii, 804-880, 3 pi. — .VI irrococ ens (Der) und seine Beziehung zu den In ft i i ions-K rankheiten. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1872, xiii, 145; 217; 241 : 265.—Per- roneilo (E.) A. Ajrolili. Sopra alcune particolarita rela- tive alia tenacita di vita di spec.iali niicrococchi. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1885, 3. s., xxxiii, 809-812.— Kiess(L) Leber sogenanute Miciococcen. Cent'albl. f. tl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 530-533.—Salmon (D. E.) On cultivation as a test for micrococci. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxii, 454-457.—Klein (T.) Mikrokok- ken und Bacterieu. [From: Gartenlaube] Zlscher. f. mikr. Fleisehschau, Berl., 1879-80, i, 97; 110— Sternberg (G. M.) 'The recognition of micrococci. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 368: xxii, 429. ------. Micrococcus Pasteuri. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880. n. s., xcii, 123-131. Also: J. Boy. Mier. Soc., Loud., 1880, 2. s„ vi, 391-396. — Yasil- jeil" (N. P.) Ob uslovijach razvitija v ki nvenosnicL so- sutlach kolonii mikrokokkov. [Conditions of development of micrococci in blood-vessels.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1882, ii, 374-376 —Wernieh (A.) Untersuchun- gen iiber Bacterieu. VII. Yersuchc iiber die Infection mit Micrococcus prodigies us. Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanz., Bresl., 1879, iii, 105-118! Mici'OCOSmo ( De ) et inacrocosnio dissert, ii. 20 pp. sin. 4°. Regiomonti Borussorum, typ. Hartungianis, 1827. Jlicrocjtheinia. Van I.air & lVIasiu*. De la niicroeyth6mie. Bull. Acad roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1871, 3. s., v, 515-613, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1872, iv, 17-22. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soe. de med. de Gand, 1872, xxxix, 272-289. I?Iicro£,ale. Dobson (G. E.) The anatomy of Microgale longi- cauda, with remarks ou the homologies of the long flexors of the toes in mammalia. J. Anat. & Phvsiol., Lond., B-81-2, xvi, 355-361. Jlicroilieter and micrometry. Pelvion. Machines a fnire les micrometres. 8°. Lille, [n. cl.] Repr. from: Mem. Soc. roy. d. sc, de l'agric. et d. arts de Lille. Wkickeht (C. F.) De niicionietris (lii])liccni objecti imaginem profeientilius. 4'-'. Lipsiee, 1811. Harris (J.) Micrometer. In his: Lexicon techn., fol , Lond., 1708,5EJ\—Uayilen (T.) A short notice of a ready and siniplemodc of measuring microscopic objects. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1855. xix, 119-121. 1 pi.—Vlalassi-* (L.) Nou- veaux procedes tie rnicrometrie Arch, tie physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1874, vi, 27-31.—von VBolil (H.) I'eber eine neue Einrichtung des Schraubeiiinikrometcrs. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1865, i, 79-10 1.—Kobcrtson i\V.) On micrometers applied to microscopes. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. tfc Edinb., 1851, xii, 329-333. — Welcher (H.) Be- schieibung eines genauen, leicht herstellharen mikrosko- pischen Messapparates. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1851, x, 1; 211, 2 pi. Micronesia. See Ethnology. li ic i*ooi*gn n i*m*. See, also, Air (Chemistry, etc., of); Bacteria; Blood (Parasites in); Brownian motion; Fever (Malarial, Causes of); Fever (Typhoid, Causes, etc., of); Fever (Typhus, Causes, etc., of); Fungi (Parasitic); Germ theory of disease, etc.; Germs (Investigation of); Infusoria; Leprosy (Bacillus of); Micrococcus; Microscopy (Manipulations, etc., in); Milk (Abnormal, etc. ); Photomicro- graphs, etc.; Phthisis ( Causes, etc., of); Pto- maine ; Saccharomyces ; Tetanus (Causes of); Tubercle (Bacillus of). Baltls (E.) * Tlicorie du microzyma. Etude llieoriqueet pratique de la pyogciiese. 4". Mont- pell'tci; 1874. Eeciiamp (J.) * Des microzymas ef. de leurs fonctious aux differents ages d'un in erne etre. 4°. Montpellier, 1877). Caizehgles (L.) Les microzymas, ce qu'il faut eu peuser. 8°. Paris, 1862. MICROOK1 JAMS-MS. 260 -MlCIiOPYLH. Microor$;aiiisiiis. Eyfkhtii (li.) .Scliizopliyten uud l-'hioellateii. Supplement-Heft zu der systematise lieu Naturor- schiclite der inikroskopiscuen .Siisswasscrliewoh- ner. 4°. Braunschweig, 1879. de Fkomexi i:l (E.) fit tides sur les microzo- nires ou infusoires proprement dits, comprenaut de nouvelles recherches sur leur organisation, leur classification ct la description des especes nouvelles ou pen connnes. Planches et notes descriptives des especes par Mine. J. Jobard- Muteau. 4 . I'aris, 1874. Hautixg (P.) Kedvoering bij gelegenheid van het 200-jarig feest, ter herdenking van An- tony van Leeuwenhoek's ontdekking der mikro- skopisclie wezens. s-"1. [n. p., l^To.] Repr. from: Album der Natuur, 1875. Kimizett (C. T.) A precise investigation of some micro-organisms and soluble ferments, their chemical history and relation to disease, includ- ing also a practical study of tbe disinfecting value of " Sanitas" fluids. ^'. London, 1885. Maggi (L.) I piccoli beuclattori dell' uma- nita. 8°. Milano, 1886. Taxis (A.) Recherches sur l'origine des micro- organisines. H . Marseille, 1887). Repr. from: Bull. d. Soc. d. horticul. et d. botan. de Marseille. Bar n a til (\V. S.) Miciotu nanisms and their effects in nature. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1879, xv, 764-772.— Brchamp (A.) Les microzymns, la pathologie et la therapeutique. Montpel. metl..'1870, xxv, 141-153. ------. Microzyma et niicrocot ens. Ibid., 1873, xxx, 44; 234. ------. Les niicro/.ymas dans leurs rapports avec. les fer- mentations et la physiologic. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. se. Compt.-rend. 1875, Par., 1876, iv, 96-129. ------. Sill- ies microzymas geologiqtios; reponse k line reccnte com- munication de MM. Chamberlainl et Boux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1881, xcii, 1291. ------. Dn role et de l'origine de certains microzymas. Ibid., 1344-1347. ------. Sur Its microzymas de la craie; reponse ii la note de MM. Chamberlautl et Boux. Ibid., 1467. ------. Les microzy- mas gastriques et la pepsine ; remarques sur la note de M. A. Gautier du 6 mars dernier. Ibid., 970-973. -----. Sur les microxymas conime cause de la decomposition de l'eau oxygenee par les tissus des animaux et des vegetaux. Ibid., 1882, xciv, 1653-1656. -----. Snr les proprietes et les fonctious des microzymas pancreatiquos. Bull. Acad. de mW, Par., 1881, 2. s'.. x,-630-063. -----. Les microzy- mas ties glandes stomacales et leur pouvoir digestif. I bid.. 1882, 2. s.. xi, 296-314. -----. Sur les microzymas gastri ques. Ibid.. 347-357. -----. Les microzymas sont-ils des organisnies vivants f Exposition d'une tlicorie experimen- tale de rantiseptieite. Ibid., 497-547. -----. Les microzy- mas et les zymases. Arch, dc physiol. norm, it path., Par., 1882, 2. s., x, 28-62. -----. Les microzymas du l'oie et les microzymas du pancreas. Ibid., 409-444. -----. Le cholera, les maladies contagieuses et les quarautaines, consi(16res dans leurs rapports avec la tlicorie du micro- zyma. Kev. med. franc-, et Strang.. Par.. 1883, ii, 721-731, -----. Sur l'origine des microzymas et tics vibrioniens de l'air, des eaux et du sol, a propos d'une communication dc M. Duclaux. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. so., Par.. 1885, c, 181-184. -----. Sur la theorie du inicrozyma et le systeme microbien. Gaz. med. de Par., 1886. 7. s., iii, 353 • 365- 385; 409; 445; 51)9; 577; 601; 613— It < champ (A.) & Estoi- (A.) Des microzymas des oi Lianismes supei ieurs. Montpel. med.. 1870, xxiv, 32-48.— ISeehainp (.J.) Des microzymas et de leurs fonctious aux ditfen nts ages dim menu- etre. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc. Par., 1875, lxxxi, 226-229. -----. Sur un cas remarquable de reduction de l'acid" nitrique it ii oxydation tie l'acide acetique avec production d'alcool, sou's 1'influence tie certains microzy- mas. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1876, Par., 1877, v, 311-317.—C'crle* (A.) Xote relative a faction des hautcs pressions sur la vitalite des micro- organismes d'eau douce et d'eau de mer. Compt. rend Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2. 220-222. Also ■ Tri- bune med., Par., 1884, xvi, 224. — C'haniberlaiul \ Boux. Sur la non-existence du mit rozyina ercta-; re- ponse :i une note de M. A. Lechamp. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1881, xcii. 1347.-----. De la non-existence du microzyma creta*. Ibid.. 1165. — I'liriHtopher (IL) The place in creation and the work in the economy of nature of niiero-ortiniiisms. St. Louis M. &. S. J., i885 xlviii, 273; 361.—Colin ((}.) De. revolution ties orga- nisnies microscopiques sur l'aninial vivant. dans le cadavre et les produits inorbides. [Extr.| Compt. rend Acad d sc, Par.. 1882, xcv, 1338.— Uallinger (W. H) The president's address. [Some septic organisms.1 ,T. Itov. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1886, 2. s., vi. 193-207, 3 pi—Begagiiy .^lirroor^niiisiiiM. (C.) fttutle tie (livers micro-organismos n laide tie s,,],,. tions alcaliucs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par. jggj" 8. s., ii, pt. 2, 42S-430.—Kulor ( A.) Contribution si ietutle. des iiiicro/.yinas et des bacterics. (Jaz. hebd. d sc mAd de Montpel., 1883, v, 301; 338; 377.— I i< ^in^r ((' ) Note sur Its organisnies qui peuvent sc de\ c|,,|,|„.r dans les solutions pheniquees. Mem. Soc. dc metl ih Yuici (1881-2), 1883, 76-81—Fra nh land tK.) <»,, cbeinical changes in their relation to micro-m -auisms. .1. ('hem Soc, Lond., 1885, xlvii, 159-ls:t -l<'ran hi a ml (p. F) On the multiplieation of niit-ro-oiLiaiiisms. Proc. Kn\. Snr Lond., 1886, xl, 526-544. — Frenzel (J.) Leber din Mikro' zvmas in der Leber und im Pankreas. Piol. Centiallil Ki- lling., 1883, iii, 49-52.—Oaulier (A.) Sur les modincat'ioiiH soluble ct insoluble du ferment tie la digestion niisttritjuc. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1SS_', xciv, 652-655.— Kiinsllcr (J.) Recherches sur les infusoires parasites; sur quinze protozoaires nouveaux. J. dc mierog., ]'»]■.. 1883, vii, 583-585. ------. Sur la structure des rla'"elles' Ibid., 1886, x, 17. 1 pi., > Marpinaini (G.) Lelier die Erreger der Milchsaurc < lahruug. Lrgnzngshi't. ■/,. Centralbl. f. allg. (Jsntlhtspflg., Iionn, 1885-6, ii,~117-i3'J 1 pi.—IVIoniez (R.) Note sur une nouvelle i'urine (hj sarcodinc: le schizogenes parasiticus. J. tie Limit et physiol., etc.. Par., 1886, xx, 515-523, 1 pi— Mamlii ('(;.) I'rotorganismi. che appajono tlopo morte, non pinvnno eit'i che avvenga durante la vita. Mem. r. 1st. Veneto tli sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1874-5, xviii, 239-252. Also, Kc' print.—Sherborn (CD.) <* Chapman (K.) On some microzoa from the London cla\ exposed in the drainage- works, Piccadilly, London, lss5. J. Boy. Micr. See Lond., 1886, 2. s.,' vi, 737-763. 3 ;>l —Soroltin (\.) Line neue Spirillum-Art. Centralbl. I. llacteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1887, i, 465.— Trelea*e (\V.) Observations oi! several zoogloea* and related forms. Johns Hopkins Lniv Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1884-7, iii, 193-216, 1 pi.—Tumi (R.) Bechamp v Pasteur. (!ac m6d. ratal., Barcel., 1 s,-5 viii, 13; 45; 76;'109; 136; 269; 332; 429. Microphone. Sec; also, Calculus ( Urinary, Diagnosis of). Boekmann (O.) * Ueber den elektrischen Wi- derstiiiid des Mikrophonkolilencontactes wiih- rend der Bewegung. 8°. Giessen, 1884. Giboix. Le microphone ct ses applications en medeciue. 8°. Paris, 1878. Avezon (C.) Microphone de disposition spdriale ap- plicable anx recherches physiologiques et en particulier a l'etude, de la contraction musculaire. Progres med , I'ar., 1880, viii. 67 ; 88— Bianehi (A.) 11 telefono ed il niicio- fono applicati alle scienze mediche: modalite di ascultii- zione nella diagnosi medica. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Mi- lano, 1882, cclix, 193 ; 338 : 402 -Bomlel. Application ilu niicrophonc a la clinique et aux recherches physii>li>;Ji|iiis, J. il. conn. metl. prat, Par.. 1S79, 3. s., i, 409.-Bro- ehin. Des applications du telephone et du 111ii-i->-pIn>m- * la clinique. (Jaz. d. hop., Par , 1 skii, liii, 1025-10^7. —ICvc (E. J.) The microphone as a diagnosticator of the cntiie physical organism. Atlanta M. &.8.J., 1885-6, n. s., ii. 229- 231.—OrawMl (\V.) DasMicrophon und seine tliagnosti- sche Verwci thung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1«7K, xiii, 555.— llollaml (J. W.) A microphone for the licail. Louisville M. News, 1878, vi, 25.—I.adcmlorf (A.) Das Mic.rophon als diagnostisches Iliilfsiuittcl. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 565.— .Hartin* (G.) Ueber die Einfiihrung ties Mikrophons in die praktische Mnlii in Aerztl. Int. 111., Miinchen, 1882, xxix, 525-527.—..Ia*x (H.) Leber Anwendung ths Microphons zu eliiiurgisi li- diagnostischen Zuctkeii. Perl. klin. Wchnschr., !->, xv, 535.—Kijhe (P.-L.) Sur le microphone. Arcli.n6eil. d. sc. exactes, etc., Harlem. 1879. xiv, 76-96.—Spill- in a mi (P.) tfc Dumoiit (P.) Des applications du mi- crophone aux recherches cliniques. Arch. ai-n. de mill., Par.. 1879, cxliii, 513-523.—Troiive ((.'•) tV lie Jlojer (H.) Microphone de disposition speeiale, applicable aux recherches physiologiques et en particulier a 1 i tilde de la coutraetion musculaire. Progres m6d., Par., 1880, viii, 67. Tlicroithotography. See Photomicrographs, etc. iTIicrophtlialiiuiN. See Eye (Abnormities, etc., of); Monsters Jrom defect, etc., of brain, etc. Jlicrophyte*. See Bacteria; Fungi; Microorganisms. Micropia. See Belladonna (Effects of) on the eye. .flic* ropy le. Andre (L) Sur la preparation du micropyle dans la coque des ceufs de finite. .1. de l'anat. et physiol Par., 1875, xi, 197-202.-Buchhollz (R.) Leber die Mikro- MICROpYLU. 2f>l MICROSCOPE. iflicropvle. )iyle von Osmerus rlanns. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. pz., 1863. 71 ; 367, 1 pi.—Reieherl wissensch. Metl.. (K l'> ) Leber die Micnipvle tier liscbeier und nbei einen hisher unbekaniiten, eigeii'thiiiiilichen Ban des Xahruugs- dottersreil'ci-und hefiiichteter Fischeier (Heeht). Ibid., 1850 83-124, 1 pi. —von Sehlen (U.) Beitrag zur Frage nach der Mikrupyle ties Siingelhiereies. (Jekronte Preis- sclirift. Arch. f. Anat, u. Km « t klngsgescli., Leipz., 1882, 33-51, I pi. Ulii-rosroix' (The). Title, niter 1883, of: .Microscope (The) and its Kela- tiou to Medicine aud Pharmacy. Microscope and microscopy. See, also, Air (Chemistry, etc., of); Brownian motion; Diatoms; Histology; Infusoria; In- struments (Optical, etc.); Micrometer, etc.; Microtomes, etc. ; Photomicrographs, etc.; Toxicology (Use of microscope in); Urine, Water, Chemistry, etc., of. Abbe (E.) Beitriige zur Theorie des Mikro- skops und der mikroskopischen Wahruehmung. 8°. [n. p., 1*73.] Adal'HI Kan. Kenbikio Kensa Slushin. [Rules for microscopic examinations. ] lt> \ To- kio, 1882. Japanese text. Adams (G.) Micrograph! a illustrata, or the knowledge of the microscope explain'd ; together with an account of a new-invented universal, single or double microscope, either of which is capable of being applied to an improv'd solar apparatus. To which is added a translation of Mr. Joblott's observations on tbe animalcula . . . and a very particular account of that surprising phamoineuon, the fresh-water polype, translated from tbe French treatise of St. Trembley. 4°. London, 174(i. -----. The same. 2. ed. 4 . London, 1747. -----. The same. Likewise a natural his- tory of aerial, terrestrial, and aquatic animals, etc., considered as microscopic objects. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1771. -----. Essays on tbe microscope ; containing a practical description of the most improved mi- croscopes; a general history of insects. . . an account of the various species and singular prop- erties of tbe hydrse and vorticelbe ; a description of three hundred and seventy-nine animalcula . . . With atlas of 31 plates. 4 ;. London, 1787. -----. The same. 2. ed., with additions and improvements, bv F. Kanmacher. 4°. London, 1798. Aiiax (IT.-P.) Le microscope. Coup d'oul (list-ret sur le monde invisible, t . Bruxelles, 1873. -----. Le monde invisible dewoile. Revela- tions du microscope. 2. 6A. 8-; Bruxelles, 1880. Alkssandhi(P. E.) II microscopioe sua appli- cazione alia merceologia e bromatologia ; ad uso degli istituti e scuole tecniche, liceali, agrarie, industriali, commereiali, di farmacia, etc., com- mercial] ti, negozianti, fannacisti, etc. 8'r Mi- lano, 1886. Amici (G.) De microscopj catadiottrici me- moria. 4C. Modena, 1878. A knot (A.) Das Mikroskop im Dienste des landwiithschaftliclien und gewerblichen Lebens sowie der Fainilie. Populare Auweisung zur Be- handlung und praktischen Verwendung dessel- ben. 8\ Berlin, 1874. Baciimaxx (().) Unsere modernen Mikroskope und deren siinitliebe Hill's- und Nebenapparate fiir wisseuschaftliche Forschungcn. Eiu Hand- buch fiir Histologen, Geologen, Mediziner, Phar- niazeuten, Chemiker, TechnikeruudStudiercude. 8-. Miinchen it. Leipzig, 1883. Baii.hy (J. W.) Microscopical observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. 4'-. Sew York, [n. d.] Microscope and microscopy. Bailey (L. \Y.) Notes on new species of mi- croscopical organisms, chiefly from the Para River, South America, n-' Cambridge, 1861. Repr. from : lioston J. Xat. Hist., vii. Baker (H.) The microscope made easy; or, I. The nature, uses, and magnifying powers of tbe best kinds of microscopes described, calcu- lated, and explained, for the instruction of such, particularly, as desire to search into the wonders of tbe minute creation, tho' they are not ac- quainted with optics. Together with full direc- tions how to prepare, apply, examine, and pre- serve all sorts of objects, and proper cautions to be observed in viewing tliein. II. An account of what surprizing discoveries have been already made by the microscope, with useful reflections on them. And also a great variety of new ex- periments and observations, pointing out many uncommon subjects for the examination of the curious. 8 . London, 1742. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8^. London, 174:!. -----. The same. 3. ed. H . London, 1744. -----. The same. Le microscope a la ported de tout le monde, ou description, calcul et expli- cation de la nature, de 1'usage et de la force ties meillenrs microscopes, [etc.] Trad, de l'anglois . . . sur Fed iI ion de 174:L K'. Paris, 177)4. -----. Employment for the microscope. (In two parts.) *'-. London, 177)3. -----. The same. BeytWige zu nutzlichem niul vergniigendein Gebrauch und Verbesserung des Mieroseopii in zwey Theilen. Aus dem Eng- lischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt. sm. ^°. Augs- burg, 177)4. —----. Of microscopes and the discoveries made thereby. In 2 v. Vol. I. The microscope made easy. Vol. II. Employment for the micro- scope. A new ed. 8 . London, 1787). Baiskkr (J.) On the illuminations of micro- scopic objects. 8^. [n. p., n. d.] Read before the Loyal Irish Academy, Jan. 10, 1870. Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. Price list of microscopes, objectives, and accessories 10. ed. K . Rochester, N. Y.. 1886. -----. The same. Illustrated catalogue of microscopes, objectives, and accessories. 11. ed. *'. Rochester, S. Y., 1887. Bkalk (L. S ) How to work with tbe micro- scope. 8°. London, 1861. -----. Tbe same. 3. ed. 8■•>. London, 18f>o. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1868. -----. Descriptive catalogue of microscopi- cal specimens, illustrating the structure of cer- tain tissues . . . exhibited at the president's soiree (British Med. Ass'n, 1S(H). 8'\ London, 1868. ISkck (R.) A treatise on the construction, proper use, and capabilities of Smith, Beck, and Heck's achromatic microscopes. i?u. London, 1867). -----&. Beck (J.) A condensed list of a few of the most desirable microscopes, of moderate cost, and accessories, mounting implements, and materials, [etc.] 8-. [Philadelphia, 18831] Behlixg (O.) Verzeichniss der wichtigsten Erscheinungen auf dem Gebieteder Mikroskopie, 8°. Berlin. 1886. Bkrnakd (J.-G.) * Histoire des microscopes, ce (pie leur doit la medecine. 4°. Paris, 1886). liiox (N.) Traite' de la construction et des prineipaux usages des instruinens de mathema- tique. Nouv. ed. 4U. La Haye; 172IL Boxaxxi (P.) Observationes circa viventia, qiue in rebus non viventibus reperiuntur. Cum micrographia curiosa sive rerum minutissimaruin observationibus, quir ope mieroseopii recognitie ad vivum exprimuntur. His accesserunt aliquot MICROSCOPE. 2C2 MICROSCOPE. ^lici'ONCope and microscopy. aniinalinin testaceoruin icones non antea in lu- cem edifye. Omnia curiosoruin natuiie explora- toruni utilitati et jncunditati cxpressa el oblata. sin. 4J. Romce, 1691. Boxo (G. G.) II microscopio e le sue applica- zioni alle perizie di medieina forense, [etc.] 8°. Genora,' 1863. Borei.li (P.) De vero telescopii inveutore, cum brevi omnium conspiciliorum historia, ubi de eoruni coufectione, ac usu, sen de eflectibus agitur, novaque qutedam circa ea proponuntur. Accessit etiam centuiia obsei vatiouum microcos- picarum. 4 . Hagce-Comitum, 1655. Bkewstf.h (Sir D.) Description of a mono- chromatic lamp for microscopical purposes, etc., with remarks on the absorption of tbe prismatic ravs by coloured media. 4°. Edinburgh, 18-22. Repr. from: Tr. Roy. Soc. Ediuh. Bkocklesbv (J.) The amateur microscopist; or, views of the microscopic world. A band- book of microscopic manipulation and micro- scopic objects. 8-. Sac York, 1871. C.(E.) Bailey Microscopical Club; tableshow- ing the actual magnifying power of thirty-live microscopical objectives of various makers, as determined at a. meeting of the Bailey Microsco- pical Club, held in Xew York. September '20, 1870. sr. [n. p., n. d.] Caiipexter (W. B.) Tbe microscope and its revelations. 4. ed. S'r London, 1868. ------. The same. 5. ed. Prepared with the assistance of II. J. Slack. 12 . London, 1877). ------. The same. 6. ed. 8 . London, 1881. ------. The same. 6. ed. 2 v. 8°. Sew York, 1883. ------. Tbe same. With an appendix con- taining the applications of the microscope lo clinical medicine, etc., by Francis Gnrney Smith. bc. Philadelphia, 187)6. Casi kacane (F.) Cenni su 1'esame mierosco- pico di uu fango estratto dal foudo del' Oceauo Atlantico. 4°. [Roma, 1870.] Repr. from : Atti Accad. pont. de' Nuovi Lineei, 1870, v. ------. Esame microscopico e note critiche su un campione di fango atlantico ottenuto nella spedizione del " Porcupine" nell' anno 18(il). 4 . [Roma, 1871.] Repr. from: Atti Accad. pont. de' Xuovi Lineei, 1871. i. ------. Su la illumiuazione monocromat iea del microscopio e la fotomicrogralia e loro utilita. 4°. Hornet, 1*71. Repr. from .- Atti Accad. pont. de' XTuovi Linoei, 1871, iii ------. Sn la risoluzione delle linee di Xobert e su i progressi della micrografia. 4°. Roma, 1872. Repr. from: Atti Accad. pont. de' Nuovi Lineei, 1872, vi. ------. La visione binoculaire in relazione alia micrografia. 4°. Roma 1874. Catalog mikroskopischer Injections- Priipa- rate, welche durch Tauscb oder Kauf zu bezieheu sind von Prof. Hyrtl in Wien. 8°. Wien, 1873. Catalogue of works on the microscope, and of those referring to microscopical .subjects, in the library of Freeman C. S. Roper. 8■'-'. [Lon- don], 186)7). Chevalier (A.) E'etudiant niicrographe. Traite theorique et pratique du microscope et des preparations. 2. ed., augnientee . . . par Alph. dc Brebisson, Henri van Heurck, G. Pouchet. s Paris, 1867). ------. The same. 3. 6d. s . Parti, 1882. Chevalier (C.) Des microscopes et de leur usage. Description d'appareils et de procedes nouveaux, suivie d'experiences raicroscopiques . . . et les notes de M. Le Baillif, et d'un m6moire sur les diatomees, etc., par M. de Brebisson. 8°. Paris, 1839. microscope and microscopy. ------. Rapports sur les instruinens inventes ou construits par . . . 8■'. Paris, [n. d.] Chlx (C.) Katecbismus der Mikroskopie 16°. Leipzig, 188,;. Cole (A. C.) Studies in microscopical science 2 v. 8°. London, 1.88:1-4. Cooke (M. 0.) One thousand objects for tbe microscope. 12°. London Y Sew York, 1869. Cross (C. R.) On the focal leneth of micro. scopic objectives. Contributions from the phys- ical laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 8C. [Boston, 1870.] Davis (G. E.) Practical microscopy. 2. ed. 8-. London, 1882. Deciiai.es (C. F. M.) Cursns seu immdus matheniatiens. Editio altera, ex maiuiscriptis authoris aucta et emendata, opera et studio Amati Yarcin ... 4 v. fol. Lugduni, 1699. Dei.la Torre (G. M.) Nnove osservazioni niicrosciqiielie. 4U. Sapoli, 177G. Description et usage du microscope. 1G°, [it. p., n. d.] Didelot (L.) * Du ponvoir amplifiant du mi- croscopo; determination thdorique et experi- ment-ale. 4°. Lyon, 1886. Dippel (L.) Das Mikroskop und seine An- wendung. 2 v. sr Braunschweig, 18(17-1). ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 1. Theil, 1.-3. Abth. 8°. Braunschweig, 1882-:?. ------. Handbuch der allgenieinen Mikrosko- pie. 2. Aufl. 1.-3. Abth. 8°. Brauuselnreie), 1882-3. In his: Das Mikroskop nnd seine Anweudun^. 8°. Braunschweig, 1882. Drielsma (A.) Het niikroskoop in zijne toe- passing bij de diagnose. Naar Bennett en Kcin- liard bewerkt, met aantekeningeii en bijvoeg- sels venneeitleid, met eene voorrede van Prof. I. van Deen. 8C. Tied, 1859. Liirexrerg (C. G.) Mikrogeologisclie Stu- dien iiber das kleinste Leben der Meeics-Tief- griinde aller Zonen nnd (lessen geologischen Ein- fluss. 4°. Berlin, 187:!. Elsxek ( 1". ) Mikroskopischer Atlas. Ein illustrates Saiimielwerk zum Gebrauehe 1'iirfJc- sundlieitslieainte, Apotheker, Drogisten, Kauf- leute und gebildete Laien. 1.-5. Hft. fol. Halle a. S., 1884-5. Fiddiax (T.) A paper on a new method of adjusting the focus of microscopes. 8°. [Bir- mingham, 1870.] vox Flkisciil (E.) Mikroskope. Medicin. 8°. Wien, 1877. Repr. from: Bericht iihei die "Weltaussteilung in Phila- delphia, 1870. Flemmixg (W.) Ueber die beutigen Anfga- ben des Mikroskops. Ein popularer Yortrag, gehalten in der Aula der bniversitat zu Kostock. 8 . Rostock, 1872. Foster (M.) Report on modern microscopes and recent improvements in microscopical appa- ratus, -with a special view to the requirements of medical students and practitioners. 8°. Lon- don, 1867. Fkaxcotte (P.) Manuel de technologic nii- eroseopique applicable it l'histologie, l'amitoinii' com puree, l'euibryologie et la botanique. f--. Parti, [1886,]. Frey (H.) Das Mikroskop und die mikiosko- pische Tecbnik. Ein Handbuch fur Aerzte und Studireiitle. 2. Aufl. 8^. Leipzig, I8li5. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 18(',8. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1871. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. MICROSCOPE. 2G3 MICROSCOPE. Microscope and microscopy. _____. The same. 6. Aufl. 8 -. Leipzig, Ll___. The same. 7. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, ' The same. The microscope and mi- croscopical technology. Transl. by George R. Cutler, M. D. From the 4. German ed. 8°. Sew York, 1872. Fhitscii (G.) Feber das stereoskopische Se- hen im Mikroskop und die Herstellung stereo- skopiseher Mikrotypien auf photographiscbem YVege. 4-'. Berlin, 1873. Fuss (X.) Instruction detaillee pour porter les lunettes de toutes les differentes especes au plus haut degr£ de perfection dont elles sont su- sceptibles, tire'e de la theorie dioptrique de Mr. Euler le pere et mise a la portee de tons les ou- vriers en ce genre. Avec la description d'un mi- croscope qui pent passer pour le plus parfait dans son espece et qui est propre a produire tons les grossissemens qu'on voudra. 4°. St.-Peters- bourg, 1774. -----. The same. Uuistandliche Auweisung, wie alle Arten vou Fernrouren in der grossten mogliciien Yollkoniinenheit zu verfertigen sind. Aus des iii tern Herrn Eider's Theorie der Dioptrik gezogen, und fiir alle Kiinstler in diesem Fache hegreiflich geniacht. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und mit einijren Zusiitzten vermebrt, von Georg Simon Kliigel. 4°. Leipzig, 1778. Gage (S. H.) Microscopical notes. 8 . [Ann Arbor, 1886.] Repr. from: Microscope, Dec, 1886. Gaubixi (A.) Manuale per la tecnica mo- derna del microscopio nelle osservazioni zoolo- gicbe, istologiche ed anatoiniche. 12°. Verona, 1887). -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Verona, 1887. Gehard (R.) Traite pratique de microgra- pliie appliquee ii la botanique, a la zoologie, a I'hygiene et aux recherches cliniques. roy. 8°. Paris, 1887. Giuard (J.) Le monde microscopique des eaux. sin. 8°. Paris, 1872. Glaishei: (J.) The president's address before the Royal Microscopical Society of London for the year 181)7—8. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. The president's address delivered be- fore the Royal Microscopical Society, February 10, 18159. s'\ London, 1869. Goeckf.l (J. C.) *De microscopiis simplici- bus et theoretice et practice consideratis. 4°. Jena; [173:!]. Goiuxg (C. R.) & Prichard (A.) Microscopic illustrations of a few new, popular, and divert- ing living objects . . . with accurate descriptions of the latest improvements in tbe new micro- scopes, [etc.] 8°. London, 1830. -----------. Micrographia, containing prac- tical essays on reflecting, solar, oxy-hydrogeii gas microscopes, micrometers, eye-pieces, etc. Illus- trated. 8i;. London, 1837. Goit.d. Guide pour les recherches et observa- tions miscroscopiques, contenant la description du microscope, la preparation des infusions veg6- tales et des solutions salines. Trad, de la 7. 6e\. angiaise, avec figures et additions, par Julia de Fontenelle. s ->. Paris, 1836. s' Gravesaxde (W. J.) Mathematical ele- ments of natural philosophy, conrirm'd by ex- periments; or, an introduction to Sir Isaac New- ton's philosophy. Written in Latin. Transl. into English by the late J. T. Desaguliers, and published by his son, 3. T. Desaguliers. 6. ed. 2 v. 4°. London, 1747. Griexdelils (J. F. ) Micrographia nova: sive nova et curiosa variorum minutorum cor- licroscopc and microscopy. porum singularis cujusdam et noviter ab autore inventi mieroseopii ope adauctorum et miranda magnitudine repia'sentatornin de-scriptio. 4'-'. Sornnberga; 16)87. Griffith (J. W. ) A Hexitiey (A.) The micrographic dictionary; a guide to the exami- nation and investigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects. 2. ed. 2 v. iu 1. 8°. London, 1860. ----- -----. The same. Edited by J. W. Griffith and Martin Duncan, assisted by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley and T. Rupert Jones. 3. ed. 2 v. 8°. London", 1871-4. ------------. The same. 4. ed. 8^. Lon- don, 1883. Hager (H.) Das Mikroskop und seine An- wendung. 2. Aufl. 8'-. Berlin, 1866. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1874. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1886. -----. The same. Kenbikio Yoho. [Tbe use of the microscope. Transl. by Sbibata Sho- kei.] 12 . Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. -----. Le microscope; theorie; applications; traite pratique a 1'usage des eieves des ecoles du gouvernement, des chiniistes. des pbarinaciens, des agriculteurs, du commerce et de l'iudnstrie, des laboratoiies, des ecoles d'arts et mdtiers, des 6tablisseinents iudustriels et des gens du monde. Traduction et annotations sur la 4. ed. du Dr. . . . par L. Planchon et L. Hugouneiig. Introd. par J.-E. Planchon. 12°. Paris, 1884. Haxxover (A.) On the construction and use of the microscope. Edited by John Goodsir. 8°. Edinburgh, 1853. Hartixg (P.) Das Mikroskop; Theorie, Ge- brauch, Geschiehte nnd gegenwartiger Zustand desselben. Deutsch von F. W. Theile. 2. Aufl. 3 v\ 8°. Braunschweig, 1866. Hartnack (E.) Preis-Coiuant der achroma- tischen Mikroskope. S'-\ Potsdam, 1883. Haimsoeker (N.) Essay de dioptrique. 4°. I'aris, 1694. -----. Principes de physique. 4°. Paris, 1696. Halsiiofer (K.) Mikroskopische Reactionen. Eine Anleitung zur Erkennung verscbiedener Elemente und Verbindnngen miter dem Mikro- skop als Supplement zu deu Methoden der quali- tativen Analyse. 8°. Braunschweig, 1885. Heller (K. B.) Das dioptrische Mikroskop, (lessen Einrichtung und Behandlung leichtfass- lieb dargcstellf. >-:. Wien, 1856. Heimanx (G. ) * Mikroskopische Untor.su- chunetii an hungernden und verhungerten Tau- ben. ' 8°. Giessen, 1850. vax Helrck (H.) Le microscope, sa construc- tion, son maniement, et son application aux etudes d'anatoinie veg6tale. 2. ed. 8-;. Anrers, 1869. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Bruxelles, 1878. Hogg (J.) The microscope; its history, con- struction, and application; being a familiar in- troduction to the use of the instrument, and the study of microscopical science. 6. ed. 8'. Lon- don, '1867. Hooke (H.) Micrographia; or some physio- logical descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses; with observations and in- quiries thereupon, fol. London, 1667. -----. Microscopic observations; or, won- derful discoveries by the microscope, illustrated by thirty-three copper-plates, curiously en- graved; whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass, [etc.] fol. London, 1780, MICROSCOPE. 2lU MICPOSCOP]-;. 1licro*copc and microscopy. Imave Mi si-i'ada. Bioya Kenbikiyo. [A guide to chemical microscopy.] 12°. Tokio, 1886. Japanese text. Ixtkrxa itoxal Exhibition of 1876. Hospital of the Medical Department, Inited States Army . . . Xo. i>. List of microscopical preparations from the Army Metlical Museum. 8-'. Philadel- phia, 1876. Jonlot (L.) Descriptions et usages de plu- sieurs nouveaux microscopes, taut simples que eouiposez; avec de nouvelles observations faites sur une multitude innombrable diusect.es, et (Vantres animaux de diverses especes, qui nais- sent dans les liqueurs preparoes, et dans celles qui ne le sont point. 2 pts. 4°. Paris, 1718. -----. Observations d'bistoire uaturelle faites avec le microscope, sur uu grand norubre d'in- sectes, et sur les animalcules qui se trouvent dans les liqueurs prcjiarees et dans celles qui ne le sont pas, etc. Avec la description et les usages des difl'erens microscopes, etc. 2 v. in 1. 4°. I'aris, 1754. Kampf (C. L. F.) * I'eber die Untersuchiing tier Microscope und Theilungsfehler an den Kreisen des ueuen Aequatoreals der Hamburger Sternwarte. [Gottingen.] 8'-''. Altona, 1868. Kixg (J.) The microscojiist's companion ; a popular manual of practical microscopy. 8°. Cincinnati, 1859. Kli'gf.l(G. S.) Analytische Dioptrik in zwey Theilen. Der erste enthiilt die allgemeine Theo- rie der optiscben Werkzeugo; der zweyte die be- sondere Theorie und voitlieilhafteste Einricb- tung aller Gattungen von Fernrohren, Spiegel- teleskopen, und Mikroskopen. 4°. Leipzig, 1778. Kostlix (O.) Die mikroskopischen Forsehnn- gen im Gebiete der menschlichen Physiologic Eine von der nied. Facultiit zu Tiibingen ge- kronte Preisschrift. 8°. Stuttgart, 1840. Koristka (F.) Xorme pratiche per 1' uso del microscopio. 12°. [Milano], 1883. Laxkester (E.) Half-hours with the micro- scope, being a popular guide to tbe use of the microscope as a means of amusement and in- struction. Illustrated from nature, by Tuft'en West. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1860. Lardxer (D.) The microscope. 8°. London, 187)6. Latteux (P.) Manuel de technique micro- scopique, ou guide pratique pour 1'eTude et le inanieinent du microscope. 2. ed. 12°. Parti 1883. -----. The same. 3. del. 8 . I'aris, 1887. Ledermcller (M. F.) Nachleese seiner mi- kroskopischen Gemiiths- und Augen-Ergotzung. I. Saninilung. bestehend in zehen fein illunii- nirtt n Kupfertal'eln, sammt deren Erkliirung und einer getreuen Auweisung, wie man alle Arten Mikroskope gcscbickt, leicht und niizlich ge- br.-iuchen solle. 4°. [Siirnberg], 1762. -----. Mikroskopische Gemiiths- und Augen- Ergotzung: bestehend in ein hundert nach der Natur gezeichneten und mit Farben erleiiehteten Kupfertafeln, sammt deren Erkliirung. 4'-. [Siirnberg], 176?,. -----. Physikalisch-mikroskopiscbe Zerglie- derung und Yorstellung einer sehr kleineu Win- terknospe des Hippocastani seu Esculi, oder des wilden Rosskastauieubaums. fol. Siirnbera 1764. J' -----. Phisicalisch mikroskopische Yorstel- lung und Zergliederung einer angeblichen Roken- pflanze, das Standten. Stek-oder Gersteukoru insgemein genannt. Wobey die Embryoneu der noch zarten nnd kaum 4. Woehen alten Aehre, mit ihrem Keim, dann Bliiht und Befruchtuno-s- Jlicroscope and microscopy. Theilen, ingleicheu die Aehnliebkeit des Poken und Gerstengrases mit, seiner Bliiht und 1-Yiirht, sowohl natiiilich als vergriissert sich ahgebildet belinden; als der zugcsichcrte und verlanoto Sebluss des zergliederten Kokens. fol. ViV?». berg, 1765. Lee (A.-B.) A Hexxeguv (F.) Traite: des niethodes techniques de ranatoinie microsco- pique; histologic, embryologie et zoologie. Avec une preface de M. Rainier. 8 . Paris, |ss7. v.\x Leelwexiioek (A.) Analtunia sou in- teriors rerum, cum aniniataruin tuin inaninia- tarum, ope et beneflcio exquisitissiinoriiiu nii- croscopiornm iletecta, variisque experinientis deinonstrata, una cum discursu et ulteriore di- lucidatione epistolis. . . datis eoniprehensaab. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1687. -----. Arcana untune, ope et benefieio ex- quisitissimoruni niieroscopioruin deteela. variis- que experinientis deinonstrata, una cum discursu et ulteriori dilncidatione ; epistolis suis ad quod . . . Londini floret, philosophoruni col- legium datis, comprebensa. Editio tertia. 4 Lugd. Bat., 1688. -----. The same. sm. 4 '. Delphis Bttlavo- runi, 16>97). -----. [ Works. ] 6 v. sm. 4 . Leiden <| Delft, 1693-1718. CONTEXTS. 1. St. Ontledingen en ontdckkingeii van leventledici liens in ile tecl-deeleii van vorscbeiilediercn, vogeleneu visschen; van lift hout met tier sel ver ine.onigviildige Taatcii; van hair, vlees, en vis; alsniede van tie groote nieciiiirte tier dierkcns iu de excrenienten. 2. druk. 2. St. Vervolg, en tweede vervolg, der brieven. II. St. Horde voivols:, en vierde vervolg der brieven. 4. St. Vijltle vervolg, en scsde vervolg der brieven. 5. St. Se\ eiitle vervolg. 6. St. Seiitlbrieven . . . als aan andere aaiisit'iicli.jke en geleertle lietlen. over vcisclieyde vcrborgentlicilcn tier na- tuure, nanientli.jk over Let. wondorli.jk gestel van tic vcse- len tier spieren in vcoltlerley gedierte; de pencil en ilesel- ver working; versclieyde zuden, 't oog van een walvis [etc.] -----. The select works of. . . containing his microscopical discoveries in many of the works of nature. Transl. from the Dutch and Latin edi- tions published by the author, by Samuel Boole. 2 v. in 1. 4\ London, 17H8-L-07. I.ereijoihs (N.-P.) Instruction pratique sur les microscopes, contenant la description des mi- croscopes achroinatiques simplifies. 3. ed., pre- cede d'un apercu snr les differents systemes de microscopes. »-. Paris, 1846. Long (R.) Instruktion iiber den zweckmiissi- gen Gebrauch des zusaininengesetzteu Mikro- skops. 8°. Berlin, [1886]. Llc-Leo. L'industrie a,u xixe siecle. Les microscopes Chevalier, suivi d'une notice liisto- rique sur la plus ancieuue maison de cc noni. 4°. Paris, 1878. Lyons (R. [S.] D.) An apology for the micro- scope . . . introductory lecture. 8°. Dublin, 187A. McAllister (T. H.) Illustrated price list of microscopes, microscopic apparatus, lenses, etc. 3. ed. 8°. Sew York, 1877. -----. The same. 8->. Sew York, 1887. Maxdl (L.-L.) Traite" pratique du microscope et de son emploi dans l'dtude des corps orga- nises; suivi de recherches sur l'organisation des animaux infusoires par D.-L.-G. Ehrenberg. s . Parti, 1839. Martix (B.) Optical essays, containing: I. A practical description of the several sorts of sin- gle, solar, and compound microscopes; with their apparatus, and latest improvements. II. The nature of vision in insects demonstrated by mi- croscopic observations. III. A catalogue of all MICROSCOPIC 265 MICROSCOPE. microscope and microscopy. the principal microscopic objects. IV. The use of the reflecting telescope as au universal per- spective for viewing every sort of object in the greatest perfection. V. The. manner of comput- ing the magnifying power in single and double microscopes. VI. A new method of applying a micrometer to take the dimensions of small ob- jects. VII. An illustration of the whole in a great variety of figures on a large copper-plate. 8°. London, [n. cl.] -----. A new and compendious system of optics, in three parts, viz: Part I. Catoptrics, or the doctrine of vision by rays reflected from mirrours or polished surfaces. Part. II. Dioptrics, or the theory of vision by rays refracted through lenses or transparent substances. Part III. A practical description of a great number of the most useful optical instruments and machines, and their construction shewn from the theory ; viz, the eye, camera obscura, single and double microscopes, refracting and reflecting telescopes, perspective glasses, the magic lanthorn, etc. The manner of adapting micrometers to micro- scopes and telescopes of the reflecting sort. The whole explained, exempli tied, and illustrated by a great variety of copper-plate figures as big as the life. 8-'. London, 1740. -----. Micrographia nova ; or a new treatise on the microscope, and microscopic objects. Con- taining: I. The description and use of two dif- ferent reflecting microscopes, of a new form and structure, and furnish'd with a micrometer, viz, one design'd for the pocket, the other mounted on a ball and socket, which renders it of uni- versal use. II. A large and particular account of all kinds of microscopic objects, to be found in the human body, in quadrupeds, in fowls, fishes, insects, reptiles, etc., in plants, and vege- tables of every kind ; in earths, minerals, and fos- sil substances; and various other miscellaneous subjects. With directions how to procure aud prepare them for use ; and divers occasional re- marks interspersed thro' the whole. To which is added, an account of tbe camera obscura, and the solar microscope, or method of magnifying objects in a darkeu'd chamber, in every way by reflection and refraction. 4°. Reading, 1742. -----. Xew elements of optics, or the theory of the aberrations, dissipations, and colours of light; of the general and specific refractive powers and densities of mediums; the properties of single and compound lenses; and the nature, construction and use of refracting and reflecting telescopes and microscopes of every sort hitherto published. 8°. London, 1759. -----. Philosophia Britannica ; or a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philos- ophy, astronomy, and geography, in a course of twelve lectures, with notes ; containing the phys- ical, mechanical, geometrical, and experimental proofs and illustrations of all the principal prop- ositions in every branch of natural science ; also a particular account of the invention, structure, improvement and uses of all the considerable in- struments, engines, and machines; with new cal- culations relating to their nature, power, and operation. The whole collected and methodized from all the principal authors aud public memoirs. 3. ed. 3 v. .- . London, 1771. M'ap.tix (J. H.) Microscopic objects figured and de-scribed. 8. London, 1879. Martils (('.) Du microscope, et de son ap- plication a I'd tilde des etres organises et en par- ticulier ii celle de l'utricule vegdtale et des glo- bules du sang. 4°. Paris, 1839. Mkrki-x (F.) Das Mikroskop und seine An- wendung. H-. Miinchen, 1875. i iHici°oscope and microscopy. Miller ( M. N. ) Practical microscopy; a course of normal histology for students and prac- titioners of medicine. 8-. Sew York, 1887. Moller (J. D.) Institut fiir Mikroskopie. Preisverzeichuiss mikroskopischer Priiparate, Utensilien und Materialien zur Anfertiguug derselben. 8°. Berlin, 1874. -----. The same. 8°. Berlin, 1883. Molyxelx(W.) Dioptrica nova. A treatise of dioptricks, iu two parts. Wherein the vari- ous effects and appearances of spherick glasses, both couvex and concave, single and combined, in telescopes and microscopes, together with their usefulness in many concerns of human life, are explained. 4°. London, 1692. MoniGGiA (A.) La microscopia. Prolusione al corso libero d' istologia norinale umana nella R. Universita di Torino per 1' anno accadeinieo 1864-5. 8°. Torino, 1865. Moser (A.) Anleitung zum Gebrauche des Mikroskops fiir Aerzte, Naturforscher uud Freunde der Natur. 8■-; Berlin, 1839. vax Missciiexbroek (P.) Introductio ad philosophiain naturalem. 2 v. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1762. Nachet (A.) Instruction sur l'application du microscope dans la production de la graine des vers a soic. 8°. Paris, 1872. Nageli(C) & Sciiwexdexer (S.) Das Mi- kroskop; Theorie und Anwendung desselben. b°. Leipzig, 1867. N[eedham ([J.] T.) Au account, of some new microscopic discoveries founded on au examina- tion of the calamary and its wonderful milt- vessels . . . tending to prove, by an accurate de- scription of their motion, action, etc., that the hitherto supposed animalcules in the semen of animals are nothing more than machines similar, tho' inconceivably less, to those discovered in this sea-production. Also, observations on the farina fnecundans of plants; with a new discov- ery and description of the action of those minute bodies, analogous to that of the calamary's milt- vessels. And an examination of the pistil, ute- rus, and stamina of several flowers, with an at- tempt to shew how the seed is impregnated. Likewise observations on the supposed embryo sole-flsh fixed to the bodies of shrimps; with a new discovery of a remarkable animalcule found single on the tail-part of each embryo. A de- scription of the eels or worms in blighted wheat; and other curious particulars relating to the natural history of animals, plants, etc. 8°. London, 1745. -----. Nouvelles deeouvertes faites avec le microscope. Traduites de l'anglois avec un indmoire sur les polypes a bouquet et sur ceux a entonnoir par A. Trembley. 16°. Leide, 1747. -----■. Nouvelles observations microscopi- ques, avec des decouvertes int6ressantes sur la composition et decomposition des corps organis6s. 16-. I'aris, 1750. Nikiforov (M.) Kratkii uchebnik mikroskop. techuiki. Posobie pri prakt. izucben. patolog. gistologii. S predislov. J. F. Kleina. [Short manual of microscopical technics. Aid to the practical study of pathological histology. With a preface by J. F. Klein.] 8°. Moskva, 1887). Notcltt (W. L.) A handbook of tbe micro- scope and microscopic objects; with descriptive lists of upwards of 1,780 objects, aud full direc- tions for obtaining, preparing, and viewing them. With twelve plates, including figures of sixty- one objects. 12°. London, 1859. Pacini (F.) Sopra un nuovo meccanismo di microscopio specialineute destinato alle riccr- microscope. 2<;<; MICROSCOPE. Microscope and microscopy. che anatomic-he e fisiologiche. 8°. Bologna, 18.\7). Repr. from : Nuovi ann. d. sc. nat. di Bologna, No- venibre, 1845. Paget (J.) Report on the chief results ob- tained by the use of the microscope in the study of human anatomy and physiology. 8°. Lon- don, 1842. See, also, infra. Pasciiu's (G.) De novis inventis, quorum ac- curatiori cultui facem prsetulit antiquitas, trac- tatus, secundum ductum disciplinarnm, facul- tatum atque artium in gratiam curiosi lecto- ris concinnatus. Editio secuuda. 4°. Lipsia; 1700. Pas.semaxt. Description et usage des tele- scopes, microscopes; ouvrages et inventions. . . 12°. Paris, [n. d.] Hound with: Swkuexboroius (Emanuel). *Deinfinito [etc.] 12°. Dresdee et Lipsiee, 1734. Pereira (J.) Lectures on polarized light, to- gether with a lecture ou the microscope . . . Fdited by Baden Powell. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1854. Porta (J. B.) Mague naturalis, sive de mi- raculis rerum uaturalium libri iiii. 24°. Lug- duni, 17)61. ------. Magi.e naturalis libri viginti, in qui- bus scieiitiaruin uaturalium divitise et delicia* demonstrantur; jam de novo, ab omnibus men- dis repurgati, in lucem prodierunt. 12°. Fran- cofurti, 17)97. ------. The same. Natural magic in twenty books, imp. 8°. London, 16)6)9. Power (H.) Experimental philosophy in three books; containing new experiments, microscop- ical, mercurial, magnetical. With some deduc- tions, aud probable hypotheses, raised from them, in avouchment and illustratiou of the uow fa- mous atomical hypothesis. 4°. London, 16)64. Pritgtiaiu) (A.) Microscopic illustrations of living objects, with researches concerning the methods of constructing microscopes and instruc- tions for using them. Third edition. To which is added, a supplement on the verification of mi- croscopic pheuomeua, and an exact method of testing microscopes. By C. E. Goring. 8°. Lon- don, 1815. ------. Microscopic objects, animal, vegeta- ble, and mineral; with instructions for prepar- ing and viewing them. 12°. London, 1847. Qiiekett (J.) A practical treatise on the use of the microscope, including the different methods of preparing and examining animal, vegetable, and mineral structures. 8°. London, 1848. ------. The same. 2. ed. Library of illus- trated standard scientific works, v. 6. 8°. London, 1852. Ralph (T. S.) Observations and experiments with the microscope, ou the chemical effects of chloral hydrate, chloroform, prussic acid, aud other agents ou the blood. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Reade (J. B.) Address delivered before the Royal Microscopical Society at the anniversary meeting, February 9, 1870. '8~. London, 1879. Reinicke (F.) Beitriige zur nenem Mikro- skopie. 1.-3. Hft. 8°. Dresden, 1858-62. Reixsch (P.) Das Mikroskop in seiner Bedeu- tung fiir die Erweiterung der Naturerkenntniss, fur die Entwickeluug der physikalischeu, der be- schreibenden und physiologischen Wissenschaf- teu, wie auch fiir einige Zweige des biirgerlicben Lebens. Nebst einer iibersichtlichen Darstellung seiner Einrichtung und seines Gebrauches. 8°. Niirnberg, 1867. Rigolt (A.) *De la recherche micro-chimi- que. 4C. Paris, 1865. Microscope and microscopy. Robin (('.) Du microscope et des injections) dans leurs applications a l'anatomie et i\ la pa- thologic, suivi d'une classification des Nciciiccs foudaineiitales, de celle de la biologie et de I'ana- tomie en particulier. 8°. Paris, 1849. ------. Traite du microscope. Son mode (l'emploi, ses applications a l'etude des injec- tions, a 1'anatoniie huinaiue et comparee, a In pathologie medico-chirurgieale, a l'histoire na- turelle animale et vegetalo, et a l'econoinie a»ri- cole. 8'-'-. Paris, H71. Soiiacht (H.) Le microscope et son applica- tion speeiale a l'etude de l'anatoniie vegetalo. Traduction francaise, publide d'apres la troi- sieine Edition allemande par M. Dalimier. 8° Parti, 1865. Schlesinger (R.) Mikroscopische Untersu- chungen der Gespinnst-Fasern im rohen und gefarbten Zustande, nebst einem Versuche zur Erkennung der Shoddy-Wolle. Mit einem Vor- wort von Emil Kopp. 8^. Z'tivich, 1873. Bchott (G.) Magia universalis natura' ct artis, sive recoudita naturalium et artificialiiun rerum scientia, cujus ope per variam applica- tionem activorum, cum passivis, admirandoriun effectuum spectacula, abditarumque inventio- num miracula, ad varios bumame vitie usus ernuntur. Opus quadripartitum. Pars I. Cnii- tinet optica. II. Acoustica. III. Matliematica. IV. Physica. S'iugularuni epitonien sequens pne- fatio obiter, accuratius vero uniuscujusque pecu- liare praeloquium exponit. 4 v. in 2. Y; Ihr- bipoli, 1657-77. ------. 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Collegium experimentale, sive curiosum, in quo primaria hujus seculi in- vent a et experimenta physico-mathematica, spe- ciatim canipami'urinatori le,camera'obscura', tulii Torricelliani, sen baroscopii, antlia* piieuinaticii', thermonietrorum, hygrosco}iioruni, telescopio- nim, microscopiorum et cet., phenomena et etfecta, partim ab aliis jam pridem oxhibita par- tim noviter istis superaddita, per ultimum qua- driinestre anni in.dc.lxxii. viginti. naturae sern- tatoribus, ex parte illustri nobilique prosapia oriundis, et spectanda oculis subjecit, et ad causas suas naturales deinonstrativa methodo reduxit, quodqne nunc accessione niulta, denion- strationum ac bypothesiuin veritatem porro illustrante, coiifirn'iante, et a nonnnlloruin cavil- latiouibus vindicante, locupletatuin aniicoruin quornudam suasu et cousilio publicum adspiccre voluit. 4 '•'. NorimbergcT, 1676. ------. Tentamiuum collegii curiosi qtucdam appendices sive auctaria quibus supplentur ea M10 J J.OSCOPE. 2 (J 7 MICKOSCOP K. Microscope and microscopy. qme partim in ipso collegio per discursum ad superiora plncnoniena et conclusiones oretenus annotata fuerunt, partim vero, istisnunc iterato lectis et sub incudem denuo revocatis, majoris evidentia* ergo, addenda videbautnr. 49. No- rimberga; 1676. Teciixisches Institut fur Anfertigung natnr- wisseuschaftlicher Apparate und Uteusilien. Dr. Robert Muencke. Uteusilien zum mikrosko- pischen Gebrauche. Mit besonderer Beriicksich- tignng der Methoden nach Dr. Rob. Koch. 8 '. Berlin, [1885]. vox Tiiaxiioffer (L.) Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. Ein Leitfaden der allge- ineineu mikroskopischen Technik fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 8°. Stuttgart, 1880. Tuaiier (P. Z.) Nervus opticus sive tractatus theoricus, iu Ires libros, opticam, catoptricam, dioptricani distributus. In quibus radiorum a lnuiine, vel objecto per medium diapbanum pro- cessus, natura, proprietates et effectus, selectis, et rarioribusexperientiis, figuris, demonstrationi- busi|iie exhibentnr. fol. Viennce Austria?, 1699. TiU'TAT (E.) Traite eiementaire du micro- scope. Premiere, partie. Le microscope et son emploi. s . Paris, [88:5. United St vies. War Department. Medical Department. The World's Industrial aud Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, Lit., 1884-5. Medical Department, United States Army. Hx- hibit class 4, No. 6. Description of the micro- scopes and microscopical preparations from the Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. 8°. New Orleans, 1884-5. United States. tl«>- Department. Surgeon- GeneraVs Office. Catalogue of the microscopical section of the United States Army Medical Mu- seum. Prepared under the direction of the Sur- geon-General, U. S. A., by Edward Curtis, assist- ant surgeon, U. S. A. 4°. Washington, 1867. 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The microscopist; or,acom- plete manual on the use of the microscope. For physicians, students, and all lovers of natural science. 8C. Philadelphia, 1851. -----. The microscopist; a manual of mi- croscopy and compendium of the microscopic sciences ... 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877. Young (T.) Remarks on the measurement of minute particles, especially those of the blood aud of pus. In his: An introduction to medical literature, etc. 8°. London, 1823. Zahn (R. P. F. J.) Ocuhi8 artificialis tele- dioptricus sive telescopium, ex abditis rerum ua- turalium et artiticialium principiis protractuin nova methodo, eaque solida explicatum a com- priniis e triplici fuudamento physico seu naturali, matheniatico, dioptrico et mechanico, seu prac- tico stabilitum ... nova plurima abstrusa curiosa technasmata recluduntur, ipsaque ars telescopi- aria facillinie addiscenda proponitur, adeoque te- lescopium ex tenebris in lucem asseritur. 3 pts. in 1 v. fol. Herbipoli, 1685-6. Zeiss (C.) 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Ueber die Bestimmung der Brechungs- Vi-rhaltnisse fester Korper mittelst des Refractometeis. Sit/.ungsb. d. Jenaiscli. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw*, 1879. 35-44. Also, Reprint. -----. Some remarks on the apeitometer. J. Roy. Micr. Soc., Lond., 1880, iii, 20-31. -----. On the estimation of aperture in the micro- scope. Ibid., 1881, 2. s., i, 388-423. -----. The relation of aperture and power in the microscope. Ibid., 1882 2. s. ii, 300; 460: 1883, 2. s., iii. 790-812. -----. Methoil of test- ing objectives. 1 bid., 1883, 2. s., iii, 120-126. Also.- Micr. News, Lond., 1883, iii, 107-112. -----. Note on the proper definition of the amplifying power of a lens or lens-system. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1884, 2. s., iv, 348-351. ___—. On the mode of vision with objectives of wide aperture. 7 bid., 20-26. -----. Ueber neue Mikroskope. Sitzun;isb. tl. Je- naiscli. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw., 18S6, 107-12*. Also, transl.: J. Roy. Micr.Soc, Lond., 18S7,20-34.— Abbott (F.j N'obeit's test plate, Moller's diatom type slide, and modern microscopes. Rep. Roy. Soc. Tasmania (1869), 1870, 35-41.— Atlolfo. Teoria del microscopio. Ippocratico, Fano, 1872, 3. s., xxi, 5-46. — Aicvoli (E.) II fenolo nella tec- nica microscopica. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir.. Napoli, 18S7, iv, 101-104. — Albiiii (G.) Guida elementare agli sludii microseopioi. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Vene/Tii 1859, 2. a., xiii, 234-243.—Altmnmi (R.) Leber die Vor- beinerkungen ties Hrn. Prof. Abbe zu seinen Grenzon tier geometrischen Optik. (Fortsetzung, das Mikroskop be- trefl'end.) Arch. f. Anat. n. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1882. 52-59. -----. Leber die Yorbesseiiiugsfahb'keit tier Mikroskope. Ibid., 1886, 04-68. — il'Allon. Leber den Gebrauch des Mikroskops zur Anfertigung von Zeiehnun- gen. Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Aachen, 1849, xxv, 176-183.—Anthony (J.) On drawing prisms. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1884, 2. s., iv, 697-703.—Application (On tbe) of the microscope to MICROSrOPE. 268 MiTliOSCOPK. .Ilicrojxcopt' and microscopy. scientific piirpt.st's. Loml. M. .V Phys. J. 18-13-4. i, 1-10. Av»eoii-;li. A tlfscriiition of an universal microscope. Universal Magazine, 1753, xii, 177, 1 pi.— I«:i i lev (J. \V.) Some remarks on tlie Navicula Spcucerii. and on a still more difficult test object. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, X. Haven, 1849. 2. s., vii, 265-270. Also, Reprint. — llarnaril (F. A. 1'.) A new form of binocular tor use wit It hi-h powers of the microscope. Am. Naturalist. Salt in, 1 s71, iv, 696- 703. Also, Reprint.—BealclL. S.) On a clinical micro- scope. Arch". Med., Loml., 1859. ii. 289-292. -----. The mi- croscopic limit, and brvond. •!. Rov. Micr. Sue., Lond., issl, 2. s., i, 181-202.— KelireiiN (\V.) Winkel's Mikro- niett'iiit uiarmit vertical In•weglichein Mikrometer. Ztsidir. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg.. 1885, ii, 41-43. -----. Kltinnt' nnd Midler's beweglieher Objecttisch. Ibid., 502- 507. — Hell (T.) Observations on the use of the micro- scope, in investigations connected with anatomy, physiol- o".\, and pathology. Tr. M. Soc. Loud., 1846, 'n. ».,' i, 1- 21. — Blackburn (W.) The theory of aperture in the microsfope: a popular exposition. North. Microscopist, Loml.. iss-j. ii, :rj:.-334.—Blat-kham (G.-E.) Ouverture an^ulaire ties nbjeel its tie microscope. J. de microg., Par., 1878. ii, 403: 4!ni. 1 pi.: 1879, iii. 23; 60, 2 pi. -----. The evolution of tin moth in microscope. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., ' Bulfalo. 1882. v, 25-47— Briilgman i \V. K.) On tlie prin- ciples of illumination in connexion with polarization. J. Ojiekott Micr.Club, Loud., 1874-7,iv, 171-170, 1 pi. — It inch (('.) Mikroskopische und mikrocheinische .\ ulV.cichnnn- ;i-n. Ztschr. f. rat, Med., Heidelb., 1850, ix. 156-215. 1 pi — Briiclte (E.) Die Elementarorganismen. (Aus den Si- lznni:slierichtpn der Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch.) Lnter- such. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d.'Thiere, Giessen, 1862, viii, 495-522.— IS inch (G. J.) On a perspective microscope. [Abstr.) l'roc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1887, xiii, 49-52. — Vn r- penter ( W. [',.) Verslag van tie, door het gcbruik van het microscoop, in de stutlie der anatomie en physioiogie ver- kregene uitkomsten. In: Paget (J.) & Carpenter (W. B.) Vend, over tie verkrogene, etc., 8°, Leiden, 1846, 96-157.— Caiiiccio (A.) Sui nuovo microscopio solareefotografico del prof. K. Pacini. Imparziale, Firenze, 1868, viii, 442; 471— I'linbry (L.) Tube capillaire porte-objet et perfo- ration tics elements cellulaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886. 8. s.. iii. 322. — Cliiusoli (V.) Le grossissement ties appareils tliopti iipies. Rev. scient.. Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 62. Also, transl. : Zlschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1884, i. 558-560.—t'oiilicr. Nouveau diaphragms gradue pour h s mit iosco]ies. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1868, 3. s., xx, 328-331.—Cox (J. D.) Telescopic field and microscopic aperture. Am. Month. Micr. J., N. T., 1882, iii, 61-69.-----. A new form of microscope stand with concentric movements, l'roc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buffalo, 1883, vi, 147. -----. Robert B. Tolles and the angular aperture question. Ibid., vii, 5-39.—Cramer (C.) Ein iieuer beweglieher Objecttisch. Ztschr. f. -wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 5-14.—Crimp (F.) On some recent forms of camera lucida. .). Roy. Micr. Soc., Lond , 1879, ii, 21-24. -----. On the limits of resolution in the microscope. Ibid., 1885, 2. s., v, 968-973.—Curtis (L.) The limits of the optical capacity of the microscope. Chi- cago M. J. &. Exam., 1877, xxxv, 526-331 — l>;i II in<-ei ( \V. II.) On a new arrangement for illuminatinu anil centering with lii-h powers. Month. Micr. J.. L.....I. 1876, xvi, 165-169, 1 pi.— Ballon (J. C.) On the use of the binocular microscope. Richmond M. J., 1867, iii, 30-34.— I>e VcM-ovi (P.) Sui modo d'indicare eealcolare ra- zionalniente 1' ingrandimento degli oggetti microscopici nelle inimagiui proiettate. Spallanzaui, Roma, 1887, 2. s., xvi, 236-240. — l>ip|M-1 (L.) Endomersions-Objective. Ztschr. 1. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1884, i, 485-490. -----. Einiseneue Mikroskopformen. Ibid., 1885, ii, 37- *»• -----• Lie apochromatischen Objective und Compen- satioiisoculare von Carl Zeiss. Ibid., 1886, iii, 309-319 -----. A. Naehet's grosses Mikroskop No. 1, und (lessen Objectivt'orm. Ibid., 1886, iii, 457-400. —Domlers ( K. ('.) De aanwending van het mikroskoop bij het medisch poli- tiseh ontlerzoek van voedingsmithleleu'. Xetlerl Lancet Gravenh., 1848-9, 2. s., iv, 559; 577.— Edmunds (J.) Note on a new paraboloid illuminator for use beneath the microscope stage. Month. Micr. J., Lond., 1877, xviii, ,><-*.,. ------. Note on a revolver immersion prism for sub stage illumination. J. Rov. Micr. Soc., Loud., 1879 ii 32-3.—i: n ^m I man n (T. W.) Beschreibung einer Gas- kanuner iur mikroskopische Untersuchungen. .Icnaischc Ztschr. f. Mul. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1868, iv, 331-343 — Kternou (A.) Des illusions d'optique dans les observa- tions au microscope. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1884. iv, 325-331. -----. Blanche ii dessin uuiversclle pour Its laboratoircs de microscopic Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Berl., 1885, ii, 269, 1 pi.— I.xner (S.) Ein Mikro-I'efractometer. Arch. f. mikr. Anal Bonn 18i-5, xxv, 9,-112. 1 pi.—Fairfield t V. G.) A new bb-h- powerlens. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii. 60.—Fayel. Le microscope, ayec son oculaire. employe comme chambre claire et comme appareil a projections.' Compt. rend. Soc de biol.. Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 405.-von Flcischl (E.) C. Reichert's neuer beweglieher Objecttisch. Ztschr. f. wi-seusch. Mikr., Brnschwg., I8s5, ii, 289-295. _____ niicroscope and microscopy. Lebei C. Reichert's vervollkoiiitiiiiehu mi chanisclien Ob- jecttisch. Ibid., 1887, iv. 25-uo.- I<'le»eli (M.) (,.„„,, einige Verbesserungeii an Seibert und Kratt't's Mikriiskttii- Staliv. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Ronn, 1881-2. \x, 504.— Forkr ((J. \V.) Leber die An wt lulling ties Mikioskopes Beitr. ■/.. physiol. u. path. Chein. u. Mikr., Iierl., 1813-4 ;' • 141-164. — I rimtoMc (P.) Description du nouveau mi- croscope a tlisset tion tie Zeiss. Bull. Soc bcl".e de micr. Brux., 1885-6, xii. 79-82. 1 pi— Frii/rr (P.), jr. A mir- ror for illuminating opaque objects tin the projecting mi- croscope. Pioc. Am. Phil. Sue., Phila., 1879-80 xviii 503.— Fripp (II. E.) On the theory of illuminating up' jtaratns einployed with the microscope. J. Roy. Mid- Sue, Loml , 187!). ii. 503: 188(1. iii, 742. — I'lilxli. Leber Abbe's Beleuchtimiisapparat. Arch. f. Plivsiul., Leipz 1878, 542-340.—IJai-tner (G.) Leber das eh kl i ischc .Mi'. kroskop. Metl. .Jahrb., Wien, 1884, 217-244, 1 pi.—v Smith (T.) 'sec- tion flattener for dry section cutting. Micioscope, lit-. troit, 1884. iv, 25-27. Also. Kept ml. — 4; iaeomiiii |C.) Nuovo microscopio per 1' esame delle sezioni tlell' intern encefalo uniano aduito. Gior. d. r. Accad. di nied. tli To- rino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 412-420. — (jiltny (K.) IVber tlie Lage des Brennpunktcs resp. tier Brennlinie tier Poppi-f kugeloderdes Hohlcyliitders. Zlschr. f. wissensch. Mikr Brnschwg., 1884, i, 479-485. -----. Remarks on Prof. Ab- be's Note on the jwoper definition of the amplifying power of a lens or lens system. J. Roy. Micr. Soc., Loml., 1885, 2. s., v, 960-967. —CtJirainI-Tciilon. Note sur la gran- deur apparente des objets vus au nioyen des instruments d'optique. Base d'une appreciation exacte de leur pou- voir amplifiant. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. tie Belg.. Brux., 1862, 2. s., v. 427-432. [Rap. de Hairion], 588.—CoIiII'iinn (G. A.) Einige mikroskopische Beobachtungen iiber die Metamorphose ties vegetabilisehon und aEiiualisclien I.e bens. Abhandl. (1. phys.-nit tl. Soc. zu Erlang., 1HHI, i, 37- 46. 1 pi.—<»ruby (II.j Descri]ition of a new niit'iiisciipi' for the use of metlical practitioners at the bedside. Month J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1846, vi (pt. 2), 418. — «uml. lach (E.) An improvement in objectives. Proc. Am. Sue Micr., Buffalo, 1884, vii, 148-152. — II. (I). S.) Hobnail's life slide for the niicroscope. J. Franklin Inst, Phila.. 1877, civ, 292.— IliilNleii (K.) Lin ('ompri'ssoi'ium 1 iii mikroskopische Zwecke. Zlschr. f. Pool., Miinchen, Issti, n. F., iv, 404-407. — Hagen (H.) Leber die Mikro skope Noitlamerikas. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1870, vi, 205-224.—Hall (L. B.) An eye protector for use with the monocular niicroscope. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882, xlvi, 566. — Hurley. Prof. Harley's compendio- ses Mikroskop. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1865, i, 440- 442.—Harris (.1.) Microscope. In his: Lexicon techn., fol.. Lond.. 1708. 5E2l'-3b, 1 pi— Hailing (P.) Mikrome- trische bepalingcn en inikroskopische aanleckeningcii. Tijilschr. v. nat. Geschietl. en Physiol., Leiden, 1840, vii, 165-209. -----. licschrijving van eeuen nieuwen vrrlich- tingstoestel voor doorschijnende mikroskopische voor- werpen. Netlerl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1850-51, 2. 8., vi, 457-472. —IIaye* (B.) Histological anatomy and micro- scopical manipulation. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1853. n. n.. vii, 132.—Helming (C.) "Augeuschoner"; ein neuei Hilfsapparat zum Mikroskop. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881, xxvi, 175. — llenoeque (A.) Microscope. Diet. encycl. d. sc med., Par , 1873, 2. s., vii, 500-607. —Hesehl. Zur Geschiehte ties zusanimeiigcset/.ten Mikroskops. Arch. f. mikr. Anat,, Bonn, 1880, xviii, 391-402, 1 pi — Ileivett (T. E.) An improved dissecting niicroscope. .1. \ Proc Rov. Soe. N. South Wales 1879. Sydney, 188(1, xiii. 185— Iliiilcbraml (H. E.) Leber einen einfachen und sehr gebiauchsfiiliigen Objectfiihrer. Ztschr. f. wis senscb. Mikr., Brnschwg.. 1886. iii, 386-389. — Hii-Mi Mi. D.) Notes on sonic recent objectives manufactured In Carl Zeiss, of Jena. J. & Proc' Knv. Soc. N. South Wales 1879, Sydney, 1880, xiii, 175-179. — IIil< hcocli (U;) Aper tine, angular and numerical. Am. ('. Micr. J, N. V.. 1878-9, i, 284-287. -----. Recent studies on the theory of the im eroscope, and their practical results as regards the use ot the microscope, in scientific in\ tsli^ations. X. \orkM. J., 1884, xl, 337-340.—Ilockiii d'.)..\r. On the estiiuatioii of aperture in the microscope. J. Rov. Micr. Soc, Loml., 1884, 2. s., iv. 337-347, 1 pi— Holmnn (D. S.) Improved glass slide for microscopes. Phila. M. Times, 18i3, in, 427— Holme* (O. W.) New stand for the compouuil microscope. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1858, lvii, 376-380 - HoInIoii (J. G. V.) Additional reiiort on microscopes and microscopv. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Sandusky, 1857, xii (app), 103-108.—Huizinga. Ein Apparat zur niicrosco- Iiisehen Anwendung tier Gase. Centralbl. f. (1. med. « w- sensch.. Berl.. 1867. v, 675.—Israel (O.) Leber eine Lr \viii-urL£;s\oii-ichtuiig als Lrsatz tier hei/.baren Olyi-cj- tist-be. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Bnischwg.. 188.), u, 459-463.—.1 ainei* (F. L.) How to silver a mirror. Am- J. Micr., N. V., 1878, iii, 211-213. — Kaiser (E.) Leber die Eutwicklung und gegenwarti^t Stellung tier Mikro- skopie in Deutschland. Ztschr. f. Mikr.. P.erl., 1877, l, 1; 33; 97; 161 : 1878, 225: 257.-Lambl. Leber eiu neues MICKOSCOPK. 269 MICKOSCOPE. IHicroscope and microscopy. Taschcn-Mikroskop von Amici. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1858 viii, 413-415.— von I^eiihossek (J.) Ein Poly- mikroskop. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1877, lxx, 268-290, 2 pi. Also, transl.: Orvosi bet.il, Budapest, 1877, 565; 590; 613.— I.ieberkhhn (J. N.) Description d'un microscope anatoiiiique, ou dun instrument, par le moyeu iliKpiel on pent atfermir coiumodeinent et promptement des animaux en vie, les placer d'une maniere convenable, ct apres avoir ouvert leur corps, examiner, & I'aide ilu mi- croscope, le contenu de quelques.uncs de leurs parties. Trad, de l'alleinanil. Mem. de l'Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon. 1768, i, 101-110, 2 pi. ------. Description dun microscope anatoiiiique. In his: Diss, quaiuor, 4°, Lon- dini, 1782.-----. Bescbreibung eines Instrumentes zu deu niikroscopischen Beobachtungen lebendigerThiere. Phys. u. nied. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., Gotha, 1783, iii, 39-42—li ist (J. 11.) Leber einen Objcctbalter liiitKugelgelcnk. Zlschr. f. wissensch. Mikr.. Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 341.—Listing (J. B.) Vorschlag zu feinererVer- vollkomuinungdes Mikroskops auf einem abgoandei ten di- optrischeu Wege. Nachr. v. il. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Aug.-Uuiv., GStting., 1869, 1-7. -----. Nach- trag hetreffeud die neue Construction des Mikroskops. Ibid.. 108-116. -----. Notiz iiber ein neues Mikroskop von R. Wiukel. Ibid.. 1870. 321. — lidwil (M.) Ein licizbarer Objecttisch fiir starke Vorgibssirungon. Zt- schr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnsch.vg.. Iss5. ii, 43-46.— Lays. Instrument pour les coupes microscopiques. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1868, xliii. 448 — Vlnlasser. (L.) Note sur la mesure des grossissements niicroM-opiques. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path , Par.. 1878. 2. s., v, 79- 89. Also: Compt. rend. Soc tie biol. 1878, Par , 1880, 6. s., v. 19-21. Also: Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de Eranee. Trav., Par. (1877-8), 1879, iv, 114-124. -----. Correction des deformations produites pRr les chambres claires de Milne-Edwards et de Nachet. ficole prat. d. hautes 6tudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav., Par. (1877-8), 1879, iv, 188-196. ------. Chambre a. air huniitlo, graduee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 323-326. ------. Sur les cham- bres claires en general et sur une chambre claire a 45°. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1884, 3. s., iv, 238- 251. -----. Perfectionnement apporte k la chambre claire de Doyere et Milne-Edwards. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1884. 8. s, i. pt. 2, 510.—iTIaravillas del micro- scopio. Siglo med., Madrid, 1858, v, 41 —.Marshall (J.) Description of the microscopic preparations sent by Dr. Straus, of Paris. Proc Roy. M. tfc Chir. S c. Lond', 1883-4, n. s., i, 203-208 — Vlartinolti (G.) Vecchi e nnovi strumenti della niicroscopia. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii. 320-330. ----- II timolo nella tecuica microscopica. Ibid., 351-358.— Tlayall (J.), jr. Immersion illuminators. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1879, ii, 27-31. -----. The microscope. J. Soc Arts. Lond., a886, xxxiv, 987; 1007: 1031; 1055; 1095.— iVIerkel (F.) Die Mikroskope von R. Winkel in Giittingeu. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1873, ix, 126-128.—.TIejcr (H.) Zwei neue Lupcntrager. Untersuch. z. Naturl d. Mensch. u. tl. Thiere, Frankf a. M., 1857, iii, 230-232 — Vlichel. Des theories furnies par le niicroscope. Gaz. metl. de Strasb., 1862, 2. s., ii, 81; 125.— Tlirbels (J.) A home- made microscope. Pop. Sc. Month. X Y.. 1875, viii, 95- 102.—microscope. Diet. il. diet, de metl. (Suppl.), Par., 1851, 453-487. — ill ieroscope (The). \Transl. from: "Aus der Natur, etc.", Leipz . Is5s] Rep. Smithson. Inst, Wash., I860, 344-354. — .Tl ii-rostopiqnes (Les). Gaz. med. de Par., 1866, xxi, 1 ; 19 — iVIitchell (J.) De- scription of a new microscope suited for medical purposes, and of moderate price. Madras Q. J. M Sc, 1803, vi, 435- 438,— Tloellei' (J) Reichert's Condenser. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 339. — i\arhet. Sur un nouveau microscope approprie au besoin ties tie monstrations anatomiques, et permettant a. plusieurs per- sonnes l'observer ensemble. Gaz. metl. de Par., 1851, 3. s., ix; 61.—IVageli ((J.) Die Anwendung des Polarisa- tionsmicroscojis auf die Lntersuchiing der organischen Eleinentartlicile. In his: Beitr. z. wissensch. Botanik, 8°, Leipz., 1863, 3. Hft., 1-126, 7 pi.-Aagura (Osama). [The selection of a mit roseope.J Tokei M J., .Tokio, 1886, no. 420, April 17 — IXelson (E. M.) Historic micro- scopy. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond , 1886, 2. s., ii, 222- 229.—.\ovaro (B.) Tecnica niicrosc-dpica. An. Asoc. Circ. metl. argent.. Buenos Aires, 1878-9, ii, 17; 109.— Oppciiheimcr (L. S.) Contributions from the micro- scopical laboratory of the University of Louisville. Louis- ville M. News 1879, vii, 306, 1 pi — Oi'fl (W. M.) On some causes of Brownian movements J. Key. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1879, ii, 056-602.—©si (J.) Leber die Leistungs- fahigkeit der Mikrometersohraube. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 295-300. —P a yet (J.) Report on the results obtained by the use of tin- inicioscope in the study of human anatomy and physiology. Brit, & For. M. Rev., Lond., 1842, xiv, 259-296. Also, Reprint. Also, transl. in: Paget (J.) & Carpenter (W. B.) Versl. over de verkregene, etc., 8°, Leiden, 1846, J.-95. [See, also, su- pra.]— Pelleian (J.) J5tude sur les microscopes etran- gers. J. de microg., Par., 1877, i, 186; 236; 285; 326 : 1878, IHicroscope and microscopy. ii, 16; 114 ; 153. Also, transl. • Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl., 1877- 8, i, 65; 112 ; 129; 204 ; 275. -----. Promenades le long dun ruisseau : le monde microscopique des eaux douces. J. do microg., Par.. 1881, v, 124; 167.—Piper (R.U.) On the pictorial art in illustrating microscopic observations, with original drawings and descriptions. Chicago M. J., 1877, xxxiv, 193-200.—Place (F.) Ueber die Vergrosserung der Mikroskope, und iiber den optischen Einfluss der zwiscben Object uud Objectiv euthaltenen Substanzen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1859, 184-196.— Poulsen (V. A.) Elektrisk Lysanvendt paa Mikrosko- iiet samt en Beskrivelse af en af . . . L. Nyrop konstrueret .ainpe. ) Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh., 1885, 3.' R., iii, 81-87.— Powell (T.) A simple object finder for students' micro- scopes. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxviii, 280.—Pnr- kinje (J.) Das Mikroskop, seine Anwendung uml Ge- brauch bei physiologischenUntersuchunaen. [MitAnhang von R Wagner.] Handworterb. d. Physiol., Brnschwg , 1850, ii, 411; 441.—Reeves (H. A.) A circulation stage, a live-development slide, and an improved drawing reflector. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1877, xi, 403-405.—Report on modern microscopes and recent improvements in micro- scopical apparatus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1807, ii, 321; 346; 371 ; 404.—Richardson (J. G.) Notes on the perform- ances of two one-fiftieth objectives. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 132. ------. Dolman's siphon slide for the micro- scope. Ibid.. 1874, iv, 270.—Kidded (J. L.) Notes of mi croscopio observations, by the aid of a superior achromatic objective combination, of the one twenty-first part of an inch focus. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1849-50, vi, 791-794. -----. Selected items of observation, referring, chiefly, to the living microscopic organisms that abound in the waters of New Orleans and its vicinity. Kuibracing also some mat- ters pertaining to microscopic anatomy. Ibid., 1851-2, viii. 530, 8 pi.; 667, 2 pi.: 1852-3, ix, 116, 4 pi.; 173. -----. Ot the binocular niicroscope. Ibid., 1853-4, x, 321-327 — Robiu (C.) Sur un nouveau microscope approprie aux .besoins des demonstrations anatomiques et pennettant a plusieurs personnes d'observer ensemble. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, v, 141-14...—Koelioiix (.L-A.) Principes de philosophic naturelle appiiyes sni- des observations microscopiques. Bull. Acad. roy. de med.. Par., 1842-3, viii, 193-224. Also, Reprint.—Rogers (W. A.) On Tolles' interior illuminator for opaque ob- jects; -with note by R. B. Tolles. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1880, iii, 754-758.—Royston-Pi«olt (G. W.) On a searcher for aplanatic images applied to microscopes, and its effects in increasing power and improving defini- tion. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1870, clx, 591-603, 2 pi. Also, Re- print. ------. A further inquiry into the limits of micro- scopic vision, and the delusive application of Fraunhdfer's optical law of vision. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1879, ii, 9-20, 1 pi.—Russell (J. C.) Description of a new form of camera lucida. Ibid.. 25. — Ryba. Ueber tlie Priifung des Brechungsveriniigens tlinchsichtiger Kdrpcrdurch das Mikroskop ohne directe Winkelinessiiiigen. Vi tljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1852, ii, 95-119,1 pi— Sch si fer (E. A.) Description of a new warm stage for the microscope. Physiol. Lab., Lniv. Coll.. Lond. Collected papers, 1874-5, Art. No. vii. — Schictrcrdcckcr (P.) Leber eine neue Construction der Mikronieterst hiaube bei Mikroskopen. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 1-5.— Schklarcvsky (A.) Ein heizbarer Objekttisch. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1807, xvii, 1553-1555. Also: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. 1868, iv, 342-344.—Schmidt (H. D.) The microscopic dissector. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1859, ii. s , xxxvii, 30-35.—Schobl (J.) Ein neues Preparations- Mikroskop. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1879, xvii, 165- 167, 1 pi.—Schroder (H.) On a new camera lucida. J. Roy. Micr. Soc., Loml.. 1883, 2. s., iii, 813-815.—Nebulize (E. A.) Klectrical illumination in microscopy ; experiinonis and views of Drs. II. Van Heurck and T. Stein. J. N. York Micr. Soc, 1885, i, 1-6.—Schnltzc (M.) Die neuen Steiu- beil'scben Loupen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.,Bonn, 1806, ii, 382- 384. —Nebulae (A.) On Abbe's apocbromatic micro-objec- tives and compensating eye-pieces. J. Anat. tfc Physiol.. Lond., 1886-7. xxi, 515-524.—Sclcnka (E.) Metallm'odelle nach mikroskopischen Praparateii. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1885-6. xviii, 26-28. — Sharp (H.) Notes upon Tolles's duplex front one-tenth immersion objec- tive, and of a comparative trial of the same with Zeiss's oil immersion one-eighth (Xo. 18), by both oblique and central light. J. & Proc. Roy. Soe. N. South Wales 1879, Sydney. 1880, xiii, 180-184.—S mini on" (A.) Mikrostat; a'pparitt dlja tochiiago i sistemat. osmatriv. mikroskop. proparat. i notirov. intere.su. miest. [The microstat; an apparatus for exact and systematic examination of microscopic speci- mens.] Kussk. Med., St, Petersb., 1886, iv, 455.—Smith (J. L.) The inverted microscope (a new form of micro- scope) ; with the description of a new eye-piece micrometer. aud a new form of goniometer for measuring the angles of crystals under tbe microscope. Am. J. Sc. & Arts. N. Haven, 1852, n. s., xiv, 233-241. Also, Reprint.—Norby (EL C.) The president's address, delivered before the Royal Microscopical Society, Feb. 2, 1876. Month. Micr. J.,'Lond., 1876, xv, 105-121. Also, Reprint, -----. The president's address. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1878, i, 1- MICR0SC0P1 270 MICROSCOPY Microscope and microscopy. 18, 1 pi.—Steam (C. H.) On the use of incandescence lamps as accessories to tbe niicroscope. Ibid., 1883, 2. s., iii, 29-33.—Stephenson (J. \V.) A catoptric immersion illuminator. Itiid., 1879. ii, 36. -----. On a eata dioptric immersion illuminator. Ibid., 1885, 2. s., v, 207-211.— Stodder (Cl Xobert's test plate and modern micro- scopes. Am. Naturalist, Salem, 1869. ii, 93-101— Strieker (S.) Leber tl.is elektriscbe Licht als Hilfsmittel fiir deu mikroskopischen Luterricbt. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1883, 463-475. —Siillivant (W. S.) Notes on Mr. Chas. Stod- der's paper entitled, " Xorbert's test plate and modern microscopes". Am. J. Sc. Ac Arts, N. Haven, 1868, 2. s., xlvi, 347-351. Also, Reprint. — Siillivant (W. S.) dc Worniley (F. G.) On the measurement of the stria- of diatoms. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, X. Haven, 1859, 2. s., xxvii. 249-252. Also, Reprint.------------. Ou Nobcrt s test plate and the stria* of diatoms. Am. J. Se. 6c Arts, N. Haven, 1861, 2. a., xxxi, 12-17. Also, Reprint.—Toi- noii (J.) Eclairage intensif en micrograpliie. J. tl. sc. metl. de Lille, 1885, vii, 469-473. —Valentin (G.) Einige weitere Beinerkungen iiber Testobjectc fiir Mikroskope. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1834, 3. R.. xxi, 39-43. ------. Die Anwendung des binocularen Mikro- skopes. Ibid., 1869, xxxiv, 3. R., 214-239. -----. Beitrage zur Mikroskopie. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii,1-lu- 150.—Vanoye (K.) l)u microscope et deses applications au\ sciences d'observation. Arch, de la nied. beige Brux., 18)4, xiii, 92-102: xiv, 252-271: 1845, xvii, 61-73.— Ver- besscrtes Mikroskop, insbesondere fiir Fleischbeschauer geeiguet, von Lranz Schmidt u. Uaensch in Berlin. Han- nov. Monatschr., 1879, ii, 145-147.—Vcrweij (L. H.) Een woord over de vertlicnsten van het microscopisch onder- zoek. Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Amst., 1846, n. s., v, 249-258.-—Visual (W.) Chambie chaude a regulateiu- direct pour le microscope. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 18s5, 3. s., vi, 1-10. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 255.—Vogel (J.) Mikroskope fiir Aerzte und Studirende. Arch. tl. Ver. f. -wissensch. Heilk. 1864. Leipz.. 1865, n. F., i, 81-81. -----. Bezeichnung.sweisc sehr ne ringer mikroskopischer Grossen. / bid., 170.— U'aa- serleiii (K.) Dr. Weber-Liel's Ohr-Mikroskop. Ztschr. f. Mikr,,i;eil.,1879-80,ii,175-179. — Webb (W.) The best, the most simple aud unerring tests for objectives. J. Quekctt Micr. Club, Lond., 1872, iii, 113-116. Also, Reprint. -----. On an improved tinder. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Loud., 1880, iii, 750-753.—Wedl (C.) Ueber eine Verbesserung des Ob- ject triigers fiir Elektrisirung mikroskopischer Objecte. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1»78, lxxiv, 142. —von Wciiiziei'l. Eine Lupe fiir Sanienunlersuchungen. Zt- schr. f. wissensch. Mikr, Brnschwg., 1887, iv, 42-44.__ Weleker (H.) Lnterscheidung von Eihdliungen und Vert iefunnen outer dem Mikroskope. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859, 3. R., vii, 63-67. ------. Leber die Ausmessung des seiikrechten Durehniessers mikrosko- pischer Objecte uud iiber die Ermittelung der ehemischen I'luilitiit aus dem Lichtbrechungsvernidgen. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eekhard), Giessen, 1860. ii, 45-58.— Wollaslon ( W. H.) Description of a microscopic doublet. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1829, 9-13, 1 pi.—Woodward (J.J.) Further remarks on the new-nineteen-bantl test plate of Xobert, and on immersion lenses. Month. Micr J., Lond., 1869, i, 289-294. -----. Note on the resolution oi' Amphipleura pellucida by certain objectives made by R. and J. Beck, and by William Wales. Ibid , 1872, vii,'165. Also, Reprint. -----. Remarks on the resolution of ihe nineteenth band of Xobert's plate by certain objectives, especially by a new Tolles's immersion Jgth- Mouth. Micr. J., Lond., 1872, viii, 227-231. Also, Reprint, -----. Re- marks on the nomenclature of achromatic objectives for the compound niicroscope. Am. J. Sc. tfc Arts X. Haven 1872, 3. s., iii, 406-414. Also, Reprint. -----. On the use ot monochromatic sunlight as an aid to high power defini- tion. Am. Xaturalist, Salem. 1872, vi, 454-460. Also, Reprint. -----. A simple device for the illumination of balsam-mounted objects for examination with certain im- mersion objectives whose "balsam angle" is 90° or up- wards. Month. Micr. J., Loml . Ih77. xviii, 61-64. Also, Reprint. -----. Sur la lumiere electiique, la lumiere an magnesium [et la lumiere oxycalcique] appliquees a la photo-micrographie. Bull. Soc. beige de micr., Brux. 18,,-8, iv, pp. lxiv-Ixxvi. [See,.also, supra.] —— The oblique illuminator; an apparatus for obtaining oblique illumination at definite angles.. Am. (}. Micr. J., X. Y., taw9'-1, -(ilS"-"-- -----■ Description of a new apertometer! I bid., 2,2-2,9.-----. Observations suggested by the study ot Amphipleura pellucida, mounted in Canada balsam by lamplight and sunlight, with various objectives J Roy Micr. S„c., Lond.. 1879, ii, 663-674.----'-. Xote on Abbe's experiment on Pleurosignna angulation. Ibid. 675._____ Riddell's binocular microscopes; an historical notice Am Month. Micr. J., X. Y., 1880, i, 221-230. —Wright (I j The lantern microscope. J.Roy. Micr. Soc., Lond ls's.5 2. s., v, 190-204.—Zeiss (C.) Ein neues Praparir-Mikro- skop. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1870 vi 234--'36 _____ Description of Professor A bbe's apertonieter, with instruct tions fonts use. J. Roy. Micr. Soc., Loud., 1878, i, 19-22 1 pi. —Zcngcr. Ueber ein neues Lniversalmikroskop! .Hie rose ope and microscopy. Sitzungsb. d. k.-biihni. Gesellsch. tl. Wissensch !>,»" 1874, 131-147.—Zeiitma.ver i-I.i Newly in\ eniet'l ,.,,.,.7' insr prism lor microscopes. Phila. M. Times, 1,»7l', jj 355. • Microscope (Patents reletting to). Allen ( B. F. ) Microscope. No. 352,639: Nov. 16 1886. — IS an»eh (J. J.) .Microscope. No. 230.088; Aug! 3. Isso. -----. Microscopic illuminator. No. 277,8119 May 22. 1883. -----. Binocular microscope. .\o. 2!l,'j 217 ■ Feb. 12, 1884. ------. Microtome. No. 325,722;'Sept K 1885. -----. Microscope. No. 328,277; Oct. l':|, 1885 -1 Bulloch (\V. II.) Microscope. Xo. 215.878-. May" 27 1879. -----. Tin II-tables for microscopic slides. ' No' 226,648: April 20, 1880. -----. Objective altai Imientg hi microscopes Xo. 287.904: Nov. 6, 1883.— l>eal (II. J i Microscope for examining Hour and bolting cloths No 214.283; April 15, 1879.—Fnsoldl (C.) .Microscope' \„' 334,009: .Jan. 12, 1886.-<>ioiild ( F. 15.) Microscopic p|,„! tographic transparency. No. 27I.H3S ; Feb. 6, lss:;.—(Jrjf. lith (E. II.) Mien.scopist's turn-table. No. 354 130- He,- 14, 1886.—Kidder (\V. K.) Microscope. Nil. 2!15,77u! March 25, 1884. — Klipuert (('.) Mieroscopist's tune table. Xo. 334.530; Jan. 19, 1880 _.Vlclntosh (L. 11) Microsco]ic. Xo. 273.752; March 13, 18s.t.—.Violent (K. J.) i. C'ebrian (.1. C.) Microscope. No. 'j::o :;■'() ■ ,;,,[v 20, 188it._Palmer (('. W.) (il.ss slide for mi. ros'ropes No. 330,257; Feb. 16, 1886.-Sidle (J. VV.) Turn-table fur mounting microscopic objects. No. 235,030; Nov 3(1 1880.—Tetlow (D.) Microscope. Xo. 287.978; Nov fi' 1883. niicroscope (The) and its relation to medicine and pharmacy. Au illustrated Li-monthly jour- nal. Edited and published by Charles 11. Slow- ell and Louisa Reed Stowell. v. 1-7, April, 1^1-7. 8-\ Ann Arbor, Mich. Current, v. 3 complete in 5 nos., April-Dec, 1883. In 1884 became monthly, title: microscope (Tbe). Microscopic (The) Journal and Structural Record. Edited by Daniel Cooper, v. 1-2, Yll- 2. 8 . London, J. Van Voorst. Iu v. 2 George Busk added as editor. Microscopical (The) Bulletin and Opticians' f ircular. A bi-monthly magazine. Edited by Edward I'eunock. v. 1-4, Dec, 188.3, to Dec], Y87. 8°. Philadelphia, J. W. Queen

., 1862-4. Abstract of proceed- ings; list of members; rules. 3 Nos. 8°. Liver- pool, 1882-4. -----. Catalogue of tbe slides in the cabinets, and books in the library. 22 pp. 8°. Liverpool, Turner, Rut ledge Y Co., 1884. Microscopical Society of London. Catalogue of microscopic objects in the cabinet of. . . iv, 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, E. Newman, 1864. Microscopy (Journals and societies re- lating to). Amkhicax Journal of Microscopy. Devoted to the general dissemination: of the knowledge of microscopic science. Published by George Mead & Co. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1. Nov. 1, 1-7U. 4°. Chicago. Xo more published. Amkiiican Journal of Microscopy. Devoted to the elucidation of scientific and popular mi- croscopy. Edited by E. M. Hale. v. 1, April to July, 1-71. 8-. Chicago. Xo more published. MICROSCOPY. 271 MICROSCOPY. Microscopy (Journals and societies re- relating to). American (The) Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science. [Monthly.] v. 1-5; Nos. 1-8, v. 6, Dec, lr75, to August, 1881. 6 v. 8 . New Tori: Said to be edited by John Plnn. Amkkk-\x (The) Monthly Microscopical Jour- nal. Editor aud publisher: Komyn Hitchcock. v. 1-8, 1880-87. 8°. New York, 1889-82 ; Boston, 1883;' Washington, D. C, 1884-7. Current. American Postal Micro-Cabinet Club, Troy, N. Y. Rules. 8;. [n. p., n. d.] American Postal Microscopical Club. Report [il.. for 1883] and rules of the ... 8 . Trot/, N. V., 1884. -----. Annual reports of the . . . for the years 1884-6 (10.-12.). 8'--. Tro.tj, N. Y., 1887)-7. American'(The) Quarterly Microscopical Jour- nal; containing the transactions of the New York Microscopical Society. Edited bv Rnmvn Hitch- cock, v. 1, Oct.. 1.-78. to July, 1879. V. New York. Ended. American Society of Mieroscopists. Proceed- ings of the . . . 2.-8. Annual meetings, 1879- 84. 8". Indianapolis, Columbus, Buffalo, l^SO-So. Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatoniie, hrsg. von Max Schultze. v. 1-30, 1865-87. 8°. Bonn. Current. Also, index volume to v. 1-8 and to v. 1-20. JOURNAL de micrographie. Red.: J. Pellctan. [Monthly.] v. 1-11, May lo, 1877-87. s . Paris. Current. Journal (The) of Microscopy and Natural Science: the journal of the Postal Microscopical Society. Edited by A. Allen. [Quarterly.] v. 3-6, 1884-7. 8-'. London. Current. Jourval of the New York Microscopical So- ciety. Edited by B. Braman. [Monthly.] v. 1-3,'1885-7. 8-." New York. Current. Journal (The) of the Postal Microscopical Society. Edited by A. Allen. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, 1882-3. 8 -. London. Journal (The) of the Qnekett Microscopical Club. [Quarterly.] v. 1-6, 1868-81. 2. s., v. 1-3, March, 1882-7. 8 . London. Current. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. [Bi-monthly. ] v. 1-3, March, 1878, to Dec., 188(1. 2. s., v. 1-7, 1881-7. 8°. London. Current. Lens (The). A quarterly journal of micro- scopy and the allied naturai sciences; with the transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Edited by S. A. Briggs. No. 1, v. 1, Oct., 1871. 7)6 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Ch'vago, the Stale Microscopical Society of Illinois, 1871. No more published. Lens (The). A quarterly journal of micro- scopy aud the allied natural sciences; with the transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Edited by S. A. Briggs. E. H. Sar- gent, C. Adams, O. S. Westcott, publishing com- mittee, v. 1-2, Jan., 1872, to De-e-., 1873. 8°. Chicago, State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Completed. Maltwood's finder. 8. [London, 1859.] Microscope (The). Title, after 1883, of: UlicroMcope (The) and its Rela- tion to Medicine and Pharmacy. Microscope (The) aud its Relation to Medi- cine and Pharmacy. Edited by Chas. H. Stowell andL. R. Stowell." [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-7, April, 1881-7. 8J. Ann Arbor, Mich. Current, After 1883, title; Microscope (The). microscopy (Journals and societies re- lating to). Microscopic (The) Journal and Structural Record. Edited by D. Cooper aud George Busk. v. 1-2, 1841-2. 8 •'■' London. Microscopic (The) Miscellany; being selec- tions from the Microscopic Journal. With illus- trative diagrams, by J. Dinkel. Edited by D. Cooper. 8 . London, 1847. Cuttings from: Micr. J., Loud., 1841-2—1817. Microscopical (The) Bulletin and Opticians' Circular. Edited by E. Pennock. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-4, Dec, 1883-7. 8 . Philadelphia, J. W. Queen

rate. Ztschr. f. Mikr., fieri., 1870- 80. ii. 113-123—Bra** (A.) Die Anfertigung von znsain- iiienhangeuden Serieiischtiittcii. Ztschr. f. wissciiseh, Mikr.. l'.rnsehwg., 1885, ii, 307. ------. Die Kinheltungsinc- thode mit Benzol unil das Schneitleii leieht. zerhreclilicher Objecte. Ibid., 300-305.—Biooil lie (G.) Die Ueber- osmiiiinsiiiire in Voi biinluug mit tier OxalsSure als mikro- skopisehes Fiirbemittcl. Centralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl.. 1878. xvi, 833-836. — lliiittt (Iv) Ki laJirungeii iiber das losliche Berlinerblau al> Injectionsinrbf. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1866. ii, 87-itb—Biirltiier (K.) Ueber this A uer'sehe <.Lis-1 iililicht als Lii'.lilt|iielle liirdas Mikrnskopircn. Ztschr. I', wissensch. Mikr. Binscliwg., 1887, i\■, 35-38.—CaIberia (E.) Eine Einliettimgsniasse. Morphol. Jahrb.. Leipz., 1876, ii, 445-148.—Calliano «' i Un nuovo regolatore del preparato al microscopio. Anh per le sc. nied., Torino, 1883-4, vii, 167-170, 1 pi.-Car- penter (VV. M.) Bavbeiry tallow as an embedding me- dium. Phila. M. Times. 1884-5, xv, 631.—Cci-lc* (A.) De l'emploi des matieres colorantes dans l'etuile physiolo- gitiue et histologiipie des infusoires vivants. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s.. ii. 197: 1886, 8. s., iii. 206- 208.—Claoon (E.) Histologisk technik. Upsala Laka- ref. Fiirh., 1871, vi, 209-238—Coppinger (C.) A new method of freezing tissues for the mil itisiope. Lancet, Loml., 1876. i, 277— Cornil (V.) Sur Implication du violet tie niethylaniline dans la technique microscopiqiie et sur Its resultats 'iteniis par son emploi thins l'etuile de la ilegcnerescence aiuvloi'tle des organes. Compt. rend. Soc. lie biol, Bar., 1875. 6. s., ii, 200-2(16.------ Prepaia- tions au violet de methvlaiiiline. Ibid., 215.------sur la dissociation du violet tie niethylaniline et sa separation en deux couleiiis sous l'iufluence de certains tissus uoi" maux et pathologitiues, eu particulier par les tissus en de- generescen.ee amyloide. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., | 1875, lxxx;, 1288-1291. -----. Instruction sur le mode (le MICROSCOPY. 273 MICROSCOPY. ftlicroscopy (Manipulations and prepa- rations in). conservation des pieces anatomiques destinees a. etre exa- minees au microscope. Anh. de med. nav., Par., 1884, xii, 495-504.—Conch (L. B.) Picric acid, or a few com- ments on a bit of "master work". ITomteop. Times, N. Y., 1878, vi, 94-101. Also, Keprint.—Cnecati (G.) Sopra una s 'luzione di earniinio al carbonate tli soda. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1887. iv, 50—Curtis (L.) On microscopical measurements. Rocky Mountain M. Kev., Denver, 1880-81, i. 271-276.—Czokor (J.) Die Oo- ehciiilb-Cariniulosuiig. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880, xviii. 412-414 —Dcbes (E ) Hilfsapparat zum Aussu- chcn und Legen von Diatomaceen. Ztschr. f. -wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg.. 1886. iii, 330-336.—Dceekc (T.) Prep- aratiousof tissues for microscopic examination; an account of the methods and apparatus employed. Am. J. Insan., Utica, 1876, xxxiii, 50-77.— Doiinadieu (A.-L.) Des preparations entomologiquos. J. de microg., Par., 1877, i 147- 196.—1>resellfeId (J.) On a new stainiug-fiuid. J. Anat. ex. Physiol., Lond., 1876, xi, 181—Duval (M.) Procede de coloration des coupes (lu svstdme nerveux. J. de l'anat. et physiol.. etc., Par., 1876, xii, 111. ------. Tech- nique de l'emploi du collodion huniitlc pour la pratique des coupes microscopiques. Ibid., 1879, xv, 185-188.—Flir- lich (P.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anilinfiirbungen uud ihrer Verwendung in der mikroskopischen Technik. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xiii, 263-277, 1 pi. ;------. Ueber das Methylenblau und seine klinisch-bakteriosko- pische Verwerth'umr. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1880-81, ii, 710-713. ------. Zur biologischen Verwerthung ties Me- thylenblau. Centralbl. f. d. nied. Wissensch., Berl.. 1885, xxiii, 113-117.—Errrra (L.) Sur l'emploi de l'eucre de Chine en microscopic Bulk Soc. beige de micr., Brux., 1884, x, 184-188.—Elernoil (A.) Armoire a preparations microscopiques. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 511-513. -----. Instruments destines a la micro- scopic. Ibid., 1887. iv. 39-42.—Eivnlil (C. A.) Die tine- torielle Methode Ehrlich's. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 20.—Fnfani (A.) Nuovo metodo per co- lorire i preparati microscopici mediante una solnzione pi- cro-aniliuica. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1878, xii. 52-57.— Fick. Ueber eine Methode mikroskopische Objecte ma- tlieinatisch genau zu zeichuen und insbesontlere deren Fliicbeniaume zu messen. Ztschr. f. rat. Med.. Heidelb., 1853. n. s., iii, 273-278, 1 pi—Fischer (E.) Eosin als Tinctionsmittel fiir mikroskopische Priiparate. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1875, xii, 349-352—Flemming (W.) Eine Einbettungsniethode. Ibid., 1873, ix, 123-125."------. Ueber das E. Hermanu'sche Ivernl'arbungsverfahren. Ibid., 1880-81, xix, 317-330. ------. Mittheilungen zur Farbeteehnik. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1884. i, 349-361. ------. Notizen zur Farbeteehnik. Ibid.. 517-519. — Flesch (M.) Bemerkungen zur Kritik,der Tinctions Priiparate. Ibid., 464-477. ------. Einfache Vorrielitung zum Wiederauftinden wichtiger Stellen in mikroskopischen Praparaten. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1881-2, xx, 502.------. Zur Weigert'scben Hama- toxylinfarbung des centralen Nerven-Systems. Ztschr. f. wissensch.. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1884, i, 564-566. ------. Zur Anwendung der Merkel'schen Doppelfarbung mit Indigo uuu Carmin. Ibid., 1885, ii, 349-352. ------. Notiz zu Watney's Doppelfarbung mit Hematoxylin. Ibid., 353.— Forster. Ueber die Isolirbarkeit der Knoctn n-, Knor- pel- und Bindegewebskorperchen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1860, xviii. 170.— Francotle (P.) Inclusion dans la paraffin'*. Bull. Soc. beige de micr., Brux., 1884-5, xi, 79-86. 2 pi.—Fricillanricr (('.) Notiz, die Farbung der Kapselinictococci'ii botreffond. Fortschr. tl. Med., Berl.. 1885. iii. 757-760.—(«alIi (C.) Colorazione degli imbuti utile libre midollate periferiehe col Bleu di China. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 465-470 1 pi.—GelpUe Cl'.) Notiz zur Anwendung der Wei- gert'schen niotliticiiten Hamatoxyliu-Farbung auf das periphere Nervensystem. Ibid., 1885, ii, 484-489.—Ger- lach (J.) Ueber die Eiuwirkung von Farbstoff auf lehende Gewebe. Wissensch. Mitth. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. 1858, i, 5-12. ------. Ueber die Eiuwirkung von Farbstoff auf lebende Oewebe. Ibid., 1859, i, 1. Hft., 5-12.— Giacomitli. Nuovo processo di conservazioue delle sezioni microscopiche. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1885, xn;' 339: 355; 371. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1885, 3. s.. xxxiii, 762-789. Also, Reprint — Gibbcs (H.J On the double and treble staining of animal tissues for microscopical investigations; with a note on cleaning thin cover-glasses. J. Roy. Micr. Soc. Lond., 1880, iii, 390-393.— Gierke (H.) Farberei zu mikroskopischen Zwecken. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr.,Brnschwg., 1884, i. 62: 372; 497: 1885, ii, 13; 164. Also, transl.: Am. Month. .Micr. J., Wash., 1886, vii, 13; 31; 52; 70; 97; 150—Goailby (H.) A practical treatise on the art of making anil preserving microscopical and other preparations. Med. Inde])., De- troit, 1856, ii, 33; 91.—Golgi (C.) Un nuovo processo di tecnicamieroscopica. R. 1st. Lomb.di. see lett. Reudic, Milano, 1879. 2. s., xii, 206-210—Goodale (G. L.) A method for subjecting living protoplasm to the action of different liquids. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1887, 3. s., xxxiii, ]TIicroscopy (Manipulations and prepa- rations in). 144—Gram (C.) Ueber die Farbung der Sehizomyceten in Schnittpraparaten. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, i (Sect, de path, gen., etc.). 116.—«i rancher (J.) Des usages tie la solution am- moniacale de carmin en histologic Arch, tie physiol. norm. et, path.. Par., 1871-2, iv, 770-776— Grenadier (H.) Einige Notizen zur Tinctionstechnik, besonders zur Kern- faibiiiig. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1879, xvi, 463-471 — Griesbaeb (II.) Bemerkungen zur Injektionstechnik bei Wirbellosen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1882, xxi, 824-827. -----. Die Azofarbstoffe als Tinktionsmittel fur nienscliliclie und ihierische Gewebe. Ibid., 1883, xxii, 132-142.—Groves (.1. W.) On stained sections of animal tissues, and how to prepare them. Am. J. Micr., N. Y., 1880, v, 25-34.—Ha I ford (G. B.) On the use of "ma- genta" as an aid to investigation and diagnosis. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1864, ix, 196-198.—Hamann (O.) Eine neue Karminldsung. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol, Berl., 1884, i, 346-348— Hamilton (D. J.) On a method of combining Weigert's hainatoxyleue-eopper stain for nerve-fibre with the use of the freezing micro- tome. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond.. 1886-7, xxi, 444-449.— Hannover (A.) Die Chromsaure, ein vorziigliches Mittel bei mikroskopischen Untersuchungen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1840, 549-558.— Hansen (A.) Eine bequeme Methode zum Einschlies- sen mikroskopischer Priiparate Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 482.—Harris (V.) On double staining nucleated blood-corpuscles with anilin dyes. Quart. J. Mi*r. Sc, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxiii. 292-301.— Hayes (15.) Histological anatomy and microscopical manipulation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 27; 83; 155; 263; 313; 391; 441; 547; 593: 645.—Ilciden- liain (R.) Eine neue Verwendung des Hematoxylin, Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 1884, xxiv. 468-470. —---. Eine Abiinderung der Farbung mit Iliimatoxylin und chromsauren Salzen. Ibid., 1880. xxvii, 383. — Heller. Zur mikroskopischen Technik. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 47.—Hen king (II.) Tech- niscbe Mitt bei 1 iingc n zur Entwickliuigsgesch ich te. Ibid., 1886, iii, 470-479. — Henscn (V.) Ueber ein Instrument fiir mikroskopische Preparation. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1866, ii, 46-55, 1 pi— Ilesebl. Methylgrun als Tinktionsmittel fiir mikroskopische Priiparate. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 25.—Heyilcnreich (L.) Ueber den besten Deckglaskitt. Ztschr. 1. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 333-338—His. Ueber das Ver- halten des salpetersauren Silberoxyds zu thierischen Ge- websbestandtheilen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861 xx, 207-209,1 pi.—His (W.) Ueber die Einwirkung des sal- petersauren Silberoxydes auf die Hornhaut. Schweiz. Zt- schr. f. Hi ilk.. Bern, 1863,ii, 1-24. A Iso, Reprint.—Hoeltge (A.) Injection of microscopic, preparations by means "of compressed air. Clinic. Cincin., 1876, x, 169-172.—Hog- gan (F. E.) On a new process of histological staining. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1876, 180— limit (J. G.) The preparation and preservation of tissues. Phila. M. Times, 1872, ii, 295.-----. Extract of hsematoxylon in the preparation of staining of both vegetable and animal tissues. Ibid., 1873. iii, 602.—Jiillien (L.) Note sur line nouvelle methode de coloration des elements histolo- giques. Mem. Soc. tl. sc. metl. de Lyon (1872), 1873, xii, pt. 1, 119-123. [Discussionl, pt. 2, 138. A Iso: Lvon med., 1872, x, 526-530.—Hi line (C. M.) A self-centering turn- table. Am. J. Micr., N. Y., 1877, ii, 34—Klebs. Die Ein- schmelzungs-Methode, ein Beitrag zur mikroskopischen Technik. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1869, v, 164-166.— Krbnig. Einschlusskitt fiir mikroskopische Priiparate. Ibid., 1886, xxvii, 657.—Krukenberg (A.) Ueber eine sehr vortheilhafte Methode der Zubereitung von Zahn- und Knocheudurchschnitten fiir die mikroskopische Beob- achtung. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, n. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1849, 420-424. — Krysiiiski (S.) Photoxylin als Einbettungsmittel. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1887, cviii, 217.—Knllsf bitzliy. Carmintinction. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., l'.rnsehwg., 1887, iv, 46-48. -----. Cel- loidin-Paraftin-Einbettung. Ibid., 48—l.ablovski (M. D.) Iz zamietok po mikroskop. teehnike. [Microscopical technics.! Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885. vi, 655: 681. —lian- •lois (L.) Die Inipragnation der (lew-ebe mit Schwefel- metallen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1865, iii, 867. — [ l.alleii.v. ] Nouveau appareil a injections his-tologiques. Mouvement med.. Par., 1875, xiii, 199.— I.avdowwlty (M.) Myrtillus, ein neues Tinctionsmittel fiir thicrische und pHanzliche Gewebe. Arch. f. mikr. Anat,, Bonn, 1884. xxiii, 506-508. — L,eber (T.) Zur Kenntniss der Impiiignationsmethoden der Hornhaut und ahnlicher Gewebe. Arch. f. Ophth.. Berl., 1868, xiv. 3. Abth., 300-316. —liibbey (W.), ,jrT Celloidine as an em- bedding mass. (Abstr.) Am. Mouth. Micr. J., Wash., 1884. v, 183.—Lticbcrliiihii. Von den Mittelu den Bau der Eingeweide keunen zu lernen. Phys. u. med. Ab handl. d. k. Acad. il. Wissensch. zu Berl., Gotha, 1783, iiij 310-314.— Limit (O.) Ueber den Nachweis von Phloro. glucin. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, iij 18 MICROSCOPY. 274 MICROSCOPY. .Iticroscopy (Manipulations and prepa- rations in). 495-499.—tt ist (J. H.) Zur Farbeteehnik. Ibid., 145- 150. -----. I'eber Methoden, welche zum Studium der Structur von Driisenzellen geeignet sind. Ibid., 514-516. -----. Zur Verwendung des Anilingriius. Ibid.. 222. -----. Notiz zur Farbeteehnik. Ibid., 1886, iii, 393. -.---. Ueber eine kleine Abiinderung am Reicherts'schen Ob- ject halter. Ibid., 484— Locnx (L.) Das Harten, Farben, und Schneiden anatomischer Praparate, sowie eino Modi- fication des Ranvier'schen Microtoms. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl., 1879-80, ii, 123-139. —Lovett (E.) On an improved method of preparing embryological and other delicate organisms for microscopical examination. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1883, 2. s., iii, 785-789— Ijuchtmans (G. J.) lets over het vervaardigen van microscopische praepara- ten, tot opheldering dei- structuur van sommige delen van net zenuwstelsel. Nederl. Tijtlschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, vii, 564-567.—liiistgarten (S.) Victoriablau, ein neues Tinctionsmittel fiir elastische Fasern und fiir Kerne. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1886. n. F.. i, 285-289, 1 pi.—I.uys (J.) Proc6d6s pour decolorer les pieces et les coupes minces qui ont mac6r6 dans la solution chromique et les rendre transparentes. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1872, viii, 265-268. — Malasseie. Coloration des bacWries par le violet de methyle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 670- 674. Also: Progres nied., Par., 1882, x. 523-525.—Marti- notti (G.) Sulla colorazione doppia coll' ematossilina e coll' eosina. Osservatore, Torino, 1883, xix, 801-806.-----. Sull' uso dell' allume di cromo nella tecnica microscopica. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1884, i, 361-366. -----. La picronigrosina nello studio (Telle alterazioni dei centri nervosi. Ibid., 1885, ii, 478-484. -----. Un metodo semplice per la colorazione delle fibre elastiche. Ibid., 1887, iv, 31-31. — Marvin (J. B.) Preservation of speci- mens for microscopical examination. Med. Herald, Louis- ville, 1879-80. i, 466.—Mayer (P.) Ausder Mikrotechnik. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. ii. Physiol., Leipz, 1887, iv, 37- 46.—Meyer (F.) Conscrvations-Flussigkeit fiir mikrosko- pische Objecte Arch. 1". mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1877, xiii, 868— Meyer (H.) Ueber farbigeKreiden fiir den anatomischen Unterricht. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1864. 678-681—Miller (M. N.) Staining fluids for microscopic work. Med. Rec, N. T., 1878, xiii, 97. -----. A new imbedding process for microscopic work. Ibid., 1885. xxvii, 429.—Mitetiell (C. L.) Staining with haema- toxylon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc Phila. (1883), 1884, 297- 300.'—Mondino (C.) Soil' uso del bicloruro di mercurio nello studio degli organi centrali del sistema nervoso. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 157-163.— Mori and (H.) On mounting media so far as they relate to diatoms. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1887, 2. s., iii, 108-114.—Morris (W.) Notes on experiments in mount- ing the Amphipleura pellucida in media having a higher refractive index than Canada balsam. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1885-0, v, 124-130.—Mounting (On) and photographing microscopic objects. Nature, Lond., 1883-4, xxviii.—Miinster (A.) Die Anfertigung der mikrosko- pischen Dauerpriiparate. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl., 1878, i, 213: 289. — \eiiinaiin (E.) Die Picrocarminfiirbung und ihre Anwendung auf die Entziindungslehre. Arch. f. mikr. Anat,, Bonn, 1880, xxv, 130-150, 1 pi. — IVorner (C.) Beitrag zur Behandlung mikroskopischer Praparate. Ibid., 1882, xxi, 351-356.-----. Zur Behandlung mikrosko- pischerPraparate. Ztschr. f.wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 19-23.—Norris (W. F.) ic Shakespeare (E. O.) A new method of double staining. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1877, n. s., lxxiii, 146-151.—Oppenhcinier (L. S.) Let- ter from Vienna. Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xcvii, 204- 206.—Osehatz. Ueber Herstellung und Aufbewahrung mikroskopischer Praparate. Beitr. z. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Berl., 1843-4, i, 128; 317.—Pacini (F.) Di aleuni metodi di preparazione e conservazioue degli eleinenti microscopici dei tessuti animali e vegetali. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1880, ii, 337-350. Also, transl.: J. de microg., Par., 1880, iv, 136; 191; 235.—Parker (T. J.) On some applications of osmic acid to microscopic purposes. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1879, ii, 381-383.— Passauer (M.) Ueber das Erharten des Canadabalsams auf den mikroskopischen Praparaten durch heisse Diim- pfe. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl., 1879-80, ii, 194.—Perls (M.) ZurmikrotechnischenVerwerthungdesPalladiumchlorids. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lvi, 463-467, 1 pi.— Ponnuer (G.) Ueber Methoden, welche zum Studium der Ablagerungsverhaltnisse der Knochensalze und zum Nachweise kalkloser Knochenpartien brauchbar sind. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 151-156.__ ({nincy. Ha*matoxyline as a coloring agent for micro- scopic specimens. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1873, lxxxviii, 252- 254.—Ralph (T. S,) On the use of magenta aud other dyes in the investigation of disease by the microscope, Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1865, x, 310-314.—Ranvier (L.) Technique niicroscopique. Acide picrique (acide phenique triuitr6; acide carbazotique; amer de Welter). Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1868, i, 319-321. -----. Proc6d6 pour faire apparaitre les noyaux dans les tissus impregn6s d'abord par le nitrate d'argent. Jlicroscopy (Manipulations and prepa- rations in). Etude du carcinome a I'aide de l'impr6gnation d'argent Ibid.. 666-670. -----. Des applications de la purnurinp k l'histologic I bid., 1875, 2. s., i, 761-773. -----. i)e l'eni ploi de l'aleool dilue en histologic. Ibid., 781-796.—von Recklinghausen (F.) Eine Methode.mikroskopische hohle und solitle Gebihle von einantler zu unterscheitlen Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1860, xix, 451. _____. Zur Geschiehte der Versilberungsniethoile. Ibid., 1863 xxvii 419-421. — Reeves (H. A.) How to fix auiline'dves'.' Brit' M. J.. Lond.. 1883, i, 450— Ren a at (J.) Surfeosine lie- matoxvlique et sur son eiuploi en histologic. Compt rentl Aead.'d. sc, Par., 1879, lxxxviii, 1039-1042. -----. Sur le mode de preparation, et l'emploi de leosine et de la glyce- rine h6matoxyliques en histologie. Arch tie physiol. norm etpath., Par., 1881,2. s„ viii, 640-648— Richardson (R W.) On a blue and scarlet double stain, suitable for nerve and manv other animal tissues. J. Roy. Micr. Soe. Loml 1881, 2. s., i, 573—Rindfleisch (E.) Eine neue Injec'. tionsmasse. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx 602. -----. Blutuntersuchung. Ibid., 603.—Roberts (W.) Note sur l'iufluence d'une solution de potasse et d'une temperature 61evee sur l'origine et le (16veloppenient des microphytes. [Transl. from,:' Proc Roy. Soc. Loml Dec 21, 1876.] Monit. scient., Par., 1877, 3. s., vii, 590- 592.—Rossi (A.) L' azione dell' acitlo osmico sulle cel- lule vegetali. Mem. Accatl. d. sc d. Ist. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s., i, 657-660, 1 pi.—Rutherford (W.) On some im- provements in the mode of making sections of tissue for microscopic observation. J. Anat. i. Physiol., Cambridge, 1871, v, 324-328— Schallibanni (H.) Ueber ein Verfah- ren mikroskopische Schuitte auf dem Objecttrager zu flxiren und daselbst zu farben. Arch. f. 'mikr. Anat. Bonn, 1883, xxii, 689.—Sehiefferdecker (P.) Mitthei- lung, betreffend das von mil- verwaudte Anilingriin. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 51-53: 1886, iii, 41-43. -----. Ueber einen Apparat zum Markiren. von Theilen mikroskopischer Objecte. Ibid., 461-4(i4. -----. Methode zur Isolirung von Epithelzellen. Ibid., 483.—Schmidt (A.) Ueber das Aufbewahren mikrosko- pischer Praparate. Arch. d. Ver. f. wissensch. Heiik., Got- ting., 1858, iii, 269-278. — Scbultze ( M. ) Essigsaures Kali zum Auf bewahren mikroskopischer Piii pa ra le. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii, 180. — Schulze (1'. E.) Eine neue Methode der Erhartung uud Fiirhung thieri- scher Gewebe. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v, 193-195.-----. Ein Entwasserungsapparat. Ibid., 1885-6, xxvi, 539-542.— Sedgwick ( C.) Mounting chick embryos whole. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1881, Salem, 1882, xxx, 115.—Siredey (A.) Instruction surle mode de conservation des pieces anatomiques destinies a etre examin6es au microscope. Union med. Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii, 1084-1087. —Smirnow (A.) Der Mikrostat; Apparat zur genauen und systematischen Untersuchung mikroskopischer Praparate und Notirung bemerkenswer- ther Stellen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxix, 384- 388.—Smith (H. L.) A new mounting medium. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buffalo, 1884, vii, 186-190. -----. Mount- ing media of high refractive index. Ibid., 1885, viii, 86- 90.—Spee (F.) Leichtes Verfahren zur Erhaltung linear feordneter, liickenloser Schnittserien mit Hiilt'e von chnittbandern. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 7-12.—Squire (P.) On a method of preserving the fresh-water medusa. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1883,2. s., iii, 485.—Standish (M.) Celloidin, the new material for embedding specimens for microscopic section cutting ; its method of use and its advantages. Am. J. Ophth. St. Louis, 1885, ii. 68-72. Also, Reprint,—Stark. Ueber tlie Bastian'sche Methode zur Aufhellung diinner Schnitte von GehirnundRiickeumark. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1869, xxi, 94.—von Stein (S.) Einfache Vorrichtung fiir das Mi- krotom zur Einbettung der Praparate. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii, 100.—Stein (S. T.) Zur Technik der Injectionen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1867, xxxix, 180-183.—Stevenson (J.) A ready method of preparing sections of diseased tissues for the microscope. Edinb. M. J., 1875-6, xxi, 605-607.—Stieda (L.) Ueber die Anwendung des Kreosots bei Anfertigung mikroskopischer Priiparate. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1866, ii, 430-135.—Stirling (W.) On double and treble staining of microscopic specimens. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1880-81, xv, 349-354—Strasscr (H.) Ueber das Studium der Schnittserien und iiber die Hiilfsmittel, welche die Reconstruction der zerlegtenFormerleichteru. Ztschr. f. -wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886. iii, 179-19.). -----. Ueber die Nachbehandlung von Serieiischuitten bei Paraffineinbettung. Ibid., 346-350. -----. Xa('^«- handlung der Schnitte bei Paraftineinbettung. Ibid., 1887, iv, 44-40—Suffolk (W. T.) On microscopical manipula- tion. Chem. News, Lond., 1869, xx, 145; 157:109:181; 193; 207; 219; 231; 243; 255; 265; 291; 301; 318.—Tail (L.) On the freezing process for section-cutting, and on various methods of staining aud mounting sections. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1875, ix, 249-258.—Thoma (R.) Beitrag zur mikroskopischen Technik. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1875, lxv, 36-47, 1 pi.—Toldt (C.) Ueber die neue- MICROSCOPY. 275 MICROSCOPY. Microscopy (Manipulations and prepa- rations in). ren Priiparir-Methoden und die dadurch bedingteu Fort- schritte der Histologie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 260-264.—Tourneiix (F.) Technique microsco- piq'ue note sur l'emploi tie la carthamine. Compt. rend. Soc. dehiol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 97.—Tukc (J. 15.) On a handy method of examining morbid nervous tissues microscopically. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 304—I'niia (P. G.) Ueber weitere Versuche, Farben auf dem Gewebe zueizeugen und die chemise he Theorie der Farbung. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxx, 38-48.—Van lieu re k (H.) Nouvelle pr6paration du medium k haut indice (2. 4) ct note sur le liquidambar. Bull. Soc. beige de micr., Brux., 1886-7, xiii, 20-24.—Ville (J.) Preparation de la masse neutre au carmin et a la gelatine. Gaz. hebd. d. se. med. de Montpel.. 1882, iv, 87 ; 112—Vlacovieh (G.) Sopra 1'uso dell'acido fenico nelle prt-pnrazioni microscopiche. Atti r. 1st. Yeneto di sc. lett. ed arti. Venezia, 1878. 5. s., iv, 851-868. — Voinotl" (K. G.) Xcskolko zamech. otno- sitel. nakleiki mikro^k. srezov na predmet. stekla. [On the different cements for mounting microscopic sections.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb.. 1887, vii, 411 -116. —XV. Double staining of vegetal le tissues. Am. Month. Micr. J., X. Y„ 1880, i, 81-83. — Wadding ton ( H. J. ) The action of tannin ou the cilia of infusoria, with remarks on the nse of solution of sulphurous oxide in alcohol. J. Boy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1883, 2. s., iii, 185-188.—Wedl (C.) Ueber die Anwendung von Levulose zur Aufbe- wahrung mikroskopischer Priiparate. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877, lxxi, 128-130. —'Weigert ( C. ) Zur Technik der mikroskopischen Bakterienuntersu- chungen ; mit einem casuistischen Anhange. Ibid., 1881, Ixxxiv, 275-315. -----. Ueber Schnittserien von Col- loidiupraparaten d6s Centralnervensystems zum Zwecke der Markscheidenfarbung. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 490-495. -----. Ueber Aufhellung von Schnittserien aus Celloidinpriiparaten. Ibid.. 1886, iii, 480.—Whitman (C. O.) Methods of microscopical research in the zoological station in Naples. Am. Natu- ralist, Phila., 1882, xvi, 697; 772. Also, transl: J. de mi- crog., Par., 1882, vi, 558: 1883, vii, 18; 89; 188.—Wickers- heimer. Conservirungstlussifrkeit. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl., 1879-80, ii, 192-194.—Witt (O. N.) Untersuchun- gen iiber einige zu mikroskopischeu Zwecken verwandte Harze. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 196-206—Woodward (J. J.) On the use of aniline in histological researches, with a method of investigating the histology of the human intestine, and remarks on 9ome of the points to be observed in the study of the dis- eased intestine in camp fevers and diarrhoeas. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. s., xlix, 106-113. -----. On the perma- nent preservation of histological preparations as practised at the Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. Ibid., 1869, n. s., Ivii, 277-281. -----. Reply to Lionel S. Beale. [Controversy on the best material for the preservation of soft tissues'] Lens, Chicago, 1872, i, 208-210. Also, Re- print.— Ziemacki (J.) Zur Entfettung mikroskopi- scher Praparate von Eiter, Blut, Sputum, u. s. w., vor der Tinction in wiisserigen Farbeliisungen bei Untersuchung auf Mikroorganismen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 130. Zuppinger (H.) Eine Methode Axencylinderfortsatze der GangTienzellen des Riickenmar- kes zu demonstriren. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Berl., 1874, x, 255. Microscopy (Medical). Sec, also, Diagnosis; Diagnosis (Chemical, etc.); Histology; Pathology; Toxicology; Urine (Chemistry, etc., of). Beale (L. S.) The microscope aud its appli- cation to clinical medicine. 8°. London, 1854. -----. The use of the microscope in clinical medicine. 8°. London, 1857. -----. The microscope in its application to practical medicine. 2. ed. 8°. London, 187)8. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1867. -----. The same 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1867. -----. The microscope in medicine. 4. ed. 8°. London <,- Philadelphia, 1878. Beauregard (H.) & Galippe (V.) Guide de l'eleve et du praticien pour les travaux pratiques de inicrographie, comprenant la technique et les applications du microscope a l'histologie v^getale, a la physioiogie, a la clinique, a I'hygiene et a la medecine legale. 8°. Paris, 1880. Bennett (J. H.) On tbe employment of the microscope in medical studies. A lecture. 8°. Edinburgh, 1841. Microscopy (Medical). Bizzozeko (G.) Manuale di microscopia cli- nica, con aggiunte risguardanti gli esami chi- mici piii utili al pratico e 1' uso del microsco- pio nella medieina legale. Seconda edizione completamente rifusa ed aumeutata. s0. Mi- lano, 1882. -----. The same. Handbuch der klinischen Mikroskopie. Mit Beriicksichtigung der wich- tigsten chemischen Uutersuchungen am Kran- kenbette und der Verwendung des Mikroskopes in der gerichtlichen Medicin. Autorisirte deut- sche Original-Ausgabe besorgt von Alexander Lustig uud Stefan Beruheiuier. Mit einem Vor- wort von Hermann Nothnagel. 8°. Erlangen, 1883. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8r Erlangen, 1887. -----. The same. Manuel de microscopie clinique, avec des instructions sur l'emploi du niicroscope, en medecine legale, et sur les opera- tions d'analyse chimique les pins utiles au pra- ticien. Trad, de l'italien par C. Firket. 8C. Bruxelles, 1883. ----- As Firket (C. ) Manuel de microsco- pic clinique, microscopie legale, chimie clinique, technique bactetioscopique. 2. 6(1. francaise. 8°. Paris $• Bruxelles, 1887). Colllngwood (C.) The influence of the mi- croscope upon the progressive advance of med- icine. An address. 8°. Liverpool, 187)9. Coulier (P.) Manuel pratique de microscopie applique~e a la m6decine. 12°. I'aris, 187)9. Cutter (E.) Primer of the clinical micro- scope. Boston Optical Works. 8-. Boston, 1879. Donne (A.) Cours de microscopie compie- mentaire des etudes mddicales; anatomie micro- scopique et physioiogie des fluides de l'econoinie. 8°. Paris, 1844. -----. The same. Die Microscopie als Hilfs- wissenschaft der Medicin; microscopische Ana- tomie und Physioiogie der thierischen Fliissig- keiten. Nach dem Franzosischen bearbeitet . . . vonE. von Gorup-Besanez. 8°. Erlangen, 1846. ----- & Foucault (L.) Cours de microsco- pie compl£mentaire des etudes m6dicales, anato- mie microscopique et physioiogie des fluides de l'economie. Atlas, fol. Parti, 1845. Driesen (G. M.) * De microscopio, summo medici auxilio. 8°. Berolini, [1842]. von DI'ben (F. G. W. J.) * Ofversigt af de bidrag mikroskopet lemnat til] den medicinska diagnostiken. 8°. Stockholm, 1855. Duval (M.) & Lereboullet (L.) Manuel du microscope dans ses applications au diagnos- tic et a la clinique. 12°. Parti, 1873. -----. The same. 2. e"d. 12°. Paris, 1877. Friedlaender (C.) The use of the micro- scope in clinical and pathological examinations. 2. ed. Transl. ... by Henry C. Coe. 8°. New York, 1887>. Ginuci (V.) II microscopio, e sue applica- zioni agli studj medici. 8°. Milano, 1879. Haltenberger (F.) * Mikroskopisch-patho- logische Betrachtungen. [Munich.] 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1867. Harting (P.) Over de belangrijkheid van mikroskopische ouderzoekingen voor de genee*- kundc 8°. Utrecht, 1844. Heinrich (C. B.) Microscopische und chemi- sche Beitrage zur practischeu Medicin. 8°. Bonn, 1844. Hoefle (M. A.) De scheikunde en het mi- kroskoop aan het ziekbed. Eene bijdrage tot de geneeskundige herkennigsleer, vor den Neder- duitschen lezer bewerkt door Dr. Henry Riehm. Met een woord tot inleidiug van den hoogleeraar MICHChSCOPY. 276 MICROTOMES. Microscopy (Medical). Dr. J. van Ge*uns. 8-. Flrecht Jj- Amsterdam, 1-52. Mehkel (G. H.) Microscopy in medical prac- tice; its necessity demonstrated in the investi- gation of disease. 8°. New York, 1-^1. Peyer (A.) Die Microscopie am Kranken- bette. sm. 4°. Basel, 1884. -----. The same. An atlas of clinical mi- croscopy. Translated and edited by Alfred C. Girard." 1. Am. ed. 8°. New York, 1887). -----. The same. Atlas de microscopie cli- nique. Traduit sur la 2. ed. allemande par le Dr. Eugene De la Harpe. sm. 4°. Paris, 1887. Porcher (F. P.) Prize essay. Illustrations of disease with the microscope. Clinical inves- tigations, aided by the microscope, and by chem- ical reagents; with microscopical observations of pathological specimens, medical and surgical, obtained in Charleston, .8. C. A contribution intended to disclose the minute history of the diseases prevailing in this latitude, and to assist future students. With upwards of live hundred original drawings from nature, made at the time of the observations. Part first, with one hundred illustrations on wood. 8°. Charleston, S. C, 1861. Eeinhard (H.) Das Mikroskop und sein Ge- brauch fiir deu Arzt. Mit Zngrundeleguug des Werkes yon Beale : " The microscope and its ap- plication to clinical medicine". 8-. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1857. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1861. Richardson (J. G.) A handbook of medical microscopy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871. Rosenberg (D.) De mieroseopii usu in diag- nostica. 4C. Gottingw, [1847]. SSai'rel (It.) * Du microscope au point de vue de ses applications a la connaissance et du traite- ment des maladies chirurgicales. 8°. Paris, 1857. Concours. Simon (J. F.) Beitrage zur physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie und Mikroskopie iu ihrer Anwendung auf die praktische Medizin. v. 1. 8-. Berlin, 1844. Stoeber (V.) *De l'influence que l'analyse chimique et la inicrographie ont exercee sur la pathologie et sur la therapeutique. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1845. Concours. Stowell (C. H.) & Stowell (L. R.) Micro- scopical diagnosis. 8~. Detroit, 1882. Verduc, le tils. Discours sur Fntilite" du mi- croscope, dans les decouvertes d'anatomie, de physique et de nie'decine. 12°. [n. j)., n. d.] Vockl (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Siil'te und Excrete des menschlichen Korpers im ge sunden und kranken Zustande. 1. Bd. Anlei- tung zum Gebrauch des Mikroskopes z-nr zoo- chemischen Analyse und zur mikroskopisch- chemischeu Untersuchung iiberhaupt. 8°. Leip- zig, 1-41. Allen (B. W.) Use and imptutnnce of the microscope to the metlical profession. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg.. Wheel- ing, 1871, 242-249. — Bennett (J. H.) Histology and the use of the microscope. Lancet. Lond., 1845, i, 517-522.__ Burnett (W.J.) Observations ou the value of the micro- scope as a means for the diagnosis of disease. South. M. tt S. J., Augusta, 1853, n. s., ix. 197-206. — Cutler (E.) I The primer of the clinical micioscope. Vii 'inia M. Month , Richmond. 1879-80, vi, 376; 410— Danforth (I. N.) The niicroscope in daily practice. Chicago M. J. 'c Exam., 1875. xxxii, 659; 737; 807: 1876, xxxiii, 116. — l>c II ;irt (J. X.) The microscope in its relation to medicine and cerebral patholo-y. Ibid., 1879, xxxviii, 242-253. Also, Reprint — Eilnai-iN (A. M ) The microscope in sviia™- logy. Tr. M. Soc. N.Jersey, Newark, 1875,140-160.—Falk (F.i Iieiueikiiugen iiber einige zweckdienliohe Anweu- dungsweisen des Mikroskopes und des Spectralappaiates ^Microscopy (Medical). fiir gerichtliche Zwecke. Vrtl.jschr. f. d. piakt. Heilk Prag, 1869, ci, 40-58.— I'i»ehl i.J.) Zur praktischen lit'' deutimg tier Mikroskepie bei KrkrankuniM'ii inncrtr ()r. gane. Prag. med. Wchnschi-., 1S70. i. 853 ; 87:;.— Ioiiiiuu (D. M'L.) The niicroscope in metlical .jurisprudence. T, M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1876, 252-257. — 4»:illiir, xxv, 255-2.5. — Holme* ((). W.) An address dclivcicti at the annual meet ingot' the Boston Microscopical Society Boston M. & S. J.. 187,. xevi, 601-612— JoIiiinIoii (C) McSherry (R.) & Wilkin* (J.) Keport of the cum' mittee upou surgery. l'roc. .M. &-. Chir. Fac. Marylaud 1854. Bait., 1855. 21-53.—.Michel. Du microscope, de ses applications a l'aiiatoniie pathologique, au diagnostic ct an traitement des maladies. M6m. Acad. domed.. Par., ]n;<~, xxi, 241-442, 5 pi. Also, Reprint. — .11onneret. lie la microscopie dans ses rapports avec la medicine, pratique J. de med., Par., 1844, ii. 177-182. — Ollivier. Nouvelle application de l'emploi du niicroscope dans les expertises medico-legales. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1839, xxi, 219-223.— Packard (J. H.) The present state of microscopical science, medically considered. K. Am. M.-Chir. Kev Phila., 18:59. iii. 470; 658.—Pfuhl. Einiges iiber die Be- deutung der Mikroskopie des Auswurfs fiir deu Militair- arzt, sowie iiber deren Technik und wichtigsten Be sulfate. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1878, vii, 240-263.— Prophetisches iiber das Microscop. Von cincin hh^c nannten fianz. Arzte. Med. Aim., Berl., 1841, 73-85.—Itn- maer (J. N.) Over de aanwending van het mikroskoop tot genecskundig onderzoek. Arch. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1841, i, 305-368. Also, Reprint.—Bitter (Ii.) Feber die Anwendharkeit des Mikroskopes zu ini-dizinisrh-forensi- schen Zwecken. Ztschr. 1'. d. Staatsarznk.. Kihmg., 1853, lxv, 111-145.—Nehiitzeiiberger. Les recherches micro- scopiques et la clinii|iie medicale. [Discours.] (iaz.ni6tl. de Strasb., 1860, xx, 49-54. — Neiler (C.) The judicious use of the niicroscope in medical practice. Proc. 1'hila. Co. M. Soc. 1880-81, Phila., 1881. iii. 23-25. Also: Phila, M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 193-195.—KzoltsiUhi (\\\) 0 stu- nowisku mikroskopii i chemii w prakt\czncj niedyrvnie. Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1855, xxxiv, 9-28. - Vii'- chow (R.) Ueber die Reform der pathologischen und the- rapeutischen Anschauuugen (lurch die mikroskopisclifii Untersuclmiigen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl, 1847, i, 207-255.—Ward (R. H.) Medical microscopes. Tr. M. Soc. N. V. 1872, Albany, 1873, 267-275.—Wright (J. W.) The microscope in its relation to disease. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1886, n. s., iii, no. 3, 75-81.—Wyss (0.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Mikroskopie und Chemie in der arztliehen Diagnostik. "Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 185; 209; 233. Also: Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1868, xiii, 85-92. Microscopy (Preparations of). See Microscopy (Manipulations, etc., in). Ulicrospectroscopy. See Spectroscope, etc. Microtomes and microtomy. See, also, Microorganisms (Manipulations, etc., in). His(W.) Beschreibung eines Mikrotoms. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Lke (A. B.) The microtoinist's vade-mecum. A handbook of the methods of microscopic anat- omy. 8°. London, 1887). -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 18<>. Marsh (8.) Section-cutting. A practical guide to the preparation aud mounting of sec- tions for the microscope, special prominence be- ing given to the subject of animal sections. 12 ■ London, 1878. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1882 Barrett (J. W.) A new method of cutting sections for microscopical examination. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Loml., 1884-5, xix. 94-96 -Bickerstalie (K.) A freezing mi- crotome for use with ether sprav. Dublin J. M. he, 18k. lxiv, 423,-Brainlt (A.) Ueber ein Mikrotom. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. 1871. vii. 175-170. — Brass (A.) lie- merkungen iiber tlie Mikrotom messer und ihre Beliaim- lung. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., is.1.1. ii. 305-307—CaldwellN automatic microtome. I'uart. J. Micr. Se., Loud.. 1881. n. s, xxiv, 648-654, 1 pi — *'""*" cart (C. W.) New form of ether microtome. J A?at. & Physiol., Lond.. 18S2-3. xvii, 401-403. Also: Edino. Cliu. '&. Path. J., 1883-4, i, 473-475.— Curtis (E.) An MICKOTOMES. 277 MID-CHESHIEE. "flicrotoilies and microtomy. annaratus for cutting microscopic sections of the. eye. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. X. Y., 1871, -viii. 60-68.— Decker (F.) Ein neucr Schnillstrecker Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 18r4 xxiii, 537-543.—von Dembowski (T.) Ein neuer Apiiarat zur Controllc tier Mcsseistellung im Mikrotom. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg.. 1886, iii, 337-345.— Duprnt (A.) Microtome de precision. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par . 1886, lxi. 355.—.Ertlos (J.) Eine Vorrichtung am Thoma'schen Mikrotom zum Schnellschneidcn. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Berl., 1885, ii, 343-346, 2 pi. Ah", transl : Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1885, xxix, 982-984.- Flcming i\V J ) A modification of Dr. Rutherford's fiveziii" microtome. Month. Micr. J.. Lond.. 1875, xiv. 79-81. ~los...- Lancet, Lond.. 1875, i, 855. — Fletcher (S. ■\\\) A new microtome. Huston M. & S. J., 1879, c, 254- 257.—Frnneotte (P.) Microtomes, niethodes d'inclusion et seriation des coupes. Hull, scient. dep. du nord, etc., Par. 1883. vi, 137-145. ----. Microtomes de Reiehert. Bull.' Soc. beige de micr.. Brux., 1884-5, xi, 102-107, 4 pi — Fritsch (ii.) Ueber eine neue Modification des Rivet - sehen Mikrotoms. Arch. f. Anat... Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Metl., Leipz.. 1874. 442-453. Also, Reprint.—Gage (S. H.) & Smilh (T.) Serial microscopic sections. Metl. Stu- dent. N. Y.. 1883-4, i, 14-16— GoMing-Birri (C. H.) On a new microtome. J. Roy. Micr. Soe., Lond., 1884, 2. 8., iv, 523.—Gotlseliau (M.) Mikrotomklammer fur Kcil- und planpai allele Schnitte. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1881. 123-125. -----. Vorziige und Xachtheile veischiedener Mikrotome und ihrer Hilf's- apparate. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1884, i, 327-348— Grbn I mid (J.) Das Rivet'sche Mikrotom und seine Handhabung. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl., 1877, i, 8- 15.—Groves (■!. W.) A further improvement in the Groves-Williams ether freezing microtome. J. Roy. Micr. Soc. Lond., 1882, 2. s., ii, 755.—von Gudden. Ueber ein neues Microtom. Arch. f. Psychiat. u. Norvenkr., Berl.. 1874. v, 229-234. -----. Katse'h's Microtom. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1880, xi, 542—Hailcs (H. F.) On a new form of section-cutting machine. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1874-7, iv, 243-245, 1 pi. -----. Sections and section cutting; with a description of a new poly-micro- tome for freezing. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y.,' 1878-9, xxxv, 5U3-514. Also, Reprint. -----. An improved micio- tonie; two hundred sections a minute, each 121iTIT of an inch in thickness. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1880. xviii, 109. -----. An improved microtome. Science, N. Y., 1880, i, 187. ----. Au improved freezing poly-microtome. Tr. M,- Sue. N. Y., Syracuse. 1882, 279-281.—Hatfield (J. .1. B.) Description of rotary section cutter. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buffalo, 1884, vii, 171. — Ilankslfj's improved Valentin's knife. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 13.—Henking (II.) Neue Construction des Objecthalters am Sehlitten- mikrotom, eine genaue Einstellung des Objectes bezwe- ckend. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1884, i, 491-496. -----. Ein eiufaches Mikrotommesser. Ibid., 1885, ii. 509-511.—Hcnncgny. Un microtome. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par.. 1862, 7. s.. iv, 591. — Hemic- guy & Vignal. Sur quelques modifications appor- tees au microtome a bascule de la Societe des instru- ments scientiflques de Cambridge. Ibid.. 1885, 8. s., ii, 647.— lleiiMchen ( S. ) Tvenne niikrotimier. Upsala Lakarel. I-'iirh., 1881, xvi. 311-321.—Hildebrand (II. E.) Improved microtome for cutting microscopic sections. Pharmacist. Chicago. 1885, xix. 1O5-107. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr.. Brnschwg... 1885, ii, 343-345.— His (W.) Beschreibung eines Mikrotoms. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn. 1870, vi. 229-232 —Holler (A.) Ueber cine neue Schnittinelhode fiir mikrosktipische Praparate ties Hirns und Riickenmarks Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1876, ii, 60-63.—Hughes (II.) An improved freezing microtome. J. Anat. ic Phvsiol.. Lond , 1876, ii, 615.—JohHston-g.avi* (H. J.) tfc'Vos- macr (G. C. J.) On cutting sections of sponges and other similar structures with soft and hard tissues. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1887. 200-204. — Kicks (E.) Eine Schiieidemaschine zur Anfertigung mikroskopischer Pra- parate. nebst BeineikuiiL'eii iiber niikroskopisches Schnei- den. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1876, vi, 205-215.—Knives for cutting sections. [Edit.] Am. J. Micr, N. Y., 1879. iv. 25-30. — Korting. Ein neues Mi- krotom. Jenaist he Ztschr. f. Naturw.. Jena, 1880, n. F.. vii, 193-195.—Krause (W.) Ueber Mikrotome. Arch'. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xiii, 180.—Lewis (B.) On a new freezing microtome for the preparation of sections of the brain and spinal cord. J. Anat tfc Physiol , Lond., 1877, xi. 537-539.— l.ongstrctk (M.) Freezing micro- tonic. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1878 vii, 159. -----. The use of the, freezing microtome. Boston M. ,fc S. J., 1879, c, 632-636.— I.njs. Instrument pour les coupes micro- scopitpies. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, xliii. 448.— Ha- l:i>*cz (I..) Microtome de Roy perfertionne. Compt. rend. Soe tie biol., Par., 1883, 7. »., iv, 423-425. Also: Arch tie physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1884, 3. s., iv, 348- 363.—.Vlartinotti (G.) Un piccolo accessorio dei micro- tomi a slitta. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 390-392 — \caley (E. T.) A rapid method for making bone and teeth sections. Am. Month. Micr. J., l?Iicrotollie« and microtomy. N. Y., 1884, v, 142-144.—IVecdham (J.) On cutting sec- tions of animal tissues for microscopical examination. Med. Press \- Circ.. Lond.. 1873, xv. 491: 512.—New mi- crotome of Dr. S. W. Fletcher. J. Rov. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1879. ii, 466-469.— Pcllctnn (J.) Microtome ii levier (Hansen). J. de microg . Par., 1886. x. 507-512.—Piana (G. P.) II luicrotonio del Prof. Ercolani. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1876-7, i, 454-457.—Fritchard (U.) A simple form of freeziii". section machine. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 83:!. — Fiirltiu je. Der microtomische, Quetscber, ein bei niieroscopisehen Untersuchungen uiicntuchi-licb.es Instrument. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, n. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1834, 385-390. 1 pi. — Revolving automatic mi- crotome. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1884-7, iii, 477-479. —Rogers i \>\ A.) On anew form of section-cutter. Proc. Am. So . Micr., Buffalo, 1884, vii, 191-193.—Kohrheek (II.) Dr. 11. Long's neues Mikro- tom. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1886, viii, 284.—Roy (C. S.) A new microtome. J. Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, ii. 19-23. -----. Neues Schnellgefrier-Mieiotoin. Arch. f. 'mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880-81, xix, 137-143, 1 pi.—Russell (J. C.) Immersion microtome. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 664.— Rutherford (W.) Anew freezing microtome. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 108. -----. On the freezing microtome; are- ply to Mr. Lawson Tait. J. Anat. &. Physiol., Lond., 1875, x, 178-185.-----. A combined ice aud ether-spray freez- ing microtome. Lancet, Lond.. 1885, i, 4-6. — Ryder (J. A.) On some points in microtomy. [Abstr.] Pioc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1884. Salem, 1885, xxxiii, 565.—Schiefler- decker (P.) Ueber ein neues Mikrotom, nebst Bemer- kungen iiber einige neuere Instrument!' dieser Art. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1875, xii, 91-11/2. -----. Kurze Mittheiluug, mein Mikrotom hetreffeud. Ibid., 1876, xii, 791. -----. Ueberein neues Mikrotom. Ztschr. f. wissen- sch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1886, iii, 151-164. — Schmidt (H. D.) Apparatus for making microscopic sections of tissue. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859, n. s., xxxvii, 35-40.—Seiler (C.) Immersion microtome. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 197. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1880, ii, 29. -----. Mechanical microtome. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1880, ix, 184.—Servel (A.) Note sur mi microtome. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s., i, 972- 974.—.•imitli (R. S.) New method of section-cutting after freezing by means of ether spray. Lancet, Loud., 1878, i, 605.—!"tolias (J.) An improvement in the method of using the freezing microtome. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxiv, 163.—Spcngcl (J. YV.) August Becker's Schlitteiiniikrotoni. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brn- schwg., 1885, ii, 453-459.— Sterling (A. B.) Description of a section cutter for microscopical purposes. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1870, iv, 230-234.—Taylor (T.) Freez- ing microtome. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc 1881, Salem, 1883, xxx, 119-121. Also. Reprint.—von Tliaiiliotfcr (L.) Ein Irrigationsmesser zur Anfeitigung mikroskopi- scher Schuittpraparate. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880-81, xix, 315-317.— Thoma (R.) Ueber ein Mikro- tom. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxiv, 189- 191. ----. Microtome a glissement et niethodes d'euro- bage. J. de microg., Par., 1883, vii, 576; 939.—Tricomi (E.) Nuovo microtomo a mano. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir.. Napoli, 1886, iv, 279-282.—Vignal. Sur le micro- tome congelant de Rutherford. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1875, xi, 482-486. -----. Sur un microtome congelant par la vaporisation de ranimoniaque. Ibid., 1876, xii, 425-428.—Waller (B. C.) On a new form of section-knife especially adapted to the cutting of large sections. Edinb M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 893-895.—Wcbster- (C. C.) A simple microtome. Chicago M. J. tfc Exam., 1885, 1, 12. —Wcigcrt (C.) Nowy mikrotom do duz\ych skrawk6m. [New microtome for large segments.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884. 2. s., iv, 1028-1032. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 326-333.— Whitney (J. E.) Rapid section cutting. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Bufl'alo, 1885, viii, 122— Williams (R. P.) On cutting sections of the eyes of insects, and on a new in- strument for that purpose. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1874-7, iv, 4-10, 1 pi. -----. On a new method of cutting fresh frozen tissues. Ibid., 154-156, 1 pi. MicrozyaHe*. See Microorganisms. micturition. See Urination. IVIiculci (Jo. Ben jam. ) *De scorbnto, cjus- (leiii(|ne turn genuinis, turn controversis causis, symptoniatibus pra'cipuis, et enra. 29 pp. 4C. Erfordice, typ. J. H Groschii, 1717. Rlid-Chesllire Combined Sanitary District. Vital statistics and animal reports of the sani- tary districts of Altrincham, Congletou, Xant- wicb. and Nortbwich, rural; Lymui, Middlewicli, Nantwicb, Northwicb, Sandbacb, and '\Yinsford1 M1D-CHESHIKE. 278 MIDDLESEX. Mid-Cheshire Combined [etc.]—continued. urban. By John Mapinson Fox, medical offi- cer of health. 1.-4., 1878-81. fol. [v. p.], 1879-82. 1. and 2., London; 3., Manchester; 4., Warrington. Middel (Klaas Kuiper). * Bijdrage tot de be- haudeling van het purulent pleuritisch exsudaat. 2 ]i. ]., 56 pp. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Huber, 1879. Middelbcek (Sebastianus). *De incremento foetus humani iu utero. 32 pp., 3 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langerak, 1719. JVIirldelbiirg*. Fokber (A. A.) & de iTIan (J. C.) Proeve eener ge- neesk. plaatsbeschrijving van de stad Middelburg, Prov. Zeeland. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Ge- neesk., Arnhem, 1856, vi, 2. Afd., 41-136.—de Man (J. C.) De afname der sterfte te Middelburg. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1882, xviii, 901-907. Middelburg: (Henry Abraham). * De zitplaats van het astigmatisme. 45pp.,2tab. 8°. Utrecht, P. W. ran de Weijer, 1863. Middeldorpf (Albrecht Theodor) [1824-68]. * De glaudulis Brunnianis. 1 p. 1., 35 pp., 1 pi. 4°. I'ratislavice, typ. Grassii, Barthii et soc, [1846]. ------. Der Nuiiien und das Wesen der Entziin- dung. 32 pp. 8°. Breslau, E. Trewendt, 1849. ------. Benierkungen iiber Kuochenbruche. (All- gcmeiner Theil.) 1 p. 1., 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bres- lau, R. N't sch kowsky, 1852. ------. Beitrage zur Lehre von den Knochenbrii- chen. x, 150 pp., 5 pi. 4°. Breslau, Trewendt u. Graniei; 1853. ------. Die Galvauocaustik, ein Beitrag zur ope- rativen Medicin. xvi, 272 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Bres- lau, J. Max it. Comp., 1854. [Also, in : P., v. 1389.] ------. Ueberblick iiber die Akidopeirastik, eine neue Untersuchungs-Methode mit Hilfe spitziger Werkzeuge. 10 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Breslau, R. Nischkowsky, 1856.] [P., v. 876; 1389.] Eepr.from: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1856, vii. ------. De polypis oesophagi, atque de tumore ejus generis primo prospere exstirpato. iv, 24 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Vratislavia; apud Max et soe., 1857. ------. Commentatio de fistulis ventriculi ex- ternis et chirurgica earum sanatione, accedente historia fistula* arte chirurgornm plastica pros- pere curatse. 3 p. 1., 33 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Vratis- lavice, typ. Grassii, Barthii et soc, 1859. —----. Abrege' de la galvanocaustie. 14 pp. 8°. Breslan, G.-T. Eorn, 1864. See, also, iron Pfolsprundt (Heinrich). Buch der Biiiidth-Ert/.nei . . . 1460 [etc.] 8°. Berlin, 1868.—Ver- ein ftir physiologische Heilkunde. Der Namen und das Wfsen der Entziindung. 8°. Breslau, 1849. For Biography, see Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl. 1869 x 397-420 (Klopsch). Also: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868' xx, 318. Also : Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1868, 6. s.' i. 399-401 (P. Schivardi). Also : Wien. med. Wchnschr ' 1868, xviii, 1023-1026. Middeldorpf (Gustav). "Weitere Beitriige zur Resection des Ellenbogengeleukes. [Wurtz- burg.] 207 pp. 8'-. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1886. Middelselaulte (Fritz). * Ein Beitrag zu den primaren desmoiden Geschwiilsten der breiten Gcbarmutterhander. 30 pp. 8°. Greifswald, Middendorf (Joannes Henricus) [1816- ]. "De pulsus syniptomatologia, 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1840]. von Middeildorff (Al. Theodorus). *Qua3- dam de bronchoruin polypis, morbi casu obser- vato illustrata. 83 pp. 8-. Dorpati Livonorum, typ. G. C. Sehnenmanni, 1837. ITIiddeiidorp (Albert Anton). * Verhandeliug over placenta pra-via. [Utrecht.] 2 p. 1., 57 IVIiddeildorp (Albert Anton)—continued. pp., 2 1. 8C. Amsterdam, Metzler «)'■ Bastina 1870. "" ------. Het geneeskundig staatstoezicht en do geneeskundige stand iu Nederland. 38 pp. ,* Amsterdam, Schellema <$• Holkema, 1878. IVIiddeildorp (Harmen Anthonij). *Ovor de doorborende chronische niaagzecr. 3 p. 1., (;;j pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningen, J. II. Wolters, [186;\\. IVIiddeildorp (Hendrik Willem). De aan- weuding der geneesmiddelen door de huid bij cholera. 7 pp. 8°. Groningen, R. J. Sehierbeek 1866. [P., v. 185.] ------. Het vliezig slakkenhuis in zijne wording en in den ontwikkelden toestand. 1 p. 1., Ill pp., 3 pi. fol. Groningen, J. Sehierbeek, [1867], Middle (The) States Medical Reformer and Ad- vocate of Innocuous Medication. J. S. Pretty- man and Palemon John, editors and proprietors, [Monthly.] Nos. 10-12, v. 1, Dec., 1854, to Feb ' 1855; Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8-12, v. 2, 1855-6; Nos. 1-3 5-10, v. 3, 1856-7; No. 1, v. 4, May, 1857. 8°. Millford, Del., 1854-5; Millville, Pa., 1855-7; Bloomsburg, Pa., 1857. Title of v. 3-4 was: Middle (The) States Medical Re- former and Journal of Health. In 1858 continued as: Eclectic (The) Medical Journal of Philadelphia. Middle (The) States Medical Reformer aud Journal of Health. Was title of v. 3-4 of: Middle (The) States Medical Reformer and Advocate of Innocuous Medication. niiddieborougli, Massachusetts. Thompson (I.) Bill of mortality for Middleborough in the years 1802 and 1803. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. 1804, Bost., 1857, 235. Middlcbury. See Prostitution (History, etc., of), by local- ities. Uliddlefoury College. Catalogus senatus aca- demici et eorum qui munera et officia academica gesserunt, quique aliquovis gradu exornati fue- runt, in Collegio Medioburiensi, Medioburia*, in Republica Viridimontana, anno 1871. 61 pp. 8°. Medioburia;, Knapp et sociis, 1871. Rliddlemore (Richard). Arrangement to be adopted in the delivery of a course of lectures ou the diseases of the eye. 8 pp. 8°. Birmingham, J. C. Barlow, 1832. [P., v. 515; 745.] ------. An address to the governors of the Bir- mingham General Hospital ou the propriety of appointing assistant surgeons to that institution. 15 pp. 8°. Birmingham, J. Drake, 1833. [P., v. 515.] ------. A treatise on the diseases of the eye and its appendages. [Founded on a Jacksonian prize essay for 1831.] 2 v. viii, 800 pp.; x, 844, 14 pp. 8°. London, Longmans <$• Co., 1835. ------. An introductory lecture on the auatoiny, physiology, and diseases of the eye, delivered at the Birmingham Royal School of Medicine and Surgery, Oct. 4, 1839. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 8C. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1839. [Also, in: P., v. 1442.] Ifliddlesborougli. Buchanan (G.) Report on the sanitarvstate of Mid- dlesbrough-on-Tees, July 1, 1871. Collection of special re- ports, fol., Lond., i, no. 63. Middlesex County, England. Annual report of the coroner for the central district of Middle- sex. 7., 1868-9. 38 pp. 8°. London, R. Hard- wicke, 1871. Repr. from: "Sessional Proc." Nat. Ass. Promot. So- cial Sc. Middlesex County, England. County Lunatic Asylum at Colney Hatch. The final report of the committee appointed to provide an addi- tional pauper lunatic asylum, and resolutions of the court. Middlesex,'Jan., general quarter MIDDLESEX. 279 MIDDLESEX. Middlesex County, England. County Lunatic Asylum at Colney Hatch—continued. sessions, 1852. 94 pp. 8 . London, J. T. Norris, 187)2. Corner stone laid May 31, 1849; opened July 17, 1851. ______. Medical report of the female side of the Coluey Hatch Lunatic Asylum. 1., 1851. 48 pp. 8°. London, Walton Y Mitchell, 1852. -----. Annual reports of the committee of visi- tors and medical superintendent to her majes- ty's justices of the peace for the county of Mid- dlesex. 1.-31., 1851-81. 8°. London, 1852-82. 1851-80 hound in 6 v. 1. report for 6 months, ending Dec, 31. Middlesex County, England. County Lunatic Asylum at Han well. Annual reports of the resi- dent physician to the visiting justices. 1.-14., 1831 to 1843-4. 8°. London, 1832-44. 1.-14. hound in 1 v. The committee ot visiting justices was appointed early in 1827, and made their first report in April of that year. Site purchased in 1828. Building completed in April, and opened May 16, 1831. From April, 1827, to Dec, 1845, the visiting justices made 77 reports. In 1846 the asylum was placed under control of a committee of visitors, who eommenced a new series of annual reports, their 3. report being the 81. of the asylum. -----. The reports of the visiting justices to the quarter sessions, 1828-42. [Being the 1.-64. quarterly reports, 3. qr. 18^7 to 3. (jr. 1842.] 2 v. 208 pp., 41.; 244 pp. 8,~. Loudon, M'Gowan «f Co., 1842. -----. Quarterly reports of the visiting justices to her majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex. 1.-64., 4. qr. 1827 to 3. qr. 1842; "68., 3. qr. 1843; 72., 3. qr. 1844; 74., 75., and 77., 1., 2., and 4. qr. 1845. 8°. London, 1833-46. 1.-64. reprinted in 2 v., 1842. 23., 49.-59., 64., 68., 72., 74., 75., and 77. are in separate pamphlet form. For reports subsequent to 1845, see annual reports of the committee of visitors, who succeeded the visiting justices. ------. The special report of the committee of visitors, with appendices. [May general ses- sion, 1846.] 33, 8, 19, 4 pp., 1 pi'., 1 plan. 8°. London, J. T. Norris, 1846. ------. An address from the visiting justices to the magistrates of the county of Middlesex. 19 pp. 8C. London, J. T. Norris, 1846. Bound with: Special report. 8°. London, 1846. ------. Memorial of the guardiaus of Chelsea as to further accommodation for pauper lunatics of the county. Presented to the court at the May general session, 1846. 4 pp., 1 pi., 1 plan. 8°\ London, J. T. Norris, 1846. Bound with: Special report. 8°. London, 1846. ------. Additional accommodation for pauper lunatics. A return of reports made to the com- mittee of visitors by the medical officers. Pre- sented to the court May general session, 1846. 8 pp. 8-. London, J. T. Norris, 1846. Bound with: Special report. 8°. London, 1846. -----. Annual reports of the committee of visi- tors and medical superintendent to her majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex. 3.-16., 1847-60; 19., 1863; 21., 1865. 8-. Lon- don, 1848-66. For reports prior to 1847, see quarterly reports of the visiting justices. 10.-16. bound in 1 v. Middlesex County Orphans' Home. Middle- town. Annual report of the board of managers to the incorporators. 1., 1877-8. 19 pp. 8r Middlctown, Pel ton <)'• King, 1879. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1877: opened June, 1878. Middlesex East Di.strict Society. By-laws, with a list of officers and members. 13 pp. 8°. Wake- field, W. H. Troombly, 1876. Middlesex Fells Association. Map of Middle- sex Fells, showing the territory situated in vari- ous towns designed to be set apart as a puhlic Middlesex Fells Association—continued. domain for the preservation and production of forest trees and the water supply of many cities aud towns. Compiled by Fuller and Whitney. Nov., 1882. 1 map. 4°. Boston, 1882. -----. Conditional obligation, public domain, and the new forestry law. (Chap. 255, acts of 1882.) Aii act authorizing towns and cities to provide for the preservation and reproduction of of forests. Approved May 25, 1882. 2 1. fol. [Boston, 1882.] -----. [Circular, ou the importance of restoring the pines to the barren hills of Massachusetts. Jan 15, 1883.] 1 sheet. 8°. [Boston, 1883.] Middlesex and Hertfordshire Combined Sani- tary Districts. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of . . . for the years 1876; 1879. By C. E. Saunders, medical officer of health. 8-. London, 1877-8(1. The combined district is composed of Barnet, Berk- ham stead, Hemel Hempstead, Hendon, St. Albans, Wat- ford, and Welwyn (rural districts); Barnet, East Barnet Valley, and Tring (urban districts). Middlesex Hospital, Londou, W. The laws, orders, and regulations of the Middlesex Hos- pital, for the reception of sick and lame patients, and lying-in married women; revised and di- gested under proper heads, [etc. ] ii, 64 pp. 8-\ London, 1770. Instituted in Aug., 1745. In 1747 a ward was opened for lying-in married women, but was given up in 1807. In 1792' a ward was fitted up, and endowed by Samuel Whit- bread, for patients afflicted with cancer. Samaritan fund established in 1812. A medical school was established in connection with the hospital, May 7, 1835. Incorporated March 30, 1836. ------. List of the governors and subscribers of the Middlesex Hospital; with an abstract of the receipts and expenditure for the year 1816. 43 pp., 2 1. 12°. London, J. Brettell, 1817. ------. History of the . . . during the first cen- tury of its existence. Compiled from the hospi- tal records, hy Erasmus Wilson, xv, 296 pp. 8°. London, j Churchill, 1845. ------. List of the governors and subscribers of the . . . with an abstract of the receipts and ex- penditures for the year 1851; and an account of the Samaritan fund of the hospital. 72 pp. 8C. London, J. Truscott, 1852. ------. Report on the cholera patients admitted into the [Middlesex] hospital during the year 1854. By S. W. Sibley, registrar. 28 pp., 8'tab. 8C. London, J. Truscott, 1855. ------. Report of the surgical staff of the Middle- sex Hospital, to the weekly board aud governors, upon the treatment of cancerous diseases in the hospital, on the plan introduced by Dr. Fell. vi, 114 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1857. ------. Reports of the medical and surgical regis- trars for the vears 1869-76; 1878-83. 8°. Lon- don, 1870-85. 1869-75 bound in 2 v. ------. Historical account of the origin and prog- ress of "The Middlesex Hospital", with a list of the governors and subscribers, and an account of the Samaritan fund of the hospital, for the year 1872, together with an abstract of the re- ceipts and expenditure for the years 1871 and 1872. 87 pp., 4 1. 8°. London, J. Smith & Co., 1873. -----. Annual reports of the weekly board to the governors and subscribers, for the years 1872; 1877. 8°. London, 1873-8. Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London. Annual prospectuses for the sessions of 1876-7 (42.); 1878-9 to 1880-81 (44.-46.); 1884-5 (50.): 1887-8(53.). 12° & 8°. London, '1876-87. -----. Prospectus for the summer session for 1886. 32 pp. 8-. [London], Mitchell # Hughes, [1886]. MIDDLESEX. 280 M1DW1VES. Middlesex Hospital Medical School—cont'd. -----. Regulations of the Middlesex Hospital College. 8 pp. 18J. [Loudon, Mitchell $■ Hughes, 1887.] Founded for the accommodation of the students in 1887. Middlesex Institute. Maiden. Annual report. 1., 1881-2. 12 pp. 8°. Maiden, G. A. Brown, 1882. Middlesex South District Medical Society. Constitution and by-laws, with a catalogue of the fellows of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety, residing in the Middlesex South Medical District. 12 pp. 12°. Waltham, S. Hastings, 187)7. -----. The same. 16 pp. 12J. Cambridge, If elch, Bitldow Y c°., 1879. Middleton (A. E.) All about mnemonics. 74 pp. 12c. London, Simpkin, Marshall . Leicester. In 1*83, v. 2, title became: Midland (The) Medical Miseellany, and Provincial Medical .Journal. In July, 18x5, continued as: Provincial (The) Medical Jour- nal. Midland (The) Medical Miscellany, and Provin- cial Medical Journal A monthly review of med- ical science, literature, and biography. Was title of v. 2-3 of: Hirilanri (The) Medical Mis cellany, 1883-4. Midland (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter and Topographical aud Statistical Journal [Quarterly.] v. 1-3, Aug., ls->8, to .May, is;'-/ 8 . Worcester, Tymbs $• Deighton. Ended. Midland (The) Quarterly Journal of the Medi- cal Sciences, v. 1 ; Xos. 1-3, v. 2. May, ls.57, to July, 1858. 8C. Birmingham, Cornish Brothers. Mid-Lothian. StcveiiNOii (AV.) On the sanitary condition and gen- eral economy of the town of Musselburgh and pariah of Inverness, iu the county of Mid-Lothian. San. Inquiry Scotland, Lond.. 1842, 130-152. Also, Repiint. Mid-Lotllian and Peebles District Lunatic Asylum, at Rosowell, by Edinburgh. Reports of the Mid-Lothian and Peebles district board of lunacy and the medical superintendent to the commissioners of supply of the counties of Mid- Lothian and Peebles. 1.-3., 1871-8:5. sr. Edin- burgh, 1878-83. 1. report, from July 1, 1871, to May 14. 1877: 2., May 1877, to May, 1880; 3., May. 18X0, to May, 18X3. Opened in Nov., 1874.' -----. Rules and regulations for the staff of the ... 14 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, LorUner if tallies, ii. d.] Midnight Mission, New York City. Annual re- port of the managers to the members and sub- scribers. 7., 1873-4. 33 pp. 16-. New York, E. J. Huntington iy Co., 1874. Midol (G.-E.) * Sur l'hemoptysie. 1 p. ]., 24 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1831, v. 62. Midoil (Charles) [18f>7- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la periostite exterue ehronique des uiembres. 53 pp., 11. 4C. Paris, 1^81, No. 184, Midl'ill (Pierre) * Essai sur la valeur physiolo- gique et therapeutique du phosphate de chaux dans les fractures. 31pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 96. Midwifery. See Labor; Obstetrics. Midwives (Education of, and laws re- lating to). - See, also, Hospitals (Maternity, etc.); Obstet- rics; Obstetrics (Manuals ou); Syphilis (Com- munication of). Abegg (G. F. H.) Bericht fiber die kouigl. Hebannnen-Lchr-Anstalt zn Danzig von 1819 his 1868. 8C. Danzig, 1869. Aveling (J. H.) English midwives; their history aud prospects. 8~. London, 1872. Baden (Grand Duchy of). Dienstweisung fiir die llebainiiieu des Grossherzogtliiiiiis Baden vom 22. November 1879. 12°. Karlsruhe, 1879. Bi.unt (J.) Man-midwifery dissected ; or, the obstetric family instructors. For the use of married couples, and single adults of both sexes. Containing a display of the management of every class of labours by men and boy-inidwives; also of their cunning, indecent, and cruel practices. Instructions to husbands how to counteract them. Apian for the complete instruction of women who possess promising talents, in order to super- sede male practice. Various arguments aim quotations proving that man-midwifery is a personal, a domestic, and a nat:onal evil. In fourteen letters. Addressed to Alexander Ham- ilton. Occasioned by certain doctrines contained in his letters to Dr.'W. Osboru. 12 . London, [1793]. Bkainsciiweig. Instruction fur die Hebam- men des Heigogthums Braunschweig. 8-. Braunschweig, 1867. MIDWIVES. 281 3IIDWIVES. Midwive* (Education of and laws re- latinq to). Buknxecke. Hebammen oder Diakonissinnen fiir Ceburtshilfe? 8°. Leipzig it. Neuwied, 1881. Brief van eeuen vroedmeester ten platte lande, aan zijuen vriend eu medebroedcr te Ani- stelda'm. Nopens het iets, betreffende de zoge- naanide nieuwe wijze van vroedmeesters te niaa- ken, door den sta'ds vroedmeester Jan de Bree ter bcoordeeling voorgedragen door David van Gesscher. 8°. Amsterdam, [1802]. Crede (C. S. F.) Die preussischen Hebam- men, ihre Stellung zum Staate und zur Geburts- hiilfe. Nach den Verordnungen der koniglich preussischen Ministerien uud Regierungen, der Landes-Gesetzbiicher, sowie nach den Vorschrif- ten des preussischen Hebammen-Lehrbuches. 8-\ Berlin, 1855. Delacoux (A.) Biographie des sages-femnies celebres, anciennes, moderneset contemporaries, avec 20 portraits. 4°. Paris, 1834. Deitscii (C. F.) De necessitate obstetrices bene institutas publica auctoritate constituendi. 8 . Erlangw, 1798. Duxcan (J. M.) On the advancement of mid- wifery education in Scotland. 8°. Edinburgh, 187)6.' Essich [or Essig] (J. G.) Praktischer Unter- riclit fiir die Stadt- und Landhehammeu. 12c. Augsburg, 1789. F. Versuch eiuer Hebammenverbesseruug zur Wohlfahrt und Bevolkerung des Staats und wie dieser Plan ohne grosse Schwierigkeiten zu be- werkstejligen. 16°. Leipzig, 1786. Fabbri vG. B.) Brevi nozioni del corpo umano deflate per la scuola delle levatrici. 8°. Bolo- gna, 187)7. Gregory ( G.) Medical morals, illustrated with plates and extracts from medical works, designed to show the pernicious social and moral influence of the present system of medical prac- tice, and the importance of establishing female medical colleges and educating and employing female physicians for their own sex. 8°. New York, 1.-52. [Hauck (G.)] Tagebuchblatter. Zum Vor- theil des Hebammen - Unterstiitzungs - Funds. 18°. Berlin, 1852. Hebammex-Lehraxstalt zu Breslau. Be- richt iiber die Thtitigkeit der . . . in den Jahren 1867-1877, von Dr. O. Dyhrenfurth. 8°. Bres- lau, 1878. Hecquet (P.) De 1'inde'cence aux hommes d'accoucher les femmes, et de l'obligation anx femmes de nourir leurs enfants. 12°. Parti, 1798. -----. The same. De 1'inde'cence aux hommes d'accoucher les femmes. Ouvrage dans lequel on fait voir, par des raisons de physique, de mo- rale et de medecine, que les meres n'exposeraient ni leurs vies, ni celles de leurs enfants en se passant ordinairement d'accoucheurs et de nour- rices. 18°. Bruxelles, 1881. Hochedlex (Lines) und hochweisen Raths des heil. Rom. Reichs-Stadt Augsburg erneuerte Heb-Ammen-Ordniing. 4-. [Augsburg'], 1750. HociiFi'RSTi.iciiE Wirtzburgisehe Hebammen- Orduung vom Jahr 1739. fol. Wirtzburg, 1739. Istkuzioxi per le levatrici di Santa Corona nella r. eitta di Pavia, approvati dall' imp. r. jjoverno coll' ossequiato decreto 1° marzo 1823. fol. Pavia, 1823. Jagkrsch.mids ( G. F. ) Unterricht fiir die Hebammen in den badischen La mien. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Cailsruhe, 1775-6. Jaiix (G.) * De officio ohstetricis, vom Amt der Heb-Amme. sm. 4°. Erfordia; [1723]. Mid wives (Education of, and laics re- lating to). Jahresbericht iiber die Ereignisse kouigl. Landeshebamnieuschule zu Stuttgart im Jahr 1877. 4-. Stuttgart, 1878. Katzexberger ( J. ) Hebaiiiinen-C'atechis- mus, hauptsiichlich zuin Gebrauch fiir Wundiirzte uud Hebammen auf dem Lande. 12°. Minister, 1778. Kaufmaxn (G.) Leitfaden zum Hebammen- Unterriehte. 8°. Hannover, 1841. -----. The same. 8°. Hannovev, 187)9. KuRHESSiscHEHebaninien-Ordnung. (Auszug aus der Mediziual-Ordnuug 10. Juli 1*3(i, Ab- schnitt X, §§ 347-392.) 12°. Cassel, 1830. Leiblin (P. J. ) Ausfiihrlicher Unterricht fiir die Hebammen iu denen Hochfiirstl. Bran- denburg-Onolzbachischen Landen. 12-". Ans- pach, 1781. Loxicerus (A.) Reformation, oder Ordnung fur die Hebammen alien guten Policeycn dienst- lich. Gestelt an einen erbarn Rath desheyligen Rcichs-StattFrauckfurtam Meyn. 4°. [Franckf. a, M.], 1573. Martixt (C. A.) Geschiehte und Lehr-Methode der k. Hebammen-Schule, dann Jahresbericht der Gebiir-Anstalt zu Miinchen. 8°. Miinchen, 1848. -----. Betrachtungeu iiber das Hebaininen- wesen in Bayern, dann Jahresbericht der Gebiir- Anstalt zu Miinchen. 8°. Miinchen, 1850. -----. Sind Hebammen nothweudig? 8°. Miinchen, 1851. -----. Ueber die Privat-Gebar-Zinimer der Hebammen. 8°. Miinchen, 1855. Martint (E. A.) Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe fiir Hebammen. 8°. Erlangen, 1854. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 1867. -----. The same. Leerboek der verloskunde voor vroedvrouwen. 2. ed. naar de laatste Duit- sche uitgave bewerkt door Dr. H. W. Cramer. 8C. Utrecht, 1875. -----. Fragebuch zu dem Lehrbuch der Ge- burtsliiilfe fur Hebammen. 8°. Erlangen, 1856. Michaelis (G. A.) Unterricht fiir Hebammen. Xeu bearbeitet und herausgegeben von C. C. Th. Litzmann. 12°. Kiel, 1862. Moraxt (G.) VVinke fiir Ehemanuer. Ent- hiillte Geheimnisse der mannlichen Geburtshilfe. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1879. Xarizexe, vydane' od c. k. ministerium zfile- zitosti vnitfnich due 4. cervua 1881, jiinzto se vyda^v^, revidovan^ instrukce biibiini porodufm. [Regulations . .. concerning instructions for mid- wives.] 12°. [Prague? 1881.] Nath (R.) Die neue Stellung der preussischen Hebeammen zum Staat und zur Geburtshiilfe. Auf Grand der neueren Gesetzgebung und mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des neuen preussi- schen Hebeammen-Lehrbuches fiir Aerzte, be- sonders Mcdicinal-Beamte, zum Gebrauch bei deu gesetzlicheu Hebeanimen-Nachprufuugen so wie fiir Hebeammen zum Selbstunterricht. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1879.. Neuchatel (Canton of). Circulaire aux sages- femmes. Neuchatel, le 2 aout 1854. 8°. [S'eu- chdtel, 1854.] Xniell (Elizabeth). A treatise on the art of midwifery. Setting forth various abuses therein, especially as to the practice with instruments, [etc.] 8J. London, 1760. -----. The same. La cause de l'huinauite", [etc.] 8: Paris, 1771. Xotiiwkxdig- und niitzlicherUnterricht, wor- nach sich die in des diirchlauehtigsten Fiirsten und Herrn, Herrn Bernhards, Herzogeu zu Sach- MIDWIVES. 282 MIDWIVKS. Mill wives (Education of, and laws re- lating to). sen . . . Landen, bestelte Hebammen oder Kind- Frauen, oder deren Stelle vertreteude, uud soust niiinniglich, bey den schwangeren, kreysenden und gcbiihreuden Weibern, vor-, in- und nach der Geburth, richten und halten sollen ; nebst einer Anzeige etlicher Spriiche, Psahnen, Seuff- tzer und Gebethe, anstatt eines geistlichen Un- terrichts bey dergleichen Zustaude. 4°. Mei- ningen, 1682. Praktische Regeln fiir Hebammen. 12°. Reval, [1884]. Praktischer Unterricht der Hebammenkuust fiir die Hebammen. 16'-. Wirzburg, 1779. Proprietas. An address to the public on the propriety of midwives instead of surgeons prac- tising midwifery. 8°. London, 1825. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1825. Regensburg. Regensburgische erneuerte und vennehrte Hebammenordnung. sm. 4°. [Regensburg], 1779. Reglemf.xten en ordonnantien aangaande de vroed-vrouwen en vroed-meesters. 4°. [Amster- dam], 1766. Riecke (V. H.) Kurtzer und deutlicher Un- terricht fur die Hebammen des loblichen Her- tzogthuins Wurteuberg. Auf hoch-fiirstl. guii- digsten Befehl verfertiget, mit Kupffern gezicret, und in Druck gegeben. 8°. Stuttgart, 1746. Salzbiug (Duchy of). Hebammen-Ordnung im Knrfurstenthum Salzburg uud in den Fiir- steuthiimern Passau und Berchtolsgaden. fol. [Salzburg, 1805.] Saxtorph (D. M.) Umriss der Geburtshiilfe fiir Wehmiitter. Mit Genehmigung und vielen Verniehrungen des Verfassers aus dem Dauischen iibersetzt von Karl Franz Schroder. 12°. Kop- penhagen u. Leipzig, 1783. Schatz (F.) Eutwurf einer Hebammen-Ord- nnng fiir das Grossherzogthum Mecklenburg- Schwerin. 8°. Rostock, 1883. vox Siebold (A. E.) Geschiehte der Heham. men-Schule zu Wurzburg. 4°. Wiirzburg, 1810. Solingex (C.) Korte instructie wegens het ampt ende plicht der vroed-vrouwen. sm. 4°. [Amsterdam, 1691.] -----. Hand-Griffe der Wund-Artzney, nebst dem Ampt und Pflicht der Weh-Mutter wie auch sonderbare Anmerckungen von Fraueu und Kin- dern denen ist beygefiiget desselben Autoris Embryulcia oder Ausziehung einer todten Frucht aus dem Leibe der Mutter. Alles aus deu Hol- laixlischen in das Hoch-Teutsche iibersetzet und mit vielen Kupffern gezieret von einen Liebha- ber der Wund-Artzney. Andere Aufflajre. 4° Wittenberg, 1712. Summer (J. G.) Nohtwendiger Hehammen- Unterricht, wie eine Hebamme gegen Schwan- gere, Gebehreude und entbundene Weiber und deren Kinderlein, so wohl bey natiirlichen als unnatiirlichen Geburten sich zu erweisen: wie auch, wie sie bey solcher Weiber und Kinder Zufallen im Xohtfall einige dieusame Mittel an- zuwendeu habe. Auff Hoch Griifl. Schwartz- burg. Herrschafft Verordnung und gnadigen Be- fehl aussgefertiget, und mit hierzu diensamen Kupffern erkliiret. Welchem uoch beyt-efiigt ist ein Weiber und Kinder Pfleg-Biichlein,°wie auch eine Anleitung zur Christlichen Kinderzucht 18C; Jena, 1676. Stark (J. C.) Hehammenunterricht in Ge- sprachen, nebst dem Verhalten und Vorschriften fur Schwangere, Gebiihrende, Kindbetterinnen und neugebohrne Kinder. 12°. Jena, 17«2. Stkix (G. W.) Katechismus zum Gebrauche der Hebammen in den hochfUrstlich hessischen Midwives (Education of and lutes re- lating to). Landen, nebst Hebammen-Ordnunff und Anli Ten 16°. Marburg, 1801. " Stevens (J.) Man-midwifery exposed ; or the danger and immorality of employing men j|| midwifery proved and the remedy for the evil found. Addressed to the Society for the Suppres- sion of Vice. 8°. London, 1849. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8~. London [1866?] -----. Extracts, etc., from: Mau-n.idv/ifery exposed; or, the danger and immorality of em- ploying men in midwifery proved, aud the rem- edy for the evil found. Addressed to the Society for the Suppression of Vice; together with the celebrated letter of Sir Anthony Carlisle to the Times newspaper. 8°. [London, 1856?] Theopold. * Ueber das Hebaminenwesen im Fiirsteuthnni Lippe. Ein Beitrag zur Reform [Jena.] 8C. Detmold, 1885. Thilexius (M. G.) Kurzer Unterricht fiir die Hebammen, Schwangeren und Wochnerinueu auf dem Lande. 2. Aufl. 12°. Cassel, 1775. Titsingh (A.) Diana, ontdekkende het ge- heim der dwaazen, die zig vroedmeesters noemen. Ter eeren van chirurgia geschreeven. 4°. Am- sterdam, 1750. Unterricht fur Hebammen. Zum Gebrauch der Vorlesungen iu der Ammenschule zu Mann- heim. 16°. Mannheim, 1779. Bound with: Katzenberger (L. J.) Katechetischer Unterricht, etc. 16°. Frankfurt, 1779. Unterricht fiir die pfalzischen Hebammen. Zum Gebrauch der Vorlesungen in der Ammen- schule zu Mannheim. 2. Aufl. 12°. Mannheim, 1782. Verordxuxg des k. k. Ministeriums des In- nern vom 4. Juni 1881, Z. 6183, mit welcher eine revidirte Hebammen-Instruction erlassen wird. 16°. Wien, 1881. Wachs (0.) Die Organisation des preussischen Hebammenunterrichts nach den Anforderuugen der Gegenwart. Ein Beitrag zur Vervollkomm- nung des Hebammenwesens. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. Walter (O.) Das Hebammenwesen im Gross- herzogthum Meckleuburg-Schwerin. Seiue Ge- schiehte und sein gegenwiirtiger Stand, nebst kurzen Vorschliigen zu einer Reform desselben. 8°. Gustrow, 1883. Weidmaxx (J. P.) De officio artis obstetrician concedendo solis viris annotatio ulterior: Quo- modo res ista intra virorum solas manus tradi possit? 4°. Magontiaci, [1807]. Wiedemann (C. R. W.) Unterricht fur Heb- ammen. 12°. Braunschweig, 1802. Wurttemberg. Dienstanweisuug fiir die Hebamme des Konigreichs Wiirttemberg. 8Z. Stuttgart, 1884. Abhangigkeit (Ueber die) der Entbindungskunde und Entbindungskunst von dera Hebammen-Wesen. Bcob. u. Bemerk. a. d. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Gtitting., 1824, i, 53-104.—Abstract (An) of the laws and regulations with reference to midwives abroad. Med. Exam., Lond., 187(3, i, 108; 191.—Adams (J.) On midwives and accoucheurs. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1816, xxxv. 84-ks._von Alten- hIciii. Circular-Yerfiigung wegen der kiinftigeu Leitung des Hebammenwesens. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1824, xvi, 355-362. -----. Circular-Terfiigung, betreffenddie 7m- zielmng von Hebammen oder sogenannten Wickelt'ratieu bei Entbindungen. Ibid., 1829, xxix, 205.—Apergc* (D.) Ovoixarodecria. TrpaKTiKtoTepa eiri Tii'iov iv \prjo-ei TJjs MottWTi- «r)s opiav. IIpaxT. 2ui>dSov 'EWrjvtav iarpiov, *A©^f)j9 Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Franenkr., Berl., 1861, xvii 302 • 366: 452: xviii, 60; 162.—Beilby (E.) Midwives in India! Med. Exam., Loud., 1877, ii, 536.— Beitrag zur Verbesserung ties Hebammenwesens. Jahrb. tl. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, iii. 49-57. — Bcunct (H.) Women as practitioners of midwifery. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i. 887.—van Bcrchem (H.) Rapport fait & la So- ciete de medeciue pratique de la province d'Anvers etablie a Willebroeck sur une lettre de la deputation permauente du Conseil provincial d'Anvers, par laquelle celled de- mande l'avis de la Societe sur l'institution des sages-feiumea dans les communes rurales. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. dAnvers. Boom, 1848. 91-95.—Bericht, uetteffend die Ilebaninien untl Geburtshelfer in Amsterdam. Lucina, Marburg, 1811, vi, 93; 370.—Bcschikking van den Mi- nister van Biiinenlandsche Zaken van 12 Juiiij, houdende kenniso-eving aan tie geneesUundigen en vroedvrouwen, gevestigd in Nederlandsehe gemeenten, welke aan Belgie grenztir van de iu Belgie geldende wettelijke bepaliugen on de uitoefening dei geueeskunst. Versl. ... v. h. ge- neesk. Staatstoez. 1868, Gravenh.. 1870, 584-591. — Birn- ban■■■ (F. H. G.) Bericht iiber die Leistungen der Heb- ammen Lehranstalt in Trier. Vom Jalire 1854-60. Mo- natschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Fraueukr., Berl., 1860, xvi, 353; 427._____Das Hebammenwesen in seiner Bedeutung fiir sich und fiir die allgemeine Gesundheitspflege. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1885. iv, 389-411.— Bluff. 1st es zweckmassig. den Hebammen die Opera- tion der Wendungauzuvertrauen? J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M.. 1832, 104-119.—B[orner] (P.) Der Hebammen- Unterricht und die Selbstverwaltung der Rheinprovinz. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 94. — Brcn- ■■ecke. Zur Reform des Hebammenwesens. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1883, n. F., xxxix, 341-354. — Broils (H. J.) Naar aanleiding van de. leer van het ontleizoek voor verloskundigen- en vrouwenaitsen, bewerkt door A. E. Simon Thomas. Nederl. Tijtlschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk.. Utrecht, 1866-9. xvi, 515-527.—t'ainbieliii. Considera- tions relatives au tlegie d'iiisti'iiction a exiger des sages- femmes. Bull Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1880, 3. s., xiv, 627-641.—CJiaudc (E.) Les sages-femmes ont- elles le droit de traiter les maladies des femmes en gene- ral? T a-t-il la, de leur part, exercice illegal dans la me- decine ,' Les associations medicales peuvent-elles en pour- suivre la repression' Ann. d'hyg., Par, 1883, 3. s., ix, 334-344.—Cotli (V.) I flebotomi surrogati dalle levatrici. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1870. 3. s., ix, 652- 664.—Davillcr. A propos de l'exercice illegal de la me- decine par les siges-femmes. Bull. m6d. d. Vosges, Ram- betvillers, 1887-8, ii, no. 5, 9-13.—Ddicke (G. F. C.) Heb- amme und Wocbenbett. Centralbl. f. Gynak.. Leipz., 1883, vii, 622-626.—Bieterich (L.) Zur Frage der Reform des Hebammenwesens. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl., 1882, n. F., xxxvi, 91-98.—Dohrn (R.) Zustande des Hebam- menwesens in Ostpreussen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- nak., Stuttg., 1884, xi, 49-55.—Dornbliith. Das Heb- ammenwesen im Grossherzogthuin Mecklenburg-Sehwe- rin der Gesetzgebung und praktiscben Ausfiihruug nach kritisch erortert. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1840, vii, 16-39.—Droits et devoirs de la sage-femme ; du viol et de l'attentat a la pudeur. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1875, iii, 52; 68; 76; 85; 123; 155; 162: 1876, iv. 114: 1X77, v, 253: 260. — Drulieii. De l'institution des sages- femmes et de la refonne qu'elle reclame. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1850, 89; 105; 137.—Byhrenfurth (O.) Soil den Hebammen eine operative Hiilfeleistung bei frischen Mittelfleisehrissen gesetzlich gestattet sein ? Antwort an Prof. Valenta. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1881, xviii, 50-52. -----. Ueber Reformen im Hebammenwesen. Jahresb, d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, 1881, Bresl., 1882, lix, 57-61. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 97; 127.— Education (The) of mitlwives. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 18i3, ii, 608.—Erlas* ktinigl. Oberprasidiuins der Provinz Schlesien vom 20. October 1884, betreffend Er- fiillung der den Hebammen im sanitatspolizeilichen Iu- teresse auferlegten Verpflichtungen in der Provinz Schle- sien. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., ]kx.->, xvii, 523. — Erlass koniglicher Regierung des Re- gierungsbezirks Konigsberg vom 24. November 1884, be- treffend Pflichten der Hebammen im Kegierungsbezirk Konigsberg. Ibid., 524.—Erlass kiinigl. Regierung des Regiei ungsbezirks Merseburg vom 3. October 1884, betref- fend Verpflichtungen der Hebamnien und nicht gewerbs- massige Ausiibung der geburtshulflirlien Thiitigkeit im Regierungsbezirk Merseburg. Ibid.. 525. — Erlass ko- nigl. Regierung des Regierungsbezirks Minden vom 18. October 1884, betreffend Verpflichtungen der Hebammen Iflidwives (Educettion of, and laws re- lating to). im Regierungsbezirk Minden. Ibid., 526. — F. (C. P.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber Hebammen und ihre Bildung. Allg. med. Ann., AHenb., 1813, 169-180. — Faurc. Rap- port de la commission nominee pour etudier les moyens de remtSdier a la diminution croissante des sages-femmes dans le departement. Bull. Soc. nied. del'Vonne, Auxerre, 1877. xviii, pp. lviii-lxviii.—Fehling (H.) Feber die Zahl uud Thiitigkeit der Hebammen im Ktinigreich Wiii Weinberg. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1882, lii, 9; 17; 25.-----. Soil dieWochenbettbesoigung der Hebamme verboten werden ? Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1883, vii, 670.—Finscu(J.) Nogle Bema*rk'ningerin Anledningaf: "Et Sporgsmaal vedrerende Jordemodernes Kompetence ligeoverfor den private Laege" af Struckmann. [Remarks on Struckmann's article: A question concerning the com- petency of midwives as compared with private physicians.] Ugesk! f. Lseger, Kjabenh., 1885. 4. R., xii. 29-33.—Floy- strup (A.) Om en Udvidelse af Lasgens Yirksomhed som Fedselshjielper. [Increase of demand for physicians as ac- coucheurs.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjabenh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 319-324.— Frage (Zur) des Hebammenwesens. Wien. med. Bl., 1884, "vii, 1524.—Francis (C. R.) Midwives in India. Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 496.—Frari (M.) Osserva- zioni sopra 1' istituzioue delle levatrici. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1886, v, 22-27—Fruitnight (J. H.) The status of the mid wife, legal and professional. Am. J. Neu- rol, tfc Psychiat., N. T., 1884, iii, 518-537.—Fuhrmanu. Zur Frage der beaufsichtigten Desinfektion der Hebam- men. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 459-461.—«e- biihrcn fiir die Verrichtungen der Hebamnien. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1868, xxii, 177.—Gesetz vom 23. Februar 1837 fiir den Kanton Zurich wegen Erlernung und Ausiibung des Hebammenberufs und wegen Anstel- lung von Hebammen. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1840, vi, 7-15.—Graff. Plan zur Erriehtung eines Heb- ammeninstituts fiir Westpreussen. N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Pol., Stendal, 1787, ii, 3. St., 25-38.—Oum- precht. Ueber das Examen der Hebammen. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1831, xxxv, 68-87.—Harlin. Ein Wort iiber Hebaramenwahl und Hebammenvorprufung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1845, xv, 89-94.— Hart (E.) [et al.]. Report of committee on the draft bill for the registration of midwives in England and Wales. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii. 61-64.—Hauti. Ueber die von den Oberamtsiirzten vorzunehmende Untersuchung der zu Hebammen gewahlten Weibespersonen. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1845, xv, 55; 113.— IlauMMiiiaiiu (M.) Bemerkungen iiber die vaterlandi- schen Uuterrichtsanstalten fiir Geburtshiilfe iiberhaupt uud im besondern fiir Hebammen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1845, xv, 17-20.—Hebam- menfrage (Zur). Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. n. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Konigr. Sachsen, Leipz., 1867, iii, 19-22.— Hebam- men - Instruction (Glossen zur) vom 4. Juni 1881. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1882, vi, 57.—Hebam- men-Or riming (in Mailand). Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gescb., Leipz. u. Budissin, 1724, xxiii, 352.—Hebam- inenordiiiiiig in Russland. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1793, ii, 122-124.— Hensgen. Zur Reform des Hebammen- wesens. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1886, i, 17; 76. Also, Re- print.—Hcrvieux (E.) Quelques mots de reponse il un article intitule: La loi et les sages-femmes. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1877, v, 307— Hofmanii. Ueber die Un- zulassigkeit zu gerichtlieh-medizinischeu Untersuchungen der weiblichen Geschlechtstheile Hebammen als sach- kundige oder ehrbare Frauen als Zeuginnen beizuziehen. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1850, xxvii, 157-160.-----. Ist zweckmassig und zuliissig und ausfuhrbar, in Uni- versitatsstiitlten unehelich Gebiirenden die Niederkunft nur in Gebai'hause.ru zu gestatten, iu den Privatwohnuu- gen der Hebammen aber zu verbieten ! Ibid., 1865, xxv, Supplhft.., 209-225.—Hohl. Ueber das Hebammenwesen. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1839. i, 148-153.—Holston (J. G. F.) History of midwifery in Ohio. Tr. Ohio M. Soc., San- dusky,' 1857, 38-64.—II ugenberger ( T. ) seu. Bericht aus dem Hebammen-Institute. Hirer kaiserlichen Hoheit der Frau Grossfiirstin Helene Pawlowna. zu St. Peters- burg, fiir den xv-jahrigen Cyclus von 1*45 bis 1S59 iucl. St. Petersb. mod. Ztschr. 1865, iv, 65: 129; 209. Also, Reprint. — Ingerslev ( E. ) Om en Udvidelse af Lie- gens Virksomhed som Fedselshjielper. Hosp.-Tid., Kjo- benh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 262-269.— Institution a la Fa- culte de m6decine de Lyon d'un enseignement special pour les eieves sages-femnies. Lyon med., 1882, xii, 32-34.— Instrux af 4de Novemb. 1881 for saintlige til Praxis be- rettigede Jordemedre paa Fser eine. I'gesk. f. Laegei, Kjebenh., 1881, 4. R., iv, 377-382—.lusti (II. E.) Etwas iiber die sehr nothwendige Verbesserung des Hebammen- wesens in Sachsen, nebst einigen dahin gehorigen Beob- achtungen. Arch. f. (1. Geburtsh., Jena, 1787, i, 2. St., 35-53._ Kirby (T. W. B.) Mitlwives and midwifery. Lancet, Loud., 1842, i, 761.—liirsten (T.) Ueber das Hebammenwesen in Sachsen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1858, xii, 206-215.—Klotz. Die Neu- gestaltung des Hebammenwesens. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. u. MIDWIVES. 284 MIDWIVES. Jlidwive* (Education of, and laws re- lating to). pharm. Kreis-Ver. imKdnigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1867, iii, 14.— Klusciiiaiiu. Wie weit gehen bei gewissen Fallen die Befugnisse der Hebammen ? Mit Hinblick auf das Lehr- buch der Gebui tskunde fiir die Hebammen in den k. preus- sischen Staaten. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1855, vii, 43-55. — Kocfocd (P.) Om en Udvidelse af La'gcns Virksomhed som F dselshjaelper. [On the diffu- sion of the practice of accoucheurs.J Hosp.-Tid., Kjo- benh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 372-375.— MSstlin ( O.) Ueber Veranderuugen in der Tagebuchsfuhrung der Geburtshel- fer und Hebammen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1872, xiii, 154-158.—Kricg. Noch ein frei- miithiges Wort iiber das Hebamnieuwesen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, 805-808.—Kristeller. Dass jede neugepriifte Hebamme erst mehrere Jahre als Wi- ekelfrau fungiren solle. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frau- enkr., Berl., 1860, xv, 11. — Kuborn & Mascart. L'Academie se permet d'attirer l'attention de M. le minis- tre sur la n6cessit6 qu'il y aurait d'etendre le cercle des connaissances exigees des sages-femmes, afln de les mettre k metne. en cas d'urgence et en l'absence du medecin, de faire des applications du forceps dans les cas simples. [Rap. de Kuborn.] Bull, Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1876, 3. s., x, 272-336. [Discussion], 1875, 3. s., ix, 407: 1878,3. s., xii, 25; 107; 206; 391; 514; 603: 844; 873; 1081: 1879, 3. s., xiii, 391; 460.—Kurhcssischc Yerordnung vom 19. Juli 1838 iiber die Griinduug einer allgemeinen Hebammenbehranstalt zu Marburg. Jahrb. d. ges. Staats- arznk., Leipz., 1839, v, 482-485.—Kurze Nachricht von den neuerrichteten Hebamnien-Institnten in Schlesien. Repert. f. d. off. u. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1793, iii, 169- 174.—I.asscr. Verordnnng des Ministeriums des In- nern vom 25. Miirz 1874 mit welcher eine Instruktion fiir Hebammen erlassen wird. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv. 441. -----. Instruction fiir Hebammen. Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl. Wien, 1878. xiii, 448.—I.eltre de. la deputation per- mauente du Conseil provincial d'Anvers. sur l'institution des sages-femmes dans les communes rurulcs. Ann. Soc. de m6d. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1848, 89.—I.eva- trici (Le) piesso gli antichi romani. Osservatore, To- rino. 1877. xiii, 33; 49; 65.—Levy. Landets Forsyning metl Jtirdeinodre. Kong. med. Selsk. Skr. 1846-7, Kjebenh., 1848, 26S--JH1.—Ijevy (F.) Om en Udvidelse af Laegeus Virksomhetl som Fedselsbjalper. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1884,3. U., ii, 224; 258. — I.iegeois (C.) Un mot sui lexer- cice illegal de la medecine par les sages-femmes. Con- cours med., Par., 1882, iv, 453-455. — Liminer. Die Wendung im neuen und alten Hebammenlehrbueh. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1880, n. F., xxxii, 169-175.— ■iinkenhelil (J.) Der Hebainmenunterrieht und die Selbstveiwaltung in tier Rhein provinz. Deutsche med. Wclmschr., Berl., 1885. xi. 246. — (.oflcr( A. F.) Praktische Lehren uud Regeln fiir augehemle Hebammen. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1795, vi, 180-191.— I.ohlciu (H.) Zur Hebammenfrage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 104; 121; 256.—I.ouet (E.) Notice historiquo sur les sages-femmes. Med. contemp., Par., 1878, xx, 21; 33; 51.— I. own . Ann. univ. di nit'tl. Milano, 1852, cxli, 225.—(aherini (A.) Relazione chh in! gica dell' Ospedule militare pro wisoriodiS. Pilippo. Ibid. 1860, clxxiii, 411.—de 4, xiv, LMS1--J-J7.— ilo Borrl. Considerations pratiques sur (ineliiues maladies tie la peau (miliaire). J. denied. etchir. prat., Par., 1S31I, x. lo: 04; 11C; Hi.".: 223; 248; 303; 451. — De la Viaiii'. Miliaria. Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1841, Koblenz, 1844, 59.— Ili-lu-n. Miliaria. Allg. AVien. metl. Ztg., 1804, ix, 204. — l.ynckcr (F.) Symptoiuatiselier "Wasserfriesel. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1S3D. 520-523.—.Tli nii-li. Sull' importauza da darsi alle eruzioni miliarifm ini. die si sviluppano nel decorso di alcuue malattie. Uior. \ tntto di sc. med., Ve- nezia. 1863, 2. s.. xxi, 487-517. — .Tlhilii- (F.) Leber Mi- liarien. Yrtljsehr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Brag, 1845, ii, 82- 88.— Vt-ii'l. 'Miliaria chronica. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 210. Ifliliary/cTrr. See Fever (Miliary). Iflilichiiis (Jacobus) [1501-59]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. of Phys. &. Men of Sc, 197 ; 208. Milieu. See Environments. Milillg (Jo. Franc. Bernardus). * Mentis aliena- tionuin semiologia somatica. 1 p. 1., 112 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bounce, F. Baaden, [1828]. Miliotti (Domenico). Della tabe dorsale (atas- sia locomotrice). ix (1 1.), 839 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1886]. Militiirarztliche Aphorismen. Populare Ab- handlungen aus dem Gebiete des Militiir-Sani- tiitsweseus. 1 p. 1., 57 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finstcrlin, 1878. Militararztliche Reformgedanken. Ein Pro- ject fur das 20. Jahrhundert! 35 pp. 8>. Wien, 1886. Repr. from: "Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii. Militararztliclie Zeitung. Beilage zur Wiener Medizinal-Hallc. 1862-4. 4-'. Wien, H. Engel u. Sohn. Militacrarzt (Der). (Beilage zur Wiener me- diziuischeu Wochenschrift.) Redigirt von L. Wittelshofer. v. 1-21, 1867-87. 4'-. Wien, L. If. Seidel u. Sohn. Current. Want no. 24, 1869; no. 12, 1873. Militar-Arzt (Der) mit dem, was darum und daran ist, mikroskopisch und makroskopisch be- trachtet. Militar- und Civil-Acrzteu, Staats- Militar-Arzt (Der)—continued. mannern wie auch dem geliebten Publicum zu- geeignet. Nebst einem Traum iiber das Ver- halten der Kleinstaaterei zum Menschen von einem Zweihiinder. 2. And. viii, .r»6 pp. go# Essen, A. Silbermann, 1883. Militaer- mcdiciiiskc Selskab. Forhaud- linger. 39 pp. 8°. Kristiania, 1886. Suppl. to: Tidsskr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania, 1880 vi no. 22. Militar -Saiiititt und fioiwillige Ililfe iM1 Kriege. [Dr. Wittelshofer.] [Wiener Welt- Aiisstellungl873. Gruppexvi, Section iii, Lit. E. Special-Katalog. Ausgegeben am 15. Juli l,-s7;j i 51 pp., 2 1. 8 . Wien, I. If. Seidel it. Sohn [H. d,] Militar-statistisclM's Jahrbuch fiir die Jahre 1880, 18*1 nnd 1882. I'eber Anorduung desk. k. Reichs-Kriegs-Ministeriums bearbeitet und hrsg. von der 3. Section des technisclien und ad- ministrativen Militar-Comite. 1. Theil, l88f>- 2. Theil, 1884. 4°. Wien, 1*84-5. II ililairarztliclie Bemerkungen aus dem Feldzuge 1866 gegen Oestreieh und den deut- schen Bund. 11pp. IMS. fol. [n. p., 1867.] Militair-Arzt (Der) im Felde und in Gamison, oder die Kunst, die Gesundheit des Kriegcrs zu erhalten, und wieder herzustellen, nebst Ali- handlung iiber Aushebung der Recruten. Fiii- Militair- und Comnnin-Behorden und Militair- Aerzte, so wie fiir Soldaten und Coniiiiuniil-Gai- disten, hrsg. von einem Militair-Arzte. ix, MO Pl>. 12°. Meissen, F. W. Goedsche, 1831. Militaire-Artsenwet (De). Nos. 2-r>. 8-'. Utrecht, J. G. ran Terr een <.)'■ Zoon, 1886. CONTKNTS: 2. Proeve van een wetsontwerp tot regeling tier van staatswege aan tot het leger hehoorende personen fever- strekkeu genees-en heelkundige hulp en genees-en heel- middeln, door Mayors medicator. 15 pp. 3. Proeve van een wetsontwerp regelende de sanien- stelling, benoeming en aanstelling, he/oldiging, bevorde- ring, het pensionen en het ontslag van het personeel van den geneeskundigen dienst bij het leger, dor Mayors me- dicator. 32 pp. 4. Proeve van een wetsontwerp tot regeling tier klee- ding en uitrusting van het personeel en het mattrieel van den geneeskundigen dienst bij het leger, door Mayors me- dicator. 19 pp. 5. Aanteekeningen op de memoire van beantwoordiug van het voorloopig verslag omtrent het wetsontwerp tot regeling van de betrekkingeu en rangen, de opleiding en de bevordering van het personeel tier gttueeskundi^e dienst bij de landmagt door Mayors medicator. 32 pp. Militair-Woclienblatt. Hrsg. von A. Borb- staedt. [Semi-weekly.] v. 57-62, 1H72-7. 6 v. 4°. Berlin, E. S. Mitller u. Sohn. In 1873, von "Witzleben became editor. Military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Constitution and by-laws, fill pp., 1 pi. 12. Philadelphia, 1868. [P., v. 227.] -----. The same, 47,45 pp. b. Philadelphia, 1877. Military prison at Aleatraz Island. California. See United States. War Department. Regula- tions for the government [etc.] * . [San Fran- cisco, 1873.] Military Service Institution of the United Stales. Origin, progress, and condition of the . . . whh a catalogue of the museum. 34 pp. 12°. [Sew York, 1889.] Militchevitcli ( Demetre ). * Considerations sur quelques troubles trophiques des ongles dans quelques maladies des ccutres nerveux. 64 pp. 4°. Parti, 1883, No. 234. Militia. See Army. Militzer (Joannes Georgius). * De nonnullis moscbi, muriatis oxyduli hydrargyri mitis et muriatis oxyduli ferri in organismo sano effecti- bus. 36 pp. 8°. Erlangce, typ. Jungeani*,[ii.d.\ MIL1TZEK. 291 MILK. IrTilitzer (Rudolf). * Leber das Malum Pottii. 23 pp. H°- Wiirzburg, Siahcl, 1867). Ittilius (Abrahamus). De origine aiiimalium et niicratione populoruni. Ubi inqiiiritur quomodo (|iiaque via homines cii'teraque aninialia terres- tria provenerint; ct post deliiviuin in omnes orbis terraruni partes et regiones, Asiam, En- ropam, Africam, utranique Americam et terrain Australem, sive Magollanicani, pervenerint. 68 pp. 24' . Genera; apud P. Columesium, 1667. _____. The same. MiTikwiirdiger Discurss von dem Ursprung der Tliier, und Ausszng der V61- cker . . • Auss dem Lateinischen indie teutsche Sprach verset/.et, uud mit vielen siunreichen, seltenen Aniiierkuiigen, denckwiirdigeu Begc- benheiten, artigen wohlgefiigten Fragen, auch einer mcdicinalischen Zugab, von der Furtreff- licbkeit (less Brod, und scliadlichem Missbrauch dess Fleisch und YVeine, etc., vermehret. Durch Joh. Christoph Bitterkraut. 6 p. 1., 40U pp., 18 1. 18°. Sallzburg, J. B. Magi; 1670. ITIiljailitSCll (Peter). *Zur Diagnose der Dariuperforation im Typhus abdominalis. 18 k". Wiirzburg, P. Sch einer, 1884. Milk. See, also, Acid (Lactic); Breast; Butter; Dairies; Kefir; Koumiss; Lactation; "Whey. Acokomboxus Eugubius (H.) Tractatus uti- lissimns de natura et usu lactis. In: Placitus(S.) De medicamentis [etc.] 4°. Norim- bergai, 1538. Akvileff (\.) * 0 vlijanii chloristago natrija na sodcrjanie kazeina, bielka i solei izvesti ve inolokic. [Influence of chloride of sodium iu in- creasing amount of casein, albumen, aud phos- phates iu milk. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1879. Andrk (E.) *fitude sur le lait. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1886. Raines (Mrs. M. A.) The comparative prop- erties of human and animal milks. A new theory as to "essences", and anew interpretation of some physiological facts. s°. London, 1869. Biedert(P.) Untersuchungen iiber die che- mist-hen Unterschiede der Menschen- und Kuh- inilcli. 8-'. Giessen, 1869. ------. The same. 2. Ausg. .*J. Stuttgart, 1.^4. Blaxc (A.-II.) * Du lait et des matieres e"mul- sives analogues. 4°. Paris, 18.12. Bot'CIIARDAT (A.) A. QUEVENXE (T.-A.) Du lait. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Paris, 1857. vax Bckkkx (R. L.) *Diss. sistens observa- tiones microscopicas de lacte ejusque genesi. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1849. Cfiix (N. AV.) * Do lacte insonte. 4°. Got- tinga; [1737]. i)Ar-roiJK (C.) *Du lait en pharmacie. 4". Monlpelliei; 1887). Doorsciiodt (H.) *De lacte. 4\ Lugd. Bat., 1737. Also, in.- Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1750, v, 739-770. Drcr.Ai-x(E.) Mdmoire sur le lait. 8°. [Pa- ris, 1882'I] Cutting from : Ann. de l'lnst. nat. agronomique, Par., 1882, vii, 23-138, 2 pi. Eoklixg (J.) *De lacte. 4°. Traj. ad Rhe- num, 1759. Ferris (S.) A dissertation on milk. 8°. London, [178")]. Fjord (N. J.) Tiling til 18de Bcretning. Fors0g paa Mejerivaesencts Omraade. Mielks SanimeiisietniiigogBenyttelse. Samt Benuerkn. at'Red. af Tidsskr. for Land^konomi og Dr. Pa- nuni. [Essay iu the interest of dairies. Com- position of milk, aud its uses. ] 8'-'. KMenhavn, 1883. J J JYlilk. Gabrilko (A.) * K voprosu o vlijanii vodi na kolichestvo i kolichestv. sostave moloka. [In- fluence of water in increasing the quantity and quality of milk.] 8 >. St. Petersburg, 1871. Gesnerus (C.) Libellus de lacte, et operibus lactariis philologus pariter ac medicus. Cum epistola ad .lacobum Aujeimm de moutium ad- miratioue. 16°. Tiguri, [1541]. Gobel (J. M.) * De lacte ejusque vitiis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 16)84. Gottlieb (R.) * De lacte. 8 \ T'indobonw, 1836. de CitooT (A. J.) * Verhandeliug over de melk. 8:. Groningen, [1856]. Cros (G.) Recherches sur la v6siculation du lait. 8°. [Moscott, 1847.] Gunther(B. L.) * De lacte. sm. 4°. Argento- rati, [1713]. Henry (F. P.) Cartwright prize essay. Ob- servations with the hemacytometer upon the globular composition of the blood and milk. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881. Hird (W.) * De lactis natura et usu. 8-. Edinburgi, 1751. Hoffmann (M.) *Ueber die Vcrdaulichkeit des Caseins aus erhitzter Milch. 8\ Berlin, [18S1]. Hussox (C.) Le lait, la creme ct le beurre au point de vue de l'alimentation, de 1'allaitement naturel, de 1'allaitement artificiel ct de l'aualyse chimique. 12°. Paris, 1878. Importaxt facts for the people, published by the officers of the Milk Dealers' Association, Chi- cago. 16°. Chicago, III., 1879. vax de Kasteele (J. T.) * De analogia inter lac et sanguinem. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1789. Also, in: Jansen CSV. H.) Collectio diss, select. 4°. Dusseldorpii, 1791, 59-108. Kindler (J. A.) * Do lacte. 4 . Halw Mag- deb., [1742]. Kirchner (W.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kuhmilch und ihrer Bestandtheile nach dem gegen wiirtigen Standpunkte wissensehaftlicher Forschung. 8°. Dresden, 1877. Laine (L.) *Dii lait au point de vue phy- sique, chimique et pharinaeeutique. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1883. Laurentius (T. A.) * De lactis discussione. 4°. Erfordice, [1749]. Lodieu (J.) Die Milchkiihe und der hochste Milchertrag. Vollstiindige und neue Darstellung der characteristischen Merkmale, nach denen man die Milchergiebigkcit einer Kuh leicht und genau beurtheileu kann, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Mastung und das Mastvieh, sowie einer Kritik des Guenon'schen (Milchspiegel-) Systems und verschiedenen Abhandlungen iiber die Milch und ihre Bestandtheile, iiber Fiitterung uud Paarung, iiber Rindviehracen u. s. w. Ein von der landwirthschaftlichen Gesellschaft des De- part. I'as-de-Calais gckroutes Buch. Aus dem Franzosischen. 24°. Stuttgart, 1837. Martin (B.) Traitd de 1'usage du lait. 24°. Parti, 1684. Martiny (B.) Die Milch, ihr Wesen und ihre Verwerthung. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Danzig, 1871. Maurel (J.-A.) * Du lait en general, sa di- gestion. De rallaitement, du sevrage; hygiene des nouveau-ues. 4°. Paris, 1858. Naudin (L.-S.-E.) * Des caracteres microsco- piques du lait. De la composition des globules de ce fluide. 4°. Paris, 1841. Ne!Ih:ck(G.) *De lacte. 8U. Berolini, 1827). A'eureiter (F. F.) * De dispositionibus lac- teis. 8°. fiennce, [1775]. New Soi'th Wales. An act establishing sanitary regulations in respect of the production MILK. ■2\)2 MILK. No. xvii. [Assented [Sydney, 1886.] * De spiritu ardente SD. Norimbcrgee. Tli Ik. and distribution of milk. to. 30th Sept., 1886.] fol, Otseretskowsky (N.) ex lacte bubulo. 1778. In : "Wittwf.r. Delect, diss, me 1781, iv, 152-175. Parmentier (A.-A.) A: Deyeux (X.) PnScis d'exp^rienccs et observations sur les diffef-eutes especes de lait, considdrees dans leurs rapports avec la chimie, la m6decine et 1'cconomie rurale. 8 . Strasbourg, an VII [1799]. Petii-Radel (P.) Essai sur le lait, considere" medicinalement sous ses ditt'erens aspects, ou histoire de cc qui a rapport h ce fluide chez les femmes, les enfaus et les adultes, soit qu'on le regarde comme cause, de maladie, conime ali- ment, ou conime medicament. 8°. Paris, 1786, Pure milk, and how to procure it. Tower dairy. 16°. Cohasset, Mass., 1879. Iianhhan (J. F.) De lactis origine hrevis re- census. 4C. Lipsiee, 1799. Roerer (J. G. J.) *Diss. sistens nionita quie- dam practica circa noxium et salutarem usmn lactis. juxta Hippocratis Aphor. 64, sect. 5. 4 . Erford'ia; [1739]. Rosxer (J. G. E.) * Nonnulla circa vires lac- tis notantur. 4°. Lugd. Pat., 177)6. Bozaxoef (S.) *M()]oko Peterburgskich ko- rov i uslovija ego kontrolja na rynkach. [Milk of St. Petersburg cows, and means of control in the markets. ] 8J. St. Petersburg, 1887. Rushmore (J. H.) A treatise on aerated milk. 8°. New York, 1872. Saillet (J.) * Des laits fermentes et de leurs usages therapeutiques. 4-. Paris, 1886. Salachas (F.-J.) * Sur les usages du lait. 4J. Paris, 1873. Sahtori (G.) Chimica agraria. Analisi del latte; guida pratica. 8°. Napoli, Milano, Pisa. 1887. SciiLicirriNGn\s(J.D.) * De lacte. 4°. Gro- ninga; 1730. Schmidt (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Milch. 4°. Dorpat, 1874. Siborotkin (A.) * Ke voprosu o kolichcstvie moloka i soderjauii ve neme jira i sachara pode vlijauieme vodi . . . [On the quantity of milk and influence of water on the fat aud proportion of sugar.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1871. Slvim (D. ) "De lacte. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1716]. Sokoloff (P.) * O vlijanii chloristago natrija na kolichestvo moloka i na soderjanie ve neme jira i sachara. [Influence of choride of sodium in increasing fats and sugar in milk.] 8. ,S7. Petersburg, 1879. Stlkovenkoff (M.) * O vlijanii temperaturi jidkosti vvodimoi ve orgauizme ve formie pishi dli pitja na kolichestvo i kolichestveuuii sostave moloka. [On the influence of temperature of liquids introduced into the organism upon the quantity and quality of milk.] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1871. S/.antay de Tasxad (J.) *De lacte. 8-. Pestini, [1834]. Hungarian text. Treatise (A) on milk, as an article of the first necessity to the health and comfort of the community. A review of the different methods of production, and suggestions respecting the best means of improving its quality, reducing its price, and increasing7 its consumption. 8° London, 1825. Troeger (J. A.) *])e [1724]. Lxitkd States. Congress. Senate. A bill to prevent the illegal sale of all imitations of dairy Erfordice, Milk. products, and for other purposes. 49. Cmv \ sess., S.. 1837, March 10, 1886. Introd. l.^'ilr' Miller. 8°. [Washington, 1886.] de Vissctier (A.) *Diss. sistens nosologiain lactis generalem. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1769. Vogi.er (V. II.) *De lacte. sm. 4°. Hehne- stadi, 1678. de Wasserberg (F. X.) Examen chcinicnm lactis. 8 °. Viudobonce, 1775. Westpiial (A.) * Candidati Alexander l'.ernli. Kolpin disp. indicit, insimulque do 'materia lac- tis disserit. sm. 4 . Gryphiswaldia; [1764]. Will (J. G. F.) I'eber die Milchabsondcruiiir 4°. Erlangen, 1850. Yocxg(T.) *De lacte. 8 . Edinburgi, 17(11 Also, in.- SAxniFORT. Thesaurus diss, [etc.] p. Iioterodami, 1769, ii, 525-557. ------. *De natura et usu lactis iu diversia animalibus. 8 . Edinburgi, 1776. Zakrjeyski (C. F.) *6 deistvii moloka na niocheotdelenie i kojno-legocknyja poteri. [On the effect of milk on urinary secretions aud loss by excretion from skin and lungs.] 8-'. St. Petersburg, 1887. Also, in: Voyenuo-nied. .1., St. Petersb., 1887, clviii nt 2, 79: clix, 1, 4 diag. Ainda o leite. Correio nied. do Lisb., 1874-5, iv, 111- 114.—Albiecht. Du lait tie vuclie coninic succeilai'ie (lit laitde l'eniine. Cong, intermit, d'hyg. etdedemog. ('itin|it. rend. 18*2, Geneve, 1883, ii, 505- 529.— Allen (A. 11.) Note on tbe fat of porpoise milk. Analyst, Lond,, iKSli, xi, 190-194. ------. Tlie preservation of milk samples fur ref- erence. Ibid., 203-205.—Allen (A. 11.) & (linllnwnv (\V.) Suggestions for the more ready employment of Adams' method of determining fat in milk. J bid.. 71-73.— Andoiim-fl (A.) & Urzauuay (V.) Influence tit' la pulpe de diffusion sur le lait de vaelie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par.. 1884, xcix, 443-445.—Bsiyinnky (A.) Ueber die Verwendbarkeit der durch Einwii kung holier Teiiipc- laturen (iiber 100° Cels.) dargestellten Milchconserven, als Kindernabrungsinittel. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg, 1882-3, iv, 259; 397.------. Ueber die Phosphorsauieverbinthuigeii in der Milch. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882-3, vii, 354-301. — Baron. Influence de la nourritiire tlcn vacbes sur la composition du lait; (second rapport (It: la Commission du lait). Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1884, vi, 590-594. [See, also, infra, Girard.] Alsn: I'aris metl.. 1884. ix, 519. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1884, 3. s., xii, 33K-312. Mho: J. tl. conn. nied. prat., Par., 1884, 3. s.. vi, 329-331.— IS:i«»o- Ai-iionx (11.) Rapidita colla quale gli olii ess.-n/i.ili inur riti passano nel latte. Osservatore, Torino, 1884, xx, 421.— Bciizon. Om Fattiges maugelfulde Majlkeforsyiiiiig paa Landet, dens Ft/nger og nmlige Aflijadpniug. Ugesk. f. Lar- ger, Kjebenh., 1883, viii, 4. K., 57; 111.—Bcrj; (\V.) Zu- siitzliche Bemerkungen zu dem im vi. Utile, vi. .Tiling, ilea Organs, S. 33S, vom Collegen Hrn. Wenth \ kowski alt^efass- ten, sehr gese hiitzleii Aufsatze iiber die L'igenschafl uinl den Einfluss tier Milch, etc. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bed., 1858, vii. 96-KMi.—Bt'1-imvn (A.J.) On milk, stale aud fresh. St. Thomas's Hosp. Kep. 1883, Lond., 1884, n. s., xiii, 27-37— It i crier t (Pj Ueber die Kiweissliorper di-i' Menschen- und Kuhmilch. Tagebl. d. Veisamml. dcutstTi. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Berl., 188C, lix, 279-281. Al°o: Deutacliu med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 105. — ■{■»< hoinc ) Ueber polizeihche Milchcontrole! Deutsche Villjstlir. f, tiff. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1887, xix, 411-12(1.-Bojjo. uiololf (T.) Ueber die Zusaiiiinenset/iing; der .Milcli. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., He.il., 1871, ix, li25-«27.- Bollinger (O.) Ueber Kinderinilch uud iiber deu Ein- fluss der Nahrung ant* die Beschaffenheit der Kulnnilch. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1880, vi, 270-291- Borsarelli. Nota intorno alia composizionedelle ccDeri di latte ed alia quantita di fnsforo che possono contencre. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1805. 2. s., liv, 4jI>- 480— Bonchardat. Experiences sur la (let.....]'"-'""" du lait. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xi, 456-4.>.-Ki-acoii- not (H.) Memoire sur le casemn et sur le but; nouvjTI'- resources qu'ils peuvent offrir a la societe. Ann. declum. etphys., Par., 1830, xliii, 337-351.—Bi-sunc (C.) Sur les globules du lait. Kec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'lii.lre-et-Loirc, Tours, 1857. 63-73.-Branvo (A.) o leite. Correio metl. de Lisb., 1874-5, iv. 85; 99.—Bi-iicltc (lv) Beinirkuu- gen iiber die P.estiinmuiig des sp.t ifiselicn Gewn htt-s der Milch. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, ii. wissensch. ili'j ., Berl., 1847, 409-414. — Bull (V.) Steriliseret M'lk. Tidsskr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania. 18*0. vi. 373-.n8.- CaiiKiti'. Versuche iiber den Siolfwecbsel bei Lruali- rung mil Kubmileh. Ztschr. f. liiol.. .Miinchen, 18«0, XU 1 ; 1 ii; ( « iiU'iiiiveiii.Flkeu. 1'gesk. 1. La-ger, K.l>'- beiih., 1883, 4. It., viii, 465: 1*84, 4. K., ix, 7s.-t'li«'va - licr (A.i & Henry (O.) Memoire sur lo lait. avy (J.) Miscellaneous observations on blood and milk. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1845, xvi, 53-59.— Bcialtre (1).) Un tote de la question du lait. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1883. lvi. 227. Also: Marseille ined., 1883, xx, 2U1--04.— Bojjcl (A.) Osvoistvaeh i perevaiiv. jenskago i korovjago moloka i tvorojini. [Degree of digestibility of woman's anil cow's milk and curdled milk.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1885, vi. 440: 161.—Bonders (F. C.) Ontwikke- lin" van tie viiriiibest;intlileeh'n der melk. Ouderzoek. getl. in h. physiol. Lab. tl. I'trecht, Hoogeseh., 1849-50, ii, 227- 229, 1 pi.—Doremiiw (R. ().) Report of an address on milk, in its medico-legal aspects. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y. (1875-8). 1886, 3. s., 222-228— Dnclanx (E.) Sill- ies matieres albuminoides du lait. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1884, xcviii, 373-375. -----. Sur la constitution du lait. Ibid., 438-441. -----. Le lait et sa composition chimique. Rev. scient., Par., 1885. 3. s„ ix, 685-690.— Dumas. Note sur la constitution du lait et du sang. Monit. scient., Par.. 1871. 3. s.. i, 778-783. — Buqiiesncl (11.) Lait. N.dict. tie med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1875, xx, 58-80.— Estudos sobre o leite da miilher, da vacca, da jumenta e da catlella. .1. Soe. d. se. med. de Lisb., 1876, 2. s.. xl. 225-229.—Fazio (E.) II latte: sua importanza hiologica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1884, n. s., vi. 265-281.—Finnc (G.) Stcriliseret Melk.. Tiilsskr. f. prakt. Med.. Kristiania, 1886, vi, 409-411.—Firth (R. H.) On the occurrence of a poisonous ptomaine in milk. In- dian M. J., Calcutta, 1887, vi, 1-5. — Fjord (X. J ) Om Ma*lk, saaledes som den i si tl og skumniet Tilstand fore- kommer i tie danske Meierier. Hyg. Metbl., Kjobenh., 1884, ii, 204-232. — Frnns. Zur Geschiehte der Milchku geln und Mih liii in tionen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853. vii, 316-323.—«irard (C.) La nourritiire des vaches laitieres, et sou influence sur la composition du lait. Rev d'hyg., Par., 18f4, vi, 361-405. [See. also. supra. liaion.] Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1884, 3. s., xii, 228-257 —<*oppelsroiler (K.) Ueber praktische Mileh- iintei'sucliung. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsiulhtspfig., Bonn, 1886, v, 278-288. — Guernrd. Lait. Diet, de nied., 2. ed.. Par., 1838, xvii, 438-470. —Hamniarslen (O.) Om ni.jolkystningen och de dervid verksainma fernienterna i magslemhiunan. [On the curdling of milk and the per- sistent active fermentation in tbe mui-ous membranes of the stomach.] Upsala Liikaref'. FSih., 1873, viii, 63-86.— flannnerbacher (F.) Ueber den Einfluss des Pilocar- pin und Atropin auf die Milchbihluug. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883-4,xxxiii, 228-239. — Harrington (C.) [et al.}. Reports of the analysts of milk. Rep. Bd. Health Mass. 1886, Bost., 1887. xviii. 115-154— Hermann (L.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Milch. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881-2, xxvi, 442-444—Hesse (W.) Ein j neuer Apparat zur Sterilisirung der Milch fiir den Haus- gebrauch. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl , 1886, xii, 323.—Hoppe (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Bestand- theile der Milch und ihre nachsten Zersetzungen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvii,417-451.—Hueppe (F.) Ueber die Zersetzungen der Milch und die biologisehen Gi-iintllagen der Giibrungsphysiologie. Deutsche med. Wclmschr., Berl., 18*4, x, 777; 796; 811— Ibaiiez (J.) Estudio sobre la leche. Estudio, Mexico, 1876, i. 308-310.— Jimenez (L. M.) Uso tie la leche. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1869, iv, 140.—.Jolly. Communication sur le lait. Bull. Sue de metl. prat, tie Par. (1880), 1881, 119-122.—Joly (X.) & Filhol (E.) Recherches sur le lait. Mem. d. I contours . . . Acad. roy. tb; me.d. de Belg., Brux., 1855, iii, 1-18(1, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—Kehrer (F. A.) Zur Mor- I phologie des Mihhcaseins. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871, ii, 1-2*.-----. Ueber die angeblicheii Albuminatbiillen der Milchkiigelcben. Ibid.. 1871-2. iii, 495-502.—Kern- meiieli (E. ) Untersuchungen iiber die Bildung der Alilchl'i tie. Centralbl. 1. d. ined. Wissensch., Berl., 1866, iv, 405-408. Also. Reprint.— Kletzinsky (V.) Ueber die Mih h. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk.. Wien, 1858 iy, 43; 139; 147.— I.ail (Composition du). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1849, xii. 221. — l^nnibcrges] (A. K.) Ilepi Vpo- ejxav; yd\a. 'E0T//ii. eraip. ieyieii>., 'Afloat, 1883, 137-141.— I.ammerts van Bneren (R.) Onderzoekingen over •le melkbolletjes. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1848-9, 2. s., iv, 722-732. -----. De ontwikkeling van de vormbestand- (leelcn tier melk. Ibid., 1849-50, 2. s., v, 1-38, 1 pi.— linpt'liiiiski (F. F.) K voprosu ob iisvojaeniosti mo- loka. [Assimilation of milk.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 479-481.— I.i'ifev. La caseine du lait pour l'emulsioii des medicaments. Bull, et mem. Soc.. de therap., Par., 1887, 2. s., xiv, 96-98.- I.oefller. Ueber Bakterien in der Milch. Berl. klin. Wehnsehr., 1887, xxiv, 607 : 629. Also: Rundschau a. d. Geb. d. Thiermed. u. vep'leich. Path., Osterwieck, 1887, iii, 269; 281; 289; 297.—ITIandl. De la structure des globules du lait. [Rap. de de Lens.J Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1841-2, vii, 1157-1168— ITIarcband (E.) Etude sur la fermentation lactique du lait, suivie de Milk. recherches sur la composition du lait secrete par les vaches de differentes races. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1878, Par., 1879, vii, 411-433.—Mar- tens. Rapport sur la question: Exposer l'etat tie nos connaissances sur le lait. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. dc Belg., Brux., 1854-5, xiv, 400-464. [Discussion], 501.— lYIedin (O.) Apparat for sterilisering af nijbTk. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1886, 197. —lTlill<-l- slrastt (Oebr.). Ein neuer Milchpriifer. Ztschr. f. I'm- terstich. v. Llinsnittln, Eichstatt u. Stuttg., 1880, iii. 159- 161— .Vlorabelli (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Natur einiger aninialischen, und sonderlich einiger niilchahn- lichen Materien. Saniinl. auserl. Abhandl. z. Gebr. prakt. Aerzte, Leipz., 1807. xxiv, 461-476. — IHniik (H.) Bewe- giingund Milehsecretion. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1883, Suppl.-Bd., 363-367. — .Tlnwso (G.) Chimica tisiologica; sugli stati del solfo nel latte, e sulla normale esistenza nel latte vaccino di solfati e solfocianati. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. filett. Rendic, Milano, 1877,2. s., x, 396-410.—Ltlnswo (G.) tfc .Tleicozzi (A.) Stuilj sull' albuniina del latte e sulla genesi della ricotta. Ibid.. 1878, 2. s.. xi. 399-410.—Nasse. Versuche iiber die Waimefassungskrafte der Galle, der Milch und des Harns. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1815, i, 500-505. ——. Ui ber die mikroskopischen Bestandtheile der Milch. Aicli. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Berl., 1840, 259-260.—IVeiicki (L.) tfc Fa- bian (A.) O przetworach f'ennt ntowanych z mleka, a niianowicie o kumysie i kefirze. [On fermentative pro- cesses in milk, and especially in koumiss and kefir.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1887, 2. s., vii, 53; 75: 107: 193.—Newton (W. K.) Reports of the milk inspector 11.-7.]. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey 1879-80, Camden. 1881. iv, 209: 1880-81, Mount Holly. 1881. v. 115: 1881-2, Woodbury, 1882, vi, 209: (1882-3), 1883, vii, 247: 1883-4, Trenton, 1884, viii, 219: 1884- 5. ix, 263: (1885-6), 1887, x, 317. Also. Reprint of 6. report.— Palm (R.) Moloko, ego sostavni.ja cbasti i preparati. [Milk, its component parts and preparations.] Voyenno- inert. J., St. Pttersb., 1886, civ, pt. 6, 95-134.— Pa- nnin. Bemserklunger om Malks X;ei ingsvaerdi. Hyg. Medd., E.jobenh., 1884, ii, 232-242.— Pai-mcnticr & I>e- yenx. Memoire sur la question suivante, proposee par la Societe royale de medecine: Determiner, par l'examen compaie des proprietes physiques et ehyruiques, la nature des laits de femme, tie vaclie, de chevre, d'anesse, de brebis et tie jumcnls. Hist. Soe. roy. de nied. 1787-8, Par., 1790, ix, 415-524.— Peddie (A.) tin the mammary secre- tion, and its pathological cluinges. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. .fc Edinb.. 1848-9, ix, 65-88, 1 pi. A'so, Reprint.— Ffeitrer (E.) I'eber tlie EiweissKtii per der Milch und die Methoilcn ihrer tiuantitativen Bestimmung. Mitth. a. tl. anitl. Leliensin.-Untcrsuch.-Anst, . . . zu AViesb. 1883-4, Berl., 1885, 150- 173.— Piorry (P.-A.) Lait artificiel ou lait bouillon. In his: Clin. med.-chir.. 8°, Par., 1869, 70- 78.—Pirotta (R.) tfc Kiboni (tl.) Studj sui latte. R. ,1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1878, 2. s., xi, 866: 1879, 2. s., xii. 5: 69.—Pooler (H. A.) The milk supply of large cities and the improper mode in which it is conducted. Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1886, xiii, 587-602. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix. 470-172.—Possenti (G. B.) Sui latte; studi chiniici. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1859, 4. s., iv, 115-128.—Quevciinc (T.-A.) Memoire sur le lait. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1841, xwi. 5; 257. — Rejcli- nian (I. M.) Badania nad trawienieni mleka w zolatlku ludzkim, dokonaue w celach klin. [Coagulation, digestion, and fermentation of milk.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s., iv. 959; 1035.—Boden (II.) Om blodserunis inverkan p{i mjolkens koagulation metl Itipe. [Influent;e of blood serum in coagulation of milk hy rennet.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1886-7, xxii, 546-575,—Rogers (T. B.) Milk, from a me- dico-sanitary standpoint. J. Comp. M. & S.,N. T., 1885, vii, 101-139.—liohe (G. H.) Citv feeding of milch-cows. Science, N. T., 1887, ix, 440—Sar'tori (G.j Sulla determi- nazione rapida della materia secca nel latte. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1880, 4. s., iv, 98-105. —Schaffer (F.) Ueber den Einfluss tier sexualen Eiregung auf die Zusani- mensetzung tier Kuhniilch. Mitth. d. naturf. Gesellsch. iu Bern (1883), 1884, nos. 1064-1072, 63-66.—Nelierer. Die Milch. Handworterb. d. Physiol., Brnschwg.. 185U, ii, 449- 475. — Schlossberger (J.) Wird die Milch dureli ihr Stagniren in der Milchdriise saner? Arch. d. Ver. f. ge- nieinsch. Arb. z. Fiird. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1856, ii, 260-264.—Schmidt (F. A.) Ueber das Soxhlet'sche Milchkochverfahreu. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1887, vi, 133-142.—Schmidt-lVIiilheim. Findet in der Milch eine Caselubildung auf Kosten des Albumins statt? Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882, xxviii. 243- 254. ----- Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Eiweiss-Korper der Kuhniilch. Ibid., 287-312. -----. Beitriige zur Kennt- niss der Milehsecretion. Ibid., 1882-3, xxx, 602-620.-----. Ueber tlie Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Milchwirth- schaft. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1883, ix, 146-159.—Kelireiner. Ueber Kuhniilch: Veranderuug derselben beim Kocheu, Verhalten zu Siiuren und Lab vor und nach dem Kocheu, Quantitatsveranderung wahrend der Lactationsperiode. Aratl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Miiuchen, 1877, 1. 218.— Mehiibler. Untersuchungen iiber die Milch und ihre MILK. •2M MILK. nahern Bestandtheile. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1818, iv, 557-580, 2 pi. Also, transl. ■ J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med.. Par.. 1819, iv, 311-327. - Sthwalbe (('.) Ueber die Membran der Milchkiigeh hen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat,, Bonn, 1872, viii, 269-273.—Sebelien t.I.i Bitlrag till Kuiidskabeu om Mielltens AeggebvitlestotVi l. [ Albu- ininous bodies iu milk.] Upsala Liikaref. Fdrli., 18s5, xx 331-351. Also: Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vitleusk. Selsk. Forh.. Kit.benh., 1885. No. I. 1-18. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Sirassh., 1884-5. ix, 445-464. —Whorl (F. G.) Analysis of milk. Am. Chem. J.. Bait., 18s7-8, ix, 100-103.—de Ninety. Recherches sur les globules du lait Arch, de p'i\siol. norm, et path., Par., Is74, 2. s., i, 479-488. —Slack iD. B.) Experiments on milk. Boston M. &. S. J 181; 4, xxix. 413-415.— Noniething about milk. Nature. I...ml., 1879-80, xxi. 102-HU. —Striive (II.) Slit,lien iiber Milch. J. f. prakt. Chem.. Leipz., 1883, xxvii, 249: 1884. n. F., xxix, 70; 110.—Sir live (G. V.) O chiiuicheskom sostave moloka. [Chemical composition of milk] Protok. zasaid Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1882, xix, 309-318.—Thierfeliler (ti.) Zur Physiologic der Milchbildung. Arch. 1. tl. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1883, xxxii, 619-625.—Thomson (\\'.) Note on the estimation of fat in milk. Analyst, Loud., 1880, xi, 73-75. — Tons. sain! t E. ) Influence du lait des vaches nourries tie tlreches sin la sante et la mortalite ties enfants du premier iige. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885. vii. 932. | Discussion], 994 — Van Wlipriaan (L. A.) ifc Bond (N.l Dissertatio qua lespomlel nr ail tiusestionem proposilam a Soeietate regia medica, qua*, exigit,: " TJt determinetur, per examen coiu- paratum propi-it-tat urn phvsicarum et elieinieariim. na- tura lactis muliebris, vaccini, caprilli, asinini, ovilli et equini''. Mist. Soe. iov.de med. 1787-8, Par., 1799. ix, 525-028. — Vernuis \ Beeqnerel (A.) Recherches sur le lait. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1853, xlix, 257: 1, 43.—Vieth (P.) On the composition of milk and milk products. Aiiah st, Lond.. 1886, xi, 60-71: 1887, xii, 39. -----. Notes mi the complete analysis of milk. Ibid., 1887, xii, 59-05.— Volpe (L.) Confront! fra il latte vaccino ottenuto du- rante continuo, eccessivo, prolongate lavoro, e quello avuto durante il riposo. (iior. tl. Soe. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1881, vi, 530-535. —Waage (P.) Steriliseret Melk. Tiils- skr. f. prakt. Med., Kristiania. 1887, vii, 5.— Wawrin- sky (R.) Stockholms mjiilkkoininission. Hvgiea, Stock- holm, 1887. xlix, 269-273.—Vonng (P. A.) Milk in rela- tion to public health. Edinb. Health Soe. Health Lect., 1885-6. 6. s., 55-78. —Zahn (F. W.) Untersuchungeu iiber die Eiweisskorper der Milch. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy siob, Bonn, 1869, ii, 598-611. tflilk (Abnormal,poisonous), or as a cause of disease. Sec; also, Cattle (Foot and mouth disease of); Cheese (Poisonous); Diphtheria (Causes, etc., of); Fever (Typhoid, Causes, etc., of); Ice-cream (Poisonous); Lactation (Abnormities of); Lac- tation (Pathology of); Milk (Metastases of); Milk and tuberculosis; Milk-sickness; Scarla- tina (Causes, etc., of); Scrofula; Syphilis (Communication of) in lactation; Tyrotoxicon. Benzin (J.) * Des alterations que le lait pent subir daus le sein de la mere, et de sou influence sur la saute" de l'eufant. 4^. Paris, 1838. Bevekidge (R.) On a peculiar form of dis- easearisingfrom milk contamination. 8°. Ab- erdeen, 1882. Also [Abstr.], in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 515. (.'iiebert (P.) Jy Fromage (C.-M.-F.) D'une alteration du lait de vache, designee souslenom delait bleu. b°. Parti, an Nil I [1897>]. Damourette (F.-B.-E.) * Du lait, et, de Pin- fluence de ses alterations sur les maladies des en- fants. 4°. Parti, 187)4. Fixcke (B. A. L.) *De lactis immutationi- bus et in specie de lacte cruento. s<-~. Halts Sax., 1849. Pelee de Valoxcour (A. B.) *An Parisiis a lacte valetudiuum malarum llias ? 4°. f Paris, 1767).] ZoRX (E.) Die Anomalien der Milcb. riJ. Jena. 1889. AINCohen (C. H.) Typhus-infectie door melk; een reeks van geyallen, te Groningen waargenomen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887. xxiii, 2. deel, 78-84.— Axe (J. W.) Milk in relation to public health. Veteri- narian, Lond., 1885, lviii, 308; 384. — l.:il■> Poisoning bv milk. Boston M. 7(>. Hon. Josiah Sutherland presid- ing. The People vs. Daniel Schrumpf. Misde- meanor. Adulteration of milk. Argument of W. P. Prentice, counsel to the board of health, for the prosecution. 8°. New York, 1877. MILK. 290 MILK. Milk (Adulterations, analyses, and hyqicnc Cramer (G.) Die Mangel der Milchkontrole, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung vorgekomme- nerFehler; praktische Winke fiir Pol izeibehorden nnd fiir Jederniann, welcher sich fiir gute Milek- versorgung und zuverlassigo Milchkontrole inte- 1-essirt, 8°. Bid, 1882. Dirr (F.-X.) Guide pratique pour const affi- les falsifications do lait. 8°. Pontoise, [1875]. Feser (J.) Der Werth der bestehcnden Milch- proben fiir die Milchpolizei, erliiutert nach meist eigeuen Untersuchungen und besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der neuen Vogel'scheu Methode. 8 . Miinchen, 1866. ------. Die polizciliche Controlc der Murkt- Milch. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Fiessixger (C.-T.) * I. Comnienf reconnaitre si le bi-oxyde de niercure est falsi lie par le mi- nium, par de la brique rouge, ou par des poudres vego'tales? II. Des caractercs microscopiques du lait, de la composition des globules de ce tinide. III. [etc.] 4°. Strasbourg, 1849. Goerlitz (G.) *Die Milch in niedicinisch- polizeilicher Hinsicht. 8:. Wiirzburg, 18.17. Goppelsuoder ( F. ) Beitrag zur Priifung der Kuhniilch, mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Milchpolizei. 8'~>. Basel, 1866. -----. Ueber die Chemie und Priifung der Kuhniilch. 4". Danzig, [1872]. Repr. from: Milchzeitung, 1871-2. How pure milk may be supplied to Boston at reasonable prices to consumer and fair returns to producer. A plan respectfully submitted to pro- ducers and consumers by a committee of the Worcester West Milk-Producers' Association. 8'-. Boston, 1889. Kluxk (O.) * Ueber die Coagulation der Milch durch Labfliissigkeit. 8-\ Giessen, 186)3. Liebe (II. A.) *De diversis lac proband) niethodis. 8°. Lipsia?, 1857. Locke (J. M.) Report on the analysis of three specimens of milk, made at the request of the health officer of the city of Cincinnati. 8-. Cincinnati, 1879. Makris (C.) * Studien iiber die Eiweisskiirper der Frauen-uud Kuhniilch. b". Strassburg, 1876. Massachusetts. State Board of Health, Lun- acy and Charity. Results of inquiries conducted by the health department of the State board of health, lunacy, and charity, relative to the quality of milk as produced in Massachusetts. 8°. Boston, [188(5]. Meigs (A. V.) Milk analysis and infant feed- ing. A practical treatise on the examination of human aud cows' milk, cream, condensed milk, etc., and directions as to the diet of young in- fants. 1*2°. Philadelphia, 1885. Mercier (E.) Le lait devant les tribunaux. Du galactometre ou pese-lait au point de vue des poursiiites judiciaires et des p6ualite"s e"dict6es dans les regiements des fromageries. P2 \ Nan- lua, 1882. Muller (C.) Anleitung zur Priifung der Kuhniilch. 3. Aufl. 8°. Bern, 1872. Muller (G.) Milch aud Milchcontrole. 8; Jena, 1882. Nardius (J.) Lactis physica analysis. 4 . Florentice, 1634. Nava (D.) & Selmi (G. F.) Sui caglio vitel- lino; memorie. 8J. Milano, 1857. New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Associat ion, Report on milk and dairies in the city of New Orleans, presented to the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Association, aud unanimously adopted at their meeting held on Saturday, July 5, 1879. 8\ New Orleans, 1879. IUilk (Adulterations, analyses, and hygiene of). NewtoX (W. h.) Some facts about the Xew Jersey milk adulteration act aud the results of its enforcement. Notes on milk analyses, giviiur the results of 11'2 analyses and a brief accomit of methods. 8 . [Palerson, N. J., 1884. ] New York City. Majority and minority re- ports of the select committee of the hoard of health appointed to investigate the character and condition of the sources from which cow's milk is derived for sale in the city of Xew York. Together Avith the testimony and the chemical and microscopical analyses of milks. Also, let- ters from distinguished physicians, etc. 8°. New York, 1858. Poggialk. Dosage du sucre de lait par la methode des volumes ou a I'aide du sacchari- mi'tre de M. Soleil et determination dc la riohcs.se tin lait. 8°. Paris, 187)6. Quesxkville (G.) * Nouvelles mdthodes pour la determination des 616inents du lait et de ses falsifications. 4°. Paris, 1884. Also, in: Monit. scient., I'ar., 1884, 3. s., xiv, 531-631. ------. The same. Neue Methoden zur Bestim- inung der Bestandtheile der Milch und ihrer Ver- falscbuugen. Deutsch von Victor Griessiuayer. 8". Neitburg, 1885. Rugg (li. H.) Observations on London milk, showing its unhealthy character and poisonous adulterations; with remarks on the food of the cows, their pestilential places of confinement; with suggestions for remedying the evil. 8°. London, [n. tl.] Schmidt (F.) * Ueber Fettbestiminuiig iu der Milch mittelst des Lactobutyrometers. 8\ Got- tingen, 1878. Seiubritzki (P.) * Beitrag zur ('hemic der Milch. 8 . Eeinigsberg in Pr., 1885. Also [Rev.], in; Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1885, xxxvii, 460-4U7. Smolexski (P. O.) Ob ispitanii dohrok. mo- loka v voyenno-vrach. zaveden. [Qualitative examination of milk in military medical estab- lishments.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1885. State of New York. No. 213. In assembly, Jan. 7, 1880. [Introd. by Mr. Sheridan.] An act to amend an act entitled, "An act. to amend chapter 4(i7 of the laws of 1862, entitled, 'An act to prevent the adulteration of milk and pre- vent the traffic in impure and unwholesome milk'", passed May 2, 181)4. fol. [Albany, 1889. ] Tkr Kuile (C. P.) *Verhand('lingover de melk en hare vervalsching te Leyden. 8°. Lei/tlcn, 187)7. Vieth (P.) Die Milchpriifiing-Methoilen unil die Controle der Milch iu Stadten und Sanimel- molkereien. 8°. Bremen, 1879. Vogel (A.) Eine neue Milchprobe. 8. Er- langen, 1862. Vullyamoz (M. L.) ■■ De sale lactisessentiali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 175(5. Waxklyx (J. A.) Milk-analysis, a practical treatise on the examination of milk and its deri- vatives, cream, butter, and cheese. 12^. Lon- don, 1874. de Wasserbeiig (F. X.) Examen cheinicmn lactis. ..... In his: Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Yindobona>, 1775, n, 85-158. Wigxf.r (G. W.) Pure milk. - . London, 1884. Also [Abstr.], in: Analyst, Lond., 1884, ix, 174-181. Zabelix (.J.) * Podrobnii analize prodajnago moloka v S.-Peterburgie. [Analysis of milk sold iu St. Petersburg.] 8-r St. Petersburg, 1873. MILK. 297 MILK. Illilk (Adulterations, analyses, and hygiene of). Abbolt (L. F.) The milk supply of Boston, and the benctit to be derived from the spaying of cows. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1884, ex, 317-320. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cn.ro, 1884, ii, 4(12-404.—Abralmm (A. ('.) Note on the e'sfniiatioii of fixed oils and fats, with special reference to milk. Analyst, Loud., 1884, ix, 20-24.—Act (An) to reg- ulate the salt' and inspection of milk. Rep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Concord, 1883-4, iii, 305-308. Adam (A.) Nouveau procede d'analyse du lait, donnsint rapidenient et directement les trois principes essentiels de ce liqnido: beurre, lactose, caseine, sur un settl et nieine echantillon. J. de pharm. et chim.. I'ar., 1878, xxviii, 4. s., 381-384. .1____. Nouvelle methode d'analyse du lait. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1»79, 3. s., i, 425-438. ------. Analyse du lait: ame- liorations et additions nil precede du Dr. . . . dosage volu- nietrique du beurre. J. de pharni. et chim.. Par.. 1880, 5. s., iii, 22-32.—Adam* (M. A.) Ou a new method for the analysis of milk. Analyst, Loud., 1885, x, 40-54. [Dis- cussion], 85-93. ------. (in the treatment t f sour milk in- tended for imalysis. IHd . 1)9-103— AlbcnoiN. lies alte- rations du lait; leur influence snr lasaule. Marseille mud., 1881, x\iii, 557-503.—Allen (A. H.) A critical examina- tion of Dr. Voelcker's published statements on the compo- sition of milk. Analyst, Lond., 1883, viii, 25(1-200.—A ni- biilil (G.) Die Milchkontrole im Kauton St. Gallon. Jahresb. ii. d. Yerwalt. d. San.-Wes. d. Kauton's St. Gal- ien 1880, St.. Galien, 1881, 143-156.—Amersfoordt. Be nielkprocvcr van Prof. Feser. Volksvli.jt, Amst., 1878, 16- 18.—Annli»iny sour milk; impoitant evidence by So- merset House chemists. Analyst, Loud., 1883, viii, 128- 132.—Andoiiard (A.) Variations de l'acide phospho- j rique dans le liit de vache. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 1298-1300 — Andrcvski (I. V.) () sposo- bacb izsliedovanijach prodajnago i razbavlennago vodoiou moloka. [Methotl of testing milk in tbe market as to re- duction by water.] Vuveiino-nu'd. J., St. Petersb., 1884. rxlix, pt. 7, 25; 115— d'Areet tfc Pclit. Recherches ct experiences sur les qualitcs chimiquet du lait. Rev. metl. franc., et etrang., Par., 1H39, i, 211-219.—Arnold (C.) Ei- nige neue Reactioncii der Milch. Report, d. anal. Chem., Leipz... 1881, i, 220.—A mould (J.) Legislation sanitaire relative k la vente du lait. Bull. metl. tin in,id, Lille, 1879, xix, 12-29.—Rabcock (J. F.) The average composition of milk, as reported by the leading authorities of the world. [From: Massachusetts Ploughman. Dec. 19, 1885 ] Boston M. tfc S. J., 1880. c.xiv, 7.—Bacon (C. S ) Results of an ex- amination of the market milk of Chicago, and of the milk of cows fed on distillery refuse. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1884, ii, 365-368.—Bacrtlins (F.) Ueber die none Me- thode tier Milchanalyse vou .Matthew A. Adams, nach ver- gleicheiiden Uutersuohiingen. Report. (1. anal. Chem., Leipz., 1880, vi, 411-415—Bai-iiicl. Considerations h\- gbjniques sur le lait vendu k Paris coinnie, substance ali- mentaire. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1829, i, 404-419.—Barlley (E. FT.) Rapid methods of testing milk. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1882-3, vii, 73-83. — von It an ni- hil nei' (E.-H.) Methode d'analyse du lait. Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes, etc., La Haye, 1869, iv, 239-265.—Bel I (J.) [Processes used in the Somerset House laboratory in the analysis of milk, and especially the description of the pro- cess which is carried out there for the analysis of sour milk. ] Analyst, Lond., 1883, viii, 141-144. — Bell (J. C.) On milk analysis. Ibid., 1877-8, ii, 155-163. ------. On the differ- ence in milk between the beginning and end of a delivery. Ibid., 1879, iv, 163. ------. Samples of milk which have fallen below the society's standard. Ibid.. 1881, vi, 62-64.— Berli (G.) Relazione di un eonfronto fatto nello stabili- niento esposti di Bologna fra bimbi a latte di donna ed a latte di hestia. Bull. tl. sc. mod. di Bologna, 1885, 6. s., xv, 366-377, 1 diag.— BeMtimmuiigeu zwiscben der Control-Commission des Vereins fiir offentliche Gcsuntl- heitspflege und dem Besitzer der Milehkur-Anstalt zu Hannover, Ilerrn Piitz. Wider d. Xahrungsfalscher, Han- nov., 1881, iv, 17-19.—Bit'hlmayi' (G.) Notiz uber die Donne- Vogt l'sche Milchprobe. Ztschr. f. Biol , Miinchen, 1865, i, 216-220, 1 pi -It joint (P.) Mi1ch-Analy.se und (las Menschen- und Kuht asei'n. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl, 1883, xci, 374-377. —Bivnamini (A.) Sopra nn metodo per dos're la aacearosa, lo zncchero invert!to e la lattina, quantlo trovansi riunili in nn medesimo liqnido, ed applicazione all' analisi del latte condensato con zuccaro di canna. Ann', di chim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1884, 3. s., lxxviii, 5-10. —Bird (A.) Milk standards. Analyst, Loml , 1870-7, i, 80. —Blam-liai'd (P.) Du lait. Saiite, Brux., 1850-7, 2. s., viii, 150-150.—Blyth (A. W.) The composition of cows' milk in health and disease. J. Chem. Soc., Lond., 1879, xxxv, 530-539. ------. The composition of Devonshire cream. Analyst, Lond.. 1879, iv, 141 — Blyth (A. W.) &, Spencer' (A.) On the protection of milk from contamination, and tbe measures necessary for maintaining the purity of milk supplied to the metropolis and other towns. Tr. Sot-.. M. Off. Health, Loud.. 1885-0, 73-91.—Bond (F. T.) Milk-testing. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1885, i, 622.—Boiijcan. Le lait devant les tribunaux. Pharmacie de Lyon, 1876-7, ii, 291-293.—Borch (F. G.) liik (Adulterations, analyses, and hygiene of). Om Undersogelsen af Mielk veil Kjebenhavns Malkefor- syuing. lleesk. f. Lfeger, Kjobenh., 1879, 3. It., xxviii, 71-74.— Brac-omiat ( H. ) Observations snr le lait bleu. J. dechim. med., etc., Par., 1836, 2. s., ii, 625-628.— Rrastack. Milcli und Milchcontrole. Verhandl. u. Mitth. tl. Ver. f. tiff. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb. (1878), 1879, vii, 11-15. — B re iji (P.) Le lait k Paris. Mouvement nied., Par., 1879, xvii, 19.—Brown (W. T.) Milk and its adulterations. Cincin. Lancet \- Obs., 1858, i, 577-587.— Brush (E.F.) Milk. Metl.ltec. N. V., 1881, xx, 149-151.— Kiichncr (K.) Auklage wegen Milchtalschiing. Fried- reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1870, xxi, 53-57.— Biikowski (A.) Badanio mleka i mleko warszawskie. [Analysis of milk and of Warsaw milk.] Zdrowie, War- szawa, 1885, i, 21-27.—Caldwell (G. C.) & Parr (S. W.) Marchand de Feeamp's method for the determination of fat in milk. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1885-6, vii, 238-240.— Cameron (C. A.) On the composition of the milk of a sow. Med. Press tfc Circ., Loud., 1869, vii, 390. -----. Amount of solids in milk. Analyst, Lond., 1879, iv, 11. -----. On the falsifications of milk. Ibid., 49.-----. Re- sults of analyses of the milk of forty-two cows. Ibid., 1881, vi. 75-78.—Canniff (W.) Milk—the Toronto siqe ply. San. Jour., Toronto, 1876, ii. 69-72.—de Cnslro (!•'. J.) La leche de perra. An. Soc. ginec. espafi., Madrid. 1876, ii, 161; 193.— Chambrelent tfc iTIoiiksoiim (A.) Nouvelles experiences sur le passage des microbes dans le lait. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1884, xi, 305-309.—Cham- pouillou. Du lait consomme, dans la ville de Paris. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1853, xxvi, 291.— Chandler (C. F.) Report on the quality of the milk-supply during the year 1809. Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health 1809, N". Y.. 1870, 426-436. Also, Reprint.—ChevaUier (A.) tils. Le lait; comment peut-il etre vendu pur? Quels moyens de reconnaitre sa valeur.' .1. tl. chim. med., etc., Par., 1875, xlix, 81-86.— ChevaUier (J.-B.-A.) Observations sur la vente du lait. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1844, xxxi, 453-458. -----. De la neces- site de publier une instruction sur les moyens k mettre en pratique pour counaitre si du lait est ou non allonge d'eau. Ibid., 1855, 2. s., iii, 306-316. -----. Sur le commerce du lait pour l'aliiucntatioii de la population parisienne. J. de chim. nied., etc., Par., 1856, 4. s., ii, 633-646. Also.- Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1856, 2. s., vi. 359-370. Also, Reprint.— ChevaUier (J.-B.-A.) tfc Henry (().) Memoire sur lo lait. J. tie chim. med., etc., I'ar.. 1839, 2. s., v, 145; 193. Also [Abstr.] : Bull. Acad, de metl.. Par , 1838-9, iii. 008.— ChevaUier (J. -B.-A.) & Bevcil ((>.; Notice sur le lait; les falsifications qu'on lui fait subir; instruction sur les moyens a. employer pour les reconnaitre. J. de chim. m6d., ttc, Par., 1856, 4. s., ii. 342; 402.—Cnyrim (V.) Erfah- rungen aus der Frankfurter Milcbkuranstalt. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1884, n. F., xxi, 225-275.—Cohen (L. A.) De jongste Eugelscbe wetgeving op het houden van melk- koeijen, den verkoop van melk, enz.; met eene aauteke- ning over het verbreiden van besmettelijke ziekten. Xotlerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1879, 2. 11.. xv, 513- 518.—Comuiaille (A.) Analyse du lait de chatte. Rec. de mem, de med. . . . mil., Par.,'1867, 3. s., xviii, 69.-----. Memoire sur le lait d'Alger. Ibid., 1869. 3. s., xxii, 426- 441.-----. M6nioiro sur le lait de Marseille, et reniarqnes sur le lait en general. Ibid., xxiii, 64-74.—Cook (E. H.) On tbe analysis of milk, on its composition, and on tins quality of the milk sold in Dublin and its suburbs. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1870, xxii, 211.—Dancer (J. B.) On the microscopical examination of milk under certain conditions. Chem. News, Lond., 1870, xxi, 5.—Danck- wortt. Lrebcr polizeiliche Milchpriifuugen. Monatschr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl., 1859. i, 193-201. — Dean ( D. V.) The milk supply of St. Louis. Rep. Bd. Health St. Louis (1871), 1872, v, 59-69. Also [Abstr.]: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1872, n. s., ix, 21-27. —Deehan (M.) u mi I reanu (A.) A tej\ i/.sgalatrol, kiilbniis tekiutottel a fiiwirosi \ iszonyokra. [On the lacto- tleiisiiueter.] Gybg.vas/.at, Butlapest. 18s3. xxiii, 777-787.— Hiniran (E.i Town milk: its uses autl dangers. San. Ueo.. Lond.. Is75, iii. 20-22. —Du pre (A.) Un some points connected with milk analysis. Analyst. Lond.. 1883. viii, 248-253.—Durand. Analyses do laits. Nict-nied.. 1885-0. x, 49. —Dutch milk. San. lUe., Lund.. 1879. x, 107 — Duval (J.) Sur un acide nouveau preexist.tut thins le lail frais tie jumeiit et nomine acide equiuiqiic. J. tie l'anat. et physiol., elc. , Par., 1870, xii, 352-350.— Dyer (B ) Some analyses of milk. Analyst, Loml., 1,-81, vi, 59-02.—Ejiji'i'lE.) Vergloicheiide Bestiniinuugen ties Fettgehaltes der Milcli durch Gewichtsanalyse. inittels des LactobulN lonn tors uud tier neuen araonielrisehen Methode von Soxhht. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1881, xvii, 110-112.—10 in fill:, rum; (Ueber tlie) einer wissen- schaftlieheii Milt-hconl role fiir die Zwoeke des Lebens niitteliu-.irktos. Metl.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1880. xxi. 205: 217: 229: 241: 253; 289— E kllllld lorup.|SeNauer (E ) Untersuclmn- gen iiber Milch. Arch. f. phvsiol. Heilk., Stuttg ixpi viii, 717-719. —«ran«e (J. ) Le coupage du la'it ,i' tl'hyg.. Par , 1880, v. 81-83. Also: Gaz. obst. Par \mt' ix,68-7_3.—Gray (K. "W.) Milk. Sanilarian, X. V.', 1^7-,' iii, 64-! I— 4»rcuzzahleu (Ueber) bei del .Mih haiialyst' und iiber Schlonipefiitterun;:. "Wider tl. Xalirungsiiil sober, Hannov., 18al, iv, 101-1 n:;. — t^iuli d'.) Zur Frage tier besseren Milch-Versorgung grosser Statltc. Coi--l!| d. nifil.-rhein. Ver. f. till'. Gsndhtspflg., Kdln, 1*7« v 142 — ii ruber (M.) Ueber neuere. Mcthoilen der Miich'. untersuchung. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1883 i\ 321: 332. Also: Mitth. il. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Ocst ' Wien, 1884. x, 6; 18. — ti 1 mill' (A.) Ueber Milobpro'- ben. Mitth. (1. naturf. Gesellsch. in Bein, 1808. 71-S4._ <»Mcheidl<-11 (R.) Mitl heilung zweier einfachen Mctlio- den, den Zuckergehalt der Milch zu bcstiinnien. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877-8, xvi, 131-139. Also [Abstr.]: Amtl. Bt:r. ii. (1. Versamml. deutsrh. Xalurl. 11. Aerztt', Miiuehen, 1877, 1, 237. — Gueneau de Tln««i (N.) l.a laiterie hygienique d'Aylesburva Londres. Kev. d'hyg Par., 1881, iii, 834-849. — <»UKtavNon (G.) () novitl'i sposob. opted, jira v molokie, azota v organ, sootlin., biel- kov. veshestve i krachmala. [Xew method of analysis of fat in milk: nitrogenous combination, albumen and starch ] Vet. Vestnik, Cbarkoff, 1886, v, pt. 1, 1-19.—II nine* (l; | Milk. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1882, 3. s., lxxxiii. -j(i9-2»i. Also, Reprint.—Hamlet (W. M.) On the estimation of fat in milk. Chem. News, Lond.. 1881. xliii, 17o.—Hani- ■iiai'Kteii (O ) Ueber den Gehalt ties Caseins an Srhwo- fel und iiber die Bestiimnuug ties Schwefelsin Proteinsub- stanzon. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5 i\ 273-309. —Marker (.1.) Milk pathology. 'Brit. M.J ' Lond., 1880, ii, 471.— Mart (E.) Milk and water. San. Rec., Lond., 1879, x, 305-309.—Hearing before the ns.ri- cultural committee of the legislature on the adulteration of milk. Boston M. & S. J., 1863, lxviii, 81-88— llelmii' (O.) On some points in milk analysis. Analyst, Lond., 18h-j, vii, 60-64. ------. On the relation between the. specific gravity, the fat. and the solids not fat in milk. Ibid., 129- 135.------. Xotes on milk analysis. Ibid., 1883, viii, 253- 256. — Meiiteh (C.) On the calculation of milk results. Ibid., 1885, x, 22-20. —Ileniiijg (C.) Ueber tlie Reaction tier Kuhniilch. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1875-6, 11. V., ix, 357-361.— HckM'ii. Milohverkaul's-Ordnung fiir die Haupt- und Rfsidfuzstadt Darmstadt. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1881, ii. 49. — HeiiMiier. Ueber Xutzen 11ml Einrichtuiig der Milchcontrole in Stadteu. Peiitscher Ver. f. iiff. Gsndhtspflg. Ber. 1876, Bruschwg.. 1877. iv, 43-63. Hill (A.) Milk standards. Lancet, Loml, 1876, i, 759. Also: Analyst, Lond., 1870-7. i. -lo-bi.-IIof- in a 11 n. Ueber polizeiliche Controle tier Milcli. Widen! Nahrungslalscher, Hannov., 1881. iv, 179-184. — Hoppi- Seyler (F.) Bestimmung des Milchzuckergebaltes ilia Milch inittelst des Soleil-Ventzke'schen Polarisationsap parates. Areb. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1858, xiii, 270. ------. Mittheilungen iiber die chemischen Verha'ltnisst) der Kuhniilch. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Boil. (1858-9), 1860, xii, 89-92. Also: Monatsclir. f. Geburtsk. 11. Frauenkr.. Berl., 1859. xiv, 185-188. -----. Die Donne-Vogel'sche Milchprobe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl.. 18C-3, xxvii. 394-396. — llorneiuaiiii ( E-) I\'ogle Beiiia*ikniiiger 0111 Melken ou Melkcsalgct i K.i" benhavn og 0111 en mulig C'ontrol med sainiiic. Uyi. Metld . Kjoboiih , 1858-9, ii, 152-179.—II onze dc IMnl- noit (A.) Contribution a letiide medico legale de 1'cci'- mage du lait au point de vue tie 1'alhuteiuciii artificiel. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1878, xviii, 437-445. —Howard (0. C.) A preliminary report on the milh-suppB "I Co- lumbus. Columbus M. J., 1883-1. ii 502-5(i6.-llni-l»lie (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die '/.< 1 si i/un-eii ill r Mihlt durch Mikroorganismen. Mitth a d. k. (isiiilhisamte. Boil., 1884, ii, 309-371 —Mupiiert. Bcrii III iiln-r dt-n Stand (lei'Milehversorgungs-Frage in Praff. Prag. metl. AVchnschr, 1879. iv, 234-230. —II nxxou (C) Note snr les causes diverses qui peuvent rentlre. le hi it plus atpn-nx. \From: L'lndusirie laitiere.J J. d'hyg., Par- 1883, vui, 16; 28; 41. —IlilJ'e (W.) Milk-poisoning. San. bee., Loud., 1879-80, n. s., i. 340.—Imlaeh (F.) On the 1111IK supply of Liverpool. [Abstr.] Liverpool M. Chir. J., 1881, i, 102-107.—Jaeobi. Ueber Production und Con- sumtion von Tbierniilch in Breslau. Jahresb. d. scliles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1880, Br.-sl., l'-81. lviii. Hii'-IM. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr.. 1880. ii, 184-180.—I si" •"' (L.) Untersiichungeuvon Milch normal gefiilteitt 1 Kuln'. Hannov. Monatschr., 1880. iii, 41-45. ------. Milchnnter- suchuugen. Repert, d. anal. Chem., Leipz., 1881, 1, M; 201. ------. Beitriige zur Untersuchung ibr Milch. *»*''■• 1882, ii, 33-41.------. (Mittheiluiigen ausdemcht-misclieii Laboratorium der Sanitatsbehonle zu Bremen.) A MilcU- untersuchungen. Vcibffciitl. d. k. deutsch. Gsudhtsam- MILK. 21)9 MILK. Jlilk (Adulterations, analyses, and hygiene ' of). tes Berl., 1882, vi, 21.—Johnstone (W.) Samples of milk -which have fallen below the society's limit. Analyst, Lond., 1882, vii, 34-39. ------. An improved apparatus for milk analysis. Ibid., 1885, x, 81-85.------. Notes upon the use of acetic acid iu milk analysis. Ibid., 1886. xi, 22- 32.—Keiiniif rich (B.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der phv- siohvisi hen Chemie der Milch. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Ber!, 1867, v, 417-419. ------. Beitrage zur phy- siologist-hen Chemie der Milch. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bom", 1809, ii, 401-414— Iiirehheim. Ueber hygieni- schc Finriohtung von Kuhstiillen, Molkereien und Milch- ladeii. Deutsche Vrtl.jschr. f. iiff. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1879, xi, 468-474.—Kletzinsky (V.) Ueber die Fiil- schungen tier Milcli. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1858, iv, 5-8.-----. Ueber Galactoineter und Milch- ariiometer. Ibid., 77; 97.—Koiiijs* (F-) Ueber die Con- trole tier Milch seitens tier Untersucbungsstation zu Cre- feld, mit besonderer Riieksicht auf die Bcurtheiluug dor mit Wasser gefalschteii Marktniilch. Veiiiffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtcs. Berl., 1879. i i, 101. Also: Cor.-Bl. tl. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. tiff. Gsnilhtsptlg . Kdln, 1879. viii. 83- 85. Also: Hannov. Monatschr., 1879, ii, 55-60.—Itoteln i- kouTV.) Opticheskii sposobe ispitaniia moloka. [Exam- ination of milk.] Zdorovje, St. Petersb., 1879, v, 267-209 — Kovalkov*ki (K. P.) Prigod. apparata, nazv. "pio- skop"dlja opredlen. jira v moloke. [Useful apparatus, called "pyoscope", to determine fat in milk.] Trudi Russ. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdravija (Protok.), St. Petersb.. 1886. ii, no. 4. 110-114.—Kiichenmeisler. Was ktinnen wir praktist hen Aerzte aus deu Versuclien des Prof. Wolff in Miickern fiber Milchorzeugung bei Kiihen fiir das Am- nienwesen lernen! Welche Versuche sind noch von mis anzustelleii. urn deu rationellen Oekonomen gleichzukoni- meii! Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854. vi, 72 : 8(i.—I.abichc (J.) Xote a propos dc la falsification du lait. J. tie chim. nied., etc., Par.. 1874, xlviii. 529-532. —I,ajoux (H.) Re- marques pratiques sur l'analyse du lait. Union med et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1884, viii. 169-177.—I.alien. Essai ctpiioxaliquo du lait de vache. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. de Liege, 1870, xv, 105-111. — l.croiile. Notesurun nouveau procede d'analyse du lait. Compt. rend. Sot- de biol. 1854, Par.. 1855, 2.' s., i, 53-55.—Lee (A. F.) The way to get pure milk; how the matter is managed in Ger- many; the Milchkur-Anstalt at Frankfort-on-the-Main. Be]). Consuls U. S. on commerce, etc.. Wash., 1881, no. 10, 204-208.—Leeds (A. P.). Cornwall (H. B.) urdie. Note on the chemical composition of the milk of the porpoise. Chem. News, Lond., 1885, lii, 170___ MILK. 300 MILK. Tlilk (Adulterations, analyse.-;, and hygiene of). Hueveinie (T.-A.) Falsifications du lait. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1M2. xxvii, 241-286.—IJuiiilaw (E J. B.i Nolo upon a read j* method of testing i he purity of milk. Moil. Puss &Circ, Loud., 1883. n. s.,xxxv. 552. — Kaimouili (C.) ifc de Pieli-a (G.) 11 latte considerate dal punto di vista della dietetica e dell'igiene, con speeiale riguardo alle possibili udulleiazioni ed ai modi piii opportuni per riconoscerle. Gior. tl. Soc. ital. d'ig.. Milano. 1SS2. iv, 375; 495. Also, Reprint—Kenner. Ueber Milcli ("ou- tride. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. (iff. Gsndhtspflg., Kiiln, 1876, v, 140-142—Report on the present milk sup- ply of London, with analyses of forty samples. Med. Times rj -njs TrpuiTrjS ^Aiicias. 'E$T)/n. croup, ityieii'., 'A6rii/ai, 1883, i, 25-28. iflilk (Chemistry of). See Milk. (Adulterations, etc., of). ill ilk (Condensed). tee Milk (Preservation of). Hi Ik (Fungi in). vou Hcsslinj;. Ueber den Pilz der Milch. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxv, 561-575, 1 pi. — Mul- ler (G. A.) Ueber die Pilze der nonnaleu Kulunileh. Arch. f. wissensch. u. pract. Thierli., Berl , 1881, vii, 198- 206, 1 pi. — Kiuniiin^toii (E. AL) The conversion of lactino into oxalic acid by niucetlinous fungi. Lancet. Loud.. 1862. i, 499. —Sige.|. Pilze in der Milch. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. ar/.tl. Ver., Stuttg., 1869. xxxix, 286. Ulilk (Human). See, also, Colostrum; Lactation ; Milk (Adul- terations, etc., of); Milk as a food, etc. Bingkl(G. A.) * Hie Milch des Menschen und ihreBedoutiingfiirdenNeugeboreiien. <:. Wiirz- burg, 1861. Dkxis(P.) *Du lait de fcniine a Fetat phy- siologique. 4°. Paris, 187)4. Donne (A.) Du lait, et en particulier de celui des nourrices, considere sous le rapport de ses bonnes ct de ses niauvaises q Halite's nutritives ct de ses alterations. 8°. I'aris, 1837. (ibillot (L.-A.) 'Etude generale des pro- prietes normales et des alterations pathologi- ques du lait de fenune. 4°. Parti, 1867. Kxixhk (A. G.) *De lacte inulieruin. 8°. Balis, [1*4.")]. Lachexal(G.) * De la qnantite de casciue et d'azote contcnue dans le lait de femme et dans lc lait de vache. 8'J. Geneve, 1876. Lebehot (L.) Etude sur le lait, suivie de considerations sur le choix d'une nourrice. 8~. Caen, 187>8. Makkis (C.) Studien iiher die EM weisskorper der Frauen- und Kuhniilch. 8-. Strassbura, 1876. J Mkiuikmioeex (C. A.) * Diss, sistens indaga- tioneiu lactis muliebris cheinicam. 8: . Francof. a. M., !8->6. J Mendes de Leon (M. A.) 'Ueber die Zusam- inensetzung der Fraiieninilch. 8°. Miinchen, 1881. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1881, xvii, 501-530. Miller (J.) * De lacte humano. ST. Edin- burgi, 1807,. Mi'i.i.EK (C. A.) *Do vitiis lactis huniani eorumque inedehi. 4°. Jence, 1746. Ortlob (F.) Dc lacte humano. 4°. Lipsiee, 1653. Simon (J. F.) * De lactis muliebris ratione cheinica et physiologica. *-. Berolini, [1838]. ------• The same. Die Fraiieninilch nach ihren chemischen und physiologist-hen Verhalten dargestellt. 8°. Berlin, 1838. VON STRAVSKV-dliEIEEENKELS (H.) * Die Mllt- termilch. ,* . Miinchen, 187)8. Iflilk (Human). Stkickek (S.) TTeber contractile Korper in der Milch der YVorhnerin. S. [ Wien, 1866. ] Repr. from .- Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., liii. [See, also, infra.] Vasileef (A.) * K voprosu o vlijanii chaja na kolichestvo i kolichestv. sostave moloka. [In- fluence of tea on quantity and quality of milk.] S-. St. Petersburg. 1871. * Yernois (M.) A Becqeeuel (A.) Du lait chez la femme dans l'etat de sante et dans l'etat de maladie. Memoire suivi de nouvelles recherches sur la composition du lait chez la vache, la che- vre, la junient, la brebis et la chieuue. 8'-'. Pa- ris, 187)3. Voltelen (F. J.) * De lacte humano ejusque cum asinino et ovillo comparatione. 4°. Traj. Batav., [I7?y]. d'Arcet & Petit. Recherches et experiences snr les qualites chimiques du lait, dans leurs rapports avec la sanle des enfaus et le choix des nourrices. Gaz. tl. hop.. Bar., 1839, 2. a., i. 113.—B. (A.) L'antagonisme du lait tie femme et du lait de cbienne. Abeille metl., I'ar.. 1874, xxxi, 63.— Bechaui|> (A.) Sur la zymase du lait de femme. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1883. 2.' a., xii, 690-692. Also .- Com pi. rend. Acad. tl. sc.. Far., 1883, xevi, 15(8.— Itei^el (11. ) Vorlaulige Mittheilung iiber die niikroskopische Xiisain- niensct/.uug der Milcli des AVeibes. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Beil., 1868, xiii, 412-444, 1 pi.—Bicderl. Ueber die Natur des Eiweisskorpers der Mutterrnilch. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 765.—Boedcker (C.) Die Zusatn- menset/.ung der Frauenniilch. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl., Leipz. u.Heidelb.',T861,3.B.,x, 162-164.—Bouchut. Ue la nume- ration des globules du lait pour l'analyse du lait de femme dans ses rapports avec le choix tics nourrices et la direct ion de 1'allaitement. Parisiiied.. 1883, 2. s., viii, 433-437.—Brew (Madeleine). Analyst: du lait ties foniinesGalibisdu Jartlin d'acclimatation. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, I'ar., 1882, xcv, 567.— Brunncr (T.) Ueber die Zusanimensctzung der Fraueiimilch. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873, vii, 440- 458. —Bunge ((!.) Der Kali-, Natron- und Chlorgehalt der Milch, verglielieu mit dem anderer Nahriiugsinittel und des Gesammtorganismusder Siiunethiere. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1874, x, 295-335.—Clarke (J.) Observations on the properties commonly attributed by medical writers to human milk, on the changes it undergoes in digestion, and the diseases supposed to originate from this source in iu- fancy. Lond. M. J., 1790, xi, 71-91.—Coulier (P.) & Dc- chambre (A.) Lait. Bibliographic. Dict.encycld.se. med!, Par., 1868, 2. s., i. 129-171.—Davis (N. S.) On the changes in the composition and properties of the milk of the human female, produced by menstruation and pregnancy. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1850, ix, 417-427. Also, Keprint, -----. On the changes in the composition and properties of the milk iu the human female, produced by menstrua- tion and pregnancy; also, on the. food most proper for in- fants when deprived of the milk of the mother. Tr. Illi- nois M. Soc, Chicago, 1860, x, 160-172. — Meveijjic (A.) Sur la valeur de I'examen microseopique tin lail dans le choix d'une nourrice. Mem. Acad, de metl.. Par., 1843, x, 206-222. Also [Bap. de M. Dubois] : Bull. Acad, dc metl., Par., 1841-2, vii, 197-210. —Oogel (A. L. ) Mikrosko- picheskoc i/.sliedovanie forinennich elenientov jenskago moloka i vli.janie ich na kachestvo posliedniago. [Micro- scopical examination of milk of nurses, aud its effect upon the child. 1 _ Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v. 271; 288; 306; 318.— Boyiel (A.) Einiges iiber tlie Kiweisskbrper der Frauen- iiutl der Kuhmilch. Ztschr. I. physiol. Chem., Strassb.. 1881-5, ix, 591-615. — Bolan (T.'M.) An ex- perimental inquiry into human milk, and the effects of drugs during lactation on either nurse or nursling; with chemical analyses, by W. H. Wood. Practitioner. Lond., 1881, xxvi, 83; 165: 251; 331: xxvii, T.0: 161.—Bonue. Recherches sur le lait des nourrices. J. tie chim. metl., etc., Bar., 1837, 2. s., iii, 445-447.—Esclicricli (T.) Bak- teriologische Untersuchungen iiber Fraiieninilch. Fort- sehr. il. Med., Berl., 1885, iii, 231-236.—EvraId. Ueber den Uebcigang von Arsenic in tlie. Fraiieninilch. Ver- handl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1881-2), 1883, xiii, 143- 145. — Fernandez (A. B.) Sobre la leche de lunger. Siglo med., Madrid, 1858. v, 108.— ITeist limaim (L.) Ueber die Verlasslichkeit der mikroskopischen Frauen- milch-Untersuchung. (Iisterr. Jahrb. f. I'aediat,, Wien, 1877, vii, 167-184. Also, Reprint.— <» uersent. Lait. Diet. tl. sc. nied., I'ar., 1818, xxvii, 126-170. — Helot. Examen exten*porau6 du lait de femme, precede ilu compte-gouttes. Union med. de la Seine Inf., Rouen. 1884, xxiii, 101-107.— Hoppe-Seyler (F.) Ueber Trenuung ties Casein voni Albumin in der menschlichen Milch. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5, ix, 222; 533.— lie lire i- ( K. A.) Untersuehuugeu iiber den pbysiologi- schen Milthtluss der Stillenden. In his : Beitr. z. vergl. u. c\p. Geburtsk., 4°, Giessen, 1875, 4. lift,, 39-C2.-li.iil. MILK. 302 MILK. Iflilk (Human). pin (A. B.) A lilix. Obtliiktion eines pltit.zlich ver- slorbenoil Kinde.-. Aufsatze 11. I'.ettb. a. tl. gerichtl. Alz- neyw., Berl., .1786, 4. Sannul., 84-90. — l.:i.jon\. Conlri- | butions ii l'etude du lait de femme. Union metl. et scient. du nord-est, Keims, 1886. x, 220-229. Also: J. tie pharm. of chim., Par.. 1887, 5. s., xv, 407-411.—I.an-jyaard (A.) Verglcichciitle Fiitersuchungen iiber Frauen-. Kith- und Stulenmilcb. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875 lxv, 1-9—l.e Bon (G.) Sur la composition comparee du but tie femme et de vache it snr nne difference imporfante qui semble cxister entie ces deux lh|iiides. Bull. Soc, tie nied. prat, tie Par. (1878), 1879. 45-51. Also: France med., Par., 1878, xxv, :;:ss.— I.eeil- (A. It ) The composition and methods of analysis of human milk. Tr. Coll. Phys. I'hila., lr83-4, 3. a., vii, 225-260, 1 diag. Also: Chem. News, Lond., 1884, 1, 263: 280; 289; 301. Also: J. Am. Chem. Soc, N. Y., 1884, vi, 252-279, 1 tab.—Louis. Du lait et en particulier de celui des nourrices, sos qualites nutritives, ses alterations, etc, Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1838. xx, 475-477. —.Tlarehaud (C.) De la composition anor- inale que peuvent presenter certains laits de femmes; de leur intlui'iice sur 1 all mentation du nou\ eau-ne et des moyens tl'y remedier. Assoc. franc, pour ravancc. d. SC Compt.-rend. 1877, Par., 1878, vi, 877-886. —.flejjseii- liofen (C. A.) Cheniiscbe Untersuchungen iiber die Fraueiimilch. Ztschr. t. Physiol.. Darmstadt, 1829. iii, 271-282. Also, transl.: J. co'nipl. du diet (1. sc. med., I'ar.. 1829, xxxv, 322-329. — .Tieis;* (A. V.) Proof that human milk contains only about one per cent, of casein ; with remarks upon infant feeding. Pioc. Phila. Co. M. Soc., Phila., 1883-4, vi, 92-112. Also: Arch. Pediat., Jer- sey City, 1884, i, 216-241. ------. A criticism of Dr. Leeds's paper on "The composition and methods of analysis of human milk". Chicago M. J. & Exam., 18>»5, I. 534-551. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884-6. 3. »., viii, 1311-156.— Tloner (J.) Numeration de los globulus de la leche tie linger ha.io el punto tit- vista de la election dc nodriza y (It: la direccion tie la lact.mcia. Indcpcnd. metl., Barcel., 1877-8, ix, 2J7-233. —.Tloore ( VV. D.) On the coagulability of I.....nut milk. Dublin (). .1. M. Sc., 1819, vii, 275; 492.— Opii*. I'l-bc!' die llem'ill'e " Milch" und ' Colostrum". Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1884, viii, 513-517. — P. Von dem Vorzuge der Frauenuiilch vor der Milch tier Thiere, und von tier Yerbindlichkeit der Mutter, selbsl zu stillen. Abhandl. u. Beob. v. einer Gesellsch. v. Aerzten in Hamb., 1776, 120-134.—Payen. Examen oomparatif du lait de plusieurs femmes ct tin lait tie chevre. J. de chim. ined.. etc., Par., 1828, iv, 118-126.—Pellet (H.) & Biard (L.) Composition ilu lait tie vache et du lait de femme compares aux divers lails sueres et non sucres. J. d'hyg , Par., 1883, viii. 165-168. —Pleill'er (E.) Yerschiedeno-t iiber Muttermilch. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr.. 1882, xix, 666; 684; 727: 1883, xx, 145; 158. ------. Kritische Untersuchun- gen iiber Muttermilch und Mutterniilchaiialyseii. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1882-3, n. F., xix. 46:;'- 482, ------. Zur quantitativcn Analyse dor Mutterniilch. nebst einem Anhange iiber Kuhniileii. Zlschr. f. anal. ('In in., Wiesb , 1883, xxii, 14-20. — Przeivonki (E. ) Nowy przyklatl \viekszego wydzielania sie nileka u mezczyzuy. [New re- searches on the composition of milk in woman. ] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881. •>. a., i, 515-517. — KailriilinuNcn (!'.) Die Fi-aueninilch. Ztschr. f. ph\>iol. Chem., Strassb , 1881, v, 13; 272.—Roehrig (A.) Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber tlie Physioiogie der Milchabsonderung. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 1876, lxvii. 119-146. Also, Keprint.—S< liI«»»Im i—ei (J.) Mcnschliche Milcli von hbchst ungewbhiiliouein Fettgehalt. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirzll. \'er., Stuttg., 1858, xxviii, 310.—Mchu- ko>VMky (A.) Notiz iiber den Fettgehalt der Fraueu- milch. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1873, ix. 432-434.— Nourdat (L.) Observation d'une incgnle production et d'une difference de composition du lait pour les deux seins de la meme femnie. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol. 1870 Par., 1872, 5. s., ii. 106-109—Stenberg (S.) Nagra iakt- tagelseroch fdrsok betraff'ande deu kvantitativa hestam- ningenaf iigghviteaninenautikvinnoinjdlken. (C. r. ('uel- ques observations et experiences pour determiner la qnan- tite de matieres albuniinoides que coutient lelait de femnie, no. 13.) Nord. med. Ark.. Stockholm, 1877, ix, no. 7, 1-24'. Also, lit 'print. —Mtrieker (S.) Fiber contractie Korper in der Mih h der W'oelmerin. [From: Sitzungsb. tl. Wien. Akad. tl. Wi.sseiiseh.l Fntersuch. z. Naturl. tl. Meusch u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1870, x, 333-337.—Tidy (C. M.) On human milk. Clin. Lett, & Kep. Loml. Hosp., 1867-8, iv. 77--1 ------ On human milk. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii 501. —Toll (C. A.) Ueber die Absoiiderung der Frauen- niihli bei pathologischen Zustiinilin. nach Boisseau. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1841, x, 28-32. — I Helm ami (J.) Ueber eine. Fraiieninilch. welche sich in tier Ver- dauung wie Kuhmilch verhielt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1882. xix, 683.— Vei'i-iei- (K. > De l'analyse du lait tie leiiime par 1 accoucheur. Gaz. oli>|., Par., 1877. vi, 81- 85. —Vojjel. Infusorien in Frauenmileh Metl. Cor.-HI d. wiirttemb. iir/.tl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1853, xxiii, 234-230. Iflilk (Hygiene of). See Milk (Adulterations, etc., of). .Tlilk (Injections of). See Milk (Transfusion of). Tlilk (Medicated). See; also, Lactation ( Iujlnence of food, ete. upon, and medication bg). Bertiiollet (C. L.) Diss. med. de lacte ani- uialiuiu uiedicaiucnttisti. 4 ; Parisiis, 1779. Itnlc*lie. Note sur le lait phosphate. Nice-metl 1880-81, y, 2U3-2II5. —Barely (A.) Contribution li lctiiilt' des lails nietlicameiiteux: le lait phosphate: note sur son action theiapeiit upie dans diverses maladies. Ibid., 1878^!i, iii, 258-2ii3. — de Pielra Mania (P.) Not,. s„r la nut beat ion lac loth lorn ret- thins lea affections rhrniiiqucs de la poitiine. I'nion med., Par., 186(1. 2. s., vi, 277: viii, 227-233. — *uiie y iTIolist (L.) ISrcves considcracioiics sobre la eliininai ion tie los medicamentos por la sccrecinu laetea. Gac. med. de Catalufia, Kan-el.. 1880, iii, <)7-ioo._ Taylor (K. N.) Peptonized milk. Am. Pract, & News, Louisville, 1886, n. s., ii, 386-388. — Tli< r;i|>< niis< h,. (Feber die) Anwendung arzneihalliger Milcli in vtrsiln,. denen Krankheiten, besonders bei Kindern. J. f. Km derkr., Erlang., 1865, xiv, 229-238. Milk (Metastases of). See; atio, Lactation (Pathologg of); Milk- fever ; Phlegmasia doleus; Puerperal diseases. Aigxek (F.) * De luctastasibus lacteis. 8 Vindobona; 1826. Baldinger ( E. G. ) [ Pr. ] pricmittuntnr ob- servationes de morbis ex metastasi lactis in puer- jiciis 4^. Jena; [1772]. Also, in: Thesalhus diss. nied. [etc.] 4'. Heidelb., 1784, 85-88. Berkxdt (N.) *])e lactis metastasibus. 4 . tioltiiiga; [1780]. Also,'in: Weiz (F. A A Neue Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1781, xiv, 7-/1. Also, transl. in: N. Samml.il. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundiirzte, Leipz., 1784, 6. St. 193-302. Bosi; (E. G.) [Pr.] dc lacte aberraute, i-ii. 4". Lipsiee, [1772]. Ci.akys (C. E.) * De lactis metastasi. 4 \ (iantlari, 1827. C'leve (J. D. M.) * Spec, sistens observa- tiones medico-cliirurgicas de alieiialioue lactis, 8°. Lugd. Beet., 179(5. Also, transl. in: N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundiirzte, Leipz.. 1787, 17. St., 228-277. Embser (J. .7.) *De metastasi laetea. 4. Argentorati, [1781]. Gut.maxx (H. A. A.) *De metastasibus lactis. sm. 4C. litcbergw, 17!)7. Joseph (I.) * De metastasi, inprimis laetea, 12°. Ilalet; [1792]. Mettk (A. E.) *De metastasi laetea. 8J. Ilegiotnonti, [1827]. Mux tain (G.-A.-C.) Du lait considere' comme cause des maladies des femmes en couche. 8°. Paris, 1898. Pelissot (F.) Observations sur les laits r6- pandus. 8°. Paris, 1807. Puzos (N.) Mejnoires sur les pertcs dc sang et le lait repandu, ou depots laiteux. 2. ed. 8 . Paris, an IN [1801]. Also, in his: Traite des accoueheineus. 4°. Paris, 1759, 341-394. Katzky (J. L.) *De lactis metastasi causa febris piierperariim nuperrime rursus defeusa. sm. 4°. Jence, [1789]. Rust (J. C. Y.) *De metastasibus lactis. 4J. tiottinqce, [1793]. Schmidt (1). C. G.) *De metastasibus lac- teis. 4°. Helmstadii, [1796]. Sturm (J. C.) *De metastasi laetea. 4'-. Argentorati, [1771?]. Voigtel (E.G.) *De meiastasibus lacteis. 4°. Halce, £179:'. J. WiLLlAitD'i'.s (J. C.) *De metastasi lactis. 4 . Tubingce, [1770]. WrisciiEL (C. G.) *Dc metastasibus inprimis lacteis. 4 . Lipsia; [179-']. MILK. 303 MILK. Jlilk (Metastases of). vax WvxoxiiERGEX (A.) 1 >c metastasi lac- tis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 178\. Zuckkk (L. ) *l>c metastasi laetea. 8-. Peslini, 1*36. It a cell ■ (A.) Un oasodi metastasi lattca con alquante rousideraziom sulle metastasi uniorali. Bull. d. sc. metl. tli Bologna, 1854, 4. s., i, 91-104.—Bnllbazaar. Yon Vcrsetzung der Milch. (Aus dem Holliindischeii.) N. Samml. (1. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundiirzte, Leipz., 1785 8 St. 210-21::— Bcrneastel jun. Milch-Metastase. Ccn'.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1834. Koblenz, 1837,107.— |{IuII. Milchmetastase. Med. < onvers.-BL, Hildburgh , ]n;jo. i, 07.—Bonnet (E.) Y at il ties maladies laiteuses? Connicr med.. Far.. 1872, xxii, 250-252.—Boyir. Ke- chcrches et. experiences sur les metastaseslaiteuses. Gaz. nied. de Far., 1834. 2. a., ii, 465-470. Also: Abeille. Krnx.. 1834, iii. 169-175.—V. Bemerkungen und Zweil'el iiber tlie Milehvi-rsetzungeii. Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz.. 1775-8. ii. 794-808—t'. Yon der Metastasi lactis. Abhandl. u, Broli. v. tiuer Gesellsch. v. Aerzten in Hamb., 1776. 156- 1GU.—i'ontenot (F.) De l'aetion de l'liuile dc chtnovis Bin- la secr6tion niainniaire- observations de metastases laiteuses. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Koulers, 1855, viii, 517-530. — Dorfiiiiillcr. MerkwiirdigeEisclieiiiun- gen until einer sogenaunten Milchmetastase. Hannov. Ann. I tl. ges. Heilk., 183!). iv, 537-540.— Fleischinniin sen. Merkwiirdiger Ausgang einer walu-en Milcliver- setzung. J. d. pract, Heilk., Berl., 1836, Ixxxii, 6. St., 7- li).—<«i-aefc (E.) Merkwiirdige Krankheitszufalle nach ziiriirkgelrctcnci-Milch. Ibid., 1826, lxiii, 2. St., 109-118.— Ilauser (W.) Yicarisni: kidneys secreting milk. Ogle- thorpe M. & S. J., Savannah. 1859-60, ii, 408 — IIirsehel. Noch ein Fall von wahrer Milchveisetzung. J. ._Rawi (1).) Kaccouto storit o di una metastasi lattea. Bull. d. se. nied. di Lolieua, 1842 3 »., i, 303-310.—Rehiiiaini. ? ill von Milchmetastase. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1841. \ ii. 487. — Koinmel (P.) Von einer hautigen Ausfiihrung der Milch dun h th-n Xabel. Auserl. nied.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1769, xviii, 371-375. Also, transl: Misc. Acad, nat, curios. 1689, Norinib., 1690, decuria2, viii, 451-455.—Nachlletieii (I). \V.) Ueber die .Natur uud Heilung del M ih livei setznngen. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1789. ii, 2. St.. 1-57. —Nelimuckei' (J. L.) Ver- schiedene Gattungen von Milchveisetzuiigeii, bei welehen die (»iicration angcwantlt werden niusste. Venn. chir. Schrift., Berl. u. Stettin, 1779, ii. 27-48.—Selle (C. E.) Von Milchvcrsetzungen. In his: X. Beitr. z. Nat.-u. Ar- zeneiw., 8°, Berl., 1783, pt, 2, 66-75. — von Siebold (A. K.) Beobachtung und Heilueg einer merkwiii digen Milch- versetzung oder eines Abscesses im Woehenbette. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1825-6, v, 274-304.—Spiro. Milcherbrechen bei einer stillenden Fran. Mitth. a. A. Gib. d. Heilk., Leipz.. 1845, 213— Mii»e\vind. Ein Fall von sogenannter Milchmetastase. Gen. ISei. d. k. rhein Med.-Coll. 1833, Koblenz, 1836, so. —Vols (11.) Ueber Milchmetastase. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1842, ii, 525- 535.—Weber (C. A.) Milchversatz auf's Gehirn und (h'ssen Heilung. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. n. Geburtsh., Magtleh., 1856, x, 409-414.—Ziinmeriiianii. Bemerkun- gen iiberdie sogenaunten Milohmetastasen. Arch.f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1808, viii, 227-237. iflilk (Poisonous). iSeeMilk (Abnormal, etc.) ITI ilk (Preservation of). Cazes(L.) *Du lait concentre" en therapeu- tique navale. 4°. Paris, 1877. Albrecht. Le lait concentre sans sucre des usiues de Vc.vey et Montnux. Bull. Soc. d. sc. nat, de Neucbat,, 1882, xii, 3. cab . 468-472— Albreeht (H.) Du lait de vache; prooedes nouveaux pour le conserver. Rev. mens. d. mal. de leuf., Far., 1884, ii, 49-55.—Kiedert (!'■) Ue- ber Milchconservirung. Fori. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 75—V. Zur Anfbevvahiung der Milch. Bl. f. Gsndhts- pflg., Ziirich, 1881, x, 111-114— <'ondeii«irlc (Die) Milch aus der Hernalscr Condensations - Fabrik. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 559,—Conserves de lait. Ann. Iflilk (Preservation of). d'hyg., Par, 1850, xliii, 197. — l^aullier dc Claubry. De'la conservation du lait. Ibid., I860, 2. s., xiii, 81- 89. — van <4, xv, 7-12.—Hoeber. Feber die veranderte Beschaffenheit tier condensiiten Milch. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1877. xviii, 124-126. — Hoffmann. Kondensirte Milch als Nahrringsmittel kleiner Kinder. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden. Karlsruhe, 1872, xxvi. 103-107.—laeobi. Ue- ber Conservirung der Milcli. Jahresb. d. schles. (iesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1882, Brest, 1883, Ix, 106-109.— .1 acq ne- mill (K.) Du lait au point de vue de sa conservation. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1868. 2. s., xxix. 310-325.—ICIeb*. Ue- ber ein Verlahren zur Conservirung der Milch, vorzugs- weise fiir die kiinstliche Frnahriini: kleiner Kinder. Prag. med. Wclmschr., 1878, iii. 221-223. —Krauti (B.) Die Wie- ner Milrh-Condensations-Fabrik. Allg. Wien. mod. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 36.—von l.ieliij; (H.) Condensirte Milcli und ihre Aiiwenduni>-. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1881, xxviii. 343.—lHanelli (L.) &. VIiimo (G.) L'acide sali- cvlitjue dans 1 'indust rio tie la laiteric. Monit. scient., Par., 1876, 3. s.. vi. 755-771. — Pavewi (A.) Chimica; sulla conservazione del latte, e su alt une qualitii del pre- sanie. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic., Milano, 1875, 2. s.. viii, 716-722— I'oiii'ian (A.) Emploi de l'acide salieylitpie pour la conservation du lait. Monit. scient., Par., 1875, 3. s., v, 1016.—Report on solidified milk by the standing committee on public health and legal medi- cine. Read Dec. 6, 1854. Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1851-7, i. 179-189— Nalkovvslii (E.) Bericht iiber die Becker'- sche Methode tier Milchconservirung. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr.. 1882, xix, 77. Also: Yerhantll. d. Berl. metl. Ge- sellsch. (1881-2), 1883, xiii. 12-17.—Scherff. Ueber Milclr conservirung. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1881-2, iii, 123.— &o I tin a n n. Ueber Conservirung der Milch im Haus- halt Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kulf. 1881, Bresl., 1882, lix, 129-134.—Winner (G. W.) Milk pre- servatives. Analyst, Lond., 1870, iv, 88-90. Ulilk (Transfusion of). See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, Treatment of); Blood (Tiansfusion of). Kiel (T.) * Einige Versuche iiber Milcbinfu- sionen beim Hunde. 8°. Greifswald, 1879. Ci'lckr (D.) * Essai experimental sur les injections iutia-veineuses de lait. 4°. Paris, 1^71). Bechamp (J.) &. ItaltiiN (E.) Recherches experi- meiitales sur la valeur therapeutique des injections intra veineuscs de lait. Compt. rend. Acad. d. .sc, Par., 1879, lxxxviii, 1327-1329. Also: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par, 1879, 5. s., xviii, 101-125.—It rv>on (J.) Intravenous injec- tions of milk in chronic Briuht's disease. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879. i, 523-528.—Billiard (W. E.) A successful case of intravenous injection of milk. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 164-169. 1 pi. — t'aslellnno (I). ) Trasfu- sioue di latte in anemia acuta. Kiv. di chini. med. e farm., Torino, 1884, ii, 297-29!!.—t'onllc ber A l.abordc. Fssai experimental sur lis injections intra veineuses tie lait. Etude lies effets inuiiediats et. 6!oignes de l'intro- tluct ion directe du lait dans la circulation. Tribune med., I'ar.. 1879, xi, 255; 291; 339; 403; 460; 484; 511. — Hel- in n III (W. T.) Intravenous iniection of milk. U. States M. Invest., Chicago, 1879, n. s.,'ix, 333-339. — Howe (J. W.) Transfusion of goat's-milk. N. York M. J.. 1875, xxi, 507. -----. Transfusion of milk versus transfusion of blood. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 443; 466: 1879, xv, 4. -----. Intra-venous injection of human milk. N. York M. J., 1880, xxxi, 383.—Hunter (C. T.) The intra-ve- nous injection of milk : four cases with a description of the apparatus employed. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iv, 381- 389. -----. The intravenous injection of milk in func- tional and organic antennas. In: Notes Hosp. Pract. (Miller), 8°, Phila,, 1879, pt. 1, 134— Lnboide. Des in- jections de lait dans les veines. Gaz. ined. tie Par., 1879, 6. s.. i. 100.— I.oilier. Intravenb.se Injection von Milch als Frsatz fiir die Bliittransfusion. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, lr78, xiv, 399 — field on (A.) Intravenous injec- tion of milk. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxviii, 345-348. -----. Intravenous injection of milk. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 76. -----. Case of intravenous in- jection of milk. I bid., 527. -----. Intravenous injectiou MILK. 304 MILK. Ulilk (Transfusion of). of milk. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 349.—JVIi^lioraiizn (D.) Injezioni intravenose di latte. sangue, urina, bile ed altre sostanze. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1883, 8. s., v, 207; 220; 237. Also [Abstr]: Salute: Italia metl., Ge- nova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 157 — tloiilard-i»larliii (K.) & Kieliet (C.) Dtis causes de la mort par les injections iu- tra-veineuses de lait et de snore. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1879, lxxxix, 107.—Pepper (W.) The intra- venous injection of milk. Boston M. & S. J., 1878, xcix, 797-800. -----. Organic and functional ana-mia, and milk- transfusion as a remedy. Phila. M. Times, 1878-9, ix. 54- 58.—Pront (J. S.) Intra-venons injection of milk. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii, 378.—Roy (G. C.) A case of in- travenous injection of milk. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 311.—Thomas (T.G.) Adeno-sarcomaof both ovaries; double, ovariotomy; transfusion of milk ; recov- ery. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1875-6, viii, 664-667. -----. The intra-venous injection of milk as a substitute for the trans- fusion of blood. Illustrated by seven operations. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii. 449-465. Also, Keprint. Also lAbstr.] : Metl. Roc, N. Y., 1878, xiii, 337.—Vijjezzi (D.) Delia infusione di latte e di quella di soluzione di cloruro sodico nelle vene, come cura dell' anemia acuta; studj sperimentali. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1883, eclxv, 143-173. — Wulftsberg (N.) Infusion af Melk. Norsk Mag. f. Ltegevidensk., Christiania, 1877, 3. R., vii, 760-777. HI ilk as a cause of disease. See Cattle (Tuberculosis in)', Milk (Abnormal, etc.) Iflilk as food or remedy. Sec; also, Diabetes, Dropsy, Heart (Diseases of), Treatment of; Kefir; Koumiss; Phthisis (Treatment of). Barbosa da Cuxha (J.) *Accao physiolo- gica e therapeutica do leite. 8°. Bio de Janeiro. 1883. Bayi.k (F.) De utilitate lactis ad tabidos rc- ficiendos, et de immediate) corporis alinicuto. In his: Dissertationes medicae tres. 18°. Hagce-Comi- (is, 1678, 75-98. Berg (J.) Ueber Milch nnd Molkcn uud ihre Bedeutung als Nahr- und Kurniittel. 8°. Berlin, 1879. Borak (J. B.) *De usu lactis medico. 8°. Ilndobonce, 1836. Burggraff (J. A. P.) * De mirabile lactis asinini in medendo usu. sm. 4°. Halce Macule!)., [1727)]. Cariuere (E.) Les cures de pelit-lait ct, de raisin en Allemagne et en Suisse dans le traite- ment des maladies chroniques, et en particulier dans les u6vroses, les troubles lbnetioiinels des organes digestifs, les plethores, la phthisic tu- berculeuse et les affections chroniques des or- ganes respiratoircs, etc 8". Paris, 1869. Cordiek (L.) * Des modifications imprhnces aux hydropisics dyscrasiques par le lait. 4°. Parti, 1871. Debove. Du regime lact6 dans les maladies. 8°. Parti, 1878. De.iust (E.) *Des applications therapeuti- ques du lait. 4°. Paris, 1866. Delseries(J.-A.-F.-N.-M.) *I. Dure'gimeex- clusiveinent lacte", et de ses effets sur l'6couomie animale. II. [etc.] 4°. Parti, 1839. Desbois de Rochefort (L.) *An iu diet a laetea tonicorum usus? 4°. [Paris, 1773.] Durand ( L. - J. - A. ) * Considerations sur 1'usage du lait en therapeutique. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1874. Freygang (P.) * Die Milch und ihre Vcrwen- dung in der Diiitctik. 8. Halle, 1872. Gaklichs (F. A. H.) * Ueber den medizini- schen Gebrauch der Milch und der Molke. br Wiirzburg, 1837. Gkrvais(A.) *Du regime lacte" dans quelques maladies del'estomac, dans les hydropisieset les diarrhees. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Greisel (J. G.) Tractatus medicus de cura lactis iu arthritidc, in quo indagata natura lactis ITI i I k as food or remedy. et arthritidis tandem rationibus, ct experiontiig allatis dia*ta laetea optima arthritideni cura.uli methodus proponitur. 1(1°. I'iennce Austria 1679. Hartley (li. M. ) An historical, scientific, and practical essay on milk as an article of hu- man sustenance, with a consideration of tlie effects consequent upon the present unnatural methods of producing it for the supply of large cities. 8°. Xew York, 1842. Helm (J. 11.) * Ueber den medieinischen Ge- brauch der Molken. 8 . St. Galien, 1824. Hentschel (G.) * De seri lactis virtnte longc saluberrima. 4°. Hahe Magdeb., [1727)]. Hoffman (F.) A treatise of the extraordi- nary virtues and effects of asses' milk in the cure ■of various diseases, particularly the gout, scurvy, and nervous disorders; and of its peculiar nour- ishing and restorative qualities in all consump- tive disorders, and even the decays of old age. 8~. Loudon, 17">4. Jaufkret (J. F. ) *Acciio pbysiologica c therapeutica do leite. 8-. Bio de Janeiro, 1883. Karell (P.) On the milk cure! Transl. from the author's manuscript, by E. L. Carrick. 8°. Philadelphia, 1870. See, also, infra. Kussmaxoff (A.) * Die Ausscheidung der Harnsaure bei absoluter Milchdiiit. 8°. Dorpat, 1885. Lait (Du) et de son emploi hygicniquc. Con- seils aux consommateurs et specialeinent aux meres de famille. 8°. Paris, 1851. Lebert (H.) Ueber Milch- und Molkenkuren und iiber liindliche Kurorte fiir unbeinittelte Brustkranke. sm. 8°. Berlin, 1869. Also [Rev.], in: "Wien. nied. Presse, 1870, xi, 42-44. Leksch (B. M.) Die Kur mit Milph und den darans gemachtcn Getriinken (Molken, Kuniys). Die Saisons-Kuren mit Milch und deren Priipa- raten, sowie mit Obst- und Kruiitersaften. 2 v. 8°. Bonn, 1869. Mallet (A.) Etude sur la mddication lac- tee merliciuale. Du lait phosphate. 8-;. Nice, 188 i. Mani (A.) On the use of milk-whey in tbe cure of disease, with an account of the establish- ment at Interlaken, in Switzerland, under the superintendence of ... 8°. London, 187)4. Nollan (J. J.) * An senibus lac ordinal? Prases G. F. ThcronldedeValium 4C. [Paris, 1761).] Reuss (C. F.) * Novum niethodum lacte ca- prillo viribus medicatis digestionis aniinalis et artis ope inipra*gnato morbis chronicis curabili- bus cito, Jtuto, et jucunde medendi pcritiorilms medicis ulterius explorandam proponit. 4°. Tu- bingce, [1769]. ------. Neue praktische Veisuche iiber die mit besondern Arzneykral'ten angeschwaugerte Geiss- oder Zicgenniilch und deren vorziiglich schnelle, sichere und angenehme Wirkungen in inaiichen langwierigen Kiankheiteu. 16°. Leip- zig, 1783. Richter (M. F.) Der Milcharzt. Einekurz- gefasste Anweicang zum diiitetischen und arz- ncilichen Gebrauche der siissen Milch, nebst einer nach den besten Quellen und Erfahrungen bearbciteten Anleitung, viele der hartnackig- sten und gcfahrlichsten Krankheiten, als: Aus- schliige, Auszehrung, Blntfliisse . . . (lurch den thcils ausserlichen, theils iuuerlicheu Gebrauch der siissen Milch leiclit und sicher zu heilen. 4. Aufl. 16°. Nordhausen, 1844. MILK. 305 MILK. Iflilk as food or remedy. -----. The same. De mclkarts. Eene be- knopte handleiding voor het leefrcgclniatig en geneeskundig gcbruik der zoete melk, benevens eene, naar de heste bronuen en waaiuemingen /.anieugestehle handleiding om op eene gemak- kelijke en zekere \vijze, deels door uit-, deels dooi- inwendig gcbruik der zoete melk, onder- scheiilene der hardnekkigste en gevaarlijkste zickten te genezen, [etc.] Naar de 5. uitgavc, uit 't Hoogdiiitsch vertaald. Ki \ Xtjintgen, 1849. Richter (G. G. ) [Pr. ] de insalubii lactis et vini miscela. 4°. Go'tiuga; 177>6. K'osNEK (G. E.) Disp. qua nonnulla circa vires lactis notantur. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc | 4°. Lausannie, 1760, vii, 226-248. Rt'DKNKn ( T.) *K vopr. v liioloclinomleclie- nii. Ob usvoenii azot. veshcstve korov. moloka i ob azot. metamorf'oze pri absolut. molochnoi diete. [Milk cure. Assimilation of nitrogenous substances of milk, and on nitrogenous metamor- phosis in absolute milk diet.] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1887). Rupin (E.) * De Paction du lait, comme con- tre-poison, sur quelques dissolutions nietalliques. 4°. Paris, 1854. Schubert (C. F.) *l)e sero lactis reete prae- paraiidt) disserit. 4'-'. Lipsia; [1777]. Schulze (A.) Rathgeber fiir diejenigen, welche Milch- und Molkenkuren gt-brauclien wollen. Eine Darstcllung ihrer zweekmassig- steu Anwendung und ilirer ausgezeichneten Heil- wirkuugen gegen hartnackige und langwierige Krankheiten. Nebst Abhaiidluiigen iiber (lie ausserliche Anwendung der Milch, die Heilkriifte der Butterniolken, sowie auch die Verbindung der Milch mit den verschiedenen Mineralbrun- nen. 12°. tJtiecll'tuburg it. Leipzig, 1841. Seuvaes (B.) Ad Hiji]). aplior. 64, sect, v. Lacdarecapitedolentibus, malum. Malum etiam febricitantibus, et quibus pra*cordia elevata per- murmiiraiitia, et siticulosis. Malum et quibusbi- liosae alvi (^gestioues in febribus acutis sunt, et quibus sanguinis nuilti egestio facta est. Gon- venit autem exhibere tabescentibus, non valde multum febrientibus, et iu febribus longis, de- bilibus; nullo ex pnedictis signis prtesente, sed prater ralioneiii consumptis. In: Louvain diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 136-144. Vivante (C.) Della cura lattea. 8'-\ Vene- zia, 1874. Vogkl (J. T.) * De conuubio aquaruni mi- neralium cum lacte longe saluberrimo. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [17:.'<>]. Webel (G. G.) * De lactis canto usu medico. Sin. 4; Halce Magdeb., [17:10]. "Weber. Der Molkenkurort Streitberg in der frankischen Schweiz. rt°. Erlangen, 1869. AY ill (G. P.) * De usu lactis autidoto. 4°. Altorfii, [17:17]. Zeller ( F. J. B. ) Die Molkcn-Kur iu Ver- bindung der Mineral-Brunnenkur. Ein men- schenfreundlieher Wink f'iir Alle, denen daran gelegen ist, ihre Gesuudheit zu erhalten und ihr Leben zu verliingeru. 2. Aufl. 12°. Wurzburg, 1828. Aepli (J. M. ) Fortsetzuug der UntiT.suehung tier Streit I i-;mt-: Ob die magem Molken ein Nahrungsmittel seven-: (la/, de sante, Ziiricli, 1781. iii. 320-331.— Aran ( F. A.) lit- la cure du petil-lnit. Foil. g6n. dc therap., etc., Par. 186(1, lix, 145-155. — Ai-rinin. De l'etl'et em r- vant du lait. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Far., 1847-8, xv, pt. 1, 120-125. Also fR»P- de Collineati]: Hull. Acad, de med., Par., : -5:1-4, xix, 1047-1052. — Aino ( F. ) Nuovi casi coiuprovanti 1'ctlicacia dell' uso terapeiitieo del latte. Spallauzani, Motion.i. 188-_', 2. s., xi, 69-71.—AwiniiM. Ein Wort iiber die Milch als Heilmittel. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii, 183. ~ Audlioui ( V.) De la diete lacte,- et de 20 iflilk as food or remedy. son role dans le traitement do la phthisie pulmonaire. Therap. contemp.. Par.. 188',, i, 1; 17 — ltale*lreri (F. 11.) Sulla dieta lattea utile malattie giiulicato im-araliili. Ann. univ. di metl., Milano. 1871, coxv, 4K5-527.—Bankit (J. T.) On the curative virtues of milk. Edinb. M. J., 1867-8, xiii, 416-421. —Bi«'il«>rt (P.) Neue Uiitersuehun- gen uud klinische Beobachtungen iiber Menschen- und Kuhmilch als Ivindernahiungsuiil It 1. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1874, lx, 352-379. Also. lb print. —Bla»rlilto. Ueber Milch- und Molkenkuren. A11 nckworth ( D.) On the in- sufficient use of milk as an article of diet iu England. Practitioner. Lond., 1881, xxvi, 351-356. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1881, xix, 491-494.— Biijaiilin - B«au- metz. Des aliments complets et du n'giinc latte. Bull. g6n. tie thc-iap., etc., Par., 1886, cxi. 1-19 Also, transl.-. Boston M. .fc S. J., 1886, cxv, 97-101.— Dult (U. C.) The milk treatment in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 209.—E. Siisse Milcli gegen Wassersucht. Med. Ztg. Knsslands, St, Petersb., 1857, xiv, 388. — l-'iibti ( H. ) Ski/.zen iiber einige Molken- uud andere Kuranstalten tier bstliehcn Schweiz. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Yer., Stuttg.. 1861, xxxi. 38; 54; 61; 78; 87; 93; 100: 118; 124; i;i2; 141. -----. Ski/.zen iiber einige Molken nnd andere Kurorte der inittlern Schweiz. Ibid., 1862. xxxii, 92; 108; 116; 127; 134; 139. — Faiicus (J.) Milk diet in dis- ease. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 10.—Fazio (E.) Sulla cura lattea. [From his: Climatologia ed iuiene medica. 1 Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1884, iv, 101-108. — Fonssasjrives. Note sur le remplat cment de l'huile de morue par la creiiie tie lait dans le cas tie re- pugnance invincible pour le premier tie ces medicaments. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1861, lxi. 145.— Forti (F.) Cura degli spandemenli plenritiei con il latte. Ippo- •ratico. Forli, 1873, xxiii, 65-72. — Foncai-I (J.-B.) Ob- servations et reflexions sur l'oiuploi tie la diete lactee. Ann. tie la metl. phvsiol I'ar., 1826, x. 368-391. Also, Reprint.—Frieilliinder. Die Karpatheu, ihre Molken curon und Gesuiidbrunuen. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wien, 1839, xxviii, 576-587. — FriihwaId (F.) Ueber die 1. Wiener Kiudermilch- Anstalt. Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Eiiibe/.hng. d. Fleet, u. Hyrtrottaerap., Wien, 1883 i. 217— «allieo (F.) Fll'etti terapeutici della esclu- t.-iiva dicta lattea iu alcuue altizioni morbose. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1878, xxi. 341; 349; 18,9, xxii, 323 '- <;rnb (F) Prospect der SUittsrartcr Milch-Cur- Anstalt. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Yer. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Kdln. 1876, v, 88— Hacker. Milchcuren. Sumni. d. ivouest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835 xi, 92-95— II«'iiNiicr. Ueber die Bedeutung tier Milch als Nahrun"smittel. Cor.-Bl. nied. rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Kii'n. 1877, vi, 75-78 — MeylVl.lii. Notizen iiber die Molkenaustaltcn des Cantons \ ppeiizell und uber die Molkenkuren. J. d. pract, Heilk., Berl., 1836, lxxxu, 3. St, 86-95— IloUiuauii (F. A.) Betrachtungeu uber MILK. 306 MILK-FEVER. iflilk as food or remedy. absolute Milchdiat. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883-4, vii, Supplhft., 8-21. — Ilorwley (J.) The value of milk as an article of food. Chem. News. Lond., 1874. xxix, 224.—Hubbard (U.) The value of milk as au article of diet for the sick. Proc. Connect, M. Soc. 1864-7, N. Ha- ven, 1867, 2. s., ii, 294-299. —Hunter (W.) Successful cure of a severe disorder of the stomach by milk taken iu small quantities at once (with appendix). Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Loud., 1784, vi. 310-330.—Huss. Nagra ord om s&- kallade in.jdlkvassle-kuranstalter och om mjdlkvasslans anviiudaude som therapeutistt niedel. Ilygiea. Stock- holm, 1853, xv, 737-744. — Jobert. De la medication lacto-alcooliqueeornme complement de la medica tion lactee. Gaz. d. bop., Par , 1877, 1, 501. — ICarell (P.) Ueber die Milchkur. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1865, viii, 193-220. Also, transl.: Arch. gen. tie med.. Par., 1806, ii, 513; 694. Also, transl.: Edinb. M. J., 1866-7, xii, 97-122.—I.abat. La cure de petit-lait. Ann. Soc. tl'h,tlrol. nied. de Par., 1873-4, xix, 39-63.—I.a Cai-riere, Les cures de petit lait. Le petit lait et les eaiixsulfuit'iises. Gaz. d.hop., I'ar., 1865, xxxviii, 282.—I.aiiiiiiei-l* van Buercn (K.) Vergelij- kende digestie-proeven van verschillende melksoorten. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1848-9, 2. s., iv, 733-738.—I.an- bender. Einige Beohaehtuugen iiber Milchkuien. Allg. med. Ann.. Altenb., 1801, 116-121. — Leon hard I ( K. ) Zur Frage der Einrichtung von Milchkur- Anstalien in den Stittlten. Cor.-Bl. a. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Kdln, 1877, vi, 213. — I.eviscur. Prae- tisehe Bemerkungen iiber die Milch- und Molkenkuren. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 393; 411 —I.ill von liilienbacli (A.) Milcheiiranstaiten. J. f. Gsnd- htspflg., Wien, 1883, vii, 49; 61. — l.ippe (E.) Ueber Milch- und Molkenkuren. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii, 583-586.— I.oodiana. Case of ascites : with remarks on Karell's milk cure and thermometries, by Dr. Johnston. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1*67. ii. 77-79.—Lnznn (P.) Essais tie traitement par le lail tie chienne, Bordeaux med., 1875, iv, 341-343.—Marin*. Einiges iiber Milch- und Molkenwein. Deutsche Klinik, Berl , 1873, xxv, 314; 321.—Markicwicz (S.) Wskazowki dotyczqee sposo- bow uzye.ia mieka krowiego dla niemowlat i doroslych. [Manner of using cow's milk for infants anil adults.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1881, ix, 194; 211.— Vlurxiicn (W.) Limosis and parageusia. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1867, iii, 446-448. — Mailini. Merkwiinlige Wirkung der Kuhmilch auf eine chronische Kranke. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1831, xxxiv, 189-196—iTIehu (C.) Sur la presence de petites quantites de sucre dans les urines des personnes soumises a l'alimentation lactee. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1887. v. :U0-345.— Milk diet; sour milk, milk without su-ar. koumis. Metl. Tiioes & Gaz., Lond., 1871, i, 70.— VI iM hell (S. W.) On the use of skimmed milk as an exclusive diet in tiisease. Metl. Times, Phila,, 1870-71, i, 19: 213. —Modry (M.) Milch- und Molkencuren. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1876, vi, 54-69.—Moj*isovic*. Ueber tlie Bereitung tier Kuh- uud Schafmolke und ihreu medizinischen Gebrauch. Wien. metl. Wclmschr., 1852, ii, 330.—Morri* (J. C.) On cows' milk as food iu health and for invalids. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1879. i. 68-74. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1878-9, ix, 446-451— Niepce. He la cure etdes bains de petit lait dans les maladies net veuses en general, et dans les maladies ebmitlt's Jalnb., Leipz . 1870. oxlviii, 201 : 1875. elxviii, 281. Also, Keprint.— Rosenthal. I'eber Milchciiranstaiten in grossen Sta- dteii. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Yer. f iitf. Gsmlhtspflg. in Magdeb. (1879), 1880, viii, 04-72— Rouband (F.) Les cures de petit lait en Suisse, en Allemagne, dans le Tyrol et la Styrie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 17; 29; 41; 53: 65; iflilk as food or remedy. 101; 109; 113; 149; 157; 169.—Riidenko (T. L) K vnpr. o molochnom lech. ; ob usvoeuii azot. vetshestve korov. moloka i ob azot. metamorph. pri absolut. moloeh. tlicte. [Milkdiet. Assimilation of nitrogenous substances by cuw's milk, and on nitrogenous metamorphosis in absolute milk diet.] Arch. klin. vnutren. boliez. Botkina, Si. Petersb. 1886, x, 1-70.—Schenck (P. Y.) Milk ; its uses and abuses' St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 313-325. — Spoof (A. It.) Iakttagelserom Karell'skan .jdlkkurcu. liuskalak.-siillsk. handl., Helsiugfors, 1876, xviii, 75-79.- Milan* (I.) Lait, hygiene et dietetique. N. diet, denied, cl chir. prat., Par.] 1875, xx. 86-89.—von Stiidzienierki (F ) Die strengo Milch-Cur. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 290' 302; 314: 365; 374— Sweel milk. Is it poisonous?' Buf- falo M. J . 1858-9, xiv, 119-123. —von Tolt (C. A.) Nu- tzen der Molken in einigen Fallen von hartniiekigen Ab- doiiiinalleitlen. J. d. ju-ai-.t. Heilk., Berl.. 1838, Ixxxvi 3 St., 109-114.—Trask (J. D.) Practical suggestions in're' gard to milk as an article of diet. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 315.--Tv*on (J.) Milk treatment of disease. J, Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1884, ii, 626-630— U fir I m ami (J.) Studien iiber die Yerdaiuwg der Kuhniilch und iiber die Mittel, ihre Yerdaulicheit zu erhdhen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882. xxix. 339-386.—Vanoyc (R.) De 1'usage medicinal du lait, Ann. m6d. tie la Flandre occid. Roulers, 1852-3, vi, 353 ; 491.—von Vflsen. Ueber die Milch und deren Anwendung in tier Medizin. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1811, i, 14-24.— Vive* (I.) De la leche considerada como elemento del r6gimen alimcnticio de los enfermos inilitares. Gac. de sauitl. mil., Madrid, 1882, viii, 231-242. — Wiley (II. \V.) American milk. Science, Cambridge, 1885, v, 130. — Winlcrniz (W.) Ueber methodische Mdeh- und Diateukuren. Wien. med. Presse. 1870. xi, 5; 49; 97; 140; 165; 193; 219: 245; 2117; 289; 341; 382; 433— Kiiiierina■■ (G.) Bericht iiber die Bade-, Trink- und Molkenkur-Anstalt zu Luhatsehowitz iu Mahren. (Saison 1856.) Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 289; 313. Milk (The) Journal. Monthly review of the dairy, dairy produce, and poultry yard. v. 1-2, 1871-2. 4°. London. v. 2, 1872, title: Iflilk (The) Journal and Farm Ga. zette. ITI ilk and tuberculosis. See, also, Cattle (Tuberculosis in). Stkin (G-.) * Experimentelle Beitriige zur In- fectiositiit der Milch perlsiichtiger Kiihe. so, Berlin, [1884]. Anfrecht. Eine. Bemerkung zu Dr. May's Aufsatz: " Ueber die Infectiositat der Milcli perlKiiehtiiicr Kiihe ". Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1883-4, i, 397-399.— Bang (B.) Om Tuberkulose i Koens Yver og om tubei- kulos Malk. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. 1884, xvi, no. 26, 1-22. Also: Tidsskr f. Vet., Kjobeiih , 1884, 2. K., xiv, 290-316.—C'rcssy (X ) Transmission of bovine tu- berculosis from infected milk. Proc. Connect. M. Sue, Hartford, 1881, n. s., ii. no. 2. 201-212—.Tlae-jillivray (A. E.) Tuberculous milk. Yet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1884, xix. 3U9-31L—May (F.) Ueber die Infec- tiositat der Milch peilsiichtiger Kiihe Arch. f. llvg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1883-4, i, 121-136, 1 pi— Olver (H.) Tuberculosis in a cow, especially with reference to milk contamination ; [with notes by J. H. SteelJ. Vet, J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Loud., 1881, xiii, 316-318.— Kichard (E.) Dela transmission dela tuberculose par le lait. [Rev. crit.l Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1884, vi, 35-38. — Vallin (E.) Danger du lait des vaches phthisiques. I bid., 1880, ii, 529- 532. Milk-cure. See Baden-Baden; Badenweiler; Bistritz; Boll; Boppard; Gonten; Kreuth; Luhat- sehowitz; Meran; Milk as a food, etc.; Salz- brunn; Silvaplana; Sinzig; Wiirtemberg. ill ilk-fever. See, also, Breast (Inflammation, etc., of); Lac- tation (Pathology of); Milk (Metastasis of); Pu- erperal diseases; Puerperal fever. Barchewitz (A. G.) *De febris laetea' diag- nosi atque curatione. 8' . Berolini, [1827)]. Eiciiinger (J.) *C'ou.sid6riition.s sur la na- ture et les causes de la fievre de lait. 4 . Stras- bourg, 1867). JoACiiiM.sotiN (S.) *De dirigendo f'ebrc lac- tea laborantiuin regiraine. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., [1791]. Mouy (P.-S.-A.) *De la pr^tendue licyre de lait. 4'. Paris, 1863. MILK-FEVER. 307 MILK-SICKNESS. Milk-fever. Mourkttk (I.-B. ) * Quelques remarques critiques sur la fievre de lait. 4". Paris, 187)9. Parisi ab Ehiikmhal. "J)c galactopyra. 8-\ Vindobona; [1837>], Schambkrgkr (('. A.) *I)e caussis febris laetea-liacteniisiluliiis. 8'; Francof. ad Viadr., [1807)]. Thomas des Colombiers ((J.) * Essai sur la lievie dite de lait. 4°. Paris, 1863. Waanders (H.) * Febris laetea puerpera- ruui. 12°. Herbipoli, 1^41. Wkiss (J. G. C.) vDel'ebre laetea, 8°. Kr- langw, l^l'.i. Zillks (J.-P.) 'Dissertation sur la nature dc la fievre de lait. 8°. Strasbourg, an VIII [1H00]. Itonte (M.) Observation sur la fievre miliaire des femmes en couche. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1757, vi, 29-45.—Bouchut. Bekommen Neugeborene auch ein Milehfieber? J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1862, xxxix, 64-69.—de Bourge. Fievre de lait avant l'ac- couchemeut. [Abstr. ] Ann. Soc. de m6d. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1844-5, iii, 35-37. — Buchheiin ((.'. F.) Das Milehfieber, Febris laetea. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1823, 577-600. — [Depaul.J La fievre de lait. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii, 353.— Dumaz. Fievre de lait. Bull. Soc. mdA. de Chamb6ry, 1875-7, v, 72-75, 1 tab.— Eanoz. Fiebre laetea que se hi/.o interinitente de tipo terciauario; malignidad de la misma; muerto a consequen- eia de metro-peritonitis consecutiva. Siglo med., Madrid, 1869, xvi, 698.— Gardieu. Lait. (fidvre de). Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1818, xxvii, 170-177 —Halbertsnia (T.) Zur Milehtieberf'rage. Yorliiutigc Mittheiliing. ('entralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1870, viii, 385-387. — Howe (S.) Milk fever; a treatise to show the relation which exists between the rise in temperature on the third to filth day, and the beginning of the milk secretion. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1875-6, viii, 571-594, 4 pi. Also. Reprint,—I.ohlein (H.) Ein typiscber Milchfieberfall. Ztschr. f. Geburlsb. ii. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1879, iv, 258-260.— Vlaeau (A. V.) Milk fever. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1878-9. vi. 451-459. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1878, lxv, 435-446.—Vlylius. Kt- was iiber tlas Milehfieber. Med.-chir. Ztg., SaL.h., 1798, ii, 204-207 —Neumann. Das Milehfieber. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1839, vii, 252-258.—Planchon. Obser- vation sur un d6pot laiteux, accompagnu d'une fievre mi- liaire de meme nature, sur von u les premiers jours des com lies. J. tie med., chir., pharm., etc., Far., 1771, xxxvi, 411-422. ----. Observation sur une fievre miliaire crys- talline laiteuse, acconipagnee d'aphtes, survenue a, one femnie nouvellement accouchee. Ibid., 1772, xxxviii, 441- 449. -----. Sur la fievre miliaire des femmes en touches, et sur leur traitement. Ibid., 1780, liii, 340; 432 — Ka- zoux. Dissertation en forme de lettre, contenant le detail d'une fievre maligne laiteuse. Ibid., 1772, xxxvii, 321- 347.—Bciehaid. Fine heftige Raserey von zuriickge- tretenei .Milch, vniY.iie.lich (lurch den' Huxhnm'sebeu Spicssglas-Weiii gelieilt. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena, 1787, i, 2. St., 78-89. -Bichard. Sur les fifrvres laiteuses graves, improprement appelees fievres puerperalcs. Ann. elin., Montpel., 1813, xxx, 5; 105— Maint-Cyi' (F.) tfc Chapellc (F.) Le coloslrum et la lievie tie lait cbez les feinelles tie nos animaux domestiques, particulierement chez la vache. J. de ined. v6t. ct zootec.h., Lvon. 1880, 3. s., v, 337; 393, 1 tab.: 1881, 3. s , vi, 5, 2 tab.-Taylor (13. D.) The so-called milk fever and antiseptic midwifery. Metl. Re,-.. X. Y., 1877, xii. 343. —Toll (C. A.) Febris laetea. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1851, xxx, 252.— Vina* Cusi (F.) Naturaleza de la fiebre lActea. En- cicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1880, iv, 213; 229; 237; 239; 245. Milk-leg. See Phlegmasia dolens. IU ilk-powder. See Nestle's food. Iflilk-sieknesM. See, also, Cheese (Poisonous). Borland (S.) An essay on the milk sickness of the human subject, or the trembles of ani- mals, embracing its history, cause, and treat- ment. 8°. Little Bock, Ark., 1817). Heeringln (E.) A discovery of the true cause of the disease called by the people trembles, or milk - sickness. 8°. Louisville, 1843. I?Iilk-«iekne**. McIlhenny. A treatise on the disease called the milk-sickness, or trembles. 8°. Springfield, Seaton (J. S.) A treatise, on the cause'of the disease called by the people the milk-sickness, as it occurs in the Western and Southern .States. 8°. Louisville, Eg., 1841. Also [Rev.J, in: West. J. M. tfc S., Louisville, 1841, iv, 367-370. Allen (Z.) Milk sickness. Illinois M. Recorder, Van dalia, 1878-9, i, 88-92.—Anderson (W.) Milk sickness and the Illinois legislature. Chicago M. J., 1867, xxiv, 163-165. — Bailey (F. K.) MilK-sickuess. Tr. Illinois M. Soc., Chicago, 1858. 45-52.—Barbec (AV. J.) Facts rela- tive to the endemic disease called by the people of the West "milk-sickness". West. J. M. tv S.. I ouisville,, 1840, i, 178-190 —Beach (\V. M.) Milk sickness. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 71-75. Also: Tr. Ohio M. Soc. 1883, Columbus, 1884. xxxviii. 125-138. — Berk (J. (.'.) Milk-sickness. Northwest. M. tfc S. J., Chicago. 1857, xiv, 496. — Beck ( L. C. ) Facts relative to a disease generally known by the name of sick stomach, or milk sickness. N. York M. tfc Phys. J., 1822. i, 315-319.— Bennett (J.) Observations on the sick stomach, or milk sickness, as it appears in certain parts of Ken- tucky. West. Q. Reporter M., S. ,v Nat. Sc., Cincin., 1822, i, 353-357.— Bowman (J.) Milk sickness. Cincin. Lancet tfc Obs., 1870. xiii, 521.—Boyle* (F. W.) Milk sickness. Chicago M. J., 1865. xxii, 139-141.— Kiiir- ington (\V. J.) Milk sickness. Clinic. Cincin., 1876, x, 76. — Bridgmau (W. S.) Milk sickness. Ibid.. 68.— Buck (J. B.) Reinaiks nn the milk sickness, with cases. Metl. Exam., Phila.. 1840. iii, 792-795. —Burger. Die Milchkrankheit der Nonlamerikauer. Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825, xviii, 176-182. — By lord ( W. H.) Milk sickness, poison, tires, etc. Nashville J. M. tfc S., 1855, ix, 460-473.—Campbell (J. L.) Milk-sick, or sick stomach. Phv.sici.m tfc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881. iii, 347-349.—Carney. Report on milk-sickness, l'roc M. Convent. Ohio, Columbus, 1847, 39-41.—Chamberliii (VV. B.) Extracts from a dissertation on gastroenteritis, commonly called sick stomach. Ohio M. Resposir,, Cin- cin., 1826-7, i, 1.-— Chase (S. C.) The cause of milk sick- ness. Chicago M. J., 1861, xviii. 438-440. Also: Cincin. Lancet tfc Obs., 1861, iv, 317-349.—Chcsnev (J. P.) Milk sickness. St. Joseph M. t S. Repoiter. lssn-s], i, 97-101.— Coleman (A.) Observations on the disease generally known by the name of sick stomach. West. Q. Repoiter M., S. & Nat. Sc , Cincin., 1822, i. 133-141. Also: Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc.., 1822, iv. 322; 331 — (omptoii (J. W.) Milk-sickness. Indiana M. Reporter, Evnnsville, 1881, ii, 249-256.—Converse (I. N.) Remarks on milk-sickness and trembles. N. York J. M., 1853, [2] s., xi, 358-363.— Cosby (A. D.) Pathology and treatment of milk-sick- ness. Atlanta M. ,fc S. J., 1866-7, vii, B, 481— Craw- ford (J.) Remarks on milk sickness. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1843-4, ii, 135.— Crook (I. \V.) Twenty pro- positions on milk - sickness. Norihwest. M. tfc S J., Chicago, 1857, xiv, 489-492. —Crooks (C V.) Milk-sick- ness, its causes and treatment. Metl. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1873, xxix, 22-24 —Crookshank (N.) On the sick stomach of the Western country, or gastroenteritis. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1826, xii,"252-263. Also.- Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin., 1826-7. i, 9-11.—D. Milk sickness. West. J. M. tfc S., Louisville, 1840, ii, 8u.—1>. Northern limits of milk-sickness. Ibid., 1843, vii, 65. —Davis (C. W.) Treatment of milk sickness. Northwest. M. tfc S. J.,Chicago. 1852-3, ix, 13.—Davis (K. H.) Milk-sickness. Atlanta M. Reg, 1881-2, i. 391-396.—Dawson (J.) Causes and treatment of milk-sickness. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio, Cincin. 1842, 45-51.— De Bruler (.1. P. i Milk-sickness. Chicago M. J., 1858, xv, 206-209. — Dewey (J. S.) Milk sickness. Northwest. M. & S. J.. Chicago. 1854-5, n. s., xi 541-547.—Diekev (W.) An essay on milk sickness. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1852, xiii, 390-399.—Disease (A) in Ohio ascribed to some deleterious quality in the milk of cows. Med. Reposit... N. Y.. 1812, xv, 92-94.—Dixon (M. L.) Milk sickness. Transylv. J. M., Lexington Ky., 1833, vi, 157-163.—Dorsey ni. V.) Milk sickness. A question of priority. Clinic, cincin., 1876, x, 100.— Drake (1>.) The -''sick stomach", or'-milk sickness", of the Western States, ascribed to the Rhus radicans— by an unprofessional correspondent of the editor. West. J. M. ,fc Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1836, ix, 243-247. -----. A me- moir on the diseases called by the people ' trembles ", and the "sick-stomach" or -'milk-sickness'', as they have oc- curred in the counties of Fayette, Madison, Clark, and Green, in the State of Ohio. West. I. M. A- S.. Louisville. 1841 iii, 161-226. Also. Reprint—Drake (I).) A Van- deli (L. P.) Milk sickness, alias sick stomach; anil its treatment, West. J. M. \-. S.. Louisville. 1840, i, 81: ii, 80: 1841, iv, 75; 229: 1842, v, 235— Duium (S. C.) Epi- demic gastritis, or milk-sickness, or maliunant malarial fever. Cincin. Lancet tfc Clinic 1878, n. s., i. 271. -----. Milk sickness treated with injections of brandy and milk. MILK-SICKNESS. 308 MILL. Milk-sickness. Ibid., 1879-80, n. s.. iii, 209.— Dunglison (R.) Milk- sickness. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1845, iii, 314.— Elder (E. S.) Morbo lacteo. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, In- dianap., 1874, xxiv, 113-129— Evans (I. B.) Milk sick- ness—a mineral poison. Nashville J. M. & S., 1860, xviii, Ilu—Fisher (G.) Milk sickness. Chicago M. Exam., 1861. ii, 538-542. — Fulton (A.) Milk sickness. Cincin. Lancet tfc Obs., 187:!. xvi, 641-648. Also: Med. tfc Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1881, 1, 449-453.—Gardner (J.) Milk- sickness ; its microscopy. St, Louis M. A S. J., 1880, xxxviii, 288-294. Also: Indiana M. Reporter, Evansville, 1880, i, 145-151.—Graff (G. 11.) On the milk sickness of the West. Am. J. M. Sc , Phila., 1841, n. s., i, 351-369.— Gray (S. S.) Milk-sickness. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1877, xxxii, 81-90. ------. Milk-sickness. Ohio M. J., Co- lumbus, 1881-2, i, 284-289. — Haines. [Facts relating to the disease generally known as the sick stomach.) West. Q. Repoiter M., S.-& Nat. Sc, Cincin.. 1822. i. 141-144. Also: Phila. J. M. tfc Phys. Sc, 1822, iv. 331-333. —Henry (A. G.) Milk sickness. West, J. M. tfc S , Louisville, 1854, [4.] s., ii. 25.—Hibberd (J. F.) Observations on milk-sick- ness. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1844-5, iii, 445-461.—Ilogg (S.) Fatal case of milksickness. West. J. M. & S., Louis- ville, 1812, vi, 253.—Home (J.) Remarks on milk sick- ness. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1843-4, ii, 454-463. ------. Miasmata the exciting cause of the disease called milk sickness. Ibid., Lexiugton, 1846-7, v, 397-410.—Houser (W. \V.) Milk-sickness. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1880, viii, 445-447.—Howard (E. J.) Mukosma. Syro, milk sick- ness, trembles, slows, tires, puking fevers, etc. Indiana J. M., Indianap., 1871-2, ii, 370-372 — Hurd (A.) Milk sickness. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, ix, 277; 290.—Jacksou (J. M.) Milksickness. Louisville M. News, 1881, xii. 291-294.—Jerry (W.) The plant that causes milk sick- ness. Metl. .V Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvi, 270.— Johnson (J. M ) Milk-sickness; its pathology and treatment. Atlanta M. tfc S. J., 1866-7, vii, Ii, 289.— Johusoii (L. li.) Thoughts on milk-sickness. Rich- mond L, 1848-9, vi. 220-227. ------. Milksickness. Northwest. M. tfc S. J., Chicago. 1853, x, 225-234.—Thompson (S. W.l On milk-sickness : its eti- ology and treatment. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, Ky., 1853, 3. s., xi, 471-486. ------. An essay on niilksiokne'ss. Northwest. M. & S. J., Chicago, 1854, xi, 385-401 —J'owns- hend (N. S.) Milk sickness. J. Comp. M. . Glasgow, J. Brash «)'• Co., 1833. miliar ( William Barclay ). * On dyspepsia, or indigestion. 2 p. 1., 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Stark, 1834. millard (Auguste). * De la tracheotome dans le cas de croup ; observations recueillies a l'H6- pital des enfants malades, annees 1857 et 1858. 247 pp. 4C. Parti, Kignoux, 187)8. ------. Rapport sur un cas d'ane"vrysme de l'aorte thoracique coninmniquant avec l'lesophage. 20 pp., I pi. 8P. Paris, V Masson S-Jils, 186)2. [P., v. 1667. ] Repr. from.- Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi. millard (Charles) [ -1836]. See ISIoxam (William). The cyclopaedia of practical surgery [etc.] fol. London, 1836. ' millard (Henry B.) The climate and statistics of consumption. A paper read before the Amer- ican Geographical and Statistical Society. With extensive additions by the author. 108, 4 pp 8 . Xew York, W. Raclcle; 1861. ------•. On diphtheria,; illustrated by cases. :52 pp., I 1. 8->. New York, Boericke itui des sommites de mille-feuille (Millefolium vulgare album.) J. de metl., chir , pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 402-414.—Tloiijjiii -lTIontrol. Lettre sur une vertu specifique et anti-spasmodique de la mille-feuille (Mille-folium vulgare album). Ibid., 529-531. — IVor- mand dc Sogny. Lettre sur I'efhcacit6 des sommites de mille feuille dans plusieurs maladies. Ibid., 1771, xxxv, 520-527. miller (A. G.) Organic stricture of the urethra, and its treatment by Holt's method. 9 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 8f Boyd, 1868. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1868, xiii. ------. On polypus of the rectum. 7 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 4'- Boyd, 1870. Repr.fr m: Edinb! M. j., 1870, xv. ------. Tlie same. 10 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Colston ,1' Son, Kl. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1870, xv. ------. Remarks on the employment of bulbous bougies. 4 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver . Repr. from: "West. J. M. &. S., Louisville, 1855, 4. 8., iii. ------. Lectures on inflammation and ulceration of the cervix uteri. 71 pp. 8°. [Louisville? 1855.] ------. The principles and practice of obstetrics, including the treatment of chronic inflammation of the uterus considered as a frequent cause of abortion, xix, 624 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blan- chavd 4 Lea, 187)8. ------. Two eases of encysted tumour of the ovary successfully treated by excision ; and an attempt to justify the operation of ovariotomy under cer- tain circumstances. 26 pp. 8'-J. Philadelphia, 1859. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859 n. s., xxxvii. ------. Au address delivered before the American Medical Association at its thirteenth annual meeting. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1860. ------. Brief notes of four additional cases of ovariotomy. 7 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1869.] Repr. from .- Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. s., lxvii. ------. Thoughts on chronic inversion of the uterus; specially with reference to gastrotomy as a substitute for amputation of the uterus. 42 pp. 8°. Louisville, Ky., Bell if Co., 1870. Repr. from: Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1870, ix. -----. Retrospect of uterine pathology aud thera- peutics in the United States; specially in regard to intra-uterine medication in chrouic internal miller (Henry)—continued. metritis. 37'pp. 8°. New York, W. Baldwin .] Repr. from.- Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1885. miller (Joseph). Botanicum officinale, or a compendious herbal; giving an account of all such plants as ans now used in the practice of physick, with their descriptions and virtues. 466 pp. 8°. London, E. Bell, 1722. miller (Josephus). * De ascite abdominali. 3 p. 1., 58 pp. 8U. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie. 1792. miller (Josephus Ewing). * De gastritide. 1 p. 1., 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, B. Allan, 1815. [P., v. 732.] miller (Ludovicus). * Disputatio physiologica de transpiratione insensibili. 28 pp. 4°. Alt- dorfi!, 1680. miller (N. F.) Anatomicheskija i fiziologiches- kija osobennosti dietskago organizma. [Pecu- liarities of the infantile organism.] xii, 263 pp. 8°. Moskva, 1887). -----. Dieti nedonoski i osobennosti ich bo- lieznei. Vtor. izd. [ Prematurely born chil- dren, and their diseases.] 20 pp. 8°. Moskva, 1886. -----. Ospoprivivanie (vaktsina.tsi.ja). vii, 135 pp., 1 1. 8^. Moskva, tip. A. A. Kavtseva, 1887. miller (Nathaniel) [1771-1850]. A dissertation, read before the Massachusetts Medical Society, on tbe importance and manner of detecting deep seated matter. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, J. G. Scobie, 1827. For Biography, see Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Boat, 1854, viii, 171-174. miller (Patricius). *De scarlatina. 2 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, excud. A. Neill et socii, 1894. [P., v. 30.] miller (Peter). *An essay on tlie means of les- sening the pains of parturition. 38 pp. 8-; Philadelphia. H. Maxwell, 1804. Also, in: Caldwell (C.) Med. theses |etc) 8°. Phila- delphia, 1805, i. miller (Robert). * Upon the action of cold upon the human body, aud its application to the cure of diseases. 28pp. 8U. Philadelphia, B. Graves, 1807. miller (Samuel)1. *De dysenteria. 3 p. 1., 49 pp. 8'-'. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1892. [l\,v.2L] miller (Samuel)-. A brief retrospect of the eighteenth century. Pt. 1 in 2 v. Containing a sketch of the revolutions and improvements in science, arts, and literature during that period. 2 v. xvi, 544 pp.; vi, 510 pp. 8J. New York, F. 4- J. Swords, 1893. ------. The guilt, folly, and sources of suicide; two discourses preached in the city of New York, Feb., 1805. 72 pp. 8°. New York^F. ^ J. Swords, 1805. See, also, Miller (Edward). The medical works of. . . 8°. New York; 1814.—ftrrgrant (John). Observations and reflections on the design and effects of punishment, [etc.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1828. miller (Samuel M.) Notes of hospital practice. Pts. i-iv in 3 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1879-82. CONTENTS. Pt. i. Philadelphia hospitals. Pts. ii-iv. New Toik and Philadelphia hospitals. Also, Editor of: Clinical (The) News, Philadelphia, 1880-81. miller (Stanislaus). * Materiali k patolog. gi- stol. bronchialnich jelezi pri razlichnicb sostoja- uijach legkich. [Pathological histology of bron- chial glands.] 49 pp., 1 pi. 8'-. St. Petersburg, 1873. miller (T. Clarke). A contribution to the etiol- ogy, pathology, and therapeutics of cholera in- fantum. 18 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4 Co., 1879. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1879, xii. miller (Thomas)1. * De pubertate. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1781. miller (Thomas)2. Introductory lecture on anat- omy. 20 pp. 8°. Washington, J. Gideon, 1840. -----. An address to the graduates of the medi- cal department of the Columbian College. 31 pp. 8°. Washington, Blair 4 Hives, 1842. miller (V.) *Iz nabloudenii nad chachotoch- uini. (Vlijanie agaricina na poti chachotoch.) [Agaricine in the night-sweat of phthisis.] 114 pp., 1 1., 12 diag. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1885. miller (W. D.) Fermentation in the human mouth; its relation to caries of the teeth. The influence of antiseptics, filling materials, etc., upon the fungi of dental caries. The fungi of dental caries; their pure cultivation and effect upon lower animals. 41pp. 8°. New York, 1884. Repr. from: Independ. Pract., IJalt., 1884, v. -----. Worterbuch der Bacterienkunde bear- beitet von . . . Beilage zum "Jahrbuch der practischen Medicin, Jahrgaug 1886". 3 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1886. miller (Wesley). The germ-theory of Pasteur, and new discoveries of Dr. Wesley Miller to pre- vent diseases in domestic animals and mankind generally by vaccination. 21. 8°. [n. p., 1881.] -----. Prevention of tubercular and other dis- eases, in man and domestic animals, by vaccina- tion. 8 pp. 8J. [New York, 1882.] -----. New York Vaccine Co. Animal vaccine virus. New discoveries in the treatment of con- tagious or infectious diseases by vaccination or hypodermic injections. 2 1. 8°. [Neio York, 1882.] MILLER. 313 MILLIET. miller (William Allen) [ -1870]. Elements of chemistry, theoretical and practical. 3 v. 8°. [London, 1HS2-4.] CONTENTS. I't. 1. Chemical physics. 3. ed. London, Parker, Son Ct: liourn, 18(>:S. Pt. 2. Inorganic chemistry. 3. ed. London, Longman dc Co. 18(11. Pt. 3. Organic chemistry. 2. ed. London, Parker, Son tt liourn, 18(12. .. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 523. miller (William 11.) Editor of: San Francisco (The) Medical Journal, 185(1. millersMlowies (Petrus Gabrielow). * De in- nocenti infectione, venerea. In: Whiz !i-:S82.—DiicIh-niu' & Michel (E.) Les lneunieis: etude tl'liygieiie prof'essionelle. J. tie metl. de Par.. 1883. iv, 021-635." Also: Bull. Soc. de ined. prat. de Par. (1883), 1884, 18-23. —.Tl«'r»'i«-r (T.) Voile preser- vati'iii- pour les ouvriers la brit-ants et lhabillems dc mettles ft nioiilins. Com;-, internat. tl'liy-i. 1878, Par., isso, ii, 444- 447._Point-ar«"' (L.) lb't'licn les experimentales sur les ctl'cts tics poussieresdeineiinerie. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 38-42. millet (A.) De l'emploi th6rapeutique des pr6- parations arsenicales. 2. 6A. xxiii, 252 pp. 8\ Paris, F. Savy, 1865. Prize essay. millet (A.-B.) *Sur la chlorose. 29 pp. 4°. Parti, 1833, No. 118, v. 260. millet (Alexandre-Auguste). * Coup-d'oeilliisto- rique et meilical sur Bicetre (maison d'aliene's). 58 pp. 4'--. Paris, 1842, No. 181), v. 393. -----. Du traitement de l'alie'nation nieutale. 50 pp. 8P. [Paris, F. Maitcste 4 Cie., 1842.] Repr. from: Gaz. me-l. de Par., 1842, 2. s., x. -----. Du chol^ra-niorbus epid6mique. xii, 440 pp. 8-'. Paris, Labe, 1851. -----. Du seigle ergote" considere" sous les rap- ports physiologique", obstdtrical et de I'hygiene publique". 163 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1854. Repr. from: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1854, xviii. -----. Trait6 de la diphtheric du larynx. Croup. iv, 244 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1863. millet (Charles)'. * Des luxations m6tatarso- plialangiennes du gros orteil. 1 p. 1., 42 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 1856, No. 363, v. 22. millet (Charles)'2. * Quelques considerations snr la pneunionie latente. 86 pp., 1 1. 4°. Mont- pellier. 1875, No. 14. millet (Charles-Autoine). * De la fracture du col du femur. 21 pp. 4". Parti, 1825, No. 227, v. 196. millet (Cora), n6e Robinet. Conseils aux jeunes femmes snr relocation de la premiere en- . fa nee. 323 pp. 16°. Paris, Dusacq, [1855]. millet (E.) L'angiue arthritique. Traitement par les eaux d'Aix-les-Bains et de Marlioz. Obligation de rexamen laryngoscopique. 16pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4 F. Lecrosnier, 1885. millet (Eduardus). * Qniedam de calculo, mor- hisque renuni et vesica} calcinosis complectens. 3 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Muelie et filii, 1797). millet (Emile). * Etude statistique sur la mala- die svphilitique, le chancre simple, et la blen- norrhagie. 1 p. l.,76pp. 4°. Parti, 1866, No. 82. millet (F.) * Sur les anus contre nature qui sont la suite des hernies gangrtfneYs. 24 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1822, No. 226. millet (Gonzague). * Recherches sur quelques poiuts d'anatomie, de physioiogie, et de patholo- gie placentaire. 103 lip. 4U. Paris, 1861, No. '.'7. millet (Jacobus Antonius). An mores parentuiu traducuntur ad sobolem? Pries. Claudius Anto- nius Kenard. 4 pp. 4 . [Parisiis, J. Quillau, 1715.] [P., v. 1329.] -----. An in acutis, orgasmus a purgante 1 Pries. Franciscus Vernage. 4 pp. 4^. [Pa- risiis, J. Quillau, 1716.] [P., v. 1329.] millet (Joseph) [1851-86]. * De l'influence etio- logique de l'alcoolisme sur la paralysie gcnerale progressive. 51 pp. 4--. Paris, 1889, No. 440. For Biography, see Encephale, Par., 1886, vi, 511. millet (Jules-Emile). * Du bichlorure de 1116- thyleiie comme agent anesthdsiqiie general. 1 ]i. 1., 38 pp. Y . Strasbourg, 1868, 3. s., No. 117. millet (L.-E.) *De la chlorosc et de quelques maladies qu'on pent y rattacher. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 187, v. 578. millet (Louis). * Essai sur la nature de l'eelamp- sie pueiperale. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 186)7. 3. &., No. 15. millet (Pierre). * Dyspepsie, ses rapports avec le rliuinatisme. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 27:1. millet (Pierre-Marie-Emile). * Des hemorrhagica ut6rines pendant la grossesse. 43 pp. 4--. Pa- ris, 1871, No. 204. millet (V.) * Sur les fievres intermittentes per- uicieuses de Rome, vi, 7-38 pp. -K Paris, 1817), No. 54, v. 109. IVIillet. Kircheminoff ( K. P.) * Material}' k vo- prosu ob usvojaemosti azot-soderjatshich chastei pshena. [Assimilation of nitrogenous contents of millet.] 8-3. St. Petersburg, 1887. milleter (Job.) * De morbo Tsomor Ilungaris endemio. 48 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishof, 1717. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lau- sannce, 1760, vii, 639-676. millet-L.acombe (Georges). * De la veratrine dans la pneunionie. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 276. millet-L.acombe (Pierre-C.) *Des hydropi- sies en general. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 18. millett (Geo. Bown). Annual report of the med- ical officer of health for the port sanitary author- ity of Penzance for the years 1880; 1881. 12°. [Penzance, 1881-2.] milliean (Kenneth W.) The evolution of mor- bid germs; a contribution to transcendental pathology. 6 p. 1., 107 pp. 8J. London, H. K. Leivis, 1883. i Mil lie-Christina. See Monsters (Double). milliere (Jean-Pierre-Joseph). * Sur les exos- toses, vi, 7-31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 176, v. 106. milliere (Victor). * Considerations sur l'agonie et sou traitement. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1856, No. 367, v. 22. millies (Carolus Fridericus). * Collectanea de clysmatibus. 28 pp. 8°. Lipsia; typ. Staritzii, [1843]. ^ . millies-Lacroix (Adrien). * Essai sur 1 em- ploi de l'extension continue dans le traitement de la coxalgie et des fractures du femur. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 499. milliet (Andr6-Constant). * I. (Jin-ls sont les symptdmes de la fievre ataxique? II. [etc.] 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 297, v. 363. milliet (Frangois-Simon). * De l'epistaxis. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 7., v. 135. MILLIET. 314 MILLOT. 1 milliet (Joannis). Etablissement ine"dico-pneu- matique de bains d'air. 22pp. 8'-'. Lyon, L. Perrin, 187)2, v. 460. -----. De lair comprint au point de vue physio- logique. 40 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1856. milliez (Paul-Louis) [1858- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude du traitement de la syphilis par les injections sons-cutanees de peptone ammo- nique nieiciirique. 40 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lille, 1883, 2. s.. No. 45. milli^un (Gnlielmus). * De cholera epidemica. 2 1.. 3-21) pp. 8 . Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1822. millikin (Dan.) The extra-professional work of physicians. 20 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1884. millin de la Courveault.(JoannesNicolaus). *An conficienda* bili a mesenterio oleum, a fiecibus liquor alkalinus ? Piiescs : Houoratus Petiot. 8 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 177>2.] -----. Hstne totus homo a natura morbus? Prieses: Simon Antonius Bringaud. 8 pp. 4°. [Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1753.] -----. *An calva* vehementius contusa* terebra? Prieses: Claudius Josephus Gentil. 4 pp. 4 . [Parisiis, typ. vid. Quillau, 1754.] See, also, Noll an (Joh. Jacobus.) *An impeditis lacri- maium viis paiaii debeat lacrimis artiticiale iter, fete] 4°. [Port*, 1770.] ---- »V morisot des Landes (Petr. Jos.) Krgo Parisinis variolarum inoculatio. Parisiis, 177)7. In: Hallek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausannce, 1758, v, 695-712. millill^en (Edwin). * Ueber Insufficienz der Musculi recti interni und musculiire Asthenopie. 20 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1871. -----. * Streitsatze. 4 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1871. -----. A tri-annnal report of 5,703 cases of eye diseases seen and treated in private practice at Constantinople, iu 1877, 1878, and 1879, and also a tabular analysis of 1,118 cases treated at the Imperial Naval Hospital. 6 p. 1., 32 pp., 2 pi., 1 tab. 8". Constantinople, [1881]. -----. Augenheilanstalt in Constantinople. Be- richt iiber die Jahre 1880 und 1881 (1. and 2.). 20 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Salzburg, Zaunrith, 1883. millingeii (J. G.) The army medical officer's manual upon active service; or, precepts for his guidance in the various situations in which he may be placed. With observations on the pres- ervation of the health of armies upon foieign service, x pp., 1 1., 267 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Burgess 4 Hill, 1819. -----. Observations sur la nature et le traite- ment dn cholera morbus d'Enrope et d'Asie. x, 54pp. 8°. Paris, Bailliere, 1831. [Also, in: P., v. 1042; 1262.] -----. Curiosities of medical experience. 2 v. 407, 411 pp. 8°. London, B. Bentley, 1837. -----. The same. 372 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell, Barrington if Haswell, 1838. -----. Aphorisms on the treatment and manage- ment of the insane; with considerations on pub- lic and private lunatic asylums, pointing out the errors in the present system, xii pp., 1 1., 202 pp. 24°. London, J. Churchill, 1840. -----. The same. 91 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Bar- rington 4 Haswell, 1842. [Also, in: P., v. 199.] -----. Mind and matter, illustrated by conside- rations on hereditary insanity, and the influence of temperament in the development of the pas- sions, vii, 4lil pp. 8°. London, H. Hurst, 1-47. -----. Recollections of republican France, from 1790 to 1-01. 1 p. 1., xvi, 378 pp. 8°. London, H. Colburn, 1848. IVIillingeii (James). Some observations on an antique bas-relief, on which the evil eye, or fasci- al illillgeil (James)—continued. num, is represented. With further observations by S. Weston. 8 pp. 4°. London, 1818. Royal Society of Antiquaries.• millinglon (James). "Fining down" on natu- ral principles without Banting. 54 pp. oblong 24°. London, Field 4 Truer, [1884]. -----. Are we to read sdrawkcah [backwards] or, what is the best print for the eyes? With an introduction by R. Bmdenell Carter, F. K. ('. S. xviii, 19-94 pp., 8 pi. 18°. London, Field ,| '-Truer [n. d.] millinglon (Thomas). See Cyprian (Abraham). Epistola historiam, etc 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1700. million (Alexandre). * Snr l'accouchement labo- rieux terming par le secours de hi main. 43 pp '4'-'. I'aris, 1848, No. 53, v. 474. million (Prosper-Alexandre-Gabriel). * Sur les causes et le traitement de la phthisic puluionaire. 82 pp. 4°. Parti, 1846, No. 207, v. 448. milliot (Benjamin). * Opite vozrojdenija nor- malnago chrustalika. [Experiments on regene- ration of the lens.] 50 pp., 1 pi. 8IJ. St. Pe- tersburg, 1868. -----. * De la regeneration du crystallin chez quelques mammiteres. 70 pp., 6 pi. 4r Paris, 1871. milliot (Henri) [1860- ]. 'Recherches cli- niques sur les rapports de la glycosurie et du pa- ludisme. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 283. milliot (Jean-Pierre). rf Quelques considerations sur les abces de la poitrine, leurs causes, etc. 24 pp. 4U. Paris, 1840, No. 363, v. 363. milliot (L.-Custave). 'Complications des tu- meurs fibreuses de l'literus. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877), No. 28. milliot ( Xavier ). * Des fievres pernicieuscs. 25 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851, No. 222, 2. s., v. 17. milliox (Humbert). * Sur le scorbut qui a regne' a Alexaudrie en Egypte, pendant le hlocus de cette place, en l'au IX. 37 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 22. milli (Guilio). Naturae morbos decernentis ar- canum opus, nova collustratiim lucerna, ac duo- bus libris coinpreheusuni. Quorum alter couti- net ea, qme universim ad crises faciunt: alter Coacas Hippocratis et sigillatim morborum om- nium enarrat eventa. 17 p. 1., 610 pp. 4°. Ve- netiis, typ. Ginammeis, 1554. millOII (Eugene) [1812-67]. * Du rapport phi- losophique des facultes de l'homme d'apres le systeme phre"nologique, et de quelques objec- tions a ce systeme. 30 pp. 4 . I'aris, 1836, No. 278, v. 302. -----. Elements de chimie organique, compre- nant les applications de cette science a la phy- sioiogie animale. v. 1 & 2. 636, 771 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1845-8. See, also, l.nvcian & ITI i I Ion (Eugene). M6moire sur le passage de tjiielc/iies medicamens dans l'6conomie animale [etc.] 8°. [n. p., n. d.] For Biography, see Rec. de it.em. dc med. . . . mil., I'ar., 1868, 3. s., xxi, 433-456 (Langlois). milloradovics (Petrus Gahrielow). De inno- cent! infeetione venerea. 24 pp. 4 . Halce Magdeb., J. C. Hendel, [1768]. -----. *De surditate ex retropulsa crusta laetea orta. 16 pp. 4^. Halce Magdeb., J. C. Hendel, [1769]. millot (Auguste-Gabriel). * Du traitement des kystes de l'ovaire par le drainage. 43 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1873, No. 66. -----. De I'hygiene publique et de la chirurgie en Italic Compte-rendu a M. le ministre de ^instruction publique. 1. pt.: De I'hygiene pu- blique en Italic 1 p. 1., iv, 182 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 fils, 1876. MILLOT. 515 MTLLS. mi Hot (Auguste-Gabriel)—continued. -----. The same. 2. pt. : De la chirurgie en Ita- lic, iii, 452 pp. 8°. I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' fits, 1879. —---. De l'obstetrique en Italic, iv, 5-502 pp. 8 . I'aris. O. Doin, 1882. millot ( D.-H.-J.-L) * Histoire pharinaeologique du camphre. 1 p. 1., 120 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1837, v. 70. millot (Gustave-Emile). * De quelques compli- cations de la scarlatiue observees dans une epi- demic a l'Hopital Saint-FJoi (service des mili- taires), dans le cours de l'annee 1879-80. 64 pp., 2 1. 4U. Montpellier, 1889, No. 22. millot (J.) *Sur l'angine de poitriue. 29 pp. ■Y. Paris, 1812, No. 90, v. 89. millot (J.-L.) * Du rhuinatisnie articnlairedans les affections des organes genitaux. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 173. millot ( J acques-Andre ) [ 1728-1811 ]. L'art de procreer les sexes a voloute, ou systeme complet de generation. 2. ed. xvi, 412 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8-. I'aris, Millot, an IX [1801]. -----. The same. 2. ed. xvi, 387 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Paris, Millot, an IX [1801]. Contains, in addition: Supplements, pp. 385-412. ----- La gerocomie, ou code physiologique et phil sophique, pour conduire les individus des deux sexes a une longue vie, en les derobaut a la. douleur et aux intirmites; par une societe de medecius. 494 pp., port. 8°. Parti, F. Bitis- son, 1807. * -----. Medecine perfective, ou code des bonnes meres. 2 v. vi, 602 pp.; 622 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Collin, 1899. -----. Supplement a tous les traitds, taut etran- gers que nationaux, auciens et inodernes, sur l'art des accouchements. 2. ed. 2 v. x, 11-506 pp., 2 pi.; 1 1., 496 pp., 1 pi. 8\ Parti, L. Col- lin, 1899. See, also, CJuilherinoiMl. Lettre au citoyen . . . sur son systeme de la generation. 8°. Paris, [1802]. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. millot ( Jules-Charles ). * De la nature et des divers traitements de la fievre typhoide ou do- thienenterie. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 65, v. 621. millot ( Pierre-Raphael-Augnste ). * De la con- stitution et des localite.s, sous le point de vue medical. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 71, v. 487. millot-Carpentier (G.) Notes chirnrgicales d'un medecin de campagne pour aider a la sta- tistique (annees 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879). 110 pp. fol. Cambrai, J. Benaut, 1880. millotianil (Michaelle). * Quelques considera- tions sur le pronostic des fractures par armes a feu etudie comparativement chez l'homme et chez la femme. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 167. Hills. See Flax (Manufacture, etc., of). mills ( Charles K. ) [ 1845- ]. Reflections on criminal lunacy, with remarks on the case of Guiteau. 26 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, 1882. Repj-.from: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1882, xiv. -----. Mental over-work and premature disease among public aud professional men. iv, 34 pp. 8 . Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1885. Being No. 954, Smithson. Misc. Collect., and No. 9 of the " Toner Lectures '. -----. Benjamin Rush and American psychiatry. 36 pp., port. 8:. [New York, 1886.] Repr. from: Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1886-7, iv. -----. Practical lessons in nursing. The nursing and care of the nervous and the insane. 147 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippineott 4' Co., 18-7. See, also, Kerlin (Isaac N.) & Mills (Ch. K.) Three cases of progressive muscular degeneration. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1880." mills (Daniel). * De ictero. 2 p. 1., 31 pp. 8. Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1793. mills (Edmund J.) On statistical and dynami- cal ideas in chemistry. (The atomic theory.) Pt. III. 18 pp. 8r [n. p., 187 Y.] Repr. from: Lond., Edinb. & Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lend. 1871, 4. s., xiii. mills (George A.) How to keep teeth clean and healthful. 7 pp. 80. [Philadelphia, 1879.] Repr. from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1879, xxi: 1880, xxii. -----. Specialties and their advantages. 14 pp. 8-. New York, Jenkins iy Thomas, [1882]. -----. Pericementitis; its manifestations iu the oral cavity, and its serious effects upon the gen- eral health. 8 pp. 8^. Xew York, Jenkins 4- Thomas, [1882]. -----. Riggs' disease (pericementitis, pyorrhea, alveolaris, diseased gums, loose teeth, etc.). 8 pp. 8°. New York; Jenkins o'- McCowan, [lSs.5]. -----. Dental specialists of medicine and sur- gery, in the care and treatment of the disorders of the teeth and mouth. 10 pp. 8 '. SI. Louis, J. H. Chambers 4 Co., 1886. Repr. from: Arch. Dent., St. Louis, 1886, iii. mills (James). The horse-keeper's guide. 1. Am. ed. 86 pp., 1 pi. 16°.' New York, J. Mowalt 4 Co., 1834. -----. Horses; the gentleman's guide'for the choice, treatment, and management of saddle, carriage, gig, and cart horses. 9. ed. 114 pp. 8°. London, Dean 4 Son, [1834, vel subseq.]. mills (Lucius). Compendium of hygiene; com- piled for the use of the \Yinsted Hygiene Associa- tion. 190 pp. 8°. West Winxteei, Conn., 1855. mills ( Rebecca). The influence of well-made stays on the health and beauty of woman, and the great injuries which ill-made ones indict. vi, 88 pp., 10 pi. 8°. London, Stewart 4 Murray, 1841. mills (T. Wesley). Ueber die Ausscheidung der Oxalsifure durch den Harn. 9 pp. 8°. [ Berlin, 1885.] Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 188"). ---:—. Outlines of lectures on physiology, with an introductory chapter on general biology, and an appendix containing laboratory exercises in practical physiology. 200 pp. 8°. Montreal, W. Dryselale <('• Co.. 1886. See, also, lloppe-Seyler (Felix). On the development of physiological chemistry, [etc.] 8°. | .Yen' York, 1884. j mills (Thomas). * De sonis et auditii complec- tens. 50 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Ii. Allan, 1797. [P, v. 5.] -----. Au essay on the utility of blood-letting in fever, illustrated by numerous eases; with some inquiry into the seat and nature of this disorder, viii, 222 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Dublin, Gil- bert 4 Hodges, 1813. -----. The same. 2. ed. With a supplement, containing cases and dissections which occurred in private practice, viii (1 1.), 327 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Dublin, J. dimming [and others], 1816. -----. The morbid anatomy of the brain in ty- phous or brain-fever; to which are added, cases of the present epidemic, with a few remarks on its nature and mode of treatment. 2. ed. 67 pp. 12°. Dublin, Hodges4 M'Arthur, 1818. [P., v. 835.] -----. The same. Pathologische Anatomie des Gehirns bey'm Typhus, oder Gehirnfieber, mit beygefugten wahrend der jetzigen Epidemie ge- sammelten Beobachtungen, und einigen Bemer- kungen iiber die Natur und Behandlung dessel- ben. Nach der zweyten euglischeu Ausgabo iibersetzt von li. von dem Bnsch. ix. 79 pp., 11. 8°. Bremen u. Leipzig, TV. Kaisei; 1820. -----. An account of the morbid appearances exhibited on dissection in various disorders of MTLLS. 316 Mil,HOY. mills (Thomas)—continued. the brain; with pathological observations, to which a comparison of the symptoms, with the morbid changes, has given rise, xvi, 239 pp. 8\ Dublin, J. Camming, 1826. ------. The same, vii, 303 pp. 8---. Dublin, J. Gumming [and others], 1829. iVIill-stone makers. Peacock (T. B. ) On French millstone makers' phthisis. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.. 18110, xxv, 214-224. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times tfc Gaz.. Lond., 1860, ii, 203. Also : Tr. Path. Stic. Lond., 1800- 61, xii, 36-40. -----. French mill-stone makers' phthisis. Brit. M. J., 1876, ii, 48U-4S-. -----. Mill-stone makers' disease; siliceous matter found in the lung. Tr. Path. Nic. Lond., 1878, xxix, 31-34, 1 pi. de milly (Louis-Adolphe). * Sur les affections gastriques et leurs causes. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 204, v. 219. milin;in (Francis). Animadversiones de natura hydropis ejusque curatiouc xi, 172 pp. 8-. Vienna- et Londini, B. Graeffer, 1779. ------. The same. Animadversions ou the nature and on ihe cure of the dropsy. Transl. from the Latin into English by F. Swediaur. 122 pp., 1 1. 8J. London, J. Walter, 1786. Jloinid with: Wilkes (Richard). An historical essay ou Ihe dropsy. 8°. London, 1781. ------. An enquiry into the source from whence the symptoms of the scurvy and of putrid fevers arise, and into the seat which those affect ions occupy in the animal (economy; with a view of ascertaining a more just idea of putrid diseases than has generally been formed of them, xx, 231 pp. 8'-■. London, J. Dodsley, 1782. ------. The same. Recherches sur l'origine et le sifege du scorbut et des fievres putrides; ouvrage trad, de l'auglois par M. Vigarous de Monta»ut. xxxii, 192 pp., 2 1. 8'-'. Paris 4' Monlpelliei; P.-F. Didot jeunc; 1786. See, also, iietter (A) to Francis Milman, etc. 8°. London, 1813.—Trotler (Thomas). Ohscrvations on the scurvy [etc.] 8°. Edinburgh, 1786. -----. The same. 12°. Philadelphia, 1793. mill! (Robertus). * De apoplexia sangninea. xxix pp. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1814. milne, »SV.. mil ne-Ed wards. See Edwards. mil nor (Ebenezer). On catalepsy, or trance. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Ii. Inches, 1850. [Also in: P., v. 41; 446; 895; 919.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. lV S. J., 18S0, lxxiv. millier (Josephus D.) "De rheuinatisino. Ki pp. s°. Edinburgi, 1828. millier (Karl). * Ueber Krt-bs der Gekrosdriisen. iv, 5-24 pp. h--;. Tubingen, L. F. Fucs, 187)6. millier (V. P..) Yellow fever not imported, nor contagious, but indigenous, and intrinsically identical with our paludal fevers. Preventable by well determined and wisely executed local sanitary measures. Quarantine a wide-spread calamity, and should not longer he tolerated. A lecture. 39 pp. 12°. New Orleans, M. J. Scott, 1880. millies (Alfred). See I:« vaccination desirable? 8°. London, 1885. minor (William H.) Portrait in: C'olleelion of'Portr. (Libr.) "milo" [pseudon.]. Error of position; being a discussion of the ultra medical policy of the American Medical Association, as advocated by medical professors, Medicus and others; showing the policy to be adverse to the great interests and institutions of society, and the peace aud prosperity of the nation. [In 4 numbers, No. 1.] 46 pp. 8°. Xashville, W. F. Bang 4'- Co., 1854. ------. '• ditchings'' for "catchiugs" to show what is caught; being a special undertaking in the way of "catchiugs", according to a proposi- tion in the Nashville Medical Journal for May, 1855. 24 pp. 8■-. Xaslirille, 1855. milon (Mathieu). *De Faction therapeutique du chlorate de potasse. 34 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1858, No. 267, v. 621. milon (Urbaiu-Engfene). *De la belladone et de son usage en therapeutique. 32 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 187)9, No. 494, 2. s., v. 27. miloslavlevilcli (Etienne). *De l'endocar- dite rhumatismale. 44 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1855, No. 26, v. 578. milroy (Gavin) [1805-86]. Quarantine and the plague; being a summary of the report on these subjects recently addressed to the Royal Acad- emy of Medicine in France; with introductory observations, extracts from parliamentary cor- respondence and notes. 71 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1846. ------. The cholera not to be arrested by quaran- tine; a brief historical sketch of the great epi- demic of 1817. and its invasions of Europe in 1831-2 aud 1847; with practical nmarks on the treatment, preventive and curative, of the dis- ease. 51 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1847. ------. Cholera (Jamaica). Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 20 Feb., 1854, for a "copy of the report of . . . to the colonial office, on the cholera epidemic in Jamaica, 1850-51; and copies or extracts of despatches addressed to and received from the governor of Jamaica in relation to the said report". 147 pp., 3 maps. fol. [London, 1854.] ------. On the sickness and mortality in the French army during the campaign in Turkey and the Crimea in 1854-6. 23 pp. 8-\ [n. p., 187)7, vel subseq.] [P., v. 324.] ------. Quarantine as it is and as it ought, to be. Read before the public health section of the National Association of .Social Science, 1858. 12 pp. 8°. London, Savill 4 Edwards, 1859. ------. Report ou leprosy and yaws in the West Indies. Addressed to her majesty's secretary of state for the colonies. Iu continuation of paper MILKOY. 317 MILWAUKEE. milroy (Gavin)—continued. presented to both houses of Parliament, May, 1871. 1 p. 1., 104 pp. fol. London, IV. Clowes 4- Sons, 1873. For Biography, see I'.rit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 425. Also : Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 425. Also: Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. (1885-G), 1887, n. s., v, 109. MilSC-lieWKky (Guilielmus). * De gangnena nosoeoniiali. 12 pp. 8°. Gryphiee, F. G. Kitnike, [1850]. milsoillieail (Elie). * Contribution a l'etude de l'angine infectieuse simple primitive; mani- festations ganglionnaires, adeuo-phleginon. 39 pp. 4L. Paris, A. Parent, 1885, No. '202. Uliltenberg. tSVc Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. milteilfoers'er (George W.) Oration before the Medical and Surgical Society of Baltimore, at their anniversary meeting, January 21, 1856. 17 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. W. Woods, 1856. ------. Puerperal eclampsia. 29 pp. 8; [Bal- timore; Gitggeiiheimer, Weil' <('• Co., 1886.] Repr. from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1886. milteilbcrg'er ( Joseph-Thdodore ). * Du dia- gnostic differeutiel des tumeurs de'veloppe'es dans I'hvpochondiM droit. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No"! 54, v. 499. miltner (Karl). * Statistisches und Experi- nicntelles zur Pathogeuese der Bauehfelleutziin- diuig. 34 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 188J. MiltoBi (District of). Biciiaxan (G.) Report on the sanitary state of Milton district, including the towns of Sit- tingbonrne and Milton-next-Sil lingbourne, July and August, 1870. fol. [London, 1870.] Ill il toil, Indiana, See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. Kfi'inrj- (V.) Epidemics of Milton, Wayne County. Indiana. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1852, xiii. 072-070. if I i 11 o i I, Massach it sells. Milti>x. A collection of papers relati ve to the transaction of the town of Milton, in the State of Massachusetts, to promote a general inoculation of the cow pox, or kine pock, as a never-failing preventive against small-pox infection. 48 pp. 8 . Boston, J. Belcher, 1809. milton (John Laws) [1820- ]. On bubo and peroneal abscess. 32 pp. 8°. [Loudon, W. Ty- ler], 187A. [P., v. 1188.] -----. Ou a new way of treating gonorrhoea. 3 p. 1., 103 pp. 8G. London, J. Churchill, 1852. -----. Practical remarks on the treatment of spermatorrhoea and some forms of impotence. 2. ed. 30 pp. 8. London, S. Highley, 1855. Repr. from : Lancet, Lond., 1854, i. ------. The same. 3. ed. 30 pp., 1 1. 8\ Lon- don, S. Highley, 1855. ------. The sauie. I. ed. 47 pp. 8°. London, G. Philip, 187,6. [P., v. 1188.] ------. ():i the treatment of gonorrhoea without specifics. 2. ed. ix, 131 pp., 1 1. 8'-. London, J. W. Daries, 1862. ------. The stream of life on our globe; its ar- chives, traditions, and laws as revealed by mod- ern discoveries in geology and paheontology. A sketch, in u n technical language, of the beginning and growth of life, and the physiological laws which govern its progress and operations. 2. ed. xxiv, 620 pp. 8J. London, Ii. Hardwicke, [1862, rel sttbseq. ]. ------. On the modern treatment of some diseases of the skin, vii, 117 pp. 8 . London, Ii. Hard- wicke, 1865. milton (John Laws)—continued. -----. On the treatment of lupus. 27 pp. 8?. London, Ii. Hardwicke, 1866. ------. On the pathology and treatment of gon- orrho'a. viii, 219 pp. 8°. London, li. Hard- wicke, 1871. ------. The same. 5. ed. viii, 306 pp. 8°. Ac to York, W. Wood 4 Co., 1884. ------. The pathology and treatment of diseases of the skin, v, 358 pp., 4 pi. 8'-. London, B. Hardwicke; 1872. ------. On the treatment of secondary syphilis. 16 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver <)'• Boyd, 1875. Repr. from : Edinb. M. J,, 1875, xx. ------. The bath in diseases of the skin, x, 84 pp. 8°. London, Chatto 4 Hindus, [1879, vel snbseq.]. ------. A history of syphilis. 2. ed. 84 pp. 8~. TjOndon, Harrison 4' Sous, 1880. ------. The laws of life, and their relation to the diseases of the skin. 154 pp. 12'-'. London, Chatto iy Windus, 1882. ------. The hygiene of the skin. 2. ed. 104 pp. 8°. London,' <'Itallo 4.— Kiiintlii (L.) Processo Conte. Arch, di ]isichiat.. etc., Torino, 1887. viii, 05-80.—Biermaiin. Wie miissen, vom arztliclien Stanilpunkte aus, Fragen iiber psscholo- gische Zurechnungstahigkeit oiler Zureclinuiigsuiifa- higkeit erorteit und entschieden werden? Ztschr. (. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1839, xxxviii, 1-24. -----. Gencbts- MIND. 320 MIND. ^liiifl (Condition of, Inquiry into). iirztliches Gutachten iiber einen in einen Zustand von Walinsinn gerathenen Menschen, Behufs Anordnnng polizeilicher Maassregeln. Ibid., 1840, xxxix, 318-325. -----. Gutachten iiber einen anomalen Gemnthszustand, der zu einer otticiellen gerichtsarztlichen Untersuchung Anlass gab. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1842, n. F., ii, 525-536.—Bielct die Eho bei Frauen Schutz gegen psycbische Stoning? Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1857. ix, 97.— Biffi (S.) Psichia- tria. A proposito d' una perizia medico -legale su un li- pemaniaco condannato ai lavori forzati. li. Ist. Lomb. di sc. elett. Rendic, Milano, 1876, 2. s.. ix, 128-133.—Bird (F.) Nach welchen Principien bestimmen -wir, ob ein Verriiekter kdtperliih, geistig oder gar nicht arbeiten still? Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1833, xiii (19. Suppl.),72-92.— Blanche, Ball A: Hold. Rapport sur l'6tat mental de Stiphie-IIonorine, Sitlouie el Camille Mer- rier. Tribune metl., Par., 1880, xviii, 445; 457; 469. ----- ----------. Kapport sur l'etat mental d'Eiiphrasie Mer- cier. France med., Par.. ISsiS. ii, 1265-1269. — Bliimeii- wtoek (L.) Barbara I'luyk, geriehtsiir/.tlicber Bericht iiber deren Korper- und Ceisteszustand. Wien. metl. "Wchnschr., 1870, xx, 333; 362; 394; 431; 465. -----. Spra- wozdauie smiowo-lekarskie o stanie cielesnym i umyslo- ivym Barbary Ubrykownej. [Medico-legal opinion on the physical and mental condition of. . .] Pr/egl. lek., Kra- kow., 1870. ix,91; 99; 123; 131; 139.-----. Zl>roilniaczyobl% ka-nie. |('rime or aberration of mind?] Metlytvna. War- szawa, 1885. xiii, 237: 257; 277; 302; 318; 525— Kodl'il- miillcr. Gutachten iiber den angeblich gesttirten See- lenzustaiul eines Intpiisiten. Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1836, xxxi. 359-371.—Boehr (M.) Ein forensisc.h schwer zu beuitlieilentler Fall von Geistessliirung bei einem gesehulten Verhrccher. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1878. n. F., xxviii, 201-214.—Bonnet (H.) Kapport medicolegal sur le nomm6 Lejeune, atteint de folic raisonnante. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1865, 4. s., vi, 201-216.-----. Kapport m6dico-16gal. Ibid., 1866, 4. s., vii, 226-240.—Bopp. Naehtragliches in Bezug auf den (in Nro. vii des ersten Vierteljahrheftes dieser Zeitschrift, Jahrgang 1836) hiusiehtlich seiner Geistescapacitiit, in Bezieliung auf seinen Entscliluss nach Amerika auswan (lern zu wolleu, hogutaohteteii Taiibstiimmen. Ztschr. f. d. Staalsarznk., Filing., 1837. 23. Krguzngsbl't., 132-146.— Bouincv ill*' ,V Teinlnrier (lvi G. Townlcy. J. de metl. ment.. Par.. 1865, v, 100-11 I ISouteillc. Kapport medico-legal sur l'etat mental ilu nomine S . . . inculpG de concussion et d'abus de conlianee. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1883, xv, 49; 58— Brefcld (F.) Gerichtsarzt- licbes Gutsichten nebst Superarbilriiun und P"chtsspruch iiber den zweifelhaf'ten (lemiithszustaiid eines bejahrten Juilen, in Bezug auf Bldtlsinnigkeitserklarung und Ver- setzung in eine Iirenaustalt. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk Erlang., 1813, xiv, 132-207. -----. Excandescentia I'uii- bunda und Mania. Eine Parallele in Bezug auf Zurech- nung und Bliiilsiiinigkeits-Erkh'irung. Ibid., 235-278.— Ilrierre de Itoisiiionl ,v Boys de l.iuny. Rap- port medico-legal sur l'etat mental tie M. B. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1850, xliv, 414 - 125. Also: Ann. m6d.-psych.. Par., 1850, ii, 636-644.—Biicliner (E.) Gutachten iiber den Ge- niiithszustand eines Soltlateii im Augenblick seines Ver- gehens im Dienste durch thiitliches Vergreifen am Vorge- setzten. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1825, x, 39-72. -----. Aerztliches Gutachten iiber den zweif'tlhaften psy- chiscben Zustand eines Inquisitin. Ibid., 1839, 26. Ergn- zngshft.. 224-255. -----. Keine Tobsucht, aber erheblich geniinderte Widerstandsfahigkeit gegen Gemiithsaffekte. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1867, xviii, 337- 347. -----. Ist die friiher gcistesgestorte A. B. nunmehr geislesgesuud >: Ibid., 1869, xx, 387-392. -----. Selbstbe- stinimiingslahig oder nicht'. (1'utersuchung wegen Haus- frieilensstorung.) Ibid., 1870, xxi, 58-74.— Biieno (C.) Copia del proyecto de dictanien sobre el estado de Dona M. M. Corre'sp. metl, Madrid, 1884. xix. 197; 205; 219; 267; 294; 301. — It ii III (L.) & It im liner (I.) Gutach- ten iiber den (JcMmdheitszustand eines Verhaftcten. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Metl., Niirnb., 1863, xiv. 112- 116.—Biirclihni'flt (It.) (remeine Kachsucht, uner- laubte Selbsfhiilfe oiler Walinsinn ! Ein psychiatrist-hes Gutachten. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1879, n. F., xxxi, 235-251—de Faillenx (G.) Kapport medico- legal sur l'etat mental tie Mine. AglaeC . . . F' II . . . Ann nu5d. psych.. Par., 1860, 3. s, vi, 225-238.—de la C'alle (L.) Consulta sobre el estado mental del negro Leoncio. Trab. Com. de ined. leg. e big. pub. de la r. Acad, tie cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873, i, 39ii-hin.—C ..raxa (R.) Informe que el medico eirujano del hospital dc San Hipd- lito ipie suscribe. rinde sobre el estado nuntal tie Marce- lino Domingo. Observador med., Mexico, 1879-8(1."v. 34- 39. —t'arretaro (J. F.I & C'arnicero (P.) Dechira- ciones acerca de faculiaihs intelectuales. Espaiia med Madrid, 1860, v, 149.—C'atper (J. L.) Charlotte Luise Glaser. Ein seltener Kail von zweifelnaftcm Wabnsinn. Villi-.. In f- gerichtl. il. (iff. Med., Berl.. 1857, xii, 25-63.— deiiolrn (A.) Kapport medico-legal sur l'etat mental de Hadji Abdullah, de Crimee, accuse d'un double meur- tre et d une tentative d'assassinat. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Milld (Condition of Inquiry into). Constantinople, 1883-4, xxvi, 167; 187: 1884-5, xxvii, 5, ----. Kapport medico-legal sur l'etat mental du nomine Moustapha. niiurtrier de Hadji Panayoli. Ibid., 1885-6 xxviii, 374 : 1886-7, xxix, 7—i'lialel.-i iii. Considerations medico-legales sur l'etat mental de Marie Jennerot. Bull. Soc. metl. de la Suisse I!......, Lausanne, 1869, iii. 109-114.-- C-hatelain & l.nutfloi*. Kapport medico-legal sur l'etat mental de la nominee G . . . (Adi'le), inculpee d'iu- fanticide. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1887, xix, 353-361.— t'lionlant (L.) Gutachten tlerchiriirgisch-mcdiciiiischeii Academie zu Dresden iihereinen zweifelhaften Gemiiths/.n stand. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1842. xliv. 62- 77.—Clark (D.) A psvcho-medieal history of Louis Pie] Am. J. Insan.. Utica, N. Y., 1887-8, xliv, 33-51— Colic- iiii Medici i Storf'urstendomet Finland utlatande i malet. (Sinnestillstaiiil.) [State of mind.] Finska liik.-sallsk handl.. Helsiugfors, 1862, viii, 789: 1871, xi, 989— ( oiiiIhn. Double ra|iport sur l'etat mental de Christine K . . . et tie Francois M . . . inculpes runed'ineendie, volontairi'. l'autre de parricide. J. de m6d. ment., Par., 1803, iii, 293-297.__ Cram (W. A.) AVas he an idiot? Pop. Sc. Month., N.Y., 1884, xxv, 110-113. — Diuni'iou, Wit deraufnahruou in der Anstalt bei Halle, nebst gclegeiitlichen l.eineikiiiigeii iiber "zweifelbafte Geiiiiithsziistande". Allg. Ztschr. f. Psych., etc., Berl., 1855, xii, 633-646.—Delacour, Itrule it l.allilte. Rapport sur letal mental de L . . . (Pierre Marie), inculpe de coups et blessures a sou pere; alcoo- lisme chronitpie; ordonnance tic non-lieu. Ann. ni6d.- lisych., Par., 1878, 5. s., xx, 55-60.— Demleiilhiier. Zur Theorie der Geistcskrankheiten ; veranlasst (lurch Xasse's Ansicht in Henke's Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk. 1831, 3. Hit., S. 1-45. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1832. 17. Ergn zngshft., 284-288.—Dictanien de la comision tie medieina legal sobre el "estado de la razou de un procesado". An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1879, i, 209-218.—I>iez (A.) Drei psycbische Krankheitsfalle mit eiuigen gt rirhtlii h psychologischen Bemerkungen. Mag. f. phil., mi-il. u ge- richtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., 1831, 6. Hft,, 215-239.—Oioii- koll'. Izsliedovanie sostojauija umstvennich sposobnoste M. i. zakliouchenie o torn vrache. [Examination into the state of mind of M.| Arch, sndehnoi med., St. Petersb., 1869, v, pt. 2, no. 1, 1-13—Orosle (A.) Medieina legalis in Saehen des Grafen Mortier. Ztschr. 1'. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1848, lvi, 385-390.— ■>■■ four (E.) Rapport me- dico-16gal sur l'6tat mental du nomine Gay (Joseph-Hlti- enne). Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1880, 6. s., iv, 385-398. -----. Rapport medico-16gal snr l'etat mental tin nomni6 Martin (Esprit). Ibid., 399-410—Kinfluss (Uebei den) der Scelcnstdrung eines Angeklagti n auf die Stiafvcrhand- lung. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1860, 3. Hft., 163- 177.—Erkeiinlni** des Irrseins schlit sst den Schwatii- sinn nicht aus. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gt sellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, I860, xiii, 290-293. — Krpenbeelt (H.) Aerztliehe Untersuchung und Begiitachtung ties (leistes- zustandes ties Kaufmanns Bernhard M. zu Z. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, li, 120-152.—Knlenber;:. Cc- richtsarztliche Untersuchung iiber einen z vvtiltlha It en Geisteszustand. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. < Iesellsch. f. Psy- chiat., etc., Neuwied, 1856, iii, 3-7.—Falk (F.) Gutac'li- ten iiber den Gemiithszustand des Dienstkuecht.es N. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876. ii, 133-137. -----. Ueber den Gemiil lis -Zustand ties der Blutschande ange- klagten P. aus T. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1877, n. F., xxvii, 19-29.— Fcroci (A.) Parero intorno alio stato mentale di P. B. Kaccoglilore med., Forli, 1876, 4. s., vi, 335-353. — Fisher (T. W.) The Armstrong case. Alienist .t Neurol., St. Louis, 1886, vii, 79-98. Also, Re- print.— Fli'inmiii^. Ein Votum in Saehen der vermin- derten Zurcchnungsfiibigkeit. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxii, 97-109. — liiililicli (J. B.) Ueber Begriff und Eintheilung der psychischen Krankheitszu- stiinde; Seelenkrankheiteu ; Seelensltii ungt n, btsonderi zumniedieinisch-gerichtlichen Behufe. Ztschr. f.d Staals arznk., Erlang., 1829, 10. Eignzn.shft,, 120-162. — I'm lis. Gehirneiscliiitterung. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Zu- rechnungsfahigkeit. Ibid., 1838. xxxv,47-53.— Fiinnioli (P.) Sullo stato intellettualc di G. M. tli P.. imputata di furto qualiflcato. Cron. d. manic, tli Siena, 1882, viii, 90-97. -----. Sullo stato intellettualc di C. G. di S., imputato di ferimento. Perizia medico-legalc. Ibid., 1885, xi, 33-41. -----. Sullo stato intellettuale di M.'E. tli A.; perizia me- dico-legale. Ibid., 1886, xii, 58-66.—danibnri (G.) Re- lazione medico-legale sullo stato di mciitnili X. \. e sulle conseguenze della malatia dalla tpiale 6 affetto. Arcb. ital. per lemal. nerv., Milano, 1866, iii, 158-166.—Gaimlcr (M.) Krank oder boshaft und zornmiithig ( Allg. Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat,, etc., Berl., 1877, xxxiii, 838-.-59—von CSellliorn. ^^l'.rsllc1lter Todschlag im Zustamle eines pathologischen Kaiisches. Ibid., 1880, xxxvii, 44-54.—Nellie. Kapport medico-legal sur l'etat mental de K . . . (Jean), iuculpe d'homit itle ct de tentative de meurtre. Mem. et bull. Soc. dc nn tl. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1879, 97-112.—Gerichl*- :irxlli< lie (Jutachteu iiber zweifelbafte )isychische Zu- stande. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1822. ii, 399- 418.—(Jiacchi (0.) Perizia medico legale. Kattogli- tore med.. Foiii, 1882, 4. s., xvii, 257-271.—Uilson (H.) fitutle sur l'etat mental de Louis Kiel. Encephale, Par., MIND. 321 MIND. Hi il (I (Condition of Inquiry into). 1886. vi, 51-60.—Giovanni (A.) Considerazioni medico- legal sopra un accusato di borseggio trattennto utile car- ceri. Gior. d. r. Accad. di metl. di Torino, 1878, xii, 257- 266.— Girard. Mouomanie d'iviesse par suite d'incondu- ite et dune predisposition nerveuse : rapport niedico-le.gal pour obtenir 1'iiiterdictiou. Gaz. med. de Par., 1844, 2. s., xii, 746-748.—Glaser (G.) Ueber Zurechnungsfahigkeit. [From a work in press.J Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Leipz. u. Wien, 1887, vii, 322-336.—Giirek. Zur Beleuchlung eines Falles von zweifelhafter Zurechnungsfahigkeit, Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1865, n. K., xxiii, 137- 146 — Kurilon (A.) Informe sobre el estado mental de D. R . . • Q . • ■ en causa por hurto. Trab. Coin, de med. leg. 6 big. pub. tie. la r. Acad, de cien. njed. . . . de la Ha- bana, 1873, ii, 336-346. -----. Segundo informe sobre ii estado mental de D. R . . . Q . . . en causa por hurto. Ibid., 346-355. -----. Informe relative al estatlo mental de uu procesado. Ibid., 1874, iii, 135-150. — Graff. A. Gutachten des grossherzogi. hess. Metliciual-Collegs zu Darmstadt iiber deu angeblich geisleskrankeii Zustand des G. W. zu D. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1830, x 95-114. -----. Gutachten, eine Curatel-Verfiigiing be- treffend. Ibid.. 1833, xiii, 269-280. -----. Gutachten iiber den Geniiithszustand eines wegen Majestats-Belei- digung offentlicher Beholden Angeklagten. Ibid., 1838, xxxvi, 320-329.—Oraux (P.-J.) [et al.]. Rapport medico- legal sur l'etat mental d'Eug6nie-A(161aide llavez. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1861, 3. s., vii. 569-587.—Gray (E. ('.) The case of Maggie Keppel, the Brooklyn child-abductor. Am. J. Neurol. & Psychiat, N. T.. 1883, ii, 19-29.- Grie- singer. Superarbitriiim der konigl. wissenst iiaftl. Deputation fiir das Medicinalweseu, betreffend eine Ge- muthszustanils-Untersuchung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl , 1867, vi, 269-294. -----. Gutachten der k. wissenschattlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalweseu iiber den Geisteszustand des P. Z. in A. Ibid., 1868, viii, 294-308. — Giiinier. Rapport medico-legal sur nn cas de s6uilit6 ayant motiv6 la dation d'un conseil judiciaire. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1887, xxi, 309-317.— Gulaclilen iiber den Geisteszustand des, der Majestatsbeleidigung angeklagten B. G.; keine Geisteskrankheit. Samml. ge- richtsarztl. Gutacht, d. Prag. med. Fak., Prag, 1858, 2. F., 313-317.—Gulaclilen iiber den Gemiithsziistand einer nach Ehescheidung von ihrem Manne und durch eine andei weitige Heyrath nach Standeserhohung strebenden juugen Frau. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Ziillichau, 1790-91, i, 2. St., 128-131.—Gutachten iiber den Geniiithszustand eines an krankhafter Zoi uniiithigkeit leidenden Menschen. Von Dr. X. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1855, n. F., vi, 105-123.—Gutachten (Das) der Landes- geriehtsarzte im Prozesse Ulm-Windisch. Beurtheilt von einem Geriehtsarzte. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 104; 120; 136; 168: 182.—Hardy (W. L.) The Rhine- lander case. Am. J. Neurol. & Psychiat., N. Y., 1884-5, iii, 664-690.—lletker (E.) Dummheit oder krankhafter Schwachsinn ? Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1876, xviii, 153-166.— Ilenkc (A.) Aerztlicher Bericht und Gutachten iiber den derzeitigen Geistes- uud Gemiithsziistand eines Frau- enzimniers, in Bezug auf Fortbestand oder Aufhebuug einer angeordneten Curatel. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1836, xxxii, 225-243.—II ersog. Feber die Vor- sichtsmaassregeln, die bei Beurtheilung des Geisteszu- standes von Personen in Betraeht koninien. welche in dem Verdacht von Geistesstdruug steben. Zlschr I. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1844, xxv, 433-449.—Hifzig (E.) Gutach- ten iiber den Gemiithszustand der urn e.rehelit htt n A. P. Vitljst hi. f. geiichtl. Med., Berl., 1886. n. F., xiv, 254-271.— ■ loliiiiiiiin. Gutachten iiber den Gemiithsziistand des Rechtspiacticanten P. aus C. Jahrb. il. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, ii, 43-88.—Hofiiiauu (J.) Ist der Student A. B., als er in iiberschwenglicher Liebe den Gegenstaud derselben erschoss, vollkommen zurechnungsfahig oder hescluankt zurechnungsfahig gewesen ? Ein Gutachten, als Beitrag zur Entscheidung der Kontroverse, was auf psychologischem Gebiete Zurechnungsfahigkeitsminde- ruiigsgiund uud was Strafmilderungsgrund sei ? Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1860, lxxix, 286-391. Also, in his: Aus dem Gerichtssaale, 8°, Erlang., 1860, 4. Hft,, 1-106. -----. Eine Industrieritterin der hdheren Stande. An- klage wegen Betruges und Wechselfalschung. Verhan- delt vor dem k. Bezirksgerichte Miinchen links der Isar und dem k. Appellationsgeriehte von Oberbayern. Ztschr, f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1803, l.xxxv, 250-325. Also, in his: Ausdem Gerichtssaale, 8°, Erlang., 1864, 5. Hft., 1-76.— Horn. Gutachten iiliei den Geniiithszustand eines Midi -liens. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1817. i, 280-296.— ■ lotxen. Gutachten iiber den Geisteszustand ties ehem. Districts Schornsteinfegeis H. in Bremen; ('uerulanten- wahn. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med.. Niirnb., 1874, xxv, 42-56.—Hnggard (W. R.) The standard of sanity. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 1013. —Informe acerca del estado mental de D. S . . . M . . . Trab. Coin. tl. med. leg. t- big. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habai:... 1873, i, 158-168.— Informe con el fin de averiguar el cstailo mental de un individuo atacado de reblanilccimiento cuebral. Ibid., 54-57.—Informe sobre el estado de las faciiltades intelectuales tie Maria Garcia Casado. Espana Mind (Ccmdition of, Inquiry into). med., Madrid, 1861, vi. 602-605.—In forme sobre el estado mental de D. J . . . R . . . Trab. Com. tl. med. leg. e hig. piib. de la r. Acad, tie cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873, i, 350-352.—.In■■ ine. xxxvii, 289-298.-----. Dttoiirnements : rapport sur Fetal mental de l'inculpe. Ibid., 1880. 2. s., vii. 453-500—.leiulra«**ik (J.) Orgyilkossag. s enuek beszamithatosaga. [Assas- sination ; mental condition of accused! Ktizeg. es Tiir- veny. Orvos., Budapest, 1877, 81-87. — .lew*en (P.) Gut- achten iiber einen zweifelhaf'ten Geuiuthszustand. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Ber]., 1844, i, 202-321.—Juris- prudence medico-legale; alitne; dommage lesiiltant dun crime commis par un aliene : responsabilite ties pa- rents: nsponsabilite du niaiie tie la commune: responsa- bilite civile tie l'accuse. [From : Gaz. d. tribiinaux, 1882.] Soc. de metl. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1881-2, vii, 296.— KaiidiiiMki (V. C.) Sluchai somniteluago diishevnago sostojanija peretl sudom prisjajnicb. [Doubtful state of mind in making oath before court.) Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov. 1883, ii, no. 2, 1-70.—Kelp. Ueber die Zuiecb- nungsfahigkeit des F. H. W---u aus B---e. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl.. 1878, xxxv, 214-218. -----. Obergutachten, betreffend die Auflubung der Curatel iiber den ArbeiterS. H. Ibid., 563-560. ---—. Gutachten iiber den Geisteszustand des Fusiliers C. G. 11 . . . k. Ibid., 1879, xxxvi, 395-299. — Kier»lii. Willen- oder he- wusstltis .' Gutachten. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. n. oft'. Med., Berl., 1869, xi, 345-348.—Kirn (L.) Verurtheilung einer Geistesgestorten : eine forensische Studie. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med , Niirnb., 1872, xxiii, 184-229.—Klose (C. S.) Bemerkungen iiber die geriehtsarztliehen Unter- suchungen gemiithskranker Zustande. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xxxix, 404-517. -----. Zwei Begut- achtungen eines Falles von zweifelhafter Narrheit. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1841, xii, 350-365.— Kdnig. Bericht und Gutachten iiber einen angeblich an Stumpfsinn leidenden Landmann. Ztsehr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1841, xii, 366-372. —Kornfeld. Moti- virtes Gutachten iiber den geistigen Zustand ties Dr. Phil. G . . . Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1871. v, 262-27(1. -----. Motivirtes Gutachten in tier Untersiichimgs-Sache wider die. unverehclichte P. H. aus A. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb. 1881, xxxii, 113-123.—Hosier. Motivirtes Gutachten iiber den psvehischen Zustand tier Wittwe K. S. Irrenfieund, Heilbr., 1870, xii, 117-123. -----. Simulation und in Folge deren Geistesstdruug: Gutachten iiber den Geisteszustand des Franz Joseph W. aus H. Ibid., 1883, xxv, 145-151. ----- Gutachten uber den psychischen Zustand des Fabrikaiheiters B. A. L. aus B. zur'Zeit Musketier tines Inl'anterie-Regiments. Ibid., 1884, xxvi, 33-37.—von Kratl't-Fbing (R.) Gutachteu iiber den Geisteszustand (Querulantenwahiisinn) ties A. Lacroma. Ibid., 1876. xviii, 169-177. -----. Zweifelhafter Geisteszustand einer Frauensperson zur Zeit tines an ihr uuteniommenen Beischlafs. Ibid., 1878, xx, 177-188. -----. Zweifelhafter Geisteszustand (Geistesschwiiche) eines -wegen Cassadefects in Untersuchung stehenden Steuerbeamten. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Metl., Niiinb., 1878. xxix, 427-435. -----. Todscblag im Affect; zweifelhafter Geisteszustand (Epilepsie und dadurch be- diugte krankhafte Gemiithsreizbarkeit) des Thiiters. (Fa- cultatso-utachten der Grazer med. Facultat.) Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat,, etc., Berl., 1880, xxxvii, 40-43. ---—. Ge- ricbtsarztliche Gutachten iiber zweifelbafte Geisteszu- staude. Jahrb. f. Psychiat,, Wien, 1882, iv, 39-51. -----. Drei Gutachten iiber zweifelhafte Geisteszustiinde. * ried- reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1882, xxxiii, 399-418. ----- Betrug; behauptete geistige Kraukheit; blosse orgauische Belastung; gerichtsarztlit lies Gutachten. Ibid., 1885, xxxvi, 210-218. — Krankengeschichte (Eine) menschenfreundlicheii praktischen Aerzten zur Beurtheilung vorgclegt. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1792, xiv 412-415. — lirau** (A.) War Anna Thormahlen wirklich die Morderin ihres Gatten, oder war ihre Selbst- anklage eine falsche ? Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med Niirnb., 1887, xxxviii, 153-185. -----. Der Criminalfall Marie Schneider nach Darstelluug des Vertheitligers Dr. Friedmann im Tribunal, ii. Jahrg., p. 552. besprocheii. Ibid., 258-275— Kriigelstein. Gutachteii iiber zweifel- hafte Gemuthszuslande. Ann. tl. Staatsarznk., Ireib. l. Br 1839, iv, 4. Hft., 59-97— Khtllinger. Zur Lehre iiber die Beurtheilung versteckter Scelenkraukheiten uud insbesondere iiber die Dauerhaftigkeit der Genesmig friiher an Geisteszerruttung erkrankter Personen. in niedicinisch-gerichtlicher Hinsicht, Ztschr. 1. d. staats- arznk.. Erlang., 1829, xvii, 114-154.-Knii (T.) &. I.ang (B ) Elmeallapotmegvizsgalasa. [Examination ot state oi mind.) illamorvos, Budapest, 1883, 113; 121.-l.aehr. Ueber die negativen Resultate bei gerichtlichen < .emut ht- ziistandsunteisuchiingen in Anstalten. [With discussion.] Allg. Ztschr. f. Psvcbiat., etc., Berl., 187h xxxv. 2a.>-200. ___L. Ueber die Untersuchung zweifelhafter t.. lsteszu- stande in A nstalten. Ilid.. 1883 xxxix, 601-605 -1 .a far- gue & *i«teray. Rapport medico-legal surl etat mental de D . . . (Bertrand), dit il . . . inculpe de tentative de viol. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1879,11<5- 21 MIND. 322 MIND. iff ind (Condition of Inquiry into). 122.— LnMittc (N.) Kapport medico-legal sur l'etat men- tal tie Marie ('•... Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1805, 4. s., vi, 187-203. -----. Rapport sur l'etat mental de M. K . . . se- questration d'othce; demande de mise en liberty; expertises m6dico-legales : lypemanie avec id6es de persecution, alcoo- lisme. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1879, 6. s., ii, 426-448.— Land*bcrg. Zwei dissentirende Gutachten und ein Superarbitriiim des konigl. Mediciual-Collegii iiber den Gemiitbszusland des Stellenbesitzersohnes August H. zu B. bei M. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1844, 33. Ergnzngshft,, 140-208. — Laugverniisste (Ueber eine) und bereits fiir todt gehaltene Person, nebst Untersuchung ihres jetzigen Gemiiths- und Gesundheitszustandes. Auf- satze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzeneyw., Berl., 1784, ii. 201- 208.—Laubcr (J.) Gutachten, den Geisteszustand des Bauern A. B. von C. betr. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1871, xxii, 58-64. -----. Gutachten die Curatel iiber A. B. von C, bier (lessen Geisteszustand betreffend. Ibid., 192-199.— I.ebrcdo (J. G.) Consulta sobre el estado mental de D. P . . . H . . . Trab. Com. de med. leg. e hig. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1873, i, 442-499. -----. Informe sobre el estado mental de D. J . . . M . . . C . . . Ibid., ii, 138-153.—Lcdo (J.) Consulta sobre documentos periciales y rcsponsabi- litlad facultativa. Ibid., i, 140-145. — liegrand dn Naulle. De l'influence ties congestions cerebralis et des attaques d'apoplexie sur la faculte de tester. Bull. Soc. de nied. prat, de Par., 1863, 65-68. -----. Sur l'6tat mental du sieur Lagartle. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1865, 4. s , vi, 369- 378. ----—. Note medico-legale h l'occasion dune donation entre-vifs ii la periode ultimo dune fievre I vphoide ataxi- que. Ibid., 1867, 4. s., ix, 439^143. -----. E'tat mental des vieillards et des mourants. Concours m6d., Par., 1880, ii, 247; 269. Also [Abstr.]: Praticien, Par.. 1880, ii, 568. Also, transl.: Gac. med. de Sevilla, 1880, ii, 224; 239. -----. Examen m6dico-legal de l'affaire T . . . opposition au mariage et instance en interdiction. Encephale, Par., 1884, iv, 299-319.— Lentz & .Sclirerenn. Rapport m6dieo- 16gal sur l'6tat mental du nomine R . . . Bull. Soc. de ined. ment. de Belg., Gaud et Leipz., 1875, no. 5, 19-48.— Leuf (A. H. P.) The Walsh case. Am. J. Neurol. & Psychiat,, NT., 1882, i, 501-513. — Leupoldt (J. M.) Wahrhcit oder wahnsinnige Eiubihluug? Ein arztliches Gutachten iiber zweifelhaf'ten psychischen Zustand. Aus- zugsweise mitgetheilt. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1846, iii, 283-295.—Llioimiic. Sur l'etat mental du gendarme S . . . Ann. med.-psych., Par., 186't, 4. s., ii, 338-348. — Liman. Bemerkungen zum forensischen Untersuchungs-Verfahren bei Geisteskranken. bei Gele- genheit eines Falles von streitiger Zureehniingsfahig- keit, Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl, 1868, i, 249-262. -----. Drei Gutachten iiber zweifelbafte Geisteszustande. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1880, n. F., xxxii. 193-218: xxxiii, 1-34. -----. Verbrechen oder Wahusinn ? Pro- zess gegen den Eittergutsbesitzer Botticher auf Zwecka wegen Meineides und Verleitung zum Meineide. Ibid., 1885. n. F., xiii, 249-270. — Lit vinofi (M.) Sluchai som- nitelnago dushevnago sostojanija zavietsbatelja. [Doubt- ful soundness of mind of a testator.] Shorn, socbin. po sudebnoi med., St. Petersb., 1881, i, pt. 1, 36-53. — Lo- eherer. Zur Frage iiber die Zurechnungsfahigkeit von Taubstumnien, zunachstbehaupteteNothziichtigung einer Taubstummen. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psy- chiat., etc., Neuwied, 1855, ii, 139-141. -----. Gesuch des G. Z. in B. und dessen Ehefrau Chr. um Aufiosung ihrer Ehe ; ein Gutachten an Gr.-Herz. Landgericht G. uber den Geisteszustand der Letzteren. Ibid., 1856, iii, 17.— Lombroso (C.) Processo Peltzer. Arch, di psychiat., etc.. Torino. 1883, iv, 130-134.—von Ludwigcr.' Eif'er- sucht oiler Geisteskrankheit? Motivirtes Gutachten. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1883. n. F., xxxviii, 238-251.— .tl. Ist tier Graf Chorinsky geistig gestdrt? Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1868, xv, 194-190.—itlajno (L.) Processo Bane e Lebiez. Arch. tli psichiat., etc., Torino, 1883, iv, 232-238— ill alio (P.) & Willie (E.) Exdmen fisiol6gico del estado mental de un individuo. Rev. m6d.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1871-2, viii, 267-272.—iTI a n n (E. C.) The psychological aspects of the trial of Edward Newton Rowell, at Batavia. New York. Am. Psychol. J., Phila., 1883--4, i, 381-411.— .tfarzocchi (S.) Lo stato della mente di un uxoricida. Gior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Napoli, 1886, n. s., viii, 106-118.—iUnmchUa. Majestatsbeleidigung, veriibt von einem Epileptiker. Be- antwortuug der Frage iiber die Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 1221. -----. Gutach- ten iiber den Geisteszustand des der Religionsstomng an- geklagten J. P. ; Verriicktheit, Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1879, n. F., xxxi, 218-224—.Tl ax-Si inon (P.) De l'cxpertise mentale. Lyon in6d., 1885. 1. 429-440.— .11 ec It el (P. F. ) Gutachten iiber den Geimitlisziistand eines vermeinten Bldd- und Wahnsiunigen. N. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1790, 2. Tb., 1-8.—Mctli- eina legale: relazione di perizia sullo stato mentale di G. Pittarelli fu Felice. Indipendente, Torino. 1874, xxv, 99- 108.—Itlendcl (E.) Offene Antwort auf den offenen Brief des Herrn Dr. Wallichs. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl., Berl., 1886, n. F., xliv, 338; 444. — tleuth. Ueber ein einfaches Mind (Condition of Inquiry into). Kriteriiun zur Beurtheilung zweifelhafter Geistes-Zu- stande. Verhandl. d. Ver. pfalz. Aerzte 1842-4, Kaiserslau- tern, 1845, 16-23. -----. Ein als Cause celehre qualitizirter Assisenfall. Ibid., 1847,1-15.—Meyer. Gerichtlich-medi- ciuisches Gutachten iibereinen zweifelhaften psychischen Zustand. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., ls:;5, xxx, 152-197. — ltleynert (T.) Superarbitriuin heziiglich der FragedesCaiisalnexus zwiscben eingetretenem Irrsinn and vorausgegangener Misshandlung. Psychiat. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, vi. 134-138.—Miraglia (li. G.) Sulla proce- dure nei'giudizii criminali e ci viii per riconoscertT'alienazi- onementale; osservazionimedico-psicologiche-legali. Boll. d. priv. manic. Fleurent, Napoli, 1880, vi, 7 ; 17.—ItloliKeu. Ueber die moglichst beste und griiudlichste Bestimmung und Festsetzung der Begriffe in Ertheilung medizinischer Responsforum iiber zweifelbafte Geniuthszustande. Re- pert. f. d. off. u. gerichtl. Arzney w., Berl., 1791, ii, 28: 76.— von Itlonakow. Ein Fall von Selhstbeschuldigungbei Sclrwachsiun und Melaucholie: motivirtes Obergutachten iiber den Geisteszustand der Anna Helena Br. von Bibe- rach. Friedreich'sBl. f. gerichtl Med., Niirnb., 1885, xxxvi, 24; 110.—itlongeri (L.) Consultation medico-legale sur l'6tat mental du sieur Oskan Arsenian. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1879-80, xxii, 35: 43; 51; 59.— ltlordret. Rapport medicti-legal snr l'etat mental d'une jeuue fille de douze ans et demi, prevenue dim double as- sassinat, Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1878, 5. s., xix. 103-106 — itloi'el. Rapport medical sur l'etat mental deM. P... Sg6 ilc trente-sept ans. entrC- a Mar6ville le 21 d6cembre 1849. Ibid., 1850, ii, 425-434—itlorselli (E.) tfc Angelutci (G.) Parere medico-forense sullo stato mentale di un uxoricida. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggie-Emilia, 1880, vi, 101-139.— ltlotel (A.) [Rapport medico-legal; ordonnance de con- stater l'etat mental de le noinnie X . . . inculpfee d'outrages k un ministre du culte, et de rebellion.] Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 243-250. -----. Medecine legale; examen de l'etat mental de Delmet Ged6on, incendiaire. Encepbale, Par., 1883, iii, 474-481. ----. Examen de l'etat mental du Sr. Chalenton, accus6 de meurtre. Ibid., 706-711. -----. fitat mental de B . . . inculp6 de tentative de meurtre. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1885, 3. s., xiii, 553-558. -----. Rapport sur l'6tat mental d'un individu inculp6 d'assassinat et de tentative de meurtre. Ibid., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 445-454.— fVasse (F.) Beitrage zur gerichtsarztlicheu Begutachtung zweifelhaft psychischer Zustande. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1831, xxii, 1-44.— Neumann. Zur Stel- lung der Sachverstandigen in foro criminali. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1883, xxxix, 521-532.—Neumann (A. ('.) Veruustaltung des Korpers und Verwahrlosung ties Geistes bei einem 2ujiihrigeu Manne als Anlass zur Anscbuldigung seiner Geistcsunfreiheit. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1834, xiii, 492-505. — rViederiiiaiiii (G.) Orvosi 6szlelet es v61em6ny sajiit gyermckenek meggyilko- ldsiival viidolt N. N. elmeillapota felol. [Mental condition of N. N., accused of murder.] Kozeg. es Tdrveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1880, 81-85.—IViest*. Gutachten iiber den zwei- felhaf'ten Gemiiths-Zustand eines Mil nuts. Ann. d. Staats- arznk., Freib., 1845, x, 469-480. — Obergutachten des kgl. Medicinal-Collegiums der Provinz Sclileswig-Holstein iiber den Geisteszustand des Maurers K. aus Gr.-B. Vrtl- jschr. f, gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1878, n. F., xxix, 209-220.— Obergutachten ties konigl. Medicinal-Collegiums der Provinz Brandenburg iiber den Geisteszustand des wegen betriigiichen Bankerbtts, etc., angeklagten Banquiers Gus- tav J. Ibid., 1886, n. F., xiv, 1; 201— Ordrouaux (J.) Case of Mrs. Jane C. Norton. (Value of testimony cov- ering a period of past insanity.) Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1877, xxxiii, 352-390.— Pagauuzzi ( L.) Sullo stato di mente di Luigi Bozzato, imputato di parricidio; parere medico-legale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1884. i, 89-103. —---. Sullo stato di mente di A. B., im- putato di minaccie eontro i pareuti; parere medico-legale. Ibid., 1885, ii, 321-337. — Paluierini ( U. ) In causa di reato di falsity. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1878, iii, 542-549. — Parchnppe. Rapport medico- legal sur un cas d'interdiction. Ann. med.-psveh., Par , 1849, xiii, 339-350.—Parchappe [et al). Sui Madame R . . . nee B . . . pensionnaire k la maison imperiale de Charenton. Ibid.. 1865, 4. s., vi, 338-368.— Pavia (A.) Processo Brusa. Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino. 1887. viii, 289-293.—Pecholier [et al.]. Commeutaire sur les arti- cles 1974 et 1975 du code civil. Rente viagerc ennstituee sur la tete d'une personne atteintc d'une a tied ion ceiebrale le jour de la passation du conti.it, et qui a succombc moins de 20 jours apres, par suite d'une attaque. d'apoplexie ; rap- port medico-legal sur ce fait. Montpel. m6d., 1873, xxx, 126-141.—Peel (A.) tfc De C'raenc (L.) Rapport medico- legal sur l'etat mental du uomme T . . . Charles-Louis, prevenu d'ineeudie. Bull. Soc, de med. ment. de Belg., (land, 1885, no. 36, 32-38.—Pelninn (C.) Ueber krank- haf'te Fragesucht (mit Furcht vor Beriihrung ausserer Gegenstande). Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1876, xviii, 41: 57. -----. Einige geriehtlich medicinisohe Gutachten iiber zweifelbafte Gemiithszustiinde. Friedreich's Bl. f. gu- richtel. Med., Niirnb., 188). xxxii, 131; 161. -----. Gut- achten, ilen Geisteszustand des Hermann G. betreffend. Biandstiftiing von Seiteu eines beschrankten und zu MIND. 328 MIND. 1|hid (Condition of Inquiry into\. Geistessttirungen dis|ionii -ten Menschen. Ibid., 1885, xxxvi 172-178. —Perotti (A.) Relazione di peiizia sullo stato mentale del teologo sig. G. Baitista P . . . Inui- iicndcnte, Torino, 1875. xxvi. 273-280. -----. Relazione di terizia sullo stato mentale di Ccrioue Luigi Gior. tl. r. Vcciitl. di metl. di Torino, 1876, xxxix, 650-661. —Pexta- lozzn (F) Consitlerazioni dopo un processo per mancato uinicidio. Gugliehuo da Salieeto. Piaeenza, 1882-3, iv. 235; ■■-,;> _|»feuIVr. Tiigebucb und Gutachlen iiber die Gei- Rtcszerriittuiig der Griitm N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr.. etc., Berl., 1825, i, 36-68. -----. Nachtrag zu meinem i'age- bucht- iiber die Geisterzerriittung der Gratiu N. Ibid., 1826, i. 397-410.—Plasencia (T.) Informe sobre el estado mcu'tal de I> D . . . G . . . Trab. Com. de med. leg. e big. pub tb- la r. Acad, tie cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873, ii, ;:!_78. — Ponloppidan (K.) Retsinediciusk Kasuistik veilimtntle tlen praktiske Afgjorelse af tvivlsomme Til- ic"iieli"lieilstilhelde. [Responsibility of accused persons.] I'gesk'f. Lager, Kjobeub., 1881, 4. R, iii. 81; 97— Pouza ((.i. L.) Giiuli/.io medico-legale iier una tentata niuti'.a- zione Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1864, 2. s.. li, 427: 1865. 2. s., lii, 99. Also, Reprint. — Porta et al. Rapporto su lo stato mentale di Giuseppe Curli, imputato di ci inline per oiuicidio dello suocero e della propria moglie. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1859, 4. s, iv, 264: 340.— Porto tX.) O processo medico-legal Regu Pontes. Cor- reio metl. de Lisb., 1884. xiii. 53; 102—Prozcss (Der) 1'lin - Wiudisch; Gutachten iiber deu Geisteszustand des Baron Ulm ; Kritik iiber dieses Gutachten von einem Anonynms uud Gegenkl itik von deu k. k. Laudesgerichts- iirzten Dr. Haller und I'rof. Dr. Schlager. Wien. med. Presse. 1867. viii. 512: 537: 560; 584; 610: 637 ; 667. —Plich- Ktein. Ueber deu Geniiithszustand der unverelniiiiiteu Maria Krause zu Tonniu. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc.. Neuwied, 1874, xx, 101-103.—Ramon Luis .tliranda. Informe para averiguar la fe cienti- tica que inert een las eertifieaciones facultativas ministra- das a couseeuencia del disparo de uu tiro a D. I . . . V . . . Trab. Com. de med. leg. e big. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873, i, 580-586.—Ramon Zaui- brana. Informe con el objeto do averiguar el estado de las faciiltades mentales del negro Jose Lattitte, antes, durante y despues del hecho, y cual de las euatro declara- ciones considere la Academia mas conforme con los prin- ciples de la ciencia. Ibid., 1872, i, 64-79 — Kehbciu. Aerztliches Gutachten iiber den Seelenzustand des inbaf- tirten Johann Tobias Biihning. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1833, 18. Ergnzngshft., 229-254.—Rcichc. H. Geiichtlich-medicinisches Gutachten iiber die Fiihigkeit einer, an einer tixen Idee leidenden, Fran zur eigenen Verwaltung ihres Veruidgens. Ibid., 1830, x, 344-352.— Rennudiu (E.) Ra]i]>ort mealieo-legal sur l'etat mental dela nominee D . . . veuve X . . . Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1864, 4. s., iv, 200-212.—Rodriguez (F. F.)' Consulta sobre el estado mental de I). J . . . R . . . Trab. Com. de med. leg. 6 hig. pub. de la r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1873, i, 408-428. -----. Consulta para averiguar el estailo mental del negro JosC J. Martinez. Ibid., 561- 573.—Responsabilite (La) morale et la responsibility sociale. [Discussion.] Ann. nied.-psych., Par., 1881, 6. s., v, 96; 270: 286; 484— Roggero (G.) & Ronconi (L.) In causa di uxoricidio, parere medico-legale sullo stato di mente di Cattanco Carlo. Boll. d. r. manic, di Alessan- dria. 18S2, iii, 18; 22; 27; 31; 35; 39; 43: 47.—Ronsselin tfc Lunier. Etude medico-legale sur l'etat mental de M du P. .. Ann. mi-il.-psych., Par., 1870,5. s..iv. 56-89.—Sander (W.) Gutachten iiber den Gemiiths-Zustaud des Rcleren- darius a. D. N. X. Arch. f. Psych., Berl., 1868. i. 055-675., -----. Gutachten iiber den Geniiithszustand der separir- ten KlaraB. geb. F. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1872. xvii, 212-231.-----. Gutachten iiber den Gemiithszii- stand des Grafen B. vou N. aus Z. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1876, xxiv, 201-237. -----. Zwei Gutachten iiber zweifelhafte Gemiithszustande. Ibid., 1878, n. F., xxviii. 40-61.— Sane or insane? Report of the medical commission on the t use of John McGinnis. [Edit.] Med. News. Phila., 1884, xliv, 14.—Savage (G. H.) The case of Gouldstone. J. Ment, Sc., Lond.. 1883-4, xxix. 534-539. [Se.\ also. Cast's, «u^/'rt.]-SehaclTer (A. J.) Zwei ge- richtliche Verhaudlungen, enthalteud die iirztliche I'liter- suchung Geistesgestdrter, in welcben das unzweit'elhafte Ergehniss der Exploration, start des nach dem Termine einzureicheiitleu hesondern und motivirten Gutachtens sof'ort im Termin zu Protocol! gegeben wurdc. (Ausge- liihrt nach Yorschrift der liohen Ministerial-Verfiigung vom 14. November 1841.) In his: f-anunl. geriehtsarztl. Gutacht., 8°, Berk, 1848, 371-384.— Schaitter (J.) Wat- pliwy stan umyslowy mordei cy. [Doubtful mental condi- tion of a murderer. ] ' Medycyna. Warszawa, 1883, xi, 50; 09; 85: 101.—Schlager. Die psychiatrische Begutachtung ties Sultans Murad V. und (lessen Throuentsetziing. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat.. Berl.. 1877, xxxiv, 1-48—Sch lager iv Mailer (M.) Zum Process Clin -Wiudisch. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1807. xvi, 175. — Schlaiigciihau*eu (F.) Der Fall Hawranek. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat.. etc., Berl., 1884. xii, 390-394— Schlegel (J. II. G.» Gutachten iiber Uen Gemiithszustand eines Menschen, iiber weld-en Vlillrf (Condition of Inquiry into). die Streitfrage entstand : ob er fahig sey, sein Vermogeu selbst Zu verwalteu. Mat. f. d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk., Jena, 1800, i. 47-53. -----. Gutachten iiber den Geniiithszustand eines Mamies, welcher sich ins Wasser stiii-zte, aber gerettet wurde. Ibid , 1809. viii, 120-129. ----. Gutachten iiber den physischeu und psychischen Zustand eines jungeu Maunes. Jahrb. d. phil.-med. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1828, i. 3. Hft., 148-159. -----. Der geisteskranke E. B. zu R., den ihu betretfeuden Acten zufolge beurtheilt. Ztschr. f. d. Stiiatsarzuk., Erlang., 1829, ix, 446-452. -----. Leber den zweifelhaften psychi- schen Gesundheitszustanil eines Inquisiten. Ibid., 1833, 19. Erguzugshft,, 127-149. -----. Gutachten iiber den psy- chischen Zustand eines friiher an Manie uud Melancho- lic leidenden Mannes, in Bezug auf eine angeordnete Cu- ratel. Ibid., 1836. 22. Ergnzngshft., 112-138'. -----. Gut- achten iiber den Geistes- uud Geniiithszustand ties Frau- leins. Ann. d. Staatsarznk , Tubing., 1837. ii, 367-380.— Sehuielcher. Gutachten iiber den Geisteszustand des Peter Kerz. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Metl , Niirnb., 1870, xxi, 198-204. —Sehneevoogt (G. K. V.) &. van Ilee* (C. C.) Geregtelijk-geneeskundig rapport omtreut tlen gemoedstoestand van Hendrik Aalders, beschuldigd van diefstal enz. Tijdschr. d. Nedeil. Maatsch. t. Bo- vord. d. Geneesk., s Gravenh., 1850, i, 2. Atti., 195-217.— Schueider (P. J.) Obergerichtsarztliches Gutachten iiber zweifelhaften Seelenzustand. Deutsche Ztschr. f. tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1858, n. F., xi, 170-181— Mcholz. Zwan"-svoi stelluugeu : fiilschliche Beschuldigung tier Pii- derasfie. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Metl., Berl., 1885, n. F., xliii, 222-230.—Schreiber (L.) Gutachten iiber einen zweifelhaften Gemiithszustaud. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, xlvii, 307-338 —Schumacher. Ist Rupert L. g'eisteskrank .' Fliedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med.. Niirhb., 1871, xxii, 12-22. -----. Lebenscurrikel und Gut- achten'iiber'den Geistes- und Gemiithsziistand des Jo- seph R. Ibid.. 176-186. -----. 1st Jakob St. zurechnungs fiihig. unzureclinungsfiihig oder gemindert zurechnungs fahig.' Ibid., 1874. xxv, 457 -465 — Whteiuhcrg ( S. ) Analis psichicheskago sostojanija ph. [Medico-legal defi- nition of mental condition.| Shorn, sochin. po sudebnoi med., St. Petersb , 1876. i. 30-61.—Sieilia (J.) Medieina foren'se: cast practice. Espana med.. .Madrid, 1859, iv, 603; 619—da Silva Amado (J.J.) Parecer sobra uma questao de metlieiua fonnse proposta ii Sociedade das sci- encias medieas tie Lisboa. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1879, xliv, 277-285.—Shrzeezka «.t Virchow (R.) Zu- rechuungsf iihigkeit. (1869.) (Erorterung stiafrechtlicher Fragen aus dem Gebiete tier gerichtlichen Medicin. Eine Anlage zu den Motiven des Strafgesetz-Entwurfes f. d. Norddeutsch. Bund, p. 15.) In: Virchow (R) Ges. Ab- handl. a. d. Geb. d. (iff. Med., 8 . Berl., 1879, ii, 505: 528.— Snell. Ein Gutachten iiber Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat,, etc., Berl., 1879, xxxvi, 450- 461. —Solaville. Rapport medico legal sur l'etat mental de Theodore X. Ann. med-psveh., Par., 1878, 5. s., xx, 224-233.—Speth. Gerichtsarztiiches Gutachten uber den psychischen Zustand einer angeblich blodsinnigen Inqui- sit'in. Ztschr. f. il. Staatsarznk.. Erlang.. 18:i4. xxyui, i;i8-154.—Sponholz. Ueber Zurecliintngsfiihigkeit einer 79jiiliri'M'ii Wittwe. die sich fines Meineides hezuchtigt lnitte. "Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1857, iv. 11-16— Steeginann. Einige Bemer- kungen zu der Abhandlung des . . . Dr. Mitterniaier in Heidelberg "Ueber die zweckmassigsto Art tier gerichtli- chen Fragestellung an Aerzte, bei Erforschung des geisti- gen Zustaiides der Angeklagten und iiber das Verhaltmss des Gerichts und der Medicinalbehiirde in Bezug aut arzt'iche Gutachten". [From: Ilitzig s Ztschr. 1. d. Criminalreehtspflege in den preussischen Staaten. Bd. n, S. 235-261.] Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1831. 14. Ergnzngshft,. 133-170.—Sterne (S.) Legal responsibility and accountability. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc. N. \.. 18s 2 s 277-287.—Slimming ('I he) up in the Gilbert Mott case [From ■ The Times.] Metl. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1884 i 536—Superarbitriuin der kg!, wissenstdiafth- chen Deputation fiir das Medicinalweseu in tier Untcr- sucbungssache wider den Invali.lcn L. aus \\ . \ rtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl.. 1879. n. F.. xxx, 209-231 : xxxi, - 19-Tarchiiii-Boiifanti (A.) \ Tassam (G.) Mi lo stato mentale di G. Curti. Gazz. med. ital lomb., }™™°< 1859, 4. s., iv, 229; 237; 245; 436.-Tebald. (A ) Voto isay, 4. s., IV, --■>: cat; -to, «»•-*'■•■— ', ' .. ,,. medico-legale sopra lo stato mentale di'Augelo B.: tollia ereditariafon carattere impulsivo. Arch. ital. per le mal. *.erv., Milano. 1873, x, 210-216.-Teileux. Rapport ledico-legal sur l'etat mental d'Adele-Helene Brevard- .acroix, femme Duunier-Blanc. Ann. med.-psyeh., I ar 419-454— Todlwchlag im Affect. £™ su lo stale morale degli amnialati. Kentlic Accad. med.-chir. tli Napoli. 1862, xvi, 50-62.— Vlitchell (L. C.) The influence of mind in disease. N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeportv Conn . 1885-6, v, 154-161. Also: Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul, ISS.'-O, v, 21 - 28. — IVIoral (On the) therapeutics of London. J. Psych. M., Loud., 1859, xii, 277-299.—.VIoreau (J.-L.) Observations sur un fait de medecine morale. Mem Soc. metl. d'emulat. de Par., an v (17971. i, 40-43.— Vloixlli (E.) L' influenza del morale sui tisicox rasse^na critica. Riv. spec, di fre- niat, Reggie-Emilia. 1886, xii. 120-130.—IVasse. Yereint- seyn von Seele iintl Leib oiler EinsseviW Ztschr. f. psych. Aerzte, Leipz., 1820, iii, 1. Vrtl.jschr..' 0-22. — OW< ill (H.) Psychological causes of disease. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1878, xxi. 159-164.—Paniard. Sur l'influence du moral sur le physique. Rev. metl. franc et etrang., Par.. 1836. iv, 47-55. —Park (J. R.) On the influence of mental impressions in producing change of function in the living body. J. Sc. & Arts 1817 [Am. rep.]. N. Y., 1818, iv, 207- TJ.C). — Petit (M.-A.) Discours sur l'iufhieiiee de la revo- lution lianeaise snr la sante publique. In his: Essai sul- la medeciue du cfleur, 2. ed., 8°, Par., 1828, 177-213.— Philips (J.-P.) Coup tl'reil sur la th6orie des actions organoleptiques et sur l'influence reciproque de la pens6e, de la sensation et des rami vements organiques. Ann. med.- psveh.. I'ar.. 1862, 3. s.. viii, 270-281. Also. Reprint.— PiMlelli (E. M.) Ricercbe mcdico-legali sui momento iu cui 1 anima si divide dal corpo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1826, xl, 127-138—Probst (C. O.) The physical results of mental forces; or the action of mind on body. Columbus M. J., 1885-6. iv. 385-397. — Bevcille-Pa- rise. Essai tie th6rapeutiqut' morale. Bull. gen. de the- rap., etc. Par., 1841, xxi, 5; 137.—Bibe*. Des affections morales, et ties passions considerees comme moyen thera- peutique. Rev. de therap. du niitli Montpel., 1850, i, 289; 328.—Bichardsoii (B. W.) Induced disease fiom the influence, of the passions. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1875, viii, 60-60. — Boliert (C.) Influence des emotions vives sur la production it sur la guerison de certaines maladies. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1838-9, 109-111.—Bouse (W. H.) The influence of the mind on some of the organic functions of the body. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1875, xi, 447-455.—Bussell (J.) Illustrations of disease produced by mental influence. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, ii, 851; 874.— Me bus ter. Leber die psychische Behandlung der Krank- heiten tils IliillMnitte], die Wirkuug der materiellen Heil- mittel zu nnterstutzeii. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk , Berl., 1831, xxxiv, 489-526.—Mealy (J. H.) Tlie imagination; its his- tory and eftects on the functions of the body iu health and disease. /» his: Medical essays, 12°, Lond., 1837, xiv, 1- yi.—Simpson (H.) How the'body may be influenced by the mind in Mckness and health. Health Lect., Lond', 1878-9, ii, 35-56.—Skvortsoff (I. P.) O vlijanii duschev- nago sostojanija ehelovieka na proischojdenie, teehenie i ischod bolieznei. [Influence of mental condition of man on the origin, course, etc., of disease.] Vrach. Vaidoni., St. Petersb., 1880. v. 172t; 1752.—Stearns (J.) Address. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany. 1820. 13-29— Stiuchficld (A. W.) Psychological influences in health and disease. Tr. Minn. M. Soc . St. Paul. 1875. 30-40— Thibault. Meioena determine par une affection vive de lame. Ann. cliu. de Montpel., 1853, i, 207.—Todd (J. S.) Some thoughts and facts about the superstitions of medicine and mental in- fluences as curative agents. Atlanta M. tfc S. J., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 709-718.—Todd (S. S.) Trauquilization as an ele- men of cure. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Joseph, 1872, vi, 33-48.—Van der iVIeersch (D.-.I.) Observation d'une maladie nerveuse rebelle, guerie subitement par uu pro- cede moral, suivie de quelques remarques sur ces especes de cures. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1865, xliii, 85-120. | Rap. de Ingels], 121-126.—Vau Vorhis (F. J.) Psychi- cal influence upon the organization of structures. Tr. In- diana M. Soc, Indianap.. 1870. xx, 57-64. [Discussion], 64- 66— Vedic (H.) De l'influence des causes morales sur 1 ec.ouomie eten particulier sur le systeme nerveux. Ann. med.-psych.. Par., 1874, xl, 5-35.—Walker (J. K.) On the influence of the depressing passions on the health and on disease. Tr. Prov. M. i S. Ass.. Lond., 1841, ix, 471- 480 —Webber (N. W.) Influence of the mind upon the body. Detroit Rev. Metl. & Pharm., 1876. xi, 467-474.— Williamson (J.) Mental influence in physical disease. An inaugural thesis. Chicago M. J., 1869, xxvi, 65-84.— Winslow-I » Influence of the mind on disease. Lond. .\1 Gaz., 1-39 n. s., ii, 164-171. Jlimi (Ocenvork of). Sec, also, Education (Hygiene of); Nervous system (Diseases of). Wood (H. C.) Brain-work and over-work. 16-'. Philadelphia, 1880. Fa rq lib arson (It.) On overwork. Lancet, Loud., 1876. ii. 9.—Fothrrgill (J. M.) Mental strain; over- work and tension. San. Rec, Lond.. 1874. i. 221-223.— Franchi (G.) L' abuso delle forze intelletluali. Ale diet) diCasa, Milano, 1873, i, 4, 17.—Johnson (G.) Lect- ures on some nervous disorders that result from overwork and mental anxiety. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, (i.",l; 1376, i, 233; 271.—Josat. I le l'influence ties travaux tit l'esprit sur la sante. Investigatcur. J. tie ITust. hist., Par., 1847. 2. s, vii, 338-343. — xVlarC'abe (F.) Ou mental strain and overwork. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1875, xxi, 388- 402— Bichardsoii (B. W.) On physical diseases from mental strain. Ibid., 1863-70, xv, 350-362. Also: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1869-70, xxvi, 449-469—Bouth (C. H. FJ Overwork and premature mental decay aud their treatment. Proc. M. Soc. Lond.. 1872-4, i, 19. Also: Med. Press * Circ. Lond., 1873. xv, 417; 439; 461. Also, Reprint. — Wilks ( S.) On overwork. Lancet. Lond., 1875, i, 886. Also: San. Rec, Lond., 1875, iii, 54-56.— Winslow (F.) On softening of the brain arising from anxiety and undue mental exercise and resulting in im- pairment of mind. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1849. ii, 1-32. Mind. A quarterly review of psychology nnd philosophy. Edited by George Crooin Robert- son, v. 1-12, 1876-87. 8°. London, Williams 4~ Norgate. Current, v. 10 contains general index to v. 1-10. Mind (The), the breath, and speech; or practical remarks on stammering, viii, 9-48 pp. 12-. London, J. Madden, 1848. Mind, lite, and motion; with the law of their relations to matter, iv, 77 pp., 2 pi. 8-. New York, J. F. Trow, 1857. With second title-page: Uncertainty of human testi- mony; conclusions not judgments. A letter to Hon. Wm. Kent. ITIilid in animals. See Instinct. Mind in nature. A popular journal of psychical, medical, and scientific information. Published by the Cosmic Publishing Company. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, March, 1855, to Feb.; 1887. 8C. Chicago. Ended. Hi ml-<-ii re. See, also, Magnetism (Animal). Barrows (C. M.) Bread-pills; a study of mind-cure. What it is, and how to do it. 2. ed. 8°. Boston, 1887). Bartol (C. A.) Spiritual specifics. Mind in medicine. Embracing two sermons preached in the West Church, Boston, Mass., October 5 and 12, 1884. 12°. New York, 1884. -----. Spiritual specifics. Mind iu medicine. No. 4. A sermon preached in the West Church, Boston. 8°. Boston, [1886]. Choate (C. E.) True Christianity; the basis of healing with mind. A lecture delivered in the Universalis! Church, Chelsea, Mass., April 30, 1885. 12°. Boston, 1886. -----. The unfolding; or mind understood the healing power. 8°. Boston, 1886. Christian science and the Bible with refer- ence to Mary Baker G. Eddy's Science and health. By Phare Pleigh. In review of a recent California essay. 12°. Boston, 1886. Diaz (Abby M.) Spirit as a power. 12°. [Belmont, 1886. ] ------. The law of perfection. 24 . [Bel- mont, Mass., 1886.] Ditton (G.) Ontology, or the science of being: a monograph, being an exposition of the mental cure, with a short chapter ou hygiene. 8;. [Boston, n. d.] Eddy (Mary B. G.) Defence of christian science against Rev. Joseph Cook and Dr. A. J. Gordon's religious ban. 12°. Boston, 1885. MIND-CUKE. 329 MIXDEKEK. mind-cure. ------. Christian healing. A lecture deliv- ered at Boston. 2. ed. 8°. Cambridge; 1886. ------. Science and health, with key to the Scriptures. 24. ed. 8-. Boston, 1886. ------. The people's idea of God; its effects on health and Christianity. 2. ed. 8 . Cam- bridge, 1886. Evans (\V. F.) The mental cure, illustrat- ing the inflnence of tlie mind on the body, both in° health and disease, and the psychological method of treatment, sm. s . Glasgow, 18-79. ------. Mental medicine; a theoretical and practical treatise on medical psychology. 15. ed. 8°. Boston, 1872. ------. Soul and body, or the spiritual science of health and disease. S~. Boston, 1876. ------. Healing by faith; or, primitive mind- cure. Elementary lessons iu Christian philoso- phy and transccndal medicine. 8°. London, 1887). ------. Esoteric Christianity and mental thera- peutics. 8^'. Bos>on, 1886. ------. The primitive mind-cure. The nature and power of faith; or elementary lessons in christian philosophy and transcendental medi- cine. 5. ed. 8°. Boston, 1886. Hazzaud (14. B.) The essence of mind-cure; what ii is; what it is for; a primer of christian science. 12J. Xew York, 1886. Kihc'IIgf.ssn'ku (E. M.) Preliminary lessons in metaphysics, or the science of christian heal- ing. 12-. Boston, 18^6. My physician, mind. Metaphysics iu a nut- shell. A concise treatise on mental and spiritual dynamics; their application as a therapeutic agent in the cure of all diseases, whether iu acute or chronic form. In scope it covers the entire domain of man's relations to Cod, the neighbor, and the universe of things. 8°. Topeka, 18»6. Nakhatiyk (A) of the late extraordinary cure wrought in an instant upon Mrs. Eliz. Savage (lame from her birth), without the using of any natural means. With the affidavits which were made before the right honorable the lord mayor, and the certificates of several credible persons, who knew her both before and since her cure. Enquired into with all its circumstances, by noted divines both of the Church of England and others; and by eminent physicians of the college ; and many persons of quality, who have express'd their full satisfaction. With an ap- pendix, attempting to prove that miracles are not t-cas'd. 12-'. London, 1694. Niciiui.i.s (W. T.) Mind cure; its truths and fallacies from a common-sense standpoint. 12°. Chicago, 18<6. Rout (Julia A.) Healing power of mind. A treatise on mind-cure, with original views on the subject and complete instructions for practice aud self treatment. 2. ed. 12°. Peoria, 1886. Sti-aht (Mrs. E. G.) Healing power of thought. Lecture delivered in Hvde Park [Mass.], March 13, 1884. 12°. Hijclc Park, Mass., [1884]. Wiikd (The) of the Lord concerning sickness. Compiled by G. W. McCalla. 24°. Philadelphia, [n. d.} Finley (Marc J.) Tlie miml-cure. Metl. Kec. N. Y., 18*7. xxxii. 59(i-:,9:i.— Hilt hell (L. C.) Mintl or faitb cure. Northwest. Lancet. Sr. Paul. 1885-6, v, 401-406.— Wi\ l'rof. A. J. Swarfs. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-3, v. 2,'Oct. to Dec. 1885. SL. Chicago. A continuation of: .Ilind-Cnrc (The) and Science of Life. Continued in Jtiu., 1S86, as: .Tlenlal Science Mag- azine and Mintl Cure Journal. Mind-Cure (The) and Science of Life. Prof. A. J. Swarts, editor and publisher. [Monthly.] Nos. 4, 6-8, 11, v. 1, Jan. to Aug., l8.<5. >r Chi- cago. Continued in October, 1885, as: ..VIind-Cure Jour- nal. Minden. General - Yerwaltungs - Bericlit iiber das Medicinal- nnd Sauitatswesen des Regie- rungs-Bezirks Minden fiir das Jahr 1880. Von Dr. Schulz-Hencke. 119 pp., 1 map, 1 tab. 8 . Minden, J, (..'. C. Bruns, 1882. ^linden. Sciin.TZ- IIkxcke. Der Regiernugs-Bezirk Minden. Eine medicinische Studie, nebst Yer- waltungsbericht, iiber das Sauitats- und Vcteri- niir-Wesen fiir das Jahr 1875. 8-. Minden, 1877. .Vlortalitats-Statistik der Gemeinde Minden: 1. Januar bis HI. December 1874. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Kiilu, 1876, v, 55-57. Minder (Daniel). * De abortu, oder von der uuzeitigen Gcburt. 27 pp., 2 1. sm. 4 . Halce Magdeb., typ. C. Hilligeri, 1733. Minder (Henry). * Des hemorrhagies utdrines qui si manifestent pendant la grossesse, pendant et apres l'accouehemeut. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, Xo. 127. Minderer (Joannes Martinus) [1? -1812]. *De peste eique medendi methodo in ratione et ex- perientia fundata. 52 pp. 4 . Jence, typ. Goc- pfercltianis, 17--9. ------. The same. 52 pp. 4°. Bigce, J. F. Hart- knoch, 178[). ------. The same. Abennal ein Beytrag zur Kenntniss und Heilung der Pest. 161 pp. 16°. liicja, J. F. Hurtknoch, 1790. Minderer (Ravmnndus). De pestilentia liber unus veterum et neotcrirorum observation!' con- stans. 16 p. 1., 386 pp. 12°. [ Vindobonee, 1608.] ------. Aloedarium marocostinum. 13 p. ]., 235 pp., 3 1. 8 . Augustce Yindelicorum, 1616. ------. Threnodia medica seu plauctus medieina* lugentis. 23 p. 1., 597 pp., 9 1. 16°. [Augustce Yindelicorum, A. Aperger], 1619. ------. Medieina militaris. seu libellus eastrensis. Euporista ac facile parabilia medicamenta coni- preheudens. Id est: Gemaiue Haudstiicklein zur Kriegs- Artzney gehorig. Mit wolgegriindten Experimenten gezieret, uud den gemainen Solda- ten, Ritter und Knechten zum nutzen an Tagge- geben. 7 p. 1., 232 pp., 4 1. 12°. Augspurg, A. Aperger, lt>20. Round with: Apoi.lixaius (Q.) Kurtz Handbuchlin [etc.l 12°. Franckf. a. J/., 1554. ----. The same. 4 p. 1., 232 pp., 3 1. Ingol- stadt, IV. Eder, 1632. ----. The same. Medieina militaris. Das ist, gemeine Haudstiicklein zur Kriegs-Artzney ge- horig. Mit wolgegriindten Experimenten ge- zieret, und den gemeinen Soldaten, Ritter und Knechten zum Nutzen au Tag gegebeu. Sampt angeheugtem rathlichen Gutachten, die jetzt schwebende und unter den Soldaten niehrentheils grassirende Sucht betreffend. 383 pp., 4 1. 16°. Niirnberg, J. Diindern, [1620]. -----. The same. 319 pp., 26 1. 16:. Augspurg, A. Aperger, 1623. -----. The same. Medieina militaris; or, a body of inilitarv medicines experimented. Englished out of High-Dutch. 1 p. 1., 30, 152 pp., 6 1. 8J. London, IV. Godbid, 1674. Hound with: Uarbktte ( Paul). Thesaurus chirurgia [etc.] 8°. London, 1676. —. Consilium, oder riitb.licb.es Gutachten, die jetzt schwebende und unter den Soldaten nieh- rertheils trrassierende Sucht betreffend. In his: Medieina militni-is. 16°. Augspurg, 1623. 22 1. See, also, Bai-btiie (Paul). Thesaurus clnrurgiae [etc.] 3. ed. 8 . London, 1676. MIXDERLEIX. 330 MINERALS. Miaiderlein (Josephus). * De theoria geuera- tionis. 32 pp. r-. Vindobonce, F. Ludwig, [1-36]. Miiideroi)(GerarilusJoannesGustavus). 1 wee ziektegevalleu door den sehrijver waargenonien. 2 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Leyden, P. Engels, 1858. Minding: (Carolus Julius Augustus) [ 18D8- ]. * De vita; fuuctionum perturliatiouibus notioues gcnerales. 29 pp., 1 1. sm. 8°. Berolini, lyp. Xietackianis, [1833]. -----. Nachtrag zu der Beleuchtung des literari- schen Treibens des Herrn Isaac Jacob Sachs, lvcdacteurs der medieinischen Ceutral-Zeitung, ehedein der (iewerbszeitung, des Stadt- und Landboten und der Erinneruugsblatter, so wie alleiuigen Inhabers der Buchhaudluug Lieb- niaun und Comp. in Berliu. iv, 43 pp. 12-. Berlin, A. Hirsehwuld, 1843. ■-----. Die vorziiglicbsten Biider und Heilquellen Mittel-Etiropa's. 70 pp. Kr. Berlin, F. H. Morin, 1846. See. aho. von ISehr (Alfred) & .VIinning (Jul.) Tasciieii-Kni vclo|i,:ttlie, etc. 12°. Erlangen, 1845-7.— Wat'li«(.l.J.'i Wunligungderzeitheiigen [etc.] 8°. Ber- lin. 1843. Also. Editor of: lt. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1876- 7. x. 459-473. -----. Physiology of mintl -reading. .1. Sc , Lond.. 1881. 3. s., iii. 407-410.'-----. Some new experi- ments in muscle-reading (thought reading). Alienist & Neurol.. Sr. Louis, 1883, iv, 175-182 — ISi>liop (VV. I.) Miim'Io.reading. S. ience, X. Y., 1886, viii, 506. — C lim- ber I :■ ml (S. ('.) A thought reader's experiences. Mne- tcentli Cent., Lond., 1886, xx, 867-885.— Ui'Moir (il.) Experiments in muscle-reading and thought-transference. [Tiansl.] 1'ioc. Sue. Psych, Itesearch, Loud., 1886-7. iv, lll-l^ti—«i a in a I e (X. F ) (Itgadivanie muslei narazsto- ianii. C Su^estion mentale ' Bit-bet.) [ Muscle-reading.] Vracli. St. l'etersb.. 1885, vi, 266: 304 —«!«■> (E.) Sur les mouvements musciilaires inconscients en rapport avec les images ou representations mentules. Tiibiiuc med., Par.. 1884, xvi, 354.— I.ymaii (II. M.) Xotes of an interview with Brown, the " mind-reatler". Chicago M.J.,1873, xxx, 505-570.— Hc(>i'inv (T. A ) On inind-i catling and allied morbid phenoniena. Detroit Kev. Med & IMuirm., 1875, xi. 451-470. — iTIincl-i'i adimt and niii«cle reauiiig. [Edit.] Boston M. iS.,(„ 1886, cxv. 5:12.—Prince (M.) Thought- transference. Ibid., 1887. cxvi. 1H7-112.—Sclnnoll (A.) Experiments in thought-tiansfeieuce. [Transl. from the German -J4-:i:sT. — Mikorwlii (I. A.) V chem sostoit t. naz. chteuie iii u/.navanie mislei drugago '. (Is mind read- inn- or the recognizing of thoughts by ;.iu>ther. possible .'] Viach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 853: 871.—Nyiiionn* (J. A.) On the relations bet ween mind and muscle. In his -. Misc., 8^. Lond., 1871. 265-292. Iffineliend. Clark (T.) Minebead as a winter residence for those su tiering from chest diseases. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1877, i, 708. Minel. See I nrli-c I Departement de 1'). Rapport general sur les travaux ilu ( Onseil central d'hygiene et de salubritc pour 1878. 8°. Cheileauroux, 1879. Minel (Cliarles-Cainille). * De l'obesile 53 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 472, 2. s., v. 2(1. Miner (A. A.) Right and duty of prohibition. Argument before a joint special committee of the Massachusetts legislature, iu the Hall of the House of Representatives, April 2, 1867. 122 pp. 8-. Boston, Wright 4' Potter, 186)7. Miner (Julius F.) [L-23-8n medicine. See, also, Materia medica; Metals. Disakt (L.-O.) De l'iuanition minerale dans les maladies. Premiere partie. 12 . Paris 1874. Hrt-kcl (E.) De quelques phenomenes de localisation minerale et organique dans les tissus animaux et de leur importune.' au point de vue biologique. J. (le 1 anat. et phvsiol., etc., Par., 1875, xi, 553-609, 2 pl.-Polli (J.) MINERALS. 331 MINERS. UliiaeraS* in medicine. De l'influence (les matieres min^rales sur la nutrition de 1 mgaiiisnie humaiii. J. de med.. chir. et pharmacol., Hi-ifx.. 1871. liii, 12-4-•-':!.">. — Tiimoii (11. V.) On the diges- tion of mineral substances. Lancet. Lond., 1871, ii, 812.— l'll«'i'«|M'rj;«'r (J. II.) Die mineialischen Elemente des oiyanischen Stotl'wechsels im physiiihigisch-patbologisch- tbciapt 'utischeii Vim -haltnisse. Bl. f. Heilwissensch., Miinchen. 1871. ii. 8!). Mineralwsisscr (Das) vou Geilnau, dessen Be- standtheile, Eigensehaften und Heilkriifte, nebst einer kurzen Darstellung der ortlichen Verhiilt- nisse der lieilquelle und den niihern Notizen iiber die Fiillung, Verseuduug und Behandlung dieses Mineralwassers. 24 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Wiesbaden, A. Scholz, [n. d.] Milierbi (Angelo). *De phlegmasia alba do- lente. 31 pp. 8°. Patavii, typ. V. Crescini, 18.14. [P., v. 94(i.] Miners (Diseases and hygiene of). Sic, also, Anchylostoma duodenalis; Colic (Lead) in relation to occupation ; Heat (Effects of), etc. ; Hemeralopia, etc. ; Lead-poisoning (Causes of); Lungs (Carbon deposits in); Lungs (Foreign deposits iu); Nystagmus; Saint Go- thard's tunnel epidemic. Bald (K.) A general view of tlie coal trade of Scotland, chielly that of the river Forth and Mid-Lothian. To which is added an inquiry into the condition of the women who cany coals under ground in Scotland, known by the name of bearers. With an appendix. 8°. Edinburgh, 1812. Boens - BoiSSAU ( H. ) Traite pratique des maladies, des accidents et des difformit^s des houilleurs. 8°. Bruxelles, 1862. Boxhomme (T.-F.) * Etude sur l'aneurie des ininenrs. 4°. Montpellier. 1867). c. Bouiuu'ET ( E. ) * Essai sur I'hygiene des ouvriers houilleurs. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. Brize-Fradix. Secours a employer dans Pex- ploitation des mines de houille; preservatifs contre les Emanations nietalliques, etc., suivi d'un moven nouveau pour en lever les asphyxias. 8'-. Paris, 1814. Brock.maxx ( C. H. ) Die nietallurgischen Krankheiten des Oberharzes. 8C. Osterode a. H., [18r.l]. Bitisson (F.-J.-B.) * Etude medicale sur l'ou- vrier houilleur. 4°. Paris, 186)6'. Caidrox (C.-A.-D.-F.) * Tableau liistorique, et description generale de la maladie decrite sous le noni d'ane'iuie, et qui a attaqne' tons les ouvriers d'une galerie d'une mine de charbon de terre en exploitation a Fresnes, departement du Nord. 4-. Paris, 1818. Cotcii (R. L).) A statistical investigation into the mortality of miners in the district of St. Ives, and the agricultural population in the district of St. Buryan. 8C. [n. p., 187)61] Davy (Sir H.) On the safety lamp for coal miners; with some researches on flame. 8°. London, 1818. Fabre (P.) Les mineurs et l'aneinie. 8C. Paris, 18-4. Fabre (S.-P.) De l'influence du travail sou- terrain sur la sant<5 des mineurs. 8°. Parti,1878. France. Instructions sur le caractere des accidens auxqnels les ouvriers mineurs sont ex- poses, et sur la nature des secours qui doivent leur etre administrrs lorsque ces accidens out lieu. Eedigco par M. Salinade en execution du decret du 3Janvier 1813. 8'. I'aris, 1813. Fraxtz (A.) * Die Haftbarkeit und Entseha- digungspriieht bei den Veiungliickungen des Bergbaus, besonders in Preussen, voni St.-ind- pnnkte der Gesetzgebung uud Volkswirthschaft betrachtet. 8-. Jena, 1869. JUner* (Diseases and hygiene of). Fryar (M.) The sanitary condition of mines. 8 . [n. p., n. d.] Gallez (L.) Premiers secours aux ouvriers houilleurs blesses. Manuel destine" aux em- ployes et aux porions des eharbonnages. 12;. [Bruxelles, D7<>.] Hammkrschmied (J.) Die sanitiiren Yerhiilt- nisse nnd die Berufskrankheiten der Arbeiter bei den kais. konigl. osterreichischen Berg,- Hiitten- und Salinenwerken uud Forsten. 8°. Wien, 1873. Haxot (G;) De la mortality des ouvriers mineurs. 8-'. Bruxelles, 1846. Hrsnx (J.-B.-F.-J.) * De la resistance du houilleur aux grands traumatismes. 4-\ Paris, 1880. Jouanxf.t (A.) *Des troubles digestifs chez les houilleurs et de leurs rapports avec l'au^niie. 4°. Paris, 1889. Kuborx (H.) Etude sur les maladies particu- lieres aux ouvriers mineurs, employes aux ex- ploitations houilleres en Belgique. 8-. Parti, 1863. Manouvriez (A.) Etude d'hygiene industri- al] e sur la houille et ses derives. De 1'anemie des mineurs dite d'Anziu. 8°. Valenciennes, 1878. See, also, infra. Moll(E.) * Die Krankheiten der Bergarbeiter im Allgemeinen und der Oberschlesieus insbe- sondere. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Moller (G.) * De aere fodinarum metallica- rnm noxio. Von unterirrdischen bosen Wetter. sm. 4°. Ha la- Magdeb., [ 1730 ]. Paracelsts (A. T.) Yon der Bergsucht oder Bergkranckheiteii drey Biicher. 4°. Dilingen, 17)67. Poleck (T.) Dr. Scheideniann und die wis- seuschaftliche Kritik. Eine Beleuchtung der Scheidemann'schen Schrift: "Die Minenkrank- heit, ihre wahre Ursache, Yerhiitung und Be- handlung". 8J. Berlin, 1S(>7. Raymond (R. W.) The hygiene of mines. 8r [Xew York, 1879.] Repr. from-: Tr. Am. Inst. Mining Engineers. Reid (D. B.) Report on the sanatory condi- tion of New Castle, Gateshead, North Shields, Sunderland, Durham, and Carlisle, with remarks on some points connected with the health of the inhabitants in the adjacent mining district, fol. [ London, 1845.] Riche ( C. ) * Pathologie du houilleur. 4°. Parti, 1874. Robertox (J.) The insalubrity of the deep Cornish mines, aud, as a consequence, the phys- ical degeneracy and early deaths of the mining population. 8-. [Manchester], 187)9. Schlockow. Die Gesundheitspflege und me- dizinisclie Statistik beim preussischen Bergbau. 1. 8. Berlin, 1881. Schxabel (C.) * Geschichtliche Darlegung uud wisseuschaftliche Begriiudung der nietallur- gischen Processe der Silber-Gewinnung aus sil- berhaltigein Blei mit Hiilfe vou Zink nnter be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung dieser Processe auf den Hiittenwerken des Oberharzes. 8°. Jena, 1879. Sciioexeeld (M.) Recherches sur l'6tat sani- taire des houilleurs pendant la periode de salu- brite des mines en Belgique. 4:. Bruxelles, 187>9. Tayler (W. W.) Practical observations ou the diseases of the Cornish miners. Part 1. Con- sumption. 8°. London, 187)9. Alison (S. S.) On the diseases, condition, and habits of the collier population of East Lothian. Lancet, Lond., 1841-1', i, 800; 854: ii, 90; 161. — Amiiiie (L'l des mi- neurs. histoire, pathogenic, pathologic it therapeutitiue. [Ilev.J Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1878. 7. s., i, 606-620.— MINERS. 332 MINERS. Planer* (Diseases and hygiene of). ApuiiK'N acerca de las enf'einiedades que padecen los mineros tie Almaden. Bol. de metl.. cirug. v I'arin.. Ma- drid, 184:!, 2. s., iv, 105; 113— Arnoulil (,L) Note sur 1'anemie ties mineurs au sujet de deux ouvrages otl'ei ts a la Societe centrale tie medecine. Bull. med. du nord. Lille. 1878, xvii, 405-410.—Barham (C.) The diseases of Cor- nish miners. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 253-255.—Beau- <;raii«l (K.) Mines; mineurs. (Hygiene publit|ite et pro- it ssioiinelle ) Diet, encycl d. sc. metl., Par., 1874. 2. s., viii, 210-252. —[ Bender.J Zur Minenkrankheit: Aus dem Be- riclit iiber die in den Mouateu August und September e. zu Cobleuz stattgehabte Belagerungsiibung. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1875, iv, 632-630. — Hielczyli (K ) Niektore spostrzozeuia mid wph wein ropy (surowca natty ) i.jej goziiw zdrowic gornikow. [ Effect of crude naph- tha and its gases on the health of miners.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1886, xxv, 273-275.— Boen* (H.) Xote sur la va- leur ties crachals noirs et sur les effets tin poussier chez les houilleuis. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1862, 2. s., v, (45-007. (Discussion], 18G3, vi, 429; 764: 18G4, vii, 125; 228: 381.—BonrifiH't. De 1'anemie chez les mi- neurs. (la/., d. hop.. I'ar.. 1877, 1, 788: 812; 82(1; 836.— Boyd (J ) On mining exhalations. Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvii, 123-126. Also, Reprint. -----. On local hygienic influences. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xx, 137; 606.— Burg- grarvc. Rapport sur l'etat physique et moral des en- fants employes dans les manufactures, usines et mines tie la Belgique. Bull. Acad. rov. de m£d. tie Belg., Brux., 1841-2, i, 075-717—Carpenter (J. T.) Mining, consid- ered with regard to its effects upon health and life. Tr. M. Soc. Penn, Phila., 1869, 5. s., ii, 487-491.—Church (J. A.) Accidents resulting froi i the heat of the Com- stock mines. [Fiom: Scientific American.] Month. J. Sc., Lond.. 1879, 3. s., i, 790-8an (T. M.) Accidents and explosives in mines. Rep. Bd. Health Calif. 1871-3. Sacramento, 1873, 141-150.— Ijoreuzutti. Antracosi. Resoc. san. d. osp. di Trieste, 1870 i, 80. — .Tlallelt (G.) Remarks on accidents oc- eurring to colliers. Assoc. M". J., Lond., 1855, ii, 929.— ITIauouvriex ( A. ) Memoire sur les maladies et l'liy- giene ties ouvriers travaillant a la fabrication ties ag- gloineies tie houille er, de brai. Cong, internat. d'hyg., Brux., 1876, i, 823-830.-----. De 1'anemie chez les mineurs. Ann. Soe. de med. de St.-Etienne ct de la Loire 11876), 1877, vi, 123-352. [.See, also, supra.] —----. Etat de l'an6mie des houilleurs. Ann. Soe. de ined tie St.-fttienue et de la Loire (1877-80). 1881, vii, 344-347. -----. De 1'anemie des mineurs dite d'Anziu. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-reud. 1877. Geneve, 1878, v, 525-529. -----. I5tat tie 1 t-niltiiiie houillere d'Anziu; au6mie des mineurs et maladies tie brai. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1885, 3. s., xiii, 164- ]C6. — iTIarten. Die Sehadliehkeiten und Krankheiten, denen dieKohlengruhen-Aibeiler unlerworfen sind. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. u. (iff. Med.. Berl.. 1859, xvi, 264-277.— lTIinenkraukhcit (Die). Ibid., 1867, vii, 358-368.— [Vole sur l'eclairage ties mines. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxv, 349.—Ohservaciou de un calambrista con sudores y calentura, producidos por los trabajos de las minas de Almaden. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm. Madrid, 1843, 2. s., iv, 241.—Osier (\V.) Miners' phthisis. Canada M. tfc S. J., Montreal, 1879 vii, 452-454. Also: Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i. 297-299. — Pauthel. Leber (ten Ein- fluss des Braiinstein-Bergbaus auf tlie Gesundheit der Arbeiter. Metl. Jahrb. f. Nassau, Wiesb., 1852,652-662.— I*loem (J. C. ) Eenige waarnemintren bij lood- en zink- inijn arlieithrs gedaan. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. In- die. Batav.. 1854, iii. 2112-212. — Proust (A.) Rapport sur les accidents auxqnels sont exposes les ouvriers mineurs; instruction sur la nature des secours qui doivent leur etre donues. Bull. Acad, tie med., Bar , 1881. 2. s., x, 336-356.— Knwitz. Zur Minenkrankheit. Preuss. militiiriiiztl. Zt.u.. Berl., 1862. 121; 133. — Kemertz ( H. ) Leber tlie sanitiitspolizeiliche Beaufsiehtigung des Bergbaues. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Metl.; Berl.. 1869, xi, 193-249.— Riembault. De rancmic ties mineurs. Ann. Soc. tie metl. de St.-fitienne et de la Loire (186(1), 1861, i, 748-755.— Ripa (L.) Le contli/.ioni igieniche degli operai del Got- tartlo. e tli altri congeneri lavori davanti alia Camera dei deputati. Atti Accatl. lis.-med.-statist, di Milano, 1882, xxxviii, 143-148 —Hoherlon (I.) The insalubrity of the deep Cornish mines, and, as a consequence, the physical degeiieracv and earlv deaths of the milling population. Tr. Manchester Statist.'Soc., 1858-9, 43-66. — Mehaiblc. Die Steinkolilengrube zu Berghaupten ; ihr Einlluss auf die Gesundheit der Grubeuarbeiter. Mitth. tl. badisch. arztl. Ver . Karlsruhe, 1857. xi, 33-40. — Scheiilcniaiiu ( T. ) Die Minenkrankheit. ihre wahre Lrsache. Verhiituug uud Beliantllung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. (iff. Metl., Berl., 1866, v, 177-253.—Wch inner. Die Krankheiten der Berg- leute in den Giiinherger Brauiikohleugrubeu. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. iitf. Med.. -Berl., 1856, x, 300-326. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ann. ding, Par., 1859, 2. s., xi, 210- 218. — *chloelio»v. Leber die gesundheitsschiidlichen Verhiiltuisse in tlen Bergwerken. Jahresb. d. schles. Ge- sellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1880. Bresl., 1881, lviii, 104-106. Also: Bieslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 115.—Se hoe life l(). 1'olquhoun (A.) The deterioration of the atmos- phere iu mines, caused by the explosion of nitro-glycerine preparations. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1881,11. s., iii, 252-250. — Fail-ley ( W.) The theory and practice of ven- tilating coal mines. Van Mo.-trand's Engin. Mag., N. T., 1882, xxvi, 180; 281.— tlui'iue (D.) Centrifugal ventila- tors for mines. [From: Proc. Inst. Civil Engin.] Ibid., 1883, xxix, 222-228. Iflilies (Ventilation of). [Patents.] Beadle (J. L.) Mine ventilator. No. 47,694; May 16, 1865. — Fisk A: Westerman. Mine ventilator. No. 45,918; Jan. 17, 1865. —Greis (\V.) Apparatus for ven- tilating mines. No. 182,916; Oct. 3, 1876. — Ilaupt (H.) Ventilating mines. No. 48,065; June 6, 1805. — Henry (L. J.) Process for ventilating, purifying, and cooling the atmosphere of mines. No. 162,920; May 4, 1875.—Jones (J. B.) Mine ventilator. No. 102,681: May 3, 1870.— Joseph (T.) Cooling and ventilating mines, bouses, etc. No. 181,',145: Sept. 5, 1870. — Kay (J.) & Ho< Uel< ller (S.) Ventilating apparatus for mines. Mo. 220,387; Oct. 7, 1879. — .TIcBroomc |1. R.) Furnace for ventilating mines. No. 239.816; April 5, 1881.— Vlmphy (F.) Mine- ventilating apparatus. Xo. 176,756: May 2. 1876. -----. Ventilatiug-apparatus for coal-mines. No. 103,098; May 11.1875. -----. Ventilating apparatus for coal-miues. No. 176,757; May 2. Is76 — Phillips t\V.) Means for ven- tilating mining shafts ami tunnels. Mo. 294.805: March 4, 1884.— Tessie . ,S7. Paul, 1864-6. ------. Annual report of the adjutant-general of the State of Minnesota for the year ending Dec. MINNESOTA. 335 MINNESOTA. Minnesota—continued. 1. 1-66, and of the military forces of the State from 1861 to 1866. 805 pp. 8°. Saint Paul, Pio- neer Printing Company, 1866. _____. Minnesota; its resources aud progress; its beauty, healthfulness, and fertility : and its attractions and advantages as a home for immi- grants. Compiled by the commissioner of statis- tics, aud published by direction of the governor. 72 pp. 8°. St. Paul, Press Printing Company, 1870. _____. statistics of the State of Minnesota. Be- ing the annual reports of the commissioner of statistics to the governor of the State. N. s. 12., 188ii; 13., 1881. 8°. St. Peter 4 St. Paul, 1881-2. -----. Aii act relating to infectious and epidemic diseases and the preservation of the public health. Approved March 3, 1883. 8 pp. 8°. [SI. Paul, 1883.] -----. The geological and natural history survey of Minnesota. N. H. Winchel, State geologist. 1872-82. The geology of Minnesota, v. 1 of the final report. By N. 11. Winchel, assisted by War- ren Uphatn. Submitted March 10,1882. aud pub- lished under the direction of the Hon. Fred, von Bannibach. xii, 697 pp., 12 pi., 31 maps. fol. Minneapolis, Johnson, Smith <)'■ Harrison, 1884. Minnesota. .Sec, also, Deaf-mutes (Asylums, etc., for); Edu- cation (Medical), etc., by localities; Insane (Asy- lums for, etc.),by localities; Leprosy (History, etc., of); Minneapolis; Saint Paul. Hewitt (C. N.) Report ou the climatology and epidemics of Minnesota. 8°. Philadelphia, 18-1. Histohicai. Societv of Minnesota. Annals for the years 1850 and 1851. 8°. St. Paul, 1851. —----. Annual reports of the Minnesota His- torical Society for the years 1868, 1870, and 1876. 8°. St. Paul,' 1860-77. * Mattocks (B.) Minnesota as a home for inva- lids. 12-. Philadelphia, 1871. Minnesota. Minnesota, its resources and pro- gress; its beauty, healthfulness, and fertility; and its attractions and advantages as a home for immigrants. Compiled by the commissioner of statistics, and published by direction of the gov- ernor. 8°. Si. Paul, 1879. Ail a ■■■>> (B. F. D.) Minnesota as a resort in pulmonary affections. Boston M. i: S. J., 1870, vi, 337-339.—Car- penter (F. D. Y.i Minnesota weather. Science, Cam- biidge, ISSli, ii. 262-265.—Climatology aud diseases of Minnesota; report of committee lo annual meeting of State medical Societv, February 7, 1871: published byre- quest of the State Societv. Northwest. M. & S.J.', St. Paul. Minn., 1871, ii. 50-00.—Finch (L E.) Report of the committee on epidemics, climatologv. and hvgione. Minnesota M. Soe., St. Paul, 1874, 49-61.—Finch (\V. W.) Physicians, the climate, and diseases in Minnesota Terri- tory. Boston M. & S. J., 1854, xlix, 213.—Hand (1*. W.) Diseases of Minnesota aud the Northwest. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1875, xxvi, 371-379.—Hewitt (C. X.) Keport on the climatology and epidemics of Minnesota. Ibid., 1S71, xxii. 215-231: 1872, xxiii, 459-471. Also, Reprint— Jones (T.) A plea for cold climates, in the treatment of pulnionarv consumption; Minnesota as a health resort. X. York M. J.. 1879, xxx, 269-300. Also. Reprint. -----. Midwinter treatment of phthisis in Minnesota; clinical study of thirteen cases, with results. Metl. Rec., N\ Y., 1880, xvii, 252-2.").'). — Leonard (W. H.) Report on the meteorology of Minnesota, for the vears 1875-6 nnd 1870-7. Kep. I id. Health Minn. 1877, Minneap., 1878, vi. 43-53.— Ij«wi» (G.) The climate of I he State of Minnesota, aud its adaptation to persons su tiering from phthisis pulnio- nalis. Am. M. Times. X.Y., 1862, iv. 117; 162.— Tlatlotks (B.) The effects of climate upon the bums, with special reference to Minnesota. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1809, iv, 121- 123. -----. Has the climate of Minnesota changed within the past fifteen years? Xorthwest. M. tfc S. J., St. l'anl, Minn., 1871, ii, 97-110.— Krcoril of meteorological obser- vations of Minnesota; taken under the. direction of the State board of health. Rep. Bd. Health Minn. 1875. St. Paul, 1870, iv, 87-127.—Keport of the committee on cli- matology and epidemics for 1871, Minnesota. Tr. Minn. ^liimesota. M. Soc, Minneap., 1872, GO-76.—Sanitary (The) water survey of the State; chemical analyses of waters from lakes, rivers, springs, wells, cisterns, and from melted snow. Rep. Bd. Health Minn., St. Peter, 1881. viii, 127- 141.—Senklcr (A. li.) The peculiarities of the climate of Minnesota, with especial reference to its dryness, and the presence and operation of ozone (first report). Ibid., St. Paul, 1876. 83-86.—Staples* (F) The influence of tbe climate of Minnesota upon diseases of the lungs and air passages. Ibid., 55-67. -----. Report on the influence of climate on pulmonary diseases in Minnesota. Tr. Am M. Ass., Phila., 1876, xxvii, 381-434. Also, Reprint—Swcncy (W. \Y.) Endemic and epidemic diseases of Minnesota. Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, 1870-71, i, 193-215. Minnesota; Minnesota Institution for the Edu- cation of the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind, Fari- bault. Annual reports of the directors and offi- cers to the governor of Minnesota. 4.-6., 1865-6 to 1867-8; 8., 1869-70; 10., 1871-2; 12., 1873-4; 13., 1874-5. 8°. St. Paul, 1866-76. Minnesota. Second Minne&ota Hospital for In- sane, at lioehester. Annual and biennial reports of the board of trustees and officers to the gov- ernor of the State. 1., 1877-8; 1.-3., bien., 1878-1) to 1883-4. In: Rep. Minn. Hosp. Ins., St. Peter. Minnesota. State Board of Health of the Slate of Minnesota. Annual reports to the governor of the State. 1.-10., 1872 to 1883-4. 8-'. Saint Paul 4' Minneapolis, 1873-84. -----. The relations of scholastic methods to the health of pupils in the public schools. A pre- liminary inquiry into the subject. By the secre- tary of the State board of health. 41 pp. 8^. Minneapolis, Johnson, Smith 4 Harrison, 1878. -----. A plan for the completion of the organiza- tion of conference of State boards of health, pro- posed by the State board of Minnesota to the conference meeting in St. Louis, October 13, 1884. 2 1. 8°. [».;;., 1884.] -----. Public Health, a monthly journal of State, municipal, family, and personal hygiene, aud of veterinary sanitary science. The official publi- cation of the State board of health of Minne- sota. Edited by Chas. N. Hewitt, sec. of the board, v. 1-3. March, 1885, to Feb., 1888. ^, Bed Wing, 1885-8. -----. Minnesota from the standpoint of public health. Compiled by the secretary of the State board of health, as superintendent of Minnesota sanitary exhibit at the exposition iu Xew (Menus in 1885. 17, 16 pp. 8°. Saint Paul, IV. T. llich 4 Co., 1887). -----. Form 1. Sanitary inspection. Sanitary inspection of towns, villages, boroughs, and ■cities. 2 1. 8°. [Bed Wing, 1885.] -----. Public health in Minnesota. The official publication of the State board of health. Pub- lished monthly, Red AVing, Minn. v. 1. Nos. 1-11. March, 1885, to Jan., 1886. 8°. [lied Wing, 1885-6.] -----. The organization, powers, and duties of local boards of health. An abstract of the laws of Minuesota relating thereto. Extra to "Pub- lie Health". 2 1. 8°. [Bed Wing, 18861] Minnesota. State Board of Medical Examiners. Explanatory announcement. 3 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1883. ] Minnesota; its advantages to settlers. Being a brief synopsis of its history and progress, cli- mate, soil, agricultural and manufacturing facil- ities, commercial capacities, and social status; its lakes, rivers, and railroads; homestead and exemption laws ; embracing a concise treatise on its climatology iu a hygienic and sanitary point of view; its unparalleled salubrity, growth, and productiveness, as compared with the older States; and the elements of its future greatness and prosperity. 4. ed. 36 pp. 8°. St. Paul, 1867. MINN K SOT A. 336 MI NOT. Minnesota Historical Society. Annual report for the vear 1876. 26 pp. *°. St. Paul, 1877. Minnesota Hospital College, Minneapolis. An- nual aniiounceinentsof the collegiate department for the sessions of 188-2-3 to 1886-7 (2.-6.). 8°. Minneapolis, 1882-6. List of students and graduates for the sessions of 1881-2 to 1885-6, in announcements for subsequent years. Minnesota Hospital for the Insane, at St. Peter. By-laws, rules, and regulations. 22 pp. 8°. St. Paul, Pioneer Printing Co., 1867. Bound with .- Reports 1-9, 1866-7 to 1874-5. Established Match 2 and opened Dec. 6. 1866. ------. Annual and biennial reports of the board of trustees and officers to the governor of the State. 1.-12., 18,16-7 to 1877-8; 1.-3., bien., 1878- 9 to 1883-4. 8-. St. Paul <('• Minneapolis, 1868-84. Reports for 1878-9 to 1883 - 4 are biennial, and include reports of both State hospitals for the insane, at St. Peter and Rochester. ------. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] v. S. [Minneapolis. 188-.] Abstract of personal and medical bistory. Notice to county clerk of discharge of patient. Questions to be answered by friends of patient. ------. Announcement for the spring session of 1886). 1 sheet. 8^. [Minneapolis, 1886.] Minnesota (The) Medical Mirror. A monthly journal of the progress made in medicine, sur- gerv, and pharmacy. Edited by N. M. Cook. v. 1-4, Dec, 1881, "to March, 1885. 8°. Cam- bridge ciiy. No. 3, v. 4, last published. Minnesota (The) Medical Monthly; a journal devoted to the ititerests of honiii'opathy and its practitioners in the Northwest. Editor: William E. Leonard, v. 1-2, May, 1886, to Oct., 1887. 8°. Minneapolis. Current. Minnesota (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. (Formerly the New York Medical and Sur- gical Journal.) Devoted to medicine, general science, and literature. Edited by Edward N. Fishblatt and W. Elmer Hubbard." [Monthly.] Nos. 4-11, v. 12, August, 1886, to March, 1887. 8 . Minneapolis. Title of nos. 1-3, v. 12, and prior volumes, was: New Vork (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Minnesota State Homoeopathic Institute. Transactions of 1867-82. vii, 223 pp. 8-. Min- neapolis, A. C. Bailsman, 1882. Minnesota State Medical Society. Constitu- tion and by-laws. 50 pp. 12°. St. Paul, Good- rich 4' Somers, 1856. ------. Transactions of 1869-85. 8°. St. Paul 4' Minneapolis, 1869-85. Mimiieh (Joh. Alois). Baden iu der Schweiz und seine warmen Heilquellen in medizinischer, naturhistorischer und geschichtlicher Hinsicht. xiii, 316 pp., 1 1., 6 pi., 1 map. 8°. Baden, Heihr it. Laugbein, 1845. -----. The same. Les eaux thermales de Baden en Suisse, leur analyse chimique et leurs vertus therapeiitiques constatees par lYxperience, avec un apercu descriptif et geognostique des en- j virons de Baden, leur histoire naturelle, et des esquisses historiqnes concernant cette ville. viii, 365 pp., 5 pi., 1 ch. 8C. Zurich, Meyer 1881. ------. Assainissement de Paris. Suppression complete de la vidange. Le systeme diviseur applique a logout. 41 pp. 8°. Paris, Ducher 4 Cie., 1882. Miotti (Canciauo). Breve ragguaglio delle vac- cinazioni. In: Kagguaglio delle vaccina, etc. 8°. Vdine, [1801], 251-254. JVIiqnel (Alexis) [1756-1838]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Miquel (Alfred). * Du chloral et de son emploi apres les operations chirnrgicales. 32 pp. 4C. Paris, 1874, No. 224. Miquel (Antoine) [1796-1829]. Eloge de Xavier Bichat, suivi de notes historiques et critiques. 92 pp. 8°. Paris, 1823. [P., v. 581.] ------. Eloge de Parmentier. Discours qui a reniporte le double prix propose par l'Academie d'Amiens, pour l'annee 1819. 60 pp. 8°. Paris, 1823. [Also, in: P., v. 581.] ------. Traite des convulsions chez les femmes enceintes, en travail et en couche. Memoire qui a reniporte le prix propose par la Societe de m6- MIQUEL. 338 MI KAL. Miquel (Antoine)—continued. decine de Paris pour l'annee 1820. 164 pp. 8--. Paris, Gabon 4 Cie., 1824. [Also, in : P., v. 581.] -----. The same. Abhandlung von den Konvul- sionen der Schwangern, Gebarenden und Woch- nerinnen. Eine gekronte Preisschrift. Aus dem Franzosischeu. Hrsg. von Dr. Ludwig Cerutti. iv, 134 pp. 8°. Leijizig, 1824. -----. Lettres a un medecin de province, ou ex- position critique de la doctrine medicale de M. Broussais. 2. ed., corrigee et augmentee d'une lettre sur les variations de la medecine physiolo- gique. 2 p. 1.. 556 pp. 8°. Paris, 1826. See, also, Roche (L.-C.) De la nouvelle doctrine me- dicale, etc. 8°. Paris, 1827. Miquel (Charles). * I. Traitement de l'empoi- sonnemeut par les poisons narcotiques. II. [etc.] 25 pp. 4C. Parti, 1839, No. 217, v. 347. Miquel (Dominique). * Sur la blennorrhagie. vi, 7-19 pp. 4C. Paris, 1818, No. 138, v. 139. Miquel (F.-J.) * Du traitement des fractures du femur, en combinant la demi-flexion et l'ex- tension continue, vi, 7-34 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 146, v. 167. Miquel (Fred. Anton. Guilielm.) [1811-71], * Diss, exhibens veterum de jecore merita. viii, 89, iii pp., 1 1. 8°. Groningce, P. S. Barghoorn, 1833. Miquel (Jean-Edonard-Marcel-Marie) [lr-03-47]. Editor of: Bulletin general de therapeutique medi- cale et chiiui-yieale. I'aris, 1831-47. For liiogruplui. see Bull. gen. deth^rap., etc., Par., 1847, xxxiii, '.VM-'.\4'1. Miquel (Jean-Felix). De la diphtherite. Let- tre adressee a messieurs de la Societe medicale d'Indre-et-Loire, pour e'clairer quelques ques- tious qui, malgre les travaux de M. Bretonneau et de ses eieves, sont encore restees litigieuses. 63 pp. 8°. Tours, 1848. [P., v. 453.] -----. Lettres d'un veteran de l'ecole de Breton- neau. vii, 439 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Tours, E. Maze- reau 4' Cie., 1867. -----. Tribut a la chirurgie pratique du veteran de l'ecole Bretonneau. xii. 6-347 pp., 13 pi. 8r. Tours, E. Mazereau, 1879. -----. Lettres du veteran de l'ecole de Breton- neau a M. le professeur Bouillaud. 59 pp., 1 1. 8C. Tours, E. Mazereau, 1874. Miquel (Joseph). * Etude clinique des blessures par l'obus et ses eclats. 47 pp. 4C. Paris, 1872, No. 344. Miquel (M.-A.-N.) * Sur la nephrite. 12 pp. 4-. Paris, an XIII [1804], No. 370, v. 53. Miquel (P.) Les organisnies vivants de l'at- niosphere. viii, 310 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, Gau- thier- Villars, 1883. Miquel (R.) Der Landdrosteibezirk Osnabriick, seine klimatischen, Bevolkerungs- und gesund- heitlicheu Verhiiltnisse. Zugleich ein Bericht iiber Stand und Verwaltung der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Jahre 1875-80. 1 p. 1., 224 pp. 8°. Osnabriick, G. Veith, 1882. ^liqnelon Island. See, also, Saint Pierre Island. GKAS(J.-fL-B.) * Quelques motssurMiquelon. 4°. Montpellier, 1867. Miquet (Frederic). * Une ambulance pendant le siege de Paris 1870-71 au point de vue des hopi- taux temporaires. 36 pp. 4C. Paris, 1872, No. 222. de Mirabeau ( Honore - Gabriel - Riquetti), Conite [1749-91]. Sur les actions de la Com- paguie des eaux de Paris. 2. ed. xii, 36 pp. 8 . Londres, 1786. -----. Reponse ... a l'ecrivain des administra- teurs de la Compagnie des eaux de Paris. 2. ed. xii, 104 pp. 8-. Bruxelles, 1786. Bound with preceding. de Mirabeau (H.-G.-R.), Conite—continued. -----. See also : C'nbmiiK. Journal de la maladie et de la moit d'llo- nore-tbibriel-Victor-Riquetti Mirabeau. In his: (Euvres completes. 8°. Par., 1823, ii, 3-75. Also, in: Kev. tie lit. metl.. I'ar., 1877, ii, 86; 101; 117; 135; 168; 181; 203; 234; 205; 295; 363: 1878, iii, 85; 144; 172; 225. Mirabel (Alfred). * Des malformations des doigts et des orteils dans leurs rapports avec rheiedite. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 483. Mirabel (Marc-Marmir). * De la parotidite dans la fievre tvphoide. 54 pp., 1 1. 4^. Paris, 1883, No. 100. Mirabello Monferrato. Regolamento di igiene pubblica approvato dal consiglio comu- nale iu seduta delli 31 dicembre 1874. 30 pp. 8°. Casale, P. Bertero, 1882. Piracies. Sec; also, Ecstasy; Imagination as a cause, etc., of disease ; Impostures. Belcher (T. W.) Our Lord's miracles of healing considered in relation to some modern objections and to medical science. 8°. London, 1872. Mattheavs (W.) A collection of affidavits and certificates relative to the wonderful cure of Mrs. Ann Mattiugly, which took place in the citv of Washington, D. C, on the tenth of March,'1824. [Alleged miracle.] 8°. Washing- ton, 1824. Mezger (G. I. S.) & Closs (J. F.) Disputatio de miraculorum indole, criterio et fine. 4°. Tu- bingce, [1755]. Miracles. Philosophy of modern miracles; or, the relations of spiritual causes to physical ef- fects, with especial reference to the mysterious developements at Bridgeport and elsewhere. By "a dweller in the temple". 8°. Xew York, 185(1. Belcher (T. W.) Reply to a criticism on "Our Lord's miracles of healing ". Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1872, ii, 79; 106.—Demoniacal possession and miracles in the nineteenth century. Ibid., 1869, ii, 8.—rYagel (L.) Die Heilwunder Jesu Christi, seiner Apostel und Einiger deren Vorfahren ; medicinisch betracbtet und historisch zusammengestellt. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Mag- deb., 1850, iv, 290; 411: v, 91; 396.—Pfeiifer (D. C) Psychological and medical researches respecting the cures attributed to the prayers of Prince Hohenlohe (Alexander von). Edinb. M. &'S. J., 1826, xxv, 63; 270— UI rich. Bemerkungen iiber die Wunderheilungeii ties Kiirsten Hohenlohe und des Bauern Martin Michel, mit einem Kiiekblick auf die am Mittelrhein davon sichtbar gewor- denen Wirkungeu. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1823, 397-412. Mirage. de SesmaisoiiM. Quelques observations sur les effets du mirage dans la region des Chott. Gaz. in6d. de l'Al- gerie, Alger, 1868, xiii, 103-105. IUiraglia (Biagio G.) [1814-84]. Su le febbri periodiche; pensamenti patologico-pratici. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Napoli, 1842. [P., v. 1112.] -----. Delia frenologia e della sua applicazione alia educazione ed alia ginrisprndenza criminale, obbiezioni e risposte. 34 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1-53. [P., v. 1141.] -----. Programnia di un manicomio modello italiano seguito dall' applicazione dei precetti del programnia alle riforme del R. Morotrofio di Aversa. vii, 140 pp., 5 pi. 12c. Aversa, tip. del B. Morotrofio, 1861. -----. Contro le vivisezioui degli animali, con- ferenze. 3. ed. 52 pp. 8C. Napoli, L. Gar- qiulo, 1884. For Biography, see Arch. ital. per lemal. nerv., Milano, 1885, xxii, 211-218. Also: Manicomio, Xocera, 1885, l, 215-224. Jliial. Henry (O.) Rapport sur l'eau inin6rale saline, chloro- ioduree de Miral (Drome). Bull. Acad, de med.,' Par., 1860-61, xxvi, 101-103. MIKAM. 339 MIKOtf. Hiram (Job. Ed.) * Zur Casuistik der spon- tanen Ainpntationen und ihrer Folgezustiindc. 51 pp.. 1 pi. ^L. Dorpat, Sehnakenbttrg, 1877. Miranibean (J.) [1793-1844], 'Dissertation sur le tetanus. 2 p. 1., 32 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Levrattlt, 1813. Fur Biography, see Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1814, no. 40. 12:1-134 (A. Lagasquie). Also: (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1844, 193-195 (A. Lagasquie). MirnEllOlld (Henri). * Sur la nature des fievres continues, oil l'ou examine l'alteration que les solides et les fluides subissent pendant ces mala- dies, ct l'importance qn'on doit y attacher. 26 pp. 4-'. Parti, 1827), No. 73, v. 192. Mirailioild (Joseph-Benjamin). ^ De l'erysi- pele spontane. 26 pp. 4r Parti, 1852, No. 93, v. 529. Miraniond(P.-R.) * Surl'affection epidemiqne qui s'est manifestee a la caserne de la rue de I'Oursine dans le mois de septembre 1828. 28 pp. 4' . Paris, 1829, No. 39, v. 222. Mirainont (P.-M.-L.-Artidore). * Du cancer en general. 31 pp. 4'; Paris, 1837, No. Ill, v. 309. Miran (Abel). * Essai sur l'61(Sphautiasis des dees, x, 11-40 ]ip., I 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1870, No. 76. Miranda. A book, divided into three parts, entitled: Souls, numbers, stars, on the neo- Christian religion. With confirmations of the old and new doctrines of Christ from wonders hitherto unheeded in the words and divisions of the Bible; in the facts and dates of history ; and in the position and motions of the celestial bodies, v. 1, pts. 1-2. 394 pp., 2 1. 8-. Lon- don, J. Morgan, 1858-60. Miranda (Manuel V.) Co-Editor of .■ Reperlorio mtSdico-habanero, Habana, 1842-3.— Kcperlorio medico-babanero y Boletin cienti- lift), Habana, 1843-4. Miranda (Ramon-Luis). * De la paralysie du nerf nioteur oculaire common. 36 pp. 4°. Pa- rti. 1861, No. 50. See. also. Trabajos de la Comision de medieina legal, etc. 3 v. 8°. Habana, 1872-4. Tliranric. See Fever (Typhus, Histori/, etc., of), by locali- ties. Mirande (P.-Auguste). * Sur la colique de plomb. vi, 7-31 pp. 4-. Paris, 1825, No. 121, v. 193. Vlirnnriola. flai-ini (F.) Resoconto statistico-clinico dei raalati tisservati dal 1° settembre al 30 novembre 1863 nel' ospe- dale di S. Maria Bianca in Mirandola (sezione milit.). Gior di nied. mil., Torino, 1864, xii, 665-691. Mirandolle (Henricus). * Dc varia hydropis specie. [Leyden.] xvi, 121 pp., 3 1. 8-. Hagce Comitis, J. Boering, 1839. Mi ratio. Regolamento d' igiene del comune di Mirano. Approvato con deliberazione consigliare 16 febbraio 1886. 16 pp. roy. •--'. Padova, tip. prov. Penada, 1886. Mirapeix (Jean). * Du mal perforant. 50 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, Cristin, Serre 4 Bicome, 1883, No. 35. Mirassoil (Alexandre). * De la dysenterie dans le fond de r.Vfriquc. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 275, v. 563. Mi ran It (Germanicus) [1796-1879]. * Sur l'ana- tomie et 1'inflaiumation de la coruee transpa- rentc. 56 pp. 4°. Parti, 1823. No. 33, v. 178. ------. Sur une hydropisie particuliere du globe de l'o'il. 12 pp. 8°. [Parti, 1823.] Repr. from: Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1823, ii. ------. Memoire sur la ligature de la langne, et sur celle de 1'artere linguale en particulier; pre- cede" d'une observation de cancer de la langue Mi ran It (Germanicus)—continued. gu6ri par la ligature de cet organe. 34 pp., 1 pi. 4°. [Parti, u. cl] Repr. from: Mem. Acad, de nied. 1833-4, Par.. 1835, iv. ------. Du traitement de ranevrisine externe par la compression indirecte et particulierement par la compression exercee avec les doigts a l'occa- sion de deux nouveaux cas de guerison par l'em- ploi de ce procede. Travail lu a la Soci6te de nie'decine d'Angers dans sa seance de mars 1859. 16 pp. 8J. Angers, imprimcrie de Cosnier 4 L®- chese, 1869. For Biography, see Bull. Soc. de med. d'Angers (1879), 1880. n. s., vii, 78-84 (Farge). Mirbaell (Heribert). * Ueber einen Fall vou Uterus duplex bicornis cum vagina duplici. 20 pp. 8'-\ Wiirzburg, J. B. Fleischmaiui, 1885. iTI ir bane. See, also, Nitrobenzole. % (Vergiftiiiigeii durch Miibanol.) Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Prag (1875), 1877, 6."). de Mirbeck (Apollou). *Dn tetanos chez l'adulte et en particulier du tetanos traumatique. 47 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, 1862, No. 610, 2. s., v. 32. de Mirbeck (Louis). * Des fractures et des en- foiicenients du crane du foetus pendant raccou- chenieut. 1 p. 1., 66 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 684, v. 35. Mire (Augnste). * Des procedes de neVrotomie applicables au traitement de la nevralgio sous- orbitaire. 2 p. 1., 41 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 186)3, No. 672, v. 35 Mirean (Henri-Louis-Marie). *Sur les incon- veniens de l'amputation du moignou de la cuisse devenu conique. vi, 7-20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 94, v. 110. Mi re 111' (Henri). " Sur les kystes hydatiques du foie. 50 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1867, No. 10. Mi re 111* (Hippolyte). *Sur l'lieretlite de la sy- philis. 112 pp. 4°. Parti, 1867, No. 42. -----. La syphilis et la prostitution dans leurs rapports avec I'hygiene, la morale et la loi. 2 p. 1., 475 pp. 8°. Fan's, G. Masson, 1875. -----. La prostitution a Marseille. Histoire, ad- ministration et police hvgiene. xiii, 15-404 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Dentu, 1882. ------. Etude liistorique et pratique sur la pro- phylaxie et le traitement du chol6ra, basee sur les observations fournies par l'epid^uiie de Mar- seille (1884). 2. ed. 193 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1884. See, also, Porno^raphc (Le), etc. 8°. Bruxelles, 1879. Mireur (Paul). *Des acces pernicieux a forme cerebro-spinale. Diagnostic et traitement. 70 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1882, No. 32. Miriel (E.-C.-A.) * I. Deerire la periode d'erup- tion de la variole; faire counaitre les accidents qui peuvent la compliquer, et apprecier leur in- fluence sur la iuarche et Tissue de la maladie. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4\ Paris, 1848, No. 218. Miriel [Jean-Joseph-Yves-Louis] [1779-1829], * Reflexions souimaires sur l'importance du dia- gnostic, et sur les difficult^ qu'il offre dans cer- tain cas. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1810, No. 77, v. 80. Miriel (P.-L.-M.-H.) * De quelques vices con- gen iaux de conformation de l'extr^mite" inf6- rieure du tube digestif, et des moyens d'y reme'- dier. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 82, v. 284. de Miriinonde (L6ou-Pomme). L'art du den- tiste en 1883. 11 1. 16°. Paris, A.-P. de Miri- inonde, [1883]. Mirles. "Mikroorgan. broushnago tifa. [Micro- organism in abdominal typhus.] 126 pp., 1 1. 8°. .SV. Petersburg, 1886. .^liron. (hticiii (A.) Les quatre Miron. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxv, 193; 209. MIRON. 340 MISLBUS. Miron (Valentineano Joan.) [1842- ]. * Ueber den Ban der Milz. 29 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Berlin, G. Sehade, [1869]. Miroildot (Henri). * Quelques considerations sur le pterygion. 30 pp. 4°. Parti, 1862, No. 84. Mirpied (Jean-Louis-Henri) [1844- ]. * Des ulceres syphilitiques du membre iuferieur et en particulier de "l'ulcus elevatum tertiaire". 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 222. Mirrors. .Sir Looking-glass makers (Diseases of). Mirror-writing. See Hand-writing. Minis (Adam Erdinann) & Fischer (Joh. Henricus). De monstris. 7 1. 4°. Wittenbergce, imp. M. Henckelitts, [1681]. Mirus (Albertus). * De pseudarthrosi. 24 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jence, typ. Schlotterianis, [1831]. Minis ( Christianus Fridericus Guilielmus). * Diss, sistens observationem dysenteria* atque inflammationis arterial pulmonalis morbo syphi- litico supervenientis una cum epicrisi. 2 p. 1., 34 pp. 4°. Lipsia; ex off. Bichteri, [1812]. For Biography, see Kuehn (Carolus Gottlob). Minis (Jo. Fridericus). De novo phosphoro pethereo. 11 pp. 4°. Vitembergce, ex off. C. Schroederi, [1716]. Minis (Samuel Gotth.) * De forma medicami- nuni pro curandis morbis apte et utiliter exhi- benda. 40 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off. Siopffelia, [1749]. For Biography, see Quelmalz (Samuel. Theodorus). Miryachit. See; also, Leaping ague. AriuaiiifiM- y Tuset (J.) Mimicismo 6 neurosis imitante (mirvachit. jumping, latah). Rev. de cien. m6d., Barcel.. lt>8».'x, .=547; 583; 613; 680; 715; 746; 777. Also: Kev. frenopat. barcel., 1884, iv, 290; 339; 368; 409; 443. Also: Clin, navarra, Pamplona, 1885, ii, nos. 8; 9; 10; 11; 13; 14; 15: 16; 17: 18: 19: 20; 21; 22; 23; 25. Also, Re- print.—Beard (G. M.) Experiments with the junipers of Maine. [Read before the Am. Neurol. Ass., Juue, 1880.] Pop. Sc. Mouth., N. T., 1880-81, xviii, 170-178.—Oi lies de la Tourelte (G.) Jumping, latah, myriachit. Arch. de neurol., Par., 1884, viii, 68-74. -----.'fitude sur une affection nerveuse earacteris6e*par de l'incoordination mo- trice accompagnee d'6cholalie et de coprolalie (jumping. latah. myriachit). Ibid., 1885, ix, 19; 158.—Hammond (W. A.) Miryachit, a newly described disease of the nervous system, and its analogues. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 191. Also : -Esculapian, N. T.. 1884, i, 57-60. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884. i, 758. Also, transl.: Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii, 706-708.—L.e Uendre (P.) La maladie de Gilles de la Tourette (affection nerveuse ca- ract6iisee par de l'incoordination motrice, accompagufee d'echolalie et de coprolalie). Union med., Par., 1885, 3. s., xl. 109-114. Also, transl.: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiv, 275-280. — IVeale (K.) Miryachit, or lata. Brit. M. J., Loml.. 1884. i, 884.—Taylor (H. M.) Nervous mimicry. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 593-605.— Vizioli (F.) Sui miryachit e sui jumping, malattie del sistema nervoso. Gior. di neuropatol., Napoli, 1884, ii, 164-180. Mirza-Ali. *Des hemorrhagies intestinales dans la fievre typhoide. 66 pp., 11. 4C. Paris, 1876, No. 445. Mirza-Hussein-Khan. *De l'iodoforme doun£ a l'interieur. 1 p. 1., 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1**1, No. 318. Miscarriage. See Abortion. Miseellanee medico-chirurgico-farmaceutiche; raccolte in Pisa nel 1844. Anno secondo. 108 pp. 8-. Pisa, tipog. della Minerva, [1844]. [P., v. 1419.] Continuation of: Giornale toscano di scienze medi- che, etc., and followed by: C'imento (II) Pisa, 1844-6, etc. Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural his- tory, husbandry, and physick. To which is added the calendar of Flora. By Benj. Stilling- | Miscellaneous tracts [etc.]—continued. fleet. 2. ed. xxxi, 391 pp., 11 pi. 8C. London, Ii. ,\ ,/. Dodsley, 1762. Miscellanies ou homu'opathy, edited by an as- sociation of homceopathic physicians, v. i, An"-. 1838, to June, 1839. 216 pp.' 8J. Philadelphia, W. L. J. Kiderlen, 1839. Endetl. Issued in bi-monthly numbers under title: American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Miscliel (Aug. Christ. Gotthelf.) * Nonnulla de scarlatina. 22 pp. 8C. Jena', 1847). Miscliel (Frauziscus Adolfus Gotthelf.) *De percussione et auscultatione chirurgia* subsidiis. 16 pp. 8°. Lipsia; typ. E. Stangii, [1850]. Miscliel (Joh. Alexander). .SeedetfJareiigcot(Rene-Jacques-Croissaut). Splanch- nologia sive auatomia viscerum, das ist: gi iindliche Ab- handlung von alien Eingeweiden die in denen dreyen Ca- vitaten des menschlichen Corpers enthalteu, [etc.] 12°. Berlin. 173:!.—de Saint I've* (Carl). Tractat von denen Krankheiten der Augen, etc. 12°. Berlin, 1730. Miscliel (Rudolf Oskar Gotthelf). * Ueber die iu den Gelenken spontau sich bildenden fremden Koruer (Gelenkmause). 26 pp. 8^. Leipzig, C. E. Elbert, 1865. c. Mischkovicsew (Maximus Nicolics). *De couio niaculato. 54 pp., 11. 8°. Budce,typ.reg. scient. ttniversitatis, [1834]. [P., v. 1324.] Miscliner (Ferdinandus). *De morbo Brightii. 39 pp. 8~. Gryphtiwaldice, F. Hache, [1861]. c. Misco (Giovanni). Memoria auatomica sui nu- mero e sulla disposizione dei fasci midollari com- ponent! il midollo spiuale umano. 22 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Palermo, F. Lao, 1842. Misera (Franz). * Ueber die Masern. 23 pp. 8°. Erlangen, C. H. Kunstmann, 1837. miserere. See Intestines (Obstruction of). Mises. Panegyrikus der jezigen Medicin und Naturgeschichte. 68 pp. sm. 8C. Leipzig, C. H. F. Hartmann, 1822. ------. Schutzmittel fiir die Cholera, nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend die vornehmsten Meinun- gen der Aerzte iiber den Sitz und das "Wesen oder die nachsteUrsache, die Contagiositat oder Nicht- coutagiositat dieser Krankheit. iv, 164 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1832. [P., v. 210; 1211.] ------. De cholera verdedigd. Naar het Hoog- duitsch. iv, 106 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, H. Fnj- link, 1833. ------. Lofrede op de hedendaagsehe genees- en natuurkunde. 66 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, H. Frij- link, 1834. von Mises (F.) Ueber die Nerven der mensch- lichen Augenlieder. 9 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wien, 1882. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Math.-naturve. Cl., Wien, 1882, lxxxv, 3. Abth. Misevitcli (Anton). * K voprosu kolichestveu- nago opredelenija organicheskich veshestve v vode dlja pitja. [Quantitative analysis of or- ganic substances in drinking-water.] 49 pp., 1 tab. 8C. St. Petersburg, 1874. Miska (Christianus Guilielmus). * De danmis ex retardata abscessuum apertione. 1 p. 1., 16 pp., 2 1. 4°. Halce ail Salam, stanno Curtiano, [1765], Also [Abstr.], in: Wkiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz., [etc.] 12°. Budissin, 1769, i, 152-157. Miskolcz. Fodor (J.) Javaslat Miskolcz varos koztisztasaga- iigyenek rendez6s6re. [Proposition for the drainage of the eitv of Miskolcz.] Kozeg. es Torv6ny. Orvos., Buda- pest. 1885, 21-28. Mislerus (Joh. Jacobus). *De visus statu na- turali et pneternaturali. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 4°. Gissce, Karger, 1680. Misleus (Luca). *De marasmo senili. Vindo- bonce, 1775. In: de Wasserbekg. Op. inin.med.et diss. 8°. Vin- dobonce, 1775, [ii], 427-445. MISOP.EDIA. 341 MISSILES. Miwopaedia. See Insanity (Anomalous, etc.) Missa (Henri). *Sur la tonx convulsive. 44 pp! 4~. Paris, 1831, Xo. 230, v. 244. Missa (Heuricus Michaelis). Thesis in verba: Ergo herniosis ex scuto eburueo coriaeeoque cin- gub) subligaciila. [Paris. 177)4.] In: Hai.i.ek. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lansannce, 1756, v, 623-652. See. also, l.aliwwc (Claudius). *An lupiis caustica ? 4°. [Paris, 177u. ] -----A- Despatureaux ((iuido D.) Thesis in ea verba: Ergo lui venerea' hydrargyrus cam- phoratus. I'aris, 1756. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausannee, 1757. i, .">25-532. Missa (J.) *Sur les suites de couches. 20 pp. 4 . Paris, 1821, Xo. 101. v. 166. Missa (M.-J.) *Snr les phenomenes chimiques de la respiration, viii, 9-46 pp. 8-. I'aris, an XI [1893], v. 19. Misset (Camille). * Etude sur la pathologie des glandes sebacees. 119 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 4°. Pa- ris, 1872, No. 179. Misset (E.) *De l'iuflanimation du bord libre des paupieres. 34 pp. 4°. Parti, 1859, No. 31, v. 634. Missiaen (Ludovicus). *De emanatione et fe- bre intermittenti paludosa. 35 pp. 4°. Gan- davi, typ. P. J. van Byckegem, [1828]. [P., v. 959; 1380.] Missile* <*w^ their extraction. Set; also, Bullet-extractors, etc.; Lead-poi- soning (Causes of); Wounds (Foveign bodies in). vox Beck (B.) Ueber die Wirkuug moderncr Gewchrprojektile, insbesondere der Lorenz'schen verschniolzeneu Panzer-Goschosse auf den thieri- schen Korper. imp. 4°. Leipzig, 1885. Chesnky (A.) * Etude sur l'enkystemeut des projectiles dans les plaies par amies a feu. 4°. Paris, 1874. Klki-'i-'KL (R.) * Ueber die Veranderungen und YVirkungen des Projectils beim Schiesseu. 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Kklgkr (J. G.) * De nonnullis ad motum globuli e sclopeto explosi pertinentibns. 4C. Halce Magdeb., [1737]. Ki'nx (C. G.) [Pr. ] hesiones aeriie expendnn- tur. 4C. Lipsia; 1814. Stexzkl (H.) "'Ueber die Wirkung der ruo- dernen Handfeuerwaffen auf den inenschlichen Organisiuus. 8-'. Berlin, [187.")]. SiuKK-iiF.i; (P. E.) * Qiiii'dain de lsesionibus ictu glandis sclopetaria* sic dicto aereo exortis. 8'■-. Berolini, [18-24]. Zegkhs (H. A.) * De hedendaagsche puntko- gels, vooral die van het Beauniontgeweer en hiiiinc working. *°. Amsterdam, 1876. Allen (H.) Rih of an ox. showing the effects of press- ure fiom an encysted eonnoidal rifle-hall. Phila. M. Times, 187(1-71 i, 401.—Basjnol«l. On the wind of a common- hall. Med. tfc Phvs. ,L, Lond., 1817, xxxviii, 265-267.— Itoloin. l'.alle tie ehassepot simulant ties effets d'une Italic explosihle. Cong. med. de France 1872, Par., 1873. i\ .21(6. -----. lies halles explosibles ; reflexions et laits relatifs a ce sujet. Lnion med. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen, 18711, xii. 120-Ul". Also, Keprint. ------. Des halles explo- sives. J. de metl. et pharni. de l'Algerie. Alger, 1879, iv, 4 ; 4,-j; 75. —Bell (A. G.) L])ou the electrical experiments to determine the location of the bullet in the body of the late l'lesident Garfield : and upon a successful form of in- duction balance for the painless detection of metallic masses iu the human bod v. Am. J. Se., X. Haven, 1883. 3. s., xxv. 22-61. Also, Reprint. ------. Sur un appareil i pei iiiettant de 'determiner, sans donleur pour le patient, la position d'un projectile de plomb ou d'autre metal dans le coips liuinain. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.. Par.. 1881, xc, (i-25-6'7. Also: France med., Tar., 1881, ii, 027-629. ------. Sin une methode electrique servant a determiner, par le moyen dune aiguille, la position et la profonileur d'uu projectile, ou autre substance metallique, dans le corps liuinain. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1881, xcm, 717-719. _ Billroth ( T.) Die modernen Projcktile und ^lissiles and their extraction. ihre Wirkung auf die verschiedenen Theile des mensch- lichen Korpers; der erste Vorband : freiwillige Hilfe in der ersten Linie. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1882. xvi, 33: 43.— Bolton (J.i Gunshot-wound of the thigh: hall lodged in the condyle of the femur; detected by Xtlaton's probe and canula forceps; successful removal. Con fed. States M. & S. J.. Richmond. 1864, i, 21— Bovet. Einiges iiber Wirkung kleinkalibi iger Handfeuerwaffen. insbesondere des Hebler-Gewehrs, Model 1 1887. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1887, xvii. 746-751. 1 tab. — Browne (R. K.) Bullet-wound exploration. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, v, 33.— K nice (A.) The new bullets and the wounds produced by them. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 455. — Knelt. Xoch einige Worte iiber die Luf'tstreilschiisse. J. d. Chii. u. Augenh., Berl., 1822, iv, 641-656. [See, also, inf>-. Ritter. ] —Bnsch. Die Wirkung der sogenannten Luftstreifschiisse. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl." Ver. d. Rhein-Prov.. Bonn, 1868, iii, 10-12.— C'nlhoiin (J. T.) A case of alleged contusion from the wind of a cannon ball. Med. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862, vii, 573.—C'orlien (A.) Moyen facile de reconnai- tre la presence dune Italic dans les plaies par amies a feu. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1870, x'iii, 398 — CorKsc (F.) Degli effetti d' una palla spenta da fucile a retroeni ica sopra un cranio doliocef'alo allungato; cenni storici ed etnografici. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc. lett. etl arti, 1869-70, 3. s.. xv, 2273-2298, 4 pi. ------. Sulle armi da fuoco attuali e sugli effetti dei loro projettili nell' organismo vivente. Ibid., 1872-3, 4. s.. ii, 291-331. 1 pi. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Firenze, 1873. xxi. 73-106. — Wavie* (It.) Extraction of bullets. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1863, i, 538. — Deneux. Procetles pour reconnaitre la presence et la nature ties corps vulnerants nietalliques engages dans les plaies par amies de guerre. [Hap. tie Legouest.] Hull. Acad, de metl., Par., 1872, 2. s., i. 876-886. —Onpoiil (L.) Sur les effets presumes du fluide 61ectrique dans les coups des grosses amies a feu. Actes Soe. tie mfiil. de Brux., 1808, ii, 285-304.— F fee to tie los projectiles cdnicos. Siglo meil., Matlrid, I860, vii, 29. —KIMm (D.) Observations on the nature and cause of certain accidents which sometimes occur in battle, and have been usually ascribed to the 'Wind of a ball". Edinb. M. tfc S. J.,'1812, viii, 1-10.— Emploi ilu courant voltai'que pour la recherche des pro- jectiles dans nos tissus. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 553.—Ewiili (O.) Untersuchungen iiber die Lnterschiede dei-Chassepotund Zundnadelkugel-Verv. mitlimgen. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxii. 42S-43U — Foi-Im-n tl'.) Ob- servations on the cause of death from what is called the wind of a ball. Edinb. M. .fc S. J., 1812, viii, 310-312.— GariK'lt (A. Y. P.) On the use of Niilaton's probe. Con- fed. States M. .fc S. J., Richmond, 1864, i, 22. — CJirdner (J. H.) On the detecting and locating of metallic masses in the human body bv means of the induction balance and the telephonic'probe. X. York M. ,L, 1887. xiv. 393- 396. Also: Med. >'e\vs, Phila., 1887.1, 192.—Molilmnitli (M.) The search for balls in old gun-shot wounds. X. York M. J., 1867-8, vi, 426-430.—«So**e I in. Recherche au moyen de l'investigateur electrique et extraction d'une balle enkystee depuis 4 mois dans la premiere cote gauche. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1870, xxxv. 730-733. Also: Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1870, lxxix. 230-233.—Harlnnd (H.) Extraction of a Waterloo bullet which had remained imbedded in the palm of the hand for upwards of fifty-nine years. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1874, ii, 275.—van «lcr Hcgge Zijnen (B. G.) Effect van den puntkogel, geschoten uit het aehterlaadgeweer der Xetlerlandsche infanterie. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1869, 2. R., v. 1. Afd., 413-415.—Heppner tfc ISarfinltel. Experiinentelle Un- tersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der modernen Kleinge- wehrprojectile auf Lehmmasseu und auf den menschlichen Korper.' Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1874, i, 209; 225.— Herrjjott. Lettre a propos de balles explosibles. Gaz. med. de Par., 1871, xxvi, 242— HirsclifeWI. Leber die Wirkungen des Chassepotgewehrs in sehr grosser Xiihe, erlautert (lurch einen Fall von Schussverletzung desOber- schenkels aus einer Entfernuug von einem Fuss. Deut- sche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1874, iii, 121-129.— I vanolt (X. P.) K vopr. of deistvii sovremen. oguest. snarjadov. IOn the etfect of modern firearm projectiles.) Yoyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1886. elvi, pt. 7, 319-336.—Kemper- dick. Der electrisclie Ixiigelsueher. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1870. xxii, 375 — Korhcr (T.) Ueber die S|ireng- wirkung tier modernen Kleingewehr-Gesehosse. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1875. v, 3; 29; 69. Also, Re- print. -----. Xeue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkungs- weise der modernen Kleingewehr Geschosse. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz Aerzte, Basel. 1879, ix, 65; 104; 133. Also, Re- print.— Koloniiiin (S. P.) Sravnitel. ocherk deistvija naorgan. razlich. pul: sphericheskoi svintsovoi i spherich. meduoi, cilindro-konich. i eilindro-oval. svintso. i pantsir. ciliudro-oval stalnoi. [Comparative researches into the effect on organism of spherical projectiles and spherical copper, cylindrico-conical and cylindrieo-oval projectiles, and on cylindrieo-oval steel breastplates. | Ejened. klin. gaz., St." Petersb., 1886. vi, 653; 673; 689; 713 - Kn«- ter (E. ) Leber die Wirkungen der ueuern Geschosse auf den thierischen Korper. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- MISSILES. 342 MISSIONS. Ifliw^ile* and their extraction. sellsch.. 1873-4, v. pt. 2, 86-93. [Discussion], pt, 1, 81.— I.niujenbeclt (B.) Ein neuer Kugelzieher. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi. .227. — Imrroy. Sur l'extraetion des corps 6traugers qui eompliqueut les plaies d'armes a . feu. Bull. Fac. de med de Par., 1809-11, ii (7. annee). 1.35- 141.—Lrcomle (0.) De lexploration des halles dans les plaies par amies ii feu des os et des articulations. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., I'ar., 1863. 3. s., ix, 94-135.— Fe Coui'toi*. Note sur l'emploi des ballcs explosibles et les causes qui out fait croirea leur usage; malleabilite, fragmen- tation, deformation des halles de piomb ; etendue et gravite des plaies par amies ii feu ; dela fusion des halles de plomb dans les plaies. Bull. Soc. anat, tie Par.. 1871. xlvi, 398- 406.—lie Fort (L.) Emploi tie l'elcctrit ile pour tlecouvrir la presence ties corps etrangers nietalliques eufonces et per- dus dans lepaisseurdes chairs. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvii, 92-95.—Fongmore (T.) On the prob- able surgical effects in battle in caseof the employment of projectiles of a more elongated form, such as the Whit- worth projectiles. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1863, Lond., 1865, v, 500-504. Also, Reprint.—IVIaisoiiiieuve. Extraction d'une balle enchatonnee depuis 5 ans dans l'os maxillaire superieur. Monit, d. hop., Par., 1853, i. 655.—Mast-lick (M.) Zwei Methoden, um mittels tier Eleetricitat metal- leue Projectile in Sclmsswiinden mit Sicherheit zu diag- nosticire.il. Feltlarzt, Wien, 1875, 5. — .Vlelirher (L. J.) Kugelzieher, zur Entfernung der Kugeln aus Schusswun- den. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wieu, 1848, 1189-1194.— ITIelNen.s. Balistique sur quelques effets de la penetra- tion ties projectiles dans divers milieux et sur l'inipossi- bilite de la fusion des halles tie plomb dans les plaies pro- duites par amies a feu. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1872, i, .348-353.— Tli Miot (B.) X'ouveau moyen de diagnostic et (l'extraetion des projectiles en fonte et en plomb a noyaux defer. Fiance med, Par., 1869. xvi. 765. -----. Du dia- gnosticet tie l'extiactiondes projectiles, et particulierement des projectiles en fonte de fer. Arch. g£n. de med., Par., 1872. 6.'s., xix, 129-146.— .Hninly. Ueber die Treffahig- keil. (lest hwindigkeit uud die Versckiedenartigkeit der Fullung der Pio.jektile. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1872, xiii, 112-114.— iSfeinlorfcr. Die metallpriifende Sonde. AVien. Med.-Halle, 1863. iv, 86.—Nicaise. A propos des halles explosibles. Gaz. med. de Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvi, 102- 104.—i\'i(-ola*. De l'aetion explosive des projectiles d'iu- fantt lie. d'apres les experiences de M. le Prof. Kocher. Bull. Soe. il. sc. nat. de Neuchatel, 1883-4, xiv, 127-135.—Ob- servations on the differeut hypotheses published to ac- count for the effects ascribed to the wind of a ball. Edinb. M. &. S. J , 1813, ix, 134-139.— Fernet ( H.) Des halles explosibles. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 123. — Rapp. Quelques mots sur l'6chauffement subi par les halles pen- dant leur trajct a travels nos tissus. Rec tie mem. dem6d. . .. mil., Par., 1872, 3. s., xxviii, 49(1-497.—Beyer. Die An- foidei ungen tier Humauitat an die Kleingewehrprojectile. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl,. 1884, xiii. 575-592. Also, transl.: Voyenno-sau. dielo, St. Petersb., 1885, v, 89; 97; 109. — Bevierdin (J.-L.) Quelques experiences sur les effets du fusil Rubin. Kev. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1884, iv, 704-/16. — Bichter. Ueber die sogenannten explosiven Wiikungt n tlei Kleingt wehrgeschosse. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutscli. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Breslau, 1874, xlvii, 217-219.—Bitter. RetLxiouen iiber die Luftstreif- schusse. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl., 1822, iv, 120-133.__ Koriolfi ( R. ) Specillo XTelaton, suoi vautaggi e incon- venienti, sonda ektlrica. (Jazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1867, 5. s., vi, 127.—Boscher. Ueber die Flugbahn und die Wirkungen der Gesehutz-Kugeln. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.- Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i. 305; 313. —Bower (W.) Ueber einige Yerirrungen der Kriegschirurgie. Beri. kliu. Wchn- schr.. 1867. iv, 145: 169; 181 ; i89; 213; 225. — Roussin (Z.) Assassinat par une ariue a feu ; intervention utile de 1'aualyse chimique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xliv, 100- 106. — BiiMpini (J. B.) A brief description of a newly invented instrument, for the extraction of balls from gun- shot wounds. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1806, xv, 455-457, 2 pi— Waraziu. Des effets produits par le projectile du fusil Chassepot snr le cadavre. Gaz. nied. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 223. — Srliocntje* (H.) Note sur l'application de 1 electricity a la rechen he ties projectiles dans le corps hu- maiu. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1*>2. Ix, 229-246, 1 pi. -----. Sur une application du telephone a la recherche des projectiles dans le corps liuinain. Ibid., 1885, lxiv, 207- 210. — Nenflleben ( H. ) Zur wundarztlichen Waffen- kuntle. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1870, xxii, 33; 41: 61._____. On some effects of modern rifle projectiles. Lancet, Lond.j 1875, ii, 524. — Soulier. Des halles explosibles. Gaz. d! hop.. Par., 1872, xiv, 138.—.«ipen*e (-1.) Observations on those accidents commonly ascribed to the wind of a ball. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1812. viii, 161-HU—«nr«eon Tuson's bullet extractor. Med. Times & Gaz., Lend., 1870, ii, 464.— Tarilien (A.) Balles explosibles; balles fragment6es. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1872, xiv, 28: 34.— Thierry. Des balles explosibles. Ibid.. 1871, xliv, 610.— Tolifree (R.) Some reinaiks on the sudden death, without apparent in- jury or organic derangement, from the supposed wind of a cannon-ball. Bait. M. J-:j4._ Ueilical missions. Brit, tfc For. M.-Chir. Kev., Loud., 1875, lvi, 307-326. Missii'ini (Melchiore). Pericolo di seppellire gli uomiui vivi creduti morti. xxxix, 431 pp. 8°. Milano, C. Branca, 1837. Missisquoi (The) Springs aud their wonderful cures. 48 pp. 12°. Xew York, A. Herrick «f- Sons, [1868]. -----. The same. 50 pp. 12°. [Sheldon, Ver- mont, ii. d.] Mississippi. Catalogue of the Mississippi State library, 1877. 194 pp. 8°. Jackson, Power if Barksdale, 1877. -----. Senate. A bill to be entitled "An act to amend the statutes in regard to boards of health''. [Mississippi legislature, session of 1880.] S. B. No. 28. 9 pp. fol. [Jackson, 1889.] -----. An act to amend the statutes in regard to boards of health, approved March 4, 1880. 7 pp. 8 . Jackson, Miss., J. L. Power, 1880. Mississippi. See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., for); Brook- haven ; Craven's Creek (Diseases of); Deaf- mutes (Asylums, etc., for); Fever (Cerebro- spinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, His- tory, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid. History, etc., of), Fever ( Yellow, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities; Jackson; Natchez; Pharmacy (Education in, etc.) Hilgahd (E. \V.) Report on the geology and agriculture of the State of Mississippi. 8°. Jackson, 1860. United States. War Department. Engineer's Office. Cypress Bayou. Letter from the Secre- tary of War, communicating a report of the Chief of Engineers, with an estimate of the cost for an improvement of Cypress Bayou, aud the lakes between Jefferson and Shivveport. 48. Cong., 2. sess. H. K. Ex. Doc. 103 Jan. 21, 1885. 8\ [Washington, 1885.] Evans (T. E.) On the medical history of the eastern part of Mississippi. [Pneumonia, pleuritis, intermittent, remittent, and inflammatory fevers] N. Oil. M. tfc S. J., 1849-50. vi, 741-745.—Hughes (IC. W. ) Keport on the topography and diseases of north Mississippi. Tr. Missis- sippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1876. ix, 94-101.—..Moore (J. P.) Keport on the epidemics and climatologv of Mississippi. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1871, xxii, 205-212—Phares (D. L.) The spas of Mississippi. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1879, xii, 108-114.—Piii-h (J. J.) On the medi- cinal waters of Mississippi; the artesian springs of Madi- son County. South. M. Kep. (Fenner), X. Oil., 1849, i, 379-381. Mississippi. Asylum for the Blind of the Slate of Mississipjii, Jackson. Annual and biennial re- ports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State, for the years 1868-9; 1871- 3; 187C-9. 8°. Jackson, 1869-80. Mississippi. Mississippi Institution for the Ed- ucation of the Deaf and Dumb, at Jackson. Annual and biennial reports of the trustees and super- intendent to the governor of the State. 1.-3., 1871-3; 6., 187(5: 7.. 1877. Biennial: 3., 1882-3. 8°. Jackson, 1^72-83. This institution existed prior to 1861, but was broken up and the records lost during the war. Reorganized in 1871. Mississippi. Mississippi State Hospital, Vicks- burg. Annual report of the board of trustees and superintendent to the legislature, for the year 1870-71. 11pp. 8°. Jackson, Kimball, Raymond 4- Co., 1872. Mississippi. Xatchez State Hospital. Annual report of the board of trustees and superintend- ent to the legislature, for the year 1870-71. 8 pp. 8°. Jackson, Kimball, Raymond <)'■ Co., 1872. Mississippi. State Board of Health of the State of Mississippi. Annual reports to the legislature. 1. (1877); 2. (1878-9). 8°. Jackson, 1877-9. Second report, from Jan., 1878, to Dec. 1, 1879. -----. Circular to the medical profession, solicit- ing information on the prevailing diseases in dif- ferent parts of the State, Oct. 3, 1877. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1877.] Blank forms used by . . . 1877-9. Form 3. Quarterly return of marriages. Form 4. Quarterly return of births. Form 5. Quarterly return of deaths. Registration of a birth. Registration of a death. Receipt for books, blank forms, etc. -----. Trichina spiralis: [How to detect it in trichinous pork, and the means of destroying its vitality.] Jan. 7,1878. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1878.] -----. Circular suggesting the organization of local boards of health. Aug. 7, 1878. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1878.] -----. Circular advising quarantines agaiust yellow fever. Aug. 26, 1878. 1 sheet. 8°. [Jackson, 1878.] -----. Circular to the authorities of cities aud towns where yellow fever has prevailed, on the importance of having houses disinfected before being reoccupied. With rules. Oct. 21, 1878. 1 sheet. 8°. [Jackson, 1878.] -----. Circular to circuit clerks on the registra- tion of births, marriages, and deaths. Dec. 16, 1878. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1878.] -----. To the medical profession of Mississippi. Circular soliciting co-operation in the registra- tion of births, marriages, and deaths. Dec. 17, 1878. 1 sheet. 8°. [Jackson, 1878. ] -----. Rules and regulations recommended for adoption by local boards of health throughout the State. 7 pp. 8°. [Jackson, Power 4' Barks- dale, 1878?] -----. Circular to physicians, requesting full his- tory of yellow fever. Feb. 10, 1879. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1879.] ■-----. Opinion of attorney-general in reference to local quarantine. June"l2,1879. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1879.] -----. Circular to president of county board of health, recommending a quarantine ordinance against yellow fever. June 16, 1879. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1879.] ------. The same. To president of municipal board of health. June 20, 1879. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 1879.] -----. Circular to the county and municipal boards of health, requesting them to adopt the rules and regulations provided by the National Board of Health agaiust infectious disease. July 16, 1879. 1 sheet. 4°. [ Vicksburg, 1879. ] -----. Small-pox. [A word of warning and ad- vice to the people.] 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, 187-.] Mississirri. 344 MISSOUBI. Mississippi. State Board of Health—continued. -----. Sanitary rules and regulations. Sugges- tions in regard to general sanitation, disinfect- ants, and deodorants. Adopted April, 1880. 17 pp. 8-'. Jackson, Miss., 1889. -----. Quarantine rules and regulations. (Ap- proved May 18, 1889.) 16 pp. 8°. Jackson, J. L. Power, 18-0. -----. Disinfectants. 1 sheet. 4°. [Jackson, n. d.] -----. Memorandum for reporters on yellow fever. 1 sheet. L. [Jackson, n. d.] Mississippi. Stale Lunatic Asylum, at Jackson. Annual and biennial reports of the trustees and superintendent to the legislature of Mississippi. 5., 1858-9; 1C.-25., 1-69-70 to 1879: 28., 1882; 29., L-83. 8°. Jackson, 1859-84. Established March 4,1848 ; opened Jan. 8, 1855. Reports for 1878 and 1879 and subsequent years are biennial. Mississippi Rirer. See, also, Inundations. Eads (J. B.) Keport on the Mississippi jet- ties. Aug. 18, 1876. 8 . [New York, 1876.] Foster (J. W.) The Mississippi valley; its physical geography, including sketches of the topography, botany, climate, geology, and min- eral resources; and of the progress of develop- ment in population and material wealth. 8°. Chicago, 1869. Humi'iikf.ys (A. A.) & Abbot (H. L.) Keport upon the physics and hydraulics of the Missis- sippi Kivcr [etc.] 4°. Philadelphia, 1861. Professional papers of the Corps of Topograpical Engi- neers, L. S. A., No. 4. United States. War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the annual report of the Mississippi River Commission. For the year 1884. 48. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Ex. Doc. No. 64. Jan. 6, 18-5. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1887).] Dowlor (B.) Contributions to the hydrograpbical thermology aud h vgiene of the Mississippi River. N. Orl. M. &. 8. J.', 1858, xv, 448-484.—Forshay (C. (i.) A chap- ter of the hvdron-raphv °f the Mississippi River. South. M. Kep. (Fennel). N. Orl.. 1849, i. (i:i-7ii. 2 tali. -----. On tho hydrography of the Mississippi River, for the vear 1850. Ibid.. 1850, ii, 154-157, 1 tab. — Mitchell (R 'W.l Mississippi River inspect ion service. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1880, Wash.. 1882. ii. 017-635.—Thornton (O. B.) Sani- tation of the Mississippi valley. Am. Pith. Health Ass. Rep. 1884, Concord, N. H., 1885, x. 214-223. Mississippi State Dental Association. Consti- tution. 7 pp. 8-. Vicksburg, Miss., Rogers 4 Groome, 1875. -----. The constitution, by-laws, and code of ethics, adopted Jan. 17-18, 1882. Li pp. 8°. Jackson, Miss., C. Winkley, 1882. Mississippi .State Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting, 1874. 8°. [n. p.]. 1874. Mississippi Valley Association of Dental Sur- gery. Proceedings of 1. annual meeting. 8'-'. Cincinnati, E. Shepard, 1845. Mississippi Valley Medical Monthly. Editors and proprietors: J. J. Jones aud Julius Wise. v. 1-7, 1881-7. 8^. Memphis. Tenn. Current. Followed: Arkantaa (The) Medical Monthly. Tn April. 1881, Dr. Wise became sole editor; in Oct.. Is82, V. L. Sim became editor. Mississippi Yailey Sanitary Association. See Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley. Missol (Leon). Notice liistorique sur l'ancieu Hopital de la Quarautaine, ou des pestiferes de Villefranehe en Beanjolais ct sur les £pid£mies de peste qui out atHige la ville d'apres les archives de la commune et de l'Hotel-Dieu. 74 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Vingtriniei; 1873. Repr. from: Kev. du Lyonuais. Missol (Noei-Leon). * De la compression, con- sideree comme cause d'accidents et comme moyen therapeutique. 26 pp. 4°. Parti, 1854, No. 166, v. 563. Missouri. Annual reports of the adjutant-gen- eral of the State of Missouri for the years 1-64-5 • 1871. 3 v. 8°. Jefferson City, 1865-72. -----. Annual reports of the commissioner of statistics to the general assembly of the State of Missouri. 1., 1866; 2., 1867.' ■■*-". Jefferson City, 1867-8. -----. The registration law of the State of Mis- souri, passed at the adjourned session of the twenty-fourth general assembly : together with forms for notices and certificates, as contem- plated by this act. 29 pp. 8°. Jefferson Citii, Mo., E. Kirby, 1868. -----. The acts establishing the State board of health, and regulating the practice of medicine and surgery in Missouri, with mode of procedure under the same. Compiled by Joseph C. Hearne, secretary. 32 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Commercial Printing Co., 1883. Missouri. See, also, Chariton; Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of). Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Ma- larial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities; Kansas City; Saint Louis. Ajimkkmax (C. R.) The medical and surgi- cal directory of the State of Missouri for 1>84 and 1885. Containing the names, post-office address, place and date of graduation, and school of prac- tice of the physicians of the State; the names and residence of the officers and members of the various city, county, district, and State medical societies; of the Missouri members of the various national associations, regular, eclectic, and homoeopathic; of the Missouri members of the various national societies of specialists; names and residence of the State board of health and of the State board of pharmacy ; rosters of the U. S. examining sur- geons for pensions for the State, and medical officers of the Missouri national guard. Also, medical colleges, State charitable institutions, hospitals, dispensaries, medical laws, mortality statistics, and census tables, showing how Mis- souri compares with her sister States iu the num- ber of her insane, idiotic, blind, deaf and dumb, and how the same are cared for; an article on fraudulent diplomas, and an index of the physi- cians of the State, alphabetically arranged, with reference page to register report. 8:. Quincy, 1885. Blue (J. H.) Statistics of three hundred and thirty- three deaths in Chariton and the adjoining counties in Mis- souri, for the last ten years, with remarks. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1844-5, iii, 157-161. — Itiybuin (T.) Report on the diseases of Missouri andlowa. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1855, viii, 83-3211, 3 diag. Also, Reprint.—Thompson (J. E.) Topographv and diseases of Bates Countv, Missouri. Boston M. & S. j., 1856, liv, 49; 269; 329; 489.—Twyman (L.) On the medical topography of Saint Charles County, Mo., with some account of the prevalent diseases from 1829 to 1841, inclusive. Missouri M. & S. J., St. Louis, 1845. i, 25-32.—Wilcox (J.) A report on the topography of the countv of Boone, with some of the symptoms and treat- ment of dysentery and erysipelas, as they have prevailed in the Missouri River bottom, both in their endemic and epidemic forms. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1852, ii, 97-100. Missouri. Missouri Institution for the Education of the Blind, St. Louis. Annual and biennial re- ports of the trustees to the governor of the State. Annuals, 3., 185:5-4; 5.. 1855-6. Biennials, 6., 1866-7 A; 1867-8 ; 9., 1872-3 &. 1873-4. 8°. Jeffer- son City 4' St. Louis, 1854-74. Missouri. Missouri Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, Fulton. Biennial reports of the commissioners and superintendent to the general assembly. 1.-15., 1853-84. 8C. Jeffer- son Citt/ 4 Fulton, 1859-85. Opened Nov. 5, 1851. No report for 1861 and 1862; sus- pended for those years. 1.-5., reprinted by the pupils, 1882-3. MISSOURI. 345 MISTLETOE. Missouri. Missouri Slate Board of Health. Pro- ceedings of the . . . at its semi-annual meeting, held in the city of St. Louis, July 8-10, 1884, to- gether with the report of the secretary. General rules for the restriction and prevention of small- pox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, Asiatic cholera, typhus fever, ty| hoid fever, etc., and a paper on hog cholera or swine plague, as read by Dr. \Y. B. ('oncry. 28 pp. 8 . Hannibal, [Hannibal Print. Co.. 1884]. _____. Rules and regulations for the creation aud establishing of boards of health in the several cities, towns, villages, and counties of the State, recommended by tlie board of health of the State of .Missouri. 8 pp. 8-. [St. Louis, 1884.] Missouri. Slate Lunatic Asylum, at Fulton. An- nual and biennial reports of the board of man- agers and superintendent to the general assein- l.Ty. 1.-3., 1851-2 to 1855-6: 5.-12., 1858-9 to 1875-6; 14.-16., 1878-9 to 1883-4. 8-. Jefferson City, 1853-85. Opened Dec. 1, 1851. 1. report for one year. -----. A code of by-laws, rules, aud regulations for the government of the board of managers, officers, and employe's of the . . . with appendix. Revised, adopted, and ordered printed by au- thority of the board of managers. Nov. 24, A. D. 1873. 59 pp. 8°. Columbia, Statesman office, 1.-74. Missouri. State Lunatic Asylum, Xo. 2, St. Jo- seph. Biennial reports of the board of managers and superintendent to the general assembly of the State. 2.-5., 1877-84. 8'~. Jefferson City, Stale Journal Co., 1879-85. Missouri. University of the State of Missouri, at Columbia. Annual catalogues [including the medical department]. 1845-6(4.): 1876-7 to 1884-5(35.-43.). 8'. Jefferson City, 1816-85. Founded 1820; organized 1840. For announcements and catalogues of the medical department from 1845-G to 1851-5, see: Missouri Medical College, St. Louis. In the winter of 1845 Kemper Metlical College was adopted as the metlical dcpaitnient of the university. In 1855, by a change of charter, it became independent and assumed the title of Metlical College of Missouri, St. Louis. In 1872, the cura- tors determined to establish and maintain a permanent medical department, and a faculty was appointed Feb. 17, 1873. -----. Annual circular of the law school and of the medical school of the . . . for the session of 1877-8. pp. 114-129, 6 pi. 8 . [Jefferson City, 1877.] Cutting from: Catalogue. 1870-7(35.). -----. Report of the board of curators of the State University of the State of Missouri to the general assembly, for the years 1877 and 1878 (L). 14 pp. 8 . Jefferson City, Carter 4' Reagan, 1879. Missouri Clinical Record, a monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Editors: \V. A. Hard- awav and Alexander B. Shaw. v. 1, April, 1874. to March, 1875. 250 pp. 8-. St. Louis. Established by the Missouri Metlical College, Library Association, organized Feb. 12. 1874. Continued us Saint Louis Cliuical Keconl. Missouri Dental College, St. Louis. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1866-7 to 187J-3 (1.-7.); 1874-5 to 1885-6 (9.-20.). 8-. St. Louis, 1866-85. List of students and graduates for the years 18G6-7 to 1871-2; 187:5-4 to 187(-7; 1878-9, in announcements for sub- sequent years. List of alumni from 1867 to 1879, in an- nouncement for 1879-80. Missouri (The) Dental Journal. A monthly record of medical science, devoted to the spe- cialty of dentistry. Edited by Homer Judd. v. 1-15, 18(19-83. V'. St. Louis, 1869. to March, \ 18.83;' Kansas Cilt/. April lo Dec, 18-3. Ended, v. 5-8 edited bv Henry S. Chase ; v. 9 by H. Judd and W. II. Karnes; v. 10-14 by C. W. Spalding: v. 15 bv K. I. Pearson [et al.]. Followed in 1884 by: Ar- rhiviN (The) of Dentistry. Missouri Eye and Ear Infirmary, Sr. Louis. Annual and biennial reports of tlie board of trustees to the public. 1.-2., 1876-7 to 1878-9. 8°. St. Louis. 1877-9. Organized July 18, and incorporated An;. 4, 187ii. 2. re- port is for two years. Missouri Medical College, Saint-Louis. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1840-41 (L); 1842-3(3.): 1845-6 (6.): 1846-7 (7.): 1851--2 (12.); 1853-4(14.); 1854-5 (15.); 1859-60 (20.); 18(18-9 to 1873-4 (28.-33.) ; 1875-6 to 1883-4 (35.- 43.). 8r & 4C. Saint Louis, 1840-83. Organized in 1840, as the medical department of Kemper College. Ill 1845 it became the medical department of the University of the State of Missouri. In lf85. by a change of charter, it assumed above title. It was also fonnerly known as "McDowell's College" and Ilospbal. List of alumni from 1841 to 1883, in announcement for l>8J-4. List of students and graduates for the vears ls4.~>-6; 1850-51; 1852-3; 1853-4; 1858-9; 1807-8 to 1872-3; 1874-5 to 1882-3, in announcements for subsequent years. 42. and 43. are 4°. Missouri (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by R. F. Stevens. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, Mav, 1845, to Julv, 1848. 8 . 67. 'Louis. Xos. 7-12, v. 1, edited by J. N. McDowell and Thomas Barbour; in v. 2 Barbour sole editor; in v. 3-4 A. J. Coons added. Xo. 3, v. 4. last published ; then merged in : .Saint Loniw (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Missouri State Dental Association. Minutes aud proceedings of the Missouri State Dental Associa- tion (including the Missouri Dental College As- sociation), from its organization, Ocr. 31, 1865, to and including the eighteenth annual session, Juue 6, 1882. Compiled from the written rec- ords of the association, by W. H. Eames, record- ing secretary. 159 pp. 8C. St. Louis, 1883. Missouri (The) Valley Metlical Journal. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, und the collateral sciences. Editors: W. ('. Moteler, F. F. Hoyt [et al.]. v. 1. Jan. to Dec. 18-^. ,- . St. Joseph. Mo. Ended. Merged in: Hmiaatt (The) Medical Index, forming: Kaiisan (The) and Missouri Valley Medical Index. Missouri ii in. Kocn (A.) Description of the Missouriuni, or Missouri leviathan ; together with its supposed habits, and Indian traditions concerning; the lo- cation from whence it was exhumed. Also, com- parisons of the whale, crocodile, aud missourium with the leviathan, as described in 41st chapter of the book of Job. 8'-. Louisville, 1841. MiSSOUX (T.-D.) '* Quelques considerations sur les corps etrangers arretes dans les voies diges- tives, et un nouveau moyen d'oxtraction. vi, 7- 28 pp. 4-. Parti, 1825', Xo. 76, v. 192. Mistarlet (Leon). * Quelques cas de purpura chez les enfants. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, Xo. 252. Mistier (J.-B.) * Considerations sur l'etrangle- nient des hernies inguinales et crurales. 1 p. 1., 72 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, 1830, v. 58 it 61. Iflistletoe. Colbatch (J.) A dissertation concerning mis- tletoe, a most wonderful specitick remedy for the cure of convulsive distempers. 2. ed.. to which is added a second part. 8-. London, 1726. -----. The same. 3. ed. 12-. London, 1723. -----. The same. 6. ed. 12 . London, [n.d.] Cl©* (J.-A.) Supplement aux observations de M. Du- hamel, surle guy, iiis6rees dans les memoires de l'Academie rovaletles sciences, annee 1740. Hist. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel.. 1807, xvi. 1-11, 2 pi.—Dixon (J.) Caseof poison- ing bv berriesof the mistletoe; recovery. Brit. M.-f., Lond., 1874, i. 224. — Ilobbw (A. (7.1 Mistletoe as an oxvtoxic. Louisville M. News, 1878, v, 238— liionfclil (M.) Zur Biologie der Mistel (Viscum album). Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1887-8. vii, 449-404.—Long (\V. U.) Viscum al- bum (mistletoe) as an oxvtocie. Louisville M. News. 1878, v, 132-134. —Park (R.) ' Note on the therapeutics of Vis- cum album. Practitioner. Loud., 1881. xxvii, 346.— Payne MISTLETOE. 34G MITCHELL. Mistletoe. (R. L.), jr. Mistletoe, its physiological action and some of its clinical applications. North Car. M. J.. Wilmington, 1881, vii, 253-266. Also [Abstr.] : Metl. &. Surg. Reporter, I'hila., 1887, lvii, 342-345.—Tnrnipsecd (E. B.) Em- ployment of the mistletoe (Viscum verticillatum Ell. Sk., noii L.) to produce abortion. Charleston M. J. &. Rev., 1851, vi. 448. Mistral (Alexandre) [1852- ]. * Essai clinique sur les troubles de la menstruation. SO pp. 40 Parti, 1881, No. 290. Mivaine (Jules-Jean-Baptiste-Gabriel). *Con- sideratious gcnerales sur l'age de l'adolescence. 33 pp. 4:. Paris, 1819, No. 118, v. 147. I?litau. .See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Mitcliel. De arte medendi apnd priscos musices ope atque carmiuum epistola ad Antonium Kel- hau. 69 pp. 8°. Londini, G. Johnston, 1766. Mitcliel. See Robinson (Henry). The new specialty for can- cers aud external tumors, [etc.] 2. ed. 8°. London, 1873. Mitcliel (Charles L.) Strictures of the urethra situated at or near the meatus; their causes, nature, and treatment. Together with a de- scription of a new meatotome. 7 pp. 8'-'. [n. p., 1882.] Repr. from: Med. Times, Phila., 1882-3, xiii. Mitcliel (Joannes). * De febribus continnis, et pnecipue de medelis in iis adhibendis. 4 p. 1., 206 pp.. 1 1. 8 . Edinburgi, (.'. Stewart et socii, 18(12. [P.. v. 22.] Mitchell (Alfred). See I>:111a (Israel Thorndike). History of the Portland School for Metlical Instruction. 8°. Portland, 1874. Mitchell (Andreas). * De dysenteria. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8U. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1789. Mitcliell (Arthur). Description of a new at- nionieter, or evaporonictcr. 4 pp. 8C. London, W. Trounce, [1856]. [P., v. 899.] Repr. from: J. Soe. Arts, Lond., June 6, 1856. -----. On various superstitions in the north- west highlands and islands of Scotland, espe- cially iu relation to lunacy. 40 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Xeill 4 Co., 186)2. Repr. from: Proc. Antiquarian Soc. Scotland, iv. ---. The insane in private dwellings, xii, 97 pp. 8J. Edinburgh, Edmonston 4 Douglas, 1864. Mitchell (C. L.) A synoptical table of thoracic percussion aud auscultation. Arranged from the works of Lacnnec, Hope, Louis, Piorry, Williams, and others, aud the lectures of Barth, Roger, and Landouzy. 1 sheet, fol. Xew York, 1839. -----. Introductory lecture to the fall session of lectures in the Castleton Medical College. 16 pp. f-. Albany, c. Van Benthuysen i,- Co., 1844. Mitcliell (Charles Duudasj. Essay on tic dou- loureux and other nervous affections. 19 pp. Calcutta, Medical Journal press, 1839. [P v. 729.] Mitchell (Charles L.) Fixed adhesive dressings in the treatment of skin diseases. 12 pp 16c Philadelphia, [1884]. Also, Editor of: Clinical Notes on the Local Treat- ment of Disease, Philadelphia, 1885. Mitchell (Clifford). The practitioner's guide in urinalysis. 205 pp. 8°. Chicago, Gross 4 Del- bridge, 1-8-j. Mitchell (Edward). A series of engravings representing the bones of the human skeleton ; with tlie skeletons of the lower animals. The explanatory references by John Barclay. 7 pp., 45 1., 35 pi. 4 . Edinburgh, E. Mitchell, 1-19- 20. ■'-----. Engravings of tlie ligaments, copied from the original works of the Caldanis, with descrip- tive letter-press. Revised aud carefully corn- Mitchell (Edward)—continued. pared with nature by Robert Knox. 13 1., 10 pi. 4?. Edinburgh, Maclachlan 4- Stewart, 1834. See, also. Scarpa (Antonio). Engravings of the cardiac nerves, [etc.] 4\ Edinburgh, 18211. — Scarpa [et al). Kngruviu:>> of the nerves, [etc.] 4-. Edinburgh, 18J1I — Siiti AlliimiN. The anatomy of the hones, [etc. | 4r Edinburgh, 1829.—Tieucniami 1 l'retlerit ). Platesof the human body. 4°. Edinburgh. 1S2!I. mitcliell (G. F.) [1808-69]. Sic vens (E. B.) Biographical sketch of G. F. Mitchell. Tr. Ohio M. Soc., Columbus, 1809, 177. Mitchell (George E.) Puerperal state of fever. 30 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. H. Oswald, 1805. [Also, in: P., v. 388.] Mitchell (Gove) [1781-1856]. Biographical notice. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 18(i0. 11. s., v, 133. Mitchell (Gulielmus). * De scrofula. 1 p. 1., 41 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, B. et A. Foulis, 1766. [P., v. 649.] Mitchell (Gulielmus Somervell). * De auiman- tiuin calore. 29 pp. 8W. Edinburgi, K Balfour, 1800. [P., v. 15; 1553.] Mitchell (Henry) [1784-1856]. Willarri (A.) Biographical sketch of.. . Tr.M.Soc. X. V., Albany, 1857, 85-90. Mitchell (Howard E.) Bromide of ethyl, when and how to use it. 6 pp. 12°. Troy, N. Y., [1883]. Mitchell (J. B.) See Koecker (Leonard). An essay on the diseases of the jaws, [etc.] New ed. 8°. London, 1847. Mitchell (J. H.) Introductory lecture delivered before the class of medical students at Willam- ette University for the session of 1867. 8 pp. 8°. Salem, Oregon, 1867. Mitchell (J. W. ) Hygienic hints to health seekers, while using the compound oxygen treat- ment. 15 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1872. Mitchell (James). Account of a case in which hairs passed along the urine; with a short ab- stract of similar cases published by former authors. 4 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1828.'] [Also, in: P., v. 1523.] Repr. from .- Edinb. M. & S. J., 1828, xxx. Mitchell (Joannes). * De phthisi puhnouali. 41 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Xeill et soc, 1801. [P., v. 18.] -----. De scarlatina. 2 p. 1., 23 pp. 8-». Edin- burgi, A. Xeill et socii, 1805. Mitchell (John). Treatise on the falsifications of food, and the chemical means employed to detect them; containing water, flour, bread, milk, cream, beer, cider, wines, spirituous liquors, coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, honey, lozenges, cheese, vinegar, pickles, anchovy sauce and paste, catsup, olive (salad) oil, pepper, mus- tard, xviii, 334 pp. 12°. London, IL Bailliere, 1848. -----. A manual of practical assaying. 4. ed. Edited by William Crookes. xxxvi, 819, lv pp. 8J. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 1873. Mitchell (John Kearsley) [1793-1858]. Au ora- tion delivered before the Philadelphia Medical Societv. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, I. Ash-mead 4 Co.,'1825. [P., v. 763.] -----. Observations ou the treatment of curva- tures of the spine. 19 pp. 8'-. [Philadelphia, 1827.] Repr. from: N. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1827, iv. -----. On the penetrativeness of fluids. 34 pp. b°. Philadelphia, J. B. A. Skevrett, 1830. Repr. from : Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1830-31, vii. -----. On a new practice in acute aud chronic rheumatism. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. A. Skerrett, 1831. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1831, viii. MITCHELL. 347 MITCHELL. Mitchell (John Kearsley)—continued. _____., Further cases and observations relative to rheumatism. 1;"> PP- tt°- Philadelphia, J. B. A. Skerrett, 1833. Itepr.froin: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1833, xii. _____. The wisdom of God, as displayed in the formation of water; an introductory lecture to u course of chemistry applied to the arts, during the winter session of 1833-34 of the Franklin In- stitute. 11 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. Green- bank 4 Co., 1833. -----. The value of a great medical reputation, with suggestions for its attainment; a lecture introductory to the summer course of the Medi- cal Institute. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. A. Skerrett, 1834. -----. A lecture on some of the means of elevat- ing the character of the working classes. 17 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, J. Harding, 1834. Repr. from: J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1834, xiv. -----. The value of the practical interrogation of nature; a lecture. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. A. Skerrett, 1834. -----. On the liquefaction and solidification of carbonic acid. 8 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1838.] Repr. from: J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1838, xxii. -----. On the usefulness of the medical profes- sion, beyond the limits of the profession. A lec- ture, introductory to the course of practice of medicine in Jefferson Medical College. 30 pp. 8-1. Philadelphia, Merrihew 4' Thompson, 1842. -----. Lecture introductory to the course on the practice of medicine in the Jefferson College. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew 4 Thompson, 1847. -----. On the cryptogamous oiigin of malari- ous aud epidemic fevers, viii, 13-137.pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea 4 Blanchard, 1849. [P., v. 1017.] -----. Introductory lecture to the course of the practice of medicine, delivered in Jefferson Med- ical College. 24 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, C. Sher- man, 1849. -----. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Med- ical College. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, C. Sher- man, 1850. -----. Impediments to the study of medicine; a lecture, introductory to the course of practice of medicine. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. B. iy P. G. Collins, 187)9. -----. Ou the progress of recent science. A lec- ture, introductory to the course of practice of medicine. 23 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. 4 P. G. Collins, 1851. -----. Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Med- ical College . . . With a list of the graduates. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1857. [Also, in: P., v. 101.] -----. Five essays: [1. On the cryptogamous origin of malarious and epidemic fevers; 2. On animal magnetism ; 3. On the peuetrativeness of fluids; 4. On the penetration of gases; 5. On a new practice in acute and chronic rheumatism. ] Edited by S. Weir Mitchell, xiv, 13-371 pp. 8°. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincolt 4 Co., 1859. Eor hiotiraphii, see Boston M. & S. J., 18.10, xii, 38-41. Also: Charleston M. J., 1858, xiii, 122-127. Also: Med & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1858, xi, 307-311 (L. Turnbull). Also: X. Am. M. Chir. Rev., Phila., 1858, ii, 588-51)0. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila.. 1859, n. s., iv, 93-98. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Lihr.) -----. Sec, also : Dickson (>S. H.) The late Prof. J. K. Mitchell, M. D. Inaugural lecture. 8. Philadelphia, 1858. Mitchell (John S.) *An essay on the arbutus I'va nisi, and Pyrola umbellata and maculata Mitchell (John 8.)—continued. of Linueus. 35 pp. 5°. Philadelphia, Eakcn 4 Mecnm, 1803. Mitchell (Joseph). * De hysteria. 1 p. 1., 42 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1789. Mitchell (Joseph). The conditions of health. A pamphlet for the people. 17 pp. 8J. Lon- don, H. Michener, 1871. Mitchell (Joseph Thomas). Cholera; its phys- ical phenomena, causes, and treatment; together with the sanitary arrangements aud appliances for preserving health, necessary to be adopted at the time of the epidemic. 16 pp. 8°. Lon- don, A. M. Pigott, 187>3. Mitchell (Neal). Co-Editor of: Florida (The) Metlical and Surgical Journal, Jacksonville, 1885. Mitchell (R.-D.) * Considerations sur la para- Ivsie en general. 31 pp. 4°. Parti, 1835, No. 284, v. 290. Mitcliell (Robert). A general and historical treatise on cancer life; its causes, progress, and treatment, xii, 193 pp. 8-". London, J. 4 A. Churchill, 1879. Mitchell (Robt. W.) Yellow fever in Memphis in 1873. 11 pp. 8°. Louisville, 1874. Repr. from: Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1874, xvii. For Biography, see Mississippi Valley M. Mouth., Mem- phis, 1886, vi, 121. Mitchell (S. L.) Co-Editor of: Western (The) Medical Gazette, Cin- cinnati, 1832-5. Mitchell (Samuel Weir) [1829- ]. Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake; with au in- vestigation of the anatomy and physiology of the organs concerned, viii, 145 pp. 4C. [n. p. ], 1860. Smithson. Contrib. Kuowl., Wash., 1860, xii. -----. On the treatment of rattlesnake bites, with experimental criticisms upon the various remedies now in use. 45 pp. 8J. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincolt 4 Co., 1861. Repr. from: N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1861, v. -----. Experiments and observations upon the circulation in the snapping turtle, Chelonura serpentina, with especial reference to the press- ure of the blood in the arteries and veins. 14 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, C. Sherman 4" S°n) 1862. -----. Paralysis from peripheral irritation. 67 pp. 8-. Ac«; York, J. Medole, 1866. [Also, in: P., v. 105.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1866, ii. [-----.] Case of George Dedlow. 8°. [Boston, 1866.] Cutting from,: Atlantic Month., Bost., 1866, xviii, 1-11. -----. On the retrogressive motions in birds pro- duced by the application of cold to the cervical spine, yvith remarks on the use of that agent as an aid in physiological investigations. 15 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1867. [P., v. 794.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. i., liii. -----. Experimental contributions to the toxi- cology of rattle-snake venom. 34 pp. 8°. Xew York, Moorhead, Simpson 4' Bond, 1868. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1867-8, vi. -----. A list of the original memoirs of S. Weir Mitchell. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott 4 Co., 1868. -----. Injuries of nerves, and their consequences. 377 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1872. -----. The same. Des lesions des nerfs et de leurs consequences. Trad, et aunote" avec Tauto- risation de l'auteur par M. Dastre et precede d'une preface par M. le professeur Vulpiau. xlviii, 408 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1874. -----. Wear aud tear, or hints for the overworked. 4. ed. 59 pp. 16-. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott 4 Co., 1874. MITCHELL. 348 MITCH I ILL. Mitchell (Samuel Weir)—continued. ------. The same. 5. ed. 76 pp. 12-. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co., 1887, ------. On some of the disorders of sleep. 13 pp. Bc. Richmond, 1875. Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Kichmond, 1875-6, ii. ------. Ou rest iu the treatment of nervous dis- ease. 20 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1875. Is no. 4, v. 1, of: Am. Clin. Lect., by Stiiuin. ------. Neurotomy. With an examination of three [re]geneiated nerves, and notes upon neu- ral repair, by R. M. Bertolet. 14 pp. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1876.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1876, n. s., lxxi. ------. The annual oration before the Medical and Chirnrgical Faculty of Maryland, 1877. 18 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Jones 4 Co., 1877. Repr. from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac Maryland, Bait., 1877. ------. Fat and blood, and how to make them. 101 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co., 1877. ------. The same, 2. ed. 109 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1879. ------. The same. An essay on the treatment of certain forms of neurasthenia and hysteria. 4. ed. 166 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1885. ------. The same. Du traitemeut nnSthodique de la neurasth^nie et de quelques formes d'hyst6rie. Traduit par Oscar Jennings; avec une introduc- tion par B. Ball, ix (1 1.), 169 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Berth ier, 1883. ------. Nurse and patient, and camp cure. 73 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4 Co., 1877. Repr. from: Lippincott's Mag. ------. Address dedicatory of the new buildings erected by the University of Pennsylvania for its dental school and medical laboratories. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott . Philadelphia, J M. Wilson, 1857. ------. Materia medica and therapeutics; with ample illustrations of practice in all the depart- ments of medical science, and very copious notes of toxicology, suited to the wants of medical students, practioncrs, and teachers. 80(ipp. 8-. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1857. ------. Professor Mitchell's farewell to the gradu- ating class of Jefferson Medical College. (.With MITCH HLL. 349 MITROF AXOFF. Mitt-hell (Thomas D.)—continued. a list of the graduates.) 12,4 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Collins, 1861. ._____. The professor and the pupil; a general introductory lecture, delivered October 13th iu .Jefferson Medical College. 23 pp. 8-. Phila- delphia, H. B. Ashmead, 1862. Also, Editor of: Transylvania (The) Journal of Medicine and the Associate Sciences, Lexington, Ky., 1839. For Biography, see Boston M. & 8. J., 185'.', xiv, 390- 394("Cato"). Mitchell (Thomas R.) Practical remarks on tlie use of the speculum in the treatment of diseases of females, ix, 11-83 pp., 2 pi. 8C. Dublin, Fannin iv Co., 1849. Mitchell (W. S ) Co-Editor of: Southern (The) Journal of the Medical Sciences. New Orleans, ls0t>-7. — New Orleans (The) Journal of Medicine, 1808-70. Mitchell (William). A family medical com- panion; a new medical work, devoted to the symptoms and remedies of one hundred and fifty diseases, embracing diseases of women and chil- dren. 191pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. Brown, 1835. Mitchell Home, Torquay Institution for Trained Nurses. Annual report of the committee to the subscribers. 7., 1883. 8 pp. 8°. Torquay, Di- rectory office, 1884. -----. Nurses for private families. Rules. 1 sheet. 4°. [Torquay, n. d.] -----. Rules for district nurses. 1 sheet. 4 . [Torquay, n. d.] -----. Rules for probationers and nurses. 1 sheet. 4°. [Torquay, n. d.] Mitchill (Samuel Latham) [1764-1831]. * Circa novi geuitiirain aniinalis. 3 p. 1., 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1786. -----. Remarks on the gaseous oxyd of azote or of nitrogeue, and on the effects it produces when generated in the stomach, inhaled into the lungs, aud applied to the skin; being an attempt to ascertain the true nature of contagion, and to explain thereupon the phenomena of fever. 43 pp. 16°. New York, T. 4 J. Swords, 1795. -----. Explanation of the synopsis of chemical nomenclature and arrangement; containing seve- ral important alterations of the plan originally reported by the French academicians. 44 pp., 1 tab. 8*.' New York, T. 4 J Swords, 1801. -----. Observations on the Canada thistle. Iu a communication to David Hosack. 16 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [New York, 1810.] Repr. from.- Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. T., 1810, i. -----. A discourse pronounced by request of the Society for Instructing the Deaf and Dumb. 32 pp., 2'l. 8-. New York, E. Conrad, 1818. -----. Address to the officers composing the medical staff. 8 pp. 8°. New York, E. Conrad, 1829. [P.,v. 747.] -----. Catalogue of the organic remains, which, with other geological and some mineral articles, were presented to the New York Lyceum of Natural History in August, 1826. by their asso- ciate. 40 pp. 8°. New York, J. Seymour, 1826. [P., v. 118.] -----. A discourse on the life and character of Thomas Addis Emmet. 26 pp. 8-r New York, E. Con rati, 1828. Also, Co-Editor of: Medical (The) Repository, New York, 1797-1824. For Biography, see FranciM (J. "\V.) Reminiscences of Samuel Latham Milt hill, enlarged from Valentine's City Manual. 8°. A'cw York. 18.VJ.—«-ro*w (S. D.) Lives of eminent American physicians. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861 (Francis), -2G7-1'88. — Pascal is (F.) Eulogy on the life and character of the Hon. Samuel Latham Milt -hill, M. I)., [etc.] go. Xeir York, 1KJ1. — Some of the memor- able events and occurrences in the life of Samuel L. Mitchill. of New York, from the vear 1780 to 1823 [with supplement to Feb . \t*24\. 8°. f». p., 1824?] For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Ulites. See Acarus. Mitgau (L.) Bericht iiber die in Berlin, Amster- dam, Rochdale, Manchester, Croydon, Leaming- ton und Abingdou eingefiihrten .Systeme der Stiidtereinigung; unter Mitwirkung von Dr. R. Blasius, W. Clauss, H. Gebhard, \V. Gotte, J. Laudauer, Dr. Rossmann, E. W. St bottler. 58 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Braunschweig, O. Haering u. Comp., 1880. Mithobius (Burckhardus) [ -1565]. Wie man sich fiir der hefftigen und todtlicheu seuche der Pestilentz bewaren sol, und so einer damit angegriffen, oder auch mit andern zufelligen kranckheiten behafft, mit was ertzney dem zuhelffen, Beyde reichen und armen, aus langer erfarung uud den fiirtrefflichsten Ertzten zusa- men getragen. 61 1. 4:. Erffurdt, S. Paul, 17)7)2. Bound with: Statmion (Ch.) Ein kurtzer doch volkiim- licher bericht [etc.] 4°. Cobilrgk, 1551. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathovon —Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of St., 196. Mithobius (Couradus). Dispnt. II. de curatione febris generatim, ejusdemque differentiis. 6 1. sm. 4°. Jena; typ. T. Sleinnianni, [1598], Mithobius (Georg. Ludovicus). * Dc abortu priecavendo. 34 pp., 3 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., ti/,i. J. C. Hilligeri, [1739]. Mithobius de Mithofeil (Joh. Christianus). * Dc fistula maxillari. 20 pp. 4°. Ilalee Mag- deb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1735]. Mithoff ( Aug. Ludov. Guilielmus). * Diss, sis- tens comparationeni inter versionis negotium et operationeni iiistrunieutalem. 1 p. L, 62 pp. 8C. Gottingee, H. M. Grape, [1788]. Mithoff (Hector Burchardns). * De sede irrita- nienti in epilepsia, adspersis practicis analeetis. 22 pp. 4°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, [1788]. Jlithritlates. See Narcotics. Mitiffeu (A.-P.-H.-A.) * Surlesfistulesa l'anus, et sur l'inutilite' de l'ope'ration pour la gu6rison des tistules incompletes exterues. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. Ill, v. 91. Mitiger (Joannes Heuricus). * De nephritide vera ejusdemque curandi ratioue legitima. 22 pp., 1 1. 4C. Vitembergas, lit. Kobersteinianis, 1718. Mitivie. See San don (Leon). Plaidoyer contre les medecins, etc. 8°. Bruxelles, 1865. Mitivie (Albert). * Quelques mots sur l'hdrd- dite morbide. 62 pp. 4°. Parti, 1861, No. 95. Mitivie [Jean-£tienne-Frumeuthal] [1796-1871]. * Observations et reflexions pour servir h l'his- toire de Pbydroce'phale aigue chez les enfaus. xii. 13-71 pp. 4°. Parti, 1829. No. 258, v. 1(52. See, also, I-eurct (Francois) tfc Mitivie (F.) De la frequence du pools, etc. 8°. Paris, 1832. Mitjavila e Fisouel (Vicente). See Wcikartl (Melcliior Adam). Chave da pratica medieo-Browniana. 16°. Lisboa, 1800. Mitkevicll (Gregory). * K voprosu ob ostrotie tsentralnago zrienija i otuoshenii ego k granitsam polja zrienija v glazach razlichno refraktsii. [On aeuteness of centralized sight and its rela- tion to the limits of the field of vision in eyes of different refractive powers.] 28 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1874. Mitraud (Joseph-Antoine). * Quelques propo- sitions sur les fractures de l'hnmerus. 13 pp. 4-. Parti, 1816, Nos. 49 & 91, v. 122. -----. Remarques sur lessoinsa donner a l'enfant pendant la premiere anue'e de sa vie. viii, 9-25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 49, v. 120. Mitrofauoff (Demetrius). * O privivanii bn- gorchatki ve svjazi sc sovremeuuime o nei uche- MITROFAXOFF. 350 MITTERMAIET*. Mitrofauoff (Demetrius)—continued. nieine. [On inoculation of tubercle.] 30 pp. 8'. SI. Petersburg, 1869. Mitrophaiiow (Sila). * Dc spoutaneo aeris introitu in pulnioneni. 33 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et.L Luchtmaus. 1765. [P., v. 1002.] Mitry (Felix). * Etudes snr le ptosis congenital. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 29. Mitsehein. Der Kinder-Arzt, oder fasslicher Uuterricht iiber die Erkenuung, Verhiitung und Heilung der Kinderkrankheiteu. Eiu uneut- behrliches llilfs- und Lesebuch fiir gebildete Eltcrn. Nach Capuron, Feiler, Girtanuer, Gorlis, Henke, Hnfeland, Jahn, Jorg, Meissner, Melin, Rosenstcin, Wendt, und Andern. vii, 285 pp. 18:. Xordhausen, E. F. Fiirst, 1845. Mitsclierlicli ( Alfred ). Der Cacao und die Chocolade. vi, 129 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwahl 1859. Mitsclierlicli ( Carolus Gustavus) [1805-71]. Hydrargyri pneparata usitatissima aualytice accuratius persorutata. 32 pp. 8J. Bevolini, typ. Brandesianis et Klewertianis, [1829]. ------. Bericlit iiber Dr. Physick's Behandlung der Coxarthrocace, im Auszuge mitgetheilt. 7 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1831, red subseq.] -.------. Feber die Wirkung des schwefelsauren Kupferoxvds auf den thierischen Organismus. 29)»].. 8 '.' Berlin, F. Sittenfeld, 1837. [P., v. (598.] Repr. from : Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.; Beil.. 18;(7. ■------. De acidi acetici, oxalici, tartarici, citrici, formici et boracici effectu in animalibus obser- vato. 52 pp. 4°. Berolini, formis Haynianis, 1845. ------. Rede zur Feier des drei und fiinfzigsteu Stiftungstages des koniglichen mediciuisch- chirurgischen Friedrieh-Wilhelms-Instituts am 2. August 1847. 18 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, [1847 f] ------. Lehrbuch der Arzueimittellehre. 2. Aufl. v. 1-3. 8°. Berlin, G. Bethge, 1847-61. -------. Rede zur Feier des eiu und sechzigsten Stiftungstages des koniglichen medicinisch- chirurgischeu Friedrieh-Wilhelms-Instituts am 2. August 1855. 26 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, [187)7)'!] ------. Rede zur Feier des siebzigsten Stiftungs- tages des niedicinisch-chirurgischen Friedrieh- Wilhelms-Instituts am 2. August 1864. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin. Gebr. Unger, [1864'!] Mitsclierlicli (Eilhard). Rede zur Feier des ein und vierzigsten Stiftungstages des konig- lichen mediciuisch-chirurgischen Friedrieh-Wil- helms-Instituts am 2. A'igust 1835. 17 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, [1835?] Jlitscherlich (Ernest) [1794- J. IVIiiMpratt (S.) Biographical sketch of Ernest Mit- scherlich. Lancet, Loud., 1850, n. s., ii, 660-663, port. MitSCllillg (Car. Guil. Ferd.) * De. articulatione spuria et nova earn curandi methodo. 2 p. 1., 35 pp. 8-. Hallce, typ. Schimmelpfennigianis, [1822]. Mitsuma Keuzo. Sec Schnltze. Ikazensho Gank[w]ahen, etc. 12°. Tokio, 1879. Mittas (Albertus) [18-20- ]. *De urime sedi- mentis. 28 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, ttjp. Xietackia- uis, [1843]. Mittag (Fridericus vEmilius). * De pondere ac pretio auscultationis ct perenssionis in uiorbis organoium respirationis cognoscendis. 2 p. L, 44 pp. 8-. Gryph'm, F. G. Kitnike, [1842]. Mittasch (Hans). * Die syphilitischen Erkrau- kungen der Augenlider, nebst zwei Beitriigen. 42 ]i]>. 8-. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1883. Mittelhaeusser (Joh. Daniel). * De incon- tinentia urime ex partu globulis ligneis curauda, occasioue foeiuiua* eadem cum excretioue fsecum Mittelhaeusser (Joh. Daniel)—continued. alvinaruni per genitalia laborantis. 28 pp.( •>!. sin. 4'-'. Jena; lit. Xisianis, [1716], Also, in : Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannte, 1755, iii, 597. ------. * Diss, fundamenra tractatus medici de acquirenda ct conservanda sobole brevi publico dandi continens. 16 pp. 4J. Jena; lit. Werthe- rianis, [1720]. For Biography, see Wedol (Geo. Wolff.) Mittelhaeuser (Lcbr. Dan. Christoph). Do uodis articuloruni et incurvatione ossiuni rachi- tica. 4 1. 4°. Jence, lit. Hellerianis, [1747]. ------. * Diss, sistens viam chyli ab intestinis ad sauguineni. 20 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Tennemaniii- anis, [1752]. For Biography, see lialtsclmiicd (Carolus Frideri- cus). Mitteudorf (W. F.) Granular lids and conta- gious diseases of the eye. 2 p. 1., 110 pp. 1'2°. Detroit, G. S. Davis, 1886. MitteildOl'ffillS ( Beruhardus ). Disputatio physico-matheinatica de ventis insolentibus et inprimis eo, qui circa proxime pneteritum ix de- cenib. totam ferme Europam pcrllasse creditur, cum appendice de recenti cometa. 22 1. 4°. Wittcbergce, ex ergasterio Henekeliano, [1661]. Mit ten wa Id. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities. Mitteuzweig (Bruno). * De carnis aninialium a*grotantium esu. 36 pp. 8°. Berolini, tl. Schade, [1853]. Mittenzweig' (Hugo). # De eclampsia puerpe- rali. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Gryphice, F. Hache, 1863. c. ------. Leitfadeu fiir gerichtliche Obduktionen. Ansgearbeitet auf Grund des Regulativs vom 13. Februar 1875. viii, 112 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1878. ------. Die Bakterien-Aetiologie der Iufections- Krankheiten. viii, 135 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1886. ------. The same. Bacterien, de oorzaak van in- fectieziekten. Naar het Duitech door J. .Schoon- dermarkjr. ix, 111 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, A. van Klaveven, [1886]. Mitterbacher (Bernard). See Damni (Franz) & iVIittcrbachcr (Bernard). Fntersuchuug des Gisshiibler-Sauerbrunus, [etc.] 8°. Wien. 1798. Mitterbacher (Carolus Rud.) * Dc organo tbvnio. 35 pp. 8°. Jlenna}, typ. congregalionis Mceliitaristicec, [1824]. Mitterbacher (Franciscus). De raro ventri- culi casu cum vera morbi diagnosi. 47 pp. "■J. Pragce, typ. academicti, [1760J. Also, in: Ki.ikkosch (J. T.) Diss. nied. [etc.] 4°. Pragce et Dresdog, 1775. i, 159-170. ------. De secretione urimu fiEininarnni hystcii- carum et de ea ut signo adfectionuin earumdcni. In: Klinkosch (J. T.) Diss. med. select. Prag. 4°. Pragos et Dresdee, 179:s. ii, 47-59. Mittemnaier (Carl J[ose.ph Anton]) [1787- 1867]. De principio iniputationis aliciiationuin mentis in jure criminali rede conslituendo. 62 pp. 4°. Heidelbergce, A. Osswald, 1838. See, also. Oandolh (G.) Foiidainenti di medieina f'orensaanalitica, etc. 8°. Milano, 1862-5. For Biography, see J. de med. ment., Par., 1M18, viii, 279-286. Mitterinaier (Karl). Madeira und seine Be- deutung als Hciluugsort. Nach niehrjahri.-eii Beobachtungen fiir Aerzte geschildert. viii, 158 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. li. Mohr, 1855. Bound with: St uach't (H.) Madeira und Teuerife. >-°. Berlin. 1859. A nother cop,/ bound with : Ra.MOX PlXA Y PkSCELA (D.) TopojAiafia medica de la isla de Cuba. 8°. Habana, 1855. ------. Die Reinigung und Entwasserung der Stadt Heidelberg, nebst einem Anhang iiber die MITTERMAIER. 351 MITTLACHERv Mittermaier (Karl)—continued. Wasserversorgung der Stadt. Denkschnft der von dem Ilcidelberger uatiirhistorisch-medicini- sclien Verein erwiihlten arztlichen Commission: Prof. Dr. Friedreich, Knauff, Mittermaier, Moos. viii, 92 pp., 1 ph, 1 map. 4°. Heidelberg, F. liassermann, 1870. .-----. Die offentliche GosundheitspnVge in Sta- dten und Dorfern, mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Bcscitigung der nienschlichen Abfallstoffe. Im Auftrage der Centralstelle des landwirth- scliaftlichen Vereins iu Baden. 1 |>. 1., 45 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, G. Br aim, 1875. See, also. Bnlir (Franciscus?) tfc iVIittcrmaycr. Ein- wirkuug Madeira's auf Brustkranke. 8°. Berlin, 1861. Mitteriuayer (Joannes). *I)e strumis ac scro- phulis Biinsgensium. 24 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Erfor- dice, typ. Groschianis, [1723]. Mittermayr (Dominions). * Ueber Rheumatis- nms acutus. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Kirschbaum it. Sch nil. 1872. Mittlieillillg'eii des arztlichen Vercines in Wien. Verantwortlicher Redacteur: J. Hock. [Fortnightly.] v. 3, Jan. 19, 1874, to Jan. 25, 1875. 1 v. 220 pp. S-. Wien, C. Finslerbeck. v. 3 complete in 15 nos. Mittheilungen aus deu amtlichen Berichtcn iiber die zum Ministeriuni des Innern gehorenden koniglich ]ireussischen Straf- und Gefanguissan- stalti'ii hetreffeud die Jahre 1858, 1859, resp. 18(10. x, 402 pp., 1 1. 8-. Berlin, W. Hertz, 1861. Mittheilungen des badischen arztlichen Ver- eins. Besorgt durch Robert Volz. [Semi- monthly.] v. 1-41, March 1, 1847-87. 8°. Karlsruhe, G. Braitn. Current. Want no. 10, v. 33, May 30, 1879. v. 1, 1847, complete in 17 nos : v. 2 commenced Jan , 1818. In 1858, title heeaine: Aerzlliclic Mittheilungen ans Baden. Dr. Volz died Jan. 22. 1882 ; Franz Xeuinanu became editor. Mittlieiliillgen des Central-Vereins deutschcr Zahnarzte, hrsg. von Dr. Moriz Heider. 18(50. 2 p. 1.. 198 pp. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn. Mittheilllllgeil iiber Cholera im engeren Vcr- waltungsbezirke Marktheidenfeld 1866. Spcci- ell: Cholera-Epidemie zu Tiefeuthal. Geilruck- tes Manuscript. 131 pp., 1 ch. 8-. Wurzburg, P. E. Thein, 1867. ! ITlittheilllllgeil aus der dermatologischen Kli- nik des koniglichen Charite-Krankenhauses zu Berlin, hrsg. von Ernst Schweninger. Hft. 1-3. I 77 pp., 1 ]., 2 pi.; 41 pp. s-'. Berlin, Fischer, 1887. Mittheilllllgeil aus emer am Johanuistage 1832 in der Loge zu den drei Degen zu Halle gchalte- nen Rede zum Besten der durch die Cholera Verwaiseteu in Druck gegeben. 15 pp. 8°. Halle, E. Anton, 1832. Mittheilllllgeil ans dem Gebiete der gesamm- ten Heilkunde. Hrsg. vou einer medieinisch- chirurgischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, v. 1-2, 1830-33. 8°. Hamburg, Hoffmann u. Cantpe. Ended. Mittlieillillg'eii aus dem Gebiete der Heil- kunde. Im Vereine mit mehren practischen Aerzten Moskaus, hrsg. vou H. Blumeuthal, N. Alike und G. Levestamm. vii, 238 pp. 8 . Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1845. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chinu-eie und Pharmacie; in Verbindung mit lineui Veieiue von Aerzten und Pharniaceuten der Hcrzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein, hrsg. von C. H. Pfaff. v. 1-9, June 23, 1832, to May, | 1843. 8-. Kiel, U niversitats-Bitch ha nell it ntj, 1832- 4; AI tenia, 1835-43. v. 3-5, 18:i5-8, title also: Practiwclic und kritische Mittheilungen [etc.], n. F.. v. 1-3. v. 6-9, 1838-43, or v. 4-7, n. s., title also: I'ractische (C. H. Pfatf's) und kri- tische Mittheilungen, [etc.]: fortgesetztvon W. F. C. Behn, G. B. Giinther, A. S. A. Meyn und G. A. Michaelis; redi- girt vou J. Samson. Mittheilungen des heiligcuErzengels Raphael im Jahre 1855 durch deu Mund der Crescentia Wolf, in Rapport mit den Mittheilungen seliger Geister, durch die Hand der Maria Kahlhammer. Hrsg. von Johann Schweykart. xi, 236 pp. s '. Miinchen, G. I ranz, 1856. Mittheilungen aus dem Koluer Biirgerhospi- tal. Hrsg. von Dr. Bardenheuer. 4. Hft. 8 . Kbln it. Leipzig, 1886-7. CONTESTS. 1. Hft. Osteoplastische Resection des Manubrium sterui, 79 pp.. 10 pi. 2. Hft. Die Querexcision des Fusswurzelknochen, vou Dr. J. Schmidt. 35 pp., 4 pi. 3. Hft. Die operative Behandlung der Hodentuherculose durch Resection der Nebenhodeu, von Dr. Bardenheuer mit einer Einleitung von Dr. F. Bergkammer. xvi, 207 pp., 3 pi. 4. Hft. Interessante Kapitel aus dem Gebiete der Peri- tonealchiruigie. viii. 224 pp. Mittheilungen aus dem maguetischen Schlaf- leben der Somnambiile Auguste K. in Dresden. 2. Ausg. xxii, 413 pp. 8C. Dresden, R. Kuntze, 187)9. Mittheilungen aus der medieinischen Klinik zu Wiirzburg. Hrsg. von C. Gerhardt und F. Miiller. v. 1-2. xxix, 276 pp., 2 ch.; iv, 412 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1885-6. Mittheilungen an die Mitglieder des Central- vereius honioopathischer Aerzte. Nos. 1-16, May 20, 1872, to Sept. 20, 1877. 8°. Wiirttetn- berg it. Leipzig. Mittheilungen aus der ophthalmiatrischeu Klinik in Tiibingen. Hrsg. vou Albrecht Nagel. lift. 1-3, v. 1; Hft. 1-2, v. 2. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, ISM 1-85. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Gemein- schaftlich herausgegeben vom Gewerbe-Vereine, von der naturforschenden Gesellschaft und dem bienenwirthschaftlichen Vereine zu Altenburg. Nos. 1-2, v. 18, June, 1867. 8°. Altenburg. Mittheillillgeii aus der thieriirztlichen Praxis im preussischen Staate. C. Miiller uud F. Rolotf. Neue Folge. v. 1-s, 1x74-8-2. s:. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1876-83. Ended. A supplement to: Arciiiv fiir wisseuschaft- liche und praktische Thierheilkunde. v. 4-8 by Dr. Ro- loff and W. Schiitz. Mittheilungen des Vereines der Aerzte in Nie- der-Ocsterieich. Redacteur: Carl Kohn. [Semi- monthly.] v. 1-13, April 15, 1875-87. 8\ Wien, K. Czcrmak. Current, v. 1 complete in 17 nos., April to Dec, 1875; v. 2 commenced Jan.. 1876. In 1881, v. 7, Dr. Kohn dropped. Mittheilungen des Wiener medieinischen Doc- toren-Collegiuins, hrsg. vom Presidium und redi- girt vom Secretiir des Collegiums, Dr. Leopold Hopfgartncr. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-13, Oct. 26, 1874-87. 8-. Wien. Current. A continuation of: Ocsterrcichische Zeit- schrift fiir pnictische Heilkunde. v. 2 commenced Jan., 1876. Mittheilungen des wiirttembergischen arztli- chen Vereins. Aus Auftrag desselben hrsg. von J. F. Blunihardt, G. Cless, G. Duvernoy, J. C. v. Frank [et al.]. v. 1, 1833-4. 596 pp. s-\ Stutt- gart, J. B. Metzler. Ended. Mittie. Au comity de saint public. 12 pp. 12°. [Paris], an /Ji" [1795]. Mittie (Jo-alines Stanislaus) [1727-95]. * Utrum agaugliis nervi intercostalis partium omnium consensus? Prieses: Joannes D'Arcct. 4 pp. 4°. Paririis, typ. F. A. Quillau, 1764. -----. Questio medica: An quo uberior transpi- ratio, eo parcior fluxus menstruus? Pra*side Claudio Joscpho Gentil. 4 pp. 4\ Parisiis, tt/p. /•'. A. Quillau, 1765. Mittlacher (M. Zacharias). * De partu diffi- cili. 12 1. 4 . [Witteberga], lit. M. Henckelii, 1675. MITTLAEXDEK. 352 MIZALDL'S. llittlaentler (Richard). *Das Verhiiltniss der Perforation zur Kephalothrypsie. 22 pp. 8 :, Leipzig, J. Klinkhardt. [1870]. [P., v. 304.] Mittler (Heinrich). Versuclio iiber Transfusion desBlutcs. 14 pp. 8°. [ Wien, 1868.] [P., v. 802.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. \Vissensch., 1868, lviii. Mittmaiiii (Eugenius) [1821- ]. *Desyphi- lidis historia notie qusedam. 36 pp. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. Nietackianis, [1844]. Mittniann (Josephus). *De luxatioue patelLe, adjecta historia morbi. 44 pp. 8~. Gryphice, F. G. Kunike, 1850. Mittre (Adolphe). * Notes sur le diagnostic et le traitement chirurgical des abces du foie. 72pp. 4°. Lyon, 1887, 1. s., No. 366. Mitt rich (Gustavus Adolphus). * De auomaliis systematis uropoetici in scarlatina. 16 pp. 4C. Lipsia; typ. Stariizii, 1846. v. Mittweg (Aloysius Couradus). * De somuo sano ac morboso. 1 p. l.,39pp. 8-'. Halo;, for- mis J. C. Hendelii, [1820]. Mittweg (Carl) [1843- ]. Ueber Paralysis pro- gressiva und die Erseheiuung der Kleptomanie bei derselben. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1869]. Mittweg (CarolusHenr. Aloys.) [1828- ]. *De uteri polvpis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1853j. Mitzkuuer (Leon). *Zur Frage von der Ent- stehuug der Divertikel der Harnblase. 21 pp. 8 . Jena, M. Hermsdorf, 1878. Mitzky (Joannes Henricus). *De vario coffeie pottun parandi modo. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Witte- bergce, lit. C. C. Diirrii, [1782]. For Biography, see Boehmer (Geo. Rud.) Mima (Igacushi Moritzi) [1857- ]. "Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Gallencapillaren. 27 pp., 11 1 col. pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1884]. Mivart (St. George). On the genesis of species. xv, 296 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan 4 Co., 1871. -----. The same. 314 pp. 8J. New York, 1). Appleton 4 Co., 1871. ------. Man and apes, an expositio" or structural resemblances aud differences hearing upon ques- tions of affinity and origin, vi, 200 pp., 1 1., 41 pi. 8o. London, R. Hardwicke, 1873. ------. The same, vi, 1 p. 1., 200 pp., 1 pi. 8C. New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1874. ------. Lessons iu elementary anatomv. xxviii, 535 pp. 16°. London, Macmillan 4 Co., 1873. -----. The same. New ed. xxvi, 535 pp. 12L. London, Macmillan 4' Co., 1879. -----. The commou frojj. vii, 158 pp. 12 Miyake Shiu—continued. -----. Biotai Boken Shiyo. oniy.] 4 p. L, 559 pp., 1 1. London, Macmillan if Co., 1874. ------. The cat. An introduction to the study of backboned animals, especially mammals, xxiii, 557 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1881. See, also, Wright (C.) Darwinism. 8°. London, 1871. ----- & Murie (James). Observations on the anatomy of Nycticcbus tardigradus. 18 pp. 8C. [London, 1865.] [P., v. 1488.] Repr. from: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Feb. 28, 1865. Mivelle (Hippolyte-Joseph). * I. Des indica- tions therapeutiques fournies par l'appre"ciatiou des causes. II. [etc.] 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 173, v. 406. Mixture ferro-mangauiqne, pre"servateur des ca- re i us de navires eu fer. Viau & Cie. 19 pp. 8;. Marseille, J. Clappier, 1865. Miyake Shill. Biori Soron. [General pathol- ogy.] 3. ed. 3 p. L, 686 pp., 8 tab., 17 1. 12°. Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. -----. Biori Kakuron. [Special pathology.] 2 v. 3 p. 1., 912 pp., 8 tab.. 10 ].; 6 p. 1., 922 pp., 6 tab., 10 1. 12°. Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. Japanese text. Jirio Tsu-ron. [Pathological anat- 12-. Tokio, 188-2. [A treatise on general v. 1. 3 p. L, 151 pp., >2i. practice of medicine.] 12°. Tokio, 1883. Japanese text. Not completed. Miye Genji. See Heath (Christopher). Tikken Kaiho Gaku etc 3 v. 8°. Osaka, 1880. Mizaldus [Mizaultl] (Antonius) [1520-78]. Secretornni agri enchiridion primum, liortornni curaiii, auxilia, secreta, et medica privsidia in- ventu prompta, ac paratu facilia, libris tribus pulcherriinis complectens. 7 p. 1., 180 ff. k;o_ Luletia; apud F. Morelium, 1560. -----. Alexikepus, sen auxiliaris hortus, extem- porauea morborum reniedia ex singulorniii viri- dariis facile comparanda paucis proponens. Ad ha*c, Dioclis Caristii epistola ad Antigouum, de tuenda valetudine per hortensia. 7 p. 1., '267 pp., 6 1. 10 . Lutetice, apud F. Morelium, 1565. —. The same. Alexikepus, sen auxiliaris et medicus hortus, rerum yrariarum, et sccrctonu remedioruin accession*' loenpletatus. 11 p. ]., 200 pp. 12°. Colonice, apud J. Gymnicum, 1576. —. The same. 11 p. 1., 107 ff., 5 1. 8-. Pa- risiis, apud (.'. Morelium, 1607. Bound with his: Opusculoruni pars prima. 8°. Pari- siis, 1607. -----. The same. Artztuarteu von Kreutern so in den Garten gemeinlicheu wachsen, und wie man durch dieselbigen allerhand Kranckheiten und Gebrecheu eylendts heilen soil. Item ein Artztbiichlin, newe und wunderbare weiss be- greiffend wie man allerley Friicht, Gartenkriiu- ter, Wurtzel, Beer und Trauben artziicn soil, dass man dieselb zum purgieren nioge brauchen. Auch ein schone weiss und kunstniancherley Weiu zu machen, sampt einer Erzehlungetlicher geartzneten Weiu, so fiir allerhand Kranckhei- ten niitzlich seind. Jetzund aber newlich vcr- tentscht, durch Georgen Henisch von Bartfeld, vormals in teutseher Sprach nit gesehen worden. 4 p. L, 382 pp., 3 L; 109 pp. 12°. Basel, L. Kbnig, 1616. -----. The same. Le jardin medicinal, enrichi de plusieurs et divers remedes et secrets. Mis nouvelli'iiient en francois. 463 pp. 12■J. [Pa- ris], J. Lertout, 1578. Bound with tlie following. -----. Lejardinage; contenant la maniere d'em- bellir les jardins, les preserver de toute vermine, et en tirer remedes propres aux maladies des homines. Item, comme il faut enter les ai lues, et les rendre me"dicinaux. Mis en francois [from the Latin]. 7 p. L, 399 pp. 12°. [Paris], J. Lertout, 1578. Memorabilium aliquot uatune arcanoruni silvnla, rerum variarnm sympathias, et anti- pathias, seu uaturales concordias et discordias, libellisduobus complectens. 88 pp. 32s Fran- cofurti, apud J. Wechelum el P. Fischerum consortes, 1592. -----. Harmonia superioris natura* mundi et in- ferioris; una cum admirabili fcedere et sympa- theia rerum utriusque. 7 p. 1., 36 ff. 8 . Pari- siis, ex off. F. Morelli, 1598. Bound with his: Opusculoruni pars prima. 8r Pari- siis, 1607. -----. Paradoxa rerum coeli ad Epiponum Philu- ranuni et socios. 36 ff. 8■-. Parisiis, ex, off. F. Morelli, 1598. Bound with his: Opusculoruni pars prima. 8°. Pari* siis, 1607. Artificiosa methodus coniparandorum hor- tensium fructuum, olerum, radicuni, uvuruni, viuorum, carnium et jusculorum, qua* corpus MIZALDUS. 353 MOBILE. ]YIi/>:iltliis [Mizaulfl] (Antonius)—continued. eleineiiter purgent, et variis morbis, absque ulla noxii et nausea, blande succurraut, 7 p. 1., 39 ff. go, Parisiis, apud C. Morelium, 1607. Bound with his: Opusculoruni pars prima. 8°. Pari- siis, 1007. ______. Dioclis Carystii medici, ab Hippocrate faina et ietate secundi, aurea ad Antigonum. reo-ciu epistola, de morborum prwsagiis, et coruindem extemporaneis remediis. Ad h;ec, Arnahli a Villa-Nova medici pra*stantissimi cou- .siliuni ad rcgein Aragonnm, de salubri horten- sium usu. Dc Syrmaismo, et ratione purgandi voinitum, ex ^Egyptiormn invento et formula. Jos. Laugio antore. 27 ff., 1 1. 8°. Parisiis, apud C. Morelium, 1607. Bound with his: Opusculoruni pars prima. 8°. Pari- siis, 1607. —-----. Opusculoruni pars prima, in qua: Hor- torum secrcta, cultus et auxilia . . . illustrata. ])c hortensiuni arboruin insitione. Deudrana- toine : seu exploratio et dissectio corporis arborei in sua sigillatim niembra et partes. De hominis syimnetria, proportione et commensuratione. Alexikepus, seu auxiliaris et medicus hortus . . . i Artificiosa methodus comparandoruni horten- sium fructuum ... 7 p. 1., 132 ff. 8°. Parisiis, apud C. Morelium, 1607. ------. Opusculoruni pars secunda, in qua: Me- inorabilium utilium. ac jucundorum cciiturue noveni, in aphorismos arcanorum omnis generis . . . digestif. Harmonia superioris uatune mundi ct inferioiis . . . Paradoxa rernni co'li . . . Opusculum de scna . . . Dioclis Carysti medici . . . de morborum prsesagiis . . . Joa. Laugius de Syrmaismo et ratione purgandi . . . Arnaldi a Villa-Nova . . . de salubri hortensiuni usu. Ejusdem Jo. Laugii epistola, an caseus edeudo sit salubris ... 14 p. 1., 132 ff. 8°. Parisiis, apud C. Morelium, 1607. Bound with preceding. ------. Opusculum de sena, plauta inter omnes, quotquot sunt, hominibus beneficentissima et saluberrima. Accessit Proclus, De areauis na- tura'. 18 ff., 1 1. 8-. Parisiis, apud C. Morel- ium, 1607. Bound with his.- Opusculoruni pars prima. 8°. Pari- siis, 1607. ------. Centuriie ix niemorabiliuni, utilium, ac jucuiidoruni in aphorismos arcanoruni omnis generis locupletes, perpulcre digestiu; accessit his appendix nonnulloruni secretorum, experi- ineiitorum, antidotorunique contra varios mor- bus, tain ex libris nianuscriptis quam typis cxcursis, collecta. Seorsum excusa, harmonia cudestiuni corporum et humanorum, dialogis nudecim astronomice et nicdice per Anton. Mizal- duni claborata et demonstrata. Item, niemora- hiliuni aliquot nat lira* arcanorum sylvula, rerum variaruni sympathias et antipathias libellis ii complectens. 15 p. 1., 443 pp. 16°. Franco- furti, ex off. typog. N. Hoffmanni, 1613. Mizerski (Anastasius). *I>e chloroformii usu inter partuin. 28 pp. 8'-. Berolini, Bosenlhal, [1861]. J>Ii'/.onku\ it'll (Carol. Aloys.) *De sympathia rcniiui pnecipue in statu morboso. 27 pp. 8;. [ Dorpat], typ. J. C. Sch ii a man n't, 1816, v. 6. Mladek (Henricus). * De bubone syjihilitico. V5 pp. ^. Praga; J. H. Pospjsil, [1838], Mliliariell (Josephus). * De vermibus in cor- pore humano obviis. 40 pp. 8 . Buda; ti/p. Peg. Univ. Hung., 1832. [P., v. 1321.] ITI link (I.sidor L) [1850- ]. * Feber den Soor- pilz. 31 pp. 8-. Berlin, G. Schade, [1877]. MliifllOVSki (A. K.) Jenstvennost. [Woman- hood.] 74 pp. 16°. Kieff, S. V. Kuljenko, 1887). ------. Brak. [Marriage!] 106 pp., 1 1. 16°. Kieff, E. T. Kcrer, 1886. Muiehovski (A. K.)—continued. -----. Tipi dushevnago ra/.vitija. [Types of development of mental disorders.] 1 p. 1., 153 pp., 1 1. 16°. Kieff, S. V. Kuljenko, 1886. Moaeho (Mattheus Cesario Rodiigues). Rela- torio geral do movimento vaccinico do reino dc Portugal e ilhas adjacentes durante os annos do I 1850 a 1859 apresentado ao Conselho de saude piiblica. (Appenso ao relatorio geral de servico da reparticao de saude de 1862.) xiii, 298 pp., 2 1. fol. Lisboa, imp. nacional, 1864. Moale (William A.) See TI ail in (11. Newell) & :Tloale (William A.) Handbook of vertebrate dissection. Pi. '_'. How to disset-t a bird. 8°. Xew York, 1883.----------. The same. 8°. Xew York, 1884. Moat (C. W.) ct Greer (J.) Rational argu- ments on the nature of true pathology, which, it is presumed, prove the absurdity of dissection and of the use of poisons, as necessary or useful to the science of medicine. 2. ed. 8 . Glasgow, C. W. Moat, [1832]. In: MoiilSON (J.) Morisoniana. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1834, ii, 339-378. Moat (H. Shepheard). The mother's book of hygeian midwifery; being a familiar treatise on the security of health to females during that most interesting period of their lives, the state of pregnancy; with remarks ou the management of infants; founded on the doctrines of the Bri ish College of Health. 108+pp. ^, New- York, I). Mitchell. 1837. Moat (Thomas). The 1830 new year's gift to the world, in a short treatise on the original cause of the small-pox virus. Wherein it is proved to be not only a necessary operation of nature, but perfectly harmless aud beneficial if judiciously treated,"etc. 8-. Plymouth, l-'30. In: Moiuson (J.) Morisoniana. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1831, 373-392. Also, in: -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1834, i, 373-392. Also forms a part of the following work. ------. The practical proofs of the soundness of >'the hygeian system of physiology, selected from the appendix of ''Morisoniana", as incontro- vertible testimonies to the afflicted of the ines- timable value of Morison's vegetable universal medicine, including "The origin of life and cause of all diseases explained", [by James Mo- ri son], and au entirely new view of the origin of the small-pox virus, etc. 168 pp. S'-r Brook- lyn, N. Y., H. S. Moat, 1831. See, also, Tlorison (James). Morisoniana, etc. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1831. Mobaeh (Llias). See II a lineman n (J. L.) De anomalis et paradoxis morborum curationibus. sm. 4°. Kilice. [1706J. Mobeche (Louis). * De la periode prodromiqne de la paralysie generate. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 428. Mober^ (Wilhelm). * Om accouimodationsbred- deu och refractionsanomalierna hos ogat. 62 pp. 8J. Upsala*, Edquist 4 Berglund, 1862. Mobile. Board of Health of the City of Mobile. Annual reports to the mayor and city council. 1.-3. (1871-6) 8--. Mobile, 1872-7. ------. Monthly statements of mortality. July, 1875, to Dec, 1887. 4°. [Mobile, 1875-88.] The statements for Jau. to May, and for Nov. and Dec, 1879, were not published. The port administration would only authorize the publication during the existence of quar- antine, viz, June to Oct. ITIobile. Sir, also, Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Yellow, Histoni, etc., of), by localities. Axdeusox (W. H.) The city of Mobile and the contiguous country about the Gulf coast, as a winter resort for health and pleasure of inva- lids .."id others from the North and Northwest. 8 . Mobile, 1881. ------. The same. 8°. Molile, 1882. MOBILE. 8o4 MODERN. Hobile. Smith (W. H.) History of the Mobile dump- ing u'round. Sept. 17, 1872. fol. [n. p., 1872.] AikU'tmoii (W. H.) Report on the diseases of Mobile for the year 1850. Proc. M. Ass. Alabama ]8.">o, Mobile, 1851. iv. 68-73. Also: South. M. Kep. (Feunei). X. Oil., 18.10. ii, 307-314. -----■ Keport on the diseases of Mobile. I'nu. M. Ass. Alabama, Mobile, 1854, vii. 39-50. — Ainlci'sou '• Thompson, 1843. Mobitz (Friedrich). * Experimentelle Studien iiber die quantitativen Veriinderungen des Hii- liioglobiiigehaltes im Blute bei septischem Fie- ber. 83 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. Dorpat, H. Lauk- mann, 1883. Moell (Nathan). * Recherches sur l'6tiologie, sur la nature et sur la prophylactique ge'ue'rale de la phthisic pulmouaire. 2 p. 1., 84 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1846, No. 160, v. 12. Moeliingrer (Jacobus). De catarrho. 11 1. 4C. Jence, HI. G. Sengenwaldi, 167)1. Moclllier (Franciscus Joannes). * Conspectus partuum iu Lechodochio Pragensi, a prima ejus origine usque ad nnitum annum scholasticum, sive usque ad ultimam niensis Augusti 1825 cele- liratoruin; necnou rerum niemoratu dignarum in matribus et intantibus observatarnm. 3 p. L, vi. 111 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Pragce, Kronbergeret Weber, 1826. Mock (H.) Das Stahlbad Imnau in Hohenzol- lern. 67 pp., 1 1. sm. so. Imnau. M. Prey, Mock (Hermann). *lT. ber Eclannisie der Gcliii- rendeu. 30 pp., 11. 8". Halle, Sipke.[n. d.] c. Mockel (Henricus) [1815- ]. * Qua-darn do roiigestione venosa et do morbis inde profici- scentibus. 31 pp. 8 . IJerolini, typ. Xietackia- nis, [1842]. Mocquard (Francois). * Sur la docimasie pul- monaire et snr un caractere de respiration chez les nouveau-nes tire" des gaz contenus dans les poumons. 47 pp. 4°. Parti, 1873, No. 29. Moeqilili (Antoine) * D'un moyen nouveau de prevenir la peritonite consecutive a la kelotomie. 33 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel aiue, 1866, No. 102. C. Mocquill (L.) * Propositions sur divers points de cliirurgie. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830. No. 112, v. 232. Mocquot (G.-P.) "- Sur l'application du trepan an sternum, dans les cas de fracture, de carie, et Mocquot (G.-P.)—continued. d'abecs au mediastin. 15 pp. 4 . I'aris. an XIII [180.-)], Xo. 439, v. 55. Mocquot (Gabriel). * Essai de pneuniographie pour servir a l'6tude des maladies des enfants, 2 p. 1., 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 451. Moczyriski (Michael) [1825- ]. * De atre- sia pudendi. 28 pp. 8°. Berolini, B. Schlesin- ger, [1850]. Modas (Jeau-Baptiste). * Sur l'hydropisie du poriearde. 46 pp. 8J. Paris, an X [1802], v. 9. Moddel (Marcus). Stromata materia' medicie sceptica. 20 pp. 4-. Traj. ad Viadr., [1788]. Modderiliau (Rudolph Sicco Tjaden ). * De leer der osmose. 4 p. L, vi, 174 pp.. 2 1. 8 . Leeuwarden, G. T. X. Suringar. [1857]. Model ( August). * Ein Fall von glandulareni Cystosarcoin mit autogenem Atherom. 23 pp., 2 pi. 4C. Erlangen, A. E. Junge, 1858. -----. Zur Orientiruug in der Trichinenfrage. Ein Wort fiir gebildete Laien. 28 pp. 8\ Xord- lingen, C. H. Beck; 1866. Model rules for provident dispensaries. By the medical committee of the Charity Organization Societv. 16 pp. 8°. London, Spottiswoode 4' Co.. 1878. Model (The) vaccine propagating establishment, etc. See Wycth (John) & Bro. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. Modell (Joh. Georg) [1711-75]. * De borate nativa, a Persis Borech dicta. 36 pp. 4 . Lon- dini, C. Davis, 1747. -----. The same. 40 pp. 4°. Becusa Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, 1749. Modeiia. Regolamenti mnnicipali di polizia urbania d igiene pubblica e d' oruato. 48, 33, 8, 15 pp. 12c. Modeua, tipog. di A. E. A. Cappelli, 1872. ITIodena. See, also, Fever ( Typhoid, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Ramazzixi ( B. ) De fontium Mutineusium adrairanda scaturigine tractatus phvsico-hvdro- staticus. 4°. Mtitince, 1691. Astegiano (G.) Saggio di meteorologia medica (delle malattie doininanti in Modena). Spallauzani, Modena, 1883. 2. s., xii, 225; 305— Tlachiavclli. Sedici niesi alio spedale militare divisional!' tli Modena. Gior. tli med. mil., Torino, 1864, xii, 473 : 505.—Ragona (I).) Resume des observations sur la meteorologie faites it l'Ohservatoiro royal de Modene, lat. 44° 38' 53", long. 0h 34™ 218 E. de Pa- ris ; Hr. 63m 16 niv. mer: anntSe 1807. Mrm. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cherbourg, Par., 1868, xiv. 129-14*.—Kamazziiii (B.) De constitutione annorum lOOii-Ol ac de rurali epi- demica, qua* Mutinensis agri, et vieiuarum regitiiiuin colonos graviter atttixit. Misc. Acad. nat. eurios. 1090, Norinib., 1691, 2. deeuria. ix (app.), 15: (1091), 1092, 2. decuria, x 5 MOEBIUS. Modern (The) practice [etc.]—continued. Hyde-Park Corner. A new edition, v, 7-121 pp. r- : London, G. Lister, [n. d.] _____. The same. 3. ed. xi, 220, xxii pp. 12°. London, S. Crowder [and others], 1770. Uloderil (The) quack, or medicinal impostor; in tli rec parts; with a supplement, displaying the present set of pretenders to clap-curing, giving judgment upon urine, etc., wherein their frauds aud"abuses are laid open ; rules, also, to know and cautions against them; and, for the farther security of the sick of any sort, a catalogue is annexed of all the members of the Royal College of Physicians, residing in town, with the places of their several abodes or habitations. The second edition, to which, as related to the same sub- ject, are added by another hand, some remarks upon Dr. Hancock's treatise, which he entitles: Ft In ifiigum magnum, or cold water the best cure for fevers. 17 p. 1., 206 pp. 8^. London, T. Warner, 1724. Modern (The) quacks detected. In-three parts. I. Exposing their qualifications and remedies. II. Proving the insufficiency of the latter to answer what is proposed by them. III. Unfold- ing the nature aud ill consequences thereof. Dedicated to the president of the Royal College of PhysiciansJn London ; in which are exhibited reasons why they ought to admit Dr. Schomberg a member of their learned and honourable body. By a London physician. 62 pp. 8 . London, M. Cooper, 1752. "[Also, in: P., v. 1338.] Modern surgical instruments, chiefly of France and Germany, illustrated. 16 pp., 8 pi. h°. London, H. Iienshaw, 1844. Moderna(La) medieina. Medieina; chirurgia; medieina comparata; scienze affini, con partico- lare interesse sullo studio delle febbri, per cura del dottore M. Gay. v. 1-6, April, 1878, to Dec, 18-e;. 8 . Torino. Moderne (Der) Laokoon, oiler die Honioopatbie in Hayt-rn. Ein otfenes Wort au die Znnftiiiei- ster. 83 pp. 8J. Leipzig, (>. Purfiirst, 1861. Modificazioni ed aggiunto alia tariffa dei medicinali per i servizi sanitari municipal! di Torino, approvate dalla giunta municipale il 16 dicembre 18815. 19 pp. 4'-. Torino, E. Botta, 1887. Iflodigliana. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Modin (Louis-Alfred). * Des eaux raartiales de Provins ( Seinc-et-Marne ), et de leurs applica- tions a la therapeutique. 40 pp. 4C. I'aris, 1852, Xo. 188, v. 529. ifloriletyn. Loikjmax vox ArKN (J. [ R. ] ) Invcuti neo font is aquas virtutc salubris Sanct-Anna'ns ager Modletinensis habet. Das ist: Neii erfuudenes Wasser Sanct Anna? genannt, welches viele Krancke in derNoth schonerkannt, zu Modletyn in dem Tschaslatier Creyss. dieses Konigreichs Boheimb. Von (lessen Criifffen, Wirckung und (bwalt wahrhart'ter Bericht und kurtzer Inhalt. 12 . Knlteuberg, 1738. Modliliski (Josephus). *Teiitainen nied. circa rabiem. 19 ]>p. sm. 4 \ Monspelii, X. Jullien, ISM. Modo di preservarsi dal cholera-morbus. 8 pp. sr [Roma, T. Ajani, 1854.] [P., v. 872.] Repr. from : Gior. di Roma, 1854. Modo, et online eh' ha teiiuto, e tiene Aiinibale Patriarcha; per la quale si seutc haver sauato, et s-uia tauti amalati di contaggio. Alia sautita di X. S. Papa I'rbauo VIII. 21pp. sm. 4-\ Bo- logna, X. Tebaldini, 1630. Modo (Del) di preveuire e curare il cholera epi- deniico secondo i principii dell' omeopatia. 10 pp. 8 . [ Torino, Ceresole e Panizza, 1874. ] [P., v. 1456.1 Modolea (V.) * Des positions inclinoes de lYx- tremite cephalique euvisagees au point de vue du diagnostic et du traitement. 38 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1873, No 423. ^IocIiihi. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Tiiaulow (H. A.) Prospektus over Modums Kuranstalt og Sanatorium i Norge; vulgo, St. Olafs Bad. 12°. [11. p., 1882?] I(<-. 4^. Tubingce, lit. H. Franckii, 1722. Mocgling (Joh. Ulricns). See lira III ((itorgius "Wolffxang). Cogitationes in experimenta Lite]. 4°. Tubinga;, 1745. Mdlll (Carl). * De morbis veneris. [Munich.] 24 pp. 8 '. Heilbronn, M. Schell, 1868. lllohl (Nicolai Christian) [1798-1830]. Ueber die Varioloiden und Varicellen. Aus dem Lateini- schen iibersetzt uud mit Anmerkungen und Zu- siitzen hcrausgt'gcben von C. F. Th. Krause. 95 pp. 8 '-. Hannorer, Hahn, 1828. Molllillg (A. Fr.) * Ueber (lie Femoiocoxalgie oder das sogenannte fieiwillige Hinken. 44 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, J. S. Bichter, 1843. !Wo III ill ami (Hermann). * Ueber das Carci- noma labii superioris. 30 pp. 8 . Wiirzburg, A. Memmingei; 188-6. Mocliriug (Carol. Eodolph.) * De venenis et philtiis propiuatis aliisve niodis iqiplicatis. 15 1. sin. 4°. Vitembergee. prelo Hakiano, [1706], Moelii'ing- (Gotth.) [1802- ]. * Auatomia normalis pathologica ct physiologica glandula* thyreoi'dea*. 30 pp. sui. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1825]. Moelii'ing' (Gustavus Eduard.) [1819- ]. * De bydrocephalo acuto. 31 pp. *J. Berolini, apud fratrum Schlesinger, [1846]. See Voigl ((lothofredus) & .Tloohriny (Paulus Hein- ricus). Disputatio jihysiea de amore ovis tt lupi [etc.] 4°. Wittebergce, [1G67]! Moelii'ing (Paull. Heur. Gerard.) [1710-921. * De txosttisi steatomatode clavicuhe, ejusque felici sectione. 1 p. 1., 19 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 4~\ Gcdani, cere Schreiberiano, [1732]. Also, in: Hallek. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannm, 1756, v, 653-066, 1 pi. -----. De quibusdam praejudiciis medicis. 16 pp. 4 . [Gcdani], cere Schnibeiiano, [1732], -----. * De inflainniationis sauguinea* theoria mechanica. 38 pp. sm. 4°. Vilembergw, cere Hakiano, [1733]. -----. Mytuloruin quorumdani venenum et ab eo natas papulas euticulares epistola. 24 pp. sin. 4 . Bremce, G. G. Bump, 1742. Also, in: Hai.i.eh. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausan- nee, 1757, iii, ]8:s-L»00. For Portrait, see Collet-lion—van Kaathoven, Moelii'ing (Pudolf) [1845- ]. * Ueber die hygienisclie Bedeutung des Tiinkwassers, im Besonderen fiir die Marine. 32 pp. 8 . Berlin, G. Lunge, [1872]. Mcphrlcn (J. Paul). * Comparaison des ni6dica- nients ct dc leurs principes actifs. 1 p. 1., 36 pp., 11. 4-. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 697, v. 36. Moeliseil (Joh. Carolus Wilhelmns) [1720M»5]. * De passionis illiaca- causis ct curationc. 64 p[i. sin. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. J. C. Hill'u/eri, [1742]. -----. Coiiunentatio prima dc medicis equestn dignitate ornatis. Pnemissa est dissertatio de vera felicitate e studio ct exercitio artis medic:,; capienda, philosopho icque ac chrisliano digna. xxi, 164 pp. 4J. Berolini. J. G. Basse, [1767]. -----. Verzeichnis einer Samluug von Bildnis- sen, griisteutheils beriihinter Aerzte; sowohl iu Kupfersticheu, schwarzer Kunst uud Holzschnit- teu, als auch iu einigen Haiidzeichnungen: die- seni siud verschiedene Xaclnichten und Anmer- kungen vorgesetzt, die so wohl zur Geschiehte der Arzeneygi'lahrtheit, als vornehmlich zur Ge- MOEHSKX. 357 MOKLLER. Jloelisen (Joh. Carolus Wilhelmns)— continued. schichte der Kiiuste gehoren. 6 p. L, 243,240 pp. 1-. Berlin, F. W. Bimstiel, 1771. ______. Geschiehte der Wissenschaften in der Mark Brandenburg, besonders dor Arzneiwissen- schaft: von den iiltesteu Zeiten au bis zn Knde des sechszehnten Jahrhuudcrts, in welcher zu- glcich die Gedachtnismiiiizeu beriihniter Aerzte, web-he in dieseni Zeitraume in der Mark geleht haben, beschrieben werden. 2 Theile. 3 p. 1.. 436 pp., 4 1.; 4 p. L, 576 pp., 3 L. 3 pi. 4°. Ber- lin it. Leipzig, G. J. Decker. 1773-81. Second part has, also, tille as follows: Beschreibung einer Berlinisehen Mi'daillen-Sanniilung, die voiziiglich aus Gedachtnisniiinzen beiiihmter Aerzte bestehet. ______. Beitriige zur Geschiehte der Wissenschaf- ten in der Mark Brandenburg von den iiltcsten Zeiten an his zu Ende des sechszehnten Jahr- liundcrts. 7 p. 1., 3-226, 1 pi. 4°. Berlin it. Leipzig. G. J. Decker. 1783. See, also. Schaarwclimiilt (Samuel). Therapia ge- neralis. [etc.] W)'. lierlin. 1755. For Biotp-aplii/, see Mod. Ephem. v. Berl., 1799, i, pt. 1, 118-130 (L). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. \-. Men of'Sc.. 5. a .lloiniclien (Henricus) [1631-1709]. See IjVM'i- (Michael). Culter anatomicus. 2. ed. 12°. tffl//li>,"llili5. Moelani't (A. W.) *T\veotal ziektegevallen, waargenomen door den schrijver. 32 pp. 8-. Leiden, D. J. Couvee, 1861. IMolle (Th.) "Ueber Behandlung der Epilepsie mit Osniiuinsaiire. 43 pp. 8°. Strassburg, J. H. E. licit:, 1885. MolleiibroccillS (Valeutinus Andreas) [ 1675]. De varis, seu arthritide vaga scorbutica tractatus. 7 p. 1., 167 pp., 4 1. 16°. Lipsiee, hal- ved. G. Grossii, 1663. ------. The same. Editione altera auctior et emendatior. 6 p. L, 284 pp., 33 1. 12°. Lipsiee, sumpt. J. Grossii et socii, 1672. ------. Cochlearia curiosa. 5 p. 1., 140 pp., 10 1. 12-'. Lipsiee, sumpt. J. Grossii et socii, 1674. Hound with his: De varis, seu arthritide, [etc.] 12°. Lipsia: 107--'. See. also, Dorncrcilius «6 Eberhertz (Tobias). Me- dulla totius praxeos medicte aphoristica, [etc.] sm. 4°. [Erfurti]. 1656. Mocllendoi'flf (Guilelmus). *Negotia compa- rata cum morbis, qui ex iis proveniunt. 31 pp. 8 , Berolini, G. Schade, [1852]. Itlolleuey (Wilhelm). * Zur Syniptomatologie und StalistikderTrichino.se, nebst einigen the- rapentischen Versucheu. 6)3 pp. 8^. Greifs- wald, C. Sell, 1879. MolleiiliolT(Christiauns). * Diss, sistenssegrum ictero calido laborantem. 28 pp. 4°. [Jena:], lit. Krebsianis, [1716]. For Biography, see Slcvoyt (Jo. Had.) Mtt>llentliiel (Carol. Rudolph.) * De phthisi piilnionali. 54 pp. 4'-\ Argentorati, J. H. Heitz, [178;,]. M«ellcr(A.) Du massage, son action physiolo- gique. sa valeur therapeutique, sp^cialement au point de vue dn traitement de l'entoise. 27 pp. *'--. Bruxelles, H. Mauceaux, 1877. ------. Dn Daltonisnie au point de vue theorique et pratique. Etude critique des niethodes d'ex- ploration du sens chroniatique, ct rapport a M.le ministre des travaux publics sur la reftunie des employes des chemins de fer affectes de Dalto- nisnie en Suede, Norwegeet Danemark. 146 pp. 8 . Bruxelles, II. Mauceaux, 1879. ------. Dc la pneumothe'rapii'. 20 pp. ->-'. Bru- xelles, H. Mauceaux, 1889. ------. Lis travaux a Lair compriine. 51pp. 8C. Brnxelles, A. Vromant, 1881. Repr. from : Kev. d. questions scient., avril 1881. Mffiller (A.)—continued. ------. Therapeutique locale des maladies de l'ap- pareil respiratoire par les inhalations m6dica- menteuses et les pratiques ae>otherapiques. vii, 325 pp., 2 pi. 8\ Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 lils, 1882. ------. Le cholera d'apres les de'eouvertes mo- dernes. 51 pp. s<\ Bruxelles, A. Vromant, 1887). Repr. from ■ Rev. d. questions scient., oetohre 1885. See, also, W.-irlomoiit. Examen de la vision du per- sonnel attach6 aux chemins de fer. 8°. Gand, 188(1. Moeller (Augustus Julius) [1818- ]. * De spasmodiea pulmonum affectione. 48 pp. .. Camen. W. Felting, 1885. Moens (Adriaan Iscbree). Over de voortplan- tingssnelheid van den pols. viii, 76 pp. 8^. Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1877. ------. Die Pulseurve. 1 p. 1., 145 pp. 8°. Lei- den, E. J. Brill, 1878. Moens (J. C. B.) Dc kiuacultur iu Azie 1854 t-ni. 1882. Uitgegt'vcii door de Vcrceiiiging tot Bevordering der Geneeskundige Wctenschappen iu Nederlandseh-Indie. 1 p. 1., xii. 395 pp.. 1 mail, 33 pi. 4°. Batavia, Ernst if Co., If82. Moens (M.-C.) *Snr le sarcoeele. 30 pp. 4°. Parti, 1807, No. 74, v. 67. MOER. 359 MOGADOK. vail de Moer (Joannes). *De gangnena sicca, in piimis ratione habita gangra'iia' spontanea' sicca', iv, 49 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningce, C. M. ran Bolhuis Hoitsema, 1844. [P., v. 102.] Moi'Kelill (J.) * Ueber angeborue Hainblascn- spaltc und deren Behandlung. 62 pp., 6 pi. 8'-. Bern. H. Blom, 187:5. ITIoericke (Carolus Gottl.) * De acre atmos- plucrico, ejusque vi quam in organisniuni aninia- leni exseiit. 38 pp. 4'-. Tubingce, H. de If Ormc; [183b]. Moericke (Joh. Gottlieb). * De lebre tertiana interniittente soporosa utpluriiiiuni funesta, fe- liciter tamen curanda. 36 pp. 4^. Tubingce, lit. Coltaianis, 1759. Moerike (Carol. Fridericus). * De morbis acu- tis. 2 p. 1., 96 pp., 11. 8°. Stutlgardice, [179:?]. Miii'ike (Hubert). * Ueber die Amputatiouen der Pnrfio vaginalis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade; 1878. ITIoeliriiiK(Fridericus). Sk Moehring(Georgius Fridericus). IVIocrilig (Fridericus Gustavus). * Diss, sistens historiiini cholera', cum subsequentc pleuroperi- pneniiionia. 23 pp. 4 . Lipsia; typ. Breitkopfii et Haertelii, [1830]. For Biography, see Wcbcr (Ernestus Henricus). Moei'illg (Georgius Fridericus). *Teiitanien disquisitionis de lingua' integunieutis. 32 pp. s-. Lipsia; typ. Starttzii, [1845]. ------. The same. 32 pp., 1 1. 8J. Dorpat, typ. rid. J. C. Sch ii n m anni et C. Maftieseni, 1851. This is a reprint of the preceding, -with the addition of an "imprimatur" and a page of "theses". The author's name is given as "Fridericus". Moi-iiGg- (Michel). See I'iii'Ih. Collection de documents pour servir a l'his- toire ties hi'tpitaux tie Paris. 4°. Paris, 1881-2. Moei'iilgil (Cornelius Gerard.) * De visu. 76 pp., 2 1. 4^. Lugd. Bat., J. et H. Verbeek, 1729. Moerire (Ludovicus Frieder. Lcopoldus). *Diss. sistens t'xposifionein physiologiie et pathologia* lienis. 38 pp. 8J. Tubingce, lit. Sclioenhardtiaiiis, [1825]. de Moeriscll ( Joan. Wenc. ) * Diss, sistens aninial in sua elenienta rcsolutum. - 31 pp. 8°. | Vienna; M. A. Schmidt, [1782]. Moerlin (Jo. Christianus). See (nipzov (Christian. Benetl.) tt Moerlinu* (Jo. Christianus). De medicis ab ecelesla pro Sanctis habitis. sm. 4°. Lipsia: [1709]. Moerlin (Julius Otto Carl) [1862- ]. * Ueber indircctc Steinalfracturcn. 30pp. 8>". Gveifs- ivald, J. Abel, 18-7. Mdrner (K. A. H.) * Bidrag till kiinnedomeu om fiirgiiinneiia i melanotiska svulster. 58 ])]).. 2 pi. 8 . Stockholm, h'ougl. Boktryckeriet, 1886. Moerner (Ludovicus). 'Dc indicationibus et contraindicationibus aniputationis. 27 pp. 4°. Jena; lyp. C. G. T. Jocltii, [1817]. Moers (Theodorus Ernestus Josephus Jacobus), * Diss, medicam variolartun prieprimis maligna- runi rationeiii et curationcin docenteni expouit. 26 pp. 4-. Wireebnrgi, J. J. C. Kleyei; [1746]. Moei'SCliell (Mart. Jos.) " De apoplexia. [Mu- nich.] 16 pp. 8■-. Amorbachii, typ. Volkhardti- anis. 1836. Moesclllill (J.-L.) "Quelques considerations sur les maladies scrofnleuscs et tuberculeuses chez l'ouvrier de fabriqnes an point de vue de I'hygiene et des moyens prophylactiques. 31 pp. 4-. [Berne, .lend d- Beinerl. n. d.] Moeser [Guilelmus Alexander Theodorus] [1839- ]. ' De cholelithiasi. 32 pp. 8C. Bero- lini, G. Lange; [1862], Miiser (Heinrich). * Die Diphtheritis im Julius- hospitale in Wiirzburg vom Jahre 1878 bis Ende Mai 1882. 35 pp. 8°. Kircheimbolanden, C. Thieme, 1882. Moeser (Hermann). * Zur I'x-handlung der Fchlgcburteii. 35 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Meni- mtntiei; L-87. Jloeser (Johannes Ludovicus). * De bamor- rlioidibus ciecis. 50 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1717]. Moesner (Theophilus Henricus). * De confor- niatione pnpilhe artificialis. iv, 47 pp., 11. 8 . Tubingce, typ. Beissiansis. [1823]. Mostner (Daniel. Fridericus). *De phleboto- mia a]>nd plethoricos catharsi pra*mittenda. 10 pp. 4 \ Francof. ad Viadr., J. C. Winter. 1747. Moetlie, diclns Baeuiner (Theodorus). * De delirio treniente. 24 pp. 8 . Gri/phiswaldia; F. G. Kitnike, 1863. v. Moetig (Gottlieb. Fridericus). * De risus coni- inodo i;t inconiniodo in ceconomia vitali. Ob d.-n Lacheu zur Gesundheit niitzlich oder schadlich sev. 26 pp., 1 1. 4C. Halce Magdeb., ti/p. J.-C. Hendelii, [1746]. ITI of lit it (Louis). * Recherches sur la phlegmasie ties membranes syuoviales des articulations. 21 pp. 4-. I'aris, 1819, No. 13, v. 78. ifioirat. Mackailk(M.) Moffet-well; or, a topograph- ico-spagyricall description of the mineral wells at Moflct, in Anuandale of Scotland. Translated, and much enlarged, by the author. As also the Oyly-well; or, a topographico-spagyricall de- scription of the Oyly-well at St. Cathariue's Chappol iu the parocb of Libberton ; to these is subjoined, A character of Mr. Cnlpeper and his writing; by the same author 16°. Edinburgh, 1664. Gai-nctt (T.) Ou the mineral waters of Moffat. Metl. & Phys. J.. Lond., 1799, ii, :;.~>4-:;i'.u. —Ilorarbiirgh (W.) Experiments and observations upon the Haiti'ell Spaw, made at Moffat. 1750 ; and an account of its medicinal vir- tues so far as thev have hitherto been discovered from experience. Essays & Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb., 1754. i, 341- 371—Jlacailam (J.i Keport on, and chemical analyses of, the Motl'at mineral wells. Glasgow m. J., 1854-5, ii, 191 ; 295. Moffat (Jobn). Sec IIi|i|>oci'ii(c'N, the prognostics and prorrhetics, from ihe original Creek, etc. 8°. London, 1788. Moffat (Thomas). * De apoplexia hydrocepha- lica. I p. 1., 37 pp. S\ Edinburgi, C. Stewart el socii, 18H0. [Also, in: P., v. 13.] Moffatt (John). The Freuch exhibition of hor- rors ; a sermon ou the sin of torturing animals, preached in the Middle Parish Church, Greenock, Scotland, Sept. 8, 1878; and in the Scotch kirks of Bayfield and Varna, Huron, Canada, July 6, 1879. 36 pp. 8\ Tovonto, Hunter, Bose 4 Co., 1879. Moffet (Thouias). See Mufettus (Thomas). Moffitt (Andrew) [ -1882]. A manual of in- struction for attendants on sick and wounded iu the war. vii, 136 pp. 8°. London, C. Griffin 4 Co., 1870. .For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882. i, 252. Mog (Joh. Guilielmus). * Dc generibus et spe- ciebus statuuin praeter uaturalium qui in parti- bus lluidis contentisque corporis humani locum habent. 38 pp. sm. 4°. Giessa; ex off. Brauni- ana, [1757]. Mogndor. Oij.ivk (C.) Geographic ni(*dicale. Climat de Mogador et de son influence sur la phthisic 8 -. Paris. 1875. I.i'iir«'. 246, v. 406. VOll Molll (Hugo) [ -1872]. Principles of the anatomy and physiology of the vegetable cell. Transl. by Arthur llcnfrey. 158 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Loudon, Van Voorst, 187)2. Also. Co-Editor of: Jalirrwhcftr des Vereins fiir va- teiliintlische Naturkiuide in Wiiitteinhtig. Stuttgart, 1850-57. Also. Editor of.- BotaniwclM' Zeii ung, Berlin n' Leipzig, 1851-72. Mollll (CarlEhregott). * Die orgauische Schlies- sung des durchbrochenen harten Gauinens. 41 pp. 8 . Leipzig, L. Schnaitss, [1S62]. Mollll (H.) Ha vets Temperatur incllem Island, Skotland og Norge. 9 pp., 1 map. 8 . [Kjo- benhavn, 1869. ] Repr. from : Overs, o. d. k. Danske Tidensk. Selsk Forh., Kjebenh., 1869. -----. Om Tordenvojr i Norge i 1868. 55 pp., 6 ch. ^. [Kjobenhavn, 186)9.) Repr. from: Overs, o. d. k. Danske Yidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kjebenh., 18(19. -----. Noiges Vinci- og Storiiistatistik. 48 pp. 8 • [Kjobeuhavn, 1869.] Repr. from : Overs, o. tl. k. Danske Yidensk. Selsk. Forh , Kjolieuh., 1869. Moliilike (Gottl. Christ. Friedr.) Dr. Martin Luther und Philipp Mclanehthon iiber den Arzt nnd seine Kunst. Der medieinischen Privatge- sellschaft zu Slralsund an ihrem ein und fiinf- zigsten Stiftungstagc. 32 pp. 8°. stvalsuncl, 1823. Moliilike (Otto Theoph. Joan.) [1814- ]. * De instinetu sexnali ejusque natura atque causis. 44 pp. 12°. Berolini, typ. Feisterianti, [1837]. -----. The same. 1 p. L, 41 pp. 8°. Berolini, Buimeister et Stangc, [1838]. -----. Feber goschwiinzte Menschen. 112 pp., 11. 8-. Miilister, Aschendorff, 1878. Molins (C.) * Ueber den Schoriisteiiifegerkrebs. 42 pj). 8'-'. Jena, W. Batz, 1876). MollllS (Job.) * Beitrage zu den Resectionen der Knocheii. 29 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhaltn, 1866. Mohr (A.) *DasNervenheber. 44 pp. 8:. Wiirz- burg, F. F. Thein, 1841. Molll' (Bernard). "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der organischen Hiiukraiikheiten. 31 pp., 1 pi. 4\ Wiirzburg, C. IV. Becker, 1833. -----. Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatomie, enthaltend die todlich abgelaufenen Krankheits- fiille der niedicinischen Abtheilung des Julius- Hospitals in Wiirzburg, voni 1. Mai bis 31. Ok- tober 1837. vi pp., 1 1., 156 pp. 8-. Stuttgart, P. Balz, 1838. -----. Beitrage zu einer kiiuftigen Monographic des Kinpyenis. 151 pp. 8°. Kitzingen, E. Kop<- pling, 1839. -----. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomic. Erste Folge, enthaltend die todlich abgelaufenen Krankheitsfalle der medieinischen Abtheilung des Julius-Hospitals vom 1. November 1837 bis 31. October 1838. vi pp., 1 L, 527 pp. 8\ Kitzingen, E. Koppling, 1849. Molll* (Carl Friedrich) [1H)6-79J. Coinnieiitar zur preussischen Pharmacopoe, nebst Uebcrse- tzung des Textcs. Nach der 6. Anil, der Phar- macopo-a Borussica. 2 v. xviii, 534 pp.; 487 pp., 1 tab. 8-. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1^47-9. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 2 v. iu 1. xx, 485, 459 pp., 1 tab. 8C. Braunschweig F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1853-4. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. Nach der 7. Aufl. der Pharmacopiea Borussica. xxii, 702 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1865, -----. The same. Coinnieiitar zur Pharmacopo-a Germanica, nebst Uebersetzungdi-sTextcs. xvii, 933 pp. S~. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1874. MOHR. 361 MOIR. Mohr (Carl Friedrich)—continued. ______ "Lehrbuch der chemisch-analytischen Ti- tiiiiuethode. Nach eigenen Versuchen uud sys- tematisch dargestellt. 2. Aufl. xix. 588 pp. K . Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1862. ______. The same. 3. Aull. xiv pp., 1 1., 707 pp. 8-'. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg it. Sohn, 1870. Also Co-Editor of: Annalen der Pharmacie, Lemgo u. lltitiell.el-. 1*!7. _ , See also. ISIoncllot (Nicolas). Note sur une modifica- tion a la pipette jiiatluee de Mohr. 8°. Nancy. \n. d. | For iiiograplnj, see Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1880, xvii, 402-404, port. Molll' (Charles).. The incompatible remedies of the houio'opathic materia medica. A paper read before the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Philadelphia. 9 pp. 8°. Xew York, 4 Philadelphia, Boericke 4 Tafel, [1879]. ______. Care of the mouth and teeth in infancy and childhood. 10 pp. 8-\ [Philadelphia, 1889.] Repr.from: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1880, n. s., ii. ------. Sanitary precautions in measles. 5 pp. 8 18.66, No. 101. c -----. Des indications particulieres de l'eau de la Raillere. 136 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1877). Hoiii°.t. llcni'V (O.) Kapport sur l'eau minerale decouveitea Moiiiet. antuidissementde Monthrison, departement de la Loire. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1857-8, xxiii, 1053-1059. Moil* (D. M.) Outlines of the ancient history of medicine; being a view of the progress of the healing art amoug the Egyptians, Greeks, and Arabians, v, 278 pp. 12°. Edinburgh 4 London, W. Blackwood 4 T. Cadell, 1831. MOIR. 362 MOISTURE. Moir (D. M.)—continued. -----. Practical observations on malignant chol- era, as that disease is now exhibiting itself in Scotland, vii, 52 pp. 8'f Edinburgh, W. Black- wood, 1832. [Also, in: P.. v. 1040; 1061.] -----. The same. 2. ed. 71pp. 8-\ Edinburgh 4 Loudon, W. Blackwood if J. Cadell, 1832. Moir (James). Notes on Dr. Macintosh's treatise on the puerperal fever. 101pp. 8C. Edinburgh, Murray 4 Mitchell, 1822. —■---. Postscript to Mr. Moir's notes on Dr. Mac- intosh's treatise on puerperal fever. 23 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1617.] Moir (Joannes Inncs Allan). * De febre inter- mittent!'. 2 p. 1., 18 pp. 8-. Edinburgi, 1828. Moir (John). On retroflexion of the unimpreg- nated uterus: with cases illustrative of its causes and of a new mode of treatment. 12 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, Murray 4' Gibb, I860. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1859-60, v, pt. 2. -----. Valedictory address on retiring from the president's chair of the Mcdico-Chirurgical So- ciety of Edinburgh, 18th December, 1867" 11 pp. 8 . Edinburgh, Oliver 4' Boyd, 1868. -----. On croup; its nature and treatment. 41 pp. 8-. Edinburgh, Olivev 4' Bogd, 1878. Repr. from : Edinb. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv. Moireau (Charles-Syinphor). * Du fer et de ses usages en liuSdccine. 17 pp. 4-. Paris, 1834, No. 144, v. 273. Moiroud (Anselme). * Recherches cliniques sur rerysipele mddieal deutheropathique ou intercur- rent, 7(» pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 242. Moiroud (Ernest). * Contribution a l'etude de re|iilepsiehemiplegique. 44 pp., 11. 4°. Mont- pel liev, 1884. No. 50. Mossail (Joseph-Marie). * Traitement general des plaies par acmes a feu. 26 pp. 4~. Paris 1849, No. 6, v. 487. Moiso (BeiiveniMi). Leonine degli esantemi coin- ple'i e larvaticolic lesioniileleiioresinistroedelle aiterie. 4.". pp. ts>. Padova, G. II. Bundi, 1884. Moi*e (Raphael). * Delalaiyngitediphth6rique ou cioup, et de son traitement, 48 pp 4- fa- ns, 1-52. No. 272, v. 520. Moist* da Palermo. See ItippocraH-i. " Trattati di Mascalcia ", etc. 8°. Bologna, 1805. Moiseaii (A.) * Sur les animaux veneneux du departement de la Vendee, et sur le traitement a employer contre leurs morsures et figures. 48 pp. 8'-'. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 30. Moises (Hugh). Treatise on the blood, or gen- eral arrangement of many important facts rela- tive to the vital fluid. With some cursory obser- vations on the theory of animal heat. Inter- spersed with pathological and physiological re- marks from the inductions of modern chemistry. iv, xx, 270 pp. 8-. London, T. Evans 4 J. Stead, [n. tl.] Moiset (Charles-Alphonse). * Sur la coqueluche 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 13. v. 129. Moissail (H.) Serie du cyanogene. 323 pp 8 ■'. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1882. Moissenet (J.) * De l'influeuce du solidisme sur la pratique metlicale. 28 pp. 4°. Parti P Dupiint, 1844. I iiiicours. Moissenet (Joachim). *1. Histoire anatoiiiique it physiologique des productions cartilagincuses Des productions inorbides libres daus les cavites sereuses. II. [etc.] 75 pp. 4-. Paris, 1840, No. 84, v. 363. Moissinue (E.-M.-Ernest). * Quelques con- siderations sur les preparations arsenicales et sur 1 emploi de l'acide arsenieux dans le traitement des lievres intennittcntes. 23 pp 4- Paris 1863, No. 60. Moissoil (l'einand). * De ranasaiquc sans al- buminuric, spt'tialeinent consideree chez les en- fants. 75 pp. 4°. Parti, 1867, No. 212. Moissoil (Louis). * Sur l'libcro de Cochinchine vi, 7-42 pp. 4-'. Montpellier, 186,4, v. 48. Moisture. See, also, Air (Moisture of); Climate; Ery- sipelas (Causes of); Habitations; Hygiene ( Naval); Hygrometer, etc. ; Inundations • Irrigation; Meteorology (Medical); Miners (Diseases, etc., of); Phthisis (Causes, etc., of)- Rice culture; Soil; Water (Subsoil). Beer (A.) * Feber die Bestimmung der Feuchtigkeit der Wiinde und hygrometrische Bestiniinungeu zu hygienischen Zwecken im Allgemeiueu. 83. Erlangen, 1878. Chanteux (M.-J.-M.) *De l'hnmidite' et de son influence sur l'econoinie vi van te 4° Paris 1819. Delapokte (J. J.) *An qui humidioribus vescantur diutius vivunt ? 4C. [Paris, 1773.] Fodeuk (F.-E.) Traite du goitre et du creti- nisine, precdde d'un discours sur l'influence de l'air huinide sur l'entendenient humaiu 8^ Paris, an VIII [1800]. Haehneii (II.) * Ueber den schiidlichen Ein- fluss feuehter Wohnungeu. 8°. Berlin, [1873]. Kkcse (M.-L.) Me'thode pour le sechage des batiments. Pr6sent6 au Congres d'hygiene et de sauvetage de Bruxelles par le comite" danois. 4 '. Copenhague, 1876. Lamaury (G.-G.) * Influence de l'air huinide sur l'econoinie animale. 4°. Paris, 1828. Mezger (L.) *De nmroriini recens illitorum exhalatioue nociva. 8°. Tubingce, [1832]. Pkosper (M.) Guerre a l'huinidite, ou le se- cret de l'hydrofuge reve'16 a MM. les proprie'- taires. 2. ed. l(i°. Paris, 1825. TnossAT (J.-E.) * De la chaleur huinide envi- sagee comme agent nioditicateur de Taction ner- veuse. 4°. Montpellier, 1879. Beer (J.) Feuclite YVolmimjieu. Ztschr. f. fjerichtl. Med., Wien, 1867, iii, 252; 20."..—Born (C. F.) ITelierdas friilie Bewohnen neuer Steinliiinst-v-. eine Pi eissschiift. [From: Auswahl iikoiioniisehei A bbanabney (W. C.) The physiological and pathological effects of excessive soil moisture. Vir- ginia M. Month., Kielnnond, 1875-6. ii, 781-789.—Eslel- rich (J. I.) Intbieiieia tie la hitmedad sobre el orliilippe (G.) Damp; its causes, eH'ects, prevention, anil i-ure. [From: Les tra- vaux publics, and The Builder. J Van Xostrand's Engin. Mug., N. Y., 1881, xxv, .476-478. —Foincarc. Sur l'hy- groscopicite des materianx de construction. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1881, 3. s., vi, 36-.S9— Rein hard (H.) Die relative Fi'iiclitigkeit ilcr Atmosphiire und ihre Wirkung auf den Menschen. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1885-6, iii, ]s:(-2H3.—Wooilbridgc (S. 11.) Note on the relation of humidity to air-supply in ventilation. San. Engin., N. Y., 1885-6, xiii, 298. Illoistiire in relation to healing and venti- lation, Allen (.i.K.) Air-nioisteuing. Bep. Bd. Health Mich. 1880, Liinsing, 1881, viii, 146-148. Also. Kepi int. —Bon vel (A.) Pes variations du tlegre liygionieti'iipie de l'air chauffe. Cong, internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., lsso, ii. :i23-333. Also: Bev. d'hyg., Par., 1880, ii, 92-1(17. — Bracket! (C. F.) Hints with refeience to the regulation of moisture in rooms. Kep. Bd. Health N. Jersey, Woodbury. 1*82. vi, 123-126. — Briggs (R.) On the relation of moisture in air to health and comfort. .1. Frankl. Inst.. Phila., 1878, 3. s., lxxv. 10; 82; 168: 251. Also, Reprint—C'ni-lis (H.) [etal.]. Theliygrodeik, and the proper means of hydra ting our houses and halls of assembly. Boston M tfc S.'.L, 1867- 8. lxxvii. 49; 120; 146. Also, Reprint. — ITIantegazza (P.) L' acqua sulle stufe. Medico di casa, Milano, 1879, vii, 33-35. Ifloitessicr (A.) 'De Purine. 83 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, F. Thunot 4 Cie., 1856. Concours. -----. 'Recherches sur la dilatation du soufre. 31 pp., 1 jil. 4°. Montpellier, Boehm if fits, 1864. [P., v. 1704.] -----. * Recherches sur la saliciue et les compo- ses salicvliques. 78 pp. 4U. Montpellier, Boehm iVfils, 1864. [P., v. 1704.] -----. * Theses presentees a la Faculty des sci- ences de Montpellier. These de chimie. Recher- ches snr la saliciue et les composes salicyliques. These de physique. Recherches sur la dilatation du soufre. 78, 31 pp., 1 pi. 4^. Montpellier, Boehm <$■ Jils, 186)4, No. 26. -----. De lVinploi de la lumiere polarisee dans l'cxaineii micioscopique des farines. 23 pp., 1 pi. roy. 8J. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 Jils, 1866. Repr.'from : Mem. Acad. d. sc. et let., Montpellier, 1866. -----. La photographic appliquee aux recher- che* niicrographiqut's. 333 pp., 3 pi. 8-. Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere il-Jils, 1866. -----. The same. Die Photographic als Hilfs- iiiittel mikroskopischer Forschung. Nach dem Frai.zosischen, mit Autorisation des Verfassers deutsch bearbeitet, und durch zahlreiche Zusiitze erweitert vou Berthold Benecko. xiv, 267) pp., 31., 2 pi. 8°. Braunschweig, Vieweg it. Sohn, 1868. -----. Elements de physique appliquee h la me- ilecinc et u hi physiologic, vii, tiOl pp. sm. 8C. I'aris, G. Masson, 1879. Moity (L'hnrles-C'asimir). * Des amvgdales. 30 pp. 4'-. Paris, 187)8, Xo. 112, v. 62L Moizurd (Paul). * Etude sur les cas de diphthe- ric observes u 1'Hopital Sainte-Eugenie |iendant l'aniiee 1^76. 72 pp. 4. Paris, \876, No. 493. IUoizaid (Paulin). 'Contribution a l'etude de la niannnite chez l'homme. )-3 pp. 4 . Paris. 1881. No. 414. ITIoi/ill (Claude-Joseph) [17*2-1*49]. * Observa- tions et reflections sur les effets (lu coup de pisto- let, tii"6 dans la bouche. iv, f>4 pp. M-. Paris, an X [\892]. v. 3;">. For Biograpln/, see Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. metl. de la Moselle. Me|/„ 1849, 79-103 (P. Menard). Also: Gaz. med. do Par., 1*49, 3. s.. iv. 155 (F. .Jacijiint). Also: Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil.. Par 1850. 2. s.. :!:;4-339 (Boudiu). For Portrait, see Collection —van Kaathoven. HIojOll (Benoit) [1784-1849]. Memoire sur l'uti- litc e\c la ninsique, taut dans l'etat de sante, que dans celui de maladie. Trad, de la 2. e"d. itali- enne, avec notes, par C.-D. Muggotti. x, 11-4- p]i. 8°. Paris, Foumiei; 1893. Bound with his: Memoire sur les effets de la castration. 8°. Montpellier, an XII |"18u4J. -----. Memoria sugli effetti della castratura nel corpo uniano, trasmessa alia (soeicta medica di eninlazione di Geneva li 28 gingno 1804. 19 pp. 8°. Gcnora, [1804]. Bound with his: Memoire sur les effets de la castration. 8°. Montpellier, [18(14]. -----. The same. Memoire sur les effets de la castration dans le corps huuiain. 3f> pp. Sr. Montpellier, J.-G. Tournel, an XII [1804]. -----. The same. 3. Sel. vii, 9-35 pp. 4\ Genes, J. Gravier, 1813. [P., v. 901.] -----. Leggi fisiologiche. 2. ed. xvii, 119, vi pp., 2 tab. 8 . Genova, I. Gravier, 1819. -----. The same. 3. ed. xxiv, lf>2 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Milano, G. Pirotta, 1821. [P., v. 1349.] -----. The same. Lois physiologiques. Trad. de Pitalien, avec des additions et des notes, par le baron Michel, vii, xix, 287 pp. 8°. I'aris, Be'chet jcune; 1834. -----. Memoria sulla contrattilitii della libra ani- male, letta all' Accademia delle scienze ed arti di Genova. 18 pp. 12°. Genova, G. Gravier, 1814. [Also, in: P., v. 1349.] -----. Osservazioni notomico - fisiologiche sull' epidermide. 16 pp. 4°. Genova, G. Gravier, 1817). [P., v. 901.] -----. The same, 2. ed. 9-22 pp., 3 1. 4~. Genova, dalla fonderia Ponthenier, 1829. [P., v. l.")78.] -----. Disscrtazione sugli effetti della castratura uel corpo uniano. 55 pp. 8:. Milano, G. Pirotta, 1822. [P., v. 1349.] -----. Conjectures sur la nature du miasme pro- duoteur du cholera asiatique. Trad, de Pitalien par M. Julia de Fontenelle. 63 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Bolivia; 1833. [P., v. 491 ; 1354; 1657.] See, also, Poggi (Junius). Aux redacteurs des Annales de chimie, sur une nouvelle source tie petiole, [etc.l 8°. Faris, an XI [1803]. For Bioejraphy, see Union med., Par., 1850, iv, 293-295 (P.-L.-B. Caffe). Also, Reprint. ITIojOll (Giuseppe) [1777-1837]. Osservazioni so- pra la tavola delle espressioni numeriche di affi- nita del cittadino Guvton Morveau. 6 pp. 8C. [n.p., 1892.] Bound with: Mojox (B.) Memoire sur les effets dela castration. 8°. Montpellier, [1804]. -----. Memorie di chimica. 1(5 pp., 1 map. 8:. Genova, 1894. Bound with: Mojox (B.) M6moire sur les effets de la castration. 8°. Montpellier, [1804]. -----. Disciizioiie niineralogica della Liguria. 2(5 pp. 12-. Genova, 1805. See, also, de Ferrari (Luigi) & itlojon (Giuseppe). Analisi delle acque solforee e terinali di Voltri. 8°. Ge- nova, 1804. iTIO.JSISOVies, Edler von Mojsvar (August). Leit- faden bei zoologisch-zootoniischen Prapaririibiin- gen. 2. Aufl. xii, 259 pp. j-°. Leipzig, W. En- gelmann, 1887). -----. The same. Manuel de zootomie, guide pratique pour la dissection des animaux vert6- bres et invertebres, a Pusage des 6tudiants en medeciue et des eieves qui preparent la licence cs sciences naturelles. Trad, de Palleniand et an- note, par J.-L. de Lanessau. 2 p. 1., 368 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1881. A translation, from the original edition. JHo.jNiKOVi*'*, Edler ron Mojsvdv (Get.rg) [1799- 1861]. Diss, sistens actionem et iisnm thera- pt'iitit-uui balneoruni simplicuiu tepidorum. 49 pp., 1 1. 8~. Vindobona; typ. Congregationis Me- chituristiea; [1826]. MOJ'SISOYICS. 364 MOLENAAU. Jloj'sisovics, Edltr von Mojsvar (Georg)—cont. -----. Darstellnng der Acqnilibrial-Methotlc der sicheren Heilung der Oberschciikelbriiche ohne Verkiirzung. xii, 114 pp., 2 1.. 4 pi. S-. Wien, Braumiiller it. Seidel. 1842. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xii (11.), 114 pp., 2 1., 4 pi. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1851. -----. Darstellung einer sicheren und schnellen Heilmethode der Syphilis (lurch Jodpraparate. viii, 246 pp., 11. 8 . Wien, Braumiiller u. Seidel, 1&45. For Biography, see "Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1861, xi, 187- 189 (Jos. Gruber). Uloke (Carolus Alexander). * De metastasi. 2 p. L, 14 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud Haak et soc, 1896. [Also, in: P., v. 1482.] Iflokmoko. MchroflT. Ueber Radix Mokmoko. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864. v, 55. Mokossinyi (Michael). * De nutrice. 29 pp. 8°. Pesthini, L. Landerer de Fiiskut, [1822]. [Also, in : P., v. 1310.] Ifloki'Ollsoff (Iv.) * Materialy k voprosu o kolichestveuuom opredelcnii myshjaka v tru- pach jivotuych, im. otravlenych. [Instructions for quantitative analysis of arsenic in animal body in poisoning.] 46 pp., 1 1. 8-\ St. Peters- burg, tipog. I. Habermana, 1889. Mol (Janus). * Diss, exhihens delineationem fe- bris scarlatina* anginosie qiue exeunte potissi- nmiii a° 1780. Harderovici observata est. 56 pp.. 1 1. 4-. Hctrderrici, J. Moojen, [1781]. de rtlol (Joannes). * De hepatitidc. 16 pp. 8°. Marburgi, J. C. Krieger, [1818]. IVIol (Joannes Gerardus Jeremias Jacobus). *Spec. contincns historiam eornm qiue proximo anno acadeniico in clinico atque polyclinico chirnrgico academhe Rheno-Trajectina' observata fueruut. [Utrecht.] 3 p. L, 112 pp. 8~. Amstelodami, typ. lured. H. van Minister et films, 1859. Molaiider (J.) * Oin Fosfornecros. [I'psala.] 36 pp. 8°. Stockholm, X. Marcus, 1855. Ulolar. Gonzalez y C'respo (M. J.) Memoria sobre las aguas hidro-sulfurosas tie el Molar. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1837, iv, 218-222. — Tie in or i a sobre las a^uas niinero-medicinales del Molar. Espana m6d., Ma- drid, 1862. vii, 203; 219; 254; 283; 312. Molard (Felix-Joseph). * I. Comment distill - guer les taches de spcrme des taches produites par la matiere des e"coulemeiits bleunorrha- giques, leucorrhagiques, etc.'! II. [etc. ] 26 pp. 4-. Paris, 1838, No. 180, v. 331. Molard (J.-B.-M.-Panl). * Des plaies des arti- culations. 63 pp. 4J. Paris, 1848, No. 64, v. 474. lUoiai'd (Jacques). * Du rcdressement dans les coxalgies, ses indications, moyens de Pobteuir. 40 pp. 4C. Paris, 1867, No. 183. JJIolard (Victor). * Etude sur la pleuresie rhu- iiiatismale. 60 pp. 4-. Parti, 1870. violas (Louis). * Contribution a l'etude des h6- morrhagies liees a Peclampsie puerperale. 48 pp., 11. 4^. Paris, 1877, No. 338. i!IolaN*e*. Baniveim (C.) tils. 2\ote sur la presence de l'acetate de zinc dans la niela.sse ou sirop common. Bull. Soc. de nied. de Gaud, 1853, xx, 104-108. — liillimorc (D. H.) On the preventive and remedial effects of molasses in scurvy and diseases connected with chronic starvation. Lancet. Lond., 1880, i, 186.—Vl< < ulluin (A.), jr. Effect of molasses on the health. Med. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879. xii. 351. IVIolckeiiboiil* (Gerardus). * De ictero flavo. 7 1. 4C. Harderovici, A. Sas, 1685. Hold. See Fungi. Mold Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 4.-6., 1882-4. 8r Mold, Beresford 4" Co., [1883-5]. Holdall (.Emilius Adolarins). * Dc pulmonum tuberculosi. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena; typ. J. Xciienhahui, 1863. c. Moldavia. iSVe, also, Fever (Malarial, History, tie., of), Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by localities; Jassy; Sulina Island. A Veuxav (C.) * Rudimentiim physiooraphiic Moldavia*. 8. Budce, 1836. Dobronrawoft'. Medico-topografieheskoe opisnnie kniajestve Moldavii i Walachii. vovenno-nird. J., St. Petersb., 1834, xxiv, pt. 1, 189-214. Also, transl: Wis- sensch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1835, xxxi, 338-:i42.— Tlilehtol (Ci.) Galatz i egogospitali. [Hospitals in tin- latz. ] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. I'etersli., 1S70, x, 377-396.—Vijjnai'd (V.) Notes pour servir ii l'histoire medicale du delta du Danube. (Jaz. med. de I'ar., 1877, 4. s., v, 563. Uloldenhauer (Fritz). * Ueber die Imposition eingeklennnter Briiche mit Hiilfe elastischer Bin- den. til pp. 8-\ Giessen, Briihl, 1866. [P.. v. 275. ] -----. * Herr Professor Bock gegen die Heilkunst unserer Zeit. Eine kritische Analyse der jiing- sten ErgiiSse des Herrn Bock iiber die Aerzte und ihre Wisseuschaft. 2. nnveriindcite Anil. 54 pp. 12°. Darmstadt u. Leipzig, E. Zurnin, 1807. rtloldenhaiier (Wilhelm). Die geburtshiilfli- chen Operationen am Phantom. Ein Leitfadcn fiir die Studirenden der Medicin. 27 pp. 8°. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1877). -----. Die Krankheiten der Nasenhdhlen, ihrer Nebenhohlen und des Nascii-Kaclii'iiraunies, mit Eiuschluss der Untcrsuchungstechuik. Znin Ge- ■ branche fiir Aerzte und Studierende. viii, 198 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1886. Uloldeilliawer (Car. Frid. Guil.) * De varia ustionem adhibendi ratione apud HippocrateiH. 32 pp. 8-. Berolini, e,r off. A G. Schadii, 1-<1~. Also, Co-Editor of: HTcncste niedizinisch-chiiurgische Journalistik des Auslandes, Leipzig, 1831-3. Uloldenhawer (J.) Det Kongelige Blindein- stituts Historie tilligemed en Ovcrsigt over Blindesageus Udvikling i Danmark fra 1811-83, udarbeitet i Anlediiiug af Iustitutets 2.VAars-Ju- biheum den 5. November Ihh;'*. 63 pp., 1 pi. * 8°. Kjtjibenhavn, Hoffensberg Traps Etabl., 1883. Uloldt (Otto). * De angina nieinbranacea; ac- cedit sinonlaris casus laryugoscopia observatus. 27 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. Hache, 1863. c. Iflole. Corthum(J.) De visu talparum. 4°. Alten- bu-rgi, 1671. Freeman (R. A.) The anatomy of the shoulder and upper arm of the mole (Talpa europa-a). J. Anat. \- Phy- siol., Lond., 1885-6, xx, 201-219. 1 pi.—diaiiMr (S.) Vcr- gleichend-anatomische Studien iiber (las Gehirn desMaul- wnrfs. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1882, vii, 591-725, 5 pi.— Heape (W.) On the germinal layers and early develop- ment of the mole. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 190-198. Jlole {Pigmentary). See Neevus (Pigmentary). Iflole {Uterine). See Dysmenorrhcea ( Membranous); Preg- nancy (Molar). ]JIole (L6on). * Signes precis de de'but dc la con- valescence dans les maladies aigues. 114 pp. 4 . Paris, 1870. Toledo. Fkrreira (M. L.) [et al.]. As aguas mineraea de Molcdo, sua composicao chimica, accao phj- siologica e effeitos tlierapeuticos. 8°. Coimbra, 1871. lllolenaar (Andreas Jacobus). * Het ontstc- kingsproces en zijne uitgangcn bij de wcivliezen. 3 p. 1., 37 pp., 1 1. 8-. " Groningen, B. J. Sehier- beek, 186)8. MOLENAAK. 365 MOLESCHOTT. Moleiiaar (Comelis Authonie). * 0\Ter het we- zen der encephalopathia saturnina. 1 p. L, 8(1 pp. 8°. Leiden, P. Somerwil, 1883. Moleiiaar (Dirk). * Bijdrage over pneunionie en hare behandeliiig. 1 p. L, 35 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 8 . Leyden, J. Hazenberg, 1863. MoleiiDl'oek (Matthys Herman). * Over tro- pische dysenteric [Leyden.] 2 p. 1., 45 pp. 8 \ Delft, J. H. Molenbroek, 1856. de Molenes (J.-J.-Marc). *De la migraine. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 173, v. 545. de Molenes (J.-J.-V.) * De I'aconitine crista- lisec et dc son azotate. 60 pp. 4J. Paris, 1874, No. 54. deMolenes-Mahoil (Paul) [1857- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude des maladies infectieuses. De l'6rytheme polymorphe. 215 pp. 4°. Parti, 1884, No. 61. des Moles (Jacobus Verdelhan). An aglobnlosa sanguinis ad cutem adpelleutis parte, .tEthiopum color? [Praeses: Urbannus de Vaudenesse. ] [1742.] //i: Sigwakt (G. F.) Qusest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 293-300. ------. An senibusvinuni parcius, dilutius? [Prai- ses: Rayuiund de la Riviere.] [1743.] In : Siowaut (G. F.) Qusest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 207-211. ------. All quo pra'stantior in praxi medicus eo ct vaticiuii geuio magis pneditus? [Prases: Ludov. Hieron. t'osnier.] [1743.] In: Sigwart (G. F.) Qunest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 2.")4-2.")8. Molescliott (Jacob) [1822- ]. * De Malpighia- nis pulmonum vesiculis. 42 pp., 1 L, 1 pi. 8°. Heidelbvrga; C. Groos, 1845. ------. I'iiysiologie des Stoffwechsels iu Pflanzeu und Thieren. xxii, 51(2 pp. roy. 8°. Erlangen, P. Enke, 1851. ------. Der Kreislauf des Lebens. Pliysiologi- sche Antwortcii auf Liebig's chemische Briefe. vi, 485 pp. sm. 8°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1852. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. xviii, 556 pp. 12°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1863. -----. The same. 2 v. vi, 476 pp; 288+ pp. 8°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1877-8. Want all after p. 288 of v. 2. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 2 v. vi, 476 pp., port.; 1 p. 1., 771 pp. 8\ Giessen, E. Both, 1887. -----. The same. La circulation de la vie. Let- ties sur la physioiogie en reponse aux lettres sur la chimie, de Liebig. Traduit de l'allemand, avec autorisation tie l'anteur, par E. Gazelles. 2 v. iu 1. xxviii, 201 pp., 11.; 233 pp., 1 1. 12°. Pavis, Germer-Bailliere. 1866. ------. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Men- schen uud der Thiere. 10 v. 8°. Frankf. a. M. it. Giessen, Meidint/ir Sohn it. Comp. it. E. Both, 1857-70. ■------. Lehre der Nahrungsniittel. Fiir das Volk. 3. Aufl. xx, 231) pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 187)8. ------. Physiologic der Nahrungsinittel. Eiu Handbuch der Dititetik. 2. Aufl. xxiv, 570, 254 pp., 355 tab. roy. 8°. Giessen, Universilats- buclthandlung, 187)9. ------. Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Yagus-Reizuug auf die Hiiuhgkeit des Herz- schlags. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8J. [11. p., I860.] [P., v. 790.] Repr. from: Lntersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere. Frankf. a. M., 1860, vii. ------. Physiologisches SUizzenbuch. ix (1 1.), 320 pp. 8-. Giessen, Ferber. 1861. -----. Zur Erforschung des Lebens. Rede beim Antritt der Professur fiir Physioiogie an der Hochschule zu Turin, (rohalten am 16. Decem- ber 1861. iv, 32pp. 12-. Giessen, Ferber, 1862. Molescliott (Jacob)—continued. -----. The same. Del metodo nella investiga- zione della vita; prima prolusione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale nella R. Universita di Torino, letta il di 16 dicembre 1861. 1 p. L, 28 lip. 8°. Torino, E. Loescher, 1862. [Also, in: P., v. 1429.] ------. Der bewegungverniittelude Vorgang im Nervenkann auch von einer positiven Schwan- kung des Nervenstroms begleitet sein. 35 pp. 8°. [n.p.], 1862. [P., v. 790.] Repr. from: Fnteisuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 1862, viii. ------. Die Grenzeu des Menschen. Vortrag bei der Wiedereroffnung der Vorlesungen iiber Phy- siologic au der Turiner Hochschule. 56 pp. 16°. Giessen, Ferber, 1863. pp. 51-55 missing. ------. The same. Dei limit! della natura umaua. Seconda prolusione al corso di fisiologia speri- mentale nella R. Universita di Torino, letta il di 24 uovembre 1862. 38 pp. 12°. Torino, E. Loe- scher, 1864. ------. L' unita della vita. Terza prolusione al corso di fisiologia spcrimentale nella R. Univer- sita di Torino, letta il di 23 uovembre 1863. 52 pp. 12°. Torino, E. Loescher, 1864. ------. Eine pliysiologische Sendung. In der Turiner Gesellschaft fiir wisseuschaftliche und litterarische Vorlesungen am 21. Miirz 1864 vor- getragen von ... 68 pp. 12°. Giessen, E. Both, 1864. ------. The same. Eene pliysiologische zendiug; in de Vereenigiug voor Wetenschappelijke en Letterkuudige Voorleziugen te Turyn op deu 21. Maart 1864 voorgedrageu; uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door Lupus. 67 pp. 8 . Rotterdam, W. L. Stoeller, 1864. ------. The same. Un ambasciata tisiologica esposta nella Soeieta Torinese per letture sci- entifiche e letterarie, il di 21 marzo 1864. 66 pp. 8-; Torino 4' Firenze. E. Loescher, 1866. ---:—. Natur- und Heilkunde. Vortrag bei der Wiedereroffnung der Vorlesungen iiber Physio- logic an der Turiner Hochschule am 28. November 1864 gehalten. 52 pp., 1 1. 12°. Giessen, E. Both, 1865. ------. Fisiologia e mediciua. Quarta prolusione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale nella R. Uni- versita di Torino, letta il di 28 uovembre 1864. 44 pp. 12°. Torino, E. Loescher, 1865. ------. Patologia e fisiologia. Quinta prolusi- one al corso di fisiologia sperimentale nella R. Universita di Torino, letta il di 2 dicembre 1865. 39 pp. 12°. Torino 4 Firenze, E. Loescher, 1866. ------. The same. Pathologie und Physioiogie. Vortrag bei der Wiedereroffnung der Vorlesun- guu iiber Physioiogie an der Turiner Hochschule, am 2. December 1865 gehalten. 42 pp. 12°. Giessen, E. Both, 1866. ------. Rath und Trost fiir Cholerazeiten. Ins- besondere den Hausvatern gewidinet. 20 pp. 8:. Giessen, E. Both, 1866. ------. The same. Consigli e conforti nei tempi di colera diretti alle siugole persoue ed in ispecie :ii padri di famiglia. 16 pp. 8°. Torino 4' Fi- renze, E. Loescher, 1866. ------. The same. 3. ed. 15 pp. 12c. Torino, E. Loescher, 1884. ------. Sulla forma dell' arresto del cuore iu se- guito alia sovraeccitazione del uervo pneumo- gastrico. 10 pp. 8:. [n.p., n. d.] [P., v. 794.] Repr. from: Atti. d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1866. 312. ------. Ursache und Wirkung in der Lehre vom Leben. 8echster Vortrag zur Wiedereroffnung der Vorlesungen iiber Physioiogie au der Turi- ner Hochschule, gehalten am 8. Jannar 1867. 39 pp., 1 1. sm. 8-\ Giessen, E. Both, 1867. MOLESCHOTT. 366 MOLINA It UE CAM* ANZ A. Molescliott (Jacob)—continued. ------. Sull' elettrotono primario e secondario dei nervi. 13 pp. 8 . Torino, 1879. [P., v. 802.] Repr. from: Atti r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1869, v. ------. Sugli effetti emodinamici della recisione dei nervi pncuniogastrici. 23 pp. 8J. Torino, Stamperia reale, 1873. [P., v. 795.] Dell' indole della fisiolooia. Parole d' iu- troduzione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale nell' Universita di Torino, pronunziate il di 12 dicembre 1875. 21 pp. 8°. Boma, Torino 4 Fi- renze, E. Loescher, 1876. [P., v. 1483.] La fisiolo»ia e le scienze sorelle. Prolu- sione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale nella Sapienza di Roma, pronunziata il di 11 gennaio 1879. 25 pp., 1 1. 8J. Boma, 'Torino 4 Firenze, E. Loescher, 1879. [P., i\ 1483.] Ueber den Wa.ssergehalt einiger Hornge- webe des menschlichen Korpers. Ueber das Wachsthum der Horngebilde des menschlichen Korpers und die damit verbundene Stickstoff- ausgabe. 66 pp. 8°. Giessen, E. Both, 1879. Repr. from: Untersuch. z. Xatuii. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen. xii. Dei rco-olatori della vita umana. Discorso pronunciato nel solenne riaprimento della R. Universita di Torino addi 16 uovembre 1870. 3. ed. 28 pp. 8°. Torino lj- Boma, E. Loescher, 1889. [P., v. 1483.] Vedor nascere. Prolusione al corso di fisiologia sperimentale pronunziata il 5 uovembre 1878 nell' Universita di Torino. 23 pp. 8°. Torino if- Boma, E. Loescher, 1881), [P.? v. 1483.] Suoli attributi ijeuerali dei nervi. In- troduzioiie al corso di fisiologia sperimentale letta il 16 gennaio 1881. In occasioue dell' in- augurazione del nuovo Istituto anatoniico- fisiologico nell' Univeisita di Roma. 23 pp. 8-. Torino, E. Loescher, 1881. [Also, in: P., v. 1483.] Carlo Roberto Darwin. Commemorazione prouunziata a nonie degli studenti dell' Univer- sita di Roma nel giorno 25 di giugno 1882. 45 lip. 8°. Torino, E. Loescher, 1882. [P., v. 1483.] Ueber die alloemeineu Lebenseij>;enschaf- ten der Nerven. Rede bei der Eroffuung des neuen anatoiiiisch-physiologischen Instituts an der Universitat zu Rom am 16. Januar 1881 gehal- ten. 26 pp. 1-2°. Giessen, E. Both, 1882. La conferenza sanitaria iuternazionale di Roma 20 niaggio—13 giugno 1885. 37 pp. 8 Torino, li. Loescher, 18-5. Also. Co-Editor of: Holliiiitlischc Beitrage zu den auatouiische.n uud physiologischen VVissenschaften. Diis- seldorf n. Utrecht. 1846-8. Also, Editor of: Intersil- chmigcii zur Xaturlehie des Menschen und der Thiere, Frank tint n. M., 18"><;-7 i. See, also. C'linpiii* (!'.) & Hol<*< holt (.Tac.) TJeber einige Puukt", betreffend den Ban ties Ibeirbnlgs und der Haare der nienschliehen Kopt'h.tut. 8 . | Zurich, I860.] — ■luftthmiri ( E.) &. :tlol«'*< holt (Jac.) Expeiimen- teller I'.eweis tier Theorie, nach welcher [etc.] 8°. [Zu- rich, Isiil.J — ilnliloi (G. J.) Teller den Werth und die Hetleiitung der Xatiirwisseusrhat'ten fiir die Medicin. 8-. Heidelberg, 1844—l»aj{liaiii (Luiu:i). Stggio sullo stato attuale, [etc.] *~J. Torino. 187.. — Tinleiiiaim (Frie- drich). Hie. Physioiogie der Nahrungsniittel, etc. 8°. Darmstadt, 1850. For Biography, see Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran.. 1876, xviii, 345-350 (L. C. Lance). Sec; also : Hakting (P.) De Heer Jac. Molescliott, pri- vaatdocent te Heidelberg, in zijne verhouding tegenover de genceskiindig,. faculteiten in Ne- derland. 8". I'treeht, 1848. cV JVauwerek (Rob.) Untersuchungeii iiber den Eintlnss der Sympathiciis-Reizung auf die Hanfigkeit des Herzschlags. 16 pp. h- [n. p., L-6L] [P.. v. 790.] Repr. from: Untersuch. z. Naturl. (1. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 1862, viii. !Vlo Be* worth (William). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Molet ( Remain-Joseph ). * I. Quelle est ]a valeur seuieiologique des matieres vomies? II [etc.] 44 pp. 4°. Parti, 1843, No. 142, v. 496. Molewater (Janus Bastianus) [1813-64]. * De tyiiho abdominali, sive febre typhoidea. 3 p. ]., 118 pp. S'-r Lugd. Bat., H. W. Hazenberg et socios, 1849. For Biography, see Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst 1865, i, 65-72 (T. J. J. Schmidt). IVlolgai'. t'asares (A.) Aguas uiinerales de Molgar (Orense). Restaurador farm., Barcel., 1860, xvi, 43. Also [Alistr 1 Siglo med., Madrid, 1860, vii, 394. Molliailt (Ernest-IIenri-Augustin). * Etudesur lafistule borgne interne du rectum. 48 pp. 40, Lille, 1886, 3. s., No. 22. Molia (Jean-Louis-Le'once). * Des voniissemeuts iucoercibles pendant la grossesse. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 166. Moliere (Gilbert). * Sur l'ophthalmie. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 90. Moliere {Jean-Baptiste-Poquelin) [H>22- 73]. See, also, Medicine (History, etc., of), by na- tions, etc.—France. Nivelet(F.) Moliere et Gui Patin. (Moliere et Gui Patin, satires meYlicales de Moliere; Gui Patin et Thebphraste Renaudot; la Faculty de Paris au xviic siecle; (inelques critiques sur Gui Patin, son apologie.) 12°. Paris, 1880. Molilllbl'OChius (Andreas Valcntinns). Coch- learia curiosa, or the curiosities of scurvygrass. Being an exact scrutiny aud careful description of the nature and medicinal vertue of scurvy- grass. In which is exhibited to publick use the most and best preparations of medicines, both Galenical and chymical, either for internal or external use, in which that plant, or any part thereof, is imployed. Englished bv Tho. Shcrley. 6 p. 1., 195 pp., 14 L, 4 pi. 12°.' London, S. 4 . B. Griffin, 1676. Molin. Notice sur Luxeuil et ses eaux min6rales. 120 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Mile. Delaunay, 1833. [Also, in: P., v. 915.] Also, Editor of: Journal dela doctrine Hahnenian- nienne, Paris, 1840. Molin (A.) * Sur la fievre advnainique continue. 40 pp. 4C. Paris, 1820, No. 'l22, v. 157. Molin (Auguste). * Sur l'angiue scarlatineuse 6pidemiqne. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 1-. Strasbourg, 1833, v. 64. Molin (Girohuno). Sopra la veterinaria di P<-la- gonio, pubblicata in Firenze nel 1826, qual opera originalineiite latina. 54 pp. Su. Padova, tipog. del seminavio, 1828. Mollll ( J.-Jacques ). * Observations pratiques pouvant servir a eclairer lY'tiologie de quelques fievres interniittcntes. 1 p. L,9pp. 4\ Stras- bourg, 1829, v. 60. Molin (Karl Fr.) See Hwawicr (Israel). LSian 0111 feber. Andra at debiingen. 16. delen. sr Upsala, 1839-44. Molill (Louis-Just-Jean). * Des speciliqucs c medecine. 64 pp. 4C. I'aris, 1847, No. 139, v. 462. Molina (Augusto). * Preves cstudios sobre h infeccion purulenta. 34 pp. 8-'. Mexieo, I lticalante, 1873. Molina (Rafael Martinez). .Sec Mabalrr (Manuel Carceles). Histeio-ovariotiiniia etc. »"-'. Madrid. 1S«T>. 'I<>!iii.u- de Carranza. Rngama (H.) Iianos niiuero-ineiliciiiales de Molina de Carrauza (encartaeiones de Vizcava). Hoi. tie nied. cirug. v farm.. Madrid. 1853. 2. s., iii, 277; 1'S . — T«'.jad v ENpafia. Los bafios de Molinar de Carranza t Bilbao) (jenio med.-quir., Madrid, 1679, xxv, 274-270 MOLINARD. 367 MOLKOW. Molinard (Augusto). * De la fievre typhoide, nature, causes, traitement. 32 pp. 4\ Paris, H48, No. 151, v. 475. Molinari (Giambattista). Sull' allattamento dei bambini. Trattato teorico-pratico ad uso delle madri di famiglia. 74 pp. 8°. Brescia, 1872. de Molinari (Philippe). Guide de l'homceo- patbiste, indiquant les moyens de se trailer soi- nienie dans les maladies les plus communes en iittenda.'t la visile du medecin. 2. 6d. 256 pp., port. 8°. Bruxelles. J.-B. Tircher, 1861. See, also, dc Boniiinghansen ((.' ) Les cotes du corps ainsi que les attinites, etc. Trad, de l'allemand par ... 8°. Bruxelles, 1857. Molinarius (Christ.) De miliarium exauthe- niatiiin indole ct tractatione distjuisitio. 171 pp. 8\ Vindobonce, sumpt. H. J. Kriichten, 1764. Molinarus (Job. Baptista). De apoplexia spe- cinien. 3 p. 1., 75 pp. 4 . Viennce, 1753. Holiiielln. C'aloi-i (V.) Cenno storico e topografico de Molinella, o delle sue principali malattie donunanti. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, I860, 4. s., xiii. 5-32. Molilierius (Ciesar Antonius). Brevis tracta- tus historico-medicus de pestilentiis qua* ad nostrum, usque a'tatem sevierunt. 42 pp. 4°. Mediolani, typ. C. J. Quinti, 1727. Bound with.- Fiochetto (Gianfiaucesco). Trattato della peste [etc.] 4°. Torino, 1720. Molinery (Victorius Franciscus). * I. Ex ana- tome. De mesenterio. II. [etc.] 12 pp. sm. 4'-. Augustce, Taurinorum, J. I). Verani, 1748. [P , v. 979.] Molilies (L.) Contribution ii l'etude de la col- pohyste'iTctoinie totale dans les affections can- ccreiiscs de 1'iiterus. 49 pp. 8C. Montpellier, Boehm J-Jils, 18-5. Molinetti (Antonius). Dissertatioues anato- niicie, ct pathological de sensibus et eoruni or- ganis. 2 p. L, 116 pp., 3 pi. sm. 4°. Patavii, ex typog. M Bolzetla de Cadoriitis, 1669 -----. D isscrtationes anat omico-pathologica* qui - bus humani corporis partes accuratissime descri- buntur morbi(|iie singulas divexantes explieau- tur. 3 (i. 1., 338 pp., I tab., 2 pi. 4 ; Venetiis, apud P. Balleonium, 1675. MoliliettllS (Michael Angelus) [1645-1714]. In- dicantur lectioncs quas, Deo dante, in iiniversain humani corporis fabricaui professor puhlice ha- bebit ad annuni 1690. 4 pp. 4°. Patavii. apud Cadovinuni, 1640. [P., v. 1234.] For Fortrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. MolilieilS (Richardus). * De peripneumonia notha. 35 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Britichcki- anis, [182">]. Molinie (Etieune-Adolphe). *I. Etudierla toux dans ses rapports avec les maladies de la plevro. IL [etc.] 38 pp. 40. Paris, 1841, No. 3, v. 378. Molinie (Eugene). * Quelques notions gene- rales sur l'enipyeine ou pyothorax. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No'. 144. Molinie (J.) *De quelques indications dans le traitement de la fievre typhoide et des prinei- paux movens de les remplir. 116 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, Boehm 4 fils, 1883, No. 43. Molinie (Jean). 'Sur le zona. 45 pp. 8°. Parti, an XI [1803]. v. 30. Molinie (Jerome). * Du traitement de l'erysi- jii-le. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)6, No. 284, v. 593. Molillie (P.-A.) *Sur la fievre gastrique ou bilieusc. 19 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Lerrault, 1814. Molinie (Raymond). * De l'ecrasenient lineaire. 40 pp. 4°. ^Paris, 1866, No. 151. Molinier (A.) tSVeOi'ibasiuit. CEuvres, etc. 2 v. 8-. Paris, 1873-6. Molinier (Auguste). * Sur la nature, les causes ct le traitement dc l'ictcre. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg. 1858, No. 447, v. 25. Molinier (Mars). * Sur le fongus villeux, ou an- giome villenx de la vessie. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 219. MolillillS (Antonius). De diversa homiuum na- tura, prout a veteribus philosophis ex corporum speciebusrepertaest, coguosconda liber. 107 pp. 12°. Lugduni, J. Torncesius, 1549. Molisoil (Thomas). * Essay on inguinal and femoral hernia. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Xeill, 1822. [P., v. 1271.] -----. Remarks on the epidemic disease called cholera, as it occurred iu Newcastle. 40 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, M'Lachlan 4'Stewart, 1832. [Also, in: P., v. 110; 893; 1061.] IVIoIit^. Calmon (B.) * Des eaux de Molitg et de leur action therapeutique. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Molitor. Notes sur la fievre typhoide qui a iegn6 dans la garnison de Bruxelles pendant le premier semestre 1871. 61 pp. S-. [Bruxelles, H. Mauceaux, 1871.] Repr. from: Arch. ined. belg., Brux., 1872, 3. s., i. Molitor (Balthasar). * De crusta laetea. 1 p. 1., 50 pp., 1 1. 12°. Budce, typ. C. Landerer viduce, [1783]. Molitor (Eduard). * Die Behandlung des Fie- bers bei Tvphus und Pneunionie. [Erlangen.] 33 pp. 8°.' Miinchen, [C. Wolf u. Sohn], 1875. von Molitor (F.) Der Durchfall der Kinder nnd seine Behandlung vom arztlichen prakti- schen Standpunkte aus nach eigenen Beobach- tungen und Erfahrungen. 32 pp. 8 . Breslau, E. Morgenstern, 1861. Molitor (Francis. Joseph.) A Mayr de Zi- lienail (llenr. Joan. Andr.) De febre con- tinua maligna et interniittente tertiaua utraque ad Rhemini an. mdccxxxiv et mdccxxxv, epide- mica et castrensi. Heidelberg, 1736. In: Hau.ek. Disp. ad morb. [etc.J 4°. Lausannw, 1758, v, 263-273. Iflolitor (Joh.) [1G31-64]. Portrait in: 1'ollectioii—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. of Phys. & Men of St., 171. Molitor (Joh. Horatius). Tractatus de thermis artificialibus septeni mineralium planetarum, in quo propositis aliorum authoruin thermis, nos- traruni therniaruni ingredieutia ac virtutes, una cum modo generationis niineraliuni in tense vis- ceribus exponuutur, quiestiones celebres thernias nostras attingentes solvuntur, ac quomodo cor- pus ante usuni illaruni prieparaudum explicatur. 10 p. 1., 72 ]ip., 23 1. 16°. Jence, S. Kiebs, 1676. Bound wiih: Wehki.ii s (G. W.) Theoremata medica, etc. 16°. Jente, 1677. Molk (Alfred-Louis-Conrad). Des tumeurs cou- genitales de rextremite' inferieure du tronc. 116 pp., 3 pi. 4J. Strasbourg, F.-H. Le Boux, 186)8. Molk (Jean-Conrad). "Considerations sur les causes et sur le traitement des courbures de la colonne vert^brale. 1 p. L, 36 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1828, v. 57. Molkeilboer (Julianus Henricus). * De colo- cynthide. 3 p. 1., 67 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. IV. van Leeuwen, 1849. Molkenkiir-Aiislalt (Die) auf dem Schlosse Schdneck bei Boppard am Rhein von Baron von Ehrenkreutz. 68 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Koblenz, W. Blunt, 1848. Molkeiltill (Rudolf). Ein Beitrag zur Sicher- stellung der Diagnose des occtilten Rotzes. 69 pji., 1 pi. 8°. Leipzig, Dege. 1883. Being Hft. 2-3, of: Youth, f. Thierarzte. 1883. 6. s. Molkow (Henricus). * De intestino cieco. 31 I pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. Xietackianis, [1836]. MOLL. 368 MOLL I ft RE. Moll (Albert). Experimentelle L'ntersuchungen iiber den anatoinischen Zustand der Gelenke bei audauernder Immobilisation derselben. 1 p. 1., 122 pp., 3 pi. 8\ Berlin, H. s. Hermann, 1887). Moll (Anthonie Theodoor). * Over het empycem 1 en zi.jne behandeling langs operatieven weg met j opvolgende injectieen van tinctur jodii. viii, ■^7 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leiden, J. Hazenberg, lstil. Moll (Anthonius) [1786-1843]. * Generalia qiuc- dani circa theoriam, sic dictum, incitatiouis. 2 p. L. 56 pp., 4 1. ,v\ Lugd. Bat., M. Ct/fveer, J. fil, 1896. [Also, in: P., v. 14^2; 1606.] ------. (Jenieenzame brieven over het Scheve- ninger-zeebad ten nut te van lijdcrs, half-lijders en nitt-lijdi-rs. viii, 215 pp., 5 pi. 8C. Arnhem, D. K. Muller, 1824. ------. Leerboek der gcregtelijke geneeskunde voor genees-en regtskundigen. 3 v. 8-. Ant- hem, D. K. Muller u. Comp., 1825-6. ------. Beknopte beschrijving van den azia- tischen braakloop (cholera asiatica), in deszelfs verschijiisi'leu, kenteekenen, oorzaken, onder- scheidene vornien, en geneeskundige behande- ling; inzonderheid ten nntte der heelineesters ten plattcn lande. 10 pp., 1 1., 73 pp. 8. Arnhem, I). K. Muller u. Comp.. 1832. [P., v. 182.] Also. Co-Editor of: Practise!! Tijdsehrif't voor tie (ie- neeskundein al haren Omvang, Goriiichein, 1822-43. For Biography, see. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 184:1-4, vi, 64. Also: Pract Tijdschr. v. tie Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1843, xxii, pp. xvii-xxiii (opposite p. 768) (C von Eltlik). Moll (Arniinius). * De chloroforniii iuhalationi- bus in arte obstetricia adhibendis. 32 pp. 8-. Berolini, G. Lange. [1861]. Moll (August Cornells Hemic). *Over het out- staiiu en de operatieve behandeling van epispa- dia [Utrecht.] 59 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Boiterdam, Xijgh 4' van Ditmar, 1875. Moll (C'hristiaan Hendrik). * Over vreemde lich- hamen in de luchtwegen. 72 pp. 8C. Amster- dam, de Brakke Groucl, 1885. Moll (Christophorus Jacobus). * De diathesi hbio-plastica. 26 pp.,2 1. 8°. Bounce, formis T. Kritegeri. [I860]. Moll (Eugen). *Die Krankheiten der Bergar- beiter nn Allgeineinen uud der Oberschlesiens insbesondere. 39 pp. 8-. Berlin, G. Lange, [1.-69]. van Moll (Franciscus Daniel Agatha Catha- rina ). * Over de noriuale iucongruentie der netvliezeu. 59 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Utrecht, J. G. Broese. 1874. Moll (Fridericus Guilelmus). * Brevis veterum de hepate doctrina* explicatio. 42 pp., 3 1. 8:. Berolini, typ. Xietackianis, [1837]. Moll (Jacobus Antonius). * Diss, continens qu;e- dain de auatomia et physiologia palpebrarum. 1 p. L, 134 pp., 1 L, 3 pi/ 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, P. W. vau de Weijer, 1857. [Also, in: P., v. 1098.] With second title, text in Dutch: Bijdragen tot de ana- tomie en physioiogie der oogleden. Moll (Joannes Guilielmus). * De apoplexia bili- osa. 40 pp. 4C. Gottingee, J. C, Dieterich, [1780]. Also, in: Frank (LP.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ti- cini, 1790, ix, 187-233. For Biography, see Richter (Augustus Gottlieb.) Moll (Joannes Petrus). * Diss, sistens sciagra- phiam phthiseos nosologicam. 24 pp. 4°. Tu- bingce, typ. Beissianis, [1789]. Moil (Job. Christoph Albert). * Ueber den Sehnenschnitt. 42 pp. 12°. Tiibingen, L. F. Files. 1841. iflollan (John) [1791-1877]. Obituary. Med. Press, Loud., 1877, n. s., xxiii, 269. Mollaild. Catalogue de livres de medecine et de litterature composant la bibliotheque de M . . . 16 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 Jils, 1880. Mollaild (J.-L.-Emile). * Epidemic typhoide h l'hopital Sainte-Eugenie (enfants malades pen- dant 1'anne'e 1857). 70 pp. 4 . Paris ls.V) Xo. 126. v. 634. Mollard (Charles-Louis). * Sur riiygiene den femmes enceintes, vi, 7-37 pp. 4r 'Paris 1 m]"> Xo. 158, v. 112, 113. Molle. *Sur l'inflammation essentielle de poi- trine, ou peripneumonie. 21 pp. 4 Paris au A7/[1804], Xo. 240. v. 49. MOller (A. P.) Sundhedsva'senets Ordning veil den danske Hter paa Garnisonsfod. Systeinatisk ficnistillet efter dc gja-ldende l-'orskrifter. xiii pp., 1 L, 287 pp. 8 . Xyborg, V. Sehonemann, 188:',. Moller (Carolus Otto). * De divine in niedieina 32 pp. 4\ [Altdorffi], lit. H. Meyeri, [l69;i"|. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven— Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. tfc Men of Se., 116. Moller (Fridericus). * De colica. 7 1. sm. 4°. Witteberga; C. Tham, [1625]. Moller (Goddofredus). * De acre fodinarum nie- tallicaruni noxio. Von unterirrdischen boson Wetter. 52 pp. sm. 4 . Halce Mae/deb., ti/p. J. C. Hendelii, [1730], [Also, in: P., v. 1386.'] Moller (Jacobus). Discuisus de coruntis ct herinaphroditis eorumque jure. 3. ed. 4 y. !., 211 pp., 2 1. 4 . Berolini, J. G. Meyer, 1708. Moller (Joannes Fridericus). ~ Dc vera Pcruvi- ani corticis vi specifica. 34 pp. sm. 1 . Gocltinga; lit. Barmeierianis, [1768 j. Moller (Job. Eberhard). " Xoo-lc auatomiske Jagttagelser. 7 pp. 12'-. Kjolwuhuvn, J. B. Thiele, [1776]. ------. Beobachtungen voni Nutzen des Lein-Oels bey hartnackigteii Lcibesverstopfungcii. 7 pp. 8 . Kopenhagen, J. B. Thiele; [1778], ------. Bemerkung von Verletzung der vordern Schiciibcin-Pulsader. 7 pp. sm. 8°. Kopen- hagen, J. It. Thiele, [1779]. Moller (Ovc Ludvig;. Gastrotomien. 1 p. 1., 265 pp.,11. 8--. Kje/ibeuhavn, I'rsins EfterJ'tflgers, 1889. Moller (Peter). Der Dorschleberthran und seine Zubereitung, nebst Angabe einer neuen Methode zur Gew innung des reiiu'ii Medicinthrans. 24 ]ip. 8J. Christiania, Brogger u. Christie, ]862. Mollet (J.-M.) * Sur les signes diagnostiipics ties dift'6rentes tumeurs du scrotum. 58 pp. H . Paris, an XI [1803], v. 24. [Also, in : P., v. 769.] Molleveaux (s.-V.) * Sur la coqueluche. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 227, v. 244. Molllieini (Ludovicus). * De noma seu stoina- tomalacia, adjecto morbi casu ifcrata applica- tione ferri candentis sanato. 31 pp. 8 . Bero- lini, typ. Xietackianis, [1837 J. Mollien (Auguste). * Accidents de l'urctliroto- mie interne; indications et contre-indicatioiis de cette operation. 41pp. 4 . Paris, 1867, No. 103. Mollien (Charles). ~ Dc la pupille artificielle. -48 pp. 4. Paris, 1862, Xo. 70. Mollien (E.-L.-Z.) * Sur l'ainaurose. 23 pp. 4-. Paris, 1827, No. 5, v. 204. Molliere (Daniel). * Du nerf dentaire inferieur, anatomie et physiologic. Anatomie comparcV. 86 pii. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 132. ------. Recherches exp«Siime"+--ies et cliniques sur les fractures iudirecies de la colonnc verte- bralc. 40 pp. 8 . Lyon. A. Vingtrinier, 1872. Repr. from : Lyon ined.. Is72, x. ------. Xuevosinconveiiieutes dela taxis forzada. Traducidapor J. Casademunt. 15pp. 8-. Bar- celona, J. Mi ret, [1874, vel subset/.]. ------. Xote sur un cas de regeneration osscuse. 8 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1876. ------. Traits . Paris, G. Masson, 1877. molliEre. 369 MOLLUSCA. Molli»:re (Humbert). Etude sur le vomissement dans les maladies chroniques du cerveau (para- lysie gcnerale et tumeurs). 16 pp. 8C>. Lyon, A. V'niglrinicr, 1874. -----. Recherches cliniques sur la nosographie du purpura lueniorrhagica et des affections pe"t6- chialcs. 32 pp. 8C. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1874. Repr. from: Lyon m6d., 1873, xiv. -----. Etudes cliniques sur la physioiogie patho- logique de l'ictere grave. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1875. Repr.from: Lyon med., 1875, xviii. -----. Anevrysine de l'aorte pectorale trait*} par la galvano-puncture (mono-puncture positive); niort par deehirure interne du sac. Etude du mode de formation des caillots. 15 pp., 1 lab. 8°. Lyon, T. Giraud, 1882. ■-----. Sur un cas de phthisie consecutive a une h6moptysie (phthisis ab heiuoptoe). Interpreta- tion du phenoniene. Communication faite a la Societe des sciences nieMicules de Lyon. 14 pp., 1 tab. 8\ Lyon, T. Giraud, 1882. .-----. Etude(l'histoiremedicale. Un pr^curseur Lyonuais des th6ories microbienues. J.-B. Goif- fon et la nature aiumee de la peste. 2 p. L, 152 pj)., 1 pi. 8°. Bale, H. Georg, [1886]. Moiiiet (Virgile) [1853- ]. * De l'iutoxicatiou ehronique par 1'oxyde de carbone. 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 1. IVIolliii. See Skin (Diseases of, Treatment of). Iflollina. Perez (E. G.) Aguas minero-medicinales de la Capu- china. Antiteatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 31. Mollis. .See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. MolllSOll (Patrick). A description of the pul- monic pulse. 2 pp. 8°. [London, 1837. ] Repr. from: Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i. Mollifies ossium. See Bones (Softening of). Molloy (A.-C.-J.) * I. De la disposition des aponevroses de la main. II. [etc.] 49pp. 4°. I'aris, 1840, No. 226, v. 363. Moll ii sen. See, also, Fish (Poisonous); Liver (Compara- tive anatomy of); Mussels; Snails (Poisonous). Adams (A.) & Reeve (L.) The zoology of the voyage nf H. M. S. Samarang, under the com- mand of Sir Edward Belcher, during the years 1843-46. Mollnsca. Edited by Arthur Adams. 4C. London, 1848. Albeks (J. C.) Die Heliceen nach natiirlicher Verwandtschaft systeniatisch geordnet. Zweite Ausgabe nach dem hinlerlassenen Manuskript besorgt von Eduard von Martens. 8-. Leipzig, 186)9. Batei.i.i (A.) Studio istologico degli orgaui sessuali coinpleinentari in aleuni molluschi ter- restri. 8'-; [Pisa? 1880.] .,-,,,» Cutting from.- Atti Soc. tos. sc. nat., 1879, iv, 203-225, lpl. Bm.L (F.) Beitriige zur vergleichenden His- tologie des Molluskcntypus. 8--. Bonn, 1869. Civier (Le baron). Cousid6rations sur les molliisques ct en particulier sur les c6phalopodes. 8J. [Paris, 1830.] Repr. from: Aim. d. sc. nat.. Par., 1830. Dcmortier (B.-C.) Memoire sur les evolu- tions de rembryon dans les molliisques gaste'ro- podes. Lu a la seance du 8 mai 1835. • v. 10. 4~. [n. p., 1835.] Gill t,T. N.) Arrangement of the families of mollusks. Prepared for the Smithsonian Insti- tution. 8^. IVashington, 1871. I 24 Mollnsea. Guam (li. E.) On the existence and uses of cilia* in the young of tlie gasteropodous niollusea, and on the causes of the spiral turn of univalve shells. 8.-. [Edinburgh, 1827.] Repr. from: Edinb. J. Se , 1827, vii. Also, transl. in: Notiz. a. d. Geb. d. Nat.- u. Heilk., Weimar, 1827. xviii, 305- 309. Also, tronsl. in: Ztschr. f. d. organ. Phys., Eisenach, 1827, i, 263-268. Gi'iscakdi (G.) Un genere di molluschi della famiglia delle nerilide. fol. [Xapoli, 1856.] Hoiiii (J.) The lingual membrane of niollusea, and its value in classification. 8 . [London, 1868.] Kerer (G. A. F.) *Denervis concharum. 8-. Berolini, [1837]. KOhler (H. J.) *Aristoteles de molluscis ce- phalopodibus (ircpl ruv /xaAariuv). 8°. Dorpati, 1820. Kost (H.) * I'eber die Structur und chemi- sche Zusaminensetzung einiger Muschelschalen. 8°, Hildburgltausen, 1853. Lubbock (J.) On some Oceanic entoniostraca collected by Captain Toynbee. 4°. [n.p.,n. d.] Repr. ftorn: Tr. Linnean Soc. Lond., xxiii. O/.kxnk (C.-M.-L.) * Essai sniTes mollusques consid6re"s comme aliments, medicaments et poi- sons. 4°. Paris, 1858. Reincke (J.) Beitriige zur Bildungsgeschichte der Stacheln, etc., iin Mantelrande der Chitonen. 8-. [Leipzig, 1868.] Repr. from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1868, xviii. Roth (J. R.) *Mollnscorum species, quas in itinere per Orientem facto, comites clarissimi Schuberti doctores M. Erdl et J. R. Roth col- legerunt. Receusuit . . . sm. 4°. Monachii, 1839. Sciienk (A.) * Diagnoses molluscorum ter- . restiiuni et fluviatilinni circa Monachinin indi- genorum. 8°. Monachii, 1838. Sciilemm (T. F. G.) * De hepate ac bile crustaeeorum ct molluscorum quorundam. 4-\ Berolini, [1844]. Todaro (F.) Sui primi fenomeni dello svi- lujipo delle salpe. 2a coninninicazione prelimi- nare. 4 . Boma, 1882. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lineei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1882, 3. s., vi. Treviraxus (G. R.) Ueber die Zengungs- theile uud die Fortpflanzung der Mollusken. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] See, also, infra. Woodward (S. P.) A manual of the mol- lnsca. 2. ed. With an appendix of recent and fossil conchological discoveries to the present time, by R. Tate. With numerous illustrations by A. N. Waterhouse and T. W. Lowry. 12". London, 1868. Yarrow (H. C.) Report upon the collection of terrestrial and fluviatile mollusca made in portions of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, during the years 1872, 1873, and 1874. In : Rep. Exp. for Expi. west of 100. Meridian (Wheeler), v. Zoology. 4°. Washington, 1875. Blanchard (R.) Note sur la presence des muscles shies the/, les inollusques acephales mouoniyaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 133-135.—Bou- nd (It.) Der Bau und die Circulationsverhaltnisse tier Act plialeiikeiine. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1877, iii, 283- 327, :; pi. — Koiinit' (A. G.) On the supposed eoniiiiimi- cation of the vascular system with the exterior in plenro- brani-hns. Quart. J. Micr. Sc. Lond., 1SS.">. n.s., xxv, 429- 432, 1 ]>1.—Bonvier (E.-L.) La loi des connexions ap- pliquee il la morphologic des organes des mollusques et paiticuli^reiuent de rampnllaire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1886, ciii, 162-1G5. -----. Sur le systeme ner- veux tvpique des ptosobianches dextres ou senestres. Ibid., 1274-1276. — Brook- (W. K.) Observations 11)1011 the early stages in the development of the fresh-water pul- monatt s. Johns UopUins 1'niv. Stud. biol. lab. 187S-9, Bait., 1880. i, pt. 2, 73-104. 4 pi. -----. The anatomy and MOLLUSCA. 370 3IOLU'S(!UM. ^lolln»ca. development of the Salpa-chain. Ibid., 1884-6, Bait., 1887, iii, 4.">l-475, 2 pi.—Biil*<-hli (O.) Bemerkungen iiber die wahrscheinliche Herlcittmg der Asvmnietrie der Gas- tropoden, spec, der A symmetric im Xeiveiisysteni der Prosobraucbiaten. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1886-7, xii, 202-222, 2 pi. — Carrierc (J.) Die Fussdrusen der Prosobi anchier und das Wassergefass-S.ystem der Lamel- lihranchier und Gastropoden. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 18S1-2, xx, 387-467, 3pl.-Cles8in (S.) Ueber Miss- hildungen der Mollusken und ihrer Gehause. Ber. d. na- turh. Ver. in Augsburg, 1873, xxii, 21-107.—Flcmmiiig (W.) Untersuchungen iiber Sinnesepithelien der Mollus- ken. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1870, vi, 439-471. -----. Ueber Organe vom Bau der Geschmackskuospen an den Tastern veischietleiier Mollusken. Ibid., 1884, xxiii, 141- 148, 1 pi.— Foamier (E.) Memoire sur la composition chimique ties molliisques consideree dans ses rapports avec leur emploi medical. Monit. d. sc. inert, et pharm., Par.. 1859, vii, 274; 283; 291.—Fredcricq (L.) Sur l'or- ganisation et la physioiogie du poulpe. Bull. Acad. rov. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 2. s., xlvi, 710-765. [Rap. de t. Van Beneden], 588-."><.i6. — Garnanlt (P.) Sur la glande a concretions du Cyclostoma elegans. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887. civ, 70S.—Cioodsir (J.) On an mule- scribed form of gasteropod mollusk from the Firth of Forth. In his: Anat. Mem., 8°, Edinb., 1868, i, 420-424.— (»ray (J. E.) A natural arrangement of mollnsca, ac- cortling to their internal structure. Lond. M. Reposit., 1821, xv, 229-23!).—Haller (B.) Untersuchungen iiber marine Rhipidoglossen; erste Stutlie. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1883, ix, 1-98, 7 pi.—von I lining (IL) Die Ge- horwerkzeuge der Mollusken in ihrer Bedeutung fiir das natiirliche System derselben. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soe. zu Erlang., 1876-7, 9. lift., 3.">-65. Also. Reprint.— .loherl. Keeherches snr le hyssus des niollusques bi- valves. Compt. rend. Sot:, de biol.. Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 75- 77.—Jon«<»<'t tie BcllcMine. Keeherches sur la diges- tion chez les inollusques cephalopodes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1879, lxxxviii. 428.— l.:ink<'*l< r (E. R.) Contributions to the developmental hisiorv of the niollusea. Phil. Tr. 1875, Lond., 1876, chi. 1-48,' 12 pi.— r>iron (('.) Recherches sur la structure ties organes di- gestifs ties poulpes. J. tie l'anat. et physiol., etc, Par., 1881, xvii, 97-122, 3pi.—JTI'IiiIohIi (W. 0.) On thenudi- branchiate mollnsca of St. Andrews Edwardsia, and the polyps of Alcyonium digitatum. Proc. Rov. Soc. Edinb, 1862-6, v, 387-395. Also, Reprint.—JIciTIun-it-h (J. P.) A contribution to the embryology of the prosobranch gas- teropods. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1884-7, iii, 403-450, 4 pi— Owsjannikow (P.) Histolo- gische Studien iiber das Xei ve.iisystem der Mollusken; vor- lauhge Mittheiliing. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb.. 1871, vii, 07il-68.->.—Kabl (C.) Ueber die Ent- wicklung der Tellersehnecke. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1879, v, 562-660, 7 pi. -----. Beitriige zur Entwicklungs- geschichte der Prosobranchier. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1883, lxxxvii, 3. Abth., 45-60, 2 pi.— Robin (C.) Rapport a la Society de biologie, par la commission chargee d'examiner les com- munications tie M. Souleyet, relatives k la question de- signee sous le nom de phlebenterisme. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1851, Par., 1852, iii, pt, 2, 5-132. Also, Reprint.— Koule (L.) Recherches histologiques sur les niollusques lamcllihranches. .J. tie l'anat. et physiol., etc.. Par., 1887, xxiii, 31-86. 5 pi —.**« hoiui. Untersuchung der Gewebe der Mollusken iu polarisirtem Lichte. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1866, ii, 54-60. — Steenstrup (J.) Orientering i de Ommatostiephagtige Blajksprut- ters indbyrdes Forhold. Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kjebenh., 1880, 73-110, 1 pi.—Trcviranus (G.-R.) Sur les organes genitaux et la generation des niollusques. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1825, xxi, 202; 307. [See, also, supra.] — Triuehese ( S.) Veritable rein dilfus chez quelques niollusques. [Transl. from: Rendic r. Accad. d. sc. di Napoli.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1883, iv, 18-20. —VialUton (L.) Sur l'in- nervation du manteau de quelques molliisques lamelli- brauches. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv. 461- 463. —Vignal (W.) Structure de systeme nerveux des niollusques. Ibid.. 249-251.—Warlomout (K.) Etude de quelques points tie la structure des flroles. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1886, xxii, 331-350, 1 pi. —Yung (E.) De l'innervation du cceur et de faction des poisons chez les molliisques lainellibranches. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1881, xciii, 562-564. JTIolluscoida. Nitsche (H.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen. Neue Folge. Habilitationsschrift. 8:. Leipzig, 1871. Repr. from .- Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool, xxi. lladtlon (A. C.) On budding in polvzoa. Quart. J. Micr. Sc. Lond., 1883, n. s., xxiii, 516-555,'2 pi.—.\itwehe (H.) On some interesting points concerning the mode of reproduction of the bryozoa. Ibid., 1871, n. s., xi, 155- IVIoIliisciiiii. Bahry (M.) * Etude clinique snr le mollus- cum pendulum. [Paris.] 4^. Le Mans, l8-7h Boidkt (E.) Contribution a l'etude du fibroma niolluscuni. 4C. Paris, 188:]. Diaz de Bedoya (J.) *Du niolluscuni. 4 Paris, 187)6. Faber (C. F.) *Die Hautkrankheit Mollus- cum. 8 "■. Tiibingen, 1849. Hurthle (K.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Fibroma niolluscuni und der cougenitalcn Ele- phantiasis. [Tiibingen.] 8C. Jena, lssii. Jacorovics (M.-M.) Du niolluscuni; re- cherches critiques sur les formes, la nature et le traitement des affections cutanees de ce noni suivies de la description d6taillee d'une nouvelle variety. 8C. Paris, 1840. Kittmann (R.) * Ueber das multiple Fibroma niolluscuni. s°. Wiirzburg, 1884. Lerefait (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des aberrations morphologiques des neoplnsies et notaniinent du fibrome molluscum. 4C Paris 1887). Morse (E. .S.) Note on the extension of the coiled arms in rhynchonella. 8°. [Xew Haven 1878.] Also [Abstr.], in: Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven, 1879, 3. s., xvii, 257. Mi'LLKR (E.) * Ueber einen Fall von multi- ple n Fibromata niollusea und artificieller Ele- phantiasis arabum. 8°. Wiirzburg, [1882], Philipp (H. ) * Multiple sarcomattisc Ge- schwiilste in der Haut (Sarcoma molluscum). 8°. Berlin, 1886. Podlewski (O.) *Ein Beitrag znr Casuistik der Fibroma in.lluscuni. 8°. Berlin, [1886]. Weisnknborn (J. T.) * De exauthemate mob- ilised. 4 . Lipsia; [1829]. Allen (C. W.) Molluscum contagiosum ; an analysis of fifty cases. J. Cutan. & Ven. Dis., N". Y., 1SS0, iv, 238- 243. Also, Reprint Also, transl.: France nied., Par., 1886, ii, 1325-1330.—Alvarcnga (P. F. C.) Molluseum. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1853, 2. s., xiii, 48-50.—Ander- son (I. ^V) On molluscum simplex. J. Cutan. M., Lond., 1867-8, i, 60-63, 1 pi.—Atkinson (J. E.) Observations upon two cases of fibroma molluscum. N. York M. J., 1875, xxii, 601-610 —Atlec (W. L.) Case of molluscum, associated with tibro-cellular encysted tumour and eiice- phaloid disease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1844, n. 8., vii, 296-306.—Barduzzi (D.) Mollusco lihroso. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1876, xi, 321-337.—Beale (L.) Mol- luscum. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1854-5, vi, 313-316, 1 pi.— Bergh (R.) Tillable af Knudesot (Molluscosis fibrosa). Hosp.-Tid.. Kjebenh., 1876, 2. R., iii, 225; 211; 257.— Bird (W.) An instance of molluscum in a child of eight years, confined to the right side of the body. Lan- cet, Lond., 1863, ii, 248. — Bourne ville. t Bidl. Soc. anat. de I'ar.. 1873, xlviii, 4S7. — Bowman. Mollus- cum tubercles removed by operation. Lancet, Lond., 1855. i, 289. -----. t Med'. Chron., Montreal, 1S57-8. v, 521-524.— Iti-iglinin (C. B.) A rare form of congenital cystic fibroma molluscum of the elbow : removal by oper- ation ; successful result. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. Sacramento, 1875, v, 67-69.—Caillault (C.) Recherches sur deux va- rietes assez rares d'acue dec-rites sous les noms de mol- luscum contagiosum et molluscum pendulum. Arch. yen. de m6d., Par.7 1851, 4. s., xxvii, 46; 316. Also, Reprint — Campana (R.) Sui globidel mollusco contagioso. (Jim. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1886, xxi, 37-42. Also, Reprint.— Candela (P.) Molluscum pendulum generalizado. Rev. csp. deoftnl.. sit'., etc., Madrid, 1879-80, iii, pt. 2, 116-Ls, 1 pi.—Carrier (A. E.) Clinical lecture. Fibroma, m niol- luscuni tibrosum. Detroit Clinic, 1882, i, 42-45. —rave- lin ve (A.) Du molluscum. [A propos de l'acne viiiiuli- forme de M. Bazin et d'une note communiquee par M. Cail- lault, sur une maladie analogue qui a etc observer k l'liopi- tal des Enf'ants-Miilades.] Ann. d. mal. de la peau, etc., Par., 1850-51, iii, 225-241.—Or vera (E.) Un caso nota- ble de molluscum fibrose Kev. csp. de ofta)., sit., etc., Madrid, 1883-4, vii, pt. 1, 434-13S.— Challand. Enume- ration des diveises affections (let-rites sous le noni gene- riquede molluscum. [Rap. de Mallassez.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1871), 1873, xlvi, 151-157.—Cha«Nniyiia<-. Mol- luscum elephantiasit]iie. Bull. Soc. de chir. tie I*;■ i' (isOO), 1867. 2. s., vii. 194— Chauait. Nature et traitement tin niolluscuni. Monit. tl. hop., I'ar., Is55. iii, 417-419.—Clark (F. Y\r.) A remarkable case of fibroma molluscum. Lan- cet, Loud., 1887, i, 1183.—Cordova (F.) Observacion de MOLLUSCUM. 371 MOLLUSCUM. Molluscum. un caso de molluscum. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1876. ii, 76-78.—Corvisart (L.) Tumeurs multiples de la peau (niollnst tint). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1849, Par., 1850, i, pt. 2. 2S. — Craijiie (D.) Account of an instance of molluscum cliionicum. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1851, lxxv, 105-120, lpl.—Cruyl (L.) Molluscum fibrosum congeni- tal, observe a. la clinique dermatologique de M. le Prof. E. Poirier. (M6moire couronne au concours entre les 616ves de la Faculte do m6decine, 1881-2.) Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1883, lxi, 43-67.—Dccaisnc (G.) Molluscum adi- peux. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 363. Also: Progres m6d., Par , 1876, iv, 661.—Dick (W.) A few remarks on molluscum, with two cases of molluscum non-con tagiosum. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836-7, xix, 860-863.—Dubois (V.) Mol- luscum pendulum volumineux de la cuisse; ablation. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1879, xxxi, 361.—Dubois- Havenith. Un cas de " niolluscuni contagiosum " com- j muiiique par uu nourrisson k sa in^re. J. denied., chir. et pharmacol., Brux.. 1887. lxxxiv. 139-141.— Dun^l ixon (R.') Molluscum. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), I'hila.. 1845, iii, 332.—Engel (J.) Anatoinische Untersuchung eines Falles von Molluskuni. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 1485; 1501.—Fagjje (C. IT.) On the anatomy of a case of molluscum fibrosum. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1869-70, liii, 217-232, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. bond., 1867-71, vi, 298— Fouiestie (IL) Fibiomes mol- liisctii'tlea multiples. Union metl . Par., 1876, 3. s., xix, 226- 228. — Fowler (C.) A case of molluscum. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass. 1838, Lond., 1839, vii, 364-371, 1 pi. — Fre......eit (H.) Ueber Fibroma molluscum. St. Petersb. nied. Zt- schr., 1872-3, n. F., iii, 197-219, 1 pi.—G. (L.) Molluscum pendulum. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1869, i, 61-64, 1 pi.—Ganiberim (P.) Sui mollusco. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1852, 3. s., xxi, 172-189. -----. Fibroma mol- lusco Virchow. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milauo, 1879, xiv, 103.—Garcia Duarte (E.) Del molluscum ; historia de un caso observado en la clinica ... j Podria aproximarse al grupo de las leprdides ? Prensa m6d. de Granada, 1881, iii, 560; 577. Also: Rev. esp. de oftal., sit'., etc., Madrid, 1881-2, v, pt. 2, 84-96.—Geber (E.) Az epithelioma mol- luscum (Virchow) universale esete kiilonds tekiutettel e hantalom leuyegere. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1882, xxvi, 673; 701; 732, Lpl. Also, transl..- Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1882, ix, 403-430, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Pest, nied.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1882, xviii, 685; 703.—Gibert. Quelques remarques sur la maladie tuberculeuse de la peau, designee par Bateman sous le noni de molluscum, acoompagnee d'une observation de molluscum sporadique. Kev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1843, i, 5-13.—Gueneau de Tlussy. Expose des lesions anatomiques thins un cas I tie cette maladie rare de la peau decrite sous le limn de mol- I luscum. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831-2, v, 157—llallin ((». F.) tt Fall at' Fibroma molluscum multiplex. Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1871, xxxiii, 369-374.—Hamlin (A. C.)' Case of molluscum fibrosum. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1882. 171, 1 pi. -----. A case of molluscum. Ibid., 1883, 137.—Hardy (A.) Deux cas de molluscum; traitement par les ouctions avec l'huile de cade. Gaz. d. hop, Par., 1853, xxvi, 291. -----. Molluscum. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xxiii, 2-6.—Hassc (C. E.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 324 —Hcbra (Ii.) Mol- luscum sebaceum. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kraukenh. zu Wien (1872), 1873, 298. -----. Molluscum fibrosum. Ibid. (1873), 1874, 206-208.—Hopkins (G. G.) Report of a case of molluscum fibrosum. Tr. M. Soc. "X. V., Syra- cuse. 1882, 328-331.—Hyde (J. X.) On a case of mollus- cum verrucosum, presenting certain unusual features. Edinb. M. J., 1879-80, xxv, 687-702, 2 pi. Also. Reprint.— Jiiiijgkeii (J. C.) Molluscum simplex, (lurch Exstirpa- tion geheilt. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1856, iii, 447-449.— Jnler (C.) On moluscuiu fibrosum. Clinic, Cincin., 1873, v, 185-188.—Kosinski. Olbrzymiej wielkosci wldkniak (tibromainolluscum); operacya; wyzdrowienie. [Onnates; operation; recovery.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1873, lxix, 435-443. — liCdiard (H. A.) Molluscum fibrosum and large pendulous fibroma; removal of growth; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 62.—Leliiuaiiii. Fall der unter dem Xunen Molluscum bekaunten seltenen Hautkrank- heit. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Zu- rich, 1853, 334-33(>.—ITIcGarry (J.) Molluscum; sup- posed cirrhosis. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1857-8, v, 238.— ITI'I.cod (K.) ( ase of niolluscuni. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 405-407, 1 pi.— Tlalassez. Observation dun cas de molluscum pendulum ; examen microscopique; reflexions sur le molluscum en general. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1871), 1873, xlvi, 25-32, 1 pi.—lTlarcacci (G.) Di un raro esenipio di fibroma-niollusco; storia e conimenti. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1879, xiv. 193-200. -----. 11 fibroma mollusco e 1' elefantiasi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1879, xliv, 488-494.—ITIichel. Molluscum. Diet, encycl. d. se. med., Par., 1875, 2. s., ix, 87-102. -Michel (M.) Case of fibroma molluscum. Am. J. M. St., Phila., 1875, n. s., lxix, 124-131.— .Tli Incr (J. C.) Case of fibroma molluscum. J. Cutan. \- Ven. Dis.. X. V.. 1884. ii, 178 — .Tlittendorf (W. F.) Two epidemics of molluscum con- tagiosum. Tr. Am. Ophtli. Soc, Bost., 1886. iv, pt. 2, 262- _'t,7 —Tlodrzejewski (E.) Wieloliczne, wrodzoue wlo- I ^lolliiscimi. kniaki miekkie, tak zwane mieczaki nerwowlokniaki Re- cklinghausen a. [Case of multiform congenital fibroma molluscum.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1882, 2. s., ii, 380; 406, 1 phot. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882. xix, 627-631. Also, transl..- Gaz. hebd. de med., Par, 1882. 2. s., xix, 508-511.— Tl oil ii seo contagioso al dorso delle mani e alia t'accia; estirpazione e cauterizzazione potenziale; guarigione. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1884, viii-x, 275.— Moore (C. F.) Molluscum fibrosum seu simplex. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 739.—ITIurchison [C] Specimen of skin affected with molluscum and the eruption of ty- phus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862-3, xiv, 278.— Tin nay (J.) Three peculiar cases of molluscum fibrosum in chil- dren in which one or more of the following conditions were observed : Hypertrophy of the gums : enlargement of the ends of the fingers and toes : numerous connective-tissue tumours on the scalp and other parts of the surface of the body, with vaiious superficial affections of the skin. Med.- Chir. Tr., Loml.. 1872-3, lvi, 235-253, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1871-5, vii. 146-14S.— IVagumowitMi'li (L.) Ueber Molluscum simplex. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1844, i. 17:;. —.>ebel (IL) Case of molluscum chrouicum. Edinb. il. *c S. .)., Is52, Ixxvii, 23-28. — iVelaton. Molluscum Ch'-pl.....tiasique; 6norme tumeur, en forme de ruanteau, reeouvrant les deux tiers du trone ; deformations du squelette ; I roubles dans les fonc- tious circulatoires, respiratoires et digestives ; operation ; autopsie; bypertrophie du derme et du tissu cellulaire sous-dermique ; courbures anormales de la colonne verte- brate : lesions diverses des organes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 65; 70; 87; 98. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 354 ; 373 ; 389.—lYoret. Observation sur le molluscum. Arch. g6n. de ni6d., Par., 1845, 4. s., viii, 463-466.—Octcrlony (J. A.) A case of molluscum simplex, with illustrations. Arch. Dermat.. X. V., 1874-5, i, 300-304. Also. Reprint.—Ory (E.) Molluscum pendu- lum ueiitialise. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1875, 1, 789.— Parrish (J.) Case of molluscum associated with en- cephaloid disease. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1852-.;, vi, 417-421, 1 pi.— Payne (J. F.) Molluscum fibrosum and multiple fibre-neuromata. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1098.—Philippson. Molluscum fibrosum. Prakt. Arzt. Wetzlar, 1880, xxi, 244. — Piek (F. J.) Ueber das Molluscum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 900-905.— Pollock (G. D.) Report of a case of mollus- cum fibrosum. or fibroma ; with observations. Med.-Chir. Tr.. Loml., 1872-3. lvi. 255-266, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.j: Proc. Roy. M. tfc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1871-5, vii, 148-150. -----. Molluscum fibrosum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, xxvi, 219, 1 pi.—Poreher (F. P.) Case of molluscum fibro- sum; tubercles of an unusual size. Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1878, n. s., lxxv, 145. — Posadsky. Fibroma molluscum multiplex ciingenituni. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., lxxxvii, 380-382.—Profeta (G.) Mollusco fibrose. In his: Deeeunio di clin. tlermo-sifil. di Palermo. 8°, 18,8, 63-65, 1 pi— Pnrdon (H. S.) On niolluscuni sebaceum. J. Cutan. M., Lond., 1867-8, i, 53.—Purser. Mollusc m simplex. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1871, lii, 221.— Keclus (I\, Molluseunis fibreux: et syphilomes de la region ano reetale. ArcbTgeii. de med., Par., 1885, 7. s., xvi, 271-282. -----. Du molluscum fibreux de la region auo-rectale. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1887. Ix, 889. — Rcmy (C.) Molluscum: ti- bronies multiples de la peau. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 1, 786-789.—Bitter (H. P.) A description of two cases of non-contagious molluscum, or hypertrophy of the cellu- lar tissue. Buffalo M. J., 1851-2, vii. 411— Sanysler (A ) A case of molluscum fihrosum. with some remarks on its histology. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1880, xiii, 166-172, 2 pi. Also [ Aiistr. |; Metl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1880. n. s., xxix, 171.—Seh nltze (K.) Eiu Fall von sehr grossem Fibioma niolluscuni an Kopf und Gesicht. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, xiii, 373-378, 2 pi. — Smith (H. H.) Case of molluscum developed by an injury and presenting, under the microscope, the characters of medullary cancel-. Am. J. M. St., Phila., 1851. n. s., xxii, 396-404.—Smith (W. G.) Xotes ou molluscum sebaceum. Dublin J. M. Sc.. 1878, lxvi, 371-377.—Stokes. Pachydermatocele, or fibro-niolluscum. Ibid., 1875, lix, 69-72.—Taylor (R. W.) On the mode of development and course of molluscum fibrosum and on the question of its relation to acrochordon and other cutaneous outshoots. J. Cutan. & Geuito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1887, v, 41-51. Also, Reprint. -----. A further contribution to the study of molluscum fibrosum; etiology; fibromatous infiltration and its relation to keloid. Ibid., 161-170.—Thomson (F. H.) Clinical lecture on mollus- cum. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, ii, 256-260. — Tillaux. Molluscum pendulum du pied gauche. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1872, iv, 385.—Tompkins (C.) Molluscum sim- plex. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1875-6, ii, 826.— Trelat. Transformation carcinomatense d'un mollus- cum. Franco med.. Par., 1879. xxvi. 481-483 —Venzetti. Observation de fibrdme molluscum. Bull. Soe. tie chir. de Par., 1867-8, 2. s., viii, 429-431—Verneuil. Note sur la structure du molluscum, avec quelques remarques sur les productions homtemorphes. Compt. rend Soe. tie biol. 1854. Par., 1855, 2. s., i, pt. 2, 177-189—Vincent (E.) Xote pour servir a l'histoire du fibroma molluscum. Al- MOLLUSCUM. 372 M0LSD0I5F. IfloSliisciiin. germed., 1>*0. xiv, 99-104 —Virchow (K.) Ueber Xan- thelasma multiplex t Molluscum lipomatodes), nebst Xoti- zen von Dr. Leber. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Perl.. 1871, lii, 504-510, 1 pi— WijfSjIcsMorth (F.), jr. Fibromata of the skin anil .subjacent tissues. Arch. Dermat., X. V.. 1875-6, ii, 193-202, 1 pi. Also, Keprint. —Wood (J.) Mol- luscum fibrosum. Tr. Path. Soc. Loml.. 1878-9, xxx, 458- 46u — Worthington (J. H.) Observations on niollus- cuni. with a case. Am. J. M. Sc.. Phila., J845, n. s., x. 284-287. IVlollii*Ciilll contagiosum. Richter (CL. J.) * Dc morbo cutaueo, qui dicitur niolluscuni contagiosuui. sm. 8-. Bero- lini, [1867)]. dc Aniicis (T.) Su di un caso della cosiddetta my- cosis fumioide tli Alibert. Movimento, Napoli, 1876, viii, 545-554—A n sel nee i (A.) Sulla etiologia del mollusco coutagioso; conmnicazione preventive. Gazz. medr di Roma, 1880, vi. 277. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. d. metl. Wissensch., Berl., 1881, xix, 49-51. — Barraqner (J.) Molluscum contagiosum, 6 acne vai iolil'orme tie los p&rpa- tlos. (iac. med. catal., Parcel.. 1885. viii. 261-264. —Biz- zozero ( ii, 96 —Ninilh (W.) Molluscuni con- tagiosuni. Dublin!'. J. M. Sc.. 187.', liii. 458.—Squire (B.) Mobiist-urn coiitagiosum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 45— Starlin (J.) Case til 'molluscuni contiigiosuni. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1879-80, xxxi, 341. Also.- Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 564.—Thin <(1.) The histology of molluscum con- tagiosum. J. Anat. >fc Physiol., Loml., 1881-2, xvi, 202-207, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.|: Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1880-81. xxxii, 257.—Turnbull (W.) Xotice of a case of molluscum contagiosum. Edinb. M. cV S. J., 1841, lvi, 463.—de Vin- ccntiis (C.) Mollusco coutagioso multiple delle palpe- bre. Mov'inento, Napoli, 1877, ix, 144-147. — Virchow (K.) UcixT Molluscuni contagiosuui. Arch. f. path. Anat. etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 144-154, 1 ph—Virnicclii (T.) Caso d' iperplasia cutanea molle mnltiphi (molluscum multiphim) con singolare idrorachia. Movimento, Napoli, i860, i, 9-14. Ptlollweide (Car. Brand.) Demoustratioueni novum propositionis, qua* theoria' colorinn Ni'wtoiii fundament! loco est, exhibit. lf> pp., 1 pi. 4C. Lipsia; ex off. Klaubartltia, [1841]. PTIollweide (.Joannes Henricus). * Dc modo agendi luetallorum iu corpore liuniauo. '36 pp. 4U. Halce Magdeb.. typ. J. C. Hendelii, [l'/.>2]. Ulollweide (Julius Joannes). * De treniore artuum ejusque causis. 36 pp., 2 1. 4-\ Haiti Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [177>2]. Rlolly (GuilelmusHeuricus Fridericus) [1S3S- ]. * De laryngitide crouposa. 31pp. 12°. Berolini, G. Lange, 1861. iTloliiar (Adamus). * Diss, sisteus disquisitiotieiu caussarum sterilitatis lioininuin utriusque sexus. 76 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. (.'. Hendelii, [1747]. iUoliiili' (Job.) Monographische Skizze iiber das Ofner Raitzerbad, vorgetragen in der Vcrsainiii- lung der Aerzte und Naturforscher in Pest im September 1863. 16 pp. 4'-. Pest, G. Enich, 18.63. de jTIoIo (Josephus). *Pr;ecipuefebrium inter- mittentium epideiniie primis lineis adumbrata*. 16 pp. 8C. Monachii, J. A. Giesser, 1K1D. von lllolo (Th. J.) I'eber Epidemien im Allge- nieint'ii uud Wecliseltieberepidemien insbeson- dere, nebst einer kurzen Darstellung der Schleim- tieber-Epideinie in Miinchen im J. 1^40. 297)pp. 8~. Begensburg, G. J. Manz, 1841. Molokai. See Leprosy (Hospitals for). IVIololiy (Michael Joseph). Rupture of the pe- riiiiBiim; its causes, prevention, and treatment. 63 pp. L2. Dublin, Fannin 4-Co., 1^6. PTIolsdoi'f (Alexandre). * Des li&non-liagii's uterines pendant les derniers inois de la gros- MOLSDORF. 373 MOMORDICA. •flolMlorf (Alexandre)—continued. scsse et tlurant le travail. 50 pp. 4°. Parti, 187)1. No. 51, v. 512. [Holler (August). *LTeber die Sensibilitatsver- hiiltnis.se der inenschlichen Cornea. [Erlangen.] 34 pp. 8<>. Cassel, T. Fischer, 1878. A Iso forms: 2. Beilagehft. of: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Cassel," 1878, xvi. nloltliail (J.) * Ueber Entziindung und Throm- bose der (b'liirnsinus. 48 pp., 21. 8°. Giessen, IV. Keller, 1862. c. IVIoltlieriis (Georgius). See Pctrseiis (Henricus). Depleuritide. In: NOSOL. harmonica tlogiuat. et hermet. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 260-279. -----. Depalpitatione cordis. In: NOSOL. harnionica dograat. et hermet. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1615. i, 362-373. IVIoltheriis (Joh.) See Peti-irns (Henricus). De vitiis expulsionis ven- tiiciili. In: Xostii.. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Mttrjiurgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 400-413. -----. De peripneu- monia. In: Xosoc. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Mtirpnrgi Cattorum. 1615, i, 297-308. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Moltlierus (Joh. Philippus). De sudore. 8°. [ii. p.. I), cl.] In: AttoxiSMATA med. Marpurgensia. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1618, 71-89. IVIoltlicrus (Philippus Joh.) See PetraeiiN (Henricus). Deieteroflavoet nigro. In: Nosoi.. harmonica doamat. et hermet. 4°. Marpurgi Cat- torum, 1616, ii, 263-278. IVIoltrasio. Regolamento di pubblica igiene pel commie di Moltrasio. 15 pp. roy. 8°. Como, Bellasi 4 Bazzoro, 1886. Moltrecllt (Adolph). * Ueber Ooteoaneurysma. 122 pp., 1 1. 8C. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1869.' [P., v. 2H2.] Molucca nut. [Pkchy (J.)] Some observations made upon the Molucco nutts imported from the Indies; shewing their admirable virtues iu curing the collick, rupture, and all distempers proceeding from tlie wind. Written by a doctor of physick in the countrey to Dr. Castle, one of the Royal Society in London, sm. 4°. [London], 1672. Wlolweid (Christ. Heuricus). *De sterilitate sexiis utriusque. 39 pp. sm. 4°. Vitemberga; lit. A. Kobersteinii, [1711]. Itlolwiz (Eberhard Friedrich) [1763-1812]. Nii- ihigcr Unterricht fiir diejenigen, welche schlei- chendes, verstektes und eingewurzeltes veneri- sclies und Trippergift in ihrem Korper zu vermu- tlien Ursacbe haben. Mit Krankengesehichten. erliiutert, wie die unentwikelten Keime sowohl ills auch die Ueberreste dieser Gifte, aus ihrem verlarvteu Zustande mit den gichtischen, rheu- niatisclicn, scrophulosen, herpetischen und an- dern hartniickigen Krankheitsstoffen zu eut- deckeu und zu heilen sind. 72 pp. 16c. Leip- zig, F. G. Jacobaer, 1799. ---'—. Tbe same. 3. Aufl. xvi, 110 pp. 8°. Leipzig, /•'. G. Jacobaer, 1803. ■------. The same. Instruction ne"cessaire pour les personnes qui out lieu de se c roi re infectles d'un vice venerien, assoupi, cache" et inv6te"rd; dans laquelle l'auteur explique, par le traitement de beaucoup do malades, comment on pent d6cou- vrir et guerir le genne et les restes de ce ftineste poison, des rhiiniatisines, tantot avec ceux des cYronelles, des dartres et d'autres maladies opi- niatri's. 63 pp. 12°. Leips'.c, F. G. Jacobaer, 1899. ------. De natura impressionis venerea*. [Leip- sic] 26 pp. 4 . Stutqardiw, 1891. Holy. Nrhivnriz (W.) Ueber das m3]. For Biography, see Dzondi (Car. Hcnr.) Moumieiidey (G. C.) Rathgeber fiir Miitter iiber das Verhalten der St hwangern und die Be- handlung des neugeboreuen Ki tides uud iiber die Erkeuntuiss, Verhiitung uud Behandlung der gewohnlicheu Kmderkrankheiten. vii, 79 pp. 1(5°. Stuttgart, E. Miiller, 1873. VloillllH'l' (Henricus). * De morborum genera- tione qua3dam. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, B. Schle- singer, [1852]. de Wlo mine rot (Claude). * Sur le croup, vi, 7-34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1807, No. 61, v. 67. ITI o ill ill eye I* (Guil. Heur. J.) * De euteritide. 17X6. In: Lou vain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iii, 404-427. Mommseil [Jens Karl Friederich] [1852- ]. Wider das "Post hoc ergo propter hoc". Eiu Beitrag zur Kenntniss einer iu der speciellen Therapie noch vielfach gebrauchlichen For- schungsmethode, nebst Vorschliigeu zur Verbes- serung derselben. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, Fischer, 1887). Itlomoii (Jules-Emile) [1852- ]. * De la septi- cemic peritoneale a la suite de la kelotomie. 49 pp. 4\ Paris, 1822, Xo. 218. jVIomordica. Dnprnt (A.) Xote sur l'aetion physiologique de la Momoidica Bucha. i'ompr. rend. Soc. de biol., Far., 1887, 8. s., iv, 133.—Hancock (J.) Observations and experi- ments upon the kusia, or koosia. of tbe Indians—the bitter cucumber, Momortlica opercuhita id' Linna'iis Edinb. M. & S. J.. 1830, xxxiii, 93-100.—Slrcnbcl (C.) Von den beileiiden Kriifften der Momoidica; Ceylonica*. Samml. v. Xat.- u. Med.- . . . Gescb., Leipz. u. Budissiu. 1724. xxi, 216-218. MOMORDICA. 374 MOXATSBLATT. Jlomorclica elaterium. See Elaterium, etc. Mouaclius quidani Benedictinti ordinis. See Sequitur epistola [etc. ] Monaco. See Mentone. Monaco (Garibaldi). Manuale di medieina le- gale, red at to secondo le teorie dei piii illustri autori moderni. iv, 534 pp. 8-. Xapoli, G. Jovene, 1887. ]?Ioiiiacus {Joh. Conrad). Portrait in .- Collection of Portr. of Phvs. tfc Men of Sc, 194. VOll 7IonakOW (('.) Feber die Grenzen der geistigen Gesundheit. Oeffentlicher Vortrag. [etc.] 24 pp. 8°. Chut; Hiiz ii. Hail, 1884. Itloiiautliolitis (Henricus). Ludus iatroma- thematicus, musis factus, ad averruucandnm tres Academia* perniciosissimos hostes, -o/.e/ior, Tiifiv, lobifibv. 3 p. L, 136 pp. 16°. Parisiis, L. Delas, 1597. [P., v. 1641.] rrTonard (Charles)1 [1795-1854]. * Considera- tions gcnerales sur les scrophules. 24 pp. 4°. Paris. 1818, No. 269, v. 142. For llioaraphy, see Expos6 d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. m6d. tie la Moselle, Metz, 1853, 35-45. iTToiiard (Charles)'-. * Considerations ge"uerales sur les concr6tious sanguines qui se forment pendant la vie dans le cceur et les gros vaisseaux. 62 pp., 11. 4 . Montpellier, Boehm 4fits, 1867, Xo. 57. Moiiard (Jean). * Contribution a l'etude de la determination du principe sn]fur6 des eaux min6- rales de Bagneres-de-Luckon; deductions pra- tit|iies. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 498. IH on arti (Pascal). * Considerations generates sur les ristules urinaires. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 18[<. No. 211, v. 142. Tloiiarria. Atlce (E. A.) On the medicinal properties of the Mo- narda punctata. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1819, ii, 496- 500, 2 pi. ITI on aides (Nicolo) [1493-1588]. Sevillana me- dieina, que trata el modo conservative y curativo de los qui abitan en la muy insigne ciudad de Sevilla; la qual sirve ya, puecha para qnalquier otro lugar destos reynos. Obra antigua digua de ser leyda. 3 1., 135 ff. sin. 4°. Sevilla, A. de Buvgos, 1545. -----. Dos libros. El uno trata de todas las cosas que traen nostras Indias occidentales, que sir ven al uso de medieina, y como se ha de usar de la rayz del Mechoacau, purga excelentissima. El otro libro, trata de dos inedicinas maravillo- sas que son contra todo veueno, la piedra bezaar, y la yerva escuereouera. Con la cura de los ve- neuados. Do veran muchos secretos de natura- lesa v de medieina, con grandes experiencias. 132 1." 16c. Sevilla, S. Tritgillo, 1565. -----. Primera y segunda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias occidentales, que sirveu en medi- eina. Tratado de la piedra Bezaar, y de la yerva Eseuercoiiera. Dialogo de las grandezas del Hierro, y de sits virtudes medicinales. Tratado de la nieve y del bever frio. 6 1., 206 ff., 1 1. sm. 4°. Sevilla, A. Escvivano, 1574. First Spanish edition of the collected works of Monardes. Comprises the preceding work with the addition of a third part. At the end a page of Italian MS., "Modo d' usar la tri.ica di smeraldi ", etc. -----. The same. Delle cose die vengono por- tate dall' Indie occideutali pertinenti all' uso della medieina, racolte e trattate dal Dottor . . . Parte prima, uovainente recata dalla Spagnola nella nostra lingua Italiana, dove aucho si tratta ITIoiiardes (Nicolo)—continued tie' veneni, e della lor cura. aggiuntivi dei indici; uno de' capi principali; 1' altro delle cose piu ri- levauti, che si ritrovauo iu tutta " opera. Parte seconda, con un libro apprcsso dell' istesso nu- tore, che tratta della neve, e did bever fresco con lei. 7 p. 1., 159 pp., H ]. ; 3 p. 1., 140 pp. 16-. Venetia, G. Ziletti, 1575. -----. The same. Joyfull ncwes out of the new- found worlde. Wherein are declared, the rare aud singuler venues of divers herbs, trees, plantes, oyles and stones, with their applications as well to the use of pbysicke, as of chirurgeiy: which being well applyed, bring such present remedie for all diseases as may seeine altogether incredible; notwithstanding by practice found out to be true. Also the portraiture of the said hearbs very aptly described. Englished by John Frampton . . . Whereunto are added three other bookes treating of the bezaar stone, the herb es- cuereouera, the properties of iron and Steele in mediciue, and the benefit of snow. 3 p. 1., 1--7 ff. 4. London, E. Allde, 1596. Gothic letter. -----. Modo et ordine come si ha da usare la ra- dice Mechiocane, et delle sue excellentissiine virtu et operationi, cavato da un trattato de aleuni simplici c' hora vengono dalle Indie occi- deutali. 7 1. 4°. Milano, 1570. Moiiart (Henri). * Considerations sur l'adenite cervicale chez les soldats. 31 pp. 4G. Pan's, 1875, No. 2-24. illonassot (Jacques). * Etude sur la granula- tion des reins. 32 pp. 4-. Paris, 1835, No. 252, v. 289. Monasterio y Correa (Raimundo). See Esquirol (Jean-fitienne-Dominique). Tratado complete de las enagenacioues mentales. 8°. Madrid, 1856. irfonastirski (Nestor) [1*47- ]. *Kpatologii bugorchatoi prokazi (lepra tnherosa). 54 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. St." Petersburg, 1877. -----. O sovremenuom leehenii ran. Lcktsii, chitannija k Klinicheskom Institute Velikoi Knjagini Eleni Pavlovni vprodoljenie 18K>-6 aka- demicheskago goda. [Modern treatment of wounds. Lectures delivered in the Clinical Institute, etc.] iv, viii, 24* pp. 8~. St. Pe- tersburg, 1886). Publications of: Rjcm. journal prakt. med. ITIonatlielie Mittheilungen aus dem Gcsaniint- gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Organ des Regieruugsbezirks Frankfurt, hrsg. von Ernst Huth. Jahrg. 4-5, April, 1886-7. 8°. Frankf. a. O. Current. Monatliclie neu eroffnete Aumerkungen iiber alle Theile der Artzney-Knnst zusaminen ge- bracht im Jahr 1679, (lurch Nicolaus de Blegny . . . aus dem Frantzosischen ins Teutsche iiber- setzet durch J. L. M. C. [Jan. to June, 1679.] 4 p. L, 163 pp. sm. 8-. Hamburg, G. Schiillze, 1689. A transl. of: fVoiivcIIcn (Les) deeonvertcs, etc.; again transl. as: Zoiliucnw medii-.o-gallicus. Itloiiatliclier Anzeiger iiber Novitiiten und An- tiquaria ans dem Gebiete der Medicin uud Natur- wisseii.schaft. Jahrg. 1874-87. 8°. Berlin, Hirsch wa Id. Current. Clonals-Ausgabe von Wolf's Vademecuni fiir Medicin, Natur- und exacte Wissenschaften. Nos. 3-9, March to Sept., 1886. 8-. Leipzig. lllonatsblatt fur medicinische Statistik uud (ift'eutliche Gesundheitspflege. Beilage zu : Go- sehen's Deutsche Klinik. 1856 to March 27, 1875. fol. Berlin. Ended. Issued with : Deutsche Klinik. MONATSBLATT. 375 MO^COQ. Wonatsblaft fiir offentliche (it-suiidheitspflege. jiis<». von dem Ven-iu fiir offentliche Gesnnd- heitspllcge im Ilerzogthuni Braunschweig. Jahrg. 1-10, 1878-87. 8°. Braunschweig, H. Brnhn. Current. Monatsliefte fiir praktische Dermatologie. Redigirt von H. von Hebra, (.). Lassar und P. G. Luna, v. 1-6, March, 1882-7. 8°. Ham- burg it. Leipzig, L. Toss. Current, v. 2 commenced Jan., 1883. Iu 1886-7, con- tained supplements: " Dermatologische Studien ". I?IOilatSSCllI'ift fiir Elektro-Homoopathie, redi- girt von Dr. Med. Fewson. v. 1, March to Dec, 1887. 8°. Danzig. Current. Ulonatssclirift fiir exacte Forschnng auf dem Gebiete der Sanitats-Polizei. Hrsg. vou Dr. Louis Pappenheim. Jahrg. 1-2, April, 1859, to July 11, 1862. 80, Berlin, J. Springer. Ended, v. 2 commenced Jan., I860. Nos. 4-12. v. 2, ap- pear also under title: Bcitriisje fiir exacte, Forschung [etc.], Heft 1-4. Monatssclirift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauen- krai'khciten. Hrsg. vou Busch, Crede, von Rit- gen, von Siebold. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-34, 1853-69. 8■-'. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. A continuation of: IVcue Zeitschrift fiir Geburts- kunde. Continuedas: Arciiiv fiir Gynaokologie. Monatsschrift fiir Medicin, Augenheilkunde und Chirurgie. Hrsg. von Dr. F. A. von Amnion. v. 1-3, 1838-40. 8-. Leipzig, Weidmann. Ended. A continuation of: Zeitschrift fur Ophthal- mologic, 1831-37. Moiiatssclirift fiir Ohienheilkunde. Hrsg. von Josef Gruber, N. Riidinger, F. E. Weber, Dr. Voltolini. Jahrg. 1-21, Oct., 1867-87. fol. & 8 . Berlin. Current, v. ] complete in 3 nos., Oct. to Dec, 1867; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1868. After 1875, v. 9, the words "sowie fiir Nasen-, Rachen-, Kehlkopf- uud Liiftroliren- Krankheiten" adtled to title. Moiiatssclirift fiir Ohrenheilkunde sowie fiir Nasen-, Rachen-, Kehlkopf- uud Luftrohren- Krankheiten. "Was title of: ITIoiiatsschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde after 1875, v. 9. Moiiatssclirift des Vereins deutscher Zahn- kunstler. (Vereins-Organ.) Hrsg. vom Verein deutscher Zahnkiinstler. Verantwortlicher Re- dakteur: Aug. Polscher. v. 3-7, April, 1883-8, 8'-'. Dresden. Current. Title of v. 1-2 was: Vicrteljahresschrift des Vereins deutscher Zahnkiinstler. IVIoiiaviiis (Fridericus) [1592-1659]. *Lanx satura rerum medicarum. 3 p. 1., 154 pp., 1 1. 4°. Tubingce, typ. T. Werlini, 1622. -----. Bronchotome niniirum gutturis artificiose aperiendi <■'; \elpgejic cum appendice gemina tain elenchi atfectuuni ociilarium hecatontadein ipsam excedentis, quam hypotyposeosfebrium omnium. 3 p. L, 56 pp., 1 tab. 4°. 3Iontis Begii, typ. J. Beitsneri, 1644. For Biography, see Mchcflclius (C. S.) Vitae profes- sorum medieina; in Acad. Gi vphiswald. 4°. 1756, 153- 176. Moiiaviiis (Petrus) [1551-88]. See C'rato a Kraftheim (Joannes). Consilioruin et epistolarum mcdicinalium liber [etc.] 8°. Francofurti, l.">91-2. Irloiiaj (Hvacinthe-Casimir). "Sur le goitre. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 72, v. 258. Iffoiibaloil (Fraucois-Aristide). * Recherches sur la migraine. 3H pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 63, v. 475. Ifloilbrun (J.-C.) * Considerations snr I'hy- giene militaire. 33 pp. 4-. Paris, 1826, No. 15, v. 197. iVIoncade (C.) * Etude sur l'etiologie de Las- cite. 78 pp. 4-. Paris, 1874, No. 209. Honcanip (Evenor-Martiu). Sur les sympa- thies pathologiques. 69 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 15-2. v. 149. JJIoiiceau (Henry). * Dissertation sur l'hemop- tysie. 18 pp. 4C. Paris, 1803, No. 78, v. C. IVIoilceaux (C.-M.) * Sur quelques maladies des testicules qui exigent la castration. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 42, v. 79. Monceaux (P.-Victor). * Etudes cliniques sur le cancer de la matrice. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 14, v. 578. ITIonceloil (Gabriel). * Snr 1'allaitement etran- ger. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 216, v. 196. Jtloncetus (Job. Benedictus). See .EgidiiiM (Romanus). Tractatus aureus . . . de formatioue corporis humani in utero. 4°. Parisiis, 1515. [duUIoncliaiix (Pierre J.)] [1733-66]. Biblio- graphic medicinale raisonnee ; ou essai sur rex- position des livres les plus utiles a ceux qui se destineut a l'etude de la medecine. Avec une lettre de du Monchaux, sur les couimentaires de Vanswieten, et sur quelques autres ouvrages. xxxii, 468 pp., 39 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, Ganeau, 1756. Ifloncliique. Kmiio» (D. T. do A.) Tentativa analytica sobre as agnas tliPi-maes de Monchitnie. J. Soc. cl. sc. med. de Lisb., 1839. x. 3: 65.—Sonic* i A. A. de O.) Noticia das caldas de Monchitpie. Had.. 1S37, vi, 73-88. de ^foncliy (Franciscus Gulielmus). * De me- dico optiino natura* et observatore et imitatore. 4 p. 1., 130 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., typ. Boo- lianis, [1774]. de Iflonchy (Hendrik Willem). * Vijf waarue- liiingen van gedeeltelijke verlannuing der han- den, met eeuige opinerkingen aangaande dien ziektevorm. 2 p. L, 47 pp. 8°. Leiden, J. Ha- zenberg. Corn, zoon, 1855. de Uloiicliy (Solomon). * De opio. 52 pp., 4 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Luzae; 1739. [P., v. 53.] -----. An essay on the causes and cure of the usual diseases in voyages to the West Indies, to- gether with the preservatives against them. In answer to the questions proposed by the Society of Sciences in Holland : What are the causes of the usual diseases among seamen in voyages to the West Indies? and What are the means of preventing and of curing them '! To which essay the prize was adjudged. Transl. from the Dutch Philosophical Transactions, x, 175 pp. 8-J. London, T. Bccket 4 P. A. De Hondt, 1762. [Also, in: P., v. 547; 659.] -----. Remarks upon the mortality among the horned cattle ; containing directions for extir- pating the infection, or, at least, for obstructing its progress. Transl. from the Low Dutch. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell, 1770. [P., v. 661.] Monday (J.-P.) * Considerations sur la rage. 15 pp. 4'-". Parti, an XII [18(14], No. 273, v. 50. van Moncklioveil (D.) Photographic op- tics; iucludiug the description of lenses and enlarging apparatus. Transl. from the French. 16, 259 pp., 5 iii. 8°. London, B. Hardwicke, 1867. ITIOllckton (Stephen) [1824-85]. The meta- physical aspect of natural history. 51 pp. sm. 4°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1885. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 695. Uloiiclair (Henri). *Du viburnum prunifolium, ses indications obstetriques. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1887, No. 25(5. Uloncoq (D.) 'Procede nouveau pour prati- quer la transfusion immediate et instautane'e du sang. 72 pp. 4'-'. Paris, 1864, No. 185. -----. Transfusion instantanee du sang. Solu- tion theoriquc et pratique de la transfusion me- diate et de la transfusion immediate chez les ani- MONCOQ. 376 MOXDELET. Moncoq (D.)—continued. niaux et chez l'homme. 2. ed. 348 pp., 1 tab. * . Paris, A. Delahaye; 1874. MoilCOI'VO (Carlos Arthur). * Dyspepsias e sen tractamento. 2 p. L, 252 pp., 11. 4~. Bio de Janeiro. 1871. -----. 1 )a accao abortiva do sulphato de quiniua. 23 pp. 8-. Bio de Janeiro, 1874. -----. Da accao da gcnciana associada ao aeido sulphurico. 29 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1874. -----. De exercicio e ensino medico no Brazil. 203 pp. 12°. Bio de Janeiro, 1874. -----. Du diagnostic differcntiel entre la dyspep- sie essentielle et l'hypohemie intertropicale (op- pilation); consi(lerations"cliiiiques. 16 pp. 8°. Bio de, Janeiro, 1874. -----. Do einprego do chlorato de potassa na diarrhea das criancas. 8 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Brown 4' Evaristo, 1875. Repr. from: Kev. med., Rio de Jan., 1874-6, ii. -----. Doainhuni. Algumas cousideraeoes sobre esta molestia a proposito de um caso communi- cado ii Academia imperial de medieina do Rio de Janeiro. 51 pp. 8 . Bio de Janeiro, Brown 4' Evavisto, 1876. Repr. from: Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1874-6. ii. -----. Projecto de regulainento das amas de leite. 11 pp. 8'--. Bio de Janeiro, J. G. Tourinho, 1876. Repr. from: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1876, 2. s., i. -----. Do einprego do chlorato de potassa na diarrhea das criancas. 40 pp. 8 . Bio cie Janeiro, 1877. Repr. from: Progresso nied., Rio de Jan., 1876-7, i. -----. Do valor therapeiitico das injeccoes hydri- cassnbeutaneas. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1877. Repr. from: Progresso med., Rio de Jan., 1876-7, i-ii. -----. Da lienteria na infancia e do sen tracta- mento pelo acido chlorhydrico. 33 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1879. -----. Estudo sobre o rheuniatisnio chronico no- doso na infancia e seu tractamento a" proposito de um caso observado em nma nieniua de 2 an- nos e meio curado pelo einprego das correutes galvanicas. ii, 105 pp., 11. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1879. -----. Nota sobre a accao physiologica e thera- peutica da Carica papaya (Mamoeiro). 25 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1879. -----. Notas cliuicas sobre duos casos de croup. 24 pp. 8^. Rio de Janeiro, 1879. -----. Da dilatacao do estomago nas creancas e seu tratameuto segundo as lieoes feitas na Po- lielinica do Rio de Janeiro. 79 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro. G. Letizingev 4'filhos, 1883. -----. De la nature de la coqueluche et de son traitement par la resorciue. 96 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, G. Leuzinger 4 fiti ; Paris, 0. Ber- thier, 18-3. -----. The same. 87 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Ber- th ici; 1887). -----. Contribution a l'etude de la sclerose mul- tiloculaire chez les enfants. 85 pp. 8°. Parti 0. Berth ier, 1884. -----. De l'emploi du chlorhydrate de cocaine dans le traitement de la coqueluche. 11pp. 8°. Bin de Janeiro. Lombaerts 4' Cie., 1885. Repr. from .- Uiiiiio med.. Rio de Jan., 1885. v. Also, Co-Editor if: l'rogic««o (O) medico, Rio de Janeiro, 187!)-8. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 23. Moncoiirricr (Leonard-Jean). * Sur les plaies d'annes a feu. 21 pp. 4 . Paris, ls:',|, \o 71 v. 271. : MoncreiiT(Giilielinus). * De peste. 5 p. 1., 7H 9 pp. 8'- . Edinburgi, C. Stewavt, 1814. Moiicreitr(John). An iiicjuii-y into the medici- nal qualities and effects of the' aerated alkaline water. Illustrated by experiments and cases. 1 p. 1.. 205 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8■-. Edinburgh, W. Creech, 1794. [P., v. 121.] -----. The same. To which is prefixed a letter to the publisher, by a respectable physician of Baltimore, xii, 102 pp., 1 pi. 8~. ' Balimore F. J. Coale; 1810. Moncrief [ Moncrieff] (John). The poor man's physician, or the receipts of the famous John Moncrief, of Tippermalloch ; being a choice collection of simple and easy remedies for most distempers, very useful for all' persons, especi- ally those of a poorer condition. 2. ed. To which is added the method of curing the small- pox and scurvy by the eminent Dr. Archbald Pitcairn. 1 p. L, 240 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, J. Baton, 1716. -----. The same. 3. ed. 1 p. 1., 245 pp 3 1. 12°. Edinburgh, T. Heriot, 1731. -----. The same. Tippermalluch's receipts. Being a collection of many useful and easy reme- dies for most distempers. 2. ed. viii, 128 pp. 16°. Leith, W. Coke, 1775. Moiicriefle (Gulielmus). * Dc gonorrhtea vi- rulenta. 1 p. L, 33 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour, Auld et Smellie, 1768. [Also, in : P., v. 133.] Vlouriariz. Anilrcu. Asruas minero-medicinales de Mondaiiz, Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1879, iii, 3. Moildat (Vincent-Marie). * Essai physiologique et medical sur le diaphragme. 1 p. L, 21 pp. 4°. Slvasbonvg, 1819, v. 46. -----. Des hvdropisies et de leur cure. 49 pp. 12°. Pavis, L. Colas, 1817. -----. De la sterilite de l'homnie et de la fenune, et des niovens d'v remedier. viii, 172 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, Migneret, 1820. -----. The sanie. 4. ed. vi, 239, 1 tab., 2 pi. 8C. Paris, 1833. -----. The same. 5. e-'. Leyden, J. Hazenberg, 1856. Monde (Le) phannaceutique. Journal des in- terets seientiliques et pratiques, moraux et pro- fessionnels dn corps phariiiaceutique. Pulilie sous la direction de Edmond Rousset. [Semi- monthly.] Annee 4-18, 1874-87. 15 v. 4-. Parti. Current. Want nos. 6-24, v. 7 (1876). In Jan.. 1877. v. 8, title became: .Tlomle (Le) pharmaeciitique et medical. Monde ( Le) phannaceutique et medical. Was title in 1877, et. seep, of: .Tloiulc (Le) phanna- ceutique. Monde (Le) thermal. Hydrologie, liydrothera- pie, eaux minerales, bains de nier, residences d'hiver. Directeur: A. Cazaux. [Weekly.] Annee 23-28, 1880-85. 6 v. fol. Paris. Moildeletl Frederic). * Des differeutes varie^s l d'orchites aigues. 38 pp. 4C. Paris, 1857, No. I 71, v. 608. MOXDELLI. 377 MOSESIA. Moiidclli (Francesco Saverio). Dis.sertazione medica, sopra la podagra. 70 pp. 8> . [Xapoli], 1794. [P., v. 1116.] Mondclliii* (Frauciscus). *De angina pectoris. 27 pp. 8 . 'licini Begii, typ. Fusi et socii, [1836], Mondiere (A.-T.) Monographie de la femnie de la Cochinchine. Femmes annamite, chinoise. minh-huong, camhodgienne. Anthropometric, physiologic, position sociale. Memoire couronne par la Societe d'anthropologie. (Prix Godard, 1881.) 40 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1882. Repr. from: M6m. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1875-82, ii. Mondiere (Julien-Theophile). "Recherches sur rinnainination de l'cesophage, et sur quelques points d'anatomie pathologique de cet organe. 44 pp. 4". Paris, 1829, No. 118, v. 224. Mondineil ( Leon-Gaspard ). * De quelques considerations sur la pathogenie et I'hygiene des Landes de l'arrondissemeut de Nerac. 30 pp. 4 . Paris, 1867, No. 168. Mondini (Carolus). * De arteriarum tunicis. Dissertatio posthuma. 8 pp. 4°. Bononice, ex typ. Annesii nobili, 1817. [P., v. 1586.] Moildilli (Francesco). Osservazioni sui nero pigmento dell'occhio. 12 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Bologna, slainpe di Anncsio Xobili, 1818. [P., v. 1586.] MoildiilO (Casimiro). Ricerche macro e micro- scopiche sui centri nervosi. 70 pp., 10 1., 9 pi. 8;. Torino, unione tip.-editrice, 1887. Itlotictino «le Foro [ JVIuiidiiiii* Friiileii»is] {Julio) [ -1340]. [Biography.] Janus, Gotha, 1853, ii, 391. Mondino [or Mondini] da Luzzi [Mun- dinus de Lcilliis ] [1250-1325(?)]. Anatho- mia Mundini emendata per doctorem Melerstat, 40 1. 4°. [n.p., ii. d.] Probably iirinted at Leipzig about 1493. -----. The same. Incipit auothomia Mundini. [Ad finem:] Explicit auothomia Mundini que emendata fuit per . . . Francischum Piciuni in floieiitissimo gynmasio Ticiensi iinpressa Papie per Jacob de Paucisdrapis de Burgofrancho 1507. 22 1. sin. 4°. -----. The same. Anatomia Mundini, ad vetus- tissimorum, e[o]ruudemque aliquot manuscrip- torum codicum hclem collata, justoque suo ordiui restituta per Joanuem Dryaudrum. Adjeetie sunt quoruincunque parti um corporis ad vivuin expressie figura*. Adsunt et scholia non iudocta, qme prolixoium commentariorum vice esse pos- suut. 3 p. 1., 67 ff. 4°. Marpurgi, in off. C. Engeholphi, [1541]. -----. De omnibus humani corporis interioribus niembris auothomia. [Ad finem :] Impressit Ar- gentina*, Martinus Flach. 1513. See, also, Bcrcng-ai-iiis Carpus (Jacobus). Commen- taria . . . super auatomia Mundini [etc.] 4°. [Bononice, 1521.]—ile Kelmn [or Kcthain] (Joannes). Fasciculus mediciiiii' in quo coiitiiientur [etc.] fol. Venetiis. 141)5. -----. Fast-ienlus medicinie praxis [etc.] fol. [Venetiis, 1522.]— .Tlcsui' Damascenus (Joannes). Mesne cum expo- sitione Mondini super canones [etc.] fol. Yenetiis, 1495. -----. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1502. -----. The same. fol. Lugduni, 1510. ----. Opera, fol. Yenetiis, 1581. -----. The same. fol. Yenetiis. 158!). -----. The same. fol. Yenetiis. 1(M2. -----. The same. fol. Yenetiis, 1623. -----. De consolatione mediciuaruni simplicium [etc.] fol. Lugduni. 1525. For Bioqi-aphy. see Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brooklvn, N. T., 1882, xi. 35; 71 (G. J. Fisher). Also: Janus, Gotha, 1853, ii, 390 (A. \V. E. T. Heuschel). Mondimis (Franciscus). Bicorporei humani monstri anatomica descriptio, una cum aniniad- versionibus atque conjecturis nonnullis qme ad illiistrandani abnormium partium forma tionis ra- tioueiu concurrunt. 96 pp., 11., 4 yd. 4°. Bono- nice, ex off. Emygdii ab Ulmo et J. Tiocehi, 1833. Mondo (II) tcrmale. Guida pratica illustrata alle acque minerali, stabiliinenti termali, bagni di mare, soggiomi estivi ed invernali. Tabella Mondo (II) tcrmale—continued. delle malattie, con indicazione della cura balneo- climatica. xcvi pp. 16°. Milano, [1887]. Moildon ( L.-Clement). * Contribution a la chirurgie d'armee. 69 pp. 4-. Paris, H. Jonvc; 1886, No. 252. Mondon ( Paul-Mathieu ). * Temperatures lo- cales et phthisie pulmonaire. [Paris.] 72 pp.. 2 1. 4°. Le Mans, 1884, No. 312. Lionel orf. Marchal (C.) Observations cliniques sur Pac- tion des eaux de Moudorf employees isoiement ou associees a l'hydrotherapie rationnelle. 8°. Pavti, 1879. Schini t. £tude sur les actions physiologique et thera- peutique de la source thermale de Moudorf. Bull. Soc. d. sc. nied. du gr.-duch6 de Luxemb., 1869, 113-135. Mondot A: Segliy (Georges). _ Le cholera en Espagne et les vaccinations auticholeriques du docteur Ferrfiu. 14 pp. 8°. Or an. A. Fouqtte 4 Cie., 1885. Mondot (Fmile). * Etudes sur le Senegal. 34 pp. 4-. Paris, 1865, No. 270. Mondot (Jean-Baptiste-Louis). * Etude sur la colique seche, d'apres des observations recueil- lies pendant une campagne de trois ans, dans les mers de Chine et de Cochinchine (dn 22 f6vrier 1860 an 10 juillet 1863). vi, 7-70 pp. 4C. Mont- pellier, Gras, 1864. [P., v. 45.] -----. De la sterilite chez la femme. vii, 400 pp. 8'ri Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 Jils, 1880. Motldragon (Justiniano). * Valor semiotico de las alteraciones del dynamismo neumocar- diaco. 22 pp. 8 . Mexico, J. Escalanle, 1874. Lionel rag'one. Albini (G.) Xota su le acque termo-minerali di Monte Marsico, presso Mondragone. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Xapoli, 1868, xxii, 142-144. Mondville (G.-E.-Auxence). * Sur la rage spon- tauee produite par des affections morales. 25 pp. 4'■". Paris, 1821, No. 197, v. 168. Mone (F. J.) Ueber Arnien- und Krankenpflege friiherer Zeit, mit Urkunden. 101 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1861. Mone (Franciscus Josephus). Historia statistic;© adumbrata. Prajmissa est oratio de optinio ge- nere tractaniUe statistica; deque hujus doctrina* utilitate. viii, 200 pp. 4°. Lovanii, F. Michel, 1828. Monegier-Sorliier (M.-P.) *Surl'anasarque. 43 pp. 4°. Pavti, 1814, No. 118, v. 104. Moncijlia (Gio. Andrea). , See Kamsizziiii (Gioseffo). Controversia medico-let- teraria. 4°. Modena. 1758. Monell (Gilbert C.) [1816-81]. Rheumatism, acute and chronic. A prize essay. 144 pp. 8°. Xew York, H. G. Langley, 1845. For Biography, seeVroc. Nebraska M. Soc, Omaha, 1883, 42-44. Moil era. Haekel (E.) Monographie der Moneren. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1868, iv, 64, 2 pi.: 1870- 71, vi, 23, 1 pi. de Mones (Jean-Joseph-£liacim). . * Hygiene de la premiere ann6e de la vie. 43 pp. 4°. Parti, 1840. No. 339, v. 363. Monesia. See, also, Diarrhoea (Treatmenttof). Bkrnard-Derosne. Notice sur le monesia. 8C. Paris, [1840]. See, also, infra. Adrien. [Sur l'emploi dunion6sia.'] J. d. conn. iu6d.- chir., Par., 1840-41, viii, pt. 1, 197-200. Also: Ann. de nied. beige, Brux., 1840, iv. 159-162. -----. Memoire sur les effets therapeutiques du nion6sia. J. d. conn. metl.-chir.. Par., 1842-3, x, pt. 1, 133-137. — B»rnar«l-l»eio«iie [r( al.]. Examen chimique et medical du monesia. Ibid., 1840-41,.viii. pt. 273-20. [Sec, also, supra.]—Bottctti (E.) Esperienze terapeutiche t'atte colla monesia. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1841, xcvii, 646-648.—Buchey (E.) Du MONESIA. 378 MOXGELLAZ. ITIoiiesia. monesia et des hons effets de son administration dans les affections scrofuleuses. etc. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Par., i 1839-40, vii. pt. 2, 157-159. Also, transl..- Encicl. med.- I farm., Barcel.. 1877, i, 52: 64.—Biiiiicm (B.) On the use of monesia. Metl. Exam., Phila , 1840, iii. 517.—C'nminlioa (J. M.) Parecer dos lentcs da faculdade de me.liciiia da corte sobre o chicle doCanada. Ann. Brasil. de med., Rio de Jan., 1876-7, xxviii, 136-140.—Donovan (M.) On the new medicine, monesia. Dutdin M. Press, 1840, iii, 83.— l<'orjjct. Recherches chimiques et cliniques sur un nou- veau'medicament appe!6 monesia. Bull. gen. de therap., etc. P;ir.. 1839. xvi, 199-204. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2 s, i, 193.—CSnibert. fitude sur la monesia. S.vn.: Cortex astringens hrasiliensiS; Cortex Biiiaiihem. Lev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1867, 286-290.—Hal bout. Nou- velles observations pratiques sur les effets theiapeutiques du monesia. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1845-6, xiii, pt. 1, 20—Kappelhoflf (A.) Waarnemingen met het extrac- tion monesia'. [4obs.] Boerhaave. Tijdschr.. etc., Amst., 1842, n. s., i. 199-211.—Ij a ne (A.) The extract of mone- sia. Loud. M. (iaz., 1843-4, xxxiii, 45. — L. mi rami (A.) Note sur le monesia. J. d. conn, nied -chir., Par., 1846-7, xiv, pt. 1, 109-111. — IHartiii-Maiiil-Aiige (G.-J.) De l'emploi du monesia en medecine. Ga/.. ined. de Par., 1839, 2. s.. vii, 661-664.—Maschcrpa (G.) Esperienzecliniche latte colt cstratto tli monesia. (Jazz. med. di Milano, 1843, ii 401: 1S46, v, 333.—."Vaiicrcde (J. G.) Remarks on the monesia. Med. Exam., Phila.. 1840. iii, 215. Monestier (Jules). T De la pustule maligne, p. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884, 6. s., No. 21. Moiilieiili (Joh.-Peter-Joseph). Analyse des eaux thermales de Borcette, suivie de I'examen du gaz azote sulfure d6gage" des sources sulfu- reuses taut d'Aix-la-Chapelle que de Borcette. vii, 63 pp. 8°. Aix-la-Chapelle, Schwartzenberg, 1811. ------. Die Heilquellen von Aachen, Burtscheid, Spaa, Malmedy nnd Heilstein, iu ihren histori- schen, geognostischeu, physischen, chemischen und medizinischen Beziehungen. vii, 411 pp., 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. Aachen it. Leipzig, J. A. Mayer. 1829. See, also, von Sarlorius (G.) & ITIonhciiti (J. P. J.) Medicinisch-chemische Fnlersuchung einer an dreien Per- sonen [etc.] 8°. Coin u. Aachen, 1826. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Monier (Anne - Francois). * Apercu physiolo- gique sur les predominances organiques relatives aux ages, considerees comme causes predispo- sautes des maladies. 31 pp. 4°. Boris, 1825, No. 94, v. 192. [Also, in: P., v. 1576.] Monier (Eugene)1. * Des i-esultats founds par la medication salicyiee en Angleterre dans lo traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 60 pp. 4°. _Paris, 1877, No. 87. Monier (Eugene)2 [1853- ]. * Complica- tions et consequences de l'operatiou de l'empveme. 1 p. L, 97 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 288. Monier (Gaston) [1850- ]. * Influence des etats constitutionnels et des alterations vise6- rales sur le tranmatisnie soit accideutel, soit chi- rurgical. [Paris.] 64 pp. 4°. Havre, 1885, No. 1(12. Monier (Jules). * I. De l'influence du liquide spinal sur les functions de la moelle epiniere. II. [etc.] 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 108, v. 378. Monier (Louis-Ernest). * De la contusion des articulations. 39 pp. 4°. Parti, 1847, No. 183, v. 462. Moniez (Romain1-Louis). * Essai niouogra- phique snr les cysticerques. 190 pp., 1 ]., 3 pi. 4°. Lille, L. Danel, 1880, No. 19. Monin (Ernest). * Essai critique sur la patho- gen ie et l'etiologie des oreillons. 41 pp., 1 1. 4'-. Ports, 1877, No. 540. ------. Obesite et maigreur. Essai d'hygiene pratique. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, 1882. ------. Publications de la Societe franca ise d'hy- giene. La proprete de l'iudividu et de la maison. 44 pp., 1 1. 8'-'. Parti, 1884. -----. Un nouveau chapitre de semeiologie. Es- sai sur les odeurs du corps huiuain dans l'etat de sante et dans l'etat de maladie. Memoire cou- ronne" par la Societe de medecine pratique. [Prix bienual 1885.] 122 pp., 1 1. 12°. Parti, G. Carre, 1885. ------. Les propos du docteur, medecine sociale, hygiene generale a 1'usage des gens du monde. ii, 324 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Giraud if Cie., 1885. ------. L'hygiene de la beaute; formulaire cosme- tique. Ouvrage precede d'uue lettre de Catulle Mendes. 1 p. 1., xiv, 220 pp. 12°. Paris, O. Doin, 1886. ------. Les maladies cpid6miqnos: hygiene et prevention. 175 pp. 18"-. Paris, A lean, 1887. ------ A: Mareehal (Ph.) Stefauo Merlatti; histoire d'un jeuue celebre, precedee d'une etude anecdotique, physiologique et medicale sur le MOXIX. ,°,so MOXK. Monin (Ernst) & Marechal (Ph.)—cont'd. jeuue et les jefineurs. 2 p. L, 257 pp., 1 1. 12c. Paris, C. Marpon 4' B- Fleeininarion. [1887]. Moiliil (Fred.) Essai sur les eaux niinerales de Saint-Alban (Loire). 2. ed. 39 pp. 8 -'. Lyon, Megret, 1-66. ----—. Le breviaire du medecin, precis de mede- ciue rurale, d'economie et de philosophic medi- cales. Nouv. ed. xi. 386 pp., 1 1. ~J. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 Jils, 1869. Monin (Marius-Eustache). * Des moyens de di- vision des parties molles cousidere.s an point de vue de la douleur, de l'hemorrhagie et l'infection purulente. 82 pp., 1 1. 4C. Montpellier, 1875, No. 6)6. Monin (Romain). * Considerations sur les epanchemens dans l'interieur du crane par causes externes. 25 pp. 4C. Paris, 1815, No. 200. v. 114. Monique (Marc) [1859- ]. * Des principales applications de l'acide acetique, l'acide pyro- lignenx rectifie, dans le traitement de la teigne toudante et de quelques antics affections cuta- 1161 s. 78 pp. 4C. Paris, 1883. Moniteiir (Le). Journal de medecine, de chi- rurgie et de therapeutique, paraissant les ler, 8, 16 et 24 chaque mois sous la direction du docteur P. Meniere (d'Angers). Annee 1-2 (Nos. 1-45), March 1, 1876. to June 1, 1877. 8°. Pavti, V.- A. Delahaye ls,'8. No. 24. c. Moiinet (Charles). Anatomie, ou la connoissance du corps huniaiu detailiee dans chaque partie pour la facilite des personnes qui professent le dessiu. Composee de 42 planches, d'apres les MONNET. 382 MONOD. Moiinet (Charles)—continued. dessius origiuaux de . . . et la description gene- rale des muscles, faite par Tanude. 42 pi. fol. Paris, Jean, [n. d.] Moiinet (L.-J.-F.) * Sur l'hysterie, appelee vulgairement vapeurs. 31 pp. 4°. Parti, 1808, No. 116, v. 72. Moiinet (Leon-Ernest). *De la kola (Sterculia acuminata); etude physiologique et therapeu- tique. [Paris.] 106 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lille, 1884, No. 1. Monnett (H.) The magic monitor and medical intelligencer ; containing wonderful aud elabo- rate revelations concerning the following sub- jects: Love, courtship, and marriage; how to pre- vent an increase of family; how to cure self-abuse and its results; the detection, prevention, and cure of all private diseases, etc. viii, 9-256 pp., 6 pi. 1*-. New York, H. Monnett 4' Co., 1857. Monnier (A.) * Sur les calculs biliaires. 20 pp. 4'-'. Parti, 1834, No. 89, v. 271. Monnier (Achille). * Contribution ii l'etude ties lesions de l'intestin a la suite de contusions abdominales. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 292. Monnier (Alexandre). Histoire de l'assistance dans les temps anciens et moderues. 1 p. 1., 568 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Guillaumin 4 Cie., 1856. Monnier (F.) * Des eruptions pemphigoides secondaires dans les fievres eruptives. 64 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1880, No. 46. Monnier (Henri). * Etude experimeutale et cri- tique sur les luxations nietacarpo-phalangiennes dorsales du pouce. [Berne.] 100 pp. 8°. Lau- sanne, L. Corbaz 4 Cie., 1873. Monnier (I.-L.) Le cabinet secret des grands preservatifs et specitiques propres, contre la peste, fievres pestilentielles, pourpres, petites verolles et toutes sortes de maladies conta- gieuses. 4 p. 1., 95 pp. 12°. Parti, P. d'Arbisse, 1666. Monnier (Jean-Marie). * Sur la phthisie pul- monaire. 32 pp. 4J. Paris, 1821, No. 218, v. 169. Monnier ( Joseph -Honore ). *Sur quelques points de la luxation symptomatique du femur; de l'anatomie pathologique, des causes et du me- canisme. 35 pp, 4C. Paris, 1850, No. 230, v. 499. Monnier (L.) * Recherches sur les sources des (envies d'Hippocrate. 35 pp., 2 1. 4°. Mont- pelliei; lw75, No. 99. Monnier ( Leon-Pierre-Thomas). * Considera- tions physiologiques et therapeutiques sur la trau.sfusion du sang. 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Monlpel- lier, 1875, No. 6. Monnier (Louis). # Sur quelques points de physioiogie chirurgicale du menibre iuferieur comme introduction a l'etude de la coxab'ie. 100 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 118. ------. The same. 100 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Striil- licit, 1886. le Moilllier (Ludovicus Guilielmus). See l.aloiiclle (Joannes Franciscus Achilles). *An t treoli in plerisque urethra; fistnlis sectione pnestantiores! V. [Paris, 1774] Moilllier (Paul-Pierre-Marie). * Etude sur une variete de luxation du metatarse, luxation en dehors des metatarsiens. 50 pp. 4°. Paris 1883, No. 179. le Monnier (Rene). * Observations sur quel- ques epidemics de Saint-Domingue, compliquees de symptomes dela fievre dite jaune. 21 pp. 4° Paris, 1819, No. 10, v. 78. Monnik (Adriaau Johannes Willem). * Tono- meters en tonometrie. 2 p. 1., 59 pp., 2 pi. -:. Utrecht, Kemink 4' Zoon, 1868. ------. Een nieuwe tonometer en zijn gebrnik. 56 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [ Utrecht, 1869.] Repr. from: Versl. . . . Nederl. Gasth. v. Oogliiders 1868, Utrecht, 1869, x. Moilllikeildaill (Salomon). * Over splitsino- van jodium- en bromiumverbindingen in hc't dierlijk lichaain. 2 p. L, 92 pp. 8 . Amster- dam, Gebr. Schroder, l88f>. Moiuiikliofr(L) See Ki'iiiimm (Joannes Carolus). Nadere overwegiii" van de aanl [etc.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1819. Moiinot (Armand). *I. Decrire les eponges; diseuter les opinions qu'on a 6inises sur leur nature; iudiquer leur composition chimique et leur emploi medical et chirurgical. II. [etc ] 24 pp. 4~. Parti, 1840, No. 108, v. 363. Moil not (Charles). * Contribution a l'etude du syphilome ano-rectal. 59 pp. 4^. Paris, 1882, No. 78. MoilllOt (fitienue-Marie-Victor). * Sur la fievre bilieu.se et histoire d'une epidemic de cette na- ture. 1 p. L, 27 pp. 4'-. Strasbourg, Levvault, 1813. Monnot ( Jean-Baptiste-Joseph ). * Considera- tions g-enerales sur les luxations et leur traitc- memt. 1 p. L, 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1819, v. 49. Monnot (Theodose-Dauphin). * Des abces de la fosse iliaque interne. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, I84t; No. 90, v. 448. Monnoye (Cyprien)1. * Des signes de la gros- sesse, de la fonction de l'accouchenient, suivis du mecanismede l'accouchenient natureldans la presentation de l'extreinite cephalique, premiere position. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 333, v. 270. Monnoye (Cyprien)2. * Des kystes muqueux du col de l'uterus et des polypes utero-folliculaires. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 195. Monod (Charles). *De l'angiome simple sous- cutane circonscrit. ( Nievus vasculaire sous- cutane. Augiome lipomatenx. Angiome lo- bule.) 86 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 95. ------. The same. . . . suivie de quelques re- marques sur les angiomes circonscrits de l'or- bite. 86 pp., 1 L, 2 pi. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here 4 Jils, 1873. -----. * fitude comparative des diverses niethodes de l'exerese. 1 p. 1., 115 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4 fiti, 1875. Concours. ------. Lecons de clinique chirurgicale faites k l'H6pital Necker. 127 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye 4' F. Lecrosnier, 1884. Monod (Eugene). * fitude clinique sur les in- dications de l'urethrotoniie externe. 3 p. 1., 170 yip., I tab. 4°. Parti, 1880, No. 194. Monod (Frederic). # De la dilatation forcee dn sphincter de l'anus consideree specialement dans son application au traitement des heinorrhoides. 10w pp. 4^. Paris, 1877. No. 246. Monod (Fi-ederic-Clenient-Constant-Gustave) [1803- ]. * Propositions sur l'anatomie patho- logique des os. vi, 7-29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, Xo. 20. v. 238. [Also, in: P., v. 1607.] ------. * La M-etitni du colde 1'uterus• st-elle une operation rationnelle? et, dans le cas d'afiinnu- tive, indiquer les circonstancesdans lesquelles il faut v avoir recours. 24 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1832, No. 380. Concours. ------. Conseils an sujet du cholera, suivi du: Cholera, sa nature et sa veritable cause, moyens de le prevenir et de le guerir, par Tissot. 3,2 pp. 18 . Berne, B.-F. Haller 4 E. Mathett, 1-54 -----. The same. 2. ed. 34 pp., 1 1. 24. Pa- ris, C. Meyrueis, 1865. Monod (Henri-Charles). De l'adiuinistration de I'hygiene publique a l'etrangcr et en France. Memoire presente au Conseil central d'hygiene et de salubrite pnbliqnes dans le Calvados, a l'occasion de l'exposition internationale d'hy- giene de Londres. 104 pp., 1 1. fol. Caen, F. Le Blanc-Hardel, 1884. MOXOD. 383 MONEO. Monod (Louis). * De I'encephalopathie albu- minurique aigue et des caiacteres qu'elle pre- sente en particulier che/. les enfants. 172 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 144. _____. The same. 170 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1868, v. 414. Monod*. See Infusoria. Monograph (A) on Erythroxylon coca. Its preparations and their medicinal applications. 31pp. 12°. [Xew York, 1887), vel subseq.] Monograpllia Syphilitica. A journal devoted to the treatment of diseases of the blood by "succus alterans". Edited by Geo. \V. McDade. Nos. for Jan., 1884, to Jan., 1887. 8°. Indian- apolis, Intl., E. Lilly if Co. An advertisement. MoilOgrapllische Skizze iiber das Ofner Raitzenbad, vorgetragen vou Johann Moluiir, in d>r Versaimnliiiig der Aerzte und Naturfor- schOt- in Pest, im September 1863. 16 pp. • 4°. Pest, G. Etnicli, 1863. Monomania. See Insanity (Anomalous, etc.); Insanity (Partial); Kleptomania; Pyromania. Monopara. Salensky (W.) Keeherches sur le d6veloppement du Monopara vivipara (Borlnsia vivipara Uljau). Arch, de biol., Gaud, 188-1, v, 517-."»71, U pi. Monophthalmus. See Monsters from defect, etc., of brain, etc. Monorchia. See Testicle (Abnormities of). Uloiiory (Leon). * Tumeurs solides des doigts (symptomes, diagnostic et traitement). 46 pp. 4 '. Parti, 1873, No. 440. Monot (C.) De l'industrie des nourrices et de la mortalite des petits enfants. 160 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, J.-B. Balliere 4fils, 1867. -----. Dc la mortalite excessive des enfants pendant la premiere annee de leur existence, ses causes et des moyens de la restreindre. 64 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fil8> 1872. MoilOt (Charles). *Du chloroforme, considere conime agent anesth6sique dans la pratique chi- rurgicale. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 142, v. 608. Wonoyer (Ferdinand). *I)es fermentations. 158 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1862, No. 624, 2. s.,v. 33. -----. 'Applications des sciences physiques aux theories de la circulation. 86 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1863, v. 37. Contours. -----. line extraction de cataracte dans un cas de luxation spontanea et d'opacification du cristalliu avec complications du cote dn traetus uveal et du corps vitre. 23 pp. 8°. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1867. Repr. from: Gaz. ni6d. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii. -----. De la cure radicale de certaines formes de tumeurs lacryinales, ou moyen de l'excision par- tielle du sac, du eatheterisme methodique et des injections au sulfite de soude. 18 pp. 3°. I'a- ris, P. Asselin, 1873. Repr. from: Arch. g6n. tie med., Par., 1873, 6. s., xxi. Moniplious (L.-N.-Andre). * De l'huile empy- reiiniatique arabe de jaunes d'eeuf dans le traite- ment des uleeres et plaies ulce>euses. 54 pp., 11. 4°. Bordeaux, 1885, No. 8, 1885-6. de Monqiieiitill (Petrus Leonardus). Ther- niologia Badavino-Austriaca: das ist: kurtze jedoch warhaft'fe Ibschreibuug der Natur, Krafft, Eigenschafft uud Cebrauch, des heylsamen Bad- wasseis zu Baden alhie in Nider Oesterreich. Allen Badgasteu in- und ausliindischen zum besten in teutseher Sprach verfertigt und ge- stelt. 54 1. 32^. liecjenspurg, C. Ftichet; 1651. Moiirad (Lanreiitius) [ -1836]. * De lande regiminis frigidi liniitanda. 1 p. L, 67 pp. 12°. Havniee, typ. vid. Suave, [1787]. Monraisse (P.-Adolphe). * Des palpitations. 30 pp. 4°. Parti, 1859, No. 251. de Monrava (Antonio). Desterro critico das falsas auatomias, que hum anatoniico novo deu a' luz, em Lisboa, neste presente anno de 1739. 23 p. 1., 1 pi., 350 pp., 2 1. 4. Lisboa, A. I. da Fonseca, 1739. -----. Operacoeus anatomicas, e cirurgicas, que teni feito no mez de Janeiro deste prezente anno de 1739. 2 p. 1., 21 pp. 4°. Lisboa, 1739. Bound with the 'preceding. For Portrait, see Pradillo (Joseph). Cirugia triun- fante demoustrativa. 12°. Matlrid. 1728-9, pt. ii. Monribot (Pierre-Saint-Clair). * De la pella- gre. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 98. Monro (Alexander)1 [1697-1767]. Tlie anatomy of the human bones. To which are added, an anatomical treatise of the nerves; au account of the reciprocal motions of the heart; aud a de- scription of the human lacteal sac and duct. 2. ed. 1. part: viii, 344 pp.; 2 part: iv, 41 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, W. Monro, 1732. -----. The same. 3. ed. ix, 324; 80 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, IV. Monro 4' T. Drummond, 1741. -----. The same. 4. ed. ix, 395 pp. 16°. Ed- inburgh, Hamilton 4'- Balfour, 1746. -----. The same. 7. ed. vii, 410 pp. 12-. Ed- inburgh, E. Hamilton if J- Balfour, 1763. -----. The same. A new ed. To which is added au essay on comparative anatomy, vii, 312, 12, 65 pp., port. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Gordon 4 J- Dickson, 1781. The essay on comparative anatomy has a separate title- page and paginalion, and is "third edition". -----. The same. Traite d'osteologie. Trad, de l'anglois par M. Sue. 2 v. xxxii, 212 pp. ; 213- 316 pp., 31 i>l. fol. Paris, G. Cavelier, 1759. ------. An anatomical treatise of the nerves; an account of the reciprocal motions of the heart; and a description of the human lacteal sac and duct, iv, 41 pp. 12~. Edinburgh, W. Monro, 1732. Bound with his: The anatomy of the human bones. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1732. -----.The same. [3. ed.] iv, 80 pp. 12°. Ed- inburgh, W. Monro j- W. Drummond, [1741 f] Bound with his: The anatomy of the human bones [etc.] 3. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1741. -----. The same. Tractatus tres, de nervis eorumque distributione, de motu cordis et ductu thoracico, Latine redditi a G. Coopmaus qui pneter commentarium perpetuum adjecit libruni de cerebri et nervorum administratione anato- mica. Editio altera. .5 p. L, 251 pp. 8-. Har- linga; F. van der Plaais, 1763. -----. The same. Benierkungeu uber die Struk- tur und Verrichtungen des Nervensystems. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt, nebst einigeu Anmer- kuugen und Zusatzen. 1 p. L, 96 pp., 13 pi. 4°. Leipzig, Schwickert, 1787. -----. Tentainiua circa methoduni partes aui- mantium aft'abre injicieudi, easque injectas ac rite pneparatas bene conservandi, ut usious anatomicis et physiologicis inserviaut. Anglico idiomate a . . . auctore scripta, nunc vero ob in- siguem usuin latinitate douata, et notis quibus- dam instructa a Joh. Christ. Fried. Bonegarde, qui et addidit tiguram siphonis emendati, et lnethodum pneparandi coloreni caeruleum Bero- liueusem vulgo dictum. 83 pp., 1 pi. 16°. Lugd. Bat., P. Bouk, 1741. Bound with: Viei sskns (R.) Novum vasorum corporis humani systema. 16°. Amstelodami, 1705. -----. The same. 2. ed. 83 pp. 16°. Lugd. Bat., J. Delbeek, 1745. MO^RO. 384 MONRO. Monro (Alexander)1—continued. -----. The history and progress of auatomy, from the earliest ages of the world down to this present time, to which is added au appendix on the uses of anatomy, and division of the parts of the body. Collected from the lectures of . . . 235, 16 pp. MS. 4°. Edinburgh, 1742. -----. An essay on comparative auatomy. 138 pp. 12°. London, J. Xourse; 1744. -----. A course of publick lectures in anatomy. Taken from him during the time of lecturing. By John Redman, student of physick and surgery in' the same college. 2 v. MS. 131 L. 184 pp. 4U. [Edinburgh], 1746. -----. The physiology. Taken from him during his course of lectures, by John Redman. In propriuin usum. MS. 144 pp. sm. 4°. [Ed- inburgh], 1746. -----. An account of the inoculation of small- pox in Scotland, vii, 53 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Drummond, 1765. [Also, in: P., v. 660; 674; 1344.] -----. The works of . . . Published hy his son, Alexander Monro, jr. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. xxiv, 791 pp., 7 pi., port. 4°. Edinburgh. C. Elliot, 1781. See. also. Schtillze [or SchnlzcJ (Joh. Heinr.) Ab- handbing von der Stein-Cur, etc. 16°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig. 1740. For Biography, see Human (A.), sr. Au account of the life and writings ul'the late Alex'r Mon-o. seu'r, M. D. . . . delivered as tlie Ilaivtian oration at Edinburgh, for the year 1780. 8°. Edinburgh d: London, 1780. For Portrait, see MvMlein (A) of anatomy and physiol- ogy, etc. A new ed. 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh,' 1801, v. i. Monro (Alexander)'2 [1733-1817]. * De res- et dc semine in variis animalibus. 1 p. L, 90 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Hamilton if /. Balfour, 1755. [Also, in : P , v. 644.] Also, in: Smellie. Thesaurus med. [etc.] 8°. Edin- burgi, 1785, ii, 317-397, 5 pi. ------. De venis lymphaticis valvulosis et de earum in primis origine. 59 pp. 8°. Berolini, imp. C. F. Heiiniugius, 1757. -----. The same. 62 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. A. Lang, 1761. [P., v. 909.] -----. The same. Editio altera, auctioretemen- datior. 120 pp. S-. Edinburgi, Balfour, Auld et Smellie, 1770. [P., v. 1540.] ------. Observations anatomical and physiolog- ical, wherein Dr. Hunter's claim to some discov- eries is examined. 2 p. L, 80 pp., 2 pi. H°. Edinburgh, Hamilton, Balfour 4" Xeill, 1758. [Also, in: P., v. 715; 1540.] ------. Answer to the notes on the postscript to Observations anatomical and physiological. 16 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1758. [Also, in: P., v. 716.] ------. An expostulatory epistle to William Hun- ter. 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Hamilton 4 J. Balfour, 1762. -----. A state of facts concerning the first pro- posal of performing the paracentesis of the tho- rax, on account of air effused from the lungs into the cavities of the pleura*; and concerning the discovery of the lymphatic, valvular, absorbent system of vessels in oviparous animals. In an- swer to Mr. Hewson. 29 pp., 1 pi. S^. Edin- burgh, Balfour, A uld if Co., 1770. [Also, in: P., v. 678; 1540.] -----. Surgery. [Lectures numbered 1 to 22.] MS. 2 v. 320,322 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1781 ?] No title-page. -----. Lectures upon surgery. [Numbered 96 to 123.] MS. 392 pp. 4-. [Edinburgh. 1781?] Same lectures as preceding, excepting that this copy has seven additional. -----. Observations on the structure and func- tions of the nervous system, x, 176 pp., 47 pi. foL Edinburgh, IV. Creech, 1783. Monro (Alexander)-—eon tinned. -----. The struct lire and physiology of fishes ex- plained, and compared with those of man and other animals. 128 pp., 44 pi. fol. Edinburqh. C. Elliot, 1785. J ' Another copy bound nith his: Observations on the struct ure [etc.] fol. Edinburgh, ITS!!. ------. A description of all the "bursa' mucosa'" of the human body; their structure explained and compared with that of the capsular liga- ments of the joints, and of those sacs which iTne the cavities of the thorax and abdomen; with remarks on the accidents and diseases which af- fect those several sacs, and on the operations necessary for their cure. 60 pp., 10 pi. fol. Edinburgh, C. Elliot, T. Kay 4 Co., 1788. ------. The same. Abbildungen und Beschrei- bungen der Schleimsiicke des menschlichen Kt'ir- pers. Uingearbeitet und vermehrt hrsg. von Jo- hann Christian Rosenmiiller. xii, 108 pp., 15 pi. fol. Leipzig, Breitkopf u. Haertel, 1799. Latin and German texts. ------. Description of a human male monster; il- lusti ated by tables, with remarks. Read Nov. 6, 1792. 18 pp., 4 pi. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1792.] [P., v. 67...] .i^ R;pr.from: Tr. Roy. Soe. Edinb., 1789-93, iii. Another copy bound with his: Experiments on the ner- vous system, [etc] 4°. Edinburgh i£ London, 1793. ------. Experiments relating to animal electric- ity. (Read Dec. 3, 1792.) 11 pp. 4°. [Edin- burgh, 1792.] [P., v. 670; 672.] Repr. from: Tr. Roy. Soc Edinb., 1789-93, iii. ------. Experiments on the nervous system, with opium and metalline substances; made cliiclly with a view of determining the nature and effects of animal electriey. 43 pp. 4°. Edinburgh j- London, A. Xeill 4 Co., 1793. [Also, in: P., v. 670.] ------. Observations of the muscles, and particu- larly of their oblique fibres; with an appendix, in which the pretention of Dr. Gilbert Blanc, that he first demonstrated the same effect to be produced by oblique muscles as by straight ones, with a less proportional decurtatiou of libres, is proved to be unfounded. 78 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Edinburgh, I. Dickson, 1794. [P., v. 670.] Another, but imperfect, copy bound with his: Experi- ments on the nervous system. 4°. Edinburgh & London, 1793. ------. Three treatises. On the brain, the eye, and the ear. viii, 9-263 pp., 20 pi. fol. Edin- burgh, Bell 4 Bradfute, 1797. ------. Observations on hydrocephalus chronicus. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Xeill f Co., 1-03. [P., v. 679.] -----. Ohservations on the causes which deter- mine tbe form of the human skull. 34 pp., 6 pi. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1812, vel snbstq.] ------. Essays and heads of lectures on anatomy, physiology, pathology, and surgery, with a mem- oir of his life, by his sou [Alexander Monro3]. clix, 132 pp., 7 pi., port. 8-'. Edinburgh, Mac- lachlan, Stewart 4- Co., 1840. See, also, Anntoinia Britanica; a system of anatomy and physiology. 2. ed. 8°. London. 1808.—Hunter (William). Medical commentaries. l'art I. (elcj 4°. London, 1762.—Iiiim-n (John). A short disruption of the human muscles, chiefly as they appear on dissection. ]2°. Edinburgh. 17.-4. -----. The same. New ed. 10°. London, 1791.—Wood (William). Copy of'a correspond- ence between . . . aud William Wood, 1807. 8°. [Edin- burgh, 1807.J For Biography, see Dmicnu (A.), sr. An account of the life, writings, and character of the late Dr. Alexander Monro Sceundus; delivered as the Harveian oration at Edinburgh, for the year 1818. 8°. Edinburgh, 1818. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Lihr.) ------. Sc; also: NOTES on the postscript to a pamphlet enti- tled: Ohservations anatomical [etc.] 8-. Lon- don, 1758. MONRO. 385 MONRO. HI Ohio (Alexander)3 [1773-1859]. *De dyspha- gia. 2 p. L, 122 pp., 14 tab. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Xeill et socii, 1797. [Also, in: P., v. 6; 698.] ______. Observations on crural hernia; to which is prefixed a general account of the other varie- ties of hernia. 4 p. 1., 95, 16, 13 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Laing, 1803. ______. Tin; morbid anatomy of the human gul- let, stomach, and intestines, xxv, 567 pp., 1 1., 21 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Constable 4' Co., 1811. ------. The same. 2. ed. xxvii, 524 pp., 21., 6pi. 8r Edinburgh, J. Carfrae 4' Son, 1830. ______, Outlines of the'anatomy of the human body in its sound and diseased state. 4 v. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Constable 4' Co., 1813. ______. Engravings of the thoracic and abdom- inal viscera, and the canals connected with them; representing the natural appearance of those important parts immediately after death, and without being affected by previous disease. Drawn under the direction of, and with descript- ive letter-press by, Alexander Monro, jun. 1 p. L, 28, 3 pp., 5 pi. 4°. Edinburgh, T. Bryce 4' Co., 1814. -'■ ------. Observations on the different kinds of suiall-pox, aud especially on that wh.ch some- times follows vaccination. Illustrated by a num- ber of cases, vi, 281 pp., 1 L, 2 pi. 8°. Edin- burgh, A. Constable 4 Co., 1818. ------. Observations on the causes of the preval- ence of small-pox, and on the means of prevent- ing the dissemination of that disease. 8 pp. 8J. Edinburgh, [1825, vel subseq.]. [P., v. 608.] Repr. from: Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1826, i. ------. Observations on spasm of the canals for the food, bile, and urine. 46 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Neill, 1826. [P., v. 697.] ------. Illustrations of the anatomy of the pelvis. 2. ed. 25 pp., 9 pi. fol. Edinburgh, Maclachlan 4 Stewart, 1827. ------. The morbid anatomy of the brain, v. 1. Hydrocephalus, xix, 200 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Edin- burgh, Maclachlan 4" Stewart, 1827. [Also, in : P., v. 698.] ------. Observations on aneurism of the abdomi- nal aorta. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Edinburgh, P. Xeill, 1827. [P., v. 698; 1062.] ------. The anatomy of the urinary bladder and perimeum of the male. Illustrated by engrav- ings, with physiological, pathological, and sur- gical observations, ix, 90 pp , 5 pi. 8 . Edin- burgh, Maclachlan, Stewart & Co., 1842. [P., v. 1200.] Sec, also, 'lonro (Alexander)2. Essays and heads of lectures [etc.J. with a memoir [etc.] 8°. Edinburgh, 1840. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 331. HI OHIO (Donald) [1729-92]. *De hydrope. 1 p. 1., 70 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Hamilton, Balfour et Xeill, 177)3. [P., v. 737.'] A Iso, in: Smellie. Thesaurus-med. [etc.] 8°. Edin- burgi, 1785, ii, 191-248. ------. The same. An essay on the dropsy, and its different species. 7 p. 1., 172 pp. 12°. Lon- don, I). Wilson t)'- T. Durham, 1755. ------. The same. 3. ed. xiv, 272 pp. 8C. Lon- don, A. Millar [etui others], 1765. ------. An account of the diseases which were most frequent in the British military hospitals in Germany from January, 1761, to the return of the troops io England iu March, 1763. To which is added, an essay on the means of preserving the health of soldiers, and conducting military hospitals, xvi, 408 pp. ^ . London, A. Millar [and others], 1764. ------. The same. Zusiitze zu des . . . Beschrei- bung der Krankheiten, welche in den brittischeu Feldlazarethen in Deutschland vom Januar 1761 bis zum Miirz 1763 am bautigsten gewesen sind, 25 Monro (Donald)—continued. von Begue de Presle. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. 2 v. in 1. 6 p. 1., 398 pp.; ."> p. L, 620 pp., 17 1. 8°. Altenburg, Bichter, 1771. ------. An account of some neutral salts made with vegetable acids, and with the salt of amber. 40 pp., 1 pi. 4°. London, 1768. [P., v. 632.] ------. Medecine d'armee, ou trait! des maladies les plus communes parmi les troupes, dans les camps et les garnisons. Trad, de l'anglois, avec des augmentations considerables par M. le Begue de Presle. 2 v. v. 1. Contenant le dis- cours prelimiuaire et l'introduction. v. 2. Con- tenant les svmptdmes, le traitement des mala- dies, etc. cclxiv, clix pp.; viii, 516 pp. 8°. Paris, P.-F. Didot lejeune, 1769. CONTEXTS, 1. Des recherches sur les progres de la medecine d'ar- mee, et le catalogue des livres publi6s sur ses diverses parties. 2. Les moyens de fortifier et conserver la sante des troupes dans les camps et les garnisons. 3. L'6tablissement et l'adniinistratiou des hopitaux mili- taires, soit fixes, soit ambulans, avec leurs l eglemens. 4. Les symptomes, le traitement et les remedes des maladies communes parmi les troupes dans les camps et les garnisons. ------. A treatise on mineral waters. 2 v. xxiv, 475 pp.; viii, 419 pp. 8°. London, D. Wilson 4' G. Nichol, 1770. ------. Pradectiones medicte ex Oronii iustituto, annis 1774, et 1775; et oratio anniversaria et Harveii iustituto, die Octobris 18, anni 1775. 3 p. L, 199 pp. 8°. London, G. Hay, 1776. [Also, in : P., v. 1540.] ---. Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers, and of conducting mili- tary hospitals. And on the diseases incident to soldiers in the time of service, and on the same diseases as they have appeared in London. 2. ed. 2 v. xi (3 1.), 374, viii, 304 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1789. ------. The same. Bemerkungen iiber die Mittel die Gesundheit der Soldaten zu erhalten und Feldlazarethe anzulegen, wie auch iiber die Krankheiten, welche die Soldaten im Lager be- fallen, uud iiber die niimlichen Krankheiten, wie sie sich in London gezeigt haben. [2. Aufl.] 1 p. 1., viii, 547 pp. 8°. Altenburg, Bichter, 1784. ------. A treatise on medical and xdiarmaceutical chyniistry. and the materia medica; to which is added, an English translation of the new edition of the pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1788. In 3 v. v. 3. 6 p. i., 464 pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell, 1788. See, also, Pringle (John). Verhandeliug over de le- gerziekten [etc. J 3 v. 8°. Amsterdam, 1785-8. Monro (Georgius). * De suffocatione stridula. 3 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, [1786]. Monro (Henry). On improving the condition of the insane. Public asylums for the middle classes. 23 pp. 8°. [London, 1851.] Repr. from: J. Psych. M.v Lond., 1851, iv. Bound with the following. -----.. Remarks on insanity. Its nature and treatment, xii pp., 2 1., 150 pp. 8 . London, J. Churchill, 187)1. [Also, in: P., v. 41.] ------. Articles on reform in private asylums. viii, 87 pp. 8-. London, J. Churchill, 1852. Another copy bound with his: Remarks on insanity. 8°. London, 1851. Monro (John) [1715-91]. Remarks on Dr. Bat- tie's treatise on madness. 1 p. L, 60 pp. 8°. London, J. Clarke, 1758. [Also, in: P., v. 568.] Monro (Thomas). Observations upon the evi- dence taken before the committee of the Hon. House of Commons for regulating mad-houses. [Also, observations of John Haslam.] 5c pp. 8°. London, H. Bryer, 1816. MONRO. 38G MOXSOX. Moill'O (William). Report to directors of the Dundee Royal Infirmary, with reasons for ob- jecting to, and dissenting from, that part of the report of a majority of the medical officers of that institution, which recommends patients labouring under fever being treated in the same wards with those labouring under other diseases. 12 pp. 8-. Dundee, Hill, 4 Alexander, 1849. [Also, in: P.. v. 1017; 1023.] Monroe, Michitptn. Ooiit;ln*M. Analysis of mineral water from a spring near Monroe, .\lich. Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, 1856-7, iv, 521. Monroe (A. L.) Method of memorizing the materia medica. vii, 44, 6 pp. 16°. Louisville, J. P. Morion 4' Co., 1882. Monroe, dit Hoe (Charles) [1KV2- ]. * Etude sur le drainage capillaire par les crins. 67 pp., 5 tab. 4°. Lyon, Vve. Chanoine, 1879, No. 26. Monroe Count i/, Xew York. See New York (Slate of). Monroe County, Virginia. See Virginia (Mineral waters of). Monroe County Medical Society. Report of a committee on tlfe subject of medical legislation to tlie Monroe Countv Medical Societv, Roches- ter, Nov. 9, 1842. 15 pp. S-. [Rochester, 1842.] ------. Report of a committee on Dr. Lovejoy's alleged new remedies. 15 pp. 8'-\ Rochester, A. Strong 4 ('°-f 187)8. ------. Constitution and by-laws, as amended at the annual meeting in June, 1871. 8 pp. 12°. Rochester, 1871. Monroe County Penitentiary. Annual reports of the inspectors, superintendent, and other offi- cers, to the board of supervisors of the county. L, 1-54-5; 7., 1860-61. 8-. Rochester, 1855-62. Mon*. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of). It in a i-il. Extrait du rapport medical de l'hopital militaire de Mons. Arch. mid. helges, Brux., 1868, 2. a., vii, 8] : viii, 363. van Mons (Charles Jacques) [1800-37]. * De infauticidio. 1 p. L, 60 pp. 4°. Lovanii, C. J. De Mat, 1822. See, also, Vleminckx (J.-F.) Essai sur l'ophthalmie de l'arniee des Pays-Bas. 8°. Bruxelles, 1825. ------ A. Marcq (P.-A.) Rapport sur le cholera- morbus, adrcsse au Conseil sup6rieure de sante' de la Belgique. 88 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Bruxelles, J.-T. Tallois, 1832. van Mons (Jean-Baptiste) [1765-1842]. Cen- sura commentarii a Wieglebo nuper editi, cui titulus : De vaporis aquei iu aerem conversione. 40 pp. 4°. Brnxellis, E. Flon, [n. d.] For Biography, see Arch, de la m6d. beige, Brux., 1843 xi, 109-113 (A. Quetelet). Also.- Bull. Acad. roy. de ni6d. dc Belg., Brux., 1842-3, ii, 851-881 (J.-S. Stas). ' Mons (Laurent). * De la cystite dans la gros- sesse et dans l'accouchenient. 66 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877, Xo. 145. Mon* veneris. Beth ii no (G. A.) Abscess of mons veneris. Extr Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve.. 1848-53, i, 156. — Warren (J. AL) Case of uncommon tumour of the mons veneris. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1852, n. s., xxiii, 351. Also, in his ■ Surg. Obs., 8°, Bost., 1807, 269. Moii*;io. Noticia e ensaio sobre as aguas mineraes da villa de Monsao, conteudo o melhoramento actual deste saintifero estabelecimento. 2. ed. sm 8° Porto, 1-45. Monsarrat (Jean-Bernard). * De la leucor- rhee. 23 pp. 4°. 'Paris, 1855, No. 84, v. 578. Monsclien (Joannes "Wolffgangus). "• De epi- lepsia. 15 1. sm. 4J. Francof. ad Viadr., lit C. Zeitleri, [1700]. Monscoill't (G.-Joseph). * Du traitement de la lievie tvphoi'de. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, L-C>2, No 196, v. 529. Monselise (Alessaudro). La mano. Studj ed osservazioni di funzionalita anatomica. 2 p. 1. 378, v pp., 1 L, 11 pi. 8'-'. Verona, H. F. Minister, 1877. -------. Le pieghe degli emisferi cerebrali; me- moria. 81 pp., 9 pi., 10 1. 8°. Verona, Drucker 4 Tedeschi, 1879. Mon*errat. AiiNCs (M.) Historia topogra'fica, quiiniea y me"dica de la Puda de Monserrat, precedida de algunas generalidades de. hidrologia general y balnearia. 8°. Barcelona, 1863. Monserrat v Riutort {Jose) [1814- 81]. A:;iiilar y l>ara. Xecrologia. Cron. m6d.,Valencia, 1880-Sl, iv, 737-711. Mon*ey {Messenger) [ 1093-1788J. Sketch (A) of the life and character of tin* late Dr. Mousey, physician to the Royal Hos- pital at Chelsea; with anecdotes of persons of the first rank in church and state. 8°. London, 1789. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Lihr.) Monsimier (J.-R.) * De l'hysterie. 22 pp. 4ri Paris, 1819, No. 169, v. 487. Monski. Wahnsinn und Blodsinn pathologisch und pathogenetisch erdrtert, mit einem Gutach- ten iiber einen Kranken, welcher in zweifelhafter Zurechnungsfahigkeit ein Mord-Attentat began- gen. MS. 122 pp. fol. [n. p.], 1863. Monski ([Carolus] Gustavus [Theodoras]). * De morbis tunicarum vaginalium testiculi et funiculi spermatici nonnulla. 31 pp. 8°. Be- rolini, G. Schade, [1848]. Monsnereaii (Gustave). * Essai comparatif entre quelques-uues des principales ambulances sedentaires e"tablics a Paris pendant le sidge de 1870-71. 48 pp. 4r Paris, 1871, No. 9. Monson. Ma.ssaciii'.sktts. State Primary School at Monson. Annual reports of the inspectors. L- 23., 1854 to 1875-6; 25., 1877-8. 8°. Boston, 1855-79. Monson (Edward). The advantages of the sep- arate system of drainage; with a description of the works designed and carried out by the author at the town of Halstead, Essex. The evils aud disadvantages of the metropolitan system of com- bined drainage. The cause of flooding from the low-level sewer, and how it might be prevented. A proposed method of sewage disposal for the metropolis, so as to prevent the present nui- sance from the sewage and the silting up of the Thames, vi, 29 pp. 8J. London, P. 4 r- ^- Spon, 1875. -----. Metropolitan sewage, and what to do with it; a series of papers relating to the formation and expenditure of the Metropolitan Board of Works; the separate system of drainage and the main drainage system ; the new stock brick-mak- ing process for utilizing sewage sludge; a scheme of sewage disposal for the metropolis, and the author's scheme of drainage for the Lower Thames Valley, including an account of the competition and detailed estimates of cost; the whole being a complete system of sewage clarifi- cation and purification, xx, 135 pp. o-\ Lon- don, B. T. Batsford, 1883. MOXSSEAU. 387 MONSTERS. Monsseail (Theodore-Antoine-Francois). * De 1'unkylose. 32 pp. 4°. Parti, ]850, No. 166, v. 409. Monsseanx (Charles-Joseph) * De l'emphy- seme du poumou. 26 pp. 4U. Paris, 1851, No. 222, v. 512. Monsseanx (F. - Augnste). * Des nStrecisse- nicnts de l'urethre, et de leurs differents modes de traitement. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 320, v. 563. Monsseanx (Pierre-Joseph). * Sur les abci-s ou tumeurs purnlentes en general. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 112, v. 166. Monsters. See, also, Anatomy (Abnormities of); Anatomy (Essays, etc., on); Foetus (Abnormities of); Foetus [Maternal influence on); Labor (Complicated, etc.), from disproportion, elc, of the child; Naevus ; Sa- cro-coccygeal region (Tumors of); Tumors (Con- genital) ; and under names of organs and regions, e. 73. Pihringkr(C) * De monstro. Resp. Rudol. Gottfried Burger. 4r Wittebergw, 1664. Poissoxmer (P. I.) *Au ab origine monstra? Pl'icses J. lillsson. In.: Siowart (G. F.) Qiuest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce 17K9. i, 3-9. I'osnkh (('.) Cnrioser Tractat von deneu Miss-fiebiirtlien, erster und auder Theil, aus dem Lateinischeii ius Deutsche iibersetzt vou M. M. 16 . Dressclen it. Leipzig, 1702. l'i;iN( eteau. * Progres de la teratologic de- puis Isidore Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire. 8'-. Paris, 188[\. Phochaska (Ct.) Commentatio qusedam in sys- tcnia generationis et causas originis monstrorum. In his : Adnot. acad. 8°. Pragce, 1781, ii, 89-141. 1'i'TTER (J. S.) * Historia' naturalis fragment a ex ostentis, prodigiis et monstris. 2 pts. fol. Gottingw, 1784-5. ti-.v Kiiyne (W.) Dissertatio de monstris. In his: Diss, de arthritide [etc.J 8°. Londini, 1683 303-334. Rollin (C. J.) * Duorum monstrorum anato- men et de causis monstroruin ulterioreni disqui- sitionein exhihens. sm. 4°. Gottinga; [1742]. tii'DOLrri (C. E.) * Monstrorum trium pneter naturain cum secundinis eoalitorum disquisitio. 4°. Berolini, 1829. Sciihnckius (J- G. ) Monstrorum historia meniorabilis, monstrosa humanorum partuum luiracula . . . Accessit analogicuin arguiiientum de monstris brutis. sm. 4°. Francofurti, 1609. Schrodter (A. 1).) Lapsus natura', in genere humano. 4^. Jena; [1689]. Schistic1* (M. (1.) Dissertatio physica de monstris. 4 . Lipsia; [1690]. Souhincs (A.) Tractatus de monstris, qua' a tcniporibus Constantini hucusque ortum habu- erint, ac iis qiue circa eornm tempore misere ac- (•idcrunt. 16°. Parisiis, 1570. Sti'ngei.h's (G.) De monstris et monstrosis, quam mirabilis, bonus, et Justus, in limndo ad- ministrando, sit Dens, monstrantibus. 16°. In- golstadii, 1647. SrmcERius (J.) * De monstro. 4°. Wilte- bergte. 1665. Si'uingar ((L C.) * Dissertatio medica de uisu formativo ejusque erroribus. 4°. Lugd. Bat.. 18>1. Tahexetski (A.) Anatomija i istorija razvi- tija tsiklopii u chelovieka s primiechanijami o ra/.vitii piostvich urodov voobtshe. [Develop- ment of Cyclops-man, with remarks ou the de- velopment of monsters in general.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 188-2. T.yiu'eei (C.) Storia della tcratologia. 4 v. 8 . Bologna, 1881-6, Tilingiis (M.) De tuba uteri deque fretu nuper in Gallia extra uteri cavitatem in tuba concepto; exercitatio anatomica, cui duorum nionstioruin, uiiius Berolini, alterius vero in agio .Mai']iurgensi nuper editorum, relatio est inncxa. 18-. Rinthelii. 1679. Tricesimcs quartus thesauri picturaruni to- mus continens monstra relligionis horreiida et alioruni diversorum aliquot partuum aiiimalium tain rationaliuni quam irrationaliutn eongestus. Anno salntis restitutie. MS, b. [n. p.], 1694. Text in Latin aud German. Monnier-*. Valentini (M. B.) De nioiistroruin Hassia- corum ortu atque causis, ad Joh. Dan. Dorste- niuni. 1()84. In his: Poly chresta exotica I etc] 4"-. Francof. a. JL, 1700, 175-186. Also: Ibid., 1701, 17.V1S6. Vorst.man (J. G.) *Beschrijving eener mis- vonnde menschelijke vrucht. - . Leiden, 187)7. Vrolik (W.) Wenken over den oors[irong der misgeboorten en over de waarde van de leer der aangeboren misvoriningen. s-. Amsterdam, 1836. Also, in: Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschicd. en Phvsiol., Leiden, 1837-8. iv. 221-261. ------. Teratology. *-. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Cycl. Anat. i Physiol. Waelrich (C.) De monstris. 4-. Witte- berga; 1655. Weinriciiils (M.) De ortu monstrorum com- meutarius. In quo essentia, differentiie, causa-. et affectiones mirabilium animalium explicantur. 12°. [Breslee], 1595. Wekerle (G.) * De monstris. > . Pestini, [1827]. Westphal (J. C.) Natura peccans septenario probli'inatiim niimero proposita. 4'. Lipsia; [1687]. Adam t A. M.) Ciintiiliiitiiint to tei-atolot;v. Month. J. M. Sc.. bt.nil. \- K.linli.. t-.'.l. xviii, 211: 399: xix. 240; VI.-). Alxo, I!e|iriiii. — l',<|iiiiin est, iu tailor Doiniui, in- chiiiivii I't i iambi. ut iiii'intir.iiis productiouibus ciiormi- luis, sett anomalis iiatiiriv, regulates jam atlhigamus: nu- per in exameu adduxinius seimonem habituin de genera- tione inonstroiuiu: jam alius oct'iirrit tie aniinalibus per- fectis: materia hac priori non niiniis elegans. nee niiiius eognitu digna: emu porro in disquisitionem hiec venire neqiieat quiu forma siibstantisilisoccurrat, tie hac agendum erit, ob eiiniiexioncin lvrum liarmn inutnani; quo pu-to tit rat)! it- examini suhjic ic ntur: a (,'leante expeetamus dc ilm tiimciii hujus opt ris i|iiandoquiilt'tn illam in se sust epii /.otliaeiis med.-gall. His-.'. Geneva. Iii8."i, iv. lil'.l-lliil \hl- feld ( E. i Ueber einen Moiiopus mit vollstiiudiui'iii M.iu gel der iiusseren (ienitalien untl ties Afters, nebst Beaier- kungen, 1. zur Lehre von der Aetiologie der Sirencnbil- dung, uud 2. zur Lehre von der Thiitigkeit der tdtalen Xieie uud Harnhlase. Art-h. f. Gvnaek., Berl.. 1879, xiv, 276-294. Also: Mitth. d. Gesellsch. I Gi'lmrtsh. zu Leipz. (1879), 1880, pt. 2, 3-21. Also [Abstr. j: Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1ST9, v. 376 — \livelier. Von Men- sehcu. so vttu Pfertleu untl Ivithni gi'bnhreii wimbii. Samml. v. Xat.- u. Metl.- . . . lirscli. 1722. Leipz. it. Uiulis- sin. 1724, xxi, 1134-336.—Amnilo (J. J. da S.j Abu mas reflexoes a respeito tla memoria do Sr. Professor 1'. Mar- ques iutitulatla : Breve memoria sobre um exemplar de unia niuito notavel inonsti uosidade. deseonhecidaate agora na especie huniana e que se node i-eferii- ao eeiieio tlas py- gomelias de J. G. Saint Hilaire. •!. Sue. tl. sc. med. tie Lisb.. 1804. 2. s., xxviii. 429-441.— Aiiimatl verwioncs de monstris huinauis et in specise historia -ra\-itlitatis qaa- tuordeciiu auuoium. Acta Acad. Cas. i«-u. .In-.. p!i n r.- chir. Vindob., 1788. i. 196-208.:; pi — Atlhill. Inhibition of a monster born in the Rotunda Lyiug-iu Hospital. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1880, viii 62::.—Bake (H. A.) Twee waarneemingeu van wanschepsels in daar uit afgeleide gv- volgtrekkingen. Verhantb I en W'a.nn. t. Bevord. d. Ge- nees-. Heel-. Verlos-en Scheik., Ley.leu. 1804. ii, 84-110.— Barry (M.) Further observations on the unity of struct- ure in the auimal kingdom, antl on congenital anomalies, including "hermaphrodites"; with some reinaiks on em- bryology, as facilitation animal nomenclature, classifica- tion, anil the study of comparative anatoiuv. Edinb. X. Phil. J., 1837, 345-304. Also, Reprint. — Bai'tlioliiiiii (T.) De naturae abnndantia et defectu. Aci.i med. et phil. Hafn. (1673), 167a, ii. 77. Also, hmsl.: ( oil, , t acad. d. mem., etc.. Dijon, 1766. vii, 211.— Beach. I 'ber die Gehurt einer Kieseiiti neht. Vrtljschr. f. -eiiclnl. Mi-tL, Berl., 1879 n. V.. xxxi. 191.—Beale if. S.i Monstrosity and maternal impulsions. Lancet Lond 1860. ii, 430.— Beschi-icheneu i\ oinlenn L.ip/i-i-rh, n Moustro, uud einem andern iu Sclilesien und Po'irii welches Letztere halb Mensch uud halb Kalb soil gewest^n seyn. Samml. v. Xat- u. Metl.- . . . (resell. 1723, Leip/.. u. Budissiu. 1724, xxiv, r>li3-*)li(i. — Born (G.) Leber Doppidbilduiiiren beim Frosch und dei en Kutstehun-. Jahresb. tl. schles. Ge- sellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1>82. I'.ivsl.. I.v3. Ix. 39-43. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr.. 18S2. iv 162. ------. 1 eber die Furebunil ties Eies bei Doppelbiltlungen. Bresl ni ai t tl. Ztschr. 18s7, ix, KiSi-171. —Bryani. Malformai i..n- and their causes Lancet, Loml.. 1SIS-9. i. 489 Biiru- arae\e (A.) fttudes sur les moustniosites considcrees dan- leurs rapports avec les lois de l'orgauogenie. Ann. MONSTERS. 390 MONSTERS. iTIonwter*. Soc.de m6d. de Gand, 1837, iii, 37; 145, 2 pi.—Calflerini (G.) Contribute alia diagnosi delle mostruosita del feto ed alia eziologia dell' idrainnios. Ann. di ostet.. Milano, 1882. iv, 101-107.—Carl i (F.) Cenno su tre mostri venuti alia luce iu altrettanti parti successivi. Bull. tl. sc. nied. di Bologna, 1863, 4. »., xix, 30-36.—Carpenter (J. G.) Report of a case of monstra deficientia. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1879, xxxvii, 281. — Chabelarci. [Trois enf'ans mon- strueux.] [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc.. 1746.] Collect. acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc, . Par. et Liege, 1785, x, 397. — Chabry (L.-M.) Processus teratologiques pen- dant la periode tie segmentation de 1'oeuf. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Tar., 1887, 8. s, iv, 224. — Chaussicr & Ailclon. Monstruosites. Diet. d. sc. nied., Par., 1819, xxxiv, 154-263. — Chevalier (J.-M.) Observations pour servir a 1'histoire des monstruosites humaiues. J. tb- metl.. chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1808, xvi, 369-373.— ChriNliaii (E. P.) Record of cases of foetal abnor- malities ami monstrosities in my practice, with observa- tions of embryonic nutrition. Tr. M. Soc. Mich., Lan- sing, 1876, 399-410.—Clemens (A.) Ueber Missgebur- ten und angeboreue Missgestaltungen. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1863, xii, 74-78. — CnocflTcliiis (A.) Infante monstroso cutem porcelli assati similein et durani ex parte gerente. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1673-4, Francof. et Lips., 1676. 51. Also: Ibid., 1688, iv-v. 48. Also, transl : Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1757. iv,72.—Conant (D. S.) The science, causes, ami anatomical peculiarities of human monstrosities. Tr. X. York Aeatl. M., 1857-63, ii, 267-298. [Discussion], 362- 373. — Balev 11!. I A difficult labor and foetal monstrosity. Peoria M. Month., 18^2-3. iii, 424. — Darc*tc (C.) Me- moire sur la production de certaines formes de monstru- osit6s simples. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 210-215. -----. Sur la production artificielle des monstruosites. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1868, lxvi, 155-158. -----. Note sur le mode de formation des monstres symeliens. Ibid., 185-187. -----. Nouvelles re- cherches sur la production des monstruosites dans l'oeuf de la poule par une modification du germe auterieure k la inise en iucubation. Ibid.. 1880. e.iii, 355..— Unvainc ((,'.) Monstres: monstruosite. Diet, enevel. tl. sc. metl., Par., 1875, 2. s., ix, 201-264. — Dcwciiplioii de deux inoustres. [From: J. d. seavans, 1072. j Collect, aeatl. d. mem., etc.. Dijon, 1755, 200, 1 pi. — BiekiiiMOii. Mon- strosities. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, ix, 452-458.— Dickwon (S. H.j Monstrosities. Richmond & Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1869, vii, 1-11.— Bowler (B.) Obstetrical cases and physiological remarks. N. Orl. M. tfc S. J., 1854-5, xi, 13-21. — Diintzer. Abgestorbenes Monstruin bei iebendem und wolilgebildetem Kinde. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1842. xi. 364-366.—Diiineril. Rapport fait sur un enfant nionstrueux. Bull. Fae. de metl. de Par. (1809-11), 1812, ii. 23— Ketromclie. Dis- cussiou. Bull. Soc. de chir. tie I'ar. (1806), 1867, 2. s., vii, 383-385. — Ehrmanu (C.-IL) Description de quelques monstruosites humaiues. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1827, iv, 1-9, 1 pi—Engcl. Ueber Entste- huug von Missgeburten durch aussere Bedingungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv. 17; 33; 49.—Engel- ■liami (G. J.) A teratological contribution. Illust. M. ,fc S.. X. Y., 1883, ii, 123-126, 1 pi.—Falaschi (E.) De- scrizioue di alcune mostruosita in un feto uniano setti- mestre. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1884, ii, 54-56.—Fisher (G. J.) Does maternal mental influ- ence have any constructive or destructive power in the production of malformations or monstrosities at any stage of embryonic development ? Am. J. Insan., Utica,' N. V., 1869-70'. xxvi, 241-295. Also, Reprint, under following title: Are malformations or monstrosities of the fietns in utero ever produced by the power of maternal mental emo- tions .'— Formation (Sur la) des monstres. [From: M6m. Aeatl. my. d. sc., 1738-40.] Collect. Acad. d. mem., etc. P ' it if franc.., Par. et Liege, 1785. viii, 325-334. —Fox ( R.) Notices of monstrosities. Lancet, Loml., 1839, i, 471-473.—Fuller (A.) Monstrosities. Weeklv M. Rev.! Chicago, 1884. ix, 394— Ctallcz (L ) Trois observations sur des enfants nionstrueux. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg , Brux.. 1808, 3. s . ii, 1069-1080. [Rap. de M. de RoubaixJ. 992-996.—Gamm aye (W. L.) Case of twins, one being a monstrosity: uterine haemorrhage. N. Orl. M. >.V S. J., 1856-7. xiii, 15-17— <«aston (E.) Two cases of iii.ilfiirmatiou. Med. Cuunsi llnr, Columbus, 1855, i, 561- 563.—GcoflTroj-Saint-llilairc (E.) Philosophic ana- toiiiique ties monstruosites humaiues, etc. Rev. m6d. franc er etrang.. Par.. 1823, x, 243-256. -----. Considera- tions gcnerales sur la monstruosite, et description d'un genre nouveau observe daus l'espece humaiue, et nomine Aspalasome. J. conipl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1825, xxi, 236: 367. -----. Des adh6rences de l'exte-rieur du foetus, consitler6es comme le principal fait occasionnel de la mon- struosite, et observations nouvelles a l'appui de cette the- orie. Arch. gen. tie nied., Par., 1827, xiv, 392-406. Also, Keprint. -----. Sur quelques tlisseutiinens de th6orie dans des questions de uionstruosites. Rev. med. banc, et etrang.. Par., 1827. xxv, 277-283. Also, transl..- Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1827, 328-334. — CJeoffroy- HIo listers. Sain I-Hilaire (I.) (Quelques remarques sur le traite de teratologic. Ga/.. metl. de I'ar.. 1837, 2. s., v, 431.— Oerlach ( L.) Leber die kiinstliche Erzeugung von Doppelbildungen beim Hiihnchen. Sitzungsb. tl phys- med. Soe. zu Erlang.. 1880-81. 13. lift.. 5-18.—*i iralfle*. Monstruosites diverses chez un 1'tel us. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol. 1850, I'ar., 1851, ii, 152.—Golrow. Ueber zwei Missbildungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. in Berl. (1801-2), 1803, xv, 188-194. Also: Monat- schr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1863, xxi, 1-7, 1 pi.— Hard (A.) Six cases of monstrosities, or malformations, and one of puerperal convulsions. Tr. Illinois M. Soc., Chicago. 1859. 67-71. — Hart (S.) Five cases of congeni- tal malformation, or monstrosity. Am. M. Mouth., X. V., 1861, xvi. 175-214. Also: Tr. M. Soe. Countv Kings (1858- 64). Brooklyn. 1865. i, 160-166. — Hartinani'i (P..J.) Alia- toiuemonsfrosi cretliti ftetus. Misc. Aeatl.nat. curios. 1686. Norinib., 1687, decuria 2. v, 176-179. — Heiiot. .Memoire anatomique sur plusieurs foetus humains nionstrueux. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1830, xxiv, 313-334, 1 pi.—Heir. maim (J. J.) Beschreibung zwever Missgeburten. Med.- chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1822, iv, 93: 110.—Hohl (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Vervielfachung der Organe, ohne Eiblichkcit in einer Familie. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1828, 177-180.—Holiib(F.J.) Urbei Monstrositaten. Vrtl.jschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk.. Prag, 1844, iv, 38-58.—von llu>«.*«n (B.) Von einigeu curieusen Monstris. Samml. v. Xat.- u. Med.-. . . Gesch. 1719, Bressl.. 1720. vii, 70-76.—.lac-It- won. Monstrosities. Boston M. &. S. J., 1856, liv, 295.— Jaeobi. A collection of anomalies in a monster. Med. Rec., X. V., 1867-8, ii, 283.—J acq Mart (H.) Anatomie compar6e appliquee k la teratologic. Memoire sur l'ana- logie qui rapproehe: le la disposition trouvee dans le sys- teme circulatoire des foetus peracephales de l'honune et des animaux ; 2e le systeme lacunaire des animaux infeiieurs ; 3e enfin certaine portion du systeme lvmphatique des ophi- diens. Compt. rend. Soe. tie biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 235-243.—Jacquel tMme.) Plusieurs casdemoustresdans des grossesses doubles el simples. J. tl. sages-femmes, Par., 1875, iii, 114—.laeckel (J.) Beitrag zur Lehre iiber die urspriinglichen Missbildungen des Menschen. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1853, ii, 220-221.—JciiincIi. Beschreibung einer Missgeburt. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1837, vii, 129-131, 1 pi.—Joly (N.) Eludes sur un monstre humain, n6 a Toulouse, et afl'ecte tout k la fois d'encephalie, de pied-hot, de poly- dactylie, d'hermaphrodisme et d'iuversion splanchnique gen6rale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1866, 3. s., xxi, 372. ----. Lettre sur l'application de la methode naturelle et la classification des monstres. Ibid., 1866, 3. s.. xxi, 469: 1867, 3. s., xxii. 101; 473. [See, also, supra, Guerin (J.)l— Kimiiiiaii (S.) Beskrif'ning ofver trenne dubbelmiss- foster jemte en kort framstalining af nagra satser nr niissliildningsbliiran. [Description of three monsters, and a short sketch of theories of malformation. J Up- sala Liikaref. Forh., 1871-2, vii, 264 - 288. — Kneclantl (S.), jr. Four cases of malformed ftetus. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1857-8, lvii, 97-100.— Koo-jler (M. A.) A re- port of three human monstrosities. Am. J. M..Sc. Phila., 1882, lxxxiv, 129-132. —Kollmeier. Zur Casuistik der Missgeburten. An h. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl . 1864, xxix, 610.— Lain inert (G.) Ueber Missbildungen; Beitrage aus neuer und alter Zeit. Ibid.. 1861, xxii, 230-230. 1 pi.— I-ebedeflf (A.) Leber die Entstehuug tier Ane ntephalie und Spina bifida bei Vogeln und Menschen. Ibid.. Issl, lxxxvi, 263-298, 3 pi. —I.ercboullcl. Teratologic. I'inc. verb. . . . Soe. tie med. tie Strasb., 1858-63, i, 103-108. — I,e- riclie (E.) Note sur quelques points de teratologic. As- soc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1873, Par., 1874, ii, 821-8^8. — I.eaan vatfe. ('nt'lipics remarques sui' ie traite tie teratologic tie M. Isidore Geoffroy-Saint-Hi- laire. Gaz. metl. tie Par.. 1837. 2. s., v, 431. Also. Re- print.— Lippincott (II.) tfc Warrington (J.) Cases of abnormal Iieluses; with remarks. Metl. Exam., Phila., 1838, i, 261). — I.oinbroNO (C.) Tcratologia: caso singo- lare di macrosomia osservato all' Ospedalc di Pavia. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e let I. Kentlic., Milano, 1868, 2. s.. i, 671- 677. —liowne (B. T.) Abstract of three lectures of tera- tology. Lancet. Loud.. 1877. ii. 242; 392; 551.—I.nnel (G.) Sur deux cas tie polymelie (membres surnnmeraircs) ob- serves chez la Rana'viridis seu esculenta (Lin.). Mem. Soc. tie phys. et d'hist. nat. de Geneve, 186s. xix. 3"5-312, 1 pi — I.yford (CO Monstrosities. Am. Vet. Rev.. N. Y., lss4-5, viii. 217-221—.-tlaeari (F.) Mostro complesso. Salute: Italia med.. Genova, lss3. 2. 8., xvii. 73-75. — .Un- chell. Arrested development of a foetus. Canada Pract., MONSTERS. 391 MONSTERS. Hon*ter*. Toronto, 1885, x, 121.—IMartin (J.) Case of a succession of monstrous births occurring in the same female. Med. Exam., Phila.. 1849, n. s.. v, 23— Manghs (G. M. 1!.) Re- markable monstrosities. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri (1879), 1880, ii, 201.—.Mayer. Beschreibung meikwiirdi- t'er Fiille aus zwei Klasseii von Monstrositiiten. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl . 1832, xviii, 521-547.—.TIec-kcl. Ueber tlie fefilerhafte erste Bildung der Wirbelsiiule bei Mon- strositaten. Vei-hiintll. (1. (iesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (ls52-3), 1853, vii. 95-101.—.Meckel (J. F.) Beschreibung einer tu'erkwiirdigi n Missgehurt. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1822, vii, 1-16, 1 pi. -----. Beschreibung einer nierkwiiidigcn Missgeburt. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phy- siol., Leipz.. 1820, i, 36-43 — .Mchrniniiii (H. B.) Oak- land's monstrosity; what is H! Calif. M. J.. Oakland, 1886. vii. 32-55.—.Meissner (F L.) Leber tlie angebor- nen Missbihlungen des menschlichen Kindes. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr.. Berl., 1857, x. 415-435.— ltleUei'ilschiaiilz (M.) Die Gebtirt und das Fiapimit finer Missbildung. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1883, vii, 521-527.—Merlins. Leber die niiehste lTrsache des An- sprungs (Crusta laetea, lactumeu), nebst einigen Beiner- kungen iiber die Entstehuug widcrnatiirlicher Lagen des Fiitus uud der Erzeugung von Aftergebilden (Mohe) kriip]ilicher und vcrkruppelter Kinder. Jahrb. f. tl. Lebens Magnet.. Leipz.. 1819, ii, pt. 1. 147-159.—Utiles (A. J.) Congenital malformations. Cincin. M. News. 1872, n. s., i,' 201-207— Minkowski (O.) Leber Spal- tungen im Thierkiirper. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1883, xvii, 445-465.— IMonvlrcs (Sur les). [From: Mem. Aeatl. rov. tl. sc, 1743.1 Collect. Aeatl. d. mem., etc. Partie franc-, Par. et Liege. 1785, ix, 202-211.— IMonstris (De) Berolini ao. 1723 natis. Acta ined. Bero- lin.. 1720. decade 2, vi, 68-74, 1 pi.—.Moiistroscn (Von einetn) Kinde. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med. . . . Gesch. 1720, I Leipz. u. Biidissin, 1721, xi, 323 — Montgomery (Iv) Cases of monstrosity. St. Louis M. \ S. J 1861. xix. 232- 234— .Ylooney (M. D.) Congenital malformations. At- lanta M. tt S.' J., 1874-5, xii, 354 — Miiller. Beschrei- bung zweier Missgeburten. Oesterr. Vrlljschr. f. wis- sensch. Veteriniirk., Wien, 1879, lii, 161-167 — .?B iii Ier (A.) Beschreibung zweier Fiille von Missgeburten. Ztschr. f. Witntlarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1862. xv, 203- 207, 1 pi.— tl iii Ier (A. D.) Et. Tilfadde af Mistlannelser hos et uvfotlt Barn. [Case of malformation in new-horn child.] 'Lgesk. f. Lieger. Kjebenh., 1868. 3. R., v, 329- 335.—.Tinlier (N.) tfc Riiehncr (J. G.) Von nionstrdsen Gebuhrteii. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Metl.- . . . Gesch. 1722. Leipz. u. Budissiu, 1724, xxii. 601.—.Murray (J. J.) [Mal- formations due to arrested development may co-exist with malformations caused bv intra-uterine disease of the fti'tus. | Brit, tt For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.. 1860, xxvi, 509.—Kiiih- richlen von sieben seltenen Monstrositaten. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw.. I'.eil.. 1832. ii, 212-214.—,\oe;j";cralh (E.) Monstrosity. |irobablv composed of tbe human heart. N. Vork M. J.. 1>82. xxxv,'522. Also: Tr. X. York Obst. Soc. (1881-5). 1885. iii, 54— Morris. Tiratonia. X. York M. J., 1880. xxxii, 526. —rVorth (J ) On monstrosities. Lancet, Loml., 1840, i, 857; 913.—Observations snr les monstres hninains, et en particulier sur l'histoire d'une grossesse de qnatorze ans. Actes Aeatl. c. r. Josephine metl.-chir. tie Yienne. Montpel., 1792, i, 243-254. — Olli ver (A.) Sur la pathogenie des vices de conformation. Bull. Soc. d'autbrtip. dc Par.. 1878, 3. s.. i, 150-155.—Ollivier & Kai£C-I>eloriiie. Monstres: monstruosite. Diet. de ined., 2. til., Par., 1839. xx, 169-213.— Orth. Drei j meusehliehe Missgeburten. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc , j Berl., 1872. liv. 492-500.—Painiin (P. L.) Bidiag til Kuudskabom MisdannelsernesOprintlelse. [Contributions to our knowledge of the origin of monsters.] Noid. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1869, i, no. 1, 1-25, pi. 1.-----. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der physiologist-hen Bedeutung tier angc- hornen Missbildungen. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 1878, lxxii, 69: 165; 289, 2 pi.— Partfamin. Sluch. zainechat. urotlstva. [Case of remarkable monster.1 Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1886, vi, 602.—de Pedro (M.) Tetiatologia. Siglo metl.. Madrid, 1868, xv, 147; 166; 554; 571: 598;' 613.—Pendleton (I. M.) Observations ou monstrosities. Phila. J. M. lV I'll vs. Se., 1826. n. s., iv, 289-297: 1827, n. s., v, 17-23. —Pen'zig (().) Miscellanea teratologica. Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di so. e lett. Cl. di lett. c sc. maternal, e nat., Milano, 1883-5. 3. s., vi, 177-212. 4 pi.— Pei'cheroii. Diftbimites multiples chez un nouveau-ne. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims (1875), 1876, 70-72 — Priolean (•I. FI lo marks on monstrosities. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1882, 97-102.— Prorliaska. Nachricht iiber zwev incuschliche Missgeburlen. Med. Jahrb. d k. k. osterr.'Staates, Wien, 1815-16, iii, 4. St.. 104-116, 1 pi.— ■*i'o Een kiut souder hersse- nen "tboreii. In his. lloml. seldz. aanmerk., 8-, Auist., 1682,~5-11. MONSTERS. 393 MONSTERS. Jlonster* {Acephalous). See, also, Monsters (Acardiac). Bkkra ( V. L. ) Siugulare mostruosita d' un feto umano, e congetture sui primitivo sviluppo dell' enibrionc. 4°. Verona, 1817). Repr. from: Soc. ital. d. sc, xvii. Ei.ur.x (E.) De acephalis, sive monstris corde carentibus. 4°. Berolini, 1821. Gkkgens (P. J.) Auatomische Beschreibung eines merkwiirdigen Acephalus. 4-. Giessen, 1830. Hempel (C. F.) De monstris acephalis dis- quisitio anatomica. 4°. Iletfuia; 1850. Herholdt (J. D. ) Anatoniisk Beskrivelse over fern luenneskelige Misfostere. 4°. Kjeiben- havn, \829. Repr. from: Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selskabs Skrifter. Kalek (J. H.) Monstri acephali humani ex- positio anatomica. 4°. Berolini, [18"2r>]. Lauffer (J. J.) *Diss. med. qua infans sine cerebro natus consideratur. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1748]. Locke (J.) A strange and lamentable acci- dent that happened lately at Mears-Ashby in Northamptonshire, 1642. Of one Mary Wilmore, wife to John Wilmore, rough mason, who was delivered of a chihlc without a head, and credi- bly reported to have a tirnie crosse on the brest, as this ensuing storv shall relate. 8C. London, 1642. Reprinted 1880. Maliierbe. Observation d'acephalie. 8-. [Nantes, n. cl.] Mappps (M.) Historia medica de acephalis. biii. 4°. Argentorati, 1687. Monro (A. ) Description of a human male monster; illustrated by tables, with remarks. 4 . Edinburgh 4' London, 1793. Pfotenhackr (C. A.) * De monstro acephalo humano. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Rudelt (J. P.) * Beschreibung einer kopflo- sen Missgeburt. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1829. Sapolini (G.) Acefalia tetramerica. Lettera del . . . al Cristoforo Tommati. 8°. Milano, 1879. Sowoidxicii (E.) *De acephalo quodam hu- mano. 8C. Vratislavice, 1847. Tiedemaxx (F. ) Anatomie der kopllosen Missgeburten. fol. Landshut, 1813. Toeppen (H. A. M.) *De acephalo. 8°. Re- gimontii Pr., [1846]. Vkkndam (J. L.) * Over hoofdelooze misge- boorten. S-. Leiden, 1869. Wli.i'.siiein (8.) * Monstri acephali descriptio anatomica. 4-. Berolini, [1833]. Abortus soptimestris monstrosus. sine cerebro et cra- nio, per 11 horas vivens. Acta nied. Berolin., 1721. viii, 7- 13.—Abraham (R.) Desei iption of an acephalous ftetus. Lond. M. tfc Phys. J., 1827, n. s., ii. 13.3.—Ailam (A. AL) The acephalous foetus, and the phvsiologv of its circula- tion. Month. J. M. Sc. Loml. ^c Edinb.', 1854, xix, 515- 524.—Allen. [Atypical acephalo "J- Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1881. n. s., iii, 409— Allison (J.) Acephalous fu-lus. Prov. M. & S. J.. Lond.. 1842-3, v, 225— A) inett (R. E.) An acephalous monster. South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1884, vi, 110.—Baxter (M.) Acephalous monstros- ity. Nashville J. M. tfc S.. 1881, n. s., xxvii, 15. —Bcards- Iej(A.) Caseof birth and dissection of an acranii. Brit. Kec. Obst. M. A- S., Manchester. 1848, i. 16s — Beanlslev (L.X.) An acephalous ftetus. boston M. .fc S. J . 1858-9, lix. 39.— Keek. Case of acephalous foetus. Dublin Hosp. (raz., ls.Mi. n. s., iii, 357.— lleclanl. Memoire sur les fictus acephales. Bull. Fac. tie med. tie Par., 1814-15. iv, 447:403: 1816-17, v, 488, 11 ]>1. Kedenyfield ..I.) Mon- strosity. Lancet, Lond., ]S3::, ii. 4'J!>.—Bevill (C.) A case of acephalus. with spina bifida. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885. xiii. 280.—Beyer (G. YV.) Ein Kind ohne Cranio und Haut. Samml. v. Xat.-u. Med. . . . Gesch. 1723, Leipz. u. Budi.4sin, 1725, xxv, 311.—Bimar (A.) Sur un mon- stre acephalo : desci iption et reflexions, (biz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel , 1886. viii, 220-224.—Bonn (A.) Out leedkundige beschrijviug en aannierkingen, over het maaksel en de voeding eeuer zeldzaame en wanstaltigo JIon*ter* (Acephalous). mensculijke vrucht, als van zes niaanden dragts, teu zelf- den tijde, nevens twee voldragene en weljiemaakte kinde- ren geboren. Verhandel. d. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk., Amst., 1794, iii, 123-192, 1 pi. —Bower ill. L.) At epha- lous monsteis. Med. Age. Detroit. 1883-4. ii. 64. —Boyec (L. K.) Acephalous monstrositv. I'hila. Mri'imcs. ls73-4. iv, 363. Also: Tr. M. Soe. County Albany, 1883, iii, 108.— Brcschet ((J-.) Acephalie. Diet, de ni6d., 2. ed., Par., 1832. i, 440-465.—Brewster (W. A.) Monster. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1830-31. iii, lifi.-Bron-n (D.i A peculiar acephalous monster. Am. J. Obst.. X Y., 1884, xvii, 1021- 1026. Also [Abstr.] : Med. News. Phila., 1884, xliv, 702.— Bryce(R.[ Acephalous foetus. Dublin Hosp. Gaz. 1856, u. s., iii. 35, —Burrows. Case of malformation of the head, constituting what is commonly called an acephalous ftetus. Mid-Chir. Tr.. 3. ed.. Lond., 1817, ii, 52-57. —t'nl- ilcron y .Tlartinez (J.) Un feto acefalo. Anhteatio anat., Madrid. 1876, iv. 243.—C'alori (L.) Sopra un per- acefalo umano. Mem. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. 1847. 2. s., iv, 345-383. 3 pi Chamberlain (W. M.) Aerauial monster. X. York M. J.. 188:;, xxxvii. 93. Also.- Tr. N. York Obst. Soc! (1881-5), 1885. iii. 147-149.- Cliamle- Inx. Kapport sur un cas tie ftetus acephale. Lyon ined., 1880, xxxv, 42-52. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1880), 1881, xx. 86-96.-t'intra (S.) Monstre unitaire de l'ordre des omphalosite:1, famille ties acephaliens, geure peracephale. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path. de Brux.. 1880. xxix. 93-96.—C'ockell (F.), jr. Foetal monstrosity [acephalie]. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1883), 1884, xxv. 110.—Cooper (\V.) An account of an extraordinary acephalous birth. Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1775, lxv, 311-321.— Courjon. Observation d'un monstre acephalien, genre acephale. Lyon med., 1880, xxxv, 37-42. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. metl. tie Lyou (1880), 1881, xx, 79- 85.—Csap(J.) Ueber eiueu Acephalus. Ztschr. f. Xat.- ii. Heilk. in Ungara, Oedenhurg, 1858, ix, 83. — Uepnul, Note sur un ftetus acephale. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1857, Par., 1858, 2. s.. iv. 132-137. Also I Abstr.]: Bull. Soe. anat. tie Par.. 1857, xxxii, 29. -----. I'n foetus acephale. Bull. Acad, tie nied., Par.. 1874. 2. s., iii, 302- 307. -----. Monstre acephale. Ibid., 1875, 2. s., iv, 357- 362. -----. Monstre appartenant ii la famille des acepha- liens (genre peracephale). Arch, de toeol., Par.. 1875, ii, 234-241.—Depanl A- !*ii snonot. Description anato- iiiique d'un monstre tie la famille ties acephaliens. Bull. Acad, de ined., Par.. 1856-7. xxii. 1152-1159. — van Bears. Eine merkwiirdige Missgeburt. [From: Arch. tl. ktinigl. diinischeu Gesuntlheitscollegii ausgezogen von Otto.] Ztschr. f. tl. ges. Med., Hamb.. 1846, xxxiii. 99-101.— Do- ■icniiil. Observation sur un monstre acephale. A. de ined.. chir.. pharm.. etc.. Par.. 1772, xxxvii, 127. — Dubois. Monstre acephale. Bull. Soc. tie metl. et chir. tie La Bo- chelle, 1878. no. 4, 52-54.—»n C'aslel. Deux cas d'ai e- phalie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 84. —B-nck- well (FA.) An acephalous monster. Med. Age, De- troit. 1884. ii, 30.—E. (A. J.) Acephalous foetus; imper- fect spinal column. Boston M. & S. J., 1841. xxiv, 123.— Killers (\V. X.) Case of an acephalous monster. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1873, n. s., x, 316-318.—Ellis (B.) De- sci iption cf a deformed foetus. X. Am. M. tfc S. J., Phila., 1827. iii, 174. 1 pi.—Elmer (.T.) Account of an imperfect ftetus. Phila. M. Museum, 1805-6, ii, 71. — Enniiert. Ueber einen die hint ere Gliedmasse eines Lamms vorstel- lenden Acephalus. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1820, vi, 1-9, 1 pi. — Enfant vivant sans tete. [Transl. from : Phil. Tr.. Loud., 1667. by de Bnfftm.] Collect, acad. 'tl. mem., etc., Dijon, 1755. ii. ss.— Erwin (It. W.) Aceph- alous monster. St. Louis M. & S. .].. 1873, n. s., X, 520- 522.— Felsenreicb tfc Iloll (M.) Acephalus monobra- chius (Acardiacus). Metl. Jahrb., Wien, 1880, 171-178, 1 pi—Feiiomciio. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1860, vii, 398.— Finaz. Observation sur un acephale. J. univ. d. sc. metl., Par.. 1821. xxiii, 120-128. — Fleiiimiii« (K. X.) Acephalous foetus. E. Tennessee ltec. M. &■ S.. Knox- villc, 1852-3. i. 130.—Fonssasrives & Gnllcraml. Description anatomitpie dun monstre huniaiu acephalien paraccphale. (biz. hebd. tie med.. Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 232- 234—Garland (C. W.i Acephalous monster. N. Hampshire J. M Concord. 1850-51. i, 185.—C^cddiiD's . ]•:.) Acephalous. Am.C.wl. Pract. M., Phila . 1834, i, 142-171.— (aeoflTroy-Nnint-ililaire (E.) Sur quelques condi- tions geiicrales tie l'accphalie complete, lue a la Societe pliilumatiquc, le 17juiii 1820 Kev. m6d. banc, ct Strang., Par., 1826. iii, 36-51". Also, Keprint.—Gory (L.-H.) Dis- cussion ieratologique et medico-legale sar un cas d'avorte- nient qui a eu pour resultat lTxpnlsiou d'un inonstie pn- tendu acephale. Rev. metl. liaue. et etraug.. Par.. 1842, i 20-51. Also, Reprint.—Cietebell (F. H.) Monstrositv. Tr.Coll. Phys. Phila., 1863-74, n. s., iv. 189. — Gonzale/. y Gnerra (B.) Desciipciou de un acefalo. complicadocoii una transposition de varias visceras tonic 'cas y abdomina- les. Decadas de nied. y cirug. pract., Madrid. 1822. v. 61- 71.—(Sreen (T.) Description of a niMiistious chiltl. Loud. M. ltev. .V Mag., 1800, iii, 318.—Wreene (W. T.) A case of acephalous monster. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1870. ii, 115.—Gripat (H ) Monstre acephale. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par. 3. B. (T.) A trve and certaine relation of a strange-birth, which was borne at Stone-house in the parish of Plimmouth, tlie 20. of October, Ki:)."). Together with the notes of a sermon . . . at the interring of the sayd birth. 8°. [London, 1637).] [Keprint], London, 1871. vox Baku (K. E.) Ueber doppelleibige Miss- geburlen, oder orgauische Wrdoppelungen in Wirbelthicrcu. 4?. [n. p., 1844.] MONSTERS. 395 MONSTERS. Monsters (Double). .-----. Tlie same. Als Anhang: Kleiue Nach- lese von Missgeburten, (lie an uud in Hiihner- Jjern lM'obachtct sind. 4'-1. St. Petersburg, 1845. Repr. from : Mem. Aeatl. imp. d. sc. tie St.-Petersb. Sc. math., phys. etnat., iv. Bardseey (J. L.) The retrospective address, delivered at the fifth anniversary meeting of the Provincial Medical and .Surgical Associa- tion, held at Cheltenham, July 19 and 20, 1837. [With colored plate.] 8°. Worcester, [1837]. Barrow (J. C. L.) * De monstris dnplici- bus verticibus inter se junctis. 4°. Berolini, 1821. -----. Monstra auimaliuin duplicia per ana- toiiien indagata, habito respectu ad iihysiolo- giani, medicinam foren.sein. et arteni obstetri- cian). Descripsit iconibusque illustravit . . . 2 v. 4°. Lipsia; 1828-36. Bahtels (A. ('.) * De janis inversis ac de du- plicitute generatim. 4°. Berolini, [1830]. Ui'X'KEK (A.) * Ueber einen Fall von Doppel- niissbildnng. 8-. Wurzburg, 1863. Bkckeu (E.) * Ein Fall von Bauchblasengeni- talsnalte mit KloalcenbiIdling und Dicephalus tripus dibrachius. S-. Gottingen, 1881. Bergholz (S. T.) *De monstro duplici per iinplaiitationciii acdeduplicitate. 8-. Berolini, [1S40]. Bksse (H.) Diploteratology; or a history of some of the most wonderful human beings that have ever lived in double form, and a scruti- nizing view into the niarvelously strange freaks' of nature, and causes of same. 4°. Delaware, Ohio, 1874. Bectxer (F.) * Eiu Fall von Doppeliniss- bildung (Thoracopagus tetrabrachius). 8-. Er- langen, 1889. de Bils (L.) Anatoniische beschrijvingc van ecu wanschepsel, geboren op de elderschaus buijten Aerdenburg outleet. Briefs-gewijse ge- souden door F. de Raet aen A. Parent. 4°. Middelburgh, 1659. Bui'xe (A. E.) Einigt's iiber Doppelmiss- bildiingen. 8°. Berlin, 1877. But xxi'.R (J. C) * Feetnm nionstiosuni et bici[iiteni sistit. sm. 4--. Argentorati. [16)72], Brett (J.) * De monstro humano distonio. 8 . Halce, 1866. Bi""iTNKR(C. G.) Anatoniische Anmerckungeu bey einem mit auswiirtshange idem Hcizen le- bendig gebornen Kinde, und dann bey Gelegen- heit einer todt gebohi'iien zwei-koptigen Missgc- burt, nebst Eiorteiungeiniger curieiisen Frageu. sm. 4-. Konigsberg n. Leipzig, 177)2. Also, in his: Anat. Wahiuehni. 4°. Konigsberg, 1769, 36-92, 3 pi. Bukdacii (K. F.) Berichte von der konig- lichen anatoinisclien Anstalt zu Konigsberg. Scclister Bericht. Mit einer Uebersicht von parasitischen und gedoppelten Mensihenkoi- pern. sr Leipzig, 1823. ------. Berichte von der koniglichen anato- niischen Anstalt zu Konigsberg. Siebenter Be- richt. Mit dem Beschlusse der Febersicht von parasitischen und gedoppelten Meiisclieiikor- pern. 8J. Leipzig, [8-24. Calori (L.) Intorno un peraeefalo umano inserito col suo tralcio onibellicab' in un troneo comune al tralcio di feto normaie. fol. Bologna, 187)7). Repr. from.- Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, v. ------. Descrizionedi un mostro unianodoppio opo-ectodimo, preceduta da un breve coinmeiita- rio sulle nova geiitellinche degli uccelli. 4. Bologna, 1S>5. Repr.from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, vi. Iflonsters {Double). Christei.l (G) * De partu gi-inellorum coali- toruin. sm. 4-. Argentorati. [1751]. Also, in: Weiz (F. A.) None Ausz., [etc.]' 123. Frankfurt, u. Leipzig, 17s0, xi, 174-201. Cuu ins (('. \Y.) * De monstro humano cum infante gemello. 4:. Lugd. Bat., 1762. Daxxexuhrger (J.) Tripes Haiterbaceusis, cujus secundani considerationem dogmaticam sunisit. sm. 4°. Tubingce, 1755. Dieterichs (L. M.) De fratribus Italis ad epigastrium connatis. 4°. Ratispona; 1749. Discot'RS prodigieux de deux filles, ne"es a Paris le 17 Janvier 1605. Lesquelles s'entrete- noient par le ventre iuferieur, ayant deux testes, quatre yeux, quatre bras, quatre jambes et deux natures. 12°. I'aris, [n. d.] Ditt.mer (L.) *Zur Lehre von den Doppel- niissgcburten. 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Also, in.- Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1875, 356-401. Dube (P.) Histoire de deux enfaus nion- strueux, nees en la paroisse de Stqilfouds au duehe de S. Fergeau, le 20 juillet 1649. 16-. Parti, 1650. Extgels(P.) * Ueber Xiphopagen. 8°. Ber- lin, [1873]. Faxzago (F.) Storia del mostro di due corpi che nacque sui Bresciauo iu novembre 1802. 4~. Padova, 1803. Fattoki (>S.) De' feti che racchiudono feti, tletti volgarmente gravidi ... si aggiuiigono alcune i-onsiderazioni intorno alia generazione degli animali. fol. Pavia, 1815. Faust (B. C.) * Descriptionem anatoinicam duorum vitulorum bicipitum et coujecturas de causis monstrorum exhihens. 4-. Bintelii, 1777. Fisher (G. J.) Diploteratology; an essay on compound human monsters, comprising the his- tory, literature, classification, description, and embryology of double and triple formation, in- cluding parasitic monsters, fcetus in fcetu, aud supernumerary development. Pt. 1. 4°. Al- bany, 186)8. See, also, infra. Gerlacii ( L. ) Die Entsteliuugswei.se der Doppelniissbildungen bei den hoheren Wirbel- thieren. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1882. Gerling (C. L. H. T.) * Hypogastrodidymus in auatomia Marbuigensi servatus tractatur. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, 1847>. Gervais (H.-F.-P.) * Description anatoiiiique d'un nouveau cas d'heteradelphie, suivie d'un re\sum6 des caracteres propres a ce genre de mon- struosites. 4r Paris, 1877. Gr.etz (J. H.) De monstroso abortu Dessaui- ensi. 4U. Sevvestte, [1694]. Grimm (J. 0.) Kurtze historische, physicali- sche und medicinische Relation einiger Mirabi- lium natura', oder Wunder-Dienge in der Natur, in specie vou einem Monstro bicorporeo, oder von einer Wunder-Geburth, so in diesem 1700stcn Jahr, den 16. Martii, von einer Fran in Pombseu, au das Tage-Licht gekommen. 4°. Leipzig, 1700. Groxau ( L.) *Anatomische Bemerkungen iiber ein Diprosopustriopthalmtis. 8-. Rostock, 1864. Grlber (\Y. L.) Anatomie eines Monstrum bicorporeum, eigenthumlicher (Thoraco-gastro- didymus). 4°. Prag, 1844. Hall (R.) Description of a monstrous birth. fol. [n. p.. n. d.] Haller (A.) Descriptio foetus bicipitis, ad pectora connati, ubi in causas monstroruin ex prineipiis anatomicis inquiritur. 4:. Hanno- vevce, 1739. MONSTERS. 396 MONSTERS. ITIonsters {Double). ------. [Pr.] disputationeai inauguralein qua duorum monstroruin anatome continetur iudieit. 4°. Gottinga; 1742. Hellmuth (K.) * Zur Casuistik der Missbil- dungen. Eiu Fall von congeuitalem vollstandi- gen Radiusdefeet und von Dicephalus dibrachius tripus. 8°. I-irlangen, 1881. Hexoi* (W.) * Ein Fall von Dicephalus tri- brachius. 4°. Kiel, 1877. Hesse (E.) * Monstri bicipitis descriptio ana- tomica. 8°. Berolini. [1823]. Heuser ((.'. V.) * Ueber eiu Zwillingsei mit einem missbildeteu Fotus. 8°. Marburg, 1864. Himly (E. A. W.) Darstellung des Dualismus am normalen uud abnormen menschlicheu Kor- per, oder pliysiologische Eroiterung seiner Zu- sanimensetzung ans zwei Hiilfteu uud der auf maugeluder Vereinigung derselben beruhenden Missgeburten. 4°. Hannover, 1829. History and medical description of the two- headed girl. Told in "her own peculiar way" by "one of them". 12°. Buffalo, X. Y., 1869. Holme (E.) An account of a child with a double head. 4°. [n. p., 1790.] von Jaeger (G. F.) I'eber zwey am Becken verwachsene mannliche Kiilber. 8°. [Amster- dam, 187)8. ] Transl. from: Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetcnsch., Let- terk. [etc.], Amst., 1858, vii. Jebe (L. F.) * De partubns nioiistroruin non- nullorum duplicium. 4°. Kilice, 1866. Kaestxer (G.) * Monstri anatini bicorporei descriptio anatomica una cum disquisitione de ejus ortu. 4 . Kilice, 1869. Ki.ixkoscii (J. T.) [Pr. ] quo anatomicam monstri bicorporei niouoccphali descriptionem proponit. 4■"'. Velero Pragce. 1767. Knatz (K. H.) * Feber Doppelmissbildungen. 8° & 4-. Marburg, 1856. Kortum (E. G. A.) * Anatoniische Beschreibung einer Doppelmissgeburt. ^:. Greifswald, 1875. Also, in: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxii, 441- 463, 1 pi. Kraise (H.) * Diss, exhihens descriptionem monstri humani bicorporei cum hemiacephalia. 8 . Dorpati Livonorum, 1826. Kreitxer (F.) * Descriptio monstri duplicati. P°. Xorelliiiga; 18-26. Lauth (F.) * Essai et observations stir les diplogenesis, ou monstruosites doubles. 4°. Paris, 1834. Lkxgelixg (H.) * Feber Duplicitas parasitica (Ischiopagus). 8°. Bonn, 1879. Lif.bener (O.) * Ueber Stemopagen, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der iuneren Organi- sation. 8°. Halle, [1879]. Lieschixg (C. F.) * Tripes Heitersbacensis, cujus prirham considerationem historico-dogma- ticain defendeudam sumsit. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [1755]. Locher (J.) Carmen heroicum de partu mou- strifero in oppido Rhain ad ripam Lyci adjacente ab egeua feniina edito anno Domini nonagesiuio uono siipra inilesimuin xv. kalendas decembris. 4°. [Adfinem:] Impressits hie libellus in Ingel- stad[ie]usi studio, [1489]. Lurman (W.) * Ein Fall von Doppelinissbil- dung (.Sternopagie). 4-. Kiel, 1874. Meckel (J. F.) De duplicate moustrosa com- mentarius. fol. Halce et Berolini, 1815. Moxdixus (F.) Bicorporei humani monstri anatomica descriptio. Una cum animadver- sionibus atque conjecturis nonnnllis qme ad illustrandaiii abnormium parti um formationis rationem coucurrunt. 4°. Bononice, 1833. Neubeck (A.) De dicephalo dibrachio. 4°. Haiti Sax., 1866. ^lonsters {Double). Noll(F.) *Ein Fall von Heinicephalie mit Epignathie. 8°. Marburg, 1882. Palfyx (J.) Description anatoiiiique, de la disposition surprenante de quelques parties cx- terneset internes de deux enfaus, lie's dans hi villo de (Jand le 28 avril 1703, qui etoient joints par la partie iuf6rieure des troncs dc leurs corps. A laquelle ou a ajoute la description anatonii»|iie, de l'etrange disposition de quelques parties, d'uu autre enfant gemeau, qui ne sunt pas nioins .sur- preuantes, que dans les enfaus pre'eddens, ne" dans la iiieme ville le 27 may 1703. Comme aussi un trait6 de la circulation du sang dans le fVi'tus, pendant qu'il est encore dans le sein de sa mere! avec une description tres-exacte des conduits particuliers qui y concourcnt pour la continua- tion de l'opinion des modernes contre le nou- veau systeme de M. Mery, touchant 1'usage du trou ovalaire. 12L. Leide, 1798. ------. The same. Anatomie, of ontleedkun- dige beschrijving, rakende de woiiderbaie gc- steltenis van eenige uyt- en innerlijke ileelcn van twee kinderen, dewelke monstreuselijk aan malkander vereenigt zijn, onder met den tronk van 't lichaam, geboren binnen destad van Gendt op deu 28. April 1703. Waar bij gevoegd is de ontleedkundige beschrijving, aangaande de vreemde gesteltenis eeniger deelen van een un- der kind, zijnde een tweeling, niet niin wouder- haar, als in de boveugeseyde kinderen, geboreii binuen deselve stad op den 27. Mey 1703. Als mede een zeer curieuze verhandeliug van de bijsondere wegen, die gevonden worden in dc ougeboren kinderen, en waar door het bloed cir- culeert in dezelve, anders, als in de bejaarde per- sonen. 8°. Leyden, 1733. Peter (J. U.) * Monstri duplicis per implau- tationem expositio anatomica. 8-. Tttrici, 1844. Prytz (L. J.) De moustro humano bicepite et bicorpore, truuees ad anteriora coalitis ar- tusque duplicatis. Resp. ('. Tengstrom. 4°. Aboce, 1816. Riolaxus (J.) De monstro nato Lutetia: auno Domini 1605. Disputatio philosophica. 8°. Pa- risiis, 1605. Rippmaxx (T.) * Ueber einen bisher nicht beobachteten Fall multipler Intra total ion iu- und ausserhalb der Schadelhohle. 8°. Ziirieh, 1867>. Rollix (C. J.) * Di.ssertatio anatomico-ine- dica duorum monstrorum anatomen et de causis monstrorum ulteriorem disquisitionew exhibens. sm. 4°. Gottingee, 1742. Rosenstiel (A.) * Monstri duplicis rarissimi descriptio anatomica. 4-. Berolini, [1824]. Rouge (F.) * Beitrage zur Lehre desGeburts- meehanismusbei Doppelmissgeburten. 8°. Gies- sen, 1853. Sjalm (A.) * De causis et origine monstrorum duplicium, adjecta descriptioue anatomica mon- stri dicephali. 8-. Gryphice, 1858. Sandifort (E.) [Twelve plates of double monsters from v. 2 of: Museum anatoniicuni Lngduuo-Batava' description [etc.], Lugd. Bat., 1793.] fol. [n.p., n. d.] Sarxow (H.) * Feber die Formveranderun- gen der intermediiiren Sehiidelknochen beim Di- prosopus. 8°. Konigsberg, [1^74]. Sciiravex (H.) * Ueber 8ternopagen. sin. 8-. Berlin, [1*69]. Serres ( E.-R.-A. ) Recherches d'auatomic transcendante et pathologique. Tlicorie des for- mations et des deformations organiques, appli- qiicis a l'anatomie de Ritta-Christine, et de la duplicite uioustrueuse. 4°. Paris, 1832. JSkibbe^G.) * Ein Thoracopagus. 8 . Konigs- berg, 1887. MONSTERS. 397 MONSTERS. Iflonsters {Double). Tacke ( R. ) * De sternopago. 4J. Haiti Sax,., [1864]. Takdieu (A.) & Laugier (M.) Contribution a l'histoire des inonstruosite's considerdes au point de vue de la m6decine legale a l'occasion dc 1'exhibition publique du monstre pygopage Millie-Cbristine. 8°. Parti, 1874. Vkrnois (M.) Loi universelle (attraction de soi pour soi), ou clef applicable k Pinterprdta- tiou de tons les phenomenes de philosophic na- turclle, par E\ Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire. Etude et analyse. 8'. Paris, 1839. [Vero (II) ritrato di un giovine con due teste.] roy. s■■'. Venetia, 1695. Villeneuve ( A.-C.-L. ) Description d'une monstruosite" consistant en deux fcetus humains accoles en sens inverse par le sommet de la tete, suivie de remarques et d'observatious a ce sujet. 4°. Paris, 1831. Vottem (F.) Description de deux fcetus r6- unis par la tete. 8°. Liege, 1828. Also [Abstr.], in: Compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux , 1832, 5-8. Vrolik (VV.) Over dubbelde misgeboorten. 4°. Amsterdam, 1849. Author's copy, interleaved and containing many manu- script notes and additions by Prof. Vrolik, MS. letters from Sandifort, etc. Walter (J. (J.) Observationes anatomica*. Historia monstri bicorporis duobus capitibus, tribus pcdibus, pectore pelvique concreti. Cnrse renovatic tie auastomosi tubulorum lactiferorum mamma* muliebris. Coinnientaterrestria. Vena* capitis et colli, fol. Berolini, 1775. Walther (A. F.) [Pr.] partus monstrosi his- toriam et sectiouem describit. 4°. [Lipsiee, 1732.] \\ eiirde (F. G.) * De monstro rariore humano. 8r Halce, [1826]. \\ kixtraub (M. 8.) * De duplicitate quadam monstrosa iu capite vitulino animadversa. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1866. Wertiier (G. C.) De monstro Hnngarico. 4°. Lipsiee, [1707]. Wichert (C. E.) * Descriptio monstri dupli- cati. 8:. [Dorpat], 1824. Will (H.) * Anatoniische Untersuchung einer Doppelmissbildung. 8-. Wurzburg, 1863. Wirtexsohx- (J.) * Duoruin monstrorum du- plicium humanorum descriptio anatomica. 4°. Berolini, [1825]. Wolkakt (C. J.) * De fcetu monstroso duplici, hujusque occasione de pulmonum aquae injecto- runi e- ct submersione. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, [1725]. Zaai.ier (A.) * Over monstra duplicia. 8~; Leiden, 1876. Zimmer (J. C.) Physiologiselie Untersuchun- gen iiber Missgeburten, nebst der Beschreibung und Abbilduug einiger Zwillingsmissgeburten. s°. Rudolsladt, 1806. ZsiHOKKE(C. J. T.) *Dejanis. 4°. Berolini, Aberle (M.) Geburtsgeschichte uud anatoniische Be- schieibuug einer zwevkopfigen menschlichen Missgeburt. Metl.-chir. Zto., Salzb., 1816, i, 225-240. — Aclou (W.) Case of partial double monstrosity. (Ischiopage svine- ben of Geoft'roy-SaintHilaire; heteradelphia of Vrolik.) Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond, 1845-6, xxix, 103-106, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., ii 521.—Ahlfeld (F.) Beitrage zur Lehre von den Zwillin- £in. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1874-5, vii, 210-286.—AI- brerbln* (J. .s.) I),, monstroso gemellorum abortu saln- tun. Attn Acad. nat. curios.. "Norinib.. 1737, iv, 411-416, 1 pi AliMhu (S.) Zweyktiptnges Monstrum. Samml. v. Xat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1721, Leipz. ii. Budissin, 1723, xvn. S9—Allen (E.) Case of double monster, born at the full period of gestation. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843. vi, 524.—Alton. Ueber das Eiitstelun von Doppelmiss- geburteu. Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1847, Aachen, 1849, xxv, 168-175, lpl.—Ancclct Honsters {Double). (E.) Note sur un cas de pygomedie dans l'espfece bumaine. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 582; 590. —Anger (T.) Monstre double monocephalien. Be v. phot. tl. hop. de Par., 1870, ii. 97, 2 pi —vou Arcbenbol* (S.i Kin Mon- strum. N.Mat:, f. Aerzte, Leipz.. 1793, xv, 492.—Arniwon (G.) Remarkabloltetalmalformation. Lancet, Lond., 1S39- 40, ii, 606-608—A»h burner (J.) Duplex boys. Lond. M. Gaz., 1829-30, v, 135-137.—Askliam JW. P.) " Report of an extraordinary double-birth. Lancet, Lond., 1848, ii, 235.— Badger (G.) A rare case of monstrosity. Metl. Etc. N. Y., 1869-70, iv, 166—Baiter (W.) A foetus with two heads. Boston M. & S. J., 1839, xx. 237— Ball (W. B.) A new edition of the Siamese twins. Virginia il. J., Richmond, 1858, x, 197-199, 1 pi.—Barde*cu. Monstra dublu autositar, monorafalieu, genul sternopag sex femi- nin. Progresul med. roman, Bucuresci. 1880, ii, 196.— Barusfather (J.) A dicephalous hermaphrodite. Cin- cin. M. News, 1874, iii, 393-396. — Baftev. [Case of a double monster.J Atlanta M. \- S. J.. 1874-5, xii, 154, 1 pi. — BanI-. Leber eine nienschliche Doppelmissgeburt. Verb. tl. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1865-7, 1. Hft, 10-13. -----. Anatomie einer zweiktipfigen, dreiarniigeii. drei- beinigen, weiblichen Doppelmissgeburt. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1867, 173; 311, 4 pi.— Bayiiall (G.) Duplex twins; some of the viscera com- mon to both, and others distinct in each. Lond. M. Gaz., 1832, x, 348.—BeauHxier. Sur deux enfaus joints en- semble. .T. de m6d., cbir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 90-92, — Bt-cr (Hi t [Dicephalus.] Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1S56, vi, S31.—Beer (J.) Eiu fiitales Zwillingsmon- strum. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 453—Bel- grave (T. II.) Case of plural birth and monstrosity, the two foetuses being joined at the vertices of the head. Tr. M. Soc. King's Coll., Lond.. 1857-8. ii, 180-183. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1863-4, ix, 270-272—Benedini 11-'.) Sto- ria tli un parto, e descrizione tli un feto mostruoso bicorpo- reo dicefalo. Gazz. nied. di Milano. 1 s 14. ii. 25-28. — Be- nito. Parto difleil de dos gemelos adlieritlos por sus ca- vidades tor&cica y abdominal. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1844, 2. s., v, 109.—Benlzieu (C.) Et Dobbelt- misf'oster. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1877, iv, 409-413.—Be- rn I'd. Deux filles jumelles reunies par la poitrine et une grande partie du ventre jusqu'au tl. ssous tie l'onibilie (ster- nopages). Bull. Acad de metl., Par.. 1-49-50, xv, 448-451. -----. Cas fort enrieux de duplicit6 monstrueuse. Ibid., 1851-2, xvii, 242.—Berdot tl>. C. E.i Fetus biceps. Acta Helvet.. Basileie, 1707. vi. 179-1S5.—Berigny. Des mon- stres diplogeueses. Bull. Aeatl. tie metl.. Tar., 1843-4, ix, 1061.—Berigny & Bniine (P > Observation d'un cas tres rare de monstre humain. Monit. tl. sc. m6d. et pharui., Par., 1861, 2. s.. iii, 409-412.— Berjoan. Un cas de mon- stre double autositaire. France med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 712. — Berry (A.) Description of two children united to- gether, and now living in the village of Arasoor, iu the dis- trict of Bhavany. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1826, ii, 35-38, lpl.—Bert (P.) Note sur un monstre double autositaire de la famille des monosomiens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 132-137,1 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Sur le monstre pygopage connu sous le noni de Millie-Chri- stine. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1873, 2. s., viii. 874- 898. -----. Un monstre double. Medecin. Par., 1882, viii, no. 44, p. 1.—Biandi't & Bugnion. Histoire d'un monstrexiphopage. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1882, ii, 121-144, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1882, lii, 233-238. —Blackburn (C.J.) Caseof monstrositv. Transylv. J. M.. Lexington, Ky., 1835. -viii, 414. —Blake (J. E.) Analogue of the Siamese twins. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiii, 414.—Blanks (J. H.) A case of monstrosity. N. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1881-2, n. s., ix, 424.—Bleynie (L.) Note sur un cas de terato- logic. J. Soc. de med. et de pluirm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1877, ii, 83-85.— BlodgeII (A. W.1 Description of a double monster; fcetus dicephalus, hydrocephalus, anencephalus, microcephalus. Boston M. & S J., 1881, cv, 194^1!17.—Blot. Sur deux monstres doubles autositaires et monomphaliens du genre sternopaize. Bull. Aeatl. de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., vi, 295-300. —Bliimlein. Zwei Zwillingspaare mit seltener Missbildung. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1874, n. F., xx, 70-80.—Bob in. Kurze Beschreibung des Verlaufes einer Geburt zweier, mit Brust und Unterleib verwachsener Kinder, nebst deren Behand- lung bei der Entbindung. Mem. tl. Heilk., Staatsarzneiw. ■ ii. Thierh., Ziillichau, 1818, ii, 159-170.-----. Ein Fall ver- wachsener Zwillingsfruchte (Xiphopagi), gliicklich opera- tiv getrennt. Areli. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi. 152-154. — Bociik. A propos de Millie-Christine; du ca- rattere prop re et tie la nature originelle des monstruosites de ce genre. Art nied., Brux., 1875, xi, 9-11.—Bvmilrr (G. P.) Monstrositv. Ohio M. tfc S. J.. Columbus. 1854-5, vii, 267-272. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1855, 2. s., xxx, 13-16, 2 pi.—Boettclier (A.) Zur Anatomie der xipho- pag-en Diippelbildungeii. Dorpat. med. Ztschr., 1871, ii, 105-192, 1 pi. -----. Ueber einen Fall von Doppelmissbil- dung. Ibid., 1873-4, v. 306-333, 2 pi.—Boisliiiicre (L. ('.) Case of double-headed monster. Sr Louis M. & S. •!., 1868, n. s., v, 412-414. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 307. —Bos'-io!. Sur un enfant MONSTERS. 398 MOXSTKKS. Monster* {Double). uioustriieux. [From- J. d. sc.avans. 1682.j Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1755, i, 294.—Bonini (A.) Storia d' un feto niostriioso bicorporeo. Ann. univ. di nied., Mi- lano, 1834, lxxi, 257-260, 1 pi.—Bordenavc. Description d'un enfant inonstrueux ne a terme. [ From : Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1776.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc.., Par. ct Liege, 1787, xvi. 397-399, 2 pi.— Borelli (G. B.) Descrizione di due figlie gcoelle riunite tra di loro nella regione epigastrica, e tuttora vivcuti al 55" gioino; con riflessioui storico-teratologiche. Rac. di oss. clin.-patol., Torino, 1851-4. i. 4. fasc, 264-286. Also, transl.: Ann. clin. tie Montpel., 1854-5, ii, 122; 15!; 183.—Borel- luw (1\) Monstruin biceps, et testiuliueus tumor minis. In his: Hist, et obs. med.-phys., 12°, Par., 1650, 153- 155.—Borland (J.) Account of a living duplex child. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1829-30. v, 50-52.—Boriicmann. Ein Fall von Iioppelbildiing. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1883, xxi, 205-210.—van den BomcIi. Description d'un mon- stre double autositaire monumphalien ectopage. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. dc Belg.. Brux.. 1879. 3. s., xiii, 268-282. Also: Ann. Soc. med -chir. de Liege, 1879, xviii, 193; 228, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Enrich med.-farm., Barcel., 1879, iii, 281; 289. — B4tteni. Fotlse] at' et Misfoster med to fuldtud- viklttle Hoveder. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1876, 2. R., iii, 737-740.—Boulant. Monstre double luonomphalien ster- nopage. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1882. 4. s., vii, 130-133. Also: Progres med., Par., 1882, x, 950.—Boulton (T.) t Lancet, Loud., 1864, i, 517.—Bourdel (A.) Reflexions sur un fait de teratologic. Ann. clin. de Montpel., It-54-5, ii, 122; 151; 1S3; 205. Also, Reprint.—Bourjot Sainl- Hilaire. Nouveau cas de monstruosite du genre ht'te- radelphe. Gaz. metl. de Par., 1832, iii, 701.—Bouteiller (J.) Monstre double parasitaire, famille des polymeliens, genre notomele, variete nouvelle; un inembre pelvien et un inembre thoraciipie iuseres sur la colonne vertebralc ; spina bifida a 1'endroit de cette insertion; kystes pihux entre les lames du spina bifida. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 92-97. [Kap. de A. Goubaux], 97-110. — Bon- thier. Fcetus inonstrueux. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1727.] Collect, acad. tl. mem., etc., Par., 1781, vi, 417.—Bozzetti (C.) Ragguaglio tli alcune uotabili mostruosita umaue. Ann. univ. tli med.. Milano. 1814, cxi, 5-30, 1 pi. —Bradbury, t Boston M. & S. J., 1858, lviii, 87.—Braun(C) laniceps asvmetros. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1865, x, 313.—Brau■■ (E.) _Ein Fall von Doppcl- missbilduug. Wien. med. Presse, 18t9. xx, 275-277, — Bray (A.) Observation sur un accouchement tie tleux juineaux unis ensemble par la poitriue. Bull Fae. de med. tie Par., 1814-15, iv (10. annee), 184-188.—Breschet (G.) Des di- plogeneses, ou deviations organiques par duplicite. Arch. gen. de metl . Par., 1823, iii, 523 : 1824, iv, 80— Brisebarrc & Duvollier. Description d'un foetus inonstrueux. J. tie med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xviii, 66-69, 1 pi.— Broca (P.) Sur le monstre pvgopage connu sous le nom de Millie Christine. Bull. Soe.'d'antlirop. de Par., 1873, 2. s., viii, 874-879. [Discussion], 880: 1874, 2. s., ix, 14; 147; 205. -----. Sur lis doctrines de la diplogenese. Ibid., 156-180.—Bromilow (S.) Account of a male monster with two beads. Etlinb. M. cV S. J.. 1841, lv, 435, 1 pi.— Brown (A.) Cmious case of monstrosity. Med. Circ, Lond., 1854, iv, 193— Bruch (C.) Ueber Missbildungen der Chorda dorsalis (Dicbordus), nebst Bemerkungen iiber Doppelbildungen. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1864, v, 1-35, 2 pi. -----. Ueber die Entstehuug der Doppeibildungen. Ibid., 1866, vii, 257-320, 2 pi.—Brugisser. Demonstra- tion einer inenschlichen Zwillingsmissbildung (Diproso- pos). Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch., Aarau, 1880-81 lxiv, 59.—Bry (A.) Observation sur uu accouche- ment de deux jumeaux unis ensemble par la poitrine. Bull. Fac. de med. tie Par., 1814-15. iv (10. annee). 184-188. [Lap. deDesormeaux], 189-195.—de Buchwald (J. B.) Histo- ria monstri geinelli coaliti et corapositi, jam hac vice in paueiora retlacta. Acta med. Hafn., n. ed., 1775, 18-29, 1 pi—Bueqiioy. Diploge.n£se par juxtaposition ; monstre bomeadelplie a corps et k tete doubles. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 495-498. — Biichiicr (A. E.) De fu-tu masculino bicorporeo, circa abdomen concreto. Acta. Acad. nat. curios.. Norinib., 1730, ii, 217-219, 1 pi — Biiti- ring. Zwei Kopf'e bei einem Neugebornen: Abbinden des Einen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1841. 1-6.— von Bnbl. Pathologisch -anatoniische Demonstralio- nen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxii, 83-s;>._ ftui-lic (CC.) Case of monstrositv. [Texarkann twins] N. Orl. M. tfc S. J.. 1880-81, n. s.,'viii, 1025. -----. The 'Texas Siamese twins"; exhibited at the thirteenth annual ses- sion of the Texas Medical Association. Texas VI. k. 8. Rec Galveston, 1882, ii, 1-11.—Bii.Ylorf (J.) Vir mon- strosus. Acta Helvet, Basilea*, .1772. vii. 101-103, 1 pi.— 1'alori (L.) Di tre mostri tloppi sicofali e particolar- niente del giauo. Mem. Accad. d. sc. tl. 1st. di Bologna, 1882, 4. s., iv. 51-92, 5 pi. -----. Dell' iniope e del sinoto dei earatteri coinuni e proprii tie' varii sicef'ali e della loro genesi. Ibid., 1883, 4. s., v. 143-184, 6 pi— [Capuron.] Dystocie par nionstrnosit6 bicephale du ftetus. Arch. gen. de nied . Par., 1846, 4. s., x, 352. — Casanova (J. N.) Description of a double ftetus. Tr. M. tfc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1831-3, vi, 490.—[Cases.] Monstri bicor- Jlonstei** {Double). porei descriptio. Zodiacus med.-gall. 1683, Geneva, 1685, v 250.—Zwcykopffigtes. doch einleibiges Moustruni. Samml! v. Nat. u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1725, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1726 xxxii, 520.—[Deux filles qui se tenoieiit par l'cstomacli j [From: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. tic Par., 1702.] Bee. d. mem., Dijon, 1754, i, 747. — Un monstre. [From: J. d scavans, 1665.J Collect, acad. d. niem , etc., Dijon, 1755, i,' 253. — Monstre double. [From: Mem. Acad. io\. d! sc. de Par., 1723.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. I'arlie franc,., Par. et Liege, 1774, v, 305.— Sur un (ictus intm- strueux. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1721.] Ibid., 306-308.—Kurze Beschreibung einer im vorigen Sum- mcr hier gebornen zweileibigen Missgcburt. "\nn. d. Staatsarznk., Ziillichau, 1790-91, i. 2 St., 122-128.—Liishs naturae. Phila. J. M. tfc Phys. Sc, 1824. viii, 469.—Au- topsie cadaverique du corps de Ritta-Cristiua. Bull. tl. sc. med., Par., 1829, xix, 169-172.—Notice sur Ritta-Chrislina. Clinique, Par., 1829, i, 200; 254.—Questions psyco-phvsio- logiques et legales sur Ritta et Christina, enfant ii deux totes. Hygie, Brux., 1829, vi, 573.—Nouveaux details sur l'autopsie de Ritta-Christina. Gaz. d. hop., I'ar., 1829-30, ii, 300. —Diplogenesta. Facnltad, Madiid, 1845-6, i, 403.— Nachricht iiber das junge, Hjahrige. mit einer ltbclist in- teressanten Missgeburt veiwaclisene Miidchcn, welches jetzt hier in Berlin zu sehen ist. J. f. Kintlerkr., Berl. 1846, vi, 75-80, 1 pi.—The triscoles monster. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., ii. 619.—Entwickluugsaiiomalien. (Kin. der mit zwei Kdpfen.) Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1856-7, ii, 92-95.—Lusus naturae. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1858-9, vi, 141.— Descrizione dei mostri conservati nel niusco anatomo-patologieo ticinese; opinioni sull' origine dei mostri doppi. Gior. di anat. e fisiol., Milano, 1867, iv, 284-305.—A human tripod. Lancet, Lond., 1868, ii, 397.— United twins. Metl. Press tfc Circ., Lond., 1869, vii, 467.— Recherches anatomiques sur un monstre sternopage. [Concours du prix Poital.] [Bap. tie Goubaux.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1875, 2. s., iv, 130-134.—Sluchai dvoi- nago urodstva (thoracodidymus). Shorn, sochin. po su- debnoi med., St. Petersb., 1879, iii, 108.—Monstrositv. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 252.—del Cas- tillo (K.) Monstruo compuesto sysomianos; diTodviuio. Antlalucia metl., Cordoba, 1878, iii, 17-21, 1 pi. ' Also [Abstr.] : Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1878, xxiv, 2*4.— Caiii'bois. Monstre humain, n6 k Bolbec (Seine Infe- rieure), envoy6 au musee de l'lteole de in6decine de Bouen par M. le Dr. C. Helot; autopsie. Union metl. de la Seiue- Inf., Rouen, 1875, xiii, 208-210.—Cazeo. Accouchement d'un enfant k terme ayant deux totes, quatre bias, deux poitrines, un seul abdomen et trois extreuiites inf6rieuies. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1835, vi, 466-468.—Cba- ■liejdes (J.) Wiadomosc o potworze urodzonym we wsi Radoszycach. [Living double monster.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1878, xvii, 553. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1576-1578. Also, transl: Pacific M. tfc S. J., San Fran., 1878-9, xxi, 454-456.— Chamou»NCt. Accouche- ment d'un foetus nionstrueux. Bull. Soc. nied. de Cham- bery, 1875-7, No. v, 105-109.—Chapman (H. C.) De- scription of a monstrositv. Proc. Acad. Xat. Sc. Phila., 1876, pt. 1, 24-26— Cha»Manoil tfc Gamier (P.) Ob- servation de ziphopage, considertie au point de vue des manoeuvres obst6tricales. Union m6d., Par., 1868, 3. s , v, 428.-—Cbanveau (A.) Remarques physiologiques a l'oc- casion d'un monstre double parasitaire heteradelphe ; cir- culation des monstres omphalosite's; developpeinent des nerfs et des muscles. J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par., 1863, vi, 345-368. Also [Abstr.]': Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se. med. de Lyon. 1863-4, iii, pt. 2, 263-266.—Che- i-can (A.) Du monstre de la ChAtre; rapport sur ce cas diplogenese. Rev. med. franc*, et etrang., Par., 1845, iii, 184-195, 1 pi. Also, transl: J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1816, vi, 161-167, 1 pi — Cliili.-uiu* (L. B.) Monstrosus fictus. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1682, Xorimb.. 1683, 2. decuria, i, 356, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Collect, acad. d. m6m., etc.. Dijon, 1755, iii, 516, 1 pi.—Cbrcstien. Sur an cas de dystocie; monstre ii deux tetes. [Rap. deCapuron.] Bull. Aeatl. tie med., I'ar.. 1845-6, xi, 461-472. — Clandi. Zusaninienge- wachsenc 7.\\ illume. Oesterr. med. Wclmschr., Wien. 1843, 197-20(1—Clegborn (J.) A case of monstrositv. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 178.—Cleland. (')u double- bodied monsters and the development of (he tongue. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Cambridge -A: Lend., 1874, viii, 25(1-260, 1 pi. -----. Remarkable double monstrosity of the head. Ibid., 1878-9, xiii, 164-172, 1 pi — CI< incut". (H. .1.) Case of triplets, with monstro.sit.v. Lancet, Lond., 1887. ii, 755.— Colrat (P.) .v Bebalel i'F.) Baptiste et Jacques Toeci, un monstre double. Lyon med., 1878, xxix, 274-280.— Conqnedo. Monstri humani descriptio. Zodiacus med.- gall. 1(181, Geneva, 1682, iii, 133-139. — Cook (A. B.) Joined twins; the obstetric and surgical management, with remarks. Richmond tfc Louisville M. J.. Louisville, 1869, vii, 65-90, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Corradi. Ftetus with three legs. Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 505.—Cowle. Origine dela monstruosite double chez les poissonsosseux; communication faite k TAcademie des sciences le 16 avril 1855. Gaz. mod. de Par., 1855, 3. s., x, 243: 257; 264.— Court (-L) Description of monster. Lancet. Lond., 1868, ii, 311.—Cowan (W.) Caseof monstrosity. Penins. J. M., MONSTERS. 399 MONSTERS. Monsters (J><>ublc). Ann Arbor, Mich., 1851-5, ii, 49-.V2.—C'ritrbclt. Double monsters. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1818-50, ii. 90-92.— Crook (W. E.) Xotes of a case of monstrous biith. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1856, i, 204-206.—Crosby (A. B ) Case of Siamese twins; sloughing of the vesico- vaginal septum: operation for vesicovaginal fistula; re- covciy. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1870-71, i, 577- ;-,sj. — Cnebet (S.) [Un fetus nionstrueux, compose de deux coi ps tennis interieurenient et un pen lateralemeut par le ventre et par la poitrine.] [From; Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc, 1704 ] Collect, acad. tl. mem., etc. Partie limit;.. Par., 1786, xiii, 354.—Czernin.lt (J.) Beschreibung eines iliippelktirperigen Kalbes. Med. Jahrb. tl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien; 1834, n. F., vi, 480-486, 2 pi.—D. (B.) Eine seltene Zwilliiigsbildung (Biccpliali tctrabrachii). Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 13.—Damcrow (H.) Ueber Ritta-Cbristina und die Siamesen. Lit. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 181(0. xvi, 454-482.— Danielebckofl" (A.) Opisa- nie Erivanskago uroda Saphar-Ali. [Descri])tiou of the Ervan monster, Saphar-Ali.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1874, xx, jit. 4, 23-28.— Dare«tc (C.) Xote sur un monstre apparteuant a un nouveau type de la famille des polygna- tliiens. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1859. Par., I860. 3 a'., i, 33. -----. X'ote sur un nouveau genre de monstruosites doubles appurtenant a la famille ties polygnathiens. Ibid.. 76. ----. De la duplicity nioustrueust'. Bull. Soc. dan throp. de Par.. 1875, 2. s., ix, 321-338. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur le motlede formation ties monstres doubles. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1887, civ, 715-717.—Dan ve (P.I Ilappoit sur un monstre double autositaire, ne a Ver- sailles le 21 mars 1861. Bull. Aeatl. de med.. Par., 1860-61, xxvi, 490; 581.—Oeakin (S.) Case of posterior dicho- tomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 1104.—Beane (J.) The Leicestershire twins. Lond. M. Gaz., 1838, xxii, 109-111.— De Camp (S. G. J.) Connected sisters. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1829-3(1. ii, 518.—DeeeiTz. Xote sur un enfant mon- stre, ne Gaits rarrondisseinent de la Chatre. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. se., Par., 184.*, xxi, 486-489—Degner (J. H.) Vou einem zweyleibichten I'cetu. Sannnl. v. Xat.-u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1724, Leipz. u. Bndissin, 1725, xxvii, 101-104. -----. Vun monstroscii Geburten. Ibid. (1724). 1726. xxix. 195. —De .1 iniillf-. XTote sur un monstre tloulde sveepha- lien. Bull. Soc. tie med. de Gaud, ls54. xxi, 179-lKl' —De- kl^iilliiN (I.) Ilepl &i&V)j,ov twos TepaTOs. larpiKY) Me- \iaaa, 'AtHjcat, 1854-5, ii, 277. — Delacroix. Fo'tus a deux tetes. Bull. Soc. metl. de Reims. 1872, No. xi, 24-26.— Delaiield (E.) t Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1822, v, 286- 29(1 -Delmas. Observation d'un enfant a deux tetes. Hist. Soe. tie med.-prat. de Montpel., 1808, xvii, 227-230 ----. Observationd'heteradelphie. J. Soc. denied.-prat. de Montpel., 1841, iii. 210-222. 1 pi.—De llano (V.) t Osservatoro med., Palermo, 1882, 3. s.. xii, 114 —Deini- cliclis (F.) Relazione sull' esterna disposizionc di uu mostro umano singula re e vivente. uato in Sassari. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1829, I, 381-385, 1 pi.—Dcpaiil. [ Kietus k deux fetes.] Bull. Sue. anat. do Par.. 1852. xxvii, 45. -----. [Monstre .i deux faces.] Ibid., 1855, xxx, 243- 247. -----. [Deux jumeaux du se\e maseulin, sondes par l'abdoiuen.] i6iU,'l857, xxxii, 283-285. Also, trand. [Ab- str.]: Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 368. — Derien (G.) Accouchement laborieux d'un fcetus a terme a deux corps tics bien eouformes et developpes, unis depuis le haut du j thorax jusqu'a l'ombilic comniun, termine avec success pour la mere sans operation sangiante. | Rap. de Capu- ron.] Bull. Acad. rov. de med.. Par., 1847-8. xiii, 1048- 1060. Also: Union med., Par., 1848, ii, 305; 310—Des- longchamps (E.) Memoire sur un monstre double ino- nomplialien de provenance huniaine. constituant un genre nouveau desigue sous le nom tie racbipage. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1851, Par., 1852. iii, pt. 2, 221-225.—Delbar- ding(G.G.) Historia partus monstri bicorporei mouoce- phali hujusque descriptio ; accedit disputatio de monstro sine cerebro. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curius., Bourne. 1821, x, pt. 2, 693-710.' Also, Reprint.—Deutsch |M.) Seltener Fall von Doppelinissbildung. Wien. med. Presse, 1875, xvi, 437-439— Dbnilz (W ) Beschreibung untl Erlauteruug vou Doppclinissgeburteii. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Metl., Leipz., 1805, 113: 129. 2 pi. : 512; 610, 2 pi. : 1866,518; 529. 2 pi Also, Reprint.—D'Or- Minion* (T.-E. d'O.) Cas d iselnopagie. Abeille med., Montreal, 1879, i, 38-44.—Dubrneil. Description dedeux doubles moiisties humains, ct ci cation du genre ischia- delphe. Ephein. med. tie Montpel . 1827, vi, 293-297 — Diiinonl. Note sur uu ftetus bicephalc. Ann.Soc.de nied. de Gaud, 1839, v, 465-467. —Dnngan (J. B.) Double- he tiled monster. N. Oil. M. News A: Hosp. Gaz., 1857-8, iv, 129— DmiNter (E. S.) Remarks on double monsters. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874. x, 241-253. Also. Reprint.— Duirau (A.) Les monstres composes. Gaz. me.d. de Par., 1873, 4. s., ii. 665-674. -----. Sur un monstri' double du genie xiphopage. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1874, iii, 65.— Diii'mIoii (\V.) Twins fastened together at the breast. Phil. Tr. 1698-1700. 4. ed., Lond.. 1731. iii, 301. Also, transl. .- Collect, aeatl tl. mini., etc., Dijon, 1755, ii, 288. 1 pi.—East- man i J.) Report of a caseof double-headed monstrosity. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1SS4. ii, 88.— Ebnn (J.) Przy- padek konczyudohiyehnadliczbowych potwornych. [Moii- Monsters (Double). ster with three legs.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1883, 2. s., iii, 9; 32.—Ebeniinier. Kurze Nachricht von einem ohne besondere Kunsthiilfe geboriieu zweikdphgen Kinde. X. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. n. Chir.. Elberfeld. 1822. vi, 1. St . 24-31, lpl.—Kbmworth (A.) A child with two beads. Med. Times, Lond , 1843-4, ix, 266.—Ehrmann. Fcetus nionstrueux (derodelphe). Gaz. med. tleStrasb.. 1858. xviii, 77.—Ellis (C.) Autopsy of the double monster tiscliio- pagus tripus) born in Ohio, and lately exhibited in Bos- ton. Boston M. & S J., 1871, Ixxxv, 218-223. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve.. (1866-74), 1876, vi (app.), 141- 151— Ellis (K.) & Embleton (D.) Ou a rare form of twin monstrosity. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1865), 1866. vii, 160-164.—Elwood (I). M.) A remarkable double mon- strosity. Metl. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx. 257- 259.—von Embdcn. History and description of a re- markable monstrosity at Cadiz. Lond. M. tfc Phys. J., 1819, xiii, 104-109—Engslrom. Zwillings-Mons'truosi- tat. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1868, li. 137.—Eschrieht. Gesichtsverdoppelung mit Mangel an Gehirn und Riieken- mark. Arch. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. u. wisseusch. Metl., Berl., 1834, 268-272. 1 pi.-Eve (F. S.) Description of a double- headed human female monster, horn at the full term of gestation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1880), 1881. xxii. 74-78.— Eve (J. A.) A ease of adherent ftetuses. South M. Lfc S. J., Augusta, 1852, n. s., viii, 76-81.—F.-iesebeck (Double). delphe. Ga/.. med. de Par.. 1830, i, 340. Also, Reprint. -----. Rapport sur un enfant double, du genre ischia- delphe. suivi de considerations et de reflexions sur la mon- struosite double. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. metl., Par., 1830, xxxvii, 133-145.—Gerlaeb (L.l Zur Bildungsge- schichte der vorderen Verdoppeluug. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.- med. Sue. zu Erlang., 1885-6. xviii, 92-94. — Ceroid. Monstibse Duplicitiit. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Halle, 1836-7, i, 467-469.— Gholson (S. C.) Singular case of monstrosity. Cincin. Lancet &. Obs., 18.59. n. s., ii, 34-40. — Gibson (B.) Description of an extraordin- ary human fcetus. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1810, 123-135, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. — Gicbrl. Ueber Doppebnissbiltlungen. ,T. d. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl.. 1843. n. F., ii, 484-501.—Gil y Fernandez ( A.) Observation tie una inonstruosiilad. Facultatl. Matlrid, 1845-6. i, 230.—Gine. Union de las dos cabezas por los huesos occipitales ausiliada por el lado derecho por un bueso supernunierario comun k los dos y que lhuno tercer parietal del mismo lado. Independ. med., Barcel . 1870-71, ii, 282-285. Also.- Pabellon med., Madrid, 1871, xi, 46i)-462. Also, transl..- Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1872, xiv. 76-78.—Gintrae (E.) Recherches anatomiques ties ileux monstres doubles monocephales. /■> liis : Mem. et obs. de med. cliu , 8°, Bordeaux. 1830, 3oi>-324, 1 pi.— Girard & Berlioz. Jacques et Baptiste Tocci. monstre double s\somien. ii variete xypholdienne. J. Soc. de m6d. ct pharm. tie J'Isere. Grenoble, le<78, ii. 243-250.—Girard «le Cailleuse. Note snr un monstre xvphodime. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1859, 3. s.. xiv, 105.—Gocke'l (E.) Partus ge- melloium monstrosus. In his: Gallioinium med.-pract., 4°, Ulinie, 1700, 148-153— Godson (C.i Double monster. Tr. Obst. St>c. Lond. (187s), 1«79, xx, 171: (1879), 1880, xxi, 88. -----. Monster; "double synce phulieu " ; dissection by D'A. Power. Ibid. (1886). 1887, xxviii, 68-70.—Go- lay. Monstre.jauiceps. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 525-532. [Rap. tie RaymondJ, 1877, lii, 0(18. Also: Pro- gies metl., Par., 1876, iv, 8e5: 1877, v, 91.—Gomez Tor- res (A.i Xoticia de un moustruo compuesto, autositario, sysomiano. xiphodymo. segun la clasificacion de G. de Saint-llilaire. Crbii. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1876, ii, 116- 121.—Goodell (\V.) (Clinical lecture ou monstrosities; illustrated by a remarkable living double monster. Phila. M. Times, 1870-71, i, 333.-----. Double monsters. Ibid., 440.—Goodeve (H. H.) Account of a human monstrosity in the museum of the Medical College. [Union of twins.'J Tr. M. &riiys. Soc.Calcutta,1835-42, viii, pp. xxxi-xxxiv.— _. Gos^elin (L.) Observation de monstruosite double (ster- nopaLiio) qui a rendu l'accouohement difficile et n6cessite reinbrvotoinie. Arch. g6n. demed. "°i"- . 1847. 4. s., xiv, 72- 81 -(.oiibaux (A.) [Crane d'un monstre qui avait deux bout-lies.] Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s., v, 25. -----. Memoire sur un monstre. de l'espeee bovine de la classe des monstres double's .uitositaires de la famille des mouosomiens et du genre opodyme, suivi de quelques remarques sur les monstres tie la famille des monosomiens et tie la creation d'un genre nouveau, genre synopodyme. Ibid., 127-145. -----. Memoire sur un monstre double, autositaire. monomphalien que Ion propose dc uommer de- roilvmo Tlioratlelple*; observation recueillie sur un individu do l'espeee bovine. Ibid. (1869), 1870, 5. s.. i, pt. 2, 81-97.— Gonjon. Cas tic monstruosite. Compt. reud.Soc.de biol. 'i860. Par.. 1S07, 4. s., iii, 47. — Grabowski (L. ) O potworze dwulicowym. [Double monster.J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1873, xiv. 147.—Greiner (A.) Vereinigte Zwillinge mit zwei Kiipfen. einem einlach vollkoiiimeii ausgebildeten Rumpfe und nicht vollzahligeii Glietlmassen. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien. 1846, 321-324—Greisel (J.G.) Anatomemonstri gemellorumhumanorum. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips., 1670. i 152 1 pi. Also, transl.: Auserl. med.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. tl. rom.-kais. Akad. d Naturf., Niirnb., 1755, i. 113. 1 pi —Gross. Les monstres doubles parasitaires het6rotypieiis ou epigastriques et la separation des monstres doubles eu general: rapport sur une observation de Lardier. M6m. Soc. tie med. de Xaucv (1876-7), 1878, 1-26, 1 pi. Also ■ Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1877, vii, 166; 236; 270, i pi. Aiso: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1877, iv, 282: 340. Also, Reprint—Grosse (T.) Kiiust- liche Geburt tines zusammengewat lisenen Zwilliugspaa- res. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr.. 1885, n. F., ii, 79.— Griinival>l. Eine neue lebende menschliche Doppel- missbildiuig. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxv, 561.—Griitzbach. Besehre i bit ug einer monstibsen Dop- polgeburt. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1803, pt. 2, 95.— Gnerdan (A.) Beschreibung einer synotisehen Missge- burt, Mouatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, x, 176-206— Habersbon (S. O.) Anatomical descrip- tion of a double fcetus Guv's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1857. 3. a., iii, 116-122, 2 pi — Hat lt< doru iM. R.) A biceplialic monstrosity. Metl. & Surg. Reporter. Phila'.. 1870, xxiii, 417.—Hadlcy (G. P.) United twin monstrosity. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1 :"' i, 5ii8 — llalberg. Zwillhig'sgeburt; das z.reite Kiud eine Dopjiehiiissbiltlung mit tlrei Fiisseu; Extraction desselben am Steiss. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 534—Hand jsitle (P. D.) Observations on the arrested twin development of Jean Battista dos Santos, born at Faro, in Portugal, in 1846. Edinb. M. J., I805-6J xi, 833-842. Also, Reprint. -----. Further observations Jlonster* (Double). on arrested twin development. Edinb. M. J., 18(is-9 xiv 772-774. Also, Reprint,—Hanks (II.) ()'„ ., C'RM, f( united children, or double monstrositv. Tr Obst Soc Lond. (1861), 1862, iii, 414-417.—Hard (X.) Bicephalous fietus; use of forceps, etc. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk 1850-51, i, 225-227.- IIarris (M.) 1'wo f: Med. Facts & Obs., Lond., 1791. i, 164-175, 1 pi. -----. Some additions to a paper, read iu 1790, on the subject of a child with a double head. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1799, 28-30, 2 pi.—Horner (W. E.) Account of a double female ftetus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1831, viii, 349^352 1 pi.— Horrocks (P.) Dicepbalous ftetus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1884), 1885, xxvi. 326-328.— Ilouel. De tciiption tie trois monstres s\etphaliens. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. 1857, Par., 1859.' 2. s., iv. pt. 2, 297-305. -----. Me- moire sur les monstres ischiopages, premier genre de la famille des raonomphaliens (I. Geotfrov-Saint-lIilaiie). Bull. Soc. anat. dePar.. 1873, xlviii, 263-273.—Hubbard (L.) Case of a deformed ftetus. Cases tfc Obs. M. Soc. N'.- Haven Countv. 1788, 38 - 42. — Hubbard ( S. ) Cause of the blending of twins, aud their being of the saint; sex. Buffalo M.J., 1851-2, vii, 54C.—Hubert (E.) Note sur un monomphaiien-xipho-ischio-page. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1861, 2. s., iv, 857-867. 2 pi. [Rap. de Poelman], 60-67. [Discussion]. 682; siis. AU; [Abstr.]: Gaz. obst., Par.. 1874, iii, 89-94, 1 pi.— Hu- uerwolflius (J. A.) De fcemellis duabus inonstio- sis. Misc. Aeatl. nat curios. 1690, Xorimb., 1691, 2. decu- ria, ix, 170. 1 pi —Hugenberger (T.i Die Geburtsgc- sehichte einer Doppelmissgeburt. St. Petersb. med. Zt- s-hr.. 1868, xv. 371-374— Hurl'ord (C.) Twin female monster. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1883), 1884, xxv, 111.—Iloll (H. J.) Peculiar case of triplets. [A double monster.] MONSTP]RS. 401 MONSTERS. Monsters (Double). Brit. M. J-. Lond , 1887, ii, 880 — Iiieoronato (A.) Di nn caso d' ischiopagia umana. Arch, tli med., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1875, vii, 790-828, 4 pi. -----. Di un caso viveute di pygoinelia umana. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1876", xxx. 91-99, 1 pi—Irion. Durch grosse Missbildung der Frueht sehr schwer gewonlene Wendungsoperation. Zlschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1851, iv, 319- 3"6 1 pi.—Jackson (I.) Descriptive account of a bi- cephalous fcetus. Med. tfc Phys. J., Lond., 1821, xiv, 128- 133.—Jackson (J. B. S.) Two foetuses united, face to face, from the umbilicus to the upper third of the ster- num. Boston M. A- S. J., 1858, lviii, 274-277. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Impiovc. (1856-8), 1859, iii (suppl.), 147- 150. -----. An imperfect head upon the top of the head of a child otherwise well formed. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1858, lviii, 159-161.-----. Tbe Carolina sisters. Ibid., 1869, lxxx, 414-416.—Jacobs (J.) Beschrijving van het dubbel-kind SrieSedono en Srie Gati. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl.- Indie, Batav., 1880, n. s., ix, 187-193, 1 pi.—Jncquemiii. Notice sur deux iumelles ncesii Langeimeufiiach (Bavicre) et dont le sequelette a etc presents au Congi t's ties natu- ralistic et des m6decins d'Allemagne. Expeiitnce, I'ar., 1839. iii, 104-106.—Jagor (F.) Triplicitas monstrosa in- ferior. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, 1, 296, 1 pi.— Jnkiu (J.) Case of duplex monster. Med. Times, Lond., 1848-9, xix, 7.—Jay (F. F.) Double monstrositv. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lon.l. (1804), 1865, vi, 222.— Joluisou"(T. D.) Monstrosity; hcpatodvmc children. Pacific M. tfc S. J., San Fran., 1868-9, n. s , ii, 166-170.—Johnston (B. R.) Twin-monstrosity ; alleged maternal impression. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 653— Johnston (W. J.) Singular case of monstrosity. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1847-8, xxxvii, 77.— Joly (X.) line lacune dans la serie teratologique, rem- plie par la (Kicouverte du genre ihiadelphe. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1875, lxxxi, 207-211. —Joly (N.) & Pcj-rat. F,tudes sur un monstre humain bif'emelle du genre pygopage, ne a Maz6res (Ariege). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1874, xxxviii, 52-56, 1 pi. Also: Gaz. m6d.- chir. de Toulouse, 1874, vi, 41-43. — Jones (L.) Female twin monster. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1885), 1886, xxvii, 305. — Jouon. Description d'un monstre double syce- plialion iniope. J. de la sect, de me,d. Soc. acad. Loire- lnf., Mantes, 1864, xl, 13-22, 2 pi. —Julia de Fonte- nelle (J.-S.-E.) Sur la monstruosite a deux tetes, dout chaciine a ete baptiste s6par6rnent sous les noms de Ritta et Ciistina. Rev. med. fianc. et etrang., Par., 1829, iv, 237-244.— Jung. Doppel-Kind. Gem-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med -Coll. 1836, Koblenz, 1839, 200-203. — Ken. nnrd (D.) Account of the birth of a foetus with two heads. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, i, 459.—Kerambruii. Monstruosite; deux fcetus r6unis par le thorax. J. d. conn, ined.-chir., Par., 1847-8, xv, pt. 2, 231-234 —Kidgc-ll (S. AV.) Birth of a double foetus. Lond. M. Gaz ; ..34-5, xv, 371— Kieter (A.) Anatoniische Beschreibung von mit deu Kopfen ziisammcngewaehsenen Zwillingcn. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1856, xiii, 257; 265.— King (J. K.) An unusual case of monstrositv. Etlinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 125, 1 pi.—Klnpp (J.) A description of the birth and form of a human monster. Phila. M. Mu- seum, 1809, vi, 248-257, 1 pi —It I a uber (T.) Kiiustliche Entbiudung einer Fran von einem Doppelkinde. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1846, xii, 319.—Jilebcr (J. C.) Beiigt, aangaande de verlossing van twee nan elkanderen vastzit- tendo wanschapen kinderen. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Ge- nootsch., Amst., 1778, iii, 478-480.—Kleemaun. Zwil- lingspaar, dem siamesischen abnlich. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii, 11.—Klein (A.) Eine Zwillingmissgeburt (Hy- pogastrodyilimus), lebend zur Welt gekommen. Wien. metl. Presse, 1871, xii, 1329-1332. Also, transl.: Am. J. I Obst., N. T., 1872-3, v, 253-257.—Klein (K. C.) Be- schreibung zweier mit den Wiibehi vcrwachsener Kinder. Jahrb. tl. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., A'iirnb., 1813, iii, 17-22, 1 Ph -----. Beschreibung eines zweiktipfigen Miidchcns. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle. 1817, iii, 374-384. ---—. Janusmissgeburten. Ibid., 1818, iv, 551-557, 2 pi.— i Klinkoseh (J. T.) Programnia, quo auatoniicam mon- stri bicorporei uionocephali descriptionem proponit. In his: Diss. med. select. I'ragenses. 4°, Praga* et Dresdie, 1775. i, 219-234, 6 pi.—K n a pp (M. L.) Bicephahi'.is foetus. X. Vork J. M., 1851, vii, 202.—Knox. A curious casc/oi' lusus natura'. Med. Comment. 1791, Lond., 1792, 2. decade, vi, 291-297. — Kwbler (A.) Anatomical characters of a bicipital monster. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1871-2. vi, 402.—von Kdlliker. Zwei Fiille von Doppi lmissbildiuig beim MeiiM-ben. Sitzungsb. tl. phys.-metl. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1885. iu._Kdllinyer. Janusmissbildung. Yerhantll. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1850, i, 280.— Kdnig (E.) Gcmelli sibi iuvicem atlnati feliciter separati. [Caitihi■•!- nous band from ensilbrni cartilage to umbilicus.] Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1689, Norinib., 1690. 2. decuria, viii, 305- 307, 1 pi. Also, transl..- Ansel, med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. tl. Naturf., Niirnb., 1769, xviii, 273- 276, 1 pi. — Koller (G.) Eine seltene Missgeburt. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1856, vi, 670. — Krause ( E.) An den Brustkiirben vei wachsene, ausgetragout- Zwillinge woib- liehen Geschlechts. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1S.&J' xliv, 133. — Krauss (F.) Eiu Fall von Steiiiothoiacopa I 26 Monsters (Double). gus tetrabrachius. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1883, Bresl., 1884, lxi, 67. — Italians (J. A.) Von zwey zusanuneiigewachsenen Kindern, nebst deren ana- tomisehen Section. Samml. v. Xat.- u. Metl.- . . . Gesch. 1724, Leipz. u. Budissiu. 1725, xxvii, 207-210.— Labbee (E.) Un nouveau monstre (he.teradelphe). Mouvement mCd., Par., 1877, xv, 17. — Labbee (1L» Des monstres doubles. Ibid., 1875, xiii, 193-196. — Laforgur. Me- moire Mir un enfant a deux tetes, ne a Baguferes-de Luchon, le 16 septembre 1855. J. de med., chir. et phai m. de Tou- louse, 1856, 3. s., i, 65-73, 1 pi.—Lamprey (It. O.) Plural monstrosities. Brit. Gyna;c. J.. Lond., 188,5. i, 128-130.— I.anger (C.) Zur Anatomie des Gehiirorganes doppel- leibiger Missgeburten. Oesterr. nied. Wchnschr., Wien, I84ii, 609-620. — Lanzoiius (J.) De monstro nieutulato et bicorpori. Misc. Acad. nat. curios.. Lips, et Francof, 1694, 3. decuria, i, 185, 1 pi. — Lardier (P.) Observa- tion d'un cas de monstre compose double parasitaire h6teradelphe; portion parasitaire s6paree de l'autosite par l'6craseur lineaire; gu6rison. Union m^d., Par., 1877, 3. s., xxiii, 535; 561. Also. Rev. nied. de Test, Xancv, 1877, vii, 166-172. 1 pi. Also: Aich. tie tocol . Par., 1877, iv, 282- 287. [See, also, Gross, supra.] —Lai-kins (J. M.) A child with twoheads. Nashville J. M. tSc S.. 1883, xxxii, 135-137.— l.itrrey (F.-H.) Anomalie ties membres pelviens. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1860-61, xxvi, 261-265. -----. Cas de monstruosite autositaire. Ibid., 581-583. Also, Reprint. -----. [Sur un cas de monstruosite, meloni61ic] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1874, 2. s., iii, 29-32. Also, Reprint. -----. [Observation de moustruosit6 dite pygopage, re- eueillie par N. Joly et Peyrat et coniniuniquee a l'Academie deni6decine le 20 Janvier 1874.] Bull. Acad, denied., I'ar., 1874, 2. s., iii, 51-56. Also, Reprint. — I.aiiiinj-llaiiit. Description d'un enfant nionstrueux. J. tie metl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764, xxi, 44-48. — Lavialle. Sui'un foetus monstiueux. [Rap. de Baudeloque et Dupuytieii.] Bull. Fac. de metl. tie Par., 1804-8, i (2. ann6e), 201-207.— Leclere. Deux junieaux reunis par la face auterieure du trouc. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se. ni6d. de Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, pt. 2. 67. — Leggc (F.) Embrione'du- plicc in uu blastoderma nnico. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1886, 3. s., vi, 206.-- Leisebing. Description d'un enfant n6 avec trois jambes. Rec. pei iod. dobs, de ru6d.. de chir. et pharm., Par., 1757, vi, 45-47.—Lemon (E.) Rare case of monstrosity. Ohio M. tfc S. J"., Columbus, 1852-3, v, 537.— von Lenhossek. Nachricht vou eiuigen inenschlichen Doppelmissgchurten, nebst kurzen physiologist-hen Be- inerkungen iiber iihnliche Monstrositaten. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. "listen-. Staates, Wien, 1820, vi, 2 St., 125; 3. St., 125,3 pi. — liciiocl. Accouchement de deux junieaux unis par le ventre. Soc. med. d'Amiens. Bull. (1863), 1864, iii, 35-43.—Leopold. Geburt von zwei zusammen- gewachsenen Kiudern. .'tschr. f. Wundarzteu. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1853. vi, 9J-100r.l pi.— I.eray (C.) Observation sur une naissanee nionstrueuse de deux filles jumelles unies ensemble, avec des remarques sur la section de la symphysis. J. tie metl.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1778, 1, 436-460, 1 pi-— I.ereboullet. [Un fcetus humain a deux fetes.] Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. de m6d. de Strasb. (1858-63), 1864, i, 59-61. — I.eroux. Monstre double, hifemelle, de la famille des monomphnliens, ii unions sous et sus ombi- licale, appartenant en meme temps aux deux gem es ischio- paae et xvphopage de Geotfrov-Saint-Hilaire. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 45-47.—I.esau- vage. Observation nouvelle d'accouchement dun foetus double monstiueux, avec quelques remarques sur le nie-ca- nismc de raccouchement dans le cas de diplogenese mon- stiueuse. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1848, 4. s., xviii, 444- 454.—l.evison _(F.) Om dobbeltniisfostrenes genese med siirligt hensyn pa steinopagerne. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1878, x, 1-30, 1 pi. — lyiebmaii (C.) Di un caso di ischiopagia e del parto di mostri doppi in genere. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1874, xvi, 264; 340. — I.iiideiiiaiin (M.) Geburt einer Doppelbildung, beendigt (lurch Abtrenuung eines Kopfes mittels des Braun'schen Schliisselhackens, mit niiustigeni Ausgange fiir die Mutter. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiii, 457-461.— Little (G. W.) A case of twins united at the umbilicus, in which the connection was cut and the perfect child sur- vived. West. J. Al. tfc Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1836, ix, 38-41 — Livingstone (J.) Au accountof a lususnatuiic. Phila. J. M. A"Phys. Sc, 1821, ii, 148-153.—Loescher (H.) Be schreibung tines Doppelkindes. Med. Ztg., Berl . 1854, xxiii, 229. -----. Ein zweikopfiges Monstrum. Moiiat- schr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1858, xi, 432-438. 1 pi.—Look (E. S.) [Remarkable case of two children united.] Monlh. M. News, Louisville, 1860, ii, 71. — Lo- pez (M.) Moustruo notable y relativamente perfecto. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1880, xxvi, 446-448.—Lou vols. Enfant monstiueux.] [From: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. de 'ar., 1706.] Rec. d. mem., Dijon, 1754, ii, 330.—Lowe ("VV.) Caseof double monster. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1862, i, 121.— Lunadei (G.) Lettera intorno una bam- hina nata con due teste, e risposta del Giovanni Bianchi in- torno tpiesto mostro. In: Rac. d opusc. scient. e tilol., 16°, Venezia, 1740, xxii, 85-92—Lyell. Birth of a double tnouster. Month. J. M. Sc, Loud, ifc Etlinb., 1848-9, ix, MONSTERS. 402 MONSTERS. JIon*ler* (Double). 133, 1 pi— McCallum (D. C.) A description of the con- joined twins, Marie-Rosa Drouin. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1878), 1879, xx, 120-122. 2 pi. Also: Canada M. Rec, Mon- treal, 1878-9. vii, 43, 1 pi. Also: Canada M. tfc S. J., Mon- treal, 1878-9, vii, 97-99, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1878-9, vi, 235. Also, transl.: Abeille med., Montreal, 1879, i, 47-50, 1 pi.—McC'askey (G. AV.) Lu- sus natura* (double monster). [From: Fort W'avne Ga- zette.] Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1S22-3. ii, 23— M't'liu- lock. A case of double monstrosity. Dublin ('. J. M. Sc, 1866, xiii, 192-194— Macdonald (A.) On a diproso- pus triophthalmus monster. Tr. Etlinb. Obst. Soc. (1874- 7), 1878, iv, 1-10. Also: Edinb. M. J.. 1874-5, xx, 702-708, 1 pi. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit . Loml., 1*75-6, iii, 48-54.— de Macedo (A.) Cas de teratologic Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1869, i, 103, 1 pi. —I .tic Far lane (S.)] Case of difficult labor with a bicephalous ftetus. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1876, ix, 83.—Mackay (E.) A description of a double monocephalic human monster, which was trans- mitted to this country from South America, by Robert Mackay, British consul at Maracavlis, Venezuela." Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1841, lv, 76-81.—McKenzic. Double mon- strosity. St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1884, xlvi, 522-520.—Mac- kinder (1)> Malt urination of twins. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3. i, 173.—ITI'Lauriii (II. N.) Twin monster. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loml. (lssu), 18ol, xxii, 155. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1880, viii, 415.—TleMaster (H. S.) A mon- strous birth; two heads and two necks on one body. Tr. Xat. Eclect. M. Ass. 1877-8, N. Y., 1879, vi, 465-469.— Macquelyn (M. J.) Beschrijving van eene wanstaltige mensebelijke vrucht van zeven maanden dragts, veroor- zaakt door eene gedeeltelijke samergroeijing van twee vruchten. Geneesk. Mag., Delft. 1801, i, 2. St., 1-27, 4 pi.— ITI an love (J. E.) Remarkable case of monstrosity. Nashville Month. Rec. M. tfc Phys. Sc, 1858-9, i. 050-05's Also.- Nashville J. M. tfc S., 1859, xvi, 481-484.—iTIanson. Amputation of a child's head. Edinb. M. J., 1859-60. v. 092.—.Tlarebal. Veau monstiueux, bicephale, avec spina bifida. J. d. conn. nied.-chir., Par., 1843-4. xi, pt. 1, S7.— Mnrchand. Diehohmischeu Schwestein Rosalia und Jo- sepha. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1881, iii, 237-240.—Tlnr- cliniiil A: Koulland (H.) Monstre sternopage; etude obsietriealc et anatoiiiique. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1882 ix 641-647.—Marcy (H. O.) & Filz (R. n.) A case of double monstrosity; union upon the anterior median line from clavicle to umbilicus. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1871, lxxxv, 17- 20.—de la ITIarc. Observation sur un accouchement d'un enfant mal conforme, tt d'uneespfecede tete attachee au uieme placenta. J. de in6(L, chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiii, 515-517.—Marin (R.) Paito de una nifia monstruosa con dos cabezas. Bol. tie med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1845, 2. s., vi, 105- 108. — Marisj. Description d'un enfant nionstrueux. J. de metl , chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1771, xxxvi, 312-314 — Marjolin. Enfant a^ trois niembres inferieurs; trois cuisses, trois janibes. trois pieds. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1861), 1862, 2. s., ii, 55.—ITIar- nilz (C.) Eall einer Geburt von ziisammengewachseneu Zwillingen. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1857,'vi, 197-200.— Marques (T.) Memoire sur uu cas remarquable de monstruosite, inconnue jusqu'il present dans l'espfece huniaine, appartenant ii la classe des monstres doubles heterotxpiens de M. I. Geoffrey de St.-tfilaire, et que 1'on pourrait avec beaucoup de probability ranger dans 1'ordre ties polym61iens, genre pygoinele du meme auteur. [Transl. from: Rev. med. portugueza.] J. de med., chir. et Phar- macol., Brux., 1865, xl, 411-427.— Marsden (W.) The united African twins. Med. Chron., Montreal. 1856, iii, 81-87. — Marshall (E.) Double monstrosity. Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii, 548.— Martin (J.) A caseof twins united by (he umbilicus. West. J. M. tfc Phys. Sc. Cincin., 1830, ii'i, 290 — Martinez y Molina (li.) Description tie un moustruo bic6falo del brden de los ruminantes; considera- ciones sobre el duaiismo orgiinico. Siglo metl.. Madrid, 1857, iv, 67.—.Marvin (L.I.) Case of monstrositv. Med. tfc Surg. Repoiter, Phila., 1867, xvi, 82 — Tin I her (A.) A case of monstrous birth. Med. Facts & Obs., Lond., 1793, iv, 107-111. — Mato iTlontero (D.) Parto doble distocico; monstruosidad por union; mecanismo del parto; resultado satisfactorio. Jurado med.-farm.. Madrid, 1880, i, 146-148.—IUalteucci (A.) Un caso di riunione di due feti umani, ossia di mostro sinadelfo, del genere, IHpygus tetrabrachius (Forster) o deraldelfo (G. S. Hylaire). Ip- pocratico, Fano, 1869, 3. s., xv, 119-122. — iTIaiinoir. Particulars concerning the structure of a monstrous foetus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1816, vii, 257-263.—de Mau- rans. Un monstre double. Semaine ined.. Par., 1882, ii, 173. — Maurice (E.-F.) Xote sur un monstre humain femelle, a trois niembres pelvieus: d'un genre et d'une famille t6ratologiques encore incertains. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.-Etienne et de la Loire (1872-5), 1876, v, 583- 610, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Mayer (C.) Eine Missgeburt mit einem Parasiteu auf derBrust. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1827, x, 44-60, I pi.-----. Ueber Doppelmissbildun- gen und deren Eintheilung durch zwei eigne Falle erlau- tert. Ibid., 61-76, 1 pi. Also, transl..- J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., I'ar., 1828, xxx, 59-66. -----. Drei merkwiirdige Doppel-MissgeburteD, untersucht und beschrieben. Zt- Hon*ters (Double). sehr. f. Physiol., Darmstadt, 1829, iii, 240-248. —.Tlnyor (A.) Xote sur un monstre du genre janiceps. Hull Soc anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 496-535. Also- Pro..res med" Par., 1882, x, 169; 224; 244. -----. Contribution a l'etud.') ties monstres doubles; ties monstres du genre janiceps Arch, tie physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1882, 2. s.. ix p'7_ 161. 1 pi.—Mays (C. E.) Case of embryotomy, '[Double- faced monster. ) Med. Brief, St. Louis, 18X0 xiv r,'- 156. —Meadows (A.) Case of plural birth' and' mon- strosity. Tr. M. Soc. King's Coll.. Loud., 1856-7, i ":n; _ Meij»s (C. D.) Case of double lotus. Am. J. ' M~ Sc Phila.. 185,. n. s., xxxiii. 45-47. 1 pi.— Tleloiii-Nalla (P ) & Finlor-Pasella ( G. i Iierotlinn. nuissimo. Sna'l- lanzaui, Modena, 1882, 2. s., \i. 2:: 1-243, 1 pi.-.Tleunjfc. Observation d'un fcetus hi ccphalo. J. de la sect, tic n*d' Soc. acad. Loire-lnf., Nantes, 1839, xv, 199-204.—TlerinJ dolus (A.) Quid monstra, quic ex plurium eoagmenta- tionc coivisse apparent: uiium. aut plura esse, tliscernat. In his: Ars medica, fol., Aquis-Sextiis, 1633, 375-379—Tli Ki. in a r a Kakizaku. [A double monstrosity.] Iji Shin- shi, Tokei, 1883, no. 300, Dec 29. — Miller ( II. V. M.) Account of a case of double monstrosity. South. M. tV S J., Augusta, 1854. n. s., x. 79-84.—.Tliiehell (J. K.) An account of a monster.- Phila. J. M. &, Phys. Sc.. 1x21, iii 78-86. 1 pi. Also: Loud. M. Reposit., 1821, xvi, 441-447.-1 Milcbell (T. D.) Newport twins, analogous to the cele- brated Siamese twins. West. M. Gaz., Cincin., 1832-4 i, 295.—Mitchell (W. J.) A child having two perfectly formed and fully developed heads and necks. Richmond tfc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1868, v, ISO—.Tloutaiic (L.) Desciipciou dc un moustruo doble heterotipico perte- neciente al geuero heterodimo. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1878-9, xv, 416-427. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 1205.—Montgomery (E. E.) A case of double monster. Phila. M. Times, 1S75, v, 485 —iTI on tgonicr y (W. F.) Account of a very re- markable ease of double monster; with some observations on the subject of double monstrosity. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xv, 257-280, 4 pi.—Monti (L.) Descrizione anatomica di un mostro uniano doppio del genere dero- dimo. Mem. Acad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. 1880, 4. s., i 713-725, 6 pi.—Moore (J. W.) Notice of two children whoso bodies were united anteriorly, and lived some time after birth. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1829, v, 252, 1 pi.— Moore (M.) A case of two-headed monstrosity. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 986.—Moreno (F.-F.) Description de deux foetus adherens l'un a l'autre, n6s a Cadix eu 1818. J. univ. d. sc med.. Par., 1820, xviii. 125-127, 1 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr. J: Med. Reposit, N. V., 1820, n. a., v. 425.— Morgnn(W.) A duplex child. Lond. M. Gaz., 1*30, vi, 117.— ITIoriu. Sur un fetus nionstrueux. [From: llist.d. mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1715.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc , Par., 1770, iv, 440—Morlnnne & t'liur- neil. Observation dun fetus ne avec deux fetes. Rec. period. Soc. de m6d. de Par., 1801, xi, 19-21.—Mowat (J.) The description of a monstrous fcetus. Essays fc Obs. Phil. Soe. Edinb., 1756, ii, 266-272.—Miiller" f.V) Monstrum von zusaiunicn-gewachsencn Zwilliugen, mid deren Section. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Metl.- . . . Geseh. 1721, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1723, xvii, 178.—Muggeridtfr (H. H. ) An extraordinary birth. Lancet, Lond.. 1x72, i, 538.—M iillin (J.) Duplicitas nionstrosa. Canada M. Rec, Montreal. 1874-5, iii, 365.—Murphy (J.) Double monster. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1880), ixxl. xxii, U'9. Also [Abstr.]: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1880, viii, 288. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii, 64.—IVaef. Entbindung einer Fran von einem nion- strosen zeitigen Kinde mit zwey ncbeneinantlt r stelienden Kopfen. N. Denkwrdgktn. f. Aerzte u. Gt■burtsh., Got- ting., 1797, i, 188-204.—rVaniiizzi d>.) Relazione anato- mica d' un doppio feto. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e tilol., 16°, Venezia, 1748, xxxix, 505-532. — Westerns (J. M.) De foetu monstroso. Misc. Acad. nat. cuiios. 1075-6, Francof. et Lips., 1688, vi-vii, 59, 1 pi. Also, tremd.: Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf, Niirnb., 1759, vi. 56. — rVeujjcbuucr (L. A.) Kilka slow o potworach podwojn,\ ch czyli blizui^tach ztos- Ivch (monstra duplicia sive gemini coaliti). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1873, xv, 17; 33; 49; 68; xl ; 105; 11G. —.\enl- lier (J.) Cas rare et curieux dun enfant moutrueux comparable a Ritta-Cbristina. Bull. gen. de th6rap.. etc, Par., 1835, ix, 290-293. Also: Ann. de med. beige, brux., 1830, i. 179-181. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1836. x. 13.— IN'less. Fall eines mit zwei Kiipfen geborenen Kindes, nebst eiinr Bt sehreibung und Abbildung desselben. Monatschr f. Gebuitsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1853. i. 433- 437. 1 ]d.—TVockltei'. Entbindung einer Missgeburt mit zwei Kopfen. Geii.-Ber. (1. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1x36, Koblenz. 1839, 138: 203. A Iso : Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, 542-554.—Normand. Observation sur deux junieaux aeeoles dos a tlos. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1818-19, vi (13. annee), 1-5 — O'Donovan (R. W.) Case of double monster. Dublin (' J. M. Sc. 1851, xii. 482 — Olinbuiit (J.) Account of an uncommon case in mid- wit iy. where a preternatural adhesion of twins had taken place. Med. Comment. 1785, Lond., 1786, x, 249-255 — Ollivier. Diplogenese. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par, MONSTERS. 403 MONSTERS. Monsters (Double). 1835, x, 396-420— de Oria (A.) Extraccion de un feto de dos cabezas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1872, xix, 262. Also, transl.: Rec. d. tiav. Soc. med. d'lmlre -et- Loire 1872, Tours, 1873, lxx, 40-44.—Oryc (A.) Xotice sur uu enfant nionstrueux n6 le 30 aoftt 1826, dans la commune de Benais. Pr6cis dc la const. m6d. d'lndre-et-Loire, Tours, 1827, 7(5_79. — Olio ( R.) Leber eiuen Epignathus. Arch. f. Gynaek., P.erl., 1878, xiii, 167-181, 1 pi.—de Padua (J. M.) Historia de hum parto difficultoso por causa de mon- strnosidade tlobrada, cuja pe9a foi offerecida para o museu da Socicdade das sciencias medieas de Lisboa. J. Soe. tl. sc. nnil. tie Lisb., 1840, xi, 134-141 1 pi.—I»all"rey (J.) [Monster with two heads.] Tr. ()h-t. Soc. bond. (1877), 1878, xix, 40; 97, 1 pi.—Pancoast (W. H.) Strange ease ■ of monstrositv ; lieteratlelpbia; operation by the ecraseur. Metl. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859, i, 405-407. -----. The Carolina twins. Phot. Rev. M. \- S., Phila., 1870-71, i, 43-57, i, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.J : Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1873, ix, pt. 2, 115-117.—Pappeubeim (S.) Ueber eine dreifiissige Misstjeburt. Arch f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Berl., ls-io, 534.— Parsons (J.) Au account of a preternatural conjunction of two female children. Phil. Tr. 1743-50, Loud . 1756, xi, 1209-1215, 1 pi. —Par- sons (S. N.) Case of monstrositv. Prov. M. & S. ,L. Lond., 1840-41, i, 294. —Pasi tC. A.) Storia di uu mono- somio dicefalo. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1837. 2. s., iii, 90-95, 1 pi.— Pasquet-fjabroue. Observation sur un casde monstre double autositaire. Lnion metl.. Par., 1875, 3. 8., xx, 642-644.—Patiuus ((J.) Monstnun biceps nias- culinum. Misc. Aeatl. nat. curios. 1691, NoriiiTb., 1692. 2. decuria. x. 72, 1 pi. Also, transl. ■ Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. tl. Naturf, Niirnb., 1771, xx, 60, 1 pi. — Patterson (A.) The Siamese twins. Glasgow M. J., 1887, [4.] s.. xxvii, 19-21. — Paulleus. Historia monstruosi intantis, nati in Castro tie Loire. Zodiacus metl.-gall. 1679, Geneva, 1680, i, 152-155, 1 pi.— Pcrcival (T.) An account of a double child. Phil. Tr. 1751-2, Lond., 1753, xlvii, 360-362. — Pereira (J. A.) Notice of a bicephalous and bisoniatous child, born at Galle, in the island of Ceylon. Kilinb. M. & S. J., 1844. lxi, 58.—Pertseh. Ein Fall von Xiphopagie aus dem 10. Jakrhunderte. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1871, liii, 138. — Petit. Description d'un l'6tus difforme. [From: Hist. d. mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1716 ] Collect. acad. tl. intin., etc., Par., 1770, iv, 441-444.—Peyerus (J. (.'.) De. gemellis monstrosis, coalitis partibus obscoenis. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1683. Norinib., 1698, 2. decuria, ii, 267.— Pfeil'er (M. D. G.l Case of double-headed mon- ster; deliverv without mutilation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1846, n. s., xii', 80-87.—Phillips (1.) Case of dicephalous monstrositv. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1886), 1887, xxviii, 278. — Pbillips (J. J.) >fc Halloa (B. C. N.) A short account of the deliverv of a two-headed monster. Guvs Hosp. Rep.. Loud., 1871, 3. s., xvi, 455-461, 2 pi. — Pi- chartMS. Monstruin bicorporcutn. Zodiacus med.-gall. 1679, Geneva, 1680. i, 129—Pigcolet. Monstruosite (ja- niceps). Bull. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1875, 54—Pigne. [Dn fcetus simple superieureinent, double iiiferieureiuent et posterieurement.] Bull. Sot:, anat. de Par., 1846, xxi, 12. -----. [La duplicating ties gernies.] Ibid.. 144.-----. t t Ibid., 205. -----. [Foetus simple il rexterieur, sauf que 1'un des niembres superieurs est termine par deux avant-hras; duplicatures de plusieurs des orgaues thoraciques et abdomiuaux.] Ibid., 206-208. -----. [Un monstre double, monocephale. bimane seule- ment, mais ayant quatre niembres abdominaux.] Ibid., 1847, xxii, 169. — Pilat. llydropisie de l'amnios; gros- sesse gtinellaire ; monstre pigopagc : mort d'un ties fcetus avec liegenerescence graisseuse; accouclienient a six mois et demi. Ann. tie gynec, Par., 1879, xii. 133-138. Also: Bull. med. du nord,' Lille, 1879, xviii, 187-192—Pileher (L. S.) Double monsters; description of the specimens in the museum of the Brooklyn Anatomical and Surgical So- ciety. Ann. Anat. tfc Surg. Soc, N. T., 1880, ii, 19-33.— Piueott (R.) Notes on twin monsters, exhibited at the meeting of the Metlical Society of Victoria, July 3, 1867. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1867, xii, 272. — Pippiugs- kold. Dubhel-missbihbiiug. Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsiugfors. 1879, xxi, 298. — Playfair (W. S.) On the mechanism aud management of delivery in cases of double monstrositv. Tr. Obs. Soc. Loud. (1866), 1867. viii, 300- 312. -----'. Conjoined twins. Ibid. (1880). 1881, xxii, 265. A.lso: Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 15.—Poeluian (C.) Descrip- tion tie deux monstres doubles monomplialiens, sterno- pages et ischiopages. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1849, xxiv. 149-157. 2 pi. -----. Note sur une monstruosite double ileaitelphe. Hull. Soc. de mod. tie Gaud, 1857, xxiv, 292-294. 1 pi— Poland (A.) Contribution to the anatomy of double monsters. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1848, 2. s., vi, ;M8-262, 3 pi. — Poletti (L.) t Mostro (liplogenetieo. Rendic. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara 1841, Bologna, 1843, 56-60: (1816-49), 1850, 177-179.—Portal. Relazione di un mostro umano. Mercurio d. sc. nied.. Livorno, 1825, iii, 15.— Pre let. Description dun ftitus monstiueux. Hist. Soc. tie med.-prat. de Montpel., 1805, xiv, 5-7. — Preuss. Seltener Fall von Doppelbilduiig; Kind mit Sacralge- schwulst, in welcher Theile eines Fcetus gefiihlt untl leb- Jlonsters (Double). hafte Bewegungen wahrgenommen werden. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 267-272, 1 pi.—Pricger (H.) Eutbindungsgeschichte zusanimeii- gewachsener,ausgetragenerZwi)lingsinadchen. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1851, xxix, 112-117— Proebaska e moustrorum Hassiacorum ortu' atque causis epistola ad J. D. Dorstenium. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1684, Norinib., 1685. 2. decuria, iii, 473- 486 Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Auserl. med.- chir.- Abhamll. tl. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1764. xiii, 372-378 — Valtorta (G.) Parto confeto mo- struoso. ' Gior. veneto tl. sc. med., Venezia, 1875, 3. s., xxiii, 167-174. —Van Bambeke. Note sur une mon- struosite ileadelpho observee chez l'hoinine. Bull. Soc. ile ined. de Gaud. 1866, xxxiii, 199-204. 1 pi.. [Rap. de Poelniiiiil. 207.—Veil (G.) Ueber die Leitung der Geburt bei Iloppelmissgehurten. Samml. klin. Vortr.. No. 164- 165, l.cipz., 1879 (Gyniik., Xo. 48), 1273-1326. —Velaseo. I)tiplo"inesia genito-urinai ia v tie iniembros abdoiiiinules. Siglo metl., Madrid. 1864, xi. 796.—de la Vcrjjiie. Ob- servation sur un enfant a deux tetes. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788. lxxv, 483-489— Vcrhaeghe. Notice sur deux enfants unis ensemble a la fatjon des junieaux siamois, dits jumelles tlainantles. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1849, xxii, 378. Also, transl.: Med. Times, Lond., 1849,'xx, 26.—du Verney. Observation sur deux enfans joinis ensemble. [From ■ Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., '1700.] Rec. de 1116111., Dijon, 1754, ii, 395-403, 1 pi.—Vil- Icncuvc. Description d'une monstruosite consistant en deux fcetus humains accoles en sens inverse par le som- met de la tete : suivie de remarques et d'observations k ce sujet. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1730-31, iv, 305. -----. Obser- vation sur un cas de monstruosite. consistant en deux en- fans du sexe femiuiu. qui out vecu uu mois accoles directe- nieiit et dans le nieine sens par la partie inferieure du trouc. Bull. Acad, de metl , Par., 1838-9, iii, 210.—Vii- letle. Monstre de Vieux-Moulin. J. d. progr. d. sc. metl., Par., 1828, viii, 157-187, 4 pi. —Virchow ( R. ) Leber die sogenannte " zweikopfige Nachtigall ". Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1871-3), 1874, iv, 252-263. Also [Abstr. | : Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 97. -----. Die xiphodynien Briider Tocci. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1886, 47-50. -----. Photogruphien eines indischen Heterailelphus. Ibid., 373. — Vird 11 na ab II a it ■■ 11 u (O. P.) De monstroso gcmello. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norinib., 1737, iv, 297. —Vollynnd (II.) De monstroso ftetu. Misc. Aeatl. nat curios. 1672, Lips, et Francof., 1681, iii, 446. Also, transl : Auserl. med.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1756, iii, 445, 1 pi.—Wagner. Geburtsfall bei Thoracopagus tripus. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden. Karlsruhe, 1882, xxxvi, 123-126— Wahrendornius (J. P.) Foetus bicorpoi-eiis. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norinib., 1737, iv, 574-576, 1 pi —Walsh (R. J.) Short notes of a midwifery case, with I'otal monster. Dublin M. Press, 1863, 1, 207.— Waller (J. G.) De monstro bicorpori, duobus capitibus, quatuor brachiis, tribus pedibus, pectore, pelvique con- creto. In his: Observat. anat., fol., Berl., 1775, 1-32. 0 pi.—Wands (J.) A case of Siamese twins. Brit. M. .L, Lond., 1887, i, 127!!.—Warrington. Skeleton of double- bodied monster. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 185(1-53. n. s., i, 90-94.—Watson ( VV. ) Double monster; post-mortem examination. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 90; 100.—Webb (II. G.) A monster. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 143. — Wedih'buru (A J.) Description of a double monster. X. Oil. M. & S. J.. 1845-6, ii, 161-168, 1 pi.— Werner ( (). ) Fine Doppelinissm-burt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 467. —de Wersier. Accouche- ment naturel de junieaux unis lateralement. Ann. Soc. de metl. d'Anvers, 1814, i, 452-454. 1 pi. [Rap. de Matthys- sens], 454-456. — West (J. YV.) Bicephalous child, horn at the full period of gestation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, 11. s., i. 140.— West (R. U.) Account of a case in which two foetuses were united at the sternum, with only one liver and one common heart. Kdinb. M. & S. J., 1847, lxviii, 385-394, 1 pi. Also, Repriut.—Wettenael (K.) Inter- esting case of monstrosity. Am. .1. Ohst.. X. V., 1871-2, iv, 451-454, 1 pi. [Report of A. KoehlerJ. 545. — Wetzel. Ein seltener Fall von Doppelmissoburt. Miinchen. med. Wclmschr., 1887, xxxiv, ffO. — Weyher. Kin Fall vou Zwilliiigsiniss^L'burt. (Dicephalus nach Barkow). Cor.- Bl. d. Ver. uassau. Aerzte, Weilburg. 1857, 36. —Wheeler (C. A.) A ease of a remarkable monstrosity. Boston M. \ S. J., 1859-60. lxi. 187. Also: N. Oil. M. & S. J., lsr.u, xvii, 290.— White (M. E.) [An account of a double-headed fcetus.] Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 212.— Wilckc. Geburt 111011striiser Zwillinge. Prov. Sau.- r.er. d. k. Med Coll. v. Pommern 1837, Stettin, 1838, 142. — Wilder 1,1'.. G.) Lateral asymmetry in the braius of a double human monster. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1873, Salem, 1874, xxii, pt. 2, 250, 1 pi. -----. The pa- pillary representative ot two arms of a double human monster, with a note on a mummied double monster from Peru. Ibid., 251-256. — Wilkius di 1 Description of a lusus natura*. Madras Q. .1. M. Se.. 1861, ii, 347, 1 pi.— Willige (F.) Wahrnehniung ciiicr zweikdptigeu Miss Monsters (Double). geburt und Verwachsung der Placenta. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode u. Goslar. 1845, ii, 307-313. —Willis (R. W.) Account of the birth of a double monster, with de- scription. Atlanta M. tfc S. J., 1874-5, xii, 154. 1 pi.— Wills (W.) Double monstrosity, with accouut of the delivery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1865), 1866. vii, 6-8.— Winslow. Remarques sur les monstres, a l'occasion dune fille de douze ans, au coips de laquebe 6toit attaches la moitie inferieure dun autre corps; et a l'occasion d'un faon k deux tetes, disseque par ordre du roi; avec flea observations sur les marques de naissance. [From: Mem. Acad. rov. tl. sc. de Par., 1733.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Partie franc. Par. et Liege. 1784, vii, 164-204. 8 pi.— Witt (O. M.) Dubbelt. inissl'oster. Hygiea. Stockholm, 1856, xviii, 33S-342. — Wolf. Anatoniische Beschreibung einer zweikiiptigen Missgeburt. Med. Jahrb. I. tl. ller- zogth. Nassau. Wiesb., 1859, 5.-6. Hft.. 714-725. —Wooden (J. L.) Pair of twins ii la Siamese. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., I860, n. s., iii. 669— Woodworlh (B. S.) & Btulil (W. D.) A two -headed monster. Obst. Gaz.. Cincin., 1882, v, 343-345.—Wvman (J.) Description of a double fcetus. Boston M. L S. J., 1866, Ixxiv, 169-176. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v (app.), 261-270.—Yarrow (E. G.) Double monster. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond.. 1880. viii, 220— Veisiike Tuzai. [A case of twins united throughout thorax and abdomen.] Iji Shinshi, Tokei. 1883, no. 293. Nov. In.—Xwieke (F.) Ein Monstruin. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1876. xi. 568. Monsters (Quadruple). Rodriguez (J. M.) Descripcion de un nionstruo hu- mano cuiidruple, nacido en Durango el alio de 1868. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1870, v, 17; 33, 3 pi. Also, Reprint. Monsters (Shapeless). [Anidian, etc.] Sec; also, Monsters (Acardiac). Gi.asor (J.) *Ein Amorphus globosus. 4°. Giessen, 1852. Urambs (J. J.) Anatoniische Beschreibung eines monstrosen Gewiicbses, welches in dem Leibe einer Frauen, von drey und fiinlTtsig Jahr, an ein gewisscs Stuck des Mesenteric angewach- sen, uud achtzehen Pfund schwer ausgewachsou geiunden worden. 4°. Franchfnrt a. .11., 1730. Blauehard (R.) Ein Fall vom abortiven Bluthofe (Panum) beim Menschen. Mitth. a. d. embrvol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien, 1877-80, i, 193-197, 1 pi. — Roullon (T.) Account of a monstrous ftetus without head, chest, and arms. Lancet, Loml.. 1838-9. i. 611-613.—t'alori (L.) Di un auideo umano trilobato. Rendic. Accad. tl. sc. (1. Ist. di Bologna, 1868-9, 86-90.— t 01 nil .v C'ausit. Un cas de monstre anidien chez, rhoniuie. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1865, Par., 1866, 4. s., ii, 222-225.— «;aingee. (J.) Anidian monsters. Veterinarian, Loml.. 1855, xxviii, 320- 327, 1 pi. Also. Repriut. — llaiinaus (G.) De abortu bullifornii. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1685, Norinib., 1705, 2. decuria, iv. 221-223. Also, transl. .- Auserl. med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. tl. Naturf.. Niirnb., 1765, xiv. 190. — Ilnrtniann (P. J.) De duobus abor- tibus hiinianis oviformibus. Misc. Acad. nat. cm ins. 1701-.5 Xorimb., 1706, 3. decuria, ix-x, 350-359.—Klei 11- wiichler (L.) Ueber die zweite Erucht einer Zwil- lingsgeburt, ein Amorphus. Vrtljschr. f. tl. prakt, Heilk., Prag, 1872, cxiv, 104-111. — I.anzoni (J.) Par- tus mirabilis Scandiani editus 26 Maji a. 1690. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1690, Norinib., 1691, 2. decuria. ix, 73-76. Also, transl: Auserl. metl.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. tl. liim.- kais. Akatl.d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1770, xix. 66-09. — Martou. [Monstre dont la conformation bizarre avail ipichnie aua- logie avec celle d'un ours.] Bull. Soc. tie med. de Gaud, 1839, v, 128-131.—iTIorisaui (D.) [Anutomia iiatologica di un mostro amorfo.] Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1879, iv, 293-321, 1 pi. — IVoe^geralb. Monstrosity, probably composed of the human heart. X'. York M. J., 1882, xxxv, 522.—.\ovi (R.) Un casodi teratologia. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur.. Napoli, 1880, v, 117. Monsters (Triple). Blasius (0.) Observationes medica* rariores. Act-edit moustri triplicis historia. 1(5 \ Amste- lodanti, 1677. Martin de Pedro (E.) Estudios de tera- tologia con motivo de un extraordinario caso de moustruo triple. 8°. Madrid, 1879. ♦Jeoirroy-Kaiiit-Hilaire. Note sur le triencephale. Arch. gen. tie m6d.. Par., 1823, ii, 101-104.—Philipeaux (J-M.) Monstre humain triple par inclusion. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol. 1873, Par., 1875, 5. s., v, pt. 2, 87-90. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1873. 4. s., ii, 546. Monsters (Vegetable). Cralsh's (I{. W.) [Pr.] de natura* in regno vegetabili lusibus. sm. 4^. Jence, [1706]. MONSTERS. 406 MONSTERS. Monsters (Vegetable). Kirsciilkger (F.) * Essai historique sur la teratologic vegetale. 4C. Strasbourg, 1845. Motjrix-TAXDON (A.) El6ments de tdrato- logie veg6tale, ou histoire abrege'e des anomalies de l'organisation dans les veg^taux. 8°. Paris, 1841. Ratzeburg (J. T. C. ) * Auimadversiones qiuedam ad peloriartiin iudolem definiendam spectantes. 4°. Berolini, [1827)]. Ciodron (D.-A.) Des races vegetales qui doivent leur origine a une monstruosite. Mem. Acad, de Stanislas 1873. Nancy, 1874, 4. s., vi, 77-95. -----. Nouveaux me- langes de teratologic vegetale. Mem. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cherbourg, 1874. xviii, 318-352.—Ileekel (E\) Introduc- tion ii leiutle tie la teratologic vegetale; teratologic et teratogenic gcnerales. Rev. scient., Par., 1880, 2. s., xviii, 820-828. — liiik.v (J.-J.) Notice sur les aseidies t6ra- toloniqiics. Bull. Acad. rov. tl. sc. tie Belg., brux., 1863, 729-738. lpl. Also. Reprint—Strasburjjer (E.) O wiel ozarodkowosCi. [Monstrosities in plants.] Rozpr. . . . wvdz. mateinat.-przyr. Akad. Uniiej. w Krakow., 1878, v, 9-32, 4 tab. Monsters in animals, birds, fish, etc. See, also, Monsters (Artijicial production of); Penis (Abnormities, etc., of). Alkssandiuni (A.) Descrizione di un vitello niostruoso niaucaute di porzione del midollo spiuale. 8°. Bologna, 1829. ------. Descrizione di un vitello niostruoso. 8~. Bologna, 1839. BlUiMenthal (M. E.) * De monstroso vituli scelcto. 8 . Regimonli, [n. d.] Caxestrixi (6.) Intoruo a due uceelli mos- truosi. 8°. Modena, 1879. Repr. from: Ann. d. Soc. d. nat., Modena, ann. v. Cavanxa (G.) Ancora sulla polimelia nei batraci auuri. Sopra aleuni visceri del gallo cedroue (Tetrao urogallus Linn.), roy. 8C. Pi- renze, 1879. Dares'ie (C.) Recherches sur les conditions de la vie et de la mort chez les monstres ectro- m61iens, celosomieus et exencdphaliens, produits artilicielleuient dans l'espeee de la poule. 8°. Lille, 1863. vax Deex (I.) Anatoniisclie Beschreibung eines monstrosen, seclisfiissio-en Wasser-Frosches (Rana esculenta). 4°. Leiden, l-v!S. Delplaxiqie (P.) Etudes teiatologiques. 1. Des diftbrinite's cong6nitale.s produites sur le fcetus par la contraction musculaire. Les veaux a tete de chien, ou niatas. 4°. Paris, 1887). Gurlt (E. V.) Leber tbieriscbe Missgebur- ten. Ein Beitrag zur iiathologischen Anatoniie und Entwickelungs-Geschiehte. 4-. Berlin, 1877. Hamberger (G. E.) [Pr.] de eyprino mon- stroso rostrate i et iii. sm. 4:. Jena; [1748]. Hekzberg (J.) * Monstri vituliui descriptio anatomica. 4°. Berolini, [1825]. vox Jaeger (G. F.) Beobachtung eines Stier- kalbs mit eiuein Nebenkopfe. 8:. [Amsterdam, 1-7,8.] Transl from: Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1858. vii. July (X.) Etudes anatomiques sur un agneau biinale du genre synotus. s . Toulouse; 1843. Pepi. from: J. de med. et chir. de Toulouse, 1843. ------. Memoire sur un agueau nionstrueux constituant uu nouveau genre (Deromele) dan.s la famille des monstres doubles polyineliens. 8°. Toulouse, [18118]. liepr. from: Mem. de l'Acad. imp. d. sc.de Toulouse 1868. 6 s , vi. ------. Sur deux cas tres-rares de nielomelie observes chez le mouton. 8-. 1'oulouse, [1869]. I'epr.from : Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc, inscrip. et belles- lettres de Toulouse, 1869, 7. s., i. Keiistex (H.) * Capitis trichechi rosmari de- scriptio osteologiea. 8-. Berolini, [1821]. Monsters in animals, birds, fish, etc. KOCH (IL) * Leber die kiinstiicbe Ilerstel- lung vou Zwergbildungen im Hiilinerei. 4^ Stuttgart, 1884. Larcher ( O.-E.-F. ) M61anges de patholo- gie comparee et de teratologic. 8 . Paris, ls7s. Le Blond (C.) Recherches d'anatoniie et de physioiogie sur un embrvon nionstrueux dc la poule doiuestique circonscrit dans rexistencc solitaire d'un cceur. 8-. Paris, l8'M. Mexsixga (W. P. J.) *;Monstri gallinacci bicorporei bicei»hali descriptio anatomica, una cum disquisitione de ejus ortu. 4°. Kilia; isiil. Mi'i.i.kk (H. F.) * Descripfio anatomica pulli gallinacci extremitatibus superliuis pnediti, si- mul cum disquisitione physiologica de ortu monstrorum duplicium parasiticoruin. 4°. Kilice 1859. Panck (J. E.) *Debicipiti monstro agnino. 1"J°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1831. Pari (C.) Una osservazioue di mostruosita del rachide e del torace in un asinello. s°. Parma, 1885. Plaxcus (J.) De monstris ac monstrosis qui- busdam, ad Josephum Puteuni .. . epistola. fol. Venetiis, 1749. Schmidt (A.) * Ovis bicorporis descriptio, adjunctis notationibus de monstrorum duplicium ortu in genere. 8°. [Dorpat], 1858. Tiiemel (J. C. ) Commentatio medica qua nutritioiicm fcetus in utero per vasa umbilicalia solum fieri occasioue monstri ovilli sine ore et faucibus uato ostenditur. 4C. Lipsia; 1751. Also, in: Fasc. diss. anat.-med. 8°. Amstelosdami, 1764, 121-173, 1 pi. Vogei.gesaxg (J. A.) * De perocephalo apro- sopo fcetus ovini. 8°. Regiomonti Pi;, [1837], Vorbilduxg deren Missgeburten dieses 1620. Jahrs, welcher hie bevor gcdacht worden. 4 . [n. p., 1629.] Wiese (J. E. P.) * De monstris animaliuui. 4'-. Berolini, 1812. Allien ii (Sur un) ftetus inonstrueux. [From: Hist. Aeatl. roy. d. sc. tie I'ar., 17011.J Rec. de nu'ni., Dijon et Auxerre, 1754. ii, 15-17.—Amal (('.) (Eul'ile poule com- plet inclus dans un autre, Coinpt. n-nil. Sue d( biol., I'ar., 1885, 8. s., ii, 256. — Atkinson (.1. ('.) Feline monstros- ity. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833, xii, 294.—A uber. Description d'un monstre. [ Two-headed calf. ] J. dc med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1761, xv, 45-52. — Aiicaiilc. Lettre sur une production monstrucuse. Ibid., 177U. xxxii, 13- 16.—B. Monstrosity in a calf. Boston M. A S. J., 1862, Ixvi, 26. — Bavr. Leber einen Doppel-Einbrvo vimi Huhne, aus dem Anfange des dritten Tages tier Uri'itiing. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1827, 576-586. — Bar. kow. Ueber eine lebende (3 Tage alte) Missgeburt vom Kal be mit doppeltem Gesichte. eintacbem Ilinterkopfe und Leibe, welche er kurz als Diprosopustetrophthiilmus oculis intermediis septo membranaceo separatis definirte. Ausz. a d. Debers. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, Jahresb. d. metl. Sect,, Bresl., 1841, IU; 17. — Barrier. Teratologic veterinaire ; monstre de la famille des otocephaliens (crotaphoc6phalo). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 271-279. -----. Sur les veaux cynocephales. Ibid., 1885, 8. s., ii, 213-215.— Bartliolinus (T.) Menstrua; agninum duplex. Acta med. et phil. Hafn. (1674-5), 1677, iii. 53, 1 pi. — Brnrh. A renuirkable nionstrositv. Bostoii M. & S. J., 1875, xcii, 595. Also: Extr. Rec. Lost. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1886, vii. 20-22. — Bert. Xote sur deux poulets deradel- phes. Compt. rend. Soe. tie biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. 8., v, 23-26. — Bochcfontaine. Ectromelie unithoraeiqne chez une chieune; atrophie de l'omoplate et de la moelle cervicale du cote, correspondant, Arch, tie physiol. norm. et path , Par., 1881. 2. s., viii, 286-207. — Boeck (C It) Et Kalvemisfoster paa Roraas. Eyr. Christiania. 1836-7, xi, 151-154.— Bourgeois. Observation sur uu agneau inonstrueux. J. de med., chir., pharm.. etc.. Par., 1764, xx, 264-266. — Brand. Dicephalus bispiualis vou ei ner Kuli. Wchnschr. f. Thierli. n. Viehzucht, Augs burg, 1883, xxvii, 329. — Bricon (P.) Poulet pygomt le (quatre niembres postea-ieurs. deux anus. etc.). Bull. Soc. auat. do Par.. 1881. lix. 483. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1885. 2. s.. i, 148. — Bruch (C.) rebel Dreifach- bildungen. Jenaisehc Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw.. Leipz., 1871-3, vii, 142-175, l id. — Biignioii iE.) Description de quelques alevins de truite inonstrueux. Bull. Soc. MOOTERS. 407 MONSTERS. Uloiiwters iu animals, birds, fish, etc vaudoise tl. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1879, 2. s.. xvi, 463-466.— Calilnni (F.) Meinoria sopra un agnello niostruoso, con alciuie osservazioni sopra la mitlolla spinale. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano, 1824, xxix, 92-04—C'alori (L.) Di un mostro eteropago suino auatomia. Mem. Accad. tl. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. Ie76, 3. s., vii, 395-411, 2 pi. — C'arlet (G.) Sur une finite niopse. J. tie l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1879. xv, 154-160. — t'atbcart (0. W.) Dissection of a lamb with fissure of the sternum antl transposition of the orh'in of the right subclavian artery. J. Anat. •*. Physiol., "bond., 1873-4, viii, 321-326. — Callic (J.-T.) Notice sur deux monstruosites observees chez le gallus tloinesticus, L. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1883. 3. s.. v, 119-126, 1 pi.—Cliabry (L.) Monstres nou- veaux chez les aseidies. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 42-44. ------. Contribution k l'eiiibryologic nortiiale et t6ratologique ties aseidies simples. J. tie l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par.. 1887, xxiii, 167-319, 5 pi.- fist (J.) Account of a siugular lusus natural in the ftetus of a sheep. Phila. .1. M. \- Phys. Sc., 1824, viii, 470. 1 pi.—Colin. [Un Viiu nionstrueux.) Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, ];jfl._Coiilamiiie (J.-M.) Cas remarquable tie dystocie foetale, determine par un monstre autosite, celosoniieii. schistosome relleehi, agcuosome, aproctesioii. [In a cow.] Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1886, xxxv, 477-486.—Darewte. Deviation chez un agneau, resultant d'une compression exert ee par l'auiuios. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1881, 3. s.. iv, 816.------. Sur la viabilite des embryons inonstrueux de l'espeee de la poule. C mpt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883. xevi, 1672-1674.------. Memoire sur un casdec6boce- plialie observe chez un poulain. J. tie l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1885, xxi, 346-355, 2 pi. — llarolc (C. )' Me- moire sur la production artificielle ties monstruosit6s de l'espeee de la poule. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1861, Par., 1862. 3. s., iii, pt. 2, 157-187.—Darainc. Duplicite de la lace cbez les oiseaux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 875.— l>obrosmisloff"(A.) Urodliv. ploda korovi; schis- tosoma retiexu.n. [Birth of a monster in a cow.] Uchen. zapisUi Kazan. Vet, Inst. 1886, iii, 140-142.—Buge* (A.) llest i-iption d'un cas de monstruosite. Rev. metl. franc. ct Strang., Par., 1835, i, 197-204.— Biiplay. Xote sur un coq nionstrueux polymelien, genre ischionit'le. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1865, xl, 355-359. — Duval (M.) & llerve (G.) Sur un monstre otoc6phalien. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 76-78. — Erto- Inni (G. B.) Osservazioni teratologiche sopra uu pseu- dacorino hoviuo pseudacormus aprosopus Ere. Meui. Accatl. tl. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1876, 3. s., vii, 63-100, 2 pi.—FaliiiCMtock (S.) An account of a singular malt'or- nia tion of this heart, liver, and spleen in a hog. Am M. Recorder, Phila., 1823, vi, 282-284 — Fcldmnmi. Schis- tosoma reflexum. Arch vet. nauk, St Petersb., 1884, iii, pt. 3, 119.—Fiiigcrhnth. Beschreibung eines seltenen niissgebildeten Kalbsfiitus mit niangelnilen Baucluleckon, Becken und hinteru Extremitatcn. Arch. f. Auat. u. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1826, i, 109-111, 1 pi.— Fongeroux. [Un monstre forme tie deux lapins reunis depuis la tete justpi'au has du sternum J [From: Mem. Acad. roy. sc, 1759.J Collect, acad. tl. mem., etc. Partie franc., Par. et Liege, 1786, xii, 381.—Oadcan do Kervillc (IL) Note sur un canard uioustrueux appartenant au genre pygo- mele. J. de l'anat. ct physiol., etc.. Par., 1884, xx, 462-464, 1 pi. ------. Description de quatre monstres doubles (2 chats et 2 poussins). apparteuant aux genres synote, inio- dynie. opoilvme et ischiomele. Ibid., 1885, xxi, 304-308, 1 pi —(Jaliiido (J.) Viciode conforinacion en tin borrego. Observador med., Mexico, 1872-4. ii, 14— Gulvcz (I). F.) Anomalia notada en un chivo. An. r. Acad, tie cien. metl. . . . dela Habana, 1865-6. ii, 190-196.—(Jay (M.) Sopra uu mostro ovino (Cielope perostomo arnieo). Medico vet.. Toiino, 18,8. 5. s., i, 193-195. 1 pi.—(Jcoflroy. Observa- tion sur l'exces et le defaut du noni lire des parties-d'un poulet et de deux chiens. J. de mod., chir. et pharm., etc.. 2. 6d., Par.. 1755, iii, 266-273.—(Jln;'c .V Bcron- bni.v. Gbservation dun chien cvdope. Arch, tie la ined. beige, Brux., 1840, iii, 115-117.—[Cloadby (It.)] A lusus natune. Metl. Indep.. Detroit. 1856, i, 102-104. —God- dard (<*. ,1.) I'eschtijving eener kalfs-misgcboorte, met epicrisis. Xetlerl. Tijtlschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1860, iv, 469—(J ou ban.\ (A.) Description d'un monstre du genre celosouie, de l'espeee bovine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, Par., I860, 4 s., v, 161-164 ------. Memoire sur un monstre tie respire bovine, classe des parasitaires, famille des polyincliens, genre notomele (I. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire). Ibid., pt. 2, 45-61. ■------. Memoire sur les fissure's me- diant's, ou les eelrogenies svinelriques cbez les animaux doincstinucs. Ibid..1872, Par., 1874. 5. s., iv, pt. 2. 121-144. ------. Teratologic veterinaiie; genre agnathe: ties mon- stres doubles polygnatbieiis. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1877, iv, 193-207. ------. Memoire sur un veau monstiueux du genre derodyine. Ibid., 1878, v, 641-650. ------. Terato- logic veterinaire; memoire sur l'ectronielie qua(lru]ile. Ibid., 1879, vi, 129-146. ------. Teratologic veterinaire; classe des monstres doubles autositaires, famille des mo- nosoiniens; memoire sur un monstre du genre atlodvnie. Ibid., 1882, ix, 214; 278 — Unit-hard (A.) Deux mon- atruosites semblables chez un ftetus liumain ct chez uu jTIonstcrw in animals, birds, fish, etc. poulet. Bull. Soc. de nied. d'Angers (1879). 1880, n. s., vii, 104-106, 2 pi— <;iiill< Im :m (A.) In cas d'epignathie chez le veau. Anh. de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1881, 2. s., viii, 205-223. 1 pi. —liable (F.) Missgeburt beim Rind init grossen Cysteu um den Kopf. Oesterr. Vrtlj- schr. f. ui»-iai-i;h. Vetetinark., Wien. 1884. lxi. 217-221 — Ilammerieii* n des monstres doubles chez les poissons. Gaz. med. de Par., 1855, 3. s., x, 183. -----. De la monstruosite double chez les poissons. Ibid, 300-302. -----. Memoire sur un pigeon monstiueux du genre deradelphe, Deradelphe synanencephale. Assoc franc pour l'avaiice. tl sc Compt.-rend. 1877, Par., 1878, vi, 627-640.—Raubei- (A.) Ueber Doppelbildung bei Wirbelthieren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, lxxii, 443. -----. Gastrodidymus des Lachses. Ibid.. 1879, lxxv, 553. -----. Gibt es Stock bildungen (Cormi) bei den Vertebraten ? Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz.. 1879, v, 167-190, 2 pi. — Rayer. Sur plusieurs monstres de lievre et de perdreau. Corupt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1862, Par., 1863. 3. s., iv. 111— Kcutzins (S. A.) De monstro agnino Xorwegieo. Acta med. et phil. Hafn. (1674-5), 1677, iii, 99.—Kieck (M.) Perocephalus aotus (Guilt) vom Se.hwein. Rev. f. Thierh., Wien, 1887, x, 1-3.—RolofT (F.) Missgeburten. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt, Thierh.. Berl.. 1876, ii, 401-404. —Rose (D. D.) A monstrositv. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, x, 401.— Saiiit'lMilui. Fall vou Diprosopus triophthalmus bei einem neugeborcnen Kiifzchen. Sitzungsb. tl. nied.-rhein. (Iesellsch. f. Xat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1880, 206— MchaaflT- hauscii. Ueber die, thierischen Missbildungen. Ibid., 1870, 18-20—Meli liiiiler. Skizze eines natiirlichen Sys- tems tier angebornen Monstrositaten der Thiere. Ann. tl. allg. schweiz. Gesellsch. f. tl. ges. Naturw., Bern. 1824-5, ii. 1-32. — Nclimidt-Kimplcr. Eine ungewohliliehe Miss- und Hcmmungsbililiing an einem Kalbsauge. Anitl. Her. ii. tl. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Miin- chen, 1877, 1, 334.—Schiitz. Zur Kenntniss der Digna- thie. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt, Thierh., Berl., 1879, v, 1-21, 1 pi.—Serres (A.) Essai sur une theorie anato- mique des monstruosites animales. Rev. med. hist, et phil., Par., 1821. vi, 180-199.—Mtorch (C.) Beitrage zur Anatomie der thierischen Missgeburten. Oesterr. Vrtl- jschr. f. wissensch. Veteriuark., Wien, 1883, lix, 141-155. -----. Ein Fall von Cyclopie bei einem Kalbe. Ibid., 1884, lxii, 112-115.—.Strahl ((.'.) Kino Missbildung am Fluss- krebs. Arch. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. ii. wissensch. Metl., Leipz.. 1859, 333-336.—Stndisiti (C.) Di un caso raro di mostruosita in un feto vitellino (Schistozomus reflexus). Gior. di anat,, fisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1874, vi, 81- 92.—Szymkiewicz. Beitrag zur Lehre von den kiinst- lichen Missbildungen am Hiihnereie. Sitzungsb. tl. k. Akad. tl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1875, Wien, 1876. lxxii, 139-147, 1 pi— Taiulli (0.) Mostruosita delle uova d' uccelli. Gior. di anat., tisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1886. xviii, 254; 326: 1887. xix, 16-44— Thierncssc. Rap- port sur un monstre double inonomphalieu tie l'espeee por- cine, complique de rhinocephalie chez l'un ties sujets com- posants; formation d'un nouveau genre appelc gastropage. Bull. Acad. toy. de m6d. do Belg., Brux., 1850-51, x, 240- 250, 2 pi.—Ticdeinatm (F.) Beschreibung einiger selte- nen Tliier-Monstra. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb., 1831, iv, 121-124. 1 pi.—Van Bambeke (C.) Description anato- miquc d'un atnorpht- globuleux (amorphus globosus, Gurlt) appartenant k l'esp6ce bovine, suivie de quelques conside- rations sur ce genre de monstruosite. Ann. Soc tie med de Gand, 1866, xliv, 75-110, 3 pi. [Rap. de Poelman], 111. -----. Note sur une inclusion rencontree dans un oeuf de poule. Livre jubil. publie p. la Soc. de nied. de Gand, etc., 1884, 395-410, 1 pi.— Van Steenkiste ( C. ) Description anatomieo-teratologique d'un chevreau tliplo- cephale k corps simple (2me 'genre de la diplogenese). Ann. Soc med -chir. de Bruges, 1845, vi, 85-98, 1 pi.— dc Ville. Histoire anatomique d'un chat moustrueux. [From: J. d. sea vans, 1680] Collect, aeatl. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1755, i, 286, 1 pi. — Yulpian. Note sur un chat moustrueux (groupe des monstres doubles monosoiniens, genre opodyme, 1. Geoffroy - Saint - Ililaire). Gaz. 11161L de Par., 1855, 3. s , x, 18.—Walley. On a congenital cra- nial tumour in a calf. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc (1871-4), 1875, iii, 68-70.-----. Deformed fcetus of a cow (ecto- pia). Ibid., 334.— Ward (T. O.) Absence of the left foot in a cat. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix, 460.__ Wcyenbcrgli (H.) Remarques sur un monstre hydro- cephalique, extrait mort trune vache. Bol. Acad, nac de cien. exact., Cordoba, 1875-8, ii, pt. 1, 58-65. —Wile ken.t (M.) Bemerkungeniibereinendoppeltenlinken Vortlt i fuss vom Kalbe. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh.. Wien, 1879, iv, 25-27—Wilwon (J.) A foetal monstrosity. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1880, x. 156-158— Wynian (J.) Cvelopism in a pig. Boston M. & S. J., 1858-9, lix, 121—Wjinan (J.) Double pig. Ibid., 1861, 1 xiv, 535.— Yatew (C. C ) Account of a monster. Phila. M. Mu- suem, 1807-8, iv, 254-256. lonsters/rowi defect or malformation of abdomen and thorax. See, also, Bladder (Exstrophy of); Herma- phrodites ; Hypospadias ; Monsters ( Acar- diac); Monsters in animals, etc.; and under names of regions and viscera, e. g., Abdomen Genitals, Heart, Abnormities of. Barrow ( II. C. L. ) Ueber Pseudaconnus, oder deu scheinbar rumpfloseu Kopf. fol. Bres- lau, 187)4. Bassini (E. ) Vizio di coufonnaziouo dell' ano, dell' iutestino retto e dell' apparato uro- genitale (cloaco uro-genitale). In his: De clin. operat. 8-. Genova, 1878, 97-99. Bellard (E.-M.-G.) * Contribution a l'etiula des monstres celosomiens. 4°. Lille, 1882. Also [Abstr.], in: Ann. de gvnoc, Par., 1882, xviii, 212- 225. Brandau (J. V.) * Ueber cine nienschliche Missgeburt mit z wei abuormen Nabelvenen. 4°. Marburg, [1862]. Bcttner (C. G.) Anatoniische Anmerkung uud Beweiss aus der Natur des Corpers, dass ein Kind, mit dem aus der Brust gewachseuen und herausbangenden Hertzen und feblenden llcrtz- beutel, so wohl iru Mutterleibe wachsen, zuneh- men uud vollkommen, als auch lebendig gebobrcn werden, uud nach der Geburt nocb einige Zeit leben konne. sm. 4°. Konigsberg, 1747. ------. The same. Anatoniische Auinerckun- geu bey einem mit auswartshangendem Herzen lebendig gebornem Kinde, nnd dann bey Gele- genbeit ciuer todt gebohruen zwey-kopfigea Missgeburt, nebst Erortcrung einiger curieuseu Fiagcn. [2. Aufl.] 4°. Konit/sberg u. Leipzig, 177)2. Calori (L.) Di tre celosomi uniani (Celoso- miens Isid. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire) notabili per rispetto alia tocologia ed alia distribnzione tera- tologic;! di cotale famiglia di mostri. 4°. Bo- logna, ln63. Repr. from .- Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 2. s., ii. See, also, infra. Coen (E.) Descrizione anatomica di un feto senza reni e senza utero, con altre anomalie. 8°. Milano, 1884. Dehn ( M. ) * Descriptio anatomica moustri cum eventratione. 8°. Berolini, [18(54], Eisenach ( H. P.) * Ein weiblicbcr Lotus ohne Harn-, Darm- und Geschlechtsotfnungeib danebeu Meropus. 8°. Rotenburg, [1873]. Eschexbach (C. E.) Partus uionstrosi. In his: Obs. quicdam anat.-cliir.-med. rariora. 4°. Rostochii, 1753-5, 8-14. Also: Ibid. Editio altera. VP. Rostochii, 1769, 5-18. Fleisciimaxm (G.) * De vitiis congenitis circa thoracem et abdomen. 4°. Erlangce, [1810]. Fkied (G. A.) * Ftetus iutestinis plane nudis extra abdomen propendentibus natus. sin. 4r Argentorati, 17(50. Also, in: Sandifort. Thesaurus diss, [etc] 4°. Ro- terodami, 1768. i, 311-324. Jensen (J. ) '* Descriptio monstri cum liga- mentis amtiioticis. 4°. Kilice, 186,6). In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xiii, 1866, vii, Med. ii. Koch ( E. A. ) *Diss. inaug. . . . exhihens monstri humani rarioris descriptionem. 1'2°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1836). Kruger (G.) * Ueber eine Missbildung in it Perinealbruch und offeuer Blase. 8~J. Rostock, [1872], Leccke(A. G.) *Demonstroquodam humano, 4°. Halls Sax., 187)4. de Lucretiis. Descrizione di un mostro no- tomizzato in 8au 8cvcro, e pensieri sulla foruia- zione de'medesimi. MS. 4\ [SanSevevo, 1HI7.] Maxniske (G. A.) *Diss. monstri humani rarioris descriptionem coutiuens. 4°. Jenoe, [1831]. MONSTERS. 409 MONSTERS. Mon*tev* from defect or malformation of abdomen and thorax. Nicholson (G.) * De monstro humano sine trunco nato. 4°. Berolini, 1837. Nikmeyer (C. E.) * Singularis iu foetu puel- lari rccensedito ahuorniitatis exeinpluni descrip- tuni cl illustratum. 4°. [Halw, 1814.] Pacini (L.) Di un fanciullo mostruoso per difetto di organizzazione; lettera ehirurgico- anatomica diretta all' Tonimaso Biancini. 8°. Pisa, 1834. Sachs (W.) * Ueber einen Fall von Eventra- tion. 8U. Marburg, 1877. Sciiaki'er (P.) * Descriptio anatomico-patho- lot'ica monstri cum eventratione. 4°. Bounce, [1837]. Schepi.er (T.) Adspirante nuniine sapientis- siuio! nionstruni humanum vcntribus sine pro- portione et mutilis artuhus, Wittebcrgie d. xxx Augnsti, natuni, animo lustraudum sistit in pu- blico. 4°. Uittebergce, [1674]. Ui.ricii (G. L.) * Diss, iuaug. nied. deforma- tionem fu'tus humani rariorem describens. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, 1833. Wkdel (E. E. L.) * Dissertatio medica mon- stri humani rarioris descriptionem continens. 4°. Jena\ IK?!). Adler (S.) Kin lotaler Bildnngsfehlcr. Med.-chir. Central!)., Wien, 1876, xi, 195.—Adradas (C L.) Un casoteratologico. An. de cien. med., Madrid, 1876, ii, 385- 390.—Anatoinimche Beschreibung einer iiberaus fehler- haften Bildung der Brust- und Baucheingeweide eines neugebornen Kindes, welches 58 Stuuden geleht hat. J. d. pract, Heilk., Berl., 1805, xxii, 2. St., 110-121.—d'Arcy (H.) Inversion splanclinique. Monstruosite par inclu- sion? Abeille med., Par., 1875, xxxii, 310.—Arnold (J.) Ein Fall von Cor triloculare biatriatum, Communication der L"ii"tnveiit n mit der Pt'ortader und Mangel der Mil/.. Aich. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1868, xiii, 449-472, 1 pi— Althill. Exhibition of a monster born in the Rotunda Lying in Hospital. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, lxix, 533—B. Exomphale du foie par arret de developpement. Gaz. d. hop.. Riir.. 1S73. xlvi. 1098.—Baena (A.) Mon- struosidad notable. Espana metl., Madiid, 1861, vi, 483.— Bai.Hlroeelii (lv) Osservazioni sopra un feto avente anomalie di sviluppo tleuli wsani gcnito-urinari. Riv. din. di Bologna, 1882, 3. s., ii, 216-222.—Barrett (T. B.) Malformation of a foetus. Lancet. Lond., 1834-5, i, 349.— Barrier (G.) Description dun monstre du genre celo- sonie. Compt. rend. Soe tie biol. 1875, Par.. 1876, 6. s., ii (Mem.), 29-45.—Raster (J.) Description of a monstrous foetus, without anv distinction of sex. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1744-50, x-xi, 1208.—Bntalla (J. L.) Observacion de un feto de todo tienipo, que al niicer carecia de la pared an- terior del abdomen, y que nmrio k los cnatro dias de su nacimiento. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1874, xxi. 823— Ban- chene fils. Description du sqnelette d'un enfant hydro- rephale offrant une conformation singuli^re de la partie inferieure du trono. Boll. Fac. de nied. de Par. 1809-11, ii (6. annee), 27-29.—Beale (J. S.) On a case of deficiency of development of the superior, posterior, and anterior aspect of the ftetus. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 280.— BeeKei'(A) Eine seltene Misgbildumi des Menschen. 15.il. klin. AVchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 675-077. —Beclnrd. Notice descriptive d'un fcetus n6 avec ties vices tits- singuliers de conformation, tt en particulier avec une ad- herence du co'iir k la voiite palatine. Bull. Fac de med. de Par. (1812-1:!), 1814, iii, 293-296.—Behrendt (S.) Spalthildung des ('tecum, der Blase und Genitulieii; Spina bifida; Defect der Bauchniuskeln um den Nabob Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Reib, 1874, Ix, 298-300.—Bellmiint (O.) Ohservacion de un feto monstiuoso. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid. 1876, iv, 148 —Berti (A.) Rara niostruosita in un fanciullo. (la/./., nied. ital , prov. venete, Padova. 1858, i, 100—BfNehri)ving van een wanschepsel. Boerhaave. Ti.jilsehr., etc., Amst..'1843, n. s., ii, 477-480, 1 pi.—Be- vern. 1'esehrt iliung eines zweijiihi igen (lurch cine zu I'riili/eiiige Entw it kelung monstrosen Kindes ; nebst Sec- tionsl.eri'clit J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1802, xiv, 3. St., 141-149. — Blngden (U) Letter. Account of a mon- strous bin It. .Mttl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 336.— Bonsquet. (lliser\ alion sur un fti'tus mal conforme. Rec. p6ii,/Vo?H defect or malformation of abdomen and thorax. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 651 : 672—Bou- teillicr (J.) Description d'un foetus inonstrueux d'une espece nouvelle. Monit. d. hop., Par.. 1853. i, 777; 801; 945. Also : Bull. Stic, ansft. de Par., 1853. xxviii. 299-317.— Boylston 1\V. H.) Case of monstrositv. llostou M. .fc S. J.. 1837. xvi, 382.—Brandon (\V. C.)' A case of mon- strosity. South. M. , oblgebildeten Kinde, weiblichcn Geschlet hts, mit Erkliirung unterschiedener Fragen. In his: Anat. AVahrnehm, 4°, Kiinigsb., 1769, 30-58, 2 pi. -----. AVahrnehmung einer mit offenen Brust mu\ Lu- terleibe, nebst tlen herausgehangeneu Eingeweitlen, allhie todt gehornen unreifeu oder unzeitigen Frucht, maunli- chen Geschlechts. Ibid., 121-131.—Biuide. Fine metk- wiirdige Missgeburt. [From: Arch. d. k. danischen Ge- sundheitscollegii ausgezogen von Otto.] Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb , 1844, xxv, 251— Biuggineve. Cas remar- quable de nionstruosite. Ann. Soc. de metl. do Gand, 1841, xiv, 208. — Bytbrd. A remarkable case of malposition and deficiency of the thoracic and abdominal visceia in a fcetus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi, 27).—Cal- dcrini (G.) Illustrazioue di un feto umano ahorliva nios- truoso. Gior. tl. r. Accatl. di med. di Torino, 1874, 3. s., xvi, 229-243.—C'nlori (L.) Sopra un voluminoso tuinore eon- genito esfeso dalla pelvi ai piedi con apparente complica- zionc tli ernia, o sventramento. Bull. d. sc ined. di Bologna, 1858, 4. s., x, 368.-----. Di tie mostri celosomi uniani nota- bili per rispetto alia tocolo^ia ed alia tlisti ihuzione teratolo- gica di cotalc faniiglia di mostri. I bid.. 1863, 4. s., xix, 36- 39. [See,also,supra.]~C:\titon(\-:.) Di si i iption of a foetal monster, with eventration. Lancet. Lond., 1819, ii. 266. Also. Reprint.—Carolina (L.) Rare caso di ettopia. Spallanzani, Modena, 18,8, vii, 68-tO —Chambon (E.) Description dun monstre celosomien, suivie de quelques considerations sur la parturition. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869, Par.. 187o. 5. s., i, pt. 2, 211-23.'.—(hainouo (B.) Eventracion umbilical congenita curada & pesar do haber quedadoal exterior un tro/.o colon trausverso. Anfi- teatro anat., Madrid, ls74. ii. 27.—Chance (E.J.i Air.-st of tlevelopnient in the fcetus. Lancet, Loud., 1863, i, Uo.— Clay. Delivery of a deformed foetus; accidental post- partum haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond.. 1871, ii, 261.— Conies (J.) Absence of the pleura* ; absence of a portion of the intestines. Ibid., 1840, ii, 937.—Collin (M.) Ftctal monstrosity. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loml. (1S82): 1>83. xxb, 9S- 100—Colomiatti (V. F.) I'n caso di arresto tli sviluppo dell' intestine posteriore. Anh. per le sc. med.. Torino, 1878-9. iii, no. 2, 1-15, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Osservatore, Torino, 1878, xiv, 737-739.—Conover (S. B.) [Specimen belonging to the familv of foetal inonsters.] Cincin. Lan- cet tfc Ohs., 1867. x, 245-247.—Corey (L.) A singular ease of malformation. [Reversed pelvis.] AVest. J. M , In- dianap., 1868, iii, 282. Also -. Med. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1868, xviii, 316.—Coutagne (E.) Note sui-.un fte- tus nionstrueux presentant des vices de conformation aussi nonibreux quo reinarquables. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1859, xi, 94.— Czermak (J. J.) Eine seltene nienschliche Missbildung. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wien, 1834 xv 142-149. — Darling (J. A.) Birth of a monster. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1852, xlvi, 403.—Darling (AV.) Case monstrosit v. N. York J. M., 1844, ii, 377. Also, Reprint.— Debonie. [Imperforation congenitale duvagin; inver- sion tie l'estomac et de la rate.] Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 59.—De Caniin (F.) Storia d'una siugolare deformity congenita, e riflessioni sopra di uu fatto analogo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1825, xxxvi, 127-132.— De Crespigny (E.) Case of monstrosity; congenital mal- formation. Tr. M. <\ Phvs. Soe. Bombay (1852-3), 1855. n. s.. ii, 322.—De la Vigne. Missbildung (lurch A'oi fall siimmtlicher Eimjowcidc ties Lnterleihs. Gen.-Ber. tl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. Is39. Koblenz, 1842. 190.— Drlliovier. Developpement eiiorinc tie la vessie et ties parois abdomi- nales chez un foetus d'environ huit mois. Ann. Soc. d. sc. m6d. et nat. de Brux., 1842. 36-40. Also .- Arch, tie la med. beL'e. Brux., 1842. viii, 10-13, 1 pi — Delorc (X.) De- scription d'uu monstre celosomien aspalasome, avec re- flexions. Montpel. med., 1860, v, 444-455. —De Uoulon (A.) Scher/.i tli natura altremodo sinsolari osservati nella sezione eatlavei ica di una giovinctta d' anui 14. Ann. univ. dimetl., Milano, 1827, xliv, 44-48.— Denlaii (P.) Descrip- tion d'uu fcetus atteint de fissure abdominale avec hernie MONSTERS. 410 MONSTERS. li ouster* from defect or malformation of ^ abdomen and thorax. funiculaire. Bull. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1879. xiii. 158-161. 1 pi.—Dcpaul. [Extroversion de la vessie; absence du p6nis ; spina bifida.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1842, xvii, 213.—Depanl. Eventration fie tale par arret de developpement; presentation do lepaule. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873. xlvi, 1073— Diekson. Case of monstiosity. Metl. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 81.—Dick- son. Case of foetal monstrosity, in which the placenta was affixed to the region of the abdominal walls, etc. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1851, xiii, 82-84.— Dickson (S. H.) Case of monstrosity. South. J. M. tfc Pharm., Charleston, 1846, i, 496— Din in ore (R.) A case of monstrous birth. Lond. M. J., 1790. xi, 339-342.— Doran (A.) Dissection of the genitourinary organs in a case of Assure of the abdominal walls. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1880-81, xv, 226-234. 1 pi.—Drew (J.) Curious birth, and lusus natura*; [abdominal parietes wanting.] Med. Times &Gaz.. Lond., 1855, n. s . xi, 236 — Dubois (P.) Rapport sur deux cas de monstruosite. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1835, iv, 475-488.—Dnbrenil. Ftetus moustrueux celosomien ; spiua-bifitla de la region dorsale ; absence complete des ertebres lombaires: in- version des niembres iuferieurs. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1849, 3. s„ iv, 944-946.—Ducbatcan (A.-R.-P.) Observation I d'un fcetus nionstrueux. J. compl. du diet. d. sc med., Par., 1821. viii, 377.—Duhamel. Exoniphale congeni- tale volumineuse. Mem. Soc de med. de Strasb. (1872-3), I 1S74, x, 100-104.— Duvernoy (J. G.) Von einer Miss- geburt ohne Anne. Phvs. u. metl. Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Petersb., Riga, 1783, ii, 311-332.— Dn- rignean. Accouchement d'un enfant moustrueux. J. de mod., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1790, lxxxv, 61-66.— FI»holtiiiN (J. S.) De puella monstrosa, Berolini nuper nata. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1673-4, Francof. et Lips., 1676, iv-v (app.), 80, 1 pi. Also: Ibid. (1673-4), 1688, iv-v (app. i, 67, 1 pi. — Emanuel (M.) Caseof malformation in a child. Metl. Exam., Phila., 1851, n. s., vii, 429.—Ep- piuger. Anatomischer Beitrag zu der Mitthcilung Prof. v. Hitter's. "Ein Fall von angehorener Lii eke des Brust- korbes''. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Piidiat, Wien, 1876. vii, 201- 214. — Fwteban (R. M.) LJn caso notable de obstetri- cia. Genio ined.-quir., Madrid, 1875, xxi, 188. — Kslep (W.) A case of lusus natura. Med. Counsellor. Colum- bus, 1885, i, 147— Even (A.) Eventration and other devia- tions from the natural state of the foetus. Lancet, Lond., ]844,i,469.—F[cigncnii]x. Monstruosite speeiale. Art nied., Brux., 1875-6. xi. 40. — Feto moustruo. Anfiteatro anat,, Madrid, 1873. i, 202.—Fleury tfc Dnehainp. Foe- tus nionstrueux: eventration; adherence des membranes; absence des organes g6nitaux externes et de 1'aniis; per- sistance d'un cloaque; rein unique; bassin feudu ; sco- liose: spina bifida lateral; pied hot. Ann.Soc.deined.de St.-Etienne et tie la Loire, 1883, viii, 312-315. — Fraeys. Vice de conformation dn genre diastematies chez un nou- veau-ne. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1849, xvi, 306-309.— Fredet fils. Note sur un monstre humain. Ann.Soc.de med. tie St.-Etienne et de la Loire (1867-71), 1872, iv, 139- 147. Also: Rev. med. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1869, ii, 289- 295.— Friese. Merkwurdige Missucburt. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1841. 848.—Fuller (A. P.) Case of malformation. Boston M. tfc. S. J., 1835, xii, 348-350.— Oarbiglietti (A.) tfc iTIoriggia (A.) Descrizione di celosomo dirino con exenoefalia idroeefaliea. Gior. v. At cad. di med. di Torino, 1870. 3. s., ix, 65-74, 1 pi.—Gas- teller. Observation sur un lotus moustrueux. J. de med.. chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1773, xxxix, 27-12.—Gay- Ion (\V.) Case of monstrosity. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1805), 1866. vii, 58. Also: Am.' J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., liii, 418.—Goldschmidt. Accouchement d'uu foetus moustrueux. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1875, xxxiv, 40.— Griffith (G. deG.) Curious monstrosity. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1869), 1870, xi, 5-7.— Ciinsbuig (F.) Missbildun- gen im Verbaltniss zu consecutiven pathologischen Ent- wicklnngsvorgangen. Arch. f. tl. ges. Med., Jena, 1846, viii, 293-305: 1819,' x. 158-173.—Hull'(A.) A case of mon- strosity. Tr. Obst. Soe. Lond. (1867), 1868, ix, 271-275.— Ilallelt (C. H.) Observations illustrating the anatomi- cal structure and physiological history of monsters with eventration. Edinb. M. & S. J.. 1847. lxviii, 303-342, 3 pi — Hainy (E.-T.) Description d'un foetus nionstrueux, pre- seutaut nne atresie des voies urinaires et de l'intestin trausforiues en cloatpie, et labsenee d'organes genitaux. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1884, xx, 193-200, 1 pi — Hnrrixon (.1. B.) Case of monstrositv. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1852. xiii, 229-231. Also [Abstr.]: Loud. J. M., 185(1, ii, 79. — Hartuianuus (P. J.) Anatome monstri. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1691, Norinib.. 1692, decuria 2, x, 258-262, lpl. Also, transl: Auserl. nied - chir.- . . . Ab- liaudl. d. rom.-kais. A kail. d. Naturf., Niirnb.. 1771, xx, 223-226, 1 pi. —Harvey (A.) Case of presentation of the bladder in labour. Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1855, lxxxii, [ease book, 29-31). — Harvey ( R. S. ) Case of uial-nutritiou during fetal life. Cincin. Lancet tfc Obs., 1874. xvii, 264.— Heath {('.) Foetus jireseuting several remarkable de- formities and malformations. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858- j ifloiisters/vom defect or malformation of abdomen and thorax. 9, x, 304. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1859. i, 391. — Ilein (R.) Beschreibung einer Missgeburt. [Fchlen der vorileren Bauchwand mit Ektopia viscerum und mangelhafter Knt- wickelung der Extreinitiiten.) An b. f. path. Anat etc Berl., 1873, lviii, 326-328. 1 pi— Helbing (H.) Particllcr Rippenmangel und plouritisehes Exsudat als angeborene Bildungsanomalie. Aer/.tl. Mitth. a. P.aden. Karlsruhe 1860, xiv, 21. — Hcroldt (C. ) Witlcinaliirliche Geburt eines monstrosen Kindes. Arch, f tl Geburtsli Jena 1787-8, i, 1. St., 37-47, 2 pi.—Hetzell ill. G.) Monstros- ity; possibly from maternal impression. Med. tfc Surg Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 442.—Hill (J. W.) Caseof monstrosity. Med. tfc Phys. J., Lond., lsio. xxiv, 61-63.— Hirigoyen (L.) Monstre celosomien, agenosome. spina- bifida. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, SJ5.—Hodge (H. L.) Foetal monstrosity presenting protrusion of (Im abdominal contents. Med.' Times, Phila., 1870-71, i, 324.— Hodges (R. il.) Monstrosity; anterior parietes of the abdomen deficient, peculiar form of spina bifida. Am. J M. Sc, Phila.. 1854, n.s, xxviii. 394. Also: Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1854-5), 1856, ii, 123.— Iloelim. gels (J.-J.) Observation d'un casde monstruosite. Ann. Soc tie nied. d'Anvers, Brux., 1840, 65-68, 1 pi. Also: Arch, de la nied. beige, Brux., 1840, i, 109-114, 1 p]._ Horing. Beschreibung einer menschlichen Missgeburt. Metl. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1837, vii, 126-128.—Holme* (T. M.) A monstrosity. Atlanta M. tfc S. J., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 474.—Houel. Monstre celoso- mien du genie ag6nosome. Gaz. med. de Par., 1851. 3. s., vi, 50-52. Also : Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1850, Par., 1851, ii, 107-117. -----. Anatoniie d'un monstre humain celoso- mien. Ibid. 1851, Par.. 1852, iii, 51. -----. [Eventration; spina bifida; torsion ainsi que les fesses et les jarrets stmt diriges en avant.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 184- 190. -----. [Vices de conformation sous-omhilicales; ves- sie exstrophiee; absence des organes genitaux externes, de pubis et de symphyse pubienne; spina bifida ct pied- bot.] Ibid., 1862, xxxvii, 156-159.—Honsley (J.) Arrest of development in the fcetus. Lancet, Loud., 1864. ii, 195.— Hnbbaner. Geburtshergang bei einer Missgcburt mid Beschreibung der Letzteren. Ztschr. f. Wunilarztc u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttg., 1871, xxiv, 262.—Hunter (J. H.) Case of monstrosity. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 185s, u. s., xxxv, 294.—H upier. Sur uu foetus moustrueux qui a donn6 lieu a un accouchement lahorieux. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par. (1809-11), 1812, ii, 102-104.—Imlaeh (F.) Dissection of a malformed foetus having deficiency of anterior abdomi- nal wall Edinb. M. J.. 1872-3, xviii, 415-418. -----. Case of cloaca iu a child. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1871-4), 1875, iii. 66-68.—Iwtad (H. L.) Et Misfoster med en sa'regen Dannelse at' Lrinveiene og Fedselsdelene. Eyr, Christia- niu. 1832. vii, 12.—Jackson (J. S. B.) Monstrositv. (Case.) Boston M. tV S. J., 1865-6, Ixxiii, 101. Also: Extr. Rec. Host. Soc M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v, 177— .laliin* (\V. V.) Rare form of foetal deformity. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1878. xxiii, 189.—Jung. Selfsame Misgestaltung eines ausgetragenen Kindts. "N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hanim. 1824, viii, 2. St., 15-17— JoIiiihoii (J.G.) FtEtal malformation. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vi, 392.—Jolui- Mton (\V.) A case of false conception. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1846-7, v, 31.—I.eautauil. Description d'uu en- fant moustrueux. J. de nied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1781, lv, 76-79— l.emoigne (A.) Cenni intorno ad uu mostro celosomo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1869, 6. s., ii, 297-300. 1 pi.—von l.enhosaek. Nachricht von einem inenschlichen Fiitus. der mit einem Bauchbiuolie, in welchem das Her/., tlie Leber, und der griisseie Theil des Diinntlaiint s enthalten waren, geboren wurde. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1820-21, vi. 2. St., 68- 78.—Leopold. Fall von Spaltung der Harnblase, Cloa- kenbildung und Rydrorrhachis. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl.. 1861, xvii, 357-363, lpl— I.ippincott (H.)tfc Warrington(J.) Caseof abnormal lotuses. Med. Exam., Phila., 1838, i, 269. —van I.iwsa (V). Waarne- ming eener monstrositas per excessum, gesproten uit eene weelderige volniiiigskracht. zonder eenige ziekelijke afwij- king der vrucht. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1839-40, ii, 310- 312, 1 pi — liitchfield (T.) An account of a delivery of a monstrosity after a painful labor ; with an engraving and examination'of the ftetus. Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 50.— I.itlre (A.) Observations sur un foetus humain mou- strueux. [From: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par.. 1701.] Rec. tie mem., Dijon, 1754, i, 672-677. -----. Sur un fatiis humain liionstrueux. [From: Mein. Acad. roy. d. sc.de Par., 1709.] Ibid., ii, 702-706.—Long (R. W) A case ot monstrosity. ChicaiiO M. J., 868, xxv. 568-570.—I,OHiida (F.) Eetromelia abdominal dcrecha. An. r. Aeatl tb-nied., Madrid, 1880, ii, 43-50.—de Tlacedo e Valle (L. A.) I n nouveau casdc teratulttLiie. (Trail, du portugais.J Ann.Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1865, xxvi, 49-55, 1 pi. [Rap. de KunisJ, 55-58—.TIackay (E.) Account of a child born within eight months presenting important anomalies in its devel- opment. Lond. A- Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 401*- 405.—Martin. Yorlegimg tines Priipaiates von Eventra- tion mit heiderseitiger Ilydrouephrose uud Uterus didel- MONSTERS. 411 MONSTERS. IWoiisi*'!**/™"1 defect or malformation of abdomen and thorax. phys. nebst offener Harnblase und Dickdarm mit dent- licber Oetl'nung des Diindarmes und ausgebildetem Mast- da rme bei einem acht Monate alten Neugeboreneu. Mo- natschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1864, xxiv, 161- 165. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1864), 1865. xvii, 77-81.—l?lni'tin (E.) Memoire sur un cas dc persistant'!.' des canaux de Muller; obliteration des voles ui'iiiiiires; neutralito sexuelle. J. de l'anat. et phv- siol.. etc., Par., 1878, xiv, 20-33, lpl.—Martin (E.) \ Lr. tulle, ittiult' d'un monstre pleuro-celosoniien. Ibid., - 1S76 xii, 561-574, 2 pi.—Martinez y ITI ol in a (R.) Ec- toiiia de las visceras eontcnidas en las dos graudes cavi- datles esplanicas. Siglo nied., Madrid. 1855, ii, 58.— ITIanry. Description d'un ftetus nionstruenx. Bull. . Soc. de nied. de Poitiers, 1849. No. xv, 34-39. 2pl.—Mayer. Beschreibung einer Missgeburt mit volligem Mangel der Organe des Urinsystonis. so wie auch sehr mangelhafter Entwickeliuig tier Gesehlechtstheile und der Cauda equina des Riickeumarks. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Darmstadt, 1827, ii, 36-46. ----. Leber eine Missbildung; Verkehrung saimntlicher Einireweide. Arch. f. path. Anat , etc. Berl., j 1864, xxix, 389-394, 1 pl.-Mcadows (A.) Case of mon- strosity. Tr. Ohst. Soc. Lond. (1862), 1863, iv, 255-259. ----. 'Case of monstrosity, with remarks on the influence of luat'Tiial impressions on the ftetus in utero. Ibid. (1865), 1866, vii, 84-94, 2 pi.—Meckel von Hcmsbnch (H. ) Anatoniische Geschiehte friihgeborner Drillinge, unter denen einer monstros ist: gemeinscliaftlielie Ei- hiiutc: Anastomose der Nahelgofiisso in der Plazenta; Nabelbruch; Atrophic des Herzens; Mangel tier Leber; niediauer Wolfsrachcn; Lnischlingung des Nabelsirangs. Illust. med. Ztg., Miinchen, 1852, i, 99-102, 1 pi.— Hi-iss- uer (F. L.) Kurze Beschreibung einer sehr merltwiir- dij'fu Missgeburt. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1826, vi. 333-336.— .fiery. Sur un autre enfant nionstrueux. [From : Hist. tl. mem. Acad. roy. tl. se. de Par., 1716.] Collect, acad. tl. men)., etc. Partie franc;.. Par., 1770, iv, 445-117.—ifletcalf (J. G.) Case of monstrosity. Boston M. ,v S. J., 1839, xx, 341-343.—Miles (M.) Case of mon- strosity. Northwest. M. tfc S. J., Chicago, 1852-3, ix, 111— .flilforil (F.) Case of an infant monster. N. South Wall-i M. Ga/.., Sydney. 1870-71, i, 48; 122, 2 pi.—Mills (T. \V.) Case of congenital ectopia of abdominal oruans. Canatl. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1880, v, 35—Milner (C. It.) [A deformed ftetus.] N. Orl. J. M., 1869, xxii, 789-792.— lflollcr. Notiz iiber cine ungewohuliche Missbildung. Arch. f. ]tatli. Anat. etc., Berl., 1864, xxix, 205-207, 1 pi.—lie ifloerloose (Mile.) Un cas interessant de t6ra- tologie (celosomien pleurosome). [Rap. de P. Alhrecht.] Presse med. beige. Rrux., 1884, xxxvi, 385-387. — Moil- lanll. Exposition raisounee dun cas d'accoucheineut et de monstruosite huniaine; presentation d'uri bras et des iutestins par un fcetus atfeete d eventration; ver- sion de l't'iifant tpii oftiait plusieurs vices de conforma- tion romarqtiables; prompt retablissement de la ni6re. Experience, Par., 1837-8, i 145-150. — Montgomery (.7. E.) A case of inonstrosit v. Memphis M. Recorder. 1856-7. v, 420-422.—Montgomery (\V. F.) Description of a very remarkable malfoi motion in a fcetus, in which nearly all the abdominal viscera and the. intestinal canal were external to the hotly. Dublin M. Tr , 1830. n. s.. i, 375-383, 3 pi. — Morcan (A.) Rsippoit sur un fcetus nionstrueux du genre celosomien presente par le docteur Pruucau. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1858, xxxiii, 473-476 — Morel. Fcetus nionstrueux. Rev. niccl. de Test, Nancy, 1874. ii. 458.—Miiller (A.) Beschreibung einer Missge- burt. Ztsrhr.f.Wunilar/.teii.Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1865, xviii, 258.—.flulot. On the particular conformation of a ftetus, which leil to some difficulty to determine its position in utero. Med. & Phys J.. Lond.. 1803. ix 401—Murdoch (J.) Dissection ol a human monster Edinb. M. A:. S. J.. 1821, xvii,3l5-317.—.flyschkin (M. M.) Monstrum huma- num kyphoseolioticiini cum spina bifida consecutivisque abdominis hiatu completnet genitaliuin extremitatumtpie inferioruin clefectu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., lsS7, cviii. 146-164. 1 pi.— \auilin. Notice sur un fcetus por- tanl une monstruosito singulidre. J. non. de ined., chir. et pharm, Par., 1816, lv, 342-350. — rVeugcbaner (L.) Ueber this Auftreten der Leber im Nabel. als I-Yhler tier crsten Iiiltlung; eino pathologisch-anatoniisehe I'nleisu- cliung. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk.. Berl.. 1850, xxvii, 64-78, 1 pi.—,\ovi (M.) Breve descrizione di un feto mostro. Ann. clin. cl. osp. incur., Napoli. 1882. u. s., vii, 87-94, 3 1)1— Obcrrit. Kino seltene Missgeburt. Wien. med. Presse, 1H72, xiii, 1215. — Obscrvncion tie un fetp mou- .struoso. An. Soc. ginee. espan.. Madritl. 1876, ii, 295- 298. —[O'Connor.1 Case of monstrosity ; deficiency of the abdominal walls, of the cartilages of the ribs, and a part of the diapt.rae.ni: he.inia of the heart. Dublin Q. J. M. Se. 1861. xxxi, 454.—Oswald oi. W. J.) Foetal mon- strositv. Tr. Ohst. Soe. Lond. (1882), 1883. xxiv. 75.— Owen (A P.) Arrest of development in the ftetus. Laurel, Lond., 1863. i, 25. — Pnchsicin. Seltene Men strosuiit Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Perl., 1861, n. F., iv. 134.— Pacini ( I.. ) Raggnagiio anatouiicotisiologico intorno JIousters/row defect or malformation of abdomen and thorax. ad un mostro uniano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1843, cvi, 457-472, 1 pi. —Packard. Monstrositv [malformed fcetusj. Proc. Path Soc. Phila. (1860-66).'1867, ii, 89.— Palonn. Extract ot letter from Dr. ... of Aberdeen. containing an account of a singular case of monstrositv Edinb. M. & S. J., 1807, iii, 374-376. — Pel vet. Note sur un foetus celosomien, voisiu du genre aspalasome. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1865, Par., 1866, 4. s., ii, 75- 87.—Petit. Monstro pleurosome. Bull. med. du nord Lille, 18,4. xiv, 177-181. —Patrick (S.) [Case of mon- strosity.] Calif. State M. J.. Sacramento, 1856-7. i. 273.— Philipeanx (J.-M.) Note sur un foetus moustrueux a eventiation complete, du sexe feminin. Compt. rend Soe. tie biol. 1873. Par., 1874, 5. s., v, 93-97.— Pinnock (It. D. ) t Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1878-9, vi, 430-432. Also: Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 101.— Pit- hie (A. D. ) A rare monstrosity. Brit. M. J, Lond., 1879, "ii, 641.—Poli (B.) [Uomo'niostruoso di Macao.j Ann. univ. tli nied., Milano. 1839, xci, 19, 1 pi.—Pucch (A.) Note sur divers vices de conformation observes chez une fille. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 586 —Rankin (D. N.) Deficiency of the integuments of the alitlonien and spina bifida in the same child. Am. J. M. Se., Phila.. 1867, n. s., liii, 273 —Raiiricr. Scissure du sternum; ectopie do cceur; absence du canal art6riel; deux veines caves supe- rieures chez un foetus de 8 mois. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 93.—Raphael (B. I.) Unique malformation of au infant. West. J. M. tfc S., Louisville, 1849, 3. s., iv, 110.—von Recklinghausen. [Zwei Prii- parate von Missbildungen, welche als Uiik-a hetrachtct werden mtissen.] Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb. (1860-8), 1869, n. F., i, p. xv.-Rcil. Merkwur- dige Missbildung. Illust. med. Ztg., Miinchen, 1853, iii, 83-92.—Renault (P.) Tumour sacro-coccygicnue con- g6nitale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 647-649.— Itcuss. Beschreibung einer Missgeburt mit "Kloakhil- dung". Arch. f. physiol. Heilk.. Stuttg., 1850, xv, 523- 529.—Revolat. Observation sur la conformation sin- gulic^re d'un enfant. J. gen. tie med., chir. ct pharm., Par., 18(16, xxvii, 370-382.—Rich. Monstrosity. Liver- pool M. Chir. J., 1885, v, 194—del Riego (A.) Ohser- vacion rara tie un feto nionstruo sin cordon umbilical. Bol. dc metl., cirug. y farm.. Madrid, 1843, 2. s.. iv, 108-110.— Ritter (G.) Ein Fall von angeborener Liicke des Brust- korbes. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Padiat.. Wien, 1876. vii, 101- 107. [See, also,supra, Eppinger.J — ISolfc (W. D.) Case of lusus natura'. Lond. M. tfc Phys. .J., 1827, n. s., iii, 50, 1 pi.'—Sacrc (J.) Description d'un moustre agenosome. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1861, 28-31. Also: J. de nied., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1861, xxxii, 41-41 -----. Description d'un monstre cvllosoinc Ann. Soe. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1863, 27-30, 1 pi.—Sampson ill). De foetu monstrosissimo. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1672, Fran- cof. et Lips., 1681, iii, 279. Also, transl: Collect, acad. d. m6ni., etc., Dijon, 1755, iii, 158.—Sandit'orl (E.) Ob- servatio de foetu monstroso, cujus viscera abtlominalia omnia una cum c-orde extra corpus propentlebant. Acta Helvet, Basilea", 1772, vii, 56-61, 1 pi— San tin los (R.) Fenomeno curioso. Siglo med., Madrid, 1860, vii. 287.— Sappey (C.) Monstre celosomien du genre agenosome. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 250.— Sauri (J. R.) Teratologia< extroversion de la vejiga; def'ormidad de los rinones y ur6teres; duplicacion del apa- rato genital. Eiuulacion.' Merida, 1877-9, iii, 191-194.— Saxtorph (M.) Ohservatio de foetu aperto abdomine, visceribusque ahdominalihus solo peritoua*o tectis nato. Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn., 1783, i, 191-195. Also, transl. in his: Ges. Schrift. geburtsh., 8°, Kopenh., 1804, 281-285. -----. Beschreibung zweyer Kinder, denen die Bedeckun- gen des Lnterleibes fohlten. In his: Ges. Schrift. ge- burtsh., 8°, Kopenh.. 1804, 312-329. — Schatz (F.) Ge- burt eines Monstrums; drei Fiille von einhcirnigeni Ute- rus. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1870, i, 153-155, 1 pi.— Sclieiber (S. H.) Einige angeborene Anomalien beob- at-litet im pathologisch -anatomischen Institut zu Buka- rest, Metl. Jahrb., Wien, 1875, 257-264. 1 pi.—Schmidt (J.) De monstro foeminini sexus. Misc. Aeatl. nat. cu- rios. 1673-4, Francof. et Lips., 1688, iv-v, 26. — Schmidt (J. A.) Sonderbare angeborne Missbildung eines Kindes weiblichen Geschlechts. J. (1. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1806, xxiv, 3. St., 147-162. — Schnller (M.) Ein Fall von sel- tener Missbildung. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu AVien, 1853. ii, 503-506.—Schnllze (B. S.) Eiu Fall von Heterotaxie der Bauch- untl Bi usleingeweitle uud wahr- scheinlichem OfFenstehen des Foramen ovale, nebst allge- meinen Bemerkungen iiber die Genese dieser beiden Bib dnngsfeliler. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1861, xxii, 209-230.—Sehiipmami (A.) Hemmungs-Bildung in den Bauchdecken : Vorfall der Eingeweide ties rnterleihes bei einem neii"t■hort-n vollig aus«etrageueu und sonst gut ge- bildeten Miitlcheii. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1837, xvi, 111- 120. — Scotti (G.i Mostruosita. (Jazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1850. 3. 8., i, 353-355. — [Semple.] | Monstra deticientia] N. Oil. J. M., 1868. xxi, 734-736. —Se»vall (J. G.) A case of congenital malformation. N. York J. MONSTERS. 412 MONSTKRS. -TIoiisters/''om defect or malformation of abdomen and thorax. M., 1854, [2.] s., xii, 194-197.—Simon-Chcffc. Mon- struosite; ectopie intestinale; spina-bifida: pieds hots. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 262.—Sinclair (E. B.) Case of malfoi inal ion in a foetus, with Assure of the pubic and hypogastric regions. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1851, xii, 481.—Snively (J. X.) Remarkable case of monstrositv. Med. ,V Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1871. xxiv, 383. — Kopec (J.) Singular case of monstrosity. Lancet, Loud., 1829- 30, ii, 56—Spessa (A. A.) Ipotiposi di un mostro straor- dinario, ed osservazioni intorno al medesimo. Mem. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1838, 2. s., i. 117- 127. — Sieger (F. E. H.) Congenital malformation. Nashville M. Rec. M. A. Phys. Sc.i 1858-9, i, 208-213—Teissier. Descrip- tion dun foetus monstiueux celosomien. otf'rant des par- ticularities sans analogues daus la science. Mem. Soc. med. d'6mulat. de Lyon, Par. et Lyon, 1842, i, 1-8. —Tc- ratologia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1867, xiv, 822-824.— Terrill (J. E. (J.) t Atlanta M. & S. J., 1857-8. iii, 651.— Thorncr (E.) Leber eine Hemmungs-Bildung des Am- nion bei einem menschlichen Fotus, verhunden mit an- derweitigen Missbildungeu. Arch. f. Anat , Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 200-200, 1 pi—Tonelli (G.) Rapporto di mostruosa trasposizione dei visceri addominali in un feto uniano, osservatain Palianopresso Roma. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1837, lxxxii. 441-452.—Tourncnx (F.) & Werthcimer (E.) Description d'un monstre ce- losomien avec spina bifida (hydrorachis interna). J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc. Par., 1882. xviii. 578-587. —Tucker (J.) Account of a dotal monster, bond. M. Reposit., 1827, [3.) s.. v, 401.— Vejas (P.) Eine seltene Missbildung. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1880, civ, 72-80, 1 pi.— Vel pi :in. Dissertation snr un foetus moustrueux. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc et inst. med.. Par., 1834, i, 277-291.— Verger (D.) Observacion de una criatura monstruosa por tlel'ecto. Arch, de la med. espan , Madrid, 1846, i, 334- 337. — Virchow (R.) Ein Fall von Transposition tier Ein- geweide untl ausgeilehnten Localerkrankungen beim Neu- gebornen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xxii, 426- 433. -----. Ueber eine Missgcburt, Exocartlie, Hydroce- phalic, Vcrwachsung tier Eiiiaute mit dem Fotus. Mo- iiatschr. f. Geburtsk. n. Frauenkr., Berl.. 1862, xx, 16-18. Also: Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. (1861-2), 1863, xv. 88. — Vossclniaim ((.'.) Sur un cas tie siugu- li6re disposition des viseires chez un enfant nouveau-ne. Gaz. uicd. de Strasb.. 1876, xxxv, 16.—Vrolik (G.) Me- moire sur un fcetus uionstrueux ne au bout du 8lne mois de la grossesse en meme temps qu'uu enfant bien conforiu6. In his: Mem. sur . . . anat. et de physiol., 4°, Amst., 1822, 25-64, 5 pi. -----. Memoire sur un vice de conformation, accompagne do la denudation de la iuoiti6 anterieure de la vessie, et de la division partielle du penis. Ibid.. 95-101, 2 pi.— Walton (E.) Cas d'6ventration. Rev. med.-phot. tl. hop. de Par., 1874, vi, 131, 1 pi.— Wasscijjc (A.) tils. Observation d'un cas de monstruosite reniarquablc. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1861. 2. s., iv, 221-232, 1 pi. [Rap. de Spring], 185- 190. — Watt (J.) Case of monstrosity. Glasgow M. J., 1831, iv, 130-132. —Wedl (C.) Bauchspalte eines sechsmonatlichen menschlicheu Fotus. Med. Jahrb.. Wien, 1863, v, 143-148, 2 pi.—Will- iains (S. W.) Case of monstrosity, with some remarks on moles, marks, etc. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1835, xvi. 88- 91.—Wilson (IL S.) Malformed foetus. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1879-80. vii, 29.—Winkler (F. N.) Ist Ek- topia viscerum vielleicht nur eine Folge abnormer Muskol- insertionen an tier Riickseite ties Rumples? Arch. f. Gy- naek., Berl., 1877, xi, 564-567.— Wolfart. t 'Ao-icAijirieioi', Berl., 1811, i, 745-752, 1 pi. — Xarrie (A. C.) Una mon- struosidad. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1879, vii, 60. Also : Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1879, v, 36-40. — Vcatman (J. C.) A remarkable instance of fatal malformation. Loud. M. tfc Phys. J., 1824, lii, 367-369, 1 pi. Jloiisters/Vom defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. See, also, Brain, Cranium, Abnormities of; En- cephalocele: Eye, Face, Abnormities, etc., of; Hydrencephalocele; Hydrocephalus (Congen- ital); Monsters (Acardiac); Monsters (Acepha- lous; Monsters in animals, etc.; Nose (Abnormi- ties of). de Assize Socza Vaz(F.) Descripcao de hum feto moustruozo exposto na caza da Roda da ci- dade do Porto. 8°. Porto, 1837. Baart de la Faille (J.) Jets over den epig- nathus. Eeue teratologische bijdrage. 4J. Gro- ningen, 1874. [Belhomme.] Observation d'ectrogeuie as- synietrique. <0. [«. p., it. d.] Bextkowski (L.-H.) * Etude sur uu monstre exence"phalii'ii. 4:. Montpellier, 1887). II ontater* from defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. Biaxcini (T.) Di una aneucefalia ; osserva- zioni* anatomica. 8:. Pisa, 18-29. Boctix (E.) 'Diss, .sistens descriptionem monstri buiuani. 4C. Berolini, [1817 ]. Blch(J.) * De monstro huniano distoino. s . Halw, 1866. Bcscil (F.) * De raro quodam excinplo nion- strositatis humanic. s\ Berolini, lsbii. Calori (L.) Sopra una nuova specie di mo- stro umano exencel'alico vissuto trent' ore. 8°. Bologna, 186)0. Repr. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, x. Carus (C. G.) Entwickelung der Form eines' Augesichts auf einem cyclopischen Auge; sehr merkwiirdiger Fall einer Missgeburt. 4\ [«. p., 1839.] Repr. from: Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., xix. Certaine (A) relation of the hog-faced gentle- woman called Mistris Tannakin Skinker, who was borne at Wirkham, a neuter towno betweene the emperour and the Hollander, scituate on tlie river Rhyne, who was bewitched in her mother's wombe in the yeare 1618 and hath lived ever since uuknowue in this kind to any but her parents and a few other neighbours, and can never recover her true shape, tell she be married, etc. Also, relating the cause, as it is since conceived, bow her mother came so bewitched. 4 . London, 1640. Cerutti (F. P. L.) Inest rarioris monstri, in museo anatomico Lipsieusi adservati, descriptio anatomica. 4U. Lijmce, 1827. Charvet (A.) Cebocephalie avec adherence du placenta au crane et a la face sur un foetus humain. 8°. Grenoble, 1874. delle Chiaie (S.) Istoria anatomico-terato- logica intorno ad una bambina riuocefalo-mono- cola. fol. Napoli, 1840. Crosxier (E.) * Etude sur quelques cas de monstruosit6s fcetales pseudeiicephales-encepba- loceles, avec anomalies du c6t6 de la face, do l'appareil oculaire et des niembres. 4 r Paris, 1875. Desormeaux (A.-J.) &. Gervais (P.) De- scription d'uu foetus humain moustrueux devant former uu genre a part sous le noni de pseudace"- phalc. 4C. Paris, 1860. Repr. from: Acad. d. sc. de Montpel. Mem. de la sect. d. sc. Els.esser (H.) * Ueber eine widernatiirliche Verdiiunuug des Hinterhauptbeins bei einem Kinde. sm. 8°. Tubingen, 1837. Fridericus (G.) Monstruin humanum rarissi- mum recens in lucem editum in tabula exhibct, simulque observatiouibus pathologicis aliisquo illuc pertinentibus breviter illustrat. 4°. Lip- siee, 1737. ------. Tlie same. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, 1737. Geisacer (J.) * De monstro cyclopeo. 8\ [Dorpat], 1833. Geret (A.) & Huttlixger (P.) * Iiifans monstrosus Wittebergie, d. 30. Augusti anno 1674 natus. 4ri IVilteberga; [1674]. Giullexzoni (C. E.) Sopra uu caso di cmicc- faliauellaspecie umana. Osservazioni present ate all' Accademia medico-cliirurgica di Ferrara il 5 niarzo 1H41. 8°. [Bologna, 184V] Repr. from -. Xuovi Ann. d. sc. nat. di Bologna, vi. See, also, infra. Haller (A.) Indicit anatomen fetus cranii parte et cerebro destituti, centcsimum neinpo cadaver quod in hoc theatro secuit. Ad D. xxvi. Mart, mdccxliii. fol. Gottingee. 1743. ------. [Pr.] de fetu humano septiniestri sine cerebro edito agit. sm. 4°. Gottingw, [1745]. MONSTERS. 413 MONSTERS. Monsters from defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. Haxnover (A.) Den meuueskelige, Hjerne- skals Byguing ved Anencephalia og Misdannel- scns Forhold til Hjerneskallens Primordialbruck. 4C. h'jobenhavn, 1882. Cittti'tui from: Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., 6. R., Naturvi- denskahi'lign og Mathematisk, Afd. 1. 8., 369-395, 2 pi. See. also, infra. Hknsche (C. A.) * Quaedam de anencephalia. 8°. Ilalis Sax., 1854. Jadelot (J.-F.-N.) Description anatoiiiique d'une tete humaine extraordinaire, suivie d'un essai sur l'origine des nerfs. S-. Paris, 1799. Jahn(C.A. B.) * De cyclopia. 8°. Berolini, [I860]. Joly (N.) & Guitard (I.) Meinoire sur un enfant nosenc6phale adh6rent a son placenta, et ne" vivant a Toulouse le 26 juillet 1850. 8'-. Toulouse, [1850]. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. nat. d. sc. de Toulouse. Jourdax (C.) * Description auatomique d'un cas de cyclopie. 4°. Paris, 1833. Junchlcth (B.) *De anencei*halis. 8°. Berolini, [1843]. Klinkosch (J. T.) [Pr.] quo sectiones et de- moustrationes suas anatomicas, publicas, hye- males, anni academici 1766 iudicit, et anatomen partus capite monstroso proponit. In his: Diss. med. [etc.] 4°. Pragce et Dresdee, 1775, i, 199-208, 1 pi. -----. [Pr.] quo anatomen partus capite monstroso proponit. In: "Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz., [etc.] 12°. Leipzig, 1777, vi, 11-18. Kxaokstedt (C. E. H.) Anatoniische Be- schreibung einer Missgeburt, welche ohne Gehirn und Hirnschiidel lebendig geboreu wurde, als eine Einladungsschrift abgefasset. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1791. Kxape (G. A. E. T.) * Monstri humani maxi- me notabilis descriptio anatomica. 4°. [Berlin, 1823.] Koeppel (P. K. E. E.) * Ueber die Ver- schnielzuug der Augen bei einfachen und Dop- pel-Missgeburten. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1867]. Krombholz (J. Y.) Anatoniische Besclirci- bung eines sehr merkwiirdigen Auencephalus. 8°. Prag, 1830. Repr. from: Abhandl. d. k. bohui. Gesellsch. d. "Wis- sensch., Prag, 1830. Laroche (Y.) * Essai d'anatomie patholo- gique sur les monstruosites ou vices de con- formation priinitifs de la face. 4°. Paris, 1823. Laulaigxe (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'aueuce'phalie. Diagnostic pendant la grossesse et l'accouchenient. 4U. Paris, 1883. Also, in: Ann. de gynec, Par., 1883, xix, 401-431, 3 pi. Lixdeorss (P. P.) *Diss. descriptionem mon- stri anatomicam proponens. 4°. Helsingforsia; [1822]. Loedahl (C. J.) * De fetu monstroso, judicio medici submisso. 8°. Lundce, 1837. Lombardini (L.) Intorno ad un mostro ap- parteiiente al genere rhinocephalus di I. Geoffroy- Saint-Hilaire. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Gutting from: Scienze cosmolog., vii, 1-25, 1 pi. Loschge (F. H.) *De commodis quibusdam ex siugulari infantum calvaria* structura ori- uudis. 4°. Erlangce, 1785. Lcecke (A. G.) *De monstro qnodam hu- mano. 4°. Halls Sax., 1854. Mattersdorf (H.) *De anencephalia cum uovissimi casus anencepliali post partum vivi expositione. 4°. Berolini, [1836]. Mylius (L. H.) * De puella monstrosa. sm. 4C. Lipsiee, 1717. Jloiisters,/Vo»(- defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. Nagel (E.) * De anencephalia quaedam cum descriptions monstri unis. 8°. Gryphice, [1865]. Nieder (F. X.) * De aneucephalo casus singu- lars. 8°. Monachii, 1834. Moodt (G. W.) De monstro quodam humauo. 8-. Schoonhovice, 1839. Observation d'ectrog6uie asyni6trique. 8°. [Paris, 1848.] Pegasus (J. B. R.) Monstruin apud orbem natum. Nonis Martiis natum, 1513. 12°. [n.p., n. d.] A poem. Pierquix, de Gembloux. Histoire naturelle du Berri et reflexions philosophiqucs sur uu ada- mide ailc*. 8°. Chdteauroux, [n. d.] Pruxeau (E.) * Dissertation sur l'anenc6- phalie. 4°. Paris, 1837. Raddatz (E. J.) * De cyclopia. 4C. Bero- lini, 1829. Rosexberg (A.) * Ueber einen Fall von Miss- bildung. 8°. Berlin, [1886]. Rudolph (C. E.) * Monstrorum trium prseter naturam cum secuudinis coalitorum disquisitio. 4C. Berolini, [1829]. Ruppersberg (J.) * Eiu Fall vou Hirubruch mit Spaltbildungen des Gesichts uud Truncus. (Mit Abbilduug.) 8°. Marburg, [1872]. Rusche (E.) * Ein Fall von Hydrocephalus cougenitus mit Spina bifida. 8J. Marburg, 1889. Saxdieort (E.) Anatome iufautis cerebro destituti. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1781. Sapolixi. Caso di microcefalia parzialc. 8°. Milano, 1879. Schox ( W. ) * Ueber Yerkiininierung des Zwischenkicfers mit gleichzeitiger Missbildung des (Jehirns. 8-. Berlin, [1870]. Si'hek (C. G.) *De cyclopia, sive uuione par- tium capitis in statu noruiali disunclarum. 8°. Halce, [1819]. Stein (C. E.) *Ein Fall von Hiimicephalie mit Yerwachsnng zwischen Kopf und Placenta. 8°. Marburg, 1879. Tesdorpf (P. H.) * Beschreibung uud Erklii- rungsversuch einer mit amniotischen Biiudern behafteten menschlicheu Missbildung. 8°. Miin- chen, 1883. Torralbas (J. I.) Estudio teratologico de un caso de exencefalia. 8°. Caracas, 1876. Ullersperger. * Pathologisch-anatoniische Beschreibung zweyer Missgeburten. ' 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1822. Vorstmax (J. G.) * Beschrijving eener mis- vormde mensehelijke vrucht. 8°. Leiden, 1857. A'roliiv (W.) Over den aard en oorsprong der cyclopie. 4°. Amsterdam, 1834. Weber (M. I.) Specimen mala* conformationis encephali capitis et pelvis viri rarissimum et me- moratu dignissimum. 8°. Bounce ad Bhenum, 1828. Wedekixd (J. G.) * De cyclopia. 4°. Gro- ningce, 1830. Ada in (M.) A case of a malformed male ftetus, born at the full time. Mouth. J. M. Sc, Loud. .V Etlinb.. 1853, xvii, 191.—Adams (W. \V.) Foetal malformation. North- west. M. tfc S. J., Chicago 1856-7, xiii, 215-217.—Adam- son (T. J.) A singular caseof infant monstrositv. Med. Counsellor, Columbus, 1856, ii, 313-315.—Alilfcld. Ueber Scluuauzengeburten beim Menschen. Arch. f. Gvnaek., Berl., 1877, xii, 159-162,1 pi.—Albrecht (J. S.) De foetu ahortivo, scroti virilis lUBvum in nucha gicstante. Acta Acad nat. curios., Norinib., 1733, iii, 290-292.—Allan (It.) Dissection of a human astomatotis cvclops. Lancet. Loud., 1848, i, 227—Alien (Z.) A case from iiracticc. Illinois M. Recorder, Vandalia, 1878-9, i, 251.—Alloiuu an (A.) Observation sur une ancnccphalie compliquee d'am.velue suivie de reflexions sur cette monstruosite. .L t ontpl. du diet. d. sc. in6d , Par., 1829, xxxiii, KiH-lsl.— dc Ali|iien. Fall eines vollstiiudijieu Auencephalus. X. .Iain li. tl. teilt- sch. Med. u. Chir., Hauini, 1825. x. 1. St., 77-79. —Au- MONSTKHS. 414 MONKTKNS. Jloiisters/rom defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. drew ("W.) Monstrous fcinale foetus. Lancet, Lond., 1838-9, i, 332.—Anselin. Observation sur tin enfant dont la tete etoit inonstrueuso. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1771, xxxv. 336-341.—Arellano (A.) Unanina monstruosa. Period. Acad, de med. de Megico, 1839-40, iv, 389-392, 1 pi— Arloinsf. Monstruosites de la famille des cyclocephaliens et des genres ethnocephale et rhinoc6- phale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nied. de Lyon (1867), 1868, vii, 338.—Arnold. Beschreibung einer merkwiirdigen Missgeburt. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1834, iii, 165.—Arnold (J.) Beschrei- bung einer Missbildung mit Aguathie und Hydropsie der gemeinsamen Schlundtroruuielhdhle. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1807, xxxviii, 145-172, 2 pi. — Arnott (J.) Case of supposed prolonged gestation and monstiosity. Tr. M. tfc Pliys. Soc. Bombay (1882), 1883, [3.] s., ii, 91-93.— Atkin (J. M.) Case of au encephalic monstrosity. Dub- lin M. Press, 1857, xxxvii, 101.—Alice (W. P.) Account of a monster of the genus peiatt phalus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1858, n. s., xxxv, 370-373. —Barque (J.) Obser- vation d'une fille nee au terme tie neuf mois. portaut un vice de conformation du crane, privGe de cerveau, de cer- velet et de moelle allongee. Ann. Soc. de ined -prat, de Montpel., 1806, viii. 64-69.—Bailey (F. A.) Case of a monstrosity. [Acrania.] Proc Oregon M. Soc, Portland, 1881, viii, 81.—Bailly [et al.]. Rapport dela commission charged d'examiner le monstre envove par M. le docteur Cambray. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1846-8, i, 164-166.— Baker (L. W.) Case of monstrosity. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1862, n. s., xliv, 278.—Bambareii. Desciipciou de un moustruo ciclocef'aliauo, del geuero de etniocefalos. Gac. med. de Lima. 1860-61, v-vi, 125-128, 1 pi.—Bang (J.) lie monstro Hafnia* 1767 nato. Soc. nied. Havu. collect., 1771, i, 92-94, 1 pi.—Bardinct (A.) Observations tera- tt>ltmit|iies. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1838, xiii, 196-264.— ICauilry. Fcetus moustrueux. Ibid., 1874, xliv, 312.— Bayle. .Lettre contenant la description d'un foetus venu au monde vivant, dans lequel on n'a point trouv6 de cer- veau. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1766, xxv, 518,- 522.—Beadle. Anencephalous foetus. N. York J. M., 1846, vi, 22. — Beardsley (A.) Birth of an acrauial foe- tus; with an account of the dissection. Med. Times tV Gaz., Loud., 1856, u. s., xii, 200.— Bcauchamp (J. F.) Foetus with absence of cranial hones. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 571.—Beauchene His. Descrip- tion du squelette dini enfant hydrocephale offrant une conformation singulitre de la partie inferieure du tronc. Bull. Fac. de med. tie Par. (1809-11), 1812, ii, 27-29—Be- i-1 a ril. Rapport sur un cas de monstruosite Ibid., 1812- 13, iii, 229-232.—Bclhomme. Observation d'ectrog^nie asynietiique. bull. Soc med.-prat. de Par., 1847, 22-31. Also, Reprint.—Bcllouard (V.) Foetus auencGphale. Bull. Soc. anat. tie I'ar.. 1877. lii, 114. Also: Progress med.. Par.. 1877, v, 353.—Bellran (J. A.) Teratologia y parto prematuro, producido por una contusion abdominal, con expulsion de un feto que coutiene un ojo en la parte media e inferior de la cara, y los pabellones del oido en la parte superior de la region cervical anterior. G6nio nied.-quir., Madrid, 1880, xxvi, 258.— Itcnda. Demonstration eiues Falles von Hyperrbineneephalie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 889.—Bernier. Lusus naturae. Union nied. du Canada, Montreal, 1876, v, 249.—Bcrtraml (P.) & Fricant (A.) Observation sur une conception extraor- dinaire. Precis d. trav. Soc. med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1836-9, 167-169.—Bcschrcibuiijj eines monstrosen Fo- tus. Museum tl. Heilk, Zurich.'1791. ii, 204-211, 2 pi.— Beiitlenmiillcr. Monstrositaten an Neugebornen be- obachtet. Med. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1832-3, i, 188. — Billaudean. Monstre rhinocephale. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1873, v, 143, 2 pi.—Bimar. Note sur un monstre pseudeneephalien. Gaz. hehd. d. sc. med. de Montpel.. 1886, viii, 349; SS5—Blaeksluar (J. E.) A monstrosity. Aitauta M. 'c S. J.. 1887. n. s., iv, 203.—Blandiii (!•'.) Description dun auencephale, sui- vie de quelques retiexidns stuTcs causes de lanencephalie. J. hebd. dc med.. Par., 1828. i, 107-114.—Blot (H.) Note | sur un exemple remarquable de notencephalie coinpliqut'-c tie spiua bifida. Union med.. I'ar., 1849. iii, 441. — IJor- rich in* (O.) Mount rum Liundbvense. Acta med. et phil. Hafn. (1673). 1675, ii, 158-160.'—Boucliardus (F.) De infante monstroso Lugduni in viani publicam, die v Martii a. 1671 exposito. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1672, Lips, et Francof.. 1681. iii, 14-16. Also, transl..- Auserl. med.- chir- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 17.16. iii, 21-23, 1 pi.—Bouille. Note sur un foe- tus auencephale. Bull. Acad, tie nied., Par., 1843-4, ix. 115-118. — Bouillet. Observation d'un cas d'anence- phalie. Experience. Par., 1843, xii, 273.—Bournevillr. Aneneephalie. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1870, ii, 31-33.— Bouleillier (J.) Monstre humain pseudencephalien, genre nosencepliale; arret de developpement de la face; dc-placement herniaire des visccres thoraciques et abdomi- naux. Lnion med.. Par., 1868. 3. s., v, 570.—Boyce (L. R.) Aneneephalie monster. Tr. M. Soc County Albany (1870-80), 1883, iii, 108.—Bradley. Arrest of' develop- Jloii*tei**/''0M defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. ment; the facial bones entirely absent, and the thi»h bones and bones of the fore arm rudiuicntarv. Brit. M J., Lond., 1871, i, 508.— Brainard (D.) Account of aii anencephalous foetus, with au unusual malformation of (he heart. Illinois M. &. S. J., Chicago, 1844-5, i, 22-24 — IS ram wel I (B.) Photographs of a case of Cyclopean monstrosity. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 550, I pl._ Brechtfeld (J. H.) Sur un monstre ne a Systoft dans un canton de Dancinark. Collect, aeatl. tl. lncni.. etc Dijon, 1766, vii, 384.—Breed (J. E.) Case of monstrosity! deficiency of posterior parts of cranium and spinal nil' mini; deformitv of genital organs, etc. Am. J. M. Se Phila., 1849, n.' s.. xviii, 408-410. —Brenziiigcr. Eiuo Missgeburt. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1877, xxxi, 43-46.— Bri-Mchi-t (G.) Notice sur deux enfaus nouveau-nes hydroccphales et niuiiquuiit de cerveau. J. compl. du diet. tl. sc. med., Par., 1822, xiii. 2H2-2(i(i. Also: J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1822, ii, 269-276.—Brew* (C.j Geburt einer Missbildung: Hernia funiculi unibilicalig Hydrocephalus. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, 300- 302. — Broca (P.-P.) Rapport sur quelques nionstruo- sites. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1849, xxiv,'292-306. ----. Sur un ftetus exencepbale. Bull. Soc. d'anthiop. de Par. 1879, 3. s., ii, 467.—Browning (W. G.) Case of pre- mature labor; foetal malformation. Cincin. Lauccl & Obs., 1859, ii, 213-218.-Briiek (A. T.) Psychische Bildungs-Ruckschritte in Verbindung mit Skeletabnor- mitiiten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834, 49-50.— Bruneel. Trois monstres anencepliales mis au mondo par la nieme nit'ic Ami. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1854, 2. s., ii, 73-84. — Biittm-r ((.'. G ) Wahrneinung von der besontlern Beschall'cnheit eines tlen 19. Oct. 1752, allhie todtgebornen Kindes, weihlichen Gesclilechts, welches, nebst einem vorhero lebendig gehornen Kuableiu, in Mutterleibe zwar seine vollkommeue Reife am Korper und andern Gliedmassen erhalten, aber am Kopf keine Hirnschaal, auch kein grosses noch kleines Gehiru gehaht. In his: Anat. Wahrnehm., 4°, Kcinigsb., 1769, 92-109. -----. Bewciss, dass ein Kind ohne Hirnschaal, grossem und kleinem (i-ehirn, lebendig gehoren werden, und cinigo Stundenlebenkonne. Ibid.. 109-121.-----. Anatomisclie Wahinehniuugen von einer ohne Kopf, Arme und innern Eiugeweiden gehornen Missgeburt. Ibid., 188-202,1 pi.— BufBere. A. child born without a brain. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700, iii, 26.—Burns (VV.) Cvclopcan i......strtm- ity. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1863, lxviii, 513.— Burl (YV~. J.) Case of ectrogenesis. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin. 1885, i, 73.—Busey (S. C.) Congenital hydrocephalus, hernia cerebri, spina bifida, cranio-tabes. Tr. M. Sot:. Dist. Co- lumb., Wash., 1876, iii, 40.—Cairns. Anencephalous fe- tus. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1875-6, iii, 55.—Calori (L.) Storia di un mostro umano anencefalo con imperforazione del naso e con labbro leporino mediano complicate. Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1838, 2. s., i, 193-223, 1 pi. -----. Descrizione anatomica di un mostio uniano ex- encefalo. Ibid., 297-317, 3 pi. -----. Descrizione ana- tomica di uu iperencefalo umano. Ibid., 417-438, 4 pi. -----. Sopra un mostro umano rinocefalico e pseudence- falico ad un tempo (rhiuopseudenceplialus). Ibid., 531- 557, 3 pi. -----. Di un porencefalo umano singolare per alcune parti soprannumerarie simhianti a derinocimaehe. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s., ii, 27-36, 1 pi.—Campa. Una moristruosidad obstetricia. Inde- pend. med., Barcel., 1871-2, iii, 54. -----. Monstruo ex- encef'dlico-celosoniiano. Crdn. m6d., Valencia, 1883-1, vii, 449-460. -----. Cuatro palabras mas sobre el nionstruo exeucefalico-cclosomiano. Ibid., 481-486. Also: Mid. contemp , Madrid, 1884, i, 291-295— Campbell (W.) An accouut of mal formation of the head, cervical spine, dia- phragm, etc. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1830, xxxiv. 109.—t'mi- ■U-la. Ln caso de celosoma cxencefalico. I'rogreso iiiiicc., Valencia. 1884, i, 49-61.—Carailcc. Relation d'un castleiiionstruosit6; mon.stiecvclottplialeaiiop.se. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol. 1866. Par.. 1867. 4. s.. iii. pt. 2. 11 .-126. Also: Gaz. nied. dc Par.. 1867, 3. s., xxii. 42-15. Also | Ab- str.] : Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1866, lxiii, 8(l(i-.-08.— la rati (J.-M.) Monstre auencephale piGscutant plu- sieurs vices de conformation ; bee tie lievie commissural genial ii gauche; bee de lievie lateral; coloboma de la pnu- piere inferieure et de l'iris a dtoite. Bull. Sue. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi. 733-736. Also: Progres nied.. Pur., 1882, x, 618. —Carlyle. Casts of the head of an anencephalous fcetus, with description of the labour. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1869), 1870, xi, 35-37. — Casliliii. Observation d un monstre exeucephalien. Bull. med. tin nord, Lille, 1846-8, j, 60'-62. — Cazeaux (P.) Description d'un monstie peracephale, suivi« de quelques n Ihxions sur le nicca- nisnie de la circulation dans cette espece tie monstruosite. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1851, Par.. 1852, iii. pt.. 211-220. Also: Gaz. ined. de Par., 1853, 3. s.. viii, 422-424.—Cernlti (L.) Beschreibung einer seltenen Missgeburt. welebe sicli in der Sammlung des anatomischeu Theaters zu Leipzig befindet. Arch. f. Anat, u. Physiol., Leipz., 1828. 192-2)8, 2 pi. — Cha illy -Honore. Foetus auencephale mon- stiueux, extrait par la section du col, d'une epaule, et MONSTERS. 415 MONSTEKS. Jlouster* ./>wi defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. l'aplatissenient de la poitrine a I'aide du omphalotribe, chez une fille priniipare de 43 ans, dont le bassin est re- trfici. Bull. Acad, tic med., Par.. 1842-3, viii, 879-883. Also I'epvint.—Chamberlain (W. M".) An aneneeiilia- | lie monster. N. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 93.— Chan- liiiiil. Ministre anencepliali'. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1868. \liii. Ill - 115. — Charlier (El Observation d'un monstre liuinain pseuilenccphale. Anu. Soc. m6d. chir. de Liege. 1865, iv, 241-263. -----■. Observation d'un mon- stre humain notenccphale. Ibid., 287-301, 1 pi — Char- liu. Fcetus auencephale. Lyon ined., 1873, xiii, 223-226. Also: M6m. Soc tl. sc. med.'de Lyon (1873), 1874. xiii, pt. 2, 60-63. — fhiliauus (L. B.) Monstrosus fcetus. Alisc. Acad. nat. curios. 1682. Norinib.. 1083, decuria 2, i, 356, 1 pi. —Clark ( R. O. ) Anencephaloid ftetus. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 408.—Clark (W. E. C.) C-ise of monstrosity. Glasgow M. Exam., 1831-2, i, 210.— Clans (E.) Aneneephalie (Ileniieephalie) eines kuustlich entwickelteu Kindes. Ztschr. d. norcld. Chir.- Vcr., Magdeb., 1847, i, 591-597. — Clauzurc. Note sur un monstre k tete tie eyclope. Rev. med. franc. et6trang., Par . 1830, ii. 59.—Cleland. On the brain in cvclopians. J. Anat. tfc Physiol . bond., 1877-8, xii. 518-525, 1 pi.— Clcrieus. Puella sine cerebro nata. [Cum dissertatione in pra*ceilentcni historiaui Des-Novcs. | Zodiacus med.- gall. 1681, Geneva, 1682, iii, 54-57. — Clermont. Obser- • vation de ftetus notenccphale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc med. de Lyon, 1866-7. vi. 17-25. Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon. 1866. xviii, 332-335.—Cliupingcr (H. G.) An an- ei'ict'plialus monster. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xl, 152.—Close (T.) Singular monstrosity; with a single eye-hall! Boston M. Iutcllig., 1825-6, iii, 71. — Cohen tfc Burr. Case of monstrosity. Charleston M. J. Jc Rev., 1852. vii. 67.—Colleville ((!.) Ftetus de 6 mois i ; mon- stre exaucephalien. Bull. Soc anat. tie Par.. 1883. lviii, 213-215. Also: Progres med.., Par., 1883, xi, 974.— Col- lomb (B.) Observation sur un enfant nionstrueux. In his: (Etivres m(*d.-chir., 8°, Lyon. 1798, 458-463. Also, transl: Arch. f. tl. Physiol., Halle, 1800, iv, 213-219.— ( onnicei (E.) I'i uu mostro eniicef'alo nato nella clinica cistelriea tli S. Maria Nuova di Firenze. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1852, 2. s., ii, 282-285. — Coin' tfc IMott. Case of monstrosity. Buffalo M. J., 1851-2. vii, 476-478. — Conspectus historiaruni nolabilioriini sine cercbro et calvaria natorum. Acta med. Ber'olin., 1721, viii, 13-21.—Cootc (II.) Upon the cranial bones of the anen- cephalous firtus. Med. Times >fc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 488-490. — Corson (E. R.) Note on a curious malfor- mation iu on infant. HoniiEop. Times, N. Y.. 1880-81, viii, 177 —Colting. Malformation. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1855, lii, 300.—Craig (W.) tfc Symington (J.) Caseof a full- grown male fcetus, exhibiting the rare malformation of a cvclops. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1885-6, n. s., v, 178- 182. 1 pi. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1886-7, xxxii, 193-197.1 pi.— Crrdc (S. C. F.) Eine Missbildung durch amniotische Kiith n und Bander. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Fran- rnkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiii, 441-457, 1 pi. — Creuier. Mo- uophthalmos. (Jen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Metl.-Coll. 1834, Ko- blenz, 1837, 217.—Culver (E. V.) On a case of monstros- ity. South. M. '<>'» defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. 130. — Ferrnndi (A.) Feto niostruoso ottiiuestre, di sesso feininco, mancante della volta del cranio, del hraccio destro, di parte del costato c delle pareti abtlon.inali. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano. 1857, 4. s., ii, 27. —| Finn (W. H.)l Aneneephalie foetus born at full term. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1800-70), 1871, iii, 137.—Firor (S. V.) Case of anciicephalous monster. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1872. vi, 354-356.—Fitzpatricli (J.) Account of a case of monstrosity. N. Vork M. & Phys. J., 1826, v, 317- 319. — Folel (H.) Sur le vice de conformation d'un mou- stre atitnt t plialien. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1869 ::, 129- 135—Foot (A. W.) Remarks upon a foetus with nernia cerebri; complete fissure of the spinal colum*. and ab- sence of the spinal cord (amyelia). Mod. Press, Dubl., 1805. 2. s.. xi, 435-438. -----. Report of the dissection of a monster. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliv, 251-253.— Fout'lit-r (A.) Cas de notencephalie. Abeille metl., Montreal. 1879, i, 30-33. — Fouilloux. Monstre ace- phale pseudenc6phalien. Bull. Soc. anat. de Ph\, 1869, xliv, 180. — Francis (D. J. T. ) A short account of a one-eyed human monster. Loud. M. Gaz., 1844, xxxiv, 58U-582. — Frantz (.1. G.) Beschrijving eener vrouwe- li.jke misgeboorte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1800, iv. 273-275. — Gacon. Description dun enfant nionstrueux. J. de nied.. chir., pharm., etc., Par.. 1773, xxxix. 42-45. — Gadaml. Crane de ftetus thlipseiice- phale. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1868, 2. s., iii, 153- 156,—Caddi (P.) Mostruosita. Gaz/.. metl. lull, lomb , Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi, 180. — «-alloiip«- (I. F.) Coni- bination of cvclupia and anterior livdreneeplialocele. Bos- ton M. tt S.'.L. 1880, cii, 135. ---:—. Cyclops, with ante- rior hyibencephalocele Ibid., 495.—4-amlv. Observa- tion sur un enfant ne, au termo de neu! mois. saus cerveau, ni cervelet, ui moelle allongee. Hist. Soc. tie med.-prat. de Montpel., 1806, xv, 330-333.—«urbigliclti (A.) & iHo- riggia (A.i Descrizione di celosomo dii'ino con exence- fulia itlroeefalica. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1870, 3. s., ix, 65-74, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. — Oarmann (C. F.) De mentula ex capite. Misc.. Acad. uat. curios. 1672, Lips, et Francof., 1681, iii, 61-03. Also, transl.: Aus- erl. med - chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. nini. kais. Akad. d. Na- turf., Niirnb., 1756, iii, 53-50. 1 pi.—C4arnett (A. V. P.) Cvclops monstrosity. Tr. M. Soe. Hist. Coloiub.. Wash., 1876, ii,83-90.—Oarrclt (J. W. B ) Singular case of mon- strosity. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1850, 3. s., vi, 1-6.— Oauche(P.) Note sur un cas d'anenc6phalie. Aun. Soc. de med. dc* St.-fitieuneet dela Loire (1877-80), 1881, vii, 331- 343.—tJeotti-oy-Saiiit-llilnii-c. Dun nouvel auence- phale humain, sous le nom d'aneucephale de Patare, con- nrmant par l'autorit6 de ses laits la nouvelle theorie sur la formation des monstres, et fournissant de nouveaux t'le- mens aux caractercs de genre auencephale. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1824, xxxvi, 129-151, 1 pi. -----. Sur raneucephale de Patare. Ibid., 1825, xxxix, 257-267. -----. Sur des monstruosites humaines caract6risees par le (16- faut de moelle cerebro-spinale, et nominees aneueephales. Extrait dun memoire qui a paru dans les troisieine et qua- trieme cahiers des Memoires du Mus. d'hist. nat., tome 12, comprenaut les pages 233-293. Arch. gen. de metl., Par., 1825, ix. 41-55. -----. Sur une monstruosite humaine d'un caraetere encore inconnu. Rev. med. franc*, et etrang., Par., 1825. i, 372-377. Also, transl: Arch. f. A^nat. u. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1827, 323-328. -----. Rapi t sur plusieurs monstruosites humaiues ancncephaliques. Rev. nied. franc- et etrang., Par., 1827, i. 209-283.—I.Jcod'roy-Waiiit- Hilaii-i- (I.) Remarques gerierales sur les monstres an- encephaliens. Gaz. obst. et gynec de Par.. 1875. iv. 211- 215.—<*infrac (E.) Note sur un nionstre exencephalien (pleureneepliale). J. tie metl. de Bordeaux. 1856, 2. s., i, 445-454. -----. Considerations sur lacyclocephalie. Ibid., 1860. 2. s., v. 153-167. Also, Reprint. —ftirolamo ((;.) Istoihi di un mostro raniforme. In: Rac. d'opusc scient. e filol., 16°, Venezia, 1729, ii, 469-490. — Poller (G. C.) Abortus humani monstrosi hist, anatoni. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1683, Norimb., 1698, decuria 2, ii, 311-318, 1 pi. Also, transl: Auserl. nied.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.- kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1763, xii, 268-273, 1 pi.— Goffart (L.) Description de deux monstruosites hu- maiues. Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Liege, 1862, i, 5-13.— <»olay (E.) Foetus hydroccphale avec vices de conforma- tion des quatre membres. Progres "ieiL, Par., 1876, iv, 512.—Ooode (B. P.) Aneneephalie ftetus. Cjncin. Lancet & Clinic, 1881, n. s.. vi, 500.—ISossclin. Examen dun fte- tus monstiueux auencephale inaiiqiiant de nez et d'yeux. Coinpt. reud. Soc. de biol. l85o. Par., 1851, ii, 177-180. -----. Description dun ftetus eyclope. Ibid.. 1852, Par., 1853, iv, 28-Grahaiu (A.i A case of malforma- tion. Brit. M, J.. Lond.. 1883. ii, 1125— Gruimiiar (R. B.) A wonderful monstrositv Tcn s Cour.-Rec Med., Fort Worth, 1884-5, ii, llli-Giaiiisnan (F. S.) A ver- itable monster. Lancet, Loud.. 1s79, i, 467.—<» rattan (E.) An anencephalous ftetus. Liverpool M. tfc S. Rep., 1871, v, 173.—de Grazia y Alvarez (A.) Exposicion abreviada de un hecho ciirioso para la historia de los vicios de con form ac ion. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1858, v, 370.— Jloilstera./Vow defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. Greene (W. W.) Case of nionstrosity. Penins. J. M Aun Arbor, Mich., 1855-6, iii, 369.—<»rceiihalgh. Case of monstrosity. Lancet, Lond., 1844, ii, 411.—4»ri-goi'y ( D. G. ) A remarkable deforniitv in a human lulus West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1845, 2.'s., iv, 271.- Gregory ( W. ) An account of a monstrous foetus, resembling a hooded tniuikcv. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1732-44. viii - ix. 314- 316. — Griuilh ( T. ) Case of lusus natura'. Phila M. Museum (1807), 1808, iv. 252-254— Grillcur.oui (C. E.) Alcune osservazioni sopra un caso di emiaecfulia nella specie umana. Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Fer- rara 1811. Bologna, 1843. 6; 65, 2 ]>1. |See. also, sitpru.]— (Viros. [ Monstre exencephalien. j Mem. et compt rend. Soe. cl. sc metl. de Lyon (1877), 1878. xvii, pt.. 2, 151.— Grosz (L.) Cyclopie. Ztschr. f. Nat.-ii. Heilk. in Un- gain, Oedenburg, 1857, viii, 34— G ruber (J.) Mangel den Gehirns uud Schadelgewolbcs in einem erst nach vollcn- detem zehnten Schwangerschaftsnionate ( Sonneimionat) gehornen Kinde. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1845, 864-866.—IS nel Hot (O.) Monstre noseneephale. Union nied. et scient. du nord -est, Reims, 1883, vii, 185-189.— (Vriiillauuict. Monstre pseudoanencCphale moil ne a ueuf inoisde grossesse, avec rupture spoutanee tie la poclie sanguine avaut la naissancc. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 751-754 —ISuillot (N.) Addition it l'histoire de la noleneepbalie. Experience. Par., 1838, ii, 497-506— Guthrie (J.) Case of a newborn child, in which the brain aud the greater part of the cranium were wanting. Etlinb. M. tfc S. J., 1826, xxvi, 28.—von llnarlinan (C.i Ett missfosler, i flere afseentlen lnarkvardigt. Fhiska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors. 1841-3, i. 193-196, 1 pi.— Ilabgood (H.) Anciicephalous monster ; curious family history. Brit. M. J., Lontl.. 1870, i. 5ti5 — llailnua) (J.-) Two cases of encepbalon monsters. Lancet, Lond., 1802, ii, 646. — Hall (A. B.) Case of cvclopic malformation. Boston M. ,V S. J.. 1861-2, lxv, 263. -----. Cases of cy- clopie malformation. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1861, ii, 485- 488.—Hallez. Moustre pseudo-anencephale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 65.—Hamilton (J. A.) An anencephalous child. Louisville M. News, 1884, xviii, 410.— Hamilton (J. K.) Case of nionstrosity. Atlanta M. tfc S. J., 1866-7, vii1', 478-480. — Hamilton (P. J.) Monster with a head resembling a dog's. Northwest. M. & S. J., Chicago tfc Indianap., 1848-9, v, 455-457.— Hani) (E. T.) Moustre aneucCphalien pseudenc6pba]e, developpe- ment imparfait de la face. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1809, xliv, 75. -----. Note sur uu nouveau typo de nionstre ex- encephalien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, i, 6. s., 146-148. -----. Le nosenc6phale pleurosome de Pondich6ry. J. de l'anat. et phvsiol., etc. Par., 1874, x, 294-310, 1 pi.—Hannover (A.)" Anencephaly. [Abstr. of original memoir, hy J. F. Knott.] Dublin J. M. Sc, 1883, lxxv, 396-401. [iiee, also, supra.) -----. Sur la struc- ture du crane humain dans rantncepbalie. la cyclopie tt la synotie et sur les rapports de ces monstruosites avec le cartilage primordial du cr&ne. [Abstr.. transl ] Cong. period, internat. d. sc med. Compt.-rend. 1881. Copenh., 1886, i, Sect, tie path. g6n., etc., 71-87.—Hard (U.) A caseof monstrositv; a child with a dog's head. Chicago M. J. fc S., 1830-31. i, 493.—Hird. Aneneepba- lous monstrosity. Med. Times, Lond., 1851. u. s.. ii, 21.— Hirigoycu t L.) Observation d'un fcetus cynocephalien. MONKTKRS. 417 MONSTERS. Jkoii*U'l>/row defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. Mem. et bull. Soc. de ined. et chir. tie Bordeaux. 1878, 225- 238. Also: Gaz. ined. de Rordeaux, 1877, vii, 293: 306.— llistoi-in eines Monstri. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Metl.- . . . IJescli. 1717-18. Bresl., 1718-20, 85-87.— Hittner (-H. M.) Description of a remarkable case of defective develop- ment ■ t lie subject, a cbihl eight years of age ; with a wood- cut. Cili'in. Lancet A Obs., 1805, viii, 592-594.—Hodjjc (H. L.) Pseuilcneeplialous Iti'tllS. l'roc. Path. Sue. Phila. (1860-66), 1867, ii. so. ------. Monstrosity. Tr. Path. Sue. Phila. (1871-3), 1874. iv, 233 —Hofer (■!.) tils. Observatio monstri humani. Acta Helve!., Basileie, 1758. iii. 366-369, 3 pi — llolliiiau (1). B) A case of deformity in litem. Pacific M. \ S. .)., San Fran.. 1867-8, x, 501-503. — lloll- ......... (,J. M. ) De fictu nionstrosi. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1087, Norinib., 1707, decuria 2. vi, 333-336. Also, transl : Auserl. ined.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. cl. riiin. kais. Akad. cl. Naturf., Niirnb., 1767, xvi, 307-810, 1 pi.—Holl- uiiiuii t M. ) Anatome partus cert bro carditis. Misc. Aeatl. nal. curios. 1671, Francof. et Lips., 1688, ii, 60-64. Also Irnnxl- Auserl. nied.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.- kais. Akad. tl. Naturf., Niirnb., 1756, ii. 70-75. 1 pi— Hold (A.) Geschiehte eines Microcephalen; seine Geliurt, iius- sere Bcschaffciilieit untl Erhaltung am Leben duroh 70^ Slunile. nebst Zusiitxcu. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. prakt. Metl, Ilallc. 1828, i, 173-188, 2 pi.— Iloluh (F. J.) Merk- wiirdige Missgeburt. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1816, if 15>(j — Hon (J.) A case of anencephalia. Tr. In- diana M. Soc.. Indiana]).. 1877, xxvii, 101. — llouel. [Un fcetus de huit mois qui presente plusieurs anomalies, sa- voir: Hue hernie du cervoau et du cervelet; un developpe- ment incomplet de 1'ieil gauche; une eventration lateralis, ete. | Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1849, xxiv. 217-220. ------. Description d'uu nouveau genre tie la famille ties inonstre.s paracephaliens. Ibid., 1850, xxv. 268-298. ------. Obser- vation d'un nionstre tie la famille ties pseuiteiicephalicns. Coinpt. rend. Soe. tie biol. 1865, Par., 1800, 4. s., ii, pt. 2, 29- 40. Also: Gaz. nied. de Par., 1800, ,i. s., xxi. 90-94.— llouel A: Arnault. Ftetus psendencephalien (genre no.-eiicephale). Hull. Aeatl. tie metl., Par., 1857-8, xxiii, 298-302. — Hubbard [T. W. ) Anencephalous ftetus. Brit. M. J., bond., 1878, i, 752. — Hubbauer (('.) lie schieibung einer inittelst Perforation zur Will betorilerteu .Missgeburt. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte n. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1858, xi, 115.— Hulii'i-. Lin Fall von Partus serotinus, nebst Notizen iiber Gcburten heinicephalischer Friichte. Aer/.ll. Int.-Hl.. Miinchen. 1874, xxi, 105.—Huluie (.J. D.) Another monster. Lancet, Lond., 1804. ii, 481. — Humes (M. D.) beitriige zur Lehre iiber die Entsteluing der Ex- eiiccphalie. (leslerr. Jahrb. f. Paediat. 1876, Wien, 1877, vii, 114-118, 1 i>l.— Hunt (S. B.) An account of experi- ments and a post-mortem examination: illustrating the physiology of tin' excilo-niolor svstem of nerves. Buffalo M.J., 1853-4. ix, 183-185. —Hiinlou (A.) A case of mon- strosity. North. Lancet, Plattsburgh, N. V., 1851. iii, 92- 94. —Isaacs (('. E.) Anencephalous ftetus. N. York J. M.. 185D. |2.| s., iv, 330. — Izguierdo (G.) Abortus re- pclitlos: leio monstruoso. Siglo ined., Madrid, 1861, viii, llli.—.I'lcUsou (.1. B. S.) Monstrosity. Boston M. A: S. J., 1859-60. lxi. 237. Also: Extr. lift.'Bost. Soe. M. Im- prove. (1859-01), 1862, iv, 61. -----. t Boston M. tfc S. J., Isiift. lxxii, 82. Also: Kxtr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1802-li), 1807, v, 164. ------. Anencephalous feet uses. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1835-6, Ixxiii, 359. ------. Noteneephalus. Ibid , 1875, xcii, 599. ------. Rhiuenceplialils and some al- lied forms of monstrositv. Ibid., 1878, xcviii, 66-73. Also : Extr. Iiec Bust. Soc. M.' Improve. (1874-9), Isso. vii (app.). pp. xlii-xlix.—Jacoba-us t.M.) lie monstro Norwegico. Acta med. et phil. ilafn. (1073). 1675, ii, 80, 3 pi — .lacobi. Case of monopus. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1873-4, vi, 633. -----. Fecial monstrosity. N. York M. J., 1875, xxi, 622 — Jaeger (G.) Besohieibung eines durch Vereinigung tier Augcnhi'ilileii, Mangel tier Nasi", Vcrkiirzung ties Oberkie- feis unit Aiifwartskruinuiung ties Unterkiet'ers niissgebil- tleten Kopi'cs eines Lannucs und einer Ziege. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol.. Leipz., 1829, iv, 202-208.—James (0.) An aiienccphaloiil inonster. Tr. Obst, Soe. Lond. (188U). 1881, xxii, 241—Johnston (C.) Description of a pseud- encephalic inonster. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1862, n. s., xliv. 96-99.—Joly (N.) Etudes sur un monstre humain ne a Toulouse, el affect6 tout a la fois (i'e.xeneeplialie, de pied hot, tie polvdatty lie, iriiermaphrodisine et d'iuver- sion Kplaiichniipif gcnerale. France m6d., Par., 1866, xiii, 343.—Jones (tj. II.) Account of the dissection of a pseud- encephalic ftetus. Loud. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., xxxvii, 897- 901, 1 pi.—Joins (E.) Anencephalous fatus with spina bifida ; history ,,1'a case. Tr Obst, Soc. Loud. (1869), 1870, xi, 209. — .losias. Fcetus auencephale. Bull. Soc dc metl. prat, tie Par., 1859, 67-70.—Joy (J. II.) Case of twin pregnancy; birth of an anencephalous monster without arms, shoulders, or thorax. Lancet. Lond., 1872, i, 465.— Juvel. Observation sur un enfant monstiueux. J.de ined., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1761, xiv, 211 2 48.—Keen (W. W.) Aneucephalic lotus born at full tunc. Proc. Path Soc. Phila. (1866-70), 1871, iii, 137. Also: Am. J. M Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 408.—Kennedy. Small aueu 27 JI ousters/>"(''''■ defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. cephalic lietus. Canada M. tfc S. J., Montreal, 1883-4, xii, 602-604—liidil (G. H.) Description of a monster by excess of development. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1850, n. s., iii, 82-84. — Kildal (S. N.) Beretning om den niau-kelige Vanskabning eller Misfosteret Untie Norman Tanoen. Eyr. Christiania, 1835, x, 293-299.—Kiliau I L. B.) Yon einer Missgebuit. Auserl.. metl.-chir.- . . Abhandl. d. rom. kais. Akad. d. Naturl'., Niirnb.. 1762, xi, 196-198 — Kilsell (.1.) FcBtal monstrosity. Trow M. tfc S. J., Loud.. 1850. 540.—Kollsih. Ein Acranius mit Spina bi- ..titlsw und Exophthalmos. Monatsch". f. Geburtsk. ti. Krai.enkr., P.eiL, ls.57. x. 19-22. —Kraus (J.) Ein Fall von Ant ncephalus. Allg. Wien. metl. Z;g.. i860, xi, 272.— Ki'itschmni- (O.) lleinit . pliiilus. N. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Hei-1., 1848, xxv, 110-112. —Krieg. Geburt eines lleniieephalu-. Wchnschr. f. il. ges. lb ilk.. P.erl.. 1843, 543-540. — Krimer (W.) Merkwiirdige Mis^hiltlung bei einem Neugclmrent n. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl., 1829, xiii, 609-0] ) 1 [tl— Kuiidi-at (II.) Arliiuencephalie als typische Art von Missbildung. Graz, 1882. Wien. metl. Bl.. 1882. v, 13!i5-l397.— I.. (N.) Account of a male child born without a braiu. Metl. & Pity s. J., Lond., Isl5, xxxiv, 1U4-1U6. — liabllKi'. I'tetus 111ill conlormes; absence de la voute tin crane; exotnpbale. Hull. Sue, anat. dc Par., 1870, xiv, 385. — I.acioix (L.) Observation d'un I'tetus cvelope, suivie tie considerations sur le nisus forinativus. Tr. med., Par., 1833, xiii, 141-156. — liaforgue (H.) Me- inoire S..--1 un eyclope rhinocephale humain. n6 a Toulouse. J. tie med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, I860, 3. s., v, 273- 279.— Lambert (A.-P.) Observation sur un cas d'anen- cephalic. causee ]irobablemenl par une hytlropisie ties ven- tricules cerebraux. J. Sue. ined. de la N.-Orleans, 1839, i, 49: 99. — I.angle!. Aneneephalie; sa production par riiytliocephalie'." Bull. Soc med. de Reims (1876), 1877, xv, 180-184.— liiiugston (T.) Case of monstrosity ; with spe- cimen. Tr. Oust. Soc. Loud. (1808.1, 1869, x, 37. — liUiuii'- lougue. Bcc-de-lievre rare chez uu monstre exence- phalien; k gauche, le bec-de-lievre est lateral et elendu jusqu'a la,paupiere inferieure; a tlroite, il esl conimissural. Bull, ct mem. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 483- |ss. —I,areher (O.) Cyclope, cyclopie. Diet, eucyel. (1. se. med., I'ar., 1880, xxiv. 538-545. — l.ardier. Nais- sancc d'un monstre nosencephalien (Geoll'rov Sainl - Hi- laire). Mem. Soe, tie med. de Nancy (Iss.Vii), 1887, pp. xlviii-liv.— I.aisli (N. B.) Akephaloid inonster. Chi- cago M. J., 1870, xxvii, 205. — Laurent. Monstre suien- cephalicn. Bull. Soc. anat. tb Par.. 1881, lvi. 020. Also: Progres med., Par., 1882, x, 403. — I.a uivers h.ilie und Spina bifida bei Viigelu und Menschen. Tr. Internal. M. Cong., 7. sess.. Lond , 1881, i, 178-181. — lieeadre. Renianpies sur un cas d'anenc6phalie. Rev. med. franc, et etiang.. Par., 1830, i, 433-440.—I.ee I ere. Monstre auencephale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc ti. sc. mC*.cl. de Lyon (1885), 1886, xxv, pt. 2, 66.—lie«L-l (S.) lie fcetu monstroso. Misc. Aeatl. nat. curios. 1687, Norimb., 1707, vi. 152. —I.ee (('. A.) Mon- strosity; fcetus born at the full period; lived but a tow minutes. Am. J. M. St:.. Phila , 1835-6, xvii, 65 —liee (It.) Account of a ftetus of 7 mouths, with its placenta partially adherent to a na-vus occupying the scalp and dura mater. Metl.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1839, xxii, 300-309.— vou I.enlMissek. Beschreibung einer menschlichen Missgeburt mit einem Auge uud andern merkwiirdigen lit-loriintaten des Kopfs. N. Jahrb. cl. teutsch. Metl. u. Chir., Bonn, 1621, iii. 1-17, 1 pi. —I-evy M'. b\) Beschrei- bung einer Missgeburt uiit vollstaucliger Wii bclspalte uiwl einem Darmbruche in der Riickgiaihshtilile. Anh. 1. Anat.. I'h' siol. u. wissensch. Med.. Berl.. 1845, 22-33, 2 pi.— liichlili I' (D. C.) An aneneephalie inonster. Cincin. Lancet tfc Clinic, 1881, vi, 493-495.—I. inch id. H.) Foetus humauus moustrosus siinilitudineni leouis habere, sed per- perani, putaius. ..Acta Acad nat. curios.. Norimb., 1727, i, 128-133, 1 tfl. — Iiittre. Sur uu fetus monstiueux qui n'avoit qu'uu ceil. [From: Hist, d. mem. Aeatl. roy. d. sc de Par., 1717. | Collect, acad. d. niein., etc Partie franc., Par. et Liege, 1770, iv, 468.—I.lave (A.) Nino moustruo. Anlilt al ro anat,, Madrid, 18t4. ii. 62.—L.iiw (A.) Fcetus. qua caput, monstrosus. Mue Aeatl. nat. curios. 1690. Norimb., 1691. decuria 2, ix, 200-202, 1 pi.— liOiubnrdiiii (L.) Illiistrazione di un monstro con faecia bipartita. Gior. di anat., fisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa 1809 i 65-80. ------. Intorno ad un caso d' iilieiiee- l.ilocfle cougenito. Ibid., 1873, v, 193-206, 1 pi.—l.ons- dale (H.) History of a monstrosity presenting remark- able peculiarities in the arrangement of the nervous sys- tem, with a brief inquiry into its teratological and metl MONSTERS. 418 MONSTEUS. Monsters.from defector malformation of brain, cranium, or face. icolegal relations. Edinb. M. .fc S. J., 1843, lx, 324-340. Also, Reprint — Lorain (P.) [Une monstruosite' re- marquable] Bull. Soc. de chir. dc Par. (1861), 1862, 2. s., ii, 394.— liOivlher (G.) Case of extraordinary abnormal deviations in the development of a fcetus (seven months) as demonstrated in an autopsical examination. Obst. J. Gr. Brit,. Loml., 1880, viii. 335-337.—i.iieia (0.) Nina pseudencefaliana que vivio 34 boras, siglo med., Madrid, 1856. iii, ls7.— liiissana (P.) Due casi di completa anen- cefalia. Gazz. mod. ital. lomb., Milano, 1861. 4. s., vi, 329.— Iiiiton (A.) lit seiiption d'un fotus monsti mux paracc- phalien oni]iba]osite unitaire. Coniiit. rend. Soe. tie biol. 1854. Par., 1855. 2. s., i, pt. 2, 315-329.—llacai-i (K.) Mos- tro rarissinio prcsentato, descritto e commentate), e diseus- sioue rclativa. Gior. d. r. Accatl. di med. di Torino, 1805, 2. s., liii, 501.—Ifli t olloii«li (J R.) A monstrosity. Phy- sician A. Surg.. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1884, vi, 105.—M'Juu- kintD.W.) 1 South. M. A S. J., Augusta, 1836-7, i.294-296.— Mackall. Case of anence])halous inonster. Tr. M. Soe. Hist. Coloiub., Wash., 1876. ii, 90-94.—Maggi (L.) Sulle cmiterie aritmetiche. R. 1st. Lomb. tli sc. e lett. Reudic, Milano, 1879, 2. s., xii, 298-306.— Mahol. Rapport sur un foetus hvperencephale. J. tie la sect, tie metl. Soc. acad. Loire-lnf, Nantes, ls45. xxi, 81 -90. — Malhcrhc. Ob- servation tie notenecplialic Ibid.. 1840, xvi, 11-21, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—JTlnlherbe (A.) Description d'uu mon- stre cyclopien rhinocephale. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1879, liv, 115-117. Also.- Hull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1878-9, Par., 1879, ii, 68-70. Also: J. tie metl. tie l'ouest, Nantes, 1879, 2. s., iii, 154-150. Also: Progres metl., Par., 1879, vii, 664.— de .Man (J. C.) Wu unciniug over monstrositeit door vcrgroeijii.g \an de hnid voor de gebourte. Nederl. Tijd- schr. V. OeiieesU.. Ainsl.. 1874, 2.R., X, 433-440.—Ma'll- lore (-L P..) Hi niarUs on a ease of an acephalous tnon- ster. West. J. M. A. S., Louisville, 1845, 3. s., iv, 401- 405.— Man* (W.) Leber das Auge hirnloser Missgo- burlen und iiber Lrscheinungcn ties Gehirndrucks im Auge. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. cl. naturf. (iesellsch. zu Frcib. i. Br., 1868-9, v. 2. lift , 109-111. -----. Das Auge der hirnlosen Missgeburt in. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc;., Berl., 1870, li, 313-349. 1 pi.— Hanoi. Memoire sur un enfant nionstrueux. [From . llisi. tl. mom. Acad. roy. d. 8C de Par., 1716.] Hist. Soc. rov. d. sc. a Montpel., 1778, ii, pt. 2. 461-480. Also | Abstr.]: Collect, aeatl. d. mom., etc. Parlie franc, Par.. 1770, iv, 447-452—de la liar- diere. Monstre' eyclope. Bull. Soc tie metl. tic Poitiers, ]o58, xxvii. 48-50, 1 pi.—lie la ITIare. Observation sur un enfant il face inonstrueuse, et sans crane. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., I'ar., 1770, xxxiii, 517.— Marye. Ob- servation dune nouvelle nioustruosite, suivie de quelques remarques sur I'ant neephalic Arch.gen.de med., Par.. 1827, xiv, 379-385.—.f la ssc (E.) Monstre auencephale ii langue tritido: observation de M. le Dr. Septours. Assoc. franc*, pour lavaiue. tl. sc. Compt.-rend. 1875, Par., 1876, iv, 1106-1111.—Maurice (E.-F.) Note sur un fcetus mon- struenx pseudeiicephale. Ann. Soc de metl. tit; St.-Lli- enne et dc la Loire (1865-0), 1867. iii. 565-577. -----. Note sur un monstre huniaiu de la famille ties pscudencephalicns ct du genre noseneephale. Ibid. (1881), 1882, viii, pt. 2, 154-159. Also: Loire metl.. St.-Klieone, 1882, i, 36-40.— Mauriect (A.) Observation dun ftetus auencephale. Compt. lend. Soe. tie biol. 1862. Par.. 1803. 3. s., iv, 18-20.— lllavrr. Besehreibuitg eines Monoeulus. .Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1824. x\ii. 329-332. — Mayer ( L.) Acra- nia monsters, with report of a ease. Am. .1. M. St., Phila., 1882, ii. s., lxxxiii, 118-122 — Mazircl (P.) Waar- neming eener mon.slro.sitas per defectum en hydroce- phalus, met i-cnen (loodelijken afloop voor nioeder en vrucht. Nederl. Lancet. Ltrecht, 1843-4, vi, 379-382.— Meckel (A.) Monstriise Larve eines Lotus. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1828, 149-155, 2 pi. -----. Thcil- weiser Ilirn- und Scbiidehnangel. Ibid., 156-159. -----. Beineikungi n iiber einen Kalbscyklopen. Ibid., 159- 100. — Meckel (II.) Descriiition d'une monstruosite reiiiarqualile. -I. coini»l. du diet. d. sc. m6d.. Par., 1822, xiii, 335-344. — .Vlcudcuhnll (E.) A monstrous birth. Cincin. Lancet tfc Obs., 1869, xii, 212-215. — Mery (J.) Remarques sur un ftetus monstiueux. [Emm .- Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de I'ar., 1709.J Rec. de mem., Dijon, 1754, ii, 707-709.— Mezeray. I'n enfant monstiueux, eyclope. [From : Mem. Acad. roy. tl. sc, 1761.J Collect. acad. d. mem., etc. Partie fraucj., Par., 1786, xiii, 313.— Miehaal. Anencepbalus und zugleieh Spatgeburt. Zt- schr. d. nortltl. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1848, ii, 470-476.— Mikcrlrhjauts (M. G.) Deiiionstriruja preparate uroda clieilo-giiatbo-palato sehisis. Piolok. zasaitl. Kavkazsk. metl. obsh., Tiflis, 1883-4, xx, 46-53 —Mollierc (D.) Un fcetus auencephale. Gaz. metl. de Lyon. 1808. xx, 254. Also.- Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc cl. sc. med. de Lyon (1868), 1869. viii, 55-59— Monro (A.) Description of a human male monster. Tr. Roy. Sue. Etlinb., 1794. iii, pt. 2, 215- 230, 4 pi. Al", R, ],i int.—Mouslrum ohne Augen und fKinst ungestuli. s.iiuiul. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1725. Leipz. u. l!uili»in, 1726. xxxii, 520— Montrose (S. L.) Case of huge congenital cranial tumour. Tr. Edinb. Monsters from defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. Obst. S.ie. (1871-1), 1875, iii, 22-25. —Moore (A. A.) Anon- cephalic monster. Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1807, n. m., liii, 281.—Morel, fttutlo anatoiiiique d'un monstre alienee' pliule (pseutlent ephalien de Geolfroy Saint-Hihiire), avec division complete tie la. colonne vcrteblitle, absence dc la nioelle epiniere, exstrophie de l'l-stoninc. oxsttophio tin la vessie. uterus et vagin bilides, aorte double, anoma- lies multiples. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1878, x, 33-42, 1 pi. — Morisani (D.) Di un nuovo mnslro per rare caso di iilro-nieningocele cefalo-rachidiano. Movimento, Napoli, 1877, ix, 225; 246, 1 pi. — .florin ml. Amine phalous ftetus. Boston M. A S. J., IsOn, lxii. ion.— ifloi-- ris ( (). W.) Caseof monster. E. 1V.....•<», ■<■ Kec. M. cgri (P.) Osservazioue di una Miigol.iro le- sione i iseontrata in un feto estratto col craninclaste. Ann. tli oslet.. Milano, 1880, ii, 98- 1U7. — .\ii-liolls (.1.) Malformation; maternal influences (evclopia). St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1869, iv, 215. —.\icod. Description d'un ftetus anencipbale, avec hernie du foie, et de presque lout le, tube intestinal par l'onihilie. J. gen tie med., chir et pharm., Par., 1819, Lxviii, 321-332.—Nicoll (A. Y.) tfc Ar- nold (R. I)j Account of an aneiicephaius, or human monstrositv without a brain and spinal marrow. South. M. tfc S. J.,' Augusta, 1837-8, ii. 10-18. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1838, xxii, 253-257. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1837-8, i, 2n2-204. — IVilot (E.) Description d'un fcetus humain monstiueux du genre paracephale. Ann. de gy- nec, Par., 1870, vi, 99-106. Also.- Bull. Soc;. anat. dc Par., 1876. li, 350-362. Also: Progres ined., Par., 1876, iv, 671.— Nollcsou fils. Observation sur un fcetus inonstrueux de sept mois. J. de med.. chir., pliarm., etc., Par., 1768, xxix, 514- 518. — rVorriw-Cnue ( J. B. ) Remarkable mon- strosity. Med. Press ,v Circ, Lond., 1872, n. s.. xiv, 268.— Okcl sen. Merkwiirtlige Missgelun ten. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Pe- tersb., 1854, viii, 185-188. lpl.—Olier. Observation d'un ftetus auencephale. Compt. lend. Soc de biol. 1850, I'ar., 1851, ii, 106-110. — Ollivier (tl'Ancjers). Enfant nion- strueux. [Case.] Hull. Acad, denied., Par., 1837-8, ii, 95; 99. Also [Abstr.J : Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1837, 2. »., xv, 214; 362.—Pat-hard. Anencephalotis inonster, with spina bifida, aud failure of development of (he anterior ab- iloininal walls. Proc Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-00), 1867. ii, 83. — Paddock (L. S.) A case of nionstrosity. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1876, 75. — Palmer. Auen- ccphalous fetus, with eventration. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 032. — Paradn j .oianlin t.I.) Moustruo auto- site eetro-parameliauo. An. dc; ohM , ginecopat. y pe- diat,, Madrid, 1881, 2. ep., i, 329-331. -■ I'alerson "(A. ) Notes of a case of anencephalous lietus born to twin with a healthy child. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc (18M-7), 1878, iv, 376. — Patersou (J.) Cast; of monstrosity- Glasgow M. Exam., 1831-2, i, 159. — Pcar.se cl. S. ) t Med. Times A (la^., Lond., 1853, vii, 112.— Pearson (J 0.) A inonster. Louisville M. News, 1885, xix. 355.— Peschicr. Reschreibimg einer iiieikwiiiiligen Missge- burt. Aus dem fianztisischen Manuscriptc iibersetzt vou Locher-Halbcr. Lit. Ann. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, v, 406-409.—Petit. Description d'un monstre pseuileiice- phalien (genre thlipsencephsile). Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1866-8, 2. s.. vii-ix, 329-334. ------. Monstre ceboc e- phale. Ibid., Mii7>, xv, 473-478.—Peat-rat (P.) Observa- tion sur uu fcetus inonstrueux. J. coin pi. du tlit t. tl. se. nied., I'ar., 1827, xxix, 252-262—Philippnrt (A.) Observation sur uu nionstre auencephale. Bull. Soe. tie nied. tit; Gaud, 1836. ii. 175-177. Also: Ann. Soc. tie med. de Gand, 1836, ii. 275-281. Also: Anu.de. ined. beige. Unix., 183.7, i, 174.— Pieco(A. F.) Caso di mostruosita ilipleueefabea od iuio- diploencefalo. Gior. d. r. Accatl. di metl. di Torino, 1869, 3. s.. viii, 14-19.—Piuard. Pseudeneeplialc, bee tic lie vre double, mains et pieds hots, ectrodaclylie de la main gau- che et poly dactylie du pied droit, absence d'organes geni- taux externes et internes et tl'orilice anal, pharynx impel- fore, fistule traebco-n sopliagieiine. Hull. Soc. anat, tic Par., 1873, xlviii, 685-688.— P ill in a u (W. H.) A monstrosity- South. Pract,, Nashville, is,-!, vi, 319.—Planchon. Mon- stre pseudeneeplialc. e\ cloeephale. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 541-543. — Plnzancl. Description d'un foetus inonstrueux. J. do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1772, xxxvii, 498-505.—Poelman (C.) Description d'un mon- stre paiae.yelocephale. Ann. Soe. tie nied. de Gand. 1850, xxv, 229-242, 2 pi. ------. Nolo sur une monstruosite cy- clocephalieune. Bull. Soe. de ined. de Gand. 1856. xxiii, 223-225. ------. Description dun eyclope iniencephale. Ibid.. 1802. xxix, 32U-323, 2 pi. — Polaillon. Presentation dun lietus auencephale ne a ferine, dans ]e service d'accou- chemcnts de la Matcruite de Cocliiu. Bull. Soc. de chir. de MONSTERS. 410 MO.NSTEKS. Monsters from defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. Par., 1874, 3. s., iii, 435.—Poland (A.) Exeneephalous monster. Tr. Path. Soc bond., 1846-8, i, 17t. -----. An •ut omit of thedissection of I wo anencephalous monstrnsi tirs. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond.. 1847, 2. s., v, 77-92, 2 pi.— Pole (L) [Deformed ftetus] Med. tt Phys. J., Lond., lSiio, iii, 397: 497.—Polis iG. S.) Von einem Matlgen, weh hes'mit eiuom sellsamen Wasserkopf gcbobren wurcle. Auserl metl.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. cl. rtiin. kais. Akad. cl. Naturl'.. Niirnb., 1766. xv, 339-341, 1 pi. — Pooley (J. H.) Caseof rongenilal deformity. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1871). iv, j,,7. _ Pope (IL C.) Aneneeplialoitl foetus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loml. (1881), 1882, xxiii. 178 — I'opliam (J.) He micephalic infant; protrusion of the membranes of the brain through a fissure of the occipital bone; supernu- merary lingers ami toes. Tr. Cork M. & S. Soc, Dubl., 1866-7 70-72.— I'opliam (W. 11.) Curious caseof mon- strosity. Lancet. Loml., 1832, i, 356. — Port A de Iflcric (II.) Deformed ftetus. Med. Press A Circ, I I,.....1., 1874, n. s., xvii, 111.—Prcstat. Description dun del us inonstrueux prcsente a la Societe anatomique. Bull. ' Soc, anat. de Par., 1837, xii. 167-175. —Piillen. Hescbrei- bung eines Anencephalus. Gen.-P.er. tl. k. rhein. Metl.- Coll. 1834, Koblenz, 1837. 218. —Purple (S. S.) A liter- ary, historical, and practical sketch of acrania, ■• brain- less"' or pseuilencephalus monsters; with the report of a case. N. York J. M., 1850, [2.] s.. v. 40-57, 1 pi. Also, Kepi int.— Putnam (Mary 0.) Note on a ease of htuuau iioseueeplialian inonster who lived 29 hours. A rcli. Scient. & Pract. M. \- S., N. Y., 1873, i, 342; 446 — unil (C. E.) Case of monstrosity. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1870, 6. s., pt. 1, 163. —Karisimo fenomeno. An. Soe. ginec. espan., Madrid. 1870. ii, 270-272. —Knyer. Sur un monstre aiieiicephalien dont une parlie tin cuir chevelu adhere k l'amnios tlans un point eorrespontlant au ])bicenta. Gaz. ined. de Par., 1855, 3. s , x, 701. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1855, Par., 1856. 2. s., ii, 103.—Ka> gems (C.) De capite monstroso sine cranio et cerebro. Misc. Acad, nat, curios. 1672, Lips, et Francof., 1681, iii, 427.— Kebsanien. Cyclopeu-Missbilduiig mil schweinriissel- formigem Rudimente tier Nase bei einem menschlichen Fotus mannlichen Geschlechtes. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk.. Heilbroun, 1837, ii, 38-40. — Rcch nitz (G.I Lngewiihnlielier Eall angeborner Missbildung. Ztschr. f. Nat. u. Heilk. hi Lngarn, Oedenburg, 1857, viii, 259. — Redmond ( L. ) A child without calvaria or brain. Chicago M. -L, 1869 xxvi, 15.—Keid (T.) |Case of anophlhalnios binocularis. | Glasgow ?.i. J., 1878, [4. s. |. x. 281. — Kciscl ( S. ) Von eiuein Gehirn, so aus- serhalh der Hirnsthale lag. und welches durch einen Schrcken gokoniinen. den cine schwangere Fran von einer Ka/.e hatle. Auserl. med.- chir.- . . "Abhandl. d. rdm.- kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1763, xii, 231-234. — Ke- ■■ a I'd. Description d'un ftetus moustrueux. J. de ined.. chir., pharm., etc. Par., 1765. xxiii, 118-128. — Report af a committee appointed by the Pathological Society nf Philadelphia to examine the specimen of imperfeet- cyclops monster presented by Dr. F. II. Gross. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 481-483.—Kern. Kurze Beschreibung eiues monstrcis geborencn Kindes. Metl. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- leinb. iii/.tl. Yer., Stuttg., 1838, viii, 392. —IJetsin. De- scription d'uu ftetus moustrueux peracephalicn. Aim. Soc. med..chir. tie Bruges, 1855, 2. s., iii, 321-320. 2 pi.— I5c> iiii'r (L.) Lu notenccphale. Leho metl., Nt uchat., 1859, lii, 512 —ISibhcrt (II.) Beitrag zur Eutstehung der Aneneephalie. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1883. xciii, 3!ni-40().—Kieliard (A.) Sur la composition de la tumeur ties monstres pseudeucephaliens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1851, Par., 1852, iii. 68-71. — Richardson (W. L.) Case of aneneephalie monster, -with spina bifida and umbilical hernia. Boston M. \ S. J.. 1877, xcvii, L4. — Kidgcway (N. B.) An anencenhaloiis nionslcr, with spina bilida. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1880-81, (. 406. — Kieken (H. C.) Beschreibung einer merkwiir- iligeii Bildiuigshenimung. .J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831-2. xvii, 471-477.—Kicz (J.) Hydrocephalic; spina bifida; fractures spontances; pieds hots. Presse med. beige, Brux.. 1875-6, xxviii, 33.— Riudflcisch. Ein Fall von Aneneephalie uud Spina bilida. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., I860, xix, ..40-548. — Kilter (('., Das Auge eines Acranius histologist h uutersucht, Arch. f. Au- genli., Wiesb., 1881-2, xi, 215-218.—Kilter (J.) Singular caseof malformation of the mouth, nose, anil palate ol anin- iani at birth. Med A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860, xv,506.- Roberts (I). L.) Two cases of monstrositv. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (18081, 1809, x, 269-273, 1 pi. — Robin de lira- valle. _ Observation sur uu monstre sans cerveau, ayant la lele figuree conime celle d'uu crapaud, ue entre le cin- t| tt k in,- «t sixicme mois de concepi ion. J. tie nied.. chir., I'll um, etc., Par., 1770. xxxii. 151-157. —Kodgers (.I W.) A nioirstrositv. Med. Arch.. St. Louis, 1871-2, vii. 551.— Rodriguez (.1 M.) Dcscripcion tie un nionsti no humano tleieiieclalo. Pm \ enir. Mexico, 1870-71. iii. 47-70. 1 pi. -----. Description de. un feto hitlrocefalo. cetrotlact.yle. Gac med. tie Mexico, 1871, vi, 129-136.—Roe (W.) A case of cyclopia!! monster. Dublin (L .1. M. Sc, 1871, li, lonsiers/roM* defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. 146-149.— Komcr (A.) Anatoniische Bemerkungen iiber einen Cyclopen-Kindeskopf. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1837, xxiii, 453-459. — Kolotl". Courte description d'un monstre humain. (Traduit du latin.) [From: Mem. Aeatl. roy. d. sc de Berl.] Collect, aeatl. d. mem., etc. Parlie franc-., Par., 1774, xii. 17-22. 2 pi. Also: Mem. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon, 1774. viii, 46- 58. — Roseiifcld (J.) Egy im6ntsziilott, kivisclt hemi- kephalus leirata. [Recent birth, which proved to be a ht niieepbalus.] Orvosi Tar, Pest, 1845, 49-53.—Ross ( VV.) A curious monster, which lived for some time aller birth. Tr. Obst, Soe. Lond. (1867), 1808. ix, 31. 1 pi.—Rolureau. Absence des os dela partie suptrieuredu crane, tit la region cervicale, spina-bifida. traces de cuir chevelu entourant les lobes ceiebraijx et I'ecurteniciit de la coionne vertebrale justpi'a la region lombaire. Iluli. Aeatl. tie. metl., Par., 1850-51, xvi, 176.—Roux (G.i nionstre noseneephale. Lyon med., 1874, xv, 496-498— Kov (Y.-P.) Memoire sur trois cas de monstruosite, savoir: un cas de cyclocephalie ct un de polymclic Rev. med. franc- et etrang., Par., 1841, iii, 36-69.—ill- la Rue. Observation sur un mon- stre eyclope. Rec. period, d'ohs. tie med.. de chir. et pharm'.. Par., 1757. vii. 278-281.—Sanderson ( W. P..) Case of monstrositv. Prov. M. c e lett. Rendic., Mi- lano, 1877, 2. s.. x, 24. —Supoliui (G.J Circa un feto tri- niestre pseiidencefalo. Lett, i a al Prof. Tonimati. Anu. univ. di metl., Milano, 1808. eeiii, 138. -----. Descrizione di tre niostrini della famiglia dei ciclocefalici, ossia di due rinoci'fali e di uu tit loeefalo propriameute detto. Ibid., cciv, 321. -----. Teratologia : succinta descrizione di due mostri, 1' uno uniano. 1 altro vitellino, appatte neni.i alia famiglia degli otocefalici, e precisauieiite al ge- nert; triocel'alo. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc e lett. ReucPc, Milano, 1869, 2. s.. ii, 415-422. Also, I't-pi-int. Also: Ann. univ. di metl., Milano, 1869, ccviii. 134. — Snppcj. Cas tie cyclopie Coinpt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s. i. 40.—Saussol. Ln nionstre cyeloccphalien rhiuo- cephalc (iaz. hebd. cl. sc. med. tie Montpel., I8r6, viii, 458. — Schaack. Presentation d'un ftetus pseutlent:6- |)bale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. metl. tie Lyon, 1866-7. vi, 09. Also: Gaz. metl. de Lyon, 1800. xviii, 389.— Mchelhase (10. F.) Yon einem moustidsen Miitlgen. Auserl. ined.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. cl. rcim.-kais. Akad. tl. Naturf., Niirnb., 1764. xiii, 257, 1 pi. ----- Yon einem monstrosen Knaben ohne Gehirn. Ibid. 2">9.—Welier- iiici lioi u (Ii.) Case of monstrosity t'lualformaiiuii of face. etc). Am. J. M. Se.. Phila., 1872. u. s., lxiii 570.— Neiileiler. Zur Geschichle des mcnscblicheii Anene.e- phalus. Oesterr. metl. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 197-199.— Schmidt (F. -I. 1.) Ontleedkundig onderzoek van eene iiiisvoruitle luensclielijke vriicht ( c6bot;ephalie G. St, Hi- laire). Yerhandel. v.'h. Genootsch. t, Bevord. (1. Genees- ,n Heelk. te Amst,, 1857, ii, 1. St., 181-193, 1 pi.— Sch in id t t-l.) Die Zergliedeiung: einer Missgeburt weib- lichen Geschlechtcs. Auserl. med.- cbir.- . . . Abhandl. tl. rom.-kais. Akad. cl. Naturf., Niirnb., 1757. iv. 42.— Schneider (J.) Geburtsgeschicbte und Beschreibung eiues durch tlie Zauge entbuntleneu Kindes ohueGehirn- und Riiekeninark. Lucina, Leipz., 1807-8, iv. 2t0-281.— Schoficld. The delivery of a monster. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1879), 188(1, xxi, 71-73—Schultze (B.) Fall vou augeboineiu Wasserkopf, Spina bifida lunibo-tlorsalis u. Kluuipliiss, n. Yerhandl.d. Gesellsch. 1. G, bin ish. inBerl. (1850-7), 1858, x. 142-148, 1 pi. Also: Monats.br. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, x, 5-12. 1 pi.—Schwarz. Deforniitaten am Kopfe einer inenschlichen Missgeburt, nebst einigeii Bemerkungen iibertleii psychischen Einfluss tier Muller auf die Bildung der Leibesfrueht. Gem. deutsche Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, 1829, iv, 182-222.— Scott (J.) A lnonociiloiis male fcetus. Lancet, Loud., 1802, i, 033.—Scguin. Brainless child. N. Y'ork M. J., 1878^ xxvii, 535. —Si'iitoiirs (A.) Observation sur un cas de nionstre auencephale; langut* trifide; bec-de-lievre; s])ina bititla consith l able, avec. rupture spontanea de la pochc dans le sein tie la mere. Union med., Par.. 1876, 3. s.. xxi. 209-214. Also: Mouvement med.. Par., 1870, xiv, 153-155.— Sci|uira. Brief account of face nionstrosity. Tr. Oust. Soc Lond.. 1863-4, v, 195. — Shepherd ( F. J.) The inusculus stcrnalis and its occurrence iu (hu- man ) anencephalous monslers. J. Anat, A Physiol., Lond., 1884-5. xix, 311-319, 1 pi. -----. On the inuscu- lus sternal is occurring in anencephalous monsters. Tr. Aeatl. M. Ireland, Dubl., 18s5. iii, 439-446, 1 pi. —von Siebold (E.) Eutbintlungsgeschiclite und Beschreibung eines monstrosen Kindes. nebst Abbildung des sehr uierk- wiirdieeu abnoimen Kopfgebildes. Lucina, Leipz., 1802-4, i 3i)i-4oo._Simons. |Sketch of the head of a monstros- itv' in which the right orbit and right side of the face was occupied by a soft, pulpy tumor.] Prov. M. J., Loud., MONSTKUS. 420 MONSTRI IS. ill ousters from defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. 1844. vii, 193.—Simpson (T. P.) A monstrosity. Tr- M Soc. Penn., Phila., 1883, xv, 335.—Smith (0. H.) A ehihl born without tal varia or encephalon. West, J. M., Indianap.. 1809, iv, 2in» — Smith ( K. M.) \- Parker (A. ,!.) Dissection of a human olocephalic cvclops nionstros- ity. Am. -1. M. Sc, Phila.. 1882, Ixxxiv. 132-140.—de Soemmei'i'ing IS. T.) Siiecimcn mahe conforniationis encephali capitis et pelvis viri rarissimum et nieiuoratu iliguissinmin. Nova acta plivs.-nied. Aeatl. nat. curios., Bonnie. 1828, xiv, pt, 1. 109-126, 5 pi.—Spaldiu-; (S. ('.] t Tr. M. Soe. Penn., Phila., 1877, xi. pt. 2, 728.—Spessa (A.-A.) Memoire sur uu enfant conipletement price tit cerveau, tie cervelet et tie moelle allongee, et cpii a vccu onze hemes. Gaz. nied. de Par.. 1833, 2. s., i, 46. Also, transl. .• [Abstr.): Lancet. Lond., 1832-3, i, 570. Also, transl: (Ab- str.!: Lond. M. Gaz., 1832-3, xi. 559—-Stapler. Pseutl- encephalie. Ann. tie gynec. Par., 1885, xxiii, 127-131.— Sie veils (R. P.) Instrumental delivei y ; singular deform- ity of the ftetiis. boston M. A S. J., 1844, xxx, 52-54.— ■Slivenson (.1. Ml Case of monstrosity. Metl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1801-5. xii, 223. — Mticnou. Fcetus ex encephale avec complication tie spina bifida; description tie ci tie monstruosite. Ann. Soe. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1873, xxii, 96-101.—Stout (S. II.) A ease of abnormal re- production. Texas Cour.-Rec Metl., Fort Worth, 1885-6, iii, 133-135.—Stratford (S. I.) Fcetal monstrosity; de- ficiency of the cranial 1.....es. Midland M. & S. Reporter, Worcester, 1828-9, i. 197, 1 pi.— Slryker (P. J.) Caseof monstrous birth. Phila. M. Museum, lsii'.i, vi. 144-146.— Sliiurl (F. II.) Microcranial monster, with cleft palate, colon terminating in the bladder, talipes varus in a marked degree, Ann. Anat. \- Surg. Sue. Brooklyn. N. Y., -Suchicr. Geburt. eines Hemicephalus. Frankf. a. M., 1830-31, x. 55.7-560.—Suck- art; case of monstrosity ; h vclronecplia- i's & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 85.—Svilzer. ■phalus, bei wel- auf tlem Riiekt'll 1880, ii. 23i • I f. Geburtsh.. F Mil'.' (('. li.) A lo, , I, M,.«l. Tim Nachricht von einem weiblichen He uiici chem ein Theil del Cnterleibseingeweiilt in einem Sacke zwiscben dem Kopf und tlem Iliickgiat lag. Arch. f. Anal,. Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med.. Perl. 1S39, 35-38, 1 pi.— la I ho (.1.) Ein Eall von Gehirnhernie, 1:: dingt dure b unregelhcissige. untl friihzeitigc S\ m.stos'.n ilcrSehiitlelknoehen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc. Berl., 1871, lii, 503-500. ------. Przypadek nialoocznosci (iiiikrophthal- mos) z wrodzoua torbielu surowioza pod powiekami tlol- liemi. | Microphthalmos: congenital ectropion] Medy- cyna, Warszawa, 1876, iv, 590 - 592. — Tanchis ( li. ) Breve cenno tleserittivo sopra un caso di anencel'alia in un t'elo a maturita. Spallauzani, Modena. 1873, ii, 381- 383.—Taylor (-I.S.) Case of monsl rosily. West. Lan- cet, Cinein., Is51, xv, 470-472 —Taylor ( W. T. ) t Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., is,] u. s., lxii,'.574. — Terlaak (G.U.) F.xencephaliis. Uoerbaave. Tijdschr., etc;.. Amst., 1812. n. s., i, 526-528, 2 pi.—| Teriiisieu. | Rajiport snr un monstri: peracephale. Pull. Aeatl. de metl Par 1874, 2. s., iii, 1096-1101. — Thihault. Observation sur nn enfant nionstrueux. ,T. de mod., chir., phaim., etc., Par., 1,0], xv, 434— Thicbault. Description dim mon- stre humain. Med. eelaiiee, Par.. 1791, ii 36-38—Tho- mas (.1. H.) Monstrositv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881 i 594.—Thompson (.J. A.J Deserintion of a cvclopean inonster. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1873). 1874, xv' 35-38 — Thys. Aneucephale; presentation tie la face;' vagisse- inent uteiin. (Avec rapport] Ann. Soc de med. d'An- vers, 1846, 694: 699. — Ticdcmumi. Beol>aehtun«-eu uber die Beschaffenheit ties Gehirns uud der Nerveirin Missgeburten. Zlschr. f. Physiol., Darmstadt, 1829 iii '-44' —----• Beschreibung des Hirns und Riickenmarks einer Missgeburt mit I'tbermass in tier Bibbing. Ibid 235-239, 2pl.—'I'iljjeu. Merkwiirdige Missgeburt. Gen - Ber. d. k. rhein. Metl.-Coll. 1840, Koblenz, 1841 170 — Tiuley (T.) Malformed I'tetus. Brit. M. J., Loml., 1876, ii, 8. — Touzeau i N. i Description d'un monstre humain ilu genre poilencephale. J. de la seer, de med Soc acol Loire-lnf.. Nantes. 1831, vii, 12-19. — Troussel- l>< I vin- court. Observation d'eufant auencephale. N. Jour, tie metl., chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1821, x, 162-172. —T> son (K.) Au infant with the brain depressed into the hollow of the vertebra'. Phil. Tr., Loml., 1700, iii, 20— lllcrs. perger (J. B.) Monstruosidades fetales. Aiilileatro aual . Madrid. 1873, i. 1!»1.—Uli-iela. Leber einigojim ithum Nicthirhein vorgekommene iuteressante burten. Deutsches Arch. I. ,1. Physiol., Halle j20, 1 pi.—Luderhill. Agnathous and hy' is. Tr. Etlinb. Obst. Soc, 1885-6. xi, 79.— Parto ottimestir di feto niostruoso. Gior. Venezia, 1875, 3. s., xxii. 657—Verga R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. *■ lett. Herzt Miss: 1820, vi, 52: drocophalie ft \ allot la (( veneto tli sc. (A.) Sugli anencefali umani Rendic, Milano, 1876, 2. s., ix. 303-3 id", 1 pi.—Verrier Sur un ftetus anencephale. Gaz. ohst. et gvnec de Par 1875. iv, 193-198. Also [ Abstr. 1: Bull, acad.de med. Par'' 18io, 2. s. iv, ,21.—\ icq d'Azyr. Observation sur ml tcetus mon-ti iteux. Hist, Soc roy. demed. 1776. Par. 1779 315. —Vitfla. De l'aprosopie, on absence eon'ouiiale th- la face. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1849, ii, 25-35—Vir- lloaislers/ro'M defect or malformation of brain, cranium, or face. ehow. Beschreibung einer Missgehurl (Acrania mit Spina bifida). Verhandl. d. Gesellsch f. Oehurlsh in Berl. (1856-7), 1858, x, 138-141. Also: Moiiatsclii f. Go- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1*57, x, 2-4.—\oisiu (R.) Details neeroscopitpies sur uu lietus tie six mois ct demi. sext; feminin. presentant une hyilroetpbale ilvec hydro rachis; transposition des organes dune civile dans one autre. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1830-7, i, 511.- Vrolik (\V.) Mikroskopisch onderzoek ties zeiiuwstelsels \a-i een pasgeboren kind misvormtl door acranic. Nid.il Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1851, i. 410-413.—Wads. worth. Case of monophthalmus. Boston M. A S. .1., 1875, xcii. 595. —Wallace. Ca.v of inonst ro>il \. Tr Obst. Soc. Lond. (1875), 1870. xvii. 176 — Waiiiiniiiiikci- (W. C.) A case of anencephalus, Tr. South Car. M Ass., Charleston. 1880, 37. Also: Am. J. Obst.. N. V 1886. xix, 794.—Wntkius (J. M.) Deliverv of an alien eoidiaiic fietiis. N. Orl. M. &S J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 25.- Weher (E.) Geburt eines Heiniccphahis niiiunlicbeii lies, lib thtes. welcher noeli 38 Stunden nach der Geburt leble. Monatschr. f. Geburlsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 18.77 ix, 366-370. — Wcplcr (.L J.) De puella sine cercbic'i nata, historia. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 10,2, Lips, ct Francof., 1681, iii, 175-203. Collect, aeatl. tl. mem., etc, Dijon, 1755, iii, 137-152. Also, transl. |Abslr.]: Auseil med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl. tl idin.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1756, iii, 193-198. — Wri'lhciuicr. Dcscriplitu'i d'un monstre peracephale : considerations gcnerales sur 1 acephalie. Bull, scient. dip. chi nord, etc., Par.. 1880, iii, 321 -332. — West (R. IT.) Description of an anenecpha- ban monster. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1839), ls'iiii, i, |(i5- 107. Also: Lancet, Loml., 1859, i, 511. — Wcsihrook (I?. F.) Acianial monster. Aim. Anat. tfc Surg. Soc., Brooklyn, 1879, i, 96. -----. Acrauial monster. Proc! M. Soc, County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80, iv, 274.— While. [An interesting specimen of monstrosity. ] P.ull'alo M. J., 1858-9. xiv, 537. — Wieber (G.) Alienee- phnlic monster. Proc. M. Soc. ('omit y Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80, iv, 94.— Wiedemeisler. Den inuccrirt.cn Sc'hii- dei eines Kindes. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat,, etc, I'.erl, 1877, xxxiv, 685. — Williams ( X. \V'.) A inonstro.sii \ Calif. M. ,L. Oakland, 1880, vii, ,37. — WilldiiI. Pie. sent at ion a la Societe d'un ftetus inonstrueux pa race phale, etc. Lull. med. tin nord, Lille. 1805, vi, 179; 217— With- ers (Oi < ase ol abnormal development of a fcetus. Biit. M. J., Loml., 1884, ii, 807. — Wittiiiann. Description dim ftetus pseudeneeplialc [Soc tl. se. metl. et mil. tie Malines.] Arch, de la n\M. beige, Brux., 1X41, vi, 177, 1 pi— Witzel (O.) Hemicephalus mit grossen I.ebereys- ten, Cystennioreii und einer Reihe antlerer Misshihbingen. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1880, iv, 561- 564. — Worbe (J.-F.-S.) Desci iption d'un ftetus inonstrueux. bull. I'at . de 11161L de Par. (1804-8), 1812, i, 40-50. — Wraugell. Moustioser Anhang am Hinterkopf eines Neugclnu ineii. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1839, xi, 95. — W) man. Spina bifida in an anencephalous ftetus. Boston M, \ S. J., 1862. lxvi, 452. -----. Fcetus with protrusion of the membranes of the brain; transposition of visceia; mal- formation of throat; and encysted disease of the kidneys. Ibid., 1863, lxviii, 385.-----. Description of au iinenee- phalous ftetus with unusual malformation. 1 bid., 1804-5, lxxi, 49-52. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. lininove, (1862-6), 1867, v (app.), 101-103, 1 pi. -----. Malformed ftetus, with numerous fractures of the hones, boston M. & S. J., 1866-7, lxxv. 19. — Vgoiiin. Observation sur un cas de monstruosite. J. de med. de Lyon. 1845, viii, 426- 13 1 — Zai-tmnuii. Missgeburt. Ge.ii.-ISer. d. k. rhein. Metl. Coll. 1840, Koblenz, 1841, 169. — Xeheuder (W.) Case of a monster with the eyes covered wiih skin, krypt- ophthalmia, Rep. Internal, (')plilh. Cong. 1872. Lond., 1873, iv, 86-96, 1 pi. Also. Reprint, —vou /.it.....c monopodia. Sr 11 alee, 18\9. Dki.ii'Hoi.z (E.) -" Hosclireibuiiir einer soo-e- uaiintcn Pliokoiiiclt', 8°. lierlin, [187:5]. Fkikdi.ilb (T.) Monstrosi Ib'tus descriptio atque deliiieatio. 43. Alloua; 1893. Hkllwkj (('•■) * Hcsclireibiiiitr eines niiinn- lichen Aiuelns vou 66 .lahren. ss'-'. Halle, 1867. HiaiPix (A.) * Leber >Sircneiiuiis8bildnuf>. I\c>si-.Ni!Ar.M( A.S.) *Desinou]ariciijus(lain Ac- tus liuniani nionstiositate. 8 . Ilegimontii, [1828], - Rossi (F. J. A.) *Diss. sistens fcetus mon- strosi llolinia* nati descriptionem et delinea- tioneni. 4J. Jena; [1800]. Saciisse (C. D.) * Descriptio infantis mon- strosie. 4J. Lipsia; 18. S.vNtiKK (W. M. II.) * Beschrijving van eene misvonnde ini'iisclielijke vruclit, benevens eenioe opmerkingen omtrcnt de zoogenaatude aange- boren Knoclsche zicUte (rachitis congenita). 8-*. Leyden, 187>7. Sciii ssi.ei'(P. J. F.) *TVberath. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, lxxxvii, 105,1 pi.—Branii. Monstruin Menhemiiab uxore.judaica Dit'ifuss dicta enixuui. Ann. tl. Staatsarznk., Freiij. i. Br., 1840, v,149, 1 pi.— linoi'liel. Description d'un vice de con- formation congenial. Bull. Fac. de metl. de Par., 1814-15, iv (11. annee), 325-:i:;i. ——. Description d'un vice conge- nial de conformation de tons les niembres. Ibid., 18J0, vii (15. annee), 33-39, 1 pi.—Brora (P.) Anomalie des quatre menihres par defaut, amputations congeniales des auteurs. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 275; 294. -----. Localisations cerchrales sur le cerveau d'un ectro- melien. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 669- 673. -----. Note sur les monstres ectromeliens. Lev. d'antlirop., Par., issu, 2. s., v, 193-200.—Kiirite (G. \V.) A c;ase of arrest of development iu the human ftetus. l'roc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1877, 101-104.—Cam (T. C.) t Med. A Pbvs. J., Loud.. 1802, vii, 385, 1 pi — C'anielli. t Morgagni, Napoli, 1873, xv, 431-434.—[Cases. | Ac- count of a living child aged two months and ten days, which had been horn without limbs. Med. A Phys. J., Loud., 1803, ix, 63.—[Only one perfect limb, the left arm.] Boston M. tfc S. J., 1847, xxxvi, 92-96.—Lancet, Lord., 1857, i, 431.—Feto monopodo. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 251.—ilu Caiiroy. Lii monstre par execs. [From-: J. d. sea vans, KiUO. | Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 26.—Ceilerseliiiilil. Foster metl fcirvridua lemmar. [Monster with deformed lower limbs.) Fc'irh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sanimank., Stockholm, 1869, 31.—Clianee- rel. lleiiiiinele eongetiitale. Annee med., Caen, 18,0. i, 6.—Clianlrenil. Xote sur un nionstre phoconitlioii. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1868), 1874, xliii, 191-195.—Cha- ron (E.) [ Monstre hemimele et heetroiucMe.] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, tie Unix., 1876-7, xxvi, 85-87. -----. [Un nionstre cetronielieu, se rapprochant du phoeom^le.J Ibid., 1879-80, xxix, 187-191, 1 pi. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1880, xxxii, 201. Also: J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1880, lxxi, 15-18.—Choale (D.) Mon- MONSTERS. 422 MONSTKIiS. .11 on sie rs from defect or malformation of limbs. strosity. Extr. Bee. I'.o-t Soe. M. Improve. (1871-9), l.-,-o vii, 04.—Clamlot (M.) Note sur un cas tie inou- struosite par absence dun des meuibrcs superieurs et tlif- formite tie 1 autre. I del anat.. I ph siol., etc., Par., 1874, x. 207-217. Also \ Ah-rr 1 : Compl. n nil. Acad. il. se., Par.. 1*74, lxxviii 427—Colliiisiou ll.) Note sur un cas le- iaiologic|tie rare : arret tie tit \< hno'eiueiit en longueur ties hiiin.'i ii-. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. tie Par.. 1886, 3. s.. ix, _- Colliiii'an. Sur un cas de plioeoinelie thoracitpic nnilaierale. //avis (J. T.) Congenital malformations. Metl dc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 112.— Debonl. Nouveaux fails de phocomelie. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1803), 1804. 2. s., iv, 103-107.—Delorc. Plusieurs cas d'ectro- melie. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe d. sc. med. de Lyon, ]so:;-4. iii, pt. 2, 146-149.------. Kt tromelie syndactv le. Ihid.. 1804-5, iv. pt. 2, 42-44. Also |.\bslr.]: Ann. Soe. tie ined. tie Lyon, 1804, 2. s.. xii, pt. 2, 55-57.— B)t|>;nil. Monstre nroinele. Bull. Sot . cie chir. de Par., 1871-., 2 s.. xii, 141. — Breyloiis (F.) Arret de developpement ties niembres superieurs; eetindaetylit : alteration des me- li in Lies h,eali.-eea la region ties cent i e- moteurs. bull. Soe. anat. tie Par., 1878, liii. 197-199.— Dublin M. |lTn I'tetus phocoinele.J Ibid., 1802, xxxvii. 404.— l>uiiionl (II.) [Luc monstruosite affectant les deux niembres thoi aci.pu .- Rait. ''*' Tillaux ] Bull. Soc. de chir. tie Par. (Isiili), i.-te,. 2. s., vii, 380-382.— Ohiiii. Case of s\ reniforin monster. Metl. Times. 1......1 . 1811. x, 19. —Dzieeku (O) bez czlou- ktiw. |Childwiil.....I limbs.| Pain. Towarz. I.ok. Wars/.aw., 1851. xxvi. ]tt. 2, 57-07—Kiliiiumlsoii (J.) t Dublin M. Press, 1800. xliii, 4s:>. — INiliric lit. Leber die l'btalki i'un- muugen, namentlit h in Bezug auf die .Bedeutung tier ange- borencn Vi i di ■ehungeii der Bauehglieder. Deutsche Kli- nik,Berl., 1851. iii .407-t7n. — K ve (P. F.) A short account of Master S. K.O. N't His. born wii bout arms, and of his per- formances v, it h hi- toes. South. M. A. S. J., Augusta, 1836- 7, i, 522-521. — !•'. i Pi Viciostle couforiuacioii. Autiteatro anat., Madiitl, 1-7:;, i. 215—I'asi-s i-L) Anatoniie dun nionstre cctroiiielien (phocoinelit* pelvieiine double, hemi- melie I lioiat itpie gauche). Gaz. hehd. tl. st-. ined.de Mont- pel., 1885. \ii, 517: 529. — Feijno ( P. A. (). ) Monstro ecll'oincliano. .1. Soe. tl. se. metl. de Lisb., 1877. xii, 132- 141. — l-'ielil iN.j A remarkable case of deformity. Louis- ville J. M. AS., 1838. i, 07-71.—Fiseher (A. K.) ' Kka/.ui- stikie ui'odstve utrobnago plmLt : niieromelus. Vrach, St. Pettish., 1884. v. 331. —Fiiivler. t Ann. Id. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe. 1832. iv, 2. lilt., 117. 1 pi. — I're nil en berg. Fiu Perobrachius. AIL. metl. Centr.-Ztg.. IJerl.. 1880, l'v, :i49. —Frosl (II. ('.) A niarkitl < a-, of nondevelopnient. Physicians' Ac Surgeons' Invest., Buffalo, 1887, viii, 1.— Garden (A.) Case of malformation of the lower half of the hotly. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 187:. viii, 179.—be- laud'(S. P. (i.) Waarnemiug eener v; 11.■ ~--111u \;ni eene eigeuaarilige wanvnrmige vruehf. Boern iave. Tijil-chr., etc., Amst.. 184:!. n. S.. ii. 335, 1 pi.—<»errai-«l <■]., Fn- usual ftetal deformity: retention of placenta. Month. J. M. Se.. Lond. tfc Etlinb.. 1855, xx, 348. — li i rami (IT.) t Marseille metl., 1881. xviii, 545-548. — C»ooiliiiau. t At- lanta M. A S. J. 1807-8, viii, 42i>. — «»oiil>anv (A.) Dt; rectroinelie et de l'amputation spontanee des niembres Chez Its animaux domestiipies. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1804. Par., 1865, 4. s.. i. pt. 2. 119-140. Also: Gaz. med. de Par.. 1805, 3. s., xx. 207; 223.—4*ouricl. Exemple curi eux tl'anoinalie multiple. Gaz. (1. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 15. — <*\ er phot oinele. Nederl. Tijtlschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884, 2. 11., xx, 13-19 — llol«l (J.) Bt si hreibuiig ties Ueekens und der Ge- schleebtslheile fines 40 .Libre alien weiblichen Aiuelus. In his: Beitr. z. Oyniik. ii. (Jeburi.-k.. 8J, Tubing., 1807, ii, 145-148. — llolliiiijer (.1 II.) De monstiuo hu- mano absque sexu, petlibus, etc.. in t vcreseentiam caudi- formen definente. Misc. Aeatl. nat. curios 17ul-5. No- rinib., 1700, decuria 2, ix-\, 413-416, 1 pi —llouel. | I'te- tus nionstrueux ; hi peau tellement en execs tpt flh Ibrine partout de larges jilis qui stmt, pour aiusi dire, llotlant] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 149.------. Observa- tions ile monstres ectroineliens. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 185:;, Par., 1854, v. pt. 2, 211-221. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soe, anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 13-15. ------. Monstre synielien. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par. (Is71i. 1873, lxvi, 258 ------. Sur un cas tie nionstruosite. Bull, et mem. Soc. tie chir. de Par.. 1878, n. s.. iv, I'si'-iiso. — II ulke (.1. \V.) A caseof complete absence of both the upper limbs and of faulty development of the right lower limb. Metl.- Chir. Tr., Lontl., 1876-7. Ix. 05-09. 1 pi. —lwnacw (C. E.) An account of a case of monstrosity. N. York M. i S. Re- porter, 1847, ii. 89-95.—Jaekso'ii (J. B. S.) t (Siren.) Boston M. \ S. .1., 1809. Kxx. 33-35. Also: Kxtr. lice. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1866-74), 1876, vi (app.), 74-78. -----. Deficiency of the extremities Extr. Bee. Bost Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii, 35— JacoliariiN (().) Monstra eruribns intortis, et t apri-ic tigura. Acta ineil. ct phil. Hafn. (1674-5), 1077, iii. 97-99.—.1 aeobi. Con- genita^ deficiency of the right thigh. Am. J. Obst, X. V., 1871, iv, 548.------. A phocomebis with insuliicient development of osseous tissue. Tr. N. York Obst. Soe. (1876-8), b-79, i. 308. Also: Am. J. Obst.. X. Y., 1878, xi, 143. — .liijjer ( C. G. ) Fall finer Missbildung per defectum. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir. - Ver., Magdeb., 1850, iv, 377. — Jean (A.) Cas d'heinimilie (avant-bras gauche). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1877, lii. 144-146.— .IoIiiikoii (S. P.) t | Monnpotlus.J Virginia M. J., Rich- mond, 18.58, xi, 351.—.lulliaril (G.) Memoire sur un monstre appartenant a hi famille ties symeliens et sur les causes de la symelie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, [I'ar.. 1869, 4. s., v, pt 2, 63-70. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1809. 3. s.. xxiv, 199: 212.—Krahe oljjer ( P..) Fall von Mouobrachius. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1876, Bresl., 1877, liv, 225. — de Souza Fonte* (J. K.) Fin lebender Knabe mit angeborneni Mangel tier Glieder. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1877, Ixxi, 107-111, 1 pi.—Nnenrer (K. H.) A curious monster. Metl. Bee., N. V 1885, xxviii. 258.— Nlniltlia^eu. Angeborenerhochgradiger Defect sanimt- lioher \ ier Lvtreinitiiteu, fehleucles Schwanzheiu und zuri'iekgebliebene Sebwanzvcrliingernng bei einem leben- den Neiigeborcnen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1800, xvi, 321-331. — Mlein. Pane sirencuartige Missgeburt. von chinesischen El tern ; beschrieben und fiir die Lehre von der Diagnose clc;r vol liegenden Theile bei tier Geburt benutzt. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Bert, 1841, x, 338-3,44. — .Strieker (G.) Doppelseitiger augeboruer Defect des Radius uu-l lies Dauiueii.s. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxxi, 529.-----. Grossartiger Defect an lieitleii Vorilerariiieii uud Hiinden eines Neugebornen. I bid., 1878, lxxii, 144.—Tapani (A. P.) Mostro mono- potlo. Gazz. ined. ital. hmib.. Milaic. 1848, 2. «., l, 274.— TnKNin pere. Observation tl heininielie thoraeitpie droits. Bull. Sue. nied. de l'Yonne. Auxerre. 1870, xi, 10-12, 2 pi.— Taylor |S. F.) A caseof nionstrosity. N. York M. J., 1883,' xxxvii. 260.—Thompson (P..) t Phila. M.Museum, 1806, ii, 17-20, 1 pi. — Troisier. Hcniimelie thoraeitpie du cote droit; examen de la moelle. epiniere. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1870), 1873, xlvi, 140-142. Also: Arch, de physiol. noun, et path., Par., 1871-2, iv, 72-82, 1 pi.—Ver- rii-r (E.) Note conccrnant un ftetus ectroinclien. Gaz. obst., Par., 1879, viii, 193-190. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. de gynec., Par., 1879. xii, 65. -----. 1).\stocie teratologitpie; note sur un cas tl eventration ftetale avec; uu seul meinbro inferieui', consider!' au point de vue de hi dystocie. Mede- cin prat.. Par., 1882, iii, 589-593. Also [Abstr.J: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1882. 2. s., xi, 1434. — Vianua ( C.) (Monstruosiiladc sem braces liein pernas.) Gaz. rued, de Lisb., 1856, iv, 84-87, 1 pi. — Villaril (F.) Arrets de de- veloppement multiples; henii-phoconicMie. Kev. phot. cl. hop. de Par., 1871, iii, 161-167. — Vincent (A. F. ) Re- markable nionstrosity. consequent upon maternal impres- sions. Nashville J. M. A S., 1883, xxxii. 68. — Wall (O. A.) t [Monopodus.] Med. Arch.. St. Louis, 1872, viii, 3-!0.__VTeilcmeyer. Mangelhafte AusbiltlungderExtre- tnitaten. -1. tl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1826, ix, 113 — Willi* (E. C.) Hereditary formations. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 258. J!IOPlster*/,'ow defect or malformation of spine. See; also, Sacrococcygeal region (Tumors of); Spina, bifida; Spine (Abnormities of'). Nicholson (G.) * IV uioiistro liuuiauo sine triinco nato. 4°. Berolini, [1837]. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- ■seiisch! Metl., Bell., 1837, 328-334, 4 pi. Kp.mbe (J.) * Bcitrug /ur Lehre vou der Wir- bclspalte, nebst, ciiiiocn anderen Eutwicklungs- anunialieen. s . Erlangen, 1877. Rumphol/. (C.) * De monstro trunco careute. 4*. Haiti Sax., [_18\8]. S'.ngkk (W. M. II.) * IJcschrijviuj; van eene uiisvoruidc nii'iischclijke vruclit, benevens eenige MOXNTK1IS. 424 M()NTA(;rT. Jloii^tcr*/'7"" defect or malformation of spine. opinerkingeu omtrent de /oogonaaimle aange- borcn Enjielscbc zickte (rachitis congenita). S'. Lendm. 187)7. Ita.v. Accouchement premature: presentation tie la plaie; malformation congenitale ; double pied-hot ct spina- hilida cranio -cervical; autopsie. Soc. nied. d'Ainiens. I Bull. 11873-4). Is75. 179-193. [Bap. de Peulcve], 194-200.— ICIaneliol (E. F.) De monstro singulari, sine colli) et spina tlorsi a nicretriei ])rognato. Acta Acad. nat. curios. 1718-50. Norinib., 1752, ix. 350-356, 1 pi.—Cabot. Sacral teratoma. Boston M. A S. ,L, 1878, xcviii. 112-114 — * olel (IL) [Anatomic teratologicpie: anomalies des vertebres el dc*s cotes | Bull. med. chi noni. Lille, 1870-71. xi, 319- 328. Also. Keprint.—t.iian.l (J. 1.) t Metl. A Phys. J., Lond., 1803. x. 171-173, 1 pi. — «i, reen (\\\ A.) Remark- able case of malformation. South. M. & S. .7.. Augusta. 1858, n. s. xiv, 451—l.iilller (A. F.) Eiu patliologisches Naturspiel eiues mousli iisen Kindes mit einer kopfahn- lichen Gesch wulst am Heiligbein hangentl. N. Arch. f. cl. Geburtsh., etc.. Jena, 1798-1800. i, 2.-3. St.. 145-151, 1 pi.— ITIayer. Ueber cine Missgeburt: Kopf ohne Runipf lAco'rinus). Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 1804. xxix, 380-389, 1 pi.—.Millar (VV. S.) Description of a fcetus presenting remarkable deviations from normal structure. Lancet, Lond., 1858. i, 60-62. — Porro (E.) Sopra un caso di straordinario atteggiamento di ft to mal conforinato, ed osservazioni sopra aleuni clilhcolta accompagnanti la naseita di feti mostruosi o inalati. Gazz. ined. ital. lomb., Milano, 1873. xxxiii, 393; 404: 409, 1 pi.: 1874. xxxiv, 1. ------. Distocia grave per uravissima e strana mostruosita. Ibid., 185-187, 1 pi. — Niinaer. Monstruin mit eigentlmmliclien Dys- und Aplasien tier W'irbelsiiule unii des Beckens. Arch. f. Gvnaek., P.erl., 187!), xiv. :iti(i- 308.—Noriano (M.) Feto monsl run : lordosis. Gac. metl. ile Mexico, Is,,,-s. iii, 7s-so.—\Vliilfic III (G.) Case of Iota) monstrosity: labor retarded I hereby. N. Orl. J. M., 1870. xxiii, 479-48).— Vaiirerl*. Cas rare tie mon- struosite. Bull. nied. du nord, Lille, lsoo, 2. s., i, 147-150. Moilwfci'N by inclusion. See Foetus in ftrill. IHoilsti'iiositt' aulositairc (Enfants junieaux re^inis par le crane.) Coininui)iqu(*e a 1'Acadciiiic imperiale de nie'decine le Ki avril l,*l>l. 3 pp. s . Paris, L. Martinet, [1861]. 1,'e/ir. from: Bull. Acad, denied.. Par., 1801, xxii. tVloiiMiiimiiaiio. (iit.vxDEAt; (L.) Notice sur la grotto thermale dc Monsuninuiiio (Toscaiic). ,sJ. I'aris, 1*6-1. Turehetti (().) Guida pei hagni a vaporc naturale della Grotta tli Monsummnno. eon osservazioue pratiche. Ann. univ. tli med., Milano, 1869, ccix, 457: ccx. 3.—W. Die Danipfgrotte von Mousuinniano. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1883, viii, 152: 104. IW o ll s il 111 ill a no c Moiite-Yettolini. Pegola- niento comunale di igiene pubblica. 3:5 pp. S-. Piseiet, I'anuini, 1873. till IVIoilt (Nicolaus). JLxereitatio nictlica tie cbyli stci.tione ct distiibutioiic. 5 1. 4°. Ba- silea; typ. J. Beilschius, [1690]. ^lontag (Joh. Ernst). " rebcr die Harnruhr. 43 pp. S\ IVitrzburg, Becler, 187)9. Montana id (fimile). * De la vaginite aigue et cbroniijtie. 72 pp. 4J. Paris, 1877, No. '263. rVIoiltag-k (Car. Anton. August.) * In philoso- pliiam niedicam introductio. 34 pp., 1 1. sT. [Berolini], formis Brueschelianis, [1823]. illOlltaglia (Giuseppe). Sopra alcune inalati it- del corpo uniano; ceiini teorico-pratici. Si ag- giiuigo un discorso anatomico dello stesso atitore. l»* ]>p. 8--. Ferona, I'. Crescini, 1831. ---—. Sui perfcziouanieiito della litotoniia nel Veneto; cenni storit-i. 22 pp. 8-; Parma, Car- niignani. 1>4|. [p.? v. 1108.] rrloiita^nat' (13artheleniy). * Etude clinique sur la dilatation des brouches. 6)8 pp o ] 4 Montpellier, 1-74, No. 39. IllOUtagliac (Leonard). ■" Sm- hi pleuresie. 22 pp. 4■-. Paris, 1834, No. 1(52, v. 271!. IHoiltatfliail (J.) ^ Quelques considerations sur 1'utilite de ranatoinie pathologique pour la therapeutique. 32 pp. 4 . Paris, 1*36, No. 13rS v. 298. ^loiiln^iiaiin. Sec Cholera (Arietlic, History, etc , of), hy lo- calities. VIoiif.-i-H.'iifia (Angelas) \ -107SJ. Portrait in: Collection— van Kaathoven. Moiiia$jiiaiia(Kartlit)lom;eusy [ -circa 1160]. L'onsilia . . . Tractatus tics de balneis patavinis; de cornpositione et dosi nieclicinariuii; antidota- riuin ejiisdem. 7 p. L, 3S7 II'., 1 1. fol. [I'eue- t'tis], sumpt. B. Locatellus, 1497. ------. Tlie same. L'onsilia .. . cuin tribus tracta- tibns de balneis Patavinis, et de coiii;.iisitione ct dosi nicdiciiiariiin ac antidotario. Cmisilia do- niini Antonii Ceriiiisoni Patavini. Trac-latus tie animali theria doniini Francisci Caballi. li p. 1 413 ff. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Folio 4(0 is blank. The treatises of Moulagnana cud with fol. 354. The tri'iilise of Cerniisonus emls wiih; y,.. netiis ]icr Sinionein tit: Lucre, 9 Scpteuibris, 1511. -----. De balneis, cl utilitatibus juvanientisipie eoruni, ac reguhe et modus quern nliservare de- bent. 7/i: G a 1 KNAiilA (Marcus). Omnes, tpios sci ipsit, libri, [etc.] fol. Basilete, 1537, 274-201. ------. Seli'cfioruin opiTiim in quibus ejusdein consilia variiquc tractatus alii, tuiii proprii turn adscititii, (■ontinentiir liber unus ct alter . . . revisi, relccti, locupIeLiti a I'etro I'Ucnbacliio. 3 p. L, 1309 ]>]>., 7 1. fol. B pallheniauo inusa- r it in Francof urteiisiiini collegio, 1694. See, also, llliiMtriimi in re medica. 16°. I'tttarini, 1550. STIoiita^iiana (Bartholoniaus) - [ -LVir.]. De morbo gallico consiliuni. In: Liisims ( A.) Aphrodisiacus, [etc.] Kd. intend. fol. Litijd. Hut., 1728, 057-906. ^loilta^liaiia (Marcus Antonius). 1 »c berpele, phageda'iia, giiii^'i-ji'iiti, sphacelo, et cancro, tuin eognosceiidis, tuin curandis, tractatio accuratis- sima. 7 p. L, 1(17 ff. 4 ". Venetiis, apud P. Meiellum, 17)89. ,Hoiita^u<> (Angel). * Contribution a lY-hide de raliineiitatioii, envisagee au point de vue phy- siologique (en particulier a l'hopital et dans 1. s 6tabiissenients de bienfaisance eh- la, ville du Havre). [Paris.] 93pp. 4 . Havve, ls*<>, No.2(W. ------. The siinie. 93 pp., 1 tab. 8 '. Parti, G. Sleinheil, \887,. Montague (Edouanl). Histoire de la prostitu- tion dans runtiqiiile. 9G pp. rov. s* . I'aris, A. Bayard, [1872). lloilta^llt* (J.-L.) * fit.tide clinique sur le salol. 68 pp. 4 '. Lyon, iinprimerie nouvelle, 1^87, 1. 8., No. 3.73. Montague (Jean-Fraucois-Camille) [17-1- 1866]. Syllogt' otiieiuni spccicrumquc crvpto- o-aniarnin. 498: pp. 8°. Parisiis, J.-B. Bailliere, 187)6. For li/oijraphi/. see Gaz. metl. de Par., 1800. xxi, 757-703. Also: lloe;. tie mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1800, 3. s., xvi, 81-90 (Larrey). Also. Reprint. I?Ioilt;igllon (Felix). De la, frequence des loca- lisations et des reliquats prnstatiqiu-s dans la blennorvhao-ieet de leur role dans la bleiuiorrlide. 16 pp. 8°.' Lyon, \887). -----. * Contribution a l'ptude des abces tie la eornce. Du pro-gnostic et du traiteiiient des grands abces de la eornoo. 1 p. 1.. s2 pp. 4 . Lyon, 1887, 1. s., No 376. Montagu (Oeoi-oc). An essay Oil sponges, will) descriptions of all the species that have been dis- covered on the coast of Great Britain. (Read 7th March, 1812.) r,6 pp., 14 pi. 8°. [11. p., 1812.] [P., v. 726.] ITIoiltaif lit (J.-George). * Propositions sur quel- ques maladies des voies urinaires. et snr l'op(*ra- tion du eatlnSierisme. 11 pp. 4. . Parti, 1810, No. 60, v. 79. MOXTAK.NAC 42.1 MONTANIKK. ITIOlitai^liat' (Albert). * De l'ulcere arterio- alb.'roiiiateux du pied (autrement (lit mal per- forant). 94 pp. 4'. Paris, 186,8, No. 274. Hoiit;ii;;ii-lcz-€oiiiI>i'ailI('». See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Contain jeuue. Memoire sur plusieurs points (l'anatomie, de chirurgie et de l'art des accou- cbeniens. 35 pp. 8 . [Parti, Migneret, 1817.] [P., v. lf.24.] Ili'pr.from: J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Tar., 1817, xxxviii. Iloiitain (F.-F.) * I. Efablir le diagnostic et le trailenient du rupia. II. [etc.] 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 224, v. 37S. ^loiitaill ( Gilbert-Aljihonse-Claude ) [17S0- ls">3J. * Quelques )iropositions sur les maladies hiilcuses. H pp. 1 . I'aris, 1S(H. Xo. 77, v. 71. -----. Du lait considere* coinine cause des mala- dies des feninics en couche. x, 11-67 pp. 8'•'. Paris, Brnnot-Labbe, 1898. [P., v. 131.] -----. Discours sur quelques parties de I'hygiene publique et privoe, prononcc* pour l'onverture ties coins de l'F.eole secotidaire de mealecine de Lvon, a llotel-Dien. 16 up. 8°. Li/on, L. Per- il n, \832. [P., v. 132.] -----. Memoires de therapeutique nie~dico-chi- rurgica.le; medication pneumatique; sangsiics aitilicielles; section du fillet et de la luette; agrafe labiale ; staphyloraphie ; perinoraphie ; aecoiichemcnts sees; retention d'uriiic; sondes ii dilator; alcool(5 secalique; extrait, cynarique; stilfure de chaux, etc. iv, 88 pp., 1 L, 1 pi. s'-'. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1836. For lliotiraphii, see Ann. Soe. de med. de Lyon, IS.",."). 2. s., iii, 14S-170 (Brachet). Also, Kepi int. Also: Gaz. metl. tie Lyon, 1S55, vii, 109-121. Moiitajoiie. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. i?Ioil(nII>.lll (Oridius) [lG0i-1072|. Portrait in: Collection—vau Kaathoven. .Tloiltalciiio. Statuto organico dello Spedale di Montalciuo. 23 pp. 8°. Montalciuo, Don- noli, 1883. rtloilialtlo (Giambattista). II controstiniolo dedotto dall' aualisi lisio patologica dell' infiain- ina/.ione. Coinmenfario di . . . xii, 13-117 pp. 8°. Genova, P. Pagano, [1*2*]. [1'., v. 13f>(i.] ^loiltalegre (Audibert-Sylvain). * Sur l'etio- logie de la mort du fo'tus dans le sein de sa, mere. 3s pp. 4°. Paris, 187)2, No. 287, v. .r>29. Moi-l;il<'inlM*rt (J.-F.-Charles). * Sur la sto- matite en o-6u(*ral, on inflammation de la bouche. 17 pp. 4 . Paris, 1826, No. 38, v. L.K IrBoiitaticl' (Charles-Louis-Kene). * Dela myo- tomie pour le red lessonlent iminealiat dans la eoxalgit* et en particulier des sections du cou- turier ct du fascia, lata. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, Xo. 188. Woiltalicr (Pierre-Charles). * De l'angino cou- cnneiise. 39 pp. 4". Paris, 1818. No. 20"), v. 17."). de ^Boiltallt'^ry. Hypochondrie-spleon.ou ne"- vroses tris[)lanchiiiqucs. < Ibservations relatives a ces maladies, et leur traitement radical, xvi, 144 pp. 8°. Paris, T'ortin, Masson f Cie., 1841. ITloiltaIti (Ciro). Lo Spedale civile di Ravenna nell' anno 1*79. Con annotazioni su la cura delle febbri intermittenti, la toiacentcsi, e la niiliaie. 80 pp. K-'. Bavenna, E. Lavai/na, I SSI I. Woiitaltiis (Hieronymus). De homine sano libri iii, iu quorum primo agitur de natura et sub- stantia hominis; iu altero de his quic ad ipsain Mo lit a I Ills (Ilieronyinus)—continued. substantiani labelactandam ejusque fiinctioncs violandas valent; in tcrtio denique dc facilitate qua luce propulsare, et proinde illani tueri vale- mus. 7 p. L, ;")06 pp., 7 1. 12°. Francofurti, apud J. Wcchelum et P. Fischerum -consortes 17)91. ?1 on tan. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Montana dc Monserrate ( Bernardino ) [1483- ]. Libro de la auothomia del hoinbre . . . En el qual libro se trata de la fabrica y coin- postura del hombre, y de la manera como se en- geudra y nasce, y de his causas por que necessa- riamente muere. Juntamente con unadeclaracid de un sueno que sofio el illustrissinio sen or Don Luys Hurtado de Mendoea, Marques dc Monde- jar . . . El qual sueno debaxo de una ligura nmy graciosa, trata breveniente la dicha fabrica del hombre, con todolode mas que en este libro se contiene. 8 p. 1., 136 If. fol. Valladolid, S. Mar- tinez. 17)7>1. Title-patio in red and black. The "Sueno del marques de. Monde-jar" has a separate title-paee, commencing; " Si^ue se un coloquio del IUustrissiino sector Don Lnvs Hurtado de Mendoea", [etc.] Molilalia Territory. See; also, Dakota Territory. Stuaiiokx (K. E.) The resources of Montana Territory, and attractions of Yellowstone Na- tional Park; facts and experiences on tlie fann- ing, stock-raising, mining, lumbering, and other industries of Montana, and notes on the climate, scenerv, game, fish, and mineral springs. 8 . Helena, 1879. Moiltafiana (Pedro). Examen de un praeti- cante botieario, substitute) de el maestro en el despacho de his niotlicinas. h'cc.npiladu por . . . I 7 p. 1., 3dl pp. 16°. Zaragoza, J. de Casus, [172S]. Montanai'i (L.) Cenno sull' orgauismo uniano ed iinportan/a dell' ac(]iia su di esso specie in rapporto alia salute. Conferenza di presidio. 26) pp. 8 \ Roma, Z. C. Voghera, 188,6). lujir.from: lii v. mil. ital., 1886. Montanceix (J.-Delage). * Propositions et oh- servations sur le traitement de quelques mala- dies. 27 pp. 4C. Paris, 1829, No. 138, v. 22f>. Montane (Louis). *EL,ude anatoiiiique du crane chez Its niicrocephales. 74 pp., 3 1., 6 pi. 4°. Parti, 1874, No. 79. -----—. The same. 76 pp., 2 tab., 1 L, 6 pi. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere . Strasbourg, 1868. 3. s., No. 63. Montanei* (Pietro). Si-e iTIiiMilevnll (Jose]ih). Relazione dell' epitleniie soil, rte nel priucipato di Catalogua. 12°. Venezia, 1790. Moiltnaiei' ( Joseph-Henri ) [ 1824-72 ]. * De la maladie de Bright. 43 pp. 4r Parti, 1819, No. s, v. -1S7. ------. Quelques considerations sur le traitenient de la syphilis a propos de la discussion a hi So- ciete de cliirurgie. 56pp. S'-'. Paris, P. Asselin, 1867. IIepr. from: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl. ------. Les facnlt.es de nie'decine do province avant la revolution. 43 pp. s■-. Saint-Germain, L. Toinon eS' Cie., JstK 7iV;;r. from : Kev. de Par , 1S0S. ------. " Des conditions pathogeniques ct de la valeur someiologique dc ralbumiuurie. 7)7) pp. 4°. Paris, Maulde 3' Benou, ls>7. Concours. MONTANIKH. 42 (I MONT A NTS. Muillillliei (Joseph Henri)—contiuued. ------. Dm traitement par les bougies de la bleiinorrliee, on goutte militaire. lo pp. ,s°. Paris, P. .Issediu. 1*63. Fepr. no,,,-: (Jaz. d. hop., i'ar., 1863, xxxvi. See, nlsn TlaiKimiii'iive (Jaccpies-(liles) A. Vloul:t- niei' (Joseph-Henry). Traite pratique des maladies \ e- lierienues, [etc.] 8°. Paris, ]8r>:>. ^loiltano (Joseph). * Note sur une operation de polype naso-phar.vngien par la galvauo-caustie physique. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, ls72, No. 434. 11 onla mis (Joannes Augustus). * I )e curatione uleeruni per pnris resorptionem. 20 pp. 4°. ( Erfordice], e.c off. Nonnii, [1769]. Montana* (Joannes Baptista) [1498-1552]. Melaphrasis siimiliaria eorum qme ad medica- mentorum doctrinam attinent, excerpta ab aet-u- tiitis auditoribus ex quotidianis pnelectionibiis iu Patavino gymnasio publice explicatis. 64 pp. 16J. Patarii, excud. J. Fabrianus, 17)7)9. -------. De ditferentiis medicameutorum et causis diversarum virium ac facultatuni in medica- mentis, tractatus pulcherrimus exceptus ex ore enarrantis quartam partem primi libri Aviceu- n;e. 46 pp. 32°. IVittebergat, 17)7)1. -------. Sumniaria declaratio eoruni qua- ad uri- naruni eognitioneiii niaxime faciunt. 1 p. L, 52 pp. 4' . Vienna?, E. Aguila, tr>r>2. ------. In tertiam primi epidemiorum secfionem explanationes. A Valentino Lublino Polono eollect:i-584. ------. In libros Galeni de arte curaudi ad Glau- conem explanationes. 3 p. 1., 562 ff. 16'-'. Vene- tiis, apud B. Constantinum, 1554. ------. Qmestio in qua exaininatur qnomodo nie- dicainentuin dicatur icquale aut iinequale, vi- delicet, caliduin, frigidnm, humidnm, aut sic- cum. 29 ff. 12 . Venetiis, apud B. Constanli- n it in, 1554. Another copy bound with his: In nonum lihrum [etc.] 12Q. Venetiis, l.V>4. ------. In nonum lihrum Rhasis ad Mausorem regem Arahum expositio. A Valentino Lublino Polono, medicis posteritatique eorum fideliter (■oniinunicafa. 11 p. 1., 344 ff. 12°. Venetiis, apud B. Constantinum, 1554. ------. Explicatio eorum qua* pertinent, turn ad qualitates simplicium medicamentorum, tuin ad eonindein conipositionem. 3 p. 1., 61 pp. 16°. Venetiis, apud B. Constantinum, 1555. Bound with preceding. Montana* (Joannes llaplista)—conlinued. ------. De eoctione ct praparatione hunioruni. In : Oka ro (Joannes). Methodus iitpatrtuTiKij, etc. 12° liasilen; | lr.r,:.], 171-171). -------. De succo nielaueholico et atra bile sen- tentia. In: CltA'IO (Joannes). Methodus t»epajreimic»i, etc. I"1 Basilece, \\'roo\, 142-100. -------. Idea et characlerisinus dot-dime Ilippo- cratic;e, prcqiositus studiosis in pnelectioneapho- risinoruin Hippocratis. //) : CliATO (Joannes). Methodus flepaTrei'Ti/cij, etc. ]'_'*. liitsileie. [15.V)], 7G-141. -------. Sententia de generatione pituiLe : contra eos qui affirmant, pituitam in ventriculo gciie- rari. //)..- ('KATO (Joannes). Methodus iltpanevTiKrj, etc. 12°. Basil,;!-, [15.-.5], 1»',::-17(». -------. Sententia excelleiitissiini Montani 6iairn- tikijv deiiionstrans, sive de alinientis it victus ratione, a Joanne Cratone exposita. In: CltATO (Joannes). Methodus ,*tipa7i-euTiKij, etc 12°. liasileee, [ 1 ,",5.",], 180-190. -------. In quartam fen primi canonis Aviceuii.-e lecl tones, a \ aletitiniis Lublino Polono eol- lecta*. 4 p. L, 2*3 ff. 12 \ Venetiis, apud II. < 'ons lanli it it in, 1556. ------. In primi lib. canonis Avicenme pri mam fen profundissima eoinmentaria. Acljeeto nuper secundo, quod nunquain antea fuerat typis e.x- cusuni: De niembris capite. ('ensure Jano Mat- thit'o Durastante. 14 p. 1., 651 pp. 16°. Venetiis, typ. V. Valgrtiii et B. Cousianliui, 1557. -------. In sc'ciindain fen primi canonis Avicenme in qua agitur de causis, a'gritudinibus, acciden- tibus, pulsibus, et urinis. 20 p. 1., s32 pp. * . Venetiis, e.c off. V. Valgrisii id B. Constatit'titi, 1557. -------. Opuseula varia ac prieclara: in quibus tot:i fere medieina niethodiet-explicatur, quorum noiiiina sequens pagina declarat. Omnia, post alios erudites virosqui in eis corrigendis desuda- runt, nunc tandem llieronymi Donzellini opera ab infinitis prope". mendis vindicata. 27 p. 1., 349 pp., 1 tab., 9 1. 12 \ Bastlca; apud P. Pevitcnn, 17)7>8. ------. In nonum libruni Khasis ad r. Ahnan- sori'in lectiones primi anni publicie professiouis in academia Patavina sumina tide, atque dili- gente cura emendata1, et integiitati lesfituta*. a .Joanne Cratone . . . cum ejusdem luciilenta pras- fatione. 12 p. L, 6s6 pp. ri. Basilece, 1562. ------. Coiistiltationuin niedicarum opus absolu- tissiiniun. In quo ad consilia omnia prius edita . . . accesserunt centum fere nunquani antea typis expressa . . . studio . . . Jo. Cratonis, 9'p. 1., 1021 col. fol. [Basilece, H. P. et P. Perna, 1565.] Title-pane mutilated. ------. Consultationes medica-, olim quideni Jo- annis Cratonis opera atque studio correctie, ain- pliat:eque, nunc vero post secunda' editionis appendicein et additiones, insigni novoriun eonsiliorum auctario ex Ludovici Denioulini Rochefortii codicibus exornatie. 9 p. 1., 1120 col., 15 1. fol. [Viennce], 17)83. ------. Defensio librorum siioruin de morbis, ad- versus Thouiam Erastum. 3 ]). 1., 164 if., 1 1. I'-. Vcncliis, apud F. Zilettum, 15*4. Another eopn hmini with: Fuacastgiiius (H.) Opera omnia, etc. 3. ed. 4°. Venetiis, 1584. -------. De uterinis uffectihus. In: GvNJECIOIUM, ete. i°. liasileee, 1.5SG, ii, V.I7-2M. ------. The same. De affectibus uterinis libellus, cum ejusdem x. consiliis muliebribus. In: Sl'.vciiirs (1.) Gyn;eciorum, [etc.] fol. lYtteberyu: 1597, :103-330. ------. Probleiiiatuni partim physicorum, partim medicorum, ex . . . scriptis accurate selectorum liber unus. Nunc primum editus studio et opera MONT AN US. 427 MONT DOI!E. Hoiltanil* (Joannes Baptista)—continued. Miirtini Weindriehii Yratislaviensis. 23 p. L, 521 pp., 20 I. 12''. U'iteberga; ex off. Cvettoiiiitna, 1590. See also, ltii<-iii« (Jarntinnolitis ("Doiiiinicns). Qn.'esita iv. medicinal ia. 12°. [Tnrini], laiil. — «'«'i-v«'llo (Giu- seppe). Di Giainhiittista tlii Monte e della nictliciua itali- itiiii nil secolo xvi. 8°. Verona. 183!).—Cralo (Joannes). All artem mediciiin isa»o".e [etc.] 12°. Venetiis, 1560.-— Ki-iivIiim (Tli.....as). Varia opuseula. [No. 7.] fol. I'ntncof. a. M-, lallil.—Soli'imiiili-r (Rcinerus). Con- silinoi ineiliciualiuin seetioucs i]iiiiniiie [etc.] fol. Fran- ,.„,„,,;. i.-,()ti. ------. The same. fol. Francofurti, 1000. /■',,/■ I'nrtreiit. see Colli'i'lioii—van Kaal hoven.—t'ol- liTlioii of I'ortr. ot Phys. & Men. of Set., 120. Montana* (Joannes Sigismundus). * De h-tba- litate vulneiiim. 8 pp. 4°. Harderovici, J. Moojen, 1750. Jloiitnr^i*. See Cholera (Asia lie; History, etc., of), by locali- ties. llonlai'^is (Gustave). * I. Determiner l'in- liuence de l'inflammation du pericarde sur le developpement, de l'livpertrophie du co'iir. II. [etc.] 68 pp. 4 . Pa-vis, 1S-14, No. 177, v. 421. Moiitaiiban. (jiiii-nnil. Des nionveiiieiits de population ii Mon- tiliihaii depuis le commencement, (hi siecle et ]iarl iculiere- nient dans les vin^t derniercs annees. Ann. tie tlenitej;. internat., Par., 1S81, v, 278-1120. iVIoiltaililon (Charles). * Snr les relreeisse- ineiia organiques de I'lirel re, et sur les accidens i|iii en sont la suite. 7-25 pp. 4-. Paris, 1*21, Xo. 136, v. 167. rTlontaiKtoil (Martial-Victor). * Sur le tempera- ment lvniphatiqne. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*22, No. 7*, v. 17-2. IVIontaiMloil-BoilSSCl'CSSC (Leonard). * I. Des earacleres anatomiques de l'infliiiiiina.tioii des tissus fibreux, tibro-cartilagineiix et cartila- giuenx. II. [etc.] 31pp. 4K'. Paris, 1*41, No. 166, v. 421. Irloiltaillt (J.-J.-II.) Observations medieales, recueilliesa l'lldpital Saint-Louis, dansle service de M. le docteur Manrv. 26 pp. 8°. [Paris, Crapelel, 1*29.] [P., v". 912.] ------. *Sur l'lieniiph'gie faciale, ou perte du inoiivemeiit et de l'expression do l'un des cotes du visage, par lesion de la septioine paire des nerfs (portion dure), nerf respiratoire de la face (le M. Ch. Bell. 2* pp. 4 . Parti, 1*31, No. 300, v. 246. -----. 1 )es lie vres typhoi'des et du typhus, histoire et description de ces affections; analogies et differences qui existent, entre idles; nidinoire ho- nore d'une nieclaille de 500 francs par rAcadeinie ro\ ale de medecine dans la seance publique de 1*37. 230 pp. 4 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere; 1*3*. ------. * Des moyens a, I'aide desquels on pent dis- tinguer les nevroscs ties lesions dites organiques. 46 pp. *.■■■■. I'aris, 1*3*. ( 'ollt'Olll'S. ITIoiltaiit (F.) *De la fievre eruptive heinor- rbagiqiie observee a Bordeaux en 1817 ct 1*4*. 40 pit. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 73, v. 4*7. d> ^lontaiix (Chainhon). see Ch.am.bon de Montaux (Nicolas). llontax ( Leon-Genevey). * Recherches sur la trace indelebile du chancre syphilitique; ses caractercs. 91 ]>|i. 4°. Lyon, 1**0, No. 43. IVIoiila'K'ail ( M.-l'.-Hippolyto ). * Sur l'apo- plcxie. 21 pp. 4'. Paris, 1*20, No. 51, v. 155. dc llontbol ((iuillauiue-Isiilore), le baron [1787- 1845]. Lettre sur le cholera do Vienne en An- triche. Avec des notes par M. Guyon. 23 pp. * . Paris, 1832. [P., v. 491.] VI on I l»c I in ri'i«oii. liviovl (J. ) Eau de Fontfort (commune de Mont- hrison. Loire). Bull. Acad, de nied., Par.. 1878. 2. s.. vii, lltlll. — Koyci'C (J.-T.-K.) Topographie physique et me- tlicale tie la ville de Montbrisou, chef-lieu du departeinent de la Loire,, Pec. de mem. denied. . . . mil., Par., 1831, xxx, 1-.")!). IVIoiitbruii. La/are (II.) *£tiule sur les eaux minerales de Montbrun (Drome). 4J. I'aris, 1*76. Henry (O.) Kapport an sujet ties sources siilfureuses de Moulin uu (departement, tie la Drome). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1857-8, xxiii, 2HI-222. Mm\t-Vi\ssv\. Wimli'if. Essiti sur les eaux ferrugineuses du Mout- (.'asset bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1863, iv, 65-83. Vloiilceaii. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. iWont-Ceiiis. I>i'hin. Rec. tie mem. tie med. . . . mil.. Par., 1836, xxxix, 332-,S.r.l. Ilont Dore. See, also, Bourboule (La). n'A.Mi'.KKT de Sei'ilhag (J.) * Les eaux du Mont-Dore; leurs effets pliYsitdogiquos, leur action therapeutique sur les affections chro- niques des voies digestives. 4\ Montpellier, 1877. 13ei:ti:ani> (M.) Iveclierches sur les proprietes physiipies, chimiques et medicinales des eaux du Mont-d'Or, departement du Piiy-de-Dome. *r Parti, 1810. ------. The same. 2. eYl. 8°. Clermont- Ferrand, 1*23. ------. Memoire sur retahlisseinent thermal du Monl-d'Or, et les antiquities que l'on vienl d'y decouvrir. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1*19. Phossox (E.) Notice sur les eaux minerales et sur retahlisseinent thermal du Mont-Dore (Puy-de-D6me). 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1856. ------. The same. *3. Moulins, 1858. (Jiiabory-Bei'TRAxd (E.) Etudes medieales sur les eaux minerales du Mont-Dore. Premiere partie. 8°. Paris, 1859. Ceay (E.) Le Mont-Dore et ses indications therapeiitiquos. Lettres adressces an Dr. Le- cuyer. 12u. Paris, 1885. (burn, pes Pai.i.if.kks. Noticcsur les eaux du Mont-Dore, presentee a l'Acadeauie de mede- cine. 8-. Paris, 187)9. Joal (J.) * Essais medicanx snr les eaux du Mont-Dore. 4°. Paris, 1875. Lkymekie (A.) Notice familiere sur la geolo- gic du Mont-d'Or Lyonnais. 8--. Lyon, 1*3*. Mascauel (J. ) Nouvelles recherches sur l'aetion curative des eaux du Mont-Dore dans la phthisie pnlnionaire. 8°. Paris, 1*65. Bi'i'triiml. Xote sur la temperature des eaux flier- males, et, plus particulierement sur celle tics eaux tin Mout- d'Or. Bull. Aeatl. de mod.. Par., 1836-7, i, 604-600. ------. Temperatur der Theriuen nnd besonders derer von Mont- Dore. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvi. 4. St.. 118- 124.—Itouilnnt. Du traitenient aux eaux du Mont-Dore, du coiyza ehronique et tie l'ozeiie. Lyon uied.. 187(1, v, 166-171. — <'ay.:ili» (J.) l^tnde snr les sueurs qui sc* pro- duisent sous I in tl nence tin traiteinent par les eaux du •Mont-Dore. Ann. Soc. d'liydrol. metl. de Par. Compt.- rend., 1876-7, xxii, 248-270._<'lial«'sni. Le Mont-Dore et La Bourboule;, parallele de ces deux stations. Gaz. metl. MOM DORE. 428 MONTi'KJKK. Hon! Dorr. dc Bordeaux, 1S77. vi, 1118-200.— I»el |»il. De 1 A u velmie, ih ses eaux minerales, et part it ulit reinent tie celles du Mmii tl'Or. J- uuiv. d. sc. med.. Par., l.MS, x, 137-164.— ■ >nlic "•■■<- (P.) Excursion aux stations thei-males do l.'ovat, du Mont-Dore, de Saint-Hectaire et dc Viehv. I'n'ion med.. Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 601; 62."): 637—l.abal. Pi ml, snr lepavset sur les eaux tin Mont-Dore (Aiivei-jine). Ann Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par , 1883-4, xxix. 4.I5-456.— I.iii-oiiili' (C.) De la medication thermale du Moot Dore. tlii i'^ee eont ie certaines manifestations internes de mi lure rliuinatismalo et gouttonso; cominunicalion vcrhale. Soc. tl. sc. metl. tie Gannat. Coinpt. rend.. 1861-2, xvi, 77-81. Also: Union med., Par., 1862. 2. s., xv, 263-260.—I.elVii-l. Elude chimique des eaux minerales du Mont Dore. Aim. Soe. illivdiol. nied. tie P;ir. Compt.-rend., 1862, viii, 461-5-22. Also [Ahstr.J: T'nion med., Par., 1862, 2. s., xv, Wl-lio.— Tl;i*< iii'il (J.) Des filets des eaux tliermales du Mont Dore clans le traitement du coryza ct tie laplioiiie. Gaz. hehd. tie med.. Par., 1862, ix, 324-321). ------. Des ef- fets therapcutit|iies eoneraux et speciaux des eaux tin Moiil Dure. Pull. uen. det therap., etc., Par.. 1881, c. 413- 116. — Kiiliilol ((J.) fitudes medieales sur le Mont-Dore. I it ion metl., Piii.. lS.'.il. li. s , ii, 'J(i7: 280; 2!I7 ; 31,r>: I860. 2. s.. vi, 421 ; 434; 1861, 2. s , x, 193; 227; 27.">: 324; 377. ------. De la cure thermale du Mont-Dore dans le traitenient ties affections rhuniatisinales. Ibid., 1866, 2. s., xxx, 410; 432; 44!). ------. Du climat du Mont Dore pendant la■ sai- stm des hains. ibid.. 18G7, 3. s. ii, 4!)-.">7. ------. De la cure lliermalo du Mont-Dore dans le traitement ties affec- tions flironiqucs du larynx et en particulier dc l'aphnuie. Ibid.. lt-69. 3. s., vii, 315; 356; 401: 431). ------. Observa- tion tie tuberculose pulmonaire couiineneaute, avec all ('ra- tion jirave de la sante i;i'neiale, heureusement enravee par la cure thermale du Mont-Dore. Ibid.. 1872, U.'s., xiii, 734; 740. ------. Etude sur la nature el Its propi ieles 1 lie- riipeutiqucs tie lean miuero-thcrniale tin Mont-Hore; pa rallelo sommaire tie l'eau du Mont-Dore et dc La Pour- hotile. Ibid., 1874. 3. a., xvii, 66!); 690; 701). ----—. Dis- cussion sur la nature arsenieale ties eaux du Mont-Dore. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. metl. de Par.. 1875-6, xxi. 491-536. Also._ I'nion metl.. Par., 1876, 3. s.. xxi. 646: 657; 70?; 7.36; 749. ------. Xote sur les indications tlicrapeutiques des sources du Mont-Dore. Lnion metl., Par., 1880, '.',. s., xxix, 653: 689. ------. Sources tliermales du Mont-Dore (Puy-de Dome); considerations pratiques sur quelques ef- fets tin traitement, Montdorien. Ibid., 1881, 3. s , xxxi, sjl-s-j.",. — Si oulelleii. Proces-verlial des experiences sur I'el a I eleet rit 11 ie ties eaux du Mont-Dore. (la/,, tl. hop., Par.. 1865. xxxviii. 353.—Ni'iuy. Etude clinique des eaux dn Mont-Pore (souvenirs dun baiiiiieur). J. tie the- rap., Par., 188(1, vii, 321; 375. — Tciiiei (F.) Note sur l'emploi de la pulverisation de l'eau tin Mont Dore en inha- lations. . s., xxi, 640- 642.—Thoin.xoil (\V.) A holiday at Mont-Dore. Duh- lin.L M. St.. IsS,. II. s., lxx.xiv, 265-^74. — \ :ic lui tl.j Mont More ids l.ut'tcurort. Jahrh. f. Palneol., tie Won •1879, viii, 160. "Mont Dore" (Tbe) of Bournemouth. [Abridged prospectus of the directors.J 6 pp., 1 plan. 8". [London, J. cy A. Clin re-hill, 1881.] ------. Residential and bath establishment. 20 pp. KL. [n.p., 1887).] ------. Hotel and Hath Establishment, Bourne- mouth. [Ciieiilarof the manager, Oct. is is.-n; ] 2 1. 4'-'. [London, 1886.) do ^lonf<> (JojTo Pedro Xavier). O homein me- dico de si me.sino, ou sciencia, e arte nova de con- servar cada hum a si proprio a saude, e destruir a sua tloenca, dirigida ao hem commuin. 1 p. ]., 179 pp., 2 I. 12°. Lisboa, A. V. da Silva, 1760. [Also, in : P., v. 12.")6.] floutoa^iido. itlnza (M. A.) La morfandad habitla en Moiitea t. s pp. 21°. [Newbury, 1*7 1. ] llosilecalvu* (Jacob). Portrait in: Collection — van Ivaalhovcii. Jlonte Casteilaecio. (JioACiiiNo (C.) Sulle ac(|iie minerali Inmlesi tb-tle del Monte Castellaccio; osservazioni pra- tiche e regole da tenersi nell' uso loro. Seeniula edizione cou aggiunte e correzioni. s°. InmlTt 1839. itloiite-t'atiiii. See. also, Poretta. Pak/kllotti (ti.) Bagni termali e minerali di Monte Catini nella Val di Nicvolc. illustrati eon nuova analisi chimica e nuo\e osservazioue pratiche, 4°. Pisa, 182:.. Hicciiikiiai (A.) Dei bagni di Montecalini. [With alias.] 2 v. I A fol. Firm:c, 178*. MAi.tcci'.i.i.i (S.) Dell' atlivita e tlell' uso do' luioni minerali di Monlecatini. 8' . Pisa, lspi. Mainoiu (IL) * La Porrette et Monte Catiui, S . Florence. \8\<. It:ii"x.t-ll<>lli lii|»ni.«. Analyse des eaux minerales tie Monte-Catini. Pee. tie mem. tie nied. . . . mil., Par., 186(1, 3. s., iv, 164-168—IJiiilj (<].) licit j,, Huen/.a, che sembrano avere le corrcnti cletriclie per rista liilire la salute* in alciine malattie tlictro 1' uso dei hayni d' acqua salina ed in ispecie di qnelli di Monte ('alini in Toscana. Hull- d. se. metl. di Bologna. 1840, 2. s., ix. 199- 229— l.iibiH. Pintle. La station et les eaitx tie Monte- catini Italic ('1'oseiine). Ann. Soc. d'hytlrol. med. de Par. Coinpt.-rend.. 1875-6. xxi, 56-79. —IViiir (.l.-A.-X.) No tit'e, sur les eaux niinerales de Monte ('atini, suivie dime note sur les ettives tie Monsinnniiiuo (Tiiscane). Pec. du mem. do nied. . . . mil.. Par., 1860. 3. a., iv. 149-161. —N. (A.) Azione iisiolicjiea til elliciicia terapeutica delle aeque tli Montecatini in alcuue inahittie del cavullo. (lior. cl. anat., fisiol. c p.itol. d. auiniali, Pisa, 1872, iv, 165-167. Montec (Joseph-Augustin). *Sur la gas trite aigue. 16 pp. 4 . Paris, 18:'»7, No. 112, v. Ills. IfloBitefeltro. Bmlaloni (G.) 11 Montefeltro c le sue acque mine- rali. Iilrolojiill, Firenze. 1885, vii, 197; 260. ITIoiitctV'i'rante (11.) Manuale jiratico di ri- cerche lossicologiche. vii, 122 ]>])., It) tab. 12". Napoli, stabilimento tipog. dell' Inione, 1872. HI o lite III SCO (Alfonso). C'on.sigli pratici contro il cholera. 2U pp. 8J. Napoli, C. La Cava, 1887). ------. Diagnosi delle malattie di cuore; studio seniiotico-clinico. 164 pp. 8 . Napoli, K. Bel- ief n, 1887. lloiit<'y«ia (Giovanni Battista) [ 1762-181;")]. Fasciculi piithologici. 3 p. 1., 112 pp. 12*. Mctliolani, typ. J. Mavelli, 1781). ------. Annotazioui pratiche sopra i niali venerei. 1 p. 1., viii, 27)7) pp. 8". Milano, G. tialeazzi, 1794. ------. Istituzioui chiruigiche. 2. ed. 8 v. in 4. 8\ Milano, G. Metspero, isPf-lo. ------. Tbe same. 3. ed. 4 v. in 2. s . Firenze, G. Pialli, 1*20. ------. The same. Aumentado di numerose ag- giunte per cura di (1. B. Caiini. 7 v. in 3. Milano, G. Tin ft, I82!1-:',ll. For liioiirrtphii and Portrait, see Ainlii I V. E.) 1), Ilu vitii di (iiiiinhittista Monte-nia. 8*>. Milano. 1816. See. also. Gaz. ined. ital. loml.., Milano, 1861, 5. s.. in. 381-384 (('. I'.azzoni). Also: Ann. univ. di nied., Milium 1867, ccii. 561-564 (('. Finna^alli). See, also. I ril/c (Joannes Fi itlericns) < 'oiiqn ntlio sopra le inalati ie veneree. s^. Paria, 1795.—Nlrin (G G.) Arto ostetiieia. |ele 1 s\ Venezia, 1816. For Portrait, see t'olliilion — \ an Kaathoven. de Moilt«'JJl"«' (Antoine-Fnincois-Jeiiin) [1779- 1-1>]. ■' (Jnelipies vues sur les temperaments et leurs principales differences dans les deux sexes. '11 pp. 4-. Paris, an Nil [1894], No. 184, v. 1 47. MONT fiCi J MO. 429 MONTENEGRO. d<* Jlonti'JJl'O (Antoiue-Fraiicois-Jenin)—cont. ______. Du magnetisine aiiiinal ct de ses partisans, ou rec-ueil de pieces iniportantes sur cet objet. \ Precede des oliservatioiis roceninient publiees. i:>'.i pp. 8 ; I'aris, I). Colas, 1812. _____.. Experiences sur la digestion dan.s l'lioniine, presentees a, la premiere classe de I'lnstitut de Kranee, le 8 septembre 1H12. Suivies du rapport des cciminiss.iii'cs Homines par I'lnstitut. 7)7) pp. -0. Paris, Le Nnrinttnl <\- Colas Jils, 1814. ------. Des lieinoiioides, ou traite analy(i<|ue de tmites les affections heinorroi'dalcs. vi, 2:52 pp. s . Paris, Vaitlcin; 1S17. [P., v. 1684.] .------. The same. 2. ed. xlvii, 3(i0 pp. b°. I I'aris, Mile. Delaunay, 18\\9. ------. Tlie same. Die Iliiinorrhoiden, ill re Er- I kenntniss, alle ihre Zufall und Pol gen und ihre Heilung. x, :!71 pp. ss\ Leipzig, IV. Eugel- j maun, 1-821. -------. Tin* same. Peber die Ei kenntniss und I5e- iiaiiillung der lliiniorrhoiden. Nach dem Eran- zosischen fiir praktische Aerzte und lliimni-rhui- (lal-l'atienten dentscli bearbeitet, und mit An- nierkiuigen verseben, von Dr. E. J. YVittemann. lSli pp.,"«J 1. IIP. Pcslh, C. A. Harllebeu, 18\\\. For Hiiiijrttphi/. see J. univ. d. sc. med., I'ar., 1819, xiii, :i."i9-:i64 (Broussais). MontC^M' (Horace) [ IHI'MM]. /Sur les plaies penetrantes de la poitrine (it, les ldsions du cojur. :58 pp. 4'. Paris, 18-A6, ~So. 6, v.294. ■------. Notice liistorique sur la vie, les travaux, les opinions medieales et philosophiques de E.- J.-V. Broussais, prtM't'dee dc sa profession de foi, et suivie des discours prononies sur sa tombe, 1.% pp., 1 pi. W". Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 18A9. ITIoilt<>^llt (I-.-) ' Etude sur le rhuniat isme ar- ticiilaire aivji. 4(1 pp., 1 I. 4°. Montpellier, Ihiclnn t|- jils, ls!>7. No. 515. C. Monies iil-Srsl.'i. Mi'iiiv (() i Analyse eliiiuique tie l'eau minerale na- tiirelletle Moiiteniit-St''j;lii (llaiitc-Garonnc). Bull. Acid. de metl , Par., 1849-50, xv, 911-914. Irloilteil (A.-Alexis). Histoire agricole dc la France. L'agiiciiltiire, les ciillivateurs et la vie rurale depuis l'epoqne gauloi.se jusqu'a nos jours, avec introduction, supplement et notes par Charles Louandre. :>s7 pp., 7 pi. 12 . Paris, P. Duffs, 1>72. ------. Ilisttiiic- financii'i-e de la France, depuis les premiers temps de la monarchic jusqu'a nos joins. Avec introduction, supplement et notes par Charles Louandre. 360 pp., 12 pi. 12°. Paris, P. Duffs, 1872. ------. Histoire, de l'indiislrie franeaise et des gens 6e metiers. Introduction, suppldment et notes par Charles Louandre. 2 v. :>20 pp., 6 pi.; :S20 pp., 4 pi. 12 . Paris, P. Da (lis, 1872. ------. La inagistratiire franeaise, les lois et les gens de loi, depuis les premiers temps de la mo- narchic jusqu'a nos jours, avec introduction, notes et supplement par Charles Louandre, Par- icinent, piesidiaux, justices royales, cours sei- gneurialcs, coins d'exception, basoches gens du roi, a.vocats, procureurs, notaires, greftiers, huis- siers, elc. iv, :5(i4 pp., 2 pi. 12'-'. I'aris, P. Duffs, \873. ------. La nie'decine en France, homines et doc- trines depuis l'antiquitd jusqu'a nos jours, avec introduction, notes et supplement par -V. Le Pileur. Ouvrage public sur la derniere edition de l'hisloire des Franeais des divers c'tats, cou- ronnee deux fois ]iar rAcadeinie franeaise. 4:1H pp. 12 . Paris, Bibliothcque Xouvclle. P. Dupont, I 1-74]. llonli'ils (E.) Histoire de la vaccination. Re- cherclies historiques et critiques sur les divers moyens de prophylaxie therapeutique employes contre la variole depuis l'origine de eelle-ci IVIoiitcils (E.)—continued. jusqu'a nos jours, xiii, 422 pp. H''. Paris, A. Delahaiie, 1~74. Itlonteils (J.-i;.-M.-Anic''.lec). * Des flux diar- rlioiqucs chez les enfants. Des ulcerations et granulations simples du col de l'literus. (>2 pp. -1. Parti, 1819. No. 2:52, v. 4-7. IVIontciro ( Autonio-PeregTino-Maciel) [ 1*04- 68). Sur la nature, les symptomes de l'in- llainination dc Larac-linoi'de, et son rapport avec reiicephalite. 7)3 pp. 4"'. Paris, 1-2'J, No. 7(i, v. 22:5. For Pioi/rajihi/. see Brazil. Biogr. Ann. [Maccdol, ltio de Jan., 1876. iii, 101-194. Hontoiro (J. C.) Co-Editor of: 4'cnti-o (O) iiharuiaceutico poi tuguez, Porto, 1876. ITIontciro (Joilo Franco). Mais factos para ;i vida moral, da Fschola luedico-cirnrgic-a de Lis- boa. 29 pp. 8--. Lisboa, J. B. de -I. Gouveia, [1812, vel subscq.]. [P., v. 12(51.] ------. Ueber das gel be Fieber. oil pp., 1 1. i-■-. Leipzig, A. lulelmaiiii, ]88\',. MoilH'il'O (done-Vaz). * Du rhuinatisnie en ge- neral. 46 pp. 4 . Paris, 1847). No. ll(i, v. 1:>~>. ITlOlltt'iro ( Kamiro Alfonso ). * Funccv-c"ies do giiindc syinpathico. I") pp. 4J. Baltia, J. G. Teiurinho, l"i7l. t'oi cm-no. ------. * Pathologia geral do elemento pernicioso nas niolestias. lob' pp. 8'. Baltia, J. G. I'titt- vinho, 1-74. Concurso HosiM'iro (YV. A ) Co-Editor of: I ni viiwil v (The) Literary Magazine, Charlottesville, Va., 1856. 3l0llteil'0 du Silvn ( Joaquim Antonio ). *Ainputacao utero-ovarica. f> p. 1., 69 pp., 1 1. s' '. Ilia de Janeiro. K. H. da Costa, l88kA. Irlonlcaro de i':n\ allio (Antonio Junio ). * Heniorihagia uterina durante o delivramenlo c suns indiracoes. 2(i pp., 1 I. 4°. Bahia, J. G. Toitrinlto, \874. ITIOIltcith (Joannes). * Dc dolore. s '. Edin- burgi, 1726. In: Smicluh. Thesaurus med. [etc.] 8°. Edinburgi, 1778, i, 1-16. Wlontel (Michel). * De l'epilepsie infantile. H5 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1887, 1. s., No. 37)6. ^lontfloy (M.) * Sur la carie du corps ties ver- tc'bres. L"> pp. 4; Boris, l^Ll, No. 12:!, v. '.)-. Iflonte di ITliMcrieordi.i. I'silcriiii (P.) Le terme del Monte di M i.scricordia in (aisiiniic tiola (Ischia) dopo il terrenioto del 4 niarzo 1881 ; soininarie osservazioni e analisi cliiniiclie. Moisanni, Xapoli, 1881, xxiii, 'J86-_'91. Hloilteil (Andreas Plr. ) [ L-n:,-S4 ]. Observa- tiones circa exanthema scarlatinosuin. s pp. 1 . London! Gothorum, ex of. Berlingiana, [1832]. For I!iorjra2>hy, see Eira, C.citeltorg, 1884, viii, 413-416. ^loiileiic^ro. See, also, Medicine (History, etc., of), by na- tions, etc.; Medicine (Military, History of)— Campaigns, ete. Itoiiloii<;iic (A.) Le Moiiteiie.iiro. le 'liiyset ars habi- tants. Kec. de nieiu. de ined. . . . mil . Par., lsus, ;j. s., xxi. 4().") - )18. Also, IJeprint.— Ilii'UI. Krlebnisse in Monlent i;ro (von Oktober 187.". Ids Mai/. 1876). Wien. metl. Wclmschi'., 1876, xxvi, 727: 7.",1 : SS.:-, 115!); 1-2:11: 1877, xxvii, 6,'i9; 807: 9tl3; 1099—'l'i-ili-«,('li i. Notice me dicalo .sur le Monteucuro. ]{ec.dc uieiu.de nied. . . . mil., Par., 1860, 3. s., iu. 27:»--.'94. — \Vei«.vi- (M.K.) Sanitiits- Verlialtnisse untl \'olkslieilinit lei in Montenegro. All;:. Wien. med. Ztj;.. 187."), xx. :'4.'>: -"'."•. ^loiltOlie^ro (M. ^r. ' Estudio abreviadode las fiebres miasniaticas mas fi-ccuentes i el'ectos de la malaria, en los cliimis culidos, despues de quince alios de practica en paises intertropicales. 53 pp. d'-\ Cartajena, A. Araujo, 1883. monti;ne(.ro. 430 month ville. IflOllU'lK'^ro (M. V.)—continued. -----. Est uclio tisitibijico de los sentidos. 17 pp. s". Cailajena, A. Aranjo, 18.8:1. iTIonteiinis (Albert). * Etude clinique de la fievre et des antip\. retiques nouveaux dans les maladies ties enfants. 150 pp. 4 . Paris, 1886), No. 275. -----. Nouvel appareil a extension continue pour le traitenient des fractures de cuisse et dc la coxalgic. 72 pp. s . I'aris, G. Stc'tnlicil, 1887. Vloiile-Oi'toiie. ItiTti (A.) Consitlciiizioni mediche sulle actiue sol fo rate frtiltle ill Montorltuie, S. Ditniele e della Costa. D'Arqua, Atti r. 1st. Veneto tli sc, lett. til arti, Venezia. 1876-7, 5. s.. iii. I'll-Jlti— Iti/.iii (G.) Analisi chimica delle actpie solloiiite I'retlde tli Monte Ortonc, S. Daniele e della Costa di Artpu'i. Gior. veueto di sc. nied., Veuezia. 1871, 3. s., xv, 2113-218. de IHontepin. ,Ve Chervin (Nicolas). Petition adrcssee a la Cham- bie des deputes a l'cti'ct d'ohtenir [etc.J 8°. I'aris, 1853. ------. Petition ailresscc a la Cliamlire ties deputes sur la necessite d'une prouipte leforine [etc.] 8J. Paris, 1833. Monterey. liiny (W. s.) Medical topograph v, climate, diseases, etc., ot Monterey, Cal. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 386-392. ITIoilfeiO (L. M.) Co-Fditor of: K>t iitlii medica, Caracas, 1874-6. Monte Romboli. I' lii il e hi il i (E.) L'iictpia minerale tli Monte Roniboli in Castile tli Val tli (Ycina (provincia di Pisa). Idrolo^ia, l-'iren/.e. 1S82, iv, 141 : 169; 2112. PTIoilt4'l'OS (.los.-F.) *l)u traitement des lis- tulcs urinaires chez la femme [et tableaux synoptiques des observations des listules vesico- vaginales operees par les divers proeedes]. 21s; 39 pp.. 1 L, 17 pi. 4 . I'aris, 1864, No. Pit). IHonterossi (Pascpiale). Manuale di chirurgia miuore. :;.cd. 1^ pp. h-. Atlas, 12 pi., I\ Xttpoli, V Puzziello, 187>4. Vloiile*aiio. See Rheumatism (Epidemics, etc., of). llontesanto (Giuseppe, Antonio Maria) £177!)- h-si(.)J. Artie ttlo estratto dalla (fazzefta privile- giata di Venezia 2'J settembre LS51, N. 211). Al ... Dott. Steer. [On cholera morbus.] 21. S';. [Padova, 1K5L] [P., v. 941.] Nee, also, «li'«i- (M.) Kpistola, ete. 8'->. |„. p., ],s:;| ] Forliiotji-apht). sie Ziimiiiii (P.) Ilio^ratiii tli (iiusepjie Montesanto. Lii/.. see,aula. 8°. Venezia. 1841. Uepr. from: Biog. tle-l' Italiani illust ri del see. xviii, pubb. dal E. de Tipaltlo I v. viii fasc ii). See, also, Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1841, xcviii, 648. Moiltcsuill'lis (N.) De clispositionibus quas vulgares mal franzozo appellant, tractatus. In: Prisms (A.) Aphroifisiaeiis, [etc.] Ed. emend. fol. Luijd. Hat.. 1728, 113-124. Monte* de Oea (Erancisco). *Amputacion en la mano. Modificacion en la desarlieulacon del hoinbro. Operacion de la fimosis. Extii pacion del testiculo. 2(5 pp., 6 pi. roy. H . Mexico, Leon ernard). No- tice sur I'l-pilepsic saturnine, ou occasionude par Ie plumb. 78 pp. 4 . Paris, 1847), No. 'J2, v. 4:w. IVIontet lAdrien). * De la kerato-conjonctivite |ihlyeiciiiilaire. 40 pp. 4 . Paris, 1866, No. P»2. de Itlontet (Charles). * Dissertation sur un cas d'hydropisie de niatrice, simulant une grossesse :50 pp. S->. Berne, C. Peelzer, 1843. ITIontet (Jeiiii-.Licques). *(tuel(pies considera- tions sur les hemorrhagies uterines qui peuvent avoir lieu avaut, pendant et apres raccouchc- menf. 2."> pp. 4 3. Parti, 18-29, No. 17, v. 221. IVIoiltet (Michel). * Sur la convalescence. 2o pp. 4-. Paris, 18\6, No. Ill), v. 122. ITlontet-Ltalaiii^iielte (P.) * Sur les <*crou- elles. vi, 7-21 pp. 4 . I'aris, 1>21, No. (J(J, v. 187). de Montety (.J.-Lueien). *De la ration ali- mentaire en gdueral : application au sohlat. SO pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, \886, No. 71. Montevili'elii. Servizio inedico-chii -urgieo nei due anni lsKJ, \884 nello Spedale della Miscri- cordia in Montevarehi. Pesoconto statisticn della sezione di chirurgia, pel Dott. Giuseppe Pacinotti, direttoic- sanitario. xiv, 48 pp. fol. Firenze, tipog. Ceuiiiniana, 1887). Ulouteveglio. Vaxxi (L.) Osservazioni tisico-chiuiiche in- torno all' acqua marziale carbonate niagnesiana di Monteveglio. bu. Bologna, 1827. ITIontevei'de (Dionysio). * Du cholera-mor- bus. Ki pp. 4\ Parti, 18:V3, No. 37)6, v. 27 nei conuiui del Due Miglia e del Corpi Sanli. Kelazioue. 100 pp. is-. Cre- mona, Ii'onzi f Siguori, 1868. -----. Dimostrazione di una nuova importan- tissima virtu medicamentosa della china e dei snoi preparati. 27!) pp. 8'\ Cremona, Bouzi f Siguori, 1870, ----—. Contribute) alia constat .azione della virtu medicamentosa del sol fa to di chinina di eccitare 1'azione tisiologica delle libre nmscolari dell'utero, vesciea, iutestino, vasi sanguigui, ecc. 14, 41, M) pp. 8 . Milano. fiat. Becltiedei, [1873]. Consists of extracts fioin vaiious journals, etc. Repr. from: Ann. univ. di ined., Milano, 1872, ccxxi: 1873, ccwii. —•---. Studi sopra 1' azione del miasma paluslre e del sulfa to di chinina. 18-1 pp. 8". Milano, fral. Ilet-hiedei, L~7L Kepr. from : Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1874, cexxix. -----. Note sur un moyen simple, facile, prompt et certain i\v distinguer la mort vraie de la mort appurcntc de riioniine. 20 ]qi., 6 pi. roy. 8°. t're'nione. I'ouzi atliie prouvee ]iar le simple expose de sa veri- table doctrine, foititiee par les tristes aveux des nicdecins allopathes, juges par eiix-meines, sui- vie d'un coup d'ceil sur son utilite, ses ]»i-ogi-es, ses obstacles, son avenir et de quelques conseils pour la pratiiiue honiu'opathique. ix. xxvii, 79 pp. 12 . Xannn; li oittin-Bourdillon, 1871. MONTIAICOX. 431 MONTGOMERY. iTI on I fa neon. Mm.'KKT (L.-A.) Apercu de la statistiquo medicale, du canton de Montf'aucon, departe- inent dc la Haute-Loire, suivi de quelques pro- positions dc medecine et de thdrapeutique. 4 . Paris, 1837). IHoiitfoi't (C.) * De peritonitide piierperali sim- plici ct complicata. 24 pp. 4'>. Parisiis, 1869, No. 42. v. 7.i. rrloiitloi't (Franciscus). vTentainen niedico- praeticuiu circa banc quiestioneiu quid in peri- pneuinonicis morbis couferat auui diathesis, quid in illis ex vesicanfibus sperandnm. 4i> pp. h->. Motispelii,J. F. Picot, 1789. [P., v. 10!M.] Iloiilfort (Leon). * Des eaux potables c-t de leur purification. 2 p. L, 7)6 pp. 4°. Paris, is;4, No. 387). Tl out fort (Le'on-Constautin). Lfucle sur les decliirures de la vulve et du periuee iiendant l'accoucbemeiiL 10(i pp. 4 . Paris, 1869. No. 17. ------. The same. 10:5 pp. 8". I'aris, A. Dela- liuyc, \8\\9. Title p:i«e wanting. ITIoiitforle. See Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), by Idealities. Mont fbrt-rA ina nry. Will. To'iojrrapliie de la ville et de l'Hotel Dieu de Mont fort-l'Aiiiaury. J. dc med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 178a, l\v, 361-375. ' de Moiitgarny (Jean-Bai»tisfe-Tite Harmaiid) [1700-IS*?]. See l>ii'liomi:iirc ties tcrmes de medeciue, [etc.] 8°. i'cim, 18211. de Montgeron ( Loiiis-Basile-Cane ) [ 1686- 1754]. See .Watliii'ii (P. F.) Histoire des felc.J 12°. Paris, 1861.—Prcscrvalif" contre les faux principes et les mil xiines tliin^ereuscs etalilics par . . . [etc.] 1(1°. [n. p.], 17i")0. Ifloiil^'oltier (Jacqucs-Etieuue) [1745- !>!)] & IVlontgoltiei- {Joseph-Michel) [1740-1SLO|. Portraits in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc.,87. de Montgoltier (Rene). * Contribution a 1'dtude des convulsions de l'enfance c-t ueliecs sp6- cialenient au point de vue de l'heredito. 100 pp. 4°. Lyon, A. Waltcner ,y Cie., 1883, 1. s., Ao. 191. Montgomery, A labama. See, also, Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by localities : Fever ( Yellow, History, etc.. of), by localities—Vniletl States. Ame* (S ) iz. Bolins; (W. M.) Keport of the commit- tee appoiutetl at the annual meeting of the Alabama Metli- cal Association, held at Sebna, the 8th and Uth of March, 1848, to take an account of the diseases which occurred in the city of Montuoinei y, anil vicinity, in 1848. N. Orl. M. *. S. .}., 184!'-5(l. vi. 1 tub., loll. p. .'MO. —Wralherly (J. S.) Keport upon tlie diseases of the citv and countv of Mont- gomery. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Mobile, 1870, 415-417. Montgomery (l)avitl). See Homicide, ete.— Cases, etc. Montgomery (E. E.) Is craniotomy justifi- able? h pp. ri". [Philadelphia, 1883.] Repr. from: Med. Times, Phila., 188:2-3, xiii. ------. Abdominal surgery ; seven cases. 11 pp. h . Philadelphia, F. A. Duds, 1887). ------. The bromide of cthvl as an anesthetic in labor. Li pp. 8\ Xew York, IV. IVood <)'• Co., 1887). Repr. from : Am. J. Ohst., K. Y., 1885, xviii. Montgomery (Edmund). On the formation of so-called cells in animal bodies, vi, ob pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill ,y Sons, 1867. See, also, Eg march (Fr.) On the use of cold in sur- gery [etc.] 8". London, 1801. Montgomery (Edward) [181G-83]. A plea for the antiphlogistic treatment of disease 20 pp. 8°. *7. Louis, 1872. Repr.from: Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1872. viii. Also, Co-Editor of: Humboldt (The) Medical Ar- chives, St. Louis, 1870-73. For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883. i, als (J. M. Toner). Also: St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1883 xiv 5511- 562 (G. M. B. Main-hs). Montgomery (Howard B.) [ -l-ii'JJ. P.-- port on the sanatory condition of Honore, with reference tu the non-appearance of cholera in an epidemic form. 24 pp. 8°. Madras, S. C. Graces, 187)6. [P., v. 922.] Repr. from: Balfoik (Ktlward). The localities in India exempt from cholera. s\ Madras. ls5G. Also, Co-Editor of: Tlmli-a« (Tlie) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, lst;u-69. Montgomery (James). * De phthisi pulmo- nali. 2f> pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1-17. ------. An essay on the phrenology of the Hin- doos and negroes; together with strictures thereon, by Coreleu Thompson. v. C-l>2 pp. 8°. London, F. Lloyd ,)'• Co., 1829. [ P., v. 1050.] Montgomery (Joseph Pauntleroy) [1^12-s:;]. The ethics of the medical profession. [Read be- fore the Sacramento Society for Medical Improve- ment.] 14 pp. 8°. San Francisco, J. H. Carmauu f Co., 1871. ------. Burns and scalds; their treatment, with cases. 24 pp. 8°. San Francisco. J. F. Broun, 1872. ------. The treatment of typhoid fever. 28 pp. 8°. Sacramento, F. A. Springer, 187.). Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1872-3, Sacramento, 1873. ------. Eracture of the inferior maxillary bone. 17 pp. 8 . Sacramento, Cal., H. S. Crocker A- Co., 1877,. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1874-5, Sacramento, 1875. ------. Annual address delivered before the Sacra- mento Society for Medical Improvement. March 2:1, 1875. 8 pp. 8°. San Francisco, Woman's Publishing Co., 1877). Repr. from .- Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1874-5, viii. ------. Report of the commit tec on medical edu- cation, made by the Medical Society of the State of California. 20 pp. 8°. Sacramento, Sacra- mento Leader Printing Office, 1876. Repr. from,: Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1875-6. Sacramento, 187c For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Cliicajio, 1883, i. 7lii (J. M. Toner). Also: Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran. 1883-4 xxvi, 363-366 (F. W. Hatch). Montgomery (Robert). * De variola. 2 p. 1., 22 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill cum sociis, 1792! JIolitgomery (Thomas Johnson) [18i2- 77|. Nliili* (A.J.) Kecrology. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1878. xxix, 718. Also : Tr. M. Ass. .Missouri, St. Louis, 1878, 154. Montgomery (William Eetherston [H.]) [171)7- 1851)J. Catalogue of the preparations in the museum of . . . ;52 pp. 8 . Dublin, T. <,■ S. Courtney, 1839. ------. Catalogue of the preparations in the mu- seum of... Oct. 31, 1834. :il pp. 8°. Uttblin, G. Folds, 1834. [P., v. 744.] ------. Au exposition of the signs aud symptoms of pregnancy, the period of human gestation, and the signs of delivery, xxiv, :544 pp., 11 pi. ^ . London, Sherwood, Gilbert if Piper, 1837. ------. The same. With some other papers on subjects connected with midwifery. 2. ed. xx, 70b' pp., 7 pi., port. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 187)6,. -----. The same, v (1 L), 220 pp. S\ Phila- delphia, A. Waldie, 1K!D. ------. The same, v (11.), 220 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Carey f Hart, 1841. MONTliOMEKY. 4 Montgomery (\V. E. [H.])—continued. ------." The same. Prom 2. Lond. ed. xxiii, 7)68 pp., 2 col. pi. 8 . Philadelphia, Blanchard A Lea, 187,7. ■------. Observations on the incipient stage of cancerous affections of the womb. 20 pp. 8\ [Dublin. 1-12.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Se, 1811-2, xx. For Jiioaraph.n. see Dublin (). J. M. Sc, 18(12, xxxiii. 1250--J53. Also: ' Lancet. Loud.. IStiO. n. S., i, 21. Also: Meil. Times ,v Hit/., Loud., 1,-n. xl. 1104. See. also, Itiii-ki-i- |K.) & .VIoiilgoiiM'ry (Win. F.) (Ibservalions ... on llie Dublin l'li.iiinacopa'ia [clc.| 8 . Dublin, .1830. Montgomery County, England. See Lunatic Asylum for the counties of Salop and Montgom- ery and for the boroughs of Much Wenlock, Shrewsbury, and Oswestry. Montgomery County Medical Society. Con- stitution and by-laws. 24 pp. 8°. Dayton, 1857. -----—. The same 24 pp. S\ Dayton, 1868. Moiitliesaiirn* (Dominions). Si e Willi il* (Simeon). S\ niacin.t per elementorum or- diiiciu, etc. 12°. liasilei.e, 1,'lil. Moiltlliers (J.-11.) 'Des cyanures doubles. 44 pp. 4°. Parti, Poussielguc; 1847. [P., v. 1699.] Monthly (The) Abstract of Metlical Science. A digest cl the progress of medicine and the col- lateral sciences; being a supplement to the " Med- ical News and Library", v. l-(>, July, 1-74, to Dee. 187<>. -°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea. A continuation of the American reprint of: Knnli- iii;'N Abstract, v. 1 complete in 6 nos.. July to Dee, Is74: v.-J commenced Jan., 1875. After 1879. united w ith : .fli'ilical (The) News and Library, forming: .Tlnlii-sil (Tlie) News and Abstract. Monthly (The) American Journal of Geology and Natural Science. 11 \ G. W. Ecatherston- haugh. No. 4, v. 1, October, L-31. pp. 145-102. 8-; Philadelphia, H. H. Porter. Monthly (The) Archives of the Medical Sciences. Edited by [James] Hunter Lane. v. 1, January to May, 18-.il. 484 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill; Liverpool, T. Katie. Ended. Monthly Bulletin of the Operations of the Cin- cinnati Hrauch United States Sanitary Commis- sion. Eeb., 18(i:>, to April, 1805. «,J. Cincinnati, Ohio. Monthly (The) Gazette of Health, or general and periodical collection of all new discoveries relative to the means of preserving health, cur- ing diseases, promoting domestic economy, etc. Edited by Richard Keece. v. 1-16, 1810-:;i. 8U. London, Sherwood f Co. v. 2-5, sub-title: "or Popular Medical. Dietetic and Gen- eral Philosophical Journal", v. 6-16, subtitle: 'or Medi- cal, lNI, to Dee.. 1**1. 8 . Xew York; published at the office of the "American Bookseller". Monthly International Journal of Anatomy uud llistolooy. W-'s title, on cover, of reprint of no. 1, v. 1, of: IiiIit- n;il ioii;ile Moiiatssehrift fiir Anatomic uud II istoiu'ir Berlin, I8s4. Monthly (T''e) Journal of Foreign Medicine. Edited by Squire Littell, jr. [2 v. aniiuallv.] v, 1-3, Jan.', 1828, to June, 18-29. 8 . Philadelphia, E Littell. Also under title: " M|»ii'il of the European Medical Journals ". Monthly (The) Journal of Medical Literature, and American Medical Students'Gazette. Kditeil by E.[Bartleft. Nos. 1-:'., v. I, January to March, 1832. 9(5 pp. ST. Boston, Carter f Ilcutlec. Xos. 2-3 published at Lowell, Mass.; title: Monthly ' (The) Journal of Metlical Literatim; and the Literature of Science. Monthly (The) Journal of Medical Science'. Was title of v. 5-19 of: London (The) and Etliiibiir^li Monthly Journal of Medical Science, 1815-54. Monthly (The) Journal of Medicine. Was title of v. Jo of: London (The) and Kdinbiirjili Monthly Journal of Metlical Science, 1855. Monthly (The) Journal of Medicine, containing selections from European journals, the transac- tions of learned societies, etc., and embracing a concise analysis of the medical journals of the Initcd States. Conducted by an association of physicians. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-6, Jan., 1823, to Dee, 1825. 8\ Hartford, Conn., Huntington f Hopkins. No. VI, v. 6, last published. Monthly (The) Journal of Medico-Chirurgiral Knowledge. Edited by A. Trousseau [et al.]. Transl. [from the Ercnch] by H. B. Lefevrc. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Oct. to Dec, 1833. 8". Loudon, Smith, Elder if Co. A transl. of: Journal ties connaissances medico clii rurgicalcs, Palis, 18X1 [et seep]. Monthly (A) Journal of Popular Medicine; ex- plaining the nature, causes and prevention ot diseases, the immediate management of acci- dents, and the means of preserving health. Conducted bv Charles Thomas 1 laden. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-2, March, 1821, to Ecb., 1822. sJ. London, Simk'ni 87-646. ------. Krankheiten der Nieren. In: Handb. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1878, iv, 3. Abth., 357-494. Krankheiten der Nebenuieren. In: Handh. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1878, iv, 3. Abth., 495-504. Hyperiimie und Blutung des Riicken- markes und seiner Hiiutc In. Handh. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1879, v, 1. Abth., 361-372. -----. Ueber Croup und Diphtheritis im Kindes- alter. viii, 384 pp. 8°. Wien, Urban u. Sehwar- zenburg, 1884. See, also. <|ii«'IIcii zu den Publicationen des Dr. Alois Monti auf deiu Gebiete der Kinderheilkunde. Wien. med. BL, 188U, iii, I.eilage, Hi. Monti (Benedetto) [1799-1869]. Dell' uomo come soggetto ed oggetto della pubblica igiene e della polizia medica. ' 26 pp. 8°. Milano, De-Cristo- foris, 1859. [P., v. 1144.] ------. Della igiene pubblica, della polizia medica, della medieina legale e della loro coordinazioue sintetica e del principio unitivo nel quale si con- giungono. Prolusione letta nella R. Universita di Bologna. 22 pp. 8°. Bologna, regia tipo- grajia, 1860. Dei concetti fondamentali della fisiologia, igiene, patologia e terapia e della rediutegra- zione di essi in ui concetto supremo. Lettera all' eccelmo. Sig. Dott. Rignon. 30 pp. H"- Fano, G. Lana, 1862. [P., v. 1132.] Repr. from: Ippoeratico, Fano, 1862, 3. s., i. For Biography, see Zani (I.) Cenui necrologici del Prof. Benedetto Monti. Letti alia Society medico-chirur- gica di Bologna nella tornata del di settembre 1869. 8°. Bologna, 1869. Monti (Giauibattista). Istmzioni contro il co- lera. 56 pp. 12'. [Pernio, 1884.] Monti (Giuseppe). Rendiconto economico-am- ministrativo sui cronici di Milano nell' Ospedale Maggiore pel biennio 1875-6, con studii pratici per la ricostituzione dei tre gran di istituti sanita- rio -caritativi giusta la mente del R. ministero. 74 pp., 11. 8°. Milano, tipog. frat ell i Bechiedei, 1877. Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1877, ccxli. Monti (Ignaz). Medicinische Dictata. Aus dem Italiiinischen iibersetzt. 270 pp. 12°. Siutgart, J. B. Mezler, 1781. Iloilli (Lorenzo) [1841-81]. ,-Yeci'olojjin. Pisani, Palermo, 1881, 224. Also, transl.: Alien. & Neurol., St. Louis, 1881, ii, 703. Monti (Luioi). La diagnostica delle malattie dedotta in modo facile dalla chimica ed esposta per uso dei medici pratici. 383 pp. 8°. Venezia, P. Xaratovieh, 1866. ------. Studio antropologico sui crani dei delin- quent!. 24 pp. 4°. Bologna, Gainberini $■ Par- meggiani, 1884. Monticelli (Teodoro). Sulla economia delle acque da ristabilirsi nel regno di Napoli; me- moria. 3. ed. vii, 90 pp. 8' . Napoli, 1829. Montier (Constant). * Sur l'hydrocele de la tuniqne vaginale. 33 pp. 4°. Parti, 1827, No. 21, v. 2J4. Montier (finri-le). * Parallele entre l'operation c^sarienneetl'embryotomie. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)5, No. 97, v. 578. [floiitieri. Cozzi (A.) Ricerche geologiche e mineralo- giche sopra Montieri e sue adiacenze. 82. Fi- renze; 1812. m de IJIoiltigllV {Etienne-Mignot) [1714- 82]. Eloge de . . . Hist, de la Soc. roy. de med. 1780-81, Par., 1785, 85-100. month; xv. 4 u MONTPKI-LIKR, d«* Monti^ny illippolyte). "Sur uu cas d'ob- literation arti lit ielle du vagin (methode iudi- recte du traitenient des fistules vesico-vaginales). 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 88. Hontilla. see, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), F^ver (.Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. ilc A^iiiito y Trillo (J. M.) Enfermedades reinau- tes eii Montilla en el otono de 1857. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1857. iv, 403: ls.5s, v. 2. ------. Noticia de las enferme- diitles que han reinndo en la ciudad dc Montilla, provincia de Cordoba, IMiu. Ibid . 1861, viii, 168; 199; 259; 371. Montillot (G.) * De la retention d'uriue envi- sage*' conime syniptome. 34 pp. 4°. Parti, 1862, Xo. 122. Moulin (Abrahamus). See l.iiiilf'oi'MN ( Martin us Joannes) tfc ITIontin (Abra- hanius). Dc ahsccssu lyniphatico [etc.] 4°. Helsingfor- sia'. [is:;:s|. Montill (Laur.) * S])lachnum. Ipsalia; 1750. In: LlNX.-Kirs. Atnei'iiitatcs acad. [etc.] 8°. Luqd. Beet., 1764, ii, 2. ed., 242-200, 1 pi. Montinlio (A. F.) Duas palavras a respeito da olira do Snr. Duque de Saldanha intitulada: Estado da medieina em 1858. 14 pp. 8~. Porto 187,8. LP-, v. 1255.] Montini (Lodovico). * Sull' auatomia patolo- gica. 24 pp. 8 . Pavia, evedi Bizzoni, [ 1855L [P., v. 1416.] Moiltisianiis (Marcus Antonius). Sec Bui-in* (Dominicus). Quiesita mediciualia iv juxta Hippocratis, [etc.] 12°. |Montis Hegali), 1551. Montin* (Pamphilus). Methodus medendi. clxiii pp. 16°. Augustce Vindel., excud. H. Stey- nevus. 1540. Montlovier (Denis-Laurent). *Sur la peri- tonite aiguii. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 170, v. 134. Mont-Llif (A.-F.-M.-Falvard). 'Considera- tions gcnerales sur les phenomenes des maladies. 32 pp. 4'-'. Paris, 1808, No. 138, v. 73. de Montmalionx (Etienne) [1793- ]. * Considerations medieales sur les moyens em- plove*s ]iour conserver la beauts. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 299, v. 117. -----. Manuel rueiielques con- siderations sur lYtat aigu de riiitlatniiiation du poumon. vi, 7-38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 5, v. 177. de Moiltlliollill (Henri). * Do la fistule vi'sieo- vaginale. [Zurich.] 32 pp., 1 pi. 8. Xcuchd- tcl, J. Atlinger, 18(11. Tl on tin ore ut y. See, also, Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities. Benurliene \et al). Analyse chiniiiiue tie l'eau min6- rale de la source de Montlignon, pies Montmorency. J. •Ten. de nied., chir. et phaiin., Par., 1803, xviii, 52-60.— Colli' (L.) Observations nictoorologiipics. faites it Mont moienty pendant lesauslV-V. Kec. period. Soc de santfi de Par.', 2. oil., an v [17117). i. 48; 138: 223; 303; 3U8; 484: ii, 54; 112: 185; 303; 356; 4.->(i: an vi 117!»7-8|, iii, 58; 132.— Colli- (K.-P.) Memoire sur la topographic medicale dc Montmorencv et tie ses environs. Hist. Soc. rov. de med. 1770. Par., 1782. iii, pt. 2, 61-83. Moiltoya (Eugene). *De la dilatation de 1'es- tomae consecutive a la lievre typhoide. 48 pp. 4^. I'aris, 18-'4, No. 321. Montoz,on (A.-L.-Henri). * De l'heureux em- ploi de la teintiire d'iode dans le traitement de- la dvsenterie ehronique. 32 pp. 4 . Paris, 187)6,', Xo. 11. v. 594. de Moiltoxon (Joseph-Jeau-Arnaud). •Con- siderations geiierales sur l'hvsterie. viii, 9-28 pp. 4-'. Paris, 1832. Xo. 228, v.* 255. Montpellier (Auguste). *Kur le traitenient duc-ioup. 120 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, J. Mar' ted, 1864. [P., v. 45.] IVloiitpellier. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic; History, etc.. of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, His- tory, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Insane (Asy- lums for, etc.), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of). Guinier (H.) Des conditions sanitaires de la ville de Montpellier. 8■-'. Montpellier, l8(i3. Mkykaxx (P.-S.) Ohservations sur la consti- tution medicale des mois de uovembre, deceinhre et Janvier des anuses 1819 et 1820, et sur les ma- ladies qui se sont presentees pendant ce trimestre a I'Kcole clinique interne de Montpellier, et quel- ques reflexions sur le systeme de Broussais. 8 . Montpellier, 1821. Poitevin (J.) Essai sur le climat de Mont- pellier, contenant, des vucs geiierales sur la na- ture et la formation des met cores, et les prinei- paux result a fa des ohservations faites & Montpel- lier depuis l'6tablisscnient de la ci-devant Aea- de^mie des sciences de cette ville; ouvrage qui pent servir de suite aux memoires publics par cette eonipagnie 4°. Montpellier, 1803. Bourrclj- (J.) Quelques mots sur les maladies obser- v6es pendant les mois daunt et .septembre ii Ildtel-Dieu St.-Eloi de Montpellier. (Jaz. ineil. tie Montpel., 1842-3, iii, nos. 23; 26; 30— < :i*l:m (A.i De l'inlluence tie la temperature sur la moitalite de la ville tie Montpelliei. Montpel. ined., 187(1, xxiv, 1; !»7.—(rova (A.) Oltseiva- tions meteorologiques faites k la citade.lle de Montpellier pendant Fan nee 1875. Acad. d. sc. ile Montpel. Mem. tic la sect. d. sc, 1872-5. viii, 641-648— <~aiiiuoiiil tE.) Sta- tistique des hopitaux de Mout]ielliei au point d'- vue dc l'influence du climat sur le ileve luppement el la marche de la phthisie pulinonaire. Gaz. nied. de far., i860, 3. »., xv, 8; 18.—CJirbal (A.) Constitution medicale-dc Montpel- lier pendant les mois d'avril, mai, .juin, .juillet it iltcembre isp.i. it jitnvier, fevrier et mars 1850. Kev. tie therap. du midi. Montiiel.. 1850. i, 609; 637: 669: 1851, ii, 7; 45; 71; 116; 138; 207; 244: 4(10; 471; 485: 526: 717; 753. ----- fitudes elinitpies sur les principales maladies observees ;t l'Hotel-Dieu Saini-35loi tin 22 aout au 1" novenibre 1.-57. Montpel. med., 1859, ii, 493: iii, L481: 1860, iv, 393—.tl eja n (T.) fiplicnici-icles meteoroloiiico-iiiedicales, Imi::-K> Ann. Soc. tie metl prat, tie Montpel., 1803. i: 1800. x. pas- sim. Continued in: Hist. Soc.dc med.-prat. dc Montpel. 1805. xiv: 1815, xxxviii, passim.—.Tlom-tfiii' «!«' .lloii- li-i'iloii. Observations sur les naissanees. les manages et les inorts ;i Mitntpellier peiidant dix annees consecutives, de 1772 :i 1781 incliisiveinent. Hist. Soc. rov tie med. 1780- 81, Par., 1785, iv, pt. 1, 378-392, 3 tab.—Bochc (E.) He- MONTPELLIER. 435 MONTREAL. BUine des observations ni6teorologit|ues faites k la Faculte, des sciences de Montpellier pendant les annees 1864-7. Aeatl d sc. lie Montpel. Mein.de hi sect d. sc, 1804-5, vi 209- 3'i9: 1867-71, vii, 1; 127. -----. Le climat actuel de' Montpellier, compare'- aux ohservations du siecle der- nier Ibid (1881), 1882, x, 329-384, 8 elui-.—.SaiiUpu'ri'i' (C ) Introduction a l'etude inCtlicale du climat de Mont peilier. Montpel. med., 1-68, xx, 524-544. Minilpellici* mineral waters. Iteilin iK.) Nouvelle notice sur les eaux niin6rales tlierniiiles aciilules tie Foncaude. J. Soe. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1810, xiii, 182-203.----- LVs eaux mint-rules mutinies tliermales tic Foncaude, de leurs effets et tie leur u-t:i"t* dans le traitement des maladies qu'elles peuvent guerir. Acad. d. sc. dc Monlpel. Mem. tie la sect, de nied.. 1849-53. i, 305-407. .1 Iso. Reprint. — lTIoit«'s*ifi- (\ ) Analvse d'une can miuerale recemment de-convene aux environs tie Montpellier. Montpel. med.. 1800, v, 406- 471. Montpelliei' medical. Journal mensnel de niei- (lecine, r&lige par MM. Ber.ird, Lordat [et al.]. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-.j0, Juue, 1858, to June, 1883; 2. s., v. 1-9, July, 188:5, to Dec, 1887. 59 v. 8'-. Montpellier. Current. In 1860, Kcvuc therapeutique dumidi merged in this journal. In July, 1887, became semi-monthly. Moilt-de-Piete de Paris. Notice sur le . . . et compte general des recettes et depenses de cet etablissement pendant l'aunee 1828. 10 pp., 4 1., 3 tab. 4°. [Paris, Evevat, 1829.] Montre:il. Report on the proposed enlargement of the Montreal water-works, together with an historical sketch of the works up to present date. Iu accordance with instructions from the water committee by Louis Lesage, superintendent. 23 pp.. 3 pi., 2 plans, 1 tab. 8J. Moutveal, J. Starke Sp- Co., 1873. -----. Rapport annuel du surintendaut de l'aque- duc de Montreal, pour Tannee 1873. 43 pp. 8°. Montreal, L. Pert tt uit A Cie., 187L -----. Annual reports on the sanitary state of the city of Montreal. By the health officer to the board of health, for the vears 1877-83. [By A. B. La Rocque.] 8^. Montreal, 1878-84. 1877-81 bound in 1 v.; 1879, 1880 are also hound with: Rep. on the accounts of the corporation. 8°. Montreal, 1880-81. 1882, 1883 bound with: Rep. of the corporation. 8°. Montreal, 1884-5. -----. Mortality of Montreal. Statement of deaths in the city during the month of Nov., 1879. 2 1. sm. 4°. [Montreal, 1879.] -----. Reports on the accounts of the corpora- tion of the city of Montreal, and reports of the city officials for the years 1879-84. ti v. 8°. Montreal, L. Perraiilt <('■ Son, 1880-8."). -----. Annual reports of the superintendent of the Montreal water-works, for the vears 1879-84. 8°. Montreal, 1880-85. 1879-84 hound with: Rep. on the accounts of the corpo- ration, sr Montreal, 1880-85. -----. Annual reports of the chief of police, for the years 1^79-85. 8°. Montreal, the Perraiilt Printing Co.. 1889-86. 1879-84 hound with: Rep. on the accounts of the corpo- ration. 8°. Montreal. 1880-85. -----. Annual report of the harbour commission- ers of Montreal, for the vear 1885. 67 pp. 8C. Montreal, 1886. -----. Mortalite de la cite'de Montreal. [Month- ly.] Jan., 1887. 8 . Montreal, la compagnie d'impriinerie Perraiilt, 1887. Montreal. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Deaf-mutes (Asylums, etc., for); Edu cation ( Medical), etc., Fever ( Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), by localities. Carpenter (P. P.) On the vital statistics of Montreal. (Supplement to the Montreal Ga- zette.) 8°. [Montreal, 1867.] Montreal. Hovey tSc Dawson. Health map of Montreal, showing the annual death-rate per thousand for the average of the years 1876, '77. and '78, result- ing from small-pox, typhoid fever, aud diph- theria. 4C. [Montreal, 1879 ] Watt (A. A.) Notes ou the principles of pop- ulation. Montreal compared with London, Glas- gow, and Manchester, with an examination of the vital statistics, by P. P. Carpenter. 8°. Montreal, 1869. Repr. from: ""Witness", and "Daily News". Also, in: Canada M. J., Montreal, 1809-70, vi, 248; 307. Arnold! (A. F. C. T.) [et al.}. Report of the Montreal Selt'-Suppoi ting Dispensary. Montreal M. Gaz., 1844, i, 120.—Bill of mortality for the citv of Montreal, from 31st Dec, 1845, to 29th Feb., 1848. Biit,-Am. .1. M. .v. Phys. Sc... Montreal, 1845-6, i: 1847-8, iii, passim —Bowie (J.) Sick report of the immigrants arrived at the Montreal un- migrant sheds, for the years 1813 and 1844. Brit.-Am.-J. M. 26 Beaver Hall, Montreal, June, July, Aug., Sept., 1872. Canada M. tfc S. J., Montreal, 1872-3, i, 144; 2fo.— l,iniHC)iic (A B.) Sanitary matters in Montreal. Ibid., 1874-5, iii. 499-502. -----. Rapport de Vetat, sanitaire de la cite-de Montreal pour I'amiee 1878. Abeille m6d., Montr6al, 1879, i, 357-360.— Tlouil. 1« t (\Y. H.) Ptinci- ptl causes of the mortality of Montreal, ami modes of pre- vention. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1868-9, v, 12; 53: 157.— Monthly meteorological register at Montreal, March, 1845, to Feb., 1851. Brit.-Am. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1845-6, i: 1849-50, v, passim. Continued in: Brit. Am. M. tfc Phys. J., Montreal, 1850-51, n. s., vi. passim.—.Mor- tality of the city and suburbs of Montreal, for 1875-7. Pub. Health Mag.. Montreal, 1875-6-1876-7, passim.— Malnbritc de la cite de Montreal comparee a d'autres villes et prouvee par les tableaux suivants. Abeille med., Montreal, 1880, ii. 390-392.—Ninsillwood (C.) Abstract of meteorological observations taken at the Montreal Ob- servatory, latitude 45° 31' N., longitude 4h 54" 11'W. of Greenwich; height above level of the sea, 182 feet. For the months of March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1864. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1801- 5, i, 103; 155; 207; 256; 302; 351. Montreal College of Pharmacy. Annual an- nouncements of the lecture department. Sylla- bus of lectures, regulations, and terms, for the session of 1878-9 (11.); 1881-2 (14.). 8°. Mon- treal, 1879-81. II Oil I pea I IHxpenm ry. l>isiH'ii*air<-» de 1'Asile ties Sceurs de la Providence et, des Dames de l'Ht'tpital-deneral de Montreal. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1873, ii. 567-571.—Montreal Dispensary. Semiannual report, from 1st May, 1853, to 1st May 1858. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1853-4, i, 245; [255]: 1854-5. ii, 82: 1855-6, iii, 37: 1856-7, iv, 39: 1857-8, v, 95: 1858-9, vi, 46. Montreal General Hospital. Annual reports of the governors to the corporation at the annual meetings. 36.-63., 1857-8 to 1884-5. 8°. Mon- treal, 185H-85. 36.-61. bound in 1 v. -----. The by-laws of the ... as amended aud finally passed by the governors, and approved. by the corporation of the Society of the Montreal General Hospital, on the 16th of May, 1876, to MONTREAL. 4.°»n MO NT VALE. iHoiitrcnl General Hospital—continued. which is prefixed a copy of the original and of the amended charter. 22 pp. I pp., 3 1. 12°. Lugduni, apud J. Torncesium et G. (iazeium, 17,7)6. ------. De medica theoresi liber primus. 122 pp., 8 1. 24-. Lugduni, apud J. Tovnasiuin et G. Gaze- ium, 17)7)6. Bound with preceding. ------. Selecta aliquot in aphorismos redacta, quorum sectiones tres sunt. 56 pp. 24 . Lug- clitni, apud J. Torncesium et G. Gazeium, 17)7,6. Bound with preceding. ------. De his (pue ad ratioualis medici discipli- .nam, munus, laudes, consilia, et priemia peiti- neut, libellus cum appendice. 38 pp. 21 . Lug- duni, apud J. Torntesium el G. Gazeium, [7,7,6,. Bound with preceding. See, also, .TIoiiIiiiim (Sehastianus). Dialexeon [etc.] ------. De adniirandis facullat ibus, quarum causa' latentes ciecieque ac plerisepie omnibus ignota* sunt, ceuturiie dine cum aliquot decuriis. 56 pp. 24°. Lugduni, apud J. Torntesium ct G. Gazeium, 17)7)6. Bound with preceding. ------. Opuseula juvenilia. 32 pp. 24°. Lug- duni, apud J. Torncesium et G. Gazeium, 17)7)6. Bound with preceding ------. De activa medieina* scientia eoinnientarii duo. Quorum primus de salubiitate non modo tueuda* sanitatis, verunietiain producendu* ail multos auuos vita* r.itioneni modiimque docei. Alter vero universales, qui ail nun lioriiin cuia- tiones pertinent, canones ex plana 1. 7 p. ]., 323 pp., 6 1. 12°. Lugduni, apud J. Torncesium et tl. Gazeium, 1557. ------. Halosis febrium. Qua-omnium nioiboriiiii gravissiinie sunt, libri ix. Chirurgiea auxilia ad aliquot affectus . . . Morbi item vencrci . . . De infantiiim febribus ... In 1 v. ^ p. 1., 166 pp. ; 3 p. 1., 78 pp. ; 3 p. L, 25 pp., 1 1. « . Lug- duni, apud J. Torncesium et G. Gazeium, 17,7,8. -----. Anasceues morborum. Tonms primus [-quartus]. 4 v. in 1. 559 pp., 5 1. sin. 4\ Lugduni, apud J. Torncesium, 1560. UlonttlUS ( Sehastianus ) [14*0- ]. Anuota- tiuncuhe ... in errata recentiorum medicorum per Leonardum Fuehsium collecta: Apologeticu epistola pro defensione Arabum a domino Ber- nardo Unger coinposita : Epistola responsiva pro GraBCorum defensione iu Arabum errata, a do- mino Symphoriano C'ampcgiu coinposita. lv ff., 1 1. 12 \ Lugduni, l.">33. ----. Dialexeon niedicinaliuin libri duo, nunc receus in lucem prolati. Adjectus est dc his qiue ad ratioualis medici disciplinain, miiuus, laudes, consilia et prannia pertinent, libellus. 3 p. I., 184 pp., 12 1. 4°. Lugduni, apud M. Parmaii- terium, 17,37. The treatise Adjectus est de his [etc-..] is by Hierony- mus Montuus. See, also, Pik-Iih (Leonhard). Paradoxorum mediciuie libri tres. fol. Basilece, 1535. -----. The same. 12°. Farisiis. 1555. Hon!vale Spriuy. Vlilc h< II (-1. P..) Analysis of Montvale Spring; effi- cacy ami properties of mineral waters. E. Tennessee Rec. M. ,v S., Knoxville, 1852-3, i, 357-363, MONTVKHT. 437 MOON. (Ill Jlonlveii (Raoul). Les fleurs et socretz de uiedeciiie, lequel traictans de plusieurs remedes, rec-eptcs. et conservatoires pour le corps humain contre tonics maladies comme de peste, hebvres, pleuiesirs, entieures, cati-rres, gravelles, et plu- isieiirs aultres. Compile par . . . puis traduict de latin en francois; lequel livre Y]iocras envoya a Julius, lequel esloit malade de plusieurs maladies taut extea-ieures <|u'iuteTieure;-i. Nouvellenient impriine. 8 p. 1., 70 ft'., 1 1. 24-. Parti, [L'.OO?] -----. The same. 8 p. L, 68 ff. 24'-. Poieiiers, Honchet, LI oil]. Monument to .Tenner. Considerations and suggestions in its favor. [With the report of coumiittee, appointed by the Suffolk District Medical Society, to receive subscriptions. Bos- ton, Sept, 1, 1-:.")L] 3 pp. 4°. [Boston, 1851.] Monument t<> Joseph Lovell, late Surgeon- (ieneral of the Army of the United .States. [Signed by T. (L Mower, C*. S. Tripler, and Benjamin King, committee on behalf of the medical staff. April. IH44.] 2 1. fol. [n. p., 18\1.] ITIonvenoiix (A.-J.) *I. De la natnre de la coqueluche et de ses causes. II. [etc.] 31 pp. 4^ Paris, 184ft, No. 281. [!'., v. 363.] illoill CIIOIIX (Frederic) [1857- ]. * Docu- uiinIs relatifs a la presence des matieres grasses dans Purine. IVeiniere s^rie suivie d'une nomen- clature raisonnec des travaux qui out paru jusqu'a ce jour sur les entozoaires de la chylurie et. de' l'heniuto-chvliirie. [Paris.] vii, 1106 pp., 11 pi , 111 1. 4 Lyon, Pit rat trine, \884, No. 362. JflonvenoilY (Joseph). * Considerations sur les methodi's lee-entes employees dans le traite- nient de la rage. 60 pp. 4'-'. Paris, 1876, No. 91. Itloiiy ( Adolphe-S.-P.-D. ) * Considerations sur retrangleineiit ele l'intestin par les brides peri- toneales. 64 pp., 2 pi. 4'ri Paris, 1869, No. 171. Ilon/.it. h'egolamento di polizia urbana per la eitta di Monza. 25 pp. roy. 4 . [Milano, 1866.] Monza. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by local i- ti s. Moiizel (Matthias). * De secretioue cutanea. 40 pp - . Berolini, ti/p. Briisclickiaiiti, [1829]. [Also, in: P., v. 1548.]' ITIoodie (John). A medical treatise, with prin- ciples and observations to preserve chastity aud morality, with four plates of an apparatus for the same purpose; and principles aud observa- tions to preserve the beauty, expression and youth of the face, so much destroyed by stuffing, sea bathing and the evils of tight lacing, [etc.] iv, 91, 8 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Stevenson f Co., 1848. -----. New and original opinions as to the sounds of the heart and circulation, and ahscesses. their physiology and treatment; and contagion and puerperal fever, their causes; and the cause of contagion in various diseases, vi, 96 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, 187)9. -----. A new strict entail of £ 1,500 a year or less, for one hundred years, and the evils of national loans, benefits of private endowuments, many important legal changes, and chauge in the Scotch appeal judicature of Scotland. 69 pp. sm. 8 . Edinburgh, 1850. Moody {Auson) [1792-1,8:>5]. I allin i P> H.) Biographical sketch of Anson Moody, M. 1)., of New Haven." Proc. Connect. M. Soc. 1800-63, N. Haven, 1803, 2. »., i, 125-128. Moody (C. W.) Veratrum viride. 8 pp. 8°. Xushvtlle, lletvslewk iy Ambrose, [18*7]. Repr. from.- Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1887. iflootly {(rcorc/c) [ -loii ( E. B. ) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc., Hartford. 1878, 201. Hoody {Horace P.) [18:55-09]. iMccrologiral notice. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1870, 6. s.. i. '•)'-'. Moody (Jacobus). * De causis et formis febrium epidemicaium communinm. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 83. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1772. Moody (Luring). The higher demands of human- ity. 2 1. S-1. [Boston, 1889.] iflooers f Benjamin J.) [172. - Ihattcrjee (S C.) The effect of luuar influ- ence en tlisea.se. Indian M. (Jaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 154- l.ii!. — t'rt-niccanii (G.) A soinnaiDbulisniuserosboldt'cny mellet. [Somnambulism iubritrht moonshine.] Szem6szet, Bud.ipcst, 18S6, 83.—Foissac (P.) The influence of tbe lunar phases on I lie ph vsical aud moral man. St. Louis M. A: S. J., 1855, xiii. 5U2-517.—Giraud (H.) A commentary upon a tabular statement of the? number of paroxysms of malarious intermittent fever that occurred in 146 medical charges in the Bombay Presidency iu the year 1861, arranged as data for determining the question of the moon's influence upon the^e levels. Tr. M. & Phys Soc. Bombay (1802), 186J, n. s., viii. 2:i.'>-245.—Jackson (R.) Some observa- tions on the connexion of the new and full moon with the invasion and relapse of fevers. Lond. M. J., 1787, viii, 25; 300.—John*on (-T ) The alleged connection between the phases of the moon and the quantity of rain. Charleston M. J.. 1854, ix, 452-456. —liarligue (G. B.) Lunar influ- ence. Ibid., 731 -74.5.— l.iiyeocli (T.) Od lunar influence; being a fourth contribution to proleptics. Lancet, L ,nd., 1842-3, ii. 4's-4f4.—Lind (J.) Some remarks on the sup- posed iufluence of the mo,,n on fevers Lond. M. J., 1787, viii. 145-147.—tl adler (J. H.) Hat der Mond einen Ein- tlnss auf Krankbeiifn J Med. Aim., Berl., 1838, 48-55.— .Tloorr (W. J.) On lunar influence over malarious fe- vers Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 112; 139. Also, Reprint. -----. On maladies attributed to lunar influ- ence — rheumatism, paralysis, ocular, etc. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 180- 182. — Hurray (J.) Cases illustrative of the influence of lunar agency as an occa- sional cause of periodical exacerbations in various chronic diseases. Tr. M. tfc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1837-9. ii, 171-180 — §*e<*t (J.) An enquiry into the evidence which is recorded in relation to the influence of the lunar changes upon cer- tain forms of disease. Ibid., W3. vi, 210-230.—Py. Cas de meclecine-pratique, venant a l'ai'ptii el, s observations tiausmises coiiccrnant l'iufluent t* tie la lime sur leu-tour periodique de certaines maladies. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1809, xx, 31-50 —Sthiaparelli (G. V.) Dell' influenza della luna sulle vicende atniosferiche. Mem. r. Ist. Lomo. di se. e lett. <]. tli lett e sc. matemit. e nat., Milano, 1867, x, 1-20. —St'hiimuel (W. C.) Maanblindheid. Tijtl- schr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt Amst. 1886. xiii, 274- 287. —Thompson (G.) Ou the supposed inriuenee of the moon's rays as a cause of disease in tropical c'.imates. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842-:t, xxxi. 7,mi._ Tranzii-ri (A.) Memoir on a periodical difficulty of bieathiug. tending to prove the influence of the moon on the human boclv. Med. tfc Phys. J., Loud.. 1802, viii, 401-411. —Winslow (F.) On lunar influence in the production of boelilv disease. Lancet, Loml.. 1856. i, 254-257. MOOI1 (Rohert C. ) See Laurence iJohn Zaeharialg & Tloon (Robt. C.) A handy-book of ophthalmic surgery [etc.] »'J. Philadel- phia, 1866. Moon (W.1 Mathew, chapter 7,, iu type for the ldind. 26 pp. oblong H . [London], Moon's, iVIooiibl indue**. See Hemeralopia, etc. MOOIIS (P.-J.) Lett re sur l'emploi d'un caus- tique particulier dans le trniti'iuent du cancer externe. 1(5 pp. s'. Bvu.relles, is II. Repr. from.- Bull. mod. beige, Brux., 1841, viii. lie Moor (Hartholouiieus) [1C)l!l-17.MJ. Cogii.-i- tioniun de instauratione niedieinie, ml s;iuitalis tutelain, morbos profligandos, nee non vituni prorogandani, libri tres. 14 p. L, 440 pp., :> pi., 1 I. 12-■'. Amsteleedami, e.rcutl. G. Borstitts, 1695. -----. Yeris o'cononiiie aiiimnlis, sen potiu.s huinana', principiis innixie pathologiie cerebri delineatio practica : in qua. luorboruiu sopo- rosorum, per notas charucteristicas, distiuctio: net non spasnioriuu acciiratior distribntio tra- ditur. 7 p. L, 5*93 pp , in 1. 4 . Amstlaclami, excud. G. Bovslius, 1704. -----. Ora tlo de hypothesibus uiedices. [Gro- ningen.] 37) ]>p. 4J. Amsteleetlami,apuel R. et G. Wetstenios, 1706. lie Moor (Bartholomauis Hermannus). *l)iss. in aphorisinuin Hipiiocruticum xxviii, sectio- nis vi. 'Evvohxoi ob wodayptuctv, ovde tpa'Aanpoi tiyvovrcu. 1 p. L, 31., 38 pp. sm. 4 . Lugd. Bat., S. Liichtmans, 1736. [Also, iu : P., v. 989.] Moor (Edward). Hindu infanticide. An ac- count of the measures adopted for suppressing the practice of the systematic murder by their parents of female infants; with incidental re- marks on other customs peculiar to the natives of India, xxvii, 30G pp. 4°. Loudon, J. John- son Af Co.. 1811. Moor (Gideon E.) Analysis report on the Granger water-gas, together with a brief description of the process and apparatus, vii, 8-135 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Philadelphia, A. O. Granger . Lon- don, 187,6. Moore (Carolus). * De usu vesicantinm, quae cantharides recipiunt in febribus, 1 p. 1.. 17 pp. sm. 4:. Edinburgi, Hamilton, Balfour et Xeill, 177)2. Moore (Charles). A full inquiry into the sub- ject of suicide*, to which ar ■ added (as being closely connected with the subject) two treatises on duelling and gaming. '2 v. iu 1. 17 p. L, 388 pp., 2\.; 7 p. 1., 405 pp., 121. 4 . London, J. F. -erv. 1 p. L, 50 pp., 1 pi. 8:. London, T. Cadell, 1784. [Also, in: P., v. 702; 1155.] -----. A dissertation on the process of nature iu the filling up of cavities, healing of wounds, aud restoring parts which have been destroyed in the human body ; which obtained the prize- medal, given by the Lye cum Medicum Londi- nense, for the year 1789. 76 pp. 4°. London, J. Richardson, 1789. -----. An essay on the materia .medica. In which the theories of the late Dr. Cullen are considered; together with some opinions of Mr. Hunter and other celebrated writers, xiii (1 1.), 330 pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell, 1792. ■-----. A reply to anti-vaccinists. 70 pp. 8-. London. J. Murray, 1806. [P., v. 432.] -----. The history of the small-pox. viii, 312 pp. 8 . London. Longman [and others], 1815. -----. The history and practice of vaccination. iv, 300 pp. 8J. London, J. Callow, 1817. See, also, Adams (Joseph). Observations on morbid poisons [etc.] H~>. London, 1795. Moore (James)2. A practical reply to Sir B. Brodie's letter on homoeopathy; with cases, show- ing the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in the disease of animals. 49 pp. 8:;. Edinburgh, Oliver A Boyd, 1861. -----. La maladie puluionaire du betail, ou pleiiro-pneumonie. guerissable par l'homceopa- thie; avec des avis par . . . Trad, de l'anglais sur la septienie edition. 16 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Tircher A' Mauceaux, 1863. -----. Outlines of veterinary homoeopathy; com- prising horse, cow, dog, sheep, and dog diseases, and their homoeopathic treatment. 7. ed. xxiii, 295 pp. 12°. London, H. Turner $• Co., 1874. -----. The same. 9. ed. xxiii, 295 pp. 12°. London A Leamington, Leath A Ross, 1882. -----. Dog diseases treated by honneopathy. 4. ed. 189 pp. IS~. London, J. Epps A Co., [n. d.] Moore (Joannes). * De febribus interuiittentibus, 17 pp. -°. Edinburgi. Abevnethijet Walker, 1898. Moore (John)1 [1730-1.^09]. Medical sketches. In 2 pts. xii, 537 pp. 81-'. London, A. Strahan A T. Cadell. 1786. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. vi, 271 pp. S~'. Providence, Carter A Wilkinson, 1794. For Portrait, see Collet-tion—van Kaathoven—Col- lection of Portr. (Libr.) Moore (John)'2. * On digitalis purpurea, or fox- clove, and its use in some diseases. 36 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, IVaij A Groff, 1800. Also, in: CALUWELL (C.) Mod. theses [etcl 8°. Phila- delphia. 1805, i, 195-214. MOORE. 440 MOOKE. Moore (John)3. The structure of the lungs an- atomically and physiologically considered, with a view to exemplify or set forth, by instance or example, the wisdom, power, aud goodness of God, as revealed and declined in holy writ. The Warneford prize essay for the year 1844. 3 p. 1., 106 pp., 1 L, 5 pi. 8J. London, Longman f Co., 1845. [Also, in: P., v. 90.] ------. Aunual reports on the sanitary condition of Leicester, to the local board of health. 3.-5.. 1855-57: 7.-14., 1859-66. 8°. Leicester, 187)6-67. ------. A full report of [his] speech delivered at the Medical Institution, Jan. 28, 1859, on the oc- casion of passing the law for the exclusion of future homoeopathists from that institution. 8 pp. 12°. Liverpool, Benson $ Mallet, 1859. Moore 'John s.) Co-Editor of: Kaint l.ouis (The) Medical and Surgi- cal 'Journal. 184*-5f;. Also. (Jo-Editor of: Humboldt (The) Medical Archives, St. Louis, 1870-7;t. Moore (John William). Notes on "Mean tem- pei at ure in its relation to disease aud mortality ", with special reference to the city of Dublin. 107-1*2 pp. i-°. [Dublin, 1869.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii. -----. On an aspirator for use in thoracentesis, invented by Dr. Vald. Rasmussen, of Copenha- gen. 5 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1871. Repr. from.- Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, lii. -----. Crystallization of nitrate of urea from urine. 10 pp. 8J. [Dublin, 1873.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi. -----. Meteorology in its bearing on health and disease. 32 pp., 5 diag. 8°. Dublin, A. Thorn, 1873. ------. The medical history of the Meath Hospi- tal ; an address introductory to the session 1875- 76. 20 pp. 8. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1875. ------. A case of pyaemia attended by sudden destruction of the eye. 10 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1876.] Repr. from.- Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv. .------. Two cases illustrative of the clinical his- * tory of secondary pleuritic in phthisis. 7 pp. 8'-.' [Dublin, 1877.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv. ------. A case of typhus with hyperpyrexia. 6 pp. 8C. [Dublin, 1878.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1878, lxv. ------. In memoriam. William Stokes, M. D., D. C. L., F. R. 8., etc. 16 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1878.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1878, lxv. ------. A case of phlegmonous erysipelas, followed by pyiemic hemiplegia. 6 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1879. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, lxvii. ------. Homes for convalescents from acute in- fective diseases. 10 pp., 2 pi. 8--. Dublin, 1879. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, lxviii. ------. The microcosm of disease; an address in- troductory to the session 1879-80. 24 pp. 8° Dublin, 1879. ------. Medical reports of the Fever Hospital and House of Recovery, Dublin. 75., 1878-9; 77 1880-81; 78., 1SH1-2; 80., 1883-4. 8°. Dublin, 1879-84. In: Fever Hosp., etc. Reports of com. of management. ------. A ease of exanthematic fever resembling epidemic cerebro-spiual meningitis. 7 pp 8~ [Dublin, 1880.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1880, lxx. ------. On the compulsory notification and regis- tration of infectious diseases. 9 pp. 8 [Dub- lin, 1880.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, lxix. ------. A case of stenosis of the pulmonary valves. 4 pp. 8:. [n.p., 1881.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, lxxii. Moore (John William)—continued. ------. Is it (a) desirable that there should be a system of compulsory notification of infectious diseases; and, if so (b), what is the best met hoc] of carrying such a system into effect '! and (c) what is the best mode of enforcing the isolation of cases of infectious disease . 11pp. 8 . [Dub- lin, 1881. ] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1881, lxxii. ------. Medical report of the Fever Hospital and House of Recovery, Cork-street, Dublin, for I he vear ending 31st March, 1881. 25 pp. 8 . [Dub- lin, 1881.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, lxxii. ------. Clinical note on enteric fever. 8 pp. n . [Dublin, 1883.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, l,-8.'i. lxxvi. ------. Discussion on the present epidemic of scarlet fever in Dublin. 9 pp. 8°. [Dublin, 1884.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, lxxvii. ------. Large gall stones passed peranum. 6 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1887). Repr. from ■ Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, lxxix. ------. Sanitary organization in Ireland in its medical aspect. 18 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1885. Repr. from : Dublin J. M. Sc. 1885, lxxix. ------. In memoriam. Benjamin George Mac- Dowell, M. D. 4 pp. 8 . [Dublin, 1885.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Se., 1885, lxxx. ------. A retrospect of clinical teaching iu Dub- lin; being an introductory address delivered on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the Carmichael College Medical Science Associa- tion, Tuesday, February 16, 1880. 12 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1886. ------. Remarks ou the climate of Dublin, based upon twenty years' observations. 19 pp. 8C. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1886. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, Ixxxii. ------. The present and the future of state medi- cine. 20 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1887. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1887, 3. s., lxxxiii. ------. A case of calculous pyelitis, followed by albuminoid disease. 7 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Fal- coner, 1887. Repr. from . Dublin J. M. Sc, 1887, :i. s.. lxxxiii. See, also, .tin nil ill of public health for Ireland. 8°. Dublin, 1875. — Stoke* (William). Lectures on fever. 8r London. 1874. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. Moore (Josephus). * De dysenteria. 2 p. 1., 64 pp., 2 1. 8C. Glasgov'm; R. Chapman, 1,-14. Moore (Levi) [1827-80]. Address delivered be- fore the Medical Society of the County of Albany, November 13, 1866. il pp. 8°. Albany, Van Beiitliuyscn A Sons, 186,7. For Jiioijraplni. see Med. Ann., Albany, 1882, iii [Tr. M. Soc. Ctiuntv Albany. HOli] (J. M. Bigelow). Also: Tr. M. Soc. M". Y., Syracuse, 188.1, 279-281 (J. M. Bigelow). Moore (Mattlueus Scott). * De podagra. 3 p. 1., 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Mtitlie etjilii, 1798. Moore (Norman). * Observations on the shape of the chest iu cases of hypertrophy of the heart. 32 pp., 2 pi. 83. London, Bradbury, Agnew A Co., 1873. ------. * The cause and treatment of rickets. 35 pp. 8°. London, Bradbury, Agnew A Co., 1876. -----. On two Roman tombs discovered in dig- ging the foundations of the ne>v buildings of the medical school at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 9 pp. 8°. [London, 1*7 8. ] Repr. from: Proc. Lond. tfc Middlesex Arclueol. Setc. 1878, v. -----. The illness and death of Henry, Prince of Wales, in 1612. A historical case of typhoid fe- ver. 18 pp. 8 . London, J. E. Adlavd, 1882. Moore (Robert). On the sewerage of Kansas City, being a review of a paper on the same sub- MOORE. 441 MOO REX. ITIoorc (Robert)—continued. ject by O. Chanute. Read March 12, 1884. 8 pp. 8'~>. [SI. Louis], 1884. Repr. from: J. Ass. Eiigineerin.!: Soc, [St. Louis], 1884. See. also. l,«-«-l«- (James M.) & IHoort- (Robert). The Rauitary contlition of St. Louis, etc. 8 . St. Louis, 1885. ITI ©ore (S. W.) Notes of demonstrations on phy- siological chemistry. viii (1 1.), 58 pp. 12c. London, Smith, Filler A Co., 1874. [Tloore (Samuel). * De rachitide. 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour el Smellie, 1778. ITIoore (Samuel W.) [1786-1854]. * On the medi- cal virtues of the white oxide of bismuth ; with some preliminary observations on the chemical properties of that metal. 39 pp. 8°. New York, T. A J. Swords, 1810. [P., v. 826.] -----. A memoir of the life and character of John Watts. With an address to the gentle- men who were graduated doctors of medicine at the annual commencement of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, held April 5, 1831. 28 pp. 8 . New York, G. A <'■ A H. Cetrvill, 1831. For Biography, see N. York M. Times, 1855, iv, 5-8 (C. R. Oilman). Also, Reprint. Moore (Sanford). Notes with a Prussian Saui- tiits detachment in the Loire ea npaigu, 1870. 35 pp., 1 pi. sm. 8y. London, Pardon A Son, 1872. See, also, VriiMMta. Prussian War Office. Instructions for military surgeons in training sick-bearers. 12°. Lon- don, 1876. ' ITIoore (Thomas)1. * De dyseuteria. 2 p. L, 31 pp. 8. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1815. [P., v. 734.] ITIoore (Thomas)2. Valedictory address to the graduating class of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. 16 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, King Sf Band, 1861. -----. Homoeopathy, the science of therapeutics ; its natural law and the essential conditions of that law. Annual address before the Homoeo- pathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsyl- vania. 42 pp. 8J. Germaiitoien, W. H. Bonsall, 1873. -----. Dietetics in relation to infants and young- children. 14 pp. 8U. Philadelphia, Sherman f Co., 1877. Repr. from : Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1877-8, xiii. ITIoore (W. J.) A manual of the diseases of In- dia, xix,220 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1861. -----. The same. 2. ed. vi, 638 pp. 8C. Lon- don, J. A A. Churchill, 1886. -----. Health in the tropics; or, sanitary art ap- plied to Europeans in India, xvi, 31,8 pp. 8U. London, J. Churchill, 1862. -----. On lunar influence over malarious fevers. 12 pp. SJ. [Calcutta, 1869.] Repr. from: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv. -----. The value of quinine. 10 pp. 8-. [n.p., 1870, vel subseq.] Repr from: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v. -----. A manual of family medicine for India. xvi, 519 pp. 8P. London, J. A A. Churchill, 1874. -----. Malarious fevers and rainfall in Rajpoo- taiui. 10 pp. 8-. [n. p., 1876, vel subseq.] Repr. from: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1876, xi. -----. The other side of the opium question. 95 pp. 8 . London, J. 4" A. Churchill, 1882. ITIoore ( William )'. Elements of midwifery, or the arcana of nature, in the formatiou and pro- duction of the human species elucidated; com- prehending an anatomical description of the female organs of generation, with physiological observations on their destined offices. To which are added, instructions to the accoucheur how to proceed in every case that is possible for the fo'tus to present, in utero; together with a full investigation of the causes of those disorders to which women aud children are liable during the first mouth, with the most rational method of Moore (William)1—continued. obviating them. 234 pp. 8 . London, J. John- son, 1777. [1*., v. 514.] Moore (William)2 [1754-1821]. * De bile, mor- bise|iie nonnnllis qui ab ea oriiintnr. 42 pp. S'. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1780. For Biography, see Med. Repository, N. Y., lsi'4, n. 8., viii. 460-462. Mooi-e ( William f [ 1826- ]. On infantile' mortality, and the establishment of hospitals for sick children; read before the Dublin Obstetri- cal Society, January 8, 1859. 27 pp. 8 . Dub- lin, Fannin A' Co., 1859. -----. < >n some of the more prominent causes of excessive mortality in early life. 21 pp. 8°. Dublin, Fannin A Co., 1861. -----. Some remarks on the nature and treat- ment of pulsating thyroid gland, with exoph- thalmos (Graves'disease). 12 pp. 8 . Dublin, Fannin A' Co., 1805. -----. A case of bronzed skiu (melasma) without, disease of the supra-renal capsules. 1 p. 1., 7 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1871. Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, lii. ITIoore (William Dauiel) [1813-71]. An outline of the history of pharmacy iu Ireland. 55 pp. 8^. Dublin, Hodges A Smith, 1848. Repr. front : Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1848, xi. -----. Experiments as to the existence of sugar iu the urine of the foetus. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1855, rel subseq.] [P., v. 590.] See, also, Dahl (Ludwig). Heller's pathological chem- istry e>f the urine [etc. | 8°. Dublin, 1855.—Kii-oihiinni-ii (Viilel.) On haemoptysis [etc] s°. Edinburgi, 186s.-----. Continued observations on haemoptysis [etc.] 8°. Edin- burgi. 1869. -----. A contribution to the normal anil pathological histology of the kidneys. 8°. [a. p., n. (/.] — Wnloiiion (Ki nst). On the pathological elements of gen- eral paresis |elc] 8°. London. 18(i'2. For nimtraphn. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 571. Also: Med. Times \- C.iz., Lond., 1871, ii, 004. Moore (William Oliver). Diseases of the eye occurring in affections of the kidney. 16 pp. 12 \ [New York, 1886.] Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1886, xliii. -----. A clinical lecture on herpes zoster. 12 pp. 8 . [New York, 1886.] Repr. from : Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. X. Y. Post. Grad. M. School & Hosp., X. Y., 1886, ii. -----. The ophthalmoscope in general medicine. 13 pp. 8°. Montpelier, Vt., Argus A Patriot Printing House, 1887. Repr. from: Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Montpelier, 1886. Moore & Gardiner's imperishable raw hide artificial limbs. 19 pp. 12°. Xew Yovk. H. Croker, 1866. ITIoore Street Home for Crippled and Orphan Boys, London, W. Annual reports of the com- mittee to the subscribers, for the years 1876-81 ; 1883. 16°. London, 1877-84. Mooreliead (Job.) * De theoriarum physiolo- gicarum certitudiue observationes quasdam com- plectens. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Aber- nelhy et Walker, 1813. Mooreil (Albert) [ 1828- ]. Die verminder- ten Gefahreu einer Hornhautvereiterung bei der Staarextraction. 43 pp. 8~>. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1862. -----. Ophthalmiatrische Beobachtungen. I p. 1., 345 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 186,7. -----. Leber synipathische Gesiehtsstorungen. 2 p. 1., 169 pp. *8-'. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1869. -----. Ophthalmologische Mittheilungen aus dem Jahre 1873. 122pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1874. -----. Fiiuf Lustren ophthalmologischer Wirk- samkeit. vi, 311pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- man n, l-8->. -----. Hauteinniisse und Gesiehtsstorungen. 55 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1884. MOO RES. 44:> MOQUIN-TAN DON. Moores (Daniel). * De febre remittente Mari- j landii a. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 8J. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1787. Moorhead (JA Co-Editor of: Wi'siern (The) Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine, Cincinnati, 18117. Moorhead (Joaunes N.) * De phthisi pulnio- nali tuberculosa. 1 p. l.,20pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Xeill, 1821. [Also, in : P., v. 1071.] Moorhead (Robertus). *De pneumonia. 1 p. 1., 18 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, 0. Neill, 1821. [Also, in: P., v. 11)71.] Moorliouse ( Henricus). *Deascite. 2 p. L, 511 pp. 8-. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1785. Moorman (John J. ) Water from the White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, Va. With practical remarks ou its medical properties, and applicability to particular diseases. 8 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1849, rel subseq.] ------. A brief uotice of a portion of a work by Wm. Burke, entitled "The mineral springs of Western Virginia". With preliminary remarks on (he relative virtues of the* saline aud gaseous contents of the White Sulphur water. 52 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, Merrihew s. Nouv. ed., revue et augmeutee. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1846. ------. Observations sur les spermatophores des gasteropodes terrestres androgynes. 10 pp. 4'-. Paris, Mallet-Bachelier. 18.55. ------. filaments de zoologie me'dicale, contenant la description deTaillee des animaux utiles a la medecine et des especes nuisibles a l'homme, particulierement des veninieuseset des parasites, picccdee de considerations gcnerales sur l'organi- MOQlIIN-TANDON. Moqiiiii-Taudon [C.-H.-B.-A.]—continued. sat ion et sur la classilication des animaux et d'un resume* sur l'histoire naturelle de l'homme. xvi, 428 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if jils, 1860. -----. The same. Elements of medical zoology. Transl. and edited by Robert T. Hulme. xiv, 423 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1861. -----. Elements de botauique medicale, conte- nant la description des veg6taux utiles a la 1116- decine ct des especes nuisibles a l'homme, veaie- neuses on parasites, pr6c6dee de considerations sur l'organisation et la classification des \6g6- tatix. 2.6d. xx, 543 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here A fis, 186,6. -----. The same. 3. eil. xx, 543 pp. 8°. I'a- ris, Londres, Madrid, etc., J.-B. Baillieve A fis, 1875. For Biography, see Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 513- ">l.r> (H. Baillon). Also .- Union m6d., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxiv, 214; 250 (H. Baillon). ITIora (A.) * Etude clinique sur quelques com- plications de la pleuresie. 80 pp. 4 . Paris, 1874, No. 290. ITIora (Eugene). * Contribution a l'histoire des plaies des cis. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 24. Mora (Henri-Pierre-Claude) [1854- ]. #De la dyspnee et des troubles cardiaques d'origiue retiexe chez les tuberculeux. 36 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 408. illora (J.-L.) *Des localisations spinales du lliuiiiatisnie. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 141. ITIora (Jean). * Considerations gen6rales sur l'inflanimatiou aigue du foie, suivies des sen- tences et observations d'Hippocrate, sur la dy- senteric*. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, an NUT [1897)"], No. 475, v. 56. ITIora (Pietro). See Ratier (M. F.) Formulario pratico degli ospedali [etc.) 16°. Padova, 1824. ITIora (Virgile). * Des hemorrhagies dans 1'hvs- t6rie. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 200. tie Moraaz (Samuel. Antonius). *De herniis, et pnesertiin de femorali iiicarcerata, citra kelo- tomiam reposita. 1 p. 1., 31 pp., 2 1. 4°. Har- derovici, J. Moojen, 1770. [P., v. 56.] ITIornclie (Georges-Auguste) [1837- ]. * Es- sai sur 1'anemie globulaire et ses rapports avec la dyspepsie. 63 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 479, 2. s., v. 27. -----. Pekin et ses habitants. 164 pp. 8-'. Pa- ris, J.-B. Baillieve A jifs, 1869. -----. Des trains sanitaires. Etude sur l'emploi des chemins de fer pour l'evacuation des blesses et ma lades en a mere des annees. 55 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, J. Ditmaine; 1872. Repr. from: J. d. sc. militahes. -----. Traits d'hygiene militaire. x, 1040 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere -.)'• jils, 1874. -----. The same. 2. e"d. viii, 926 pp. 8°. Pa- vis, J.-B. Bailliere A fis, 1886. -----. La medecine legale, son exercice et sou enseignemeut. 30 pp. 8-J. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere A fits, 1880. ITIorarhevski (M.) *K voprosu o vydelenii vt eljanych parov i uglekisloty kojejou lichorad- jashich liolnych. [On insensible exhalation of water and carbonic acid by the skin iu fever.] 33 pp., 1 1. 8 . St. Petersburg, tipog. J. Treja, ITI orach ■ (Marino). * Ueber die Pathologie der Dysenteric 20 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 181 ill. . c> Morael (F.-J.) * Sur l'ascite. 21pp. 4°. Pa- vis, 1816. No. 206, v. 125. de Moraes Sarmento (Joze-Joaquim). * De l'emploi du nitrate d'argent dans le traitement de l'amygdalite simple. 26 pp. 4 . Paris, 1837, No. 278, v. 314. 443 MOUANJ). MoraeiiS (Franciscus). De maligna febre pa- roxisante; opus eonsiiltationes et super unani quauique medici, per totum morbi decursum operationem, utilissimas novellas, practicas ob- servationes coutineiis. 7 p. L, 412 pp. 16-. Francofurti, J. B. Zubrodt, 1670. Moralit (Otto). *De lingua, 2 p. L, 35 pp. 8°. IIalee, typ. Unfit jun., 1829. Moral (The) Reformer and Teacher ou the Hu- man Constitution. Win. A. Alcott. editor. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, Jam, 1835, to Dec, 1836. 8°. Boston, Light A Horton. See Library (Tin) of Health, etc., for continuation. ill ora I responsibility. See Responsibility. de Morales (Sebastian Alfredo). Annario de la seccion de efeiicias fisicas y naturales del Li- ceo de Matanzas. Ano 1, tomo 1, xxx, 274 pp., 3 tab. 8^. Matanzas, J. Curbelo y lierniano, 186,6. Illorales Alpaea (Jose"-A.) Note sur un nou- veau portelacs et sur un forceps a trois courbures, 8 ])p. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceanx, 186,8. Repr.from: Bull. Acad. roy. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1S68. 3. s., ii. Morales Perez (Antonio). Tratado de ope- ratoria qiiinirgica. Con un prologo por Juan Creus y Manso. 2 v. xxxii, 749, 735 pp. 8~; Barcelona, sucesores de Ramirez y Co., 1882. Moralis (Georgius). Enchiridiuin nieilieuni, ethieum, et theologicum; sive magni Hippocra- tis Coi aphorismorum sect. vii. iu quibus, facta sacrarum sententiarnm ad aphorismos colla- tione, brevissima elicitur methodus, dignoscen- darum, xiraesagiendaruni, et curandarum animi simul, atque corporis tegritudinum. 29 p. I., 546 pp., 8 1. 12c. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1655. VI oral ily. ■sVc Ethics (Medical); Medicine and religion. Morals. See Psychology. Moraiid. See Traite de la taille au haut appareil [etc.] 16°. Paris, 172s. Moraild (Albert). * De la rupture centrale du peri nee. 87 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869. No. 113. Moraiicl (Auto. Joannes). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Moraild (Auguste). '"Keeherches sur la eata- racte cougenitale. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 187,8, No. 151, v. 621. Moraild (J.) "Sur l'acupuucture, et ses effets therapeutiques. 57 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825. No. 25, v. 190. Moraild (Jean-Sylvaire-Louis). * Note sur quelques cas de guerison de 1'iufeetion puru- lente. (W pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 143. Moraild [Joannes Franciscus Clemens] [1726- 84]. Lettre traduite du latin sur feu M. [Sau- veur-Francois] Morand, adress^e aux ditferentes academies des pays strangers, dont il etoit. 16 pp. 12°. Paris, 1774. See, also. Bertin (Exupfere-Joscph). *An speeiflcura viperse nioisus antidotuni alkali volatile ? 4°. [Parisiis, 1749.]—Berlin (Exupere-Joseph) & Tloraml (J.-F.-O.) Thesis in ha*e verba, ergo speciticum, etc. 4r Earisiis, 1749— Chomel (Jean-B'aptiste-Louis) & ITIoraml (-L-F.- C.) Thesis in hsec verba, ergo tumidis haunorrhoidibua hirudines. 4°. Parisiis, 1750. In: Hali.eu. Dish, ad morb. 4\ Lausannce, 1758, iv, 117-124.—I„c Roy (I'au- lus). * rtiinn in corpore humano fluidarum duntaxat par- tiumilepei-ilitioetreparatio? 4°. [Farisiis, 1751.J— Mac- quart ( Ludovicus Carolus Henricus). An pnejjnantilius crehro periculosa catharsis, etc. 4°. {Parisiis, 1771.]— Salliu (Carolus). *Au in partu difficili sola manus ni- strumentum? 4°. [Parisiis], 1762. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Moraild (Louis). * De l'erysipele phlegmoneux. de sa terminaison par gangrene, et des injections MORAND. 444 MORAVIA. Moraild (Louis)—continued. toniques comme moyen therapeutique propre a en arreter les progres. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 50, v. 295. ------. Memoires et observations cliniques de medecine et de chirurgie. xii, 262 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8-. Tours, R. Pornin- $ Cie., 1844. [Also, in: P., v. 466; 1678.] UI oraild (Paul). * De la septicemic gaiigreiieiise aigue. viii, 9-60 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1877, No. 5. Tloraild (Philibertus) [ -1787]. * De febre uiultos sauante morbos. 1 p. L, 20 pp. 4^. Traj. ad Rhenum, T. Broedelet, 1761. ------. Verhandeliug over het kolijck van Poi- tou, mitsgaders een naauwkeurig onderzoek van deszelvs oorzaaken, kenteekenen, toevallen, en wijze om dezelve te verhoeden; en gemakkelijk, vijlig, en spoedig door gepaste hulpmiddelen te genee/.en. Beneevens verscheiden geneeskun- dige; waarneemingen, over deeze ziekte, en in- zonderheid over die lammigheid, die gemeenlijk op deeze ziekte komt te volgeu alles door elgen ondervinding van een reeks van gevallen, be- selireeven. 100 pp. 16°. Amsterdam, F. Sun- do rff, 1763. Moraild (S.) Memoir on acupuncturation, em- bracing a series of cases drawn up under the inspection of M. Julius Cloquet, Paris, 1825. Transl. from the French by Franklin Bache. 1 p. 1., 87 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, R. Dexilva; 1825. llloraiid (Sauvenr-Francois) [1697-1773]. A dis- sertation on the high operation for the stone. Transl. from the French by John Douglas, to which is added an appendix containing an ac- count of 60 odd patients cut after this method by various hands; with some general inferences from the whole. As also a short syllabus of the cliirurgical operations, and of the auatomia, chi- rm gis scitu summe necessaria. 165 pp., 11. 8'-\ London, E. Symon, 1729. ------. Description d'un hermaphrodite, que l'on vovoit a Paris en 1749. 4 pp., 3 pi. 4°. [/Pa- ris', 1719, vel subseq.] [P., v. 630.] ------. Histoire de la maladie singuliere, et de I'examen du cadavre d'une femme, devenue, en pen de terns, fonte coutrefaite par uu rainollisse- inent g6neral des os. Cominumquee a la Faculte" de medecine de Paris, dans plusieurs assemblies du prima niensis. 112 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Paris, Vve. Quillau, 1752. ------. Recueil pour servir d'eclaircissement de"- faille sur la maladie de la fille d'un tireur de pierres du village de S. Geomes, pres Langres, laquelle depuis plusieurs annees jettoit des pierres, tantot par la voie des urines, et a qui on en a tire de la vessie a, douze reprises diffe"- rentes. 150 pp., 2 1. 16°. Paris, Delaguetle, 177)4. ------. Opuscules de chirurgie. 2 pts. in 1 v. 2 p. L, 253 pp.; viii, 306 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Desprez if P.-A. Le Prieur, .1768-72. See, also. Gem (Richard). An account of the remedy for the stone. 8°. London. 1741. For liiogrctjiht/. see iVlorand (J.-F.-C.) Lettre traduite du latin sur feu M. [Sativeur-Francois] Morand, adressee aux ditferentes academies des pays etrangers, dont il etoit. 12°. Paris, 1774. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoveu. Morandi (Antonio). Trattato universale teo- rico e pratico dei parti, necessario alle maminane, ai chirurghi, ed ai medici. Nel quale si doscri- vono tutte le malattie che succedono dopo il con- ci'pimeuto, durante la gravidauza, nel parto e nel puerperio, col metodo curativo di ciasche- duna. 399 pp. 8°. Graziosi, Venezia, 1788. Morandi (Joannes Baptista). Historia botanica practica, seu plantarum, quae ad usnin medicinae pertinent, nomeuclatura, descriptio, et virtutes, cum ab antiquis, turn a reeentibus celebrium Morandi (Joannes Baptista)—continued. anctorum scriptis desuinpta', ac aeneis tabulis delineata, atque ad vivum ex prototypo ex- pressie, nee non in classes xxxv distributa-, ut facilius enjusque simplicis genus, ac species dignoseantur. 4 p. 1., 32. 164 pp., 67 pi. fol. Mediolani, apud J. Galeat'nnn, 1761. Moraildo (Felice). Kith-ssioni dirette all' uno- nimo, the sotto il uonie di Paolo Francesco Giae- cheri ha preteso difendere ipiesto medico, aceu- sato d' averavveleuato Gio. Batista Bobbio. 18 pp. 4°. Genova, G.Caffarelli, 1788. [P., v. 901.] Wl orange (Andr^-Nunia). * I. (Juelle est la va- leur semeiologique du earns? II. [etc.] 26 }>[>. 4°. I'aris, 1H40, No. 302, v. 363. Morani (Autoine-Francois). * Des formes de la tie'vre interniittente pernicieusc observeesen Co- chinchine. 73 pp., 3 1. 41-'. Montpellier, L. Cristin A Cie., 1868, No. 26. c. Morano (Francesco). Contrihuzione alia t era - ]>ia delle vie lagrimali. 11 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Na- poli, V. Morano, 1886. Morano *ul Po. Regolamento di pubblica igiene del comune di Morano sui Po. 12 pp. roy. 8°. Casale, tipog. P. Bertero, 1889. Morailt (Georg). Winke fiir Eheinauner. Ent- liiillte tieliiininisse der inaunlichen Geburtshilfe. 2. Aufl. 60 pp. 8r Berlin, T. Grit ben, 1879. Gesundh., Wohlst. u. Cliick, iii, 15. Lt'g. Ulorar. See Cholera (Asiatic, Histovy, etc., of), by lo- calites). Morascll (Joannes Adamus) [1682-17:14]. Nu- cleus physiologicns seu institutionum medica- rum liber 1. Brevi et singulari methodo juxta veterum et neotericorum nii-ntein, ad discentium couimodiim expositus, chyiiiico-niechaiiice deci- sus. Defendentibus . . . Joanne Baptista Nerf, et Georgio Henrico I'rcisinger. 8 p. 1., 369 pp. 16(. Eustadii, F. Strauss, 1711. ------. Ignavum caput ferulis academicis submis- sum, i. e., tractatus medico-practicus de affecti- bus cataphoricis, seu soporosis; defendente Wolf- gango Pergbanr. [1723.] 2 p. 1., pp. 505-560, 2 1. sm. 4°. Ingolstadii. T. Grass, [n. d.] Repr. |cutting] from his: Pradeetiones acad. [etc.] 4°. Ingolstadii, 1725, 505-560. ------. Insanum caput Auticyris academicis sub- missum, i. e., tractatus medico-practicus de af- fectibus paraphoricis sen deliriis; defendente Jo- anne Georgio Vogel. [1723.] 3 p. 1., yip. 361-488, 3 1. sm. 4 . Ingolstadii, T. Grass, [n. d.] Repr. [cutting] from his: Pradeetiones acad. [etc.] 4°. Ingolstadii, 1725, 361-488. ------. Prieleetiones academicie ex mediciua prac- tica de febribus et capitis morbis, habita* in . . Universitate Ingolstadiana, et . . . per partes publicisdisputatiouibns siibjecbe, nunc in unuin digesta' volumen a . . . 3 p. I., 896 pp., 9 1. ; 110 pp., 1 1. 4°. Incjolstadii, typ. rid. Gvafjiana; 1725. Morascll (Josephus Ignatius). Dissertatio de oleis. 16 pp. sm. 4J. Ingolstadii, M. A. Sehlei- c/in, [1769]. Morat (J.-P.) * Contribution a 1'eTiule de la moelle des os. 40 pp. 4r Pet vis, 1873, No. 370. See, also, Duplay (Simon) tfc Moral (J.-P.) Keche.r- ches sur la nature et la patliogenie tie rulct-rc peifoiant du pied [eft-.] 8°. Paris, 1873. MorattllS (PetrusL Kacconto dc gli ordini e provisioni fatte ne' lazaretti in Bologna, e suo contado in tempo del contagio dell' anno 1630. 3 p. 1., 124 pp. 4°. Bologna, C. Ferroni, 1631. .Woravia. See, also, Briinn; Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Datschitz; Koritschau; Luhatschowitz; Physician's aid societies, etc. Mklion. Ueber die balneographische Litera- tnr Mahrens. 8°. [m. p., 1856?] MORAVIA. 445 MOltDHORST. Moravia. Sanitats-Bkriciit des k. k. Landes-Sanitats- rathes fiir Miihren fiir die Jahre 1880-81. 4°. Bvuun, 1-82-3. Eutwurf ties Gesetzes betreffend die Organisation (lea Sanitatsilienstes in den Gcnieiudeii giltig fiir elie Markgraf- scliaft M allien. Oesterr. iir/.tl. Vereinsztg., Wien. 1H79, iii. 125-127. — <»«'i«i«'lz, giltig fiir die Markjirafschaft Miihren, lictieft'eiid die Organisinmg de.a Sanitatsilienstes indenC.eiueiiitleii. Metl. chir. (YntralM.. Wien. 1883, xviii, SOli - 516. — <*<-MiiHv<'i-hiilliiiMw<' M alliens im Jahre 187(i. Oesterr. iirztl. Vereins/tg., Wien, 1878, ii, 175- 181; 191. — .'IJiliiisi-lu* (Dei) I.andes-Sanitats-Ge- setzentAvurf. Ibid., 1879, iii, 127-132.-I»ln*kaI (F. S.) Zur Kunde del saninitliehen, hisher hekaunt gevordenen IMineialwiisser Mahicus. mit Kiicksicht auf ihre geoguos- tischcu Vcrhiiltnisse. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Slaates, Wien, 1847. lxi 311: lxii, 67; 323: 1848. lxiii, 79; 198: lxiv, 59; 191; 331.—MtciiM-r (J.) Ueber den Gesundheitsstaud in Miihren ini Jahre 1814. Eine pathographischc Skizze. Beob. n. Abliandl. ... v. iisterr. Aerzten, AVieu, 1819, i, 88-112. Ifloravilz (Ferdinandus). * Qu;cdam ad anato- uiiam blattie Germanicie pertinentia. r>4 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Dovpati, typ. H. Laukmanni, 1853. Moraiva (Josephus). * Nonnulla qua* in gene- ratione notatu digna sunt. 1 p. ]., 18 pp., 1 1. 4°. Vratislaviee, typ. KreuzeioScltolzianis, [1820]. Noianek (Adolphus)[Lvl8-55]. * De anasarcas specielius. adnexis casibus in nosoe-omio generali Priegeno observatis. 63 pp. 8 . Pragce, typ. fil. T. Haase, 1812. • For Biography, see Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1855, ii, 609. Morawitzky (8.) O narkoticheskich i neko- torych drugich jadovitych veshestvach, upotre- liljaeinych naseleinieni Ferganskoi oblasf i. [Nar- cotics and other poisons used in Ferghana.] ii, 27 pp. 8°. Kazan, tipog. imp. Univ., 1886. Repr. from: Trudi Obsh. Estestvoia. pri Imp. Kazan. Univ., xv, pt. 2. ITIoraX (Jean). * Recherches sur la nature, le diagnostic et le traitement des affections coueu- neuses du larynx. 157 pp. 4C. Paris. 1864, Xo. 137. Itloi'bi Gallici curandi ratio exquisitissima, a va- liis iisdenujue pi'iitissiniis medicis conscriiita: nempe Petio Andrea Mattheolo Senensi. Joanne Almenar, Hispano, Nicolao Massa . . . Nicolao Poll, Veneto, Benedicto de Victoriis . . . his ac- cessit Angeli Bolognini de ulcerum exteriorum uiedela opusculum perquam utile. Ejusdem de unguentis . . . ad maligna ulcera conficiendis lucubratio. 299 pp., 4 1. 4°. Basilece, J. Beb, 17)36. Last leaf of index wanting. -----. The same. 279 pp., 8 1. 8°. Lugduni, S. de Gabiano etj'rat., 1536. Morbieii (Alfred). * Quelques considerations sur la necrose. 51 pp. 4'-. Baris, 1857, No. 64, v. 608. Morbihail (Departement du). Comptes rendus des epidemics, des epizooties et des travaux des conseils d'hygiene du Morbihan en 1867-74; 1876-9; 1-81; 1885. Par Alfred Fouquet et Alpli. Manricet. 8° & 4°. Valines, 1868-86. 1867-73 by Fouquet; 1874-9, 1881, and 1885 by Mauricet. 1878-il, 4°. -------. See. also : A l<*i<-r. Etude d'etbnographie et de g6ographie medi- cale- dans le departement du Morbihan. Arch, de med. et pbarm. mil., I'ar., 1886, vii, 376-384. Worhilily. See Disease (Registration of); Meteorology (Medical); Statistics (Medical, etc.) I-Iorbo (De) democratico antiquissiino insaniae genere. Diss, inaug. medico-hisforica prima quam sine consensu et auctorilate [etc.] . . . ipsis ealendis Gnecis privatim defendet auctor. Sociis: A. Lorn. Celso, M. Tull. Cicerone, T. Li- vio. [Friedrich Wilhelm's Univ.] 16 pp. 8. Gedani, typ. E. Groningii, 1850. Morbus anglicanus sauatiis; or a remarkable cure of an inveterate scurvy, made public for the benefit of those who labour under the same troublesome disorder; in a letter from a country clergyman to his sou in Londou. Concluding with a contrivance or two for saving the lives of those who shall happen to be in the upper rooms of a house when the lower are on hie. 31 pp. 8°. London, J. § T. Curtis, 1766. Iflorbus Hungaricus. See Fever (Typhus) in armies, etc. ]JIorlMis maculosus. See Purpura. Ilorhu* niger. See Melsena. Morbll* Scythicm. BoSB (E. G.) [Pr.] de Scytharum voce,) ^t/Xeia ad illustrandum locum Herodoti. 4°. [Lipsicu, 1778. ] Graff (C.) * Bf/heia vovooc sen morbus foemi- neus Scytharum. 8°. Wireebnrgi, [n. d.] Nebel (E. L. W.) De morbis veterum ob- scuris. Sectio i. 12°. Giessee, 1794. Stark (C. G.) De vovoe,) ctf/eia n\nul Herodo- tum prolusio. 4-. Jence, 1827. Beaugrand (E.) Maladie des .Scythes, maladie femi- nine (dijAeia coOtros). Diet, encvcl. d. sc. nied , Par., 1876, 2. s., iv, 283-286.—Broca (P.) Snr la maladie ties Scythes. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par.. 1877, 2. s , xii, 537-541.— Friffli-cich (J. B.) ©jjAeta poGcros. Mag. f. cl. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., 1829. i, 71-77.— Hammond (W. A.) The disease of the Scythians (11101 luis feniinaruin) and certain analogous couditions. Am. -I. Neurol. & Psy- chiat., N. T., 1882, i, 339-355— l.<-i HmmiIU-I ( L.) Contri- bution k l'etude eles atrophies tcsl iculaires e?t des hypertro- phies maniniiiires observees h la suite dc certaines orchites (feniinisine). Gaz. hebd. dc ined., Par., 1877. 2. s., \iv. 533 ; 549.— l.i«j;«'«>i«. <('.) Atrophic testiciilairc. IV-uiiuisme. Ibid., 6(i5. — IVIalailic ties Sevllics. Diet, de nice! (Nv- Sten), 12. etl., 8'-'', Par.. 1865. Ml.i —.MaramloH «l«' itlon- ty«*l. De la maladie ties Scythes Ann. ineil. psych., Par., 1S77, 5. s., xvii, 161-174 —Martin (E.) Reflexions a pro- pos de la mutilation genitale et de ses consequences mo- rales. Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1877. 2. s., xiv, 591.— RoMCiibauiii (J.) NoGcros Brikeia. In his: Geschiehte der I.iistseneheim Alterthume, 8°, Halle, 1845,2. Aufl., 141- 219. Also : 8°, Halle, 1888, 4. Aufl., 145-227. Also, transl. . Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1846, xix, 376: xx 129.— Sprciijjcl (K.) M6decine des Scythes. In his: Histoire de la ni6d. Trad, de 1'allemand siir la 2. etl., par A.-J.-L. Jourdan, 8°, Par., 1815, i, 206-210. Morcillo y Olalla (Juau). Breves considera- ciones acerca de la hipofagia, principalmente aplicahles £ las necesidades, usos y costumbres de los Espanoles. 50 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Madrid, L. Maroto y Roldan, 1877. Moi'crette ( Auguste -Ernest). * Essai sur les abces d'origine deutaire et les accidents qui les accompaguent. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 3H4. Hlortlajjiie (Henri). * Relation de deux epidt*- mies de cholera observes en 1885 a La Cassaigne et a Courtauly (Aude). 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 20. Iflordecai {Edward Randolph) [lS2,")-66]. [Obituary notice.] South. J. M. Sc, N. Oil., 1867, ii, 189. Ulordcy (W.) See Ila«l<*woofl (W.) tfc IMor«l«*y (W.) History and metlical treatment of cholera [etc.] 8°. London, 1832. IVIoi'dllOl'St (Carl). * Einige Liille von spon- taner Linsenliixation. 10 pp., I 1. 4°. Kiel, C. /•'. Moln; 1868. In: Sciuuft. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xv, 1868, vii. Med. vi. -----. Ursache, Vorbeugung und Behandlung der Lungenschwindsucht. Nebst einem Anhang : "Weshalb erkranken die Bewohner des Hoch- landes nie an der Lungenschwindsucht ?" viii, 8(1 pp. 8J. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1871. -----. Zur Entstehuug der Stropliulose und der Lun ecu sch windsueht. In: S\mmi„ klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1879, No. 175 (Inn. Med.. No. 59, 1569-1584). MOKDHORST. 446 MOKKAU. ITIordllorst (Carl)—continued. ------. Ant wort auf Herrn Dr. Ziemssen's "Otfcne Lrw idc-ruug auf Herrn Dr. Mordhorst's Wies- baden gegen chronischen Rheuniatisums, Gicht, etc." 14 pp. 8' . Wiesbaden, L. Schellenberg, 1887). ------. Wiesbaden gegen chronischen Rheuma- tismus, Gicht, Ischias, etc., und als Winter- Aufeuthalt. 48 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- maun, 1887). ------. Wiesbaden als Terrain-Curort zur Be- handlung von Herz- und Lungenkrankheiten, Bleichsiicht, Fettsucht, etc. Ini Auftrage des Wioshadener Curvereius veroffentlicht. 19 pp., 1 ma]i. 8 . Wiesbaden, H. Isselbaecher, 1886). iYIordirus (Gulideolus). See IlippocrnM'*. De significatione mortis, etc. In: Gaxivetus (Joannes). Amicus medicorum. 24°. Lug- duni, 1550, 551-585. ITIordrel (A.-F.) * Sur l'extension coutinuelle dans les fractures compliquees et obliques de la jamlie, avec la description d'un appareil pour operer cette extension sans secousses, sans beau- coup de douleur, et a I'aide duquel ou pent re- duire et panser seul toutes ces fractures, ct trans- porter siirement les blesses, vi, 7-25 pp., 1 pi. 4\ Paris, 1815, No. 143, v. 112. ------. Souvenirs nieclico-philosophiques d'un medecin de province, suivies d'observations. x, 345 pp. --. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847). ITIordret (Anibroise-Euse.be). * Des hemorrha- gic* drs fosses nasales. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 161, v. 462. ------. Traite pratique des affections nerveuse* et cliloro-ain-uniques consid6rees daus les rap- ports qn'elle* out entre elles. viii, 488 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1861. ------. Rapport sur le service militaire de sante dans la ville du Mans du 19 aout 1870 au 20 avril 1871. Aelresse a M. le ministre de la guerre le lljiiinHTL (Guerre de 1870-71.) 51pp. 8°. Le Mans, E. Moinioyet; 1871. ------. Considerations sur la sensibility dans ses rapports gcneraux avec les phenomenes psy- chiqucs. (Fragment d'une etude sur la folic.) 64 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillieve $ jils, 1879. Repr. from : Bull. Soc. d'agric, sc. et arts de la Sarthe. ------. De la folie a double forme. Circulaire- alterne. Mdmoire recompense par l'Acadeniie de medecine. 255 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here ffils, 1883. ftepr. from.- Bull. Soc. d'agric, sc. et arts de la Sarthe. ITI Old till a il ll (A. D.) * Einige Beobachtungen iiber Morbus Brightii. 30 pp. 8"J. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1861. e. von ITIo rd win off. Ein Wort iiber Homeopa- thic, nebst einem Briefe nnd Verzeichniss iiber die im Gouvernement Saratoff in Russland bei Cholerakranken mit dem gliicklichsten Erfolge angi-wandten homoopathisehen Heilmittel. Ins Deutsche iibersetzt von J. Ekkenstein. 17 pp. 8°. Dresden, Arnold, 1832. ITIore (Otto). * De voce et lingua humana. 40 pp. 8 . Gryphiswaldice, F. G. Kunike, 186,2. c. ITIore (Philippe-Eutrope). * Essai sur la topo- graphie m6dicale du departement de La Cha- rente-lnferieure. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 89, v. 2-4. ITIore extracts from the critical review, etc. See [Dancer (Thomas)]. more "hints"', and more to the purpose, on the tendency of the projected changes in the requi- site qualifications of candidates for a medical degree in the University of Edinburgh, and in the ceremony of conferring it. By a new 'un. 27 pp. 8. 'Edinburgh, A. Black, 1824. ITIore Light. Devoted to the advancement of general knowledge and to useful information iTI ore Light—continued. pertaining to health. <>. P. Rice, M. I)., editor. No. 1, v. 1, May, 1874. 2 1. fol. Boston. ITIore public parks! How New York compares with other cities. Lungs for the metropolis. The financial aud sanitary aspects of the ques- tion. 23 pp., 5 pi. 8 . Xew Vork, 18*2. Morea. Gittard (P.-fi.) * Sur la constitution phy- sique du Peiopouc'se, et son induenee sur le ca- ractere et les maladies de ses habitans. 4J. Paris, 1834. iTI ore a (Vitangelo). Storia della peste di Noja. xxxii, 488 pp., 3 tab. 8". Napoli, A. Irani. 1817. ITIoreail (Ciain-Battista). Delle febbri nialigne e coutagioso. Nuovo sistema teoric-o-pratico. Scopt rta fatta nella medieina da, ... 9 \>. 1., 229 pp., 1 1. sm. 4 . Modena, E. Torri, 1739. -----—. The same. In questa nuova edizione ag- giuntovi una ritiattazione dell' antore, e molfe altrecose. Nuova ed. 3 p. L, 360 pp. 8. Vene- zia, G. Corona, 1746. ITI ore an. See Villain (L.) & Brnfoii fV.) Manuel tie l'in- s}iecteui- des viandes [etc. ] 8°. I'aris. IKSti. ITIoreail. * Reflexions snr la legislation des blessures. 28 pp. 4 . Paris, 1831, No. 172, v. 243. ITIoreail (Alexis). * Recherches sur la fievre puerperale epideinique observee ii la Maternite de Paris en 1843 et 1*44. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 205, v. 421. -----. * These sur cette question: Jusqu'a quel point l'anatomie pathologique a-t-elle eclaire le diagnostic et le traitenient des affections chirnr- gicales? 31 pp. 8'■'. Paris, L. Martinet, 1847. [P., v. 454.] Concours. ------. * Des grossesses extra-uterines. 142 pp. 4*\ I'aris, W. Bemqiiet 4'' Cie., 1*53. Concours. ------. The same. 142 pp., 1 1. 8r Paris, Gcr- inev-Baillievc, 1853. [Also, in: P., v. 1680.] ITIoreail (Armaud). Expei ionces sur 1'intestin. 7 pp. 8". [Paris, Citsset A Cie., 1879.] [P., v. 802.] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 187(1, n. s., xxiv. ITIoreail (Camille). Recherches sur la structure de la eorde dorsale de l'ainphioxus. 22 pp., 1 pi, 8 . Bruxelles, ./•'. Hayez, 1875. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Bclj;., Brux., 1875, xxxix. In: Univeksite de Li6ge. Recher. lah. deinhryog. [etc.] 8°. Bruxelles, 1870, i. ITIoreau (Edine-Charles-Leonard). * De lYnti*- rite follicnleuse. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 209, v. 300. ITIoreail (EdmnndusThomas). Qinestio medica: An pnetor genitalia sexus inter se disc-repent? 8 pp. 4°. Parisiis, Quillau, 177,9. ------. *An iu vulneribus sclopetorum ictu fac- tis ad piiecavendain gangra*nani, incisiones et aqua maris? Prases: Antonius Pepin. 4 pp. 4J. [Parisiis. Quillau, 1752.] See, also, Holier (Joannes Ludovicus Mann). *An sclo- petorum vnluera venenata ! 4°. Parisiis, 1754. ITIoreail (Elie-Auguste-Marie ). * Des diverses modalites clinique* de la grippe. 84 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887), No. 21. ITIoreail ( Emile). * De 1'albumiuurie. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 187,0. No. 223, v. 499. ITIoreail (F.) * I. Des complications de la phthi- sic piilmonaire tnliereuleuse. II. |_eb'-] H' I'P- 4°. Paris. 1842, No. 244, v. 393. ITIoreail (F.-Arimind). ' Propositions sur quel- ques formes d'alfections puerperales, et sur une eruption particuliere de la periode d'invasion de la variolo. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 1. MOKKAU. 447 MOKEA1 ITIoreail (Francois-Joseph) [1789-1862]. * Sur la dis|»osition de la membrane caduque, sa for- mation et ses usages. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 186, v. 107. ------. Considerations sur les perforations du pc'iinee et sur le passage de 1'enfant a travers cette parlie. 19 pp. 8°. Paris, Cosson, [1830]. [P., v. 908.] ______,, Traite pratique des accouchemens. Atlas de planches cxecutees d'apres uature par Emile Peau, sur les preparations anatomiques de M. Jacquemier. 30 L, 60 pi. fol. Paris, Germer- Baillicie. 1837. ------. The same. 30 L, 60 col. pi. fol. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1837. ------. The same. Icoues obstetrica*; a serie* of 60 plates illustrative of the art aud science of midwifery, in all its branches. Edited, with practical observations and table*, by J. 8. Stree- ter. 5 pp., 30 1., 3 pp., 60 pi. fol. London, H. Bailliere. \812. Title-]ia;jc of this editiou gives author's name as A. L. Moieau. ------. The same. Atlas de 60 planches sur l'art des accouchemens. Nouveau tirage. 30 L, 60 pi. fol. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1845. ------. Traite* pratique de* accouchemens. 2 v. in 1. xiv, 564 pp. ; 1 p. 1., ."'00 pp. 8--. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1838. The first edition of the atlas accompanied this work. ------. The same. 2 v. xiv, 564 pp. ; 1 p. L, 50(1 pp. 8°. I'aris, Germer-Bailliere, 1841. ------. The same. 2 v. in 1. xiv, 564 pp.; 500 pp. 8°. Paris, 1^58. ------. The same. A practical treatise on mid- wifery; exhibiting the present advanced state of the science. Transl. from the French by Thos. I'.iiest Betton, and edited by Paul B. Goddard. 235 pp., 80 pi. 4°. Philadelphia, Caret) f Hart, 1814. For i:,o,,nt,,h!i. see Union med., Par., 1862, 2. s., xvi, 324- ;i:>-J (Ut.sselinl. h'or Portrait, sec Collection—vau Kaathoven.— Col- let-lion of I'm 11. ( Lihr. )—Portraits of Celehrated Flench Surg, tfc Pins., no. 43. ITIoreail (Georges). *De la, diphtheric cutanee. 37 pp., 1 1. 4°. P.n'ts, P. Ditpout, 1879, No. 205. iTIorcilll (Giistave). * De la congestion pulmo- nale dans le rhumat isme arliculaire sub-aigu. I p. 1., 1d8 pp., 1 1. 4°. Nancy, 1876, 1. s., No. 34. .Tloreail (Henri). * De l'hemorrhagie cerebrale. 27 pp. 4'. Paris, 1853, No. 162, v. 545. ITIoreail (J.-F ) * Sur la peripneumonie simple. 14 pp. 4°. Paris, an JC/77[1805], No. 466, v. 56. ITIoreail (J.-I.) * Analyse physiologique et siege* ih's phenomenes- caracteristiqiies de l'hysterie. viii, 9-32 pp. 4 J. Paris, 1822, No. 12, v. 170. ITIoreail (Jacques-Joseph) [1804-84]. * De l'in- fluence clu-physique relativeiiient an desordre des facultes intellectuelles, et eui particulier dans cette varii't.6 du delire designee par M. Esquirol sous le noni de nionomanie. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, Nn_. 127, v. 232. ------. Ltudes psvehiques sur la folie. 17 pp. 8°, Paris, Lacour et Cie., 1840. [P., v. 1399.] ------. Memoire sur le traitenient des hallucina- tions par le Datura stramonium. 43 pp. 8 . Paris, J. Ronvier if E. Le Ronvier, 1841. ■------. Lettre* medieales sur la colonic, d'alienes de Gheel (Belgique). 39 pp. 8'-'. Paris, Bour- gogne A Martinet, [1,843]. Bound with: Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1849, xiii. ------. Du hachiseh e-t de Falionution mentale. Etudes psychologiques. viii, 431 pp. 8 . I'aris, Fort in, Masson A Cie.. 1845. ------. Un chapitre oublie de la pathologie nieu- tale. 77 pp. 8. Paris, '/'. Masson, 1850. [\\, v. 37.] Repr. from: Union med., Par., 18,">0, iv. ITIoreail (Jacques-Joseph)—continued. ------. Memoire sur les causes predisposantes hereditaires de l'idiotie et de l'inibecilite. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Mal teste f Cie., 1853. [P., v. 1615.] Repr. from: Union med., Par., 1853, vii. ------. De l'etiologie de l'epilepsie et des indica- tions que l'etude des causes peul fournir. 175 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere A jils, 187)4. Repr. from: M6m. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1854, xviii. ------. De l'ideutite de l'etat de reve et de la folie. 48 pp. 8r Paris, L. Martinet, [ 1-55]. Repr. from: Ann. ni6d.-psych., Par., 1855, 3. s., i. ------. Traite pratique de la folie nevropathique ( vulgo, histerique ). xxiv, 206 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1869. Also, Co-Editor of: Annates niedico-psyehologiqiies, Paris, 1855-62. For Biography, see Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1885, 3. s., i. 412-415 (Desnos). See, also, Kitli. Uloge de J. Moreau (de Tours). Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1887, 7. s., vi, 112-145. ITIoreail (Jacques-Louis) [1771-1826]. Eloge- de Felix Vicq-d'Azyr, suivi d'un precis des travaux anatomiques et physiologiques de cc celebre n*e- decin. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, Laurens, an VI [179-]. [Also, in : P., v. 1388.] ------. Esquisse d'un cours d'hygiene, ou de me- deciue appliquee a l'art d'user de la vie et de conserver la sante; extrait d'une partie des lecons d'hygiene faites pour la premiere fois au Lycee republican], en l'an VIII. Ouvrage, ou niieux, dessein et fragments d'uu ouvrage, ayant pour objet de moutrer I'hygiene i-oninie rt-nsein- ble des donn6cs et des resultats que l'histoire uaturelle de l'homnie et la medecine doivent fournir pour coucourir a perfeetionner le phy- sique de l'espeee humaine, et pour asseoir sur des bases communes Tart de conserver la sante, la morale et le bonheur, accompague de notes, de deux tableaux aualytiques, et d'un precis (l'histoire uaturelle de l'homme et dc physiologic, presente comme introduction, xxiv, 97 pp., 1 1. 8". Paris, Tiger[andothers],[l801]. [P.,v. 1643.] ------. Traite liistorique et pratique dela vaccine, qui contient le precis et les lesultats des obser- vations et des experiences sur la vaccine, avec un exameu impartial de ses a vantages et des ob- jections qui leur sont opposeos, et tout, ce qui coucerne la pratique du nouveau mode d'inocu- lation. xvi, 346 pp. 8ri Paris, Bernard, an IX [1801]. ------. The same. Tratado histdriro y priictico de la vacuua. Trad, por D. F. X. De Balniis. xl, 368pp., lpl., port. 8°. Madrid, imprenla veal, 1803. ------. * Sur la gangrene humide des hopitaux. 19 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 26. ------. Melanges de litterature et de philosophic medieales. 25 pp. 8°. Paris, an XIII [18(15]. ------. Revo.. 56 pp., 1 tab. 8. [Paris, 1821.] Repr. from: Diet. d. sc. iu6d., Par., [1821]. ------. Discours prononce" dans la seance publique aunuelle de rAcadeinie royale de medecine. 24 pp. 12'■-. Paris, Migneret, 1826. [Also, in : P., v. 470.] See Vicq-d'Azyr (Felix). Planches pour les oeuvrea de . . . [etc.] 4°. Paris, [1805]. Moreau {Jean-Baptiste). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. ITIoreail ( Jean-Cheri). * Propositions sur les hydiopisies du tissu cellulaire et des membranes sereuses. cousiderees d'une maniere gebierale. 8 pp. -F. Paris, 1828, No. 96, v. 216." ITIoreail (Jean-Philippe) * De la nature' du goitre exophthalmique. 40 pp. 4 . Paris, 1867, No. 158. ITIoreail ( Jean - Raphael -Jules ). * Considera- tions gcnerales sur les hemorrhagies spontanee*. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 16, v. 229. MOiiEAU. 44,S MOKKAIT. ITIoreail (Joseph-A.-E.) * De l'ictere chez les nouveau-nes. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 163, v. 621. ITIoreail (Joseph-Frederic). * De la temperature dans quelques etats pathologiques de l'enfance. 46 pp. 4J. Paris, 1858, No. 23, v. 621. ITIoreail (Jules). * Du traitement medical de la diphth6rie et en particulier de son traitement par le cubebe. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 118. ITIoreail (Jules-Albert). * Influence des diathe- ses (se-rofule et syphilis) en chirurgie. 36 pp. 4 . Paris, 1872, No. 303. ITIoreail ( Jules - Henri ). * Recherches sur la tracheotoiuie. 135 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 473. ITIoreail (Jules-M.-E.-B.) * Considerations sur la nostalgic 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 138, v. 475. ITIoreail (Jules-Miehel-Ferdinand). * De rein- ploi topique de l'huile de croton tigliiun dans l'anasarque. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 198. ITIoreail ( L. ) * Considerations sur l'effet et Tabus des alimens. 16 pp. 4; Paris, 1807, No. 72, v. 67. ITIoreail (L.-E.) Eaux tliermales de Hannnam- Mi'.skhoutine, Algerie. 125pp., lpl., 1 map. 8°. Bone, Dagand, 1858. ITIoreail (Louis). * Des affections syphilitiques tertiaires des bourses sereuses. 32 pp. es maladies des femmes .en couche, observers a l'Hopital Saint- Louis pendant l'aun6e 1820. x, 11-52 pp. 4° Paris, 1821, No. 45, v. 164. ------. Reflexions et observations sur les ane- vrismes de l'aorte aseeudaute, (inverts dan* le pc-ricarde. 16 pp. 8°. [Paris, Vve. Thitati, 1830.] liepr.from: A. hehd. de med., Par., 1830, vi. ----—. Memoire sur l'epiddniie miliaire (suette miliaire, suette des Picards, fievre miliaire) qui a regne en 1821 dans la commune du Mesnil- Saint-Denis, et autres lieux du departement de l'Oise. 36 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Ballieve, 183-' [P., V. 488.] ------. Histoire statistique du cholera-morbus dans le quartier du Faubourg Saint-Denis (bme arrondisseineiit) pendant les mois d'avril, mai .juin, juillet, aoftt et septembre [1832]. 3 p. 1.' 68 pp. 8*. Paris, 1833. ------. Histoire statistique du cholera asiatique de 184. ITIoreail (P.-J.) Lettre a monsieur le. ministre de l'interieur sur l'assainissement des villes ct la conservation des engruis. 21 pp. 12r #r,j. xelles, Dee-ej, 1848. ITIoreail (Paul). * De la contagion du suicide h propos de l'epideniie actuelle. 80 pp. 4 />„ ris, 1875, No. 129. ------. Des troubles intellectuels dus a l'intoxi- cation leute par le gaz oxvde de carbone 711 m) 1 1. 8°. Paris, P. Asschn, 1876. ------. De la folic jalouse. 109 pp, 1 |. 8°. I'aris, P. Asselin, 1877. ------. De la (lenience dans ses rapports avec l'etat normal des faeultes intellectue-lles et affectives. 59 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Asselin, 1878. ------. Des aberratious du sens gen&sique. 304 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin A' Cie., 1880. —. The same. 3. ed. 320 pp. 8°. Paris Asselin A Cie., 1883 ------. De l'homicide cominis par les enfants. 196 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin f Cie., l88->. ------. Fous et bouffons; etude physiologique, psychologique et historique. vii, 283 pp. \->-\ I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere A' fils, 1885. ITIoreail (Pierre-Alpbonse). * Du delire dans la pneumonic. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 68. ITIoreail (K.-M.-Charles). *Des hemorrhagies de Fiitorus. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 18,59, No. 62, v. Ii:>4. ITIoreail (Raoul). * Essai sur le* fractures trans- versa les simples de la rotule. 44 pp. 4r Paris, 1874, No. 207. ITIoreail (Renatus) [1587-1656]. De niissioue sanguinis in pleuritide, ubi deinonstratur ex qua corporis parte detractus ille fuel it a duobus an- noruni niillibus, ex omnium jiene medicoriilll giiecoruin, latiuorum, arabum, harbaioruiii cx- acta, enunieratione, juxta temporuni quibus fio- ruere serieui iiistitnta. Adjuncta est Pet. Bris- soti . . . vita. 3 p. I., 118 pp., 3 1. 1.2°. Teir't- siis, A. Pacard, 1622. Bound with: Brissoths (Petrus). Apologetica disce- patio [etc.] 12°. Parisiis, 11)22. ------. The same. 3 p. 1., 146 pp., 31. 12°. Halce, C. H. Hemmerde, 1742. Bound with: St uri./.i;. Compendium historic, etc. 12°. "Halce Magdeb.. 1712. See, also. l£ri*soiu<. (Petrus). Apologetica tlisceptatin [etc-.] 12°. Parisiis, lti22. — ITInrtimiN (Joannes). I'ne- lectiones in lihrum Hippucratis. S°. Parisiis, 1037 — Malcriuiiii (ScIiudI of). Schola Salernitaua [etc.) »°. I'cirisiis, 1025. —Mt-hulzt' (Jn. Henricus). ('oiiipeudiuni Instill i:c nicdiciiue [etc.l 16°. Halie Magdeb.. 1742.- W> I viitM Ambianus (•Jacobus). Opera medica [etc.] fol. tii-iteni; iu:;.-,. For Portrait, see Collection—vau Kaathoven. ITIoreail (Rene)1. * I. Faire coniiaitre les causes et lo pronostic de l'erysipc-le en general; de l'emploi des topiques dans le traitenient de l'ery- sipele II. [etc.] 29 pp. 4'A Paris, 1838, No. 200, v. 331. ITIoreail (Rene)2. * Recherches liniques et ex- periinentales sur reinpoisoniieinent aigu par le plomb et ses composes. 112 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 432. ------. The same. K»9 pp. 8°. Paris, Vve. A. Delahaye ti'- Cie., 1876. ITIoreail (Simon-Rene). * Sur I'hygiene des en- faus dans le premier age. vii, 7-26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 194. v. 128. JTIoreau (Sylvain). * Considerations sur le choix d'une nourrice. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 171, v. 218. MOKEAF. 440 MOKEIIEII). Moreau.TO ;^r,...p«.ii.t •xi nn. -1 ■ /'"''■"•> 1 I( • r"- u' t d'hygiene militaire. 52 pp. Ilvdronepl 12(1* Tloirsin.tl'^U11^ TloirsVnl'-BoilVaVd] (Louis-M -A.) De deux autres nioilcsde suture intestinale. 14 pp. 4 . Ant',, 1837, No. 2(K), v. 312. ____Precis de chirurgie cleinenfaiie ; leeons nrufessees a l'Hopital militaire de peifectionne- lucnt du Val-de-Ciace, en 1843 et 1844. iv, :>-l84 nn. 12-. Paris, Fovt'nt, Masson 3- Cie., L-lo. .Tlorrsui - Cliristophe ( Louis- Mathnrin ) [L'.i'.r ]. De la niortalite et de la folic dans le re,■ une penitentiaire, et specialemeut dans les neiiirentiiTs de Philadelphie, d'Auburn, de Ge- neve et de Lausanne. 100 pp., 1 1. 8:. Paris, Bailliere, 1839. ,_____. Kaison des fait* communiques par Ch. Lucas, a rAcaddmie dc* sciences morales, sur qiielepies detenus cellules. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1839. iTIoi'Cilii de Joinies (A.-C.) Ethiiogenie cau- casienne. Recherches snr la formation et le lieu d'origine des peoples ethiopien, chaldeens syri- ens, liinilous, perse*, he*breux, giecs, celtes, ara- lies, etc. xxiii, 408 pp., 1 L, 2 maps. 5°. Pavis, J. Chevbuliez, 1861. I?l0ie;ill de Joillies (Alexandre) [1778- ]. Monographic du trigonocephale des Antilles, ou gniude vijieic fer-de lance de la Martinique. 42 pp. 8°. [ Paris], Mignerel, [I8lti]. -----. Essai sur l'liygiene militaire des Antilles ; euvove aux ailminislrateurs et aux chefs du ser- vice ele sante des colonies, des ports et des hopi- tatix ele teiic et de nier, par ordre de LL. EEx. les ministers de la guerre et de la marine. 83 pp. 8;. Paris, imp. Mignerel, 1817. -----. Tableau du climat de* Antilles, «>■■ (W. W.) Circular No. 6, 18(11. 12°. [Washington, 18GL] ITIoreira (Manuel Carlos Cleto). *liachitismo. 2 p. 1., 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, E. et H. Laemmerl, 1875. ITIoreira de Almeida lAinerico Yespucio). *Trataniento da angina diphtherica. 2 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bahia, J. G. Tonrinho, 186,9. ITIorejOll (Antonio Hernandez) [1773-183(3]. En- sayo de ideoldgia clinica, <> de los fuudaiuentos lilosotieos para la*ensefianza de la medieina y ci- rujia. 3 p. L, 334 pp. 18-'. Madrid, D. C. Mar- tinez, 1821. ------. licllezas de- medieina practica descubier- tas en el ingenioso cabalh-ro Don L>uijote de la Manclia, conipuesto por Miguel Cor\ antes Saave- dra. 25 pp. 12 \ Madrid, T. Jordan, 1836. ------. The same. Etude niedico-psychologiqne sur I'liisloire ele- I), n Quichotte. Trad, et anno- tee i>ar J. M. Guardia. 28 pp. .- I'aris, J.-B. Baillieve A Jils, 187,8. ------. Historia bibliogialica de la medieina es- panola; opera postuma. - 7 v. 8°. Madrid, 1842-52. For liingrttpliii, see Ilibliot. nietl.-caslr. espan., Madrid, 18.7J, vii, 35-311 (j. J. Picruas). Also .- Bol. denied., cirug. y farm.. Mathiil, 18:ili. iii, 333-330. Also: Gaz. meet., Par., 1803, 3. s., xxxiv, 4711-483 (J.-M. Guardia). ITIorei1. Mi'-nioire et observations sur l'applica- tion du feu au traitenient des maladies; gudrisoii d'uue maladie du foie operc-e par le moxa; sui vis de vucs gdndrales sur la niddecine, et de quelques procoptes en forme d'aphorisincs. xi, 13-3)15 pp. 8 . Paris, Le Normant, 1813. ITIorei-. * Ptude sur le traitenient des fractures , simples ct eoinpliqiiees du corps de l'humerus. 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 177. ITIorei (A.-Arinand). * De la phthisie larvngde. 30 ]>p. 4°. Paris, 187,4, No. I8(i, v. 5(13. ITIorei (Antoine). * Quelques general!Ids sur les maladiesdu cceur. 32pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1837, No. 134. [P., v. 1081.] ITIorei (Auguste). * Considerations sur le varus, gutta-rosea (groupe des dermatoses dartreuses). 26 ]i]>. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 329, v. 279. ITIorei (Beuedict-Angustin) [1809-73]. *I. Com-- [larer les a vantage-set les incouvenientsdes failles [>erinealeset hypogastriquesdans lescasdegrosse pierre chez radulteetle vieillard. II. [etc-.] 34 [ip. 4-. Paris, 1839, No. 279, v. 347. ------. Memoire sur la manie des femmes en couches, precede de quelques reflexions sur la direction a suivre dans l'dtiide eles maladies mentales. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, Cosse if Gaultier- Laguionie, 1842. [P., v. 1399.] ------. Pathologic* mentale en Belgique, en Hol- lande et en Allemagne. Des journaux de psychi- atric en Allemagne. 8 pp. 8 . [Pavis, Bour- cjogne A Martinet, 181,").] Repr. from..- Ann. ni6d.-psych.. Par., 1815, vi. ------. Considerations sur les causes du goitre et do eieliiiisine eiidc'-niiques a Kosieies-aux-Salines (Meurthe). 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Nancy, Vaguer, 187,1. ------. Etudes cliniques. Traite theorique et pratique des maladies mentales consiliences dans leur nature, leur traitement, et dans leur rapport avec- hi medecine legale 7-7(il. Also: Lnion nied. ele la Seiiie-Inf'., Kouen, 1873, xii. ------. See, also : Lew (A.) Rapport sur les travaux antlnopologicpies de M. le Dr. Morel. In: Mokki, ill-A.) Melanges d'an- thiop. path. 8 ■-. Rouen, 1859. -Jl-Uti. ITIorei (C.-L.) * Essai sur quelques-uiu-s d.-s hd- morrhagies utdrines qui ont lieu pendant la MOREL. 451 AID.;EL I)H RUBEAIPRE. ITIorei (C.-L.)—continued. grossesse, avaut et apres la parturition. 1 p. 1., HI pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1808, v. 45. ITI ore I (Ch.) "Sur i'apoplcxic. 22 pp. 4 . Paris. 1806, No. 78, v. 62. iTI ore I (Charles). " h'eclierches sur le point de depart et revolution de rathcrome artericl. 22 pp., 1 pi. -1 . Paris, 187,7>. No. 118, v. 578. ITIorei (Charles-Basile) [182:5-84]. * Developpe- ineiitet structure du systemic niiisculaire. 159 pp. 4-'. Paris. Lacour, 187>6>. Concours. ______. Traite elenieutaire d'histologie, humaine normale et pathologicpie, preYede d'un exposd des moyens d'observer au microscope; accoin- pagneil'uu atlas de 34 planches dessindes d'apres nature par J.-A. Villeinin. iv. 278 pp.; atlas, 31 pp., 34 pi- 8-". I'aris. J.-B. Bailliere Afils, 1864. ----—. The same. 3. eel. viii, 418, 7(1 pp., 36 pi. 8°. I'aris, J.-B. Baillieve Afils, 1879. -----. The same. Compendium of human his- tology. Transl. and edited by W. H. Van Bureu. 207 pp., 28 pi. 8°. Xew York, Bailliere Bros., 1861. -----. Le cerveau, sa topographie anatouiique. v, 48 pp., xvii pi. 4 . Paris, J.-B. Balliere A jils, 18--M. ------<^ Duval ( Matthias). Manuel dc- l'anafo- iniste. (Anatoniie descriptive et dissection.) xiv, 1152 pp. 8*5. Paris, Asselin A Cie., 1882. ITIorei (Charles-Ernest). * Des affections rhu- niatisinales. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834. No. 271, v. 277. ITIorei (Charles - Narcisso). * L'etlcxions som- niaiies sur 1'intlaniiiiation. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836. No. 204, v. 300. ITIorei (Daniel) [1809- ]. * De signis mor- boruni, (pue ex faciei habit ii petuntur. 44 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Xietackianis, [183(1]. ITIorei (E.-P.-Henri). * Quelques considerations sur les phh'gniasieset les abces du foie en Algdrie. 50 pp. 4 Z Paris, 187,2, No. 257, v. 529. ITIorei (Emile). * Des complications cardiaques de la, blennorrliagie. 45 pp., 1 1. 4~. I'aris, 1878, No. 269. ITIorei (Eugene). * Contribution a l'etude des dpitlieliomas du maxillaire .superieur et en par- liiulier de lYpithdlioma to id bra nt. 40 pp. 4*. Paris, 1879, No. 334. iTIvrel (llorent). 'Considerations sur la phthi- sic pulmonaire. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. Ill, v. 166. ITIorei (G.-C.-Louis). * Essai sur le croup. 23 pp. 4". Strasbourg, 1833, v. 64. ITIorei (Gustav e). * De la hernie dti-anglcY. 55 pp. 4 . Paris, 1859, No. 222, v. 034. ITIorei (Henri). * De lYmphy-seine vesiculairedes poumons. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 309, v. 529. ITIorei (J.-B.) * I. Des influences qui agissent plus particulierenient sur le systeme eirculaire, de maniere a v determiner un efat pathologique. 11. [etc.] 36 pp. 4■-'. Paris, 1841, No. 291, v. 378. ITIorei (J.-C.-N.) * Sur la suette miliaire observde a Saiiit-Valcrv-cn-Cuux en 18:52 et en 1833. 24 pp. 4 . I'aris, 1834, No. 205, v. 275. ITIorei (J. S.) Se,- Bernard (Claude). Lecture ou the physiology of the heart [etc.] sJ. Sarannah, 1807. ITIorei (J.-T.) *Sur le mehena, ou la, maladie none. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, au XIII [1805], No. 456, v. 55. ITIorei (Jacques). * De l'ancsthe'sic appliquee a la lithotritie. 20 pp. 4J. Paris, 187,3, No. 219, v. 54"). ITIorei (Jaeques-Chailos-Aiuid). v Essai sur les epancheinens dans Jes plevres. 1 p. 1., 26 \iy. 4r Strasbourg, 1830, v. 61. ITIorei (Jacques-Philihert). Discours anatomiques prononees dans raniphitheatre de chirurgie. 4 p. 1.,506 pp.,21. 18 . Chalon-sur-Sa6ia;J. Xcintt/, 1716. ITIorei (Jacques-Pierre-Louis). * Sur les causes qui contribiient le plus a rend re cachectique et rachitiqiie la constitution d'un grand nombre dYnfans de la ville de Lille. 12 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1812, No. 140, v. 92. ITIorei (Jean-Louis). " Sur la cataracte. vi, 7-29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 93, v. 185. ITIorei (Joseph). * Propositions de physiologic et de pathologie. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 47, v. 184. ITIorei (Jules). * Etude sur un point de traite- ment des ane\ lysines cirsoides. 48 pp. 4J. Pa- ris, 1873. No. 43.9. ITIorei i Jules-Albert). * Sur la searlatine. 23 pp. 4-. Paris. 1829. No. 242, v. 228. Morel (L.-Pi.-Ernest). * Diagnostic de la cata- racte. 50 pp., 1 pi. 4 \ Pavis, 1862, No. 134. Morel (Ldou) [1853- ]. * Essai sur la persis- tance (lu trou de Botal chez l'adulte. 58 pp., 11. 4J. Paris, 1881, No. (8. Morel ( Leoii-Pierre-Hyacinthe ). * Do Faction des alcalius dans le traitement des maladies. 34 pp. 4 . Paris, 1866, No. 70. Morel (Louis-Auseline). 'Dela disarticulation tibio-tarsieniie (procede nouveau). 12 pp. 4-'. Paris, .1847, No. 250, v. 462. Morel ( Louis-Camille). * Keeherches a propos do la transfusion eiu sang. 27 pp. 4-. Paris, 187)6, No. 91, v. 594. Morel (Louis-Gabriel). See ICit-liK-r (August Gottlieb). Traite ties plaies de tete. «". Col oner, [ii. d.] Morel (Nestor). * Contribution a l'etude de la meningite tuberculeuse. ele l'adulte. Quelques observations de formes auonnales. 81 pp. 4\ Paris, 18,87, No. 239. Morel (Pierre-Erancois-Simdon). * P.ssai sur la topographic physique- et medicale de la ville de Dieppe, suivi de quelques propositions sur les bains de uier, sur les conditions les plus favora- bles a leur emploi, et les maladies auxquelles ils out par ii le mieux convenir jusqu'a present, vi, 7-68 pp. 4-\ Paris, 1824, No. 34, v. 184. Morel (V.) Nouveau traitenient des affections des voics respiratoiivs el des intoxications du sang par les injections rec-tales gaze uses d'apres la methode du Dr. L. Bergeon. 45 pp., 1 1. 8-. Paris, ti. Masson, 1886. ------. The same. New treatment of the affec- tions of the respiratory organs and of blood poi- son by rectal injections of gases after the method of Dr. Bergeon. Transl. from the French by L. E. Holinan. 21 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, J. IV. Queen <.)'• Co., [1887]. Morel (Vital-Ambroise). * Sur lYncdphalite. lo pp. 4\ Paris, 1829, No. 235, v. 227. jflorel ( William Richard). Brief memoir on the professional character of William Richard Morel. Tr. Ass. Apoth., etc., Loud., 1823, i. 387- 391. Morel d'AlieilX (Jules-Paul). v Considdra- tions sur la resection du coude et particuliere- ment sur la pratique de cette resection en Angle- terre. 78 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 230. Morel de Kiihe in pre (M.-J.) Les secrets de la generation, ou l'art de piocreera volonte des biles ou des garoons, de faire des enfants d'esprit, de les orner du don de la beaute, de les avoir sains et robnstes; precede de la description des parties naturelles de 1'homiue et de la femnie, avec l'indication de 1'usage particulier de cha- cune d'elles; ferniine par lYxposition des mo- yens propres a se conserver uue graude puis- sance en amour jusqu'a l'age le plus availed; MOREL OR KUT.HMPRE. 452 MORKLOT. Morel lie It u Item pre (M.-J.)—continued. suivi de I'm 11 d'etre mere sans le concours des homines. II. ed. 294 pp., 1 pi. UK Bruxelles, llauman, Cattoir A Cie., 1837. -----. Codice preservative della sifilide o malat- tie veneree. I'receduto dalla sposizione de' segni esterui ed intend da' quali si conosceranno le persone che ne sono iufetti. Dal fiancese vol- tato in italiano da Giuseppe Kaffaelc Perrelli. 155 |>p., 2 1. 8J. Napoli, Partenope, 1813. [P., v.. 1112.] Morel-Orville (Achille). * Eivsipele trauma- tique. 37 pp. 4J. Paris, 1844, No. 146, v. 421. Morell (C. P.) Cheinische Liiteisuchuiig einiger der bekannterii und besuclitern Gesuudbrunneu und Biider der Schweiz, insbesondeisdes Cantons Bern. Nebst einer Beschreibung der neuesten Uiitcrsuchuiigs-Mcthodeu ; (lurch eigeue Erfah- rungen vennehrt und bestatiget. 9 p. 1., 385 pp., 1 pi. 12-'. Bern, E. Haller, 1788. ITI ore 11 (.Cornelius Gualtherus De Prill). * De inflaniniatione diaphraginatis. iv, 47 pp. 8\ Lugd. Bat., C. C. ran der Hock. 1840. Morell (Joannes). * De rcgione inguinali. 20 pp. 4°. Monachii, I. Bbsl, 183,7. Morel-La vallee ( A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la s\ niphysc, cardiaque. 162 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1886, No. 10L -----. The same. 162 pp. 8:. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1886. Morel - Lavallce ( \ ictor-Augiiste-Fraiicois ) [1811-65]. * Des luxations ch- la clavicule. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 90, v. 393. -----. Pssai sur les luxations de la clavicule, presente a, l'Academie de nie'decine le 14 fevrier 1843. 151 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 18-14. -------. *Sur les rdtraetions aeciclentelles des niembres. 77 pp. 4". Paris, Hanguelin A Bau- truche, 1844. Concours. -----. "Sur l'oste'-ite vi- ses suites. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, D.-E. Baulruehe; 18 17. Contours. * Sur les luxations compliqudes. 68 pp. Paris, llennuyer f Co., 1851. I onconrs. -----. v Sur les corps etrangers artieiilaires. 11 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Paris, 1.853. ('iincoiirs. For Bingraphii. see Mem. Sue. tie chir. de Par., 18C9, vii, pp. vii-xiv (Leucines!). Also .- Kev. de lit. nied., I'ar., 187(1, i, 207 (U.-F.-R). Morelle (Emile). * I. Ex poser les symptomes et le diagnostic de la svphilitic ve-siculeuse. II. [etc.] 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 85, v. 363. Morelle (Emile-Francois-Josoph) [1834- ]. LYehe-i thes des leucoinai'nes dans la rate pp. 4K Lille, 1886, 3. s., No. 19. L'air atniospheriejue. 126 pp. 8°. 4C 31 Pa- ris, A. Parent, 1886 Concours. Morellet (Felix). * Le caoutchouc; origines botanicpies, proeYdds de recolte. 70 ]>p., 2 pi. 4 . Paris, Vert ainc, 18-4. fictile supi'•ricure de pharmacie de Paris, no. 3. Morelli (Carlo) [1816-79]. La pellagra nei suoi rapporti medici e sociali. 279 pp. 8 '. Firenze; Murate, 1856. -----. Guida pratica e razionale alia cura dei morbi cronici della pelle. 2 p. 1., 1064, 8 pp., 11 pi. rov. 8°. Firenze; Mttvale, 1857. -----. The sumo. 1064, 8 pp., 11 pi. 8 ->. Fi- renze, G. Fer voni, 1872. -----. Le eareeri penitenziali della Tuscan a. Studi igicniei. 123 pp., 2 tab. 8'■'. Firenze; X. Fabbriiii, [1869]. [P., v. 1134.] Ilriordinamenf o degli studi medici e della Morelli (Carlo)—continued. 8 . Milano, Soc. d. Ann. univ. d. sc. c indust., 186,2. [V., v. 1145. ] Repr. from : Aun. univ. di med.. Milano. IsilJ, clxxix. Also. Co Fxhtor of: Tempo (||); gioi-iinlc italiano di metliciua, [etc.], Firenze. lS;"is, For Bingraphii, see Ann. uuiv. di ined. c chir., Milano 1879, ceil, ,-i2.->-52S. -----& Nesti (Leopoldo). Istoria clinica della difterite osservata nella eitta di Firenze e suoi dintorni dal 1862 al 1872. 1 p. ]., 160 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Firenze; typ. Cenniniana, 1873. Morelli (Gio. Baft.) Pendieonto elinic-o della se/.ione chirurgica maschile diretta dal (lotto: Giovanni Mori, medico-chirurgo, direttoic deil' ospedale in Brescia. 109 pp. 8°. Brescia, F. Apollonio, 1884. Morelli (Joannes Silvester). * I. De sanguinis circuitu, etc. 19 pp. 4 . Augusta' Taurinovum, Bianco, [1818]. [P., v. 944.] Morelli (Luigi). Istmzioni al popolo sui modo di vivere e diportarsi in caso d' invasione cole medieina pubblica nel regno d' Italia. 98 pp. rica; speriuienti e studi. 9 pp. setta, tipog. Giacopino, 1884. ----. Relazione sulle proposte farsi, come piii neeessarie al Call an is- delle opere da niiglioraiiiento 10 pp., 1 map. igienico della eitta di Brescia. roy. 8 . [Brescia, Apollonio, 1886.] ITIorelli (Pasquale). Studio critico sulla cura dei tuniori emorroidarii iutcrni. 206 pp., 1 1., 1 id. 8°. Napoli, 1873. Repr. from: Morgagni, Napoli, 1873, xv. Morello (Franciscus). Medieiuale patioe-iniuin in sanguiniscirculationem. 72 pp. 4 . Xeapoli, ex off. Bulij'oniana, 1678. [Morello (Paolo).] Note sjill' omcopatia in oceasione del colera. 20 pp. 12 . [ Firenze, 1854.] [P., v. 1456.] -----. Prolegomeni della storia della medieina nelle sue attinenze colla civilta, corso del 1861 nell' Universita di Palermo, viii, 252 pp. 8 . Palermo, B. Virzi, 1861. [P., v. 1430.] -----. O raz ion e inaugurale per 1' apcrtura degli studi nell' anno seolaslieo 1863, letta nell' aula della Universita di Palermo il 16 novenibre 1862, coll' iiitervento del connnissario regio commen- (latoic A. De Monale. 39 pp. 8 . Palermo, Movvillo, 186,2. [P., v. 1426.] ITIorellllS Cahiloueusis (Joannes). De febre pnr- puiata, erideinia et pestilente, ejiue ab aliquot annis in Burgundiani et omnes fere Gallia- pro- vincias misere debacchatur, mediea dissertatio: in qua de pestileiitium febrium natura, causis, signis, et enrafione breviter disseritur. 5 ]i. 1., 132 pp. 12\ Lugduni, J. A. Hitguetan, 1611. Morelllis (Petrus). Formula' remediorum studio et ojiera Jo. Jacob a Brunn. Cujus aci-edit sys- tema inatcuia' lnedicie. 10 i». 1., 296, 187 jip. 18 ; Patavii, P. Frambolt, 1647. -----. The same. Methodus pra-scribendi for- mulas remediorum. Cum adjuneto materia) medicte systemate. Aucta, variisque modis il- lustrata, nunc pro 2. ed. rece-nsita a Gerardo Blasio. 16 p. 1., 578 pp., 3 1. 18'. Amsttlotlami, apud C. Commelinium, 1665. -------. The- same. l'ec"usita, aucta, illustrata a Ce-iardo Blasio. 3. ed. 8 p. L, 578 pp., 1 pi, 24°. Ainsterodami, H. et T. Boom, 1680. See. also. VI iclntcl i» (-Inb ) Opeiu iiiedico-cliii'iirjrica [etc.] 4'. Aoruribt'igit', 1 ('■.-.- -----. (Ipcta i]iie>ti]iiot ba- bel i potue-runt omnia [etc ] 4 . Am emhergte, 10UH. Morelot (Leon). * De la valeur pionosticjiie ties druptions miliaires dins le rhuinatisino articu- laire auig. 52 pp. 4-'. Paris, 1870, No. 230. Morclol (Simon). Coins eleim-i.taire theoriijiio et pratique de pliaiinacie-ehiniique, on manuel ilu pharmacien-chiiniste, eontcnanf la descrip- tion de tons les niddicameuts usites en niddecine; la ddfinitioii des diverses operations pharma- * MORELOT. Aril) MORGAGXT. Morelot (Simon)—continued. eeiito-ehiniiqui's; 1'indication de tons les pro- cedes conniis . . . l'exposition des vertus, de l'lisa"!-, et, des doses des mddicaments, taut nia- gistiaux qu'of'hYinaiix. 2. dd., augmentee . . . pur F.-V. ,Merat. 3 v. 8°. Paris, Meqnignon- Marris, 1-1 I. Morel>' (Jacques-IIenri-Julien). * Sur I'hygiene dc quelques communes des arrondissemens de Tulle et, de Ihives, et sur quelques moyens d'y pcifectioiiner la medecine rurale. 25 pp. 4'-'. Paris, 1831, No. 215, v. 276. Morely (Jean-Paul). ^ Nouvelles considerations sur la transfusion du sang. 50 pp. 4°. Boris, 1861, No. 73. Moreno (Pduardo). Algas termales. Desciip- ciou iiiicrogra'lica ele algunas especies presentadas en la exposition de mineiia, aguas minerales, etc. U pp. 8-\ Madrid, M. Minnesa, 1883. Moreno de la Tejera (Vicente). Campafia sanitaria en el ano 1884. 86 pp. 8°. Madrid, W. Moutegrij'o, I88f,. Moreno y Fernandez (Josd). Del cdlera, suscaracteres, origen y desen volvimioiito, causas, naturaleza y curacion ; historia de esta enferme- ilad durante la invasion que ha sufrido Sevilla en 185-1, con algunas consideraciones geiierales sobre el niisino padeeiniiento, tomaelas tie su es- tnelio en los diferentes pueblos que ha reeoriido. 219 pp., 2 I. 8°. St villa. ]855. -----. El espirilu de Claudio Bernard como fisio- logo y como niddico. Lecciou pronunciada el primer dia de clase en la de fisiologia huinana. fri pp. 8\ Sevilla, C. M. Sanligosa, 1880. Moreno y Ma'iz (Thomas). * Recherches chi- iiiiques el physiologiques sur l'eryt hoxylum coca du i'l-i-ou et, la cocaine. 92 pp. 4 . Paris, 186)8, No. 6. ------. The same. 1 p. L, 90 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8 . Paris, L. Led eve, 1868. i!e Morentin (Manuel Martiuez). Tratado de la higiene, 6 sea, salud y enfennedad. Con un pequefio apendice. xvi (1 1.), 454 pp. 12°. Lon- don, Tr'tibner A Go., 1864. Morer (Eugene). * Du suicide en France; dtude statistique. 39 pp. 4. Paris, 1878, No. 122. Morer (Sauveur). Du ddlire dans les maladies aigues; frequence, pathogdnie et valeur pronos- tique de ce symptome dans quelques maladies aigues du poumon. 2 p. 1., 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872. No. 473. Mo re re (II.-A.) * Snr les fistules stercorales. 28 pp. 4^*. Paris, 1831, No. 37, v. 238. Moreschi. Traftamento delle frattnre dell' es- tremifa inferiore del radio. 8 pp. 8-. Becanati, Pupil It, 188(|. Moiesclli (Alessauclro). Avviso al pubblico sull' antidote, ossia preservative del vajuolo. viii, 70 pp. 8". Venezia, F. Andreola, 1801. [Also, in: P., v. 1423.] ------. Del vero e priiiiario uso della milza nell' uomo e in tutti gli animali vertcbrati. xxx, 256 pp. 8. Milano, G. . xii. 59 pp., 4 pi. fol. Mediolani, ti/p. J. Pirotta; 1817. Moreseotti (Alfonso). Compendium fotins medieina'; in quo de complexionum arcauis in- diciis, morborum pnecipuorum causis, prognos- tic-is ef signis, deque fabrica receptorum hreviter tiaetatur. Additis formulis remediorum Petri Coria-i. 448 j,p 3 i. loc Herborna; typ. C. Covvini, 1588. Jl Moreseotti (Alfonso)—continued. ------. The same. In utilitatem tilii sui Ornedi Moreseotti eolleetum. Additis formulis remedi- orum Petri Gornci. 399 pp., 4 1. 1(5-'. Uerbornce Nassoriorum, 16)94. Moreseotti (Ornetli). See Tloiesc olti (Alfonso). Compendium inediciuae totius. l(i°. Herborna; Xassoniorum, 1U04. Moreslill (Charles-Amdtlde). '" Sur les tiimenrs sanguines des os. 59 pp. 4J. Paris, 1862, No. 101. Moret. (A.) *De rcxhalation cutande et de la secretion de la sueur, au point de vue de la pa- thologie et de la therapeutique. 34 pp. 4-'. Paris, 187)6, No. 79, v. 591. Moret (Bernard). * Sur l'drysipele. 19 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F.-G._ Lcrrault, 1817. Moret (Joseph-Etienne-Hippolyte). * Conside- rations luddieales sur les frictions. 18 pp., 1 ]. 4°. Montpellier, Coiicourelent, an XII [1804]. Moret (Jules). * Des manifestations syphiliti- ques chez la femme enceinte et les nouvelles aeeouehdes. 104 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 238. Moret (Louis). * Contribution a l'etude du traite- ment des fievres intermittentes paries injections hypoderniiques dc sulfovinate de quiniue. 38 pp., 1 1. 4■-'. Montpellier, 1876. No. 82. Moret (Paul). * Des complications peii-utc'iines de la Iilennorrhagie. 52 pp. 4'-. Paris, 1878, No. 3,05. Moret (Richard). * Des rdtreeissements orga- niques du canal d<-l'lirc-thie. 54 pp. 8 . Stras- bourg, 181)7, 2. s., No. 975. ITloretill (Claude-Maiie-Joseph). * Dissertation sur Tabus des medicamens duns le traitement des maladies. 38 pp. 8J. Strasbourg, P.-J. Danu- bach. an VIII [1800]. iTI ore till (L.-F.-C.-M.) * De lY'liologiedu goitre emldniique, et de ses indications prophylacl iques et curatives. 104 pp., 1 map. 4°. Paris, 1,-54, No. 142, v. 563,. ITIorei on (Corbet). See Wem Union. Moretti (Ange-Benoit). "" Sur riiygii-ne de la di- gestion. 50 pp. 4C. Paris, 1851, No. 131, v. 512. Moretti (F.) Traite pratique des deoulenients des organes genitaux des femmes et des ulcera- tions de la matiice, suivi d'observations et d'un formulaire des medicaments les plus usites pour ces maladies, termind par le mode d'exploration des organes et par 1'indication des caustiqucs a employer pour la cauterisation, vii, 96 pp. 81-'. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1845. Moretti (Gian Pietro). L'afta epizootiea. Sfu- diata nella sua forma cliuica e nelle sue conse* guenze sui bovini c-on figure di preparati inicro- scopici diinostranti la probabile natura paiassi- taria del suo agente infettivo. 85 pp., 1 1. 12*-'. Milano, fratelli Dumolcird, 1886. Morettiili (Fgolino). II chirurgo sui eainpo di battaglia. Coinpendio di chirurgia militare. vii, 238 pp. 8 . Todi, Z. Foglietti, 1883. MoreilW (FJdouard). * De l'ulimentatiou forcde ties alieues. 59 pp. 4C. Paris, 1889, No. 203. Morf (Heinrich). Gratulationsschrifffc der Uui- verstiif, Bern au die Lniversitat Zurich zu deren funfzigjahrigeu Stiftuugsfeier, voni 2. und 3. Au- gust 1883. El poema de Jose nach der Haud- sehrift der Madrider Nationalbibliothek. xv, 65 pp. 4'-'. Leipzig, W. Drttgulin, \88.\. Arabic text. Mor^as^lli (11). Opera periodica di medieina e chirurgia; diretta dal Dott, Pietro Cavallo [et etl.]. [Monthly.] Anno 1-29, 187>7-<7. 8'. Na- poli. Current. Nothing published in 1859 or iu is fil. In 18IV2, v. 4, 1'rtif. Salvatore Tonnuasi became editor. In 1SS4-7, has a supplement. Bolletiuo delle elinicbe. Iu 1SS5-7, has a 2. part, published weekly, title: Kivi-»l«*. MORGAGNL 454 MOIIGAN. Mor^a^lli (Joannes Baptista) [1682-1771]. Ad- versaria anatomica prima ab eo nuper in eacleni academia publice lecta, mult is deinde aceessioni- bus, novisiiue iconisinisadaiicta, et viris piiestan- tissimis, ejusdem aeademiie ju-incipi, ac sodali- busd. d. cl. 3 p. 1., 48 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Bononice, F. Pisarri, 1706. ------. Nova institutionum niedicaruni idea. xxiii pp. 4 . Patavii, apud J. Covonam, 1712. Bound with his : Adversaria anatomica omnia [etc.J 4°. Patavii, 1719. ------. The same. Nova institutionum inedica- ruin idea niedicuin perfectissinmm adunibrans. 21 pp. 4'-'. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langerak, 1740. Bound with his: Adversaria anatomica omnia. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1740-41. ------. Adversaria, anatomica omnia [i-vi] (quo- rum tria posterior;! nunc primum prodeunt). 4°. Patavii, J. Cominns, 17)9. In six parts, each with separate title-page and pagina- tion. ------. The same. Adversaria anatomica omnia (i-vi). 4-. Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langevak, 1723. ------. The same. Adversaria auatomica omnia. [i-vi.] 4\ Lugd. Bat., J. A. Langevak, 1740-41. ------. The same. Adversaria anatomica omnia. [i-vi.] xvi, 244 pp., 11 pi., port. fol. Vene- tiis, typ. Remondini, 1762. Paged consecutively, each part having a separate title- page. ------. In Am. Corn. (Ylsuni et (L Ser. Sainoni- cuni epistola;. In quibus de utriusque auctoris variis editionibus. li Li is quoque maiinseriptis, et coinmeiitatoribiis disseritur. 117 pp. 4 . Ha- gte-Comiium, R. Alberts, 1724. ------. The same. 117 pp. 4 . Lugd. Bat., J. ran h'trckhem, 1735. [P., v. 1268.] ------. Epistola' anatomica? dine novas observa- tiones et aniiniuh e'lsiones eonipleeteutes, quibus anatoine augetur, anatoinicoruin inventoruin his- toria evolvitur, ntraque ab errori bus vindicator. 9 p. I., 308 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. a h'erk- hem, 1728. ------. The same. Epistola* anatomicie diue, novas [etc.] viii, 96 pp. fol. Venetiis, ex ty- pog. Betnondiniana, 1762. Another copy bound with his: Epistola* anat. duodevi- giuti. etc. fol. Patnrii. 17(14. And, also, one bound with his: Adversaria anat. omnia, ful. Venetiis, 17'li.'. ------. De seclibus et causis morborum per anato- men indagatis libri quinque. Dissectioiies, et animadversiones, nunc primum editas complec- tuntur propeniodum innumeras, medicis, chirur- gis, anatomicis profuturas. 2 v. xevi, 298 pp.; 45u pp., port. fol. Venetiis, ex typog. Reiuoncliiti- ana, 1761. -------. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. lxx.xiv, 256 pp. ; 3"'-' pp., port. fol. Patarii, sumpt. Remondini, 1767). ------. The same. 4 v. in 2. 4 . Lovanii, e ty- pog. aeademica, 1766-7. ------. The same. Pnefatus est S. A. D. Tissot. 3 v. 4°. Ehroduni in Helvetia, 1779. ------. The same. 9. ed., auctoris vita et triplici rerum noiiiinumque indice illustrata; curantibus F. Chaussicr, et N. P. Adelon. 8 v. 8 . Lnte- tia; M. C. Compere j tin.,.1829-23. ------. The same. Editionem reliquis emenda- tiorein et, vita auctoris auctain curavit Justus Radius. 6 v. 12°. Lipsia; sumpt. L. Vossii, 1827-9. ------. The same. Rechercln-s anatomiques sur le sie-ge et les causes des maladies. 'I'rad. du latin par A. Desornieaux et J.-P. Destouet. 10 v. 8 . Paris, Caille A Ravici; 1820-24. Also, in: Encycl. d. sc. nied., 41 v., 8°, Par., 1834-40. 7. div. [v. 5-61. ------. The same. Patliologiseh-anatoinische LTn- tersuchungen iiber den Sitz und die* Fisachen der Krankheiten. Nach der lateinischen Fisehrift Mor^a^lli (Joannes Paptista)—continued. bearbeitet, von M. S. Kriiger. 1. Lfg. 192 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Schiippel, 1836. ------. The same. I lelle sedi e cause delle malat- tie anatoiiiiiainente investigate. Libri cinque recati nella, lingua italiana, eon note di F. Chaus- sier e N. P. Adelon. 3 v. 8 . Firenze, S. Com, 1839-40. ------. The same. The seats and causes of dis- eases investigated by anatomy. In live books, containing a great variety of dissections, with remarks. Transl. from the Latin by Benjamin Alexander. 3 v. 4°. London, A. Millar .)'• '/'. Cadell, 1769. ------. The same. Abridged and elucidated, with copious notes, by William Cooke. 2 v. xxiv, 577 pp.; 6,93 pp. 8 . London, Longman [and others]. 1822. ------. The same. 2 v. xvii, 519 pp.; 616 pp. 8•->. Boston, Wells A Lillet); Philadelphia, H. C. Carey A I. Lea, 1824. ' - ------. Opera omnia. 5 v. in 2. fol. Patavii, sumpt. J. Remondini ( Venet.), 1762-5. COXTKXTS. Tom. 1. Ciuitiuens adveisaria anatomica omnia, xxxvi, 214 pp., 10 pi., port. Tom. 2, pars 1. ... epistolasanatomicasduas. viii, 90 pp. Tom. 2, par. 2 et 3. ... epistolas anatoniicas duodevigiuti Ant. M. Valsalvae, xii, 427 pp. Tom. 3. . . . libros prioics duos, ele seclibus, et causis mor- borum per anatomen indagatis. lxxxiv, 256 pp. Tom. 4. . . . tiesreliquos libros tie seclibus, et causis nior- boruin per auatomen indagatis. 388 pp. Tom. ii. . . .opuseula miscellanea tres in partes divisa. vi, 120, 75, 84 pp. ------. Opuseula miscellanea. 3 pts. vi, 120, 75, 84 pp. fol. Venetiis, typ. Remondini, 1763. Bound with his: Adversaria anatomica omnia, fol, Venetiis, 1702. ------. Fpistohe anatomicie duodevigiuti ad scripta pertineiites celeberrimi viri Antonii .Ma- ria? Valsalva', xxi, 427 pp. fol. Pativii, sumpt. Bemondinianis, 1764. See, also, (VIkiih (Aurelius <'m in lius). De medieina libri octo [ete.| 2. ed. 8°. Hustle,,; 1748. -----. The same. 8°. Lipsiif. 1760.—I'oecliiuw (Antonius ("ales tinus). Kpisiolu' plnsico-medicie. s°. Parisiis, 1732.— Valsalva (Antoiiius Maria'. Opera [etc.] 4°. Venetiis, 1740. For Hiogrojdtit. see Ann. d. mal. tie l'oreille, du larvnx, etc., Par.,' 1883.'ix, 149; 213 (J.-A.-A. Rutted). Also: jjull. cl. sc. med. (li Bologna. 1808, 5. s., v, 241-299: 1809, 5. s, vii, 241-270 (C. Versari). Also: (Jaz. med. de* Par.. 187.",, 4. s.. iv, 2i 1.1: 349 (R. I.epine). Also : Gior. di anat. e fisiol., l'avia, 1804-5. i, 148-103. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. — Col- lection of I'ortr. id Plos. A- Men of Se., 121—Kacco- ulilorr, Fano, 18.19, iv. ------. Sec; a ho : Corratli (A.) Dei cousulti e d' altri scritli iuetliti del Moru-auni. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic.. Milano, 1874,' 2. s., vii, 198-206.— l>«'«scin>II«'« (K.) Notice sui tpieltpies inanuscrils de Morgagni restes int'dits. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med.. Par.. 182.1. xxiii, 50-52.—Kobololti (F.) Dei manoscritti autngrafi c tlei consult! iuetliti c clii- rurgici tli G. B. Moryagni. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. venete, Padova. 1872. xv. 17-19— Vci-sii-i (Cl ('nai to opuscolo intorno (J. B. Morgagni e alia sua meilicina. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1870. .1. s. i\, 208-315. -----. Quiiitn opuscolo intorno a G. B. Morgagni. Ibid., 1871, 5. s.. xii, 5-39. -----. Sesto, eel ultimo opuscolo intorno a G. B. Morgagni sulle sue seutenze tilosofiche, mediche. e sopra varii aminonimenti di liii. Ibid., 1872, 5. s., xiii, 5-4u. rtlor^nil (C. Lloyd). Animal biology; an ele- mentary text-book. xxii (1 L), 3,70 pp. 12 . London, Rivinglons, \8<7. Morgan (Carolus). * Do podagra, -12 pp. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1796. [Also, in : P., v. 4. ] IVIOI-gaii (Charles E.) [L-3,3-67]. Electro-phy- siology and therapeutics; being a study ot the electrical and other physical phenomena of the muscular and other systems during health and disease, including the phenomena of the electrical fishes, xvi, 711pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood4' Co., l.-vK For Biography, see Med. Rec, X. Y., 18G7, ii, 311. MORGAN. 455 MORGAN". Morgan (Fdhelbert Carroll). A contribution to the study of laryngeal syphilis. 17 pp. 8r [Richmond, 1879.) Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879, v. _____I liphthonia paralytica. 6 pp. 8°. Wash- iniiloii, 1879. Repr. from: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1879, i. _____. Cystic tumor of the epiglottis. 4 pp. 8\ [Xew York, 1882.] Repr. from : Ajch. Laryngol., N. T., 1882, m. _____., Diphfhonia, or double voice. 10 pp. 8W. New York, 188-2. Repr. from: Arch. Laryngol., N. T., 1882, iii. _____.. Clinical lecture. [Laryngeal fibroma; relaxed pharvnx.] 11 pp. 12 - [Baltimore, 188A] Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x. -----. Aphonia due to chronic alcoholism. Pa- ralysis of the lateral irico-arytenoids. 8 pp. r*'.' Chicago, 1884. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii. -----. Extraction of a glosso-epiglottie myxo- sarcoma by means of the fingers; to which, are added two cases of palato-pharyiigeal tumor and a bibliography of pharyngeal growths. 15 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Pitt nam's Sons, 1884. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. V., 1883, iv. -----. Submucous laryngeal hemorrhage. 3 pp. 12-:. New York, 188o. Repr. from .- Med. Rec, X. Y., 1885, xxvii. -----. The value of the snare iu performing nvu- loteiniv. 3 pp. 12r [Baltimore, 18<>.~] Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv. ■-----. The question of haemorrhage following uvulotoiny. Report of twenty-three eases of obstinate uvular luemorrhage; description of a uvular clamp; bibliographv. 27 p.p. 8\ Neiv York, D. Appleton A Co., 1886. Repr. from: X. Vork M. J., 1880, xliv. Also, in: 'fr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1886, X. Y., 1887. viii. -----. The bursa pharyngea aud its relation to uaso-pharyngeal diseases. 16 pp. 12c. Balti- more, 1887. , 1887, xvi. * Leber progres- 7,8 pp., 1 1. 8°. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait. illorgan (Frances Elizabeth). sive Muskelatropliie. 2 p. 1., Zurich, J. Schabelitz, 1870. Morgan (Frederic!:) [1791-1877]. Woodward (A.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1878, 211-213. Morgan (George T.) First principles of sur- gery, being an outline of inflammation and its effects, xiv, 210 pp. 8-. London, S. Highley, 1837. -----. The same. Au outline of inflammation and its effects; being the first principles of sur- gery, viii, 134 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A, IValdie, 18:\8. [P., v. 392.] American Medical Library. -----. The same, viii, 134 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Carey A Hart, 1841. -----. The same. First principles of surgery; being an outline of inflammatiou and its effects. xiv. 780 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1849. Same as preceding in the, first seven sections, but has seven additional sections. Morgan (Hill). * De dyspepsia. 4 p. 1., 19 pp. 8-. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1797. Morgan (J.) The dangers of chloroform, and the safety and efficiency of ether as an agent in securing the avoidance of pain in surgical opera- tions. With a description of an ether-inhaler and its mode of administration, vi, 7-45 pp. 8'. London, Bailliere, Tindall A' Cox, 1872. Morgan (James) [1802-r>!>j. Paddock (L. S.) Biographical sketch of James Mor- gan. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, X. Haven, 1860-63, u. s., i, 65. Morgan (James Ethelbert) [1822- ]. Intro- ductory to the course of medical lectures, deliv- ered in the medical department of Georgetown College, session l8.")()-r>7. 14 pp. 8'-. Washing- ton, T. Met All, 187,7. -----. Valedictory delivered af the commence- ment of the medical department of Georgetown College, March 19, 18i>3. 11pp. 8'. Washing- ton, D. C, Gibson Bros., 1863. See, also, Science lectures for the people. 1. s. Ele- mentary physiology. 8°. Manchester, 1871. & Cowail (Frank). Addresses delivered at the annual commencement of the medical de partment of Georgetown College, March 2, 186,9, with a catalogue of the faculty and students. 15 pp. 8°. Washington, 186,9. Morgan (Joannes). *l)e dysenteria. 3 p. L, 43 pp. 8\ Edinburgi, A. Xeill el socii, 1798. IVIOl'gail (John)1 [ 173.V89 ]. Wrnxoigejic, sive: tent amen medicum de pnris coufectione. viii, 7y7) pp., 1 tab. 8°. Edinburgi, typ. Academicis, 1763. [P., v. 647).] -----. A discourse upon the institution of med- ical schools in America . . . with a preface con- taining, amongst other things, the author's apology for attempting to introduce the regular modi' of practicing physic in Philadelphia, vii, xxvi pp., 1 1., <>3 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1767,. -----. A recommendation of inoculation accord- ing to Huron Dimsdale's method. Is pp. 8°. Boston, J. Gill, 1776. A vindication of his public character in the station of director-general of the military hospitals and physician-in-chief to the American Army, anno 1.771). xliii, L">8 pp. 8 . Boston, Powers ,y Willis. 1777. For liiiitjraithg. see X. Am. M. & S. J., TMiila.. 1827, iv, :w>-:w>. Also: I'liila. J. M. .V I'hvs. Sc.. 1820, i, 439-442 (B. Iinsh). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Morgan (John)- [ 1797-1-47 ]. A lecture on tetanus, delivered iu Guy's Hospital. Published at ret|iiest of his pupils, iv, 3-s pp. 8ri Lon- don, s. Highley, 1833. [Also, in : P., v. 114.] -----. Lectures on diseases of the eye. x, 221 pp., 18 col. pi. 8 \ London, S. Highley, 1839. For Biography, see Loml. M. Caz.. 1847, n. s.. v, 778- 780. Also': Med'. Times & (raz., Loud., 1871, i, 50. ----- cSL- Addison (Thomas). Au essay on the operation of poisonous agents upon the living- body, viii. 91 pp. 8-'. London, Longman [and others], 1829. [P., v. 114.] Another copy, in which the uame of Addison appears first. Morgan (John)3 [1829-7(1]. Nouveau proce'de pour la conservation des viandes alimentaires, brevet,6 s. g. d. g. Trad, de l'anglais. 32 pp. 8°. Paris,' Male, 1867,. -----. Practical lessons in the nature and treat- ment of the affections produced by the contagious diseases; with an account of the primary syphi- litic poison and its communicability, etc. With an appendix on Hie recent report of the royal commission on the contagious diseases act, and its application to the voluntary hospital system. viii, 335 pp., 3 col. pi. 8°. Philadelphia A Lon- don, Bailliere; Tindall A Cox, 1872. For Bit,,)niphy, see Med. Times i: (Jaz., Loud., 187(1, l, 205. Morgan (John)-1. A warning against quackery, with a brief narrative of the sufferings of the author. 32 pp. 16°. Boston, G. B. Band, 187)1. Morgan (John C.) Valedictory address deliv- ered at the nineteenth annual commencement of the Homo'opathic Medical College of Pennsylva- nia March 2, 18(i7. With catalogue of matricu- M01K1AN. 4.VJ MOItOFX. Morgan (John C.)— continued. hints and graduates, session of 1806-7. 23 pp. 8~. Pltitad'elpliia. A. J. Tafel, [1867]. ------. Introductory lecture, delivered at the Hahnemann -Medical College, Philadelphia. 8-1. Wilmington, Del., II. A' E. E. James, 186,7. ------. The action and classification of medicines, in connection with the anatomy of tempera- ments. 41pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1838. Repr. from: Tr. Homceop. M. Soc , X. Y., 1868, vi. ------. Introductory address delivered at the opening of the course of lectures for 1870-71 at the Halinenianu Medical College, October 10, l-<70. iv, 35 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, W. P. Kil- dare, 1879. ■------. Diet of infants and voung children. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. P. Kildare, 1873. ------. The same. 2. ed. 50 pp. 24r Phila- delphia, J. Hogan, 1882. ------. Address delivered by the president of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania, at the eighteenth annual session. 13, pj>. 8-. Pittsburgh, Stevenson A Foster, 1882. Repr. from: Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn., Altooua, 1882. Morgan (John Edward). Manchester and Sal- ford Sanitary Association. Reports of the health of Manchester and Salford. Compiled from the weekly returns of the Sanitary Association and presented to the committee. 3. ep\ of 1863 to 4. qr. of 1866. 8-. Manchester, 18li3-7. Hound with: Manchester and Salford San Assoc. Rep. (1863-6). 1864-7. xi-xiv. ------. The danger of deterioration of race from the too rapid increase of great cities. [With an appendix.] 64 pp. 8°. London, Longmans [and others], 1866. ------. Town life among the poorest; the air they breathe and the houses they inhabit. 47 pp. 12°. London, Longmans [and others], 1839. ------. University oars ; being a critical enquiry into the after health of the men who rowed in the Oxford aud Cambridge boat race, from the year 1829 to 1869. Based on the personal ex- perienee of the rowers themselves, xvi, 397 pp. 8-. London, Macmillan A Co., 1873. ------. The Victoria University; why are there no medical degrees.' An address. 28 po. 8°. Manchester. J. E. Cornish, 1881. See, also, Nciencc lectures for the people. 1. s. 8°. Manchester, 1871. Morgan (Lewis Henry) [1818- ]. Circular in reference to the degrees of relationship among different nations. 33 pp. 8 . [ Washington, I860. ] Smithson. Misc. Collect , Wash., 1860, ii. ------. Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human familv. xii, 590 pp., 14 pi. 4~. Washington, 1). i".,'l870. Smithson. Contrib. Know!.. Wash., 1869. xvii. For Hingraphu. see Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1880-81, xviii, 114-121, port. (J. \V. Powell). Morgan ( M. ) Biographical memoir of Dr. John Davis, late of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania. 15 pp. 8r Philadelphia, 1828. [P., v. 761.] Morgan (Samuel). The text-book for domestic practice; being plain and concise directions for the administration of honueopathic medicines in simple ailineuts. 191 pp. 21 r Xew York, [n.cl] Morgan (Th. Ch.) Sketches of the philosophy of life, x (1 1.), 466 pp. 8-. London, H. Col- burn, 1819. ------. Essai philosophique sur les phenomenes de la vie. Trad, de l'anglais, sous les yeux de Lantern-, avec des corrections et des additions. 475 pp., 1 1. 8-. Paris, P. Dufarl, 1819. Morgan (Thomas)1. Philosophical principles of medicine, in three parts, lviii, 110 pp., 1 pi. 8'"'. London, J. Osborne; 1725. CONTENTS. 1. A demonstration of the general laws of gravity, with their elt'eels upon animal boetvs. 2. The more particular laws, which obtain in the motion anil secretion of the vital thuds, applied to the principal diseases and irregularities of the animal m'.chine*. 3. The primary and chief intentions of medicine in the cine of diseases, problematically propos'd and mcchaui- cally resolv'd. ------. The same, lxxii, 440 pp.. 1 pi. 8 . Lon- don, J. Osbovn A T. Longman, 1730. ------. The mechanical practice, of physick, in which the speciliek method is examin'd and ex- ploded; and the Belliniau hypothesis of animal secretion and muscular motion considered and refuted. With sonic occasional remarks and scholia ou Dr. Lobb's treatise of the suiall-pox, Dr. Robinson ou the animal (economy, and Pro- fessor Boerhaave's account of the animal spirits aud muscular motion, xvi, 3)02 pp., 3 1. 8°, London, T. Woodward, 173,5. Morgan (Thomas)-. *De dolorecapitis. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balftniv, Attltl et Smellie, 1769. [Also, in: P.. v. 652.] Morgan (William). The hoino'oputhic treat- ment of indigestion, constipation, and lui'inor- rhoicls. Edited, with notes and annotations, by A. E. Small. 166 pp., I pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Rademachev A sheek, 1854. ------. Tic doulourenx; its causes, symptoms, and freatment. 41 pp. 8J. London, H. Bail- Here, 187)6. [P., v. 1187.] ------. Diphtheria; its pathology and treatment, with cases. 31 pp. 8°.- London, H. Turner <)'■ Co., 18(51. [P., v. 1187.] Repr. front .- Month. Horaeeop. Lev., Lond., 1861, v. —'■----. Contagious diseases, their history, anat- omy, pathology, and treatment; with comments on the contagious diseases acts, xix, 194 pp. 8°. London, Homoeopathic Publishing Company, 1877. ------. The liver and its diseases, both functional and organic; their history, anatomy, ciicmistry, pathology, physiology, and treatment, xx, 214 pp. 12 . London, llomieopathic Publishing Com- pany, 1877. ------. The signs and concomitant derangements of pregnancy, their pathology and treatment, to which is added a chapter on delivery; the selec- tion of a nurse; and the management of the ly- ing-in chamber. Led. xix, 13ti pp. 18°. Lon- don, Homa-opalhie Publishing Company, 1877. MorgantC (Luigi). Osservazioni intorno 1' ar- ticolo del poligrapho Veronese del dicembre 1831, intitolato. Pietro Maggi sulla difticoltadella diagnosi delle malattie cliirutgiche. 30 pp. 8-. Padova, t'tpi del Semiuariei, 1832. Morganti (Giuseppe). Sopra. lo sviluppo dei ciprini dopo essere usciti dell' novo e norme sulla feeondazione artificiale dei pesci di Mauro Puis- coni; dissertazione iuedita letta dall' autore nell' adunanza del giorno 14 dicembre 1*43 all' I. R. Istituto lonibarclo-vciiefo di scienze, lettere ed arti. 20 pp., 7 pi. fol. Pavia, frat. Fuxi, 187,4. Morgcn (Fridericus Julius). 'Observation*^ qiuedam de utriusque sexus pneter sexualia dif- ferentia e physiologia et pathologia petit a-. 69 pp. 8 -. Recjinionti Ilorussornm, C. 1'asehkc, Morgen (Joh. Fridericus). * Diss, exhihens ob- servationuiu anatomico-pathologicaruiii bigam cum epicrisi. 1 p. L, 26 pp. 4 . Regiomonti. typ. G. L. Hartungii, [1792]. Morgon (Julius Robertus Eduardus) [1812- ]. lie- noma infantum. 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Xutorffianis, 18.17. MOliOKNIiKSSEU. 4f»7 MORICR Morgan'**'***'*" (Henricus). * De amauroseos a-tiolo'^ia. 26 ]»]). 8°. Halis, typ. Ploetzieniis, LI -'•">]■ Moi'gi'ii'K'Nsrr (Joh. Gottfried). * De to'tus nou \ilalis paitu diiigendo. 54 pp., 1 pi. 4 . Francof. ad Viadr., lit. J. C. Winteii, [1767]. ______. Abhandlung von der Nothwendigke-it cles Zufiililens. 1. St. Nebst einer Anzeige seiner Vorlesungen. 8 pp. 4J. Breslau, Grassi, [1773]. ______. Lehrbuch fiir Hebaniinen. xliv, 284 pp. s . Breslau u. Leipzig, W. G. Horn, 1805. ffloi'grillM'SM'r (Michael). * De vomito. 3 l> 1., 75 pp. •!'. Lipsia, ex off. Langeuheniiana, [1738]. Also, in: Hai.I.EU. Disp. aunt, [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, IT.'.l), i, 249-311. Fur lliographii. see Walllior (Aug. Fred.) il'Olll (Theodorus). * Dc pneuinonitide Hor: 31 p Baiutha, F. C. Bivner luliosa. 1830. Jlorgoiislorn (Emil). * Ueber das Vorkoiiuneu vou Micioorgaiiisinc'ii bei Puerperalfieber. 43 pp. K-. Wiirzburg, P. Seheiner, 1886. IMoviiCitstvt'H (Fridericus Simou) [1737-82], *|te aut iinonii crudi usu interno. 51 pp., | |. sm. 1 . Halce, J. E. Gruneii, [1750]. S,e. also, Tiw«ol (S. A. I).) 1'iaelisehe Verlheitlii;iin^ ties Einpiopl'eiis tier I'oeken [etc.] 8--. Halle, 17,">U. Morgciistcrn (Gottlob). * Diss, proponens (•atariliuin siifibcativuin. 10 1. sm. 1 . [Er- furt. 1713,.] !Moi'g. See Cadaver (Care, etc., of); Death (Appar- ent), etc. Hoi'gm' (Claude). * Do l'urethrite, conside'rec a l'etat aigu et a l'etat ehronique, et de son traitement. 1 p. l.,27pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827 v. 7,6. MoiJiai'dt. (Georgius). * De hydroce.]»halo in- ti'i-no aeuto. 50 pp., 1 ]. 8^. Pestini, J. T. Tiiittner de Pctioza, 1823. [ Also, in: P.. v. LIII.] Morliardiis (Joannes). De sede atque ditf'e- reutiis febrium, disputatio. 15 1. 4°. Tubingce, yer A. lloekium, 1585. Morlirry. Avis aux femmes et aux medecins, suivi d'un expose- a, l'Academie imperiale de medecine sur lYmploi du fixateur utero-vaginal. Xouvel appareil destine a gneiir radicalement la stenlite' par deviation, les descentes et autres iitleetions des organes gc*nitanx de la femme. 19 ppv 1 pi. 8* . Paris, Bailliere A fis, [1864]. "Iornery (A.-Robin). Relioxions sur les pas- sions ct leur influence sur rorganisme 1 ]) 1 ^1 1»1>- 4°. Strasbourg, 1831, v. 62. Morhofins (Danielis Georgius). Oratio de in- temperantia in studiis, et eruditoruin qui ex ea oriuntur morbis. 111. sm. 4 . Kiloni, typ. J. Eeumanni, 1672. -----. Dissertatione's academical et cpistolicc, quibus rariora qua'dam argiiineiita erudite trae- tantur, omnes in unum volunien collatte et consensu filioruui edita*. Accessit auctoris vita, qiue turn lectiones ejus aeacleinieas, tuin scripta edita et edenda, elogia item ac judicia claroruni viroruni exhibef; et pra*fatio Johannis Burchardi Maji, qua iiistittituin hujus operis declaratur. 3 p. L, 143, pp., 3 1.; 616 pp., 22 L, 1 pi. I . Hamburg!, G. Liebernickel, 1699. Mori (Giovanni). Osservazioni auatomiche sulla, patologia doll' orecchio. 107 pp., 1 L, 3 pi. 4 . Pavia, 1876. See. also. .Tloi'clli (loo. Batt.) Rendiconto cliiiico della se/ioite eliiriiigiea niaseliile, etc. S°. Brescia. 1SS4. etlori ( li'obusto). Relazione sullo stato sanitario e sulla niortalita del comune di Cesena nell' anno 1879. 33 pp. 8-\ Cesena, Collini, 18,80. -----. Buffalini (Maurizio). Diseorso. 208 pp., 1 L. 1 port. phot. rov. 8-. Cesena, G. Vignuzzi, 1883. Moriail (Richard). * Zur Casuistik der Kopf- verletziuigen. [YVurtzburg.] Ki pp. 8°. Ber- lin, L. Scliutnachei; 1883. Moriancoiir (J.-G.-V.-Ernest.). * Do rhenior- rhagie- uterine consecutive a l'accoiicheiuent. 30 pi>. 4C. Paris, 187,6, Xo. 173, v. 594. Moriarty. * A description of the mercurial lepra,. 64 pp. 12°. Dublin, Gilbert <)'• llotlges. 18HI. Moriarty (Merion M.) * De febre eontiniia, ut sese habiiit, in nosocomii regii Edinensis e-ubi- culis clinicis testate anni 182(1, curante Jaeobo Home. 2 p. ]., 3ti pp. 8'-'. Edinburgi, Abernethij et Walker. 1821, v. 3. [Also, in: P.,'v. 1071.] Moriarty (Mortens) *l)c colica pictonum. 33 pp. l'. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1804. [P., v. 30.] Moribana So.ji. Hikacbiusha Yoriaku. [p. 4'-'. Paris, [Lacour A' Maisfrasse jils], 1843,. | P., v. 1698.] Morienvalle (D.) * Contribution a lY-tiide de l'erysipele du pharvnx. 50 pp. 4-. Paris, A. Parent, 1879. No. 97. Moricr (Gabriel). * De Lur^thrite bleiinorrha- gique. 28 pp. 4 . Paris, 187,9, No. 49, v. 199. Morit'll (Antoine). * Dissertation contenant en abrege un traite mdeauique et raisoniie sur l'art ele raecoiieheinent. 26 pp., 2 1. 4'. Gripsivalilc; A. /•'. Rose, 17(59. Morh'X (Robert). * La chlorose. 160 pp., 5 diag. 4°. Paris, 1880. I 'iincoiirs. Moriox ( Robert-Joseph ). * De l'iuipaludisnie dans ses rapports avec les lesions traumatiqiii-s. xiii, 14-72 pp. 4. Paris, 1876, No. 2<>2. M«»iaiggia (Alipraudo) [1830- ]. La micro- scopia. Prolusione al corso libero d' istologia, norniale umana nella R. Universita di Torino pei 1'anno accademico 1864-5. 2(5 pp. 8°. To- rino, R. lona, 1865. [P., v. 1144.] ------. Spericn/.e fisio-tossicologiche sulla delfina. 8 pp. 4°. [Roma, 1878.] Repr. from : Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lineei. Cl. di sc. fis., liiateinat. o nat... Roma. 1877-8, 3. 8., ii. ,SVe. also. IriMi-lti^lictli (Antonio) & iTIori^tfia (A.) Descri/ione ill celoMimo tlirino fete] 8°. Torino. ls7u. Hori-ui (Mcoht) [1746-1830]. Nperaiiza. Trihuto alia memoria. Etfem. cl. sc. med., Milano, IKS!), xii, 5-33. Morillion (Hippolyte). *Sur l'hypertrophie du co'iir. 35 pp. 4*. Paris, 1828, No. 15:?, v. 217. IWorilloil (Auguste). * Recherches pour servir a l'histoire jusi|n'ici incomplete du spina bifida. 44 pp., 2 pi.' 4. Paris. 1865, No. 22. ^loriliOll (Ernest). * Identite en general et signes professiouuels en particulier. 48 pp. 4--. Penis. 1805. No. 28. llorilloil (Hippolyte). * Diagnostic difFerentiel tits tumeurs du testictile. 26 pp. 4 . Paris, 1818. No. 95, v. 475. llorilloil (J.-C.-J.) "Snr la petite verole. 28 pp. 8■-. Paris, an X [1802], v. 5. Morin (A.) Hopital Sainte-Eugenie. Rapport tb- la Commission des arts insalubres, sur l'liopi- tal eonsfruit a Lille par M. Mourcou, archifecte des hospices, annee 1^73. 4 pp. 4°. Lille, Le- febere-Ducvocg, 1875. florin ( A.-S. ) Du n:.-igii«'.ismc cl do,-, sciences oeeulles. ix, 532 pp. .-'. I'aris, Germer-Bail- Here; L-6II. lloiili ( Alphonsc ). * Considerations genera los sur l'emploi des medicaments a haute dose dans le traitement du rhuniatisine. 1 p. l.,20pp. 4". Strasbourg, 1843. No. 121, v. 9. Morin (Antoine). * lies perforations intestinales dans le cours de la lii-vrc typhoide. 8(1 pp. | . Paris, 1869, No. 135. florin (Arsene). ' Sur hi peritonite, consideree dans son etat aigu. 25 pp. 1. I'aris, 1821, Xo. 36, v. 184. Morin (Arthur). Mocanique pratique. Etudes sur la ventilation. 2 v. iii, (ilO, 407 pp., 16 pi, 8*. Paris, L. Haehette if Cie., 1863. ------. Manuel pratiiiue du chaull.ige it de la ventilation, viii, 148 pp., 2 pi. 8). I'aris, I.. Haehette A Cie., 1868. See. also. 1>«*1{«*" (Ludwig). Praetisches Handbuch fiir Li ni ieliUiiiKt-ii tier Ventilation und Jlci/.uug. -'. ed. 8°. Miinehen, 1878. Morin (Auguste). * Sur la gale. 1 p. 1., 14 pp. 4'-. Strasbourg, 18311, v. 61. Morin (C.)1 * Snr la peiipneumonie aigue. vi, 7-25 pp. 4 . Paris, 1818, No. 86, v. 137. Morill (C.)'2 E*' camp de Chalons en 1858 au point de vue hygienique et medical. Hygiene des camps en general. 2 1., 13.6 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Masson, 187,8. florin (E-) Om renlighet personligoi-h inonihus. 51 pp. 12°. Stockholm, I'. Fredvikson, 1885. Morill ( Edme-Auguste ). * Analyse physiolo- gique des aberrations ele l'intelligenee. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1825, v. 54. Morill ( Edinond )'. * De ruction du courant electrique sur les matieres albuminoi'des du sting. 3,5 pp. 4 . Paris, L-LI^No. 143. Morin (Edmond)'2. * De la gliioosuiio passagi-io dans l'anthrax. 43. pp. 4 . Paris, 1872, No. 157. florin (Kuge'-ne)1 [1847- ]. * Des maladies, et en part ie-ulier des affections ptilinonaires, resul- tant de la suppression brusque des menstrues. 511 pp. 4 . Paris, 1878, No. 356. Morill (Eugene)2 [1.-58- ]. * Contribution a retude de la tuberculose peritoneo-ph-uralo siibaigue. 59 pp. 4 . Paris. 18,-5, No. 173. Morin (l-'.-R.) * Propositions sur les voies el'e-x- c-retion des principes qui entrent dans la compo- sition du sang, et des substances qui sont ai-ci- deiitelleinent intiodiiites dans ce tluide. 1 <* pp. 4 . Paris, 1824, No. 45, v. 184. Morill (E.-Victor). "Do la mononiaiiie honii- I cid-. 31 pp. 4-. Paris, 1830, No. 162, v. 233. Morill (Francois). * Considerations sur lis fie- vres palndeeniies des possessions franoaises ele Madagascar. 42 pp., 1 1. 4L. Monlpelliei; Boehm A 1Us, 1866, No. 3. _ C. Morill (Fraiieois-Ainable'-Freele-iie-). *A propos du traitenient de la pneunionie. 71 pp., 6 tab. 4. Strasbourg, 1^67. 3. s., No. 57. Morin Kb) See «Joii^ii«'iiIiobiii (Aehille). Des nevroscs (lu larynx, etc. s\ Paris, 1883. Morill (Gabriel-Hyacinthe). * De l'hypoclmn- ilrie. 3,2 p]». 4 '. Parts, 1-31, No. 3.4. v. 23.8. florin ( Georges- Herbland ). * D'une variete d'exaiitheine obsc-i ve'e dans I'einbarras gastriquc aigu febrile (tic-vre gastriquc-, fievre synoqiic). 4(fpp. 4 . Paris, 1—5, No. 90. ------. The same. 44 pp. ~. Paris. J. Slrinheil, 18-6. Morill (Henri). * De Pinfliionce des ]»nvations I et des exci-s snr la tuberculisation. 46 pp. 4 . Paris, 1-56. No. 159. v. 594. Morill (J.) Manuel th6oriquo et pratique d hy- giene, ou l'art de conserver su sante. 2. ed. 1 | p. 1., 372 pp. 18°. Paris, Roret, 1-35. MORIN". 459 mouison. florin (J.-C.) * Sur les accidens qui sui vent et reeonnaisseiit pour cause la faille dite laterali- se'c. vi, 7-17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 14, v. '.15. Morill (Jacques). * I. Des fievres intermittentes larvees. II. [etc.] 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 214, v. 363. Morill (Jean) [1858- ]. * Traitement chi- rurgical de l'eiephantiasis du scrotum ; deux observations d'oscheotomie. 73 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 92. Tlo I'ill (Joannes Baptista) [1583-1656). Portrait in- C'ollection— van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of I'm tr. of Phys. & Men of Sc., 47. [VIorill (Joseph)1. * Considerations generales sur IVrosion, suivies de l'exposition chalcographique tie (|iielques cas d'erosion de 1'estomac. 20 pp., 3 pi. 4". Paris, 1806. No. 108, v. 63. IVIoriii (Joseph)2. * Propositions de nie'decine et de chirurgie. 20 pp. 4r Pan's, 1833, No. 293, v. 264. Worin (Jules). * Considerations therapeutiques sur les feiTugineux, suivies de quelques reflexions de philosophic medicale, et d'un nouveau traite- ment de la blennorrhagie venerienue. 29 pp. 4 '. Paris, 1837, No. 414, v. 318. Morill (Laurent-Michel). * Snr le catarrhe pnl- nionaire aigu. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 223, V. 180. ITIorill (Leouce). * I. Enum6rer les maladies propres a l'age adulte. Determiner si la physio- logic est assez availcee pour que Ton puisse ex- pliqui'i-d'une mauiere satisfaisante la predomi- nance de certains accidents inorbides chez les adultes. II. [etc.] 25 pp. 4'. Paris, 1840, No. 354, v. 363. rtlorill (Marcel). * Essai sur le traitement local de l'acne, et de la couperose. 58 pp. 4^_ Paris, 1883, No. 169. Morill (Paul-Alexandre). * De reclampsie pner- peralc. 1 p. ]., 56 pp. 4J. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 803, v. 41. illorin ( Paul-Raonl). *Pensees et reflexions pliilosopliiques sur le genie medical, suivies d'uu essai sur la seusibilitd. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, Xo. 82. v. 448. Morin (Z.-Th.) * Sur l'hysterie. vi, 7-41 pp. 4|J. Paris, 1831, No. 126, v. 241. Horimla. F«'-ri* (B.) Doundake. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1884, xxx, 512. rtloringa. Holmes (E. M.) Note on Murungai or Murungali. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 947. MoriiiKlanc (Joseph-Wrimouth). * Essai sur riiepatite ehronique, precede de quelques consi- derations physiologiques sur le foie. 27 pp 4'--. _ Paris, 1837, No. 123, v. 309. Morini (P.) Sopra un caso di avvelenamento acuto di fosfora, Studio cliuico e anatomo-pato- logico. 27pp. 8-. Bologna, Fava4-Garagnani, Moi'inirrc (Prudent). * Sur la peritonite des nouvelles accouchees, et son traitement par les frictions mercurielles. 23 pp. 4°. Paris 18->4 No. 178, v. in-. Moris (Paul-Eugene). * Sur l'emploi therapeu- tique du phosphore. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 169. ' Moi'is;iui(Ottavio)[1835- ]. Manuale delle operazioni ostetnehe. 2. ed., interamente rifata ed aecresciuta. vi, 208 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Napoli, hbreria Detken A Rocholl, 1878. Title on cover gives date 1881. . La ostetricia. in quadri sinottici da servire come gmda ai pratici ed agli studenti. 3. ed. 1- ch. roy. 80. Napoli, G. Jorene, 1885. Morisaili (Ottavio)—continued. -----. Manuale di ostetricia ad uso degli stu- denti e de' medici pratici. 2. ed., anipliata e riveduta dall' autore sulla precedente redatla per cura del Dott. Vincenzo Yivenzio. iv, 418 pp. 12°. Napoli, G. Jovene, 1887. See, also, Vc-riior (Eugene). Manuale pratico di ostetricia. 2. ed. S°. Napoli, 1875. Morison (Alexander)1 [1779-1866]. * De hydro- cephalo phrenitico. 77 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1799. [Also, in : P., v. 12.] -----. Heads of a course of lectures on mental diseases. 72 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Xeill, 1824. -----. The same. Outlines of lectures on men- tal diseases. 2. ed. viii, 150 pp., 13 pi. 8r London, Rees [and others], 1826. -----. The physiognomy of niental diseases. 290 pp., 108 pi. 8°. London, G. Odd I, 1-38-40. Published in separate numbers, p;ij;eil consecutively. No. 12 (pp. 155-11)9) missing. ----—. The same. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 271 pp., 100 pi. 8r London, Longman A Co., 1.-43. -----. A paper, suggesting the propriety of the study of the nature, causes, and treatment of niental diseases, as forming part of the curricu- lum of medical education. Read before the So- ciety for Improving the Condition of the Iiisane, 1st July, 1844. 8 pp. 8°. London, G. Oddl, 1844. -----. Outlines of lectures on the natures causes, and treatment of insanity. Edited by his son, Thomas Coutts Morison. 4. ed., much enlarged. xiv, 481 pp., 22 pi., port. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1848. -----. The same. Lectures on insanity, for the use of students. Edited by his son. 5. ed., with notes by the editor, etc. xiv, 488 pp., 25 pi. 8lJ. Edinburgh, Maclachlan A Stewart, 187,6. See, also, Tuke (Daniel H.) Kules and list of mem- bers, etc. «'->. London, 1S54. For Biography, see Lancet. Lond., lSGfi, j. 331. For Portrait, see Collection—vau Kaathoven. MoriSOll (Alexander)2. On bone absorption by means of giant cells. 7 pp. 8 '. Edinburgh, Oliver A Boyd, [1873]. Repr. from'.- Edinb. M. J., 1873, xix. Morison (Carolus). * De dysenteria. 40 pp. 8-; Edinburgi, A. Neil! et socii, 1899. [Also, in : P., v. 14.] Morison (Franciscus). * De dyspepsia. 43 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Betlfonv et SmelUe, 1787. Morison (James)1 [1708-1840]. Morisoniana; or, family adviser of the British College of Health. P>eing a collection of the works of. . . compris- ing: Origin of life, and true cans** of diseases ex- plained. Important advice to the world. Let- ter on cholera morbus of India. Anti-Laueet, in six numbers. More new truths. Forming a complete manual for individuals and families . . . With an appendix containing a short treatise on the origin and eradicability of the small-pox [by T. Moat], numerous well-authenticated cures, and other interesting matter. 3. ed. xvi (41.), 604 pp., 34 L, 3 pi., port. 8°. London, College of Health, 1831. -----. The same. 4. ed., with additional arti- cles. 2 v. xxi (6 1.), 629, lxvii pp., 3 pi., port.; xvi, 793, lxpp., port. 8-\ London, 1833-4. v. 1 same as 3. ed. v. 2 comprises: Valuable extracts from the first six monthly numbers of the Hygeian Journal; also, extracts from other London periodicals, etc. Also: Rational arguments on the nature of true pathology, etc., by C. W. Moat aud J. Greer. -----. The same. La causa verdadera de las eufermedades y modo de curarlas, [etc.] [Trad. del ingles por A. Eusberg. ] 19-pp. 12 \ Bar- celona, D. J. Oliver es, 1844. -----. Practical proofs of the soundness of the hygeian system of physiology, giving incontro- vertible testimony to the afflicted of the inestim- able value of. . . vegetable universal medicines; MOKFSON". 4iJ() MOULANNR !W orison (James)1—continued. including, with other matter, '-The origin of life, and cause of all disease explained"; an entirely new view of the origin of the sniall-pox virus, and of its being most certainly eradicable, or ren- dered harmless, and sundry eases of cure; with most important information connected with the successful promulgation of the hygeian system in the United States of America, xi, 202 pp., 2 pi. 3. ed. 12-. New York, H. S. Moal, 1-32. ------. An essay, or tract, on the vitality of the warm blood and air. Am. ed., by Elisha North. 29 pp. 8--. New York, the author, 1835. For Biographg. see lSeo<;i-:ig>lii<'ai (A ) sketch of James Morison. the In'geist. 12'. London. 1S7:S. i-'or Portrait, see Collection—vau Kaathoven. 71 orison (.James)1 [1S1S-S2J. Obituary. Boston M.. tfc S. J., ISsJ. cvi. 621. Morison (Joannes). * De mania. 21 pp. 8-'. Edinbuiy't, Abetnethy et Walker, 180-. Morison (John)1. See Complete (A) report of the trial of Miss Madeline Smith, |etc.| 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1857. Morison (John)-. The auti-vaccination or eon- science play. Hi pp. 12r London, 1873. li orison (Robert) [1620-831. | Kiourapliy.) In: Hayle (P.) Hist. A- ('lit. Diet. (transl. lies Maizetiux). 2. etl. fol. London, 1737, iv, 270. Portrait in: Col IitMom—van Kaathoven. ^1 orison (Robert B.) Bacteria and their pres- ence in syphilitic secretions. 4 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Baltimore, 1883. ] Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait, 1882-3, ix. ------. l'.igi'bnisse der Behandlung von Haut- krankhcitcu mit Unna'scheu Priiparaten. (Aus dem engl. Manuscript iibersetzf.) 6 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1885. Repr. from: Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., lSSfi, xi. Morison (Thomas Contts). On the distinction het ween crime and insanity. An essay to which the Society for Improving the Condition of the Insane awarded the premium of twentv guineas. 33 pp. 8J. London, G. Odell, 1814. Set', a'so, Johnston (David). Statements, etc., re- ap cting the cases of Christina and David lltitelieon. 8°. [Montrose? isr>2.]—l?Iorison (Alexander). Outlines of lectures on the nature, causes, and treatment of insa tity. 4. etl. 8°. London, 1848. iVIorisot des Landes (Petr. Jos.) See Vlillin dc la G'ourveault (Joan. Nieol.) & lloi-inot «!<•« Laudes (Petr. Jos.) Ergo Parisinis variolaruni inocnlatio. Parisiis, 1757. In: Halleu. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausannee, 17">8. v, 095-712. Moriss*' (Anthime-One'zime). * I. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvenients des resections '. II. [etc.] 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 377, v. 351. Jlorisso (J.) *Du polype fibreux de la cavite' uterine. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 86, v. 250. Morisso (Lueien). * De la medication infest i- nale antiseptiijue par l'eau sulfo-carbonee. 80 pp.. 11. 4r Paris, 18-*i,. No. 223. ------. The same. 80 pp., 1 1., 4 tab. 8P. Pain, G. Sltinlieil, 188 x Morisseuil (L.-F.) *Coup-d'ceil physiologique sur certains resultats de l'organisatiou. 20 pp. 4-. Paris. 1832, No. 122, v. 251. illorisst'l (J.-Paul). * De l'influence des marais sui la sante des homines. 31 pp. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1837, No. 175. [P., v. KI81.] Morisset (J.-S.) * Sur le scorbut. 18 pp. 4J. I'aris, 1899, No. 41, v. 75. ■florisst't (Martial). *fitude sur la pression iiitra-lah\ rinthique. 98 pp. 4°. I'aris. 1878, Xo. 310. Morissoil i Franeois-Firmin). *Sur les pieds- hots. 30 pp. 4. Paris. 1847, No. 17, v. 402. Morissoil (Francois-Marie). "Sur I'liemiaLirie, on pisseiiient de sang. 14 pp. 4-'. Paris, 1827, No. 39, v. 204. Morissoil (Ce-t.rge.s). Vuelcpie-seoiisieleratioiis sur l'li'deme et en particulier sur l'li'deme des niembres infei ieurs. 53 pp. I . Paris \>78 No. 103. .^lorissoil (Louis-Paulin-Aiigusle). * Quehpies mots sur les causes et la nature de la tii-vre pucr- perale. 40 pp. 4". s7,-„A„,n,,/, IsOl, No. 500 2. s.. v. 31. Morissoil (Kaoul). D'une forme de cephalal- gie rhumatismale algie du pericr-ino. 04 pp. 41-. Paris, 1872. Xo. 3,30. Morit'A (Carolus Ludovicus). 'Specimen topo- graphiie medica-Dorpatensis. 80 pp. #-'. Dor- pali Livonorum, ce off. J. C. Schiinmaiini, 1823. Moritz (Emanuel) [1830- ]. * Uiitersurlmii- gen iiber die Entwickelung der (juergesti-eiften Muskelfaser; eine Abhandlung. 41 j)]>., 1 p|. 8 . Dorpat, C. SchnI:. 180(1. ------. Leber Asthma bronchiale. 27 pp. 8-. St. Petersburg, 1884. MoritK (Ernestus). * Observationes nonnuUa' de febribus interiiiittentihus hir vat is. 30 p)i. 8■'. Beg'nnontii Pr., (.'. Past-like, [1830]. Moritz (Ferdinandus Constantinus). *I)e con- viilsionnm therapia, 38 pp. st Francof. ad I'iailr., tgpog. Apitziano, [17112]. Moritz (Frider. Augustus) [1804- ]. 'Ob- servationes cpuedam in uteri morbos organiros 3.0 pp., 11. 8 . Berolini, typ. A. Pctschii, [1830]. Moritz ([Friedrich Ernst] M[ax]). ''Leber einige l'raparate des Golsemiuin seinpervirens. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, ('. Sell, 1879. Moritz (Gnilielinus)1. *Delini calhartici vi pur- gante observationes. 32 pp. 8 . Dorpati Li- ronorum, typ. J. C. Schttenmaiini, 1835. Moritz (Guilelmus)- [J838- ]. * De epilepsia. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, 186,9. Moritz (Ludovicus) [1810-54]. * I >e pathologia ac diagnosi aneurysinatuin interuoruni. 1 p. 1., | 40 pp., 1 pi., 2 1. 4°. lietlisltiria; typ. Grassii, Barthii el soe.. [1835]. Moritz ( Sieo'iiiund). ' ITnterbroehenerWintrick'- se-her Sehallw e'ehsel. Ein Beitrag zur Cavernen- Diagnostik. 19 }>p. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1877. Morivul (Jules). *Traitemeiit des voinisse- nients ineoercihles de la grossesse. 58 pp.( 1 ]. 4U. Paris, 1881, ft() l,;-, Moriz (Eduard). * Die "Wendung auf den Kopf. 33 ]>p. 8'--'. Konigsberg, E. J. Dalkowski, 1873. Moriz (Guil. Theocl. Eduard.) * De iiiutationi- bns pathologieis tractns intestiuoruin et ventri- euli cpioad anatomen nonnulla. 32 pp. Sr He- gimontii Pr.. typ. Ilniinngianis, [1838], Moi'i'ZOt (Marie-Gabriel-H.vaeinthe). * La chlo- rosc. 08 pp. 4 '. Paris, \84l, No. 50, v. 37-. Morland (Joseph). Disquisitions concerning the force of the heart, the dimensions of the coats of the arteries, and the circulation of the blood. 2 p. 1., 88 pp. 8 . Loudon, J. Lawrence, 1713. Moi'laild (Pierre). * Propositions sur divers objets de medecine. 31pp. 4 . Penis, an Nil I [18(15], No. 508, v. 57. Moriaild (William Wallace). Diseases of flu- urinary organs. A compendium of their diag- nosis, pathology, and treatment. 570 pp. - '. Philadelphia, Blanchard A' Lea, 1858. ------. The morbid effects of the retention in the blood of the elements of the urinary secretion. (Fisko fund prize essay.) 83 pp. 8 . Philadel- phia, Blanchard A Lea, 1801. ------. Florida and South Carolina as health re- sorts. 20 pp. 8 . Boston, J. Campbell, 1-73. MorlacillC (Etioiino-I'ierro) [1772- ]. Me- moire et observations sur plusieurs cas impor- taiits de Fart des aeeotieheiiH'nfs, recueillis en lS.Li et 1837 a la clinique de 1'Eeole pratique du departement de la Moselle. 34 pp., 2 pi. 4-. Metz, Dosquet, 1838. MOKLAK1). 461 MOROXFS. ITIorlard (Victor). See lloi'iM'iiisiiin (Claude Jacoh Emil). De 1 inhu- mation, de It ereiuiition [etc. | S°. Copenhague, 187(1. Muriel (C.-F.) '"'De la levee du ])remier appa- rcil dans les nluics simples cpii doivent suppurer. 20 ni. 4 . 'Paris, 18 \8, No. 105, v. 331. llorlt't (E.) *I- EtiHilir les differences qui ex- istent entre les inrtuiuniations des nienibranes sereuses et les inflammations ele-; nienibranes inuqueiises, sous le point de vue de l'anatomie pathologique et dc la semeiologie. II. [etc.] 42 pp. I - Paris, 1838, No. 3,72, v. 331. ITIorlc.V (Charles). Elements of animal magnet- ism; or process and application for relieving hu- man suffering. 27 pp. 12. New York, Fowler A Wells, 1847. ------. The same. 24 pp. 8°. Xew York, Fow- lers .r Wells, [1847]. Mori*'}' (Frederick). See Tlicliijian ;mtl its iesources. £'->. Lansing, 1881. IMoiJey (Henry). A tract upon interrupted health and sick-room duties. 23 pp. 8-. Lou- don, C. Edmonds, 1817. [P., v. 140; 751.] ------. Jerome Cardan. The life of Girolanio I Cardano, of Milan, physician. 2 v. xii. 304 |ip.; iv, 328 pp. 8 . London, Chapman A Hall, 1854. ------. The life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheiiii, doctor and knight, commonly known as a magician. 2 v. xii, 304, 332 pp. 8-. Lon- don, Chapman ,('■ Hall, 1850. Iflorlrj (John). An essay on the nature and cine of f licking's evil; deduced from observation and practice. With additions, and a great va- riety of eases and their remedies, with a plate of the herb " Vervain"; published for (he good of mankind, particularly the common people. 1 ed. vii, 0-48 pp., 1 pi. ,-,.-. London, J. Buck- land, 176,8. ------. The same. 10. ed. i v, 5-00 pp., I pi. 8 . London. J. Bueklenid, 1773. [P.. v. 001. ] —;—. The, same. Willi additions, and above sixty cases (some never before publish'd). 12. ed. 80 pp. 8 . Loudon. J. Bncklaiiel, 1774. Half of last leaf is missing: plate wanting. —----. The same. 14. ed. iv, 5-S0-|- pp., 1 pi. S-. London, J. Bttckland, i 775. ------. The same. 17. ed. iv, 5-80 pp., I pi. 8'. London, J. Bucklautl, 1777. [P., v. (it)5. ] ------. The same. 80 pp., 1 pi. 8 . London, J. Bueklenid, 1782. [I\, v. 432.] ------. The same. 27. ed. iv, 5-80 pp., 1 pi. ,-;;, London, J. Buekland, 1790. ------. The same, iii, 4-80 pp., 1 col. pi. 8 . London,!!. <,- T. Wilkie, 1701. [P., v. (53(5.] ------• The same. 31. ed., revised, viii, 7-51 pp., 1 pi. 8'-'. Xew York, ].-';il. -From the London ed. of 1797. iflorlicrc (L.-F.-A.) Quelques idees sur la cause proc-haine des fievres et sur hi nature de la con- tagion. (54 pp. ,8. Compiegne,J. Esc u iter, 1817,. [I'., v. 1357.] IWorlok (<;.) Die Ileiziing durch Zinnneidfen . . . Bericht eislattet im Auff rag des kouigl. wiirtt. Ministeriums fiir die Yerkehrsa.nsta.lten. viii, 07 pp., 44 pi. rov. • *'". Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler, 1870. I-Ioiiot (Edotiard). * Snr une forme grave de IVpilepsie. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 2 1. 4 \ Paris, 1-s^l, Xo. 314. Jlorlot (Ferdinand) [1853- ]. * Contribution a 1 elude de 1'atrophie du lestieule. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 18<\. No. 3(51. Moriot (J.-B.) * De la meningite aux differents ages. 43 pp. 4 . Paris, ls-lil, N,,. os^ v. 4_i>>. Moriliiclie ( M. ) * Contribution a letiule de l'adebiome palatin. 4ti pp. 4°. Paris. 1883 No. 51. Moi'iiioiiisiii. Fmlev (CC.) The physiology of Mormonism. San Francisco M. Press, lS(i:i, iv, 1-4. Iflorinyeii*. See Fish (Electrical). Mornar. Naika Suyo. [Tin- treatment of in- ternal disease. Transl. bv Takamatsu Rioouu.] 10 v. 12'-. Tokio, 1883. Japanese text. Mornac (Antoine-Einile). * De la fievre en elle- menie. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)6, No. 270, v. 504. llloiiliic ( Jean-Baptiste-Gabriel ). * Sur (|iiel- ques plaies d'armes a feu. 23 pp. 4°. Paiis, 18-21, No. 177, v. 168. [Also, in : P., v. 50.] Mornac (Jean-Joseph). * Sur la phthisic tu- berculeuse, avec des propositions sur cette mala- die. vi, 7-20 pp. 4-'. Paris, 1809, No. 100, v. 77. Morimml (Felix). La vie des eaux, avec des notes sur la vertu curative des eaux par le doc- teur Kouraud. 2. ed. 386 pp. 12". Paris, L. Haehette A Cie., 18.50. Moi'llUl'd (Henri). * Senuologie des eruptions cutane'cs dans la fievre typhoide. 36 pp. 4J. Paris, 1875, No. 150. II or liny (C.-M.-B. -Frederic). * Sur la gangrene des oxticmit6s superieureset inferieures. 23 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Ltvvault, 1816. Morncse. liogolamento di polizia mortnaria del eoniune di Mornese. 11 pp. 12 . Xori, tip. Canntsso, 1884. Horning'. Knurs (J.) * Diss, inang. qua exponditur cur aurora niusis sit arnica; warum die Morgeu- stunde Cold ini Munde babe. 4°. Halce, [ 1745]. Morning', Noon, aud Night. A medical and miscellaneous annual for the years 1870-72 (2.-4.). 8". Xew York, Crump, [1800-71]. Moro (Giacopo). Auatomia ridotta all' uso de' pit tori e scultori. 23, 25 pp., 19 pi., 1 1. fol. I'inegia, presso G. F. I'alvasense; 1679. Another copy bound with: Vemio (Carlo). Eine heir- liclte Anweisuug . . . von der Anatomie [etc.] fol. Augs- purg, 1708. Morocco. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by loca lilies; Medicine (Military, History, of), Campaigns, etc.—Spain; Mogador; Tangiers. !\«»U-« on the sanitary state of Moorish towns, ami on the climate and diseases t.f Mi.roeeo. Metl. Times ,v (la/... I.i.ml., is,7. ii. illi.—0"< •■eiifehll. Aiitln-t.pt.lt.- nische Aufuahinen von MarnUkancrn. \'ei handl. d. I'.< i I (iesellsch. f. Anthro])., 1887, :'"2-:s7. — Rolilf* <»..) lie. t i;i lit- ii ii t- (iesehiehte der Medicin und liiedieiiiiselien Ceoiiraphie Mart.kko's. Deutsches Arch, t (.escli. cl. Metl. u. nied. Ceo-., Leipz., 187S, i. ls.'i-19:'.—ScIioiisImm' (I'.-K.-A.) Observations sur le ri'-jjiie vegetal au Manic. Bull. Soc. d. se.....d'Alger, 1874, 1-J02, 8 pi.— Mlirlin;- {■).) The races of Morocco. J. Anthrop. Soe. Lond'., 1870-71, viii, pp. clxix-clxxiii. Moi'OCllO (Edine-Jean). * I. Des symptomes de la nietrite ehronique dans ses ditferentes formes. II. Le-te,] 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 14(5, v. 393. MorochovetS (Leon). *Zakony pitshevare- nija. [Function of digestion.] 7)4 pp., 1 1. 8 . St. Petersburg, tipog. B. G. Janpolskago, 1881. Moroconiio centrale uiaschile in San Servolo di Venezia. See Manicomio cent rale niaschile in S. Servolo di Venezia. Morong (Thomas). The heneficence of pain. An essay read he fore the Young Ladies' Institute in Iowa City, 23d June, ls.'S. 7 pp. 8 . Iowa City, J. Duncan A Crottse. 1858. Moroni (Ercole). Storia del enraro ; studii cri- tici ed esperiiueutali. 463 pp., 11. 8 . Milano, F. Gavetli. 1867. Mo roil lis (Matthias). Directorium medico-prac- ticum, sive indices duo pneternaturaliuin atl'ec- tuum, cum distinctoruin turn luiplicatoruin, de. MORON IKS. Moronity (Matthias)—continued. i|iiil)iis extant gravissiniorum viiorum consulta- tiones, epistola-, epuestiones, responsioncs, obscr- vationes, historia', etc. Medicis, pra-sortim ty- ronihus, cpue cousiinilihiis in casi bus iniitentur exempla, pnenionstra.ntes. Jam primum iufie-r- niania edili, variisque auctoruin exeni|dis aueti, opera et studio Schastiani Schctleri. 11 p. 1., 404 pp., 8 I. sm. 4 j. Francof. a. M., sumpt. vid. J. G. Schiinwetlevi, 1(5153. MorosiilllS (K. D. Franciscus). Tractatus de scorezzis primo in uuuiu collect us, deinde di visus in plures propositiones, in fine positas, pro op- portunitate loci, feniporis, personarum, propug- naudas. 1. ed. 60 pp. 12c. Laudce, typog. A. PaUavicinis, 1783. [P., v. 1074.] .110rot (1'icrre). "Sur l'ulcore simple du duo- denum. 44 pp. 4C. I'aris, 18(>.">, No. 27(5. Morotrofia (R.) See .Vlii-iijglin (B. (I.) Prograinma di un maniconiio, niodello italiano. 12°. Aversa, 1801. MoroIIX [1855- ]. *I>es rapports de la cir- rhosc du foie avec la peritonite tuherculense. 04 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 3(57. Morovaj:" boliezue cholera i kak uhereeh. neja. Nasi ,i\ leu ie dlja prostago narodo. [Cholera aud how to ]i:event it; advice for common people.] 24 pp. 8'-'. Kazan, typ. Guberitsk. prarlen., 1887). Moroy.Oif"(Dimitrius). * Anatomija pitshevoda i k uclicniou o rakovom sitjenii etogo organ a i ego h cheniou kateterizatsiei, elektrolizoni i gas- trostomies [Auatomy of (esophagus, and study on cancerous diseases of this organ and their treatment hy catheterization, electrolysis, and gastrotoniy.j 21(5 pji., 1 1., 2 pi. 8J. St. Peters- burg, tipog. J. X. Skovochoilovct, 1887. Morpaill (Alplumse) [ 182(5-70]. * Ltudes ana- tomiques et patliologie|iio.s des grancles lovres. 54 pp. 4°. Veen's, 18")2. No. 278,' v. 7,29. ------. Sare-oc-c'le encephaloide; ahlation au mo- yen de la, galvano-caustiqiie thermique : cicatri- sation. 7 pp. 8*-'. Paris, E. Martinet, f 18? | ]. See. also, Vmu^-.-it (Alphonse) fils & .?Ioi-|»nin (Al- phonsc). Galvano eaustique* tbermiqiie [etc- ] s . I'm is. isii;.. — Ki-niaU (Ilobeit). Gal\ anothcrapie |clc.) S°. Paris, I Slid. For Bitiqraphij. see Bull. Soc. nicd.-piat. de I'ar. (1868- 72), 1873, no. 65-69, 12 (Collineau). Morpeth. Speech of Viscount ele Morpeth in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, 10th Leh- ruary, 1848, on moving for leave to bring in a hill for promoting the public health. 37 pp. S-. London, J. Bidgway, 1848. [P., v. 1(52.] Morphine and its salts. Set; also, Anaesthetics; Atropine (Physio- logical, etc., effects of ); Endermic method; Foe- tus (Effects of medicines on) ; Heart (Diseases of, Treatment of); Insanity (Treatment of); Opium habit. Czvaina (J.) * De morphio. 8°. Pestini, [183.,]. (.aillaiu) ( B. ) * Propositions sur les effets des sels de morphine. 4'-. Paris, 1832. Hkxxf.li.e (C.) * Nouvelles recherches snr le mode d'action du principe de Derosne et dela morphine. 4'-'. Paris, 1827,, Hoppe (J. CL ) * De morphio et acido meco- uico. 4-. Lipsia; [1820J. Kaxzmanx (T.) Beitrage fiir den gerichtlich- i-hemischen Nachweis des Morphins und Nare-o- tins in thierischen Fliissigkeiten und Geweben. 8C. [Dorpat], 1868. Kixdsuiier (V. L. E.) * De morphio. sm. 8 . Berolini, [18-28]. vox Kostin (I-..) * Ueber das essigsaure Mor- phium, dessi'ii Wirkung und Anv.enclung am Krankenhette, und seine Bereituugsart. 8-. Miinchen, 1838. I MORPHINE. Morphine and its salts. Ki;age(W.) * Leber Albuminuric und (ilveo- surie nach Morphium. 8 . Anklam, 1878. Li;\ aciiek-1)E-1><)is\ n.i.i: (K.-S.) * De hi .mor- phine, ou principe act if de l'opiuni. 4". Paris 1817. Niki.axi) (J. J.) Mit-opii et inoiphiui elfco- tuuiu comparatione. s . Berolini, [1827)]. Petit (E.-A.) #Sur la morphine et les pre- partitions d'opium. 4 . Penis, 186,2. Tkoisseau (A.) & Bonxkt. Lssai therapeu- tiqne et medico-legal sur les effets des sels de morphine. 8 . Paris, 1831. See, also, infra. Valencikxnes (A.-A.) 'Keeherches clini- ques sur l'oxydatiou de la morphine et sur lVx- truction de la castorine. 4 . Paris, lsi;]. Wolters (A.) * Contributions ii retude ch- hi morphine et du niorphinisnie. 4L. Montpellier, 1883. Aiii-cp ( Y. K. ) & KiimIiim'i enlto i II) K vtipr. o sudbe inorflja v organizuie. [What becomes of mor- phia in the organisui '] Shorn ralmt. pnii/.\etl. lab. Aurepa, Cbarkotf, 1886-7, ii, 193-215. — Amlhoiii (V.) Keeherches exp(;rimentales sur l'aetion toxiquc et niC'ili- cale du chlorliydrate de morphine. Therap. eouteinp., Par., 1881, i, 49-56. — Bull) ( V. ) (Ihsci vatious sur Its effets therapeutiques de la morphine mi narceine. ^Ic-m. Acad, de med., Par., 1828, i, 99-lsu. —Bell (J. C.) Iodic acid test for morphia. Analyst, bond., 18,11, iv. 181.— IS e in nil i. Sugli effetti della mortinii e ele 1 suo acetate) sui corpo umano. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano. 1828, xlviii, 551- 564.—Krrnard (C.) Des effets physiologitpics tie la mor- phine et de leur couibiiiaison avec ceux tin chloroforuic. Hull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. 1869, lxxvii, 241-250.— Itci'iialzik (W.) Ucher die Wirksamkeit chloroform haltigor I.eisuugeu von Morphin und (affein. Wien. ined. I're.sse, 1867, viii, 65!); 689.—Bi'i-lini (B.) Osserva/.ioni pratiche: sull' utilita dell' ncctata di mortinii. 77. i\, 2; 29, 40; 64; 113; 135; 161. — Orvcllo (V.) \ \ alenli ( S. 1 Sopra gli effetti comhinati della niortina e della paraldt iele. Ann. di chim. med.-farm., Milano, ls8,"., 4. s., i, 65-78. — Chastaing. Sur la fonction complexe dela morphiiie et sa transformation eu acide pieriijue; de sa solubilite. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc, I'ar., 18tr2. xciv, 44.—Chonppe (H.) Note sur un accitleiit qui pout se produirc a la suite des injections soiis-cutiinees ele chloi by drate de morphine; des precautious a pi entire pour 1 eviter. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par , 1877, 6. s., iii, 7K-80.— C'oe (If. C.) Peculiar phenomena following an injcetion of morphine. N. Yoi'k M. J.. 1887, xlvi, 267. —» an «len C'orpul (E.) Du cyanhytlrate dc inoi-phiiie 'i th- f s usages tht'-rapeutitmes. Presse inc'-cl. beige, Brux., 1S."i4-5, \ ii 149; 157; 165.—Cm-ci (A.) A/.ionc- della morfiua sulla cireola/.ione cle-1 sangue. Spcriinenlale, Kiren/.e, 1883, li, 449-467.—Dave}' (X\ F.) Taraxacum a source of fal- lacy in testiug for moiphine. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1857, xv, 229.—Dcmarqua)'. Conferences sur l'assoeia- tion de la morphine et du chloroform, et sur un nouveau mode d'administration de cct auc.nt. (la/., d. hop., Par. 1872, xiv, 770; 786; 795; 809; 817.— l>on;iHi ((1.) A nioi- phiu sorsa, a szervezetben. [The disposal of morphine in the organism.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1866, xxx, 713; 745. Also, transl.- Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Boun, lKS,"(-(i. xxxviii, 52S-548.—Dnulanc .icune. Sur un reacti_f pro- pre a indiiiucr la presence ties sels de morphine dissous dans un liquide, dans le rapport d'un a dix mille eu iioitls, suivi d'un procede pour analyser, a I'aide de ce icat til', les liqueurs animalea qui coiitiennt ni la morphine. .1. de pharm., Par., 1824, x, 425-431. Also, transl. [Abstr.): Arch. f. d. ges. Naturl.. Niirnb., 1824. iii, 101-108. — Uu- pre (A.) Some observations on the iodic acid test for morphia. Guy's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1863, 3. *., ix, 323- MORl'IlINi:. 463 MORPHINE. Morphine and its sails. 327. .1/.*-".- Chem. News, bond., 1863, viii, 267.—Biipny 'let -'' 1 Experiences sur taction de lacctate de morphine elans les aniinaux. ct sur les moyens ele reconnaitre l'eni- lioisoiiiit-ineiit par cette substance. J. gt n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1824, lxxxvi. 13-30— i:i>r:ir•' morphia in the living organism. Ann. Uirin Metl., Lond., 1881, ii, 109-111.—Fazio (E.) Sulla tullei-aliilita degli oppiati ed in ispecie tlelb» mortina. Movimento. Napoli, 1880, 2. s., ii, 70-78. — I ileliue (\V.) Ueber die Einwirkuug des Morpliins auf die Atbiuuiig. Aith. f exjier. Path. u. Pharmakol , Leipz... 1878-9, x, 412 2 pt: 1879, xi. 45. ------. Zur Mm -pbiuwii kung. j Sitzungsb. el. pli\ s. ined. Soe. /.u Erlang., 1879. ii, 47.— lloiio iF.) Solubilita della mortina t* prcpaiazione di alcuui suoi sali. l'i\ di chim. med. e 1'arm., Tin ino, 1883, i, 214-220. — Fori. I.ecciou sobre la mortina. [Transl.] Kev. metl. tie Chile. Sunt, de Chile, 1885-6, xiv. 5(1-54.— Frit'kciiliaiiM. Leber eine unci-wiinschte Ncbenwir- kung ties Mi.rphium muriatiouin (per os oder subcutan) niiel clerc-n untriigliche Veriiieidung. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., fieri., 1875, xliv, 11)61.— I"i i< «I!m i-ei. I'fauge- nelnue Folgen der Morphiuiniujection bei einem Pferele. Wclmschr. f. Thierli. u. Vichz.uoht, Augsburg, 1877. xxi, 12L 129— Fi-imH'iII (K. L.) Om den t'armakologiska gruppeil niorlin, elierW. v. Schroeder. Upsala I.akaref. Fori)., 1884, xix, 182-189.—(>;dvaiii

  • oiueni< o | A . i Nuovo ]irocesso per eslrarrc la inorliua thill uppit. direltu- mente spoglia di uarcolina. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1831, lviii, 311-314.—<»il y Tlnnicio (P.) Procedimi- entospor la est rac t ion ele la niorfina. Siglo med., Matlrid, 1864, xi, 597; 614; 660; 681.—fira^U A: \ inlihinl. Note sur les proprietes convulsivantes tie la morphine. (raz. hehd. de niC-d., Par., 1882, 2. s., xix, 123. .11*,, [ A bstr. ]: Coinpt. rend. Acad. cl. sc, Par., 1881, xciii, 973-975 — Gregory (\V.) On a process .for preparing econoinieally the nnuiatc of morphia. Edinb. M. Ac S. J,, 1831, xxxv, 331-338.—CJrimanx (E.) Sur qucli|ues react ions de la 11101 pliine et ele- ses congeneres. Compt. lc*nil. Aeatl.d.sc., Par., 1881, xciii, 217-219. ------. Sur une nouvelle .serie de liases tlerivees ele- la morphine. Ibid.. 591—',93. ------. Sur la transformation do la morphine on codeine et en bases liomologues. J. de l'anat. et physiol.. etc.. Par., 1881, xvii. 329.—(aMchfiflU'ii (It.) Leber die physiologischeu Wjrkungeu elcsessigsauren Moi phi unis. t'nti t such. a. cl. physiol. Lab. in Wiirzb., Leipz,.. Is69, ii, 3-06.—Ilai-I. wig iM.) Line Erfahrung mit Moiphium. Mod.-cliiT. I'm 111. f. deutsch -am. Aerzte-, Buffalo, 1883, i. No. 5, 13- 1 > II lim-fi-ld. Beitrage. zur Chemie ties Morphiums, zur lieliii'ilerung der gerichtlicheu Chemie und in bezug auf tlen (astaingse hen Prozess. Arch. 1. ined. Erfahr., Berl., 1826, i. 411-458.—Johnson (\V.) Eutlcrmic appli- cation of sulphate of morphia. Metl. &. Surg. He-porter, Pbila., 1860,n. s., iv, 155-157.—Jolly. I'ebci ib tliche, Mor- phiunivvirkuiig. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 187t, viii, 215.— Kennedy (T.J.) Parturient effects ot the sulphate of morphia. 'Med. & Surg. Keporler. Phila., 1869, xxi, 19].— KerNt'h. Das Morpliiiini und seine physiologist-lie Wir- kuug auf deu thierischen Organismus nach eigens angi'- stellten Vcrsuchon untl nach lit tibaclitungeii am Ivrankcii- hettc. Mt-morabilien, Heilbr., 1871, xvi, 1; 25.— I.abbe (L.) &, 4*oujon (E.) Sur faction conibine.e ele la mor- phine et du chloioforme. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 251.— Lantlrii'iix. Bromhydrate de morphine. J. de therap., Par., 1879, vi. 121: 201.—I..aii«Nl><'iNS (E.) TJn- tersiiehiingcn iiber das Schicksal des Morpliins ini le- benden Organismus. Arch. f. d. ges Physiol., Bonn, 1880-81, xxiii, 413 - 433. — l.aiiieiici' (.1. Z.) The au- tiplilogistic powers of morphia illustrated by its use in the treatment ot acute inflammations of the sclerotic and iris. Mod. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1859, n. s., xix, 651.— I..<*forl (J.) l5tmlcs chimiques et toxicologiqtic.s sur la niorpliiiie, suivies d'observations sur son passage dans l'econoinie animale. Hull. Acad, ele med., Par., 1860-61, xxvi, 817.—li<*nliai'lz. Ueber den Antagonismus vou Morphin und Atiopin vom klinischen untl cxpcrimcntelleu Staudpuiikte. Tagebl. cl. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Berl., 1886. lix. 205-207. Also [Abstr.J : Deutsche Med. Ztg., Berl., 1886, vii, 932— l.eoni {]',.) Intorno agli effetti produtti dull' uso csterno dell' acetato di moifiua iiiipiegato nella sciatica, ed aleuni riliessi su '1 modo d' agire di qiicsto niedicanienlo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milauo, 1852, 3. s., iii, 11-13.— I.imlo (D.) Morphia reac- tions. Chem. News, Lond., 1878, xxxviii, 65 — l.illle (J. L.) A remarkable case of morphine tolerance bv an in- fant. Am. J. Ohst,, N. V., 1878, xi, 374-377. Also, Ke- print,— liuppi (G.) Sur les proprietes therapoutiques tin sulfate double de morphine et do strychnine: lettre a M- le docteur G. Grimclli. Gaz. med. de Par., 1857, 3. s., xii, 438; 458; 475.------. Beuxienie lettre sur l'actiou et les usages therapenliques du sulfate double de morphine et strychnine, adicsscc a M. le docteur G. Grimelli. Ibid., Morphine and its salts. 1858, 3. s., xiii, 804 ; 829.—Lutz A: Fon«Ma;;i'iv<-w. Mor- phine. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. med., Par., 1875, 2. s., ix, 487- 516. — .Vlagi'iiilic. Note sur l'emploi de quelques sels de morphine comme medicamens. N. Jour, de metl., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1818, i, 23-28—.Tlai-c. Anwentluug ausserordentlicher Gaben von Moiphium. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang.. 1850, xi, 303.—.Vlai-me. Az oxydi- morphin kimutatdsa. Gybgyszereszi hetil Budapest, 1885, xxiv, 50; 65; 82.—.TlayVi- (E.-L.) ** Wright tG.-U.-A.i Keeherches sur les polvinei es tie la morphine et leui.s de- rives. Monit. scient.. Par., 1873. 3. s., XV, 659-672.—.Tl az- zola (G.) Lettera al Dott. A. Quadri (sugli ellotti dell' acetato di niorfina). Aun. univ. di med., Milauo, 1826. xl, 156-165.— Tli'I ion (J.) Wirkungen des essigsanren Mot phiums; beobachtet am Krankenbette. Metl. Cor.-Hl. tl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1844, xiv, 137-1.43.—M i- chicls (J.) Note sur quelques mortifications au procede tie Gregory pour la preparation du chlorliydrate de mor- phine, d'apres une nouvelle propriete recouuue a ce sel alcaloitle. [ Rap. de Vandevelde. ] Ann. Soc. de nied. d'Anvers, 1842, 196; 206. ------. Notice, sur un procede pourobteuir la morphine cristallisee sans intermediaire ele lalcool. Ibid., 376-378. — Nolhnagf-I. Leber die Wir- kungeu des Morphin auf den Darni. Verhaiull. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1882, i, 132-137. Also.- Anh f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, l.xxxix, 1-8.— Orlila il'.) Me- moire sur la morphine, ou sur le principe at lit dt 1 opium. N. Jour, tie iiic'-d.. chir., phaun., etc., I'ar., 1818, i, :(-22.— Oil (I.) Morphia and gelsemium. Arch. Med., N. V., 1884, xi, 79-81— a»«'lil (A.) Sur un ]irocetle de dosage* rapide de la morphine dans l'opium. .1. tie pharm. et tie chim.. Par., 1879, xxix, 159-162. Also: Monde pharin., Par., Is79, x, 157 — Pica I'd (P.) Sur l'aetion de la mor- phine chez les chiens. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc.. Par, 1878, lxxxvi, 1144—i 147. •----- Sur les phenomenes qui suivi lit les injections de ehlurhulrate dc uiorphiLe. Coinpt. rend. Soe. de biol. Is7.v Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 13-15, pt, 2— I'icaril (P.) tV Ki-halel. Action des sets de morphine sur lc cteur. J hid.. 145. — l*ier«-«- (F. M.) Ou the physiological action of some new morphine and co- deine derivatives. Practitioner. Lond., 1875, xiii. 437- 442.— l'onlo|i|iiil:iii ( K.) & < Il ii*leii-.en ((). T.) En uy Keaktion paa Mortin Irio. Hosp.-Titl.. Kjoljcnh., Is84, 3. K. i i. 625-627. —•< In-oeilei' (\V.) Unter- suchungen iiber die pharniakologische Gruppe ties Mto- phins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. I'harmakol., Leipz,., 1883, xvii, 96-144.—Schuld (J. F.) Langtluiig gcbruik van gioote gil'ten acctas morphii. N. pract. Tljelscbr. v. ele Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1856. u. s., ii, 79-81.—.Selini (F.) Dell' uso dell' acido iodiclrico iodurato per rieuiuoscere gli alcaloidi dell' oppio. Mem. Accad. d. sc, cl. 1st. di Bolo- gna, 1875, 3. s., vi, 217-221.—Si'itc*. Observation sur un effef remarquable de 1 application exferieiiie- dc lacctate de morphine dans one affection pai liculiere de lVstomac et des intestins; rccue'-illie par J. Iiubouig. Arch. gen. de med., Far., 1826, x, 431-437.—Wmiili iL.) On the effi- cacy of small doses of morphia in hooping cough, chronic bronchitis, and phthisis. Edinb. M. ,1., ls55-6, ii, 1001- 1010. — Nornliiii (I.) O daiistvii morphiya na organizm zhivotnikh. [Action of morphia on the animal organ- ism.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1863, viii, 79. —fXpi-oll (J.) Effects of morphine not mentioned bv medical writ- ers. N. Orl. J. M., 1869, xxii, 506. — Squire (I'.i [<■' ul.\. Bi-met.(mate of morphia. Loud. M. Gaz.., l.s:;s-u. xxiii, 861-863. — Slaplo* (E.) Practical obsci \ ations on the prt'iiaration of mor]>hia. etc. N. Am. M. tfc S. .1., Pbila., 1829, vii, 433.— Mliambio (G.) Su 1' azione tlell' acetato e solfato di mortina. Gior. Cl it. di med. anal.. Milano, 1827, vi, 186: vii. 221. — Tron*»«'aii (A.) A.-. IConnel. Considerations sur les effets produits par les st Is tb ...... phine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., 2. ed., Par., 1832, ii, MOUPHINE. 464 MOKIMllNK. Morphine and its salts, 72-101. [See, also, supra.]—Tnlly (W.) Results of ex- periments with, and ohservations upon, sulphate of moi phine. Boston M. A S. J., 1832-3, vii, 28-33. —Voyi-ia. Enilcrmatisebe A nwenilung ties Morphiuins. i mil Lei. tl k. rhein. Metl.-Coll. 1840, Koblenz, 1841, 55—« ij;l«'.*- world (A.) Ou morphia as a parturifacient, id.si. J. I.r. Brit., Lond.. 1877-8, v, 368-382. — Witliowslii (L.) Leber tlie Morphiumwirkung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. I'harmakol., Leipz... 1877, vii, 247-270.------. Zur Wirkung ties Morphiuins und ties Chloralhydrats. Deutsche med. 'Wchnschr., Berl.. 1879, v. 513-515.'------. Zur Moiphium- wirkung. Ibid.. 667.— Woi-inley ( T. G. ) Notes on some of the chemical reactions ol morphia. Ohio M A: S. ■1 . Columbus. 18511-60. xii. 260-264. Also: Chem. News. Loud.. I860, ii, 137-139. — Wyman (M.) & llor»foi Aufl. S;. Auerbaeh a. B., 1879. CROMBIK (J. M.) A new and easy inetiiod for tbe subcutaneous application of morphia, with- out tbe pain, risk, and expense of the hypodermic syriiige. sr London, 1873. Hilsmaxn (F. E. T.) * Lin Beitrag zur hypo- derniatischen Injection des Moiphium. - Amsbcrg, [1874]. Kane (H. H.) The hypodermic injection of morphia ; its history, advantages, and daugcrs. Based on the experience of 360 physicians, 12 Xew York, 1889. Ohkkpiuelkr (J.) * Leber die Sllhrut'llle Anwciiilung des Moiphiuni bei Anonialien dei- Webentliiitigkeit. S-. Miinchen. 187 \. Allbntt (('.) (In the abuse of hypodermic injeetioi s of morphia. Practitioner, Lond.. 1870. v, 327-331.- A n*|je IE. li.) On the effects of the prolonged use of morphia by subcutaneous injection. Ibid., 1871, vi, 148-157.— AikIImmii (V.) Note sur Its injections hypotlciinupics tie chlorl.yeliate de morphine. Therap. co'niciiip., Pur., 1881, i. 534.—ISabcock (L. F.) Cases illustrating tliti use of morphia hypodermic-ally. N. Vork M. .1., 1870, xii, 181.—Barclay (J.) Some cases in which the h.\ pci- tlermic injection of morphia was employed with go,,il ir subs Med. Press & ('ire-.. Loud., isiiii, n. s., \ iii. I.::: "•i-H.-Bnrr (It M) The hypodermic use of i.....phia. Metl. A.-. Surg. lb-porter, Phila,, 1879, xii, 423-426.-Bas- *<-lli (A.) Le inje/.ioni tli solf'ato di niorfiiia nt die malallic nervose. Gaz/. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1877. 7. s., iv, 2SL—Klnekwell (E. T.) Illustrations of the use of large hypodermics of men phine, and the dan <:eis at ten. ling them. 'Phila. M. Times. 1880-81, xi, 770- 77s.- Iiiuiniii.ji-<- lioucn. Deutsche Zlschr. f. prakt. Med, Leipz., Is74, i, 231; 23!!.—Freeman (H. W.) On the h\ poilermic injec- tion of morphia. Brit. M. ,L. Loud., 18(15, i, 639-iitl.- (Uibbons (H.), sr. Hints on the hypodermic use of mor- phia. Pacific M. tfc S. J., San Fran., 1878-9, xxi, ti-8.- (areenley (P.) The hypodermic use of morphia as a supporter of the heart's action. South. M. Kec, Atlanta, 1879, ix, 325 —CtrlAlth (G. tie G.) On tlie hypodermic administration of morphia as a means of cure in cases ol pain. Med. Press, Dubl.. 18(15. iv, 241 — lleiicli ic li ((I.I On the value of hypodermic injections ol morphia in oh stetric practice, i'iebnionil tv Louisville M. J . Louisville, 1869, viii, 397-399—Ilerst. Leber subcutane Morpliitnn injectionen. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Perl., 1876, xxxiii, 261-275. — ,li>iiiiiii;'N (C. E.) The subcutaneous injection of moipbia. Lancet. Lond., 1881. i, .",r,2 .lone (G. IL) On circumstances intlueiieing the safety of-sub cutaneous injection of morphia. I r. Clin. Soc. Loml., 1871, iv, 72-74.—.lone* (G. E.j Some observations em the tleep injections of morphia. Cincin. Lancet t\- Clinic 1878, n. s., i. 85. — .lone* i \V. H.) The reckless in.p-cl' _ of morphiue hypodermic-ally. Cincin. Lancet -Clinic, 1887 n. s., xviii, 195. — Koriininii (K.) Die Auwenduug sub MORPHINE. 46.5 MORPHINE. Morphine (Hypodermic use of). cutaner Morphium Injectioneu unter der Geburt und in lieu ersttli Tagen ties Wot lieubettes. Moiiatschr. f Ge burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 18(18. xxxii. 114-127.—Kiilui 1,1.) rebel- subcutane Morphiuminjectioneu. Ztschr. f. Med . Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz , 1807, n. F., vi, 453-465.— I.nfaijjiic (G -V.) Lettres sur Linoi-iilation ele la mor- phine avec la lancette. [ Lap. tie Martin-Solon. 1 Bull. .Mail, dc nied.. Par., 1830. i. 13: 40: 249. ------. Dei van- taggi terapeutici dell' inoculazioni* della morfina e di altri nicdicamenti cner^ici. Bull. d. sc-. med. di Bologna, 1847, 3. s.. xii, 261 379 -■ l.a\v*on (H.) Subcutaneous injec- tion of morphia in the treatment of sciatica, lumbago, and l.iac hialgia Med. Times tfc Gaz., Loud., 1876. ii. 671- 1173.— lii'bcrl. Leber die subcutane Anweuduug des Morphiuins als Mittel, um die Schmerzen der Geburt uiifl elie Krainpfwchcn zu niildern. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 186(i, iii, 109-111— Iteviclt. [Prolonged hypodermic in- j. etions of morphia without bad effects. | Tr. Coll. Phys. 'Phila. (185(i-ti2), 1803, n s., iii, 471-474. — I.eviir (E.) Osseivazit.ni pratiche sulle inieziemi sottocutan. e di mor- tina. Iniparz at , l-'iien/.e, 1870, x, 133; itil.— Tlnrliii (C.) Queltp.i S notes sur les solutions ties sels tie morphine pour injection h\ podermitpie. Kt c. el. trav. Soc. med. d'lnelrc it-Loire, Tours, 1874-5, lxxii, 53—IHengus (J.) Quelques mots sur les injections hypodermiques de mor- phine et r6sultafs inesperes ohtenus dans deux cas de rhiiinatismis museulaires. grace a cette methode, de traite- ment. Abeille med.. Par., 1874, xxxi, 111.—IVIoutard- .11 art in & KiclM't ( C. ) Coutribntion k l'Ctuele. des injections intra-veiueuses de lait ct de sucre. Compt. rend. Sot:, de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, pt. 2, 65-80. . Also: Gaz. med. de Par.. ".879, 0. s., i, 588; 60U; 624.— Tl iii Ier. Ueber subcutance oder hypodermatische In- jection von schwefelsaurem Moiphium. Cor. - Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg. 1860-61, i, 249- 253. — Ojjle (W.) Injcctiou of acetate of morphia into the cellular tissue of the arm in delirium tremens. Med. limes A. Gaz., Lond.. isiiti. ii, 54.—Oliver (G.) On hy- podermic injection of morphia. Practitioner, Loud., 1871, vi, 75-8(1. Also Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, viii, 91- 90.—Ortille. Des buns diets obtenus par les injections bypoderiniques de morphine associee ii I'atropine. Bull. gin. tie therap., etc.. Par., 1870. xc, 517— I'aibei (W. W.) Subcutaneous injection of morphia in facial neu- ralgia and .subacute rheumatism. Richmond .v Louisville M. ,L, Louisville, 1808, v, 41-45.—Pirard (P.) Sur les phenomenes qui suivent lis injections du chlorliydrate de morphine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 4. s., vii, 143.—Kw** (J.) The hyiiotlei mic administiation of niorphia. Camilla M. J., Montreal, 1800, ii, 433-439 —Manlol iqniilo (R.) Sc le inieziemi ipoderiuiche tli mortina lianno a/ione locab . (iior. iutcnaz. tl. sc. med., Napoli, 1882, n. s., iv, 1279- 1300.—Nehiitz. Ueber subcutaiie Morphiuminjectioneu. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk , Prag, 1874. cxxii, 103-114.— Me^iiiii (E. i'.) Subcutaneous use of sulphate of mor- phia in cases of malarial neuralgia. N. York M. J., 1867, v. KI2 41)9— Nellnian (W. A. B.) The hypodermic in- jection of morphia. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1881-2, viii, 79 87. — Mli'itfhtholnii' (J. P.) Hypodermic morphia in a general hospital. Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vii. 25-28.— Noiiiiiii'i'bioill (J.) Leber hypotlermatische Morphium- Injektioncn. Wien. nied. Presse, 1805, vi, 1113; 1142; 1105: 1187.—Hpecr (J. R.) Death from the hypodermic use of morphia. Atlanta M. & S. J.. 1871-2, ix1', 546.— Npcniler (J. K.) The hypodermic action of morphia. Brit. M. L—C'rainer (G.) Rasche Heilung von Mor- phiumsucht. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1887. n. F., vii, 147.— Dana (S. W.) Delirium closely resembling mania k potu, following the free use of morphine. Med. Rec., X. T., 1884, xxvi, 64. — Dcstpics. Des abces gommeux du nior phinisrae. Gaz. d. hop.. I'ar., 1882. lv, 1066-1069— Dun- can (H. S.) The morphia habit; how is it most usually contracted, and what is the best means to diminish it'.' Nashville J. M. & S., 1885, n. s., xxxv. 246-248 -Engel (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Morphiumsucht und deren Behandlung ; Wirkung der Tinctura avena*, saliva*. Med.-chir. Cor.-Bl f. deutsch.-am. Aerzte, Buffalo, 1883, i, No. 8, 1-5.—Erlemneyei' (A.) Die Recidive der Mor- phiumsucht. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1879, ii, 505-509. -----. Ueber die Wirkung des Cocai'n bei der Morphiumentziehung. Ibid., Leipz., 1885, viii. 289-299. -----. Cousid6rations sur la morphinomanie et son traite- ment. Enc6phale, Par., 1886, vi, 677-708.—Fischer (A.) Ein Fall von Morphiumsucht. Wien. med. Wt Imschr., 1878, xxviii, 1346. — Folet (H.) Morphinisme et morphio- manie. [With discussion.] Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1878, xviii, 197-223.—Cans (E.) Ein Fall von Morphinisinus chronicus geheilt durch langsame Entziehung des Mor- phin. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1883, i, 219- 224.—Gamier (P.) Morphinisme avec attaques hystero- epileptiques caus6es par I'abstinence de la dose habituelle du poison ; vol a l'6talage. Rapport medico legal. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xv, 302-316.-----. De l'etat mental et de la responsabilite penale dans le morphionisme eluo- nique. Ann. n>6d.-psych., Par.. 1886, 7. s., iii, 351-378.— [Oeorganteis (A.)] Mopt/ui'OjU.ai'i.'ez. Ta\T)vb^, 'ASrjcai, 1885, 11", 25 f 42: 54; 81; 205; 236.—ticrne (P.) Des usages et tie 1'abus ele la morphine. Concours med., Par , 1882, iv, 450; 482—€Sibbons (H.) Letheomania; the result of the hvpotb rmic injection of morphia. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fian . l*69-7'o, xii, 481-495. Also: Oregon M. & S. Reporter, Salem, 1869-70, i, 207-214. Also, Reprint.— Goannianii (J.) Ueber chronischen Moiphiummiss- brauch. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879. v, 431; MOliPIIIXE. Morphine habit, 450; 463.—€ji':ik*(>i (J.) Traitement du morphinisme ehronique et de la morphinomanie. Semaine med., Par., 18*5. v, 75.—4»rilli. II mortinisnio. Impar/.iale, Firenze, 18*1, xxi. 166-173. —Oiintz (J. E.) Leber Morphinisnms. Memorabilieii, Heilbr., 1879, xxiv, 534-544.—II. ( J. T. ) The abuse of morphia. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Loud., 1878, n. s.. iii. 130: 1879, n. s., iv, 8— Harrington (Harriet L.) Case of enteritis complicated with the morphia habit. I'lnsieian & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1884, vi, 20-23.— IlinLlev (L. S.) A lemarkable case of the excessive use of morphine. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 354.—Jablo- noivwlii tW.) Morfinizm. Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1883, xxii. 465-407.—Jaeckcl. Zur Behandlung der Morphi- unisucht inittelst Cocain. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, ii, 913-915.—.1 amine* (L ) Quelques cas de mor- phinomanie chez les animaux. Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc, Par., 1*87, civ, 1195.—Jennings (0.) Sur un nouveau mode de traitement. do la morphinoiiianie. Encephale, Par., 1**7. vii, 198-221. Also, Reprint. -----. Sur 1'arret (inhibition) du besoin de la morphine par la nitro-glyceriue associeje a la sparteine. Tribune med., Pur., 1887, xix, 303-308. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1278-1280.— Johnnseii (L P. G.) Et Tilfselde af kronisk Morfi- nisnie, behaudlet med Hypnotismc. Ugesk. f. La*ger, Kjobeuh., f887, 4. R , xvi' 1-6.—Josvelyn (E. E.) An analysis of twelve cases of the morphia habit. Med. Reg.', Phila. 1*87, i, 195-1!)*. — Kaczoron .ki. Pr.yczy- iiek do leczenia morfinizinu. | Contribution to treatment of morphinism..! Medycyna, Warszawa, 1887, xv, 453; 474—Kane (H. H.) Rapid and easy cure of a case of morphine habit of twelve years' standing; amount used. sixteen grains per day. Med. tfc Surg. Keporter, Phila., 1881, xliv, 649-652. Also: N. Oil. M. & S. J., 18*1, n. s., ix. 103-108. -----. Some medico legal aspects of morphia- lakiug; with special reference to "the Laiuson case". Alienist tfc Neurol., St. Louis, 1882. iii. 419-433.—lirajje (W.) Zum chronischen Morphium-Missbrauch. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 487. — Kiiiiz. Die Mor- phiumsucht vor Gericht. Aerztl. Int.-151.. Miinchen, 1880, xxvii, 2.">.— liancereaux. Du morphinisme ehronique. Semaine metl., Par., 1884, 2. s., iv, 233. -----. Du morphi- nisme ehronique. Lnion med., Par., 1887, 3. s.. xliii, 61; 74.— baiidownki (P.) Le murphinisme et, son traite- ment. J. de therap.. Par., 1882, ix, 164-178.—I.anger (L.) Morphinisiiius. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1881, xi, 480. — lie- vinstein ( E. ) Die Morphiumsucht. Tagebl. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Graz, 1875, xlviii, 66- 68. -----. Die Morphiumsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 646-649. Also .- Verhandl. d. Berl. ined. Gesellsch. 1875-6, vii, pt, 2,14-23. Also, transl.: Bull. ge*n. de, therap., etc. Par., 1876. xc, 348-356. Also, transl.: Lond. M. Rec., 1876, iv, 55. -----. Zur Pathologie, Therapie, Statistik, Prognose und geriehtsarztlichen Bedeutung der Mor- phiumsucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 73-77. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med Gesellsch. (1879-80), 1881, xi, pt, 2, 72-85. Also: Allg. ined. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1880, xlix, 318. Also : Med.-chir. Centralbl , Wien, 1880, xv, 295; 309; 332: 344. Also, transl..- St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1880, iii, 452-462. — Levinstein (W.) E'riihzeitige Atropine des gesammten Genitalapparates in einem Fall von Mor- phiummissbraut h. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1887, xi, 633-639—Loose (A.) The rapid spr> ad of the morphia habit (by subcutaneous injection) in Germany; a village of morphia takers. [Transl. bv H. H. Kane.] Maryland M. J., Bait., 1881-2, viii, 337-34L— Itorelanil (J. A.) Morphia habit. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, civ, 301.—Lux- sana (F.) Fn caso di morfiuismo cionico erelative ques- tioui proposte. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1884, ii, 446-44*. — liiitaiul. Des troubles fonctionncls de l'ute- rus dans la niorphinonianie; indications therapeutiques. Union med., Par., 1887, 3. s.. xliii, 984-988. Also: Arch. de tocol., Par. 1887, xiv, 644-650.—liyinan. Morphia habit, Extr. Rec. Bost, Soe-. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii, 106-10*.—.VI:■ i-amlon ile iVIontyel. Contribution a l'etude de la morphiomanie. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1885. 7. s , i, 45-64. -Marine (W.) Ueber die sog. Absti- iieii/erscheiniingen bei Morphimstcn. Centralbl. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1883. iv, 241 —Heine Heilung vom Morphi- nisinus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 1887, xxiv, 102. — Mai- ler (O. S.) Anledniug af "Et Tilfolde af kronisk Mor- finisme ". Hosp.-Tid./Kjebenh.. 1**6. 3. 11., iv, 1206-1210. [See. also, infra, Petra-us.] — MorpliimiiNUt'ht (Die). (iesiiudheit, frankf. a. M., 1*80, v, 202-206.—Motet. Mor- phinomanie. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1883, 3. s., x, 22-36. -----. Rapport medico-legal sur Annette G . . . (hyst6rie et mor- phioinanie). Arch, de neurol , Par., 1886, xi, 398-405.— Miiller (F.) Ueber Moiphinismus. Wien. med. Presse, 1*80. xxi, 297; 332; 361—IVankivell (1. H.) Case of a morphia habitu6 said to have taken daily forty giains of morphia hypodermicallv ; temporary abstention ; relapse ; deaih. Lancet, Lond.,' 1884, ii, 913—rVothnajjel (H.) Moiphinismus. Allg. Wien med. Ztg, 1884, xxix. 368.— IXotla (M.) La, morphine et la morphiomanie, Arch. gen. tie ined.. Par., 1884, ii, 385: 561. -----. De hi recherche dc la morphine dans l'urine des morphiomanes. Union med., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxviii, 409-413. — ©bersteiner (H.) Chronic morphinism. Brain, Loud., 1879-80, ii, 449-165. 468 MORPEKEA. Morphine habit. ------. Further observations on chronic: morphinism Ibid., 1*82-3, v, 324-331. ------. Der chronische Morplii'. nismus. Wien. Klinik, 1883, ix, 61-84. ------. Di,. *,!,„.. phiumsiicht und ihre Behandlung. Cong, period, inter- nat. d. sc. m6d. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copcnh.. 1**6. Sect. <1« psychiat. et n6vrol., iii, 10-14. — Ol vera (J.) ; Los mor- f'omaniiiticos son aptos para ciertas acciones civilc.s! Sou responsables dc sus acton? Gac. med., Mojito 1886 xxi 205-210— Oti* (R. M.) Prolonged use of hypodermic in- jections of morphia. Boston M.AS.J,, 1872,'lxxxvi. 231.— I'apin (T. L.) Morphia and ihe morphia habit. St Louis Cour. Med., 1883, ix, 18-23.— Prelerw (J. A.) Uu morphinisme. Bull. Soc. de nied. ment, de Bel" (bind 1883, no. 31, 54: 1884, no. 32, 19.—Petit (L.-H.) lies arci denfs qui peuveDt survenir chez les morphiomanes; mor- phinisme et traumatisnie. Bull. gt*n. de therap., etc Pai 1879, xevi, 119: 171; 212; 262; 318; 362; 412; 453.-' I»e. trseus. EtTilffeldeafkroni.sk Morfinisme. Hosp.-Tid Kjobenh., 1886, 3. R,, iv, 1141-1117. [Sea, also, svpra, Mul Ier.]—Pillion (G.) Considerations sur la nicu-phiiinnianie et sur son traitement. Kiuephale, Par., 1886, vi, 307-335.— Pilliet. Note sur Its lesions histologiques ele I'intoxica- tion morphinique suhaigue. Compt. rend. Soc, dc biol. Par.. 1887, 8. s., iv, 5*6-588— Knmbiiml (L.) Morphine et morphiomanes. J. de la sante'- pub.. Par., 1**1 no. 42, 3; no. 43, 5; no. 46, 4; no. 49. 3; no. 51, 2; no. 52, 2. —Hank (C.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Cocains bei tier Miuphiuin- entziehung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver. Stuttg., 1885, lv, 169-173.— Read (A. N ) Morphinism and alcoholism treated with cocaine. Gaillard's M .L, N. Y., 1886, xii, 369 —Regnard (P.) Deux poisons a la mode: la morphine et Fether. Lev. scient.. Par., 1**5, xxxv, 545-556. — Richardson (15. W.) .Morphia ha- bitues and their treatment. Asclepiad, Lond., 18*4. i, 1-31. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1*83, ii, 1046. ----. Discovery of morphine in the urine of a mot phine ha- bitue. Asclepiad, Lond., 1884, i, 356-35* Kiiblin (E.) Lo morphinisme. Gaz. med. de Par.. 18hi, 6. s., ii, 3*7; 403.—Rizat (A.) Morphinoiiianie; retrecissement spas modique du canal de l'urethre. Encephale, Par., 1883 iii, 344-352.—Rochard. Rapport snr un memoire du docteur Combes, concernant les alterations dentaircs chez les morphinomanes. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 585-588. — Sanchez (F. 1.) Apuntcs sobre la niorfiomania. Tcsis inaugural. |Resume.J Rev. metl. quir. de Mexico, 1883, i, 39— Schniiilbauer (B.) Le- ber den Einfluss des Moiphinismus auf die civil- und strafrecbtliche Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Friedreich s I'.l. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1886, xxxvii, 377-397. — Nhar> key (S. J.) The treatment of morphia habitues 1>\ sud- denly discontinuing the drug. Lancet, Lond, 1 *'*:;, ii, 1120.—da Milva l>imn(,i. F.) Morphinomaniaporabuso das injece oes hypodermicas. Gaz. nied. dc Bahia. 1879, 2. s., iv, 297-310.—Smidt (H.) Zur Kenntniss der Mcuplii- iiisniu.spsNchosen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1886, xvii, 257-273.—'Smidt (H.) tfc Rank (C.) Ueber die Bedeu- tung des Cocain bei der Morphiumentziehung. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii. 592-596—Nlecoulis (Ci Deux cas de morphiomanie. Gaz. med. d Orient, Constantinople, 1881-2, xxiv, 115-120— Ntrahan (S. A. K.) Treatment of morphia habitues by suddenly discontinuing the drug. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i', 561.—Tli non. Abus des injec- tions de morphine: leur effieaeite dans la phthisie aviuicei*. Nice-med., 1876, i, 24-27 —1'liomseii (R.) Zur Casuistik combinirten Morphium-Cocaiu-Psycliosen. Charit6-Auu. 1885-6, Berl., 1887, xii, 405-420.—Voisin (A.) Traitenient et guerison d'une raorphinomaue par la suggestion hypno. tique. Rev. de l'hypnot. exper. et th6rap., I'ar., 1886, i, 161-163. Also. Reprint—M'alle. Die 'lor|,liiiinisucht und die Physioiogie der Hcilungsvorgange: auf Criuul neuester Beobachtungen dargestellt. Deul si-he Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, i, 469; 481; 493. _ Also, Reprint— /..iiii|iiiUon (D.) Ilepi fiopii'i(Tfiov, Y) -rfjs Sia /otopffuVrj? ^powas GijArprjipi- acrews. IIpaKT. Svvo&ov 'EAAijccoi* iarpuiv, AOfivrjtriv, 1**2, 46-60. Also, transl.: Encephale*, Par.. 1*82, ii, 413; 603. Also, Reprint, ------. Contribution & l'etude dc la morpb6o- manie. Encephale, Par., 18*4, iv, 658-6*3. Morphinism. See Morphine habit. Morphioinania. See Morphine habit. Morpliwa. See, also, Keloid; Vitiligo. Paltry (H.) * Essai sur la morphoea alba (variete de lesion ti-o[)hique de la peau). [Pa- ris ] 4°. Ch tiled it roujc, 1883. Abbe (R.) Case of morphcra. Arch. Dermat., Phila., 18*0, vi, 143.—Baker (W. M.) Morphcea, or circum- scribed scleroderma, affecting the left, side of the face and si-alp. Tr. Path Soc. Lond., 1876-7, xxviii. 245—Fap- IJNta (J.) Extracto de huma memoria inedita, exislente no Arch, da Soc. das sc. med. de Lisb., sobre a morfca a(ji-: zur Morphologic und Morphogenie. Uutcisiicliungeii aus dem anatomischen Institut zu Erlangen. Hrsg. von Leo Gerlach. L, 1883. 4°. Stnt-'gart, 1884. Bondesen (V.) Hvilken er den almiudelige Plan for Bygningen af Ledene i det nienneske- lige Legenic; og i livilke Hovedretninger fore- komnier denue Plan modificeret i det Eukelte. [What is tin* general plan in structure of limbs iu the human body, and in which of them is this plan modified individually ?] 12°. Kjejihenhavn, 1846. Cauls (J. V.) System der thierischen Mor- phologic $-'. Leipzig, 1853. Morphology. Clixk (H.) *On the form of animals. 12°. Northampton, [n. d.] Coknay (J.-E.) Elements de niorphologie hitmaine. Premiere partie, physiouoniie de re- lation. Localisation physionomique des plis fa- ciaux representatifs des differents actes de rela- tion. Seconde pai tie, physiouoniie uaturelle, ge- nese des formes et loi d'ordre universel. Troi- sieine partie, physiouoniie auormale, apprecia- tion des lois, cles theories, des faits, pour servir a l'etude des races. 8-. Paris, 1847-50. Ekeitag (J.) Disputatio medico-philosophica de formaium origine, quam ad versus veneraudie antiquitati repuguantem neotericorum doctri- uara auditoribus suis exhibet . . . defendente earn Henrico Welnian. 12°. Groningce, 16)33. Goodsir. Detailed abstracts of papers on: 1. The morphological relations of the nervous systems in the aunulose and vertebrate types of organization. 2. The morphological constitution of the skeleton of the vertebrale head. 3. The morphological constitution of limbs. Commu- nicated to the Cheltenham meeting of the Brit- ish Association, August, 187)6. 8C. [Edinburgh, 187)1.] Repr. from : Edinh. N. Phil. J., 1857, n. s., v. Hasse (C.) Die Beziehungeu der Morphologie zur Heilkunde. iS°. Leipzig, 1879. Henle ( J. ) Allgemeine Anatomie. Lehre von den Mischungs- und Eormbestandtheilen des menschlichen Korpers. 8°. Leipzig, 1841. VON Kollikek (A.) Der jetzige Stand der morphologischen Discipline!! mit, Bezug auf all- gemeine Eragen. Kede des Yorsitzenden der anatomischen Gesellschaft, gehalten bei Eroff- ninig der ersten Versammlung iu Leipzig am 14. April 1887. 8°. Jena, 1887. . Novag (L.) Grundsiitze der physischeu Erzie- hung des Menschen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1842. Ogkk ( L. ) * Considerations physiologiques sur la forme uaturelle et la forme appareute de quelques organes et en particulier sur la forme naturelle et la form appareute des arteres. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870. Reeves (H. A.) Human morphology; a trea- tise ou practical and applied anatomy, v. 1. The limbs and the periuajuni. 8°. London, 1882. Reinke (J.) Morphologische Abhaudlungen. 8C. Leipzig, 1873. Schmidt (J. H. ) Zwiilf Biicher iiber Mor- phologie iiberhaupt und vergleichende Noso- Morphologie insbesondere. 2 v. in 1, 8C; atlas, fol. Berlin, 1831. Succow (G.) * De morphologise legibus cum stoechiologiie prineipiis accurate comparandis. 8°. Jerce, [1829]. WiEDriiisiiEiM (R.) Morphologische Studien. Heft, 1. 8°. Jena. 1889. Addison (W.) The law of morphology, or metamor- phosis of the textures of the human body. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1847, 33; 60; 90; 116; 169; 199; 229; 259: 313; 340; 505.— C'ollingwood (C.) On homomorpbism; or, organic representative form. Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Liverp., 1860. xiv, 181-216. -Garcia (S M.) Estudio morfoldgico del hombre comparado con los nionos. Mem. Soe. anat. espan., Madrid, 1875. iii, 141-164.—Geddes (P.) Knlwiekt lung und Aufgabe tier Moiphologie. Jenaisehe Ztschr. f. Naturw.. Jena, 1884. n. F., xi. 1-39.—Gesjoii- bani- (C.) Lie Stellung und Bedeutung der Vorpholouie. Morphoi. Jahrb., Leipz., 1875, i, 1-19.—dc Giovanni (A.) Studi morfologici snl corpo umano, a contribuzione della cliuica. Gazz. med. ital . prov. venete, Padova, 1884, xxvii, 73; 81; 100; 138. Also | Abstr.]: Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1884, xiv, 154-157.— Million (J.) On physi cal morphology, or the laws of organic form. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Kev., Lond., 1858, xxii, 482-495—I.anger (C.) Leber Form- und Maassverbaltnisse cles Korpers. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xxx, 1357; 1392: lssi, xxxi, 673; 703. —.TIaggi (L.) Applicazione di aleuni concetti morfologici dell' orgaui/.zazionc animale alia medieina, MORPHOLOGY. 470 MOHK1S. Morphology. (razz. metl. ital. Tomb., Milano, 1883, 8. a., v, 277-281.— I'ni-Uii- (\V. K.) What is morphology? Nature, Lond. tfc N. Y . 1878. xviii. 255-257. Also: Pop. Sc. Month. Suppl.. X. T.. is,8 357-360. Also, transl.: Rev. internat. el. sc . Par.. ls7ii. iii. 21-32. — Rrrntt morphological spec- ulations. I. Un alternation of generations. II. The or- igin of vertebrates. III. Non-segmented animals. Na- ture. Loud., Is8'. xxx, 67; 225; 3u8.—Koux (W.) Bei- tiage zur Mtupliologie tier functiouellen Anpassuug. 2. Ueher die Sel list regulation del morphologischen Lange der Skeletmuskelu. Jeuaische Ztschr. f. Naturw , Jena, 1883. n. F., ix. 358-427. -----. Beitrage zur Morphologie der functiouellen Anpassung. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwc-k- lngsgesch.. Leipz., 1883, 76, lpl.: 1885, 120.—Sedgwick (A.) On the origin of metameric segmentation and some other morphological questions. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Loud., 1884, n. s., xxiv, 43-82, 2 pi. Morpur§jo (Victor) [ -18511]. See (Jlairat & .Vlorpm-go (Victor). Casd'abciSs par congestion avec carie, etc. 8°. Paris, 1839. Morra (Joseph). "* I. De fluxu lochiali, etc. 15 pp. 4J. Augustce Taurinorum, V. Bianco, [1818], [P , v. 944.] Morra (Viucent). Du croup laryngien et de son identit6 avec la diphterite. 29 pp. 8'-. Naples, Ilinaldi f Sellitto, 1880. Morrell i2] ------. The high death rate. An answer to the question "What is to be done?" Being the substance of a paper read before the Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association, March 19, 1869. 19 pp., 2 pi. 12°. Manchester, Powlson A Sons, 1869. Morrell (Robert). * On animal heat. 30 pp. ,-■ . .\>«< York; T. 4- J. Swords, 1819. Morrell (Carolus Franciscus Antonius). Speci- men academician exhihens tentanieu biozoogenbi' generalis, quo coutinentur leges primitive ap- parition is entium organicornm ad supeificiem telluris, eorumque speciei propagations pergene- rationoni, nova* inquisitiones de modo quo pro- iliicuntiir entozoa intestinalia et zoospermoes, quo vero propagantnr infusoria, vegetabiliaque microscopica. 1 p. L, 35 pp., 11. 4. Bruxellis, H. Being, 1829. Morrell (Petrus Jacobus). * De pertussi. 2(5 pp. 4°. Beidelbergw, J. M. Gutmann, 1823. IVIorrliiia. Dyck (R.) Ou the identity of Morrhua punc- tata and Morrhua vulgaris. 8°. [London, 1869.] Repr. front .- Ann. tfc Mag. Nat. Hist., Lond., 1860, 3. s v, 306-36!), 2 pi. Tlorrhuol. Chazf.aud (E.) * Etudes cliniques sur le mor- rhuol (extrait de l'huile dc foie de morue brnue). 4C. Paris, 18*7. leafage (J.) Du morrhuol, on principe actif de l'huile de foie tie morue. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par. 1885 cix. 417-419. Worries i. John Davie). Observations ou the chemical and physiological properties of the enipvreiimatic oils of foxglove, henbane and to- bacco. 7 pp. 8-; Edinburgh, J. Stark, [n. d.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1833, xl. Morrill ( F. Gordon ). A case of typhlitis, with some statistics of the disease. 5 pp. 8 . Cam- bridge, Ilirerside Press, 1875. Repr from: Boston M. tfc S. J., 1875, xciii. Morrill (Frederic). The gentleman's medical adviser, and sure guide to health and long life. Designed to illustrate the author's new system of botanical practice in the cure of all diseases Morrill (Frederic)—continued. incident to exposure, early indiscretions, etc. m() pp. 24°. Boston. Mass.,'1^69. Morrill (C. H. i Co-Editor of: Wenicrn (The) Homoeopathic Obser- ver, St. Louis, 1868-70. Morrill (S. E.) A treatise, of practical instruc- tions iu the medical aud surgical uses of elec- tricity, including instructions in electrical diag- nosing and a new method of general and local electrization. Also clinical oxperiencesof fifteen years, x, 11-249 pp., 2 1. 8L. Kalamazoo. 1882. Also, Editor of: World's Electropalhic Journal, Three Rivers, Mich., 1885. Morris, Illinois. Armstrong (P. A.) Sanitary survey of Morris. Hep, Bd. Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886. viii, 199-J0,s. Morris (Albert J. T. ) A treatise on meteorol- ogy; the barometer, tliermometer, -hygrometer, rain-gauge, aud ozonometer; with rules and regulations to be observed for their correct use. To which are appended some of the latest dis- coveries and theories of scientific men respecting various solar and terrestrial phenomena, viii, 98 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, E. Grant A Son, 1866. Morris ( Beverly R. ) Observations on the con- struction of hospitals for the insane. 18 pp. ,* ; London, H. Iienshaw, 1844. Repr. from: Yorkshire Gazette. Morris (Caspar) [180(1-84]. Appeal on behalf of the sick. 48 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, IJndsai) f Blakiston, 1851. ------. Lectures ou scarlet fever. 2 p. 1., 104 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay f Blakiston, 1851. ------. An essay on the pathology and therapeu- tics of scarlet fever. 192 pp. 8'. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sr Blakiston, 187,8. ------. Hospital construction and organization. In: Hospital plans. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti- more. 8°. New York. 1875. 172-268, 3 pi. For Biography, see Med. tfc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 416. Morris (Charles). * Ou tlie Primus virginiana, commonly known iu the United States by the name of wild cherry-tree. 45 pp. 8 . Philadel- phia, J. Geyer, 1892. Morris (CorbynL See Collection (A) of the yearly bills of mortality, from 1657 to 1758 inclusive. 4°. London, 17.VJ. Morris (Edward). Water-lords tyranny, espio- nage, aud imposition on the city, and the doings of the magistrates court, exposed. 30 pp. 12°. [York, 187,4 f] Morris ( Edwin ). Fibro-cellular tumour of the right labium pudendum successfully removed. 4 PP- 8U. [11. p., 187)8.] [P., v. 72.").] ------. A practical treatise on shock after surgi- cal operations aud injuries; with especial refer- ence to shock caused by railway accidents, vi, 88 pp. 8'--. London, Ii. Havelwickt; 186,7. Morris (Henricus Sutherland). * Diss, exhihens casum siugularein morbi medulla' spinalis et gan- gliorum nervorum spinali um, cum aclnotationi- bns. 35 pp. 4°. Bounce, typog. Thovmaiiniaiia, [1827]. Morris (Henry) [1844- ]. Surgical diseases of the kidney! viii, 548 pp., 6 pi. 16°. London, Cassell .If- Co.. 1887). Morri* (J. Clieston). Sre l.ehmuini ('<■«■ Vork (State of). Metropolitan Board of Health of the Qittj of Xew York. Special report upon Ilu uper.itioits of the New York Rendering Company. 8°. Xew Tork, 1868. Morris (Richard L.) Memoir of the late Francis lT. Johnston, read . . . before the New York Academy of Medicine . . . with an extract from the funeral sermon iu his memory, preached by Rev. Henry Authon. 20 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Xew York, 187)8.] Morris (Robert). See Edinburgh (The) Medical and Physical Diction- ary [etc.] 4°. Edinburgh. 1807. Morris (Robert T.) How we treat wounds to- day. A treatise on the subject of antiseptic surgery which can be understood by beginners. vi, 161 pp. 12^. Xew York f London, G. P. Putnam,s Sons. 1886. See. also. ITI«• yer (S ) Report of one hundred joint re- sections, etc. 8'. [Newtown, 1886.] Morris (Trevor). * De variis sententiis quod ad contagii vires iu morbis pestileutibus. 2 p. 1., 527 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Morris (W. A.), McLaughlin (J. W.) & Swearingen (R. M. ) A review of Dr. Woolen's review of the causes that led to the death of the late Adjt. (Jen. John B. Jones. 44 pp. 12**. Austin, Texas, E. ron Boeckmann, 1882. Morris (William). Covered service-reservoirs, with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. Edited by James Forrest. Ii4 pp., 4 pi. 8*'. London, pub. by the Institution, 1883. Repr. from Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, Lond., 1882-3, Ixxiii, pt. 3. ------. Textile fabrics. A lecture delivered in the lecture room of the Exhibition, July 11, 1884. 29 pp. 8°. London, If. Clowes f Sons, 1884. Interuat. Health Exh., Lect. no. 23. Morris ( William Winder) [17S4-1857J. KiinIi (L. I'.) Necrology. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1878. xxix, 7-J3. Morrison (John). Medicine no mystery ; being a brief outline of the principles of medical science: designed as an introduction to their geueral study as a branch of a liberal education. xxxii, 165 pp. 8°, London, Hurst, Chance f Co., 1829. Morrison {John M ) [1830-80]. Bailey (F. H.) Ohituary. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxL 1079. Morrison (11. T.) Die Anwendung einer Kno- chen - Resections - Maschi ne, insbesondere fiir zahnarztliche Zwecke. 4 pp. 8°. [ Berlin, 1873.] Repr. from ■ Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1873, xiii. Also, Editor of: Denial (The) Headlight, Nashville, Tenn., 1883-4. Morrisons -pills. See Medicines (Patent, etc.); Toxicology (Cases, etc., of). Morrisson (F61ix). *Sur la metrite aigue, ou inflammation aigue du tissu de l'ut6rus. 31 pp, 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 8, v. 204. Morrislown. Sec Insane (Asylums for, ele), by localities. Morrovalle. Ktatuto organico dell' Ospedale civico di Morrovalle. Approvato con decreto regio in data maggio 1884. 6 pp. 8°. Civita- uova-Marche, Natalucci, 18p4. Morrow. See Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Morrow (Prince Albert). Case of morphcea. In: Gibney (V. P.) A case of scleroderma vel mor- phcea. 8°. [New Tork, 1879.] Repr. from: Arch. Der- mat., N. T., 1879, v, 5. Also, Co-Editor of: American (The) Eclectic Medical Review, New York, lsiis-7L\—Journal of Cutaueous and Venereal Diseases, Xew York. 1SS2. Morrow (T. V.) A few thoughts on the neces- sity of medical reformation, in a lecture delivered before the class of the Reformed Medical School of Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1843. 16 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, A. Devvough, 1844. ------. Introductory address, delivered before the class of the Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincin- nati, Ohio, at the commencement of the session, November, 1847. 20 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1847. [P., v. 424.] Also. Co-Editor of: Western (The) Medical Reformer and Eclectic Journal, Cincinnati. 1847-8.—Eclectic (The) Medical Journal, Cincinnati. 1849. See, also, Jones (I. G.) The American eclectic practice of medicine. To which are appended the posthumous writings of T. V. Morrow. 2 v. 8*. Cincinnati, 1853-4. Morsbacll (Engelbert). * Das papilliirc Kystom iu seiner klinischen Bedeutung. [Halle.] 60 pp., 1 1. *°. Dortmund, K. IVbrle, 1881. Morsbacll (Franciscus Adolphus) [1823- ]. *De cantharidibus. 28 pp., 2 1. e8°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1850]. MOHS(-I1. 472 MORTALITY. Morse II (Fridericus Otto) [1814- ]. * De signis vitioruni cordis organicoruin generalibus, adjecta morbi historia. 32 pp. 8*. Berolini, typ. Fried- lcenderiauis, [1837]. Morse (David Appleton) [1840- ]. Report on dipsoinaiiia and drunkenness. 52 pp. 8-. [Day- ton. Ohio, 1873.] Rtpr.from: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Dayton, 1873. ------. Report on monomania. 46 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1874.] Repr. from : Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Piqua, 1874. ------. Renort ou general paralysis. 120 pp. 8l . [n.p., 1874. J Repr. from .- Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Piqua, 1874. ------. The mind; an introductory lecture. 28 pp. 8J. Cincinnati, 1875. ------. Mental and nervous disorders. Review of nervous disorders, insanity, and medical juris- prudence. 8 pp. 8r [n. j)., 1876. ] ------. A review of the literature of nervous dis- orders and insanity for the year 1878. 4 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, Irl*. ] Repr. from: Cincin. Lancet &. Clinic. 1879, n. s., ii. ------. Cerebral circulation. Tlie duties of the medical witness and his privileges. The mind; lectures delivered. 72 pp. 8°. Dayton, 1879. —-----. The doctrines of the human will as inter- preted by the courts. 7 pp. 8°. [Toledo, 1880.] Repr. from: Toledo M. & S. J., 1880, iv. Morse (E. Malcolm). A treatise on the hot sul- phate springs of El Paso de Robles . . . With a description of its natural beauties aud improve- ments, and how to get there. Edited by W. W. Messer, jr. 38 pp., 1 1. K-. San Francisco, H. S. Crocker f Co., 1877,. Morse (Edward S.) Ou the oviducts and em- bryology of terebratuliua. 2 pp., 1 ]., 1 pi. 8°. [New Haven, 1872.] Repr. from : Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven, 1872, iv. ------. On the systematic position of the brachio- poda. (iO pp., I pi. 8°. Boston, A. A. King- man, 1873. Repr. from: Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1873, xv. ------. Note on the extension of the coiled arms in Khychonella. 11. 8~. [n. p., 1878.] Repr. from .- Am. J, Sc. & Arts. N. Haven, 1869. xvii, Also, Co-Editor of. American (The) Naturalist, Sa- lem, Mass., 1867-71* Eur Portrait, see Science, N. Y.. lsy.;, viii, no. 185. ------. Man in the tertiaries. An address before the section of anthropology of the American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science. 15 pp. 8°. Salem, Mass., Salem Press, 1884. Repr. from: Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Salem, Mass., 1884 xxxiii. Morse (Jedidiah). A sermon preached before the H umane Society of the Common weath of Massa- chusetts, at their semi-annual meeting, June 9, 181)1. 7)3 pp. 80. Boston, J. f T. Fleet, 1801. ------. A report to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian affairs, comprising a narrative of a tour performed in the summer of 1829, under a commission from the President of the United States, for the purpose of ascertain- ing, for the use of the Government, the actual state of the Indian tribes in our country. 400 pp., 1 map. port. 8°. Xew Haven, Howe . Torino, Boux f Farale, 1886. Also, Co-Editor of: Ri vista sperimentale di freniatria e di medieina legale, Reggio-Emilia, 1875.—Archiviodi psichiatria, antropologia criminale e scienze penali, Torino e Roma, 1885. ------& Bliecola (Gabriele). L' Istituto psi- chiatrico di Torino. Coiitributo clinico alia dot- trina della pazzia sistematizzata primitiva. 94 pp. 8°. Torino, Celanza Sf Comp., 1883. Morshead (E. A.) Tables of the physiological action of drugs. 16 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1889. Morson (Gualterus S.) * De caualis alimeuti scirrbo. 3p. l.,31pp. 8:. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1821. Morstatt (Joh. Henricus). Exostosis singulari exemplo illustrata. 24 pp.. 1 1., 1 pi. 4\ Tu- bingce. typ. Fuesianis, [1781], Morsus (Joachiniiis). See liiddel (Duncan). Ars medica [etc.] Ed. ultima. 8-*. Bamburgi, 1610.—Medici Londinensis cxiraii epis tola de Isaaci Casauboni [etc.) 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1619. Mortalite (Richard-Parfait-Modeste-De\sir6). * Sur les ages. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 150, v. 233. Hlortal icounds. See Wounds (Jurisprudence of). Mortality. See Armies (Diseases, etc., of); Infants (Mor- tality of); Statistics (Medical, etc.); Tempera- ture (Effects of), etc. MORTALITY. 473 MORTON. Mortality in children. See Labor (Statistics of). Mortality tables. See Life-tables. Iflortara. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. illoi'te^iailj (Franciscus). Nova* observationes de oculo humano. 24 pp. 8°. Nectpoli, C. Eboli, 1811. [P., v. 1112.] Morteliail (Henricus Josephus). * Traetalus de pleuritide. 51 pp. 4°. Parisiis, an. XIII [18115 ], No. 4"5, v. 54. Mortet ( Toussaint). * Snr l'extraetion des dents a I'aide d'un instrument noiivellenieut inv(*nt6. 35 pp., 1 tab. 8°. I'aris, an XI [1892], v. 16. Mortliereiix (J.) * Reflexions sur les causes et la nature de la, colique dite de Madrid. 35 lip. 4'-'. Pavis, 1816, No. 62, v. 121. Mortllier A Cornaz. Le libre exercice de la medecine dans le canton de Neuchatel. 66 pp. 8 . Xeuehdtel, J. Attinger, 1869. Mortllier (Paul. Carol. Freder.) * De ecz.emate. 17 pp. 8T. Turici, ex off'. Ziircberi et Fitrvevi, \846. [Also, in : P., v. 7)86.] c. Mortier. Discours prououce' a sou entree en exercice comme ehiriirgien en chef de l'Hotel- Dieu de Lyon, le 30 decembre 1823. Impriuie parordre dc radiniiiistration. 54 pp. 8°. Lyon, Dtirand f Perrin, 1824. Mortier (Denis). * Sur l'ophthalniie. 13 pp. 4". Paris, 1814, No. 30, v. 101. Mortification. See Gangrene. de Mortillet (Gabriel). Editor of: IVIatei-iaux pour l'histoire positive et phi- losophique de l'homme, 1864-9. — li'Homme, Paris, 1884. For Portrait, see L'Ho mine, Par., 1884. i, 298-300 (de Bulhouse). Mortimer (Cromwell). An address to the pub- lic, containing narratives of the effects of certain chemical remedies in most diseases; particularly exemplified in the histories of various cases, both medical and chirurgical, attested by the patients themselves or by their friends; whereby it ap- pears that these medicines have cured many dis- tempers with single doses, and given great relief in the gout, and some disorders usually pro- nounced incurable. To which is prefixed a pref- ace, giving an account of the, uses and operations of these particular remedies, with practical re- marks on some diseases ; and a few hints relating to virtues, not commonly known, of some med- icines already in use. Ip. 1., xviii pp., 1 1. ; 104 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, C. Davis, 1714. [P., v. 133ti.] -----. The same, xviii, 104 pp., 3 1. 8°. Lon- don, C. Davis, 1745. -----. * De ingressu humoriim in corpus huma- num. 30 pp. 4■-; Lugd. Bat., 1724. In: Hau.ek. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1748, iii, i>20-6.t4. Also, in: he Obehkami- (P. J.) Collect, diss. 4■'. Francof. a M., 1767, i, 313-:f42. Morton (A. Stanford). Refraction of the eye; its diagnosis aud the correction of its errors, with chapter on keratoscopy. viii, 57 pp. 8'-'. London, H. K. Lewis, 1881. -----. The same. 3. ed. viii, 67 pp., 2 pi. 8. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son A Co., 1886. Mortoil (Bowditch). Handbook of first aid to lhe injured; prepared at the request of the So- ciety for Instruction in First Aid to the Injured. 2. ed. Frontispiece, 90 pp. 12u. Xew York, M. B. Brown, [1884]. Mortoii (Carolus)'. * De corde. 61. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elsevier, 1683. Morton (Carolus)2. * De tussi convulsiva dis- sertatio et theses medica*. [Leyden.] 2. ed. 29 pp., 1 1. 4°. Londini, 1748. Morton (Edward). Remarks on the subject of lactation; containingobservationson the healthy aud diseased conditions of the breast-milk; Hie disorders frequently produced in mothers by suck- ling; aud numerous illustrative cases, proving that, when protracted, it is a common cause, in children, of hydrencophalus, or water in the brain, and other serious complaints, ix pp., 1 L, 63 pp. 8°. London, Loueimann [and others], 1831. [P., v. 395.] Mortoil (Geo. \V.) See New York (City of). Laws and ordinances rela- tive to the preservation of the public health. 8". New York, 1860. Morton (Henry). Carbonic oxide; is it a harm- less anaesthetic or a virulent poisou f 12 pp. 8-. New York; 1878. Repr. from: Am. Gas-Light J., N. Y., March 2 and 16, 1878. Also, Editor of: Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1867-70. Morton (J. Chalmers). An agricultural ex- perience of 300,000 tons of north Loudon sew- age, 18(17. 31 pp., 2 ch. 8 . Loudon, /•'. IVarne A Co., 1868. -----. Report on the disposal of the sewage of West Derby. 12 pp. 12°. Liverpool, E. Smith A Co., 1869. -----. Our water supply ; a local study. 48 pp. 8J. London, Bradbury, Agnew <$• Co., 1884. Mortoil (Jacob). *De phthisi pulmonali. 25 pp. 8J. Edinburgi, E. Balfour, 1800. [Also, in: P., v. 13.] MortOll (James). Case of lithotomy by the lat- e-ral operation in a female. Extraction of three stones and a bone; seejuela* of an extra uterine conception. 12 pp. 8*-. [Glasgow, If. Mac- kenzie, 1855. J [P., v. 1558.] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1854-5, 2. s., ii. -----. History of a case of fracture of the femur, hearing chiefly on the diagnosis of such lesions. 8 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver A Boyd, 1870. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1870-71, xvi. -----. The treatment of spina bifida by a new method, viii, 120 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Glasgow, J. Maclehose, 1877. -----. The same. With a paper on the pathol- ogy of spina bifida, by John Clelaud. 228 pp., 4 1., 4 pi. 8J, London, J. f A. Churchill, 1887. Morton (John). A novel view of the causes pro- ducing typhoid fever, etc., and plan of treat- ment, vi, 7-14 pp. 8°. Sydney, J. Sands 1875. -----. Annual report of the medical officer of health to the Guilford urban sanitary authority for the year 1881. 8 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Guilford, West Surry Times, 1882. Mortoii (John W.) See Mfiiccs (Thomas) & Morton (John W.) Ad dresses delivered at the public commencement [etc.] 8°. Nashville, 1867. Morton (Richard) [1635-98]. Phthisiologia, sen exercitationes de phthisi tribus libris coinpre- henste. Totumque opus variis historiis illustra- tum. lip. 1., 411pp., 11. 8°. London, S. Smith, 1689. -----. The same. Phthisiologia, seu exercitatio- nuin de phthisi libri iii. 11 p. 1., 455 pp. 18°. Ulince, apud D. Bartholomce, 1714. -----. The same. Phthisiologie, oder Abhand- lung von der Schwindsucht. Aus dem Lateini- schen iibersetzt. xvi, 292 pp. 8U. Helmstedt, J. H. Eiilinlin, 1780. MOKTON. 474 MORTON, Morton (Richaid)— continued. J -----. Uvpero'/.oria: sen exercitationes de morbis uuiversalibiis acutis. 40 [>. 1., 430 pp., 9 L, 1 tab. 8°. Londini, S. Smith, 1692. ------. The same. HvperoXoyia. Pars altera : sive exercitatio dc febribus inflanimatoriis uuiversali- biis. 23 p. L, 511 pp., 8 1. Londini, S. Smith et B. Ileilford, 1694. ------. Opera medica. Iu tres tomos distributa. 8■*. Amstelodami, D. Donati, 1696. CONTENTS. 1. De phthisi. 2. De morbis nniversalibus acutis. 3. De febribus inflammatoriis. ------. The same. Opera medica, quibus additi fuere tractatus sequentes . . . 4°. Geneva; Cra- mer et Perachon, 1696. CONTENTS. 1. Morton (R.) Phthisiologia, sive tractatus de phthisi in iii libros couiprehensus totumque opus variis historiis illustratum. 5 p. 1., 155 pp., port. 2. Morton (R.) Pyretologia, sive tractatus de morbis acutis universalibus variis histoiiis illustrata. 13 p. 1., 163 pp., 2 1., 1 tab. 3. Morton (R.) Pyretologia, sive tractus de febribus iu- tiaiuniatoriis universalibus variis historiis illustrata. 14 p. 1., 207 pp., 4 1. 4. Harris (Gualt.) Tractatus de morbis aeutis infantum. 3 p. 1., 44 pp. 5. Cole (Guliel.) Novas hypotheseos, ad typos excogi- tates hypotyposis, etc. 5 p. i., 95 pp., 2 1. 6. Cole (Guliel.) Tractatus de secretione animali. 3 p. 1., 72 pp. 7. Lister ( Martin ). Tractatus de quibusdam morbis ehronicis. 3 p. 1., 100 pp. 8. Lister (M.) Tractatus de variolis, etc. 40 pp. 9. Sydenham (Thomas). Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis. 3 p. 1., 44 pp. ------. The same. Opera medica, iu quatuor to- mos distributa, quibus additi tractatus sequen- tes . . . Editio ultima. 4 v. in 2. 12°. Amste- lodami, apud D. Donati, 1699. CONTENTS. 1. Morton (R.) Phthisiologia*. 6 p. 1., 206 pp., 2 tab., port. 2. Morton (R.) Exercitationes de morbis universalibus aeutis. 23 p. 1., 242 pp., 6 1. 3. Morton (R.) IIitpeToA.oYia, fete.) 19 p. 1., 318 pp., 9 1, 4. Harris (G.) Demorbisacutisiiifantum. 1698. 3p.l., 51 pp., 2 1. 5. Cole (G.) Nova* hypotheseos, [etc.] 1698. 15 p. 1., 143 pp. 6. Cole (G.) De secretione animali. 1698. 7 p. 1., 93 pp. 7. Lister (M.) Octo exercitationes medicinales de qui- busdam morbis chrouicis. 1698. 3 p. 1., 196 pp., 2 1. ------. The same. Opera medica. Editio novis- sima, iu qua pnetcr tractatus varios, prioribiis subjuuctos, alii rursus ad niajorem illustra- tiouem, et ufeilius augnientuin adjiciuntur. 4°, Geneva; sumpt. Pevachon et Cramer, 1727. CONTENTS. 1. Morton (R.) Phthisiologia . . . de phthisi, in iii libros couiprehensus totumque opus variis historiis illustratum. 7 p. 1., 155 pp. 2. Leigh (Carol.) Phthisiologia lancastriensis, cui ac- eessit tentameu philosophicum ele mineralibus aquis in eodem eomitatu observatis. 47 pp. 3. Morton (R. ) Pyretologia . . . de morbis acutis uni- versalibus, etc. 13 p. 1., 103 pp., 1 tab., 2 1. 4. Morton (R.) Pyretologia ... ele febribus inflamma- tories universalibus, variis historiis illustrata. 14 p. 1., 207 pp., 4 1. 5. Dissertatioues in novam, tutaru at- utilem methodum inoeiilationis, seu transplantatiouis variolaruin . . . cum eritieis notis in varios autores de hoc morbo scrilientes a Jaeoho a Castro. Altera methodus piaeleeta a Giialtero Harris. Tertia hyzantina dicta . . . puhlice veutilata ah Antonio le Due. 5-36 pp. ------. The same. Opera medica, quibus prin- ter traetalus varios prioribiis subjuuctos, alii rursus ad niajorem illustrationem et utilius aug- mentuni adjiciuntur, quorum ennmeratio ac explicatio in subsequenti pagina continentur. Editio novissima, omnibus hncusque editis auc- tioret emendatior. Cum eleuchis rerum et in- [oi'ton (Wichard)—continued. dicilms necessariis. 2 v. sm. 4'. Lugduni, apud P. Bruijset et socios, 17117. CONTENTS. 1. Morton (R.) Phthisiologia, [etc.) 5 p. 1., 155 pp. 2. Mortoil (R. ) Pyretologia. . . ele men his acutis iiifl. versalihus, etc. 13 p. 1., 163 pp., 2 tab., 2 I. 3. Morton (R.) Pyretologia . . . ele febribus iuflaimiisi- toriis, etc. 14 p. 1., 207 pp., 4 1. 5. Cole (G.) Nova* bypoteseos, [etc.) 4 p. 1 , 103 pp., 41. 6. Cole (G.) De secretione animali. 3 p. 1., 72 pp. 7. Lister ( M.) De quibusdam morbis ehronicis. 16 100 pp. 8. Lister (M.) De variolis, etc. 40 pp. 9. Sydenham (T.) Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis, [etc.] 3 p. 1., 44 pp. 10. Leigh (C.) Phthisiologia, [etc.J 46 pp. 11. Dissertationes in novam, [etc.] pp. 47-80. 12. Ketelaer (Vincent). Commentarius medicus deaph- this nostratibus seu Belgarum sprouw. pp. 81-102. 13. Sidobre (Anton.) De variolis et niorbillis. pp. 103- 160. 14. Harris (G.) De morbis acutis infantum, etc. 84 pp., 3 1. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. — Col- lection of Portr. (Libr.) Morton (Samuel George) [1799-1851]. * De corporis dolore. 4 p. L, 37 pp. 8^*. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1823. [Also, in : P., v. 577.] ------. Introductory lecture to a course of de- monstrative anatomy, delivered Dec. 11, 183(1. 16 pp. K-'. Philadelphia, Mifflin f Parry, 1831. ------. Illustrations of pulmonary consumption, its anatomical characters, causes, symptoms, and treatment, xiii, 7-183 pp., 12 pi. 8°. Phila- delphia, Eey f Bidale, 1834. ------. The same. To which are added, some re- marks on the climate of the United States, the West Indies, etc. 2. ed. xiv, 15-1149 pp., 13 pi. 8*-'. Philadelphia, P. C. Bielclle; 1*37. ------. Crania Americana; or, a comparative view of the skulls of various aboriginal nations of North and South America. To which is pre- fixed an essay on the varieties of the liuinau species, v, 296 pp., 78 pi., 1 map. fol. Phila- delphia, J. Dobson, 1839. ------. Catalogue of skulls of man, and the in- ferior animals, in the collection of. . . 48 pp, 8°. Philadelphia, Turner 4' Fisher, 1849. ------. The same. 3. ed. x pp., 37 1. 8ri Phi- ladelphia, Merrihew tf- Thompson, 1849. [Also, in : P., v. 845.] ------. A memoir of William Maclure, esq., late president of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 37 pp., 1 L, 1 pi. 8°. Philadel- phia, T. K. A P. G. Collins, 1841. ------. The same. 2. ed. 33 pp., port. 8-. Philadelphia, 1844. ------. Brief remarks on the diversities of the human species, and on some kindred subjects; being an introductory lecture delivered before the class of Pennsylvania Medical College. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew fy Thompson, 1842. ------. Au inquiry into the distinctive character- istics of the aboriginal race of America. 2. ed. 48 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Pcnington, 1^44. ------. Crania yEgyptica; or, observations on Egyptian ethnography, derived from anatomy, history, aud monuments. 67 pp., 14 pi. 4 . Philadelphia. J. Petiinqton, 1844. Repr. from : Tr. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1844. ix. ------. Some observations on the ethnography and archieology of the American aborigines. 19 pp. 8-. New Haven, B. L. Hamlen, 1-46. Repr. from: Am. J. Se. tfc Arts, X. Haven, 1846, 2. 8., ii. ------. Hybridity in animals and plants, con- sidered iii reference to the question of the unity of tbe human species. 2:5 pp. 8-. Xew Haven, B. L. Halem, 1847. Repr. from: Am. J. Se. tfc Arts, N. Haven, 1817, 2. 8., iii. MOIiTON. 475 MORTON. MortOll (Samuel George)—continued. -----. An illustrated system of human anatomy, special, general, and microscopic, xix, 17-642 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Grigg, Elliot if Co., 1849. -----. Biographical notice of the late George MeClellan, M. D. 10 pp. 8T. Philadelphia, IK49. [Aho, in: P., v. 161.] -----. Observations on the size of the brain iu various races and families of man. 4 pp. s°. [n.p.. 18 \9.] Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1849. -----. Additional observations on hyhridity in animals and on some collateral subjects; being a reply to the objections of the Rev. John Bach- inan, D. 1). 53 pp. 8°. Charleston, Walker f dailies, 187-.9. Repr. from : Charleston M. J. tfc Rev., 1850, v. Letter to the Rev. John Bachman, D. D., on the question of hyhridity iu animals, con- sidered in refereuce to the unity of the human species. 18 pp. 8°. Charleston, 1850. Notes on hyhridity, designed as a furthe supplement to a memoir on that, subject in a former number of this journal. Being a second letter to the editors of the Charleston Medical Journal and Review. H pp. 8°. Charleston, 1351. Repr. from Charleston M. J. tfc Rev., 1851, vi. See, also. Vlackiiito»h (John). Principles of pathol- ogy, aud pi att iee of physic-. 2. Am. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1837.---—. Tlie same. 4. Am. ed. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1844. For Biography, see Gross (S. I).) Lives of eminent American physicians. 8°. I'hiladelpliia, 1801, 582-004 (S. li. Hunt).—I»i«'is* (C. D.) A memoir of Samuel George Morton, |etc-.] 8U. I'hiladelpliia, I*1 I'allciscin (il. S.) Memoir of the life and scientific labors of Samuel George Morton. In: Xott (J. (J.) \- Gliuuon (G. R.) Types of mankind. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854, pp. xvii-lvii.— Wood (G. B.) A biographical memoir of Samuel George Moi ton. 8°. Philadelphia, 1853. Also, in his: Introduc- tory lect, Univ. of Pa. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859, 435-455. See, also. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1850. xii, 56-58. A Iso .- Metl. Exam., Phila., 1851, n. s.. vii, 382-385. Also.- Tr. Coll Phys. Phila , 1850, n. s.. i, 372-388 (G. B. Wood). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Morton (Thomas). The surgical anatomy of the perimeum. 1 p. 1., 80 pp., 4 pi. 8r London, Taylor if Walton, 1838. Also, in: Morton (T.) & Cadge (W.) The surgical anatomy [etc.] 8°. London, 1850, 1-80. 4 pi -----. The surgical anatomy of the groin, the femoral, and popliteal regions. 81-207 pp., 8 pi. 8 . London, Taylor A Walton, is;!!). Also, in.- Mouton (T.) tfc Cadge (W.) The surgical anatomy [etc.] 8°. London, 1850, 81-207, 8 pi. -----. Tlie surgical anatomy of inguinal hernia*, the testis and its coverings. 210-330 pp., 5 pi. 8 '. London, Taylor A Walton, 1841. Also, in: Mouton (T.) tfc Cadge (W.) The surgical anat.....y [etc.] 8°. London, 1850, 210-330, 5 pi". -----. Engravings illustrating the surgical anat- omy of the head and neck, axilla, bend of the elbow, and wrist, with descriptions. 24 pp., 8 pi. 8 . London, Taylor A Walton, 1845. Also, in .■ Moktox (T.) tfc Cadge (W.) The surgical anatomy (etc.), [with the adcliiion of a commentary by Wm. Cadge), s->. London, 1850, 331-371, 5-24 pp., 8 pi. ' -----& Cadge (William). The surgical anat- omy of the principal regions of the human body. 4 p. 1., 371. 5-24 pp., 25 pi. so. London, Taylor, Walton A Murberly, 1850. This entii-e work is by Morton, with the exception of the commentary on the head and neck and upper limb, by Win. Cadge. 1 pi. missing. Morton (Thomas George) [1835- ]. Transfu- sion of blood and its practical application. 35 pp. *J- New York, G. P. Putnam, 1877. No. 1, v. 3, Am. Clin. Lect, by Seguin, 1-35. ------. The effects of heat. In: Intkknat. Encyel. Surg. [Ashhurst], N. T., 1882 ii, 217-250. Also, transl. in: Encycl. internat. de eliir. lAshhurst], Par., 1883, ii, 707-746. Morton (Thomas George)—continued. -----. On the antiseptic treatment of wounds. Clinical lectures. 35 pp. 12c. [Philadelphia, 1886. ] Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii. On asymmetry of tin* lower limbs as a caiise of lateral spinal curvature, with a descrip- tion of a new method for readily and accurately determining any variation iu the lengths of the lower extremities. 28 pp. s . [Philadelphia, 1886. ] Repr. from.- Phila. M. Times, 1880-7, xvii. Clinical lecture ou cases of painful affec- tion of the foot. 22 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, l»8t>. ] Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii. The duty of the State and the obligations of directors of the poor, with the policy of the State committee on lunacy, with regard to the management aud care of the insane in the State of Pennsylvania. Read at the annual meeting of the association of directors of the poor at Get- tysburg, Oct. 18, 1887. 27 pp. 8°. Harrisburg, E. E. Meyers, 1887. A. Hunt (William). .Surgery in the Penn- sylvania Hospital, being an epitome of the prac- tice of the hospital since 175(3; including colla- tions from the surgical notes, and an account of the more interesting cases from .1873 to 1878; with some statistical tables; with papers by John B. Roberts aud Frank Woodbury, x, 9-348 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott A Co.. 1889. MortOll (W. J. T.) On calculous concretions iu the horse, ox, sheep, and dog; being the sub- stance of two essays read before the Veterinary Medical Association. 83 pp., 4 pi. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1844. -----. A manual of pharmacy for the student of veterinary medicine ; containing the substances employed at the Royal Veterinary College, with an attempt at their classification, aud the phar- macopeia of that institution. 7. ed. xv, 7,68 pp. 12°. London, Longmans [and others], 1868. MortOll (William J.) Mount Desert and typhoid fever duriug the summer of 1873. 8 pp. 8. [Boston, 1873.] Repr. from: Boston M. tfc S. J., 1873, lxxxix. -----. South African diamond fields and the journey to the mines. 28 pp. 8°. New York, 1877. -----. Anaesthetic inhalation. Rival claimants to the discovery. Dr. Long's claim criticised; the priority of Dr. Morton's announcement main- tained. 3*1. 8°. [New York; 1879.] Repr. from: N. Tork Times, Sept, 9, 1879. ----. The invention of aniesthetic iuhalation ; or, discovery of anaesthesia. 48 pp. 8-'-. New York; D. Appleton f Co., 1889. Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1880, vi. A contribution to the subject of nerve stretching. In 1. Lateral sclerosis; 2. Paralysis agitaus; 3. Athetosis; 4. Chronic transverse myelitis; 5. Sciatica; 0. Reflex epilepsy. 31 pp. 8°. New York; 1882. Repr. from: J. Nerv. tfc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1882, ix. Neurological specialism. Presidential ad- dress delivered at the annual meeting of the New York Neurological Society, May 1, 188:;. lo pp. 8°. in. p., 188:',.] Repr. from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1883, vii. Alio, Editor of: Neurological Contributions, New York, 1879-81.—Journal (The) of Nervous and Men- tal Disease, New York, 1882-5. [MortOll (William T. G.)] Circular. Morton's letheon. [Cautioning those who attempt to in- fringe upon his legal rights.] 14 pp. 8J. Bos- ton, Button f Wentwortlt, [1840]. -----. Remarks on the proper mode of adminis- tering sulphuric ether bv inhalation. 44 pp. 12°. Boston, Button $ Wentworth, 1847. MORTON. 476 MOSCHION. [ Morton (William T. G.)]—continued. ------. Me"moire sur la deconverte du nouvel em- ploi de Pet her sulfurique, suivi des pieces justi- ticativcs. 60 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Bant ruche, 1847. ------. On the loss of the teeth, and the modern way of restoring them, as practiced bv ... 2. ed.' 32 pp. 24°. Boston, W. A. Hall, 1848. ------. On the physiological effects of sulphuric ether, and its superiority to chloroform. 24 pp. 8-. Boston, D. Clapp, 1850. See, also, Anaesthetics (Bistory of). ----- A: Whitman (Francis). On the loss of the teeth and the modern way of restoring them, as practised by . . . 23 yip., 1 pi. 24°. Boston, Danirell f Moore, 1847. Morton Testimonial Association. A representa- tion to Congress by the . . . covering a portion of the new and recently received petitions, me- morials, resolutions, and letters from a large number of the American Medical Association, scientific .societies, professors, and surgeons of the principal colleges aud hospitals, surgeons, officers, and wounded soldiers of the Federal Army, etc., urging compensation for the use of ainesthetics in the Army aud Navy. Submitted to the Thirty-eighth Congress and printed for the use of its members. 67 pp. 8°. [ Washing- ton. 1864 '!] Mortrcuil (Alfred) [1856- ]. * Contribution a 1'eliicle- des pseudo-^tranglenients de l'intestin, ileus traumatique. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 306. ITIorns ( Horatius ). Tabulae uuiversam chirur- giani miro online complecteiites, ex eruditioribus medicis collecta*. 39 pp. fol. Venetiis, apud G. Zilettum et soc, 1622. II or van. Gagniard (E. ) * Topographie medicale du Morvan Avallounais. 4*r Paris, 1859. Morvan ( Angustiu-Maiie ). *De Panevrysnie variqiieux. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 41, v. 4(52. Morvan (Charles-Etienne-Alfred). * De Pictere, et de ses rapports avec les diverses maladies du foie et de Pappareil excreLeur de la bile. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 156, v. 475. Morvan (Stephanus Yvo). * De medici obste- Iricaiitis officio in partubus fortnito praeterna- turalibus. viii, 9-32 pp. 4J. Parisiis, 1817, Xo. 183, v. 128. Morvan (Yves). * Quelques considerations sui- tes fievres paludeenues du Gabon. 46 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Cristin -8. Tlo* ha t'li. Mcliiii'iii-iyei- (J. II.) Bericht iiber die- Verhauclliin. gen des Yen-ins Baeliseher Medieinal-Beamter zui 1 elide- rung der Staatsarzneikunde in der am 14. August lm:j zu Mosbaoh abgchaltenen General-Versammlung, tlie t'e.sets!- lithe Eiufiihrung der Revaccination betr. Ann. cl Stauls arznk., Freiburg, ls44, ix, 89-117. Also, Reprint. Mosberg (Paul). " Syphilis heretlitaria tarda. 72 pp. 8'-. Wiirzburg, P. Schemer, 188W. Moscatelli (Carlo). Sui colera indiano; ritles- sioni pratiche. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Xapoli tl Pol ma, 1837. [P., v. 1131; 1137.] Moscatelli (Regains). * Uiiteisuehungen iiber das Vorkommcn von Zueker uud Gallenfarbstoff im normalen menschlicheu Harn. 14 pp. h\ Erlangen, Juucje u. Sohn, 1889. s. n. Moscati (Pietro) Conte [1739-1824]. Von deni korperlichen wesentlichen Unterschiede zwi- scben der Striictur der Thiere und der Menschen. Eine akadeiiiische Rede gehalten auf dem anato- inischen Theater zu Pavia. Aus dem Italienischen iibersetzt, von Johann Beckmann. 3 p. L, 100 pp. 16°. Gottingen, Wittwe Vandenhoeek, 1771. ------. None Beobachtungen und Versuche iiber das Blut und iiber den Hrsprung der thieriselieu Wiirme. Aus dem Italianischen iibersetzt von Carl Heinrich Kostlin. 4 p. 1., 3-56 pp. 16°. Stutgart, J. B. Mezler, 1789. -----. Osservazioni ed esperieuze sui sangue fluido, e rappreso; sopra P azione dell'arterie; e sui liquori che bollono poco riscaldati nella macchina pneumatica. 84 pp. 8°. Xapoli, tl M. Poreelli, 1788. [P., v. 429.] See, also, Rawori (G.) Analisi del pretesogenio d1 Ip- pocrate. 8°. Milano, 1799. Mosch (Carl Friedrich) [1785- ]. Die Bader und Heilbniniieu Deutsclilands und der Schweiz. Ein Taschenbiich fiir Brnuuen- und Bade-Rei- sende bearbeitet. 2 v. 196, 167 1., 28 pi., 1 map. 12°. Leipzig. F. A. Btockhaus, 1819. ------. The same. 2 v. iu 1. 214, 186 1., 1 map. 12°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1820. Moschard (A.-S.-C.-H.) * Snr la fievre ady- namic.] ue ou putride. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, lb08, No. 84, v. 71. Moschard (George). See Villbourg (Charles-Ant.) M6decine v6te*iinaire, [ete..] r>°. Berne, 1785. Moselle (Hermann). * Ueber Hydrophthalruie. 33 pp. 8/■'. Wiirzburg, C. W. Becker, 1834. Moscherosch (J. D.) * De lege naturae quod iu corpore animali spasmum excipiat atonia spasnio proportiouata. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Helm- staelii, P. D. Schnorr, [1754]. Moscllion. Llept yvvatKeiov ira-&o>i>, id est, Mo- schionis . . . de morbis mnliebribtis liber uuus: cum Conradi Gesneri scholiis et eineudatiouibus, nunc primum editns opera ac studio Caspari Wolphij. Continentur hoc libro quae ad gravi- darum et puerperaruni, itemque iufautium cu- ram pertinent clxii distincta capitibus; nmlta quaedam etiam nova atque a veteribus autehac umiqiiain tradita: preterea medica nonnulla alia auforis ineerti. 3 p. L, 63 pp. 4°. Basilece, per T. Guarinum, 1566. Greek text. Also, in: Si'ACHirs (I.) Gynseciorum, etc. fol. Ar- gentine)', 15G7, 1-28. ------. The same. Hepl tuv yvvaiKeicov iraduv. Moschionis de lnulierum passionibus liber, quern ad mentem uiamiscripti grteci in bibliotheca Ca*sareo-regia Vindobonensi asservati, tuin pro- priis correctionibus emendavit, additaque vcr- sioue latina edidit F. O. Dewez. x (6 1.), 240 pp. 12°. Vienna; B. Graffer et soe., 1793. See, also, Wolpliiua (Caspar). Harmonia gyna:cio- rum, etc. In: Gi'M-tECiOKUM . . . conimentarii, etc. 8°. Basilece, 1586, i. MOSCIIKAU. 477. MOSELEY. MoM'likan (Alfred). Editor of.- e mensium vitiis. 40 pp. 8 . Halce, in off. Batheana, 1899. IflOMCllll*. See. also, Musk. Edwards (A.-M.) * Recherches anatomiques, zoologiques et paleontologiques sur la famille ties clievrotains. 4°. Paris, 1864. VOll Mosclizisker (Franz Adolph). A guide to the diseases of the eye, and their treatment. For the use of students and young practitioners. xi, 13-174 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Cushings <)'• Bailey, 187,6.. ------. On the use of the artificial menibrana tympani in cases of deafness depending upon perforation or destruction of the natural organ. 40 pp. 8■-'■. Philadelphia. Town, 187)7. ------. Medical and surgical science in the United States, specialities, empiricism, etc. ; enlarged from an article published in the New Orleans Picayune of Feb. 14, 18ii0. 28 pp. in'-'. Xew Oilcans, 1-60. ------. The ear, its diseases and their treatment. xix, 13-319 pp., port. 8°. Philadelphia, Martin f Randall, 1864. ------. Medici nugie. 2. ed. 28 pp. 8 . Phila- delphia, S. I'. Town, 1879. Moscow (Government of). Sboruik statistiches- kich sviedie-nii po Moskovskoi gubernii. Otdiel sanitarnoi statistiki. Izdanie Moskovskago gu- liern. zemstva. Tom iii. Pt, 8 &, 9. 2 v. iii, 370, 55 pp., 15 tab.; iv, 292, 85 pp., 23 plans. roy. 8->. Moskva, tipog. A. Eartset; 1883. COM'FATS. Tom iii. pt. 8. Sanitarnoe izsliedovanie fabiiehnich zavedenii Podolskago uiezela E M Dementev. [Sanitary investigations of tlie manufactories of Podalko district.] Tom iii. pt. 9. Sanitarnoe izsliedovanie fabriehnieh zavedenii Moskovskago uiezela. ('hast iii F. F. Eris- niaim. [Sinitary investigations of the manufactories of Moscow district. Part iii ] MoKfoiv. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc, of), by localities; Education (Medical), ete.—Russia; Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc. of), Fever (Relapsing, Ilistovy, etc., of), Foundlings, etc, Hospitals ( Descriptions, etc, of), Hospitals ( Uilitavy), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), Medicine (Clin'n:al, etc.), Prostitution (History, etc., of), by localities. Khatkii med. otchet Moskovsk. gorodskoi bol- nitsi za 18711 g. [Diseases in Moscow iu 1879. ] 8-\ Musk., 1880. MrR.uoFK (A.) *Materiali dlja akucherskoi statistiki goroda Moskvi. [Births in the city of Moscow.] 8. Moskva, 1879. Sociktk impenale des naturalistes de Mos- cou. Bulletins. Meteorologische Beobachtun- gen ausgefiihrt am nieteorologischen Observa- torium der Iaiidwirthschaftlichen Academic zu Moskau. 1882; 1. Hlfte. 188:',. obi. 4°. Mos- kau, l8s:;. Bomiafoiit. Notice sur quelques otablissements scientifiques et tie bienfaisance de la ville tie Mose-eei. Liiiim mod.. Par.. 1*74. n. s., xviii, i)41; 957—KubiioH (S. F.) N'itkotoi. elauuija dlja sau. otseuki .Moskov. po- chvi. [On the sanitary state of the Moscow soil.] Shorn. I JIoscow. rabot. hyu. lab. Moskov. Univ., Mosk., 1886, i, 178-195 - lirri-Ktaiiim (G.) Die Krankheitent tmstitutiou in Mot- kail wahrend der Jahre 1841 und 184.'. Mitth. a. cl. (lib. d. Heilk.. Leipz., 1845, i, 1-11. — [ O*lroj;la«iow. J 1 lie Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse der Stadt Moskau im Jahre ls7.-\ Vei6ffentl.il. k. deutsch.Gsnelhtsanues, Beil., 18711 iii, 15i. ------. Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse der Slid! Moskau im Jahre 1879. Ibid., 1880, v, Hi— «>tei hlicli Ueif«veili iii l- nissein Moskau im Jahre lssi. Ibid., iss-j, vi. 12. —!*«•- skoff(P. A.) O stemni raspreisti-ani-niya zemskoi via- chebuoi pomoshihi i o bolaiznosti selskago naseleuiya v 3-kh meditsinskikh uchastkakh Moskovskago uai/.da. [Sickness in the three medical subtlistricts of the district of -Moscow, and the means tor alibi-ding medical aid to the rural population.] Shorn, socbin. po suelebnoi ined.. St. Petersb., 1877, sec. 2, 63-124— Vi voz ueehistoi iz Moskvi. IKemovalof dirt from Moscow.] Zdoroyje. St. Petersb., 1K76, ii, 74. —VodoMloltnkh ((>l 11. Moskvi. J On these we is of Moscow.| Ibitl.. 192.— Wriubci's (J.) Observations mete ,ro]oi;ii|iiis faites a I'lnstitut lies arpenteurs (dit (Jon stantin) tie Mnsfim. Mull. Soe. imp. tl. nat. de Moscou. 18117, xl, uo. 4. sii|ipl.. 1-15: 1868, xii, no. 4, suppl., 1-9: 1869, xiii, no. 4, suppl., 1-21 : 1870, xliii nos. 3 and 4, suppl., 11-37; 2. suppl., 1-13: 1871, xliv, nos 3 and 4. suppl., 1-15: 1872, xiv, no. 4. suppl., 1-24: 1873, xlvi. no. 4, suppl., 1-24: xlviii, no 4, suppl., 1-24: 1878, lii, no. 4, 27: 1881, lvi, no. 1, 1-27: 1882, lvi, 1-27. MoMloi'flillS (Johannes Godofredus). * De febre intermittente in genere. 32 pp. sm. 4'-'. .lenct; lit. Krebsian'ts, [1690]. Ulose (Franz) [1862- ]. * Leber Exenteratio bulbi. 20 pp. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1887. Wlosedei* (Job. Fridericus)1. * Theses medieas varii argunienti subjiciet. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Ar- gentorati, M. Pauseltingei; [1741]. Ifloseder (Joh. Fridericus)-. * Examen de com- position!' ct usu argilla?. 50 pp. 4 . Argen- torati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1773]. ——. * De dyscnteria quam excepit aphonia cum epicrisi. 28 pp., 1 1. 4. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [177.')]. UlOKOlt'}' (Benjamin) [ -1819]. Observations on tbe dysentery of the West Indies, with a new and successful method of treating it. iv, -J4 pp. 8 . Jamaica, printed: London, reprinted from the 2. ed. by T. Beeket, 1781. [P., v. 007; 604.] ------. A treatise on tropical diseases, and on the climate of the West Indies, xix, 544 pp, 8'. London, T. Cadell, 1787. ------. The same. A treatise on tropical dis- eases, on military operations, ami on the cli- mate of the West Indies. 2. ed. xv, 556 pp. 8'-'. London, T. Cadell, 1789. Another copy bound with his: A treatise on tropical diseases, etc. 8°. London, 1787. ------. The same. 3. ed. xv, 568 pp. 8--'. Lon- don, T. Cadell, 1792. ------. The same. 3. ed. xiii, 7,68 pp. 8". Lon- don, G. G. A J- Robinson, 1795. ------. The same. 4. ed. xvi, 670 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Cadell f Davies, 1893. ------. The same. Abhandlung von den Krank- heiten zwiscben den Wendezirkeln uud von dem Klima in Westindien. Aus dem Englischen iiber- setzt. 7 p. L, 462 pp., 1 1. 12°. Niirnberg u. Altdorf, Monath it. Kusslei; 1790. ------. A treatise concerning the properties and effects of coffee. 5. ed. xxvii, 80 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Sewcll, 1792. ------. Medical tracts. 1. On sugar. 2. On the cow pox. 3. On the yaws. 4. On obi, or African witchcraft. 5. On the plague, and yellow fever of America. 6. On hospitals. 7. On broncho cele. 8. On prisons. 2. ed., with considerable additions, iv, 3-276 pp. 8\ London, J. Xichoh, 1801). ------. The same. 2. ed.. with considerable ad- ditions, iv, 3-276 pp. 8J. London, F. N. Long- man A O. Pees, 1804. ------. A treatise on the lues bovilla, or cow pox. xxiii, 142pp. 8 . London, Longman [and others], 1897). MOSKLEY. 47S MOKKR. ifloseley (Benjamin)—continued. ------. Commentaries on the lues bovilla, or cow pox. xv, 184 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1896. ------■. On hydrophobia, its prevention and cure. With a dissertation on canine madness; illus- trated with cases. 5. ed. 74 pp. 8°. London, Longman f Co., Ib09. See, also, Vaccine (La) combattue dans le pays oil elle a pris naissance. 8°. Paris, 1807. Moseley (Francis Xavier). On the causes of epidemic fever in great cities. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, JJ'hittalcer $ Co., 1838. Moseley (George). Insanity curable. Mental disorders and nervous affections of recent origin or long standing; their cause are now success- fully treated by a new especial method. 63 pp. 8°. ' London, J. .r. Zinck, [1694]. Moser (Franz Ser.) # Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkung des neutralen salieylsauren Natrons. [Munich.] 30 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. li. Hirschfeld, 1877. Moser (Friedrich). * Ueber die Ruhr. 21 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1856. Moser (Gottlob Friedrich). * Das Gaumense- gel des Menschen verglichen mit dem der Sau- gethiere. 30 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1868. Moser (Isaacus) [1819- ]. * De.morbo hydro- cephaloide. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nie- tackianis, [1843]. Moser (J. P.) Honioopathische Lebensregeln fiir Gesunde und Kranke. Ein Wort der Be- lehrung fiir Jedermann. 2. Aufl. 80 pp., 4 pi. 16°. Hagen i. W., H. Bisel u. Comp., 1886. Homoopathischer Hausschatz, Hft. 1. ------. Die Diphtheritis (brandige Halsbriiune, Racheucroup) und ihre sicherste honioopathi- sche Heilung. Ein Wort der Belehrung fiir alle El tern. 2. Aufl. 48 pp. 12°. Hagen i. W., H. Bisel u. Comp., 1886. Homoopathischer Hausschatz, Hit. 2. ------. Honioopathische Heilerfolge. Beitrage zur homoopathisehen Krankenbehandlung (mit, Angabe der Heilmittel). 4. Aufl. 1 p. 1., xvi, 350 pp. 8°. Hagen i. W., H. Bisel u. Co nip., 1886. Moser (Joh.) Das Alter des Menschen und die Wissenschaft. 39 pp. 8°. Frankf. a. M. it. Lnzern, 1885. Forms Hft. 2, v. 6, of: Frankfurter zeitgeraasse Bro- schiiren, neue Folge, 377-415. Moser (Louis-Auguste). * Quelques considera- tions sur le dicrotisme du pouls dans diverses pyrexies et phlegmasies, et en particulier dans la fievre typhoide. 31 pp., 2 pi. 4'\ Paris, 1872, No. 158. Moser (Ludwig) [1805- ]. * De vitae atepie morbi notionibus. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Briischckianis, [1828]. ------. Die Gesetze der Lebensdauer, nebst Un- tersuchungen iiber Dauer, Fruchtbarkeit der Ehen, iiber Todtlichkeit der Krankheiten, Ver- hiiltniss der Geschlechter bei der Geburt, iiber Einfluss der Witterung u. s. w. und einem An- hang, enthaltend die Berechnung der Leibren ten, Lebensversicheriingeii, Wittwenpensionen und Tontinen. xxviii, 399 pp., 2 diag. 8r Berlin, Veil it. Comp., 1839. ------. Das Wesen der Cholera, Der wahre Schutz vor derselben. Ihre sicherste und schnellste Hei- lung. 16 pp. 8°. Ulm, Gebr. Nubling, 1854. Moser (Weuc. Leop.) * Diss, sistens historias synopticasophthaluiiaruui duarnni, phsenomeiiiH et decursu singularium, iu clinico ophthalmia- trico Pragensi tractatarum. 18 pp., 1 1. 8J. Pragce, J. H. Pospjsil, [1838]. Moser (Wolfgangus Henricus). * De ortu den- tium, et symptomatibus qua; circa deutitionem moski:. 470 MOSKOVSKII. Moser (Wolfgangus Henricus)—continued. infantum oce-iirrunt. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingce, ti/p. I'ltesianis, 177H. HI owes Maimonides (Abu Amran Musa Ben Mei- imiii) [1139-1208]. Tractatus rabi Moysi quern domino et, magnificho soldano Babilonii trans- niisit [de- regimine sanitatis]. 40 1. 4'--. Flo- reutit; apud Sanctum Jaeobum de Bipolis, [circa 1178]. -----. Incipiunt aphorismi excelleiitissinii Raby Moyses secundum doctrinam Galieni medicorum principis. 133 1. sm. 4'J. Boiionie; B. Hector, 1489. Kolliiwing the foregoing, in like type and paper, but be- ginning wiih sig. A 1, is: Jriiuh Damascenus. Apho- rismi |et liber Khasis de secretis in medieina]. ------. Tractatus dc regimine sanitatis ad Sol- (laiium regeiu. 16 1. sm. 4;. Augustce Vindel., 1518. Also, in: he Ghadi (Joan. Matth.) Consiliorum. fol. Yeneliis. 1514, ff. 105-110. -----. [De regimine vita' quinque tractatus.] In: uf, Gkaui (Jo. Matth.) Consilia secundum viam Avicennse oidinata. 2. eel. fol. Lugduni, 1535, ff. 89-93. ------. Aphorismi, ex Galeno medicorum principe collecti; nunc vero ad usum studiosoruni medi- cin-e ab interitu vindicati, et jam prinium in lu- ceiii editi. Item locorum quorundani apud Ga- ieniini sibi ipsis contradicentium castigatio et notatio. Denique, Joannis Daniasceni aphorismi iitilissiini ad Hliiim. 39 p. 1., 542 pp. 18l . Ba- silece, e.r off. Hinviepetv'nta, 1579. For Biography, see Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1840, 149-159 (L. Ali-Coheu). Also: Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. el. Med. n. med. Geog., Leipz., 1879, ii, 463-478 (Oppler). Moses (G. A.) Hysterectomy, in malignant dis- ease-. 7 pp. 8°. [St. Louis; 1882.] Itepr. from: St. Louis Lour. Med., 1882, viii. Closes (I.) Surgical notes of cases of gun-shot injuries occurring during the advance of the Army of the Cumberland, 1863. 20 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 194.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1864, n. s., xlvii. Moses (Julius). *Ein uud sechzig Fiille von Abort aus der gebui tshilflichen Lniveisitats-Poliklinik uu Breslau (mit Bemerkungen iiber Aetiologie, S\ Diploma I oloeie und Therapie). 2 p. 1., 37 pp. 8 . Breslau, [18,84]. flosrs (Levy) [1811- ]. * De exanthemate miliari. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Frieellaenderi- anis, [ 1837]. Moses (Moses P.) * Experimentelle Untersu- eliiingen iiber die Wirkung der Canthariden- tinctur und die dadurch hervorgebrachten ort- lichen Haiitveraiiderungen, nebst Schlussbe- tiaclitungen, Beinerkungen iiber die Wundhei- Iung, etc. 143 pp. 8-*. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1885. Moses (Simon) [1841- ]. * De pneumotho- race iionntilla. 32pp. 8'. Berolini, G. Schade, [1863]. Moses Ben Maimon. See Moses Mct'nno- u ides. Mosesinno (Jacobus) [1803- ]. * De me- thodo diuretiea. 35 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petsehii, [1827]. Mosetig (Albert). Ueber die Anomalien bei der Herniotomie der Leisten- uud Schenkelbriiche !>.• pp. 8". Wien, Tendler u. Comp., 1867. von Moseti^-Moorliof (Albert) Ritter. Der .lodoforiu-Vci-baiiil. In.- Samml. klin. Vt.itr. Leipz.. 1882, Xo. 211 (Chir.. No. 681,1811-1864. i,i ------. Sec-hs gemeinvorstandliche Vortrago iiber die erste Hilfe bei plotzlichen Ungliicksfall.-n. 62 pp. roy. 8. Wien, 1881. ------. Handbuch der chiriirgischen Technik bei Operationen und Verbjinden. vi, 883 pp. 8°. Wien, Toeplitz n. Denticke; 188[5]-6. von Mosetig-Moorhof A.) Ritter—cont'd. ------. The same. Rukovotlst vo k chirurgiches- koi techuike pri operatsijach i povjazkach. Pe- revodsvtor. Nemetskago izdanija E. Salitsheva. 725 pp., 1 1. 8 !. ,S7. Petersburg, 1887. In: Ejem. jour, prakt. med , St. Petersb., 1SS7, iii. ------. Vorlesungen iiber Kriegscliirurgie. viii, 332 pp. 8°. JVien u. Leipzig, 1'rban it. Sehwar- zenberg, 1887. Mosjfrove (Frederick J.) A practical treatise! on congestion and inactivity of the liver; show- ing some of the effects produced by these dis- orders on the most important organs of the body. Illustrated by cases, vi, 120 pp. 12°. London, Simpkin, Marshall A- Co., 1843. ------. Practical remarks on the predisposing causes and treatment of the Asiatic cholera. 13 pp. 12'->. Bombay, T. Graham, 1849. Mosiieitll (Henricus). De icteri origine proba- bilia. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, formis P. Grunerti filii, [1816]. von Mosheim (Johann Lorenz). Neue Xueh- richten von dem beiiihniteu spanischen Arzte Michael Serveto, der zu Geneve ist verbrannt worden. 108 pp. 4°. Helmstaeclt, C. F. Wey- gcind, 1750. Moslier (Alauson). Learned quackery exposed, or the difference shown between poisons and medicines. 37 pp. Ki . Schoharie, Gallup f Lawyer, 1846. Moslier (Jacob Simmons) [1834-83]. Catalogue of a portion of the carefully selected library of the late J. S. Moslier, comprising miscellaneous literature and a large and curious (-0110011011 of criminal trials. 44 pp. 12°. Albany, J. Mc- Donough, 1884. ------. Catalogue of the medical and scientific portion of the library of the late J. S. Moslier, comprising many scarce books on insanity, yel- low fever, sanitation medical journals, reports, etc. 211. obi. 18°. ' [Albany,'I884.] For Biography, see Med. Ann., Albany, 1883. iv, 184-188. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y.. 18r3, xxiv, 1S8. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Syracuse, 1885 ( W. G. Tucker). Also, Re print. Mosiniann (Lucien) [1860- ]. * Contribution a retude du traitement de la peritonite aigue. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 333. MosillO (Philipp). Das Russische rothe Kreuz, 1877-78 in Ruinanien ; nach dem aintlichen rus- sischen Berichte des ehem. General-Dolegirten Wirkl. Staatsrathes P. A. von Richter frei bear- beitet und erlantert. viii, 288 pp., 1 map, 7 plans, 6 tab. 8°. Berlin, Stttltv, 18-0. Moskovskaysi meditsiuskaya gazeta, izda- vaemaya obshtshestvom russkich vratchei. [Moscow Medical Gazette. Issued by the Society of Russian Physicians.] [Weekly.] v. for 1866- 8; v. 19-21, 1876-8. 6 v. 4°. Moskva. Commenced about 1858. Want no. 28 in 1878 (v. 21). Moskovskii gubernija. Sbornik statistiches- kich svedenii po Moskovski gubernii. Otelel sa- nitar. staMstiki. T. iii. pt. 9. Sanitar. izsle- dov. fabriebnich zavedenii Mosk. uezda. Chart iii. F. F. Erismann. [Examinations of nianu- facturing establishments of the Moscow dis- trict.] ii, 2112, 85 pp., 23 diag. 8 . Moskva, 1H83 Moskovskii \ratchebnii Journal; izdnvremii A. Poluniinini. [Moscow Medical Journal.] v. for 1854-9. 5 v. 8 . Moskva. Moskovskii vratchebnii Vestnik; izdawaiemii sostriashtchini pri Iniperatorskoin Moskovskom Lni versi tete, fiziko-ined i tsi nski 111 obshtsliest voni. [Moscow Medical Courier. Issued by the Phy- sico-Medical Association of the Imperial Moscow University.] [Fortnightly.] v. 1-3, Sept. 10, 1873, to Dec. 29, 1876. 4°. Moskva. MOSLEK. 480 MOSS. Mosler (Carol.) * De scarlatina* epideniia Gry- phiie annis hujus sieculi lv et, lvi observata. 31 pp. 8'. Gryphia; F. G. Kitnike, 1856. Mosier (Friedrich). * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der l'i inabsonderung bei gesunden, schwangeren und kranken Personen, insbesondere quantita- tive Bestininiung der phosphorsauren Verbin- dungen. 20 pp., 2 1. 8 , Giessen, J. Bicker, 1853. C. ------. Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss des in- neilichen Gebrauches verschieelcner Quantitiiten von gewcihnlicheni Trinkwasser auf den Stolf- wechsel des menschlichen Korpers unter ver- schiedenen Verhiiltuissen. Erste vom Verein f. g. A. gekronte Preisschrift. 1 p. 1., 73 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Vandeiihoeek tt. Bupreclit, 187,7. Repr. from: Arch. d. Ver. f. wissensch. Heilk., Leipz., 1857, iii.*Hft. 3. ------. * Lntersuchungen iiber den Uebergang von Stoffen aus dem Blute in die Galle. 19 pp. 4°. Giessen, W. Keller. 1857. ------. Heluiinthologische Studien und Beobach- tiingeii. vi, 89 ]>p.,2 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1861. ------. Zur Casuistik des Hautskleremes bei Er- waehsenen. 9 pp. 8°. [Beiiin, G. Beimer, 1865.] Repr. from: Anh. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii. ------. Ueber Transfusion denbrinirten Blutes bei Leukamie und Auainic. 23 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschwald, 1867. —. Erfahrungen iiber die Behandlung des < exantheiiiaticus mit Beriicksichtigung rforderlicher prophylaktischer Maassre- vii, 126 pp., 1 L, 1 pi. 8J. Greifswald, Tvidiu dabei geln. 186S. line 187-. Die Patholc vi, 283 pp. und Therapie der Leuka Berlin, A. Hirschwald, -----. Leber den Nutzen der Eiufiihrung gros- serer Mengen von Fliissigkeit in den Darmkanal bei Behandlung interner Krankheiten. Ein Vor- trag, gehalten im Greifswalder medieinischen Vereine. 1(1 pp. 8 . Berlin, J. Sitlcnfeld, 1873. Repr. from : Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x. -----. Klinische Syniptoine und Therapie der mednllareii Leukamie. 37 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1877. Repr. from: Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1876, xiv. -----. Ueber Lungen-Chirurgie. Vortrag gehal- ten beim zweiten Congiesse fiir innere Medicin zu Wiesbaden am 26. April 1883. Erweitert durch eine Uebersicht, der gesammten Literatnr des Ge- geiistandes. 1 p. 1.,72 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg ma n n, 188:). -----. reber Milz-Echinococcus und seine Be- handlung. Eine Monographic. 75 pp. 8°. Wiesbaelm, J. F. Berginann, 1884. -----. Ueber die medicinische Bedeutung des Metlinawurines (Filaria medinensis). 25 pp. 8-'. Wien u. Leipzig, Frban it. Schwavzenberg, I88.4. -----. Bericht iiber die Benutzung unserer trans- portablen Baracke wahrend der Wintermonate 1886-7. 7 pp. 83. Berlin it. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1887. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1887, -----. Exacte Versuche iiber die Wirkungen des Friedrichshaller Bitterwassers auf den Stotf- wechsel und klinische Beobachtungen iiber die Heilwirknng des Friedrichshaller Bitterwasssers gegen verschiedene Krankheiten. Ein Auszug ans der im Arciiiv fiir geineiiischaftlichc Arbei- ten yereiff'i'iitlichten Abhandlung. 15 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, M. Walz. [n. d.] See, also. Hanilburh cl. spec-. Path. (Zie mssen), Leipz., 187"), viii, 2. Hlfte. Also: Cyclopedia I'ract. M. (Ziems- sen), X. Y., 1878, viii. [tl osier (Leo). * Die Tuberculose der weihlichen Genitalieii. [Breslan.] 42 pp., 1 1. h-> Ber- lin, J. Si Henf eld, 1883. Mosmailt (Charles-Antoine). * Influence des alimens sur les secret ions, vi, 7-29 pp. 4° Pa- ris, 1839, No 121, v. 232. Mosiliunt (Eugene-Giistave). * Sur la conees- tiou cerebrale. 38pp. 40. Paris, 187)8, No. T.">3 v. 622. Mosilier (Antoine). *Smrophthalmie. vi, 7- 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 120, v. 1H3. Mosilier (Ernest). * Contribution a lY'tiide de quelques symptomes de la chlorose. 75 pp. 4 I'aris, 1883, No. 99. Mosilier (Louis-Theodore). * De l'emploi du seigle ergot e, a faibles doses, dans les cas d'iner- tie de matrice et les h6morrhagies apres la de- livrance. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 93, v. 308. Mosny (Ernest). ^De l'influence des moyens abortifs dans les accidens r6putes primififs de la syphilis, relativenient aux accidents seconelaires. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 203, v. 475. MosovillS (MauritiusAdolphus). "Decalcnlo- rnin animaliuin eorumque inprimis biliarioruni origine et natura. 44 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. G. Schad-ii, [1812]. Mosqnera (Jose-Antonio). * Quelques refle- xions a propos d'un cas de retreeisseuieut de l'orifice auriculo-ventriculaire gauche. (Autop- sie: triple bruit; bruit auornial au second temps. 1 35 pp. 4°. i'aris, i860, No. 189. Mosqueron (A.) * Des accidents dcveloppes chez les ouvriers teinturiers par l'emploi du bi- chromate de potasse. 49 pp. 4°. Paris, IKho, No. 233. Mosqilinot (M.-J.-J.-R.) * Considerations sur le traitement de n6vralgies. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 40, v. 563. Mosquito. Sec. also, Filaria. Donlrr (B.) Researches into the natural history of the inosquito. N. Oil M. tfc S. J.. IK;",:,-!), xii, 63; 176.— Finlny &. l>el;;:i«lo. Culonias de tetiajieiius seinbia- das por mosquito*. Au. r. Acad, deeien. med. ... ele In Habana, 1887-8, xxiv, 205-210, 1 pi.—Joinunion (C.) Auditory apparatus of the culex musqiiito. Quart. J. Mier. Scic, Lond.,- 1855, iii, 95-102, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.- King (A. F. A.) Insects and disease; mosquitoes and malaria. Pop. Se. Month., N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 644-658.- Stevcnson (J.) Mosquito-bite. Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii. 692.—Thin (G.) Mosquito bites. Lancet, Lond., 1881, ii, 398. Ifloss. liCdiard (H. A.) Experience with moss as a surgical dressing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 829. MOSS (Albertus Parry). * De apoplexia. 41pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et soc , 18H7. Moss (Lemuel). Annals of the United States Christian Commission. 752 pp., 7 pi., port. 8'\ Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincolt A Co., 1868. Moss (W.) A familiar medical survey of Liver- pool ; addressed to the inhabitants at large. Containing observations on the situation of the town, the qualities aud influence of the air, tlie employments aud manner of living of the inhab- itants, the water, and other natural and occa- sional circumstances whereby the health of the inhabitants is liable to be particularly affected. With an account of the diseases most peculiar to the town, and the rules to be observed for their prevention and cure, including ohservations on the cure of consumptions. The whole rendered perfectly plain and familiar, vii, 130 pp. 12°. Liverpool, J. A W. Lowndes, 1784. ------. The same. Tbe Liverpool guide ; includ- ing a sketch of the environs, with a map of the town, and directions for sea bathing. 4. ed., en- MOSS. 4*1 ]\IOST. 12°. Liverpool, W. ,1Io*s i W.)—continued. lai-eed. 1 p. h, 19'J pp Jones, 1891. One map missing. Jloss (William). An essay on the management and nursing of children in the earlier periods of infancy; and on the treatment and rule of con- duct requisite for the mother during pregnancy, and in lying-in. Including the diseases to which the mother and child are liable; with the meth- ods of curing, and particularly of preventing, many of those diseases. The whole adar la compression du festicule gauche; etat lethar- gique. 15 pp. 8 . [Montpellier, 1887.] llosse (Bartholomcic) [1712-.">9]. Itioui-aphical uotice. Dublin ('. J. AI. Sc, 1846, ii, "iii'i. port. IIosso (Marcus) [1808- ]. * De trauspiratio- nis et stidoris dignitate. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bero- lini, I mi. Xietackianis, [183 J J. IWossfl i Finile). Des kystes sereux du con. 36 pp. 4 . Paris, 1868, No. 194. ■ lossel (.lulcs-Mai-c-Aiidi-e). *Sur la veratrine. I Ji. I., 96 pp. 4'!. I'aris, 1868, No. 78. Hosscla^e (Fridericus Christianus). * De hy- ilrope e\ spiritus vini abusu. 24 pp. 4 . Har- derovici, J. Moojen, 1749. van Mossevehle (Josephus). * Deusubalneo- ruin in morbis. 3d pp. 4°. Gandavi, Vauderhae- ghc-Maya, [1-30J. [P., v. 1384.] Mossier (Francois). * Des luxations traunia- tiques des cinq dernieres vcrtebrcs cervicales. 31 Itlossier (1 rancois)—continued. 41 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, E.-P. Le Rom; 1869, 3. s., No. 158. Mossier (Joannes Baptista Amabilis). * De di- oestiouc. 16 pp. 8J. Monspelii, J. F. Pieot, 1789. []'., v. 1091.] Mossier (Joseph). * Considerations sur les fie- vres intermittentes eu i-eiieial. 17 pp. 4 . Pa- ris, is-if). No. 171, v. 195. Mossin (Christiau. Lndovic.) * Pnesidia sani- tatis et vita* longie e decalogo. 1 p. 1 , 32 pp. sm. 4:. Hafnia; typ. J. G. Hopffnevi, [1741]. Mossin (Job.) filius. * Demonstrator coutinuatio connubii tlieoriu* ct praxeos iii studio medico. 20 pp. sm. 4J. Havnia; ex off. Botmeriana, [1734]. Ilossin (.Job. R.) *Ueber die Anilocra meniter- ranea. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1-70, Mossmanii (Paul). * Sur un cas d'hystero-epi- lepsie chez I'hoinine. Relation entre les attacpies et une lesion peripherique. 1 p. 1., 45 pp., 3 pi. 4C. Xaney. lr-83, No. 162. MOSSO (Angelo). Sui polso negativo e sui rap- porti della respirazione addominale e toracica uell' uomo. 68 ]ip. 8. Torino. V. Bona, 1878. Repr. from .- Arch, per le se. med., Toiino, 1878, iii. ------. Sulle variazioui locali del polso nell' anti- braccio dell' uomo. 93 pp., 11 tab. 8 Torino, 1878. Repr. from : Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1877, xiii. ------. Sulla circolazione del sangue nel cervello dell' uomo. Memoria del. . . letta nella seduta del 7 dicembre 1879. Cutting from . Atti d. r. Accad. el. Lineei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Konia, 3. s., v. 237-338, 9 pi. ------. Die Diagnostik des Pulses in llezug auf die localen Veriinderuugen desselben. vii, 65 pp., 7 pi. 8J. Leipzig, Veil v. Comp., 1879. ------. Applie azioue della bilancia alio studio della circolazione sanguigna nell' uomo. 15 pp., 1 ch. roy. 8-. Roma, Snlvitice-i, 18<4. Repr. from : Atti r. Accad. d. Lineei, L83-4. La pauia. 309 pp. 12 . Milano, fralelli Treves, 1884. -----. The same. La pour; dtude psycho-phy- siologique, trad, de 1'ilalieu sur la 3. ed., avec autorisation de 1'auteiir par Felix Henient. (Bi- bliotheque ele philosophic coiitemporaine.) viii, 179 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alt-tin, 1886. -----. Le precauzioni contro il colera e le qua- rantene. 31pp. 8 . [Roma, E. Botta,1884.] Repr. from : Nuova antologia, Kcmni. 1884, 2. s., xlvii -----. Le universita italiano e lo stato. 35 pp, sr. Roma, F. Botta, 1884. Repr. from : Nuova antologia, Roma, 1884, 2. s.. xlviii, fasc. 21. -----. La respirazioue periodica e la resjiirazione snperflua o di lusso. 62 pp., 8 pi. imp. 6-. Roma, V. Salviueci, 1885. Repr. from: Mem. d. Cl. d. sc. fis., matemat. e nat., 4. s , i. -----. L' istruzione superiore in Italia. 19 pp. 8*. Boma, tipog. cl. Camera el. depuiati, 1886. Repr. from: Nuova antologia, fasc. 120. -----. L' istruzione superiore in Italia. 23 pp. 8°. Roma, tipog. d. Camera d. deputati, 1886. Repr. from: Nuova antologia, vi, fasc. 23. ----- tv PeSlacaili (P.) Sulle funzioui della \escica. Memoria letta nella seduta del 1 maggio 1881. 64 pp., 7 pi. 4°. [Roma, 1881.] Repr. from : A tti cl. Cl. di sc. lis., r. Ac cad. d. Lineei matemat. e nat., ltoma, 1881, 3. s., xii. MOSSO (Lgolino). Sulla azione delle sostanze- che per mezzo del sistenia nervoso aunieiitano o (liininiiiscono la temperatura animale. 17 pp. 8-'. Torino, E. Loescher, 1886. Most. Moshi Yakiiron. [Most's materia medica, transl. by Yema Kingen.] 3 v. S-\ Kioto, 1867. Japanese text. X :most. 4K-2 MOTKT. ! De eirsocele sen hernia Halce, typ. Tvampianis, Most (Chr. Geor. Bern.) varie-osa. 48 pp. 8:. [1796]. Most. ((b-org. Frieder.) [1794- ]. * Diss, sis- tens bre\e-in phthiseos pulnionalis cxulcerala- descriptionem. 69 pp. 1^-. Gottinga; J. C. Baicv, [1817]. -----. Influenza Europiea, oder die grcisseste Krankheits-Epidemic der neiiern Zeit. Ein Versuch zur Beantwoi'tiing der Fragen : Was ist die Influenz '! Wie war sic fiiiher be-schatf'en ? Woher entstand dicselbe ? Aus welchen Griinden konnen wir ihre Wic'dererscheinung im Jahre 1822 niifc Wahrscbeinlichkeit iu Europa vermu- then ? Wie wird sie dann hesehatleii seyn ? Durch welche Mittel kann man ihr Grenzen setzeu ? Fiir Aerzte und Niehtarzte. xlviii, 254 pp., 2 1. 8 . Hamburg, Perthes it. Bt-sser, 1829. -----. La guerison dc l'epilepsie, par un nouveau procede, puissant, efficace, et pen couteux : ap- puyee par de nonibreux exemples, rapportes par . . . avec des notes 6c 1'auteur, ajoutoes eu 1824. Trad, de rallemand, par Ch.de G . . . iii, 124 pp., 11. 8 . I'aris, Bey A tlraviev, 18-27). ------. Versuch einer kritise hen Bearbeitung der Geschiehte des Scharlachfiebers und seiner Epi- demien von den iiltesten Ids auf unsere Zeiten. 2 v. xii, 300 pp. : vi, 367 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1826. —----. Encyklopadie der gesaniuiten niedicitii- sc-heii und chiriirgischen Praxis, mit Einschluss eler Geburtshiilfe, der Angenbeilkiinde und der Operativchirurgie. Im Verein mit niclneren praktiscbeu Aerzten und Wundiiizteii bearbeitet und hrsg. von ... 2. Aufl. 2 v. viii, v-xxxii, 1018 pp.; l]38pp. 8". Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1836-7. v. 1. A — Buniectantia. v. 2. llyalitis—Zymosis. ------. Leber Liebe nnd Idie in sit 11icher. nalur- geschichfliclier uud diiitetisch- medicinischer Hinsicht: nebst einer Auleitung zur richtigen physischen uud uioralischen Erziehung der Kin- der. 3. Aufl. 414 pp., 11. •*- . Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1*37. ------. Aiisfiihrlicbe Eucyklopadie der gesaniuiten Sfaatsarziieikuncle. Im Vereine mil inehreren Doctoren der Iiecktsgelahrtheit, der Philosophic, der Medicin und Chirurgie, mit praktisclicn Civil-, Militair- und Gerichtsiirzteii und Chemi- keru bearbeitet und hrsg. von . . . Fiir Cosctz- geber, IJechtsgelehrte, Policeibcamle, Milifair- iirzte, gerichtliche Aerzte, Wundiirzte, Apothe- ker und Veterinararzte. 2 v. xviii, 1132 pp., 1 1.; 1190 pp.; 1 1., 336 pp. 8. Leipzig, F. A. Bvoekh a us, 1838- \9. v. i. A—K. v. 2. L—Z. Supplement, A—Z. -----. Leber alte und neue inedicinisehe Lehr- sysieme im Allgeineinen und iiber Dr. J. L. Schciiilein's neuestes natiirliches System der Medicin iiisbesondere. Ein historiseh-kiitiseber Versuch. 1 p. I.. 413 pp. 8r Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1841. -----. Deiikwutdigkeiten aus der medieinischen nnd chiniigisehe'ii Praxis, v. 1. xx, 378 pp.; 1 1. 8U. Leipzig. F. A. Brockhaus, 1842. No more published. ------. Die syinpathet ischen Mittel unci Curnie- tlioden. Diss, xvi, 175 pp. t-. Rostock, Eber- stein it. Olio, 1-42. c. -----. Eiicyclopedisch woordenboek der prakti- sche gciieesiniddelleer, naar de liesfe bronnen en e'igene veeljarige ondervinding bewerkt door . . . Naar het Hoogduitsch. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 503 .Host (Georg. Frieder.)—continued. pp. : 1 p. 1., 560 pp., 11. ,~ . Amsterdam, //. Frijl'tuk; 1843. Most important errors in chemist i y, elect ricity, and magnetism pointed out and refuted; ami the polarity of the magnetic needle accounted for and explained. By a fellow of the L'oyal Society, iv, 5-47 pp. 8-. London, J. Ritli/ieaii, 1846. ' Mostafa el Soilbky. * Dissertation liistori- que et iuddicale snr la peste. 61pp. 4". Pavis 1837, Xo. 401, v. 318. ^Sostagaiiem. Sec Cholera (J static. History, etc., of), by locali- ties. MostertS (Heuricus Guilelmus). *I»e- myocar- ditide, aeldita historia morbi. 35 pp. ,->0.- tini- pltia; F. G. Kitnike, 187,8. c. MostliafT (Antonius). *Dis>. sistens disquisi- tioiiem an in morborum curationc ad formani respieieudlim. 22 pp., 1 1. 4 . Gottinga; 11. Iiitterich, [1802]. ^lostEiaff ( Fr.) Die Ilomdopatbie in ihrer l!e- (leiitung fiir die Entwicklung der Medizin als Kunst und Wissenschaft. 1. ii. 2. Theil. iv, 155 ]>p. 8 . Heidelberg. K. Gruos. 1843. Motais (Ernest). * Symjitoniatologie de la con- gestion ehronique du foie. 36 pp. 4 . Paris, 1870, No. 119. -----. Notions gcnerales sur le strabismi-. Po- sultats de 26 operations de strabismi*. 91 pp., 2 pi., 3 phot, pi., 1 1. 8-. Angers, P. Laehese .)'■ Dolbeau, 1881. Hygiene professioiinelle. Hygiene de la \ ue chez les typograpbes. 45 pp., 11. 8 . Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere Afils, J883. Anatomie de l'appareil motetir de l'd-il de l'homme et des vertebrcs. Di-ductions physiolo gicpies et chirnrgicales (strabisine). [2 pts.] 303 |>p., 14 pi. 8 . Paris, A. Delahaye A F- l<- erosnier, ]887. I. pt. is repr. from : Arch, d'opht,., Par., )8s4-('i, iv-vi. lYIotard (Louis-Claudc-Adolpbc). * De l'ar.se- nie, consider^ conime niedicanient et < inmiic poison. 28 pp. 4 . Penis. 1835, No. 276,, v. ^90. -----. * Du sang considere sous les rapports ana- toiiiique. physiologique et chimique. 40 pp. 4 . Paris, 1835, No. 415, v. 290. L'oiieoiirs. Des eaux stagnant's, et en paiticiiliir des niarais et des dessecheuiens. 6,8 pp. 4 . Paris. 1838. [P., v. 1695.] Concours. ------. Essai d'hygiene geneiale. 2 v. 496 pp., IL; 592 pp., 1 1. 8 . Paris, I. Pesron A J.-B. Baillieve; 1841. ------. Traite d'hygiene generale. 2 v. iv, 876, 824 pp. ST. ' Bavis, J.-B. Baillieve A fils, [868-9. Motel (Jules) [1858- ]. * Sur un cas de molt subile par embolie pulinonaire. 34 pp., I 1. 4U. Paris, 1884, No. 252. Motet (Auguste). De la possibility et de la con- yenance de faire sort ir cert nines catc'-goriesci'alii-- nes des asiles speciaux et de Ijs placer, soil dans des exploitations agrieoles, soit dans leurs pro- pres families. 22 pp. 8 . Lyon, . 1. Vinglriniev, 1865. -----. Les alie'inSs devant la loi. 48 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Baillieve A fils, 1866. ------. Atrophic uiusculaire progressive. 8 . Paris, F. Marti ret. l-L/i. Catting front : (liiiclc (bl med. praticieil, Valleix. 5. eel., Par., lsiie..' i, 097-1028. Nevroses. 8 . Paris, E. Martinet, lsbf Cutting from . Guide du med. praticien, Talleix. 5- tul Par., 1866, i, 641-686. MOTHT- 4X3 MOTT. Motet (Auguste)—continued. ______. Eloge de Fdlix Voisin. 28 pp. 12°. Pa- vis, J.-B. ilaillieve Afils, 1873. Repr. from: Ann. inert.-psych., Par., 1873, 5. a., x. Eloge (le Morel. 36 pp. 12 . I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere A fih, 1874. Repr. from: Ann. med.-psycli., Par., 1874, .">. s, xii. -. Eloge de G. Ferrus; lu a, la seance pu- -----. '-■"„- -•■ ~- *-.......• --- — ......••"• e-' blique annuelle de la Societe'' incdico-psycho- logique du 27 niai 1878. 31 pp. 8 . I'aris, E. Don it aud, ls78. Repr. from : Ann. nied.-psych., Par., 1878, xx. .-----. Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum. 48 pp. 8 . Paris. Botiilct, \88\. Repr. from : Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1881, G. s., vi. -----. Ac-ec-s de soninainbulisiiie spontano e-t provoqiie. Prevention d'oulrage public ii la pudeur; coudanination; irresponsabilite; appel, intirination el acquitteinent; relation medico- legale. 16 pp. 8\ Paris. J.-B. Bailliere A fils, 1881. Les faux tenioignages des enfants devant la justice 20 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Baillieve iie l'a.eu- piinctuve elans la mort appareute des asphyxies. xviii, 19-50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, H78, No. 35. Itlotlie (IL) * Sur lc catheterisme. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, Xo. 280, v. 237. ITIotlie (J.-M.) *Sur la variole. 18 pp. 4 Paris, 1826, Xo. 141, v. 201. Mot lie (Joseph-Hilarion). *De la tumeur et de la list nl<- lacrvmale. 31 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1857, Xo. 262, v. 60s. IHotlieail (Item''). * Traitenient de la tuber- culose pulnionaire par les injections intestinales dc gaz carbonique charge} de vapeurs mediea- iiienteu-es. 40 pp. 4 r " Paris, 1887, No. 134. Motlieiby (G.) [A new] medical dictionary or geneiai repository of physic. Containing an ex- planation of the terms and a description of the various particulars relating to anatomy, physio- logy, physic, surgery, materia medica, chemistry, Le-te-.] 2. ed. vi pp., 359 1., 21 pi. fol. Lon- don, J. Johnson, 1787). ------. The same. 5. ed., revised and corrected, with considerable additions, by George Wallis. 811 pp., 31 pi. fol. London, S. Hamilton, 1891. IWotlM'i'by (Gulielmus). *De epilepsia. 46 pp. -■'. Fdiiihiivgi. C. Stewart el socii, 1791). [Also, in: P.. v. 11. | HotlK'i-ny (h'obertus) [1808- ]. * De atresia punctoriim la.-ryiiialium. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1831]. Motlieie (A.-.Ma.ximilien). *l>e la fievre int. r- milteiite simple. 3D pp. 4°. Pavis, 187,4, No, 131, v. 563. Hothrr-of-pearl (Workers hi). l»nc In s„, (L.| & iTIichel (Iv) Les nacriers : etude el li.\ gieno pi-olessiomielle. l!ev. d'hvg., Par., 1882, iv, li-ifi- i'i>->. — l.«iy«'l (A) Xiieriers (h\gicne pi-ofessioimelh!). I'i.I eieyil ,1. sc. mod., I';,,-.. ]S7(!, 2. s, xi, :{i;i-:i(i7.— Maliiei- ,t < h< < :illiei-. Memoire sur les ouvriers qui lavniUent les eotpulles de nacre tie perle. Ann. d'hvg. War.. Is.Vi. xlviii, 2-11-2.".]. ■Vt Women (Diseases, etc., of, Popular Irea'ises on). Mothers-{Duties of). Sec Children (Hygiene, etc., of); Infants (Hy- giene; ele-., of ). ITIotiieiV (The) book, containing the manage- ment of children, byAuiic M. Hale. What every mother should know, by Edward Ellis. The niental culture and training of children, by Pye Henry Chavasse. 3v.ini'. 12c. I'liiladeriihia. P. Blakiston, Son ,, Co., [1,-80]. JHotherV-mai'ks. .See FcBtuf.-. (Maternal influence on); Neevus. Iflotherwell (James Bridqeham) [lSlo- 80]. Obituary,, Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 168(5, viii, 221. IHotion. See Force. Motion (Animal and vital). See Cilia, etc.; Locomotion; Mechanics (Animal); Movement, etc. (Organic); Muscles. Motion (Organic). See Movement, etc. (Organie). iff Ot lOIl (Sense of). See Movement (Sense of). ITIotion as a remedy. See Exercise as a remedy; Nervous system ( Diseases of, treatment of); Orthopeedia. motref (Jean-Pierre-Francois). * 8ur le catanhe aigu de la vessie. 25 pp. 4-. Paris, lsl8, No. 141, v. 139; 110. Motreilil ( Jean- Arniand ). "Conseils h.ygie- nicpies a une jeune more et aux personnes qui I'entoiireiit. 1? pp. 4°. Paris, 18.32, No. 237, v. 255. ^lolsrlienbuclier (J. Chr. ) * Wie werden Kranke, uiibesehadet der Sichcrheit der Kur, wohlfeil bchaudelt? 32 pp. 8-. Erlancteu, Hil- lieet. 1810. iTIott (Mrs.) The ladies' medical orach-; or, Mis. Molt's advice to young females, wives, and mothers; being a non-medical commentary on the cause, prevention, and cure of the diseases of the female frame; together with an explana- tion of her system of European vegetable medi- cine for the cure of diseases, and the patent medicated chainpoo baths; to which is added, an explanation of the gift, and au exposition of the numerous fabricated reports ''a weak inven- tion of the enemy". Printed and jiuhlished for the authoress. 213 pp., 1 pi. 12. Boston, 1834. Mott (Albert J.) Alcohol and total abstinence. 22 pp. 8°. London, IV. U. Allen if Co., 1884. Repr.frem: Xat. Lev., May. 1884. ftlott (Alexander Brown) [1826- ]. Surgical operations. Series No. 1. 26 pp., 3 pi. 8°. [Xew York], 187,6-7. COXTKXTS. I. Remarks on deformities from hums ; with a success- ful operation on a formidable ease. II. Case of wound of the internal jugular vein, success- fully treated by ligature. III. Case of exostosis occupying the orbit and nasal cavity, successfully removed, and vision restored. ------. Advantages of clinical teaching. An ad- dress introductory to the regular course of lect- ures af the Pellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. 30 pn. 8 . Xeie York. C. A. Alrord, 1868. See. also. Tlotl (Valentine). ('alalugue of the surgical and pathological museum of . . . and of his son ... *P. Neu- York: ls;»s. For liiutiriiphii. see Med. A Surg. Reporter, I'hila., lSlit-.'i, xii. 401MI1. For Portrait, see tollct-liou of Portr. (Lihr.) .Hot! (Henry A.) Complete history and process of manufacture of artificial butter. 2. ed. 27 pp. 12°. New York; J. F. Trow A Son, l-?(i. MOTT. 484 MOTT A MAI A. Itlott (Henry A.)—continued. —----. A brief history of the Mege discovery. Oleomargarine butter, or butterine. "The nii- croscope and chemical analysis in the hands of the most skilful and distinguished scientists de- monstrating its purity." 30 pp. 8 . Xew York, Trow, 18,-11. -----. Ileveeuoid; the rubber of the future. 13 pp. 8J. Xew Yovk; Trow, 1889. -----. The practical determination of the value of the sugars of commerce. 19 pp. 8°. Xeiv York, 1880. -----. The air we breathe and ventilation. Mott series. No. 2. 81 pp., 25 pi. Ki . Xciv Yovk, J. in ley f Sons, 18*3. -----. Essay on electricity and description of apparatus for sale by the New York Electric Novelty Co., designed for colleges, high schools, and other institutions of learning. 2ti pp. 8-. Xew York; [18H/.]. Ulott (Hugo). * Der Gebarmutterkrebs. 30 pp. 8 . Wurzburg, Becker, 1879. c. Mott (J. Varmiiu). A paper on medicated ice. 7 pp. 8~. New York, Mucklotv 2 pp. 8J. Xciv Vork; Harper 42. -----. A biographical memoir of John Kevere, M. D. 40 pp. 8 . Xeiv Yovk; J. II. Jennings, 1847. [Also, in: P., v. 235.] -----. An inaugural address, delivered before tbe New-York Academy of Medicine, February 7, 1849. To which is prefixed, an address by Dr. J. \V. Francis to the president elect. 24 pp. 8 . Xeie-Yovk; H. Ludwig .f Co., 1849. -----. An introductory discourse, delivered in the University of New York, session 18-19-50. 32 pp. 8°. Xciv Yovk; Jennings A Harrison, 1-50. -----. liciniiiiscences of medical teaching and teachers iu New York. An address introductory to a course of lectures at the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, New York, session of 1850- 51. 32 pp. 8 . Xew Yovk; J. II. Jennings, 1850. -----. Catalogue of the surgical and patholog- ical museum of Valentine Mott, and of his son, Alexander 1!. Mott. iv, 78 pp., 1 ]. 8-'. Xew York; W. M. Taylor, 1858. -----. Address before the graduates of lst;o ()f the University Medical College of New York. 25 pp. 8 . Xew York, Millet-, Mathews ei-i;li (F.) Letter to . . in reply to his valedictory (etc.| sr Mew York; IHol). — Yclpt-nii (A. A. L. M.) New elements of operative surgery lite 1 8°. Xew York: 1847. For Biographg. see Oro»» (S. Ill Memoir of Valentine Mott. 8?. Philadelphia. Istis. — Vu-t (A. C.) Eulogy on the late Valentine Mott, sr AVc ) ork: 1866. See. also, Ann. univ. di ined., Milauo. lseis, reiii. .'itifl- :!lil' (C. Fumagalli). Also: Boston M. \- S. J., 1S5I. xliii, :i70-:j74. Also: Frank Leslie's Illust. Newspaper, X. Y., ls.'ifi. i. no. 20. :jl8-:i'.'0. port. Also: I,am el. Loud., lMia. i, 5.">3. Also: Med. tfc Sum. Reporter, I'liila.. 18C.4. ii. 311 : ::j«j (S. W. Fiaucis). Also: Pacific M. \- S. J.. Sau Fran., Isti.V (>, viii. lli:t-174 (II. 11. Tolanel). Also: Kie.hmond \ Louis. ville M. J., Louisville, 1SC9. xii. 110-113, port. Also: Tr. M. Soe. N. Y.. Alhaiiv, lsiiti. :;ii-l-3l(> (S. 15. Giniuinj:). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Lihr.) -----. See, also : Fa IK play is ajewel. 8 . Xeiv York; l-p.i. Fkancis (J. W. ) Address to the president elect, Valentine Mott, [etc.] ,- . Xew York, 1849. -----. Keport of Prof. Valentine. Moft's sur- gical cliniques, [etc.] 8°. Xciv York; 1h<;o. -----. Memoir of the life of Valentine Mott, [etc] 8°. Xew York, 1867,. Public dinner to Valentine Moll. 8 . [Xew York, 183,">.] WOOD (1) An inaugural address delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, etc. 8 . Xew York, 187,0. Wood (J. IL) Early history of the operation of ligature of the primitive carotid artery, [etc.] 8 . 'Xew York, 1857. Kciiiarlt* on a pamphlet entitled: ' Keflee-lioiis en set•liriiii; in a ligature the aitei ia iiiiioininata. to which :s atltleil a ease iu which this artery whs tied hy a suivie,i operation '. By Valentine Molt. |ete. | Am. M. I.VronIci, | Phila, 1810 ii, 73-81. Also, repr. antler title: Fail plitv in a,jewel. s\ Aew Tork; 1819. Mott (J. L.) Il'Oll WorkK. Illustrated cata- logue of the plumbing and sanitary department of the .J. L. Mott Iron Works. 17(i pp. 8'*-. Xew York; E. I). Slater, [1878f -----. 1884. Catalogue D. The bath room il- lustrated; also, fixtures for laundry, kitchen, and butler's pantry. 82 pp. 4°. X<;. Hoi J a 15a I n Hi. See Cholera (Asiatic; History, etc., oj ), by lo- calities. Motta .llaia. Estiulo sobre o ensiuo medico na Austria e na Alleiuanha. Teiveiro relatori > seinestral aprezentado ii Facuhlaeb- de meilicimi do Rio de Janeiro. 316 pp., 2 tab. 8-. I'aris, A. Parent, 1877. MOTT A SILVA. 485 MorCELOT. da .llotla Silva (Joaquim). * Rlieuinalisino articular aguelo. 2 p. L, 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bahia, J. G. To it rin ho, 1871. IVIoltC. Chirurgie infantile. 2") pp. 8 . [Rvtt- xelles, 1877,, vel subseq.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. ele med. ele Iie-lg., Brux., 1870, 8. ii.. x. rtlottc (L'liarles-Adolphe ). "Sur les luxations spontanees ou consecutives du femur. 27 pp. 4r Paris. 18\7, No. 177, v. 128. «!<' la Moltc ((iuillauiiie-Mauqiie-st ). .Ve La Motte ( for prisoners in the jails of the lower provinces of the Bengal Presidency. [ With appendix showing the results of the new dietary, as ex- hibited by the weights of the prisoners subjected to it, on admission and discharge; the sickness aud mortality that prevailed among them; and the cost of the measure (lining the continuance of the experiment, viz, from the 1st of May to the 31st of October, 18.12.] 12, 123, xxiii pp.", 17 tab. 4 . Calcutta, Alipore Jail press. lsii3. Bound with preceding. ------. The New Zealand war of 1863-5. Special report on wounds and injuries received in battle. 51 i pp. 8 . [u p.. 186,7). vel subset/. ] [P., v. 421.] Repr. from : Metl. \ Surg Hist, of the New Zealand war. -------. Memorandum on the duties, etc., of in- spectors of sanitary arrangements. 7 pp. fol. [n. p.], 18 18. ------. A visit to some of the battle-fields and ambulances of the north of France. Is pp. S-r [London, 1871.] -------. The death tribute of England to India; being an examination of the deaths and invalid- ing of officers of H. M. British forces serving in India, from isiil to 1870, inclusive, considered with special reference to the quedion of the present value of European life iu India. 73 pp., I tab. 8 . London, C. A E. Lai/Ion, 1875. ------. Repression of crime: addivss delivered before' the Social Science Congress at Dublin, Oct. 4, 1881. 22 pp. 8'-. Loutloii, Spottisivoode A Co., 1881. ------. Memorial of . . . to the right honourable the secretary of state for India, in council. 8-. [n. p., n. d.) See, also. Hi<-li«*y tW. R. Gilhert). The carbonization or dry distillation system, etc. S;. DarjceUng. lHiili. -------. See, also: Addresses, etc., presented to Dr. F. J. Mouat on his retirement from her majesty's Indian service. Calcutta, November, 1870. 8°. Lon- don, lb71. Record of the public services in India of F. J. Mouat. fol. [n. p., n. ch] ------. The same. Record of public services in India. 8 . [Bengal, n. d.] Universities, in India. 6\ [n. p., n. d. ] ------& Sliell (H. Saxon). Hospital construc- tion and management, xiv, 78, 280. 60 pp., 1 1., 52 pi., 1 map. 4~. London, J. A A. Churchill A Co., lS83[-84]. Mouat (.lames). "Disp. qiuedam de iuflamma- tione complectens. 2 p. 1., iv, 36 pp. 8 . Edhi- burgi, Abernethy el Walker, 1812. [P., v. 861.] ------iV Wyatt (John). Report of Drs. . . . [in reference to the medical concerns of the Russian army]. Sept., 1856. 11pp. fol. [London, War Department. 1836.] [P., v. 1080.] ITIoaioas (J. B. H.) Co-Editor of: Tijdsi'luift voor Veeartseuijkunde en Veeteelt, Amsterdam, 1879. Jloucelot (Philippe-). * Surlagreiiouillette. 1 p. L, 18 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1805, v. 43. MO I'C HARD. !Hou< liai-il M ) See !. Ivc*. A new treatise of the diseases of the I eyes. 8°. London, 1741. JlloildlC ( Aime ). * (Quelques mots sur le le- gime alimentairc des feinnies enceintes et de son influence sur le volume et le poicls du ftetus. 50 pp., 3 1. 4-'. Montpellier, L. t'vistin A Cie, 1866, No. 42. c. JJIoildiet (Alpbonse). * Des affections secon- daires du cholera, observecs dans Tepideinie de 18,,ii. 76 pp. 4'. Paris, 1867, No. 131. -----. The same. 74 pp., 1 1. 8 . Paris, A. De- lahaye, 1-67. IHoiiriiCt (Henri). * I. Quels sont les divers modes de preparation de l'extrait d'opium ? Comparer la composition chimique des extraits obteuus par des procedes differents; £tudier les preparations dont 1'extrait d'opium fait la base. II. [etc.] 21 pp. 4 . Paris, 1842, No. 127, v. 393. Hloiichoil (Emile). Monographic des prinei- paux febrifuges indigenes, consideres comnie suecedanes du quinquina. 151 pp. 8*-. Lyon, A. Vingtvinict; 1856. JloildlOt ( Alpbonse). * Quelques considerations sur la scille dans les hydropisies. 36 pp. 4°. { Paris, 1871, No. 70. illoiicliot ( Jean-Marie-Emile ). ~" Essai sur la j rctinite dite pigmentaire. suivi de six observa- j tions sur cette maladie. 70 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Stras- bourg, 186". 3. s., No. 103. ------. The' same. 1 p. I., 69 pp., 2 pi. sm. 4 . ' Paris, J.-B. Bailliere. 1868. ill Olli'hot (Justin-Martial). * De la rage, ou hydrophobic rabique. 40 pp- 4-. Paris, 1848, No. 107, v. 475. rtloiichottc (C.-I.-H.) * Des blessures de l'ceil par les corps etrangers. 36 pp. 4 . Paris. 1873, No. 280. II Olid a II ( Pierre- Louis -Gabriel) [1856- ]. ~ Recherches ex peri mentales et cliniques sur les J atrophies des niembres dans les affections chi- j rnrgicales. (Systeme musculaire et systeme os- sen'x.) 255 pp. [Lyon.] 4°. faience, 1882,Ko. 149. UlOliette (Thomas). * Sur la pleuresie ehro- nique. 29 pp. 4 . Pai-'ts. 1818. No. 16, v. 135. [Also, in : P., v. 1640.] JVIoiifc't [ov .Monfit]. See Mufettus (Thomas). ITIous't'iic de Saint-Avid (F.-E.) * Etude sur le chancre non infectant de l'uterus et ses rapports avec- le chancre mou du vagin. 50 pp., I 1. 4-. Pavis. 18-6. No. 167. Hoilgeot (dc I'Aube). Nouvelles instructions pour se preserver du cholera. 16 pp. 12c. Pavis, J. Michelet, 1883. lloiljfeot (Albert). 'Contribution a retude cles ruptures variqneuses vulvaires pendant la gros- sesse. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 180. lIonjf*'°t (J--B.) * Essai zoologique et medical sur h-s hvdatides. 75 pp. 8r Paris, an XI [1-03], v.'26. Momy<*Ot (J.-B.-A.) * Recherches sur cpielques troiidies ele nutrition cousecutifs aux affections des nerfs. 1 p. L, 154 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867. No. 43. | UloilSjeot (Jean-Baptiste-Felix). * I. Du sang a lYraf normal et cbez les individus atteints de pneunionie. II. [etc.] 43pp. 4 . Paris, 1843, No. 60, v. 403. Jloujjeot (Jean-Baptiste-Paul). *Pseudo-6tran- | gleinent cause* par des adherence* de l'intestin 'hernie''. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, L-74, No. 351. Hloiijft'Ot (.)iise]>h-Autoine). * Quelques conside- rations gem-rales sur les heruies du bas-ventre. 30 pp. T. Poris, 1837, No. 173, v. 311. JloiIJJOOt ( Pieire-Bonavent lire-Alfred). * I. Des causes de riivpertrophied.il coMir. II. [etc.] 38 pp. i . Paris, 1-14, No. 120, v. 421. MOFiJX. Moulin (Ch.-Leon). r De lY'pididyinitf case e'use. 86 pp. 4 \ I'aris, 187\\, No. 21b. ------. The same. 83 pp. 8 . Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1873. .^lon^ili (L) Les epidemics dans la ville de Vi- try-le-Fruiiceois, et dans son arronilissiinenl. ii, 76 pp. 8 . ntvi/-le-Fvenifois, Ire. Tavevnifv A'fils, 1886. Moil^iiacz (.lean-Bapt.-Keiij.' * Kssai sur l'au- tocralie de la nature, envisage!- specia lenient, sous le rapport des crises dans les maladies ai- gues. 1 p. L, 19 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 1822, v. 50. Uloilillai'd. * Do traitenient des tuinenis f-rer- tiles en particulier par les injections de chloral. 1 p. 1.. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876. No. 374. Ttloilillai'd ( Engene-Auguste ). * I. Des pas- sions, sous le point de vue someiologique. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4-'. Pavis, 1841, No. 255, v. 378. MoilillCi'Oll (Louis). 'Contribution ii follicle des corps etrangers de la cavite'- ociilaire. 78 pp., 11. 4 . Pavis, 1878. No. 77. [iHonilleseaux] [1739-1811]. Appel uu public sur le magnetisme animal,.on projet d'un journal pour le seul avantagc du public et dont il sera it le cooperateur. loll p)i. 8 . [n. p.], 1787. Ulonill<'s«'anx (P.-F.) * I. Du niouvement vi- hratoire dans les corps sol ides; balance de tor- sion, ses usages. II. [etc.] 23 pp. 4-. Stras- bourg, 1-39. No. 37, v. 4. ifloilillct (F.) * Sur la hernie oinbilicule des enfaus. 32 pp. 8 . Paris, an XI [1803], v. 38. Itloilisset (Alpbonse). 'Quelques considera- tions sur la suette miliaire. 86 pp., 3 1. 4,J. Montpellier, L. Crritin f Cie., 186,6, No. 98. <-. IVIoilktar (M.) *Dti diagnostic (lifferentiel de radenopathie tracheo-bronchique, avec la tuber- culose au debut. 135 pp. 4-". Paris, 1886, Ne>. 235. IflOllla (Paul). * De rntresie de la meinbiaiie hvnien. ix, 11-86 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpelliei; 1878, No. 70. ^1 Oil I a I'll. * Des fractures transversales cie la rotule et de leur traitenient. 43 pp. 4\ Paris, 1877, No. f98. Moillai'd (Irene'e-Marc). 'Contribution ii re- tude- ch- Piefere dans les phenomenes secondaircs de la s\ pbilis. 52 pp. 4 . Paris, 1879. No. 561. rtiouiii ml w.) See ,*>iv introductory lectures, etc. 12°. Manchester, 1884. Vloiiltl*. See Fungi. illonle (Henry). National lieallh and wealth, instead of Hie disease, nuisauce, expense, and waste caused by cess-pools and water-drainage. 15 pp. 8-*. London, Bitnlliuvg A' Frans, 187,9. ------. The same. 2. ed. 26 pp. s,J. London, Bradbury f Evans, 186,1. [P.. v. sso.] ------. The same. 3. ed., revised. 17 pp. 8 . London. Bradbury A Evans, 1864. ------. Manure for the million. To the cottage gardeners of England. 6 pp. 16-. [White- friars, Bradbury A Evans, 1862.] [P., v. 1487.] ------. The dry earth system. The advantages of the dry earth system in the disposal of sew- age and excreta, s pp. s . London, If. Mac- intosh, [n. d.] IHoulenq (F.-P.) *I)e la fievre Uphoide. 28 pp. 4 . Paris. 1818, No. 145, v. 475, 1^1 Oil I it' (P.) 'Sm- la fievre jauue observi'e au Cap-Francais, ile Saiut-Doiningue, pendant les annees 10 et 11. vi, 7-26 pp. 4 . Paris. 1812, No. 155, v. 92. Moulin (Aart. Jurriaan). *Over het bepolen der teuiperatnur, en het ge lunik der chinine bij typhus. 1 p. 1., 48 pp., I tab. 8 . Leiden, S. C. van Doesbuvgh, 18)4. MOULIN. 4H7 a.OULTOX. irl oil I in (Charles). "Considerations stir quelques points de la niddecine et de la chirurgie. 38 pp. | . Paris. 1848, No. 123, v. 475. .11 oillill (Charles-Francois-Constant). * Intro- duction a la pathologie de la race negre dans les pays chaiids. 36 pp. I . I'aris, 1866, No. 211. !!IOIllill (Etieniie-) [1795-1871.]. * SuiTapoplexie, ou honiorrhagie cer6hrale ; considerations nou- velles sur les hyilrocephalos; description d'une hydropisie cerebrale partieuliere aux vieillards. x, 11-115 pp. 4'-. Paris, 1819, No. 269, v. 153. .-----. Traite de l'apoplexio. 224 pp. 8 . Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere. l-pl. Another eitpn bound with: Lecieux [et al.]. Medecine legale [ete. | H1. I'aris, 1819. .-----. Memoire sur les inflammations de poitrine, leur nature, leurs symptomes et leur traitement. 33 pp. 8 . Paris, C.-L.-F. Panckoucke, 1827. [P., v. 929. ] Repr. from: J. conipl. du diet. d. sc. nied., Par., 1827. xxviii. ------. Cathe'terisiiie rectiligne, ou nouvelle tua- iiitrc de pratiqner cette operation chez l'homme. (Sondes clroites et positions particulieres du chi- rurgien et du malade.) Methode ayant, dans beaucoup de cas de retention d'urine, sur toutes relies employees jusepi'ici, les avantages d'une execution plus facile et d'un siieces plus certain : avec un procede operatoire propre a fauteur pour guerir h-s retrecisseinens de l'uretre, suivi d'un nouveau moyen de reunir ef cicatriser les dechi- rures de la vulve et du perinee produites par raecoucheinent. ii, 184 jip., 10 pi. 8'--. Pavis, F.-M. Main ice, 1828. -----. Thesame. Nouveau traitenient des reten- tions d'urine et des retiecisseineus de l'uretre par li'catheterisine rectiligne, suivi d'un memoire sui- tes elc'ehirures de la vulve et du perinee, produites par raccouchoment,. xiv, 184 pp., 10 pi. 8r Pavis, J.-B. Baillieve, 1834. Same as the preceding, except title-page and preface. -----. Hygiene et traitemcit, du cholera-mor- bns. Coup-d'oeil liistorique sur l'6*i(16mie de Paris de 1832. 38 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1832. ------. Un mot sur le Congres medical. 14 pp. 8'-. Paris, J.-I',. Bailliere, 184.5. [P., v. 467.] ITIoilliil (Kugene-.L) 'Considerations ]>rati(pies sur le cliolc'i-a-morbiis des Intlcs. 76 pp. 4 . I'aris, 1833, No. 22, v. 257. iTloiilin (.Felix). *Du phenol,ou acide pheriique. 41 ])p., 1 1. 4°. Montpelliei; 188,6, No. 390. Ecole de pharmacie. Iflonlin (J.-A.-M.) * Des ii 1 ceres de la matrice, el de leur traitement. 35 pp. 4 r Boris, 1840, No. 237. v. 363. Moulin (Leopold). * De la medication antither- niique dans le traitement de la fievre typhoide. 59 pp., 2 1. .4°. Montpellier, 1883, No. 8. Moulin (Victor). *Sur la maladie emleniique (les climats chauds, vulgairement appi-lee fievre jaune. 31 pp. 1 . Paris, an XIII [ 18051, No. 454, v. 55. J Itlonlinet (Charles). *Sur I'hygiene des vieil- lards. 3 pp. 4. Pavis, 1818, No. 121, v. 139. rtloiiliiiet (Leonce). * De rintluence de la gros- sesse sur I'iiinervation. 64 pp. 4 . Paris, i860 No. 50. IVIouliiiet (Paul) [1855- ]. *Des rapports entre la vaccine et certaines maladies de peau. Influence reciproque. 65 pp. 4 ■>. Paris, 1884 Mouliiii<- (Jean) [1787-1842]. *Brulures. 24 PP. 4-'. Paris, 1812, No. 87, v. 89. - . Notice sur les bains, suivie du prospectus des nouveaux bains de Bordeaux, vii, 116 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Brossier, 1826. Moiilillie (Jean)—continued. ------. Question ni6dico-lcgale sur la viability. Extraits de certilicats, rapports et consultations, suivis de reflexions qui leur sont relatives. 11 pp. 12 . Boideaux, Cetstillon, [1826]. ------. Maladies des organes genitaux et urinaires, exposees d'apres la (Unique chirurgicale de l'Ho- pital de Bordeaux. 2 v. 4 p. L, 336 pp., 4 1., 1 pi.; 416 pp., 4 L, 1 pi. 8 . Paris, Germer-Bail- liere, 1839. ------. Considerations cliniques sur les engorge- niens. 152 pp., 31. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1840. ------. Le niedecin de nier. xv, 550 pp. 8r Paris, Germer-Bailliere. J8-11. ------. Du bonheur en chirurgie. IU c-ueil de faits cliuiques. ccxxiii pp., 2 1. 8-'. Paris, Germer- Buillieve; Bordeaux, Laivalle, 1842. ------. The same. Vom Cliicke in der ( birurgie. Eine .Sammlung klinischer Fiille-. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt, mit Vorwort und eini- gen Notizen begleitet von 1.'. Bereud. x, 171 pp. 8°. HaniiovevfC. F. Kins, lsjj. Houliiiiei* (Achille-Adolphe). T De I'ondocar- dite dan.s les fievres eruptIves, nature et fre- quence. 84 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 431. rtloillilliei* (Pierre-Paul-Einile). * I. Des symp- tomes du cancer de la, matrice. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4ri Paris, 1844, No. 109, v. 421. Vloiilins. .lonioi-. Histoire des constitutions nietoorolotjiques et maladies qui out ret>ne depuis le mois ele nivose do 1'an on/.e. jusqu'a celui de* liriiinaire ineliiMvenieiit. Ann. Sue. tie mod.-prat, dc Montpel.. 1S04. iv. , :i,.— Tl i< Im I .v ."■'i- in:ii87>. ^loillliei" ((.iistavc-Anloine). * Dn permanga- nate (le potasse et de ses proprietes desinfec- tantes. 14 pp. 4 . Paris, 1878. No. 357. lloilllier (Henri). * Esquisses d'aiiat.....ie topo- graphique. Legions ilio-coslale, dorso-hmibaire, perineale. 2 p. 1.. 55 pp., 1 pi. 4J. Strasbourg, 1867,, 2. s., No. 856. Moilllier (J.-L.) v Sur les fractures en general. 23 pp. 1'-. Paris, 1833, No. 331, v. 266. Monnier (Jacques-Alfred ). *De la lievre inter- niittente a l'lle de Nossi-Be de Madagascar. 47 lip. 4 . Paris, 18\9, No. 5(1, v. 487. Moilllier (Leopold). De la culture de la. bet- terave et de son utilisation pratique en vue do remplacer nionientaueiiieiit la culture de la vigne dans le departement de la < 'harente. 37 pp., 1 1. .8'-. Angouleme, Litgeol A Cie., \88\. Moilllier (Martin-Emile). * (Quelques conside- rations sur la lievre. 7,2 pp. 4J. Paris, 186,8, No. 253. Moilllier (Rodolphe). * De la commotion cere- brale. 45 pp. 4\ Paris, 1834, No. 119, v. 272. MoilllSteill (A.) * Ueber die spontane (bin- gritii und Infante. 43 pp., 1 pi. 8--. Slrctss- burg, K. J. Tvubnev, 1884. Won ut Ahoo. I.owmlw (T. M.) Remarks on Mount Aboo. Tr. M. A 1'liys. Sot'. Btimhay (IS55-6). 1S57, n. s., iii, KJ3-18!!.— ,Mo«i-«*. The sauitarv eoiidition of hill stations, with espeeial referenee lo Mount Ahoo; with statistical tal.lt-s, compilt'tl from ihe Ahoo Sanitarium Hospital reco'ds, aial other sources. Ibid. (ls(',_'i. 18(13, n. s., viii, lili-'J.iU.— Ouilvv (J i (ieneral topographical and niedit-iil ac count of Mount Ahoo. Ibid, (lsiid), 18(11, n. s., \ i. 1!'-_'- 2Ui. — 14oe (\V. Cl Annual report of the Sanat.iriiiiii Mount Ahoo, for the vear cuctiiiu March 31, ls.V.l. I bid. (185!)), 18(10, n. 8., v, 222-22U. | Mount Auburn Cemetery. Annual report of the trustees, together with the reports of the treasurer and superintendent [for the year] 1872. 10 pp. ,-°. Boston, Barker, Cotter A Co., Is73. Vlomil Clemen*. Sliolwc-ll (A. N.) Mineral waters of Mt. Clemens. Mich., in leiicoirhoea. St. Louis M. J., lssli. xiii, :::;!»—:;44. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 534-53(1. Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland Co., Penn- sylvania. 7 |>]>. 16°. Washington, Judd A Dtt- iveilev, [1887]. Mount Hope Cemetery of the city of Boston. See Boston. Mount Hope Retreat, near Baltimore. Annual reports of t he physician to the guardians. 1.—11., 1842-3 to 187.3 : 13.. 1855; 14., i-5f,; 16.-43., 1858- 85. 8-;. Baltimore, 1843-83. Opened by the Sisters of Charity in Oct., 1810. Sunn after removed to the present site. Or. Win. II Slokea became connected with the institution in Sept.. lsl'1, from which period tlit* first report commences. (hansres in title: Original title, "Mount St. Vincent's Hospital in tlie citv of r.altiiuore''. In 1S41. called " Mount Hope Hos pital ". In 1815. "Mount Hope Institution, near Haiti more". In lSliii. a new tiuiltliii". was erected, and called "Mount Hope Ketreal■ ". niakini; two institutions unili'i one inanaiieineni, the liii** lieiiui " Mount Hope Inst it n tion and Kctreat '. In 1ST 1 the title reads "Mount Hope I'e treat and Mount Hope Institution". The new hnililiic;, Mount Hope Retreat, heinj; used for the insane, anil t lie old one. Mount Hope Institution, for inehriates. Iu 1875 Mount Hope Institution was converted into a general hos- pital, under title of •■ Mount Hope Hospital ". From 1870 to date, reports are for Mount Hope Kctreat only. IHonnt Pleasant. See Education (Medical), etc.; Insane (Asy- lums for, it'-.), by localities. MOUNT SINAI. 489 MOUNTAINS. Mount Sinai Hospital, N. V. City. Act of in- corporation and by-laws of tlie Jews' Hospital in New York, fib 18,'corresponding with the year 1857. 16 pp. ltri. New York, C. A. Alvovd, 1857. lionnd with : Keports. Incorporated Jan. 5, 1852. Opened June, 1855, as "Jews Hospital in New Vork '. Changed title iu 1866. 18. re- port for 11 mouths, Jau. to Nov., 1872. ._____. Annual reports of the directors and the medical and surgical staff to the members and patrons. 2., 1856; 6., 1860; 10.-25., 1864 to 1878-!); 27.-31., 1880-81 to 1884-5. 8°. New York; 1857-8,;. -----. Pules aud regulations for officers and superintendent. March, 1869. Adar 5(527. 12 pp. 16°. New York; Bit nee f Co., 186,9. Bound with : Reports. -----. Ceremonies attending the laying the cor- ner-stone of Hie new building, May 25, 1870. 21 pp. 8°. New Yovk, D. Taylor, 1»70. Bound with: Reports. -----. Proceedings attending the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the new building, May 25, 1870. 22 pp. 8°. [New York; 1870.] Bound with: Reports. -----. Act, of incorporation aud by-laws. 21 pp. 12'-'. New Yovk, Hebrew Orphan Asylum Printing Establishment. 1872. Bound with : Reports. Mount Tatra. Mzonlaifli (A.) Tdtravid6ki gyogyito es nyaralo helyck. [Mount Tdtra as a health resort.] Allamorvos, Budapest, lssl, ix, 57-72. Mount Vernon, Indiana. See, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Mount Vernon. Sanitary code of the board of health of the village of Mount, Vernon, N. Y. Unanimously adopted Feb. 14, 1882. [n. p., n. d.] Newspaper cutting. Mount Vernon, Few York. See. also. Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc.. of). AimIi-civ* (U.), jr. Report on the sewerage of Mount Vernon. Westchester County. Rep. Bd. Health N. V. 1884, Albany. 1885, v, 419-433, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.— Ganl■ nrr \et al.]. A report on the sewerage of Ht. Vernon. Rep. State lid. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v, 419-433, 2 plans. —K«kporl of the sewerage of Mt. Ver- non. Ibid., issr,, vi. 235-264. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Uuion. Report of the meeting of, 1872. 8°. [n. ,,.], 1872. Mountain Sanitarium for Pulmonary Diseases, Asheville, N. C. [Circular letter announcing the establishment of, by Wm. Gleitsmann.] 2 I. 4°. [ii. p., 1875.] Opened June 1, 1877. -----. Biennial report of the proprietor and phy- sician in charge to the public. By Win. Gleits- mann. L, 1875-6 to 1876-7. 8 pp. 8°. Balti- more; Shertvood f Co., 1877. Opened June 1, 1875. Mountain*. s,e, also, Alps (The); Altitude; Andes; Fever (Mottntain); Goitre, by localities; Health resorts; Himalayas. Aiioi.PHts (C. M.) De incolatus niontani sa- lubiitat.'. LYsp. Christ, (iott, Griiuwaldus. 4°. Lipsia; 1721. Assmann (('. (i.) De vi singulari quam na- tura et conditio rcc-innnm niontauaruni exserat in nietallicoriun aliorunique hominuni natura indolec|ueforinanda. sin.4°. niembergce, [178,9]. Dki.aciiai x (L.) * Pliysiologische Wirkuug der Kerglnft auf (bsunde und auf Kranke. [Wurtzburg.] so. Berne, 1871. Di.skkin (.J.-I*.-A.) * tjuelqnes considerations sur les pays de montagnes. 4°. Paris, 1830. Mountains. Ensemosek (J.) * De montium inflnxu in valetudiuem hominuni, vita* genus, et morbos. sm. 8 . Berolini, 1816. -----. The same. 12-. Berolini, 1816. Gk.oimjeon (J.-13.) *Quel((iies considerations gcnerales sur I'hygiene dans les caiiipagnes cie la partie montagneuse des Vosges. 4 . Strasbourg, 1863. Meyek-Ahi'i.xs (C.) Die Bergkrankheit, oder der Eintliiss des Krsteigens grosser Hnhcn auf den thierischen Organismus. 8 . Leipzig,187,4. Payot (A.) * I.)u mal des montagnes considere an point de vue de ses effets, de sa cause, et de son traitement. 4°. I'aris, 1881. le Tennkkr (T.) *An magis anuena quam salubi-is in montium clivis habitation Prieses V. Bernard. 4°. [Paris, 177I!.] Killiiiifi (J. S.) Abstract of special reports hy amiy medical ollieers on the effect of mountain climates upon health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1875, X. V., 1876, ii, 148-150.—Brac-hct (J.-L.) Note sur les causes de la las- situde et de l'anhelatiou dans les ascensions sur les mon- tagnes Its plus elevees. J. de nied. de Lvon, 184:1, iv, 402- 414. Also: Kev. nied. franc, et etrang., Par., 1844, iii, 356- 368. Also. Keprint. — Ki-niit'hal y Praila (It.) El mal de montahas. I'rensa nutl. ele Granada, 1881, iii. 1-8.— Krodowiiki (W.) Ies/.cye slow kilka o dzialauiu scis- nionego powietrza na organizm lutlzki w stanie zdrowia i choiohv. (On the inflnence of climate of high altitudes on lieallh and diseased Gaz. lek., Warszawa, ]still, vi, 816; 845; 8(i5.—fiiiiningliaiii (P.) The pathological effects produced hy localities (particularly mountain ele- vations). Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 207: 520. i:«linoii«l- noii (W.) Keport on altitude; its influence on health. Rep. lid. lieallh Colorado 1876. Hi liver, 1877, i, 21: (1S77), 1878, ii, 39. — F.««-her it'll. Hie quantitative!! Verhiilt- nisse des Sauerstolli-s tier I.uft. \ eischieden nach Million- huie und Tenipeiatur der Beobachtungsorte. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 339-344. — I Ice Iiimi (A. E.) Betrachiung der Gebiigsluft und del* Lebensweise der Gebirgsbewohner in Bezug ihres Kintlusses auf Blut- bereitung und auf das Vorkonimen gewissor Krauk- heit.sf'ormi'ii. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1810. xxxii, 1-10. — Fowl. Untcisuchuugen iiber die Ktirperu arme ties Menschen bei Kei gbesteigungen. Yer- hantll. d. schweiz. naturf. (iesellsch. 1871, Frauenfelel, 1872, liv, 79. — Fryer (B. E.) The influence of the high alti- tudes and climate of the table-land country of the Rocky Mountain region upon health and disease. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1875. X. T., 1876, ii. 141-148.-«ar«liit*r (W. H.) Some remaiks on diseases peculiar to mount- ainous regions. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1876. n. s., lxxii, 56-63.—.loni-iliiiiel (I).) Xatuie du mal de montagnes. In his: Le Mexiciue et lAmerique tropieale, sm. 8 --, Par . 1864, 85-110. -----. Invloed van hooggelegen plaatsen op de gezondheid der hewoners. Schat cl. Gezondh., Goriu- ehem, 1865, viii, 129-137.— Koch (C. A. L.) Leber den Eiufluss der Gebirge unci tier Gebii gsformationen auf die Krankheiten der Menschen. Mouatschr. f. med. Augeoh. u. Chir., Leipz . 1838, i, 357-368. —von l.iebig(G.) Leber die Bergkrankheit. und Indicationen fiir Hohenkurorte bei Lungeiileitleii. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., li*80, vi, 205 222. — Loewe. Ueber das Alpenklima. Ver- handl tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1865-6), 1867, i, 3. Hft., 280- 293. — Lot-let (L.) Deux ascensions au Mont-Blanc en 1869: recherches physiologiques sur le mal des montagnes. Lyon med., 1869, iii,' 79-103.—ITI arret (W.) Summary of an experimental inquiry into the function of respiration at various altitudes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1878, xxvii, 293- 8u4.—ITI art in (J. It.) Suggestions for the investigation of mountain climates in the East Indies. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i. 161—iTIerniod (A.) Nouvelles recherches phy- siologiques sur l'influence de la depression atmospherique sur l'liabitant des montagnes. Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nut, 1877-8. Lausanne, 1879, xv, 65-104, 3 tab.—Paral -c .Tl a r!i n. Observations medicinales sur les prineipaux effets du froid et do c-haud sur le somniet des hautes mon- tagnes. Rec. el. actes Soc. de sante de Lyon, an vi [179s], i, 273-301.—Perroncito (E.) Der Dochmius und ver- wandte Helminthen in ihren Beziehiingen zu tier soge n nun ten Bergkachexie, Centralbl. f. cl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1881, xix, 435.—«le Pielra-Wanla. Les climats ele montague. J. d'hyg., Par., 1878, iii. 564 : 574— Po|>- l>ig (E.) " Leber die Puna auf den Pt ruanist hen Anileu Keitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1836, ii, 305-311.— Key. Influence sur le corps huniaiu des ascensions sur lc- hautes montagnes. Rev. nied. fianc. et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 320-344—Schillinger (F.) A banyasz-as-za- lvrol (cachexia montana). Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1881, xxi, 49-51.— .«i!»«•«■ r (S. T.) On the nature and causes of the physiological pheuomeua comprised in the term '-moun- tain sickness ", more especially as experienced among the MOUNTAINS. Jlomilain*. higher Alps. Assoc. M. J.. Lond., 1853. i, 49; so.—Tolli (I.) Bansaszaszalv (cachexia molilalia), s ennek oklana. Orvosi hc'-til.. lSndapesl. Is83. xxvii. 323; 319: 380, -4711 : 52.".: 559; 672; 7,s7 : 907: 1032: 1U56 ; 1296. .1 Iso, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1884. xx, 135; 161: 181; 203— lie 1 jfalvj iC.i (,)iieli|ues observations sur le mal lie niontigne epioii \,- pat ties voyagem s en A sie een- I rale. Bull. Soc. el anthrop. tie Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 397-400. Mountain-sickness. See Mountains. ^Ion;>lie. ISabai-tr (A. N.) Nieskalko slov o Mouplie. [Some remarks ou Mouplie.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1886, no. 41, 68-77. tie IrToura. (Adolpho Marcoudes). * Estudo cli- nico da reuniao ininiediata. 4 p. L, 74 pp., 1 1. 8--'. Bio ele Janeiro, J. D. de Oliveira, 1883. ele IVIoura (Fiel-Antonio). * Du cholera epide- mique. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 187)9, No. "24, v. 499. dc Itloiira (.lose Attouso). Apreciacao dos meios enipregudos na cura dos estreitamentos orgauicos da urethra. 43 pp. 4-. Bahia, J. G. Tourinho, 1 •**?!. I'oneurso. M oura-Botiroiiilloii. Coins complet de la- ryngoscopie, suivi des applications du laryngo- scope a l'etude des phenomenes de la phoiiation tt tie la deglutition. 100 pp. 8:. Paris, A. De- lahaye, 1861. ------. Traite pratique de lnryngoseopie et de rhinoseopie, suivi d'observations. 2. tirage. 198 pp. ,-' . Paris, A. Delahaye, 1837). ------. L'acte de la deglutition, son niecanisme. 6:5 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1867. ------. Anginos iiignes ou graves, origine, nature, traitenient. 68 pp. 8:. Paris, A. Delahaye, lo?0. -------. Pc-viie clinicjiie. Laryngopathies. Classi- . fication, statistique. viii, 109 pp., 1 1. 8-r I'a- ris, A. Delahaye, 1>?4. flonraill (Pierre-Alexandre). * Sur la dysente- ric' aigue. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 106, v. 232. iHoiiiao-Pitta (C.-A.) *Du climat de Mad ere et ele son intiueuce therapeutique dans le traite- nient des maladies chroniques en general et en particulier de la phthisie pulmonaire. xxx, 31- 263 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1859, No. 68. Jloiircct (Jeau-Etienne). * Sur le cancer ex- terne et, son traitement. 21 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1-'3I, No. 33. v. 238. ^IOIII'4'OH. See .TIoi-iii (A.) Hopital Sainte-Eugenie. Kapport ele la < oiuniission ihs arts insalubres. 4°. Lille. 1875. 1I«»iiI"*' (E.-J.) Manuel pratique des maladies ties fusses nasales et de la cavite uaso-pharyn- giennc. iii, 304 pp., 4 pi. 12-. Paris, O. Doin, 1>86. A/so. Editor of: Ifevnc mensuelle de laryngologie, il'otologic et ele rhiiiologie, Bordeaux, Paris. 1880. See. also, .Vlnc-lii-nzic (Morell). Traite; pratique des maladies du larynx [ete;.] 8°. Paris, 1882. .Tloill'e (J.-C-Ainedec-Pisani). * Considerations gene'iales nicdico-liygieniques et, philosophiques sur les ages. 34 pp. 4 '. Pavis, 18'34, No 241, v. 277) -. 27b. ------ A. IHiirtiii (J.-Henri). Precis de thera- peutique speeiale, ele phui'innceutiqiic et cie phiiniiacologie. viii, 6,28 pp. 12-. Paris, For- tin, Masson A Cie., 1845. illoiire (J.-Gabriel). * Des rapports de certaines uevroses, et en particulier de l'asthme, avec les polypes niuqiioux du nez et avec les stenoses nasales eu u'l-n^ral. 52 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1883. 6. s., No. 1. ^lonre (IL) *Des accidents de la paracenlese abdoininale dans l'asci'e. 46 pp. 4^. I'aris, 1873, No. 391. M) MOUKMIOX. Mom emails (Josephus*. * Diss, suiinnariiim expositioneni complectens de leoibus formatio- nis necnon actionis systematis nervosi centralis 10 pp. 4'-'. Gandavi, P. J. fan Rip-kee/iin, [18291 [Also, iu : P.. v. 959.] Also. Editor of-. J on I'll a I du tlispensaire Hahnemann de llruxellcs. 1st;* 7. See, also, lli|t|to<-rnli'M. Les aithorismes Icle] '2 v. 8°. Paris. 1864. Monret (Adolphe) [lH".n- ]. * I>,- hi, nephrite infect ii'iise consecutive a l'ostc-o pc'i ioslite. 53 pp., 1 1. 4 . Paris. L-s:!. N,,. :;p.i. ITIourot (Amand). * De la eoincitlenco de l'lie- patite ou des alu-t-s du foie avec la dysenteric, dans les pays (hands. 3d pp. -L'. I'aris, Is53, No. 52, v. 545. fflouret (J.-N.) * Sympathies inorbides entre les poumons et les infest ins. viii. 9-33 pp. 4**. Paris, \828, No. 220. v. 219. Wloiiret (Louis-Auguste). *Apcic;ii dela statis- tique nieelie aledu cantondeMontfaue-on, ch parte- ment de la Haute-Loire, suivi dc- quelques pro- positions de medeciue et de therapeutique. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, l*-35, No. 194, v. 2*7. Itloureton (Louis). * Etude stir la tuberculisa- tion des vicillards. 00 jip. 4 . Paris, 1863, No. 123. Moiwette (J.-B.) * (Quelques remarques criti- ques sur la lievre de lait. 3d pp. 4°. Paris, 187,9. No. 192, v. 034. Mourey (Jean-Francois-Labi ie■1-Jnles). * Etude snr la trepanation. 42 pp. 4*-. Paris, 1877, No. 307. Itloui-ey (S.) [1848- ]. *Des kystes de la graude lc\ re et de leur traitenient par la ligature elastiqiie. 80 pp. 4 . Paris, 1882, No. 15. ITI oil r^lie (C'li.-L.) Journal des bains de mer de Dieppe, ou recherches et observations sur Lii sage hygienique et therapeutique de l'eau de mer. Premiere livraisoii. 2 p. L, 127 pp., 1 pi. 8;-; Paris, Seignol; Dieppe, Corsange; 182'.',. [P., v. 582.] -------. Considerations geiierales sur l'utilite des bains de mer dans le traitenient cles ditt'ormites du tronc et des niembres. 8l pp., 1 ]. Paris, J.-P. Boret. 1828. TVIoui'glie ( Jacques-Augustiu ) [17:54-1818]. Plan d'une caissc de pre\ ciyane-e et de secouis juesente au conseil general de l'administratioii des hospices et secouis a domicile de Paris. 03 pp., 1 L, 7 tab. 12 . I'aris, imp. des Hospices drills, 1809. ITIoiir^iie (Paul). * Quelques mots sur la pour- riture d'bopital et sur uu nouveau mode de pan- si 'incut des plaies. till pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. (listen A' Cie., 1873, No. 07. llloill'JJIH'N (Jean-Leon). * Sur les granulations iutra-iiterines et sur leur traitenient par l'abra- sion suivie de la cauterisation. 44 pp. 4-. Paris, 1861. No. 2> 7. rtloill'ier (Auguste-). * Des effets phvsiologiqil' s et tlierapentiques des preparations d'iii-gent. 42 pp. 4 . Paris, 1871, No. 197. Itloill'ier (Fredericus Ferdiiiandus) [1804- ]. Dissertationis de iuflammatione cornea' tiaus- parentis scrofulosa pars prior. 92 pp. w . Havniee, A. Seidelln, [1>32]. J?Iourier (Henri-L.) Des causes de la steLilite chez riioinme et chez la femnie et de leur traile- nient. LUI pp. 8'-. Paris. A. Delahaye. [lM.l.l. Hon lie I" (P. P. F. ) Cm Piostitutionslovgiv- liingcn. 40 pp. 8-. Kjobenhavn, f. Thailing A Appel, 18<4. Hlouiiet (t'laude-Pierre-Etienne). *I»e la ne- phrite dile albiimineuse. 31 pp. 4J. Pavis, 1846, No. 16,8. v. 448. ^Ioui'llion (P.-M.-Lucien). * Propositions de nie'decine ct de chirurgie. 20 pp. 4". I'aris, 1835, No. 87, v. 281. MOIJKLION. 491 MOUTET. Tloiniion (Henri). * Essai sur la pathogenie dela lievre trauntatiqtie et de l'infection puru- Iente. 32 pji. 4". Paris, 18-0, No. 125. lloillioil ( Fraiieeiis-Aug.-Leandre). "* Conside- rations sur I'citiploi du ililorof'orniedansle traite- iiient elecertaines affections chirnrgicales. 29 pp. ,|o. sirashoiirg, 187,3, No. 287, 2. s., v. 19. nioiiroiivnl (J.-F.-J.) * Keeherches sur les causes de la gale, faites a l'Hopital Saint-Louis peudant les annees 1819, 1*20 et 1821. viii, 9-25 pp. 4°. Paris, 18-21, No. 130, v. 107. _____. K'ecbei'cbi's et observations sur le prurigo. vii, III pp., 1 tab. 4 . Paris, Cronllchois, 1823. -----;. The same. Failes a l'Hopital Saint-Louis ct dans les deparlemens du Pas-de-Calais et de la Soinnie. 2. e-el. x, 97 pp., 1 tab. 8\ Paris, Bailliere. 1-30. T|oill'oil\ Sll (Saint-Ange). * Considerations sur les lesions trauniatiques cavitaircs. 23 pp. 4 . Paris, 1872, No. 1(51. tloill'OUX (Charles-Felicite''). * Sur restomac, it eu pailiculier sur les gastralgies ou maladies nerveuses ele cet organe. 36 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1829, No. 11, v. 221. Hout'i-nille (J.-J.-Gustave). * De la fievre ty- phoide. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 300, v. 503. lloni'l'4'l (Francois). * De la premiere denti- tion, et des accidents qui la compliqnent. 38 pp. 4 . Paris, 1817, No. 100, v. 402. o-loill'l'liail (Emile). * Du traitenient du tra- choine conjunctival par la cauterisation. 41 pp. 4C. Paris', 1887. No. 103. \ IrToill'SOll (Joseph). * De la medication anti- scptiqiie dans la fievre typhoide, avec quelques considerations sur la nature de cette tic'vre et sin- ce! le de la forme pntride. 92 pp. 4°. Paris, 180:1, No. 2,-1. IH Oil I'M)II (J.) Etude clinique sur l'asphyxie locale des extre'iniles et sur quelques autres I rou- bles vasoinofeurs dans leurs rapports avec la lievre interniittente. 43 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ,\-Jils. 18-0. Repr.from: Arch, denied, nav., Par., 188(1, xxxiii. -----. De la lievre typhoide dans la marine et dans les pavs cliauds. Prix de medecine navale (1884). 311 pp. 8. Paris, 0. Doin, 1887,. Mouse. See Muridae. IVIoiisiiiei- (K.) See e-ipill-tiul (L.) &. ^1 on Nil ier (E.) Arseniate tl'iuitiiiioine, [etc.] 8°. Marennes, 18iL!. Itloiisnu'r-Lompre. * Quelques considera- tions sur riiygicme des canipagnes d'une partie du Limousin, vi, 7-16 pp. 4 . Paris 1832, No. 31, v. 248. Moiisiiier-Loiaipi'e (Antoine). * Delagoutte dans ses rapports avec les lesions trauniatiques. 35 pp. 4J. Paris, 1876, No. 44. IVIoiissaiid (A.) * Do la periostite phlegmo- neuse. 44 pp. I . Paris, 1872, No. 300. IrloilSKaiHl (Alexis-Aiigiistin). * Des inclusions fcetales. 08 pp. 4'->. Paris, 1861, No. 179. rtloiiSKailri (Francois-Joseph). # Quelques con- sitleialions sur rinllnence morale dans les mala- dies. 211 pp. 4■'. Paris, 1835, No. 309, v. 291. Mons^mx (L.) *Sur la tie ere searla tine. 33 pp. 8^. Paris, an X [1*02], v. 0. Iloiisso (Arthur). * Causes de la mort subife. 04 pp. 4\ Paris, 1877, No. 364. Mou**e;iiix-Laiireiit [177G-1S.)11. Drgoll. Notice necrologiciue sur Laurent. Monsseanx-. F\post- tl. trav. dc la Soc. tl. sc. mekl. dc la Moselle, Met/,, IS.-)!'. -js-:i(i. Moiism] (Modesto). * Traitement curatif de la dialIns,, sciophuleuse par 1'usage des hois sudo- riliques, des preparations mercurielles et des eaux minerales de la province de Naples. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1-35, No. 78, v. 284. ^lonssette (Paul-Custave). *|)e ralbiimiinir- rhee, consideree dans ses relations avec les ma- ladies. 38 pp. 4'. Paris, 1855, No. 310, v. Jloiissirr (Auguste). * De la faille perineale che/. riioinine. 42 pp. 4 . Paris, \866, No. 71. IHotissiBBae (J.-Felix). * Fragmens cliniques sur (iiiebjues maladies de l'literus. 3>7 jip. A . Paris, 1835, No. 155, v. 28(5. ITloussous. Ftuele historique et pratique sur le traitenient, de la syphilis. 30 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, G. Gonnouilhou, 1867. >!onssoils ( Andrea-Charles). * Contribution a retude des atrophies nnisciilaires succedant aux affections articulaircs. Recherches anafoino-pa- thologiques. 70 pp. P. Bordeaux, 1885, 7. s., No. 20. ------. The same. 00 pp., I ]. 8-■. Bordeaux, O.-L. Favvaitdfrcres, 1>S5. ------. De 3a, mort chez les phiisiqucs. 104 pp. 8°. Pavis, G. Steinheil, 1886. Itloussoiis (Louis-Dominique). * Des princi- paies alterations physiques et chimiques du sang. 4(5 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 23, v. 448. IHoiissii (Ainecb'e-Charles-Eugeiie). * De hire- section de l'articulation tarso-nietatarsienne. Nouveau procede operatoire. 18 pp., 1 ]. 40 Strasbourg, 1803, No. 718, 2. s., v. 37. de Mo 11 ssv .[1810-70]. \«'«i-oloj;i<-. Rev. d'antlirop., Par., 1872, i, lli"». ,lIonsta|>lia (Mabmoud). ,S'ec Mahraoud- Moustapha. illOllStaI'lliei* (Louis). * I. Faire l'histoire de I'linasarque symptoiiiatique, d'une modilieation dan.s le tissu de la peau, d'un obstacle ii la per- spiration cub-inee. II. [etc.] 41 pp. 4 . Paris, 1813, No 154, v. 400. rtloilMteloil ( Fmile ). * Considerations sur les hemorrhagies de la deli vranee. viii, 9-74 pp., I 1. 4 . Montpellier. 1875. No. 17. TloustOll ( Lrbain-Camille ). 'Considerations (Uniques sm- la lithotritie et la taille. 51 pp. P. Paris, 1862, No. 35. ctloiltard-.llai'till. 'Propositions sur les dif- ferences especes d'angine. 39 pp. 4 . Paris, 1896, No. 55. v. 61. TI011L11-4I-Tlni'tin (Fugc-ne). * Des accidents qui aeeoinpagiieiil le'l a blissement de la menstru- ation. De la chlorose en particulier. 07 pp. 4 . Pavis, 1810. No. 198. v. 448. ------. Memoire' sur la valeur du sulfate dc ciu- chonine dans lc traitement des intermittentes, adresse au directeur de raclministration gcnerale do l'assistance iniblie|iie a Paris. 44 pp. 4 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Afils, 1869. Repr. from: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 18G0, xxiv. ------. La pleuresie purulente et son traitenient. 203 pp. S''„ Paris, Delahaye, 1872. ^Eoutaril-.llai'tiii (Robert). * Etude sur les pleuresies heinorrhagiques, neome'inbraneuse, tu- berculeiise et ca.ncerouse. 162 pp., 1 1. 4. Pa- ris, 1878, No. 23). ——. The same. 162 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye A Cie., 1878. ------A Hicliet (Charles). Recherches experi- nientalcs sur la polyurie. 48 pp. *c. Paris, G. Mass,,,, X.1H.-1]. Repr. jr,,iw~: Arch, dc physiol. norm, et path., Far., 1881, 2. s., xiii. Uloiltef (Abel-Jereinie). *De l'ongle incarne. 29 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 601, 2. s., v. 34. ------. Memoires de meilecine et de cliirurgie. 2. s. vii. 411 pp. 8-. Paris. P. Asselin, 1861. Repr. from : Montpel. meet, 18.">!l-li4. iii-xii, passim. HoilNI (Jean-Frederic) [1821-75]. * De 1'iii- tliieiice des travaux et de renseigneiuent du pro- MOUTKT. 402 MOITII. IVIOIltl't (Ji-aii-l're;ilcric)—i-iuiliniie.l. fesscur Delpech sur le de\cloppement de la chi- rurgie. 142 pp., 1 1. 8 . Montpelliei; J. Martel Clint; 187,7,. ('oncours. ------. Examen desprincipalescoutre-indications de la lithotritie. 82 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpelliei; Boehm, 187,9. ------. The same. 3. s. 455 pp., 5 pi. 8 . Pa- ris, P. Asselin, 1872. Also. Co-Editor of: Ainn'-o medicale et sc.ientifiepie, Montpellier. Paris, 1863-6. For Biography, see Montpel. med., 1875, xxxiv 289- 2!)li. llontet (Louis). 'Recherches sur l'existeuce d'un signe caracteristiqne dans chaque fracture des niembres. 54 pp., 2 1. 4^. Montpelliei; 1879. No. 10. Woutet ( Louis-Xavier ). * Recherches et con- siderations physiologiques et medieales sur la chlorosc. 24 pp. P. Pavis, 1837, No. 239, v. 3L!. Mouth. See. also. Gums ; Jaws ; Lips; Palate ; Phar- ynx ; Tongue; Tonsils. Dennis (.1. M.) The mouth and teeth iu health aud disease. 8C. London, 1884. FF.n.nsTKix ( AV. ) * Die Muskulatur der Mundspalfe beim Menschen. 8°. Bern, 1878. ("Sheen (S. F.) The mouth. 10-"'. Manippay, 1877. Tamil text. Kaiimki. (J.) " Feber die Resorption iu der Mtmdholile. 8r Dovpat, 1873. Also [Abstr.], in: Deutsches Arch, f kliu. Med., Leipz., 187:1-1, xii, 406-480. Lecluse. Nouveaux elemens d'odontologie, contenant l'anatomie de la bouche, ou la de- scription de toutes les parties qui la composent, et, ele leur usage*, et la pratique* abregee du dentiste, avec plusieurs observations. 12c. Pa- vis, 1754. Lowe (L.) Beitriige zur Anatomie der Nase und Mundhohle. 2. Aufl. 4°. Leipzig, 18*3. Schmidt (F. T.) Det follikuliere kjertelviev i Mundhnlens og Svielgets Slimhinde hos Men- neskef. og Patteclyrene. s--. Kjobeithavii, 1862. Sevekix ( F. ) * Untersuchiiugeu iiber das Mundepithel bei Siiugethieren, mit, Bezug auf Verhoriiung. Regeneration uud Art der Nerveu- endigung. 8°. Kiel, 1885. Also [Alistr.l, in: Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonu, 1885-6, XXvi, 81-88, 1 pi. Watt (J. J.) Anatomico-chirurgical views of the nose, month, larynx, and fauces, fol. London, 1869. Aeliy (C.> Die Muskulatur der inenschlichen Mund- spalte. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Iionn. 18711, xvi, 651-GG4. 1 pi — Bi'iiiiii*«aril (H.i Appareil buccal ties insectes de la nihil des vesicants. Compt. rend. Soc. tie Idol., Par., I8s::.7.s.,iv. 2U4-2IH;. — Dwiglit (T.) A newelemonstration of the cavities of the mouth, nose, and pharynx. Boston M. \- S. .!.. 1883. t-.ix. 244—Epstein (A.) Zur Hygiene tier Mundlieihle neugeboreiier Kinder. Arch. f. Kinderh Stuttg.. 1883-4, v, 292-304.— «n bier [et al.]. Bouche'. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. med.. Par., 1869, i, 1 77-207. — IIalumni ((.).' Die Munilaiine der Rhizostomen und ihre Anhangs- organe. .fenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw.. Jena, 1881, n. F., viii, 24:!-28."i. :', pi — Hit iW.i Vogelschiiabel und Sii.....e Ihier Lippe. I'ort-ehr. tl. Med.. Berl., 1885, iii. -192-494 — Kolli^er. le-iiiage zur Anatomie tier Mundhi'dih-. Verliiinill. tl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., ls.'il. ii 169 — I,:iii;ci (C.) Leber den Miiscnlus orbicularis oris! Metl. Jahrb.. Wien. 1861. i, 87-91.—.Ilajjilot (K.i Kind.- ilanatoinie topographique et chirurgicale sur la bouche. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. metl. Par 1876, x, 17s-211. — \a> lor (J.) Kesominee of the mouth cavitv. Nature. Loud., 1881, xxiv, 100; 126.— Pclil. De epiehpies-uiies des fonc- tious de la bouche. [From . Hist. d. mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par.. 171."> 1 Collect, acad. d. mem., etc.. Par., i770, iv. i:;u-439.— Itappin. Micro -organisnies tie la cavite liiiccal.- il,s animaux. Gaz. metl. de Nantes, 1886-7. v, 139 —Ki'iclK'l (P.) Beitrag zur Morphologic der Mund- bohleudriisen der Wirbelthiere. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., VI out Si. lss-2. viii, 1-72, 1 pi. — Ke\ (II.) Kin Beit rag zur Kenntniss der Muskulatur der Munilspalte der A Hen. Ibid lhhli-7 xii. 275-286, 1 pi. — Wlii. < ileal contrac tion of the mouth following caneruin oris. Tr. I'ath. Sot Loud., 1846-8. i, ss._ Itlaiicltim i»tei'. Feliler tier ersteu Bildung in der Mundlieihle an einem Xcugi bnretii'ii. Ztschr f. Med.. Chir. u. Geburtsh . Le ip/, . 1868. n. F, vii, 519-521.—Rondi. Eigenthiinilielie Ncigung zm Verwach- sung des Mundes. J. cl. Chic. u. Augenh , I'erl., ISi'a, vii, 473-477 — RiiclineruM (A. E.) Inl'ans ore clauso et con- eietonatus. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 17:10. ii, 210- 217—Cavlcy (H.) Case of atresia oris. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1S72. vii. 184. —Harlan (G C.) A caseof con- genital tleftirinit.v of the mouth. Sled. Times. Phila.. 1870-71. i 4til. — Ilarl ((.'. A.) Excessive contraction of the mouth following scarlet fever: relieved bv a new operation. N. York M. J., 1867. v, 499-.",03.—lleyfV-Mer. Yt rtngei ung ties Mundes in Folge von Ptvalisnius inei-cu- i ialis. A rcb. f. physiol. Heilk.. Stuttg-.. 1845, iv. 600-602 - itl. Metotlo opera'toiio del doctor ('reus para ctun'^it la oelusiou bucal, debida ii cicatrices de la mucosa j;iiij;ival Antiteatro anat., Madrid, 1878, vi, 28— ITIoi'^.-iii (./. II j Case of contracted mouth operated upon since ssfullv. Med. Press tfc Circ., Lond., 1809. viii, 159. ------. Two eases of congenital macrosttuna. ai couipanietl by malfor- mation of the auricles and bv the presence of auricular appendages. Med. Times n cancer of the mouth, tongue, and alimentary tract, their pathology, svinptouis, diagnosis, and treatment. S-. Lon- don. 188.;. Os'iiaiM (II. I) Epithelioma of the mouth. 1-2". Acte lock; 1887,. Vllnili i V ) Kslirpazioue tli un epiteliom t della c.a\ila th-lla bocea. Spallanzani, Moilena, 1881.-J. s., x, 72- 77. — Halter (M ) Three cases of epithelioma of the lomuie, and limn of the mouth. Lancet. Loud., 1884. ii, 732.1— Ba»*ini (E.) Al pavimento della bocca e parte ant, i ion- dell.i lingua; 1 caso (canero). In his: Cliu. nperat., 8°, Genova, 1878, f>3-6D. — Iteili (A.) Asporta- zione tli un epitelioina al pas inieitto tlella bocca. Spallan- zani, Moilena, 1880, 2. a., ix, 186-189 ■— It irlcell. Caseof epithelioma of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Lan- cet, Lond.. 1863, i .179 — Ulaclie iR.) Epithelioma de la langneet du planchenle la bout-lie; resection du maxillaire iiiferieur. Bull. Soc. anat, tie Par., fsii.l, xl, 175-177.— ItoiiiNMon. Du cancel- buccal chez les fumcurs. Mont- pel. med., 18.19, ii, 539: iii, 19. Also ( Abstr. | : .1. de chim. rued., etc., Par , 1860, 4. a., vi, 5().1-.1i',9. —C'aneei- of tongue and mouth; resume of 76 cases for lite I years 1882, 1883, 1881. and 1885. Middlesex Hosp. Pep. 188.1, Lond., 1887, Uil-170.—Cam-t-r of the tongue and mouth. [23 cases.) Ibid., 171-184. — C'arriiiom des Muiidbodeus. [Case] Jahresb. ii. '1. chir. A lull. (1. Spit, zu Basel (1883), 18,84, 21— i'ai-i-iHoiii des MimiiII.oiI, ns uud cles Lnterkiefers. [Case.] Ibid., J.1 '7 *'a«l«x (A.) I les tumeurs ma- lignis de l'arriere-bouche tclinii|iie et intervention chirur- gicale). Rev. tie chir.. Par., lssti, \i, 44; 130. — < lienan- Ini*. lipithelitune pavinienteux lobule ele la commissure luictaile. Bull. Soc. anat, de Nantes 1879, Par., 1880, iii, liii— t'lai'Ur (W. V.) Tubercular lupus of tongue, palate, and gums. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1875-6, xxvii, 148.— l)oii£lnM« if.) Cases of disease of the. mucous mem- brane'. South. M. & S. J , Augusta. 18.18. n. s., xiv, 741- 717. — l'>.) Do canero scorbu- tico e.justpie tlill'erciiliis a canero carciuoinatoso. Ill liis: (l|insc. plivs. t'hein. et mod., 12°. Duisburgi ad Khenuni, 1797, ii, 1-8.7. — ,VI a I herl><-. Cancroid c ch- la bouche; (e'-pi- theliome lobule). Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1880, Par., 1881, iv, 78-80.— Moore. Cancer in the floor of the mouth and in the subjacent lymphatic glands; treatment by the ligature of the lingual artery and division of the gus- tatory nerve, and by injections of acetic; acid. Med. Times A(la/.., Loud., 1866, ii. 444. — I*ai-iiienlM'r. [Tumeur I'pitheliale du planeher de la bouche.] Bull. Soc. anat, de Par.. 18.14, xxix,''204-2U7. —Paul (J.) Removal of a can- cerous tumor from below the tongue. Kdinb. M. J., 18.78-9, iv, 200-204. — Polaillon. Kpil helioma de lauivgelale, du voile du palais et eh- la base de la laiigue; ligatures primi- tives de, la liugualo gauche ct de la eurotide primitive dioite; ablation de la masse niorbido avec 1'ansc, galvaniepio et h; thennoeautfere; beniiplegie consecutive a gauche; recidive ilu oane-er: mort ]iar hemorrhagic foudroyaiitc un mois ct demi apres I'operation. (iaz. med. dc Par., 1885, 7. s.. ii, 3-6.------. ('uchpics reflexions sur les largos abla- tions de cancers de la bouche, tic risthme du gosier et tin pharynx. Bull, ct mem. Sue tie chir. tie Par., 1886, n. s., xii, 576-583. Also.- (iaz. med. tie Par., 1886, 7. s., iii, 337; 349; 361— Piewill. Epithelioma of the mouth.' St. Louis Cour. Med., 1882, vii, 4.19.- Kicliaril. Sur quel- tpies cas tie cancer de la cavite'- buccale. Bull. Soc. de e-hir. do Par., 1857-8. viii, 213-215. —Kiclicl. Cancer du planeher buccal. Ibid. (I860), 1861, 2. s., i, 430-436.— Konx fils. Du cancer sublingual. (Jaz. d. hop., Par., 1818 xxxi, 1.14— N«|>|>ill ■ |C,.| Canero della retro-bocca con diffusione alia fossa media sinistra del cranio ed atrofia, delle cellule del gauglio cervicale superiore sinistro del simpatico. Anh. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1886, xxiii, 183-192. — Npent-c. Sublingual cancroid ulcer; opointioii. iiriivi-n. Lancet. LontL, 1875, i, 8.18.—Ver- ■it-iiil. l>i\ei.M's formes de caiicroides de la bouche; gonnnes peri-articulaires; goinmes de la parotide. J. de merl. et chir. prat., Par., ls7G, xlvii, 396-400. ------. fipi- MOUTH. Tlo li Ui (Cancer of). th61ioma buccal; glycosurit* recounue a 1'avance et rapide- ment dissipee par le traitement ; operation ; point d'acci- deuts traumatism's loeaux ni gciieiaux ; mort 7.7 hemes apies, par la pneuinonie et coma diabctiepie. Bull, et mem. Soc. ele chir. dc Pa>.. 18.-4 n. s, x, 379-390.—\»>i*>, (T.) Cancer du planeher buccal et ele la langue; section du maxillaire par le. precede tie Setlillot; guerison. //( his: Mem. sur epieltpies cas de chir., 8°, Nancy, 1883, 80-90. VI oil 111 (Diseases of). See; also, Aphthae; Dentistry; Glass-blow ing, et-.; Gums (Diseases of); Jaws (Diseases of); Mercury ( Toxicology of, etc.); Mouth (Gangrene of); Mouth (Inflammation, etc., of); Palate (Diseases of); Psoriasis (Buccal); Ra nula; Salivation; Teeth, Tongue, Uvula, Dis- eases of. Ai.iskkcht (E.) Klinik der Muiielkrankheiten. Lister Beiiehf, ls.Vi-liO. ST. Berlin, 1862. Bl.-vchk (M.-J.-G.) * Recherches sur une pio- ductiou particiilieie* tie la membrane niuqiieuse de la bouche qui se manifesto dans les derniers temps lies nialatlies cliroiiiques. 1 . Paris. 18-24. Boux (H.) Die Muiidkrankheiteii der Kinder. S . Leipzig. 1866. Bkaxdt (.1. T.) * Dc lepra* iu 111en1brn.ua f'au- ciuin, milium, nee non oris mucosa obviie diag- nosi. ("Dorpat. ] s°. Riga; 1827,. Biiksslkij (II ) Die Krankheiten der Nasen- uud Miindhcililc, der Ziihiie und des Gesichts, nach Desch,unns, t'loquet, Weinhohl, [etc.] s°. Berlin, \849. Cait (G.) Sulla patologia, terapia ed igiene del vestibolo della hocca e dei cle-nti. s-. A«- poli, 1*8 \. Ciikc isiiofp (I. I.) Polnii zubo-vraeliebnii kurs. Cliast pervaja: Gist.ologija, anatomija i fiziologija zubov i polosti rt,a. [Complete inoilico-dental course. Part I. Histology, anat- omy, and physiology of the teeth and cavity of mouth.] H '. St. Petersburg, ls<>. Lours (.1. O.) Deformities of the mouth, con- genital and acquired, with their mechanical treatment, 2. eel. ST. London, l"7i). ------. The same. 3. ed. s . London, 188\. DaLIBOX. Hygiene des dents el des gencives id conseils pour guerir soi-menie tcuitcs les mala- dies de la bouche. ,-r. [Penis, u. d.1 Dcbinski (T.) * Bismiitnii clifterite polosti rta. [Effects of bismuth on mouth.] so,- £,, Petersburg, ISj',1. Fokkstus Alcmariaiiiis (P.) De a'gritudini- bus labioriini, giiigivaiuin, dentiuin, oris ac lino me. In his: Obs. et curat, med. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1591, xiv, 307-501. GaRIOT (J.-B.) Traite* des maladies de la bouche, d'apres l'etat actuel des connaissa.uces en merle-cine et en chirurgie, qui coniprond la structure et les fonctious de la lioiicho, l'histoire de ses maladies, les moyens (Ten conserver la sante et la bcaute, et les operations parlicu- lieres a Part du dentistc. H°. Paris, 1 -~0.,. ------ The same. Treatise on the diseases of the mouth, [etc.] Transl. by J. B. Savior. 8°.. Baltimore, 1843. Helmkamppf (H.) Diagnose uud Therapie der Erki-ankungeii des Mundes und Raehens sowie der Krankheiten der Ziiline*. ,s \ Stutt- gart, 1886. Hecrxics (J.) De morbis oeuloruin, auiinin, nasi, dentiuin et, oris, liber. Edit.us post mor- tem auctoris ab ejus tilio Olhone lleurnio. -1J. [Lugd. Bett.f 1608. ------. The same. 4' . Lngel. Hat., 1698. JouiliiAix-Bi-'.KCHiLLKT (A.-L.-B.) A treatise ou tlie diseases and surgical operations of the mouth, and parts adjacent; with notes of inter- MOl'TII. 494 MOUTfT. Jl oil tli (Diseases of). esting cases, ancient and modern. Transl. from the French. 8 . Baltimore, 1*49. ------. The same. Transl. from the last l-'rench ed. •*- . Philadelphia, ls.il. Malieki'i. (P.-L.) * Etudes sur le diagnostic dilfere'.itiel de quelques maladies de la peau qui peuvent affecter la niuqiieuse buccale. (Ec/.e- ma, impetigo, pemphigus, psoriasis.) 4°. Pa- ris, is; 17. Mayxard (P.-F.) * Des maladies de la niu- qiieuse buccale chez les enfants a la maniclle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1847). Meibom (H. J.) Gegriindetes Bedencken iiber einen Gestanck aus dem Mundo, benebst der lTn- tersnehung und Wiederlegung des darin betind- lie-hen Visi reperti. Mit Aiimerckungeii von Paul Gottlieb Werlliof. 4°. Franckfurt u. Leipzig, 1743. v Lidt om Mundsvgen og dens Over- forelse paa Meiineskir. [Diseases of the mouth and 1 heir treatment.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1870, xiii. 37.— A r- kovy (J.) Das Papillom in der Mundlieihle. Post. med.-chir. Presse, I'.iidapest, 1878. xiv. 020- !):i0. — Id'. nMill (P.) Le psoriasis buccal (tie l'azin) observe et traite aux eaux minerales de Saint-Chrislau. Mem. et bull. Soc. de metl. et, chir. de Bordeaux (1885), 1880, 258-312. — Riei'haii in (J.) Krankheiten des Mundes imd Schlundes. J. f. Kinderkr., Krlang.. 1857. xxviii, 297- 309,-Kolni (II ) Zur (IcNehichte tier Mundkrankheilen. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1807. xix. 13'i-138. -----. Die Mundkrankheiten. Hanilb. it. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), tii- bing., 1870, iv 2. Abth., 3-128.—Konlciiavc. Maladies de rinterieur de la bouche: I. ExiToissanee. fongueuse des gencives. [6 obs ] TL Sur la gangrene seorbutiepie cles gencives dans les enfaus. [Par feu M. Bert he. | III. Sill- ies effets rupides dt* la pourriture aux gencives. [Par M. Capilcville.] IV. Sur des tumeurs sublinguales. V. De la rescission des amygdales tiimetiees. [Hi obs. | Mini. Acad. roy. do chir., I'ar., 1771, v. 272-485, 2 ph —Koyci- \ Kou.x. Prolapsus tie la membrane mucpieuse laliiale; , oonsideratioiies gcnerales. (la/., il. hop., Par.. 1828-!). i, 31. — Krocrs (II. J.) Over enkele aaudcicuiugen van I iiinuel eu kecTholte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heed en Vorlosk., , Ltrccht. lsiil. xiv, 278; 327, lpl. Also, Reprint,—Ku»eh. I Hie I'oliklinik fiir Zahn- und Mundki-aiiklieiten in tlem neu begriinileten zaluiiirztlichen Institut an der Universita! Berlin. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi. 407; 12:.;.—t'aponott© (A.) Malattie della faccia, naso, bocca, faiici; casi :!2. Ossei vatore, Torino, lss:i. xi\ 241; 257.— I'olicn (,L S.) Diseases of the mouth and tongue. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1885, ii, 321-378.— C'or- ■nack (E. A.) The mucous membrane of the mouth, wiih special reference to its physiology and pathology, and I lie part plaved bv its secretions in the product inn of dental caries. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond.. 1880, xxix, 480: 535: 577.— l>iMfase» of the mouth. St, Louis Cour. Metl.. 18711, ii, 5(13. — i:|i>leiu (A 1 Zur Aetiologie einiger Mundkiank- heiten und zur llvgione der Miindhdhle bei ncug'-borenen Kindern. Prag.' med. AVchnschr., Is8i, ix, 121: 1.55.— I'"i>clil (R.) Statistiscber Beitrag zur Frage der Prophy- laxis dei- Mundkraukheiten des Sauglings. Ibid., 1886, I VI oil 111 (Diseases of). xi, 38!l-3!l2. — Frerierieq (A.) Du chlorate de potasse dans les all'ee tions malignis tie la bouche. Anil. Soc ineil d'emulat, tie la l-'lainlre oe. ni.. l'oiilers, 1848. ii. 244-247 I reimiicil (II ) Zur Casni-iik der I.eukopl.iki,.. si Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 4— 4»Iu«<;om (W. ('.) A case of leiicoplakia buecalis; rccnver\™ \ York M. athologitpie ethi nature tin psoriasis lingual. Bull. Stic. anat. tie Par.. Isk.i. lviii, 485-488. ------. Keeherches sui la nature ct l'anato- mie pathologitpie de la leucoplasie buccale (psoriasis buc- cal). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 1747-174!). Also: J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1887, 3. s., ix, 234. -----. Keeherches sur l'anatoniie pathologhpio et la nature de la lc"icoplasie buccale (psoriasis buccal). Arch, de physiol. norm, ct path.. Par., 1887, 3. s , x. Stj-100, 2 pi.— Lullier ill.) Ueber cine eigenthiimliche Krankheit der Mmid holde. J. d. pract. Heilk, Bei I., 184u. xc, St, 1, 110.— iVIacigresgor (A. P.) On the value of boric: acid iu vail ous conditions of the moulh. Bril. M. J., Lond., 188(1, ii, ii::.— Miller. Die Anwcutlbarkeit einiger Autiseplika bei tier Bchaiiilluiig dor Krankheiten der Mundhohle untl tier Ziihne. Deutsche iced. Wchnschr.. Berk, 1885, xi, 55:2-551.—Mitchell (J.K.) Lncephaloitl disease of the mouth. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (18s:S-5), 1880, xii. 03-00.— .Morrow (P. A.) Kt ratosis folliculai is, associated with lissuring of the tongue ami leukoplakia buecalis. J. Cu- tan. *. Ven. Dis., N. V., lsso. iv, 257-205. Also [Abslr.] Metl. Let-.. N. Y., 1880, x\\. 3of. Also |AhMr.]: Metl. Xi'ws. Phila ,1886, xlix, 205. A /-.<. | Abstr. ]: .1. Am. M. Ass Chicago, 1886, vii. 302— ,»l iinli«. Zur Pathologie, tier Miinilscbleimbaut, Ztschr. tl. k k. C.esellMch. (1. Aerzte zu AV ien. 1852. i, 28 48 _I>en»a . Beobachtungen iiber eine- eigne Krankheit cles Mundi s Allg. med. Ann., Leipz... 1820. 1565-1571. — Kn«»ell (J. W.) Treatment, of diseases of the month. 1 mb [i'iitl Pract., X. Y. 1884. v, 408- 414. — *« li i :i U:nii|>. Zur Ditl'eienlialiliagnose cl. r F.rkiankuiigen th-r Miimlliiihle. Deutselu' metl. Wchnschr.. Leipz., 1887, xiii. 802-804.— Nervaes. Leber eine tin 4 Fallen beobachtele) neural- gische Affection d< s Zahuflcisches der Zunge nnd des harten (taumens. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat.. etc., Berk. < 1871-2. xxviii, 3:i5-337. — Sinilli (J. S.) Oral disease ami caseous phthisis, iled. i Surg Reporter. Phila., 1886, lv, 422.—Nomina (L.) Su alcune malattie della bocca pocn note nella prima infanzia. (Jior. internaz. tl. sc. med.. Na- poli, 1882, n. 8.. iv, 1107-1211 —N«|iiai-e> (C. E.) lliseas, i ot'themoiith. Syst. Med. i I'cvnohlsi. Lond.. 1871, iii, 3-20.— Slai-hnc k (W'. C.) The possibilities ot hereditary trans missions of oral lesions. Iiub pend. Pract.. X. Y., 1884 \. 483-487. — Thomas (L.) Tiaitement ties varices th- la bouche. du pharynx et du larynx, ('ong.internat.de lai \_n gol. 1880, Milan.' 1882. i, 235-237. —Traiitmaini sen. I e- ber die Heilkraft der Herba Agi imemiie iu Krankheiieti der Munel- und Schliiiulluihlc. Siiinm. d. Neue.-t. u W is-ens wiird. a. cl. ges. Med., Leipz... 1827. v, 10-21 —% o"i«l (A.) Kraiikhciten der l.ippen und tier Mundlieihle llandb. d. spec. Path. tZieinsseu). Leipz., 1874, vii. 1. SI.. 1-11«. Also, trun.l . Cycl. Pract. M. (Zicmsseit), X. A*., 1870. vi, 733- 800,-\Verlheim. Li-ber die hiiutige Verweeh-liing >on (Tilorkalium und chlorsaurem Kali, in Lbsungen als Mund wasser verwendet. Ber. d. k. k. K*rankenanst. Iiudeilph- Sfiftuug in Wien (1881), 1882, 261. Also: Mud. Jahrb.. Wien, 1882, 7. MOI TIT. 495 mo nil. Tl oil til (Diseases of) in pregnancy. See Mouth (Inflammation of) in pregnancy. Tloiilli (I'J.iploraliem and seineiology of). Stc, also, Auscultation of mouth; Tongue (Setneiologii of). Bui i'K (.l.jjiin. J>us Stoniulciseeip zur Dnrcli- leuelitunK (lev Ziilnie und ihrer Nachbartheile (lurch o:ilviiiiisclies Gliililiclit. Nelisf eineni An- li:in«j, (Ins Sloinatoscup zur Krlouehtung (les La- cliciii'aiune.s zu licnutzeu. 8°. Breslau, 1 ,**•(>"). Dimky(N.-A.) * Sciuoiologie dc la civite buc- cale. 4 '. Paris, 184*. Ha htm ann (A. .1.) De stoma teiseopia medica. 1°. litemlie.rga; [l?H(i]. Lakfin (.1.) * Contribution a l'histoire de la semeicilooie Iniccale. Etude; lies arcades alveolo- ilentaiies. 4°. Paris, 1876. ZlMMKIIMANN (J. C. 1'.) * I »c OIC lit sigllO. sm. 1 . Halce Magdeb., [177)2]. Ailelinaini (C. K. B.) Atlclinanns Mundspiegel. Beitr. z. Ilcilk.. K'iga. I85:i. ii. 1 pi. opposite p. 42. - |Cha»*ai- i Sfiiai-.j Nnu\ can speculum oris. Ua/.. d hb|i., Bar, 1853, xxvi, 401.—Fleiniiiy (A.) Note on t,he mouth speculum. Month. J. M. Sc-,, Lond. \-. Kdinb., 1848-0, ix, 171.—Cia- lipiie. Note sur I'examen de. la bouche et do I'apparcil ileiilaire dans les ctablisseineuts eonsacres a l'insl ruction puhlii|iie. Kev. d'hvg., I'ar., 188,1. v, ss:i-0i>7.—liJooiltvil- lie(D. II.) Oral speculum. Med. Kit-,., X. V., 1884. xxv, 278.—Rubier (A.) [Bouche. | Seineiulogie,. Diet, encvcl. tl. sc. med.. Bar.. 1800. x, 211-240. — KlopM'h. Ueber das Stomatoskop von Julius Bruck juu., und elie Verweneluiig ihs galvanisclieii Gliililicht's zu diagnosiischcii Zweckeir Wien. med. Wclmsehi'.. 1800, xvi, 108-110.— tl a^ilol. Instructions relatives ii I examen de la bouche el des dents daus les ecoles. Ann. d'hyg.. I'ar., 1885. 3.8., xi\. :ion -:i77. Also: Lev. d'hvg., Par.. 18S5, vii, 558-571.—llalhien. Speculum de la bouche. [Rap. tie Bicortl | Bull. Acad. di* metl., Par., 1850-51, xvi, 434-436. —Priee (P. C.) On a convenient instrument for examining the base ol' i lie tongue aud epiglottis. Lancet, Loud., 1850, ii, 013. — Kliotlc* ( W. A.) The mouth in the insane. J. Brit. Dent. Ass. Lond. 1881, v, 413-415.—Ko»er. Leber .lie Anwoiiduug eiues zwviklappigeu Muuils|>iegcl.s bei Kindern. Ar.-h. f. phy- siol. Heilk., Stutlg. 1*10, v. 87.—.Sreinaiin. Bin neues Miiudspeciilum. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr . Berl., 1881 vii, 387— Mini lit (.J.) On a speculum adapted for employ- ment dining operations ou the mouth, unler eh'loittl'.irm. j Mouih. .1. iM. Se., Lond. **. Ktliub., 1854, xviii, 333-335.— *|Min;lri'. Zur Cntersucliuug tier Mund- uud Baehen- litilde. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc.. Berl.. 181ii), xviii. 550- 558— Vollmar (K ) Kin Muudspiogel. Ztschr. f. Wund- iii-zte u. Gebiiitsh., Stuttg., 1851, iv, 314-318, tigs. 1-9.— Vales (U.) Speculum oris. Med.-Chir. Lev., Loud., 1813, xxxix, 570. Iflouth ((longrene of). See, also, Measles (Complications, etc., of); Mercury ( Toxicology of, ele-.); Noma. liLeiNDE.vc.x; (E.-J.) Do la stomatite ulce"- reuse des enfants et de la necrose du maxillaire dans cette affection. 4 . Paris, Mil. van Hi crex (li.) * UcHloniacace. ,- . Gro- ningie, l-.ill. Cokihikn (IL-F.) ' Lss.-ii sur Ja o.-ino-rene de la bouche des enfaus. 4-. Paris, \8.\o.' Havonnkau (fi.) De la o-;iii»-iviu* de la bouche chez les enfans. 4°. Paris, H.Y>. Dubois (N.) * Dissertation snr une oanore'iie, de la bouche, pai-ficiiliere aux euf'ans, prt'cc'dee de la eli'linition et, de la division de la oani-rene en o-t'-iieral. 4 '. Paris. 1 .-*.>:{. Mahikcx (s.-L.) *j),., la crantrrctne de la lioiiche cliez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 187,7,. Tockdks (.1.) --■ Du noma, ou du sphacc-le de la bouclic chez les enfants. 4°. Strasbourg, Aihim* | ,\. L.) ,\ case of idiopathic* "an "iciioiis .sto- matitis. Kdinb. M. ,L. 1802-3, viii, 15'.—Amh-rtoii (IL M.) Keport of two cases of gaugrona oris. Memphis M. Kecordor, 1855, ni, 169-171—A mler*oii (K. S.) Two cases of cane-rum oris. Med. Arch., St, Louis, 1800, iii, 483-480. -----. (iangrenous stomatitis. llistorv of two cases. Ibid.. 591.505 —ltaiiihrie-< ampt. Observations sur hi gangrene huinide el scorbutiquo ties gencives. J. tie med.. chir., pharm . etc.. Par., 1803, vi, 114-121. — I)c*lree.<«. Observation dune gangrene de la bouche, suite trune entente. J. geu. de med.. chir. ct pliarm., Par., 1821, lxxv, 303-311. — l»ow»e (T. S.) Clin- ical and pathological notes ou ulcerative stomatitis (noma), gangrenous stomatitis (caucrum oris), and the clinical re- semblance of the latter to malignant pustule, or charhou. Med. Exam.. Lond., 1877. ii, 45-48.— Orew (J.) A report of two cases of sloughing puageda?nu. Lancet. Lond., 1850, i, 206-208.—Ouilart (G) Observation de stomatile gangreueuse avec net rose ih toute la bran che horizontal gauche du maxillaire iulerieur. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Au- MOITTII. 40(1 MOUTH. .Hon I li (Gangrene of). vers. 185D. xi, 123-128. —IJnkc (B. F.) Cancruni oris. South. M. Ki-e, Atlauta, 1881, xi, 451.— Kmicaii (J. F.) On the administration of mercurv in cases of eancrtuii oris. Dublin mi. A paper on cancruni oris. Brit. M. J., Loml., 1800, i, 248— Godclicr. Gangrene de la bouche localisee au niveau do la 2""- gro-.se moiaire in- ferieure gauche; invasion rapide dun etat adyuamicpie, ties-grave; mort; septicemic. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 437.—Oray (J.) Cancruni oris. Glasgow M. J., 1856-7, [2. a.], iv, 10-21.—l.nerscnt. Stoinatites cuuen- nc-uses; terminaison i»ar gangrene; autopsie. Clinique, Par., 1830. ii, 123-125. Ci iiibi-rt (T.) Meinoire sur la gangrene ete la bouche chez les eufans. .1. comid. tin diet, tl. sc. med., Bar., 1820, xxxiv, 311-340. — Hall (M.) Ou a peculiar species of gangrenous ulcer, which affects the face in children. Edinb. M. & S J., 1819, xv, 547- 553. ------. Case of phagedena oris on which an in ipiisl was held. Lancet. Loud., 1839-40, i, 400.—Ilal- lopean ( II. / A Tnllirr. Note sur un cas d'herpfes phhctenoidi) ele la face avec gangrene (les luuepieus'S buccale et pharyngt-e, Uniou med., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 005-071. — Harris (C. A.) Ulceration of the gums ami exfoliation of the alveolar processes of children re- sulting from general elebilirY or defective nutrition. Ma- ryland M. Ac S. J., Bait., 1810, i, 424-429. — Heath (('.) Cancruni oris; spread of the clisea.se; absence of micro- organisms in the blood; autopsy. Med. Times tfc Ga/.., Lond., 1884, i, 661-603. — Hcmpslead (G. S. B.) Erosion al the face. Boston M. tfc S. .J., 183(1-31. iii, pt. 1, 30-33.— Hen^sl (I). A.) A case of gangrena oris. Mod. A. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1883. xlviii, 33.—Hernie. Fall einer ge- lunge-nen Heilung tics Wusserkrebses tier Kinder Arch. f. med. Erfahr.. Berl., 1830, ii, 507-577. — Iliivt/, De la. gangrene de la bouthe chez les enfants. J. de med., Bar., 1840. iv, 44-10. —Holmes. Portion of tbejaw -bones, which exfoliated in a case of caucrum oris, perforating the cheek. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1802-3. xiv, 225-227—Honerl. Line Gangra'iia oiis, nuseheiuend abgewendet durch die Dar reichung gn'eiserer Mengen eines feurigeii Weines. Dent sche Klinik, Berl., 1867, xix, 326.—Howard (G. C.) On calomel in gangrenopsis. Boston M. & S. -L, 1835, xii. 411- 413.—Howe (.1. J.) Reinaiks on an ulceration of the mouth, of a peculiar character, as it occurs in tin New York Alms-Himse. Med. Bepositorv. X. Y., 1821, n. s , vi, 314-311.—Hubbard (C ) Erosion'of the face, Boston M. & S. J., 1830-31, iii, pt. 1, 12-14. —Hubcr. Leber deu mikroskopischen Befund bei Stomacace. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1884, xxxi, 67.— Hunt (H.) Beinarks on e in cruin oris, and the Gangrenous erosion of the cheek of Mr. Dease and Dr. Underwood, and more' particularly ou the efficacy of the chlorate of potash in the treatment of, those diseases. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1843, xxvi, 142-153. '■-----.. Remarques sur l'uleere gangreueux ele la bouche "Aw/, les enfants (canorum oris), et sur roffieacite du chlcnate de potasse clans le traitement de cette maladie. Hew me.d.- ehir. ele Par., 1847, i, 4-0.—In--als (K. F.) f Metl. Exam., Chicago. 1872, xiii, 133.—Jackson (S.) Ou the gangre nopsis or gangrenous erosion of the check. Am. M. Be- e-order. I'hila., 1827. xii, 66-96.—.lobert. Perforation com- pleted!* la jouo a la suite d'une- gangrene; genioplastie; gueiison. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1853, xxvi, 275—.In ver a (R.) Breves reflexiones sobre la gangren i de la boca. Observador med., Me.yico, 1874-0, iii, 311.—ICciller (A.) Communication ou cancruni oris, or noma,; cases in which recovery bail taken place after extfoliation and sloughing of considerable portions of the .jaw and cheek. Month. J. M. Sc.. Loud. A Etlinb., 1848, viii. 888. ------. On cancruni oris. Etlinb. M. J., 1861-2, vii, 919-034. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang . 1862, xxxix. 22-38— !v ill recipe (0. S ) Paper ou caucrum mis. West. Lancet, Sau Bran., 1872-3, i, 141-140. —Krasin. K vopr. ob etiologii gan- gren tsheki inoma). Vrach. Vaidom . St. Petersb., 18X0, v, 1945-1947. Also, transl. : France med. Par., lssi, xxviii, 657-661 —liiilin (E.) Fall von Miindlaule und schnelle Heiluug derselben nach Anwendung der Iodine. Siuni*. I Houlli (Gangrene of). d. Neucst. u. "Wissenswiird. a. tl. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835 iii, 97-99. — Laiiyoii (B.) On phageda-na oris. Lancet Lond., 1839-40, i, 703 — l.uyailiei ie. De la gangiene tie la bouche avec necrose lies os maxillairts. ,1. i\v nied. chir. el Pharmacol., Brux., 1844, ii, 53-511. — I.a » i|. ('nn! grime tie la bouche; traitement par la, creosote camphrec" guerison. Bull. gen. ele therap., etc., I'ar., 1867, Ixxiii, 412- 414. — Ijeveille. Observation sur une gangiene do hi face developpce chez un adulte-, et semblablc a celle cpi'tu'i (lit etre particulit're aux enfaus. Bull, lae tie med tie Bar., 1810, vi, 443-446.—.Tlaeynire (C. J.) Bismuth as a specific for cancruni oris. Med Bee., N. V., 1883, xxiii 113-117— Tlalecol tfc llnel. Gangrene ib- la bouche; autopsie; estomao bilobe avec ulcere rontl de sa face pos- lerieure; lame ele verre enkvstee dans le |iericarde Bull Soc. anat. de Bar., 1881, lvi, 190-201.- Tlalle (I'.i c,;,,,! grene il la partie interne de la bouche*; autopsie. ]{, c. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., ls:;7, xliii, 258-271.—.?lenj;ei- (R.) IGaugrelie of the n.....th| Texas M. .V S. Rec Gal vestou, 1881, i, 98-lon. —.Tlerriinan (R. A.) Some ac- couut of affections ol the face, considered in relation to Ihc appearance of a new disease of this part, designated, bv Dr. Jackson, gangra-nnpsis. Boston M. A; S. J., 1820-30, ii, pt. 2, 758-701.—de iVIeza sen. De canero aipioso. Acta leg. Sue. med. Ilnvii. (1782-8). 1791, ii, 102-1U5. —.11 iller (J. G.) Three cases of caiicrum oris successfully treated t\ itli a saturated solution of iodine. Kansas City M. ■!.. 1873. iii, 211-214. — .Vlonligoniei-y (.I.E.) Cane rum oris. Nash- ville J. M. tfc S.. 1858. xv. 453-450.— Vloore |S. \V.| A case of mortitioati in of the cheek, in uhnh pyrolignnus acid wasemplovetl with advantage. Med. Ihposit,, N. V., 1822 n. s., vii, 237-240. — Obre (H.) Gangrene of the mniitli successfully treated by the actual cautery. Lancet, Loud., 1810, ii, 649. ------. Remarks on gangrene of the face, ami its treatment. Edinb. M. A S. J., 1844, lxi, 103-107.— Odin. Gangrene aigue de la bouche chez un ailulte; mort. Mem Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1876), 1877, xvi, 160-102. — O'diorman iP W.i Caiicrum oris in au Eu- ropean soldier; enlarged spleen; pant-real ie disease ; po.-a mortem results. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882. xvii. 14.— (I wsley (AV. T.) Case of caiicrum oris, following typhoid pneumonia, iu a boy thirteen years old. Virginia M. A. S. J., Richmond, 1856,'vii. 383-385.—Packard (G.) Case of gangrenous erosion of the face. Boston M. A,- S. J.. 1830- 31, iii, pt, 1, 337-330. — I'nst'l. Cancruni oris, conseipient on fever,- death. Metl. Times .fc Gaz.. Lond., ]sii2. ii, 253. — Parham (F. W.I A case of gaugieiuuis .stoma- titis (caucrum oris); successful!v treated bv the thermo- cautery. N. Orl. M. A- S. .]., 1880-7, n. s., xi", 211-213.— Pelaver (J.) Gangrene ties tonsilcs, tie la Incite et do la parlie interne tie la joue tlroite. Bull. Soc. med. dc la Suisse Bom., Lausanne 1871, v. 307. —Poland (A.) Pha- geebeua of tongue, gums, and lips; rapid recowrv. dux's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1850-51, 2. s, vii, 331. — Prie»lley t\V. O.) Abstract of a clinical lecture on a case of can cruin oris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 577.—Piileynal. De la stomatile gaugreneiise. Gaz. hehd. dc ined.. I'ar., 1805, 2. s., ii, 118-124." Also, Reprint, — ltee.se (W. P.) A else of gangrenous stomatitis. N. Orl. M. AT- S. J., 185(1- 51, vii, 40.— Itendil. Stoinatite ulccro niembraniiisc ter- minee par gangiene; necrose des os maxillairts supe rieur et inferieur (inconiplt''tc) ; nephrite catai rhalc; au- topsie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Bar., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 440-443.— ISey. Observation sur une affect ion gaugreneiise. de la jmie, chez uu enfant ele tiente mois, traitee avec le, chlorure tic sonde. Rev. metl. franc, et etrang., Par., 1823, xi, 18)- 106.—Ritchie (R. P.) Observations on the inflamma- tions of the mouth in children, with an illustrative cast; of caucrum oris. Tr. Etlinb. Obst, Soc. (lsO'3-71), 1872, ii. 118- 434. I ]il.—.""i. (J.) Mortification of the lower lip. Bust .n M. A- S. .]., 1835-6, xiii, 03 —•ianlopadre (T.) Sloina- tite gangrenosa, edema della glut tide; morte per aslissia. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1800. viii, 75-70.- Me^uy (F.) Affec- tion gaugreneiise tie hi joue. Gaz. meal, de il out pel., 1812-3, iii, no. 4 — ("ihearer (G.) Four cases of taut ruin oris. Customs Gaz. Metl. Rep. 1872, Shanghai, 1873. iv, 45 — Niebert. Del Wasserkre.bs tier Lippen (Cancer aquati ens: Waterkanker). J . tl. pract. Heilk., Berl.. 1811, xxxiii, 6. St., 74-91. 1 p]. —Mmiih (G. S.) Cancruin oris, organ- greiioii3stoma.ia.tis; t wo f ital cases. Med. l'ress tfc Circ., Dubl., 1860. ii. 61-63. — Mini I h (L.) Gangrene of the mouth; clinical notes. Mod. Bee. N. Y.. 1872, vii, 452. Npi-ajjne IS. I. ) Cam-rum oris. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1803. lxix. 3o7.—Mloltew. Caiicrum co is. Dublin (' J. M. Se, 1803. xxxvi. 453-455.—[.•iymonds (.1 A.)| Gangiana oris. Svst, Bract, M. (Tweedie), I'hila.. 1841, iv, 00-69.—Tim- pi ii (C.) Stomatite gangreneu.se; sa nature, ses causes. son traitement. J. el. conn. med.-chir., Par., l,-::s-'.i. vi pt. 2. 134-145. Also: Ann. de med. beige. Brux., 1-30 n. 112- 123. — Till les (F.) Terap6iitieadcla gangrena eh- la boca en los ninos. Gac, med., Madrid, 1848, iv, 2; 9—Tweed (T. M.) Observations on cancruni oris. West. Lane-el, Cincin., 1847, vi, 12-17.—Tyson. Case; of cam-rum oris. Guv's Hosp. Gaz., Loml.. 1874, iii, 132. — Vo.-el. Moimu cae'e gangrenosa. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirrteinb. arztl \ er. Stuttg., 1830, vi. 383. — Volean (H.) Memoria sobre el cauceT, particuliruieute de hi boca, y la cmja de su fre- MOUTH. 497 MOUTH. Month (Gangrene of). cut'iite ocui-rencia en cste pais. Lnion Intel , Caracas, 1883, iii, 101: 182. — Waldlianer. E'n Call von Verwach- siur'r der Wange nach Stomatitis mercurialis. Beitr. z. iledk.. Riga. 1857, iv, pi 2, 103-109.— Walker (E. F.) A fatal case of gangnne of the mouth. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii 159-162.— Wai-iiis; (T. S.) A ease of gaugrenous erosion of the cheeks. Charleston M. J., 1856, xi, 208- 3l)[l._Wi'bb (W. T.) Observal ions on caucrum oris, or sloughing sore nioulli of children. Med. Exam., Phila., 183o""ii, 549-551. —Webber (S.) Ou gangrenous erosion „f the cheek. Am. -I M. Sc.. Pbila 1829. vi, 41-45.— White (J.) Cases of gangrene of the mouth. West. J. M tfc S.. Louisville. 1840. ii, 422-433. — Willis (S.) Can- cruni mis, etc-., in children. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 180H, 3. s., vi, 142-145—Wood. Necrosis of superior maxilla following caiicrum oris Metl. TiiiC > tfc Gaz, Lond. 1872, ii, 145 —Worlliiiiylon (T.) Case of gan- trianopsis Am. M. Recorder, I'hila. 1828, xiii, 293-290.— \omit; ( I.) Observations on the gangrenous sore mouth of , hiltlieii. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1831, viii, 106-108. illoil 111 (Ha'tnorrhage from). S:e, a'so. Artery (Carotid, Ligature of); Hee- matemesis ; Haemoptysis; Menstruation (Ab- normal, ele.) Di hois-Delamotte (L.) * Du diagnostic dif- ferentie] des hemorrhagies qui ont lieu par la bouche. 4 '. Paris, 1851. Lehardelay (C.-F.-A.) * Diagnostic diffc-5- renti'l des hemorrhagies qui sc fout par la bouche. 4-. Paris, 1845. Le Mahi>uand (J.) * De la stomatorrhagia 4°. Pavis. 18\7). Lottk (L.-L.) * Diagnostic diff^rentiel des hemorrhagies qui se font par la bouche. 4°. Paris, 1844. Renahd (N.-L.) * Diagnostic diftereutiel des h^iiionhiigies qui sc* font par la bouche. 4°. Paris, 1847. Roi (fi.-E.) * Du diagnostic diftereutiel des hemorrhagies qui sc font par la bouche. 4°. Paris, 1847). Hei-jr. Blutuug aus der Schleinihaut der Mundhohle. Med Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg-. 1852. xxii, 38—Drosle (A.) Fall von Stomatorrhagie. Wchnschr. I. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, 689-691. — S.iIoiiioii. Fiei- willige Blutuug aus dem Munde mit loelllit hem Ausgang. Ibid., 1815, 732-736.—Zarlenga (R.) Slomatorragia ri- conente perflebonosi. l'iliatre-sebezio, Napoli, 1845, xxix, 104-168. Month (Inflammation and ulceration of). See, ct Iso, Aphthae : Mercury (Toxicology of, etc.); Month (Gangrene of); Salivation. Akgcello (J.) * Des stomatites fetides dans les intoxications par le plomb, l'arseuic et le phosphoiv. 4°. Paris, 1878. Kex.iamix (J.) * De variis stomatitidis spe- (•ielius nonniilla. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Bokherg (A.) * De stomatitidis variis gene- rilius. 8\ Berolini, [187)4~\. Brcxf.ac (J.) * Des ulcerations tuberculeuses de la bouche. 1 . Paris, lew 7. Camerahiis (A.) & Linsexmann(C. L.) Ex- eri-it.-itio academic.!, sistens icgrani purpura alba niajori lalioianteni. 4°. Tubingce, [17-,':SJ. Chauvix ((r.) * Des ulcerations de la bouche et de leur diagnostic. 1 . Paris, 1874. Ceil temoixe (E.) * Contribution a l'oiude de hi stomatite iileci-o-inenibraiieu.se chez les pcr- soiinc.s iigecs (depuis 40 ans). 4 . Paris, 188]. Dkvacx-Bidon (M.-l\) * Dissertation ..sur la stomatite en general, et specialoincnt sur la stomatite pseudo - lnemliraneiise. 4 . Paris, KM. Evens (IL J.) *De cavi oris catarrho. 8°. Halis Sax., 1862. EitoKi.icii (C.-C.-E.) * Du chlorate de potasse ct de lV.mploi de ce lneMicanieut dan.s les sto- iiiatites gaugrdiieuses, ulcereuses et mercurielles. 4 '. Strasbourg, 187,6. L.ANsoKNKt.C.-H.-X.) * Sur la stomatite pseu- (lo-niembraneuse. 4°. Paris, 1830. 32 Ioiith (Inflammation and ulceration of). Messier (L.) * De la stomatite ulce>o-niem- braueuse. 4°. Paris, 187,7,. Montalembekt (J.-E.-C.) * Dissertation sur la stomatite en general, ou inflammation de la bouche. 4°. Paris, 1826. Ravet(C) * Seincuologie des ulcerations de la cavit6 buccale chez le nouveau-nc. 4 . Pa- ris, 1^77. Saxla ville (C.) * De la stomatite et de ses varietes. 4°. Paris, l*-*4H. Tcjague (J.) * Du phlegmon diffus sous- mii(|iicux de la bouche. L. Paris, 1874. Abbot. Lseof chlorate of |iot ash in stomatitis. Boston M. A- S. J., 1858, lviii. 280-282.—Aeebe* (A.) Gengivitis simple ; estomatitis ; gengivitis ulcerosa : ulceracion cance- rosa ; eaquexia conseeutiva ; inuerte. Kev. med., Guada- lajara, 1876, iii. 103-196. — Aguilhou «le Kan-ail. Sur la pathogenie ele la stomatite ulcco-meinbraueiise. lev mens. el. mal.dela bouche Par., 1881-2, i. 9-11.— Vn^elol. Observations sur l'emploi du chlorure de ehaux dans le traitement des ulcerations de la bouche. Rev. med. franc*. et Strang., Par., 1827, ii. 49-57.— Arcliauibnult. De la stomatite ulc6ro-niembraneiise avec traitement par le chlo- rate de potasse. Ibid.. 1882, ii, 78-81. — Itm-th. TJlcera- tious de la bouche de nature speeiale. Lnion med.. Par., 1847, i, 531: 539. -----. Stomatite et glossite idiopathiques; 6missions sanguines ; gugrison rapide. Ibid., 1870, 3. s., ix, 937-939.—Beltz. Stomatite ulclro-meiubraiieuse chez un adulte. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 34.—Bergeron (J.) Note sur l'emploi du chlorate ele potasse dans le traitement de la stomatite ulcereuse (ulc6ro-iueiiibraneu.se conen- neuse). Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1855, 2. »., xvi, 1-46. -----. Stomatites. Diet, encycl. d. se. mGd., Par., 1883,3. s., xii, 146-216.—BoiMSier. Stomatite ulc6ro-mem- braneuse; adynamic protbnde: cachoxio ; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 1. 219—Bonelinl. De la stoma- tite ulc6ro-menibraneuse it tie son iurlueuce sur la n6cro.se des maxillaires. Lnion med., Par., 1863, n. s., xvii, 243- 24,s. — Brintiaiiil (E.) Stomatite et endocardite infec- tieuses. Progres med.. Par, 1S85, 2. s., i, 311-313.— Ki'iiii/.low. Einige Worte iiber die Ursacheu der soge- naunten Munilfanle untl iiber die Ut bertragbarkeit der Maulseuche *lei Tliiti-e auf Menschen in Form jeder Krankheit. Wchnschr. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 409; 433. Cafl'orl (.LP.) Recheiches et observations sur la stomatite. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1832, xxviii, 56-75.— t atelan (J. A.) De la stomatite ulcereuse epidemique. Arch, tie metl. nav., Par , 1877, xxviii, 122; 161 ; 241, 1 map. Also. Reprint. -----. Dela stomatite ulcereuse cpidemiipie a bord des navirt s. Bull. Soe. de mM. pub. ls77-9. I'ar., 1879, i. 88-102. —t'lianffaril (A.) Stomatites. X. diet. denied, ct chir. prat., Par., 1S82. xxxiii. tisi-iiiis.—Corson (II.) The Rhus glabrum, aremedv for stomatitis. Med. & Surg. Repoiter, Phila., 1887, lvi, 325-328. Also, Repiint.— Del van x (P.) A propos des considerations de M. le Dr. Isidore Hcnriet to sur la gengivite ulcereuse des enfants. J. ele med.. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 185s, xxvi. 341-344.— Dolbcau. Leejons sur le diagnostic general des ulceres de la bouche ; cours de pathologie chirurgicale de . . . Oficole de nied.. Par., 1876-7, 1-6.—Dree. Memoire sur la Stomatite. Rec. de inein. de ine'-el. . . . mil., Par., ls;;3\ xxxv, 169-189.—Drey (-1.) Abscesse in der Miintlht'ihle. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1853, x, 132. —Dn- inont. Considerations sur la stomatite ulcereuse des en- fants. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 184(i, xvii. 245-252.— Duiiglison (R ) Stomatitis. 0vol. Pract. M. ('tweedie), Phila., 1845, iv, 275. — i:gj*< lina A Ellcnberger. Stomatitis pustulosa contagiosa cler Pl'erde. Arch. f. wis senscb. u. prakt. Thierh , Berl., 1878, iv, 334-358.—K i- ^enlli iimlielie (Ueber eine) Form von Stomatitis, gc- nannf. Stomatitis nodosa. J. f. Kintlerkr., Erlang., 18ti"2, xxxix, 202-205. — I:rami (J.) Stomatite aphteuse. en- tretenue par des cauterisations au nitrate d'argent; gre uouillette parotidienne aigue'*. Province med., Lyon, ls87, ii, 661-663.—Fischl. Iiutziindung tier Muudschleimhaut, Oedem (les submuebsen Bindegewebes, Eistickiuigszu- fiille.-- Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1863, viii, 62— Oil berl. Du mode d'action dn chlorate de potasse dans la stoma- tite ulcero-inenibraneuse. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par , ls56, iii, 395-398.—I'l-ailowic-z (E.) Stomatitis diphtheritica adultornm. Med. Ztg. Pusslands, St, Petersb.. 1850, vii, 129-131.—Oticrsaiit A Blache. Stomatite Diet, de med., 2. etl.. Par., 1844, xxviii, 577-603.—Hall (G. W.) Ulcerative stomatitis. Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 188— Hardy. Notice sur une stomatite (-pizo- otique observ6e sur les chevaux du 3e regiment ele lam dors. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1865, 2. s., ii, 322-324. —Henri- elle (I.) De la gengivite ulcereuse chez les enfants et tie son traitement. J. de metl.. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1858, xxvi, 221-230.—Holl (H. D) [Sore mouth treated with iodide of potash.J N. York J. M., 1848, x, :!72.— HutchiiiNon (J.) On a form of inflammation of the lips a..d mouth which sometimes ends fatally, aud is usually atteuded by some disease of the skin. Proc. MOTTH. Hoiifli (Inflammation and ulceration of). Rov. M. tfc ('liii-. Soc. Lond., 1885-7, n. s., ii, 284-287. Also: Brit. M.I., Lond., 1887, i, 1333— Ingels. Les.lit ferentes stomatites, leurs caractercs et leur traitement. [Rap.] Ann. Soc. de med. de (land. 1865, xliii, 159-161.— Jailelot. Stomatite pseiido-meinbraneuse ; quelques reflexions sur cette maladie the/, l'enfant. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 385 —Janlin. Sur les ditferentes stomatites, leurs caracte es diffeientiels et sur leur traite-- ment. Aun. Soc. dc med. de Gand, 1808, xlvi, 181-334.— Hracliaii (C.) Stomatitis gangrenosa. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1885, iii, 519-526. — Kn««,inaiil ( A. ) Stomatitis septica bei einem kraftigeu .juiigeu Manne mit sehr rasehem todtlichem Ausgange. Mitth. d. badisch. arztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1853, vii, 57-64. — L.a- borde (J.-V.) De la valeur du chlorate tie potasse daus le traitement des gingivites chroniques. avec ou sans pyonhee alveolo-dentaire. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1858, liv, 289-301— li.-iboulbene (A.) Note sur la stomatite ulceSro-membraneiise; exameu histologique de la membrane mortitiee ou necrohyniene. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1878, xxv, 536. -----. De la stomatite ulcAro- nu mbraneuse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, lii, 113-115. — I;iv- iii^-oloii i B.) The value of bismuth in the treatment of ulcerative stomal ii is and noma. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1883, xvi, 441: 545. — l.o tven*tainin. Zui -Stomatitis exsuda- tiva, M.il.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1876, xi, 531.—Long- tin (S. A.) Diagnostic; general cles ulceres chirurgicaux de la bouche. Lnion med. du Canada, Montreal, 1877, vi. 145-151. — Marccbal. Stomatite ulcereuse. Arch. belies de nied. mil , Brux, 1862, xxx, 174-177. — Mayr. Stomatitis diphtheritica. .Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1859- 60, iii, 273.—Mende (I). L.) Leber die Muudfaule in deu Jahreu 1806-1809. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1809, xxix, 10. St., 24-48.— Ui'iisri- (11.) Hemorrhage of the mouth iu a child aged 9 days, allot -ted with stomatitis parasitica; autopsy anil microscopic examination. Daniel's Texas M..L, Austin, 1887-8. iii, 35-4o. — Muller. Bemer- kungen iiber Mundgeschwiire. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. ar/.tl. Ver., Stuttg., 1832-3, i, 67 — Xruliol. Beob- achtung einer bcsontlern Art von Mimdfaule. J. el. pract. Heilk., Berl, lslo, xxxi. 11. St., 85-103—Nielsen (L.) Gaugrajues Muutlbetaendelse hos Kvieget. [Stoma- titis gaugnenosa in cattle] Tiilsskr. f. Vet., Kjebenh., 1885, xv, 12-19.—Parrol. Des ulcerations huccales chez les nouveau nes. Gaz. cl. hop.. Par.. 1879, lii, 883-886.— Paulct. De la stomatite erythemateuse idiopathique et tie son traitenient. Coiieres med. ele France 1865, Par., 1866, iii, 238-244. —Pa v loll (E.) Sluchai sibirsko jazvi i vyiganie eja ponioshinu apparata Pakeleua. (Ulcer of mouth, involving cheek, treated by Patpiehn's cautery.] Metl. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1880, xx, 81 : 89. — Payne (J. F) Stomatitis and corvza combined with impetigo. St. Thomas's Hosp. Ken. 1883, Lond., 1884. -.. »■• xiii, 305- 3U9._Pereiro Pull (F.) Concepto general de las esto- matitis Kev. ileeiift'iin.deninos. Madrid, 1883, i, 321-326.— Pfenfer (Ci Dei Miindhbhlenkatan h. Ztschr. f. rat. Med.. Heidelb., 1849, vii, 180-183. — Pinilla (A.) El clorato tie potasa contra la estomatitis lnercurial. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857. iv. 395— <|nailc (F. H.) A case of stomatitis with .jaundice. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1886-7 vi 224.— Kibe* (IT) Sui la stomatite pseudo-mem- braneuse. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1831, iv, 368- 4ii9. Also, Reprint.— ISiehariUon (11.) Caseof fatal aph- thous ulceration of the mouth. Lancet, Lond., 1846, ii, 608.— ItcxNi. Note- sur la stomatite folliculaire h6t6rom6trique de la ligue. mediane de la voute. palatine, appel6e vulgaire- ment, eu figypte. boutou ele ITnfance Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1862, 3. s., xvii, 29-31.—Konliei- (A.) Stomatite ulcGro- membraneusc on necrohymeiiique. France med., Par., 1878, xxv, 7H7 , so5.--da Silva (J. A.) Estomatites : 16 casus. Escholiaste metl.. Lisb., 1861, xii, 264-267.—da Silva C'ardeira (L.) Historia da estomatite ulcerosa em Portugal : bibliographia. Ibid . 10; 23; 36; 54; 68; 85; 103: 120. — Niniiis. Sobre o einprego do chlorato de po- tassa, prineipalinente na stomatite ulcerosi. Ibid., 1857, viii, 400-403.—SkoloflT (XT) Laiehenie katarralnago vos- paleuiya zaiva i gortani rastvorom aidkikh shchelochei. [Treatment of catarrhal inflammation of the mouth aud throat with a solution of caustic alkali.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1869, ix, 431. — Som ronille ( A. ) Ulcera- tions multiples ele la cavite:- buccale et du tube digestif par la morphiue a haute dose. Gaz. el. hop.. Par.. Is85, lviii, 541 — Monza da Nilveira. Observaelio tie um caso tie stomatite er\ thcniatosa com caracter intermittente. Ann. Brasil. tie med.. Rio tie Jan., 1879-80 xxix, 325-327.— Mlomalilc ( De la) par pine e-ment cles gencives ou de- la niuqiieuse buccale entre les dents lnolaires, et de son traitement par lalun. Bull. gem. de th6rap., etc.. Par., 1-35. viii. 174-178.—[Syniondw id. A.)] Stomatitis, or in- 11'imitation of the mouth. Syst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1841, iv, 60-66.—Talma (A.) Observations sur l'emploi do chlorure d'oxide de sodium dans les maladies d.i In bouche. [With remarks by J. F. Vleminckx.] Bi- blioth. med., Brux., 1828. v, 113-131.—Tiom-Ik-I. Beitrag zur Lehre- von der Siomatocaee. Med. Ztg. Berl.. 18:8. vii. 175-177.— "'hai'lmi (II. R.) Seven cases of gan- greuous stomatitis. Med. A: Surg Reporter, Phila., 1887, MO r Til. ITIoiltll (Inflammation and ulceration of). I vii, 373-376.—\Vissle«worlli (K.) fc Cn-thing (K W.) Buccal uleeratious of constitutional origin A re h Dermat XT V., 1882, viii, 1-18. Also, Reprint. —Wilt-ox (It.) The smart-weed as a remedy for mercurial salivation and aph- thous stomatitis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 184s. n. s. xvi 247. — Wilson (J.) Cases of ulcerative stomatitis with yellow palms. Glasgow M. J., 1871-2, (4. s.]. jv, ,'(77 _ Wolff (J.i Cases of haemorrhage from tbe month' I an- cet, Loud., 1835-6, i, 863-865.— Wri<-bt ( K. ) Case of pseudo- membranous stomatitis. Med Times fc (iaz Lond., 1853, vi, 198. ITIoiltll (Inflammation of) in pregnancy and lactation. Didsbcky (H.) * De l'etat des gencives chez les femmes enceintes, et de son traiteinent. 4 Paris, 188'A. Ludlam(R.) Stomatitis materna. so, jy ■/,,-. cago, u. d. ] Backus (F. F.) On the form of sore mouth peculiar to nursing women. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1841, n. s., i, 114-116 —Bciinct (J. C.) An account of some sporadic cases of apthous sore mouth, occurring in pregnant fe- males, and attended with some unusual symptoms. West J. M. & Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1831, iv, 346. — Kramloii ( D. S. ) Stomatitis materna; what is its palliolo^\ '. Treatment with turpentine. South. M. tfc S. J., Au".usla 1860, n. s., xvi, 1-5— Itvfonl (W. H.) On stomatitis materna. Am. J. M. Sc , Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 392-398 — Cantlciiinii ( A. S.) Slouialitis materna. Northwest M. tfc S. .7., Chicago, 1853, x, 88-90.—Chambers (W. M.) Stomatitis materna. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1857, vii, loii-122.—Coventry (C. B.) "Stomatitis materna''; the, sore mouth of nursing women. Buffalo M. J., 1817-8 iii, 513-525. — EisclI (J. N.i Zabnticisch-Hypertrophie wahrend der St bwtingi rschaft. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates. Wien, 1840, xxxi, 500.—P. Hi* (L. S.) Stomatitis materna. Chicago M. J., 1860, xvii, 200-208.— KIy iW. W.) On the treatment of nursing sore mouth. Huston M, fc S. J., 1848-9, xxxix, 41-43. — K van* (.7.) On the use of cod-liver oil in nursing sore mouth. Northwest. M. fc S. J., Chicago tfc Indianap., 1851-2, viii, 199-201 —Fan Miner (L.) Chlorate of potash in stomatitis materna. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857. ix, 465-467. — Fountain (K •!.) Treatment of stomatitis materna bv the syrup of the phos- phates. NT Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., i860, iv, 89-91.— Green (J. N.) Stomatitis materua. Chicago M. J., 1859, n. s., ii. 137-139. — Hale (E.), jr. Remarks ou the son- mouth of nursing women. Med. Conimunicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1836, v, 34-45 —Hall (J. VV.) Stomatitis ma- terna. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1858, i, 193-196 — Hani* (J. O.) Stomatitis materna. Chicago M. J., 1858, n. s., i, 650-660. — Hollisler (J. 11.) Report on the sore mouth of nursiug women. Tr. II inois M. Soe. 1858, Chicago, 1859. viii, 35-49.—Hubbard (J. C.) Anatomical lesions in stomatitis malerua and their treatment. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s . xxv, 209. — Iliiril (E. P.) Treatment of stomatitis materna. Med. Rec, N. T., 1878, xiii, 449.— HutchiiiKOii (D.) Stomatitis of pregnant, and nursing women. Northwest. M. & S. JT, Chicago, 1852-3, ix. 529- 535.-----. Stomatitis matenia. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1855. xvi, 193-216. -----. What arc the causes and nature of that disease incident to pregnancy and lactation, char- acterized by inflammation and ulceration of the mouth and fauces, usually accompanied by anorexia, einacialiou, and diarrhoea, and what is the best mode of treatment.' Fiske fund prize essay. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n a., xxxiv, 369-386. —Kilbiirn (J.) Aphtha in women during lacta- tion, and its euro by nitrate of silver gargle. Lancet, Lond., 1838-9, i, 521. —Knapp (M. L ) An inquiry into the nature of the anomalous affection known in the United States by the appellation of the nursing sore-mouth, or puerperal anaemia. NT York J. M., 1855, n. s., xiv, 345- 381.—McClelland (J. S.) Report on stomatitis materna. Tr. Indiana M. Sue.. Indianap.. Is50. 48-52.—M'tiugm (D. L.) Ou stomatitis materna. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. I'hila. 1858. xi. 749-776 —McK.ee (W. H.) Stomatitis materna. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, 1857, viii, 22-26.—Marin (CL W.) Sore mouths of nursing women. Ohio M. fc S J., Columbus, 1854-5, vii, 359-307.—Fallen (M. M.) Ob- servations em stomatitis materna, or nursing sore-mouth. St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1859, xvii, 116-118. -----. Stomatitis materna. Ibid., 1869, n. s., vi. 305-308. — Pi mi ill (A.I tfc Piunril (D.) De la gingivite des femmes enceintes ct de son traitement. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc . Par.. 1*77, xcii, 157-162. Also, Reprint.—Pileaim (J.) A ease of disease of the gums which occurred during pregnancy Dublin Hosp. Rep.. 1818, ii, 309-311 —Pray (T. J. W-) Nursing sore mouth; its nature, causes, ami treatment. Tr. N. Hampshire Med. Soc, Concord, 1857, iv, 35-02 — Prince (I).I Stomatitis materna. Chicago M. A., 1859, n. s., ii. 100-10.' —Reeve (.7. C.) Stomatitis materna cured bv the syrup of the phosphates NT Am. M.-Chir Kev., Phila.. 1858, iii, 1053-1055 — Kichardwou (J.) Keflex lesions of the oral cavity associated with pregnancy. MOUTH. 499 MOUTH. Mouth (Inflammation of) in pregnancy and lactation. [From: Tr. Am. Dent. Ass.. 1882] Missouri Dent. J., St. I.oiiis, 1883, xv, 97-103.—MbaultN (L.) On endemic sore mouth and diarrliua. peculiar lo nursing women. Am. -7. M. Sc, Phila.. 1812, n. s., iv, 300-304 —Shields ip. S.i An essay on the sore-mouth peculiar to nursing females. West. .1. M. fc S., Louisville. 1852, 3. s., ix, 21- 28.— Taylor (li. W.) Remai ks on a species of sore mouth peculiar to nursing women. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1843, n. s., v, 119-122. —Wilwon (I. P.) Stomatitis nia- tern'i. St. Louis M. fc S. .1.. 1809. n. s., vi, 408.—Wrighl (C 6.) Stomatitis materna, Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 511-513. ifloillll (Inflammation of) in soldiers. Bkkgekon (R.-L.) * De la stomatite en g^nd- ral, et en particulier de la stomatite nlc6reuse chez les soldats. 4r fan's, 18")]. Fkcvi'iek ( J.-B. ) Stomatite ulcereuse des soldat.s. Kelatiou d'une epidemic. 8°. Paris, 1877,. See, also, infra. Maoist (L.-G.) * Etude sur l'^tiologie de la stomatite nlc6reuse des soldats et des marins. 4 . Paris, 1879. Pkchaud (J.-J.) * De la stomatite ulcereuse specifique chez les soldats en particulier. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. A lard. Note sur une maladie nouvellement decrite et tii's-lieipieiite parmi les soldats de l'aru*6e d'Espagne (fegarite, feurite ou Agar). J. denied., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1812, xxiv, 354-364. — Bergeron (E.-J.) De la stomatite ulcereuse des soldats et de son idcutite avec la stomatite des enfanls. dite coueuneuse, diphtheiitique, ulc6io-membraneiise. Kec de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1858, 2. s., xxi, 51-232. Also, Repriut. Also [Ab- str.] : Arch. gen. de metl.. Par., 1859, ii, 446-459. Also [Rap. de ltogei]: Lnion ined.. Par., 1859, 2. s., ii, 249-255. Also: Bull Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par. (1858-61), 1861, iv, 264-273.— 1'atelau (J.-A.) De la stomatite uleereuse 6pi(16mitpie .a, bord iles navires. Ann. d'hvg.. Par., 1877. xlviii, 319-332. Also (Abstr.]: Tribune med.,'Par., 1877. ix, 375-378. —Del- pee h. Let i re sur l'efncacite du chlorure de cliaux dans une alfet tion ulcereuse tie la bouche, propre aux jeunes soldats en garnison. Mem. d. hop. du midi, Par., 1829, i, 422-420.—Fcuvrier. Relation d'une 6pid6mie de stoma lite ulc6reuse observee au depot du 59e de ligne a Auxerre lYiuine). Rec. tie num. de med. . . . rail., Par., 1873, 3. s., xxix, 149-465.— Hunter (G. T.) Report on a peculiar mouth affection prevalent among the men of the Indian expeditionary force. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 249.—I.vo- ■ihi-iI. Notice sur une stomatite 6pid6mique; sur son mode tie propagation et sur 1 emploi du sulfate d'aluinine pour la combattre. Rec. tie inein ile med. . . . mil., I'ar., 1835, xxxviii, 296-303.— Malapert (A.-P.) Considera- tions hygi6niqties sur quelipies maladies, et particuliere- ment sur les stomatites occasionnees par l'encombrement des troupes dans les batimeus oil elles sont casernees. Ibid., 1838, xiv, 280-302. — Note snr l'inflammation ulce- reuse de la bouche et des gencives parmi les troupes. lb id., 1830, xxviii, 129-140.—Paycn cfc Oourdon. Me- moire sur les stomatites et les gengivites affectant uu carae-tore epidemiepie ot contagious, qui se sont niontr6es dans 1'Hi'ipital militaire de Toulon, pendant l'annee 1829. Ibid., 141-109. —Pcreira «■ llorta (P.) Consideragoes sobre a estomatite dos soldados, denominada especifica jielo Sr. Dr. Berge-ron, medico civil do hospital civil de Santa Eugenia em Paris, na sua monographia de la sto- matite ulcereuse des soldat.s. Escholiaste med. Lisb., 1861, xii, 168-173.—Raddoek (U. E.) Report on an out- break of stomatitis in the 31st regiment native infantry. Indian M. Ga/,.. Calcutta, 1878, xiii. 240. — Rica y Ra- viivsn. De la stomatitis de los soldados. Lev. de sauid. mil espan., Madrid, 1864, i, 141; 213; 317. ITIoiltll (Injuries of). See Teeth (Fractures, etc., of). ITIoiltll (.Yerres of). tie C'arvalho (.7. P.) Prova experimental de que os nervos vasoclilatadori's da regiao bucco-faeial exist em no cordao cervical do grauile sympathico. Rev. d. cursos prat, c* theor. da Fac ele med. do Rio de Jan., 1885-6, ii, lr-9-202.—DnMre & lloial, Sur les ncrfs vaso-dilata- tenrs iles parois tie la bouclui. Coni])t. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, \ci, 441-443.-------------. KCtlexo vaso-dila- tateurdes parois buccales. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1881, Par.. 1882, 7. s., iii, 112.-------------. Des nerl's sym- pathiques dilatateurs des vaisseaux de la bouche et, des levies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par.. 1882, xev, 161-163. -------------. De l'influence exercce par le nerf (lepres- Beiu-de Ludwig et Cyon sur la circulation bucco-labiale. Mouth (Nerves of). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv. 462-466. Also [Abstr.]; Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1882, lv, 205—Elin (E.) Zur Kenntniss der feiueren Nerven (Ier Mundhohlen- schleirahaut. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii, 382- 388, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl., 1871, ix, 225.—l.allont. De l'origine des uerfs vaso-dilatateurs ele la region bucco-labiale. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol. 1880, Par.. 18-1, 7. s., ii, 297-300.— liver* ( AT) The influence of the nervous system on the lieallh of.the mouth. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1878, n. s., i, 467.—'IAo- bikowMki (T.) Nowe poszukiwania nad nerwem zebo- jezvkowym prof. Sappev'a. [Nerves of teeth and tongue.] Gaz. lek'., Warszawa, 1870, viii, 625-630. Month (Organisms inf See, also, Perleche; Saliva; Teeth (Caries of). McQuillen (J. H.) Oral organisms. 8°. [n. p., 1877).-] Rappin (('.) * Contribution a l'e"tude des bac- teries de la bouche a l'6tat normal et dans la lievre typhoide. 4 '. Paris, 1881. Bee ha nip [et al.]. Du role des organisiues microsco- piques de la bouche (ou de Leuewenhoeck) dans la digestion eng6n6ral, et particulierement dans la formation dela dias- tase salivaire. Montpel. med., 1867. xix, 450-400. Also, Reprint.—Black (G. V.) Micro-organisms of Ihe oral cavity. Tr. Illinois Dent. Soc. Chicago, 1880, xxii, 180- 208—Miller (W. D.) Biological studies on the fungi of the human mouth. Independ. Pract., NT IT. 1885, vi, 227; 283. ------. The comma-bacilli of the human mouth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 935. ------. Fermentation in the hu- man mouth; its relation to caries of the teeth; the influ ence of antiseptics, filling materials, [etc.], upon the fungi of dental caries; the fungi of dental caries; their pure cul- tivation aud effect upon the lower animals; biological stud- ies on the fungi of the human mouth. In: The American svstem of dentistry, roy. 8°, Phila., 1886, 791-828.—Mteru. berg (G. M.) Der Micrococcus der Sputuraseptieiini it- (M. Pasft-uri, Sternberg). Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. I, ip/,., 1887, xiii,' 44.— Visual (W.) Sur Paction des micro-orga- nisrnes de la bouche et des inati6res f6cales sur quelipies substances aliinentaiivs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 547. ------. Sur taction des micro-organisnies de la bouche et des matieres f'ecales, sur quelques sub- stances alimentaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par , 1887, cv. 311-313. ------. Recherches sur les niicro-orga- uismes de la bouche. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 325-391, 8 pi. Month (Semeioiogy of). See Mouth (Exploration, etc., of). Ifloiith (Surgery and tvounds of). See, also, Artery (Carotid. Ligature of); Den- tistry; Lips (Plastic surgery of); Mouth (Ab- normities, etc., of); Mouth (Cancer of); Palate (Plastic surgery of); Tongue (Excision of); Tongue ( Wounds of). Andkieu (E.) Traite" de prothese buccale et de mecanique den faire. 8°. Paris, 18-87. Baumann (F.) Quelques considerations ana- tomiques, avec observations des affections buc- cales les plus fr6quentes et de la prothese den- taire. K-\ [Paris], 1872. Brsoi/r (O.) * Ueber die Lagerung der Kran- ken bei Operationeii iu und an der Mundhohle. 8°. Jena, 1877,. Dobbelix (C. B.) * De uniendis vulneruin oris. 8°. Halce, [ltfl?]. Garretson (J. E.) A treatise on the diseases and surgery of the mouth, .jaws, and associate parts. sc. Philadelphia, 1869. ------. The same, A system of oral surgery; being a consideration of the diseases and surgery of the mouth, jaws, aud associate parts. 2. eel. Hc. Philadelphia, 18?:^. Wedgwood (J. J.) Progress of dentistry and oral surgery. 1. ed. Ki0. London, 1887,. Witzel (A.) Ueber Cocain-Auasthesie bei Operatiouen in der Mundhohle. 8°. Hagen i. W., \886. Allen (I). P.) Partial narcosis in operations on the mouth; chlorate of potash poisoning cases. Med. Rec., "NT Y., ISM, xix, 330.— A ml rows (E.) Restraint etl hieinoiihage during operations in the mouth. Med. F.x am., Chicago, 1874, xv, 169.—Aniimulale (T.) On the MOUTH. 500 MOUTIT. IVloiith (Surgery aud icounds of). value of the elcpenilent position of the head in operations on the mouth and throat. Lancet. Lond., 1879. ii, 685.— tie la Bar re his. De l'emploi du caoutchouc elans elitfe- rents cas de stomatonomie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1844, xviii, 377.—Botliiii. Fibro-eucondroma della tonsilla tlestra invadeute il cavo faringeo e la coana e pro- teso nella regioue sovraioidea, csportato dal cavo orale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 98-1(10—Britlilou. Ex- cision of tongue and floor of the mouth, ligation of both lingual arteries. Med. Xows. Phila., 1883, xiii, 628.— Bryant (1.) Case of deformity of the mouth, after sloughing of the cheek from fever; operation and recov- ery. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1862. 3. s., viii, 289, 3 pi! -----. The surgery of the mouth, pharynx, abdomen, and rectum, including hernia. In his .- Cliu. Surg.. 8°, Lond., 1860-64, pt. iii, 153-253. —Bn*ch. Line Stomato poesis. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. (iesellsch. f. Xat.- u. Heilk. zuBouii, 1879,415.—t'aselli (A.) Delle emorragie della bocca da lesioui violente e da operazioui chirurgiche; nuovo instruniento per frcnarle. Bull. d. sc. nied. di Bo- logna. 1878, 6. s., ii, 299-308—Coleman (A.) An instru- ment for keeping the mouth open in operations under chlo- roform. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 105.—Collier (M.) Removal of the tongue and floor of the mouth for extensive epithelioma. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 340. — C'olonibicr. Observation sur uu coup de pistolet tire's dans la bouche. J. de med. mil., Par., 1782, i, 222-239.— Demarqnay. Instrument dilatateur, de la niachoire. Hull So,, de chir. de Par., 1851, ii, 17-19. — l>c««vn- line-. (iinli|iit s considerations sur un cas d occlusion tie la bouche. suite de sphacele scorbutique, et sur le pro- cede employed pour en empecher le recollement. Cong med. de France, Par.. 18(i3, i, 334-341. — Bnlle* «'. W.) An interesting gunshot wound. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7. vii. 79—Elliott (\\T St. G.) Ounshot wounds of the-mouth. X. York M. .1.. 1879, xxix, 267-281.—I'cioel- willie (I). II.) Extirpation of the bones of the nose aid mouth by the use of the surgical engine. Med. Rec, M. Y.. 1879,'xvi, 28-31. Also, Reprint. -----. An address on oral surgery, delivered before the American Medical Asso- ciation. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila.. 1882, xxxiii, 4(19-484. Also, Keprint.—<»raiil (H. Meli.) Paper on bial surgery, with cases, treatment, and results. South. Dent. J., At- lanta. 1882. i, 363-367. — Oiisseiibaner (C.) Ueber das Schlussresultat der im verflossenen .Jahre refcrirteii Stoinatnplastik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. (iesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1878, vii, pt. 2, 77, 1 pi. -----. Leber Stomatoplas- tik. Wien. nied. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 406. Also: Prag med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, 117-119—Herini (J. JT) Ob- servation sur un coup de pistolet dans la bouche J. de chir. (Desau.lt), Par.. 1792. iii, 230-240. — Hable ( M. ) Examen d'un cas tie suicide par coup de feu dans la bouche; alcoolisme et pachymeningite ehronique; ii re- sponsabilite. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 285- 291. — lieilli. Ingenious mechanism. St. Louis M. tfc S. J.. 1879 xxxvi, 259. — Kenl (J. T.) Fatal hemorrhage; blunder of a dentist. Am. M. J.. St. Louis, 1879, vii, 314- 316. —Kran* lE ) Kin (lurch 7 Woehen ini Munde ziuuck- gehaltener t'renicler Kiirper ; Extraction desselben. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1806, xi. 200.—I,ecerf. Afresh' acci dentelle tie l'oiitiie buccal; cbeiloplastie. Bull. med. du nord, Lille. 1886, xxv, 524-526 — [LiCgouest.J Large flstuie du plant her buccal guerie par une, ope*ratiou aua- plasthpie. I'.iill.geu de therap.. etc, Par., 1863, lxiv, 319- 323. — ljiul»» ijj. Hciliingsgeschiebtc einer merkwiirdigen, diiich einen Schuss in den Mund bewirkten Veiwundiiiig. Mag. f. tl. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1832, xxxviii. 191-J04, 1 pi.— I.ncr. Appareil iltsigne sous le nom d'ecarteiir des Jones, Hull. Acad, tie mod., Par.. 1861-2, xxvii. 76.—Tie 4{ nil leu (J. H.) A caseof oral surgery. Dental Cosmos. I'hila., 1875, xvii, 397-401. Also. Reprint.—Manonry. Plaie d'arme ii feu dans la bouche, avec fracture a la niachoire infe- rieure : trim ii la vofite et au voile du palais; balles perilucs dans les fosses nasales: deglutition impossible: introduc- tion par le lit*/, clans l'u'sopliagv d'une sonde, portee pen- dant un mois. J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1791, i, 8-18. Also [Abstr.]: J. tie metl., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1791, lxxxvi. 214-225.—de ♦larcliclli* (P.) Lingua, ex vul- nere sclopeti curato. partibus subjectis arete coalesccns, euni inipcdita loentione, perita sectione separata ac resti tuta. In his.- Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], 8°, Lond, 1729, 46. .P*«, transl. in his: Lee-, d'obs. rares. [etc.], 8°. Par.. 1858, 89 — Vlarjolin. Plaie d'arme ii feu interessant la face et l'interieur de la cavite'' buccale Bull. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 1852, iii, 61-66. — .Vlarquez. Xote sur une operation de stomatoplasties (iaz. ined. dc Strasb., 18(il. xxiv. 75.—;?la- son's gag. Lan et, Loud.. 1886, i, 260. — .Hay iB.) On a case of excisiou of the tongue with a large portion of lower ,jaw aud floor of mouth for epithelioma ; lecnvery. Ibid., 1882, i, 947-949.—de Vlediei (1'.) Di un nuovo divarica- lote orale. Raccoglilore* unci., Forli, 1877, 4. s., viii, 171- 173, lpl—Ulinkewilscli (J.) Fehlon el.o Xase*; Bildung eines kiinstlichen Mundes. Areh.f.path. A nat., etc., Berl.. IMi7, xii. 433—437. -----. Sposti /.e/.enia chirurg. : narzady trawienia [mouth, lips, and palate]; \va>»e /.ajec/.a. Gaz. lek.. Warszawa. 1881. 2. s, i, 389; 5(18. — Vlonod (C.) Trach6otomie preventive dans une ablation d'un cancer du .Mouth (Surgery and tvounds of). planeher de la bouche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir de Par., 1880, n. s., xii, 126-129. -----. De la trat heotomie preventive dans les operations faites sur la bouche. Ibid. 140-140. — Tlu«*ey (W. II ) An instrument for keeping the jaws apart during operations in the mouth or throat. Cincin. Lancet tfc Obs., 1808, n. s., xi. 517. — Napier (W, D.) [A desirable process of operating on the mouth with- out causing pain to the patient.] Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, ii, 23. —rVieliel. Coup de feu ii la face: perfora- tion tin planeher de la bouche; autoplastic; guerison Gaz. med. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 454. —Parker (NT T.) A new mouth gag. Med. Rec. N. V., 1883, wiv. 250.— Parmelc (G. L) Some points in mal surgerv nf interest to the general practitioner. Proc. Connect M. Sue. Hart ford. 1883, n. s., ii, uo. 4, 111-121. Also, Reprint, —Pol- Ionmoh. De l'iucision eomniissurale cornice; moyen d'agrandir l'orifice buccal dans la chciloplaslic. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se. in6tl. de Lyon (1885) 1880 xxv pt 2, 3-41.— Power crinaneiitc Schliessung der rechten Aiigcnlieler hcwii kte, i'ciuer das niitth-re Stirubein in der Form eines llauui- blatles, durch welches die Kugel ihren Ausweg nahui; 1'otl nach 54 Tugcn.j Wien. med. Wchnschr., 181,5, xv, 1256.—'I'iirek (L.) I'eber cine neue /.ungcnsiiatel. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 100.— Vclpcan. Obliteration de la bouche ; anaplastie des levies; inoililication du pio- ceile ele M. Dielt'enbach : succcs complet. (Jaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s , ii, 378. —Videky (F.) A sza.jiircg cle- formitilsair6i 6s az itt eliifortlulo hiiinvok miilcgcs pe'itliisii- 1-61. f Deformities of mouth, and ti eat inenl. ) Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1882, xxvi, 1293-1296— Hsinni. Leber einen in dem Winkel, welchen tier Boihn tier Munclhohle mit dem Kiefer bildet, vorgefundenen frc inilen Kiirper. Wien. med. Presse. 1873, xiv. 247 — Weiiileclnier. Lupus an der Obei-li|ipe, am Zahnlhisehe und l.arlen Gauineii. mit scrophitliiser Hauterkrankiing ini Gc-siclite, durch Auskratzung geheilt. Aerztl. Bei. cl. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1882). 1883. 252. —Weiww (W.) Ma- crostoma. Aerztl. Bei. cl. k. k. allg Krankenli. zu Prag (1881), 1883, 186-188.— Westmoreland (NT IT i | Plastic operation for mouth contracted liv cicatrices. I Atlanta M. A- S. JT, 1884-5, n s. i. 212-217—Wilm-. Heilung einer Vt*rwachsnng der innern Obertlarhe der Wange nut dem Zahufleische, und dem Kitd'e.i knoehen. Allg. med. Ce.itr.-Ztg., Berl. 1858, xxvii, 417— Winnie. (B.C. A ) An instrument for the administration of ana*sthitics thro i"h the uose in operations about tin mouth and hue. Bril. M. J., Lond.. 1884, i, 18— Wol Her (A.) Zur Wiuul- behanellung im Munde. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881-2, xxvii, 419-456, lpl. MOI-TIL 501 MOUTH. Tiou III (Syphilis of). See; also, Chancre (Abnormities of'); Tongue (Syphilitic disease of). Eyting ((L) *].)c methodo, ulccra venerea oris et palati curaudi, casibus quibusdam illus- truta. Hr Jena;, [1H01]. Herald (A.) *fitude diagnostique sur deux cus de syphilome bucco-lingual. 4°. Paris, \880. AiKlonaril. Buecite syphiliticum, gu6rie par uu traite- ment fondc sur la synipathie de la gorge avec les organes lie la generation, ou svnipathie genito-buccale. Rev. nied. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1837, ii, 27-36. —BcIounoH" (P. P.) 0 form, projav. perv. sifilit. pora.j. na slizis. oboloch. po- losti rta. I Forms of hereditary syphilitic affections of mucous nienibranes in cavities of mouth.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v. Moskve, 1887, ii (Venereal), 20-32.—Bor- ricliins (().) Kx faucibiis atpia mei-curiali inconsulte tac- lis cu-citas. Acta med. et phil. Ilai'n. (1(171-2), 1673, i, 147. Also, transl: Collect, acad. el. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 164.—Epithelial (The) discoloratious of the oral mucous niembiaue-s in svphilitic subjects. Arch. (1. Heilk., Leipz., ]s75, xvi, 433. — Pi we her ((}.) Gummigt-schwiil.stc an der Innenflacho der Wange und im sublingualen Raum der Mundhohle-. Deutsche Zlschr. f. Lhir., Leipz., 1883, xix, 127-129.—Pournier. Des svphilides nnupieiises buceo- gutturales. Gaz. d. h(5p., Par., 1881, liv, 523.—<»alel (J.) Inflammation syphilitique tie l'arrien-bouche F.plieni med. de Montpel.. 1828, ix, 277-280.—<*io«.«. i IT) A propos du chancre buccal. Rev. med. tie 1'est, Nancy, 1*79, xi, 145.—Kinsman (D. NT) Chancre of the gum. Cleve- land M. Gaz.. 1885-6, i, 494. — l.yiUlon (G. F.) Syphilis in its relations to dental and oral urgery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vi, 652-657. — «Ic ITIerie. Syphilitic gan- grene of the mouth, with impending sntt'ocation. Lancet, Loud.. 1859, i, 21S —itlulhall of. C.) Sonic phases of buccal svphilis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xviii, 97-107.— Pctllev (F. N.) Svphilis about the mouth. Brit. JT Dent. Sc., Lond., 1881, xxiv, 49-54. Also: Dental Adv., Buffalo, 1881, xii, 65-70. Also.- Am. J. Dent. Sc., Bait., 1881-2, 3. a., xv, 6-13.—Beiguicr. [Destruction partielle de la voiite palatine.j Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 92.— Itollct (J. ) [BoucheJ; maladies veuerieun.es et syphi litiipies. Diet, encycl. (1. so. med., Par., 1869, x, 249-267.— *e hosier. Die Epitheltiiibuugen der Muudschleimhaut bei Syphilitischeii. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 433- 440. — Migmiiml. Ueber Svphilis under Muudschleim- haut. Wien. metl. Wchuschr., 1863, xiii, 273; 289; 321; 465; 513; 593. -----. Ueber die Zunahme syphilitisohor Eikraiikungeu der Mundschleimhaut. Ibid., 1865, xv, 917- 920.—Mpilimann (P ) Contribution a l'etude tlu chan- cre buccal. Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1878, x, 292-295.— Slirlin;; (R. A.) The local treatment of syphilitic affec- tions of tin mouth. Austral. M. JT, Melbourne, 1885, u. s., vii, 158-161. ill a ii I 11 (Tu be re ii los is of) .- See; also, Pharynx, Tongue, Tuberculosis of. Dksplocs (J.) * De la tuberculose de l'arriere- bouche. 4-. Parii, 1879. Ducuor ( L.) *£t,ude sur la tuberculose de la bouche, ct eu particulier sur sa forme curable, 1°. Paris, 1879 Uei,adk(E.) * De la tuberculose bucco-pha- iyn,oi;e (phthisic buccale). 4 T Paris, 1878. Ahererombie (J.) On three cases of acute tubercu- lar ulceration of the fauces. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 923.—Babes. Bacilles ele la tuberculose dans line like- ration perine'iale, elans la tuberculose du vagin et dans line ulceration tie la levre inferieure. Lull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1883, lviii, 341-344. Also, transl.: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 860-S62. — | Bocckcl (lv)] Ulceres tubercu- h-iix dela bouclic. Gaz. med. ele Strasb., 1872-3, xxxii, 8.— It row ne (I,.) Tuberculose buccale, linguale et pharyn gee. Cong, internat. de laryngol. 1880, Milan, 1882, i, 104- 112—Chamberlain (C. \V.) Tuberculosis of the mouth and pharvnx. Proc. Connect. M. Soc . Hartford, 1881, 78- 81— De Itloi* il'. A.) Cases of buccal tuberculosis. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass.. NT V.. 1884, vi. 99-105. Also: NT Vork M. J., 1884, xl, 505-507 —Belavan (I). B.) Seven cases of buccal tuberculosis; with remarks upon tubercular ul- ceration of the tongue. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1886. N. V.. 1887, viii, 197-210. Also: N. York M. JT, 1887, xiv, 536-541. Also, Reprint.— ICielihoflf (J.) Ein Fall von ausgebrei- tetcr Tuberculose der Mundschleimhaut. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. P.erl.. 1881, vii, 413. —Finger (K.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Miliartubrrkels. ( Miliartubcrculose der Mundspeieheldriisen, Zungeu- und Mundschleimhaut und aussenm Haut.) Med. Jahrb., AVien, 1883, 99-122, 1 pi. Also.- Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1885, xx, 447; 459; 470. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1883, xxviii. 33, 46. Also : Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1882), 1883, 155-162. — HanNrniann (1) ) Ueber die Tuberculoseder Hoiltli (Tuberculosis of). Muntlse lileinihaut. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1886, ciii, 264-275. — .Inlliaril tils. Xote sur l'ulcere tubercu- leux de la, bouche. Bull. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom.. Lau- sanne, 1870, iv, 104-112. Also. Repriut. Also: Gaz. med. chir. do Toulouse, 1875, vii, 34-38.—lie Uen In (A.) Note sur un cas d'ulcere tuberculeux des gencives, dela joue, du voile du palais et des deux levies. Assoc franc, pour l'avauce. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1876, Par., 1877, v, 884-ssr,.— Peter. Sur la tuberculisation buccale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 6; 18; 102; 114; 142.—Qnenu. I'loe- ration tuberculeuse de la muqueuse palatiue: perfora- tion de la vofite palatine. Bull. Soc. clin. ele; Par. (18781, 1879, ii. 194-198.— BeeIns (P.) Tuberculose buccale. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 691-695.— Kevenlin (A.) Ulcdros tuberculeux de la bouche. Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1872. ix, 173-176. —Bicliet. Des ulcerations tuberculeuses ele la bom he, en general, a propos d'un cas d'ulceration tuberculeuse des levies. France m6d., Par., 1877, xxiv, 25; 33.—ISouliei- (A.) Tu- berculose but't'li pharyngee : phthisie buccale. Ibid., 1879, xxvi, 113; 122. — Mrhlifcrowitsrh (P.) Ueber Tuber- culose der Mundlieihle. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xxvi, 527-593.—Tc»li (A.) Conlribuzione alio stu- dio della tubercolosi bocca le e faringoa. Boll. d. osp. . . . di Fermo, 1880, i 2.5-33. — Trclat (IT) Xote sur l'ulcere tuberculeux de la bouche et en particulier de la langue. Arch. gt">n. de med., Par., 1870, i, 35-47. Mouth (Tumors of). Sec; also. Calculus (Salivary); Epulis; Gums. Jaws, Palate, Tumors of; Ranula; Submaxil- lary region, Tongue, Tuniovs of. Barbks (E.) * Contribution a l'etude des kystes dermoides du planeher de la bouche. 4°. Pavis, 1879. Bkrtherand (L.-L.) * Recherches sur les tu- nieur.s sublinguales. 4°. Strasbourg, 1847). Also, in: J. de ni6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1849, viii, 3; 123. Bois (A.) * Etude sur quelques fcuuieuis de la bouche et de 1'arriere-bouche. 4°. Paris, 187)8. Faure (P.) * De repitlielioma du planeher de la bouche. 4°. Paris, 1881. Labat (E.) * Les lipomes buccaux. 4 . Pa- ris, 1874. Larrieu (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'epithdlioiua du planeher de la bouche. 4°. Paris, 1879. Aniilierinaii ((I.E.) Kemoval of tumor from the mouth; successful. Chicago M. Exam.. 18IJ4. v, 458-460.— AiiMiaux (O.) Ivy sin congenital du planeher de la bouche. Ann. Soc-. med.-chir. de Liege. 1802, i, 204-207.— Arliovy. On papilloma of the oral cavity : [discussion]. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1881, n. s., xiii, 10-28.— Bacol (-1.) Case of a steattmiutous tumor under the tongue. Loud. M. tt Phys. A.. 1826. lv, 375-377. — Baiw- trocchi (E.) Contribuzione alio studio elei neoplasmi dell' organo dello smalto. Gazz. d. osp., Milauo, 1883, iv, 76; 91.—Baku (S.) A patpielin-fele thermo-cauter, boe- tetd, alkalmazasa alkepletek kiirtasara. [Removal of fun- goid tumor of mouth by thermocautery.] Gyogyiiszat, Budapest, 1880, xx, 489-491.— Bcrlhcraml. Tumeurs sublinguales. [Rap. de Larrey.J Bull. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1848-50, i, 374-378.—Bickerstclh (E. 11.) Removal of pterygo-niaxillaiv tumors by the mouth. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 156; 186.— Bouilly. Tumeur generalis6e chez nn enfant. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871. xlvi, 297-303.— Bowman. Large sebaceous cyst under the tongue; excision -. recovery. Med.-Times tfc Gaz., Loml., 1*53. n s., vii, 678.—Brady (G. S.) On a case of sublingual tu n im- partially removed by operation. Ibid.. 1867. i. 3 'j. — Broen. [Liqnido extrait d'une tumeur tic la Imuclie j Hull. Soe. anat, de Par., 1853, xxviii, 49. —Buck (G.) [Tu- mor under the tougue.J NT York M. Times, 1856, v, 208.— t'abot. Tumor from the roof of the mouth. Boston M. A S .]., 1863-4, lxix. 322. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Sue. M. Improve., 1867, v, 245-249.—Cameron (W. L.) Kemoval of a large tumor from the mouth. Tr. M. A Phvs. Soc. Bombay (1847-8), 1849, ix, 217-219. — Cardonc (F.) Mixoma papillare della cavita orale di un bambino. Arcb. ital. tli laringol., Napoli, 1887, vii, 132-131.—Ca*lc.x (A.) Des tumeurs malignes de i'arriere-bouehe (clinique et intervention chirurgicale). Rev. de chir.. Par., 1886, vi, 44; 130; 304. — Chassaijjnnc. Hydrocele subliuguale. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par.. 1853-4, iv. 23. -----. [Eyste de la region stis-hvoitlieiine. | Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1858, xxxiii, 274. —'Churchill (F.) Fatty tumour simu- lating ranula. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871-2, xxiii, 234- 237. Also: Med. Times A, Gaz., Lond., 1872, i. 160.— Combalat. Sur une observation de kystc ticrmoide du MOUTH. 502 MOUTH Mouth (Tumors of). planeher dela bouche. Bull, et m6m. Soc. dechir. dePar., 1881, n. s vii. 505-511.—Crnveilliier. [Tumeur sub- linguales. ] Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par.. 1862, xxxvii, 44.— B-ardiifiiac (J.) Observation tie tumeur dermoide du planeher buccal. [Rap. ele Chauvel.] Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1883, n. s., ix, 710-712. Also: Rev. de chir.. Par., 1884, iv, 655-660. — Dchlcr. Atheromatose Cysle unter der Zunge. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1857, iii, 41-44.—Denis. Observation sur une tu- meur fongueuse dans la bouche, extirpee et gu6rie par M. Denis. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xix, 305.— Uc«|ircM. Lipome sous-lingual. Bull. Soc. de chir. dc Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 208-213. -----. Tumeur veineuse du planeher de la bouche; anevrysme arterip-veineux; ligature des deux art^res linguales. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, 794-800. -----. Kyste dermoide du planeher de la bouche. Gaz. d. hop., Par!, 1881, liv, 298.—von Dumreicher. Exstirpation eines Sarcoma aus der Mundhohle. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1856, i, 50.— Ferguson (W.) Removal of a fibrous tumor from the roof of the mouth. Laucet, Lond., 1871, ii, 676. — Fer- gnsson. Vascular tumours of the mouth. Ibid., 1857, i, 62. — Fcrron. Observation de kyste dermoide du planeher de la bouche. (iaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1887, 2. »., xxiv, 150-152.—[Gallic!.] Kystes muqueux du plan- eher de la bouche et de la rfegion tliyrohyoi'dienne. (iaz d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 171.—f*orioy y Rico (J.I Epitelioma de la boca; operacioii; nuierte ]ior pneumonia. Gac. med. de Gianada, 1884, ii, 104-110.—Gruget. Tu- meur du planeher buccal; hypertrophie glaudulaire; 6pi- theliome au debut? Bull Soc. anat. de Nantes 1881, Par., 1882, v, 35. A Iso: J. de m6d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1882, xvi, 250. — Giitcrbock (P.) Ueber eine Dermoideyste am Bodender Mundhohle (Kiemengangcyste). Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1878, xxii, 985-989.—Guyon (F.) & Thierry (15.) Note snr 1'existence temporaire de kystes 6pidermi- ques dans la cavite buccale chez le foetus et les nouveau- nes. Art h. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 368; 530. — ilalke. Case of a large sebaceous cyst beneath the tongue. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 628.— Ileyfclder (J. F.) Exstirpation eines uinfangreichen Psendoplasiua in der Mundhohle, nebst Resection der rech- ten Luterkieferhiilfte. [Last*,] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1860, xii, 111— Hoeflc (M. A.) Balggeschwulst unter tier Zunge. Jenaisclie Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med.. Jena, 1851, ii, 273.—llol'iiiolil. Lipoma in regione sublinguali; Exstirpatio ; Jodoformbehandlung ; Heilung in 10 Tagen. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenaust. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 284. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl , Wien, 1885, xx, 172.—Jackson (R. J.) Fibrous tumor of 35 years' standing, oceup\ing the whole of the buccal cavity; re- moval ; fatal result. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 227-229.—Jamic-oii (H. G.) Case of tumour of the su- perior jaw. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1821, iv, 222-230, 1 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl , 1821, i, 542-546— Johnston (D.) Removal of alarge cancerous sub-lingual tumor along with part of the lower jaw. Edinb M. J , 1867-8, xiii, 436-439.— Kiihn (F A.) lets over een mond-uitwas. 'l7rirotcpaT7)s, Kotterd., 1828, vii, 45- 51. — I.eoni (P.) Istoria clinica di unacistedel pavimento della bocca. Gior. med di Roma, 1867. iii, 321-347, 1 pi.— I.inliail. Dermoid Cyste unter der Zunge. Oesterr. Zt- schr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1858, iv, 257-260.— diwloii (K.) Tumour of the mouth; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, i, 745.— fiiindqui*t (G.) Polyp i nuinh&lan; operation. In: Bergstrand (C. H ) Chir. iakttagelser, 8°, Upsala [I842J, 1848, 201-213.—?Iarch (C. J.) Multiple papillary tumors of the labial, buccal, and glossal mucous membrane. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1880, iv, 236. — JI arch ant (G.) Note sur les kystes dermoides du planeher buccal. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 653-676. Also .- Progres nie*d., Par.. 1887, 2. s., v, 462; 481; 504.—lie lVIarchcttis (P.) Tumor nielieeris, a parte sub lingua, ubi raninse, seusim per partem dextiaui colli, juxta jugulares venas, et caro- tieles arterias, ad fauces exporrectus, respirationem inter- ci))iens, sectione perfecte sanatus. In his .- Obs. med.-chir. [etc.], 8°, Loud., 1729, 44-46. Also, transl. in his: Rec. d'obs. rares [etc.], 8°, Par., 1858. 86-89.—iTIonod (C.) Gre- nouillette* hydatique. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1869, xliv, 209-211.-----. Lipome du planeher de la bouche. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 365-367.— .Vloiitt'umat. Kvste buccal. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1865. xl, 301-303.— Hori'i* (H.) Dermoid cyst in floor of mouth treated by excision of part of cyst-wall, and plug- ging with lint soaked in iodine liniment; subsequently, death from cancer of the oesophagus. Med. Times '&. Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 43. -----. Dermoid cyst containing hair in the floor of the mouth; removal through au in- cision below the jaw. Ibid., 44. — IVicaise. Kyste der- moide canalicule de la bouche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. 8., vii, 498. — IViedzwiecki (P.) Wyrosle brodawkowate mimgie blowy sluzowej, warg, jamy ustnej, jezyka i. t. cl. [Growths in mucous mem- brane of lips, mouth, etc-. ] (Iaz. lek. Warszawa, 1882, 2. s., ii, 896-899. — Padieu (A.) Kyste dermoide de la partie laterale droite du planeher de la bouche. Soc. ni6d. d'Aniiens. Bull. (1873-4), 1875, xiii-xiv, 173-178. -----. Mouth (Tumors of). Tumeur fibro-kystiquc volumineuse de la cavite buccale, il la face interne (6- la levre superieure, chez une femme ele 76 ans; operation; guerison. Gaz. med. de Pieaidie, Amicus, 1885, iii, 165. — Pnlumbo (A.) [Un tumore ml'- licolare della grunde/.za di una noce nell' intorno della sua bocca, che impedivale la niastica/.iono dei cibi. | l'iliatre- sebezio, Napoli, 1845, xxix, 22. —Pandolfi id.) Descri- zione di una speeiale neoplasia osservata soito la lingua dei bambini. Kesoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1875, xxix, 62-64. — Patterson. Tumour of the mouth oper at ion; death. Glasgow M. J., 1880, |4. s.j, xiii, 242.— Poelnian (C.) Description d'une tumeur cystique pceli culee, observee chez un ftetus. Bull. Soc.' tie mod de Gand, 1855, xxii, 10-13, 1 pi—Poland (S.) Tliroe cases of cystiform tumour under the tongue. l'u\'s Hosn. Rep.', Lond., 1850-51, 2. s., vii, 338-340.—l»on la in. Sca- voir, si, dans le cas d'une tumeur abscedCe aux environs dela bouche, on ne pourroit pas donner issue a la matiere par une ouverture pratiquee dans l'interieur do cette cavite. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1768, xxviii 79-83 — Bee law (P.) Des kystes dermoides du planeher buccal. Gaz. hebd. ele med., Par., 1887, 2. s , xxiv 75- 79. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx. 1105-1107.- Bcin- villier. Tumeur obturant complement la bouche dun enfant nouveau-n6. Gaz. d. help.. Par., 1850, 3. s, ii, 63 — Bcmarqucs sur certaines tuineiirs de la bouche forni6es par lhypertiopliie des glandules salivairesde la mnqueuse buccale; procede* ties-simple pour leur ablation. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1852, xiii, 58-64.—Kiberi (A.) Enorine tumore cistico sottolinguale. In his: Raccolti el. opere minori, etc., 8°, Torino, 1851, ii, 451-453. Bichelol (L.-G.) Ablation d'un epitheliome intra -buccal chez un diabetique. Union med., Par.. 1883, 3. s., xxxv, 781-784.— Rothman (A.) Ein Papillom im Munde. Ocsteri.- ungar. Vrtlischr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1887, iii, 203-209. Also, transl. : OrVosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 1461-1464.— BiinIiworth (J.) The ease of Dr. James Keil. In: Beckett (VV.) A collection of chirurgical tracts, 8°, Lond., 1740, 61-77.—Sarazin. Quelques tumeurs ele la cavit6 buccale et des fosses nasales. Rev. med. ele l'est, Nancy, 1880, xii, 139; 180— Schmalz. Entfernuiig einer zuii- genfbrmigen Geschwulst aus dem Innern des Mundes. Sumui. d. Neuest. u Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835, ii, 307.—Schtilzcn (S.) Von einem Stein unter der Zunge, der durch den S, lmitt gliiklich ware herausgeuom- men worden. Auserl. med - chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. iciin kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb., 1756, iii, 1-4.—Sewell. Fatty tumour in the situation of ranula beneath tin- tongue, successfully removed lrom an old man 86 years ol age. Metl. Times & Gaz., Lond, 1872, i, 160.—Smith (H.) Removal of au enormous polypoid tumor from behind the palate. Lancet, Loud , 1867, ii, 515.—Smith (\V. J.) Large sublingual cyst, treated by puncture and drainage. Ibid., 1872, i, 468.— Siique (J.)' Kyste pileux du plan- eher de la cavit6 but tale. France ui6d , Par., 1854, i, 214.— Syme (J.) Removal ot a large encysted tumor of the mouth. LobcI. & Edinb. Month. J. M' Sc, 1843, iii, 497.— Tiiinoren ini Bodeu der Mundhohle; 3 Falle; 1 Tod. Jahresb. ii d chir. Ablh d. Spit, zu Basel (1880), 1881, 23- 26.— Vanzetti (T.) Atheroma ingentismolisbasi lingure adhajrens, et in regione infraiuaxihari propencles; punctio quinquies reiterata, denique iucisio tumoris. In his: Ann. scholae cdin. chir., etc , 8°, Charcoviae, 1846, 72-75, 1 pi.—Vclpeau. Tumeur au-dessous de la langne, qui com- munique avec une autre tumeur sitnee sous Tangle de lanift choiredu cote droit; diagnostic differentiel; nature:; traite- ment; de la conjonctivite papuleuse. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1849, 3. 8., i, 62. —Vernenil. Kyste de la base de la lan- gue. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par.. 1853, xxviii, 8.-----. Kyste dermoide du planeher dt- la bouche. Ibid., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 110-112.—Vitladini (A.) Voluminoso tumore steatonia- toso sottolinguale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milauo, 1805. 5. s., iv, 61.— Wagner (CT) Case of sub-linjual falli- cular cyst, with sebaceoid c.outeuta. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1877, i, 261.— Wardrop. On a mode of removing tumors growing withiu the mouth, attached to the bones. Lancet, Loud., 1834, ii, 829.—Warren (J. M.) Encysted tumor under the tongue, resembling ranula. In his: Surg. Obs., 8°, Bost., 1867, 92. ---—. Venous erectile tumor of mouth, lip, and tongue. Ibid., 462-464.— Will- koii (P. H.) Caseof tumor originating in the pterygoid fossa, and developing towards the buccal cavity, success fully removed. Lancet, Lond.. 1869, i, 744. Also, Ke- print.—Weinlechncr. Epithelialcarcinom am Boclen der Mundhohle und an der unteren Flache der Zungen- spitze; Exstirpation. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krau- kenh. zu Wien (1882), 1883, 241.—Wright (J. W.) Rare congenital, composite, iiou-encystcd, hairy lipoma of the mouth. Bull. NT York Path. Soc., 1881, 2. s., i, 11-14. ITIoiltll (Ulceration of). See Mouth (Inflammation, etc., of). 71 otit Ii (Wounds of). See Face (Wounds, etc., of); Mouth (Surgery, etc., of). MOrTH-BKEATHING. 5( ifloiilli-bresitliiiig,. Cati.in ((L) The breath of life, or mal-respi- i-iition aud its effects upon the enjoyments aud life of man. ^J. New York, 1861. -----. The same. 8-. Xeiv York, 1864. _____. The same. 8°. London, 1862. 1'im kahd (F.) The sanitary brace, a simple iiiccliaiiical iuveutiou intended to force the closure of the mouth during sleep, and thereby absolutely compel the nose to perform all that nature d'esioned in the act of breathing. K . New Orleans, 186,9. Waoxkr (('.) Habitual mouth-breathing. Its causes, effects, and treatment. 12°. New York, 1881. Moutier (Alexandre). * Etude sur le fongus beiiin du testicule. 76 pp. 4C. Paris, 1877), No. 17-. Moutier ( Ldmond-Augiistin). * De la perfora- tion intestinalc dans la fievre typhoide. 32 pp. 4 . Paris, 187,7), No. 66, v. 578. Montier (Louis- Alexandre) [187)7- ]. * Con- tribution a l'histoire de la protection de l'eufance a Rome. 4:! pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 365. Moutier (U.) * Propositions snr le catarrhe uieiin, ou la leueorrhee. vi, 7-22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 75, v. 71. Iflofltiei'w, France. <»obley. Kapport sur les eaux de Salins et les eaux inert s tie Moiitiers (Savoie). Bull. Acad, dc m6d., Par., lsti3-4, xxix. L'7s. — IjniMKiiN ((;.) Sulle acque teruiali clorurate tli Salins (Moiitiers, Savoia). Gior. Accad. di nied. tli Torino, 1869, 3. s , viii. 287-29"). Moiltillai'd (Victor). *1. De l'lEdenie des cen- iics nerveux. II. [etc.] 68 pp. 4°. Paris, }84'., No. 211, v. 379. Moutiil (.)) * Sur la fistule a l'anus. 4°. Pa- ris, [8\8, No. 67, v. 137. Moiltill (L.) Le nouvcl hypnotisme. 220 pp., 1 pi. 12*-. Paris, Perrin A Cie., 1887. MoutillllO (A. F.) Breves reilexoes ao alitor do opusciiln: A liomet'ojiathia ; o (pie 6, e o que vale. 32 pp. sm. 8C. Porto, Braz Tisana, 1852. [P., v. 1249.] Moiltou (Alexandre)1. * Essai sur le cholera- inorbus. 1 p. ]., o01>(>- 4r Strasbourg, 1826, v. 55. -----. v Snr les maladies qui peuvent siniuler les hernies iiiguinales et ernrales. 23 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1826, v. 51 ; 55. Mouton (Alexandre)2. *>Sur l'iniagination, con- sideree dans ses rapports avec les maladies. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 135, v. 286. Mouton (Alphoiisc'-Maric). * Du traitement des fractures par le uansemeut ouate*. 39 pp. 4 \ Paris, 1877, No. 22. IVI out oil (Auguste). * Influence de l'uterus sur le systeme physique et, moral de la femme. 37 pp.* 4 . Pails, 18,14, No. 140, v. 273. IrloillOll (Celestin). * De la scarlatine. 38 pp. 4ri Paris, 187,4, No. 180, v. 563. Mouton (Fanile-Garnier). *l)es tumeurs hy- pertrophic] ues et vasciilaires de l'urethre chez la femme. 4ii pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 209. Mouton (Eugene). La physiouoniie compared; traits de l'expression daus l'homme, dans la nature et dans l'art. 3 p. 1., 595 pp., port. 8°. Paris, P. Ollendorff, 1885. See, also, Nerjgi (G.) La psychologic physiologique, [etc.] 8°. I'aris, 1880. Mouton (Gustave). * Des convulsions de l'en- I'aiu-e. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 228, v. 594. Mouton (Henri) [1-5W- ]. *Du traitenient de lVinpyenie ehronique par des resections de cotes (pi-oceile" d'Estlander). [Paris.] 86 pp., 1 1. 4 . L, Mans, 1883. Mouton (Leonardus Petrus). *De oeulorum in morbis habitu. vi, 68 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., C. C. van der Hoek, 1833. MOVEMENT. Mouton (Louis-Charles-Ernest). * Du calibre de l'oesophage et du catheterisine oesophagicn. 118 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874. No. 47. -----. The same. \18 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye; 1874. Mouton (Marie-Luglien-Charles). * Quelques considerations sur l'heniorrhagie rachidienne. 2(i pp. 4°. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1867, 3. s., No. 35. Mouton (Philibert). * Sur la hernie ombilicale, ou exomphale. 27 pp. &~. Paris, an X (1802), v. 11. Moutte (H.) * fitude sur le role pathooenique de l'eau. 44pp.,11. 4 . Montpelliei; 1874, No.36. Motltton (C.-Olivier). * Des hemorrhagies ute- rines avaut, pendant et apres raccouchement. 44 pp. 4 r Paris, 1852, No. 267, v. 530. Ifloiiva. Garrigou (F.) La source bicarbonatce ferrugineuse du Mouva, pies Qiievrac (Medoc-Gironde). Rev. m6d. et scient. d'hydrol., Toulouse, 1887, iv, •_,49-2.')2. Mouveuii'nt (Le-) hygienique. Revue d'hy- giene publique et privck'. Coiuite" de redaction: H. Barella [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, Dec., 1884-7. 8 . Bruxelles. Current, v. 1 complete in 13 nos., Dec., 1884. to Dee., 1885 ; v. 2 commenced .Jan., 1886. Mouvement (Le) medical. Annales de l'hy- drotherapie scient ifique. (La saut6 publique et l'associatiou m6dicale.) Redacteur en chef: N. Pascal. [Weekly. 1 Aun6es 4-17; Nos. 1-13, v. 18, Jan. 7, 1866, to March 27, L-80. 15 v. 8- & 4°. Paris. In July, 1872, sub-title became : Journal international de medecine, tie-chirurgie et de pharmacie. Keelacteurs: N. Pascal, Bournevillc, Kraus (tie Vieiuie). In 187:i E. Labbee added as editor : after 1873 Labbee sole editor. No. 13, v. 18, probably last published. Continued as : Be- veil (Le) medical. Moil ve rou Y ( Francois ). * Compression des uerfs rccurrents; trache'otomie. 42 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 151. Mouyane (P.) * Sur la pleuresie simple. 18 pp. ' 4 . Paris, an XIII (1804), No. 329, v. 52. du Mouza ( Charles-Auguste ) [1852- ]. * Quelques cas de chirurgie conservatrice a l'Ho- pital maritime de Clermont-Tonnerre (Brest) pendant les aniiees 1880, 1881, 1882. 85 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1883, No. 352. Monzaia-le*-M«nes. Bertherand (A.) Notice sur les eaux alcalines ga- zeuses ele Mouzai'a-les-Mines (province d'Alger), prec6dee de considerations sur la genose des eaux minerales et tliermales, d'apres la tradition malic. Auu. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1857-8, iv. 4;V>-473. Mouzard (Adolphe-Anibroiso). * Sur les avau- tages de 1'allaitement materuel. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 201, v. 299. Mouzat (Ae-hille). * Sur la scarlatiue. 17 pp. 4ri Paris, 1833, No. 351, v. 266. Mouzin (Alexis). See l'amai'd (Alfred) & llou/.iii (Alexis). Compte- reudu des travaux du Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departement ele Vaucluse. 8°. Avignon, 1876. Mouzon (Charles). * Etude sur la valeur se- meiologiqiie des h6iiioptysies, priucipalement daus certaines formes de maladies du cceur. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887), No. 333. Movement (Seme of). Mach (E.) Gruudliuien der Lehre von den Bewegungsempfiiulungen. 8C. Leipzig. 1877). Vierorill (K.) Die Beweguugsempfinduiig-. Ztschr. f. Uiol.. Miinchen. 1876, xii, 226-240. Movement and motion (Organic). See; also, Cilia, etc.; Leaping; Life ; Locomo- tion ; Muscles. Bokelli (G. A.) Philosophia de motu anima- lium ex uuico priucipio mechanico-statico de- ducta. fol. Amstelodami, [1704]. MOVKMKXT. 504 MOVIMKNTO. Movement and motion (Organic). -----. l>e motu aiiimalium. Editio nova . . . dissertationihus pliysico-mechanicis de motu musculorum, et de effervescentia et fernienta- tione, Job. Bernoullii aucta et ornata. 4 . Nea- poli, 1734. -----. The same. 4°. Hagcv Comitum, 1743. Dehoi'X (J.-B.) * Du niouveiiient organique et de la synthess animale. 4°. Paris, 186)1. Endtz (J.-A.) * De motu corporis auimalis, sive conscientia voluntaria. 8 . Gronint/a; 18>7). Ck.ndrin (A.-N.) Recherches physiologiques sur la motilite*. [Memoire lu au Cercle mildieal, le 24 decembre 1821, et in sere* dans les annales de cette societe. ] 8'. Paris, 1822. in: (1 outer (D.) *De motu vitali. 4°. Har- derovici, 1736. Janus (J. F. C.) * Systema motuum micro- eosinicum, seeuudiuu principia psychologismi medici. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1748]. Muhlpfort (J. A.) * Diss. phys. quinta qua motus auimalis e fundameutis geuuinis erutus. sm. 4°. Uittenbevgce, [1694]. Muller (F. H.) * De motu corporis ejusque influxu in sanitatem et morbos. 8°. Vindobonie, 1840. Miller (J.) De natura motus auimalis et, voluntarii exercitatio singularis, ex priucipiis physic-is, medicis, geometricis et architectouicis dedncta. sm. 4°. (liessce, 1617. Pauli (J, G.) [Pr. de fibra motrice.] 4°. [Lipsia; 1717.] Kadci.ifke (C. B.) The philosophy of vital motion. 8°. London, 1851. -----. Vital motion as a mode of physical motion. 8'-r London, 1876. Stricker (S.) Studien iiber die Bewegungs- vorstellungen. 8°. Wien, 1882. Whytt (R.) An essay on the vital and other involuntary motions of animals. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1763. AVlokka (\Y. M.) * De ratione motus medica. 8\ Jence, [1892]. Zurnek ( N. ' * De viventibus mobilibus a seipsis secundum sententiam Aristotelis aliorum- que veterum et contra modernani scholam Carte- sianam. 4T Jena; 1697. Arloing (S.) Dissociation ou association nouvelle des | mom emenls instinctifs sous l'iutluenee de la volout6 ; con- j ti ilmtion a la denomination de la nature des actes instine- I til's. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 648- j 652. — BechtereflT (V. M.) Eksperiment. izsliedovanija I nad kiugovimi dvijenijami ujivotnioh. [Experiments on I circular motions iu animals ] Ejened. klin. gaz., St Pe- j tt-rsli., 1881, i, 585. — Burinc (E.j Ueber metakinetische ! Scheiubewegungen und iiher die Wahriiehmuug der Be- I wegiing. Arch, f. Physiol., Leipz., 1884, 127-152.—Cor- ni•«!■ (K. H.) Remarks on the laws of animal motion; i willi a new theory thereon. Laucet, Loud . 1857, ii, 518.— I (only. Sur la distinction physiologique de deux classes j de mouvements. Compt. n'-nd. Acad. d. sc Par., 1884, | xcviii, lis7-l>89.—Delannay (C) Les mouvements centri- ] petes et centrifuges. Rev. scient., Par., 188J, 2. s., xix, 608- ; 610. A Iso: Assoc, franc*, poui1'avance. el. sc. Compt.-rend. | 188(1. Par., 1881, ix, 880-882. — Diipuy (P.) Du role du mouvement dans leu elie vital. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1864. 3. s., xix, 64!): 679. — Fere (C.) Le mouvement consider6 comme dynamogene : influence de sa direction : expression des emotions. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1K85. 8. s., ii. ii2!t-(>32.—von Fleischl (E ) Leber willluirliclie Be- weiung'n. Wien. metl. Bl.. 1878, i, 932: 968.—Ileitlen- hain (R.) Notizen iiber die Beweguiigsersrheinungeii, wcdche das Protoplasma in I'tiun/.enzellen zeigt. Stud. cl. physiol. Inst, zu Bresl., 1863, ii. 5J-i;s.— Inman. On vol- untary and involuntary motions, with an account of the organs bv which they are produced. Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc-. Live'rp.. 1847, iii.34-39. — Jiirgen»cii (T.) Leber die iu den Zellen der Vallisneria spiralis stattfludenden Be- we".iingserscheiuungen. Stud. cl. phvsiol. lust, zu Bresl , 1861, i. 87-100— I.eieboullel (A.) Xote* sur les mouve nieuts rhythiues dans 1 or^uiisme animal. Gaz. metl. tie Par., 1857, 3. s., xii. 538. — Piukinje (J. E.) & Valen. ! liii (G.) De motu viliratorio aiiimalium vertebratorum. I Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., Vratislaviae et I Movement and motion (Organic). Bonn;!', 1835, xvii, 843-854, 2 pi.— Ko.jn« ( F de P.) De termination tie los inovimieiitos voluiilarins en uueslici or-anismo. (iac. metl. catal., Barcel., lssi. it 7'jj»_7:>s — Maiiilii-Miii ( J. B. ) On the discoveries of the- past hall century relating to animal motion. Mod Times A (iaz Lond., 1881, ii, 354-359.— Savory (WT S.) On motion in plants and animals. Laucet, Lond, 1862, ii. 7!l 107 — Nucnce (P.) Voluntary motion. Pop. So. Month N Y 1S78, xiii, 444-455. — Kti-ieiier ( «-. ) Bemerkmigen iiber die Bewegungs-Vorstellungen. Wien. med. Bl. 18S" v ■>■ 36. - ' ' ' Movement-cure. See, also, Exercise «s a remedy; Gymnas- tics. Faesbeck. Die Methode der Bettgyinnastik in Verbindung mit Massage. 12c. Bratinschweici. 1887. Georgii (A.) Kinesithe'rapic', ou trailement des maladies par le mouvement, selou la methode de Ling. Suivi d'un alirege des applications de la thc'eiric de Ling a l'eMueation physique, sr Paris, 1847. Lino (P. H.) The gymnastic free exercises. Arranged by H. Rothstein; translated, with ad- ditions, by M. Roth. A systematized course of gymnastics without apparatus, [etc.] 16 . lion- ton, 187)3. Roth (M.) A short sketch of the movement - cure, or rational medical gymnastics, and of the Russian bath, and the use of these hygienic means for the treatment of many chronic dis- eases. 8 . London, 1869. Rothstein ( H. ) Die gymuastischeu Frei- ubungen nach dem System P. H. Ling's regle- mentarisch dargestellt. 4. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1861. Scheustrom (R.) Gyniuastique me'dicale m€- doise, ou l'art de gu6iir les maladies an moyen de mouvements bien co-ordonnes, et executes par le nierlecin-gyuinaste sur le corps du malade, on par le malade lui-nieme. 8°. Paris, 1876. Taylor (0. H.) An exposition of the Swedish movement cure, embracing the history and phil- osophy of this system of medical treatment, with examples of single movements aud directions for their use in various forms of chronic disease, forming a complete manual of exercises, together with a summary of the principles of general hy- giene. 8--. New York, [18|>0J. -----. Paralysis and oilier affections of the nerves; their cure by vibratory and special movements 16°. New York, 1871. Broberg (B. H.) Treatment of chronic disorders by Swedish movements and massage. Camilla Lancet, To- ronto, 1887-8, xx, 1(11.-104.— tleiiNchen r laying women iu all cases of difficult and pre- ternatural births, together with the diet and regimen of both the mother and child, xxiv, 121) pp., 2 1. k-. London, S. Austen, 17:10. Mowris (J. A.) Keforin; medicine and morals. Nn. :>. Aii address delivered before the Onondaga Medical Society, at Syracuse, N. V., June 14, 1870. 2 1. 8°. [u. p., Durstoris Book Store, \87t).] tflo\;i. See, also, Epilepsy (Treatment of); Joints [Diseases of, Tveettnteittof); Phthisis (T-eatmcnl »f)- Avkiiy (J. F.) *De usu moxa*. 8°. Edin- buvgi, 1821. (Jothknkt (C.-J.-B ) * Dissertation meilico- cliiruigieale sur le moxa ou cautere actuel. 4°. Paris, 1808. (Jkktix (J.) "Propositions sur l'application et les effets du moxa. 4°. Penis, 1801). Duchick (J.) * De moxibiistione; aduexa historia synoptica pareseos rheumaticie faciei. 8 . Pragce, [1836]. Fki.d.maxn (A. C.) Mlenioxa. 8°. Peslini, LlKil]. von (iKiiKMA (J. A.) Eroberte Gicht durch die Chinese-lie Waffen der Moxa. Worin aus gnugsamer Erfahrnng angewiesen wird, dass die beste, geschwindesto, kiirtzeste, sicherste uud bequemste Geuesung, so bisshcro noch erfitnden worden, bestehe, in dem alhier angefiihrten Me- thodo oder Curirungs-Kuust. 111°. Hamburg, ins:,. yi Liii{(jK\soiix(J.) *Demoxa. 8°. [Dorpat], 1*:>:S. F J' Hali.man (J. G.) * De moxie atque ignis in niedieiua rationali usu. 4°. Upsalia; [1788]. I Uloxa. Heymann (C. F.) *Demoxa. 8. Berolini, 1826. Hoxgo (M.) Shin Kin Cboho Jikki Komoku. [Handbook of moxa and acupuncture.] obi. 1-2 T Osaka, 1718. Idkler(K. W.) * De inoxie efficacia in animi morboruni medela. 8°. Berolini, [1831]. Lai'Iekre, dit Dupehuox ( P.-C.-A. ) *Du moxa. 1'-'. Paris, 187,1. Larkey (D. J.) On the use of the moxa, as a therapeutical agent. Transl. from the French, with notes, and an introduction containing a history of the substance by Robley Dunglison. 8°. London, 1822. See, also, infra. Lindner (C. G.) * De moxis ex remediis do- mesticis incongrue applioatis. 4°. Hala;[1729], Marcox (L.-I.) ' Dissertation sur Faction du moxa. 4J. Paris, 1826. Mokel. Memoire et observations sur l'appli- catiou du feu au traitenient, des maladies; gue- rison d'une maladie du foie operee par le moxa, [etc.] 8^. Paris, 1813. Oeiime (C. G.) * MoxiBhistoriani adumbrandi specimen. 8°. Halts, [1*4">]. Ortiguier (B.) * Essai meclico-cliirurgical sur le moxa, et sur l'ustion en general, et ses dittcrens modes (l'application. 4°. Paris, 1821. Piollet (P.) * Du moxa, et de son applica- tion an traitement de la carie qui attaque les os du tronc; carie ordinairemeut accompagnee de depot par congestion, et generalenient regurelee alors comme incurable. 4°. Paris, 1817. Vildieu (fi.-G.) * Dissertation sur le moxa, et de son emploi dans le rhumatisme ehronique. 4°. Paris, 18-23. Wallace (W.) A physiological enquiry re- specting the action of moxa and its utility in inveterate cases of sciatica, lumbago, para- plegia, epilepsy, and some other painful para- lytic and spasmodic diseases of the nerves and muscle's. 8°. Dublin, 1827. Witthoef (S. A.) * De usu moxa?. 4J. Lun- da; 1799. Barde. Cinq observations sur Temploi du moxa clans diverses maladies. Rev. med. hist, et, phil., far.. 1820, i, 4. livr., 139-149.— Knrlliolimis (T.) De moxa. Acta med. et phil. Hafn. (lt>77-!)). liwn, v, 7-11.—Boyle (.1.) Oases and observations illustrating the application of moxa to the treatment of chronic affections of tin; limbs. Lond. M. tfc Phys. J., 1827, u. s., iii, 3u9-;S14.— 4'oopei- (B. B.) Au indolent sore, resisting ordinary treatment, but speedily cured by the elec.e ric moxa. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, u. s., ii, 553-555. — ('miner (J. (I.) Modification apportee a, la confection des mo\as. iScho med., Neurh&t., 1857, i, 762.—Frank (L.) Ueber Moxa. Med.-chir. Ztg., Sal/.burg, 1795, ii, 18:!-188.—von Oracle (0. F.) Ueber leicht auwendbare Moxen. .1. el. Chir. u. Angenli., Berl., 18;!7, xxvi, 526-535. —II a ra, Wei. (On the old Japanese practice with the moxa.) Iji Shinlmu, Tokio, 1885. no. 165, Aug. 5.— liniiipIV r (IT) Moxa, pra*stantissima cauteriorum materia, Sinensibus Japonibustpie niultum usitata. In his: Amcenitatum exoticaruni 1 etc. 1, 4° Lemgovia;, 1712, 589-599.— I,arrey (D.-.L) Notice d'un memoire ayant pour titre : Observations sur les bens effets tin moxa, seconds par rapplieation de rammoniaipio. Mem. Soc. med. d'6mulat. tit- Par. (an v). an vi [ 1798J. i. 199. -----. Moxa. Diet. d. sc. med., Pur , 1819, wxiv, 459-474.-----. De 1'usage du moxa. In his: Bee. ele mem. dc chir., 8°, Par., 1821, 1-160. 2 pi. [Sec, also, supra.} — I-iency (J.) Use of moxa in rheumatism. Loml. M (Iaz., 1842, xxx, 608-610.—Pascal. Observations snr l'lisage du moxa des Chinois, ou du oylindre dc eoton. employe selon la methode de feu M. Pontcau. J. de 1111-4.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1784, lxi, 268; 59",: 178(i, Ixvi. L'S(l-288: 1788, lxxvii, 74-85. -----. Observations sur 1'usage du moxa, pour la guerison des ulceres, avec des moyens d'eu perfectionner l'application. M6d. eclairee, Par., 1792, iv, 336-346— Perez (J. L.) Observacion en confirmacion de la eficacia de las moxas en las flemasias crdnicas Tie los 6rganos pulinonales. DAc.adas nied.-quir. y farm., Madrid, 1821, ii, 275-280.—Peru I a (JT B.) Eficacia del moxa con- tra las flegmasias re'icicles de pecho Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 18:!I>, iii, 233-235. — Potel. Du moxa. Ann. de la med. physiol., Par., 1830, xviii, 288-291.—von MOXA. 506 MOVNE. Ifloxa. Keii'liert (K. W. G.) Ein Beitrag zur Geschiehte tier Moxa. Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Ooog., Leipz., 1S7H, ii, 45: 145.—KicliH'r. Kanteleu zum (Je- brauch tier Moxae. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1845, xxxiv, 14(1. —Kivera (J. A.) Observaciones practicas sobre la elicacia de la moxa en las tiemasias cronicas tie pecho. Decadas de med. y cirug. prdct., Maeliid, lf-22, v, ;i29-357.—NimIiIUt. Ueber die Anzeige zur Anweuduug del- Moxa; nebst daliin gehorigeu Krankengeschiebteii. Ztschr. f. el. ges. Med., Hamb., 1836, iii, 234-247.—!*©u- ville. Observation sur l'application du moxa, daus une ilouleur de sciatii|tie. J. de m6d. mil., Par., 1783, ii, 470- 179.—Mtoclcivill (W. H.) On moxa. Transylv. J. M., l.exin-ton. Ivy., 1835, viii, 151-169.—Use (The) of the moxa in Japan in the xviii. century. [From: Kaempfer's Japan.1 Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1887, vi, 180-182. — Vaidy (J.- V.-F.) Observation sur les bons effets du moxa dans le traitement des inflammations chroniques des organes de la respiration. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1820. vi, 9- 16. -----. Faits constatant l'efficacit6 du moxa dans le traitement des phlegmasies chroniques des orgaues tie la lespiratiiin. J gen. de m6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1820, lxxii, 55-68. Also : Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1820-21, vii, 148-159.—Valentin (L.) Sobre los buenos efectos dela adustion eu el esternon en un caso de expectoracion puru- lenta. Decadas med.-quir. v farm., Madrid, 1821, ii, 24- :i'2- Valentin! (M. B.) De moxa atque podagra. In his .- l't.lyt h. exot,, 4°, Francof. ad M., 1701, 197-203, 1 pi.— Wade (It.) Cases in which moxa was successfully ap- plied. Loud. M. Sc Phys. J., 1828, n. s., iv, 473-478.— Wedel ( sYn preserver. [Communique par un medecin hon- grois.] 2 pp. s0. [Paris, L. E. Ilerhan, n. d.] Uloyle (John). Chirurgus niuiinus; or, the sea cliiriirgion. Being instructions In junior c-hi- mrgic practitioners, who design to serve at sea in this imploy. In two general parts. The first part contains necessary directions, how the clii- riirgion should furnish himself with medicines, instruments, and necessaries, fit for that office; together with a medicinal catalogue, and an ex- emplary invoyce. The second pari contains the Biirgions practice at sea; which practical part serves as well at land as at sea. I. eel. 11 p. 1., 326 pp.. f> 1. 12°. London, E. Tracy, 1792. ------. The experienced cliiriirgion; deliver'd under the following heads: I. Preternatural tu- mors and ulcers. II. Affects thereupon. HI, Wounds and contusions. IV. Fractures of the skull. V. Luxations and sprains. VI. Fract- ures of the limbs and other bones. Wherein are occasionally handled the chirnrgical part in the stone, the gout, the rhuiuatism, the dropsie, the sctirvey. the king's evil, the confirmed itch, the leprosie, and the French pox. With an anatom- ical description of the parts treated of; besides the chirurgie;,1 part in the vermis Africanus, never treated of before, the e-oncussio cerebri, etc. To which are added the best approv'd remedies now in use' for most distempers incident to hu- mane bodies, by sea or land. Collected from Dr. Bates, and Dr. Fuller's pharmacopeia, and others of the best modern authors. By a Dr. of phys- ick. Very necessary for all chiruigions and other persons that have not the conveniency of a phy- sician's advice. 3 p. 1., 320 pp., 4 1. sm. 8-; London, IV. Davis, 1703. ------. Chyrurgic memoirs, being an account of many extraordinary cures which occurred in the series of the author's practice, especially at sea [etc. ] 3 p. L, 128 pp., port. 12°. London, I). Bvown [and others], 1708. -----. The present ill state of the practice of physick in this nation truly represented, aud some remedies thereof humbly proposed to the two Houses of Parliament. Hy a member of the College of Physicians- 34 pp. 8°. [w. p., 1702.] Uloyiiac (Leon). *Du traitement des hernies par le caoutchouc. 3 pp., 1 1. 4-. Paris, 1875, No. 13. -----. The same. 33 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1877,. ------. Manuel de pathologic gcnerale et de dia- gnostic, xii, 759 pp. 12 . Paris, H. Lauwereyns, 1877. —:---. The same. 3. eU xii, 726 pp. 12°. Pa- ris, II. Lauwereyns, 1*83. ------. The same. Manual de patologia general y de diagnostico, traducido al castellano pur el doctor Don Esteban Sanchez Ocana. vii, 687 pp. 8 . Madrid, Moya y Plaza, 1878. ------. The same. Manuel de pathologie et de clinique meMicales. 3.6(1. 1 p. 1.,715pp. 18u. I'aris, Lauwereyns, [1880]. ------. Manuel (l'anatomie descriptive. 2 v. V14, 581 pp. 12'-'. Paris, H. Lauwereyns, 1889-81. CONTENTS. I. Manuel de l'ainphitheatre. II. Splanchnologies organes des sens; embryologie. -------. Elements de pathologie et de clinique chi- rnrgicales. 3. ed. 2 v. viii, 766 pp : 7:i-' pp. 12^. Penis, H. Lauivereyns, 188]. ------. Conseils aux personnes qui souffrent des voies genito-urinaires. 392 pp. 12°. Paris, <1. Sieinheil, 1886. Moyne (F.-Numa). * I. Des indications dans la convalescence. II. [etc.] 70pp. 4r Paris, 1841, No. 261, v. 379. MOY>'K. 507 MUCH A. IYIovik* (Giuseppe). II servizio oculistico nelle eia ferrovie romane. Lettera al Sig. Coiiun. L. T. Kossuth, direttore dell' esercizio delle strade ferrate (led Mediterraneo. xx pp. 8°. Firenzt; tipoc/. eooperativa, 1885. sitppl. to: Boll, d' otul., Firenze, 1885-6, viii, no. 1. IVIoYiM' (L-L.) * Sur le cr6tinisme et l'idiotisnie. •2,s*]ip- 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 80, v. 103. jHoyiiii'i' (Eugene). * De la choree. 142 ]ip. .]". Paris, 1855, No. 48, v. 578. ------. Des morts siibites chez les femmes en- ceintes ou receinment aceouchees. iv, 5-167 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1858. -----. Des accidents graves qui survienuent dans le coins de la rougeole et de la scarlatine. 290 pp. 8'-'. Metz, .1. Vevvonnais, 1860. Pepr. from: Exposfe d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. ni6d. de la Moselle,'Met/,, 1860. Moyilier (Gustavo). Note sur les travaux du reunite international, foudateur de l'ceuvre eles secours aux militaires blesses, lue a la confe- rence iuternationale de Berlin le 27 avril 18i>9. 8 pp. 8 . Berlin, J. P. Starcke, 1869. ----—. Droit cles gens. Etude sur la convention de Geneve pour l'aiuelioratiou du sort des mili- taires blesses dans les armee3 en campanile (1864 et 1868). 376 pp. 8r Paris, -J. Chevbuliez, 1870. ------. Note snr la creation d'une institution judiciaire internatiouale pro pre a prevenir et a reprinier les infractions a la convention de Ge- neve. Lue au Couiite' international de secours aux militaires blesses, dans sa seance du 3 Jan- vier 1872. 1 1., 12 pp. 8°. Geneve, Sottllicr A Wivth, 1872. ——. The red cross, its past and its future. Transl. by John Furley. viii, 9-188 pp. 12 . London, Cassell, Pellet; Galpin . Monachii, J. Deschler, 1838. linck (Rudolph). * Leber Gut- und Bosartig- keit cles Careinoins. 38 pp. h-J. Wiirzburg, J. Ken/sei; 1850. c. II licki'l'lliailll (Clemens) [1*38- ]. * De scarlatina. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, (1. Schade, L18152]. Hinckley (William J.) The student's manual of artistic anatomy, with plates of the bones and surface muscles of the human figure, together with a description of the origin, insertion, and use of the muscles. 2(i L, 25 pp. 8°. London, Hail Here. Tindall A Co.r, 1878. ill (icon* membranes, See Membranes (Mucous). Uncoil* tubercules. N e Condyloma. Mucus. See, also, Asphyxia from bronchial mucus; Mucin ; Pus: Saliva. Beniziis (A. C.) * De pituita vitrea insipida. 4 . Altdovffi, [1699]. Buciiiieim (R.) *Meletemata qua-darn de, al- buinino, pe|isino et inuco. 4°. Lipsia; [1.S45]. Dakwix (C.) Experiments establishing a cri- terion between nineaginous and purulent mal ter. ^ . [Edinburgh, 1778 >] ------. The same. Experiments establishing a criterion between mucaginous and purulent matter. And an account of the retrograde mo- tions of the absorbent vessels of animal bodies in some diseases. [With a preface bv E. Darwin.] 8°. London, 17S(». GALi>irs(J.) 1 De pituita. 4°. Harderovici, 1698. Gobn (C. A.) *Depituita. 4'. Lipsia; 1718. Also, in: Halleu. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Ciottinitit' 2751, vii, 373-419. vox Gkuijhliskn (V. P.) Nalurliistoiische j Untersiichuugen iiber deu Uuferschied zwischen ' VIiicii*. Liter und Schleim durch das Mikroskop. I Mil lichen, 1899. Hebold (0.) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Sekrctiou und Regeneration der .Schlciin/.ellen s-'. Bonn, [187')]." Helle (B.) * De inuco et nieubis a niucu oriuudis. 4°. Lugd. Hat., 17!>0. Hoffbauer (C. II.) * De ignobili muco in- grato inultorum nobilium hospite. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1734]. Lokleberg (J. C. C.) * Physiologia muci primarum viarum. 4°. Witlenberga; [17H«1], Maekkl(G.B.) * Depolyblennia. 8°. Slvuu- biugct, 1835. Montanus (J. B.) Sententia de generatione pituitie: contra eos qui affirmant, pituitani in ven trie nlo generari. In : OllAI'O (J.) Methodus tfepan-eimicrj, etc. 12° Basilece, [1555], 163-170. Pateuson (A.) * Soelerjanie jirov v inokiotie. [Fat in mucus.] 8C. ,S7. Petersburg, 1871. Schleim (Der) vorziigiich der Kinder und alten Leute, oder Entstehuug, Ursachen, Kenn- zeichen, Natur und Heilung dei in jecleni Alter sich bildeiiclen, sehr gefahrlicben Verschlciiniing des Bints, der Brust, des Magens und der Einge- weide, mit, beigetugten, durch eigene Erfahrung bestiitigten, vorziiglichen Mittelu und Recepten. 2. Aull. 80. Frankf. tt. M., 1821. Scott (D,) * De genere mucoso in corpore' animali pnesertiin humano. 8°. Edinburgi, 1812. Starkoff (I.) * Soderjanie vielkovich tide ve inokiotie. [Albnininous bodies in mucus.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1871. Tilanls (J. G. R.) * De saliva et muco. 8°. Amstelodami. 1849. de \Yisix<;er (R.) * De pituita. 12°. Mo- nachii, 1836,. Beale (L. S.) Ou the vital changes occurring iu the mucus cm puscle. Assoc. M. ,L, Loml., 1863, i, 262; 315.— ISiee Gio- vanni (A.) Alcune osserva/.ioni loieroscopiclie sopra il sangue, il muco ed il pus. (iaz/,. ined. ilal. liuuli., Milano, 1870, 6. 8.. iii. 313-316.— Duncan (.1. M.) Clinical lect- ure on retention of mucus. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1S71I, ii, 62U-631. — IMmiUi (.) On the composition of mucus. Lond. M. (la/... 1841-2. xxx. 672-674—itlamll (L) Memoire sill- ies rapports qui existeut entre le sang, le pus, le mucus et tepidi-imc. (iaz. m6d.de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 417-422.— Kan v ier (L.) Ues vacuoles ties cclluli s caliei formes, (lea mouvements tie ces vacuoles et des phenomenes intinies (le la secretion du mucus. Coinpt. lend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1887, civ. 81.I-S22. — ICosNbacli (M J.) & Axehen- bi-amlt (IT) licit rage zur Physiologic und Pathologic: der Sclileiniset reliiui in den Luftwegen ; vorlautige- Mit- theiluimen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Perl., 1881, xv, 41; 113.—Million (F.) Leber Schleim uud Filer. J. cl. pract. Ileilk., lleil.. 1841, xciii, 5. St., 3-14. —Tijjri (A.) Sulla coniposiziiiiie istolu".iea primaliva tlel mueco. Pull. (1. sc. med. di Bologna, 185I1, 4. s., xi, 380-386. llllll baths. See Baths (Mud). Iliula i'. Piekot (J.) * De mndar sive Calotropi gigan- tea K. Hr. 8°. Lugd. Bat., L-U'J. 1'n in in (W.) Pemarks on the medicinal properties of matlar, and on the effects of bichromate of potass on the human body. Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1827, xxviii, 295-302. MUDA. .09 MLTHLHArSER. n mlar. {ho ■ -Am. M.Recorder, Phila., 1828, xni, 315-322. —Dun- < nn ( \ ) Observations on the, bark of the root of tin- Ca- httropis inuelaiii. Edinb. M. & S. ,L. 1820, xxxii,. 60-74. ._____On muilariue, the active. principle of the bark of the root of the Calolropis miidarii. l'.uch.. and the singular influence of temperature upon its solubility iu water. Lancet. Loud.. 1830-31, ii, 641-643. — IMayfair Hi.) On tlie iiiaeiar and its medical uses. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Cal- cutta, 1823-5, i, 77-102, 1 pi. Irliullioi'k (.1. E.) The "J. E. M." guide to Da- vos-1 Mat z, with analytical notes on the food, air, water, and climate,'by Philip Holland. 2. ed. viii, 132 pp. 12 T London, Sinqikin, Marshall 4' Co.', \882. Hindoo (Henry). Physiology, health, and dis- ease, deinnnd'iiig abstinence from alcoholic drinks, and prohibition of their common sale; being a course of live lectures With illustra- tions and appendix; to which is added The Dis- ti-ae-tcd Village. A tale, viii, 124 pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. Tweedie, 187A. [P., v. 143*!.] MlldtfC (John) [1720-93]. A dissertation on the inoculated smali-pox ; or, an attempt towards an investigation of the real causes which render the small-pox by inoculation so much more mild and safe than the same disease when produced by the ordinary means of infection, vii (1 1.), 152 pp.. 1 pi. i(i°. London, K. Allen, 1777. [P., v. 1435.] -----. A radical and expeditious cure for a re- cent cntMiihous cough. Preceded by some ob- servations on respiration ; with occasional and practicul reinaiks on some other diseases of the lungs. To which is added a chapter on the vis vita-, so far as it is concerned in preserving and reinstating the health of an animal. Accompa- nied with some strictures on the treatment of compound fractures, xvi, 27)2 pp. 1(5°. Lon- don, E. Allen, 1778. [P., v. 1435.] —. Tlie same. 5. ed. xx, 231 pp., 1 pi. 16°. London, J. ti. Haven, 17-3. The same. Abhandlung von dem catai rhalischen Husten, in welcher zugleich eine oiiindliche und gesch winde Heilungsart dessel- ben niitgetheilet wird. Nebst einigen Beiner- kungen iiber die Lebenskraft des nit'iisehlichen Kiirpers, und iiber die Behandlung complioirtor Heinhriithe. Aus dem Englischen iiberset/.t. 5 p. 1., l2(i pp., 1 pi. 12°. Leipzig, Weidmanns lit ben u. licit h, 17-11. Fur Fort rait, sec Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. (Libr.) Miickc (Die). Ein volksthiimliches Coircspon- ilenz-Oigau fiir alle Freunde der Natur und War- licit. Hrsg. und redigirt von Carl Baunscheidt. [28 Nos. annually.] Jahrg. 1-2, 1861-2; 16-28, 1870-88. 14 v. 8°. Bonn. Current. Mliecke (Benjamin Gottfried). * Historia tetani nuper observati cum epicrisi caussaru n hujus morbi. 24 pp. sm. 4 T Jena; lii. Kivchneviutiis, [17701. Also (Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstaud. Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Leipzig u. liitdissiu, 1774, vi, 125-129. IMlHM'ko (Carl) [184.V ]. * Ueber Vaccina tion und Revaccination. 32 pp. 8-. Berlin, G. Lange, [1872 ]. Hillock** (Franciscus). * De ossium fungo me dullari aneiu ysina simulante. 27 pp. 8°. Gry- phia; F. ti. Kitnike, [1856]. Mliecke (Georgius A.) [1823- ]. rVnalecfa ad niediiinain schobe nietliodicie. 26 pp., 1 1. 8J. Vvatislavitr, Ii. Klein, 1847. ITIuecko (Joannes Henricus). * De persicaria acida.lungerinanni. 2li]>p. sin. 4°. Haiti-Mag- deb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [173.')]. IUlieckl (Gustav Adolph). * Ueber die Placenta prievia. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen. J. Deschler, 1845. Ifl iielir (Ferdinandus Josephus). * De achoribus. 1 p. 1., 32 pp., 2 1. 12°. Budce, lyp. C. Landcrer, vidua;, [1783]. micgel (Fridericus) [1818- ]. * De diabete pathologia. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Xie- tackianis, [1840]. ITIiijfSJC (Friedrich). * Ein Fall von Dermoid- eyste des Ovarium. 41 pp. 8-. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1-76. jfllielll (Gustave-Adolphe). * Sur le rachitisine. 1 p. 1., 90 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1847, No. 174, v. 13. IHUlilbacli (Mart.) Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc., 136. Miilllbaiicr (Franz Xaver). * Ueber Transplan- tation der Cornea. 85 pp., 1 1. 8-'. Miinchen, Wild, 1849. ------. Beitrag zur L(5hre von den Blutcrasen vom pathologisch- anatomisehen Standpunkte aus betrachtet. iv, 48 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1845. ------. Die Lehre von der Percussion und Auscul- tation mit Beriicksichtigung der pathologischen Anatoniie der Brustorgane fiir den piaktischen Arzt. viii, 90 pp. 8°. Erlangen, /•'. Enke, 1-17. ------. The same. De leer der percussie en aus- cultatie met betrekkiug tot de pathologische anatomie der borstorganen, ten behoeve van practische artsen zamengesteld. Uit het Hoii"- duitsch vertaald en het aaiiteekeningen voorzien door Dr. C. Gobee. 1 p. L, 96 pp. 8'-'. Leiden, J. H. Gebhard f Comp., 1847. rfliililbsilier (Josephus). * De iilceiibustractus intestinalis. 16 pp. 8°. Monachii, J. Deschler, 1839. ."tliilllliuur ( Francisco ). * De hienioptysi. 15 pp. 8°. Augustce I'indel., G. Geigcr jun., 1839. Ifliilllbaiir ( Maximilianns). * De statu mor- borum nosocomii Augustani sectionis chirurgica; anno 1836-7. 19 pp. 8°. Augustce I'indel., tl. Geiger, 1837. IVIiillle (F.) * Ein Fall von Anus pra'ternaturalis und (lessen Behandlung. 24 pp. 8->. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1880. miilllcbacll ( Friedrich ). Beschreibung einer Dysenteric-Epidemic von 19 Fallen in der Ge- nieinde Miihlheim a. Bach. 26 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Freiburg in Baden, H. M. Poppen it. Sohn, 1-77. Miilllenbach ([Friedrich Wilhelm] Georg) [18.">4- ]. * Zur Aetiologie und Statistik der phlyetanularen Angenentziindiingen. 31 pp. 8°.' Greifswald, J. Abel, 1878. JJIiilileiibeck (H. Gustave). pubnouaire. 1 p. l.,2lpp. 4C. v. 7,9. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 21 pp. F.-G. Levvault, 1822. IVIiilileiibciii (Carolus Georgius Fridericus). * Dc staphylomate sclerotica?. 44 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Gottinga', J H. Meyer, 1834. Vliihlt nix in (G. A. H.) [1764- ]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. (Libr.) Itl iililciltlior (Job.) Das Leben uud Stn-lien Samuel Hahnemanns, des Eiiinders und Begiiin- ders der homoopathisehen Irrlehre. Nach den besten Quellen geschildert. 35 pp. 8C. Pots- dam, H. lO'ilei; 1834. von itliililci*. See Pren»«i«clie Pharmakopoe. 7. Ausg. 8°. Ber Un. 1SI12. j?IiiliirHd(/!%™.) Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. MulilliaiiM»r(Friedr. Aug.) Ueber Epideinieen und Cholera, insbesondere iiber Cholera in Speier l-7:>. 2 p. 1., 104 pp., 2 ch. 8°. ■Mannheim,, J. Schneider, 1875. * Sur ladocimasie Strasbourg, 1822, 4°. Strasbourg, MOHLnArSER. 510 MUEL. HIiililliaiiM'r(H ) Sit- Meliaarschmiflt ( TT. ) & H iiltlhiiuser ( H. ) S liulMiiialoriiini Kiidericii.nuui zu llavos (Schweiz). 8°. [Ihinos-PlatZ, 1886.] [tail hill a II* (Albert). * Ueber Probepunktionen und Puuktionen bei Pleuritis exsudativa;' Sta- tistik der seit 1872 bis jetzt im Julius-Hospitale zu Wiirzburg bei Pleuritis exsudativa zur Aus- fiihrung gekommeueu Probepunktionen und Puuktionen. 49 pp. 8ri Wiirzburg, Becker, \882. rtliililhaiiM'U (Friderich). lagttagelse om Tobaksi0gens Nytte hos Drukuede. 7 pp. 12 . Kitpbenhavn, J. Ii. Thiele, [1776]. -----. Pandelienet. EuPr0veafet Fors0gpaaen fuldsbendig og paa Chirurgien anvendt dausk Beenhere. 8 pp. 12-. Kie/ibenhavn, J. li. Thiele, 1778. [.lii III ha li sen (Godeschalcus). * De cruditate, coctione et crisi. 47 pp. 4 . Lugd. Bat., J. Heyliiievt, [1740]. i< lii ill hail s<> n (Joseph). * Ueber die Behand- liiug des L,\ inpho-Sareoiii. 28 pp., 1 1. 8 . Bonn. I. F. Cavthaus, [1873]. rtliihlhaiiscil (Josephus Joh.) * De asthniate thymico infantum. vi, 7-37 pp. 8'-'. Lipsiee, typ. Breitkojitio-Hctertelianis, 1837. Por Biography, see Weber (Ernestus Heuricus). jlliihlibarll ( Nicolaus Theodorus ). Inquisitio optie-o-physioloeica de visus sensu ; in qua, viso- iinn iinaginein ohjcctoruin, perceptioni, situ hand in verso, uti hucusque elocuerunt, repriescutari, planeevineilur. xiv, 15-80pp. 8°. lindobona; iu bibiiopolio Canusinano, 1816. Itltillli^. Conference sanitaire internatiouale. Appemlice an ra]iport de la commission des me- siires hyoieniqucs. La disinfection appliquee au cholera. Travail revn et approuvd par la commission. 18 pp. fol. [n.p , 1866, vel subseq.] IVItichliiiailll (Carolus) [1821- ]. * De partu pra'inaturoartificiali. 29pp., 11. 8°. Bevolini, G. Srha'le, 18 45. IHiiellliiiailil ([Carolus Gustavus] Adolphus). [180(1- ]. * De graviditatis diagnosi sa*pe dnbia. 43 pp. - . Bevolini, lit. A. Pclsehii, 0816]. NI uhl|>aiicr (Joannes Maximil. Josephus). *De febre catarihali jiassim hactenus epidemia. 16 pp. 4°. Altovfii Xoric, lyp. J. G. Kohle.sii, [1730]. ITIiilllpfoi't (Joh. Adolphus) * Diss. phys. quinta qua motus auimalis e f'undamentis genui- nis erutiis. 16 1. sm. 4°. WiHenbergce, tup. M. Selntltzii, [1694]. OTliehiillcr ([Joh. Ferdinand] Wilhelm) [1845- ]. '■ Beobachtungen iiber Typhus exanthema- tie-us. 24 pp. 8-T Greifswald, F. W. Kitnike; t^- c. iTliihi-y (Adalbertus Adolphus) [1811- ]. Ad parasitorum inalignorum imprimis ad fungi me- dullaris oculi historiam symbobe aliquot, viii, 48 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Gottingee, sumpt. Dieterichianis, 1833. -----. Darstellung und Ansichten zur Verglei- chung der Medicin in Frankreich, England und Deutschland. Nach einer Reise in die-sen Lan- dern im Jahre 1835. x, 2-3 pp., 2 pi. 12 r Han- nover, Hahn, 1836. -----. The same. Observations on the compar- ative state of medicine in France. England, and Germany. Transl. from the German by Edward G. Davis. M. 1). 126 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Walelie, 183-. -----. Leber die historische Unwandelbarkeit der Natur und der Krankheiten. 50 pp. 16°. Hannovo; Hahn, 1844. -----. Die geographischen Yerhiiltnisse der Krankheiten, oder Grundziige der Noso-Geogra- phie, iu ihrer Gesammtheit und Ordutiug und mit Miihry (Adalbertus Adolphus)—continued. einer Saininlung der Thatsachen dargeleet. p Thl. Allgemeine Gesetze und Lehren eler\\eiso< Geographic 2. Thl. Thesaurus noso-ereoj-Taphi- cus, oder georclnete Sammlung noso-geographi- scher Berichte, mit hinzugefligten Conunenta- tionen. 2 v. in 1. xiv, 224 pp. ; x, 281 pp., 1 map. 8°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 187,6. -----. Klimatologische Untersuchungen, oder Grundziige der Klimatologie in ihrer Be/.ieliiini* auf die Gesundheits-Vcrhiiltnissi! der Beviilke- rungen. Mit einer geographiseh geordneten, die gesammte Erde nmfassenden Sammlung klima- tographischer Schilderungen. 2 Abth. xviii (2 1.), 816 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1858. -----. Kliniatographische Uebersicht der Erde, in einer Sammlung authentischer Berichte, mit hinzugefiigten Anmerkungen, zu wissenschaftli- chem uud zu praktischem Gebrauch. Mit einem Appendix, xvi, 744 pp. 8°. Leipzig u. Heidel- berg, G. F. Winter, 1862. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Theorie und das allgemeine geographische System der Winde. Ein Beitrag zur Begriindung einer rationellen Lehre von den Lnftstromcn, fiir den Gebrauch der Klimatologie und der Nautik. xvi, 253 pp., 1 map. 8°. Gottingen, Pandenhoeek u. linpveelil, 1869. See. also, ITIiiliry (Carl). Medicinische Fragniente. 8°. Hannover, 1841.— I'etei'inann (A.), von Freeden (W.) tfc itliihry (A ) Papers on the eastern and north- ern extensions of the Gulf stream [cie] 4°. Washinqton, 1871. Miihry (Carl) [1806-40]. Medicinische Frag- meute betreffend eine allgemeine Lehre des Nee- bodens uud der Seebiider uud die Identitiitsfrage der Knhpocken uud Menschenpocken. Hrsg. mit einigen Zusiitzen von Adolph Miihry. xvi, 16,8, pp., 2 tab. 8°. Hannover, Hahn, 1841. [Vlut-hry (Ed. Ch. A.) fto-Editor of: Haiinoversche Annalen fiir die ge- sammte Heilkunde, 1844—0. rtlliehry (Georg. Carol.) De spime dorsi distor- sionibus et pede equino. Disquisitio patholo- gico-therapeutica. 60pp., 3 lab. 4°. Gottinga; typ. Dieterichianis, 1829. Uliihry (Georgius Fridericus). *De aeris fixi inspirati usu in phthisi pulmouali. 3p. 1.,68pp. 4\ Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich. [1796]. -----. Rathschlage und Vorsichtsregeln, seinen Mitbiirgern gegen die bevorstehende Cholera zur Beachtung empfohlen. 16 pp. 12°. Hannover, Gebv. Janecke, 1831. See. also, Niemeyer (Ludwig Heinrich Christian). Materialien zur Ki rejiiinnstheorie. 8°. Gottingen, 1800.— Portal (Anton). P>f'obaehtiiii<:en iiber die Natur und Behandlung: der Lungenschwindsucht. 2 v. in 1. K°. Hannover, 1799-1802. Ill il ehs a III (Eduardus) [1840- ]. * De etfee-tu acidi sulphurici in organismum, imprimis in re- nes. 32 pp. 8J. Berolini, H. S. Hermann, [1-62]. IHiihsaill (Josef) [1852- ]. * Fiinf Fiille von Meningitis tuberculosa. 32 pp. 8'■'. Berlin, M. Xiethe, [1874]. rfliilis:till (Siegfried). Apotheken-Manual. An- leitung zur Ilerstellung von in den Apotheken geluauchlichen Priiparaten, welche in der I'har- macopua Germanica, Editio altera, keine Auf- nahme gefunden haben. 2. Aufl. L">7 pp. ~ Leipzig, Den ieke, 1887>. ----- & Bagilisky (A.) Die Hausapotheke, enthaltend die unentbehrlichen Hausmitfel. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, Denicke, [1877>, vel subseq.]. IVIukiscIl (S. A.) Beytriige zur Kenntniss des kindlicheii Organismus. viii, 316 pp. 8J. Wien, C. Ceroid, 1827). Ifllicl (Jeau-Francois-Octavo). * Sur la dysen- terie. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 105, v. 297. MiTLBEIHJER. 5 11 MULLER. Mulberjjer (Arthur). * Ueber Geschwiilste im Bccken nnd ihren Einfluss auf den Verlauf der Gchiirt. [Tiibingen.] 40pp. 8°. Stuttgart, C. P. Cot la's Krben, 1872. ITIiilberjjer (Friederich). * Ueber die Bedeu- tung der Irrenanstalteii zur Verhiituug des Selhsfinordes der Geisteskranken. 32 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, 1886. 1VI iii herder (Georgius Fridericus). Schediasma physicum de montibus. 20 pp. 4°. Argentorati, tyi'). J. H. Heitzii, [1736]. lYfultliier (Josephus). * De meteorismo intesti- nali. 32 pp. 86. Pragce, T. Thabor, 1838. Uliileiifeld (J) *0 peptonach voloknini. 27 pp. 8 ; St. Petersburg, 1872. IfliileriiiM (Nicolaus) [15G4-1630]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. &. Men of Sc., 195. tfliilerill* (Petrus) [1590-1047]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 195. ITI ill ha MM'I' (Heinrich). Fee Schnarschniiilt (Ulrich) &- ,Vlrilhaiisci- (Hein- rich). SSr.huls.mitoriiitu fiir Knaben Friderieianum zu Davos-Plat?, (Schweiz). 8°. [Berlin, 1887.] ItliillliliiM'ii. Erneuert und verbesserte Me- dicinal, Apotliecker, Chirurgorum, und andere! dahin geheii ige Ordnungen, etc., samt beygefiigt- revidiiter Taxa, derer in hiesigen privilegirten Apothecken befindlichcr Waaren und Artze- neyeii, auch selhigen ertbeiltes Privilegium, etc. Lines hochedlen uud hochweisen Raths der kliy- serlichen Freyen- und des Heiligen Reichs-Stadt Miihlhausen iu Thiiringen R. R. Zu jedermanns Wissenschaft und Nachricht vou neuein in den Druck gegeben. 14 1. sm. 4 . Miihlhausen, M. Keiysiv, 1715. [P., v. 1411.] ------. Hevidirte und erneuerte Apotheker-Tuxa aller Medicamenten, Materialen, Specereien uud Waaren, welche man bey denen privilegirten und geschwornen Apothekeru in der kiiyserlicheu Heiehs-Stadt Miihlhausen zu Kauffe findet. 3p. 1., 9."> pp., 14 1. sm. 4°. Miihlhausen, M. Edysei; 17i:>. [P., v. 1411.] Herman and Latin text. Ill iii limine ii. .Sec, n/,so, Diphtheria (History of). Hack (C.) Statistische Mittheilungen iiber die Stadt Miilhausen 1873-5. 8°. Miilhausen i. li., 1877. KcMtiier (G.) Die Wasserversorgung der Stadt Miil- hausen. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1887, xii, 70- 98 — Koechlin (J.) ,V Kculner. Witterung und Sterb- liehlicit in Miilhausen wahrend der Jahre 1875, 1876 u. 1877. Ibid., 187(i, i, 129: 1877, ii, 151: 1878, iii, 82. Uliillieiiii-aiai-Rhein, Prussia. ri'Alquen. Beitrage zu einer naheren Darstellnng der Krankheits Constitution des verflossenen Jahres 1825. Biuiachst in der Stadt und Pmgegenel von Miilheim am Rhein, mit vorzugsweiser Beriicksichtigung del letzte- ren Jalnes-Hiilfte. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hainui, 1*26, xii, 117-139. [•Iillicit (Joannes Fridericus). * De variolarum insitione modesta epicrisis. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Altorfii Xovieovum, typ. M. D. Meueri, [1723]. Miiller. See Etnbliaaemenl hydroth6rapique de Breti&ge pres d'Anet, canton ele Berne. [Circular.] 4°. Berne, 1843. Mueller. Go-Editor of: Coi'i-espoiiftenzblatt fiir die Aerzte und Apotheker des Grossherzogthums Oldenburg, Olden- burg, 1860-65. Miiller (A.) * Drei Fiille von Hydrops ovarii. 30 pp. 8--. Rostock, C. Boldt, 1857. ITI ii Her (Aehatius). *De astrobolismo. 73 pp. 4°. Francof. ad Fiadr., J. Coepfelius, [1690]. Mueller (Adam). * Ueber Alkoholismus im Allgemeiuen und seiu Vorkommen und seine Behandlung in der Greifswalder medieinischen Mueller (Adam)—continued. Klinik ini Besondereu. 50 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. Hache, 1868. c. Mueller (Adani-P.) - * Sur le traitement des tu- meurs blanches. 59 pp. 4~. Strasbourg, 1853, No. 300, 2. s., v, 19. Mueller (Adainus) [1835- ]. * De struma, 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halis Sax., tup. orphanotrophei, 1862. c. Mueller (Adolf). * Ueber 176 Falle von Tyfus- erkrankungen im Augsburger Krankenhaus wiihrend des Jahres 1869. 27 pp. 8°. Erlan- qen, E. T. Jacob, 1879. Miiller (Adolphus) [1813- ]. *De chorea S. Viti. 24 pp., 2 1. 8-r Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1837]. Miiller (Adolphus Adalbertus) [1806- ]. * De dentitione prima, 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petsehii, [1828]. Miiller (Adolphus Ferdinand) [1804- •]. * De ratione, quae morbos inter et aatates diversas in - tercedat. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1828]. Miiller (Alb.) Nachtrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkungen der Weissenburg-Therme im Sim- menthal, Kantou Bern. 22 pp. -• . Bern, Stampf, 1872. ------. Weissenburg in Brustkrankheiten und speziell bei Lungeuphthise. 22pp. 8-. Bern, Stampf, 1875. ------. * Statistische Beitrage zur Beleuchtung der Heredi tilts verhtittnisse bei der Lungen- schwindsucht. 37 pp. 8°. Bern, H. Ebt ber,1876. ------. * Beitrag zur Lehre von der trauniat ischeu Cataract. [Basel.] 55 pp. 8'-'. Sololhnvn, J. Gassmann Sohn, 1883. Mueller (Albeit W.) * Ueber Pulver-Verbren- n ung in it letaletn Ausgang. 20 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, J. Klinkhardt, 1870. Mueller (Albertus) [1805- ]. * De usu vesi- cautium. 28 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, typ. Slaritzii, [1830]. jFor Biography, see Haase (Guilielmus Andreas). Miiller (Alexander)1. Das Complement iir (Colori- meter. Ausfiihrlicheres iiber Construction und Anwendung desselben fur Cheniiker, Hiittenpro- birer, Metallurgen, Pharmaceuten, Coloristeu, Physiker, Meteorologen u. s. w. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Chemnitz, G. Ernesti, 187,4. [P., v. 1501.] Mueller (Alexander)2. Die Ziele und Mittel einer gesuudheitlichen und wirthschaf'tlichen Keinhaltung der Wohnuugen, besonders der stjidtischen. 89 pp. 8°. Dresden, C. A. Werner, 1869. Mueller (Alfredus [Georgius Carolus)] [1842- ]. * De peritonitide acuta, prsecipue ex perforatione orta, 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1866]. Mueller (Alwin). * Der Mittelohrkatarrh und (lessen Behandlungsweisen. 15 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, C. G. Naumann, [1870]. [P., v. 361.] Muller (Andreas Christoph). Paralysin. 16 1. 4U. [ Wiltebergce], lit. Meyerianis, [1670]. Mueller (Andreas Hadrianus Valeutinns Fri- dericus) [1798- ]. * De perforatione call i pne- ternaturalis ossis femoris atque de curatione arficuli spurii et spinie ventosie per setaceum cuneiforme. 20 pp., 21. 8C. Halce, formis Sehini- melpfenuicftanis,[1826]. [Also, in: P., v. 139.] Muller (Anton) [ -1SJ7]. Die Irren-Anstalt in dem kouigliclien .lulius-Hospitale zu Wiirz- burg nnd die seehs und zwanzigjiihrigen arzt- lichen Dienstverriehtungen an derselben. Mit, einem Anhange von Krankengeschichten nnd Sektions-Berichten. Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit. xiv, 280 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel. 1824. Miiller (Anton Benjamin). * De locis in ischuria aclfeetis. 30 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Trampianis, [1791, vel subseq.]. Mi'I-.LLKK. 512 MUELLKK. Mueller (Antonius)1. * Diss, experiinenta circa clnluin sistens. 64 pp. 8°. Heidelbergce, J. Fit •>.„„ni, 1819. M ii I le.:-(Antonius)'2. * Diss, sistens adnotationes I a'tiologia»t* de phthisi pulmouali apud sexum seepiioicini 30 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halis Sax., typ. Grnnerli patris filiicpie, [1820]. Mueller (Arminius)1. *De insania puerpera- runi. 2 p. 1., 54 pp. 8°. Gryphia; F. G. Kitnike, 1834. Mueller (Arminius)2. * De valgi pedis adiologia qiiu'dum. 24 pp., 2 1. 8°. Wolgastiw, F. Eisner, 18L',. Miiller (August)1 [1810-75]. Verzeichniss der natiirhistorisc-hen und medieinischen Biicher aus dem Nachlasse, August Miiller's, Professors der Anatoniie zu Konigsberg in Pr. vi, 264 pp. 8--'. Glojau, E. Mosclte, 1876. Miiller (August)8. * Die Ornisder Insel Salanga, sowie Beitriige zur Ornithologie der Halbinsel Malakka. Eine zoogeographische Studio. [Er- langen.] 96 pp., 2 tab. 8T Xainnburg a. S., G. Pal:, 18<2. M iii Ier (Augusty. .Sec Ilin Abi X'snitoi'n. Hrsg. von August Miiller. roy. H°. Konigsberg i. Pr , 1884. Miiller (August F.) Supplement to the Cata- logue raisonnc* of the medical library of the Pennsylvania Hospital, pp. 713-810. 86. Phila- delphia, Collins, l8i\7. Mueller (Augustus) [1818- ]. * De ossifica- tione retiiue aliaruinqiie oculi partiuin. 32 pp., 2 \. 8-t Halis, formis expr. Ploeizianis, 1843. Mueller (Augustus[IIenricus])[H40- ]. *De scarlatina. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini. G. Schade, [\867,]. Miiller (Barwardus Joh.) * De vita longa. 20 pp. 4 . Iiintelii. J. G. Enax, [1721]. Mueller ([Benjamin Carolus] Leopoldus) [I8J4- ]. * De liqnido eerebro-spiiiali. 31pp. 8 T Bevolini, G. Sritaele, [1847]. Miiller (Bonjaiiiinus). *Diss. qua uterus gravi- elus physiologice et palhologiee c-onsideratus ex- posita simul ejusdem structura sinuosa ac oriticio- runi menses et lochia f'undentium fabrica. 32 pp., 1 pi. I . Wilebert/ci; lit. viduce Gevdesia; [ 17251. Mueller (Bernhardus Josephus). * De lithiasi et liihotomia. 29 pp. 8J. I'ratislavia; H. Lind- ner. [187)6]. [Also, in : P., v. 295.] Miiller (Bonaventura). *De iuflammatione. 91. sm. 4*r Lipsia; lit. Witligavianis, [1686]. Mueller (C.)1 Einige Beinerkungen fiber die asiatische Cholera fiir Aerzte nach eigener Erfah- rung gesamnielt auf einer zur Beobachtung des Uebels unternonimenen Reise. 47 pp. 8'->. Han- novev, Lennmiugev, 1848. See. also, Oplilli:iliiiolo^i-che (Dor) Congress zu llriissel lK,"i7. s°. Hannover, 18.">s. Mueller (C.)'2 Co-Editor of: Vlittheiliingen aus der thierarztlichen Praxis ini pr, assist hen Staate. lieilin. 1874-6. .see, also, 1^ n ill (Ernestus Friclci icus). Handbuch der vergleiihendeii Anatomie [etc ) roy. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Mueller (C. F) < 'te Editor of: A re li i v fiir wissenschaftliche uud practi- sche Thierheilkunde, Berlin, 1K75. Miiller (C. W.) Zur Eiuleitung iu die Elektro- tlierapie. xii, W pp. 8°. Wiesbadm, J. F. Bcrgmann, 1885. C0NTKN1S. I. Nothwendigkeit, Moplichkeit und Bedingungen einer « sicheren Stroininessuug. Das absolute astatische Verti- cal Galvanometer. II. I'racisere Bestimmung der Stromstarke fur die elek- trotherapeutische Praxis in Form der Stromdichte. Miiller (Carl). * Ueber die kiiustliche Friihge- burt. 78 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. W. Becker, 1837. Mueller (Carl Albert). " Leber Wesen und Be- handlung des Tetanus. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 8". Leip- zig, C. G. Xaitmaini, [1866]. Miiller (Carl Friedr. Otto). * Ueber tubercu- lose Sehnenscheidenentziindung. 22 pp. 8 Wiirzburg, C. W. Becker, 1887. MllRller (Carl Friedrich)1. * Versuche iiber den Vcrlauf der Netzhautermiidung. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8U. Zurich, Ziivehcv u. Furrer, 186,6. Miiller (Carl Friedrich)2. * Ueber das Vorkom- men von Eiseu im Harn bei verschiedenen Krank- heiten und nach der Zufuhr von Eisenpraparaten. 15 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge u. Sohn, 1882. Miiller (Carl Hermaun Alfred) [1844- ]. *Ueber Luftathnion der Frucht wahrend les (ieburts- acts, nebst Mittheiluug eines dahin einsclilagen- den Falles. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1869. Mueller (Carl Wilhelm). *Die"vitale Lungen- capacitat uud ihre diagnostische Yeiweithuiig. 52 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Polz, 1868. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz., 1868. xxiii. Mueller (Carolus)1 [1806- ]. * Diss, sistens monstri humani rarissimi descriptionem. 1 p. ]., 26 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Halts Sax., typ. Schimnitlpfni- nigianis, [1831]. Miiller (Carolus)2. * Tractatus de aqua Piill- naensi. 3 p. L, 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Praga?, typ. filiorum T. Haase, 1834. ------. Das Pnllnaer Bitterwasser in kurzer Uebersicht, 30 pp., 1 1. 12°. Wien, J. P. Sol- linger, 1844. ------. The same. Les eaux minerales de Piilhia. 35 pp. 12°. Vienne, J.-P. Sollinger, [1843]. Miiller (Carolus)3. *Do placenta pra*via. 3'.1 pp. 12°. Dorpati, typ. J. C. Schunmanni, 1835. Mueller (Carolus)4 [1829- ]. *De pulmonum hiBinorrhagia. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, F. Schlesinger, [1855]. Mueller (Carolus Antonius) [1836- ]. * De cornibus cutaneis. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Gryphicr, F. Hache, 1861. o. Miiller (Carolus Augustus)1. * De vitiis lactis humani eorumque niedela. 1 p. L, 39 pp. 4°. Jena; UI. J. C. Croekeri, 1746. Miiller (Carolus Augustus)2. * De uotiono et pretio cognitionis niedico-enipirica* specimen. 22 pp. 4°. Lipsia; ex off. Klaubarthia, [1802]. For Biography, see Plainer (Ernestus). Mueller (Carolus Frid.) * Diss, sistens deliuea- tionem morborum intestini recti et priesertiin carcinomatis intestini recti. 32 pp. 4°. Tu- bingce, typ. Schoenhardtianis, [1827]. Mueller (Carolus Frider. Guil.) * De chorea Sancti Viti. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena; typ. Schloitevi, 1839. Mueller (Carolus Fridericus Gustavus). * De diagnosi coxariorum niorborum graviorum. 27 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, ex off. 0. Leinev, 1846. C. Mueller (Carolus Guilelmus) [1816- ]. * Do sympathia contagiosa. 40 pp., 1 1. 8 . Bero- lini, typ. Xietackianis, [1839]. Mueller (Carolus Hermanuus). * De singulari in puerperarum pudendis exulceratione. 24 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off. Breitkopfio-Haerteliana, [1828]. For Biography, see Kuelm (Carolus Gottlob). Miiller (Carolus Joannes Georgius). *Analecta in pathologiam qt therapiam bubonum venereo- mm. 63 pp. 8°. Dorpati, ex off. J. V. Schunmanni, 1829. Miiller (Carolus Josephus). *Dc prognosi apo- plexia*. 40 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. J. C. Hendelii, 1792. Mueller (CarolusJulius Maxitnilianns) [ 1834- ]. *De curatione vulnerum sclopetariorum artuuni ossibus illatorum. 35 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1859]. MUELLER. 513 MUELLER. Mueller (Carolus Mauritius). *De pneumonia iiifaiitium. 24 pp. 4°. Lipsia; typ. G. Slavitzii, [1843 J. For Iliographg, see C'laru* (Jo. Christ. Aug.) Miiller (Casparus). *De tussi. 30 pp., 2 1. 12°. Moijunlia; apud J. J. A. have-el. Haff'nev, [17841. Miiller (Christian). Analyse de la source sulfu- reiise dc lleusti ie-h dans l'Oberland bcrnois, avec des notices sur d'aulres eaux sulfurenses de la Suisse. 30 pp. 8°. Aaran, Ii. Albreelii, 1867. .-----. Anleitung zur Priifung der Knhmilfth. 3. Aufl. 1 p. L, 86 pp., 2 tab. 8C. Bern, Holler, 1872. Mueller (Christian F.) *Eiu Beitrag zur chi- rurgischen Pathologic der Vena f'emoralis. 38 pp., 1 1. 8->. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1868. [P., v. 298. ] Miiller (Christian Gottlieb). * Dyscnteriam ex piincipiis cheniiie sublimioiis perlustratam . . . proponit, 36 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., apud J. C. Hendelii rid.. [1764]. Miiller ([Christian Gustav] Wilhelm) [1857- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fortpfianzung und der (it sohlechtsverhaltnisse der Ostracoden, nebst Beschrcibuiig einer neuen Species der Gat- tung Cypris. 26 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell,' 1889. Mueller (Christianus Fridericus) [1799- ]. * Diss, de hydrargyro lniiriatic-o corrosivo. 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, typ. F. J. Grunertipatris jil., [1827,]. Miiller (Christianus Godofredus). * De angina polyposa seu nieinbranacea. 24 pp. 4 T I'ile- hevga; lit. luered. C. H. Graesleri. [1814]. Miiller (Christoph). * Yersucho iiber die physio- logischen Wirkungen des Toluchinoxalins und des Chinolins. 23 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Jungc u. Sohn. 188\ Miiller (Clotar). * De febre inllaniniatoria,quaes- ticinuni ante bos viginti quinque an nos a patre Maurie-io Guiliclnio Miillero ]iropositarum pars altera. 23 pp. .-P. Lipsiee, typ. E. Ruckmanni, [183:.]. Miiller (Clotar Moriz) [ -1877]. *Dejugian- dis regiie viribus. 31pp. 8°. Lipsia; typ. i. A. Bvoekhansii, [1843]. -----. Syst en i at i seli-alpha be tischos liopertorium der gesaniuiten homoopathisehen Arzneiniittel- lehre nach den saiiiintlicheii Aelteru nnd bis auf die neuste Zeit herab genau zusaniinengestellten (-6, vi-vii. Also, Co -Editor of: llonioopalli i»< lie Viertefjahres- sehril'l, Leipzig ls.">0-lil. Also. Editor of: InKiiiii- lionale hoiuimpathische Pro.-.-M', Leipzig, lS7"_'-7. Miiller (Couradus Guilielmus Augustus). * Diss I observationes medieas et chirurgicas conti- I 33 Miiller (Couradus ijluilielinus Augustus)—cont. nens. xx pp. 4 . Helmstadii, C. G-. Fleckeisen, [1798]. Miiller (Daniel). Aiisfiirlicher und v .rhaffter Bericht von den IJathmannsdorflischc.. nahe bey Stassfurth gelcgenen AVunder-Heil and Gesund- Brunen, in welclieu zu linden: I. Desselben Ursprung und Anfang. II. Die Natur und "Wiir- ckung, welche sowohl aus einem gelehrten Judi- cio Medico, als grosser Anzahl gliickl. curirter desperater Patienten erwiesen -wird. III. Eine dienliche Art und Methode denselbeu niitzlich zu gebrauchen. I\r. Fin Entwurtt" des Gottes- diensts, in-bst. dem hesondern Brunnen-Gebet. Auff -wiederholt.es Verlangen zur f'ernern Aus- breitung, gottlicher Ehre und seinen Neben- Christen zum Nutz entwortt'eu. 30 pp. sm. 4°. Leipzig, C. Hendler, 1701. Miiiler (Daniel). * De caussis quare ingens Europieorum niultitudo prieinatura morte "Ba- taviu' pcreat; et de mali hujus remediis. 37 pp., 1 1. 12°. Gottinga; H. M. Grape, [1798]. Miiller ("Daniel Traugott). Pietafem primum esse officiorum a doc tore scholastico obseivando- runi comprobat. 16 pp. 4°. Dvestla; typ. Har- peteriance vidua; [1765]. Muller (Daniele). * De therapeutis sententia* nuper defensa* maxinie opposita. 39 pp. 4 . Lipsia; lit. Se-hetlianis, [1724]. Miiller (Detlef). * Ueber Echinococcus. [Wurtz- burg.] 25 pp. 8'■•'. Glogau, Ii. Moschc; 1885. Mueller (E. II. Th.) * Der einfache chronische Katarrh des Mittelohrcs. 31 pp. 4 . Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1868. In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xv, 1808, vii, Med. xi. Mueller (Eberhard). *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der sogenanuten Pseudoleukiiniie. [Tiibin- gen.] 1 p. 1., 33 pp. 8L. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 186,7. Miiller (Eduard)1. * Ueber priiniires Blasencar- cinom. 23 pp. 4°. Kiel, C. P. Mohr. 1878. In: Schuift. d. Lniv. zu Kiel, xxv, 1878, vii, Med. xvii. Miiller (Eduard)-[1^"»7- ]. *Ein Uteruslibroid ruit Yerkalkungen. 16 pp., 1 1., I pi. 8°. Mar- burg, C L. Pfeil, 1882. Miiller (Eduard)3. Die Hochschule Bern in den Jahren 1834-84. Festschrift, zur fiinfzigsten Jahresfeier ihrer Stiftung. v, 227 pp. 8 . Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1884. Mueller (Eduard Heinrich) [1809-75]. * De ustionibns. 55 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. fiat. Un- ger, [1831]. ------. Eutwurf einer niediciiiisch-topographi- schen Skizze der Stadt Stettin, vi, 145 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Berlin, 1843. ------. Mittheilungen iiber die Choleraepidemie zu Berlin im Jahre 185(1, in statistischer und sanitatspoli/.eilicher Beziehung. 58 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1851.] ------. Die Qiiarantaine gegen das gel be Fieber. 42 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1853, eel subseq.] ------. Die Cholcra-Fpidemie in Berlin im Jahre 1855. 86 pp. 8- . Berlin, 187,6. Repr. from : Ann. d. Char.-Krankeuh.. .. zu Berl., 1856, vii, 1-86. ------. Die Cholera-Epidemic zu Beiiin im Jahre 1866. Anitlicher Bericht erstattet im Auftrage der kiin. Sanitats-Coinnnssion. vi, 160 pp., 1 map. 4-. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1867. ------. Leber Pockeniinpfung und iiber die Be- deutung der Glyceriiilyinphe fiir die otfentliche Gesundheitsptlegc. 26 pp. .8 -. Berlin, J. Sit- tenfeld, 1809. Repr. from : Vrlljschr. f. gerichtl. u. iitf. Mod., Berl, 186(1, u. L., xi. -----. Berlin's Sanilatswcsen. Ein Fiihrer fiir Freiude und Finheiiiiisebe. viii, 141 pp. 12- Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, IcTO. MUKU-KK. 514 MttLLKK. Mueller (Eduard Heinrich)—continued. ,------. Die Cholera-Epideinie zu Berlin im Jahre 1873. Amtlieht-r Bericlit, 1. p. L, 58 pp. fol. Ilevlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1874. Also. Va-Editov of: Arciiiv der deutschen Medicinal- fjesetzirebuug nnd bflentlicheu (Jesiinilhcitsptlcf'.-c. Erlan- };en, 18.">7-9. Also, Editor of: I*i'Cii»!*i*clic Mcdicinal- Zeituns, Berlin, 1861-1. Mueller (Eduardus Albert) [1815- ]. * De colica saturniua, 33 pp., I 1. 8°. Bevolini, typ. fvatrnm Schlesinger, [1839]. Mueller (Eduardus Theodoras). * De resectione ossiuni carpi et metacarpi. [Leipsic] 22 pp., 1 1. 8-. Misnite, C. Cato, 1852. c. Miiller (Emil). * Zur Casuistik, der Hirntu- nioren. 51 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], H. Laalcmann, 1869. Miiller (Emile). * De la grossesse uterine pro- longie ind6tti)inieiit, ou retention illituitee de I'li'iif dans la mat rice (missed labour des Anglais). 1 p. L, 171 pp. 4-T Xaney, 1877, 1. s.. No. 51. ------. The same, Ouvrage couronue par la Fa- culte de medecine de Nancy. 176pp. 4r Pavis, J.-B. Baillieve, 1-78. Mueller (Enno Rudolph). * De vexis artis me- dica' pnecipuis. 4 p. L, 52 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halo; Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1740]. Miiller (Erich). ■ Leber einen Fall von luulti- plcn Fibromata niollusea und artilicieller Ele- phantiasis Arabum. 36 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Bo- nilas-Banei; [1882]. Mueller (Ernestus). * De angina niembranacea, asthmate Miliari et tussi convulsiva. 48 pp. 8r [Dorpat], typ. J. C. Sehaeumieniii, 1833. Mueller (Ernestus [Carolus Bernardus]) [1819- ]. * De diabete. 30 pp., 1 1. 8r Berolini, typ. Xietackianis, [1845]. Miiller (Ernestus Guilelmus Ludovicus) [1792- ]. * De scariticatione et cucnrbitnlis. 3 p. L, 35 pp. 8'"-'. Berolini, e.c off'. Stcivekienia, [1817]. Muller (Ernst,)'. * Ueber das Auftreten der con- st itutionellen Syphilis im Darmkanale, 22 pp. 8 . Erlangen, A. E. Jungc; 187,8. Miiller (Ernst)-. * Untersuchungen iiber die Ausscheidung des Quecksilbers durch deu Harn wiihrend der Iniinetioiisciir. [Erlangen.] 23pp. 8--T Hantcln, G. F. Ile,-ker, 1-79. Miiller (Ernst)'. * Beitrag zur Casuistik der menschlichen Missgeburten. [Tiibingen.] 16 pp., 1 pi. 8\ Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, 1881. ------. Die- llasenscharten der Tiibinger chirur- glschen Klinik in den Jahren 1843-1885. 1 p. 1., 89 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1880. 1,'fjir. from : Biuxs (P.) Beitrage zur klinischen Chi- rnrjiie. 8°. Tiibingen, 1886, ii. Miiller (Eugen). * Feber die inlraeapsulaie Ex- stirpation der Kropfeysten. 24 pp., 1 1. 8". Tiibingen, H. Laupp Jan., 1***85. voii Mueller ( Ferdinand ) I'.aron. See Von Mueller (Ferdinand). Mueller (Ferdinand). * Ueber Typhus e.xim- thematicus. 38 pp., 1 1., 3 tab. 8°. Jena, A. Xeuenhaltn, 186,8. Mueller (Ferdinand Adolph Heinrich Joseph). Ueber das Gesichts-Aeusscre nach sinner Fiille, Farbe uud Temperatur im krankha-ften Zustande des mensehlichen Organismus. 45 pp. 8-'. Tii- bingen, 1833. ------. Einige worte iiber die Heilsysteme von Broussais, Rasori und Hahnemann. Eine Voile- sung. 12 pp. 8°. Zurich, O. Fiissli it. Comp., 1834. Mueller (Ferdinandns Augustus) [1816- ]. *De delirio tremente. 35 pp. 8J. Gri/phia; F. G. Kunike, [1841]. Miiller (Franciscus)1. * De caussis perturbati catainenioriim protluvii, et huic pedisequa chlo- rosi addita sparsim therapia. vii, 9-51 pp. 12°. Pragce, [F. Gcrzabek], 1817. Miiller (Franciscus)1—continued. -----. Yitie vivenche ratio in gratiam Caroli quarti a lnagistro gallo medico et niatheniatico conscripta. Cui aduexa est lucubraciiincula sistens pra'stantiani et ntilitatein scientiir artis medica*, indolemque medicorum. 62 pp., I 1. b°. Praga; typ. Schollensis, [1819J. Mueller (Franciscus)2 [1811- ]. * De, ictero. 40 pp. 8'J. Berolini, typ. Xielarkianis, 1837. Miiller (Franciscus)3. *Diss. sistens traetatuin de carcinomate. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Praga:, A. Spinka, 1842. Mueller (Franciscus Heuricus) [1812- ]. De variis pulmonum hieniorrhagiis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1865]. Mueller (Franz)1. Lehrbuch der Anatoniie der Hanssaugethiere, mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Pferdes, nnd physiologischen Bemer- kungen. 2. Anil, xiii, 551 pp. roy. 8 . Wien, II'. Braumiiller, 1871. Also, Co-Editor of: Vierteljalire**elirift fiir wissen- sch, il'tliche Veteriiiarkiinde. Wien. is;,l - er. _ Oe-*tei- reieliiwehe Vierteljabresschiift fiir wisseiiscliaflliche Vetcriiiarkunile, Wien, 186a. Miiller (Franz)2. Exploration des cavites na- turelles du corps humain par la lumiere electri- 11 no. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Fees. Benou, Mtntldef I ;,e,k, 1879. Imperfect; wauts pp. 8-9. llepr. from: J. Union in6d. autrichieune, Vienne, 1" juillet 1879. ------. Die acute atrophische Spinalliihinung der Erwachsenen ( Poliomyelitis anterior acuta ). Fine klinische Studie. 2 p. 1., 105 pp., 1 pi. 8". Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1880. Miiller (Franz Carl)1. * Ueber psychische Er- kraukungen bei acuten rieberhaftcn Krankhei- ten. [ Strasburg. ] 82 pp. 8°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1881. Miiller (Frauz Carl)2. * Railway-spine. 34 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Kohl u. Hecker, 1884. Miiller (Franz Rudolph). * Die beschwerliche und schinerzhafte Menstruation, ihre Ursai-hcii und Heilung. 37 pp. 8~. Miinchen, J. A. Ciessev, 1838. Miiller (Franz Xaver). * Untersuchungen iiber die \'ei theilung der Farben und Geruchsverhalt- nisse in der Familie der Rubiaceen. 38 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Tiibingen, C. H. liiifs jttn., 1831. [!'., v. 1507.] Miiller (Fridericus) [1824- ]. * De graviditale e-xliauterina. 2 p. 1., 59 pp. 8-'. Gryphiee, P. G. Kunike, [1848]. Mueller (Fridericus) [1839- ]. * De resc clioni- bus, priecipue cie resectione articulationis cuhiii. 42 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [186,4], Mueller (Fridericus Augustus) [1772- ]. * De- hysterotomia, viii, 36 pp. 4°. Lipsia; lit. lilau- barthiis, [1899]. ------. Einige Worte iiber die Methode! der Bil- dung angeheuder Geburtshelfer, nebst einer Anzeige des seit 1803 in Leipzig bestehenden Privat-Entbindungs-Iiistitiits. 24 pp. 4°. Leip- zig, F. Bichter, [1808]. For Biography, see llan*e (J. G ) Mueller (Fridericus Gottlieb). * De vena-sectio- uis etiam reiterata* usu in febiibus intlainina- toriis imo exantheuiatieis. 62 pp. 4 . Argen- tina;, ex off. Panschingeriana, 1743. Mueller ([Fridericus] Guilelmus) [1822- ] * De eyanosi et tuberculosi. 64 pp., 1 1. .-.-. Berolini, G. Schade, [1845]. Mueller ([Fridericus Guilelmus] Carolus' [1837- ]. *De stenosi cesophagi. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1863]. M iiller (Fridericus Heliod.) * De motu corporis ejusque intluxu in sauitatem et morbos. 27 pp. 8°. Findobonw, C. Ueberreutei; 1^40. MUELLKK. 515 MUELLER. Mueller (Fridericus Justus). *Analecta che- inica de vitro antimonii exhihens. 1 p. L, 28 pp., 4 1. sm. 4J. Golliiiga; typ. J. C. L. Schulzil,[177i7], Also, in: Voorl (It. A.' Opusc. med. select a, etc. 4°. Qotlintin; 1768, 147-171. Pot■ liiotjraplii/, see Itremlel (Jo. God.) Miiller (Friedrich)1. * Diss, sistens oculi hu- mani anatomico- physiologicani descriptionem. viii, 154 pp. 8 '. I'iennce, typ. hewed, van Ghelen, 1819. _____. Die Cholera und die Anweudnug der Kiilte als einfachstcs Sehutz- und Haupthcilmit- tel derselben mit Beriicksichtigung der (lurch die Untersuchung mit dem Hoichrohie erhalteuen Hesultate. iv, 162 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wien, F. Beck, 1H32. Jlliiller (Friedrich)-'. Erfahrungen iiber den Ge- brauch und die WirUsamkeit der Heilquelleu zu Honiburg vor der Hc'ihe. 44 pp. 80. Fvankf. a. M., F. Wilmans, 1838. ■----. The same. Kurze Abhandlung iiber den Gebrauch und die Wirksamkeit der Heil-Qucllen zu Honiburg vor der Hohe mit Belegeu nach eigneii Beobachtungen. Neue Aufl. 68 pp. 8 . Uombnrg rov dev Iliihe, L. Schick, 1845. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. iv, 77 pp., 1 1. 8 . Honiburg vor dev Hbht; L. Schick, 1857. -----. Compendium der Staatsarzneikunde fur Aerzte, Juristen, Studirende, Phannaceuten und GYst hworene. Nebst einem Anhange, euthal- tenildiegeiiihtlii-heChe'iiiie vou Friedrich Maun. 8 p. 1., 286 pp. 12u Miinchen, J. Palm, 1855. Muller (Friedrich)1. See |{ei*e der cislerrcichischcn Free.ntte Novara um tlie Erde. Linguistischer Theil. 4°. Wien, 1867. .An- tbropol. Theil. 3. Abth. 4°. Wien, 1868. Miiller _(Friedrich)' [1848- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Chim -natriums. 21 pp . 1 1. 8■-. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, [1872]. c. Miiller (Fiiediich>*. Ueber die diagnostische Bedeutung der Tuberkelbacillen. 8 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Slahel, 1883. Being No. 1 of: Vt rliaudl. d. pbys.-iued. Gesellsch. zu Wiir/.b., 188.'!, n. F., xviii. Miiller (Friedrich), Schmidt (Constanfiu August) A Koilig. Preisschriften fiber die Scliaafpockeniinpfung, deren zweckniassigste Anwendung und Veriichtung. Bekannt ge- liiacht uud mit Zusiitzen vou der koniglichen maikisch-okouomischen Gesellschaft zu Pots- dam, viii (1 L), 150 pp. 8°. Potsdam, Hor- vath, 1837. Mueller (Friedrich Conrad). Meelicinisch-klini- sches Tasehenbuch der rationellen Heilkunde mit Anfiihrung der Rademacher'schen Erfah- rungshcillehre, nebst, einem Anhange, enthal- tend die Grundziige der Percussion und Auskul- t at ion und einen Auszug der llydropathie und Pharniacodynamik, eiuschlicsslich der Analyse der Mineral wasser, fiir Studirende und Aerzte:. vi, 684 pp. 12°. Erlaiti/ett, F. Enke, 1854. Mueller (Friedrich Ernst). * Ueber die Ha*- iinUocele retrouterina. 27 pp. 8C. Leipzig, L. Schuauss, 1862. [). 8 . Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, [1868]. ------.__ Die Prostitution in socialer, legaler und s.initiiier Beziehung, die Nothweudigkeit und der Modus ihrer Regelung. 35 pp. 8J. Erlan- gen, F. Enke, 1868. -----. ^ Compendium der Geschiehte, Pathologie und Therapie der venerischen Krankheiten. xv, 336 pp. 8 . Erlangen, F. linke, 1869. ■-----. Die venerischen Krankheiten im Alter- thum. C^uellenmassige Eiorteriuigeu zur Ge- Miiller (Friedrich Wilhelm)-—continued. schichte der Syphilis, xvi, 148 pp. 8J. Er- langen, F. Enkt; 1873. -----. Klinische Phartuacopoe. Die gebiaueh- lichen Arzneimittel der deutschen Medicin, ihre Wirkung und Anwendung, nebst 400 beliebten Receptforiueln fiir iunere und iiussere Krank- heiten. vi, 128 pp. 12°. Stuttgart, F. Enke; 1875. -----. Pathologie und Therapie des Harnrohrcu- trippers. xii, 186 pp. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1875. -----. Der Arzneischatz des praktischen Arztes. Charakteristik, Dosirung, Aiiwcndungsweiseund Auweudungsfall aller wichtigen Arzneimittel, unter Beriicksichtigung der eiuschliigigen Indi- cationeu uud Methoden. 1 p. L, 140 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Enke, 1877. ------. Grundriss tier Pathologie und Therapie der venerischen Krankheiten fiir praktische Aerzte uud Studireude. viii, 172 pp. 8-. Leip- zig, Veil it. Comp., 1884. ------. Leber die dermaligen Behandlungs-Me- thoden der venerischeu Krankheiten. 64 pp. 8~. Miinchen, M. Ernst, 1886. Miiller (Fritz). Systematische Znsainnienstel- lung der Medizinal-Gesetze des Kantons Bern. viii, 175 pp. 8°. Bern, G. Hunerwadel, 1867. -----. Facts and arguments for Darwin. Transl. from the German by W. S. Dallas, iv, 141 pp., 2 1. 8 . London, ■/. Murray, l8;>9. Miiller (G. A. Alfred). Zur Therapie der syphi- litischeu Krankheiten, mit, besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der ini uussern Krankenhauso bei Bern iiblichen und eingefiihrten Heilniethoden, 148 pp. 16°. Bern, J. A. Weingart, 1852. Miiller (G. D. Richard). * Angeborener Zwerch- lellbruih. 29pp. 8°. Maibutg, Bayvltoff,[l87>6]. Miiller (G. E.) *Zur Theorie der sinnlichen Anfmerksauikeit. [Gottingen.] 1 p. 1., 136 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Edclmann, [187 1, vel subseq.]. Mueller (Gaeauder Guil. Ferd.) * De lithoto- mia* administration!-. 39 pp. B-. Halce, typ. Batltcanis. 1797. Miiller (Georg)1. * Ueber Angina, 16 jip. 8-. Miinchen, C. Wolf, 1839. Miiller (Georg)-. Milch und Milchcoiitrole. Vortrag, gehalten iu dem thierarztlichen Vereiu fiir den Regierungsbezirk Leipzig. 47 pp. 8°. Jena, Dege it. Hceuel, ih-2. Vortrage fiir Thierarzte, 4. s., Hft. li—12. Miiller (George)3. * Seltene Folgen der Endo- carditis. 16 p]>., 11. 8 . Jena, Frommunn, 1887. Miiller (Georg Adam). * Von dem Eiutiusse der atinosphaiisclii-n Luff auf den menschlichen < >r- ganismus. 81 pp. 12°. Wiivzbttig, F. Bauei; 1832. Muller (Georg Alfred)1. Yeteiinar-Reeeptir- und Dispensirkunde. Auf Gnuidlage der Phar- inacopcea Gcrmaniea, eel. altera. viii, 196 pp. 12 T Bevlin, P. Pavey. 188'). Muller (Georg Alfred)'. 'Beitrag zur Kennt- niss des Oxyhemoglobins im Blufe der Hans- saugethiere und des Hausgelliige-ls. [Erlangen.] 40 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Wolf, 1886. Miiller (George). New orphan houses (for 2,050 children) on Ashley Down, Bristol. Brief narrative of facts relative to the . . . and the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Insti- tution fiir Home and Abroad. ( Being the reports of the institution.) 23., 1861-2 fo 1862-3; 36.- 45., 1874-5 to 188->-3. 8 . London, 1862-83. Mueller (Georgius Henricus). Series experi- nieutoruin in liuisculis et neivis animaliuiii quorundam institutorum horuinque organoruin functioneni s. effect us naturales illiistrantiiiin. Stuttgardice, 17*1.5. In: Scuirx. ueurol. uiiuores sck-cti. 4°. Lipsiee, lt'J."), iv, 170-180. MULLER, 51fi MTLLKi;. M iii Ier (Georgius Ludovicus). * De diahete prse- sertim mellito. 1 p. 1., 5-74 pp. 8 . Gottingee, F. E. Huth. 1822. Mueller (Gerhard) [1845- ]. * Ueber Ileus. 27 pp. 8J. Greifswald, E. Haclie, 1869. c. Miiller (Gerhard Andreas) [1718-62]. Be- trachtungeu iiber die Art uud Weise der Mit- wiirckung derer Nerven zu denen musskulosen Zusammenziehungen. 7 p. L, 119 pp. 16°. Franckf. a. M., J. G. Garbe, 1753. See, also, ITI end (Richard). Meelizinische Erinuerun- gen, [etc. I 16°. Frankf. a. AI., 1759. Miiller (Godofredus). * De rlieumatismo. 54 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Mae/deb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1707]. [Also, in : P., v. 1391.] Miiller (Godofredus Guilielmus) [1709-99]. * De situ uteri ohliquo in gravidis et ex hoc sequeute partu difficili. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, ti/p. G. A. Piesekevi, [1731]. For Portrait, see Collect ion—van Kaathoven. Miiller (Gottfridus Polycarpus). De tempera- mentoruin propensionumque humanarum con- nexione. Resp. Joh. Godofredo Am-Enden. 39 pp. 4°. Lipsia; typ. hceredum Brandenburgeria- norum, [1708]. ------. Meditationes in oeconoiuiam generationis auiinaliuni . . . Resp. Job. Zacharia Platnero. 48 pp. 4T Lipsia; lit. L. Titii, [1715]. ------. De signatura corporum naturaliuin phy- sica. Respondens Johannes Casparus Troeger. 31 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, lit. Schedianis, [1716]. Miiller ( Gottfried Wilhelm ). * De mechanica operandi ratione niedicainentoruni sic dictorum altei'autiuni. 24 pp. 4°. Halce, typ. C. A. Zeit- leri, [1698]. ------. XXIV Kupfer-Taf'eln, welche die Knochen des ganzen meuschlichen Korpers vorstellen. 22 1., 24 pi. 4°. Frankf. a. M., F. Farrentrapp, 1749. ------. XII Kupfertafeln, welche die meisten kleinern und zarten Miiuslein au dem menschli- I chen Korper vorstellen. 9 1., 12 pi. 4°. Frank- furt u. Leipzig, J. B. Eiehenbcrg, dem Aellern, 1755. ------. The same. Mit drey Figuren vermehrt. 11 L, 15 pi. 4. Frankf mi u. Leipzig, J. C. F. Diehl, 1769. Miiller (Gottlieb Samuel). * De stimulo natura; parcius addendo. 30 pp. 4°. JFittenbergce, lit. C. C. Diivvii, [1776]. For Biography, see Boehmer (Geo. Rudolphus). Miiller (Gottlob). *Physio]ogiiB et pathologhe pilorum (puedam fragment:1, 2 p. L, 24 pp. 8°. Wratislavia; typ. Kreuzero-Scholzianis, 1816. Mueller (Guilielmus Erdniannus Ludovicus). * Diss, sistens phthisis purulenta* pulmonum ejusque in corpus humanum effectuuni examen. 17 pp. 4~. Jena; lit. Goepfcrdtii, [1795]. For Biography, see Grnnrr (Christ. Gottfr.) Mueller ( Guilielmus Theophilus Carolus Fride- ricus). * De evolutione organismi nee non de evolutionnm morbis. 54 pp. 8°. Wirceburgi, F. E Xitribitt, 1818. Mueller (Gustav). * Die Prosopalgic und ihre Heilung durch die Neurectomie. 27 pp. 4°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1875. In: Sciuiift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xxii, 1875, vii, Med. vi. Mueller (Gustavus) [1840- ]. *Desputorum dignitate diagnostica. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Seltaele; [1865]. Miiller (Gustavus Eduardus). * De ulcere ven- triculi perioral)te. 12 pp. 4r Kilice, C. F. Mohr, 18ii5. in: Schuift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xii, 1865, vii, Med. vi. Mueller (Gustavus Eduardus Rudolphus) [1826- ]. * De epilepsia ejusepae connexu cum trau- niate et rhenmate. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, Rosen- thal et soc, 1861. Mueller ( H. A. Eduardus ) [ 1833- ]. * Do cataracta- a'tiologia experimenta. 26 pp., 1 1. 1 tab. 8°. Bonna;tijp. Carlhansianis. [187,8], <■, Miiller (H. F.J.) * Noniuillade lithotritia. vi, 7-19 pp. sin. 4°. A'itiu, ex, ogle. C. F. Mohr 1840. Miiller (Heinrich)1. * Ueber den Nabelhrucli, mit einem neuen Vorschlage zu seiner Behand- lung. vi, 67 pp., 5 pi. 4 . Erlangen, Kunst- mann, 1841. Miiller ( Heinrich )* [ 1820-64 ]. * Beitrage znr Morphologie des Chylus uud Liters. 79 pp. 8'. Wiirzburg, 1845. ------. Abhandlung iiber deu Bau der Moleu. 87 pp. 8-. Wurzburg, Bonilas-Bauer, 1847. ------. Ueber die entoptische Warnehinung der Netzhautgefiisse, insbesondere als Beweismittel fiir die Lichtperception durch die nach hinten gelegenen Netzhautelemente. 39 pp., 1 pi. 8->. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1855. [P., v. 1561.] ------. Auatomisch-physiologische I'utersuchiin- gen iiber die Retina des Menschen und der Wir- belthiere. 1 p. L, 122 pp., 2 pi. 8J. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1856. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1856, viii, 1-122. ------. Ue-berdie Eutwickeluug der Knochensub- stanz, nebst Bemerkungen uber den Bau rachiti- scher Knochen. 147-233 pp., 2 pi. 8 . Leipzig, IV. Engelmann, 1858. Cutting from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., ls.">8, ix, 147-233. ------. Gesaninielte und hinterlassene Schriften zur Anatomies nnd Physioiogie des Auges. I. Band, gedruckt, ziisaininengestellt und hrsg. von Otto Becker, xxviii, 400 pp., 5 pi. 8C. Leipzig, IF. Engelmann, 1872. ------. Ueber das Vorkonnneu von Restcn der Chorda dorsalis bei Menschen nach der Geburt und iiber die Verhiiltnisse zu den Gallerige- schwiilsten am Clivus. 28 pp., 1 pi. 12\ [Leipzig, E. Polz, n. d.] [P., v. 1505.] See. cilso, von Kolliker (Albert) tfc Miiller (H.) Bericht iiber die wahrend der Soiumerseincsler 1853 unci 1854 [etc.] 8°. [n. p., 1854.|-----------. Zweiter Be- richt iiber die im Jahr [etc.] 8T Wiirzburg, ls.'tli. For Bioqraphy, see Wien. ined. Wchnschr., 1864, xiv, 331. ------. See, also : Verzeiclinias der schriftstcllcrisehen Arbeiten von Heinrich Miiller. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1865, vi, pp. xxxxii-xxxxvL Mueller (Heinrich)3. * Syniptome des Alkoho- lismus, nebst Mittheilung einiger Fiille von chrouischer Alkohol - Vergiftung. 20 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1838. Mueller (Heinrich)4 [1845- ]. * Ueber die Syphilis der Circulationsorgane. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin. G. Lange, [1868]. Miiller (Heinrich)". * Ueber Ostitis cranii trau- matica purulenta. 1 p. L, 26 pp., 11. 8°. Bres- lau, C. H. Storch u. Comp., [1871]. Miiller ( Heinrich )« [ 1851- ]. * Ueber den Einfluss wiederholter Sehwangerschaft auf die Prognose tier Geburt bei engeni Bee-ken. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, J. A. Koch, 1874. Muller ( Heiurich )7 [ 1858- ]. * Zur Entste- hungsgeschichte der Broiicbialerweitriungen. [Halle. J 36 pp., 2 1. 8 Ermsleben a. II., A. Busch, 18.82. Miiller (Heinrich)8. * Ein Fall von Ilirnsyphi- lis mit Erweiehungs-IIcrd im Hirnschenkel uud Veriinderuugeu au den Kernen der Metlulla ob- longata unter dem Bilde einer apoplektifornien Bnlbarparalyse, verbunelen mit liochgradiger Ataxic [(ieittingen.] 36 pp. 8 . ILImsledl, J. C. Schmidt, 1886. Miiller (Henricus). * De gastricismoct methodo gastrica. 34 pp. 8 . Halis Sax., typ. Gruncrti vatris filiique, T1820]. Ml'KLLKIi. 517 MULLER. Mueller ( Heuricus Adolphus) [1796-1829]. 'Si"iia pra-cipua ex colore cutis in morbis. 12 pp. 8 . [ Berolini], formis Brueschckianis, | 1820]. Miiller (Henricus Couradus). * De phlegmasia iilbadole-nte. 34 pp. 4'-. Gottingee, J. H. Meyer, \K',3]. Mueller (Henricus Rudolphus). * De eorum, qii;e vel c leviori vnlnera ratione inter disse- canda eadavera acee|ita proveniunt, differentia et natura, 1 p. L, 36 pp. 4 . Lipsia; ex off. Ilivsehfelclii, [1831]. For Biography, see Haase (Guilielmus Andreas). rtliiller (Hermann)1. "Ueber Typhus abdomi- nalis. x, 8(i pp. 8 Freiberg i. Br., F. Wag- ner, 1845. Miiller (Hermann)-. * Das Brechmittel. 16 pp. h . Miinchen. C. II. Schurich, 1853. Mueller (Hermann)3. Das Arznei-Dispensir- ltccht der honioopathisehen Aerzte. iv, 64 pp. sv. Bevliti, Ii. Gaevtnev, 186,2. Also, Co-Editor of: Phaniiaceiitisehc Zeitung, Buiizhiu nnd Berlin, 1876. Miiller (Hermann)4. * Die Sporenvorkeime und Zweigvoikeiine der Laubmoose. [Wurtzburg ] 27) lip. 8^. Leipzig, IF. Engelmann, 1874. Repr. from :■ Arb. d. botnn. Inst, in Wiirzb., iv. Hft. Miiller (Hermann)"'. Die progressive pernicieise Aniimie nach Beobachtungen auf der medici- nischen Klinik in Zurich. 2 p. L, xiv, 250 pp. HT Zurich, C. Schmidt, 1877. Miiller (Herman nV [1861- ]. * Beitrag zur Casuistik nnd Lehre der Carbolsaurevergiftung (lurch Yersehlucken derselben. 37 pp., 11. 8 , Halle a. S., C. A Kaemmevev it. Comp., 1885. Miiller (Hermann)7. * Einigeseltenere congeni- tale Neiibildiingen an Kopf und Gesicht. 37 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, A. Xeuenhahn, 1885. Mueller (Hermann [Eugen August Albert]) [1859- ]. * Zur Aetiologie der Parotitis. 30 pp., 1 1. h°. Halle, E. Karros, 18-3. Mlieller(Hcin)aniiReinhold)[l846- ]. * Ueber Aphasie. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1871]. Mueller (Heiiiiannus)'. * De histologicis pul- nioniiiii desorganisationibus. 30 pp. 8°. Mar- burgi, typ. Bayrhofferi Acad., 1837. Mueller (Hermanuus)'2. * Dc ectropio ejusque curatione chirnrgica exemplo illustrata. 23 pp., lpl. 4\ Jena; typ. Schveibevi, [1810]. Mueller (Hermanuus Fridericus Vollrath) [1816- ]. * De ahscessu lumbali. 34 pp. 8-. Bero- lini, Nietackianis, [1839]. Miiller ([Hermanuus] Ludovicus) [1827- ]. *De iridis motn. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonnie, Krii- tjer. 1851. Miiller (Hieronymus). De clepsydraruni tuin vulgatioribus turn rarioribus quibusdam, iteni- qne, nonnnllis aliis horuin similibus pluenome- nis et effeetibus. horumque omnium genuinis causis. l;>, 1. 4*. Alldorfft, typ. H. Meyeri, [1074]. Mueller ( Hugo )b * Ueber Luftiohrenge- schwiilste. 37 pp. 8r-. Jena, W. liatz, 1«65. Miiller (Hugo)'1 [1846- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Cyklitis. 52 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1«73. c Miiller (Iwan). _ .Ve 4»alcii (Claudius). Libellum qui inseribitur''OTi opcerTo? taTpb? teat tfuArieroepos recensuit et explanavit. 4°. Erlanijit', 18711. Mueller (J.) * De lnemoptysi. 14 pp. 4°. Pa- risiis, 18(i;i, \() 28, v. 75. Miiller (J. B.) Die neuesten Resultate iiber das Vorkommen, die Form und Behandlung einer iinsteckenden Augenliederkrankheit unter den Bewohneru des Niederrheins durch Thatsachen belegt. 2 p. 1., 192 i.p., 2 pi. «*•. Leipzig, C. H. F. Hartmann, 1823. Miiller (.1. D. Ueinr.) * Ueber das Wesen der Rhachitis. vi, 7-28 pp. 8°. Jl'iirzburg, F. E. Thein, 1840. Miiller (J. H.) * Ueber die Krankheiten des Ma- gens. 22 pp. 4 . Ziirich. 1822. Miiller (J.-Jacques). * Sur le tetanos trauma- tique. 34 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1862. v. 43. Miiller (J. M.) Die Gicht, ihre Ursache und ihr Weseu so wie deren Heilbarkeit; mit einem An- hange von Krankengeschichten. 13. And. v, 6-23 pp. 8-. Cobnrg, G. Seudelbaeh, 1865. -----. Die Hiiinorrhoideu, ihre Entstehuug, ihre Folgen und deren Heilbarkeit. 16 pp. 8°. Co- burg, G. Seudelbaeh, 186,7,. -----. Tbe same. 4. Aufl. 16 pp. 12°. Leipzig, W. Baensch, 1867. Mueller (J. O.) Editor of: XeitMclii'ift ties Vereins der homoopathi- sehen Aerzte Oeslcrrcie-bs, Wien, 1857. Mueller (Jacob). * Der Harn als diagnosti- sches und kritisches Moment am Krankenbctt. 40 pp. 8-\ Wiirzburg, F. Ii. Thein, 1850. Mueller (Jacobus)1. "'Natura cholera' iudicie. 2 p. I., 33 pp. 8 . Pestini, J. Beimel, [1832], [Also, in : P., v. 1320] Miiller (Jacobus)-. * De angina parotidea. 16 pp. 8 . Monachii, J. Deschler, le40. Miiller (Jo. Gottlieb}. * De eo quod in cogno- scendis et curandis morbis est pra'cipuum. 1 p. L, 24 pp. 4 . Evfovdice, lit. J. H. Giosehii, [1717]. Miiller (Jo. Ludolfus Arnoldus). *Lithon- tliryptiiormn examen. I p. L, 36 pp. 8°. Ha- ke, typ. Tvampicniis, [1797]. Miiller (Joachimus Ludovicus). * De ossis fe- nioris luxatione. 26 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halce Mag- deb., lit. J. C. Hilligeri, [1738]. Miiller (Joan. Goclof.) * De vase dorsali insec- toruni. 22 pp. 8°. Berolini, ti/p. J. F. Starckii, [1816]. Mueller (Joannes) [183.>- ]. - De cavi narium carcinoniatibus, se-irrho atque fungo medullari. Addita est historia morbi mollis sarcomatis in hac regione observati. 35 jip., I 1. 8 r Gry- phici; F. Hacltc, 1861. c. Mueller (Joannes. Abraham Theodor.) * De clematide vitalba Linn, ejusque usu medico. 28 pp. 4 T Erlangce, typ. Kiinstmaniiiauis, [178(1]. Mueller ([Joannes Adolphus] Oscarus [Hono- ratus]) [1820- ]. * De decapitatione cruro- talana propter cariem. 31 pp. 8J. Berolini, G. Schade, [1845]. Mueller (Joannes Albertus). * De vnlueribns ductuum excretoriorum decolorum. 30 pp. 8~. Tubingce, typ. Ileissianis, 1819. Miiller (Joannes Carol. Sam.) * De optima lym- pbam vaccinani asservandi ratione. 30 pp. 8'J. [Hala>], typ. Grphanotvophii, [1811], Miiller (Joannes Carolus Andreas). Riidimeiita doctrina* Hippocratica' vene. 2 p. 1., 64 pp. 8-. Halce, fovmis Grunerti patris filiique, 1815. Miiller (Joannes Christianus)1. * De dolorum ad partuiu genuinoruni anomalia. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Findobona; A. Picltlei; 1826. Mueller (Joannes Christianus)- [1726-70]. * De vuluere per se leihali homicidain nou excusante. 28 pp. sm. 4 . Lipsia; ex off. Langenhemia, [177)8]. For Biography, see i.miwiii (Christ. Gottlieb). Tie mrelicin;*' studio~noii pra-i-ipit mtln. [In nienioriam Job. Christ. Miiller.] 4°. Eipsiir, 1772. Mueller (Joannes Christianus Guilielmus). * De viribus ac usu mercurialium. 27 pp. sm. 4J. Jena; lit. Fickelseherrii. [1775]. For Biography, see Ncubauer (Joannes Ernestus). Miiller (Joannes Couradus)1 [1789-1869]. Medi- tationes noniiiilhe de cephalotomia seu perfora- tione cranii. Resp. Samuele Jacobo Ballin. 1 TMULLKR. f>1S MULLKK. Miiller (Joannes Couradus)1—continued. p. 1., 151 pp. 8 . Havniee, ex off', typ. Tvievi, 1836. For liiuitraphii. see Biblioih. f. Licger, Kjebenh., 18G9, 5. 11., xviii, 484-isi). Miiller (Joannes Couradus)-. * De adenopby- niate inguinali. 23 pp. !-■. Tnr'tei, typ. Meyeri, 1838. [Also, in : P., v. 580.] Miiller (Joannes Ehrenl'iied. Mauritius). *Diss. sistens niethodorum atque iiistrumentoruin ad pupillam artilicialem I'ormaudam inventoruni historiam. vi, 7-27 pp., 1 pi. 4° Jena; typ. Selirciberi et .sue. [1825]. Miiller (Joannes Franciscus). * De marasmo senili. 30 pp., 11. 8'-"-. Halce, typ. F. D. Frankii, [MM)]. Miiller (Joannes Franciscus Couradus). *Sistit faseie.uluui observationum circa arnicani cjuas una cum seleetioribns quibusdam ex uuiversa medieina positiouibus snbmittit. 3 p. 1., 39 pp. 4r [Bamberg], typ. J. G. Klietsch, [1776]. Mueller (Joannes Fridericus)1. * De statu mixto somni et vigiliie quo dormientes multa vigilan- tium niuuera obeunt. 34 pp., 2 1. sin. 4 . Got- titutct; Ii. Lttzac, [1756]. Por Biography, see Richter (Georgius Gottlob). Mueller (Joannes Fridericus)2. * De ortu mor- borum contagiosorum ex fermento et acrimonia specitica deducto. 26 pp. 4°. Jence, ex off. Slranekmanniana. [1793]. Mueller (Joannes Fridericus)3. * Diss, sistens vitandain vegetabilium veuenatoruni Gcrmaniic perniutationem cum oleribus. 46 pp. 4 T Er- fiirdja; 1806. Mueller ("Joannes Fridericus Arnoldus). t De viribus vitri antimouii cerati ad rationes suas revocatis. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Mac/deb., tint. J. C. Hilligeri, [177,7]. Miiller ([Joannes] Fridericus [Cliristophorus]) [1800- ]. * Diss, sistens nonnulla de variis ar- thritidis formis earumque decursu et euratione. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halts, typ. Baentschianis, [1835]. Muller (Joannes Georgius). * De pellentium re- niediornm usu, abusu ac damno in parturien tibus. 24 pp., 6 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., tt/p. J. C. Hendelii, [1746J. For Biography, see Omelin (Jo. Frid.) Mueller (Joannes Godofredus)1. * Diss, sistens theoriam inflaminatioiiis. 27 pp. 4'-'. Jena; ex off. Fic.kelseherrio-Slranckmaiinieiiia, [ 1789]. For Biography, see l.oclei- (Just. Clirist.) Mueller (Joannes Godofredus)-[1HI8- ]. * De syphilitlis pi imaria* euratione sine inercurio. :;n pp.. 2 1. 8 Berolini, typ. G. C. Xauckii, 1832. Mueller (Joannes Gnttgetreu). * De mediea- mentoruni congruo delectu in curandis morbis peri]nam necessario. 36 pp. sm. 4°. [ Hala> Mac/deb.], ex off. Heudeliana, [1758], Miiller (Joannes Guilielmus). * De morbis in- fantum. 3-2 pp. 4'-'. Halce Macpleb., ti/p. J. C Hilligeri, [1746]. Miiller (Joannes Henricus). * Vitia qiuedam circa infantum educationem physicam commissa. 28 pp. 4 . Erlanga>, typ. Ellrodiianis, [1786]. Miiller (Joannes Ludovicus)1. * De aere sive tentanien nova* methodi medicinam per prin- cipia pliysica scientihee tractandi in aeris ex- e iqdo exhibitum. 60 pp. 4 . Erfordice, tup. J. H. Gvosdtii, [1713]. Miiller (Joannes Ludovicus)'2. * De fungo articu- lari, cum annexa ejusdem argumenti observa- tione, 1 p. L. 44 pp. 4°. Goltincpv, lit. J. H. Sdtnlzii, [1780], For Biography, see Rielitcr (Augustus Gottlieb). Miiller (Joannes Philippus). * De palpebrarum att'ectibus. In: Weiz (F. A.) VollstiimL Aus/,. [ele ] 12°. Leip- zig u. Bvdissin, 1773, v, 110. Miiller (Joannes Sigismund). * Param de c,J culo \-esieiB oliserv ationem atque epierisin pro- ponit. In: Wkiz (F. A.) Vollstunil. Aus/,. [etc.] 1*>\ Leip- zig u. Bndissin, 1771, vi, s-j-su. Mueller (Joannes Theodorus Ludovicus) [18| | ]. * De iniluratione iiiedulhe spinalis. 2 p. 1., 3li pp., 2 1. 8->. Bonim, C. cl F Kviigev, [184-2]! Mueller (Job.)1 * Diss, niedicainentoruni anti- monialiurn conspectum sistens. 85 pp. 81-'. Hav- niee, F. IF. Thiele. [1787]. Miiller (Job.)'2 [1801-58]. "Diss, sistens com- menfarios de, pboronoinia aniinalium. 44 pp., 1 L, 2 tab. sin. 4°. Bounce, ti/p. c. F. Thovmanni, [1822]. ------. De respiratione ieetus; commentatio phy- siologic;!, in Academia Borussica Khenana pi.r- mio ornata, xiv. 225 pp., 1 pi. 8. Lipsia; apud C Cnobloehium, 1823. [Also, in: P., v. 1515.] ------. Ueber die Eutwickelung der Eier ini Eicr- 8tock bei den Gespenstheusclireckeii und eine: neuentdeckte Verbindung cles Kiicki'iigofiisses mit den Eierstiicken bei clcu Insect em. 118 pp., 6 pi. 4°. [Bonn, 1827,.] Repr. from: Xova acta Acad. nat. curios., Bonnie, 18.5, xii, pt. 2, 555-672, 6 pi. ------. Ueber die phantastischen Gesichlserschei- nungen. Eine pliysiologische Untersuchung mit einer physiologischen Likunde des Aristoteles iiber den Tranin. x, 117 pp. 8•■'-. Coblenz, J. Holscher, 1826. ------. Zur vergleiehenden Physioiogie des (Je- sicbtssinnes des Menschen und der Thiere, nebst einem Versuch iiber die Bewegungen der Augen und iiber den menschlichen Bliek. xxxii, 46,2 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Leipzig, C. Cnobloch, 1826. ------. Grundriss der Vorlesung iiber die' Physio- iogie, xiv, 102 pp., 1 1. 8 '. Bonn, T. Hab'uht, 1827. [P., v. 1519.] ------. Grundriss der Vorlesungen iiber allge- meine Pathologie. 44 pp., 1 1. 8J. Bonn, T. Habkht, 1829. -----. Bildungsgeschichte der Genitalien, aus anatoniisclien Fntersnchungen an Embryonen des Menschen und der Thiere, nebst einem Ali- biing iiber die chirurgische Behandlung der Hy- pospadia, xviii. 152 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Hiisseldorf, Amz, 1830. -----. De glandularum secerneiitiuni structura penitiori earumque prima forniatione in'hoiniue atque animalibus. Coniinenlatio anatomica, 131 pp., 17 pi. fol. Lipsia; sumpt. L. 1'ossii, 1830. ------. Handbuch der Physioiogie des Menschen fiir Vorlesungen. 2 v. viii, vi-xvi, 852 pp.; vi, 780 pp., 2 L, 1 pi. 8C. Coblenz, J. Holscher, 1834-40. ------. The same. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 741 pp. ; vi, 7,-0 pp., 1 1. 8'-1. Coblenz, J. Hdlsehti; 18-10-44. 1. Bd. is 4. Aufl. ------. The same. Elements of physiology. Trausl. from the German, with notes, bv William Baly. xxvi (2 L), 1058, 22 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lon- don] Taylor A Walton, 1837[-8J. ------. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. xxxviii, 1671 pp., 2 1., 4 pi. 8°. London, Taylor f Walton, 1840-43. ------. The. same. Arranged from the 2. Lend. ed., by John Bell, xix, 13-886 pp. 8 . Phila- delphia, Lea uboi»-R< viiioimI (E.) Geelaclit- nissretle mil ,l,,h;iiines Miiller. 4°. Berlin, 1800. Repr. fiot,, Altlianell. tl. I<. Akad. tl. Wissenscli. zu Berl., 1859.— % iic liow 11;.) Johannes Miiller. Eine Gediichtnissrede. s lo-rltn. lsr.8. Also, transl. in: Edinb. M. J., 1858, iv, 452: oil. Atso. lie pi int. See, also. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1858, v, 278. Also: Ibid., Is.Vi, vi, 235 (Emil Harless). Also: Allg. med. I'enti-.-Ztg., Berl.. 1858, xxvii, 280. Also: Arch. g6n. de ined., Par., |s.-,s. ii, 240-244. Also.- Brit, tfc For. M.- Cliir. Lev., I.tmtl.. 1861, xxvii, 285-30.'!. Also: Deutsche Klinik. I'.erl., IK5S, x, 306-308 (A. IIosclien). Also: Med. Times \- (Iaz., Loud., 1858, xvii, 60-68. Also.- Nederl. Tijclsclir. v. ('eneesk., Amst., 1858, ii, 307-.'!o:5 (\V. Berlin). Also: Wien. med. Wclmschr., 1858, viii, 419-423 (E. ISriicke). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Mueller (Job. )s Crundriss der Physik und Meteorologie. Fiir Lyceeu, Gyninasien, Ce- werbe- und Realschulen, sowie zum Selbstun- teiriehte. 5. Aufl. xviii, 538 pp. 8-. Braun- schweig, F. Fieweg it. Sohn, 1856. Mueller (.Juli.)3—continued. ------. The same. Principles of physics and me- teorology. 1. Am. ed. xii, 25-635 pp.. 2 col. pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Leu A Blanchard, 1818. ------. Lehrbuch der kosinischen Physik. Zu- gleich als drifter Hand zu sainnitiiehen Antlagen von Mueller-Pouillet's Lehrbuch der Physik. 3. Aufl. 791 pp., 25 pi.,8:; atlas, 40 pi., 4'. Braun- schweig, F. Fieweg it. Sohn, 1,872. .Sec, also, Rattpail. Neues flcilverfahren [etc.] Hrsg. von Dr. J. Miiller. 8°. Bern, | issf>j. Mueller (Job.)* Ueber epideniische Krank- heiten, insbesondere die asiatische Cholera. 32 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Bonilas-Baner, 1855, Mueller (Joh.)* [1844- ]. * Leber knorpelige Fxostoseu an den Epiplivsen der langen Kohren- knoehen. 20 pp. 4°. Kiri, C. F. Molti; 1869. Also, in: Schiuft. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xvi, lsiiii, vii, Med. ii. Miiller (Joh.)H * Pneumonic nach Nephritis. 29 pp. 8'. [ Wiirzburg ], Becker, 1882. Miiller (Job.)7 * Liitersiichungeu iiber das Verhalten clcr Couvolvulins und Jalapins im Tliierkorper. 2') pp., 1 1. 8 . Dorpat, Schnaken- bnrg, 1885. Miiller (Joh.)H 'Beitriige zur Tracbeotomie. Bericlit iiber 349 derartige im Hamburger allge- nie-inen Kiankenhausc* ausgefiihrte Operationen. [Wurtzbuig.] 16 pp., ltab. 8-->. Altona, H. IF. Kobner it. Comp., 1886. ill ill Ier (Joh. Caspar). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Miiller (Joh. Casparus Antonius). * De seele et incleile- pleiiritidis. 44 pp. sm. 4°. Gissce, ex off'. Braitiiiana, [1754]. M iiller (Job. Christianus)1. *\ovoruni phanna- i-oruni technicoriim pharmacopieie Danicie vires, usus et closes. 1 ]i. L, 58 pp. 8°. Kilonii, lit. M.F. Bcnlschii, [1779]. Mueller (Joh. Christianus)'-. r De diarrheea. 16 pp. 12°. Havniee, typ. rid. L. X. Scare, [1786]. Mueller (Job. Christianus Friedr.) [179'.)- ]. * De concretione morbosa cordis cum pericardii), casibns aliquot illustrata. I p. L, 45 pp. 8'-'. Bounce, typ. Thovmannianis, [1825]. Miiller (Job. Christoph). "De mictione cruenta. 16 ]ip. sm. 4°. Erfordia; charactere Groschiann, [1686]. ------. * De pulvere sympathetico. 19 pp. sm. 4 '. Evfuvli, typ. J. H. Gvoschii, [16,87]. Muller (Joh. Fridericus)1. De corpore raio et denso. 7 1. 4°. Sevvestce, exend. J. E. Bezelius, [1(187]. Miiller (Job. Fridericus)2 [1761- ]. * Geni- taliuni sex us sequioris, ovi, nutritiouis fetus atque nexus inter placentam et uteruin brevis historia. 37 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Fickelscherriaiiis, [178(1]. Also, in: Schi.egei. (J. C. T.) Sylloge op. min. (etc ] R°. Lipsia; 1795, i. 187-210. Also [Abstr.l, in.- Wkiz (V. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, 1781. xiv, 188-194. Mueller (Joh. Friedrich)'. * Feber die arzenei- liche Wirkung uud Anwendung der Iodine. 5b' pp. 8t Wiirzburg, F. li. Thein, 1832. Miiller (Joh. Friedrich)-. *J>as allgeniein gleiclnniivsig verengte Bee-ken, und dessen Ein- fluss auf die Geburt. [Munich.] (il pp. 8°. Kireheimbolanden, C. Thiemt; 1889. Miiller (Job. Ccorg). * De dispositione ad mor- bos ha'ieditaria. 28 pp. 4 . Gottinga; H. M. Grape, [1794]. Mueller (Joh. Georgius). De partu hominis post nioiteni niatris moderante. 29 pp., 1 1. 4 . Fitemberga; formis S. Krettsigii, [1714]. Mueller (Joh. Godofredus). * De attentione medico-practica. 40 pp. sin. -L. Halce Mag- deb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1711]. Ml'LLKK. ri-20 MUI.LEK. Miiller (Job. Gottwerth). See l.nn^e (doh. Henricus). Dubia cieuta; vexata. sin. 4°. Helmstadii, [1704). Miiller (Job. Guilielmus). * De morbis infan- tum. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, 1746. Miiller (Job. Heinrieus). See Wnllher (Job.) He lapidibus in geneie. 4°. Lipsiev, 1048. Miiller (.lob. Jakob). * Untersucliungeu iiber den Drehpunctdes nieuschlichen Auges. 22 pp , 1 1., 2 pi. 4°. Zurich, Zurcher u. Furrer, H08. Miiller (Job. Ludovicus). * De morbis tartareis. 32 pp. 4 . Jena; lit. Kiebsianii, [1695]. For Biography, see Wcdeliii* (Ceo. Woilf.) Miiller (Job. .Matthias). * De iuflammatione vesica' urinaria'. 16 pp. 4 . [Altdovffi], lit. J. G. Kohlesii, 1793. ------. Casus nieelieo-ehiriirgicus, effracturacranii et subsecutis gravissimis s\ inptoniatibns divina gratia ex voto curatis, cum notis de capite ejus- que affectibus, in quibus extracta plurimorum aiictoniin anatomica atque practica, [etc.] 2 p. I, 131 pp. KL. [Francof. a. M.], lit. G. M. Mayeri, 1712. ------. Casnuin lnedico-chiriirgicoriini de capitis pra-cipue passionibus rarioruin, Deo benedi- eente feliciter curatoruin, clecas, una cum pro- inissis auctoruin, bortimque allegatorum libro- rum, nee non rerum et verbornm indicibus. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. Ki ;. [tt. p., 1712.] ------. Observationuni et ciirationuni lnedico-chi- iiirgicariim rarioruin decades II. I. De pra-ci- puaruin corporis humani partium aft'ectibns, cum seboliis, in qnibns exenipla ab auetore ultra cen- tum, longeque nuinerosiora a multis aliis notata parallela continentur. II. Dc capitis priecipue passionibus bistoriaruin resoliitionibus. Una cum annexo traetatulo de effraetura cranii, nee non inseciitis gravissimus syniptomatibus, di- viua gratia ex voto curatis. Cum notis de capite ejusque affectibus anatomicis physiologic*) prac- ticis, pathologicis atepie therapeuticis ex quam- plurimis auctoribns extractis ut et rerum et auc- toruin, horuinqiie' allegatorum librorum indici- bus. 4 p. 1., 21 pp. 16^. Xorimbergce, apud W. Micitahellem, 1714. Miiller (Joh. Michael). * De gangnena et spha- celo, vom heissen und kalten Brand. 9 1. 4°. [Erfurt], typ. J. H. Groschii, [1712]. Miiller (Job. Nicolaus). Sir. Vsileiitiiiuw (Michael. Eernhardus). Prodromns historiie naturalis llassia; [etc. I 4°. Gissiee Hassorttin, 11707]. Miiller ([Job. Oswald] Oscar) [1860- ]. * Ueber das scros-purulente Oedem. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1883]. Mueller (Joh. Paul) [1838- ]. * Fntersnchung iiber einige Derivate des Camphers. vi, 40 pp. 8 . Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1834. c. Mueller (Joh. Ulricus). * De mania seu insania. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1yp. Ii. Welptri, 167,4. Miiller (Joh. Valentin) [1756-1813]. *Diss. sis- tens nievorum origines. 2 p. ]., 87 pp., 11. 4 . Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1778]. ------. De scirrho speciatim mammarum. 80 pp. 4 -'. Jmee, Ut. Fickelscherrianis, [1779]. ------. Abhandlung von der Driisenverhaitung, besonders der Briiste, und ihrer Behandlungsart mit aussern und innern Heilmittelu. 160 pp. 12-'. Leipzig, Weygand, 1784. ------. Praktisches Handbuch der medieinischen Galanteriekrankheiten. Zum Gebrauch fiir Aerzte und Wundiirzte mit den niithigen Recep- ten. viii, 296 pp. 8C. Marburg, 1788. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. ix, 416 pp., 5 1. 8 . Marburg, lriri. Miiller (Joh. Valentin)—continued. ------. Medizinisehes praktisches Handbuch der Frauenzininier-Krankheiten, zum (hbiauch der Aerzte' und des schcinen Geschlee-hts. 4 Th. in 2 v. 16 '. Frankfurt it. Leipzig, Jiiger, I78H- 97,. ------. Eutwurf der gerichtlichen Arzneywissen- sehaft, nach jurisfiselien und medieinischen Grundsatzen fiir deistlicbe, b'echtsgelehrte und Aerzte. 4 v. 8 . Frankf. a. M., Andrea, 1796- 1801. ------. lieweiss, dass die Kuhpncken mit den na- tiirlichen Kindcrblattern in keiner Yerbindung stehen, und also ihre Einiinpf'iing kein untriig- liches Verwahrungsmittel gegen die natiirlicheu lJlattern sevn konne. vi, 72 ])p., 1 1. 16r. Frankf. a. M., Jdger, 1801. .------. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber die Kur des halbseitigen Kcqifwehes oder sogenannteii Migraine, mit, beigefiigten diatet ischen Vorschrif- ten und bewahrten Arzneiniitteln fiir N'erven- kranke und llypochondristen. viii, 167 jip. 12°. Frankf. a. M'.,'H. L. Breinnei; 1813. Also, Co-Editor of: Frniikfurler meelie-inisclie An nalen fiir Aerzte. Wunelaizte, Apotheker und deiikende Le-ser aus alien Slanelcn, 1789. See, also. K. (-1. A.) Lriiiiicriiiiiren iregen den Bewcis des . . . 16>. Frankf. a. M., 1801. For Bioijraphy, see Urimcr (Christ, (ioth.) Miiller (Job. [Willi. Hub.]) [1846- ]. *Zur Casuistik der dehirntumoren. 22 pp. 8 . Gveifswald. F. Haehe, [1874]. Mueller (Job. Wilhelm). Vita hnmana ex fune jiendens. 18 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4J. Tubingce, J. C. Bei si, [1692]. Miiller (Josephus). * De all'eetione carciniuna- tosa pylori. ICi pp. 8-. Monachii, C. Wolf, 1837. ------. Systematische Darstellnng des Medicinal- Wesens in cien cleutscb-illyrischen, bcihinisch-ga- liziseben und italienisehen Provinzen des oslcr- reichischen Kaiserstaates, nach authentischeii Quellen bearbeitet. Abth. 1-4. ix, 86 pp., 1 1.; 172 pp., 2 tab.; vi (1 L), 382 pp.; 167 pp., 1 1. 8 . Wien, Braumiiller u. Seidel, 1843-4. CONTEXTS. Alitli. 1. Ocffeiilliclier Medi/,inal-Dienst. Abth. 2. Offentliche Hygiene. Abth. 3. Officii I lithe Krniikeiinflege. Abth. 4. Ocifentliclie II.ye.ienc. ------. Das Apotheker-Wesen in den k. k. oster- reichischen, k. preussischen, k. baierischen, k. wiirtembergiscben, k. siichsischen, k. hannoveia- nischen, churfiirstlich und grossherzoglich hes- sisclien, grossherzoglich badiscben und niecklen- burgischen, herzogiich naussau'schen und braun- scliweig'schen, iiirstl. holienzollern'schcn, etc., Staaten, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Bil- dung, das Pflichtverhiiltniss und die Gewerbs- rechte despliarmaceutisclien Personals, die deut- schen Landes-Phainiakopiien und die, landesiib- lichen Arzneitaxen. 3 p. 1., 258 pp., 11. 8 . Wien, Braumiiller u. Seidel, 1844. Miiller (Josephus Ferdinandns). * De balneo- rnin partieularium usu. 53 pp., L1. 12°- \ ien- na; M. A. Schmidt, 1781. [P., v. 1074.] Also, in: Eyekkl. Diss. med. |etc.] 8°. Vienna; 1792, iv, i:«j. Mueller (Julius)1 [1817-79]. * Feber ttesektion des Uuterkiefers ohne Verletzung der aussein Haut, oder mit nic'iglichster Schonung derselben. 24 pp. 8°. Erlangen, J. P. A. .lunge, 1847. [Also, in: P., v. 221. ] See also. Fi»elier (H.) & itlneller (Julius). An- gebliche l,hc)s1)hoivcrgiftiiii.i'. ' ««' Lui-e lasst, etc. 8°. Berlin. [1876]. For Biographi/, see Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 18t9, xxvi, 382. Miiller (Julius)-. * Beitrag zur Statistik und Casuistik der Geschwiilste der wciblichen Brust. 28 pp. rc. Greifswald, F. Haehe, [1873]. MULLER. 521 MUELLER. Miiller (Julius)1'. *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der medullaren Leukamie. 36 pp. 8°. Erlan- gen, .lunge it. Sohn, 1879. Miiller (Julius)'. * Die jiihrlicho Periode des atinosphaiische-n Niederschlages in der Schweiz. | Hern.] 16 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Zurich, Zur eh er u. Fttvvei; 188:5. Miiller (Julius)5. * Leber die Diagnose der Ex- trautei-iiisc-hwangcrschaft. 120 pp. 8°. Strass- burg, li. Hubert it. Ii. Haberer, 1884. Mueller (Julius Augustus) [1806- ]. *I)e adjuini'iitis quibus natura utitur ad evolutionem hominis perliciendaiu physicam et psychicain. 54 pp., 1 1. 8 . Berolini, typ. Briisehekianis, [\829]. Mueller (Julius Carolus) [1821- ]. * Do fcu- nioribus. (il pp. 8r Gryphice, F. G. Kunike, [HI!]. Miiller (Julius [Friedrich Melcliior]) [1850- ]. * licit rag zur Statistik und Casuistik der Ge- schwiilste der weiblichen Brust. 28 pp. 8°. Girifsieald, F. Haehe, [1873]. Miiller (Karl)'. * Statistik der menschlichen Entnzoeii. 31 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Ii. T. Jacob, 1871. Miiller (Karl)- [1859- J. * Leber Azo- und llvilrazosiilfobenzolamid. 28 pp. 8\ Greifs- wald, J. Abel. 18,-, I. Miiller (Karl Ernst) [1855- ]. *Neue Hel- ininthocccidien uud deren Erzeuger. 50 pp., la. 1. 8J. Beiiin, [Mesch n. Lichtenfield]. 1883. Miiller (Konrad) [1857- ]. * Vergleiehende I'ntersucliiing der anatoinischen Vcrhiiltnisseder (Jlusiaceen, Hypericaceen, Dipterocarpaceen und Ternstroeiuiaceeii. [Kiel.] 38 pp., 1 L, 1 pi. 8°. Leipzig, IF. Engelmann, 1882. Repr. from : Botan. Jahrb., ii, 5. Hft. I!liiller (L.-A.-C.-F. ) "Dissertation sur le spasme en general, et l'affection vaporeuse en particulier. iOO pp. 4°. Stvasbottvg, Levvault, 1813. Miiller (Leopold). Die Typhus-Epidemic des Jahres 1868 im Kreise Liitzen (Regierungs-Bezirk Giunbinnen), besonders vom atiologischen und sanitats-polizeilichen Standpunkte aus darge- stellt. v, 101 pp., 1 map. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- ivald, 1869. Mueller (Louis-Arniand). * Considerations gd- nc'iales sur la maladie dite lievre typhoide. 38 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1857, No. 6, v. 608. Miiller (Louis-Auguste). * Sur le barometre et ses usages. 44 pp. 4°. [Lausanne], Hignou A Cie., [n. cl] Concoms. Mueller (Ludovicus)1. * De ophthalmia gonor- rheiica. 22 pp. 8°. Monachii, typ. G. Jaquet, 1832. Mueller (Ludovicus)'1 [1836- ]. *Demycli- tide. 31 pp., 1 1. 8-T Bevolini, G. Schade, 1864. C. Miiller (Ludwig)1. Leber den wechselseifigen Einliiiss des inenschlichen Korpers und der nienschlit hen Seele aufeinander. Ein anthropo- logisch-inecliziiiischer Versuch. 16 pp. 4J. Zwetbvitcken, G. Hitter, 1830. -----. * Leber Augenwassersueht, nebst Beschrei- bung und Abbildung eines unter der Form des Staphyloma cornea*, pellucidum aui'tictenden Falles. 36 pp., 1 pi. 8-T Wiirzburg, C. IF. Becker. 1833. Miillci' (Ludwig;2. * Experimentette Studien iiber eine Krankheifs- und Todesiirsaelie in fau- lenden Stotfen, das sogenannte "pntride Gilt ". :!•"> pp. no. Miinchen. J. Deschler, 1867. Mueller (Ludwig)3. Das corrosive Gesehwiir im Miigen unci Dannkanal (Ulcus ventriculi pcit'o- rans s. chronicuin rotunduin), und (lessen Be- handlung. x, 271 pp., 1 L, 3 pi. &-. Erlangen, F. Enke; 186Q. Miiller (Ludwig)-* [1852- ]. * Ueber Quer- briiche der Knieseheibe. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ber- lin, G. Schade, [1876]. Mueller (Ludwig)r' [1857- ]. * Ueber das Ver- liiiltniss der acuten Miliartuberculose zu kiisigeu Heerden. 8°. Berlin, A. Haaek, 1879. Miiller (M.) See .Tleileileelin^eii overdeechte [etc.] 12°. Utrecht, [1875]. Mueller (Martin Gustav Adolph). * De iodii in organisniuin humanum effectu. 20 pp. 4°. Lipsia; typ. tl. Slarilzii, [1843]. For Biography, see Joerg (Jo. Christ. God.) Miiller (Mathias) [1818- ]. * Ueber Hiemo- globin nnd Chinin. 29 pp., 1 1. 8 . Bonn, G. Georgi, 1872. [Also, in: P., v. 1367.] Miiller (Max). * Behandlung der Pleuritis ex- sudativa mit Cliloruatiiuin. 48 pp. 8 . Greifs- wtlcl, J. Abel, 1884. Mueller (Maximilianus)1. ^Observationes ana- tomicie de vermibus quibusdam maritimis. I p. I.. 30 pp., 1 L, 3 pi. 4°. Bevolini, G. Schade, [1852]. [P., v. 796.] Mueller (Maximilianus)-'. * De parametritide acuta. 3 p. L, 39 pp., 1 1. 8 !. Fratislavia; typ. A. Xeumaitni, 1865. c. Miiller (Maximilianus Augustus). *l)e mer- curio pnecipitato rubro. 34 pp. 4°. Monachii, (\ Wolf, [1835]. Millier (Moritz). * Ueber tonische und klonische Kriimpfe des Nervus facialis. 24 pp. 8~. Wiirz- buve/, Broker, 1882. Miiller (Moritz Wilhelm) [1784- ]. *De febre intlammatoria quiestiones. 1 p. L, 74 pp. 8°. Lipsia; G. Bruder, [1810]. -----. Zur Geschiehte der Homoopat hie. iv, 100 pp. 8 . Leipzig, C. H. Iieclam. 1837. Also, Co-Editor of: Jalu-uiiclier der homoopathisehen Ilc'il- unci Lchranstalt zu Leipzig, ls;(.'J-4. See, also, Clclilci' (Joannes Carolus) & ITIneller (Mau- ritius Guilehnus). *De adsuetudine. 4°. Lipsiee, [ 1807J. For Biography, see I..use Augc'iikraukheit in den europiiisclien Ar- meen. 34 pp. 8°. Beiiin, G. Lange. [1869]. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 33 pp. 12*-. Preuss. Stargurdt, F. Kienitz, 1870. MULLKK, 522 MftLLF.lf. Miiller (Otto [Friedrich]) [1-44- ]. * Leber Kchlkopfpolypen uud ihre Behandlung mit spe- cieller Beriicksiehtigung der Galvanocaustic. 28 pp., 1 1. 8C. Halle, Pliitz, [1872]. c. Miiller (Paul). * Ueber das Verhaltniss der spe- eitischen Wiirtne bei Gas n und Diimpfen. 46 pp., 1 pi. 8°. [Breslau, 1882.] Miiller (Paul [Friedrich Theodor Ehrenfried]) [1859- ]. * Ueber zwei Fiille von Ektopia ve- sica', nebst Beitriigen zur operativen Behand- lung derselben. 30 pp., 1 1. 12°. Greil'stvaltl, C. Sell, 1883. Mueller ([Paul. Lud.] Guilelmus) [1819- ]. * De hydrophobia. 28 pp., 2 1. sm. b^. Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Sciilesingev, 1843. Mueller (Paul Samuel). * Couvulsiouum et epilepsia* infantum ex leviori dolore prodeuntiuin rationes medieas proponit. 29 pp., 1 1. sm. 4 . IIalee Magdeb., lit. Curlianis, [1757]. ------. Leges uatune teusioneni et laxitatem hbrarum totius corporis humani inter se semper esse proportionates stabiliet. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Halce, ex off. Fiivslenia, 1757. Mueller (Fcter) [1836- ]. * Ueber utero-vagi- nale Atresieu uud Stenoseii. 18 pp. 8 . Wiirz- buvg, Stahel, 1868. r. Itepr. from . Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb., 18tis, v, 1. Hft. ------. Das Esmarch'sche Verfahren zur Herstel- lung kiinstlielier Blutleere und seine Anwendung iu der Geburtshilfe. 3 pp. 8°. Wien, 1874. Repr. from .- Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv. ------. Ueber die, Wenduug auf den Kopf und deren Werth fiir die gebnrtshiltiiche Praxis. In : Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1874, No. 77 (Gynak., No. 2">), r.7!'-.r>!'8. ------. Fin eigeuthiimlicher Bildungsfehler des Cervix, uteri. 7 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke; [1878]. Repr. from.: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1878 iii. 1. Hft. ------. Fine Vieilingsgebiirt. 7 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, l\ Enke, [1878]. liepr. front : Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1878. iii, 1. Hft. ------. Anatoniischer Beitrag zur Frage vom Ver- halten des Cervix wahrend der Scliwangerschaft. 5 pp., 1 1. 8-A Berlin, 1878. Repr. from: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1878, xiii, 1. Hft. ------. Eiu Kaiserschuitt mit Exstirpation des Uterus. Mit Kemerkuugen iiber das einseblii- glge Verfahren. 8 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Repr. from : Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1878, ii. ------. Der inoderne Kaiserschuitt, seiue Berech- tiguug nnd seine Stellung unter den geburts- hiilflichen Opera! ioneu. vi, 75 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1882. ------. Des Berncr Staeltarztes Wilhelm Fabri- cius Ilildanus, Leben und Wirken. Rede zur Feier cles 48. Stiftungstages der Universitat Bern am 18. November 1882. 26 pp., 1 L, port. 8\ Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1883. ------. Die Sterilitiit der Elie. Entwicklungs- fehler des Uterus, xxii, 300 pp. 8 ;. Stuttgart, F. litike, 1885. 55. Lfg. of: Deutsche Chirurgie. ------. Die Unfruchtbarkeit der Ehe. xv, 193 pp. 8-T Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1885. ------. Ueber das Einpressen des Kopfes iu den lleckenkanal zu diagnostischen Zwecken. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1885, No. 264 (Gynak., No. 7:i), 18-7-190G. Miiller (Petrus)1. Deannulopronnbo, vulgo vom Jaworts- oder Trau-Ring hypomnema, cui acces- sit de modo ac usu computacionis graduum dis- sertatio. 3. ed. 108 pp. 4". Jence, typ. el sumpt. J. J. Bauhoferi, 1680. Miiller (Petrus)-1. 8j.ee. sislens llieleleniata circa morbos quosdam incurabiles. 30 pp. .sni. 8D. Havnia; X. Miillev, [1778]. For Biography, see tie Obclitz USiiltliusur I lebharclus). Mueller (retrusJeremia). Diss, phys. de soiunu . . . una cum defendente Herlovio Flensborg. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Havnia; lit. X. Molleri, [1765]. ------. Diss. phys. de pinguedine corporis . . . cum defendente Jano Biikhave. 12 pp. sin. 4°. Haf- nice, ti/p. A. H. Godiche, [1766]. Mueller (Petrus .Josephus) [1834- ]. * De carcinomate uteri. 32 pp. 8'. Bevolini, G. Lange, [1859]. Mueller (Philippus)'. See Muller (Philippus). Miiller (Philippus)2. * Dc necrosi ossium. 35 pp., 1 pi. 4'-'. [FitIdee], A. Xen, [1832]. Miiller (Philippus.Jacobus). [Medieina biblica.] 4 1. fol. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1785]. Miiller (Richard). Akiurgisehe Vortriige. Re- petitorium fiir die medicinische Staats-l'iiifimg bearbeitet. iv, 218 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gutincniii, 1875. Mueller (Richard Hermann). Ueber Peripachy- meningitis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg, Gvuber it. Longvien, 186,8. -■ Miiller (Rudolf)1 [1859- ]. * Beitrag zur Sta- tistik der Sehielope.ratiou. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Muller, [1884]. Miiller (Rudolf )••*. *Ueber Uramie. 16 pp. 8-r Etiangen, Jtnige u. Sohn, 1885. Miiller (Rudolph). Schiidigen die Kirchhof'e die Gesundheit der Lebenden '. 32 pp. 8r Dres- den, Ii. L. Knecht, 1885. M uel Ier (Rudolph L.) * Ueber Masernepideniien. 15 pp. 8 . Leipzig, H. Springer, 1879. [P., v. 294.] Miiller (Samuel. Fridericus). L < Ibservationes de morbis mulierum ex scabie repulsa propiillulan- tibus. 32 pp. 8°. Tubingce, Schramm, [1813], Miiller (Theodor) [1851- ]. * Statistik der Aniputationeu der koniglichen chiriugischcii Klinik zu Breslau, voni Jahre 1877 bis Miirz 1881. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslan, F. W. Jungfer, 1884. Miiller (Theophilus). * De medicis balneis aili- hcialibus. 111. 4J. Lipsia; typ. rid. J. Wiltigaii, [1672]. ------. The same. 24 pp. 4 . Lipsia; imp. A. Seipionis, [1672]. Also, in: Ettmi li.f.k (M.) Diss, xiix med. 4D. Fran- cof. et Lips., 1685. Miiller (Vincent. Henr.) See Kiijjelhnrl (Joh. Henr.) De elysenteria. Resp. Vincent ILnr. Miiller. 4°. Lundie, [1780]. Miiller (Vmcenz). Spi'cielle Beschreibung der Heilquetten, Mineralbiider und Molkenciir-An- stiilten des Konigreichs Bayern. 2. vermehrte und verbesseife And. viii, 544 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Augsburg, M. Ilieqer, 1847. Mueller(WernernsGuilielmns). #Dedifferentiis naturarum respeetu cliinatum. 57 pp., 5 1. 4\ Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C Hendelii, [1746]. Miiller (Wilhelm)1. * Ueber Struktur und Ent- wicklung des Tnberkels in den Nieren. 26 pp. 8 . Erlangen, A. li. Jungc, 187,7. ------. Ueber die, chemise-hen Bestandtheile des Gehirns. 48 pp. 8. Erlangen, A. Ii J tinge, 187,7. ------. Beitrage zur Theorie der Respiration. H pp. 8J. Wien. K. GerolcFs Sohn, 1858. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. (1. k. Akad. if. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 18.">8, xxxiii, 2o MUNCHM K Y ER. Miiller (Willie-liny. * Die Lebergrauulation als Causal moment des Magengeschwiirs. 23 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1878. Miiller (Wilhelm)4. *Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten der Lyinphdrliseu bei der Resorption von Blutextravasaton. 38 pp. 8 r Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1879. Miiller (Wilhelm)*. * Ueber das Auftreten von Sepsis bei Diabetes. 19 pp. 8J. Miinchen, J. A. Fiiisterlin, 1882. Miiller (Willielm)1'. Die Massenverhaltnisse des menschlichen Herzens. 1 p. 1., 220 pp. 8°. Ham- burg n. Leipzig, L. Foss, \883. Mueller ( Willielnms). * De perniouibus. 28 pp. sm. 41-. Jence, lit. s. A. Miilleri, [1680]. -----. * De eonvnlsione. 2d pp. sm. 4°. Jnia; typ. rid. S. Krebsii, 16,84. Mueller (Xaveiius). *]>e usu argenti nitrici in morbis ventricul'. 53 pp., 1 1. 8'. Tubingce, typ. lilfcrtianis, [1829]. Mueller de BerueeR (Franciscus). * Non- niillu de causis plithiseos pulmonalis. 28 pp. 4". Lipsiee. lit. Starttzii, [1830]. For liiography, see llaawe (Guilielmus Andreas). Miieller vou Loweiisteiii (Fridericus). Lexicon niedico-Galeiio-ehyniico-pharniaceuti- ciuu, oder: griinclliehe Erkliining aebtzelien tausend medicinisclier Nahinen ... 4 p. L, 312 pp. fol. Franckf. a. M., M. tndters, 1661. Miillerkleill (Clemens). * Ueber die veneri- schen Krankheiten. [Wurtzburg.] 63 pp. 12°. Karhtadt, T. B. Dini; 18.53. Irlueller-Pouillet. See Fielt (Aelulf). Lie niedizinisehe Physik, [etc.] 8°. Braunschweig, 18,56. MiillerN canal. Reliquet. l'c'isistance du canal de Miitter. Hydi-on6phro.se du rein et de Fiiretere droits. I'yelo-iiephrite calculeuse du rein gauche ties hypei-trophii'. 8 '. Paris, 1887. |{oo^;i.-ii-il if. A.) Persistcntie der Miillersche gan- 1*1*11 bij een vnlwassen man. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Welcnsch. A fil. Xatuurk., Amst., 187ti, 2. s . ix. 206-270, i pi — Uolii-n 11•'. A. K.) ZurKcnutuissder Miiller'schcu <;;i11ii<• mid ihrer Verschmelzung. Schrift. (1. (Iesellsch. /.. I'.cliinl. tl. "is. Xaturw. zu Marb., 1872, ix, 2.">1--J.">!l. 3 pb— I'liiiili (I..I Itnelimente iles voreleren Kiiiles tier Aliillci '-.then (liinue lii'iiu frisc.h geborenen Henustfithleii. Deutsche, Zlschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1883, ix, 289. — Orel (\VT M.) Miilformafion of the genital nivalis of a man, with persistence of one of the ducts »f .Miiller. Med. 'limes \ Gaz., I.ond., 1879, ii. 542 —Kcmy (C.) Sur Lu I ii c-iile* ])it)st;ttit|iie et le canal de Miiller chez l'homnie. ,1. ele l'anat. et physiol.. etc.. Par., 1879, xv, 175-184, 2 pi. Mlieliuailll (Paulus). *De iusomniis. 71. sm. 4*. Lipsia; typ. hcereclttm Lambergianorum, [ 1630]. Mumler (J. L. V.) See Koui<:lielie Acaelemie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Ph\sik:ilische nnd medicinische Abhaudlungen, [etc.] 8". Ciothii, 1781-6. Miincli (A.) Das Armen-Soolbad in ttlieinfel- den (Canton Aargau); ^Mittheilungen iiher Griiu- dung. Haushalt und Krfolge der Anstalt. 15 ]»i». 8 '. Zurich, J. Herzog, 186,8. Repr. from.: Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Gemeinniitzigk., Jahrg., 1868. Miiuell (Alfred Rud. Wiih. ) * Ueber caridse Erkraiikuiigen des Eusskeletes. [Basel.] 1 p. 1., 38 pp. 8 r Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1879. Miiuell (Aloys). * Abhandlung iiber die Wir- kungen des Weins. 14 pp. 4°. Giessen, 1815. Miiuell (Burchard Friedrich) [1759-1830]. I)<* belladonna ethcaei in rabie caniua remedio. 47 pp. 4'. Gottingee, F. A. liosenbusch, [1781]. Also, in: Fhank'(J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8r Ti- cini, 178,">, i, '_'4S-:S2S. -----. Piaetiselie Abhandlung von der Bella- donna nnd ihrer Anwendung, besonders zur Vorbaiiung und Heilung der Wuth nach dem Bisse von tollen Ilnnden. xvi, 408 pp., 2 pi. 12°. Gottingen, J. V. Dieterich, 1785. Mueiiell (Eduard). * Ueber Embolieder Arteria centralis retime. 28 pp. 8°. Giessen. W. Keller, 1866, v. 2!>3. Miiuell ( Eugen ). * Ueber die Bauchnaht. [Wurtzburg.] 18 pp. 8 . Bamberg, Humaiin, 1881. Miiuell (Franciscus) [1802- ]. *l)e cupri viribus in corpus huuiauum. 37 pp. 8J. Bevo- lini, formis Briischekictnis, [1833]. Miiuell (Georgius). * De febre nervosa versatili acslupida. 24 pp. 8°. [Landshut], 1811. Miiuell (Gustav). * Beitrag zur Lehre von dem osti'oinalakisehen Frauenbeeken. 24 pp., 4 pi. 8 . Giessen, IF. Keller, 1851. Miiuell (Joannes Georgius) [1793- ]. * De cardialgia. 1 p. 1., 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, Pia ten i, [1818 J. Mueiiell (Joannes Godofredus) [1832- ]. * De carcinomate test iciilormn. 22 pp., 1 1. 8 . Gryphice, F. Haehe, 1858. c. Miiuell (Joannes Henricus). * Diss, sistens ob- servationes praeticas circa usum belladonna*, in melancholia, mania, et epilepsia. 2 p. 1., 32 pp., 11. sm. 4". Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, [1783]. lliinclieii. See Munich. Miiiielieii iu natiirwissenschaftlie-lier uml me- dicinischer Beziehung. Fiihrer fiir die Theil- nelnner der 50. Versamnilung deutscher Natur- l'orse-li.'i- und Aerzte. vi, 278 pp., 11., 1 map. 8r Leipzig it. Miinchen, G. Hirth, 1877. MiK'iielieiiber^ (Augustus). * Fuugus nie- dullaris diirie niatris et pericranii. 2 p. L, 34 pp., 1 pi. 8U. Ilegimonti't Pr., E. J. Dalkowski, [1842 \. MiiiK'lieuer (Zur). Canalisationsfrage. Vor- triio-e, gehalten im arztlichen Bezirks-Yereiue Miinchen. Zwei Vortrage von H. Ranke. Lnt- geo-nung von v. Pett.enkofcr. Vortrag von Keisehensteiner. Vortrag vou Rudolf Emme- rich. Sehlusswort von H. Ranke. 128 pp. 8-. Miiiielieii. J. A. Finsterlin, 1879. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1879, xxvi. Miinelieiier medicinische Wochenschrift. (Frii- her Aeiztliches Intelligenz - Blatt.) Organ fiir aintliche und praktische Aerzte. Hrsg. von Dr. Bollinger [et, al.]. Redacteur: B. Spatz. Jahr- jang 33-35, 1886-8. fol. Miinchen, J. A. Finslerlin. Current. Title of v. 1-32 was: Aeiztliches Intellijieuz- Blatt. Miiiielieii rod (Georgius). See Nabolh (ilartinns). De organo auditus. Ke- spondente fr. Munchenrod. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1703]. von J?I.iincliliausen (Otto). Portrait in : Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 1GG. Mueuelilieiuier (Mauritius) [1807- ]. * De catarrho vesica.' urinaria*. 29 pp., 11. 8-. Be- rolini, typ. Xietackianis, [1832]. Miiuehiueyer (Carol. Aug. Adalb.) Commen- tatio de differentia qua* intercedit inter epilep- siam et eclampsiam. iv, 63 pp. 4°. Gottinga; typ. Dieterichianis, [1830]. Miiuelliueyer (E. E.) * Ueber das Alter des Varioloid. 40 pp. 8 . Wurzburg, C. A. Ziirn, 1835. Miiuelliueyer (Emil). Die Carclialgie nach den neuesten Quellen und eigenen Beobach- tungen pathologisch uud therapeutisch darge- stellt. 1 p L, 144 pp. 8°. Liineburg, Heroic! u. Wahlstab, 1843. Miiuelliueyer (Ernest. Henric. Guilielmus). Commentatio de viribus oxygeuii in procrean- dis et sanandis morbis. 64 pp. 4-'. Gottingee, H. Dieterich, [1891]. Miiuelliueyer (Friedrich Adelbert). *Ein Fall von Tuberkulose des Uerzbeutels. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Sliieiner, 1883. MtJNCIIOW. 5_>4 MUNZKNTI1ALKU. vou Miiiicliow (L. D.) .See Weriiebiirg (J. F. Ch.) Die riehtige Katoptrik. 4°. [»i. p., n. d.] Miiliek (Sehastianus). * De febre quotidiana interniittente. 12 pp. 4r Argentorati, J. F. Le lioux, [1754 J. Mueueke (Robert). See Teelini»elies Institut fiir Anfertigung naturwis- scnschaftlieher Apparate, etc. 8°. Beiiin, |1885J. tliindeii. See Insane (Asylums for, Reports, etc., of), by loeali ties —Kbit igsh of. Mlieilllicll (August). * Welches ist das beste Mittel zur Verhiitung der I'laeeiitaricteution f 2 p. 1., 24 pp., 1 1. 8W. Breslau, 0. liaabe, 1876. Mlieilllicll (Ernestus) [1836- ]. * De pneu- niothorace. 31 pp. 8*-. Berolini, G. St hade, [18.7.1]. Mlieilllicll (Frid. Guil. Alex. Franc.) [1814- ]. * De gravidarum parturientium et puerperarum eclampsia. 32 pp., 2 1. 8'*-'. Halce, C. Grunert, | 1838]. Miiiiuicli (Henricus Fridericus) [1806- ]. * Glossomantia, sive de signis a lingua depro- mendis. 32 pp. 8 t Berolini, typ. A. Petsehii, ( 18311]. Miiimicli (JoannesFridericus). * De peripneu- monia. 1 p. L, 20 pp. 4°. Halce ad Salam, cere Hendeiiano, [1772]. Miiimicli (Job. Andreas). * De diarrhoea bi- liosa. 20 pp., 2 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., tup. J. C. Hilligeri, [1729]. -----. Kelatio physico-medica, oder kurzer dock griindlicher Bericht von zvreyen, durch einen Donner-Schlag im vergaugeuen Sept. 1731 zu Osterwieck gcriihrten Personen, davon die Eine gleich todt geblieben, die Andere aber noch ge- rettet worden ist . . . Zuerst als ein pdicht-niiis- siges Attestat dem wohl-loblichen Judicio da- selbst schrifftlich iibergeben, nachgehends aber, auf Ersuchen, etwas vermehrter, in gegenwarti- ger Form zum Druck befordert. 3 p. L, 19 pp. 4 ; Halberstadt, Schoppen, 1732. Miiimicli (Joh. Friedricus). * De diarrhoea se- rosa. 21 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lyp. J. C. Hilligeri, [1729]. Miiliuicll (Joh. Gust. Ad.) Beschreibung der Brause-Badeanstalt in der Kaserne des Kaiser Franz Garde-Grenadier-Regiments No. 2. 10 pp., 1 pi. 8C. [Beiiin], W. Grere, 18.89. Repr. from: Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1880, vi. Miiliuicll (Paulus Joannes "Wilhelmns). * De caussis detenninantibus ancipitein eventum mor- borum in nosoconiiis occurrentium. 21 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., ex off'. Htndeliana, [1762]. MiiuiiiugJioflf. Das eigentliche Wesen der Krankheiten. Enthaltend zugleich die Physio- iogie des thierischen Maguetismus und des Hell- sehens. Auch fiirNicht-Aerzte verstiindlich dar- gestellt. ix (11.), 155 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Bes- ser, 1881. Miiusclier (Otto). * Ein Fall von Trismus neo- natorum mit einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Aetiologie dieser Krankheit. 24 pp., 2 1. 8 . Marburg, X. G. Elwevt, 1876. Minister. General-Bericht iiber das Medizinal- und Sanitiits-Wesen im Regierungs-Bezirk Mini- ster im Jahre 1882. Vom Regierungs- und Meeli- zinal-Rath Dr. Hoogeweg. Durch Erlass Sr. Excettenz des Herrn Cultus-Ministers zum Druck bestimmt. 95 pp. 8J. Minister, Coppcnralh, 1883. lUiinster, Westphalia. See, also, Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, ele, of), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of). Skndsciikeibex eines rheinischen Arztes an Herrn P . . . zu C . . . iiber einige, in dem Un- illiillster, \Y crip It aria. terricht von dem Collegium der Aerzte zu Mini- ster angenominene Grundsiitze. 16°. [Hheinel 1778. J' Minister (Carl Julius) [1847- ]. ' Die unbhi- tige f'orcirte Erweiterung des Afters in ihrer diagnosiischen und tbeiapeutisehen Yerwer- 1 hung. 32 pp. tP. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1873. Minister (Fridrich Gottlieb). * Diss. exhibcn.H monita qiuedain discrimen spectantia quod inter morbos universales et, topicos vulgo assuniitui-. 45 pp., 2 1. 8°. Gottinga; typ. Bavmcievicniis, [1801]. MueilSter (Hermann). * Wendung, Zange und kiiustliche Fruhgeburt bei verengtem Becken mit Riicksicht auf die exspectative Behandlung. 311 pp. 8°. Konigsberg, H. Hartung, 1870. c. MueilSter (Joannes Elias) [1797- ]. *])e balneo animali. 98 pp. 8°. [n. pi], formis Bruesehckianis, [1832]. vou Minister (Walter Alfons) [1848- ]. * Casuistische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der pni- cornealen und conjunct ivalen nielanotiseheii Neubildungen. 30 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8 . Halle, J. G. Lipke, 1872. c. IHiiiistei'lingeii. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Insane (Asylums, etc., for), by localities. Mueuter (Fridericus [Adolphus]) [1843- ]. *Ad syinptoniatologiam morborum cerebri. Dc apoplexia duplici et tumore, glioma, in pouto Varolii. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halis Sax., formis Plcetziauis, [1866]. c. Mihltcr (Gustav Wilhelm). Versuch einer neuen Theorie der Verriehtungen des Gehirns uud Ner- vensystems, enthaltend eine pliysiologische Be- wcisfiihrung, dass das centrale und perijiherische Nervensysteni fiir den Organismus das ist, was die Genitalien fiir die Erhaltung der Gattung sind. viii, 63 pp. 8C. Leipzig, A. Reimann, 1838. -----. Anatoniische Grundlagen zur Scelenlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. viii, 190 pp., 1 pi. 8C. Halle, R. Miihlmann, 1846. -----. Geschichtliche Grundlagen zur Geistes- lebre des Menschen, oder dieLebeiisausseriingen des menschlichen Geistes im gesunden und krankhaften Zustande. Fiir Ge-bildete aller Stande. viii, 208 pp. 8 . Halle, C. E. M. Pfeffer. 1850. Miinter(M.) Der rutergrund der Stadt Halle an der Saale, besclniebeu und auf einer Karte dargestellt. 32 pp., 1 ch. 8^>. Halle, G. li. Barthel, 1869. No. 1 of the: Publicationen el. Ver. f. offentl. Gesundli. in Halle. Mihr/. (Martiuus) [1785-1848] A; Kiial) (Ferdi- nandns). Dissertatio de eortice perilviano et radice ipecacuanha*, eorumque surrogatis. 1 ]>. ]., 233 pp. 8r Landishuti, J. Thoniann, [1810], Miilizbcrgei' (Leopold [Wilhelm]) [1858- ]. * Feber das pathologiseh-anatoinische Substrat der P>osionen an der Portio vaginalis uteri. 35 pp., 1 1. 8^. Halle, Ii. Karras, 1881. Mueuzcl (Arminius). * De necrosi ossium. 32 !>]). 8 . Jena; typ. A. Xeiienhahni, 18.53. Mueuzcl (Eduard). * Feber amyloide Dege- neration der Niere. 17 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Aeu- euhahn, 186,7,. Miiuzeutlialer (Augustus Josephus). * Diss. sistens observationes et annotationes qnasdam de aneurysmatibus et pruecipue veris. vi, 7-20 pp., 2 pi. sm. 4°. Landishuti, J. Thoniann, 18-20. -----. Versuch uber die Ainputationen in deu Gelenken. 44 pp. 8*-. Leipzig, P. G. Kumi, MTNZINGEK. 52f> MUGUET. Miiuziu^i' (Wilhelm). * Das Tiibinger Herz. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Febcranstrengung des Herzens. [Tiibingen.] 23 pp. 8. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1877. Miircke (Andreas). * De viribus sanguinis et solidorniu motum facientibus curatius detinien- dis. 28 pp. 1°. Lipsia; ex off. Lan genii ernia, [1772]. For Iliography, see Rose (Einestus Gottlob). Miirdel (.Matt hams). "Diss, sistens annotationes de vclainentis foetus. 32 pp. 12°. Tubingce, typ. Iltissiauis, 1821. llliirer(T. C.) * De causis cophoseos surdomu- toriun indagatu difficilibus. Commentatio brevis sectionibus cadaverum ut pluriinuni illustrata. 25 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Hufnict; B. Schlesinger, [1825]. I-2C> Ml'LDKi;. Milguet (F^lix). * Des fils nietalliques capil- laires pour la reunion des plaies, et de leur emploi comme setons dans les pet its abces gan- gliounuires du con. 50 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1862, No. 30. Giuliani mud Ben Zakliariali Alia/.i (Abu Bekr). See Rhazes [Abu Bekr Muham- mad Ben Zakhariah Alrazi]. Muhammad 'Ulwi Khan. K hula-sat Atta- jarib. [The result of experiments. A compre- hensive compendium of medicine, composed in Persian bv . . .] 724 pp. sm. ibl. Lukhuow, A. It. 1283 [1866]. Muliauiined (Mir) Hussein ul Khurasani Shi- razi. Makhzan al-Adwiya. [Dictionary of medi- caments. ] 582,70 pp. fol. Bombay, [ 1866]. A medical dictionary in Persian text. Muhlenberg- (Henry). Catalogus plantarum America* septeutrioualis, hue usque coguitarum indigeuarum et cicurum ; or, a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, arranged according to the sexual system of Liumeus. iv, 112 pp. 8 . Lancaster, W. Hamilton, 1813. -------. Descriptio uberior graminuui et plantarum calamariarmn, America* septeutrioualis indige- narnm et cicurum. ii, 295 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, S. W. Conrad, 1817. See. also, Winilh (,s'i> James Edward). A grammar of botany. 8°. Aew York, 1822. .Muhlenberg; (W. A.) A plea for a church hos- pital in the city of New York. In two lectures . . . With an appendix, containing the consti- tution, etc., of St. Luke's Hospital. 55 pp. 8 '■'. Xciv York, Stanford A Swords, 187,9. Mllhleilbruck. (.Simon. Heuricus). * De usu \ eii-L'seetionis in febribus acutis. 24 pp. 4;. Halce Magdeb., apud J. C. Hendelii r'tduam, [1766]. Mllhleit (Wilhelm). * Beitrage; zur Kenntniss iiber das Vorkommen der Tuberkelbacitten in tuberkulosen Orgaueu. 36 pp. 8'. Gottingen, L. Ho fer, 18<>. Mllhlius(Benedictus)[1093- ]. * Do febrium, intei inittentiuni theoria et tberapia. 3 p. L, 53 pp. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, typ. It. D. Hum mil, [1741]. ------. Vernnnftinassige und durch Eriahrung bestiitigte Priiservir-Cur, welche in einer Auwei- sung, wie man durch wenige und sichere Mittel die Gesundheit erhalten, und die sonst gewohn- lichen Zufalle entwedergar abwenden oder doch wenigstens ertraglich machen kdnne; denen, die ihre Gesundheit lieb haben und sob-he zu conserviijen bemiihet sind, erofnet, und auf Ver- langen einiger Freunde entworfen. x, 258 pp., 9 L 12°. Lemgo, J. H. Meyer, 174:!. For Biography, see Spies (Joh. Car.) Mil 111' (Adolphus .Em. Guil.) [ 1788-1836]. * De partibus ossium excidendis. 29 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Berolini, formis Briischckianis, 1823. Miihrbeek (K.) *De hienio])tysi. 28 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Londini Gothorum, C. G. Berling. [1768J. de Muiller (Carolus Guilielmus). Physiologia systeinatis vasorum absorbentiiuu. 62 pp. 4*T Lipsia; ex off. Klaubarlhia, [179:5]. For Biography, see Haase (J. G.) Muiller (Job. Fridericus). De luxu gravissi- inoriiiu morborum fonte. 3 p. 1., 48 pp. 4°. Lipsia; es off. Somineiitt, [1787]. For Biography, see ladilcr (Joannes Carolus). Mailman (Gisbertus Yerzyl). *An excelebrata hactenus opinione de plethora universali vel particuiaii vera fluxus menstrui causa explicari possit? 1 p. L, 59 pp. 4°. Le'tilo; II. Mosterf, 1772. [Also, in: P., v. 1473.] Muir (G. W.) Sanitary condition of Glasgow and the failure of the improvement act in im- proving the health of the community. Exposed Muir (G. W.)—continued. in letters to the Marquis of Salisbury and Dr. Alfred Carpenter, of Croydon, Surrey. 24 pp. 8 . Glasgow, W. Portr us A Co., 1884. " Muir (M. M. Pattison). Practical chemistry for medical students; specially arranged for the first M. B. course. 61 pp. ' 16°. London, Mac- millan A Co., 1878. Muir (William). See Lowe (Johu). Medical missions (etc. ] Vl°. Lon- don, 188li. iflllir (Sir William Mure) [1SI8-S5], Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lend., 188.1, i, 1271. Also- Laucet, Loud., 1885, i, 1107. Mllii'liead (Claud). Relapsing fever in lalin- burgh during the first five months of the year 1870. 24 pp., 6 tab. 8 . Edinburgh, Oliver A Boyd, 1870. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J.. 1870-71, xvi. Muis (Joan). Redelijke heelkonstoeft'ening, of beelkonstige aeumerkingen na de vaste gronden der waerachtige, filozofie opgelost. . . eu vertaelt door David van lloogst rateu. V vfde tiental. 9 p. I., 62 pp.; 2 L, 33 pp.; 8 ]., 32 pp."; 3 1., 26 pp.; 5 1., 72 pp.; t L, 20 pp. 12. Rotterdam, F. run lloogst vat en, 1684-5. See. also. Barbette (Paul). Cliiruijiia, notis ac ob sei vationilnis larioribns illustrata [etc.] 12°. Antstetic da mi, l(i!I3. Mnjurrabat-Akbari [Great Experiences], 64'I. 4". [n.p., 11. d.] Work written in Persian, iu tin- so-called "ta'alik" method of writing. The maiu title, in the center of the title jiagc, is: " Mujanabat-Akbari", and a secondary title, printed on top, is as follows: "Aun shiba-naksh ali- dan saqiniau, we feiz eser licrai'ilaj hakinian . . ." " llealth spending help for sick unities, and abundance of records on the treatment hy physicians . . ." Mill (Job.) * De flnorc albo. 111. 4:. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1694. de Mulder (Benedictus). *l)e erysipehite. 19 pp. 4'-. Gandavi, J. Begyn, [1822]. [P., v. 058; 961.] M alder (Dedericus). * De rabie hvdrophohica. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1707. Mulder (Didericus H.) * Dt- ischuria vera ac spuria. 48 pp., 3 1. 4:. Lugd. But., C. de Pecker, 1766. [P., v. 56.] Mulder (Gerardus Joh.) [L-o-j-sii]. Coinmeu- talioele entozois. 108 pp. 8-. Iritj. adlihenuin, O. J. van Paddenburg, 1823. ------. Commentatio de aquis Rheno-Trajeclinis, earumque adhibitione. 158 pp., 11. h . Traj. ad Rhenum, O. J. van Paddenburg, 1824. ------. * Do opio ejusque principiis, actione inter se comparatis. 122 pp. 8\ Traj. ad Rhenum, ex off. J. Altheer, 1825. [Also, in: P., v. 1027.] ------. Versing wegeus den staat, der genees-, heel-, ver]as- en artsenijbereidkuiidige school le Rotterdam, uitgebragt ter gelcgeuheid van hit derde algemeene examen der kweekelingen aan dczelve, op deu 17. September 1 '30. 34 pp. 8 . Rotterdam, M. Wijt, 1-30. ------. Over de waarde der natniukundige we- teusciiappen voor de geneeskunde. 35 pp. 8 . Rotterdam, H. A. Runners, 1842. ------. Het streven der stof naar harmonic; eeue voorlezing. 40 pp. 8 . Rotterdam, It. A. Kra- mers, 1844. ------. IVber deu Werth und die Bedeutung del Naturwissenschaften fur die Medicin. Eiim Rede, gehalten bei der Erdffnung seiner chemi- schen Vorlesung an der Universitiit, zu Utrecht. Aus dem Holliiudischen iibersetzt von .lac. Mole- scliott. 36 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1844. ------. Versuch einer allgeineineu physiologischcn Chemie; mit eigeuen Zusatzen des Verfassers liir diese deutsche Ausgabe seines Werkes. Nach MlTLDHK. 527 MULE. Mulder (Gerardus Job.)—continued. dem Hollandischcn von H. Kolbe. 2 v. (paged consecutively). xii, 128'.», 15 pp., 20 pi. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Fieweg u, Sohn, 1844-51. _____p (Jebangan's water, eene iodiuni houdende watersoort van Neerlandsch Indie. 18 pp. 8r liotterdeem, It. A. Kramers, 1845. _____. The chemistry of vegetable and animal physiology. Transl. from the Dutch, by Dr. Froinberg. With an introduction and notes by James F. W. Johnston. Pts. 1-4. iv, 28, 827 pp., 20 pi. 8 3. [Edinburgh, 18 15-0.] Half-title* and advertisement to pt. 3 inserted between pp. 34G-:'47, and to pt. 4 between pp. 614-C15. _____. The same. 1. Am. ed., with notes by B. Silliuian. 176 pp. 8°. Xew York, Wiley f Put- nam, 1845. .-----. Licbig's questions to Mulder tested by morality and science. Transl. by P. F. H. Froin- berg. vii, 122 pp. 8°. London, IF. Blackwood f Sons, 1816. -----. De voecling in Nederland, in verband tot den \olksgee.st. 1 p. 1., 77 pp. fc°. Rotterdam, H. A. Kramers, 1847. -----. De voediug vau den neger in Suiiname. 36 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, It. A. Kramers, 1817. -----. Untersiichuugen iiber die Guile und ein Wort iiber Protein. Unter des Verfassers Mit- wirkung iibersetzt von Dr. A. Volcker. xv, 172 pp. 8 . Frankf. a. M., S. Schmerder, 1847. -----. Cheniische Untersiicliungcn, unter des Verfassers Mitw irkung iibersetzt von Dr. A. Volcker. Driltes lift. 1 p. L. 203-384 pp. 8°. Frankf. a. M., S. Schmerder, 1819. -----. De voediug van Nodcrlauders. 84 pp. b1-'. Rotterdam, II. A. Kramers, 1854. -----. Redevoei ingen, den 27'" en 28<" Maart 1854, bij gelegenheid der overdragt van het rec- toraat aan de Iloogesehool te Utrecht. 70 pp. 8 . Utrecht, (lichen a. Dtnnout, 1851. -----. Die Chemie des Weines. Aus dem llol- landischen von Karl Areuz. xii, 405 pp. 16°. Leipzig, J. J. Ueber, 1856. -----. The same. The chemistry of wine. Edited by IL Bence Jones, xii, 300 pp. 12-r London, J. Churchill, 187,7. -----. Die Chemie des Bieivs. An - dem Holliin- ilisclicn iibersetzt von Cbr. Grimm, x, 472 pp. 16°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 187,8. -----. Water van Goenong Saharie. 8 pp. 8J. Utrecht, I860. -----. Met geneesk ii ndig hoogt-ronderwijs in Ne- derland in 1865. 24 pp. s*. Rotterdam, H. A. Kramers, 186,7,. ■-----. Adres aan zijne excellentie ile-u minister van binnenlandsche zaken, betreffende het nieuwe geneeskundige staats-bestuur. 24 pp. s . Itotlet tlatit, II. A. Kramers, 1866. -----. De scheikundige niiddelen der Nederland- sclie regcring tegen de ve rspreiding der cholera. 47 pp. 8U. Rollevdam, II. A. Kramers, 1866. [P., v. 213.] -----. De natuurkundige methode en de ver- spreiding der cholera. 348 pp., 21. b'J. Rotter- dam, H. A. Kramers, \866. ------. Ontleding van lie venter ijzer. 32 pp. 8°. [n. el, n. p.] See. also, Tl iii lei- (Job.) I ierichtlicli-cheniische Fnter- suchungen. 18°. Berlin. 1848 — .«>;i**e (Augustus). De cholera [etc.] sr Amsterdam. 18<;7. — Vo».......r (Ja- cohns). lustitutiones scnieiolit a [etc.] b'. Ltn/d. Bat., 1878. -----. Sec, also : (»illny (K. M.) Leschouwing van tie It ienst litis van i (J. JT Mulder, door hem zclven ge*.scbrcvcii. Netlerl. Tijd- sehr. v. Cc-neesk., Amst., 1882.2. Aid., 1I).")-20L —Nnellen (H) Openiiigsrede. (Wie was Mulder en wat was bij ?) Handel, d. Nederl. Maatscli. t. llevord. d. Geneesk., Auist., 1880, U6-78. Mulder (Gerardus Joh.) & van der Pant (D. F.) De cholera in Rotterdam. 172 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, M. IFijt f Zoiien, 1832. [P., v. 204.] ----- & KoelailtS (J. M. A.) Bi.jdrage tot de gescbiedeiiis eh r thans in ons vadeiland heer- schende ziekte. vii, 24 jip. 8 . Rotterdam, Me nsin ti A ran Wcstreenen, 1826. Mulder (Jan Amhies) [1807-47J. Tabube va- sorum corporis humani. 4 tab. imp. fol. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Lnchtmans, 1839. -----. Verhandeliug- over bet scheelzien en des- zclfs behandeling, voornamelijk door de oog- spiersnede (myotomia ocularis), met waarnemin- gen gestaat'd. Uit het Latijn vertaald door J. P. T. van der Litb. viii, 98, vii pp., 3 pi. 8 . Utrecht, R. Xatan, 1841. PI. 2 missing. -----. Aanteekeningen omtrent eene splijting van den voor wand der piswerktuigen. 28 pp., 2 jd. br. [w. p., n. d.] Repr. from : Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1845-G, 2. s. i See. also. Kramer (\V) Raad en waarsclmwiiii; om- treut doofheie'.. Ter In hailiiiinu van oorlijtlers en derzel- ver arisen. Mit ecu voorbemt van J. A. Mulder. 8°. Utrecht, 1843. Miilder (Jan). * Bijdrage tot tie leukaeinie-. vii, 64 pp. 8' . Leyden, P. Engens, 1856. Mulder (Jan Sonius). *Eenige belangrijke uitkoinsten van de laatste jaren ter beantwooi- ding van de vraag, in hoe ver de aziatische cho- lera voor eene besmettelijke ziekte moet Avorden gehouden. 39 pp., 3 1. 8->. Groningen, J. B. Welters, i860. [Also, in: P., v. 185.] Mulder (Joannes Cornelius). *Diss. sistens ob- servatiouem fracturie vertebraruui colli cum ad- uexa epicrisi. 1 ]>. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Traj. ad Rhe- num, J. Altheer, [1832]. Mulder (Joannis). Grat io de mentis Petri Cam- peri iu anatomiain coinparatani. 112 pp. 4\ Groiiingie, T. Spoormakcr, 1808. [P.,v. 1576.] Mulder (Joh.) [1760-1810]. * Spec. phys. gene- ralia quaedam de calore, et modo quo specilice corporibus inest. 2 p. 1., 46 pp., 3 1. 4 . Era- ncqitera; G. Coition, 1790. -----. * Historia litteraria et critica forcipnm et vectium obstetricioruni. [Leyden.] viii, 210 pp., 1 1., xi pi., 4 tab., 4 1. 8 . Eraueepierii; [1793]. -----. The same, viii, 210 pp., 2 1., 11 pi., 4 tab. 8'-'. Lugd. But., A. etJ. Honkoop, 1794. -----. Redevoering over de rcdenen, waarom de Nederlauders in het algenieen zeer weinig tot verbetering en uitbreiding van de heel- eu ver- loskuude hebben toegebragt. 50 pp. 4°. Leeu- warden, D. van der Sluis, [1707]. -----. Oratio de meritis Petri Camperi in ana- tomiain coinparatani, habita die xv. Junii, cioi.icceviii, cum iu Academia Groniugana phy- siologia', anatomes, chirurgia' et artis obstetricia' elocenela' muiius auspicaretur. Accedunt anno- tationes biographira' et literariie, atque descrip- tio niusei (.'amperiaui. 1 p. 1., 112 pp. 4°. Groningce, T. Spoormakcr, 1898. Mulder (Joh. Andreas). * De strabismo, ejusque curaudi ratione imprimis per myotomiam ocula- rem, observatiouibus probatam. viii, 90, iv pp. 8 . Traj. ad Rhenum, C. van der Post, 1849. Mulder (Marten Edsge). *()ver parallelle rol- bewegingen der oogen. [Utrecht.] 2 p. 1., 74 pp., 1 pi. 80. Amsterdam, J. H. De Bussy, 1874. Mulder (Nicolaus). * De functione hepatis in disquisitione zoiitoinica illius visceris nixa. I [>. L, 146 pp. 8 . Lugd. Bat., apud viduam M. Cyfveei; 1818. Mulders (Aart). * De respiratione. 36 pp. sm. 4J. Lugd. Bat., Q. Fisser, 1744. Tlnle. See Horse; Hybridity. MULE. f)2K MULLKK. Mule (Jules). * Quelques considerations sur ie traitement des bubons inguinaux. 14 pp. 4r Paris. 1879, No. 401. M alert (Carolus). * Diss, enehondromatiscasuut rariorem sistens. 21pp. 8 . Lipsia; typ. B. G. 'Teubnevi. [1852], Mllh'i't ([Ernst] Otto [Job.]) [1858- ]. *Ein Beitrag zu den libriisen Neubildungen der Haut. 30 pp. 8 . Berlin, M. Xiethe, 1881. Mlllert (Guilielmus Fridericus). * Meletemata quantum dc hernia ovarii. [Dorpat.] 52 pp. 8-. Mitavia; typ. J. F. Steffcnhagen et-Jil., 1818. .11 lllert (Henricus) [1824- ]. * De usu vapo- runi chlorofornii obstetricio. 39 pp.' 8. Bero- lini, G. Schade, [1848]. Mulette (Charles). * Contribution a- l'etude dc la ])iieuinonie typhoide. 106 pp., 1 1. 4 . Pa- ris, 1885, No. 276. M uleur (Georges). * Essai liistorique sur l'affec- tion calculeuse du foie depuis Hippocrate jusqu'a Fourcroy et Pujol (1801-1802). 258 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 320. Tin I lord {Isaac B.) [1843-82]. Obituary. Med. Sc Sur-;. Reporter, I'hila., 1882, xlvii, G44. Malll. Essai sur l'art de faire vivre l'homnie sous l'eau et sur les divers travaux qu'il pent faire, nieine pour le service des batimens sous- niarius et tlottans. xvii (2 L), 20-256 pp., 2 pi. 8 . Pan, E. Figncincour. 1836. Mlllliall (Michael (L) Dictionary of statistics. 2 p. L, 504 pp., 16 pi. 8'-. London, G. lloulledge .1 Sons, 1-84 MlillK'roil (John J.) The collective investiga- tion of diphtheria, as conducted by the Thera- peutic Gazette, Detroit, Michigan; with editorial summary. 1 p. L, 120 pp. 8°. Detroit, Mich., if'. N. Davis, 1883. Also, Co-Editor of: 1><-■■ ■ il oil I ni- (The) Journal of Medicine. Detroit, 1875-6. Also, Potior of: iTIi<-liigaii Medical News, Detroit, 1878-82. —Medical (The) Age, Detroit, lss:'. Millie ( Louis-Prosper ). * Sur la hernie ingui- nale. 20 pp. 4°. /'mis, 1834, No. 287, v. 278. Muller. * Des hydropisies eu general, et spe- eialemcnt de leur mdcanisine et de leurs divers modes de developpement. 35 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1847, No. 78, v. 462. Muller (Abraham). * Theses medica- inaugu- rales. 19 pp. 4. Lugd. Bat., G. Wishoff, 1764. [P.,v. 55.] -----. llistorische beschrijving, van den loop der ziekte een's agtjaarigen lijders, wiens beicle voeten door de koude volkomen verstorven waren: nevens de opgaave der adviesen van eeuige voornaame mannen, en het vooigevallene in onderscheidene eonsultatien. 31 , 66 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, P. Hohteyn, 1776. Haller (Anatole). 'Considerations sur un cas 'lc gangrene foudroyante par cause d'endarterite. 2 p" l.,34 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. Xaney, 18,81, 1. s., No. 128. Muller ( Antonius Statins). Adversarioruin ar- gunienti physico medici collectio. lxiii pp. 4-. Erlangce, lit. Wctlthcrianis, 1775. In: Dicuus (H. F.) Adversaria. Fasc. I. 4°. Brian- go: 1778. M aller (Auguste)1. * De l'emploi de l'eau froide et de la glace eu cliirurgie. 36 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1840, No. 162, v. 487. Muller (Auguste)-. * Des appareils platrds. 75 pp. 4-'. Strasbourg, 1867, 2. s., No. 097. Muller (Auguste)3. * Des signes de la mort four- nis par l'appareil de la vision. 1 p. ]., 4:5 pp. 4^. Strasbourg, E. P. Le Roux, 1870, 3. s., No. 301. MlllU'l' (Auguste)4. *De ratrophie du nerf op- tique dans les affections ce-rebrales. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871. Muller ( Christianus). Exercitatio anthropolo- gica de cute. Kesp. Christophoro Ileinrico Kau- derbaeh. 13 1. 4 r Lipsiee, lit. J.-F. Hahnii, [1661]. Muller (Christianus Carolus). De perversa pa- thologiam discendi, docencli atque exeiccndi methodo recta1 ad medicinain viie opposita. 48 pp., I 1. 4°. Fitcmberga; lyp. F. G. Fich*fcldii, [1733]. -----. * De cephahea cum inimoderato lnemor- rhoidum fluxu siepius repetente. 36 pp. sm. 4 \ Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [17:55]. Muller (Daniel Gottfried). * De vi consuetudinis rationaliter explicanda. 1 p. L, :!0 pp. 4' . Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1731]. Muller (Eugene). *I)e Population de la pupillc artiticielle. 40 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1850, No. 477, 2. s., v. 26. Muller (Frederik). Catalogus van de biblio- theek der Vereeniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels. xiv, 144 pp. 8 . Amsterdam, 1855. -----. Supplement op den Catalogus [etc.] 91 pji. 8°. Amsterdam, 1868. Bound with preceding. -----. Catalogue de la bibliotheque (l'histoire uaturelle de niddecine et d'autres sciences de feu M. G. Vrolik. xvi, 154 pp. 8L. Amsterdam, /•'. Muller, I860. [P., y. 1519.] -----. Curiosa medica. Auteurs anciens sur les sciences medieales, sp6cialeincnt snr la peste, l'obst6trie, [etc.] 30 pp. 83. Amsterdam, 1884. -----. The same. Specialeinent sur la chirurgie, la peste, l'liygiene, la pharmacie, etc. Portraits de ceutenaiics, nains, etc. Figures de monstres. 34 pp. 8U. Amsterdam, 1887. -----. Portraits de mddecins, naturalistes, astto- nomes, matheinaticiens et pliysiciens uderlandais et flamauds. 104 pp. 8 . Amsterdam, \n.d.] Bound with: van OF.K WlLLlGEN. Portraits. 8°. Am- sterdam, [n. d.] -----. Portraits de medecins, naturalistes, astro- nomes, mathdmaticiens et pliysiciens de l'AUe- inagne, dc l'Autriche, de la Suisse, du Daneinarc ct de la Suede. 152 pp. 8 . Amsterdam, [n. el.] Bound with: van DER Willige.V. Portraits. 8J. Am- sterdam, | n. d.] -----. Portraitsdemddecins, naturalistes, niathe- niaticiens, physiciens, philosophes, astronoiues, vovageurs, etc., de France et de Suisse. In: Ml I.lek (F.) & Co. Portraits dc incdecius, etc, 8°. Amsterdam, [n. d.], 130-152. Muller (Frederik Job.) * Over den invloed van eeuige zuren en alcalien op de spiereii van de maag. 2 p. 1., 72 pp., 1 1. 8U. Utrecht, J. ran Dm tin, 1884. Muller (Georg. Guiliehn. Carol.) * ])<■ febre biliosa subjiincta observatione exostoseos larioris in cranio repertie. 34 pp. 4L. Argentorati, lit. J. H. Heitzii, [1782]. Muller ( Georges). * I. (vuels sont les change- inents et les alterations anutoniiqiics iinmeeliats qu'on observe dans 1'affection scmfiileuse de hi coloune vertdbrale, ou mal de Pott, consideree aux ditferentes 6pot|iiesde son developpeinent? II. [etc.] 36 pp. 4 . Paris, 1842, No. 35, v. 303. Muller (Georgius Ferdinandns). De dainnis e diarrhoa intempestivc suppressa oriuudis. 48 pp. sm. 4°. Altorfii, lit. J. G. Meyeri, [1742J. -----. De diarrhrea puerpcraruni. :50 pp., 1 1 sm. 4\ Altorfii, typ. J. G. Meyeri. [1745]. Muller (Georgius Henricus). * De acido hydro- cyanico. [Leyden.] 4 p. 1.. 91 pp. ■--. Ilagrn Comitum, A. ran Ilom/straten, 1835. Miiller (Gerardus).' " De atresia felici open - tione cuiata, 27 pp. 4°. Gron'tnga; H. Span- daw, 1763. MULLER. 529 MULLER, Muller (Godefried Theodoor Adolf Wolterbeek). "Over de booge steensnijding. 1 p. L, 80 pp. 8 . Leiden, J. Hazenberg, Corns, zoon, 1862. Miiller (Oottloh David). * De bezoardicorum emolumento et detiiinento. 48 pp. ,sui. 4°. Fiteiiilhrgce, lit. vhl. Gevdes'm; [1735]. Muller (Henricus Fredericus) * Descriptio ana- tomica pulli gallinacci exireniitatibiis superfluis pnediti siinul cum disquisitione physiologica de ortu monstrornm duplicium parasiticorum. 12 pj)., J I., 2 pi. 4°. Kilite, C. F. Mohr, 1859. In: Schkift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, vi, 18:39, vii, Med. x. Muller (J M. F.) See a 1{< i •>< u (Carol. Aujiuslus) & Tin I Ier (J. M. F.) Dc lnorlio i piileinit-o spasmodic!* convulsivo [etc.] 4°. Prcttifof. eid Vintlr.. 1742. In: HALLEIt. Disp. ad morb. [ele.] 1 -. I.ansatenie, 1757, i, 75-90. Muller (J. T. V. ) Gnia tedrico-practica, para couibilir lasenferinedades ce la vid. Traducido por M. P. O. y adieionado con apeaidices que coutieuen outre olios trabajos una memoria de Mr. Millardct sobre las cepas amerieanos que resist en (\ la filoxera y otra de Mr. Dumas sobre los inedios dc combatir la filoxera. viii, 183 pp. 8'-'. Madrid, Caspar, 1882. Biblioteca agricola ilustrada. -----. Tratado de la falsificacion de los vinos, sus caracteres, efectos en la ecouomia y procedi- mientos practices para reconocer su presencia, ohia util 6 indispensable ^ los comerciantes de vinos, cosecheros y peritos, traducido y adieio- nado notabilniente por R. M. O. 94 pp. 8°. Madrid, Caspar, 1882. Biblioteca agricola ilustrada. de Muller (J. W. ) baron. Des causes de la coloration de la peau et des differences daus les formes du crane au point de vue de l'nnif<$ du geure humain. 74 pp. 4". Stuttgart, imp. roy., 1853. Miiller (Jacobus). De natura motus auimalis et voluntarii exercitatio singularis, ex principiis physicis, medicis, geometricis et architectouicis deducta. 13 1. sm. 4J. Giessce, tijp. C. Chemlini, 1617. Muller (Jean-Baptiste). * Remarques sur le traitenient du croup. 34 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1842, No. 101, 2. s., v. 8. Miiller ( Jeremias ). * De usu et abusu potus thee in genere, pra*cipue vero in hydrope. 24 pp. 4C'. Kilice, [1692]. Muller (Jo. J.) De rupto in partu utero. Ba- sil ea; 1715. In: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannce, 1755, iii, 48it-524. Muller (Joannes Andreas Petrus). * De phimosi et paraphiinosi eorumque euratione. 27 pp. 4A I'.rfordice. J. C. Goer ling, | 1797]. Muller (Joannes Antonius). ' De habitu phthi- sieo. viii, 80 pp., 11. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, ex off. ran Paddenburg et soc, 1838. Muller (Joannes Heriiharclus). * De melancho- lia. 40 pp. sin. 4 . Jence, lit. Marggrafianis, For Biography, see IlilNt'hcr (Sim. Paul.) Muller (Joannes Caspar.) * Polypos capitis ex- ponit. 28 pp.? 4 1. sm. 40, ,jeH(^ ty„ p Ehri, chi, [1699]. See., also, \Vep. 4 '. Lipsiee, lit. Schnirbesianis, [1728]. For Biography, see Scliachcr (Polye. Gottlieb). Muller (Petrus Joh.) * 8pec. med. inaug. exhi- hens observationes quasclani therapeuticas de libra, adstringenda. 1 p. L, 34 pp., 31. 8°. Gro- niiniei; B. van dev Kamp. [1822]. Muller (Philippus) [1585-1650]. Miracula et inysteria ehymieo-inedica libris qninque enu- cleata. 3. ed. Accesserunt his: 1. Tyroeinium chyniicum. 2. Novum lumen chyiuicum; suniina horum juxta seriem capitum et tractatuum ad calcem invenienda est. 12 p. L, 493 pp. 24 \ [Friborgi], imp. C. Bergeri, 1616. -----. The same. 4. ed. 10 p. 1., 493 pp., 2 1. 16°. Wittebergcr, sumpt. C. Bergeri, 1623. -----. The same. Miracula chymica et inysteria medica. lOp. 1., 191 pp. 32°. Parisiis, M. Mon- diers, 1644. MULLER, 530 MUMMIES. Muller (Philippus)—continued. ------. The same. 9 p. L, 379 pp., 1 1. 32°. Amstelodami, A. .1. Falckeniei; 1656. For Poitrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Muller (Rudolphus Joh. Petrus). * Spec. med. inaug. contineus casum spondybuthrocacis. 1 p. 1., 20, iii, 7 pp. 8 Groningce, H. Roelfsema, [187,1]. Muller (Sigismundus). * De motu sanguinis naturali, nonnaturali et mixto. 20 pp. 4-'. Erfordice, typ. J. H. Groschii, 1719. Muller (Theodorus Andreas). * De couscientia medica. 48 pp. sm. 4°. [Halle], J. C. Hendel, [1724]. Muller ( Theodorus Leopoldus Guilliehuus ). * Diss. nied. inaug. coutinens historia* dyna- mical organiete aetatem Stahlianam. 37 pp. 8°. Lu id. Hat., P. H. van den Heuvell, 1844. Muller (Wilhelm Henr.) * De thymo. 24 pp. 4'-. I.ova nii, 1706. In: Haller. Disp. anat [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1747. ii, 4.")3—179. -------. * De avKv'/.uoi. 14 pp., 1 L, 1 pi. 4 . Litgcl. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1707. Also, in: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannce, 1755, iv, 539-547, 1 pi. Muller (Wolffgang Sigismundus). * De eruhe- scentibus et venarum capitis subitaneo tumore. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsia; ex. off. Langenhemiana, [1739]. [Also, in: P., v. 7,8.]' For Biography, see Plainer (.fo Zach.) Muller, dictus Wolilheiuier (Fridericus Christianus). * Diss, opii correctionem geuui- naui et usuin . . . proponit. 31 pp., 2 1. 4°. Halev Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1702]. ------. Tlie same. 31 pp. 4°. Recusa, Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, 1730. Mullois (Georges) [1854- ]. * Contribution a retude de la congestion pulmonaire et r&iale dans retranglement heruiaire avec algidite. 73 pp., 1 1. 4 Paris, 1881, No. 331. Million (Henri). * Causes et pronostic des hd- nion hagies intestinales surveuant dans la fievre typhoide. 62 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 102. Milliot (Albert). * Du vertige auriculaire cons6- cutif aux injections de liquide dans le conduit Riiditif externe. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 48. Milliot (L.-N.-P.) *Surle bubonocele. 30 pp. 8 . Pans, an XI [1803], v. 30. Milliot (Laurent) fils. * Sur la peritonite des (chimes en couches. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 195, v. 125. Tin live. T viler (1 ) Remarks on the climate of Mullye. Tr. M. .v l'li.vs Soc. Calcutta, 1827-9, iv, 359-376. Mllllliei' (Richard) [l>-44- ]. * Ueber Base- dow'sche Krankheit. 39 pp. 8°. Beiiin, G. Lange, [1869]. Mulilier (Sam. Ferd. Amad. Paulus) [1837- ]. * De calculis biliaris. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange; [1863]. Muloek (Thomas). British lunatic asylums. public and private ; with an appendix contain- ing the ease of Doctor Peithmau, and special references to the cases of Lady Lytton Bulwer and Mrs. Turner. 50 pp. 12°. London, Hill \ja' 171-J, 51(i-.V.M.— Mt-hobeniM (G.) lie milium persica : i.f] reineclio in Asia celelierriiiio. Acta Acad nut cm ins' Norimb., 1727. i (app.), 150-157. Mil ill 111 (Ernst). * Ueber Verschliessiing ,),.,■ Scheide bei Blasen-Scheidenlisteln. 32 pp" m Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, [1858], Mil ill III (Franz Anton). * I'eber die Unemphnd- liehkeit des Riickeninarks insbesondere der vor- dern Strange desselben gegen Keize. 17 pp., I | 80. Greifswald, F. Haehe, [186,9]. (/ Mummery (John R.) On the relations which dental caries (as discovered amongst the ancient, inhabitants of Britain, and amongst existing ab- original races) may be supposed to hold to their food and social conditions. 74 pp., 2 tab. 8 London, Wyman j- Sons, 1870. Repr. from: Tr. Oclout. Soc. Gr. Hi-it., Lond., 18ti(l-7n, n. s., ii. JTIllllllllie* and mummy. See, also, Embalming. Bellonh s (P.) De admirabili operum anti- quoruin et reruin suspiriendarum priestaiitia liber primus. De medicato fuuere, sen eaela- vere condito, et lngubri defunctornm ejnlatione liber seeunclus. De medicamentis nonnullis, servandi cadaveris vim obtinentibus liber ter- tius. 8°. Parisiis, 1553. Constaxtin (M.) * De methodis balsainandi cadavera humana, pixta antiquos et receiitiores. 8°. Pestini, [1834]. Hungarian text. Cornalia (E.) Illiistrazione della iniiniinia peruviana csistente nel Civico Museo di Milano. fol. Milauo, I860. Repr. from: Atti . . . r. Ist. Lomb. (1. sc. e lett., Milauo, 1860, ii. Czermak (J. N.) Beschreibung uud mikro- skopische Untersuchung zweier itgyptischer Mu- inieii. 8 . [Prag, 1852] Repr. from.- Sitzungsb. cl. k. Akad. d. Wissensc-li. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, IS.")*!, ix. Hexdewerck (C B. ) * De mumia. 4 . Halce Magdeb., [1737]. vox Isexfi.amm (H. F.) Ueber Muinien. In his: Anat. Untersuchungen. sr Erlangen, 1822, 301-320. Joly (N ) Notice sur une momie americaine, du temps des Incus, trouvoe dans la Nouvelle- Greuade. 8°. Toulouse, [n. d.] Repr. from: Mem. Acad. nat. d. sc. de Toulouse. KETTNKR (F. G.) Moettia toiv Ai}v-ricjv, sive historicuin schediasma dc; mumiis .Egpytiacis deque egregia Lipsiensi in bibliotheca instruct is- sima magnifici senatus quondam visa. 2. ed. 12°. Lipsia; 1703. -----& Suschky (J. S.) De mumiis .Egyp- tians. 4". Lipsiee, [1694]. LAN(,(ii'TH (C. A.) Debestiis^Egvptiorum stu- dio conversis in inumias. 4'-. Fitebcvga: [l^'is] Laxzoxi (J.) Tractatus de balsainatioue ca- daveruin, in quo non tantuni de pollinctura ajmil veteres, sed etiam de variis balsamaudi cada- vera modis apud recentes inulta curiosa breviter exponuntur. 18-. Geneva; [160:5]. Leche (J.) * De mumia ^Egyjitiaca. sin. 4C. Londini Gothorum. [1739]. Nkichel (C.)'*De pollinctura cadavemm huiiianorum juxta antiquos et recentes. 8°. Pestini, [1-21]. Paxceki ( P. ) La mummia jieruviana del Museo na/ionale di Napoli. Xota letta nella tornatadel di 26 gennaio I8(i< della Accademia Pontaniana. 4 '. Xapoli, ImK Repr. from: Atti Aceacl. Pontaniana, ix. M VMMIES. 531 MUMPS. ITI II III III lew and mummy. Pake (A.) Discours. A scavoir: de la mumie, des veiiins, de la licorue et de la jteste. sm. 4°. Paris, 17)81. Pettighew (T. J.) A history of Egyptian mummies and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals by the Egyp- tians, with remarks on the funeral ceremonies of different nations, and observations on the mum- mies of the Canary Islands, of the ancient Peru- vians, Murinan priests, etc 4C. London, 1834. Pk-kicking (C.) The Gliddon mummy case in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. 4°. Washington, 1870. Hi'.iNHAKDT (J.) Quinque niuinias besfiaruin ^Eg\ pliucas describendo prolusit. sm. 4U. Hav- nia; 1824. fi.X'i/.Ki.ius (A.) Medieina diastatiea, hoc est singiiluris ilia et admirabilis ad distaus, et bene- ii^io mumialis trausplantationis operationem et efficaciam habeus, quae ipsa loco commentarii in tractatum tertiiun de tempore seu philosop. D. Theoph. Paracelsi, multa, eaque selectissima ab- strusioris philosophise et medieina* arcana con- tiuet, [etc.] 32°. Erfurti, [1661]. Uncovering the mummy of Raineses II., king of Egypt, the oppressor of the Jews in the time of Moses. The mummy of the Egyptian king, Raineses II., of the nineteenth dynasty (about 1400 to 1250 B. C), stripped of its coverings. From photographs. 2 1. fol. Boston, 1886. Boudet [et al.]. Rapport sur phisieures substances provetiaiit d'une momii* d'E^ypte. Mem. Acad, de mtbd.. Par., 1833. iii, pt. 2, 46-62—Brebanl. Notes sur un • curieux procede d'einbauinemeut et tie niomitication con- state sur deux cadavre.-. tiouves a Reims elans des eercueils de plumb. Lnion mod. cl, scient. du uord-est, Renins. 1886, x, 290-3U5. — Brouanlel. Sur uu cas de ruoinification d'un cadavre ; applications medico-legales. Bull. Acad. de med.. Par., 1886, 2. s., xv, 703-81 l. — Brownlie (J. R.) On certain niuniniv teeth. J. Hrit. Iltnr. Ass , Lond., 1886. vii, 401-403 — C'ailliaiiil (F.) Kapport tie M. Mare- sc-hal sur latnouiieiluuncc it, la Societe acatlemiijtie. J. dela sect, tie med Soc. aeatl. Loire-lnf.. Xautes, 1826, ii, 180-196.— Dalryuiple (J.) Au account of the examination of two bodies, found in tbe vaults of the ruins of Wyruondham Abbey, in Not folk. Metl (}. Kev.. Loud., 18,35, iii, 169- 171. 1 pi.—Fouquet. Observations relev6es sur quel- ques nioniies rovalcs d'figypto. Bull. Sue. d'anthrop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., ix, 578-5. — VI■■ nullification der Leiehen amerikani- scber Iiulian.r. All*. Ztschr. f Epidemiol., Erlang., 1874, i, 157— Senezc (V.) & \oitzli (J.) Sur les momies d6- coiivertesclansleliaut Peron. Hull. Soc. d'antlirop. tlePar., 1877. 2. s., xii, 640. — «le Wevelin-ie*. Observation snr les effets de la momie ifftiiN pte. J. tie nied., chir., pharm., etc , Par., 1759, xi, 221-227.— Warren (J. C.) Descrip tion of au Egyptian mummy presented to the Massachu- setts General Hospital, with an account of the operation of embalming in ancient and modern times. Boston JT Phil & Arts, 1823-4, i, 164; 269, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. HI u nullification. See Cadaver (Jurisprudence of)', Mummies, etc. Hump*. See, also, Parotid gland (Inflammation of). Hater (A. C) * Dc parotitide. 8^. Lugd. Bat., 184(1. Bju'x (P.) * Considerations sur les oreillons. ■1°. Montpelliei; 1873. Lai'imcxtier (L.) *De l'oreillon considere" conniic niiiladie g6ne>ale et eruptive. 4°. Pa- ris, 1869. Co.MHEAt' (E. ) *l)es oreillous, considered comme niiiladie gcnerale, ct de l'atrophie con- secutive a Porchite 6pid6aiique. 4°. Paris, 1867. Tlllllip*. ('iiii)Es (C. E.) * De angina parotidea. 8 . Gottinga; [1829]. DK C'KKVOISIKR ll'HlKBACHE ( M.-J.-C.-H. ) * Des oreillons idioputhiques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1847. J Ki.snkr (C. F.) [Pr.] iu prou'inio spicilegiuin ad anginani niMxillarcni praunittitur. siu. 4°. Regioniouli, [1787]. Gailhard ( .1. ) * Etude snr la uialadic appe- lee- oreillous, sa nature, ses expressions, ses rap- ports, etc. 4 . Montpellier, 1877. Gastet (M.) * Sur les oreillous. 4°. Mont- pelliei; 1876. Haillot (J.-C.) * De l'oreillon et de ses com- plications. 4°. I'aris, 1876. Hopfe (J. G.) * De angina parotidea. ,sr Gottinga;, [17'JH]. KaRTH (A.) * Etude sur une forme grave d'oreillons. 4°. Pans, 1883. Laaiotie (D.) * Etude sur les oreillous. 4 . Montpelier, 1876,. Lkmarchand (A.) * Des oreillous chez le sol- dat. 4 '■'. Paris, 1876. Machado (V. -C.) 'Essai sur les oreillons sous-maxillaires. 4°. Paris, 1889. Malabouciie (E.) *Etude sur lu maladie d6- sionee generalement sous le nom d'oreillons. 4ri Montpelliei; 186,7. Metz (F. A.) * Diss, sistens augiuam paroti- dteam una cum thesibus ex uuiversa nieeliciua et chirurgica. 4U. [ Wivceburg, 1801.] Muller (J.) * De angina parotidea. 8 . Mo- nachii, 1849. Philipp (C.) *De parotitide. 8°. Berolini, [18411]. Pinet (C.) * De l'dtat de nos connaissances sur l'affectiou ourlienne, ou oreillons. 4°. Pa- ris, 1878. Ropas(T.) * Essai sur les oreillons. 4°. Pa- vis, 186)9. Saij.auu (E.-A.) * Des oreillous, de leur na- ture, de leurs soi-disant metastases. 4°. Mont- pelliei; 1868, Skta(F.-M.) * Des oreillons. 4°. Pavis, 1869. Tourtei.le ( J. F. ) * Dissertation sur les oreillous. 4°. Pavis, 1828. Vidal(A.) * Des oreillons. 4°. Pavis, 1871. Viela (L.) * Considerations sur les oreillons examines principalement au point de vue de la fievre. 4°. Paris, 1886. Albers. Angina subtnaxillaris. Med Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfiil. Aerzte, Bonn, 1844. iii, 222-224 —Atkinson (T. P.) Liability of young children to mumps. Stetho- scope, Richmond, 1855. v. \-',i.— ISehier. Les oreillons. Courrier m6d., Par.. 1874. xxiv, 347-3;'0 Also: Ecole de med., Par., 1876-7, 1-8.—Billroth. Fall von Angina pa- rotidea. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl , 1831. xxxv, 27-30.— Bone. Reflexions et observations sur l'oreillon et la parotide. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 1829. 2. ed., 1846, iv, 61.— Boiigard. De l'oreillon. J. denied, chir. et Pharma- col., Unix., 1866, xiii, 22-31. —Brush (E. C.) Parotitis. Columbus M. J, 1884-5, iii. 435-444. — t'liciiery ( F. ) Mumps; a reply to Dr. F. M. Wilson's inquiry. Boston M. tfc S. J., 1875, xciii, 87.—Chomel & I.oiiim. Observa- tions sur les oreillons. Gaz.el. hop., Par, 1KS0-31, iv, 335.— Chretien (H.) Parotide. Did. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xxi. 378-474.—Darczac. Parotide suppuree; broncho-pneuuiouie; mort. Mem. et bull. Sue. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1885), 1886, 12-14.—Debout (d'Estries) (A.E.) On gouty parotitis and goutv orchitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 569.-d'lleilly (I'D 'Oreillons. X. dict.de metl. etchir. prat., Par.. 1878, xxv, 93-1(19. —van Doinnie- leu. Angina parotidea (bauerwetzel, mumps, ore-illons). X. pract. Tijtlschr. v. de Geneesk., Go: inchem, lt<56, u. s.. ii. 261-265.— l)umarc*t (A.) Xote sur quelques particulai itcs des oreillons. Lvon m6d., 1876, xxii, 109- 111.— Fehr (M.) Ueber das Wesen des Mumps. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1876-7, xx, 000-621. — Fournie (H.) Contribution k l'histoire epidSminlogique et eliuique des oreillons. Rec. de mem. de m£d. ... mil., Par., 1<-8I, xxxvii, 509-536. — Freimiiert (IL) Die Parotitis: nach Beobaclitiiu>;en im Hospital. Deutsches Aich. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885-6, xxxviii, 389-432. — Gabbi ( U.) MUMPS, F>:V2 MTMPS, IVlnmp*. Ritaido del polso in un caso di parotite epidemica. Rae- coglitore med., Forli, 1886, 5. s.. i. 547-5(i(i. — ITlallozzi (('.) storia ed osserva/.ione cliuica * {Causes and contagion of). Mueller (H.) * Zur Aetiologie der Paiotit is 8°. Halle, 1883. Sciimai.i.k (K.) * Kin Fall von Parotitis nacli einer Hainon-hoieleii-t Iperalion. s . Grcifsuulel 18^6. Koincl. Xote sur le microbe des oreillons. Lvon med. isf.5. xlviii, 285-289. Also.- Mem. et compt.-lend Soc. tl. sc. med. de L.\on (1884), 18S5, xxiv, pt. 2, 210-215- t'apitan &. Chai-rin. Etiologic des oreillons. 1'onml iciitl. Soc. dc biol 1881, Par.. 18-2. 7. s., iii. 102.____ ------. Microbes dans les oreillons. Ibid. 3.'.s.—Colin (L.) Rapport ties oreillons avec Its tie vies eruptives. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. el. hop. de Par. (1876). 1877. 2 s., xiii, 56-70. Also: Union med., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 437; 462; 499. -■ Cousin (A.) ('tie les oreillons doivent etre mis au rang des eruptives tiusles. I'nion metl.. Par., 1869, vii, 679-681.—Curl is (B. E.) Parotitis complicat- ing gonorrhoea. NT York M. J., 1887, xiv. 316 -Jnrrciuil, Du earac-tere inlectieux tie Inflection ourlicnne. (Liz. cl. hop., Par.. 1885, lviii, 547. — Ollivier. Uliologie el pa thogenic-cles oreillons. Pratici, n, Par.. 18 sr>. vii. .'J06-30H.— Ollivier (A.) De la contagiosity ct du contiige ties or. illons. Rev. men-', d. mal. tie rent'.. Par., 1885, iii. 297- 307, 1 pi.—Paget (S.) Paiotitis aller injury or disease of the abdomen or pelvis. Lancet, Lond.. 1887. i, 314. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i. 613-616. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Bl., 1887. x, 684; ,20. — Trousseau. Des oreillons; leur nature coutagicu.se. (iaz. tl. Imp., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 405. ITI II III p« (Complications and sequela' of). Bich ( O. ) T De l'atrophie tosticuiuire con- secutive aux oreillous; de ses consequences et de son traitenient. 4°. Paris, 188;\, Bouteilliek ((L-I.-F.) *l)cs oreillons cl de leur metastase chez la t'enniie. 4-T Paris, 186,6. Debize ( F.) * De Telaf typhoide daus les oreillous. 4°. Paris, [869. Duhrssen (A.) * reber chronische Parotitis mit consecutiver .Speichelgeschwulst, nebst einer Zusaninienstellung der bisher veroffentlicliten Fiille ven Sialodochitis Stenouiaua und Wharto- niana. 8J. Berlin, [lrii4]. Michel ( J.-B. ) * Des oreillons; Etudes criti- ques sur leurs metastases. Orchite. 4°. Paris, 18,68. Spire (F.-J.-P.) * De l'orchite iu6tiistatiqiie des oreillons. 4°. Paris, 187,1. Aitken (C.) Mumps, ore Litis, rheumatic fever, chorea. Brit. M. ,L, Lond , 1887, i, 155.—Apple) aril (■!.) Case of mumps, with endocardial murmurs, high temperature anil metastasis to testes. Lancet, Lond., 1S82. i. llll.— Armslroni; (S. T.) Parotitis accompanied » it h orelii- tis; eventual suppuration and atrophy of testiede. X. Oil. M. & S. J.. 1882-3, n. s.. x. 678.—Beale. Case of cyiinclie parotidea, with metastasis. Med. Times & (la/.., Loud., 1875 i, 416 — Ki noil (E.) Observation do metastase ties oreillons sur le testicule. Gaz. cl. hop., Par.. 1854. xxvii, 74.—Belli line. Deafness following mumps. Boston AI. & S. J., 1861, lxiv. 3!io — Bienfait. Albuininurie con- secutive a des oreillons. Bull. Soc-. nied. de Reims, 1873, xii, 79.—Billoir. Dc loreillon surveuant dans 1'orcliite blenuort bagique. Gaz. hebd. ele med., Par., 1859, vi, 617.— * Boinet (E ) De quelques complications rares ties oicil- lons.. Mem. et compt. rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. de L\oii (1881). 1885. xxiv. 297-303. Also: Lyou med., 1885, xhiii. 141 — 140. — [Rom i n. | Complications des oicillous clicz l'adulte. i aris med., 1885, x, 409: 421. — Uoulelle (J. T. ) Cases of mumps com])licated with epididymitis. Boston M. tfc S. J.. 1876, xciv, 384-386 — Brunner (1.) Ein Fall vou completer eiuseitiger Taubheit nach Mumps. Ztschr. f. Ohr.-nh., Wiesb., 1882, xi, 229-2.12 Also, transl. : Arch. Otol, N. T., 1882, xi, 102-105. — Iturlinei- (h.) Ein Fall von ple'itzlichem Veilust des Iltirx ei inii^tn_- auf einem Ohre im Verlaufe von Mumps. Berl. klin. Wclm- schr., 1883, xx. 193—Bnrne (.1.) Case of epid. niie mumps, complicated with parotitis, orchitis, neplintis, albuminuria, convulsions: recover*.. Prov. M. tfc S. •!., Loml., 1851, 623-625.—Burnett (S. M.) Absolute loss of hearing-power in belli ears accompan.N ing an attack ot mumps. Arch. on.l.. N. V . 1--85, xiv, 19. ------. Affec- tions of the eye accompanying mumps. Am. J. M. sc., Phila., 1886, n.' s., xci, 86-89— Buxton (A. St. C.) Com- plete su])pression of siliva after mumps. Lancet. Lonit. 1884, i. 1087. — talnietlex. Sur une consequence ]»u i omnie cles oreillons. France metl.. Par.. 1882. ii, *^-H'-'- — C'arbajal (A. J.) Un caso de parotiditis catarral doble, compli'aibt de t strechamiento del canal de Slentui, y cal- culi) saliv.r t onsecutivo. Oar. med.. Mejico. 1886, xxi. 94- pi4 _ (nrdozo Tcixeira (.J. I.) Papeiras teimmaiidi) por orchites. Escholiaste nied., Lisb., 18C2, xiii, 313-34) — MUMPS. r>33 MUMPS. Hiniip* {Complications and sctptcUv of). < nil ier. Observations de metastase ties orei'lons sur les testicules. Ua/.. d. hop., Par., 1851, xxvii, 113.— Chambers (IT K.) Annular disease of the ear ; a sequel ui'mumps. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1884, 230 — 4 hammer (E.) Note sur les manifestations artieulaii es iles oreillons. Concours m6d., I'ar., 1883, v, 650. —Cheat- ham (W.) Parotitis followed by total deafness ot" one tar. Am. Pract. & News. Louisville, 1886. n s., i, 133.— Connor (L.) Mumps as a cause of sudden deafness, Am. .1. M. Se, Phila., 1884. n. s., lxxxviii, 401-409.— Despre*. Vaginalite nictastatique des oreillons avec nhlebile dune varicocele. France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 209. -----. Onbite des oreillons. (Jaz. (1. hop.. Par.. 1879. lii ]{,',[).-----. Ore bile des oreillons, orchitis ourlieiine. Ibid., 1883, lvi, 393. — I»iseiission sur une epidemic d'oreillons et sur les orchitis et les atrophies ties testi eules. Tr. med., Par., 1831, iii, 26-32.— Kloy (C.) Les determinations dela fievre ourlieiine sur l'appareil auelitif. Union mC'd., Par., 1885, 3. s . xl, 145-149 I:mon81. 4C. Paris, 1883. Jobard (V.-E.) * Relation de deux e"pide"mies d'oreillons observers sur des emigrants hindons. 4°. Paris, 1875. Plagneux (E.) * Quelques considerations sur nue Epidemic d'oreillons ol>serve~e a Rocliefort (1887)). 4°. Paris. Lh8u. Allexicli (G.) Sulla parotite epidemica. Gazz. med. ital.. jn c>v. venete, Padova. 1883, xxvi. 105. — Andra. Eine Mumps-Epidemic. Mag. f el. ges. Heilk., Berl , 1823, xv, 138-140. — Rurtsetl' (NT A.) Epielem. periparotite. Vrach, St. Petersb , 1885, vi, 767; 786; 856. — Calmette (E.) Oreillons et fievres eruptives ; afiinites et analogues. Aieh. gen. de meet , Par., 1883, ii, 455-467. — Chan via. Relation dune epidemie d'oreillons survenue au 111*" de liuue. Rec. ele mem. de med. . . . mil., Par.. 1876, xxxii, 473 -478. — Delmas. Rapport sun une epidemie mixte d'oieillons et de pneumonies. Arch, de nied. et pharm. mil., Par., 1883, ii. 349-354.—Dogny. Oreillons ou paro- tidites qui out ltgne £pir1eniiqticiiiciit sur le 1" regiment d'iufanterie 'egere, pendant son seiour ii Mont-Louis, Py- lenees orientales, en 1828. Precis eh hi const. m6d. dTndre- et-Loire, Tours, 1830, 52-57. -----. Oreillons ou paroti- dites qui out regni* epid6miquement dans le ler regiment d'iut'anterie legc'ie, eu 1827, k Mont-Louis. Rec. de mem. tie metl. . . . mil., Par., 1831, xxxi, 319-328. — Eisen- inann. Epidemie von Parotitis polvinorpha in Passau. Arch. t. el. ges. Med., Jena, 1842, iii, 275-277. —E k I and (F.) >52. — liaurniN, XTote sur une 6pidemie d'oreillons au 83- reiiimcnt tie linne a Albi. Ibid., 1876, 3. s., xxxii, 603-605.— l.cii-lienstern (O.) Parotitis epidemica. Handh. il. Kintlerkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1877, ii, 647- 674. — Eeitzen (E ) Angina parotidea, im Somiuer 1837 zu Halle, und namentlich in der Franke'sehen Stiftung tlaselbst, epidemiseh beobachtet. J. el. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvi, 4. St., 101-110.—Eucclictti (F.) Os- servazioni sulla cinanche parotidea che domino epidemi- camente iu Monticelli di Rocaguglielnia. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 18J0. xiv, 320-325. — l.iilie. Eine Paro- li'is-Epidemie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 600-602 — .Tl a da met. fipidemie d'orcillous obseivee au ler hus- sartls en 1877. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxxiv. 552-561.— Tlalieo (S.) Note sur une 6pi- demie d'oreillons survenue a bord eiu trois-mats Latona, de. Londres, condui.sant-de Pondicherv et Karikal ii la Guadeloupe un convoi (Immigrants indiens, an 1880-81. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1884, xii, 147-151.— Mangor IVIllIlip* (Epidemics of). (C. E.) Historia cyiiaiithes parotide;*, Yiburgi 1772 cui- dcinica*. Acta res;. Soe-. med. Havn., 1791, ii. 165-175.— lTIillrr (('. H.) Epidemic metastatic parotiditis. Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1881, xliv. 529. Also: South Pract., Nashville, 1881, iii. 241 — ?| iqnel. Bescluei- bung einer Bauerwetzel-Kpideniit. Anh. f. med Erfahr Berl., 1822, ii, 120 - 131. — \il.ol«lii ( I). P. ) K statis' tike epidem. periparotita. Metl. Obozr., Mosk. 1887 xxvii. 661-672. — Noble (A.) History of an endemic cynanche parotidea, on board his majesty's ship Ardent, on its passage to Monte Video. Edinb. M. & S. J., ]wi(e' iv, 304-306. — I\oj;ueira (R. Z.) Historia da epidemia de bexigas e sarampo, que tern grassado na Hha Tcrceira tlestle os piincipios do iuez de Nov. de 1844. J. Soc. d. sc. in, tl ele Lisb., 1845, xxii, 201-210.—von Viniaiui (J.) 1'arn titis epidemica. Arch. f. Kinderh.. Stuttg.. lssti, i, 73_ 80. — Olivi (D ) Breve cenno sulla jiarotite epidemica, osservata nel 1839, nel ciicondario esterno di Senigallia. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1839, iv, 89-91.— l>ainpoiilies (P. S.) 'EntSr^fxtK'-n vnoyce'tTo;. Ta\r)vb<;, 'ASiji/ai. 18S4. 1 \ . 392- 394. — Pellenjjahr (A.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die im Summer untl Spiiljahre 1827 zu Miinster in W'cst- falen beobachtete Parotitis epidemica. Abhanill. u. Beob. d. aerztl. Gesellsch. zu Minister, 1829, i. 177-189.— 1'enzoldt (F.) Ueber eine Varietat der Parotitis epi de-mica. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl.. 1878, iv, 523.— I>ollak ( S. ) Ueber das epitlemiscbe Vorkomim n del Parotitis. Wien. med. Presse, 1875, xvi, 261—1{« «»i- ijuirr ( C. ) Histoire d'une epidemie d'oreillons qui a regne a Montpellier eu 1818. Lev. nied. chir. tie Par., 1850. vii, 204: 329. — Riget. Xote sur une epidemic d'oreillons. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1866, i. 355-358.— Killiet. Memoire sur une epidemic d'oreillons qui a i eg ne ii Ge-n eve pendant les annees 1848 et 1849. Gaz. Intel. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 22: 42—Hoth (K.) Leber elie Iu- cubation und Uebertragbarkeit der Parotitis epidemica. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 345.—Wehiede. Memoiia sobre la epidemia que esta reinando en Alcgicei tlestle abril tie 1836. Period. Acad. demed.deMegico, 1830- 7, i. 47-52.— Servier. lie l'epidemie d'oreillons qui a regne dans la garnison de Iiayoune, pendant les mois de fevrier etniars 1878. Rec. de 1116m. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1878, 3. s., xxxiv, 529-537. — Settekorn. Das Auftreten der Parotitis epidemica unter dem Militar zu Stettin im Winter 1879-80 untl ini Friih.jabr 1880. lieutsclies Arch. I". klin. Metl., Leipz., 1880-81, xxviii, 308-316. — Wo I tin ami (O.) Zur Mumps-Epidemie in Breslau 1877-8. Jahrb I Kinderh., Leipz., 1878, n. F., xii, 409-414. — Npeiijjler. Die Mumps-Epidemie zu Herborn im Winter 18.">l auf ls.vj. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1852, xxi, 183-185—Troitski (I V.) Epi- dem. periparot. istorija odnoi schkolnoi epidemii. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 595; 615.—Tsanles (K.) 'Ejriiijjinci) iiroyej/cris. Ta\r)vbs, 'A8?)vai, 1884, IB', 5-8. — Woollen (L. J.) History of an epidemic of parotitis in Switzerland County. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1872, 25-29. rviilllisseil (Dietericus). Lentarum obstructio- nuui tlicoriam delineat. xvi pp. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off. Salbachiaua, [176:3]. ------. * De cordc invito. 42 pp., 1 1. sm. 4' Lipsiee, ex off. La-ngenhemia, [1764]. Also [ Abstr. 1, in: Weiz (F. A. ) Neue Ausz. | etc. ] 12°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig. 1774, i, 6.5-80. For Biography, see Endwig (Christ. Gott.) Itlllllisseii (Jacobus). * De plethora* difteren- tiis. :i6 pi>. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off. Laugeitlteiinii, [1766]. .For Biography, see Plaz (Ant. Guil.) For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. IJIuiiaret(.l,r>4 pp., 1 1. sr Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1849. ------. Dispensaire special pour le traitenient des v6i)6iien8 indigents de la ville de Lyon, son but et ses moyens. :52 pp. &; Lyon, L. lioitel, 1841. ------. Lettre a messieurs les medecins, ineinlues du Congres scientifiqne de France a Lyon, qui s'interessent a la reorganisation medicale. l.r> pp., I 1. ^T [Lyon, Moiigin-Rusand, 1-41.] ------. Notice sur Mathias Mayor, sa vie et ses travaux. 2 p. 1., 104 pp., port. 8°. Paris, Cfermer-Bailliere; 1847. ------. Causerics du mois. 14 pp. 8°. Lyon, Roclanet, 187.0. Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1850, ii. MUXARBT. i]:\l) MUNDELLA. Wini;ir<'f (Jcan-Marie-Placidc)—continued. ------. Supplique au president de la rdpublique en favetir de la creation d'une maison et d'une caisse de retraite pour les me'deeins vieux et in- firnies. 8pp. 8°. [Lyon, Mongin-Rusand, 187)2.] Repr. from: Union m6d., Par., 1852, vi. -----. Lettre a M. le docteur Diday sur les eaux ele Saint-Galmier. 8 pp. 8-. Lyon, Mougin- Ilitsuiid, 187,2. -----. Eloge liistorique de Charles Pravaz; lu a l'Association des medecins du Rhdne dans la seance gcnerale annuelle du 18 mai 1854. 52 pp. 8C. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1854. -----. Iconautographie de Jenner. 69 pp., I 1. '8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere4' F. Savy, 1860. [P., v. 1669.] -----. Le medecin des villes et des campagnes. 3. e\l. xxiv, 600 pp. 12°. Paris, Germer-Bail- liere, 1862. -----. Le bre'viairedu me"decin. Precis de mede- cine' rurale, d'economie et de philosophic medi- eales. 15 pp. 8:. Lyon, A. f'ingtrinier, 186,8. Repr. from: J. de m6d. de Lyon. -----. Notice sur T.-C.-E -Edouard Auber; sa vie et ses travaux. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 12°. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 1874. -----. Travaux et titres scientitiques, 1826-76. 16 pp. 8J. Lyon, A. Vingtrinier, 18,76). See. also, I.orean. De l'exercice illegal de la mede- cine, etc. 12°. Lyon, 1857. For Biography, see [F. (Ed.)] Notice snr M. Munaret, docteur en medecine. 8°. Meaux, [1844, velsubseq.}. Repr. from: Bio«r. des gens de lettres. ITI iiiirII (Ernest). * De l'accouchement artificiel aiucs la mort. 1 p. L, 59 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 757, v. 39. ItlniH-k af Rosenschold (Eberhard Zacha- rias) [1775-1837]. De rlieumatismo acuto. 1 p. ]., 42 pp. 4L. Lundce, typ. Berlingianis, 1790. -----. * De hamiorrhagiis. 18 pp. 4°. Lundce, typ. Beiiingiaiiis, [1794]. illiuicke (Georg. Guil.) [Pr.] disquisitiones de relatione niutua inter tellurein et atmospha*- ram quoad calorem et fluidum electricum. 42 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 4°. Heidelbergce, typ. J. M. Gut- inanni, [1,-19]. Mil lid ( H. ) Einfiihruug in die naturgemiisse (iesuiidlieitspflege und arzneilose Heilkunde. 32 pp. 8°. Hannover, Schmorl u. von Seefeld, 1687. ITI il ll(lall lis (Theodorus). See Dickinson (E.) Epistola . . . De quintessentia philosopliorum, [etc.j 8°. Oxonice, 1686. ItllllMlay (George). See London. City of London sewers. Keport of James Walker, etc. 4°. [London, 1848.J Miliide (Carl). Genaue Beschreibung der Grii- feiiberger Wasserheilanstalt und der Priessnitzi- schen Curmethode. Nebst einer Auweisung iiber sielienzig der am haufigsten vorkommeuden Krankheiten, als: Gicht, Rheumatismus, Syphi- lis, Haiiiorrhoiden, Hypochondrie, Fieber, Eut- ziindiingcn, Cholera, Influenza und cine Menge underer chronischer nnd acuter Uebel, durch Anwenclung des kalten Wassers mit Schwitzen, nach der Giafeiiberger Curmethode griindlich zu heilen. 3. Aufl. xx, 223 pp. 8°. Leipziq, A. Prohberget; 1839. ------. The same. Die Grafenberger Wasserheil- uustalt und die Priessnitzische Curmethode. 6. Anfi. viii, 256 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Hartleben, 1815. ------. Hydrothe'rapeutique, ou l'art de prevenir it de guerir les maladies sans le secours des medicamens, par l'eau, la suenr, le bon air, l'ex- ercice, ]e regime et le genre de vie. viii, 424 pp. 12•". Paris, J.-B. Baillieve, 1842. ----- Memorien eines Wasserarztes. 2. Ansg. 2 v. in 1. xxxvi, 286 pp. ; x, 371 pp. 8°. Dves- den u. Leipzig, Arnold, 1847. Iflimde (Carl)—continued. ———. Ziiniiieiluf't, Ventilation und Heizung Eiu Beitrag zur wohlfeilen Verbesserung der verdorbeneu Luft, welche wir wiihrend der kalten Jahreszeit in uusereu Wohnungeii ath- men, uud welche eine der Hauptursacheii der Vermehriing und Verschlimmeruug von Krank- heiten ist. 2. Aufl. iv, 40 pp. 8-. Leipzig, Arnold, 1877. Repr. from 12. Aufl. of his: Hydrotherapie, oder Wasser- heillehre. ITI nude (Paul Fortuna+us) [1846- ]. The in- dications for hystero-trachelorrhaphy, or the operation for laceration of the cervix uteri. 20 pp., 2 col. pi. 8°. New York; W. Wood f Co., 1879. Repr. from: Am. JT Ohst., X. Y., 1879, xii. ------. Minor suryical gynecology. A manual of uterine diagnosis and the lesser technicalities of gynecological practice for the use of the ad- vanced student, and general practitioner, xi, 3H1 pp. 8-. New York, W. Wood f Co., le«0. ------j The same. Including general rules for gynecological operations and the operations for lacerated cervix aud perineum, and prolapsus of uterus and vagina, for the use of the advanced student aud general practitioner. 2. ed. xxii, 552 pp. f-r. New York, W. Wood A Co., 1887,. ------. The diagnosis and treatment of obstetric cases by external (abdominal) examination and manipulation. 114 pp. 8°. New York, IV. Wood A Co., 1881. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1879-80, xii-xiii. ------. Clinical observations on reflex genital neuroses iu the female. 11 pp. b°. [Clticae/o, 1886.] Repr. from: J. Nerv. &. Ment. Dis., Chit ago, 1886, xi. ------. The value of antipvrine in puerperal fever. 6pp. 8°. [Xew Vork. IS86.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1880. xliv. ------. A plea for iiitra-uteriue medication. 13 pp. 8°. [New York, L-r-7. ] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1887. xiv. ------. A sketch of the management of preg- nancy, parturition and the puerperal state, nor- mal and abnormal. 2 p. 1., 110 pp. 12. Detroit, G. S. Davis, 1887. ------. Three cases of pregnancy complicated by ovarian tumors. Ovariotomy ; recovery. 11 pp. 12°. [Xeiv Yovk, 1887.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi. ------. De l'electricite comme agent therapeu- tique eu gynecologic Traduit avec l'autorisa- f ion de l'auteur et an note par P. Meniere. 2 p. 1., 72 im. roy. 8*r. Pavis, 0. Doin, 1888. Also, Editor of: American (The) Journal of Obstet- rics and Diseases of Women and Children, New York, 1873. See. also. Discussion on the influence of medicine, etc. 8°. New York, 1877. IVIlllldcll;i (Aloisius). Epistolae medicinales, nunc ab ipso autore auctte et recognita*, in quibus variie et difficiles quaestiones ntiliter tractantur; Galeni atque aliorum medicorum loci obscuri et, iinplicati illusfrantur et, explican- tur. Ejusdem annotationes in Antonii Music Bra- savolaj simplicium niedieuinentoruin examen. 15 p. L, 655 pp. 12°. Basilece, M. Ising, [1538]. ------. Dialogi medicinales decern, nunc primum in lucem editi: in quibus multa et varia turn artis theoremata, turn historia* et experimenta doctissime explicantur. 7 p. L, 117 ff., 15 1. 8°. Tiguri, apud Froschoverum, 1551. ------. Theati um Galeni, hoc est: universie medi- eina' a medicorum principe Galeno diffuse spar- simque tradit;e promptuariuni, quo vel iudicis loco in omnes Galeni libros, vel locorum coni- muuium instar iu re medica, lector ernditus MUNDELLA. rtffi MUNICH. ITI undo I la (Aloisius)—continued. magna conimoditate uec minori facilitate ule- tur. 6S5 1. fol. liasilea; per Eusebium Episeo- pium et Nicolai frateris hteredes, 1568. -----. The same. Epistola* medicinales vario- rum qua'stioniuu et lucorum insuper Galeni dif- ticilinm expositionem continentes [etc.] 7 p. 1., 263 pp. 4°. Basileet; apud M. Isingrinium, 1543. See, also, Epistola* medicinales [etc.] fol. Lugd. Bat., 1556. ITIiiiidigl (J[oseph]). Comparativ-physiologisch und uosologische Ansichten von den Krank- heiten des Menschen und der vorziiglichsteu Hausthiere, insbesondere von dem Fieber als sporaelisch- uud epidemischer Krankheitsform. xiii, 146 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miiuchen, Leutnei; 1818. -----. Klinische Beytrage, herausgegebeu bey Gelegenheit der den 30. August, staff findenden offentlichen Preise - Vertheilung. xvi, 104 pp., 2 1. 8C. Miinchen, Lentner, 1829. ITIiiiidiiiiis Fi'iulensis (Julius). See Mon- dino de Foro (Julio). IT! u lid in 118 de JLeiltiis. See Mondino [or Mondini] da Luzzi. I?l u nil in iii. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by loealities. ITI 11 ndi us (Henr.) Opera omnia medico physica, tractatibns tribus comprehensa: de a ere vitali; de esculentis; de potulentis. Una cum appendice ele parergis in victu ut chocolata, coffe, then, tabaco, etc. 10 p. L, 362 pp. 8c. Lugd. Bat., P. Vander Aa, 1685. JTIiiiidorflr(Fridericus Carolus). * De cataracts ieorbis secundariis. 23 pp. 8°. Wirceburgi, C. G. Baku; 1831. iTIimdt (Ernestus Edmundus) [1804- ]. * De tlioracum abusu noxio. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petsi-hii, [1828]. voii ITI II lid J (Jaromir) [1822- ]. De l'institu- tion des colonies d'ali^ue's. Gheel et ses adver- saires. 16 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Tircher, 18150. -----. Gheel est un asile patronal et uullement une colonie, moins encore nn etablissement d'alie- ne"s. 5 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Tircher, 1860. ------. Fiinf Kardinal-P'ragen der administrati- ven Psychiatric. 36 pp. 8°. Osnabriick, Rack- horst, \862. Repr. from.- Med. Aehrenlese, Osnahruck, 1860-63, v-viii. -------. Snr les divers modes de l'assistance pu- blique appliquee aux aliej)6s. Discours prononce" daus les s6ances de la Society medico-psycho- logic] ue a Paris le 26 de'cembre 1864 et le 16 Jan- vier 1*65. 60 pp. 4C. Paris, A. Marc, 1865. -------. Beitrage zur Reform des Sanitiitsweseus in Oesterreich. 1 p. 1., 205 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn. 1868. -----. Die Militarsanitat der Znknnft. 30 pp. 8°. Wien, L. W. Seidel u. Sohn, 1882. Repr. from: Milftararzt, Wien, 1881, xv. -----. Der Transport von Kranken und Verle- tzten in grossen Stadten. 73 pp., 2 1., 12 pi. 12-\ Wien, C. Reisser u. M. Wert liner, 1883. -----. Ueber das freiwillige Rettungswesen in Europa. In: Vortk. ii. Gsndhtspflg. u. Rettungsw. 8°. Berlin 188,-i. i, 17-27. See, also, Billroth (Th.) tfc von Huiidy (.1., Ueher den Trausport der im Felde Vei wundeten und Kranken. 8°. Wien, 1874— Kapport sur l'amhulnnce de l'amhas- satle d'Aiitriclie-Hon^rie-;i Paris. 8°. Versailles, 1871.— Sonveraner Multeser Ritter-Orden (irosspriorat von Bdliiuen. Studien iiher den Umhau und tlie Lini-ichtiing von Giiterwaggons. 8°. Wien, 187."). —Wiener freiwit lige Kettungs-Gesellschaft. Das elcktrische Licht ete. b°. Wien, 1884. ITI li 11 ford (8. E.) A question in state medicine. 16 pp. 8°. Indianapolis, W. B. Burford, 1884. 7Iiiuicll. Das neue offentliche Krankenhaiis zu Miinchen. Die Beclingungen zur Aufnahme der Kranken in d asset be, die Eroffnung einer \fr- sicherungs-Aiistalt fiir Xiehturine, und die Lest- setziing, der Verptieguiigsgebiihreii fiir bezah- lende Giiste. Auf alloiiieiehsten Befehl bekauut geniacht, durch die kon. besonrtere A«lininistra- tion der Wohltliatigkeits-Ktiftungen der Haupt- nnd Residen/.stadt Muni-hen. 30 pp. p^' Miinchen, F. S. Storno, 1H13. -------. lags-Rapport iilie, den Stand der In-ech- ruhr-Kiankeii in der konigl. Haupt- uud Resi- denz-Stadt Miinchen uml deren Vorsilidten, Vom 25sten October 1836 bis 21steu Januar Is 17 Sill. fol. Miinchen, [1837]. -----. Stadtisches allgemeines Krankenhaiis iu Miinchen. Instruction fiir deu Direktor. 22 pp 12°. Miinchen, .1. G. Weiss, 187)9. -----. Berichte iiber die Verhandliingen uml Arbeiten der voni .Stadtinagistrate Miinchen nie- dergesetzteu Commission fiir Wasserversorcnnier Canalisation und Abfuhr. L, 1H74 u. 1875; 2. 1876 u. Anfang 1877 ; 3., 1S?7 ; 4., 1h~8 u. \879. 9 v. 4°. Miinchen, A. Aekermann, 1H76-HU. Four reports and 5 appendices. CONTENTS OK THE APPENDICES. Anhang IV. Zum 1. Ber. Die Canalisation der kgl. Haupt- uud Residen/stadt Muncheu. Bericlit im Aiiftrage des Magistrates erstattet vou J. Gordon, iv, 57 pp., 10 plans. 4°. Alihnchen, 1870 Anhang I. Zum 2. Ber. Die WTisserversorguiig der Stadt Miinchen. Vorprojekt im Aiiftrage der beiden Geineinde- Collegien bearbeitet von A. Thieni. 1 p. 1., 85 pp , 15 plans. 4°. Miinchen, 1*77 ? Anhang II. Project im Aiiftrage der beiden Geineinde- collegien verfasst von P. Scbmiek. I p. ]., 21 pp., 8 plans. 4°. Miinchen. 1877. Anhang III. 3. Nachtrag zu dem im Aut'irage bcieler Gemeindecollegien erstatteten Berichte von B. Salbaeli. 47 pp., 3 plans. 4°. Miinchen, 1877. Beilage VII. Znm 3. Ber. Bericht der Miuiebener Com- mission iiber die Besichtigung der Canalisations mid Be- rieselungs-Anlagen in Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, Danzig und Breslau sowie der Liernur-Aiilagen in Amsterdam^ Leiden, und Dordrecht, iv, 122 pp , 1 map, 4 plans. 4°. Miinchen, 1879. -----. Uebersicht der Gelmiten und Sterbefiille iu Miinchen, wiihrend des 1. Vierteljuhres ls77. (Einzeluabdruck aus den Mittheilungen des stiidtischen statistischen Bureaus.) 13 pp. 4 . Miinchen, J. Bolster, 1877. -----. Annalen der stadtischen allgeineineu Krankenhiiuserzu Miinchen. Im Verein mit den Aerzten dieser Anstalten hrsg. vou Prof. Dr. v. Ziemssen. v. 1-3, 1874-9. 8°. Miiiielieii, 1878-86. -----. Berichte iiber die Geburten und Sterbe- falle in Miinchen wiihrend die Jahre 18S0, lr-82, 1884, mit Riickidicken iiber die Vorjahre. Ver- offeutlicht vom statistischen Bureau der Stadt Miinchen. 54 pp., 4 diag. 4°. Miinehen, J. Lindauer, 1881-5. VI mi i <-h. -Sec, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of), Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial. History, etc.,of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc, of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriittions, etc., of), Hospitals (Malcrnitu, etc.), Hospitals (Ophthalmic; etc.), Hospitals (Orthopcedic), Insane (Asylums for, Heports, etc. of), by localities; Measles (Epidemics of); Med- icine (Clinical, etc.), by localities. Ali.ioli (J. F.) Ueber den Genius der Krank- heitskonstitution zu Miinchen im Allgemeiuen, nnd tlen Genius der Krankheiten des Jahres 1821 im Besondern. 4°. Muncheu, 1822. Bayk(E.) * De charactere morborum Mona- chii anno 1831-2 observato. 8\ Monachii, 1832. MUNICH. 5.°i Munich. Bketz (F.) Die (Jesundheitsveihaltnisse der k b. Haupt- unci K'esielenzstaclt Miinchen. Ein hygieiiischer Fiihrer fiir Eiuheiniische und Fiemde. H". Miinchen, \882. Hkiintner (F.) A K.MMi'itiCH (R.) Die che- mise-hen VeraiHlerungen cles Isarwassers wiihrend seines Laufes durch Miinchen nach Analysen. Nacli den beiden von der niedicinischen Facultiit der kgl. Maximilians- Universita! gekronten I'l-cisscliriften znsamniengestellt von Dr. Rudolf Fminerich. 8°. Miinchen, 1.878. UoitnuN (J.) Die Canalisation der kgl. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Miinchen. Bericlit, im Aiif- trage des Magistrates erstattet. 4°. Miinchen, 1-76. Hkmmkr ( M. ) Miinchens Sanitatskarten, lienrlieitet nach 1. der allgenieinen Sterblich- keit, 2. der Sterblichkeit der Kinder im 1. Le- liensjalire, 3. der Sterblichkeit der Personen iiber dem 1. Lebensjahre, 4. der Sterblichkeit an zyuiotischen Krankheiten. roy. s°. Muncheu, 1H77. Hokfler ((I. ) * De charactere uiorlioruni Monachii anno 1S32-3 observato. 8°. Monachii, 1833. Jaiiri'I'icher des arztlichen Vereins zu Miiii- elieii. Jahrgange 1-4, 1835-42. 8°. Muncheu, A. Weber. Martin ( A. ) Topographie und Statistik ties kgl. bayer. Landgerichtes Au bei Miinchen, mit Beiiicksichtigung der medizinisehen Verhalt- nisse desselben. 8°. Miinchen, 1837. von Pettenkofer ( M. ) Das Kanal-oder Kiel-System in Miinchen. 8°. Miinchen, 1869. Satzungen fiir die Stndirenden der Lndwigs Maximilians Universitat in Miinchen. 4°. [Miinchen, 1827.] Wibmer (C.) Medizinische Topographie und Ethnographic der k. Haupt- u. Residenzstadt Miinchen. Hrsg. von einer Commission des arztlichen Vereins iu Miinchen. 3 v. in 1. S . Miinchen, 1H62-3. Winterhalter ( L. ) Zur Kanalisation von Miiiielieii. I. Dr. Varreutrapp's Brief an Biir- gernieister Dr. Erhardt. II. Dr. Varrentrapp als Hygieniker im Frankfurter Collegium. III. Auszug aus: Les systemes d'evacuation des eaux et, ininioudices d'une ville par M. le Dr. van Over- beek de Meijer. 8°. Miinchen, 1889. Dieterich (L.) WitteruDgs- und Kraukbeitseonsti- tutiiin zn Miiucheu [April 1833 bis Dec. i830] ; mit besoiielerer Bei iicksichtiijung der Influenza. Wehntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klin., Leipz., 1833-4, iii, 245-250. Continued in: Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, l!»(i; 338; 099: ISW, ii, 357-361: iii, 177-182: 1837, iv, 197-205.— E......erieh (It ) Zur Miiuchener Cunulisatioiisfrajc. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miiiielieii, 1879, xxvi, 334; 346. —Fell. Hygiein isches aus .Miiiielieii. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1876, ii, 353-350.—IJeigel. Leber die Kinrichtuiig von (ii'siinillieitsriitheii nach tlem Gutachtcii des Ober- niedicinalausschiisses zu Miiucheu Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. (isnelhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1875, vii, 312-321.—4»rai° (L) Bericlit de*r kdn. Univ. Poliklinik zu Miiiielieii 1864-7. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868, xx. 437: 448; 450; 47ti— llofmnmi. Jahresbericht der geburtsliiilflichen 1'oliklinik, Miiiielieii, 1850-51. Ibid., 1853, v. 4(1: 52: 81; 103; 150; 165; 201: 246; 256— Kerselieuntriner Zur Miiuchener Canalisationsfrage. Aerztl. Int.-Bl , Miin- chen. 1879, xxvi, 324-326. — liiermir, Tbe Munich sewers as illustrating how the subsoil and subsoil water of towns are polluted bv sewage-. Pub. Health, Lond., 1876. iv. 42s —lTInjer (('.) Die Sterblichkeit in Miinchen Niiriiherg uud Augsburg wahrend der Jahre 1871 und is,2 Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1873, xx, 677; 702.— Plaiili. Bemerkiingeu iiber die Abl'assuiig niedicini- sclier Lander-, Bezirks- uud Oitsbcse-hreibuiige-n iiber- haupt, uml Vorsurh eines niedicinisch-topographischeii Entwurfes von der kouigl. bayerischen Haupt- und Kesi- deiizstadt Miiiielieii insbesondere. Ztschr. f. el. Staats- arznk.. Krlang.. 1*28. 9. Ergnzngshft.. 215-307. — R-tuke (H.) [et al.]. Zur Miiuchener Canalisationsfrage. [With discussion | Aerztl. Int -Bl.. Miinchen. 1879, xxvi, 243; 258; 270; 281; 293; 303; 314; 324; 334; 346; 358; 370.— I MUXIK1J. iVIiiiiicli. Kcnli. Leber Ventilation, Beheizuug und Beleuchtnng des grossen Odeonsaales zu Miinchen. (lesundh.-lnge- nieur, Miiucheu, 1887. x, 224; 289 — Ricbnral. L'hy- giene a Munich. [Kev. crit.[ Kev. d'bvn-. I'ar.. 1885 vii, 982: 1886, viii, 32; 398.—Sailer. Leber das Morta- liliits-Verliiiltniss in Miiucheu. Jahrb. d. iir/.il Ver. zu Miinchen, 1835, i, 226: 1836, ii, 391. —Sella (l-'.l Die Krankheitsconstitutioii zu Miinchen vom Mai 1811 bis zum Juli 1843; [also] 4. Quintal 1845. Med. Cor.-Bl. haver. Aerzte, Erlang., 1844, v, 97: 113: 1-9; 145: 161; 177: 1846, vii, 266; 273. ------. Die Krankbeiteii zu Miin- chen in deu Jahren 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882 uud 1883, und ihre Verbutung. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 533-536; 1878, xxv, 25; 35; 54; 64; 547: 1879, xxvi, 21; 34; 44; 53; 67: 1880, xxvii, 569: 1881, xxviii, 27; 49; 64; 73: 1882. xxix, 571: Isst, xxx, 16; 35; 47; 77; 89; 110: 1885, xxxii, 65; 75; 88 ; 107: 131; 143. ------. Kiickblick auf elie im Jahre 1884 u. 1885 zu Miin- clicn herrschciiden Krankheiten. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1887. xxxiv, 5; 22; 40: 57; 77.—Miami (Der) del Kaualisatituisfrage in Miiucheu. Gesundheit. Frankf. a M., 1881, vi. 115-117— Uebersiehl der Sterbefalle in .Miinchen 1875-6. Aerztl. Int -BL Miinchen, 1875-7, xxii- xxiv. passim. — ITeberMirht der Gebuits- uud Sterbhrh- keitsx erhaltnisse der Statll Miinchen in den Jahren 1876- 82; 1884. VeriiffeDtl.il. k. deutsch. Csudbtsamtes. Berl.. 1877, i, No. 4: 1878, ii. NT,. 4: 1879. iii, 34: 188(1, iv, 74: lssl, v, 35: 1882, vi. 69: 1883, vii, 155: 1885, ix. 49.—V. (E.I L'lnstitnt hvgieniipie de Munich. Kev. d'hvg., I'ar.. 1879, i, 194-197.—Varrentrapp (li.) Offener Brief an Herrn Dr. Eiharelt. ersteu reehtskiiiitligen Biirgermei.ster von Miinchen betreffend Dr. L. W'iuterhalter's Schrift: "Zui- Kanalisation von Miinchen ". Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. tiff. (isndblspflg., Brnschwg.. 1880. xii, 545-566. Also, lie- pi int.—von WecUbeeker-SlcriifeUl (F.) Zur Thii- tigkeit der Ortsgesundhi'its Coinniissiuiien. Aerztl. Int.- Bl.. Miiucheu, 1879, xxvi, 209-211 —Wibmer ((' ) Etudes sur la statistique medicale de la ville tit, Munich. [Trad. par le docteur E.-L. Berthirand. | J. de uied., chir. it Pharmacol., Brux.. 1871, liii, 493-5tu. ------. Beitrag zur medieinischen Statistik der Stadt. Miinchen. Aerztl. Int.- Bl.. Miiucheu, 1878, xxv, 190; 203.—Wo III liii «e I (li.) Miiiielieii eine " Peststadt " ? Deutsche V rll.j.schi. I. off. (isntlbtspHg., Brnschwg., 1876, viii, 52::-5fl. municipal Hospital, Philadelphia. See Phila- delphia. Report of the Municipal Hospital. Vliiuiri|»;il hygiene. See Hygiene (.Municipal). miiili<*i' (Alfred). * 1 »es indications chins le traitement de la pleuro-piieuiiionie primitive chez raclulte. 117 "pp. 4 . Montpellier, Boehm A Jils, 1867), No. ;">(». c. ITIuiiiei' ( Henry ). * Considerations sur les ma- ladies (le I'eeil consoeutives a la fievre typhoide et particulierement sur un cas de uevro-rc'tinite. ^7 pp. 4°. Paris, 1-74,"No. 84. illlllliei* (Honore). * Considerations sur le pal- jier abdominal en obste'trique. 4*2 pp., 1 1. 4°. Pari ; 1879, No. 61. eflllilii*!' (Joannes Baptista). .Sec Waillant (Carolus Jacobus). *An in vulnerihus unicuii) linteum carptum? 4°. \ Paris, 1772.] ------. *An omni sexui, onmi letati, omni ti-in- peianieiito, salubris ratfe potus? Prieses: Ludo- vicus Hieronyinns Cosnier. [1743.] In: SieiWAUT ( G. F. ) Quaest. med. Par. 4°. Tubin- gce, 1789, i, 192-206. rflllllier (Joh. Claudius). * An vena* spcrmatica' struct ura secretioni semiuis fa vet? [174:1.] Prie- ses : Joh. Franciscus (fez. In: SieiWART (G. F.) Quaest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce. 1789. i, 44-47. ------. *An suppresso et iniuioderato cataiiienio- nun rluxui aperientia? Prieses: A. J. Seron. In: Hallek. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee. 1750, v, 197-232. Also, in: Sigwart (G. F.) Quaest. med. Par. 4°. Tabinija; 17s<). i, 289-326. See. also. Tlancluyt «le la Varenne (Petrus Joan- nes Claudius). "An tumor is cancrosi radieitus ablati re- generatio rursus chirurgia- tradenda''. 4°. Parisiis, 1760—Paris (Joannes Franciscus). *Au variolis bal- neum? 4°. Parisiis, 1745. -----. *Au post gravem, ab ictn vel casu violento, [etc.] 4°. Parisiis, f746. Uluilier (Joseph). * Ueber die Spaltung des Acet- essigesters und einiger seiner Derivate durch Schwefelsaure. 26 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, 18H0. C. • MUX IER, r.rxS MTNIU). ITIiinii'i' (M.) De I'alcool en therapeutique. 43 pp. * . Troyes, imp. Dufoitr-Bouquot, 1*67. Repr. from : Bull. Soc. mi-el. ele I'Aube, 1867. Mil il ier (Maria Zorobabel). *An dysentericis anoelyiia? Pra-ses: Joannes Baptista Jumelin. 4 pp. 4°. [Pavis, Quillau, 1775.] ------. * rtrum in ascite paracentesim tardare, malum? Prseses: Claudius Antonius Caille. 4 )ip. 4°. [Pavis, Quillau, 1776.] ITIniiit-i'O (Paul). *De l'ictere consecutif a la sc pticeniie pnerperale. 1 p. L, 40 pp., 2 1. 4°. A'ttncy. 1876, 1. s , No. 40. (Hunk (Emanuel) [1*09- ]. *Nonnullade torele sano et morboso. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bevo- lini, typ. Xietackianis, [1*35]. ITI li ilk (Hermann) [1839- ]. Untersuchnngen iiber das Wesen der Nerven-Erregung. v. 1. xviii, 482 pp. roy. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1868. ------. Ueber die Functioned der Grosshirnrinde ; gesammelte Mittheilungen aus den Jahren 1*77- *<); mit Einleitung und Anmerkungeii. x, 133 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1881. ITIIIilk (Ininianuel) [1*52- ~|. * Versuche iiber die Wirkung des Cryptopin. 32 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, Tliormuun u. Goetselt, [1873]. -------. Physiologic der Menschen und der Siiuge- tliiere. Ein Lehrbuch fiir Studirende. viii, 7,46 pp. 8J. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1881. ------. Tlie same. 2. Aufl. viii, 592pp. rov. 8-. Berlin, A. L'ivsehwald, 1888. Ill link (Job.) Sieben neue Fiille von Uterus- Rnptur mit Riicksicht auf vaterlandische Lite- ratnr. iv, 5-40 pp. fc°. Tiibingen, F. Fucs, 1*74. ITI link (Michael) [1812- ]. *De hiemorrhoi- dibus ac tumoruni lnemorrhoidaliuni auatomia ct causis. 34 pp., 3 1. 8°. Bevolini, J. Situnfeld, L b<4->]. ITI link (Nicolaas). * Ueber den Einfluss der Wit- terung auf die Croupsterblichkeit in deu Nieder- lanilen. [Heidelberg.] 77 pp. 8-. Leyden, P. W. M. Trap, 1885. IIlink (Philippus) [1*32-71]. *Decuproin or- ganic;! rerum natura obvio. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bevolini. G. Nietack, [185(i]. ------. Ueber das Wesen der Homoopathie. 1 p. I., 44 pp. ,--. />'erM, J. Dalp, 1*68. For Biograplui. see Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Bern, 1871, i, 33-37 (E. Klebs). ----- & Leyden (E.) [1832-71]. Die acute Phosphor-Veigiftung. Mit besonderer Riick- sicht. auf Pathologie und Physiologic experimen- tell bearbeitet. 1 L, 1*8 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1*65. [Also, in: P., v. 1457.] ITI link (Reinhold). *Ein Beitrag zu den Der- nioielc-\ sten des Ovarium. 19 pp. 8°. Tiibin- tini, I'nes u. Kostenbader. 1*85. ITI link (S.) *Devomitu. 16 pp., 11. 8°. Pra- gee. J. Spuvny, [1837]. ITI link (William). A memoir of the life and writings of John Ayrton Paris. 30 pp. 81-. Lon- don, Bell A Daldy, 1*57. ------. The roll of the Royal College of Physi- cians of London ; compiled from flic annals of the college and from other authentic sources. 2 v. v. 1, 1518 to 1700: v. 2, 1701 to 1HRI. xvi, 472 pp.; ix, 429 pp. * . London, Longman [and others], 1861. ------. The same. Comprising biographical sketches of all the eminent physicians whose names are recorded in the annate from the foun- dation of the college iu 151* to its removal in 1*25 from Warwick Lane to Pall Mall East. 2. ed. 3 v. 8"-. London, 1878. ------. Euthanasia; or medical treatment in aid of an e.-isy death, vi (1 1.), 105 pp. 16°. Lon- don f -Vc/r York, Longmans, Green d'- Co., 1*87. ITIunkatsy (Nicolaus). * De coordination!- no- soconiioruin. 44 pp., 2 1. * . Iluda; ti/p. reg. univ. Hungarieei; [1*34]. [P., v. 1321.] Hungarian text. fillIIII (Jcphtha B.) [1780-1803]. .Tl nun (J. L.) Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, X. T. 1S64, 72 ITIllllllieh (Adrianus Joh.) * Ondcizoekiiigen over de bloedkleurstof. 60 pp. * . Leiden, S. C. ran Doesburgh, 1868. ITItllliiicks (Joannes) [16.V2-1711]. De re ana- tomica liber. 10 p. 1., 239 pp., 7 1. * . Traj. ad Rhenum, A. Schouten, 16,97. ------. Auatomia nova qua juxta neotericoriuu inveuta tola res anatomica breviter et dilucide explieatur; editio novissiiua. Frontispiece, 6p. L, 229 pp.- 5 L, 19 pi. 8°. Lugduni, sumpt. J. Tenet, 1699. ------. Praxis chirurgica. 507 pp., 2 1. 4'. Amsterdam, 1715. Title-page wanting. -------. The same. Cheirurgia ad praxin hodier- nani adornata. in qua, veteruin pariter ;ie neo- terieoruin dogmata dilucide exponuntur. 3 p. I., 557 pp., 2 1. h°. Amstelodami, apiul L. Maleome- sium, 1721. ITlinniiks (Jacoous). * De atropa belladoiia, pnecipue exhihens ejus vires venenatas ac nie- dendi ratioues, septem obseivatioiiibusconfirina- tas. 1 ]). 1., 5* pp., 3' 1. 4°. Groniugce, T. Sjioor- maker, [L-03]. ------. * Observationes varia*. 3 p. 1., 78 pp., 7 pp. 4°. Groniuga; W. KamerUng, 1897,. Munniks (Wyuohlus) [1744 -1M>6]. *De lue venerea, ejusque praeipuis auxiliis, inter (|iue illustrissiini Zwietenii et clarissimi Plenkii rc- niedia potissinnun examinantnr. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. ' Lugd. Bat., K. Lnzac, 1769. [P., v. 54.] -------. * De suniniis quas anatonie habet, deli- ciis. 1 p. 1., ')() pp., 11. 4°. Groningce, H. Spent- daw. 1771. Also [Abstr.], in: WEIZ (F. A.) Neiie Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Leipzig, 1777, vi, 5-7. MmiOt (J.-Victor). * Contribution a retude de reliinination de Puree dans la phthisic; puhno- naire. 43 pp. 4-. Paris, 1**1, No. 255. JTIuiioz (A.) Memoria desci iptiva de una epide- mia de viruela ocurrida en Olias del Rey (To- ledo) en los alios de 1882-3. 45 pp. 8°. Madrid, J. J. Menendez, 1**5. -------. Las invecciones hipod6rniicas. 395 pp. *;T Madrid, J J. Menendez, 1**6. ITIIIIIOZ (Jose-Joaquin). *Du traitenient del'liy- droe-ele. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*52. No. 79, v. 53(1. Also. Co-Editor of: Ana lew ele la real Academia de ciencias medieas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana, IS64-6. ITIllflOZ (Juan Fourquet). See Sanchez (Julian Calleja). Tratailo de anatomia humaua. 3 v. 8°. Valladolia, 1K60-72. ITIllflOZ (Luis). Observaciones sobre las cues- tiones mas importantes que se reticren Ti la vacuna. 76 pp. 8°. Mexico, Lara, 1*69. HiiilOK V IVIi^liel (Francisco) [18 -84]. ITxpiiiaiA ) [Obituary.] Rev. demeel. y cirug. piaet., Madrid. 1SK4, xiv. 147-14'.),'port, —lluerlas (F.) [Obitu- arv.] Lev. esp. tic ttl'tal.. sif., etc.. Madrid, 1884, viii. 41, pert. JTliiAox y Sanchez {Justo)\ 1783-1 s"»7J. Ouijai'i'o (L.) Xoticia biografica. Siglo med Ma drill, ls.">S, v. 33. ITlunro (A. Campbell). Annual reiiorts on the health and sanitary condition of the borough of South Shields. 10.,'1**4; 1*85. *->. South Shields, 1887,-6. -------. Annual reiiorts on the health and sanitary condition of the borough of J arrow, by the medi- cal officer of health, for the year 18-5. 17 pp., 1 p.\h. Jarrow-on-Tyne, 1**6. MUXRO. 539 MITNZE1I. ITI 11111'O (Aliens). The science and art of nursing the sie-U. 2 p. L, 231 pp. 12°. Glasgow, J. Ma- tiehose, 1873. Deaths in childbed and our lying-in hos- pitals; together with a proposal for establish- ing a model maternity institution for affording clinical instruction and for training nurses, xv, 222 pp., 2 pi. 8°. London, Smith, Elder f Co., 1*79. -----. Dissertation on the use of the stethoscope iu obstetrics. 34 pp. 8°. Glasgow, J. Maelehose, \n.tl] Tlliiiro (Andreas). * De phthisi pulmonali. 30 pp. *-. Edinburgi, ti/p. G. Mudie et filii, 1797. fiw. r».j ITImiro (Donald). An account ot the diseases which were most frequent iu the British military hospitals in Germany, from January, 1761, to the return of the troops to England in Mai eh, 1763. To which is added an essay on the means of pre- serving the health of soldiers, aud conducting military hospiials. 40* pp. * T London, A. Millar A Co., 1764. ITIiiiiro (Gulielmus). * De tetauo. 1 p.1.,66pp. 8°. ICdinbnrgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1783. Also, in: Ss.mkli.ie. Thesaurus nied. [etc.] 8°. Edin- burgi, 1785, iv, 325-357. ITIuiiro (Hugh). A compendious system of the theory and practice of modern surgery, arranged in a new nosological and systematic method, dif- ferent from any yet attempted in surgery ; in the form of a dialogue. 352 pp., 10 L, 1 tab. 8°. London, A. Guthrie, 1792. ------. The'saiiie. 2** pp. 12°. London, F. Hod- sou, 1*00. Ill ii 31 ro (Pierre Antoine Conefroy) [1811- SJj. Obituary. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1881-2, x, 215. llIlllli'O (\Y.) Notes on cases of yellow fever in St. Kitts, W. I., during 1868-69-70. 23 pp., 1 map. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver A Boyd, 1*71. Repr. from: Edinh. M. J., 1871-2, xvii. ITI ii ii roc (Henry) [1818-87]. The physiological action of alcohol. 24 pp. 8°. New York, [1865, vel snbseei.]. ------. Alcohol not food. 2 pp. 8C. [n.p.,n. d. ] -----. Is alcohol a necessary of life ? 22 pp. 8°. [n. p.. II. cl.] For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1887. i, 245. ITIimroe County Board of Health, Mississippi. Quarantine notice! [In consequence of the prev- alence of yellow fever in Memphis, Tenn.] July 21, H7;i. ' broadside 4C. [Aberdeen, 1*79.] ITIuiiscii (Julius) [1638- ]. * De trichiuiasi. 35 pp. *r (ivyphiswaldiee, F. G. Kunike; 1863. C. ITIiiii»<'3iiiia(fldoiiard). 'Contribution a l'etude des accidents larvnge'scues les ataxiques. 59 pp. IT Paris, 18*5,'No. 1. ITIimsoll (Henry). The Dublin practice of mid- wifc-rv. With notes and additions bv Chandler K. Giimaii. x, 11-292 pp. 8°. New York, W. E. Dean. 1845. Tlimsoll (Joel). A catalogue of the books and pamphlets issued from the press of . . . from the year 1*2* to 1*70. 191 pp. 8°. Albam/, 1*72. VI mi*ou (.-Eneas). Portrait in: Colli'etion of Portr. (Lihr.) iTIuiisoil (Franklin Avery) [1852-7*]. The errors of refraction demonstrated by a new and original model. 11 pp. 8 r Album], X. )'., G. C. Iiiggs, 1877. Repr. from: S. York M. A.. 1877, xxv. For Biography, see Med. Ann., Albany, 1*82. iii [Tr. M. Soe. Cinintx Albany, 366] (J. li. Stonehonse). ITIuiisoil (George S.) A case of chronic suppu- rative otitis, with exostosis of the auditory ITIuiisoil (George S.)—continued. canal, abscess of the brain; autopsy. 17 pp. *-. Albany, Ruvdick f Taylor, 1882. Repr. from: Med. Ann., Albany, 1882. iii. ITI muster (Godofredus Sigism.) - De macie et atrophia infantum. 39 pp. sm. 4 r Kilonii, lit. G. Bartschii. 1754. van ITI mister (Jacobus). * De hydrope, ascite et, paracentesi. 38 pp., 3 1. sm. 4\ Litcpl. Bat., C. Wishoff, 1723. [P., v. 78.] ITI il lister ( Joauues ). Discussio eoruni quae ab Abrahanio Sediopffio, in geueralis sine, omnium pra*,si(lioriiin medicorum, uuiversalium et topi- corum disquisitionis. libri tertii sectione quarta, cum de aliis quibusdam ad purgandi negotium spectantibits theorematis, turn vero maxime de pnrgatione principio morborum instituenda, con- tra niagnum illud magni Hippocratis i. aphot. 22. oraculum scripta suut; quibus dua* accesserunt ejusdem argument! appendices : una, contra Hie- roiiyniuin Capovaeceuiu ; altera, contra Hierony- mum Mercurialeni. 3 p. 1., 325 pp. 12c. Franco- furti. typ. J. Brotheringii, 16(13. Bound nith: Hafexueffkk (S.) Raphael aitem medi- cam, [etc.] 12°. Francofurti, 1629. van ITI mister (Joh.) Ecu zestal verloskuudige operation en waarneemingen, zo omtrent het verlossen van vrouwen door de sectio symphisis ossis pubis, of doorsni.jding der schaanibeens- vereeniging, als wegcus het openeu eener toe- gegroeide baarmoder. Met een' aanprijzenelen brief van Petrus Camper; benevens een' ande- ren onlangs bekomen brief van G. J. van Wy. iv, 5-61 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. W. Ynteina f Co., 1*04. ITI mister (Joh. Christianus). De diversis ob- structiounm caussis et remediis. 16 pp. 4 . Francof. ad Viadr., e.r off. J. C. Winteri, [1750], ITIuiltaiier (Lorenzo). Editor of: Revista balear de mediciua, farmacia y veterinaria, Palma de Mallorca, 1SS.">. ITIiiiiteildmii (Didericus Joannes). * Diss, sis- tens qua'dam de sanguinis detractioue. 1 p. L, 51 pp , 1 1. * !. Amstelwdanii, C. G. van dev Post, 1848. ITIinitemlaiii (Stephanus). * De atelectasi pul- monum. [Leyden.] 1 p. ]., 56 pp., 2 1. *°. Amstelodami, 1*48. ITIuiitlie (A.) *Prophylaxie et traitement, des hemorrhagies post partum. 71 pp. 4°. Pavis, 1889, No. 330. ITIuutillg (Abrahamus). Aloidarium, sive aloe's niucronato folio Americame majoris, aliaruniquo ejusdem speciei historia. In qua floridi illius temporis, loci, uatune, cultnne, nee non qualita- tum ratio paucis enarratur. 33 pp., 9 1. 4\ [Amstelodami], 16*0. Bound with his : De vera antiquorum herba Britannica, etc. 4°. Amstelodami. 1681. ------. De vera antiquorum herba britannica ejuselemque efficacia contra stomacaccen, sen scclotyrben, Friscis et Batavis de scheurbuijek. Dissertatio historico-medica. 12 p. 1., 231 pp., 32 pi., port. 4C. Amstelodami, apud ft. Sweevls, 16*1. ITIlintill^ll (Fredericus Gulielmus). * Annota- tiones 40 MUKATOUI. ITIunzert (Fridericus Christianus). * De me- trorrhagia gravidarum. 32 pp. * . Erlangce, Kunstmann, [1834]. ITIunzert (H. Ch. A.) * De hydrocele, vi, 7-23 pp. * . Erlangce, Kunstmann, [1*42]. ITIuquardt ( C. ) Catalogue d'une collection d'oucrages de me-decine et d'entomologie. 26 pp. * . Bruxelles, 1885. Jl iirad V. Nehlngci'. Ueber die psychiatrische Begutachtuug ties (iiMstes/.nstaiitles Sultans Murad V. Allg. Wieu. med. Zt-.. 1876, xxi. ;U5. ifluraena. Clark (A.) Observations on the anatomy of the skin of a species of mursena. **-. [London, n. d.] Repr. from: Tr. Micr. Soc. Loud. Itobin (C.) Sur la structure des corps rouges du coniire ( Miinena couger L.). J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 18s:i. xix, 528-537, 1 pi. " Tl in aire. .Sec Robert (L.-M.-J.) Observations sur la fievre jaune, etc. 8°. Marseille, 1822. ITI ii rak a ill ■ (Toki). Bai So Hi Kokn Hiyo Ki. [ A treatise on syphilis. ] 2 v. 2, 3, 4, 2, 41 pp. ; 5:1 pp. 8J. Kioto, 1808. voii Jluralt (Carl). * Die Staarextraction der ophthalmologischen Klinik iu Zurich 1870-80. 2 p. L, 70 pp. 8°. Zurich, O. Fiissli n. Comp., 1**1. vou rtluralt (Joh.) [1645-1733]. Vade mecuin anatoinicum, sive clavis medieina}, pandens ex- perimenta de humoribus, partibus et spiritibus. II p. 1., 593 pp., 8 l.; l pl. 24-. Tiguri, typ. I). Gessncri, 1677. ------. Anatomisches Collegium in welchem alle unci jeele Theile dess menschlicheu Leibes zu- samt denen Kranckheiten und Zul'allen welchen sie uuterworffen, nach ihren aus den neuesten Lehr-Satzen untersuchteu Frsarhen und bc- wiihrt darwider befundeuen Artzney-Mittelu be- schrieben worden. Mit einer Erkliirung der f iir- nehuisteu in der Artzney gebriiuchlichen Krau- ter, vorgetragen zu Ziirch, auf einer loblichen Gc'scllschafft zum schwartzen Garten. 9 p. L, 775 pp., 43 1. 16°. Niirnberg, W. M. FneUcrs, 1687. ------. Hippocrates Helveticus: oder der ge- treu-sichere, uud wohl-bewahrte Eydgnossische Stadt-, Land- und Hauss-Artzt in welchem eine klare und wahrhaffte Beschreibung iunerlicher Gebrecheu und Kranckheiten des menschlichen Leibs uud aller (lessen Gliederen, nach den besten Grund-Siitzeu der Heilkunst enthalten ; sanimt Entdeckung der gewissesten, kraff'tig- sten, wohl-befundeueii und bewahrtestcn Artz- ney-Mittelu, welche wider dieselbigen heilsain- lich konnen gebraucht werden. Zu Nutz und Frouimen der Evclguossischeu Einwohneren und anderen der Preiss-wiirdigen Artzneykunst Lieb- habern, au das Tagliecht gegeben, und zu ini- atisssprechlicher Bequeinlichkeit dem Alphabet nach vorgestellet. Frontispiece, 15 p. L, 1046 pp., 12 1. 8C. Basel, E. A J. G. Kbnigen, 1692. ------. Aretiei, Neu-Erotfneter Balsamischer Ge- suudheit-Schatz; wieder die ansteckende .Seuche au Menschen uud Viehe. 102 pp. 12°. Zurich, 1714. For Poi trait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men Of Sc.. IS!). ------. See. also : :tleyei--Aliren» (C.) Die Arztfaniilie von Muralt[etc] Arzt in Zurich. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern, 1862, i, 268; 423: 186:1, ii, 25-47. de ITI uralto (Joh. Couradus). * De iliaca pas- sione. 23 pp. 4°. Basilea; typ. E et J. Geor- gius. [Li93]. Set- also, Wel*ch (Cbristianus Ludovicus> & «lc Un- ralKt (.lob. Couradus). Coinpendiosaiu naturalis [etc.] i>. Earilece, 1161)2]. de iTI lira I to (Leonardus). * De parorchidio. [Gottinga'. J 2* pp., 1 tab. 4\ Berolini, typ. Lcisterieenis et Kisersdorffianis, 1828. TI iii-auiatsu Sekizo. Vojo Kunmo. [l|v. gi.-ne iii time of cholera.] 2 p. 1., 34 pp. 11 12°. Tokio, 1880. Japanese text. ITIurnuges ( Barthelemy ). * I. Du cancer du pharvnx. II. [etc.] 2* pp. 4°. Paris, ls::;i No. 56, v. 346. ITIliraour ( P.-A. ) * Sur la listule lachrvinale. 24 pp. 4 . Paris, 1*1*, No. 44, v. 136. • ITIurat (A.-L.) [ -1*37]. * La "lande paicliele consideree sous ses rapports anatoniieiues, phy- siologiipies et pathologiques. iv, fi-8l pp. s . Paris, an XI [1803]- [ Also, in : P., v. 1078.] ITIurat (J.-A. ) * De I'empoisouuenie-nt, par lis substances \(5g6tales. 1 p. l.,23pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1811, v. 47. ITIurat (Jean-Baptistc'-Ainaiicl) [1793- ]. Me- moire sur la question proposee par la Societe'- dc medecine de Bruxelles: La unit exerce-t-e-lle uuc influence sur les maladies ? V a-t-il iles maladies oil cette influence est plus ou nioius nianifeste ? Quelle est la raison physique de cette influence ? In: Actes Soe. de metl. cie Brux., 1S06, i, 91-266. ------. Memoire qui a reniporte'' le premier prix an jiigement de la Societe de meilecine ele Tou- louse, dans la seance du 10 uovembre. 1806, sous la question proposee en cesterines: Determiner quels sont les avantages ou les iiiconvcnieiis de la nniltiplicile' des nomenclatures, rehitivenient aux travaux des anatomistes, des physiologists et des n sograidies vi, 7-182 pp. b°. Mont- pellitt; A. Seguin, lSi>7. See. also. Influeiiee l He 1') de la nnit sur les maladies. 8°. Bruxelles, 1806. ITIurat (.Jn.-Louis ). * Sur le tetanos traniua- tique. viii, 9-49 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1816, No. 232, v. 126. ITIurat (Joseph-Francois-Victor). * La nidthode de l'analyse, appliquee a retude des maladies chroniques. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 24*, v. 143. ITIuratet (A.) * D'un cas d'anevrysme de la carofide interne. Diagnostic diflerentiel d'avee les tumeurs du voile du palais. viii, 9-40 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, Firmin et Cabirou freves, 1883, No. 40. ITI II rat Oil' (Alexander). " Mateiiali dlja aku- cherskoi statistiki goroda Moskvi. 77 pp., 1 1. 8\ Moskva, 1*79. ITI ill-atoll (I.) "Materiali k izsle-dov. zdoiovja fabrichnich rabochich i mjasinkov posri'd. opre- delenija rosta, viesa, okrujnosti grudi i jiziientioi emkosti legkich. [Sanitary condition of factory workers and butchers, comparing size, weight, circumference of chest, and vital capacity.] 74 pp., 1 diag. 8-'. SI. Petersburg, 1887). ITIuratori (Lodovico Antonio) [1672-1750]. Del governo della peste e delle maniere di guardar- sene, trattato diviso in politico, medico et eccle- siastico, da conservarsi et aversi pronto per le occasioni, che Dio tenga seinpre lontane. xxxii, 437 pp. 12°. Modena, B. Soliani, 1714. ------. The same. Ed iu questa seconda edizione accresciuto dall' aut ore con nuove aggiuute poste in fine del lontane. 2. ed. xxviii, 383 pp., 1 1. 4°. Torino, P. G. Zappaia, 1721. Another copy bound with: FlOCHETTO (dianfiaucesco). Trattato della peste, [etc.] 4°. Torino, 172(1. ------. Li tie governi politico, medico, ed ccele- siastico utilissimi, anzi necessari in tempo di peste, autenticati da quanto e accaduto in inol- tissime eitta, e provincie secondo 1' opportunity usata nelle precauzioni, e rimeclj. Aggiuntovi il dettiiglio della peste, die ultiinainente ha deso- lata Marsiglia, pubblicato dai medici che hanno MUUATOIM. 541 Ml KDFIELI). ITIiiratori (Lodovico Antonio)—continued. operato in essa, e con alciine osservazioni dell' autore. 4. eel. xxiii, 366 pp. 12°. Lucca, I). Ciuffetti A F. M. Bcncdini, 1743. ______. Delle forze dell' intendiniento umano, osia il pirronismo confutafo. Opposto al libro del priteso M. Huet intorno alia debolezza dell' umano intendiniento. 2. ed. 1 p. L, xxxviii, 34* pp., 2 1. 12". Venezia, presso G. Pasquali, 1748. —----. Della forza della fantasia umana. 2. ed. xii, 212 pp. 12". Venezia, piesso G. Pasquali, 177)3. Bound with tbe preceding. ------. Kellexioues sobre el bueu gusto en his ciencias y en Ins artes. Tradiiccion libre de las que escribio en italiano . . con un discurso sobre el gusto actual de los Fspafiole.s en la lite- ratura, por Juan Sempere y Guarino.s. 2 p. L, 296 pp. *". Madrid, en la imp. de A. de Sancha, 178 i. See, alio, Toi-Iiim (Franciscus). Tlieiapentii c- specia- Iis ad febres. | «-t.-.. ] 4°. Venetiis, 117,7,. -----. Tlie same. 4°. Freincnfurti et Lipsiee. 1756. ITIiirclie ( Vincent T. ) Animal physiology. A specific subject of instruction in public elemen- tary schools. Blackie's elementary text-books. 144 pp. London, Blackie if Son, [1**4]. ITIlirehisoil (Charles) [ 1*30-79]. On the ex- periments of Dr. Casimiro Sperino, of Turin, 011 the subject of syphilization. 4 pp. * . Eclu- btirgh, Sutherland A Knox, [1851, vel subseq.]. Repr. from: Rep. Phys. Soc. Edinb. ------. Contributions to the pathology of morbid growths. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland <)'■ Knox; London, Simpkin, Mai shall f Co., 1852. [P., v. *94; 1558.] Repr. from : Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb , 1S52, xiv. -----. Medical notes on the climate of Burniah, and ou the diseases which have there prevailed among European troops. 70 pp. 8 . Edin- burgh, NeiII A Co., 1*55. [Also, in : 1'., v. 1188.] lb pr. from: Kdinb. M. tfc S. J., 1855, i. ------. On gastro-colic fistula. A collection of cases and observations on its pathology, diag- nosis, etc. 35 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, Murray if Cilib, 187,7.] [Also, in: P., v. 1188.] Repr. from : Edinb. M. J., 1857, iii. ------. Contributions to the etiology of contin- ued fever, or an investigation of various causes which influence the prevalence and mortality of its different forms. 88 pp., 4 tab. 8°. London, J. K. Adlard, 187,8. [P., v. 1025.] Repr. from: Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1858. xii. -----. Remarks on the changes which are sup- posed to have taken place in the type of contin- ued fever. 6 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, Murray A' (iibb, 1*58.] [P., v. 1197.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1858-0, iv. ------. lic'inaiks on the classification and nomen- clature of continued fevers. 12 j»p. 8°. Edin- bnnili, Murrai/ A Gibb, 1858. [Also, in: P., v. 1197.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1858-9, iv. -------. A treatise on the continued fevers of Great Britain, xiv, 63,8 pp., 5 pi., 10 diag. 8°. Lon- don, Parker, Son A Bourn, 1862. -----. The same. 2. ed. xix, 729 pp., 5 col. pi., 19 diag. roy. 8 . London, Longmans, Green A Co., 1873. ■-----. The same. Die typhoiden Krankheiten, Fleck typhi in, leeuriireiicier Typhus, Ileotyphus und Febricula. Deutsch herausgegebeii mit ei- nem Anhange : Die Epidemie cles recurrirenden Typhus in St. Petersburg 1*64-5, von Dr. \Y. Zuelzer, xviii, 729 pp., 6 pi. »-. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1867. ITI 11 r«'hi SO ll (Cbaiie«)—continued. -----. The same. La tie vre typhoide, trad 11 it par le Dr. Lutaud, accompagne de notes el pre- cede d'une introduction par M. Henry Gueiieau de Mussy. lvi (lvi bis—lvi quiiicpic-), 40'J pp., 3 pi., 4 tab. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere f Cie., 1878. ■-----. Hydatid tumors of the liver; their dan- gers, their diagnosis, and their treatment. 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver f Boyd, 1865. -----. On a peculiar disease of the cranium, hyoid bone, and fibula, with a report by a com- mittee of the Pathological Society. 8 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 4°. London, 1866. Repr. from: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1865-6, xvii. -----. Clinical lectures on diseases of the liver, jaundice, aud abdominal dropsy, xxi, 556 pp. "*c. Xew Yovk, W. Wood A Co., 1868. -----. The same. Klinische voorelragten over ziekten vau de lever, geelzucht en bnikwater- zucht. Uit het Engelsch door Dr. J. C. ten Noever de Brauw. ix, 327 pp. *°. Tiel, H. c. A. Campagne, 1*70. -----. The same. Lecons cliniques snr les mala- dies du foie, suivies des lecons s r les troubles fonctioniiels du foie. Traduites sur la seconde edition avec l'autorisatiou de l'auteur et anno- tees par le Dr. Jules Cyr. xii, 660 pp. *r Pa- ris, A. Delahaye A Cie, 1878. ------. Clinical lectures on diseases of the liver, jaundice, and abdominal dropsy, including the Crooni.-m lectures on functional derangements of the liver, delivered at the, Royal College of Phy- sicians in 1874. Edited by T. Lauder Itrimton; the section on tropical diseases by Joseph Fay- rer. 3. eel. xviii (I 1.), 702 pp. 8 . London, Longmans, Green A Co.. 1**5. -------. On the period of incubation of typhus, relapsing fever, and enteric fever. 20 pp. * . [London, 1871, vel subseq.] Repr. f 10111: St. Thomas's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1871, n. s., ii. ------. On functional derangements of the liver, being the Croonian lectures delivered at tlie Koyal College of Physicians in March, 1*74, xvi, 182 pp. *'-. London, Smith, Elder f Co., 1874. -----. The same, xvi, 182 pp. * . Xew Yovk, W. Wood A Co.. 1-75. See, also, Fi-eric-hs (Fred. Theod.) A clinical treatise on diseases of the liver, [etc.] 8°. New York, 1860-61. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1879. — l.-ickei-leen (M.H.) The* physiology of digestion. |etc.| 8°. Chicago. 1884. — iTIooi-*' '(Charles H.) i Vim chi«on (Chin le's). On a method tit' procuring the e-einsnliilntion of fibrin in certain incurable aneurisms, [etc.] 8°. \11.p ,n.d ]—Vnn ■>ei'*«*er (Albeit). Report of ten cases of gastric ulcer, etc. 8°. Albany. 1880. For Bioqraphii, see Brit. M. J., Loud.. 18711. i, 648-65(1. Also : Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 645. Also : Meel. Ree., X. Y., 1879, xv, 478. Also: Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1879, i, 522. -------. See, also: Watson (Sir Th.) Presentation of address and testi- monial to Dr. Murchison. Med. Times &Gaz., Loud., 1874, i, 455-457. ^Inrcia. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, itc, of), by locali- ties. jflurder. See Asphyxia, Cadaver, Jurisprudence of; Contusions; Criminals (Mental condition, etc., of); Homicide, etc.; Insanity (Homicidal). " Murder will out." The Ashland tragedy. The crow bar and ax, the silent witnesses. A history of the killing of Fanny (ribbons, Emma Carico, and Robbie Cibboiis. 1 p. 1 , 52 pp. 8°. A sh- in ud, Ki/.. J. M. Huff, [1882]. llllll'dficld (Franz) [1*51- ]. *Ein Px-itiag zur Kenntniss des Lichen exsudativus ruber. 2:i pp. 8°. Gieifswald, P. W. Kunike, 1875. MTKDOCIl. ,54-2 MUKIK. Murdoch (Donald). A few remarks on the ne- cessity for further suppression of infectious dis- orders (fevers). 31pp. 8'-. London, E. Stanford, 1,-80. ITI urdoch (Gilbert). Special report of the com- missioners of sewerage and water supply, for the city of Saint John and town of Portland, on the formation of anchor ice. 30 pp., 5 plans. 8°. Saint John, N. B., Daily News, 1881. -----. Special report on the water supply of Saint John (East) and town of Portland. To the com- missioners of sewerage and -water supply. 59 pp., 1 map, 2 diag. 8°. Saint John, N. B., J. <)'■ A. McMillan, 1883. -----. Review of the report of Hurd Peters, on the water supply of the cities of St. John and Portland. 59 pp'., 2 tab. 8°. Saint John, N. B., J. A A. McMillan, 1884. Murdoch (James). Practical observations on the extraction of the placenta, iv, 48 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Caw if Eldei; 1818. Murdoch (Robertus). * De gonorrhoea. 2 p. L, lii pp. b°. Edinburgi, G. Hamilton if J- Balfour, 1754. Murdoch (William). * Quelques propositions et considerations sur les maladies des enfaus et les maladies mentales. 20 pp. 4C. Paris, 1832, No. 199, v. 254. [Mure (B.)] Publication de I'lnstitut homeopa- th ique du Brcsil. Doctrine de l'ecole de Rio Ja- neiro et patliogenesie bresilienne, contenant une exposition methodique de l'hom6opathie, la loi fonelainentaledu d.vnamisine vital, la theorie des doses et, des maladies chroniques, les machines pharmaceutiques, l'algebre syniptomatologique, la classitica ion philosophique des esprits medi- cinales, et 1 rente-six experiences pnres. Ix, 367 pp. 8 T Paris, Institut homeopathiqnc, 1849. ------. Materia medica or provings of the princi- pal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazil- ian Empire: and their application in the treat- ment of disease. Transl. from the French, and arranged according to Hahnemann's method, by Charles I. Hempel. 218 pp. 8J. New York, W. Raddc; 187,4. ------. Le, medecin du peuple ; enseiguement met- tant a la portee des homines de conscience et de bon couloir les procede\s les plus parfaits et les r6cent.es decou vertes dc l'art de guerir, indiquant les moyens pratiques dc trait-r toutes les mala- dies de l'homnie et des animaux selon les prin- cipes de l'hoinoeopathie. Revu, augmente et mis en mcilleur ordre par Sophie Liet. 504 pp. 12°. Paris. J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1883. ------. L'honKPopathie pure; expose^ complet des connaissaiices neeessuires au traitenient des nia- laeles, contenant la solution scientifiqne de tons les points encore douteux du nouvel art, la phy- siologic et la pathologie nouvelles. l'algebre me- dicale et ses applications, les tables logarith- niiques pour le choix instantane' du medicament, etc., suivi de nombreux documents inedits, et orne de gravures, revu, augmente et mis eu or- dre par Sophie Liet. vii, 208 pp., l pi. 8 >. pa. ris, J.-B. Bailliere Afih, 1883. ■------A. Gatti (P.) II cholera-morbus vinto colla scienzu. 2. ed., con appendice. 52 pp. 8°. Ge- nova, A. Moretti, [1854]. [P., v. 1456.] Mure (Georgius). * De dyspepsia. 1 p. l.,27pp. n-. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 179*. [Also, in: P v. 7.] Mil relic (Lucien-Senateur). * De l'anesthcsie locale par r6frigerat,ion, au point de vue chirur- gicale. 42 pp. 4'-'. Paris, 1855, No. 257, v. 578 MilI'Cl (C.) * De la suture des os faite avec des his: ses indications. 56 pp. 4J. Paris, 1873, No. 122. Mlll'Ct (D.-J.-P.) * Sur les epaiichcincn.s (lu ,„',. ricarde. 1 p. l.,27pp. 4°. Stveisbt>itrg,18AA,y 64 Mliret(Heiiii)[l8(M-8(i]. * Sur le tiaiteiiienl .les prineipaux derangemens des menstrues,conside- rees dans les differens ages de la femme 31 nn 4U. Paris, 1826, No. 39. v. 198. For Biography, see Rev. ui6d. ele la Suisse Rom Genc\ c 1886, vi, 776. Murct (J.-V.-CharlesL * Des (M-rasenients des doigts. Dangers de ramputation. 27 pp. 4 » Paris, 1853, No. 196, v. 546. Muret (Maurice). * Leber die therapeutische Verwerthung des Naphthalins, besonders bei Typhus abdomiualis. [Strasbnrg.] 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Basel, M. Werner-Riehm, 1886. Muret (Rodolphe). * Essai sur l'operation de la cataracte; suivi du parallele des deux niethodes (l'abaissenieut et l'extraetion), et de quelques re- flexions sur les accidens qui peuvent !es suivie. [Paris.] 2 p. L, 57 pp. 4-'. Slrasbottrt/, Lerrault, 1813. Murga. (D. Leopoldo). La verdad de la inocu- lacie'in anticol6rica del Dr. Feiran en relacion con la epidemia col6rica en Valencia. Memoria presentada £ la exema. diputaciou provincial de Sevilla. 119 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Sevilla, ,/. M. Ariza, 1887,. MurgTllovie (Ljubomir). * Drei Fiille von Un- terbindung der Arteria femoralis. 22 pp., 1 ]. 8\ Jena, H. Pohle, 1884. JVIlll'iated tincture of iron. See Iron (Chloride of). JHuridae. Nicati (C.) Commentatio de mure domestico, silvatico atque arvali. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1822. Dobson (G. E.) Note on the mandibular dentition of the* sinews. 4:> Ml" R THY. ITIlirillO (A.) Vacunaeioii obligatoria. Discurso pronunciado eu la Camara de diputados. (Ses- sion del 6 de julio de 188;?.) 27 pp. 8°. San- tiago dc Chile, J. Xttiicz, 188:',. Mlli'illo (Thomas). Novissima, verifica, et parti- cularis hypochondriaca- melancholia* curatio, et niedela. 35 p. 1., 320 pp., 13 1. Kir Lugduni, C. Boingeat, 16)72. M uriuo (Alessio). Manuale di medieina tcoiico- pratira compilato sugli autori pin recenti. 301 pp. 8°. Roma, tipog. Editviec Romana, 1873. ------. Lezioni di medieina popolare e pieveii- tivn. I p. 1., x,241 pp., 1 1. 12°. Roma, Barbcra, 1873. -----. 11 colera asiatico e la sua cura; lezione popolare. 14 pp. 12°. [w. p., ii. d.] [P., v. K.4.] Muriset ( Eloi ). * Der Sclimerz. 60 pp. 8-. Wiirzhttrg, C. J. Becker, 186,6. C. Mlirisier (John). * Ueber die Formveriinde- lungen, welche der lebende Knochen unter dem Einflusse niechanischer Kriifte erleidet. [Wurtz- burg.] 29 pp., 1 pi. 8 . Leipzig, J. B. Hirsch- feld, 1875. II IIII'lll 111'*. See, also, Auscultation; Auscultation (Sounds, ete-., iu); Auscultation of heart, etc.; Blood vessels (Murmurs in); Heart (Murmurs, etc.. Ol). Biiilly. I'ccheii-hes sur le souffle iitcrin apres l'ac- coiielienient. Arch tie tocol., Par., 1S74, i, 449-471 — llolil. Klinische Mittlieilun^cn iiber das Lterin-Tla ,■enliiistelltMifreiausch. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1849, i, 61.— .Iciiik'i* (W.) Clinical lecture on the influence of piessute in Un production and uiodificatiou of palpable vibrations, anil niiiriiiurs, petrceptihle over the heart and treat vessels, larvnx and hum's. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lmid., 1856, n. s., xii, 2i>:j-_'or>.-— l»li>*ical (Ou the) theory of iiiiiriuurs, vascular, caidiae. ami respiratory. Ifrit. & For. M.-Chir. Kev., Loi.el., 1ST:;, lii, 111-32.—Seidel (M.) Ueber Iteibc ;>ei iiusche am Peritoneum. Deutsche Klinik, Iierl., 186.), xvii, 46.*; 4S.">. ITIlll'O (Vincenzo). Sulla epidemia cholerica na- puletana del 18,-4. 44 pp. 8°. Napoli, A. Tocco .I' Comp., 18*5. Huron (Antoine) [ -1874]. * Pathogenie de I'iiitilUiitiou de Purine. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, Xo. 44. ------. The same. 72 pp. 8. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1*72. For Biography, see Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1875, pp. xiii-xvi (Lahorde). Murphy. See Portal (Antoine). Observations sur la nature et le traitenient de la phthisie puhuouaiie [etc.] 8°. Paris. 1809. Murphy (Carolus). * Dc cynanche maligna. 2 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Edinburifi, A. Neill et socii, l-ay illurphy (Charles). Co-ECU tor of: University (Tbe) Medical and Surgical Journal of Philadelphia, 1864. Murphy (Edward A.) Notes on electro-surgery. with cases and operations. 15 pp. ,8°. Chicago. Laleside Press, 1*71. Repr. from : Med. Invest,., Chicago, 1874, xi. ------. Yellow fever; its treatment and preven- tion. [Hoineeopathic] 25 pp. 8°. [«. p., 1876, ve! subseq.] Murphy (Edward William) [18(12-77]. Advan- tages of medical association ; an address read to the Haiveian Society at the e pening of its 141 li season. 15 pp. ■**•'-. London, Taylor f Walton, 1844. [Also, in : P., v. 897,.] -------. A report of the obstetric practice of the Universitx College Hospital, London. 5:? pp., 1 1., 1 pi. * . Dublin, Hodges A Smith, 1*44. [P., v. 8**.] . Lectures on natural and difficult parturi- tion, xii, 263 pp. * . London, Taylor f Walton, 1*45. Murphy (Edward William) —continued. -----. The same. 2*1 pp. *°. Sew York, S. S. A W. Wood, 1846. ------. Introductory lecture delivered at Univer- sity College, London. 12 pp. 8°. London, Wil- son if Oeftlvy, 1846. Repr. from: Loud. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., iii. ------. Chloroform in the practice of midwifery. [Read at the Haiveian Society, February 5, 1*48.] 28 pp. *r London, Taylor Sr Walton, 1*4*. [Also, in: P., v. 1204.] ------. Further observations on chloroform in the practice of midwifery. 43 pp. 8°. Loudon, Taiflor, Walton A Muberh/, l*."o. [Also, in: P., v. 39; 725.] Repr. from: Month. J. M. Sc, Loud. & Edinb., 1848-9, ix. ------. Lectures on the principles and practice of midwifery, xviii, 616 pp., 7 pi. *°. London, Taylor, Walton A Maberly, 1852. ------. The same. 2. ed., enlarged and revised. xx, 735 pp. 8-'. London, Walton A Maberly, 1862. ------. Lectures on preternatural and complex parturition aud lactation. 2 p. L, 259-616 pp., 7 pi. *'->. London, Taylor. Walton f Maberly, 187,2. Second part of his: Lectures on the principles and prac- tice of midwifery. 8°. London, 1852. ------. What is puerperal fever? A question pro- posed to the Epidemiological Society, London. 31 pp. 8°. Dublin, McGlashau- A Gill, 1857. Repr. fro in: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1857, xxiv. ------. The same. De la fievre piierpdrale. Tra- duit de l'anglais par M. le docteur Gentil. 31 pp. 8°. I'aris, Germei-BuiUieve, 1*5*. [P., v. 1345. ] Repr. from: Rev. Strang. m6d. chir. ------. The Cesarean section. 31 pp. 8J. Dub- lin, McGlashau f Gill, 1*59. [P., v. -9.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1859. xxvii. ------. Introductory lecture on the history of midwifery. Delivered at University College, Slay 1, 1*64. 24 pp. * . London, Saunders, Otley f Co., 1864. [P., v. 89.] ------. On the comparative claims of craniotomy and the Ca'sarean section in a certain class of labors, and on the use of a new pelvimeter. 8 pp. *°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1*64. [P., v. 89.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxvii. For Bioaraphi/, see Brit. M. J., Loud., 1877, i, 122. Also: Metl. Tiine-s 6c (Jaz., Lond., 1877, i, 217. Murphy ( Joh. ) * De hydrocephalo acuto. 3 p. L, 18 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, 1824. Murphy (John A.).[1825- ]. An introduc- tory address, delivered to the students of the Miami Medical College;, of Cincinnati, Oct. 30, | 1*54. 24 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, T. Wrightsmi A Co., 1855. Also, Co-Editor of: I'im iiinuli (The) Medical Ob- server, 18.")6-7. - t'liicimiati (The) Lancet and Observer, 1858-7:!.—Cleveland (The) Medical (iazette, 1860-61. For Biography, see Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, lssu. xxxv, 25. Murphy (Joseph). A natural history of the human teeth, with a treatise on their diseases ironi infancy to old age, adapted for general in- formation ; to which are added, observations on the physiognomy of the teeth, and of the pro- jecting'chin. iv (I L), 160 pp. *. London, J. Callow, 1*11. Murpliy (P. J.) Practical observations, show- ing that mercury is the sole cause of what are termed secondary symptoms, xiii, 14-107 pp. 8■'■'. London, J. Churchill. 1839. Also. Co-Editor of: Cliomi!.! (The), London, 1*47. Murpliy (Patricias). * De rheuimitismo. 1 p. L, 29 i p.' *L. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1*21, v. 3. I [Also, in: P., v. 1071.]' Ml'UPIIV. 544 MURK AY. Murphy (Patrick J.) Observations regarding the effects of trachelorrhaphy on fertility and parturition. 6 pp. s . [n. p.], 1*83. Repr. from .- Am. J. Obst.. X. Y , 1883, xvi. Murphy (Shirley Foster). Annual reports of t he medical officer of health, ou the sanitary cou- dilion of St. Paucras, Middlesex, to the vestrv. 23.-26., 1878-81 ; 29., 1*84. S-. London, 1879- -----. Vestry of St. Paucras to the sanitary committee. [Letter of the medical officer of health, on the importance of the local sanitary authority having power to inspect and regulate bakehouses. July 5, 1882.] 3 pp. fol. [Lon- don, 1**2.] -----. Report on the recent outbreak of enteric fever in Saint Paucras. 24 pp. 8J. London, Mtttcltenei; 18*3. ------. Monthly reports of the medical officer of health, on the sanitary condition of Saint Pan- eras, Middlesex, to the sanitary committee. Nos. 1-4, Jan. to April, 1883. 8°. ' London, 18*3. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on an outbreak of enteric fever in St. Albans, Oct. 17, 1**1. *pp. fol. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1**4. Official copy. ------. The same-. * pp. fol. London, Eyre f Spottisieoode; 1**1. ------. Infectious disease and its prevention. 2 p. 1., 69 pp. 8 . London, W. Clowes A Sons, 1884. International Health Exhibition. Handbooks [No. '20], ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on the sanitary condition of Gravesenel. Aug. 22,188"). 5 pp. fol. London, Her Majesty's Sta- tionery Office, 1**5. Official copy. ------. The same. 5 pp. fol. London, pte'.-ifor Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1**5. ------. Memorandum on diphtheria. Collective investigation committee. 4 pp. 8 . [London, u. rf.'J See, also, Our homes, etc 8°. London, lssli. de ITIurr (Christophor. Theophil.) Adnotationes ad bibliothecas Hallerianas, botanicani, anatomi- cam, chirnrgicani et medicinie practica*, cum va- riis ad scripta Michaelis Serveti pertinentibus. 1 p. L, 67 pp. 4J. Erlangce, I. I. Palm, 1*05. JI iir i';« in. See Epizootic diseases. Murrute (Fdouard). * Des troubles meutaux dans l'asystolie. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 44. Murray. Surgeon . . .'s paper, ou the patent aperient solution of niagutsia. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Aewry, A. Wilkinson, 1817. [P., v. 1063.] Murray (Adolphus) [1751-1803]. Fundameuta testaceologia*. 1 p. L, 43 pp., 2 pi. 4r Up- salia; ex off. Eelmaiiniana, [1771]. [P., v. 623. "■ Also, in: Linntv.is. Amoenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Er- lainjie. 1785, viii, lo7-150, 3 pi. ------. * Observationes anatomica?, circa iufuudi- huluui cerebri, ossiuru capitis iu foetu structuratn alienam, partemque nervi intercostalis cerviea- lem. 1 p. 1., 31 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Vpsalice, ex prelo Edmanniauo, [1772], Also, in.- ScuiiTOHF.s neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lip- site. 1792, ii, 242-250. 'Descriptio arteriarum corporis humani in tabulas redacta, cujus partem primam pnblicc ventilandam exhibet Johannes Theophilus Xath- liorst. 23 pp. sm. 4'*-. Upsalice, J. Edinan, [1780]. -----. The same. . . . cujus partem secundan publico ventilandam exhibet Ericus Oilhelius. 30 pp., 1 1. sm. 4-. Vpsalice, J. Edinan, [1781], -----. The same. . . . cujus partem tertiam pn- hlice ventilandam exhibet Andreas Hessclius. 30 pp., 1 1. sm. 4'-'. Vpsalice, J. Edinan, [1782], Murray (Adolphus)—continued. -----. The same. . . . cujus partem (piartam et, ultimam publico ventilandam exhibet .JominncH Gustavus Hallniau. 32 pp., 1 I. sm. 4°. I'psa- litt; J. Edinan, [17*3]. ------. The same. [Parts i—iv.] vi, 7-120 pp 4 \ Upsalia; J. F. Edman, 179*. ------. The same. A description of the arteries of the human body. Reduced to tables. Transl. from the original by Arch. Scott, xx, 172 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, C. G.f J. Robinson, 1801. [Also in : P., v. 6*5.] Incomplete; wants 18 pp. of index. ------. The same. Transl. from the Latin, under the inspection of James Macartney, iv, 106 pp 8 '. London, J. Debrett, 1*01. ------. The same. Transl. from the original, by Archibald Scott, xix, 172 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1*10. The same, xix, 172 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, .1. Webster, 1*16. Diss, academica de sensibilitate ossimn morbosa. Upsalice, 1780. In: ScKll'TOUES neurol. minores .selecti. 4'. Lipsia, 179:>, iv, 252-263. Also, in: FRANK (J. P.) Delect, opn.sc' med. 8°. Ticini, 1793, xii, 267-302. -----. In gangrienaui scroti observatio, aniinail- \ ersionibus uounullis illustrata. Cpsalia; 17*.i. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc med. s\ Tit-ini, 1791, x, 260-301. -----. Diss, anatomico-ehirurgica de cirsocele. Vpsalice, 17*4. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1791, x, 302-360. ------. [Afhandling om anatoniiens frainsteg i nyare, tider. ] 101 pp. 8°. [Stockholm, J. P. Linde; 1793.] See. also, l.nulli (Thomas). Scriptorum latinoruni de iineurysniatilius cullet tio, [etc.] 4°. Argentorati, 1785. Murray (Alex.) Treatment of ulcers by elec- tricity. * pp. 8°. [Xew York, 1*73.] ------. Electricity, as used in parturition, post- partum hemorrhage, and resuscitation of new- born infants. 16 pp. 8 . Seiv Yovk, K. O. Jeuks, [1875]. Repr. from .- Psych. & Meel-Le-;-. J., X. V., 1875, ii. Murray (Andreas). *De hepatitide niaxiine In- due Otientalis. 1 p. L, 56 pp., 2 1. * . Gottin- gn; J. C. Dittcrich, [1779]. For Biography, see ITI hit ay (Jo. Andreas). Murray (Carlos). Avisos interessantes a hunia- nidade, ou colleccao de algous artigos concernen- tes a restauracao da vida dos affogados, e outros casus de morte appareute, ou aniiuacao snspensa; extrahidos dos escriptos publicados em Inoja- terra por ordem da Socieelade huuiana, inslituida na corte, e cidade de Londres em 1774. Tiad. do original inglez por Francisco Manuel de Oli- veira. Medallion title-plate, 144 pp. 16. Lis- boa, F. L. Amino, 1788. Murray (David). First commencement exer- cises of the Albany College of Pharmacy, depart- ment of pharmacy of Union University, with the address delivered to the graduating class. 8 pp. *°. [Albany, 1882.] Murray (George). Aerial locomotion ; a descrip- tive treatise of a practical method of traversing the atmosphere. 36 pp., 8 pi. 12°. Liverpool, C. Til)ling d'- Co., [n. d.] Murray (Henricus Nauton). *Qua>dam de dy- senteria complectens. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. 8 Kdin- hiirti'i, 1827). Murray (J.) An author's conduct to the public, stated in the behaviour of Dr. William Cullen. ii, 41 pp. 8■-'. London, J. Murray, 17*4. .Hurray (J.Clark). A handbook of psychology. x, 422 pp. 8°. London, A. Gardner, 1**5. Murray (J. Jardine). Case of extraction from the pharynx of a needle which had _ netrated MURRAY. 545 MURRAY. Murray (J. Jardine)—continued. the neck: with remarks. 12 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, A. .lack, 1*59. _-----. The danger of ill-constructed and neg- lected cisterns * pp. 8°. Brighton, G. Wake- ling, 1*72. Repr. from : Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii. Murray (J. Monro). The physiological action of napellina and aconitia. 28 pp. 12 r [n. p., 1*76. vel subset/.] Repr. from: Phila. M. Times, 1875-6, vi. Murray (Jacobus). *De phthisi pnlmouali. 1 p. 1., 34 pp. *°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie; 1777. Murray (Jacobus Thomson). * De cynanche maligna. 2 p. 1., 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1793. Murray (James). A dissertation ou the influ- ence of heat aud humidity; with practical ob- servations on the inhalation of iodine, and vari- ous vapours, in consumption, catarrh, croup, asthma, and other diseases, xiii, 305, xviii pp., 1 tab. 8-\ London, Longman f Co., 1*29. -----. Observations on the medical and surgical agency of the air pump. Read before the Brit- ish Association in 1835. 63 pp. 8°. Dublin, Hodges f Smith, 1836. ------. Observations ou fluid magnesia, with pa- pers read before the British and other associa- tions. 16 pp. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall f Co., 1840. ------. Klectricity as a cause of cholera or other epidemics, and the relation of galvanism to the action of remedies. I p. L, 160 pp. 8°. Dublin, .1. McGlashau, 1849. Murray ( Joannes Andreas ) [1740-1)7]. * Fata variolarum insitionis in Suecia. 3 p. 1., 36 pp. 4°. Gottingee, tijp. Poeknitzii et Bavmeievi, [1763], [Also, in: P., v. 620; 1472.] ------. Commentatio de arbuto uva ursi exhihens descriptionem ejus botanicani, analysin chemi- cain, ejusque iu medieina et oconouiia varium iisum. 65 pp. sin. 4°. Gottingee, apud Pockwi- tzium et Barmeterttm, 1765. [Also, in : P., v. 632.] ------. De \ eruiibus in lepra, obviis, juueta leprosi historia et de liinibricornm setis observationes reg. socictati scientiarum Gotting. praelec^. xvi, 76 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8°. Gottingee, C. Dieterich, 1769. ------. Ennmeratio librorum pra>cipuorum medici argiimenti. xxviii, 100 pp. 8 . Liprice, Wey- nand, 1773. ------. Meclicinisch-piactische Bibliofhek. 3 v. sin. 8 , Gottingen, J. C. Dieteiich, 1774-8. ------. Apparatus uiedicaniinuni tarn simplicium quam pramaratorum ct compositorum iu praxeos acljunientuiu consideratus. 6 v. 8°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, 1776-92. v. 4. Post mortem auctoris edidit Ludov. Christoph. Alt- hof. Want pt. 2 of v. 1 and 2. ------. The same. 6 v. 8°. Gottingee, 17*4-94. v. 1 nnd 2, "edito altera curante Ludovico Christoph. Althof". v. 6, "postmortem auctoris edidit Ludov. Cluistoph. Althof". -----. The same. 6 v. in 3. 8°. Venetiis. S. Valle. 179,">. ------. [Pr.] dc tempore corticis peruviaui in tussi convulsivaexhibendi. [Cum vita candidati Josephi Oerson.] 11 1. 4r Gottingee, J. C. Die- t-vieit. [1776]. ----—. De limitanda laude librorum "medicorum practiformn usu populari destinatorum. 32 pp. sm. 4 T Gottinga; J. C. Dieterich. [1779]. -----. [Pr.] observationuin et animadversionum super variolarum insitione satiira, sectio prima. [Cum vifis eandidatorum C. H. Haeseler, A. C. Waitz, P. C. Mey.r, et D. C. Eauh.] 20 pp. 4°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, [1779]. Murray (Joannes Andreas)—continued. -----. The same. Sectio secunda. [Cum vitia eandidatorum M. a Paecken, C. G. Berg, A. Ivoessleiu, et T. G. Schroeder.] 20 pp. 4°. Got- tinga',, J. C. Dieterich, 1779. Bound with preceding. ------. The same. Sectio tertia et novissima. [Cum vitis eandidatorum G. P. Lehr, T. F. Trendelenburg, C. H. Wcstmiiller, et J. F. A. Becker.] 18 pp. 4°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, 1779. Bound with preceding. ------. [Pr.] spina* bifida; ex mala ossium con- formation!* iuitia peis('<|uiitus. [Cum vitis ean- didatorum H. I. liner, A. Murray, J. F. Behrens, et C. A. Meyer. ] 26 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, 1779. ------. [Pr.] de febribus epidemicis Roma* falso in pestium censum relatis. [Cum vita candidati J. C. Gatterer.] viii pp. fol. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, [1782]. ------. [Pr.] de medendi tineae capitis ratione paralipomena. [Cum vitis eandidatorum L. Kriiger, M. Matthias, J. Victor, et H. SiegeL] 26 pp. 4°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, 1782. ------. [Pr.] vindiciie noininum trivialium stirpi- bus a Linneo impertitorum. [Cum vita candi- dati J. G. Carelson.] 23 pp. 4°. Gotlinga; J. C. Dieterich, 1782. ------. [Pr. 1 de materia arthritica ad verenda aberrante disquisitio. Sectio prior. [Cum vitis eandidatorum S. C. Philites, L. G. Haselberg, C. G. T. Kortum, et J. H. A. Niemeyer.] 22 pp. sm. 4°. Gottinga; J. C. Dieterich, 1785. ------. The same. Sectio posterior. [Cum vitis eandidatorum F. G. Biittuer, J. F. E. Heine. E. H. Stender, et, D. A. F. J. Kosegarten.] 19 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich., 1785. ------. The same. Sectio prior et posterior. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1786, ii, 1-61. ------. Opuseula in quibus commentationes va- rias tain medieas quam ad rem naturalem spec- tantes retractavit, emeudavit, auxit. 2 v. xxii, 392 pp.; vi, 500 pp., 5 pi. 8-T Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, 1785-6. ■—-—. De laude magnetismi sic dicti animalis * ambigua. 24 pp. 4°. Gottingee, J. C. Dieterich, [1789]. ------. Vorrath von einfachen, zubereiteten und gemischten Heilmitteln zum Gebrauche practi- schcr Aerzte bearbeitet. 2. Aufi. herausgegeben und iibersetzt von Ludwig Christoph Althof. 1280 pp., 6 1. 8°. Gottingen, J. C, Dieterich, 1793. See, also. Kowen von Roseusteiu (Nils). Anwei- suug zur Kenntniss der Kiuderkraukbeiteu. 12°. Got- tingenu. Ootha, 1708. -----. The same. 12°. Wien, 1787. -----. The same. G. Aufl. b°. Gottingen, 1798. Murray ( Joannes Roger us ). * De abortu. 1 p. L, 38 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1787. Murray (John)1 [ -1820]. Elements of ma- teria medica and pharmacy. 2 v. xv, 394 pp.; viii, 331 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, IV. Creech [and others], 1804. ------. The same. 2v.ini. xii, 13-447 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, B. f T. Kite, 1898. -----. The same. System of materia medica and pharmacy. With notes by N. Chapman. 2 v. vi, 399 pp.; iv, 384 pp. "8°. Philadelphia, T. Dobson. 1815. ------. The same. 2 v. vi, 399 pp. : iv, 384 pp. !*>'. Xew-York, S. Wood f Sons, 1821. ------. The same. Including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias. With notes and additions by John B. Beck, M. D. From the 4. and last Edinb. ed. viii, 560 pp. 8°. New York, E. Duyckinck [and others], 1824. MURRAY. 54 M array (John)1—continued. -----. the same. 6. ed. With notes and addi- tions by John B. Beck, M. D. 584 pp. 8°. New Yovk, W. E. Dean, 1834. -----. A supplement to the first edition of a sys- tem of chemistry, containing a view of the recent discoveries in the science. 150 pp. 81-'. Edin- burgh, Brown f Crombie Sr W. Creech, 1809. [P. v. 682; 1176.] -----. Supplement to the 3. ed. of: Elements of chemistry. 39 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 664.] -----. Elements of chemistry. 6. ed. 2 v. xvi, 716 pp.; vii, 752 pp., 6 pi/ 8°. Edinburgh, A. Black, 1828. -----. Syllabus of the course of lectures on min- eralogy and geology . . . with a classification of minerals in the order followed in the course, and an explanation of the chief mineralogical terms. 30 pp. 8->. Edinburgh, J. Walker, [n. d.] Murray (John)2. *A probationary essay on the formation and solution of urinary calculi. 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Neill, 1826. -----. A treatise on pulmonary consumption; its prevention and remedy. x, 156 pp. 8°. London, Whiltaker, Treacher f Arnot, 1830. -----. The same. 2. ed. xxiv, 186 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1831. -----. Remarks on the disease called hydropho- bia; prophylactic aud curative, ix (1 L), 86 pp. 8°. London, Longmans [and others], 1830. -----. On the topography of Meerutt, and the principal diseases which prevailed in the 1st brigade of horse artillery at that place. Printed by order of government. 59 pp., 1 plan. 8° Calcutta, G. H. Huttmann, 1839. -----. The plague and quarantine. Remarks on some epidemic and endemic diseases (including the plague of the Levant), and the means of disinfection; with a description of the preserva- tive phial. Also a postscript on Dr. Bowring's pamphlet, viii, 54 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Relfe A Fletcher, 1839. [P., v. 640.] -----. Practical observations and researches on ventilation and disinfection, inclusive of other essential provisions connected with sanitary reg- ulations, and the health of towns. 34 pp. 8°. London, Whittaker f Co., L-50. [P., v. 149.] -----. Topography and diseases of Futtehpore Seekree. Reprinted from the selections from public correspondence. 8 pp., 1 map. 8° [Agra, 1852.] [P., v. 952.] -----. Report on the attack of cholera in the central prison at Agra iu 1856. 23 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Agra, Secunclva Orphan press, 1856. [Also, in: P., v. 859.] -----. Report on the attack of epidemic cholera in Agra aud Central India during the year 1861. [With appendix.] 11 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Agra, R. Miller, 1861.] [P., v. 102:,.] -----. Report on the attack of epidemic cholera in the Agra and Gwalior circle during the year 1862. [With appendix.] 5, iv pp., 6 tab. 8° [Agra? 1863.] -----. The second siege of Paris. The ambu- lances and hospitals of Paris under the Com- mune. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 8*. London, T. Richards, 1871. -----. Observations on the pathology and treat- ment of cholera, the result of forty years' expe- rience, vi, 58 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder A- Co., 1874. -----. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 58 pp. 12c. London, Smith, Klder $ Co., 18,*4. .Hurray (John)3 [1835-75]. Obituary. Glasgow M. J., 1875, n. s., vii, 129-134. MURRAY. Murray [John)* [1843-73]. Obituary. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1873. ii, 478.—Obitu- ary. Lancet, Lond., IS?:!, ii, 577. — Obituary. Med Times & (iaz., Lond., 1S73, ii, 452. Murray (John C.) Snuff taking; its utility in preventing bronchitis, consumption, etc'. (With prescriptions.) 64 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1879. -----. The same. 2. thousand, viii, 66 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill if Sons, 1*70. Murray (John L.) [1784-18551J. Biographical notice of the late John L. Murray Month. M. News, Louisville-, 1860, ii, 44-46. Murray (John W. B.) * On neuralgia. 71pp. 8r New York, J. Set/moitr, 1*16. [Also, in: P v. 746.] Murray (Joseph). * De l'apoplexie pulmonairc. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*6."), No. 25. Murray (Patricius) * De asthmate. 1 p. 1., :!2 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour, A uld et Smellie 1769. Murray (Petrus). * De aeribus. 51 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et socii, 1802. [P., v. 21; 634.] Murray (Robertus)'. * De lue venerea. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Neill et socii, 1813. [Also, in: P., v. 865.] Murray (Robertus)2. * De circulatione sangui- nis in foetu. 1 p. l.,23np. 8°. Edinburgi, Schaw cl filium, 1815. [P., v. 735.] Murray (T.) The Murray specific for gout and rheumatism; with prefatory observations on gout, and notices of patients and testimonials. 16 pp. 12°. London, T. Murray, [n. cl.] Murray (Thomas Archibald) [ -1802]. * De phienomenis et natura morbi ex subiiiersione oriundi. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill enm sociis, 1796. [Also, in: P., v. 4.] -----. Remarks on the situation of the poor iu the metropolis, as contributing to the progress of contagious diseases; with a plan for the in- stitution of houses of recovery for persons in- fected bv fever, vii, 47 pp. 8 . London, J. Hatchet rd\ 1891. Murray (William). The rapid cure of aneurism by pressure; illustrated by the case of Mark Wilson, who was cured of aneurism of the ab- dominal aorta in the year 1864. 43 pp. 8 . London, J. f A. Churchill, 1*71. Murray (William H. H.) The perfect horse. How to know him. How to breed him. How to drive him. How to shoe him. With an intro- duction by Henry Ward Beecher, and a treatise on agriculture and the horse by George B. Lining. Containing illustrations of the best trotting stock-horses in the United States, done from life, with their pedigrees, records, and full descrip- tions, xi, 480pp., 14 pi. roy. 8°. Boston, I. R. Osgood f Co., 1873. Murray Royal Asylum, Perth. (Copy.) War- rant for charter of incorporation in favour of James Murray's Royal Asylum for Lunatics. (Dated March 5, 1*27.) 14 pp. 8r [Perth, 18271] Founded by James Murray, who, in the years 181 :{-14, left a portion of his fortune to build, in the city of 1 Villi, an asylum for the reception of lunatic persons. Plans were approved iu 1S'_>2 and completed in 18U6. Chartered March 5, and opened July 1, 1K27. -----. Annual reports of the physician superin- tendent to the directors. 1.-41., 1827-8 to 1867-8; 53., 1880-81; 54., 1881-2. 8°. Perth, 1*28-82. 1.-41. bound in 2 v. 39.-41. is a triennial report. -----. James Murray's Royal Asylum for Luna- tics, near Perth. [Circular of the directors, an- nouncing the purchase of the Mansion House of Pitcullen, for the reception of private patients of the first class.] 2 1. 4C. [Edinburgh, W. E. Lizars, 1850]. [P., v. 1291.] Ml'liRAY. 547 MUSA. Murray Royal Asylum, Perth—continued. _____. 'Regulations and by-laws of James Mur- ray's Royal Asylum for Luuat ics, at Perth. Pub- lished bv order of the directors. 24 pp. 8'-. Perth, J.' Ihwai;jr., 187,8. [P., v. 223.] ._____. General regulations. [Including the pe- tition, statement, medical certificates, sheriff's order, and obligation required for admission.] 4 pp., 2 1. fol. [Perth, n. d.] ■-----. Regulations for bath rooms. 1 sheet, fol. [Perth, n. el.] -----. [Blank forms in use at the* asylum.] v. s. [Perth, n. d.] CONTENTS. Attendants' leave list. Form for application for situation. Lists of patients, weekly. Notice that patient needs clothing. Obligation to be signed by attendants and servants. Requisition for removal of a non-recovered patient. Murray'* fluid magnesia To the president and members of the London Medical Society. 16 pp. 8°. [Wolverhampton, J. Bridgen], 1839. [P., v. 1202.] Miirree. luce (J.) The Murree Sanitarium. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 31; 44.—lfliirrw; its topography and medical history. Indian Ann. M. So., Calcutta, 1854-5, ii, 111-142, 1 tab.- MuiM'M (William) [1851- ]. What to do in eases of poisoning. 2. ed. 1 p. L, 96 pp. 24°. Detroit, Mich., G. S. Davis, 1882. -----. The same. 4. ed. 1 p. 1., 212 pp. 18°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1884. -----. The same. 5. ed. vi, 220 pp. 18°. Lon- don, H. K. Lewis. 1887. -----. Xitro-glycerine as a remedy for angina pectoris. 3 p." 1., 78 pp. 12°. Detroit, G. S. Davis, 1882. -----. Massage as a therapeutic agent. 3 pp. 8°. London, 1886. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i. -----. Massage, as a mode of treatment, vi (1 1.), 78 pp. ' I2J. London, H. K. Lewis, 1886. -----. The same. 3. ed. vi (1 L), 143 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1887. -----. The same, vi (1 1.), 78 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston, Son -p Co., 1886. -----. The same. 2. eel. vi (1 L), 100 pp. 8°. Philadelphia. P. Blakiston, Son A Co., 18»7. Murri (Augusto) [1841- ]. Del potere regola- tore della temperatura animale. Studio critico- spi'iitiienfule. 79 pp. 8°. Firenze, tipog. Cen- uiniana, 1873. Repr. from : Sperimentale, Firenze, 1873, xxxi. -----. Sulla teoria della febbre indagiui. 132 pp. 8°. Fermo, Bather, 1874. -----. La diagnosi delle lesioni sifilitiche del cervello. 74 pp. * . Bolognct, Ganiberini f Par- meggiani, 1*76. -----. Della einoglohiuiiria da freddo. 242 pp. 8U. Bologna. Fava Jf- Garagnani, 1*80. See. also, Tr.-mlM- (L.) Lezioni eliniebe sui sintomi tlelle malattie ,iev.li apparati, etc. ST Aapoli, 1868. [de] Murrieta (Juan Luciano). Tratado de las enfeinieclaeles ele la pie], seguido del formu- lario del celebre dermatdlogo Biett, y delaespli- cacion de las himinas dc Thibert, del gabiuete (b-rinatoldgico de la Facullad de medieina de la Lnivcrsidad de Madrid, xlvii, 354 pp., 1 1. 8 . Madrid, Compahia de imp. y libreros del Reino, 1-4-. ' Murry (Bartholomams). An foetui sanguis ma- tcrnus alinionto f Prieses Josephus de Jnssieu. 4 pp. 4°. Paris, Quillau, 1735. [P., v. 701.] Murry (John). Descriptive account of a new shower bath, constructed on a principle not hitherto applied to that machine; also, an ap- paratus for restoring suspended animation. 2. Murry (John)—continued. ed. 41 pp., 1 pi. 8'. London, Whittaker Sr Co., 1831. Mlll'Sick ((Jeo. A.) A case of complete intes- tinal occlusion by pressure of an ovarian tumor; ovariotomy; death. 4 pp. 8 . [New York, 1882 ] Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1882, xv. no. 2. Mursiillia (Christian Ludewig) [1744-1*23], Medicinisch-chirurgische Beobachtungen, nebst einigen Aumerknngen daruber. 2 v. xvii, 221 pp., 1 1.; vi (1 1.), 184 pp. 16°. Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 1782-3. -----. Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Schwangern, Gebarenden uud Wcichuerinnen. 2 v. xxii (1 L), 317 pp., 1 L; 1 p. 1., 344 pp. 12°. Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 17-4-6. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 2 v. in 1. xiii, 278 pp.; 1 p. 1., 319 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 1792. -----. Beobachtungen iiber die Ruhr und die Faulfieber. xvi, 256 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. F. Him- burg, 1787. -----. Berichtigung des Sendschreibens des Herrn Hofrath Hagen iu Berlin an den Herrn Hofrath Stark iu Jena iiber zwey schwere (rebnrtsfalle. 56 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 1791. -----. Medicinisch-chirurgische Beobachtun- gen, nebst einigen Anmerkuugen daruber. 2. Aufl. vi, 406 pp. *°. Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 1796. -----. Neue medicinisch-chirurgische Beobach- tungen. xvi, 549 pp. 8'■'■'. Beiiin, C. F. Him- burg, 1796. -----. Rede iiber die Vereinigung der Medizin mit der Chirurgie, gehalten am funfzehnten Stif- tungstage der koniglichen medizinisch-chirur- gischen Pepiniere. Berlin, den zweiten August 1809. 15 pp. *. Berlin, C. S. Spenei; [1899]. -----. Rede iiber die alte und neue Chirurgie, gehalten am siebenzehnten Stiftungstage der medicinisch-chirurgischen Pepiniere, am 2"-1* Au- gust 1811. 30])]). *'*-. Berlin, C. S. Spener, 1812. See. also, l,:immei-liii-t ( Liulewi^). Tascbenbueb iiber Beinbruche. 12°. Berlin, 1S05.— Khe.ineck (Joh.) Me- dizinisclie und chirurgis he Bcobai-htiingen. [etc.] 8°. Berlin, 1815. For Biography see ;\ctK\i1TTieiov, Berl., 1811, i, 385-394. Also: Med.-chir. Ztg., Sal/.b.. 1811. iii, 189-192. For Portrait, see Uolleclion—van Kaathoven. MurtOUg'll (Peter). Condensed history of the great yellow fever epidemic of 1878. Personal sketches aud incidents, full particulars of the Father Mathew Camp, list of cities and towns visited by the scourge, aud names of the victims of the fever iu Memphis. 103 pp. 8°. Memphis, s. C. Toof A Co., 1879. Mtirville (Francois-Joseph) [1801-61]. * Con- sid6rations sur le souimeil. viii, 9-35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 114, v. 186. For Biography, see Kee. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1861, 3. s., v, 253-256 (M. Ladureau). Mury (Niii-cisse-D^sire"). * Du cancer de Luteins, et de sa therapeutique. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*26, No. 41, v. 198. MllS (Leouardus). * Spec, sistens rationalem methodum curandi et pra*cavendi quosdam mammarum muliebrium liesain lactationem conceruentes morbos. 26 pp. 4°. Duisbnrgi ad Rhenum, F. A. Benthon, [1770]. Musa (Antonius). Libellus utilissimus de bo- tanica. In: Medici antiqui omnes qui latinis [etc.] fol. Ve- netiis 1547 ff. 223. See, also] Ackermanii (Joannes Christianus Gottlieb.) De Antonio Musa. Octaviani August! medico, [etc.] 4°. Altorfii, 1786. —C'rcll (Joh. Fridericus). Antonnnn Mu- slim Augusti medicum observati-mibus varii generis illus- tratum sistit. 4°. Lipsiee. 1172.".]. — Saleriiiim (School of). De conservanda bona valetudine. 8-T Francofurti, 1545. MI'S A HEN MAIMOX. Musa ben Maiiiioii. See Moses Maimonides. JVliisa paratlinitial. I£c»tiier. Der Platanenstaub und sein Einfluss auf die Gesundheit. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1879, iv, I62-1C7. Musa* li III Franc. Calceolari juu. verouensis a Benedicto Ceruto medico iucieptum, et ab An- drea Chiocco . . . luculenter descriptum et per- fectum, in quo multa ad naturalem moraleinciue philosophiam spectantia, non pauca ad rem me- dicam peitineiitia erudite propouuntur et expli- cantur. 2:! p. 1., 746 pp., 1 pi. fol. Veronce, apud A. Tainum, 1622. Musaeus (Carolus). *De unguibus monstrosis, et cornuum productione iu puella cornigera La- landiie. 26 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Hafnice, typ. J. S. Martini. [1716]. Musaeus (Joannes Theodorus). * De paracen- tesi thoracis et abdominis. 15 pp. sm. 4°. Je- na; typ. Gollnerianis, [1697]. For Biography, see Slevogt (Jo. Had.) Musatti (Cesare). Creniazione e medieina fo- rense. Lettura tenuta all' Ateneo veneto il 20 luglio 1876. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Padova, P. Pros- per ini, 1*76. ------. II solfito di soda nell' allattamento arti- ticiale e nei catarri intestinali dei bambini. 4 pp. 8°. Padova, 1**0. Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1880, xxiii. ------. Storia di un' ipertrofia prostatica vinta colla cauterizzazione termo-galvanica. 8 pp. 8". Milano, 1887). Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi. Iflusca? volitantes. See; also, Vitreous humor (Diseases, etc., of). Andkkas (C. G.) * De maculis oeulorum vo- laticis. 4ri Lugd. Bat., 1725. Bkexxer (J.),' Bitter von Felsach. * De myode- sopsia respeetu diagnostico et setiologico. 8°. Vindobonce, 1833. Daxiox (J.-M.) *fitude sur la myoddsopsie. 4 . Pavis, 1866. Fei'illerade (L.-C.) * De la myiodopsie, ou des mooches volantes et fixes. 4°. Pavis, 1864. Goiiekexn (J. H.) * De maculis punctulis scintillis aliisque corpusculis visui ohversauti- bus. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., 1747. Necber (A. VV.) Ueber schwebende Flecke im Auge, oder den sogenannteu Miickentanz, nach Beobachtungen an sich selber. 8°. Ham- burg, 1839. Also [Abstr.], in: Pfaff's prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., Altona, 1839-40, vii, Hft. 11-12, 1-45. Rothkepbkl (C. \\.) * Phantasinata ante oculos volitantia, oeulorum adfectus singularis. 4°. Erlangce, 1751. Scholz (C. F.) * De muscis volitantibus. 8C. Berolini, [1*53]. Vogler (J. H. C.) * De maculis aute oculos volitantibus. sm. 4C. Helmstadii, [1795]. Wki.ler (E. C. A.) ■ Nonnulla de muscis vo- litantibus. •*-. Lipsia; 187)7. Zilliox (I.) "Essai sur la pseudoblepsie, on imaginations perpetuelles de Maitre Jean. 4-. Stvasbouvg, 1837. Andreae (A.) Leber das Floekensehen. J. d. Chir. u Augenh.. Berl.. Is25, viii, 16; 214. — Andriciix. Quelques refit ximts pratiques sur la myodepsie et sur sou traitenient. Hull gen. de therap., etc., I'ar., 1840, xix, 274 — 278. — Appiii. De l'teil vn par lui-menie. Arch. d'opth.. Par., ls:,:{. i, 49-65. — Brewster (D.) On the optical phenomena, nature, anil locality of musca- voli- tantes ; with observations on the structure of the vitreous humour, and on ihe vision of objects placed within tbe eve. Tc Roy. Sec. Edinb.. 1842-3, xv. :i77-3s.",. — Demonrw. Extrait d'un memoire sur des tilamc-ns. taches mobiles, globules, et toiles d'araignees tl i-s clelie'-es qui paietissent voltiger devant les yeux. J. denied., chir., pharm., etc.. I Par., 1788, lxxiv, 274-289. — Fano. Essai sur la myodc*- sopsie, ou sur les niouches volantes et fixes. Lnion ined., MI'SrAKlNH. Jliiscae volitantes. Par., 1804, 2. s., xxiii, 84; 131; 180: 21V—Fcniier i(T S.) Musca- volitantes. Am. Pract.. Louisville. 1870. xiii, 19_ 22.—lialczowski (X.) Etudes sin les llocons du corps vitre. syncliysis (Hot-one nx). Ann. d'ocul.. Unix., 1804, li, 61-76. — <*ii aml-Tculon. Myiudopsie. Diet. rnc\ct d. so. meet, I'ar.. 1S76, 2. s., \i, 2ii)-22:i.— I-I rillilh (1;V.«.) Air bubbles in the fluids of the eve (musca- volitantes). N. York Lancet, 1842. ii, 209: 22.".. — liny (ti.) Apparent movement of must ;e. Tr. Am. Ophth. Sue-.., N. V., lsi.9, 6. sess., 71.—la;-o (.1.) Opthalnioscopic nuise-.T volilanltH in a very myopic eye. Med. 'limes \ (Iaz., Lond., 1801, i, 465-467.—Jonon. Note sur la myoelesopsio. J. dela sect, denied. Soe.. acad. Loire Inf.. Nantes, 1802. xxxviii, 47- 61. — l»ana.«t. Les mourhes volantes. Proxies ined. Par 1887, 2. s., v, 435-437. — I'aiTaiI-1,.-null an. Cas tie pathologie oculaire, relatif a des eorpusculcs voltigcant dans la chambre posterieure de l'ce.il. et donnant lieu ii cles images faiitastiques. Kev. metl. franc, et etrang., Par., 18_'8,iv, 203-207.—KilcyflT C.) The significance of specks or opacities before lhe exes. Med. it Sur;:. Reporter Phila., 1886, liv, 450-452. —Kncte (T.) Leber die (icsiclit.H- erscheinungen, welche von Kdrperchen abhiingen, die sich in, oder auf dem Auge selbst bctinden. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1844, n. F., iv, 443-457. Also [Abstr.]: Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aer/.te 1841!. Gratz, 1844, xxi, 296-298. — Michel. He la niyio- dupsie et des scotomes. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1859, vii, 64!!-047. — Sotleau. Recherches sur les appatene ea visuelles sans objet exterieur, counties sous le noni vulgaii c tie mouches volantes. | Lap. de Stacquoz.j Ann.Soc.de m6d. de Gand, 1842, xi, 49; 98. — Stark (,L) On the na- ture, localitv, and optical phenomena of must ie volitanlcs. Edinb. M. '&. S. J.. 1843, lx, 399-410. Also, Reprint.- SteifeiiMand. Leber die im Autre selbst betindlicht n llesiehtsobje-cte, besonders das Muckenschcn. Moimt- schr. f. Med., Augenh. n. Chir., Leipz.. 1838, i, 203-211 — Tavignot. Pseudo mouehes volantes simulant uno amaurose. Union med.. Par.. 1851, v, 14. — Wallace (W. C.) Cases of muscae volitantes; with remarks on their proximate cause. Lond. M. (Iaz., 1838-9. xxiii. 109- 114. — Ware (J.) On the musca* Tolitantes ol nervnus persons. [4 cases.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1814, v, 255-277. Mil scale button. Briggs (J. R.) "Muscale buttons; " physiological ef- fects; personal experience. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 276. Ifliiscarcliiie. See Silk-worms (Diseases of). Muscarine. See, also, Amanita muscaria; Atropine (Phy- siological, etc., effects of); Fungi (Toxicology of). Jordan (8. N.) *Beitr;ioe zur Kenntniss der pharniakologiwhen Gruppe des Muscarins. 8 . Leipzig, 1877. Also, in: Arch. f. exper.'Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1877, viii, 15-30. Boehm (R.) Ueber das Vorkommeu lind die Wiikun- gen des Cholins und die Wirkungen der kiinstlichen Mus- carine. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Lei])/,., 188."), xix, 87-100.—Choiii>ne (H.) La muscarine, (la/,, lit-bd. tie med.. Par., 1876, 2. s., xiii, 259; 291.—4»a»kell (W. II ) On the action of atropia and muscariu upon the heart of the frog. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Loud., 1881, i, 508-511.— Harnack (E.) Unlersiichungeu iiber l-'liegen- pilz-Alkalo'ide. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz.. i875, iv, 168-190.—Hogyes* (F.) Die Wirkung cles Muscarins auf die Circulationsorgane. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1882, 37-45. — Koberl (R.) Ueber die Deu- tung der Muscarinwii kiing am Her/.eii. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz.. 1885-6, xx, 92-115, 1 pi— Krenchel (V.) Over tie working-van muscarine op de accommodatie en tie pupil. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesob., 1874-5, 3. R., iii, 22-38. Also: Versl. . . . Nederl. (iastli. v. Ooglijelcrs, Ltrecht, 1874. xv, 36-52. A,lso. transl.: Hosp.-Tid.. Kjobenh., 1874, 2. K., i, 145-155. Also, transl..- Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1874, xx, 1. Abth., 135-150.—.Vlermiowii-z (J.) Hie Stromung del Bauehlyniphe naih tier Veigifiuiig mit Miiscaiin. Nicutin und Veiatrin. Arb. a. d. ph\siol. Anst. zu Leipz. (IsiO), 1877, xi. 117-142. — JI©r*hea«l ( E. A. ) The action of muscariu on the human body. Lancel, Loud., 1877, ii. 198- 200— IVawrocki (F.) Pr/.ve/.ynek do dzialania itiuska- rynu. [Effects of muscarin] Przegl. lek., Krakow , 1880, xix, 221-223. Also, transl.: Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1880, v, 1953-1956.—Prevosl U.-L.) Note relative ii l'an- tagouismemiituelde I'atropine etde la muscarine. Compt. rend. Acacl.d. sc, Par., 1877. lxxxv, 630.—I»revo»l (J.-M .V Vloiinicr (II.) Nolo relative a l'aetion physiologique ile la must arine. principe toxique de 1'Agaricus niliscarius. Compt. rend. Soc. debio!. 1874, Par.. 1875, 6. s , i, 183-188 — Nehlicphnke (H.) Leber die' Einwirkung des Musca- rins aut this nienschliche Ance. Mitth. a. tl. ophtli. Kliu. in Tiibing., 1880. 51-57— Schmiedeberg (O.i Homer kuugen iiber die Muacaiiuwirkung. Arch. f. exper. Path. MUSCARINE. 549 MUSCLK. ifliiscarine. u. Phannakol.. Lcdpz., 1881, xiv, 376-378. —Sellmiede- berg (Or A. Ilarnaek ( E.) Leber die Constitution und Darstellnng des Muscarins. Centralbl. f. tl. med. Wis- sensch., Iit'i-1., 1875, xiii. 598.----------. Ueber die Syu- these (lis Muscarins und iiber muscariuartig wirkende Ammoniiiinbasen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz.. 1876, vi, 101-112.—.**.....len (C. M.) Om musca rin, den giftiga alkalo'ulen i ilueswaiupen. Upsala Liika- ref Idili., 1869-70, v, 245-253. —'I'i'hinpy ill.) \- l.ucli- >iu<^ei' ( K. ) Hie Wirkung von Miiscai-in nnd Atropin au I' the Schweisstlriisen der Katze. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., lloiui, 1878, xviii, 501-503.—Weinzweig (IT) Leber das Verhalten des mit Muscariu vergil'leten Ilerzens gegen seine Nei ven. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1882, 527-539, 2 pi. Enseal. See, also, Bassadore.. I»eler« ( C. T. ) Medico-topographical report of Mus- cat. Tr. M. &. Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1876, n. s., xii, 152-174. Muscat (Lrnestus Ludovicus) [1797-1K1-2]. *l)e inetainorpliosi gelatinosa ventricnli et ceterarum tnbi intestinalis partiuni infantum. 45 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Bruschckieniis. [ 1827,]. IWuscliaweckll (Joanne Baptista). *De mor- bis ii'oris et nieclie-anientis aphorismi medici. 14 pp. 8-. Monachii, F. Wild, 1839. Muscle (Chemistry (titel histology of). See, also. Electro-physiology; Fibre (Ani- mal); Meats; Muscles; Muscular sense; Mus- culine: Urea. Arnold ( J. ) Das Gewebe der organisclien Muskeln, mit einer Tafel. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Breciit (H.) *De nmsculi agentis cheniismo nonnulla. 8'-. Berolini, [18(54]. da Costa Simoes (A. A.) Histologia e phy- siologist, geral dos mnsculos. Seccao I. Histolo- gia dos mnsculos. Tomo i. 8J. Coimbra, 1878. Cramer (F.) * Leber das Veihalteu der qucr- gestreiften Muskelfaser bei traumatiscber Ent- y.undung. 8 . Frankfurt, 1870. Dobie (W. M.) Observations on the minute structure, and mode of contraction of voluntary muscular fibre. 8l . [ London, 1849.] Repr. from : Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Lond., 1849, iii. Dc Bois-Kevmoxd (E.) De libra* muscularis reactione, ut ehemicis visa est, acida. 4°. Be- rolini, 187,9. Dwigiit (T.), jr. The structure and action of strutted muscular libre. Hu. [Boston, 1873.] Repr. from.- Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., 1873, xvi. Ficimts (II. K.) * De tibia- muscularis forma et structura. 4°. Lipsia; [18:5(5]. (Irun.macii ( E. ) 'Ueber die .Stiuctur der qnergestreif'ten Muskelfaser bei den Insecten. 8°. Berlin, [1872]. (Icbler (J.) * Leber die Liingenverhaltnisse der Fleischfasern einiger Muskeln. 8°. Zurich, |8(i(). ab Holst (J.) * De structura musculorum in genere et aunulatoruin uiusculis in specie obser- vationes microscopica'. 8°. Dorpati Liroitorinn, 184(5. Ki.eix (T.) * Ueber Entwicklungs- und Kreis- laut'verhiiltnisse kleinzelliger Rundzellensar- kome der .Muskeln. 8°. Burg, 1886. Kolliker (A.) Ueber die Cohnheim'schen Felder der Muskelquerschiiitte. 8 '. Wiirzburg, 1866. Meyer (E.) * Ueber rothe und blasse quer- gestreifte Muskeln. 8*. Gottingen, 1877,. Also, in.- Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Lei])/.., 1875, 217-232. Mcys (\V. (1.) Investigatio fabrica1,, qua? in partibus mnsculos coniponentibus extat. Dis- sertatio prima de cam is musculosa* fibrarumque carnearuin structura, quatenus sine vasis san- guiferis, uervis, nervosisque villis, atque mem- branis specfantur. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1741. ------. Musculorum aitiliciosa fabrica, obser- vationibus copiosissiniis et experinieulispkysicis ,?Iliscle (Chemistry ttud histology of\ deinonstrata a I que ieonibus maiiu autoris deli- neatis illustrata. 4°. Lugd. Bat.} 1751. Nas.sk ( O. ) Zur Anatomic und Physioiogie der quergestreiften Muskelsubstanz. 8°. Leip- zig, 188-2. Piotkovski (A.) " () niisliechnome fermentie. [On muscular ferments.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 18(57. Povahix (M.) *K voprosu o vlijanii sua na myshetehnujon silu cheloveka. [Influence of sleep on muscular strength of man.] 4°. St. Petersburg, 1 s^'.L Rittf.r ( E. ) * Des proprietes physiques du tissu musculaire. 4°. Strasbourg. 18:6,3. Kollett (A.) Ueber freie Enden querge- streifter Muskelfaden ini iuneren der Muskeln. 8 . Wien, 187)6. ------. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der quergestreiften Muskelfasern. 1. Theil. 4°. Wien, 1887). Repr. from : Denkschr. d. math.-naturw. Cl. cl. k. Akad. el. Wissensch., xlix. Solcjer (E.) * De mnseuli caloic. 8-. Vra- tislavia; [1862]. Stefkan (P.) * Die kerniihnlichen Gebilde des Muskelpriniitivbiindels. 8°. Erlangen, 186,9. Also, in: Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1861, 3. R., x, 204-237, 2 pi. Sundevall (C. J.) Om niuskelbyggiiaden i foglarnas extreiniteter. 8 . Stockholm, 187)7). Repr. from: Nat.- for.sk.- Siillsk. forhandl., 1851. Wagner (II.) "Beitriige zur vergleichend chemischen Physioiogie der Muskelsubstanz. 8 r Wiirzburg, 1887). Warrex (J.) * Beitriige zur physiologischen Chemie des Mnske-ls 8". Bonn, 188(1. Wydler (F.) * Ueber die Bestandtheile des menschlichen Muskelextructs. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1848. Adiicco (V.) La reazioue dell' orina iu rapporto con il lavoro nmseolare. Gior. el. r. Accad. di nied. di Torino, 1887. 3. s . xxxv, 42-50. —Aeby (C.) Ueber die Beziehun- geii tier Fasei zahl zum Alter ties MuskeTs. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl.. Leipz. ii. Heidelb., 1862. 3. R., xiv, 182-199. 1 pi.— A|M-l«oii (O.i Bidrag till kiinnedoiiien om extremite- ternas bygnatl hos den tviitalge sengaugaren, Cliola-pus didactylus. [Structure of terminal fibres of muscles.] Upsala Lakaief. Forh., 1880-81, xvi, 122-144. — Arnold (J.) Ueber die Abscheidung des indigschwefelsnuren Natrons im Muskelgewebe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877, lxxi, 1-16, 1 pi.—AmIumi ln-w-.lt> . Ueber die Saurebildung und den Milchsauit-nehalt tier Muskeln. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1880, iv, 397-406.— Balscr (H.) Eutwickliuci tuiergestreiftei Mnskelfasern in Pseudoniembranen. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1846, iv, 17-20.—Barry (M.) Note regarding the struct- ure of muscle. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, i, 167. -----. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die sehrauhenfe'irmige Heschatfeuheit der Elementarfaseru der Muskeln, nebst Beobachtungen iiber die muskulose Natur der Flinimerharchen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1850, 529-596, 2 pi. -----. Renewed inquiries concerning the spiral struct- ure of muscle, with observations on the muscularity of cilia. Loud., Edinb. & Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lond., 1852, iv, 81 ; 177, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. Also : Edinb. M. *c S. J., 1853, lxxix, 54-81. — Berlin (W.) Ueber die quergestreifte Muskelfaser. Arch. f. d. holland. Beitr. z. Nat.- ii. Heilk., Utrecht, 1857-8, i, 417-470. —von Bibrsi (E.) Ueber das Muskelfleisch des Menschen unci der Wirbt-Ithierc Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1845, iv, 536-581.—Bierder- iimiiii (W.) Zur Lehre vom Ban der queigestreiflen Muskelfaser. Sitziinusb. cl. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1S76. Wien. Is, ,, lxxiv. 49-62. l]il-voii Biesiadcclii (A.) &-. Uvrzig (A.) Die verschiedenen Fornien der quergestreiften Mnskelfasern. [From: Si- tzungsh. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, xxx, No. 13.] Untersuch z. Naturl. el. Mensch. u. d. Thiere. Giessen, 1860, vi, 105-109. — Bremer (L.) Ueber die Muskelspindeln. nebst Benierkungeu iiber Stiuctur, Neubilduug und Innervation der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1883, xxii. 318- 356, 2 pi. — Briieke (E.) Leber den Bail der Muskelfa- sern. Resultate von Untersuchungen, die mit Hiilfe des polarisiiten Lichtes angestellt wurden. [From: Si- tzungsb. d. k. Akad. cl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1857. Juli.] Untersuch. z. Naturl. tl. Mensch. u. d. Thiere. Frankf. a. M., 1858, iv, 89.— Budge (J.) MUSCLE. 550 muscli: TTInscle (Chemistry and histology of). Ueber einige ehemische Mittel. welche zur Unterschei- .dung zwischen der Muskelfaser und der mittlereu Arte- rienhaut dienen. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1842, 367-371. ------. Bemerkungen iiber Structur und Wachsthum der quergestreiften Muskel- fasern Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg , 1858, n. F., ii, 71-79. 1 pi. -----. Ueber die Genauigkeit meiner Methode tier Muskelfaserzahlung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvii, 196-199. — Bunge (G. ) Analyse der anorga- nischen Bestandtheile des Muskels. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb.. 1884-5, ix, 60-62. — Campbell ( H. PT ) Observations on the law governing muscular fibre. South. M & S. J., Augusta, 1851, n s., vii, 139-142.— C'npezzuoli (S.) Sulla couiposizione della carne mus- colare di diversi vertebrati; studi cbimici comparativi. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze. i854, iv, 65; 73.— C'haiidclon (T.) Ueber die Einwirkuug der Arterien- unterhindung und der Nervcndurchschneidung auf den Glycogengehalt der Muskeln. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xiii, 626-630. — Colin hei m (JT) Ueber den feineren Bau der quergestreilten Muskelfaser. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1865, xxxiv, 606-622, 1 pi. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Berl., 1885, 35-50. — Deiters (O.) Beitrag: zur Histologic der qnergestreiften Muskeln. Arch. f. Anat . Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1861, 393_42+, 1 pi —Dem.-inI (B.) Beitiag zur Lehre iiber die Zersetzung des ("lyco-ens in den Muskeln. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Cbein., St'assb., 1879 iii. 200-2(14. -----. Beitrag zui- Chemie der Muskeln. Ibid., 241-249. -----. Zur Kenntniss der ExtraetivstofFe der Muskeln. Ibid., 381- 390. -----. Ueber das Serumalbuinin in deu Muskeln. Ibid., 1880, iv, 384-386. -----. Zur Frage nach dem ILarn- stoffgehalt der Muskeln. Ibid.. 49-422. — Discussion on the microscopical appearances of striped muscle during rest, and contraction. Tr. Internat M Cong , 7. sess., Lond., 1881, i, 270-272. - Donitz ( W. ) Beitrage zur Kenntniss tier quergestreiften Mnskelfasern. Arch. f. Anat.. I'hysiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz, 1871,434-446. 1 pi — Di-csci- (H.) Ein Vorlesuugsversuch, betreffend elie Saurebihlung bei tier iluskeltliatisikeit. Centralbl. f. Physiol.. Leipz. u. Wien. 1887-8. i, 195. — Du Boiw- Kevuiond. Ueber die angeblich same Reaction des Muskeltfeisehcs. [From : Monatsb. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., 21. Marz 1859.] Untersuch. z. Na- turl. tl. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vii, 1-38.— Dutrochct. Note additionnelle au memoire intitul6: Recherches sur la formation de la fibre musculaire. Gaz. metl.de Par., 1832. iii. 35. — Duval (M.) Muscle; ana- tomic et physi'logic. N. diet, tie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xxiii.'209-202.—E berth (C.J.) Die, Elemente der queigestrei'ten Muskeln. Arch f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvii. 100-124, 1 pi. —Emery (C.) Sur la struc- ture des fibres innsciil.iires striees de queiques vertebras; resume. [Transl. from: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. lss2. 4. s.. iii.] Arch, ital. de biol., Turin, 1882, ii. 133. — En grim mi u ( T. WT ) Mikioskopische on- derzoekingen omtreut den bouw en de beweging der ilwarsgestreepte spierzelfstandigheid. Onderzoek. ged. in h physiol. Lb. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1873. 3. RM ii, 151-241, 2 pi. Also, transl. : Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873. vii, 33; 155, 2 pi. -----. Ueber Bau, Contraction unci Innervation der quergestrejfteu Mnskelfasern. Cuig. period, internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst., 1880, vi. 562-583. -----. Ueber den Ban der quergestreilten Substanz an den Enden der .\l uskelfasern. Onderzoek. ged. in h. phvsiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1882, 3. R. vii, 141-148.—Fano (G.) & Baldi (D.) Gli albutuiuoidi ch 11a liufa e. del sangue nel lavoro muscolai e. Sperimen- tale. iMi-enze. 18.-3. lii, 3-12.—Pick (A.) Ueber die An- hefiungder Mnskelfasern an tlie Sehnen. Arch, f Anat., Phvsiol. n. wissensch. Metl., Berl., 1856. 425-432, 1 pi.— Flemmiug (W.) Leber Bindesubstanz und Gefass- wandung im Sehwellgewebe tier Muscheln. Arch. f. mikr. Anat . Bonn, 1877. xiii, 818-867, 3 pi. —Fol warczny (C.) Leber die Reaction des frisehen Muskelfiei-chos. Wchnbl. d. k. k. ricsellseh. d. Aerzte in Wien. 1802, xxiii. 25-28.— ■•'roricp (A.) Ueber das Saicolenun und die Muskel- ken e. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1878, 416-428.— Giuliani (M.) Sopra i rapporti dei luuscoli coi tenelini. Atti Ace id. nied. di Roma, 1883-6, 2. s., ii, 75-86, 2 pi.— Cxlei** (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Muskelcbemie. Arch. f. d. ges I'hysiol., Bonn, 1887, xii, 69-75.—Oolgi (C ) Con- tribuzione all' istologia dei uiuscoli volontarj. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milauo, 1880, celi, 250-261. ' Also: R. 1st. lomb. di se. e lett. Bendic., Milano, 1880, 2. s., xiii, 25- 31. -----. Annotazioni intorno all' istologia normale e patologica dei museoli voloutari. Arch, per le sc. med Torino, 1881, v, 194-236, 2 pi—Goon fellow (S. J.) Some remarks on the internal structure of voluntary muscle. Lond. Phys. J., L43-4, i. 97-103.—Griitzner (P.) Ueber einige ehemische Re ■actioiieii des thatigen untl unthatigen Muskels. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1873. vii. 254- 263.—Gubler. Leber die Langeuverhaltnisse tier Skeleit- nmskelfasern. Ausder Inauguralabhandluug des . . . mit- getheilt von A. Fiek. Untersuch z. Naturl. d Mensch. u. d. Thiere. Giessen, I860, vii, 251-264. — II acser (H.) I Ueber Amici's Untersuchungen, betreffend den Bau der iTIllwt'le (Chemistry and histology of). Priinitivtasein tier Muskeln. Deutsche Klinik. Berl 1859, xi, 2i)6.— Halliburton (W. I).) On muscle plasma! JT Physiol., I.uml. & Cambridge, 1887. viii, 133-202. A Ini, [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1S87, ii, 227. Also | Abstr j Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond, 1887, xiii, 400 — llarW-NM (|;, Ueber die ehemische Yerauderung des Muskel->-.,\u... durch Warmeunel Bewegung Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Muiuli, n 1860, vii, 154.—Haycraft (I. B.) Lpon the cause of tint striation of voluntary muscular tissue. Proc. Boy Soc Lond., 1880-81, xxxi,360-379, 1 pi. Also: Quart. .}' Micr Sc., Lond., 1881, n. a., xxi, 307-329.— ■■< nxn (V.) Ce ber ein neues Structurverhiiltniss del quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Arb. a. d. Kieler ph> siol. Inst. (Txosj, IstjQ i, 1-26, 2 tab. -----. Nachtiiiglicbe Beinerkungen uhereliet Stiuctur der quergestreiften Muskeln. Ibid., 172-176.— Heppner (C. L.) Ueber ein eigenthiimliehes optiselies Verhalten der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Arch i mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1869, v. 137-144. 1 pi. — lleiinniiu (L.) Leber den Langs- und Querwiderstand der Muskeln, Arch. f. tl. ges Physiol., Bonn. 1886. xxxix, 490-498.— Home(E) The Croonian lecture. On the structure of a muscular fibre from which is derived its elongation anil contraction. Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1826, cxvi, pt 1, 64-68, 1 nl — John (A.) & Welcher (H.) Die keriiahnliehen lie bilde der que rgesti eit'teu Muskelfaser untl die Frage nacli der Existenz eines plasmatischen Gcfasssystems der Mas keln. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1861, 3. R., x, 238-262, 1 pi.—Jolly (L.) Du mode de distribution des phosphates dans les muscles et les tendons. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1879, lxxxix. 958—.lousset tie Hel- icon e. Sur les anastomoses des fibres niusciilaires striees chez les invert6bres. Ibid.. 1882, xcv, 1003.— Klemcn- siewicz (R.) Ueber lacunare Usur der quergestreiften Mnskelfasern. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. cl. Wissensch Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1879, lxxix, 3. Abth.. 162-176, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.l: Oesterr arztl. \Tereinsztg., Wien, 1879, iii, 138. — Keehlcr (R.) Sur la niorphologie eles fibres musculaires chez les ^chinorhynques. Compt rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1887, civ, 1634-1636. -----. Recherches sur les fibres musculaires de l'Echinoi-In m-bus gh'as et de l'E. heruca. Ibid., 1192- 1194. — Ki:iii.< ( w!~) Leber den Bau der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1868, 3. R.. xxxiii, 265: 1869, 3. R., xxxiv, 110. -----. Die Querlinie n tier Muskelfasern in physiologischer Hinsicht. Ztschr. t. Biol., Miinchen 1869 v, 411, 2 pi. : 1870, vi, 453. — KmItenbcrs ( C. f'. W. j Vergleiehend - physioiogische Bcitiiigt zur Cheiuie der coutractilen Gewebe. Untersuch. a. d. physiol Inst d. Univ. Heidelb., 1879-80. iii, 198-22m. -----. Weitere Untersuchungen zur vergleichendeu Muskelcheinie. In hisj Vergleith. physiol. Stud., 8°, Heidelb., 1882, 2. It.. 143- 14-* -—liii line tVVT) Die Muskelspindeln. [Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Entwickeluug der Muskeln untl Xer venfasern ] Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 1863, xxviii 528-538, 1 pi. -----. Ueber den Farhstoti der Muskeln! Ibid.. 1865, xxxiii, 79-94—E a Hi am i IT \\T> On the ori- gin and formation of lactic acid, creatine, and urea iu mus- cular tissue. [Abstr.] Lancet. Loud., 1-f5. i 933. Also: Med. Times & Gaz , Lond.. 1885, i. 674— I.chert. Re- sum6 d'un memoire sur la structure de la libre musculaire du mouvement volontaire et du cceur elans les diverses classesd'auiiuaux. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1849, 3. s.. iv, 938-941. Also: Coinpt. ivnd. Soc. de biol. 1849. Par., 1850, i, 53-61.- Eeydig(l'T) Ueber Tastkdrpert hen und Muskelstiuk- tur. Arch. f. Auat.. Physi 1. u wissensch. Med.. Leipz., 1856, 150-159, 1 pi.—von l.imlM < l< (R.i Ueber morpho- logische Verscbietleubeiteii quergestreifter Mnskelfasern. Prag. metl. Wchnsehr.. 1885, x, 437-439. — Eiwler (.1.) On the minute structure of involuntary muscular fibre. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1856-7, xxi. 549-557, 1 pi.—.McDon- nell (R.) On tne recent researches concerning the sugar of muscle. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1866-7, i. 275-280.— l'lacuamara (C.) On the minute anatomy of muscle. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 237. ----- Striped mus- cle. Med. Times Sc (Jaz.. Lond., 1866, ii, 526. —.Tla reel (W.) Remarks on the brine of salt meat, ami on Hie tlis tribution of albumen through muscular tissue. .1. Chem. Soc.. Lond., 1864. xvii, 405-415. Also, Reprint. —.Tl a rev. Recherches experimentales sur la morphologic tb - unis cles. Compt. rend. Aeatl. d. se., Par., 1887. cv. 446-451. Also: France med., Par., 1887. ii, 1355-1358. — .Tlarjjo (T.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung, elas Wachsthum, die Neubildung uud den feineren Ban del Muskelfasern. [From : Sitzungsb. el. k. Akad d. wissen sch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, xxxvi.] Untersuch. z. Na turl. el. Mensch. u. cl. Thiere, Giessen, I860, vi. 327-349. -----. Ueber die Muskelfasern tier Mollusken. Eiu Bei trag zur vergleichendeu Structur und Ent wie khiiigs-Lehri- des Muskelgewehes. [From: Sitzungsb. cl. k. Akad. d. wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien.] //>c'c/.. vii. 165-180 1 pi.—Marshall (C. F.) Observations on the struct tire and distribution of striped and unstriped muscle in the animal kingdom, and a theory of muscular contraction. Quart. J. Micr. Sc.. Lond., 1887-8, u. s., xxviii, 75-107, 1 pi.— Tlarlin i II.) Recherches sur la structure* de la fibre museul lire striee et sur les analogies dc structure; et (le fonction entre le tissu musculaire ct les cellules ii baton- MUSCLE. Jlli*t'le {Chemistry and histology of). nets (protoplastic! stric). Kettle prat. tl. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. (le France. Trav.. Par., 1882, 173- 218. 1 pi. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., ysy -» s x 465-510. 1 pi.—.Tlariyn (S.) On the anatomy olTnuscuiar fibre. Aicb. Med., Lond., 1861-2, iii, 227-234— ,TI:ijer(S.) Zur Histologic ties quergostroiftcn Muskels. WTiiere Beitrag zur Lchie von den Transformationsprozcs- sen in unversehrten (lewebcu. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1881-5. iv, 129-137. -----. Die sogenaunten Sarkoplasten. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1886, i, 231-235—Hcllaiiri (B.) A sim- plified view of tlie histology of the stiiped inuscle-fihre. Quart. .1. Micr. Sc, Loml., 1885. n. s., xxv, 371-390, 1 pi.— iTIerhel (F.) Der quergestreifte Muskel. II. Der Cou- tractiimsvorgaiig ini polarisirten Licht. Arch. f. mikr. Auat,, Bonn, 1873, ix. 293-307, 1 pi— .Tlellenheimer (C.) Leber eine eigenthiiniliche Art von ('nei streifung an den Muskeln der Aiiuelideu. Arch. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. u. wis- sensch. Metl.. Le-ipz.,1860, 361-363. 1 pi— lTlolesehott (J.) A Kailiwlini (A.) Sur la reaction chimique des muscles stiics et, des diverses paitiesdu s\steuie. nerveux a l'etat tie re]ios et apres le travail. Arch, ital ele biol., Turin, 1887, viii, 90-124.— TinnU (11.) Kiitgegnung. [Konnuen- tar zur neuesten Literatnr tlei quel gesti-eilten Muskelfa- ser.] Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1858,'viii. 216-218. [See, also, infra. Kollct. ] — ,TI u v*. Observations on the text- ure of'the muscles. Phil". IT. 1700-20. Lond.. 1731, v, 392-394. — ;\'a»»e ((I.) Zur niikroskopiscben Untersu- ch uug ties epiergestreiften Muskels. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol.. Bonn 1878. xvii, 282-290. — rViholaides (It.) Leber di •■ mikroskopischen Erscheinungen bei tier Con- tiai'liun (h'S tpergesl reiften Muskels. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz.. 1885. 150 - 156. — Paiil'lh (J.) Zur Frage' nach der Natur (ler Sarkopl-isten. Anat Anz.. Jena, 1887. ii, 136-138. — PeterNeu (P.j Leber tlie Schwankungeu im Wasser-. Fett- und Stickstott'gehalt cles Fleisches. Zt- schr. f. Biol., Miiucheu. 18,1. vii. 166-178. — Picard. Sur ralbumine des nuiscles du chien. Compt. rend. Soc. tie 'biol. 1880, Par.. 1881, 7. s.. ii, 145-147.—Pixan© (G.) Studi istologici sui fascio lnuscolarc primitivo striato. Gior. iii nied.. t'arin. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1870. xviii, 901-922.— PIumz. Leber die, Bescbatfenheit der doppelbrechenelen Siihslaiizeu der qileigestieiften Muskelfasern. Mett- chein. Untersuch. a. tl. Lab. . . . zu Tiibing., Berl., 1871, 510-516. — l»rocl»:i«li:i (G.) De carne musculari tracta- tus anatoinii-o phvsiologicus. Oper. minor, pars i, 1800, 159-272, 6 pi—K unite (J.) Untersuchung uber die ehe- niiscbeii Beilingungen der Erinuelung des Muskels. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, ti. wissensch. Metl., Leipz., 1863, 422: 1864, 320. — IS a n v ier ( L. ) Du spectre musculaire. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1874, lxxviii, 1572-1575. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1875. 2. s., i, 774-780. —Kemah (11.) Leber die Zusainmeiizichungdei' MusUclprimitivbiindfl. Arch. f. Anat , Phvsiol. u. wis- sensch. Metl., Berl.. 1843, 182-189. — Rcnanl (.1.) Note sur les disques accessoires des disqiles minces dans les muscles stries, presentee par M. CI. Bernard. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se, Par., 1877, Ixxxv, 964-967.—Retains (elii- pilou (Catherine) tfc l>a n ilevslt y (A.) Ueber die Na- tur ileu- anisotropen Substanzen cles quergestreiften .Mus- kels untl Hue raumliche Vert heilung im Muskelbundel. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Stiassb., 1881, v. 349-365.— Neliullze (M.) Ueber Muskt lUiirpercben und das was man tine Zellc zu nennen liahe. Arch f. Anal.. Physiol. u. wissensch. Med.. Leipz., 1861, 1-27— Sellwalhe (G.) Leber ch:u feineren Bau der Muskelfasern wirbelloser 1 MUSCLE. ITIuscIe (Chemistry and histology of). Thiere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 1869, v, 205-247. 2 pi.— Nezelltow. Zur Histologie der quergestreiften Muskcin. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl 1860, xix, 215-220. 1 pi.— Mlintziu:; (R.) Fortgeselzte Untersuchungen iiber die Kohlensiiureder Muskeln. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol. Bonn 1879-80, xx, 189-200.—von Than holler (L.) Beitrage zur Histologie des quergestreiften Muskels und der Ner- veneudignng in demselben. Biol. Centralbl.. Erlang., 1881, i, 349-351 -----. Beitriige! zur Histologie uud Ner- venendigung der quergestiiifteu Muskelfasern. Anh f mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1882-3, xxi, 26-44, 2 pi,—Thin (<;.) On the minute anatomy of muscle and tendon, and some notes regarding the stricture of the cornea. Edinb. M. J., 1874-5, xx, 23.s-2.51, 3 pi. -----. On the structure of mus'- e-ular fibre. Oiiarl J. Micr. Se-, Lond., 1876, n. s.. xvi, 251-259, 1 pi.— 1 nyer (L.) Untersuchungen iiber die quergestreilten Muskelfasern des lebenih-n Thieres. Med Jahrb., Wien, 1879, 1. Hft., 61-66.—Wajjenei- (G. R.) Ueber die Muskelfaser der Evertebraten. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1863, 211-233, 2 pi! -----. Ueber die Entwiekliing und den Bau der querge- streiften und glattcn Muskelfasern. Sitzungsb. d. Gesell- sch. z. Before!, cl. ges. Naturw. in Marb., 1SG7, 82-88. _____. Ueber die Querstreifen der Muskeln. Ihid., 1872, 25-33. -----. Ueber tlie quergestreiften Muskelfasern des Her- zens. Ibid., 1872, 141-154. -----. Ueber die epiergestreifte Muskeltibrille. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 1873 ix, 712- 725. 1 pi. -----. Ueber einige Erscheinungen an den Mus- keln lebendiger Corethra pluniicornis: Larven. Ibid., 1874, \. 293-310, 2 pi. -----. Ueber elie Entstehuiig der Querstreifen auf tlen Muskeln und den davon abhangigen Erscheinungen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwc"kln"s»'eseh Leipz., 1880, 253-279, 2 pi. Continued in: Arch f. Tl. ,,es' Physiol.. Bonn, 1882-3, xxx, 511-535, 1 pi.—Ueber (lv) Note sur les noyaux des muscles stries chez la greii,mille adiilte. Anh. tie physiol. norm, el path., Par., 1874, vi, 4X9-495. —Weber (O.) Ueber die Bithciligiing der Mus- kelkdrpere hen und der quergestreiften Muskeln an tlen Neubiltliingen, nebst Bemerkungen iiher die Lehre von der Specificitfif, der (lewebselemente. Arch. I path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxxix, 254-269. 1 pi. — WeiNiuami (A.) Leber die Verbindung der Muskelfasern mil illicit Ansatz- punkten. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1861 3. R.. xii, 126-144, 2 pi. •-----. Zur Histologic der Muskeln. Ibid., 1865, 3. R.. xxiii, 26-45.—IVejl (T.) Histoiische Xotiz zur Muskelchemie Ztschr. I. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882-3, vii, 185.—Wiiidlc ill. (T A.) On the myology of Ercthizon epixauthus. .1. Anal. & Physiol., Lond., '1887-8, xxii, 126-132.—von Willie li. Beitriige zur Histologie der quergi'streiften Muskeln. Keinigsb. med. Jahrb., Kouie.sb , 1861-2, iii, 46-51.—ZaleNUi (S. S ) Das Eisen und das Hamoglobin ini hint I'rcicn Muskel. Centralbl. f. (1. med. Wissensch.. Berl., 1887. xxv. 06; 98. Also, transl.: Arch, slaves tic biol., Par., 1887, iii, 435-441. Muscle (Development and growth of). Deiters (O. F. C.) Dc iucreiuento muscu- lorum observationes auatoiuico-physiologicie. 8'-'. Bounce, 187)6. Fokel (F. A.) * Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Eutwickluug des zelligeu Muskelgewebes. Beitriige zur Eutwicklungsgeschichte der Naja- deu. 8-1. Wurzburg, 186H. Kraske (P.) Experimentelle Untersuchungeii iiber die Regeneration der quergestreiften Mus- keln. 4°. Halle, 1878. Lukdekixu (R.) * Uiitersuchungen fiber die Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskelfasern. 8°. Strassburg, 1876. Mokitz (E.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- wickelung der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. 8°. [Dorpat], I860. Sc'iiMiTZ (G.) * De increineiito musculorum observationes physiologic*. s . Gryphiee, 187)8. VON VlLLERS(A.) * Ueber Muskehvaclisthuni. [Jena.] 8°. Leipzig, 1881. Westholt (J.) * Ueber Muskelregeueration. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1874. Zabielin (A.) *0 vozrojdeuii mislitse pri tiaumatizniie. [ Regeneration of muscles in wounds.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1879. Zeuker (F. A.) Ueber die Regeneration des quergestreiften Muskelgewebes; eine historisch- kritische Untersucliung zur theoretischeu Pa- thologic. 4J. Leipzig, 1864. Billroth (TT) Ueber die Xeuhildiing cpiergestreifter Muskelfasern in einer Hodeiigcschwiilst. Deutsche Kli- nik. Berl.. 1855. vii, 73.—Brnidwood (P M.) On the development of striped muscular fibre in the vertebrate. MUSCLE. 5.r>2 MUSCLE. ITIUM'le (Development and growth of). Brit. &. For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1866, xxxvii, 447-458, 1 pi__Budge (J.) Ueber das Wachsthum der Muskeln. Ztschr f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1861, 3. R., xi, 3(15- 313—C'alberla (E.) Studien iiber die Entwicklung der quci'Mstreifte u Muskeln uud Xerven der Amphibien und Re ptilit n. Anh. f. mikr. Anat,, Bonn, 1875, xi, 442-458, 2 pi. Chappni*. Die morphologische Stellung der klei- nen biiitern Kopfmuskeln. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwck- Jngsgesch., Leipz.. 1876-7, ii, 287-297, 1 pi. — Dutrochet (K.-J.-H.) Recherches sur la formation de la fibre muscu- laire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1831, ii, 411-415. Also, Reprint.— E berth (C. J. ) Zur Entwieklungsgeschichte der Mus- keln. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1866, ii, 504-506, 1 pi.— Fox (W.) On the development of striated muscular fibre. Phil. Tr.. Lond.. 1866, clvi, 101-112, 2 pi.—Hermann (L.) Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung des Muskelstroms. Arch f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877, xv, 191-232, 1 pi.— ■IckcIiI. Ueber die Neubilduug qnergestreifter Mus- keln un t caverndse Tumoren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1854, viii. 126.—Hoffmann (C. E. E.) Ueber die Neubilduug quergestreifier ■ Vluskelfasern, insbesondere beim Typhus abdominalis. Ibid., 1867, xl, 505-518, 1 pi.— Kai-zander (J.) Beitrage zur Entwieklungsgeschichte der Kaumnskulatur. Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien, 1885, n. F., i, 17-23, 1 pi.—Macalister (A.) On tbe embrvogeny of the muscular system. L)ub- lin J. M. Sc, 1877', lxiii, 317-328.— Pcrcmeschko (P.) Die Entwickelung der quergestreiften Muskelfasern aus Muskelkernen. [Eine an Froschmuskeln angestellte Un- tersuchung mit Beriicksichtigung der Arbeit von Kiihne: Ueber die peripberischen Endorgane der motorischen Ner- ven. 1K62.] Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1863, xxvii, 116- 126, 2 pi. — Petrowslty. Zur Frage iiber das Wachsthum der Muskelfasern und der Muskeln beim Frosch. Central- bl. f. el. metl Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 769-772.—Bobin (G.) Memoire snr la naissance et le developpement des ele- ments musculaires de la vie animale et du cceur. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1854, Par., 1855, 2. s., i. 201-207. Also: Gaz. med. de Par.. 1855. 3. s., x, 387-389—Bonget (G.) M6moire sur le de'-veloppement embryonnaire cles fibres luusculaires de la vie animale et du cceur. J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par., 1863, vi, 459-465.—Schulze (F. E.) Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichto der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1862, 385-392, 1 pi.— MalVia (E.) Sui trapianta- niento dei muscttli e sulla rigeuerazione (telle fibre musco- lari. Gazz. cl. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 156; 172; 179. Also [Abstr]: Liv. clin. e lerap., Napoli, 1884, vi, 507-510.— Mlilling (H.) tfc Pntzner (W.) Ueber die Regenera- tion der glatlen Muskeln. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1886, xxviii, 396-412, 1 pi— Surbled (G.) Sur lagen6.se de la fibrille musculaire. Bull. Soc. philomat., Par., 1878, 7. s., ii, 150.—Trinehese (S.) Comment les fibres muscu- laires en voie tie tleveloppemtut, s'unissent aux fibres ner- veuses. [Transl. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lineei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma. 1886, ii. Rendic] Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, 1886, vii, 376-378. — Weixiiiann (A.) Ueber das Wachsen der quergestreilteu Muskeln nach Beobachtungen am Frosch. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl., Leipz. ii. Heidelb., 1861, 3. R., x, 263-281, 2 pi. ----. Ueber die Neubildung quergestreifter Muskelfasern. Eine Erwide- ruug an Herrn Prof. Budge. Ibid., xii, 354-359.—Will (F.) Einige Worte iiber die Entstehuug der Querstreifen der Muskel. Anh. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1843, 353-364— Wnlzcr. Ueber die Moglichkeit tier Bildung von Muskelfasern durch pathologische Pro- cesse. Ibid., 1834. 451-456. illiiKC'le (Fistula of). See, Fistula (Muscular). Ifluscle (Growth of). See Muscle (Development, etc., of). i11ii*de (Histology of). See Muscle (Chemistry, etc., of). .Hiiixcle (Influence of drugs on). Sec, also, Curare; Guanidine; Nux vomica. Brackmaxn (H.) * Ueber die Wirkung ver- seliiedener Gifte auf die Form der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. ,s\ [Wurzburg], 1886. Closter.meyer (T. ) * Beeinflussung des le- henclen Warinliluti'iniuskels durch Curare, Gua- nidin, Veratrin. s T Wiirzburg, 1817. Fliesciikr (J. H.) ^Tetauisireude Gifte uud ihr Antidot. [Gottingen.] S;. Heilitjenstadt, 1877. Floel(0.) *Die Wirkung der Kalium- und Natrium-Salze auf die glatte Muskulatur ver- schiedener Thiere. [Jena.] 8°. Bonn, 1884. Also, in: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1884-5, 157-173. JMllsde (Influence of drugs on). Kif.ssi.ixg (A.) 'Beitriige zur Kenntniss der spezihscheu \Virkmi<;('n der Kaliumsal/.e auf die Muskelsubstanz. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Klemptxkr (I.) * Uelicr die Wirkung des ilcstillirlen Wassers und des Coifeins auf die Muskeln und iiber die Ursache der .Mnskelstarre. 8°. Dorpat, 1883. Neuaiann (\Y.) * Ueber toxicologischc Ver schiedenheiten fuuctionell veischiedener Mns- kelgruppeu. Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von den Muskelgifteu. 8°. Bern, 1883. Reiser (K.) * Die Einwirkuug verschiedener Reagentieu auf den queigestreiften Muskelfaden. 8°. Zurich, 1860. It in n n (E.) Ueber die Wirkung einiger Gifte auf ge reizte Muskeln. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1862, ii 2116- 208—Brn n ton (T. L.) &. Cash (J. T.) Iufluence of heat and cold upon muscles poisoned by veratria. .1. I'h\sit>l. Lond., 1883-4, iv, 1-17.—Riicliheim A l-.'i»-eiiiiicii;;cr. Ueber den Eiufluss einiger Gifte auf die Zuckinigscui \e des Froschmuskels. Beitr. z. Anat. u. I'hvsioL ( Eck- hard), Giessen, 1874, v. 73-145— Bnlalini (li.) A. Ta»i (F.) Doll' influenza di aleuni alealoidi sulla eccitabilita muscolare. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1883, i, 89-91. — Robert (E. R.) Leber den Einfluss vei- schiedener pharmakologischen Agentien auf tiie Muskel- substanz. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phatmakol., Leipz., 1881-2, xv, 22-80. [See, also, infra, Rossbach (J. M. )]— Banket (A. J.) Ueber eine Griindwirkung von Giften auf die quergestreifte Muskelsubstanz. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1885, xxxvi, 353-372. -----. Ueber die Beeinflussung der Muskeln durch Gifte und andere Er- uahrungsstoriingen. Sitzungsb. cl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1887, 53.—Laborcle (.L-V.'l Les poisons dits musculaires et le sulfo-cyanure de potassium; etude de critique experimentale. Compt. rend. Stic, de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, pt. 2, 107-149; see, also. pt. J, 255. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 116; 143; 189; 283; 295; 347; 422; 462. — Lewin (H. L.) Ueber den Einfluss des Tannins auf die Elasticitat des Muskels. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1880, 277-280.—I'anoi nioli (A.) Wply'w soli potasowych na tkankc- miejsniovva.. [Ell'ect of salts of potassium on muscular fibres.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1882, 2. s., ii, 1027; 1041. — Paxelikin (H.) \- Pal (J.) Ueber die Muskel wirkung des Coti'eins, Theobroniius und Xanthins. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1886, u. F., i, 611-617.— Qiiiiiqiiaml (C.-E.) Action, mesuree an elyuamonietre, ties poisons dits musculaires sur les muscles ele la viVde relation. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol., Par., 1S84. 8. s.. i, pt. 2, 739-743. Also [Abstr.]: (Iaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, lviii, 29.—Babutean. Sur divers poisons curarisants de l'ordre des ammoniums quaternaires. Coinpt. rend. Soc.de biol.. Par., 18S5, 8. s., ii, 138-143. -----. Sur les poisons curarisants; alun de phenyldinielthylallylarunio- nium. Ibid.. 152-156. -----. Sur les poisons curarisants de l'ordre des ammoniums quaternaires, iodines et oxydes de phfeuyldimethylpropylamnionium et ele phluiylilinie- thylisobutylainmonium. Ibid., pt. 2, 61-64.— Kinder (S.) Report on the influence of rhombic sodium-phnspiialr and sodium-bicarbonate on muscular contraction, l'rii. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 114-118. -----. Further experiments re- garding the influence of small quantities of lime potassium and other salts on muscular tissue. J. Physiol., Lond., 1886, vii, 291-308, 1 diag. -----. Regarding tbe action of lime, potassium, and sodium salts on skeletal muscle. Ibid., 20-24.—Ringer (S.) & Buxton (D. W.) Con- cerning the action of calcium, potassium, and sodium salts upon the eel's heait and upon the skeletal muscles of the frog. Ibid., 15-19----------. Upon the similarity and dissimilarity of the behaviour of cardiac aud skeletal muscle when brought into relation with solutions contain- ing sodium, calcium and potassium salts. Ibid., 288-295.— Binger (S.) tfc VI or* head (E. A.) Concerning the ac- tion of common salt, sulphate of atropia, bromide of cemia and sulphate of nicotine on muscular irritability. Ibid., 1879-80, ii, 252-260. — ltn»*baS. ) Consiclerazioni intorno 1' ipotesi di nervi che avebbero per ufficio d' infreiiare la contrattilita o la tonicita nniscolare e ricordo di alcune sperienze ciiuentate nel lalxuatoiio fisio- logico della r. Universita di Roma. L. Roma, 1876. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lineei, 2. s., iii. Chailly (J.-N.) * Sur le niouvement muscu- laire; si le fluide galvanique pent en etre con- sidere comme la cause. 8 T Paris, an XI, [1863], [ Croone ( W. ) ] De ratione motus musculo- ruin. 4°. Londini, 1664. -----. The same. 2. ed. 24*. Amstelodami, 1667. Deidier(A.) * De motu •musculari. Monspe- Ui, 1699. In: Hai.i.er. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Ciottingce, 1748, iii, 411-419. Dk.lsingiuk (A.) Exercitatio de motu muscu- loruni. In his: Exercitationes de motu auinialiiun, etc. 16°. Groniiitjir, 1661, 1-66. Dissertation qui a reniporte le prix propose par rAcadeinie royale des sciences et belles- lettres de Prusse, sur le principe de ruction des muscles, avec des pieces qui ont, coucouru. 4 . Berlin, 177)3. German text. Dr Bois-Reymond (E.) Gesammelte Abhand- lungen znr allgemeiuen Muskel-und Nervenphy- sik. 2 v. H°. Leipzig, l,~75-7. Dufoir ( M. ) * La Constance de la force et les mouvements musculaires. 8-. Lausanne; 1865. Engelhardt (E.) * De vita musculorum ob- servationes et experimenta. 8°. Bounce, [1841.]. Engelmann ( T. W. ) Ueber Reizuug der Muskelfaser (lurch deu coiistanten Strom. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Engels ( A.) * De tono musculorum aiiima- lium. 8°. Bounce, 1861. Ettinger (F. J.) Rclationeu zwiscben Blut und Erregbarkeit der Muskeln. 8°. Niirnberg, I860. Eulenburg (A.) * De argumentis irritabili- tatis muscularis recentioribus. 8°. Berolini, [1861]. Flint (A.), jr. On the source of muscular power. Arguments and conclusions drawn from observations upon the human subject, under con- ditions of rest aud of muscular exercise. 12 . Xew Yovk, 1878. Fontana (F.) Reflexions sur le mouvement des muscles. In his: Traite sur le venin de la vipere. 4°. Florence, 1781, iii, 239-266. Also,-transl.: 8°. Napoli, 1787, iii, 210- 242. Also, transl.: 8°. London, 1787, ii, 277-310. Freylach (E. G.) *De nbrarum niatriciiim indole. 8*\ Halce, [1809]. Funke (O.) 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Also, in: Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb, 1869, ii, pt. 1, 115. Schonheyder (J. H. ) * Dc, resolutione et impotentia motus muscularis. 8J. Hafnice, [1768]. Schoei'SS (C. G.) * Diss, sistens musculo- rum, quibus volandi motus perficitur, in om- ni um atque familiarum avibus comparationem et descriptionem. 8r Ha Ice, [1829]. Smith (T.) *De actione musculari. 8°. Edin- burgi. 176,7. -----. The same. [With appendix.] 8 . Edinburgi et Londini, 1767. Also, iii: Smellie. Thesaurus med. 8°. Edinburgi, 1785, 78-115. iltllKCle (Physiology of). Sonnerberg (J.) iv" Agardh (C. A.) Qmestio physiologica, (|ii;c et qualis est musculorum vis forniam ossiuni mutandi. 4°. Lunda; [1801]. Solger (K.) * De musculi calore. 8°. r>ci- tislavia; [1862]. Steinmann (F.) Ueber deu Tonus der will- kiirlichen Muskeln. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1871. Cutting from: Bull. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-IYte-rsb.. 1870-71, vii, 787-807. Stroschein (E.) *Ueber passive Beweuun- geu des menschlichen Korpers wahrend der Mus- kelruhe. 8 T Jena, 1887). Stuart (A.) Dissertatio de structura et motu musculari. 4°. Londini, 1738. ------. Three lectures on muscular motion, read before the Royal Society iu the year 1738; as appointed by the will of Lady Sadleir, pur- suant to the design of her first husband, William Croone . . . Wherein the elasticity of fluids and the immediate cause of the cohesion and elasticity of solids are proved by experiments, etc, and shewn to arise from the same principle as gravity; with a general scheme of muscular motion, founded on auatomy, experiments, etc 4-. London, 1739. Also [Abstr.], in: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1732-44. ix, 277-304, lpl. Tapie (J.) Travail et chalenr musculaires. 8'-. I'aris, 1886. de Varigny (H.-C.) Theses presentees a. la Faculte des sciences de Paris pour obtenir le grade de docteur es sciences naturelles. lre These. 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Winter ( F. ) * De moto musculorum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1736], Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1748, iii, 431-472. Also, in: DE Ohekkamf* (F. J.) Collect. diss. 4°. Francof. a. M., 1767, i, 481-522, 1 pi. de Wittich (G.) Experiment;! quaedam ad Halleri doctriiiam de musculorum irritabilitate probandam iiistitnta. 4°. Iiegiomonti, [18.">7]. Wundt(W.) Die Lehre von der Muskelbewe- guug. Nach eigeuen Untersuchungen bearbeitet von . . . 8 T Braunschweig, 187,8. Ypeus ( A.) Observationes physiologica* de motu musculorum voluntario et vitali. 8°. Leo- vardiai et Eranequerce, 1775. Abildgaard (P. C.) Aliquid ad physiologiam mus- culorum pcrtinens. Acta rug. Soc. ined. Havn., 1783, i, 470- 47(i.—Aria in kit* wirz (A.) Die normale Muskelftmction bctrnchtet als das Kesultat eiues Gleichgewichts zweier antagonistischer lunervationtii und die afonische Ataxie und die spastische I'aiese tier Muskeln als die beiden Endiiftectc einer Stoning dieses (jleichgewichts. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl.. 18S1. iii, 450-464.—Aeby (C.) Die Reizung der quergestreiften Muskelfaser durch Ketten- MUSCLE. 556 MITSCLM iHn«cle (Physiology of). strome. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz.. 1867, 688-712. ------. Die Fortpflanziingsgoschwin- eligkeit der Reizung in der quergestreilten Muskelfa- scr. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn. 1875. x. 465-467.— Alhrccht (J.). .Ueyer (A.) & ftiiilii't- (L) Inter- suchiingeii iiher die Erregbarkeit der Nerven und Mus- keln hei Lings- nnd (Juertlurchstioniiiiig. Ibid., L'79-80, •xxi, 462-478. — von Aurcp (B.) Studien iiber Tonus untl Elastic.itat tier Muskeln. Ibid , xxi, 226-240, 2 pi.— Ai'iiiMby (H. P.) The source of muscular power. Pop. Sc. Mouth.. N. Y., 1879, xv, 812-825.—Arnold (J. W. S.) On inusculiii- phenomena. Med. Rec , N. Y., 1875, x, 289; 337—Anerbach (L.) Ueber den Muskeltonns. Ausz. a. d. Uebeis. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. va- terl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect., Brest, 1856, 7-10. ------. Ueber Muskelkontraktionen durch mechanische Keizung inn inenschlichen Korper. Verhandl. d. Breslau. med. Sekt. (Sekt. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult.), Brest, 1859-60. 32-38. ------. Ueber die Wirkungen topischer Muskeireizuug. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Abth f. Naturw. u. Med., Brest, 1861, 3. Hft., 291- 326.—Baierlacher (E.) Pliysiologische Studien im Ge- biete der elektrischen Muskelerregting vom Nerven aus. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859, 3. R., v. 233- 267. ------. Ueber Muskelbewegungen beim Menschen. Ibid., I860, 3. K., viii, 263-266.—Barlow (W F.) A supplement to some ohservations on the muscular con- tractions which occasionallv happen after death from cholera. Lond. M. Gaz., 18o0, n. s., xi, 654; 739. — Bar. selotti (J.) Priifung einiger neuern Theorien iiber die nacbste Lisacheder Muskelzusammenziehung. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle*. ISO.*, vi, 108-221.—Beanni* (H.) Note sur la forme de la contraction tuiisciilairc retiexe. (iaz. med. de Par., 1883, 6. s., v. 598; 610; 626. Also [Abstr] : Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 188:1, 7. s., v, 528- 532. Also [Abstr.] : Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1883, xcvii, 841. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1883, lvi, 981.—Brclard (JT) De la contraction musculaire, elans ses rapports avec la temperature animale. Arch. gen. de ined., Par., 1861, i, 24; 157; 257. Also, Repriut. — Itene- ilikt (M.) Untersuchungen iiber das Zuekiingssgeset?s tier motor. Nerven. Wien. med. Presse, 1870, xi, 529; 553; 582; 612; 629.—Bernoulli (D.) Versuch einer neuen Theorie. der Bew-gung der Muskeln. Phys. u. ined. Abhanill. tl. k. Akad. cl. Wissensch. in Petersb., Riga, 178-J. i, 3-28.—BeI'listcin (J.) Gegeiibomerkung iiber die Anfangszuckung. Arch. f. tl. jits. Phj'siol., Bonn, 1871-2, v, 318-320. —-—. Leber das invophvsische. Gesetz ties Herrn Preyer. Ibid., 1872, vi, 403-412. ------. Ueber elie myophysischen Untersuchungen von Preyer. Zweite Kritik. Ibid., 1873, vii, 90-100. ------. Ueber den Elec- trotouus unci die innere Mechanik des Nerven. Ibid., 1873-4, viii, 40-60, 1 pi. ------. Ueber Electrotonus. Auti- kritik. Ibid., 498-505. ------. Ueber die Hohe des Mus- ke-ltones bei elektrischer und chemischer Reizung. / bid.. 1875. xi, 191-196. ------. Ueber den Einfluss der Reizl're- einen/ auf die Lnl wickelung der Muskelkraft. Are h. I. I'hysiol., Leipz . 1883. Suppl.-Bd., 88-104, 1 pi.—Born- Nt<-iii (J.) tfc Sleiiici- (J.) Ueber die Fortpflanzung del- Contraction und der negativen Schwankung im Sauge- thieimuskel. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Metl.. Leipz., 187.T 526-551. — B<'i'ry'(G. A.) tfc Kutlier- foi'il. Note on Pflliter's law of contraction. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1876. x, 604-608— ICeilat eliin i (P.) Contribiizione alio studio delle correnti elettriche nei muscoli. Rasse-mi tli sc. metl , Moilena, 1887, ii, 270; 310.— von Brzolri (A.) Zur Physioiogie des Electrotonus. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. P.erl., 1859, xxviii, 193-195. ------. Leber einige Zeitverhiiltnisse, welche bei der directen elektrischen Erregung ties Muskels in's Spiel komnien. From: Monatsber. el. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu erl., 5. Dec. I860.] Untersuch. z. Naturl. el. Mensch. n. el. Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vii, 590-594— Itioriciiiinun (W ) Leber die polaren Wirkungen des elektrischen Stroiues im eutuervten Muskel. Sitzungsb. tl. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1879, lxxix, 3. Abth., 289-320. 1 pi. ------. Ueber die (lurch chemise-he Veraiuleiung der Muskelsubstanz bewirkteu Veiaiiilerun- gen der polaren Erregung durch den elektrischen Strom. Ibid., 1879, Wien. 1880, lxxx, 3. Abth., 367-410, 1 tab. ------. Ueber die* Abhangigkeit des Muskelstromes von lociilcn chemischen Veranderungen der Muskelsubstanz Ibid.. 1880, lxxxi, 3. Abth., 74-114. ------. Ueber rhythmi- sche, durch ehemische Reizung bediugto Contractionen ijiiergestreiftei- Muskeln. Ibid., 188:i. Wien. 1881. Ixxxii, 3. Abth., 257-275. ------. Ueber scheinbare Oetiiiuiigszu- ekung verletzter Muskeln. Ibid., 1882. lxxxv. 3. Abth. 144-171. Also, Reprint. ------. Leber das Herz von Helix pomatia. (Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden l'h\ siolo"ie tier Muskeln.) Ibid.. 1884 Ixxxix, 3. Abth., 19-55. — Bil- harz (A.) & IVasse (O.) Elektrotonus im i.....lilicirteu Xc-rven. Arch. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med Leipz.. 1862. 66-89.—Billroth (T.) Leber eine Art tier Binelogewebs-Metaiuorphose der Muskel- und Nervensub- stanz. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1855, viii. 260-268. Also. Keprint.— Bizzoxero (G.) Fisiologia; sulla vita- lity degli elementi contrattili. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Jlii*C'lt' (Physiology of). Rendic, Milano, 1868. 2. s., i, 679-6M . — Itl-ixiun (E ) IV herden Tonus. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Bcil.JHili \wiii 83-157.— Itleuler (E.) \ l.eliiiiaiin (K.) Hat Abkiih' lung eiues Ncrvcnstiickes oberhalb ele-r I.'eizstclle EuiHiinh auf elie zeilliehen Verhaltnissc tl. i Zuckuug ' Arch, f. d ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1879-80, xx, 36-J-364. _____. Leber cleii Einfluss der Lange cles Ncrvcnstiickes auf die Aliflerli,,. zeit der Muskeln. Ibid , 3. E.) The etiology of iniiscular re- traction. Meet limes Ac Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., viii, 105; 483.—Bioivn-Seqiinrd (C.-E.) Mouvements rliytlimi- oues de muscles respirateurs et locomofeurs apices lii nioit. Compt. rend. Soc dc biol. 1849, Par., 1850, i. 158-160. -----. Des rapports qui existent entre I'irritabilite musculaire, la rigiclite cadaveiique et hi putrefaction. Ibid., 173-175. ------. De l'influence du systeme nerveux, du galvanisme, du repos et ele Paction sur la nutrition cles muscles. Ibid., 195-197. ------. Preuve nouvelle a l'appui de la doctrine de Haller relative a rindepenclani-e de I'irritabilite niustti- laire. Ibid., 18.50, Par., 1851, iii, 101-103. ------. Keeher- ches sur le retahlisseinent de I'irritabilite musculaire chez un second supplicie. plus ele ciiiatorze hemes apres la mort. Ibid., 103. ------. Recherches sur le retablisse- ment de I'irritabilite musculaire che/. un supplicie treize heures apres la mort. Ibid., ut. 2, 147-153. Also: Gaz. nieel. de Par., 18.51. 3. s., vi, 421-423. Also, Keprint. -----. On the nutrition of muscles during their contract ion. Metl. Exam., Phila., 18,52, n. s., viii. 428-430. ------. Keeherches sur I'irritabilite musculaire. J. ch- la physiol. de 1'bomme, I'ar., 1859, ii, 75-83. ------. Du rhy thine dans le diaphragme ct dans les muscles de la vie animale, apres leur separation lies centres nerveux. Ibid., 115-119. ------. Lecon Croo- nienne sur les relations entre I'irritabilite musculaire, la rigidite cadaverique et la putrefaction. Ibid., 1861, iv, 266-278. ------. Recherches sur l'augmentation de la toni- cite musculaire et sur l'inhibition de la propriete essenticlle des tissus eontractiles. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol, Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 206-208. —BriicltcB (E.) Leberelas Verhalten der entnervtt n Musk, In gegen den constanten Strom. Sitzungsb. d. k Akad. tl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1874, lxx, 144-150. ------. Ueber die Wirkungen des Muskelstromes auf einen secundaria Stronikreis inul iiber eine Eigenthiimlichkeit von Inductionsslromen. die elure■'■ einen sehr schwachen primaren Strom iuducirt wordeu sind. Ibid., 1875, lxxi, 13-26. Also. Keprint. ------. Leber willkiirliche und krampfbafte 1!, w, guugen. Si- tzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.'-naturw. Cl. 1877, Wien, 1878, lxxvi, 237-279. 4 pi.—Ki-iickncr (A.) Ueber das Ausbleihen der Zuckiinggelahmter Nerveniima- kel bei inomentaner Unterbrechung des constanten electri- sc.hen Stromes. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1865. xvii, 291.— Kneh (M.) O kolcbanijacb mushechnoi sili chelovieka v techenii dnija. [Muscular force displayecl in the course of a daw] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1883. iv', 690; 709. Also, transl: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi,436-439.—Budge (J.) Ueber die Ursache der willkiihrlichen und unwill- kiihrlichcn Bewogungeu. Org. f. d. ges. He-ilk., Bonn, 1842-3, ii, 311-332. ------. Beweis, dass das Dubois'sche Gesetz vom Muskelstrom unhaltbar ist. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 207-210. ------. Ueber das Dubois'sche Gesetz des Muskelstromes. Ibid., 1862, xiv, 415-417.— Bnfalini (G.) Dell azione dei sali ammoniacall e MUSCLE. 557 MUSCLE. I?In*cle (Physiology of). A' idrossilammina sulla eccitabilita muscolare. Boll. d. Soc. fra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1885, iii, 207-209.— ____. Sui decorso dell' eccitabilita muscolare in aleuni avvelenamenti acutissimi. Ibid.. 229-J39, 1 pi.—Bufa- lini (G) & Ta*i (F.) Dell influenza di aleuni alcaloidi sulla eccitabilita muscolare. Ibid. (1883), 1885, i, 89-91. Also : Riv. di chim. med e farm., Torino, 1884, ii, 303-306.— Biirdon-Wandrrsoii (J.) On the electromotive prop- erties of muscle. Metl. Press tfc Circ., Lond., 1877, xxiii, 37. ijcj -----. A report on Prof. L. Hermann's recent researches ou the electro-motive properties of muscle. Jour. Physiol.. Lond., 1878-9, i, 196-212. — Carle! (G.) Sur lc retour ele la contractilite dans un muscle ou cette proprietr a elisparu sous Pinfluence de courants d'induc- tion energiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxiv, 193. -----. Experience's sur la tonicite muscu- laire. Ibid , 562-564. — Carlisle (A.) The Croonian lecture on muscular motion. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1805, xcv, 1-30. Also, Reprint.—Carre. Do la contractilite idio- uiuscubiire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par, 1868, 2. s., v, 161- 165.—Carson (J.) On muscular motion. Liverpool M. Gaz., 1833, i, 113-116.—Cash (J. T.) Der Zuckungsver- lauf als Merkmal der Muskehirt. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1880 Suppl.-ltd., 147-160. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1880-81 xv, 431-445.—Chan- veau (A.) De la contraction produite par la rupture du courant de la pile, dans le cas (('excitation unipolaire des nerfs. Coinpt. rend. Acad. el. sc. Par., 1875, lxxxi, 1038- 1041.—Clianvean (A.) & li an fin aim. Consequences pliysiiilogiques de la determination dc l'aetivite spCcitique Ues echanges ou du coefficient de l'aetivite nutritive et respii -atom* dans les muscles en repos et en travail. Ibid., 1887, civ, 1352-1359. ----- -----. Experiences pour la determination du coefficient d'activite nutritive et respira- toire des muscles en repos et en travail. Ibid., 1126-1132. ----------. Nouveaux documents sur les relations qui existent entre le travail chimique et le travail mecanique dn tissu musculaire : de l'aetivite nutritive et respii atoire des muscles qui fonctionnent physiolngicpicmc.nt sans pro- duireele travail mceaniquc. Ibid.. 1763-1771. Also: France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1165-1169.—Cliii one (V.) La doppia attivita muscolare e 1' azione della chinina; risporta ai Dott. A. Mosso e L. Pagliaui. Piv. clin. di Bologna, 1876, 2.8., vi, 203; 225; 291— ( hmoiili vilt li (J.). See Sclimiile- vitcb, infra.—Ch voslek ( F.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die knoilenfcirmigen uud wellenformigen Muskelcoutrae- tionen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 18-^3, xxviii, 26; 34; 151; 163.—Colin*.ein (J.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom Muskel- touus. Allg. metl. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1861, xxx. 801. -----. Kurze Uebersicht der Lehre des Mnskeltonus. Arch. f. Anal., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1863, 165-172.— Conly ( L. ) Etude relative ii l'iufluence de l'encephale snr Its muscles de la vie organique, ct speeialement sur les organes cardio-vaseulaires. Arch, de physiol. norm. et path., Par., 1876, 2. s., iii, 665-756.—Cy on (E.) Ueber den Tonus der willkiirlicheii Muskeln. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. ele St-Petersb., 1871, vii, 787-807.— Czermak (J.) Ueber secuntlare Zuckung voni theil- wiese gerei/.ten Muskel aus. [From . Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. el. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., 1857, Mai] Un- tersuch. z. Naturl. tl. Mensch. u. cl. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 1858, v, 141-144. -----. Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber das Mvochronoskop und iiber das elcetromotorische Verhalten des Muskels wahrend der sogenaunten idiomuskularen Zuckung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1861, xxx, 353.— ■>:■ nilcY«lii (V.J.) 1 ermotiziologicheskija muskulov. [Tlicrmopliysiology of muscles.] Med. Vestnik. St. Pe- ttish., 1879', xix, 251; 259. — Danilevsky (A.) Ueber die Abhiiiigigkeit der Contractionsart der Muskeln von den Meugenverhaltnissen einiger ihrer Bestandtheile; Beitrag fiir cine zukunftige Theorie der Contraction. Ztschr, f. physiol. Chem., Strassb.. 1882-3, vii, 124-160, 1 tab.— DanilewMky ( B.) Ein Beitrag zur Physiologic der Muskelathmuug. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1874, xii, 721-725. -----. Thermodynaniischi' Ln- tersiichungen der Muskel. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1879-80, xxi. 109-152. Also [Abstr.] : Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 97-99. Also, transl. \ Abstr.]: Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1879, xix, 251; 259. — Dclucui (T.) Memoire sur les mouvements involontaires qui sont executes par des muscles ele la vie animale. Arch, gen. ele meet, Par., 1847, xv, 72; 222.—Bionisio (I.) Kicerche sulla influenza che diversi agenti csercitauo sulla eccita- bilita galvanica dei muscoli nell' uomo saiio. Osservatore, Torino, 1887. xxxviii, 481.—Bonder*. Over ele wetten van den electrotonus, gctoetst aan den invloed van den constanten .siroom op den n. vagus. Proc.-verb. v. de Vergael. el. k. Akad. v. Wetonsch., Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1869-70. no. 2, 2-6. — Bowler ( Ii. ) Experimental re- searches on the post-nioitem contractibility of the mus- cles, with observations on the reflex Ihcoi v. NT Vork J. M., 1846. vi, 305-339. Also, Reprint. — Bra per (J. C.) The production of muscular force. Med. Kee.. X. \T, 1867, ii, 247-249.—Bn Boi«-Beymond (15.) Note sur la loi du courant ninsculaire, et, sur la modification qu'eprouve cette loi par l'effet de la contraction. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1850, 3. s., xxx, 119-128. -----. Ueber ITIiiscIe (Physioloyy of). das angebliche Fehlen der nnipolaren Zuckung bei dem Schliessungsinductionsschlage. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1860, 857. Also, Reprint.-----. Ueber das Gesetz des Muskelstromes, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des M. gastroknemius des Frosches. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1863, 521; 649, 2 pi. Also, Repriut. -----. Ueber elie Erschei- nungsweise des Muskel-und Nervenstromes bei Anwen- dung der neuen Methoden zu deren Ableitung. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, n. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1867, 257-310. -----. Ueber die elektromotorische Kraft der Nerven und Muskeln. Ibid., 1867, 417-497, 1 pi. ^----. Neue Versuche iiber den Einfluss gewaltsamcr Formveiiinile- rungen der Muskeln auf deren elektromotorische Kraft. Monatsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl.. 1807, 572- 597.-----. Experimentalkritik der Entlaelungshypo- these iiber die Wirkung von Nerv auf Muskel. Ibid., 1874, 520-560. -----. Ueber den Einfluss korperlieher Ne- benleitungen auf den Strom cles M. gastrokneniins des Frosches. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1871, 561-607. -----. Ueber elie negative Schwan- kung des Muskelstromes bei der Zusamnienziehuiig. Ibid., 1873, 517: 1875, 610: 1876, 123; -342. — Bnpny (P.) De la contraction musculaire dans ses rappoits avec la chaleur animale. Cong. m6d. de France (Bordeaux, 1865), Par., 1866. iii, 859-874. -----. De la contraction muscu- laire, dans ses rapports avec la circulation sanguine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1866, 3. s., xxi, 623; 641. ——. De la cha- leur et du mouvement musculaire. Ibid., 1867, 3. s , xxii, 493; 524; 567; 580; 641; 673. -----. Considerations sui le niouvement musculaire. Ibid,., 1869, 3. s., xxiv, 4; 83; 99; 129. A Iso, Reprint. -----. De la fatigue musculaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiv, 435; 475; 542. -----. De certains phenomenes relatifs a la contraction musculaire. Ibid., 1871, 3. s, xxvi, 155; 105.—Ediiiger (L.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Zuckungscurve des menschlichen Mus- kels im gesunelen und kinnken Znstamle. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1883, vi, 139-100. —Enjjel (J.) Leber Mus- kelreizbarkeit. Ztschr. tl k.-k. (iesellsc.h. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1849, v, 205; 252— F. ■■<;< liiiaim (T. AV.) I'eber den Ort der Reizung in der Muskelfaser bei Schliessung und Oeffnung eines constanten elektrischen Stroiues. Je- naische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1867, iii. 445- 447. Also, transl.: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1867-8, 2. s., i, 267-270. -----. Leber Reizung der Muskelfaser durch den constanten Strom. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1808, iv, 295- 306. Also, transl.: Onderzoek. ged. in h. phvsiol. Lab. cl. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1868-9, 2. s., ii, 128-145'. -----. Bei- triige zur allgemeiuen Muskel- und Nerven-Phvsiologie. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol , Bonn, 1870, iii, 247; 403. —---. Ueber Reizung der Muskeln unci Nerven mit diseonti- nuirlichen electrischen Stromen. Ibid., 1871, iv, 3-33, 2 pi. Also, transl.: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. cl. Utrecht, Hoogesch., 1872, 3. s., i, 103-145, 2 pi. ----. Be- merkungen zur Theorie der Sehneu- und Muskelveikiir zung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873-4, viii. 95-97. -----. Ueber den Einfluss des Blutes und der Nei ven auf das elektromotorische Verhalten kiiustlicher Muskelquer- schnitte. Ibid., 1877, xv, 328-334. Also: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1878, 3. s., v, 13- 22. Also, transl.: Arch, neerl. el. sc, exactes, etc., nar- leni, 1878. xiii, 428-436. -----. Vergleiohende Untersu- chungen zur Lehre vou der Muskel- und Nervenelektri- citat. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht, Hoogesch., 1877, 3. s., iv. 281-324. Also, transl.: Arch. neerl. d. sc. exactes, etc., Harlem, 1878, xiii, 305-343. -----. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die mikroskopischen Vor- gauge bei der Muskelcontraktion. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1878, xviii, 1-25, 1 pi. Also: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., I8,s-8. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1887. xii, 215-239.—Exner (S.) Ein MlTSCLE. 558 ivirsrLK Jlusde {Physiology of). St bulversut h aus der Muskelphvsiologie. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math, naturw. Cl., Wien, 1874, lxx, 155. ----- Leber optische Eigenschaften lebender Mus kelfasern. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1886-7, xl, 360- 393. 2 pi. — Fere (C.) Contribution a la physiologic des inouvenients volontaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 188.5, 8. s., ii, 223-227.—Eii-h (A.) Ueber the ihvcisi Keizung tier Muskelfaser. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 18.57, ii, 62-70.-----.Experimenteller Beitrag zur Lehre von eler Erhaltung der Kraft bei del Mus- kelzusamniciiziehung. Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Ziiiicher-Hochschule, Wien, 1869, 1. Hft,, 1-16. -----. Leber das Abklingen des Elektrotonus. Ibid., 129- 137.-----. Die "Uebermaximalen " Zuckungen betreffend. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl., 1869, vii, 611. -----. Ueber die Aeuderung der Elasticitiit cles Muskels wahrend der Zuckung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871, iv, 301-315, 1 pi. -----. Einige Demonstrationen zur Erliiuterung der Muskelarbeit. Verhandl. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. iu Wiirzb., 1872, n. F., iii, 254-259, l'.pl. Also: Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. in Wiirzb, 1873, 175-180, 1 pi. -----. Ueber die Wiirmeentwickelung bei der Muskelzuckuiig. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877-8, xvi, 59-90. -----. Zur verschiedenen Erregbarkeit funktionel! vetrscuiedener Nervenmuskelpraparate. Ibid., 1882-3, xxx, 596. -----. Myothermische Fragen uud Ver- suche. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1884, n. F., xviii, 299-321, 1 pi.-----. Versuche iiber War- meentwieklung im Muskel bei verschiedenen Tempera- turen. Ibid., 1885, n. F., xix, 61-72. -----. Myographi- sche Versuche am lebenden Menschen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1887, xii, 176-189.—Fieber (F.) Ueber die elektro-niuskulare Koutraktilitat uud Sensibilitat in verschiedenen Affektionen des Nervensystenis und die Modifikationen ihrer Erregung. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1868, xviii, 853; 809; 885.—Fisher (W. K.) The effects of tension and relaxation of muscle upon electro-muscular contractility. XT Vork M. J., 1873. xvii, 495-498.—Fitz- gerald (G. F.) Ou the superficial tension of fluids and its possible relation to muscular contractions. Scient. Tr. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1878, n. s.. i, 95-99.—von Flei»ehl (E.) Ueber das Verhalten vou Kaferiuuskolu gegen Keize. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl., 187.5, xiii, 469. -----. Eiu mikrostroboskopischei- Kcizvcrsuch. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1886, 67-71.—Fordycc (G.) The Croonian lecture nn muscular motion. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1788, lxxviii, 23-36.— Fo*lei- (M), jr. The elements of muscular strength. Fortnightly Kev., Lond., 1866, vi, 189-199. — Frank- land (E.) Sur la source de la force musculaire. [Extrait de son ouvrage intitule: Experimental researches in pure, applieel and physical cheinistr\, London, 1878.J Monit. scient., Par., 1879, 3.s, ix, 467-493. —Frawer ( W.) De- scription of a piece of mechanism on the supposed prin- ciple of iniistii ;ir action. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vii, 366-370. — Frrdei-ieq (L.) Chaleuret travail musculaire. Rev. scient.. Par., I8S7, xxxix, 466.—Frensbcrg. Zur elektrischen Eiregbarkeit geliihmter Muskeln. (Eine Theorie der Molecularbewegung im gesunden und ge- lahinten Muskel.) Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1878-9, ix, 244; 434. —von Frey ( M.) Versuche'iiber deu Stoff- wechsel des Muskels. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1885, 533- 562. -----. Reiziingsversuche am uubelasteten Muskel. Ibid., 1887, 195-203.—Friedrich (J. J.) Untersuchung des physiologischen Tetanus mit llill'e des strompriifendeu Xervniuskelpriiparates. Sitzungsb d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 187.5. U'ien, 1876, lxxii, 413- 420—FneliN ( K.) Ueber die Kegel der Muskelzuckungen in der offenen galvanischeu Kette. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen, 1872, viii, 100-123. ------. Leber die Gleicbgewichts- hediugungen fiir den erregten und den unci region Muskel. Arch. f. el. ges Phvsiol.. Bonn, 1873, vii, 421-440, 1 pi. -----. Ueber die Anwendung der uiechauischen Warme- theorie auf den Muskel. Ibid., 1877, xv. 536-553. -----. Ueber die Gleichgowiehtsbedingtmg fiir deu Muskel. Ibid., 553-572. -----. Ueber die Glciclmngen der Muskel- statik mit Zugruudelegiing der Forderuug des kleinsten Stotf unsatzes. Ibid., 1878-9, xix, 67-78.— Gad (J.) Ue- ber Zeieheuwechsel der Stroniesschwankung iimerhalb des Latenzstadiums bei der Einzelzuckung des Frosch- gastrokueniius. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1877. 37-65. -----. Ueber das Lateu/.stadium des Muskeleh nieutes und des Gesannntmuskels. Ibid., 1879, 250-268. — I'ar- rean (P.) Dc factiou de la volonte sur les muscles. Rev. med franc;, et etrang., Par., 1865, i, 321-327.—Gaskell i\VT H.) Leber elie Aenderungen des Blutstronis in den Muskeln durch die Reizung ihrer Nerven. Arb. a. d. phvsiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1876), 1877, xi, 45-88, 2 pi.—von (.entire (A.) Ueber das Verhalten eiues dem Muskel zugeleitctcn Streiinis wahrend eb-s Tetanus Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1884-5, xxxv. 49-54.— <*Inge. Note sur la transfoi mation de la contraction inusculaiie tonique en contraction rhvthmique. Bull. Acad. roy. cl. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1874.' 2. s., xxxvii, 830— dioiliiiaii (J. D.) Notes on the actions of the muscular sv stem. Phila. J. M. (V. Phys. Se, 182.5, x, 270-279. — «oldzicher (W.) Zur Kenntniss des Elektroiouu-.. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn. 1870, iii, 240-240. —firueiiliageii (A.) Ue- .lluscle (Physiology of). ber die unipolare Zuckung. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz u. Heidelb., 1865, 3. R., xxiv, 153-108. -----. Notiz iiber das Verhalten der negativen Stroniesschwankung zur so genanuten parelectronomischeu Schichte des natiirlichen Muskelqiierschuitts. Ibid., 1867, 3. K., xxix, 285-287. -----. Ueber das Wesen uud die Bedeutung der elek- tromotorischen Eigenschaften der Muskeln und der Nei- ven. Ibid., 1868, 3. R,, xxxi, 46: 1869, 3. R, xxxvi, 132. -----. Zur Theorie des physikalischen Eloctioto' .nus. Ibid., 1868, 3. R., xxxiii, 256. -----. Ueber das zeitliche Verhalten von An- uud Kat-Klectrotonus wiih- rend und nach der Einwirkuug des polaiisirenden Stro- mes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871, iv, 547-550. -----. Versuche die secondare Muskelzuckuiig bet red' fend. Zbiei., 1871-2, v, 119-122. — (^riilzncr (P.) Zur Physioiogie und Histologie der Skelcitiniiskeln. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1883, v, 257. -----. Zur Muskelphysinlo gie. Ibid.. 1887, ix, 1-3.—<*rnillnii*eii. Resultate eler Versuche iiber die Volumsvermincleiuug, welche die Mus- keln bey ihrer Contraction erleiden. Med.-cliir. Zt" Salzb., 1811, iv, 91-95. — C;»ehcidlen (R.) Ueber das Reductionsvermogen des thatigen Muskels. Arch. f. cl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873-4, viii, 506-519.—Onlliver (G.) On the state of the blood and muscles in animals killed by hunting and by fighting. Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1848, lxx, 367-370.— Hall (M.) Ueber den Zustand der Irritabili- tat iu den Muskeln geliihmter Glieeler. Aieh. f. Anat, Physiol, ii. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1839, 200-219, 1 pi. -----. On the irritability of the muscular fibre. Lond. J. M., 1849, i, 710-714.—Harless (E.) Experimente zur Lehre von der Muskelirritabilitat. Arch. f. Anat., Phy- siol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1847, 228-231. -----. D'ie Muskelkriimpfe bei der Nervenvertrocknnng. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859, 3. R., vii, 219-257. -----. Untersuchungen an der Muskelsubstanz. Sitzungsb. d. k. bay er. Akad. d. Wissensch. zuMiiucheu, 186(1,93. ----. Ueber ph vsikalische und ehemische Vorgange in der Mus- kelsubstanz. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1860, xii, 160-163.— Ileidenhain (R ) Die Wiederherstelluug der erloscke- uen Muskelerregbarkeit durch constante galvanische Strome, Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1856, xxv, 545-547. -----. Noch ein Wort, die Wiederherstellung der erlosehe- neu Muskelerregbarkeit betreffend. Ibid., 585-587.----. Historisches und Experinieutelles iiber Muskeltouus. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 185(1, 200-229, 1 pi. -----. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Zuekungs gesetzes. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1857, n. F, i, 442-481. -----. Vorlaufige Mittheilung einiger Resultate, betreffend die Warme-Entwicklung in den Muskeln bei ihrer Thiitigkeit. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1863, i, 545-547. -----. Ueber Ad. Fick's experimentellen Beweis fiir elie Giiltigkeit des Gesetzes von tier Erhaltung tier Kraft bei eler Miiskelzusammcnzichung. Naeb Ver- suchen der Herren Studii enden Leopold Landau nnd Carl Pacully mitgetheilt von . . . Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1869, ii, 423-432.—Ileidenhain (R.) & Colliers (A.) Versuche iiber den Tonus ties lllaseiisobliessmus- kels. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 18.58, 437-452, 1 pi.—Heidenreieh. Die Muskelcontrak- tiou scheiut uus tleunoch ein imponderables Agens zu ent- wickeln. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1846, i, 97-103.— lleinihe. Versuche iiber die Irritabilitat der Muskeln und den n Zusainiiieuhang mitder Toiltenstarre. Deutsche Klinik, P.erl., 1858, x, 420-422. — lleim-ieh (J.) Zur Funktionsfiibigkeit der Muskel und Sehnen. Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xiii, 1212-1214 — Hcitziuann ((!.) Muscle- and nerve-action. J. Nerv. &- Ment. Dis., X. T., 1884. n. s., ix, 232-241. — Helmholtz (H.) Ueber deu Stoffver- brauch bei eler Muskelaktion. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1845, 72-83. -----. Messungen iiber den zeitliohen Verlauf der Zuckung animalisclier Muskeln unil die Fortpflauzungsfieschwindigkeit der Hei zung in den Nerven. Ibid., 1850, 276-364, 1 pi— llenke (W.) Die absolute Muskelkraft; Antikritik. Ztschr. f. rat, Metl., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1S68, 3. R., xxxiii, 148-152.— Henry (W. C.) A critical and exiierinientalinciuir.v into the relations subsisting between nerve and muscle. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1832, xxxvii, 11-20. Also, Reprint.-IIering (E.) Ueber die Methoden zur Untersuchung der polaren Wirkungen ties elektrischen Stromes im quergestreiften Muskel. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math. naturw. Cl., Wien, 1879, lxxix, 3. Abth.. 237-262. -----. Ueber Veiauderuugen des elektromotoiischen Verhalteiis der Muskeln in Folge elektrischer Keizung; nach Unter- suchungen von E. Hering und W. Bieilermaiin. Ibid., 1884, lxxxviii, 3. Abth., 415-437. Also, Reprint.----- Ueber Du Bois-Reymond's Untersuchung der secundar- elektromotorischen' Erscheinungen am Muskel. Si tzungsb el. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1884, lxxxviii, 3. Abth., 445-471. Also. Reprint.— Hermann (L.) Beitrag zur Erledigung der lonui- frage. Arch. f. Auat, Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Metl.. Leipz., 1861, 350-360. -----. Leber das Verhaltniss der Muskel- leistungen zu der Starke der Reize. Ibid., 369-393.----- Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachc eler electromo- torisehen Erscheinungen an Muskeln und Nerven. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1870, iii, 15-46: 1871, iv, 149-182. MUSCLIr. 550 MUSCLE. ITIhkcIc (Physiology of). .______K leinere Beitrage zur Lehre von der Muskelstarre. Ibid., 182-195. ------. Ueber die Abnahme tier Muskel- kraft'wahrend der Contraction. Ibid., 195-201. -----. Weitere Uutersucliungcii iiber den Electrotonus, insbe- sondere iiber die Erstrccktuig desselben auf die intramus- culiiren Nerveueuden. Ibid.. 1873, vii, 301-322, 1 pi. ______Experimentelles und Kritisches iiber Electroto- nus. Ibid., 1873-4, viii, 258-275. ------. Entgegnung an Herrn T. W. Engelmann. Ibid, 275-277. ------. Zur Aufklarung und Abwehr. Ibid., 1874, ix, 28-34. ----- Braucht der bei der Anlegung eines kiinstlichen Quer- schuitts auftretendc Muskelstrom zu seiner Entwieke- luug Zeit? Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii, 705-708.------■ Neue Messungen iiber tlie Fort- ptlauzuiigsgeschwindigkeit der Erregung im Muskel. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, x, 48-55.------. Bemerkung zur Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der Er- regung im Muskel. Ibid., 639. -----. Ueber den Ver- kurzungsruckstaiid der Muskeln. Ibid., 1875-6, xiii, 370- 372. —'■—. Versuche mit dem Fall-Rheotom iiber die Eiregiingsschwankung des Muskels. Ibid., 1877, xv, 233-245, 1 pi. ------. Untersuchungen iiber elie Actions- strorae des Muskels. Ibid., 1877-8, xvi, 191-262. ------. Ueber den Actionsstrom eler Muskeln im lebenden Men- schen. Ibid., 410-420.------. Ueber elie Abhangigkeit des Absterbens der Muskeln von der Lange ihrer Nerven. Ibid., 1880, xxii, 37-40. ------. Ueber das Verhalten der optischeu Constanten des Muskels bei der Erregung, der Dehnung und der Contraction. Ibid., 240-251. —----. Untersuchuiigen zur Lehre von der e lecti ischen Muskel- und Nervenreizung. Ibid., 1882-3, xxx, 1: 1883, xxxi, 99. -----. Ueber das gnlvanisehe Wogen des Muskels. Ibid., 1886, xxxix, 597-6.'3. — Ilerroun (E. F.) & Veo (G. F.) Note on the sound accompanying the single contraction of skeletal muscle. J. Physiol'., Loml , 1885, vi, 287-292.— IliiiKMton (W. H.) Muscular fatigue. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1861, ii. 4-7.—Holiiibaiim. Unwillkiihrliche Muskelbcwegiiiig in sonst gelahuiten Theilen. Med. Con- vers-Bl.. Ililtlhiirgh., 1831, ii, 364-366. — Holmgren (F.) Leber die negative Schwankuiig cles Muskelsiroiiies im ueivenfreien Muskelgewebe Centralbl. f. cl. med Wissen- sch., Berl., 1864, ii. 180 -----. Ueber die elektrische Strom- Bchwankung am thatigen Muskel. Ibid., 291-293. -----. Om den verkliga naturen af den "pnsitiva stromfluctua- tionen " vid eu enkel muskelryckning. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1806-7, ii, 3. Hft, 160-173. Also, transl..- Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Mod , Leipz., 1871, 237-251. -----. Ui- muskelphysiologieus senaste utveekliiigshis- toria. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1868-9, iv. 657-691.—Home (E.) The Croonian lecture on muscular motion. Phil. Tr, Lond., 1795, lxxxv, 1, 1 pi. ; 202: 1796, lxxxvi, 1, 1 pi. Also, transl. of pp. 202-220: Arch. f. el. Physiol., Halle, 1797, ii, 87-108.—Hor»ley (V.) & Sehal'er'(E. A.) Ex- periments on the character of the muscular contractions which are evoked by excitation of the various parts of the motor tract. J. Physiol., Lond., 1886, vii, 96-110, 1 pi.— Houghton (S.) Observations on the rate at w hioh mus- cular action takes place, and the quantity of work stored up in muscle deducihlc from that rate. Brit & For. M.- Cliir. Rev., Loud., 1863, xxxi, 276-279. ------. Source of muscular power. Metl. 'limes & (Iaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 269.—llnniilewMlii (G.) Ueber den Einfluss der Mus- kelcoutractionen eler Hinterextremitat auf ihre Bliitcircu lation. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1886, 126-148, 1 pi.— Jacks (T. M. ) Muscular contraction; its rationale. South. J. M. & Phys. Sc. Nashville, 1854, ii, 237-244.— Jendrassik (A. E.) Erster Beitrag sur Analyse der Zuckungswelle tier quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1874, v, 513- 597. ------. Leber die Ui saehen eler in den quergestreiften Muskeln unter tier Eiuwirkung constanter Stronie auf- treteuden Stioniungserscheinuiigen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1879, 300-341.—Jones (T. W.) Muscle a neuro- magnetic apparatus. Loud. M. Gaz., 1843-4. xxxiii, 77.— Jiii'geiiMen (T.) Leber den Tonus der willkiirlichen Mus- keln. Stud. d. phvsiol. Inst zu Bresl., Leipz., 1861, i, 139- 162—Kilner (W\ J.) Some experiments upon, aud ex- planatory of, the physical properties of muscle. St. Thoin as's Hosp. Kep. 1884', Lond., 1886, n. s., xiv, 43-59.—Knorz (F.) Die Gidsse der absoluten Muskelkraft aus Veisu chen neu bereehnet Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Hei- delb., 1865, 3. K., xxiv, 247-260, 2 pi. — Itranse (W.) Die Contraction der Muskelfaser. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1873, vii, 508-514. — Krauss. Die Exteii- soren in ihrem Verhaltniss zum normalen psychischen Impulse und zur krankhaften Affection des Sensoriums. Allg_. Ztschr. f. Psychiat, etc., Berl., 1853, x, 89-96. —von Kriew (J.) Zur Kenntniss der willkiirlichen Muskel tliati-k.it. Arch. f. Physio!., Leipz., 1886, Suppl.-Bd., 1- 16. — Kroneeker (H.) Ueber die Form cles minimalen Tetanus. Ibid., 1877, 571 - 573. — Kroneeker (H.) & Hall (G. S.) Die willkiirlicbe Muskelaction. Ibid., 1879, Suppl.-Bd., 11-47.—Kroneeker (H.) & Stirling ( WT ) Ueber die sogenannte Anfaiigszuckiing. IbiiL, 1878, 394-400.— Kiihne ( WT) Recherches exp6rimenta1es sur l'excitabilite des muscles et des nerfs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1858, Par., 1859, 3. s., i, 81. -----. Ueber di- Ifluscle (Physiology of). recte und inelirecte Muskelreizung mittelst chemischer Agentien. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der selbstandigen Reizbarkeit der Muskelfaser. Arch. f. Anat. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1859, 213-253.-----. Leber Mus- kelzuckungen ohne Betheiligung der Nerveu. Ibid., 314- 333. -----. Ueber die chemise-he Reizung tier Muskeln und Nerven und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Irritabilitatsf'rage. Ibid., 1860, 315-354. -----. Ueber das Verhalten des Mus- kels zum Nerven. Untersuch. a.d. phvsiol. Inst. d. Univ. Heidelb., 1879, iii, 1-148, 1 pi Kiipflei (C.) Leber this Hemmungsvermogen der Muskeln gegeniiliei lokaler Er- regung, nach Prof. Dr. Fick. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1858, 3. R., ii, 160-162, 1 pi.— Enboide (J.- V.) Temperature des muscles pendant la contraction. Progres m6d., Par., 1880, viii. 50. -----. Modifications de la temperature liees au travail musculaire: l'echauffemeut primitif du muscle en travail est independant de la circu- lation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887. 8. s., iv, 304- 307.—Lamanaky (S.) Neue Versuche, elie iibermaxi- m-Ueii Zuckungen betreffend. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1869, vii, 17; 804. ----- Leber elie negative Stroniesschwankung ties arbeitenden Muskel-. Arch f. (1. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1870. iii, 193-204. —Eatham. On the death-struggle of a muscular tibre. Med. Times lV Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 709.—Eaulanie (IT) Note sur les ph6nomeries histologiejues de la secousse et de l'oude mus- culaires et leur signification physiologienio. (iaz. med.- chir.de Toulouse, 1884, xvi, 279-281. — ■ .aiilciiiiacli (B. F.) The idio-muscular contraction. Phila. M. limes, 1879-80, x, 641-643.— Eavdowsky (M.) Leber die Con tractilitat des Muskelprotoplasma. Centralbl. f. cl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix, 769-772. —Eeber (T.) Ueber deu Einfluss der Leistung mechanischer Albeit auf die Ermiitlung der Muskeln. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1863, 3. s., xviii, 262-288, 2 pi.— Ere (F. S.) Ue- ber die elektrischen Erscheinungen, welche die Muskel- zuckuiig begleiten. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 204- 223.—Eejjros J. Oiiiniii*. De la contraction des mus- cles det la vie vegetative. J. do l'anat. et physiol., etc-., Par., 1809, vi. 413-436. -----. Musculaire (tissu); physiolo- gic. Diet, encycl. el. sc. med., Par., 1876, 2. s , x, 1-696.— Eesshaft (P.) De l'influeuce sur le systeme nerveux, des conditions niecaniques qui sont faites a l'aetivite mus- culaire. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Leipz., l>-86. iii, 81-102.— Eelhcl»y(H.) Remarkson Mr. Wharton Jones' opinion of muscle being a neuro-magnetic appara- tus. Lond. Phvsiol. J.. 1843-4, i. 77-79.—Eiebi« (G.) Le- ber die Respiration der Muskeln. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 18.50, 393-416.—von l.iebijj; (J.) Ueber die Gahrung uud die ('nelle der Muskelkiaft. Si- tzungsb. el. k.-bayer. Akad. el. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1869, ii, 323; 393. .Also, transl . Monit. scient.. Par., 1871, xiii, 894: 1872, xiv, 7.— Eoeb (J.) Muakeltbatigke.it als Maass psychiseher Thatigkeit. Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol., Bonu, 1886, xxxix, 592-597.—I. on get (A.) & llatteneci (C.) Sur la relation qui existe entre le sens ilu courant 61ectrique et les contractions musculaires dues a ce cou- rant. Ann. med.-psych.. Par., 1844, iv, 317-327.—Eo veil (C.) Om naturen af de voluntiira muskelkoutraktionerua. (C. r. Sur la nature des contractions musculaires volon- taires.) Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1881, xiii, no. 5, 1-8. -----. Ueber den Mnskeltou bei elektrischer Rei- zung sowie iiber einige in Zusammenhang damit stehende elektrisch-akustische Erscheinungen. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1881, 363-381. — Euchsingcr ( B. ) Ueber W. Preyer's: " Myophvsische Untersuchungen". Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1872, vi, 395-403. -----. Antwort auf W. Preyer's Rechtfertiguug seiner " Myophvsiscbeu Untersuchungen". Ibid., 642-646.-----. Kritisches und Experimentelles zu Herrn W. Preyer's myophysischem Gesetz. Ibid., 1873-4, viii. 538-550. -----. Zur verschie- denen Erregbarkeit functionell verschiedener Nervnuis- kelappaiate. Ibid., 1882, xxviii, 60. — Enkjnnow (S. M. ) Warmelieferung uud Arbeitskraft lies blutleeren Saiigethiernmskels. Ibid., 1886, Suppl.-Bd., 117-183, 1 pi. — ITIcOiflcrt (W. C. ) On the relations of nerve aud muscle. Med. Rec, N. V., 1880, xviii, 275. — .tlae- kall ( L. ) The action of the voluntary musedes. Buf- falo M. tfeS. J., 1861-2, i, 307; 335. — Hel.aiirin (H. N.) A view of the present state of our knowledge of the ques- tion of niu.seular irritability. Edinb. M. J., 1863-4, ix, 22- SG.—Jlarey. Nature de la contraction dans les muscles dela vie animale. Compt. rend. Acad.d.sc, Par., 1860. lxii, 1171-1175. -----. fitudes graphiques sur la nature tb* la contraction musculaire. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1866, iii, 225; 403. -----. De la contractilite et de la se- cousse musculaire. Gaz. hebd. de ined., Par., 186/, 2. s., iv, 754: 1868, 2. s., v, 21; 101; 131. -----. Phenomenes in tiines de la contraction musculaire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se, Par., 1868, lxvi, 202-205. -----. Role de l'elasticite dans la contraction musculaire. Ibid.. 293. ----- Des variations electriques des muscles et du cu-nr en particu- lier, etucliees au moyen de l'electrometre ele M. Lippmauu. Ibid., 1876, Ixxxii, 975-977. -----. La dec-barge elect nque de la torpille oompar6e a la contraction musculaire. ('ong. period, internat. cl. sc. med. Compt.-rend., Geneve, 1878, 92-102.— iTIartini. Nota sul meccanismo della contra- MUSCLE. 5(H) MUSCLE. Jluwi'le (Physiology of). zioue muscolare. Kentlic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 18.53, vii, 31-34.—Malleneci (('.) Electro-physiological researches; physical and chemical phenomena of muscu- lar contraction.' Phil. Tr., Lond., 1857, cxlvii. 129-143.— Mayer. Ueber die spontane Bewogung der Muskel- tibrillen der niedern Thiere. Arch. f. Anat,. Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Berl.. 18.54, 214-219. ------. Ueber spon- tane Bewegung der Muskelfibrille. Ibid., 1856, 321.— MeiMsner (G.) Ueber das Verhalten der muskulosen l'aserzellen im contrahirten Zustande. Ztschr. f. rat, Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1858, 3 R., ii, 316-320, 1 pi. ------. Zur Kenntniss cles elektrischen Verhaltens des Muskels. Ibid., 1861, 3. R., xii, 344-353.—Meissner (G.) & 1'ohn (F.) Ueber das elektrische Verhalten des thiitigen Muskels. Ibid., 1862, 3. R., xv, 27-59, 2 pi.—Mendcl*- *olin (M.I Elude sur l'excitatiou latente du muscle chez la grenoiiille et chez l'homme, k l'6tat sain et a. l'6tat pathologique. In: Marey (E.-J.) Physiol, exp., 8°, Par., 1880, 99-1.53. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1879, lxxxix, 367-370. Also [Abstr.]: Compt rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 279-282. Also [Abstr.J: Gaz. med. ele Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 460; 544. ------. Ueber die paradoxe Miiskelcoutractiou. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1881, vi, 81-83. ------. Quelques recherches relatives a la niecauique du muscle. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1881, 6. s., iii. 657. Also: Coinpt rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s.. iii, 303-307. ------. Sur le tonus des muscles strips. Gaz. med. de Par., 1881, 6. s , iii, 619. Also: Coinpt rend. Soc. de biol 1881, Par.. 1882, 7. s.. iii, 281-284. ------. In- fluence de rexcifabilite du muscle sur sou travail meea- nique. Colli])!, rend Acad. el. se-., Par., 1882, xcv, 1234- 1237.—Merkel (F.) Ueber die Contraction der geslreif- • ten Muskelfaser. Arch f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880-81, xix. 649-702. 1 pi. — Meyer (A. B. ) Die iibermaximale Zuckung. Centralbl. I. tl. mod. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 721-725. ------. Kritik tier "neuen Versuche" des Herrn S. Lainansky, die iibermaximale Zuckung betreffend. Ibid., 1869, vii, 161-164. ------. Die Muskelzuckuiig in ihrer Abhiiugigkeit von der Starke e lcktriscber Nerven- reizung. Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Zurich. Hoebseli., Wien, 1809, 36-40. — Milrad ( K. ) Ueber den Einfluss veranderter Muskelerregbarkeit auf die Folgen der mechauischeu Muskelreiziing. Arch. f. ex- per. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1885-0. xx, 217-242.— Hinol (C. S. ) Die Bilduug cicr Kohlensaure inuerhalb des ruheuden und crregten Muskels. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1876),' 1877, xi, 1-24. — Moilin. Ex- perience servant a etablir les lois fondamentales de la contraction musculaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1858, Par , 18.59, 3. s., i, 181-183.— Hoiiim-eii (J.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Muskeltonus. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 188.5, ci, 22-36. — Montgomery ( E.) Zur Lehre von der Muskelcontraktiou. Arch. f. cl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881, xxv, 497-537, 1 pi — Morat tfc Touswainl. Variations tie l'etat electrique cles muscles dans la con- traction volontaire et le tetanos artificiel. etudiees il I'aide de la patte galvauoscopique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1876, Ixxxii, 1269-1272.------------. Influence tie la fatigue sur les variations de l'etat electrique des muscles pendant le tetanos artiliciel. Ibid., lxxxiii, 155-159. ------ ------. Variations ele l'etat electrique cles muscles daus le tetanos produit par le passage du courant contiuu, Gtudiees a I'aide tie la contraction intluite. Ibid., 834-836. -------------. Variations de l'etat eKotrique des muscles dans les differents modes de contraction. Arch, de phy- siol. norm, et path., Par., 1877, 2. s., iv, 156-182.—Miiller (J. W. ) Ueber die Priiexistenz des Muskelstronics untl iiber die Vcrandcruiigou tier Strom verhaltnisse nach tier Eiitblossung. Arch, f Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870. 208-226. —Mnnk (H.) Forsog til en Bereg- ning af Mitskelkraften. K.v r. <'hi istiauia, 1827, ii. 31-45.— VInnk (II.) Nachweis ties Muskelstromes am unenthau- teten Frosehe ohne Aetzung der Haut Arch. f. Auat, Physiol, u wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 649-653. ------. Ueber die Abhangigkeit des Absterbens tier Muskeln von der Lange ihrer Nerven. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1880, 169-175. — Murray (11. M.) The physiological effect of thermal stimuli on non-striped muscular tissue. Tr. Edinb. Ohst. Soc, 1885-6, xi, 5.5-68, 3 diag. —IVas.xe. Ueber eine besontleic Eiuwirkung des Wassers auf tlie Muskelieiz- barkeit. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1816, ii, 78-85. — ,\avalieliin (J.-G.) Genese et, mort cles fibres musculaires chez 1 animal superieur adulte a l'etat nor- mal. Arch, slaves ele biol., Par., 1886, i, 134-138. ------. Mvotherinische Untersuehuiigen. Arch, f tl. ges. Phy- siol.. Bonn, 1876-7. xiv, 293-329. 1 pi. — .\awroeki (F.) Beitriige zum Stoft'vveehsel im Muskel. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl.. 1865. iii, 417: 1866. iv, 385. Also, Keprint — >ciimami. Zur Muskelwirkungs-Erage. Med. Ztg.. Berl., 18.58, n. F., i,- 210. — \< iimaiiii ( E. ) Leber das viuschicelcni- Verhalten geliihmter Muskeln gegen den constanten uml indiicirten Strom uneLdie P.r- klarung desselben. ■Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1864. xvi, 65- 69. ------. Eine Versuchsreihe, betreffeud das Absterben der Erregbarkeit in Muskeln und Nerven. Arch. f. Anat. Physiol, ii. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1864, 554-567. — .>'ijje- tiel (K.) & Ilepner (S.) Versuche iiber die Abliangig IVIllSClc (Physiology of). keit des Stoffumsatzes in den thiitigen Muskeln von ihrei Spaimuug. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1870, iii, 571- 578—.'Vikolaides (R.) Leber die Curve, nach welchei die Erregbarkeit des Muskels abfiillt. Arch. f. Physiol Lei]iz., 1880, Suppl.-Bd., 27-30.—."Vipher (F. E.) (in tin' mechanical work done by a muscle before exhaustion, Am. J. Sc. Si. Arts, N. Haven, 1875, 3. s., ix, 130-137.— IVorris (R.) Researches on muscular irritability and the relations which exist between muscle, nerve, and blood J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1866-7, i, 217-236— Oiihiiun Experiences sur un supplicie. Gaz. hebd. de. nied., I'ar 1875, 2. s., xii, 246.— Orschansky (S.) Ueber die K- actionszeit eines willkiirlichen Impulses uud einer wi||. kiirlicheii Ilcmmung. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz.., 1887, vi, 265-267.—Orshanski (I. (i.) () vlijanii raboti i ustalosti na suchojilnie refleksi i elcktiicheskuju vozbudiniost mushts i nervov u cbelovieka. [Influence of labor anil rest on tendons, and electrical excitability of muscles and nerves.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v. 523.— Onghton (T.) Composition, resolution, ami abeyance of secondary perceptions. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 1()68. — I'ailc (J. i;j On the laws of muscular motion. J. Sc. & Arts, l8li;[Ain ed.J, N. Y., 1817, ii, [223-J246. ------. An inquiry into the varieties of muscular motion, anil their connection with peculiarity of texture in the moving organ. Ibid. M7 [Am. ed.]', N. Y., 1818, iii, 296-315. —Pn»iemair.k' tj.i Recherches experimentales snr l'origine dn trembl,m, ni qui aecompague les mouvements volontaii is, on in mi,],' ment intentionnel. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par. 1881, 2. s., viii, 328-342.—Pnwlow (.1.) Wie die Muschel ihre Schaale iiffnet ; Versuche and Fra gen zur allgenieineii Muskel- und Nervenpbysiologie. Anh. f. cl. ges. Plivsiol, Bonn, 1885, xxxvii, 6-31, 4 diag —Peckham (ij.) liliyth- mical myoclonus. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1883, ix, 97-117.— Pfliiger (E.) Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die ITsathe des Ritterschen (Oeffi ungs) Tetanus. Allg. med. Centr.. Ztg., Berl., 1859, xxviii, 17-19. ------. Ueber die Ursache des Oeffnungstetanus. (Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Ge- setze der Zuckung.) Arch. f. Anat., I'hysiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1859, 133-149. — Pfiindel. Ueber kiank- hal'te Irritabilitat oder unwillkiihrliche Muskelbeweguug und ihre Behandlung. J. d. pract Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1796, ii, 2. St, 243-270.—Pick (A.) Zur Lehre von eler Wirkungen der mechauischeu Muskelreiziing. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1884, ix, 123; 126; 136; 145 —IMaM an (F.) Recherches sur la force absolue des must Its ties in vertebres. 1" partie: Force absolue des muscles adduc- teurs des mollusques lamellibranche s. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1883, 3. s., vi, 226-259, 1 pi.-----. Recherches sur la force absolue des muscles des iuveit6- br6s (deuxieme partie). Force absolue des muscles flechis- seurs de la piuce chez les irustaces docapoiles. Ibid., 1884, 3. s., vii. 450-474, 1 p. —Poole (T. W.) On the necessity for a modification of certain physiological doc- trines regarding the inter-relations of nerve and muscle. N. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport Conn.. 1887-8, viii, 74; 109. — Poore ((1. V.) On the influence of the contin- uous galvanic current over voluntary muscular action. Practitioner, Loud., 1873, x, 37-43.— Powell (T.) New theories concerning the construction and action of the muscular and nervous elements. Med. Advocate, N. V., 1886, iii, 89-93—Prfivost & Dumas. Memoire sur les ph6nt>m6nes qui accompagnent la contraction de la fibre musculaire. J. de physiol. exp6r., Par., 1823, iii, 301-344.— Preyer (W.) Retahlisseinent de I'irritabilite des muscles roides. Rec. d. trav. Soc. m6d. allem. de Par., 1864-5, 37- 53. Also [Abstr.] : Gaz. med. de Par., 1864, 3. s., xix, 812, Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wisseusch., Berl., 1864, ii, 769-773. ------. Myophysiselie Untersu- chungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871-2, v, 294; 483, 1 pi. : 1872, vi, 237; 567. ------. Erkliirung. Arcb. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873, vii, 200. [See, also, supra, Bernstein (J.)] ------. Ueber elektrische Muskelreizung. Jenaisehe Ztschr. f. Naturw., Leipz., 1874, viii, 281-292. -----.. UeberMuskelrnhe und Gedankenlesen. Sitzungsb. d. Jenaiscb. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw., 1885, 1-19.- Qnefelel (A.) Considerations sur la theorie de la popu- lation, et experiences sur la force musculaire de l'lioinnie aux differens age- \nn. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xii, 294-311.— Quinqiiaud (( .-^..) De la force motrice, mesurec au dynamoinetre lorsqit'on excite directement, le nerf ou le muscle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1885, K. s., ii, 14- 17. ------. Experiences sur la contraction lnusculaire 11 la chaleur animale. Ibid., 1886, 8. s., iii, 410 —Kadc-lille (C. B.) The physical theory of muscular contract ion (a sketch of the argument with alterations and additions). Med. Times \- Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 591; 615; 639. Also, Reprint.—Ranke (J.) Untersuchung iiber die clicmi- schen BediDgungen tier Ermiidung des Muskels. No. 1 u. 2. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med , Leipz., 1863 422: 1864, 320. —'■—. Das Gesetz des Electrotouus. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v, 257-259.- Ranvier. Note sur les vaisseaux sanguins ct la cir- culation dans les muscles rouges. Compt. rend. Sen-,, de biol. 1874, P v., 1875, 6. s., i, 28-31. - Redding (J.) Muscular contractility. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buttalo, 1881 iv, 17-27, 1 pi. Also: Cincin. M. News, 1882, n. MUSCLE. 561 MUSCLE. Jliisele (Physiology of). s. xi. 436-446.— Regnard (P.) Sur la cause de la rigielite- des muscles sounds aux ties hautes pressions. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 310. -----. Les phenomenes de la vie sous les hautes pres- sions : la contraction musculaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 265-269.—Rejjnanld (J.) Re- cherches sur les courants musculaires. Compt rend. Acad, cl sc, Par., 1854, xxxviii, 890-894.,, Also, Reprint— ■{einbold (T.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die bei der licwt-guug des Muskels in Betracht kominende Kraft, u. die Aiiweiiilung thsBegriffs "activ u. passiv" auf die Be- wi-gung ties Muskels. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1846, 1, 82-86. — Remak (R.) Ueber die Verdickuug der Mus- keln (lurch constante galvanische Stidnie. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1857, ix, 435.-Rcnant (J.) Nouvelle methode de dissociation des muscles eles animaux superieurs, sur un nouveau procede de dissociation tin laisct au musculaire primitif des. muscles volontaircs. en librilles. < 'ompt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. 8., iii, 189. — Rendu (A.) Des divers modes de contractilite musculaire: influence de cette contractilite dans la production et dans les phe- nomenes cons6cutifs des luxations et des fractures. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1843, i, 374-393.— Reydcllet. Muscle. Diet. d. sc. m6d.. Par., 1819, xxxiv, 560-624.— Richardson (B. W.) The Croonian lecture; on mus- cular irritability after systemic, death. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1872-3, x'xi, 339-348. Also (Abstr.] : Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1873, ii, 202-205.—Kiehct (C.) De la forme de la contraction musculaire des muscles de 1'6orevisse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1879, lxxxviii, 868-870. -----. De l'excitabilitc du muscle pendant les differentes periodes de sa contraction. Ibid., lxxxix, 242-244. _____. De rexcitabilite rythmiqne des muscles et de leur compa- rison avec le cerur. Ibid., 792-794. Also [ A bstr. J : Gaz nied. de Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 614. -----. Recherches snr la contraction musculaire de l'ecrevisse. Cong, period, in- ternat. d. sc. me$d. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst, 1880, vi, 554-560. -----. De l'ondre secondaire du muscle. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xci, 828. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 631. -----. Phenomenes chimiques , de la contraction musculaire. Rev. scient., Tar., 1881, 3. s., i, 206-215. -----. Notes sur quelques faits relatifs a l'excitabilite musculaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 21-23. -----. De diversoium musculorum diversa irritabilitate. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxi, 146.— Rocher (H.) Beitrag ziir Kenntniss des Elektrotonus. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 623-631, 1 pi. ——. Ueber die Natur der negatives Nachwirkung des Tetanus auf die elcktro- motoiische Kraft der Muskeln. Ibid., 1870, 615-641.— Rohinanii. Ueber Bildung nnd Auss, ii.eiduug von Milchsaure uud Zucker bei der Muskelthatigkeit "(nach Versuchcn von W.Mareuse). Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. L vaterl. Kult, Bresl., 1887, lxiv, 39-42. — Rollett (A.) Ueber die verschiedene Erregbarkeit funetionnell ver- schiedener Nervinuskel-Apparate. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1874, lxx, 7, 3 pi.: 1875, lxxi, 33, 1 pi.: 1876, lxxii, 349, 3 pi. -----. Ueber die verschiedene Erregbarkeit fuuctiouell verschiedener Mus- kelapparate. [Rev.] Centralbl. f. d.med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii. 337-339.—Rosenhach (P.) & Sehtsehcrbak (A.) Graphisehc Uiitersuchung eler Muskelzuckung bei Entartungsreaetioii. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1886, v, 337-344. —Rosenthal (J.) Ueber die relative Starke der directen unci indirecten Muskelreiziing. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere. Frankf. a. M., 1857, iii, 185-194. -----. Ueber die Aibeitsleistuug eler Muskeln. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang.. 1879-80, xii, 1.5-20. Also: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1880, 187-196. — Rosen- thal (M.) Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen iiber das Absterben der Muskeln und den Scheintotl. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1872, 389-413.—Rossbach (M. J.) & llartcneck (K.) Muskelversuche an Warmbliitern. Arch. f. tl. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877, xv, 1-11, 1 pi.—Roth (O.) Expert- nientelle Studien iiber die durch Ermiidung hervorgerufe- nen Veranderungen des Muskelgewebes. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxv, 95-109.—Roth (W.) Ueber neuiomusculare Stammchen iu den willkiirrenen Mus- keln. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.',' 1887, xxv, 129-131 —Iton^ct (C.) Ph6noinenes microscopiques de la cont. action musculaire ; striation transversale des fibres lisses. [Extr.J Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc. Par., 1881, xcii, 1446-1449. -----. Xote sur des photographies microsco- piques relatives k la structure iles muscles et aux pheno- menes ele la contraction niusculaire. 1 bid., 1866, lxii, 1314- 1317. — ltonx (W.) Beitrage zur Morphologic tier time- tionellcn Aiipassung. 2. Ueber die Selbstrcgulation del nioiphologischen Lange der Skelctinuskein. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., 1882-3, n. F., ix, 358-427. Also, Re- print.— Rozanotl" (I.) K voprosu o kolebani.jach mu- shechnoi sili u cheloveka. [On the variations of muscu- lar force in man.] Vrach, St Petersb., 188.5, vi, 8-10.— Runner (M.) Versuche iiber den Einfluss der Tempe- ratur auf die Respiration des ruheiiden Muski-is. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1885, 38-66. — Run go. Der Elektro- tonus am Lebenden. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1870, vii. 356-384.—Rutherford (W.) Electrotonus. J. 30 JIu*ele (Physiology of). Auat. *c Physiol., Loud., 1867-8, ii, 87-103.—Sadler (W.) Leber elen Bhifstroin in den riiheudeu, veikiiizlen und ermiideten Muskeln des lebenden Thieres. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz., 18,0, iv, 77-100. 1 pi. —Sam- kowy. Leber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf tb-n Debnuugszustand queigestreifter und glatter Muskula- tur verschiedener Thierklassen. Arch f el ges Phy- siol., Bonn, 1874, ix, 399-402, 1 pi. — Kansoin (A.) Me- moue sur la source du travail musculaire et sur les pre- tendues combustions respiratoires. J. de l'anat et phy- siol., etc., Par., 1880, xvi, 473-534 Also [Abstr.] : Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1880, xci, 336-338. —:Nnrlan- dierc (J.) Des differences de Paction museulaire con- sideree pbysiologiquement. Ann. de la med. phvsiol., Par., 1830, xviii, 41-80.—Schafcr (E. A.) An improved method of directly determining the velocity of the contrac- tion-wave in curarised muscle. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1882, Lond., 1883. lii, 575 — Se liii fer (E. A.) [,t al] On tbe rhythm of muscular response to volitional impulses iu man. J. Physiol., Lond., 1886, vii, 111-117, 1 pi.—SchiflT (M.) Ueber die peristaltisehe Beweguugquergcstreifter Muskeln. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 18.57. i, 84-89. -----. Ueber directe Reizung der Muskeln mit besonderer Beziehung auf die-vou Dr. W. Wundt vertheieligten the oretischen Ansichten. Ibid., 1858, v, 181-191— Sehiiler (J.) Leber Warniebilchmg im erstarrendeu Muskel. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v, 849. -----. Ueber die Warmebildung erstar- render Muskeln. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1868. 442-464. — Neh ■ pi IoflT (Catherine). Ueber dieEntstehungsweise der Muskelstarie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Bert., 1882, xx, 291-'_'9l — Sehmnle- witseh (J.) Zur Muskelphvsiologie untl Physik. Med. Jahrb., Wien. 1868, xv, 3-36, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.] : Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v, 81-83. -----. Etudes sur la physioiogie et la physique cles muscles. J. de l'anat et physiol.. etc., I'ar., 18 J8. v, 27-47, 1 pi- -----. Zur Frage iiber das Wesen der Muskclcon- traction. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1870, viii, 609-611. -----. Ueber deu Einfluss des Blutgehaltes der Muskeln auf deren Reizbarkeit. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1879, 479-512. — Sehoenlein (K.) Zur Frage nach der Natur der Anfaugszuckung. Ibid., 1882, 356-368. _____. Ueber rhythmiscbe Contractionen quergestreifter Mus- keln auf tetanische Reizung. Ibid., 369-386. -----. Ue- ber das Verhalten des secundaren Tetanus bei verschiede- ner Reizfrequeiiz. /bid., 347-3511.—Schu It z-Sehultzen- siein. Ueber Selbstbewegung der Muskelfaser. Areb.f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1855, 265-268.— Scynia (A.) Fencimenos que por el metodo giafico se observan en la enntraccion muscular. Porvenir, Mexico, 1870-71, iii. 424-454. —Sewnll ill.) Ou the effect of two succeeding stimuli upon muscular contraction. J. Phy- siol., Lond., 1879-80, ii, 164-190, 1 pi. Also: Johns Hop- kins Univ. Stud. biol. lab. 1878-9, Bait, 1880, i, pt. 2, 29- 56, 1 pi.—Sikorski. Sur la tension des muscles comme substratum de l'attention. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1885, x, 145-157.—da Silva Jones (G.-M.) Du mecanisme de la contraction musculaire et de ses rapports avec l'inner- vation du cceur et des vaisseaux. [Resume of his Diss. inaug.: 0 mecanismo da contraceao muscular, Lisboa, ]88ii.| J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1883, xlvii. 8s : 97.— Smith ( R. M. ) Die Temperatur des gereiztcu Siiugo- thiermuskels. Arch.f. Physiol., Leipz.. 1881.105-152. Also, transl.: Arch. Med., N. T., 1884. xi, 279: xii, 1— Sokol- lovski. Izsledovanie mishetchnoy systemy. [Investi- gation of the muscular system ] Moskov. med. Gaz., 1866, no. 42, 347. — von Solkrig. Die Beziebungen des Muskeltonus zur psychischen Erkrankung. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc, Bert., 1871-2, xxviii, 369-389.— Stniinins. Untersuchungen iiber Muskelreizbarkeit. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl.. 1847, 443-462. -----. Foftgesetzte Untersuchungen iiber Mus- kelreizbarkeit Ibid., 1849, 588-592. -----. Untersuchun- gen iiber Leistungsf'ahigkeit der Muskeln und Todten- slarre. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1852, xi, 1-25.— Slillmaii (J. M ) Thesourceof muscular energy. Pop. Sc. Month., N. AT, 1883-4, xxiv, 377-387.—Sliiitzing (R.) Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen iiber die Kohh nsiitire tier Muskeln ii. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1880. xxiii, 151-161—Stranb(M.) De spier bescbouwdalssamentrek- bare band. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1886, x, 1-11.—Strieker (S ) DasZuckungs-Gesctz : eine Anklageschrif't gegen Herrn Prof. v. Fleischl in Wien im Betreff seines im Archiv von Dubois Beymond (Heft i, 1882) unter dem Titel: "Das Zuckungsgesetz " publicir- tcn Aufsatzes. Wien. ined. BL, 1882. v, 236; 266, 299, 330; 393.—Snsisehinsky (P.) Ueber den Muskeltonus in den hinteren Extremitaten ties Frosches und iiber den Einfluss einiger Gifte auf denselben. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix. 529-531.—Tarkhanort" (I.) Pribavlenie k' phiziologii niisliechnago okochenaiuiya. [Contribution to the physiology of muscular numbness.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869. ix, 67— Tiesel (E.) Die Zuckungshtihe des Muskels als Function tier Lastung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.,Bonn, 187.5-6, xii, 133-140.-----. Ueber Tetauisireii durch Influenz. Ibid., 141.-----. MUSCLE. 562 MUSCLE. JIusele (Physiology of). Leber Muskelcontractur im Gegensatz zu Contraction. Ibid., 1876, xiii, 71-83,1 pi. -----. Weitere Untersuchun- gen iiber die Wirkung einzelner Inductionsschlage auf cien Sceletmuskel und seinen Nerven. Ibid.. 272-284. -----. Vom Einfluss des Reizortes am Nerven auf die Ziickuiigsht'ihe des Muskels. Ibid.. 598-606. -----. Ueber den Einfluss einiger willkiirlich Veranderlichen auf die Zuckungshohe des untermaxim.il gereizten Mus- kels. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst zu Leipz. (1875), 1876, x, 1- 50. -----. Ueber den Gebrauch eines Coiulensators zum Reizen mit Iuductionsapparaten. Anh I', d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1876-7, xiv, 330-340, 1 pi. — Tigeisiedt (R'.) Untersuchung iiher die Latenzdauer der Muskelzuckuiig in ihrer Abhangigkeit von verschiedenen Variabeln. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1885, -Suppl., 111-265, 6 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1885, xvii, no. 12, 1-30.—Tsehirjew (S.) Ueber die Erregbarkeit des Nerven und ties Muskels in Quer- und Langsricbtung. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv. 369. -----. Tonusquergestreifter Muskeln. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1879, 78-89, 1 pi. -----. Zur Lehre vom Elektro- toutis. Ibid., 1883, Suppl.-BeL, 280-301.—Valentin (G.) Ueber die Wechselwirkung der Muskeln und der sie ura- gebenden Atmosphiire. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk.. Stuttg., 1855, xiii, 431-478. -----. Die Wirkung der zusammengc- zogenen Muskeln auf die sie unigebenden Luftmassen. Ibid., n. F., i, 285-300, 1 pi. -----. Eudiometrische Studien iiber Muskeln und Nerven. Ibid., 1859, n. F., iii, 441-485. -----. Note sur la partie respective cles solides et des liquides sur Paction des nerfs et des muscles. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1862, 2. s., v, 799-802. -----. Einige Erfilirungen iiber den Einfluss der Deh- nung der Muskelfasern auf die Zusammeuziehungsgreisse derselben. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1878, xiv. 305-334. -----. Die Leistung des nur gespannten und nicht vorher gedehnten Muskels. Ibid., 1879, xv, 349-363. -----. Die Untersuchung der Verkiirzungserscheinungen der Mus- kelfasern in polarisirtem Lichte. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1879-80. xxi, 307-327. -----. Die Abhangigkeit der Gestalt der Muskelcurve von dem Verkiirzungsgange. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1880, xvi, 129-178. ----—. Eini- ge Beinerkungen iiber Beschleiinigungswertbi* des Ver- kiirziingsganges der Muskeln. Ibid., 1881, xvii, 157-164.— de Varijjny (H.) Sur la periode d'exeitation latentecles muscles ties invertebres. Coinpt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1884, xcix, 334-337.-----. Sur le tetanos rythmique dans les muscles d'invertebres marins. Coinpt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 188.5, 8. s., ii, 751-753. -----. Sur la contraction idio- rausculaire chez les inverteLres marins. Ibid., 1886, 8. s., iii, 139. -----. Sur le tetanos rythmique chez les muscles d'invertebres. Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1886, 3. s., vii, 151-171.—de Van real. Recherches sur I'irrita- bilite musculaire et la rigiditc* cadnverique. Union med.. Par.. 1806. xxxii, 2. s., 403.—Virchow (R.) Tonus und Atonic. _ Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1853, vi, 139.— Vizioli (F.) Fatti e teoria delle coutratture museolari che ccssauo durante il souuo. Morgagni, Napoli, 1870, xii, 835-842.—VoelIters (('.) Ueber combiuirte Bewe- gungen und Mitliewtgungeu. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Metl.. Berl..1838, 469-481.—Voichvi'l (I.) ' Materiali k ucbeiiiou ob otnosbenii kalibra nervov k koje i mushtsam chelovieka. [Calibre of nerve fibres in the muscular system ] Voyenuo-med. J.. St. Petersb 1883, cxlviii, pt'. 2, 247-298.—Voit (C.) Leber the Ent- wicklung tier Lehre von der Quelle eler Muskel-Kraft und einiger Theile der Ernatirung seit 25 Jahren. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1870, vi, 305-401.—Volkinnnn (A. W.) Versuche uber Muskelreizbarkeit. Arch. f. Anat, Phy- siol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1857, 27-45. -----. Ver- such und Betrachtungen iiber Muskelcontractilitiit. Ibid,, f858, 215-288, 1 pi. -----. Erwiederung auf die im Schlusshefte des Miiller'scheu Archivs gegen mich ge- richtete Abhandlung E. Weber's iiber Muskelreizbarkeit Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Meet, Leipz., 1800, 145-161. -----. Controle eler Ermiidiuigseinfliisse in Mus- kelversuchen. Ibid., 705-768. ------. Die Ermiiduno-s- verhaltnisse der Muskeln. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. l*7u. iii, 372-403. -----. Von den Beziehungen der Elasticitiit zur Muske-lthatigkeit. Ibid., 1873, vii, 1-18 1 pi.—Voorhoeve (X. A. J.) Ueber das Entsteiien der sogenaunten Fihrincylinder. Arch. f. path. Anat etc Berl., 1880. lxxx, 247-268.—Weber (E.) Experiences snr la contraction de la fibre musculaire. Arch. gen. de med Par., 1846, Suppl., 9-12. -----. Die Muskelbewc-ungl Handworterb. d. Physiol., Brnschwg., 1846-50 iii ■> Abth., 1-122. -----. Leber die Elasticitiit der Muskeln. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.. Berl., 1858. 506- 557. ------ Dritte Erwiederung auf Volkmann's dritte Abhandlung iiber Muskelirritabilitat. Ibid.. Leipz. 1861 248; 530, 1 pi. -----. Ueber Eduard Weber's Eutdeckun- gen in der Lehre von der Muskeleontraction. Ibid Berl., 1846, 483-527. — Wedenskij (X.) Zur Methodik der telephonischen Beobachtungen iiber die galvanischen Muskelwirkungen wahrend des willkiirlichen Tetanus. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St-Petersb.. 1880-83. xi, 519-521. ------. Ueber die telephonischen Erscheinun- gen im Muskel bei kunstlichem und ua'tiirlichem Teta- Jliiscle (Physiology of). nus. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1883, 313-325. Also, in: Arb. a. d. spec, physiol. Abth. d. physiol. Inst. il. Lniv Berl.. 1883. | No. 19].-----. Leber die Ursachcn ties Itit- ter-Rollet'scheu Phiinomens am Fusse des Frosches. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1887-8, i, 256; J09.— Werner. Uii'tersuchungen iiber den Zustanel der Mus- keln in der Zeit ihrer Rube, zur Begriindung einer wissen- schaftlieheii Therapie der Skoliosen leitentl. Med. Ztg Berl, 1849, xviii. 199; 205; 209.-----. Liiteisuchungen iiber den Zustand der willkiirlichen Muskeln zur Zeit ihrer Thiitigkeit. zur Begriinduiig einer wissensclialt- lichen Therapie tier Skoliosen leitend. Ibid., 1850, xi\- 51; 55. — Weslphal (C.) Eine.\it paradoxer Muskel- eontraction. Tagebl. d. Veisainml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879,lii, 310. Also: Centralbl. f. Ner- venh., Coblenz, 1880, iii. 417.—Weyl (T.) & Keillcr (II.) Ueber die Reaction des thatigen Muskels und iiher die Rolle der Phosphorsaure beim Muskeltetanus. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zn Erlang., 1881-2. xiv, 119-12(1. Also: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1882, vi. 557-505. — von Wiltich. Ueber eigenthiinilieho Miiskelcontractionen, welche das Durchstromen vou destillirteni Wasser hcrvor- ruf't. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 18.58, xiii, 421-436.— Wolf (C.) Du courant galvanique oppose ii la contrac- tion musculaire. Gaz. ined. de Strasb., 18.53. xiii, 1-6.__ Wnndt (W.) Ueber das Gesetz tier Zuckungen und die Modification der Erregbarkeit durch gcschlossene Ketten. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1858, n. F., ii. 354-400. [See, also, supra, Schitf.] -----. Ueber den Veiiauf idio- muskuliirer Zusammenziehungen. Amtl. Ber. ii. tl. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1858, Carlsruhe, 1859, xxxiv, 200-202. -----. Ueber den Verlauf der Muskelzu- sammenziehung bei di rec ter Muskelreizung. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1859, 549-552, 1 pi.----—. Ueber die Erregbarkeitsveranderungen im / Electrotonus unit die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der Norvoiierrogung. Arch. 1'. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1870, iii, 437-440.—Veo (G. F.) The minimal interval at which the summation of two maximal stimuli occurs in striated muscle. J. Physiol., Lond., 1885, vi. 122-132.—Veo (G. F.) tt Cash (T.) ' On the relation between the active phases of contraction and the latent period of skeletal muscle. Ibid., 1883-4, iv, 198-221— Zasietski (N. A.) O vlijanii miishechnich dvijenii na obinien azot. vetshest [Muscu- lar motion in the promotion of metamorphosis of nitrogen.] Vrach, St Petersb.. 1885. vi. 868; 885— Zclenski. Zur Frage von der Muskelirritabilitat. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862. xxiv. 362-428— Znradelli (C.) Sulla tonicita muscolare : osservazioni fisiologiche e patolo- giche. Gazz. metl. ital lomb., Milano, 1861, 4. s., vi, 429; 437 : 1862, 5. s., i, 1: 9; 18; 25. ------. Studii sulla contrat- tilitd, elettrica e volontaria. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1866, exevii. 241; 453. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Mi- lano, 1866, 5. s., v, 39; 103 ; 265: 1867, 5. s., vi, 190; 278; 364. Jlnsele (Regeneration of). See Muscle (Development, etc., of). Jluscle (Smooth). See, also, Intestines (Movements of). Bexeke (R.) * Zur Lehre vou der hyaliuen (waclisnrtige.il) Degeneration der glatten Mus- kelfasern. [Strasburg.] 8°. Berlin, 1887>. Eylaxdt (A.) * Observationes microscopies de musculis orgauicis in hominis cute obviis. 4°. Dorpati, 1850. Hellwig (G.) * De musculis lsevibus. >*-. Vralislavice, [1861]. Larger (R.) * Essai critique et experimen- tal sur les muscles lisses en general et snr quel- ques-uns eu particulier; leur anatomie, leur physioiogie normale et pathologique. 4J. Stras- bourg, 1870. Plkwkiewicz ( M. ) * Mikrometrische Beob- achtungen iiber glatte Muskelfasern. ?-'. Greifs- wald, 186)8. van Rhyx (C. H.) *De motu peristaltico in genere. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 176)7,. Sciiwarzenbhrg (J. C. (I.E.) * De structura et functione nmsculoruni hcvium. ~-- Mar- burgi Cattorum, 1847. Walther ( C. R. ) * Nonnulla de inusculls laevibus. bc. Lipsia; [187A]. Arnold (J.) I'eber die Neubilduug von glatten Mns- kelfasern in pletiritischen Schwarteu. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl.. 1807. xxxix, 270-289, 1 pi — «ii*iieln IT.) Sulla scissione indiretta delle fibre innscolari list i- in seguifo ad irritazione. Gior. el. r. Accad. di ined. «11 Torino, 1886, 3. s.. xxxiv, 55. Also : Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1886, xxiii. 209. -----. Ueber die Kegeneration der glatten Muskeln. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1887, MUSCLE. 563 MUSCLE. IfliisoBe (Smooth). xxv. 113.—C'appnrelli (A.) Sulla fisiologia dei muscoli lisci. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 303-317. Also, transl. f Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1882-3. ii, 291-302.— Fiek (A.) Vorliiutige Aukiindigung einer Lntersuchung iiber die Physioiogie tier glatten Mus- kelfaser. Wien. nied. Wclmschr., 1860, x, 577-580. — Fi- Nehel (W.) Eine neue Reaction zur Erkennung glatter Miiskeliaserii. Prag. med. "Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 39.— (jriiiilingen (A.) tfeSamkowy. Leber das Verhalten isolirter glatter Muskeln bei electi-iseht-r Reizung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, x, 165-173.—«.selicidlen (R.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Nervendiguug in deu glatten Muskelfasern Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1877, xiv, 321-332, 1 pi. — .1 akiuiovitsi'li. Ueber die Rege- neration tier glatten Muskelfasern. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl.. 1879, xvii, 897— Kiilliker (A.) Bei- triige zur Kenntniss der glatten Muskeln. Cutting from: Ztschr. f. wissen-ch. Zoologie, 1. Bd., 1. Hit., Leipz., 48-87, 4 pi.—Lister (J.) On the minute structure of involun- tary muscular libre. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1853-7, xxi, pt. iv. 549-557. Also. I't'iuint. Also [Abstr.J: Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1850-57, iii, 413-416.—Ltiikjanow (S. M.) 'Leber die Kerne der glatten Muskelzellen bei Salaniaiielra niacul. 2. Abb. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxx, 545-558. 2 pi.—ITIuzoon (I. F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Gewebs- eleincnte der glatten Muskeln uud iiber die Existenz die- ser Muskeln in eler menschlichen Milz. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1854, viii, 25-40, 1 pi.—IVIoleKchott (J.) Beepiemes mikrochemisches Verfahren zur Liitersiichung der glatten Muskeln. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1859. ix, 785-788. -----. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der glatten Muskeln. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vi, 380-402.—Molescliott (J.) tfc Piso- Borine (G. 1 Ueber das Vorkommen gabelfonuiger Tbei- lungen an glatten Muskelfasern. Ibid.. 1865, ix, 1-6, 1 pi.— Ranvier. Proprietes physiologiques des fibres muscu- laires lisses. Progres mecl., Par., 1880, viii, 287-289.— Nalvioli (G.) Contiibuzione alia istologia patologica delle fibremuscolari liscie; nota preventiva. Osservatore, Torino, 1879, xv, 609-612.—Schwalbe (G.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der glatten Muskelfasern. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1868, iv, 392-406, lpl.—Sertoli (E.) Contribuzioni alia tisiolouia generate dei muscoli lisci. K. 1st. Lomb. di sc. & lett, ' Rendic., Milano, 1882, 2. s., xv, 567-582. Also, transl.: Arch. ilal. de biol., Turin, 1883, iii, 78-94.—To- lolNt'liinofl". Leber das Verhalten der Nerven zu den glatten Muskelfasern der Frosehharnblase. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1869, v, 509-511,—de Varigny (H.) Sur quelques points de la physioiogie des muscles lisses chez les invertebres. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1885, c, 656-658. Muscle (Sounds of). Blake (C.J.) Summary of results of experiments on the perception of high muscular tones. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1872, 74-79.—Bondet de Paris. Recherches sur le bruit musculaire. Gaz. med. de I'ar., 1880, 6. s., ii, 121- 123. Also: Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 40-44. 'Also [Abstr.]: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 108. Also [Abstr.]: J. d. conn. med. prat,, Par., 1880, xlvii, 66. -----. Appareil microphonique pour la constatation des bruits musculaires. Rev. med. franc*, et etrang., Par., 188U, i, 323-328. — Bondet de Paris & Brissand (E.) Recherches mierophouiques sur le bruit musculaire des niembres contractures. Progres m6d., Par., 1879,vii, 981.— Heitler(M) Ein Fall von Muskoltciuen. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1875. 265-268.—Helmholtz (H.) Ueber das Mus- kelgerausch. [.From.- Monatsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissen- sch., Berl., 1864, 307.] Arch. f. Anat., Plnsiol. u. wissen- sch. Med., Leipz., 1864, 766-768. -----. Ueber den Mus- kelton. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1865- 8, iv, 88-90.— Iluetcr (C.) Zur Dermatophonie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 401; 481. — Mac William. Ueber das Muskelgerausch. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissen- sch., Berl., 1887, xxv, 657.—rVatanson. Ueber Muskel- ton. Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versaniml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte I860. Kcinigsb., 1861, xxxv. 126-129. — Plessen (I,.) Leber Haut-, Muskel- und SelmeiiLierausche ; einige historische Benierkungen zu Prof. C. Uueter's Untersu- chungen iiber Dermatophonie-, Mvophonio unci Tendopho- uie. Wien. uied. Bl., 1879, ii, 135-137. —«iein (T.) Troti- ve's Coiitrolveisuche iiber Tone und Geriiusche der Mus- keln. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1880, xviii, 177-180.—Tronve (G.) A- de Boyer (H.) Microphouede disposition speeiale apiilicable aux recherches physiolo- giques et eu paiticulier a 1 etude de la contraction muscu- laire. Compt rend. Soc debiol. 1880, Par., 1881,7. s., ii, 30-36. MllNCle (Striated). See, also, Muscle (Chemistry, etc., of); Muscle (Development, etc., of); Muscles (Nerves of). vox Biksiadecki (A.) &. Herzig (A.) Die verschiedenen Formen der quergestreiften Mus- kelfnscrn. ,-'-. Wien, 18.7)8. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1858, xxxiii. JIu*cle (Striated). Borx (G.) * Beitrage zur Entwieklungsge- schichte der quergestreiften willkiirlichen Mus- keln der Siiugethiere. 8°. Berlin, [1*73]. Braidwood (P. M.) On the development of striped muscular fibre in the vertebrata; being part of a graduation thesis for which a gold medal was awarded by the Senatus academicus of the Edinburgh University, August, 1863. 8:-\ [n.p., 11. el] Hartexeck (K.) * Untersuchungen iiber Er- miidung und Erholung des quergestreiften Mus- kels der Warm- und Kaltbliitcr. &■-'. Wiirz- burg, 1877. Also, in: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. iu Wiirzb., 1877, n. F., xi, 175-201. Herzig (A.) Spiudelformige Llemente quer- gestreifter Muskeln. 8°. Wien, 187)8. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1858, xxx. Leven ( L.) * Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskelfas'erh unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Karyokinese. ^°. Halle a. S., 1887. Place (T.) * De contractie-golf der wille- keurige spieren. 8°. Utrecht, 1867. Rachmaninoff (I.) *K voprosu o regene- ratsii poperechuo-polosatych myshechnych volo- kon. [On regeneration of transversally striated muscular fibres.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1881. Rollett (A.) Untersuchungen zur naheren Kenntniss des Baues der quergestreiften Mus- kelfaser. 8°. Miinchen, [187)7]. Cutting from: Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1857, xxiv, 291-313, 1 pi. Stkldel (E.) *Zur Kenntniss der Regenera- tion der quergestreiften Muskulatur. [Tiibin- gen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1887. BabiiiMlii (J.) Sur la presence dans les muscles stries de l'homme d'un systeme special constitue par eles groupes de petites fibres musculaires entourees d'une gaine lamelleuse. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 629-631.—Biederinann (W.) Ueber rhytnii- sche Contractionen quergestreit'ter Muskeln unter dem Einflusse cles constanten Stromes. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1883, lxxxvii, 3. Abth., 115-136, 2 diag—von Ebner (V.) Die Histologie des quergestreiften Muskels. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, i. Sect, d'anat., 23-29.—Eiigelinann (T. W.) Bemerkungen zu einem Aufsatz voii F. Merkel: "Ueber die Contraktion der ge- streiften Muskelfaser". Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881, xxvi, 501-515. Also: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1882, 3. R., vii, 122-140. -1----. Ueber den Bau der quergestreiften Substanz an den Euden der Muskelfasern. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881, xxvi, 531-536, 1 pi.—Erbkam (R.) Beitriige zur Kennt- niss der Degeneration und Regeneration von quergestreif- ter Musculatur nach Quetscbuug. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl. (1880), 1882, lxxix. 49-75, 1 pi.— I'lojjel (J. H. L.) Ueber die quergestreiften Muskeln der Milben. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1872, viii. 69-80. — Fraenltel (E.) Ueber Veriinderungeu quergestreifter Muskeln bei Pbthi- sikern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1878, Ixxiii, 380- 398, 1 pi.—Hallsten (K.) Directe Keizung der querge- streiften Muskeln mittels des konstanten Stromes. Zt- schr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1880, xxiii, 486-508, 1 pi.— Heidelberg (M.) Zur Pathologie der quergestreiften Muskeln. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1878. viii, 335-354.—Ilcnseii (V.) Nacktragliehe Bemer- kungen iiber die Structur der quergestreiften Muskeln. Arb. a. d.Kieler physiol. Inst. (1868), 1869,172-170.—Hog- gan (G.) & Hoggan (Frances Elizabeth). Lympba. tiques des muscles" stries. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1877, Geneve, 1878, v, 704-709. Alsot Compt, rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 197-199.— von Kriew (J.) Untersuchungen zur Mechaiiik des quergestreiften Muskels. Arch. f. Phvsiol.. Lei]iz., 1880, 348, 1 pi.: 1885, 67.—Kroneeker (II.) Leber die Ermii- dung und Erholung der quergestreiften M uskeln. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst, zu Leipz., 1872, vi, 177-266, 6 pi — Kiin- ekel (J.) Sur le developpement des fibres musculaires striees chez les insectes. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc. Par., 1872, lxxv, 359-362.—I>aulanie (F.) Sur les phenomenes intimes de la contraction musculaire, dans bs faisoeaux primitifs stries. Ibid., 1885, ci, 705-707. Also [Ab.-tr.; : Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1885, xvii, 249.—hiatal In in MUSCLE. 564 MUSCLES. Muscle (Striated). (A. B.) On the nuclei of the striated muscle-fibre in lec- tin us (menobranchus) lateralis. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1880-7, n. s., xxvii, 461-466, 1 pi.—Mayer (S.) Ueber einige Bewegungserscheinungen an quergestreiften Muskeln. Prag. med. AVchnschr., 1881, vi, 4, 14; 26. -----. Einige* Be- merkungen zur Lehre von der Riickbildung quergestreif- ter Muskelfasern. Ztschr. f. Heilk. Prag. "1887, viii, 177- 190.—Melland (B.) A simplified view of the histology of the striped muscle fibre. Stud. Biol. Lab. Owens Coll., Manchester, 1886, i, 225-241, 1 pi. —Merkel (F.) Der quergestreifte Muskel. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1872, viii, 244-268. -----. Ueber die Contraction tier gestreiften Muskelfaser. Ibid., 1880-81, xix, 649-702, 1 pi. — von Millbacher (H.) Beitrag zur Pathologie des querge- streiften Muskels. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1881-2. xxx, 304-331, 2 pi. — Montgomery ( E. ) Zur Frage iiber die Structur und Contraction quergestreifter Muskelfasern. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1870, viii, 163.—Newman (D.) New theory of contrac- tion of striated muscle, and demonstration of the composi- tion of the broad, dark bands. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, xiii, 549-576, 2 pi.—IVieolaides (R.) Leber die karyokinetischen Erscheinungen der Muskelkiirper wah- rend des "Wachstbums der quergestreiften Muskeln. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1883, 441-444, 1 pi— Oehl (E.) Sullo sviluppo de' muscoli striati e sulle loro difl'erenze di struttura, di composizione chimica e di pigmentazioue. Morgagni, iSTapoli, 1864, vi, 114-149, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.— PopolT (L.) Zur Pathologie der quergestreiften Muskel- fasern. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 690-693. — Banvier (L.) De quelques faits relatifs k l'histologie et a la physioiogie des muscles stries. Arch. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1874, 2. s., i, 1-15, 1 pi.— Bollett (A.) Zur Kenntniss des Zuekungsverlaufes quergestreifter Muskeln. Sitzungsb. d. k. Acad. d. Wis- sensch. Math.-Daturw. CL, Wien, 1884, lxxxix. 3. Abth. 346-353, 1 diag.—Bossbach (J. M.) & Uml. neck (K.) Ueber Ermiiduug und Erboluug des quergestreilten Mus- kels der Warm- und Kaltbliiter. Verhandl. d. plivs. nit tl. Gesellsch in Wiirzb., 1877, n. F., xi. 172-201. — Tizzoni (G.) Sulla fisio-patologia del tessuto muscolare strtato. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 243. —Valentin (G.) Fud- ges iiber Ermudungscurven quergestreifter Muskelfasern. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882, xxix. 506-508, 1 diag.— Virchow. Pathol. Xeubildung von quergestreiften Mus- kelfasern. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1850, i, 189. Muscle (Transplantation of). Budge (J.) Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Muskeln. Untersuch. z. Xaturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vi, 40-50, 1 pi. —Gluck ( T.) Ueber Muskel- uud Sehneuplastik. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881, xxvi, 61- 66, 1 pi.—Helferich (H.) Ueber Muskeltransplantation beim Menschen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1882, xi, pt. 2, 212-218, 1 pi. Also • Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1882-3, xxviii, 562-568. — Howard ( B. ) Muscle-grafting ; its elucidation of the physiological action in the cicatrization induced by skin-grafting. X. York M. J., 1871, xiv, 275-280. Muscle-reading*. See Mind-reading. Muscles. See, also, Anaesthesia (Muscular); Anatomy (Artistic); Arm; Body ( Human, Attitude of); Contractility; Co-ordination of movements; Creatin, etc. ; Dynamoscopy ; Effort; Elec- trophysiologic; Fascia ; Glycogen; Heat (Ani- mal); Latissimus dovsi; Leaping; Locomo- tion; Muscle (Chemistry, etc., of); Neck; Ner- vous system (Electrophysiology of); Nervous system (Reflex action of); Position; Shoulder; Tendons. Abkegi': de myologie. 12°. [Paris, 1747.] Adamy (J. V.) * Cogitata quaedam de adipis origine, de musculorum motu, et de perspiratio- nis cutanea' processu. 8C. Herbipoli,181b. Albixls (B. S.) Historia musculorum homi- nis. 4-. Leidas Batav., 1734. -----. The same. Ed. altera, Notis aucta. 4C. Francofurti et Lipsiee, 1784. -----. The same. 4C. Bambergce et Wiree- bnrgi, 1796. -----. The same. Ed. notisque illustravit D. Joannes Jacobus Hartenkeil. 4°. Bambergce et Wireebnrgi, 1796. Axfaxgsgkunde der Muskellehre. fol. Wien, 1786. Muscles. Ba.iard (J.-F.) * Remarques sur l'anatoiiiio chirurgicale du systeme musculaire. 4 Paris 1819. ' Barclay (J.) Tlie muscular motions of the human body. 8-. Edinburgh, 1898. Barth (J. ) Muskellehre nach den zwey Hauptvcrliiiltuissen, ihrer Lage und Yi-rbinduncr uutereinander, wie auch nach ihren allgeineineu und besondern Yerrichtungcii. fol. Wien, 1819. Bernstein (J.) * De aninialium evertclua- torum musculis nonnulla. (v. Bevolini, [1862], Bllndei.l (J. VV. F.) The muscles and their story from the earliest times; including the whole text of Mercurialis and the opinions of other writers, ancient and modern, on mental and bodily development. 12r London, 186)4. Bock (L.) * Ueber Aualogien der Knochen und Muskeln. 8~. Niirnberg, 1K52. Boessel (G. D.) * De usu myologne medico. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1730]. Brosike (G.) Cursus der normalen Anatoniie des menschlichen Ke'ipers. 1. Halfte: Knochen-, Biinder- und Muskel-Lehre. 8°. Berlin, 1887. Browne (J. ) A compleat treatise of tlie muscles, as they appear in humane body, and arise in dissection ; with diverse anatomical ob- servations not yet discover'd. fol. In the Savoy [London], 1681. -----. Myographia nova sive musculorum omnium (in corpore humano hactenus reperto- runi) accuratissima descriptio, in sex prajlectio- nes distributa [etc.] fol. Londini, 1684. -----. The same. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1687. -----. The same. Myographia nova; or, a graphical description of all the muscles in hu- mane body, as they arise in dissection. To- gether with an accurate and concise discourse of the heart, and its use; as also of the circu- lation of the blood, and the parts of which the sanguinary mass is made and framed. Written by the late learned Dr. Lower, fol. London, 1697. -----. The same. Verteutschte neue Be- schreibung derer in dem menschlichen Korper befiudlichen Mnsculeu, dariuuen eines jeelen Nahnien und natiirliches Lager in Kupffer-Sti- chen vorgestellet auch derselben Urspriiug, Ein- pflautzungen uud Gebrauch, deutlich beschrie- ben wird, nebst dem, was so wohl der Autor als andere auffs neueste hierinn entdecket, mit eini- gen neuen Kupffer-Blatten, samt einer Vorrcde von den Fundament is Myologia*, uud durchge- hends nothigen Anmerckungen vermehret von Christian Maximilian Spencer, fol. Beiiin, 1704. Buddeus (A.) *De musculorum actione et antagonismo. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1721. B[ul\ver] (J.) Pathomyotomia, or a dissec- tion of the significative muscles of the affections of the minde. Being an essay to a new method of observing the most important movings of the muscles of the head, as they are the neerest and immediate organs of the voluntarie or impetu- ous motions of the mind, with the proposall of a new nomenclature of the muscles. 16°. Lon- don, 1649. Carpenter (\V. B.) Ou the influence of sug- gestion in modifying and directing muscular movement, independently of volition. 8r [n. p., 187y2.] CasssEBOHM (J. F.) Methodus secandi et con- templandi corporis humani musculos, iu usum medicinie et chirurgia* studiosorum. 12°. Halm Magdeb., 1740. Chappius (H.) * Die morphologische Stellung der kleinenhinteruKopfmuskeln. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, 1876. MUSCLES. 565 MUSCLES. Muscles. Ciialsmkr. Exposition sommaire* des mus- cles du corps humain, suivant la classification et la nomenclature methodiques adoptees au cours public- cl'anatomie de Dijon. 12°. Dijon, 1789. CiaxjLet {•!■) Engravings of the- muscles, careful I v copied from the folio plates of . . . by Edward .Mitchell. 4°. Edinburgh, 1832. da Costa Kimoes (A. A.) Histologia e physio- logia geral dos mnsculos. Seccao I. Histologia dos mnsculos. Toino I. 8°. Coimbra, 1878. Coles (E.) &. Siilte (D. K.) Neuro-myology; classification of the muscles of the human body ' -with reference to their innervation and new no- menclature' of the muscles. 12°. New York, 1887. de Colhceli.es (D. C.) Icones musculorum capitis . . . cum expositione papillarum cutanea- rum icone singulari. Met eene Nederdnitsche verklaring over deselve. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1743]. Cowper (W.) Myotomiareformata; or, a new administration of the muscles of the humane bodies; wherein the true uses of the muscles are explained, the errors of former anatomists concerning them confuted, and several muscles uot hitherto taken notice of described ; to which are subjoined a graphical description of the bones aud other anatomical observations. 8°. London, 1694. -----. Myotomia reformat a ; or, an anatomi- cal treatise on the muscles of the human body. To-which is prefix'd an introduction concerning muscular motion, fol. London, 1724. Denonvilliers ( C.-P. ) * Comparaison des deux systc'ines musculaires. 4°. Paris, 1846. Concours. Douglas (J.) Myographia? comparatse speci- men; or, a comparative description of all the muscles in a man and in a quadruped, shewing their discoverer, origin, [etc.] ; to which is added an account of the muscles peculiar to a woman. [With an appendix.] 16°. London, 1707. -----. The same. With an etymological table and several useful indexes. 16^. Edin- burgh, 177,9. -----. The same. Xewed. 8°. Dublin,1755. -----. The same. 8°. London if Edinburgh, 1763. -----. The same. Xewed. To which is now added an account of the blood-vessels and nerves. 8-. Edinburgh, 1775. -----. The same. Xew ed., with additions. 12°. Dublin, 1777. -----. The same. Descriptio comparata musculorum corporis humani et quadrupedis. 8-. Lugd. Bat., 1729. -----. The same. *iG. Lugduni, 1734. Dursy (E.) Die Muskellehre in Abbildungen zum Gebrauche bei Prapaririibungen und Vorle- sungen. 5 Lfg. iu 3. 4°. Tiibingen, 1S56. -----. Auatoinischer Atlas ; nach Original- zeichnungen entworfen. 1. Abth. : Muskeln und Blutgefasse. 4C. Lain; 1861. Galien. Du mouvement des muscles, livre deux, nouvelleinent traduict do latin en fran- coys par. monsieur maistre Jehan Canappe, doc- teur on nie'decine. 16°. Lyon, [1541]. Gantzer ( C. F. L. ) *De musculorum varie- tate. s1. Berolini, [1813]. de Garengeot (R.-J.-C.) Miofomie humaine et canine, dans laqnelle on instruit les Aleves en chirurgie, de la maniere de dissequer les muscles de l'homme et des chiens. 16°. Paris, 1724. -----. The same. Miotomie humaine et ca- nine, ou la maniere de dissequer les muscles de l'honinie et des chiens; suivie d'une miologie, ou histoire abregee des muscles. 2. e"d. 12-. Pa- ris, 1728. -----. Tlie same. 3. <*"d. 2 v. 12. Paris, 1750. 31 use les. Gautier [d'Agoty (J.)] Essai d'anatomie en tableaux imprimes, qui reprdsentent au naturel tons les muscles de la face, du col, de la tete, de la langue et du larinx, d'apres les parties disse- quees et pre'pare'es par Duverney. Compreuant huit grandes planches dessinees, peintes, gravees et imprimees en coulenr et grandeur naturelles. elephant fol. Paris, 1745. Gavard (H.) Traite? de miologie, suivant la niethode de Desault. 8°. Paris, 1802. Gervais ( P. ) Planches murales d'histoire naturelle. [Muscles.] fol. Paris, [1885], Gleis (J. G.) *Diss. med. exhihens myolo- giam, sive musculorum tain in genere, quam iu specie doctrinam ad usurn practicum accommo- datam. 4°. [Wurzburg, 1738.] Guenther ( G. B. ) & Milde ( J. ) Die chi- rurgische Muskellehre in Abbildungen. Xeue Ausg. 4°. Hamburg, 1850. Hafiz ( M. ) * Sur la circulation dans les muscles de la vie de relation. 4°. Paris, 1871. Haindl (A. F.) * Anleitung zur Darstellnng der Muskeln des menschlichen Korpers. >°. Prag, 1829. Haller ( A. ) [ Pr. ] observationes quasdam myologicas addit. 4°. Gottingee, [1742]. Haughton (8.) On the muscular mechanism of the hip-joint in man ; on the muscular mechan- ism of the- leg of the ostrich; on the muscular anatomy of the lion ; ou the muscular anatomy of the crocodile; and other scientific papers read before the Royal Irish Academv. 8°. Dublin, 1866. Cutting from : Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., i. de Heide [ or Heyde ] (A.) Ontledinge des mossels, en ontleed-, genees- en heelkuudige waarnemingen. Uit het Latijn vertaalt door Theod. Jansson van Almeloveeu. 16c. Amstel- dam, 1684. Heilenbeck (J.) * De musculis dorsi et cervi- cus comparatis. 8°. Berolini, [1836]. Hooper (R.) Anatomical plates of the bones and muscles, diminished from Albinos, for the use of students in anatomy and artists, accom- panied bv explanatory maps. 3. ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1897. -----. The same. 12°. London, 1818. Hughes (R.) The motor nerves of the muscles; being a tabular view of the muscles of the body, with the nerves which supply them. 16°. Lon- don, 1*7)8. Humphry (G. M. ) Observations in myology, including the myology of cryptobranch, lepido- siren, dog-fish, ceratodus, and pseudopus pal- lasii, with the nerves of cryptobranch and lepi- dosiren and the disposition of muscles in verte- brate animals. 8°. Cambridge if London, 1872. Innes (J.) A short description of the human muscles, chiefly as they appear on dissection. Together with their several uses, aud the syn- onyma of the best authors. A uew ed.. greatly improved by Alex. Monro. 12c. Edinburgh, 1784. -----. The same. A new ed., improved by Alex. Monro. 16°. London, 1791. -----. The same. Xew ed., with notes, prac- tical and explanatory, by R. Hunter. 12°. Lon- don, 1822. Jeffreys (J.) An inquiry into the compara- tive forces of the extensor and flexor muscles, connected with the joints of the human body. rtJ. London, 1822. VON Jingling (X. F. L.) * Diss. . . . sistens prodroumm myographies infantis. 8-. Dorpati, 1803. Kltine (W.) Myologische Untersuchungen. 8 . Leipzig, 1860. MUSCLES. 566 MUSCLES. Muscles. Lannegi;ace (P.-J.-J.) *Myoh>gie comparee des niembres. 4J. Montpelliei; 1878. Lauth (T.) Clemens de myologie et de syn- desmologie. 2v.ini. 8°. Bale, 1798. Lewis (G.) Plates of the muscles of the hu- man body; drawn from nature and engraved by . . . Accompanied by explanatory references. 4-. London, 1834. Loder (J. C. ) [Pr. ] prima myologia* ele- menta. Pt, i-v. 4°. Jena; 1802-[3]. Ldyten (A.) * De musculorum rubore. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1849. Martin (11. ) * Ueber Gelenkmuskeln beim Menschen. 8°. Erlangen, 1874. Mercer (J.) Anatomical observations on the analogous structure and uses of the liugualis and panniculus carnosus muscles. 8~. Edinburgh, 1841. Meyer (C. G. R.) [Twenty-five original draw- ings in water-colors. Comparative myology.] Bd. in 1 v. fol. Monro (A.) Observations of the muscles, and particularly of their oblique fibres; with an ap- pendix, in which the pretention of Dr. Gilbert Blaue, that he first demonstrated the same effect to be produced by oblique muscles as by straight ones, with a less proportional decurtation of fibres, is proved to be unfounded. 4J. Edin- burgh, 1794. Morel (C.) * Developpement et structure du systeme musculaire. 4°. Paris, 1856. Muller ( G. AV. ) XII Kupfertafeln, welche die moisten kleinern und zarten Miiuslein an dem menschlichen Korper vorstellen. 4°. Frank- furt, it. Leipzig, 1755. Mlrik (J.) On the myology of Hyrax capen- sis. 8-\ London, 186)5. Repr. from: Proc. Zool. Sou. Lond., April 11, 1865. Xehel (F.) Die Muskeln, Knocheu und Blin- der des menschlichen Korpers. Vorwort, Re- vision uud Neuordnung des Textes von Dr. J. Herrn. Baas. imp. fol. Tiibingen, 1885. Xipiier (F. E.) On the variation iu the strength of a muscle. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., 1875. Pohl(J. C.) [Pr.] de apta musculorum disqui- sitione et, divisionedisserit. 4°. Lipsiee, [1772], Quain (J.) The muscles of the human bodk- in a series of plates. 2 v. fol. London, 1839. Rameux (J.-F.) * Considerations sur les muscles. 4~. Paris, 1834. Read (A.) A treatise of all the muscles of the whole body. sm. 4J. London, 1650. Richter (C. H.) * Ex mechanicis, de vesica tanquam potentia mechanica considerata, ejus- demque usu in explicando auimalium membro- rum per mnsculos motu . . . disputabit. 4°. Coburgi, 1698. Robert (A.) * Quelques considerations phy- siologiques et pathologiques sur certains appa- reils musculaires faisaut fonction de sphincters. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867). Roedeiier (J. G.) [Pr.] et animadversioues de arcubus tendiueis musculorum originibus continual. 4°. Gottingw, [176(1]. Romanson (H. AV.) * Myologiskadissectiouer, eller afliaudling om musklerne i menniskokrop- pen. Pis. i-xviii. 8°. Upsala, 1820-38. Imperfect. Sambach (C.) Myologia, oder die Wissen- sch a ft und Lehre von denen ausserlichen Fleisck- teilen oder Muskeln des menschlichen Leibes, vor Mahler, Bildliauer unci Zeiehner, wie auch fiir alle diejenigen, so dass Bild dos Menschen es seye in was vor Materia odor Haudlung os im- mer wolle, walirhaft vor zu stellen willens sind, aus welcher Erleriiung man fahig wird, eiuer jeeleu Figur ihre richtige- Bezeichuuug, Caracter, Muscle*. und die (iiosshoit odor wahrhiiftes Wesen iu Umriss zu geben, wie auch die Muskeln an ge- horigen Ort zu setzen. MS. fol. [n. p.. n. d.] Sandifort (E.) Descriptio musculorum ho- minis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1781. Schaarsctlmldt (A.) Myologische Tabelleu. 3. Aufl. 8C. Berlin, 1765. Sciineidemuiil (G.I Repetitorium der Mus- kellehre bei den Haussaugothieren, gleichzeitit>- ein Leitfaden fiir die Praparirubuiigen fiir Stu- dirende und Thierarzte. 12°. Hannovei; 1884. Schoener (T.) * Ueber das Verliiiltniss der Musculatur zum Knochengoriiste. 8°. Wiivz- ■ burg, 186,7,. Sciiuii (F.-C.) * Quelques considerations m€- dicales sur les- muscles. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)3. Schumacher (C. F.) * Einige myologische Bemerkungen bei ZerlegungverschiedenerLeich- name. 8°. Kopenhagen, [1779]. von Sommerrino (S. T.) Lehre vou den Mus- keln und Gefiissen des menschlichen Korpers. Umgearbeitet vou Friedrich Wilhelm Theile. 2 Abth. bd. in 1 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1841. Steno (X.) De musculis et glandulis obser- vationuni specimen. Cum epistolis duabus aua- tomicis. 24°. Amstelodami, 1664. -----. The same. 12°. Hafnice, 1664. -----. Elementorum myologise specimen; seu musculi descriptio geometrica. Cui acce- dunt can is carcharia* dissectum caput, et dis- seetus piscis ex cauum genere. sm. 8C. Amste- lodami, 1669. Stock (J. C. F. ) * Diss, varias de musculis meditationes sistentem. sm. 4°. Jence, [1758]. Strosciiein (E.) * Ueber passive Bewegun- gen des menschlichen Korpers wahrend derMus- kelruho. 8°. Jena, 1885. Tarin. Myographie, ou description des mus- cles dn corps humain. 4°. Paris, 1753. Teissler (C.) *Diss. sistens anatomico-phy- siologicam musculorum voluntariorum descrip- tionem. 8-'. Pragce, 1835. Thaetz (J.) * De musculorum regeneratione experinientis illustrata. 8'-. Berolini, [1843]. Theile (F. AAt.) Gowichtsbestinimungeu zur Entwickeluug dos Muskelsystems uud des Skcl- lettos beim Menschen. Durch eine biographische Notiz eingeleitet von W. His. 4°. Halle, [1884], Cutting from: Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop-Carol.-Deut- schen Akadeiuie der N/aturforsclier, Baud xlvi, Xr. 3, 135- 471. Tuson (E. AV.) Myology. 2. ed. fol. Lon- don, 1828. Valentin (G.) * Historia* evolutionis syste- matis muscularis prolusio. 4'-'. Vvatislavia; [1832]. Vetter (A. R.) Xeueingerichtcte Muskel- lehre fiir Schiiler der Arzneikuude. 16-. II ten, 179d. AValter (J. G.) Myologisches Handbuch zum Gebrauch derjenigen, die sich in der Zergliede- ruugskuust iiben auf dem anatoniischen Theater in Berlin. 3. Aufl. 16°. Berlin, 1795. AAalther (A. F.) Teneriorum musculorum humani corporis anatome repetita, qua observa- tiones auatomicorum cum suis contulit, tabulain faciei internse adjecit, omnia ad idonei exempli novissimaj sectionis fidem exegit, et iu usum au- ditoruin coiivertit. 4°. Lipsia; 1731. Also, in: Haller. Diap. auat, [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1751, vi. 605-634, 1 pi. -----. Observationes novas de musculis. 4J. Lipsiee, [1733]. Wight (J. S.) The principles of uiyody- naniics. 8°. Sew York, 1881. AVolfe (AV.) Ueber deu Zusammenhaug des Muskels mit der Sehne. 8. Berlin, 1877. MUSCLES. 567 MUSCLES. ill use les. Abbatc (V.) Kicerchc sullo ramificazioni ed anasto- mosi di alcuue fibre uei umscoli stiuterici, uei muscoli a ventaglio. e in quelli a niovimento rapiiloin alcuui mammi- feri. Osserviiture med., 1'alernio, 187G, 3. s., vi, 36-39, 1 pi _Rarileleben (K.) Muskel und Fascie. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Xatuiu , Li ip/,.. 1881, n. F., viii, 390-417.— ItcaiuiiN (IL) Recherches sur la contraction annuita- nt,' tits iiuiscles antagonist* s. Gaz. rued, de Par., 1885, 7. s.. ii, 325; 339. Also [ Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., I'ar., 1885, 8. s., ii. 345-347. — Bononi (C.) Un po' di mio- lcia aj)|dicata e clerivata dalla clinica. Raccoglitore rued., Eeirli, 1875, 4. s., iv. 433-417.—Cash (T.) & Veo (G. F.) On the variations of latency iu certain skeletal muscles of some dilleri'iit animals, l'roc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1883, xxxv, L'sl-Jill'.—C'liaswaijjnac (E.) Note sur le systeme nius- culaiic Lull. Stic. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 19-22. Also, in his: Extr. dun mini, [etc.], 8°, Par., [n.d.], 8-11.—Cha- in! (J.) Structure tits elements nmseulaires chez lesdis- tomiens. Bull. Soc. ]ihilomat. de Par., 1881-2, 7. s., vi, L'UO-202.— t'leland (A.) On the actions of muscles pass- ing over more than one joint. J. Auat. & Physiol., Lond., 1866-7, i, 85-93.— Cunningham (D.J.) The relation of nerve-supply tomuscle-hoiuologv. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Loud., 1881, iv, 16G.—Dobson (G. E.) On the comparative variability of bones aud muscles, witli remarks on iinily ni type in variations of the origin and insertion of eti tain must Its in species unconnected by unity of de- scent. A. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1884-6, xix, 16-23.— Du^uiollc (J.-F.) Considerations sur les muscles et leurs fonctious. Arch, de la nieSel. beige, Brux., 1853, 1, 133: li. 10—Kldridge (S.) On an apparatus for teach- ing the action of the muscles. Nat. M. J., Wash., 1870-71, i, 410.—Kxncr (S.) Leber Luinen-erweiternde Muskeln. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akael. cl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1877, lxxv, 6-14— Fie It (A.) Statische Betraoh- tung der Muskulatur des Oberschenkels; mit einer eiu- leitenden Bemerkung von C. Ludwig. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1850, ix, 94-100.—Fick (A. E.) Ueber zvveige- lenkige Muskeln. Arch. f. Anat. u. Eutwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1879, 201-239, 1 pi.—Flint (A.) The source of muscular power, as deduced from observations upon the human subject under conditions of rest and of muscular exercise. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1877-8, xii, 91-141.— Fredcricq (L.) Note sur la contraction des muscles stries de l'hyclrophile. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1870, 2. s., xii, 583-594, 2 pi— Fiihrcr (F.) Bei- trage zur chirurgischeu Myologie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Rerl., 1851, hi, 313-398. ' Also, Reprint.—Gadow (H.) Observations in comparative myologv. J. Anat. & I'hys- iol., Lond., 1881-2, xvi, 493-514 -Girauili (H.) Obser- vations myologiques. J. gem. de nied., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1813, xlvi, 353-370.-Goodsir (J.) Notes on the general morphology of the muscles. In his: Auat. Mem., 8°, Edinb., 1868, i, 451. -----. Notes on the morphology of the muscles of the limbs. Ibid., 452-455.—4» ruber (\VT) Leber den normalen Museums peroneo-tibialis bed den Hunelen (Hoiunlogon des gleichnamigen, aber anonialen Musculus bei tlem Menschen), nebst Vorbenierkungeu iiber die gekaunte- Unterschenkeliuusculatur dieser Thiere. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1878, 438, 1 pi., 481. Also, in his: Beob. a. d. menschl. u. vergl. Anat., 4°, Berl., 1879, Hft. 1, 59-75, 2 pi— Grutzncr (P.) Ueber pliysiologische Verschiedeiiheiten der Skeletmuskeln. Breslau.'aerztl. Ztschr., 1883, v, 189-191.—Ilalbeitxnia (H. J.) Ueber eine Verbindung zwischeu dem M. lattissi- lims elorsi nnd dem M. triceps brachii des .Menschen ; ein Analogou des M. anconeus quintus der Thiere. Arch. f. d. liolliind. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1858, i, 54- 59.--Haswell (W. A.) Some points in the myology of the common pigeon. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1882-3, xvii, 218; 404.—Haughton (S.) Three lectures on the principle of least action in nature illustrated by animal mechanics. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1871, i, 549: 577; 603; 631; 659. Also, Reprint. — Herrick (C. L.) Certain homolo- gous muscles. Science. X. \T, 1886, vii, 396.—VOII llofi- in a ii ii (G.) Morphologische Untersuchungen iiber die Muskulatur. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. ii. Frauenkr.. Stuttg., 1875-6, i, 448-473, 1 pi— Hogtfau (G.) & Hoggan (Frances Elisabeth), fitudes sur Its lymphatiques des muscles stries. J. de l'anat. it de ia physiol., etc., Par., 1879, xv. 584-611, 2 pi— II ill in (A.) Note prelinii- n die sur Taction reciproque des muscles antagouistes; etudecliniciuec't experimental!'. Tribune med., Par., 1884, xvi, 403. — IIiiiii]ihi-y (G. M.) On the disposition and homologies of t he exi ensor ;ind flexor n.useles of the leg and forearm. J. Anat. tfc Phvsiol., Lond., 1868-9, iii, 320-334. -----. The myology of the limbs of the unau, the ai', the two-toed aute'ater, and the pancolin. Ibid., 1869-70, iv, 17-78. -----. On the disposition of muscles in verte- brate animals. Ibid.. 1871-:'. vi, 293-376. -----. Lectures on human mvolonv. Iii it. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 057 : 685 : ii, 4: 33: 57; 85.' Also |Abstr.]: Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 49; 131.—IIj rll (J.) Entdec.kuug zweier neuer Muskel. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien, 1841, i, 115-117, 1 pi —Imbei t (A.) Contribution a la mecanique des muscles eiu uiembre superieur chez rhouime. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1884, xx, 85- Ifliiscles. 105.—iMCiiflamiti (H. F.) Ueber die Muskeln des Kin- dts. In his: Anat. Uutei'suchungen, 8°, Erlang., 1822, 45-60.—Johnson (G.) The Lmnleian lectures on the muscular arterioles : their structure and function in health and in certain morbid states. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1877, i, 443; 473; 539; 577. —Kennedy (H.) On the strength of muscle. Med. Press *c Lire., Lond., 1875, n. s., xix, 246- 248.—Roster (W.) Sur quelques points de la mecanique du corps humain. Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes, etc., La Haye, 1867, ii, 88-114.—Leber!. Sur quelques points de rauatomie comparee des muscles et dc- la formation des os. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1849, Par., 1850, i, 76. Also [Abstr.]: Tribune nice!., Par., 1881-2, xiii, 440.—Lom- bard (W. P.) Die laumliche und zeitliche Atifeinander- folge reflectorisch contrahirter Muskeln. Arch. f. Pysiol., Leipz , 1885, 408-489.—.TIacal inter (A.) On the homolo- gies of the flexor muscles of the vertebrate limb. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Loud.. 1867-8, ii, 283-289. -----. The myology of the cheiroptera. Phil. Tr. 1872, Lond., 1873, clxii, 125-171, 4 pi.—iTIerccr (J.) Anatomical observa- tions on the analogous structure and uses of thelingualis and panniculus carnosus muscles. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, xxviii, 346-349. Also, Reprint.—.Monro (A.) Observa- tions on the muscles, and particularly on the effects of their oblique fibres. Tr. Roy. Soc. Eiliub., 1794, iii, 250- 265. — VI iii lei- (E.) Ueber Assoeiationsgrnppen und Mitbewegungen willkululicher Muskeln. Verhandl. cl. schweiz. naturf. (iesellsch., Glares, 1851. xxxvi. 118-126.— iVIiiMMi'y (R. D.) A short notice of an improvtel method of teaching myology. Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin., 1826-7, i, 50.—Ollivier tfc Raige-Delorme. AI useles. Diet. denied., 2. ed., Par., 1839, xx. 333-371.—Ramsay (A.) Observations on the vis insita musculorum, the laws of which seem to have been overlooked, in some measure, by natural philosophers, in explaining muscular attachments' ancl their phenomena, ilecl. n>s mecaniques sur les muscles. J. de l'anat. ct physiol.. etc. Par.. 1872, viii, 550: 1873. iv, 271. — Srhomi. Auatuniisclie Untersuchungen ini Bereiche des Muskel- und Nei \ t ngewebes. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1806, ii, 26-60.—Sebas- tian (A. A.) Bijdragen tot, de anatoniie der spiereu van ele bovenste en onderste ledematen van den mensch. Ne- derl. Laucet, Gravenh., 1846-7, 2. s., ii, 105-212.—Whu- ff I tit (R. W.) A review of the muscles used in the classi- fication of birds. J. Comp. M. tfc S., N. Y. tfc Pbila., 1887, viii, 321-344.—Source (The) of muscular power. Pop. Sc. Month., N. V., 1878, xii, 729-730. —Tcstul (L.) Note sur la solidarity cles groupes musculaires lioniologins. Ga/.. med. de Bordeaux, 1876, v, 273; 293.— Yopiosii (K) ob ischislenii raekhanicheskoi rabofi chelovaika. [On deter- mination of the mechanical power of man.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1878, xviii, 492-500.— Weber (C. O.) Bindegewebskiirper der Muskulatur. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvi. 411.—Wcit- brccht (J.) Von der Wirkung der Muskeln, die von ihrer Direktion abhiiiigt- Phvs. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Akad. el. Wissensch. in Petersb.'. Riga, 1783, 501-524 — Welcker (H.) Beitrage zur Myologie. Ztschr. f Anat. u. Eut- wcklngsgesch., Leip/..,'l875, i, 173-204. — Werner. Un- tersuchuiigen iiber den Antagonismus der Muskelii und das Gleichgowicht, welches sie einauder halten sollen, zur Begriindung einer wissenschaftlieheii Therapie der Sko- liosen leitend. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 71.—Winslow. De Taction des muscles en gen6ral et de 1'usage de plu- sieurs en particulier. [From: Hist. d. mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1719.1 Collect, acad. d. m6m., etc. Partie franc*., Par., 1770,.iv, 499-504. — Wood (J.) On a group of varieties of the muscles of the human neck, shoulder, and chest, with their transitional forms and homologies in the mammalia. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1870, clx, pt. 1, 83- 116, 3 pi. Ifluseles (Abnormities of). See, also, Extremity (Lower), Extremity ( Upper), Abnormities of. Riohkstex (G. K.) * Anatomist beskrifniug e'ifver uagra Iios uienniskan obscrvcrade auonia- lier. ,SC. Helsiugfors, 1862. Civixixi ( F. ) Sui nuovo anomalo mnscolo uiiuino glutei). 4°. Pisa, [1836]. MUSCLES. 568 MUSCLKS. Ifluscles (Abnormities of). Dllle (J.) * Diss. auat. nonmillas rnuscu- loruin varietates exhibens. 8°. Landishuti, Fick ( A. ) Untersuchungen iiber Muskel- Arbeit. 4°. [Basel, 1867.] Frohlich (F.) * Der Mangel der Muskeln, insbesondere der Seitenbauchinuskeln. Sr Wiirzburg, 1839. Gkuber (W. L.) Die snpernumeraren Brust- muskeln des Menschen. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1860. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersh. Sc. math., phys. et nat., 7. s., iii, no. 2. Hoffmaxx (C.J.) * De aliquibus musculo- rum differentiis. 4°. Altorfii, [1772]. Rosenmlller (J. C. ) De nonnullis muscu- lorum corporis humani varietatibus. 4°. Lip- sia?, [1604]. Sels (H. J.) * Diss, anatomica musculorum varietates sistens. 8°. Berolini, [1815]. Testut (L.) Les anomalies musculaires cliez l'homnie expliqu^es par l'anatomie comparee; leur importance eu anthropologic. Pr6c£d£ d'une preface par Mathias Duval. 8-. Paris, 1884. Also [Abstr.], in: Kev. scient., Par., 1884, xxxiii, 369- 372. Also [Kev.], in: Gaz. med. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 41-44. Wood ( J. ) Additional varieties in human myology. 8°. [London], 1865. Repr. from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1865, xiv. Abraham (P. S.) Notes on the occurrence of the musculus sternalis in human anencephalous foetuses. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1883, i. 301-304, 1 pi— Alezai«. Anomalie musculaire. [Biceps.] Tribune nied.. Par.. 1881- 2, xiii, 604. ——. Anomalies musculaires: de l'arc axil- laire. Marseille med., 1886, xxiii, 86-89.—Anderson (R. J.) A variety of the mylopharyngeus and other unusual muscular abnormalities. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, xiv, 357-359, 1 pi.-----Vorkommen eines Mus- culus tibio-tarsalis sive tensor fascia* plantaris. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1880, lxxxi. 574.—Andzelcvich (ET) Sluchai anomalii deltovidnoi niishtsi. Voyenno-nied. J., St. Petersb., 1876, cxxvi, 239.—Antonelli '(G.) Su di un mnscolo presternale, con altre anomalie. Resoc. Ac- cad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1879, xxxiii, 6-33, 2 pi.—Raker (F.) Some unusual muscular anomalies. Med. Rec. N. T., 1887, xxxii, 809-811.— Raker (WT N.) Muscular anomaly. Maryland M. & S. J., Bait., 1839-40, i, 200, 1 pi. — Rarileleben (K.) Der Musculus sternalis. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1875-6, i, 424-458. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii, 433-435. -----. TTeber das Episternum des Menschen. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Leipz., 1879-80, n. F., vi. 2. Supplhf't., 146-151. — Rcllamy ( E.) Note on the absence of the qiiadratns fenioris muscle and on a spine possessing a sixth lumbar vertebra, the first rib being rudimentary. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1874-5, ix, 185. — Rcrgeron. [Variete auatomique du muscle couturier.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii. 2.—Res- wick-Perrin (J.) Record of irregular muscles. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 31; 463; 590— Riant lii (S.) Di un muscolo sopranumerario della regione antero- laterale del collo. Bull. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1884, ii, 65-69, 1 pi. -----. Variety muscolari. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1885, lv, 161: 1886, lviii. 113.— Roehdalek. Beitrag zu den anomalen Muskeln in der Augenhohle. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1868, c, 1-7.—Roehdalek jun. Anomaler Musculus supracos- talis anterior. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xii, 257, 1 pi.—Bower (C. L.) An anomalous facial muscle! Polyclinic, Phila.. 1883-4, i, I19.-Rradley (S. M.) Notes of myological peculiarities. J. Anat. tfc Phvsiol., Lond. 1871-2, vi, 420. — Rrizard. Trois muscles palmaires gieles a l'avant-bras. Lyon med., 1875, xviii, 374.— Brooks (H. St. J.) Variations in the nerve-supply of the Hexor brevis pollicis muscle. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.. ls8G. iv, 134-437.—Rrown (J. M.) Variations in myology. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, xiv. 512.— Rrown (J. WT D.) On an undescribed muscle of the scapula. Loud. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., x, 753.—Rriihl. Ein Extensor hallucis lonsiusaccc-ssoriusseltenerer Art. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 389-391. — von Bi-miii (A.) Varietal ties Muse, interosseus dorsal, maims, ii. Arch. f. Auat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.. Leipz.. 1873. 126, 1 pi.— Rndi*e (J.) Beschreibung eiues neuen j'Miiskels und mch'erer Muskel- und Knochenvarietaten. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859. 3. R., vii, 273-278, 1 pi.—Calori (L.) Varieta dei muscoli del tronco e de- illuseies (Abnormities of). scrizione di una pettoriuadi fanciullo singolare per varie anomalie. Mem. Accad. d. sc. el. 1st. d. Bologna, 1867. 2. s. vii, 383-393, 3 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Di un muscolo sopranumerario cubito-radio-carpeo e degli usi del muscolo pronatore quadrato. Bull. d. sc. med. tli Bologna, 1S71 5. s., xi, 321-331, 1 pi.—4 hinrii<-i (G.) Varieta liiusco- hue combinata del grande dorsale e del gran pcttorale*. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. el. sc. med. in Siena, 18s4. ii, 5ij._l t'hndzinski (T.) Sur une anomalie du muscle adtluc- teiirdu pouce, observee chez la negresse Louise Zouluu Lull. Soc. d'anthiop. dePar., 1881, 3. s., iv, 748-751. _____'. Contributions a l'etude des variations niuscnlaires dans Its races humaiues. Rev. d'anthiop., Par., 1882. 2. s., v, 280; 613, 2 pi. -----. Sur un faisceau siippleiiientaire'elu muscle grand pectoral. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., vii. 302-305. -----. Anomaliedu muscle grand pecto- ral. Ibid . 440.—C'lason (E.) Muskelanomalier. I'psala Lakaref. Ec'irh.. 1865-6, i, 425-430.-----. Om muskelanoma- lier. Ibid., 1866-7, ii, 417-430. -----. Muskel-anoinalier, observerade pa anatomisalen i Upsala. Ibid , 1867-8, iii' 104: 1868-9, iv, 244. — C'olncci (C.) I>i una nuova anoma' lia del muscolo steino-inastoitleo. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 322-324 — C' mini ng ha in (II. J.) The mus- culus sternalis. J. Anat. lV I'hysiol., Lond., 1883-4, xviii, 208-210.—Curnow (J.) Notes of some irregularities in muscles and nerves. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1872-3, vii. 304-311.-----. Notes of some muscular irregularities. Ibid,, 1873-4, viii, 377-379.—Rarcste (C.) Recherches sur la production artificielle des anomalies de l'organisa- tion. Coinpt. rend. Soc.de biol. 1804, Par., 1805, 4. s., i, 143-146— Dawson (M.) Sketch of two small supernu- merary muscles of the arm. Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1822, xviii, 82, 1 pi.—Debierre (C.) Anomalies des muscles et des nerfs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 170.— Rcmicc. [Anomalie musculaire du grand pectoral.] Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1853, xxviii, 15. — Rcshayes. Absence eongenitale des deux pectoraux gaudies. Ibid., 1873, xlviii, 305.— Reville. [Anomalie musculaire du grand pectoral et du grand dorsal. ] Ibid., 1848, xxiii, 319.—Drnchniaiin (A. G.) Tilfalde af medfodt mangel af muse, quadriceps fenioris. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1872, iv, no. 6, 7.—Rubar (L ) Muscle ansiforme sub-claviculaii e: tenseur de l'aponevrose cervicale super- flciolle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880. lv, 388-390. Also: Progie,snied.,Par., 1881, ix, 147.—R wight (T.) A case of an accessory bellv to the second interosseous muscle of a hand. Boston M.'tfc S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 417.-----. Absence of flexor carpi ladialis. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1887-8, xxii, 96.-----. Notes on muscular ahnormalities. Ibid., 96-102.—Ebstein (WT) Augeborner Mangel der Portio sterno-costalis muse. pect. major, uud des Muse. pect. minor dext. nebst Verkiiinmerung (ler Mammilla derselben Seite. Deutsches Atch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, vi. 283-285.— JEhlcr*. Eine Varietat des M. subeutaneus colli. M. sternocleidoiuastoideus und M. subclavius. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1864, 3. R., xxi, 297-299.—En- lenberg (A.) Ein Kail von angehorener Anomalie der Brustmuskeln. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1877, iii, 413-415.—Faye (F. C.) Om nogle Abnonnitetcr i Mus- kelsystemet, der undertitlen kunnc give Anledning til practiske Feiltagelser. Norsk Mas. f. Licgevidensk.. Christiania, 1843, vi, 17-31.—Fen wick (G. E.) Double pronator quadratus muscle; two cases. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1804-5. i, 7.—Fleischmann (G.) Anatoniische Wahrnehmungen. Abhandl. d. phvs.-med. Soc. zu Er- lang., 1810, i. 23-36. 1 pi— Frsinkel (B.) Angehorener Mangel der Musculi pectorales der rechten Seite. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii. 35.—Frilwch (G.) Ahnorme Muskelbiindel der Achselhohle. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869. 367-371, 1 pi.—Gegen- banr (C.) Ein Fall von mehrfachen Muskehinonialien an der oberen Ext-reniitat. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xxi, 376-385, 1 pi.—[CJiovanardi.) Anomali muscolari. Spallanzani, Modena, 1874, xii, 177.—Oim-ia (P. M.) Di un muscolo gluteo-perineale. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 690-699, 1 pi. — ii laser (LA.) Anomaler Muskelbruch, die Arteria tibialis postica ver- deckend. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 306.—Groino. Bifurcation du muscle second radial externe. Lvon metl., 1870, v, 181.—Grubcr (\V. L.) Ueber neue Miskelano- malieen in der Kniekehle. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1846, i, 114-117, 1 pi.-----. Ueber die Nichtexistenz eines Analogou des anomalen Musculus supraclavicularis des Menschen bei Myogale. Arch. f. Auat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., Is64, 667-671. -----. NeuesupernumerareSchliissi'lbeinmuskeln. Ibid., 1865, 703-706,1 pi. -----. Ueber die Varieta ten (1's Miscu- lus radialis internus brevis (M. radio-cariieiis et radio- carpo inetacarpeus. Gruber 1859: M. flexor carpi radialis brevis, Wood 1866.) Melanges biol. Acad. imp. (1. sc. de St.-Letersb.. 1868. vi. 493-508, 1 pi. -----. Ueber eine neue Vaiiante des Musculus thyreo-tracliealis unci iiher den Musculus hyo-trachealis. Arch. f. Auat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.', Leipz., 1808, 642-645, 1 pi. -----■ Ueber einen Musculus tibio-astragaleus anticns des Menschen. Ibid., 1871, 663-668, 1 pi. -----. Ueber einen Musculus cubito-carpeus und einen Musculus radio-cubito-carpeus MUSCLES. 569 MUSCLES. iHu*ele* (Abnormities of). biceps beim Menschen. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-I'etersb., 1871-2, viii, 142-149. -----. Ueber einen vora Musculus semitendinosus abgegangeneu Musculus tensor fascia* suralis. Ibid., 437-440, 1 pi. -----. Nach- trage zu den Varietaten des Musculus palmaris longus. Ibid., 411-446. -----. Ueber einen Musculus biceps hra- chii mit einem Caput coracoideum und einem Caput hume- rale anomalum statt des mangelnden Caput gleuoideum. Ibid. 451-456. -----. Eiu den mangelnden Musculus palmaris longus durch eiuen supernuineraren Bauch er- Betzeuder Muscnlus radialis internus longus bicaudatus beim Menschen. Ibid., 457. -----. Naehtrage zu den Varietaten des Musculus radialis internus brevis. Ibid., 459-472. -----. Ueber einen Musculus costo-coracoideus superuumerarius beim Menschen. Ibid., 499-505. -----, Ueber einen Musculus sterno-fascialis beim Menschen. Ibid., 563-565. -----. Ein Musculus obliquus abdominis internus mit volligeui Defect seiner Inguinalportlon. Ibid., 703.------Ueber einige supernumerare Bauch- muskeln des Menschen. I bid., 719-724, lpl.-----. Ueber einen Musculus cleido-hyoideus auf der einen Seite uud einen Musculus supia-clavicularis siugularis auf der ande- ren, beim Menschen. Ibid., 725-729. -----. Mangel der mittleren Portion des Musculus deltoideus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, liv, 184, 1 pi. -----. Ein Spanner der unteren Radio-Cubitalkapsel, Tensor capsula* radio- cubitalis inferioris. Ibid., 186, 1 pi. -----. Zwei neue Falle eines rudimentiiren Musculus obliquus externus abdominis ii. Ibid., 1875, lxv, 16. -----. Ein Musculus scapulo-clavicularis. Ibid., 18-21, 1 pi. -----. Ein neuer Fall des Musculus tensor semivagina* articulationis hu- mero-scapularis. Ibid., 21-23. -----. Ein Musculus ex- tensor digiti ii. pedis longus. Ibid., 23-25, 1 pi. -----. Ein Musculus piso-haiuatus beim Menschen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1875, 202, 1 pi. _____Ueber den Musculus extensor digitorum communis manus anomalus mit 5 Sehnen zu alien Fingern, und iiber den Musculus exteusor digitorum longus pedis anomalus mit 5 Sehnen zu alien Zehen. Ibid., 204-210, 1 pi. -----. Ein Fall des Vorkomniens des Musculus flexor pollicis longus beim Menschen, als Tensor bursa* mucoste tendi- niim mm. flexorum, oder als Kopf des M. flexor digitorum profundus manus. Ibid., 211-214. -----. Ueber die Va- rietiiten cles Musculus extensor hallucis longus. Ibid., 565-589, 1 pi. -----. Ein Musculus teres minimus scapu- lae. Ibid,, 593-598, 1 pi. -----. Ein neuer Fall von Muscu- lus extensor hallucis longus tricaudatus. Ibid., 1876, 750- 752, 1 pi. -----• Ueber einen anomalen Musculus trans- versusperinei superficialis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, lxvii, 353-358, 1 pi. -----. Verlangerung des Muscu- lus spinalis und semispinals cervicis (lurch ein gemein- schaftliehes Fleischbiindel auf das Hiuterhaupt. Ibid., 358. -----. Tensor lamina* posteiioris vagina* musculi recti abdominis. Ibid., 1877, lxix, 400-403. -----. Ueber den Musculus radialis externus accessorius. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1877, 388-397, 1 pi. -----. Ein Musculus prseclavieularis subeutaneus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, lxxii, 496. -----. Ein Nachtrasi zum Vorkommen des Musculus interclavicularis anticus digastricus. [2 cases.] Ibid., 497-500.-----. Ueber einen Fall einseitigeu Vorkommens zweier den Musculus oniohyoideussubstituirenderMusculicleidohyoidei. Ibid., Ixxiii^ 342-345. -----. Beobachtungen iiber den Mangel des Musculus oniohyoideus. Ibid., 345.-----. Beobachtungen iiber den Mangel des Musculus quadratus femoris. Ibid., 346-348. -----. Ein Musculus obturator internus biceps. Ibid., 348-350.-----. Ein den oberen Bauch des Onio- hyoideus (bei Mangel des unteren Bauches des letztereu) repiasentireuiler Musculus hyofascialis. (Neu.) Ibid., lxxiv, 454-456. -----. Ueber die ungevvohnlichen Musculi tensores fascia? suralis beim Menschen. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 1879, x, 199-209. -----. Nachtriige zum Vorkommen lies Musculus scapulo-costalis minor (6.-11. Fall eigener Beobachtung) und neuer Mus- culus scapulo-costoclavicularis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, Ixxvii, 123-128. -----. Nachtrag zum Vor- kommen des Musculus extensor digitorum communis ma- nus mit 5 Sehnen zu alien Fingern. Ibid., 129. -----. Ein in der Haut oiler Fascie des Gesichtes unci mit seiner End- zacke am M und winkel als Musculus risorius endeuder Musculus occipitalis minor. Ibid., 1880, lxxx, 83-sO.-----. Ein vom Musculus biceps brachii abgegebener Tensor der Dorsalf'ascie ties Unterarmes. ( Vorher nicht geseheu.) Ibid., 86. -----. Tensor lamina* posteiioris vagina*, mus- culi recti abdomiuis. Ibid., 87. -----. Ein mit seiner In- guinalportion (lurch die ganze Regio inguinalis sich herab crstreckender Musculus tra'usversus abdominis. (Vorher nicht gesehen.) Ibid., 88-91. -----. Ueber cien Musculus trigastricus niaxilla* inferioris. (Vorher nicht gesehen, oder doch neue Varianten.) Ibid., lxxxi, 145-449, 1 pi. ----. Musculus digastricus maxilla* inferioris mit Ur- sprung seines vorderen Bauches an und hiuter der Mitte des Seitentheilesder Maxilla im Bereiche der Strecke zwi- scben dem Ansatze des M. masseter unci clem lTi sprunge des M. depressor anguli oris. (Dritter tier im Verlaufe von 127 Jahren beobacbteten Falle.) Ibid., 449-453,1 pi. -----. Ueber den Musculus my loglossus bei Mangel uud Vorkoiu- JIu*cles (Abnormities of). men des M. styloglossus. (3. und 4. der bis jetzt gesehenen Falle.) Ibid., 453-457, 1 pi.-----. Ueber den Musculus atlantico-basilaris, M. epistropheobasilaris und andere vor den obersten Halswirbeln zwiscben den Mm. recti capitis antici ma.jores vorkommende Muskelvarietaten. Ibid., Ixxxii, 465-473, 1 pi. -----. Ein bilaminarer Musculus vastus externus biceps. (Vorher nicht geseheu.) Ibid., 473. -----. Ueber den dem constanten Musculus extensor pollicis et indicis jjewisser Siiugethiere homologen super- niiiueraren Muskel beim Menschen : (16 Falle eigeue-r Be- obachtung ; Bestimmung der Hiiufigkeit seines Vorkom- mens an 200 Leichen). Ibid., 1881, lxxxvi. 471-49(1, 2 pi. -----. Musculus sterno-fascialis : zweiter Fall. 1 bid.. 492. -----. Vorderarmmuskel-Varietaten mit eler Bedeutung constanter Muskeln bei Thieren. Ibid., 1882. xc, 8S-97, 2 pi.-----. Ein neuer Musculus peroneo-ealcaneus externus anterior. Ibid,, 1884. xcv, 177-180, 1 pi. -----. Mangel beider Musculi gemelli bei Auwesenheit des Obturator in- ternus ; Zuriickweisung der Homologie dieser bei dein Menschen anomalen Anorduung mit derselben, bei gewis- sen Saugethieren normalen, aber bei Abwesenheit des Ob- turator futernus bestehenden Anordnuug. Ibid., 180-ls3. -----. Neuer Musculus letio-clavicularispropruis: Tensor lamina? prufundie fascia* colli. I bid., xcviii, 416-422 -----. Neuer Musculus radialis digiti I. s. pollicis. Ibid., 422- 424, 1 pi. -----. Ein Zwischensehnen-Muskelchcu am Handriicken. Vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid., 424. -----. Ueber den seltenen Musculus c.rico-hyoideus median us oder den wahren supernumeraren Musculus crico-hyoi- deus. 2. Fall. Ibid., 256-259. -----. Monographie iiber den Musculus ulnaris digiti v. und. seine Retluctiouen auf einen supernumeraren Radialbauch und auf eine Hand- riickensehne des Musculus ulnaris externus und deren Homologie. In his : Beobacht. a. d. menschl. u. vergleich. Anat., 4°, Berl., 1884. 5. Hft., 32, 2 1., 2 pi. -----. Der Mus- culus ulno-carpeus externus (eine neue Variante des Mus- culus ulnaris externus brevis) und sein Homologon, des Musculus peroneo-cuboideus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1885, xcix, 475-478, 1 pi. -----. Mangel des Muscu- lus ulnaris externus bis aut' einen Sehnensfcreif'eu. Ibid., 478-480, 1 pi. -----. Z-.veibauchiger Extensor digiti v, pro- prius manus mit Insertion eines seiner Bauche an die Basis des Metaearpale v, und die ihm homologe Variante des Pe- roneus iii. (Vorher nicht gesehen.) Ibid., 480-483. -----. Absoluter Mangel des Extensor digiti quinti proprius manus bei Mangel seiner Vagina im Ligamentum carpi dorsale; ganz ausnab.niswci.se und nur beim Menschen (2. Fall) ; bei Vorkommen des Muskels deuuoch Mangel der Vagina; constant, bei den Prosimia*. Ibid., 484-488. -----. Auftreten der Biiuche des Musculus digastricus maxilla* inferioris als selbstandige Muskeln; Musculus mento- hyoideus et, M. mastoideo-niaxillaris; vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid., ci, 253-255. -----. Ein Musculus tensor ligameuti carpi dorsalis; vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid., 259. -----. Duplicitat des Musculus extensor digiti quinti et quarti proprius manus: vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid., 200--:62, 1 pi. -----. Ein Musculus stylo-pharyugeus biceps durch Auftreten eines vom Processus mastoides entspruugenen Caput accessorium. Ibid., cii, 536-538. -----. Supernu- merarer Bauch des Musculus stei nocleidomastoideus in der Richtung des hiutereu Bauches des M. digastricus maxil- la* inferioris und abwiirts vou dieseni zum Os hyoides. Vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid., 538. -----. Ein Musculus cleido-occipitalis mit enorm breiter Endaponeurose; so vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid,, 539. -----. Eiu Tensor fa- scia* femoris posterior digastricus; so vorher nicht gese- hen. Ibid., 1886, ciii, 475-477. -----. Wahrer Musculus semitenelinosus biceps; vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid., 477- 479_ _____. Musculus semimembranosus mit zwei bis vier Baiichen; 4 Fiille eigener Beobachtung. Ibid.. 480-483. _____. Vollstiiniliger Mangel des Musculus semimembra- nosus an der einen Seite und rudimentares Vorkommen an der anderen Seite; wohl jeder der Falle der zweite iu der Literatur. Ibid., 483. -----. Monographie iiber den Mus- culus extensor digiti indicis proprius uud seiner Varieta- ten bei dem Menschen und bei deu Saugethieren In his: Beobacht. a. d. menschl. u. vergleich. Anat., 4°, Berl., 1886, 6. Hft. 1-69, 4 pi. -----• Auftreten des Musculus radia- lis exteruusaccessorius als Musculus supinator longus ii. s accessorius ; vorher nicht geseheu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc Berl., 1887, cvii, 476-478, 1 pi.-----. Ein dreibauehi- o-er Musculus tibialis anticus, zugleich ein Tensor hga- iiienti cruciati tarsi. Ibid., 485. ------. Ein Musculus pe- roneus brevis mit Insertion an den Calcaneus, bei Abgabe einer mit einem Fleischbauche verseheuen Fussriickeii- sehne zur 5. Zehe (eines auf den Fussriicken verkurztcn Musculus peroneus digiti quinti). Ibid., 48,-489-——. Musculus peroneus longus und brevis zu einem Muskel verschmolzen. Ibid., 4*5-487. -----. Seltener Extensor Dioprius digiti quarti manus bei dem Menschen und bei Saugethieren; beim Menschen vor her nicht geseheu. Ibid 478-480. -----. Ueber eiuen Musculus gluta*us quartus bei dem Menschen (1. u. 2. Fall) und einen homo- loaen Muskel bei Saugethieren. Ibid., 4s0-484, 1 pi. _J!___ Dreibauclii'-i-r Musculus peroneus longus: vor- her nicht gesehen. Ibid., cix. 5. ——. Ein Musciiliis flexor brevis digiti ii. pedis ; vorher nicht gesehen. I bid.. MUSCLES. 570 MUSCLES. Uluseles (Abnormities of). C-8. -----. Ein Musculus flexor brevis digiti iv pedis, vorher nicht gesehen. Ibid., 8. -----. Ein Musculus gracilis biceps; vorher nicht geseheu. Ibid., 4. -----. Ein Musculus peroneo-malleolaris als Tensor des Ligamen- tum intermusculare externum posterius fascia* cruris; vor- her nicht gesehen. Ibid., 5. -----. Auftreten des Zeige- flngerbauches des Flexor digitorum sublimis als Venter hi- fissus digastricus biceps. Ibid., ex. 559-561, 1 pi. -----. Eine Reihe neuer Varietaten des Musculus lumbricalis i. manus. Ibid., 555-559. -----. Eiu rudimentarer Mus- culus obliquus abdominis externus accessorius. Ibid., 561—Giiiiii (M.) Caseof deficiency of the stylo-hyoideus muscle. X. York J. M., 1847, ix, 216.—Halbertsma (H. J.) Musculus gastrocnemius triceps. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1862, vi, 609. Also.- Arch. f. d. hollanel. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii, 233. -----. Musculus pyriformis fissus. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1862. vi, 609. Also: Arch. f. d. holland. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii, 234-236. -----. Musculus supinator brevis accessorius. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1862, vi, 610. Also: Arch. f. d. hol- land. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii, 236. -----. Vena cava superior sinistra. Nederl. Tijtlschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1862. vi, 610-612. Also: Arch. f. d. hol- land. Beitr. z. Nat.-u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii, 236-239.— Ilallett (C. H.) An account of the anomalies of the muscular system, met with in the dissecting-room of the universitv duriug the vears 1840-7; with general remarks. Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1848, lxix, 1-32. -----'. An account of the varieties of the muscular system met with in the dis- secting-room of the University of Edinburgh during the winter session 1847-8. /6id.,1849, lxxii, 1-20. — Handy (W. R.) An account of a new muscle. Med. Exam., Phila., 1850, n. s., vi, 202.—Hard. Anatomical anomaly. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk, 1850, i, 360. — Herve (G.) Anomalie du muscle biceps brachial. Bull. Soc. d'anthiop. de Par., 1833, 3. s., vi, 40-46. — He».*e (F.) Fall eiues Musculus sternalis. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1875-6, i, 459-462.—Ileiiwtoii (F. T.) Complicated muscular aimmalv iu human arm. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1886. iv. 432, 1 pi. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, lxxxi, 367.—Hill (M. B.) On the occasional occurrence of an additional muscle to the subclavius in man. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond. (1861-4), 1864, iv, 351.—Hin- terstoiKwer (H.) Ueber einige seltene Muskel varieta- ten. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1887. n. F., ii, 407-422, 4 pi.— Ilodgem (R. M.) The rectus sternalis muscle. Boston M. tfc S. A., 1858, lvii, 321-324. Also: Extr. Rec-. Host. Soc. M. Improve. (1856-9), 1859, iii, 143-146 —Howard (M.) A singular muscle. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1858, xi, 354.—Humphry (G. M.) On the varieties in the mus- cles of man. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 663; 693: ii, 33; 51: 7s: 108. Also | Abstr. ]: J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1873, vii. 360-368. Also [Abslr.l: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i. 633; 663.— Huntington (P. K.) Caseof arrested muscular development. Med. Exam., Phila., 1850, n. s., vi, 453.—Hy rtl. Abnormer Ursprung des Pronator teres. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1862, viii, 418.— Ineoronato. Contribuzione alia storia delle anomalie dei muscoli. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1877, iii, fasc. 2, 89-92, 1 pi.—Jacquart (H.) Exemple d'iusertion auor- male du muscle adducteur du pouce sur une main d'homine, qui prouve que ee muscle n est eu realite que le premier interosseux palmaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1*59, Par., 1800. 3. s., i, 252.—.laii>teii (J. H.) Waarueiiiingen van anomale spieren. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1849-50, 2. s., v, 431-437.—J ©esse I. Ein besouderer Fall von Musculus sternalis. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1878, 429- 432.—Jordan (P.) Respiratory muscle, observatious on. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857, ix, 363, 1 pi.—Jnppin. Lettre snr une observation de M. Bourienue, coneernant un prolongement du sterno-mastoldien, dissecfe.e et exami- nee dans une lecon (l'anatomie. J. de med., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1773, xxxix, 309-313— Knczander (J.) Bei- trag zur Lehre der Muskel- und Bauderanoinalien. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1881, lxxxv, 173-175, 1 pi.— Kncelaiid. Muscular anomalies. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi, 77. — Knott (J. F.) Muscular anoma- lies. J. Anat. ,fc Phvsiol, Lonel., 1880-81, xv, 139. — de Koning (P.) Beschrijving van een musculus thoraci- cus. Nederl. Tijtlschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1879, 2. R., xv, 193. — Konstantinovski (M. V.) K kazuist. anomal.; polnii nedostat. prav. bolshoi i maloi grudnich mushtse. [Auomlies; complete absence of right pectoralis major and minor.! Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1886, no. 40, 100-112.— Kranse (W.) Myologische Beinerkungen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1881, 419-422.—Krues (G.) Ein aceessorischer Palmaris longus mit doppelter Eudsehne. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 1229.— liainont (J. C.) Note on the nervous supply of the musculus sternalis. J. Anat. & Physiol., Loud., 1886-7, xxi. 514.—liane (W. A.) An interclavicular muscle in the human subject. Ibid., 1885-6, xx, 544. -----. Abnor- mal muscle of the hand. Ibid . 1886-7, xxi, 674. -----. A coraco-clavicular sternal muscle. Ibid., 673.—ITeboncq (H.) Xote sur deux cas d'auomalies musculaires. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1873, li, 106-116. [Rap. de R. Bod- t?Iu*ele* (Abnormities of). daert], 117-123.— I.e Rouble (A.) Snr le muscle " sternalisbrutorum" ou "rectus thoracis" cbez 1'homnie, et de son volume plus considerable k gauche. Bull. Soc' d'anthiop. de Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 408-415. -----. Muscle sus-claviculaire tenseur de l'apouevroso cervicale siiperti- cielle. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 563. -----. \,ito sur certains muscles cominuns aux animaux et & l'homme Rev. d'anthiop., Par., 1881, 2. s., iv, 635-638. -----. Sur une anomalie musculaire chez une femme (inuscle-oino- trachelien). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1881, 3. s., iv, 111-115. -----. Sur les diverses variations du cleido-occi'- pital chez l'honirne. Ibid., 1881, 3. s., iv, 654-657. _____. Sur la question des anomalies musculaires cbez l'honirne Ibid., 1883, 3. s., vi, 791-795. -----. Des anomalies du grand pectoral chez l'homme et de leur signification au point de vue de 1'anthropologie zoologique. Rev. d'an- tlirop., Par., 1885, 2. s.. viii, 99-106. -----. Anomalies du petit pectoral. Ibid., 282-285. -----. Muscles pcri-clavi- culaires surnumei aires. Ibid., 286-299. -----. Contribu- tions k l'histoire des anomalies musculaires. Ibid., 1886, 3. s., i, 111; 658. -----. Contributions a l'histoire des ano- malies musculaires; muscles de la ntique et du dos. Ibid., 1887, 3. s., ii, 551-258 [558].—L.ee (H.) Case of imperfect development of the circular muscular fibres of the rectum and vagina. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 595.— Keger (H.) Anomalie musculaire du triceps humeral. Gaz. nied. de Picardie, Amiens. 1886, iv, 182.—Legge (F.) Di altune anomalie muscolari osservate nella camera Settoria della libera Universita tli Camel ino. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1883, ix, 169-172. — liinhart. Leber einen bisher unbekaunten Muskel an der unteren Extremitat. Oesterr. med. Wclm- schr., Wieu, 1846, 12-14.—I^otze (K.) Eine Varietat ties M. extensor digitorum pedis brevis. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl. Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1866, 3. R,, xxviii, 99, 1 pi.—Louge (P.) Anomalies musculaires; entrecroiseinent siununie raire des radiaux externes. Gaz. d. hop., Pat-., 1887, lx, 1101.—Ijuschka (H.) Ein Musculus supraclavicularia beim Menschen. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1856, 282-285, 1 pi— Macalistcr (A.) Notes on an instance of irregularity in tbe muscles around the shoulder joint. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Loud., 1866-7, i, 316-319.-----. Variations of the rectus femoris muscle. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1868, v, 131. -----. Variety of the plantaris muscle. Ibid., 305. -----. The varieties of the styloid muscles. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1870-71, v, 28-31. -----. On the varieties of the pronator quadra- tus. Ibid., 32-31.—M'Whinncy (A. M.) On the vari- eties in the muscular system of the human body. Lund. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., ii, 184-196. Also, Reprint. — Ma. gnaiiou. Anomalie du long supinateur. Lyon med., 1874, xv, 500. — Maguire. Congenital absence of pec- toral muscles. Brit. vl. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1216.—ITIal- branc ( M.) In Saehen des Sternalmuskels. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1870-7, ii, 310-316.— Itlathieu. Statistique sur les muscles grand et petit pectoral. Lyon m6d., 1875, xix. 220.—Mattel. Sur un muscle surnuineraire de la jambe. J. Sot;, de raeel.-prat. de Montpel., 1844, xi, 200-213—Meckel (J. FT) Ueber mehrere Abweichungen im Muskelsystem desselben Korpers. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1819, v, 115-125.-----. Beschreibung einiger Muskelvarietaten. Ibid., 1823, viii, 585-591.—Merkel (F.) Ueber eine ano- male Verbindung des M. pectoralis major uud latissimus dorsi in der Achselgrube. Ztschr. f. rat. Metl., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1867,3. R., xxix, 158-160, lpl.—iTIer I in (H.) Drei- kdpfiger Musculus gastrocnemius. Ber. tl. uaturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1884-6, xv, 7. -----. Musculus psoas accessorius. I bid , 3-5. -----. Supernunieriires Fascikel des. M. extensor iligitoriim pedis communis brevis. Ibid., 8. -----. Verdeippelung ties M. peroneus tertius. Ibid.,%.— Mingazzini (G ) Ln musculus extensor atque abduc- tor pollicis accessorius. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 243.—Morton. Absence of the glutei, gemellus inferior, quadratus fenioris, and other muscles. Laucet, Loud., 1836-7, i, 905.—Moser. Beschreibung mehrerer im Win- terhalbjahr 1820 bis 1821 auf dem anatouiischen Saale zu Halle gefundener Muskelvarietaten. Deutsches Arch. f. d, Physiol, Halle, 1822, vii, 224-231.—Nelham (A. i Mus- cular abnormity. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1x52, n.s., iv, 47.—von iVoordcii (C.) Zwei Falle vou angebm-em m Mangel der Pectoralmuskeln. nebst Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkung der Intercostabnuskeln. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi. 007—rVordland (G.) Mus- kelanomalier. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1*77-8, xiii, 160-168.— IV unn (T. VV.) Drawing of a case of congenital defi- ciency of the latissimus dorsi, ancl of the lower portion of the pectoralis major muscles, the pectoralis being want- ing below the second rib. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix, 427.—Pal letta (J. B.) De m. gastrocnemiorum defectu. In his. Lxerc. pathol., 4°, Mediolaui, 1820, 151.—Park- in in (S.) Anatomical anomaly. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1847, n. s., xiii, 507.—Paulicky (A.) Defect der Portio sterno-costalis des Musculus pectoralis major rechterseits. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1882, xi, 207-210. Also, in his: Ueber consren. Missbilel.. 8T Berl.. 1882, 9-12.— Perrin (J. B.) Xotes on some variations of the pecto- ralis major, with its associate muscles seen during oes- MUSCLES. 571 MUSCLES. Ifllisele* (Abnormities of). sions 1868-9, 1869-70. J. Auat. tfc Physiol., Lond., 1870-71, v, 233-240, 4 pi.-----. Notes on an aberrant form of the siipiacostalis of Wood. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond., 1871, j 600. -----. Record of irregular muscles noticed in the dissecting-room at King's College, London, during the ses- sions 1868-9, 1869-70, and 1870-71. Ibid., 1872, ii, 622 ; 649 : 1873, i, 31; 463; 596.—Pictsch. Observation anatomique sur un muscle biceps du bras qui avoit une structure sin- guliere. J. de mecl., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764, xxi, 245-247. — Pizzctti (D.) Delia duplicitadelmuseolooino- joitleo. Boll. (1. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. med. in Siena, 1884, 'ii 100.—Poland (A.) Case of deficiency of the pectoral muscles. (i ay's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1841, vi, 191-193, 1 pi.— Pozzi (S ) Note sur une variete frequente du muscle court peron ier lateral chez l'homme (anomalie reversive). Bull. Soc. d anthrop. de Par., 1872, 2. s., vii, 155-161. Also: ,T. de l'anat. et physiol., etc.. I'ar., 1872, viii, 269-274.— Pye-Smilh [eluy's Hospital, London]. Ein zweiter Fall von Musculus supracosUilis anterior anomalus. Arch. f. path. Aunt., etc., Berl., 1868, xliii, 142.—Ramsay (A.) Account of unusual conformations of some muscles and vessels. Edinb. M. tfc S. J., 1812, viii, 281-283, 1 pi.— Ransom (W. B.) Notes of some variations of the shoulder-muscles. .T. Anat. tfc Physiol., Loud., 1884-5, xix, 508.—Rea (R. L.) Muscular anomalies. Ann. Anat. & Surg., Brooklyn, NT \T, 1882, v, 220— Redon & Cou- lomb. Muscle presternal. Lyon med., 1875. xviii, 484.— Reiil (R. W.) ifc Taylor (S.) Interesting muscular va- riations. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1878, Loud., 1879, n.s., ix. 43-49.—Reinhardt. Beobachtung eines Musculus accessorius fiexoi is hallucis longi superior. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u wissensch. Med., Berl., 1846, 298.—Rennie (G. E.) On an anomalous muscle in the front of the neck in a human subject; a sterno-petroso-pharyngeus. J. Anat. tfc Physiol.,Lond., 1885-6,xx,356-358.—Romiti(G.' Duplicita. del muscolo coraco-brachiale. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. se. med. iu Siena, 1884, ii, 87.—Shattock (S. (I.) A " kerato- thyro-hyoid " muscle as a variation in human anatoui v. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1882-3, xvii, 124.—.Shepherd. Musculus sternalis in anencephalous fcetus. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1885, n. s, xxxix. 309. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc , 1885, lxxx, 69. — dc .Sonza (A.) Communica- tion sur les anomalies musculaires. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, 2. s., i, 151. — S peri no (G.) Sulla mancauza del m. seniimembranoso. Gior. d. r. Ac- cad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. s., xxxiv, 312-322, 1 pi.— Streets (T. H.) Anatomical anomalies. (Flexor sub. digitorum and flex. prof, digitoruin.) Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n. s., lxiv, 131.—Nyminglon (J.) Note on a case of complete absence of both seiiii-.iienibranosus muscles. J. Auat. & Physiol., Lond., 18813-4, xviii, 461. — Talani (A.) Conformazione variat^. e simnietricaniente ripetuta di molti muscoli brachiali nell' uomo. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1884, liv, 630-636.—Tait (L.) Notes on uuusual ac- cessory muscles. J. Anat. tfc Physiol., Loud., 1869-70, iv, 236-238.—Taylor (F.) Chondroepitroohlearis muscle on eachside. (Living subject.) Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xxxv, 466—Tenehini (L.) Anomalie del muscolo bici- piteomerale. Gazz.med.ital.lomb., Milano, 1879,8.8 ,i.31- 33, lpl- -----• Una anomalia dell'aiteria sucelavia Ibid., 33. — TcMtnt (L ) Sur uu nouveau cas ele muscle chondro- t'piti-ochleen. JT de nied. de Bordeaux, 1881-2, xi, 349. -----. Le muscle omohvoidien et ses anomalies. Gaz. hebd. cl. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1882, ii, 182: 237. Also. Reprint. -----. Des variations anatomiques du muscle pyramidal de rabdomen. Ibid., 362. -----. Sur la repro- duction chez riionune d'uu muscle simien ; le scalene inter- medial! e des singes anthropoides Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1883, 3. s., vi, 65. -----. Recherches sur quelques muscles sin-numeraires de la region scapulaire antero-in- terne. Rev. d'anthiop., Par., 1883, 2. s., vi, 404-479. -----. Quelques observations d'anomalies musculaires recueillies sur uu negre de l'ile de Bourbon. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 572. -----. Trois muscles surnume- raires de la region fessiere. Ibid., 1884, v, 112-115. -----. Le muscle- presternal, et sa signification anatomique. J. de l'anat, et physiol., etc.. Par . 1884, xx, 71-84.—Thom- son (A.) Unusual iusei tion of the braehialis anticus into the orbicular ligament and capsule of the elbow-joint. JT Anat. 7. Strahl (H.) * Zur Lehre von der wachsarti- gen Degeneration der quergestreiften Muskeln. 8°. Leipzig, 1880. Straus (I.) * Essai sur la physioiogie de la deg^iterescence graisseuse des muscles. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868. Apolinario (B.) Observation d'atrophie musculaire generalisee d'origine.saturnine. Moutpel med., 1877, xxxix, 237; 329.— Bii n in ler. Fall von vollstiiudiger Atrophie des rechten Muse, scrratus anticus major. Arch. f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1870-80, x. 270. — Bardelebcn. Ueber die Um wandlung von Muskelgc webe in Lett. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Mecl., Jena, 1851, ii, 14-17. — Barety (A.) Observations d'atrophie des muscles iuterosseux de la main chez deux syphilitiques. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1873-4, v, 206; 270. —Barling. Atrophy of deltoid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 896.—Barow (\V. F.) On the atrophy of paralysis and the means of preventing it. Loud. M. Gaz.. 1848. n. s., vii, 529-532.—Barth (O.) Bei- triige zur Kenntniss der Atrophia musculorum lipomatosa. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1871, xii, 121 133. — Bcncdikt (M.) Atrophia neurotica. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1870, xv, 453. — Benche (R.) Zur Lehre von der hyalinen (wachsartigeu) Degeneration der glatten Muskeifasern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1885, xcix, 71-98, 1 pi — Bennett. Atrophy of the muscles from disuse. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 658-660.—Bernud. Sur un cas d'iuflltration graisseuse des muscles sans chaugement de volume. • Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 313. Also: Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1851. Par., 1852, iii, 65-67.— Bci-gd-. Sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire portant sur les muscles de l'epitrochlee et consecutive a une luxation du coude reduite : guerison par les courants continus. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1877, i, 160-166. — Bernard (C.) Note snr deux cas d'atrophie musculaire, couseSeutive k des phenomenes paralytiques et convulsifs. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1852. 3. s . vii, 620. Also: Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1852. Far.. 1853, iv, 128-131. — Bidon (H.) Les amvotro- phies. Marseille med., 1886, xxiii, 465; 525; 594; 671.— ISizxozcro ((>.) Sulle alterazioni prodotte uei muscoli elal tiudio dei loro nervi. R. Ist. Lomb di sc. e lett. Ren- elic. Milano, 1872, 2. s., v, 449-451. — Bourceiet (P.) Xote sur quelques cas d'atrophie musculaire avec ou sans anesth6sie; influence de la faradisation dans certains cas d'anesthesie cntanee. Arch, de phvsiol., norm, et path.. Par., 1870. 2. s., iii, 807 - 813. — Brenner. Hoeh- gradiire ortliche Muskelatrophie des rechteu Oberarmes. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 197-204. -----. Ue- ber Muskelatrophien. Ibid., 1865, viii, 58—Broea. La pretendue transformation fibreuse ties muscles. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 379.—Brossard. Atro- pine du trapeze, et du rhoniboi'de. Lyon med., 1879, xxxii, 78-82. Also: Meiu. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1879), 1880. xix, pt. 2, 158-162.—Buck. Condition of muscles of a limb long under treatment for fracture. N. York J. M., 1856, [2.] s.. xvi. 379.—Chain. hers (T. K.) Case of mollifies ossium, preceded by de- generation of the muscles. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1854, xxxvii, 19-25.—Chvostek (F.) Ein Fall von Atrophia musculorum lipomatosa. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1871, xvii, 633; 649; 665.—Clement. Amyotrophic secondaire. Lyon med., 1871, viii, 504; 525.—[Cognard.J Cas d'atrophie musculaire. Ibid., 1870. v, 35.— Behove. Note sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire protopathique. Pro- gres med., Par., 1878. vi, 856.—Behove & Benaut (J.) Note stir les lesions des faisceaux primitifs des muscles voloutaires dans l'atrophie musculaire progressive et dans la paralysie saturnine. Mouvement med.. Par., 1876, xiv, 135.—Bejei-nie (J.) Atrophie musculaire et paraplegic dans un cas de syphilis maligne precoce. Arch, de phy- siol. norm, et path.. Par., 1876, 2. s., iii, 430-442, 1 pi.— Ocmiiom & Bsirie (E.) Xote sur un cas d'atrophie ge- nerate du meuibre droit, cous6cutive a un traumatisme. Progres m6(L, Par., 1875. iii, 557—Biemer. Ueber das Fortsehrciteu der Atrophie eler Muskeln. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1850. vii, 65-70. — Dubois. Observation d'atrophie des muscles moteurs de l'humerus. Gaz. med. Uluscles (Atrophy and degenerations of). ele Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 920. — Biipiiy'u-eu. Atrophie an- cienne du bras droit; fracture a l'humerus tie ce cote ■ con- solidation complete. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1831-2, v, 324 _ Fisenlohr (C.) Idiopathische subacute Muskullaimuing uud Atropine. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz 1*79 jj 100-102.—Erh (W.) lienierkungen iiber die ste'tnaii'iite wachsarlige Degeneration tier quergestreiften "Muskel- fasern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, xliii, 108- 124.-----. Ueber die wachsartige Degeneration der'quer- gestreiften Muskelfasern. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med Leipz., 1869, vi. 545-560—Evans (<;. A.) Fatty degen- eration and progressive atrophy of muscle, -with micro. scopic preparations. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings. P.rook- lyn, 1870, i, 61-03—Evans (J. F.) Cases of muscular atrophy and degeneration. Bristol M.-Chir. J lss'j j 212-217, 1 pi— Fiddian (A. P.) Magneto-electricitv hi tbe treatment of muscular atrophy. Med. Times & Gaz Lond., 1872, ii, 66.—Fischer (E-.) Ueber die Ursaclien der verschiedenen Grade der Atropine bei den Exteusoren der Extreinitaten gegeniiber den Flexoren. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, viii, 1-33—Eite (C. C.) The treatment of muscular degeneration bv electricity. Nash- ville J. M. tt S., 1878, n. s., xxii, 91-90. —Forget. Atro- phie paralytique isolee des deux niembres supericurs Union m6d., Par., 1853, vii, 174.—Ocnth (A.) Vier Falle von granuliiser und t'ottartiger Entartung sanuntlicherdem Willen unterworfener Muskeln. Allg. nied. Centr.-Zff. Berl., 1854, xxiii, 625-628.—Green how (E. H.) Case Id' acute muscular atrophy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1873, vi, 149-160, 1 pi.—Querin (J.) Transformation tendineuse des muscles. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1882, 2. s., xi, 237- 239.—Habershou. General muscular atrophy. Lancet, Lond., 1870. i, 583.—Iladdon (J.) Acute muscular at- rophy. Edinb. M. J., 1870, xv, 1108.—■■» I lett. On ste- atosis, or adipiflcation of muscle. Edinb. M. \ S. J., ]s49 lxxi, 257-269.—Hjort (J.) Et Tiltielde af circumscript Muskelatrophi. Norsk Mag. f. Lasgevidensk., Christia- nia, 1865, xix, 352-359.—Ingalls (W.) A case of pro- gressive muscular sclerosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1870. vi, 321-325.—Kagau (A.) Atrophia musculi deltoid, i si- nistri vsliedstvie utchiba. [From contusion.J Vrach. Vaitlom., St. Petersb., 1879, iv, 542.—Berlin (1. X.) & Mills (O.K.) Three cases of progressive muscular de- generation. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi, 325-337, 1 pi.—Fabadie de Lalaiide (O.) Trois cas d'atrophie musculaire. Union med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1857, ii, 249-253.—Fan re (P.) Note sur un cas d'atrophie muscu- laire compliqu6 de contracture des extremities. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, 470.—Fe Ciendre. Atrophie muscu- laire du bras droit; degenerescence graisseuse des fibres musculaires; integrit6 des cordons nerveux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 115.—Fegcr. Dou- leurs de nature nevralgique du membre abdominal droit, suivies d'atrophie des masses musculaires. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 154.— Leggatt. On a case of progres- sive fatty degeneration and atrophy of the voluntary mus- cles. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 383.—Feggntt (A.) Case of fatty degeneration of the voluutary muscles; softeniug of the spinal cord. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1856-7, viii, 1-8.— Fe Tual. Lettre sur l'ouverture d'un cadavre. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1771, xxxv, 455-461.—tin- eas (J.) A singular extenuation in the leg: with the method of cure. Mod & Phys. J.. Lond., 1803, ix, 231.— lTIcBonnell (R.) Case of muscular atrophy and paraly- sis, consequent on injury to the spine:.recovery. Iiish Hosp.Gaz.,Dubl., 1*73. i. 225.—Maciiaiuara (Ci Fatty degeneration of muscle. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1807, i, 412.—Martin sen. & jun. Observation sur le ctiangemeut de la fibre musculaire en substance graisseuse. Rec. d. actes Soc. de sante de Lyon, 1798, i, 384-380. Also, transl. .- Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1800, iv, 189-200. — Martini (E.) Zur Kenntniss der Atrophia musculorum lipoma- tosa. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix, 641.—Ifleiizel (A.) Atrofia muscolare all' omero tlestro. Resoc. san. d. Osp. civ. di Trieste, 1876, ii, 153.—Mei-you (E.) On granular aud fatty degeneration of the voluntary muscles. Med.-Chir. Tr.,'Lond., 1852, xxxv, 73-84, 1 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 506. -----. On granular degeneration of the voluntary mus- cles. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1866, xlix, 45-50, 1 pi.— Miles (F. T.) Case of extreme muscular atrophy of the lower extremities; neuritis (.') : recovery. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1877, i, 234-239.—Moussou*. Trois observa- tions d'atrophie musculaire. On/., el hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 430.—TViepce. Atrophie musculaire. Gaz. nied. de Par.. 1853, 3. s., viii, 260-203.—©uimus (E.) On professional muscular atropbv. Lancet. Loud., 1876, i, 127— Oppol- zer. Ueber Muskelatrophie. Spitals-Ztg., Wien. i860, 161: 177: 225.—Partridge. Fatty degeneration of vol- untary muscle. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1846-8, i. 334.— Pepper ( W. ) Clinical lecture on a case of progressive muscular sclerosis. Metl. Tunes, Phila., 1870-71, i. 329; 349 Also, Reprint. -----. Atrophy of the pectoral muscles of one side of the chest, associated with functional palpitation of the heart and intercostal neuralgia. Metl. Bull , Phila., 1883, v, 1-4— Poneet. Coup de feu sous la clavicule droite; atrophie musculaire envahissaut le bras droit, le MUSCLES. 573 MUSCLES. ill usclcs (Atrophy and degenerations of). bras gauche et le tronc. Gaz. med. ele Par., 1875, 4. 8., iv, 304.—Prevost. Atrophie musculaire produite experi- mentalenient par lesion de la moelle. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1872, Par., 1874, 5. s.. iv. 105.—Bakovae (L.) Ein Fall von 'Atrophia musculorum lipomatosa". Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 273-270. — Bamskill (J.) A case of acute muscular atrophy. Lancet, Lond., 1868, ii, 634.—Banvier (L.) L'atrophie d'un muscle deter- minee par 1'iiinaigrissement est en rapport avec l'atrophie des f'aisoeaux primitit's. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1871, Par., 1873, 5. s., iii, 186-188. — Bevillout (V.) Atro- phies musculaires consccutives aux affections du systeme nerveux. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1878, li, 801-803.—Bhoads (E.) Interstitial and neciobiotic degeneration of muscle. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. &., I 107. — Bobin (C.) Note sur l'etat de la graisse dans les muscles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1864, Par., 1865, 4. s., i, 157-159.— Ro- senthal (M.) Ueber einen seltenen Fall von Muskel- atrophie. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, 400; 416; 435; 443.— S. (H.) Congenital want of power, and muscular atrophy of the lower extremities. Med. Exam.. Phila., 1842, v, 35- 38.—Mcliaiimont. Chute d'un lieu eleve; atrophie com- Elete des muscles de l'epaule et incomplete ele ceux du ras. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxv, 312-314.—Scholz. Eiu exquisite! Fall von Muskel- atrophie-. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1861, ii, 398— Sehiillcr (M.) Fall von Atrophie der rechtsseitigen Schulter- und Riickeiimusculatiir. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877-8, ix, 298-300. —Shcrshevski (M.) O zavisimosti jyrovaho perejenia myshtz pavalizovanych tchastey ot pre- krash-tchenia inervatziy. [Of the influence of the inner- vation of the paralizeel part on the transformation of mus- cles into fat.) Vojenno-meil. J., St.-Petersb., 1807, xcviii, pt. 2, 87-104.—Signol. De la brusque degenerescence graisseuse des muscles chez le cheval. Bull. Soc. de ined. prat, de Par., 1876, 35-37.—[Soulicr.l Exemple d'atro- phie musculaire. Lyon med.. 1870, v. 35. — Mteincrt (B.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Inactivitatsatrophie der Muskel- faser. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1887. n. PT, xx, 217-227.'—Stuart (A.) Experimentelle Studien iiber die f'ettiffe Entartung lies Muskelgewebes. Arch.f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1865, i, 415-427, 1 pi.—Takacs (E.) Az elohaladeS izomsorvadas e:gy esete. [Case of pro- gressive atrophy of muscles. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1881, xxv, 825; 848, 1 pi.—Tillaux. Atropine iiiuscu- laire consecutive aux congelations Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1871, ixxx, 220-230.—Tulenburg. Cas re- marquable d'affection musculaire (atrophie ascendante chrouique). Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1863, x, 750-753.— Valtat (E.) De l'atrophie musculaire dans le cours des maladies des articulations. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1877, ii, 159-183.—dc Vicq-d'Azyr. Observation ana- tomique. [.From,: Mem. Acad. roy. el. sc. de Par., 1772.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1787, xv, 311-313.— Voisin (A.) & Hauot (V.) Sur deux cas d'atrophie musculaire obscrvee daus le coins de la paralysie generate. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1872, Par., 1874, 5. s., iv, pt. 2, 93-105. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii, 136; 164.— Vulpian (A.) Sur les modifications que subissent les muse les sous l'influence de la section de leurs nerfs. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 558-578.— Webber (S. G.) The relation between lesion of the ner- vous system and muscular atrophy. J. Psych. M., N. T., 1871, v, 242-261.—Weihl (W.) Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber die " wachsartige Degeneration" der quer- gestreiften Muskelfasern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lxi, 253-267, 1 pi. —Weiss (N.j Leber einen Fall von progressive!' Muskelatrophie. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 701-703.—Whitford. Case of atrophy of numerous muscles of the upper extremities. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 340. —Wy man (J.) Transformation of mus- cular fibre into fat. Boston M. & S. J., 1865, lxxii, 18. Muscles (Cancer of). Karpovitch (J.) * Ke voprosu o razvitii raka ve misht.sache ve patologo-gistolog. otnoshenii. [On the development of cancer in muscles.] 8-T St. Petersburg, 186)8. Eosexhach (A.) *Der Epithelialkrebs im i|Ucroc*strciften Muskel. 8°. Gottingen, 1873. Vigxes (L.) Des tumeurs elites cance~reuses primitives des muscles de la vie de relation. 4°. Paris, 1862. Chevalier (T. W.) General observations on morbid tumors, and on the different modes in which the muscular structure is attacked bv cancer and mcdullarv sarcoma. Lond. M. & Phys. J., '1826, lv, 95-103. 1 pi.—Bemar- quay. Sur les tumeurs dites caucereuses des muscles de la vie ele relation. Union nied., Par., 1861, 2. s., xi, 403; 421. — Donati (P.) Carcinoma muscolare primitive Onzz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1869, xii, 139-141.— I.uzzatto (M.) Canero primitive) dei muscoli. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1871, 3. s., xiv, 33-51.—Pop- per (F.) Beitrage zur niiheren Kwuutniss der Entwiek- Muscles (Ca ncer of). lung des Kn-bsesinden quergestreiften Muskeln. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1865, x, 37-80, 2 pi. Also (Abstr.]: AVien. nied. Presse. 1865, vi, 0*8.—siek (P.) Ein Muskelkrebs. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1804, xxxi, 331-335.— Volkmniui (R.i Zur nistiolo-iie ths Muskelkrebses. Ibid., 1870, 1, 543-540. 1 pi. —"Weil (C.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Muskelkrebses. Med. Jahrb. Wien 1873 285-291, lpl.—von Wittieh. Krebs der Muskeln. Arch! f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853. vii, 324-327. Muscles (Contraction and spasm of). See, also, Cadaver (Attitudes of); Chorea; Contractions; Cramp; Rigor moi Us; Risus sardonieus; Tetanus; Thomsen's disease. Cesbrox (J.) * Etude sur la contracture mus- culaire syphilitique. 4Z. Paris, 1879. Gaillard (F.-L.) Etude sur la contraction musculaire a propos du jugement de la croix des affections simuhSes et des luxations. 8°. Poitiers, 1864. Mayr (D. ) * Ueber Durchschneidung der Kaumuskeln. 8°. Erlangen, 187)2. Aeby (C.) Ueber die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der Muskelzuckung. Arch. f. Anat .Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1860, 253. —Bell (G. H. ) A peculiar con- vulsive affection of the respiratory muscles. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1835. xliii, 260-262. — Bon veret (L.) Kote sur un spasrne fonctionnel du long ptrouier lateral et des junieaux. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. el. se. med. de Lyon (1881), 1882, xxi, pt. 2, 150-156.—CejMiis (E.) Contracture cles muscles flechisseurs des avant-bras et des mains; emploi de l'electrisation localisee: guerison. J. tie med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux. 1858, xxvi. 230-232.— [Chronic spasm of tbe trapezius resembling fatty tumour; incision; restoration of the muscle to its normal state. ] St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix, 265. — Desalleurs fils. Affection convulsive ele hi jarnbe gauche. Clin. d. he')])., Par.. 1829, iv, 55. — Dueheuiie. Xote sur le spasrne fonctionnel et la paralvsie musculaire lonctiounelle. Bull. gen. ele therap.. etc.'. Par., 181,0, lviii, 145; 196; 245.— Fieber (F.) Ein Fall von Muski-lcontractur und seine Reaction uegen elect! ischen und mechaniscben Einfluss. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, Ixxvi, 364-308.— Flc-ury. Contracture du muscle couturier; mvotomie. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par., 1872, 3. s., i, 188-190.—Fried- berg1 ( H. ) Ein Fall von nivopatbischer Luxation [of shoulder]. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt., Heilk., Wien. 1857, iii. 1-10. — Gairilncr (J.) A peculiar affection of the organs of respiration. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1835, xliii, 257- 260.—Itarri (J.-M.-G.) Memoire sur quelques fonctions involontaires des appareils de la locomotion, de la prehen- sion et de la voix. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1825, viii, 385-407.—Jackson (H.) Spasm of tbe muscles supplied by the portio dura of tbe right side for more than thirty years; good general health until the age of seventy-one; then hemiplegia on the left side; recovery; subsequent amaurosis ot one eye. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 11. — 71 ulsjaisjne. Recherches et experiences sur la retraction musculaire, consideree sous le point de vue chirurgical. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par., 1836, iv, 417-438. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1837, i, 55-62. -----. Lettre sur un cas de contracture born6e au cleido-mastoldien. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 255. — JInnouvriez (A.) Recherches sur les troubles de la sensibilite dans la contracture idiopathique des ex- tremites. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1876, xv, 263-296.— Meyer (M.) Jahre lang besteheuder klonischer Krampf der hinteren linksseitigen Halsmuskeln (Mm. biventer und complexus) durch Electricitiit geheilt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 205. — lTIichel (M.) Ex- amination of the negro, Thomas, -who arrests his heart's action, and pretends to throw his heart into the abdo- men. Boston M. & S. J., 1878. xcix, 551-557. — ITIur- doeh (W.) Considerations sur les retractions musculaires spasmodiques. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1832, viii, 417-426. — ©minus (E.) Contractures. Diet, encycl. d. sc. ni6d., Par., 1877, xx, 62-95.—Piollet. Observation sur line irritation periodique des jarubes. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1829, iv, 55. — Rennes. Acces de crampes partielles se succedant rapidement dans la plu- part des muscles et produisant dans ceux du larynx une constriction voisiue de la strangulation, chez une malade gravement atteinte de phlegmasie chrouique du poumon. Gaz. d. hc'ip., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 294.—Romberg. Ueber tlen Krampf der Kacken- und Halsmuskeln. Deutsche Klinik. P.erl., 1849. i, 4.—'Werner. Clouisehe Kriimpfe der Xackeiiniiiskeln und des Kopfnickers re t htersi its ; wiederbolte Myotomieeu: inuerlicher Gebrauch von Arse- nik; sehr bedeutentle Lessoning. Med. Cor. LI. d. wiirt- temb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1860, xxx, 300-303.—Zuradclli (C.) Su varie specie di contratture, che si osservano agli arti superiori, e specialineute sulla coutrattura simultanea del bicipite e del supinator lungo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milauo. 1861, 4. s., vi, 25; 49; 57; 65. MUSCLES. i?Iu*c3cs (Degenerations of). See Muscles (Atrophy, ele, of). IHuscIes (Diseases and pathology of). See, also, Atrophy (Muscular, etc.); Locomo- tion (Organs of, etc.); Muscles ( Hypertrophy of); Muscles (Iitf.ammation of); Myalgia* Paraly- sis; Rheumatism (MuscuIctr); Tremor. Boden (O.) * Ue musculorum paralysi ex alieuata eorum uutritione. 8°. Berolini, [1862]. Bokma de Boer (B.) *De sarcogenesi et morbis musculorum organicis. 8°. Groningcx, [1834]. Ceysexs (H.-E.) Considerations theoriques et pratiques sur quelques maladies musculaires et surtout sur lc rhuuiatisnie musculaire. 12°. Hasselt, 1862. Daxneil (H.) * Quaedam de anatomia mus- culorum pathologica. 8-r Halis, 1859. Helleksberg (F.) *De nonnnllis musculo- rum morbis. 8°. Berolini, [1833]. Hepp (L.) * Die pathologischen Veriiuderun- gen der Muskelfaser. 8°. Zurich, 185:5. Hopmaxx (M.) * Ueber die priniiiren Myo- pathies 8-. Berlin, [1^8(>]. Isenflamm (J. F. ) Versuch einiger prakti- schen Aumerkungen iiber die Muskeln zur Er- lauterung verschiedener verborgener Krankhei- ten und Zu falle entworfen. 8°. Erlangen, 1778. Laxtexois (A.-P.) *Siu- l'iufluence de Tac- tion musculaire dans le developpement et les phenomenes des maladies chirurgicales. 4°. Paris, 1826. Leser (E.) Untersuchungen iiber ischiiinische Muskellahuiungen uud Muskelcoutraeturen. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. Oltendohf (H.I * Ueber Tuberkulose quer- gestreifter Muskeln. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, [1883]. de Schallhammer (F. L.) * De morbis fibrae muscularis ex materiei auimalis inixtnra uiutata cognoscendis. 4°. Hala; 1799. Also, transl. in: Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1800, iv, 222-289, 1 pi. Weiss (J. J.) *De musculorum pathologia. sm. 4°. Erlangce, [1774]. Zade (H.) * Ueber Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1886. Bamberger. [Combinirter Eall von Muskelatrophie und Muskelhypertrophie.] Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1878, 13.—Benedikt (M.) Ueber spon- tane und reflectorische Muskelspaunungen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1864, xvi, 281; 297: 309; 317; 327.—Ben- nett (A. H.) Case of remarkable hyper-excitability of all the muscles and tendons of the body to direct mechan- ical percussion, with clonus of various regions, including the lower jaw; recovery. Brain, Lond., 1886-7, ix, 228- 233.—Berber. Fall von hochgradiger Pseudohypertro- phic der Muskeln. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl., 1876, liii, 202.— Blasiua (E.) Ueber Sta- bilitiit der Theile und Stabilitatsneurosen. Arch. f. phy- siol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1851, x, 210-275. Also, Reprint,— Blot (IL) Examen histologique des muscles gras. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1857, Par.. 1858, 2. s.. iv. 92.— BoiiiMy (G.) Synovite fongueuse des peroiiiers late- raux. Gaz. med. ele Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, -137-4,41).— Kri->- saud (E.) De la mvopathie progressive pi-imitive. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par, 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 582-58.).—Clarke (J. L.) Muscular svstem, Diseases of. Syst. .Surg. (Holmes) 2. eel., N. T.. 1870, iii, 621-657.—Conner (I*. S.) Injuries and diseases of the muscles, tendons, and fasciae. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), X. Y.. 1883. iii. 1-23.—Dally. Contributions a. la pathologie muse ulaiie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1874, 2. a., xi, 622-625.—Ed gren (J. G.) Om den primara progressiva myopatin dess si apulo-humerala typ janiteen Sfversigtaf'beslagtadekliniska former. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. 1887. xix, no. 5, 1-51, 4pl.—Endur- ciMMCiucnt des muscles larges de l'abdomen, des muscles iles euisses e-t cleccux iles jambes. J. gen. denied., chir. et pharm . Par., 1826, xcvii, 35-37.—Erb (W.) ZurCasuistik der Xerven-und Muskelkrankheiten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1870, vii, 246-255 — Eulenburg (A.) Ueber succe.ssives Auftreten ditfnserMuskelerkrankunge*n bei Geschwistern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1871. liii, 361-370. — Fran€• a (F.) Hypertrophia do musculo recto anterior da coxa, siinulando um lipoma. J. Soc. d. 574 MUSCLES. Jlllsi'les (Diseases and pathology of). sc. med. de Lisb., 1870, xl, 321.—4»iriiudcau (C.) Des infant us musculaires. Rev. de nied., Par., 1884. iv. 466- 472—<»ubler (A.) De la cinesialgio, spociahmont elans le diastasis iimsciilaiie. et ele sa gueiison instautauOc par la faraclisiition hieale. J. ele therap.. Par., 1874, i, 697- 721- 761: 801; 891— Halle II (C. H.) On steatosis; or aiiipiti* cation of muscle. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 184!». lxxi, 257-269. Also, Reprint.— Hammond (\V. A.) On a hitherto tin- described foim of muse ulai in coonlination. Tr. Am. Neu- rol. Ass., N. T., 1877. ii, 154-15*-.—Harem (M.-G.) Note sur les alterations ties muscles dans h-s fievres. et particu- lierement dans la variole. Gaz. mecl. de Par., lstiO, 3. s., xxi, 698; 712. Also: Compt. rend. See-, de biol. I860, Par.'" 1867. 4. s., iii, pt. 2, 93-106. -----. Xote sur les alterations musculaires qu'on observe dans les maladies chroniques. Gaz. med. dePar., 1874. 4. s., iii, 54-56. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1874, Par.. 1875. 6. s., i, 69-78. -----. Muscu- laire (Tissu). Pathologie. Diet, encvcl el. se-. med., I'ar. 1876, 2. s., x. 697-770.— Hedenius (IT) Ol'veisigt af nyarebidrag till de tvarstriniiniga muskleruas patholo- giska anatomi. Upsala Liikaref. Fiirh., 1866-7, ii, 342- 375.—Ileuoeque (A.) Musculaire (Tissu). Pathologie chirurgicale. Diet, encycl. d. sc. nied., Par., 1876, 2. s., xi, 87-119.—Hodge (H. L.j Extensive fatty degeneration of muscle. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1878, vii, 159.—IIliter (C.) Ueber Langeuinsufficienz der hi- und polyarthroielalen Muskeln; ihre Bedeutung fiir die Muskelkraft. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1869, xlvi, 37-52. — Kiitixlieu'll.) Sluch. miotonii. Trudi Obsh. Russk. viae h. v. S.-Peterb., 1887. ii. 146-152.—Eabalbary. Myose hiosi- steinoinas- toidieune. Gaz. d. he">p., Par., 1862, xxxv, 591 — I>au- douzy (L.) & Dejcrine (J.) De la myopathia atrophi- que progressive; myopathie hereditaire. sans neuropathic.-, d6butant d'ordiuaife dans l'enfance. pai la face. Rev. ek med., Par., 1885,v, 81; 253. Also, Reprint. — 1-e Oeutu (A.) Muscle; pathologie chirurgicale. X. diet, ele mecl. etchir. prat., Par., 1877, xxiii, 357-376.—Iionguet (R.) Des myo- pathies progressives primitives. Union nied.. Par., 1886, 3. s., xii, 157: 181.—Iiiieke. Ein Fall von Muskelnerrose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl.. 1878. vii, pt. 1, 112-114.—Luzzalto (M.) Miopatieprogressive primi- tive. Riv. siuteiica. Riv. veneta disc.med., Venezia, 1885, iii, 615-639. — .TIarchantl (F.) Leber Tuberculose der Kdrpermuskeln. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.,1878,lxxii, 142-144.—Martiui (E.) Beitrag zur pathol. Histiologie der quergestreifteu Muskeln. 1. Wacbsige Degenera- tion. 2. Traurnatische Myositis. 3. Muskelregeneration. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1868. iv, 505-534. A Iso, Reprint.—.flegniu (P.) Note sur une proliferation extraordinaire de corpuscules calcaires dans le tissu muscu- laire d'un cheval. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt, 2, 129. Also: Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 234.— iTIeryon (E.) Caseof granular degeneration of the volun- tary muscles. Brit, M. JT, Loud., 1870. ii, 32.—Uleyer (G. H.) Mechanische Stase in den Muskeln. Arch, f phvsiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1844, iii, 126-128.—vou IHillbaclier (H.) Beitragzur Pathologiedesquergestreiften Muskels. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1881-2, xxx, 304-331, 1 pi. Also: Arb. a. el. med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maxiiniliaiis- Univ. zu Miinchen, Leipz., 1884, i, 305-332, 1 pi.—Miiller (E.) Ueber Muskeltuberkulose. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1886, ii. 489-494. — IVeverniann. Crepitatio musculorum, cine neue oder sehr seltene Krankheit. Med. Ann., Heidelb.. 1837, iii, 318-320—IVicoladoni. Leber einen seltenen Fall von Muskel-Erkrankung. Wien. nied. Presse, 1878, xix, 738. — Oppolzer. Leber Muskel- schwiele. Allg. AVien. med. Ztg.. 1861. vi, 217.—Paget (J.) On some affections of voluntary muscles. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1858. n. s.. xvi. 26n. -----. Remarks on stammeriug with other organs than those of speech. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 437.—Paulicki. Zur Entar- tuug der quergestreiften Musculalur in acuten Krankhei- ten. Ceutra'bl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl.. 1867, v. 660.— Perroncito (E.) Contribuzionealla patologia del tessi,to muscolare. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. eli Torino, 1882. 3. »., xxx, 574-602, 1 pi. Als,,, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1882, i. 367-388. 2 pi— Popoll (L.) Ueberdic Veranderttng des Muskelgewebes bei einigen IufectionskrankheiteD. Arch. f. path. Auat.. etc., Berl., 1874, lxi, 322-342, 3 pi.— Rasmussen (A. F.j To Tilfielde af akut Ossifikation af Muse, brachheus int. Hosp.-Tid , Kjebenh., 1883, i, 3. R., 769-773.—Rhoads. Interstitial and necrohiotic degene- ration of muscle. Proc. Path. Soe. Pbila. (1860-60), 1867. ii, 176 —Ringer (S.) & Sainsbury (H.) On the nervous or muscular origin of certain spastic conditions of the vol- untary muscles. Lancet. Lond., 1884, ii, 767; >*15; 860.— Russell (C. M.) Case of compound fracture of hand; soli niing of bones about elbow-joint; conversion of mus- cles around joint into adipocere; amputation of arm; re- covery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. I860, i. 331 — Nchot- tin (E.) Untersuchungen iiber den Wasse i■•:. li 'It der Muskeln in verschiedenen pathologischi-n Xiisiiinelen. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1852. xi. 622-625.— Sei- del (M.) Die Krankheiten der Muskeln. Handle, cl. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt). Tiibing., 1879, v, 1. Abth., 3-58 — Singer (J.) Zur Kenntniss der primiireu Myopa- thieen. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1887, viii, 229-250. 2 pi.- MUSCLES. 575 MUSCLES. illusi'Ies (Diseases and pathology of). Nouiienberg (J.) Example of a periodical myopathy, follow ing a contusion of tbe thighs. Lancet, Lond., 1832-3, ii, 621-623. —Slanb. Crepitatio musculorum. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Xat.-u. He-ilk., Zurich, 1841, vi, 26. — Straus (I.) Muscle; pathologie. X .diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1877, xxiii, 263-357. —Taylor (F.) Induration of the stiino-niastoiel muscle. Tr Lath. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, xxvi, 224-227.—Tliurn. Verauderimuen des Elasticitiitsmasses von Muskeln und Handera. M fen. mecl. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 596; 611. — (Jchastii (Ob) nervnoi sisteniwi v' atro- phii uiyoshits pri golodai. [Part played by the nervous system in atrophy of the muscles from defective nutrition. ] Protok. zasaiel. Obsh. russk. vrach. v St. Petersb., 1875, 5l--,X.—Ughetti (G. B.) Delle alterazioui dei tessuti da mancata influenza nervose; ricerche speriineutali, a spe- eiale contiibuzioiie della patologia del tessuto muscolare striate Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1880, iv, 190-220, 1 pi. — W. (J. A.) Liabilities of the muscle in disease; paralysis. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 669. — Wagner. Zur Casuistik chronischer Muskelet krankuug. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 185-188—Wagner (E.) Fall einer seltuen Muskelkrankheit. Arch. el. Heilk., Leipz., 1863, iv, 282. — Waldeyer (W.) Ueber die Veranderuugen eler quergestreiften Muskeln bei der Entziiudung und dem Typhuspro/.css, sowie iiber die Regeneration derselben nach Substanzdefecten. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiv, 473 - 514, 1 pi.—Werner. Untersuchungen iiber die Kolgen der vermehrten und verminderten Thatig- keiteler Muskeln: zur Begri'inelung einerwissenschaftliehen Therapie eler Skoliosen h'iiend. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 131-133. —Wilson (J. A.) Liabilities of the muscle in disease. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 333.—Wilson (J. C.) Observations on the hypodermic use of atropia in muscular rigidities, rheumatic and myalgic. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 81-83.—Wright (T. H.) Muscular tissue; calcareous deposit. Am J. M. Sc, Phila., 1831-2, ix, 89. Muscles (Dislocations, ruptures, and in- juries of). See, also, Biceps (Dislocation, etc., of). A.sciiek (S.) * Ueber die subcutanen Muskel- und Nerveu-Verletzungen. 8°. Erlangen, 1887. Bocquet (J.) *De la rupture spontane'e des muscles de la vie animale. 4°. Paris, 1847. BouKGoi'i-xoN (G.) * Ruptures et contrac- tures musculaires des ouvriers chargeurs. 4°. Paris, 1877). Cambon (E.) * Contribution a l'etude des hernies musculaires spontanecs et trauinatiques. 4°. Montpellier, 1878. Dagott (C. A.) * Ueber die Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskeln nach Verletzungen. 8°. Konigsberg, 1869. Devemy (P.) * Contribution a l'etude des ruptures musculaires. 4C. Paris, 1878. Erbkam (R.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Degeneration und Regeneration von querge- streifter Musculatur nach Quetschuug. 8°. Ko- nigsberg i. Pr., [1879]. Hausbrand (J.) * Diss, luxationis sic dicta? musculorum refutatioueni sistens. 8°. Berolini, 1814. Prat (C.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des hernies musculaires. Considerations sur la hernie du jambier anterieur. 4°. Paris, 1879. Regeakd (A.) * Etude sur les ruptures mus- culaires. 4°. Paris, 1889. Sciinell (B. F.) * De natura reunionis mus- culorum vulueratorum. 12°. Tubingen, [1804]. Addison (K.) Rupture of the rectus femoris muscle. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1871-2, iv, 212. — Allcson (W.) On contusion of muscles. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1842, iv. 144-146. — Ailing (E.) Injections sous-cutanees ele chlorliydrate ele* morphine dans les ruptures musculaires partielles. Bull. gen. de therap., etc , Par., 1869, lxxvi, 113-117.— Barlow (E.) Caso of laceration in the fibres of the gastrocnemius muscle, treated without rest or con- finement. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1823. xix, 358-360.—Bau- din (L.) Contribution a l'etude de la hernie musculaire spontanoe. Rec. de mum. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1881, 3. 8., xxxvii. 319-339. — Boinet. Hernie musculaire du moyen adducteur gauche. Lyon med., 1884, xlvii, 111- 117. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc;. med. de Lyon (1884). 1885, xxiv, 158-164.—Bousqnct. Tumeur forniee par la rupture du moi eu adducteur du cote droit. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii. 454-456.— Brachini (A.) Caso di sutura muscolare e nervosa. Imparziale, Firenze, 1883, xxiii, 141; 189.—Broca. Sur ]?Iiiscles (Dislocations, ruptures, and in- juries of). un cas de luxation du muscle tibial posterieiir compare a. celles des peroiiiers lateraux et de la longue portion du bi- ceps brachial. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1874, 2. s., iii, 7- 20. — Brunzlovv. Zeireissung des schlauken Sc henkel- muskels (M. gracilis) der rechten Seite. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii, 61.—Bryant. Rupture of gastrocnemius- haemorrhage into muscle; recovery after incision. Lan- cet, Lond., 1880, i, 487. — Callcnder (G. W.) Disloca- tions of muscles and their treatment. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1878, ii, 51.—Oharvot Sl C'ouillault. fitude clinique sur les ruptures musculaires chez les cavaliers. Rev. de chir., Par., 1887, vii, 325; 448.—Collins (S. B.) Rupture of quadriceps tendon from muscular violence. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 174. — Conrtanx. Rupture par con- traction spasmodique, de quelques faisceaux du jumeau interne droit, au niveau de leur insertion avec le tendon d'Achille. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1877, xliv, 286-288.—Crow (W. A.) A case of rupture of a muscular attachment followed by a large abscess. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1885, xv, 125! — Bartiere (E.) Deehirure de l'aponevrose femorale anteiieure avec hemic*, consecutive du muscle crural, et rupture des fibres superficielles ele ce muscle. Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii. 517.—Denis. Observations sur la lesion des aponevroses. J. d'obs. de med., cbir.et pharni., Calais, [1786 ?J. 278-285. — Beranie (M.) Observation sur une rupture de muscle par une vio- lento contraction. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. dePar. (an v), an vi [1798], i, 159-162.— Elleaimie. Rupture musculaire (lite coup de fouet; tumeur sanguine; massage, guerison. Bull. Soc. de med.-prat. de Pa^, 1862, 10-12.—England (W.) Rupture of the rectus fenioris of both thighs. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841-2, xxix, 49.—Faurizi. Application de la te- notomie au traitement chirurgical des anciennes plaies des muscles. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1844. 2. s., xii, 526-528.—Fa. rabcuf. Rapport sur une observation de M. le Dr. Lar- ger, intitulc-e : Hernie du muscle tibial anterieur. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 293-299.—For- ster (J. C.) Laceration of extensors of thigh at insertion into patella by muscular action. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, 3. s., xix, 45.—Fredericq (A.) Rupture ele quel- ques muscles qui fixeut l'omoplate. Ann. Soc. med. d'emu- lat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1849, iii, 5-8.—Gavel. Rupture des muscles droits de l'abdomen. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. rued, de Lyon (1864), 1865, iv. 97-99.—Gics (T.) Zwei operativ behandelte Falle von Hernia muscu- laris. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18*6, xxiii. 174.—Gillcl de Gi-andinoiit. Observation de luxation des peroiiiers la- teraux. Bull. Soc. de med. piat. de Par. (1878), 1879, 24- 28.—Graham (D.) Two cases of muscular rupture in which massage was used. Med. Rec., N. \T, 1876, xi, 233.— Grantham (J.) On the diagnosis and treatment of rup- ture of the tendon of tbe triceps cruralis muscle. Loud. M. Gaz., 1846. u. s., iii, 670. -----. Oblique laceration of the middle portion of the flexor carpi radialis and palma- ris longus. Ibid., 1849, n. s., viii, 1107.—Gross (S. D.) Rupture of muscle in lumbar region. Mecl. *c Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1874, xxx, 400.—Hamon (L.) Rupture du elelcoi'ele k son insertion acromio-claviculaire, suite de con- vulsions epih*ptiques. France med., Par.. 1869, xvi, 309.— Hill (J. D.) Notes on sub-cutaneous rupture of muscles aud tendons in the upper and lower extremities. Mecl. Press )i ; 81.—.TJaslowslty (J.) Ueber die Neubil- duug tinel die Heilung des ejuergestreiften if uskelgewebes nacli traumatischen "Verb ■tzungeu. Wien. med. Wchn- schr, 1868, xviii, 192-194.—Mason (F.) Rupture-el mus- cle from tetanic spasms. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1867-8, xix, 448.— tlasson. Diastasis musculaire: guerison imme- diate par la faradisation. Bull. Soe. med. de l'Yonne 1883, Auxerre, 1884. xxiv, 146-148.—Itlastiu (C. H.) A case of rupture of the quadriceps femoris muscle. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1849, n. s., v, 714 — ITIaydl (K.) Leber subcutane Muskel- und Sehnenzerreissungen, sowie Riss- fracturen, mit Beriicksichtigung der analogen, durch di- recte (icwalt entstandenen und offenen Verletzungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1882, xvii, 306; 513: 1882-3. xviii. 35.—Michael (J. E.) Cast aud case of rup- ture of rectus femoris. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xii, 98.—.Vlolliere (D.) Nouveau traitement de la luxation du long peronier lateral. Lyon med., 1879, xxxii, 298- 302. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. el. sc. ined. de Lyon (1879). 1880, xix, pt. 2, 184-189.—Mot he. Reflexions siir la luxation des muscles. In his: Melanges de chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1812, i, 289-316. -----. Memoire contre la luxation supposee des muscles. Ibid., 1827, ii, 401-426.— Monrlon. Essai sur les hernies musculaires, preced6 de quelques considerations sur les autres displacements des muscles. Rec. de mem de med. . . . mil , Par., 1861, 3. s., vi, 227-255. Also : Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1861. iii, 970; 980— Murphy (IT) Rupture of the biceps. Brit. M. J., Loml., 1887, ii, 829. — ,\<-iiii«ami (E.) Ueber den Heilungsprocess nach Muskelverlet/.ungeii. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1868, iv, 323-333.—Phocas (G.) Rupture musculaire: epanchemeut fibriueux ; de- formations cons6cntivc*s. Bull. Soc. clin. ele Par., 1884, viii, 96-102. Also: trance med., Par., 1884. ii, 1359-1364.— Piori-y (P.-A.) Rupture des muscles junieaux qu'on aurait pu facilement prendre pour celle du plantain; grele. Bull. clin.. Par.. 1835-6, i, 99.—Pouleau (('.) Sur la luxation cles muscles et sur leur reduction. In his : Me- langes de chir., 8°, Lyon, 1760, 405-437. — ICaiisoholl (J.) Hernia of the abductor longus. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1880, n. s., iv, 56— Baud (D.-M.) Observation de rup- ture du droit anterieur de la cuisse. Bull gen. de therap., etc.. Par.. 1844. xxvii. 60— Kawitz (B ) Zwei Falle von Muskelhei nie. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1879, xxiv,382-386, 1 pi.—Biehardsoii (S. B.) Rupture of the right rectus abdominis muscle from muscular efforts; operation and recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. s., xxxiii, 41-45.— Bichter (C.) Du traitement du tour de reins par 1 elec- tric ite. France med.. Par., 1874, xxi, 283.—Robertson (C. A.) Ruptureand section of the rectus muscle. Mecl. Sl Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1873, xxix, 184—Boulin. Du meca- nisme des ruptures musculaires. J. de physiol exper.. Par., 1821, i, 295-300.—Rupture of the muscular fibres of the biceps humeri. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii. 266.—San- son aine. Observations de rupture musculaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831. viii, 45.—Schiile (H.) Ueber hamor- rhauise-he Muskel-Rupturen bei schweren Hirnprocessen. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxiv, 569-575.— Med il lot (A.) Memoire sur la rupture musculaire. M6m. Soc. de m6ei. de Par., 1817, 155-199. Also [Abstr.]: J. gen. ele med., chir. etpharm.,Par., 1817,lxi, 52-74.—Megond (P.) Note sur un cas d'arrachement du point d'insertion des deux languettes phalangottiennes ele l'exteuseur du petit doigt, par flexion forcee dc la phalangette sur la phalan- gitis Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1879. liv, 724-727. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1880, viii, 534 —Seydel. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Muskelhernien. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 637. — Milbersteiu (A.) Ein Fall von spon- tanea Muskelruptur. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1513.— Minion (G.) Ueber die Heilung verletzter Muskeln. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1843, xii, 169.—Smart (A.) Rupture of pectoralis major. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1873, ii, 61.— Szuinan (L.) Przyczynek do leczenia ran miesniowych i sciegnowych. [Treatment of wounds of muscles and tendons.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1880, lxxvi, 381- 387.—Tartierc (E.) Rupture et contracture de l'un des muscles droits auterieurs de l'abdomen dans les exercices de voltige. Arch. de. med etpharm. mil., Par., 1886, viii, 41-48.—Thompson (H.) Case of pneumonia; delirium tremens ; rupture of the recti muscles ; atrophy of one kidney, and hypertrophy of the other. Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874. i. 476.—Trclat. Rupture des fibres du muscledroitde rabdoiuen. Gaz. el. hop.. Par., 1882, lv, 948.— llnle (('. W. F.) Zur Casuistik subcutauer Rupturen der Muskeln und Sehnen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvi, 202-206.—Verneuil (A.) Decertaines formes graves du coil]) de fouet. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1877. i, 24; 158.—Virchow. Ueber Entziindung unci Ruptur des Musculus rectus abdominis. Verhandl. cl. phvs.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1857, vii, 213—Wardrop (J.) On the- larceration of the fibres of muscles, particularly of the external gastrocnemius. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond'., 1816, vii, 278-283.—Weber (0.) Ueber die Neubilduug quer- !VIii*cle* (Dislocations, ruptures, and in- juries of). gestreifter Muskellasern, insbesondere elie regenerative Xeubildung derselben nach Verletzungen. Arch. 1. path. Auat., etc. Berl., 1867, xxxix, 216-253, 1 pi. —Weill! Observation de hernie musculaire du premier adducteur de la cuisse gauche. Rec. dc* mem. eh' mecl. . . . mil Par., 188U, 3. s., xxxvi, 612-614. — Weiiileehuer (J.'j Ueber subcutane Muskel - Sehnen- und Kiiochciirissr Wien. meel. Bl., 1881, iv, 1561; 1589.— Wells (IT) In jury of the thigh: rupture of the gracilis muscle; exten- sive effusion; treated, in a chronic state, by incision; cure. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1844. n. s.. viii, 77-79.— Whitehead (W. R.) Rupture of the posterior lihial muscle. Denver M. Times, 1885-6, v, 169-174.—Wilkir (J.) On contusions of the muscles. Indian A. M. a. P1i\s Se., Calcutta, 1837. n. s.. ii. 248-250.—WolII'<\V.i Die Innervation der glatten Muskulatur. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1881-2, xx, 361-372, 1 pi.—Xanibelli (G.) Due. casi di strappamento del muscolo gracile ehlla yamha. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1864. vii, 36.—Z»ij;- mondy. Haemorrhagia interniuscuL Aerztl. Per. el. U. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1875). 1876, 87. Jliiscle* (Exhaustion of). See Fatigue. JI use les (Hypertrophy of). See, also, Paralysis (Pseudohypertrophic). Bashixski (I.) *Razvitie gipertrophii glad- koi uiisliecbuoi tkani. [Hypertrophy of muscu- lar tissues. ] 8°. , viii, 10 -Sehrakamp 11'.) Leber einen Fall von Pseu- dohvpertiophia muscularis. Med. Cor.-Bl. el. wiiittctnb. arztl. Vet., Stuttg., 1886, lvi, 89-92.—von Stoflella (E. R.) Demonstrative!- Vortrag iiber eine merkwiiidige Mus- kel-Hvpertrophie. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 256. ----■■ vin Fall von Muskelhvpertrophie. Mecl. Jahrb., Wien, 1865, ix, 85-98.—Weber. Kin Fall von Pseudohypertro- phic der Muskeln. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1886, xv, 232-236.—Wernich (A.) Fall von Muskelhy- MUSCLES. 577 MUSCLES. Jlnsele* (Hypertrophy of). ueitrophie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Mecl., Leipz., 1867, ii 23''-243.— Westphal (C.) Zwei Sch western mit Pseu- uohVpe'itrophie der Muskeln. Charite-Ann. 1885-6, Berl., 1887 xii 447-458.—Zunker. Ein Fall von Muskelhyper- trophie iuit Rigiditat. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1879, i, 377. Ulliscles (Inflammation of). See, also, Muscles (Ossification in); Psoitis; Sterno-mastoid. Bekgkammer (F.) * Beitrage zur Lehre von der Entzundnng und Entartung der querge- streiften Muskelfasern. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1884. Bruxox (R.) * Contribution k l'6tude de la myositc iufectieuse primitive. 4~. Paris, 1887. ------. The same. 8C. Paris, 1887. Dioxis des Carrieres (A.-V.-J.) * Etudes sur la myosite. 4°. Paris, 1851. Ipscher (G. F. G.) *De myositide. 8°. Bevolini, 1856. Marquet (A.) * Recherches exp^rimentales sur le processus iuflammatoire dans les muscles strips au point de vue de l'anatomie patho- logique. 4°. Nancy, 1879. Roy (A.) * I. Des caracteres anatomiques de l'inflammation du tissu musculaire. II. [etc.] 4°. Pavis, 1842. Alpucute (F.) [Myositis.] X. Orl. J. M., 1869, xxii, 84-88.—Bcllouard (V.) Myosite du droit anterieur de la cuisse; gueSrison. Gaz. mecl. ele Bordeaux, 1872-3, i, 299.—Buch (M.) Eiu Fall von einseitiger Entziindung der Musculi peronad in Folge eines Leichdornes. St. Pe- tersb. mecl. Wchnschr., 1884^ n. F., i, 502.—Castellanos (J. J ) A case of mvositis successfully treated by hydrop- athy. X. Oil. M. & S. J., 1874-5, ii, 358-360.—tallani (G.) Delia miosite lombare interstiziale a corso rapido (miosite purulenta). Gazz. d. osp., Milauo, 1883, iv, 197; 210; 219; 243; 267; 275; 282; 323.—Clark (F. W.) A ease of acute suppurative myositis. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1887, ii, 69.—Devis (C. J.) A case of acute myositis of thigh. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1880-81, xxxii, 273-275.—Fischer (P.) De la myosite. Union med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1859, iv, 11; 57.—Foucault. Myosite suppuree suraigue. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par, 1869, xliv, 506-512.—Fouque. Myosite du muscle grand pectoral. Gaz. d. beep., Par., 1884, lvii, 388. Also: Abeille meel.. Par., 1884. xii, 170.— Fried berg (H.) Anatomische Erscheinungen bei der Muskeleiitziindung. Wchnbl. el. k. k. (iesellsch. cl. Aerzte in Wien, 1857, iii, 65-70.— <»elle. Myosite suppuree, suite de fatigue musculaire; infection purulente: mort. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 414-417—tiJies (T.) Leber Mvositis chronica. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1878-9, xi, 161-168. — Gobee (C.) Uitgebreide ( rheumatische? ) spierontstekiug met ettervorining en gelijktijdig bestaaude dermatitis erysipelatosa; lijkopen- iug. jST pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinckem, 1855, n. s., i, 653-662. — Guermonprez (F.) Contribu- tion a l'etude de la myosite. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1878- 9, i, 849. 969. [Discussion], 973: 1880, ii, 10-32. Also, Re- print.— CJujot. Myosite suppuree suraigue. Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxvi, 912. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s., xx, 213.— Ilayem (G.) Etudes sur les myosites symptomatiques. Arch, ele physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1870, iii, 81; 269; 422; 473; 569!—Hcpp (P.) Leber eiuen Fail von acuter patenchymatoser Myositis, welche Geschwiilste bildete und Fluctuation vortauschto. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 389-391. -----. Ueber Pseudotrichiuose, eine beson- dere Form von acuter parenehymatoser Polymyositis. Ibid., 297 322.—Jackson (H.j Myositis universalis acuta infectiosa, with a case. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 498.—Janoviteh-Thainski (S.) O vospalnitel- nych izmieni'eniach myshetchowy tkaui. [Of the inflam- matory changes of the muscular' tissue.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869, ix, 371; 379.—Jansen (A.) Observa- tion de myosite suppuree. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1874, 3. s.,' vi, 369-378. — Kieiss. Ein Fall'von prima- rer xchwieliger Myositis eler Wadeumuskeln (rheumati- sche Mnskelschneiele Froriep's). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 877-881. — Lange (F.) Specific myositis of the gastrocnemius. X. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 367.— liartigue. Cas dc myosites multiples suppurees observe ••••Ma Guadeloupe. Arch, de med. nav., Par.. 1881, xxxv, 67-72.—I_eger. Deux observations de mvosite circon- sorites. Soc. med. el'Amieus. Bull. (1878-9). 1880, xviii- xix, 127-131.—Myositis suppurativa; pviemia. Ber. d. k. k. Krankeuh. Wieden 1870, Wien, 1872. 225-228.-IVi- caise. De- la myosite iufectieuse. Rev. mens, de med. et chir , Par., 1877. i, 51-58.—,>ieilerkorn (J.) Acute Entzundnng des M. biceps brachialis; vollstiindige Hei- 37 Jlnscle* (Inflammation of). lung. Bull. Soc. d. se. med. eiu gr.-duche de Luxemb., 1869, 165-168. —Parker (R.) Acute myositis, simulating acute necrosis; recoverv after incision and antiseptic dress- ing. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1887, ii, 178. — Kauzier. In- flammation suppuree du muscle iliaque; symptomes d'etat typhoide avec ataxo-adynamie; mort. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1887. ix. 386-388.—Ncriba (J.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Myositis acuta. Deutsche Ztschr. t. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xxii, 497-502.—Spina (A.) Fnter- suchungen iiber die entziindlichen Veranderungen del* quergestreiften Muskelfasern. Med. Jahrb., Wien. 1878, 349-362, 1 pi.—Treves. Acute myositis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1215. Also: Tr. Clin'. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xx, 84-90.—Fnverricht. Polymvositis acuta pro- gressiva. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887, xii, 533-549, 1 pi. -----. Ueber eine eigenthiiiuliche Form von acuter Muskelentziindung mit einem der Trichinose ahnelnden Krankheitsbilde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 488-492. Also: Cor.-Bl. d. all"-, arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1887. xvi, 207-219.—Tallin. De la myocardite et des mvosites symptomatiques dans les fldvrcs palustres graves. Union med, Par., 1874, xxvii, 293: 316.—Vel- penu. Dela myosite. Gaz. cl. hop., Pur., 1853, xxv, 600.— Wagner (E.) Ein Fall von acuter Polymyositis. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886-7,' xl, 241-266.— Walther (E.) Leber ieliopathischc. acute eiterine Mus- kelentzunelung. DeMitsche, Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1886- 7, xxv, 260-286. — Winrkcl (IT) Ein eigenthhmlicher Fall von Polymyositis parenchymatosa pnerperalis mit Neuritis interstitialis. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1878, ii, 145-150. Muscle* (Injuries of). See Muscles (Dislocations, etc., of). Muscles (Xerves of). See, also, Muscle (Physiology of); Muscular sense; Nerves (Terminations of). Calbeula (E.) * Ueber die Endiguugsweise der Nerven in deu quergestreiften Muskeln der Amphibien. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Leipzig, 1874. Emmert (F. C.) Ueber die Endiguugsweise der Nerven iu den Muskeln, nach einigen Unter- sucbuiigen. 4J. Bern, 1836. Engelmann (T. W.) Untersuchuugen iiber den Ziisammeuhang von Nerv- und Muskelfaser. 4°. Leipzig, 1863. Forgue (E.) * Distribution des raciues mo- trices daus les muscles des membres. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1883. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1883 v, 253 ; 279; 329 ; 388. Also [Abstr.], in: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcviii, 685-687. Geklach (J.) Das Verhaltniss der Nerven zu den willkiirlichen Muskeln der Wirbelthiere. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. Henocque (A.-W.-L.) *Du mode de distri- bution et de la terminaison des nerfs dans les muscles lisses. 4°. Paris, 1870. Also [Ab"tr.]. in: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par. 1870, iii, 397-407. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1871, 2. s., viii, 11; 63; 82; 117. Jaeger (E.) * Ueber die Endigung der mo- toriscben Nerven. 8°. Wurzburg, 1867. Krause (W.) Die motorischen Endplatten der quergestreiften Muskelfasern. 8°. Hanno- vev, 1869. KtiHNE (W.) Ueber die peripherischeu End-. organe der motorischen Nerven. 4°. Leipzig, 1862. See, also, infra. Linnert (F. L.) *De finibus peripbericis nervorum musculorum. 8°. Gryphiswaldice, 1863. Lipmann (H.) *Die Nerven der organiscben Muskeln. H-. Berlin, lV'Ji). Margo (T.) Ueber die Endigung der Nerven in der °. St. Petersburg, 1864. MUSCLES. 578 MUSCLKS. Jin soles (Nerves of). Viallanes ( H. ) * Recherches sur les ter- minaisons nerveuses motrices dans les muscles stri6s des insectes. 4°. Paris, 1881. See, also, infra. Zeinemann-Lange (A.) * Materialien zum Gesetz des Muskelnerveneintritts. 8°. Jena, 1879. Arntlt (R.) Untersuchungen iiher die Endigung der Nerven in den quergestreiften Muskelfasern. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1873, ix, 481-590, 3 pi. — Arnold (J.) Ueber die Krause'schen Eudkolben. [Eine Antwort auf C. Liidden's Nachuntersuchungen.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1863, xxvii, 399-405. — Beale (L. S.) On the distribution of nerves to the elementary fibres of striped muscle. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1860, cl, 611-619. -----. Further observations on the distribution of nerves to the elementary fibres of striped muscle. Ibid., 1862, clii, 889-910, 4 pi.— Bernstein (J.) Die Erregungszeit der Nervenendor- gane in den Muskeln. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1882, 329- 346.— Bert (P.) . [Dorpat], 1869. Gkrber (K.) * Ueber Myositis ossificans pro- gressiva. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1877). Goldberg (L.) * Die Myositis ossificans bei Dementia paralytica. 8-. Berlin, [1^77]. Tinier (G.) '*Beitrag zur Casuistik der Myo- sitis ossificans progressiva. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1883. muscles (Ossification in). Abbe (R.) Osteoplaquesof the thigh. N. Vork M. J., 1887. xlvi. 555. Also: Mecl. News. I'hila., 1887, li. 552.— Billroth (T. ) Ueber den Ke iterknochen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 301.— Brora. [Ossification du muscle psoas-iliaque s'eteudantj usque dans la fosse iliaque interne.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 37-40.— Bycrs (W. M. ) Almost complete ossification of the human body. N. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiii, 122.— ■> ■> •■•-. Ein Exercirknochen im rechten Deltamuskel als ITsache einer Reflexneurose. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1887, xvi, 321-330.— Giacoinini (C.) Ossificazione della troclea del muscolo grande obliquo dell' occhio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1880, 3. s., xxxiv, "1)0-713, 1 pi. — Oibney (E. P.) Ossification of the latissimus dorsi, scaleui, and erector-spinal muscles. Mecl. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1875, xxxiii, 405. — Oibney (V. P.) Myositis ossificans. Med. Rec. N. V.. 1875, x, 747.— Qodlce (R. J.) A case of myositis ossiiicaus. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 333-337, 1 pi.—Hawse. Verknocke- rung im Mu?kelfleisch durch mechanische Vcranlassuug. (Der sogenannte Exercirknochen bei Infanteristen.) Med. Ztg., Berl., 1832, i, 12.—Hawkins (C.) On a case of ossific formations in muscles. Lond. M. Gaz., 1844, xxxiv, 273-277. Also, in his: . . . Path. & Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874. ii, 193-200.—Helferieh (H.) Ein Fall von sogenannter Mvositis ossific ans progressiva. Aerztl. Int.- Bl., Miinchen, ls79, xxvi, 485-489. Also [Abstr.]: Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1881, liv, pt. 2, 144. AL«o [Abstr.]: Allg. AVi.n.med. Ztg. 1881, xxvi, 403.— Hnth. Fall von Myositis ossificans. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv.'493.—Joscphsoii. Le'ber Osteome in (len Adductions-Muskeln von ('avulleristen. [Reitkno- chen ] Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1874, iii, 53-67.— Jnrnsz. (A.) Zapalenie miejsni postepowe kostniejace (Mvositis ossiiicaus progressiva). Meclvcvna, Warszawa, 1873, i, 533; 549.—Kohls (O.) Ein Fall von Myositis ossifi- cans progressiva. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1884, n. F., xxi, 326-333. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl., 1884, xv, 263-265. — Kiimmell (H.) Zur Myositis ossificans progressiva. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1883, xii, pt. 2, 221-232. 1 pi. Also.- Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1883, xxix. 615-626, 1 pi.—liCgros. Ossifica- tion des muscles psoas iliaque. Lull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1862, xxxvii, 400-404.— Mays (K.) Leber die sogenannte Mvositis ossificans progressiva. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1878, lxxiv. 147-173.—von .?Io8Ctii;--Horhof. Ein Fall von Myositis ossificans. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 1238.—ITIiinchmcyer. Leber Myositis ossifi- cans progressiva. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1869, 3. R., xxxiv, 9-41, 1 pi.—Nicoladoni (C.) Leber Myositis ossificans progressiva. Wien. med. BL, 1878, i, 476; 503; 529; 548; 576. — Partsch. Feber einen Fall von Myositis ossificans progressiva. Jahresb. d. schh-s. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. K!ult. 1881, Bresl., 1882. lix. 1(13-173. Also: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr.. 1882, iv, 00-70.—Pinter (G.) Einige neue Falle von Myositis ossificans progres- siva. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1884, viii, 155-174.— Baiisboif (J.) Mvositis ossificans. Cincin. Laucet & Clinic, 1878, n. s., i. 146. —Rogers (D. L.) A case of ossi- fication of the muscular tissue. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1833, xiii, 386-388.—Schwarz (E.) Ein bemerkeuswer- ther Fall von Myositis ossificans progressiva. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,' Berl., 1884, x, 807-810. — Skinner (W.) Case of ossification of the muscles. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 413.—Sympson (T.) Case of myositis ossi- ficans. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 315, 1 pi. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1026.—Terqnem. Rapport sur le memoire de M. le docteur Richter, de DusseldorfF, relatif aux formations osseuses anomales dans les muscles. Sommaire d. trav. de la Soe. d. sc. med. ele la Moselle-, Metz, 1830-38, 55-59. — Testelin Sc Banbressi (C.) Rhnmatisine termine par l'ossification des muscles; obser- vation suivie de reflexions. Gaz. med. de Par., 1839, 2. s., vii, 170-172. muscles (Pain in). See Myalgia. muscles (Parasites in). See Psorospermia. Jfluscles (Pathology of). See Muscles (Diseases, etc., of). Muscles (Pseudohypertrophy of). See Muscles (Hypertrophy of). muscles (Ruptures of). See Muscles (Dislocations, etc., of). muscles (Semeiology of). See, also, Myoidema; Nervous system (Dis- eases of, Diagnosis, etc., of); Reflexes. Coi'ankki (F.) * Des secousses muscnlaires ; iStude critique et senuSiologique. 4 Pan's, 1?.4. MUSCLES. 580 MUSCLES. muscles (Semeiology of). Anerbach (L.) Ueber Percussion der Muskeln. Zt- schr. 1. rat. .Meel., Leipz. u. Heidelb.. 1862, 3. R., xiv. 215- 231. — Bronii-Ncqiiaid (C. L) Vibratory or oscillatory I muscular movements and I heir significance.' Arch. Scient & Pract, M. 'c S., N. Y., 1875. i. 279.—4 li-niveau. De la valeur de la contractilite electrique comme moyen dia- I gnostic Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1862), 1863, ii, 236. muscles (Spasm of). See Muscles (Contraction, etc., of). muscles (Syphilis of). JBallivkt (J.) * Quelques considerations sur les tumeurs syphilitiques du muscle sterno- inastoi'dicn et la myosite des nouveau-iies. 4°. Lyon, 1878. Habekstolz (A.) * Fall von schwerer Mus- kelgummose. 12°. Jena, 1883. Moxginot (L.-E.) * Les tumeurs syphiliti- ques des muscles et des tendons. 4°. Paris, 1851. Rousset (G.-A.) * Considerations sur la sy- philis musculaire, principalemeut dans les mus- cles ele la vie de relation. 4°. Paris. 1875. Andronico icu- maiin (I.) Leber svphilitische Miiskelentziiiiiluni;. Anz. el. k. k. Gesellsch. cl. Aerzte in Wien. 1883-4. 85-87. -----. Feber syphilitische Erkrankuug eler Muskeln. Wien. med. Bl., 1884, vii. 351: 386. Also : Aerztl. Ber. el. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1883). 1884. 153-159.— iSolla (A.) Memoire sur la retraction musculaire syphi- litique. Arch. gem. de med.. Par., 1850, xxiv, 413-440. -----. Observation de retraction musculaire syphilitique. Monit. (1. hop.. Par., 1853, i. 477 — Biehet. Tumeurs gommeuses du triceps femoial (Jaz. el. help., Par., 1880, liii, 897. — Bollel (J.) Musculaire (Tissu). Affections syphilitiques. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1870, 2. s. xi 119-126—Tonrrel (G.) Observation de retraction mus- culaire syphilitique. Rev. ch* therap. du mieli, Montpel. 1855, viii, 329-339.—Van Harlinsjen (A.) Three cases of syphilitic muscular contraction. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila 1880, n. s., lxxix, 399-405. muscles (Tumors of). See, also, Sterno-cleido-mastoid. Aldiat (C.) *Des kystes hydatiques des muscles. 4°. Paris, 1886. Despres (A.) *L>es tumeurs des muscles. s-. Paris, 1866. Klein (T.) * Ueber Entwicklungs-Kreislanf- verhaltuis.se kleinzelliger Rundzellensarkome der Muskeln. 8°. Burg. 1886. Koxciere (B.-A.) *'Kystes hydatiques des muscles. 4-. Paris, 1884. Barling (G.) Alveolar sarcoma of triceps (recur- rence) ; oue lymphatic gland infected. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi. 414. -----. Round-celled sarcoma of peroneus longus. Ibid.. 414. — Billroth (T.J Ueber eiue eigenthiimliche Geschwulst eler Muskeln (Myoma c.\sticum). Arch f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1855, ix', 172- 184. 1 pi—C'ristiani (II ) Recherches sur hs tumeurs malignes des muscles stries. Arch, de phvsiol. norm et path., Par., 1687, 3. s., x, 107-125, 1 pi.—Bavy (It.) De- mil*cles ( Tumors of). generative cyst in muscles'. Proc. M Soc. Loud 1875-7 iii. 114-116.—Oc Morgan ie Double. Muscle sus-claviculaire teuseur MUSCLES. 581 MUSEUMS. ,fliiscles (Individual). de l'apon6vrose cervicale supei-ticielle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881. lvi. 563. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1882, x, :H5.—von IiH«elilta (II.) Der lange Halsmuskel des Mi use In n Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.. Leipz 1851 103-118. 1 pi. -----. Der Muse, hvo- und genio-cpi-lotticus. Ibid., 1868, 224-230, 1 pi. -----. Der Muse, pubo transversalis des Menschen. Ibid., 1870, 227- 231 1 pi. — .Tlcrlicl (P.) Her Musculus superciliaris. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1887, ii, 17. — Pen-in (J. B.) Psoas parvus. Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1872, i, 202.—Theile (P. W.) Entdcckung von Muskeln, welche die Riicken- wirbel drehen (Rotatores dorsi), beim Menschen und den Siiugethieren, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die- Processus traiisvirsi und obliqui und iiber die Riickenmuskeln. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. -wissensch. Meel., Berl., 1839, 102-138, 1 pi. -----. Ueber den Triceps brachii und den Flexor digitorum sublimis des Menschen. Ibid.. 420-430.— Turner (W.) Snr le muscle Uerato-cricoiele. J. de la phvsiol. ele l'homme, Par., 1862, v, 493. -----. On a rudi- ment of the panuicubis carnosus superficial to the trape- zius. J. Anat. & Physiol., LoneL, 1870-71, v, 116.—Wil- liams (WT R.) The anatomy of the quadriceps extensor cruris. Ibid,, 1878-9, xiii, 204-218. muscles (Intercostal). See Intercostal muscles. muscles (Ocular, Paralysis of). See Eye (Paralytic affection of). muscles (Orbital). See Eye (Movements, etc., of). . rtliisci'oft ( C. S. ) Osteosarcoma of superior max,illa. Removal of a large recurrent fihroid tumor from the face, neck, and mouth; return- ing niter an operation performed nearly fifteen years previous, for the exsection of a very large "osteo-sarcoma" of the right half of the inferior maxilla. 12 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, B. Clarke $• Co., [1877)]. Itepr. from: Cincin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1875, xviii. -----. A new, simple, and safe method of pre- venting hemorrhage, treating aneurisms, and ap- plicable to other surgical conditions. Present- ing a case of successful amputation of the hip joint and a case of amputation at the shoulder joint, where the method was put in practice. 7 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1887. Itepr. from: Ciucin. Lancet & Clinic, 1887, n. s., xviii. muscular sense. Brach (B.) * De co3usesthesi quoedam. 8°. Berolini, [1826]. Dubuisson (P.) * Quelques considerations sur les quatre sens du toucher en general et sur la musculation ou sens musculaire en particulier. 4C. Paris, 1814. Ealiikk (A.) * Vater'sehe Korper der Biiuder- uud Periostnerveii uud ihre Beziehung zum so- geiiaiiiifcn Muskelsinne. [Munich.] 8 . Xeu- staclt a. d. Haardt, 1867>. Sachs (C.) * Pliysiologische und anatomische Lntersueliungen iiber die seusiblen Nerven der Muskeln. 8-. Berlin, 1877,. Third part of: Anatomische und pliysiologische Unter- suchungen [eti'.J [See, infra.] Stkoiieyek (L.) De combinatione actionis nervorum et motoriorum et sensoriorum sive de sensuum inipressiouibus musculorum actione ef- fectis. 8p. Erlangce, 1839. B.-iKtian (FL C.) On the "muscular sense" and on the pliYMolouy of thinking. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 394: 43i : 461; 509. -----. The "muscular sense"; its nature and cortical localisation. Brain, Loud., 1887-8, x, 1-137.—Bcnuiiis (H.) Une experience sur le sens mus- culaire. Lev. phil.. Par., 1887, xxiii, 328-330. — Bene- tlikt. Muskel-, rectius Bewegunnsbewiisstsein uud zwar speeiell iiber das Bewusstsein einer zu machenden oder gemachten Lcistung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1869, xiv, 4J9. — ICernliarilt (M.) Zur Lehre vom Musfeelsinn. Arch. f. Psychiat., Leil., Is72, iii, 618-635—Blix (M.) Ett enkelt forfaringssatt att bestanima muskelsinnets skiirpa. Upsala Liikaref. Fcirh . 1884, xix. 123-128. — IS I och (A. M.) Experiences sur les sensations ele contraction musculaiie. Coinpt. rend. Soc. ele biol , Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt, 2, 31-33.— E.vner (S.) Einige' Beobachtungen iiber Bewegnmrs- nachbileler. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1887-8. muscular sense. i, 135-140.—Gallon (F.) On apparatus for testing the delicacy of the muscular and other senses in different persons. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1882-3. xii. 4ei'.i-477.— (»eorge. Der Muskelsinu. Aich. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870, 251-263.—Ha-tvortli (T.) On the association of the senses with the muscular feeling. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vi. 935; 977; 1028.—Landry (O.) Memoire sur la paralyise du sentiment (l'aetivite musculaire. Gaz. d. hop..'Par., 185.3, xxviii. 262; 269; 282; 318; 334. Also, Keprint. —Lewinski 4- ]. 'Experimen- telle Untersuchungen iiber das Sehcentrum hei Tauhen. 30.pp., 1 1. S-. Berlin, G. Schade, 1878. Museltoltl (Carl) [18:7.5- ]. * Ein Fall von Echiuococcus der (Jallenblase uud der Leber. 31 pp. 8-. Berlin, M. Xiethe, [1876]. Ulusehold (Paul) [1861- ]. * Die Bleiver- giftnng cine Ursache chrouischer Niereuerkrun- kung. 28 pp. s°. Berlin, 0. Erancke, [188'A], Uluselier (Paul). * Etude sur la valeur seme"io- logique de l'ectlivnia. 128 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 130. ^luselli (J.-M.) * De la fistule gastrique; 6tude pathologique, phvsiologique et chirurgicale. 164 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1881, 3. s., No. 6. Museum der Heilkunde. Hrsg. von der helve- tischen Gesellschaft correspondirender Aerzte und Wundiirzte. v. 1-4, 1792-7. 8°. Zurich, Orell, Gessnev, Fiissli u. Comp. museums. See, also, Medicines (Classification, etc., of). Aclaxd (H. \Y.) The Oxford Museum. Re- marks addressed to a meeting of architectural societies; with letters from John Ruskin and John Phillips. 16°. Oxford, 1869. Amkhicax Museum of Natural History. [Cen- tral Park, New York City.] Annual reports of the trustees and officers of the American Mu- seum of Natural History to the patrons, mem- bers, and subscribers. 3.-4., 1871-2. 8-T Xew York, 1872. Third report is added as appendix to the fourth. MUSEUMS. 582 MUSEUMS. mu*euiii«. Balk (L.) * Museum Adolpho-Fridericiauum. In: Linnteis. AmoDuitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1749, i, 556-610. Boitard. Manuel du naturaliste pnSparateur, ou Tait d'empailler les animaux et de conserver les ve-gc'taux et les niiuei-aux. 3. e"d. 16°. Pa- ris, 1837). British Museum. Catalogue of the specimens of lizards in the collection of the British Museum. sm. 8~. London, 1847). ------. Catalogue of shield reptiles in the col- lection of the British Museum. Part I. Testu- diuata (tortoises). By John Edward Gray. 4°. London, 1855. ------. The same. Part II. Emydosauriaus, rhynchocephalia, and amphisbseuians. By John Edward Gray. 4°. London, 1872. ------. The same. .Supplement. Part I. Testudinata (tortoises). With figures of the skulls of 36 genera. By John Edward Gray. 4C. London, 1870. ------. The same. Appendix. Part I. Tes- tudinata (tortoises). By John Edward Gray. 4°. London, 1872. ------. Catalogue of the acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. By Albert Giinther. 8-; London, 1859-62. ------. Catalogue of the fishes in British Mu- seum. By Albert Giinther. 8J. London, 1864- 70. ------. Haud-list of the specimens of shield- reptiles in the British Museum, by J. E. Gray. 8°. London, 1873. ------. The gigantic land-tortoisesj[living and extinct) in the collection of the British Mu- seum. By Albert C. L. G. Giinther. 4°. Lon- don, 1877. ------. Catalogue of the Batrachia gradien- tia s. eaudata aud Batrachia apoda in the collec- tion of "the British Museum. 2. ed., by George Albert Bouleuger. 8°. London, 1882. ------. Catalogue of the Batrachia salientia s. ecaudata in the collection of the British Mu- seum. 2. ed., by George Albert Boulenger. 8°. London, 1882. ------. Guide to the galleries of reptiles and fishes iu the department of zoology of the British Museum. (Natural history.) 8-. [London], 1887. ------. Guide of the shell and starfish gal- leries (niollusea, echiuodermata, vermes) in the department of zoology of the British Museum (natural history), Cromwell road, London, S. W. 8 . [London],* 1887. Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa. Catalogue of the South African Museum, the property of a society entitled "The Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa". 8°. [London'], 1838. Geixitz (H. B.) Mittheiluiigen aus dem ko- nigl. niineralogisclien Museum in Dresden fur die Jahre 1872 und 1873. 8--. Dresden, 1874. Goode (G. B.) Classification of the collection to illustrate the animal resources of the United States. A list of substances derived from the animal kingdom, with synopsis of the useful and injurious animals, aud a classification of the methods of capture and utilization. b°. Wash- ington, 1876. Harvard University. Museum of Compara- tive Zoology. Annual reports of the trustees of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College, in Cambridge; together with the report of the curator to the committee on the museum, for the years 1864; 1871-6. 8-. Boston, 1865-77. ------. Annual reports of the curator of the | Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard luseums. College, to the president and fellows of Harvard College, for the vears 1-64-6; 1,870 to 1878-9; 1881-2. 8-T Boston, l867)-82. ------. Bulletins of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology, at Harvard Universitv, Cambridge, Mass. v. 2, No. 1; v. 3, Nos. 7-14'; v. 5, Nos. 1- 3,15-16; v. 6, Nos. 3, 5-9. 8-. Cambridge; 1879- 80. ------. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoolog5r, at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 2 pts., Nos. 7-8. 4°. Cam- bridge; 1874-5. Harvard University. Peabody Museum of American Arcliceology and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass. Annual reports of the trustees to the president and fellows of Harvard College. 1.- 17., Nov., 1866, to Feb. 18, 1884. v. 1-3. 8°. Cambridge, 1868-84. van der Hoevex (J.) Eenige aanteekenin- gen over het kabinet van vergedijkende ontleed- kunde te Pariis. 8°. [n. p., n. cl.] IIlltmax (D.) * Instructio musei rerum na- turalium. In: Linn^us. Amoenitates acad. [etc.J 8°. Amste- Icedami et Lmjd. Bat., 1756, iii, 446-464. Martin (P. L.) Dermoplastik und Museo- logie, oder das Modellireu der Thiere und das Aufstellen und Erhalten von Naturaliensamm- lungeu. Unter Mitwirkung von Priiparator Bauer, Prof. Dr. G. Jager, Dr. Steudel, etc. e0. Weimar, 1879. Milwaukee. Public Museum. Annual report of the board of trustees to the common council. 2., 1883-4. 8°. Milwaukee, 1884. Museum (Das) Ludwig Salvator in Ober-Blase- witz hei Dresden. 8°. Dresden, 1879. Museum Senckenbergianum. Abhandluugen aus dem Gebiete der beschreibendeu Naturge- schichte. 3 v. 4°. Frankfurt a. M., 1833-9. New South Wales. Technological, Industrial, and Sanitary Museum. Report of the committee of management to the governor and executive council. 6., 1885. fol. [Sydney, 1886.] New York Historical Society. Museum and Gallery of Art. Catalogue of the Museum aud Gallery of Art. 8°. Xeiv York, 1886. New York State Cabinet of Natural History. Annual reports of the regents of the University of the State of New York on the condition of. . . aud the historical and antiquarian collection an- nexed thereto. 3., 1850; 4., 1851; 20., 1867. 8°. Albany, 1850-67. Smithsonian Institution. Directions for col- lecting, preserving, and transporting specimens of natural history. Prepared for the use of the Smithsonian Institution. 2. ed. 8°. Washing- ton, 187,4. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8-. Washington, 1867. United States. Department of the Interior. United States National Museum. Bulletins. Nos. i-xxxii. 8°. Washington, 1875-86. ------. Proceedings, v. 1-10, 1878-86. 8°. Washington, 1879-87. Ward (H. A.) Catalogue of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes in skins and mounted speci- mens. Also alcoholic specimens of reptiles, am- phibia, and fishes. 8. Bochester, 1877. Wesleyan University. Annual reports of the curators of the museum. 5.-6., 1875-6 to 1876-7; 9., 1879-80. 8-. Middletown, 1877-80. Auliguo (El) Galeinete de historia natural de Madrid. Siglo med., Madrid, 1858. v. 263— Dawkiii* ( WT B.) The organization of natural history museums. Nature, Lond., 1877, xvi, 117 — Fiilio (V.) Quelques mots sur la forma- tion ele collections locale's elans Ips mnsees cantonaux de la Suisse. V rlinnell. el. schweiz. nat inf. (iesellsch. 1872. Freib., 187:!, lv, 172-1.-2.—I»clrr (R.) On the mode of MUSEUMS. r o *"> ,r)!s.) MUSEUMS. illiisi'iiiii*. collecting r.nd pri'serving objects of natural history, with a view to the formation of a cabinet, or to their transpoita tion. Transvlv. .1. M.. Lexington, Ky.. 18114. vii. 13:'-14!). Also lleiu-int —Kan (C.) Die Jaeleilgege-nstande des National-Mtiseunis zn Washington. I Mit Bemerkungen von IL Fischer (Freiburg).] Arch. f. Anthrop.. Brnschwg., 1882-:), xiv, 157-163. 1 pi. — Robert!* < M. J.) Museums as educational adjuncts to medical colli "jes. Am. Vet. Bee., N. V.. 1882-3, vi, 136; 191: 252. — Ti*i!il«*r (0.) Bericht iibei elie anthiopologiseh-piabistorische Abtliei lung des Piovincial-Mtiseums der physik. okonom. Gesell- schaft. Arch. f. Anthrop.. Brnschwg.. 187D-80, xii (App.), G9-74. —Wilder (B. G.) Educational museums of verte- brates, l'roc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1885, Salem, 1886. xxxiv, 263-281. Also, Reprint. — Zillel ( K. A. ) Museums of natural history in the United States. [Transl. from suppl. to: Allg. Ztg., Miinchen, Dee:. 16.] Science, Cam- bridge, 1884, iii, 191-196. Museums (Anatomical and pathological). See, also, Anatomy (Pathological). Albinus (B. S.) Index supellectilis anatomi- cie, quam Academiie Batava* qiue Leidie est legavit Johannes Jacolms Ran, qui et vitam ejus et curationem quam ealculosis adhihuit in- strumentorumque figuras addidit. 4-. Lugd. Bat., 172;"). ------. Index supellectilis anatomica*, rerum aiiatoiniearnui, turn phialis contentaruin in li- quore limpido, tuin exsiceataium, <[ittiin suos in usns suninia cum peritia atque dextcritate con- fecit, [etc.] h-~. Lugd. Hat., 1771. Albinls (F B.) Suppellex anatomica Bern. Siegfr. Albini. 8°. [Lugd. Hat., 1777).] Baiskow (J. C. L.) Die angiologisehe .Samm- lung im anatoinischeu Museum der koniglichen Universitiit zu Breslau, verzeichuet und be- schrieben von dem Director der Anstalt. 4°. Breslan, Hli'.'. Bieumayer (L.) Musn'um anatomico-patho- logicum Nosocomii universalis Vindobonensis, quod online systematic!) descripsit [etc.] 10°. Vindobonce et Tergesti, 1816. Blaxcken (G.) Catalogue de ce qu'on voit de; plus remarquable dans la chambre de l'ana- tomie publique de l'Universit6 de Leide. 4°. Leyden, 1715. Bleuland (J.) Descriptio Musei anatomici quod universi Belgii regis augustissimi Guilielmi I. munificentia Academia* Kheno - Trajectime concessit. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1828. British Medical Association. Annual meet- ings. 41. (187:5); 45. (1877). Museum cata- logues. Sc. London, [1873, 1877]. Brookes (J.) Brookesian Museum. The mu- seum of Joshua Brookes cousists of a collection of anatomical and zoological preparations, which has almost wholly occupied Mr. Brookes's time and attention for upwards of thirty years, and is acknowledged to be elegant, extensive, and justly celebrated, being the production of indi- vidual talent and exertion, without regard to trouble or expense. 8°. London, 1828. ------. A catalogue of the anatomical and zoological museum of . . . 8°. London, 1828. ------. Museum Brookcsianum. A descrip- tive catalogue of the remainder of the anatomi- cal and zootomical museum of . . . 8 ;. London, 18:1(). Cesarean Academiie medico-chirurgicie Vil- nensis museum anatoinicuin. 4°. Vilna; 1842, Catalog der pathologisch - anatoinischeu Sammlung zu Giessen. 4°. Giessen, 187)1. Catalog*.) de los niuseos y laboratorios de la Facultad de medieina de Madrid, sm. 8-. Ma- drid, 1877). Catalogue of preparations, etc , in morbid anatomy and experimental physiology, contained in the museum of the army medical department, For! Pitt. Chatham. By George Williamson. 8'. London, 1845. ^1 as se«i Ills (Anatomical and pathological). Cerltti (F. P. L.) Beschreibung der patho- logischen Praparate des anatomischen Theaters zu Leipzig. 8!-. Leipzig, 1819. Christ Church Museum. Synopsis of the physiological series in the Christ Church Mu- seum, arranged for the use of students after the plan of the Hunterian collection, and chiefly under the divisions of the Hunterian catalogue. 4°. Oxford, 187)3. Civinini (F.) Indice degli articoli del Museo d' auatomia tisiologica e patologica uniano, com- parata dell' I. e K. Universita di Pisa a tutto il deceinbre 1841. 8°. Lucca, 1842. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. To the honorable the judges of the court of common pleas, Xo. 2. of Philadelphia Countv, March term, 1*84, No. 506. The petition of William Hunt, M. D., chairman, S. Weir Mitchell, M. D., and John M. Brinton, M. I)., "committee of the Miitter Museum" [of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, in relation to the disposition of the fund left by Tliomas D. Mutter for the sup- port, aud increase of the museum]. 8C. [Phila- delphia, 1884.] Crosse (J. G.) An inaugural address deliv- eied at the opening of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Museum, September 10, 1845. 8°. Nor- wich, [1845]. Dei (A.) Catalogo sistematico del gabiuetto di auatomia comparata della R. Universita di Siena, 8r Siena, 1880. Dlsseau (J.-L.) Musee Vrolik. Catalogue de la collection d'anatomie humaine, conipar6e et, pathologique de MM. G. et VV. Vrolik. 8°. Amsterdam, 1865. Dzoxdi (C. H.) [Pr.] de museo anatomico- pathologico vito colligendo, conservando, dispo- nendo et inspicieudo. Prolusio i-ii, iv-vii. 8°. Halce, 182:1-4. Ehrmann (C.-H.) Musee anatomique de la Faculte" de medecine de Strasbourg, ou catalogue m6thodiqne de son cabinet d'anatomie physiolo- gique, avec indication des ouvrages, m6moires et observations, ou se trouvent consignees les his- toires des maladies qui se rapportent aux ditfe- rentes preparations querenferine cette collection. 8-. Strasbourg, 18:57. ------. Musee de la Facnlt6 de ni6decine de Strasbourg. Observations d'anatomie patholo- gique, accompagn6es de l'histoire des maladies qui s'y rattachent. 1. fasc. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843. ------. Nouveau catalogue du Musee d'ana- tomie normale et pathologique de la Faculte" de nie'decine de Strasbourg. 8°. Strasbourg, 1843. ------. Notice sur les accroissements du Mu- see d'anatomie pathologique de .Strasbourg; suh'ie d'un catalogue, formaut le premier sup- plement de celui publie en 1843. 8°. Strasbourg, 1846. Also, in: Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1846, vi, 33-58. ------. Accroissements du Miise"e d'anatomie de Strasbourg. 8°. Strasbourg, 1857. Esctiola medico-chirurgica de Lisboa. Cata- logo das pecas do museu d'anatomia da . . . coor- denado por J. G. Teixeira Marques. 8r Lisboa, 1862. Eschola medico-cirurgica do Porto. Catalogo do gabini'te* d'anatomia da . . . pelo professor d'anatomia Luiz Pereira da Foiiseca. [With first supplement.] S-. Porto, 1860-151. ------. Segundo supplemento. 8°. Porto, 1861. ------. Terceiro supplemento. 8-. Porto, 1862. ------. ' Catalogo do museu auatomico da . . . 8°. Porto, 1865. MUSEUMS. 5X4 MUSEUMS. Jlllseilllls (Anatomical and pathological). Faculte de medecine de Paris. Museum d'anatomie pathologique de la Faculte de mede- cine de Paris, ou musee Dupuytren. Text, 2 v. 8 : atlas, fol. Paris, 1842. -----. Livret du musee d'anatomie normale de la Facult6 de medecine de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1863. Florman (A. H.) Thesaurus anatomicus com- plectens pneparata anatomica et pathologica ex homine et brutis, qiue, pro puhlieis prielectioni- bns in theatro auatomico servata, conquisivit. 16°. Lundce, 18,17. Fowler (J. K.) & Sutton (J. B.) A descrip- tive catalogue of the Pathological Museum of the Middlesex Hospital. 8-;. Loudon, 1884. Germer (E. W ) Das Museum der Gesund- heitspflege [und das Army Medical Museum (Ford's Theatre)] in Washington. Cutting from: Erie Tageblatt, Erie, 1886, Jan. 21. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Catalogue of articles contained in the museum of military surgery, attached to the Army Med- ical School, at Netley. 8°. London, 1867. -----. Catalogue of preparations, etc., iu morbid, natural, and comparative anatomy; con- tained in the museum of the army medical de- partment, Fort Pitt, Chatham. 8°. London, 1833. -----. Medical School at Netley. Appendix to the catalogue of articles contained in the Museum of Military Surgery, attached to the Army Medical School, at Netley. 8°. London, 1875. -----. Medical School Museum. Description of a series of water-colour drawings, executed by the late Sir Charles Bell, illustrative of wounds received at the battle of Waterloo, pre- sented by his widow to the Army Medical School, together with a sketch-book of manuscript notes and some original letters. By Deputy Inspector- General T. Longmore. 8°. [London, it. cl.] Great Britain. Parliament. Medical mu- seums. Ketnrn to an order of the House of Commons, dated 17 July, 1856, for "Returns from the College's of Physicians of London, Ed- inburgh, and Ireland, the Colleges of Surgeons of England, Edinburgh, and Ireland, the Fac- ulty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, the Societies of Apothecaries of London and Dublin, and the Universities in England, Scotland, and Ireland, stating whether any museum for medi- cal purposes is maintained out of the funds of the institution; under what conditions such museum, if any, is open to students or members of the medical profession; the annual cost of such museum in each of the last ten years, dis- tinguishing the expenditure for building, for salaries aud wages, for catalogues, and for pre- serving and increasing the collection; the total number of the catalogued specimens in each of the last ten years; what lectureships for medi- cal purposes are maintained by the funds of the institution, and at what annual cost; under what conditions have the lectures, if any, been open to the public, or to students, or members of the, medical profession ; whether any expenses have been incurred for medical libraries, botanic gardens, or other objects of medical science, and, if so, at what annual cost for tbe last ten years, and under what conditions available to the pub- lic or to students or members of the medical profession", fol. [London. 1857.] Grew7 (N.) Musa-urn Regalia Societatis ; or, a catalogue and description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge. Whereunto is siibjoyned the comparative anatomy of stom- achs aud guts, by the same author. (Being li ii wen ills (Anatomical and pathological). several lectures read before the Royal Society iu the year 1676.) fol. London. 16>l' -----. The same. fol. London, 1681-94. Guy's Hospital, London. Anatomical Museum. A catalogue of the preparations in the anatomi- cal museum of Guy's Hospital. Arranged and edited by desire of the treasurer of the hospital, and of the teachers of the medical and surgical school, by Tliomas Hodgkin. 8°. London, 1829. -----. Catalogue of the pathological pre- parations iu the museum of Guy's Hospital. Revised and edited by Samuel Wilkes. 2 v. 8°. London, 1857-63. Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. Catalogue of the museum and library of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. By C. M. Thomas. 8r Philadelphia, 1869. Harvard University. Medical School. A de- scriptive catalogue* of the Warren Anatomical Museum, by J. B. S. Jackson. 8 r Boston, 1879. Heaviside (J.) Catalogue of the museum of . . . comprising human anatomy, natural and morbid; comparative anatomy, and natural his- tory. Willi an appendix, including additions to the morbid anatomy, between 1818 aud Aug., 1823. 8°. London, 1818. -----. A catalogue of the extensive aud val- uable anatomical museum of the late . . . Part second, comprising morbid anatomy, mummies, models, natural history, comparative anatomy, skeletons, monsters, and worms. Together with instruments, books, minerals, etc., which will be sold by Wheatley & Adlard, Oct. 6, 1829. 8r [London, 1829.] Herzogliches Collegium anatomico-chirurgi- cum zu Braunschweig. Catalog der patholo- gisch - anatoinischeu Sammlung. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1854. Holst (L.) Das Kriegs-Museum in Washing- ton. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1865. Houel (C.-N.) Manuel d'anatomie patholo- gique geu6rale et appliquee, contenant la de- scription et le catalogue du mus6e Dupuytren. 8°. Paris, 1857. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1862. -----. Catalogue des pieces du Musee Du- puytren, publie sous les auspices de la Faculte de medeciue de Paris, v. 1-5 (with atlas). 8-'. Paris, 1877-80. -----. Catalogue du Musee Orfila, publie sous les auspices de la Faculte de medecine de Paris. 8C. Paris, 1881. Howship(J.) Practical remarks on the dis- crimination and appearances of surgical disease; with an appendix, containing the descriptive catalogue of the author's collection in pathologi- cal anatomy, and the Hunterian oration for 1833. 8°. "London, 1849. Hunter (W.) Two introductory lectures to his last course of anatomical lectures; to which are added some papers relating to Dr. Hunter's intended plan for establishing a muse inn in Lon- don for the improvement of anatomy, surgery, and physic. 4°. London, 1784. Hyrtl ( J. ) Das vergleichend-anatomische Museum an der Wiener medieinischen Facultiit im Jubiliiums-Jahre 1865. sr Wien, 1865. -----. Catalog mikroskopischer Injections- Priiparate, welche durch Tausch oder Kauf zu beziehen sind von ... 8°. Wien, 1-73. Imperatorskoi 8ankt Peterburgiskoi Meduo- chirurgieheskoi Akademii. Katalog chirurgi- cheskago Mouzeja. 8~. St. Petersburg, 1867. Index rerum Musei anatomici Ticineusis. Ac- cedit Antonii Scarpa in solemui theatri anato- mici Ticineusis dedicatione oratio habita prid. kalend. November au. 1785. 8°. Ticini, 18U4. 85 MUSE CMS. MUSEUMS. * Museums (Anatomical and pathological). Jackson (J. B. S.) A descriptive catalogue of the anatomical museum of the Boston Society for Medical Improvement. 8-\ Boston) 1847. Jancke (J. G.) Praqiarata anatomica Lip- siie d. 18 Nov. 1765, in Vaporario Collegii Rubri anctione public-a vendenda. 8C. Lipsiee, [n. d.] Kennedy (E.) Descriptive catalogue of the museum of Dr. . . . illustrative of his lectures on midwifery and the diseases of women and chil- dren. S-r Edinburgh, 1840. Konigi.ich rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universitat zn Bonn. Bericht iiher das anato- mische Institut der . . . entworfen im Jahre 1830 von A. T. J. C. Mayer. 4°. Bonn, 1830. Kreutzberg (C.) Guide to the European anatomical, pathological, and ethnological mu- seum of. . . 8°. Buffalo, 1875. Lanoenbeck (C. J. M.) Novum theatrum anatomicum quod Gottinga* est. 4°. Gottinga; 1829. Lanostaff (G.) Catalogue of the prepara- tions illustrative of normal, abnormal, and mor- bid structure, human aud comparative, consti- tuting the anatomical museum of . . . 8°. Lon- don, 1842. Laskey (J.) A general account of the Hun- terian Museum, Glasgow, including historical and scientific notices of the various objects of art, literature, natural history, anatomical pre- parations, antiquities, etc., in that celebrated collection. 8". Glasgow, 1813. Lohstein (J.-F.) Compte rendu a la Faculte de medecine de Strasbourg sur l'etat actuel de son museum anatomique, suivi du catalogue des objets qu'il renferme. 8°. Strasbourg, 1820. vox Loder (J. C.) Index pneparatorum alia- rumque rerum, ad anatomen spectantium, quae in museo Ciesareae Universitatis Mosquensis ser- vantur. 8°. Mosquce, 1823. Logan (T. M.) Report on the annual museum for the exhibition of the American Medical Asso- ciation in Philadelphia, and the contributions from California. 8°. Sacramento, 1872. Manchester Theatre of Anatomy, Marsden street. A catalogue descriptive chiefly of the morbid preparations contained in the museum of the . . . with occasional explanatory re- marks. By Thomas Fawdington. 8°. Man- chester, 1833. Mayer (A. F. J. C.) Icones selectte prsepara- toruin ninsei auatomici Univ. Frid. Willi. Rhe- nanse qua* Bonna* floret, fol. Bounce, 1831. Medecine (La) a l'Exposition universelle de 1867. Guide-catalogue publie par la Societe me- dicale allemande de Paris. 12°. Paris, 1867. Montgomery (W. F.) Catalogue of the prep- arations in the museum of. . . 8°. Dublin, 1830. -----. The same. 8°. Dublin, 1834. Mott (V.) & Mott (A. B.) Catalogue of the surgical and pathological museum of Valentine Mott, and of his son, Alexander B. Mott. 8°. New York, 187)8. Mutter (T. D.) Catalogue of the pathologi- cal museum of . . . 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. Mus.eum Franc. Calceolari juu. Veronensis a Benedict!) Ceruto medico incseptum, et ab An- drea Chiocco . . . luculeuter descriptum et per- fectnm, in quo multa ad natnralem moralenique philosophiam spectantia, non pauca ad rem me- dicam pertinentia erudite proponuntur et expli- cantur. Non sine magna rerum exoticaruni su- pellectile, quae artifici plane inauii in ;es incisie, studiosis exhibentur. fol. [Ver once, 1622.] Musee de l'Hopital St.-Louis. Pieces nionlees par M. Baretta. MS. 6 v. 12-. [Paris, 18-6.] Museum anatomicum Holmiense, quod auspi- ciis augustissuni regis Osearis primi edideruut lluseuilis (Anatomical and pathological). professores regia* Scholte medico-chirurgicie Ca- rolinensis. Sectio pathologica. Fasciculus I: s, continens casus x cum xii tabulis. fol. Holmice, 1855. Mussey (R. D.) Anatomical cabinet belong- ing to . . . 8J. [n. p., n. d.] New York (City). Bellevue Hospital. Cata- logue of the "Wood" Museum of Bellevue Hos- pital, New York City. Comprising a descriptive and classified list of anatomical aud pathologi- cal specimens. 12°. New York, 1880. New York Hospital. Pathological Cabinet. A catalogue of the pathological cabinet of the New York Hospital, classified and arranged by Robert Ray, jr. With a memoir of the author [bv John Watson]. Edited bv H. D. Bulkley. 8< New York, 1860. Osiander (F. B.) Epigrammata in diversas res musei anatomici et pinacothecte. Ed. al- tera. 12°. Gottingee, 1814. Otto (A. W.) Verzeichniss der anatoinischeu Priiparatensammlung des koniglichen Auatomie- Instituts zu Breslau, nebst Nachtrag 1-2. 8°. Breslau, 1826-33. Oxford Museum. Synopsis of the pathologi- cal series in the Oxford Museum, provisionally arranged for the use of students after the plan of the Hunterian collection, and chiefly under the division of the Huuteriau catalogue. 8 -'. Oxford, 1867. Pennsylvania Hospital. Pathological Mu- seum. Descriptive catalogue of the pathological museum of the Pennsylvania Hospital. By Wm. Pepper. 8°. Phil a del phia, 1869. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Catalogue of the collections in the museum of the . . . Compiled hy E. M. Holmes. ■'-'. Lon- don, 1878. Philadelphia Hospital. Pathological Mu- seum. Catalogue of the specimens in the patho- logical museum of the Philadelphia Hospital, prepared by James Tyson, assisted by R. M. Ber- tolet. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874. Reale Scuola di ostetricia iu Milano. Cata- logo del gabinetto anatomo-patologico della R. Scuola di ostetricia in Milano, compilato ed il- lustrato dall' Assistente Dot. F. Agudio. 4°. Milano, 1862. Reale Universita di Pavia. II gabinetto di auatomia normale della R. Universita di Pavia. Descritto dal direttore e professore Giovanni Zoja. Serie B. Osteologia. Serie E. Angiolo- gia. Serie L. Embriologia. Serie M. Auato- mia generale. 4°. Pavia, 1873-87. References to the anatomical paintings and preparations at the anatomical rooms, Surgeon's Square, Edinburgh. 16°. Edinburgh, 1799. Regia Universita degli studi di Napoli. Ca- talogo sistematico del gabinetto di anatomia comparata nella Regia Universita degli studi di Napoli. S-. Napoli, 1868. -----. The same. Supplemento primo. 8°. Napoli, 1872. Ribke (C. H.) Verzeichniss einer Sammlung anatomischer Priiparate. 8°. Berlin, 1819. de Riemer (P.) Beredeneerde beschrijving van het museum anatomico-physiologicum van ... 4°. Eotterdam, 1831. Romiti (G.) & Laci-ii (P.) Catalogo ragio- nato del museo anatomico della R. Universita di Siena, preceduto da una hitroduzioue storica per Guglielmo Romiti. Pt. I. Osteologia e sindes- mologia. 8°. Siena, 1883. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Catalogue of the museum of the ... Pt. I. Comprehending the preparations illustrative of pathology. 8-'. Edinburgh, 1836. MUSEUMS. 586 MUSEUMS. JTIiiseimis (Anatomical and pathological). Royal College of Surgeons of England. Synopsis of the arrangement of the prepara- tions in the gallery of the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. 12°. London, 1818. -----. Invitation to surgeons ancl natural- ists for donations to the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons iu London, of preparations, casts, models, paintings, drawings, engravings, manuscripts, printed books, aud chirurgical in- struments ; also, directions for preserving ani- mals and extraneous fossils. 8°. [London, 1826. ] -----. Catalogue of the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Pt. I. Compre- hending the pathological preparations in spirit. 4°. London, 1830. -----. The same. Beschreibung von Hun- ter's anatomisch-pathologischem Museum des Collegiums der Wundiirzte in London. Aus dem Euglischen fiir deutsche Aerzte und Wundarzte bearbeitet und mit einigen Anmerkungen beglei- tet von Dr. Michael Jager. 8D. Erlangen, 1835. -----. Catalogue of the coutents of the mu- seum of the Royal College of Surgeons in Lon- don. Pt. IV, Fasc. I. Comprehending the first division of the preparations of natural history in spirit. 4°. London, 1830. -----. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the physiological series of comparative anat- omy contained in the museum of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons in London, v. 5. Products of of generation. 4°. London, 1840. -----. Description of the skeleton of an ex- tinct gigantic sloth, Mylodon rohustus, Owen, with observations on the osteology, natural affinities, and probable habits of the megathe- rioid quadrupeds in general. By Richard Owen, conservator of the museum. Published by direc- tion of the council. 4°. London, 1842. -----. A descriptive and illustrated cata- logue of the calculi and other animal concre- tions contained in the museum of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons in London. [Pt. I, Div. I. Cal- culi from the urinary organs of man.] 4°. London, 1842. -----. The same. [Div. II. Calculi from the urinary organs of the lower animals. ] 4°. Lon- don, 1845. -----. The same. By Thomas Taylor. Sup- plement No. 1. 4°. London, 1871. -----. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the fossil organic remains of mammalia and aves contained in the museum of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons of Englaud. 4°. London, 1845. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the patho- logical specimens contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, v. 1. General pathology. 4°. London, 1846. -----. The same. v. 2. Pathology of the blood and organs of locomotion. 4°. London, 1847. -----. The same. v. 3. Pathology of the organs of digestion, absorption, aud circulation. 4°. London. 1848. -----. The same. v. 4. Pathology of the respiratory aud urinary organs, the nervous sys- tem and the organs of the senses, the generative organs, and the mammary glands. 4°. London, 1849. -----. The same. v. 5. Specimens preserved in the dry state in cabinets. 4°. London, 1849. -----. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the histological series contained iu the mu- seum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng- land, v. 1. Elementary tissues of vegetables aud animals. 4°. London, 1850. IliiM'iuii* (Anatomical and pathological). -----. The same. Prepared for the micro- scope, v. 2. Structure of the skeleton of verte- brate animals. 4°. London, 1855. -----. Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the physiological series of comparative anat- omy contained in the museum of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons of England, v. 1. Including the organs of motion and digestion. 2. ed. 4°. London, 1852. ■-----. Descripti ve catalogue of the osteologi- cal series contained iu the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, v. 1. Pisces, reptilia, aves, marsupialia. 4°. London, 1853. -----. The same. v. 2. Mammalia placen- talia. 4°. London, 1853. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the fossil or- ganic remains of reptilia andpisces contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 4°. London, 1854. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the fossil or- ganic remains of invertebrata contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 4°. London, 1856. -----. Catalogue of the contents of the mu- seum of the Royal College of Surgeous of Eng- land. Pt. I. Plants and invertebrate animals in the dried state. 4°. London, 1860. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the patho- logical specimens contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Sup- plement I. 4°. London, 1863. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the patho- logical specimens contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Englaud. Sup- plement II. Additional specimens of injuries and diseases of the eye. 4°. London, 186,4. -----. Synopsis of the contents of the mu- seum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng- land. 8°. London, 1850. -----. Synopsis of the contents of the mu- seum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng- land. 8°. London, 1865. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the dermato- logical specimens contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. By Erasmus Wilson. 4°. London, 1870. -----. The same. 2. ed. 4°. London, 1875. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the terato- logical series iu the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. By B. T. Lowue. 83. London, 1872. -----. Catalogue of the specimens illustrating the osteology and dentition of vertebrated ani- mals, recent and extinct, contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Pt. I. Man. By W. H. Flower. 8°. London,1879. -----. The same. Pt. II. Class mammalia, other than mau. By Wm. H. Flower, assisted by John Geo. Garson. 8°. London, 1884. -----. Descriptive catalogue of the patho- logical specimens contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. By Sir James Paget, Bart., with the assistance of James F. Goodhart and Alban H. G. Doran. v. 1. General pathology. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1*82. -----. The same. v. 2. Morbid conditions of the blood, the organs of motion, and the skeleton. 2. ed. 8-. London, 1883. -----. The same. v. 3. Morbid conditions of the teeth, jaws, alimentary tract, liver, and gall- bladder, ductless glands, circulatory and respi- ratory organs. 2. ed. 8~. London, 1884. -----. The same. v. 4. Morbid conditions of the urinary organs, of the nervous system aud organs of special senses, of the generative organa aud breast, and the anatomy of stumps. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1885. MUSEUMS. 587 MUSEUMS. ITIiiseiiins (Anatomical and pathological). Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. De- scriptive catalogue of the preparations in the .. . By John Houston, v. 1. Anatomy. 8?. Dublin, 1834. Ruysch ( F.) Thesaurus anatomicus primus addecimum. 4°. Amstelceclami, 1722-39. -----. Curse posteriores, seu thesaurus ana- tomicus omnium pra*cedentium maximus. 4°. Amstelodami, 1724. ■-----. The same. 4°. Amstelodami, 1738. -----. Thesaurus aiiimalium primus. 4°. Amstelodami, 1725. -----. Curae renovatae, seu, thesaurus ana- tomicus post curas posteriores, novus. 4°. Am- stelodami, 1728. -----. Cura' posteriores, seu thesaurus ana- tomicus omnium pnecedentium maximus. 4°. Amstelodami, 1738. -----. Museum anatomicum Ruysehianum, sive catalogus rarioruin, qme in authoris tedibus asservantur. 4-\ Amstelodami, 1691. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. Anatomical Museum. A descriptive catalogue of the ana- tomical museum of . . . 3 v. 8°. London, 1846-62. -----. A descriptive catalogue of the ana- tomical and pathological museum of . . . 2 v. roy. 8°. London, 1882-4. Saint George's Hospital. Pathological Mu- seum. Catalogue of the pathological museum of Saint George's Hospital, edited by John W. Ogle and Timothy Holmes. 8°. London, 1866. Saint Thomas's Hospital. Descriptive cata- logue of the preparations in the museum of St. Thomas's Hospital. 3 v. 8-. London, 1847—i). Sandifort (E.) Museum anatomicum acade- mia* Lugduno-Butava* descriptum ab . . . 4 v. roy. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1793; 1827; 1835. Schereh (J.) Tabulae anatomica* quae exhi- bent inussei anatomici Aeademiae C;es. Reg. Jose- phime pra*pai*ata cerea. Perlustrata* et com- mentata* a . . . delineata ... a P. J. Weindl. 5 v. in 2. fol. Vindobonnce, 1817-20. Latin and German text. Schcltze (C. A. S.) DieanatoniischenSamm- lungen uud das neue Anatomie-Gebiiude zu Greifswald. 1. Hft. Geschiehte des Anatomie- Instituts; Beschreibung des neuen Gebiiudes und Katalog der Praparate iiber Krankheiten des Nervensystenis. 4°. Greifswald, 1856. Sciiuyl (F.) Catalogus rerum memorabilium, qiue in Theatro auatoniico Academia?, quae Lug- duni Batavorum floret, demonstrantur per . . . sm. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1721. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1738. -----. The same. Catalogus van alle de priucipaalste rariteiten die op de Auatomie-Ka- nier, binnen de stadt Leiden vertoond werden. HP. Leyden, 1748. -----. The same. Catalogue de ce qu'on voit ele plus remarquable daus la chambre de l'anatomie publique de l'Universite de la ville de Leide. sm. 4°. Leide, 1748. Seidel (J. F.) * Index Musei anatomici Ki- liensis, quem pnefatus est illustris D. Fischer. 4°. Kilia; 1818. Shufeldt (R. W.) Outlines for a museum of anatomy, prepared for the Bureau of Education. 8:. Washington, 1885. Suringar (G. C. B.) Pars supellectilis ana- tomica*, sive catalogus speciminnm pathologico- anatomicoruni, qme in usus privatos a se collecta, prieparata et online disposita, Academia* Lei- densi vivus donavit. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1866. Systematischkr Catalog der Praparate des auatomischen Museums der koniglich rheini- schen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn. ^luseiuiis (Anatomical and pathological). 1. Decenium von den Jahren 1820-30, von A. F. J. C. Mayer. 8°. Bonn, [1831]. Talrich (J.) Catalogue de preparations ana- tomiques normales et pathologiques en cire, plas- tique et platre ; anatomie comparee et zoologie. Expositions universelles de Paris et Loudres, 1855-1862. Exposition de 1867, classes xi et xii. 8°. Paris, 1866. Thibert (F.) Musee d'anatomie pathologique. Bibliotheque de medecine et de chirurgie pra- tiques, representant en relief les alterations mor- bides du corps humain. 8°. Paris, 1844. -----. Musee d'anatomie pathologique et normale, fomie par . . . actuellement sous la direction du Dr. E. - V. Leger. 8°. Paris, 1860. Tourtual (C. T.) Zweiter anatomischer Be- richt, enthaltend die Beschreibung der seit mei- nem Antritte des Lehramtes der Anatomie im Fruhjahre 1830 zum auatomischen Museo zu Minister hinzugekommenen pathologischen Prii- parate. 4°. Minister, 1833. -----. Verzeichniss und kurze Beschreibung einiger seit 1833 fiir das anatomische Museum zu Miinster erworbenen pathologischen Gegen- stande. 4°. Minister, 1840. Trinity College. A descriptive catalogue of the minerals in the systematic collection of the museum of Trinity College, Dublin. 8°. Dublin, 1818. United States. Congress. An act providing for the erection of a building to contain the records, library, and museum of the Medical Department, United States Arniv. Approved March 2, 1885. 8°. [ Washington, L885.] -----. Joint resolution to provide for the preparation and printing of au illustrated cata- logue of the Army Medical Museum. 50. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 14. Dec. 14, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Dolph. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1887.] United States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. Catalogue of" the Army Medical Museum, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D. C. 8C. Washington, 1863. -----. Catalogue of the surgical section of the United States Army Medical Museum. Pre- pared uuder the direction of the Surgeon-Gen- eral, U. S. Army, by A. A. Woodhull, Asst. Surg., U. S. Army. 4-'. Washington, 1866. -----. Catalogue of the medical section of the United States Army Medical Museum. Pre- pared under the direction of the Surgeon-Gen- eral, U. S. Army, by J. J. Woodward, Asst. Surg., U. S. A., in charge of the medical and micro- scopical sections of the museum. 4°. Washing- ton, 1867. -----. Catalogue of the microscopical section of the United States Army Medical Museum. Prepared under the direction of the Surgeon-Gen- eral, U. S. Army, by E. Curtis, Asst. Surg., U. S. Army. 4°. Washington, 1867. -----. List of skeletons and crauia in the section of comparative anatomy of the United States Army Medical Museum, for use during the International Exhibition of 1876, in couuection with the representation of the Medical Depart- ment, U. S. Army. Prepared by H. C. Yarrow. 8°. Washington, 1876. -----. Check list of preparations and ob- jects iu the sections of human anatomy of the United States Army Medical Museum for use during th«> International Exhibition of 1876. By G.' A. Otis. 8~>. Washington, D. G, 1876. ----- List of the specimens in the anato- mical section of the United States Army Medi- cal Museum. Bv G. A. Otis. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1889. MUSEUMS. 588 MUSEUMS. Museums (Anatomical and pathological). -----. The World's Industrial aud Cotton Centennial Exposition, Xew Orleans, La., 1884-5. Medical Department, United States Army, Ex- hibit, Class 4, No. 5. Description of selected specimens from the medical and surgical sections of the Army Medical Museum, at Washington, D. C. Surg. John S. Billings, U. S. A., curator of Army Medical Museum. Henry McElderry, Asst. Surg., V. S. A., in charge of the represen- tation of the Medical Department, U. S. A.. 8°. New Orleans, 1884-5. -----. Advertisement and specifications for the erection of a fire-proof building for Army Medical Museum and Library. Text and plans. fol. Washington, 1885. Universidad de Coimbra. Catalogo dos ga- binetes de chimica medica e auatomia patholo- gica na Universidade de Coimbra, coordeuado por F. A. Alves. 8°. Coimbra, 1865. -----. Supplemento ao catalogo do gahinete de anatomia pathologica da Universidade de Coimbra, coordeuado por F. A. Alves. 8°. Coimbra, 1866. University of Cambridge. Anatomical Mu- seum. Catalogue of the osteological portion of specimens contained in the anatomical museum of the University of Cambridge. 8°. Cambrideje, 1862. University College, Liverpool. Pathological Museum. Descriptive catalogue of the patho- logical museum of University College, Liverpool (Royal Infirmary School of Medicine). 8°. Liverpool, 1883. University College, London. Descriptive catalogue of the specimens illustrating surgical pathology in the museum of University College, London. By Marcus Beck aud S. G. Shattock. Pts. i and ii. 8°. London, 1881-7. C. Stonham added as author in pt. ii. University of Edinburgh. Anatomical Mu- seum. Descriptive catalogue of the anatomical museum of the University of Edinburgh. 8°. Edinburgh, 1831. -----. Amended report by the college com- mittee in regard to the anatomical museum. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1839.] University of Glasgow. Hunterian Museum. Catalogue of anatomical preparations in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow. 8°. Glasgow, 1840. University of Pennsylvania. Anatomical Museum. Report on the state of the anatomical museum of the University of Pennsylvania. June 30, 1824. By VV. E. Horner. 8°. ' [n. p.], 1824. -----. Catalogue of the anatomical museum of the . . . With a report to the museum's com- mittee of the trustees. Nov., 1832. By William Edmonds Horner. 2. ed. 8. Philadelphia, 1832. University of Pennsylvania. Wistar or Ana- tomical Museum. Catalogue of the Wistar or anatomical museum of the Pennsylvania Uni- versity. By W. E. Horner. 3. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 187)9. Van Derveer (A.) Facts in relation to the history of the Albany Medical College Museum, together with a comparative review of the mu- seums of Great Britain. The introductory ad- dress of the course of 1879--^O, at the Albany Medical College, delivered Oct. 7, 1879. 8^. Albany, 1879. Vater (A.) Regii in academia ad Albiin musei anatomici Augustei catalogus universalis praepa- rata anatomica Ruyschiaua variorumque cele- berrimorum auctoriim tam sicca, quam in liquore I contenta fcetus, monstra, sceleta et artefacta ex- I Museums (Anatomical and pathological). hibeus cum oratione de muscis [etc.] 4-'. Wit- tenberg w, [1736]. Vergaxgenheit und Gegenwarf des Museums fiir nienschliche Anatomie au der Wiener Uui- versitiit. 8-'. Wien, 1869. Walter (J. G.) Anatomisclies Museum. Ge- sammelt von . . . Beschrieben von Friedrich August Walter. 2 Th. in 1 v. 4°. Berlin, 1796. -----. Museum anatomicum, per decern, et quod excurrit, lustra maximo studio congest um in del'essoque Lahore perfectum a . . . Tomus i 4°. Berolini, 1805. Wormius (0.) Museum Wormianuin seu his- toria rerum rarioruin, tam uaturalium quam artificialium, tam doniesticarum quam exotica- rum, quae Hafuiae Danorum in iedibus authoris servantur. fol. Amstelodami, 16,7)7,. A. (M.) Una visita al museo anateiiuico del Dr. D. Pe- dro Gonzalez Velasco. Siglo meel., Madrid, 1856, iii, 81.— Agci- (J.) & IVIarleod (R.) Hunterian museum. Med.- Chir. Rev., Loud., 1826-7, n. a., vi, 283-289.—Bell (C.) Lect- ures on the Hunterian preparations in the mii.srum of the Royal Col lege of Surgeons, London. Lancet, Lond., 183:1-4 i, 279 ; 313 ; 486 ; 912 ; 962.— Bertiigcr-Feraud. Xote sur le catalogue dn musee* medical, clnrurgical et micro- graphique de l'armee des iStats-L'iiis. Gaz. cl. hop., Par, 1870, xliii, 293.—Brookes (J.) A description of the ana- tomical museum of. . . Lond. M., S., & Pharm. Reposit., 1814, i, 116-121.—Building (The) for the Army Medical Museum and Library, Washington. Med. N'\'vs, Phila., 1886, xlix. 3:10-334 ['with cut].—Camiccio (A.) Au- menti fatti alle collezioni del museo di zoologia e di aua- tomia comparata della R. Universita di Modena dal gen- naio 1872 a tutto dicembre 1873 ; catalogo metodico. Spat laozaui, Modena, 1874, xii, 87; 129; 173; 215. — t'ini- selli (L.) Sopra il gabinetto anatomo-patologico csis- tente nello Spedale Maggiore di Cremona. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1869, cciv, 520 : 1869, ccx, 48: 487. Also, Reprint.—Desgencltes. Reflexions gcnerales sur l'uti- lite de l'anatomie artificielle, et en particulier sur la col- lection de Florence, et la necessite d'en former de sembla- bles en France. J. de nied., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1793, xciv, 162; 233.—Devcrgie (A.) Note sur le mu- see pathologique cr6e a l'flopital St.-Louis. Union nied., Par., 1869, 3. s , vii, 135.—Dobson (G. E.) Report on the present condition of the museum of the army medi- cal department, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, November, 1874. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1873, Lond., 1875, xv, 373.—Frcolani (G. B.) Descrizione metodica dei preparati esistenti nel ninseo di anatomia patologica com- parata della R. Universita. di Bologna. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st, (li Bologna, 1871, 3. s., i, 567-604. 6 pl.-Kve (F. S.) Our museum and its associations. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.,Loud., 1881,xvii,165-184.—Fabbri (G.) Anticomuseo ostetrico di Giovanni Antonio Galli restauro fatto alle sue preparazioni in plastica e nuova conferma della supiema importanza dell' ostetricia sperimentale. Mem. Aexad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1872, 3. s., ii, 129-166.—Fi-ele (P.) Relazione sui museo anatomo-patologico del giancle Ospe- dale elegT iucurabili. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur.. Napoli, 1880, v, 181-216. —Flower (W. H.) Note on the con- struction and arrangement of anatomical museums. J. Anat. & Physiol., Loud., 1874-5, ix, 259-262. -----. Mu- seum specimens for teaching purposes. Nature, Lond., 1876-7, xv, 144 ; 184 ; 204. -----. The Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Tr. Internat. M. Coiig., 7. sess.. Loud., 1881, i, 133-144.—Oabincte imuseo anatomico de la delegacion universitiiiia. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago, 1867, xxix, 554-557.—Ciraldt«. Lap- port sur un ouvrage de Ehrmann : " Musee anatomique ele fa Faculte de medecine " (Strasbourg), folio, 1843.1850. 1852. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1852-3, 422-426.—de <"i azia y Alvarez (A.) Investigaciones unatomicas e historicas sobre los originates y modelos patologicos existeutes en el gabincte de la Faciiltad de medieina y cirugia de Cadiz. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 41 —Hamilton (F.1L) 'the Hyatt's anatomical, pathological, surgical, and microsco- pical collection. Buffalo M. J.. 1854-5. x, 3(37-371.-Hoist (F.) Det Kgl. Frederiks Univcrsitcts pharm-ik'.ln^ke Museum. Norsk Mag. f. Lagevielensk., Christiania, 1866, 2. K., xx, 481-496. — Hol*t (L.) Zamietki obe ustroistve voenno-med. chasti ve Sic\ cin-Atuerikanskiche Sbtatache. [Description of Army Medical Museum in Washington.] Med. pribav. k. mors'k. sborniku, St. Petersb., 186.), j, 49- 108. Also, transl. [Abstr.) : Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., I860, vi, 285-318. Also, Repiint.-IIiiline (R. T.) On the forma- tion and arrangement of a dental museum, with a pro- posed dental classification of the placental mammalia. Tr. iiile.nt. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1868-9, u. s., i, 73-14'.- ■ scHflamin (H. F.) Die Sammlung des Theaters tu Dorpat. Inhis: Anat. Untersuch.. 8-\ 1S22. 321-330.rK.ey (A.) On deu nya Patologiskt Anatomiska lustitutioneu 1 MUSEUMS. 589 MUSGEAVE-CLAY. Museums (Anatomical and pathological). Stockholm. Nord. ined. Ark., Stockholm, 1869, i, no. 6,1-24, 1 pi.—Knox (R.) Anatomical museums; their objects anel present condition. Mecl. Times, Lond., 1846, xiv, 307 ; 3:>7__Iieboucq (H.) Le musee anatomique de l'Univer- sfte de Gand. Livre jubil. publie p. la Soc. de ni6d. de Gand, etc., Gand, 1884, 73-97. — Malcolm (A. G.) Re- port on the pathological museum of the Belfast Medical Society. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1851, xi, 207 ; 471: xii, 471: 1852 xiii, 472.—Martens (C.) Revue de quelques mu- secs anatomiques ele l'AUemagne, de l'Angleterre et de la France. Rev. nied. franc, et etrang., Par., 1834, iii. 337- 350. Also, Reprint.—Mayer (A. M.) Uebersicht eler an der hiesigen Universitat auf bewahrten anatomischen unci pathologisch-anatomischcn Priiparate. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, AVien, 1829, n. F., i, 148-160.— . Meusel. Catalogue of the United States Army Medical Museum, prepaid! under the direction of the Surgeon- General, U. S. Army. [Rev.] Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiriugeu, Leipz., 1876, v, 81-96.—lUiinz. Einige Worte iiber die anatomische Praparaten-Sammlung der vormali- geu Universitat zu Laudshut. Med. Argos, Leipz., 1840, Ii, 666-670.—Mnnnret. Un musee de medecine &, Lyon. Lyon med., 1877, xxiv, 471-475. — Musee Dupuytren. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. meel.. Par., 1835, iv, 190.—Musee d'anatomie comparee a 1'15cole de medecine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1845, 2. s., xiii, 693 - 705. — IVotice of the ana- tomical preparations of Harvey, lately presented to the Royal College of Physicians. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1823-4, iv, 234. — Objetos ingresados en el Museo antro- poldgico durante el alio de 1876 y principios de 1877. An- ffteatro auat.. Madrid, 1877, v, 110.— Obstetrical So- ciety of Loudon. Catalogue of the museum of the Ob- stetrical Society of London, comprising instruments, ana- tomical and pathological specimens, casts and models. December, 1875. Tr. Obst. Soc. 1875, Lond., 1876, xvii [app.], 143-151.—Otis (G. A.) Notes on contributions to the Army Medical Museam by civil practitioners. Boston M. Sc S. JT, 1878, xcviii, 163-169.—Pepper (W.) List of the more important specimens added to the Pathological Museum during the past year; with descriptions. Penn. Hosp. Rep., Phila., 1868, i, 395-416, 1 pi. -----. Descrip- tive list of the specimens added to the hospital museum during 1S68. Ibid., 1869, ii, 298-316.—Percy & Laurent. Museum (d'anatomie et de pieces pathologiques). Diet. d. sc. med., I'ar., 1819, xxxv, 11-41, 3 pi.—Petrequin. Revue des cabinets d'anatomie pathologique de lTtalie. Gaz. med. do Par., 1837, 2. s., v, 657-666.—Pick (T. P.) Report of the curator of the Pathological Museum. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, iv, 261-284.—Power (D'A.) Specimensatldedto the museum duringthe vear end- ing October 1.1886. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886, xxii, 371-430.—Quelques details sur l'etablissement du Mu- seum Dupuytren et de la chaire d'anatomie pathologique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 497-500.—Quissac (J.) Le conservatoire de la Faculte de medecine; apercu sur ses collections. Montpel. nierl., 1859, ii, 251; 346!—Key- mond. (Rapporto a nome della commissione incaricata di una visite al Museo d' anatomia normalo dell' Universita di Torino.) Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1870, 3. s., ix, 834-840.—Storcr (II. It.) The gynaecological cab- inet of Harvard University. J. Gyna;c. Soc. Bost., 1872, vi, 357-367—Tautini (F.j Brevi cenni sopra aleuni mu- sei auatomico-patoloiiici della Germania. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1830, lv, 543-547.—Van Der veer (A.) The pathological museums of Great Britain. Meel. Sc Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1879, xii, 397-400.—Velasco (P. G.) Breve resena del Museo de Orfila en la Faculdad de medieina de Paris. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1857, iv, 406: 1858, v, 7; 22.— Yiccndc (Delle) e dello stato del gabinetto e laboratorio d anatomia patologica dell' Universita ticinese. Gior. di auat. e fisiol., Milano, 1867, iv, 166; 233.— Wagner (J.) Ueschiehtliclie Notizen iiber das pathologische Museum :m k. k. allgemeiuen Krankonhause zu Wien: nebst Ue- bersicht der Leistungen der pathologisch-anatomischen Lehraustalt wahrend des Jahres 1830. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1832, xii, 1-17.—Wigs (H. C.) Catalogue of specimens recently added to the Melbourne Hospital Museum. Austral. M.'J., Melbourne, 1873, xviii, 1; 83. — Wood ( The) Museum of Bellevue Hospital. [Edit,] Med. Rec, N. V., 1881, xix, 492. I?Iii«eimis (Anthropological and ethno- logical). Fischer (L. H. ) Das Museum fiir Urge- schichte und Ethnographie an der Alhert-Lud- wijrs Hochschule in Freihurg. 4°. Freiburg, 1875. Gaddi (P.) II museo etuografico-autropolo- gico della r. University di Modena. 4°. Mo- dena, 1879. Museu (0) d'anthropologia do Dr. Velasco. Correio med. de Lisb., 1S76-8, vi, 37— Piilido (A.) Resena del museo antropologico del Dr. Velasco (sito en el paseo de Atoclia, Madrid). Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1875, iii, 426; 474. I Uliiseux. O. (0.) Les Museux, chirurgiens reinois. Union m6d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1887, xi. 257-268. UlllSgrave (Guilhelmus) [1657-1721]. De ar- thritide auomala, sive interna, dissertatio. 18 p. 1., 479 pp., 10 1. 8°. Exonice, T. S. Farley et J. Bliss, 1707. -----. The same. Ed. nova. 7 p. 1., 170 pp. 4°. Genevce, a p it cl f'retires de Tournes, 1715. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 4°. Genevce, 1715. -----. The same. Ed. nova accuratior. 3 p. 1., 168 pp. 4°. Geneva; apud fratres de Tournes, 1736. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 4°. Genevce, 1736. -----. The same. Ed. nova. 3 p. 1., 168 pp. 4°. Geneva;, apud fratres de Tournes, 1749. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 4°. Oenevce, 1749. -----. The same. Ed. nova. 3 p. 1., 168 pp. sm. 4°. Geneva; apud fratres de Tournes, 1757. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. sm. 4°. Oenevce, 1756. -----. The same. 3 p. 1., 168 pp. 4°. Genevce, 1769. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 2 v. 4°. Genevce, 1769. -----. De arthritide symptomatica dissertatio. Ed. nova. 4 p. 1., 88 pp. 4°. Genevce, fratres de Tournes, 1715. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 4°. Genevce, 1716. -----. The same. Ed. nova. 3 1:, 88 pp. 4°. Genevas, G. de Tournes el fil., 1723. -----. The same. Ed. nova accuratior. 3 p. 1., 88 pp. 4°. Genevce, apud fratres de Tournes, 1736. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 4°. Genevce, 1736, ii. -----. The same. Ed. nova accuratior. 3 p. 1., 88 pp. 4°. Geneva; apud fratres de Tournes, 1749. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 4°. Genevce, 1749. -----. The same. Ed. nova. 3 p. 1., 88 pp. sm. 4°. Geneva; apud fratres de Tournes, 1757. Bound with.- Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. am. 4°. Genevce, 1757. ------. The same. Ed. nova accuratior. 3 p. 1., 88 pp. 4°. Genevce, 1769. Bound with: Sydenham (Thomas). Opera med. 2 v. 4°. Genevce, 1769. -----. Dissertatio de dea salute, in qua illius syruhola, templa, statuae, nummi, inscriptiones ekhihentur, illustrantnr. 2 p. 1., 28 pp., 3 pi. 4C. Oxonii, L. Lichfield, 1716. Musgrave (H. B.) Homoeopathic pharmacy demonstrated. 7 pp. 8C. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: West. Lancet, Cincin., 1853, xiv. Mlisgrave (Samuel) [1732-82]. * Apologia pro medieina empirica. 2 p. 1., 41 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans, 1763. [Also, in: P., v. 1001.] -----. An essay on the nature and cure of the (so-called) worm-fever. 32 pp. 8°. London, T. Payne, 1776. [P., v. 723.] -----. Speculations and conjectures on the quali- ties of the nerves, iv, 146 pp. 8°. London, P. Elmsly, T. Payne [and others], 1776. —----. Gulstonian lectures read at the College of Physicians, [etc.] 3 p. 1., 124 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, T. Payne [and others], 1779. [Also, in: P., v. 610.] CONTENTS. 1. On the dyspneea. 2. On the pleurisy aud peripneumony. 3. On the pulmonary consumption. de UlilSg-rave-Clay (Charles-Re'ne'). *£tude sur la contagiosity de la phthisie pulmouaire. 116 pp. 4°. 'Paris, 1879, No. 464. MUSI-1AKD. 590 MUSIC. ftlusliard (Christianus Severs). * De purga- tione per alvum. 22 pp., 1 1. 4°. Helmstadii, typ. H. D. Hammii, [1721]. Mushard (Franciscus). * De morhis tihrarum in genere. 22 pp., 4 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wis- hoff, [1716]. Miisliet (William Boyd). A practical treatise on apoplexy (cerehral hemorrhage); its pathol- ogy, diagnosis, therapeutics, and prophylaxis; with an essay on (so-called) nervous apoplexy, on congestion of the hrain aud serous effusion. iv, 194 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1866. Mushkin (M. M.) K uchen. o proischoj. vroj- den. urodstve. Monstrum humanum kyphosco- liosi cum spina hif. consecutivisque ventroschysi seu abdom. hiatu compl. et genitalium extrem. inf. defectu depravatum. 16 pp., 1 pi. 8■-. St. Petersburg, 1886. Mushrooms. See Fungi; Fungi (Edible, etc.) Musiari (G.) Compendio di propedeutica chi- rurgica. Parte prima. Semejottica generale. 181 pp., 1 1. 8C. Parma, L. Battel, 1885. Music. See, also, Apoplexy (Observations, etc., of); In- sanity (Treatment of, Mental, etc.) Abhandlung von dem Eiuflusse der Musik in die Gesundheit der Menschen. 12°. Leipzig, 1770. Albrecht ( J. W. ) Tractatus physicus de efl'ectihus musices in corpus animatum. 16°. Lipsiee, 1734. Axchersex (A.) *De medicatione per musi- cam. sm. 4°. Hafnice, [1720]. Atlee (E. A.) *On the influence of music in the cure of diseases. University of Pennsylva- nia. 8°. Philadelphia, 1804. Bach (H. A.) * De musices effectu in homine sano et ajgro. 8C. Berolini, [1817]. Bacilmaxx (C. L.) * De effectibus musicse in hominem. 18°. Erlangce, [1792]. Becker (J. C.) * De musicse vi salutari. 8°. Berolini, 1821. vax dex Bosch (R. B.) *De musices effectu in morbis sanandis. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1837. Brown (I.) * De sonorum modulatorum vi in corpora humana. 8-. Edinburgi, 1751. Campbell (D.) * De musices effectu in dolori- bus lenieudis aut fugandis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1777. Chomet (H.) Effets et influence de la musique sur la sant6 et sur la maladie. 8°. Paris, 1874 [1873]. Colombat (E.) De la musique dans ses rap- ports avec la sanfe" publique. 8°. Paris, 1873. Delagrange (P.-A.) * Essai sur la musique, considere dans ses rapports avec la medecine. 4-. Paris, an XII [1804]. ■ Dexk (J. J.) * De musices vi medicatrice. 8°. Viudobonce, 1822. Desbout (L.) Ragionameuto fisico-chirurgico sopra 1' effetto della musica nelle malattie ner- vose. 12°. Livorno, 17&0. Desessartz (J.-C.) Reflexions sur la musique, consider6e comme moyen curatif. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Also, in his: Kee. de discours, m6m. [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1811, 53-73. Dlrand (A.) * Sur l'iufluence que peut exer- cer sur l'homme la musique, consideree dans ses rapports avec la m6decine, suivie de quelques propositions medieales. 4°. Paris, 1819. Ettmuller (M. E.) cfe J5cher (C. G.) Disp. eftect us musica* in hominem. 4°. Lipsiee, [1714]. Fraxck (F. A.) *De musices effectibus in hominem sanum et segrotum. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Fraxzils (J. G. F.) Prolusio de medicorum legibus metricis. sin. 4°. Lipsiee, [1782], ^Iiisic. Guillavme (J.-A.) *Sur la musique, ap- pliqu6e a I'hygiene et h la therapeutique. 4° Paris, 1817. Hansen (J. X.) * De musica) in corpus huma- num vi. 4°. Berolini, [1833]. Helmiioltz (H.) Die Lehre vou den Ton- empfindungen als pliysiologische Grundlage fur die Theorie der Musik. 8C. Braunschweig, 1>6,3. Henneberg (E.) * De vi soni et musicie in homiuem sanum et segrotum. 8°. Jence, 1846. von Ivaxchich (V.) * Musica medice cou- siderata. 8°. Pestini, 1834. Kopf (J. J.) # De influxu musica? in auimuni et corpus. 8°. Pragce, 1845. Klxzel (A.) * De musicie artis cum mediciua connubio. sm. 8°. Haiti; [1800]. Lakxnec (T.-A.) Discours pronouce" . . . h, la stance annuelle de la Soci6te aead6mique de la Loire-Infeiieure. [Etude sur la the"orie physio- logique de la musique.] 8°. Nantes, 1872. Lamarche (J.-B.) * Sur la musique, consid6- re"e dans ses rapports avec la medeciue. 4°. Paris, 1815. La Torre (F.) La musica e 1' igiene; studi ed impressioni. Definizione e origine della mu- sica; azione dei suoni; influenza sull'organisiuo; effetti fisiologici, terapeutici e pathologici. 2. ed. 12°. Bergamo, 1886. Lichtenthal (P.) Trattato dell' iuflueuza della musica sui corpo umano e del suo uso in certe malattie; con aleuni cenni come si ahhia ad intendere una buona musica. Tradotto dal tedesco e ricorretto dall' autore medesimo. 8J. Milano, 1811. Loewknstein (J. J.) * De musices in homi- nes et animalia efficacia. 8°. Berolini, 1835. Marteau (L. R.) * An ad'sanitatem musice? [1743.] In: Sigwakt (G-. IT) Quaest. med. Paris. 4°. Tu- bingce, 1789, i, 106-119. Mathews (S.) * On the effects of music in curing and palliating diseases. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1806. Mercurin (L. S.) * De musice seu de influxu musices in corpus humanum. 4°. Monspelii, 1782. Mitchel. De arte medendi apud priscos mu- sices ope atque carminum epistola ad Antouium Relhan. sm. 8°. Londini, 1766. de Moeller (G.) * De musices et sonorum vi salutari. 8D. Berolini, 1824. Mojon (B.) M6moire sur Futilite" de la mu- sique, tant dans l'6tat de sanfe" que daus celui de maladie. Trad, de la 2. 6d. italienne, avec notes par C.-D. Muggetti. 8°. Paris, 1803. Odier (L.) * De elementariis musicse seusa- tionihus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1770. Also, in -. Smellie. Thesaurus med. [etc.] 8°. Edin- burgi, 1785, iii, 181-209. Foul (J. F. B.) * De artis musica* in sanos et segrotantes effectu. 8°. Berolini, [1818]. Pohle (M. A.) * De euratione morborum per carmiua et cantus musicos. 4°. Yitembergas in Saxonibus, [1706]. Reflections on antient and modern music with the application to the cure of diseases; to which is subjoined an essay to solve the question wherein consisted the difference of antient niu- sick from that of modern times, e-. London, 1749. Rnz (J.) * Untersuchungen iiher die Zusam- mensetzung der Kliiuge der Strcichinstrumciite. Physikalisch-musiktheoretische Ahhandlungen. 8°. Miinchen, 1883. Robixot de la Laxde (A.) * Sur les eflets avantagcux de la musique dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1835. MUSIC. 591 MUSITANUS. Schmolznop (W. R.) * De musa* Polyhymnise in sauos et segrotautes effectu. 8°. Pragce, 1836. Schneider (P. J.) Die Musik und Poesie. Nach lhren Wirkungen historisch-kritisch dar- gestellt, oder: systematisch geordneter Versuch einer genauen Zusammenstellung und moglichst richtigcn Erklarung derselben. Eine auf Beleh- rung und TJnterhaltung ahzweckende Familien- Lektiire fiir die gebildete Welt. 2 v. 8°. Bonn, 1835. Smith ( W. L. ) A plea for vocal music in public schools. A paper read before the Michi- gan State Teachers' Association. 8°. Lansing, [n. d.] Soula (H.) * Essai sur l'iufluence de la mu- sique et son histoire en medecine. 4°. Paris, 1883. Steinbeck (F. A.) *De musices atque poe- seos vi salutari operis prodromus. 8°. Berolini, [1826]. Steixitzer (M.) Ueber die psychologischen Wirkungen der musikalischen Formeu. 8°. Miin- chen, 1885. van Swieten (P.) * Spec, inaug. sistens mu- sicse in medicinam iufluxum atque utilitatem. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1773. United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. Circular of information. Xo. 1, 1886. The study of music iu the public schools. 8J. Washington, 1886. von Vogel (S. G.) Erinnerungen an den so miichtigen als nierkwiirdigen Einfluss der Music auf Menschen und Thiere. 4°. Bostock, [1807], IScardwley (G. L.) The medical uses of music. N. Eng. M. Month.. Newtown, Conn., 1882-3. ii, 214-216.— Brierre-de-Boiwmoiit (A.-J.-F.) Dela musique dans les asiles d alieues et des concerts de la Senavra et de Qua- tie-Mares. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vii, 337-344.— Bi-oflcrio. Straordinario e fatale effetto della musica. Bull. el. sc. med. di Bologna, 1834, x, 66.—Briickmann. rebel' cine merkwiiidige Nervenkrankheit [welche durch Musik geheilt winde]. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1811, i, 8-10.—Cramer (S.) Memorandum concerning the in- fluence of music on the common mouse. Phila. M. cfe Phys. J., 1804-5, i, 37. — Dentfopoulos (D. G.) 'H fiOUO-iKT) iv Tr) Oepa.wtvTiK.ri. raArjvb?, 'ASijcot, 1880, A', 237- 240.—Dogiel (J.) Ueber den Einfluss der Musik auf den Blutkreislauf. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1880, 416- 428. 2 jil.—Duffy (F.) Nature and use of the musical faculty. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1879, iii, 1-9.— Krcliiiami. Ueber den Einfluss der Musik auf Kranke. Arch. f. meel. Erfahr., Berl., 1809, n. IT, x, 121-134.— Foiirnier-I*escay. Musique. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxv, 42-80. — Crirgensohn (L.) Verliiiltniss der Musik zur Medicin besonders zur psychischen. Beitr. z. Heilk., Eiga, 1849-51, i, 187-236. — Ilelmholtz (H. L. F.) On the physiological causes of harmony in music ; a lecture delivered in Bonn during the winter of 1857. In his.- Pop. Lett. Se. Sub., 8°, Lond., 1873. 61-106.—Hcricourt. Essai sur les sensations musicales. Rev. scient., Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 168-175. Also, transl.: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1882-3, xxii, 225-231.—vou Holberg. Cur seines Fiebers dnrch Musik. Aus des Freiherrh von Holberg eigener Lebensbeschreibung. Arzt, Hamb., 1768, vi, 250- 255. Also, in: New ed., 1769, iii, 535-538 —Jemiings (0.) Music as a therapeutic agent. Lancet, Loud., 1880, ii, 794.—Kraus (A.) Di aleuni strumenti musicali della Micronesia e della Melanesia regalati al Museo nazionale d' antropologia e di etnologia dal, Dott. Otto Finsch. Arch. per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1887, xvii, 36-41, 2 pL—Laurrul (A.) Quelques observations relatives a l'influence qu'ex- erce la musique sur les alienee. Ann. med.-psych,, Par., 1860, 3. s., vi, 331-336.—Levinstein. Etwas iiber Musik als Heilmittel. Med. Aim., Berl., 1838, 72-79.—Lucas (J.) An account of the singular effects of music on a patient. Lond. M. J., 1790, xi, 125-130. —Liizinslty (A. M.) Die Musik in der Medizin. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg.. 1882, xxvii, 271; 283.—ITI a so (A.) Estudio medicode la musica. Kev. decien. med., Barcel., 1876, ii, 391-394. — iTIiraglia (L.) La musica come mezzo igienico e terapeutico, specialineute in alcune malattie nervose e mentali. Pisani, Palermo, 1885, vi,87; 165: 1886, vii, 3-50.—ITIusic as mind medicine. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1877-8, iv, 920-923. — Prion. Coup de sang produit par l'effet de la musique. J. de la sect, denied. Soe. acad. Loire-lnf., Nantes, 1833, ix, 72-74.— KamboNMOM. Specification des d; verses influences ele la musique dans ses applications a I'hygiene et it la medecine. Music. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1876, 2. s., v, 1041.—von Rei- chert (C.) Versuch einer Richard Wagner-Studie; mit einer culturhistorischen Einleitung von H. Rohlfs. Deut- sches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. ined. Geog., Leipz., 1884, vii, 16-43.— Tanzi (D.) Sopra alcune leggi biologiche dell' estetica musicale. Psichiatria, Napoli, 1886, iv, 199- 201.—Vasilefl (S.) O vlijanii pieuija na zdorove tchelo- vieka. [ Influence of vocal music on the health. ] Vo- yenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1879, exxxv, 192; 310; 355. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 53. — Verrier dc Villers (E.) La comedie et la musique dans leurs rapports avec la sante. J. d'hyg., Par., 1878, iii, 325; 337. Also, Reprint,—Vidal j C'areta (F.) La nnlsica eu sus relaciones con la medieina; estudio especulativo, flsiologico, higienico y terapeutico. [ ITsis.] Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1882, ii, 20; 38; 65; 110.—Vigaa (C.) Sull' importauza tisiologica e terapeutica della mu- sica, Psichiatria, Napoli, 1886, iv, 185-198.— Walther (J. A.) Bemerkungen iiber den Einfluss der Musik auf psychische Zustiincle, mit einigen besondern, ihre Anwen- dung heischenden Bestiminungen. Allg. med Ann., Al- tenb., 1814, 289-301.— Whittaker (J. T.) Music as a medicine. Clinic, Cincin., 1874, vi, 289-294. Musicians. Happ (C. F.) Ue iustrumentorum rnusicorum quae flatu adniinistrantur incommodis. 4°. Lip- sia;, [1778]. Bobillier. De l'influeuce des instrumens a vent, en cuivre, sur la sauteS des soldats qui en font usage, notam- ment de la trompette, du cornet et du clarion, avec quel- ques mollifications & apporter dans la construction de co dernier. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1825, xvi, 57-67.—Burq. De l'influence du chant et du jeu des in- struments k vent, chez les chanteurs et les mnsiciens de [profession ; de l'avenir des societes chorales et des orphe- ons au point de vue de la phtisie pulmouaire. Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. 1878, Par.. 1880, ii, 408-419.—Foamier- Pcscay. Mnsiciens (Maladies des). Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxv, 41.—Kellogg (IT II.) Laryngeal cramp of musicians and speakers. Med. lice., N. Y., 1887. xxxii, 106-108.—Krisliaber (M.) Mnsiciens (Hygiene des). Diet, encycl. d. sc. lucid., Par., 1870, 2. s., xi, 129-132. ITIusil (Mathias). * De facie humaua. 32 pp. 12°. Vienna; L. Grund, [1835], UlusitailllS (Carolus) [1635-1714]. Chirurgia theoretico-practica, seu trntina chirurgico-phy- sica. 4v.ini. 4°. Colonice Allobrogum, Cramer et Perachon, 1698. CONTENTS. v. 1. De tumoribus. xxiv, 2 1., 327 pp. 2. De ulceribus. 1 p. L, 241 pp. 3. De vulneribus. 3 p. L, 425 pp. 4. De lue venerea, 3 p. 1., 197, 30 pp. -----. Ad thesaurum, et armamentarium medico- chymicuiu Hadriaui a Mynsicht mantissa, quae locupletiori penn non adhuc cognita, vulgataque inedicamenta congerit, sive conquisita, sive pro- pria industria excogitata et experieutia prohata, eorumdem usu, atque operandi rationahili ener- gia. 162 pp. 16°. Venetiis, J. G. Hertz, 1707. Bound with: von Mynsicht (H.) Thesaurus et arma- mentarium, [etc.] 16°. Venetiis, 1707. -----. De rnorhis mulierum tractatus, cui quues- tiones duae, altera de semine cum masculo, turn fcemiueo, altera de sanguine menstruo . . . sunt praefixa* ... 3 p. 1., 240 pp. 4°. Colonice Allo- brogum, Choiiet [et al.], 1709. -----. The same. 2 p. 1., 240 pp., port. 4°. Colonice Allobrogum. sumpt. Choiiet [et al.], 1709. With this is bound: L.-ysch (F.) Kurtze Hoch griind- liche Erorterung. 4°. Leipzig, 1728. -----. The same. Weiher Kranckheiten, worin- nen die Erzeugung der Menschen auf das ge- naueste untersuchet, auch noch zwey curiose Fragen beygefiiget werden, deren die eine von dem Saamen der Manner und Weiber, die andere aber von der monatlicheu Zeit handelt, alles nach denen Principiis der neuesten Doctorum MedicinsB abgefasset. Aus dem Lateinischen ubersetzet. 2 p. 1., 746 pp., 71., port 12°. Leip- zig, J. F. B rami's Erben, 1732. -----. The same. Neue uud vermehrte Aufl. 2 p. 1., 746 pp., 71. 12°. Leipzig, C. L. Jaeobi, 1743. -----. Opera omnia, seu trntina medica, chirur- gica, pharmaceutico-chymica, etc.; omnia juxta MUS1TANUS. 592 MUSQUHTIKH, 1111 sif an us (Carolus)—continued. rcccntioruui philosophorum principia, et medi- corum experimenta, excogitata et adornata, Ac- cesserunt huic nova* editioni tractatus tres, uun- quani editi, nempe de morbis infantum, de luxa- tiouibus et de fracturis. 2 v. 8 p. 1., 636 pp., 10 1. ; 7 p. 1., 506 pp., 9 1. fol. Genevce, sumpt. Cra- mer et Perachon, 1716. -----. The same. Editio omuium operum se- cunda, cui prajter tractatus de morbis infantum, de luxatiouibus, et de fracturis, accesserunt nota- et observationes D. De Yaux in tractatum de lue venerea, et prtefatio de eadem materia, quam" Hermanuus Boerhaave aphrodisiacis prseposuit. 2 v. in 1. 10 p. 1., 7)8 pp., 1 1., 636 pp., 10 1.; 7 n. 1., 506 pp., 9 1.: 41pp. fol. Lugduni, sumpt. Perachon et Cramer, 1733. ■-----. The same. Editio prima Veneta, ab ante- cedents editionis mendis accuratissime expur- gata. 2 v. lxxii, 551 pp.; xvi, 452 pp. fol. Ve- netiis, J. Bortoli, 1738. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. -----. See, also : Celeblkkimorum virorum apologise pro R. D. Carolo Musitano adversus Petrum Antonium de Martino, medicum Geofonensem, qui trutinam medicam auno 1688 Venetiis typis editam, qua Harveana sanguinis circulatio, alia*qne recentio- ruin medicorum sententiie statumiuautur, temere et inepte impugnare ausus est. fol. [n.p., n. cl.] HIii»k. Biekkowski (L. J. ) * Diss, iuaug. sistens moschi historiam, naturalem et medicam. 8°. Lipsiee, []^30]. Gros(1>. F.) * De moscho. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [1790]. Helsixger (C. F.) Meletemata quaedam de antiquitatibus castorei et moschi. fol. Marburgi Cattorum, [1652]. Kapp (G. L. C.) Ueber einige Wirkungen des Moschus in den Krankheiten des Menschen. 8°. Niirnberg, [1811]. Koch (G. A.) * De moscho. 8°. Pestini, 1829. Ki'iix (C. G.) [Pr. ] moschi antiquitates. 4°. [Lipsiee, 1833.] Militzer (J. G.) *De nonnullis moschi, mu- riatis oxyduli hydrargyri mitis et muriatis oxy- duli ferri in organismo sano effectibus. 8°. Er- langce, [n. d.] Reixick (G. G.) *Diss. iuaug. sistens momenta qusedam de moscho naturali et artefacto. 4°. Jence, [1784]. Schroeckius (L.) De moscho. 4°. Jence, ■ [1667]. -----. Historia moschi. sm. 4°. Augustce Vindelieorum, 16,82. Tralles (B. L.) De limitandis laudibus et abusu moschi in inedela morborum, dissertatio. 8°. Vratislavice, 1783. Werner (J. B.) *De moscho. sm. 4G. Got- tinga;, [1784]. It. Substitute for the oil of amber in the formation of artificial musk. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1835, xii, 63.—Berg- rath . Ueber Castoreum und Moschus, nebst Bemerkun- gen iiber Kritik der Arzneimittel. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1850, iv, 623: 667.— Bernatzik (W.) Ueber Verfalschungen und Priifungsweise des Moschus auf Reinheit und Giite. Ztschr.d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1860, xvi, 369-374.—Bertiieraud (E.) Le musk de gazelle, au point de vue des applications ttaerapeutiques. Bull. Soc. d. sc. . . . d'Alger, 1877, xiii bis, 81-84.—Be- bonrge (J.-B.) De l'emploi du muse contre le delire qui vieut compliquer les pleuresies et les pneumonies aigues ou typboi'eles. Ann. Soc d. sc. ni6d. etnat. deBrux., 1842, 53-50. — Deseliaiiips. Note sur la preparation de la temture de muse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1861, lxi, 219-221. -----. Note sur quelques preparations de muse et de castoreum. Ibid., 1866, lxx, 357-359.—DeulMt-h. Etwas iiber die Wirkung des Moschus. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 127-129.—Ooppert (H. R.) Ueber die Einwir- , kuug des Moschus auf die Vegetation. Ztschr. f. Phvsiol., Darmst., 1829, iii, 269-273. — llaiinou (J.) Du'muse ' Jliisk. vegetal comme surcedane du muse animal. Presse med hedge. Brux., 1852-3, v, 285; 325— II ilt«clier (J. A.) Zur Wiirdigung iles Moschus. Meel. Jahrb. k. k. osterr Staates. Wien, 1847, lxii, 19, 147. 283. — IIimiiiHi< i< li (L.) Leber die Wirkungen des Moschus. Org. f. el. ,'es Heilk., Aachen, 1853, ii, 193-107. -----. Leber den Mo- schus. Ibid., 1856, v, 234-236. — Klein. Yorzugliclio Wirkung cles Moschus gegen Schliukkranipf. Allg. nied Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1851, xx, 440— l.ailler (A.) Note sur l'emploi et la preparation des potions an muse. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc.. Par., 1866, lxx. 215-218.— I.otvenMteiu (M. G.) 1st Moschus ein Speeilicuni '. Med. Ztg. Kuss- lands. St. Petersb., 1847, iv, 289.—.Martin (S.) Un suc- eedane du muse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. lstiK, lxxiv. 319.—.VloKi-liUM-iVliHcliangen. Wchnschr. f. el. ges. Heilk., Bol., 1843, 603-695.—><-lig.-iii (J. M.) Anew method for detecting spurious musk-pods. Dublin ('. J". M. Se., 1846, i, 77.—O'Brien (J. K.) [Medical uses of musk.] Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvii. 205-207. —I»ai-*nn* (J.) A remarkable instance of the happy etl'ect of musk in a very dangerous ease. Phil. Tr.. Lond.. ]713-.",i>. xi, 1054-1056.— de la Peyronnie. Description anatomicpie d'un animal counu sous le nom de muse. [From.- ilem. Acad. rov. (1. se.de Par., 1731.1 Collect, acad. de ineiii., etc. Partie franc., Par. et Li6ge, 1784, vii, 241-255—Reid (A.) A letter concerning the effects of the* Tonquinese medicine. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1743-50, xi, 1051-1054. — Nimdelin. Ueber die Wirkungen und Heilan/.eigen des Moschus unil der Digitalis. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1824, i, 415- 440. _ TeplouchoflT h6- lides. II. [etc.] 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 79, v. 347. Musnier (Olivier). * Sur les hydropisies en- kyste"es des ovaires. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, f No. 41, v. 155. Mlispratt (James Sheridan). Untersuchung der schwenigsauren Salze. 36 pp. 8°. [Heidel- ■ berg, 1844.] c Itepr. from.- Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm.. Heidelb., 1844,1. > -----. On the chemistry of vegetation. 16 pp. : 8r Glasgow, D. Bobertson, [1846]. -----. Chemistry, theoretical, practical, aud ana- i lytical, as applied and relating to the arts and i manufactures. 2 v. 836 pp., 13 port.; 1186 pp., 18 port. 4^. Glasgow, Edinburgh, London Sf 1 Xew York, W. Mackenzie, I860. ' JUusquetier (H. A.) Wet vau den 27. April 1884 (Stbl. No. 96) waarbij met intrekking vau de wet • I vau 29. Mei 1841 (Sti)l. No. 20), naderc bepalin- I gen worden vastgesteld, betreffende het staats- \ ' toezicht op krankzinnigen en krankzinnigen- MUSQUETIER. 593 MUSSEY. Uliisquotier (II. A.)—continued. ■icstichtcn . . . En aanhaugsel. xx, 191 pp. lY. 's Gravcuhage, gebroeders P>elinfante, 1884. Mil** (Maximilianus Fridericus Alexander) [1828- ] *De adininiculis diagnosticis eorumque (lioTiitate. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini. F. G. Nie- tack, [i\<>6]. Mussupliia (Imauucl). * De hydrope univer- sali. 31 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. et H. Ver- beek, 1730. [P., v. 78.] Ulnssat (Albert). * De la tracheotomie pr6- ventive dans les fractures du larynx. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 36. dc Ulussay (Joannes Baptista Faustus Alliot). *An spiritus sint ab aere diversi? 4 pp. 4G. [Parisiis, J. Quillau, 1715.] See, also, Thuillier (Matthreus). Au csena, prandio uberior, sit salubrior ? 4°. Parisiis, [1716]. van MllSSCheiinroels (Petrus) [1692-1763]. * De aeris priesentia in humoribus animalibus. I p. 1., 42 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, [1715]. [Also, in: P., v. 983.] Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1749, iv, 561-618. ■------. * De mente huruana semet ignorantc. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1740. ------. Introductio ail philosophiam naturalem. 2 v. [paged consecutively]. 10 p. 1., 1132 pp., 8 1., 54 pi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans, 1762. For Biography, see Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1866. ii, 275-277. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc.. 137. IVIu»*clil (K.) [1799-1852], Ostrowski (E.) O zyciu i pracach K. Musschl. [Life and labors of K. Musschl.] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1852, xxviii, 3-25. Musselburgh. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by loealitits. Stevenson (W.) On the sanitary condition and gen- eral economy of the town of Musselburgh and parish of Iuveresk, in the county of Mid-Lothian. San Inquiry: Scotland, Lond., 1842, 130-152. Also, Reprint. ]?Iii**els. dc Bcunie (J.-B.) Sur une maladie produite par les moules venimenses. Mem. Acad. imp. et roy. d. sc. de Brux., 1777, i, 220.—Brooks ("W. K.) Embryology of the fresh-water mussels. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, 1875, Sa- lem, 1876, xxiv, pt. 2, 238-240. —Drost (K.) Ueber das Kervensystem und die Siunesepithelien der Herzruuschel (Cardium edule L.), nebst einigen Mittheilungen iiber den histologischen Ban ihres Mantels und ihrer Siphonen. [Kiel J Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1886, xii, 163-196. Also, Keprint.—.Tlobin-. (K.) Mittheilungen uber die giftigen Williflmshavener und die nicht giftigen Kieler Mies- museheln. Schrift. cl. naturw. Ver. f. Schlesw.-Hoist., Kiel, 1886, vi, 2. Hft,, S-12 —ITIoehring (P. H. G.) My- tulorum quorundam venenum et ab eo natas papulas cuti- culares epistola. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii [app.], 113-140. Muxiioels (Poisonous). See Fish (Poisonous). Ulusser (Benjamin). Stchmau (H. B.) Obituary. Practitioner, Lancaster, 1881!. i, 75-77. " ... Miisser (J.) Co-Editor of: Allgemeine Zeitung fiir Homoopathie, Augsburg, 1848-9. Mussel" (John H.) A modification of the sphyg- mograph, being a change in the base of the in- strument of Pond. 4 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1884. Itepr. from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1884, 1. ------. On idiopathic anaemia. A report ot three cases, with remarks; aud au analysis of the cases hitherto published in America. 31 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. ------. Some statistics of hepatic diseases. ,An analysis of cases presented to the Pathological Society of Philadelphia from 1837 to 18-81, inclu- 38 Itliisser (John II.)—continued. sive; with a detailed study of the fatly, the cancerous, and the cirrhotic liver. 14 pp. 8:. in. p., 1885.] Repr. from: Med. Times, Phila., 1884-5. xv. ------. Notes of thirteen cases of tubercular meningitis. 8 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1886.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 188(5, xlviii. ------. Abscess of the pancreas and thrombosis of the portal vein. 6pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1886.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1886, n. s., xci. ------. Notes of a case (1) of Raynaud's disease, and (2) of gaugrene complicating diabetes mel- litus. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1886. Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila , ls8ti, 3. s., viii. ------. On the influence of age on the dosage of of nux vomica, with some remarks on its thera- peutics. 7 pp. a-. Detroit, Mich., G. S. Davis, 1886. Repr. from : Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, x. ------. Two cases of malignant or ulcerative en- docarditis. A clinical lecture. 16 pp. 12°. Boston, 1886. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxv. -----&c Keen (W. W.) Cholecystotomy; with a report of two cases, a table of all the hitherto reported cases, aud remarks. 59 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1884.] Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884, 3. s., vii. ------& Piersol (George A.) Notes of a case of infectious, so-called ulcerative, endocarditis and of a case of acute pericarditis. 15 pp. [8 photo- graphic plates]. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dor- nan, 1885. Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1888, 3. s., viii. --------------. Studies in pathology. 2 photo- graphs. 4C. [Philadeljihia, 1885.] Subjects: Gallstones; gall-stone section. Repr. from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1886, 3. s., viii. lllusset (Ch.) Nouvelles recherches expdrimen- tales sur riicterogcnie, ou ge'ne'ration spontane*e. 44 pp., lpl. 4U. Toulouse. Bonnal f Gibrac, 1862. See, also, .loly (N.) & Ulussct (Ch.) Refutation de l'une des experiences eapitales de M. Pasteur [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1862. Itllisset (Guillaume-Henri). * Etudes physiolo- giques et the'rapeutiques sur les eaux tliermales de Plombieres. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 90, v. 530. r?Iusset(H.-J.-M.-Hyacinthe). * Sur la nostalgic 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 292, v. 237. ------ Trait6 des maladies nerveuses ou ne"vroses, et en particulier de la paralysie et de ses vari6te*s, de I'h6niiph3gie, de la paraplegie, de la chore's ou danse de Saint-Guy, de l'epilepsie, de l'hystdrie, des ndvralgies internes et externes, de la gastral- gie, etc. 416 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Appert, 1840. Ullisset (Pitre). *Des kystes de l'ovaire, de leur traitement. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 2. MCussey (Reuben Dimond) [1780-1866]. Experi- ments and observations on cutaneous absorption. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. f G. Palmer, 1809. [Also, in: P., v. .823.] Repr. from: Phila, M. cfe Phys. J., 1809, 3. suppl. ------. An address read to the medical class at Dartmouth College, December 1, 1818. 24 pp. 8-. Hanover, A. H, C. Spear, 1818. -----. An address on ardent spirit, read before the New Hampshire Medical Society at their an- nual meeting, June 5, 1827. 24 pp. -°. Hano- rei; T. Mann, 1828. -----. The same. 16 pp. 12°. Boston, Perkins. f Marrin, 1829. ------. Essay on ardent spirits and its substitutes as a means of invigorating health. 65 pp. 12^. Washington, D. Green, 1835. Also, in: Temperance prize essays. 12°. Washington, 1835, 10-65. MUSSEY. 594 MUTKL. Iflussey (Reuben Dimond)—continued. -----. The same. 65 pp. 12c. Washington, D. Green, 1837. -----. An essay on the influence of tobacco upon life and health. 48 pp. 12°. Boston, Perkins cf Marvin, 1836. -----. The same. A new ed., enlarged by the author. 64 pp. 18°. New York, American Tract Society, [1836]. -----. The same. 3. ed. 48 pp. 12°. Cincin- nati, G. L. Weed, 1839. -----. Animalcula iu the atmosphere of cholera patients. 4 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati'], 1849. Repr. from: West. Lancet, Cincin., 1849, x. -----. Au introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the thirty-second session of the Medi- cal College of Ohio, October 15, 1851. 23 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Marshall f Langtry, 1852. -----. The trials and rewards of the medical pro- fession ; an introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the first session of the Miami Medical College, at Cincinnati, October 3, 1852. 24 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, T. Wrightson, 1853. [ Also, in: P., v. 228.] -----. Surgical cases. Aneurismal tumours upon the ear, successfully treated by the ligation of both carotids. Recto-vaginal fistula cured by operation. 6 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1853. ] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi. -----. Alcohol in health and disease. A lecture introductory to the fourth annual course of the Miami Medical College, at Cincinnati, October 15, 1855. 19 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, T. Wrightson fy Co., 1856. -----. Fracture of the neck of the thigh bone. 19 pp. 8-. [n.p., 1857.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. s., xxxiii. -----. What shall I drink? 35 pp. 16°. Boston, American Tract Society, [1863, vel subseq.]. -----. Health; its friends and its foes, xii, 13- 380 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Boston, Gould if Lincoln, 1866. -----. Anatomical cabinet belonging to . . . Printed for the use of pupils. 20 pp. 8°. [Cin- cinnati, n. d.] See, also, Potter (J. F.) Letter to Prof. Mussey [etc.] 8°. Cincinnati, 1850. For Biography, see Cincin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1866, n. s., ix. 514-517. Also: Cincin. M. Obs., 1866, i, 31)8-316. Also: Mecl. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1867, xi, 37-39. Also: Med. Rec, X. T., 1866, i, 269. Also: N. Hampshire J. M., 1855, v, 31-39. Also: N. Jersey M. Reporter, Bur- lington, 1851, vii, 510-519, port. Also: Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, 1869, 61-81 Also. Reprint (A. B. Crosby). Also: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, 1867, 80-82 (W. P. Kincaid). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Mussey (William Heberden) [1818-82]. Anaes- thesia. Non-fatal accidents from anaesthetic agents, with observations. 8 pp. 8°. Cincin- nati, 1853. Repr. from: "West. Lancet, Cincin., 1853, xiv. -----. Vesico-vaginal fistula complicated with vesical calculus, cured by operation. 3 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1854. Repr. front: West. Lancet, Cincin., 1854, xv. -----. Surgical cases. Cases of polypi of the larynx cured by operation. 4 pp. 8°. [Cincin- nati, 1856.] Repr. from: Cincin. M. Obs., 1856, i. -----. A case of fracture of the os inominatum ; and death in connection with the administration of sulphuric ether. 8 pp. 8-. Cincinnati, [1861]. Repr. from.- Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1861, iv. -----. Successful double ovariotomy. 7 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1867, velsubseq.] ------. Report on surgery. A paper read before the Ohio State Medical Society, at the annual meeting, held at Delaware, June, 1868. 16 pp. 8 . Cincinnati, A. Abraham, 1868. [Also,in: P., v. 217.1 UlllSSey (William Heberden)—continued. -----. Death from inhalation of chloroform. 3 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, 1873. ] Repr. from: Cincin. Lancet \- Obs.. 1873. xvi. Also, Co-Editor of: C'inciuiinti (1 he) Lancet and Ob- server, 1867-73. For Biography, see Hartwcll (Edward Mussey). A memorial sketch of W. IL Mussey. 8D. (Baltimore, 1883.j Repr. from: Ann. Soc Army of Cumberland, 1882. See, also, Rep. Cincin. Hosp. (1883). 1884, xxiii, 11, port. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) IfliisMiiaini (Joannes Georgius). * Deidealismo sive philosophia ideali. viii, 48 pp., 1 1. 4^. Bevolini, typ. Beimerianis, [1826]. Iflusso ( Giovanni) &. Bignaiiiini ( Angelo ). Le acque potahili della eitta di Lodi, con uozioni intorno alia scelta delle acque potahili ed alia interpretazione dei risultati annalitici. 46 pp. 8°.' Lodi, C. Dell' Avo, 1881. UIiiSSO (Victor). * Sur lYtiologie, le diagnostic et les caractercs anatomiques des anevrvsines dn cceur. 26 pp. 4-'. Paris, 1827, No. 164, v. 209. Mussou (Achille). * Du torticolis. 50 pp. 4J. Paris, 1867, No. 69. ftlussot (Pierre-Alphouse). * Propositions de nie'- decine. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 301, v. 265. de If I ussy (Henry-Gu6ueau). See lYInrchison (Charles). La fievre typhoide. 8°. Paris, 1878. Mustard. See Sinapis; Sinapisms. Mustela. Bischoff [T. L. W.] Ueber die Ei- uud Pla- centa-Bildung des Steiu- nnd Edel-Marders, Mus- tela foina uud martes, und des Wiesels, Mustcla vulgaris. 8°. [Miinchen, 1865.] Cutting from-: Sitzungsb. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. zu Miinchen, 1865, i, 339-348. Par Iter (T.J.) On the blood-vessels of Mustelus an tare- ticus; a contribution to the morphology of the vascular svstem in the vertebrata. [Abstr. J Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud., 1886, xl, 472-474. Iflustiliger (Job. Casparus). * De articulationi- bus artnum. 2 p. 1., 54 pp. sm. 4. Argentorati, Hi. D. Maaqii, 1712. .Huston (liltienne). * Du goitre. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 156, v. 435. jflustoph (Antonius Fridericus). * De usu aqua- rum medico. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingee, H. M. Grape; [1793]. Ifllisili'us (Marcus). See Podagra (De) libellus incerti autoris. fol. [Fran- cofurti], 1567. jflusy (Jules-Joseph). * L'acide salicylique et le salicylate de soude. 52 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 113. iVIutaiiiha. Jaguaribe filho. A mutamba. Progresso med., Kio de Jan., 1876-7, i, 660-667. — Jaguaribe filho ( D.) A mutamba; noticia sobre uma planta Brazileira. Kev. med., Rio de Jan., 1874-6, ii, 10-12. Ifliitclinik (I.) * K voprosu o patologo-anato- micheskich izmenenijach pri uremii. 81 pp., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, tipo-litog. A. E. Landau, 1884. Muteail (Ch.) Du secret professiounel, de son 6tendue et de la responsabilite" qu'il entraine d'apres la loi et la jurisprudence. Traite" thco- rique et pratique a 1'usage des avocats. avoucs, notaires, ministres du culte, mexlecins, chirnr- giens, sages-femmes et de toutes autres personnes depositaires, par 6tat ou profession des secrets qu'ou leur con He. xvi, 565 pp. 8°. Paris, Maresq ahte:. 1870. Ullitel (Philippe). Des poisons considered sous le rapport de la nie'decine pratique et dc la nie'- decine legale, xiv, 560 pp. 8;. Paris, Ferra, 18.10. -----. The same. Dei veleni considerati sotto il rapporto della medieina pratica e della medieina MUTEL. 595 MUTIQUITE. Ifflltel (Philipi»e)—continued. legale. 3 p. 1., 557 pp. 8C. Milano, P. A. Mo- lina, 1831. Imperfect. ______. La guillotine, ou reflexions physiologiques sur ce genre de supplice. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, l'aulin, 1834. ------. Elementos de higiene militar. Obra es- crita en franc es por M. . . . y traducida al cas- tellano por Antonio Navarro Zamorano. 2 v. in 1. 6 p. 1., 230, 240 pp. 8°. Madrid, L. Gon- zalez l.— .lauenay (E. G.) Reinaiks on "pain in the side'. Hosp. Gaz.. X. T., 1870, vi, 4S.3-487.—Mattison (J. 15.) Myalgia ancl its treatment. Meel. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1S72, xxvii. 309- 311. — Pannentier. Douleurs muscuhuie.s violentcs, resultant du surmenage; insufflsance et inconvenients des injections de morphine; cxcellents effets de la faradi- sation. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1879, xlvi, 177- 179. —Piorry. Observation de douleur musculaire tres- ancienne, guc'-ric rapielement par le massage. Gaz. d. hop., Par., I860,' xxxiii, 193.—Pizznmiglio (A.) Reuraatal- gia muscolare, seguita da idrope eld peiiioueo e del peri- c-arelie). Gazz. med. ital. loml).. Mil;....., 1861, 4. s., vi, "97 — Rosenthal (M.) Ueber rliemnatische Myalgie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1864, x, 931; 954; !)07._Sietlcrinaiin. Deux cas de cinesialgie consecu- tive au diastasis musculaire, gucris par les courants con- tinus. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1875, xxxiv, 6.—Snulli iA. H.) Static eleetiicilv in myalgia. Arch. Med., N. ^ ., 1884, xi 163-167.—Wilson (J.'C.) Two cases of myalgia fol- lowing contusions. I'hila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 199-281. _____. Mvalgia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, 95-99.' Also: Phila M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 119- Mvab'ia. Svst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., XXXVI, 123. 1886, iv, 529-539. lllyatowitsch (Georg). * Ueber das osteoma- lacische Becken. Ein klinischer Beitrag. iv, 80 pp., 1 1. 8^. Ziirich, Orell it. Comp., 1875. mycetoma. * See Foot (Fungus disease of). MYCOLOGY. 598 MYDRIASIS. mycology. See Fungi. I?Iyco*i*. * .See Actinomycosis; Frambcesia; Fungi (Parasitic); Genitals (Female, Parasites in); Heart (Inflammation of, Infectious, etc.); Kidney (Parasites in); Molluscuni; Parasites, etc.; Scherlievo: Sibbens; Stomach (Fungi in). mycosis endocardii. See Heart (Inflammation of, Infectious, etc.) mycosis (Fungoid). Sec Skin (Lymphadenoma of). mycosis (Intestinal). See Intestines (Fungi in). Mydoi'ge (Claude) [ 1585-1647 ]. Exameu du livre des recreations matheniatiques et de ses problemes en g6oni6trie, m6chanique, optique, et catoptrique, oil sont aussi discutees et resta- blics plusieurs experiences physiques y proposes. 7 p. 1., 280 pp., 51. 12°. Paris, B. Boutonne, 1638. mydriasis and mydriatics. » Sec, also, Atropine (Physiological, etc., effects of); D.uboisia; Eye (Accommodation, etc., of, Disordered); Glaucoma (Causes of); Homatro- pine; Hyoscine; Iritis (Treatment of); My- driasis, etc.; Scopoleine; Spine (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of). Bottiger (S.) * De visionis lsesionibus, in specie in mydriasi et myosi. sin, 4°. Vitembercja; [1796]. Brockmaxx (C. H.) * De mydriaticis. 4°. • Gottingee, [1829]. Doxdkks (F. C.) De werking der mydriatica en der myofica. 8-". [n. p., n. d.] Fitz-Gerald (D.-S.) *lieehc*rches expe"ri- mentales sur le mode d'action physiologique des principales substances nie~dicamenteuses qui agissent. 4°. Paris, 18-4). .1 Iso, in: Tribune med.. Par., 1880, xii, 555; 579; 604: 1881. xiii, 27; 136. Also, in: Rev. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 85; 118; 133; 232. Hoxold (C ) * Feber die Erweiterung der Pupille durch Narcotica. 8C. [Tubingen], 1837. Kixiiardt (O. ) "Ueber Mydriasis. 8-. Erlangen, 1832. L'Fti.xdart (A.) *De la mydriase. 4:. Paris, 1868. Mauciiart (B. D.) *Mydriasin pupillse p. n. dilatationem enucleabit. Resp. Phil. Jac. Neuf- fer. 4 . Tubingce, 1745. Also, in: Halleh. Disp. chir. [etc.] 4°. Lausannce, 1755, i, 453-473. Also, in: Hiss. med. select. 12°. Tu- bingce, 1783, ii, 18-72. Pkkcepied (E.) *De la mydriase. 4°. Pa- ris. 1876. Petrixus (E. F.) * Nonnulla de mydriaticis ate|iie mydriasi. 8°. Lipsiee, 1^57. Keinhard (W.) * Yorderkamnierdruck nnd Substanzverluste der Coruea unter Atropin und Eserin. 8°. Basel, 1882. Ajjiictv (C; R.) Two cases of mydriasis with paraly- sis oi accommodation treated by ele-etricity. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 53.— Arlt. Mvdriasis spastica oculi si- nistii. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1861, vi, 143.—Bell (J.) On the physiology and pathology of certain forms of di- lated pupil. Edinb. M. J., 1804-5. x, 917-923.—Beugel. Ein Fall von Mydriasis Med. Cor.-Bl. el. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1851, xxi, 117-120. — licianl (A.; Quehuics remarques sur la mydriase, suivies dune observation ele mydriase bornee* a I'eeil droit. Ami. d'ocul., Brux., 1845, xi'v. 149-155.—Bernstein (J.) \- Do^icl (J.) Ueber Versuche iiber die Wirkung einige-i- Gifte auf die Iris. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb. (1865-6). 1808, iv, 28-31.—Bom 111:111. Cases of mydriasis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 91—Bran 11 (H.) Zur Lehre von den Mydriaticis. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1859, v, 2. Abth., 112-126. — Brit-re. M.\driase datant de 14 mois, guerie completement apres 10 jours ele trail, mmt. Aun. d'ocul., Brux., 1875. lxxiv. 84-90.— Brim* II D.) Poi- soning by atropia and duboisia sulphates instilled int<> the eye. X. Orl. M. & S. J.. 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 0U4-UU8.—lan- ^lydriasis and mydriatics. Mtnlt (K.) Beitriige zur Pathologic der Mydriasis und anderer Neurosen iles Nervus trigeminus unci des Xervus ociileiinotorius. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz., 1839, ii, 97-114.—«le t':i*lro (A.'l!.i Mydriase- emprego da lava do Calabar. Fscholiasto meet, Lisb.' 1866, xvii, 295 —C'lievallcreaii (A.) Myelriatiques ct myotiques. France meel., Par., 1877, xxiv. 817. — C'oe. Case of sypliililic affection of the third nerve, producing mydriasis with ptosis, followed by facial paralysis ancl hemiplegia of the same side. Lancet, Loud., 1870^ i, 581.— t'oii*nltalion no. 60 pour une mvclriase unilaterale. J d'ocul. et ele chir.. Par., 1880, vii'i, 197-199.— Ucliciuie (A.) Sur l'emploi de l'eseriue en ophthalmologic. M, ,1,.. ein, Par., 1879, v, no. 15— Delgauo. Miitriasis iiliopatica tratada por el haba del Calabar; curacion. Espana meel. Madrid, 1864, ix, 4.—DickiiiMon (WT) Mydriasis. St! Louis M. cfe S. J., 1878, xxxiv, 452-454. -----'-. Mydriasis. Illinois M. Recorder. Vandalia, 1878-9, i, 189-192. ______'. Mydriatics anil myotics, and some of the indications for their use. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. St. Louis, 1879, xxii, 106- 115. ------. Mydriasis. St. Louis M. .V S. J., 1885, xlix, 18-2I). — Dotsel (I.) Haiistvie maikotorekh laikarstven' nikh sredstv na dvizhenie raduzhnoi oboloe h ki. [Elicit of certain medicaments on the movements of the iris] Mecl. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1800, vi, 481-484.— I).....|n. (F. C.) Over de vereischte hoeveelheid sulphas atmj.iui tot dilatatie der pupil. Nederl. Faucet, Gravenh., 1853-4, 3. s., iii, 533-536. ------. De werking der mydriatica en der myotica. Versl. . . . Nederl. Gasth. v. Ooglijciers, Utrecht 1864, v, 187-230. Also: Nederl. Arch. v. Genees- en Na- tuurk., Utrecht, 1864-5, i, 83-126. Also, transl.: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1865, liii, 5-50. Also, Reprint— Dor. Leber Behandlung der Midriasis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Ba- sel, 1875, v, 99-102.—Doyer. Sur les agents myotiques et niydriatiques. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.- rend., Amst., 1881, vi. pt. 2, 251-253.—Dujiont. Quelques mots sur la mydriase et sur la feve de Calabar h propos d'une forte contusion de I'eeil gauche. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1866, 2. s., iii, 309; 325.—Fano. Pathologie et the- rapeutique de la mydriase idiopathique. Abeille med., Par., 1862, xix, 198-200. ------. l)e. la paracenthese de la chambre ant6rieure dans les cas de: mydriase rehelle aux autres medications. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1877-8. iii, 69.—Fanque. De la duboisine, de ses applications elans la therapeutique oculaire. Rec. d'ophth. Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 234; 280. — Ferriere (F.) Mydriatics among the an- cients ; a commentary on Prof. J.Reynauld's commentary on Galen and the gravish-eved ladies of Rome. St. Louis Clin. Rec., 1881-2rviii, 205-207.—Fieber (IT) Zur Elek- trotherapie der Mydriasis paralvtira intoxicativa. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1804, xiv, 340-343.—«le Fleiiry (A.) De la mydriase provoquee et ele la mydriase pathologique. Gaz. meed, de Bordeaux, 1874. iii, 39&-401. —Fonrnet (FT) Mydriase du cote droit dans un cas d'hypertropliic eh-a ganglions cervicaiix du cote correspond'ant; mc'-ningite! spinale lhnitee a hi region dorsale. Pre. d'ophth.. Par., 1879, 3. s., i. 304-307.— «ii'aiul-Tenlon. Mydriase. Diet, encycl. cl. sc. meel., Par., 18,0. 2 s., xi, 205-213.— (iiiiiueli (K.) Leber die Wirkungen des Hyoscin. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1881, xix, 801-806. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Therap. contemp., Par., 1882, ii, 65-68. Also: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1882, 3. s., iv, 123-127. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Cincin. Lancet f the accommodation. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 187:!. ii, s9.— .I<-**0|» 1 W. H.) On the mydriasis produced bv the local application ol cocaine to the eve. Proc. Hoy. Soc. Lond., 1884-5. xxxviii, 432-441. — Keyser (P. D. ) Mydriasis and paralvsis of accommodation permanently cured by use of Calabar bean. Med. .fe Surg. Reporter, MYDRIASIS. 599 MYELITIS. Mydriasis and mydriatics. Phila., 1865. xiii, 231.—lioberl (R.) On the discovery of the- mydriatic action of the solanacea'. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, ' 1889, 3. s.. ii, 445-448. Also, transl.: Presse med. beige, Brux., isms, xxxviii. 393-39(1. — I-adcuburg (A.) Sur^ les trope-incs, alcaloides niydriatiques artificiels. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 921-924. -----. Sur les alcaloi'dcs a action inydiiatique. [Transl. from the ('crnian by ele Bechi.] Monit. scient.. Par., 1882. 3. s., sii. 33-41. — l-niiii (\V.) cV Barrett (J. W.) The action of myotics on the accommodation. Ophth. Hosp Rep., _ Lond.. 1-89-7, xi, 136-187, 2 diag.----------. The action of myotics and mydriatics on the accommodation. Ibid., 219-259, 1 diag.—ijaquenr. Feber Atropin und Pbyso- stigniin und ihre Wirkung auf den intraoculiiren Druck. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1877, xxiii, 149-170. — licliniann (H.) Mydriasis. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1858. i, 193.—I,,eii- ton (S.) Idiopathic mydriasis, treated with eserine ; good recovery. Brit. M. J..Lond., 1878, ii, 54.—l.cnz,. Beob- achtung einer wideruatiirlich erweitcrteu Pupille ohne Nachtheil fiir das Gesicbt. Heidelb. klin. Ann.. 1828, iv, 302-304.—McE vers (J. F.) On the use of ergot of rye in mydriasis. Dublin ('. J. M. Sc. 1848, vi, 484— .Uackcn- zie (F. M.) Traumatic mydriasis. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta. 1870, v, 108. — .TIal van i. Observation de mydri- asis gueri par la cauterisation de la cornee transparente. J. coin pi. du diet. d. sc med., Par., 1832, xiii, 317. — Mayer 11.) Az dnszenvi latatagulat viszonya az egyut- ter/, -'<■/. liaromosztatii ideg bantalmaihoz. [Idiopathic'my- driasi s.| Magv. orv. es teim-vizsg., Egerben, 1869, xiii, 173.—Menjot (A.) De tnvdriasi. In his : Februm malig. hist, etc , 4 . Par.. 1622. 152-171.—tie .VIeric (V.) Cases of syphilitic affection of the (bird nerve producing my- driasis, with and without ptosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 29: 52. — Miller (M. N ) A caso of mydriasis, or per- manent dilatation of the pupil. Med. Rec, N. T., 1872, vii, 387. — tlcl Monte ( M.) Midriasi e miosi. Movi- mento, Napoli, 1882,2.s.,iv, 429-436 —MurrelI (T.E.) An unusual caseof mydriasis. Nashville J.M. & S., 1878, n. s., xxii, 10-12. — ,»ltle!»liii» (E.) Clinical remarks on a case of mydriasis with iritis, ami on cases of mydriasis follow- ing a blow on the eye. Mod. Times - 428; 1470 pp.. 1 pi.; pp. 18.V-271, 7 pi.; 44 pp., 10 pi. 4' . Francofurti, L. Jennis, 1620. Imperfect. See. also, Mcreltlinus (George Abraham). Sylloge physico-medicinalium casuum incantationi, etc. 4°. Xo- ritnbergce, 1G98.—Pctraeu* (Henricus). De diarrhoea. Kespondente Joh. Daniel Mylius. In.- Nosol. harmonica donmat. et berniet. 4". Marpurgi Cattorum, 1616, ii, 78- 90. -----. De epilepsia. Respondent* Joh. Daniel Mylius. In: Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1615, i, 89-123. Mylilis (Joh. Fridericus). * Diss, morbos eorum- que afBuitatem ex iucompletis motibus lucnior- rhagicis ortos sisteus. 26 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat, C. Wishof. [1724]. [Also, in : P., v. 72.] Mylilis (Joh. Gottlieb). *De cognoscenda et enranda arthritide. 24 pp. 4°. Erfordia; typ. J. H. Groschii, [1720]. Mylius (Leonh. Henricus) [1696-1721]. * De anatomia et plivsiologia iu genere. 23 pp. sm. 4°. [Lipsiee], Ut. I. Titii, [1715]. -----. - Dc puella monstrosa. 33 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, lit. I. Titii. [1717]. For Biographt/, see Paulus (Joh. Guilielmus). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Mylius (R.) ' Ueber Behandlung der Syphilis mit subcutaneu Injectionen von Quecksilber- MYLIUS. 601 MYOPIA. Mylius (R-)—continued. cliloridclilornatrium. 38 pp. S-\ Gottingen, Dieterich, 1877. Mvlodon. " BiirmeiMcr (H.) Hautpanzer bei Mylodon. Arch. f. Auat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1865, 334- 336. Mynoi'S (Robert) [1739-1806]. Practical thoughts ou amputatious, etc. 91 pp., 1 pi. 12 . Birmingham, G. Robinson, 1783. ■-----. A history of the practice of trepanning the skull, and the after-treatment; with obser- vations upon a new method of cure, xii, 152 pj>. 12°. Birmingham, G. Robinson, 1785. Bound with preceding. voii Mynsicllt (Hadrianus) [16 -1668]. The- saurus et armamentarium medico - chymicum; hoc est, selectissimorum contra quosvis morbos pharniacorum couficiendorum secretissima ratio, propria laborum experientia, multiplici et feli- cissima praxi confirmata, et nunc una cum reme- diorum virtute, usu et dosi, doctrina* et sapi- cntiie filiis fideliter revelata et commuuicata; cui in fine adjunctum est testamentum Hadria- neum de aureo philosophorum lapide. 4 p. 1., 532 pp., 25 1., 24 pp. 4°. Lubecce, A. J. Becker, 1662. .-----. The same. 5 p. 1., 525 pp., 27 1. ; 22 pp., port. 12°. Francofurti, typ. B. C. Witstii, 1675. -----. The same. Accessit etiam D. Caroli Mu- sitaui mantissa atque AndretB Battimelli aucta- rium, deniqne Hieronymi Piperi corollarium. Opus hac iu uovissima impressioue variis erro- ribus expurgatum. 2 p. 1., 446 pp., 26 1. 16°. Venetiis, J. G. Hertz, 1707. ■-----. The same. Thesaurus et armamentarium , medico chymicum; or, a treasury of physick. With tbe most secret way of preparing remedies against all diseases. Written originally in Latiue, and faithfully rendered into Euglish by John Partridge, pbysiciau to his majesty. 7 p. 1., 377 pp., 17 1. 8'*-. London, A. Churchill, 1682. -----. Thesauri et armamentarii medico-chymici appendix philosophico-poctica, videlicet, testa- mentum Hadrianeum, quo suam de aureo philo- sopborum lapide sententiam, adeoque ultima* voluntatis suae dispositionem, sapientiie et doc- triuiB filiis revelat author. 24 pp. 4°. [Lubecce, 1662. ] Bound with his: Thesaurus [etc.] 4°. Lubecce, 1662. See, also, de Sgobbis (Antonio). Universale thea'tro farmaceutico. etc. fol. Venezia, 1682. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Mynsinger (Gustavus Benoni). * Diss, sistens niethodum curaudi pestem. 1 p. 1.. 40 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. J. Gruneri, [1708]. Mynster (Olaus Hieronymus) [1772-1818]. * De carboue ejiiselciiique prtecipuis conuubiis, de a*tio- logia phthiseos Beddoesiana et de remediis alca- linis carbonicis. 3 p. 1., 80 pp. 8-; Havnia; typ. C. F. Holmii, [1797]. My liter (Herman). Aueurism of the innominate artery treated with ligature of the right carotid and subclavian arteries. 12 pp. 12°. New Yovk; Trow's, 18-^7. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii. ------. Compound dislocation of the ankle joint and its treatment, 7 pp. 8°. [Buffalo, 1888.] Repr. from: Med. Press "West. N. York, Buffalo, 1888, iii. Myocarditis. Nie Heart (Inflammation of). Myoclii'oiioscooe. Lzeumak (J.) Das Mvochronoskop. 8C. [Wien, 1861.] Repr. from.- Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1861, xliv. Myoctoniit. Salmoxowitz (8.) * Beitrage zur Kenutuiss der Alcaloide des Aconifurn iycoctonum. II. Myoctonin. s-\ Dorpat, 18^5. Dragendoi ff (G.) Ueber das Myocionin. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Rus.-laml, St. Petersb., 1886, xxv, 387-344. Myodesopia. See Muscee volitantes. Myograph. See, also, Graphic method. Gruenhagen (A.) Beschreibung eines neuen Myographions zur Messung der Geschwindigkeit ncrvoser Leitungsvorgiiuge. 4°. Konigsberg i. Pr., l8-*3. Repr. from ■ Schrift. d. phys.-okonom. Gesellsch. zu Konigsb., 1883, xxiv. Jendrassik (J.) A magatdl sorakoztatd eso- myographium 6s alkalmaza'sanak vazlata. [A self-registering myograph.] 4°. Budapest, 1881. Blix (M.) En ny myograf. I'psala Lakaref. Forh., 1879-80, xv, 471-480, 1 pi— Czermak (J.) Das Myochvo- noskop. [From : Sitzungsb. d. Wien. Akad. d. Wissensch. J Unteisuch. z. Naturl. cl. Menseh. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1862, viii, 478-488. —Fraiieois-Franck. Myographes ; myographie. Diet, encyel.'d. se. mecl., Par., 1876" 2. s., ii, 225-239.—Fredericq (L.) Myographe pour l'etude de la periode lateute. Arch, dc bieel., Gand, 1882, iii, 275-284.— Oriilzner (P.) Ein neues Myograph ion. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1887. xii. 281-290, 1 pi. — I.aiidois (L.) cfe IVIosler (P.) Ein Myographium und (lessen An- wendung auf die Untersuchung gesunder und kranker Muskeln beim Menschen. Bell. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 25; 33.—Rosenthal (J.) Ueberein neues Myographion und einige mit demselbcn angestellte Versuche. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1883, Suppl.-Bel., 240-279. —Thiry (L.) Ueber ein neues Myographion. Ztsehr. f. rat. Med.. Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1864, 3. R., xxi, 300-306, 1 pi. Myoidema. Labke (D.) *De la contraction iodio-muscu- laire, oumyoi'demeen clinique. 4j. Paris, 1881. Marcus (C.) * Contribution al'6tude clinique du myocedeme. 4°. Paris, 1886. .Feansclme (E.) Sz. l>ermoyez. Du mycedeme et de ses modifications chez les choleriques. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 188f). 2. s., xxii, 453-456.—West (S.) Mvoidema. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1879, xv, 151-155. Myology. See Muscles. Myoma. Ai-uozan & Vaillard. Myomes a, fibres lisses, multiples, confluents et isoles de la peau. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, x, 230-233. —Buhl (L.) Wahres reci- divireudes Mjom (Rhabdomyoma Zenker's). Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1865, i. 263-272.—llenocqnc (A.) Myome (mvome strio-cellulaire. rhabdoinvome). Diet, encycl. d. sc,"med., Par., 1876, 2. «., xi, 239-241. Myopia. See, also, Eye (Accommodation, etc., of, Dis- ordered); Eye (Diseases of) in children; Pres- byopia ; Spectacles. Abadie (J.-M.-C) * Etude sur la myopie sta- tionnaire et progressive. 4°. Paris, 1879. Beckh (W.) * Die Hebetudo visus ex insufn- cieutia musculi recti iuterni oculi bei Myopeu, ihre Folgeu und Therapie. 9. Rixdeleisch (M.) * Ueber die Kurzsichtig- keit (Myopie). 8-. Neuburg, 1869. Si iiiess-Gemuseus (H.) Beitrag zuvTherapie -der Myopie. s:. Basel, 1872. Also", transl. in: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1874, lxxii, 23-34. Myopia. ' Sciimitiiausex (A.) * Ueber das Sehen der Myopen mittelstZerstreuungskreise. 8-\ Greifs- wald, 1874. .Schroder (C.) Ueber Atropinkuren gegen Kurzsichtigkeit. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. Schutze (H.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Myo- pie und der Netzhautpunction. 8~. Kiel, 18*2. Soxxiag (G. E.) * Ueber trausitorische Myo- pie. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1885. Stilling (J.) Uutersuchungeu iiber die Ent- stehuug der Kurzsichtigkeit. roy. 8°. Wiesba- den, 1887. Sulzberger (J. C.) * De myopia et presbyo- pia. 4-r Bostoehii, [1756]. Tuellmaxx (L.) *De myopia. 8°. Berolini, [1852]. Uxgefug (F.) * Ueber Myopie. 8°. Halle, [1868]. Weiss (L.) Beitrage zur Entwicklung der Myopie. 1. Ueber eine leicht ausfiihrbare Mes- sung des Augenspiegelbildes und die Bedeutung solcher Messungen fiir die Beurtheilung desdiop- trischen Apparates des Auges. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1876, xxii, 3. Abth. 1- 124. [See, also, infra, Landolt (E.)] Wells (J. S.) On long, short, and weak sight, and their treatment by the scientific use of spec- tacles. 8C. London, 1862. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8=. London, 1873. Werth (R.) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Myopie. 4°. Kiel, 1874. Westiioff (C. F.) *De myopia. 8°. Bero- lini, [I860]. Abadie. Des complications de la myopie progressive. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc-, d'opht., Par., 1885, iii, 247-261.— Abaflie (J.-M.-C.) De la tenotomie partieile des muscles de I'eeil pour combattre le developpement de la myopie pro- gressive. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 325-339.—Adam* (J.) Caseof shortsightedness cured by operation. Prov. M. cfe S. J., Lond., 1841, ii, 470-473.— Adainuk (E.) K vopr. o miopii v schkolach. [Mvopia in schools] Vestnik oftalmol., Kieff, 1886, iii, 269; 429.— Albeeeht (J.) Statistische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Myopic Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1882, xx, 342-346.—Baas. Die Ueberhandnahme tier Mvopie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1883, xviii, 21.— Bailer (C.) A description of the appearances of the human eye* in health and disease as seen by the ophthalmoscope. 7. s. Myopia; region of the yellow spot. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, 3. s., xviii, 243, 1 1., 1 pi.—Barrett (J. WT) The influence of concave glasses on myopia. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1887, n. s., ix, 289-291.—Barllclt (E. WT) Progressive nearsightedness. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soe-., Milwaukee, 1874, viii, 103-108.— Becker (O.) Ueber zu- nehmende und iiberhandnehmende Kurzsichtigkeit. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1883, xv, 77- S!).—Bendcll (H.) Nearsightedness in our public schools; its causes and prevention. Meel. Ann., Albany, 1884, v, 355-363.—BcnUeiidorf (E.) A case of myopia compli- cated with m.Ntnu-uius. St. Louis M. cfe S. J., 1883, xliv, 347.—Bertliold (A. A.) Das Myopodiorthoticon oeler der Apparat, die Kurzsichtigkeit zu heilen. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz., 1840, iii, 332-33G.—Ber- tin-San* ' f.) Leproblemedela myopic scolaire. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1882, 3. s., vii, 46; 127.—Bertram!. Influ- ence des diaphragmes pupillairea sur le* e nets de la myo- pie artificielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1884, ii, 156-165. -----. Experiences sur la myopie et la pupille artiflcielles. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1884, xci, 32-44.— Binard. Une variete de la myopie (myopia ni distans), importante k counaitre pour lavisitedes consents. Arch. beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1850, vi. 336-339. —Boweii (W. S.) A portable book-rack for the use of myopic chil- dren and adults. Med. Pvec, N. Y.. 1876. xi, 5.-Browiie (E. A.) The genesis of short siidit. Liverpool M.-Llnr. J. 1886, vi. 269-279.—Burehardt. I'eber den Einfluss, den Sehschwache und Kurzsichtigkeit auf die Militair Diensttaugliehkeit haben. Deutsche inil.arztl. Ztschr., Berl 1873 ii. 217-259. [See. also, infra. Schmidt (H.)J-----• Ueber die Verhutung eler Kurzsic-htiukcit. Deutsche meet. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1X78, iv, 6.-t'arl , xxiii, 157-162. — Doneran (H.) La miopia. Pabellon med., Madrid, 1874, xiv, 446. — Dransart (H.) Gueiison de la myopie progressive* par I'iridectoniie et la sclerotomies theorie circiilatoire de la myopic Ann. doc ul., Brux., 1885. xciv, 109-116.—B-iiit. Ueber die Kurzsichtigkeit in den hoheren Schulen Hannovers, die Beictiehtung eler Klassenzhnmer in denselheu und elie fiir den Schutz der Scliiiloraimen nothwendige-n Massregeln. Verhandl. u. Mitth.d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. zu Hannov., 1883, 5. Hft., i3-89. — Kperon. De la determination a. rimagedroitcdes decies elevc'selc myopie. Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1884, iv, 217-289.—Ki-iwinaini i IT i Vli.janie schkole na pi'oisc'hojclenie blizorukosti. [Influence of the school in producing near-sightedness.] Arch, sndebnoi med., St. Petersb., 1870, vi, pt. 3, 84-160; pt. 4, 202-256. — Fano. Cc qu'il faut entendre par myopie arqnise. myopic, progres- sive. J. d'ocul et chir., Par., 1877-8. iii. 129-132.— Fick (A. E.) Ueber den Znsaniinenhang /.wischon Mvopie nnd Divergeuzschielen. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1879, i, 38.— Myopia. Fodcra. Observation d'une myopie de I'eeil droit et d'une presbyopic de l'oeil gauche sur le meme individu. Arch. gen. cie med., Par., 1823, iii, 221-224. — Forster. Ueber die Entstehungsweise der Mvopie. Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1883, xv,119-131._____. Ueber den Einfluss der Concavglaser und der Achsencon- vergenz auf'die* Weiterentwickelung der Myopie. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1884-5, xiv, 295-328. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1886, xv, 399-435. -----. Ueber Be- handlung der Myopic. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1886, viii, 37-41.—Foltz. Xote sur le traitement mecanique de la myopie. Gaz. nied. do Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 87.—da Foii- seca (L.) Xova anomalia das papillas opticas; myopia subita e persistente por espasmo d'accoruodacao derivaelo de epilepsia. Arch, ophth. de Lisb., 1887, viii. 44. — Fro- beliiis ( W. ) Der hochste Grad von Kurzsichtigkeit, erworben(lurch Missbrauch von Concavlinsen, und Mydri- asis, geheilt clinch zweckmassigen Gebrauch schwaclierer Brillen. Meel. Ztg. Russlands,St.Petersb., 1854, xi, 235-237.— Fnchs(E.) ZurEntstehungder Myopie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1884, xxii, 14-19. — Oamba (A.) 11 miope al 3° grado e atto al servizif) ordinario della milizia nazionale? Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xiii, 346-354. - Garcia Calderon (A.) Con- sideraciones sobre la miopia. Rev. esp. de offal, sif etc., Madrid, 1880-81, i, 210; 288; 337: ii, 65. — «;irandl Teuton. De la myopie au point de vue du service mili- taire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 514-517. -----. Des troubles fonctionnels de la vision dans leurs rapports avec le service militaire. Bull. Acad, cie med., Par., 1875, 2. s., iv, 729; 775. [Discussion], 1044; 1050- 1075- 1104; 1179; 1217; 1246; 1291; 1315; 1343; 1389; 1419; 1449- 1468: 1876, 2. s., v, 10. -----. Myopie. Diet, encycl. u. sc. med., Par., 1876, 2. s., xi, 242-307. — Oiudici (V.) Sulla misurazione obbiettiva della miopia e della ipernie- tropia. Gior. di mecl. mil., Roma, 1885, xxxiii, 128-130, 1 pi-—CJuerin (J.) Sur la cause et le traitement chirurgi- cal de la myopie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1841, 2. s., ix, 177- 185.—von Oraefc (A.) Ueber Myopia in distans, nebst Betrachtung iiber das Sehen jenseits der Grenzen unse- rer Accommodation. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1855-6, ii, 1. Abth., 158. -----. Ueber die Operation des dynamischen Auswartschiclens, besonders in Riicksicht auf progres- sive Myopie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1869, vii, 225-281. ---:—. Myopie und Divergenz. Breslau. ae**ztl. Ztschr., 1879, i, 56-58. — Had low (II.) Short sight amongst the boys of Greenwich Hospital School. Brit. M. JT, Lond., 1883, i, 952-954.—Hall (G. IT) A case of temporary* nearsightedness, caused by a carious mo- lar. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Fort Worth, 1884, xvi, 175.— Hallcnliotr (G.) Etiologie et prophylaxie de la myopie. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1877, Geneve, 1878, v, 719-755.—Harlan (G. C.) Rapidly pro- gressive myopia, permanently checked by division of the external rectus. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost, 1885, 24- 27.—Hell. Kurzsichtigkeit in Bezug auf Militairdienst- brauchbarkeit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1873, ii, 88-92.—Heren (X.) La miopia considerada bajo el punto de vista de la oftalmologia moderna. Compilador m6d. Barcel., 1866-7, ii, 355 ; 370 ; 416; 443 ; 465 ; 489.—Hock (J.) Ueber scheinbare Myopie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 114. — Hofinaim (G.) Ein Erklarungsversuch fiir die scheinbare Kurzsichtigkeit. Ibid., 1886, xxxi, 410.— Hog;; (J.) Entoptics; observations on the relatively greater frequency of myodesopia in the myopic eve. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865,1, 504 ; 531. — Horner (F.) De la myo- pie congenitale. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1881, i, 4-7, 2 pi. — Horstinanii (C.) Beitrage zur Myopiefrage. Charite-Ann. 1878, Berl.. 1880, v, 408-449. -----. Ceber Myopie. Deutsche mecl. Wclmschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 218-220. —■---. Ueber Myopic. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1880, ix, 208-224. — Hunt (I).) A new theory regarding mvopia. Boston M. \- S. J.. 1878. xcix. 533. -----. On the causation of myopia. X. York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 255-259—Hutch- inson stehen und Wachsen der Kurzsichtigkeit. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1885, ix. 220; 244— Kislcy (S. D.) A contribution to the clinical history of myopia. A m. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1880. n. s., lxxx, 442-450. -----. Three addi- tional cases of hypermetropic refraction, passing while under observation into myopia. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc Bost., 1885, 102-106.—Rjoberts] (P. F.) Miopia alto con espasmo de la aeoinodacion y otras lesiones "siutomaticas, simulando una fuerte ambliopia; ventajosanieute tratada con las instilaciones do atrophia y el uso metddico ele leutes. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1884-5, xxi, 189- 191. -----. Miopia extrema con insuficieucia de los rectos infernos y estrabismo concomitante, divergente, relative Ibid., 219-221.—van Roosbroeck (J.) Considerations sur la myopie. Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1857-63, iv, 209-269. Also: Ani). d'ocul., Brux., 1861, xiv, 130-178. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1861, 2. s., iv, 128-136. [Discussion], 1862, 2. s.. v, 458; 803: 1863, 2. s., vi, 38; 277. — Santos Fernandez (J.) jLa miopia es un producto de la oivilizacion ; (Ton. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1886, xii, 532-539. — Ncliic»s- demuseus. Trauinatische Myopie, langsame spontane Restitution. Klin. Monatsbl. f'. Augenh., Stuttg.. 1881, xix, 384-386.—Schi^tas (H.) Om Myopi. Norsk Mag. f. La*gevidensk., Christiania, 1883, xiii, 304-321.—Mclilcit li. Klinisch statistische Beitrage zur Lehre von eler Mvopie. Mitth. a. d. ophth. Klin, in Tiibing., 1882, i, 3. Hit.. 1-62.— Schmidt (H.) Einige Bemerkungen zu dem Yortrage Burcbardt's: "Ueber den Einfluss, den Sehschwiiche und Kurzsichtigkeit auf die Militair-Diensttaugliclikeit ha- ben". Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1874. iii. 16- 21. — Sclimidl-Rimpler (H.) Ueber Chorioideal-Oolo- bome mit Beriicksichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zur Myopie. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1880, xxvi. 2. Abth., 221-235. -----. Zur Frage der Schulmyopie. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. (1. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1885, xvii, 146-155. Alsoi Arch. f. Ophth., Berl.. 1885, xxxi. 4. Abth., 115-182. ----. Xoch ein mal die Myopie am Frankfurter (ivmnasium. Ibid., 1886, xxxii, 2. Abth., 301-306.—Schnabel (J.) Zur Lehre von den Ursachen der Kurzsichtigkeit. Arcb. f. Ophth., Berl., 1874, xx, 2. Abth., 1-70. -----. Ueber den Einfluss der Augenarbeit auf die Entwicklung der Kurzsichtig- keit. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1874-5, 9. — Schneller. Ueber Entstehuug uud Entwickelung der Kuizsiehtigkeit. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1886, xxxii, 3. Abth., 245-360. —Seholer (H.) Acute EntwickUuig hochgradiger Myopie unter dem Bilde der Hemeralopie. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1874, xxvi, 11-13.—Seely (WT W.) Myotics and glaucoma. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1878. xl, 249.-----. Weiteres iiber die Entstehungsweise der Myo- pie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1885, xxiii, 278- 282.—Seggcl. Die objective Bestimmung der Kurzsich- tigkeit beim M usteruugsgeschafte. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- chen, 1876, xxiii. 127-130. -----. Die Zunahme der Kurz- sichtigkeit an den hoheren Unteirichtsanstalten. Ibid., 1878, xxv, 341-346. Also: Centr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh., Bcil., 1878-9, ii. 312. -----. Ueber Anisometropie, deren Hau- flgkeit im Allgemeinen uud als Uebergangsstadiuin zuv Myopie. Cong, period, internat. d. se. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iii, sect, d'ophth., 118-129. — Wigis- in und (R.) Untersuchungen iiber Myopie und Hyper- metropic Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 255-2.-H.— Mini tli (P.) On means for the prevention of myopia. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1886, v, 153-170. — Solomon (J. \.) The value of intraocular myotomy in myopia. Kep. In- ternat. Ophth. Cong. 1872. Lond., 1873, iv. 66-69. Also, transl.: Cons:, period, internat. d'ophth. 1872. Par., 18e3, iv, 71-75 — Mouiontc (J. M.) Un caso ele hipei miopia. Be-v. de cien. nied., Barcel.. 1885, xi, 249-252. — Ml e flan. Bie Mvopie am Frankfurter (Ivmnasium. Arch. t. Ophth. Berl., 1886. xxxii. 1. Abth., 267-2T4 — Nteinheil (A) Einige Xotizeu iiber M. Burgl's: "Beitrage zur Aetiologie MYOPIA. 605 MYREPSUS. ^ivopia. cii■!• Kurzsichtigkeit". Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1874, xxi, 467.—Stellwag von Car ion (K.) Ueber das Ver- fahren mit Kurzsichtigen auf dem Assentplatze. Wien. med. AVchnschr., 1860, x, 81; 102; 117.— Stilling (J.) Eine Sludie zur KurzsichtigKeitsfrage. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb. 1885-6, xv, 133-158, 3 diag. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Ophth., X. T., 1886, xv, 296-310, 1 pi., 2 tab. -----. Ueber Entstehung der Mvopie. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg,'1886, xviii, 2. Hft., 14-26.-----. Ricerche auatomiche sopra 1' influenza dei muscoli nella forma dell' occhio, specialmente in riguardo alio sviluppo della miopia. Gior. d. r. Accad. di ined. di Torino, 1887, 3. s., xxxv, 237-239.—Sti-ack. Observation sur un homme myope d'un oil et praesbyte dc l'autre. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xix, 459. — Straub (M.) Ueber die Dehnung des hinteren Bulbustheils bei Mvopie. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1887, xxxiii, 3. Abth., 84-92. Also, transl.: Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii (2. d.), 357-363. — Szili (A.) Szerzett rovidlatosag rend- kiviili eseVJ. [ Unusual cases of acquired myopia. ] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1886, 25-27. — Tavignot. ' Qu'est ce que la brachyopie .' (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 110.—Theobald (S.) An endeavour to show that insuf- ficiency of the internal recti muscles and myopia have been erroneously associated; and that the muscular as- thenopia of myopia is not the result of such insufficiency, but of the anomaly of refraction. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., lxvii, 65-77. Also, Reprint. Also [Rap. de Bribosia]: Bull. Acad. rov. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 3. s., xii, 306-349, 1 pi.—Titeca. Pathogenie et prophy- laxie de la myopie. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1876-8, iv. 1-135. — Trcichler. Die Kurz- sichtigkeit als Folge von Missgiilfen in unserer Erzie- hungsmethode. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. n. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, lii, 344-347. Also: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1880, xv, 436 ; 448 —Tsclierning (M.) Studien iiber die Aetiologie eler Myopie. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1883, xxix, 1. Abth., 201-272.—Ulrich (R.) Untersuchungen iiber den Zusamnnnhang von Conver- genz und erworbener Myopie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Stuttg.. 1885, xxiii, 433-446.—Unterharnschcidt. Zur Entstehungsweise der Xetzliautablosung bei Myopic. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 585-589. -----'■. Ein Fall von Zerreissung einer Arteria hyaloidea persistans in Folge von progressiver Mvopie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Stuttg., "1882, xx, 449-452.—Vanden Rergh. Du developpeinent de la myopie, considere au point de vue du surmenage scolaire. Clinique, Brux., 1887, i, 163-166.— Verdese. Genesi della miopia. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1886, xv, 5(17-521. — Veiliiitung (Zur) der iiberhandneh- menden Kurzsichtigkeit uuter der Schuljugend. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1878, ii, 191.—Veszely (K. K.) Zur Genese der Myopie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1119; 1150; 1173.—Waidcle (C.) Ueber Myopie und Presbyopic Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1861. vi, 31-34.— Wallace ( W. C.) On myopia. Loud. M. Gaz., 1842-3, xxxi, 412; 444. Also: Boston M. cfe S. J., 1844, xxx, 274; 289; 317.—Weidlich (J.) Die quantitativeu Beziehungen zwischen der Pupillonverengung und der scheinbaren Abnahme der Kurzsichtigkeit. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1885, xv, 175-178. — Weiss ( L.) Einen neuen ophthal- moskopischen Befund am myopischen Auge und seine Bedeutung. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Baden-Baden, 1879, lii, 339-342. -----. Beitrage zur Anatoniie des myopischen Auges. Mitth. a. d. ophth. Klin, in Tiibing., 1882, i, 3. Hft,., 63-117, 3 pi.-----. Ueber den an der Innenseite der Pupille sichtbaren Reflexbogen- streif und seine Beziehung zur beginnenden Kurzsichtig- keit. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1885, xxxi, 3. Abth., 239-320, 1 pi. -----. Ueber die ersten Veranderungen des kurz- sichtigen, bezw. kurzsichtig werdenden Auges. Ber. ii. el. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1885, xvii, 138- 146—Williams (H. W.) Near-sightedness a disease, aud not merely an infirmity. Boston M. uiitrovski (D.) Myosis spastica u subekta ve pojilome vozrastie, hipermetropia, neupotre- blenie ochkove [in an old person]. Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1881, xxi, 121. — Oiraud-Tculou. Myosis. Diet, encycl. d sc. med., Par., 1876, 2. s., ii, 308-311— llcm- pel. Ueber die Spinalmyosis. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1876, xxii, 1.—l.indsay (W. L.) Use of belladonna in various affections marked by contracted pupils; and on tbe non- susceptibility of the dog to the action of certain poisons. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, 509. — TlaeDonnell < R. L.) Contraction of the pupil a symptom of intrathoracic tu- mours. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1858-9, vi, 64-72.— Keu- ling ( G.) A case of myosis caused by paralvsis of the left side of the cervical portion of the sympathetic, in con- sequence of a gun-shot wound. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. T., 1874-5, iv, 228-230. Also: Virginia M. Mouth., Rich- mond, 1875-6, ii, 423-425. — Robertson (D. A.) Four cases of spinal myosis. with remarks on the action of light on the pupil. Edinb.'M. J.. 1869-70, xv, 487-493. —Rus- sell. Congenital myosis. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, 392. — Woodman ( W. B.) Enlarged glands in the neck, with well-marked contraction of pupil. Clin. Lect. cfe Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 205-207. Myositis. See Muscles (Inflammation of). Myositis ossificans. See Muscles (Ossification in). Myotics. See Mydriasis, etc.; Pilocarpus, etc. Myotomy. -See Tenotomy. Myotonia congenita. See Thomsen's disease. Myrdacz (Paul) [1847- ]. Sanitats-Ge- schiehte uud Statistik der Occupation Bosniens und der Hercegovina im Jahre 1878 ; mit Benti- tzung amtlicher und anderer authentischer Quel- len. xii, 420 pp. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, Urban u. Sehwavzenberg, 1882. ------. Sanittits-Geschichte der Bekampfung des Aufstandes in der Hercegovina, Siid Bosnien und Siid-Dalmatien im Jahre 1882; nach amtlichen und anderen authentischen Quellen dargestellt. 3 p. 1., 208 pp., 1 map. 8C. Wien, L. W. Seidel u. Sohn, 1885. ------. Ergebnisse der Sanitats-Statistik des k. k. Heeres in den Jahrtn 1870-82. Mit verglei- chender Beriicksichtigung der Jahre 18S3-5, so- wie der Sanitats-Statistik freruder Armeen. Mit xxxviii Tabellen nnd xvii graphischen Beilagen, nach den militar-statistischen Jahrbiichern und anderen authentischen Quellen bearbeitet. vii, 334 pp., 14 ch., 3 diag. 8°. Wien, L. W. Seidel u. Sohn, 1887. Also, Co-Editor of: Jahrbuch fiir Militar-Aerzte, Wien, 1879. Myreeil ( Oskar). * Om cirrhos i lefvern. 70 pp. 8°. Helsiugfors, J. C. Frenckell ana(C.L.) Folie dudoute and mysophobia. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1884, v, 512-519.—Hammond (WT A.) Mvsophobia. Neurol. Contrib , N. T., 1879, i 40-54. Also [Abstr.] : Med. Pee., X. Y., 1879, xv, 426.—Russell (I.) Misophobia; melancholia with filth dread, mania contaniinationis. Alienist cfe Neurol., St. Louis, 1880, i, 529-533. — Tamburiui (A.) Sulla misofobia e le idee fisse ed impulsive. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1882 Modena, 1883, x, 329-331.—Vcrga (A.) Sulla rupofobia. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1881, xviii, 194:1882 xix, 101: 1883, xx, 246. Mysore. Annual medical and sanitary reports; also, reports on hospitals and dispensaries, and special hospitals [the lunatic and leper asylums] in Mysore, for the years 1877-80, and on vaccina- tion for the year 1880-81, by the surgeon to the Mysore government to the chief commissioner. fol. [Bangalore, 1878-81.] -----. Annual reports on special hospitals in Mysore [lunatic asylum and leper asylum], for the years 1877-80. fol. [n. p., 1878-81.] Bound with preceding. -----. Annual reports on hospitals and dispen- saries in the province of Mysore, for the years 1877-80. fol. [Bangalore, 1878-81.] Bound with preceding. -----. Report on leprosy in the province of My- sore. By J. Henderson. Bangalore, 10. Jan., 1878. 4 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1879.] -----. Annual reports on vaccination in Mysore, to the chief commissioner, by the surgeon to the commission, for the years 1878-9 to 1880-81. fol. [Bangalore, 1879-81.] 1880-81 bound with : Annual Med. and San. Rep. for 1880. See, also, India. Madras, Mysore. Mysore. .See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by local- ities. Mysteria physico-medica, ob augustissimos suos natales, uberrimamque rernm baud quotidia- narum, quibus referta sunt, segetem, curioso ob- tutu quam maxime veneranda. Multis abhinc seculis Syriace, Arabice, et Griece conscripta; iterata nunc vice e membranis Latinis pnblica* luci exposita. 201 pp., 6 1. 16°. Francofurti, J. J. Erythropilus, 1681. Another edition of " Moderante auxilio redemptoris supiemi, Kirani Kiranides," etc., Lips., 1638, in e5, ed. Andr. Rivinis. Mystery in medicine. See Quacks, etc. Mystics. * See, also, Ecstasy. Charbonnier. Maladies et faculteTs diverses des mystiques. Art med., Brux., 1875-6, xi, 98-103. Mysz (Martinus). * Diss, sistens viduam xxx. aunorum chlorosi laborantem. 20 pp., 2 1. 4°. Jence, lit. Tennemannianis, [17">2]. For Biography, see Kaltschmied (Car. Frid.) Mytihis edulis. See Mussels. MYXINE. 607 MYXCEDEMA, Myxine. Fi-,RBiiix(}ER (P. ) *Die Muskeln des Kopf- skelets der Myxine glutinosa unter specif- ier Wiirdigung der Kaufunction. 8°. Jena, 1874. Itlomfield (,T. E.) The thread-cells and epidermis of Myxine. (luart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxii, 355-301, 1 pi. Cunningham (J. T.) On the struct- ure and development of the reproductive elements in Myxine glutinosa, L. Ibid., 1880-7, n. s.. xxvii, 49-76, 2 pi. Myxflcdeina. "■See, also, Thyroid gland (Excision of). Gimie ( J.-A. ) * De la cachexie pachyder- mique (myxcedeme des auteurs anglais). 4°. Montpellier, 1883. Laxdouar ( J. - B. ) * Une observation de myxcedeme. 4°. Paris, 1887. Kidel-Saillard (G.) * De la cachexie pachy- dermique. 4°. Paris, 1881. Abbott (C. E.) A case of myxeedema. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 1212.—Allan (J.) t Necropsy. Ibid.. 1884, i 267.—Anderson (J.) t Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xviii, 21-24. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 8G1. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet. Loud., 1884, ii, 770-778.— Anderson (McC.) Case of mvxoeelema, very consider- ably improved bv treatment. Glasgow M. J., i884, [4. s.], xxii, 303-306.—Atkinson (J. M.) t Proc. W. Lond. Meel.- Chir. Soc. 1884-6, Lond., 1887, ii, 32-35.—Ball (A. B.) The possible relation of myxeedema to absence or disease of the thyroid gland. N. York M. J., 1884, xxxix, 253.— Ballet "(G.) Cachexie pachvdermiqne. Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 605.—Barling (G.) t Necropsy. Lan- cet, Loud., 1886, ii, 970.—Bianchi (A.) La cachessia pachidermica o misseedeiua. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1*83, lii, 420-435.— Blaise (H.) De la cachexie pachyder- mique; observation nouvelle avec alienation mentale transitoire. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1882, iii, 00; 141.— Botkin (S. P.) Myxeedema. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1887, vii, 449: 473.—Bourncville cfe d'Olicr. Note sur un e;as ele cietinisme avec mvxu*deuie. Progres med., Par.. 1*80, viii, 709-711.—Braudes (L.-J.) Un cas de myxcedeme. Cong, period, intermit, el. sc. med. Compt.- rend. 18*4, Copeuh., 1886, ii, sect, de med., 66-69.—Bry- ant (\V. H.) t Meel. Rec, N. V., 1886, xxx, 545.—Cam- pnua (R.) Mixeiclema. Salute: Italia nied., Genova, 1*83, 2. s., xvii, 273; 297, 1 pi.—Cavafy (J.) Two cases of myxeedema. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1881-2, xv, 87-92, 1 pi.—Charcot. Myxcedeme, cachexie pachydermiqueou etat cretinoide. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1881, liv, 73-75.— Chevallereau (A.) Myxcedeme aigu consecutif a l'extirpation du corps thyroide. France med., Par., 1886, ii, 149:;: 1505.—C'louston. t Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 743.—t'oxwcll (C. F.) A child with symptoms resem- bling those of myxeedema. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xvi, 75-79. Also: Lancet, Lond., 18*3. i, 101. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 110. — Cushier (Elizabeth M.) t Arch. Med., N. T., 1882, viii, 203-218. Also, Reprint.— Daries (A.) A case of myxeedema in a male. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1886-7, xx, 267. -----. t Ibid., 268.— Dc Barbieri (A.) t Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 650-057. — Drcwitt (F. D.) t Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xvii, 49-51, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1072-1074. [Discussion], 1079. Also: Med. Press 6c Cue,., Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 466-468.— Duckworth (D.) t Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 577. -----. On a case of myxeedema, or a universal mucoid degen- eration of the connective tissue of the body. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xiii, 12-14. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxviii, 331. -----. Two cases of myxeedema. Med. Press &, Circ, Lond., 1880, n. 8., xxx, 411. Also: Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1880, ii, 632. Also: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1880-81, xiv, 53-58.— Dunlop (J. D.) t Proc. South. Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Adelaide, 1883, 45. Also: Australas. M. Gaz., Syd- new 18*3, ii, 218.—E. O myxeedema. Gaz. cl. hosp. mil., Lisb., 1*79, iii, 25.—Edes (R. TT) t Clinical lecture. Bos- ton M. cfe S. J., 1884, ex. 385.—Erb (WT) Ueber Myxee- dema. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 33.—Feris (B.) Mvxieddnie et berib6ri, ou hydropar6sie n6vrovasculaire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1883, 2. s., xx, 383-389.—Fies- singei- (C.) Contribution a l'6tude de la cachexie pachy- dei'inique. Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1881, xiii, 301-304. Also: Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy (1880-81), 1882, p. lxix, pt. 2,102-106.—Fournier (A.) Un cas de myxcedeme et quelque3 reflexions sur la pathogenie de cette affection. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1882, 2. s., xix, 55-59.—Fraser (D.) A case of myxeedema with recovery, which was marked by profuse perspiration. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1884, ii, 572. — Fuehs (A.) Myxbelem. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1887, xii, 125. — Gimcuo (A.) La pa- quidermia cretinoide. Cr6n. med., Valencia, 1881-2, v, 481-486, 1 pi. — Gooilhart ( J. F.) Sporadic cretinism and myxeedema. Med. '."hues cfe Gaz., Lond., 1880, i, 474- Jlyxcedema. 476. -----. A case which presented the clinical, but not the pathological, characteristics of myxeedema. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xv, 94-98.—Gordon (J.) Myxeedema following upon removal of the thyroid gland. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 65-07. [See, also, infra, Richardson (TB. W.)] — Gowans (AV.) t Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1882, i, 772— tirocto (P.) II mixiedeima e la malattia di Bright. Ann. univ. di med. e chic, Milano, 1883, eclxiii, 3-34. — Ouerlaiu- Dudou. Cachexie pachydermique consecutive a un traumatisms dn cou. Bull, et mem. Soe. de chir. de Par.. 1882, n. s., viii, 783-788. — dull ( W. W.) On a cretinoid state supervening in adult life in women. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1874, vii, 180-185. -----. Surlemyxoedeine. A -ch. gen. de med., Par., 1879, 7. s., iii, 677-685. — II ad ecu (W. B.) t Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1880-81. xiv, 58-61. -----. Du myxcedeme. Progres med., Par., 1880. viii, 603; 625. -----. The nervous svmptoms of myxeedema. Brain, Lond., 1882, v, 188-196.'-----. Fatal cases of mvxredema. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1885, Lond., 1886, xv, 276. -----. Myxeedema and its pathology. Cong, period, internat. d. sc! med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, ii, sect, de rue*d., 61-66. — Hamilton ( A. McL.) A case; of myxeedema, with a consideration of the neurotic origin of the disease. Med. Rec, N. V., 1882, xxii, 645-651. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1882, xii, 694-696. -----. A case of myxeedema in the male. J. Nerv. it Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1885, n. s., x, 180-182. — Hammond ( W. A. ), On myxeedema, with special reference to its cerebral and nervous symptoms. Neurol. Contrib., N. \T, 1881, i, no. 3, 36-43. Also: St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1880-81, vii, 97-100. — II and to id ( H. ) A case for diagnosis; myxeedema or elephantiasis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 327-329. — Hai-Icy (J. ) The pathology of myxeedema as illustrated in a tvpical case. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1884, lxvii, 189-204. Also (Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. cfe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, n. s., i, 237- 240. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1884, i. 706. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1**4, i, 762. — Harluiaiiu ( H. ) Observation de myxcedecue. France med., Par., 1884, i, 867; 881. — Henrot. ( H. ) Des lesions auatonii- ques et de la nature du myxcedeme. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1882, vi, 353-365, 2 pi. Also: Assoc franc, pour 1'avance. d. se-. Compt. rend. 18*2, Par., 1883, xi, 729-737. — Holland ( J. W. ) Remarks upon a caseof luyxei'deiua. Am. Pract., Louisville. 1**2, xxvi, 129-134.—Hopkins (J.) t Lancet, Loud., 1*81, ii, 998. -----. Two cases of mvxeedema. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885, xviii, 332-334. — Horsley (V.) A recent specimen of artificial myxeedema in a monkey. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 827. -----. The thyroid gland; its relation to the pathology of myxeedema and cretinism. [Abstr.] Ibid.. 1133. -----. Furthei researches into the function of the thyroid gland and into the pathological state produced by removal of the same. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.. 1**6, xl. 0-9. [See, also, infra, Richardson fB. W.)]—Inglis (T.) Two cases of myxeedema. Lancet. Lond.. 188'i. ii. 496.—Jacob (E. H.) t ibid., 1884, i, 976.—Midland (KT) To Tilfeelde af Myxeedema chronicum. Norsk Mag f. La-nvvidensk., Christiania, 1887, 4. R., ii, 590; 660. — Minnie ■' ( D. F. ) The history of myxeedema; with the report of a case. Mecl. Rec.'N. Y.,'l8*5, xxvii, 91-93.—Kirk (R.) t Glas- gow M. J., 1883, [4. s.J, xx, 452. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1883-4, i, 1. -----. t Glasgow M. J., 1884. [4. s.], xxi, 1-10.—Muster. Myxeedema; cachexia pachyder- mia. Med. Vestnik, St.'Petersb., 1880, xx, 262.—Lan- dau (L.) Ueber Myxicdeina. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 183-185.—Lane (J. O.) On a case of myxee- dema, with remarks upon the etiology of the disease. Lan- cet Lond., 1883, ii, 56.—Lattey (A.) t Hid.. 1882. i. 1031.— Lcdiard ( H. A.) t Ibid., 1881, i, 696. — Legrand du Saullc. Nouveau cas de myxcedeme, ou cachexie pachy- dermique. Progres m6d., Par., 1882, x. 81. —Lloyd (R. H ) t Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1880-81, xiv, 111-113. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 138: 1882, i, 106. A'so.-Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 53. Also: Brit. M. J Lond., 1881, i, 123.—Lunu(J.R.) Cases of myxeedema. Brit M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 1017. Also: Tr. Clin. Soc Lond. 1882-3, xvi, 263, 1 pi. -----. Two cases of myxoe- dema, male and female. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1**1-2, xv, g4_g7. _____. A case of myxeedema (?) and want of de- velopment of the genital organs. Ibid., 1886-7, xx, 260.— L ussaua (F.) Mixcedema o sclerodermia? Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1886, eclxxvii, 214-243.—Mac- kenzie (S.) A case of myxeedema in a male. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xvi, 260. —Mahomed (F. A.) The pathology and etiology of myxeedema. Lancet, Lond., 1881 ii 1078. -----. Case of myxeedema, improving under treatment. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xv 98-100. Also: Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1882, i, 318. —Mercer (A. C.) Mvxeedema. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xix, 421-42o. Also, Reprint. —Merklcn (P.) Cachexie pachvilermique (cedeme cretinoide, myxcedeme). Ann. de dermat et svnb Par 1881 ■' s., 259-205. Also : Gaz. hebd. de med., Par 1881 '2. s., xviii, 295-298. - Miller (W. B.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 429.-Morvan. Contribution a l'etude du myxcedeme; du myxcedeme en basse bretagne. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1881, 2. s. xvin, o42; a.*,; o;3; 5«o -IVixoii (C. J.) t Dublin J. M. Sc, 188., 3. s., lxxxiii, MYXEDEMA. 608 M'ZAB. H> \«rdenia. lip. — vou >oordcn (C.) Der gegenwartige Stand der I., lire von der Bedeutung der Schilddriise. II. Zur Eut- wickliuii; der Mvxodeiufraue. Miinchen. med. Wchn- | sehr., 18--7, xxxiv," 240-244.—Oliver (T.) Clinical lecture on myxeedema. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1**3, i, 5u2-5u4.—Ord (W. M.) Clinical lecture on myxiedeina. Ibid.. 18,8, i, 671. -----. On myxeedema, a term proposed to be applied to an essential condition in the "cretinoid" affection occa- sionally observed in middle-aged women. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1878, lxi, 57-78. 3 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc Rov. M. & Chir. Soc. Loud., 1875-80, viii, 248-251. Also | Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 620. -----. Cases of mvxoe- dema. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1879-80, xiii, 15-19, 1 1., 1 pi. — I'alon. Case of myxeedema. Glasgow M. J., 1887, [4. s.], xxviii, 425-429. — Babere (C.) Myxeedeme et, sclerodermic. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1.-80-81, x, 474: 486. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. ele med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1881). 1882. 243-268.— de Banse ( F. ) La cachexie pachydermique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1880. 6. s., ii, 673. — Beverdin (J.-L.) Contribution a retude du myxcedeme ((insecutif a l'extirpation totaleou partiellc du corps thyroide. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb., etc., 1**6. I'ar., 1887. ii. 25-49. Also: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom.. Oenc'-ve, 18*7, vii, 275: 318.—Bibbcrt. Die neue- ren beobachtungen iiber die Function der Schilddriise und das Myxiielem. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 2*6.—[Bichardsoii (B. W.i] Mvxeedema. Ascle- piad, Lond., 1886, iii, 281-284.—BiesslL.) t Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 881. — Bobcrts (M. J.) t Planet. N. Y., 1883, i, 86.—Bobinson (A. H.) A case of spora- dic cretinism, with myxeedema. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xx, 261-264, 1 pi'. — Bobinson (.J. A.) Mvxeide- ma. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1883, xlvii, 467-473.—Bob- inson (T.) t Tr. Willan Soc. Lond. (1883-4), 1885, i, 56.— Savage (G. H.) Myxeedema and its nervous symptoms. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1879-80. n. s., xxv, 517-519, 1 pi.— Savill (T. D.) Case of myxeedema in a male aged twenty-nine. Lancet, Lond., 1*85. ii, 899. Also: Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1885. ii. 916. -----. f Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1885-6, xix, 306-308.—Senion (F.) t Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1880-81, xiv*. 61-67. — Scppilli ( G.) Del mixoedema, o cachessia pachielermica. (Riv. crit.) Riv. sper. di fre- niat, Reggio-Kinilia, 1882, viii, 114-123. Also, transl.: Alienist cfe Neurol., St. Louis, 1883, iv, 14-25— Shelswell (O. B.) Cases of hsemorrhagic tendency iu myxeedema. I Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 675.— Stewart (J.) Myxeedema appearing during the course of chronic tetanv. Canada M. cfe S. JT, Montreal, 1887-8. xvi, 70-75. — Stokes (W.) Acute myxeedema following thyroidectomy. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1886, ii, 709-711. — Suckling (C. W.) Case of myxeedema. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 716. Also: Bir- I ^lyxcpdeiiia. mingbam M. Rev., 1884, xv, 156-15*. Also [Abstr.] : Lan- cet, Lond., 1883, i, 548. -----. Case of myxaelema in a woman aged seventy-six. Lancet, Lond.. 1885, i, •.*<». -----. Sequel to a case of myxeedema in a woman a^eel seventy-six. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i 918. — Tbaou ( L.) Cachexie pachydermique. Rc-v. incus, de ine-el. el chir., Par., 1**0. iv, 614-631. — I'jfalusy (J.) A mvxoeeeleiiia'. roi. Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1**7. xxxi, 1193: 1233. Also, transl.. Pest. meel.-chir. ITiessn. Budapest. 18*7, xxiii' 868; 881.—Verriest. t Bull. Soc. de med. ment. eh- Belg Gaud et Leipz., 1886, no. 41, 61-(i3. Also: Rev. mecl.' Louvain, 1**6, v, 193-199. -----. t Art meel., brux., l**ii-7 xxii, 185-190. —Virchow (R.) Feber Myxeeelema. Berl! klin. Wchnschr., 1*8,. xxiv. 121-126. Also: Wien. nied. Bl., 1887. x. 201-205. — Wadsworlh ( (). F. ) A caseof mvxeedema with atrophy of the optic nerves. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1884, Bost.,' 1**5. iii. pt. 5. 725-727. Also: boston M. & S. J., 1885. cxii. 5. — W'arfi inae (F. W.) i Hviiie*a, Stockholm, 1887, xlix, 85-91. — West (E.G.) t Autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 50-55. [Discus- sion] 60.—Wewer. t Frauenarzt, Berl., 1887. ii. 525-531.— White ( E. W. ) A case of myxeedema associated with insanity. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 974-976. -----. t Post- mortem examination. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud.. 1*85. xviii, 159-163. Also: Brit.- M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 381. — Ziele- wicz. Eiu Fall von Myxodem mit starker Stomatitis und Hepatitis interstitialis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 400. Myxoma and myxosarcoma. See Brain (Tumors of); Nerve (Optic, Tumors of); Tumors (Myxomatous). Iflyxomycete*. Kent (WT S.) The myxomveetes or mycetozoa; ani- mals or plants. Pop. Sc. Rev., Lond., 1881, n. s., v, 97-116, 2 pi. — Krukenberg (C. F. W.) Ueber ein peptisches Enzym in Plasmodium der Myxomyceten und im Eidotter vom Huhne. I'ntoi-such. a. d. phvsiol. Inst. el. I'niv. Hei- delb., 1878, ii. 273-286—Stahl (E.-) Zur Biologic der My- xomyceten. [From: Bol Ztg., 1884. No. 10-12.] Biol. Centralbl.. Erlang., 1884-5, iv. 353-356. iVIyzostoma. IVausen (F.) Anatomie und Histologie des Nerven- svstemes der Myzostomen. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1887, n. F., xiv, 267-321, 1 pi. Ifl'Zab. Ainat (C.) Les eaux du MTZab. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1884, iii, 463-471. K N. NACHRICHTEN. N. (C. A.) De vi uatune medicatrice. Theses iu cxauiiue pro licentia. 36 pp. 8:. [n. p.. n. d.] N. (C. F.) Homoeopathy; its reason. Compiled by ... 3. ed. 24 pp. 32J. Boston, 0. Clapp if Son, [1872, vel subseq.]. N, (F. L>.) Dedicated to ye tercentenary of Edin- burgh University. Sketches of ye seven ages of ye Edinburgh student, with apologies to Shakespeare. 1 1., 7 pi. sm. 4-. Edinburgh, 1884. N. ( M.)l Mcelela mediciine. Sec Nedham (March- uiont). N. (M.)'2 Anatomy epitomized aud illustrated, containing: I. A concise and plain description of air the parts of the human body; together with their various uses in the animal oecouomy. II. A large and choice collection of sculptures, exhibiting a just idea of the figure, si.ze, situa- tion, connection, and uses of the several parts of the body, in seventeen folio copper-plates. 2 p, 1., 182 pp., 17 pi. sr. London, J. Noon, 1737. N. (X.)1 Delia naturale incorruzione de' cadaveri. In: 11 ac. (V opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1732, vii, 341-409. -----. Kiflessioui sopra la relazione dell' iufir- mita ultiniameute accaduta in persona delle N. N., distesa nel primo foglio del suo libro intito- lato: Risposte ad aleuni consul ti, parte prima. In: Rac. d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1738. xvi, 477-544. nr. rs.y See [Wittniaiui (Frans Joseph) & IV. (N.)] Twee verhandeliiigeu. 8°. Haarlem, 1*25. PV. (R.) En kart afhaudliug om kriiftan, hwaruti elcss orsaker undersokas, och twanne emot samrna sjiikduin tjenlige medel, hwilka hitintils blifwit hos oss hcnilige hallne, liiggas for allnianhetens ogon i bast a walmening. [On cancer, its causes, and two cases in which a proper remedy was ap- plied which has been kept secret hitherto, etc.] 31 pp. 12-. Stockholm, C. F. Marquard, 1899. IV. K. P. S. See Edle (Der) Scharbocks- oder Sieber-Klee. 16D. Budissin u. Gorlitz, 1725. Naaldcnbcrg (Albertus). * Specimen sistens observationein de lethali inter parturiendum uteri ruptura. 31 pp., 11. S-. Leovardice, D. v. d. Sluis, 1891. Nabcrschiilte (Joseph). * Ueber die Aetiolo- gie der Kriimpfe im Kindesalter. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1879. c. Naber* (Jean). *Sur l'hysterie. 24 pp. 4°. Paris. 1S20, No. 282, v. 162. Nabias (Barthelemy-NJarie-Napoleon). * Jean 1'iivost, medecin de la ville de Pau, et sou cata- logue (l«*s plantes du Beam, de la Navarre, du Bigorre et des cotes de la mer depuis Bavonne jusqu'a Saint-Sebastieu (1600-60). 143 pp". 4-, Bordeaux, 1886, Xo. 27, 1SS5-0. -----. * Les Gallesct leurs habitants, vii, 9-144 pp. S-. Paris, O. Doin, 1886. Naboua (Edmond). Du traitement de iVinphy- scnie pulmouaire par l'air comprint. (Appareil (le Waldenburg.) 46 pp., 1 1. 4=. Montpellier, 1884, Xo. 67. Naboillie (B.) *Sur la fievre interniittente simple. 25 pp. 4-. Paris, 1837), No. 178, v. 287. 39 Nabotll (Martinus). * De auditu difficili. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Hake Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1703]. -----. The same. [Recusa?] 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1703]. -----. De organo auditus. Resp. Georgio Miiu- cheurod. 7 1. sm. 4-. Lipsiee. lit. C. Gbzi, [1703]. -----. De sterilitate. Resp. Joh. Ernest. Kru- schius. 141. 4°. Lipsiee, typ. A. Zeiclleri, [1797]. -----. The same. Recusa. 14 1. 4°. Lipsiee, 1709. Also, in: Hai.lek. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Qroiiimjee, 1750, v, 232-259. NaceflT (Deuieter R.) * Beitrage zur Statistik der kiinstlich eingeleiteten Friibgeburt. 22 pp. --. Wurzburg, F. E. Thein, 1872. Naclict (A.) Instruction sur l'application du microscope dans la production de la grainc des vers k soie. 12 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Pavis, Sachet f fils. 1872. Naclict & fils. Catalogue descriptif des in- struments de inicrographie. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, 1863. Nachich (G.) * Alcune idee sulle sale d' asilo del Sig. Cochin, primo fondatore delle stesse a Pa- rigi, applicate alia pubblica igiene da . . . 20 pp. S3. Padova, Crescini, 1834. [P., v. 946.] Nachricht von dem Emser Mineral \vnsse*r. 13 pp. 16°. Wiesbaden, E. F. C. Enden. 1K>3. Nachricht von der Heil- und Verpllegiiugsau- stalt Soiinenstcin bei Pirna. See Heil- und Ver- pfleguiigsanstalt Sounensteiu bei Pirna. Nach ric lit von dem Krancken-Spital zur Aller- heiligsten Dreyfaltigkeit, woriunen (lessen An- orduung und Beschaffenheit beschrieben, zu- gleich aber alle diejenige Ordnuugeu uud Iu- structiones zusammen getragen worden, welche die, znr Besorgung der Billiot-Hoffhiauu- uud Kirckneiischen Stiftung, vou hoch-lobl. n. Oe. Regierung, bestellte Commission zum Beliuf die- ses Spitals gemachet, uud ertheilet hat. 55 pp. fol. Wienn, J. P. v. Ghelen, 1742. Nacliricllt an das Pnblikum, die Gesuudbruu- ueu v.n Codowa, Reinertz, Altwasser, Charlotten- brunn, Salzbrunn und Fiinsberg, in Schlosie-n betreffend. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Breslau, IV. G. Kom, 1777. Nacliricllt, wie sich bey jetzigen besorglichen Zeiten das gemeiue Laud- uud Baners-Volck iu dem sachsischen Lande vor der hin und wieder grassireudeu Kranckheit priiserviren. See Sax- ony. Nacliricllt von einem Ungliicklichen, der durch einen Schuss seine untere Kinnlade verlor, mit der Abbildung seines Zustandes uud der Mn- schiue, deren er sich bedient, um die fehlende Kinnlade dadurch zu ersetzen. 6 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4C. Berlin, J. TV. Schmidt, 1799. Nachricht vou zvcey neuentdeckten Mittelu fiir Seliwangere und Gebiilirende. 109 pp. 12". Bern, Haller, 1789. Nachrichteii iiber die Cholera morbus und ihre sclirecklichen Verheerungen im Jahr 1,-30, nrit- getlieilt von zwey evangelischen Pastoren im russischen Gouver'nement Saratov, nebst eiuem 609 NACHKICHTEX. 610 XAGKLE. Nachrichtcil iiber die [etc.]—continued. Anhang iiber die Entstehuug uud Verbreitung dieser Krankheit, so wie einige Heilmittel gegen dieselbe. 52 pp. 8°. Basel, C. F. Spittlei; 1831. Nachrichtcil von dem Leben uud deu Schriften jeztlebeuder teutseher Aerzle, Wuudarzte, Thier- iirzte, Apotheker uud Naturforscher; hrsg. vou Johann Kaspar Philipp Elwert. 1. Bd. xii, 690 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hildesheim, J. D. Gerstenberg, 1799. Nachrichtcil von dem Ludwigsbrunner Mi- neral-Wasser, desseu Bestandtheilen und Heil- kriiften, so wie von der Lage des Ludwigsbrun- nens hei Burggriif'enrode, im Grossherzogthum Hessen. 13 pp., 1 1. 8°. Frankf. a. M., C. Nau- mann, 1836. Nachrichtcil von dem Selterser Mineral-Was- ser, dessen Bestandtheilen und Heilkriiftcn so- wie von der Lage des Gesuudbruunens zu Nieder- selters. 28 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8C. Wiesbaden, 1834. Nachtcl (Henri). *Del'hematocele peri-uterine. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, Xo. 355. -----. Fonctionnement de l'ambulance urbaine ele Xew York, destinee h porter les premiers secours sur la voie publique, et utilit6 qu'il y a d'etablir un service dc ce genre a Paris. 14 pp. S~. [Paris], G. Masson, 1881. Nachtigal (Gustav). * Feber Area Celsi. 31pp. oG. Wurzburg, Becker, 1887). Naclltigal (Gustavus) [1834-85]. * Nonnulla de vena* portarum thromboseos a*tiologia et symptomatologia, pnemissa morbi historia. 4*? pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Kitnike, 1857. Naclltigal (Jo. Wences.) * De submersis. In: ue Wasserberg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8°. Vindob., 1776, iv, 325-344. Naclltig'al (Richard) [1845- ]. Die Patho- logie des Luugeueniphysems, dargestellt nach der Cellular-Physioiogie. 42 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, 1879. Nachtrag zum Rathgeber fiir alle, [etc.] See Schnitzer (Adolph). Nachweis der Verbandmittel, Apparate, Laza- reth-Ftensilien, Medicamente uud Labemittel, etc., welche der freiwilligen Krankeupflege theils als nothweudige, theils als uiitzliche zur even- tuellen Beschaffung oder zur Bereithaltung in Musterdepots zu empfehleu sind. Festgestellt in der Sachverstiiudigeu-Conferenz, Berlin, den 6. November 1875. Und mittels Erlasses des konigl. Kriegs-Ministeriums an den Militair-In- specteur der freiwilligen Krankeupflege vom 19. Januar 1876 als Richtschnur fiir die Vereine der freiwilligen Krankeupflege empfohlen. 24 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. F. Starcke, 1876. Nacqiiart (Jean- Baptiste) [1780-1853], * Sur les phlegmasies aigues de la poitrine. 52 pp. S-. Paris, an XI [1893]. [Also, in: P., v. 1635.] de Nada iliac ( Vicomte). Les trepanations pre"- historiques. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Gervais, 1879. Repr. from: Correspondant. -----. Aftaiblissement de la natality en France, ses causes et ses consequences. 2. ed. vi,149 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1886. Nadal (J.) *I. Duiuecanisme suivant lequel se produit, la fracture du calcaneum, quels en sout les signes ? Des iudicatious que pr^sente cette fracture. Determiner si les divers appareils employes juseju'a ce jour remplissent ces indica- tions. II. [etc.] 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 64. v. 407. Nadau des Islets (E.-L). #De l'inoculation du chancre mou a la region cephalique, au point de vue de la distinction a etablir eutre les deux virus ehancreux, et de la therapeutique qui leur est propre. 83 pp. 4C. Paris, 1858, No. 284, v. 622. Nadaud (J.-F.-Angel-Cyprien). * Etude sur les gangrenes dans les blessures par amies a feu. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 69. Nadaud (P.-A.-Hilaire). * Paralysics ohslctri- cales des nouveau-nes. 60 pp. 4 . Paris, 1872, XTo. 282. Nadaud (Pierre-Paul-Louis). * Snr les furon- cles de la face. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, Xo. 74. Nadeaud (Jean). * Plantes usuelles des Talii- tiens. 52 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel ante, 1864. [P., v. 46.] Nader (Joseph). * De morbis potatorum. 22 pp. 8°. Vienna; typ. Congregationis Mechitaristicw, 1842. -----. Ocsterreichischer Mediziual- Sclieniatis- mus. Verzeichniss aller Civil- und Militiir- Aerzte, Wundiirzte und Apotheker der oster- reichischen Monarchic 292 pp. 8°. Wien, Tend- ler u. Comp., 1859. Nadcriuaini ([Joannes] Josephus) [1808- ]. * Qmedam de febre intermittente soporosa. 25 pp., 21. 8~. Berolini, li/p. Niciackianis,[1832]. Nadheruy (Ignaz Florian) [1789-1867]. * De febre piierperali. 31 1. 8°. Pragex, typ. J. Dicsbach vid., [1812]. -----. Ueber die Verletzungen in gerichtlich- medizinischer Beziehung fiir Geriehtsarzte und Richter. 5 p. 1., 148 pp. 8°. Prag, G. Haase, 1818. For Biography, see Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 1097. Nadrowski ( Gulielmus ). * De ameuorrluea. 31 pp. 8°. Regiomontii Pr., Samter et Ralhke, 1849. c. Nache (Paul). * Ueber Darmperforatiou im Typhus abdominalis. 30 pp. 8J. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1873. Naef (Georgius). * Diss, continens observationes de scirrho. 22 pp. 4°. Gottingee, H. Dieterich, [1802]. Naf (Heinrich). * Ueber den Eintritt der Vol- lcndung bei dem Verbrechen der Braudstiftung. 39 pp. Sr Zurich, E. Kicsling, 1S51. c. Naegele (Emil). * Ueber die angeborene Hals- fistel (Halskiemen-Fistel). [Wurtzburg.] 50pp. 8°. Speyer, D. Kranzbiihlei; 1866. Nagele (Franz Carl) [1777-1851]. Bcytrag zu einer naturgeschichtlichen Darstellung der kraukhaften Erscheinung am thierischen Kor- per, welche man Entziindung nennet, uud ihrer Folgen: der Zertheilung, der Eiterung, der Vcr- hartung und des Brandes. xvi, 158 pp., 11. •*• r Diisseldorf, 1894. -----. Erfahrungen uud Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiethe der Krankheiten des weiblichen Ge- schlechtes. Nebst Grundziigen einer Methoden- lehre der Geburtshiilfe. viii, 451 pp., 4 pi. w . Mannheim, T. Loefftei; 1812. -----. Schilderung des Kindbettfiebers, welches vom Juni lsll bis zum April 1812 in der gross- herzoglicheu Eutbindungsaustalt zu Heidelberg geherrscht hat. 48 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, Mohr u. Zi miner, 1812. Bound with: Pitschaft (J. A.) Unteiricht [etc.] 12°. Heidelberg, 1812. -----. Ueber den Mechanismus der Geburt. 67 pp. 8J. Heidelberg, Engelmann, 1-22. Repr. from: Deutsches Arch. f. d. Phvsiol., Halle, 1819, v, 4. Hft. ■ Imperfect. -----. The same. An essay on the mechanism of parturition. From the German, by Edward Rigby. xxii (1 1.), 166pp. 12°. London, Callow if Wilson, 1829. -----. Das weibliche Becken hetrachtet in Be- ziehung auf seine Stellung und die Richtuug seiner Hohle, nebst Beytriigen zur Geschiehte der Lehre von den Beckcnaxen. viii, 126 pp., I 3 pi. 4°. Carlsruhe, C. F. Miiller, 1825. NAGELE. 611 XAGELI. Niigclc (Franz Carl)—continued. _____. lb- jure vitie et necis quod competit me- dico in partu. 31 pp. 4°. Heidelbergce, typ. A. Osswald, [1826]. _____. Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe fiir die Heb- animen im Grossherzogthume Baden, xvi, 400 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1830. _____. The same. 4. Aufl. xvi, 406 pp. 8°. Hei- delberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1839. .-----. The same. 5. Aufl. xvi, 407 pp., 1 pi. 8o. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Main; 1842. _____. The same. 6. Aufl. xvi, 386, 127 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1844. _____. The same. 8. Aufl. xvi, 411 pp. 8°. Hei- delberg, J. C B. Mohr, 1850. _____. The same. Manuel d'aecouchements, a 1'usage des sages-femmes. Trad, de l'allemand par J.-B. Pigne. 383 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Vve. Hildebrand, [n. d.] -----. Katechismus der Hebammenkunst, als Auhang zur zweiteu Auflage seines Lehrbuches der Gelmrtshiilfe fiir Hebamnien. 1 p. 1., 127 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1834. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 127 pp. 8-'-. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1836. -----. The same. Als Anhang zur vierteu Auf- lage seines Lehrbuches der Gelmrtshiilfe fiir die Hebammen im Grosshersogthume Baden, iv, 127 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1839. Bound with his: Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe fiir Heb- ammen. 8°. Heidelberg, 1839. -----. Das schriig verengte Becken, nebst einem Anhange iiber die wichtigsteu Fehler des weib- lichen Beckeus iiberhaupt. vi (1 1.), 118 pp., 16 pi. fol. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1839. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. vi, 118 pp., 16 pi. 4°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1850. -----. The same. Des prineipaux vices de con- formation du bassin, et specialement du retre- cissement oblique. Trad, de l'allemand et aug- mente de notes par A.-C. Dauyau. viii, 272 pp., It! pi. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailiiere, 1840. -----. The same. The obliquely contracted female pelvis, with an appendix on its most important vices of conformation. Transl. from the German, by John Christie, with the uotes and plates of M. Danvau. xiii, 134 pp. 8°. Manchester, W. Irwin, 1848-9. Bound with: Clay (C.) British record of obstetric medicine and surgery. 8°. Manchester, 1848-9, ii. -----. Zur Methodologie der Geburtshiilfe. Grundziige der allgemeinen Pathologie und Therapie der Geburt, als Mauuscript fiir seiue Zuhorer. 1. Lfg. 56 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1847. Also, Co-Editor of: Ileidelbcrg-er klinische Annalen, 1825-34.— lVIetlicinische Annalen, Heidelberg, 1835-47. See, also, Bullz (Theodorus Fridericus). De ophthal- mia catarrhali bellica [etc.] 4°. Heidelbergce, 1816.— Puchelt (Bennone Rudolph). Cornnientatio de tumori- bus in pelvi (etc.] 4°. Heidelbergce, 1840. — Wigand (Justus Heinrich). Die Geburt des Menschen, [etc.] 8°. Berlin. 1820. -----. The same. 8°. Berlin, 1839. For Biography, see Allg. med. Uentr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1851, sx, 85. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1851, i, 494-496 (Kaige-Delorme). Also: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 54. Also: Med. Aim., Berl., 1852, ix-x. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Naegele (Hermann Franz Joseph) [1810-51]. *Mogostocia e conglutiuatione orificii uteri ex- tend, iv, 43 pp. 8°. Heidelbergce, G. Reichard, 1837). -----. Die geburtshulfliche Auscultation, xii, 140 pp. ^ 8°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1838. -----. The same. A treatise ou obstetric auscul- tation. Transl. from the German, by Charles West, ix, 120 pp. 18°. London, H. Renshau; 1839. -----. Die Lehre vom Mechanismus der Geburt, nebst Beitragen zur Geschiehte derselben. xv, 243 pp 8°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1838. Naegele (Hermann Franz Joseph)—continued. -----. The same. The theory of the mechanism of labour. [Abstr.] transl. from the German, by John Christie. 42 pp. 8°. Manchester, W. Ir- win, [n. d.] Bound with: Clay (C.) British record of obstetric medicine and surgery. 8D. Manchester, 1849, ii. -----. Commentatio de causa quadam prolapsus funiculi umbilicalis in partu, non rara ilia qui- dem, sed minus nota. 30 pp. 4°. Heidelberqce, C. Winter, 1839. -----. Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe. l.u. 2. Theil. ix, 320 pp. ; 207 pp. 8°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1843-5. Incomplete. CONTENTS. 1. Theil. Physioiogie und Diatetik der Geburt. 2. Theil. Pathologie und Therapeutik der Geburt. 1. Abth. -----. The same. 4. Aufl., besorgt von Dr. Wol- demarLudwigGrenser. xv,736pp. 8°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1854. -----. The same. 5. Aufl., den Fortschritten der Wissenschaft eutsprechend bearbeitet und ver- mehrt von Dr. Woldemar Ludwig Grenser. xvii, 799 pp. 8°. Mainz, von Zabern, 1863. -----. The same. 7. Aufl., den Fortschritten der Wissenschaft eutsprechend bearbeitet uud ver- mehrt von Woldemar Ludwig Grenser. xxi, 858 pp. 8°. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1869. -----. The same. 8. Aufl., bearbeitet uud ver- mehrt von Dr. Woldemar Ludwig Grenser. xv, 842 pp. 8C. Mainz, V. von Zabern, 1872. ----- & Grenser (W. L.) The same. Traite pratique de l'art des accouchements. 2. ed. fran- eaise, traduite sur la 8. et derniere ed. alle- mande, annotee et mise au courant des derniers progres de la science par G.-A. Aubenas; ouvrage precede d'une introduction par J. - A. Stoltz. xxxii, 816 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if ills, 1880. j\ae§"ele (Joseph). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Naegele (Ortwin) [1815- ]. * Historia par- tus, post matris mortem ope forcipis absoluti. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1838]. -----. Diatetik der Schwangerschaft. Diewich- tigsten Lebeusregeln fiir schwangere Frauen. vii, 73 pp. 24°. Diisseldorf, W. Kaulen, 1853. -----. Wasserheilanstalt Marienberg bei Bop- pard am Rhein, im Februar 1867. [Circular.] 11. 8°. [n.p., 1867.] Nageli (Carl). Beitrage zur wissenschaftlichen Botanik. 3. Hft. iv, 198 pp., 11 pi. 8-. Leip- zig, W. Engelmann, 1863. CONTENTS. Die Anwendung des Polarisationsmicroscops auf die Untersuchung der organischen Elementartheile. Untersuchungen iiber den Flechtenthallus von S. Schwendener. II. Laub- und Gallertflechten. -----. Die niederen Pilze in ihreu Beziehungen zu deu Iufectionskrankheiten und der Gesund- heitspflege. xxxii, 285 pp. 8°. Miinchen, R. Ol- denbourg, 1877. -----. Untersuchungen iiber niedere Pilze aus dem pflanzenphysiologischen Institut in Miin- chen. 1 p. 1., 285 pp. 8°. Miinchen it. Leipzig, R. Oldenbourg, 1882. See, also, Bnchner (Hans). Die Naegeli'sche Theo- rie. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. — Pijzcl (E. D.) Een revolutio- nair op het gebied [etc.] 8°. [Amersfoort, 1878.1 -----. Naegeli's theorie, etc. 8°. Amsterdam, 1878. -----& Scliwendener (S.) Das Mikroskop ; Theorie und Anwendung desselben. ix, 628 pp. S-. Leipzig, WT. Engelmann, 1867. Nageli (Caspar). * Ueber das hatifige Vorkom- men kleinerer Ausdehnungen der Arterieu. 29 pp., 1 1. tr. Zurich, E. Kiesling, 1852. NAGELI. 612 NJEVUS. NajfCli (Heinrich)1. * Beitrage zur Entwieklungs- geschichte der Rader thiere. 31 pp., 2 pi. £■-. Zurich, E. Kiesling, 1852. Na*;jeli (Heinrich)2. * Ueber die Beziehuugeu der Lues zur Tabes dorsal is. [Zurich.] 42 pp. 8°. Glarus, V. Schmid, 1887. c. Naegeli (Louis Aug.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Pilze auf die Bilduug von Riesenzellen mit wandstaudigen Kerneu. [Bern.] 20 pp. 8J. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1885. Niitfcii (Wilhelm). Beitrage zur Lehre der elek- trischen Muskelreiziing. 30 pp., 11. 8-. Zu- rich, F. Walderii. Sohn, 1861. NaegJiels. * De phthisi pulmonali. 13 pp. 4°. Parisiis, 1808, No. 56, v. 70. Naetlier ( Carolus Fridericus Ephraim. ) * De hernia inguinali incarcerata. 34 pp. 8J. Jence, typ. F. Frommanni. 1838. Naevius (Carol. Gottlob.) * Dephrenitide. 40 pp. sm. 4-. Gissce-Hassorum, E. B. Lammers, [1742]. UJaevius {Caspar) [1514-79]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. of Phys. Sc Men of Sc, pp. 9, 125, and 143, 217b. IVaevillS (Joannes) [1499-1574]. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. of Phys. cfe Men of Sc, 217b. See, also, Aneurism by anastomosis, etc. ; An- gioma, etc.; Artery (Carotid, Ligatuve of); Con- junctiva (Tuinovs of); Eyelids (Tumors of, Vas- cular) ; Foetus (Maternal influence on); Scalp, Scrotum, Ncevits of; Tumors (Cavcvuous, etc.) Arxdt(M.) * De mevo materno. 4°. Halce, [1839]. Boehm (L. I.) * De mevo nonnulla. 4°. Bevolini, [1848]. Chaigneau (G.) * Des tumeurs erectiles. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Fixella (F.) Primo libro de nevi. 16°. Antvevpia; 1632. Hechtel (J. L. ) De mevis maternis. 4°. Jena, [1688]. Indiscretions (Les) de Lavater. Etude ine"- dite par ce professeur c61ebre; lithographiee d'apres le dessin original dc* LaAater, qui uous a ete communique par M. Schwitzer. 2. ed. 1 pi. fol. [Pan's, n. d.] Kralse (C. C.) Abhandlung von den Mutter- miilern, welche mit dem, von der kaiserl. Aka- demie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg, auf das Jahr 1756 ausgesetzten Picise gekrout worden ; nebst einer andern Abhaudlung, welche die gegeiiseitige Meynung behauptet. Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt von Christian August Wichmann. 4°. Leipzig, 1758. Laboulbexe (J.-J.-A.) ' 8ur le nsevus en general, et sur uue modification particuliere et non decrite, observee dans un na*vus de la pau- piere superieure. 4C. Paris, 1854. Mandt (C.) * De teleaugiectaseos notione et cura. 6-. Marburg, [1837]. Matthias (F.) * De telangiectasia. 8°. Be- rolini, [187)9]. Rac (AV. T.) * De mevis maternis. 4°. Al- torfii, [1742]. Kiciiter (G. G.) [Pr.] de usevis theoria? me- dica* strictim dissereus. 4-. Gottingee, [1741], Roklvixk (H. J.) *Diss. exhihens teleau- giectaseos notiouem et curam, observationibus illustratam. 8~. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1842. Rumpf (G. A.) *Dena*vis maternis. sm. 4°. Duisburgi, [1816]. Salomon (M. G.) * De teleangiectasia, 8C. Heidelbergce, 1839. Schkrzeh ( H. A. ) * Ueber Telangiectasia. 8°. Leipzig, [1~(J7]. Sei>talu s (L.) Densevis liber. *•* . Patavii, 1628. -----. The same. Editio postrema emenda- tior et indiculo auctior. 16°. Dordrechti, 1650. -----. The same. 4°. [Geneva; 1687.] SoldaX ( C. E. ) *Akad. afhand, om teleau- giectasi. 8:. Helsiugfors, [1847], Vr.iF.xs (G. H. L.) Over teleaugieetasie. 8-\ Rotterdam, 1869. Adams ( A. L.) On a few abnormalities and certaiu morbid conditions met with in recruits. Lancet. Lond., 1874. i. 364. —Agnew ( D. H.) Na>vus. ( iucin. Lancet Sc Clinic. 1879, n. s., iii, 434. — AiiiiiimUoii (A. C. ) Mother's mark. Meel. Age, Detroit, 1.-86. iv. 111.— Baerensprung. Navus nnius lateris. Ann. d. Char.- Krankeuh. . . . zu Berl.. 1863, xi, 2. Hft. 91-95, 1 pl._ Bartlielemy. Deux observations de nievua zoniformes lisses, l'un pigmentaire. 1'autre vasinlaiii*. Ann. elo dermat. et syph., Par., 1882. 2. s., iii, 289-284. — Bennett (G.) Case of singular naevus maternus. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1827, n. s., iii, 48, 1 pi.—Birkett (J.i Account of the structure of a naevus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1847, xxx, 193-198— Boaiclman (J.) Naevi. Buffalo M. J., 1858-9, xiv, 577-580. —Bryant (T.) On mevus. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1860. 3. s.. vi. 69-74.—Buchanan (G.) (Tinic-al lecture on naevus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 831-833. — Campana ( R. ) Sopra aleuni nei materni; studii clinici. Resoc. Accad. meel.-chir. di Xapoli, 1875, xxix, 31-49. 1 pi.: 1876, xxx, 50-75. 12 pi.— Carpenter (G. AV. ) | Mother's marks.] Peoria M. Mouth., 1883-4, iv, 404-406.—Carter (W. G.) On nievi materni. Lancet, Lond.. 1873, i. 87-89.—[Cases.] De n;vvo materno, nulla arte me-elie-abili. Soc. med. Havn. collect, 1775, ii, 112- 115.—Naevus maternus. Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 127.— More than a hundred naevi on the same infant. Ibid., 1858, i, 63. — Ein merkwiirdiger haariger Nsevus. (Ma- ria der Orang - Utang.) Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 877.—Nsevi materni. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1871, i, 49. — Coote ( H. ) On naevi materni and dilatations of the vessels of the integument. Lond. M. Gaz-., 18;")U, n. s., x, 412-416. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1850, xv, 157-163.— Curling ( T. B. ) Observations on nsevi, their structure and treatment Lond. M. Gaz.. 1838, n. s., ii, 791; 833.—Desprett (A.) H6terotopie pile-use cutanee congenitale (usr-vus pilosus occupant presque tout le corps). Gaz. hebd. de meel.. Par.. 1874. xxi, 244 — Dubois. Tacbemelanionne circiiinoibitairi'congenitale. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 18o.">, xxxiv, 265-207.— Duncan (J.) Xievus. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 697-714.—Erirhsen (J. E.) On naevus Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1858, 869.—Fay ier (J.) t Xievus. Indian Ann. AI. Sc Calcutta, 1865, No. xix, 81.—Fergusion. Extensive ihinoeere>sna*vus. Laucet, Lond., 1859, i, 32.—Garret»oii (J. E.) Naevus. Med.i Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1871, xxiv. 7-9. -----. Melauoid nae- vus. Ibid., 366-368.—Geber (E.) Ueber eine seltene Form von Xa-vusder Autoren. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat.,AVien, 1874, n. s., i. 3-16.—Gherini (A.) Desll' angle, tasia. In Ins.: Contrib. a. chir. sui bambini. 8T Milano. 1,-70. 7-19, 1 pi.— (»reiuer (A.) Muttermaler (Xievi materni) seltener Art. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1863, viii, 278. — <;■ ifiilli (T. T.) On navus. Brit. Al. J., Loud., 1863, ii, 344.—Gucuiot. Nsevus hypertrophique de la region fronto-soiireiiliere droite chez un enfant de 2 ans. Bull. Soc. de chir., Par., 1871, 2. s., xi, 249— Gucrsaut. Quelejues reflexions pra- tiques sur les tumeurs et laches va-culaircs et sur les naevi materni chez les enfants. Bull. gen. de the*rap., etc., Par., 1863, lxiv, 494-502.—Hawkins (C. II.) Large nievus of the cheek. Loud. AI. Gaz., 1834-5, xv, 815. Also, in his: . . . Path. Sc Surg. Writings, 8°. Loud., 1874, i, 255-257.— Hicknia (C.) Avascular nievus. Lancet, Lond., )s:s4, ii, 111. — Ilofmokl. Teleaugiektasie vou ungewohn- licher Ansdehnuug : geheilt. Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 485-487.—llorrocks (P.) A case of facial aud ocu- lar naevus. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1882-3, iii, 106 - 108, 1 pi. — Hosmer. Case of na-vus iu a child five months old. Boston Al. *c S. J., 1875. xcii, 504.— Hubbard (G. E.) The big nievus. Tr. Al. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1870, 135-138, 1 pi— J acq u in (C.) Memoire it observations sur les marques ou taches de naissancc-. J. gen. de med.. chir. et pharm., Par.. 1812, xliv, 121; 245.— Johnson (J.) Cases of, and reflections on, na*vi ma- terni. AVest. Sc South. AI. Recorder, Lexington, Ky., 1841-2, i, 506-512. — Krylovski (M. G.) K kazuist so- sud. novoobraz. koji u novorojelen (na-vus vascularis) [in new-born infant]. -I. aku-b. i jensk. boliez., St. Pe- tersb., 1887, i, 792-796. —F audi (P.) t t Angectasie. In his: ( lin. chir. n. speeiale :h vinn Alar ad. S: da dik-iina, 8°. Siena, 1862-4. pt. 2. 61 -68.— Fareher (O ) ISavus maternus. Diet, eucvcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1876, 2. 8., xi, 368-381. — I.cigh ill.) Chelating post-natal navus. Lancet, Lend.. 'l8Mi. ii, 867. — Leopold (J. H.) 1'nge- heurer Naevus lenticularis und iiber die inutbniasslii-he Crsache desselben, als einer Fotuskrankheit. Af on.itsc hi. f. Gebuitsk. u. Fiauenkr., Berl., 1857. x, 362-365.—Lord (A.) Case of na*vus maternus. Loud. M. Gaz., 1842, n. X.EVUS. 613 N.EVFS. \a»VII*. a., ii, i;9n-092.—ITInndelbnuni (AV.) Ein Fall von aus- serst /.a hi re ichen Telangiektasien der sammtlichen Haut Vrtli-clir. f. Dermat, Wien. 1882, ix, 213-219.—ITI a rkoe. ('as.', of nievus. Annalist, X. \T. 1846-7. i, 487. -----. [Extensive nievus in tlie side of the foot.] NT York M. Times, 1855-6, v, 167. — iTIartiu. Rapport sur le me- moire du citoyou Desgranges. de Alorge-s. en Suisse, dans lenue'l il etablit, par plusieurs observations, que les taches cles enfans, nievi materni, sont, produites par l'iniagination de la mere. Rec. d. actes Soc. de sante de Lyon, 1801, ii, 83-91.—.Tlelampus. De mevis corporis tractatus. In: Alelctiiis. De natura structuraque hominis opus, etc., 8in.4c. Venetiis. 1552. 189-191.—Michaelis. Ueber Alut- terniahler. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1830, xiv, 645- B5ii.—.Tlotl (V.) Congenital na-vus. Am. Al. Times, X. Y.. 1-00. i, 456.—ITIurail us (J.) Historia naevi materni. Acad. nat. eunos. opinio., Xorib., 1715, cent, iii-iv, 304, 2 pi. — ITIiitlernialer (Ilie). N. Alag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1791. xiii, 319-351. — >avi (On) Lond. AL & Phys. J., 1824, lii, 303.—i'Vh-vus vasculaire. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1869. i. 141. — Neumann. Ueber Xerve-n-Nievus. Mitth. d. Wien. meel. Doe-t-Coll., 1877, iii, 315-319.—van OiiM'iioort (A. G.) AVaarneming van aanmerkelijke met liaar begroeidc inoedervlekken (naevi materni pilaris). over ele geheele oppervlakte des ligchaams verspreid. Xcderl. Lancet ftrecht, 1839-40, ii, 25-30, 1 pi. — Orn- stein (IS.) Sehr ausgedehnter behaarter Nsevus. Ver- handl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., Berl., 1884, xvi, 99- 106. — Parker (WT T.) Four cases of nevus maternus, related from the observation of Benjamin Parker. Arch. Pediat. Jersey City, 1884, i, 84-87.—Pascalis (F.) Naevi materni; or, remarks on the respective influence* of imag- ination and disease in the formation and deformities of the human fcetus. Aled. Reposit., N. AT, 1815, n. s., ii, 1-14, 1 pi— Piilard. Extensive nievus vascularis. J. Cutan. 4; (ic-nito-1'rin. Dis., N. Y., 18,-7. v. 149. — Pollock. A vei'v extensive na-vus on the chest of an infant. Lancet, Loiiel., 1857. ii, 522— Pooler (J. II.) Naevus. N. York M. J., 1873, xvii, 593-617. Also. Reprint—Proteta (G.) Neo vascolare. In his: Decen. ele clin. dermo-sif. d. Univ. di Palermo, 8°, Palermo, 1878, 52-57, 2 pi. — Richmond (J. S.) Mother's marks. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1881, St. Albans, 1882. 21-30.—Riley (R.) Singular case of naevus inaternus. N. Oil. M. cfe S. J., 1852-3, ix, 471.—Riving- Ion. Congenital nievoid growth of the cheek ; operation ; cure. Brit. M. JT, Lond., 1877, i, 481.—Rustomjce (B.) Xievus of the parts above the left upper lip, and interior of the mouth, causing deformity of the face. Tr. M. & Puvs. Soc. Bombay (1860). 1861, n. s., vi (app.), p. xxv.— Sa'yre. Xievus of foot X. York AI. J., 1877. xxv, 60.— Schaclfcr (M.) Nievus der Mund,- Sehlund-, Larynx- sclileimhaut. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh.. Berl.. 1881, xv, 183. — Sch inner (R.) Ein Fall von Teleangiektasie. Arch. f. | (>l>htli., 1,4-vl., 1860, vii, 1. Abth., 119-121.—Smith (J. H.) Mother's marks. Alississippi Valley M. Alonth., Mem- phis. 1883, iii, 111.—Smith (N. R.) Remarks on the vas- cular nievus, with a new mode of treatment. Maryland AI. Sc S. J., Bait.. 1843, iii, 309-313.—Smith (T.) Naevus. Lancet, Loud., 1867, ii, 65; 124: 191.—Stearns (J.) Re- marks on nievi materni. etc., with a case. U. States M. & S. J., X. AT, 1835-6, ii, 289-291.—Stocker. Large na-vus, involving the whole of the left labium. Lancet, Loud., 1849. ii, 527.— Nubciitaiicoais naevus over the anterior foutanelle. Ibid.. 1,-58, i.,505. -Snccow, Telangiecta- sien. Mecl. Cor.-111. rhein. u. westfal. Aer/.te, Bonn' 1843, ii. 31. — MiicsM-rott (J. L.) Vascular naevi; with report of an interesting case. Aled. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859-60, n. s., iii, 37. — Sym (J.) Naevus resembliug a fatty tumour; removal by excision. Edinb. M. & S. J., | ]s:ik, xiv, 20—Tracy (R.' T.) Report of a case of naevus. Austral. AI. J., Melbourne, 1861, vi, 201. — Turner (C. W.) Extensive na*vus maternus; varicose veins. Mid- land M. .fe S. J., Worcester, 1830-31, ii, 308-310.—Tyrrell (G. G.) On nievus maternus and its treatment. Calif. M. I (iaz., San Fran., 1869-70, ii, 9-12.—Fnusiial (An) caseof na-vus materniis. St. Louis M. cfe S. J.. ]8ii8, n. s., v, 220.— I 1} lierhoeveii (V.) Cas remarquable de pathologic* chi- I rurgicale. Ann. Soc. d. sc. m6d. et nat. eh- Brux., 1839, 43- I *<>•—Walker (B) On two cases of tuevus. Aled. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1880, i, 232. — Warren (J. M.) Nffivus over the* knee- joint Am. J. Al. Sc., I'hila., 1853, n. s., xxvi. 355. — Werner. Fall von Navus pilosus. Ver- hanell. el. Berl. meel. Gesellsch. (1881-2). 1883. xiii, 187.— « est i R. IT) Observations on mother's marks. Lond. •M. cfe S. J., 1834, v, 467.—Westmoreland (\V. F.) Na>- mis; and report of cases. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1881, xxxii, 191-217. Also: Atlanta AI. & S. J., 1884, n. s., i, 321-330 — Wordsworth (J. C.) On nievus. Brit. AL J., Lond., 1858, 1062.—Zeissl. Zur Pathologie uud The- rapie des Gefa'ssmuttoriuales. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1862, xviii, 65-70. i\iPVH* (Complications and sequel tc of). See, also, Melanosis, etc. Bexzlkk(H.) "DieXa-vialsUroprmio.-stiitten luelauc-ti.scher Geschwiilste. d°. Berlin, [I— n]. rVaevus (Complications and sequelce of). Armaignae (H.) Sarcome fascicule de la joue avaut succede a un naevus maternus ecorehe avec un pc-i 'ne. J. ele med. de Bordeaux, 1878-9, viii, 148-150.—Ruttis. tini. Di naevus pigmentarius Ivpomatodes. h\ p,■rti-cijilji- eus, pilosus. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1877, iii. 9J-07, 1 I>1— Rickersteih (E. R.) Large subcutaneous naevus in process of undergoing a peculiar transformation. Month. J. AI. Sc. Lond. .fe Edinb., 1853, xvi. 5K1-517,— Rirkett (J.) A'ery large naevus of the right arm ; spon- taneous atrophy, (iuv's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1850-51 ■' s vii, 291-294, 1 pi.—Bryant (T.) Extensive naevus. in- volving tbe whole of the right leg, in different stages of development Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1857-8, ix, 180-188, 1 pl- -----• Large naevus involving the upper lip, flattening the front teeth in both jaws from its pressure. Ibid., 1870, 3. s., xv, 237.—Cabot (S.) Death following excision of a naevus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1864, lxx, 216.—Churchill (F.) Compound pedunculated growths of the skin devel- oped from moles: A. Melanotic; B. AVarty. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871, xxii, 314-316, 1 pl. -----. Melanotic peduncu- lated growth developed upon a mole; excision : recovery. Med. Times V (Iaz., Lond., 1857, xiv, 146.—Groos ill.) Nievus von enormer Ausdehnung, mit excessiver Pigmentabla- gerung und Haarbildung langs des Riickens. Berl. klin. AVchnschr.. 1870, vii, 396.—Hutchinson. Tumour of the face, of nievoid origin. Aled. Times & Ga/... Loud., 1879, ii, 690.—Hutchison, t Degeneration of a mole into an epithelioma. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1878, i, 485.—Jordan (F.) On the mi'voiel origin of some congenital hypertro- phies. In his: Surg. Enq., 2. ed., 8°, Lond., [1880], 124- 126.—Kroulciti (R. AV.) Ausgedeluites Angioma ca- vernosum polyposiun der AATauge, aus einem Nievus her- vorgegungen; Exstirpation; Heilung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi (Supplhft), 96. — I,aboulbcne. Sur une modification particuliere observee elans un nievus vas- culaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, v, pt. 2, 197-210.— Liegcr. Di'generescencepiecoced'un naevus. Gaz. m6d. de Picardie, Amiens 1886, iv, 54—.VlcShanc (A.) Large na-vus in an unusual location [on the right side of the soft palate]. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1887, n. s., xvi, 436.—.•l:illii<-u (A.) Sarcome melanique dc-la tempe droite ayant debute par une tumeur erectile veineuse; recidive ganglionnaire; tumeur cerebrale de nieme nature. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lv, 544-548. Also : Progies med., Par., 1881, ix, 343.—ITIazzoni (('.) Sarcoma f'uso- cellulare della natica destra.sviluppatosi da un neo muter- no dermoidale; cauterizzazione; guarigiune. Cliu. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1876, iii. 155-157.—yon Vloscugcil (K.) Ein Fall von sehr weit verbreiteteu Xievus mit Hy- pertrophic aller davon befalleuen Gewebstheih- Arch.'f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1870, ii, 735.—Olavidc. Nevus vas- cularis: ulcera varicosa y callosa dela pierna izipiieida. Rev. esp. de offal., sif., etc., Aladrid, 1882-3, i, 107-109.— Paget. Gases of tumors under moles. Med. Times Sc (Iaz?. Lond., 1864. n. s.. i, 58.—Petit (A.) Xievus pig- mentaire ele la jumbo; transformation sarconiateuse. Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par.. 1,-79. liv, 499-502. Also.- Progres med., I'ar.. 1880. viii, 235.—von .Planner (R.) Ein Fall von Xievus congenitus mit excessiver Gesc hwulstbilduug. A'rtlise-hr. f. Dermat., AVien, 1887, xiv, 449-476, 2 pl.— Prewitt. [Sub-cutaneous naevus undergoing cvstic de- generation.] St. Louis M. cfe S. J., 1879-80, xxxviii, 544.— Seharf (W. F.) Exstirpation eiues Xievus telangiec- todes. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Yer., Alagdeb., 1848. ii. 54-. 59.—Verbeeck (W. J. L.) Guerison spontanee d'un nae- vus maternus (teleangiectasia congenita). Ann. Soe. med. d'emulat de la Flaudre oceid., Roulers, 1850, iv, 256-260.— Weinlechner (J.) Mehrere pigmentirte Xaevi, wovon einer an del Brustwirbelsaule Krebsig dogeneiirte; nach (lessen fruchtloser Exstirpation entwickelte sich Carci- nom der Achseleliiisen unit iu Kuotchenform an der rech- ten Brustdriise in rapider AVeise; Tod durch Pleuritis mit Carcinom der Pleura. Ber. d. k. k. Kraiikenanst. Rudolph- Stiftuug in Wien, 1878, 308.—Wood. < 'use of subcutane- ous venous nievus of the cheek, with phi' bolites in the in- terior. Aled. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865. ii. 468. Xaevus (Lipomatous). See, also, Naevus (Complications, etc., of). Hyde (J. X.) A case of congenital nievus liponiatodes. J. Cutau. ..v, Ven. Dis., X. AT, 1885, iii, 193-198. 1 pl. — IT a rcher (().) Xote sur un cas de nsevus liponiatodes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1866, Par., 1867, 4. s., iii. 58-61. X.EVUS. 614 xjevus. ■\acvns (Lipomatous). Also: Gaz. med. de Par.. 1866. 3. s.. xxi, 493. -----. Na*- vus liponiatodes. In his : Etudes clin. et anat. path., Par., 1869, 13-10.—Torri. Osservazioni riguardanti uno stra- ordinario lipoma. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 1837, 2. s., iii, 122-127. HfflPVUS (Pigmentary). See, also, Naevus (Complications, etc., of); Nae- vus (Treatment of). Arnold (G. J.) Case of naevus; or hypertrophy, cor- rugation and discoloration of the skin. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1866, lxxiv, 371. Also, Reprint. — Rudzko (V. A.) Sluch. obshir. rod. pjatna (naevus pigmentosus pennagnus s. nigrismus partialis). Med. Obozr. Mosk., 1887, xxvii, 673-680.—Ruriiottc (J.-B.) Conception pendant l'ecoule- im-nt des regies; taches niaternelles. couleur des cheveux. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1857, 2. s., xxviii, 167.— Cutaneous naevus. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1834-5, vi, 539.— De Sehweinitz (G. E.) Two cases of naevus pigmen- tosus. Phila. AI. Times, 1884-5, xv, 441.—Harvey (G.) An account of a very unusual mark (naevus?) on the neck of an infant. Lond. Al. Gaz., 1846. n. s., ii, 379. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 417. — Hyde (J. X.) Rare form of congenital, multiple, and monohiteral pigmentary nae- vus, having the disposition of zoster corporis. Chicago M.J. & Exam., 1877, xxxv, 377- 381. — .Tlanassei (C.) Su di un caso di neo verrucoso, pigmentario. peloso con- geuito. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1877, i-ii, 253-263, 1 pl. Also: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1877, xii. 227- 234, 1 pl.— Tlui-t-ay (J.) Extensive and increasing hairy moles in a child. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1873, xxiv, 257-259, 1 pl.—Sherwell (S.) Remarks on and queries as to rela- tive freepiency of pathological changes in moles and other tumors on face anil head. J. (Titan, &: (Jeuito-Urin. Dis., X. T., 1887, v, 9-12. Also [Abstr.]: Aled. News, Phila., 1886, xlix. 296. Also: Aled. Rec, NT Y., 1886, xxx, 303. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 303. — Variot (G.) Lesions de la peau dans la melanodennie congenitale et clans le naevus pigmentaire circonscrit. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s , iv, 257. IVsevus (Treatment of). Aitia (L.) * Des tumeurs sauguines 6rectiles et specialemeiit de leur triiite-iueut par les injec- tions au perchlorure de fer. 4C. Paris, 1877. Colsox (A.) *IVs taches vineuses et de leur traitement par les scarifications. 8-. Paris, 1878. Drouix (L.) * Traitement des tumeurs erec- tile* par l'electrolyse. 4°. Paris, 1878. Gkavkxhokst (G. C. B.) * De teleangiecta- sia, ejusque curandi ratione. 8C. Traj. ad Rhe- num, [1835]. Sqiike (B.) Essays on the treatment of skin diseases. No. III. Ou port-wine mark and its obliteration without scar. 8Z. London, 1876. Attains. On the subcutaneous application of the liga- ture for deep-seated nievi. Med. Times, Loud., 1851, n. s., ii. 178.— X liters. Ueber die Behaudliing der Telacgiecta- sie mit Kuhpockenlyuiphe; Biechweiustein-Salbe, Auflo- sung und Pflaster. Med. Cor. -Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn. 1843, ii, 253.—Appia. Observations de tumeurs erectiles traitees par le perchlorure de fer. (Ex- trait d'un travail ineelit euvoye ii la Soc. de med. de Bor- deaux.) Union med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1860, v, 155-159, 1 pl — Assandri (G.) Di un casodi neo materno passato alio stato di fungo sanguigno; cura con soluzione di sublimato corrosivo sciolto nel collodiou. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Alilano, 1857, 4. s., ii, 161— Aubert. Nievus pigmentaire traite avec succes par le racluge. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1879), 1880, xix, pt. 2. 171-173.—Baker (W. AL) On' the removal, by opera- tion, of a hairy mole occupying half the forehead. [Ab- stract.) Proc'Roy. Al. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1878, viii, 255- 257.—Rat-well (_R.) On scailess eradication of naevi. Lancet, Lond., Im5, i, 642.— Ratcinan (H.) Letter on the treatment of nievus by tartariseel antimony plaster. Ibid.. 1869. ii, 660— Rearil (su- on the aide of .Ysrviix (Treatment of). the- face, tied with a subcutaneous ligature. Guy's Hosp Rep., Lond., 1850-51, 2. s., vii, 294-298, 1 pl. -----. Very remarkable case of nievus ; operation; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1855, ii, 226. -----. ATenous capillary na-vus in cu- taneous and subcutaneous tissue of back ; removal bv ex- cision. Med. Times A. Gaz.. Lond., 1871, ii, 180.— ISInii" (J.) Nievus treated successfully by local application of lie|iior arsenicalis. Brit. AL J., Lond.', 1881. i. 761.—Robbs (J. S.) Two cases of naevi, in infants, treated bv liga- tion and excision, and excision alone. Indiana J. Al.. In- dianap., 1870-71, i. 33-37.—Roina. Zur Behanelluug eler Telangiectasien. Deutsche meel. Wclinschr., Berl., IcMi, xii, 290.—Rradlcy (S. AI.) Large' veno-c-utaiieoiisiia'viis treated successfully bv repeated injections with carbolic acid. Brit. AI. J.,'Lond., 1876. i. 443— Riandt (G. II.) A new operation for nievus. Practitioner, Loud., 1870, v, 348.—Rrodhurst (B. E.) Of the treatment ed navus! Med. Tinies fc (iaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 474.—llt-outi (J.) Large uasvus of the lower lip re-moved by ligatures. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xx. 180. — Drowning Mi.) Letter on the treatment of naevus with collodion. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1859, xl, 51!.—Ki-oniiin;' (J. 11.) Eradication of naevi by electrolysis. Austialas. M. (',-.,-/... Sydney, 1881-2. i, 162— Bruiitoii (J.) Ticatmeiit ,,i nievus by sodium ethvlate. Lancet, Lond., 1878. ii, 625. -----. Treatment of nievi and other diseases by ethvlate of sodium. Ibid., 1881, i, 176.—Campana (R.) Sopra aleuni nei materni. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1876, xi, 257-287.—Carpenter (Julia AV.) The removal from the skin of papilloma, pigmentary moles, and super- fluous hair; with report of cases Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1886. n. s., xvii, 515-520.—Carter (R. 15.) Case of death following tbe subcutaneous injection of a nievus. Med. Times \- (raz., Lond., 1863, ii, 262: 1864, i, 683. Also, triinsL: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1864, lii. 214-218— del C'a- stillo de Pineiro (E.) Naevus del labio inferior; ope- racion por la sutura el&stica; curacion. An. ele obst., gine- pat. y pediat., Madrid, 1886, 2. ep., vi, 5.—de C'ettleiieer (H.) Etudes sur le nEevus maternus. Ann. Soc. de nied. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers. Malines, 1849, vii, 3}:>,--,u:i.— Chassaigitac. He la destruction chirurgicale eh-s en- vies, ou taches mateinelles ele la peau. Lnion med. ele la Gironde, Bordeaux. 1856, i. 571-575.—C'hoisy. Tumeurs erectiles traitees par des injections de perchlorure de fer. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Compt. rend . Gannat, 1860, xiv, 28.—Christopher (J. C.) New mode- of applying ligatures to naevi. Lancet, Lond., 1845. i. 676. ----'. Ou the removal of naevi. Ibid., 1862, i, 366.—Clark (F.LeG.) Cases of naevus treated in various ways. Aled. Times «i Gaz.,Lond., 1862,i,76.—Clutton (H. H.) Na-vi of theface treated by electrolysis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1881, Lond., 1882, n. s., xi. 49-52.—Coates (AV. Al.) The treat- mentof na-vi. Brit. AL J., Lond., 1883, ii. 318-320.—Col van (J.) Treatment of naevus. Dublin M. Press, 1856 xxxv, 140.—Coombs (CT) A new method of treating subcu- taneous naevi. Lancet, Lond.. 1881, ii, 374.—Cordier (F.- S.) Memoire sur la possibility de faire disparaitre, par le moyen du tatouage. certaines taches, ou nievi materni, de la peau. Rev. nied.-chir. de Par., 1848, iv, 25-28. — Cos- tilhes. Cas rare de naevus maternus gu2-1808]. "Nova graminum genera. Upsetlue, 1771). In: LinNjEUS. Amcenitatcs acad. [etc.] 8°. Frlangce, 1790, x, pt. 2, 1-40. Nanlyan (Andon-Gomidas). * Operations do fistules v£sico-vaginales par le proce'dc' amdricain de M. Marion Sims. 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 18G2, No. 102. Nagamachi Koliei. Jika Sliiusatsu. [Tbe modern practice of otology.] 1 p. 1., 48 pp., 2 1. 12c. Tokio, 1886. Japanese text. Nagainatsu Tokai. Seiri Gaku. [ The science of physiology.] 2 v. 4 p. 1., 367, 5 pp., 1 1.; 459, 7 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tokio, 1882. Japanese text. Nagasaki Ken. [Tables of the prevalent diseases of Nagasaki Ken. From Oct. 29 to Dec. 2, 1882. Original reports aud translations.] 5 sheets, fol. [Nagasaki Ken, 1882. ] -----. See also : Van Gogh (J.) Overzigt van de heerschende winden en daarbij waargenomen barometerstauden te Nagasaki, op het eiland Desima in Japan. A'ersl. . . . d. k. Akad. d. AVelenscb. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1806, i, 400-407.— Woods (G. W.) Report on Nagasaki. Kep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1886, 90-92. Nagiisawa Dojill. I Ho Ko Ketsu Shin.. [The practice of medicine, and a collection of formulae.] 3 v. 8". Kioto, 1672. Japanese text. rVagata Tokiilion. Tokuhon wo Jiuku Ho. [Tokuhou's nineteen principal diseases aud their treatment.] 2 v. 21, 21 pp. 8-; Osaca,lr-9'3. Japanese text. Nagaty (Soleimau). * Contribution a l'etude do la folie religicuse. 72 pp. 4-". Paris, 1886, Xo. 2-19. Nagel ( Albrecht) [1833- ] * Observations ijiuedam ophthalmoscopies?. 35 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [18f>r>]. -----. Das Sehen mit zwei Augen und die Lehre von den ideutischen Netzkautstellen. 2 p. 1., Is4 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, C. /'. Win- ter, 1861. -----. Die Refractions- und Accommodations- Anomalien des Auges. iv, 217 pp. 8C. Tiibin- gen, H. Laupp, 1866. -----. Die Benntzung des Metcrniaasses zur Numerirung der Brillen. 14 pp. 8:. [Rostock; C. Boldt, 1868.] Repr. from: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenb., Erlang., 1868, vi, 65. -----. Die Reform des ophthalmologischen Uui- versitats-Uuterrichts. 48 pp. 6°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1870. -----. Die Behandlung der Amauroscn uud Amblopieen mit Strychnin. 3 p. 1., 141 pp. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1^71. Also. Editor of: Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen nnd FeutschritteimGebittederOphthalmologic.Tiibingen, 1870-70. See. also. ^littheilungen aus der ophthaliniatri- schen Klinik in Tubingen. 8°. Tiibingen, 1880. NAGEL. 617 SAGRODZKI. IVagel (Anton). * Ueber Cholera. 33 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1869. IVagel (Carl). Fragmente aus der gesammten uiicroscopisehen Anatoniie. 28 pp. 4°. Wien, gedruckt bei deu p. p. Meehilaristen, 1839. IVagel (Carl Friedrich) [1794- ]. Ueber das Eutkiiii'tungsfieber der alten Leute, eine wenig gekannte uud bisher noch nicht beschriebene Krankheit. x, 100 pp. 12-T AUona, P. S. Sclibnfeldt, 1829. .-----. Nachricht an das Publikum iiber die zweckiniissigsten Yerhaltungsuiaassregeln bei einer etwanigen Erscheiuung der morgenlundi- schen Brechruhr (Cholera morbus). Auf Befehl Sr. Exc. des Herrn Geheime-Conferenzraths und Oberpriisidenten Grafen von Bliicher-Altona. 2. Abdruck. 15 pp. 8°. Alton a, K. Aue, 1831. IVagel (Carolus Antonius) [1798- ]. * De siguis ex ventre. 51 pp. 8J. Berolini, formis llrueselie-hiaiiis, 1829. IVagel (Carolus Henricus) [1810- ]. *Detussi convulsiva. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietaekianis, [1835]. IVagel (Carolus Leopoldus) [1829- ]. * Com- mentatio de anatomia Saleruitana per com- pendium Salernitanum. 3 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Vratislavice, R. Nischkowsky, [1852]. IVagel (Eduardus) [1840- ]. * De anencepha- lia quiedam, cum descriptioue monstri unius. 31 pp., 1 1. 8-. Gryphice, F. Haehe, 1865. IVagel (F.) Fortrctit in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. Sc Men of Sc, 217». IVagel (Friedrich Wilhelm) [1841- ]. * Ueber Piiidispositionen zu Knochetibriichen. 18 pp., 11. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, [1870]. Nagel (Gnnther) [1858- ]. * Ueber Athetose. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1881]. IVagel (Hermanuus Ferdiuandus) [1820- ]. * De arthritide. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1844]. IVagel (Karl). * Die Venenentziindung. 20 pp. 8-. Erlangen, Junge, 1839. IVagel (Ludwig) [1864- ]. * Ueber Diabetes mellitus mit Hemiplegie. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, G. Schade, [1886]. IVagel (Mauritius) [1808-71]. * De renum succen- turiatorum in mainmalibus structura penitiore. 32 pp. 4°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1834]. IVagel (Mauritius [Ferdiuandus]) [1823- ]. *l)c hydronephrosi. 43 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, 1847. IVagel (Philippus Jacobus). * De vitiis prima- rmii viaruin niorbisque ex iis oriuudis. 39 pp. 4 . Argentorati, exprelo J. H. Heitzii, [1761]. IVagel (Richard Gustav) [1823- ]. * De morbis protopathicis qiuedam. 26 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1848]. -----. Das Fleisch-Essen vor dem Richterstuhle des Instinkts, der Vcrnunft. des Gewissens, der Religioiis-GcscliichteanddcrXatur-Wissenschaft oder: der Weg zur Gesundheit, zum Wohlstande und Gliiek, zum Paradiese. 3. Aufl. 120 pp. 12-. Berlin, T. Grieben, 1879. -----. Tier Fragcn an die Impf-Aerzte. 63 pp. 8 . Barmen, 1872. -----. Der wisseuschaftliche Unwerth der Vivi- scktionen in alien ihren Arten. 30 pp., 1 1. 12-. Berlin, J'erfaxsci; 1881. -----. Die Vivisektiouen, Irrwege der Wissen- schaft. 4. u. 5. Tauseud. 32 pp. 12°. Barmen, Vv if asset; 1883. IVagel (Wilhelm). - Die Entwicklung der Ex- tii-initiitcn der Siiugcthiere. 41 pp., 3 1., 1 pl. 8C. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1878. s. D. Naghteil (Timotheus). * De peritonitide puer- perarum. 28 pp. 8-. Edinburgi, Creech, 1803. IVagl (Mathias). * De morbo se-rophuloso. 30 pp. 8°. Vindobonce, C. Ueberreiittr, [1^38]. HJagle (Franlc O.) [1857-84]. Obituary. Tr. Al. Soc. Penn., Phila,, 1885, xvii, 387-390. IVagle (John T.) Summary of births, marriages, still-births, deaths, etc., in Xew York City, compared with 352 American and foreign cities, for the year 1878. And also the mortality from some of the most prominent causes which took place in New York City during the past 75 years. 14 pp., 1 tab. 8J. New Tork, C. L. Bermingham f Co., 1879. Repr. from: Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi. -----. Table showing the total number of still- births aud deaths (with an enumeration of some of the most prominent causes) which occurred. in this city during the seventy-five years ending Dec. 31, 1878, and the number of births and marriages reported since the year 1817. 1 sheet. fol. [Xew York, 1879.] -----. .Epitome of the births, marriages, still- births, aud deaths in Xew York City during the year 1879. 1 sheet. 4<-. [New York, 18-0 ] -----. Suicides in Xew York City during the eleven years ending Dec. 31, 1880, showing the sex, age, color, nativity, means used for self- destruction, and the season of the year when committed; together with a comparison of the deaths by suicide in two hundred and forty-seven American and foreign cities in the year 1889, ob- tained from official sources; and the proportion of suicides to the population of Xew York City from the year 1804 to 1880, inclusive. Read be- fore the American Public Health Association at Savannah, Ga., Xov. 30, 1881. 19 pp. 8°. Cambridge, 1882. Repr. from: Ani. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., N* YT, 1880, vii. -----. Summary of births, marriages, still-births, and deaths in New York City during the year 18H0. 13 pp. 8J. New York, M. B. Brown, 1882. -----. [Application for the position of health- commissioner of the city of New York. Ac- companied bv testimonials as to qualification. March 23, 1883. ] 16 pp. 8°. [ New Yovk, 1883.] IVagle (P. E.) See Vnughnu (Victor 0.) Sc IVagle (P. E.) Contam- ination of drinking-water hy filtration of organic matter through the- soil. [Read at the Sanitary Convention jn Detroit, Alieh., January 7, 1880.] 8°. [;i'. p., 1880.] IVaglee (Henry M.) & Bleasdale (John I.) The report of a jury of experts on brandy made by . . . 46 pp. 8. San Francisco, Spanieling, Barto f Co., 1879. IVagOl'Ski (Valentin). * Sposob Pettenkofera dlja kolichestvennago opredielenija v vozduchie uglekisloti. [On Pettenkofer's experiments to ascertain the proportion of carbonic acid in the air.] 43 pp., 3 pl., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1889. IVagoya Geui. Kin Ki Yo Riyaku Chin Kai. [The golden books of medicine condensed and explained, with certain additions. ] 4 v. 8J. Osaka, 1696. Japanese text. lYagpur. See Education (Medical), etc., by localities. TVagpiir School of Medicine. Annual reports on the ... By the deputy surg. genl. and princi- pal, to the secv. to the chief commissioner." 4.- 7., 1871-2 to 1874-5; 9.-15., 1870-7 to 1882-3. fol. Nagpur, 1872-83. IVagrodzki (Eduardus) [1812- ]. *De nym- phomania ejusque euratione. 31 pp., 2 1. 8-. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1834]. XAGTJEA CHIBUN. 618 NAILS. IVagura C'liibilll. SeikotsuRiakusetsu. [Man- ual of fractures.] 2 v. 19 pp., 6 pl.; 2 p. 1., 43 pp. 12-\ Tokio, 1874. Japanese text. IVagy (Georgius). * De peste. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Crockerianis, [1740]. For Biography, see Hilschcr (Simon Paulus). IVagy (Martinus). De potentia et impotentia ani- ma- humanae in corpus organicum sibi junctum. (Ob und wie weit die Seele in den meuschlichen Corper wiircke) disquisitio philosophico-medica, in qua anima* in producendis motibus voluntariis potentia, spontaneis vero impotentia, secundum philosophise sanioris et medicinse ratioualis prin- cipia explicatur ac demonstratur. 2 p. 1., 68 pp. sm. 4C. Halce Magdeb., ti/p. J. C. Hilligeri, 1729. IVagy (Xicolaus). * De febri nervosa. 26 pp., 1 1. 8-. Vienna; typ. vid. A. Stoeckholzcvde Hirschfeld, [1833]. IVagy «le Path (Carolus). * Observata clinica iu clinico medico pro chirurgis regiie scientiarum universitatis Hungaricie anno scholastico 1828-9. x, 11-53 pp. 8°. Pesthini, J. M. Trattner, 1830. [P., v. 131*.] r\agy Ig in and. von Vcrcbely (J.) Die Nagy Igmander kohlensaure Bittei-wasser-t^uelle in Ungarn unci deren pharmazeutische Produkte. AVien. med. Presse, 1865, vi. 409-414.—Wolf. Dasjiingst aufgefundene Bitterwasser zu Nagy-Igmand. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, v, 420. rValiant. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Bowditch (E. AV.) The sanitary aspect of Nahant, Mass. Boston M. & S. J., 1882, cvii', 97-101. -----. The sewerage of Nahant. Rep. Bd Health., etc., Mass. Suppl., Bost,, 1883, iv, 227-248. Also: San. News, Chicago, 1883-4, iii, 59; 74; 88; 100.—Channing (VV.) A togographical sketch of Nahant, with comparative meteorological tables for July, Aug., and Sept., 1820, with some observations on its advantages as a watering place. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1821. x, 22-37. IValike (Carolus). *De elephautiasi arabica adnexis morbi historiis quatuor. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 8\ Pragce, T. Haase, 1839. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 3pl. 8°. Pragce, typ. filiorinn T. Haase, 1839. von «ler IVaUmer (Frider. Wiih.) [ 1822- ]. * De hydrophobia nonnulla. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 12°. Gryphia; F. G. Kunike, 1850. IV all il sen (R.) * Untersuchungen in der Thio- phengruppe. [Basel. ] 35 pp. 8°. Schbnebeck, T. Wulfert, 1885. Naliuys (Alexander Petrus) [ 1737-94 ]. Trac- tatus chemicus continens nova quaedam experi- menta cum basi salis marini, nitri et aluniinis; pars prima. 4 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Amstelodami, J. Schreuder et P. Mortier jun., 1761. -----. Oratio de qnsestione ilia: Utrum uroscopus ex folia urina* inspectione morbos quorumvis tegrotautium rite detegere, iisque ex arte mederi possit? 48 pp. 8°. [Harderovici, 1761.] -----. Oratio de auatome ehirurgiae dextra ipsius- que neglectu uberrimo calamitatum et errorum fonte. 3 p. 1., 43 pp. 4°. Havdevovici, J. Moojen, 1772. -----. Quelle est la quality nuisible que l'air contracte dans les hdpitaux et les prisons, et quels sont les meilleurs moyens d'y rem6dier? Trad, du latin et comment^ par Andre" Uytter- hoeven. iv, 48 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Tircher if Manceaux, 1863. See. also, Ijc Cat (Claudc-Nieholas). Parallele de la faille laterale, etc. 8°. Amsterdam, 1766. IVaiacl. FU-mmiiis (AV.) Studien in der Entwicklungsge- sc-hiehti- ili-i- Xajaden. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch., AVieu, 1875, lxxi, 81-212, 4 pl. IVaigeoil (Alfred-Jules). * Quelques considera- tions sur la vaccine. 27 pp. 4l . Paris, 181H No. 115, v. 138|. ' JVail (Surgical). Motais. Nouvel ongle chirurgical. Bull, et mem Soc. de chir. de Par., 1875, i, 93. IVa'il (Achille-Pierre-Marie). * Considerations sur le traitement des plaies et des h^moiuhagies trau- niatiques h la main. 40 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860, No. 538, 2. s., v. 29. IVa'il (Charles-Jules). * Sur la fievre puerperale. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 122, v. 448. \aila. See Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Nail-makers. Bigg (Ada H.) Female labour in the nail trade. Fort- nightly Kev., Lond., 1886, n. s., xxxix, 829-838. Mails. See, also, Hair; Skin. Ancel (L.) * Des ongles au point de vue anatomique, physiologique et pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1868. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1868. Berthold (A. A.) Beobachtungen iiber daa quantitative Verhaltniss der Nagel- uud Haarbil- dung beim Menschen. 4°. Gottingen, 1850. Besserer ( A. ) * Observationes de unguium anatomia atque pathologia. 8°. Bomiw, [1834]. Charles (C.) * Considerations sur les ongles. 4°. Paris, 1834. Ephraimsohn ( S.) * De unguibus humanis. 8°. Berolini, [1833]. Faye ( C. ) * Quelques considerations sur les ongles, suivies d'un nouveau proce'de' pour la cure de l'ongle iucarne\ 4°. Paris, 1822. Fixella (P.) De quatuor signis quae apparent in unguibus manuum. 16°. Neapoli, 1649. Franc us de Fraxkenau (G. F.) 'Ow^oloyia curiosa, sive de unguibus tractatio physico- medica, non tantum eorum physiologiam ubi et de cornibus, sed et pathologiam ac therapiam tradens, observationibus oppido variis. 8°. Jence, 1696. Haase (J. G. ) Experimenta anatomica ad nutritionem nnguinum declarandam capta coin. memorat. 4°. Lipsiee, [1774]. Heliot (J.-M.-G.) * Sur l'ongle et son organe giSnerateur. 4°. Paris, 1838. Heaipel (C.) & Spiesmacher (J.) * Ex ungue hominem. 4°. Lipsiee, [1685]. Henle (J.) Das Wachsthum des menschlichen Nagels und des Pferdehufs. 4°. Gottingen, 1884. Repr. from.- Abbandl. d. konigl. Gesellsch. d. Wissen- sch. zu Gotting., xxxi. Jardon (J.-L.-H. ) * Considerations anato- miques, physiologiques et pathologiques sur l'ongle et son organe g£nerateur. 4°. Paris, 183G. Lederer (L. O. ) * De unguibus humanis. 8°. Berolini, [1834]. van Leyden (P.)jun. *De unguibus. 8°. Lugd. Bat., [1845]. Ludwig (C. G.) De ortu et structura un- guium. 4°. Lipsiee, [1748]. Also, in: Hali.er. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1751, vii, pt. 2, 17-32. [ Nurnberger (C. F.) ] Meletemata super digitorum unguibus. 4°. Wittebergce, [1786]. -----. [Pr.] de unguium et pilorum sorte post fata. Parts 1 & 2. 4°. Vittebergce, [1787]. Schlegel ( F. ) *De unguium structura eorumque physiologia. 8°. Jence,,[1848]. Sixds (J. G. W. ) *De unguibus humanis. 4Z. Landishuti Bavarorum, 1825. Werner (P. C. F.) De unguibus humanis varioque modo quo possunt corrumpi. 4°. Lip- siee, [1773], NAILS. 619 NAILS. IVaiJ*. Cooper ( A.) Observations on the anatomy and dis- eases of the nails. Lond. Al. &. Phys. J., 1827. n. s., ii, 289-291. 1 pl. — Crisis morbi per ungues. Acta med. et phil. Hafn., 1080, v, 87.— l>ufonr (L.) Ohsc-rvafions snr ja vitesse d'arcroissement des ongles. Bull. Sue. vaudeiise d. se. nat., Lausanne, 1873, xi. 183-211.— licgcnbajir ((',.) Zur Morphologic des Naarels. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz.. 1884-5, x, 405-479. — Gulilbcrg ( G. A.) Ueber die Xagehnatrix und die Verhornuug des Nagels. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamh., 1885, iv. 7-16.—Hc- hra ( H.) Beitrag zur Anatomie des Naiii-ls. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1880, 59-66, 1 pl.—Heynold (II.) Beitrag zur Histiologies und Genese des Niurels. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc-.. Berl., 1875. lxv, 270-272, lpl.—Humbert (G.) Ongles l>ie-t. eni-vc-1. d. sc. m61., Par., 1881, 2. s., xv, 388-425. — Hulrhiiison (J.) On the nails and the dis- eases to which they are liable. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lonel.. 1x78, i. 423-420.—Jaiclon. Anatomie et pathologie de l'ongle. J. d. conn. meel.-chir., Par., 1836-7, iv, pt. 1, 45- 54. — I.edciitii (A.) Ongles. X. elicit, de ined. et chir. prat. Par., 1877, xxiv, 539-576.— ITI a rcschal dc Rou- geres. Lettre sur la regeneration d'un ougle & la suite de la mutilation dun doigt. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1707. xxvii, 177.—Onirics-. Memoire sur l'anatomie et hi pathologic ele l'ongle. Diet, de ined., 2. ed., Par., 1840, xxii, 80-97. Also, Reprint.—Ormaiicey (A.-B.) Observa- tion sur lu reproduction d'un ongle a ladeuxieme phalange du doigt du milieu. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1809, xvii, 218. —Patissicr. Ongle. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819. xxxvii, 321-355.— Pradicr (F.) Note sur la reproduction des ongles. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 147.—Zander (R.) Die fiiihesten Studien der Nagelent- wickelung uud ihre Beziehungen zu den Digitalnerven. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1884, 103-144, 1 pl.-----. Die Histogeuese des Xagels beim menschlichen Fotus. Ibid., 1886, 273-306, 1 pl. Nail* (Abnormities and deformities of). See, also, Nails (Ingrowing); Nails (Semeiology of). Mu.s.eus (C.) * De unguibus monstrosis, et cornuum productione in puella cornigera Lalan- diu*. sm. 4°. Hafnice, [1716]. IIrocn. Production irregulifere du tissu ungueal. Bull. Soc. de chir.. Par., 1867, 2. s., vii, 403.—hooper (G. L.) On hypertrophy of the toe-nails. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i. 454.—Davidson (H. E ) Incurvation of nails. Boston Al. & S. J., 1851, xliv, 14—Fiirst (L.) Allge- nieiner Fingernagelwechsel bei einem ijahrigen Kinde. Arcb. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1884, xevi, 355-357, 1 pl.— II a my (E.-T.) Sur les ongles chinois, annamites et sianiois. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 1876, 2. s., xi, 80- 85.—If ciniing. Eine eigene Missbildung des Nagels an der grossen Zehe des rechten Fusses. Arch. f. med. Er- fahr., Berl., 1823, ii, 205, 1 pl.—Hillingius (G.) De uiu;iie utriusque pedum pollicis monstroso. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1682, Xorimb., 1083, 2. decuria, i, 385, 1 pl — Kaposi (.17. Kohn). Hypertrophic eler Xiigel. Handb. el. spec. Path. u. Therap! (Virchow), Stuff**., ]876, iii, 2. Abth., 60-73. Also, Reprint. -----. Atrophie der Nagel. Handb. spec-. Path. u. Therap. (Virchow), Stuttg., 1876, iii, 2. Abth, 179. Also, Reprint. — licopold. Patho- logische Xagelbilclung. Wchnschr. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1849, 113.—IVIailliot. [Rhuniatisme ehronique; extreme courbature des ongles des cloiats.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1840, xxi. 239.—Partridge. Outgrowth of nails in a woman, set. 84. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861, xii, 210.—Rchm (P.) Eiu Fall von Onvchogrypbosis. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 80-91.—Thorcns. DeSvelop- einent exagere de l'ongle dn gros orteil. Bull. Soc. anat. e Par., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 399. ffail* (Diseases of). See, also, Diabetes (Diagnosis, etc., of); Ex- ostosis (Subungual); Onychia; Paronychia. Benjamin* (L.) * Xonnullade morbis unguium. c Sanctis (S.) Sopra un caso di necrosi totale delle unghie in ambedue le mani. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1887, lx, 31-34. — Duarte. Panarizo gangrenoso; consideraciones acerca de su diag- nostico, pronosticoy tratamiento. Clinica, Granada, 1886, ii, 17.—Iknpont. Traitement de la turniole. Arch. ined. beiges, Brux., 1868, 2. s., viii, 245-247.—Eitner. Chroni- sche Entziindung und Vereiterung der Nagel. "Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1849, 483.— Fagge (C. H.) Cases of ring-worm of the nails. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1870, xxi, 407. -----. On some affections of the nails. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, 3. s., xv, 551-561.— Flajani (G.) Practische Beobachtungen iiber das Nagelgesch wiir. j Os- se-rvazioni pratiche supra . . . il panereccio, Boma, 1791.] Ital. med.-chir. Bibliotb... Leipz., 1796, ii, 2. St., 50-60.— Folev (J. L.) The morbid changes and surgery of the nails. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1887, cxvii, 301-303.—Forster (J. (J.) Description of a wax model illustrating a case of disease of the finger-nails, arising from arsenic:. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1859, 3. s., v, 160-162.—Hare. Psori- asis of the matrices of the nails. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 119.—Hutchinson (J.) On the nails and the diseases to which they are liable. In his: Lect. ou Clin. Surg., 8°, Lond., 1878, i. pt. 1. 137-149. -----. Disease of the nails in connection with the psoriasis diathesis (dartrous). Ibid., 150-158.—Hutchinson (J.), jr. Case of epithelioma of the nail. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 468, 1 pl. -----. Chronic inflammatory disease of many finger-nails, beginning in early childhood, and continuing for ten years; history of syphilis in the father, but no signs what- ever of it in the child. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, i. 984. -----. Psoriasis of the nails; true psoriasis of nails con- tracted with chronic onychitis attended by fibrous thick- ening. Ibid., 984.—JouTroy (A.) Chute spontanee de l'ongle des gros orteils chez un malade non ataxique. Union med., Par., 1882. 3. s., xxxiv, 210-212. Also: Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s.. xix, 115-118.—Kraske (P.) Ueber subunguale Geschwiilste. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 889-891.—¥,clut Etudes anatomiques et pathologiques sur l'onglade. lie- pert, gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1827, iv, 125-147, 1 pl.—Mettenhcimer (C.) Rrankheifen der Nagel [im hohereu Alter]. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1873, xviii, 104- 108.—Morison (R. B.) Leucopathia unguicum, a pecu- liar affection of the nails. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 430.—Nied (A.) Onychogryposis. In his: Casus pract., 8T Vinelobonae, 1840, 47-49. — Niezwyczajny przyklad chorobv paznogci (onychophthora). ('az. lek., Warszawa, 1878. xxiv. 321. — Ollivier. Alterations pathologiques des ongles. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1840, xxii, 84- 97.—Oxanain. Remarques sur quelques maladies des ongles. \Uv. med. franc., et etranjr., Par.. 1823, x, 71-77.— Parsons (J.) Extirpation of nail of thumb under anes- thesia by cold. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., liv, 281.—Patissier. Des maladies des ongles. Diet. d. sc. meel., Par.. 1819, xxxvii, 326-355.—Paul I i (S.) Ungues nigri. Acta med. et phil. Hafn. (1071-2). 1673, i, 64.— Robin. Epithelioma ele la raciue de l'oimh). Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par.. 1873, xlviii, 421-423.—Koutier (A.) Dela dactylite ungueale scrofuleuso chez le> enfants. France med., Par., 1880, xxvii, 41-44. — Koycr-Collard (H.) De quelques alterations des ongles it ch- la peau qui les en- vironne. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1826. NAILS. G20 NAILS. I¥ails (Diseases of). ii, 108-136, 2 pl. — Kaehs (A.) Die Verschwarung des Nagelbettes. in ;cm hiehtlicher und practischer Beziehung erortert. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1834, xxii. 108- 152.—Sniigsier (A.) Disease of the nails; ease. Med. Tines A: (.'a/.., Loud., 1881, i. 238. -----. A caseof exfo- liation anil suppuration of the nails, of uncertain origin. Tr. Clii!. Soc. Lond., 1880, xiii. 149-151, 1 pl. — Nellden ( H.) Om behanelling af panaiitinni. Eira, C'iitoliorg, 1886, x. 399-403.—Smith (II. A.) Psoriasis of the nails. Brit. M. J., Loml.. 1883, i, 405. — Sncharil. Des modifi- cations des cellules de la matrice et dn lit ele l'ongle dans quelques cas pathologiques. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1882, 2. s., x. 445-456, 1 pl.-----. Lesions histologiques de l'ongle dans le s inflammations de cet or- gane. Progres med.. Par.. 1882. x. 221. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. ele hied., Par.. 1882. 7. s, iv. 217.— Thin (G.) | A case of interference with nail-growth elurina- illness. Lancet-Lond., 1880, i, 445— Unua (P. Cl Anatomiseh- plivsiologische Vorstudien zu einer kiiuftigeu Onvcho- patholoLiii-. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., AVien. 1881, viii, 3-24. -----. Ileitiiige zur Ouychopathologie. Ibid., 1882, ix, 3- 20. — Verite (A.) Du psoriasis superungueal. Cong. period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1875, Brux. et Par., 1876, 310-312. — Vimoiit. Observation sur une affection clartreuse, compliquee du developpement con- tre-nature des ougles. Ann. Soe. ele med.-prat. de Mont- pel., 1805. vi, 355-359. — Virchow. Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie eh r Xiige-l und der Oberhaut, insbesondere iiber hornige Entartung und Pilzbildung an den Niigi'ln. Verhandl d. phys. med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1855, v, 83. — Wilks ( S. ) Description of wax models illustrating two cases of inflammation of the roots of the nails, followed by their elecav. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Loml., 1859, 3. »., v, 158-160.—Wordsworth (J. C.) Re- moval of the toe-nail. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1857, xv, 295. — Veinans (C. C.) Diseases of the nails. De- troit Lancet, 1884-5. n. a., viii, 390-398. l\ail$ (Diseases of, Parasitic). ■Sergh (R.) Tilfielele af Neglesluirv (favus Onycho- mvcosej. [3 cases.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1809, xii, 89; 93.—Col las (A ) Note sur la teigne des ongles (onycho- mycosis. Purser), indepenelante de toute autre manifesta- tion ele t'avus. Arch, de meel. nav., Par., 1867, viii, 453- 459.—Dall' Acqua (E.) Osservazioue di un caso di oni- coe h-osi settica. Gior. ital. el. mal. ven., Milano, 1882, xxiii. 299-302, 2 pl.—Duhring (L. A.) A case of tinea tricophytina unguium. Med. \- Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 89-92.—Frcolani (G. B.) Dell' onyebomy- kosis dell' uomo e dei solipedi. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1875, 3. s., vi, 363-381, 1 pl. Also, transl.: J. de microg., Par., 1880, iv, 131; 187; 337, 1 pl— Horand. Tricbophytie des ongles. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc ined. de Lyon (187-2), 1873, xii, pt. 2, 19-21. Also: Lyon med., 1872, ix, 468-470.—Kobncr (H ) Onychomycosis tonsurans. [Herpes unguium.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xxii, 411-415.—Meissner (G.) Pilzbil- dung in den Nageln. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1853, xii, 193-196. 1 pl.—Neumann (I.) Ein Fall von Nagelpilzen (Onychoniykosis). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 822. — Purser iJ. M.) Two cases of onycho- mycosis. Dublin Q. Y. 21. Sc, 1865, xl. 353-361.—Rip- ping (S. 11.) rebel die Therapie der Onychomycosis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1865, xvii, 360-362.—Vidal.' Ony- chomveose trichophytique, ou tricbophytie ungueale. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1880, liii, 227-229.—Waldenstrom (J. A.) Onychomycosis. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 97-104. iVails (Ingrowing). Albhecht (J.) * Ueber Unguis incarnatus. ^-'. Heiligenstadt, 1886. Barbaux (M.) * Considerations sur l'ongle incarne. 4°. Paris, 1877. Barberet (H.) * Contribution h l^tude de l'ouyxis. 4J. Paris, 1882. Damek (G.) * De l'ongle incarne" et d'un pro- cede* special ({'operation. 4:. Paris, 1881. Doxzel (15.) * Essai sur l'ongle incarne, suivi de la description d'un nouveau proc6d6 operatoire. 4Z. Strasbourg, 1836. Dupoxt (C.-J.) * fitude critique sur le traite- ment de l'ongle incarneS. 4r Paris, 1873. Felgxer (P. G. B.) * Ueber den ins Fleiscli gewachsenen Nagel. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Holder (W.) *De l'ongle incarn6. 4C. Paris, 187,6. Mariaxxy (V.-M.-J.) *De l'ongle incarne\ 4°. Paris, 187,6. Moutet (A.-J.) *De l'ongle iucarn6. 4C. Strasbourg, 1863. \rtils (Ingrowing). Nkciki (L.) Chirurgia conservatricc. Due parole sull' ungbia incarnata. 8-. Milano 1868. ' Paulixier (J.-P.-L.-T.) *De l'ongle eutre daus les chairs. Essai monographique, ou frag- ment pouvant servir a un traite complet cles ma- ladies de l'ongle. 4°. Beziers, 1837. Robbe (L.-Et) * Que Vaft'ection designee sous le noni d'ongle entre" dans les chairs se'compose de deux affections eutiereuient dittercutcs par leurs causes, leur nature, et surtout par leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1826. Sacreste (E.) *De l'ouyxis ulcereuse latd- rale. 4°. Paris, 1873. Simmerl (J.) * Ueber den eingewachsenen Nagel (Iucarnatio unguis). 8--. Wurzburg, 1876. Stilwell (G.) Observations on the surgical treatment of in-growing toe-nail. With a pam- phlet by Dr. Cotting. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1H7:1, Vacquerie (A.-L.-F.) *De l'ongle iucarne\ 4°. Paris, 187,7). Agaid (A. II.) Ingrown toe nail. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. 1870-,. Sacramento. 1877, 45-,4—Ami e iso n (J.) Tore- move ingrowing toe-nail. Imlian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1877, xii, 23.—Arlaud (CT) Evulsion ele l'ongle au moyen de la gouge-mousse ele . . . Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm. Par 1861, 2. s., iii, 661. —B. (A.-C.) Traitement de l'ongle entre dans les chairs. Bull. gen. de therap., etc. I'ar 1832, ii, 197-199.—Babb (L. P.) Ingrowing nail. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 362.— Bailey (M.) Ingrowing toe nails; an essay. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1867-8. i, 154-156.—Barbette. Nouveau traitenient ele l'ongle in- carne. J. d. conn. med.-chir.. Par., 1839-40. vii, pt. 1,197.— Barella. Traitement de lough- incarne par la solulieiu normale de perchlorure ele ler. Arch. med. beiges, Brux. 1864, xxxiv, 260-262. — Balelielder (J. P.) Inverted or imbedded nail. N. York J. JL, 1856, 3. s., i, 9-12.—Hau- dens (M.-L.) Nouveau mode operatoire pour la destruc- tion des ongles rentres dans les chairs. J. univ. el hehd de med. et chir. prat , Par., 1832, ix, 24. ----. Ongle s incar- neSs ; operation d'apres un nouveau mode operatoiie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 446. -----. Ongle incarne opere sans succes par diverses niethodes, gueri radicnlcinent par lepiocedede . . . Ibid., 1843, 2. s., v, 475. — Beech (J. H.) Ingrowing toe-nails. Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1856-7, iv, 78.—Berthcrand (A.) A propos du traitement de l'ongle incarne. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 39-41.—Besuchet (J.-C.) Note sur Tin- carnation de l'ongle et sur un procede ele guerison non sanglant. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i. 208. —Bichat (X.) Ongle du gros orteil entre dans les chairs. J. ele chir., Par., 1792, iv, 118-223.—Biessy (C.-V.) Methode ties-simple de guerir les ongles rentres dans les chairs. Eev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., Is30, ii, 54-58.—Bjor- ken (J.) Om behandling af iuviixt nagel. I'psala Liika- ref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 400-410.—Black (J. E.) Inverted toe nail. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1860, n. s., iii, 760-762.— Blaquiere. Sur le traitement de l'ongle entre dans les chairs. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1824, xviii, 208-210.—Bounal. Traitement de l'ongle incarne par le perchlorure ele- fer. M6m. et bull. Soc. de m(*d. de Bor- deaux (18091, 1871, 93. [Discussion], 95-97.—Bonnet (A.) De remploi ele lcponge prgparee dans le traitement tie l'ongle rentre dans les chairs. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1834, vi, 339-344.—Borelli (G.) Intorno a due casi diunghiaincarnata. In: Borelli (G.) cfe Garelli(G) Race. di oss. clin.-patol., 8°, Torino, 1853, fasc. ii—iii, 59-65. -----. Sui cenni pratici intorno all' ungbia incarnata del Dott. Claire, etc. Ibid., 66-71. — Bouchaud. Methode cura- tive de l'ongle incarne sans operation. Arch. gen. denied., Par., 1877, xxx, 428; 504— Brachet. Lettre a M. Seelil- lot, sur l'ongle incarne ou reutraut. J. geu. de med.. chir. et pharm., Par., 1816, lviii, 316-320. — Brando (J. A.) Curacion radical de la uiia clavada en la earne por el per- cloruro de hierro. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1877, xxiv, 55-57.— Brciluu^ (M.) Ueber den "eingewachsenen Nagel". Deutsche 'Med. Ztg., Beil.. 1885, ii, 1153; 11115. Also, transl.: J. denied., chir. et pharmacol., Brux , 1886, lxxxiii, 382-394.—Browne (J. "vvT) Treatment of ingrowing toe- nail. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, ii, 857.—faille!. Xonveau cas de guerison de l'ongle iucam6 par h* perchlorure ele fer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 67.—Campbell (K.) Inverted toe nail, treated without operation. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1857, n. s.. xiii. 72-75— Chancellor (■I.E.) Treatment of ins-rowing toe-nail. Viignna M. Month., Richmond, 1879-Su. vi. M3-slo.— Clark e IT L G.) In-growing nail. St. Thomas's Ilosp. Rep. 1883, Loud., 1884, n.s., xiii. 1.—Clarkson i H. Hi Gilman's treatment of in-growing nail. -Med. i Surg. Reporter. Pbila., lnio. u. s., v, 34.—CoitiiiK (B. E.) Inneshed toe-nail; a new operation for radical relief. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1*73, NAILS. 621 NAILS. IVail* (Ingrowing). lxxxviii, 5-8.-----. Ingrown toe nail. Ibid., 1879, c, 901. ' a few fragmentary remarks on the radical relief of iufleslied toe-nail." I bid.,' 1887, cxvi, 324. Also, Reprint.— Da Camino (IT S.) Sulla cura dell' ungbia incarnata. Lettera al Dott. Baffico. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1848, cxxvi, 145-160. Also, Reprint. -----. Sull'uugbia incar- nata. ' Ann. univ. di med., Milano. 1818, cxxvi. 145: 1849, cxxxi 495. Also, Reprint.—1> a in in a nn. Die Operation der Cingewaeliseneu Nagel. Meel. Ztg.. Berl., 1844, xiii, 241 -Urcliansr (C.) Note sur le traitenient de l'ongle incarne. Arch ele mc*d. mil., Brux., 1849, iv, 200-203.- Dcpas (C.) Etude sur le traitement de l'ongle incarne. Ann. Soc. denied, de Liege, 1854, v, 5-58 — Dcsault (P.- J.) Reflexions sur la rent rec de l'ongle du gios orteil dans hs cliairs. In his: (Euvres chirnrgicales. [etc.l, 8°, Par. 1813, ii. 526-530. — Despres (H.) De l'ongle incarne. Union ni6d., Par., 1868, 3. s., v, 645-648. — Dctuiold. Treatment of ingrowing toe-nail. N. York J. M., 1856. n. s., xvi, 386.—Drake (B. P.) Inverted toe-nail; a new remedy. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, 1851, 3. s., vii, 104.— E>nsau (W. C.) Ingrowing toe-nail, ancl the best method of treatment. Am. Pract. A News, Louisville, 1887, n. s, iv, 295-297. — Euiinert ( C. ) Zur Operation des eingewachsenen Nagels. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1869, xi, 266-277. -----. Zur Operation des eingewachsenen Nagels. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1884. xi, 641.—Fan- ■ling I W. A. ) Ingrowing toe-nail. Meel. Rec.. X. Y 1879, xv, 238.—Finaz. Ongle- incarne, nouveau procede ope-ratoire. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1852, xxiii, 201—Folts ( D. Y. ) Iufleshod toe-nail. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1873. lxxxviii, 280. — Gairal (J.-Y. ) De l'ou°le iucarn6 et de son traitement au moyen d'un nouveau piwetle opfiratoire. Bull, clin., Par., 1836-7, ii, 108-110.— Gall way (J. B.) An easy and efficient mode of treating inversion of the nail of the great toe. Laucet, Lond., 1856, ii, 160. — Gautier ( V-) Du traitment de tough- in- carne. Echo med., Neucliat., 1857, i, 3-11. -fiay ( G. W.) Treatment of ingrown toe nail. Boston M. A. S. J., 1879, c, 631.—Gerdy. Ongles iucarnes ; operation d'apres uu nouveau procede. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1839, 2. s.. i. 369. — Godman (J. 1). ) Remarks on inverted toe-nail. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc,., 1826, xii, 339-341.— Gosselin (L.) Sur le traitenient de l'ongle incarne. (iaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1853, i, 7. — Gouricl. ('ueleiues mots sur l'ablation de l'ongle darjs le traitement ele l'ongle in- carne. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1-59, xxxii, 227. — Gross (S. D.) Operation for inverted toe-nail. Phila. M. Times, 1872, ii, 410.—Guilinot. De la cure de l'ongle incarne. ou ongle rentrant. Rec. de mem. de med. . .. mil., Par., 1815, i, 264-269.—G ussero w. Ueber das Eiuwachsen der Nagel. Med. Ztg.. Berl., 1845. xiv, 145; 14!).—Guyou. Nouveau procede operatoire pour la cure de l'ongle incarne. Gaz. (1. he'ip., Par., 1862, xxxv, 498. Also: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s., iii, 463-465.—IIaim. Ueber das Ein- warhseu oder die Verkriimmung des Nagels. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg.. 1866, xix, 250-270.— Ilaiudorf ( A. ) Venn Ausn-issen der Nagel. Inliis: Be-vtr. z.Cullurgesch. d. .Med. u. Chir. Frankreichs. [etc. J. 8°,'Gutting., 1815. 437-441.—Hamilton (R II.) Ingrow- ing of the toe-nail. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1873-4, xiii, 361- 363.— van Hasselt (A. WT M.) Over de exsectio der nagelkootjes. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1845-6, 2. s., i, 526-534. 1 pl — Heylen (R.) Du traitement de l'ongle incarne. J. de m(kl., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1887, lxxxiv, 64S-652.—Hiard. Ongle incarne. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1861, 2. s., vi, 316. —Hildebrandt. Ueber das Eiuwachsen des (Jrosszehenuagels. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 85. — Ililler. Ueber das Ein- wachsen der Niigel. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1844, xiii, 213.— Hough (J. S.) Knife for operations on club and inverted nails. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n.^., lxiii, 280.—Hud- sou (J. . A.) In-growing toe-nail. South. M. Rec, At- lanta, 1874, iv, 125-133.—Ilukill (YY) Treatment of in- verted toe-nails. Med. & Sure. Reporter, Phila.. 1874, xxxi, 105. _ II nnler ( C. T. ) Treatment of ingrown toe-nail. Phila. Meel. Times, 1879, ix, 201-206. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, 1879, i, 34-40.—Iii-gro>ving toe-nail. Lan- cet, Lond., 1869, i, 747.—Jacopi (('./ Osservazioni delle ugne incarnate nei polliei dei piedi. In his: l'rosp. d. Scuola di chir. prat., 8°, Milano. 1813, ii, 1-7.—Jardon (J.-L.-H.) De l'onvxis. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc et iust. ined., Par., 1836, hi,'240 ; 276; 289— Jobert (de Lamballe). De l'ouyxis ; ele l'ongle rentre dans les chairs. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 469.—Jones (II. E.) Ingrowing toe-nail, Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1877, ii, 161. — .lounia- Bayiuoiid. Traitement de l'ongle incarne par la cau- terisation. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 35.—Kelly (S. B.) Ingrowing toe-nail. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1868, i, 311.— King (TT D.) A ne>w method for the treatment of ingrow- ing toe nails. Mecl. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li, 733.— Kiipper. Behandlung der ulcerirenden Onvxis und des eingewachsenen Nagels durch trockeneu Yei band mit sal- petcrsaurom Bleioxyel. Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg., P.erl.. 1867, xxxvi, 73. — Kiister (F.) A Kiister i K.i Der eingewach- sene Nagel. Wclmschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1847, 273.— Labnrraqne (H.) Note sur un procede* de traitement de l'ongle rentre dans les chairs, sans operation chirurgi- iYails (Ingrowing). cale. In his: Essai sur la cephalalgic, [etc.], 4°. Par., 1837, 71-94.1 pl. Also [Abstr.] : Gaz. el. hop.. Par., 1837, xi, 201.— Lawson (F. B.) New operation for the radical cure of ingrowing toe-nail. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871. v, 511, lpl.— Legraud (A.) De l'ongle incarne, de* son traitement par une methode anssi efficace que simple et inoffensive. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 295. — Lclut (F.) Etudes ana- tomiques et pathologiques sur deux observations d'onglade. J. d. progr. d. sc. med.. Par., 1827, iv, 203-219.— Leonard (J. P.) On fungous ulcer of the toe. or that disease usually styled inverted toe-nail. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1846, xxxiv, 76.—Long. Nouveau procede pour 1'avulsion de l'ongle incarne. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1847-8, viii, 67. — l.oiig (J.) On the treatment of in-growing nails. Liverpool M.- Chir. JT. 1858, ii. 26. — Lorinser (F. YY) Ueber den eingewachsenen Nagel. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. 1859, v, 329-335.—Lovegrovc (C.) Treatment of the inversion of the toe-nail. Lancet, Lond., 1856. ii, 250.— de I.uea (1).) Sulla cura dell'ungbia incarnata. Resoc. Accad. med. - chir. di Napoli. 1879. xxxiii, 133-135. — Luton. Exostose sous-ongueTile. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1877, no. 15, 84. — M'Dousal ( H. J. ) On -in- growing" of the toe-nail. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, xxi, 195.—Martin. Traitement ele l'ongle entre dans les chairs (ongle incarne). Rec. ele- mem. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1836, xxxix, 207-210. — Martin (II. A.) Toe nail ulcer; what it is and its treatment, ancient and modern. Toledo M. cfe S. J., 1879, iii, 89; 129. Also. Reprint. — Mcdini (L.) Pinzetta per 1' estirpazione dell ungbia incarnata. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1884, 6. s , xiv, 41-45.—Meigs (C.) cursory remarks on inverted toe-nail. Phila. J. M. cfe Phys. Sc, 1821. ii. 205-267.—Mellon (,L Y.) Ueber eingewachsene Xiigel. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1846, 1539-1544.—Mezger. Zur Behandlung des einge- wachsenen Nagels der grossen Ze he. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Yer., Karlsruhe, 1857, xi, 143.—Miall (P.) Treat- ment of ingrowing toe naif. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 922.—Michaelis (H. S.i Ueber das Eiuwachsen des Nagels. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl., 1830, xiv, 234-255. Also, transl.: J. coiupl. du diet. cl. sc. iu6d., Par., 1830, xxxviii, 373-385. — Moi aril. Ongle incarne. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 306.—Monod (G.) Sur le traite- nient ele l'ongle incarne par le nitrate' d'argent. Union nied., Par., 1880, 3. s.. xxx, 763. — von .Tloseli^-Moor- hof. Iucarnatio unguis. Ztschr. I. Tin-rap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect.- ii. Hydrotberap., Wien, 1885 iii, l-'.—IVacgeli (O.) Ein Falfvon Onychogryphosis samintlicher Zehen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1881-2, xvi, 104-106, 1 pl.— Neret. Nouveau proeede pour l'arrachemeiit de l'ongle incarn6 (ongle entre clans les chairs). Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1838, ii, 202.—.'Vieholsoii (B.i Rough notes from practice. On a cause of " ingrowing toe-nail ". Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 222. — Ongle incarne dans les chairs; operation par le procede'' mixte de M. Jobert (de Lamballe) -, guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854. xxvii, 201. — Ozanaui. Du traitement medical de le ngle in- carne, par les lames de caoutchouc-. J. d. conn. meel. prat., Par., 1875, xiii, 49. — Pancoast (J.) Inversion of the toe-nail. Phila. M. Times. 1871, i. 258 — Papillaud (L.) Lettre sur l'ongle incarne. Union med., Par., iseis. 3. s., v, 498-500.—Paterson (J. L.) Xota sobre o tratamento da unha engravada. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1870, 2. s., i, 28- 30.—Paulli (E.) Om Operationen for den nedgroede Negl. Hosp.-Meeld., Kjebenh., 1853, vi, 318-330. —Payan. Ongle incarne'* ; methode curative simple et facile. J. ele med., chir., pharm., etc., Par. .1840. xi, 453-457. -----. Con- siderations sur la therapeutique ele l'ongle incarne, et sou vrai traitement. Rev. m6d. franc*, et etrang., Par., 1840, iii, 44-57.—Pcrrotton (L.) Notice sur les ongles incar nes. J. geSn. de meel., chir. et pharm., Par., 1826. xciv, 343- 352. -----. Nouvelle notice sur les avantages ele l'emploi du caustique dans le traitement de l'ongle incarne. Tr. med.. Par., 1833, xi, 41-44— Pcrtusio (O.) Nuova modi- ficazione al metodo di Desault per la cura dell' ungbia incarnita. Gior. cl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1874, xxxvii, 279-284— Petersen (IT) Zur Operation des eingewach- senen Nagels. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 196.—Pctrequiu. Xote sur un nouveau procede pour le traitement de l'ongle incarne. Arch, de ni6d. beige. Brux., 1841, iv, 181-189. -----. Xote sur un nouveau pro- cede pour le traitenient de l'ongle incarn6. Ann. Soc-. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1841. ii, 175-188.—Pollak (S.) Case ot'onvchogrvphosis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1881, vi, 398.— Porchcr (F. P.) Cocaine in the avulsion of ingrowing toe-nails. Med. Xews, Phila.. 1885. xlvii, 34.—Porter (I. G.) On incurved toe-nail. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1860, n. s., xxxix, 124-126.—Queuu. Des limites ele la matrice de l'ongle ; applications au traitement ele l'ongle incarne. Bull, et mem. Soc ele chir. ele Par., 1887. n. s.. xiii, 552- 558. _____. Ongle incarne Reponse a une lettre de M. le Dr. Stoceiuart, reclamant la priorite* pour son procede de l'ongle incarne*. I bid., 331-333. — Richter (H. E.) Du traitement de l'ongle incarne. Ann. med. de la Flaudre oceid.. Rouleis. 1854, iii, 245.—Rickctts (B. M.) Ouycho- "■ryplmsis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic 188,. u. s., xvm, 302.— Robhe. De la euie radicale de l'ongle incarne, par le procede de M. Dupuvtreu. Arch. gein. de med., Par_ NAILS. 622 NAILS. x\ail* (Ingroicing). 1826, xi, 432-438.—Rothamel. Heilung des eingewach- senen Nagels. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., etc., Kassel, 1842, i, 1. Hft. 63.—Rousse. Traitement de l'ongle incarne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii. 278.—de St. Germain. Ongle incarn6 ; trois modes operateiires. Rev.de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1879, xlvi, 563— Wattcrlliwaite (T. E.) Treatment of inverted toe-nail. N.York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 392.—Sehlegleiulal. Zur Behandlung des eingewach- senen Grosszehennagels. Deutscho med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884. x, 666.—Schuppert (M.) The cure of an in- grown nail. Am. M. Weekly, N. Y., 1883, xvi, 30.—Se- Cretan (H.) Nouveau procede pour l'extirpation des ongles incarnes. Rev. med. de* la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1886. vi, 759. — Senne. Traitenient de l'ongle entre dans les chairs au moyen de la cauterisation par la potasse cans- tique. Bull. g(*n. de therap., etc., Par., 1832, ii, 378-380.— Seutin. Sur l'ongle incarne. [Discussion.] Bull. Acad. roy. dem6d. de Belg., Brux., 1860, 2. s., iii, 822-858, 1 pl. Also: Arch.beiges de m6d. mil., Brux., 1861, xxvii, 162-165, 1 pl-—Shortt (J.) Ingrowing of the foe-nail. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 255. — Smith (J. G.) Ingrowing toe-nail. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1884, ii, 99-109. — Somnic. Du traitement de l'ongle incarne par l'alun calcine. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. 1852, ix, 281-283.—Spediacci (A.) Operazione dell' ungbia incarnata ; descrizione d' una pin- zetta utile per esguirne lo strappamento. Boll. el. Soc. tra i cult. d. sc. mecl. in Siena, 1885, iii. 170-173.—Stewart (P.) On inverted toe-nail. N.York J. M., 1856, 3. s., i, 367- 369. — Stoequart. Traitement chirurgical de l'ongle in- carne ; procede nouveau pour obtenir la guerison complete et definitive avec reproduction de l'ongle. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1885, lxxx, 464-467.—Siichard (E.) Note sur les lesions histologiques de l'ongle incarne oa onyxis lateral. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 664- 666. Also: Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 202.— Thicrry-Micg. Observation d'un ongle incarne gueri par l'emploi topique du perchlorure de fer. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1863, lxv. 547-550. — Thompson (F.) Inverted nails. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1870-71, iv, 145.— Truehcart (C. W.) Radical cure of "ingrowing nail". Med. Rec, XT Y., 1870, v. 196, 1 pl. —Vanderbach (P.) Reflexions sur les ongles incarn6s et sur l'emploi de la po- tasse caustique pour ies detruire. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1827, xxiii, 226-235.—Van Hoeter. Con- siderations sur l'ongle entre dans les chairs. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1848, vii, ^7-32. — Verueuil. Pansement a la ouate aprfes arrachemeut de l'ongle incarne. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1874, xiv, 156.—van Wagc- ninge (P.-J.) Emploi d'un moyen simple et certain, pour procurer sans douleur la guerison de l'ongle incarne. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1846, iv, 222-228.—Wahu. Nouvelle methode pour le traite- ment ele l'ongle incarne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 335. — Wardrop (J. ) Inflammation of the soft parts surrounding the nail of the toes. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1814, v, 129-135.—Weber (B.) Incarnatio unguis, inverted toe nail. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1860. n. s., iii, 691-693.— Weiss (M.) Behandlung eiugewachsener Nagel der grossen Fnsszebe mit Lapis canst, chirurg. Memorabi- lien, Heilbr., 1867, xii, 222. — Weuz (R.) Ueber die Be- handlung des eingewachsenen Nagels. Ztschr. f. Wund- iirzte n. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1865, xviii, 3-1. — Wilkius (J.) On ingrowing toe-nail and its cure without an opera- tion. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1871, xvi, 10: 1874, xix, 297— Voiinkiu (E.) Inverted toe-nail. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1876, iv, 539-541. — Zeehmeister. Ueber einge- wachsenen Nagel der grossen Zehe, Onychia halucis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867, xii, 45. Nails (Semeiology of). See, also, Diabetes (Diagnosis, etc., of); Fever (Complications, etc., of); Nails (Syphilis of); Paralysis (Diagnosis, etc., of). Doiuecq-Tur'on (E.) *De la chute et de la dystrophic des ongles chez les ataxiques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1883. Franz (G. A.) * De signis ex unguibus. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Haza (J.) * De la dystrophic des ongles dans l'alie'nation mentale et particulierement dans la paralysie ge'nerale progressive. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884. Militciie vitch (D.) * Considerations sur quel- ques troubles trophiques eles ongles daus quelques maladies des centres nerveux. 4-r Paris, 1883. Pouget (A.-J.-P.) *De la chute des ongles daus les affections nerveuses. et, en particulier, dans l'ataxie locomotrice. 4°. ' Paris, 1882. Ulmo y Truffin (A.) * Considerations sur les ongles semeiotiques et medecine legale. 4J. Paris, 1-75. Nails (Semeiology of). Alliot.] Du sillou des ongles et de sa vale in pronos- tiepie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 442. — Iteau (J.. H.-S.) Note sur certains caract6res de 86m6ioleigic retro- spective piesenteTs par les ongles. Arch. gen."do med Par., 1846, ii, 447-458.—Bernhardt (M.) Einige Beob'. achtungen iiber das Liiiigenwachsthnm der Xiigel bei Ge- sunden und Nervenkranken. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc Berl., 1881, lxxxvi, 363-368. — Com a gnc (II.) Des bles- sures des ongles au point de vue eles dunuees chiemolo- giques qu'elles peuvent fournir en medicine legale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1*80, 1882, xxi" pt. 2, 64-69, 1 pl. Also: Lyon med., 1881, xxxvii, 381-3K.")| 1 pl.—Double (F.-J.) Considerations semeiotiques sui- les ongles. J. gen. de med., de chir. et pharm., Par.. 1808, xxxiii, 397-418.—Down (L.) Case of markings on the nails after illness. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1870, xxi, 409.— Falcone (T.) Caso di caduta spontanea delle unghie in una donna isterica; qualehe considerazione sulla crescenza delle unghie. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1887, xxviii 206-212. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 156.— Folm. Ein Fall von abnormer, angehorener Nagelbil- dung. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. A'eizte Graz, 1875, xlviii, 225-227. — Ileimiug. Eine Crise durchs Abfalleu der Nagel. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wuud- arznk., Berl., 1803, xvi, 1. St., 150-160. — Ileriilas (De las) de las unas baio el punto de vista medico leal. Eucicl. ined.-farm., Barcel., 1881, v, 730. — Ililbcrt (R.) Ein Fall von spontanem wiederholten Nagehveelisi 1. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1884, n. F., iv, 402-46J. — Long. streth (M.) On changes in the nails in fever, and espe- cially in relapsing fever. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1877, 3. s., iii, 113-125.—Mailer. Trophisch'e Affection der Zehennagel bei chronischer Myelitis (Tabes); ungelieilt entlassen. Ber. d. k. k. Kraiikenanst. Rudolph-Stiltiing in Wien (1881), 1882, 314.— ITIailliot. [Deformation eles ongles des doigts et des orteils dans un phthisique.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv. 46.—Mitchell (S. W.) On the growth of the nails as a prognostic indication in cere- bral paralysis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1870, n. s., iv, 364- 366.—Ogle (J. W.) Drawing illustrating a remarkable condition of the nail and end of one finger in connection with neuralgia of the same finger and of the upper arm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1865, xvi, 268.—Prioleau (L.) De quelques cas de dystrophic ungueale dans certaines affec- tions autres que l'ataxie locomotrice. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1883-4, xiii, 111. -----. De la croissance des ongles dystrophies. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1883, iv, 195-197.-----. Deux cas nouveaux d'ataxie locomotrice avec dystrophic ungueale. Ibid., 157-165. Dystrophic des ongles chez les ataxiques. Ibid., 32-48, 2 pl*. -----. De quelques cas de dystrophic ungueale dans certaines affections autres que l'ataxie locomotrice. Ibid., 179-184. — Bceser. Semiotische Bedeutung der Quer- Furchen auf deu Fingernageln. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1862, vii, 13. — Roth. Ueber Yeriinderungen der Niigel nach acuten Krankheiten. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1875, xx, 388.—Royer-Collard (H.) De quelques alterations des ongles et de la peau qui les entoure. Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1826, ii, 108-136, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.J:'Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1827, xiii, 89-92.— Sillon (Du) des ongles au point de vue semeiologique et physiologique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 506.— Siichard. Des modifications (les cellules de la matrice et du lit de l'ongle dans quelques cas pathologieiues. ficole prat. d. hautes 6tudes. Lab. d'histol. dn Coll. ele France. Trav., Par., 1882, 161-172, 1 pl. — Thin (('.) Transverse depressions on the nails. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 697. — Vanoyc ( R.) Influence du rhumatisnie sur les ongles. Ann. ined. de la Flandre occid., Rou- lers, 1852-3, ii, 500. — Vernois ( M. ) !Etude des di- verses circonstances qui semblent, pendant le cours lies maladies, determiner la forme lecourbee des ouglcs. Arch. gen. de nied., Par., 1839, iii, 310-327. Also, Re- print.—Vogel (A.) Die Nagel nach fleherhaften Krank- heiten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1*70. vii, 333-344, 1 pl. —Wilks (S.) On markings or furrows on the nails as the result of illness. Laucet, Lond., 1869, i, 5: 1870, i, 3; 5. Nails (Syphilitic diseases of). Rcrgh (R.) Om den syphilitiske Negleliden og (let syphilitiske Panaritium. Hosp.-Tid.. K.jubenh.. i860, iii, 49. -----. Tilfieldeaf svphilitisk Neglelidelse. [Syphilis of nails.] Ibid., 1880, 2. R., vii, 901; 922.-Breda (A.) Perionissi multiple e gomme cutanee precoci. Riv. \e- neta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887, vi, 159-103. — Ilu te In n- son. Diseased conditions of the nails consequent en in- herited svphilis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1862. xm, 260.1 pl. -----. Syphilitic psoriasis of the nails. I bid.. -■>'■)■ — Kohn (E.) Bemerkungen zur Pathologie uud Tlierapie der Nagel - Erkraukungen Svphilitise-.her. Wien. med. Presse, 1870. xi, 457; 537: 562— Raticr. Note snr e traitement de l'onglade syphilitique. J. univ. et lielnl. ue rndcl. et chir. prat., Par., 1832, 2. s., viii, 48-53.-* ajcla. Onvxis hvpertrophica svphilitica. Cong, period, internal. el. s«. nied. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iu, sect.de dermat. et syph., 63. NAIKNE. 623 :namuk. Naii'iM'* The description and use of Nairne's patent electrical machine; with the addition of some philosophical experiments and medical observations. 68 pp., 5 pl. 8°. London, 1783. Nairne (Robert) \ -1886]. Obi I u-try. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 1005. Nais (Hugues). * De la dystocie par procidence des niembres inferieurs. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 322. Nukacliian (Hampartzoum) [1856- ]. *De la maladie de Meniere consid6ree principalement au point de vue de son traitement (sulfate de quinine et salicylate de soude). 49 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, Xo. 179. NakalakefT. I'aiityiilclioir (I.) Nakalakevskii miueralinui istoch- nik. | Mineral spring of Nakalakeff.l Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1X67. No. iii, pt. 3, 10-13. Nakaiiishi Sliiusai. Sh<> Kau Ron Ben Sei. [Commentary ou Sbo Kau Kou=fever-cold-trea- tise.J 6 v. 8°. Kioto, 1790. Japanese text. Sho Kan Ron is a classical work of Chinese medicine, reducing all diseases to the operations of cold or fever. Nakir Arabum. Faijer (J. M.) * Nakir Arabum, seu flatus anibulatlvus. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1653. Nakonz (Carolus Guido) [1833- ]. *De nystagmo. 15 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, typ. A. Edel- matnii, 1858. Naldi (Giacomo). Delle acque medicinali dette volgarmente di San Marino. 3 p. 1., 140 pp., 1 1. s-\ Bologna, stamperia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino, 1711-2. [P., v. 1213.] jlalecxow. Weinberg ( A. M.) Zdrojowiska z'elaziste w Nale,c- zowie. [Chalybeate springs of Naleczow.] Gaz. lek., "Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 605-607. Nalenz (Carl). * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Ergotin. 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. Haehe, [1874]. IValet ( Henri). * Essai sur les fievres intermit- tentes masquees. 1 p. l.,14pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1897), v. 43. Nalin (Paul). * De l'alimeutation vicieuse dans ses rapports avec la mortalite" et la pathologie de la premiere eufance. viii, 9-66 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpelliei; 1878, No. 55. Nalliugcr (Joh. David). * De chlorosi ab ute« rime purgationis obstructioue. 2 p. 1., 42 pp. 4°. Gryphiswaldhe, lit. Struckianis, [1747]. See, also, Wcslphnl (Andreas). Existentiam duc- tuura hepatico-cysticorum in homine [etc.] 4°. Cryphis- waldice, 1742. For Biography, see Scheffel (Christianus Stephanus). Nallino (G.) See C'osaa (A.)Sc IValliuo ( G.) Intorno ai semi de riciuo, etc. 8°. [Torino, 1863. J Vnn-IHiili. ITIornuil (J.-S.-L.) Le poste de Nam-Dinh dans le delta du Fleuve Rouge. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1887, x, 1; 119. Nameiisvei'zeiclniiss der Aerzte von Baden. 16, 3, 5 pp. 16°. [11. p., 1877?] Namensverzeichiiiss der Aerzte von Braun- schweig. 7 pp. 16°. [n. p., 1877?] Namciisverzeicliiiiss der Aerzte von Elsass- Lothringen. 4,27 pp. 16°. [n. p., 1877?] Nainciisverzeicliiiiss der Aerzte von Hes- scn. 21pp. l(i°. [n. p., 1877?] Vimciisverzeicliiliss der Aerzte A'on Meck- lenburg. 32 pp. 16°. [n. p., 1877?] Nailiensverzeiclliiiss der Aerztevon Olden- burg. 4 pp. 16°. [«. p., 1877?] rYaineiisverzeicliniss der Aerzte von Pfalz. 9 pp. 16-. [n.p., 1877?] Nailiciisverzeiclliliss der Aerzte von Sach- sen. 49 pp., 11. 16-T [n.p., 1877?] Namciisverzcicliuiss der Aerzte von Schles- wig-Holsteiu. 3L pp. 16°. [n. p., 1877 .'] Naiiiensvcrzcicliiiiss der Aerzte von Thii- ringeu. 25 pp. 16°. [n. p., 1877 ?] Namciisvcrzciclitiiss der Aerzte von Wtirt- temberg. 34 pp. 16°. [n. p., 1877 ?] Nailientliclie Nacliwci.sung der Aerzte uud Officiers de sant6 in Elsass - Lotbringen nach dem Stande vom April 1880. 15 pp. 8°. Strass- burg, C. F. Schmidt, 1880. Naillias (Giacinto) [1810-74]. Storia di una diatesi scirrosa, con alcune ricerche gcnerali in- torno alio scirro ed al canero. 36 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Padova, A. Zambeccctvi, 1833. ------. Intorno alle malattie che dominarono in Venezia nel primo quadrimestre del 1836; ossia memoria seconda sui colera. 32 pp. 8 -'. Vene- zia, F. Andreola, [1836]. [P., v. 942.] Repr. from: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1836, iv, fasc. xi. ------. Intorno all' angina del petto e all' uso del ferro ne' morbi cardiaci e vascolari. Lettera al professor Giovanni Maria Zecchiuelli. 24 pp. 8°. Venezia, F. Andreola, 1837. [P., v. 905.] Repr. from: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1837, vii, fasc. xxi. ------. Osservazioni cliniche intorno al valeria- nate di ziuco. 21 pp. 8°. Venezia, Andreola, 1845. Repr. from.- Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, iii. ------. Sulla tubercolosi dell' utero e degli organi ad esso attinenti. 8 pp., 1 pl. 4\ Venezia, segreteria dell' I. R. Istituto, 1858. [P., v. 584.] Repr. from: Mem. dell' istituto stesso, v. 7. ------. Anno clinico 1863-4 (dal 1°. maggio del 1863 al 30 aprile del 1864). Fattovi precedere il breve discorso, che il dott. . . . tenne ai suoi udi- tori il di che ripiglio gli esercizii clinici al co- minciare del secondo anno dell' insegnameuto nello spedale di Venezia, raccolto pel Dott. Can- dido Trevisanato. 368 pp. [ Venezia, Antonelli, 1865.] [P., v. 1144.] Repr. from: Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1865, 3. s., i-iii. —-----. Storia naturale e cura del colera; due let- ture tenute all' Ospitale civile di Venezia. 3. ed. 114 pp. 12°. Milano, F. Trevers, 1873. ------. Sulla pellagra; relazione sopra un libro del Dott. Typaldos. 6 pp. 8°. Venezia, Gri- maldo f Comp., 1874. Repr. from.- Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1874, iii. See, also, Re*telli (Antonio) & Namias (Giacinto). [ Lettres medieales sur la galvano-puncture, etc. ] 8°. Montpellier, 1846. — Trombiiii (Antonio). Kiposta del ilottor Antonio Trombini, etc. 8°. Venezia, 1871. For Biography, see Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1874, 4. s., iii, 1494-1525 (A. Berti). Also: Gior. Veneto d. sc. med., Venezia, 1874, lxxxvii, 5-36 (A. Berti). ■------ & Berti (Antonio). Sulla contagiosity del cholera. 32 pp. 8°. Venezia, G. Antonelli, 1866. ----- & Touiiiiasi-Crudeli (C.) Cosa si puo fare in tempo di colera ? Tre conferenze. vi, 146 pp., 1 1. 8°. Milano, fratelli Treves, 1884. ------& ZiliottO ( Pietro ). Intorno alia cura del colera. 16 pp. 8°. Venezia, Andreola, 1855. IVamiii (J. ) * Eelation des ne"oplasmes avec l'arthritis. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1878, No. 469. Yannir. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Military), by locali- ties. Fallot (S.-[L.]-L. ) fitudes cliniques, ou choix d'observations recueillies a l'Hopital mili- taire de Namur pendant le deuxieme semestre, 1842. 8°. Bruxelles, 1843. NANAS. 624 NANT. de Xsi lias (Ladisl. Fodor). See Fodor de Nanas (Ladisl.) Nance (James) [1818-7')]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1875. ii, 365. de Nanccl (Xic.) Discours tris-ample de la peste, divise en trois livres; adressaut a mes- sieurs de Tours. 3(i7 pp., 4 1. 8;. Paris, D. du Veil, 17)81. Nancrede (Charles Beylard) [1847- ]. Some points in the anatomy of tbe sboulder-joint ex- amined with reference to its luxations. 2 pp. ^:. Philadelphia, [18H0]. Repr. from : Phila. M. Times (1879-80), 1880, x. -----. An analysis of the principles on which depends the success of the modern methods of treating wounds. 16 pp. 8-. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1881. Repr. from: Arch. Med., X. YT, 1881, v. -----. Have we any therapeutic means, as proven by experiment, which directly affect the local processes of inflammation ? Read before the Am. Surg. Ass., Cincinnati, May 31, 1883. 16 pp. 8-. [Philadelphia, 1883.] Repr. from .- Med. News. Phila.. ]>v. A auto. 1827-30. [P., v. 1739.] For continuation, see Loire-inferieure (Departe- ment de la). _____. Formulaire des hopitaux de Nantes, re"- tlige par le Conseil de sante' des hospices. 159 pp. UK Nantes, V. Forest, 187>1. L'epidemie cholerique de Nantes ct le service sanitaire maritime en 1884. G. Du Bel- lay. 12 pp. 8°. [Ntmtes, C. Mellinct, 1884.] 'Repr. from: Rec. d. trav. cons, saluh. de Xantes. Nantes. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Ed- ucation (Medical), etc., Fever ^Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of"), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of). Bobiehke (A.) Recherches sur les eaux plu- viales recueillies a Nantes en 1863. 4°. Nantes, 1864. CJa/.kttk medicale de Nantes. Bulletin men- snel de statistique ni6tdorologique, demogra- phique et sanitaire dela ville de Nantes. Fonde et publie par la Gazette medicale de Nantes. Amides 1-5, Oct., 188*2, to Sept., 1887; annee 6, Oct., 1887, to March, 1888. 4U. [Nantes, 1882-8.] -----. Bulletin annuel de statistique m6- teorologique, deniographiquo et sanitaire de la ville de Nantes. Fonde" et publie par la Gazette medicale de Nantes. Auiiee l882-:5. 4°. [Nantes, 1883. ] Hehbmlin (-•!.) Note sur une source d'eau fer- rugincuse (Nantes). 8C. [Nantes, 18(57-76?] Itoui-lier dc la Villejossy. Rapport sur le* service medical eiu reunite de secours nuituels instituA par la So- ciete inelustrielle ele Xantes. Triniestre- ele printemps: mars, avril, mai, 1838. J. de la sect, de meel. Soc. acad. Loire-lnf, Xantes, 1839, n. s., xv, 69-74.—Vleiftie. Sur le flit rage cles eaux de deuve ou de riviere et specialemout de la Loire, a Xantes, au moyen de galeries ouvertes dans les graviers cles herges. Assoc, franc-, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1875, Par.. 1876, iv, 293-312.— I.ae'nncc (T.) Kapport sur l'6tat sanitaire de la prison de Xantes et sur les modifications k conseiller pour attenuer les causes d'iu- salubrite de cet etahlisseiuent. .T. de med. de l'ouest. ♦ Xantes, 1882, xvi, 209-221. — Jlnilrc (L,.) L'ancienne Faculte de medecine de Nantes, (iaz. med. de Nantes, 1882-3. i, 1;13.—.tlarcschal. Rapport sur les maladies qui out occasion6 la mort a Nantes dans les annees 1827 et 1828. J dela sect, de m6d. Soc, acad. Loire-lnf'.. Nantes, 1829, v, 169-186.—iTIon-a u. Fragmens d'une topographie physique et medicale ele Nantes. Rec. period. Soc. de med. ele Par.. 1798, iii, 277-291.—I»ilian-I>ufeillay. Sur les epieh'-niies qui out regne dans l'arrondissement de Nantes en 1862. J. de la sect, de meel. Soc. acad. Loire-luf., Xantes, 1863, xxxix, 137-212. -----. fStude sur la constitution me- dicale de 1864, a, Xantes, et sur les epideuiies qui out regn6 elans son arrondissement. Ibid.. 1865. xii. 55-106. — Plan ele travail pour l'etablissenient de la topographie medicale tie Xantes et du departement de la Loire-lnferieure. I bid.. 1826, ii, 177. — Prion. Constitution medicale, et maladies r^gnautes de 1824 et 1825 ie Xantes (Loire-lnfe- rieure). J. g6n. de m6d., chir. et pharm. Par., 1826, xevi, 289-387. A.-iiitciiil. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Yanlucket. Abbott (S. AV.) The sanitai v condition of Nantucket. Boston M. A- S. J., 1885, cxii, 357-359. — Lincoln (D. ¥.) Notes on the climate of the Isle of Shoals and of Nan- tucket. Ibid.. 1875, xciii, 405-411. Also, Reprint.— Wil- liams (H.) Tin- sanitarv condition of Nantucket. Los- ton M. Sc S. J'., 1885, cxii,'309-311. IViiitvt if-li. Lee (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, aud supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the township of Nautwich, in tlie county of Chester. 8C. London, 1850. 40 ]\;iuu (G.) [18150- ]. * Sur les osteonics sous- ptSriostiques de la niachoire inferieure. 50 pp., 11. 4~. Paris, 1884, No. 145. Nnuula (Antonio). Lettera al ehiarissimo Ab. Alessaudro Casauo. 15 pp. 8°. Palermo, 1839. dc XailZIO (Ferdinando) [1802-7:!]. Sui tifo coutagioso de' bovi o peste bos-ungarica ingeue- ratosi il 18:17 nelle Puglie ; memoria. 58 pp. 8-. Napoli, A. Della Croce, 186,'.',. Repr. from : Le lit iii eonoscenze. For Biography, see Lavori Aread. d. r. Ist. d' incoiag. a SC. nat. . . . di Napoli (1873), 1874, 36-40. Napa State Asylum for the Insane. Biennial and annual reports of the trustees and resident pbysioiau to the governor of the state. 1.-2., 1875-15 to 1878-'.). 8-. Sacramento, 1877-0. Opeued Nov. 15, 1875. Trustees make biennial reports to the governor, aud the resident physician makes an an- nual report to the trustees. IVapelline. See, also. Neuralgia (Facial, etc., Treatment of). Liaborric. La uapelline (alcalclde amorphe ~,■!nble de l'acouit). J. de therap., Par., 1883, x, 411-413.-1.3- borde & Duqiiesncl. La napelline. alealoi'de amorphe soluble de l'acouit; son action ph\:iiolo»ii|iie et therapeu- tique. Tribune med., Par., 1881-2, xiii, 472. 499; 520. Naplicys (George H.) [1842-7(1]. Modern thera- peutics; a compendium of recent formula* and specific therapeutical directions. 390 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, s. W. Butler, 1870. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. vii, 412 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, S. W. Butler, 1871. -----. The same. 3. ed. vii, 8-496 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, S. W. Butler, 1871. -----. Tin- same. Approved treatment, aud spe- cific methods in medicine and surgery, with au appendix on hypodermic medication, inhalation, aeration, and other remedial agents and thera- peutic methods of recent, introduction, xv, 17- 609 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, D. G. Brinton, 1877. -----. The same. And specific therapeutical directions, from the practice of eminent contem- porary physicians, American and foreign. 6. ed. xvi, 17-607 pp. 8. Philadelphia, D. G. Brinton, 1$79. ———. The same. Edited by J. F. Edwards and D. G. Brinton. 8. ed. xv, 17-629 pp. 8C. Phila- delphia, D. G. Brinton, 1885. -----. Tbe same. Novisima terapeutica medica; "'"compendio de las f6rmulas modernas y trata- mientos especificos terape'nticos segun la practica de los mas distinguidos me'dicos coutempor^ueos, americanos y extranjeros, traducida de la 7a edicion norle-americaua por Federico Toledo. :17(J pp., 1 1. 8~\ Madrid, Garcia y Caravera,188l[-3], Signature 31, pp. 265-270 wanting. -----. The transmission of life. Counsels on the nature aud hygiene of the masculine function. 9. ed. iv, 346, v-xxxi pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. G. Fergus f (-'o., 1871. -----. Modern surgical therapeutics. A compen- dium of current formulas, approved dressings, aud specific methods for the treatment of surgi- cal diseases and injuries. Revised to the most recent date, xv, 16-587 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, D G. Brinton, 1878. ——>—. The same. 6. ed. xvi, 17-605 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, D. G. Brinton, 1879. Also. Co-Editor of: Half-Yearly Compendium of Medical Science. Philadelphia, 1868-74.— Physician's (The) Annual, Philadelphia. 1872. For liioiji-aplii/. see ICio-jrapliical sketch of the late George 11. Xaphevs. with the opinions of various eminent contemporaries em flu- value of his works to the public. 12°. Philadelphia. 1878. See. also, Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1877, xi, pt. 2, 719. A aphtha. See, also, Pet*oleum; Phthisis (Treatment of). Hknckel (G. M.) * Experiinenta chymica de naphtha nitri etiam per iguem elaborauda. 4-. Erfordice, [1761]. NAPHTHA. 626 XAP1EU. Viplitlia. Lkclkkcq (D.) * De ligui distillatione. 4°. Leodii, 1829. Eeiciikl (C. C. ) Epistola novam ac suc- ciuctam naphfhse petrolei et inde productorum historiam complexa. 4-. Vitembergce, 1746. Testimonies and cases by eminent physicians and surgeons in favour of the Barbadoes naphtha, from the springs on the Mount Hall estate, in the island of Barbadoes. 8 . [«. p., «. d. ] ISuli*hainbnroff" (St. O.) Znachenie nefti i eja deri- vatov. [Value of naphtha and its source.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1884, no. 38, 90-112. — Leopold (-1. H.) Vorsicht bei Anwendung der Naphtha Vitrioli. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, x, 351-353.—tie Rorira (J.) Informe sobre deposito de aparatos para el uso del aceite de uafta. Trab. Com. d. med. leg. e big. pub. de la Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1873, ii, 251-254.— Watson (L. H.) Naphtha as a disinfectant. Med. & Surg. Keporter, Phila., 1«78, xxxix, 239. Viplif li.tliii. Belliicq (C.) * Effets physiologiques de naphtaline. 8°. Toulouse, 1876. Fischer (E.) Das Naphtalin in der Heil- kunde uud in der Laudwirthschaft. Mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf seine Verwendung zur Ver- tilgung der Reblaus. 8J. Strassburg, 1883. (Uakeschi (I.) Xuove ricerche sulla nafta- lina. 8*-. Torino, 1885. Repr. from : Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1885, xxi. Kleinek (C. E.) * Ueber a-Disulfhydrat uud Dirhodanat des Xaphtalins. 8°. Bern, 1877. Muret (M.) * Fiber die therapeutische Ver- wcrthung des Naphthalins, besonders bei Ty- phus abdominalis. [ Stiasburi>-. ] 8C. Basel, 1886. Satermann (J.) * Ueber Monochlornaphta- line. [Bern.] 8°. Neustaelt, [1883]. Taylor (T.) Naphthaline as an insecticide, etc.; its effect on seeds, plants, insects, and other animals. 83. [ Washington, 1884.] Weidig (H.) *8tuclien iiber das Verhalten einigerNaphtalin-undXaphtolderivate. [Bern.] 8-. Giessen, 1.88:5. Ziegler (J. H.) * Ueber Derivate des Beta- Naphtylamins. 8°. Frauenfeld. 188'S. AiiMc-hiilz. Resultate einiger Versuche mit dem Naphthaliu verbande. Centrabl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882. ix, 521-524.—Bonuius; (CT) Naphthaline, anew antiseptic. Physician .V Surg., Ann Arbor. Mich.. 1883, v, 1-4.—Bre- ■noml. De la naphtaline. Mem. Soc. (1. sc. nat. et meel. ele Seine-et-Oise 1874-82, Versailles, 1883, xii, 217-225.— Cagnoli. La naftalina in terapia. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., Torino, 1884, ii, 494-198— Uej a koiioflf (P. I.) O peiiYJazke. ran naphtalinom. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, iii. U47-C49.—Dupasquier (A.) Emploi de la naphta- line comme medicament incisif, expectorant, formules pour son administration. JT de med. de Lyon, 1842, iii, 476-479. — Eichhorst. Die Ziiricher Naphthalinbe- obachtuugen. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1885, vi, 57.— Evers. Erkrankung, auscheinend hervorgeruf'en durch Naphthalin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 593- j'jj, — Fischer (E.) Naphtalin, ein neues Antisepticnm. Ibid., 1881, xviii, 710. -----. tTntersuchimgen iiher die Wirkung des Naphtalin. Ibid.. 1882. xix, 113 ; 135.—Frou- miiller. Das Naphtalin und die Naphtole. Memorabi- lien, Heilbr., 1883, n. F., iii. 257-207.—Friihauf (H.) Cou- tribuzione alio studio sui uso e a/.ione elelhi naftalina come antisettico. Rivista, Genova, 1882. i. 164-169. — Hoc ft - inan (H.) Versuche iiber das X*aphthaliu als Verband- mittel. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, ix, 697-702.— KI ■ u li (E.) Naftalina jako noroy lek do opatrunku owr- zodzeh szankrowych i przyiniotowych. [Naphthaline in the treatment of chancre and contagious eruptions] Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1883, 2. s., iii, 120; 153. — Kovat-.s (A.) Mit Naphthaliu behandelte Fiille. [Transl. front : Koze- g6szsegiigyi kalauz, 1885, No. 4. Extr.] Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1885, xxi, 181.—I.cluiiaiiu (E.) Ueber Phenolharnreaction bei iunerlichem Naphthaliiigebrauch. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 122.—iVIagnu*. I'c-ber den Einfluss des Naphthalins auf das Sehornan. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1687, i, 387-389. —-Uallalsowski (WT) Npftalina jako srodek opatrunkowv. I Naphthaline for dressing wounds.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 188:;, 2. s., iii, 333: 351: 381.—Morelli (C. B.) Delia naftalina in chi- rurgia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1883, iv, 347.—IVeubauer (H.) A naphtalin mint a.iodoformhedyettesitcije. [Naph- thaline a substitute for iodoform.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, Yaphllialiu. 1883. xxiii, 5t,9-571.—Park (R.) Naphthaliu as an anti- septic for surgical dressings. Weekly M. Kev.. Chicago 1883. vii, 54— IVII-m imi (P.) I balsamici e la naftalina nella medicazioue dell' urina. Salute: Italia meel. <;«■. nova. 1885, xix, 431-437. Alio, Repriut. — Penzolili ) Ricerche sperimen tali sull1 azione biologica della naftalina. Riv. clin. di Bohemia, 1884, 3. s., iv, 706-719. -----. Naftalina. Gior. di cliu. e terap., Messina, 1884, iii, 310-321. Yaphthol. Allen il'.W.l Naphthol. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 565-569.—Bouchni-8<> pp. 8-. Paris, G. Masson, 1-82. ----- & Martin (A.-J.) Societe de niddeciue publique et d'hygiene professiounelle. L'etudect les progres de i'hygiene eu France de 1-7- a 1—2. Avec une pre"face de Brouardel. xi, 546 pp. 8P. Paris, G. Masson, 1882. IVapias (Maxime). La question des odeurs de Paris. Legislation et procedure des iltablisse- meuts dangereux insalnbres, ou incommodes. 112 pp. 12c. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1881 Napier. . ... Allen (F. H. L.) Napier (New Zealnad) as a nealtn- resort. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18c5, ii, 343. NAPIER. 627 NAPLES. Napier (Alex.) Si-e Euleubcrg (A.) Physiology and pathology of the sympathetic system of nerves. 8°. London, 1870.—<-nll- liiaiin (Paul). A handbook of physical diagnosis, etc. s . London, 1879. -----. The same.' 8T Xeiv Vork-, 1880. Napier (Duncan). Neurotomes (the art of strengthening the nerves). A new view of health and disease in relation to the nervous system, the influence of mental emotions upon the body and the origin of chronic diseases, with numerous cases and instructions for cure. 32. ed. 96 pp. 8C. London, Houlston f- Stoneman, 187,4. Napier (James). Keport on Mr. Manning's pro- cess as carried out at his works at Edinburgh, and on experiments with the Glasgow sewage. 9 pp. 8'-\ [n. p., 1857.] [P., v. 14«7.] Napier (William). See Taylor (Thomas). Letter to the Honorable "Wm. Napier on the chemical composition of certain waters [etc.] 8°. London, 1851. Napier (William Francis Patrick) [1785-1860]. History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France, from 1807 to 1814. 5 v. 8°. New York; W. G. Wlddleton, 1863. Napieralski (Erasine). * Du chloral aux points de vue chimique, physiologique et thdrapeutique. 56 pp. 4J. Paris, 1879, No. 215. Napione (Carolus Antonius). Memoria sui lin- curio. 14 pp., 1 1. 4°. Roma, A. Fulgoni, 1795. Naples. Regolamento per guarentire le provin- eie del regno dalla diffusioue del cholera asiatico, qualora vi penetrasse. 18 pp. 4°. Napoli, dai tipi di Cataneo, 1819. ■-----. Ordinanza della amministrazione militare del regno delle due Sicilie. xviii, 379 pp. fol. Napoli, dalla reale tipog. della guerra, 1824. -----. Statuti per lo reale stabilimento degP incu- rabili e luoghi riuniti. 247 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Naples, 1839. -----. Relazione per le fognature della eitta di Napoli a Consiglio muuicipale dell' assessor^ Giu- seppe Buonoino. Sessione straordinaria, giugno 1874. 97, clxxxvii pp. 8°. Napoli, F. Giannini, 1874. -----. Pubblicazioni dell' ufficio statistico della eitta di Xapoli. Xos. 43, 46, 47, 49-52 bis, 1879; ' Nos. 1-5, 4(1, 47, 1880. imp. fol. [Napoli, 1879-80.] Continued as the following. -----. Bollettino medico demografico del comune di Xapoli. No. 5 (Feb. 5), 1881. fol. [Napoli, 188L] Continuation of preceding. Naples. Nee, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Typhus, His- tory, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), by localities; Medicine (Clinical, Cases of). Abate (F.) Propostadi una necessariariforma del sistcina cloacale pel piii pronto ed efficace boniticamento della eitta di Xapoli. 8°. Napoli, l^-'l. Balsamo (P.) Sui miglioramento igienico de' tre quartieri mercato pendiuo porto. 8-z. Na- poli, |s-<4. Buacale (F.) II risanamento della eitta di Xapoli: csposizioi.e della legge del 15 gennaio 1885, u. 2892 (serie 3a), coordiuata alle leggi sulla espropriazione per causa di utilita pubblica del 25 giugno 1865, n. 2359 e del 18 dicembre 1879, n. 5188 (serie 2a); nonche ed altre leggi e disposi- zioni relative. 8-. Napoli, 1887. Bkuxo (G.) Liernur e Waring, ovvero due sistemi tubolari proposti per la fognatura di Na- poli. 8°. Napoli, 1883. -----. Fognatura della eitta di Xapoli. Ul- timi studi e proposte definitive in seguito al pa- rere emesso dal consiglio dei lavori pubblici. S-. Napoli, 1885. Naples. Carrelli (F.) Sulla fognatura cloacale della eitta di Napoli. Giustifiea del parere propti- gnato. 8P. Napoli, 1885. del Carretto (G.) Sui sistemadi fognature tubolare piieuinatico e sulla convenienza di ap- plicarlo alia eitta di Xapoli. Voto ragionato, risposte a questi conclusioni. rov. 8J. Napoli, 1874. Cortese (F.) Progetto pel sottosuolo di Na- poli. 4°. Napoli, 1883. De Cesare (F.) Fognatura e Napoli risanata seguito delle idee igieniche. roy. 8-. Napoli, 1887). De Domixicis (N.) La febbre da fogne, ov- vero la febbre napoletana. 8°. Napoli, 1883. De Renzi (S.) Topografia e statistica-medica della eitta di Napoli. 2. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1832. -----. Napoli nell' anno 1764, ossia documenti della carestia e della epidemia che desolarono Napoli nel 1764, preceduti dalla storia di quelle sventure. 12°. Napoli, 1868. Eai'x (Des) minerales du golfe de Naples. 8C. Paris, [n. d.] CONTEXTS. I. La cote de Castellamare. II. Naples. III. La cote de Baies et de Ponzzoles. IV. L'ile d'Ischia. Fasaxo (T.) Delia febbre epidemica sofferta in Napoli 1' anno 1764. Libri iii. 8°. Napoli, 1765. Fazio (E.) Profili sanitarii. Le abitazioni in Napoli e la profilassi del colera. 12°. Napoli, 1887. Florexzano (G.) Bisogna sventrare Napoli. 8°. Napoli, 1884. Franchixi (M.) &. Sellitti (G.) Novello quartiere per la eitta di Xapoli ove allogare la clase oporara. roy. 81-'. Napoli, 1884. Fkaxco (D.) Guida popolare ai bagni di Xa- poli e sue vicinanze non che dei piu sviluppati nelle altre provincie meridionali. 18°. Napoli, 1885. Frsco (S.) Sui risanamento di Xapoli; rela- zione letta nell' adunanza dell' Associazione po- litica la Sinistra Meridiouale, il di 3 novembre 1884, seguita da altra relazione speeiale per la parte igienica del Prof. Eurico De Renzi. Uditi gl' ingegueri Breglia e Vitale. 16-. Napoli, 1884. Giordano (F.) Sulle coudizioni di Napoli e dei mezzi pin adatti a migliorarle. 8°. Napoli, 1884. del Giudice (F.) Statistica medica dell'Os- pedale di S. Maria della Pace per 1' anno 1852, 8°. Napoli, 1854. Guida (F.) Discorso prelimiuare sui problema di Xapoli. 8C. Napoli, 1884. di Lorenzo (G.) La insalubrita di Napoli in rapporto alia igiene pubblica della eitta. 8°. Napoli, 1875. Martixez (J.-P.) * Notice sur la topographie medicale de Naples. 4°. Paris, 1834. Mayo (E.) Pel bonificainento dei bassi quar- tieri della eitta di Napoli. Saggio di studi e proposte e progetto di massima dell' ingegnere . . . roy. 8°. Napoli, 1885. Melissexos (G. C. A.) L' igiene omicida e gli odori di Napoli. 12°. Napoli, 1882. Moxitcelli (T.) Sulla ecouomia delle acque da ristabilirsi nel regno di Napoli; memoria. 3. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1820. Naples. Relazione per le fognature della eitta di Xapoli al consiglio muuicipale, sessione straordinaria, giugno 1874. roy. 8 . Napoli, 1874. NAPLES. 628 SAQFET. Naples. ()'L'<)NNi>R ( B. ) ZuoOavdeyiov 8avp.aor6v, seu mirabilis viventiutn iuteritus in Charonea Xca- politana crypta. Dissertatio physica, Roiuae in Academia . . . Ciampini proposita. 16-. Co- lonial Agrippince, 1691. Palmieri (L.) Annali del reale osservatorio meteorologico Vtsuviano compilati da . . . Auno primo, 1859. roy. 8\ Napoli, 187,9. Pignataro (D.) Memoria sullo stato attuale della medieina nelle provincie di questo regno di Xapoli, su gli ostacoli, che ne impediscono il miglioramento, e intorno a' mezzi per migliorarlo, diretta a . . . Francesco Andrea Miot, ministro dell' interim. 12. Napoli, 1806. Relazioxe e voti del Collegio degli ingegneri ed architetti in Napoli intorno al bonificamento ed ampliaineuto della eitta di Napoli. 8':. Na- poli, 1885. Richter & Co. Lo sveutramento i nuovi rioni e le ampliazioni della eitta di Napoli. Se- condo 1 progctti definitivi legalmente approvati. 1 map, 34x48 in. Napoli, [n. d.] Saxxicola (G.) Rillcssioui e-ritiche di uu medico ainante della patria sur un' opera inglese di I. C. Cox, pubblicata in Londra ed iutitolata : Avviso agl' infermi che si dispongono a visitare Napoli, contenente la topogralia medica di questa eitta e la descrizione delle acque minerali del golfo napoletauo. 2. ed. 8-. Palermo, 1850. Sarcone (M.) Istoria ragionata de' mali os- servati in Xapoli nell' iutero corso dell' anno 1764. 8*-. Napoli, 1765. -----. The same. 3 v. 8-. Venezia, 1892. Spativ.zi (A.) La statistica medica diretta all' igiene pubblica della eitta di Xapoli. 4-T Aversa, 187:1. -----. La costituzione sanitaria di Xapoli; note statistico-etiologiclie in rapporto alia mor- tality del sesseunio 1873-8. ,--. Napoli, 1879. [Tenore (M.)] Intorno alia proposta di ri- forma dello statuto della Societa reale. 8°. [Napoli, 1848.] Turciii (M.) Sulle acque e sulle cloache della eitta di Xapoli. 8C. Napoli, 1863. Canovclti. Xote sur les travaux d'assaiuissement ele^ la ville ele Naples. Kev. d'hyg.. Par., 1887, ix, 10-27.— Cmi 1:1 ni (A.) Sulle aeciue di Xapoli in rapporto colle malattie da infezieine. Morgagni. N/apoli, 1885. xxvii, 241- 248.—t'asnli (L.) Una visita alle cliuichedi Xapoli. Rac- coglitore med., Forli, 1878. 4. s.. x, 3-15.—Coco (D.) Ren- diconto della 1" clinica medica diretta dal Pi of. S. Tommasi dei clue anni scolastici 1873-4 (malattie infettive). Mor- liauui. Xapoli. 1874. xvi. 881-894. Also: Osservatore med., Palermo, 187."). v. 18-36.—Costa (O. G.) Estratto delle ossfii-vazioni iiieteorolo^ico-economiche e eampestri, fatte da aprile a setteiuhre 1827. Eseulapio napol., Napoli, 1828, iii, 65-74—Dc Krnzi (S.) Considerations statis- tienies sur le royaume ele* Naples. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1836, xvi, 298-309—i>irnf. Medicinische Biiefe iiber Neapel. Deutsche Kliuik. Berl . 1861, xiii, 219: 231 ; 239 , 257 ; 269; 289 ; 297.— Dii-itlo .sanitario. Disposizioni per provve- derealla puhhlicaidcm-dellacitta di Xapoli. Gior. el. Soc. ital. d' ig.. Milano. 18s5. vii, 541-569. — Eaux (Le-si minerales du golfe ele Naples : les sources ele Castellamare. de Chia- tanionc* et de Saintc-Lucie. Gaz. med de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 807: 927. —Fazio (E.) Naples. J. d'hvg.. Par.. 1883, viii, 335 : 349— I, i]>|M ■ I (H.) Ein Winter in'Neapel, 1870- 71; medicinische Ski/./.e. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1872, ix. 86: lln.—ill liOi-ciizo ((J.) La iusaluhrita di Napoli in rapporto alia igiene puhhlica della eitta. Cliuica. Na- poli. 1874.1. 22: 28: 37: 46; 53; 60; 75; 84; 91: 1875, ii, 14: 22; 27; 39.— HaclTcori (J.) La station zoologique de Naples. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1882. Ix, 13-21.— Iflacpherson (J.) Glimpses at the health resorts of the Bav of Naples in ancient and modern times. Edinh. M. J.,'1875, xx. 812; 1103: xxi. 46. — .tlalatie rcumatiche ch'han dominate in Napoli nell' autimno dell' anno 1833. Esculapio napol.. Napoli. 1834. xv, 65-78.— TI<*ilic-al in- stitutions of Naples. XT Am. M. *c S. J., Phila., 1830. x, 249-278: 1831. xi, 17-61.—ITIcnzies (J. A.) Clinical notes on some feci is at Naples. Edinb. M. J., 1876, xxii, 507- 512.— Vloi-riini (A.) Sui fenomeno deil& mortality in Napoli o sulle condizioni sanitarie dellr eitta'. Gazz. med. pubb., Napoli, 1874, v, 135-141.—Movimento della po- polazione del comune di Napoli, nell' anno 1875. Ibid. ' inple*. 1S76, vii, 129-133. —.\ji pie*. The climate and the public health. Med. Times *< (iaz. Loud., 1861. ii, 173. — .>ii|>|<« (The) waterworks. Laucet. Lond., 1885, ii, 687— 0»*<-r- vazioni meteoiologiche pel niese di Ottobre 1835. tr, u lapio uapol , Napoli, 1836, xix. 64 : 128 : 192 : 256 : 320 ; 3M : xx. 64 : 128 ; 192 : 256 : 320; 383 — Omm«-i-vazioni meteoio- logiche fatte nella K. Specula cii < apodimoute, 1827. Ibid., 1827. i, passim. — OMMt-rvsizioni nieteoroloi'iclie fatte Delia H. Specula di Marina, 1827-37. Ibid., 1827-37, i-xxi, passim. — Requiii i A.-P.) Notice medicale sur Naples! Gaz. nied. (le Par., 1834, 2. s.. ii, 161 ; 177 — *liaii-,'< iR.j On the climate of Naples. Med.-Chir. Rev., Loml.. ls::;i- 40, n. s., xxxii, 307-312. — Ynl«*ntiti ( L.) Medie inisi In Bemerkungen iiber elie llauptstadt NT-apel. Hospiliiler; grosses Arbeits-uud Eizieliungshaiis ; Zustand der Arz- neywissenschaft: Miueralwasser; Biieler : die lluncls- grotte ; das Obseivatoi-ium : die Akaelemieen in Neapel [From L. Valentin's "Voyage en Italic, fait eu annee 1820 et 1824, 2. ed., Paris, 1826 ". Transl. bv Alhers. | Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1828, iv, Suppl.. 161-193.— Vein in (D.i Note prelimiuaire sur le st'regio (la balafre) dans le has peuple napolitain. Actes Cong, internat. d'authrop. aim. 1885, Rome, 1886-7, i, 458-466. Napoleon I. [1769-1S21J. Arnott (A.) An account of the last illness, decease, and post mortem appearances of Napo- leon Bonaparte. To which is added a letter from Dr. Arnott to Lieutenant-General Sir Hudson Lowe, giving a succinct statement of Napoleon Bonaparte's disease aud demise. 8r London, 1822. Also, in: Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1822, v, 380-397. Hereau (J.) Napoleon a Sainte-Helene; opinion d'uu ni6decin sur la maladie de l'empc- reur Napoleon et sur la cause de sa mort; offerfe a son his au jour de sa majority, 8°. Paris, 1829. lVIastk (The) of Napoleon not made by Antommarchi. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1835. vii, 785; 826. Napoleon III. [1808-73]. Rex ue>x. Des moyens rationnels de guerison immediate des r6trecissements dc run-tie et de leurs complications. Cinquieme e"d. augmentee de quelques faits et documents a propos de hi maladie de Napoleon III, et d'observation dc gutSrison radicates par le Dr. Rochou [etc] 8'-. Paris, 1873. Emperor (The) Napoleon. [Lithotrity. Edit.] Lan- cet, Lond.. 1873, i, 58 60. — I'Trilscln* (G.)' Opis ostatniej chorobv Napoleona Ill-go. (Acciuiiii of the disease ol Napoleon III-l Medycyna, "Warszawa. 1873, i, 65-69.- Mrc (G.) Maladie et mort de Napoleon 111. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1873. xlvi, 30. Napp (Richard). The Argentine Kepublic; writ- ten in German by . . . assisted by several fellow- writers for the Central Argentine Commission on the Centenary Exhibition at Philadelphia. 46)3, xcvii pp., 1 ch., 2 tab., 5 maps. 8°. Ilueims Aires, Socieclad anonima, 1876. eVsipper (Albert). On the advantages derivable to the medical profession and the public from the establishment of village hospitals, with gen- eral instructions concerning costs, plans, rules, etc., and an appropriate dietary. 3. ed. 20 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1866. Napper (James). * Observations pratiques sur l'euterite ehronique des enfaus. 30 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1825, No. 221, v. 196. \;iquai'd (Jean-Baptiste-Fraucois-Adolphe). * Essai de ge"roconiie. ou hygiene des viciHards. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, 1839, v. 61. i> aqua id (Paul-Emmanuel). * Etude sur les luxations du cristalliu. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 184. ;\"aquard(Pierre-Loui8-Emmauuel). "I. Quelle est la valeur des signes fouruis par 1'odeur de la bouche? II. [etc.] 39 pp. 4-. Paris, 1-44, No. 199, v. 4ouciiAKDAT(J.) *Delanarce"ine. 4°. Paris, 1867). Lixi; (C.) * Etudes sur la narce"ine et son em- ploi tlidrapcutique. 4°. Paris, 1865. Oetixoer (W.) * 1 )as Xarcein als Arzneimit- tel. 8-. Tiibingen, 186,6. Petkini (P.) * Des injections liypodermiques de chlorliydrate de narceine. 4^. Paris, 1871. -----. The same*. 4°. Paris. 1871. Sai.azar y Murphy (A. M.) * Estudio sobre la accion tisiologica y terapeutica de la " uarceiua". 4-. Mexico. 1875. SicHTixt- (O.) * Therapeutische Wirkungen des Papavcrin und Xarcein. 8°. Bonn, [1869]. Kct-krtt (G.-H.) Sc "Wright (C.-R.-A.) Snr les sul- fates ile narceine et sur d'autres derives eh- narceine. Monit. scient.. Par.. 1875. 3. s., v, 1048-1051. — Bcliier. Contribution a l'histoire clinique de la narceine. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1864, lxvii, 151-158.— Cam- pari. Das Xarcein als Hypnoticum. Deutsche Kli- nik. Berl., 1872, xxiv, ls7. — C'ouyba (L.) Action du ehlorli vel rate ele naree'iiie. J. de nuTl. et chir. prat.. Par.. 1877. xlviii, 401-403—Da Costa (.1. M.) Observa- tions on the action of uarcein. Penn. Hosp. Rep., Phila.. lstW. i, 177-191.—Oebout. Coup d'ceil sur un des alca- loides les phis importauts ele 1'opiiiin. la narceine'. Hull. ge5n.de therap., etc.. Par., lsiil. lxvii. 145-151.—Kili-n- ■nryrr. Weitere Untersuchungen iiher die " schlafma- chende unci sehnierzstillende" Wirkung des Xarcein. Cor.- Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Xeuwied, 1866. Narceine. xiii, 321-324.—Eiilenburg (A.) Ueber Xarcein als Heil- mittel. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Meel., Leipz., 1866, i, 55-66. Also, transl. : J. de med. chir. et pharmacol.. Brux., 1866, xiii, 227-230.—FroiiniiilliT. Leber Xarcein und (lessen angeblich seihitivc Wirkung. Memorabilien. Heilbr.. 1868, xiii, 5s-(ji).—(Jijjon. De la'narceine. Bull etinem.Soc.de therap.. Par., lssii. •>. s., xiii. 123-120.—Ha Hoy (J.) The action of narceine*. Praciiiioner, Lond.. iso.s i. 289-295.— Hvinlz (K.) Ueber die Wirkung des Xiue-einum muria- ticuin 1 M-i subcutaner Anweiuliing. X Repert. f. Phar- mac, Miinchen, 1876. xxv. 6(59-703. — Injection* (Des> liypodermiques de chlorliydrate de narceine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc-.. Par., 1872, Ixxxii. 136-138.—Insomiiie et agitation nocturne chez une jeune fille atteinte de phthisic* pulmouaire tuberculeuse au troisieme degre; im- puissance du shop diacode et ele ]"extrait thebaique simul- tanement employes; bons eltTis ele hi narceine. Ibid., 1865, lxviii, 87-8*9. — Kcrscli. Xarcein. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1868. xiii, 159-164.—l.aboi-d<* (JT-V.) La nar- ceine, son action physiologiepieetm6elieamenteuse. Compt. rend. Soc.dc- biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii. 205-268. — I.aboi-ilc (S.-Y.) fituele sur les effets physiologiepies de la narceine et sur son action therapeutique dans cjuchpics inalaelies chez les enfants. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par., 1865-6, 2. s., i, 51-60. Also: Bull. ge'n. de therap.. etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 224-233. Also.- Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1865. 3. s., xxxviii, 149-151. — I.cconl (0 ) Xote sur taction therapeutique et toxicologique de la narceine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1852. Par.. ls:>3. iv. 29-31. — l,in< (sloii;r<-liaiiip« (J.-L,-A.) Cinquieme m6moire ; recherches et observations sur les proprietes eiu narcisse des pre'-s ou narcisse-poi il Ion. I nit is: Hist. meel. el. succed..8°, Par.. 1830,147-167.—.Mar- tin - l.ailZjcr. Proprietes tlierapeutiqiies du narcisse (les pros. J. el. conn. meel.-chir . Par.. l.sr>2. 2. s., ii, 29- 33.—Plan. Djastische Wirkung des Narcissus poet-ions (weisse Narcisse). Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 813. — PonrclK*. Observations sur Temploi de l'extrait du narcisse des pies, dans le traitenient de quelques mala- dies nerveuses. l5phem. med. ele Montpel.. 1826, iii, 171- 183. —Kiiiger (S.) Sc VIoi'mIm-oiI i IT A.) On the physio- logical action of narcissia, an alkaloid obtained from the bulb of the common daffodil (Xarcissus pseudo narcissus). J. Physiol.. Loud., 1879, i, 437-451. IVarcissus (Ferdiuandus Georgius). *Diss. sis- tens circa nitruni observationes physico-medicas. •i0 pp. sui. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1712]. Narcissus (Franc. Jacobus). * Diss, de genera- tione et receptaculis chyli. 23 pp. 42. Lugd. Bat., 1742. Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottingee, 1746, i, 769-792. Narcolepsy. See, also, Sleep (Abnormal, etc.) Ballet (G.) Contribution & l'6tude du sorameil patho- logique: (c|uelques cas de narcolepsie). Rev. de med., Par.. 1882. ii. 945-957— Cam use I (G.) A propos de la narcolepsie*. Gaz. el. Imp., Par.. 1881), liii, 659. —Foot (A. W.) Narcolepsy. [Abstr.] Lancet, Lond., 1887. i, 25.— <« el in can. lie la narcolepsie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. IsSO, liii. 026. 635.—I'orlrr (R. H.) Narcolepsy; a seventy-two hours' sleep. Meel. Kee., N. Y„ 1880, xviii, 610.—Sh'ata- loff (N.) Sluch. nareolepsia-. Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk , Moskva, 1885, 1-5. —Workman (J.) Narcolep- sia. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. T., 1880-81, xxxvii, 291-299. Narcosis. Sec Narcotism. Narcotics. Sec, also, Anaesthetics; Belladonna; Chlo- ral : Chloroform; Conium: Datura stramo- nium; Hyoscyamus; Hypodermic injections, etc. ; Insanity (Treatment of): Morphine, etc. ; Narceine ; Narcotism; Neurotics ; Opium ; Stimulants, etc. Axstie ( F. K. ) Stimulants and narcotics, their mutual relations; Avith special researches ou the action of alcohol, aether, and chloroform on the vital organism. £~. Philadelphia, 1865. NARCOTICS. 630 NARCOTICS. Narcotics. 15ar ( G. S. ) * De narcoticorum effectibus, eorumque imprimis opii usu medico. 12°. Wireebnrgi, [1813]. Beard ( G. M. ) Stimulants and narcotics, medically, philosophically, and morally consid- ered. SJ. New York, 1871. von Bibra ( E. ) Die narkotischeu Genuss- mittel und der Mensch. 8C. Niirnberg, 187>5. Blumroeder(G.) * De hypnoticis. 4°. Er- langa; [18*2(3]. Bolster (J. H. ) * Dc hypnoticis et narco- ticis. sm. 4°. Jence, [1748]. Borrichius ( 0. ) De somno et somuiferis maxime papavereis dissertatio. sm. 4°. Hafnice, 1680. -----. The same. sm. 4-. Hafnice et Franco- furti, 1682. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Hafnice, 1683. Brainerd (J.) A lecture upon narcotic stim- ulants. 8-. Cleveland, 187)8. Collins ( S. B. ) Theriaki; a treatise on the habitual use of narcotic poison. How the habit is formed; its consequences and cure. 8°. La- povte, Did., [1887]. Coze ( L. ) * Histoire naturelle et pharinaco- logique des medicaments narcotic1 ues fournis par le regne vestal. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)3. !- o j-i Concours. Dalman (J. W. ) * De narcoticis observa- tiones. sm. 4°. Upsalice, [1816]. Doeltz (J. C. ) * Nova experimenta circa qiuedam veueua ex narcoiicorum genere. 8°. Altorfii, [17113]. Fronmuller ( B. ) Klinische Studien iiber die schlafmachende Wirkung der narkotischeu Arzneiniittel. 8C. Erlangen, 1869. (tReiner (G. F. C.) Die narkotischen Mittel. Als Beitrag zur Erkeuntuiss ihrer Bedeutung und Wirksamkeit und zur Erinnerung an ihren Werth nnd Gebrauch. 8°. Leipzig, 1842. Heberden ( W. ) 'Av-i&gptatia. An essay on mithridatiuin and theriaca. sm. 8°. [London], 1745. Hitchcock ( E. ) An essay on alcoholic and narcotic substances, as articles of common use. 12-. Amherst, 1830. Jessexics a Jesskx (J.) De mithridatio et theriaca. Disputatio pro qua, pridie nonas Au- gusti, publico loco stabit Stephanus Marcellus, Anstrius. 4°. Witebergce, 1598. Kxox (R.) * Disp. quaedam de viribus stimu- lantiuin et narcoticorum in corpore sano. 8J. Edinburgi, 1814. Koestlin (C. H.) * Diss, sistens animadver- siones de materiis narcoticis regni vegetabilis earumque ratione botanica. 8J. Tubingce, [1808]. Kondura (A.) * De narcoticorum remediorum virtute. 8~. Halce, [1798]. Kkaakmax (J. P.) * Diss, quaedam de narco- ticis iu genere continens et de opio in specie. 8C. Alcmaricx, l-4.">. Lar.vcixe (G.-J.-A. ) * Quelques considera- tions sur l'emploi des uarcotiques. 4J. Paris, 1896. Leszig (E.) * De narcoticoruiu iu infantibns usu. 12-. Dorpati Livonorum, 1836. Michea (C.-F.) Recherches experimentales sur Temploi compart des prineipaux agents de la medication stupefiante daus le traitement de l'alie'nation mentale. 8-. Paris, [n. d.] -----. The same. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1857. See, also, infra. Pickford (P.) Qiuedam de narcoticis. Com- mentatio. 4°. Heidelbergce, [1844], vax Pr a AG (J. L.) Proeve eener historisch- kritische beschouwing der narcotica. 8-. Tiel, 187,2. Aarcotie*. Preiskm)(")rfer (P.) * Zur Lehre von der Wirkung der Narkotika. 8-. Leipzig, 1S79. Sarpiiati (S.) * Diss, iuaug. continens quavs- tiones duas. I. Quaedam de phthisi. II. I)(. ,X- tractorum narcoticorum ex herbis recentibus usu. '-*-. Lugd. Bat., 18?,9. Schroeter(C G.) * De actione narcoticoruiu in fluidum nerveum. sm. 4°. Halce, Mm/tleb [1762]. Sixapius (M. A.) Tractatus de reincdio dolo- ris, sive materia anodynaruin nee non opii causa criminali in foro medico. Accessit visio Aletlio- phili advocati de secta et religione einpyricoruin pauacueistarum. 16J. Amstela'.dami, 16,99. Thiemann (B. F.) * Dc viis quibus medic-a- menta uarcotica in corpus recepta vim exserant. 8-. Berolini, [1846]. Willudoviits (G. L. H.) * Dc caussis quibus- dam in effectum, per veuena narcotica peractiun, venientibus. 8-. Jena; [1809]. Albrecht (H. R.) Ueher elie Gefahren der Anwendung narkotischer Mittel hei Neugebomen. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1874, iv, 266-269.—Alien (J. R.) Sug^s tions as to the method of using narcotics in nervous el is- eases. Iowa M. J., Keokuk, 1855, ii, 332; 424.—van At- teveld (N.) Narcotica non semper prosunt in affectioni- bus spasmodicis; innno vero interdnm nocent; prsecipue ubi hse affectiones cum spastica tensione et febrarum ri- giditate sunt conjunctte. In. his: Qiuest. med., 4°, Traj. ad Rhen., 1811, 9.—Barbier. Narcotieiue. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxv, 194-215. -----. Stupefiant. Ibid., 1821, liii, 52-67.— Barnes (II.) On the abuse of narcot- ics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 1U32.—Bartholow (11.) On the combined administration, chiefly bypodennically, of chloral, morphia and atropia. Leavenworth M. Her- ald, 1874, viii, 85-91. — Binz (C.) Zur Wirkungsweise schlafmachender Stoffe Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1877, vi, 310-317. -----. Aphorisinen uud Versuche iiher schlafmachende Stoffe. Ibid.. 1880-81, xiii, 157-168.—BischofffE.) Ueber den Begiitf'dersogenannt narkotischeu Arzneistoffe hberhaupt und der schnierzlin- dernden, wie krampfstillenden uud entzundiingswidrigeu Erscheinung ihrer Wirkuug im Besondere n. Meel. Ar- gos, Leipz., 1840, ii, 409; 536. — Bischotl (T. I.. W.) Ueber die Resorption der narkotischen Gifte clinch die Lymphge fiisse. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1846, iv, 62_70. — Boillaiuler (G.) Experimemteller Beitrag zur Theorie eler Narkose. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884, v, 249-254.—Brunton (T. L.) The influence of stimulants and narcotics on health. In: Book of Health (Morris), 8°, Lond., 1883, 183-267. — t'apus (G.) Les uarcotiques dans l'Asie centrale. Rev. scient., Par., 1883, xxxi, 745-750.— Carter (W.) On the mechanical and physical effects of narcotics on the brain. Liverpool M. Sc S. Rep., Lond., 1868, ii, 33-38.—Chauffaril. Me- moire sur l'emploi et Tabus eles medicaments stup^tiants les plus usit6s. Tr. med., Par., 1830, i, 18-29. —Dc Bast. Reflexions sur la preparation des extraits uarcotiques, [Rap. de Cales.] Bull. Soc. ele m6d. de Gand. 1835, i, 122- 128.—Dickson (S. H.) On stimulant narcotics. Rich- mond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1871, xii, 119-132.— Dmi;aii (S. A.) Ou the combination of chloroform with opiate's, for the relief of pain. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1870, n. s., vi, 14-16.—Fischer. Einige Worte iiber die nar- cotischen Extracte als innere Heilmittel. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1827, lxv, 6. St., 96-104.—Fisher (■).) Medi- cal discourse on several narcotic vegetable substances. Meel. Cominiinicat. Mass. M. Soc., Bost., 1783-1808, i, pt. 2, 1-13—Fristcdl (R. F.) Fronmiillers inaugariga studier at' hvpnotica. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 218-224.— Froliner. Ueber neuere Narkoticaund Kardiaca. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz , 1887, xiii, 237-266.— Fronmiillcr, sen. Weitere- Untersuohuugen iiber die schlafmachende Kraft der Narcotica. Deutsche Klinik, Berl , 1865, xvii, 331; 380— CJodcfioi (M. J.) Nasponn- gen ointrent de wijze van working der narcotica. Boer- haave. Tijdschr.,'etc., Amst., 1846, u. s., v, 193-226.— HauflT. Einiges iiber die Anwendung narkotischer Al- kaloide. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1836, vi, 53-56. — Hnfelanil (C. W.) Erfartingeii uber die Anwendung narkotischer Mittel in Rauchgestiilt. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1822, lv, 2. St., 85-93. - I„aileii- burg i Vi Sur les alcaloi'des uaturels et mydriatiques de la belladone, du datura, de la jusquiame et de la duboisia. Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc. 8,4- 87G —l.ane (J. S.) Exci*ssivi* use of narcotics. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1860, lxiii, 391-393.-f.utz (C.) Physiologisclier Erklarungs-Vi-rsuch iiber die Veischiedeuheit der Wir- kung von Opiaten bei Kindern uud Erwachseneu. Aerztl. Int -Bl.. Miinchen. 1878, xxv, 501—de iHan (J. C.) De liarcotischeextiarten door alcohol bereid. Nederl. \\ cekbl. v Geneesk.. Amst., 1853, iii, 59-63.—.Tlantesjazza (1 .) NAKCOTICS. 631 XAEEXS. Narcotic*. Iicdi alimeiiti nervosi narcotiei: iltabacco; la coca; l'op- pio" Igea. Milano, 1864, ii, 354; 370: 1865, iii, 3-7.—Me- dicinal (On the) effects and best administration of nar- cotics. Mecl. Mag.. Bost,. 1834. ii, 552-569.— Menrer (¥.) Noeh ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den nareotischen Mitteln, mit besonelerer Be-iiicksichtigung eines Auf'satzes cles Richter in Dresden iiber elenselben Gegenstand. Welinselir. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1844. 377 ; 405.—Meyer (L.i leber die temporisirende Anwendung der Hypno- tica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 521-523.— Mi- die a (IT-IT) Recherches experimentales sur l'emploi de Ionium elans le traitenient do l'alienatiou mentale. Gaz. meel. de Par . 1853, 3. s., viii, 46; 111 ; 147; 183; 274: 48i); 498; 517; 693; 713. [See, also, supra.]—Morawitzlty (S. ■ Des niiveotiqiies et de quelques autres substances ve- neineuses eniplovoe-s par la population ele la province de Fergan. [Transl. by S. Artault.] Arch, slaves de biol., Par^ 1886, ii, 97-Tl!).— Parrish (E.) Notes on the naivet- ies. Meel. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862, vii, 105-107.— I'ickford (P.) Die Ergebnisse des Experiments in Be- zug auf die Lehre von deu narkotischen Arzneimitteln im Allgi'ineinen. Nach fremden und eigenen Untersuchun- j,,ii. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1844, iii, 347-379.— Frcisenilorfer (P.) Zur Lehre von eler Wirkung der Nurkotika. Deutsches Arch f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1879-80, xxv, 40-52.—Purdy (G. B ) Inquiry into the effects of vegetable acids, iu counteracting narcotics. Tr. Phys.- Med. Soc. N. Y., 1817, i, 253-266.—Richardson (B. W.) Condensation of water on the bronchial surface during nar- cotism and in disease. Asclepiad, Lond., 1884, i, 253-255.— Bicliter (H. E.) Gegeubemerkung, die nareotischen Mittel betreffend. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1844, 669-672. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre von den narkotischen Mittelu. Arch. f. d. m-s. Med.. Jena, 1814, vi. 189-205.— Koile iC. N.) De narkotiskeExtrakter. Norsk Mag. f. La'gevidensk., Christiania, 186,, xxi, 145-148.—Konliiij; (C.'E.) Tlie* abuse of nareoties. Australas. M. Gaz!, Sydney, 1885-6, v, 299. — Mclmpiro ( B. M. ) K vopr. o novych snot vor. sredstavach. [Ou new specific remedies.] Mej'dunar. Klin., St. Petersb., 1887, vi, no. 5, 1-11. — Shiimovski ( V. ) O narkoticheskekh veshchestvakh. [On narcotic substances.J Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1863. iii, 127 ; 133.—Sibxon (F) On the narcotic poisons, particularly- opium, and their antidotes. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848. n. s., vii, 578; 792.—Spalding (V. M.) Commercial distinctions of the narcotic leaves. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1880, n. a., i, 62-64. — Spender (J. K.) Remarks on analgesics. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1887. i, 819-822. — Strzc- miriNki (J.) Autypiryna i antyfebryna, jako srodki kojijee b61e. [Antipyriue and antifebrine as means to assuage pain.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1887, 2. s., vii, 908- 911.—Thomson (A. T.) Narcotics. Cvcl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1845, iii, 362-376.— Trail be (L.) Zur Lehre von der Wirkung der Narcotica. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 591. — Trous- seau (A.) Memoire sur quelques cas de guerison par 1'applieatiou do medicaments uarcotiques sur le derate de- nude. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1831, iv. 61-76. —Use (The) of narcotics. Pop. Sc. Month., N, \T, 1875, vii, 611-617.—Vergiflen (De) van ons denkver- niogen; coca, betel en doornappel. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1886, xl, no. 24. Warcotine. Blyth (J.) On the composition of narcotiue, and some of its products of decomposition by the action of bichloride of platinum. 8°. [Lon- don, n. d.] Repr. from: Mem. Chem. Soe*. Lond., 1843-5, ii. Albers (J. F. H.) Ueber Narcotin und Aesculin und ihre Anwendung in Krankheiten. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862. xiv, 144-146.—Bally (V.) Memoire sur leS proprie- tes de la narcotiue. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1825, ii, 365-384. —Beckett (G. H ) & Wright (C. R. A.) On carcotine, cotarnine, and hydrocotarnine. J. Chem. Soc. Lond., 1875, n. s., xiii, 573-5B5: 1876, xxix, 461- 474.—Buet. Dothinenterite et meuingo-cephalite sur- aigue's; eliiiies: cinq lours et demi. Doit-on lesattribuora la narcotiue? Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, ii, 175— Matthics- sen (A.) Sc Foster (G. C.) Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotiue, and of its products of decomposi- tion. Phil. Tr. 1863, Lond., 1864, cliii. 345: (1867), 1868, cl vii, 657 : (1869), 1870, clix, 661. — Tnlly ( W.) Experi- ments for the purpose of determining the operation of nar- cotiue upon the human system, in a state of health. Bos- ton M. & S. J„ 1833, vii, 37; 56— Worm Icy (T. G.) Notes ou some of the chemical reactions of nareot ine and meconic acid. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1859-60, xii, 277-285. Also: Chem. News, Lond., 1860, ii, 158; 170. Narcotism. See, also, Anaesthesia; Narcotics; Opium (Toxicology of). Bn jades (F.) Contribucion al estudio de hi narcosis. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1877, i, 543; 555.—Campbell Narcotism. (W. H.i A case of fatal narcotism in a child fourteen days old; probably induced by a dose of chloral and mor- phia administered to the mother. Boston M. «fc S. J., 1873, x, 116. — I'avalicr. Sur un phenoniene singulier, observe- pendant le narcotisme par 1 opium. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1830, i, 42-53.—C'omegys (C. G.) Artificial respiration in extreme narcotism. Cincin. Lan- cet cfe Obs., 1859, n. s., ii, 581.—Evans. Electro-galvanism in narcotism. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phil i . 1850, n. s., i, 66.— Harris (E J.) Application of cold water to the head in narcotism from opium. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1852, viii, 461-405.— Jackson (A. R.) On the efficacy of cold affusion iu narcotism. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1859. n.-s., xxxviii, 74-78.—Levin (P. A.) Ar en morfinsjuk persen juiidiskt tilhiikuelig .< Eira, Gdteborg. 1883, vii, 569-573.— Morachc (G.) Relation medico-legale de l'affaire dite des Seandales de Bordeaux" ; narcotisme par la poudro d'opium torretie ; etat mental de la principale accuseie. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1882, 3. s., viii, 225-244.—Pellctan (G.) Narcotisme par absorption. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1831, vii, 250-252.—Salonc. Observations de narcotisme. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827. i. 3.—Wade (W. F.) On alcoholic narcotism. Brit. M. JT. Lond.. 18(17, i, 689; 729.—Waller (A.) Further observations on so called voltaic narcotism. Med. Times ScGnz., Lond., 1859, xl, 107-109.—"Wilson (J. S.) Cold affusions in narcotism. Savannah J. M., ls."i9-6(>. ii, 293-295.—Young (J.) Excessive narcotism. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiii, 426-428. JVardelli (Raffaele). Tie perizie medico-legali. 59 pp., 1 1. 8°. Avezzano, Angelini 4~ Pietrocola, 1884. -----. Igiene e medieina curativa. 23 pp. 8~. Avezzano, Angelini f Pietrocola, 1885. Nai'diii (Charles). * Sur l'61ectrotheTapie dans l'incontiuence nocturne de Purine. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864. No. 113. Nardin (D. F.) Editor of: Southern (The) Botanic. Journal, Charles- ton, S. C, 1837-8. Nardius (Joannes). Lactis physica analysis. 6 p. 1., 342 pp., 9 1. 4°. Floreniice, typ. P. Nestij, 1634. -----. Noctes geniales. Annus primus. [Opus posthumuui, a filio Philippo editum.] 5 p. 1., 748 pp., 20 1. sm. 4C. Bononice, typ. J. B. Fer- ronij, 1656. Nai'dius (Philippus). See IVardius (Joannes). Noctes geniales. sm. 4°. Bononice. 1656. Nardo (Gio. Demeuico). Prospetto aualitico ris- chiarante 1' etiologia e la diagnostica dei mali nervosi, specialmente isterici ed ipocondriaci. 9 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Venezia, G. Cecchini 4' Comp., 1842. -----. Sopra un semplice e facile mezzo di leg- gere distinto senza leuti tauto in caso di miopia, come in caso di presbiopia. 18 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Venezia, G. Antonelli, 1855. -----. Quali sieno i fatti principali che condur- rebbero a sup pore essere una mucedinea venefica la causa efficiente del cholera-asiatico ; ricerche ; con note illustrative. 59 pp. 8C. Venezia, G. Cecchini, 1865. Nardo (Luigi) [1806-69]. Della vita e degli studi di Francesco Enrico Trois. 28 pp. 4°. Venezia, P. Naratovich, 1855. -----. Come si provvegga a migliorare lo spedale civile generale di Venezia in armonia al pro- gresso dei tempi. Cenni del . . . xxvi, 50 pp., 1 tab. 8D. Venezia, G. Longo, 1863. For Biography, see Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1869, 3. s., xi, 755-774 (Berti). Nardon-Durosier (Felix). * Etude sur la peritonite apres l'ovariotomie. 138 pp. 4C. Paris, 1869, No. 188. N a i*d iik. Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Nardil* Indica. IT ante (H.) Feber die echte indische Narde. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1887, xxvi, 465-468. Narens (Xaverius). * De peripneumonia chro- nica ac imprimis illius symptoinatum accurata NAliEXS. G32 XASCIVEKA. Narens (Xa verbis)—continued. expositio. 21 pp. 4C. Parisiis, 1817, Xo. 11 v. 129. A arc*. See Nose, etc. Naret (Georges-L6on). * Des paralysies conse"- i-utives a la diphtheric. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 198. Narg-aud (Arthur-L6on). * .Suppuration chro- uique des voies s6minales. 3G pp. 4-. Paris, 1873, Xo. 162. Narictl (Be'lisaire-Jacob) [1856- ]. * Expe- riences avec le crauioclaste de Karl Brauu (de Vieune) dans les bassins tres retiecis, et proposi- tion d'un nouveau procede d'extraction du foetus avec le nieine instrument. 90 pp., 5 1., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, 188-1, Xo. 3. -----. A propos d'une operation de cephalotrip- sie sans broiement chez une femme abassin ob- lique-ovalaire. Petite modification dans le cra- uioclaste. 46pp.,5pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye <\- II. Leevosniei; 1882. Nai'i/.eui, vvdau6 od c. k.-miiiisterium zalezi- tosti onitrnich due 4. cerona 1881, jimzto se vy- diiva revidovana' instrukce btibaiu porodnim. [Regulations, issued by the I. R. ministry for the the interior, June 4, 1^81, concerning instruc- tions for midwives.] 19 pp. 12°. [Prague? 1881.] Narodno Zdravje, izdaje sauitetsko odelenje mi- nistarstva uuutrashnich dela. Upreduik Dr. V. Dchorjevich. [Popular health, issued by medi- cal department of the Ministry of the Interior.] [Weekly.] v. 1,3-4,1881-5. 3v. 4-. Beograd. Naroiia. Lanza (F.) .Saggio storico statistico-medico sopra 1' antica eitta di Naroua elo stato presente del suo territorio; corredato di alcune inedite antiche iscrizioni e di una carta topografica lito- grafafa. 8-'. Bologna, 1812. Narp (Gustave). * De l'eczema du sein. 30 pp. 4 . Pavis, 1812, Xo. 316. IVarr (Joh.) [1802-69]. * Ueber die Xatur nnd das Wesen des Friesels. 77 pp. 8°. Miinchen, leutner, 1827. ------. Dc processu lnemorrhoidali. Diss. path. 14 pp. 4°. Monachii, sumpt. A. Weber, 1828 Narrative [of the appearance of cholera at Kirkintilloch]. 22-f-pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.l [P., v. 1061.] ' Narrative of the conduct of Dr. James Gregory, towards tlie Royal College of Physicians of Edin- burgh, drawn up and published by order of the college, in consequence of the various printed papers circulated by him relative to their affairs. [With appendix.] viii, 98, 42 pp. 4°. Edin- burgh, P. Miller [and others], 1899. Narrative (A) of the late extraordinary cure wrought iu an instant upon Mrs. Eliz. Savage (lame from her birth), without the using of any natural means. With the affidavits which were made before the right honorable the lord mayor; and the certificates of several credible persons, who knew her both before and since her cure. Enquired into with all its circumstances, by noted divines, both of the Church of England aud others, and by eminent physicians of the college ; and many persons of quality, who have expres'd their full satisfaction. AV it'll an appen- dix, attempting to prove, that miracles are not ceas'd. 46 pp., 1 1. 12J. London, J. Dunton & J. Harris, 1694. Narrative (A) of the method and success of in- oculating the- small-pox. See Neal (Daniel). Narrative of the recent difficulties in the Pro- vincial Lunatic Asylum in Canada West. See Park (Geo. H.) Narrative (A) of some proceedings iu the mau- ageineiit of Chelsea Hospital as far as relates to the appointment and dismission of .Samuel Lee surgeon. 5-95 pp. H-. London, IV. Owen, 175o\ Narrative (A) of the treatment experienced by a gentleman during a state of mental derange- ment; designed to explain the causes and na- ture of insanity, and to expose the* injudicious conduct pursued towards many unfortunate suf- ferers under that calamity. '27* pp., 1 1. y-, London. E. Wilson, 1838. Narrative of two wonderful cures, wrought iu the Monastery of the Visitation, at Gcorge'town, iu the District of Columbia, iu the mouth of January, 1-Til. Published with the approbation of the most Rev. Archbishop of Baltimore, by James Myers. 24 pp. 8J. Baltimore, W. A. Francis, 1831. Narratives and confessions of Lucretia P. Can- non, who was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be hung at Georgetown, Del., with two of her accomplices; containing an account of some of the most horrible and shocking murders ever committed by one of the female sex. 24 pp., 2 pl. 8-\ New York, 1841. Narva. Halleh (P.) * Biostatik der Stadt Narva, nebst ATorstiidteu und Fabriken in den Jahren 1850-85, mit einem Auhang iiber die Morbilitat dasclbst. s -. Dorpat, 1886. Narwhal. Turner. Xote on a bidental skull of a narvtfial. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1873-4, viii, 133.—WUnoii (H. S.) The rete mirabile of the narwhal. Ibid., 1S70-SO. xiv, 377-398, 2 pl. Narzan. Vetier. Einijres iiber das AVasser von Narzan. (Vor- fic-lesen in eler Hufeland. med.-chir. Gesellsch. zu Beiliu ifl. 7. Juli 1837.) J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837, lxxxv, 1. St., 82-88. Nasal bones, cartilage, fossae. See Nose [and nasal fossce]. Na*al bones (Fracture of). See Nose (Wounds, etc., of). Nasal catarrh. See Catarrh (Nasal, etc.) Nasal douche. See Douche (Nasal). Nasal duct. See Lachrymal organs. Nasal -index. Collision (K.) La nomenclature quinaire de l'indice nasal du vivant. Kev. d'anthrop., Par., 1887, 3. s., ii, 8-19. Nasal neuroses. See Nose (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of). Nasal speculum. See Nose (Exploration of). Nasal spine. See. also, Evolution. If amy (E.-T.) De l'epine nasale anterieure tlans l'ordre des primates. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1809, 2. 8., iv. 13-28. Nasalli (Giuseppe). Comitato centrale piaccu- tino degli ospizi marini peifanciulli poveri scro- fulosi. Relazione sanitaria e resoconto e-cono- mico amministrativo. 3., 1872. 27 pp. 8D. Piacenzet, F. Solari, 1873. Nasaroff(D. A.) * Usilennoe kormleniechacho- tochuych mjasnymi poroshkami po sposobu l)e- bova. [Overfeeding in phthisis by powdered meat, according to Debove's method.] 84, iv pp.. 3 1., 10 diag. 8-. St. Petersburg, tipog. P. Voshinskoi, 1887. Na-seivera (Lodovico). Istruzione dei mezzi conosciufi piii efficaci per preservarsi dalla ma- NASCIVERA. (''.) 9 XASSANS. Naseivera (Lodovico)—continued. lattia contagiosa chiamata tifo. 16 pp. 6°. Tveviso, dalla iipografia di A. Palucllo, 1814. IV :im-hi a il u (Joh. Aug. Ferd.) [1824- ]. * t^iiiestioiies de rhinoplasticc. 29 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8-. Halis Sax., typ. Heynemannianis, [1849], Nashua. Annual report of the municipal gov- ernment of the city of Xashua, for the year ls7,--9. 51 pp. 8°. Nashua, 1879. Nashville. Board of Health. Condensed weekljT statements of mortality in the city of Xashville, Tenn. Jan. 2, 1875, to July 1, 1876. 4C. [Nash- ville, 1875-6.] .-----. Reports of deaths in Nashville. [Weekly.] Dec. 8, 188:1, to Oct. 25, 1884: Nov. 8, 1884, to Jan. 3, 1885. 18 . [Nashville, 1883-5.] ■-----. Annual and biennial reports to the city council of the citv of Nashville. 1.-3. (1874-8). s-\ Nashville. 1875-9. 2. and 3. reports for two years. -----. Condensed monthly statements of mor- tality in the city of Nashville, Tenn. Accom- panied by the daily meteorological observa- tions. July, 187(5, to Dec, 1887. 4°. [Nashville, 1876-88.] -----. Condensed statements of mortality in the city of Nashville, Tenn. Accompanied by the daily meteorological observations. For the years 1883 to 188(5-7. 4°. [Nashville, 1884-7.] Nashville. See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., for); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Dentis- try (Colleges, etc., of); Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Insane (Asy- lums for, etc.), Medicine (Clinical, Statistics, etc., of), by localities; Pharmacy (Education in, etc.) Citizens' Auxiliary Sanitary Association of Nashville. Address [to the officers of the Aux- iliary Sanitary Association on the importance of co-operating with the board of health]. 8°. Nashville, 1879. [Bowling (VV. K.)] A reply to the St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal by the editor of the Nashville Jour- nal of Medicine and Surgery. [On an editorial in the former, headed "Nashville vs. Philadelphia and the rest of creation".] Nashville J. M. cfe S., 1855, viii, 312-329. Also, Keprint.—t'nrrty (R. O.) [Mortality of Nashville, for the period from 1822-52: drawn from tbe cemetery re- ports.] South. J. M. i Phys. Sc, Nashville, 1853, i. 322; 402: 1854, ii, 87.—Ford (A. C.) On the climate of Nash- ville. Pep. Bd. Health Nashville, 1877. 171-1S1. —Foster (AV. F.) The topography of Nashville Ibid., 133-144, 1 map.— l.iiplou (X. T.) Keport on the water supply of Nashville. Ibid., ]5:j-170.—ITIcdical (The) topography of the city of Xashville and its vicinitv. South. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc.,' Xashville, 1854, ii, 8S-94.— ..liK-lu-ll (C.) Mor- tality statistics of the*, citv of Nashville for the vears 1879, 1880,' 1881. 1882, 1883, anil 1884. Kep. Pel. Health Tenn. 1880-84, Nashville, 1885, ii, 472-512.—Sevier (J. W.) Re- port of cases treated at the "City Dispensary ", medical department, University of Nashville. Nashville J. M. cfe S., 1856, x, 130-134. Nashville (The) Journal of Medicine and Sur- gery. Edited hy W. K. Bowling and Paul F. Eve. [Bi-monthly.] ' v. 1-21. Feb., 1851, to Nov., 1861. N. s., v. 1-41, July, 1866-88. r-P. Nashville, Tenn. Current, v. 2 became monthly, 2 v. annually; v. 3-5, n. s., 1 v. annually. Nothing between Nov., 1861. and July, 1866. v. 14, Eve dropped and R. C. Foster and Geo. S. lihiekie added; v. 1-40, n. s., edited successively by Drs. Bowling, Eve, Joseph Jones, G. S. Blackie, W. T. Hiiggs, W. L. Nichol, Thomas O. Summers, and C. S. Briggs. -----. See, also : First (The) decade of the life of the Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgerv. IS51-1S61. [Edit.] Nashville J. M. & S., 1881, n. s., xxvii. 271-278. Nashville .Medical College, medical department of the University of Tennessee. Annual an- Nash ville Medical College [etc.]—continued. nouueentents for the sessions of 1877 to 1887-8 (1.-13.). K-. Nashville. 1*77-87. Organized in 1x77. In 1879 became the medical depart- ment of the University of Tennessee. Held two graduat- ing courses in 1877 and 1878. List of students aud gradu- ates for the sessions of 1877 to 1885-6 in announcements for subsequent years. -----. Announcement of the spring and special course of instruction for 1881. 2 1. 8~. Nash- ville, 188-1. Nashville (The) Medical News. A semi-monthly journal, edited by Eichard Douglas and John W. McAlister. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, April 1 to Aug. 1,1887. -272 pp. 8°. Nashville. Ended. Nashville (The) Medical Eecord. See Nash- ville ( The ) Monthly Eecord of Medical and Physical Science, v. 2-3, 1859-60. Nashville (The) Monthly Eecord of Medical aud Physical Science. Edited by D. F. Wright, E. O. Currey, John H. Cullender, and Thos. L. Maddiu. v. 1-2; Nos. 1-2, v. 3, Sept., 1*58, to Dec. 1, 1860. 8°. Nashville. Ended. Title of v. 2-3 was: Nashville (The) Medical Record. In v. 2, Currey dropped; in v. 3, Wright dropped and J. J. Abernathy added. Nasi ( Luigi ). Dell' ernia ciecale acistica, con- siderazioni e nota clinica. Dell' erniotomia, suoi accidenti e relative indicazioni. 25 pp. 8-. Modena, Moneti 4' Namias, 1883. Nasiloff (Ivan). * O vospalenii barabannoi pe- reponki (myringitis) ve patolog.-anatom. otno- sheuii. 34 pp., 1 pl. 8°. St. Petersburg. 1867. Nasmyth (Alexander). Eesearches on the de- velopement, structure, and diseases of the teeth. xvi, 165, 3 pp., 7 pl. 8-'. London, J. Churchill, 1839. Historical introduction. -----. The same, xii, 13-116 pp. 8°. Balti- more, published by the American Society of Dental Surgeons, 1842. [P., v. 542.] -----. Eesearches on the developement, struct- ure, and diseases of the teeth, viii, 230 pp., 10 pl., port. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1849. This is a posthumous work, of which the foregoing is the introduction. -----. Three memoirs on the developement and structure of the teeth and epithelium, xvi, 47 pp., 9pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1841. Nasmyth (Eobert). * On tic douloureux. 2 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Edinbnvgh, Abevnethy if Walker, 1823. [Also, in : P., v. 1272.] Nasmyth ( Thomas ). * De rachitide. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1777. Nasoil (John James). On some of the responsi- bilities of the medical profession in regard to sanitation, moral as well as general. The presi- dential address, delivered at the annual meeting of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Branch of the British Medical Association, June 19, 1884. 32 pp. 8C. London, J. if A. Churchill, [1884]. Nasopalatine canal. Lcboiicq ( H.) Le canal naso-palatin chez l'homme. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1881, ii, 386-397, 1 pl. Nasopalatine gland (Disease of). Aschciibraiiilt (T.) Das Ganglion nasopalatinum s. ineisivuni der Nagetiere. Verhandl. d. phvs.-iued. Ge- sollscu zu Wiirzb., 1886, n. F., xx. 9-24, 1 pl. —Clark (A.) Nasopalatine gland disease. Clin. Lect. Sc Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 211. Nasopharyngeal polypus. See Nose (Tumors of): Nass (Paul). * Ueber deu Gerbstoff der Castauea vesca. 39 pp. 8-. Dorpat, W. Just, 1881. Nassall (Leo Laurentius). * De sectione legali. 32 pp. 12c. Wireebnrgi, F. E. Nitribitt, [1798]. Nassau* ( Alexandre ). * Du traitement du ca- tarrhe vesical, principalemeut par les injections t NASSAXS. Nassaus (Alexandre)—continued. de nitrate d'argent. 34 pp. 4J. Paris, 1857, No. 276, v. 608. Nassau, N. P.. Bahamas, with meteorological tables and other statistics of interest to invalids and travelers. 16 pp. 8°. [Montreal, n. d.] Nassau, Bahamas. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities. General description of the city of Nassau and island of New Providence, Bahamas, West Indies, with meteorological tables and other statistics of interest to invalids and travelers. 12 r New York, 1871. Guide to Nassau, island of New Providence, Bahamas, West Indies. 8°. New York, 1876. Nassau, island of New Providence, Bahamas. A guide to the sanitarium of the western hem- isphere, its attractions, and how to get there; with illustrations from photographs, meteoro- logical tables, aud other statistics of interest to invalids and travellers; including "An isle of June", republished from Scribner's Monthly for November, 1877; also, St. Augustine, Fla., and Havana, Cuba,, with illustrations, descriptions, routes, etc. 8G. New York, 1878. -----. The same. 16°. New York, 1879-80. -----. The same. West Indies. The Royal Victoria Hotel-and the New York. Nassau aud Savannah Mail Steamship Line, with meteoro- logical tables and other statistics of interest to invalids and travellers. 8°. New York, 1878. " Nassau " (New Providence). Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud., 1885, ii, 197-199.—Osgood (H.) Notes on Nassau as a winter resort. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1884, cxi, 555-558.— rShraily (G. ¥.)] The climate of Nassau. Med. Eec, N. Y.. 1K77. xii, 88-90.—Townsend (P. S.) An account of the topography, weather, and diseases of Nassau, island of Xew l'i evidence, capital of Bahamas. N. Tork M. cfe Phys. J., 1825, iv, 68; 185. .Nassau, German Umpire. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of\, by localities; Cronthal; Ems ; Hospitals (Descrip- tions, etc., of), Idiots (Asylums, etc., for), by lo- calities; Langenschwalbach; Medicine (His- tory, etc., of), by nations, etc.; Soden; Wies- baden. Eeuter (C. F. E.) Die Medicinalverfassung des Herzogthums Nassau, benrtheilt nach einem dreissigjahrigen Bestande mit Eiicksicht auf das Bediirfniss der Gegen wart. 8°. IViesbaden, 1849. von Franque (J. B.) Witterungsverhaltuisse und allgemeiuer Kiankheitszustand von 1818-41. Med. Jahrh. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1843, i, 1: 1847, vi, 176, 11 tab.—llengrs (P.) Statistik der Lebens- und Gesund- heits- Verhiiltnisse in Nassau im Allgeuieinen und derjeni- gen der Aerzte im Besonderen. Mitth. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1855, 1-29.—Muller (A.) Ueber die seit 25 Jahren im Herzogthnm Nassau vorgekommenen Ungliicksfiille. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb.. 1843, i, 34-51. -----. Beitrag zur Statistik oder Be- leuchtuug der Verhaltnisse der Geburten und Sterbefalle der Bcvolkerung und deren Lebensdauer im Herzogthnm Nassau. Ibid., 1847, vi, 1-89. — ZiiManimenstcllung der Einwohnerzahl, des Steuerbetrags, der Geborenen und Gestorhenen, der Zahl der Aerzte und der Apotheken im ganzen Herzogthum Nassau vom Jahr 1818-54. Mitth. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg, 1855, 35-36. Nassau, German Umpire (Mineral waters on Freskxius (C. E.) ChemischeUntersuchung der wichtigsten Miueralwasser des Herzogthums Nassau. 8-. Wiesbaden, 187>u-6>8. Nassauischex (Die) Heilquellen Soden, Cron- thal, Weilbach, Wiesbaden, Schlangenbad, Schwalbach und Ems; beschrieben durch einen Verein von Aerzten. 8Z. Wiesbaden, 1851. -----. The same. Traite" sur les eaux mine- rales du duche" de Nassau; pre'eede' d'une es quisse et d'une carte geblogique du Taunus. par 634 NASSE. lYassau, German Empire (Mineral waters of). une rdunion de mddecins de ces eaux; ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par H. Kaula; avec une introduction du Dr. Aronssohn. H'~. Wiesbade, 1853. Os.vxx (E.) Bemerkungen iiber die wichtig- sten Mineralqiiellen des Herzogthums Nassau. 8°. Berlin, 1824. Frnnquc (J. B.) Die Heilquellen des Herzogthums Nassau im Jahre 1836-7. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. Heilq. u. Seebader, Berl., 1837, ii, 305: 1838, iii, 87. -----. Die Km orte des Herzogthums Nassau im Jahro 1838-39. Ibid., 1839, iv, 2. Abth., 175: 1840, v, 1. Also, Keprint of last ar- ticle.— Gfrossinann (F.) Statistische Mittheilungen iiber die Mineralqiiellen nnd Badeorte mit Einschluss der Privat-Bade- uud Heilanstalten des nassauischen Taunus wahrend de*s Jahres 1870. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1871, i, pt. 1, 71-92.—HclflTt. Dienassauischen und Taunus- bader. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1853, v. 431-433.—Knwlner (K. W. G.) Ueber Nassau's Thernialqnollen ; Beobach- tungen, Versuche und Bemerkungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Na- turl., Niirnb., 1828, xiii, 401: xiv, 66: 1829, xviii, 489. -----. Die vorziiglichsten Heilquellen des Herzogthums Nassau, ihrem ph.\ sischen Verhalten und chemiseliem Ge- halte nach gepruft und untersucht. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1841, xcii, 2. St., 67-104. Nassauischen (Die) Heilquellen Soden, Cron- thal, Weilbach, Wiesbaden, Schlangenbad, Schwalbach und Ems; beschrieben durch einen Verein von Aerzten. v (1 1.), 330 pp., 2 1., 1 map. 8-. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1851. [P. v., 886.] -----. The same. Traite" sur les eaux min6rales du duclnS de Nassau; precede" d'une esquisse et d'une carte geblogique du Taunus; par une re- union de rneaecins de ces eaux; ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par H. Kaula; avec une introduc- tion du Dr. Aronssohn. xii (1 1.), 281 pp., 1 map. 8C. Wiesbade, C. G. Kreidel, 1853. [P., v. 876.] Nassauisclicr Verein fiir Naturkunde. Jahr- biicher. Jahrg. 15-30 (1860-77). In 7 v. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1860-77. Want 23. and 24., 1869-70. Nasse ([Karl Friedrich] Werner, |_1822- ]. * De singularum cerebri parti um fuuetionibus ex mor- borum perscrutatione indagatis. 1 p. 1., 62 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bounce, typ. Lechnerianis, 1845. -----. Vorschliige zur Irrengesetzgebuug, mit besonderer Eiicksicht auf Preussen. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1850. -----. Statistische Mittheilungen iiber die gross- herzogl. Irrenaustalten [Heilanstalt Sachsen- berg und Pflege-Anstalt zu Domitz] aus dem sechsjiihrigen Zeitraume von 1856-61, inch (vom Herrn Dr. Nasse dem statistischen Bureau mit- getheilt). 12 pp. roy. 8°. [Schwerin, I8»i2.] Nasse (Christianus Fridericus) [1778-1851]. * De neuritide. 67 pp. 8°. Halce, in off. Batheana, [1800]. -----. Untersuchungen zur Lebensnaturlehre und Heilkunde. Ersten Baudes erste Abthei- lung. Ueber das Verhaltniss des Gehirns und Eiickeumarks zur Belebung des iibrigen Korpers. 1 p. 1., 196 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle, Curt, 1818. -----. Leichenotfnungeu. Zur Diaguostik und pathologischen Anatomie. Erste Eeihe. 194 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, A. Marcus, 1821. -----. Von der Stellung der Aerzte im Staate. iv, 1 1., 408 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. Cnobloch, 1823. -----. Das medicinische Klinikum Bonn [im Jahr 1824(6.)]. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 4°. Coblenz, J. Hol- scher, 1825. -----. Anleitung zur Uebung angehender Aerzte in Krankheits-Beeibachtung und Beurtheilung. 2 p. 1., 142 pp. 8 . Bonn, T. Habicht, 1834. -----. Die Behandlung der Gemiithskrauken und Irren durch Nichtarzte. 1 p. 1., 65 pp., 1 1. 8-. Bonn, E. Weber; 1844. NASSE. 635 NATANSON. IVasse (Christianus Fridericus)—continued. _____. Verlirennung und Athnien; ehemische Thiitigkeit uud organisches Leben. vi, 154 pp. 8~. Bonn, F. Weber, 1846. Also, Co-Editor of: Arciiiv fiir den thierischen Mag- ni-tisiu'iis, Alle-iiluii-g ti. Leipzig. 1817-22.—Arciiiv fiir liirdiziiy'sctn- Krl'iiliriuig im Gebiete- der praktischen Me ili/.iu, Uliirurgie-, Geburt sh iii fe und Staatsarzneikunde, Beili'ii, 1817-34. — Z<*if*«-hrift fiir psychische Aerzte, Leipzig, 1818-22.—Z«*ilMflirift fiir die Anthropologic, Leipzig, 1823-6. Also, Editor of-. J-ilnbiit lur fiir An- thropologic und zur Pathologic unci The-apie clc-s Iirseyns, Leipzig. 1S30. Also. Co-Fditor of: Zeitschrift fiir die Beurtheilung und lie ilunsj der krankhafteu Seelenzu- stiinele. Berlin. ]8:;s. — RhHiiischc Monatsschrift fiir praktise-he- Aerzte, Kdln, 1S47-51. Sie. also, Bin! ye (Julius). Die Lehre vom Erbrechen. 8T Bonn, 1840. — Collin (V.) Die Fntersuchung del- Hi -ii>t mit dem Stethoscop [etc.] 8°. lleutlingen, 1832.— Kni^lil (Paul Slaele). Beobachtungen iiber die Ursa- chen. Symptome und IVliandlung deslrrseyns. 8°. Kdln am L'/iein, 1829. — Levii1 (Leo). lleutsch-lateinisches World buch, [ete.] 8T Bonn, 1S33.—.tlayi*r (A.) Die Krankheiten, [etc.] 8°. Diissebhnf, 1S44.—I\««ii<*r (G.) Die* P.elieindlung der Scrofeln [etc.] 8°. Bonn, 1*4:;. Fur Biography, see Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 219- 221. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) -----& Ufasse (Hermann). Untersuchungen zur Fhysiologie und Pathologie. 2 v. 486, 302 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bonn, J. Habicht, 1835-9. All published. IVasse (Gaston). * Du traitement des r^treeisse- ments spasmodiques de l'cesophage, la dilatation brusque a I'aide de la pince de M. le professeur Broca. M4 pp., 11., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 425. Nasse (Hermann) [1807- ]. *De insania com- nieutatio secundum libros Hippocraticos. 3 p. 1., 811 pp., 1 1. 4r Bounce, typ. Thormannianis, [ 18-20 b -----. Das Blut in mehrfacher Beziehung physio- logisch und pathologisch untersucht. 2 p. 1., viii, 37u pp. 8°. Bonn, T. Habicht, 1836. -----. Ueber den Einfluss der Nahruug auf das Blut. 99 pp., 11. 8C. Marburg, Elwert, 1850. -----. Commentatio de bilis quotidie a cane secreta copia et indole. 24 pp. 4°. Marburgi, typ. Bayrhofferi Academicis, [1851]. ----. Vorstudien zur Lehre vou der Lymphbil- dung. Untersuchungen iiber die Verschieden- heiten und Sc'.iwankungen in der Absonderung und Zusamniensetzuug der Lymphe. 40 pp. 4°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, [1862]. —---. Untersuchungen iiber die Einfliisse, welche die Lymphbildnng heherrschen. 1 p. 1., 72 pp. 4-. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1871. c. —----. Untersuchungen iiber den Austritt und Eintritt von Stoffen (Transsudation und Diffu- sion) durch die Wand der Haargefasse. II. Un- tersuchungen iiher die normale Transsudation im allgeuieinen Haargefasssysteni. pp. 534-614. 8-. Bonn, 1879. Cutting from: AtcIi. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1879, xx. Also. Co-Editor of: Archiv des Vereins fiir geniein- Bchaftliche Arbeiten zur Feirderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunele, Gottingen, ]8.">4-(i7. See, also, IVassi* (Friedrie-h). Untersuchungen zur Physiologic, etc. 8°. Bonn, 1835. rVasse (.Tn.-Julien). * Sur l'operatiou de la bou- tonnii-rc appliquee au traitement des fistules uri- naires urotrales. 23 p]>. 4'-r Montpellier, J. Mar- tel nine, 1822. Masse (Joannes Christianus). * Diss, sistens mcchanicam obstructiouis theoriam. 35 pp., 2 1. 4°. Hala> Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligev'i, [1/47]. Nasse (.Otto [Joh. Friedrich]) [1839- ]. * Die Schleiinhaut der innereu weiblichen Geschlechts- theile im Wirbelthierreich. 39 pp. 8^. Mar- burg, C. L. Pfeil, 1862. ------. De materiis amylaceis iiiim in sanguine mannnalium iuveniantur disquisitio. Socio ad respondendum assunipto M. Vogel. 35 pp. 8". Halis. typ. orphanotrophei, 1866. C. .\asse (Otto [Joh. Friederich])—continued. -----. Beitrage zur Physioiogie der Darmbewe- gnng. 1 p. 1., 70 pp. -°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1h66. [Also, in: P., v. 704.] -----. Zur Anatoniie und Physioiogie der quer- gestreiften Muskelsubstanz. vi, 106 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1882. IVasser (Constantin). * Recherches sur les modi- tic at ions clc* la temperature par les onctions g6n6- rales. 50 pp. 4C. Lyon, 1884. 1. s., No. 201. Aa*sicU. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Nassokiil (Casimir). * Om ros. [Erysipelas.] 54 pp. 8°. Helsiugfors, J. C. FrenckelI j- Son, 1862. Wassy (D.) Ohservations on the cause, nature, aud treatment of the epidemic disorder preva- lent in Philadelphia. 48 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Parker 4- Co., 1793. French and English text and title-pages. IVastorg (Jean-Francois-Xavier). I. Des com- plications en pathologie. II. [etc.] 29 pp. 4 . I'aris^l843, No. 81, v. 407. Nasturtium. Mikg (J. E.) * Plantarum nasturcinarum, quo vegetabilium horuui structura naturalis, quali- tates, vires atque usus iu vita huinana salubris breviter ac dilucide explicautur. sm. 4°. Basilew, [1714]. Vi«lo (L.) II crescione comune o nasturzio acquatico. Orosi, Firenze, 1882, v, 217-220. Nastui'tins (Philo). Eilfertiges Gutachten . . . Zwelfcriseheu Bundesgenossen, iiber die hochbe- denckliche Attentata, tieff-ersiuute, unbesonnene und iirgerliche Defensions-Schrifft eiues Raphael Schmuz von Poystorff, nhralten Neuburgischen Leib-Medici, so er anfgerichtet zu unsterblichem Lob nnd ewigwehrenden Siegs-Preiss des Augs- purgischen Dispensatorii, wie dann auch zu schandlichem Nachtheil, Hohn uud Schimpffdes . . . Herrn Joannis Zwelfcrs, weitberiihmten Practici in Wien, erb- uud meisterlichen Correc- toris des weltbekanten Augustani. Nebenst zu End augehengter Erinnerung an den in Arte pharmaceutica ganz seichtgelchrten Lucam Schriikium Lucis tilium. 5 p. 1., 59 pp. 18°. [Gvein], 1673. Nasii Kotoku. Hon Choi Dan. [The history of medicine iu Japan.] 5,49 pp. 8C. [n.p. ], 1823. Japanese text. Natal. See, also, Cape Colony; Maritzburg; Medi- cine (Military, etc.)—Campaigns, etc.—African. Alcock (N.j Report on the climate and diseases of Natal and Zululand. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1878, Lond., 1880, xx, 264-2(56. Natal sore. See Ulcers (Endemic). Natalucci (Giuseppe). Un raro caso di glandole mammarie succenturiate. 12 pp. 8C. Civita- nova-Marche, D. Natalueci, 1886. Natansoil (Gregor). * Ueber das Verhalten des Blutdruckes in den Capillaren nach Massenum- schniiruugcu. 1 p. 1., 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Pv., E. Erlatis, [1886]. Nat an SO il (I. M.) * O siemenache polevago kukolja (Agrostemma githago L., S. Lychis gi- thagoLam.). [Chemical analysis of plant.] 18 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1867. NataiiSOii (I. N.) * Maferialy k vodolecheniou gorjacheclmych. [ Hot-water treatment.] 83 pp., 1 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, tipog. M. M. Stasou- levitcha, 1887. Natanson (JaMb) [1832-84]. D. (H.) Xekrologia. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1884. xii, 629-631. — l.eppcrt ( AV. ) Wspomnienie posmiertne. [Reminiscences.] Gaz. lek., Warzawa, 1884. 2. s., iv, 757- 763. NATANSOX, 636 NATIONAL. Natanson (Louis). La circulation des forces dans les etres auiines; essai de psychologie scien- tifique. ~4pp. - . Pavis, Bureau des Deux Re- vues, 1886. Natchez. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), F'ever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Yel- low, Histovy, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, ele. of), by localities. CTartwrijjht (S. A.) Remarks on statistical medicine, contrasting the result of the empirical with the regular practice of physic, in Natchez. West. J. M. Sc S., Louis- ville, 1840, ii, i-21.—Ilojjg (S.) An account of the epi- demic fevers of Natchez, Miss., in the years 1837-8. Ibid.. i. 401-4'-'4, — .'lajionn (C. S.) Natchez; its population ; its health : its mortality ; Marine Hospital, etc. N. Oil. M. cfe S. J., 1850-51, vii,'96-98. -----. Natchez ; its health, diseases, and mortality. [Dysentery, cholera, and hoop- ing-cough.] Ibid., 249-251. ------. Sanitary condition of Natchez. Miss., with mortuary statistics. Ibid., 1851-2, viii, 444-453. -----. Natchez (Miss.) considered as a win- ter resort or permanent location for Northern consumptive invalids. Ibid., 1852-3, ix, 23-25. Aates. See Buttock. Natll (Friedrich Wilhelm Reinhold) [1830- ]. " De pseudarthrosi ex fractura et resectione os- sium. 37 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Berolini, typ. fra- trum Schlesinger, [185:1]. -----. Zur Medicinal-Statistik. Die Gebnrts- und Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse des Kreises Ober- barnim pro 1876, Anhang: Practische Anleitung zur Gewinnung einer amtlich sicheren uud leicht ausfiihrbaren Kreis-Steiblichkeits- resp. Erkrau- kungs-Statistik nach der ini Kreise Oberbarnim besteheuden Organisation, iv pp., 1 1., 92 pp., 11 pl. roy. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1878. -----. Die neue Stellung der preussischen Hebe- ammen zum .Staat und zur Geburtshiilfe. Auf Grund der neuereu Gesetzgebung und mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung des neuen preussi- schen Hebeanimen-Lehrbuches fiir Aerzte, be- sonders Medicinal-Beamte, zum Gebrauch bei den gesetzlicheu Hebeammen-Nachpriifungen sowie fiir Hebeammen zum Selbstunterricht in gedrangter Kiirze bearbeitet. viii, 96 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, 1879. Nathan (Adolf). * Ueber die Bedeutung des Natron salicylicuni als Antipyreticum. 31 pp. 4-. Kiel, C. F. Mohr. 1875. In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xxii, 1875, vii, Med. xvii. Nathan (Alfous) [1862- ]. * Die Complication der Geburt mit Tumoren. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, Wilhelm u. Brasch, [1886]. Xatlian (Charles) [1807-72]. Obituary notice. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1872-3, iii, 45. port. Nathan (E.) Zustand oder Richtutig und Lei- stung der deutschen Medicin im Jahre 1837, mit besonderer Beziehung auf Journalistik. Ein litcrar-historischer Versuch. 71 pp. 8°. Ham- burg, Hartwig u. Mullet; [1838, vel subseq.]. Itepr. from: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1838, viii, Hft. 3, 245. -----. Beilage. Weitere Bemerkungen iiber das Wesen uud Un wesen der Phreuologie. 26 -J- pp. 8°. Incomplete. Itepr. from: Hamb. lit. u. krit. Bl. von F. Niebour und Dr. L. Wienbarg, 1844, No. 11, u. ff.. als Fortsetzung der "Bemerkungen", etc., auch in dieser Zeitschrift, Bd. 23, S. 2G9 u. 404. Nathan (Elias Salomon). * De febre interniit- tente traumatica. 28 pp. 4 . Kilice, C. F. Mohr, 1839. Nathan (Joh. Christianus). * De angina. 32 pp. sin. 4°. Lipsia; lit. Fleischer!, [1709]. For Biography, see KiviniiH (Aug. Quirin.) "Certa quicdam," etc. 8°. [Lipsiee, 1709.] Nathan (N.) * Ueber den Mutterblutfluss wiih- rend der Schwangerschaft und bei der Geburt. 21 pp. «°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1839. Nathanson (Ferdinandns) [1827- ]. -!)«» dyscrasia quadam affectionem cordis, struniani, exophthalinuin ctficiente. 30 pp., 1 1. ,»■■'■. Berolini, B. Sehlesinger, [1850]. Natll hoi'St (Joh. Theophilus). Her Hurray (Adolphus). *Desciiptio arteriarinu [etc.] sm. 4T Vpsalice, [1780]. Nathliorsf ( Theoph. Erdm. ) Flora Mouspe- liensis. t'/isalia; 1756. In: Lin.v.eis. Ameenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Lund Bat., 1760, iv, 408-495. Nathlisius (Carulus Henricus JEmilius) [1830- ]. * De more humandi et concreniandi mortuos apud Gnecos usitato. 33 pp., 11. 8 . Halis Sax., formis Ploetzianis, [1864]. <_<. Nathlisius (Elias). See Ohcini (Joh. Philippus) cfe IVntliii*iiiM (Elias). Theses physicae [etc ] 4°. Lipsiee, 1651. JVati da Bibltiena (M. Pietro). Breve dis- corso intorno alia natura del popone, e sopra il cattivo uso del ber fresco con la neve. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1730 iv, 373-398. National Academy of Sciences. Annual report of the ... for 1863-4. 112 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Welch, Bigelow $ Co.. 186)5. [P., v. 399.] -----. Memoirs, v. 1, 2; pt. 2, v. 3. 4°. Wash- ington, 1866-86. ---—. Annual reports. 1867; 187'.); 1880-81 ■ 1883. 8C. Washington, 1868-84. [1867 in: P., v. 358.] -----. Biographical memoirs, v. 1. v, 343 pp. 8°. Washington, 1877. Proceedings, v. 1. 239 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, 1877-84. ----. Constitution and membership, April 21, 1882. 21 pp. 83. Washington, Judd $ Detweiler, 1882. ----. The same. April 21, 1883. 24 pp. 8°. Washington, 1883. The same. July 10, 1884. 23 pp. H ashington, Judd f Detweiler, 1884. The same. June 10, 1885. 23 pp. Washington, Judd <)'■ Detweiler, 1885. The same. June 3, 1886. 23 pp. 8-. Washiiu)ton, Judd f Detweiler, 1886. ----. The same. June 7, 1887. 23 pp. 8°. Washington, Judd iial medical establishment (proposed) for the government of the medical body, [etc.] -See [Pidduck (Isaac)]. National ( The ) Medical Journal. Edited by C. C. Cox. [ Quarterly. ] v. 1: Nos. 1-10, v. 2, April, 1870, to Feb., 1872. 8-\ Washington, D. C, Judd f Detweiler. Ended, v. 2 became monthly, commenced May, 1871, and edited by S. C. Busey and Wm. Lee. National ( The ) Medical Journal. By A. H. Brown. No. 9, v. 2, March, 1876. 2 1. fol. New York. An advertisement. National Medical Review. Walter S. Wells, editor. [ Monthly. ] v. 1., Dec, 1878, to May, 1879. 280 pp. 8". Washington, D. C. Ended. National Microscopical Congress. Proceedings of the National Microscopical Congress, held at Indianapolis, Aug. 14 to 19, 1878, aud of the American Society of Mieroscopists, held at Buf- falo, N. Y., Aug. 19 to 24, 1879. 77 pp., 5 pl., 1 tab. 8-. Indianapolis, IV. B. Burford, 1880. Bound ivith: American Society Mieroscopists. Pro- ceedings, 1879-82*. ------. See, also: National (The) Microscopical Congress. Am. Q. Micr. J., X. YT, 1878, i, 61-69. National Orphan Home, Ham Common, Rich- mond. Office, 9 West Strand, W. C. Annual report of the committee of management to the subscribers. 22., 1870-71. 10 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, 1871. [P., v. 973.] National Orthopiedic Hospital (for the De- formed), London. Annual reports of the com- mittee of management to the governors aud sub- scribers. 22.-48., 1878-84. 12°. London, 1879-85. Founded in 1836, for the treatment of distortions of the spine, clubfoot, and all other contractions and deformities. \alional Park. Ilci/iiianii (C. L.) The therapeutical value of the springs in the National Park, Wyoming Territory. Phila. M. Tunes. 1876, vi, 409-414. National Pharmaceutical Association. See American Pharmaceutical Association. National Philanthropic Association. Employ- ment of the poor. First report of the employ- ment of the poor as street orderlies, in promoting the health and cleanliness of the parishes of St. James, St. Anne's, and St. Martin-in-the-Fields, by the council of the National Philanthropic As- sociation. 16 pp. 8°. London, T. R. Harrison, 1848. [P., v. 38.] ------. Sanatory progress; being the fifth report of the National Philanthropic Association, for the promotiou of social and salutiferous improve- ments, street cleanliness, and the employment of the poor, so that able-bodied men may be pre- vented from burthening the parish rates, aud preserved independent of workhouse alms and degradation. 2. ed. xvi, 251 pp., 8 pl. *r London, J. Hatchard if Son, 1850. National (The) Philanthropist. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-13, July 1, 1884, to July 1, 1885. fol. London, F. Pitman. Each number paged separately. National Political Union. Proceedings at the ... respecting legislative interference in the study of anatomy, and the supply of bodies for anatomical research. 24 pp. 8°. London, Barnes, 1832. National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. Minutes aud proceedings of the annual meetings. 1.-4., 1857-60. In 2 v. 8°. [v. p.], 1857-60. [2. also, in: P., v. 357.] ------. Report of the committee on quarantine, appointed at convention held iu Baltimore, April 29,1858. 84 pp. 8-. [h. p., 1859.] S ATIOXAL. 640 natui;. National Quarantine [etc.]—continued. -----. Proceedings aud debates 3. meeting, held iu the city of New York. Board of councilmen. document No. 9. 728 pp. *-. New York, 1859. -----. Report of the committee on the internal hygiene of cities. Introduction bv Thomas Mil- ler, Washington. D. C, [1859?]' 190 pp. 8'--'. [n.p., 1*59.] [Also, in : P., v. 321.] CONTENTS. Disinfectants, by W. C. Tan Bibber. Sewerage, by J. H. Griscom. Importance and economy of sanitarv measures to cities, by John Bell. Sanitary code for cities, by H. G. Clark. -----. Quarantine regulations as approved by the National Quarantine and Sanitary Associa- tion of the United .States. 39 pp. 8C. Boston, Rand if Avery, 1869. [Also, in : P., v. 357.] -----. Report of committee of National Quaran- tine and Sanitary Association on external hy- giene. 4(5 pp. 8°. New York, 1860. [Also, in: P., v. 231.] -----. Report of the committee ou the utility of wet docks in connection with quarantines, and ; the propriety of placing the entire establishment j under the jurisdiction of the United States Gov- ernnieut. John W. .Sterling, M. D.; Alex. H. Stevens, M. D. ; John McNulty, M. D., commit- tee, appointed by the Third National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. New York, June 1, 1860. 28 pp. 8;. Boston, Rand 4- Avery, 1869. [Also, in: P., v. 231.] -----. Report on registration, presented to the Quarantine and Sanitary Convention at its fourth annual meeting, held in the city of Boston, June 14, 1860, by Edwin M. Snow. 24 pp. 8C. [n. p.], 1869. '[Also, in: P., v. 355.] National Sanatorium for Consumption aud Dis- eases ot the Chesty at Bournemouth, Hants. An- nual reports of the committee of management to the governor and subscribers. 25., 1879; 29., 188:5. 25, 36 pp. *■«-. Bournemouth, E. Offer, 1889-84. Founded 1855. National Sanitary Corporation. Limited [for inspection of houses, sanitary engineering work, etc. Prospectus]. 19 pp. 4°. London, Crown Printing Co., [1881]. National Smoke Abatement Institution. See Smoke nuisance acts. National Soldiers7 and Sailors' Orphans' Home. United Statks. Congress. A bill to amend the charter of the National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, and in relation to the assets thereof, roy. 8°. [Washington, 18*4.] National Temperance Conventiou. Proceedings of the sixth . . . held at Cleveland, Ohio, July 29th and 30th, 1868; containing the papers pre- sented, speeches delivered, resolutions and re- ports adopted, question drawer, etc. 120 pp. 8-. New York, Nat. Temper. Soc. and Publ. House, 1868. -----. Liquor laws of the United States. Pro- hibitory, liceuse, local option, tax, and civil damage laws. 138 pp. 8°. New York, 1877. National Temperance Society and Publication House. Seventh annual report of the . . . pre- sented at New Y'ork, May 8, 1872. With an appendix, containing list of the officers, life patrons, life directors, and life members of the society. 53 pp. er. New York, Nat. Temper. Soc. and Publ. House. 1872. National Truss Society, London, E. C. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers, for the vears 1881-3. 12°. London, Zapp f Bennett, 1882-4. Instituted iu 1786 for the relief of the ruptured poor of both sexes throughout the kingdom. National University. Washington, D. ('. Law Department. Medical Depavtment. Dental Depart - ment. Announcements for the sessions of 1**4-5 (16.). 26 pp. 8'-'. Washington, II. H. Darbu, 1*84. National University. Washington. Medical and Dental Departments. Annual announcement)- for the sessions of 18*4-5 to 1887-8 (1.-4.). 8 . Wash- ington, 1886. First announcement in preceding. National Vaccine Establishment, London. [Cir- cular of the board, relating to indiscriminate in- oculation, and the illegal and dangerous expos- ure of patients suffering under the small-pox.] 1 1. 4°. [London, J. Brettell, n. d.] Bound with: Jexnek (E.) An inquiry into the causes and effects of variola* varciua*. 4°. London, 1798. National Vaccine Establishment of London. [Description of the vaccine vesicle, and instruc- tions relating to vaccination ; issued by the . . . and reissued by H. G. Clark, city physician of Boston.] 8 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1*59.] [P., v. 337.] National Yellow Fever Relief Commission. A plan for the immediate relief of the orphans of the late yellow fever epidemic. [Being a commu- nication from C. K. Marshall. Read and ordered to be printed Jan. 10, 1879.] 6 pp. 8-. [Wash- ington, 1879.] Nation's (The) Journal of Health. Published by Dr. S. Van Meter & Co. [Monthly. ] No. 181, v* 28, ii. s , 1873. 4 pp. fol. Charleston, III. An advertisement. Nativel (R.) *De la chylurie intertropicale (lyniphurie), en particulier aux lies de la Re- uuion et Maurice. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1886, No. 108. Nativelle (Adolphe). *Sur la re"sine de jalap et, le cnicin, principe amer cristallisable du chardon b6uit. 10 pp. 4°. Paris, Poussielgue, 1841. [P., v. 1698.] ficole de pharmacie. Natorp (Carolus). * De vi consuetudiuis. 35 pp. 4-. Gottinga; H. Dieterich, [1808]. Natorp (Carolus Guilelmus) [1812- ]. * Diss. sistens historiam morbi de melanosi, cordis, he- patis totiusqne tela* cellulosa*. 35 pp. 8. Be- rolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1836]. Natorp (Ernestus Julius) [ 1825- ]. * De gra- viditatis spatio. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, F. Schlesinger, [1849]. Natorp (Ernestus Otto Ludovicus) [1*13- ]. * De spina bifida. 36 pp. 8J. Bevolini, typ. Friecllaenderianis, [183*]. Natorp (Paul). * Doppelseitiger Pneumothorax in Folge vicariirenden Emphyscms. 48 pp. *°. Wurzburg, Becker, 1882. Natn (F.) [1854- ]. *Du purpura rhumatis- mal. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 28. Natiirliche (Das) Friedrichshaller Bitterwasser und sein Gebrauch. 5. Aufl. 46 pp. 8J. Ber- lin, Ahrens u. Wolff, [1879]. Natiirliche Vorzeichcn verschiedenen Wctters, welche man an der Sonne, am Monde, an den Sternen, der Luff, dem Wasser, der Erde, anThie- ren, etc., wahrgenommen hat, alien Laudlenten, Giirtnern wie auch Se-hittern sehr dienlich vou einem Liebhaber von Zeit zu Zeit in Acht ge- nommeu, und durch eigeue Erfahrung aufgesetzt. Aus dem Hollandischen iibersetzt. 64 pp. 12 . Leipzig, J. G. Loweii, 1775. Naturliches Emser Quellsalz in gelost.er 1 orm, erzeugt durch die Administration der Konig » d- helms-Felsenquellen in Bad-Ems. Unter Lei- tung des Chemikers Dr. C. F. Thomas. 2 1. 4 . Ems, J. B. Dont, [n. d.] Natur (Die). Zeitung zur Verbreitung natur- wissenschaftlicher Kenntniss und Naturanschau- uug fiir Leser aller Stande. Hrsg. vou Otto Ule NATUR. 641 NATURAL. X Natur (Die)—continued. uud Karl Miiller [et al.]. [Weekly.] v. 1,1852. 42mentorum in per- ficieuda historia naturali iudicantes. sm. 4C. Altdorfi Noric, [1718]. Duvkrnov (G.-L.) Discours prononce" le 22 deccnibrc 1*27, a l'ouverture du cours d'histoire naturelle de la Faculty des sciences de Stras- bourg. 8°. [ii. p., 11. d.] Cutting from: J. Soc. d. sc. de Strasb., 1828, v, 41-80. -----. Discours de cloture du coins d'histoire naturelle de la Faculte des sciences de Stras- bourg, prononce le 30 juillet 182*. 8J. [Stras- bourg, ii. d.] -----. Discours d'ouverture du cours d'his- toire naturelle de la Faculte" des sciences, pro- nonce" le 15 uovembre 1831. S-. Strasbourg, 1832. NATURAL. G42 NATURAL. \atnral history and the natural sciences. -----. Lecons sur l'histoire naturelle des corps oru-anises pro lessees au Coll6ge de France. 1.-4. fasc. 8°. [Paris. 1839-51.] Edwards (H.-M.) ex Comte (J.-A.) Cahiers d'hisfoire naturelle a 1'usage des colleges et des ecoles normalcs primaires. Six cahiers dans 1 v. 1. cahier, 3. ed. ; 2.-6. cahicr, 2. exl. 12°. Paris, 1835. Exgelmanx ( W. ) Bibliotheca historico-na- turalis. Verzeichniss der Biicher iiber Natur- geschichte, welche in Deutschland, Scandinavien, Holland, England, Fraukreich, Italien und Spa- nien in deu Jahren 1700-1846 erschienen sind. v. 1. 8J. Leipzig, 1846. Etheringtox '( G. F. ) Address delivered to the Cuvierian Natural History Society of Edin- burgh, upon the occasion of being elevated to the chair of vice-president. 8C. Edinburgh, 1841. Figuier ( L. ) The ocean world ; being a de- scriptive history of the sea and its living inhab- itants. Chiefly translated from "La vie et les niceurs dis animaux". Illustrated by 427 en- gravings, chiefly designed under the direction of M. Ch. B6valet, from specimens in the museums of Paris, roy. 8°. London, 1868. Fisher (T.) Dial of the seasons, or a por- traiture of nature. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847). Flemixg (J. ) On the different branches of natural history, the chairs which have been in- stituted for their illustration, and the manner iu which they should be subordinated. 8°. [Edin- burgh, 1856.] Repr. from: Edinb 1ST. Phil. J., 1856. Fogg (F. B.) Barring-ton's elements of natu- ral science; comprising hydrology, geognosy, geology, meteorology, botany, zoology, and anthropology. 8°. Nashville, Tenn., 1858. Francis (J. W.) A discourse; delivered upon the opening of the new hall of the New York Lyceum of Natural History. 8°. New York, 1841. Fyfe ( W. W. ) Address to the, Cuvierian Natural History Society. 8L. Edinburgh, 1840. Gedxer ( C. ) * Qua*stio historico-naturalis, cui bono ? In: LixNvEUS. Amcenitates acad. [ etc. ] 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1756, iii, 231-255. Gerard. De la zooge"nie et de la distribution des etres organises a la surface du globe. Sr Paris, 1845. Godmax (J. D.) Rambles of a naturalist. To which are added reminiscences of a voyage to India, by Reynell Coates. 8J. Philadelphia, 1833. Good (J. M.) The book of nature. 2 v. 8°. Boston, 1826. -----. The same. From the last Lond. ed. To which is now prefixed, a sketch of the au- thor's life. 8°. New York, 1831. Gould (A. A.) Search out the secrets of nature; the annual discourse before the Massa- chusetts Medical Society, Springfield, June 27, 1855. 8:. Boston, 187,5. Grant (R. E.) Syllabus of four lectures on foramiuiferous animalcules, polypiferous ani- mals, insects, and reptiles. 8-. London, 1860. van Hall (H. C.) Oratio de Neerlandia, his- toria* naturali excolenthe atque aniplificandae, re- liquis Europie partibus non minus idonea. 4C. Groningce, 1837. Hastings (C.) The address of the council of the Worcestershire Natural History Society, de- livered at the eleventh anniversary meeting, on Wednesday, October 9, 1844. 86. Worcester, 1844. Helmholtz (H.) Ueber das Verhaltniss der Naturwissenschaften zur Gesammtheit der Wis- senschaften. 4C. Heidelberg, 1862. Aatiiral history and the natural sciences. Hjelt (O. E. A.) Naturhistoriens studium i Finland under sjuttonde och adertonde scklct. 8°. Helsiugfors, 1868. Huxi.ky (T. H.) On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature, being six lectures to working men. 8°. London, 1863. Jonstox (J.) Thaumatographia naturalis in decern classes distincta. 18°. Amsterdaini, 16,32. Kwkeksoiiool der Natuurkundc. Zijnelc ver- zanielingeu en waarneemingen uyt de bestc en nieuwste schrijvers getrokken. Ten dienste der gee-iie, die zich in deeze weetenschappeu willen oeffenen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1773. Lezcano (F. L.) Resiimeu de los trabajos en que se ha ocupado el Aleneo propagador dc las ciencias naturales durante el ano economico de 1871 & 1872. Leido en la sesion inaugural cele- brada el 28 de octubre. 8°. Maclvicl, 1872. Lixn.eus (C.) Deliche uatune. Oratio reci- tata in templo cathedrali Upsalieusi. In his: Amoenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Erlangat, 1790, x, 66-99. Lord ( J. K. ) The naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Illustrated. 2 v. 8°. London, 1866. Lyceum (The) of Natural History in the City of New-York. Charter, constitution, and by- laws of the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New-York. Incorporated April 20, 1818. 8°. .Yea-- York, 1835. Martins (C.) Un hivernage scientifique en Laponic, 8°. Paris, 1845. Monckton (S.) The metaphysical aspect of natural history. An address to the Rochester Natural History Society, delivered in the Mathe- matical School, Rochester, December 10, 1884. sm. 4°. London, 1885. Museum royal d'histoire naturelle. Instruc- tion pour les voyageurs et pour les employes dans les colonies, sur la maniere de recueillir, de conserver et d'envoyer les objets d'histoire natu- relle; rddig6e sur l'iuvitation de son excellence le ministre de la marine et des colonies. 3. etl. 8°. Paris, 1829. Neill (P.) An address to the members of the Weruerian Natural History Society, 1830. 8-\ [Edinburgh], 1830. Nemnich (P. A.) Allgemeiues Polyglotten- Lexicon der Naturgeschichte, mit erkliirenden Anmerkungeu. [2. title:] Worterbiicher der Na- turgeschichte in der deutschen, hollaudischen, diinischen, schwedischen, englischen, franze'isi- scben, italienischeu, spauischeu und portugisi- schen Sprache. 3 v. 4°. Hamburg u. Leipzig, [1792-3]. Nicol (J.) On the study of natural history as a brauch of general education ; au inaugural lecture. *-. Edinburgh, 1853. Nitsche (A.) 'Momenta qiuedam compara- tiouis regni auimalis cum vegetabili. 43. Lip- sia; [1788]. Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, ap- pliquee aux arts, a l'agriculture, a l'6conoiiiie rnrale et domestique, a la medecine, etc. I'ar une socier.6 de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Nouv. 6e\. 36 v. 8°. Paris, 1816-19. Openingsplechtigiieid van de Tentoonstel- ling. 10 Januari 1 uur 's namiddags in dc Biblio- theek van het Kouinklijk Zoologisch Geiioot- schap Natura Artis Magistra. 8-. Amsterdam, 1878. Orr. Circle of the sciences. A series of trea- tises on the principles of science, with their ap- plication to practical pursuits. With an intro- ductory treatise on the nature and uses of the great departments of knowledge. 3 v. 8r Lon- don. 1859. NATURAL. 643 NATURAL. Y.'ihiral history and the natural sciences. I'itcairn (A.) Dissertatio de legibus historiie naturalis. In his: Opusc. nied. 4°. Roterod.. 1714, 177-229. Also, in his: On. oinn. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 17:37, 330-369. Planchon (G.) * Les principes de la me"thode naturelle appliqu6s comparativement a la classi- fication des v6g6tauxet des animaux. 8 . Mont- pelliei; 1869. Pi.inius secuiulus (C.) Historiae naturalis li- bri xxxvii. Quibus accessere novus index ani- maliuiu, mineralium, vegetabilium synonymicus, nominumque et rerum quoad cetera enodatio, hahita alphabetiei ordinis ratione, e notis galli- cie editionis Ajasson de Graudsagne. Quarum auctores exstitcre ad zoosophiam, ut plurimum G. Cuvier, passim vero, et iu iis qiue zoosophia* non erant, Doe, E. Dolo, Fee, L. Fouche- et al. 4 v. iu 2. 8°. Lipsia; 1836. -----. The same. Cajus Pliuius secundus Naturgeschichte. Uebersetzt und erliiutert von Ph. H. Kiilb. [35. Bandchen, 37. Buch, pp. 4249- 4380.] 12°. Stuttgart, 1856. Romische Prosaiker in neuen Uebersetzungen. 215 v. -----. The same. The natural history of . . . translated, with copious notes and illustra- tions, bv John Bostock and H. T. Riley. 6 v. 12°. London, 1855-6-7. Portland Society of Natural History. Pro- ceedings of the Portland Society of Natural His- tory, v. 1, pt. 2. 8-. Portland, 1869. Portlock (J. E.) Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London, on the 19th of February, 1858, prefaced hy the auuouncement of the award of the Wol- laston Palladium medal and proceeds of the do- nation fund for the same year. 8Q. London, 1858. Pouciiet (F. A.) The universe, or the infi- nitely great and the infinitely little. Transl. fromtheFrench. Illustrated. 8°. London, 1870. Problemata Aristotelis, das ist: griindtliche Erorterung und Aufflosung mancherley zweiffel- hafftiger Fragen, des hochberuhmbten Aristote- lis, undvieler anderer bewehrterNaturkiiudiger, fast niitzlich und kurtzweilig, allerley fiirge- brachte Fragen eigentlich und scheinbarlich zu entscheiden. 24°. Hamburg, 1604. Rafinesque (C. S.) The good book, and amenities of nature, or annals of historical aud natural sciences. Containing selections of ob- servations, researches, and novelties in all the branches of physical and historical knowledge, with letters of eminent authors, chiefly on zool- ogy, botauy, agronomy, geognosy, ethnography ... or organized beings and fossils, nations and languages. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840. Redi (F.) Opusculoruni pars secunda, sive experimenta circa varias res uaturales, speciatim illas qua? ex Indiis afferuntur. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1729. Rengade (J.) La creation naturelle et les etres vivants. Histoire g6n6rale du monde ter- restre des ve'ger.aux, des auiinanx et de l'homme, avec la description des espeees les plus remarqua- bles an point de vue de leur de"veloppemeut, de leur organisation, de leurs mceurs et de leur uti- lity dans la nature. Zoologie; races humaiues. Animaux; zoophytes; vers; niollusques; echino- dermes; arthropodes; verte^bres; hommes. roy. 8 . Paris, 1*85. Robin (C.) Notice sur [ses] travaux d'his- toire naturelle, d'anatomie et de pathologie. 4°. [Paris, 187)2.] Sage. Observations sur un e"crit qui a pour titre: Vues sur le Jardin royal des plantes et le Cabinet d'histoire uaturelle; a Paris, chez Bau- douiu, imprimeurde FAsseinble'e nationale, 1789. 8 <-. Paris, 1790. jYatural history and the natural sciences. Savory (W. S.) The relation of the vegeta- ble and animal to the inorganic kingdom. 8°. London, 1861. Schneider (O.) Naturwisseuschaftliche Bei- triige zur Kenntniss der Kaukasuslauder, auf Grund seiner Sammelbeute. 8°. Dresden, 1878. Schott (P. G.) Physica curiosa, sive mira- bilia natura* et artis libris xii. comprehensa. 4°. Herbipoli, 1662. de Siebold (P. F.) * De historiae uaturalis in Japonia statu nee non de augmento emolument is- qne in decursu perscrutationnm exspectandis cm accedunt spicilegia faunae japonicae. 8°. Wiree- bnrgi, 1826. -----, Temminck (C. J.), Schlegel (H.) & de Haax (W.) Fauna japonica, sive descriptio aiiimalium, qme in itinere per Japoniam, jussu et auspiciis superiorum, qui summuni in India Batava imperium tenent, suscepto, annis 1823-30 collegit, notis, observationibus et adumbrationi- bus illustravit. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1850. French text. Smellie ( W. ) The philosophy of natural history. With an introduction and various ad- ditions and alterations, intended to adapt it to the present state of knowledge, by John Ware. 8°. Boston, 1824. Societe d'agriculture de la Haute-Garonne. Rapport fait au nom d'une commission chargee d'examiner les propositions de M. N. Joly, ten- dant a ce que la. . . se fasse affilier a la Societe' im- periale zoologique d'acclimatation siegeant a Pa- ris. [N. Jolly, rapporteur.] 8 . [Toulouse, 1857.] Spectacle de la nature, or uature displayed. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds ef youth. Transl. from the original French. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1735. Stark (B.) * De animalium et terra natorum similitudine. 8 . Edinburgi, 1799. Syllabus of lectures on natural history. 8°. [Edinburgh, n. d.] Telliamed ; or, the world explain'd. Contain- ing discourses between an Indian philosopher and a missionary on the diminution of the sea, the formation of the earth, the origin of men and animals, and other singular subjects relat- ing to natural history and philosophy. A very curious work. 8°. Baltimore, 1797. Valentinus (M. B.) Prodromus historiae na- turalis Hassiie, quern anno academiae Gissense jubilseo mdccvii. sub praesidio autoris, publicae curiosorum ventilationi sistebat Joh. Nicolaus Miillerus. 4°. Gissce-Hassorinn, [1707], Valmont de Bomare. Dictionnaire raisonne" uuiversel d'histoire naturelle. Ed. augmentee par Fauteur; avec plusieurs articles nouveaux . . . sur l'histoire naturelle, la nie'decine [etc.], fournies par Mrs. Haller . . . Deleuze . . . [etc.] 12 v. sm. 8-\ Yvevdon, 1768-9. Virchow (R.) Ueber die nationale Entwicke- lung und Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften. Rede gehalten in der zweiten allgemeiuen Sitzung der Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Hannover am 20. September 1865. 12°. Berlin, 1865. Warren (J. C.) Address to the Boston Society of Natural History. 8°. Boston, 1853. Waterhouse (B.) Heads of a course of lect- ures on natural history. 8°. Cambridge, 1810. Wilcke (H. CD.) * Politia uaturae. In: Linx.ei*. Amcenitates acad. [ etc. ] 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1764, vi. Wolf (C. A. F. ) De limitum inter regnum animale et vegetabile constituendorum difficul- tatibus disserit. 4°. [ Viiebergein. Arch, de nie'-d. nav.. Par., 1877, xxviii, 5-22.—Poiulicl, Instruc- tion pour la re*colte des objets d'histoire naturelle k la mer. Ibid., 1887, xlvii, 21 l-L'.'s.—Kilter (J. J.) Tentauien his- toria* naturalis Ditionis Riedeselio-Avimontana?, in quatuor partes, nempe floram, mineralogiam, t'auuaui et commenta- tiunculam de aere, acjuis et locis, etc., divisum. Acta Acad, nat.curios., Xorimb., 1754, x (app.), 21; 343.—Stokvis (B. J.) Xationalitiit und Xatui wissenschaft. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1124. — Valli»neri (A.) Tie lettere sopra alcune cose di storia nuturale e eli mede- simo. In: Rac. el' opusc. scient. e fllol., 16-T Venezia, 1729, ii, 1-62.—Zapixki Kievskago Obshestva Estestvoispita- telei. [Records of Kieff Society of Naturalists.] Zapiski Kievsk. Obsh. Estestvo.. Kieff,' 1875-87, iv-viii. Natural history (Medical). Sec; also, Botany (Medical): Materia medica; Materia medica (Animal); Materia medica ( Veg- etable) ; Parasites, etc. Bocquillox (H.) Manuel d'histoire naturelle meVlicale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1871. Bornsix (L.) Lecons d'histoire naturelle me- dicale. 2 pts. in 1 v. sm. 4-. Paris, 1874. Caiilet (G.) Precis de zoologie mddicale. 12°. Paris, 1881. Cat vet (D.) Nouveaux elements d'histoire naturelle medicale. 2 v. 8J. Paris, 186,9. Erndl (C. H.) *De usu historia* naturalis exotico geographicae iu medieina. 4J. Limice [1700]. 1 ' Halberts.ma (H. J.) Jaarlijksch verslag over de Nederlandsche geneeskundige litteratuur (1854). III. Verslag over de geschriften aan- gaande de natuurkunde. 8°. [n. p., 1854.1 Kuxdmaxx (J. C.) Kariora naturae et artis, item iu re medica, oder Seltenheiten der Natur und Kunst des Kundmannischen Naturalien- Kabinets,wie auch iu der Artzeuey-Wissenschaft. fol. Bresslau u. Leipzig, 1737. de Laxkssax (J. L.) Manuel d'histoire na- turelle* medicale. 3 v. 12-. Paris, 1879-82. Moquix-Taxiiox ( A. ) Elements de zoologie medicale, contenant la description de"taillee des animaux utiles a la medecine et des espe*ces nui- sibles a l'homnie, particulierement des veuimeuses et des parasites, pre'ee'de'e de considerations gene- rales sur l'organisation et sur la classification des animaux et d'un resume" sur l'histoire naturelle de l'homme. 12-. Paris, I860. Aatliral history (Medical). Pktroz (M.-A.) Dissertation sur quelques rapports de l'liistoirc naturelle avec la nie'decine 4-. Paris, 1898. Wallkriis (J. (i.) A Malmstkn t^J.) i)(, historhe naturalis usu medico. 4-. Cpsalia; [1740]. Beaudry ( G.-O. ) Necessite des sciences naturelles appliejuees ii la medeciue. t'niou med. du Canada. Mont real, 1876, v, 1 -11 — Dupare (H. AI.) lie waarde eler wetenschappelijke natum '-studien voor ele geneeskundige getoest. Boerhaave. 1 iidschr., etc., Amst. Is45 n J | iv. 354: 393. — 4^ulclb) i <.' ai. A.) Zoologi og Meeliciri! Norsk Mai;, f. La-evichnsk. Christiania, lss:i. a. k., xiii> 185-19C.—Kagazzi (V.) fenni medico-zoolo^icisu f nature', the natural sciences, and on certain truths revealed by the microscope. X. Orl. M. Jc S. JT, 1851-2. viii, 4(i8-4S(i._ Rodriguez (P. de Salazar P.) Uiscurso: [Del ititti^jo de las ciencias naturales sobre las demas y en particular I sobre la medieina.] Mem. r. Acad. med. de Madrid, lt>G-' ii, pt. 1, 129-138. Natural (The) History Review. Published quarterly; including the proceedings of the Irish Natural History Societies for the sessions 1855-li. v. 3. 444 pp. 8°. London, Williams 4 Norgate, 1^515. -----. The same. A quarterly journal of biology ical science. Edited by G. Busk, W. B. Car- penter [et al.]. v. 1-2, Jan., 1861-2. 8C. Lon- don, Williams 4 Norgate. Natural (The) mineral water of Friedrichshall and its use. 2 1. 8 . Coburg, A. Rossteutschev, [ii. «T] Aatural philosophy. See Physics. Aatural sciences. See Meteorology; Natural history, etc.; Science. Aatural selection. See Darwinian theory. Natliraliste (Le) cauadien. Bulletin de re- cherches, observations et ddcouvertes se rap- portant a l'histoire naturelle du Canada. Re*- dacteur: M. I'abb6 Provancher. [ Monthly. ] Nos. 4, 7, v. 10, April, July, 1878. hj. Cap Rouge, Province de QuSbec. Naturalists' ( The ) directory, containing the names, addresses," special departments of study, etc., of the naturalists, chemists, physicists, as tronomers, etc., of the United States and Can- ada. Arranged alphabetically, also geograph- ically. Edited by Samuel E. Cassino. 1878, 1879.' 1881), 1-84. 188(5. 5 v. ,--. Boston 4 Sa- lem, 187~-8C). Naturarzt ( Der). Correspondenzblatt fiir Freunde naturgemiisser Heilmethoden. Hrsg. vou Wilhelm Meinert. [Weekly.] v. 2-~, 18(13-9; v. 15-25, 1-7(5-86. 18 v. 4° & 8r Dresden; Berlin. 18(54-9. Title of v. 1 was: Wasscrfrcand . Milwaukee, C. Dbrflinger, 1877-9. Naturhistorisch - mediziuischer Verein zu Heidelberg. Verhandlungen. Bd. 2-6,1859- 72; n. F., Bd. 1, 2; Hft. 1, 2, & 5, Bd. 3; Hft. 1, Bd. 4. 8-. Heidelberg, 1862-87. Naturwarme (Das) Stahlbad Szliacs (bei Altsohl in Ungarn). Einzige bekannte Eisen- therme reich an Kohlensaure. Saison von 1883. Die Badedirectiou: Geo. Andre" Lenoir. 4 1. 4°. [Wien, M. Bettelheim, 1883.] Naturwisseuschaftliche Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. Berichte, umfassend die Geschafts- jabre 1.-8., 1859-80. 8°. Chemnitz, 1865-80. Naturwisseuschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. Sitzuugs-Berichte der . . . 1868- 86. In 7 v. 8°. Dresden, 1868-86. Festschrift zur Feier ihres 50jahrigen Be- stebens am 14. Mai 1885. iv (2 1.), 178 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8'-\ Dresden, Warnatz u. Lehmann, 1885. Naturwisseuschaftlicher Verein zu Ham- burg-Altoua. 3. Bolau, H. (und Pansch, Ad.). Ueber die menschenahnlichen Affeu des Hani- burger Museums. Den Mitgliederu und Theil- nehmern der 49. Versammlung deutscher Natur- forsclier und Aerzte als Festgabe gewidniet vom naturwissenschaftlicben Verein. 2 p. 1., 26 pp., 2 pl. 4-. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen it. Comp., 1876. Naturwisseiischaftlicher Schleswig-Holstein. Schriften, 86. In 5 v. 8°. Kiel, 1873-86. Naturwisseuschaftlicher Verein fiir Steier- niark. Der 48. Versammlung deutscher ^atllr- forscher und Aerzte als Festgabe. xvi, 190 pp., 4 pl. 8-. Graz, Leykain-Josephsthal, 1^75. Naturwisseuschaftlich-mediziiiisclier Verein in Innsbruck. Berichte. Jahrg. l-o, 1^70 to 1884-6. 8°. Innsbruck, 1870-O6. Verein fiir v. 1-6, W3- NATUUR. 649 NAUDET, Natuur- eu geueeskuudig Archief voor N.cilaiidsc-h Indie". [Quarterly.] v. 1-3, 1844-6. 8 . Bat a via. In no. 1 no editors named ; no. 2, P. J. Godefroy, M. J. E. Muller, P. A. Fromni, and I'. Bleeker hecamo editors; no. 3, v. 2, Godefroy dropped : no. 4, v. 2. AV. Bosch added ; no. 2, v. 3, S. L. Heijraan anu J. Miiuuich added. Natuur- eu geueesRuudijfe Bibliotheek. lievattcnde den zaakelijken inhond van alle nieuwe. werken, welke, in de geneeskunde en uatuurlijke historic, buiten ons vaterl aud uit- koinen. Door Eduard Saudi fort. v. 1-11, 1765- 75. 8". 's Gravenhage, P. van Cleef. v. 11, 1775, is ueneral index to v. 1-10. Natuur- en gcneeskuiidig'e Correspon- deutie-Socictcit, in de Vereenigde Nederlanden. VerhandeliDgen van de. . . opgericht in \s Hage. Behelzende de weerkundige waarneemingen van het jiiaren 1779-1790. 4 v. in 7. 8°. 's Gra- venhage. 1783-93. Natuiirkuildig; Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. Uitgegeven door de Natuurkundige Ver- eeniging in Xederlandsche Indie. Hoofredac- teur: P. Bleeker. v. 1-45, 1850-86. [Also, gen- eral index to v. 1-30.] 8°. Batavia, Lange 4' Co. In 1882, H. Onnen heeame editor. Natuurk.uiidig'e Vcreeniging iu Nederlandsch Indie. Verhandeliugeu der . . . Deel 1-8, 1856- 60. 4°. Batavia, Lange 4-Co., 187,6-69. Natuuronderzoek en humaniteit. Een woord van verzoening gesproken door eenen genees- kundige. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door Dr. J. B. Roll, iv, iv, 1 1., 58 pp. 8°. Amster- dam, C. G. van dev Post, 1862. Nau (B. 8.) Entwurf einer Polizeiverordnung gegen die weitere Verbreituug der westindischen Pest, xii, 156 pp. 12°. Frankf. a. M., Andrea, 1895. Bound with: Pallom (C.) Medicinische Beinerkungen etc. 12°. Salzlmrg, 1805. Nau (Francois-Georges). * Quelques considera- tions g6n6rales sur l'erysipele. 39 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1872, No. 420. Nau (J.) * Contribution k l'dtude de la conges- tion et de l'apoplexie pulmonaire unilaterale dans les cas de ramollissement du cerveau. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 408. Naiiche (J.-E.) * Sur le catari-he de la vessie. 23 pp. 4-. Stiasbourg, 1823, v. 52. Naiiche (Jacques-Louis) [1776-1843]. * Notij velles recherches sur la retention d'urine par r6* trecissement organique de l'liretre. ii, 3-76 pp. 8°. Paris, an IX [1891], v. 3. ------. The same. 2. dd. 109 pp 8°. Paris, Croullebois, an A7[1803]. [Also, in : P., v. 1692.] ------. The same. . . . et par paralysie de la ves- sie; suivies de remarques sur la gravelle. 3. e"d. 142 pp. 8°. Pavis, Croullebois, 1896. ------. Des maladies de la vessie et du rue'at uri- naire chez les personnes avancecs eu age ; pour servir de reponse aux questions proposees eu 1807, sur ces maladies, par l'Academie Josephine de niddecine et de chirurgie de Vienne. ii, 3- 252 pp. 12°. Paris, D. Colas, 1810. *------. Des maladies de l'uterus, ou de la matrice. 461 pp. 8 '. Paris, Gabon, 1816. ------. Do l'application de l'dlectricite au traite- ment des maladies, d'apres les procedes de Mr. Girardiu. 8 pp. 8-. [Paris, Leblanc, 1819!] Repr. from: Rapport fait a la Soc. roy. Acad. d. sc. ------. The same. [With additions.] 8 pp. 8-. [Paris, Fain, 1819.] Repr. from : Kapport fait a, la Soc. roy. Acad. d. sc. Nauck (August). * Ueber eine nencEigenschaft der Producte der regressiven Metamorphose der Eiweisskorper. 52 pp., 1 ]. 8^. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1886. Nauck (Georg) [1857- ]. * Ueher Gelbfieber. 31pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1880]. Nauclerus (Samuel). Descriptio horti Upsa- liensis. i'psaliee, 1745. In: Lin.n^ls. Amoenitates acad. [etc.] 83. Lugd. Bat, 17111, i. 20-59, 4 pl. Naud (Paul). * D'une forme speeiale d osteite, ou osteite a forme nevralgique. 96 pp. 4 \ Paris, 1868, Xo. 136. Nauda-una et Patiuiaua, ou singularifez remarquables, prises des conversations. 2. dd., revue, corrigee et augmeutde d'additions au Xau- (beana qui ne sont point dans l'ddition de Paris. 8 p. 1., 256 pp., 132 pp., 5 1., 2 port. 12-. Am- sterdam, F. vander Plaats, 1703. Naildaiii (Arnold). Annual address read before the Northern Medical Association of Philadel- phia, Jan. 6, 1848. 14 pp. 8?. Philadelphia, S. H. Clark, 1848. [P., v. 101.] Naude (Gabriel) [1600-53]. De antiquitate et dignitate scholar medica* Parisiensis pauegyris; cum orationibus eucomiasticis ad ix iatrogonis- taslaurea medica donandos. 2 p. 1., 150 pp., 1 1. 12°. Lntelice Parisiorum, J. Moreau, 1628. Bound ivith : Matthias (G.) Conspectus historiae me- dicorum chronologicus. 12°. Gottingee, 1761. ------. The same. 176 pp. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] Bound with: Dkcketa, ritus. usus, [etc.] 16°. Parisiis, 1714. Another copy bounei n-itli.- Statlta facultatis me- dieina* Parisiensis. 16°. I'arisiis, 1751. ------. Qiiicstio iatropbilologica. An magnum homini a venenis periculum ? 29 pp. 12°. Ro- inw, G. Facciotti, 1632. ------. Qmestio secunda iatropbilologica. An vita homiuum hodie quam olim brevior ? 27 pp. 12°. Ccescna; ex typog. J. Nevii, 1634. Bound with pie-ceding. ------. Qmestio tertia iatropbilologica. An mtuu- tina studia vespcrtinis salubriora ? 3 p. 1., 45 pp. 12:. Patavii, er typog. J. Cvivellarij, 1634. Bound with preceding. ------. Qua*stio quarta iatropbilologica, An liceat medico fallere segrotum ? 51 pp. 12°. Roma; J. Facciotti, 1635. Bound with preceding. ------. Herrac qusestionum iatro-pbilologicarnm. 3 p. 1., 332 pp., 2 1. 12°. Genevce, C. Choiiet, 1647. I. An magnum homini a venenis periculum ? II. An vita hominuni hodie cjuam olim hrevior? III. An inatutina studia vespertinis saluhriora I IV. An liceat medico fallere aegiotum? V. lie fato et fatali vita* tertnino. ------. Apologie pour les grands hommes soup- gounez de niagie. Derniere ddition, on l'ou a ajoutd quelques remarques. 8 p. 1., 470 pp., 1 pl. 16°. Amsterdam, P. Humbert, 1712. ------. The same. The history of magick by way of apology for all the wise men who have un- justly been, reputed magicians, from the creation to the present age. Written in French. English ed. by J. Davies. 7 p. 1., 306 pp. sm. 8°. London, J. Streater, 1657. See. also, IVaudaeaiia el Patiuiaua [etcl 12°. Amsterdam, 1703. For Portrait, see Collection van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 143. Naudeau ( Athanase-Auguste ). * De 1'allaite- ment. 5b pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 2, v. 622. Naudeau (Camille). * I. Du diagnostic et du prouostic de l'hysterie. II. [etc.] 31 pp. 4°. ' Paris, 1-39, No. 446, v. 347. Naudet. See Hoitschi (Josef). Die Aneroide, etc. 8°. Wien, 1872. Naudet (Antoine) [1853- ].. * Des pdriostoses ' cranieunes dans la pdriode secondaire de la sy- philis. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 96. Naudet ( Frdderic-Mathieu ). * Du phlegmon perinephret-ique. 108 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 123. Naudet (S.-V.-One'sipe). * Snr I'hygiene du la- bo ureur. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, lHil. No. 90. GAUDIER. 650 NAUMANN. NaiKlier ( G.) *De l'obstructiou dc*s voies la- cryinalcs. 91 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 335. -----. The same. 91 pp. 8-. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1872. IV a lid ill (Etienne-Nicolas). * Sur la fracture de jam be. 46 pp. 8\ Pan's, an NI [1803], v. 38. Naudin (L.) * Essai sur la tarsotomie. 102 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 27. Naudin (Louis). * Sur les bubous syphilitiques. vi, 7-32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 154, v. 174. Naudin ( Louis-Silvain-Emmanuel). *I. Des differences entre le sang humain a l'etat normal et le sang des individus atteints de pneunionie. II. [etc.] 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 188, v. 379. Naudin (Lucien). * Contributions a l'6tude des ulcerations du col de l'uterus. 77 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1887), No. 245. Naudin (Pierre). * Sur les polypes uterins. 27 pp. 4C. Paris, 1813, No. 13, v." 95. Naildot. Notice sur les eaux mine'rales ferrugi- neuses acidules froides de Provins, pre'eede'e d'un essai sur la topographie medicale de Provins et de ses environs. 106 pp. sm. 8J. Provins, Le- beau, 1841. -----. Influence du climat de Nice sur la marche des maladies chroniques et particulierement sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 82 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Pa- ris, Allouard, 1842. [Also, in: P., v. 1666.] Naildot (Alexis). * Considerations sur les he- morrhagies uterines pendant la grossesse. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 142, v. 139. Nau^crius (Andreas). »Ver Fi-acnstorina (Hieronymus). Opera omnia [etc.] 4-r Veue'iis. 1555. -----. The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1584. -----. The same. 12°. Lugduni, 1591. JVaulieim. Bad Nauheim uud seiue Umgebung. 24°. Friedberg, 1855. Bode (F.) Nauheim, seine natiirlich warmen Soolquellen und deren Wirkung, nebst einer kurzen Nachricht iiber deu Schwalheimer Mine- ralbruuncn. 2. Aufl. 8°. Cassel, 1853. Kohlensaurehaltige (Das) Soolbad Nau- heim. Nach den Schriften Sachverstiiudiger zu- sammengestellt und herausgegeben vom Kur- und Verschonerungs-Verein zu Bad-Nauheim 8°. Frankf. a. M., 1872. Bcnekc (F. "WT) Ueber das Verhalten des Pulses und der Respiration beim Gebrauche des warmen Soolbades (Nauheim). Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. ■wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1860, iv, 127-158. _____. Ue- ber die Wirkungen der Nauheimer Soolquellen gegen Bheu- matismus und (lessen Folgezustande. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1863, xv, 128. -----. Nauheim's Soolthermen gegen Gelenkrheumatismus mit oder ohne Herzaffection. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 269. -----. Neue Erfahrungen iiber die "Wirkungen der koklensaurehaltigen Soolthermen Nauheim's bei Gelenkrheumatismus und den ihm verbun- denen Herzkrankheiten. Ibid., 1875, xii, 109; 124.—Bode. Das Soolbad Nauheim. Ber. d. oberbess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Giessen, 1847, i, 41-44.—Bode, jun. Das Soolbad Nauheim (insbesondere sein Verhaltniss zu Kreuz- nach und Eehme). Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxii, 118; 128. -----. Notizen iiber einen neuen Trinkbru'imen (Karlsquelle) in Bad Nauheim. Ibid., 245. -----. Bad Nauheim ohne Spielbank, ein Biickblick in die Vergan- eenheit. Ibid., 1873, xxv, 117; 137.— Favt- (F. C.) Sool- badet "Nauheim ". Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christi- ania, 1878, 3. E., viii, 321-328.—t,a bat (A.) Etude sur la station et les eaux de Nauheim. Ann. Soc. d'hvdrol. med de Par., 1807-S. xiv. 409-456. Also, Reprint.—'l,ndwig. Ueber die* warmen Soolquellen Nauheim's. Ber. el. ober- bess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk.. Giessen. 1853, iii. 2-11.— , Schotl (A.) & Seholl (T.) Die Nauheimer Sprudel- und Sprudelstrombader. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884. xxi 294- 307. ' Nauheimer (Joannes Jacobus). * De sobrietate ejusque insigni ad sanitateni vitamque in seros usque aunos producendam emolnmento. 44 pp. 4°. Erfordice, typ. Heringii. [1741]. Naiiliu (Louis-Marcel). * Hygiene de la femme rccenunent accouchee. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 4>. IN a li in an (Joh. Just.) Mus porcellns. Fpsalia; 177)4. In: Lixnjel's. Anuenitatesacad. [etc.] 8°. Lund Bat 1760, iv, 190-209. J ' Nauiiiann (Alex.) * Ueber Einwirkuug von Broni auf Acetylchlorid, Eigenschaften des da- bei sich bildenden Monobromacetylbromids uud daraus sich ableitende Producte; als Beitrag zur Darstellnng snbstituirter Anhydride. 25 nn 1 1. 8°. Giessen, W. Keller, 1864\ c. Naumann (Augustus Fridericus). *Deostitide! 28 pp. 4-'. Lipsiee, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1818. For Biography, see Kucha (C. G.) Nauiiiann (AugustusGottlob.) [1792- ]. *De induratione hepatis. 26 pp. 4~. Lipsia; J B Hirschfeld, [1818]. ' For Biography, see I,ndwig (Christianus Fridericus). Nauiiiann (Carl Fr.) [1816- ]. *Om byg- gnadeu af luftrorshufvudet hos den fullviixta meuniskan. 3 pts. 2 p. 1., 64 pp., 11., 6pl. 4r Lund, Berlingska Boklryck., 1851. KESrONDENTES. I. Paul Henrik Panlsson. II. Fredrik Mauritz Kab6. III. Andreas Larsson. Plates wanting. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 64 pp., 6 tab. 4J. Lund, Berlingska Boklryck., 1851. Nauuiaiiu (Carolus Fridericus). *De hexago- nali crystalliuarum formarum systemate. 1 p. 1., 81 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, ex off. Glueckii, 1825. Pts. i-ii each with separate title-page. Naumann (Carolus Otto) [1823- ]. *De bronchiectasia. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Halis Sax., tun. Colbatzkii, 1847. c. Naumann ( [ Christophorus ] Ferdinandus ) [1841- ]. *De cordis ictu. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1865]. Nauuiaiiu (Fridericus Augustus Guilielmus) [1825- ]. * De labiorum pudeudi excoriatio- nibus per explorationem. 16 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, typ. G. Staritzii, [1849]. Naumann (Friedmarus Gotthelf) [1815- ]. * De artis gymnastica? usu medico. 23 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, typ. Staritzii, [1842]. Naumann (H.) *Depericarditide. 15pp. 8°. Jence, typ. A. Neuenhahni, 1851. c. Naumann (H[enricus] B[enjaminus] F[erdi- nandus] Guilelm[us]) [1816- ]. *Qua3stio- num de gastromalacia infantium particula. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, formis Ploetzianis, [1841]. Naumann (J. Fr.) Taxidermie, oder die Lehre Thiere aller Klassen am einfachsten und zweck- massigsten fiir Kabinette auszustopfen und auf- zubewahren. xii, 180 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Halle, Hem- merde it. Schwetschke, 1815. Manilla nn (J. G.) Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. Nauiiiann (Joan. Godofredus). *De emplas- trorum usu et abusu. 36 pp. 4°. Halce Mag- deb., lit J. C. Hilligeri, [1739]. Nauiiiann (Joaunes Henricus) [1824- ]. * Ad- notationes qutedam de herniis incarceratis ea- rumque diagnosi. 26pp., 31. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1849]. Naumann (L.) Welche Vortheile bieten cou- servirte Gewiirze der Kochkunst? Vortrag mit praktischen Anleituugen zur Verwendung der conservirteu Gewiirze in der Kiiche, Conditorei, Backerei und Wurstfabrikatiou, etc. Gehalten am 10. November 1876 im Dresdner Kochkunst- Verein. Mit einem Nachtrag: Die Fabrikatiou der Liqueurc, Doppel- und Einfachbranntweine uud dergleicheu geistigen Getriinke. 12. Aull. 77 pp. s" Dresden, R. H. Dietrich, [1876]. Naiiinauii (Moritz [Ernst] Adolph) [1798- 1-69]. * De signis exurina. 100 pp. 4°. Lip- siee, e typog. Hirschfeldiano, [1820]. NAUMANN. 651 NAUSEA, Nauiiiaiin (Moritz [Ernst] Adolph)—cont'd. —---. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Geniein- Gcf'iihl, im gesunden uud im krankhaften Zu- stande. vii, 144 pp. 12°. Leipzig, A. JVien- brack, 1824. -----. Skizzen aus der allgemeiuen Pathologie. viii (1 1.). 294 pp, 12°. Leipzig, A. Wienbrack, 18-24. -----. Handbuch der allgeuieinen Semiotik. xviii, 456 pp. 12-. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1826. -----. Theorie der praktischen Heilkunde, ein pathologischer Versuch. xii, 279 pp. 12°. Ber- lin, A. Hirschwald, 1827. -----. De pestibus nonnulla. 16 pp. 4°. Bon- nie, [ex off. typog. Thormanniana], 1828. ■-----. Zur Lehre von der Entziindung. 35 pp. 12°. Bonn, T Habicht, 1828. .-----. Handbuch der medieinischen Klinik. 8 v. in 11. 8°. Berlin, A. Pucker u. Pitchier, 1829-39. v. 3, Abth. 1, has also title: Darstellung der wichtig- Bten acuten, epideniisch-contagiosen Krankheiten, beson- ders der septischen und typbiisen Fieber, etc. ■-----. The same. 1. Bd. 2. vollig umgearbei- tete Ausg. 8J. Berlin, Biicker u. Pitchier, 1848. Only v. 1, 2. Aufl., was published. -----. Darstellnng der wichtigsteu acuten, epi- deniiseh-contagiosen Krankheiten, besonders der septischen und tvphosen Fieber, [etc.] 8°. Ber- lin, A. Riicker, 1831. Additional title-page of his: Handbuch der medicini- schenjvlinik, v. 3, Abth. 1. -----. Grundziige der Contagienlehre. vi, 73 pp. 8'-r Bonn, E. Weber, 1833. -----. Elemente der physiologischen Pathologie. 80 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Marcus, 1834. -----. Die Probleme der Physioiogie, oder der Gegensatz von Nervenmark und Blut. viii, 198 pp. 8-. Bonn, E. Weber, 1835. [Also, in : P., v. 1517.] -----. De veterum medicorum Graecorum cogni- tione morborum uteri uonnulla. 22 pp. 4°. Bounce, typ. C. Georgii, 1838. -----. Pathogenie. 2 v. xxii, 690, viii, 160 pp.; x, 438, xvi, 589 pp. 8°. Berlin, Riicker it. Pitch- ier, 1840-44. -----. Spezielle Pathologie und Therapie der entziindliclicn Brust- und Unterleibskrankhei- ten. 8J. Berlin, Riicker u. Pitchier, 1848. Additional title-page of his: Handbuch der medieini- schen Klinik, v. 1. -----. Mctaphysisches in der Physioiogie. 53 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Weber, 1848. -----. Vermischte Schriften physiologischen und psychologischeu Inhalts. 1 p. 1., 132, viii, 198 (1 1.), 73 pp. 8-. Bonn, E. Weber, 1859. CONTEXTS. Versuch eines Beweises fiir die I'nsterblichkeit der Seele aus dem physiologischen Standpunkte, zugleich als Einleitung in die Lehre von den sogenaunten Geistes- krankheiten. Die Probleme der Physioiogie, oder der Gegensatz von JServenmark und Blut. Grundziige der Contagienlehre. ■-----. Allgemeine Pathologie und Therapie. 1. Theil. xvi, 890 pp. 8~. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1851. No more published. -----. Ergcbnisse und Studien aus der mediei- nischen Kliuik zu Bonn. 2 v. xxx, 408 pp. ; xxviii, 645 pp. 8-. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1858-60. -----. Zur Lehre von der Entziindung. 14 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, n. d.] Repr. from: Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 18C5, xxii. For Biography, see Kiiiin (Carolus Gottlob). lor Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Kallmann (Oswald; [1833- ]. * Oleum je- coris aselli ad membranas aiiimalium affinitatem habere multo niajorem quam alia pinguia def'en- det. 2() pp., 2 pl. s~. Lipsiee, typ. A. Edel- manni, 1858. j Nau m a mi (Oswald)—continued. -----. Beitriige zur Lehre vom Puis, insbeson- dere vom doppelschlagigen. 24 pp. 8°. Leipzig ti. Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1863. Naiimaiin (Solomo Daniel). * De partu diffi- cili ex hydrope foetus. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 43. Lip- siee, ex off. Langenhemi. [1762]. For Biography, see JTudwig (Christ. Gott.) TVaiimlmrg. Drechslcr. Beitrage zu einer medizinischen Topo- graphie von Naumburg. Mecl. Nat.-Ztg. f. Deutschl., Al- tenb., 1799, ii, 101-110. Naumburg: (Isaacus). * De pruritu senili. 28 pp. 8 ■". Halce, typ. J. C. Dietleinii, [1803]. Naumburg' (Joh. Samuel). * Diss, botanica sistens delineatioues Veronicse Chania*dryos, Di- anthi Carthusianorum, Lamii macnlati et purpu- rei, Arabis alpina*, Violse grandiflorae, Zanichel- lia* palustris ac Polymorphi tremelloidis. viii, 9-35 pp. 12°. Erfordice, lit I. C. Goerling, [1792]. Naumolf*(J.) Kratkii uchebnik anatomii i fizio- logii chelovieka. Kurs srednich ucheb. zave- denii. [Short instruction on the anatomy and physiology of man. Course of lectures for the middle classes of schools. ] iii, 105 pp. 8C. St. Petersburg, J. N Erlich, 1886. Naundorff (Julius). Unter dem rotheu Kreuz. Freinde und eigene Erfahrungen auf bohmischer Erde und den Schlachtfeldern der Neuzeit gesaui- melt. x, 519 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Veitu. Comp., 1867. Naunyu (Bernard) [1839- ]. *De echinococci evolutione. 35 pp. 8J. Berolini, G. Lange, [1862]. -----. Zum derzeitigeu Staudpunkt der Lehre von den Schutzimpfungen. Rede gehalten beim Protectoratswechsel der Albertiua zu Konigsberg i. Pr. 18 pp. 8 t Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1886. Also, Po-Editor of: Arciiiv fiir experimentelle Patho- logie und I'harinakologie. Leipzig, 1873. See, also, llaiulbiich el. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1S70, xv. — Cyclopaedia Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1878. xvii. — rVotluiagcl (II.) Sc IVannyn (B.) Ueber die Localisation der Gehirnkrankheiten. 8°. Wies- baden, 1887. For Biography, see Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1878, pp. iii-v. -----& Quincke (H.) Ueber den Einfluss des Ceutraluerveusystems auf die Wiirmebildung im Organismus. [In two parts, each with separate title-page and pagination*] 28, 15 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Ungev, 1869. Repr. from: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1869, xxxvi, Hft. 2 & 5. -----& Schreiber (J.) Ueber Gehirndruck. 112 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F.C.W. Vogel, 1881. Viuplin. ■See Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Nauraiit (Martinus). Tractatus politico-juridi- cus ad usum horum temporum accomodates, de vita et morte hominis, in quo ex uuiverso jure, ejusdemque interpretibus, tam veteribus quam recentioribus, ad banc niateriani spectantia, centum theorematibus compendiose evolvuntur. Accesserunt ejusdem additameuta miscellanea practica. 6 p. 1., 456 pp., 12 1. 12°. Gissce Hassorum, ex off. J. G. Seyler, 1673. Nauratli (Lud. Jul. Ern.) [1801- ]. / De nianuum morphologia et physiologia, xii, 131 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. G. Schadii, [1833]. Naury. * Essai sur les iistules urinaires ombili- cales par persistauce de l'oura<|ue et sur leur traitement. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 253. j\an§ea and nauseants. See, also, Anaesthetics (Accidents, etc., in); Emetics; Pregnancy (Vomiting in); Sea-sick- ness ; Vomiting. Friedrich (S. F.) * De nausea et voniitu. 8°. Traj. ad Viadr., 1794. NAUSKA. G52 NAVIER. Yaiisea and nanseants. Hafxkr (1). G.) * De effectu uauseantium. -iC. Gottinga; 1817. Hallaner (P. J. C.) "De nausea. 4°. Jence, 170."). Rextz (C. H. J.) "Nonnulla de nauseosis. 4C. Kilice, 1827. Schxizllix (C. H.) * De nausea. 4°. Er- langte, [1785]. Zweigel (J. C.) * De spasmis gulae inferioris et de nausea. Oder: vom Krampff des Unter- schlundes und vom Eckel. 4°. Halw Magdeb., [1733]. I Brochin. Xaus6es. Diet, encycl. d. sc. ni6d., Par., 187fi. 2. s., xi. 543-556.—Pcare (R. J.) Buttermilk in sick stomach. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s.,i, 221.—Stic li (A.) L'eber das Ekel-Gefiihl. Ann. d. Char.-Krankenh. . . . zu Berl., 1858, viii, 2. Hft., 22-43. NailSS (CarlEberhard) [1849- ]. * Ueber Com- plication vou Scbwangerschaft, Geburt u. Wo- chenbett mit Myomeu des Uterus. 1 p. 1., 35 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle, G. Hendel, [1872]. c. Naussac (Henri). * Considerations sur la sai- gnee, 34 pp. 4J. Paris, 1868, No. 62. Nauta /Hemmo Hyleco). *Twaalf ovarioto- inien. 2 p. 1., 3-46 pp. 8-. Groningen, P. Noordhoff, 1881. Nauta (Stephanus Sybrandus). * De corporibus peregrinis ex cesophago removendis. 53 pp. 8°. Workumi Frisiorinn, I. Verwey, 1803. Nauthonier (A.) * Essai sur le rhumatisme articulaire aigu ; suivi de quelques propositions de medecine. 24 pp. 4C. Paris, 1835, No. 74, v. 284. Nautilii*. Royal College of Surgeons of England. Me- moir on the pearly nautilus (Nautilus pompilius, Linn.), with illustrations of its external form aud internal structure. Drawu up by Richard Owen, asst. conservator of the museum of the college. Published by direction of the council. 4-. London, 1832. lianltcslci* (E. R.) Sc Bourne (A. G.) On the ex- istence of Spengel's olfactory organ and of paired genital duets in the pearlv nautilus. Quart. JT Micr. Sc, Lond., 1883. n. s.. xxiii, 34(1-348. Nauwerck (Gustav Adolf Friedrich) [1862- ]. * Studien iiber die Pharynx-Mucosa. 23 pp., 1 1. 8:. Halle a. S., E. Karras, 1887. Nauwerck (Robert). * Zur Casuistik der Tu- moren des Bulbus. 28 pp. 8°. Zurich, J. Her- zog, 1866. C. Nauzais (J.-E.) *De la colite aigue. 19 pp. 4-. Paris, 1839, No. 101, v. 232. Nava (David) & Sel mi (Geo. Francesco). * Sui caglio vitellino; memorie. 95 pp. 8°. Milano, R. Istituto Lombardo, 1857. Navailles (Louis). * De l'ictere. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 54, v. 436. Navaja*. Vazquez (F.) Apuntes fisico-m6dicos de las aguas de dos fuentes ele Xavajas (provincia de Castellon), conocidas por la del Bano y la de Mosen Miguel. Tel6grafo m6d., Barcel., 1850-51, iv, 91-96. Navajo*. .See Indians (North American). Naval Medical Society Proceedings. Nos. 1-6, v. 1; No. 1, v. 2; 243, 41 pp. 8*-. Washington, D. C, Judd 4 Detweiler, 1883. Naval staff rank. By a naval staff officer. 11 pp. 8^. [n.p., n. d.) Navalcarnero. Baisa y Months (J.) Estudio me"dico-topo- grfifico de la villa de Navalcarnero. 8°. Madrid, 1886. Navarini (Audrea). Ricerche, meditazioui e coiiclusioui sui colera-morb us. 30 pp. 8C. Bas- sano, 1886. Navarra (Antonio). Bollettino del Istituto medico Valenziano. Mcse di uovembre dell' anno 1856. Lettere sulla febbre gialla. 16 pp. 8*". [n. p., 187,6.] [P., v. 1132.] Repr. from: Gior. Arcadico, cxlviii. Navarre. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Navarre (Auguste). * De quelques lesions pul- monaires cousecutives aux traumatismes du crane et de l'enc6phale. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, Nee. 31. Navarre ( Charles-Clement). * Apercu sur le toucher et sur son utility dans la nie'decine. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 207, v. 300. Navarre (Pierre-Just). * Etude nie'dicale de la presqu'ile Ducos. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 527. ------. L'homeopathie et les hom6opathes. Etude spe"cialement adress6e aux gens du monde. 27 pp. 8°. Lyon, H. Georg, 1887. Navarrette y Roinay (Emilio). Etude des abces du foie dans la dysenterie ehronique. Etio- logie ; anatomie pathologique ; termiuaisons et traitement chirurgical. 76 pp., 3 tab. 4°. Pa- ris, 1872, No. 216. Navarro (Francisco de Paula). * Etude sur la feve de Calabar. 115 pp. 4C. Paris, 1869, No. 250. Navarro y Albero (Viceute). See Sanchez Palacio (C.) Sc Navarro y Albero (V.) Una resideacia de invierno . . . Alicante, [etc.] 8°. Alicante, 1882. Navarro v Roclrigo (Francisco) [ 1882 J. Campa. Necrologia. Cr6u. m6d., Valencia, 1881-2, v, 545-551. — Canto. Necrologia. Gac. de 1. hosp., Va- lencia, 1882, i, 169-175. I Navault (Ferdinand). * Observations cliniques sur les effets physiologiques de l'acide arsthiieux. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 307. Nave ( F.-G.-Edouard ). * Quelques considera- tions sur la dyspepsie stomacale envisaged sur- tout au point de vue des sympathies qn'elle de- termine. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 61. Nave (Franz). * Die Meriieresche Krankheit. i 3 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, F. W. Jungfer, | 1877. Naveau (Joann. Ludov. Theophil.) * Diss. sistens experimenta quaedam circa urinae secre- tionem. viii, 48 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. F. A. Gru- nerti patris filiique, [1818]. Naveau (Josephus). * De febribus in genere. 28 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat, H. W. Hazenberg, 1814. Navel. See Umbilicus. Navet (Stanislas-Victor-Ame'de'e). * Propositions sur le temperament de la femme, sur sa menstru- ation et sur son age critique, vi, 7-19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 267, v. 236. Navez (Joan. Car. Jos.) De corpore humano ut mixto. 1788. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 161-166. a Navibus (Jacobus). See Venustus (Ant. Maria). Consilium de fehre pesti- lenti. 4°. Venetiis, 1574. Navier (Jean-Claude). Qutestio medica, an cu- tis, gummosa^ sanguinis materia?, orgauum secie- torium? Prses.: Ludovico Hieronymo Eaussin. 8 pp. 4°. [Reims'], Jeunehomme, 1776. [P., v. 1397.] ------. Sur 1'usage du vin de champagne mous- seux contre les fievres outrides et autres mala- dies de nieme nature, ix, 10-64 pp. sc. Paris 4~ Reims, M&piignon Vaine, 1778. Navier (Pierre-Toussaint) [1712-79]. Reflexions sur les dangers -Jes exhumations precipitees, et I sur les abus des inhumations daus les egliscs; NAVIER. 653 NAVY. Navier (Picrre-Toussaint)—continued. suivies d'observations sur les plantations d'arbres dans les cimetieres. viii, 79 pp. 12°. Amster- dam 4 Paris, B. Morin, 1775. _____. Contre-poisons de l'arsenic, du sublime corrosif, du verd-de-gris et du plomb. Suivis de trois dissertations intitulees: 1. Recherches medico-chymiques sur differens moyens de dis- soudre lc mercure, etc. 2. Exposition de differens moyens d'uuir le mercure au fer. 3. Nouvelles observations sur l'ether, etc. 2 v. xxv, 30, 360 pp.; xxi, 389 pp. 12°. Paris, la veuve Mequignon 4 fils 4- Didot jeune, 1777. For Biography, see Hist, de la Soc. roy. de m6d., Par., 1779, 52-73. Navieres (P.-M.) * Sur une epidemie de fievres inflamniatoires (augioteniques), observe et de"- crite pendant l'automne de l'au X (1802) dans une commune pies de Mantes, departement de Seine-et-Oise. 22 pp. 4t Paris, an XII [1804], No. 174, v. 47. Navies. ,See, also, Hospitals (Naral, etc.); Hygiene (Naval); Medicine (Naval); Navy (Austrian), et seq.; Sailors; Surgery; Travels, etc. Boyxton (C. B.) The navies of England, France, America, and Russia. Extract from a work on English aud French neutrality and the Anglo-French alliance. 8°. New York, 1865. Naville (E.) See Henininiiii (August). Notes et observations nou- velles relativement a rGtablisseraent thermal de Schinz- nach [etc.] 8T Geneve, 1867. Naville (Georg. Const.) Diss, psychologica in qua facilitates hominis ad praesentem futurumque statum referri evincitur. 31 pp. 8°. Genevce, J. P. Bonnant, 1774. Nnvoiius (Bernardus). * I. Ex botanica. De succis concretis. Acacia, manna et opium. II. [etc.] 8 pp. sm. 4°. Augustce Taurinorum, P. J. Zappatce etfil., 1748. [P., v. 979.] Navratii (Emerich) [1834- ]. Laryngologische Beitriige. Bericht iiber die Abtheilung fiir Kehl- kopfkranke im St. Rochus-Spitale zu Pest, um- fassend die Kraukenbewegung vom 12. Mai 1868 bis 31. December 1870. 1 p. 1., 80 pp., 3 pl. 8C. Leipzig, B. Zechel, 1871. -----. Chirurgische Beitrage. iv, 126 pp., 3 pl. 8-. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1882. Navratii (Franz). Prof. Dr. Oertel's (Miinchen) Heilverfahren bei Herzkrankheiten, Wassersucht und Fettleibigkeit; allgemein verstandlich dar- gestellt. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8 . Wien, IV. Brau- miiller, 1885. Navrotski (F.) * O vlijanii davlenija krovi na tseutri blujdaioushich nervov. [Effect of press- ure of blood in centre of vagus.] 24 pp. 8-. St. Petersburg, 1870. Navrotski (Ivan). * Materiali ke morphologii nervnoi sistemi nasiekomiche se nepolnime pre- vrashenieine. [Morphology of nervous system of insects aud their metamorphoses. ] 36 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1876. Navy (Austrian). Austria. Die Krankheits- und Sterblichkeits- verhaltnisse in Sr. Maj. Kriegsmariue wahrend des Quinquenniums 1863-7. Im Aiiftrage der Marine-Section des Reichs-Kriegs-Miuisteriums statistisch zusammeugcstcllt vou Dr. Robert Kolaczek. roy. 8;. Wien, 1870. Also [Rev.l, in: Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsnd- htspflg.. Berl., 1871, xxiii, 70; 86. Austria. Kaiserliche konigliche Kriegs-Marine. Statistische Sanitats-Berichte fiir die Jahre 1870- 84. Ini Auftrage des k. k. Reichs-Kriegs-Minis- teriums (Marine-Section) zusammeugestellt von Drs. Robert Kolaczek, Adolph Altschul, Alexius I Navy (Austrian). Uhlik, Josef Potocuik und Hans Krumpholz. roy. 8J. Wien, 1872-85. Kirchenberger. Die Sanitats-Verhaltnisse der k. k. Ki ie-gsmarine im Jahre 1875. Prag. meel. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 1055; 1077.— Winternitz (WT) Die Morbilitat in Sr. Maj. Kriegsmariue. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1864, xx, 71: S3; 97; 114; 125; 469. Navy (Austrian, Medical department of). Austria. Kaiserliche konigliche Kriegs-Marine. Vorschrift uber die Gebaruug mit dem Sanitiits- Materiale auf S. M. Schiffeu. 4°. Wien, 1886. Beilage zum Marine-Normal- Verordnungsbl., Wien, 1886. -----. Vorschrift zur Verfassung der iirzt- lich-statistischen Eingaben. [Including blank forms.] 4°. Wien, [n. d.] Repr. from: Marine -Normal- Verordnungsbl., Wien, 1873, xxxii. Stuck. -----. [Blank forms used by the medical de- partment.] v. s. [Wien, n. d.] -----. Gebiirs-undAnweisungsbogen. [Blank forms used by the medical department.] fol. [Wien, n. d.] [Ivovanitzky.J Note sur le service de sante de la marine antrichienue. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1881,.xxxv, 72-74.—Reorganisation (Zur) eler mariuearzflichen Blanche. Allg. rail.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1871, 30-32.— Sell ill'siirztc in der osterreichischen Handelsmarine. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1864, xx, 63. — Weiser (M. E.) Der Marinearzt—wie der Seeofli- zier. Allg. mil.iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1868, 233; 242. Navy (Brazilian, Medical department of). Brazil. Navy. Mudical Department Decreto N. 9.">79 de 10 abril 1886. Manila por em execucao as novas tabellas para a distribuicao das racoes diarias aos officiaes e guarnicoes dos navios da armada e pracas dos corpos de mariuha e das escolas de aprendizes marinheiros e dietas a bordo, nos hospitaes e enfermarias de marinha. 8°. Rio do Janeiro, 1886. -----. Mappa do movimento dos doentes do Hospital de Marinha. 4C. [Rio de Janeiro, 1886. ] Navy (British). Blane (G.) A brief statement of the progres- sive improvement of the health of the royal navy at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. 8°. London, 1830. Brysox (A.) Report ou the climate and prin- cipal diseases of the African station. Compiled . . . under the immediate direction of Sir William Burnett, M. D. 8°. London, 1847. Friedel (C.) Die Krankheiten in der Marine, Geographisch und Statistisch nach den Reports on the health of the Royal Navy, dargestellt von . . . roy. 8°. Berlin, 1866. -----. Bolaizni na flotai. Geographicheskii i statisticheskii obsor. " Reports ou the health of the Royal Navy" [British]. Perevedeno i iz- dano po rasporyazheuiyu Morskago Ministerstva. [Diseases in the navy; a geographical and sta- tistical review. Transl. and published by the order of the navy department.] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1869. Great Britain'. Navy. Regulations and in- structions relating to his majesty's service at sea. 13. ed. 4°. London, 1790. -----. Instructions for the conduct of ships of war, explanatory of, aud relative to, the sig- nals contained in the signal-book herewith de- livered, 1796. fol. [London, 1796.] -----. The navy list, corrected to Sept. 20, 1866. Bv authority. 12°. London, 1866. -----." The same. To Dec. 20, 1867. 12°. London, 1867. -----. The same. Jan., 1874. 12°. London, 187-T. Great Britain'. Nary Medical Department Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated March 20, 1840, for statistical reports on NAVY. 654 XAYY. Navy (British). the health of the navy, for the years 1830-36. Part I. South American, West Indian and North American, Mediterranean and Peninsular com- mands, fol. [London, 1840.] -----. The same. [Without appendices.] 8°. London, 1841. -----. The same. (In continuation of Par- liamentary paper No. 159, March 24, 1840.) Part II. Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Af- rica, and East India commands, home and various forces, together with the totals for seven years throughout the service, fol. [London, 1841.] -----. The same. Health of tbe navy. Re- turn to an order of the House of Commons, dated May 17, 1849, for copies "of statistical reports on the health of the navy (in continuation of Parliamentary paper No. 53, sess. 1841)" for the years 1837-43". Part I. South American station, North American and West Indian station, and Mediterranean station, fol. [London, 1849.] -----. The same. (In continuation of Par- liamentary paper No. 436, of sess. 1849.) Part II. East India station, fol. [London, 1853.] -----. The same. (In continuation of Par- liamentary paper No. 555, of sess. 1853.) Part III. North Coast of Spain station, Cape station, West Coast of Africa station, packet service, home station, ships employed variously, fol. [London, 1854.] -----. Baltic and Black Sea fleets. A copy of the medical and statistical returns of the Bal- tic and Black Sea fleets, during the years 1854 and 1855. fol. [London, 1857.] -----. Navy (health). Statistical reports of the health of the navy. By the director-general, to the lords commissioners of the admiralty. For the years 1856-85. 8°. London, 1857-87. Great Britain'. Navy. Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Anuual report of the president to the secretary of the admiralty, for the year 1875-6. fol. [London, 1876.] Blaue {Sir G.) Statements of the comparative health of the British navy, from the year 1799 to the year 1814, with proposals for its farther improvement. Med.-Chir. Tr., 2. ed., Lond., 1819, vi, 490-573, 3 pl. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Select disse-rtations, 8°, Lond., 1822, 1-64.— Bulletin of the health of her majesty's fleet in the Euxine during the quarter eneling June 31—the first quar- ter of the war. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 156.—Fisher (A.) Remarks on the physical examination of men and boys for the navy, and recruits for the royal marines, in the London district, during the vear 1876. Statist. Rep. Health Navy, Lond., 1876, App., 171-183.— Gillespie (L.) Copy of a letter to Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson, from .. . physician to the fleet, dated Aug. 14, 1805, Victory at Sea. [Report of the number of men on sick list, diseased, and sent to general hospitals.1 Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1805, xiv, 413-416.—Kattray (A.) Influence du r6gime, du climat et des longs voyages sur la sant6 et les maladies des marines. Deduite des variations de leurs poids d'apres les experiences institutes de 1864 a. 1866 sur Ie navire H. M. S. Salamander. Analyse et traduction par Ad. Nicolas. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1869, xii, 321- 331.—Shoveller (W.) Remarks at the end of the iour- nal for th6 Sybille, between Oct. 28, 1818, and June 22, 1819. Lond. M. Reposit., 1820, xiv, 10-15 Navy (British, Medical department of). Brown (F. J.) Requisitions of the naval medical officers, based on the principle of equality with the army. 8-. London, 1865. Exposition (An) of the case of the assistant surgeons of the royal navy. By a naval medical officer. 8 r London, 1849. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1850. Great Britain. Navy. Naval Medical Sup- plemental Fund Society. Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 21 June, 1861; for a '"copy of the order in council of the 13th day of August, 1817, estalilishing the Naval Medical Supplemental Fund Society". fol. [London, 1861.] Navy (British, Medical department of). Great Britain. Nary Medical Department. Regulations and instructions for the medical officers of his majesty's fleet. 4Q. [London], 1825. -----. [Blank forms used in the medical de- partment of the navy.] v. s. [London, 1866-8.").] -----. [Blank forms used in hospital service and service afloat.] v. s. [London, 1^06-87.] -----. Medical and surgical handbook for the guidance of officers iu command of those vessels in her majesty's service in which no medical officer is borne. 12°. London, 1878. -----. Regulations aud instructions for the surgeons aud agents of sick quarters. 8°. Lon- don, 1884. -----. Royal marine infirmaries. Orders for the behaviour of patieuts in the infirmaries. No. 80. (Rev. Oct., 1885.) broadside, 17x23 in. London,[1885]. -----. Royal Marine Infirmary. Regula- tions for nurses. No. 81. (Rev. Oct., 1885.) broadside, 17x22 in. London, [1885]. Great Britain. Parliament House of Com- mons. Minutes of evidence taken before the se- lect committee on the Naval Medical Supple- mental Fund Society bill; with the proceedings of the committee, and appendix, fol. [London, 1861.] Disabilities of the naval medical service. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 57 ; 144 ; 179.—Dismissal of a naval surgeon from the service. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vi, 577-579.—Dundas (W.) Improv- ing the situation of the medical officers of the navy. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1805, i, 241-243.—F. (T.) Sketch of a plan for improving the medical department of the navy. Ibid., 1811, vii, 25-29.—Medical (The) officers in the En- glish and French navies. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 18,")4, n. s., ix, 166. — Naval medical reform warrant. [Edit] Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 306; 408.— Naval surgeons. Ibid:, 1838, ii, 189.—Navy victualling, aud our navy medical offi- cers. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, ;i9.—Peel (C. L.) The naval medical service. Lancet, Loud., 1881, i, 598-600.—Reynolds (T.) Proposals for a regulation of the eeconomy of the sick, and preservation of life on hoard of his majesty's ships of war at sea. Presented to Lord Anson, first commissioner of the admiralty. Gent's Mas;. & Hist. Chron., Lond., 1758, xxviii, 61; 105; 157 ; 207.—Scott (R. T. C.) New mode of punishment in the navy. Lan- cet, Lond., 1838, ii, 317.—Smart (WT R. E.) Notes on the institutions for the relief of the sick, wonnded, and dis- abled of the royal navy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 487- 490.—Statement of yearly pay of naval and army medi- cal officers. Ibid., 1880, i, 222. — Stratton (T.) Xaval medical department of Great Britain and the United States. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1852, lxxvii, 58-Gl*. -----. Mortality in the medical department of the British navy. Ibid., 1861, vi, 813,1 tab. -----. On the rate of mortality in the medi- cal department of the British navy for the ten years ending December, 1870. Ibid., 1870-71, xvi, 795, 1 tab. -----. On the rate of mortality in the medical department of the British navy for the ten years ending in December, l*-*0. Ibid., 1880-81, xxvi, 1099.—Thompson {Sir R.) Naval and militarv medical services ; relative rank. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887* i, 851. IVavy (Chilian). Chile. Memoria que el miuistro de estado en el departauiento de marina presenta al Cou- greso nacional de 1870. 8°. Santiago, 1870. IVavy (Danish, Medical department of). Denmark. Marineministeriuni. Bestemmelsei angaaende de fra Orlogskibeue efter endt Togt tilbageleverede Medikainenter med tilh0rende Rekvisiter. 8°. [Kjcfibenhavn, 1885.] -----. [Blank forms used by the, medical department of the navy.] fol. [Kj0benhavn, 188-.] r%a\\ (French). At de. Extraits du rapport d'ensemble sur Ie service m6dic.il de l'eseadre devolutions. (Du 1" aout 18-3 au 1" aout 1884.) 8-. Paris, [1886]. Repr. from: Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1886, xiv. Rapports medicaux et statistiques de la. marine francai-*. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1-859, 2. s., xi, 218-222. NAVY. 655 XAVY. I¥avv (French, Medical department of). Aude (P.) Code des otiticiers du corps de sanfe" de la marine. 8^. Paris, 1877. Coup d'oeil sur l'organisation du service de saute" de la marine. [Memoire discute* et adopts par la majority des chirurgiens de la marine pr6- se-ns au port de Brest. Signe": Eug. Fatou, Sagot, Berdelo, etc.] 8°. Brest, [n. d.] France. Departement de la marine. Ordou- nance du roi. Composition du corps des officiers de la marine. 8°. Paris, 1835. -----. Manuel de l'intinuier marin, ou in- struction sur le service des infirraiers maritimes aupres des malades, dans les hopitaux des ports, a bord des navires de la flotte et dans les postes de la chirurgie. 12°. Paris, 1857. -----. Programmes des questions auxquelles les candidate out h repondre dans les concours pour les differents grades et emplois du corps de sant6 de la marine. (Publi6s par ordre du mi- nistre de la marine et des colonies.) 8°. Paris, 1875. Malespine (A.) Le corps de saute" de la ma- rine; sesbesoins; ses revendicatious; assimila- tion ; ponderatiou des grades. 8°. Paris, 1879. Pezzoni (A.) Un mot sur le rapport de la commission cr6e"e en 1849 par le Conseil g6ueral de sant6 maritime siegeant a Genes, par Angelo Bo, rapporteur de la commission. 8°. Snu/rne, 1850. Projet de reTormes dans le service de sante" de la marine. 8°. Toulon, 1882. A ut hen ac (E.) Les m6decins de la marine. Con- cours m6d., Par., 1881, iii, 17-19.—Barnicr. Le contre- projet de M. Georges Koclie et le corps de sant6 de la marine. Gaz. med.-chii*. de Toulouse, 1887, xix, 129; 137 ; 149.—Caradcc (T.) fils. Le corps de sante de la marine ! au xviie et xviiie siftcles. Rev. scient., Par, 1876, 2. s.. x. 180-185.—de Cha§selonp-Laubat (P.) Reorganisa- tion du service de sante de la fiotte. Rapport il l'empereur. Rev. scient. d. med. d. arm6es, Par., 1870, viii, 59-65.— Corps de sant6 ele la marine; rapport an pr6siclent de la Republique franejaise. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii, 609-611.—Decret introduisant des r6formes dans l'orga- nisation du corps de sante de l'arniec de mer. Arch. gin. de med., Par., 1865, ii, 369-371.—Decret du 24 juin 1886 portant organisation du service ele- sante de la marine; rtiglement ministeriel annex6. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1886. xlvi, 161-209.—Didiot (P.-A.) Service de sant6 de la marine en France. Rev. scient. d. med. d. arm6es, Par., 1865, vii, 305-319.—lTatour (A.) Reorganisation du ser- vice de sant6 de la marine. Union m6d., Par., 1865. 2. s., xxvii, 401-408.—I..ayet. Le corps de sante de la marine. Gaz.hebd.el.se. meid.de Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 415; 443; 503, 1 tab.—Liefevre (A.) Histoire du service de sante de la marine et des eeole-s de m6decine navale etudiee plus particulierement an port de Rochefort. Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1864, i, 100; 417: ii, 229: 1865, iii, 62; 256; 627: 1866, v, 119; 300; 500, 1 pl. : vi, 118, 3 pl.; 271; 453, 2 pl. : 1867, vii, 96; 274, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — Lereboullet (L.) La nouvelle organisation du service de sant6 de la marine. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 437-439. — Hlontaignac. Rapport au president de la Republique fianejaise, suivi d'un decret portant modifica- tion dans l'organisation du corps de sante de la marine. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1875, xxiv, 325-379.—Ollivier. Le m6decin de la marine dans les voyages de decouvertes autour du monde. Ibid., 1864, ii, 489-528.—Rapport au president de la Republique par le ministre de la marine et decret relatifs a des modifications dans le service des hopi- tanx de la marine. Rev. scient. d. med. d. arm6es, Par., 1882, x, 2112-2115. —Rapport au president de la Repu- blique franeaise. [tin projet de decret portant reorga- nisation du service de sant6 de la marine.] Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1886, x, 800-810. —Regie- men t minist6riel coucernant le mode d'admission, d'en- seignement et de concours dans le corps de sante de la marine. Arch, de rn6d. nav., Par., 1866, v, 421-448. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1806, 2. s., iii, 317-319.— Reorganisation du service de saute de la marine. Gaz. d; lmpf; Par., 1886, lviii, 297: lix, 597-600.—Reorganisa- tion du coips de sante de la marine franeaise. Rev. sc-ient. d. m6d. d. armies, Par., 1887, x, 481-486. — Rey ( H.) Du service int*dical des compasnics de debarque- ment. Arch, de med. nav., Par, 1868, ix, 124; 195. IVavy (German). Germany. Kaiserlich deutsche Marine. Sta- tistische Sanitiitsberichte iiber die . . . fiir die ^Yavy (German). Jahren lb7l-5, 1875-6; 1879-80 bis 1881-2; 1883- 4 u. 1884-5. Zusainmengestellt vom Generalarzt der Marine. ,8°. Berlin, 1875-85. Mavy (German, Medical department of). Germany. Kaiserlich deutsche Marine. In- struction fiir Marine-Aerzte zur Untersuchung uud Beurtheilung der Dieustbrauchbarkeit oder Unbrauchbarkeit der in die konigliche Marine einzustellenden, resp. der in derselben dienenden Maunschaften, so wie zur Beurtheilung der In- validity in Dienst belindlicher oder entlassener versorgungsberechtiger Maunschaften der Ma- rine vom 5. November 1860. 8°. Berlin, le61. -----. Dienstanweisung fiir Marinearzte zur Beurtheilung der Dienstfahigkeit und zur Aus- stellung von Attesten. Vom 10. April 1884. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Jahn ( B.) VSllstaudiges Verzeichniss der activen Sanitats-Offiziere des deutschen Reichs- Heeres und der kaiserlichen Marine, mit geuauer Angabe der Beforderungeu in die einzelneu Raugstnfen. 1. Jahrg. 8°. Burg, 1882. Holbeck. Sanitarnaya chast Gernianskago flota. [Sanitary department of the German navy. | Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1876, 160-201.— Steinberg. Ueber den Etat der Mai-ineiir/.te. Preuss. mil.-arztl. "Ztg., Berl., 1860, i, 189; 206.—Stellung (Die) der preussischen Marinearzte. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1860, xii, 93; 105; 113: 131.—Uebersicht der im 2. Se- mester 1872 bei der Marine am Lande und an Bord der Schiffe vorgekommenen Krankheits-, Unbrauchbarkeit-, Invaliditiits- und Todesfalle. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1873, 30; 89. ]\avy (Italian). Italy. Navy Medical Department. Relazione sulle coudizione sanitarie dei corpi della regia marina durante gli anni 1873 - 82. roy. 8J. Roma, 1877-8'A. Sormaiii (G.) Relazione sulle condizioni sanitarie dei corpi della regia marina durante il biennio 1877-78. Ann. di statist., Roma, 1881, 2. s., xxi, 9-13. jYavy (Italian, Medical department of). Decret d'organisation du corps de sante de la marine italienne. Rev. scient. d. med. d. arni6es, Par., 1865, vii, 113-143. lYavy (Japanese). Japan. Navy Medical Department. First spe- cial report upon the improvement iu the scale of diet in the imperial Japanese navy. For the 17th year of Meiji (1884). 8°. [Tokyo, 1885.] -----. Second special report upon the im- provement in the scale of diet in the imperial Japanese navy. For the 18th year of Meiji (1885). 8°. [Tokyo, 1886.] ]\avy (Netherlands). Ronvin (M. J.) Het onlangs gewijzigde keurings- re<;leuieut, hoofdzakelijk beschouwd in verband met de eischeu voor liet gezichtsvermogen van het personeel bij de marine. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1881, 2. R., xvii, 881-886. — CSeneeskundig jaarveislag nopens den gezondheitstoestand bij de Kon. Nederlandsche Marine (1876-83). Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1878, ii, 528: 1879, iii, 517: 1880, iv, 607 : 1881. v, 503 : 1882, vi, 439: 1883, vii, 431: 1884, viii, 555: 1885, ix, 387— (Geneeskun- dige dienst bij de marine. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1880, xxxiv, no. 9.— Pop (G. F.) cfe Slot (H.) Overzigt der ziekten en gebreken, onder behandeling gekomen bij de geneeskundige dienst der zeemagt [for the years 1860-68]. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1862-3, i, 309: 1864, ii, 369: 1865, iii, 337: 1866, iv, 306: 1867, v, 313: 1868, vi, 305: 1869, vii, 209: 1870, viii, 335: 1871, ix, 291.— Uittrcksel uit het algeineen rapport van den inspecteur van de geneeskundige dienst der zeemagt aan den minister van marine, betreffende de geneeskundige dienst, over het jaar 1854. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1856, n. s., ii, 300-323.—Underdanigt betankande med forsiao- anRaende ordnande af flottans sauitetsvasende afgifvet af militara helsovaidskomitcin den 18. December 1882. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov.. Stockholm, 1883, viii, 33-140. Havy (Netherlands, Medical department of). Xe'therlaxds. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Ma- rine. Reolcnient voor het Hospitaal der marine te Willemsoord. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1880. NAVY. Gf)6 NAVY. A a v y (Netherla n ds, Med ica I departm entof). —---. [Blank forms used by the medical department of the navy.] v. s. ['s Gravenhage], 18^1-86. -----. Vlde Hoofdstuk. Reglement op deu geneeskundigen dienst bij de zeemacht. Vastge- steld bij Zr. Ms. besluit van 27. Juli 1884, No. 36. 2. deel. 8°. ['s Gravenhage, 1884.] -----. Geneeskundig jaarveislag nopens den gezoudheidstoestand gedurende het jaar 1884, medcgedeeld door J. 1). Sachse. 8;. Utreoht, IsHi. -----. The same. . . . het jaar 1885 niede- gedeeld door J. D. Sachse. 8:. Utredit 1887. van Stock uai (H.) Denkbcclden over de re- deneu van het tegenwoordiggcbrek aan officieren van gezoudheid bij 's rijks zeedieust en der inid- deleu die aangewend kunuen worden om in dieu toestand verbeteriugte l>re»gen. 8:. Nieuwediep, 1875. Kiiii. Niederl. Marine. Zulassung fremder Aerate als temporary Militar-Aerzte der 2ten Classe bei der kcin. Xiedeil. Mariue. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov.»Stoe kholm, 1883, viii, 159.—Pop (G. F.) De geneeskunde bii het Neder- landsche' zeewe/.cn. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1867, v, 1; 103; 199: 1868, vi. 1 ; 97 ; 207 : 1869, vii, 1 ; 85. Wavy (Portuguese, Medical department of). Portugal. Servico sanitario a bordo dos na- i vios do estado, extrahido do regulamento de saude j naval decretado em 17 de maio de 1837, e outros documentos posteriores relativos ao mesmo ser- vice). -\ Lisboa, 1845. -----. Quadros estatisticos do hospital da marinha e outros. documentos para a estatistica das doencas e nicrtalidade na armada referidos ao aunos 1807-7(i. 4J. Lisboa, 1868-78. -----. Decreto acerca dos aspirantes a facul- tativos da armada e do ultramar promulgado em 23 de dezembro de 1869. 8°. Lisboa, 1869. -----. Regulamento do servico de saude naval. [Including blank forms, Nos. 1-46. ] 8C. Lisboa, 1886. lVlinislerio ele la gobernacion. Real decreto organi* zando la sanidad maritima. Correo med. castellano, Sala- manc-a, 1886, iii. 519; 537. IVavy (Russian). Russia. Medisinskiya pribavleniyo k mor- skomu sborniku. [Medical supplements to the " Russian Naval Archives", published under the supervision of the chief medical inspector of the navv.] v. 1-24,1861-86. 16 v. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1861-86. Russian text. Current. -----. Otchete o sostojanfi zdorovja na flotie g. Flota Generale Tsbtabe Doktora. [Reports of tbe state of health of the navy, for the years 1863-83.] 14 v. 8-\ St. Petersburg, 1864-86. Ouiniletr. O phisicheskom izsliedovanii rekrutov v 1869 i 1S70 g. v Kronstadte. [Examination of recruits for navv.] unci 1863 in aus- landischen Meeren se^elte-n. .Monatsbl. f. meet. Statist u. e'eti'. Gsudhtsptlg. Berl.. 1865, 43; 40; 63. ]\avy (Spanish, Metlical department of). Spain. Ministevio de la gobernacion. Direc- cion general de beneticencia y sanidad. Dispo- siciones reglamentarias sobre sanidad maritima dictadas desde el 14 de junio de W.» al "Jl de mayo de 1880. Colecciou oficial publicada por la direccion del ranu>. 8°. Madrid, 18,-0. -----. Nary Medical Department Escalafon general de los sres. jefes y oficiales del cuerpo de sanidad de la armada. 1*82-84. 16°. [San Fernando, ?8-2-4.] -----. Escal '"on de practicantes de la ar- mada. l8?2-84. 16°. San Fernando, [l88->-4], -----. lieglamento del cuerpo de sanidad de la armada. 8 . Madrid, 1885. -----. Kcglamento del cuerpo de practican- tes de la armada, roy. 8-. [Madrid, 1886.] pi". Vega (L.) Pharmacopea de la armada 6 real catalogo de medicamentos perfenecientes a" las enfermedades m'edicas, trabajado para el uso ■de los medicos, y cirujanos de la real armada que sirven a" uuestro muy poderoso rey de Espana en este real hospital, y en los navios, asi de guerra come niarcbantes! 4--. Cadiz, T*7')9. Latin and Spanish text. Cabcllo (K.) Memorfri acerca del niovimiento sanita- rio de la division naval de Algeciras en el bienio de 18711 a 81, procediela ele unos ligeros apnntes para la toposralla m6dica de la localidad. Confer, cient. d. Cuerpo ele sanid. de la Armada, San Fernando, 1882-6, i, 349-370— t'abello (V.) Estado sanitario de los hospitales y enfermerias de nuestra armada, durante el quinnuenio de 1877 A, 1882. Hoi. de med. nav., San Fernando. 1882, v, 80; 112: 134; H)0: 1883. vi, 158. -----. Dela mortal it e- dans les liopitaux de la marine espagnole. Cong, internat. d' hvg. et de demos. Coinpt. rend. 1882. Geneve, 1883, ii, 162-171. —de Ki-o- starbe (J.) De las enfermedades observadas en los indi- viduos de marina asistidos en los hospitales ele* San Frau- cisco y San Carlos de la Habana, elesele el 15 agosto de 1855 al 15 diciembre del mismo ano. Sijilo nie'el.. Madiid, ;■ 1856, iii, 257; 267; 275; 291; 306; 3KS: 1857, iv, 211: 221; 243. -----. Sanidad de la armada. Ibid., 1861, viii, 391; 436.—Espagnc. Decret royal reorganisuiit le corps de sant6 de la flotte. Rev. scient. d. m6d. d. arniees, Par., 1865, vii, 215.—Reales 6rdenes concernientes &, sanidad de la armada expedielas por el ministerio de marina, du- rante el mes de abril de 1882. Bol. de nied. nav., San Fer- nando, 1882, v, 142.—Reformat necesarias para el niejor servicio sanitario de la armada. Ibid, a-, 33.—Regla- mento al cual han ele sujetarse los ejercicios de oposi- c-ion piiblica para el ingreso en el cuerpo de sanidad ele la armada, Corresp. med., Madrid, 1886, xxi, 66-71. —Re- glamento organico provisional de la sauidad maritima para los servicios de las dependeucias. Jurado meScl.- farm.. Madrid. 1887, viii, 200; 207; 214; 221: 231; 238; 245 ; 253; 2G1 ; 269; 277. Also: Diario med.-farni.. Madrid, 1887, iv. nos. 1013-1030.—Sanidad de la arinaehi. Siglo med.. Madrid, 1865, xii. 744: 762; 803 818.—X. X. Sam- dad de la armada. Ibid.. 1*77, xxiv, 664. i ]\avy (United States). Hartley & Southard. Argument before the 1 Secretary of the Navy on the question of insert- ing the •' title aud grade" of staff officers of the Navy in their commissions. 8°. [w. p., n. d.] Barton (C. C.) Manifest of the charges pre- ferred to the Navy Department, and subsequently to Congress, agaiust J. D. Elliott, a captain iu the Navy of the United States, for unlawful con- duct while commodore of the late Mediterranean squadron, [etc.] 8-. [n. p.], 1839. Boynton (C. B.) The history of the Navy dur- ing the rebellion. 2 v. 8-r New York, 1867-8. Hameksly (L. R.) The records of living offi- cers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps; with a history of naval operations during the rebellion of 1861-5, and a list of the ships and officers participating iu the great battles. 8°. Phila- I delphia, 1879. NAVY. 657 NAVY. j\avy (United States). Hamersly(T. H. S.) Complete general Navy register of the United States of America, from 1776 to 1887. Arranged in alphabetical order. Containing the names of all officers of the Navy, volunteer and regul ir,who have entered the serv- ice from tbe time of tbe revolutionary war to the present time (1776-I8s7), containing the offi- cial record of each officer as on file at the Navy Department, showing the dates of their original entry, of their progressive rank, and in what manner they left the service if not now iu it. Compiled from the official records. 8°. New Yovk, 188^. Jenkins (T. A.) Paper read before the Naval Committee of the House of Representatives Jan- uary 21, 1868, iu reply to Rear Admiral Golds- borough's claim to be continued ou the active : i; list of the Navy. 8°. Washington, [n. d.] .Mechlin (A.H.) A: Winder (C. H.) Ageneral register of the Navy and Marine Corps of the United States, alphabetically arranged, contain- ing the names of all officers of the Navy aud Marine Corps, military and civil, commissioned and warrant, who have entered the service since the establishment of the Navy Department iu 1798, [etc.] Compiled from the official records of the Navy Departmeut, by authority of the Secretary of the Navy. 8°. Washington, 1848. Memorial (A) by certain line officers of the Navy, intended to reopen a dispute which was settled by Congress in 1871, after full discussion and deliberation. With notes, comments, and an appendix. 8°. [n. p.], 1,879. Stevens (A. F.) Rank in the Navy. Speech delivered in the House of Representatives Jan- uary 2:1, 1871. 8°. Washington, 1871. [Turner (T. J.)] Relative number of cubic feet, of space allotted to officers and men on berth- decks of the U. S. S. Swatara, IT. S. S. Richmond, and U. S. S. Miantonomoh, which represent the different classes of vessels in the Navy, broad- side 4°. [it. p., 1876.] United States. Congress. A bill to reorganize aud render more efficient the administration of the Navy Department, roy. 8 . [ Washington, 1876.] -----. A bill to reduce, reorganize, and ren- der more efficient the Navy of the United States. roy. 8J. [Washington, 1876.] -----. A bill defining sea-service, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1884.] -----. A bill to equalize the rank and pay of certain staff officers of the Navy. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] -----. A bill to fix the positions of the as- sistant astronomers at the Naval Observatory. roy. 8 . [Washington, 1884.] -----. A bill to prevent the retroactive opera- tion of the portion of the naval appropriation act of August 5, 1882, limiting the number of grad- uates of the Naval Academy to be retained in the service. Printed on page 2*5 of volume 22 of the United States Statutes at Large, roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1884.] -----. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Groome to the bill (S. 341) to regulate the rank of engineer officers in the United States Navy. roy. 8. [ Washington, 1884.] -----. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Miller to the bill (S. 697) to promote the efficiency of the Navy. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1881] -----. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Sewell to the bill (S. 698) to authorize the construction of additional steel vessels for the Navy. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1881.] -----. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 12 favy (United States). 1885, and for other purposes, roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1884.] -----. Report from the committee on naval affairs, to which was referred the bill (S. 1039) for the relief of the survivors of the exploring steamer Jeannette and the widows aud children of those who perished in the retreat from the wreck of that vessel in the Arctic seas. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] -----. Report from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 698) to authorize the construction of additional steel vessels for the Navy. 8 . [ Washington, 1884.] -----. A bill relating to the bureaus of the Navy Department. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 672. Dec. 18, 1885. Introd by Mr. Frye. roy. 8°. [Washington, 18*.">.] -----. A bill limiting a portion of an act en- titled "An act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883 [views of the minority No. 108. Pts. 1 & 2], and for other purposes. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 371. Dec. 10, 188.">. Introd. by Mr. Cockrell. Com- mittee discharged February 15, 1886. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1886.] -----. A bill to provide for the retirement of a certain class of officers in the United States Navy. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2815. July 7, 1886. Introd. by Mr. Hale. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1886.] -----. A bill to provide for the retirement of a certain class of officers iu the United States Navy. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. 2815. Introd. by Mr. Hale June 7, 1886. Reported by same Feb. 10, 1887. roy. W°. [ Washingtov, 1887.] United States. Naval Academy. Annual reg- ister of the United States Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Md. For the academic vears 1874-5 (24.); 1875-6 (26.). 8°. Washington, 1874-5. -----. A catalogue of specimens added to the cabinet of the . .. 8°. Washington, 1881. United StatElS. Navy Department. Rules, regulations, and instructions for the naval service of the United S.ates; prepared by the Board of Navy Commissioners of the United States, with the consent of the Secretary of the Navy, in obe- dience to an act of Congress passed February 7, 1815, entitled ''An act to alter and amend the several acts for establishing a navy department, by adding thereto a board of commissioners". 12°. Washington, 1818. -----. Registers of the commissioned and warraut officers of the Navy of the United States and of the officers of the Mariue Corps for the years 1834, 1836, 1857, 1862, 1863,1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1870, 1871, 1373, 1875, 1878, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1886. 8P. Washington, 1834-86. -----. (Regulations for the uniform and dress of the U. S. Navy) 1841. 8°. Washington, [n. d. ] -----. Allowances established for vessels of the United States Navy, 1864. Issued by the Navy Departmeut. 8°. Washington, 1865. —■---. Message of the President of the United States and accompanying documents to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the 2d session of the 39th Congress. [Containing the report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1865-6.] 8°. Washington, 1866. -----. Annual reports of the Secretary of the Navy on the operations of the Department for the years 1866-7, 1872-3, 1875-6. 8°. Washington, 1867-76. -----. Regulations for the Government of the United States Navy, 1870. 12°. Washington, 1870. -----. United1 States International Centen- nial Exhibition of 1876. Catalogue of the arti- cles and objects exhibited by the United States Navy Department in the United States Govern- NAVY. fif>8 NAVY. J\Tavy (United States). ment Building, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa, 4°. Philadelphia, 1876. -----. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy in answer to a Senate resolution of June 17, 1879, accompanying a copy of the report of the Board of Naval Engineer Officers in relation to plans and specifications of refrigerating ship and ma- chinery. 8°. [ Washington, 1879.] -----. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting letter from the Superintendent of the Naval Observatory, relating to the status of assistant astrouomers thereat. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] -----. Regulations governing the admission of candidates into the Naval Academy. [Signed Geo. M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy.] 8°. [w. p., n. cl.] United States. Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with Senate resolution, Jan. 16, 1884, the opinion of the Attorney-General of June 22, 1883, on the so-called longevity clauses of the naval appropriation acts of Aug. 5, 1882, and March 3. 1883. 8°. [ Washington, 1884.] Cli'boi-ue (C. J.) llecruiting in the Navy. San. & M. Rep. IT S. Navy 1S73-4, Wash., 1875, 491-498. — ITI ac- coiiii ( K. 'IT) Sanitary condition of the TJ. S. Asiatic squadron dining the period of two years from April 1, 1868, to March 31, 18/0. Med. Essays, Bureau M. efc S., U. S. Navy, Wash., 1872-3, i, 223-232.—Walton (T. C.) Re- port ou the U. S. Naval Academy. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1886, 122, 4 diag. Navy (United States, Medical Department of). Act (An) to reorganize and increase the ef- ficiency of the Medical Department of the Navy. fol. [it. p., n. d.] Barton (W. P. C.) A polemical remonstrance against the project of creating the new office of Surgeon-General in the Navy of the United States. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838. -----. Report [to the Secretary of the Navy, on the condition of the Medical Departmeut of the Navy]. 8°. Navy Department, [n. p.], 1842. -----. Appeal [to the U. S. Senate, through the Hon. George Evans, chairman of the Com- mittee of Finance]. 8'. [n. p., 1843.] Brief showing that it is contrary to law and wrong in principle to appoint a medical inspector, an officer of the second grade in the Medical Corps, to the office of Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in the Navy Department, instead of a medical director, au officer of the first grade, with the relative rank of captain in the Navy. 8°. [ Washington, 1879?] Case (The) of Surgeon Green. [A conflict of authority between Dr. Green and Lieut. Com- mander Sel fridge, of the U. S. steamer Nipsic. ] 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [Chlokofokm.] Assimilated rank of the civil branch of the Navv. Jan. 17,1848. 8--. [n.p., 1848. ] [Clymek (G.)] The principles of naval staff rank, with its history in the United States Navy for over half a century. [By a surgeon in the U. S. Navy.] 8'->. [n.'p.], 1869. Discipline (,The), harmony, and efficiency of the Navv. [Signed, A Senior Surgeon, IT. S. Navy, Dec. 1, 1870.] 8°. [Washington, 1*70?] Gihon (A. L.) Thirty years of sanitary prog- ress in the Navy; its present needs. The annual address before the* Naval Medical Society, at the Museum of Hygiene, Washington, D. C, Jan. 4, 1884. 8\ New Vork, 1881. Repr. from: United Service Mag., Feb., 1884. List of the present medical directors of the Navy, on the active list (or officers of the first grade of the Medical Corps with the relative law (United States, Medical Department on rank of captain), with a brief sketch of the service of each. 8°. [Washington, 187'.)?] Member (A). An exposition of the unjust and injurious relations of the U. S. Naval .Medical Corps. 8°. Baltimore, 1842. Naval staff rank. By a [U. S.] naval staff officer. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [Ruschenberger (W. S. W.)] The Navy. Hints ou the reorganization of t In* Navy, in- cluding an examination of the claims of its civil officers to au equality of rights. 8°. New York, 1845. -----. Naval. An examination of the legal- ity of the general orders which confer assimi- lated rank on officers of the civil branch of the United States Navy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. -----. Naval. A brief history of au existing controversy on the subject of assimilated rauk in the Navy of the United States. 8J. Phila- delphia, 187)9. Shippen (E.) Some account of the origin of the Naval Asylum at Philadelphia. 8 . [Phila- delphia, 1883.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill au- thorizing the appointment and retirement of John A. Lockwood as surgeon in the Navy of the United States. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2317. June 16,1884. Introd. by Mr. Miller, roy. 8 T [ Wash- ington, 1884.] -----. A bill to provide for the enlistment of apothecaries in the Navy and for other purposes. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1637. Feb. 26, 18*4. In- trod. by Mr. Conger, roy. 8 T [ Washington, 1*84.] United States. Navy Depavtment Iiuveau of Medicine and Surgery. Instructions for the gov- ernment of the medical officers of the Navy of the United States. 8'•'. Washington, 1844. -----. Instructions for the government of the medical officers of the Navy of the United States. 8°. Washington, 1864. -----. Extracts from the reports of the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, for 1863 and 1864. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1865?] -----. Instructions to medical officers of the United States Navy. 8°. Washington, 186,7. -----. The same. S°. Washington, 1873. -----. The same. 12°. Washington, 1878. -----. The same. *°. Washington, 1881. -----. The same. 8°. Washington, 1886. -----. Annual reports of the Surgeon-Gen- eral of the Navy, for the years 1866-7; 1871-2; 1872-3; 1874-5 to 1878-9 ; 18*0-81 to 1**6-7. 8°. Washington, 1872-87. 1866-7, 1872-3, and 1874-5 in Reps, of the Secretary for the same years. -----. Medical essays; compiled from reports to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery by medi- cal officers of the U. S. Navy. * . Washington, 1872. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Washington, 1873. -----. Special report of the Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery of the Navy Depart- ment, on the difficulty of officering the Medical Corps of the Navy, its causes and the remedy. *°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. [Blank forms in use.] v. s. [Wash- ington, 18*-.] -----. Circular for the information of per- sons desiring to enter the Medical Corps of the U. S. Navy. 8°. [ Washington, 188-.] Views (The) of the Navy afford a strong ar- gument for adhering to the "seniority rule-" in filling flu* office of Surgeon-General. 8 . [Wash- ington, 1879?] NAVY 659 NEALE. Navy (United States, Medical Department of)-' UnviM (N. S.) On the rank and regulations of the medic al staff of the U. S. Navy. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1868, xix, 8,1-llorncr (IT), jr. The U. S. naval medical service Meel. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1875, xxxii, 267. _____The American naval medical service. Ibid., 1877, xxxvii, 203-'-'o.'>. — Kci-xej IV.) Medical rank in the United Slates Navy. Tr. Indiana M. Soc-,., Indianap., 1870, 133- lllii —Report of the committee on the rank of the medi- cal ollieers of the Navv. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1865, xvi, 58a.— Kii*clienberjtcr (WT S.W.) The Naval Labo- ratory; error coi ne ted. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 279.—Turner (T. J.) Some considerations upon the. Na- val Retiring Board in its medico-legal relations. Rep. Surg.-(Jen. Navy 1884, Wash., 1885, 268-275. Also, Re- pi int. — Wood (W. M.) Report upon the rank of the naval medical staff. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1867. xviii, 2S5-295. -ilsn, Reprint. — Wooil (WT M.) cfe Pinkney (NT) Statement in relation to flic United States Naval Medical Corps. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1848, i, 301-304. Nawrocki (Felix) [ 1*3*- ]. * De Claudii Bernardi methodo oxygenii copiam in sanguine determinandi. 15 pp. 4°. Vralislavice, typ. A. Neitmanni, [1863]. Bound with: Heeh (H. C.) De ossium concretione, [etc.] 4°. Vralislavice, [1836]. -----. Beitriige zum Stoft'wechselim Muskel. 11. 8°. [Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1866.] [P., v. 794.] j Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1866, iv. ------. Zur Kreatinfrage. 2 1. 8°. [Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1866.] [P., v. 794.] Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1866, iv. -----. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Blutfarhstoffs. 1 1. 8°. [Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1867.] [P., v. 802. J Repr. from : Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v. ------. Ueber die optischen Eigenschaften des Blutfarbstoffes. 3 1. 8°. [Berlin, H. S. Her- mann, 1867.] [P., v. 794.] Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v. -----. Raboti proizvedenuija v phiziologicheskoi laboratorii Imper. Varshavskago Universiteta. 2 v. 11)8 pp., 1 1. 8°. Warsaw, 1873. -----. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Kreatins in den Muskeln. 18 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1*76. | [P., v. 794.] Repr. from: Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1876, xv. Nayel (Charles). * De la n6phrite. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 297, v. 291. UTayler ( George ). A practical and theoretical treatise on the diseases of the skin, xv, 292 pp., 7 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill if Sons, 1866. See, also, t'ottle (E. Wyndham). The hair in health and disease. 12°. London, 1877. IVayler (Richard). A cursory view of the treat- ment of ulcers, more especially those of the scrof- ulous, phagedamic, and cancerous description. With an appendix, on Baynton's new mode of treating old ulcers of the leg. ix (1 1.), 180 pp. *. Glocestei; Ii. Retikes, 1800. [P., v. 705.] rVayine (J. B. Y. ) * Vox indicium in morbis. 11 i>p. 4°. Parisiis, an. XII [1*04], No. 144, v. K. !\ayi'an., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [ 1855]. Neber ( Heinrich ). * Beitrag zur spontanen Aortenruptur. 20 pp., 1 tab., 1 pl. 4°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1*79. In: Schkift. d. TJniv. zu Kiel, xxvi, 1879, vii, Med. ix. Nebinger (Andrew) [1819-86]. Variola; its nature and treatment. With an addendum. [Discussion.] (Read before the Phila. Co. Med. Societv, Nov., 1857.)' 35 pp. 8'-. Philadelphia, Collin's, 1862. ------. Small-pox; its pathology and treatment. 25 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1865. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1865, xvi. ------. Biography of William Darrach, M. D. 24 pp. *°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1867. ------. Criminal abortion ; its extent and preven- tion. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1870. ------. An address delivered before the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania at its an- nual meeting held at Altoona, May, 1880. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*80. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. Penn , Phila., 1880, xiii, pt. 1. For Biography, see Grove (J. H.) Biography of An- drew Nebinger. 12°. Philadelphia, 1887. See, also, Med. i. Surg. Keporter, Phila., 1886, liv, 514. Nebiilger (Lothar). * Ueber Briiche der Patella. 28 pp. *°. Wurzburg, F. E. Thein, 1870. Neble (E.) [1*52- ]. * Considerations sur les causes, le siege* et la classification des coxalgies. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 368. Nebler (Carl) [1856- ]. * Ueber Varicocele und deren chirurgische Behandlung. 43 pp. 8°. Breslau, Lindner, 1889. Nebont (Adolphe). * Sur le scorbut observe" a bord de la frigate la Venus, pendant la cani- ^1 NEBYKOFF. Neboilt (Adolphe)—continued. pagne qn'elle a faite autour du monde dans les annees 18:17, 1*3* et 1839. 42 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 142, v. 363. Neboilt (Georges). * De Taction des moyens considered comme preventifs de la pyoheinie. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 190. Neboilt (.Joseph). * Etude sur la grippe. 71 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1876, No. 185. Nebotlt-Lapiliolie (Francois-Louis). "Sur le catarrhe pulmonaire aigu. 17 pp. 4 r Paris, 1822, No. 6, v. 170. Neboiix. Projet d'organisation de l'assistance publique dans la ville de Paris limite* au service des secours a domicile, service dirig6 actuelle- ment par l'administration des bureaux de bien- faisance ; suivi d'un projet d'une nouvelle organi- sation du service medical des indigents depen- dant de la raeme administration. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, N. Chaix , 603-605.—Zuckerkandl (E.) Beitrag zur descriptiveD und topographischen Anatomie des unteren Halsdreieckes. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1876, ii, 54- 68, 1 pl. IVeck (Abnormities of). See, also, Fistula (Cervical). Buttersack (P.) Congenitale Knorpelresteam Halse. Arch, f.path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1886, cvi, 206-208—Chi a- rugi (G.) Variety muscolari della nuca e del dorso. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. el. sc. med. iu Siena, 1886, iv, 68-77.— Fernandez Ovinia (I,.) Un caso notable de vitia con- genita. Pri'iisa meel. ele Granada, 1882, iv, 8-1:;.—Koby- lintcki (O.) Ueber eine flughautahnliche Ausbreituug am Halse. Arch. f. Anthiop., Brnschwg., 1883, xiv, 343- 348, 1 pl. — iVIuirhead (J. B.) Abnormality of neck. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 177— Paulicky (A.) Ange- borner, kiemendeckelahnlicher Hautanhaug an der rechten Halsseite. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., I'.eil., 1882, xi, 270-273. Also, in his: Ueber cougen. Missbild., 8°, Berl., 1882, 48-51. — Sangalli (G.) Patologia; altro fatto di cattiva conformazione dell' atlante. qual causa ditorcicollo congenito. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1870, 2. s., iii, 515-518. UTeck (Abscess, cellulitis, and phlegmon of). See, also, Abscess (Pharyngeal, etc.); Abscess connected with blood-vessels; Arteries (Carotid, Ligature of); Glottis (CEdema of); Laryn- gotomy, etc.; Scarlatina (Complications, etc., of). Boehler (G.) * Etude critique sur l'angine de Ludwig. 4°. Paris, 1885. Castelain (F.) * Phlegruasies et abces sous le muscle sterno-mastoidien. 4°. Pavis, 1869. Catlet (E.-E.-J.) Remarques sur un cas de pericesophagite. 4°. Paris, 1864. Charbol. * De l'angine elite de Ludwig. 4°. Paris, 18-87. Delobel (J.) * Contribution h l'etude des abces chroniques de la region sous-hyo'idienne. 4°. Paris, 1887. Descubf.s (M.-E.) * Phlegmons diffus cervi- caux d'origine dentaire. 4°. Paris, 1881. Dumesthe (V.) * Abces sous le sterno-cleido- mastoidien. 4°. Paris, 1864. Follet (A.) * De l'adenite cervicale consi- deree chez les militaires. 4°. Paris, 1844. Herxandes (D.) * Des abces du con. 4 . Paris, 1879. Houllion (C.) * Contributions a l'etude de l'angine de Ludwig. 8°. Strasbourg, 1875. Jacquey (V.-E.) *Des complications des phlegmons de la r6gion carotidienne. 4°. Paris, 1876. Kurzwelly (T.) *De angina sic dicta Lud- wigii. 8C. Lipsiee, 1856. Landauer (I.) *Die brandige Zellgewebs- verbartung am Halse. 8l. Tiibingen, 1849. Levin (J.) *Paristhmitidis acut-e seu an- gina* externse Ludvigii historia. 8°. Berolini, L1839]. NECK. 6(13 NECK. lYeck (Abscess, cellulitis, and phlegmon of). SciiOtzf.nmkister (C. T. F.) * De phlegmone colli typhosa. -<0. Lipsia; 1847. Sciici.iz (A.) * De angina Ludovici, addita morbi historia. 24 pp. 8°. Gryphiae, 1865. Sic.vKD (M.-J.) * fitude sur les phlegmons et aliees de la region sterno-mastoidieune. 4U. Montpellier, 1819. Sit\nzl(A.) * Ueber Ludwig'sche Halsbinde- oewebsentziindiing. *<-■. Miinchen, 188U. AdaniM (('.) Deeje cervical abscess. Meel. Era, Chi- cago, l*s:i-4, i, 292-296.—Adveua. Zellgewebeverhar- tung eles liaises (Induratio tela; cellulosae colli, auch Pseudo-erysipelas suhteuclinosuin colli Ludwigi genannt). Mecl. Ztg, Berl., 1842, xi, 209.—Agnew. Abscess simulat- ing aneiirisin. Meel. iV Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvii, ;(74, — Anc<*mno acnto prot'ondo della regione laterale si- nistra del colln; doppia incisiouo: guarigione. Clin. chir. (Maz/.oni), Roma, 18*4, viii-x, 2. — Awecswo prot'ondo flenuuoso nella fossa sopra clavie olare sinistra ; apertura e eeintroaperturadell'a.sces.sc): giiarigionc.. J bid., 5.—Allee (WT F.) Deep-seated abscess in the neck. Tr. Coll. I'livs. Phila. (1863-71). 1*74, n. s.. iv. 463. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873, n. a., lxvi, 140.—Barker (A.) Two cases of angina Ludovici. Lancet, Lond., 1**5, ii, 571.— It nn (he. Observation d'un flegiiiou sous-cutane, par lause traumatique, developpe au niveau de hi region auterieure' et laterale- droite du cou. Bull. Soc. med.-prat. de Par., 1851-2, 136-141. — Becker. Phlegmone colli. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1860, n. F., iii, 166. — Beruiaiin. Fall einer tiidtlich abgelaufenen Halseut/.iindung eigentbiim- licher Art. Wchnschr. f. (1. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 740- 744.—Kerlelx (E.) Phlegmone difFusum colli, s. cynan- che siihlinn'iialis, s. angina Ludwigii. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. nissk. vrach. v St. Petersb., 1874, xii, 319-321. Also, transl. | Abstr. ] : Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1875, xix, 4 — Itertberand (A.) Adenites cervicnles idio]>athiques. sii|ipun''es, traitees avec succes au moyen de l'injection ienlcc. (raz. med. ele l'Algeiie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 85-87.— Kiekersteth (E. R.) | Abscess of the neck mistaken for tumor.] Assoc. M. J., L.....1., 1*03, i, 225. ------. Clinical observations on sub-maxillary cellulitis. Liverpool M. & S. Rep., Lond , 1*69, iii, 96-111. Also, Reprint.—Binaut. Alices prol'ond du cou ouvert spontanetnent dans la Ira iheenrtere, et artiticiellement par la peau; phenomenes asphyxiepies ties graves survenant consecutivement an developpement de v6getations k la partie sup6rieure de la Irachee el uccessitant la tracb^otomie. Prodige homceo- patliiepie! Bull. meel. dn nord, Lille, 1863, 2. s., iv, 191- 212 —Blasberg. Einige Fiille von sogenaunter Cynanche typhoeles (Dr. vein Ludwig), die auf eine eigenthiimliche \Veise gliicklich behandelt wurden. Wclmschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.,'Berl., 1*4(1. 752-760.— Kirhler. Des phlegmons du cou appeh's angine-s ele Ludwig. I'aris med., 1886, 2. s., xi, 241.— Kouque iE.-F.) |1Tn abces du cou qui s'est termiue. par la mort] In his .- Clin, chirurg. de l'Uuiv. de (land. *°, 1*77. 25.—Breithaupt. Ueber die tiefliegen- deu Aliscesse hinter clem Winkel eles Unterkiefers. Meel. Ztg., Ber]., 1*59, u. F.. ii, 151 ; 167 ; 175.—Brinton (J. H.) Deep cervical abscess. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1*73. xxviii, 439-411—Broca. Phlegmon du cou deve- loppe autour de ganglions canceSreux; oedeme et coulenr rnsee tie la peau, signe ele suppuration profonde; necessity d'inciser de tres-bonne henre. J. de med. et chir., Par., 1*74, xiv, 446.—Bncerius. Brand des Zellgewebes am Hills. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1839, 842 — Itm'S (J.) Von eineni mit Wind erfiillten Abscesse am Hals. Auserl. meel. chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf, Niirnb., 1770, xix. 241.—Clamerer. Ein Beitrag zur (leschichte derjeiiigen Form von Hals- entzuiidung, welche Heir Leibnieelicus v. Ludwig zuerst beschrieben hat. Mecl. Cor.-Bl. cl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1837, vii, 73-78.—Campbell (F. R.) A case of cervical abscess. Buffalo M. cfe S. J., 1883-4, xxiii, 221.— ('anlani. Meningo-mielite eousecutiva ad ascesso della uuca, Morgagni. Napoli, 1878, xx, 308-315.—Cartonli (15.) KaKorjSrjs Kvvdy\r). Angina Ludovici; cynanche cel- lularis maligna. raA.7ji/6s, 'ADf/vm, l**o. r\ 113-117. Also, transl.: Paris med., 1879-80, 2. s., v. 3*5-3*7.—Charcel- lii.y. Abces du cou comniuniquant it 1'inlerieur avec les voics aerienues. Gaz. d. hop , Par.. 1855, xxviii, 255.— C'lia«*ai;;iiac. Abc6s profondsa la partie inferieure du cou; ahcescjui siegent derriere le corps tbyroi'de; guerison; ei'ieiques principes pour l'ouverture de ces abc4s; consi- derations pratiques sur le diagnostic et la marche de ces abces. Ibid., 1843, 2. s.. v. 535—C'hecver (D. W.) Deep abscess of the* neck. Boston M. &. S. J., 1880, ciii, 390. Also: Extr. Bee-. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1880-82), 1883, viii, pp. xlvi-xlviii.—C'liolsheviiikofl". Sluchai anginae Luelowici. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kron- stadt, 1883, 56-61 .—*'le««, jun. Ein Beitrag zur Ludwig'- schen Halseiit/.iindiuig. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1*39. ix, 28— Cnopf. Ein Fall von Cvnanche- sublingualis rheumatico-typhoides. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1849, i, 45.~Crean (R.J Treatment of liii. et Phleg- ■T. d. sc. A ngiua IVeck (Abscess, cellulitis, and phlegmon of). superficial abscess in I lie neck. Meel. Press cfe Circ, Lond., 1871, xii, 362.—t'roly (II. G.) Observations on diffuse inflammation of the areolar tissue of the neck (cel- lulitis) ; importance of early, free, and deep incisions; with practical reference to the surgical anatomv of that region. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc.., 1873. lv, 401-412, 4 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Cellulitis of the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1883, ii, 327. — furling. Cervical abscess; autopsy. Ibid., 1850. ii. 485—l)iiii«le. Observation d'un aliens developpe p.utre la colonne- vertebrale et le pharynx. [Rap. de Forget ] Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1836, xi, 251-259.— Demarqiiny. Phlegmon gangreneux dela region cer- vicale. Gaz el. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 469. — Dexplals (H.) Fonte purulente des ganglions cervicaux simulant un mal de Pott; vaste abces comprimant les denx plexus brachiaux et s'ouvraut dans le pharynx, sur les parties laterales du cou et k lanuque; paralysie des deux mem- bres supferieurs. Rev. m6el. franc, et etrang., Par., 1879, ii, 40-47.—Doig (A.) Angina Ludovici. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 475.— Diimnz. Phlegmon diffus du cou. Bull. Soc. med. de Chainbery. 1*75-7. no. 5, 99-103. —Du- play. Adenophlegmon avphilitiepie du cou. (iaz. el. he">p., Par., 1880, liii, 180.— Biipre {(',.) lrn cas de phleg- mon de la region sus-hyoidienue. J. de med. Pharmacol., Brux.. 1886, lxxxiii, 704-706.—Buret. mon du cou; trach£otomie t cause ele la mort. m6d. de Lille, 1**5, vii, 382-384.—Fnglisch. Ludovici; Tracheofomia; Tod. Ber. el. k. k. Kraiiken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in M'ie*,n (1881), 1**2, 307. — Fer- raton. Alice's du tissu cellulaire poripherieiue de la glaude sous - maxillaire ; inflammation phlegmoneuse ; abces consecutif de l'interienr de la gaine d'enveloppe; ouverture.au 8e jour; guerison complete au 22e. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie. Alger, 1865, x, 50-54.—Finger. Klinische Mittheilungen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1861, lxxi, 82. — Fleeken. Zwei Falle von Cynanche sublingua- lis rheumatico-typhoi'eles, als Beitriige zu den im (ieneral- Berichte des Kb". Meel.-I 'olleg. ]>i o 1*38, S. 67, und 1*42. S. 83, aufgefiihrten Fallen. Rheiii. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kciln, 1849, 228-230. —Fournier. Tramnatie abscess of the neck, opening into the pleural cavity ; death. Virginia M. Month., liichmoncl. 1*75-6, ii, 744— Fray.er (J.) Case of extensive scrofulous ulceration, with abscess bursting into the trachea. Month. J. M. Sc., Lond. ,V Edinb., 1847- 8. viii, 470-478. — Frolich (11.) Das konigl. saclrsischo Ccdlegiuni niedico-chirnrgic-uiu. Feldar/.t. Wien, 187c.33.— Froriep (R.) Einige Fiille zur Erlauterung eler iibclen Fob'en eler Abscesse an der Oberflaehe cles liaises. Meel. Ztg", Berl.. 1834. iii. 129-132. Also, transl. : Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc., 1835, vii, 84-96.— «a rein (M.) Abceso submaxilar al exterior del cuello y al interior do la t'aringe. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1865-6. ii. 303—(iumez y Ferrer (A.) Caso raro de flegnion profundo del cuello. Cron. m6d., Valencia, 1*83-4, vii, 425; 554; 586.—liiorja- clieff(LA.) Sluchai angina- Luelowici. Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Morsk., 1881, iv. 417-419.—Ureaoi-y (G.) Case of cynanche cellularis. Med. .fe Phys. .J.. Lond.. 1822, xlvni, 2S7-290.—•Suntlrim (F.) A clinical study of deep, acute ancl chronic abscess of the neck. Detroit Lancet, 1**4-5, n. s., viii, 529-537.—Ilaltou (R.J.) Acute rheumatism; t\phoid symptoms and elvspnea. due to deep-seated abscess in neck. ' Dublin (*. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlvii, 368.—Hanna. Case of cervical abscess communicating with the lung. Tr. Belfast Clin. & Path. Soc, 1854, 63.—Margrave (W.) On cervical abscesses, the, accidents which sometimes at- tend their treatment in reference to haemorrhage, anil a new operation for securing the common carotid artery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1*49, viii, 86-98.—Hashimoto. Kin Fall von Angina Ludovici. Arch. f. klin. Chir., P.erl., 1885, xxxii, 42. —Hawkins ((■.) Abscess in the cervical re- gion after scarlet fever; ha-inorrhage; recovery. Laucet, Lond., 1851, i, 13.—Heim. Zur (leschichte der Meta- nhlogose des Zellgewebes am Halse. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 69-73.—Hem ich. Angina gangrenosa Ludovici (gangraeua telle cellules* colli, lateris dextri). Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1851 97-106.—Hevfelder. Cynanche sublingualis ty- phodes. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1838, iv, 245. —Hill (B.) Two cases of inflammation of the deep cellular tissue ot the neck (angina Ludovici). Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1882^ ii 683.—Hirsch (G.) Scirrheise Halsverhartungen nach vergeblichen Gebrauch der Innnctionskur (lurch die aus- sere Anwendung der Jodine geheilt. J. d pract. Heilk., Berl.. 1826, lxii, 1. St., 101-106.-Hofmokl. Angina Lu- dovici ; Septicopyemia; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krank.-nanst, Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 349.- ■■«Pk/nM (B S.) Abscess of the neck. Nashville J. M. cfe s.l*.i4, vi 208 —Horner (W. E.) An anomalous case. [Com- plicated abscess of neck probably of syphilitic origin, resulting in death.] Am. M. Recorder Phila., 18 8, l, <>->_29 — Houston. Abscess in the neck caused by a niece of hay-stalk getting into the throat. Dublin M Press 1839, ii, 134.—Hue (J.) Angine phlegmoneiise et abce-s de la base du cou conslicutifs a. la carie syphilitique des cornets moyen et iuferieur et ele la premiere cote gauches; autopsie. Union ined. de la Seine-Int., Rouen, 1879 xviii 50-67.—Hutchinson. '1 racheal abscess in NECK. 664 NECK. JYeck (Abscess, cellulitis, and phlegmon of). the neck, with phthisis and laryngeal disease. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 196.—Jackson (S.) Caseof pul- monary disease, attended with some anomalous svmptoms. Phila.'J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1823, vii, 99-103.—Jeffrey (W.) Cervical abscess in an infant, caused by the swallowing ot a piece of glass. Edinb. M. J., 1866-7, xii, 794-797, 1 cut,— Jordou (F.) Cellulitis of the neck. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1872, i, 202-204. Also, in his: Surg. Enq., 2. ed., 16°, Lond., [1880], 206-211.—Jourdain. Reponse a la lettre de M. Ponlain, sur la maniere d'ouvrir les depots purnlens, qui avoisineutlam4choireinf6rieure. J.de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1771, xxxvi, 448-464.—Ii. Phlegmonedes Halses; Perforation in die Luftwege; Heilung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1873, iii, 589-593.—Kempen. Adeno-phleg- mon profond du cou suppure ; ouverture de l'abces dans le pharynx. Arch. med. beiges. Brux., 1884, 3. s., xxvi, 307- 311.— Klatteu. Abscess am Halse und in der Brnsthdhle. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1859, n. F., ii, 29— Kleijnenberg (A. P.) Phlegmone in de ondertongheenstreek ; opvolgende ver- schijnselen van ettetopslorping (pyaemie), [benevens sui- kergisting in de urine, herstelling met voortduring der gistingenschimmelvormingindeurine]. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1847. iii, 1-15.—Klein (A.) Ueber Angina Ludovici. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1880, xv, 193; 205; 217; 229; 241.—Kreitner (L.) Ein Fall von ausgedehnter jauchiger Zellgewebsvereiterung am Halse. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 293.—Lannelongne. Phlegmon large du cou; trac.heotomie ; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1865, xl, 12-15.—I.egi-aiKl. Phlegmon diffus de la r6gion cervi- cale. Bull. Soe. anat, de Par., 1849. xxiv, 162-167.—Lenbe. Beobachtung einer Cynanche sublingualis rheumatico-ty- phoeles. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 165-168. — Lidell (J. A.) On certain abscesses of the neck which may cause sudden death, and how to treat them with success. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila,, 1883, n.s., lxxxvi, 321-341.—liong (B. G.) Deep abscess of the post cervical region, with sudden death. Buffalo M. & S. .1., 1883-4, xxiii, 301.—Fiucas-Championniere. Obstruction de la veine pnlmonaire et de ses branches, consecutive k un phlegmon du cou. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 342- 344—Ludwig (D.) [Ueber eine in neuerer Zeit wieder- holt hier vorgekommene Form von Halsen tziin ding.] Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 21-25.— Liuzzalto (M ) Storia di un ascesso pulsante alia re- gione antero-inferiore del collo. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1862, 2. s., xix, 657-684.—I.yalI (A.) A case of inflammation of the deep cellular tissue of the neck. Edinb. M. JT, 1886-7, xxxii, 715. — Lydston (G. F.) Cellulitis of neck accompanied by oedema glottidis ; difficult laryn- gotomy. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xiii, 47-51.—Mac- farlane (J.) Chronic abscess in the neck; cured by puncture. In his: Clin. Rep. Surg. Pract. Glasg. Roy. Infirm., 8°, Glasg., 1832, 32. — Malassez. Angine ga'n- gr6neuse et tumeur ganglionnaire du cou ; rate volumi- nense avec symptomes do cancer de l'estoroac. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1870), 1874, xiv, 119.—Manly (B. S.) Notes of an unusual case. Mecl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864-5, xii, 250-252.—itlarshall (J.) Epithelioma of tongue; ex- cision of part of tongue; cellulitis of neck extending be- neath deep fascia into chest; oedema glottidis; trache- otomy; death. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1876, i, 112. -----. Clinical lecture on subfascial suppuration in the neck, and its treatment by a median incision in front. Lancet Lond., 1879, i, 217-219. — Maunder. Abcess of the neck, involving the tonsil; hfetnorrhage from the lat- ter ; recovery. Ibid., 1861, ii, 349.—Mayor. Phlegmon de la partie postSrieure du cou a la suite cl'alteration des ceites; pleuresie purulente. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1878, liii. 353-358. Also: Progres nied., Par., 1879. vii, 7-9.—1 Mcincl (K. A.) Phlegmonose Zellgewebsentziindling der Unterkiel'ergegend. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 407.— Melchiori (G.) Flemmone e marcimento, diffuso del tessuto cellulare della regione anteriore profonda del collo, da periostitide della mascella inf'eriore. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1843, ii, 125-127. — Metzler von Andelberg (J. B ) Der sporadische Halszellgewebs-Brand. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1846, ii, 319-344.—!. Michel. Phlegmon profond du cou avec perforation ilu pharynx. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1885, 3. s., xxviii, 369-378.—Mollicrc (D.) Du phlegmon sus-hyoi'dien sep' tique. Province med., Lyon, 1887, ii, 515-517.—Monnier (L.) Abc6s prethyroidien determinant des acees de suf- focation. Rev. mens. d. mal. de rent'., Par., 1883. i, 469.— Moid re I (A ) Phlegmon diffus a la region cervicale- anemie; marche lente; mort. Bull. Soe. de med. de la Sarthe 1872-3, Le Mans, 1874, 26-31— Murchison (F.) A note on angina Ludovici. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 778.— fVarbonne. Phlegmon diffus occupant la presque tota- ls des parties molles du cou et de listhme du gosier. Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 167-170.— IVcvitt (R. B.) Cervical cellulitis aud abscess. Canad. Pract,, Toronto, 1887, xii, 36-40.—IVoquet. Abces r6sidueux du cou res- semblant a un kyste ; guerison apres une seule ponetion aspiratrice suivie d'une legale compression. Bull, mecl du nord, Lille, 1879, xviii, 157-167. Also, Reprint—Obis- sier (H.) Du traitement des adenites suppurees du eou. Bordeaux nied., 1878, vii, 193; 201; 209; 225; 234.—[Op- JVeck (Abscess, cellulitis, and phlegmon of). polzer.] Ueber Cynanche cellnlaris maligna, oder An- gina Ludwigii. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1873, xviii 48-'• 49t; 500; 508.— Paa»ch. Vorubergeheudcr Iheilweis'r Verlust des Sohvorinogeus nach einer Halsent/.iinduii" Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg , l'.erl., 1*54, xxiii, 113-115.—Parkcr (R. W.) Remarks on cellulitis of the neck (aicinia Lu- dovici). Lancet, Loud., 1879, ii, 570; 607-l»icquc. Ali- ces froid perilaryngien simulant uu kyste median du cou Gaz. med. ele Par., 1882.6 s., iv, 537.—Polaek. Ueber elen Zellgewebsabscess am liaise. Memorabilien, Heilbr 1867, xii, 166-170.—Fol lait (S.) Abe-esses on the fore- part of the neck. St. Louis M. A S. J., 1845-6, iii, 19-54._ Popper. Extractum Helhiclonnic gogen Ilalsentziindiiu- gen. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 1317-1319.— Post (A. C.) Inflammation of the. cellular tissue of the throat. N.York J. M. cfe S., 1841, iv, 105.— I'oulaiii. Lettre contenant quehiues remarques sur la maniere d'ou- vrir les depots purnlens qui avoisinent la niachoire' infe- rieure et lecol. J. de meel., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1771, xxxvi, 334-348.—Pretty (W.) A case of gangrenous in- flammation in the neck. Meel. Times & (iaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, 5-7 —<| ii in la n (F. J. B.) On the cure of abscesses about the neck without cicatrix or other deformity. [Abstr.] Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 94. —Bneiw (E.) Phleg- mon diffus du cou ; incisions profondes; gu6rison. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1874, xxxiii, 101-103.—Ranking (W. H.) Death from the impaction of a portion of tlie^fteard of barley under the tongue. Prov. M & S. J., Lond.. 1844, 462. — Ken a u I. Phlegmon pci i lai vngien. Bull. Soc! anat, de Par., 1870, xiv, 139. — Kieger. Krankheitsge- schiehte einer Halsentzundung, nach welcher eler liiTke Fortsatz des Zuugeubeines ausgeschieden worden ist. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Beil., 1831, xxxiv, 211-214.—KomcIi. Halszellgewebsbrand. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1841, xi, 76. -----. Ueber den Haiszellge- websbrand. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1844, 653; 673; 688.—Roser (W.) Die Ludwig'sche Angina Dent, sche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 153-155.—Rminik (M.) Ueber einen seltenen Fall von Zellgewebs-Entziin- clung am Halse. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 167- 179; 190. Also [Abstr]; Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct. Coll., 1877, iii, 81-83. —Savory (W. S.) A case of abscess in the neck, which in its course destroyed a large portion of the carotid artery, jugular vein, and pneumogastric nerve. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1881, 2. s., xlvi, 21-29, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond.. 1880, ii, 577. Also [Abstr.J : Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 696.—Mehnietzer. Drei Falle von Zellgewebs-Metaphlogoseam Halse Mecl. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1830, vi, 124; 133.—Schiitzenbcrger (C.) Phlegmon ducoii; ph!6bite de la jugulaire interne; polyarthiite suppuree. fin?,, rndel. de Strasb., 1866, xxi, 43-46. Also, in his: Fncmcnts d'etudespath. etelin., 8°, Par., 1879, 363-374.—Srliiilzcn- meister. Eine seltener vorkommende Krankheit ani Halse. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb.. 1847, i, 315-329.— Semeleder (F.) Ueber Entziindung und Brand des Halszellgewebes. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 265; 275.—Skibncvski (A.) Dvasluchajaangina*Ludo- vici ; parenchimatoznija vpriskivanija karbol. kisloti. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv, 4.—de la Sola y l.a«tra (R.) Angina de Ludwig. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1887, xi, 169-173.—Sourris (J.) Contribution a l'histoire des in- flammations phlegmoneuses du cou. Kee, ele mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1878, 3.s., xxxiv, 591-007.—Mpniglcr (L.) Brandige Zellgewebsentziindung urn die Untei kiil'ei Speicheddriise. Deutsche Klinik, Berl , 1851. iii, 35.— Stanelli. Cynanche sublingualis rhen ma tico-tvplioides. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, '6-48. — Slilm-nil (L.) Ad6nite cervicale; phlegmon diffus cousecutif; accidents graves ; ponetion et, incision ; application des principes de la methode amovo-iuamovihle; gu6rison. Presse meel. beige, Brux., 1877-8, xxx, 249-251. — von Sloffcla (E.) Angina Ludwigii. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1871, xvii, 745; 761.—Storks (R.) Abscess in the neck, requiring the operation of tracheotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1847, ii, 13.—Strathy (F. R. L.) Case' of ante-laiyngeal abscess. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3. v, 1-4.—Sluarl (J.A.E.) Caseof "angina Ludovici ". Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1879, ii, 937.—Stunde. Ueber einen Fall von I'bh-gmone diffusa submentalis. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1865, ix, 176.—Taberlet. Abces protends du cou; operation par la methode d'6cartenient, N'ic-e-nied., 1881-2, vi, 401-403.— Timpe. Fall von tvphoser rheumatischer Hals Entziin- dung. Wchnschr. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1841, 285-289— Tre I at. Formes graves et compliqu6es eles phlegmons de la r6gion sus-hyoidienne. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1869. xiii, 289. -----. Abces froid du cou ; incision ; rugination ele la poche purulente; suture; pansement de Lister ; reunion pat- premiere intention. Bull, e-t m6ra. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., vi, 672. — Triponcl. Gonflement (Bcle- mateux et emphysemateux de la jiartie ant6rieure eiu cou et qui entraina la mort par asph vxie. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1845. v, 311. — Uhde (C. W. F.) Brandige Zellgewebs- Verhartung am Halse. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1854, vi, 44 ; 65; 70 — Vallcsca (P.) Absceso frio cervical de gran volumen; tratainiento por las punciones evacuadoras se- guidas de la inyeccion de Lugol; empleo de los tubos do NECK. 665 NECK. Neck (Abscess, cellulitis, and phlegmon of). drenage; curacion. Independ. m6d., Barcel., 1873-4, v, 151-153. — Velpenu. Abces dans la r6gion sous-hyo'i- dieiine; operation, (iaz. (1. hop., Par., 1835, ix, 15*.— Verueuil. Des phlegmons profonds du cou ou eles adeuites qui out pour point de depart les ganglions caroti- iliens. Mouvement nit'd.. Par.. 1875, xiii, 784.—Voltoliui (K.) Die acute Zeliliautentzuudung in der Supra- und Post-auricular- Go. Leipzig, 1877. Gfkrix (L.-F.) * Des kysfes conge'nitaux du cou, et de leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1876,. Gurlt (E.) Ueber die Cysteugeschwiilste eles Halses. s'. Berlin, 187,7). Heller (H.) *Over hygroma colli cysticum congenitum. 8°. Leiden, 1881. Larondelle de Verviers (N.) * Des kystes (In cou. 8°. Liege, 1865. Li'SSE (W.) * Ueber atheromatose Cysteu am Halse. 8°. [Soest, n. d.] iMossel (£.) * Des kystes se"reux du con. 4°. Paris, 1868. Pilox (G.) * Des kystes dermoides du cou. 4-. Nancy, 1883. Robert (L.) * Quelques considerations sur le trailenient des hydroceles du cou. 4-. Stras- bourg, 1864. Skidmaxx (M.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik und Kenntniss der Dermoidcysten in der Halsgegend. 8; Wiirzburg, 1886. Tietze (M. E. C. J.) *De tumoribus colli et thoracis <|iiibusdam sanguiuolentis. 8°. Bero- lini, [187>3]. ^ Thexdelexbfhg (F.) Mittheilungen aus der Klinik des He rrn Geh.-Rath vou Langenbeck. Vier Fiille von congeuitalen Halscysten, mit In- jection vou Jodtinctur behandelt. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Ulliac (H.) * Etude sur les hygromas de la region cervicale ant6rieure. 4°. Paris, 1878. UTeek (Cysts and cystic tumors of). Viala (J.) *Des kystes sereux du cou. 4°. Paris, 1859. Virlet (N.-F.) *Des kystes congeuitnux dn cou. 4°. I'aris, 1854. Viscaro (S.) * Des tumeurs ganglionnaires du cou. 4°. Paris, 187)2. Voillemier (L.) *Dcs kystes du cou. 4°. Paris, 1851. Agnew (D. H.) [Hydrocele of the neck.| Phila. M. Times, 1870-71, i, 322. -----. Cvstomata, Meel. cfe Surg. KVporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 411-414. — Alkarrau (J.) Kvste ganglionnaire du cou. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1885, 3. s., vi, 168-178. 1 pl. — AmiiN»al (A.) Kyste hematique occupant le cote droit du cou, depuis la clavicule jusqu'a. Tangle de la niachoire inferieure; cau- terisation ; guerison. Ga/,. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, '74. Also, Reprint.-----. Traitement des kystes s£ro-san- guins du cou par 1'electricite. Bell. ^en. tie therap., etc., Par.. 1872, lxxxiii, 321-324. — Arnold (J.) Zwey Fiille von Hygroma colli cysticum congenitum und deren frag- liche j'eziehung zu dem Ganglion intercaroticum. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 209-228,1 pl.—Awh- hurst (J), jr. Sebaceous cvst of the neck; removal. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1884, xiii, 113.—Allee ("WT F. ) Encysted tumor of the neck. Tr. Cod. 1'livs. Phila., 1863-74, n. s., iv, 398.—Baiartli (D.) Ciste sau- guigna della regione laterale destra del collo; estirpa- zione; guarigione. Ossei-vatoro, Torino, 1878, xiv, 257- 260.—Bala**a. Beitrage zur Geschiehte der extrathy- reoielalen Cj'stengeschwiilste am Halse. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1859, ix, 737; 753. — Barthez (E.) Kystes du col. Union med.. Par., 1857, xi, 535.—Barllett (E.) Hydrocele of the neck cured bv an operation. Med. Mag., Bost,, 1835, iii, 568-570. — Bai-lon (J. M.) Cystic papil- lary adenoma of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1883-5), 18«6, xii, 249.— Harwell. Hematocele of neck. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 880.—Bary. Observation d'un kyste volu- mineux kl.) region tin loi'dienne simulant uu goitre : opera- tion. Presse med. beige, Brux , 1850, ii, 364. —Beek (M.) Blood-cyst in the neck ; tapping ; subsequently laid open ; healing by granulation. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud., 1882, ii, 472.—Benoit (J.) Extirpation d'une tumeur voluniiueuse formee par un kvste developpe dans la region du cou. Kev. ele therap. d'u mieli, Montpel., 1850, i, 132-141. — Be- rend ( H. W.) Serose Cvsten am Halse. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1852, v, 160-165. -----. Hygroma cysticum colli congenitum. Ibid., 105. — Bid- der (A.) Zur Casuistik und Behandlung der tief'en Atheronicysten des Halses. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. licrl., 1870, xx, 434-439.—Bigler. Drei Cystenbildungen in eler vordern Halsgegend. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1853, iii, 545; 561. —Birkctt (J.) [Cvsts -n the neck; 9 cases.] Guy's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 18*60, 3. *.. vi. 453-466, 1 pl. -----. A contribution to the surgical pathology of scro- sanguineous cysts in the neck and axilla l'roc. i'oy.M. St Chir. Soc. Loud. (1807-71), vi, 94.—Blaehcz. Kyste con- genital du cou chez un foetus. [Rap. de Charrier.] Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1856. xxxi, 286-293.—Block in :■ n (G.C.) Hydrocele of the neck. Cincin. Lance! Sc Ohs.. l#7o. n. s., xiii, 23-25.—Bloeq (P.) D'une variete nouvelle de kystes du cou (kyste crico-thyroidien). Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 7. s., iii, 135; 147 ; 184 ;' 196. — Broea. Un lipome offraut une cavite centrale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 234. — Broea. Kvstes cong6nitaux et fistules du cou. J. de intel. et c.hir.'prat., Par., 1872, 3. s., xliii, 106-110.— Brodie. Encysted tumor of the neck. Lond. M. cfe S. J., 1834, iv, 639. — Bryek (A.) Das sublinguale Atherom ; ein Beitrag zu cien Cystengeschwiilsten des Halses. Wien. med. Wchnschr.,'1864, xiv, 337; 357. — (Jampe- nou cfe Albarran (J.) Kyste ganglionnaire du cou. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 298-300.,— Caruochau (J. M.) A case of encysted sanguineous tumor of the neck, successfully removed. Am. M. Gaz., N. Y., 1850, vii, 65-70. A Iso, Reprint.—[Case*.] Des kystes s6reux conge'nitaux du cou et de leur traite ment par ies badigeon- nages et les injections de teinture d'iode. Bull. gehi. de therap., etc., Par., 1.856, li, 447-459. —Cystic tumor of the neck. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 171. — Cyste eler r. Supraclaviculargrube. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit. ■mi Basel (1883). 1884, 53.—Chapin (H. D.) Two cases of branchial cyst. Me-el. Rec, N. \T, 1885, xxviii, 87-81).— C'liiaru^i (G.) Contribute alia conoscenza dei tumori congeniti del collo e alio studio della loro genesi. Arch. med. ital., Torino, 1883, ii, 441-453. — Cloquct. Hydro- cele du cou: lionet ion: gu6rison incertaine. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par.. 1837, xi. 119.—Clulton (H. H.) Congenital hydro- cele of the neck. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1881, Louel., 1882, n. s., xi, 52-54.—Cooper (B.) Case of hydrocele ot the neck, cured by the inn eiduction of a seton. Guy's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1836, i, 105-110. — C'oole (H.) Large sanguineous cvst of the neck, connected with the thyroid body, successfully treated by injection with the tincture of iodine. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 464.— Deane (J.) Hydrocele of the neck. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1852, xlvi, 401. — Debout. Des kystes sereux congeni. NECK. 666 NECK. IVeck (Cysts and cystic tumors of). faux du cou et de leur traitement par les badigoonnages et les injections de teinture diode. /// his: De l'etat de la therap., etc., 8°, Par., 1858, 71-82.— Belie. Kyste dela legion sous hyoidieune. Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Par., 1880. vi, 551. — Demcnux. Kyste gelatiniforme situe a. la partie anterieure du cou. Ann. ele la chir. frano. et etrang., Par., 1841, ii. 323-326. — Ucvalz. Kyste congenital du tissu cellulaire du cou gueri apres deux ponctions successives par le trocart capillaire. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 762-764.— Dieulafov (P.) Observation d'hyelrocele du con : gueri- son. Gaz. d. med.-prat., Par.. 1840, ii, 49.—Oittl. Oystoid in der vordern Halsgegend eiues 2jahrigen Kindes; Ex- stirpation ; Heilung; anatomische Beschreibung der Ge- schwnlst von Rokitanskv. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1859, v, 81-80—Oroste (A.) Hygroma cel- liiloso-cvsticuin am Halse eines Neugebornen. Hannov. Ann, f'.'d. ges. Heilk., 1839, iv. 295-303—Bubrucil (A.) Tumeur du con ; sarcome de l'cesophage. Gaz. med. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 277-279.—Oupin. Kyste sereux du cou; ponetion iodee; guerison. Gaz. nied.-chir. de Tou- louse, 1886, xviii, 25-27, 2 pl. — Oupuy. Kyste s6reux du cou; injection iod6e; guerison. Union iu6d. de la Gi- rondp.. Bordeaux, 1857, ii. 201. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857. v, 524. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 506.— Dupuytren. Kystes sereux (16velopp6s au cou entre Ids hyoide et le cartilage thyroi'de. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831, v, 101. -----. Hydrobroncocele, ou hydrocele du cou Kev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1834,'i, 379-385.— K hernia ier. EigiiithiiinlicheBlutgeschwulst am Halse eines Neugebornen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, 13-15—Knyliweli (J.) Halscysten. Wien. meel. Presse, 1807, viii, 705—Esniarch (F.) Zur Behandlung der tiefen Atheronicysten des Halses. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Chir 1875, Berl., 1876, iv, pt. 2, 129-132, 1 pl. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1876, xix, 224-227, 1 pl.-Fabre (P.) Contribution k l'etude des tumeurs gazeuses ele la region anterieure du con. Gaz. m6d. de Par.. 1886, 7. s , iii, 373-376. — Fano. Observation de kystes s6reux du cou. Union m6d., Par., 1861, 2. s., x, 122. — Ferj;uNson. Removal of a large sebaceous cvst from the neck." Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 46— I i field (W. C. B.) Congenital cyst. Boston M. cfe S. J.. 1800, lxii, 02. -----. Congenital cvst of the neck. Ibid., 1873, x, 317-319. — Fitz Patrick (L.) Large cystic tumour of the neck ; complete removal by operation; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1886-7, vi, 274.— Fleming. Hydrocele of the' neck. Meet. Press cfe Circ, Dubl.,' 1867, iii, 304. — Fleury (L.) Observations pour servir a l'histoire de l'hydrocele du cou, J. d. conn. med.-chir.. Par., 1843-4. xi, pt. 2, 101-103.— Fleury (L.) & iTlurchessaux (L.) De quelques tu- meurs enkyslees du cou designees par les noma de : struma aqnosa, kystes cystiques, hydroceles du cou; de leur siege, de leur nature, de leur traitement. Arch. gen. de meel.. Par., 1839, ii, 269; 429. Also, Keprint. — French (J.G.) Hsematoma, or sanguineous cyst in neck. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1870, xviii. 43— Frdbelius. Pall von angehorener Halscvste; Hei lung durch Joelinjectionen. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1805, ix, 173. — Gamgee (S.) On hydrocele of the neck. Lancet. Lond., 1875, i, 301.— Gautier. Deux observations de kystes s6reux du cou traites par linjection iod6e et gueris. Echo m6d., Neu- chat., 1858, ii, 85.—Gay (J.) Cyst removed from the neck of a woman aged fifty-two. Tr Path. Soc. Lond., 1871-2, xxiii. 273. -----. Blood cyst removed from the neck. Ibid., 1878-9, xxx. 435-438. -----. Removal of a large e-yst from the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 358. — Giraldea. Observation de kyste congenital du cou; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1800, xxxiii, 13-15. Also [Abstr. ]: Bull. Soe. de chir. de Par. ( 1859), 1860, x, 221; 272. -----. Kystes congenitauxdu cou. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par. (18(!0).'l861, 2. s., i, 107-112.—Glnck. Ueber Bluteysten der seitlichen Halsgegend. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 70-72. — Godard. Observation de tumeur enkystee du col; ouverture de la tumeur; injection avec la'teinture d'iode; guerison. Kee. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil. Par 1842, liii, 198-200.— (.eibcl (AnnaM.) Caseof hydrocele of the neck. Physician ii. Surg., Ann Arbor. Mich'., 1885. vii, 243-2-15.—Gobdeve (H. H.) Case of encysted tumor [of neck] cured by iodine injection. Tr. M. efc'Phys. Soc. Cal- cutta, 1835-42, viii, p. elxxxiv. — Gosselin. ' K*,ste con- genital compose du cou. France med., Par., 1875, xxii, 761-763. — Gross (S. D.) Serous cyst of the neck, cureel by palpation. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1800, iv. 81. -----. Congenital cystic tumor. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iii, 422.—Gross & Vautrain. Kyste congenital du cou- traitement palliatif par les ponctions capillaires. Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1886, xviii, 244— Gruber (W.) Ein seltenes Beispiel von Hygroma ante-thyreoidenin sub- fasciale. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl.. 1879, lxxvii. 105- 109, 1 pl. -----. Hygroma ante-hyoideum subfascial^ Ibid , lxxviii, 84-91, 1 pl. -----. Cystis atheromatosa pra*- hyoidea submuscularis. Ibid., 1880. lxxxi, 442-445, 1 pl.— Giinther (O.) Ueber die Bluteysten des Halses.' Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, viii, 451-470.— Guer- sant. Tumeurducou. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1856-7, iYeck (Cysts ar.d cystic tumors of). vii, 548-550. -----. Des kystoase'renxeongenitaux du cou J. de med. et .chir. prat,, Par., 1859, 2. s.. xxx, 545-548 — Guillaumet. Kyste sereux congenital de la nuepie et du cou chez un foetus de quatre mois et demi. Hull. Soc. anat, de Par, 1874, xlix, 582-585— «i ii items (DM.) Congenital cvst of the neck. Phila. M. Times. 1878, ix, 134. Iltiinil. Ion (F. H.) Superlaryngeal cnc\ steel tumors; or encysted bursal tumors in front of the larynx. N. York M.,).. 1870 xi, 50-55.—Ha n n ay (A. J.) Bloody cyst in neck. Kdinb M. cfe S.J., 1843, lx, 319. ----. Serous cyst in nock. Ibid., 320. —Hardie (.1.) Congenital cystic'tumor in the neck'! successfully extirpated. Laucet, Lond., 1872, ii, 007.— Hawkins (C. II.) On a peculiar form of congenital tu- mour of the neck. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1838-9, xxii, 231- 244. -----. Clinical remarks on serous or aepieous cysts of the neck. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, xxviii, 841-844. Also in his.-. . . Path. & Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874, i. 270-270.— Hciberg (J.) Pfropfung der Wand einer Atheromcyste vom Halse. Centralbl. f. d. med Wissensch., Berl., 1872, x. 177. — Hennig. Hsemntocele colli connata. Wien! Med.-Halle, 1804, v, 542— Hcinciiigcr ( C. F.) Zu den Halskiemenbogen - Resten. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc. Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 177; 441.—Hewelt (P. G.) Hydrocele of the neck. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 446. Also:'Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 605. -----. Cystic tumor of tbe neck! Brit, M. J., Lond., 1858, 803..- Hastii (J-) Congenital multilocular serous cvst in the neck of a child. Med. Press cfe Circ, Lond'., 1875, xvi, 501. — Holt. Cystic tumor removed from the side of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, :s_'8. — llouel. Kyste congenital du con, paraissant developpe aux depens du corps thyrolde. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 187:!. xlviii, 6:12.—Hueter. Ein Fall von Blutcyste der seitlichen Halsgegend. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1877, vi, 30-32. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv. 466—Hunt (WT) Two cases of large cystic tumors of the neck. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 1880, 298— Jack-on (A. P.) Hydrocele of the neck, and its treatment by excision, with two cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1861, n. s.,'xli, 101-108.—Jaksch (R.) Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der cystisclien Geschwiilste ara Halse. Ztschr. f. Heilk! Prag, 1885. vi. 131-142, 1 pl.— Johnson (T. G.) Removal of aelecp-scated cystic tumor of the neck. Canada M. J.. Montreal, 1870-71, vii, 05-07.— Joiion. Kyste du cou muni el'epith61ium vibratile. J. de la sect, ele ru£d. Soc. acad. Loire Inf., Nantes, 1864, xl, 23-28. -----. Tumeur kystique de la region sous-maxil- laire (epith<*liome tubule). J. de med. deTouest, Nantes, 1882, xvi, 143— Keblcr ( F. ) Cystic degeneration of a cervical gland. Cincin. Lancet cfe Clinic, 1881, n. s., vii, 69. — Kiatibiau. Kyste sanguin du cou ; guerison. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1867-8, xi, 183-185 — Koch (O.) Eine branchiogene Haiscyste von uiigevvc'ihu lieliir Grosse. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, zu Tiibing., 1884, 2. lift.. 373-370. — Kocster (K.) Ueber Hygroma cysticum colli congenitum. Verhandl. el. phvs.-nied. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1872, iii, 44-61. — Krabbel. Hygroma colli cysticum congenitum. Arch. f. klin. Chir., I5erl , 187n, xxiii, 371.—Kiister (E.) Kystomedes Halses. [4 cases, j In his: Ein chir. Trienu. 1876-8, 8°, Kassel u. Perl., 1882, 104-106. — Lafosse. Kyste extremement etendu, situG dans la region cervicale, oblitei-6 par la voie de la suppura- tion. Memor. d. hop. du midi, Par., 1830, ii, 482-487.— Larghi ( B.) Gozzo cistico, mediano, comunicante col mediastino posteriore. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1867, cci, 493-499.—Liaromlelle. Des kystes du cou. [Rap. de Verhaeghe.] Bull. Acad. roy. ele m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1865, 2. s., viii, 447-451. — ITarrey. Kyste canalicule ele la region anterieure du cou. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1852-3, iii, 489; 503; 607— Lawrence (W.) Thick and vascular cyst in the neck connected with the thyroid body; exposure of the cavity hy free incision ; cure. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., ii', 28.—I.ee (N.) Suppurating cvst of neck. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 223. — I.ejars. Epitheliome kystiepie de la r6gion sus-hyoldienne* gauche; ulc6ration de Varte-re faciale; ligature de lacarotide pri mitive. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 732-735. Also: Progres med., Par., 1887, 2. s., vi, 48.— I.clou;;. Kyste cong6nitale de la partie m6diane et postlrieure du con. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 59-61.— I.epiue (R.) De la valeur de la cauterisation daus le traitement des goitres cystiques. [ Avec 17 observations. ] Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nied. de Lyon, 1861-2. i, 335-356.— ITcsucur. Observation d'une tumeur cystiquc du cou. Ann. Soc. med. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1850, iv, 156-162— Levis (R. J.) Enormous hydrocele of the neck in a child : paracentesis of the cysts, and removal of the solid portion by the 6craseur. Phila. M. Times, 1874- 5,v, 373.—Linares (A. R.) Quiste sanguinolento, sitnado en la parte anterior del cuello; extirpacion total; curacion completa k los 49 dias. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1879. xiv, 197.— Lorain (P.) Memoire sur les kystes congenitaux du col. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1854, Par., 1855, i. pt. 2, 134-141. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1855, 3. a., x, 173-176.— Louuieau. Kyste du cou trait6 etgueTi par la ponetion suivie d'injection iod6e. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1885), 1886, 221-228. Also.- J. de med. de NECK. 667 XECK. NTeck (Cysts and cystic tumors of). Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 1.—Lusehka (H.) Das Hygroma hVO-epiglotticuni. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 234-239.— ,VleC!raith. Melanotic (0 encysted tumor simulating bronchocele. Meel. Times Sc (Jaz., Lond., 1801, ii, 577 — tliiiUoiialil (K. N".) Case, of large congenital cystic, tumour of the left side of the neck, simulating en- rephalncele; death after the third month, from suppuration of its contents and nieningitis Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 690-695.__ITIcGraw (IT A ) Congenital cyst of the neck; operation and recovery. Detroit Rev. Med. Sc Pharm., 1871. ix. 532. — Mackenzie (M.) Traitenient eles kystes et eles lilno kystes du cou. Progres med., Par., 1874, ii, M3 —'Vlaeleau (D.) Case of hydrocele of Hie neck. Penins. JT Al., Detroit. 1875, xi, 547-550. Also | Abstr.]: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1875-6, viii, 136.— Tle.Tlahou (W. R.) Congenital cyst of the neck ; or the hygroina- tous cyst "of von Amnion. Aled. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1872, xxvii, 76.—iMalherbc (A.) Kysle eiu cou ii con- ten u huileux ; guerison ]iar nne injection d'alcool pur apres evacuation particlle du contenu au moyen d'une aiguille capillaire; remarques sur la nature de* ce kvste et sur le Iraitement de diverses collections liquides par rinjection il'alcool pur. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. ele Par., 1878, n. s., iv, 257-263. Also: J. de meel de l'ouest, Nantes, 1878, xii, 9-19. Also, Reprint.—fflarduel. Honiatomo du con. [Rap. de Serullaz.] Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc, d. sc, med. ele Lyon, 1863-4, iii, pt. 2, 169-174.—Tlartiu. Ueber ein teidlgi bornes reifes niiinnliehes Kind mit, mehrfache-n Kys- ten am Halse, unter beiden Achselu unci in der Gegenel der Brustdriise, nebst Verunstaltung eler Fusszehen und Fin- ger und blaiirother Farbung der Obcrsohenkol und Bauch- decken. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. iu Berl. (1861-2), 1803, xv, 155-159. Also: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr. Berl., 1862, xx, 170-174.—IVIarf iurz(F.R.) Di- agnostieo i tratainiento de los quisles del e nello. An. Univ. de Chile. Santiago, 1869, xxxii, 245-265.—.VI arti ne* del Kio. Tumorenquistado [del cuello] opeiado por puueion ('■ inyt-ccinn. PerieWl. Acad, de med. de Megico. 1837-8, ii, 150-158.—lTlarlone (V.) Cisti sierose multiple congenite del collo; estirpazione con allaccitura della giugulare in- terna; vasta eresipela consecutiva; guarigione. Resoc, Accad. med.-chir. eli Xapoli, 1876, xxx, 143-145. Also : Ann. clin. cl. osp. incur., Napoli, 1877, n. s., ii, 156-159.— ?l:n-- zultini (G. B.) lelrocelc* del collo. Mem. d. Sue. meit.- chir. eli Bologna, 1844, 2. s., iii, 319-333, 1 pl.—ITIauuoir (J.-P.) Memoire sur rhyilrocele* du cou. In his: Me- moires sur les amputations, etc., 8°, Geneve, 1825, 93-134.— Michaux. Note sur l'hematocele ou les kystes sanguius du cou. Bull. Acad. roy. de meel. de Belg., Brux., 1851-2, xi, 668: 1852-3, xii, 247. fDiscussion], 1854-5, xiv, 401-174 Also : Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 136; 144; 147.— .Vliller (N.) Encysted gelatinous tumour of the neck. Extr. Rec. Bost.Soc, M! Improve., 1854-6, ii, 85.—Miner (J. F.) Cystic tumor of the neck. Buffalo M. -;—"_':ni.— Vloiiti (L.) Di un voluminoso ematoma congenito al collo in un bambino ; spaccatura del tumore; guarigione. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1873, 5. s., xv, 250-255.—:Tloo loos amy (P. S.) Hydrocele of the neck. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1877, xii, 09.—.Vlorgau (.1. H.) Cysts of the neck. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1884. ii, 878-880.— Tl orris. Intlamed cystic tumour in anteiior triangle of the left side of the neck. Med. Times A- Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 248—Molt. Case of hydrocele of the neck. N. Vork AL & S. Reporter, 1846, i, 151.—Muret (K.) Quelipies mots sur une eirorme tumeur de la region laterale ducou. Echo med., Neiich&t., 1861, v, 297-304.- Musser (J. H.) Case; of congenital cyst of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc, Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi. 243. Also: Phila, M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 541.—Mussel (H.) Observation d'uu kyste sereux du cou, ii fond vasculaire, traite avec succes par les caustiques. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1860,2. s., v, 201-210.— Multer (T. D.) Hydrocele of the. neck. Aled. Exam., I'hila., 1850, n. s., \i,'257-275.—IVagel (E.) Zur Behand- lung umfangreicher Halscysten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 305; 321.—IVclaton. Kyste euorme de la re- gion cervicale chez un enfant nouveau-ne; evacuation par la ponetion, et excision de lapoche apres suture prealable. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 310. -----. Kyste sero-pu- rulent a parois fibro-cartilagineuse. situe dans la region du cou. Ibid., 1861, xxviv, 205.—O'Reirnc (J.) On hydro- cele of the neck. Ilublin J. M. cfe Chem Sc., 1834, vi,'l-22, 2 pl.—Packman (J. I>. V.) Case- of encysted tumour, treated by puncture and injection. Aladras Q. M. J., 1840. ii, 31'J. — Paiias. Kyste sero-muqueux du cou (hygroma) gu6ri par l'inji'ction de chlorure; de zinc. Paris med., 1875- 0, i,_225-227.—Parrot. Kyste sereux multiloculaire con- genital ; curie-uses attaques de oyanose. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1880, liii, 34.—Pccot. Excision d'uu kyste- volumineux. situe sur l'artere caiotido. Bull. Acad', ele med.. Par., 1836-7, i, 97.—Phillips (B.) Observations on a particu- lar form of encysted tumour, which occurs in the* neck, but is not necessarily connected with the thyroid body. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1841-2, xxv, 297-303.— Pilchcr (L. S.) The galvano-cautery in the treatment of hydrocele of the neck. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x, 190.—Plalh. Ueber einen Fall von operativer Beseitiguug eines <' \ st en- I j\eck (Cysts and cystic tumors of). hygroma des Halses. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Lei])/.., 1884. n. F., xxi, 417-419. — Pooler (J. H.) Cvst of the neck. Ohio M. A: S. J., Columbus, 1878, iii, 171-177. Also, Re- print.—Porter (G. H.) A large, encysted tumour of (he neck treated by drainage and injection ; long-continued suppuration; recovery. Dublin Q. J. Al Sc, 1870, xlix, 58-01, 1 pl.—Preis*. Von einem gliieklich operirten unci geheilten Friischlein, welches mit einem Hy groin am Halse vergesellschaftet war. J. f. d. Chir., Geluii tsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1802, iii, 468-472. — Raiupoud [et al.]. Observation d'uu kyste sereux ties-considerable, occupant la plus grande partie du cou. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1814, xxxiii. 339-354. — KansohoflT (J.) Sanguineous cyst of the neck. Tr. Ohio M. Soc 1883, Columbus, 1884. xxxviii, 171-177. Also: Cincin. Lancet cfe Clinic, 1884, n. s., xiii, 1-4.— Rendu. Kyste du cou. Bull. Soc anat. de Par. (1871), 1873, xlvi, 171. — Reyes (A.) Tumor quistico uni- locular implantaelo en el lado lzquierdo del cuello sobre la eare'itida. Gac. ined., Mexico, 1887, xxii, 41. — Kiehard (A.) Note sur la dissection d'une hydrocele du con et le siege presume de ces sortes de tuineurs. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1851-2), 1853, iii, 38-44. 1 pl. [Rap. de Lebert], 45-53.—Richardson (B. W.) Hematic cyst of the neck ; rapid subsidence of the swelling after partial tapping, fol- lowed by the injection of a few drops of the solution of porc.hlofide of iron. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 402- 405, lpl. — Richardson (E.) Hydrocele of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1871-3), 1874 iv, 220.— Robin. Sur un enfant qui presentait, au moment de la naissauce, des kystts multiples du cou. Compt. rend. Soc. ele hied. 1853, Par., 1854, v, 62-67.—Romero (A.) Quisle sangui- nolento, situado en la parte anterior del cuello ; estirpacion total: curacion completa a los 41 elias. Bol. ele med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1850, 3. s., v, 83.—Roser. Mittheilungen iiber Kiemengangcysten. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1875, Berl.', 1876, iv, pt. 1, 25.—Roux (J.) Des kystes sereux du cou. Bull. Acad, de m6el., Par., 1854-5, xx 1110-1123. Also: Rev. med.-chir. de I'ar., 1855, xviii, 7ij_87.-----. Injections ioeleos elans deux kystes eongeni- taux du cou. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1855-0, xxi, 1057- 1064. Also: Monit. d. hop.. Par., 1856, iv, 994-990. Also: Gaz el. Imp . Par., 1856. x, 409. Also: Re;v. de therap. du midi, Montiiel., 1850, x, 551-557. -----. Des kystes sereux du cou au point ele sue operatoire. Marseille meel., 1877, xiv, 063-070.— Royer (A.) Kyste du cou contenant de la chnlesterine: guerison par la ponetion et rinjection ioelee. Gaz. d. nop., I'ar., 1850, xxix, 198.—Ruchmore. Cystic tumors of neck. Aled. \- Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 418. — Savory (W. S.) Large cyst in tbe neck, opening into tIn- pharynx. Lancet, Loml., 1866, ii, 573. -----. Cystic tumour of neck ; incision; suppuration; sudden hieniorrhage; death. Aled. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1882. ii. 579.—Scheile (M.) Ueber elie tiefen Atherome des liaises. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiv, 1-22 — Scholz (WT) Angeborene Halscyste; Versuch der Ex- tirpation : Abbiuden der vordern Wand ; Heilung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1863, xiii, 612; 628 — Sch worin (E.) Ein Fall von Tumor cystoides colli congenitus. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878, xxiii, 430.—Wenn (X.) On branchial c\sts of the ueck. J. Am. M. Ass., ('hie-ago, 1884, iii, 197- 209.—Seutin. M6moire et observations sur les kvstesdu cou. Bull. Acad. roy. denied, de, Belg., Brux., 18a2-3. xii, 257-293, 1 pl. [Discussion], 1854-5, xiv. 464-474. Also: Presse med. beige*, Brux.. 1853, v, 93 ; 101 ; 109; 117. Also: Arch, beiges de m6d. mil., Brux., 1853. xi, 177; 292. Also [Abstr.] : Union meel., Par., 1853, vii, 131.—Silcock (Q.) Cystic epithelioma of the neck. Brit. Al. J., Lond., 1887, i, 620.—Sodcrbaum (P.) Ett fall af lymphangioma cys- ticum congenitum colli. Eira, Gdtebofg, 1887. xi, 483.— •ionic (E.) ReSflexious sur le traitement des kystes du cou. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 9u. -----. Kyste sereux du cou; injection iodee; guerison. Unionnieil.de la Gironde, Boideaux, 1857, ii, 201. — Spciicc. Cystic tumour of neck. Edinb. M. J.. 1879, xv, 397.—Stoltz. Observation sur un enfant nouveau-ne portant un kyste congenital volumineux au cote droit du cou, suivie de re flexions. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1878, x, 161-173.— Stone (J. O.) Hydrocele of the neck cured by the seton. In his: Clinical cases, 8°, N. V., 1878, 220— Storch (O.) Hygroma colli congenitum. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1860, iii, 125-128. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1861, xxxvii, 68-84. —Syme (J.) Encysted or rather cystic tumour of the neck. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. cfe Edinb., 1846, vi, 84.—Terrillon. Note k propos dune observa- tion de kyste congenital du cou. France med., Par., 1878, xxv, 49. '----. Kystes de la region laterale droite du cou, situes sous le steriio-masteidicu et probablement d'origine ganglionnaire; examen histologique cles kystes; extirpa- tion; gu6rison. Bull, et mem. Soc. ele chir. de Par., 1883, n. s., ix. 598-604.—Thevenot (A.) Apuntes sobre los quistes del cuello i su tratainiento por el drenaje quiriirjioo. Rev. med. de Chile, Sunt, de Chile. 1872-3, i, 44; 85; 141.— Thomas (L.) Kyste sanguin unilocnlaire du cou; abla- tion incomplete; blessure de la jugulaire interne; forci- pressnre: rccidive; kyste sanguin multiloculaire. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir.'de Par., 1887, n. s., xiii, 142-147.— Thornton (W. P.) Cervical hydrocele. Lancet, Lond., NECK. 668 NKCK. IVock (Cysts and cystic tumors of). 1882, i, 42U—Tillaux. Kyste sereux du creux sus-cla- viculaili' droit presentant eles signes insolites; injection iodee; guerison. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par.. 1808, lxxx, 550. -----. Kyste dermoide de la legion siis-hyoi- elienne. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par.. 1885, lviii, 569.—'Poland (II, H.) Cystic tumors of the neck. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1872. i, 385-387, 2 pl. — Tonoli (S.) Igroma del collo. Gazz. nicel. ital. lomb., Milano. 1880, 8. s., ii, 310.—Tourncrcl. Kyste sanguin congenital du cou ; extirpation; mort. (Jaz. med. ele Strasb... 1.-70. xxxv, 116. -----. Kyste hyelatiquc dn cou; extirpation partielle; guerison. Ibid., 117 — Townscnd (R. M. ) Congenital multilobular cystic tumor, removed from the neck of a boy aged ten years. Phila. AI. Times, 1870-71, i, 302.—Tra vers (li.) *c Stra- Ihnm. Removal of a large tumor from the neck. Lan- cet. Lond.. 1851. ii, 501. — Trendelenburg (F.) Sehr grosses Hygroma cysticum colli congenitum; Jodiujec- tiom n ; Tod". Arch! f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiii, 404- 411.—Treves (F.) Dissection of a congenital hydrocele of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1880-81, xxxii, 194-197, 11.; 1 pl—Valenta. Colossales congenitales Cystenhy- grom des Halses. combinirt mit ca\erndseru Angiome und Makroglossie. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien, 1871, i, 35-40—Van ISnren. A mass of serous cysts, originally double the size of the closed fist, removed from the side and root of the neck of a boy 14 years of age. Am. M. Month., N. V., 1857, vii, 227. — Vel peau. Kyste situe an devant du larynx; kystes thyroielie ns ele formes diverses. J. ele mod. ct'ehir. prat,, Par.. 185U. 2 s., xxi, 298-300.— Vcrucuil. Recherches anatomiepies pour servir & l'his- toire des kystes de la partie superieure et m&liane du cou. Arch. gen. denied., Par.. 1853, 5. s.. i, 185; 450. —Virchow (R.) Ein tie-fes auriculares Dermoid des liaises. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc-., Berl , I860, xxxv, 208-21(1.— Volckcrs (C.) Hygroma cellulosum am Halse eiues Neugebornen. AVchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 704-707.—Walker (B. M.) t Cystic tumor of the neck treated with ergot. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1878, viii, 161-103. — Warren (J. W.l Sero-cystic tumor of the neck, adherent to the internal jugular vein; dissection of the vein; union by ad- hesive inflammation; cure in one week. Boston M. .x, S. J., 1843, xxviii, 157. -----. Hydrocele of the neck; in- flammation: suppuration; removal of the sac. In his: Surg. Ohs.. 8^. Bost., 1807, 509.—Werner. Hydrocele colli. Med. Cor.-Bl. el. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver. Stuttg.. 1837, vii, 240. —West (J. F. ) Xotes of a case of tibro-cystic tumour, or hydrocele of the neck. P.ii iningh. M. Re\-., 1875, 104-109.—Whitehead (W.) Two cases in which cystic tumours were removed from the anterior triangle of the neck; recovery in both cases. Brit, M. J., Loud., 1881, ii, 13— Whilson (J.) Case of hydrocele of the neck. Lancet, Loml., 1882, i. _'i8 — Wiiitler (A.) Zur operativen Behandlung des Hygroma colli congenitum (Wernher); Lymphangioma colli cysticum t Wegne-r). Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 905; 937. —Wntmer. Hy- groma cellulosum am Halse eiues Xeugebornen. Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, 257-200.—Zsi«mondy. (vstisatheromatosa iu der Mediant inie des Halses. Aerztl. Ber. el. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zuWien (1876), 1877, 165. ]\eck (Deformities of). Bobiciion (C.-L.) * Contribution a l'etude ulations ; courants cool inns; guerisnn. Bull. Soc. de me d. prat, de Par.. 1879.103-110. Also -. France nied., Par., 1879, xxvi, 666-008. — Bouricr. Reclamation contre les articles dc J. Guerin, relatifs au traitement ein torticolis ancien. Gaz. nied. de Par., 18IS8, 2. s., vi, 3I8; 382. -----. Section du sterno-niastoielien pourun teirtirnlis musculaire ancien. Bull. Acad, ele med.. Par., 1839-40. iv, 518. Also: Bull. gen. de therap.. etc.. Par., 1840, xviii, 163-108. —Bradford (K. II.) A case of posterior toiti- collis, treated successfully by I )i lore's met hod. N. Yolk M. J., 1880. xxxi. 24-29 -----. Cases of wry neck. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1882, cvi, 513-510.— Iti-andl. D'une nouvelle espoce de tortico is et de son Uaiteinent. Bull. gen. ele therap., etc., Par., 1840, xix, 297-3IK).—Bridilon. Chronic torticollis: unsuccessful attempt to stretch lhe spinal ac- cessory nerve. Meel. Rec, N. \T, 18.82, xxii. 40— Bioca (P.) I)e la deformation du cr&ne sous I'inllueiice- du toiti- colis ehronique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. ele Par., 1872, 2. s., vii, 21-25. -----. Du torticolis. Rev. phot. el. hop. eh Par., 1872, iv, 05-70, 3 pl— Biooloe (F. D.) Congenital torticol- lis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 18,sii. xxix, 257— Bin-in*. Caput obstipum spasticum. Me el. Ztg., Berl . 1850. xxv. 39; 45.— Brown (J. B.) Torticollis successfully treated at the Boston Orthopedic Infirmary. Boston M. -V S. J., 1842, xxvi, 58-00 — Buck ((i.) \Yrv neck cured without cut- ting. X. York M. limes. 1852, ii, 131-134.—Bu»cy (S. (T) Anasthesia anil hot water in the treatment of torticollis. Meel. Rec, N. Y.. 1879, xvi, 295.—C'airc (P.) Osservazioni teorico-pratiche sopra aleuni casi di strabismo e torticollo. Gior. cl. sc. nied., Torino, 1840. xxv, 170-194. — Can-on du Villm-dM (0. J.-F.) Observation relative k uu cas de torticolis ancien, treTs-coniplie'iie*, gueri par hi section sous-cutaue'-e du sterno-inastoldien et du peaucier. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1852. 3. s., vii, 451.—Curling. Torticollis following rheumatic fever. Lancet. Loud., 1860, i, 348.— Dally. Du torticolis occipito-atloidien. Bull. gen. de therap., etc. Par., 1875, lxxxix, 354; 388; 438. — l>nl> (P.) Caseof wry neck relieved bv operation. Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 245.—Davicr» (E.-J.) Torticolis congeni- tal; section sous-cutaneeelu sterno-niastoielien. Bull. Nie-. de med. d'Angers, 1841-2, i, 60-65. — I>nvi* (J. D. S.) A case of congenital torticollis, with fissure of upper lip. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1884-5, n. s., i, 510-518. —Mcboiit. Remarques sur uu ens de torticolis du ii la contracture des muscles splenius droit et stemo inastoielien gauche, guen par l'excitatinu electrique localisee elans les muscles an- tagonistes. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1855, xlix, 61-71. Also [Abstr.j: Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par., 1854-5, v, 200. Also, transl. -• Allg. meel. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 18.i6, xxv, 225: 233; 241.—Dc-«»iovniiiii (A.) Sopra un caso di torticollo a coutriluizione della dottrina sui trasporto delle influenze spinali e a fondauiento d' una ipoteai per la NECK. 669 NECK. Neck (Deformities of). loro spiegazione. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1880, 2. s., xiii, 682-685.—Delore. Du torticolis posterieiir et de son traitenient par le redressement force et le bandage silicateT Gaz hehd. de med., Par., 1878, 2. s. xv, 167; 178.—DieHciibach. Durchschneielung des Musculus sternocleidomastoideus zur Heilung des schiefen H-ilses Meel. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii. 135-138. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1838-9, i, 30; 47.—Bollinger (G.) Tes- tegyeneszeti kiizlentenyek. Aclatok a ferdenyak (torticol- lisTkdrokahoz es gyogykezel. [Pathology and therapeu- tics of torticollis. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1885, xxix, 1219-1225. Also, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1885, xxi, 957; 977— Dubrucil (A.) Torticolis dfi ii la retraction eles scalenes. Gaz. hehd. el. sc. med. de Montpel., '.880, viii. 457. — Ducheunc de Boulogne. Torticolis de la portion clavic ulairc du trapeze. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1853, i, 394-398.— Fbert. Das krainpfhafte Kopfuieken eler Kinde*r. |7 cases. | Ann. cl. Char.-KranUenh. . . . zu Berl., 1850, i, 752-769. — Fidcn- ni n I ler (G.) Case ol' Torticollis. San Francisco M. Press. 1860, i, 73—Ekeroth (E.) Sc Tcngsti and (E. U) Tvennc handelseraf caput obstipum ; myotomi. In: Bergstranel (0. II.) Chir. Iakttagelser, 8*, Upsala, [u. d.], 170-201.—Kulciibui-Ji. Bruchstiick aus einer noch un- veroffeiitlichten Abhandlung "Ueber Verdrehung des Kopfes durch Krampf einzelner Ilalsniuskelu". Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1856, xxv, 623-627. -----. Fall von Torticollis (Scoliosis cervicalis) nach Suppuration des Zcllgewibes im Xackeii; Heilung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1863, iv, 301-303. -----. Apparat gegen Torticollis. Verhandl. el. Berl. med. (iesellsch. (1867-8), 1871, pp. xxxiv- xl. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 350-352. -----. Einige Beinerkungen zur Diagnose und Behandlung des Torticollis. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1869-71), 1872, pt. 1. 2s9-296. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 479-481.— Fisher (F. R.) Wry neck of infantile origin in an adult: tenotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 609.—Fisher i WT R.) A case of torticollis: illus- trating senne principles of treatment. Mecl. Rec, NT Y., 1873, viii, 588-591.—Fleury (L.-J.-D.) Memoire sur un cas ele torticolis permanent, determine par la contraction du faisceau sternal du muscle sternocleido-mastoidien, et gueri par la section sous-cutanee du tendon iuferieur de ce faisceau charuu. Arch gen. de meel., Par., 1838, 3. s., ii, 78-96. Also, Reprint.—t'arcisi y Fiulos (J. M.) Historia clinica ele uu torticolis. Anliteat.ro anat., Ma- drid, 187:;. i. 144—Geraldes (M. J.) Congenital torticol- lis. Med. kV Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 323-329.— <»crinniu (J.) Section sous-cutanee ilu muscle storno- inastoielien elans le torticolis; nouvel instrument du . . . Arch, de la meel. beige. Brux., 1842, ix, 25-29.—Gilby (W.) Efficacy of electricity in contraction of the muscles of the neck. 'Lancet 1825,'2. ed., Loud.. 1820, viii, 280.— (•irbal (A.) Observation do torticolis con gen ital ancien, gueri par la section sous-eutanee des deux tendons du steino-clcido-mastoi'ilion. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1800, lix, 307-309.—Gotl.schalk (A.) Zur Operation des schiefen liaises. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bonn, 1840-41, i, 421-428 —Grobncrt (F.) Un caso ele torticolis iuter- mitente. Kev. nied. de Chile, Saut. ele Chile, 1877, vi, 145- 150.—G rosin cfe Van I rain. Torticolis congenital; teno- tomie du muscle sterno-niastoi'dien droit; traitenient or- thopedique consecutif par l'exteusion continue et par uu collier redresseur; gut'-rison. Rev. med. dc- lest, Nancy, 1880, xviii, 245-247.—Gross (S. D.) Torticollis. Mecl. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1808, xix, 418. -----. Torticollis. Phila, M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 89. -----. Myotomy in a case of toiticollis. Ibid., 1873-4, iv, 4.—Guerin (J.) Memoire sur une nouvelle methode ele traitement du torticolis ancien. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi. 209- 216. Also, Reprint. -----. Ohservations de torticolis ancien traite par la section sous-cutanee du muscle sterno-mastoidieii. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1838. 2. s., vi, 259- 264. -----. Resume d'un memoire sur le torticolis an- cien et le traitement ele* cette difformite par la section sous-cutanee eles muscles retractes. Ibid , 1840, 2. s., viii, 405. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur le torticolis ancien, et sur lc traitenient de cette difformite par la section sous- cutanee des muscles retractes. Ibid., 1841, 2. s, ix. 353; 417. -----. Torticolis ancien. Rap. sur les traitements orthoped. 1843-5, Par., 1848. 24-40. -----. Variations thermiques elans le.s maladies; deformations dela face et du crane elans le torticolis ancien. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1880, 2. s.. ix, 27-36. —Giierssml (P.) Du tortico- lis chez les enfants. Bull. gen. ele therap., etc., Par., 1805, lxviii, 448-452. — lladrn (B. E.) Two cases of congeni- tal torticollis. Med. Rec. X. YT, 1886, xxix. 91.—Hall (C. R.) Case of spasmodic wry-neck cureel b\ operation. Prov. M. &S..J., Lond., 1841, ii! 129. — Hall (M.) On epi- leptic- torticollis. Lancet, Lond., 1852. ii, 463. — II a ni- hil i* in. Note sur line variete'' ele torticolis, simulant la tumeur lilancheeles deux premieres vertebres cervicales & sa premiere periode, et paraissaut avoir etc confondue jiisqu'aujourd'hui avec cette derniero affection. Bull. Acad. roy. ele med. ele Belg.. Brux., 1861, 2. s., iv, 51-58. [Rap. ele Michaux], 19. — Hamilton (A. McL.) The physiological treatment of wryneck. NT York M. J., ]\eck (Deformities of). 1880, xxxi, 140-144.— Hancock (H.) Division of con- traction of the neck from a burn. Lancet, Loud., 1857. ii, 141. -----. Torticollis from carious tooth. Ibid., 1859, i, 80.—Heyfelder (JT F.) Subcutane Durchschneidungdes M. sternocleido-mastoicleus. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1858, x, 227.— Hilton. Severe burn of the neck treated by ex- tension from the beginning. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 662.— Hugiuaii (0.) Subcutaneous incision for wry-neck. Meel. Times, Lond.. 185(1. i. 85.—James (J. H.) Treatment of contracted neck after burns; the advantages of the screw collar in this and either maladies. Assoc. M.J.. Loml.. 1850, ii, 667.—Jobert (de Lamballe). Torticolis musculaire ehronique: section sous-cutanee de la portion claviculaire du sterno - mastoidien. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1803, xxxvi, 314.—Kerseh (S.) Tenotomie zur Heilung des Torticol- lis und (lessen Nac hbehandluug. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1868, xiii, 5-7.—liirby (J.) Wrv-iieek. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxix,259-26L— l.aballll i Wry-neck, depending on a tetanic condition of the right ste i uo-mastoid muscle; to- gether with a silastic state of the trapezius and abdomi- nal musclps of the same side, conseepient on severe strain of the spine. Ibid.. 1844, xi, 117-119. — l.egoucst. Tor- ticolis intermittent. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par. 0861), 1862, 2. s., ii, 234; 420. — l.cliniauii. Fall von Durch- wchneidung lies Musculus stei iiocleiiloniastoiileiis unter der Haut beim schiefen Halse. Med. Ztg.. Berl.. ls:;9, viii, 245 — Ijcsy.ynslty (W. M.) Treatment of wry-neck by sulphate of atropia. Meel. Rec, X. Y.. 1884. 'xxv, 288- 290. —Leva. Torticolis intermittent; sulfate de quinine; guerison.' Ann. Soc. tie med. d'Anvers, 1844, 249-251.— Louis. Torticolis. Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1840. 2. s., viii, 390.—.Meyer. Beobachtung eines Falles von krampf- haltem Schicfhals. Torticollis spasmodica. geheilt durch subcutane Tenotomie. Mecl. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn. 1843. ii, 19; 01 : S3.—.11 iddel (P.) Onder- huidsehe doorsnijding (Tcncotoniia siihcutauea) van elen musculus sternocleidomastoideus bij den scheeven hals (Caput obstipum). Pract. Tijdschr. v. de, Geneesk., Go- l-incheiii, 184(1. xix, 34-30—.?! ill*. (C K.) Spasm of the muscles supplied by the spinal accessory nerve. Am. J. M. Sc;.. Phila., 1877.'n. s., Iwiv. 425-433.'—.Tloselijj von IVIoorliof. Colluni obstipum spasticum ; Dehiiimg bei- iler Nervi recurrentes Willisii; Heiluug. Wien. ined. Presse. 1881. xxii. 853-855. — Nottingham (.1.) Wry- neck ; division of the sternuiiiasloid. Lancet. 1......1.. 1841- 2, i, 187. —Ormsby. Clonic torticollis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1882, 3. s., lxxii, 24S-25U.—Owen i E.) Notes on a case of wry neck. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1885, iv, 371.—Far (Et) Til'fii-lde af spastisk Torticollis. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1800, ix, 161; 105— Petersen (F.j Caput obstipum. (Zur Aetiologie und Behandlung.) Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1884, xxx, 781-798.— |Poorc.| Case of clonic torticollis treated by the continuous galvanic current and the rhyth- mical exercise of the affected muscles. Lancet, Loud., 1873, ii, 520.—Fosl (A. C.) A case of torticollis cured by divis- ion of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle followed bv elastic traction of the head. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 188(1, xxxi, 837-839. Also [Abstr.J : Med. Rec, X. Y., 1881, xix, 23.— Price (P. G.) Wry-neck; division of the sterno-mastoid muscle. Lancet, Lond., 1840^1, ii, 583. — Ki-giuibeau. Torticolis; affection Vhumatismale occupant hs articula- tions des vertebres cervicales et produisant une contrac- ture reflexe des scalenes et du splenius. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel. 1881, iii. 25: 49. — Remak. Ueber Torticollis und Chorea. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. 1803, ix. 224. — Kcyuier (.T.-B.) Contribution au traitenient eles deviations ele la tailleet du torticolis. Ann. Soc. meel.-chir. de Liege-. 1878. xvii. 129; 313; 405; 474.— Reynolds (J. 11.) Torticollis. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1808. ii, 774-780. — Richet (IT) Notes sur deux maladies operees de torticolis congenital. Rev. med.-phot. d. he'ip. de Par., 1874, vi, 163, 2 pl. — Rivington ( W.) Spasmodic wry-neck; exe;ision of a portion of the spinal accessory nerve; death from erysipelas. Brain, Lond., 1881-2, iv, 257-263.—Robert. Cas remarquable de torti- colis accompagnes de circonstances assez rares, dont un suivi de mort apres l'operatiou ; reflexions cliniques snr ce dernier. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, 2. s., viii, 174.—Kolh (B.) The treatment of non-spasmodic wryneck (torticol- lis). Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1884. i, 1139-1141—Roux. Tor- ticolis congenital; considerations ge'-ne'-rales. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1841,' 2. s., iii, 15. —Ria" (<■■ NV > Be-.peirt and pre- sentation of two cases of torticollis. Cmcm. Lancet- Clinic, 1880. n. s., xvi, 395-397.—dc Sauit-Gcrmain. Du torticolis chez les enfants. J. ele med. et chir. prat,, Par 1870 xlvii, 304-308. -----. Du torticolis. Gaz. d. Imp., Par.', 1881, liv. 339; 347.— Salter (J. A.) Wry neck from carious teeth of lower .jaw. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, 3. 8., xiii, 89.—Wands ill. B.) Excision ot a poetion of the spinal accessory nerve for spasmodic torti- collis. Ann. Anat. & Surg.. Brooklyn. N. V.. 1883, vm 27e- ■'79 Also: N. York M.J., 1883. xx.xvm. ..:>;>. Also: .Meel. News, Phila., 1883, xliii. 572.-Nnii«alli (G.) Sopra una causa non hen conosciuta eli torch-olio. R. 1st. Lonili. ch sc e lett. Rendic, Milano. 1870, 2. s., iii, 31-36.—Ncjjiiiii. Torticolis datant de sept mois, avec deviation de 1 epme, gueri par l'extension, le massage et la percussion cadcucee. MtCK. 670 NECK. Neck (Deformities of). Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1838, ii, 75-79 — Sicjjcn - (C. ) Du torticolis chez le cheval. Bull. Soc. d. sc med. du gr.-duche de Luxemh., 1869, 172-174. |Rap. de E. Fischer], 175.—Wiredey. Torticolis rhumatisiual a acres repetes. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1807, xl, 69. — Smith ( L.) Case of e-ongeiiital wry-neck. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1880-7, xv, 5. — Nusiith (F.) Division of the sterno-cleido- mastoiei muscle for the cure of wry-neck. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, i, 227.—Mon tli a in (F. A.) Abstract of a clinical lecture'oil torticollis, and its treatment by tenotomy and neurectomy. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1885, ii, 59-61. —Mleele (A. J.) Torticollis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis. 1876, x, 37-49. —Stephenson ( M. ) Case of t n ticollis. NT York M. Times. 1855. iv, 40-48.— Mlcudcl. Torticollis spastica. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1848, xviii, 333. — Mtromcyer ( L. ) Habit uelh-r Krampf eles Kopfnickers. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 489; 511 ; 527.—Swan (R. L.) Wry neck : its phases aud treatment. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, 3. s., lxviii, 114-119, 1 pl. — Tnlko (J.) Udawane krecenie glowa przerwane zawloka na karku. [Twisting of the heart (in. sterno- eieido mastoideus) treated bv seton to nape of neck. ] Meelycvna. Warszawa, 1873, i, 661-663.—Teslclin. Con- tracture des muscles de I'eeil: torticolis. Bull. med. du nord. Lille, 1874, xiv, 21.—Tillaux. Tort icolis fonction- nel; resection eiu nerf spinal. Tribune med , Par., 1882, xiv, 77-80.—|do Valle (A. G.)] Torcicollo intermittente ; cura na piesenea do tratamento pelo sulphate) ele quiniua. Escholiaste mt-el., Lisb.. 1802, xiii, 153— Vnllin. Obser- vation d'une forte contracture eiu muscle sterno-mastoidien gauche, avec; rotation ele la tete, inflexions et torsions do l'6pine; guerison sans operation. -T. ele* la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-lnf., Nantes, 1838. xiv, 94-103, 1 pl. ------. Torticolis de naissane-e : section sous-cutanee (les deux muscles sterno et cleielo-mastoiilie-ns droits; gueri- son. Ibid., 1842, xviii, 192-207— Volkniauii (R.) Das sogenannte augeborene Caput obstipum und elie offene Dui-chschneielung des M. sternocleielo-niast (tides. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885. xii, 233-236. — Warren (J. M.) Division of the steiuo -mastoid muscle I'm -wry-neck. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1841-2, xxv, 121-120. Also, in his: Surg. Ohs.. 8°, Bost., 1867. 601-609 —Weiss (IT) Torti- colis. N. diet, ele meel. et chir. prat., Par., 1883, xxxv, G44-071.— W ify.vl ( O. ) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der se- cunclarcn \'eriineh-i iingen beim inuscularen Schiefhalse. Deutsche Zlschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1882-3, xviii, 534-578.— Wood. Congenital torticollis in a young girl. Lancet, Lond.. 1857, ii, 498. ------. Torticollis; new method of operating. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1871, xi, 351. ]\eck (Diseases aud surgery of). Sec. also. Spine (t'e rv'n-al diseases of); Sterno- cleidomastoid. Acadkmik royale de cliirurgie. Ohservations on surgical diseases of the head aud neck. Selected fiiuii the memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sinoeiy of France. Trans], and edited liv Drewrv Of 1 ley. 8°. London, l-'4*\ Albert(E.) Lehrhuch derChirui-oie undOpe- lationslehre. 1. Bd. Dietehirnrgischcii Krank- heiten des Kopfes und Halses. S3. Wien, 1877. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Wien it. Leipzig, 1884. Demetiuades (A.) * Ueber Spasmen der Kopfiotatoreu und deren Therapie. 8°. Ev- langen, l-*?4. Fischer (G.) Krankheiten des Halses; topo- oraphische Anatomie; angeborne Krankheiten; llnterbinduiigen; Verletzungen. 8-. Stuttgart, 188%). -----. The same. Malattie del collo. Ana- tomia topografica. Malattie congeuite, allaccia- ture. Lesioni violeute. Traduzioue (dal tedesco) pel l)e>tt. Fe-rdinando Massci. «. Xapoli, 1881. Haksemaxx (H. L.) Geschiehte uud Heilung eines Spekgcschwiirs. Eine Streitschrift. 12 T Kopenhagen, [1775]. -----. Benierkung von einer Halsentziin- dang. 12°. Kopenhagen, [177!)]. Haller (A.) [Pr.] de morbis colli observa- tiones adjicit. 4°. Gottinga; 177)3. Hecker (A. F.) Vou den Entziiiidungen im Halse, besonders von der Angina poly posa und dem Asthma Miliari. 8-. Berlin, l-H'.l. Hoxcamp (E.) * Ein Fall von spontaner Gan- gran dec linkeu Halsgegend mit bcsoudcie-i- Be- riicksichtigung der cousecutiven pathologischen j\eck (Diseases and surgery of). Fclsenbeinveriiuderuugen. [ Wurtzburg. ] 8\ Miinchen, 1887). Lindpaixtxeu (J.) * Ueber die (iefahren bei Operationen am Halse. 8°. Miiiielieii, 1873. Maedge (C F. G. L.) "' De indurationc tela* colli cellnloste gaugrienosa. 4 . Pvuitsviga; 1848. Peyrot ( J.-J.) Maladies des regions; con, poitrine, abdomen. 8°. Paris, 1887. AriilieiiiM-r. Sehr hartnackige Oouvulsibilitas colli, durch Seebader verscheiicht. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi| 18-20. — Bomt'iiel. Observation d'extraction d'uuo chaine disparue a travels la peau, dans le tissu cellulaire sous-cutan6 du cou. Lyon med., 1879, xxxii, 339-342.— Krnid (J.) Case of a peculiar ulcerous affection, suc- cessfully treated. ICelinb. M. Sc S. J., 1825, xxiii, 42-49.— t'upouotto (A.) Malattie del collo e della nuca; e;asi 21 (xM. 14, F. 7), di cui nioiti 2 M. Osservatore. Torino, 1883, xix, 289-300.—1><* Tloiijjiii. Case of severe spas- modic contraction of cervical muscles produced by move- ment. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 12s. —Faiu-on (A.)' Ulcere scrofuleux du cou, respiration dillieile; coniage: ace es de suffocation; tracheotoniii'par lc thermo-cautere. In Ids: Lec. declin. chir., 8° Par , 1879, 109-120.— Foibroltc (.J.) Cellular hypertrojihy of the throat and neck, with chronic; affection of the pharynx and larynx. Lancet, Lot d., 1835, ii. 247-250. — diillrtlc. Cou (pathologie chirurgicale). Diet, encycl. d. sc nied., Par., 1877, xxi, 165-387.-llall (M.) On the neck as a medical region, and on parowsuial paralysis Laucet, 1......1., 1849, i, 174; 285; 394; 5(lti'; 687: ii, 66: 1850, ii, 75.—Hancock (II.) Case of ulceration of the neck, apparently malignant. probably syphilitic Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond., lsiiii. ii 5411. — Ho<-rin<;. Beitrage zuderin No. 4 dieser Zeitschrift mitgelheilte n Halskrauk- heit. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. win t lemh. iir/tl. Vlt., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 109-112.— Jaccoiid. Aithrite rhumatismale de la i6gion cervicale*. compliance de meningite: paraplCgie. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1884, lvii, 1170.—Kumar (A.) Spasmus der Halsmuskeln. Wien. med. Bl., 1882, v. 1440.—Fau- liit-t- (S.) Des maladies eiu cou et des operations epii se praticjuent sur cette region. Diet, de med., 2. 6(1., Par., 1835, ix, 162-186. — iVI<-ai-N (J. E.) Specimen of large ulcer of the; neck, involving the sub- maxillary gland, removed by opeialion. Tr. Path. Soc Phila.' (1878), 1879, viii, 144. — Ojjlc (J. W1 Clonic spas.....die contra.-- tion of the muscles of the neck, possibly having its origin in some affection of the contents of' the spinal canal. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond. 1873, vi, 114-120. — Oldman (C.) Case of diffuse hypertrophy of the adipose, tissue of the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 768. — l*:iliii-uer».-iiit. Des ade- nites cervicales ehez les enfants. Bull. ", n. de therap. etc., Par., 1863, lxiv, 348-352 — Howard (AV.) A case of lymphadenoma. Tr. Cliu. Sen. Lond., 1876, ix, 40-44.— ITarrcy (H.) Memoire sur l'adenite cervicale observee dans les hopitaux militaires, et sur l'extirpation des tu- mours ganglionnaires du con. Mem. Acad, de med. 1850- 51, Par., 1852, xvi, 273-365. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1848-9, xiv, 834. Also [Rap. de Gimelle], 1849-50, xv, 619-632. — I,arzelere (J. R.) Adenitis, acute and chronic Bulla lo M. Sc S. J., 1878, xvii, 204-207.— I.eube. l.'eber epiileinische Krkrankung eler Halslvniphdriisen. Sitzungsb. el. phys.-mecl. Soc. zu Erlang., 1870-71, 3. lilt., 5-8.—Tlarkeuzic (M.) On the hypodermic treatment of indolent enlargements of Ihe cervicalglauds. Med. Times Sc (iaz., Loud., 1875, i, 577. — ITIaguier. Observation sur lYxtirpatiou des glandes du cou. JT de nied. mil., Par., 1784, iii, 371-378.—iTIarjolin. Adenopathie cervicale ; diagnostic elouteux. Bull, et mem. Soc. ele chir. ele Par., 1877, iii, 34 1.—.Vlai-ston (C. H.) An hypertrophied cervical gland treated by injections of io- dine. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1867, ii, 87.—iTIartin (E.) Xote sur l'adeuopnthic cervicale. suivie ele relation ele deux operations. Rec ele m6m. ele* med. . . . mil., Par., 1863, 3. s., x, 109-112. — Tlazz.oni (C.) Adenite crouaca cervicale; piaghe scrofolose; estirpazione del tumorescro- foloso : pennella/.ionidi tinturadi joeliei; guarigione. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni). Roma, 1876, iii, 149.— Tlolliere (D.) Des tumeurs ganglionnaires du cou. Province; ined., Lyon, 1887, ii, 627-631.—©biwwier (H.) Traitement de l'adenite cervicale suppuree. Bordeaux m6(L, 1877. vi, 377-379.— Osle (J- W.) Enlarged cervical glands a flee ted by a pe- culiar deposit. Tr. Path. Soc Loud., 1859-60, xi,' 255.— I'aiicli (•!.) Ueber Zellgewebsveihartung am Halse. Ztschr. I el. ges. Med., Hamb., 1842, xx, 1-17— Pnullai-d. LeiKiinie: lyniphaih-nomefO enorme du cou : extirpation suivie de guerision ; recidive*: moil I't ogres mCd., Par., 1877, v, U2-34 — l>< r>ierat. Chir.. 8". Wien, 1878. 21-24.—Allen (H.) Fatty tumor of the neck. Pilot. Re-v. M. A, S., Pbila., 1871-2, ii,' 48. 1 pl — Audei-NOii (A. D.) t Glasgow M. J., 1855-6, iii, 270 - 279. — Andrews (T. U.) Encephaloid tumor of the neck; removal ; recovery. Phot. Rev. M. A S., Phila., 1871-2, ii, 34-36, 1 pl. — A|>- penrodt. Exstirpation einer struine'isen Geschwukt. Zlschr. f. Cbir. v. Chir.. (1st.'rode. 1841. i. pt. 3. 15-17.— AtkiilMOii (J.) t Meel. A- Pli.vs. J., Lond., 1813, xxx, 353- 355,1 pl.—Atlec(W. F.) Encysted tumour of neck. Tr. J\eck (Tumors of). Ccill. Phys. Phila., 1863-74, n. s., iv, 398. Also : Am. J. M Sc, Phila., 1872, u. s., lxiii, 411. -- Alliniont. Karceune alveolaile eles muscles de l'epaule et (111 eon. Bull. Soc. anat. ele Nantes 1881, Par., 1882, v, 31. — Au< liiiiclo** (\VT) Mamniary sarcoma of neck. Glasgow M..L, IK'ii, iii, 218.—Andonin de t'bniguebrun (H.) Tunn ursin- guliere ]»ar son origine, sa tigure, sa grosseur. J. denied., chir., pharni.. etc.. Par., 1779, lii, 515-517. — Barqua. Tu- meur anevrismale k la partie anterieure du cou, guerie pur hs moyens debilitaus. Lull. Fac denied, ele I'ar., 18(19-11, ii (6. annee), 136-141.— Bail be run. Observation sur une tiiuieur froide enorme, sit uee le long de la jugulaire externe d'une jeune fille qui 6toit obligee d'appuyer sou nientem scur l'epaule droite. laquelle tumeur a 6t6 gu6rie par l'applica- tion des bones de Balaruc. ,1 de med., cbir.. pharni.. etc., Par., 1781. lv, 49(1-493. —Baiter (W. M.) Lyinphadei.....ia- tons tumours of sculp and neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879, xxx, 417-419.—Ballingall (G. R.) t Tr. M. A, Phvs. Soe. Bombay (1853-4), 1855, n. s., ii, 281.—Baiion. Chelated tumor of the neck, proving fatal from henioi i liage. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s.. i, 45-1, — Bardenlieuer (1!) L\mphomata colli. In : Jabresli. ii. el. That ink. ilu Coiner Stiidt. Biirger-Hosp. (1875), Coin, 1876, 15(1 —Barker (A. E.) On the removal of deep-seated turnouts of the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 194; 1011. — Barrier. Tuineur ganglionnaire de nature sipiirrlicuse siegeant au ce"it6 gauche du cou, et envoyant ele profomles racines eutre les gros vai.sseaux arteriels et veineux: operation: guerison. Ga/,. med. ele Lyon, 1850, ii, 273-275.—Barton. [Fibrous tumour, taken from the back of the neck of an infant. 1 Dublin Q. JT M. Se-,., 1870, n. s., 1, 2(H —Bnawini (K.) Fibro-condro-sarconia alia regione soprujoiclc-a, lutosinislro. In his: Clin, operat.. 8°, Genova. 1878, 85-8c —Balchcl- der (J. P.) t NT York J. M., 1846, vii, 27-33. ------. Case of tumor. Ibid., 200-200. A Iso, Reprint. ------. Caseof tumor at the angle of the jaw. N. York J. M., 1847, viii, 27-35.— Bailey (R.) Fibro-cyslic tumor of the neck. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1877. i, 293-299.—Beauregard. Lvinphosarcouie de la region sus-claviculaire; extirpation. J.' d. conn. med. prat., I'ar., 1881, 3. s.. iii, 331. — Begin. Extraction d'une tumeui tics-voluiniuenseenvcloppeeelaus la region cervicale. Bull. Acad, ele meel., Par., 1840, v, 482- 484.—Bellhoimiie. Observation d'une (-norme tumeur du cou. [Rap. de Velpeau.] Ibid., 1841-2, vii, 598—Bell (B.) Extirpation of a tumour in the neck, which was situated beneath the digastric fascia, and behind the sub- maxillary gland. Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1827, iii, 311-313—Bell (G.) Case of extensive tumour sue-ccssl'iilly extirpated from the muscular fascia of the neck. I bid . 18-j(i, i, 61-68, 1 pl.—Bellini (G. Ii.) Tuinori glamlulai i al collo esotto 1' ascella, guariti colla adust ione mediante potassa caustic a. Gior. d. r. Ai cad. ined. ihir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xv, 202- U(i4. — Bellonard (V.) Hypertrophic des ganglions lvinpluiliipies du cou; Electrisation; cry sipelc. fugace ; in Haniiiiation de toutes les glandes sereuses; mort. (Jaz. meel. de Rouleaux, 187:!. ii, 222-225. — Bergeron (J.-E.) Cn aeleiiome a la tenion cervicale. Abeille int'-d., Montreal, l.^sn ii, 7. —[Bigelow.] t Eoslon M. \ S. J., 1875, xe-.u, 17U-172. — Binel. [Tumeur chondroide ele la region parotidiennel Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 250.— Birkelt. Fibrous tumour of the neck and pharynx, threatening suffocation; survival seventy-seven clays altcT tracheotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1858. i. 339— Blake (.1. M.) Removal of an encysted tumor from the neck. Maine M. & S. Reporter, 1858-9, i, 151-153— Blaudiu. Tumeur fibreuse tresconsiderable de la partie posterieure et late- rale gauche eiu col. Bull. Acad, de meel., Par., 1842-3, vni, 030—Bloxam (J. A.) Adenoma of the neck ; removal; recovery. Meel. Times cfe Gaz, Lond., 1879, n, 396.— Bock. Skirrhdse Gesohwulst am Hul.sc-. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1854, xxiii, 146. — Boeckel ( E.) Extirpation des tumeurs profomles du cou avec- pansement antiseptiiuie. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1879, xcvii, 289-301. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1880. xxxix, 37-40.------. Sarcome eu cou; extirpation; lesion de l'artere vertcbrale; ligature du vaisse-au; guerison. Gaz. ined. de Strasb., 1884, 4. s., xiii, 13— Buekel (J.) Lympliomes malins du cou (132); ex- tirpation saus section du muscle sternocleido niastoidie-n et sans deviation consecutive ele la tete; pansement ele Lister; guerison ; recielives ncccssitant trois nouvelles ope rations. Mem. So.-, de meel. (le Strasb.. 1877 Xlll, 81-89— Boiling. Lymphoma colli; extirpation: dod. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 759. - Bom- iM. L.) librotis tu- mour of the neck and face; removal. Indian M da/, Calcutta, 1874, ix, 10, 1 pl. - Boliiiii (E.) < ospi.no mi xo.ua delle regioui profonde d.-l .olio nmosso conteliie successo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1872, ccxix 5..4-.41, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. ------. Vuxto sarcoma del collo cspnr- tato con felice successo. Gior. d. r. Accad. eli li.e-ct. en Torino, 1874, 3. s„ xv, 55-63, 2 pl. Also tffns.fA]!^i Presse med. beige, Brux., 1874, xxvi.301. Also traind. [Abstr 1: Lond. M. Rec, 1874, ii. 230.-Boiiycr. Tumeur sous-n.axillai.v(.ote,lr..it):ligatureprealablc«lelacarotide iMiniitive; ablation ele hi tumeur «lou/.e jours apres par eerasement lineaire ; mort. B.ill. Soc. eh- chir. de I ar. (18.U), 1865, 2. 8., v, 2-5.-Br. Gliickliche ()p.-ra.ion einer 25 Pfund schwereu Speckgcschwulst. A., ii, ,,84-587— Chamber* (J. "WT) Surgical treat ment of tubercular disease of the glands of the neck. Tr. M. A Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait, 1886, 89-97.—Cbarrier. [Knrhemdrome de la region parotidienne.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1800. xxxv, 346— Chassaignac. Tumour erectile. Lull. S,,c. de chir. ele Par., 1861, 2. s., i, 341.— Cliavawge (IT IT) The diagnosis of cervical tumours. Ihrmiimli. M. Rev., 188ii, xii, 241-248. — Chedevergne. [Titineiir cutanee du cou et eiu elos.| Hull. Soc.anat.de Pet., Istj4, xxxix, 505. — Chirult(YT) Gran ueoplasma situado sobre la region cervical lateral derecha invadiendo 43 \eck (Tumors of). la anterior y la posterior; dolores intensisimos que amena- zaban acabar con la enferma; estirpacion practicada por F. Rubio, ele Sevilla; iiipiela v conipleta curacion. Com- pilaelornieel.. Barcel., 18117-s, iii, 544 ; 577.—Chretien (U.) De l'extirpation des grosses tumeurs gauglioimaires de nature strutneuse et non ulceiees du cou (iaz hehd.de med., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 23-25. — Clark (A.) Lym- phoma affecting cervical glands and connective tissue be- tween the larynx and (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874, xxv, 253-255—Clarke (JT F.) Case of congenital crvical tumor. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, i, 318.— Clot. Extirpation d'une tumeur squirrheuse (lu cou. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831, v, 213. Also : Ann. de la med. physiol., Par , 1832, xxii, 350-357. — Clinton (H. H.) Large vascular growth in the neck. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1881, Lond., 1882, n. s., xi, 48 — Cock. Large solid glandular tumour in the neck ; excision; recovery. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1853, u. 8., vii, 191. -----. Fatty tumors encircling the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1860, ii, 188.— Coeltle (JT) On aueuiismal tumors involving the neck. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Lend., 1863, i, 504; 530; 557.-----. Contributions to the pathology of aneurisms and tumors involving the chest and root of the neck. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1866-7, 2. s., xxxii, 459-475,3 pl. Also [Abstr.): Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1864-7, v, 328-330. -----. Further contributions to the pathology and treat- ment of aneurysmal tumours of the neck and chest. Lan- cet, Loud., 1869, i, 422; 489: 1870, i, 6; 43.-----. Contri- butions to the pathology of tumours of the neck. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud., 1873 i, 5; 30—Connnt. Removal of an inch and a half of common carotid artery from the substance of a cancerous tumor; ligation of jugular vein ; recovery of the patient. Am. il. Times, N. Y., 1864 viii, 28. — Cooper. Clinical remarks on a case of nieel'ullaiy sarcoma. Lond. M. cfe S. J., 1836, viii, 702.— Cornilion (J.) Sarcome ganglionnaire primitif. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1871, iii, 257-262, 1 pi. — Cowltery (O. J ) Tumor in the neck. Maryland M. J., Ball., 1881-J, vjjj g—1'ostetti (E.) Relazione eli un tumore nel collo eurato coll' agopuntura. Bull. d. se. mecl. di Bologna, 1845, 3. s., viii, 217-221—Coulwon. Case of non-malignant tu- mour of considerable size, situated on the lateral part of the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1854, ii, 101. — Cox (A. L.) Lar"-e tumor ou the right side of the neck, successfully re- moved. N. Votk M. Sc S. Reporter, 1846, i, 221-223.— Crilchetl. Tumor of the neck, consisting of a mass of hvpcrlrophiert glands ; successful removal. Lancet, Lond., 1MJ-' i I'll. — Ci-ofl (JT) Fibrocystic tumour of neck. Tr. Path. Soc Loml., 1874-5, xxvi, 180-182. — Croly (H. G.) Enormous pendulous tumour of (14 years' growth) oc- cupying the right, parotidean space, and side of the neck ; excision; complete recovery, without deformity, lniblin Q. J. M. Se:., 1808, xlvi, 258-J01, 2 pl.—Croolie (E. G.) Removal of a fibrous tumour from the left neck. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i. 04— Cm veilbier (E.) ' Enchondrome de la region pareitielienne.) Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv 177.__Cn I ler ier. Observation sur l'extirpation de plusieurs glainles Ivmphatiqucs ties-volumineuses, situees a la partie supei ieure du cou et a la partie lat6i ale ele la face. J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharni., Par., 1800, xxvi, 279 - 300. — Curling. Tumor in the cervical region; pressure upon the great blood-vessels: coma; death. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1802, ii, 7.—Cm-ran (R. H.) Enor- mous pendulous tumor, occupying the whole of the lett side of the neck and paiotid space; weight, three pounds eight ounces ; removed successfully. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 160. — Baly (P.) A case of extirpa- tion of an unusually large steatomatous tumor from the neck Tr. Ass. King's cfe Queen's Coll. Phys. Ireland, Dubl., 1828, v, 84-95.—Banieel. Ein Beitrag zur Exstir- pation grosser Halstumoren. Arch. f. klin. Chir , Berl. 1866 vii 887-890.— Bay is (J. S.) Removal of an encysted tumour of the neck weighing over one aud a halt pounds ; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873. n. s. xv 5o8.- Ba vim (M. M.) Tumor of the neck, sue-cesstully treateu by hypodermic injection cousin M. Soc, Milwaukf Beitrag zu den Gesclnvulstei sehr., 1861, ii, 97-102, 1 pl. —I portunite de l'extirpation des tumeurs eiu cou non suscep tiblesde resolution; inflexions sur 1 introduction de 1 an dans le cceur par des veiues ouvertes accidentelkmeut Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 184,-8. *- 80" IRap. de Gouzee], 1848-9, vm, la.—Uia of nitrate ot silver. Tr. Wis- 1877, 145.—Behler (A.) Eiu Halse. AViirzb. mod. Zt- Ue l.avachcrie. De l'op- air vn, z (J. G.) Au. Acad, de 802. [Rap. de GouzeeJ, l»4»-», vm, *- "•• ■- v>- "•< Estirpacion de un tumor supra-parotideo An. Acad ch cien. med. . . . ele la Habana, 1807-8, iv, X^*'--™™**; ara (K.) Adenoma alia regione X**^**^^?' ■uirati con la corrente cemtinua. Gazz. clin. di elettrotei Palermo, 188::. i, 104.- Dodge. Cervical tumor cry. Ann. Anat. A Sue Balg Soc, Brooklyn, >'. Y., 1880, u, 336 _____ Cervical tumor; extirpation; recovery. Ibid., 383 — Dohlhotr. Exstirpation einer grossen J schwulsf am Halse. Med. Ztg,. Berl., 1838, vii, 2.*~ Doiiulas (J.) A large tumour in the neck, with a uontj s.ibstTnce. Phil. Tr Lond., 1700-20, v. 211-214, 1 ph- Draper (F AV ) Larue tumor of the neck. Boston m. Sc S J. 1808, i, 4l0.-l>n«y (CC.) Successful extupa NECK. H74 NKl'K. I¥€'C'k (Tumors of). tion of tumorover the external jugular veins. Virginia ] M. Month., Richmond, 1883-4, x, 530 — Diigaw ( L. A. ) ! Heniaiks on tumours of the neck ; with cases. South. M. cfe S. J., Augusta, 1840, n. s., ii, '513-517. -----. Extirpa- tion of a cervical tumor. Ibid , 1853, ix, 42-44.—Dnplay ( S. ) Des tuineurs ganglionnaires de la region cervicale : I lyniphadeiiome; lymphosarcoma In lii*: Confer, de clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1877, 73-77. — Diipny ( L.-E.) Li- pome sous parolidien ; extirpation. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 50.—Dnpnytren. Pliitzlioh erfolgter I Tod wiihrend der Aussclialung einer lihi bszelligen Ge j schwulst aus ilein Halse. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl., , 1825 viii. 469-472. -----. Tumeur inelaniepie d6veloppee ileriiere tangle maxillaire du cote': droit. Rev. med. franc. et etrang.. Par., 1829, i, 353-358. -----. Tunieiti' erectile accielentclie du volume d'une grosse noisette, eleveloppce a la partie anterieure et laterale clroite du cou ; operation. Ga/,. d. hop.. Par.. 1833. vii, 18— Om-hain (A. E.) Ex- tensive sloughing of the neck, '/ nondescript,'' lymphosar- comatous tumour. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 245, 1 pl. — [ Flnrl. ] Dartre de-gent i it. gu6rie |>ar lex- tirpation. Clin. cl. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, l(js. —Fddi«ou I B. ) Tiuuour on the neck. Lond. M. Reposit.. 1828, xxix, 228. — Eder ( A. ) Lymphoma colli lateris sinistri. In his: Aerztl. Ber. 1884, 8°,'Wien, 1885, 17— Klliw. Tu- j moi' of the neck, composed of a large number of caseous no- dnjes; same disease in the abdomen ; paraplegia, without lesion of the nervous centres. Boston M. ifc S. J., 1860-61, lxiii, 302. — Fllnworth (P. \V. ) Tumor in the neck. Ibid., 1859, lx, 418-420.—K n cina.s ( S. G. ) Linfo-sar- conia del cuello; extirpacinn : muerte. Gcnio med.-quir., Madrid, 1884, xxx, 421.—Fngliwch. Lymphoma colli; Ex- stirpation, nachdem Tinctura F'owleri zinrst ohne Erfolg angewendet wurde; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k Ki ankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878). 1879,30.) — F*cheubach (C. E. ) Sarcoma in jugiilo lethale. In his: (His. anat.- chir.-med. rariora, 12°, Rostoch , 1709, 244-250. -Eve (P. F.) Successful removal of a iarge schirrous tumour from the neck, attached to the left tonsil. South. M. cfe S. J., Augusta, 1837-8, ii, 643. — Fai-denu. Observa- tion sur nne tumeur pneumato-lymphatiepie. situee a la partie anterieure du col. J. gen. ele med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1803, xvi, 62-65. — Fnwccll ( E. ) A case of fibro- plastic tumor of the neck of ten ye.rs' standing, success- fully removed by operation. Madras Month. JT M. Sc, 1871, iii, 412.— Ferreri iG." Lipoma missomatnso della mica; estii pa/.ione: meelicatura alia Lister; guarigione eli prima intenzione. Spei imentalc, Firenze, 1881, xlvii, 153- 157. — Ferrero ( K. ) Voluminoso plasmoma della parte anteriore del collo; estirpazione' seguita da guarigione per j prima intenzione ; meelicatura all' acepia calela ste-rilizzuta. Osservatori', Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 361-363. Fi*ehcr. Be- I obachtung und Heilung einer Geschwulst am Halse. Allg. med. Ann.. Altenb., 1811, pt. 2, 1084-1094 Fisrher (Ej Ein mannskopfgrosses Cystosarkom am Halse. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1878, x, 478-4-11. 1 pl.—Flint (A.) Death from suffocation produced by enlargement ol the glandular adipose substance: posterior to larynx. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1841. xxiv. ti'.l — For.-ter (J. C.) Follicular sarcoma of neck ; excision. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, 3. s., xx, 12.—[Fo.«cwe lL.)J Kyste tibro-senux con- siderable a parois sepiirrheuse sur un point; e\i irpation ; giierisem. Ann. clin.de .Montpel., 1857-8, v, 41.— Foil- canll. Hypertrophic ganglionnaire de la legion sous- maxillaire. Bull. Soe. auat. eh- Par. ( 1871 ), 1873, xlvi, 131.—Fouilloux. Tumeur ele la ugion maxillo-piiaryn- gienue elroite. I hid., 27: —Fraenkcl (A.) Zur Histo- logic, Aetiologie unci Therapie eler Lymphomata colli Ztschr. f. Heilk., I'i;>-, 1885, vi, 193-275. —Freeman (IL WT) On recurrent tihroniata of the neck, and their rela- tion to the branchial arches. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 1083. — Gai-lncr. 1'iln.....yxosarcoma colli; Exstirpa- tion ; Heilung nach 4 Woehen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1871, xii, 91. — Gulliel. Tu- meur au cou du volume d'un petit unit' de poule, occupant les pai ties profonde.s de la region et s'aecompagnant d'un developpeinent considerable du corps thvroide. Bull. Soc nied. ele Reims, 1871, Xo. x, 40-45.—Gay (C. C. F.) Tu- mors of the neck. Buffalo M. Sc S. J.. 1872-3, xii, 88.— Gayi-l. Tumeur dans la region sus-hyoidieiine; abla- tion : resection dune portion du maxillaire; examen ana- lomiepie ele la piece. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1803-4, iii. 18-22. — Gerster. Melanotic lyinpho-sareoma removed from the neck. Ann. Anat. cfe Surg.. Brooklyn, N. V., 1883. viii, 32. —Gibson ( WT ) Case of extirpation of a tumor of the neck, in which the carotid ai tery and internal jugular vein were tied; with , remarks. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.; 1833-4, xiii, 305-309, 1 pl.— fcJine (J.) Linfomas ele las regiones laterales del cuello; meelicacion cxpoliativa local: eompresion de las veuas yugulares; congestion nieninge.i con edema cerebral; ninerte. Independ. meel., Barcel., 1874-5. vi, 116: 128.— Goalee (R. J.) A case of removal of a tumour of the neck causing injury to the cervical sympathetic. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond.. 1886, xix. 321. — Golding.Bird (C. H.) & Mahomed i F. A.) Two cases of pulsatile tumour at the root of the neck, Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1883, 3. s., j\eck (Tumors of). xxvi, 83-99.—Gordon. Cartilaginous tumor removed from the region of the parotid glaud. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858. v, 121.—Gosselin. Lipome niou sus, sous it retro- claviculaire, ablation par Enucleation avec les doi"ts. Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 581.—Greene (WT WT) Kn- cysted tumor of neck. Boston M. A. S. J., 1804, lxx, 455- 457. -----. Deep cervical tumor, the removal of which in- volved the exsection of a portion of the internal jugular vein, with some remarks upon the ligation of veins in general." Med. Rec, N. Y., 1807-8, ii. 173 — GreeiiNwnrd (M. P.) Removal of a tumor from the throat. MecL Sum- mary, Lansdale. 1879-80, i, 97— Grilli (F.) Ciste fibrosa al collo. Sperimentale, Firenze, ls73, xxxii, 177-182.— Gi-omn. Sebaceous tumor of neck and shoulder. Med. Rec., >,'. Y., 1807-8, ii, 343. ---—. Large- venous tumor. Meel. A Surg. Reporter, I'hila., 1808, xviii, 508.—Giinlher (O.) Okrwawych torbielach szyi. [ILematoceleof neck.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1877, xxiii, 215; 202.— Giintiter (WT) Atherom der rechten Supiaclaviciilargegind unter dem Bible eiues Lipoins. Vrtljschr. f. el. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859. lxiii, 45. -----. Athcrnm an der linken Seite cbs Halses in Form einer Dri'isengeschwulst. Ibid., 45.— Gnersant fils. Tumeur du cop eli nature donteuse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1845, 2. s., vii, 470. -----■. Tumeur 6norme occupant toute. la partie anterieure et laterale droite dn cou. Ibid., 1846, 2. s., viii, 255.—Gnilleinet. Venue du cou (angiome caverneux). Bull. Sue. anat. ele: Nantes 1878-0, Par., 1879, ii, 100. — G nthrie (C. G.) Enormous pendulous and fatty tumor in the clavicular re- gion ; removal; lecovery. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 227.— Gnyon. Tumeur fibro-plastique du cou. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1870. 2. s., x, 37-40.—Haartiiiaim. Hals- gese:hwulst. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb.. 1830, iv, 248, 1 pl.—Iladra (B. E.) Scrofulous glands beneath the sterno-cleiilo-mas- toid muscle. NT Orl. M. A S. J., 1875, iii, 329-334. —Hahn (E.) Ein durch Operation eutterntes 17 Pfund .schwercs Lipoma fibrosum petrificuni polvposum mit Elephantiasis der Haut. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 553. —Haig (W.) On a caseof tumour in the neck. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1874. xix, 53, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—[llainil- lon. | Encysted tumour. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1804, xxxvii, 174. — Hancock. Two cases of deep seated tumours of the neck; removal of the growth; severe he- morrhage; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1853, i, 449.—Har- ris (C.) Account of the successful extirpation of tumours from the neck. Med. Reposit., 7\T Y.. 1808, v, 246-249.— HawUiiiM (C.) On a peculiar form of congenital tumor of the neck. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1838-9, xxii, 231-244. Also.- Lancet, Lond"., 1839, ii. 406-408. Also, in his .- . . . Path. efc Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874. i, 278-284.—Ilelmiith (W. IT) Removal of a large: recurrent lihroiel (spindle shaped sarcoma) from the neck; recurrence in three locali- ties. In his: A dozen cases clin. sing., 8°, Albany, 1H76, 10-15. — Henry. Tumeur considerable du cou, faisaut saillie daus le pharynx et sous la base: de la langue. Rec. de meni. de med. . . . mil . Par.. 1840, xlix, 336-342.— Hervez dc t'he^oiii. Tuincur du poiels de quinze livres, a linslaiit ele son ablation. Bull. Acad, ele in6d., Par., 1845-0, xi. 82-84— Henrlanx. Sarcome melanique dela region sous-maxillaire. J. demeel. del'miest, Xantes, 1886, xx, 298.—Hewitt (G. A ) Lvmpho-sarconiaof neck; excision. .Northwest, Lancet St. Paul, 1884-5, iv, 28-32.— Ilicli* (J. II.) Sc Gervi* ill i Report on neck-tumour in a fcetus. Tr. Ohst. Soc. Lond. (1863), 1864, v, 290.— Hill (G. NT) Caseof tumour of the neck, which termi- nated fatally. Loud. M. Reposit.. 1815, iv, 186-191.— Hilton. Fibro plastic tumor of tin- neck. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, OIL—Hodsje* |R. M.) Tumor of neck. Boston M. & S J., 1807-8, Ixxvii. , , llolmokl. Grosse lipo- matose Gelassgeschvvulst am Halse bei einem achtmonat- lichen Kinde; Eutfernumr (lurch elastische Ligatur auf zwei Mal; Tod durch Pyamie am 30. Tage. Wien. ined. 1'resse, 1874, xv, 571 —Hogner (li.) Plotsligt forsvin- uanele af en tumor. [Sudden disappearance of a tumor of neck.] Lira, Gotebe.rg. 1883, vii, 110. — Holloway (J. M. ) Cervical lymphomata. Meel. Herald, Louisville, 1880-81, ii, 110-114.— Holmes (TT) Congenital tumour of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1860-61, xii, 206-208. -----. Congenital tumour beneath the stcrno-mastoid. Ibid., 1863-4, xv, 215-217. -----. Fibre-fatty tumour of the neck, in a child, successfully removed. Ibid., 1864-5, xvi, 236. Also: Laucet, Loud., 1864, ii, 548.— IIoil- house. Tumor beneath the lower jaw: successful re- moval. Lancet, Loud., 1861, ii, 207. Iloiilaiioii (P. T.i Tumores en el cuello de ditlc.il diagnostico ; ilegeneiaeioii especial de los tejidos de la ingle forniando iguabnente tumores imposibles de diagnosticar. ('ton. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1854, ii. 452-467. — Hryuiewicz (F.) Balgge schwulst am Halse, die ihrem Sitz in dem Triangulum omo-hvoideum unter desm Kopfnieker hatte. Mecl. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1840, n. F.. xxi, 55-63, 1 pi.— Hiignier. Tumeur situ6e dans la region cervicale. Bull. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1852-3, iii, 500-502. -----. Tumeur ganglionnaire de la region cervicale-; ablation. Ibid., 1853-4, iv, 368. -----. Tumeur fibreuse de la region laterale du cou; extirpation; caracteres de cette tumeur. NECK. 675 NECK. [\wU (Tumors of). Ibid, (1862), 1803, 2. B., iii, 501. — HutchiiiMon. Sym- metrical fatty tumour of the neck. Hi it M. J., Loiid. 1883, i, 623.—Ilinaki (A. I.) Sluch. postepen. (po chast- jant) otujat. ogrom. ]i]>omy na sheil. (Gradual removal of an immense lipoma of neck.] Mecl. Obozr., Mosk , 1887, xxviii, 596-600. — Isaaew (C. E.) Large, encysted tumor removed from the- anterior region of the neck. Tr. M. Soc. County Kings 1858-64, Brooklyn, 1805, i. 3-6. Also: X. York J. M.', 1859, 3. s., vii, 35-38. — .lamicson (A.) Glandular tumour of neck ; operation ; entrance of air into veins : death. China, Imp. Customs. Meel. Rep., Shang- hai, 1879-80, Ko. xix, 19-21. -----. Front, side, and back view of adenoid tumour of neck and side of head iu a woman of 44. Ibid., 1885-6, Xo. xxxi. 35, 2 pl. —.lessen (F. B.) On the surgical treatment of certain tumours of the neck. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 712-715. -----. Lectures on tumours of the neck, their pathology, symp- toms, and treatment. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.' 1887, n. g., xliii, 487; 518; 542; 564. Also: Med. Reg.. Phila., 1887, i. 601: ii, 1; 25; 49. — Johnson (H. J.) Tumour in the neck; new exploring instrument. Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, ii, 00.— Joiirnez. Contribution al'observation d'une tu- meur siegeant au cote gauche du cou cbez un vieux sohlal Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1877, 3. s., xi, 468.—Keen (WT W.) Removal of a lymphoma from the neck ; recovery. Med. A Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1885, liii, 66. Also: X. Vork M. J., 1885, xiii, 217.—Krister (B. C.) Spasmodic asthma due to fatty tumor of the neck; removal; cure. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1885-6, xii, 272.—Kempf (M.) Excision of a deep-seated tumor of the neck. Louis- ville M. Xews, 1877, iii, 274. — Kennedy (NT B.) Re- moval of a tibro-cellular tumor from the left carotid triangle. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879. xii, 68.— Kerr (J. G.) t Rep. Med. Miss. Soc. iu China I860. ('anton, 1861, xxii, 10.— Kilgarrill (M. .1.) Cervical lympho- sarcoma. Tr. Acael. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1885, iii. 300.— Klose (C. W.) .V l»anl |.I.) Meelullarsarcom der Hals- drusen. Ztschr. I', klin. Meet, Bresl., 1852, iii, 53.— Knight (F. I.) Lymphosarcoma of the neck involving the lung. Boston M. .V S. J., 1878. xcix, 498. Also : Extr. Rec. Host. Soc. M. Improve. (1874-9), 1880, vii, 120-122.— Kiihler. Scrophuldses Sarcom der Lvmphdriisen (Lob- stein) des Halses. [3 cases] Charite-Ann. 1876, Berl., 1878, iii, 435.— Koller (F. S.) Die Exstirpation eines voluniindseii Halstumors. Meel.-cbir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii, 533— Krauioliug (H. S.) Stent om am Halse. Ztschr. f. Xat.-u. Heilk. in t'ngaru, Oeelenburg, 1856, vii, 260. — Kraueiuss (B. G.) Gliicklich vollbrachte Hei lung einer anscheineiiil biisai tigeu Geschwulst im Halse. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1856, v, 12-21.—Krails (F.) Kritisch-etymologisehe Betrachtiingcu iiber einige am Halse vorkuniinende Geschwiilste. Vi lljschr. f. el. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1846, ii, 03-80. — Kiiehler (H.) Zur Aus- schiiluug der Geschwiilste in der Augenhdhle und am Halse. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 543. — Kiixln (E.) Ausgedehntes Lyniphosarcom r. am Halse ; Exstir pation ; Tod an Lufteintritt in die V. jugul. int. In his : Ein chir. Trien. 1876-8, 8°, Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 103. Also: Meel.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1882, xvii, 448. -----. Lymphangioma cavernosum colli: Exstirpation ; Heilung. In his: Ein chir. Trienn. 1876-8, 8"', Kassel u. Berl., 1882, 104.—I.abat 11. ) Extirpation d'une tumeur squiirheiise, accoinpagnee d'un kyste sereux, oc;cupant tout, lc cotej gauche' du cou, depuis l'apophyse mastoide jusepi'a, la cla- vicule; operation qui a necessite la ligature de l'artere caroticle, celle de la veine jugulaire interne et la section de la huitiemo paire de nerfs. Ann. de la null, physiol.. Par., 1834, xxvi, 297-317. Also, Reprint.— Fabbe (Lj [Tumeur cartilagineuse dans la legion parotidienne.1 Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par., 1860, xxxv, 353. — l.afaurie. [Tumeurs m6- laniipies developpces clans la region parotidienne.] Ibid. 11845), 1846, xx, 200. -----. Tumeurs melaniques du cou. Ibid., 1840, xxi, 23-25. — l> a fosse. Ceiebroi'cle (uiorme occupant la region jugulaire gauche, 6nuclCe avec succes. Memor. d. hop. du niieli, Par., 1830, ii. 487-491.—Lane- longue. Tumeurs branchiales du cou. JT de m6el. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi, 374-370—I „ an gen bee k (B.) Ue- ber eine sell nere Geschwulst am Halse: eine Jodschmier- kur; Electropiiiictur. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1855,vii, 175- 180.— Faiililord i A. P.) A tumor successfully removed from beneath the sterno-mastoid muscle. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1872, ix, 65-73.— Fussing (H.) Caseof encysted cervical tumor. Am. M. Times, X. Y., 1862, v, 34. — I,a- louche. Kystes et tumeur tibro-kystlque congenitale du cou. Rev. mens. d. mal. de lent'., Par., 1885, iii, 415- 419. — de Favaeherie. De l'opportunite ele l'extirpa- tion des tuineurs du cou non susceptibles de resolu- tion. Gaz. cl. he'ip., Par., 1849, 3. s., i, 10. — Laurence (W.) Encysted tumour of the m*ck on the left side of the larynx. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s.. ii, 28. -----. Large anomalous tumour in the neck, with great disten- sion anil vat icose enlargement of closely adjacent veins; operation; autopsy. Med. Times \ Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 213-215.— I.awrie (J. A.) Two cases of deep seated tumour in the neck. Glasgow M. J., 1850-7. iv, 61-68.— I.easure (D.) A tumor of the neck (probably malignant) treated by injection of chromic acid. Med. & Surg. Re- Aeck (Tumors of). porter. Phila., 1870, xxii, 507-510. — [ Fegie (E.)J Ein reines Enchondrom mit sehr raschem Wachsthum ; Opera- tion : Tod. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1868, xviii, 1097-1099.— Fegrande. [Tumeur osseuse ganglionnaire du cou.l Bull. Soc. do chir. ele I'ar. (180(1), 1801, 2. s. i 223 — Feisriuk (H.) Spiudi'lzellensarcom. [Xeck ] 'in his- Ber. d. chir. Poliklin. d. ITauen Hiilfs Ver. zu Hamb. (18c2-8), 4°, 1879, 26.— Fetcmieiir. Tumeur fibro-plasti- que du cou extupee avec succes ; recielive sous forme de cancer enccphaloide: anevrysine diffus par l'ulceralion dc l'artere dentaire inferieure; ligature de l'artere caro- tiele pihuitive; hemiplegie du eot6 opposed; mort par suite eles progres du cancer. Monit. d. hop., Par. 1859 vn, 6)8-000. Also: J. de la sect, de med. Soc 'acad' Loire-Inf., Xantes. 1859, xxxv, 13- 22. — Fetievant. Euchondrome volumineux du cote gauche du cou abla- tion ; guerison rapide. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. el sc med. de Lyon, 1864, iii, 249. Also.- Gaz. med. de Lvon 1864, xvi, 367. — Feveque. Extirpation d'une "lande situ6e au has de l'oreille. J. de med.. cbir., pharm" etc Par., 1817, xl, 61 05._Findh (A.) Pldtsligtfdrsvinnande at en tumor. [Smhlen disappearance of a tumor 1 Eira Gdteborg, 1882, vi, 367-369. — Fink (I.) Chr/.estniak wielkosci gle'iwki il/.ieciecej wychndzip'v z kosci gnvkowej. [Large sarcoma on the neck of a child. involving~the hvoi'd bone.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow., 1886, xxv, 385-387.— FisenUo (A. V.) Sluch. vilnsh. sarkomi shei. [Extir- pation ol sarcoma ol nee k.] Chir. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1880, ii, 032-634. — Lopez Aloimo (J.) Liuf'o-sarcoma voluminose del cuello. < m reomed. castellano, Salamanca, 1885, ii, 713-717—Fiieke. Eutfernung eles NT vagus mit einer Halsgeschwulst: Heilung. Centralbl. f. ' Chir: Leipz., 1880, vii. 577.—Fuke. Deep -seated tumor of the neck; extirpation; recovery. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1830-31, vii, 606. — Fumniczer. Extirpation eines kindskopf- grosseu Fibrosarkotns. Pest. meel.-chir Presse, Budapest, 1880, xvi, 130.—Fyon (I.) Tiunoi on i he carotid, removed! Lond. M. Gaz., 1833-1, xiii, 45 — .11 'Clellan (G.) Three cases of speeitie tumours in the neck, which were success- fully extirpated. Am. M. Rev., Phila., 1826, iii, 377-386. -----. Extirpation of a tumour in the neck. St. Louis M .fcS. J., 1847-8, v, 437-142. — II'Clellan (J.) A large tumor taken from the neck. Med. \ Sm,, Reporter Phila., 1862-3, ix, 129.— tla< Counell (WT G3 Myxoma- tous tumor of the posterior cervical region. Tr. Path Soc Phila. (1881-3), 1884. xi, 247-240. .1 hi,. .Meel. Xews Pbila ' 1882, xii. till. Also: Boston M. ,t,S J., 1882, cvii. 496. Also': Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1882. xlvii, (i'20. Also- Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 169. Also : St. Louis M. & s' J.. 1883. xliv, 79.—.HacCormnc (WT) Four cases of sym- metrical development of tat at the back of the neck. 'St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1883, Loml.. 1884. u. s., xiii, 287-297.__ Helntyre (.1.) A successful operation for lymphoma of the neck, with ligatiun of common and external carotid ar- teries and external jugular vein. St. Louis M. tfc S. JM 1883, xiv, 174-178.—itlc Kay (A.) Removal of a lipornato'us tu- mour from the left side ot the neck. Canada Lancet, To- ronto, 1876-7, ix, 290— .tlaeliinton. A tumour extir- pated from the neck and face of a native. India .J. M. cfe Phys. Sc, Calcutta, 1836, n. s., i. Tun Maclean (I>.) Tumor in superior carotid triangle; removal; secondary haemorrhage-: recovery. Penins J. M.. Detroit, 1876, n. s, i, 634.— illel.eod iK.) Case of glandular sarcoma of the neck; removal; ehath from pyamia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, (879, xiv, 161-164. ----. Cartilaginous tumour of the neck. Ibid., 1882, xvii 250. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1882. iii, 116-119. — illeRcddie. Sarcomatous tumour of nick: operation: necropsy. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix. 327 — VI'Whiiuiie (A. M.) Ob- servations on certain tumours of the neck, with notes ielating to its surgical anatomy. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 33; 95; 143; 596.-----Observations on certain tumours of the neck, with notes relating to its surgical anatomy. Ibid., 1864, ii, 35-37 — II add a x (TT C.) Fibrocystic tu- mor of the neck. Tr. M. '■<■ rail. Pendulous tumor. Dublin Q .1. M. Sc, 1840. ii. 536.—dc Oliveira i.M J.) Ohservac-ao sobre un'i tumor da regiao cervical; opcracao e morte. Ann. Brasil, de med.. Rio de Jan., 1883-4, xxxv, 345-853.—Oilier. [Tuineur flbio-plastiqne, pesant environ 3,500 gr.] Mem. et compt -rend. Soc-. el. sc. med. de Lyon, 1865-6, v, pt. 2, 134.—O'^haughiiessy. Removal of a tumour behind the angle of the jaw, and which occupied the cervical re- gion to within an inch of the clavicle, necessitating the division aud ligature of the internal jugular vein J* the patient iimlcr the influence of chloroform. Lancet, Lond., 1849, i. 661.—Osier (W.) Lyinpho-sarcoma of elecpcervi! cal glands, involving the thyroid and simulating goitre Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep., 1880, i, 340-342.— Oslertag (A.) Adenoid tumor of the neck: cured by the internal use of arsenic. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879. ii. 507-569.— Paci (A.) Enormo mixoina sarcomatoso del collo e del torace; estirpazione; guarigione. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1876, xxxvii, 284-290, 1 pl—Pallella (JT B ) De duobus rarioribus cervieis tuuioribus. In his: Exercitationes pathol., 4°, Mediolani, 1820, 62— Palm. Gescliiclito der Extirpation einer drei Fauste grossen Balggeschwulst. Meel. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1838, viii, 117.—Palmer (E.) Case of suddenly-formed enormous tumour of the neck. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1846, n. s., xi, 259.—Pamard. Tumeur de la region parotidienne simu- lant l'euchonelrome. [Rap. de Dolbeau.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv, 450-457.—Paucoast (J.) Eucepha- loiel tumor of the neck ; extirpation ; recovery. Phot: Rev. M. et S., Phila., 1870-71, i, 35-37, 1 pl. —Parker. Tumour of the face aud neck; excision ; recovery. Month. ,!. M. Sc, Lond. cfe Edinb., 1846, vi, 393.—Parker (R.) Excision of a tumour from the stylohyoid region ; ligature of the common, external, and internal carotid arteries; absence of internal jugular vein ; recovery ; sudden death three months later from dyspneea. Lanced,, Lond., 1883, ii, 499.—Parker (R. W.) Congenital luniourin the right side of the neck, rising and falling with respiration. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886, xix, 322. —Parkman. Colloid tumour of the neck; several operations; frequent recur- rence; death. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1854, n. s., xxviii, 380, Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1854-0, ii, 114- 117.—Parrish. A small tumor removed from the neck. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1850-53, n. s., i. 85— Pari ol. Tu- meur du cou chez un nouveau-ne, simulant l'hydroce'-le e ongenitale du cou. Gaz. med. dc Bar., 1880, 6. ».', ii, 586; 508.'' Also: Abeille med.. Par., 1880, xxxvii, 442-444.— Partridge (R.) Half of a fibrous tumour removed from the left side of the back of the neck of a healthy woman, twenty-six years of age. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond,, 1859-60, xi, 200. — Partridge (S. B.) A case of large fibrous tumour connected with the upper part of the ligameutum nucha*; excision; recovery. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 318. — Passaquay. Tumeur du cou, accoinpa- gnee d'acchleiis graves vers les organes respii atoires; guerison. Gaz. rn6d. de Par., 1831, 2. s., i, 107. —von Patruban. Exstirpation eines suhfascialen Lipomsaus dem Trigonum colli supcriiis. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1858, iv. 5(10-512—Pautl'ard. Leucemie ; lymphad(;nome (?) enorme du cou: extirpation suivie ele guerison; n':cidive: mort. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1877, lii, 663-667.—Pan I ielii (A.) Sarcomatose Tumoren am Hals mit Compression der Trachea unci des Oesophagus; Thrombose beider Venae jugulares interna*; Sarcombil- dungen in den Lungen, im Herzen, der Leber und den Xieren ; amyloide Degeneration: Echinococcus hepatis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 347— Pennc I Sc l.epre- vost. Tumeur ganglionnaire du cou chez un nouveau- ne, prise pour une tracheocele. France: m6d., Par., 1884, i. 771-774. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1884, viii, 77- 81.—Pezerat (P.) Observation d'une tumeur fibreuse, situee au cou et extirpee. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1827, xxvii, 82-80. —Phillips (B.) Curious tumor of the neck. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., ii, 51.— Picard (P.) Observation de ganglion carotidien squir- rheux occupant les r6gions earotielienne et sus-hyoldieune gauches: extirpation de la tumeur; hemorrhagic grave; ligature ele la carotide primitive au-dessous de l'omoplat- hyo'idien ; pneunionie intercurrente k droite ; mort sept jours apres l'operation. Marseille med., 1870, vii, pt. 1, 342-348.—Piogey. [Lipome volumineux de la region cer- vicale poste'-rieure. | Bull. Soc. anat. de I'ar., 1857, xxxii, 102.—Pirovano. Linfo-adenonia del cuello, extirpacion licolgajo; curacion. Kev. med.-quir.. Buenos Aires, 1879- 80, xvi, 268-271, 1 pi. Also, trans!.: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1879-80, xi, 132-134.—Pilha. Zur Diagnose und Therapie eler am Halse vorUommenden Geschwiilste. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1859, v (B i!"ge ), 1-17. — Plasencia (I.) Lipoma enorme de la region lateral superior del cuello: excision; curacion. Cre'ui. ined.-quir. de la Habana, 1887, xiii, 231-234.—Plouviez. Extirpation de deux tuineurs situties au menton et k la region du cou; suites d'abord heureuscs; r6cidiveau bout NECK. 677 NECK. Nt'fk (Tumors of). d'un an ; mort. Bull. Soc de cbir. de Par., 1854-5, v, 65.— Post (G. E.) Extirpation of large fihro-celhilar tumor of neck, with removal of portions of primitive carotid aitery. internal iugular vein, descenelens noni, pneumogastric, re- current iar\ ngeal anil sympathetic: nerves. Med. Rec, X. V 1878, xiv. 3s5— Pradcl (X. A.) Estirparion ele un tumor did cuello. Kev. nied. deChile, Sant. ele Chile, 1874- 5, iii, 158-161. — Pralo (I).) Raio caso di tumore aereo(0 alia rcneine sii]ieriore laterale sinistra del collo. Gior. eli meermil., Roma, 1875, xxiii, 97-103.-Prewilt (IT F.) Tumor of the neck ; epulis. St. Louis M. & S. JT, 1881, xii, 280-282.----—. Lymphosarcoma of neck : extirpa- tion ; ligation internal jugular vein ; recovery. St. Louis Cour. Meel., 1884. xii. 517-520 —Piilido (A.) Tumores adenophisticos del cuello. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 142. —Knleigh ( W. WT) t Operation. India J. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1834, i, 33, 1 pl. — Kanios (T. M.) Sar- coma del cuello; opcracion : niuerte. Rev. meel. dc Chile, Sant. ele Chile, 1877-8, vi, 183-186. — Keade (II. (' ■ Re- moval of a large tumour from the neck. Med. Times. Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 113.—Kedfcrn (P.) On the nature and primary changes of cancerous exudations, and ou the: development of fibrous slructure in cancerous forma- tions; with remarks on the diagnosis of turnouts of the neck. Month. .1. M. Sc, Lond. ,V Edinb., 1850, xi, 507- 525. — Regnaud. Tumeur fibro-plastique de la r6gion parotielienne. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1865, xl, 175.— Kernedi (V.) Contribute) ai tumori sanguigni profundi del colli). Boll. el. Soc tra i cult. cl. sc med. in Siena, 1886, iv, 248-259.— Keiiihi. Tuineur du cou : epithelioma des ganglions. Bull. Soc. anat. ele. Par. (1800), 1870, xliv, 206-20!). —Keverdin (.1. I. I A Mayor (A.) Appendices ceenge'iiitaux de la region am i' ulaire et ilu cou (fibrochon- . dromes liranchiaiix ele Lannelongiie). Rev. meel. ele la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1887, vii. 458-466. — Key (P. F.) Ex- tirpation dune tuineur voluinineuse ii la region jugulaire et sur le tra jet ele la carotide. J. conipl. du diet. d. sc. need., Par., 1821, ix, 184-188. —Kiehardson (E.) Fatty tumour of the in-ck. Phot. Kev. M. Sc S., I'hila., 1871-2, ii, 13-15, 1 pl. — Robertson t E. P..) Encysted tumor of the neck; extirpation ami recovery. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sac- ramento, 1872-3, 55.— Kobiasou (B.) Tumor of neck : sudden death. X. Vork M. J., 1875, xxii, 520. — Kochs. Heilung eines Falles vou Struma (lurch I'ntei hiniliing eler Arteria thvreoielea superior. Therap. Monatsh.. Perl.. 1887. i, 346— Koek well (F. W.) Glandular tumor of the neck. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879, iv, 91.— Kodrijfiicz (S.) Quisle voliiniinoso en la parte anterior del cuello. Gac*. med., Madrid. 1848, iv, 281. —Roelter. Un- gewiihnlich grosses Lipom am Halse und an eler Brust einer 02 .lahrealten Frauenspersou. Med. Cor.-Bl. el. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 117-119, 1 pl. — Rogers (D. L.) Case of a tumour successfully extirpated. I'hila. JT M. cfe Phvs. Sc, 1826. xiii, 101. .1 Iso, in his: Surg. Essays Sc Cases in Surg., 8°, Xewark, 1840, 143-145, 1 pl. Also: Ibid., N. Y., 1850, 152-154, 1 pl. — Rohrer (C. F.) Fungus ha*- raatodes in der Fossa jngulai is et suprascapularis ; Perfo- ration iu den Larynx. Cor. Rl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1873, iii, 621-624. — Roosc ( R. ) Case of bony growth projecting into Hie posterior triangle of the left side of the neck, causing displacement of the subclavian artery and some laryngeal disturbance. Arch. Laryngol., X. Y., 1881, ii, 223-225. —Ropes (F. C.) Removal of sarcoma- tous tumor of neck. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, ii, 40 — Rouault. Observation d'une tumeur probahleinent de nature beuigue, d'uu volume euornie, chez une femme de 58 ans; extirpation; guerison. Union med., Par., 1858, xii, 143.—Koux. Tumeur scrofuleuse d'un grand volume au col; extirpation. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1831-2, v, 394. -----. Tumeur du poiilsele quatre livres et demie elevelop- p6eau coil; extirpation. Ibid., 1833, vii, 603. -----. Abla- tion ilune tumeur; entree de l'air dans les veines; acci- dents conseciitifs; mort. J. univ. et hehd. de mecl. et chir. prat,, I'ar., 1833, xi. 165-172. -----. Ablation d'une tumeur du cou ; mort pendant 1'opcration : autopsie. Bull Soc de chir. ele Par., 1853, iv, 82-85.—Ruehuiore. Sar- coma of neck ; galvano-cautery. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1878, xxxviii, 418. — Rudderow ( B. J.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Pbila. (1876-7). 1878, vii, 150. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1870, vii, 140. — Ruggi. Relazione intorno a varii operafi per tumori alia testa ed al collo e piii special- ineute intorno ail aleuni casi di nevroma cirsoideo. Arch. eel atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1886, Roma. 1887, iii, 59-72.— Rut* (E.) Observation d'extirpation d'une tumeur volu- inineuse du cou, it, reflexions sur la nature de cette tu- meur et sur l'ope.'i:il ion. Arch. gem. de inc'-iL. Par., 1839, 3. s., iv, 479-483—Saechi (C.) Istoria tli voliiniinoso tu- more alia nuca le lie iinente estirpato. Ann. univ. di med.. Milauo, 1833, lxvii, 317-342.—Sanders (R. C.) Removal of a large fibrocystic tumour from the neck. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 199. — Saudi fort (E.) De sin- gulari menibrana* cellulosa' degeneration?.. In his: Obs. anat.-patol.,4°. Lugd. Bat., 1781, iv, 21-211 Minds (H. B.) Congenital tumor of neck ; removal. X. Vork M. .1., 1878, xxvii. 107.—Sanlessou (C.) Fibros svulst pa halsen : un- deibinilniiig af arteria carotin communis och carotis cere- bralis; gangren uti svulsteu ; helsa. Hygiea, Stockholm, .\eck (Tumors of). 1854, xvi, 348-352.—Savory. Sanguineous tumour of the neck; haemorrhage from rupture of the external carotid artery; death. Lancet, Loml., 1871, ii, 467 — Seherie (M.) I'eber elie. tiefen Atherome eles Halses. Arch. f. klin. Cbir., Berl., 1872, xiv, 1-22. Also. Reprint.—af Sell ill ten (M. AV.) Fall af sarcoma colli, vid hvars exstirpation vena jugularis comm. Finska lak.-siill.sk. handl.. Helsiugfors, 1884, xxvii, 131.— Seott. Removal of a large tumor from the, neck: luemorrhage ; death. Lancet. Lond., 1833-4, i, 224. Also, transl. .- Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vii. 519 [619|.— Sedillot (('.) Des tumeurs cervicales ganglionnaires et ele hui ablation sans section du muscle, sternorleido- niasloi'dien et sans deviation consecutive ele la tete. Mem. Soc de nied. ele Strasb., 1867, vi, 251-260. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb.. 1868, xxviii, 61-63. —Seejjer. Gliicklich aus- geliilute Exstirpation eines sehr grossen Lipoms. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1851, iv, 203-205, 1 ni.—Seiler (C.) Sarcoma of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878-9), 1880, ix. 173. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1879, ix, 238.—Menu (NT) A caseof glandular sarcoma of the neck. Tr. Wisconsin M. Se c. Milwaukee. 1876, x. 107-109, lpl. -----. Case of patient with c\ sto-chonelro-adenoma. Ibid., 1884, xviii. 35-38. — Seymour/ A.) A contribution to the .surgery of tumors of the neck. South. ('alif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1886. i, ls-22. —Shattoek (S. G.) Congenital tumour of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc Loud., 1881-2, xxxiii, 289.—Shaw (A.) Extirpation of a tumor from the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1844. i, 263-265 —Shi Hi toe (B.) Fibrous tumour from near the angle of the lower jaw. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1864-5, xvi, 223, 1 pl. -Siddnll (If. W.) Case of blending tumor. West. Lancet, Cincin.. 1810, ix, 81.— Simon. Removal of a solid tumour from the neck, pos- sessing peculiar characters. Meel. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 100.—SiniIh di.) Case of sarcomatous tumor of the neck. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847. xl.975-078.—Smith (NT R.) Tumors of the m-e-.k. Bait. M. .fc S. .J. Sc Rev., 1834, ii, 370-375.-----. Extirpation of tumors of the neck. N. Am. Arch. M. fc S Sc, Bait,, 1835, ii, 73-75.—Smith (R. \V.) Glandular tumor of the neck. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1854, xvii. 232. Also Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 15.— Sm■ Ih (S.) Lympho-sarcoma of the cervical glands; ul- ceration : hiemorrh ego ; death. Mecl. Press Sc I ire., Lond., 1877, ti. s , xxiv, 318. — Smith t IT S.) Operation for the lenioval of a single goitrous tumor of the neck. Am. M. Times. NT Y., 1863, vii, 168. — Soe in (A.) Rundzellen- sarcom eler linken seitlichen 11aUg, gend. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. tl. Spit, zu Basel, 1870. 29. — Soler. Estirpacion de un gran tumor adenitieo situado en la parte lateral izepii- erda del cuello, llavaela felizniente ii calm e*l dia 11 dc junio ele 1858. Siglo med., Madrid. 1858. v. 195-107.—Soule fils. Tuineur cervicale; discussion sur le diagnostic J. de m6d. ele Bordeaux, 1852, x, 242-246.—Sparhaui (E. B.) Observations em tumors: cystic sarcoma of the neck, suc- cessfully removed by extirpation. Meel. Chron., Mont- real, 1853-4, i, 12-15.'— Spenee (J.) Case of enormous deep-seated tumour of the face and m-ck, successfully re- moved by operation. Dublin ('. JT M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 272; 283, 4 pl.----—. Large deep-seated tumor of the neck; removal : recovery. Edinb. M. J . 1867-8, xiii. 393-398, 1 pl.—Spencer (P. C.) Tumor of the neck of extraordi- nary size successfully removed. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 184.5, n. s.. ix. 98-103. Also: X. Oil. M. J., 1844-5, i, 302- 305.—Stanley. Large tumour on the side: of the neck; operation; siibsocjueni very rapid growth of the disease; death; dissection of the parts concerned. Med. Times, Lond.. 1850, xxi, 18—Staples (F.) A large adenoid tu- mor of the neck of a child. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1876, 37-39. -----. Lymphatic tumor in the right cervical region. Ibid., 1879, 33-35—Steele. Tumour of the neck. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1862, ii, 572.—Stevens (A. II.) A case of an extraordinary tumour successl'iilly ex- tirpated. Med. fc Surg. Reg.. X. Y.. 1818-2(1, i, 165-170. 2 pl. -----. Account of a case of encysted tumor success fully removed by an operation. X. Vork M. fc. Phvs. J., 1826, v, 311-314,'1 pl.—Storehi (IT) Linfoma pre'ilbnelo della regione carotidea sinistra: estirpazione: guarigione. Spallanzani, Roma, 1886,2. s.. xv. 456-46n.—Suner (E ) Fibro-lipoma en la region cervical posterior. Geuio med.- quir., Madrid, 1883, xxix, 102.—Syme (J.) Anomalous tumour of the neck ; treatment by seton and caustic; re- covery. Edinb. M. fc S. J., 1835, xliv, 11. -----. Large tumour of the neck removed with success at an advanced age. Ibid.. 1838,1, 384. -----. Case of tumour of the neck, simulating aneurism of the carotid artirv. Month. J. M. Sc. Lond. Sc Edinb., 1818. viii, 449-451.—Tafani (A.) Di un tumoietlo congenito composto di cartilagine reticulata. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1879, xliv, 484-488.—Taunahill. A remarkable congenital tumour of the neck. Glasgow M. .7., 1871-2, 4. s.. iv, 6-11.—Tansini (I.) Estiriiazione di voliiniinoso linfo-sarcoma al collo; rese/.ionedella caro- tide priinitiva e della giugiilare profunda : guarigione. Gazz. meel. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, xlvii, 3 — la ra nielli (C.) Estirpazione di un tumore adiposoal lato electro della faccia esteudeutesi a tutta la parte corrispoudente del < • >ll>> Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1835. lxxv, 425-430. 1 pl —Ter- rillou. Lymphaelinonie du e-ou. Progres med.. Par., Is83 xi 1027.—Thiele. Fall eines gliicklich exstirpirten NECK. 67* NECK. IVeok (Tumors of). Tumor cysticus von bedeiilendei-Greis.se, der iu der Tief'e au der linken Seite des Halses, zwise-hen dem Larynx und dem Stemo-eleydo-mastoiileus seinen Sitz hatte, uud mit derCarotis cerebralis und Vena jugularis interna unniiltel- bar verwaehsen war. Mag. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1821, ix, 72- 79.—Thompson (IL) Suffocation from a tumor in the throat, in a case of pleuritis and bronchitis. Laucet, Lond., 1850. ii, 237.—Thompson (J. H.) Enchondroni- atous tumor. Nat ,M. J., Wash., 1871-2, ii, 449-454, 1 pl. — Tilanus. Colloid-cyste met < inlogene vorming onder de fascia profunda van den hals. Xedei 1. WeekbL v. Geneesk., Amst., 1851, i, 81.—Tirman. {Tumeur du cou] Bull. Sue. anat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 162-164.— Tnlaud (H. H.) Two cases in which tumours were re- moved from the neck. Charleston M. J., 1855 x, 145-150 — Torrey (WT S.) Lymphaeleno sarcoma of the neck; re- moval ; sarcomatous periostitis of petrous portion of tem- poral bone: death. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1880, xxx, 459 — Traube. Sarcoinatdse Drusengeschwiilste am Halse, welche (lurch elie Locher eler iniltleren SchaTlelgrube in den Schaelel hinoingewachaen sinil. Ann. d. Char.-K.rau- kenh. zu Berl., 1862-3, x, 2. Hft., 213-220.—Treves (F.) Congenital cartilaginous tumour of neck. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 993. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1887. ii, 914.— L're (A.) Au account of a tumour removed from the neck. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 226. — Vacher (L.) Observation de lympho-sarcoine bilateral dn cou et du creux sus-claviouiaire. Mem. et eonipt.-rend. Soc. el. sc. mead, de Lyon (1878), 1879, xviii, pt. 2, 176-182. Also: Lyon med., 1879, xxx, 73-75. —Vance (J. W.) Excision of a large cervical glandular tumor. Atlanta M. fc S. J., 1871-2, ix. 17-19.—Vanini (P.) t Gazz. ined. ital. lomb., Milano, 1848,2. s., i, 327. — Velpeau. Tumor, from engorgement of cervical lymphatic; ganglia. Lancet. Loud., 1834, ii, 593- 595.— Veuables (T.) [Fatty tumor of theniek] Canada M. J., Montreal, 1871-2, viii,' 164. — Verueuil. Tumeur ubi-o-p'astiijui- ilu <;ou. Pull. Soc auat. ele Par., 1854, xxix, 314. -----. Tumeur ganglionnaire leciilive. Bull. Soe-. de chir. de Par. (1864), 1865, 2. s., v, 289-292. -----. Uu peloton adipeux, ou pseudo-lipome sus-claviculaire. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1879, 2. s,, xvi, 745-748. -----. Ex- tirpation d'une euorme tumeur gangliouuaire du coie droit du cou ; denudation ele la carotide primitive ; hemor- ragie secondaire; ligature ele 1'artere; accidents cere- braux ; mm t. Medecin. Par.. 1883, ix, no. 52, 1 : 1884. x, no. 1, 3. — Vesey ( J. S.) t Med. Press cfe. Circ, Dubl., 1868, iii, 132.— Voelker. Tumeurs ganglionnaires du cou traitees etgue'-ries paries injections intra parenchyma tenses d'acide aceticpie. Union meel., Par., 1879, 3. s.. xxvii, 727- 732. Also: Paris meel., 1879, v, 360-367.—Voisiu. Extirpa- tion dune tuineur osteo-fibrense situee. an cote gauche du cou sur l'artere carotide primitive : guerison. Gaz. meil. ele Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 446. — Waldenstrom (J. A.) Phlegmone granulosum 3, halsen. I'psala Liikaref. Forh.. 1877-8, xiii, 179.—Walker. Encysted t unior of the neck. Lond. M. fc S. J., 1835, vi, 665.—Walsham (W. J.) On the removal of a deep sebaceous cyst of the neck through the mouth, avoiding an external scar. Lancet. Loml., 1883, i, 767.—Walter. Geschiehte eines Markschwaiuins. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1837, vii, 86-88.—Walter ( P. TJ. ) Eigenthiimliche Art der Aus- rottung scirrhdser Driisen am Winkel der unteren Kinn- lade. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 384-394 — Walton ( il. H.) Removal of a large tumor from the* ne*ck. Meel. Times, Lond.. 1847-8, xvii, 275-280. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Path. Soc:. Lond., 1846-50, i, 130. -----. f Removal. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xx, 423-425. -----. A large, round, circumscribed, accumulation of fat on the neck having all the outward appearance of a fatty tumor, but without the structural arrangement of such a growth. Med. Times fc Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 571. -----. Fatty tumour of the neck: operation. Med. Press Sc Circ, Dubl., 1867, iii, 74. — Warren (J. C.) Large tumor of the neck. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1828-9, i, 367.—Warren (J. M.) Tumor of the neck; operation: internal jugular vein cut and tied ; recovery. In his: Surg. Obs., 8°, Bost., 1867, 502-504. -----. Large tumor of face and neck; re- moval; recovery; recurrence after three years; opera- tion: death. Ibid., 504-506. -----. Tumor of the neck, involving the axillary plexus of nerves ; removal. Ibid., 508.—Watson (J.) Deep glandular tumour on the, side of the neck; extirpated. X. York J. M. fc S., 1840, iii, 358. — Wei hard ( M. A. ) Tumor strumosus colli post vomitorium iinmiuutiis. In his: Obs. meed., 12°, Francof. a. M.. 1775, 88. — Weiuleehuer (J.) Lyinphome am Halse ; Oncotomie ; Erysipel; Glottisddein ; Laryngotomie; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Ivrankenanst. Riulolph-Stiftung in Wien (1874), 1875, 425. -----. Lyinphome im oberen rechten Halsdreiee:ke uud im Verlaufe der grossen Halsgefasse und in der Xackengegend ; mit Blosslegung aller dasclhst betindlichen wichtigen Gefasse und Nerven exstirpii t uml per primam geheilt. Ibid. (1878), 1879, 299.— Weir (R. F.) Extirpation of a sub-hyoid bursa. Ann. Surg.. St. Louis. 1887, v, 512. — Weiss (WT) Lipoma nucha*. Aerztl. Her. d. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Prag ( 1881 ), 1883, 190.— West (B. H.) Excision of a fibro-carlilagiuous tumor of the neck. Boston M. cfe. S. J., 1845-6, xxxiii, 60-63 — IVerk (Tumors of). Whcnton (('. A.) [ Fibro sarcoma in the right side of the neck: extirpated, anil the right common carotid suh- seipieiillv Iigated.J Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1881, 55.—Wiilmoll (J. E ) Case of obscure tumour iu neck ; eleath. Austral. M J., Melbourne, 1882, n. s., iv, 481- 486—Winslow (It ) Lymphoma colli ; ablation. Maty- land M J.. Halt., 1886. xv, 305. —Wood (.1 ) Removal iif a large: Hiiro glandular tumour from the neck, of si'vcnteen years' growth. Med. Times fc Gaz., Loml., 1865, ii, 467.— Woodward ( W. ) Extirpation of a medullary tumor. N. Orl. M. fc S. J., 1860, xvii, 318-323.— Wyeth (J. A.) Myxosarcoma of the neck; ligation of the common, in- ternal, and external carotid, superior thyroid, lingual, facial, and occipital arteries, and of the external jugular veiu. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881, 2. s.. i, 318-320. lAlso Aled. Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 720. — Wylie (J. R. ) A strange: tumour aud its cure. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1871, xvi, 36, 1 pl. — Xaliu (J.) Ein Sarkoma alveolate epithelioideseler Lymphdruseu des Halses. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1874, xv, 113-149. 1 pl— Xamponi (H.) Atherom von seltener Grosse; Ausschahing desselben; Heilung per primam intent ioimni. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 330. neck (Tumors of, Cancerous and malig- nant). Andrews. [ Eueephaloid tumor of the neck. 1 Med. Times, I'hila,, 1870-71, i. 181. — Andrews (E.) Malig- nant sarcoma. Chicago M. J. fc. Exam., 1879, xxxix, 484- 480. — A rendt. Kurze Beschreibung einer gliicklich veri'ichteteu Exstirpation einer carciiioiuatiisen Halsge- schwulst. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Bert, 1822, iv, 459 — A rues (M.) Cancer of the lymphatic glands of the neck in a lad aged fourteen; rapid progress; exophthalmia; convulsions ; autopsy. Med. Press fc Circ, Lond., 1870, n. s., ix, 207.—d'Auriol. Tumeur encephaloide du cou; diagnostic rendu impossible par la ponetion explorative, Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1871, v, 112-117.— Rauon. Case of secondary cancerous and eueephaloid disease. Dublin M. Press, 1851, xxv, 226.— Bnrdinet. Tumeurs can- cereuses eiu cou ; ablation ; mort par phlebite consecutive a la ligature d'une veine; necropsie. Rev. ined. de Li- moges, 1867-8, i, 120-122. — Battersby (F.) Malignant tumour in an infant. Dublin M. Press, 1849, xxii, 53.— Berard. [Tumeur cancereuse au niveau de la veine jugulaire interne.| Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 39.—Blache (R.) Epithelioma de la region cervicale. Ibid . 1865, xl, 177. — Rock. Tumeur sepiirrheuse occu- pant le cou et la base du crane. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1881, xxxiii. 377-379.—Bourdon (E.) Carcinome primi- tif des ganglions du cou. Bull. Soc anat. de Par. (1872), 1874, xlvii, 310-313. —Brinton (W.) A case of peritra- cheal deposit, with secondary disease: of the lungs. Lan cet, Loud., 1857, i, 209-211. — Bruns(P.) Das hranchio- gene Carcinom cles Halses. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin, zu Tiibing., 1884, 2. Hft., 369-373. — Budd. Cancerous tu- mour in the groove between the trachea and (esophagus, on the left side, eating into the trachea just below the larynx and into the oesophagus; death from dyspniBa, oc- casioned probably by destruction of 1 he left recurrent nerve. Tr. Path Soe:'. Lond., 1858-9. x, 62.—Capital! (L.) F.pitbelie>ma de la nuepie et du dos. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, lii, 633. Also: Progres meel., Par., 1878, vi, 165. — [Cases.] Tumeur cancereuse* du col; tiach6oto- mie; mort. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, ii, 379.—Medullar- carcinom der r. Halsseite, ausgegangen vom r. Schildelrii- senlappen ; Tod. Jahresb. ii. d. cbir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Based (1879), 1880, 32 —Chaillou. Cancer nucleairc de- veloppe daus les plexus veineux thyroiileeiiset le systeme des veines cervicales gauches; deviation du larynx et atrophie ele la thyroi'ele; tuineurs des cotes et de la cuisse; alteration de memo nature que les preceelentes ; tumeurs dans l'interiour ilu pounioii droit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 189-195— Clcemann (R. A.) Eu- eephaloid cancer of the lymphatic glands of the neck. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1876-7), 1878, vii, 154. Also.- Phila. M. Times, 1876-7. vii, 475.—Cooper (B.) Eneenhaloid tumor on the side of the neck ; fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1*53, ii, 461. — Corrochano (M. M.) Caso notable de caucer encefaloideo situado eu la region carotidea izquieida, ope- radoen 11 de enero de 1870. Siglo nu'-iL. Madrid, 1870, xvii, 103 ; 184. — Corse. Cancer of the neck. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1856-62), 1863, n.s., iii, 227.—Coulson. Medul- lary tumor of large size iu a boy fourteen years old; au- topsy. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 460. — Crespo (A. L. P.) Hum carcinoma no pescoco. J. Soc el. sc. med. de Lisb., 1818, 2. s., iii, 5-12. — Dcmarqiiay. Tumeur encepha- loide sous-niaxillaire: elimination spontanea*. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1800, xxxiii, 230.—Oeroubaix (L ) Tumeur encephaloide du cou. Ann.derUuiv.do Brux. Fac.de ined., 1881, ii, 89.—Oufour (L.) Observation d'un fon- gus hematode du cou. J. gem. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1821, lxxv, 52-57.—von Bumreichcr (H.) [Car- cinom der seitlichen Halsdriiseu.l In his: Jahresb. d. chir. Klin, in Wien 1809-70, 8T 1871. 27. — Duplay (S ) Tumeur (cancereuse) ganglionnaire du cou. Pro- gres med.. Par., 1877, v, 561-563. — Knglisch (J.) Lym- NECK. 079 tfECK. Neck (Tumors of, Cancerous and malig- nant). nhadenoma maligmim. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph Stiftung in Wien (1876), 1877, 296. — Foruari (F.) Estirpazione di un epitelioma dalla regione carotid ea. In- dipendcnte, Torino, 1879, xxx, 025—Forster (J. C.) Ma- lignant growth in neck ; necrosis of jaw; exploratory opera- tion : erysipelas. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, 3. s., xix, 4 _Frissell (J.) Eueephaloid tumor of the jaw and neck. Tr. M. Soi'. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1875, 116.' — IJerster. Malignant lyinpho-sarcomata of the neck. Med. Rec, X. T., 1882, xxi, 328-331.—C*ibh (G. D.) Cancerous tumourof the neck, simulating scrofula : hypertrophy of the spleen ; autopsy. Brit.-Am. M. A- Phys. J., Montreal, 1850-51, vi, 477-481 <»od fray (A. C.) Removal of cancerous cei vicai gla nil shy axillary incision. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1886, i, 202.— IJorre. Tumeur cancereuse de la partie laterale gauche ilu nmi; extirpation; ouverture accideutelle de la veine jugnlaiie interne; introduction spontanee de l'air; mort inslantanee; examen cadaveaiepie. Experience, Par., 1842, X, 309.— liSousjenhciiii. | Tumeur du cou, probablement de nature cancereuse; asphy.xie ] Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix. C.-t'i-onx (S. IM Medullary round-celled sarcoma. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 89: 116.— II arley | (G.) Malignant, tumour in the neck; stricture of oeso- phagus; aphonia; perforation of eesophageal (?) artery, and death from ba'inorrhage. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud.. 1862-3, xiv, 167-169.—lleurtaux. Tumeur de la paupi&re et du cou; epitheliome tubule. Bull. Soc. auat. ele Xantes 1881, Par., 1882, v, 96-98.—IInine (G. H.) Removal of malig- nant tumour of the neck, involving the sterno-mastoid muscle and internal jugular vein. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 8H8. — lliitehiuson (J.) Development of cancer in an innocent glandular tumour. Ibid.. 1802. ii, 618.—■lulehi- «eon (A. C. ) Some account of a case of fungus hatna- todes. Loml. M. Gaz.. 1829-30, v, 003.—Jaksi-h. ( arci- nouia glandularum. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1862, Ixxiii, 103.—Jarjaray. Tuineur encephaloiele du cou; compression de la trachee et de l'eesophago ; perfora- tion du pharynx. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1840, xxi. 44- 46.—J oh n sou (HA',.) Eueephaloid deposit in the parotid and chain of cervical glands. Lancet, Lond., 1854, ii, 102.— Johnston (D.) Removal of large: cancerous sub lingual tumor, along with part of the: lower jaw. Edinb. M. J., 1867-8, xiii, 436-439.— Jones (S.) Tumour, weighing be- tween six and seven pounds, formed by eueephaloid disease of the. cervical glands. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1856-7, viii, 369-371.—Kalindero. Tumeur cpithe'diale de la region earotielienne droite: debut probable par les ganglions; perforation du pharynx : he'-nioi i hagie ; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1805. xl. 273-277. —li lose (C. WT) A Paul (J.) Carcinom der Halsdriisen. Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Bresl., 1852, iii. 53.—Itrahbel. Zwei Falle von maligueiu Lynipiiosarcoui des Xackens. Anh. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878, xxiii, 308.—K iic hi err (11.) Carcinoma colli. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl., I860, xviii, 465.—Kumar. Priinarer Marksohwamm der Hals- und Achselilriisen, welcher in kurzer Zeit rapid um sich greift, die saiumtlichen Weich- theile, encllich auch die Rippen der hetretfenden Seite zer- stiii'te, uud durch Pleuritis todtlie;h emlet. Ber. el. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1875), 1870. 338.— I.angenbeck (B.) Carcinom am Halse ; Resection der Geschwulst wegen hedeutender Athem- und Sehlingbe- schwerden; voriibefgehende Besserung; Riiekkehr und Steigeruug eler Atheinbeschwerden bis zu drohender Er- stic:kung; Tracheotomie mit, gliicklichem Erfolg. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl., 1852, iv, 151-153—I.e Teinfurier. [Dege'-uereseenoe epitheliale des glaudes sudori])ares ele la utique. Rap. ele L. Leroy.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867. xiii, 560-565. — I,owe (IT) Case of melanotic cancerous tumor in tho neck. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, v, 437.— IHaekenzic (M.) Primary carcinoma in the cervical glands; secondary atl'ectiou of the larynx. Brit. M. J., Loml., 1870, ii, 682. — iTIaeleau ( D.) Malignant tumor of the neck, involving the large blood-vessels; removal; death. Physician A; Surg., Aun Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii, 164-166. — .tlailiii/7a ( G.) Sulla estirpazione di uno scirro cisfico sviluppatosi nella regione anteriore del collo. Raccoglitore ined. di Fano, 1856, xiv, 404-409.— .VI iirliiicx (A. S. ) Cancer encefaloideo situado en la parte lateial izquieida del cuello; estirpacion. Bol. de- nied., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1851, 2. s., i, 113— ITI art ini. Geschiehte einer ungemeiu rapide verlaufenen carciuo- inatiisen Metiimor]>hose der drusigen Gebilde des Halses. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1836, i, 265-272 —.Tlathie- aoii (J. H.) Removal of deep seated malignant tumor of Hi.....-e-k. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870-71, vii, 10.— ITIaylard (A. E.) A case of malignant growth in the neck, implicating the cervical spinal nerves and the cer- vical sympathetic. Glasgow M. J.. 1883, [4.] s, xx, 406- 414. — iTIeuzcl (A.) Linfoma maligno. Resoc. san. d. Osp. civ. di Trieste, 1876, ii, 90.—ITliddeldorpf. Caici- Iiom der rechten Halsseite; Kehlkopf unci Liiftriilire elis- loe irend und coniprimirend ; Laryngo-Tracheotomie ; Tod nach 5 Stumh-ii; Section: Zersteiruug des Vagus in eler Geschwulst; spn.lt fdrniige Compression der Luftriihre; verwaebsungen der Geschwulst, Ausz. a. d. Uebers. d. IVeck (Tumors of, Cancerous and malig- nant). Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Knit, Jah- resli. d. med. Sect., Bresl., 1853, 2 — Tlori-is (H.) Ou a caseof epithelioma of the neck following a patch of chronic skin disease, in which the cancer was twice excised and the external and internal iugulars were ligatured. Meel.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1879-80," lxiii, 323-332. Also [Ahstr.J: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1875-80, viii, 515-517.— lTlorris (II.) Sc Lawson. Two cases of strangulating cancer of the neck. Mecl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxviii, 374—.Kaiicrede (C. B.) Recurrent epithelioma of neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1877-8), 1879. viii. 148-150. Also: Pbila. M. Times, 1877-8, viii, 353. — Ormerod (J. A.) Case of cancerous tumour of the neck simulating myi'lilis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1879, xv, 257-262.— Parker (W.) Malignant tumor ou the neck. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1862-3, ix, 74. — Pasquier. Tu- meur cancereuse ele la region cervicale ; extirpation; gue- rison. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1838, xii, 452.—Piedvache. Epithelioma ulcere: eles ganglions du cou, cemsecutif a un cancroide opere ele la levre siiperieure; dyspuee; acces de suffocation; mort; destruction partielle eles nerfs pneu- lnogastriciue et phreniepie, et ele la veine jugulaire interne tin cote gauche. Bull. Soc. anat, ch* Par., 1801, xxxvi, 408- 411.— Pollard (G. W.) Successful removal of malignant tumor from the neck. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 817.—Post (A. C.) Malignant tumour of the neck, containing scirrhus. eueephaloid and melanosis; op- eration; rapid reproduction of the morbid deposits. XT York J. M. Sc S., 1841, iv, 117.—Bausom. A cancerous growth in the: antrum mediastinum. Iii it- Tel. J.. Loud., 1873, i, 199. — Biehard. [Tuineur circonscrite et de na- ture* encephaloide, developpee dans la region sus-clavicu- laire; elitticiiltes eiu diagnostic! Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 199-201.—Riediusjer. | Kail von Caiciuoma colli.) Chir. Klin, ini k. Juliushosp. zu Wiirzb. (1877-8), 1879,43-47, 1 pl.— Kiplev. Epit helioina of the neck. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. (1881), 1882, iv. 285-288. Also: Meel. Rec, iST Y., 1881, xx, 091.—Koberlsou (E. B.) A case of epithelioma; extirpation; recovery. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1880. x, 116.—Kombeau. [Tumeur sur les parties lateralcs ele la region cervicale; elle: a en value la legion parotidienne, la base de la niachoire, lTiisselle, les fosses nasales et l'arriere-gorge ; asphyxie.] Bull. Soe-. auat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 82-84 — Nalvii (E.) Note pour servir a l'histoire des tumeurs cancel cuses du cou. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1861, 3. s., xvi, 92-95. — Mauds (11. B.) Carci- noma of the neck. Med. Gaz., N. Y.. 1882. i x. 591.—Nehnh. Cancer niedullare in omnibus glainlulis lvinphat, colli. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864, 115— Similiter id. IT) Excision of hbro-nialiguant tumour from right side of neck. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1807, n. s., liv, 279.-Nick (P.) Medul- larcarcinom des Rachens und oberen Theiles vom Schlunel- kopf; Tracheotomie; Tod; Venenkrchs am Halse; Krebs- knoteu in elen Lungen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864. xxxi, 316-331.—Smyth (J. S.) Ence]ihaloid cancer; removal by operation ; ligature of the carotid; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, ii, 863. — Soein (A.) Carcinom der Lympbdriisen des Halses. Jahresb. ii. el. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel, 1876, 28. -----. Faust grosses Melano- sarcom des Nackens. Ibid., 28.—.Stanley. Eueephaloid tumor in the cervical region ; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 462.—Htilwvll (II.) Cancerous infiltration of the lymphatic glands and areolar tissue of the neck. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvi, 348.—Teiuturicr. Epi- thelioma des glandes sueloripares de la nuque : ablation. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867. xiii, 558 - 560. — Toner (J. M.) Cancerous tumor of neck, compressing trachea and oesophagus. Tr. M. Soc Dist, Column., Wash.. 1874, i. 28- 31. — Torre (IT M.) Tumor escirroso nncsiibrine eu la parte lateral derecha del cuello; estirpacion: curacion. Cron. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1857, v, 50-56. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 44.—Treuberg (J.) K kazuistike per- vichnago raka tsbei. [.arcinoina of neck.] Vrach, St. Petersh., '1883, iv, 129. Also, transl.: St, Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 125. — ITrieb ( F.) Medullarer Krebs am Halse: Erstickungsgefahr; Laryngo-Tracheo- tomie; Rotblauf; Tod. In his: Erfahr. u. d. kiiustliche Eroffiuiug (1. Luftwege, 8^ Berl., 1860, 14-19. — Valude (E.) Sarc6me ele la region sus-byoi'elieuue; operation; mort rapide; generalisation ilu neo'plastne aux poumons. Bull. Soc anat, do Par., 1884. lix, 52-56. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1884, xii, 617. — Van Itureu (W. H.) Case of eueephaloid tumor of the right side of the neck; un- successful attempt at, removal. X. York J. M., 1850, v, 347-351.—Velaseo (P. G.) Adenomas con degencracion cancerosas. Antiteatro anat.. Madriel. 1873. i, 48.—Volk- mann (R.) Das tiefe brancliiogene Halskarcinom. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, ix, 49-51. —IVey (W. C.) Case of eueephaloid tumor of the neck. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central JST. Y., Auburn, 1852, 77-85. Aeck (Wounds and injuries of). See, also. Artery (Carotid, Ligature of); Ar- tery (Carotid, Wounds, etc.. of); Cadaver (Juris- prudence of); Emphysema (Traumatic); Hyoid NEOK. (.SO NECK. Aet'k (TVommc/s and injuries of). lone (Fracture of): Larynx, CEsophagus, Pa- rotid glands, Spine, Thyroid gland, Trachea, Veins (.Jugular), Wounds, etc., of. Bernard (J.-B.) * I. Des accidents qu'en- trainent les plaies des reoions lateralcs du cou ; coiuuie'ut doit-on les irailer? II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1838. Boky (J.) Mlistoiia vulneiis trachcain et cesopliiiguiii totnm perse indent is f'eliciier sanati, cum alioruni olise-ivationibus et epicrisi. sin. 4°. Kilice, 1827. Chacvet(A.-F.-L.) * Des blessures dc onerre interessaut les aiteres du cou. 4 \ Strasbourg, j I860. Diaz (J.-A.) * Considerations sur certaines plaies de la region anterieure du cou chez les suicides. 4,J. I'aris, 188'.]. Hortelocp (1'.) "Plaies du larynx, de la traclil'e* et de l'lesophage; leurs consequences, leur traitenient, 8U. Paris, 1869. Notlixg (W.) * Ueber Halswunden im All- gemeiuen, insbesondere aber iiber Wundeii der Luftriihre. 8°. Mannheim, 1847). Peyhe (M.-J.) * Des plaies du conduit la- ryugo-tracheal et de leur traitement. 4- . Pa- ris, 186,7). rour.(0.) * E'm seltener Fall von Halsver- letzung mit, Bildung einer Trachealfistel und einer Oesophagnsfistel. 4°. (Ireifswalel, 1875. Raabe (L. (J.) * De* hesionibus colli iu f'oro recte dijudicanelis. h. Halce, [1824]. S( hatteniiofeu (M.) * De colli vulneribus. 121-. Monachii. 1843. '] sciiiekschki (C. F.) * Dc colli hesionibus. 8r [Perl in, 1823.] ZlEGLER (O. : Dorhnuei- (E. ().) Obduction eines mit einer Halswunde toelgefundenen Mannes. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. geriebli. Arznevw.. Berl., 1791, vii. Samml., 178-187. — Bniiui»ler (H.'M.) Gunshot wound of neck followed by paralysis ol cervical sympathetic; insanity. .J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1879, n. s., iv, 434-440. Also [Abstr.] : Med. Rec, X. Y., 1879, xvi, 15.—Barbona (A. M.) Tentativa de suicielio por degolacao; divisao comjileta da trachea; nielhora consideravel. Gaz. nied. de Lisb., 1856, iv, 78-80 — Bardeleben. Penetrirende Schnittwunde zwiscben Zungenhein und Schildkuorpel: Dnrchschneieluug der Epiglottis, vollkommene quere Treiiniing eles Pharynx ; Tod nach 48 Stunden. Charite-Ann. 1883. Berl., 188a, x, 389-392.—Bnrllell (JT) Account of the effect of a thread round a child's neck. Meel. Comniunicaf. Mass. M. Seic, Bost., 1790-1808, i, no. 2. pt. 2, 19-22. — Kailium (J. S.) Case of suicide by cut throat. Assoc, M. J., Lond., 18.-|f>, ii, 1052.—Beaupoil (A.) Plaie pe'netrante de la gorge ; guerison. J. de ined., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1873, lvi, 227.—Beck (-1. H.) Gutachten iiber einen Erschns- senen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1831, xxi, 122- 140, — Beclere. Tentative ele suicide au moyen d'un ra- soir; division de toute la region anterieure du cou, y compris la tractnSe-artere, et guerison laelicale en douze jours. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 423.—Bell (J.) Sui cide by cut-throat; death from intralobular suppurative ,\eck ( Wounds and injuries of). pneumonia. Edinb. M. J., 1874-5, xx, 2KS. _____. Casein cut throat; death from suppurative pneumonia. Ibid., 214. -----. Accidental wound of neck and larynx • recov- ery. Ibid.. 216— Bennett (WT H.) Cutthroat ; seven cases, three of which died. St. (Jeoi^e's Heisp Ren ls7'l Lond., 1880, x, 128-i:;o —Benoil (IT) & l.oury. Rapports sur un cas el'empoisonnement et, d'assassinat. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1833. ix, 336-379. -----. Affaire de las- sassinat de la elaine Renaud. Ibid., 1839, xxii, 170-18J — Braeh. Refund einer Halswunde nach ilein Stiirze in einen Brunnen. Meel. Ztg.. Berl.. 1845, xiv, 255.—Bri«- haiu (C. B.) Gunshot wound of the neck; lieeiwiv. West. Lancet, San Fran.. 1875, iv, 515-517. Also, in his: Surg. Cases, 8°, Cambridge, 1870. 41-43.— Ilionn (T. K.U.) A case of cut throat. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1876, xi, 73.—Bryant (T.) On wounds of the throat. Guy's Hosp. Kep., Loud., 1860, 3. s., vi, 32-35. -----. Lacerated wound of the throat into the larynx and pharynx by broken crockery; recovery. Brit.' M. J., Loud.', 1881, i, 164.— Bryer (S. P.) | Seel ion of trachea and left jugular vein. | Med. & Pins. .1., Loud., R<00, iii, 228. — Buehner (E.) Tcieltliche Ilalsstic liwuuele. Friedreich's HI. f geiichtl. Mid., Niirnb, 1869. xx, 137-142.—Buot (P.) Observation de blessure par urine a leu ele la region cervicale suivie de ineuingo myelite au vingtieine jour. Arch, do nied. et pharni. mil., Par., 1886, viii, 390-393.— Burger (C. P) Geval eener diepe halsverwending met gene/.ing. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1883, xix, 197. — Bury;* gracve (A.) Plaies du cou par suite de tentatives eh suicide. Aun. Soc. ele m£il. ele Gand, 1851, xxviii, 36-40.— Buleher (R. G.) Suicidal wound of throat, implicating the trunk of the common carotid ; successfully ligatured above and below the wound . perfect reco\cry. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1881, 3. s., lxxii, 386-392.—lie 4 ai»iic. Plaie p6netranti: du cou par arme :i feu ; une risiin. Arch. in6d. beiges. Brux., 1870, xi, 253-259—C'alori (Y.) Ferita trasversale della trachea per teutato suicidio. Ippocratico, Fano, 1872. 3. s., xxii, 489-497— lanieioii (U. C.) Stab in the nec:k, by which the: right hypoglossal nerve was divided. Lancet, Lond., lsi-4, i, si-.", — <'anelln (G.) Osservazioue di una ferita dell' esofago e della trachea accompagnata da circostanze agsiravanti felicimente trat lata. Gior. di chir.-prat,. Tivntu. 1829, vii, 115-120.— [t'ases.] Casus von einem. eler sich den Hals halb abge- schnitten, nnd doch gliicklich wiecler geheilet worden. Med. ii. chir. Berl. wchntl. Nadir. (1739), 1742, ii, 83-90.— I 'ase of a fatal wound of the trachea. Lancet, 2. eel., Lond , 1825, vii, 223. —Visum repertuni iiber eine in ilirein Bette durch zwei Halswunden ermorilet gefumlene* junge- I-Tau Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw., Berl., 1832, ii, 60-70. — Plaie il la partie anterieure du col; tentative de snieielc; re- flexions pratiques sur ces series de blessures. J. de ined. et chir. prat. Par., 1834, v, 518-522.— Case of cutthroat. Lond. M. efe S. J., 1834-5, vi, 766.—Cut throat; division ot the trachea, eesopliagus, etc:. Lond. M. efc S. J., 1836, i, 604.—Begiitachtnug eines Falles, bei welchem in Folge roher Verletzungen mit dem Schlundstosse-r der Tod eintrat, Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freib. i. Br., 1842, vii, 297-327.—Severe wound of the throat; division of tbe larynx and anterior wall of the pharynx; recovery. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1851-2. viii, 676.—Fall von Todtuug. BL f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1855, vi, 6. Hft,, 21-26.—Case NECK. 081 NIX'K. ,\('C*k ( Wounds and injuries of). of homicide, hy severing the atlas from the head. Vir- giuiaM. J.. Richmond. 1856, vii, 485-490.—Ungliicksfall, Morel eider Selbstmord ! Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1857, viii, 1. lilt. 73-79.—SchiiittwumleamHalse; Gut- achten deV Gericlitsiirzte:; Zuliigung durch einen Andern; unbestinimtes Gutachten eler Facultiit, jedoch mit Mog- lichkeit, ia selbst mit Wahrsohoiiilichkeit eines Selbst- morcles. Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. el. Prag. med. Fak 1858 2. F., 79-85.—Scbnittwiinde am Halse. Aerztl. Ber.'d. k.'k. allg. Krankeuh. zu AVien (1801), 1802.41.— Selbstmord oder Motel >. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Xiirnb., 1862, xiii, 1. Hft., 116-125. — [Sehnittwimdcn am Halse, beigebraeht mit einem Rasirinesser in einem Anfalle von Me-Tanebolie.j Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1866). 1867, 309-311. — Sehlage- gegen den Xacken ; nachgefolgte Lahmnng der linken Korperhalfte mit Con- tract nr im Kniegclenke; sch were und lebensgefahrliche Verletzung. Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. me*d. Fak 1867 3. F., 43-49. — Halsschnittwundo; Morel oder S.'lbsttnord? Ibid. Leipz., 1874, 4. F., 170- 173. — Cas- per. Ein unorklarlicher, und dennoch leicht crklurter Morel. Vrlljschr. f. gerichtl. u. iitf. Med.. Berl.. 1852, ii, 85-99. A Zxo'[ A bstr. J: Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Ansbach, 1853, iv, 1. Hft., 31-35.—Cavalier. Observation d'une plaie transversale du cou, qui, en 1776, donna lieu il la decouverte d'un nouveau bandage. J. gen. ele med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1815, liv, 105-116, 1 pl.—Cay Icy (H.) Case of cut throat, Indian M. Gaz , Calcutta, 1873, viii, 14— Chadwiek (S T.) Case of severe gunshot wound in the cervical region. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 309.—CharlCN (1). A.) Case of gunshot wound of neck, with perforation of usophagus; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. ]ss:i. i, 611.— t'hn»Maignnc. Plaies graves et profomles du cou; tracheotomie; mode particulier de suture. Gaz. cl. hop.. Par., 1852, xxv, 365.—Cbauvel (J ) Plaie du cou par instrument trani-haut; tentatives de reunion; mort. Rec deni6m. de m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvi, 136-141.— Cheever (D. WT) Three cases of cut throat. Boston M. .V S. JT, 1865-6, Ixxiii. 229-234. Also: Med. Sc Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp. (1864-9), 1870, i, 486-499. ------. Partial asphyxia by hanging ; incised wounds of trachea and (Eso- phagus ; stricture of larynx; secondary tracheotomy; forci- ble dilatation of the i-ini'a glottidis. Boston M. & S.'j., 1882, cvii, 577—Chisoliu (J. J.) Singular injury to the nerves of the throat from a pistol shot. Bait. M. J. Sc Bull., 1871, ii, 466-470. — Clark ( A. ) [Ose of supposed murder.] Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1860-62, i, 3211-344. Also • Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, 48; 62; 76; 91 — Coimlet. Quel ques reflexions pratiques sur un cas de vaste: plaie trans- versale de la region tliyrohyoidienne. Rec. cie mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1859, 3. s., ii, 416-427. Also, Reprint— Cooke (VV.) Case of cut-throat, with division of the lar- ynx and pharynx. Lancet, Loud., I860, ii, 50.—Cooper. Cutthroat. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1836, i, 905— Colronei (G.) Ferita da taglio della regione laterale e superiore del collo : rlemnioue prot'ondo; intiltraniento puriilento : em- piitiia; morte. Ann. clin. d. osp. d. Pellegr. di Xapoli, 1872, ii, 110-114.—Collins; (B. E.) Cutthroat; complete division of the cricoid cartilage and (esophagus. Extr. Rec. Bost. Sue. M. Improve., 1848-53, i, 2*0-282.—Colli- sion. Cut-throat followed hy delirium tremens; autopsy. Med. Times et Gaz., Lond., 1855. n. s., x, 543. ------. Wound of the throat between the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage; free hainorrliagc : recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 277.—Couper. Fracture of thyroid car- tilage; lacerated wound of throat; broncho-pneumonia ; death. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1880, ii, 695.—Cras. Ligature dela carotide piimitive droitepratiqu6e a la suite d'hel-inorragies secondaires consccutives a un coup de coi ne de vache recu dans la region eles carotides secondaires. Bull etm6tn. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 734-737.— CrippN (W. H.) Treatment of haunorrhage from punc- tured wounds of the throat and neck, especially considered with regard to ligature of the external carotid artery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1877-8, lxi, 229-24L—Croly. Case of extensive suicidal wound of the tin oat. Mecl. Press & Circ, Dnhl., 1868, v, 352,—Curling. Cutthroat, with division of the thyrohyoid membrane; closure of the wound by sutures; recovery. Meel. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s'., vii, 680. ------. Case of incised throat (suicidal) in which a large opening remained permanently. Clin. Lect. Sc Rep. Loud. Hosp., 1866, iii, 196-198. —'■----. In- cised throat (attempted murder) ; complete division of the trachea; recovery with membranous stricture of the trachea; subsequent, death from contraction of the fistula. Ibid., 198-200.—Daniel (IT F.) Von einer schleehter- elings tdeltlielien Hnlswimde eines Kindes von fiinf Woehen, dem durch Schnitte die Luftrc'ihre, der Schlunel, etc., verletzt worden. In his: Samml. med. Gutacht. fete], ST. Leipz., 1776, 28-30.—Davie* (R.) Case: of injury of the neck. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., 1803, n. s., xiv, 79. — Da vie*-Collev. Transfixion of neck by a walking stick ; recovery. Laucet, Lond., 1882. i. 986.— Daviw (J. T.) Case of severe* injury of the neck; re- covery yvith loss of use of the left shoulder joint, Cincin. Lancet A Obs., 1870, n. s„ xiii, 210.— Debcnrirn (N. R.) Case of incised wound (transverse) on the nape of the iVeck ( Wounds and injuries of). neck. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 72. -Dejae- j; lie re (G.) Section transversale complete: dc fartere carotide et de la veine jugulaire, mort 26 hemes apres; le picvenu se hlesse volontairement pour eletournor lis soupcons. Ann. med.-leg. hedges, Brux., 1843, ii, 24.— DiefFenbach (J. F.) Beobachtungen iiber Halswun- den. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834, xii, 395-132. Also. transl: Abeille, Brux., 1834, iv, 239-240.— ■>j:ilioiioll (P. I.) Tri sluchaja gluhokich rane shei. [Three cases of deep wounds of neckT] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880, i, 865.— Dock (G.) Case of wound of the throat, in a maniac, in which the epiglottis was nearly severed. Med. Exam., Phila,, 1855, xi, 476-478.—Donovan (I).) Case of exten- sive wound of the throat. Dublin M. Press, 1862, xlviii, 277.—Dressel. Durchsehneidung des Halses in einem Anfalle von Wahnsinn. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx. 319-322. — Dujardiu - Beaunielz. Coup de feu a Bangle de la niachoire inferieure; fracture de cet os ; tracheotomie; fistule salivaire; extraction d'un biscai'eu pesant 215 grammes. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par. (1871), 1872. 2. 8., xii, 214-217.—Dupuytren. Blessure profonde du cou, penetrant jusqu'au pharynx, s'etendant de l'une a l'autre artere carotides, sans lesion de ces at teres; reunion au moyen de quatre points de suture. Gaz. d. hop., I'ar., 1828-9, i, 321. -----. Fistnle lai vniiei-pharyngienne. a la suite d'une blessure au cou ; experiences sur la voix faites par MM. Bennati, Savard et Cau'iiiard-Latour ; operation. Ibid., 1831-2, v, 309; 314 — Durham (A. E.) Injuries of the neck. Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 2. ed., XT Y., 1870, ii, 436-551.—Diitertre. Observation sur uno tres granelo plaie du cou. J. de med . chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1805, x, 136-139.—Eawley (E. P.) A case of cutthroat; marked effect of opium on the respiratory mucous membrane. Am. Pract., Louisville. 1876, xiv' 73-75. —F bei. Sec- tionshefund und Gutachten iiher eine tiidtlich gewordeme Stichwunde. Deutsche: Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Freib. i. Br., 1852, xii, 313-335. —Kllerinan. Bijdrage tot, ele behandeling van dwarse halswomlcn. Xeelerl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1845-6, 2. s., i, 279-282.—Engliscli. Schnitf, wunden an verschiedenen Keirperstellen mit Enitl'nung des Kehlkopfes ; Tod in Folge consecutiv aul'gi■! re-toner Pleuritis sinistra. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rmlnlph- Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879. 326— FNpaiia y iVIurtiu (T.) Medieinaforense [lesion mortal del cuello]. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1879, xiv, 75.—Kve* (A.) Case of suicidal wound of the throat. Lancet, Lone!., 1852, i, 36-38. — F. Extraordinary case of suicide-. Med. Mav... Lost.. 1834-5, iii, U7-119.— Faber. Legal fall; Tod 12-13 Slunden nach zwei tiefeu Me-ssei-stiohen in den Hals, welche nicht lodt- lich waren. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1847, xvii, 65-71. -----. Tddtung (lurch Stich in den Hals. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1865, n. F., xxiii, 378-383. -----. Tdeltung (lurch Stich in den Hals. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 304-306. — Faure (L.) Coup de feu de la region cervicale; balle perdue clans le raehis; paralysie progressive des niembres inferieurs, du tronc et des bras; int£grite de l'intelligence. Gaz. m^el. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1869, xiv, 108.—Fayrcr (J.) Case of self-inflicted gunshot wound of the throat; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1871, ii, 404. Also, in his'- Clin. A: Path. Obs. in India, 8C, Lond., 1873. 207-209.—Fazio (E.) Ferite portanti pericolo di vita; giudizio medico-legale. Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1879, n. s., i, 654-604.— Fine. Observation sur line plaie de la gorge. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1790, lxxxiii, 64-77.— Fin- lay (W. A ) Wound of the larynx and eesopliagus ; tra- cheotomy. Edinb. M. JT, 1879-80, xxv, 211.—Finuel (T. C.) Suicide, with pathological specimen. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1861, 81 —Filhian (J.) Penetrating wound of the neck. Med. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859, n. s., i, 419.—Freer (J. H.) Tobacco pipe in the neck. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 486. — French (W. W.) A case of cut throat involving the larynx. "Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1886, xiv, 455. — Frey (L.) Ueber Tiidtung durch Hals- unidreheii. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1863, n. F., xxi, 138-145.—Frieilel (C.) [Siibelhieb qner (lurch die. Kehle, horizontal den Kehlkopf voni Zungenbeiu abtrennenel und die vordere Wand des Pharynx durch- schneidend.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl.. 1862, xxiii, 438. -----. [Anderthalb Zoll lange Stichwunde an der rechten Halsseite schmal vorm Randedes Kopfniekers an- fangend, und sclnagnach unten und venn sich verbreitend und vertiefend, mit einer Partisane vom Pferde aus beige bracht.l Ibid., 439. -----. [Xoch ein Kopfiingsvorsuch ; 3 parallele tiefe. Schwerthiebe im Naeken.] Ibid.. 440 — Fritz (IT) Zur gerichtsarztlichen Lehre iiber Halsver lelznngen. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1*44, 12lil- 1265. — Fiii-Nlenau (J. F.) De autochiria juguli dis sectione tentata. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb, 1752, ix, 202. — Gninlner (J.) Case of wound in the throat, in which tbe trachea and esophagus were divided across, and which did not terminate fatally, although the parts have not reunited. Edinb. M. Sc S. ,L, 1820. xvi. 353-359 — (eiallicif r. Observation d'une blessure eles plus graves produite par la traverse d'une vergue dc nuuilin. J. de la sect, de med. Soi'. acad. Loire-lnf., Xantes, 1862. u. s., xxxviii, 173.-CJallozzi. Vasta ferita alia gola, per ten XVA'K. Ox-f SlTK. \eck ( Wounds and injuries of). tato suieidio oil oniicidio .' Riv. clin. d. 1'niv. di Napoli, 1883, iv, 75. — iliiiori- (A.) Caseof incised wound of the throat. Tr. M. .y Phys. Soc. Cal- cutta, 1833, vi, 478. Also: Proc M. & Phys. Soc. Cal- cutta, 1833, i, 5. — 4^ioll're
  • erii. Vollkommene Hei- lung einer coiupleten Zerschneidung des Kehlkopfs in Verbindung mit fast vollstandiger Zeischneiduiig der Spiiseidhre. Mitth. a. (I. Geb. d. Med., etc., Altona, 1836, iv, 11.-12. Hft, 53-07.—.Tli I ler (WT(T) A case* of gun- shot wound of the neck, attended by an interesting train of phenomena. Charleston M. J., 1852, vii, 668.— Tloliall (J. E.) Remarks on cutthroat, illustrated by a case. In- dian M.Gaz., Calcutta. 1876, xi, 211.— Tloon (WT P.) Gun- shot wound of neck. [Presenting apertures of cntiance and exit, but with the bullet lodged] Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1868, n. s., lv, 55.— Tlori i«on (J.) Case in which the epiglottis was divided in an attempt to commit suicide. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1836. ix, 102-105. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1835-6. xvii, 900. — .Tlorlon ( T. G. ) Incised wound of the neck, involving the larynx and eesophagus; food introduced into the stomach hy hydrostatic pressure. Phila. M. Times, ln74-5, v, 71. — iMiiiiro (WT) Notes of a curious case, of accidental death. Edinb. M. J., 1870-71, xvi, 1066-1073. — \eill (J.) Traumatic ha:morrhage into the posterior mediastinum. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1857, n. s., iii, 133-13.T— .>'<• mil ami ( A. CT ) Durehsehnei- duilg eler Luft- und Spcisereihre, wo bei die Haiuorrhagie: ohne Zutritt der Kunst sistirte. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 133- 136. — .\iemnmi ( A. ) Verletzun- gen am Halse; gerichtliche: Leicliindifuungen. Ztschr. f._ il. Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1856, lxxii, 321-330. — ,>«»!- ling. Slie hwunile in den Nao.ken ; Verletzung des lin- ken Plexus hrachialis und der linken Halslymphdrii- sen. Mitth. d. haelisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1858, xii, "8 — von .>u«o>l>auiii. Stich iu den Hals uud in den Riii'keu; zuiue:khleibendes Ancurvsina und halhseitigo Liihinuug. Ibid.. 1871, xxii, 81-87—OlMrleuller (J. G.) ■v. Tanner ia«Nard. Observation d'une plaie transversale de la gorge. J. de med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1777, xlviii, 249-252. — Ma wiih. Application de la suture dans uu cas de blessure piiiloneb: au cou. Gaz. ro6d. d'Orient, Con- stantinople. 1861-2, v, 102-105. iDiscussiouJ. 122; 137; 155.—."■iawlelle (11. W.) Gun-shot wound of the neck. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1872, lxxxvii, 335. — Schade. Eben- falls von einein Kimle, so an einer Halswunde verstorben. Aufsatze* u. Beob. a. el. gerichtl., Arzneyw., Berl., 1784, 2. Samml., 101 - 106.—.*»«■ li ill in«. Sections - Protocoll uud Gutachten iibet elie Toelesat t ibi , nach erlittenein Wiirfemit einer Sichel an elen Hals, pldtzlich verstorbeuen 15jahrigen ChristinaSieinou. Ztschr. 1". tl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1842, 31. Ergnzngshft, 230-235. — Sellreyer (F.) Gliiekliche Heilung einer Halswiimle. bei welcher die' Luftriihre giinz- lich uud elie Speisere'ihre bis auf einen kleinen Theil del- hin- teren Wand ilurchschuitten war. DeutsiheKlinik. Berl., 1860, xii, 98. . I iso transl. (Abstr. ]: Gaz. d. hup.. Par., 1863, xxxvi, 155.— Nebubert (A.) Xaturhcilkruft ; ein abge- schnitteuer Hals. Me-,I. Ztg., Berl., 1858, i, 211 — Nebiitx. Schnittwunile am Halse (Selbstmordversuch) mit nach- folgender Kehlkopfnec.rose. Ber. d. k. k. Krankeuh. VVieden 1871, Wien, 1873. 132-135. — Nenfield (D.) A wound severing the larynx and (esophagus ; complete recovery, and subsequent death from hanging. Med. Rec, N. V., 1879, xvi, 284. — Seriven (J. Bj On wounds of the throat. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1872, vii. 106.— Meeliymiillcr (A.) Ueber die traumatischen Liisioncn des Halssynipathicus. Allg. AVien. ined. Ztg., 1876, xxi, 369. — Meidler. Beobachtung einer H ilsverletzutig, ilurch elen Stich eines Bajonnetts veranlasst. Mag. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1821, ix, 379-385. — Siemerling ,v ] lla^rn. Obduktion eines im Wasser gi'fundenen Kcir- pers, der zuglcich eine Wunde am Halse hatte. Auf'siitze j u. Beob. a. el gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl.. 1785, 3. Samml., 130-139.—Nitueons. Ein mit einein zinuernen Suppien- lcitfel auf deu Hals e:iner bejahrteu Fran gefiihrter Schlag bewirkt, dei-en alsbaldigen Tod; gerichtsarztliches Gut- ai-hten. Ztschr. f. cl. Staatarznk., Erlang., 1848, lv, 72- 102. [Sec. also, supra, Henrich.] ------. Raubniord und Euteleekung des Tli liters (lurch den Zustand der Leiche uml die tTiitersuchung cles vermeintlichen Morders. Zt- schr. f. el. Staatsirznlt. Erlang., 1853, lxv, 334-367. Also [Abstr.J : Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Ansbaeh 1*53. iv, 0. Hft., 47-61. — .Sinclair (A.) Pharynx and upper part of oesophagus of a patient who had died from ha.....>r- rhage. Edinb. M. .T.. 1875, xx, 642. — Soc in (A.) Tiefe- Schnittwunile am Halse in Folge von Selbstmordversuch; Tracheotomie. Jahresb. u. d. chir. Abth. il. Spit, zu Basel, 1876, 23. ------. Messerstichwnnde am Halse, Ibid.. 23. ------. Schussverletziing der oberen Halsgegend 1. ; Hei- lung. Ibid. (1878), 1879, 23. ------. Perforation des Oeso- phagus und der Trachea (lurch ein versehliiektes Kno- chenstiick. Ibid.. 28 — Nolly (S.) Bad case of suicidal cutthroat, between the hynid bone, and thyroid ca til- age; hiBiiioiThage; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1864, i, 91.— Spalding (.1.) Case of a wound in the trachea arteria anil ii sojili.igus. Cases & Obs. M. Soc. NT-Haven County NT-Haven, 17XT 75-77.—Spiezer (E.) Zur Casuistik der Halsverletziingen : Schnitt wunde des Halses; Durchtren uiingder Membr. hvothyreoidea. Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1881. xxvi, 41.—Spinal (R.) Case of suicide, in which death resulted from a wound in the neck by an earthen- ware jug. Lond. x Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1842, ii, 491- 498— Spui-way (C.) A case ot cut throat, followed hv secoiielary lnemorrhage, successfully treated by deligutioii of the common carotid artery. Army M. Dep. Re j>~ 18 16, Loud., 1868. viii, 522.—Stafford (R. A.) Case of recovery from cut throat, in which both the larynx aud pharynx were extensively opened. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 18.39-40, xxiii, 221-223. — Ktarli (J.) The history of a remarkable wound in the trachea and ueighhouring parts. Med. Sc Phil. Comment, Loud., 1776, iv, 434-444.—Nteiuberger. Schuittwunde am Halse, den Kehlkopf erdft'iiend (Selbst- mordversuch ); Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1868), 1869, 246. ------ Selhst- .\ecli ( Wounds and injuries of). niordversucb durch Schnitt; Heilung. Ibid. (IsC'.i) isto 1*8-190.—Nlewarl (C.) On wound of the neck. Auslral M. JT, Melbourne*, I860, v, 274-276. — Wlolten (G.) On asphyxia, resulting from wounds in the neck. Dublin J M. Sc. 1841, xix, 28-34. — ttlone (J. ().) Attempted suicide of an ins.n* man; death from ecdeina of the larynx. In his: Clin. Cases. 8°, X. V., 1878, 104-106.—Mlone (It. M.) A unique glass wound ; successful ligation of the: left com- mon carotid artery and internal jugular vein. Meel. Rec., N. V., 1881, xxvi. 456-458. ALo, transl. : J. de med.. chir! ct Pharmacol., Brux., 1885, lxxx, 355-360.—Mullivan (WT I'.) Severe wound of the throat in an aged woman : vio- lent traumatic, delirium ; recovery. Lancet, Loml., 1869, ii, 073.— Swinburne (J.) A review of the case of the people against Rev. Henry Budge, indicted for the innriler of his wife, Prise-ilia Budge:, containing an examinating of ihe medico-legal questions involved in the case, etc. Tr M Soc. X V.. Albany, 1862. 23-124. Also, Keprint—Mwi|-#,er . (B. W.) Suicidal cut-throat. Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 252. — Taeliard (lvi Xote relative a un cas de deformation reinarqiiabli' el une balle de revolver. Ke\. med. de Toulouse, 1878, xii. 355-357.—Taehcron. Ohsei vation remarquable de plaie du cou, avec lesion de> la veine jugulaire interne. Arch. gen. de: med., Par., 1837, 2. s., xiii 162-172. ;li.«i : Ann. de nied. beige, Brux., 1837, i, 219- 223. — Ta*Ni (IT) Nevropatia a forma spinale e vasomo- toria per ferita alia regione antero-laterale del collo. Bull. d. r. Accad. meel. di Roma, 1886, xii, 305-310.—Taylor (A. S.) On homicielal and suicidal wounds of the throat. The power ot locomotion or struggling after wounds of the trachea, the common carotid artery, and the internal jugu- lar vein ; inference' of the time of death from the condition of the dead body,- remarks on the caseof John Wiggins. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Loml., 1869, 3. s., xiv, 112-144.— Teu- be I'll. Todtung eines neugeborenen Kindes ilurch Hals- schuittwunde. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. (iff. Med., Berl., 1870, xii, 98-112.—Terry (C. C.) Severe cut of throat, fol- lowed by recovery ; tracheotomy. Detroit, Lancet, 188i)-Kl. n. s., iv, 151.—Tliomnn (E.) Durchdriiigciide Schnitl- wuinle am Halse, dicht iiher dem oberen Rande des Kehl kopfes; Heilung bis auf eine l-unilliche: t isteliiffnung Verschluss di:rselben; Heilung per primam intentioneni. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 510 —Thiirnall (W.) Case of cut-throat; recovery. Brit. M. J., Loml., 1857, ii, 920.— Todd (G.) On wounds of the throat inflicted for the pur- pose of self-destruction. Lancet, Lond., 1846, ii, 477.— Toogood (J.) Wound of the trachea and (esophagus, Ibid., 1837-8, ii, 735.------. Wound of the throat. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Loud.. 1843, v, 315.—Troy. Observation d'une plaie transversale du con, produite par un instrument tranchant, et ayant divis6 plus de la moitUi ele l'cspace hyo-thyroidico, suivie de guerison. Kee. de 1116111. de me I, . '. . mil.. Par., 1853, 2. s., x, 298-302.—Tyerman (D. F.J Caseof wound of the neck, implicating the larynx, phar- ynx, aud superior thyroid artery, and puncture of the ab- domen, in attempted suicide by'a lunatic. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 185.1, n. s., vii, 219. ------. Case of extensive wound of the throat, implicating the' external carotid ar- tery ancl its branches; ligature of the common carotid artery. Ibid., 1854, n. s., ix, 366. — I pliain (J. B.) Re- port of a case of incised wound of the throat, resulting in closure of the larynx by the cicatrix. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1852, xlvi, 49-53. Also': X. Hampshire J. M., 1851-2, ii, 206-210.— Valera y Jimenez (TT) Herida penetranle del cuello; curacion. Antiteatro anat, Madrid, 1877, v, 79.—Van IS men (W. H.) Gunshot wound of the neck; severe venous haemorrhage; recovery. X. York M. Press, 1859. n. a., i. 42.— Vnneleie (J.) Case of death from a wound of Ihe trachea anil esophagus, with a hot iron. Phila. M. Museum, 1808, iv, 24.— Van Hook (\V. K.) Complete division of the trachea and wounding of the (eso- phagus in attempted suicide: recovery. Am J. M. Sc, Pbila., 1870, n. 8., Ix, 576— Velpean. Sur les plains trans versales du cou. Monit. d. he'ip., Par., 1854, ii, 218-220.— Verdier. Sur une playe k la gorge, avec des reniarqucn interessantcs k ce sujet'. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par , 1757, iii, 7s S3—Vijjuolo. Traitenient et guerison d'un coup ele feu e.nii a traverse le cou d'avant en arriere. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 183!), iii, 59-74.—Vile (J.) Case of cut throat; attempted suicide. Proc. M. Soc. Ore- gon, Portland, 1876, iii. 49-55.—van Wageuiuge (P. J.) Halsverwoneling met elo.u klievmg van de aspeia arteria; doorilringenile buikwond: dyspnoea; tracheotomie; adem haling kings een' kunstmatigeii weg; leveiisbehoud ini-t stein\i'iliis. Xederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1846-7, 2. s., it, 42-56. —Walker (J.) Case of an extensive wound ot the neck. Med. Recorder, etc., Phila., 1824, vii, 718-721.— Wedeuieyer (G.) Rechtfertigung gegen em Gutachten der ineilicinischen Facultiit zu Geittingen. Mag. f. d. ges. H.ilk., Berl., 1829, xxviii, 318-352. —Wchileehner (J.) Selbstmordversuch (lurch Schnitt zwiscben Ze>ugenbein und Kehlkopf: tiefe und oberflacblicbe Nabt; gestorben au Pleuropneiimonie. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1874), 1875. 465. ------. Selbst- mordversuch (lurch Sc bnitt zwiscben Zungenbein una Kehlkr-nf und am letzteren selbst mit Verletzung drs linken Stitnmbandes; Doppelnaht; Heilung grossteutheils NECK. 685 NECROSIS. Neck (Wounds and injuries of). per primum; theilwcise Xceruse des Schildknorpels und lilcihenile Heiserkeit. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kraukenh. zu Wien (1881), 1882, 226.—While. Punctured wound of I'lcck.perf'oratiiigpliuryiix. Brit M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 146.— W ilill><-in (C. F. L.) | Oheluctioiisbeiicht und Gutach- ten iiber einen durch eine Halsverletzung um das Lehen- gehrachlen Mann. Man. f. cl. gerichtl. Arzneiw.. Berl., 1831-2, i, 108-413.— Wirlh. Geschiehte und Heilung einer 'nefiihrlichen Haisverlezung. Dcnkschr. d. Vnterl. Gesellsch. el. Aerzte u. Nuturf. Schwabens, Tiibing., 1805. i, 93-96.— Wi* I rand (A. T.) Statsmedicinska notiser in- ('"en och anilras erfarenhet. [Blood stains on neck.] Hy- gTea, Stockholm, 1840, ii. 246-251. — Woodman (.1.) Case of cutthroat wound of internal jugular vein; ligature; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 45!) Wornuin (G. P.) Notes on a case of determined suicide, involving points of medico-legal interest. Ibid., 1887, ii, 717. — Wuth (K. M.) A case of cut throat. Austial. M. J., Melbourne, 1X79, n. 8., i, 364-366. — Yates (G ) Severe wound of throat; recovery. Mecl. Times, Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 515.— Young (D. S.j A new treatment, for incised wounds of the throat, penetrating the air passages. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1887, n. s., xviii, 290-301. — /niielyck, Deux tenlatives de suicide par section transversale de la region iuitcrictire (1u cou; traitements differents; reflexions gene- rales sur le mode: ele reunion des plaies par instruments tram-hauls. Bull. meel. du nord, Lille, 1812, iii, 82-90.— Ziino (G.) In causa di feiiinento al collo ; cousultazione nieilico-lcgale. Morgagni, Xapoli, 1882, xxiv, 330-335.— Z»il*iiioiidy (A.) (Irosse penetrirende llalsschnitlwuude zwischeii Zungenbein und Schilclknorpel von einein Selbst- iiiorelvcrsuch; vollslaudige Heilung. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1861, ii, 122. van Neck (Abrahamus). * De lortura. 30 pp., 4 1. 4'-'. Lugd. Pat., apud S. Luchtmans et filios, 1754. [P., v. 996.] de Necker(Noel-Joseph) [1729-U3J. Physioiogie des corps organises, ou examen ;uialyti(|ue iles aniniaux et des vcg6taux comparers ensemble, a desscin de d6moutrcT la chainede continuity qui unit les differens rcgnes de la nature. Edition francoisc du livre puhlid en latin a Manhcim sous le titre de Physiologic des mousses . . . xii, V3-349 pp., 1 I., 1 pl. 12°. lieiuilltni, 1775. de JVcckei'C (Carolus Ca-lestinus). * De colica liiitoiiiiin. [Gaud.] 2:5 pp. fr Boularii, I). Van lice. [1828]. [P., v. 9.'>9.] rVeerolOj^ie de Charles- Auguste Van Coctsein [1788-lM(,r,J. 1<5 pp., port. 8°. (land, 1865. Itepr. from: Bull. Soc. de nnSil. de Gaud, 1865, xxxi. Necrology. See Biography. Necrosis. See, also, Bones (Absorption of); Caries; Em- bolism ; Erysipelas (Complications, etc., of); Osteomyelitis; Pyaemia; Pyaemia (Cases, etc., of); and under the names of the several bones and joints. Abisa.movich (J.) * De necrosi ossiiuu. 8°. Viiiiloboint; [ IKKi]. Belle (E.) ' Necrose. Trepanation sur la continuity des os longs. 4°. Paris, 1865. Bekger (J.) * S'ecrosros per ne erotoiniam saiiatie cxeniplu duo. 8°. (Irypliisicaldia; 187,3. Also, transl. | Abstr.], in: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 325; 3S7. liisciiOKF (H. H.) *Ein licit rag zur Lehre von der Necrose mit speciellcr Beriicksichtigung der Huiiicrusneciosen. 4-. Kiel, 1878. Blaise (L.-N.) * Essai sur la nderose. 4°. Paris, 1815. Bodkckkk (C. F. W.) Necrosis. 8°. [Neiv Tork, 1878.] Boxtemlo (C.) * De necrosi. 8r Palarii, 1842. tkk Bough (V. J.) \rerhandeling over de necrosis, gcvolgt van eenige waarneniingcn. 8°. Groningen f Amsterdam, 1821. Boulay de Momkki; (P.) * Sur 1'exfoliation des os. 4J. Paris, 1814. liouxioL (L.-A.) * Sur la u6crose. 4°. Paris, Boyer(F.) * Sur la necrose. 4. i'aris, 1806. I Necrosis. Bkal.maxn (J. G.) * De necroseos operatione. 8-. Wireebnrgi, 187,7,. vox Bkecxixg (Ct.) Heilart des Beinfrasses aufarzeneiliehemWege. ZurVcriiieidungopera- tiver Verstiinimlungen. 12°. Wien, 187r2. Colomue (F. M. L.) * De ossiuni necrosi. 4T Parisiis, 1827. Dano(F.) * Sur lan6cro.se. 4'■'. Paris, is 10. David (J.-P.) Observations sur une maladie d'os, conuue sous le noni de neerose. 12°. Pa- ris, 1782. Degivry(P.) *J. Caractercs anatomiques de la necrose sous ses ditferentes formes, a ses diffe- rents degres. et dans les dift'6rentes pieces du squclette on elle pr6sente des differences im- portantes sous le rapport des applications chi- rnrgicales. II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1838. Deskuelles ( II.-M.-J. ) * .Sur la necrose, a la suite des amputations daus la continuity des niembres. 4°. Paris, 1814. Estlaxder (J. A.) * Nekios i ben. 8°. Hel- siugfors, 187)8. Fexai't (N. ) * De necrosi iuvaginata, sen de necroseos iuvaginata* natura, causis, synip- toinatibus et therapeia. 4°. Parisiis, an. Jill [18(14]. Foi;re(M.) * Sur la ndcrose des os. 8-. I'a- ris, em XI [1892]. Gallette (J.-B.) * Sur la necrose. 4°. Pa- ris, 1806. Gmelix (M.) * Kann tod ter Knochen resorbirt werden ? 8°. Tiibingen, 1862. Guertler ( A. ) * De necrosi totali. 8°. (Irgpliisicaldia; 1866. (H'ytdx (M.) * (Juclqiies observations sur la u(*ci-osc. 4 T Paris, 1850. I1a.\ckel(G. A.) * Qmi'daui de necrosi ossiuni, acljecto casu epis morbi coinmeinoratu digno. 8C. Jena; [1834]. Hegener ( F. ) * De necrosi cum epiphysitis solutione conjuncta,, addita historia morbi. 8 . dry phia; 1862. Hexxex(J.) * De ossi ti in necrosi. 8 . Edin- burgi, 1821. Hekhstmaxx (P.) * Feber den Knochcn- brand. 8°. Erlangen, 1839. Hixdeuxacht (P.) * Feber die Erkeuntuiss und Behandlung des Knochenbrandes. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1827. Honxerlag (J. C.) * De necrosi ossium. S\ Jente, [1794]. Jaxson (L.J.) * De necrosi. 4°. Gandavi, [18:50]. Ji'XG (P. A. G.) * De necrosi. 8. Berolini, [1853]. Kleemann ( G. C. A. ) * De ossiuni necrosi. sm. 4°. Berolini, [1821]. Kleindiexst ( C. A. V. ) * Do necrosi. 8°. Erlangce, 1828. Klemext (A. J. ) * De osteoueerosi. 8 . Praga; 1831. Klixgelhoffer ( W. ) "Beitrag zur Lehre der Necrose. S'-T Giessen, 1862. Kohn (J.) * De necrosi ossium nonnulla. 8>r Berolini, [1833]. Krug (J.) *Die Absorption todter Knochen durch lebende Gewebe. 8°. Giessen, 1865. Laxnes (J.) * Sur la necrose en general. 4°. Paris, 1815. Le Noir (C. ) *De la n6crose traumatique dans les fractures et daus les amputations et de sou traitenient par la cauterisation pouctuee. 4°. Paris, 1878. Limper (F. J.) * De osteoueerosi. 8°. Bero- lini, 187,9. Macooxald (A. H. ) * De necrosi ac callo. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. N KCKOSIS. G8G NECKOSIS. Accrosis. Micuox (L.-M.) * De la carie et de la n6crose. 4 . Paris, 1KS2. Mohbikc (A.) * Quelques consid6ratious sur la ni'i-rose. 4-. Paris, 187,7. Muex/.el (A.) * De necrosi ossium. 8'-. Jeiici; 1853. Norn (A. J.) *De necrosi ossium. 8-; Halis Setr., [187)4]. Pecaut (J.-F.) * Du drainage des os appliqu6 au traitenient de la u6crose centralc des os longs. 4°. Paris, 1880. Pentexrieder ( B. ) * Beitrag zu Lehre der Ne-croscn. 8'-. Miinchen, 1878. I'eride ( A. ) * Etude sur les s6questres pro- fonds des os. 4°. Paris, 1874. Poissox ( G. ) * Traction continue appliquee a rextraction des s6questres. 4°. Paris, 1875. Rudolph (C. C. G.) *De necrosi. 8 . Bero- lini, [1827]. Russell ( J. ) A practical essay on a certain disease of the bones, termed necrosis. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1794. Sieixiiaur (F. X.) * De necrosi. 8:. Lan- dishuti, 1843. S'l'KECK (A. F. F.) * De exfoliatione ossiuni pra'cavenda vel accelerauda. 4°. Parisiis, 1770. Strigelu's (F. G.) * De-necrosi ossium. sm. 8°. Lipsiee, [1837]. SiEssEXcnTii (G.) * De necrosi ossium. 8°. Herbipoli, 1842. Syme (J.) A probationary essay on necrosis. 8 . Keltuburgh, 1823. Thomsex (M.) * De necrotomia. 4°. Kilia; L1804]. Tricot. * Considerations sur la n6crose. 4°. Paris, 1836. Weidmaxx (J. P.) De necro.si ossium adno- tatio. Mogilalia; 1784. In.- Frank (JT P.) Delect, opusc. med. 8°. Ticini, 1787, iv, 124-143. -----. De necrosi ossium. fol. Francof. ad Mien um, 179:5. Weigleix (J. E.) *DeDecrosi. 8'-'. Vienna; [1824]. Zucciielli(P. A.) * I. De necrosi. II. [etc.] 4 '. Augustce, Tauriiioruin, [1818]. Agnew (D. II.) Necrosis of several bones. Med. Time's. I'hila., Is7u-71, i. 357. — Arery (J.)1 Necrosis of Ihe beinis of both h-iis after injury. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, ii. 250. — A very (J.)2 Necrosis, with illustrative cases. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1876. n. a., i. 83-91. -Be- clartl. Reflexions sur la necrose. Bull. Fac. de unci, de Par., 1812-13, iii (9. annee). 426-430.— Bellinger, rebel Necrosis ossiuni mit inner Kiiocbciibihlung. uml eine Ope- rationsniethode zur Beseitiguug dieses Leielens. Ver- handl. (1. Ver. pfiilz. Aerzte 1841, Kaiserslautern, 1842, 19-22.— Blake (J. E.) Disease of tbe bones of the leg and foot. Iioston M. & S. J., 1862, lxvi, 465. — Bla- win*. Necrosis tabulata. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1854, xxiii, 101. — lSonw»elin. Observation sur la n6crose. Hist. Sue-, roy. cie null. 1780-81, Par., 1785, iv, pt. 1, 295-310. Also, transl.: Lond. M. J., 1786, vii, 263-279. — Briggs <\V. T.) Sei|tu •strotomv. Nashville J. M. &S., 187(1, xviii, 200-202. — Briston-e (J. S.) Seven cases of acute ne- crosis, coiuplii-ati-il bv pyaemia. Tr. Paih. Soc. Lond., 18G1-2, xiii, 188-210.—Bryant (T.) Exanthematous ne- crosis. Guy's Hosp. Pep., Lond., 1870, 3. s., xv, 233. -----. On the treatment of necrosis. Ibid., 251. -----. Cases of acute necrosis. Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 12.— Itnntzeii. Den traumatiske (primiere, acute) necrose, osteomyelitis Chassaignac. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1858, i, 145; 149; 153. — Busch (F.) Ueber die Nek rose der Knochen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1878, xxii, 795-841.— Cmlicr (L.-V.) De la mScrose. In his: Precis d'obs. de cbir , *-, Lyon, 1802, 210-218. — Cam's of necrosis in bone. .Med. times & Gaz., Lond., 1x54, viii, 572-574.— Cini*clli (L.) Delle aniputazione uei casi di necrosi invai-inata. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. 1869, 6. s., ii, 49.—Cii-iello. Necrosi diffusa da causa reuinatica. Boll. d. clin., Xapoli. 1885, ii, 325—Clailt (Le G.) Two cases of necrosis in young subjects, one of the shaft of the humerus, tbe, other of the shaft of the tibia; recovery by the- efforts of nature in the first, and by amputation in the second ease. Lancet, Lond., 1853, i, 44*.—Cloquet (JT) &. Bcrnrd (A.) Necrose. Diet, de m6d., 2. ed., Par., 1839, xx, 3S.)-4(I9.—Coffin. [Necrose des os du earpe; un sccpicstro dansrintcrieiir du second iuetacarpien.| Bull Soc. anat. de Par.. 1X47. xxii, 283. — Collet* (\V.) N,' crosis without suppuration. Dublin J. M. Sc, 187s 3. s lxvi, 453-455. — Corley (A. H.) Treat.....nt of necrosis' Med. Press &Circ. Loml., 1875, i, 335.—Culler (IT) The use of aromatic sulphuric acid in necrosis. Iioston M. & S. J., 187(i, xcv, 191.— Dei-oiibsiix (L.) Caries; necroses. Ann, de lT'niv. de Brux. 1'ac de mfiil., IS80, i, 29-35.— Donovan (J. A.) Ncciosis of hone. Tr. Maine M Ass Portland, 1877-9, vi, 97-103. — I>iilliel- ertson (E. B. ) Case of necrosis in a child 2 years and 5 months old. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacianiento,' 1875, 52- 56.— Koehe (E. B.l Necrosis following injurv ; removal of dead bom-. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Loud.,'1871, ii, 408 — ICoux. De la ne -cruse des parties spongieuscM eles os. J. (1. conn. mid. chir.. Par., 1836-7, iv, pt. 2, 187-191.—Koux (J.) De la carie ehez les enfants. Marseille nied., 1*79, xvi, 669-677.—Savory. Clinical remarks on cases of acute necrosis. Med. 'Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1876, i, 250.— Schnyrier. Leber die Knochennckrose. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med.. Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziirich, 1856, 314.— Me■■ ft leben ( H. ) I'eber die Pradileotionsstellen par- tieller Xekrosen. Arcli.f. path. Auat.. etc., Berl.. 1861, xxi, 289-293, 1 pl. —Bonn (N. ) Necrosis, and its treatment. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc., Milwaukee*, 1872, vi, 33-51. — Ner- vier. Necrose. Diet, encycl. el. sc. meel., Par., 1877, 2. s., xii. 13-41. —Bimoii ( G.) ' Zur Operation der Kuochen- neerosen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 334; 342.— Bmith (H.) On some cases of necrosis, with remarks on the pathology aud treatment of this disease. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1862, i, 290-292.—Mini I h (X.) Observa- tions on the pathologv and treatment of necrosis Phila. Month. J. M. Sc S., 1827, i, 11 ; 66.—Nmitli (IT) A lecture on the acute necrosis of growing bones. Brit. M. J., I lYecrosi*. Lond., 1863, ii, 51; 78; 107.—Bmith (T. M.) Cases of necrosis illustrating the practice of exposinn and perforat- ing the diseased bone at an earlv period iu the prom-ess of the malady. Am. J. M. Se., Phila,, 1838-9, xxiii, 93-96 — Wpence (J.) On ueciosisaud its relation to caries. Ed inb. M. J., 1856-7, ii, 2*9-294.—Bynie (J.) Necrosis and caries. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 84-86. —Taprcl Sc Oie- net. Sequestres osseux invnuines. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1875, 1, 26.—Teilenat. A)u traitement de la ne- crose superticielle lies os. Montpel. med., 1883, 1, 330- 349— Van ilea bi-oeck (J.-B.) Memoire sur les effets salutaires du bauine opoeleldoch elans la carie des os. Oh- servateur, Coiutrai. 1H53, iii, 137-142—Volkinann (11.) Zur Operation der eingekapselten Necrose. (Case ami " Tabellarische Uebersicht von 18 Operationen ".) Deut- sche Klinik, Berl.. 1*57, ix. 44: 57.— Walker. Cases and remarks relative to diseases of the bones. Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1772-85, iii, 25-99.—Ward (O.j Necrosis of tie shaft of the humerus, and of ihe head of the femur. '1 r. Path. Soc. Loud., 1846-8, i, 143.—Wen- zel (J.) Sc Wenzel (C.) Bemerkungen uber die mit dem Knochenbrand vcrbundenen Gesch wiire. Mag. I'. ,1. Wuiid arzneiw., Gdtting., 1798-9, ii, 459-464.— Wiseman (R ) A case, of neciosis. with some physiological and patho- logical observations on the organic lite of the bones, etc. Edinb. J. II. Sc., 1826-7, ii, 315-325. i\et'rosiB from phosphorus. See Jaws (Diseases of) from phosphorus; Phos- phorus (Accidents from, etc.) Arc land rn. ITIaela^an (D.) Sc U-.tin^ttiX) On the alkaloids contained iu Ihe wood of the liebee ru, or greonheat t tree (Ni'itinelia Roeliai. Schoinh). Tr. Rov. Soc. Kdinb. 1868-9, xxv, pt. 2, 567-573. Aecturii*. Uagr (S. IL) Observations on the fat cells and cou noctive-tissue corpuscles of net-turns (Menobranchus). Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buffalo, 1882, v, 109-126, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.-----. I. Notes on the epithelium lining the mouth of nectuius and menopoma. II. Notes on the blood corpuscles of necturus. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buf- falo, 1885, viii, 126. Also, Reprint. Nod at'/. (Koustiiutiii). *() predlejanii i vipade- nii pupovini ve> vrcmja rodov. [Prolapse of um- bilical cord iu delivery.] vi, 124 up. 8 . St. Petersburg, 186,2. -----. Tableaux compaiatifs dc la composition approximative chimique des differents aliments ct des boissons les plus usuel.s. 2 1., 2 \,\. 8°. Brnxelles, J. Fugtynck- Iiajart, 1876,. zur Neddcil (Ad.) Die Verderbniss der Ziihne und ihre Behanilliing. vi, 48 pp., :j • >]. ,^o Erlangen, F. Enke; 187,8. -----. Zwei Fiille von Erkraukungen der High- morsholile. 11 pp. K-r [n. p., ls?l.] c. Itepr. from: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Niirnb. 1871, xi. rVedel ( Friedrich Wilhelm ). Yoischlag einer neiien Yerfahrungsart die Ruptur des Peiina*i bey der Geburt zu verhiiten, und die erfolgte zu heiIen. 92 pp. 12°. Magdeburg, F. Matthias, 1866. -----. Inbegriff aller anatomischen und chirtir- gischen Wissenschaften zum Xutzen und Ge- brauch derer, welche sich der Heilkunde befleis- sigen und etwas Giiindliches lernen oder sich zum Examen vorhereiten wollen. x, 47(1 pp. ;- . Berlin n. Stettin, Nicolai, 1817. ]\edeiec ( Auguste-Edmond). * Quelques con- siderations pratiques sur la tracheotomie dans le croup chez l'enfant. 94 pp. 4°. Montpellier, Hamelin freres, 1879, No. 7. van Nederlias*elt (Joannes Adrianus Jose- phus). * .Specimen sistens observationes tres anenrysniatuni arteriie poplitieie, cum annexa epicrisi. [Leyden.] 1 p. 1., 50 pp. 8°. Amste- lodami, C. A. Spin, 1844. rVederliiiidscli Archief voor Genees- en Na- tuurkunde. Onder medewerking van P. If Brondgrest [et. al.]. Uitgegeveii door F. ('. Don- ders en W. Koster. Jaarg. l-~>, 18lif>-70. ,- . i'trecht, IV. /•'. Danuenfelser. Ncderlundscli Gastlmis voor Ooglijders, te Utrecht. De vestigiug vau het Nederlandsch NEDERLAXDSCH. (;ss NKHERLANDSCIIE. Nederlandsch Gasthuis [etc.]—continued. Gasthuis voor behoeftige en minvermogende ooglijders te Utrecht, 1858-5'J. viii, 54 pp. 8°. Utrecht, P. W. van de Weijer, [1859]. ------. Jaarlijksch verslag betrekkelijk de verple- giug en het onderwijs iu het . . . I itgebracht door (leneesheer-Directeur der Iurichting. L- 21., 1858-i) to 1879; 24., 1882; 26., 1884. 8■'. Utrecht, 181)0-85. 1 1858-9 to 1882, hy Fran. Corn. Donders; 1884, hy H. ' Snellen. ------. .Jaarlijksch verslag betrekkelijk de verple- ging en het onderwijs in het . . . Litgebraeht door F. C. Donders, Directeur der Instelling. Met wetenschappelii,ke bijbladen, 1.-7., 1859- 65; 10., 1868; 11., 1869; 13.-15., 1871-73; 17.-19., 1875-77; 22.-25., 1880-83; 27., 1885. 8°. Utrecht, 186)9-86. ------. Album van het Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor behoeftige en minvermogende ooglijders te Utrecht. 46 pp. 8-. Utrecht, P. W. van de Weijer, [1865]. Bound with 6. report (1864). Nederlandsch Lancet. Tijdschrift aan de < praktische chirurgie en oogheelkunde gewijd 1 door A. G. van Onsenoort. [Monthly.] v. 1-7, j Aug. 12, 1838-45; 2. serie, v. 1-6, 1845-51; 3. i serie, v. 1-5, 1851, to June, 1856. 18 v. -8°. Utrecht, 1838-45 ; Gravenhage, 1845-51). Edited successively by F. S. Alexander, J. P. Doinhel- ' ing, F. C. Bonders, tl. L. IL Elbrman, J. H. Jansen, and I M. Itnans. In 1846 Archief voor Ge-neeskunde merged I in this journal. Nederlandsch militair geneeskundig Archief j van (le Landmacht, Zeemacht, het Oost- en West- Iudisch Leger, onder redact ie van J. H. Gentis en A. E. Post. [Quarterly.] v. 1-11, 1877-87. 8°. Utrecht, Datinenfclser <.)'■ Co. Current. Nedei'Iansch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, tevens Orgaan der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot ]>e\ ordering der Geneeskunst. Comit6 vau redactie: C. Gobee [et al.]. [Weekly.] v. 1-8, 1857-64 ; 2. Reeks, v. 1-24, 1865-88. ' 32 v. 8°. Amsterdam. Current. A continuation of: Tije-lschrift der Neder- landsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. v. 18, 2. series, contains " L'eestnuinmer" (25 years' re- view). Index to v. 1-12, 2. series, 1865-76. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Heel- en Ver- loskunde, Ziekten der Vrouwen en der Kinderen. Nieuwe serie, v. 1-11, 1854-69. 8°. Utrecht See rVederlsuulscli Tijdschrift voor Veiloskunde, Ziekten der Vrouwen en der Kinderen, v. 6-16, 1834-69. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Verloskuude, Ziekten der Vrouwen en der Kinderen ; door H. J. Broers. (Onder medewerking van verschil- lende kunstgenooten.) v. 1-16, 1846-69. 8°. Utrecht. In v. 3 L. C. van Goudoever added as editor, v. 6-16, 1854-69, are also called v. 1-11, new series, title: rVeder- lanriMch Tijdschrift voor Heel- en Verloskunde, Ziekten der Vrouwen eu der Kinderen. Nederlandsch Weekblad voor Geneeskundi- gen. Onder redactie van Dr. J. C. Gildemeester [et al.]. v. 1-6, 1851-6. 8C. Amsterdam, C. G. ran der Post. AVant pp. 33-48, v. 3, 1853. v. 6 contains general index to v. 1-6. Nederlamlst'lie bibliographie voor genees-, heel- en verloskunde, veeartseiiijkunde en artse- nijbereidkunde. Eerste deel. 19 pp. 8°. Ley- den, J. Ilazeuberg, 1852. Xo more published. Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. Verslag omtrent de ziekten, welke in het jaar 1849 in Nederlaud hob ben ge- heerscht; namens de Commissie voor genees- kundige plaatsbeschrijving eu volksziekten, uit- gebragt der derde algemeene vergaderiug der... Nederlandsche Maatschappij [etc.]—cont'd. door L»r. N. D. Sijbraudi. 168 pp. 8°. [h. p 1S51I.] ------. Verschil tussehen de Pharmacopoca bel- gica en de l'harniacopoea neerlaudica (opge- maakt door eene commissie uit de afdeeling: Leyden en omstreken der Nederlandsche Maat- schappij tot Bevordering der (leneeskunst en de Leyelsche Afdeeling der Nederlandsche Maat- schappij tot Bevordering der Pharmacie). 36 pp. 12-T Leijden, I). Noothoven van Goor, 1853. -----. Catalogus van de bibliotheek der . . . 55 pp. 8-. [Amsterdam, 1856.] -----. Catalogus eler boekerij der . . . Voor- looper eener Nederlandsche geneeskundige bi- bliographie. iv (51.), 294 pp., 21. 8S Amster- dam, 1861. -----. Catalogus der boekerij der . . . Voor- looper eener Nederlandsche geneeskundige bi- bliographie. Eerste supplement, iv (5 1.), 100 pp. 8*-'. Amsterdam, 1867. -----. Catalogus van de boekerij der .. . Tweetle supplement. 5 p. 1., 183 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, [ Studs- Drukkerij], 1881. ------. lets over Domburg en zijue badiurigtiug. (Rapport uitgebragt door de commissie uit de Afdeeling "Zeelaud" der ... in die vergaderiug van April 1867.) 15 pp. 8°. ['« Gravenhage, 1867.] Itepr. from: Tijdschr. v. GezondhdsL, Gravenh., 1867, i. ------. Haudelingender . . . 1878-81. 4 v. 8°. [Amsterdam], 1878-81. ------. Rapport van de commissie, iu de alge- meene vergadering van de . . . gehoudeu te Leiden den 20 Jnnij 1851,'benoemd tot het geven van inlichtingeu over de beste methode van onderzoek omtrent werking der geneesiniddelen. [Signed G. C. B. Suringar aud J. 1). Prenaij.] 42 pp. 8*t [ti. p., n. cl.] ------. Sec; also : Hanilelin<;eii van de Algemeene Vergaderingen tier . . . 1.-5. : 7.-38., 1849-87. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. (leneesk., Gravciih.. 1850, ,i54; 101: 1851, ii, 51: li>52, iii, 45: 1853, iv, 162: 1855, vi, 69: 18.Mi, vii, 145. Continued in: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1857- 64, i-viii: 1865-87, 2. R., i-xxiiipassim. Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter Bevordering der Pharmacie. Compendium op de Pharmaco- poca neerlaudica, of bereiding en beproeving van geneesiniddelen, uiet in de Pharmacopoca neer- laudica opgenomen. Uitgegeveii door het de- partement "Rotterdam" der. . . vii, 144 pp. 8 . Voorburg, wed. A. M. Broedelet, 1861. ------. Supplement op de Pharmacopoea neer- laudica, of bereiding en beproeving van genees- iniddelen, niet in de Pharmacopoea neerlaudica opgenomen. Uitgegeven door het departement "Rotterdam" . . . viii, 160 pp. 8°. 'a Graven- hage, Gebroeders van Clief. 1865. See, also, lYedcrlaiul-iclic Maatschappij tot Bevorde- ring der Geneeskunst. Verschil tusschen de Pharmaco- poea helgica en de Pharmacopoea ueerlandica. 12°. Leij- den, 1853. Nederlandsche Vereeniging van het Roodc Kruis. Hoofd-Comitc* der . . . Bulletins van het . . . Nos. 1-38, Aug. 14 1870 te 20 Mei 1871. 8--. ['s Gravenhage, 18/0-71.] CONTENTS. No. 1. Eapporten van den gedelegeerde van het Hoofd- Comite te Luxemburg. 8 pp. . No. 2. Kort overzicht van het tot 24. Aug. vernchte. No. 3. Erste rapport van den gedelegeerde uit Dussel- dorp. 8 pp. . . .. No. 4. Kapport no. 4 van den Ooiurmssaris van het Hootd- Comite te Luxemburg. 8 pp. No. 5. Tweede rapport van den Gecoiunutteerde te Dus- seldeiip. 8 pp. . No. 6. Kapport van deu Commissans in Luxemburg. 8 nn No. 7. Uit het 2de rapport, van deu Commissaris te Dus- seldorp aan het Hoofd-ComiteT 8 pp. NEDERLANDSCHE (J89 NE FOLK-HOLDERS. NedeiiaiidMrhc Veieeniging [etc.]—cont'd. No. 8. Lit, ele rapporten van den Conunissaris van het Hoofei-Comitei to Mannheim. 8 pp. No. 9 en 10. Kapport van den gedelegeeide to Dussel dorp. 16 pp. ... No. 11 en 12. Lit het rapport van den Commissans te La Cluipellc aim bet HoofiK cuiiitiT 16 pp. No. 13 en 14. Pit het rapport vau den gedelegeerde to Versailles. 12 pp. No. 15 en 16. Lit het rapport vau den gedelegeerde te Sedan. 14 pp. No. 17 en 18. Uit het rapport van den gedelegeerde te Mannheim. 16 pp. No. 19 en 20. Verslag van de handelingen der "Ambu- lance ne-erlaudaise ". 16 pp. No. 21 en 22. Lit hot rapport van den gedelegeerde te Met/,. 16 pp. No. 23 en 24. Uit het rapport van den gedelegeerde te Versailles. 16 pp. No. 25 en 26. Uit het rapport van Dr. Arntzenius te Metz. 16 pp. No. 27 en 28. Uit het rapport van den Ileer Lou ran te Dusseldorp. 16 pp. No. 29 en 30. Missive vau den Hccr F. H. Ferguson te Arnba. 16 pp. No. 31 en 32. Uit, het rapport van den Heer Baron vau Ttiyll van Serooskerken. 16 pp. No. 33 en 34. Uit, bet rapport van elen gedelegeerde den Heer Miischeck. 16 pp. No. 35 en 36. Rapport van den gedelegeerde van het Hoofd-Comite, den Heer Mr. D. Baron Mackay. 16 pp. No. 37 en 38. Algemeene lijst der verzendingen vau ma- terieel. 16 pp. ------. Handelingen der Nederlandsche Verecni- ging tot het verleenen van hulp aan zieke en ge- wonde krijgslieden, iu tijd van oorlog. ii, 371 pp., 11., 2 maps. 8°. Haag, J. f II. van Langen- Innjsen, 1872. Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot afschaffing van sterken drank. Jaarveislag. 1., 1844; 3.- 22., 184(i-(i5. 8-T Amsterdam, 1845-66. Nederlandsche ( Het) volkskarakter, tegen- over de graanwet en de wetten op het geslagt en geinaal. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p.,n. d.] [P., v. 1014.] Nedey (Gaspard). * Observation sur un polype uterine d'un volume extraordinaire, suivie de in- flexions sur cette tumeur et son traitement. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 4'T Strasbourg, 18U5, v. 43. NLedham] [or Needhain] ( M [archniont]). Medela medieina*. A plea for the free profes- sion and a renovation of the art of physick, out of the noblest aud most authentick writers, shewing the pnblick advantage of its liberty, the disadvantage that comes lo the pnblick by any sort of physicians imposing upon the studies and practise of others, the alteration of diseases from their old state and condition, the causes of that alteration, the insufficiency and uselesness . of meer scholastiek methods and medicines, with a necessity of new, tending to the rescue of man- kind from the tyranny of diseases, and of phy- sicians themselves, from the pedantism of old authors and present dictators. The author, M. N., Med. Londinens. 10 p. 1., 516 pp. 16°. Lon- don, 11. Lountls, 1665. Scr, also, Srlviiiw (Franciscus Deleboe). Anew idea of the iiract ice of physic, etc. am. 8°. London. 1675. ------. S, .,, also : 8pkacki.ix({ (lv. ) Medela iguorantiie; or a just and plain vindication of Hippocrates and Galen from the groundless imputations of M. N. Wherein the whole substance of his illiterate plea, intituled Medela medieina', is occasionally considered. 16°. Lo " ,n, 1665. Ncdswelzky (Eduard). Zur Mikrographie der Cholera. 82pp., lpl. 8^. Dorpat,H. Laakmanii, 1871. Nee (Pienv-EliT'onore). * Sur le rhumatisnie mus- culaire. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 25(1. v. 289. Neeb (Joh. Fredericus Guilielmus). * Diss, con- tinens duas observationes de carcinomate epithe- liali, adjecta descriptione operatiouis cheiloplas- tica* cum epicrisi. 1 p. 1., 41 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. Hazenberg, Cornclii fil., [1849]. 44 iMcefoaiicr (Aio.\.sius). " Dc examine a*gri rite instituendo. 17 pp., 11. 12°. Landishuti, F. S. Storuti, [1819]. Neebe (Conrad Henry). * Geistesstorung bei Tabes dorsalis. [ Strasburg. ] 48 pp., 1 1. 8°, Stuttgart, Greiner tt. Pfeiffer, 1885. Neebe (Conrad Wiegand). *■ Versuche iiber die Wirkungen eles essigsauren Kupferoxyds und einiger andern orgauisch-sauren Kupferoxyde. 46 iip., 1 I. 8°. Marburg, J. A. Koch, [1857]. c. Needhain (Frederick). Brain exhaustion. 14 pp. 8 . London, Odell f [ves, 1871. Repr. from: St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr. 1870, Loud., 1871, iv. ------. Licensing System Amendment Associa- tion. Habitual Drunkards Bill. Remarks on the necessity for legislation in reference to habit- ual drunkards. Together with a reprint of the Habitual Drunkards Bill, and list of donations. 24 pp. 8°. [London, 1871, vel subseq.] Needliam (Gualterus) [ -1691]. Disquisitio anatomica de fonnato foetu. 12 p. 1., 205 pp., 7 pl., 8 1. s>. Londini, G. Godbid, 1667. Needhain (J. P.) Facts and observations rela- tive to the disease commonly called cholera, as it has recently prevailed iu the city of York. xvi, 17-138 pp. 8°. London, Longman f Co., 1833. Needliam (John Turberville) [1713-81]. An account of some new microscopical discoveries founded on an examination of the calamary, and its wonderful milt-vessels (each of which, Iho' they exec-eel not an horse-hair in diameter, con- tains a minute apparatus analogous to that of a pump, with a fine spiral spring, sucker, barrel, etc.), tending to prove by an accurate descrip- tion of their motion, action, etc., that the hith- erto supposed animalcules in the semen of ani- mals are nothing more than machines similar, tho' inconceivably less, to those discovered in this sea-production. Also, observations on the farina fcecundans of plants; with a new dis- covery and description of the action of those minute bodies, analogous to that of the cala- mary's milt-vessels. And an examination of the pistil, uterus, and stamina of several flowers, with an attempt, to shew how the seed is impreg- nated. Likewise observations on the supposed embryo sole-fish fixed to the bodies of shrimps; with a new discovery of a remarkable animalcule found single on the tail-part of each embryo. A description of the eels or worms in blighted wheat; and other curious particulars relating to the natural history of animals, plants, etc. viii, 126 pp., 6 pl. 8*r London, ./•'. Needhain, 1745. -----. The same. Nouvelles de'eouvertes faites avec le microscope. Traduites de l'anglois, avec un mdmoire sur les polypes a bouquet et sur ceux a entonnoir, par A. Tremblay. 7 p. 1., 179 pp., 7 pl! Kir Icicle. E. Lnzae Jils, 1747. Repr. from : Ax. philosophiques. ------. Nouvelles observations microscopiques, avec des d6couvertes interessantes sur la compo- sition et la decomposition des corps organises. xviii, 524 pp., 2 1., 7 pl. 16c. Paris, L.-£. Ga- it ea it, 175(1. ------. Memoire stir la maladie contagieuse des betes a cornes. 21pp. 4°. Bruxelles, imp. royale, 1770. Sec, also. .""ipalaiiz.aiii (Lazare). Nouvelles recherches sur les decouvcrli's niicroscopiepies, etc. 8°. Londres di I'aris, 1769. Needliam (Marchmont). See Nedham (Murch- mont). Xeedle-liolders. Src, also, Forceps (Surgical). CouxiiiiN (J- W.) A new needle-holder. Lancet, Lond., 1S84, ii, 951. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, i, 336. -----. New needle holder and surgical needle and thread. Liv- NEEDLE-HOLD F,I!K. 690 NEEDLES. Nccdle-holder*. erpool M.-Chir. J., 1885, v, 1-3.— lis, li- i (O.) Wut/.er's Nadi'lhulti-r. nebst einer historiseh -krit isehon Uebersicht der Nudelhaltcr alterer und neiicrer Zeiten. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Bonn, 1840-41, i, 54(!-58L 2 pl. — Fowler ((J. K.) Au aseptic universal needle forceps. X. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, I'll. — llniiciloi'ii. Ein neuer Nailc'lhalter, nebst neuen Nadeln. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1881, x, pt. 2, 54-50, 1 pL Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881, xxvi, 783-785, 1 pl. -----. Ein neuer Naelelhal- ter fiir platte Nadeln. Verhandl. d. deutsch. (iesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1882, xi, pt. 2, 172-175, 1 pl. Also : Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., Is82, xxviii, 522-525 1 pl. -----. Description of the flat-curved needle and of a suitable noodle-holder. Meel. News, rhila,, 1885, xlvi, 305-307.— dc hi llni-pc. Vei -besserter Wiitzer'soher Xadelhiiltcr. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh.. Ziirich, 1851, 298. — Jaivi* (G. IT) A new needle-holder. Meel. Kee., NT Y. 1881, xx, 528. — Jinaecz (A.) Ein neuer Kehl- deckiliiadclhalter. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 342.— Itii*lei- (E.) Der Sediwau, ein Nadelhalter fiir He'ihleu- niihte. Centrnlbl. f. Chir., Leipz., Is81, viii, 113-115.— iTInlhiK (J. T.) A new forceps for holding curved surgi- cal needles. Med. Kee., X. Y., 1880, xviii, 193.—Nov ins (A. E.) A new needle; holder for vaginal operations. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 1103. Also: Brit. Gymeo. J., Loud., 1885, i. 241-213.—Nliene (A. J. C.) Imp-oved needle for- ceps. Am. J. Obst., NT Y., 1880, xiii, 880. Needles. See, also, Acupuncture; Arteries (Ligature of); Sutures (Metallic). Itcnchoi-■■ <*■■ (O.) Modification von Dr. A. Fiedler's geeleckter Holilnadel zur I'unctiou der verschiedenen Keir- ])erhdhlen. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 201. — Borer (A.) Memoire sur la meilleure forme eles aiguilles propres a la reunion des plaies etala ligature eles vaisseaux; et sur la innniere de s'en servir dans les cas oil leur usage est indispensable. Mem. Soc nied. d'emulat. <1<* Par. (an vii), an viii [ 1800 j, iii, 79-150. Also, Ke- print.—Brooke (C. ) Spiral surgical needle. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 308. — von Brims (V.) Eine neue Nadel zur Anlegung der blutigeu Naht. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1878, v, 441-444. -----. Meine vei besserte: Wunel- nadel. Ibid., 1880, vii, 81 -84. — Bryant (G. S.) Anew canulated needle for introducing the wire in operations for vaginal fistules. St. Louis M. Sc S. -L, 1866, n. s., iii, 511- 513 — Bulloch (W. G.) Kinloch's needle for metallic sutures. Savannah J. M., 1800-61, iii, 51.—Bnrgc (JT A. II.) A post-mortem needle. Med. Roc, X. Y., 1807, ii. 238.— Cliiii'iici'c. Aiguilles destinees a simplitier les sutures mi''lallii|ues. Lull. Acad.de med., Par., 1865-0, xxxi, 248.— Cloquel (J.) X, eii veile forme d'aiguilles a suture. Ibid.. 185-1-5, w. :!28.—Cole (S.) A new needle for carrving sil- ver wire. Denver M. Times, 1884-5. iv, 320-329.—t'oumin* (J. W.) New surgical needle ami thread. .Med. Puss A: Circ., Lond.. 1884. n. s., xxxvii, 320 — I uriii' (I). A.) A double caiiuhiteel lei'dlo. Med. Bee, NT Y., 1879, xv, 400.— Be Vlooij (C.) Xote snr une nouvelle aiguille a suture. Ann. Soc. de meel. d'Anvers. 1874, xxxv, 380-385, 1 pl — Boei-ior lla-jeilorn's needle and needle-holder. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 1885, i 899.—Eve (P. F.) A new needle for sutures. Nashville J. M. \ S.. 1860. xix, 295-297. Also: Chicago M. J., 1800. n. s.. iii, 029. -----. A canula needle for applying ligatures and stitches. Tr. Am. M. Ass Phila,, 1869, xx, 435-437— Fuhrnliolz. Eine Abando- ning der chirurgisehen Xaibl. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1860, xiii, 715— Ferguson's fissure needle. Med. Times ife Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, 537— Fnenlcv (F. V.) Punfos de suttira practicaelos en la lenuua de un nifio do euatro nieses de edad. Siglo med., Madrid. 1800, vii, 406.__Gorz (A.) Eine neue chirurgische Naelel mit endlosem des- inticirtein Faden. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1883 xx 147 — j ■■odder (F. W. L.) A nuarded aspirating-needle. Brit. I M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 920. — Iliilihu (IT) Another post- mortem needle. Med. Lie, NT V., 1807. ii, 333.__ Lead (The) wire suture. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1857, xiv 540.— Levis (K. J.) Needle for the wire suture. Mi'd. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1859-On. n s., iii. 223. Also: Chi- cago M. J., 1800. n. s.. iii. 51. — Vlaclarcn (IT H.) On a needle f.ir li-suiv operations. I ilasgow M. J., 1807, 3. s., ii, 102.—-Harlin (G.i Knlilure solide des aiguilles &, sutures Ann. d'ocul.. Brux.. 1876, lxxv, 117-119.—van de Tlooy. If hechlingsnaald. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Ftreeht, 1887. xi. 451-454.—IVew needle with opening eve. Med. Times \: Gaz.. Lond.. 1857, xiv. 540.- IVew (A) np'en- e.ved suiuieal needle. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1880, xxx, 3911.— I'ailcaiil (J H.) Suture needle with the' eve near the point, for the purpose of introducing wire sutures. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Sue, 1879, i, ]8 _l*:i.«avmil. Eine neue Nadel. Deutsche* Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1873. ii, 513-517 — Post (A. C 1 Needle director. Vie el. Bee, NT IT, 1860, i, 195. — Beverdin. Modification de 1'aiguille de Brims! Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, 739-741.— Shrady(G. F.) A new open-eyed needle. Med. Kee, .Yeedle*. NT Y. 1877, xii, 782.—Skene (A. J. C.) A new needle for introducing Iliestituri's in rupl.uroof the porinauim. Ibid. 1871, v, 573. — ThcohsiM is.) On a new form of needle- holder. Lancet, Loud. 1.-7 I. ii. 575.— T > rrell (IL J.) De- scription of a ni'celle guard, for use in operations for hare- lip aud other plastic operations on Ihe lips ami lace. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1874, lviii, 223. — W :■< lt< ■ lu:iurn ((^.) £ new needle for continuous or iiileirupti el suture. Med Kee, N. Y., 1884, xxvi, 419.—William* (U. V ) A Bur- geon's needle. Richmond Sc I.....isvilh- M..I. Louisville 1879, xxvii, 75. Aeedles (Aneurismal). See Aneurism (Treatment of, Operative). Aeedles (Manufacture of). Johnstone (J.) Sonic, account of a species of phthi- sis pnltnoualis, peculiar to persons employed in pointing needles in the needle manufacture. Mem! M. Soc Lond 1799, v, 89-93.—PnpiMiiheiin (L.) Leber das SchleiiVn der Nalmadelii im Regierungsbezirk Ai-nshcrg. Mount sehr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl., I860, ii, 68-76. —Villerme tils. Note sur la sant6de certains ouvriers en aiguilles, el, a cette occasion, sur la tenure ties registries dc 1'etat civil Ann. d'hyg.. I'ar., 1850, xliii, 82-88 Vomlii lo v«li i (\T A.) Kolentscvskaja igolnaja fabrika v gigicnichcskoiii otnoshenii. [Hygienic influences of mi -die -inakin" | Vrach. St, Petersb., 1880, i, 412-416. "' xVeedles and pins in the body, sirallourd, etc. Se-e; also, Heart, Intestines, Foreign bodies in. Hkkiioldt (J. I).) Obscrvutio tie affectibus morbosis virgiuis Havniensis, cui plurimiB aeus e vuriis corporis partibus excisu* et extracta* sunt. 8J. Havnia; 1822. Also, transl. [Abstr.], in: Bibliuth. f. Lrcger, Kjebenh., 1822, ii, 134-145. Also, transl. [Abstr.J, in: Med. '&. Phys! J., Loud., 1822, xlviii, 389-392. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in- Lit. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825, ii, 257-272. Also, transl. [Abstr.], in: Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827, i, no. 97, 3; no. 99 2: 1827-8, ii, 15. Smee (A.) On the detection of needles and other steel instruments impacted in the human body. 8°. London, 1845. A iso, in.- Memoik, etc., hy his daughter. 8°. London, 1878, 221-225. Ady (A.) Apin retained in the throat fourteen months; removal. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n. s., lxiv, 575.— Aiulei-soii (N. B.) Remarkable migrations of a pin and needle through the body of a young lad v. West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville, 1851, 3. s'., viii, 200.—A vel in •; <.L IL) On the detection by the aid of magnetism of needles imbedded near the surface of the body. Lancet, Loud., 1851. i, 149.— It. (J. R.) An infantine pin-swallower. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 457. —Bale (H.) A remarkable case [the result of swallowing a needle]. Lancet, Loud., 1874, i, 253.—Baur. Vcrschliicken von Nadeln. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1861, xxxi, 301.—Bell (J.) Fatal haemori ha uc fieuii swallowing a needle. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842-3, xxxi, 694— Berenger-Ferand. Ex- traction d'une aiguille a coudre logee dans le sein depuis filusieurs ann6es. Bull. g6u. de therap., etc, Par., 1864, xvii. 541. -----. Extraction d'une aiguille a coudre logee depuis loiiLitemps dans le bras. Gaz. d. hop, Par., 1867, xl, 302. — BiiiMtvanger (L.) Tod (lurch eine Nahuadel. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziirich, 1853, 326. — Bonzcl. Waudeinng verschlucktcr Nadeln, zur BeruliiLMing nianeher cischrockencn Mutter und zugleich ein Wink fiir augebeude Aerzte. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., ]8i5, xii, 5. St., 112-114. — Boucher. Histoire d'une fille des environs de Lille en Flandre, a qui 1'on a tir6 pendant dix a douze ans des aiguilles de toutes les parties clii corps Rec. period, d'obs. de nied.. de chir. et pharm., Par., 1757, vi, 163-173.—Bonilanf. Ingestion d'une grosse et longue 6pingle dans les organes digestifs; sortie par les voies uri- naires. Soc. d. sc med. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1859, xiii, 15-19. Also: Monit. d. sc. meel. et pharm., I'ar., 1859, vii, 3so.— Boult (K.) On the passage of'a needle- through the tissues of the body. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 9 —Bon- leiller his. Note pour servir a l'histoire des corps Strangers avales; aiguille avalee; mort 29 jours apres; autopsie. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1851, ii, 151. -----. Aiguille avalee; autopsie. Gaz. el. he'ip., Par., 1857, xxx, 398. —Braun. Verschliickte Nadeln. Rhein. Monat- schr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln. 1851. v, 487-489. —Bredow (C. A.) Intermittirende Krample in Folge einer im Kiirper hcrurnwaudelnden Nadel. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. IVtersb., 1844, i, 93.—Broea. |Aiguille a coudre engagee elans 1'epiploon et ii'avaiit ileteriniiie aucun acci- dent . | Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 185(1, xxv, 0— Brodie (B. 0.) Needles extracted from various parts of the body. Lond, M. Gaz., 1827-8, i. 148. — Bnchmiiller (F.) Gliicklich abgelaufener Fall von verschluckten Nahua- NEEDLES. 691 NEEDLES. Needles and pins in the body, sicalloived, etc. deln. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843. 851— Bndd. The mania of thrusting needles into the flesh. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 070—Biielmer (E.) Versue liter Selbst- mord durch Vcrschlucki'ii von Stecknadeln. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1823, vi, 305-348.— Bnixt (J. S.) Two interesting cases of needles in the body for a con- siderable time. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phi hi , 1883, xlix, 529— Cnllender v 4 am litem (XV. A.) Needles. pins, etc., in body. Gaillard's M. J., 1ST Y., 1880, xxix, 547-550.—[Cases.] The case of Mary Howell, who had a needle run into her arm and came out at her breast. Phil. Tr. 1732-44, Lond., 1747, ix, 238. —Expose de l'effet et des suites d'une Epingle aval6e. J. de 11160., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1771, xxxv, 439-443.—[Avalement d'une aiguille il coudre; expulsion par Paints.] Collect. Acad. el. mem., etc. Parlie franc., Par. it Liege, 1786, xi, 410.—Verschlu- ckung und Abgang von Nadeln. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1824, xvii', 556-558—11 Piu swallowing. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1836-7, ii, 907.—Emergence at tin* surface of the body of pins and needles that had been swallowed. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 30—Nadeln in Brust- und Baucheingewei- elen ; pliitzlicher Tod. Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1863, viii, 266.—A case iu which a common sewing-needle caused death by bicmorrbage from the aorta into the pericardium. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 298.—The travelling of needles under the skin. Meel. Press eV Che. Lond., 1870, x, 193.— Chap pet. [ Une grosse epingle d'acier de plus de, 6 cen- timetres ele long, avec une tete en verre noir, avails par un enfant. | Lyon med., 1878, xxviii, 492-497.—Cheatham (A.) A needle swallowed removed from arm. "Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii, 4i,6.— Clemens (A.) Fine fiir einen Knochenbriich gehalteue Niiluiaelcl, die aus dem Scheukel eines Kindes geschnitten wurde. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1861, xxxvii, 355-357. -----. Eine Nahuadel aus der Magengegend eines Kuaheu geschnit- ten. lbid.,'Ahl. -----. Eine Nahuadel in dem Obersehcn- kel eines Kindes, fiir einen Knochenbriich gehalten. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1863, xv, 314. -----. Eine Nab- nadel aus der Magengegend eines Knaben. geschnitten. Ibid., 315.—Closmadenc (G.) Aiguille aval6e dans un pvlnton de til et extraite de la cuisse six mois apres. Union m6d., Par., 1874, xxviii, 917.—Cooper (G. L.) A cravat-pin swallowed; favorable result. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i. 82— Corbel! (It. de la C.) Transit of a needle from the stomach to tbe hand. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 614.—Cramer. Eine verschluckte Nahnadel aus dem Beine ausgeschnitten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk , Berl., 1818, 623.—Cregecn (J. J.) Removal of needles from the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 580.—Darin (W. G.) On emergence from the surface of the body of pins and needles formerly swallowed. Ibid., 1851, 1, 83.—Davy (R.) Case illustrating the value of the induction balance for detecting a needle in the thumb. I bid., 1887, ii, 215.— Dcspres (A.) Des aiguilles introduites dans les tissus ; de la inanicMe de les extraire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 229-231.—Dickinson (W. H.) A pin which had been swallowed and discharged from tbe bowels. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1870, xxi, 169 — Dix (J.) Death from a wound by a needle. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 847.—Dol- beau. jUne aiguille ties fine, longue d'environ 3 centi- metres, retiree du sein d'une femnie.) Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1860, xxxv, 349.—Dugan. A large needle swal- lowed and passed by an infant. Med. Rec, N. T., 1885, xxviii, 204. — Dui-nnd. Observation sur un abce^s a. la cuisse, a l'ouvertuie ducpiel est sorti une 6pingle, d'un police deux lignes, et incrustee du cote de sa poiute. Rec. period, d'obs. de med., dee t-.liir. et pharm., Par., 1757, vi, 290-299.—Dnret. Observation sur des aiguilles intro- duites a travels la peau et cxpulsees par 1 anus. J. univ. d. sc. ined., Par., 1825, xxxviii, 108-110.—Fearing (E. P.) Extraction of needles, etc, from the human body. Boston M. & S. J., 1856-7, lv, 29-31.—Ferrario (E.) Uno spillo trangugiato. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1867, 5. s., vi, 61.—Flo (J.) Estracciou de las agujas de trabajar crochet sin el uso de instrument!) cortante. Encicl. nnd-faim., Barcel., 1877, i, 351; 399.—Fryer (H.) Case of pins extracted from the breast of a woman, af tel- le.naming there sixty yeais. Med. Facts cfe Obs., Lond.. 1797. vii, so-s'i._('iirmll. Needle in the foot detected by a magnetic needle. Boston M. & S. J.. 1802, lxvi, 537.— Gastgeber (F.) Eine verschluckte Nahnadel; Entfer Needles and pins in the body, sicalloived, etc. nung derselben durch spontanea Erhrechen nach reich- hchem Uenus.se. bre iiger Nahrung. Med.-chir. Centralbl. Wien, 1877, xii, 258 «.i|,|> (G. D.) Removal of a needle from beneath the skin ot the abdomen of a child. Lancet Lond.. 1861, ii, 347.-----. Transfixion of the base of the tongue by a needle; diagnosis and removal with the aid of the laryngoscope. Ibid., 1866, i, 710— <»ill<'tt<-. Ai- guille retrouvee elans les parois du gros intestin. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par. (1869), 18,0, xliv, 20— Govorlivwi (Z.) Oblomki igol i bnlavok v tailai. [Fragments of needles and pins found in the flesh.] Med. Vestnik. St. Petersb. 1863, iii, 380.—Grate (IT) Die Donna d' agli Aghi; eine merkwiirdige Krauklu iisgeschichte. J. d. Chir. u. Au- genh.. Berl., 1830, xiv, 509-517, 1 pl.—[Haehin Sc Oelle.] Une epingle trouvee dans l'uretcre. [From: J. d. se*., 1080.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1755, i, 309.— Hamilton (JT W.) The removal of needles, pins, etc. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus. 1878, ii, 498-50(1. — IIas- bach. Folgen verschluckter Nahnadeln. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1852, i, 28 — Heddcns (W. J.) Removal of a needle after a sojourn in the body for twenty years. N. Orl. M. ,1 S. J., 1859, xvi, 336.—tiering (T.) Ex- traktion einer Nabnndel aus der linken Fossa pyriformis. Wien. meel. Presse, 1879, xx, 338.—Hew it (H. D.) Hys- teria and erotomania ; voluntary introduction of sewing- needles into the knee-joint: amputation; recovery. Men. Rec, N. T., 1871-2, vi, 570.—Hodge (H. L.) A needle found post-mortem within the cranium. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1876-7), 18,8, vii, 163.— HoInI ( L.) Eine ver- schluckte Nadel. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i, 29.— Ilonl* (S. B.) Extraction of a needle after twenty years' sojourn in the body. St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1879-80, vi, 2(7 -IIupper! (M.)' Eine Nadel im leben- den Herzen. Arch. cl. Heilk.. Leipz., 1878, xix, 516-526.— Hutchison (G. W.) Extraordinary case of pin-vomit- ing, etc. ; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1873, i, 91.—Jones (II. B.) On a ready method of determining tbe presence, position, depth, and length of a needle broken into the foot. Proc Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc Lond., 1856-7, i, 71-74.— Jones (J. F.) Case of discharge from the urethra of a pin, which had been taken into the stomach. Med. Re- posit,, N. Y., 1808, v, 236.— K. Geschiehte von einer Fran, welcher mebrere Nadeln aus der Haut geschnitten wurden. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1783, v, 447-453.— Keating t.T. M.) A pin extracted from the throat of a child 3 years old. Maryland M. JT, Bait,, 1879-80, vi, 389-391. —Klein (A.) jun. Waiiderung einer 4 Zoll langen Stopl'nadel in der Baucbhdhle. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1871, xvi, 292. — K01 her ( T.) Nachweis ei- ner Nadel. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, 208.— Kohn (S.i Removal of a double-pointed needle from the submaxillary connective tissue, by the aid of manipulation. Med. Rec, N. \T, 1881, xix, 705.—Kott- nianii (A.) Die Sehnennaht an eler Hand. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1878. viii, 513; 545.—l.nnrcnce, A needle mistaken for splintered fracture of the humerus. Lancet, Lond., 1859. i, 8; 318—I.e Double (A.) Migra- tion des aiguilles a travels l<*s tissus de l'econoinie. Union nieu., Par., 1878, 3. s , xxv, 907— l.ente (IT I) ) A needle swallowed. Am. M. Times, N. V., 1863, vii, 299.— Lit- tlewood (H.) On a method of detecting and remov- ing needles embedded in the tissues. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 412. — l,ow ielti. Wauderung einer Nahnadel durch den Unterleib. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1858, xxvii, 633.—Liukin (M. A.) Sch veinaja igla v serdtse. [Sew- ing-needle in heart.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1887, 12-18. — Luton. Aiguille avalee re- trouvee sous la peau de l'a\aut bras. Bull. Soc ined. de Reims, 1873, xii, 172. — l.uxardo (E.) Dreiundsiebzig Nadelspitzen herausgezo".en aus der rechten Hand und dem Vorderarm. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1887, v, 431.—McElvoy (F.) A curious exit for a pin, which was swallowed fouiteen months previously. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, viii, 97. — TI alien' (R.) Case in which a needle lodged in the throat, and afterwards passed out through the submaxillary gland. Dublin M. Press, 1840, iv, 394.—.Vlagistel. Histoire d'une fille qui s'ini- plantait des aiguilles et des epingles dans diverses parties du corps. J. g6n. ele meel., chir. et pharm., Par., 1823, lxxxiii, 314-330. — .Vlalagodi ( L. ) Come si possano es- trarre pezzi d' aghi iutitti nella palma della mano. Racco- glitore. Fano, 1841, vii, 225-230.—M [andillon]. Aiguille ' a tricoter de 9 centimetres de longueur, sejournant dans le cou et simulant une fracture du cartilage thyiolde; sortie spontauee de l'aiguille aprfts la formatiem proalablo d'un abces. Bordeaux med., 1878, vii, 9-11— Vlarimis (J.-R.) Aiguille entree dans hs chairs, et extraite des parois du ventre, chez un enfant age de treize mois. Ann. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux.. 1837. 7. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux.. 1837, i, 94.— Itlartsinovski (V. I.) Sluch. smeiti ot schveinoi igly v gortaui. [Death from swallow- ing a needle.] Protok'. i trudi Obsh. Archangel, vrach., 1886, i, 95-99. — ITIarx (M. J.) Beiiehtigung der Ge- schiehte einer Fiau, web her mebrere Nadeln aus der Haut geschnitten wurden. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., NItItDLES. JYeedles and pins in the body, swallowed, etc. 1781, vi, 74-70—JIassa (G.) Efetti dell' ingestione el' un :iloi< li. Pins and needles passed through the digestive system. Buffalo M. J.. 1859-60, xv, 293-296.—Thompson (II.) Pins swal- lowed accidentally and subsequently removed from var- ious parts of the body. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 334-336. -----. Case of thrombosis, with a needle fnunci imbedded in the thrombus. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Loml., 1875, viii, 19-26. Also, in his: Clin. Lect., 8°. Lond , ]8su.' 186-ioo, 1 ch. —[Tscherner.] Verschluckte' Stecknadeln. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832. xxxvii, 286.—Lngar. Line) verschluckte Nadel aus clem I Seine herausoesebii il l.n. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Kdln. 1848, ii. 591-593.— Vander I'oel (J.) A case of wanilcrini:; neeed. s Med Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 587.—Ward (R.)" An interesting ease of needle swallowing in a elog. Vet, J. Sc Ann. Comp Path., Lond., 1881, xii, 381-383 —Warren (J. M.) Ex- traction of needles. In his: Surg. Ohs., 8°, Bost., 1867 590-593.—While (A. D.) Swallowing a needle and thread' Lancet, Lond., 1857. ii, 31.—Wide (A.) Nedsviiljda syna- lar. [Swallow-ingot pins] Upsala Lakarcf. l-'drh., 1883-4, xix, 132-141.—Wight. Needle extracted from femur. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 288.— Zojja (G.) Sull,i possibility di' deglutire ed evacuare aghi. [9 experiments] Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1867, 5. s., vi, 200; 217; 283; 329: 1868, 6. s., i, 49. Needlewoman's Friend .Society, Boston. An- nual reports ot* the nuinagers to tbe subscrib- ers. 2.-3., 1848-9 to 1850-51; 6., 187,2-3; 10., 185(5-7 ; 35., 1881-2; 38., 1884-5. 8°. Boston, 1849-86. Needlewomen. See, also, Sewing-machines. Lucas (B. C.) A needlewoman's bursa of the second finsrei-of the left band. Guv's Hosp. Hep. 1884-5, Lond., 1886, 3. s., xxviii, 143-146. 1 pl.—Ord <\V.) Report ou the sanitary circumstances of dressmakers and other needle- women in London. Rep. Mecl. Off. Privy Council 1863, Lond., 1864, vi, 362-382. Nccdoil (Cnrolus Henricus). * De febri puer- perarum. 19 pp. 8°. Jence, typ. Neuenhahni, 1862. c. IVeefc (Joannes Christianus Augustus). * De medico platonico. xxxvi pp. 4 r IVittenberga; ex off. J. S. Gerdesii, [1759]. For Biography, see Ijaiiggntli (Geo. Aug.) "XeefT(Christian Ernst) [1782-1849]. Mtricker ( W.) Nekrolog. Allg. med. Centr. Ztg., Berl.. 18.49, xviii, 590: 599. Neeffeil ( Joh.) Ein kurtzer Bericlit: wie man sich in denen itzo vorstebenden Stcibeiisleuff- tcn, mit der Preservation oder Vorwahruugen, dornacb auch der Curation der Pestilent/., und etzlicher irer Accidentien, oder Zufellen, verbal- ten sol. Zu.Dienste den Eiuwobnern der clmr- fiirstlichcn Sladt Dressdeu, uud andern, so Be- richtes nottiirfftig, zusamnien getragen. (52 1. sm. 4°. [Dresden, M. Stbckel], 17)66. -----. The same. 55 1. 4 . Dressden, [ M. Slockel], 17)97. J\eel (P.) * Considerations sur les causes dc l'af- fectiiin scropbulcusc. 19 pp. 4 \ Paris, 1811, Xo. 57, v. 8\\. IVeelsen (V.) See Perl (M.) Lehrbuch eh-r allgenieinen rathologie, | (etc.) roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1886. Aeein. | See Margosa. NEEMITCII. 693 NltGRlfi. Veimii li. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. ]%'<><>I'j^aaI'd (Jano Wcibel) [1770- ]. Com- ment, anat.-physiol. sistens disquisitionem ;m verum organoriun digestioni inservientium dis- cremen inter aniinalia berbivora, carnivora et oinnivora repeiiatur. x, 82 pp., 3 pi. 1 . Got- tingee. typ. H. Dietericii, 1804. Neei'inex (Yincentius). * De- melancholia. 31 pp. sm. 1J. Lugd. Bat., J. et H. Verbeck, 17-J7. [I'., v. 79.] Nees ab liseabcck ( Christian Gottfried ) [ 178(1-1858 ]. Academiie Cii'sareie Leopoldino- I'arolina* Xatune Cuiiosorum novi protectoratiis ii principe* et, domino Carolo ab Harden berg, . . . indicit. 18 pp. 4°. Bounce, typ. Kupfer- bergianis, 1819. IVee's ab JEsenbeek ( Theodorus Fridericus Ludovicus) [17.87-1837], Radix plantarum niyeetoidcaruin. vi (11.), 19 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Bonna; A. Marcus, 1820. -----& Ebermaier (Carl Heinrich). Hand- buch der mediciuiscli-pbarinaceutiscben Botanik. Nach den natihiichen Familien des Gcwachs- reicbes bearbeitet. 3 Theile. 8-. Diissvtdorf, Arnz it. Comp., 1830-32. HTelT(Joannes). ' Propositionnin ct ine*ditationiini pbysico-niedicaruin sylloge. xxviii pp. sm. 1 . Erlangce, typ. Kuiistmcninicinis, 17^4. Also, in: Dki.ius (11. F.) Adversaria. Fasc. iv. 4°. Edit mm; 1785. MeII"(Joseph ,8.) Cupiic test pellets. 5 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1880. Itepr. from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1880, xlii. -----. Tyi-idine in the treatment of asthma. 9 pp. l'-c. [Xeiv Vork. 1886.] lie pr. from: X. York Al. J., 1886, xliii. rVeftel (William Basil) [ l-TSO- ]. Galvano- llierapen tics. The physiological and therapeu- tical action of the galvanic current upon the* acoustic, optic, sympathetic, and pneuniogastrie nerves. llil pp. 12°. Xctc York, I). Appleton d'- Co., 1871. -----. Die electrolytiscbe Behandlung bosartigeT Geschwiilste. 45 pp. 8°. [Berlin,G. Peimei;1872.] Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1872. lvii. ■-----. On periodical melancholia. 22 pp. H°. Xeiv York, J. F. Trow f Son, 1875. Repr. from : Med. Rec, X. Y., 1875, xii. -----. Contribution to the etiology of epilepsy, 11pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877. Repr. from .- Tr. Internat. AL Cong., Phila., 1876. -----. The same*. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie (ler Epilepsie. 16 pp. 8°. [Berlin, G. Bern- stein, 1877.] Repr. from.- Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1876-7, vii. Ne&ja (Julius). *Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Elimination des Mercurs mit besonderer Beriick- siclitigung des Glycocollqnecksilbers. 50 pp. 8-T Strassburg, K. J. Triibnci; 1882. -----. Yergleichende Untcrsucliungen iiber die Resorption und Wirkung veischiedener zur cu- tanen Behandlung ve.rwandter Quecksilberpiii- parate. 102 pp. 8°. Strassburg, K. J. Triibnci; 1884. Nejja ( Victor Julius) [ 1810- ]. * De con- genitis genitalium fuuniueorum defbrniitatibus. 1 p. 1., 20 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4J. Vratislarice, typ. off. Kupferiana; [1838]. ■-----. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Fuuktion der Atiioventrikular-Klappen des Herzens, der Ent- stehuug der Tone und Geriiusche in dcniselben und deren Deutung. Respondent G. Joseph. 42 pp. 4°. Breslau, Grass, Barth it. Comp., 1852. fregadelle (Charles) [1852- ]. * De la com- position d'un sac obstetrical. 32 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1881, Xo. 171. IN'ejfdi (Mustapha). *Dic in Acgypten ende- mische Angenentziindung. 34 pp. 8-. Miin- ilii-it. C. Wolf u. Sohn. 1854. IN'ejjel (Vassile-G.) J De la syphilis rduale. 190 pp., 1 1. 4r Paris, 1882. N,,. ;';>4. NejfCleiil (Gustavus Philippus). * De peste. 4 p. 1., 37 pp., 1 1. 4-. Helmstadii, ti/p. P. D. Schnorrii, [1744]. Ne$;eiiboi-if (Otto [Paulus Joachinms]) [1833- ]. T De racbitidis natura. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger. [1855]. Neglein (Hugo). 4 Ueber chirurgische Plastik bei Geschwiiren. [ Wurtzburg. ] 20 pp. Sc. Miinchen, B. Friederich, 1,-85. !\ejf re (Camille). * Du torticolis fonctionuel. 51 pp. 4 . Montpelliei; Boem f fils, 1883, Xo. 37. JVegre (Henri). * Etude snr ie chlorliydrate de coca'ine. 80 pp., 31. 4°. Montpelliei; 1885, No. 7. I\*esi*C (Jean). * Essai sur la generalisation du cancer par embolic. 11., 34 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, I 1868. 3. s., Xo. 90. lYejfie (.Joseph). 'Contribution a retude de la retention du placenta. 60 pp. 4°. Paris,1880 No. 190. Negre (Leopold). * Des exaggerations que peut oH'rir l'etat dyspeptique flatulent chez les mate- lots dans les pays eliauds. 56 pp. 4J. I'aris, 1871, Xo. 164. IVegre (Philoctete). * Sur le delire en g£n6ral. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 175. I\«'^i'efli A. Zambra. A treatise on meteoro- logical instruments, xii, 152 pp. 8^. London, Strahan if Williams, 1864. -------------. Encyclopiedic illustrated and de- scriptive reference catalogue of optical, mathe- matical, philosophical, photographic, and stand- ard meteorological instruments, manufactured and sold by theni. viii, 503 pp. 8°. London, [1879]. Nejjretto (Angelo). Rendiconto bienuale di cli- nica chirurgica. 158 pp., II. 8 . Treuiglio, sta- bil'nncnto sociale tipog. editore, 1880. iVi'ejfri (Luigi). ,8ul cholera morbus. Ecttera a Carlo Cioccari. 8 pp. 8°. Milano, tipog. dell l'[io] I[slititto] Palroncito, 186,6. c. ------. Un rimedio nuovo nutiitivo ricostituente. Lettera a Giovanni Guaineri. 7 pp. 8 . [n.p., 1867.] \; ------. Sulla chirurgia conservatrice. Lettera al Ettore Piccinini. 7 pp. 8°. [h. p., 1807.] c. ------. Chirurgia conservatrice. Due parole sull' ungbia incarnata. 8 pp. 8°. Milano, tipog. del P[io] I[stituto] di Palroncito, 1868. c. ------. Considerazioni teorico-pratiche sulle ma- lattie sitilitiche delle vie respiratorie. 36 pp. 8r Milano, tipog. del P[io] I[slitnto] di Patro- nato, 1868. c. ------. Considerazioni teorico-pratiche sn la pa- ralisi della ganiba sinistra con anesfesia del lato sinistro del corpo guarita coll' elettricita, pubbli- cata nell' Appendice Elettrojatrica, serie 2a, tomo 1", 1808. 14 pp. 8°. Milano, tipog. del Pio Isti- tuto di Palroncito, 186,8. c. | ------. Arualdo Cantani. Due parole in merito. 8 pp. 8°. [Milano, 1868.] C. \ ----—. Snl farmaco cerotto-Briziauo. Due parole al dottor cavaliere Melchiori Giovanni. '^8 pp. 8\ Milano, tipog. del P[io] I[stitnto] di Patronato, 1869. C. ,\ei£l"ie (Georges-Frederic). * De la mort subite dans la pleuresie. 52 pp. 4J. Penis, 1864, Xo. 13. ------. Compte-rendu general des services de me- decine. de cliirurgie et d'aecouchements de l'Ho- pital Saint-Andre de Bordeaux, pendant 1'anuee 1877. 74-125 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, A. Belliei; 1878. Cutting from : Hopital Saint Andre de Bordeaux, 1877. NfiORIlS. 094 NEGROES.1 !\«''lf i"i«'' (Jean-Baptiste). * Propositions de mede- ci'iie et de chirurgie. 14 pp. 4''-. Paris, 1832, No. 203, v. 250. !\<'>^rier (Charles) [1792-1802]. * Sur l'emploi eles bandelettes aggliitinati ves dans le traitement ibs ulceres atoniques des janibcs. vi, 7-27 pp., 1 pl. 4'. Paris, 1817, No.'23, v. 129. ------. Recherches anatomii]ueset physiologiques sur les ovaires dans l'espeee humaine, eonsideres specialement sous le rapport de leur inlliience dans la menstruation, xix, 131 pp., 11 pl. 8lV. Paris, Becltct jciinc f Labe; 1819. ------. Memoire sur le traitenient, des affections scrofuleuses par les preparations de f'euilles de uoyer. 45 pp. 12u. Paris, F. Locquin, 1840. Repr. from: Arch. gen. demed., Bar., 1841, 3. s., x: 1841, 3. s., xi. ------. The same. Du traitement des affections scrophuleuses par les preparations de uoyer. Memoires public's dans les Archives gdnerales de medecine de 184L a 1850. Auxqnels out 616 ajoutes de nouveaux faits recueillis taut en France qii'a lV.tranger. 122 pp. 8 . I'aris, Labe', 1850. ------. The same. Die Behandlung der Scrofeln mit Wallnussbliittern. Nach dem Franzbsischen des . . . mit Beifiigung eigener Bceibaehtungen von M. J. Kreutzwald. Hrsg. von Fr. Nasse. iv, 72 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Ma reus, 1843. ------. The same. Weitere Erfahrungen iiber den Nutzen der Walluussblatter gegen die Scro- feln. Ueberscfzt von M. .1. Kreutzwald. 37 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Marcus, 1844. ------. Recherches et considerations sur la con- stitution et les fonctious du col de Tut^rus, dans le but d'6clairer l'^tiologie des insertions pla- ceutaires sur cette region, et de conduire A, un choix de moyens propres k combattre les hemor- rhagies qui en sont les consequences. 172 pp. 8°. Angers, Cosnier f Lachese; 1840. ------. Recueil de faits pour servir ii l'histoire des ovairea et des affections hysteriques de la feniine. Ouvrage couronn6 par l'Acaddmie des sciences (prix Monthyou, 1858). viii, 170 pp. 8. An- gers, Cosnier f Lachese, 1858. Negritos. See, also, Andaman Islands ; Formosa ; Ma- lacca ; Malays ; Nicobar Islands ; Philippine Islands. Hartmann (R.) Die Nigritier; eine anthro- pologisch-etbuologische Monographie. 81-'. Ber- lin, 1876. Allen (F. A.) The original range of the Papuan and Negritto races. J. Anthrop. Inst.. Lond., 187s-'J viii, 38- 50.—Baer (11. A.) Scliiidel nnd She let te von deu Philip- pinen, namentlich von Negritos. Verhanell. d. Berl. (ie- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1879, 426-428. — Flower ( WT 11.) Stature of the Andamanese. JT Anthrop. Inst., Lond, 1880-81, x, 124— Oislioli (E. H.) Xuove notizie sui po poli negroidi dell' Asia e specialineute sui I\Tlii iti. Arch. perl'an trop., Firenze 187(1, ix, 17:i: 1881), x. 404. —Ilaiuy (E.-T.) Les negritos a Forino.se et ehius I'archipel japonais. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. ele Par., 1872, 2. s., vii, 843-85*.—Ja- jjoi*. Ueber die Andamanesi-n oder Mincopies. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1877, 41 -65. 3 pl. — Les- son (P.-A.) Quelques mots sur les races imiies ile Timor. Kev. d'anthrop., Par., 1877, vi, 2.">6-264.—.Tlau iE. H.) On the Andamanese and Nicobarc.se objects preseiiteil to Maj - Gen. Pitt Rivers, F. R. S. J. Anthrop. Inst.. Lond.. 1881-2 xi, 268-2114, 4 pl.—.Tleyer (A. B.) Notiz iiber elen Fiindort der von ihm iiberbracbten Skelete unel Schiielel von Negri- tos, seewie iiber die Yerhreihiug eler Negritos auf den Philippine!!. Verhanell. d. I'.. 11 (iesellscb. f. Anthrop., 1873, v, 90-93.— owohiiir der Nico- baren. Ztschr. f. Etbnol., Berl., 1882, xiv, 51-68, 1 pl.— Well nilin berg (A.) Ueber die Negritos der Philippinen. Ibid., 1880, xii, 133-174, 2 pl, — Virchow (U.) Ueber die Anilamanen und ihre Bowohner. Verhanell. d. Berl. (ie- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1876, 101-109, 3 pl. IVes'roe*. See, alsa, Craniology; Face; Fever (Yellow) and the slave trade; Hynien; Skin (Color of). Ekx.U'LT (L.) * Des conditions e~tioloo;ii|iies ele la pathologie de la race negre. 4 . Paris, 1882. Giacomini ( C. ) Annotazioni sulla anateunia del negro. Appendicc nlle tre prime nieinoiie. VIII. Esistenza della gbiandola d' Harder in un Boscbimane. Duplieita della cnrtilagine della plica seiiiiluuaris. Muscolo ciliare nei nc- gri. Distribuzione del pigmento del globo ocu- lare. 8-T Torino, 1887. lii'pi; from: Atti A. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1887, xxii. See, also, infra. Le Cat (C.-N.) Trait,6 de la coulenr de la peau humaine en g6n<5ral, de celle des negres en particulier, et de la metamorphose d'une de ces conleurs en l'autre, soit de naissance, soit acci- dentellenient. 8'. Amsterdam, 1765. Levaciier (G.) Guide medical des Antilles et des regions intertropicales, a 1'usage de tons les babitans de^ ses contrdes, renfermant des etudes speciales sur les maladies des colonies en g6n6- ral, et eu particulier sur celles qui sont propres a la race noire, avec lo traitement qui convient il chacune de ses affections et un forniulairo appro- ]>ri6 h la niddecine pratique de ses pays. 2. 6i\. HJ. Paris, 1849. LrUANi;s(M. It.) Disputatio de colore.Ktbio- puni qui vulgo Nigritie. 4°. Marburgi Cutlorum, [1683]. Mulder (G. J.) De voediug vau den negei iu Suriname. 8°. Bolterdam, 1847. Nordiioee (C.) Papers of the day. No. 1. The freedinen of South Carolina; some account of their appearance, character, condition, and peculiar customs. 8,J. New York, 186,3. Passavaxt (C.) * Craniologische Untersu- chung der Neger und der Negervolker. Nebst einein Bericht iiber meine erste Reise naeb f'a- meroous (West-Afrika) im Jahre 188;{. 8 . Ba- sel, 1884. Pechlinus (J. N.) De habitu et colore iEthio- piini, qui vulgo Nigritie, liber. l'Jr Kiloni, 1677. Ramaer (J. N.) * Dc ictbiopica generis hu- mani vaiietate. 4 . Groningce,. [1839]. Reed (J.) An appeal to the British nation to think for themselves, instead of allowing Wil- berforce, Buxton, and others to think for them, with a true statement of the condition of the negroes in the island of Jamaica. 8 . Liver- pool, 1823. Rifz. Recherches sur les einpoisonuemeiiH pratiques par les negres a la Martinique. 8 . Paris, 1844. Sommerring (S. T.) Ueber die korperlicbe Veiscbicdeiiheit des Xegers vom Europiier. 8°. Frankfurt it. Mainz, 1787,. Stubner (G. A.) Diss. phys. de nigritarum aff'ectionibus. sm. 4°. [Vitemberga; 1699.] Thompson (C. B.) The Nachash origin of the black and mixed races. 8 . St. Louis, 1869. United States. Congress. A hill to prevent tbe intermarriage of white aud negro races in NEGROES. 695 NEGROES. Negroes. the District of Columbia, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1884.] Verdelhan des Moles (J.) *An a globulosa sanguinis, ad cutcin adpellentis, paid- Aetliio- pum color? In: Sicwart ( G. F.) Qua-stiones ined. Par. 4°. Tu- bimjir, 1789, ii, 293-300. Acclimation ; and ihe liability of negroes to the, epi- demic fevers of the South. NT Orl. M. News A- Hosp. Gaz., 1858-!), v, 78-87. — AI<<>|> (G. D.) Drapetomania and dysa*st'eiesia iElhiopis. Lancet, Loud., 1857, ii, 407. [See, also, svpra.] ------. Essential points of difference' between the larynx of the negro and that of the while man. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond., 1805-6, ii, 1-13.— 4> 1 > 1 i■ >nitub. de la r. Acad, dc cien. m6d. . . . de la llaliana, 1873, ii, 8-23—Virchow (R.) Neger vou Darfur. Yer- handl. d. Bell. (Iesellsch. 1. Anthrop.. 1885, 488-497. -----. Schiidel von Balitba nnd Congonegern. Ibid., 1886, 752- 707.—Virey (J.-I.) Negre. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxv, 378-432—Wallace (J.) Sc Priehard (J. (!.) Ou tbe supposed want of the sagital suture in certain tribes of negroes. In .- Giavcs (R. J.) Studies in Phvsiol. A Meet, 8°, Lond.. 1803, 344-346.—WolII" (WT) Kinige licobac.h- tungen an den Negern unci Buschiiiiiiinern A frika s. Anh f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880, xxviii, 421-424 —Zinlgrall. Forschungen unil Messungen in Kamerun. Verhanell. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anlhrop., 1886, 644-646. Hegroes (Change of color in). Sc; also, Skin (Discoloration, dr., of). Rate (.T.) An account of the remarkable altcratiou of colour in a negro woman. Phil. Tr. 1759, Lond., 1760. li, pt. 1, 175-178. — Itied (F.) Ueber die Vcriinderuug der Hautfarbe beim Niger. J. el. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xiii, 475-478 Tallin (A.) Another Ethiopian turn- ing to a white man. Med. Reposit., X. Y., 1802, v, 83 — Hammer (A.) Change of color iu an adult negro. St. Louis M. A S. J.. 1853, xi, 63-08 Also, transl. : Compt. rend. Soc. ch-biol, Par.. 1854, 2. s., i, pt. 1, 148-152.—Hood (K. C.) Another while African. South. M. &.S.A.. Augusta, 1853, n. s., ix, 401.— Hutchison (J. C.) A remarkable case of change of complexion with loss of the sense of smell. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiii. 146-148. — Pozzi (S.) Sur la decoloralion de la peau chez les negres sous l'in- fluence elu climat et ele la maladie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop, de Par., 1872, 2. s., vii, 815-817. Negroes (Diseases of). See; also, Ainhum; Appetite (Abnormal); Chorea in negroes; Framboesia; West In- dies. Dazille. Observations sur les maladies des negres, leurs causes, leurs traitements et lea moyeus de les prevenir. ». I'aris, 1776. -----. The same. 2. 6c\. v. 1. 8 . Paris, 1792. Frank (L.) Memoire sur le commerce des ne- gres au Kaire et sur les maladies auxejuelles ils sont sujet en y arrivant. 12°. Paris, 1802. Lkvaciier (M.-OI.) Guide medical des An- tilles, ou 6tudes sur les maladies des colonies en ge"ne"ral, et sur celles <|iii sunt propres i la race noire, sr, Paris, 18:>,4. Moclin (C.-F.-C.) * Introduction a la patho- logie de la race negre daus les pays chauds. 4J. Paris, 1866. NEGROES. 607 XEIDHAHD. lies roes (Diseases of). Practical rules for the management and medi- cal treatment of negro slaves, in the sugar colo- nies. Bv a professional planter. 8°. London, 1811. Skrastiax (A. A.) Over de ziekten der negers. (Voorgedrageu in de gewone vergaderiug der Akademie van den 24steu Sept. 1853.) 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Shannon' (R.) Practical oliservatioiis on the cftects of certain medicines in the prevention and cure of diseases to which Europeans are suliject in hot, climates, and observations on the diseases and diet of negroes. 8°. London, 1794. Stcisneiuts ((J. A.) & Woi.rFius (J. C.) * De nigritaruni affe-ctionibus. 4-T [Vilembergce, 161)9.] Thomson (J.) A treatise on the diseases of negroes as they occur in the island of Jamaica; with observations on the country remedies. 8Z. Jamaica, 1829. Affleck (T.) On the hygiene of cotton plantations and the-management of negro slaves. South. M. Rep. (Fennel) 18T.ii, N. Orl , 1851, ii, 429-430.—Ai-iii*H-oiu; (S. T.) Fre- quency of elisease in the while and colored races; a com- parison of the frequency of disease in the white and colored races at the United States Marine* Hospital. Memphis, Te nil., eliiring the (piinipienniuni 1881-0. Pep. Superv. Surg. (leu. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1885-6. 123-130. — Alkin- noii (I. IT I Early syphilis in the negro. Maryland M. J., Hall., 1877, i, 135-141).—Baldwin (li. I.) The immu- nity of the negro from trachoma. Meel Rec., X. Y., 1884, xxvi, 704. — Itciiiicll (J.) An account of a fatal case of acute negro consumption, with the appearances on dissec- tion. West. J. AI. & Pin s. Sc.., Cincin., 1830, iii, 193-206.— Konmaii (J. A.) A case of disease, with autopsy. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1853, iv, 15— Rnchanan (A. HT) Reinaiks on negro-consumption. "West. A. M Sc S., Louis- ville. 1840, 2. s., ii, 405-418. — ICnehanan (J. M. ) In- sanity in the colored raec. X. York M. .1., 1886, xliv, 67- 70.— Itnriiclt ( S. WT j Tbe comparative frequency of eye diseases iu the white and colored races in the United States. Arch. Ophth.. X. Y., 1884, xiii, 187-200. — Car- penter (WT M.) Observations on the cachexia africana, or the habits and effects of dirt-eating in the negro race. X. Oil. M. J , 1844-5, i, 146-168. — farter (li. R.) Mani- festations of syphilis among negroes; a statistical in- cpiiry. lie]). Superv. Surg. - Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1883," 131-135. — C'artwi-ight (S. A.) The diseases and physical peeuliaiities of the ni'gio race. South. M. Rep. (Fennel) 1850. N. Oil.. 1851, ii. 421-420. Also: Charleston M. J., 1851, vi, 643-652. — C'lia«»aiiiol. Contributions a, la pathologie de la race negre. Arch, de nied. nav., Par., 1865, iii. 505-520. — Clark (J.) Account of the good effects derived from the terra ponderosa muriata, in a peculiar species of scroplmla, occurring among negroes in the West Indies. Med. Comment. 1791, Edinb., 1792, 2. decade. 207-270.—Conrad (H. W.) The health of the negroes in the Sout li: tbe great mortality among thein ; the causes and remedies. Sanitarian, X. YT, 1887, xviii, 502- 510.— Davidson iC.) Account of the cachexia africana, n disease incidental to negro slaves lately imported into the West Indies. Med. Peposit., X. Y.,'l799, ii, 282-284.— ■Iu<.'ax (L. A ) Remarks upon some of the pathological peculiarities of the negio nice. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, At- lanta, 1870, xxvii, 73-81.—Kmci-son K!.| An account of an epidemic fever which prevailed among (lie negroes of Philadelphia in the year 1821. Phila. J. M. efcPhys. Sc, 1821, iii, 193-216. — (eioldsmilli (R. II.) Tetanus, epidemic or constitutional among negroes i Practitioner, Bait., .1880, i, 22-24.— (iiuy & Ellis (II.) On certain diseases of the African slaves. Med.-Chir. J. Sc Rev., 1816, i, 373-377.— ■licks (J. R.) African consumption. Stethoscope Sc Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1854, iv, 625-629. — Jordan (C. H.) Thoughts ou cachexia africana. or negro consump- tion. Transvlv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1832. v, 18-30.— i>9< IIcmvcII (A. W..) Hospital observations upon negro soldi.is. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1874, x, 155-158 —II a r- lin dc iVIoiimmv. [Les negres et le scorbut ] Pull. Sue. J d'anthiop. de I'ar., 1867,2. s., ii, 37-39.—.11 a v nell (J.) 1'athological inquiry into the nature of cachexia africana, as it is gi'iierallv connected with dirt -eating. Jamaica Phys. J., Kingston, 1835, ii, 409-435.—rVolt ol. C) Lia- bility of negroes to the epidemic diseases of Ihe South. South. M. & S. .!., Augusta, 1858, n. s., xiv, 253. —Key- bum (Ii.) Reinaiks concerning some of the diseases una- vailing among the freed people in the District of Columbia (Rnrcau Refugees. Freeilnien, and Abandoned Lauds). Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, n. s., li, 364-309.—Key tie* (J. A.) Algunas consieleraeiones geiierales sobre la ra/.a negra, su patologia v terapeutica. An. r. Acad, dc* cien. med. . . . uc la Habana, 1868-9, v, 139; 180.—Koberl.x Hegroe* (Diseases of). (J. 1).) Insanity in the colored race. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1883. xii, 249-250.—Mpcranza. Sulla uni- fornie organizzazione del cranio e del ecrwllo nel negro e nell' europeo. Gior per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia. 1837, vii, 391-395.—Tidyman (P.) A sketch of the most remarkable diseases of the negroes of the Southern States, with an account of the nielliod of treating them, accom- panied by physiological observations. Pbila. J. M.&Phys. Sc. 1826, xii, 306-33S.— TiU'any (L. McL.) Comparison between the surgical diseases of the white and colored races. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila.. 1887. v. 262-273, 1 pl. .'Ilwi, Reprint. Also.- North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1887, xx, 240-343.—Yandcll (L. P.) Remarks on stiuma afri- cana, or the disease usually called ncgio-poison, or negro- consuniption. Tians\lv. J. M., Lexiugton, Ky., 1831, iv, 83-103. Negroni (M.-L.) *Apercu sur l'ovariotoiuie, suivi de tableaux analytiques et synoptiques fond(5s sur 645 observations. 3s pp., 4 tab. 4J. Paris. 1866, No. 17. -----. The same. 34 pp., 5 tab. 8°. Paris, A. Delahai/e, 1866. Ncgura (Nicolaus) [1830- ]. 'De febre Mol- daviensi. 28 pp., 2 1. 8 . Berolini, F. G. Nie- tack, [1856]. Nelir. * Ueber Cachexie. 6,8 pp. 8-". Wiirzburg, C. W. Bscker, 1821. Nelir (Joh. Joseph) [1757-1820]. Qnare plerique inoriuntur infinites, et eorum, qui adolcscunt, quare plui-es sunt morbosi ? [1778.] In: Ki.l.vKoseii. Diss. med. [etc.] 4°. Pracjif e.t Dres- den, 1793, ii, 162-184. -----. l>i\sclireibung der mineralise-ben Quellen zu IMarienbad auf der Stiftsherrschaft Tcpl, nabe bei dem Dorfe Auschowitz. f> p. 1., si pp. \2 . Karlsbad, J. Franieck, 1813. -----. The same. Zweite mit 2.r>_ Kratikcnge- schichten veimehrte Autl. 5 p. 1., 201) pp., 1 pl. 8°. Karlsbad, Wiitwe J. Franieck, lw17'. l\<'lil' (Leonardns). * De syphilitic 4. [Melbourne; Still- well f Knight, 1873.] -----. Address delivered ;it the annual meeting of the Victorian branch of the British Medical Association, July 28, l.Srj2. 12 pp. 8 . Mel- bourne, Stillwell <)' Co., 1882. Neild (Joannes Cash) [1814- ]. * De psendar- thiosi qua* ossiuni f'ractnras sequitur. 28 pp. 8-\ Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, 1831). Aeilsherrie*. Madkas Presidency. Report on the medical topography and statistics of Ncilollt.r,v Hji|s, (Compiled from the records of the medical board office. Published by order of government ) 8> Madras, 1844. Kirch (De B.) Topographical report ou the Ne-ilgber- ries. India J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Calcutta, 183M, n. s iii 713: 1839, n. s., iv, 11; 79— .Mackay (G.) Pemarks oii the climate of the Neilghi-rry hills. Madras Q. J. M Sc, 1861, iii, 13-32. —Yoiiiib (D. S.) An account of the general and medical topography of the Xeelgerrics. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1829. iv, 36-78, 1 pt, 1 map. N< Mill;; ([Job.] Michael) [1854- ]. * Ein Bei- trag zur Lehre von der Trepanation des Pro- cessus mastoideus. 20 pp. 4\ Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1878. Iii: Scuiuft. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xxv, 1878, vii, Med. xviii. IVoill (Edward D.) Biographical sketch of Doc- tor Jonathan l'otts, with extracts from his correspondence. 18 pp. 8°. Album/, J. Mun- sell, 1863. [Also, iu : P., v. 161.] Repr. from: N. Eng. Historic & Gen. Ibgister. iVoill (Henry) [1783-184.">J. Paul (J. M.) Obituary notice. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1848, ii, 320-323. Neill (Hugh). The practice in the Liverpool Ophthalmic Infirmary, for the year 1834 ; being the 'irst special report, iv, 55 pp., 1 tab., 1 pl. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1S35. -----. A report upon deafness when resulting from diseases of the Eustachian passages; with the modern methods of cure. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., viii, 0-31) pp., 1 pl. 8U. Liverpool, J. Walmsley, 1849. -----. The same. 3. ed. xx, 21-51 pp. 8 . Liverpool, J. Walmsley, 1840. [P., v. 35.] -----. The same. 4. ed. 44 pp. 8°. Liverpool, J. Walmsley, 1841. [P., v. 362.] -----. Ou the cure of cataract, with a practical summary of the best modes of operating (Conti- nental and British). 1 p. 1., x, 5-224 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1848. -----. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., x, 5-224 pp. i-1 . London, C. Mitchell; Liverpool, Deighton # Luughion, 187)9. \cill (John) [1819-80]. Outlines of the arter- ies; with short, descriptions. 3(1 pp., 6 pl. 8J. Philadelphia, K. Harrington f G. H Haswell, 1845. -----. The same. 2. ed. 28 pp., 7 col. pl. 8°. Philadelphia, E. Harrington f G. 1). Haswell, 1852. -----. Outlines of the nerves, with short de- scriptions. 30 pp., 9 pl. 8->. Philadelphia, E. Harrington f G. D. Haswell, 1845. -----. Outlines of the veins aud lymphatics; with short descriptions. Designed for the use of medical students. 29 pp., 8 pl. 8 . Philadel- phia, F. Harrington f G. IK Haswell, 1847. -----. Ohservations on the occipital and supe- rior maxillary bones of the African cranium. 5 pp. ~ . [Philadelphia, l~5n.] Repr. from: Am. J..M. Sc, Phila., 1850, n. a., xix. -----. New means for making extension and counter-extension in fractures of the leg and thigh. 7 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew f Thompson, 1855. NEILL. 699 NEISSER. Neill (John)—continued. ______. Ou the structure of the mucous membrane of the human stomach. 16 pp., lpl. 8°. [Phil- adelphia, 187)7. ] Repr. from : Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxi. ______. Valedictory address before the medical department of Pennsylvania College, March 6, 1858. (With a list of graduates.) 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Sherman f Sou, 1858. For Biography, see Clin. News, Phila., 1880, i, 92. Also : Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 288. Also: Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1880, xix, 101 (Brinton). Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1881, 3. s.. v, pp. cxli-clvi (E. Shippen). Also, Repiint. -----& Smith (Francis Gurney). A handbook i of anatomy . . . Being a portion of an analyti- cal compend of the various branches of medicine. viii, 14-180 pp. »°. Philadelphia, Lea if Plan- I chard, 1848. j ------ ------. A handbook of chemistry . . . j Being a portion of an analytical compend of the various branches of medicine, viii, 15-115 pp. 8J. Philadelphia, Lea if Blanchard, 1848. ! -------------. A handbook of surgery ; being a portion of an analytical compend of the various branches of medicine. 122 pp. 12°. Philadel- phia, Lea if Blanchard, 1848. ------------. Analytical compendium of the va- rious branches of medical science. A new ed., revised and improved, xxiv, 25-974 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Blanchard f Lea, 1864. IVl'ill (Patrick). Some account of the habits of a specimen of Siren lacertina, which has been kept alive at Canonmills, near Edinburgh, for more than two years pasl. 10 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1828.] [Also, in: P., v. 678.] Repr. from : Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1828. -----. An address to the members of the Weinei- iau Natural History Society, 1830. 26 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh], 1830. Neilsoil (John). *On the utility of dispensaries, their importance to the community ; with hints to their further beneficial effects in attaching small hospitals to each. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill f Co., 1*36. [Also, in : P., v. 698.] I\i*ll (James). Fditor of: < :nin. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1881. Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1881, xiv. ------. Die chronischen Infectiouskraukheiten der Haut. In: Handh. tl. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1883, xiv, 1. Hlt't., 553-721. IVeisser (Clemens). Ueber die Katatonie. Ein Beitrag zur klinischen Psychiatric 2 p. 1., 85 pp., 4 pl. roy. *'J. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1887. Neisser (Joseph). * Diss, sistens nonnulla de autocratia natune. 26 pp., 1 1. 8-. Haiti; formis Hendelii, [1836]. ------. Die acute Entziindung der serosen Haute des Gehirns uud des Riickeumairks. Nach eige- nen Beobachtungen am Kiaukeubett geschrie- N KISSER. 700 NELKT. [Nl'isMT (Joseph)—conlinued. hen. 2 p. 1., 454 pp. *-. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1845. -----. Fundanienta generaliaad innanimationis, qua morbi generis, ratiouem et naturam spec- tantia. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 11. *~. J'ratislavici; typ. Grassii, Barthii ct soe., [1849]. -----. Das Wesen der Entziindung vom theore- tischen und practischen Standpunkt, insbcsoii- dere in Riicksicht auf die Henle-'sche Entziin- dungslehre untersucht. 39 pp. *°. Berlin, A. Fiirstnei; 1849. -----. Die pliysiologische Diagnostik als Basis fiir ratiouelle Therapie. Systeniatiseh bear- beitet. 2 p. 1., 68 pp. 8-. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1879. I\4*isskc (Bernhardus Joachimus). *Diss. sis- tens calculorum in corpore humano reperiundo- runi genesin et curam. 31 pp. sm. 4°. Got- tinga; A. J'etiidenhoeik, [1737]. For Biography, see Segner (Joannes Andreas). IVi'itliard (Bernhardus Albrechtus). * De asth- ma te consensual!. 20 pp. 4°. Altorfii, ex off'. J. P. Meyeri, [1797]. Ncitliardt (F.) Die Thierseuchen, welche in vcteriniir-polizeilichem Interesse zu beachten sind. Hire Erkennung, Entstehuug, Verhiitung und Behandlung, sowie die dagegen zu ergreifen- den polizeilichen Massregeln. 1 p. 1., 116 pp. 8U. Berlin, Wiegandt u. Hempel, 186,8. iV'itliai'diis (Petrus). «* De tributo lnnari ftr- iiiinaruni interccpto, in eerto quodam casu. 12 pp. 4°. Altdorfi, II. Meger, [16*1]. rVfitltart (Rieliardus [Hemicus]) [1824- ]. De tetano traiunatico. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1818], \eithrop. Rammki.l (T. W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the borough and parish of Banbury and town- ship of Ncithrop, in the counties of Oxford and Northampton. 8-. London, 1*50. IVckkacIl (Mohanied Ben Si-El Hadj-Beuamar). See Mohamed Ben Si-El-Hadj-Benamar Nek- kach. Hfekrasovoi (E.) Iz proshlago jenskich kur- suv. [The course (of lectures) for women.] 99 pp. 8 . Moskva, tip. A. A. Kartscra, 1886. i\okrolog des Hofraths und Professors Dr. Carl Himly. 12 pp., 2 1. *,J. Hannover, Helwing, 1838. Repr. from: Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe, 1857, ii. \<>krolOg des Geheimen Medicinal-Raths und Professors Ludwig Bohui. 12 pp. 12J. Berlin, 1-69. Xi'krolo^ic des chirurg. Instruinentenfabricau- ten .lohann Caspar Schnetter in Miinchen. 24 pp. 12J. Miinchen, E. Wolf u. Sohn, 1869. Nekrosozoic or embalming process. Reports of Dr. Francis Delatield, J. R. Wood, R. Ogelon Doremus, A. Flint, jr., and extracts from the press. 32 pp. 8J. New York, Clark f Co., [1868]. N«*l (J.-B.-G(m6reux). * Sur la dyseuterie simple ou sans complications, vi, 7-25 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1825, No. 14, v. 190. IXelatOll (Auguste) [1807-73]. * Recherches sur l'att'ection tuberculeuse des os. 50 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 376, v. 305. -----. The same. 70 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. I'aris, Meijuigiion-Mttrvis f fils, 1*37. [P., v. 907.] -----. * Sur la question des tuineurs de la ma- melle. 135 pp. 4°. Paris, F. Locquin f Cie., 1*39. [Also, in: P., v. 933.] Concours. \<''l;itOll (Auguste)—continued. -----. Elemens ele pathologie chirurgicale. 5 v, (v. 4 and 5 public'- sous sa direct ion pur A. Ja- mah).) '*v. Paris, Germer-Bailliere; 1*44-59. -----. The .same. 2. 6d. 6 v. * . Paris, Germer- Bailliere l;itOll (Charles). *l)es e"panchcnients de sang dans les plevres couse"cntifs aux tiaumatisines. 3 p. I., iii, 192 pp. 4°. Paris, ti. Chamtrot, 1880, No. 95. -----. * Le tubercule dans les affections chirnrgi- cales. iv, 179 pp. 4J. Paris, G. Chamerot, 1883. —-—-. Rapports dn traumatisnie avec les affec- tions cardiaques. ix, 234 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Mnsson, 1886. \r I a toil (Eugene). * Memoire sur une nouvelle espi'ce de tuineurs a myeloplaxes. 375 pp. 4 . Paris, 1869, No. 5*. -----. The .same. 373 pp., 3 pl. 8J. Paris, A. Delahaye, 186,0. l»latOil (P-F.) *Sur la leucorrhde. 16 pp. 4 . Paris, 1*15, No. 230, v. 115. .Sec Missiles, etc. Aelavan. Ilct-lnt. Sur les analogies qui semblent exister ent lc cholera eles ponies et le nelavan, ou maladie du som meil. Compt. rend. Acad. .1. sc, I'ar., 1880, xc, 1088-1090. .\it-olsiN (A.) Sur les analogies et les differences qui ex ist. ui enirela maladie clu sommeil ct le nelavan. Ibid. 1128-1131. \cl. M. Reese-. xxi, 22-453 pp. * . New York, Harper if Bros., 1*11. ------. The same. 3. ed. xxi, 22-453 pp. 8°. New York, Harper f Brothers, 1*51. ------. Contributions to the pathology and treat- ment of eruptive diseases of the skin. 15 pp. *'. [n.p., 1*52, vel subseq.] [P., v. 39; 1022.] -----. A praclieal treatise on diseases of the skin, x, 439 pp. 8'-. Dublin, Fannin f Co., 187)2. ------. The same. 2. ed., revised and enlarged by T. W. Belcher, xxiv, 526 pp. 8'-'. Dublin, Faint in f Co., 1*66. ------. The same, xii, 3:53 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard if Lea, 1*52. ------. The same. 3. Am. ed. xii, 13-333 pp., 8°; atlas, 16 pl., 4°. Philadelphia, Blunchurd f Lea, 1859-60. ------. The same. 4. Am. ed. xii, 13-333 pp. 8". Philadelphia, Blanchard f Lett, 1831. ------. The same. 5. Am. from the 2. revised and enlarged Dublin ed., by T. W. Belcher, xvi, 25-462 pp. 8t Philadelphia, II. C. Lea, 1866. ------. Atlas of cutaneous diseases. 19 1., 16 pl. roy. 8*. Dublin, Fannin <>■ Co., 1855. ------. Au uusual abnormal condition of the tongue and cheeks, considered in connexion with life assurance. * pp. * . Dublin, J. Falconer, 1862. [!'., v. 1025.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiv. See, also, Graves (Robert J.) Clinical lectures [etc.] 8°. Dublin, 1848. For Biography, see Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1803, xxxvi, 255-258. Neligail ( Lanreiitius B. ) * De morbis respira- tionis. 1 p. l.,36pp. 8 . Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1*05. Nclig-an (Mauricius). * De ferro. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. *r Edinburgi, J. Ballantyne, 1*05. Neike (Joh.) [1*54- ]. * Uutersuchungen iiher parenchymatose und subcutane Alkohol- Injectiouen. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 18,89. Nelken (Michel) [1811-61]. * Des fistules a l'anus. 22 pp., 1 id. 4°. I'aris, 1*47, No. 14*, v. 462. ------. Sea-sickness; its cause, nature, symptoms, and treatment, derived from experience anil strict observation. 32 pp. 8°. New York, Strin- ger f Townsend, 1*56. For Biography, see Am. M. Times, N. Y . 1861, iii, 100. iVellcn (Ceorg. Ludov. Henric.) * De vulnerum qua; sclopetis inferuntur eurandoriini method is. 63 pp. 8°. Halce, in off. Batlteana, [1*04]. Nellessen (Job. ) [1*49- ]. * Casuistische Beitiiige zur Kenntniss des Glioma der Netzhaut. 30 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. ,8°. Halle, Plbtz, [1*72]. c. Nels (Ludovicus) [1826- ]. * De hebetudiue visus. 29 pp. 8 . Berolini, G. Schade, [1*52J. Nelson. See KiNclioir (Tb. L. W.) Widorlefjuiijj des von Dr. Keber bei NTijaden und Dr. Nelson bei den Ascariilen [etc.] 4*>. (Hesse n, 1854. Nelson (A. W. ) Verafrnm viride in typhoid fever; its lowering of the pulse and tempera- IVclsoii (A. W.)—continued. tine; twenty-eight successive cases in private practice, all recovering, 1*73 - *2. 17 pp. 8°. [New York, 1**3.] Repr. from : Arch. Meel., N. Y., 1883, ix. (\ 4'I so II (Alfred ). Editor of: Nelson'* American Lancet, I'lattsburjih, N. Y., 1853-6. Aelsoil (Charles Etttjcne) [1S.">7- ]. Editor of: Kiislern M edicalJournal, Worcester, 1885-7. Also, Ulitor of: l»l:uicl (The), New Yolk, 1883-4. For Biography, see Eastern Al. J., Worcester, 1886, vi, 25, Nelson (David) * On the principles of health and disease. [Edinburgh.] 2 p. 1., vii, 113 pp. * T London, J. Churchill, 187)9. [P., v. 1024.] ------. The same. 2. ed. vii, 113 pp. 8°. Lou- don, J. Churchill, 187,9. .\elson (Gilbert'. A short account of certain remedies used in the cute of the gout. 32 pp. 8 '. London, 1728. ------. The nature, causer, and symptoms of the gout, as stated by Dr. Sydenham, Cheyne, etc., from which is rationally deduced its direct ami perfect cure. To which is added, an account of the action of certain remedies that can effect the same. 2. ed. viii, 85 pp. 12°. London, T. Warner, 172*. Nelson (Horace'). Cn-Bditorof: Northern Lancet and Gazette of Loyal Medicine, I'lattsbin-h. NT Y, 1850-56. Nelson (Joshua). See Ootijjlas (J.) Descriptio poritonai, etc. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1737. Nelson (Robert)1 [1794-1*73]. Gastrotomy, for llic removal of non-malignant tumors from the abdominal cavity. 32 pp. 8°. New York, J. H. Tobitt, 1864. ------. Asiatic cholera, its origin and spread in Asia, Africa, and Europe, introduction into America through Canada, remote and proximate causes, symptoms, and pathology, and the vari- ous modes of treatment analyzed. xi, 206 pp. 12". Xew York, W. A. Townsend, 1866. For Biography, see Canada M. Kee, Montreal, 1880-81, ix, 68. Nelson [Robert]*. See Jenkins (James). On three fatal cases of cerebro spinal or tetanoid fever, [etc ] 8°. London, 1876. Nelson (Samuel N.) Plastic splints in surgery. 1* pp. * . Brooklyn, 1**2. R pr.from: Ann. Anat. Sc Surjj. Soc, Brooklyn, NT \T, 1882, vi. Nelson (T.) See Vaccine-Pock Institution. Nelson ( Thomas )'. * De frigoris effectibus in morbis medendis. 56 pp. bG. Edinburgi, A. Neill et sdeii, 1799. [P., v. 9.] JYflson (Thomas)2. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.) — Stetho- scope, Richmond, 1854, iv, 688. Nelson (W.), IVIacDonnell (R. L.) A-. Per- I'illllt (Zephirin). Report of . . . of the Quebec Maiine aud Emigrant Hospital. [With docu- ments having reference to the inquiry held by the said gentlemen, concerning the institution.] 124" pp. 8°. Quebec, J. Lor ell, 1853. Nelson (William). * Observations on the man- agement of Peruvian bark. 30 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. Geyer, 1892. [Nelson (Wolfred). ] Practical views on chol- era, and on the sanitary, preventive, and cura- tive.measures to be adopted in the event of a visitation of the epidemic; with an appendix. 19 IH). *-\ Montreal, B. Dawson, 1*54. Nelson's American Lancet. Was title of v. 7-12 of: Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine, April, 185.1-0. Nelson's Northern Lancet and American Jour- nal of Medical Jurisprudence. Was title of v. 4-6 of: Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine, Oct., 1,-51, lo March, 1853. NF-LSeSON. 7<»2 NKNNDOKF. A« Isson (Sim) [1787-1883]. Obitiini-y. Eira, Gbtcborg, 1883, vii, 766. IVel'A (Josephus Augustus) [1*11- ]. * De care-inornate ventriculi. * . Berolini, G. Lange; 1866. Neniaiin (Julius). * Beitrage zur Pathologie und Therapie der corticalen Sprachstorungen. 43 pp. *\ Berlin, G. Schade, [18*4]. IN 4'in ail n (.Michael). * Expositioueurologia- Ga- lenictu. 28 pp., 2 1. 8■'. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1847]. \einatoid worms. See, also, Parasites, etc. Claparkde (E.) Dc la formation et de la fe- condation des ami's chez les vers nematodes. 4. Geneve; 1*59. Gabkiki, (B.) * De cucullani elegantis vivi- pari evolutione. Fragment um operis majoris. 4°. Berolini, [1853]. KnbcMiu (V.) Ueber einen ini menschlichen Perito- niiuni gefundenen Nematoden. Arch. t. path. Anat., etc., Kerb, 1880, lxxxi, 158-165, lpl. — * lialin (J.) Sur une tonne rare des elements niiiseiilaires chez les ne.natoldes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1877. ITir., 1*79, (i. s., iv, 278.— Joseph (G.) Leber die iu den Krainer Tropfsteiugrotten eiiihc iiuischeu, l'reilebenden Rundwiirmer (Nematoden). Jahri'sb. el. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1878, Brest, 187!), lvi, 70-78.—«le Tlajjalhaes (P. S.) Nota sobre os nematoides encotrados no sedimento deposto pela agua (potavel) da Carioca. Gaz. meel. da Bahia, 1878, 2. s., iii, 503-500.— I'erroneito. Genesi delle malattie produite da neiuatoelminti le cui larve passano un periodo di vita libera. Gior. internaz. el. sc. nieel.. Napuli, 1881, n. s., iii, 350; 461, 1 pl.—Pouchct (Gr.) ,v Biisi' (A) Xote prc- liuiinaire sur le fonctiounement eles nematoevstes. Coinpt. rend. Soc. debiol., I'ar., 1883, 7. s., iv, 22— Sch ne icier (A.) Leber die Muskeln und Nerven der Nematoden. Arch. f. Auat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 18U0, 224-242, 1 pl. -----. Neue Beitrage zur Anatomie und Morpholo- gic der Nematoden. Ibid., 1863, 1-25, 2 pl. NcniCl'OAVSky (Ludmilla). * Ueber das Phii- nomeu der Liicke bei elektrischer Nervenreizung. 24 pp., 1 pl. *-'. Bern,B. F. Haller-Goldschach, 1883. Nemertians. See, also, Nervous system (Comparative anat- omy of). Dksou (E.) Embryology of Xemertes; -with an appendix on the embryonic development of Palynoe. 8°. Boston, 1848. CJrall'iL.) (ieuiieniertes chalicophora, cine neue Land- neiuertine. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz.. 1879. v, 430-449, 3 pl.—llnbreehl (A. A. WT) Contriluitiou to theembrvol- ogy of the Nenicrtea. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1885-6, n. s., xxvi, 417-448, 1 pl. -----. The relation of the Ne- nicrtea to the vertebrata. Ibid., 1886-7, n. s., xxvii, 605-644, 1 pl.—On dema ni!) (A. c 11 unUen. X. Map. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1790, xii, 21-9-293.— I* rand ill ier. Bad Nenndorf bei Hautkrankheiten. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 18C.:!, xxxii, 25-30. — rVenssel. Mittheihuig aus Bad Nenndorf. Ibid., 1875, xliv, 377— il'Oleira. Be- merkungen iiber die Schwi-felwassorstotf-Gasbiider in Nenndorf. Jahrb. f. Dent sch 1. Heihi. u. Seehaeler, Berl., 18:!(i. i, 375-^82.—Schroler (L. P.) lias Ne-ueste von den asphaltischen kalten Schwel'elquellen zu Nendorf in der Grafscbaft Schaumburg. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1789, xi, 193-228, 1 map. -----. Versuch einer historischen Nachricht von den Anlagen und Einiichtungen bey den Schwefelcpiellen zu Nenndorf. Ibid., 1791, xiii, 289-316. -----. Nenneloifer Brunueu-Nachricht. Ibid.. 1793, xv, 487: xvi. 193. -----. Leber die bestatigte Wirkuug des Neundorfer Schwefclwassers, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die kiinstlichen Schwefelbiiclcr. J. d. pract, Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Jena, 1800, ix, 3. St., 26-51.—Tunner- in a nn (J.) Chemisch-phvsikalische Untersuchung iur Scbwefelquellen zu Nendorf. Ein Beleg fiir eine neue Me- thode deu Schwofelwasserstoff der Sebwefelwasser quali tativ und quautitativ zu bestiiumen. Arch. f. Chem. u. Meteor.. Niirnb., 1832, vi, 1 ; 129.—Waitz (A. C.) Ueber die Biider zu Nenndorf. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1790, xii. 52-60. -----. Ueber Erfahrunge-n in Badern, mit be- sonderer Hinsicbt auf Nendorf. .1. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1803, xvi, 2. St., 5-102. -----. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Bestandtheile uud "\\ iirkungeii des Neundorfer Bades. Ibid., 1804, xviii, 1. St., 87-94. -----. Ueber die Schlannnbiider zu Nenndorf. nut Be- ziehung auf die dortigen Schwefelwasserbiider und deren Wirkungen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1830, lxx, 1 St., 7- I 122. N ENTER. 703 NfiRARD. l\<»nler (Georgius Philippus) [ -1721]. Epis- tola de motibus natura- in morbis prudenter trac- tandis ad B. G. Garmannum do cautelis in lne- inorrhoidum euratione observandis disputantein. [{1. 1'. [Argentina; 1715. ] .-----. Theoria- hominis a-groti sive pathologia- niedicii' pars generalis, qua* remotis inutilibus ea tantum qua* ad praxin vere medicam neees- saria sunt tradit. Praunissa est inlrodiictio de mevis pathologiie nioderiue et active) in morbis. 3 p. 1., 27,5 pp., 10 1. 12°. Argentorati, typ. J. Beekii, 1716. ------. Fundamenta medicime theoretico-prac- tica, secundum . . . Stahlii potissinium, alioruni- que. . . medicorum placita conscripta, ct proitria cxpeiientia confirmata, in forma tabularuin uni- versam theoriain medicam, praxin geiieialem et specialeiu omnium morborum internorum, cum signis, differentiis, prognosi, reinediis polyclues- tis, selectis et specilicis, methodo medendi pla- nissima, formulis necessaiiis et cautelis practicis i-ontineiitiuin, exhibita. 24 ]>. 1., 44:?, 40* pp. 4°. Argentorati, sumpt. J. II. Dulssickeri, 171*. -----. The same. 2. eel. xx, 40(i pp. fol. Ve- netiis, S. Coleti, 1753. f\eiltwig° (Ferdiuandus Amandus) [1800- ]. *Diss. chirurgico-patholo{>iea sistens casus post amputationeni ailuiini majorum secumlarios. vi, 31 pp., 1 1. 8 . Vratislavia; tup. Kupfei'atnis, [1825]. -----. Cudowa und seine Heilquellen. iv, 13(i pp. 8°. Breslau, A. Gosohorsky, 1*01. Neo (Cirillo). Gli amori delle donne. Saggio di critica erotico-fenuninile . . . che pub far seguito agli amori degli uomini del Prof. Paolo Mante- gazza. 60 pp., 1 1. 12°. Milano, 1886. Neoplasms. See Pathology; Tumors. \6], Marquis. Recherches sur lo nepenthes d'Homere. Ann. cliu., Montpel., 1815, xxxvii, 242-257. Nepeta cataria. Antony (M.) Observations on Ncpeta cataria (nep, catnep, cat mint, mentha feliua, seu cataria). South. M cfe S. J., Augusta, 1838, ii, 74-77. Nep li e I i k Merica n a. See Leeches. Nephralgia. llRNham (W. P..) Nephralgia, lithuria (lithiasis), and oxaluria. Pract it inner, Lond., 1874, xiii, 255-261. _____. Nephralgia. Syst. Mecl. (Reynolds), Lond., 1879, v, 435- 44>— Bornhaiipt (T.) Zur Patliogenese von cliirurgi- sc-hen Nierenleielen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 405: 413.—Brown (A. P.) Two cases of nephralgia with eulculiis. Med. Sc Sui*;. Reporter, Phila.. 1875, xxxii, 361— Cramer (J. A.) De nephralgia. In: Fasc. diss. ninl. select, ( Zvjugorus), 12°, Basil., 1710, 600-G4'.>.— llullic. Nephralgia: simulation of renal calculus; ex- ploration of kidney. Lancet. Lond., 1S87, ii, 1064.—Kirk- nam (F. "WT) Nephralgia due to malarial poisoiiin«-. Med. Times ..v. (Jaz., Loml., 1885, i, 443.—liaiider (R") Nephralgia. Acute nephralgia; cause, malaria. Proe. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 188(1, n. s., iii, no. 3, 199-201.—.11 si l#cot (A.) Dela ni'-phralgic simulant la colique renale. France ined., Par., 1SS7. ii, 150JI-151L—de »l i;*iiot (P.) Observa- tions de nepliralgie essentielle gueiie par le sulfate de qui- nine. JT de meil. if chir. prat., Par., 1846. xvii, 155-159.— 'IVxicr (H.) Nole sur la nephralgia Monit. d. sc. med. etpharm., Par., 1*60, 2. s., ii, 121; 131. .\ephreetomy. | See Kidney (Surgery of). IVephria. See Blight's disease. Nephritis. See Bright's disease; Calculus (Benal); Kid- ney (Abscess in); Kidney (Inflammation of). \«' plnologiil nova et curiosa. Sec Tiling (Mat- tbieus). Nephrops. Bcllonci (G.) Sui lobi olfactorl del Nephrops norwe- gicus. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s., i, 429-431, 1 pl. Nephrorrhagia. See Kidney (Hcemorrhage in or from). Nephrotomy. See Kidney (Surgery of). Nepi. Haiti (F.) Analisi chimica delle acque minerali di Nejii. Idrologia, Firenze, 1884, vi, XS. TVcpilly (Carl) [1838- ]. *Die-Plascnsehcielen- fistel und ihre Operation. 1 p. 1., 30 pp., 1 J. 8°. Breslau, F. IV. Jungfei; [1868]. Ncpplc (P.-Fr6dene) [1787- ]. * Diss, de phy- sioiogie pathologique sur les fausses nienibranes it les adhdrences. vi, 7-27 pp. 4°. Paris,1812, No. 56, v. 88. ------. Essai snr les tic-vies remittente* et inter- mittentes des pays marccageux temperes. 307 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1828. ------•. The same. Traite sur les fievres re"mit- tentes et intermittentes, leurs symptomes et leur traitement. 307 pp. K-. Paris, J. Bottvier A-E. Le Hour ier, 183.5. IVl-pveil (Gustavo). * Des gangrenes dans los fractures. 7)2 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1879, No. '273. ------. Contribution a l'6tude des tuineurs du tes- ticule. 60pp.,2 pl. 8~. I'aris, A. Delahaye,1872. ------. Contribution a l'6tude des tuineurs m61a- niques. 16 pp., 1 pl.,2 1. 8°. I'aris, 1872. [P., v. 7117.] Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1872, 4. s., i. ------. Du role des organisnies inf6rieurs dans les lesions chirnrgicales. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, [Gusset f Cie.], 1875. [P.,v. 797.] Repr. from.- Gaz. med. de Par., 1375, 4. a., iv. ------. De l'emploi du chloral en injections sous- cutan6es daus le traitement de la cholerine et du cholera a la periode algide. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Bousset Sr Cie., 1882. Reprtyrom .- Gaz. tn6d. de Par., 1873, 4. s., ii. ------. Des bact6ries daus l'erysipele. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Larousse if Cie., 1885. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1870, xxii. ------. Expose des titres et travaux scientifiques. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887. Nepveil (Pierre-Ferdinand). * Sur le cancer de l'estomac, consider^ comme 1'ime des terminai- sons de la gastrite chrouique. 24 pp. 4 r I'a- ris, 1821, No. 139, v. 167. Nerac. Mondixeu (L.-G.) *De quelques considera- tions sur la pathogdnie et I'hygiene des Laudes de l'arrondisseinent de N6rac. 4°. Paris, 1867. Nerard (Jean-Baptiste). *Des judications de raccouchement prematur6 artificiel et d'un nou- vel instrument pour exciter les contractions ute- K ft K Alii). 704 NKKVE. Nerai'd (Jean-Baptiste)—continued. rines et dilater le col. 48 pp., 11. 4°. Montpel- lier. Boehm &• fils, 186,7, No. 43. c. Ncrut. (Octave). * De la grippe, considere'e dans ses rapports avec la climatologie. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 187A, No. 127, v. 512. Ri't'boiMH'Ull (Auguste). ' Sur la constipation. 17 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1818, No. 160, v. 140. "Net-ream (I.) [1H.">7- ]. "Action hypnotique et, sedative de la paraldehyde dans les ditferentes formes cl'ali6nation mentale. 108 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1884, No. 363. rV«'i"Ot. (Charles-Severin). * Sur le typhus conta- gieux. 3D pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 110, v. 104. IVerf (Joannes Baptista). See Jlot-itieerh (Joannes Adamus). Nucleus physiolo- gicus, ete. 16'. Fustadii, 1711. INJorf s (Les) et les eaux de Vichy, dosage dermo- scopique, mdthode du Dr. Collongues, m6decin consultant h Vichy. 23 pp. 18°. Paris, L. if J. Bainctl freres, [n. cl.] IVeri (Giuseppe). II colera a S. Miniato nell' estate del 185;"). 35 pp. ^ . Bastia, Fubiani, [187)6]. Repr. from : Raccoglitore nnd. di Fano, 1856, 2. s., xiv. IViTici ( Ugo ). Correzione di alcune deformita dei piedi. 15 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Lucca, ti}). Cano- vclli, 1885. ------. Fn pezzo di siringa elastic a in vesciea estratta con litroutritore. 4 pp. 8U. [Milano], F. Vetllardi, 1885. Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi. Neris. Bayaiu) (P.-L.-F.) * fit tide sur Neris-les- Bains et ses eaux tliermales. 4J. Paris, 1873. Bonnkt de Maliiehbe. Guide medical aux eaux de Neris. 12°. Paris, 1872. ue Laches (C.) & Beci'UKRKL (A.) Re- cherches sur les coufeives des eaux tliermales de Ne-iis, sur leur developpement, leur structure intinie, leurs usages eu therapeutique, etc. 8°. Paris, 1855. Mauiux (A.) Etude liistorique et, clinique sur les eaux minerales de Neris. 12°. Paris, 1858. Becqtierel (A.) Sc lie I.aurcs. Memoire sur les coiifei-vi-s des eaux tliermales de Neris. Ann. Soc. d'hy- drol. nn el. de I'ar. Coinpt.-rend., 1854-5, i, 205-244. —Boi- rol.lli'Ni.i'1'viei-s (P.) Keeherches historiques et obser- vations medieales sur les eaux tberniales et minerales ele Neris en Bourbounais, eleparteiueut de l'Allier. N. Jour. de nied.. chir., pliarm., etc., Par., 1822, xiv, 52-55. Also, Ke- print.— Bonnet dc iVIalherbe. Eaux mintjralcs ele Neris. 'tie lotaloire ele la tele et clu cou, ou hyperkinesie de rarccssoire ele Willis. Union med., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 640-642. — Boni'het. Souvenirs de Neris. Ann. Soc. de nied. de Lyon, 1855, 2. s., iii, 239-247.— lie Fnlvaril- tl on 11 ne. Precis surl'amenagement eles eaux theriuales ele Neris (Allien, precede de quelques reflexions sur les eaux minerales en general, et d'un enouce sommaire des proprietes physiques, chimiques et medieales de* celles de Neris. Kev. meel. franej. et etrang.. Par., 1841, ii, 161- 212.—I* re flier (L.) Communication sur les eaux mine- rales de Neris. J. Soc. de med. et pharni. de l'lsere, Gre- noble, 1885-6, x, 217-220.—1.<■! i-.-.lloiMll-sir (Jean-Joseph-h'iinv). * Sur le tetanos. 42 pp. 4 . Paris, 1-12, No. 63, v. 3«J3. Nci'illill Oleander \antl odomni], IS ron:,'lit on (P.) Case of vcrctalilo poisoning. Tr. M. ..V Phys. Si„_. Bombay (1857-8), 1859, n. s., iv (app.), pp. iv-vi.—l<'nipoi*oiiiienic nl par la eigne des jardins e( par le laurici -i use. J. de chim. nied., etc., Par., 1813, 2. s., ix, 392-394. —Fiiioi-fhi (IT) ('onsidera/iuiii supra iin ini- portante argoinento tossie()lo".icu. |( lleaiuler.J Orosi, Ki- ronze, 1881. iv, 257-260. — Kohliiinnn. Ycrgiftungehire-h Oleanderbliilter bei Thieren. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Ponn, 1880, i, 161.— Itnrzak. Die gift igen Wirkiingendea Oleanders (Neriuin oleander I..). Ztschr. el. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1859, xv, 690; 785; 801. — I.ni-ue ilu ISarry (,J.) Kiiipoisonnement par le, notion, laurier-rosc. J. de chim. moil., etc., Par., 1813, 2. s., ix, 535-53H.—Mur- ray (T.) Caseof poi.soiiiug from the oleander root I.NT' rill in odornm). Indian M. (la/.., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 319.— Pclikan (E.) K' toksikoie.gii oleainlra. [toxicology of the oleander.] Mod. Vcsluik, St. Petersb., 1866, vi, 1-4. Also, transl.: Gaz. cl. Imp., Par., 1806, xxxix, 70. Also, transl.: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1806, lxii, 237- 241. — Sibthorpe (C.) Case of poisoning by Neriuni oelorum. Indian Al. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 1.",.—Wri. Minger (J. A.) Neriuin oleander; its poisonous proper- tics. Detroit Clinic, 1882, i, 3s9. IVero. I. i-.lv. Queli|iics applications de la physioiogie et do la lii'ih e ine a Petude tie l'histoire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838 2. s., vi, 97; 145. lYi'S'Oii (P.) * Sur la hile, comme cause de mala- dies, ct sur ses usages dans l'econoinie animale, 19 pp. 4 T Paris, nn Nil [180:5], No. 1150, v. E. Acroui (Vincenzo). Sopra alcuui piinti della terapia (telle frattnre e piii paificolarnieiite del metodo iuamovihile. :?4 pp. roy. s . Ilcggio neir Emilia, L. Bondavalli S' Comp., 1879. NeroiltSOS (Tassos D.) II \<>'/epa iv Ai; vtttu Kara ra erg I8ti5 Kal 1866. 391 pp. 8J. 'A'/.e- ^avdptia, 1867. ]\erve (Accessory) of Willis. See Nerve (Spinal accessory). \erve (Anterior tibial). I'niiiiiiigham (D. J.) Note on the distribution of tbe anterior tibial nerve on the dorsum of the foot. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, xiii, 398. JYerve (Auditory). Sec, also, Cochlea; Labyrinth. C'ZKit.MAK (J. N.) Veriistelung der Priinitiv- fasern eles Nervus acusticus. N'r Breslau, 1849. Hokbackzewski (J.) Ueher deu Nervus ves- tihuli. e°. [//. p., it. cl.] Laviiovski ( M. ) * Gistologija koutsevago apparata ulitkovago nerva. [Histology of ter- -minal apparatus of acoustic nerves.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1874. Ba^iiisky (H.) Ueber den TJrsprung und den centra- len Yei-lauf des Nervus acusticus des Kanincheus. Arch. f. path. Auat, etc., Berl., 1886, cv, 28-46, 1 pl. —Blake (C. J.) Summary of observations on the effect of the gal vauic current upon the auditory nerve. Arch. Scie-ut. Sc Pract. AI. ei.' S., N. Y., 1873, i, 326-332. — Brenner. Enter- suchungeu iiber die phys,iologisclie Reaction des Nervus acusticiis bei Eiuwirkung des constanten (galvaiiischenj Stromes. St. Petersb. ined. Ztschr.. lsi,3, iv, 315-319. -----. Zur Geschiehte der Keizung eles llcirnervcn durch elektrische Stieime. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1868, iv, 436-448 — Brown-Neqiiaril (E.) The auditive nerve is a nervous centre. Aled. Exam., Phila., 1853, ix, 490. ■-----. i'eiiianpies sur la physioiogie du cervelet et dunerf aiulitif. J. eh- la physiol. de l'homme, Par., 1862, v, 484-492. — tyon (E.) Pes organes piiiplnMiques du sens de l'espace. Compl. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxv. 1284. — Duval. Sur le nerf ac eiiisthiue et le sens de l'espace. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1881, 7. s ii 91.— I:vi« x. (B.) Weitere Aliltheilnng iiber den 1'rsprung des Nervus acus- ticus. Ibid., iv, 193.— Freud (S. | Ueber den Ui sprung des NT acusticus. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl , 1886, xx, 245; 277. — lialolinxky (A.) Keeherches sur les pheno- menes pb\sioh>gii|iies elus ii l'irritatiou du nerf auelitif par lc courant galvauii|iie eontiiiu et sur l'emploi ele ce courant connue men en diaguostiepie dans les maladies ele l'oreille. J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par., 1863, vi, 193-203— KicM.welbaeh (AV.) ITber die galvauiscbe Iieizuug des Acusticus. Arch. f. cl. ges. I'hysiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxi, !);-); ;j77. — Oiiufi'oivicz (B.) Experiinenteller Beitiag zur Kcnntiiiss cles Ursprungs eles Nervus acusticus des Kanine Inns. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1885, xvi, 711-742, 2 pl. Also -. Centralbl. f. Vet.-Wisseusc h., Leipz., 1886, iv, 81. — ■•iii ret. Des origines centrales du nerf auditif. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par.. 1876. li, 553-556. Also: Ptogres med., Par., 1877, v, 52. — Betziu* ((i. ) Ueber die peri- pherische.Endigung8we.iae eles Gehiiruerven. Biol. LTnter- such., Stockholm, 1881, i, 51-60, 1 pl. — Roller (C. F. W.) Eiueaufsteigendo Acusticuswur/.el. Arch. 1. mikr Anat., Bonn, 1880, xviii, 403-408, 1 pl. ------. In Saehen der auf- steigenden Acusticuswurzel. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1883, xiv, 458-460. — Namlifort (E.) De dure quodam corpiisculo, nervo auelitorio adhierente. In his: Obs. anat.- patol., 4", Lugd. Bat, 1777, i. 116-120. — Schultz* (AI.) Ueber die Endigungsweise der Hornervon iiu Labyrinth. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.. Berl., 1858, 343-381, 1 pl.—Silsyanlio (I.) Opiti nad vliyaniem gal- vanicheskago toka na slukhovie nervi. [Experiments on the effect of galvanic current ou the auditory nerves.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1867, vii, 177 ; 185. — Winkler (C.) Over den oorsprong van den nervus acusticus. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. I.Tneesk., Amst., 1886, 2. K., xxii, 1. d., 526-529. — Wolf (O.) Ligation of the common carotid artery, after a gun shot wound, on account of copious hemorrhage; tinnitus auriuni and deafness; diagnosis of the position of the ball from tbe condition of the ear; ac- coustic and physiological remarks. Arch. Ophth. cfe Otol., N. Y., 1871-2, ii, 58-75— Zauf'al (E.) Ueber eine eigeu- thiimliche Rofiexubertragung auf den Nervus acusticus. Wien. ined. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 517-520. Nerve (Auditory, Patholoyy of). Boelleher (A.) Ueber die Yeianil, rungen eler Netz- haut, und des Labyrinths iu einein Fall von Fibrosarcom eles Nervus acusticus. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Carls- nilie, 1871-2, ii, pt,. 2, 87-115, 2 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., NT Y., 1873-4, iii, 134-172, 2 pl. —Brenner. Zur Elektrophysiologie und Elektropathologii'eles Nervus acusticus. St'. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 286-296. Also, Keprint.— £u leu burg (A.) Eine ungewohnliche Anomalie der gah-anise-hen lb-action des N. acusticus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. lsuo, vi, 4n8. ------. Ueber eine noch nicht beobachlele Aloelitie alion der galvanischen Re- liction des N. acusticus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 186!i,|v, 547-552.—Foersler (A.) Sarkom desliuken Acusticus, Hydrocephalus internus, 'typhus. Wurzb. Died. Ztschr., 1862, iii, 199. — iVIalaM.«ecz. Ncvromes des nerfs auditil's, chez une femnie s\ philitiepie. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1868. xliii, 317-320.—>Ioo* (S.) Zur Diagnose der absoluten Acusticuslahmung; iieitrag zur Pathologic* (ler Medulla oblongata. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh.. Carls- ruhe, 1871-2, ii, pt. 1, 115-119. Also, transl. : Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1871, ii, 199-203. ------. Eiu Fall vou Sar- com des linken Gehornerven mit fettiger AIetamorpho.se nnd theilweisen Untergang desCorti'sehen Organs. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1874-5. iv, 179-191. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. V., 1875, iv, 483-496. -----. Ueber das Vorkommen und elie Bedeutung phos- phorsauter Kalkconcienienteini Stamme desGehornei ven. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1878, ix, 122-128.— -loos (S.) &. ttleiubriigge (H ) Ueber Nei veuatrophie in der ersten Schnei kenwinibiiig ; phvsiologischc uud pathologische Be- ilcntiing clerselbeii. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., "Wiesb., 1880-81, x, 1-15, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. Otol., N. IT, 1881, x, 1-10, 1 pi.------------. Ueber acute Degeneratiouen der Hor- nervon im Gefolge einer mit Pyiimie complicirten Pachy- meningitis bamorrhagica, sowie iiber gieichzeitig vor- handene Verstopfung eler rechten Art. auditiva int. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh.. Wiesb., 1881-2, xi, 287-293. Also. transl.: Arch. Otol., NT YT, 1882, xi, 322-327. —!>'elle I (WT B.) Abnormal galvanic reaction of the acoustic nerve in chlorosis and Blight's disease. Arch. Scient. Sc Pract. M. & S., N.Y.. 1873, i, 20-29.—Robert (J.) Nuevo j tratainiento de laparalisis de los nervios auditivos. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1879, v, 97-99—Koosa (1). B. St.-J.) A caseof svphilitic disease ;»1' the auditory nerves (or cochlea). Arch. Dermat., NT Y., 1875, i, 228. -----. The clinical diagnosis of acoustic; neuritis and of atrophy of the acoustic nerve. Arch. Otol., NT Y., 1881, x, 210-219. Also, transl. .- Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1881-2, xi, 9-17.—Ntevcna (G. T.) A case of tumor of the audi- tory uervc occupying the fossa for the cerebellum. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1879, viii, 171-176. Also, tutitsl.: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb,, 1879. viii, 290-294.— I ovnbee. Neu- roma of the auditory nerve. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1850-52, 45 Aerve (Auditory, Pathology of). iii, 49: 1852-3, iv, 259, lpl— ITrbaiitschitsch (V.) Beob- aihtungen iiber centrale Aeustieusaffeetionen. Arch. f. Ohrenh , Leipz., 1880-81. xvi. 171-187.—Zaufal (E.) Ue- ber eine eigeiitliiiiiiliche Rellexiibci'tragung auf den Ner- vus acusticus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 517- 520. .\el*ve (Circumflex). fVicaiwe. Nevrite du nerf circonflexe. France rn6d., Par., 1874, xxi, 51. \erve (Ethmoid). See Neurotomy, etc. IVerve (Facial). See, also, Chorda tympani; Face (Nerves of); Nerve - stretching; Neural.gia (Facial, etc.); Neurotomy, ele.; Paralysis (Facial). Bernard (C.) Ou the alteration of the taste in paralysis of tbe facial nerve. [Transl. by H. L. Thomas.] 8°. Bichmond, 185:5. Gaepechens (B.) * Nervi facialis physiologia et pathologia. 4°. Heidelbergce, [1832]. Liegeois (A.-T.) * Physioiogie du nerf facial. 4°. Paris, 1858. Massaliex (H. O.) *De nervo faciali. 4°. Berolini, [1836]. Rueiile (H.) * Experimentortun dc nervi facialis fuuetionibus factoruui expositio critica. 8°. Berolini, [1846]. Bcaunis. Presentation d'un lapin (arrachement du facial). Compt, rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 205.—Bell (('.) Ou the origin and compound functions of the facial nerve, or portio dura of the seventh nerve. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1836, xiv, 229-236. Also, in his: Three papers on the nerves, 45, Kdinb., 1838, 7-14. —Be- rn rd. Sur les fonctious du nerf facial et la paralysie* de la face. J. d. conn. nied.-chir., Par., 1834-5, ii, 354: 1835-6, iii, 6.—Bernard (C.) Nouvelles experiences sur le nerf facial. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1857, I'ar., 1859, 2. s., iv, 59.—Bochefoiitaine. Sur un proe6d6 pour la sec- tion intra cranienne du nerf facial chez le chien. Ibid, 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, pt. 2. 165-180. Also: (iaz. nied. de Par., 1880, 6. s., ii, 314; 547.—Bomlaiil. |Note sur les fonctious du nerf facial . j Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. 1K29, 2. ed., 1846, vi, 33— l>alby (W. B.) Case of wound of the portio dura, causing facial palsy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1872-3, iv, 67— Fxner (S.) auelh (J.) Das Uin- denfeld des Facialis uud seine Vorbiiiduiu:eii bei Huiid uud Kaninchen. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol.. Bmin, 18,-7. xii, 349-358. — Franrk (F.) Sur le role du nerf facial dans l'iunervation vasculaire des organes glandulaires. Cong. period, internat. el. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1875, Brux. Sc Par., 1876, iv, 483-488. Also: Gaz. hebd. ele, med., Par., 1875, 2." s., xii, 691-694. — FriihwaId (P.) Ueber die Verbindung des Nervus petrosus superticialis major mit dem Genu nervi facialis. Sitzungsb. el. k. Akad. el. Wis- sensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1877, lxxiv, 9-12, 1 pl.— Gower* (W. li.) Ueber den sogenannten Facialis-Ab- iliiceiiskerii. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1878, xvi, 417.—Graves (li. J.) On the prognosis to be derived from affections of the portio dura of seventh pair of nerves. Dubtin JT M. Sc, 1841-2, xx, 399-404.— (A.) Ueber einen Eall von anormalein Ve.rlauf eles Nervus hypoglos- sus, mit bi'sonelercr lieriicksichtigung eh-r Unteriiiiidimg der Artel ia lingualis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1808, xiii, 131.—4»erlaeh (J.) IT-ber die Xreuzungsverhaltnisse in dem centraleu Verlaufe iles Nerv. h vpoglossus. Ztschr. f. rat, Meel.. Leipz. u. Heidelb., i860, 3. li., xxxiv, 1-8, 1 pl.—llabei-Mhou (S. ().) Cancerous disease of the breast and vertebra' : enlargement of the glands ; paralysis of the right hypoglossal nerve; wasting of one side of the tongue and of the muscles of the neck, (luys Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1872, 3. s., xvii, 423-428.— Ho!I (M.) Beobachtungen iiber die Anastomosen des Nervus hypoglossus. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz.,' 1876, ii, 82-97. 1 pl.— lvei-MCii (M.) Bemerkungen iiber die dnrsalen Wurzeln iles Xer\ us hypoglossus. Ber. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Pre ib. i. Br.,' 1887, ii, 33-36. — Koch (P. D.) Untorsu- chiiiigeii iiber den Ursprung und die Verbindungin des Nervus hypoglossus in eler Medulla oblongata. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. 1887-8. xxxi, 51-71, 1 pl.— Vie VI il I'- ll ch (J. P.) The ontogeny and phylogeny of Ihe hypo- glossal nerve. Science, Cambridge. 1885, v. 374. — l\e'u»- »el. Ghissiiplcgia artieulatoria (Lahmung des X. hypo- glossus i. Allg. meet Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1852, xxi, 213.— 1'hillipw (C.) Section du nerf grand-hvpoglosse. Gaz. d. he'ip.. Par.. 1841, 2. s . iii, 461. — Ficrret. Elude sur le noyau d'origine du nerf hypoglosse. Bull. Sue. anat. de Par., 1876. li. 556-558. Also: Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 53— Bemak (E ) Eiu Fall von Ilvpoglossuskrampf. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1882 3), 1884, xiv, pt, 2, 227-234. Also: Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1883, xx, 513- 515.— Boiler (E. C. W.) Ein kleiuzelliger Uypoglossus- keru. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1880-81, xix, 383-395, 2 pl. —Vulpian (A.) Sui la raeine ])ostcrieure ou gangli- onnaire du nerf hypoglosse. J. de la phvsiol. d<* t'lioiniiie, Par, 1862, v. 5-35. Also, Repi int.— Wertheimer (E.) Des anastoinosi sde l'hypogloss, avec lis nerfs cervicaux ; origine et role ele sa branche ib sc e ndaute. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 589-591. Aerve (Inferior dental, /Section of). See Neuralgia (Dental), etc. .\erve (Infraorbital). See; also. Neurotomy, etc. I\awroeki (E.) O nerwach potowych glowy. [On n. infraorbitalis.] Medycyna. Warszawa, 1880, viii, 817- 819.—| Fanas.] Paralysie trauniatique du nerf sous- orbitaire. Gaz. d. he")]).. Par., 1808, xii, 73. Aerve (Lachrymal). Maine. [Originedu nerf lachrymal.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 2. ed., 1826, L 18. .\ei*ve (Lingual). See, also, Neuralgia (Lingual); Tongue (Nerves of). Sciiiff (M.) Supra due uovi nervi unvstalori. Xeita prcscntata al prcsidcute dal socio l'ictro IMnserua nel settembre 1877. 4°. [Poma, 1877.] Repr. from: Atti cl. r. Accad. d. Lineei. Cl. di tis., ma- temat. e nat., Roma, 1876-7, eclxxiv. ICidder (F.) Beobachtung doppelsinniger Leilung im NT lingualis nach Vereinigung desselben mit, dem N. hypo- glossus. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1865, 216-260.—t'azalis. fFonction des nerfs do la langue ) Hull. Soc. anat. do P.ir., 1838, xiii. 265.— I'iimco. [Un lilet anastomotiepio du nerf iiiyln-liyolilieii envoye au nerf lingual.] Ibid.. 1847, xxii, 5. —vou 4*ru< le Ueber die Gescbmacksfunction des Nervus lingualis beim Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 186s. v. 185. — (»utl. iiiann (P.) Ueber die Function des Nervus lingualis als (liseiiu.acksnerv. Ibid., 521. — II iilehi ii-oii. Stab under the jaw followed by symptoms of paralysis of the lingual nerve. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lonel., 1872, i, 431.— l'i-i'vo«t (J.-L.) Note relative aux functions gustatives du nil I lingual. Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol. 1868, Par., 18li!», 4 s., v, 234: ( I860), 1870, 5. s., i, 76. ------. Nouvelles ex- periences relatives aux fonctious gustatives du nerf lin- gual. Arch, de physiol. norm, ct path., Par., 1873, v, 253; 375.— BoMeulhni (J.) Leber die Vereinigung eles N. lingualis mit chin X. hypoglossus. nel. Xerf ophthalmique. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1881, 2. s., xvi, 30-30. Aerve (Optic). See, also, Amaurosis (Cases of ); Eye ; Hemi- opia ; Nerve-stretching ; Ophthalmoscopy ; Retina. Beck (B.) I'eber die Veibindungeii des Sch- nerven mit elciu Augen- und Nasenknoten, sowie- iiber den feinern Bau dieser Ganglien. «*-. Hei- delberg, 1*847. Brcnner ((.;. B.) Ein Beitrag zur electri- sclien Reizung des Xervus opticus. Kxperituen- talnutersiichung. 8 -. Leipzig, 1863. Fkiaxt (A.) ' Keeherches sur le chi asm a des nerfs optiqucs dans les ditferentes classes d'ani- maux vert6br<5s. 4U. Nancy, ls?4. Goebel(O) * Einigcs liber die Eintrittsstelle des Schuerven und die Entwickelung des Auges. 8°. Hirschberg i. Seltl., 1--.J. Jaboula v. Kelations des nerfs optiqucs avec le systeme nerveux central. 8-. Paris, 18*6. Lkiimaxx (A.) * Experiinenta qmedam de nervi optici dissecti ad retime texturaiu vi et effectu. 8C. [Dorpat], 187>7. Michaelis (P.) Ueber die Durchkreuzung der Sehenerven. Mit einigen Amnei kungen vom Herrn Hofrath Soemmering. le l'atrophie traumatique de la papille. 4°. Paris, 1874. Holz (R.) * Drei Fiille von genuiner Atrophia nervorum opticorum simplex progressiva bei Ge- schwistern. 8°. Greifswald, 1887,. Kellekmaxx (M.) Anatoniische Untersuchun- gen atrophischer Sehnerven, mit einem iicitrag zur Frage der Sehner\ eiikreuzung im Chiasma. 8°. Stuttgart, 1879. Lebris (L.) * Des diffe'rentcs formes cliniques des atrophies papillaires. 4-. Paris, 18.78. Michel (J.) Ueber Sehnerveu-Degeneration und Sehnerven-Kreuzung. Fest-Schrift der me- dizinischen FakuUiit der Universitat Wiirzburg zur Feier des lxx. Geburtstages des Dr. Albert von Kolliker. fol. Wiesbaden, 188". Perreymoxd (F. ) * Dc l'atrophie du nerf optique et de sa papille chez les tab^tiques. 4 . Paris, 1874. Prouff (M.) * Sur une forme d'atrophie pa- pillaire observed* chez plusieurs niembres d'une meme famille. 4 . Paris, 1873. Raoult (J.) * Des atrophies papillaires. 4°. Paris, 1877. Eocire (F.) * Dc l'atrophie papillaire tab6- tiqne et de son traitement. 4\ I'aris, 1878. A bailie (('.) De l'atrophie des nerfs optiques dans lc mal de Pott. (Rap. de Terrier.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 16-20. -----. Des atrophies interstitielles et parenchymateuses des nerfs optie-ues. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1878, lxx, 191-201. -----. Sur la pseudo-atrophie de la papille ; rapport snr le memoire du docteur Trousseau. Jtec. d'ophth., Par., 1887, 3. s., ix, 174-177.—Alba C'arreras (ts Par 1884, ii, 119-134.— Baslieii. Atrophic des nerfs opti- ques. Bull. Soc. anat. de Far., 1854. xxix. 378-383. Also: Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1855, iv, 49-54— Iti-awon (A. H.) On the causes of atrophy of the ontie. nerve, other (ban glaucomatous. Brit. M". J., Lund.. 1885, ii, OXo-iiKH.— Brailcy (W. A.) Examination of the optic discs in the case of optic atrophy from lead poisoning. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874-0, viii, 549.—Bull (('. S.) A cmiti ibn- tiou to the etiology of optic nerve atrophy. Am. ,1. II. Sc, Phila., 1877, n'. s., Ixxiii, 403-111. — Biirni'll (S. .Mi Atrophy of the optic nerve following cerebral disease. Nashviile J. M. Sc S., 1872, n. s., x, 70-83.—Calhoun (A. "W.) Opaqueness of both vitreous tumors and atiophv of optic nerve. Atlanta M. cfe S. >L, 1874-5, xii, 25.—fnl- Inn (P. A.) Atrophy of both optic nerves as a sequel ot whooping cough. Am. J. Ophth, St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 219.— Carl (A.) Zur spc'ciclli'icn Aetiologie der nach Erysipe- las faciei auflretenehii Sehiicrvenatrophie. Klin. Alo- natsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg., 1884, xxii, 113-128, 2 pl.— < iiii'I'iiih- Aragii. Atrotia iiicipionte eu el nervio 6p- lico, principalmente izquierdo con paresis de las extremi- dailes ilerechas anteceelentes sililiticos hereelitarios; cura- cion. Kev. ele cien. meel., Barcel., 1882, viii, 619-623.— ClirnthRiii (W.) Atrophy of optic nerves from a slight fall. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1877, xvi, 330— C'IiimoIiii (J. J.) Method of using strychnia in the treatment ot optic nerve atrophy and allied nervous a licet ions. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873, n. s., lxv, 342-346. -----. Oases show- iug the value of strychnia in optic nerve atrophy. Lan- cet, Lond., 1873, i, 732.—Drbron. [Nerf optique atro- phic clans un individu avcugle depuis son eiilaiiec] Hull. Soc. anat. ele I'ar., 1836, 3. s., ii, 298.—l>c Krrrniiine. eli «r. Dc ratrophie axiale (In nerf optique ohservee chez pbisieiii s niembres d'une meme famille. Kee. d'ophth., Far., 1883, 3. s., v, 193-203. — Di-lncroix. Atropine partielle du nerf optique et infiltration pigmentaire de la retine, consecutives a un coup de fusil rccu il bout pour- taut elans toute la moitie droite de la face. Hull. Soc. med. de Keims, 1873. xii, 222-226. -De Mill wrinitz (O. K.) Notes of a case of optic atrophy and temporal hemianop- sia ; suspected tumor of the pituitary bod v. Mecl. & Surg. Kcporter, Phila., 1887. Ivii, 475-477— l>i< Kinxou (VV.) Cray atrophy of the optic nerve and its relation In facial erysipelas. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1887, 113- 119.—Dixon. Case of prominence of the globes, with blindness, in a child ; atrophy of the optic nerves. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 186(1, ii, 81. -----. Amaurosis from white atrophy of the optic nerves. Ibid., 1802, i, 350.— Dmitrovki (1>. I.) Atrophija zritcluich nervov; ambliopi.ja; zaniiech.itelni.ja izniicnenija v podie zrienija. [Case of atrophy of optic nerve.] Mecl. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1880, xx, 163—Drnniinoml. Case of double optic atrophy with cerebral symptoms the result of gaz- ing at the sun. Med. Press ,V Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 67.—Duboys lie l.ii vi-ji'i-io. Commencement d'atrophie de la papille d'origine centrale et probahlcinent consecutive &, une embolic; amelioiation. Kev. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1881, ii, 127, 1 pl.—On fa ml (G.) Con- tribution st l'etude de l'atrophie dn nerf optique k la suite de l'erysipele de la face. Union ined., Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 1002; 1014— Dniiiont. Atropine papillaire, suite de iic'vrori'tinite albuminurique. Bull. clin. nat. opht. de l'bosp. d. Ouinze-Vingts, Par., 1886, iv, 142. -----. Afro- phie nicotique ; dyschromatopsie; champ visuel normal. Ibid., 142— Fano. Traitement de l'amaurose par atro- pine des nerfs optiques au moyen du hadigeonnage de l'orbite avec un liniment iodo-strychne. France m6d., Par., 1873, xx, 10-12. -----. Antecedents d'alcoolisnie* it de nicotiuisme; atrophie partielle du nerf optique droit; persistance de la faculte obromatique eles deux yeux; champs visuels iutacts. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1880, viii, 231.—Fcrri't. Xote sur les caraoteres cliniques du l'atrophie papillaire qui a pmir cause l'iutoxicatiou alcoo- lique. Bull. cliu. nat. opht. ele l'bosp. el. ('iiinze-Viugts, Par., 1885. iii, 235-237. — Fiicilenwalil (A.) Atrophy of the optic disc fell,," in- post partum hemorrhage. Vir- ginia M. Month.. Uu li.....nel, 1876, ii, 739. —Fiirhs (E.) Sur les lesions anatoiniques dans l'atrophie ch s nerfs op- tiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. frang. d'opht.. Par., 1885, iii, 116-120, 1 pl.-----. Die peripbere Atrophic des Seh- nerven. Arch. f. Ophth., Herb, 1885, xxxi, 1. Abth., 177-200, 1 pl. — CJalczowuki (X.) Apercu sur lea NERVE. 711 XERVE. Verve {Optic, Atrophy of). atrophies ele la papille clu nerf optique et sur leur etio- logie. j. d'ophih.. Par., 1872. i, 43; 108; 138. -----. Pa- thologic, ct therapeutique de l'atrophie de la papille ilu nerf optiepie et des anibhopies dans certaines affec- tions gastriquos. Abeille meel., Par., 1870, xxxiii, 97-99. Also: 1'iiion meel., Par, 1876, 3. s., xxi, 365-372. Also: ficole ele meel.. Par., 1876, iii, 1-7. -----. De l'atrophie progressive ele la papille du nerf optique. Mouvement med.. Par., 1877, xv, 336; 352; 360. -----. Surb*s atrophies trauniatiques des papilles optiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par.. 18-0. 7. s., i, 330-334. Also: Gaz. hebd. de ined., Par., 1880, 2. s., xvii, 54-50. -----. Du traitenient iles atrophies des papilles ataxiques, par les injections livpoilermiques ele cyanuro dor, de eyanure de platino ct eh- eyanure d'argent. lice, d'ophth.. Par.. 1883, 3. s., v, 287-29ii. -----. De ratrophie de papille ataxiepie. Ibid., 1884, 3. s., vi, 255-203.—Wayat. Vision pcrsistante avec les signes d'atrophie du in i f optique. Mem. ct compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. dc Lyon (1873), 1874, xiii, pt. 2, 70-79. Also: Lyon med., 1873, xiii, 372: 377— 4m oil in. [Atrophie du chiasma eles nerfs optiqucs.] Bull. Soc. anat. ele? Pur., 1835, 3. s., i, 5.—<»onpil. [Nerfs optiqucs atro- pine's elans line femme ainaurotiqiie depuis deux ans.] Ibid., 1853, xxviii, 247.— «S iirpin. Atrophie- eles papilles iles nerfs optiques, syinpteniiat iipo s d'une affection cere- brale; congestions I'pileptifonnes. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1861, 2. s., vi, 119-121.—«nmi (K. M.) On the continuous electrical current as a therapeutic: agent in atrophy of the optic nerve and in retinitis pigmentosa. Ophth.'Hosp. Kep., Loud., 1880-82, x, 161-192.—Harlan (G. C.) Strychnia in atrophy of the optic nerve. I'hila. M. Times, 1874-5, v. 194-197.—IIi*iberg (J.) [Atrophia nervi optici; chorioiditis atrophica.] In his: Pinvefore- hesning, 8°, Christiania, 1873, 3-11.—Hermann (II. W.) Atrophy of the optic nerve: multiple sclerosis or spastic parahsis; differentialdiaunosis. Am. JT Ophth., St. Louis, 18S4-5, i, 48-51.— llcrsebell. Observation d'atrophie dc la papille optiepie. syinptoiuatique d'une ataxic locomotrice traitee avec .succes par le nitrate d'argent a l'interieur, d'apres la methode de Charcot et Vulpin. Cong, period. intermit, d'ophth. 1802, Par., 1803. ii, 144-148.—Ilijjgeiis (C ) Atrophy of optic, nerves occurring about puberty. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1880, i, 450. —---. Three case's of simple atrophy of the optic nerves, occurring in mem- bers of the same family. Lancet, Loud.. 1881, ii, 869. Also, transl.: Kev. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 1")4.—Ilil- berl (R.) Ein Fall von Atrophia nervorum opticorum hei einer Ente. Ztschr. f. vemlcich. Augenh., Wiesb., 1880, iv, 71-74.—Hirst-bberg (•).) Atroph. n. opt. sta- tionar. e neuritiile. Arch. 1. Augi'iih., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 181. Also, tinnst. : Arch. Ophth.. N. Y., 1879-80, viii, 364. — Hogg (.1.) On certain forms of atrophy of the optic nerve. Kep. Internat. Ophth. Cong. 1872, Lond., 1873, iv, 166-169. -----. Clinical remarks on the value of strychnia in white atrophy of the optic nerve. Med. Press Sc Circ. Lond., 1873, xv, 41 ; 155.—Hniiliez. Atro- phie des nerfs optiques; examen niicroscopiepii'. Bull. ni6d.dll nord, Lille, 1875, xiv, 401-464.—HimieUe (W.) A case of anomalous central retinal blood vessels; atrophy of the optic nerves. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1885" ii, 27-31.— Ijagleyze (P.) Atrofia de la papila; esolero- coroiditis posterior; rama arterial varicosa terniinanelo en nn aueurisma : anastomosis entre dos ramas ele la arteria central; clespiendimiento ele la retina; coroiditis atrcitica. Kev. argent, de offal, pract.. Buenos Aires, 1883-4. i, 2, 1 pl.—I.amlcsbcrg (M.) (lenuiue atrophy of the optic nerve, and tabes doisalis, dependent upon syphilis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1882-3, Phila.. 1883,.v, 103-105. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 827-829.— I.anglel. Hemi- plegie avec contracture ; lesion ele la capsule externe et ele^ la capsule interne; atropine du bulbe. Union med. et scient, clu nord-est, Keims, 1877, i, 394-390. — I, a no* (It.) I'n caso de atrofia ele la papila optica. Encicl. meel.-farm., Parcel., 1877, i, 53. — Leber (T.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss ihr atrophischtn Veranderungen des Sehnerven, nebst l'e- iiierkungen iiber die normale Structur eles Nerven. Arch. f. Ophth., Perl., 1868, xiv, 2. Abth., 164-220, 3 pl.—I.ieli- reieh (K.) Atrophy of the optic disc. Brit, M. J., Loud., 1871. ii, 552. —I.ippincott (.1. A.) A case of atro- phy of theoptic nerves; recovery. Aled. & Surg. Kcporter. Phila., Is79. xii, 137-139. —l„oring. (F. B.) Atrophy of the optic nerve; use of strychnia and the artificial leech. Nat. M. Kev., Wash., 1879', i. 89-92.—H II a ill) (M. M.) Optic nerve atrophy. St. George's Hosp. Kep. 1877-8, Lond., 1879, ix. 491— Mackenzie (IT M.) White atro- ph\ of the right optic disc, probably caused by smoking. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, .1872, vii, 207— .HcKeown (D.) A case of atrophy of the optic- nerves treated by- hypo- dermic injections of nitrate of pilocarpine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 905.—,llaiuiscll (S. K.) Pigmentary re- tinitis; optic nerve atrophy. Indian M. J., Allahabad, 1884, iii, 513-510.-----. Atrophy of the optic nerve follow- ing severe pain, of a neuralgic nature, in the brow. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, FT— 'I en gin. Atrophic des deux papilles :\ la suite de nieiihii'ite aigue, complete dun cote avec cc'cite, incomplete ele I'autre avec conservation de l'acuite visuello uormale. Kee. d'ophth., Par., 1880, .Verve (Optic, Atrophy of). 3. s., ii, 385-391.—.Miiller (II.) Anatomischer Befund hei einein Fall von Ainaurose mit Atropine des Sehnerven. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1857, iii, 1. Abth., 92-98, 1 pl.— .-\ettlcsbip (K.) Atrophy of one optic nerve after papil- litis from erysipelas affecting orbit during convalescence from scarlet fever. Ophth. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1886, xi, 65.— IVieilcn (A.) Fin Fall von Atropine eles einen Sehner- venstammes mit nahezu gleichmassigem und normalem Dickendurchmesser der beiden Tractus optici. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1879. iii, 136.—.\orris (WT F.) Hereditary atrophy of the optic nerves. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 18. meeting. N. Y., 1882, iii, 355: 20. meeting, 1884, Bost, 1885, iii, 662, 4 pl. — Oilevaine (F.) Disease of fundus with opacity of lens, in both eyes. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 93.-----. Atrophy of tbe optic papilla*. I bit!., 1878, xiii, 213.—von Of (tinmen (G.) Formen pro- gressiver Amblyopic von der Sehnerven-Scheielo ausge- henel. [3 cases.'] Dorpat, med. Ztschr., 1877, vi, 344.— Osjle (JT W.) Atrophy of the optic nerves and tracts of both sides and of the optic commissure: total blindness for twelve- or t'otulini years. Tr. Path Soc Lond., 1855-6, vii, 334, 1 pl.—Oglesby (K. P.) On the recovery of sight after atrophy ol' tiie optic discs. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1867-9, vi, 190-190. Also: Dublin (*. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 529-531. — Piii'iiKleihii' (II.) Atrophy of the optic nerve after erysipelas of ihe lace. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871-3, vii, 32-34 — l»aoli (C.) Dell' atrofia inter- stiziale e nnrenehimatosa del nervo ottico. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1879, xliv, 104-168.— I'aiiiinucl. Atrophie cles nerfs optiqucs clans l'erysipele ele la face Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1879, 7. s., 'iii, 641-660.— l>arisolli (O.) Sc Vlelolti (J.) Un cas d'atrophie des eleux papilles par intoxication saturnine. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 188."), 3. s., vii, 520-539. — Hfllesolm (N.) Ursachen und Verlanf der Sehncrvcnatrophie. Centralbl. f. prakt,. Augenh., Leipz., 1886, x, 45; 75; 100— I*nr|s•■:■ --lino. De ratrophie progressive clu nerf optique. Cmur. period, in- ternat. d'ophth. 1802, Par., 1803, ii, 229-23T — ICampolili (It.) Della stricnina nella cura della atrofia dei nervi ottici. Ann. eli ottal., Pavia, 1882, xi, 390-4(13. -----. Os- servazioni eli atrolia progressiva elei nervi ottici. Ibid., 1883, xii, 422-424— It an Li n (IT II.) A ease of syphilitic atrophy of both optic nerves. Med. Kee, N. Y., 1875, x, 180.—Kechtwcitiser Gesichtsse hinerz, Vcrtrcibung eles Bulbus, begiiineneli Atrophie (bs Nerv. opticus; Parese des NT oculomotorius : rasche Heilung durch Jodkali. Ber. el. k. k. Krankciiansl. Kuelolph Stiftung in Wien (1870), 1871, 173-176.—Keiil (T.) A t rophy of optic nerve; improvement by galvanism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 517.—Rullier (G.) Observation d atrophie du nerf op- tique d'origine traumatique (coup ele fleuret). Arch, de nied. et pharm. mil., Par., 1880, viii, 209-211 — Kninsze- wici (K.) .Tednostronny zanik tarczy nerwu wzroko- wego z zabarwieuiem. [Unilateral atrophy of papillal Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1882, 2. s., ii, 280-283. Also, transl. : Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1882, xx, 279-283.—von Knssilorf (K ) Atropine des Opticus. Deutsche Klinik, Perl., 1800, xviii, 250-252.— Web in ill I (11.) Cerebrale Sehnerven-Atrophie, mit Drink - Kxoavation der Papilla optica. Arch. f. Ophth., Perl.. 1871. xvii, 1. Abth., 117- 122 -- Sclmiiill- Kimpler (H ) Progressive Sehner- ven-Atropbie unci Fehlen eles Knie-Phanomens. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Cassel, 1878, xvi, 205-270.—Seely (W. W.) Atrophy of tbe optic nerve. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1883, n. s.,'x. 203— Mini Hi (P.) Persistent drop- ping of fluid from the nostril, associated with atrophy of the optic nerves and other brain symptoms. Ophth. Kev., Loud., 1883, ii. 4-11. — Stroppa (L.) Amhliopia; poscia aniaurosi; fenomeni di paialisi spiuale; segni mani- festi di atrofia della papilla; atrolia dei nervi ottici e del chiasma; rammollimento della parte inferiorc* del midollo spinale. Ann. tli ottal., Milano, 1872-3, ii, 177-179.— Trousseau (A.) Pseudo atrophies de la papille. Bull. clin. nat. opht. de l'bosp. d. Quinze Vingts, Par., 1887, v, 45-47. Also: Union med., Par.. 1887, 3. s., xliii, 401-404.— I litholl (W.) Beitrag zur Sehnervenatrophie. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1880. xxvi. 1. Abth., 244-282.— Vieusse. De l'atrophie et de la Deviate traumatique de la papille. Kee. d'ophth., Par., 1875, 2. s.. ii, 334-349. — Vossius (A.) Beiderseits Atrophia optici nach Embolie eler Art, centralis retinae ; Insufficienz eler Valvulamitralis ; 1. totale Amaurose: r. Amblyopic. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1883, xxi. 298-301. -----. Ein Fall vou neuritischer Sehnervenatrophie mit eigenthumlicher Anomalie der Ve- nen auf ehr Papille beiderseits bei angehorener Schadel- difi'ormitiit. Ibid., 1884, xxii, 172-178. — Webster (D.) A case of apparent atrophy of the optic nerve, in which re- covery of eyesight followed the use of hypodermic injee- tions'of nitrate of strychnia. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1872-9, ii, 573. -----. Cases of atrophy of the optic nerve apparently benefited by hypodermic injections of strychnia. N. F.ng. M. Mouth., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1883-4, iii, 199.— Wcnill (II.) Sehnervenatrophie bei Geisteskranken. Alb--. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1868, xxv, 137-101.— NERVE. 712 NERVE. .\ei*ve (Optic, Atrophy of). Wiflici-Uieivicz (P..) Ws|)rawie wzroku mniej luh- wiece.j prawidlowego przy w/.iernikowych zniianae-h za- uikowyeh tarczy nerwu wzrokowogo. | Function of sight considered in connection with atrophy of the papilla of the optic nerve.J Mcihcyna, Warszawa, 1880, xiv, 265- 269.—Wiek (D. Ml & Alt (A ) A case of rapidly grow- ing tumor of the brain : atrophy of both optic nerves with- out optic neuritis. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1886, iii, 331-335.—Wyiiian (J.) Blindness in one e\e attended with atrophy of the optic nerve ancl optic l,,iee\ Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 309-371 — Zehery I.) Atrophia nervi optici traumatica esy ritka esete. S/eine- szet, Budapest, 1884, 108-111. Also, transl: Pest. nnd. chir. Presse, Budapest, 1884, xx, 938. [Verve (Optic, Inflammation of). See, also, Brain (Tumors of); Nerve (Optic, Pathology of); Nose (Foreign bodies in); Reti- nitis. ' Acgstein (C.) * Ueber Stoning des Farlieti- siuus bei Neuritis. f^. Danzig, [ls-:>]. Also, in: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1884-5, xiv, 347- 359, 1 pl. Also, transl. in: Arch. Ophth., X. V., 1885, xiv, 435-446, 1 pl. Dedome (P.) * Etude sur hi u^vrite optique. 4 . Paris, 187"). Dei'ischmanm ( K. ) Ueber Neuritis optica besonders die sooeiiaiinte '• Stauungspapillc" uud deren Zusaiuinenbang mit Gehiru-Aft'ec- tiouen. 8°. Jena, 1887. Handel ( M. ) * Bciti-age zur Casuistik der acuten genuinen Neuritis optica. fcc. Berlin, L1-385]. Pakixaud (H.) Etude* sur la nevrite opticjue dans la nidningite aigue? dc l'cnt'ance, avec vingt observations suivies d'aiito]).sie, recueillies a l'Hopital des enfants. 8--. I'aris, 1877. Reyxaud-Lacrozk (C. ) * Ue la n^vrile et de la pcrin6vrite optiques consideree** dans leurs rapports avec les maladies ccrebrales. 4°. Pa- ris, 1879. Roi (V.) * De la nevrite optiepie rliuniatis- male. 4°. I'aris, 1886. SciiLt'TEU (F.) * Ueber Neuritis optica, rt*. Berlin, 1882. Abailie (C.) De la nevrite optique produite par des neoplasmos iutra-cr-luiens qui determinent la cecite sans entraiuer la mort. Arch, d'opht.. Par., 1880-81, i, 145-151. ------. Sur quelques particularites de la nevrite, optique eles tumeurs cerebrates. ITniun m6d., Par., 18-6, 3. s., xii, 857-860. — Agnew ( G. K. ) Two cases of neuro-retinitis album in urica. Planet, NT Y., 1883, i, 8. — Alexander. Neuritis eles Sehnervenstannnes ; Heilung. Deutsche meel. "Wchnschr., Berl., 1881, vii, 547. ------. Doppe'seitine Papillitis bei Gehiruabscess. Ibid., 1883, ix, 338. — All- bull (T. CT) On "optic neuritis'' as a symptom of dis- ease of the brain and spinal cord. Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, i, 495; 521 ; 574; 628: ii, 61 ; UO. — Alt ( A ) A case of endothelioma of the intervaginal space of the optic nerve; removal, with attempt to preserve the eye- ball ; subsequent enucleation on account of uncontrollable hemorrhage; remarks. Arch. Ophth. e.V Otol., X. Y., 1877-8, vi, 367-375. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1878, vii, 46-54. ------. A case of sym- pathetic neuro-retinitis ; remarks ou sympathetic ophthal- mia. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis. 1884-5, i, 28; 57; 97.— Aniinske. Die Neuritis optica bei Tumor cerebri. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1873. xix, 3. Abth , 165-300— Ba- iler (U.) The human eye in health and disease;, as seen with the ophlhalmosc >pe. Third series. P.ates illustrat- ing morbid changes in the optic nerve (optic disc), (iuy's Hosp. Kep.. Loml., 1869, 3. s., xiv. 456-402. 2 pl. Also. Ue- piiut. — Biircli (C.) Two cases of disease of the optic; nerves, due to cerebral affections. Am. J. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1886, iii, 46-49.—Beck (K. J.) Amaurose bedingt durch ahnorrae Beschaffenheit der Sehnerven. Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Heidelb., 1834-5, iv. 90-94.—Blesiig. Klini- sche Beitrage zur Lehre vou der Sehuer\ en-Ent/.iindung. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1806, x, 65-80. ------. Neuritis descenelens. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1875, xiii, 420-424.—Boiiihut (E.) Ncvro-retinite en rapport avec une lesion de l'oreille interne et du facial dont I'm i- gine etait comprint par une tumeur de la protuberance. Cong, period, internat. d'ophth. Compt.-rend. 1880, Milan, 1881, vi, 82-86. ------. De la nevrite optique dans ses rap ports avec les maladies intra-cranienues. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess.. Lond.. 1881, iii. 58. Also: I'aris med.. 1881, vi."265-267. — Bolivian. Nevrite optique dans li nieuingite tuberculeuse ct la paralysie gcnerale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 681; 753, 1 pb—Bonvin (.M. Aerve (Optic, Inflammation of J.) Neuritis optica ten gevnlge van tumor cerebri Nederl. TTjilschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884, 2. II., xx, 45- 51.—Bow™ (A.) Ili*port of a case of albuminuric: neuro- retinitis. ociuii-riiigduring prcgnancv. and presenlin'^ some unusual features. Austral. M..I., Melbourne. IHs;i\ n. s.. v. 448. — ICi :iil< y ( WT A. ) Examination of an eye ex ciseel 6 weeks after a wound, the optic disc of which pre* sents the appearance of optic neuritis. Opth. Hosp. ]{cp. Lond., 1874-0, viii, 547. ------. Sympathetic neuritis Willi' out other visible structural change. Tr. Ophth. Soc. v. Kingdom, Lond., 18s3-4, iv, 87. — Briere. Neviite op- tique double syphilitique; cecite complete pendant trois jours; guerison rapide. Ann. d'ocul, Brux., 1879, lxxxi, 37-39.— BriNtowc (JT S. ) Iln-inon-hage into the braiii attended with optic neuritis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. D. Kinei- dom. Lond., 1886, vi, 303-308. — Briuleiiell (It.) Three cases of optic neuritis. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Lond., 1870-71, iv, 32-37. — Brims ( H. I). ) Hemorrhagic neuro-retinitis • incipient atrophy of optic, nerves. N. Oil. M. Sc S. .1. 1886-7, n. s„ xiv,'7(0 — Bull (OS.) Analysis of one hun- dred and three cases of exudative neuro-retinitis, asso- ciated with chronic Blight's disease. Tr. Am. Ophth Sue Host., 1880, iv, pt. 2, 184-194. Also: N. Vork M. J., 1886 xliv, 119-122. Also. Reprint.—Builer (K.) Keniaiks on optic, neuritis. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1881-2, x, 041-049—Burnett (S. M.) Double optic, neuritis (choked disc) aud sloughing of the right cornea, accompanying a sarcomatous tumor on the right side of the brain. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. V., 1877-8, vi, 469-470. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1878, vii, 472-478. ------. Clinical contributions to the study of retro-bulbar affections of the optic nerve. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis 1885, ii, 62-67. — Carter ( 11. B. ) Case of swollen optic' disc, in which the sheath of the optic nerve was incised behind the eyeball. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, i, 679. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1887, i, 626. ------. Ou retrobulbar in- cision of the optic nerve in cases of swollen disc. Brain Lond., 1887-8, x, 199-209. — (a ml ron (V.) Nevro-ietiuitt intense; retour de la vision uormale malgro la persistant-.!: de lesions ophtlialmoscopiqucs lifts notables. Lev. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1881, ii, 130-133.—Chanvel (J.) Ne- vrite optique double avec myelite aigue teniporaire. Bull. et mem. Soe. de chir. ele Par., 1880. n. s., vi, 512-515.— Cheatham (W.) Nemo retinitisalbiuiiinurica. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 150.—Chi vol m (J. J ) An obscure case in nerve pathologv accompanying optic neu ritis. Arch. Ophth., NT Y., 1882, xi, 230-242. —Clerval. Nevrite optiepie double d'origine cerebrale. Pull. cliu. nat. opht. de, l'bosp. el. t'uin/.o-Vingts, Par., 1887, v, 107.— Connor (L.) Optic neuritis, considered in some of its relations to cerebral tumors. Tr. M. Soc. Mich., Lansing, 1882, viii, no. 2, 200-215.—Co.....in (M. F.) A rase of optic neuritis, the result of cerebral glioma. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1885-0, vii, 391-393.—Connlaml (S.) Case; ol neuro-retinitis following contusion of the brain, with men- ingitis; death five months after the injury. Tr. Ophth Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond.. 1881-2, ii, 73-82.—Crilchell (Ii. A) Neuro-retinitis of right eye in scconibiry syph- ilis. Tr. Ophth. Sue. IT Kingd....., Lond., lsbi-2, ii f>:i.— Critchett (G. A.) Sc Slin-jc (W. A.) Cuse of optic atrophy niter neuritis, three j ears; detachment of retina in right e\e; hiemorrhage into vitreous; increased tension; probable growth beneath retina. Ibid.. 18,'0 81, i, 136.— Ua;*iii'iii'l. Quelques remaripiessiu- la pathogenic dela nevrite optique Kee. d'ophth., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 705-709.— Be iTIelM. Observation d'uu cas dc nevrite optique suivie de guerison. Ann. Sue. de med. d'Anvers, 1886, xlvii, 365- 373. -----. Peiinevi ite optiquedroite; paralysie dela troi- sieine paire : syphilis. Kee. d'ophth., Par., 1882, 4. s., iv, 35.—Dickinson (WT) Optic neuritis. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1879, xxxvii, 535-542— l>icUin»oii (W. H.) Optic; ueuriiis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871-2, xxiii, 214. — Doivm- (T. S.) The contiguity of neuro-retinitis with ch se emding retinitis from intracerebral elisi ase. Meel. Press A Circ, Loud., 1879, n.s., xxvii, 519. —Ed in a mis (W.) Contri- bution to pathology of double optic neuritis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Itep. 1880-81, Lond., 1882, n. s., xi, 71-74, 1 pl.— Edmunds (W.) -v. I,aw ford (J. B.) Examination of the optic; nerves iu cases of infra-cranial disease, with re- marks on the immediate causation of oplic neuritis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. IT. Kingdom, Loud., 1882-3, iii, 138-158, 3 pl.— Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 963.----------. An analysis of cases of intracranial tumour with respect to the existence of optic ueuriiis. Tr. Ophth. Soe:. IT Kingdom, Loud., 1883-4. iv, 172-186.-----------. Pe- inarks on Prof. Deiitschinann's views on optic; neuritis. Ophth. Lev., Lond., 1887, vi, 134-130. —Krb (W.) Leber 'das Zusainmeuvorkoinnieu von Neuritis optica nnd Myeli- tis subacuta. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl., 1879, x, 140-157.— Cvan* (T.) A case of double optic neuritis. Austialas. M. (iaz , Sydney 1881-2, i, 19— I'ano. Nevrite; pptique et ne';vro retinite exsudath is, suivies promptement d'une atrophie clu nei f optique. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1875-6, ii, 224. -----. Nevrite optique et ne'vro-retinite ponctu6e de I'eeil droit; iodure ele potassium a 1'intei ieur et en onctions sur lorhite : goerison. Ibid., 229-231— Flarcr (G.) Sullo sviluppo della neuiite ottica da ali'ezioue cere- NERVE. 713 KERVE. \orve (Optic, Inflammation of). hrale. Riv. eli ined.,di emir, e di terap., Milano, 1870, ii. 285- 280. Also: Ann. di ottal., Milano, 1871-2, i, 41-46. — lor- laniai (<■) Osserva/.ioni ed espericnze. Ann. di ottal., Milano, 1871-2, i, 41-50. [See, also, supra, Flaii-r (G.).| — I'.....In r. Nevrite optiepie et maladies cerebrales. Union med. tin Canada, Montreal, 1883, xii, 337-343.— Fox (L W.) Acute uni-ocular neuritis. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 113-115.— Crancotte (X.) Contri- bution k retude de la ncvrito multiple, llev. de nied., Par., 1880, vi, 377-108— I'rieden wald (A.) Optic neu- ritis. Marylanel M..L, Pall., 1881-2, viii, 145; 171. ------. A case of optic neuritis, with brain symptom!); recovery*; with remarks. N York M..!., 1887, x'lv, 147-149.—Fuchs (E.) Neuritis in Folge hereditiirer Anhtge. Klin. Mo- natsbl. I' Augenh., Stuttg., 1879, xvii, 332-337 —tiairiii:uiii (L.) Doppelseitige Neurol ct ini tis desceiiilens mit consecutiv eingetretener Amaurose bei Diabetes niellilus. Perl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870. xvi, 138-142. ------. Pcidcrseilige Neuritis optica in Folge Sehlal'i-iibeinfissur. Wien. med Presse, 1887, xxviii, 1742-1744.—leineneau de IVIiinnv (N.) Periimvrite opti- que double ; apoplexies de la re-tine liees probablement a une fievre larvee: guerison par le* sulfate de quinine. J. d'ophth., Par., 1872, i, 5-9.— II an we 11 (II. I<\) Acute op- tic: neuritis of rheumatic origin ; two cases, one monocu- lar. Med. News, Phila., 1886. xlix, 144-140.—Ilai-iaa (OT IT) Descc tiding neuritis. Phila. M. Times, 1872. ii. 109.— Ilerler. Fall von retrobulbarer, vie-lh-icht ent/iindli- cher Seliner\ en-Affection. Charite-Ann. 1875, Bei-].. 1877, ii, 521-523. ------. Amaurose nach Blutverlust, (Neuro- retinitis). Ibid., 525-527.—H irschberj* of.) Stauungs- papille und Neuritis optica. Deutseiie Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Perl.. 1870, 37. ------. Neuritis specitica. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 179. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth.. NT \T, 1879-80, viii, 301. ------. Ueber selbststan- iligc* Sehnervenentziindung. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Lei))/... 1887, xi. 321-327.— Hoik (J.) Beitriige zur Lehre von eler Neuritis retrobuibaris. Wien. meel. Bl., 1883. vi. 595; 631; 664 ; 700 ; 794. ------. Neui'io,I'eobaohtunjjfen iiber Neuritis retrobuibaris peripheric;! (acuta et, subacuta). Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1884, viii, 107-111 Also, transl. : Pec. d'ophth., Par.. 1884, 3. s., vi, 401-468.— Ilorsliiiaiiii (C ) "Leber Neuritis optica. Deutsche ined. Wchnschr., P.rl., 1880, vi. 421 ; 436. —Holz (F. C.) Two c:ases of retro-hulhar neuritis (amblyopia centralis). Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i. 167. — Hubbard (C. O.) Neuro-retinitis, from inflammation of the dura-mater. N.York M. J., 1878, xxviii, 292-295.—II nl he (JT VV.) Four eases of neuro-retinitis associated with kidney disease. Ophth. Hosp. Pep., Lond., 1865-6, v, 16-26, 1 pl. ------. Cases of neuritis optica, neuro-retinitis and retinitis. Ibid., 1867-9. vi, 89-118. ------. Cases of optic neuritis aud neuro-retinitis. Lancet, Lond., 1881. i, 210— llulili- iiiMon (J.) Clinical lectures on cases of inflammation of the optic nerves. Ophth. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1805-6, v, 94; 163. ------. On a group of cases of optic neuritis in children. Ibid.. 307-317. ------. Optic neuritis in a child, following severe; cerebral symptoms. Ibid., 1867-9, vi, 43-47. ------. Nemo retinitis in connection with albumi- nuria and disease eif t he heart. Ibid., 1871-3, vii, 44. —----. Double optic neuritis during an illness with cerebral symp- toms in a child; recovery of perfect health with atro- phied discs and great defect of sight. Ibid.. 1874-6, viii, 493. ------. Double optic neuritis ending in partial atro- phy, but with great improvement of sight; history of fail- ure of sight for a time some years before, and of several jYervc (Optic, Inflammation of). attacks of hemiplegia : sun-stroke? syphilis? Ibid., 495. ------. Failure of left eye from neuritis, coming on a few days after an attack of slight, right hemiplegia; sub- sequent improvement of sight. Ibid., 490. ------. Optic; neuritis of one eye only, with severe pain on same side of face; atrophy of disc, with improvement of sighl ; no clue to cause; condition 5$ years later. Ibid., 497. -----. Neuritis with cerebral illness in children ending in perfect recovery of health. Ibid., 1876-9, ix, 124-130. ------. Relapsing optic neuritis, with ilevelopment of new- vessels in front of the papilla. Ibid., 1883-0, xi, 191-195, 1 pl. ------. Two cases of double' optic neuritis, without impairment of vision and without atrophy result inn. after injury to the. head. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i,'485.—.1 ackwon (A. H.) Lecture' on optic neuritis from intracranial dis ease. Meel. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1871, ii, 241; 341; 581. -----. Ou a ease of recovery from double optic neuritis. West. Riding Lun. Asyl. Rep., Lond , 1874, iv, 24-29, 1 pl. -----. Ou the relation between optic neuritis and intra- cranial disease. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1880-81, i, 60-115. Also: Meel. Times ex Gaz., Lond., 1881, i. 311; 400. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 620- 022. — Jaeobi (J.) Zwei verschieelen irligo Fiille vou Neuritis optici. Arch. f. Ophth., Perl., 1808, xiv, 1. Abth., 149-158.—Jany (L.) F]in Fall von rechtseitiger Hernia nopie uml NTuroretinitis in Folge eines (iliosarcoms im linken Oocipitallappen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1882, xi, 190-198.—Knapp (H.) A case of neuro-retinitis re- sulting from a gumuiv tumor of the dura mater. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1874, iv, 245-249. Also, in his: Ophtbal. Contrib., 8T N. YT, 1875, 11-15. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1874-5, iv, 205-209. ------. Neuro-retinitis, with almost sudden loss ol' sight in both eves. Tr Am Ophth. Soc. 1884, Post., 1885, iii, pt. 5, 654-002. — von Krii-N (N.) Zwei Fiille von retrobul- barer Neuritis. Arch. f. Ophth., Perl., 1878, xxiv, 153- 156.— Krolln (L.) Tvenne tall af neuritis optica. Finska liik.-siill.sk. handl.. Helsiugfors, 1871. xiii, 81-102, 2 pl. Also, tiansl. : Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1872, x, 93-108.—Kuhnt (H.) Zur (leiiese der Neuritis; Ber. ii. el. Versamml el. ophtli. (iesellsch , Stuttg., 1879, xii, 159- 170.— l.amlewher^ (M.) Ncuro-Rctinitis elesceniliiis beiderseits in Folge hocligrailigen Blutverlustes. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg., 1879, xvii, 283-288. -----. Ein Fall von Neuritis retrobuibaris priripheriea acuta beiderseits. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1884, viii, 280.— l.ang (»VT) Specimen of optic neuritis in an eye lost by corneal ulcer, with hypopyon. Tr. Ophth. Soc. UT Kingdom, Loud., 1880-81, i,'123. — l,a\vlor«l (J. B.) Case of double optic neuritis following purpura, Ibid., 1881-2, ii. 80-89. — l.awwon (G.) On a case ol tumour of the brain; optic neuritis; necropsy. Ophth. Hosp. Pep.. Lond.. 1880-82. x. 311-315. —Leber (T.) Bei- triige zur Kenntniss der Neuritis des Sehnerven. Arch. f. Ophth , Berl., 1808, xiv, 2. Abth., 333-378. ------. Ueber Neuritis optica. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1808, vi, 302-315. -----—. On the connection between optic neu litis and infra-cranial dis-ases. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Loud., 1881, iii, 52-57.-Lowne (P. IT) A ease of neuro-retinitis followed by partial atrophy of tbe optic disc, with observations on Hie perception of colour. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1877, x, 117-121, 1 pl. — I......Iy (C.J.) Optic neuritis, with notes of three cases. Detroit Lancet, 1878, i, 890-900. Also. Reprint. ------. A case of maiked neuro-retinitis with complete recovery of vision. Michi- gan M News. Detroit, 1880. iii, 331. — .Mackenzie (S.) A. ease of double optic neuritis, without gross cerebral lesion, with remarks upon the immediate causation of optic nevnitis. Brain, Lond., 1879, ii, 257-272. -----. Mi- croscopical specimens showing neuro-retinitis with large luemorrbagie extravasation into retina, from a case of idio- pathic (progressive pernicious) anamiia. Tr. Ophth. Soc. TJ. Kingdom, Lond., 1881-2, ii, 40. -----. Double neuro- retinitis: total loss of vision. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 617.—Tlaenamara (IT NT) Optic neuritis, the result of malarial toxaemia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 28. — YIa (E.) Optic neuritis in an eye lost by ophthal- mia neonatorum. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874-6, viii, 507. _____. Changes left by past neuro-retinitis, probably caused by erysipelas invading the orbits ; patient, au old woman. Ibid., 1876-9, ix, 193. ------. Pehipsiug hieuior NEUVE. 714 NERVE. j\crvc (Optic, Inflammation of). rhagic neuro-retinitis and choroiditis, with disease of vitreous and keratitis punctata; only one eye affected; remarkable recovery of sight after repeate-d attacks; liability to dimness of sight of same eye with dyspepsia, etc. (?functional): influence of neuralgia of 5th in dc teruiining one of the haunorrhagic attacks; rheumatism and perhaps gout in family. Ibid., 194-198.----- Optic nerve from a case of optic neuritis with good sight. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 252, 1 pl.-----. Case of douhle optic neuritis, following purpura. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1882, i, 119. -----. Case of optic; neuritis followed hy dropping of fluid from the nostril. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1883, ii, 1-3. -----. Ou cases of retro-ocular neuritis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1883-4, iv, 180-226.-----. Clinical lecture on a case of syphilitic optic neuritis. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1885, ii, 276.-----. Single optic neuritis, ending in complete atrophy during the delirium of fever ('typhoid): old nebula* and high hy- pernietropia in both eyes. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1883-0. xi, 66.—,-\'eiirorelinilis optica. J. Comp. M. & S., N. V., 1884. v, 153-102. 1 pl.—IVorri* (W. F.) Cases of optic neuritis. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soe-., 10. meeting, N. V., 1874, ii, pt. 2, 163-169. Also, Reprint.—IVorlon (G. S.) Optic neuritis from intra-crauial diseases. Tr. Am. He>- meeop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc, Phila., 1879, iii, 67-79.—Noye* (II. D.) Acute myelitis with double optic neuritis. Arch. Ophth., N. \T, 1880, ix, 199-206. Also, transl..- Arch. f. Au- genh., Wiesb., 1881, x, 331-337. —Ode vaine (F.) Optic neuritis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1877. xii, 94.—Oiilc-hv. Case of double optic neuritis. Pi it. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 478. -----. Case of inflamed optic discs. Ibid., 1879, i, 853.—Owen (I). 0. L.) Brief notes of the ophthalmoscopic appearances and the state of vision in a case of double optic, neuritis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1874, iii, 169-171.— I'ar in a ml (H.) De la nevrite optiepie* dans h's affections ci'i-ebrales. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1879, Ixxxii, 5-47. — Mer- lin. Zur acuten rhenniatischen Neuritis retrobuibaris. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1886, xxiv, 132-138.— I*IIa<>er (E.) Neuritis optica. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1878, xxiv, 169-189— Pooler (TT R.) A case of sympa- thetic neuro-retinitis. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 69.-----. Double optic neuritis and Meniere's disease. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 31-34. —Power (H.) Case: of optic; neuritis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1871, vii, 196-198. -----. Case of optic neuritis ; both eyes affected ; Wicker's operation ; relief of symptoms. Ibid., 1872, viii, 171-177. -----. Four cases of double optic neuritis. Ibid., 1873, ix, 181-198. -----. Optic neuritis without evident cause. Tr. Ophth. Sue;. TT. Kingdom, Lond., 1886, vi, 361- 363. — Rampoldi (R.) Un notevole caso di neurite re- trobulbare. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1885, xiv, 202 - 209. -----. Osservazioue di neurite ottica coincidente con morbo di Aran. Ibid., 1886, xv, 116-118, 1 pl. — Reich ( M. ) Zur Statistik der Neuritis optica bei intra-cra- niellen Tumoren. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg.. 1874, xii, 274. -----. Fall auf deu Hinterkopf; scharfer Gesichtsdefect; Neuroretinitis partialis; Heilung. Cen tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1881, v, 100-105. Also. transl. .- Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1881, i, 300- 304. — Ren I in s (innonx. Do l'anesthejsie du nerf optiepie. Gaz. med. de Nnntcs, 1883-4. ii, 65-69. Also: Bull, et mean. Soc. franc, depth.. Par., 1884, ii, 87-100 — Dobrowol*liy (W.) Amaurosis uraemica in Folge von Sehnerveneidem. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1881, xix, 121-123.—Fiii-Ntcr (R.) Bemerkungen iiber Kxcavationen der Papilla optica. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1857, iii, 2. Abth., 81-86. ------. Kapport de ses mensura- tions du chump visuel monoculaire, dans diverses mala- dies de la refine et du nerf optiepie. Cong, perinel. intermit. d'ophth. 1807, Par., 1868, iii, 125-132.—CJnllerenx. Ob- servations relatives a deux modes d'alteration ilu nerf optiepie, ct qui paroissent avoir ete'- jusqu'a present con- lonilus avec t'aniaurose ou goutte sereine. J. gen. domed., i-hir. et pharm., Par., 1814, 1, 380-383. —tirarfi* (A.) Eigenthumlicher Fall von Sehneivenexcavation. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1800, vii, 2. Abth,, 113-118.—von Oracle (A.) Sur les excavations e*t les sallies de la papille du nerf optique. . Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1860, Par. 1861, 2. 8., ii, pt. 1, 151-154.—ti ray (W. B.) Hypodermic use Nerve (Optic, Pathology of). of sulphate of strychnia as an optic nerve stimulant. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1872, Richmond, 1873. iii, 115.—Harlan (G. C.) Two cases of swelling of the optic papilla, pos- sibly congenital. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1884, Bost., 1885, iii, pt. 5. 721-723.—Ileymann. Oedema nerv. opticorum. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1804, ii, 273-275.— Ilirgchber;; (J.) Krankheiten des Sehnerven und der Netzhaut. (Sehnervenkrankh. (lurch Schailclilel'orinatioii, Ke:tin. syphil.) Inhis: Beitr. z. prakt. Augenh.. 8°, Berl., 1876, 37-42. -----. Stauungspapille (lurch Hirntumor. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 51-53, 1 pl. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1879, viii, 226-228, 1 pl, -----. Stauungspapille (lurch Nierenleiden. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 177. -----. Sebnervenlcideu hei Sehadcliuissbileluug. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1883, vii, 1-6.—Hoppe (IT) Chcniische Unter- suchung eines nach aufgeholiener Function atrophirten SehTNT'iven. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1854, viii, 127.—llnlke. Slow failure of sight; complete blindness two years; acute glaucomatous inflammation; deep exca- vation of the optic nerve-entrance. Ophth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1860-61, iii. 70 —J iingken (J. ci'r;iN (A.) Breves consideraciones relativas a abninas altei ac iones de la retina v del nervio ciptico. Gac. mSd. eatal., Barcel., 1883, vi, 33-43.—.Massclon. Infiltra- tion vitreuse ele la retine et de la papille. Bull, et mem. Soc. fian?. d'opht.. Par., 1884, ii, 1-8.—.Meyer (E ) Contribu- tion a l'6tnde cliuique des maladies du nerf optique de cause intraciAniinne. Rev. clin. d'ocul., Bordeaux, 1881, i, 102- 115 —Tl ii-ln*l (J.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Entstehung der sog. Stauungspapille und der pathologischen Verande- rungen in dem Kaume zwiscben iiusserer unci innerer Op- ticusscheide. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1873, xiv, 39-60, 1 pl. -----. Ueber eine Hyperplasie des Chiasma und eles rechten Xervus opticus bei Elephantiasis. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1873, xix, 3. Abth., 145-164, 1 pi. -----. Leber ei- nige Erkraukungen des Sehnerven. Ibid., 18,7, xxiii, 2. Abth., 213-216, lpl. -----• Blutungen in die Pialscheide und die Pialfortsatze des Opticus. Ibid., 216-220. -----. ZurCasuistik der sog. Stauungs-Papille. Ibid., 220-225. _____. Ueber die Erkrankungen der Fnihiillungshaute des Sehnerven. Sitzungsb. el. phvs.-med. (Iesellsch. zu "Wiirzb., 1881, 105-107.—.tliiili*r (it.) Leber Niveau-Vor- anderuii'i-en an der Kinti itlsstelle des Sehnerven. Anh. f. OphthT, Berl.. LS58, iv, 2. Abth., 1-39. — \illli»lii|i. Cases of temporary affection of one optic nerve, compara ^EKVlv 716 NKKVK. .\erve (Optic, Pathology of). bit* to Bell's paralysis of the facial. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 705. —.\orriw (WT F.) On the relation between the ear- lier stages of gray degeneration of the optic nerves, and the increase or diminution of the putidlar-lciidou reflex (kne*e jerk). Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Host,, 188.1. l.18-167, 1 pl. Also \ Abstr.J : Meel. News, Phila., 188.1. xlvii, 205.— Oclcvniiie (F.) Isclneinia of both optic discs. Indian M. (Jaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 12.1 —Ojjlesby. Remarks on a case; of hypera*iuia of the optic disk. Me I. Tinies e& Gaz., Loud.,' 1873, i, 8s.— Owen (I,.) IYriin'iiritis wiih suihlen loss e.f sight. Lancet. Loud.. 1874, i, 6 >9. BKi mli- iny (C. J. W.) Reports of cases of amenna of optic: nerve: treated with the hypodermic injection of strychnia. Bril, M. J., Lond., 1872! ii. 466. — Pye-Wmilh (R'.J.) Amr-mia of the optic nerves treated by galvanism. Ibid , i, 521- 523.- Kamlall (l'«. A.) Coloinnna of tbe optic nerve and sheath. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 1887. iv, 558-564.— Keieh ( M.) Zur Pathologie des Sehnerven. Arch. f. Ophlh.. Berl., 1876, xxii, 1. Abth., 103, 2 pl — ltoiis«e:in. Hcnion hagie et ramollisseineut de la couche optique; a u*s- thesies sensorielles. Bull. Soc. med. ele l'Yonue 1883. Auxerre, 1884. xxiv, 137-141.—Rumszewiez (K.) Kilka przypadkiiw prawidlowego wzroku przy wziernikowych ziniauach zauikowych w tarczy nerwu wzrokowego. [Sonic accidents iu normal vision caused bv alterations in l hi' papilla of optic nerve.) Medycyna, Warszawa, 1886, xiv, 123-126. —Maehw (IT) Ueber Scotoiue bei glaucoma- tiisein Sebnorvenleieleu. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1887, xi, 161-169. -----. Auatomisch-kliuiscber Beitrag zur Kenntniss iles Centralscotoms bei Sehnerven- leiden. Arch. I. Augenh., Wiesb., 1887, xviii, 21-50.— Siinlex l'< riiaiiiliy. (J.) De las enfermedades del nervio opt ico por causa cerebral. Crc'in. med.-quir. ele la Habana, 1879, v, 351-357. Also, in his: Clin, de enferined. ele 1. iijos, 8°. Tar.. 1879, 48-60.—Saltier (H.) Ueber eine tu- berkulose Krkrankung cles Sehnerven und seiner Scheielen und iiber Nctzliuuttuhcrculo.se. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1878, xxiv, 3. Abth., 127-102, 1 pl. — Xiavary. De I'etu- ])loi de la strychnine elans l'atrophie des uei-fs optiepies. Ann. d'ocul.. Brux.. 1876, lxxvi, 158-100.— MeltoU. Mil theilungen iiber Ei'krankungen des Opticus. Arch. f. Au- gen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1870, v, 409, 3 pl. : 1877. vi, 21, 1 pl. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth. i Otol., N. Y., 1877-8, vi, 202- 283, 4 pl— Milcoek (A. ('.) Case of lneiiiorrhage into the sheaths of both optic nerves after a fracture of the skull. Tr. Ophth. Soc IT. Kingdom, Lond.. 1883-4, iv, 274. Also: I'.rit. M. J., Loud., 1884, i, UK — Minilb (P.) Cerebral hanioi i hage with passage of blood into both optic nerves. Tr. Ophth. Soc, U. Kingdom, Loud., 1883-4, iv, 271-274. 1 pl.—Noun (G.) De 1'anemie de la papille du nerf optique;. Aun. d'ocul., Brux., 1861, xiv, 106-113. ------. Coloration de la papille. du nerf optique. Cong. med. de France 1865, Par.. I860, iii, 723-725.-----. De 1'anemie de la papille du nerf optii|iie. France med., Par., 1861, xii, 673-075. — 'I'alko (J.) "Wynaczynienie.krwi (ext ravasatio) mied/.v ncrwami wzrokowemi i ich poehwaini oraz do cialka szklistego lewej galki w skutek pekniecia ezaszki i rozer- wania tetnioy oslnnowej siveltiieq lewej (art, meningea' media'sinistra-). [Haemorrhage into sheath of optic nerve and into vitreous body resulting from fracture of cra- nium ancl rupture of middle meningeal artery | Mecly- eyna, Warszawa, 1873, i, 470-472. 'Also, tra'nsl. : Kli'n. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1873, xi, 341-344. — Trei- lel ( T. ) Eiue eigenthiimliche, Configuration eler Pa- pille in einem phthisischen Augapfel. Arch. f. Ophth., Perl., 1870. xxii. 2. Abth., 223-231. ----- Ueber elen Werth der Gesii-htsfeldinessung mit Pigment en fiir die Autfassung der Krankheiten des nerviisen Sehappariites Ibid.. 1879, xxv. 2. Abth.. 29; 3. Abth, 1 — I'lrieb. Ueber Stauungspapille. Tagebl. cl. Versaiuml. dentscli. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 188.1, lviii, 504. -----.. IT-ber Stauungspapille. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d ophth. (iesell- sch., Stuttg., 1886, xviii, 2. Hft., 93-99. — \V:in*l:ill (A.) Engorged papilla with periodic objective bubbling noise in the temporal fossa*. Tr. Am. Homceop. Ophth. &. Otol. Soc, Buffalo, 1882, vi. 81. — Wecker. Blutergiisse im Sehnerven und pathologiscbe Pigmentablagoruiig iu eler Sehuervenscheibe. Kliu. Mouatshl. f. Aii"eiih Eilaii" 1868. vi, 204-207.— Weiss (L.) Ein Fall von Sclim-i'ven- blutung. /frirf., 1875, xiii, 114-123.— Wells (S ) Caseof op i'1'ie optic nerve-fibres. Lancet,. Lond., 1871. ii, 12.— Wesii-mn (U.) Beobachtungen vou sogenannler Stan- ungsp.ipille, beim Hunele. Ztschr. I' vergleich. Augenh., Leipz.. 1882. i, 37, 1 pl. ; 125, 1 pl— U ielieilcie wie/. (B.j Emige Beirachtuiigeu iiber sogenannte Bulbuswary.en. Ci-iiiralbl. f. prakt. Augenh.. Leipz.. 1882, vi. 13-18.— Wilson i U.) Pigmentation oft In-opt ie-disc Irish Hosp (iaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 229 — Wolfrinu. Uwagi nad cier- pieniami nerwu w/.nikowcgo. zahvai.-ini odbudowv blas/.ki sitowej (lamina e-ribrusa sclerae). [On nervous affections of the eye, dependent on the construction of the lamina cribrosa sclerae. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1871, xi, 305 ; 321. Aervt* (Optic, Section of). <'aslianx. Section du nerf optique. Bull. Soc. anat ele Par. il.-,l). 1873, xlvi, 359.— von Grille (A.) Ueber Duichschiieiduug des Opticus. Wien. med. Presse, 1807, Vt'l'Ve (Optic, Section of). viii. 788. Also.- Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 320.— ■ii'ine li< I (V.i Oiulerznekiiigeii over de govolgcn" van gezichtszeniiw-eliiorsnijiling bij e|,-n kikvorsch. Onder. zoek. gvd. iu h. physiol. Lab. il. I'trccbt. Hoogesch., 1874-1 3 It., iu, 14-21. Also, transl. .- An h. f. Ophth Berl 187)' xx, I. Abth., 127-134.—Keilai-il il'.) Kccher'c lies , M„ ,, mentales sur la section des uei Is ciliaires cl du nut eep Ih pie. Arch, d'ophth., Par., 1880-81, i. 21,0, 1 pl. ; :;|s r Kosow. Experiment!' iiber die Durchschneiiliiii" ,i,-M Sehnerven. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1801, v, 2o|. — IS< h,,,'i•;- yer (C.) Kesection eles Nervus opticus. Per. u {[. Ver- sauiiul. el. ophth. I iesellsch.. Stuttg., 1884, xvi, 63-77. -----. Ueber Kesection der Sehnerven. Arch. f. Au- genh., Wiesb., 1885-6, xv, 50-67. Also, transl. : Arch Ophth., N. \T, 1885, xiv, 223-242. Nerve (Optic, Tumors of). Hue (E.J * lvssai snr le.s tuineurs tin nerf op- tic) ue. 4 ■■'. Paris, 1882. .Iaci's (R.) "Des tuineurs tin uerf optique. 1 . Paris, 1887. Lidell (J. A.) A ease* of neuroma of tbe oiitic; nerve. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1863. Locu (R.) * Ein Fall von Neuroma verum nervi optici. r-r. Danzig, [1874]. Willem Kit (\V.) * Ueber eigentliebe, d. b. sieb innerbalb der iiusseren .Selieide entwieke- lende Tunioreii des Sebnerven. s°. Berlin, is?;*. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1879, xxv, 1. Abth., 16b- 247, 3 pl. All (A.) A case of an intraocular granuloma trauma- ticuin of the optic nerve. Arch. Ophth. A: Otol., N. Y., 1877-8. vi, 3.16-358, 1 pl. Also, transl. : Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1877, vi, 455, 1 pl—Arcoleo. Tumeur goimneuse dans le chiasma des nerfs optiques. Cong, pe- riod, internat. d'ophth. 1867, Par., 1868, iii, 183-188 — Iti-:iilev (WT A.) Fibrous tumour of the optic nerve. Ophth. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1876-7, ix, 231-233. -----. Cane of sarcoma growing from the dnral sheath of the optic nerve. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 1024. — Bnller. Tumor of the optic nerve. Aled. News, I'hila., 1880, xlix, 555.— 4li<'ii:inlais. Tumeur ilu nerf optiipie et ele: l'ovbite (iii'Vioiih- medullaire, ou sarccline a cellules nerveuses). Bull. Soc. anat. ele Nantes 1879, Par., 1880, 48-52.—< In is- lensi-n. Tumor nervi optici. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 187.1. 2. It., ii, 817-820.—Cobb (J.) Notes of case of gutta serena of the right eye, from the pressure of a tumor on the optic nerve. West. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc., Cincin., 1830, iii, 33. — Unbone. Xevrome du nerf optique droit, Bull. Sue. anat. eb' Par., 1859, xxxiv, 178-181.— UiiMaiiNsny. Sarednie nngiolithique du nerf optique gauche: ablatiou ; lneningite de la convcxite; contracture; mort. Ibid., 1875. 1. 211-217. Also [Abstr.) : Kev. med.-phot. cl. hop. ele Par., 187.1, vii, 49— Frothinj-Jiiim (G. IT) Two cases of tumor of the optic nerve:. J. Am. M. Ass., ("hie ago. 1887, ix, 741-743. — ftolilzieher <\V.) Die Geschwiilste: eles Sehnerven. Arch. f. Ophth.. Berl.. 1873, xix, 3. Abth., 119-141, 2 pl.—Omening (E.) A case of myxoma of the optic nerve; removal of the growth with preservation of the eyeball. Arch. Ophth. L, Lond., 1882, ii, 1085.— Berlin ( R. ) Ein Fall von Verletzung des Seb- nerven bei Lractur cles Canalis opticus. Ber. ii. el. Ver- samml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1881, xiii, 81-100. Also, transl [ Abstr. ]: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, iii, 115.—Carter (B. B ) Permanent injury to the optic nerves from the etl'ee Is of a railway collision. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Bond., 1886. ' vi, 371.— HiidncIi. Blessure par une balonnette; section du nerf optique; blepharoptose; cecite. Gaz. d. help., Par., 1854, xxvii, li. — Lawnoii (G. ) Wound of the optic nerve from a stab with a knife, without injury to the globe. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 13.—.><*Illesbip (ET) On cases of injury to the optic nerve. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1881, Loud'., 1882, n. s., xi, 113-122— I»aj;eiisleclier (H.) Ein Fall von Verletzung des Nervus opticus mil Zorreissuug der centralen Gefasse und der dadurch bewirkten Voriiu- derungen cles Augenhintergruiides. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1869, xv, 1. Abth.. 223-243, 2 pl.—Melivrt-iji-ger (C.) Verletzung des Sehnerven. Klin. Monatsbl. 1. Augenh., Stuttg., 1874, xii, 25-29. -----. Falle von Erscbiitteruug des Sehnerven. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1883-4, xiii, 244-247. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. IT, 1885, xiv, 98- 100.—Treilel (T.) Verletzung des Nervus opticus in der Orbita bei intactem Bulbus mit vollkouimonem Verlust des Sehveriiieig.ns. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1881, x, 464-468, 1 pl -William* (E.) Probable trauma of the optic nerve. Cincin. Lancet i Obs., 1861, n. s., iv, 401. IVerve (Petrosal). («uribalili (G.) Studi sui piccolo nervo petroso. Speri- mentale, Firon/.e, 1877, xxxix, 118-120. — It ra use ( W.) Bcincrkuug iiber deu N. petrosus superticialis minor. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1867, 3.11., xxix, 165. IVerve (Phrenic). See; also, Asphyxia ( Treatnieu t of); Diaphragm (Atrophy of): Diaphragm (Xenralgia, etc., of). JIaa.sk (J. G.) [Pr. ] de nervo phrenico dextri lateris duplici parisque vagi per collmn decursu. sm. 4°. Lipsia; 1790. Also, in: Script, neurol. minores selecti [etc.] 4°. Lip- siee, 1793, iii, 112-116. IVerve (Phrenic). Iviii'dKR (E.) * De nervo phreuico. 4°. Lip- sia; 177,8. Also, in: Saxihi-out. Thesaurus diss, fete.l 4°. Lmtd. Bat., 1778, iii, 501-523. von Lltschka(I[. ) Der Nervus plirenicu.s des Menschen. 4 '. Tubingen, 187).). Wuisbkkg (H. A.) De nervo phrenico qim*- dam aniniadversiones. Gottittga; 1763. In.- Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiir 1795 iv, 16. von Anrep (B.) Sc C'ybnlski (N.) Ein Beitrag zur Physiologic: eles Nervi phrenici. Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883-4, xxxiii, 243-248, 1 diag.—Boebiner (JT B.) An a nervi phrenici altcrna compressione alteruus ipioque thoracis motus? In: Ludwig (C. G.) Decas epuest. meel., 4°, Lips., 1740, 25-28.—t'elaiier. Ncvralgie et hyper- kincsie du nerf phrunicpie gauche. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1879, 3. s., xv, 308-380.—t'olomialli (V. F.) La tubercolosi nel nervo freuico sinistra. (Iior. d. r. Accael. di mecl. di Torino, 1875, 3. s , xvii. 450-466, 1 pl. Also. Re- print.—De Ujno^iio (O.) Nevrosi dei freuico: guari- gione. Eco d. osp., Xapoli, 1883, i, 5-10.—«»rii»rr (W ) Verlanf des Nervus l'renicus durch eine sehr enge Insel eler Vena subcbivin. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., Is72, lvi, 430.— llawkiiiN (O.) (.'oiicretinu round the phrenic nerve. L.mel. M. Gaz... 1827-8. i, 272— IIenoei|iie (A.) Sc Floy. Eludes cxpcrimentales sur les fonclions chs nerfs phrcnicpies. (Iaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1882, 2 s., xix, 638-640. Also [Abstr.]: Assoc, franc, pour lTivaiice. d. sc. Compt.-renil. 1882, Bar., 1883. xi, 802— Hoiliolu (J. H.) Death from prolonged irritation of the left phrenic: nerve. Chicago M. Exam., 1801, ii, 327-330.— II nn ler (C. T.) Anoii'inL of the phrenic nerve. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 630. — l.iixtlilta (II.) Du nerf diaphragm*- tique cbez riiomme. Arch. gen. de med.. Bar., 1854, ii, 284-200.—-Vloroni (K.) Sulla origine e sito ovc formasi il tronco dei nervi t'renici nella specie equina. Bull. il. sc. nied.. Bologna, 1865, 4. s., xxiii. 319-355. — I'miixzn (B.) Sui nervo freuico e sulla bols.iggine. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 186">, ii, 28-36. Also: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1J805, 5. s., iv, 62-61. Also: Gior. di meel. mil, Torino, 1865, xiii, 739-746. — Kobirl (B) Lesion del nervio freuico. Lev. de med. v cirug. pnict., Madrid, 1887, xx, 393-399. — Ne lire i ber (A.) Leber elie Functionen des Nervus phrenie us. Ac-h. f. il ges. Phv- siol., Bonn, 1883, xxxi, 577-600, 1 eliag. —Nneill (A.) De: nervo phrenico. Arch. f. Anat , I'hysiol. n. wissensch. Meet, Leipz., 1872, 307-311. — Wa I ill a in (W. .1.) Ab- normal course of the phrenic: nerve. St. Barth. Hosp. He:])., Lond , 1880, xvi, loo. Xiiiif>oeii (H.) Die rhytli- niische Faraelisirung der Nervi ]>ln s'-'. Jence, 1862. Fowelix (C.) * De causa mortis post nervus vagos disseetos instantis. 8°. [Dorpat], 1851. T^ERVE. 718 NKRVE. JVcrve (Pneumogastric). Hartung (W.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Ner- vus vagus auf die Bewegungen des Magens der Wiederkiiuer. 4°. Giessen, 1858. Heixemaxx (C. U.) * Nouuulla de nervo vago ranaruui experimenta. 8J. Berolini, [1858]. Heixrici(L. O.) * Quaenam sit causa mortis auimalium nervis vagis dissectis. 8°. Berolini, [1843]. VON Helmolt (A.) * Ueber die reflectorischen Beziehungen des Nervus vagus zu den motori- schen Nerven der Athemmuskeln. sm. 8°. Gies- sen, 1856. Hoffmann (C. E. E.) Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physioiogie des Nervus vagus bei Fischeu. 4°. Giessen, 1860. van Kempen (E.-M.) Essai experimental sur la nature fouctionuelle du nerf pneumogastri- que, pre"c6de de considerations sur les mouve- ments re'fle'chis. 8°. Louvain, 1842. Knaut (A.) * De vitali, qua? dicitur, pulmo- num contractilitate, nervis vagis irritatis. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 18.59. Langenbacher (L.) * Maferialy dlja sravui- telnoi anatomii blujdajoushich nervov u doma- shnich jivotnych. [Materials for comparative anatomy of nervus vagus in domestic animals.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1877. Leopold (J. H.) * De phteuomenis post dis- sectos nervos syiupathicum et vagum in oculo observatis. 4°. Lipsiee, [1840]. Lowixsohx (J.) * Experimenta de nervi vagi in respiratiouem vi et effectu. 8°. Dorpati Liro- norinn, 1858. Moleschott (J.) Sugli effetti emodinamici della recisione dei nervi pueumogastrici. 8°. Torino, 1873. Navrotski (F.) *0 vlijanii davlenija krovi na tsentri blujdaioushich nervov. [Effect of pressure of blood ou vagus.] 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1870. Ozegowski (A.) * Ueber die Folgen der dop- pelseitigeu Vagusdurchschneidting bei Tauben. 8°. Greifswald, 1879. Paetscii ( A. F. T. ) * Diss, physiologica sis- tens experimenta qua*dam de nervi vagi in diges- tioneni vi atque potentia. 8°. Gottingen, 1822. Pixel (A.-C.) * De l'asthme. Recherches sur la pathogenie de cette affection, considere prin- cipalement au point de vue de ses rapports avec l'histoire physiologique et pathologique des nerfs pneumogastriques. 4°. Paris, 1858. Preyer (W.) [Ueber telephonische Vagus- Reizung.] 8°. Jena, 1881. Repr. from: Sitzungsh. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw., 1881. Quellhorst (T.) * Beitriige zur Physioiogie des Vagus. 8°. Wurzburg, 1875. Riu (E.) * Etude expe"rinientale et clinique sur les nerfs pneumo-gastriques. 4°. Paris, 1882. Rosexbacii (O.) .Studien iiber den Nervus vagus. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den automa- tischeu Nervencentren uud den Hemmungsuer- ven. 8-r Berlin, 1877. Rosenthal (J.) Die Athembewegungen und ihre Beziehungen zum Nervus vagus. 8°. Ber- lin, 1,-02. Sedillot (C.) *Du nerf pneumo-gastrique et de ses fonctious. 4°. Paris, 1829. Solinville (A.) ^Anatomica disquisitio et descriptio nervi pueumogastrici in corpore hu- mano. 4C. Turiei, 1838. Walther (A. F.) [Pr.] quo paris intercostalis et vagi corporis humani nervorum et ab utroque ejus latere obviorum anatomen exhibet. 4°. [Lipsia; 1733.] Also, in: Halleu. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Cottingce, 1747, ii, 911-926. IVerve (Pneumogastric). Warwinsky (J.) * De nervi vagi physiologia et pathologia. 8°. [Dorpat], 18\',8. Wolff (E.) * De functiouibus nervi vagi. 8 . Berolini, [1856]. Adams (J. F. A.) Notes on the pneuino'iastric. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 187;S, lxxxix, 55; 75; 97.—A in kit (T.) & Lobe (A.) Versuche iiher die Kreislaufsdauer he:i Rei- zung und Durchschneidung der Nervi vagi. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1S68, 3. R., xxxi, 33-37.— Albcrs (J. T. H.) Auatomisch-iiathologische Beobaeh- tungen iiber den Nervus vagus. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk Berl., 1834, xii, 120-124. Also, transl: Abeille, Brux' 1834 iv, 86-91.—von An rep (15 ) Die Ursache des Todes nach Vagusilurchsclineidung bei Viige'n. Verhandl. d phys.-nied. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1880, n. F., xiv, 35-43.— Arloing (S.) Sc Tripier (L.) Contribution a. la physio- iogie des nerfs vagues. Arch, de physiol. norm, et natli Par., 1871-2, iv, 411; 588; 732: 1873, v, 157. -----. filmic comparative de Taction physiologique des deux nerfs pneumogastriques. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876 Par 1877, 6. s., iii, 373-376.—Arnold. Observations et ex- periences sur les fonctions du nerf put-uiuo-ga.striepie et du nerf accessoire ele Willis. [Extrait] Arch, j;™ de med., Par., 1840, ii, 445-462. — Aubert (II.) Ac von Tschischwitz (A.) Versuche iiber den Stillstand eles Zwerchfells durch Reizung des Nervus vagus in Contrac- tion und in Erschlafi'ung. Lutersuch. z. Naturl. d Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 1857, iii, 272-293.—Ber- nard. Paralysie de l'lesopliage par la section des deux nerfs pneumogastriques. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1849, Par., 1850, i, 14.—Bernstein (J.) Vagus und Syinpa- thicus; vorlauflge Mittheilung. Centralbl. f. d.' med. Wissensch., Berk, 1864, ii, 241-243.—Bert (P.) Effets de la section et de la galvanisation des nerfs pneuniogas triques chez les oiseaux. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s., v, 39-41. -----. Sur l'elasticite et la con- tractilite pulmouaires; sur les rapports de celle-ci avec les nerfs pneumogastriques. Ibid., r>.">-57— Boildaert (R.) Observation d'un cas remarquable dc prolongation dela vie chez un chien, a la suite de la section siiuuitau(*e eles pneu- mogastriques k la r6gion cervicale. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1877, lv, 197-200. — Bouley (H.) Recherches ex- perimentales sur l'influence que la section des pneumo- gastriques exerce snr l'absorption stomacale dans le cheval, le chien et le boetif. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1851-2, xvii, 647. [Rap de Berarel], 763-775. Also: Union nied., Par., 1852, vi, 310.—Broil ie (B. C.) Experiments and ob servations on the influence of the nerves of the eightli pair on the secretions of the stomach. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1814, civ, 102-106.—Browii-Mequard (C. E.) [Two hu- portant facts relative to tlie physiology of the pneumo-gas- trie nerves.] Virginia M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1855, iv, 161. -----. fitude comparative de Taction physiologiejue des deux nerfs pneumogastriques. Coinpt. reiid. Sue de biol. 1872, Par., 1874, 5. s., iv, 181-186.—Budge (J.) Ueber eleu Einfluss der Reizung des N. vagus auf das Athcinliolen. Arch, f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvi, 433-464. -----. Neuere Untersuchungen iiber elen Einfluss des N. vagus auf die Athembewegungen. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. n. Heidelb., 1864, 3. R., xxi, 269-289, 2pl.—Bnrkart (K.) Ue- ber den Einfluss des N. vagus auf die Atheinbewegungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1808, i, 11)7-120. — Clinn- venn (A.) Du nerf pneuniogastrique considere': ctiniiiiu agent excitateur et comme agent coorclinatenr des contrac- tions uesophaiiiennes elans Tacte de hi deglutition. J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par., 1862, v, 190; 323. — Cock (E.) Observations on the ganglionic enlargement of the pneu- mogastric nerve; the probable function of that ganglion ; and the position which it occupies in the human suliject and in several of the lower animals, Iluy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1837, ii, 311-317, 1 pl — Crnvcilbicr. Section du pneumo-gastrique sur des chiens. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1831, vi, 110.—(im ier n I n*. On experiments on the par vagum. Lond. M. Reposit., 1820, xiii, 467-471. — Czer- ■nak (J.) Leber mechanische Vagus-Reizung beim Men- schen. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1865-6, ii, 384-386. -----. Ueber mechanische Reizung des N. vagus heim Menschen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1868, c, 30-39, 4 pl.—van Been (I.) Over de zij- delingsche takken der zwervende zenuw (nervus vagus) van den proteus anguineus. Tijdschr. v. nat. (lese hied, en Physiol., Amst., 1834, i, 112-129, 1 pl— Be.«moHlin» (AA Memoire snr le rapport qui unit le develempenient clu nerf pneuniogastrique a celui des parois du qualrieme ventri- cule, et sur la composition ele; la moelle epiniere. J. ele physiol. exper., Par., 1823, iii, 362-375. Also, Reprint — Bonders (F. C.) Zur Physiologic des Nervus vagus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1868, i, 331-361, 3 pl. -----. De werkiug van den constanten stroom op den nervus vagus. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. At'd. Natuurk., Amst, 1871, 2. R., v, 80-93, 3 pl. Also, Reprint. Also: Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht, Hoogesch., 1872, 3. R, i, 1-26. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d- ges. Phvsiol., Bonn. 1871-2, v, 1-19, 1 pl. Also, transl • Arch. neerl. d. sc. exactes, etc., La Have, 1872, vii, 328-350.-----. Dc duur der latcnte werking, bij vagusprikkeling, in be. NEKVE. 719 NERVE. IVerve (Pneumogastric). trek kin"- tot (lien der harts-porioden. Onderzoek. ged. in h. phvsiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1872, 3. R„ i, 272- jsi.-l Biirr. Eigentliiiiuliche Neurose des Vagus und Accessorius durch Ueberfutterung bei einem Kinde. Med. Cor.-Bl. cl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Sluttg., 1852, xxii, 37(j._l>n Tlonlin. Observation destinee a l'histoire du graiid-syinpathiquo et du pneuniogastrique. thill. Acad. roy. ele'meel. de Belg., Brux., 1872, 3. s.. vi, r.S7-(ilo. Also. Keprint. Also [Rev.] : Bull. Soc. de nied. de Gaud, 1873, xl, 4K0-490.— Bnpii). Experiences sur la sectiou, la liga- ture ct In I'oinpri's.siun lies nerfs pueumogastriepies, ou liui- lienu* paire. ilu che\ al ct dc la brebis. J. de ined., chir., pliariu., e:tc, I'ar., 1816, xxxvii, 351-306. ------. He: l'effet ile la compression des nerfs piieumo-gastriqucs, ou ele la liiiitieme paire sur la voix du cheval. J. gen. de ined., chir. ct pharni., Par., in. lxxv.3-19. ------. Nouvelles ex- periences sur la section (lis nerfs piieuniogaslriqiies. Ibid , 1827, c, 39-48. Also. Reprint.—fick hard (('.) Zur Theo- rie dor Vagus Wirkung. Arch. f. Anat., l'hvsiol. u. wis- sensch. Meel., Berl., 1851, 205-208. Also, transl : Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1*53, lxxix, 145-147. -----. Versuche iiber die Wirkung eles Vagus einer Seite: nach vorausgegangener Erregung eles eler anelein Seite. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Phy- siol. (Eckhard) 1876-8, Giessen, 1879, viii, 177-182.—Fano. Observation de resection d'uu des nerfs pueumogastriques pratiqucc acciilentelleinent chez l'homme. Arch. gen. ele mud., t'iir.. 1856, i, 183-180. — Fearn (S. W.) Case of wound of the internal carotid artery, and division of the iiar vagum, in which the common caiotid artery was tied. "rov. M. cfe S. J., Lond., 1847, xi^482-48.V—Finkelstein (A.) Her Nervus depressor beim Menschen, Kaninchcn, Hunde, bei der Katze uud dem Pfcrele. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1880, 245-25-J, 1 pl.—Forjgues. Contribution ii l'etuile physiologique comparee cles deux pneuinogastriques. Gaz. liebcl. d. sc. meel. de Montpel., 1882, iv, 409; 422.—Fonrcade. Resultat d'oxperieuces qu'il a tentees sur les usages du nerf pueumogastrique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1830, v, 49. — Francois- Franck. Ligature et contusion du pneuniogastrique; uevrotomie electrique ; restitution cles functions dun nerf comprime. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879. Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 293-296. Also : Gaz. meed, de Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 578. ------. Recherches sur les effets produits par l'excitation du bout central du pneuniogastrique et de ses branches sur la respiration, le cceur et les vaisseaux. In: Marey (E.-J.) Physiol, exper., 8°, Par., 1880, 281-386. -----'-. Remarques sur une communication ele M. Laffont ayant pour title: Difference des effets produits sur la pressiou vasculaire et les battements ilu cceur par les excitations des deux nerfs vagues. Compt. rend. Soc. de* biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 214. — Frederieq ( L. ) Excitation du pneuniogastrique chez le lapin enipoisoune par CO2. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1884, v, 573-579.—Frcy (O.) Kurze Mittheilung der Ergcbnisse einer Untersuchung iiber elie pathologischen Lungenveranderiingen nach Liilimuug der Nervi vagi. Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol , Bonn, 1876-7, xiv, 187-191.— Friedleben. Ueber das Verhalten des Vagus recurrens zu den Tracheal- und Bronchialdriisen in Krankheiten der Kinder. Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1858, Carlsruhe, 1859, xxxiv, 232-234.—(acncrnli (G.) Intorno una straoidiuaria dis- posizione del nervo pneumogasti ico. Ann. univ. di meel., Milano, 1841, xcvii, 53-60.—<«enziiier (A.) Griinde fiir die pathologischen Vcriindcrungcu del Lungen nach elop- ?elseitiger Vagusdurchschni idling. Arch. f. el. ges. 'hysiol., Bonn, 1873-4, viii, 101-121. - «ilehri*I ( W. ) On the influence of the vagus upon respiration. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1858, xxii, 495-501.—CJratia. tne curieuse anomalie anatoiniepic, constituee par la pre- sence de tissu musculaire strie clans la substance du nerf ptieuinogastrique. Ann. de meel. vet.. Brux., 1884, xxxiii, 649-652. — <>uiliMki (K.) Ncrw bledny (n. vagus) jest nerwein c/.ucinwym scrca. I On the sensibility of the nervus vagus. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1870, viii, 745; 766.— II liberation ( S. (). ) Clinical observations illus- trating the effects produced by the implication of branches of the pneumogasti ic nerve in ancuiisinal tumours and iu some morbid growths. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Loud., 1864, iv, 281-283. ------. Some 'clinical facts connected with the pathology of the pimumogastric nerve. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Loud.; 1875, 3. s., xx, 127-144.— Iloppe (L) I'eber das spontane IT hrecheu nach eler Durchsehueidung eler N. vagi. We-hnsclir. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 733- 740.—J:ic«|iiarl (111 De la distribution des nerfs pneu- inogastriques clans les poumons des ophidiens. J. de I anal, et physiol.. etc., Par., 1861, i, 371-377, 1 pl.— Jolui- koii (G.) On the laryngeal symptoms which result from the pressure of ancui isnial and other tumours upon the vagus and recurrent nerves. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1875, lviii, 29-48. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Lyon nied., 1877, xxvi, 593-600.— .loi) el (L.) Les fibres eiu nerf pneunio- gastrique, dont lexcitation a pour resultat de donner nais- saiice au plicnoincnc rcflexe qui constitue la toux, out une tendance il s'isoler en nerf distinct, separe du tronc du nerf pneumogastrique. Coinpt. lend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii. 409-411. ------. Nouvelles recherches Bur le nerf pneurnogastriquo, demontraut que les filets IVerve (Pneumogastric). originaircs de ce nerf, availt toutes anastomoses, possd- deut, chez le: chien, une fonction motrice propre sur l'ceso- phage et lT-stemac. Ibid., 1878, Par., 188U, 6. s.. v, 274- 279. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1879 6. s., i, 72. — Joseph (L.) Beitrag zur Geschiehte eler Physiologic des Vagus. Anh. f. path. Anat., etc., Par., i860, xviii. 368.— Kap- peler (0.) Excision eines % Zoll langen Stiickes aus dem Nervus vagus hei Exstirpation einer grossen Geschwulst am Halse; Genesun^: larviigoscopischer Befund. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1804, v," 271-275. — Kehrer (P. A.) Ueber angebliche relic etorische Beziehungen des N. vagus zur Harnblase. Ztschr. f. rat. Meel., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1867, 3. R., xxix, 144-148. —van Itenipen (E.-M.) Nou- velles recherches sur la nature fonctionuelle eles raciues du nerf piii'iiiiioerastrii|ueetdu nerf spinal. Mem. Acad. roy. de: meel. ele Belg.. Brux., 1857, iv, 323-349— Ivoli I * (().) et Tiejjel (E.) Einfluss der Vagusdiuchschneidung auf Herzschlag und Athmuug. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876. xiii, 84-92, 1 pl.—Krishaber. Phenomenes provoques par l'inhalation du chloroforuie apres la section ties nerfs pneuiuogastriciues. Arch, ele physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 542. — l.akorde (J.-V.) Note, pre- liminaire sur le noyau d'origine elans le bulbe rachidien des fibres motrices ou cardiaques du nerf pneumogastriqiie; noyau caidiaque. Tribune' med., Par., 18X7, xix, 212. Also: Coinpt. nnd. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 240- 242.— l.aH'oiit. Ile lc-tle't cles excitations du nerf vague chez les animaux anesthesios par le chloroforuie ou par injection intraveineuse: d'hydrate de chloral: difference d'effets produits sur la pressiou vasculaire et les bath: inents ilu cour. par les excitations des deux nerfs vagues. Compt. rinil. Sue. de biol.. Par., 1XS0, 8. s., iii, 193-195.— I.nuyriiiloi'fl' (II.) Der Einfluss cles Neivus vagus und der seusiblen Nerven auf die Athumng. Mitlii. a. el. Kdnigsb. physiol. Lab., 1878, 33-07. ------. Leber den Nervus vagiis neugeborener Thiere. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1879, i, 247-249.— I.ejjro* (Ci ,fc Oniimis. Re- cherches experimentales sur la physiologic eles mil's pneu- mogastriques. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par.. 1872, viii, 501-592. Also [Abstr.] : Coinpt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxv, 1192-1194.—I,cy (H.) Observations on the attributes of the pneumogastric or eighth pair of nerves in their natural and diseased conditions, as illus- trative: of the general principles of the pathology of nerves. Loml. M. Gaz., 1835. xvi, 407; 440; 474; 503;' 535; 507.— I, i von (('.) Effets de rarrachemeut du spinal sui Taction nioileratricc du piii'iiniogast.rique. Marseille ined., 1880, xxiii, 21)5-208. —I.oiiaet (F-A.) Sur la veritable nature des nerfs pneunio gasti iques et les usages ele leurs anasto- moses. Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1X49, iii. 253-284. Also, Reprint.— l.n**aiia ( F.) efc C'iolto ( F. ) Kisnltanze ottcnuto dal taglio dei due nervi vaghi in un cane, soprav- vissuto per diecisette giorni. Ga//, med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1,877. xx, 219-221. — .Tlnealisler (A.) Abnormal position of the pneumogastric nerve. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1808, v, 132— ITlalerba (P.) Os- servazioni sulla fisiologia del par vago fatte nell' uomo vi vente. Morgagni, Napoli, 1874, xvi, 898-9H4. M;i*s- kowxki ( M. ) Przypadek natural, doswiailczalingo drazuic nia nerwow bledn.ve h na szvi u czlowie-ka. | Ex- periments in a case- of mil oral irritation of pneuinogastric nerve:.] Meelve\na, Warszawa, 1884, xii, 709-712.— iTI a yer. Neue Lntersuehungen iiber die Folgen uud insln sondere iiber die Ursache des T'oeles eler Tbiere nach Lntei-hinclung des Nervus vagus. Zlschr. f. Phvsiol., Darmstadt, 1827, ii, 62-78. Also, transl: JT e-omjil. clu diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1827, xxvi, 110-123. — .Tliehael- noii. Beitriige zur Untersuchung eles Einflusses bcider- seiiiger Vaguslahniung auf die Lungen. Mitth. a. d. Kdnigsb. physiol. Lab., 1878, 85-119.— Tlo lean. Regene- ration en 30 jours du nerf pneumogasti ique separe ele son centre nerveux avec retahlisseinent complet des fonctious de ce nerf chez les jeunes rats albinos Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii. 376.— Tliinzi I (E.) Puls- folge unci Blutelruok nach der Durchschneicluiigder Nervi vagi. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 120-137—ITInnk (11.) Ueber Functionen des N. vagus vou J. Steiner. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 349.—ITIiinxon ( W. W. ) The pneumogastric nerve; a study chiefly physiological. N. Tork M. J., 1878, xxviii. 243-253.— IVasse ( H. ) Einige Versuche ube:r die Wirkung eler Durchsehueidung der Nervi vagi hei Hunden, besonders in Hinsicht auf den Stott'wechsel. Arch. el. Ver. f. ge- meinsi h Arb. z. Feirel. d. wisseusch. Heilk., Gdtting., 1856. ii, 327-384.—Oehl (E.) Delia iniicrvazioiii' niotoria eld pneuinogastrico sugii organi addoniinali. Morgagni. Na- poli, 1864, vi, 215; 323; 410; 550; 718; 777. Continued in : Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1867, 5. s.. vi, 342; 368: IMis. 6. s.. i, 65; 78; 81; 89; 129; 143; 149; 201. ------. Contri- bii/ione alia fisiologia del rami) simpatico al vago. Gior. eli r. Accad. cii nied. di Torino. 1885, 3. s., xxxiii, 28-38.— Onoili (A. P.) A holyge'i idege-soport (nervus vagus) alaktaui jelentosc'-geidl. '['Morphology of nervus vagus ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 896-898— Faladi no (G.) Aleuni effetti siugolari oonsecntivi alia reeisione del vago. Movimento, Napoli, 1875, vii, 417-428. — Feter. Cancer latent du poumon et du foie; cancer cous6cutif NERVI-. 720 NKRVE. IVerve (Pneumogastric). eles ganglions hi -om hiques: lesion de voisinage d'un des pueumogastriqiics: dyspnee et frequence excessive: du pools. Bull. Soc. clin. ele Par., 1877, i, 241-246. — I'liili. pi'anx. Experience's relatives il raction ele l'elcct risa- timi des bouts centraux des nerfs piieumogastriepies. < '<>nipt. rend. Soc. ele biol.. Par., 1872, 5. s., iv, 31. ------. Ilcgi'iieration en 30.jours du nerf pucumogastriejuc separe ile son centre, nerveux avec ret..',lisseineiit complet des functions cl' ce: nerf chez les jennis rats albinos. I bid. 1876. Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 376.—41 nincite (II.) Leber Va- gusreizung beim Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875 xii, 189; 203.—Knrilx li (J.) Ueber den Einfluss des Va- gus auf die Magenbewegung. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1861, 770-781. — Kemaek. Des ganglions microscopiques sur le trajet'des filets du nerf pueumogastrique dins la paroi de l'estomac. (Tempt, rend. Soc. de biol. 1852, Par., 1853, iv, 153-155. — Koildaerl (U.) Kecherohes experimentales sur les lesions pulmonaircs consi'ciitives a la section (b-s nerfs pneu.....gastriqucs. J. dc l.i physiol. ele lTiomme, Par., 1862, v, 442 ; 527— Ko«en. bach (().) Zur Physioiogie des Nervus vagus. Centralbl. f. el. mod. Wissensch.. Berl, 1877. xv, 97-99 —Kooeenlhal (I.) Leber Vagusi li/mig. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-meel. Soc. zu Erlang., ls,9-su, xii. 45-47.—Kosentlial (J.) Leber den Einfluss eles Vagus nut elie Aihiinbewegiingen. Arch. f. Anal.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1862, 226- 229. —Kovshnf li (M. J.) Weitere Lntcrsuchiingcn iiber die: physiologischen Wirkungen eles Atropin und Pliyso- stigmin, mit einein Beitrag zur Physiologic des Vagus. Arch. f. d. ges. I'hysiol.. Bonn, 1875, x, 383-464, 2 pl.— KoMKbnch (M. J.) Sc 4v«ll (X. B.) The vagus nerve in'the'do- mestic cat, (Fells domestica). Proc. Am. Phil Soc Phila., 1881-2, xx, 123-138. Also, Reprint—Talmiioii (C.) Compression du pneumo-gastrique droit par uu anevrysme du tronc braehio-cephaliqiu:; broncho-pneu- 1.....'»>' suppuree du pounmn droit. Progres med., Par 18mi. viii, 48,-1-9. — von 'I'hanhoH'er (L.) Die beider- seilige niechanisclie Keizung des Nv. vagus beim Men- schen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl. 1875 xiii 403-406.—Traube iL) Die Ursachen uud die Bes'chaf- lenhcit dcrjenigen Veranderungen, welche das Liim-vupa- lenchyin nach Durchsediueidung der Nn. v.vri erleielet Beitr. z expc:r. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1846,"i, 65-200' ------. Entgegnung auf die Einwiirfe gegen meine Theo- rie uber die Ursachen der nach Dure hschneidun" der Nn. vagi eintretenden Liingenatf'ection. Arch f nhvsiol Heilk.. Stuttg., 1818. 454-471. ------. Zur Physioiogie fles Nervus vagus. In his.- Ges. Beitr. z. Path' u Phvsiol f£, Berl , 1871. i, 184-189.------, Versuche iiher deu Ein- fluss ties Liiiigeii-Gaswechsels auf das dein Einfluss der .Nn. vagi entzogeue lie rz. Ibid., 310-320.—Van Bier- fliet (L.) Cas de seqtion des pneumogastriques. Bull At'l'vc (Pneumogastric). Acad. rov. de nied. de Belg., Brux., 1857-3, 2. s i 471 474. | Rap. ele Fossion), 418.— Van Kenipeii'(EM I Nouvelles recherches sur la nature fonctioniielle des ra- cines du nerf pnemnogastrique ct du nerf spinal. Bull Acad. roy. de med. de Belg . Brux., 1862, 2 s v 1,08- 679. [Rap. dc Thiernesse], 1863, vi, 184-192.— Viiirenzi (L.) Sull'origine reale del nervo pneumogast i ico Gizz d. clin., Torino, 1885, xxi, 200- 211. — Vogel (A.) Zur Prognose: der Vagusrcsection. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz \erzti' Basel, 1883, xiii, 469-470. Also: Wien. med. 151. 1883' vi, 1227; 12:4. — Warner (J.) Beitriige zur kennt- niss der respiratorisoheu l.eisiungen eles Nervus va-'us Silzungsb. el. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math -naturw' Cl. 1879, Wien, 18sn. lxxx, 3. Abth., 177-187. Also'- Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1880, 239-249. — Waller (A.) Ex- periences sur les nerfs pneiiniognstriquos ct acce'ssoires de Willis. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1850, Par., 1857. 2. s., iii, 55-57. ------. On the effects of compression of the vagus nerve iu the cure or ic-lief of various nervous affec- tions. Practitioner, Lond., 187(1, iv. 193-200. ______. On the compression of the vagus nerve, considered as a means of producing asthenia or aniesthesia in surgical operations Ibid., v. 321-320. Also, transl : Allg. Wien. rued. Ztg.' 1871, xvi, 05; 74.—Ware (E. R.) Experimental inquiry on the influence of the pueumo-gastrio nerves. N Ani M. cfe S. J., Pbila., 1828, v, 264-208. -lVn«) liwski (T.) Leber Vagiisreizung beim Menschen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt Heilk., Pra;;-, 1878, exxxviii, 69-82. —Weber (E.) ■V. Weber (E. IL) Experiences qui prouvent que lis nerfs vagues, stimulus par lTippareil dc rotation galvano- magnetique, peuvent rctarder et meme arrctcr le inouve: ment du cour. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1846, Suppl., 12.—Wood (II. C), jr. Suspension of intestinal secretion and failure to produce purgation alter section of the par vagum. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1863-74), 1874, n. s., iv, 317-321). Also: Am. j. M. Sc, Pbila., 1870, n. 8., lix, 395- 398. ------. Ou the influence of section of the cervical pneuinogastrics upon the action of emetics and cathartics. Am. J. M Sc. Phila., 1870, n. s., Ix, 75-100. Also, Ke- print.—AV.....It (W.) Versuche iiber den Einfluss der Durchsclineielung der Lungenniagennerveu auf die Respi- ralionsorgane. Arch. f. Auat, Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med,, Leipz., 1855, 269-313. — Zander (R.) Polgeu der Vagusdurchschneielung hei Ve'igeln. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1878-9. xix, 263-334. Also [Abstr.]: Con- trail)!, f. el. mecl. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 99; 113.— Zybnlsky (N.) cfe Wartanow (W.) Leber die Bezie- hung des NT depressor zu"i NT vagus. St. Petersb. wed. Wchnschr., 1883, viii, 201-203. Also, transl.: Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1883, iii, 49-52. Aerve (Pneumogastric, Pathology of). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic); Aneurisms (Subclavian); Hysteria; Neuralgia. BiLLitont ([C. A.] T.) *De natura et causa pulmonum att'eetionis qua* nervo utroque vago dissecto exoritur. 4°. Berolini, [1852]. Hahi.usiiox (8. O.) On the pathology of the pneiiinog.istiic nerve. [Lumleian lectures.] «°. London 1*77. ------. Tlie same. Also, cold shock in its action on the pueumogastric nerve. 2. ed. 8-. London, \887>. See; also, infra. Konos (M.) *])ie> Erscheiuungen hei Ver- letzungen des Nervus vagus. r>'-'. Wurzburg, 188?,. Letlele (M.) * Troubles fonctionuels du pneuniogasti iejue. 4T Paris, 1883. Mancixi (V.) Sopra un raro caso di neurosi del vago. 8°. Os'nno, 1884. Moxdragon (J.) * Valor semiotico de las alteraciones del dynamisoio neumocardiaco. f* Me'rieo, 1874.' SCIIWAKZKXBEKG ( C. G. L. ) * DJS8. sistens casum rariotein adfecfus spasinoilico-convulsivi vagi. sin. 4 . Ilalte Magdeb., [1764]. Soudkk (L.) * Des troubles fonctionuels du piieuiiiogaslrii|iie chez les femmes liysterii|iies. L -'. Paris, 1875. Tilgen (M. J.) *Uiss. sistens observationcm fungi medullaris nervi vagi et partiuin adjacen- tium cum epicrisi. 4 . Ilonnci; [1830]. Valkxtin ((1.) Die Einlliisse der Vagusliib- niung auf die Lungen- und die Hautausduu- stung. s°. Frankf. a. 21., 187)7. Also [Rev.], in: Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1857, xiii, 359-302. NERVE. 721 NERVE. Nerve (Pneumogastric, Pathology of). Albers (J. T. IL) Anatoinisch-pathologische Beohach- tungen iiber den Nervus vagus. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berk, 1834, xii, 120-124. — Aiiilernon (W. II.) Pneumo- gastric nerve. [Burning pain in fauces relieved by atro- pia.] Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1874, 349-354.— Asthma; aneurism of the arch of the aorta; disease of the pneumogastric and phrenic nerves: large glandular tumours compressing them ; hepatization of the lower part of both lungs; death from small-pox. N. Am. Arch. M. cfe S. Sc., Bait!, 1835, ii, 172-175 —Bijjnarili. Kcnlh'iiients ej-iui"iifornies le long des nerfs pneumogastriques. Bull. Soc ."anat. ele Par., 1830, v, 146. — It lake (J. H.) Wound of tlie neck ; apparent recovery ; sudden death. Boston M. & S. J., 1805. lxxi, 73. — Bleifns. Eine Neurose eles Va- u-us. Meel. Cor.-Bl. el. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1842, xj^ 70. - tt n fa I in ■ (L.) Una nervosi del vago (angina pectoris?) di origine pel ilerioa. Morgagni, Napoli, 1881, xxiii, 702-774.—Bni'iiui-iii' ve. Cas remarejuable de com- pression traumatieiue des nerfs vagues ct grands synipa- tliienies suivie de mort par asphyxie pulmonaire. Bull. Acad. roy. de meel. de Belg., Brux., 1851-2, xi, 859-864.— Campbell (JT) Essay on the pathology of the pneuino- uasti-ic nerve. l'roc. Connect. M. Sue, Hartford, 1877, 107- ~2o.—Olinpin (U. D.) A case of sudden death from press- ure on an inflamed pneumogastric nerve. N. Tork M. J., 1884, xxxix, 294—Uoiflier. Paralysie du pneuniogastri- que. Courrier med., Par., 1882, xxxii, 35-39.—C'onty. Sur l'6tat du pneumogastriejue appele epuiseinint. Coinpt. rend. Soe:. tie biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 82-87. — t'rnveil- hier. Kenfle:mens gangliformes le long des nerfs pneumo- gasti ii|iics. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1831, ii, 55- 57.— De Itenzi (E.) 11 cardiop ilmo ela paresi dello pneu- inngastrico. Rivi.sta, Genova, 1882, i, 105-108.—I>ix (T. I,.) Functional disturbance of pneiiniogastric nerve following tlie removal of a tumor from the inferior carotid triangle. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1872, xiv, 21.— Fanlonelli (G.) Di alcune malattie del nervo pneumo- gastrico. ICIl'ciil. d. sc. med., Milano, 1838, vii, 5-22.— (•■ill (W.) On destructive changes in the lung from dis- eases in the mediastinum invading or compressing the pneiiniogastric, nerves and pulmonary plexus. Guy's Hosp. Rip., Lond., 1859, 3. s., v, 307-309. — Oiilliiianii (P.) Zur Kenntniss der Vagus-Lahmung beim .Menschen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1873, lix, 51-64.—Haber- shon (S. ().) Clinical observations illustrating the elle ets produced by the implication of branches of the pneumo- gastric nerve in aneurismal tumours. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1864, xlvii, 35-53. -----. Some clinical facts con- nected with the pathology of the pneumogastric nerve. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1875, 3. s., xx, 127-144. -----. I.uinleian lectures on the pathology of the pneumogastric nerve. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 465; 497; 557; 587; 651. Also [Abstr.]: Mecl. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1876, i, 433; 489; 515; 679. — llankcl. Erweicbung des linken Nervus vagus und des Ruckenmarkes ; leicbte Zcrreissbaikoit des Magens. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xxxix, 248- 259. -----. Langwierige Krankheit des Nervus vagus; Ueherfiillung der Neuvenscheiden mit, Blutgefassen, ver- mekrte und verhartete Nervensubstanz des rechten, Er- weicbung des linken Nervus vagus und einiger Ganglion des Nervus synipathicus. Ibid., 259-273. — Merard. [Le nerf pueumogastrique droit en rapport avec une tu- meur qui a perfoi-6 la broncho droite:; compression du nerf.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1846, xxi, 268.— Ilillner (H. M.) Tumor, involving the pneumogastric : peripheral and reflex pains. Cincin. Lance:! cfe Obs., 1805. viii. 738-740. Also: Canada M. J., Montreal, 1800, ii, 315 — llnehnril (H.) Les synergies morhides du nerf pueunio7)fiov. Ta\rjvb<;,'ASijivai, 1883, 0', 28.—Pincl. Note sur une nevralgie des nerfs pneuiuo-gastriques guerie par les pilules de Megliu. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828, cii, 332-334. — Potain. [Le pueumogastrique droit comprime contre le rachis par un ganglion bronchique hypertrophic.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 96-98. — Preisendor- fer (P.) Leber refiectorische Vagusneurose. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880-81, xxvii, 387.— Prn* (R.) Observations sur une nevralgie de la huitieme paire, simulant une affection hysterique. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1829, cvi, 31-36. — Pupicr. Vomisse- nients incoercibles dus a une lesion probable eles pneumo- gastrieiues vers leur origine cerebrale. Mem. it compt.- rend. Soc. cl. sc. uied. de L\ on, 1866-7, vi, 303-306.—Rie- ilt:l (B.) Zur Casuistik der Vagusverletzung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, x\, 343. — Kii <*i'l (PT) Ueber Vagus- lahinung. Ibid., 1875, xii. 425-428. Also, transl. .- Clii- cago J. Nerv. cfe Mint. Dis., 1875, ii, 550-505. — Ro*eh ( C. ) Leber die I nflaninialio nervi vagi. .1. el. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837, Kxxv. 4. St., 105-115.—Sehiipmnmi (A.) Nenralgie des Nervus vagus mit allgenn inen Kratn- pfen. Ibid., 1840, xc, 5. St., 18-28.—Wee I is; miiller (A.) Typische Neurose des Nervus vau us. In his: Neuro- patbol. Beobacht., 8°, Halle, 1873, 27-41. — Siiiis. Af- fection des nerfs pneumo-gastrique et iliaphrau-inatitiue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, i, 65.—Sherman (aray (A.) Funciones del nervio intermediario ele Wrisberg. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1879-80, i, no. 18, 5; no. 22, 8.—Napolini (G.) Studj anatomici sui nervo di Wrisberg e su la corda del timpano o tretlit-eshno nervo craniale. Ann. univ. di nied. e chir., Milano, 1881, cclv, IVerve of Wrisberg. 3-27.—Tavare* (('.) Contribuicao para o estndo anato- mici) do nervo ele Wrisberg. Meel. coiitcmp., Lisb 1883 i, 2; 20; 29; 53; 70; 86; 101 ; 118; 134; 150; 181 • 107' 200 • 230; 287: 320; 368. — Vara«lia ( S. ) Sull' esisten/.a di cellule nervose nell' lieuno, lungo il decorso del nervo in- termediario del Wrisberg e del facciale tra la loro origine appareute ed il ganglio geniculate. Osservatoro, Torino 1883, xix, 789.—Velilx (A.) A jarul6kos ideghez (u. ac- cessorius) tartozd iziuok goresenek egy esete. [Cramp of . . .| Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883, xxvii, 188-190. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 18s:i' xix, 381— Vnlpian. Recherches sur les fonctious (hi nerf de Wrisberg. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 1037; 1447. IVerve-cell. See Nervous system (Histology of). IVerve-current* (Velocity of). See, also, Thought (Rapidity of). Camekek (AV. ) 'Versuche iiber deu zeif- liclien Verlauf der Willensbewcgung. s . Tii- bingen, 1866. von Bezold (A.) Dehor die zeillichen Verhaltnisse, welche bei der elektrischen Erregung tier Nerven in's Spiel kommen. [Repr. from: Monatsber. cl. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berl., 22. Nov. I860.] Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. tl. Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vii, 581- 589.—Bloch (A.-M.) Experiences sur la Vitesse du cou- rant nerveux sensitif de l'luuumc. Compt. rend. Sue de biol. 1875, Par., 1876, 6. s., ii, 181-109. Also: Gaz. ni£d. de Par., 1875, 4. s., iv, 279; 289. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 588-623. -----'. Ex- periences nouvelles sur la vitesse du courant nerveux sensitif chez l'homme. J. de l'anat. ct physiol., etc., Par., 1884, xx, 284-290. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s.. i, pt. 2. 34:!. -----. La vitesse com- parative des sensations. Rev. scient., I'ar., 1887, xxxix, 585-589.— Browu-Seqiiard (C.-E.) Recherches de- montrant la non-necessite de l't'iitrecroiseiueut des con- ducteurs servant aux mouvements volontaires, k la base de 1'encephale ou ailleurs. France mod., Par., 1878, xxv, 305-307. -----. Recherches montrant la puissance, la rapidite d'action et les varietes de certaines influences iu- hibitoires (influences d'airet) de l'ciiccphale sur lui-menie ou sur la moelle epiniere et ele ce dernier centre sur lui- m6me ou sur 1'encephale. Coinpt. rend. Acad. d. s«'., Par., 1879, lxxxix, 657-659.—1'h an veau (A.) Proccilc's et appareils pour l'etude de la vitesse de propagation eles excitations dans les ditferentes categories ele nerfs niotenrs chez les mammiferes. Ibid., 1878, lxxxvii, 95-99. ---- Vitesse de propagation des excitations dans lis nerfs nio teurs des muscles de la vie animale, cbez les animaux mammiferes. Ibid., 138-142.—Freilerieq (L) ev Van- dcvelde (G.) Vitesse de transmission de l'excitation motrice dans les nerfs du homard. Ibid., 1880, xci, 239.— Gail (J.) Zur Methodik der Zeitmessuug von Erregungs- leistungen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1886, 263-206.— Leatitenbach (B. F.) On the velocity of nervous action. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 346-348.—ITI a rey (J.) Nou- velles experiences pour la determination de la vitesse du courant nerveux. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1860, Par., 1867, 4. s., iii, 21-24.—Oil (I.) Rapielity of transmission of nerve force in normal and stretched nerves ; extra-polar katclcctrotonus. J. Nerv. et Ment. Dis.. Chicago, 1878, n. s., iii, 94-98.—Piotrowski (G.) & Widuiaini (0.) 0 cliyzosci z jaka sic* stan czynny-w nerwach udziela. [The velocity of transmission by the irritated nerve.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1803, ii, 289-293. — Plaec (TT) Over de geleidingssnelheid in de beweegzeuuwen van den mensch. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. el. Leidsche Hoogesch., 1870, ii, 101-120. Also, transl.- Arch, neerl. cl. sc. exactes, etc., La Haye, 1871, vi, 80-94.—Bernard (P.) Influence cles hautes pressions sur la rapidite'- du courant nerveux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 4O6-408.— Bene (A.) Etude experimentale sur la vitesse: de trans- mission nerveuse chez l'homme ; durce d'uu acte: c6rebi al et el'un acte reflexe, vitesse sensitive, vitesse motrice. Gaz. d.he>p.,Par.,1882,lv,276; 283; 307; 363: 373.—Waller (A.) Sur le temps perdu dela contraction d'ouverture. Arch de physiol. norm, et path., Tar., 1882, 2. s., ix, 383-3*5.-\Ve- ilenakii (N.) Wie ranch ermiidet eler Nerv .' Ceutralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1884, xxii, 05-08.—von Wil; tich. Untersuchung des zcitlicheu Vei hiufes der motori- schen Action bei dem Kranken Damerau. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl., 1809, xlvi, 483-493. IVerve-fibre. See Nervous system (Histology of). Verve-stretching. See, also, Leprosy (Treatment of); Nerve (Xasal); Nerves (Surgery of); Neuralgia (Facial, etc., Treatment of); Neuralgia (Inter- NEKVE-STEETCHING. 725 NERVE-STRETCH TXG. IVerve-wt ret cliiiig;. costal); Neuralgia ( Supraorbital); Tetanus ('Treatment of). Conrad (T.) * Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiberNerven-Delinung. 8°. Greifswald, 1876. Duvault (A.) * De la distension des nerfs coniine nioycn thdrapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1876. Hksslkr (I'.) *Zur Casuistik der Nerveu- (Ichuung. [Berlin.] H°. Grciz, 1881. Lagrange (F. ) Valeur therapeutique de l'dlongation des uerf's. M6moire couronnd par la Soci6t6 de chirurgie de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1886. Laurent (G.) * Du traitement de la neVral- gic sciatique pur I'elongation non sanglante du nerf. 4°. Lyon, 1885. Marshall (J.) Neurectasy, or nerve-stretch- ing for flic relief or cure of pain, being the Brad- shiiw lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England ou the 6th December, 1883, with an appendix by the author, dated March, 1887, aud 12 illustrations by Victor A. H. Horsley. 8°. London, 1887. Nicolas (J.) * Du traitement de la nevralgie sciatique par I'elongation du nerf. 4°. Paris, 1881. Nocht (B.) * Ueber die Erfolge der Nerven- dehnung. 8°. Berlin, 1881. Sciikving (F.) * De I'elongation des nerfs. 4°. Paris, 1881. Schubert (0.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Deh- nung auf die Erregbarkeit der Nerven. 8°. h'einigsbcrg i. Pr., 1883. Schotter ( \Y. ) * Over zenuwrekking. 8°. Grtiningen, 1889. Stintzing (R.) Ueber Nerveudehnung. Eine experimentelle und klinische Studii*. 8-J. Leip- zig, 1883. Tigers it.dt (R.) Studien iiber mechanische Nerveureizung. Erste Abtheilung. 4°. Helsiug- fors, 188,9. Repr. from.- Acta Sue. scient. fenicse, xi. Vogt (P.) Die Neiven-Dehnung als Operation in der chirurgisehen I'laxis; eine experimentelle uud klinische Studie. 8U. Leipzig, 18/7. >Yiet. * Contribution a l'etude de I'elonga- tion des nerfs. 4°. Paris, 1881. Zederbaum (A.) * Nerveudehnung und Ner- veudruck. !■<". Leipzig, 188?,. Armstrong (II. . — Benedilit (M.) Ueber Nervendehnung. Wien. nied. Presse, 1881, xxii, 941-945. -----. Weitere vorlauligo Mittheilungen iiber Nerveudehnung. Ibid., 1216; 1245; 1277; 1309 ; 1409 ; 1477.—Berg (.1.) Om nerv- strackning. Hygica, Stockholm,. 1883, xiv. 17(1-189. — Bernhardt (' M. ) Zur Frage von elen Erfolgcn der Dehnung eles N. facialis bei tic couvulsif. Deutsche med. Wclmschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 403. — Berridge (W. A.) Nerve-stretching. Brit. M. J., Lond., lssf. i. 510.— IE I ami (A.) De l'l'longation des nerfs. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1878, 7. s., i, 22; 196. -----. Tremblement hysteriipie d'origine traumatique du inembre inferieur droit; elongation du sciatique; guerison. France med., Par., 1882, i, 121-126. -----. Deux cas if elongation du sciatiepie pour nevralgie: rehelle. [Rap. de Gillette.] Bull, et mem. Soc. ele cbir. de Par., 1882, n. s., viii, 162- 169. — Bolis (V.) Intorno alio stiramento dei nervi a scopo Icrapciitico ; easuistica e considerazioni. Raeco- glitore med., Fotli. 1882, 4. s., xvii, 47; 129; 185; 289.— Braiinvill (J. P.) Ou nerve stretching as a remedy Nerve-stretching. for sciatica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 920. Also: Tr. Perthshire M. Ass. 1879-81, Perth, 1882, i, 1-.'. —Braun (J. P.) rebcr den mechanischen Effect der centrifuga- len Nervendehnung auf das Riickenmark. Prag. mecl. Wchnschr., 1882, vii, 162; 174; 185.—Brown-Seqiinrd (C. E.) On certain physiological effects of stretching of the sciatic nerve. Lancet, Lond., 1 ssi. j, 200. -----. Nouveaux faits relatifs ft I'elongation du nerf sciatique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 54. -----. Recherches sur les effets de I'elongation du nerf sciatique chez des animaux ayant eu une In misection de la moelle epiniere. U>id., pt. 2, 1-3.—Callender (G.W.) Neuralgia treated by stretching the median nerve. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1874, vii, 100-104. -----. On a case of neuralgia treated by nerve stretching. Lancet, Loud., 1875, i, '883-885.—Cameron (II. C.) Sciatica treated by nerve stretching. Glasgow M. JT, 1884, [4.) s., xxi, 401.— CaranT Tninblement hysterique d'origine traumatique du mem bre inferieur droit;' elongation dn sciatique; gu6ri- son. France med., Par., 1882, i, 121-126. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 24-30. —Carpenter (J. G.) Nerve stretching of the great sciatic nerve for sciatica: recovery. St. Louis M. ,v S. J., 1883, xliv, 19-22. — C'al- lani ((;.) Studio sperimentale sulla distensione dei nervi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 410-412. -----. Studio speri- mentale intorno alia distensione dei nervi. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1884-5, viii. 365-416, 1 pl. -----. Sulla dis tensione incruenta dei nervi; ricerche sperimentali. Ibid., 1885-6, ix, 261-281, 1 pl — Cavafy (J.) A case, of sciatic nerve-stretching in locomotor ataxy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 928; 973.—Chambers (J. W.) Stretching of the sciatic nerve in locomotor ataxia. Maryland M. J., Bait,., 1881-2, viii, 289-291. -----. Subcutaneous nerve-stretch- ing in the treatment of sciatic neuralgia. Tr, M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1883, 183-186.—Chandler 3 Mikulicz (J.) IVber Nervendehnung. Mitth. cl. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1882, viii, 117-122.—iVIiles < K. T.) A case of accidental infra- vertebral nerve stretching. N. Orl. M. efc S. ,T., 1886-7, n. s., xiv, 354-359.— Hi nor (L.) Contribution ji, l'etude exp6- rimentale de l'elongatiou des nerfs. Compt. rend. Acail. d. sc, Par., 1883, xevi, 1159-1102.—Vloeli. Die Discus- sion iiber Neivendehuung in der Berliner medieinischen Gesellschaft. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1882, i, 76-83.- Vloriiii (V.) Sullo stiramento dei nervi a scopo terapeu- tico. Tesi di laurea. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1885, xi, 265; 337: 409; 433. — JVIorlon (T. G.) Two cases of nerve stretching. Am J. M. Sc, Phila., 1878, n. s., lxxv, 150- 152.— Vlorloii (W. J.) A contribution to the subject of nerve stretching; ini. Lateral sclerosis; 2. Paralysis agi- tans ; 3. Athetosis; 4. Chronic, transverse myelitis: 5. Sci- atica; 6. Reflex epilepsy. J. Nerv. efc Ment. Dis , X. Y., 1882, 11. s., vii, 133-163. J'so, Reprint. Also: Meel. Kee, N. Y., 1882, xxi, 240-243.—IVIiillcr (F.) Sc Kbner (L) Ueber Nerveudehnung bei periphcren und centralen Lei- den, insbesondere bei Tabes dorsalis. Wien. Kliuik, 1881, vii, 151-184.—PVaismilh (W.J.) Nerve-stretching. Lan- cet, Lond., 1881, i, 782—IN'egretto (A.) Due casi di ischi- algia guariti mercc* lo stiramento incruento dello sciatico. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1884, xxvii, 257- 259.—rVieoladoni (C.) Dehnung des N. ulnaris. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 885-888. — von Nnssbni..... Blosslegung und Dehnung der Riickenmarksuerven ; eine erfolgreiche Operation. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872, i, 450-465. Also, transl: Laucet, Lond., 1872, ii, 783. ------. Nervendehnung bei ccntralem Leiden. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1876, xxiii, 75-77. Also, 111 his: Klini- sche Mittheilungen, 8°, Miinchen, 1876, 21-29. ------. Ner- vendehnungen. Aun. d. stadt. allg. Krankeuh. zu Miin- chen, 1878, i, 451-453. Also, in his: Sonst und Jetzt, etc., drei Abhandl., 8°, Miinchen, 1878. 21-23. -----. Neiiere Erfahrung iiber subcutane Nervendehnnng, auch bei Haut- krankheiten. Aerztl Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1883, xxx, 381.— 0111 lion■ (V.) Contribuzione alio stiramento e sbriglia- rueuto dei nervi quale nuovo mezzo terapeutico. Ann. univ. eli ined. e cbir., Milauo, 1880, eeli, 43-51. -----. Nu- ova contribuzione alio stiramento dei nervi nella terapeu- tica. Ibid., 1883, eclxiii, 62-71. -----. Uno sguardo alio stiramento dei nervi, si nella parte .sperimentale come nella clinica. Ibid., 177-249. — Ott (I. ) Nerve-stretch- ing; its physiological action. Ohio M. & S. J., Colum- bus, 1878. iii', 8-12.—Park (R.) Chronic sciatica ; elonga- tion ; recovery. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1884, xlviii, 636. -----. Paras'lhesia and dysa'sthesia of unknown origin; elongation of sciatic, and later of crural nerves; uo re- sult. Ibid., 637. -----. Elongation of nerves. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, ii, 324. — Fnsini ( D. ) Ischi- algia clestra crouica e ribelle; stiramento cruento del nervo sciatico dietro alia metA della coscia ; guarigione. Uae-ro- glitore meel., Forli, 1882, 4. s., xviii, 374-379. — Patrii- ban. Bloslegung und Dehnung des grossen Hiiftnerveii bebufs der Heilung der Ischialgie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 509; 525; 541 573; 672. Also, transl: Clinic, Cincin , 1872, iii, 234; 244; 259: 297: 1873. iv, 54.—Peter- sen (F.) ZurNervendehnuiig. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1876, iii, 769-771.—Pitts (B.) Two cases of nerve* stretch- ing for neuralgia of the inferior dental nerve. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1885, Lond., 1886, xv. 207-211.— l»ooley (J. H.) Nerve-stretching. Med. Rec, N. V., 1880, xviii, 172-175.— Prevost (J.-L.) Experiences relatives a l'l'longation des nerfs it aux nevrites. lU-.v. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1881, i. 469-489. — <{ninqiiaiid. Keeherches sur I'elongation des nerfs. Compt. rend. Sim. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. f... iii. 119. ------. Elongation des nerfs avec troubles trophiques. Ibid., 120. Also : Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, 20c — Ramauge. Estiramiente de ner- vios. Rev. m6d.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1882-3, xix, 127- NERVE-ST ETCHING. 727 NERVES. Hervc-stretchiiis. 134.—Ranke (H.) "Dehnung" des Nervus cutaneus meelius unci minor brachii dext. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1878, 1078. —Redard (P.) Recherches expcri- mentales sur la temperature locale: des niembres apres I'elongation des nerfs periphei iepii's. Conipl. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. 8., iv. 02-64. —Remy. Dreifaehe blutiei-e Nerveneleluning, eine selbsterlittene Operation. Allg. meel. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, liv, 273— Riedel. Zur Nei vinili'linung nach Wirbelliisiem. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii. 3.—Robins (R. P.) Notes of three cases of liei've-stretching for sciatica. Meel. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 339. — Rogovich. Vlijanie vitjajeni.ja nerva na ego provodhnost i vozbudiinost. [On the cll'ect of nerve: .stretching. | Univ. Izviestija, Kieff, 1884, xxiv, pt. 4. 1-42.—Maylor (W. H.) Nerve stretch- ing for sciatica. Proc. Oregon M. Soc, Portland, 1882, ix, 02. — Mi-iiri'iizio (A.) Stiramento cruento del nervo granele isehiatico per nevralgia datante: da piii di quattro anni; esito I'elice. Ann. univ. di meel. e chir., Milano, 1885, celxxi. 134-141—Selileieli (G.) Versuche iiber die lieizbarkeit der Nerven im Delinungszustand. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1871, vii, 379-394.—Sell mid (II.) Zur NcrM'iiilehnuug. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883, x, 489.— Schooler (L.) Nerve strete:hina■; with a case. Iowa State M. Reporter, Des Moines, 18,87-8, n. a., iv, 418-42(1.— Si-hiissler (H.) Miinischei Gisicbtskrampf; Dehnung des Facialis! Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 684. -----. Ncuralgie des Occipitalis major : Nei veneleh- nuug; Heilung. Ibid., 1880, xvii, 554. — Nerehrcnniliotr (E.) K vopr. n vitjjajeiiii zritel. nerva. | Stretching of tbe optic nerve.J Vracii, St. Petersb., 1880, vii. 515.—Shep- herd (F.J.) Case of sciatica ; nerve-slretchina'; cured. Canada M. cfe S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 148—Soleeki. Nerwobol twarzy w obwodzie iii gal§zi n. troistego; wy- cii'iie calej tr/eciej gale*zi n. troistego tu/. przy dworze jajawatyin s|)osobem Kiouleiua. | St retching of third branch of n. trigeminus ; cutting of entire third branch of n. trigeminus close to oval aperture by Kroiilein's method.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1887, xxvi, li.5. — Sonneiibiirg. Dehnung des Nervus ischiadicus uud eles N. peroneus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884. xxi, 75. Also: Verhanell. d. Berl. nied. Gesellsch. (1883-4), 1885, xv, 76-78. — Sonlhnm (F. A.) On nerve-stretching; with particulars of three cases. Lancet, Lond., 1881,ii,309. -----. Cases of nerve -stretching. Ibid.,V,'2~. -----. Notes on a case of nerve-stretching for facial spasm, operated on five years since. Ibid., 1886, i, 685.—Spenee. St retching of sciatic, digital, and intraorbi- tal nerves. / bid.. 1880, i, 219—Stewart (J.) An account of three cases of sciatica and one of painful stump treated by nerve-stretching. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1882-3, xi, 193-195. — Slilmanl (L.) De I'elongation eles nerfs ; pliysioloaio therapeutique ; recherches nouvelles. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1882, xxxiv, 265; 289; 313; 337; 361.— Nliiit/ing (R.) Leber Nervendeliuung; eine: experi- iiieiitclle uud klinische, Studie. Arb. a. d. meel.-klin. Inst. el. k. Ludwig Maximilians-Univ. zu Miinchen, Leipz., 1884, i, 345-516. — Slorehi (F.) Distensione omenta del nerve) isehiatico per cronica nevralgia da nevrite: ascen- tlcnte; processo Loreta; miglioramento. Spallanzani, Roma, .1886, 2. s., xv, 455. — Strong (A. B.) Flexion of the thigh, with the lea in the straight position, for sciatica. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 427-429. — Striiehiiinnn. Tre Tillaldeal Nervo-Straikning. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1878, 2. R., v, 689-692.—Stnrge (A.) &4»oillee. 'Stretch- ing the facial nervi' for the relief of the facial muscles. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1880, ii, 810. — Svensson (I.) Nerv- striickning. Nord. uied. Ark., Stockholm, 1883, xv, no. 14, 7-16.—Symington (J.) The physics of nerve-stretching. ISrit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 770—Tarnowski (P. N.) Ob i/.nienenijaeh spinnago mozga pri vitja.jcnii siedalishnago nerva. [Changes in spinal cord from stretching the glu- teal nerve.J Vestnik klin. i sudebuoi psichiat. i nevro- paiul., St. Petersb., 1884, ii, no. 1, 98-154, 2 pl. Also, tinosi. : Arch, de neurol., Par., 1885, ix, 289: x, 35, 1 pl.— Trombelln ( F. ) Nerve-stretching. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 250— I llersperger (J. B.) Studie iiber den vom Prof. v. Nussbaum im Aerztl. Intelligenzblatt 1872 No. 9 iiiilgctheilteii Fall: " Bloslegung und Dehnung der vier unteren Halsnerveu am Riickeumarke ". Bl. ?. Ileilwis sensch., Miinchen, 1872,iii, 169; 177.—Underwood (A. S.) On nerve stretching in neuralgia. Tr. (Idont. Sue. dr. Bril., Loml. 1880, n.s., xii, 217-233. [DiscussionJ, 234-238.— (Jslimovich (K. N.) Kriticheskii ob/.ore izsliedovanii o sosiidoraschiijaioutchicli nervache. [On stretching of nerves and blood-vessels. ] Vovenno ined. J., St. Petersb., 1878, exxxi. 1-28.— Veljaiiiiiioff' (N. A.) Dva sluchaja rastjajeiiija nervov i odin sluchai resektsii nerva. [Two cases of nerve-stretching and a case of nerve-resection ] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1882. xxi, 687. —Wales (P. S.) Nerve-stretching. Meel. Rec, N. T., 1882, xxii, 26.—Wal- laee. Nerve stretchina, with special reference to its use in aiia'sfhetic leprosy. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii. 220. Also: Tr. Calcutta M. Soc, 1882, iii, 105-112.— Wnlsham (W. J.) Sequel to a case of epileptiform neu- ralgia treated by nerve stretching. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1234.— YVarnoi* (L ) De l'61ongatiou eles nerfs. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1882, lxxiv, 438: lYerve-st retelling. lxxv, 34; 105: 222— Webber (S. G.) Nerve stretching. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. V.. 1881, suppl. 518-521.— ill* Wecker (L.) De la distension ele los nervios aplicada k la cirujia ocular. Siglo med., Madrid, 1881, xxviii, 147- 149. Also. 1 reins I. .- Klin. Monalsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1881, xix, 235-243.—von Wellrnbsky (<}.) Erfahi-ingen iiber Nervendehnung. Prag. med. Wclmschr., 1882 vii, 101; 114; 122; 144; 16<*; 207: 219; 227: 234: 244.-West- phal (C.) TJiiti'i'sehenkelphanoinen unci Nervendehnung. Arch. f. Psychiat,, Berl., 1877, vii, 066-670. —Wilheim. Kritische, Betraclitungen zur sogonanuteu unblutigen Nervendehnung. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 208- 210.—Winslow (R.) Nerve stretching in sciatica, with a successful case. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 313- 316. — Witltowski (L.j Zur Nervendehnung. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1880, xi, 532-537, 1 pl. —Wyelh (J. A.) Three cases of nerve stretching for the relief of persistent fulgurating pains in the lower extremities. Am. J. Neu- rol. & Psychiat., N. Y., 1882. i, 465-467. — Zedcrbanin (A.) Nervendehnung und Ner\ eudruck. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1883, 161-189. Also, in: Arb. a. d. spec, phy- siol. Abth. d. physiol. Inst, el Univ. Berl., 1883, [No 9].— Zesas (D. G.) Ueber die Erfolge der Dehnung des Ner- vus facialis bei Facialiskrampf. Wien. meel. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 853; 883. IVerve-vibration. Gkanvillk (J. M.) Nerve-vibratiou aud ex- citation as agents iu the treatment of functional disorder and organic disease. 8°. London, 1883. Oranville (J. M.) Nerve vibration as a therapeutic agent. Lancet, Lond., 1882, i, 949-951. — l*attee (A. F.) Resume of Dr. J. M. Granville's book on nerve vibration and excitation, with uotes of clinical experience with the percuteur. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 113-121. IVerve*. See, also, Ear (Xerres of); Frog; Grafting; Myelin; Nervous system (Electro-physiology of); Nervous system (Histology of); Neurology ; and under names of organs and regions. Bi.anck (H. P.) * De resolutioDe nervorum. 8°. Ilerolini, [1841]. Budge (J.) Ueber die verschiedene Keizbar- keit eines und desselben Nerven an verschiede- neu Stellen desselben. 8°. [n.p., n. el] Fick (A.) * Ueber quere Nervendurchstio- inung. ho Wiirzburg, 1876. Gkillo (F.) Breve saggio sui nervi in genere con 1' applicazione al tetano. 8°. Arellino, 18*87. Ho;uk(E.) On tbe irritability of nerves. 4°. London, 1891. Kuhne (W.) Note sur l'irritation chimique des nerfs et des muscles. 4°. [Paris, 1859.] Repr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1859, xlviii. von Laxukii (C.) * Diss, sistens structuram nervorum, s . Vienna',, [1842]. Lent (E. O. B.) * De nervorum disscctorum cornniutatiouibus ac regeneratioue. 4°. Bero- lini, 187,7). Le Tiiirullier (J.) *Au nervi cauales f 4°. Parisiis, 174:?. Ludekitz (C.) * Versuche iiber die Einwir- kuug ties Druckes auf die motorischen nnd sen- siblen Nerven. Habilitationsschrift. 8°. Ber- lin, 1880. Molesciiott (J.) Sugli attributi generali dei nervi. Introduzione al corso di fisiologia speri- mentale letta il 16 gennaio lS^l. 8°. Torino, 1881. Neumann (G. C.) * Diss, inaug. sistens ratio- neiii inter nervorum vires et impouderabilium indolem. 8°. Berolini, [1828]. Panizza ( B. ) Ricerche sperimentali sopra i nervi. Lettera al Maurizio Bufalini. 8°. Pa- ria, 18:54. Pfeffinger ( J. ) * De structura nervorum, cujus sectionem primam defendet. 4°. Argen- torati, [178*2]. -----. * De structura nervorum, cujus alteram sectionem submittit. 4°. Argentorati, [178:5]. Pohlii's (J. C.) [Pr.] quasdam de nervis ani- madversiones proponit. 4°. Lipsiee. [1774]. Wagner (K.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Bau uud die Endigung der Nerven uud die Struk- ■".VEKVES. 728 NEK YES. Nerves. tur der Ganglien. Supplement zu den Icones physiologica*. fol. Leipzig, 1847. Walter (J. (J.) Tabulae nervorum thoracis et abdominis, fol. Berolini, ITSi. -----. The same. Plates on the thoracic aud abdominal nerves, reduced from the original, as published by order of the Royal Academy of Sci- ences at Berlin; accompanied by coloured expla- nations, and a description of the par vagum, great sympathetic and phrenic nerves. 4°. Lon- don. 1-19. Weber ( E. H. ) [Pr. ] epistola Scarpae de gangliis nervorum deque origine et essentia nervi intercostal is. 4°. [Lipsiee], 1831. Rauber (A.) Leber die Nerven der Kuochen- haut und Knochen des Vorderarines und Unter- «chenkels. 8°. Miinchen, 1868. Tarchanoff (I.) *0 vlijauii teploti na chuvstvuioushie nervi . . . Ijagusheke. [Influ- ence of heat upon sensitive and motor nerves in frog.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1871. Tilanus(C. B.) *De nervis eorumque actione. 8-->. Traj. ad Bhenum. 1818. Ai-iioli'iii (C.) Die Nerven der behaarten Haut. Si- tzungsb. el. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-uaturw. Cl. 1876, Wien, 1x77. lxxiv. 3. Abth., 203-232, 3 pl. Also, Re- print.—Bakowirrki. Zur Frage vom Verwachsen der periplierisclien Nerven. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 187(i, xiii, 420-4.ei, I pl— Keale (L. Si Observations gene- rales sur la distribution periphcrique des nerfs. J. ele la physiol. de 1 heemme, I'ar., 1802, v. 2X8-292.— Itiilloo (G.) De nervis. In his: Excrcit. anat.-cbir., 4°. Lugd. Bat.. 1708, 1-9.—Ulix (M.) Experimenteda bidrag till ldsning af fr&gan om hudnervernas specirika euergi. [The spe- cific energy of cutaneous nerves.) Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1882-3, xviii, 427—140. — Ko^ton (J^.-A.) Memoire sur la structure cles nerfs. Repert. «i'ii. el anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1827, iv, t',3-73, 3 pl. —Kmlge (A.) Einige Unter- suchungen iiber das Verhalten der XerveD in den Paciui- scben Korperehen. den quergestreilten Mnskeln und den sympathisehen Ganglieu. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissen sch., Berl., 1K73. xi, 594-597.—Bunch (WT) Ueber die Innervation einiger am Beckenausgang gi'legenen Organe. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1863, iv, 41-47 — 4'abaaribalili efc 4-iovaiiiirili. Suvra un raino del nervo.radiale al niuscolo biaccinle antei inn-. Spallanzani, Modena, 1876, xiv, 233-237.— CeJiaeomiiii. Anomalia dei nervi della mano. (iior. d r. Accad. eli med. di Torino, 1X72, 3. s., xi, 210-217, 1 pl.—4-inria (P. M.) Anomalie dei nervi dorsali della mano. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 505-508.—dros. | Un petit filet du nerf nasal qui se parte au nerf optique avec lequel il s anastomose.1 Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1X47, xxii, 84.— 4^i-iibei- (WT) Anomaler Verlauf des Nervus medianus vor dem Musculus pronator teres, bei Duredibohruug elen letzteren durch die boch oben am Oherarine von ele:r Arteria brachialis entsprungene Arteria interossea. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1867, 552- 559, lpl. -----. Ueber den anomalen Verlauf des Nervus ulnaris vor dem Epitrochleus. Ibid.. 1867, 560-564, 1 pl. -----. Abgang des Ramus volaris digitorum communis iii des Nervus medianus hoch am Unterarme. Oesterr. Zt- schr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. 1869, xv, 432. -----.Unge- wohnliche Anordnung der Hautnerven am Handriicken. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, liv, 190. -----. Fiu Nachtrag zu den Anomalieu des Nervus perforaus Cas- serii. Ibid., 1875, lxv, 25. -----. Starker Nervus inter- costo-humeralis von N. intercostalis i. Ibid., 1880, lxxx, 92. -----. Inselformige Spaltung eles Nervus peroneus profundus. (Bestiitigung des Vol kommcus.) Ibid., 93. -----. Uugewohulicher Verlauf des Nervus cutaneus an- terior externus femoris. (Vorher nicht gesehen.) Ibid. -----. Zu den Varietaten des Nervus peroneus profundus et supeificialis. (Gidsstentheils vorher nicht gesehen.) Ibid., lxxxi, 471-475— Hepburn (D.) Some variations in the arrangement of the nerves of the human body. J. Anat. & Phvsiol.. Lond., 1886-7, xxi, 511-513.^—■■ ■»•**'- feld (L.) Anomalie dans la distribution du nerf radial a la main. Compt. rend. Soc, de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, v, 16.— llyrtl. Abnormes Verhalten des Nervus medianus uud Cutaneus brachii externus. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1862, viii, 382.—l*enf (A. H. P.) Note on NERVES. 729 NEU VES. Nerve* (Abnormities of). abnormal distribution, hitherto unobserved, of the supra- orbital and infra-orbital nerves, explanatory of the recur- rence of certain neuralgias. Arch. Med.. N. Y.. 1880, iii, 340-344. -----. Further note concerning accessory faciai foramina. Ibid., 1881, v, 113 —I.yiNlon (G. F.) Anoma- lous origin of the descenilens noni. Chicago M. J. & Ex- am., 1880, xl, 203-265,—,TI aealJMlei- (A.) Variety of ar- rangement of the nasal nerve. Med. Press &.Circ, Dubl., 1868, V, 305.—Merlin (H.) Tie!' herabreicbeneler Bogen des Nervus hypoglossus. Ber. d.naturw.-ined. Ver. in Inns- bruck, 1884-6, xv, 2, 1 pl. -----. Perforation des N. sarto- rius durch den N. sapheuus major. Ibid., 3.—lTIeyer (G. H.) Zwei Nerven-Varietaten. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870. 395-398.—ITI ingazzini ((!.) Anomalia di aleuni rami del plexus biachialis. Gazz. . el. osp., Milano, 1880, vii, 242.—Ozenne. Anomalie: du * nerf radial portant sur le nombre cles ram eaux tei niinaux de sa branche anterieure. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 18X3. lviii, 108. Also: Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 734.—War- gent (L. M.) Passage of one of the brachial nerves through a vein. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1855-6, liii, 102.— Streets (T. H.) Anatomical anomalies. (Musculo-cuta- ncous, and nerve of Wrisberg.) Am. JT M. Sc., Phila., 1872, n. s, lxiv, 133.—Thomson (A.) Accessory obturator nerve joined by branch from anterior crural supplying the adductor longus. J. Anat. Sc Phvsiol., Loud., 18X4-5, xix, 331. -----. Irregularity in the origin and nerve supply of the adductor longus. Ibid.—Turner. Sonic additional variations in the distribution of the nerves of the: human body. Ibid., 1871-2, vi, 101-106. -----. Further examples of variations in the arrangement of the nerves of the hu- man body. Ibid., 1873-4, viii, 297-299. Nerves (Anastomoses of). Sec; also, Nerve (Hypoglossal); Nerve (il/»s- culo-cutaneous). Bendz (H. C, B.) * De anastomosi Jacobsonii et ganglio Arnokli. 4°. Harnici; 1833. Filhol (II.) * De la sensibility reeurrente dans la main. 4J. Paris, 1873. Arloing efc Tripier (L.) Des conditions de la per- sistence de la sensibilit6 dans le bout p6ripherique des nerfs sectionnes. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1876, 2. s., iii, 11; 105, 5 pl. Also, Keprint.—Billroth (T.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber das ausgedelinte Vor- kommen von Nervenanaslomosen im Tractus intestinalis. Arch. f. Anat., Plnsiol. n. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1858, 148-158, 1 pl.— IMviiflit (TT), jr. An instance: of a so- called "endless ' nerve, with remarks. Boston M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxiv, 126.—Fearn (S. \V.) Discovery of an anastomosis between the fourth anil fifth pair of nerves. Lancet, Lond., 1831-2, i, 828.—Jacobsen (C.-L.) Notice sur une nouvelle anastomose nerveuse elans l'oreille in- terne. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1820, vii, 182- 185. — JncoliNon ( L.) Desci iption anatomique d'une anastomose entre le nerf phai vngo-glossien, le trifacial et le trisplanchuique. [Avec des notes additiounelles a ce ni6moire par G. Breschit.j Repert. gen d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1826, ii, 197-215, 1 pl.—I.acroix (E.)' Me- moire sur les anastomoses des nerfs, considerees comme servant k coorclonner les motive mens involontaires :i la sen- sibilite daus l'accomplisseinenteles fonctious organique; et sensoriales. J. hebd. d. progr. el. sc. nied., Par., 1836, i, 97; 129.—Kichel lA.) De la sensibilite recurrente. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 401-403. -----. Sur la sensibilite re- currente des nerfsperipheriques ele la main. ('emipl. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1875, lxxxi, 217-220 — Koxceiithal (L.) Ueber Nervenanastomosen im Bereiche cles Sinus c averno- sus. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, le-78, lxxvii, 93-102, 1 pl — Hharpe (J. B.) The discovery of an anastomosis between the fourth and fifth pairs of nerves not of modern elate. Lancet, Lond., 1831-2, i, 866.—Strieker (S ) Ueber die collateral!*. Innervation. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1877, 415-424—Verdon (W.) On the intercommunication of nerves and the physiological ad- vantages gained therebv. St. Thomas's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1874, n. s.. v, 285-293.—Volkmaim (A. W.) Beobachtun- gen und Kelli'xie uen iiber Nerven-Aiiastoniosen. Arch. f. Anal.. I'hysiol. u. wissensch. Meel., Berl., 1840, 510-532, 1 pl. — Wrmaii (J.) A description of some instances of the passage of nerves across the middle line of the body. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1864, n. s., xlvii, 343-352. Also, Keprint. Nerves (Compression and ligature of). See; also, Nerve (Pneumogastric). Boinkt ( E. ) * Contribution a, l'etude de la compression des nerfs. 4C. Paris, 1889. a IliuxN (J. II.) * Experimenta quiedam circa ligaturas nervorum in vivis animalibus iiistitnta. sm. 4-1. Gottinga; [1753]. Also, in: Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lip- siee, 1792, ii, 271-290. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz., |etc] 12°. Leipzig, 1776, v, 47-49. Also [Abstr.], in: Acta Hei vet., Basileie, 1755, ii, 113-122. Nerves (Compression and ligature of). Brinton. Aneurism of the aorta; with a description of the morbid anatomy of the recurrent nerve, compressed byjt. Tr. Path. Soc.'Lond., 1850-52, iii, 304-307.—Fran- i-oiw-FTraneli. Note sur un appareil pour la compres- sion et la decompression gradue.es des nerfs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1880. Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 86-88. Also: Progres med., Par., 1880. viii, 151. Also- Gaz. med. de Par.. 188(1, 6. s., ii. 164. — ITiiilcritz (C.) Versuche iiber die Eiuwirkung des Druckes auf elie motorischen uud seusiblen Nerven. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1880, ii, 97-120. Also, Keprint. Nerves (Degeneration anrtregenerationof). See, also, Nerves (Suture of); Nerves (IVounds of); Neurotomy, etc. Colasanti (G.) Sulla degenerazione dei nervi recisi. 4°. Boma, 1878. Itepr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lineei. Cl. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1877-8, eclxxv. Drummond (H. P.) * De regeneratione ner- vorum. Hr Tnriei, 1839. Eiciiiiorst (H. L.) * Ueber Nervende- und Nerveiiregeneratiou. s T Konigsberg, 1873. Hixsikdkl (L.) * Ueber Nervenregeneration nach Ausscbneidung eiues Nervenstiicks. 8°. Giessen, 1864. Fliks (A.) * De degeneratione et regenera- tione nervorum, necnon de vi ganglioruin tro- phica. 8°. Berolini, [1-WJ. Hjelt (O. E. A.) Om nervernas regeneration och denned samnianliangande foriindringar af nervroren. 8°. Helsiugfors, 187,9. Also, transl. [Abstr.], in: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1860, xix, 352-367, 3 pl. Laveran(A.) * Recherches experiment ales sur la regeneration des nerfs. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Lent (E. O. B.) *De nervorum dissectorum commiitatioiiibus ac regeneratione. 4°. Bero- lini, [187,7)]. Marciguey (II.) * Contribution a l'etude de la regeneration des nerfs periph6riques. 4°. Paris, 1885. ------. The same. 8">. Paris, 1880. Oeiil (E.) >Sul processo di regenera/.ione dei nervi recisi; stndj sperimentali. 8". I'ai'ia,1864. Pen (C.) * De nervorum regeneratione. 8°. Traj. ctel Bhenum, 1834. Sciirader ( L. A. ) * Experimenta circa re- generationem in gangliis nerveis vulneribus illa- tis, in animalibus iiistitnta. Quibus accedunt: nonnulla* commutationes morbos.e in gangliis nerveis observata:. 4°. Gottingee, 187,9. Steinrueck (C. O.) * De nervorum regenera- tione. 4°. Berolini, [1838]. Vergez ( H. ) Coup-d'u'il liistorique et re- cherches experimentales snr les regenerations nerveuses. 8°. Montpellier, 1842. Arloing (S.) Degeneration et centre trophique des neris; examen criticpie des opinions eemises sur leur na- ture; applications. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 553-556.— Arnemailn. Ein Paar Worte iiber die Wiedererzeugung der Nerven. Arch. f. d. Physiol.. Halle, 1799, iii, 100- 105. — Bert (P.) Sur la regenera- tion des nerfs pneumogastriques. Compt. rend. Soc. eb' biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 100.—Bertolct (R. M.) Regen- eration of human nerves after excision. Pbila. M. Times, 1875-6, vi, 258-260.—Brown-Seqnard. On the regene- ration of nerve-tissue and nerve function in the case of tumors involving the 7th pair of nerves. Med. Rec, X. V., 1872, vii, 517. -----. Regeneration du nerf se iatique dans une longueur de douze centimetres, dans l'espace de dix semaines chez un petit singe. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol.. Par., 1882, 7. s.. iv, 30. — Brnch ( C. ) Leber die Regeneration der Nerven. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinscli. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., (lotting., 1856, ii, 409-419.—C'atlani (G-iuseppina). Sulla degenerazione e ncoformazione delle libre nervose midollari periferiche. Arch, per le sc. meel., Torino, 1887, xi, 175-11)4, 2 pl.— ColaKanti (G.) Sulla degenerazione dei nervi recisi. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1877, iii, 43-47. Also: Atti d. r Accad. d. Lineei. Ci. di sc. fis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1877-8 p eclxxv. Also, Reprint. Also, transl. • Arch. f Phvsiol. Leipz., 1878, 206-214. 1 pl. — t'o**y (A.) Sc ■>ini ere* et eles nerfs du moisrnon chez les amputees d'ancienne date. Gaz. med. ele I'ar., 1878, 4. s.. vii, 478; 4110— Eichhorst (H.) Ueber Xcrvni- ilcgeneration und Xerveiiregeneration. Arch. f. palh Anat.. etc., Berl., 1873, lix, 1-25, 2 pl.—En gel in ami (IT W.) Ueber Degeneration von Nervenfasern : ein Beitrag zur Cellularphvsiologie. Onderzoek. erl (A.j Note sur les modifications du sys- teme nerveux chez un ampute. Arch, de phvsiol. norm. et path., Par., 1881, 3. s., iii, 430-443, 1 pl. — llerlz (H.) Ueber Degeneration und Regeneration durrhsihnittener Xerven. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc:., Berl., 180!), xlvi, 257- 285.—Hill (L D.) Cases showing restoration of motion aud sensation after traumatic: lesions of large nerves with loss of substance. Mecl. Times Sc . —Viilpiaii (A.) Xote sur la re- generation elite autoge''iiique iles nerfs. Ibid., 1874, 2. s., i, 704-714.— Wa I ler (A.) Experiments on the section of the glossophni v ngeal and hypoglossal nerves of the frog, and nbsei vations of the alterations produced thereby in the structure of their primative fibres. Edinb. M. e.V S. J., 1851, lxxvi, 369-376.-----. Sui la reproduction des nerfs et sur la structure et, les fonctious des ganglions spinaux. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1852, 392-401.-----. Expedience sur les sections des nerfs et les alterations. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii, r>-8.—VToUki (B.) Czy vvlnkna uerwnvve. czuciowe i odruchowe sa tez same', czy te/, riiine i [Do excito-motor nerve-fibres remain unchanged under irritation '] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1869, vii, 118-121. IVerve* (Diseases of). See Nervous system (Diseases of). IVerve* (Ganglia and plexuses of). See, also, Ciliary ganglion ; Intercarotid gan- glion ; Meckel's ganglion; Nervous system (Ganglionic); Ophthalmic ganglion; Otic gan- glion. Crane ( G. ) * De gangliis nervorum. 8J. Edinburgi, 1813. Evkrsmann (E. F.) * De systematic gangli- orum et cerebrali. 8-. [Uoipal], 1816. Giktl (F. X.) *Fragmenta pathologica de neurogangliis. rt°. Monachii, 182(J. Haase (J. G.) De gangliis nervorum. 4r Lipsiee, [177-2]. Also, in: Schu'T. neurol. minores selecti. 8°. Lipsiee, 1791, i, 61-88. Johnstone (J.) An essay on tbe use of the ganglions of the nerves. -8°. Shrewsbury, 1771. Also, in his: Meel. essays and obs. sr Kresham. 1795, 1-96. Also, in : Phil. Tr., Lond., 1761, liv, 177 : 1767, 120 : 1770, lx. 30. ------. The same. Versuch iiber den Nutzen der Xeiveuknoti-n. Aus dein Englischen iiber- setzt. 8-. Stettin, 1787. Kkum.nbekg (11.) Plexnuni nervorum struc- tura et virtutes. 8°. Berolini, 1836. Laxcisi (J. M.) De gangliis nervorum. In: Moue.\e;xi (.1. M.) Adversaria anatomica quinta. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1723, 101-119, 1 pl. Meckel (J. F.) De ganglio see-undi rami quinti paris nervorum cerebri nuper detecto, de- NERVUS. 731 NERVES. IVerve* (Ganglia and plexuses of). que vera ganglionim nervosorum utilitate. Be- rolini, 1749. In.- Scuii'T. neurol. minores selecti. 8°. Lipsiie, 1795, iv, 7-9, 1 pl. Polaillon (J.-F.-B.) * Etude snr les gangli- ons nerveux periplieiiqucs 4 \ Paris, 1865. Also, in : J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1866, iii, 43 ; 130; 243, 2 pl. Scabpa (A.) Anatomicaruni annotationuni liber primus. De nervorum gangliis et plexu- bus. 8°. Mutince, 1779. ------. The same. 4°. Ticini Begii, 1787). Schramm (J.) * Neue Untersuchiingen iiber den Bau der Spinalganglieu. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1864. Schumann (P. G. P.) * De gangliis. 4°. Be- rolini, [1S47]. Walter (G.) * De regeneratione ganglioruin. 8°. Bonna; 1853. Weber (E. H.) [Pr.] de gangliis nervorum, deque origine et essentia nervi intereostalis. 4J. [Lipsia; 1831.] Wutzkr (C. G.) De corporis humani ganglio- ruin fabrica atque usu, monographia. 4°. Be- rolini, 1817. Arnold (J.) Ein Beitrag zu der feineren Structur der Ganglienzellen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1807 xii, 178-220, 2pl.—BischoeflT (E.) Ueber die angebliche Anastomose zwiscben dem Ganglion geniculi N. facialis und dem N. petrosus superficialis minor. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1867, 3. B., xxix, 161-164, 1 pl.- Ci-loni (P.) Storia di un tubercolo in e en i ispondenza del ganglio destro eli (rasser. Sperinientale. firenze, 1869, xxiv, 3-15.—Ci villi ni (P.) Aleuni casi iii abnormi ri- gonfiainenti nervosi gangliari. Bull. ei. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1837, 2. s., iv, 113-117. — C'loqiiit (II.) Memoire sur les ganglions nerveux des fosses nasales, sur leurs communications et sur leurs usages. N. Jour, de mi'd., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1818, ii, 211-226.— 4'iiiiiiiiiuliaui (D. J.) Notes on the great splanchnic ganglion. J. Auat. & Physiol., Lond., 1874-5. ix. 303-305. — vau l><:«ii. Be- nige aanteekeningen over ele zenuwen, bijzonder over dc: zenuw-vlechten. Tijelsi hr. v. nat Gesch fed. e:n Physiol., Leiden, 1838-9, v, 294-320.—Francois-Franek. ' Can- glious nerveux. Diet, encycl. d. sc:. uied., Par., 1880, 4. s., vi, 629-653.—ef^nil (J.) Zur Anatomic und Physioiogie der Spinalganglieu. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.', Leipz., 1887, xiii, 927-929. Also, Keprint. — 4»uai-ini (L.) Del ganglio genieolare. Ann. univ.eli nied., Milano, 1841, xcvii, 255-260, 1 pl.—lloll (M.) Ueber elen Bau del Spinalgan- glien. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1875, Wien, 1876, lxxii, 31-37.—.lovell. Structure and functions of the ganglia on the posterior roots of the spinal, and also of the corresponding part of the cranial nerves. [Discus- sion.] Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., N. Y., 1877, ii, pp. xvii- xxi.—JoNcph (M.) Zur Phvsiologie eler Spinalganglieu. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 296-315. Also: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1887, vi, 172-175.— »l:iln*i- ,t Payrn. Observations sur la transformation ganglionnaire des neris de la vie animale et ele la vie organiiiue. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se:., Par., 1845, xxi, 1171-1177.— Hi-tkcl. Exa- men physiologique du veritable usage des nouds, ou gan- glions des nerfs. [Trail, du latin. | Mini. Acad. rov. dc Prusse, Avignon, 1768, ii, 62-86.— Kril. Ueberdie Eigen- schaften des Ganglion-Systems nnd sein Verliiiltniss zum Cerebral-Systeme. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle. 1807, vii, 189-254. —Scarpa (A.) De gangliis nervorum, deque ori- gine ct essentia neivi intereostalis ad ill. vir. Henricum Weber. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1831, lviii, 474: lx, 5. — W< kenk (S. L.) Die Entwieklungsgeschichte der Ganglien und des Lobus electricus. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, 1877 Ixxiv, 13-36, 2 pl. -----. Zur Entwickelung deer Ganglien der Oerebrospinal-Ner- ven. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1878, xxiii, 365.—SHi-hill'iM.j rebel-die angeblich aslhisodische Natur eler Spiimlgaii- glien. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. el. Thiere Prankf. a. M., 1857. ii, 50- 61. — Valentin (G.) Ueber i-ine gangliiisc Auschwclliing in der Jacobsonscheii Anas- tomose, des Menschen. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Berl., 1840, 287-290. —Will (F.) Vorlautige Mittheiliing iiber die: Structur eler Ganglien und den Ur- spruug ibi Nerven bei wirbellosen Thieren. Ibid., 1844, 76-93.- Wnlzi'i- (C. W.) Notiz iiber die Verbindung eler Intervertebral-Ganglien und eles Kuckenmarkes mit dem vegetativen Nervensystems. Ibid., 1842, 424. 'erves (Grafting of). See Nerves (Suture of). V\v% (Gustatory). See Nerves of taste. IVerves (Hypertrophy of). See, also, Neuroma. TIoxou (\V.) Description of a remarkable enlargement of the nerves. Guy's tfosp. Pep., Lond., 1862, 3. s., viii, 257-261, 1 pl. Serves (Inflammation of). See Neuritis. Nerves (Ligature of). See Nerves (Compression, etc., of). Nerves (Nccnts of). See Skin (Tumors, etc., of). Nerves (Pathology of). See Nervous system (Pathology, etc., of). Nerves (Physiology of). See Nerve-currents (Velocity of); Nervous system. Nerves (Regeneration of). See Nerves (Degeneration, etc., of). Nerves (Sections of). See Neurotomy, etc. Nerves (Surgery of) See; also, Nerves (Suture of); Nerve-stretch- ing ; Neurotomy, etc.; Sciatica (Treatment of). Bih'vkuot (L.) * Theorie de la suppldance sensitivo-motrice et ses consequences pratiques relatives a la ndvrotomie et aux sutures ner- veuses. 4°. Lyon, 1879. Hildkbrandt. Nervendehnung, Ncurektomic und Nervennaht. Eiu lieit.rag zur Nervenchi- rurgie. 8°. Berlin, 1884. Klotz (T.) * Ueitrag zur Casuistik der ope- rativi'ii Losliisnng und Dehnung von Ts'erven- stiimmen. s-'. Grcifsieald, l-i74. Till\ux (P.) Des affections chirnrgicales des nerfs. 8 -'■' Paris. 1866. AIIm-i-cIiI (I ) Klinische Beitrage* zur Ncrvenchirur- gie Di'iilsche Ztschr. f.Chir., Leipz.. 1887, xxvi, 430-497.— Krun (P.) ('iieliiues reflexions sur les maladies chirurgi- cales des cordons nerveux. •!• de med. de Lyon, 1842, iii, 25s_-jh4. — ( /liny, Beitriige znr Nerveudehnung und Ner- ven-Resection. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1879, x, 284-288.— I»iiiil (II.) Griffe consecutive a une lesion traumatique du nerf cubital. Compt. rend. Sue de biol. 1872, Par., 1874, 5. s., iv, 26-31.—Fulton (IT S.) Stretching of the supra- and infra-orbital, and neurotomy of the nasal nerve for neuralgia. NT Am. J. Homceop., N. IT, 1887, 3. s., ii, 289-292.— eflii-i-Mti*!' (A. (r.) Pes plano-valgus cured by resection of wedge-shaped portion of the tarsus; consecu- tive, paralysis of nmsculo-spiral nerve due to the use of crutches; dissection of the nerve, founel to be adherent to an old callus from comminuted fracture of the humerus. Med. News, Pbila., 1886, xlviii, 355 — <>ilii<'k (T.) Ueber Neuroplastik auf dem Wege der Transplantation. Arch. f. klin. Cbir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 606-616, 1 pl. Also: Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1880, Berl., 1881, ix, pt. 2, 22-32, 1 pl.—firiwMOii. Beobachtungen iiber Neu- rectomien an der Soliadelbasis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 982. —Iii*i«i-ink (IL) Beitrage zur Casuistik der Nerven-Chirurgie, speeiell eler Nervendehnung. Anh. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1882, xxviii, 569-5/7.— H 'I. i*oil (Ki Case of nerve-splitting. Brain, Loud., 1880-81, iii, 117- 120. -----. Nerve splitting. [Case.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1887. xxii, 204— Tied ini (L.) Note ed osserva- zioni sullo stiramento cruento dei nervi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 1882. 6. s., ix. 310-323.—rVicoladoni (C.) Beitriige zur Nervenchirurgie. Wien. meel. Presse. 1882, xxiii, 853; 885; 921: 952; 1013.—Page (IT. \V.) Some cases of nerve resection and nerve .stretching. Brain. Loud., 1879-80, ii, 128-133— Richardson (M. H.) Oper- ations on nerves. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1886, cxv, 368-373. _____. Cases of nerve stretching, nerve section and nerve suture and operation to relieve pressure on nerve trunks. Ibid., 1888, cxviii, 139-141. — Wand*. Division of the brachial plexus; suture of the divided ends. N. Tork M. J., 1888, xlvii, 215. — Wflinh. Mittheilungen uber Resection und andere Opcrationen an Xerven. Wren. med. Wchnschr.. 1803. xiii. 1: 17: 33: 49: 6„>; 129; 14.); 161. Also, Reprint. — !>izi|iaiowii/, (J.) statysfyka wvc-iecia nerwu ilolnoszczekovv ego wedlug sposobu I ara- vi'ciniego, ocena nietodv. [Statistics of surgical operations on nerves, according lo Paravicmis method.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1877, xvi, 546; 559.-T«chrriini« (h A.) Tra den moderne Nervecliinirgies Omvaade. Oversigter. Biblioth. f. Linger, Kjebenh., 1882, xn, 437; 582-\oSt (P ) Beitrag zur Neurochirurgie. Deutsche Zetsciir. i. Chir., Leipz., 1876-7, vii, 144-151. -----. Ldsung dea NERVES. 7.M2 NKUYKS. JVervcN (Surgery of). Plexus brachialis aus einer Callusmasse durch Resektion eles Oberarmes. Ibid., 152-154. — Wolberg (L.) O zszy- waniu, odtwarzaniu sie* i nae iiiganiu uervvovv. [Nerve- section, suture, and stretching.] Medycyna, "Warszawa, 1880, viii, 545; 562; 593; 609. Herves (Suture of). Assaky (G.) *De la suture des nerfs a dis- tance. 4°. Paris, 1886. Also, in: Arch. gen. demed., Par., 1886, ii, 529-553. Dieterich (M.) * Zur Casuistik der Sehnen- und Nervennaht. 12°. Greifswald, 1883. Falkenheim (H.) *Zur Lehre von der Ner- vennaht und der Prima iuteutio nervorum. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1881. Gluge (G.) & Thiernesse (A.) Sur la re- union des fihres nerveuses sensibles avec les fi- bres motrices. 8°. Bruxelles, [1864]. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de Belg., Brux., 1859, 2. s., vii, 415-437. [See, also, infra, Gluge. J Johannes (K.) *0 nervnome shvie. [On suture of nerves. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1868. Kettler (A.) * Ueber einen Fall von Nerven- naht. 4°. Kiel, 1878. Rrecke (A.) * Ueber Nervennaht. 8°. Er- langen, 1885. Langerfeldt (O.) * Die Nervennaht. 8°. Berlin, [1877]. Lemke(F.) * Ueber Nervennaht. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Oreline(A.) * Ueber Nervennaht. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1886. Philipeaux (J.-W.) & Vulpian (A.) Re- cherches sur la reunion bout a bout des fibres nerveuses sensitives avec les fibres nerveuses motrices. 4°. Paris, [1863]. Itepr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863. Wkissknstein (R.) Ueber sekundare Ner- vennaht, nebst Mittheiluug zweier erfolgreicher Fiille. 8°. Tiibingen, 1884. Wlazlowski (J.) *Zur Casuistik der Ner- vennaht. 8°. Greifswald, 1875. A ki-ali a in (P. S.) On the suture of nerves. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 339-348.—A mbrosoli (C.) Sulla riunione dei nervi senzienti coi ruotori e sugli effetti che nederivano. (Jazz. ined. ital. lomb., Milano, 1860, 4. s., v, 229; 237. —Bernhardt (M.) Sc Treibel (M.) Ein Fall von (secundarer) Nervennaht am Nervus ulnaris. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 676.—Bidder (P.) Versu- che iiber die Moglichkeit des Zusammenheilens f'unc- tionell verschiedener Nervenfasern. Arch. f. Anat., Phy- siol, u. -wissensch. Med., Berl., 1842,102-120.—Bonissoii. Presentation d'un malade ayant subi la suture primitive et directe du nerf median. Compt. rend. Soc. de hiol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 571-574.—Brown-Sequard (C.-E.) Du role de certaines influences dynamogeuiques reflexes dans des cas de suture de nerfs recemmeut publies. Ibid., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 423-425.—Brims (P.) Ueber die Ner- vennaht. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1884, liv, 17-21.—Busch (VV.) Ueber Nervennaht. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 188], x, pt. 2, 465-473. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 18X1-2, xxvii, 327-335.—Cerite. De la suture des nerfs. Normandie mid., Rouen, 1885-6, i, 257-263.—Chaput. De la suture des nerfs. [Rev. crit.] Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1884, ii, 205; 333.—Chretien (H.) Plaie du nerf mfedian; su- ture des deux bouts ; regeneration ot restauration fonc- tionnelle. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1883, n. s., ix, 879-882.—€ lark (H. E.) Nerve suture; recovery of function. Glasgow M. J., 1881, [4.] s., xvi, 62. -----." On the immediate suture of divided nerves. Ibid., 1883, [4.1 8., xx, 241-250.—Dabncy (W. C.) Sutural reunion of divided nerves. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 757-763.—Di 1'cclc (R.) Un caso di neuroiafia per lesione del nervo radiale. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1885, xi, 131-146. Also : Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 18*<5, xxxiii, 721-734.—Dubrueil (A.) Cicatrisation des nerfs et des muscles. Bull. Soc. anat. de Tar., 1865, xl, 108. -----. Suture eles nerfs. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 124.— Dunn (H. P.) Suture of tendous ancl of the median nerve. Proc. W. Lond. Med.-Cbir. Soc. 1884-6, Loud., 1887. ii, 85.—Eh nil a u n (J.) Observation de suture secundum* du nerf radial suivie de restauration fonctionnelle. Rev. de chir., Par., 1887, vii, 501-518. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. ele chir. dePar.. 1887. n. s., xiii, 309-314.—Enlcnbiirg (A.) & Landois(L-) DieNerven-Xaht. Berl. klin.Wchnschr., 1864, i, 441; 453; 466. -----. Ueber Nervenregeneratiou bei Anwendung der Sutur. Ibid., 1865," ii, 96. Also, I iVerve* (Suture of). transl: Gaz. m6el. de Par., 1865,3. s., xx, 170.—Fnl. lien hei in (II.) Zur Lehre von der Nervennaht und dor Prima intentio nervorum. Deutsche Ztschr. f (Jhir Leipz., 1881-2. xvi, 31-103. —Fax. Ein Beitrag zur \er veunaht. Wien. med."Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv, 1125-14-»!) — fringe (G.) Sc Tliierin-«Nf (A.) Sur la reunion des fi- bres nerveuses sensibles avec lis fibres motrices. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1858-9, xi, 311; 319. Also.',J. . (H.) Ueber Nervenverletzungen und Nerven- naht. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Boil., 1881, x, pt. 2, 197-298, 1 pl. ------. Ueber die operative Behandlung vou Substanzverlusten an peripheren Nerven. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1885, xxxii, 923-946. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1885, xiv, pt. 2, 213-236.—Vanlair (C.) De la nevrotisation du cartilage osseux elans la suture tubiilaire des nerfs. Arch. de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1882, 2. s., x, 595-614, lpl. -----. Ue la legeneration des nerfs peripheriques par lo proceTle': de la suture tubiilaire. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1882. iii. 379-496, 4 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1882, xcv, 99-101. -----. De l'organisation des drains de caoutchouc dans la suture tubiilaire des nerfs. Rev. do chir., Par., 1886, vi, 649-655.—Vulpian (A.) Note sur de nouvelles experiences relatives il la re- union bout a bout du nerf lingual etdu nerf hypoglosse Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1873, v, 597-602.— Wci!»*eii*tcin (R.) Ueber die sekundare Nervennaht; nebst Mittheilung zweier orfolgreicher Fiille, Mitth. a, d. cbir. Klin, zu Tiibing., 1884, 2. lift., 310-359.—Wol- berj; (L.) Iifla do zszywania uerwi'iw. [ Neiille-lioleler for sutures of nerves.] '.Medycyna, Warszawa. 1880, viii, 758-762. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880, vii, 705 707. -----. Krytyczne i doswiadczalne baela- uia nad zszywaniem i odt warzaniem sie* nerwow. [Ex- periments on nerve sutures.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1881, 2. s., i, 749-751. Also, transl. : Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1881, viii, 593-595. ------. Kaitrsclie und experiinentelle Untersuclningcn iiber die Nervennaht unil Nerveuregeno- ration. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1882-3, xviii, 293; 4S5, 1 pl.: 1883, xix, 82-117.—Za-.ui-.ki (K.) Przy czynek do kazuistyki szwe'nv nerwowych. [On nerve su- tures.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s., iv, 897-901.— Zesn.«t (D. G.) Durchtrennung des Nervus ulnaris, pa- I rVt'TTe* (Suture of). raneurotisedio Naht 164 Tage nach der Durchtrennung; Heilung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1883, xxxiii, 1399.— Kiiaiiii-iiNki (M. N.) Sluchai nalojeuija nervnago shva, vskore posle poranenija. [Suture of median nerve.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1882, v, 48-60. Her ves (Syphilis of). See Nervous system (Syphilis of), I\erves (Terminations of). See, also, Conjunctiva; Cornea; Epidermis; Muscles (Nerves of); Nerve (Olfactory); Pacin- ian bodies. Amans (P.) * Des divers modes de terniinai- sous nerveuses. 4°. Montpellier, l88\). Akonson (H.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ccutralen uud periphereu Ner\ eueudigungeii. s . Berlin, [1886]. Finkam (O.) * Ueber die Nerveuendigungen ini grossen Netz. 8°. Geitlingen, 187:',. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch, f Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Me:ef, Leipz., 1873, 721-731. Pzquiekdo (V.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Endigung der seusiblen Nerven. H1--'. Strassburg, 1879. Krause(\V.) Die terniinalen KornercliiMi der eiufach seusiblen Nerven. HJ. Hannorc-r, I860. Klich (B.) * Disquisitioues microscopic-a* de finibus nervorum in glandulis salivalibus. 8°. Vratislaria; 1864. Sazltin (B.) Ueber deu histologisehen Bau und die Vertheilung der ni-rvose-ii Endorgane auf deu Fiihlern der Myriopoden. 4°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1884. Repr.from: Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 7. s., xxxii, no. 9. eSiiVABOKF. * O nervach grudnoi plevi i ob ieh okonchanii. [On thoracic nerves and their terminations. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1873. Sitciiard (E.) * Recherches sur la structure des corpuscules nerveux terniiuaux de la conjonctive et des organes g6nit,aux. 4°. Paris, 1885. Also, in: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1884, 3. s., iv, 337-347, 1 pl. Arnold (J.) Ueber die Endigung der Nerven in der Bindehaut des Augapfelsund dieKrause'schenEudkolben. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxiv, 250-286, 1 pl.— Asp (G.) Om nervernas iindningssatt i spottkdrtlarna. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1873, v, no. 5, 1-9. -----. Bidiag till laran om nervandorganens utveckling. Nord. med. Ark.. Stockholm, 1883, xv", no. 23, 1-30, 2 pl -----. Zur Le lire iiber die Bildungder Nervenendigungen. Mitth. a. d. emhryol. Inst. el. k. k. Univ. in Wien, 1885, n. F., i, 1-16, 1 pl.—Biirkart (R.) Ueber Nervenendigungen in den Tasthaaren der Siiugethiere. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl.. 187(1, viii, 514.—Ditlevscn (J. G.) Fiilen- ervei nes cndelser hos mennesket og hvirveldyrene. Nord. meel. Ark., Stockholm, 1X70. viii, no. 11, 36. Also, Reprint.— tHiiiits. (WT) Ueber das Kemak'scheSinnesblatt. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, n. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 600- 622, 1 pl —Kberlli (C. I.) Die Endigung der Hautner- ven. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1870, vi, 225-228.— Eimcr (T.) Ueber die Nerveneiuligung in der Haut der Kuhzitze. Ibid., 1872, viii, 643-646.—Knjjeliiiaiui (T. W.) Ueber die Endigungsweise der (ieschinacksnerven des Frosches. Centralbl. f. d. nied. Wissensch., Berl., 1807, v, 785-788. — Fie mining (W.) Zur Kenntniss der seusiblen Nervenendigung; nach Arbeiten Ernst Fis- cher's. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 18S0-81, xix, 513-522, lpl.—<*<>■■ jon (E.) Sur un appareil de corpuscules tactiles situe elans le bee eles perrocjuets. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., I'ar., 1869, vi, 449-455, 1 pl.—Grainlry. Recherches sur la terminaison des nerfs cutainSs chez l'honirne. Ibid., 395-398,1 pl—llarimanii (It.) Ueber die Endiguugsweise der Nerven in den Papilla: fungi- formes der Froschzuuge. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1863, 634; 710, 2 pl.-llensen. Das Verhalten der Nerven an den Eudapparaten von Sin nescuganen. Auat. Anz., Jena, 1S87. ii, 375 — Iloisliolt (A. W.) Is the nervous impulse delayed iu the motor nerve terminations? J. Physiol., Lond., 1885-6, vi, 1- 21.—Ihliler. Die Nerven-Endigung in der Vogelzunge. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870, 23S-250, 1 pl.—Inz.aiii (G.) Recherches sur la terminai- son des nerfs dans les miKpieuses eles sinus f'rontaux et maxillaires. Lyon med., 1872, x, 27-34, 2 pl — Izquierdo (V.) Ueber die Endigungsweise der seusiblen Nerven. Nach Untersuchungen von Dr. . . . mitgetheilt von Prof. NHRVIrS. 734 NKRVKS. Verve* (Terminations of). Waldeyer. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1879-80, xvii, 307-3X2.— Kraus (M.) Peber den feineren Bau der Meissner'schen Tastkorperchen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, 1878, lxxviii, 55-63, 1 pl. Also, Re- print.— KraiiM' (W.) Ueber Nervenendigungen. Zt- schr. f. rat. Mecl., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859, 3 R., v, 28-43, 2 pl. -----. Die Nervenendigung im Greifschwanz eines Aden der neuen Welt. Ibid.. 1806, 3. R., xxviii. 89-91, 1 pl. -----. Ueber die Nerveu-Endigung am Anus des Menschen. Nachr. v. el. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Aug.-Univ., Getting., 1808, 191. -----. Ueber Nerveii-Endigiiugeu. Ibid , 1869, 405. ------. Ueber die Endigungen eler Driisennerven. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870, 9-27, 1 pl. -----'. Die Nervenendigung innerhalb der terniinalen Korperchen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880-81, xix. 53-136. 3 pl.----■—-. Zur Pathologie der motorischen Endplatten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1883, xxxiii, 435. -----.. Die Ncrveuendiguug in der aitssern Haut und elen Schleinihauten. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang.. 18.84-5, iv, 101 ; 205—ICiiline (W.) Vorlaufige Bemerkungen zu einer vorlautigen Mittheilung des Hrn. A. Kolliker [betreffend (lessen Erwiederuiig ant' Dr. W. Kiiline's Schrift, ' Ue- ber die peripherischen Eudorgane der luortorischen Ner- ven'|. Arch. f. path. Auat, etc., Berl., 1862, xxiv, 462. -----. Zur Lehre von den Endplatten der Nervenhiigel. Ibid.. 1865, xxxiv, 412-422. ------. Zur Histologie eler motorischen Nervenendigung. Untersuch. a. d. phvsiol. Inst, d. Univ. Heidelb., 1878, ii, 187-214. ------. Ueber motorische Nervenendigung. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1S82, n. F., iii, 97; 212. — l.anjjei-- liniiN (P.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Tastkeir- per. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xiv, 413-417.— l.avilovMky (M..) Ueber die Endigung der Nerven in der' Ilarnlilase des Frosches. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch.. Ilerl., 1871, ix. 33-35.—ITeyilig (F.) Ueber die Scliwan/.llusse, Tastkorperchen uud Eudorgane der Ner- ven bei Batrachiern. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1870, xii, 513-527, 1 pl.—l.iiMiiaiin (11.) Ueber die Endigung der Nerven im e"igeiilliclien (iewi'be unci im hinteren Epithet der Hornhaut des Frosches. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., fieri., 1809, xlviii, 218-227, 1 pl— liiicli»inger (B.) Ueber Reizuiftc peripherer Nerveuenden. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1882. xxviii, 80-84.—.»! are lii (V.) Sulle te'r- ininazioni periferiche dei nervi. 1'iv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1882, viii, 477-489.—Merkel (F.) Beruer- kungeu zu Herrn Ivrause's Aufsalz iiber "die Nervenendi- gungen innerhalb der terniinalen Korperchen". Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1880-81, xix, 523-528.—von itlojsiso- vies (A.) Ueber elie Nervenendigung in eler Epidermis der Sanger. Sitzungsb. d. k. AkadTd. 'Wissensch. Math - naturw. Cl., Wien, 1875, lxxi. 242-248, 1 pl. — Peyer (J.) Ueber die peripherischen Endigungen der motorischen und seusiblen Fasern eler in den Plexus brachialis des Ka- ninchens eintretenden Xervenwurzeln. Ztschr. f. rat. Meel.. Heidelb., 1851. 2. IL. iv, 52-77. —POlzner (W.) Ner- veneneligungen im Epithcl. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1882, vii, 720-745, 1 pl. — Poilcopaew. Ueber die Endigung der Nerven in der epithelialeii Schicht der Haut. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1869. v, 506-508. — Ranvicr (L.) Dc la terminaison des nerfs dans les corpuscules eiu tact. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxv, 1020-1023. ------. On the terminations of nerves in the epidermis. Quart J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1880. n. s., xx. 456-458, 1 pl.— Kemnk (K.) Ueber die Enden der Nerven ini elektri- schen Organ der Zitterrochen. Anh. I'. Anat , Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz.,1856. 467-172— Bobin«ou (A. R.) Preliminary note on the mode of termimuiuii of the nerve entering into the formation of the "tactile corpuscle ". Arch. Dermat., Phila., 1880. vi, 53. — Rossi (A.) Sui modo di terminaie dei nervi nei nmscoli dell' organa so- noro della cicala comune. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. 1880. 4 s., i, 601-665, 1 pl. — Bougct (C.) Note sur la teriniiiaison des nerfs dans les corpuscules de Pa- cini, dans lis organes electriques et dans la peau. Bull. Acad, de meel., Par., 1865-6, xxxi, 802-808. -----. Me- moire surles corpuscules nerveux qui serencontrent a l'ori- gine des nerfs sensitifs, dans los papilles de la peau et des muqueuses. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1868, i, 591-609, 2 pl. — Rnbio. Sur une terminaison speeiale des nerfs. Assoc, franc, pour ravance. d. sc. Compt.- rend., Par., 1872-3, i, 930-932 — Rudanovski (P. W.) O prysutstvi sokratitelnych dementov v pervitchnych trubkach ptrefeiicheskich nervov. [On the final termina- tion of the nerves in the texture of the organs. ] Med. Vestnik, St.. Petersb., 1809, ix, no. 18. 141-144. — Me hobI (J.) Die Flughaut eler P'ledermausc, namentlich die En- digung ihrer Nerven. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonu, 1871, vii, 1-31. -----. Ueber die Nervenendigung au den Tast- haaren der Siiiigefhiere sowie- iibe:r elie feinere Struktur tlersellien. Abhandl. d. math -naturw. Cl. d. k. bohm. Ge- sellsch. el. Wissensch. 1871-2, Prag, 1872, 1-16. ______. Ueber die Nervenendigung an den Tasthaaren eler Sauge- thiere. sowie iiher die feinere Structur derselben. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1873, ix, 197-219, 2 pl. — Mchultze (M.) Ueber die Nerveneudigungeu in elen Simiesorgani'ii. Verhaadl. d- naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rbeiul. it. WesFphal., IVerve.* (Terminations of). 1802. xix, 121-123. — Keliulze (F. E.) I'eber die Nerven- endigung in elen sogenaunten Sehleimkaiialen der Fische und iiber cntspre chende Organe tier durch Kiemen ath- menden Amphibien. Arch. f. Anat., Plnsiol u wj8 sensch. Med.. Leipz., 1861. 759-709, 1 pl. — Merioll (E.) Anatomia: sulla terminazione dei nervi mi juli tattili R. Ist. Lomh. di sc. e lett. Rendic., Milano 187-' 2 " v 565-567. —Stirlin« (W.) ,V Tlacilon.-ilil (J i')" The minute structure of the palatini' nerves of the fre>" and the termination of nerves in bloodvessels and gland's ,1 Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1882-3, xvii, 293-307, 1 nl.—Thin (G.) On the structure of the tactile corpuscles Ibid 1873-4, viii, 30-38, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. Also,'transl"- Sitzungsb. d. k Akad. d. Wissensch. Math -naturw Cl ' Wien, 1873, lxvii, 130-134, 1 pl. — Valentin «;.) Leber deu Verlauf und die letzten Eiiden der Xerven. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., Vratisl. et Honna: 1830 xviii,-pt. 1, 51; 541, 8 pl. Also, Reprint. — ViaMuncN (H.) Sur les terminaisous nerveuses sensitives dans la peau de quelques iusectes. Coinpt. rend. Acad el sc Par., 1880, xci, 1089-1091. ------. Note sur les t.-nuhiai' sons nerveuses sensitives eles iusectes. Bull. Soc iiliilo- mat. de Par., 1881-2, 7. a., vi, 94 - 98. — lii chow (R.) Ueber neurotische Atrophie. Verhandl. d. Berl ined Ge- sellsch., 1879-80, xi, 169-180. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1880, xvii, 409-412.— Wolff (W.) Ueber freie sensible Nervenendiguugen. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn 1881-2 xx, 377-381, 1 pl. IVerves (Tumors of). Sec; also, Nerve (Brachial, Diseases, etc., of); Nerve (Sciatica, Tumors of); Nerve (Ulnar); Nerves (Hypertrophy of); Neuroma. Alexander (F. S.) * De tumoribus nervo- rum. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1810. Aronssohn (J.-L.) Observations sur des tu- meurs d6velopp6es daus les nerfs. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1822. Baumeister (T.) *De tumoribus nervorum, adjecto eorum casu novo. 8°. Bonnet; [1833]. Duncan (J.) Case of fibrous tumour sur- rounding tbe rigbt sciatic nerve. 8°. [Edin- burgh, n. d.] Foucault (P.) *Sur les tumeurs des nerfs mixtes. 4°. Paris, 1872. Girardin (E.) * Des tumeurs des nerfs en ge"- u6ral et des nerfs du creux poplite" en particulier. 4°. Paris, 1876. Giraudet (L.-E.) * Des diverses tuineurs des nerfs. 4°. Paris, 1852. Kupferberg (F.) * Ein Beitrag zur patholo- gisclien Anatomie der Gescbwiilste im Verlaufe der Nerveu. 4°. Mainz, 1854. Pomorski (J.) * Ein Fall von Raukenneurom der Intercostalnerven, Fibroma molluscum und Neurofibroma. 8°. Greifswald, 1887. Touren (T.-B.) * Observation d'un fibrome g6n6ralise' des nerfs de la vie de relation et de la vie organique. 4°. Montpellier, 1885. IS a nl (L.) Des tumeurs du type nerveux, neurosar- come;s et uevromes adultes. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1885, 3. s., v, 385-397, 1 pl.—Barkon (H. C. L.) Bemerkungeu iiber Nei venauschwellungeu. Nova acta. phys.-ined. Acad. nat. curios., Ponnae. 1829, xiv, 517- 544. 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Barrett (J. W.) Two cases of nemo -fibromata. Meel. 'rimes Sc (iaz., Lund., 1883, ii, 7. — Bauchct. Tumeur fibro-plastique de la inline du nei f median. Bull. Soc. de chir. dc Par. (1X04), 1*05, 2. a., v. 429-431.—Bellamy (E.) A communication ou the re- moval of a growth from the brachial plexus, affecting the roots of the eighth cervical and first dorsal nerves at their emergence from the intervertebral foramina. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1886, lxix, 211-210.—Berber (P.) Gliomes de- veloppes sur le trajef des branches du nerf de la cinquieme paire chez la poule. Arch de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1873. v. 235-237 —Bergeron (A.) Myxome du nerf tibial posterieiir gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1872), 1871 xlvii, 5.— Bertolct (R. M.) Myxomatous neuronic e.l the brachial plexus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 188.— Bouvier. Tumeurs f'usiformes des nerfs. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 184(5-7, xii, 210-221.—Bruce (J.) Case of tumours on the branches of tbe spinal nerves. Edinb. M. cfe S. J., 1844, lxii, 128.—Bruce (JT M.) Sc Bellamy (E.) On a ease of removal of a tumour from the roots of the last cervical and first dorsal nerves. [Abstr.] Proc. Roy. M. efc Chir. Soc. Lund.. 1885-0, n. S., li, 40-13. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1886, i, 107.—Bruce (J. M.) & Tlolt (F. \V) (Tim: of myxofibroma of the fifth dorsal nerve, extending on to the spinal cord. Brain, Lond., 1887-8, x, 210-217.—Brun NERVUS. 735 NERVES. IVerve* (Tumors of). (P.) Trois tuineurs sur lo trajet du nerf median. J. de nied. de Lyon, 1842. iii, 274. Also, transl: Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 141—C'hvowtek. Ein Fall von Sarkom des rechten N. facialis an eler Schiidelbasis. Wien. med. Presse, 1X83, xxiv, 1057-1060.—C'olborne (W. H. Y.) Case of bony tumour in a nerve. Prov. M. efc S. J.. Loud., 1845, 649.— foruil (V.) Sur la production de: tumeurs epitheliales dans lis nerfs. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc.. Par., 1864, i, 183-198, 1 pl. Also, Reprint—C'uruil cfe .Vlartiucau. Tumeur ft myfilocythcs lies nerfs ile la queue de cheval; alteration de ces nerfs et degeneration secondaire eles cor- dons posterieurs de la nioelle dans toute sa hauteur. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1805, Par., I860, 4. s.. ii, 88-90.—Coze (F.-M.) Observations sur les tumeurs cunccreuses iles nerfs et sur la resorption du crvstallin. J. univ. d. sc. me,d., Par., 1820, xix, 98-105.—Crocker (II. R.) A case of papillary growths iu the course of nerves. Med. Times ex: Gaz., Lond., 1880. i, 033.—Duplay (S.) Sarcome du nerf cubital. Progres ined.. Par., 1877, v, 383.—Kxcha- qucl. Cliondronio du nerf radial. Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par., 1874, xlix, 307-309. Foueaull. Fibro-sarcoine du nerf spinal. JMd., 1871, xlvi, 302.—t.arretsoii (,T. E.) Nerve- tumor. Pbila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 181. Also : Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 176. ------. N. i v. -tumor re- moved from the centre of the pnsterinr tibial Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1879-81), 1882, x, 176.—-tJibb* ill. L.) Case of a tumor of the radial or spiral uerve of the right arm. Loud. M. Gaz., 1829, iv, 209-271.—tJutteriiljjc (T.) Tu- mor of the peritoneal nerve. Ibid.. 1840-41, xxvii, 282.— Hare (E. S.) Tumor implicating Ihe nerves of the left side. Ibid., 1838-9, xxiii, 16-18.— Howard (R. L.) Tu- mor of a nerve. Ohio M. efe S. J., Columbus, 1851-2, iv, 286- 288.—Hurler (C.) MyxonidesN. tibialis; zur Anatoniie der i\T i veniiivxoine; Verhalten des Pusses nach Liihmung des X. tibialis. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Perl., 1800, vii, 827- 841.—Huguicr. A case: of cancerous eueephaloid neu- roma developed in the course of the tibial nerve. West. J. M. efc S., Louisville, 1848, 3. s., ii, 1-5.—Hume (G. H.) A case of sarcoma of the internal popliteal nerve. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 344.—Key (A.) Om svulstinetastasar inoin cenlrala nervsystemets serosa banor och siirskildt oiu araknoiilalfransarnas roi diirvid. [On metastatic tumors of the nervous c.system.] Skrift. til. Univ. i Kjobenh. v. d. F\ rahunilra-Ars-Pest af Karol. nied.-kir. lust, i Stock- holm, 1879, 1-88, 4 pl. Also: Nord. nied. Ark., Stockholm, 1879, xi, no. 15, 1-20, 1 pl. ; no. 20, 1-40, 2 pl. ; no. 29, 1-19. -----. Neuro^anglioina verum periphericuin. Forli. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1879, 140-143. Also, transl: Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii, 35.—Krau.vMolii ( H.) Beitrag zur Nervenehirur- gie; Sarcom eles N. medianus : Resection eines 11 Cm. langen Stiickcs; keine Scnsibilitatsstbruugen. Arch. f. klin. Cbir.. Berl., 1877, xxi, 448-402—lii-noii'. Tumeur du volume d'un ceuf de pigeon developpee elans l'aisselle daus Lepaisseur du nerf median. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1838, xiii, 133. ------. Tumeur developpee dans lepaisseur du nerf median a deux ponces au-dessoiis du coude. Ibid., 133.—ITIeBurncv ((J.) Fibro sarcoma of the median nerve. N. Vork M' JT, 1886, xliii, 504. ------. Fibrosarcoma of the median nerve; excision. Ibid., 1887, xlvi, 092.—.Vle<»raw (T. A.) Cystic tumor of the popliteal nerve. Detroit Kev. Meel. e.y Pharni., 1871, vi, 304-306.—Maclean (O.) Fibroid tumor in the sheath of the.....diau nerve. Louisville M. News, 1877, iii, 148.— Tloore (0. IL) Account of an artcrio-venous cyst in the popliteal nerve, for which the limb was amputated. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1806, xlix, 29-38.-rVancreile (C. B.) A tumor composed of miliary tubercles of the sub- cutaneous adipose tissue: connected with one of the ante- rior cutaneous branches of the lumbar nerves. Proc. Path. Soc. Pbila., 1881-3, xi, 81-83. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cviii. 324. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1883, xliv, 511-513. — Neumann (E.) Secundare Caucroidinfiltra- tiun des Nervus nieutalis bei einem Fall von Lippencan- iiniil. Arch. I. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxiv, 201.— rVicolailoiii (C.) Spiudelzelleiisarkom am Nervus is- chiadicus sin. Iliutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1873, ii, 531-537.—Ormrroil. Enlargement, of the median nerve. Brit. M. .1., Loml.. issi, i, 88.'—l»nllei'MOM. Oblong tu- mour (false neuroma) removed from median nerve in the upper arm. Glasgow M. J., 1875, [4.] s., vii, 283.—J*o- uioi'Klti (J.) Ein Fall vou Rankonueurom der Intercos- talnerven mit Fibroma niolluscuni und Neurofibronien. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1888, cxi, 60-75, 1 pl.— Renaul (J.) Note sur le glioiuo neuroformatif et l'eepii- valence nei veuse ele la nevrnglie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1884, 7. s., i, 614-016 — Hivin-jlon (W.) Neuroma of the me- dian nerve removed bv operation. Brain, Lond., 1881-2, iv. 552.—Sattrrthwnitc (T. E.) Multiple tumors of the cranial, spinal, and sympathetic nerves with remark- ably few symptoms. Med. Pec, N. Y., 1880, xvii, 239.— Schiiilcr. Tumor nervorum. Gen -Ber. el. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1838, Koblenz, 1840, 139.—Mheplienl. Small tumor on nerve; intense brachial neuralgia; removal. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 18s:i-4, xii, 80. Also: Can- ada M. cfe S. J., Montreal, 1883-4, xii, 355.—Npanycii- ! berg. Ueber Nervenanschwelluugen. Arch. f. med. I Merves (Tumors of). Erfahr., Berl., 1804, v, 306-312 —Syme (J.) Tumour of the median nerve. Lond. ?3. h'oe he ( E.-H.-L. ) * Des accidents nerveux trauiiiatiejiii's, 4°. Paris, 1861. Walh ( 11.) * Ueber die .Scliussverletzungen der Nerven. ^r Bonn, [1871]. WeHiEKT ( C. ) * Dc nervorum hi'sionibus teleuiini ictu efl'ectis. sm. s,J. Berolini, 1866. Wolff (G. F.) * Experimenta qun'da.m de nervorum hisionibus. 8°. Haiti; [1818], Bailliaehe (P. H. ) A needle prick and its conse- quences. .Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1878-9, iv, 5-8. — Bal- ling (F. A.) Ueber Nervenw linden. J. el. Cbir. u. Au- genh.. Berl., 1837, xxvi, 04-69. — Bank* ( W. M. ) Un some peculiar results of injury to digital nerves. Liver- pool M. A S. Rep., 1809, iii, 04-72.—Bell (G.) Caseof a wounded nerve, followed by severe eonseepieiices, and cured liv removing the: wounded portion of the nerve. Edinb. j. M. Sc:., 1820, i, 32."i-331. — Beneili kl. Ueber trauma! isc he Keflexneurosi'ii. Wchnbl. il. k. k. (Iesellsch. el. Aerzte: in Wien, 1807. 108-110. Also: Allg. Wien. meel. Zlg., 1S07, xii, 78.— Kiiiii'il (A.) Note sur les accidents qui suivent, la piqure eles uerl's. ,T. el. conn. mod. chir., Par., 1845-0. xiii, pt. 2, 89-92. — Bergeron (A. ) Plaies completes des ni'i-fs. France nieel., J'ar.. 1874, xxi, 313; 330: 457.— Bi'iirllicilung (Zur) eler Verletzungen der Nei ven. 111. I. gi'i-ichtl. Anthrop., Ansbach, 1854. v, 2. Hft., 45-56. — Bowlby ( A. A.) Lectures ou^iujuries of nerves. Lancet. Lond., 1887, i. 803; 921; 968; 1021 ; 1121: ii. 53; 99. — Brambilla (A.) Observatio de spasmo cynico fortuitain nervi hesioneiu insecuto. Acta Acad. Cas. reg. Joseph, nied.-chir. Vindob., 1788, i, 189-195. Also, transl: Actes Acad. c. r. Josephine med.-e hir. de Vienne, Montpel., 1792, i. 230-242.—Brenner. Fall von trauinatischer Labmun* siiniintlicher Nil \ ■> nstanmie der einen oberen Exticmitat. St. Petersb. mecl. Ztschr.; 1871, n. F., ii, 273. — Bres^eii. Traumatische Beflcxueuro.se Oder Simulation.' All- ined. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1874, xl, 1033-1036.— Kroailbenl ( WT Tl. ) Cases of local paralysis, etc., from injurv or disease of nerves. Brit. M. J.', Loud., 1870, i. 434-430. — Brown.Sequaril (CE.) Remarks on sonic interesting effects of injuries of nerves. as shown in three cases. Arch. Scient. ,xi Pract. M & S., X. \T, 1873, i. 54-59.— t'allcnder (C, W.) Injuries to nerves, tendons, and ligaments, complicating joiut frac- tures. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond., ls7o, vi, 37.-----. Nutrition spoiled after hurts to nerves. Ibid.. 42-47.— C liar vol. De la nevrite traumatique et de ses conse- quences eu chirurgie. Arch. uen. de med., Far., 1885, ii, 151; 440; 572; 069. — Cliouppe. Troubles tropbiques a la suite de lesions traumatique s des nerfs do la jambe. Compt. rend. Sue. debiol.. Par . 1875,6. s., ii, 322.—Clarke (J. L.) & Bro>vu - Sequaril (('. E.) Nerves (Injuries of i. Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 2. ed.. N. Y., 1870, iv, 159-2us._ Clemen* (T.i Feber pariiillen Nerventod. (lurch trau- matisi h, Menu, nte hervorgebracht. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 552.—Coup d'u-il sur la valeur de l'electri- i ite daiiH Ie traitement des paralysies de cause traunia- I <]ni- Hull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1852, xliii, 299: Liii.—Croft. Punctured wound of the leg, with wound of Ihe posterior tibial ancl peroneal arteries ancl posterior tibial nerve: ligature; neiiroraphy: recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 18S7. ii, 774.—Criimuier (It F.) The trophic effects of nerve, injury. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1SS3, JOxiii, 148-151. -----. A case of nerve injury followed by JYerves ( Wounds and injuries of). trophic: changes. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, ]8S3, vii, 419.— n. Ile l'emploi de electricito d'iniluction dans lee traitement des paralysies de trauniatiques. Hull, gi-n ile therap., etc., Par., 1852, xliii, 491 ; 534.—Ba«lre & ?io- rat. Dilatation sympathiepic croise'e, a la suite ele labia tion du ganglion cervical superieur. Compt. rend. Soc ile biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s, ii, 303. Also: Progres nied , Par., 1880, viii. 807. — Hickman ( F. F.) A rare: case of peri-neuritis following nerve lesion. St. Louis M. efc S. .1. 1879, xxxvii, 543-549.— ■>■ esbm li (E.) A case of severe nervous affection resulting from injury of the tibrillie of the musculo-cutaueous nerve, produceil by the introduc- tion of a seton over the cephalic biaiu. Transylv. J. M Lexington, Ky., 1837, x, 630-634.-----. Two cases of se- vere nervous affection, resulting from injury West. Lan- cet, Cincin., 1850, xi, 210-215. — Duiiieiiil. Paralysie traumatique ; guerison spontanee. Bull. Sue. de chir de Par., 1872, 3. s., i, 172-174. — Drtight (IT) Injury of the posterior tibial nerve. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1867. lxxvi, 129— Eigeiitliumliehe Sensibilitiitsstorung nach trau- inatischer Liision eiues peripheren Nerven. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 443— Eulcnkurg (A.) Febei trau- rnatische Lahmung des N. peronaus, uml die daraus cnt- springeudenDeformitaten eles Fusses (In ilswalder med Beitr., Danzig, 1864, ii, 178-199. — li*h\ siol. norm, et path., Par., 1878, 2. s., v, 90-106.— Ilelffl (I.) Vorle- t/.uii". der Nerven. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1853, iii, 134.— Ilelie (T.) Blessure du nerf radial: reflexions sur les blessures des nerfs. J. de la sect, dc nied. Sue. acad. Loire- lnf., Nantes, 1837, xiii, 23-37. — Hemic l (L.) Des paraly- sies traumatiepies des nerfs a propos dun cas de paraly- sie traumatique du nerf median. Tribune ined., Par.. 1874, viii, 87; 111.—Hu^uier. Nevralgie traumatique; plaie par arme a feu. Bull. Sue. de chir.de Far., 1851-2, ii, 498.— .Tayakar (A. S. (!) Local anaesthesia of the foot from liaciuic of the tibia; hypodermic injections of strych- nia : recovery. Med. Times ek Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 347.— Been (W. \VT) Gunshot wounds and other injuries of nerves. Proc. Path. Soe-, Pbila. (1800-70), 1871, iii, 145.— Kenneily (J.) [Case of acute: pain in arm from shot wound of neck.l Med. Essays & Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1733, i, 200-209.—Key (C. A.) Elbow and forearm of a man amputated two years after a gun-shot wound. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1846-8, i, 313. — Klantxch. Ueber Reitiex- neuroseu nach Verletzungen. Wien. nied. AVchnschr., 1857, vii, 3; 20.—I.abonlc. Presentation et description anatomique des alterations survenues chez un lapin a la suite: de la section du nerf sciatique, datant de elix mois. Coinpt. rend. Soc, de biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 344-346.— Surrey. Sur qn. lques phenomenes pathologiques ob- serves dans la lesion des nerfs, it dans leur cicatrisation. Rev. med., Par., 1824, i, 400-412. — lijiulli. Note sur un cas de contusion du plexus cervn al supei lie iel ct du plexus brachial. Rev. de chir., Par., 1k84, iv, 560-563.—re- Nion* (Des) traumatiques des nerfs et de leur influence sur la nutrition. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1865, i, 186- 202— ■Toriu»er (F. W.) Ueber (*iul seining des grossen Iliiftuerven. Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1871, xvi, 34.).— .TSuntegazza (P.) Delle alterazioui istologiche pro- NERVES. 737 NERVES. Nerves (Wounds and injuries of). dotte dal taglio dei nervi. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. 1807, 5. s., vi, 149-152.—.Tlatt-arel (J.) Un nerf elemis. France med., Par., 1883, i, 7o3-7()5.—Tlay (G.) Atrophy of the right deltoid muscle from iujury of the circumflex nerve. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841-2, xxix, 50. — IVlitehell (S. W.) The influence of nerve lesions upon temperature, as illustrating the mode iu which nerves act to control thermal conditions. Arch. Scient. \- Pract, M. ,V S., NT T., 1873, i, 351-353.-----. Cases illustrating local injuries of nerves and their trophic consequences, with comments. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1875-6, 3. s., ii, 115-138. 1 pl. -----. Local injuries of nerves and their trophic consequences. Mecl. &'Surg. Reporter, Phila,. 1870. xxxv, 129. -----. Cases of lesions of peripheral net-ve-t i links. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. s., lxxxvi, 17-31.—iTIoon (W. P.) Gunshot wound of arm and forearm. (Neuralgia from lesion of nerves; excision of radial nerve; amputation.) Ibid., 1808, n. s., lv. 54-62.—ITI unro (W. S.) Loss of a large portion of the ri^ht peroneal nerve ami recovery of the patient without amputation. Lancet. Lond., 1805, i, 176.—IN'epveu. Con- tribution a l'6tuele de la denudation des nei fs. Gaz. hebel. de nied., Par., 1878. 2. s., xv. 68-72 >i uiiinini (E.) De- generation und Regeneration nach Nei \ endurchschnei- ilimgen. Arch. d. Ucilk., Leipz., 1808, ix, 193-218—Ni- cniMi* (M.) Injuries aud diseases of nerves. Transl. by ,1. H. C. Sinies.' Internat. Kncycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. V., 1883, iii, 545-641, 1 col. pl— Patlieu tils. Plaie par arme a feu a la region iiosterieure gauche du bassin ; pa- ralysie consecutive du sentiment et du mouvement elans les parties auxqui'llos se distribue le nerf sciatiepie: po- plite*) externe. Soc. meel. d'Amiens. Bull., 1873, ix-xif 153-157.— Parker (W.) Practical remarks on concus- sion of the nerves. N. York J. M., 1856, 3. s.. i. 189-201— Parkhill (C.) Injuries to the superior laryngeal nerve. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1887, 42. — Parson* (C. W.) On some of the remote effects of injuries of neTvcs. Am. ,1. M. Sc, Phila,, 1851, n. s., xxi, 306-319.—Paulel (V.) filmic sur h's suites inuneiliatcs ou eloignees eles lesions trauniatiques des nerfs. Mem. Sue:, ele chir. ele Par., 1869, vii, 169-212. |Rap. ele Tillaux]: Bull. Soc. de chir. ele Par. (1868), IsOO. 2. s., ix. 103-111. —Philipeaux (J.-M.) & Vulpian (A.) Recherches cxperimcntalcs sur la rege- neration eh's nerfs separcs iles centres nerveux. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1800. 3. s., xv, 420; 446; 460; 476: 495; 520; 538; 575; 602. — Poinsot (G.) Pathologie chirurgie:ale lies nerfs. N. diet, de nied. et chir. prat.. Par., 1877, xxiii, 624-698. — Pol.-iillon. Plaie eles nerfs; plaie interes sant les tendons do la face anterieure du poignet, les deux arteres radiale ct cubitale: et les nerfs median ct cubitale; suture cles tendons et des nerfs; retour de la mobilito des doigts: perte complete: de la sensibilite mal- gre la suture nerveuse. Bull, it nieni. Soc. clu chir. de Par., 1887, n. s., xiii, 180- 188. — Pooley (J. II.) Clini- cal notes on nerve injuries. Ohio M. Recorder, Colum- bus, IX80-81, v, 193-206. Also, Reprint. — Poore (G. V.) On the trophic changes which follow lesions of the nervous apparatus. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 713; 751.— PrerOMl. Regeneration comparative eles nerfs conipri- iius entree les mors d'une pince et des nerfs sectionncs. Compt, rend. Soc;. do biol. 1871, Par., 1873, 5 s., iii, 143— Kit helot (L.-G.) Renianpies sur la sensibilite collate rale, a propos de quelques observations de plaies nerveuses. France med., Par., 1881, xxviii, 570: 581. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1881), 1882, v, 120-127—Biehct. Des plaies des nerfs et de: lasensibilite'' ni uirentc. E\:ole tie iu6(L, Par., 1870. iii, 48-53— Bomber*.' (M. H.) Ein Fall von isolirter Liihmung der Extensoren eles rechten Amies in Folge anlialtender mechanischer Compression. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 250.—BouHelle. Plaie par arme a feu ; atropine du deltolde consecutive a, la lesion du nerfcireontlexe. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 18x2, 3. s., xxii, 117-125. —KooiilniyNp. (H.) Of a wounded nerve aud its cure. In his: Med.-Chir. Obs., 12°, Lond., 1676, 193-195.— Rosenthal ( M.) Ueber traurnatische Nerven- lasionen. Wien. nied. Presse, 1X08, ix, 221 : 1869, x, 966; 985; 1012.—Bulie. Eine Verletzung des Plexus eruralis durch Fall. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Meel., Leipz., 1877, iv, 598. — Bumpf (T.) Zur Degeneration durchschnit- tener Nerven. Untersuch. a, d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Hei- delb., 1X78, ii, 307-323.—Salomon (<;.) Quetschung des N. peromeus. Charitc* Ann. 1X78, Berl., 1880, v, 149-152— Nehiellerileeker (P.) Trophische Stdnnigeu nach pe- riplii'i-cu \'erletzuiigcn. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, lOei-103—Kherwen (A.) Case of the puncture of a nerve in phlebotomy. Mecl. ifc Phil. Comment., Loud., 1770, iv, 210-227.—Terrillou. Contribution a-l'etude, de la con- tusion des nei Is mixtes. Arch, de pb>*ii*l. norm, et natli., Par., 1877, 2. s., iv, 265-273. -----.' De l'influence eles lesions trauniatiques des .drones des nerfs mixtes sur la calorification. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1877, Par., 1879, 6. s.. iv. xx-,12— Till-tny (L. McL.) Deformity of shoul- der following nerve injury. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1879, n. s.. lxxviii, 85-88.—Tillaux. Des troubles de la sen- sibilite dans les leirinns plivsiipies iles nerfs. France med.. Par., 1866, xiii, 453; 462. — Tillmauiis (H.) Ue- ber Nervi'nverlctzungeu uud Nervemiahl. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881-2, xxvii, 1-102, 1 pl. — TowiimikI 47 Aerve* (Wounds and injuries of). (W. E.) Gun-shot wounds of the arm, followed by anaes- thesia of part of hand. Boston M. efc S. J., 1858, lviii, 37— Trauinatie paralysis of motion and se-iisation of the arms. NT Orl. M. efc S. J., 1855-6, xii, 356-360. — Tee van (W.) Painful affection of the radial nerve following a trifling wound of the ball of the thumb. Lancet. Lond., 1x32-3, i, 053-655. — Tripicr (L.) Nerfs (pathologie chi- iingicale). Diet, encycl. cl. sc. ni&l.. Par., 1877, 2. s.. xii, 241-313.— Vallez. Observation d'atrophie traumatique consecutive a une lesion du nerf maxillaire superieur droit (branche ele la ciuquieme paire). J. de nied.. cbir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1846, iv, 22-25. — Verpiuet (J. B.) History of an injury of a nervous filament of the forearm. Edinb.'M. & S. J., 1807, iii. 14-16.—Vilrae. Exemples de troubles trophiques consecutifs aux sections incompletes des nerfs. Rev. phot. cl. hop. ele Par., 1871. iii, 222—Vul- pian (A.) Recherches relatives a. Lintlm nee des hisions trauniatiques des nerfs sur les proprietes physiologiques et la structure des muscles. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1871-2, iv, 245; 3G0; 639, 1 pl". • 743, 1 pl— Wardrop (J.) Case of a wounded nerve of the thumb, followed by severe symptoms, which were relieved by a division of the nervi'. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii, 205-212. — Westphal (C.) Verlaugsamung der Empfin- dungsleitung bei Verletzungen peripkerischer Nerven. Neurol. Centralbl., Berl., 1883, ii, 59. Aei'Vt'xi (Brachial) [and brachial ple.vus}. See; also, Nerve (Mtdian); Nerve (Musculo- cutaneous ); Nerve ( Mnseulti - spiral); Nerve (Radial); Nerve (Ulnar); Nerves (Abnormi- ties of); Neurotomy, etc. Kacitmaxx (F.) * Die Varietaten der Nerven des JMexus brncliialis. SJ. Giessen, 1864. Klixt (J. J.) * De nervis bracbii. 4°. Got- tingee, 1784. Also, in: Sckiit. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiir, 1793, iii, 122-147. Ki'.u'src (\Y.) Beitriige zur Nenrologie der oberen Extremitiit. 4°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1865. Aulouelli (C.) Sullapartecipaziouedel secondonervo ilmsali' alia loiniazione del plesso brachiale nell' uomo. Ke soc. Accad. nn il.-chir. di Napoli, 1882, xxxvi, 95-97.— l'oi;'iu' Sc l.aunegrare. Sm* la distribution spe- eiale cles lacines motrices du plexus brachial. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc., Par., 1884, xcviii, 829-831,—ef J ruber (W.) (leschichtliches iiber den an den Nervus ulnaris angcschlosseneu Ast eles Nervus radialis zum Musculus anconeus internus; J. Cruveilhier, 1837. (Ramus colla- teralis ulnaris nervi radialis; W. Krause, 1864.) Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.. Leipz., 1800, 30-37. -----. Uehei die Verbindung des Nervus medianus mit dem Nei viis ulnaris am I'nterarme des Menschen unci der Sau'ji'lhierc Ibid., 1870, 501-522, 1 pl. — IIIn iu-.*- Iiam (W. IT) Tin miuuteanatomv of the brachial plexus. Proc, Koy. Soc. Lond., 1886, xii. 423-441.—Krause (W.) Beitriige zur systematischen Nenrologie des menschlioheii Amies. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Meel., Leipz., 1864, 349-357, 1 nl. -----. Ueber den Ramus col- lateralis ulnaris nervi radialis. Ibid., 1868, 134-136. -----. Noch eininal der Ramus eollateiaiis ulnaris nervi radialis. Ibid., Ic69, 422. — l>elievant. Phenomenes physiologiques et pathologiques consecutii's a la section ties jierfs prineipaux du bras [nouvelle interpretation]. L\on med., 1869, iii, 150; 177; 225; 243, 6 pl. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1869), 1870, ix, 80, 6 pl. ; pt. 2, 217. — liiica* (R. C.) On the normal ar- rangement of the hrachial plexus of nerves. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, 3. s., \x, 539-546, 1 pl—Putnam (J. J.) A contribution to our knowledge of the cutaneous distri- bution of the brachial anil cervical plexuses. Boston M. fc S. J., 1879, c, 118, 1 pl. — Kiehelot (L.-G.) Note sur la distribution des nerfs cdlateraux des doigts et sur les sections nerveuses du membre superieur. Arch, de phy- siol. norm, et path.. Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 177-194, lpl— "Walsh (J. F.) The anatomy of the brachial plexus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1877, n. s., lxxiv, 387-399. Nerves (Brachial, Diseases and injuries of). See, also, Extremity (Upper, Paralysis of); Nerve (Circumflex); Nerves (Tumors of); Neu- ralgia (Brachial). AllhaiiN (J.) On neuritis of the hrachial plexus. Proc. Roy. M. &. Cbir. Soc. Lond. (1867-71), 1871, vi, 328— Ai-iioziiii (X.) Plaie du nerf median et du nerf cubital; troubles trophiques de la peau. des ongles, des poils. de la secretion sudorale. J. ele med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 308; 316. Also: Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1,883, iv, 121-130— t'heever (D. WT) Neuroma in the formative trunks of the brachial plexus. Med. & Surg. NERVES. 738 NKKVKS. Nerves (Brachial, Diseases and injuries of)- Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1882, 3. s„ 148-151.—t'houppe. Examen anatomique dune tumeur developpee au niveau de Texti-emite externe du plexus brachial. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par. (1874). 1875, 3. s., iii, 724.—Dwight (T.) Rupture of the inu-.eulo-spiral nerve. Boston M. \ S. J., 1867, lxxvi, 130.— I*: Heels of injury to the median nerve. Meel. Times Sc Gaz.. Loud., 1876, i, 224. — Farabeuf. Note sur un cas d'invagination a trois cvlindies du nerf median dans sa gaine a la suite d'uu arrachement. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, xliii, 610-612. — Fayrer (J.) In- jury to the musculo cutaneous, " perforans casserii ", and other nerves of the right arm. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, i. 278.—Hay (('. ('. IT) Injury to the brachial plexus resulting in gangrene of the arm aud fore-arm ; amputation. Buffalo M. efc S. J., 1873-4, xiii, 17 — IJueniot. Paralysie des muse lis du bras, consecutive a line compression du cou. Bull. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1872, 3. s.. i, :;18. — Hawkins (C.) Curious appearance of tin- median nerve. Loml. M. Gaz.. 1827-8. i. 271.— Ilulehiiison (J.) A case of sup- posed rupture of most of the roots of the hrachial plexus. Tr. rath. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi. 27-29. Also: Brit. M. J„ Loml.. Ismi. i. 14. Also: Med. Times utuam (J. J.) Case of injury of the hrachial plexus. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., N. Y., 1875. i, 19-22. Also: Med. Rec, NT Y., 1875. i, 413. -----. A cue of section of the median and ulnar nerves. Boston M & S. J., 1877, xevi, 333-337.—Koss. Kupturo of brachial plexus. Brit. M. J., Lond., lss;.\ i, Mis—Hnwtelle ill. WT) An interesting surgical case. Med. Exam.. Chicago, 1875, xvi, 209.—Scott. Injury to the'brachial plexus e-onscqtient on a fall. Lancet, Loud., 1844, 1, 645 — Meel i:;iii iii ler. Leber Sympathicnsati'ec- tionen bei Verletzungen eles Plexus brachialis. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1870, vii, 313-316.—Straus (I.) Sur un cas de paralysie spontanea* du plexus brachial (avec integrite du nerf median), et sur quelques localisations rares de para- lysie du plexus brachial. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1880 xvii, 244-248. Also, Reprint.—Syniomls (C. J.) Rupture of the left brachial plexus and subclavian artery. Tr. Clin Soc. Lond., 1881. xvii, 239-242—Warren (J. M.) Injury of the nlnar and musculo-spiral nerves, from a bullet.' In his: Surg. Obs., 8J, Bost., 1867, 471. Nerves (Cardiac). See Heart (Xerres of); Nerve (Pneumogastric). Nerves (Cranial). Sec, also, Eye, Face, Xerves of; Nervous system (Ganglionic); Paralysis of cranial nerves ; Tongue (Xerres of). Akermax (J.) " Se-iagraphicn nervorum capi- tis descriptio. 4°. Upsalia; [1793]. Amick (M. L.) Cranial nerves, fol. Cincin- nati, 1883. Suppl. to.- Clin. Brief efc San. News, Cincin., 1883, iii no. 1. lerves (Cranial). Arnold ( F. ) Icones nervorum capitis, fol. Heidelbergce., 1SU. Beck 1I>.) Anatoniisclie Uiiti-rsiH-liuugen iiber eiu/.elue Tlieile des vii. und ix. Ilirniu-rvt-n- paares. 4°. Heidelberg, is 17. vox liKCKKi: (F. J.) *Anatoniisk beskrif'ning of ver de sex fiirsta ci'ivbralnervpari'ii 1ms sum scrota, Liim. 4°. Helsiugfors, ls.VJ. A Bkikikx ((.'. A.) Progranunate du nervis quibusdam cranii ad noveni paria liactcnus non relatis dissent. 4 . Francof. ad Viadr., 17\\8. Also, ill: IlALl.EK. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4r (iottinqce 1751, vii, pt. 2, 471-178. ' Bisciioff (E. P. E.) Mikroskopische Analyse der Anastomosen der Kopfnerven. 4 . Miinehen 1865. Cooke (T.) Tablets of anatomy and pliysiol- 00 v. Anatomy ; cranial nerves. 4 . Xew'York, 1874. Esciikk iit (D. F.) * Dc fiinctionibus nervo- rnm faciei et olfactus or.oani. m-t. Hafniu; 1825. Fakebeck ( G. Y..) I »ie Xerven des mensch- lichen Kopi'cs. 4°. Braunseliieeig, 1840. Fhan^ois-Fkanck ( C.-K. ) " Recherches sur raiiatomie ef la physiologic des nerfs vasculaires de la tete. 4'■'-. I'aris, lrt7f>. GitANDAUK (F.) *Aphorismcn uber die speci- fische Energie der .Sinncsiicrven. sin. ri°. Miin- chen, 1848. von Haahtman ( C. F. G. ) *Anatomisk be- skrifuing olver de* sex foista cerebralncrvparen hos hundeu. 4°. Helsiugfors, [1846], Hauska ( F. ) * De nervorum cerebraliuin functione*. 8°. Pragce, [1^47J. Heibekg (J.) Schema der Wirkungsweise der Hirnuerven. Ein Lehrmittel fiir Aerzte und Studirende in Farbendruck dargestellt. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1885. Mattiiki (A.) * De nervis in genere, ae-e-e- dente i., ii., iii. et quarti nervorum paris de- scriptione, cum nonnnllis iu Cl. Meckellii dis- sertatioueni. De quiuto pari annotationibus. 4~. Lugd. Bat., 1758. Nokaeus (J.) * >Seiagraphica nervorum capi- tis descriptio, et quideni paris (>:ti, 7:mi, 8:vi, 9:ni, 10:nii et ll.ini. 4. Upsalice, [1793]. Paascii (R.) * Ueber Bethciligung der Gehiru- nerven, insbesondere des Nervus trigeniiiius, bei Tabes dorsualis. 8°. Beiiin, 1877. Peii'EHS ( G. F. ) * Diss, inaug. sistens tertii et quarti nervorum cervicalium descriptionem, cui accedit succincta eorundem neivorem quinti; nervi phrenici, pnesertim ratione origiuis; nervi accessorii Willisii; nervi duri, ejusque priecipue rami inferioris; nervi hypoglossi et occipitalis niaximi a secundo cervicalium nervo, adutnbratio. 4°. IIalee, [179:1.]. Also, in: Seiurr. neurol. minores selecti. 4->. Lipsiee, 1795, iv, 18-49, 1 pl. Pelletan (P.-G.) Mr-moire sur la spi5cialit6 der nerfs des sens. 8°. Penis, 1837, Peloux (A.) * Des anastomoses du ganglion cervical sup6rieur. 4°. I'aris, H40. Philipeaux (J.-M.) & Vulpian (A.) Essai sur l'origine de plusieurs pa ires des nerfs r ru- mens (3K, 4'', 5e, 6e, 7e, 9e et KJe). 4°. I'aris, 187,3. Rotgans ( J. ) * Bijdrage tot de kenuis van liet halsgedeelte der laatste vier hersenzenuweu. [Amsterdam.] 8v. Meppi-1, 1886,. Ri dixoek ( N. ) Die Anatomie der menschli- chen (iehirunerven. 8-. Miinchen, 186,8. Sapoi.ini (G.) Uu tredicesimo nervo craniale. 8°. Milano, 1881. Stai-dinokr (J. J.) 'Anatomist be:;krmiiiig (ifver de sex fiirsta cerebralncrvparen Iios graa hafsskah-n (Halichoerus grypus). 4J. Helsiug- fors, [1847]. NKRVIW. 7;;;, NERVES. Nerves (Cranial). Ktikck (N. U. ) 'Do quinqiie: prioribiis en- e-i']ihali nervis. 8'. Gottingen, [1791]. Sukda (L.) Ueber den I'l-sprung der spinal- iirtigen llirn-Nerven. 8 . Dorpat, 1873. ■Si'irui'i k (Y. G. A.) Historia nervorum cere- bialiuin ab aiitiquissiinis teniporibus usque: ad Willisiuni necuon Vieusseniuin. 8°. Lerolini [1-41]. Vulpian (E.-F.-A. ) "'Essai sui- Toi-joine do plusieurs pairs des nerl's craniens (:>'', 4"', 5°, 6'' 7", s\ 9'' ct IU*";. 4°. Paris, 1853. Allen (If.) A clinical si ml \ of the cranial nerves. Tr Coll. I'lns. I'liila., 1881-3, :i. s., vi, 429-430. Also [Abstr 1 ■ Meel. ,t Sum. Reporter. Phila., 188:!. xlix, 179-181. Also [Absir.|: Med. News, Pbila., 1883. xliii, 49.—Beck ( li. ) Eine |ialliolo^isclii' l.iobachtuiig iiber die Verriehtung eles :;h n. lien, ."iii n und (Hen Ilirnncrvenpaares. Arch f path Aiiat.,etc,,l.crl..l850, x, 449-473.— Bell (ii|irc. Les nerfs craniens. Mouvement ined.. Par.. 1S72--3 x. 39. Also: Lyon med., 1872, xi, 284.— Diital 1.M.1 K, , herclies sur 1 origine reelle eles nerl's craniens. .1. de l'anat. et phvsiol., etc., Par., 1870, xii, 490- 524, 2 pl. : IS77, xiii, isl ; 571, 4 pl. : 1878. xiv, 1 ; 451, 4 pl. : 1879. xv. 492-514, 2 pl. : 1880, xvi. 285-312, 2 pi. ; 535-555, 2 pl. — ICilin •;<'■' (L.) Ueber die Verbindung der sensibeln Nei'M'ii "iii. dem Zwisihenhirii. Anat. Anz., Jena, 18S7, ii. 115-15:. — !.'«< Iniei III (D. V.) Dc, f'unctionibus scptiiui et ipi'mli paris nervorum iu facie propriis. J. de physiol. exper.. Par., 1820. vi, 228-25!). — I'ac >i In < k (1.) Beitrag zur Anatomie ihr Iliinnerven uml ties Sympathieus. Aie4i. f. Anat. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.,' Berl., 1810, 09-71.—fti'eerrol. Nole sur la communication anateiiuique e-xistant entre les noyaux d'origine: dc: la troisieine e:t de la sixie'ine: pains. Union 11161L, I'ar.. 1873. 3. s., xvi, 280-8;;l. Also: Bull, cl mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de I'ar. (1873), 1874, 2. s., x, 370.—I'ouriiic r (A.) Triple paralysie oculaire d'origine syphilitiepio. (Paralysie dc:s 3" et 0'- paires dioiles; paralvsieile la 0* paire gauche.) Aun. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 18,3-1, v, l!)0-l!)0. — 4 'oilman (JT I).) Neu- rological table exhibiting a view of the nerves of the head. West. I,). Reporter M. Sc S. & Nat. Sc. Cincin., 1822, i, 209.— (^uiisltiii^ (I,'.) Zur Pathologic der Hirnnerveii. Zt- schr. I', klin. Aled., I'rcsl.. 1859, x, 1-8. —I.aura ((}.) Des origincs prolbiiilcs de quelipies nerfs craniens. Tr. Inter- nal. M. Coim., 7. sess., Loml., 1881, i, 182-184.— I.auteu- baeli. Paresis of the right oculo-motorius and facial nerves, billowing trauma. I'hila. M. Times, 1875-0, vi,582.— l.»lia 11 (A. M.) The segpiental value: of the cranial nerves. J. Anat, Sc Phvsiol., Lond., 1881-2, xvi, 305-354, 1 pl. Also: Stud. P.iol.Lab. Owens Coll., Manchester, 1880, i, 125-109, 2 pl.— flajo (IL) Note sur les in rfs ceiebiaiix consideres dans bur rapport avec lc sentiment et le: mouvement volontaire, J. ele phvsiol. ox per., Par., 1823, iii, 345-3GI.—rYa wi-ocki (TT) O ner- wach czuciowych niiesni. [On the cranial nerves.] Me- dycyna, Wars/awe, 1878. vi, 81-sl. — ,\ej;ii ((A.) On the comparative merits of Dr. Bellingeri's and Sir C. Bell's writings and opinions on the fund ions of the fifth and seveio n paii s of cerebral nerves. Loml. MTCaz.. 1834. xiv, 845; SSI; Ul.i: 1834-5, xv, 41; 10(1.—OliciMiiiicr. Ueber einige neiieic Ijitdeekiingen, den Urspruuj, < I. r liii nnerven bctrcll'end. Wien. mcil. BL, 1880, iii, 087.-Partridge. ' Mei'V-T* (Cranial). Wasting „f the second and fifth pairs of cerebral nerves on Ihe loir side. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, ii, 166 — I Busaliv (CT) Sur Us nerfs craniens d'un embrvon hu- main ih- trente eleux jours. Compt. rend. Acad/d. sc, I ar. LSS7, civ 242-244-Kattone (G.) Sull' esistenza di cellule gangliOnari iu diversi nervi craniani. Osservatore Torino, is«3, xix, 8111;. —Ketzius (A.) Om 5:te och 7:ele nervparens urspruug. Tidskr. f. Liik. o. Pharm. Stock- holm, 1835, iv. 247. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Anat Phxsiol u. wissensch. Meel., Beirl., 1836, 362-364, 1 pl. —Roller iC. IT W.) Die cerebraleu und cerebellaren Verbincluiigeu eles 3.-12. Iln-nnervenpaares ; die spinaleu Wurzeln der cc rebralen Simiesnerveu. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1881, xxxviii, 228-201.—Sapolini (G.) Sur un trei- zieme nert cerebral. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., Loml., 18S1, 1, isl. ------. Etudes anatoniiepies sur le nerf de \\ risberg et la corele clu tvnip;m oil un treizieme nerf cranicii. .J. ele meet, cbir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1883, lxxyn, 337; 400; 570.—Mloaue (J.) Cases of disease af- lccting the cranial nerves. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857. ii, 959-902.—Ktieila (L.) Ueber den Ursprung der spinal- ailigeu Ilirn-Ncrveii. Dorpat. med. Ztschr., 1871, ii, 49- lil IIiihiim'ii (R.) ITeber eigenthumliche aus veran- derten Gaiiglienzellen bei \ 01 gigangene Gebilde iu den Stamnii'ii der Hirnnervcn eles .\ienschen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1887, cix, 459-405, 1 pl.—Tinelc (L.) Mittheilnngeu iiber Krankheilen der Oeliirnnerven. Zt- schr. el. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu AVien, 1855, xi, 517- 532. —Varaylia (S.) Cellule ganglionar! dei nervi fac- ciale, intermedial in del 'Wrisberg, granile e piccolo petrosi supei'liciali. Audi, eli psichiat,,'etc.. Torino. 1885, vi, 141, 1 pl —Vinceiixi (L.) Nole istologiche sull' origine di aleuni nervi cerebrali (ipoglosso, facciale, oculo-niotore estcrnii. trigeniino, acustico. oculo-molore comune). (iior. d. r. Accad. di ined. di Torino, 1883, 3. s., xxxi, 040-0511. Also.- Osservatore. Torino, 1883, xix. 510-523. Also, transl: Arch. ital. ele biol., Turin, 1884, v, M9-130. ------. Note isiologiche sull' origine reale- eli aleuni nervi cerebrali. Arch, per les,'. uml., Torino. 1883-4, vii, 31H-310.—Volk- inaini (A. "W.) Leber die inotoriscbeu Wirkungen der Kojif- und Ilalsnorveu. Arch. f. Anat., I'hysiol. u. -wis- sensch. Mod., Berk, 1840. 475-509.—Vulpian. Nouvelles recherches sur l'origine cles libros ncrwuses glanilulaires ct des libros nerve uses va so dibit al rices qui tTnt partie de la cordedu tymiian ct du nerf glosso.pharyngien. (Jomiit. rend. Acad. el. sc,, Par., 1885, ci. ,s.",]-s55. — \nl|iiau i*,-. I'llilipeau\. Sur l'origiiie profoude cles nerts de la sixieine: et de la septieiue paire. Cmupt. rend. See il. biol. Is53, Par., 1S54, v, 99-102.— Welter (E. II.) Uebci vier Liiugeiine'i'veii bei einigen 1 i>. In u vou denen zwei von ilem Trigeminus und zwei vom Vagus entspringen, die die gauze Lange des Rumples clurcblaiifeu. Arch. f. Auat, 11. Physiol., Leipz., 1827, 303-308, 1 pl. j\ervt*^i (Cranial, First pair of). See Nerve {Olfactory). lUerv-l's (Cranial, Second pair of). See Nerve (Optic). JYerves (Cranial, Third pair of). Sec Mydriasis, ele.; Nerve (Ot-nlo-motoc), jVci'ves (Cranial, Fourth pair of). See Eye (Xerres of). 1%VVV€S (Cranial, Fifth pair of). See, also, Amaurosis (Causes of); Eye, Face, Xerres of; Head (Injuries of, Setptela-of); Nerve (Lingual); Nerve (Si.praorbiial ) ; Nervous sys- tem ( Vasomotor); Neuralgia (Facial, etc.); Neu- ritis ; Neurotomy, ele. Bocic (A. (J.) iieschrcibuug des funften Ner- venpaan's und seiner Vci-bindiing-en mit anderen Nerven vorzii-rlic-li mit dem Gang-liensysfenie. fol. Meissen, 1-17---2L. Calori (A.) Aniiiiadveisioiies liistorico-cri- tieii* et observationes anatomica* de portione miuoro paris quinti nervorum cere-bri honiinis et, nonnulloruiii niainnialiiini domesticorttm. 4 t [Bologna, 1817.] IH'Mas-Lamotue (C.-E.) * Des functions de la ciiiqnii'iue paire des nerfs encephaliques. 4J. Penis, 1827. Fnz.vc (A. F. L.) * De tertio rarno ])aris quinti nervorum cerebri, sive nervo maxillari inferiore. sin. 1'-'. Lipsia; [1*11]. Frank (J. C.) "Diss, sistens delineatioueni anatoinii-ain et iiliysiologico-patbologicam con- sensus nervi trigemini. c* T Jence, [17Di.i]. NERVES. 740 XEKVlvS. IVerve* (Cranial, Fifth pair of). Gallo (Ci.) Dicliiarazione delle tie tavole neu role 1,0 iclie alligate nelle annotazioui sui terzo raino del nervo trigemello nel corpo utuano. fol. Xapoli, 1843. Guci'LK (W.) IMeuscliliclies Analog! in der tliierisclieii Vagina nervi trigeinini ossca am Felsenbeine. 4°. St. Petersburg, 187)9. Repr. from .- Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St-Petorsb. Sc. math., phys. etnat, 7. s., i, no. 4. Haask (J. G.) [Pr.] de nei vo maxillari supe- riore sive secundo ramo quiuti iiaris nervorum cerebri exponit. 4 r Lipsiee, 1793. lliuscii (A. li. li.) Paris quinti nervorum en- cephali disqui.sitio anatomica, in quantum ad ganglion si In projiriinn seinilunare, ct ad ori- ginein nervi intereostalis pertinet. In: SamiU'-oui. Thesaurus diss, [etc.] 4°. llotcro- dami. 1778, iii, 477-500. Also, in: Scuiit. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1791, i, 244-202. Jacoiison (L.) *Dc quiuto nervorum pari aninialium. sm. 4r Ilegiomonli, 1818. Leghand (F.) * Contributions ;\ la physiologic de la cinquienie paire ei anienne. 4°. Paris, 1877). Meckel (J. F.) * De quiuto pare nervorum cerebri. 4 . Gottinga; 1748. Also, in: Seitii'T. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1791, i, 145-243, 1 pl. Moli.iere (D.) * Du nerf dentaire inferieur; anatoniie et physiologic. Anatomie comparee. 4 T Paris, 1871. Mi'llku (J.) Ueber das Ganglion oticuin Ar- noldi. H°. [Leipzig, 1832.] ('iittinijfrion : Arch. 1'. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1832, vi. Niemkykr (G. 11.) *Dc origine paris quinti nervorum cerebri. 8°. Halce, [1810]. ------. The same. s~\ Halce, 1812. Also, transl in .-• Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1812, xi, 1-88, 1 pl. Pallf.tta (J. 1>. ) De nervis erotaphitico et buccinatorio. 4°. Mediolani, 17,-4. Also, in : Seitii'T. neurol. minores sch eti. 4°. Lipsiee 1793, iii, 03-77, 1 pl. Rait (AV. ) Die Veiiiclitungen des fiinfteu Hirnuervenpaars. 4W. Leipzig, 1832. Stowell (T. ]J.) The trigeminus nerve in the domestic cat (Felisdomestie a). Read before the American Philosophical Society, .May 21, 1886. 8 . [Philadelphia], 1886. Watson (J. AV.) *De quiuto nervorum pari. 8°. Edinburgi, 1822. Wkisbeijg (II. A.) Observationes anatomic* de quinto pare nervorum encephali, et de nervis qui ex eodem duiaiu matreni ingredi falsodicuu- tur. 4°. Gottinga; 1777. Also, in: Schipt. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee 1791, i, 263-278, 1 pl. Also, in his: Comment med. phy- siol., etc. 8°. Oottiinjn: 1800, i, 98-126, 1 pl. Zapef (J. T. C. F.) * De syniptomatibus syni- pathicis quibusdam, qiue ex ramis nervi trige- inini, inter se et cum uiagno nervo sympathies conjunctis, prodeunt. 4-T Jam; 1829. Alcoek (B.) Account of some particulars in the anat- omy of the fifth nerve in the human suliject. and in fish not hitherto observed. Dublin JT M. Sc, 1830, x, 323- 327.—AllliaiiM (J.) On certain points in the physiology and pathology of the fifth pair of cerebral nerves. Med'- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1869, lii, 2,-42. Also |Abstr.]: Proc. Koy. fcl. cfe |i (J.) Physiology of thee fifth pair of nerves, illustratcil by a case of carcinomatous tumor destroy ing the whole of the left nervus trigeminus. Lond. M. (Iaz., 1834-5. xv, 387- 389. — Bochilnlek ( V. ) Neue I'nlersuchung und ge- nauire Wiirdiguug eler Nerven des Ober- und Lntcrkie- leis. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1836, xix, 223-210.—Bollii-Desmorlici'* (TT) Lxanien compara- tif dc rinllueiicc de cbacun iles eloux nerl's de la face, snr la production ele la sensibilite'- ot cles nioiiveniens dn cette parlie, pour servir a l'histoire des paralysics locales. J. hebd. d.'progr. d. sc. med., Par., 1834, iv, 385-400.— lCi'inloii. Tumour of the fifth liervc. Tr. Path. Soe-. Lond.. 18(8-50, ii, 29. — Ituilge. Keizung eines 'frige. minuszweiges au seinem Cent ralenile. Wchnschr. I. el. ges. Heilk., P.erl., 1840, 637; 656.—Biilliici- (0.) Ueber die nach der Diirchschneidung des Trigeminus auftreten- den Ernahriingsstbrungen am Auge und anderen Organen. Ztschr. f. rat Meel., Lei])/,, u. Heidelb., 1862, 3. It., xv, 254-278, 1 pl.—Cermiiiara ((J.) Cccita monoculare in seguito a ferita del ramo frontalc del trigeiuino. ltiv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1886, viii, 609.—Dixon (J.) Case in which a large tumour was developed in the substance of the fifth nerve and its ganglion. M id Chir. Tr., Loud., 1846, xxix, 131-130, 1 pl.—Duval (M.) cfe l.akoi-ile (J.. V.) Le trijumeau et sa racine bulbairo sensitive ; c''tuclo anatomique' et experiiuentale. Trav. lab. phvsiol. Fac. denied, do Par. (1884), 1885, i, 137-166. 2 pl. — Kspina y Capo (A.) Lesion del ganglio cie* (Jasser 6 C.issei in. Kev. ele meel. y cirug. pract.. Madrid, 1887, xx, 5-9.— Fni'hi'bi'i'k. 'Ueber die niotorische Portion eles Trige- minus. Tr. Tnteriiat M. Cong., 7. sess., Loud., 1881, i, 107. — Filehue ("W. ) Trigeminus nnd GcsiehtsauS' iliuck. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., ls.-o. 432-442.—Fleury. Paralysie de la deiixieme it de la iroisi&inc paire con- secutive ii une lesion de la ciuquii me paire survenue a la suite d'une chute sur la tete. Lull. Soc de cbir. do I'ar. (1862), 1863, 2. s., iii, 575-57,.—«Jei-liar«H (C.) Zur Therapie der Erkraukungen des fiinfteu Iliinnerven. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880, xxvi, 1-9.— Rowers (W. It.) A case of loss of taste from disease of the fifth nerve. J. Physiol., Lond., 1,880-82, iii, 229-231.— Howard (H.) Physiology of the fifth pair of nerves but more particularly of the optbalinic branch. P.rit Am. .1. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1847, iii, 197-199.— IIunter (J.) A description of some branches of the fifth pair of nerves. In his .- Observ. on cert, parts of the animal (econ- omy, 4°, Lond., 1786, 219-221.— Jolvet. Note sur lexis- fence, dans le nerf maxillaire superieur, de fillets vaso- dilatatcurs pour la niuqiieuse eles fosses nasales, pour la peau des ailes du nez, des levres sup6rieure et inferieure, la niuqiieuse de ces memes parties ainsi que celle eles gen- cives. Compt. rend. Soc. de: biol. 1-S78, Par., 188(1, 6. s., v, 223-227.—Kramer (W.) Teller die Beziehungen dis Nervus ipiinlus zum Geheitsinn. "Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Perl., 1848, 40-48.— I.etieva-il (E.) Persistanre ile la sensibilite:' apr«Ss la section des nerfs sensilifs de: la face; sensibilite suppleeo; ses carae teres. Cong. iihTI. de France (Lyon, 1872), Par.. 1x73, iv, 661-674. — I.idle Cl'. E.) Intracranial tumour; glioma of the fifth nerve. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1873, lv, 94-9(i—IiOii«et. ('ueli|iies points* d'anatomie et ele physioiogie de la luauche maxillaire in- ferieure du trifacial'. Bull. Sue-, anat. de Par., 1839-40, xiv, 05. — I.,utclika (II.) Dei Nervus spiuosus. Arch. I. Anat . Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1853, 445-448. -----. I>ie Xervi spheno-ethmoielales.' Ibid., 1857, 313- 326. 1 pl —Meckel. Observation anatoniiepio sur un nceud, ou ganglion, du second raineau de la ciuquieine paire des nerfs du cerveau. nouvellement decuiivert. Traduit du latin. Mem. Acad. roy. ele Prusse, Avignon, 1768, ii, 50-02, 1 pl. Also: Collect, acad. d. me,m., etc., Par., 1770, viii, 171-183, 1 pl. Also, transl: Phvs. n. nie-d. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., (iotha, 1783, iii, 527-547.—.Vleikel (IT) Die tropln'scho Wur/.el des Trigeminus. Lntersuch. a. d. auat. Inst, zu Kostock, 1874, 1, 1 pl. ; 98 — floiilaull. Observation sur une maladie du nerf de la 5' paire, dont le. sujet a ete presente au cours de M. Mage -m li.-. au College'de France, les 12 fevrier ct 2 mais 1836. .1. In*bd. el. progr. d. sc. med., Par., 1836, i, 368-374.— I'niiiicki & Loom.' Scliussverletzuiig des Stanimes des linken Nervus trigeminus. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1880-81, xiv, 151-158. —Fiorry. Tumeur survenue apres revulsion dune dent inolaire; compression du nerf dentaire iuferieirr; paralysie locale ile la peau du menton ; preuve du role exclusivement sensitif du nerf inentonuicr : guerison par l'lilectriciti'*. Gaz. d. In")])., Par., 1857, xxx, 105. — I'liiiii-I ( F.) He la section du trijumeau dans ses rapports avec 1'ieil. Arch. d'opht, Par.,-1880-81, i, 400-418. 1 pl. — Kobiiixon (It. It.) Meningitis; tumor of the brain; pressure on the fifth nerve on the left side ; sloughing of left cheek ; oaries of NE11VES. 741 NERVES. iVerve* (Cranial, Fifth pair of). the bones of this side of tlie face. Loml. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 363. —Mapolini ((I ) Studii anatomici sui nervo elcntario inlTiioie. d' oinle la sua divisiune in piccolo e gramle dentario. Ann. univ. cii med.. Milano, 1869, ccix, 310-3(15. Also, Keprint.—Slowell (T. li.) The trigemi- nus nerve in the domestic cat (Kelis domestica). Proc Am. Phil. Soc, Pbila., 1886, xxiii, 459-478. Also, Ke- print.—Tavijgnot. De l'aetion de la cinquieuie paire sur I'eeil. Experience, Par., 1844, xiv, 157-161. — The- viraiuiM ( G.-K. ) Sur les nerfs ele la cinquieme paire, ronsieleies comme organes ou coneliicteurs ele sensations. J, compl. ilu 11ii■ t. d. sc mcil., Par., 1823, xv, 207-215. — I r- |»ani«ecliil*cli (V.) Leber elen EinHuss von Trigeini- miH-Kii/en auf die Siiiiieseinpfindiiiigen. insbesondere auf den Gesicbtssinn. Arch. f. el. ges Physiol., 1'onn, 1882-3. xxx, 129-175.—Vieq il'A/.ji. Lesion du nerf lionlal. Hist. Sue. roy.de med. 1776, Par.. 1779. i, 316. — Wolll' (P. II.) Leber die i'.ezieliungcn eles .Nervus epiintus zum Geliiirsinn : Entgegnuiigan . . . Kiamer. Wchnschr. f. el. ges. Ibilk., Berl.. 1848, 727-733.—%lobikow»ki (T.) Nouvelles recherches sur le filet, elento-lingual du pteifes- seur Sappey. Traduit par l'auteur ele la Gazette medicale: (polonaise) de Yarsovie. J. de 1'nnat et physiol., etc-., Par., 1870-71, vii, 602-010. IVerve* (Cranial, Fifth pair of, Paralijsis of)- See, also, Cornea (\ciiroparalylic disease of)-; Eye (Ana-stht-sia of); Paralysis (Facial). Davidson (A.) On the sense, of taste and its relation to facial paralysis and anaesthesia. 8'-'. [Lirerpool, 1 >'7 1.'] IT'Rst ( H. ) * Ueber Trigcniinusliilimung. [Wuit/burg.] ,S°. Xeustadt a. d. II., 187,8. Gai.kwski (H.) * De ana'stlicsia faciei. S,J. Berolini, [ ls:',7]. James (('.) * Observation de paralysie com- plete de la cinquieme paire, suivie de considera- tions tlicoriepies et pratiques. 4°. I'aris. 1*40, Also [Abstr.], in.- Bull. Acad, ele nied., Par., 1840-41, vi, 150-163. Ortel-Ej'rakd (P.) * fitinlcs sur les paraly- sies du trijiuneaii. 4°. Paris, 1867. Korx (D.-H.) ^Anesthesie du nerf trijiune.au. 4°. Montpellier, ls?4. Stefken (C. F. G. M.) *Ame.stliesi;c. cutanea', muscularis nervi quinti specimen singulare. 8-'. BeroUni, [1.855]. Aznm (E.) Observation de paralysie de la .r>«* paire cranicnue ; guerison par l'iodure de potassium. JT de nied. ele Bordeaux, 1861. 2. s., vi, 49-55. — Karw inkel. Hiilbseitige Liihinung eler Nn. trigeniin., abdiu-ciis oltac- torius und ])etros. superfic. major: aiuesfliesia dolorosa. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1859, n. IT, iii, 238-245.— Bai'i-iir. Sur la paralysie du nerf trijumeau. Gaz. moil, de Lyon, 1858, x, 479-483. — Bezolri (F.) Ein Kail von Aniisthesiu des Trigeminus unci (lessen Einfluss auf die Kiiiahiung der Hoi'iihaul. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1807, xix, 223; 237; 240; 258. — BlniKlin. Lesions du nerf siniH-iirbitiiii-e, perle ele la sensibilite'' elans lis parties oil il se distribue; inoiilite intacte. Gaz. cl. Imp., Par., 1810, 2. s., ii, 59.—<'oisi'e.»ei;iiit (II.) Sc l>ceai«ite ((!.) Paralysie complete et douloureuse du trijumeau ; troubles trophiipus graves it pArioiliipics (iaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1870. 2. s., xiii, 678-6S0.—(Tiwiin (J. 15.) On facial amesthesia. Glasgow M. ,1.. 1853-4. [2. | s., i, 146-158. -----. Case of partial lachil aniesthesia. Ibid., .1858-9, [2. | s , vi, 183. —t'raw. Sur un cas de paralysie trauma- tiepie ch s cinepiieme et sixicme paires criiniennes. Arch. de ined. nav , I'ar., 1873, xix. 132-141.—Oixon. Case of partial paralysis of the left tilth nerve, bol b of its motor and sensory functions: history of epileptic fits and of pain in the parts supplied by the nerve: now paralysed ; impaired taste and smell : ulceration of the cornea - doubt- ful diagnosis ol syphilis. Ophth. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1806, v, 354.— I'ajjsje (IT II.) A case of paralysis clue to partial disease of tin nuclei of the moi or roots of the fifth nerves. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1881, xiv, 128-131.— ■ 'ien/:il. Anesthe.sie: complete du trijiuneaii du cole droit; beiiiiaiicst hesie. de la face. Progres nied.. Par., 1877, v, 7iiu. Also: Tribune nied., Par., 1877. ix. 219-222 — von 4,imeie. Paralysis nervi v. ilextri trauniai ica ; Oph- thalmia neuioparaly I ii a : Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchiisehr., lsox. v, 486. — Harlan (G. C.) ' Neuroparalytic ophthal- mia. Am. J. M.Sc. Phila., 1874, n. s., lxvii. 371-378.— Henry (IT P.) Cases of paralysis of the filth cranial nerve. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v. 577. — .lanoiicl. Paralysie: du nerf 11 i j linieau. Gaz. el. help., Par.. 1807. xl, 214. — Jaei|iiai-| (H.) Observation d'une paralysie du trijiiincau droit, Compt. rend. Soe. dc biol. l's.56, Par., 1857, 2. s.. iii, 238 ; 241.—James (C.) Note relative a \ervcx (Cranial, Fifth pair of, Paralysis of). une paralysie complete* de. la cinquieme paire du en te- ll roit. Gaz. meel. de Par., 1840, 2. s., \iii. 622.— I.iii ke. Ein Fall vonTrigeniiiiuslaliniiiiig. Berl. Klin. Wchnschr 1808, v, 105; 117. — flail in (J. IT) Paralysis of the branches of the fifth pair of nerves of the right side of the: lace. Mecl. Times, Lond., Is47. xvi, 200. — flelolli (N.) Istoria di una paralisi del quiuto paiodei nervi cere- brali narriita dal Dott. . . . Bull. d. sc. nnd di I'olo»-na 1854, 4. s., i, 51-53—.Move* (H. I).) Paralysis of thc-'atli cerebral nerve: and its ett'ecis. Meel. Kee-. X V 1871 vi 231-234. Also: N. York M. J.. 1871, xiv, lf.3-177. —Kom^ liorg (M.-H.) Aniisthesie im Gebiete: des e'uintos. An-h. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Mecl.. I!,il , |s:'S, :;o,5-315 Also, transl: Gaz. meel. ele Par., ls.'IS, 2. s.. vi, 025-628. -----.. Amesthi'sia n. trigeniini. Deutsche, Kliuik, Berl, 1850. ii, 422. — Strieker. Amvsthesia ner\ i liigeniiiii Org. f. el. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1855, iv, 228-231.—Taylor (U.) Caseof facial anaesthesia, with simultaneous destruc- tion of the* eye. Meel. Times ,\ Gaz., Lond., 1854. n. s . ix 54. — Vojjt. Observation relative a un cas de paralysie du nerf trijumeau. Gaz. med. ele Par., 184(1, 2. s., viii, 584.— Uaiiui. Aliophy of the muscles supplied by the fifth cranial nerve, with atrophy of the orbital fat on the same side. Lancet, Loud , 1882, i, 13. Serves (Cranial, Six Hipair of). Wooil* (G. A.) 'Ihe anatomy, etc., of the sixth nerve, with a collection of cases from various sources in which the region of its nucleus has been injured, with the symp- toms of ocular derangements, especially those relating to conjugate deviation of the eyes, likewise the. symptoms induced by disease attacking this nerve from its apparent origin to its termination ; opinions relating to a connection between the sixth and third nerve nuclei. Liverpool M. Chir. J., 1883, iii, 304: 1884, iv, 1. Nerve** (Cranial, Seventh pair of). See, also. Chorda tympani; Ear; Nerve (Au- dilory); Nerve (Facial). Meckel (.J. Y.) Observationes anatomica* de trim ■ S('| indula pineali, si'pto lucido, 11 origine paris itiini nervorum cerebri. Berolini, 1767,. In: Scuu'T. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1795, iv, 9. 1 pl. Renin I'll (('.) Keeherches oxpf-iimentales sur les functions ilu nerf spinal, etuelie specialiinent dans ses rap ports avec le pnoiiinogiistrique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1844, i, 397: ii, 51.—I»a va ine (0.) De la paralysie' gcne- rale on partielle cles deux nerfs ele la sc ptieine paire. Uaz. med. de Par., 1852, 3. s., vii, 716: 733: 744; 780: 1853, 3. s., viii. 10; 30. Also, Reprint — <>5a*loii (J.) On the inter- mediary nerve between the portio dura ami portio mollis of the seventh pair. Dublin M. Press, 1853. xxix, 373.— iTIorgaiiti (G.) Auatomia del ganglio ginieulato. Ann. nniv. eli med., Milano. 1845, cxiv, 419-528. — Kiitliiiger. Ueber elen Canalis facialis in seiner Be/.iehnng zum siebeu teiiGchirniieu'v beim Ei wachsencn. Monatschr. f.Ohreuh., Berl, 1873, vii, 69-71.—Woliiki 115.) O w ply wie nerwu przyeinlkowegii Willis' a (n. accessorius Willisii) na serce. [Its function with the heart.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1870, viii, 801-804. Hferve.s (Cranial, Seventh pair of, Paraly- sis of). See Paralysis (Facial). iYerves (Cranial, Eighth pair of). See, also, Neck (Tumors of); Nerve (Pneumo- gastric); Nerve (Recurrent laryngeal); Neive '(Spinal accessory). J?eni)/, (II. C. 15.) * Tractatus de connexu in- fer neivuni v.iguni et, aocessorium Willisii. 4°. liar nia; 1836. ------. Bid rag til den sanimenliguende Ana- foniie af Nervus "lossopbaryngeus, vagus, acces- sorius Willisii og hypoglossus hos Keptilierae. 4°. Kjt/ibenhitrn, 1813. Bernard (C.) Rce-lioiclies experiinentiilessur les fonctious du nerf spinal ou aecessoire de Willis. 1 . Paris. 187,1. von Bisi'iiokk (T. L. W.) * Nervi acccssoin Willisii anatoniia et pliysiologia. tr Heidel- bergce, 1832. ______. Tlie same. 4°. Darmstadii, 1832. r.iRCHARD (A. A.) * Verlauf des Accessorius Willisii im Vagus. S■'. Halle, 1*67. Kropkf (A.) *Beol>aclitnngeii Uber Krampf im Bereicbe des Accessorius uud der oberen Cer- NF.RVI'.S. 7 42 NERVES. .\t'i*ve* (Cranial, Eighth pair of). vicalnerveii. [Gottingen.] ,s -\ Heiligcnsladt, 1-7."). LonsiEiN (J. l-\) * De nervo spinali ad par vagum acccssorio. I-*. Argentorati, [l/OO]. Also, in: Sciiut. neurol. minores selecti. 4T Lips'ne, 1792. ii, 219-242, 2 pl. Also, in : Sandifoiit. Thesaurus diss, [etc.] 4°. lioterodami, 1768, i, 325-354, 2 pl. Beeliterew OVT) Leber die innere Abtheilung des Strickkdipers uml elen achten Ilirnnerven. Xeiirnl. Cen- tralbl. Leipz., 18,-5. iv, U5-147. — Benedict. 'DieEr- kranUungeii des achten Gehirnnei ven ". .Monatschr. f. Ohrenh.,'P.erl., 187.",. ix, 25; 67; 80— Kernaril. De l'in- lluence des ne'i t's ile la huitieme paire-sur les phenomenes chimiques ile la digestion. Coinpt. lend. Acad. d. sc.. Par., 1814, xviii. !i!i.-,_!l!»(<.—lEitli &- Hoi-<>;iiiti. Versuche am Nervus glossopharyngeus. Arch. I. Anal,., Phvsiol. u. wis- sensch. Med., P.erl.', 1847, 357-302. — Etioimhton (S. I).) Kxpcrinients ancl reinaiks, illustrating the inlliicnce of the eighth paii of nerves over the organs of respiration and di- gestion. Lond. M. Reposit., 1821, xv, 155: 24n: 330. Also, transl. [ Al.-t r.) : J. de physiol. exper.. Par., 1821, i, 120- 131.—C'riiMf ( WTl Degeneration eles Nervus glossopha- ixngeus ilurch eine entiirtete Dri'ise in der fossa mastoi- ilea. Wchnschr. I. el. ges. Heilk.. Bert. 1839, 605 - 699. — Itnlien. Nouvelles observations sui1 la section eles deux nerfs de la huitieme paire au milieu du col dins le: che- val. .1. gen. de nied., chir. et plmrni., Par., 1820, Ixxi, 62- 70.—1)uma*e. Expose dc: quelipies experiences propres ii ili'teriiiiiiei quelle' est l'infiiionoe: eles nerfs ele la hni- tiiiiie paire sur la coloration du sang. Ibid., 1808, xxxiii, 353-361.— l'li'i«38. xlix. 109: 1839. li, 269. Also' Keprint. ,1 iso, in: Essays on Phys. & Hyg.. ST Pbila., 1S38, 5 -66. — Nichel. Nevrose de la sepiieme paire d roi te ; guerison au bout de trois jours par la compression reitc'iee clu nerf a sa sortie du trou sty lo-mastoi'ilien. Union mod.. Par., 1864. 2. s., xxii, 69-71.—Spenee (J.) An inquiry into the anatomy of the par vagum and spinal accesso'ry of tbe eighth pair of nerves. Edinb. AI. .v S. .L, 1K42. lviii. 397- 403, 1 pl. Also, Keprint.—Vulpian (A.) lie Taction vaso-elilatatrice exercee par le nerf glosso-phnryngien sur les vaisseaux tie la membraue muqiic:use de la base ele la langue. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc-.. Par.. 1875, Ixxx, 330- 333.------. Note sur l'aetion vaso-dilata!rice exercc'e ,sur hs vaisseaux dc la base de la langue p ir les nerfs glosso- pharyngieii.s. Compt. rend. Soc.'tie biol. 1S74. Par., Is75, 6. s., i, 391-394. Also: Gaz. med. de Par.. 1875, 4. s.', iv, '.}'. Aervexi (Cranial, Xinth pair of). See Nerve (Hypoglossal). \erves (Cranial, Tenth pair of). Falk (V.) Zur experiniPiitellen Pathologie des x. Gehirnnerven. A ich. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1877, vii, 183-192. \n'V(>s (Cutaneous). See Skin (.Wires-, etc., of). Serves (Dental). Sec Nerves ( Cranial, Fifth pair of); Teeth (Diseases of). Verves (Excito motor). Sec Nervous system (Ilejlex action of). .W'l'VCs (Excito secretory). See Nervous system (Ilejlex action of). Aorves (Inhibitory). See Nervous system (Inhibitory). [\vv\es (Intercostal). See, also, Neuralgia (Intercostal). A Bi'iiiiKX ((.!. A.) * De nervn interrustiili. 1J. Francof. ad I'ietdr., 17:11. Also, in: ilAI.LKK. Disp. anat. [etc.| 4°. Oottini/n- 1747, ii, 871-909. f.'KUOLT) (.J.) " De nervo intercnstali. 4. Erlangce, [17.VI]. (JlItABDI (M.) Di* nervo intoie-oslali. Floren- tiee, 1791. In: Seitii'T. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiir, 1793. iii, 78-88. Hallku (A.) Dc vein nervi intereostalis orioiiie. 4°. Gottingte, 1743. Also, in his: Disp. anat. |etc.| 4°. Uottim/a; 1747, ii, 911-951. IwaxoI'K ( D.) * Dc origine nervorum inter- cosfaliiun. 4°. Argenlorali, [1780], Also, in: ScuilT. neurol. minores selecti. 4-*. Lipsin- 1793, iii, 89-104. aIp.dici ( M. ) Disqtiisitioncs iiii.'itomic.-e el physiologica- ile. nervo inlen-ostali. IT Bono- nit'e, 18\0.. —-—-. The same. RichiTche anatoiniche e fisioleigiclie sopi'it il nervo intereosf ale. IS -'. Bologna, 184A. Ml ri if: (J. S.) * Utriini a o-ano]jj.s nervi inter- eostalis parti um omniuiii consensus? 4°. Pa risiis, 176)4. Mphkay (A.) < )lisci-vaf ione-s anatomica* de inl'iiiiililuilo cerchri et variationihus quihusil-iin in parle ci'ivicali nervi intereostalis. Ipsiilite. 177 ->. . In: Si'uil'T. neurol. niinoies selecti. 4°. Lipsiir 1792 ii, 212-25(1. Nei'Ija rr.it (.1. E.) Descriptio anatomie-a ner- vorum cardiac-orum. .Sectio prima do li.rvo in- tiTcostali cervicali, dexlri imprimis lateralis. 4°. Francofurti el Lipsiee, 177-2. ------. Tlie same. 4c. Lipsiee et Jence, 177*2. Sciimidkl (C. C.) Epistola anatomica, qua de contiovcrsa nervi intereostalis origine qnn*- dani dissenintur. 4 \ Erlanga; [ 1747]. Tauiil (H. \V. L.) * De nervi intereostalis olivine. I . Gotlingn; [174.!]. Yarniei: (C. L.) - rtruni a gangliis nervi in- tereostalis partiuni omnium consensus? I'ra-ses 15. P. de la None. 4 \ [Paris, 1770.] Wai.tiikiuts (A. Y.) [Vr.] paris intereostalis ef, vaoi corporis hinaaiii nervorum et ah iitrei(|iii' ejus latere ohviorinn anatomen exhihet. 4 . [L'nisin; 17:'.:;.] I>«->» 4^i'iieller*. Pre'cisd'unedissertationde: ~&l. Girardi. et de*s recherches de M. Eontaua, sur loi igine du nerf in- tercostal J. eh' mid., chir.. pharm.. etc., Par., 1793, xciii, 43-70.—lleiioeque ,V tOloy. T-Stuele comparative ele l'ae- tion eics nerfs intercostaiix it des diverses rac ines du nerf phrenique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par.. 1882, 7. s., iv, 578-585.—.VIiimiiliM (J.) ''ua, ad illusiiaiidam artem medicam ostenditui origo nervi intereostalis, ejusque cnin- inerr.ium cum aliis nervis. ab ejus origine ad exitum usque e calvaria, cum autopsia, turn observalis ineilicis conlir- muta. In his: Obs. varia.:, 4°, Griming*, lso5. 19-32. 2 1)1.— NrarpH. Lettn* sur des ganglions nerveux it sur l'origine e l la nature du nerf intercostal. Tr. mcil., Par. 1831, v. 261-274. NERVES. 743 NERVES. IVerve* (Laryngeal). See Larynx (Xerres of); Nerve (Bean-rent laryngeal). Nerve* (Lumbar). See Nerves (Spinal). Nerve* (Motor). See, also, Muscles (Xerres ol). Biti'cKK (E.) I'eher die Keizung der Be- wegungsnerven durch elektrische Strome. 8°. [IVien, 1868.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl.. Wien. 1868, lviii, 2. Abth. Bert (P.l A-. Tlarcaeei (A.) Conmuicazione preven- tiva sulla distribuzioue de lie radici motrici nei muscoli degli arti. Sperinientale, l-'irenze, 1881, xlviii, 356-358.— It in ih. Die: niolorisehen Nerven sind keinesweges un- eiiiplinillich, vielini'hr sind sie sel ber wahrhafte, nur auf besondere Weise: wirkenele Emprindungs- und Sinnes- nerveii. Meel. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 9; 13. — Blown- Ne<|ii:u-. Also: Gaz. hebd. de: med., Par., 1878. 2. s., xxv, 523.-----. Vitesse de propagation des excitations dans les nerfs moteurs eles muscles rouges de l'aisceaux stries, soustraits ii l'empire de la volonte:. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc , Par., 1878, lxxxvii, 238-242„ Also: Gaz. hebd. ele meel., Par., 1878, 2. s., xv, 558. — Erkhard (C.) Leber die Eiuwirkung der Tempera! uren des Wassers auf die: motorischen Ner- ven eles Frosches. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1851, x, 165-190, 1 p! — Kit I en Inn-:; (A.) Bcmei Uungen iiber die Wirkung der Metallsalze aufilio motorischen Froschner- ven. Allg. med. Cenlr.-Zlg., P.crl., 1800, xxix, 521-523.— Euleiibiir^ (A.) Sc i:in i ulm us (S.) Ueber die Eiu- wirkung concentrirter Metnllsalzlosmigen auf die mo- torischen Frosc.linerven. Ibid., 1X59, xxviii, 809-812.— Ferricr ( D. ) The functional relations of the motor roots of the brachial and lumbosacral plexuses. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 12-20. -----. Note on the motor roots of the hrachial plexus, and on the dilator nerve of the iris. Ibid., 1883, xxxv, 229-232. — IIalie** (E.) Ueber den Einfluss der Temperaturen und ihrer Schwan- kungeu auf die motorischen Nerven. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz., 1860, 3. R., viii, 122-184. — Holmgren. Fiireilrag um centripetal ledning af ner\ reining i moloriska nil vei. Upsala Liikaref. Forli., 1865-6, i, 76-84— Ko*<.i< Iti (WT) 0 powstrszyiminiuodruchowuzaby. | Mechanism of motor nerves in Ihe frog. | (Iaz. lek., Warszawa, 1870, ix, 129; 14S.—l.auinii«ilJ.) Ueber den Einfluss hoberer Tenipera- tuigiaile aut uiotorische Nerven. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1859, xxviii. 761. — Volliin:inn (A. VvT) Beitrag zur niihei n Kenntniss der motorischen Nervenwirkungen. Arch. f. Anal., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1845, 407-429. — /i'ii|jer'(l''.) Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic tier niotorischeii Nervenfaserii. Ztschr. I', rut. Meet, Heidelb. 1847, vi, 298, 1 pl. Nerve* (Ocular). See Eye (Xeruesof); Iris (Anatomy of); Nerve (Oculo-molor); Nerve (Optic). Nerves (Orbital). See Eye (Xerres of"). Nerves (Plexuses of). See Nerves (Spinal). Nerves (Pulmonary). See Lungs (Xerres of). Nerves (Sensory). Baudimmont (A.) *Quelles sont les parties sensihles du corps des animaux? La presence des nerfs dans les tissus est-elle une condition de leur faculte* de sentir? L'aetion nerveuse peut- elle etre e"claiiee par retude de la composition chimique et de la texture eles nerfs? 4°. Paris 1835. Concours. Zuriiellk (A.) * Do nervorum seiisitivoruni irritabilitate iu statu eleetrotoni. 8*'-. Berolini, [1864]. Bert (P.) Propriete ele transmission des nerfs sensi- tifs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1870. Par.. 1877, 6. s., iii, 387- 390. — Botci (B.) I nervi eli senso specifico. Bull. d. r. Accad. meel. di Roma, 1886-7, xiii, 122-148. — .Bi-otvn- Si-quartl (C.-E.) Rapport sur un memoire de M. le docteur Ore (de Bordeaux) sur la transmission croisee des impressions sensitives. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, v, pt. 2, 301-305. -----. Experimental and clinical researches upon the channels of transmission of the sensitive impressions through the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Med. Times .v Caz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 407; 432.—Oalilin (NT) Betralitelse-r eifver den sensi- tiva uervveiksaniheleu. llygiea, Stockholm, 1839, i. 161- 166. — Danilcv»Ui (A.) Zumaitka o yavlenii refleksa v' spherai chu vstviti lnikh nervof. [Remarks on the re- flex action of nerves of sensation. | Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1863, iii, 381-384. — van Urni. Over de ge- voelszcnuwen en het verband tusse-hen ,1, gevoels-en be- wegings-zenuwen. Tijdschr. v. nat .< lescbicd. en Physiol., Leiden, 1839, vi, 275-288. — ti iclilioll -e. ( II. ) Das sensi- tive Nervensystem. Med Ztg., Berl 1852, xxi, 51; 55; 99; 105—deJubli'i-. Sur la propriete de transmission des nerfs sensitils. Compt. rend. Soc. dc* biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 393-396. — Jobert. Contribution a letiicle clu systeme nerveux sensitif. J. de l'anat. et physiol.. etc., Par., 1870-71, vii, 611-632, 2pL— I-aiileuliach (P.. E.) On a new method for determining the presence of sensory nerves. A. Physiol., Lond. \ Cambridge, 1879-80, ii, 14- 18. — I* ie ■-■-<-1 (A.) Keeherches sur l'origine rot-lie des nerfs de sensibilite'' gcnerale dans le bulbe rachidien et la moelle epiniere. Coinpt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1870, lxxxiii, 1047-1049.—Kichet (C.) Recherches sur le senti- ment compare'' au mouvement. Ibid., 1106-1109. -----. Experiences sur les fonctious eles nerfs sensitils. Gaz. med. de Par., 1876, 4. s., v, 279. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 100-165. Nerves (Spinal). See, also, Nerves (Ganglia, ele., of); Nervous system (Reflex action of) ; Spinal cord. Aiii.stf.iit ((j!. H.) Seiaornphica nervorum spinaliuni descriptio, et quideni parium dorsalinm atque lumhaliuni. sin. 4C. Upsalia; [1796]. Ascn (G. T.) '" De primo pan- nervorum me- (lulhe spinalis. 4 . Gottingee, [177,9], Bock (A. C.) Die Riickemnarksiierven nach ihren ganzen Vcrlauf'e, Vortheilungea und Ver- hindungen, nebst Abhihlungen derselben auf 7 Kupfertafeln, gez. von Dr. Martini und gest. von Sohroter. (-.'- ; nthis, fol. Leipzig, 18,27-8. Bossk (C. H.I * De ganglionic spinalium vi in nutriendas radices posteriores nervorum spi- nalium. H-r Dorpati Liconorum, 187)9. Bnowx-Si-.c-i ard (C.-E.) Keeherches experi- mentalcs sur les voies de transinission des im- prossions sensili veset snr des phenomenes singu- liers qui succeelent a la section des racines des nerfs spin-ins. *'". Paris, 187)6. Drik.sslx ( P. ) "Diss, exliiheus et icoue il- lnstrans nervos musculorum ahdominalium et superficici inguinis. 4°. Groningce, 1775. Also, in: Janskn (WT X.) Collect, diss. [etc.J 4°. Dus- seldorpii, 1792, ii, 271-290, 1 pl. Ekman (J. J.) * Sciagiiiphica nervorum spi- nalium descriptio, et quideni nervi intereostalis s. sympathetici. 4C. Upsalia; [17%]. Fisciiku (J. L.) Descriptio anatomica ner- vorum lumhaliuni sacralium et extiemitatnm iu- feriorum. imp. fol. Lipsia; 1791. Gi'DLNDOKF (A.) * Oh izmenenijach v rnja- kotnych. voloknach pererezannago nerva. [On alterations produced by scctiou of spinal nerves.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1882. NERVES. 744 NKIIVES. \erves (Spinal). Harrison (E.) An essay on the powerful in- fluence of the spinal nerves over Ihe sexual or- gans, and through them upon the general state of the hody. Being an appendix to the first numher of the Monthly Gazette of Practical Medicine, s . London. 1831. Hilbkrt (R.) * Zur Kenntniss der .Spiiial- nerven. 8°. Eiinigslnrg i. Pr., 1-T7S. Nort.is (O.) '■■ Sciagiaphica nervorum syiina- liuni descriptio, et (piidciu parium cervicalium, cum plexu hraclnali. 4'-'. Upsalia; 17114. Peipers (G. F.) Tcrtii et quarti nervorum cer- vicalium descriptio, cui acceelit snecinta eorun- dem nervorum quinti; nervi phrenici, pra*sertim ratione originis; nervi aecessorii Willisii; nervi fluri, ejusque prtecipue rami inferioris; nervi hypoglossi et occipitalis niaximi a secundo cer- vicalium nervo adumhratio. 4°. Haiti; 1793. Also, in: Seitii'T. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsin; 1795, iv, 18-49, 1 pl. Pototski (S.) * Pojasnichno-kresttsovoe splc- tenie (plexus lumho-sacralis) otnoshenie ego k nervam nichuei konechnosti i taza. [Lumbo- sacral plexus; its relation to linal termination of nerves iu pel vis.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Koidanovsky (P.) De la structure des ra- cines des nerfs spinaux et du tissu nerveux dans les organes centraux de l'homme et de quelques animaux supdrieiiis. Ouvrage traduit du russe par Mile. Olga Paelonovsky. Avec: atlas de viii planches contenant 72 photographies, s-r I'a- ris, 1876). ELtdinger (N.) Die Anatomic der menschli- chen Riickeuniarks-Nerven fiir Studirende und Aerzte. Zweite Ahtheilung. 4 . Stuttgart, 1S70. Sagkmeiil (M.) * Unfersiiehiiiigen iiher die Entwickelung der Spiualnerven. roy. s . Dor- pat, 1882. Schmidt (J. A.) Couiinentarins ele nervis luin- halihus eorumque plexu anatomico-pathologi- cus. Adjecta est duorum, qui in plexu hrael.i.ili rnajori coutinentur nupereiue inveiiiehantnr, plexuum niinorum descriptio et adiunhratio. 4°. Vindobonce, 1794. Seubert(M. C. G.) De functionihiis radicuiu anteriorum et posteriornm nervorum s])inaliuin commentatio. 8°. ('ctrlsruhcectBad.ee, \833. Amidon (R. W.) Note ou the structure and arrange- ment of the medullated nerve-fibres iu the ganglia of the posterior roots of spinal nerves. J. Xerv. fc Mint. Dis., Chicago, 1876, iii, 391-394.—Arnold (I-T) Feber den ver- meintuchen Urspruug der hiuteren Wur/el eles ersten Halsuerven aus ilem iltcn Paar der Hirmierven. Ztschr. f. Physiol . Hei,hlh.. 1835, v. 177-180.—Balfour (I-TIM.) On the spinal nerves of ampbioxns. J. Anat. fc Physiol., I Loud., 1S75-0, x, 089-692. — Bert (P.) fc M arcacci. fitude sur la distribution des racines motrices eiu plexus lonibaire elans les muscles du membre inferieur. I inept. rend. Soc. de biol. 1881, Par.. 1882. 7. s., iii, 207-209.— Brown (T.) On irritation of the spinal nerves. Glas- gow M. ,L, ls28, i, 131-100.—Bruce (.1.) rumors on the branches of the spinal nerves. Dublin .1. M. Sc.. 1844-5, xxvi, 12o —f n n n in <;li a in i 1). J. i Note on a connecting twig be!ween tin- anterior eli\ ision> of the first and second dorsal nerve's. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., LoncL, 1870-7, xi, 539.—van Dccn (I.) Microscopische waarneniing over de -wijze waarop zich bij de hoogere dieren de vezi-ls eler zenuwen in het ruggemerg, tot ele vezels van bet rugge- merg zelf verhonden. Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschied."en Physiol., Leiden, 1844, xi, 118-122, 1 pl. — l»i lalielil (K.) A case of syphilitic tumors of the spinal nerves. Am. .1. Syph. pinal nerves. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1842-3, xxxi, 697-699.— Experience!* snr los fonctious eles racines des nerf rachicli. ns. .1. de physiol. exper., Par., 1822, ii, 270-279.—Fere <(_'.' fitude anatomic]ue et critique sur les plexus des nerfs spinaux. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1883. v. 332-345.—Flint (A.),,ir. Historical considerations concerning the properties of the roots of the spinal nerves. Quart. J. Psych. M., \. T., 1808, ii. 625-060. Also, transl. : J. del'anat. et physiol., etc.. Par., isos, v,520-5.';s.— Eoa ^ne Acrvcs (Spinal). Sc I.aiiiicgracc. I listribtition speeiale des racines mo- trices du plexus lombo-sacre. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc Par., lssi, xevm. inos.—Uiok. [Kecberchts sur l'ori"inc' du nerf spinal.J Bull. Soc.aiiat.de Par., 184G xxi 38 — llnnkini (C. H.) Sir Charles Boll and ,\I. Magcneiie on the functions of the spinal nerves. Brit. M. J., Loml., 1809, i, 21-23. Also, in his: . . . Path. fc Snrsr. WT it ini»s 8°, Lond., 1874, i, 31-38.—Hell (M.) Lobe:- die Lendem nerven. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1880, x, 141-150 — lincliiii (K.) K' stroeniyu spinnakh mi vnikh uzlov. [Structure of the spinal ganglia.) Med. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1807, vii, 305-307.—Kiihlwi Iter (K.) Zur Lehre von iior La- gerung der < le fassnerven in den Win/.tin der l;i,i ken- niarksncrven. Beitr. z. Anat u. Pbysml. ( Kckbard), (iiessen. 1885, xi. 23-41.—von l.rnlio*Ncl< (M.) Lnler' sui'biingen iiber elie Spinalgang I icn eb s IToschi-s. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn. 1**5-5, xxvi, 370-453. 2 pl. — I < n «c li k a (H.) Hie Laser-Kern Geschwulst an Wur/elnvon liii ckenmai ksnei ven. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Heil., ls,",i; xi, 384-387.—Majjcmlic. Kxpcrii'iices sur les Ioiu-iioiih des racines ties nerl's qui naissciit ele la moelle epiniere. J. ele physiol. exper.. I'ar., 1822, ii, 300-371.— Tlonoil. Tumeur fibreuse iloveloppce sur ie: Ira jet des racines an- te'rieurs de la neuvieme paire: dorsalo eles nerfs i acbidiens Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 2. eel., 1827, ii, 59-05. — :?l iii ler (J.) Bestatigung des Bell'schen Lchrsatzes, class tlie ilup. pelten VvTirzeln der Ruckeiiinarksnerven vei si -hie liii<.'('■- (K.) Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber elie Kinwii kung tier voi-ili-nn Riickenmarkswurzeln auf das Lumen ihr Gefasse. Allg. meel. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1855, xxiv, 537; 601.—I'olelli (L.) Intorno all' ufficio dei nervi spinali. Ann. univ. di ined., Milano, 1825, xxxvi, 112.— ■'i-e^aliliiio. Contribution a. l'etude des ganglions in- tervertt'braux. Bull. Acad. roy. do med. de Belg., Unix., 1887, 4. s., i, 071-683. [Bap. ele 11. Boddaert], 657-66(1.— Baltonc (G.) Sull' esistenza di cellule ganglionari nelle radici ]iosteriori dei nervi spinali nell' uomo. Arch, di psichiat.. etc., Torino, 1884, v, 107-181, 2 pl. Also: Arch. per lc sc. med., Torino, 1884-5, viii, 07-82, 2 pl It a uber (A.) Die letzten spinalen Xerven untl Ganglien. Mor pbol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1877, iii, 602-624, 1 pl — Konilanov- Mki (IT) Anatoinicheskaya ottichiya chuvslvitelnikh i d\ igatclnikb nervof spinnago mozga. [Anatomical char- acters of I he sensitive and motor nerves of the spinal cord.] Metl. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1800, vi,27. \Se.r. ttUo.siipnt.} — Itiillii rlonl (VV.) On the relative excitability of differ. cut parts ol the trunk of a spinal nerve. J. Anat. efc Phv- siol., Lond., 1871, v, 327-338. — Nailer. Case of exalted reflex irritability of the spinal ni-rves of tbe: left side of the body. Lancet, Lond., 1808, i, 056. — Mchleimn. Anaio niisohe Heobachtungen iibenlie An/abl der Sleissbeiniier- ven, i li i in Urspruug unci iiber elie au ibnen 1 > t -1 i 11111 i. -11 < -11, neu entilickteii Knoten. Arch. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. u. wis- sensch. Meel.. Berl., 1834. 91 - 94. — Weulieil (M.) Ver suche iiber die Verrirhtiingen der vonlein und hinterii Wurzeln der Biicki-nmai ). Ct.) Sui fenomeni trofici dei cintri nervosi, ilegli organi pel il'ei ici e lungo l nervi. Movinieuto, Knpoli, lsii'.i, i. 15-52. —1{ i <>>» ii-.*ici|iia ill (('. E.) lfe-niarks on some of the plijsinlogical anil pathological influences of the ue-rvous system on nutrition. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1880, ii, 915.—('only, ('uehpics experiences sur lc: role tropliiipre lies racines posle rieures mcelnllaires. (Iaz. nied. ele Par., 1870, 4. s., v, 254-250. —Fano (ii.) fc l.oin-ie (S.) Sulla jnesenza eli un cenlro trolico ne:l sistema bnlbo s])inale. Salute: Italia med., (lenova, 1885, xix, 501-503.—Jewell (J. S.) Kemarks cm trophic action of the nervous system. Tr. Illinois Al. Soc, Chicago. 1877. xxvii, 223-232.—.lone* (11.) Are then* special trophic nerves? St. I leorge's Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1808, iii, 89-100.—.lo«ecph i.M.) Beitrage zur Lehre von den trophischc n Xci \ en. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Kerb, 1887, cvii, 119-159, 1 pl —l.aliorilc. Troubles trophiques et ele la sensibilite a la suite ele la lesion expe- rimental!' ele la racine ilescenilanle du trijumeau dans le bulbe. (iaz. el. hop.. Par , 1878, li, 13.— l.c-va*clic»v (S. W.) Zur Lehre von den trnphischcii Xerven. Centralbl. f. d. meel. Wissensch., Berl., 1883, xxi. 193-201. Also, trmisl : Ljeiieil. klin. gaz., St. Petersb.. 1883, iii, 148-152.— II a vel. Des troubles de nutrition de la peau ct du tissu conjunctive lies aux lesions clu systeme nerveux. Mem. et compt.-i"inl. Soc. el. sc. ined. de Lyon (1807), .1808, vii, L00-23O. Also: (iaz. metl. ile Lyon, 1868, xx, 2 0 ; 214 ; 237.— ICoNnnclli (nnl«c hitich (V.) Trophische Slc'iningen im Cebicle lies Nervus auri- culo-temporalis trigeinini. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 737; 705.—Wcjnm (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik eler Trophoneiirosen. Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 237; 252. — Wiiflit (J. S.) Sonic ])oiuts in regard to trophic nerve cells. .Med. fc Surg. Kcporter, Pbila., 1882, xlvi, 33 ; (51 ; 89. Nerve* (Vasodilator). See Mouth (Xerres of). Nerves ( Vasomotor). See Nervous system ( Vasomotor). Nerve* of nerves. Iloi-Mlcy (V.) Preliminary communication on the ex- istence; of sensory nerves and nerve endings in nerve trunks, true "nervi nervorum". [Abstr.] Proc. Lov. M. fc Chir. Soc. Loud., 1883-4, n. s., i, 196-198. —l»i'ii* (•)'. I O nerwikach wvkrytyoh w o.slouco pni nil uowych (nervi ner- vorum pel•iphericoriini). 1'rzegl. lek., Krakow., 1880, xxv, 413; 421 ; 429. Nerve* in slin diseases. See- Skin (Diseases of, Xcurolic). Nerve* of taste. See, also, Nerve (Lingual); Taste; Tongue (Xerees of). Menger (H.) * Die Ncrvenenelignngen und Epithelien der Geseliimickspapillen. 8°. Berlin, [1H69]. Alrocli (B.) Determination of the question, which are the nerves of taste. Dublin J. JUT Sc, 1830, x, 250-279.— I^cxllcr (F. S.) Sui nervi dei sensi specified in gcnerale, e del gusto iu particoltiro, (Jazz. meel. ilaf, prov. venete, Padova, 1809, xii, 189-HI3. ------. Kisposta ai riniarchi del 1'rof. y. Lussana alia mia meinoria; sui nervi dei sensi s|ic cilici. //)/(/.. 225-228. | .SVc, also, infra, Lussana (1<\)) — I n- fcani ((i.) fc l,n».»aii:i (F.) Sui nervi del gusto. Ann, I uuiv.dinied., Milano, I802,elxxxi,282.—Key (L. A.) Ueber I Nerve* of taste. die Endigungsweise dor GeschmacLsnerven in der Zunge eles Frosches. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1801, ,329-349, 1 pl.—I.cl'zcrich (L.) Feber die Endapparate derGeschmacksnerveu. Arch. f. path. Anat. etc., P.erl., 1809, xiv, 9-19, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.j: Centralbl. f. el. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 499.—I,ii««aua (F.) Sui nervi del gusto. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Pa- dova, 1809, xii, 105; 113; 121: 1870, xiii, 345; 301; 369; 3.-U Also, transl: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., I'ar., 1809 ii, 20; 197: 1871-2, iv, 150;'334. ------. Kiniarchi alia me- moria del Sig. Dott. F. S. Festler, sui nervi dei sensi spe cifici in generate e del gusto in particolare. (Jazz. metl. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1809, xii, 209-213. — l»ler- ltel (F.) Tastzelleu und Tastkorperchen be:i den llaus- tbieren und beim Menschen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1875, xi, 636-652, 2 pl. —Nervio (Del) craneano interine- diario de Wrisberg. [ Discussion.] (Jac. ined. de Mexico. 1871, vi, 47-19— Kamlncio (IT) Sui ner\i del gusto. Movimento, Xapoli. 1870. ii. 121-125.—ScliidT il.) Intorno ai nervi del gusto eel alia eterotopia tattile. Morgagni, Xapoli, 1870."xii, 47-68.—von \ inl-i ln>au. Vortrag iiber die Geschmacksiierven. Ber. d. naturw.-no il. Ver. in Innsbruck (1877), 1879, viii, 2. Hft., pp. xiii-xv—Vi*i- oli (F.) Intorno ai nervi (led gusto ed alia ete rolopia tat- tile. Morgagni, Napoli, 1870, xii, 122-130. — Yixioli (!•'.) fc. ITnsMnna. Intorno ai nervi del gusto. Movimento, Napoli, 1869, i, 271-273. Nervi, Italy. Haugliton (E.) On Nervi, near Genoa, as a winter health resort. Lancet, Lond., 1884, ii, 1040 Italian health resorts. IV. Nervi and Bapallo. Med. Times a. (Jaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 361-303. — Schclcli**;. Notes on the climate of Nervi. Ibid., 1875, ii, 493.— \V i-xing (I. V. K.) Nervi som Kiirst.ed tor Brystsyge. Ugesk. f. Lager, Kja- beuh., 1877, xxiv, 185; 201. Nervia (Valley of the). Faiuna (J.-F.) La vallee :L] -----. Traits de l'existence, ele la nature et des proprietes du fiuide des nerfs, et principale- liient de, son action dans le monvement muscu- laire. Ouvrage couronne" en 17.">:>, par l'Acade- niie de Berlin; suivi des dissertations sur la sensibilite" des meninges, des tendons, etc., 1'in- sensibility du cerveau, la structure des nerfs, I'irritabilite hall^rienne, etc. H->. Berlin, 1765. Loescher (M. G.) & Ursln (S. C.) Tentamen de novo succi nervei motu. 4U. Wittenbirepi; [.1710]. Mahblkg ( T. W. ) * Succi nervei secretio mechanica. sm. 4'-'. Vitembergce, [1711], Michelitz (A.) Scrutinium hypotheseos spiri- tuum aiiimalium. Pragce, 178*>. In: e'seuii'T. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1793, iii, 209-239. Plane (J.) * De l'iufluence nerveuse. 4 . Paris, 1823. Plainer ( E.) [Pr.] pnemissa exercitatiun- cula litteraria in qua demoustratur vulgarem ele fluido nerveo sententiam non antiquam esse sed novam. 4°. [Lipsiee, 1786.] Qialini (F.) Accademia e discorso filosofico- meel ico intorno lo spiritoso liquor de' nervi. 4°. Pavia, 17(i:{. Kiciitek (A. J.) * De universi vis nervosa* pia-gnantiuni corporis mutationibus nee non de illis ad aniniuni spectantibus seu psychicis. H,J. Berolini, [1828]. Sciikeibkr (J. C.) * De fluidi nervei existen- tia improbabili. 4°. Halce, [1771]. Soemmekring (S. T.) Leber deu Saft, wel- cher aus den Nerven wieder eiugesaugt ^ iid, im gcsiinden und kranken Zustande des meuschli- clicu Korpers. Eine Abhandlung, welche zu Amsterdam den Preis des Mounikhosschen Le- gits ini Jahre 1810 erhielt. 89. Landshut, \8ll. e^TYRius (C. B. ) *Deli<)uidi nervei ratione ad vitam et sauitateui. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1765]. Vehr ( C. F. ) *De beta ac kesa spiritus mundi parvi in cerebro generatione. sm. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1698]. Yillefi.ose (L.) *Devinervea. 4°. Parisiis, 1819. Barely. Des proprietes physiques d'une foree par- ticuliere clu corps humain (force neurique rayonnante), connue vul^airenient sous le noni de niajjn6tisme animal. Gaz. meel. de Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, 502; 520; 532; 544; 599. Also, Keprint.— Bni-i-ett ( W. C.) The origin and phy- siology of nervous force. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass. 1881, Phila., 1882, xxii, 95-107. Also: Ohio State J. Dent. Sc, Toledo, 1882, ii. 517-531. Also: Am. J. Dent. Sc., Bait., 1882, 3. s., svi, 337-354. Also, Repriut.—Baxl (NT) Leber die Zeit, welche niithi<; ist, damit ein Ge sic htseiniliuck zum lie- wusstsein kuninit uud iiber die Grosse ( Extension ) der bc-wussten Wahrnehmuug bei einem Gesichtseinelrucke vou ",-i-ijebeiier Dauer. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871, iv, 325-330. -Bevan ( YV. ) An inquiry into the truth of the electric nature of the nervous principle. Dublin M. Press, 1841, vi, 292-294. — Billion ( G. ) De nervis qua statnitur non elari spiritus animates. In bis: Exc-rc.it. anat.chir., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1708, 119-128.—Bii-il ( R.) Remarks on the nature of nerve motion or force. Indian XL Ga/,., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 241-248 —Bo«ililch (H. P.) Nole on the nature of nerve-force. J. I'hysiol., Lond., 1885-6, vi, 133-135. Also, Reprint. -----. What is nerve-force ? Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. So., Salem, ]8s7. xxxv, 237-240. Also, Reprint. — Caldwell (J. J.) Is nerve and electric force one and the same? Maryland M. J., Bait., 1880-81, vii, 484-486. -----. The similarity of elec- tric and nerve forces. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 225-229.—<; red ing (J. E.) An Huiduni nerveuni nutrire pussit'? In: Ludwig (C. G.) Decas qua*st. ined. 4; Lips., 1710, 33-36. — Hughes ( R.) On the generation of nerve-force. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, i, 456. — l.cvi-.oii (J. L.) Remarks on Mr. Stevenson's comment on Dr. Xer\ou* fluid or force. Marshall Hall's view of the vis nervosa, and on a caseof great loss of nervous power resulting from a carious tooth. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 112.—I.nilwig (C.G.) An motus fluicli nervei cum motu materia- lucis ci a-tlieris roin- purari possitT Inhis: Decas qua-st med.. 4°, Lips., 1740, 9-12. -----.An tliiidum nerveum nutrire possit .' Ibid.', 33-36. — ITIaire. Memoire sur la rircnlat ion nerveuse! Cong, raeel.de France. I'ar.. 1863, i, 15-25.—iV. N. (M.) • Ks admisible una fiur/.a tisira especial eon el nomhre de fuerza neuriea .' Siglo meel.. Madrid, 1881. xxviii. 737; 770.— rVei-vcnkrafl (Leber) und ihre WirUnngsart. Arch. I', cl Physiol., Halle, 1796, i, 2. Hft., 3-20.—I'hi lip (A, 1'. W.) A concise summary of the facts relating to Ihe nature of the nervous influence. Loud. M. Ga/,., 1X35-6, xvii, 738.— Pin-ton (T.) On tbe phvsiologv of the brain and nerves. Meel. & Phys. J., Lond.. 1800. iv, 334-336. -----. A lew additional reinaiks on the identity of the electric ami ner- vous fluids. Ibid., 18U2. vii, 324-328. — Bichai-dwon (B. W.) A theory of a nervous atmosphere. Med. limes & Gaz., Lond., 1871, i, 507-509.—Bnilolphi (('. A.) Ktwas iiber die sensible Atmosphiire tier Nerven. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1797, iii, 188-201. — Wcni-lc (C.) Ou the nature, source, and distribution of the nervous fluid, or electricity, of the animal system; and the connection be- tween the mind and tbe boelv, and of vital temperature. Lancet, Lond., 1830-31, ii, 299-305. — Stark (J.) On the nature of the nervous ngeiu-y. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1844, lxii, 285-311. Also, Reprint.—WiiehV (J. E.) An motus tiuiili nervei cum motu materise lucis et it'tlieris eomparari pus- sit ? In: Ludwig (C. GT) Decas qua.'st. med., 4\ Lips, 1740, 9-12.—Strachan (J. M.) On the origin and circnhi tion of nerve force. Eelinh. M. J., 1865-6, xi, 114-120.— Mlnart ( A. ) Experiments to prove the existence of a fluid in the nerves. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1719-33, vii. 5X5.— Til re It. De la nature du fiuide nerveux et cles secretion* organiques. Gaz. nietl.de Lyon, 1859, xi, 233, 404— White (VV. H.) On neurorheiuua, or nervous energy. Lam it, Loud., 1880, ii, 161. JVervon* mimicry. See Miryachit; Nervous system (Diseases of, Diagnosis, etc., of). ]\ervons system. See, also, Automatism; Blood (Circulation of); Bones and nervous system; Brain; Cere- bellum; Cerebro-spinal fluid; Co-ordination of movements; Embryology; Frog ; Glanda (Nerves of); Heat (Animal); Heat (Effects of); Inflammation (Nervous influence on); Insects (Nervous system of); Medulla oblongata; Mus- cle (Physiology of); Nerves; Nervous flu id, etc.; Neurology; Pacinian bodies; Pons Va- rolii; Pressure (Sense of); Psychology (Physio- logical) ; Reflexes ; Respiration ; Secretion ; Sensation, etc. ; Somnambulism; Spinal cord; Sympathy; Temperature; Time (Perception, etc., of). Adamucci (A.) Systeme mecanique des fonc- tious nerveuses. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1898. Adolf (.J. T.) * De nervorum lougitudine in r-ouipensationem nmltitudinis et vice vei sa. Al- torfii, 1769. In : Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsite, 1795, iv, 181-188. Aeby ((.'.) .Schema des Faserverlaufes im meuschlichen Gehirn und Riickeumark. 3. Aufl. 8°. Bern, 1885. Alavoine (J.) Tableaux d'anatomie. Le systeme nerveux. I. Nerfs rachidiens. II. Nerfs i-raniens et systeme nerveux p6riph6rique. fol. Paris, 1878. Ammermuller (C. Y.) * 1st als Bildungs- Typus fiir den inenschlichen Organismus das Nerven- oder das Gcf.-'iss-System anznsehen . VIJ. Tiibingen, 1«:V2T Axdersch (C. S.) Tractatio anatomico-phy- siologica de nervis humani corporis aliqnibus, quam edidit Ernst. Ph. Anderson. 8-. llegio- monti, 171)7. Arnold (F.) Bemerkungen iiber den Bau des Hirns und Riickenmarks, nebst, Beitragen zur Physioiogie des zehnten und eilften Hirnnerven, mehrern kritischen Mittheilungen sowie ver- schiedenen pathologischen und anatomischen Beobachtungen. 8-. Zurich, 1838. NERVOUS. 747 NERVOUS. NervoiCN system. Asch (M.) * Ueber das Verhaltniss des Tem- peratur- und Tastsiuns zu deu bilateralen Func- tionen. 12u. Berlin, [1879]. Astruc (J.) * An sympathia parti um a certa nervorum positura in sensorio interim '! [174:?.] In: Siowaut (G. F.) Qiuest. med. I'm-. 4°. Tubingce, 1789, i, 212-219. Auerbach (L.) * De irritamentis nervorum studia critica. 8 . Berolini, [1849]. llACKF.it (G.) * Commentatio ad quajstionem pliysiologicam propositam : '• Sue-eincte enarren- tur pnecipua recentiorum experimenta Bell, Magendie, Eschricht, Schops et Bellingeri, de actione nervi olfactorii, trigemini, facialis, nee non de utriusque radicis nervorum spinalium officio, ut denique e disputatis concludatur, (piienam probabiliter sit actio horuni nervo- rum". 8\ Traj. ad Rhenum, 1839. Also, in: Ann. Acad. l'lieno-Trnjoct. (1728-9), 1830, 1- 154. Baillaroer (J.) Recherches sur l'anatomie, la physioiogie et la pathologie du systeme ner- veux. 8'-'. Paris, 187*2. Bang (J.) Nervorum cervicalium anatome. Havnia: In : Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1791, i, 343-348, 4 pl. Bahkow (J. V. L.) * Disquisitiones neurolo- gicae. 4°. Vralislaritt; [1836)]. Barral CE.-A.) * Observations et reflexions sur quelques points de la pathologic et de la physioiogie des centres nerveux. 4°. Paris, 1838. Batailley (P.-D.) * Considerations sur les phenomenes de la vie nutritive (physioiogie et pathologie) et leurs rapports avec le systeme nerveux. 4°. Paris, 187,4. Balr(C. J.) Tractatus de nervis anferioris siiperticiei trunci humani, thoracis pra'seitiin iibdoiiiiuisque. 4°. Titbinga; 1818. Bazlv (A.) These surl'muto propre an systeme nerveux de la vie animale et a celui de la vie or- ganique, et snr les rapports physiologiques et zoologiques qui existent entre eux. 4°. Paris, 18-.V3. ------. Du systeme nerveux de la vie animale et de la vie v<5g6tati ve; de leurs connexions ana- tomiques, et des rapports physiologiques, psy- chologiques et zoologiques qui existent entre eux. 4°. Paris, 1841. BellvC.) A series of engravings explaining the course of the nerves. 4°. London, 1803. ------. The same. With an address to young physicians on the study of the nerves. 2. ed. 4°. London, 1816. ------. The same. 2. Am. ed. 4 r Phila- delphia, 1834. ------. An exposition of the natural system of the nerves of the human body, with a repub- lication of the papers delivered to the Royal So- ciety on the subject of nerves. «'■'. London, 1824. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1825. ------. Appeudix to the papers on the nerves, republished from the Royal Society's Transac- tions ; containing consultations aud cases illus- trative of the facts announced in those papers. 8''. London. 1827. ------. The nervous system of the human body, embracing the papers delivered to the Royal .Society on the subject of the nerves. [With] appendix, containing cases and letters of consultation on nervous diseases, submitted to the author since the publication of his papers on the functions of the nerves, in the Transac- tions of the Royal .Society, and illustrative of the facts announced in the preceding pages. 4°. London, 1830. ------. The same. 8 t Washington, 1833. NcrvoilN system. -----. The same. 3. ed., with three ad- ditional papers on the nerves of the encephalon. 8°. London, 1814. ----—. The same, rhysiologische und pa- thologische Untersuchungen des Nervensystems. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Moritz Hein- rich Romberg. Neue mit der ersten Aufl. gleieh- lautende Ausgahe. 8°. Berlin, 1836. Bellingeri (C. F.) Ragionamcnti, sperienze ed osservazioni patologiche comprovauti 1' anta- gonismo nervoso. 8°. Torino, 1833. Bellmund (F. C.) *Diss. exhihens theoriain nervorum. 4°. Wireebnrgi, [1737]. Berendt (G. C.) * Dc atmosphaera nervorum sensitiva commentatio. 4°. Gottinga; [1813], Bernard (C.) Lemons sur la physioiogie et la pathologie du .systeme nerveux. 2 v. 8 . Paris, 187)8. Bianchi (G.) Saggio rignardante 1' inipres- sioni sui nervi in gcnerale. 8°. Pisa, 1795. Bidder (F. H.) Neurologische Beobachtun- gen. 4°. Dorpat, 1836. Biegler (A. P.) Anatomy and physiology of the brain and nervous system. 8°. Albany, 1840. Bindsciiedi.er (R. G.) * Experimentelle Bei- triige zur Lehre von der Nervenreizbatkeit. 8°. Zurich, 186)5. Birkner (G.) Das Wasser der Nerven in physiologischer und pathologischer Beziehung. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Emil Harless. 2. Aufl. 8°. Augsburg, 185-'. Blanc (C.-M.) * Quelques propositions sur le systeme nerveux. 4°. I'aris, 1829. BOCK (A. C.) Darstellnng des (.chimes, des Riickeiunarkes, und der Si lines-Workzeuge, sowie auch eles nieiisehlichen Korpers iiberhaupt, nach seinem aussein IJinfauge. 8 ; atlas, 4U. Leip- zig, 1824. Bogros (J.-A.) Memoire sur la structure des nerfs. Precedd d'une notice liistorique sur ce m6decin par le Dr. Verniere. 4°. Penis, 1827. Boicescu (A.) Centrii nervosi creerul din puntul de vedere anatomiccu ore care eonside- ratiuni asupra fisiologii si patologii lui. 8J. Bucuresci, 1881. Suppl to: Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1881, i. Borrelli (D.) I nervi e la vita; prolusione al corsa di patologia interna, letta nella R. universita di Napoli il dl 29 genu. 1873. 8°. 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Simon (J.-J.) * De la synipathie et de l'an- tagouisini' dans les fonctious du systeme ner- veux. 4 . Strasbourg, 1848. Aervou* systc:-:. Smith (J.) The nervous system; its use and abuse. A lecture delivered for the Australian Health Society, 3d Oct., 1*81. 8°. Melbourne, 1881. Itepr. from: Victorian Kev., 1SS1. Smith (J. A.) Select discourses on the func- tions of the nervous system, in opposition to phrenology, materialism, and atheism, to which is prefixed a lecture on the diversities of the hu- man character arising from physiological pecu- liarities. 8U. New York. 1840. Also [Rev.], in: Boston M. .V S. J., 1841, xxiv, 293; 337. Smith (W.) A dissertation upon the nerves. 8 . London, 176,8. vox Soe.mmerihng (S. T.) Vom Him und Riickenmark. 16°. Mainz, 1788. -----. Him und Nervenlehre. Uingcaibei- tet von G. Valentin. 8°. Leipzig, 1841. Spies* (G. A.) Physiologic des Nervensystcnis voni arztlichen Standpuukte dargestellt. 8-'. Braunsiliiteig. 1844. Stuart (('.) T De systeinatis nervosi officiis, ejusque conditionibus nonnnllis. 8->. Edinburgi, 1781. Also, in : Smei.uk. Tbesaurus nied. [etc.] 8°. Edin- burgi, 1785, iv, 229-201. Swan (J.) A demonstration of the nerves of the human body. 4°. London, 1834. ------. The same. Nevrologie, oil description anatomique des nerfs du corps humain. Trad. de Tang-lais avec des additions par E. Chassai- gnae. 4°. I'aris, 1838. Table synoptique des nerfs de l'homme. (broadside.) fol. [n. p., v.'(/.] Tamin Desitu.les. (O.) Alimentation du cer- veau et des nerfs. 8-. Paris, 1873. Tiiieuout (C. H.) Chz. De wetten van in- werking van twee zenuwstelsels op elkander of do uitstooting der hoogstgeorganisecrden, iu den strijd des levens in de menschelijke maatschap- pijen. 8°. Utrecht, [v. d.] Thiel (T. H. J. E. L.) * Num Magendie de sensualitate anterioris nervorum spinalium radi- cis reete judicaverit nee ne ? 8J. Begimonlii Pi:, 18 Ki. Tissot (S.-A.-D.) Traitd des nerfs et de leurs maladies. 4 v. 12-. Paris, 1778-80. -----. The same. 2 v. «.V 4 pts. bound in 3. L8°. Geneve f Paris, 1779-83. ------. The same. 4 v. 12°. Lausanne, 1784. ------. The same. De la catalepsie, de l'ex- tase, de l'an;esthesie, de la migraine, et des ma- ladies du cerveau. 12°. Lausanne, 1788. ------. The same. 4 v. 12°. Avignon, 18IH). Also, in: Encycl. (1. SC. mel-el. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46, 7. (liv., [v. 101, 1-424. ------. The same. Abhandlung von den Ner- ven uud ihren Krankheiten. Aus dem Frauzosi- schen iibersezt von F.A.Weber. 4 v. 8°. Win- terthur u. Leipzig, 1781-3. ------. The same. Abhandlung iiber die Ner- ven und deren Krankheiten, deutsch hrsg. von Joh. Christ. Gottlieb Ackermanu. 6 pts. in 3 v. 12°. Leipziej, 1782-90-93. Todd (R. B.) The descripti ve and physiologi- cal anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and gan- glions, and of their coverings. 8J. London, 1845. ------. Physiology of the nervous system. *. London. 1817. Urecii (J. R.) * De vi et effectu quern nervo- rum cerebrospinal!um et sympathicorum sectio in sanguinis circulationem et in resorptiouem habcaf. 83. Turici, 1837. Valentin (G.) De functionibus nervorum cc- rehralium et nervi sympathici libri quattuor. 4. liernie et Sangalli Helvetiorum, 1839. XKRVOUS. 753 NERVOUS. Nervous system. Vatlr (A.) Epistola anatomica, prohlematica dce-ima et sexta de viis absconditis pulmonum, quibus aiir, respirando reeeptus, in sanguinem pcnetrat; nee non dc.vasorum secretorioruni structura mechanica, ct de fibrillarum nervearum in cerebro principiis. Resp. Frederico Ruyschio. 4°. Aiitstclcedanii, 1714. Vetter (A. R.) Kurzgefasste Beschreibung aller Gefasse und Nerven des menschlichen Kiir- pers. 1(5°. Wien, 1789. Yikissens ( R. ) Neurographia universalis. Hoc est, omnium corporis humani nervorum, siniul ct cerebri, niedulla*quo spinalis descriptio nnatoinica . . . Ed. nova. fol. Lugduni, 16,87,. ---—. The same. Eaque fideliter et ad vi- v uni dclincatis, iereque incisis illustrata cum ipsorum actione ct, usu, physico discursu expli- calis. 12°. Francofurti, 1699. -----. The same. Ed. novissima. fol. Lug- duni, 1716. Vulpian (A.) Lecons sur la physioiogie g6n6- rale et comparee du systeme nerveux faites au Mus6um d'histoire naturelle. R6digees par M. Ernest Breniond. Revues par le professeur . . . 8°. I'aris, 1866). Wagner (O.) *De rhythmo nervorum. 8 . Berolini, [1844]. Wagner (R.) NeurologischeUntersuchungen. roy. 8°. Gottingen, 18.S4. Walker (A.) The nervous system, anatomi- cal and physiological; in whicb the functions of the various parts of the brain are for tlie first time assigned; and to which is prefixed some nccount of the author's earliest discoveries, of which the more recent doctrine of Bell, Magen- die, etc., is shewn to be at once a plagiarism, an inversion, and a blunder associated with useless experiments which they have neither under- stood nor explained. Being the first volume of an original system of physiology, adapted to the advanced state of anatomy. 8°. London, 1834. Walther (H.) *De vi nervorum in secrctio- niluis regundis. 4T Lipsiee, [1838]. Waugii (J. S.) 1'he science of the cerebro- spinal phenomena attempted. 12°. London, 1838. Weber (E. TT.) *De systciiiate nerveo orga- nico. 8T Lipsiee, [1*17]. Wedemeyeu (Gl.) Pliysiologische Untersu- chungen ifber das Nervensystem und die Respi- ration und deren Einfluss auf den menschlichen Organismus. sm. *\ Hannover, 1*17. Whitaker (J. P.) Anatomy of the, brain aud spinal cord. 12°. Edinburgh, 18*7. Wilbrand (F. J. J.) Anatoniie uud Physioio- gie der Centralgebilde des Nerveusystems. 8°. Giessen, 1849. Willis (T.) Cerebri anatome nervorumque descriptio. et usns; accessit de ratione motus musculorum tractatus singularis. Forms part of his: Opera omnia. 4°. Genera; 1676. Witkowski (G.-J. ) Le systeme nerveux; structure ct fonctious. ST Paris, 1884. Wrisrerg (H. A.) Observationes anatomico- physiologica* de nervis, arterias venasque comi- tantibus. 4°. [Gottinga; n. d.] Repr. from: Comment. Phys. Soc. Reg. Scient. Gotting., vii, 95-134. Wendt (W.) Untersuchungen zur Mechauik der Nerven und Nervenccntren. 1. u. 2. Abth. 8°. Stuttgart, 1871-b. Zengerle (J. N.) Der Einfluss des Nerven- systems auf die Verdauung, Anbildung, Riick- bildung, sowie die Entwicklung der thierischen Wiirme nach dem gegenwiirtigen Standpuukte der Wissenschaft bearbeitet. 8J. Freiburg i. Breisgau, 187)9. 48 IVervou* system. Zeknoep (D.) Rukovodstvo anatomii nervnoi sistemi cheloveka. (Nevrologija. ) 2. ed. 8J. Moskva, 1885. Zimmermann (G.) * De nervorum systeinatis functionibus. 8°. Berolini, [1853]. Zwinger (G. P.) * Theorema medicnm, quod alia sensatio alium motum iuferat. 4°. Altorfii Noricornm, [1756]. Acliei-mann (.1. F.) Vorliiufige Bokanntniachung wichtiger Erscheinungen aus ileii neuesten physiolo- gischen Versiie Inn iiber die Nerven. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1792, iii, 289-297.—Al:in;i«i< IIT NT) Untersuchuii- gen iiber den Einfluss der Warme und der Kalte auf die Reizbarkeit eler motorischen Froschuerven. Arch. f. Anat., I'liysiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz,., 1865, 691-702, 2 pl.—Albini (G.) Sui fenomeni trofici dei centri ner- vosi, degli organi periferici e luugo i nervi; osservazioni ed esperiinenti. Itendie. Accad. nieil.-ohir. di Napoli, 1S68, xxii, 33-50.—AMi-iilgc (J.) A new theory of the in i\is. in which their functions are considered according to the laws of forces. Dublin Hosp. (Liz., 1S45-G, ii, 37- 42.—Allen (J. A.) Mechanism of nervous action. Med. Indep , Detroit, 1857-8, iii, 448; 4*9. -----. Mechanism of nervous action. Reply to Prof. Paine. Ibid., 551-569. -----. Mechanism of nervous action. Prof. Campbell's prize essay, etc. Ibid.. 690-704.—Allmami (It.) Be- merkungen zur Hensen'scben Hypothese von eler Nerven- entstehung. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entweklngseesch., Leipz., 1885, 344-348, 1 pl— Ai-ndt (R.) Ueber motorische oder kinetisehc. Aequivalente. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., lSci'L, 1882, viii, 409.—d'Arsonval (A.) Sur un pheno- mene physique analogue a la conductibilit6 nerveuse-. Oompt. rend. Soc. de biol., I'ar.. 1880, 8. s., iii, 171.—AnIi- ■■■■rcil (J.), jr. On nervous action. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., 1860, n. s., xl, 102-tos — AudiflTrenl. Considera- tions sur l'ensemble du systeme nerveux. Abeille med., Par., 1865, xxii, 121; 130.— Kalilnino (B.) Del condu- cimento centrifugo e cenlripelo nello sicsso nervo; ossia aucora una prova che i nei \ i si spei ializzano agli estremi e non luugo il decorso. Bull. el. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1886-7, xiii, 424-437. — It :il initial! (J.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Kreuzung (ler motorischen Ihnervatioim- wege iiii Ceielirospiualsystem. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Phvsiol. I Lek hard). Giessen, 1878, viii, 193-204. Also. Reprint.— Barlholow (R.) A review of some of l'i of. (TE. Brown- Sequard's ejpinions. Clinic, Cincin., 1872. ii, 169-171.-----. The transfer of sensations. J. Nerv. & Mint. Dis., Chi- cago, 1880, n. s., v, 402-406—Bastianini (D.) Sulla rtereitsiv che il sangue trasmette ai nervi, e sulla influenza che dispiegano i clue saugui sui due sisfemi nervosi cere bro-spinale e gangliforine. Ippocratico, Fano, 1863, 3. s., iii, 19: iv, 116— Hallixla (L. G.) Sull' origine reale dei nervi spinali e di aleuni nervi cerebrali. Osservatore, Torino, 1877, xiii, 545-549.—Itaxl (VV.) Die Reizung der Hautuerven (lurch verdiinnte Sehwefelsaure. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1871), 1872, vi, 69-88, 1 pl.— Krale (L. S.) Some observations on the ultimate distri- bution of nerves, and on tboir origin in nervous centres. Arch. Med., Lond., 1861-2, iii, 234-252. 5 pl.-----. Funda- mental structure and arrangement of a nervous appara- tus. Me-il. Times \ Gaz.. Lond.. 1867,. i, 55; 107; 163; 190.—Beclilciell (V.) & Roxriibach (P.) K fiziologii mejpo/.vonochnich u/.lov. [Physiology of intervertebral ganglia.] Vestnik klin.i sueleliuoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1S84, ii, no. 1, 155-170, pl. — Bcclam •((.'.) Ueber das Wirksame in den Nerven. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1847, xvi, 689-693.—Beclard. Des recherches sur la physioiogie et la pathologie du systeme nerveux. Bull. Acad, do me*d., Par., 1874, 2. s., iii, 1074-1078.—Bell (('.) On the nerves; giving an account of some experi- ments on their structure and functions, which lead to a new arrangement of the system. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1821, 398-424, 1 pl. Also, transl. ["Abstr.] : J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1821, i, 379: 1822, ii, 06; 363. -----. Of tbe nerves which associate the muscles of the chest in the actions of breathing, speaking, and expression ; being a continuation of the paper on the structure and functions of the nerves. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1822, pt. 1, 284-312, 1 pl. Also. Reprint. -----. On the nervous circle which connects the voluntary muscles with the brain. Phil. Tr., Lond.. 1826, pt. 1, 163- ]73. -----. On the nervous system. Ibid , 1840, pt. 1, 245- 254.—Bell (J.) Case, considered interesting with refer- ence to the question of distribution of the sensory and mo- tor nerves. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb.. 1882-3, u. s., n, 24.—Bellingeri (('.) Osserva/.ioni e riclamo sopra al- euni punti dell' esperienze fatte da ('. G. Schoepf. (Sulle funzioni del sistema nervoso.) Ann. univ. di med., Mi- lano, 18-JS xlvii, 196-207—Benedila (M.) Ueber die Lokalisalions-'setze im Centialneivensysteine. Wien. med. Presse Wl. xii, 813; 841. [See, also, infra, Mey- nert.l Also | AL~tr.l: An/., d. k. k. Cesellseh. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1871, i, 94-102 — Bere*in (J.) Em expenmen- teller Beweis, dass die sensible!! uud die excito - motori- schen Nervenfasern der Haut beim Froscho v,r.M hie.len sind. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1866. iv, 129.— XKKYOrS. 754 NERVOUS. JVervou* system. Bcrginaini. Kleine Beitrage zur Neurologic. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. (Jesellseh. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1856, iii, 113-115. — Bernard (C.) Sur l'ind6pendance de l'element moteur et de lTliiiient sensitif elans les ph6nomenes du systeme nerveux. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1849, Par., 1850, i, pt. 1, 15.—Bernhardt (M.) Ueber den Wasserge- halt des menschlichen Centralnervensystems, nebst eini- gen Versuchen iiber den Einfluss des constanten Stromes auf denselben. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxiv, 297-306. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Modificationen der partiellen Entartungsreaction. Centralbl. f. Xervonh., Leipz., 1887, x, 193-198. — Ki riixli-in (J.) Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf der negativen Schv ankung ele-s Ner- venstroms. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Ilonn, 1868, i, 173- 207, 3 pl. -----. Ueber die Ermiiduiig nnd Erholung der Nerven. Ibid., 1877, xv. 289-327. 1 pl. — Berrnti. Considerazioni sull' opera del Prof. Valentin, tradotta con note dal Prof. Sachero; delle funzioni dei nervi spinali e cerebrali, e del nervo simpatico. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.- chir. eli Torino, 1844, xix, 3; 129.—Biedermann. Leber mechanische, thermische und elieinisehe Xei•vcnrei/.ung. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1881. i. 281 ; 298. — Kit ■■ ban in (F. H. G.) Die Lehre von den Nervencentris nach ihrer anthropologisch-psyohologischen Seite; als Andeutung fur den heutigen Standpunkt eler Anthropologic und fiir eine demniichst erscheinende weitere Bearbeitung der- selben. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bonn, 1842-3, ii, 1-37.— Blandin. S'il y a des nerfs moteurs et des nerfs senti- tifs ; et discussion sur la distinction cles nerfs nioteurs et sensitifs. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1838-9, iii, 691; 739; 770; 802; 820; 853. -----. Des nerfs do la sensibilite et des nerfs ilu inouveiuent. Expe'Tie-nee, Par., 1839, iii, 294; 313.—Bot-ci. Sulla fisiologia della eellula grigia de' cen- tri nervosi. Bull. el. Soe. Laneisiana cl. osp. di Roma, 1884, iv, fasc. 3, 49-57.— Honilland. Discoursen faveur de la doctrine de Ch. Bell sur la distinction des nerfs en nerfs du sentiment et en nerfs du mouvement. Exp6- rience, Par., 1839, iii, 347-351. -----. Considerations cli- niques et exp6rimentales sur le systeme nerveux, sons le rapport de son role dans les actes r6gis par les facultes sensitives, instinctivcs et intellectuelles, ainsi que dans les actes locomoteurs dits volontaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1875. lxxxi. 122-128.—Braeh. Einige Worte iiber einen nicht hinlanglich heachteten Punktaus der Physioiogie der Xerven und cine eigenthiimliche Art von Lahniuiig. Med. Ztg., Perl., 1840, ix, 215-217.— Brand! (J.) Ielegen testek a szervezetben. [The or- ganization of the nervous system.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1877, xxi, 717; 750; 798; 854— Broadbent (WT H.) Criticism on Dr. Combie's rationale of the decussation of nerve-fibres in the cerebro-spinal axis. Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 593. -----. Lecture on the theory of construction of the nervous system. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 371; 401; 433.—B rough ton (S. D.) Observations on the ex- periments of Professor Panizza. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1836, xiv, 426-432.—Bro»'ii.8rquai'd ( C.-lS. ) D'une action sp6ciale qui accompagne la contraction musculaire, et de 1 existence de cette action clans certains cas pathologi- ques et dans ce que M. Magendie a appele sensibilite re- currente. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1850, Par., 1851, ii, pl. 1,171-173. -----. Experimental and clinical researches on the physiology and pathology of the spinal cord and some other parts of tbe nervous' centres. Virginia M. cfe S. J., Richmond, 1855, iv, 171; 283. Also, Reprint. -----. Recherches experimentales sur les voies de transmission des impressions sensitives et sur des phenomenes singuliers qui succddent il la section des racines des nerfs spinaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1855, Par., 1856, 2. s., ii.pt. 2, 331- 364, 3pl. Also. Reprint. Also: Gaz. m6d.de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 238 ; 252; 342. -----. The discoveries of Sir Chas. Bell and M. Brown-Sequard in the nervous system. [Letter to editor.] Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 465. -----. New facts and theories concerning the physiology of the nervous system. Charleston M. J. cfe Rev., 1857, xii', 202-218. -----. Course of lectures on the physiology and pathology of the central nervous system. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 1; 27- 53- 109- 137; 165; 219; 245; 271; 295; 345; 367; 391; 415-441 • 467-' 493; 519; 545; 571; 599; 625; 651. -----. Faits qui sem- blent montrer que les fibres nerve-uses servant aux mouve- ments volontaires ue sont pas celles qui font contractor les muscles dans les convulsions. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 673. -----• Lectures on the physio- logy and pathology of the nervous system, and on the treat- ment of organic nervous affections. Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 429; 867. -----. On the physiology and pathology of the nervous system. Ibid., 1870, i, 1-3. -----. Nerve force; transformation of light, heat, electricity, and chemical force into nervous force ; a Guinea pig surviving after the medulla oblongata was cut away; nerves kept alive forty hours after separation ; comparative power over the nerve's of oxygen, strychnia, and the will; the unity of the nerve force. Lecture delivered in Boston, Feb. 25, 1874. N. Y. Tribune Pop. Sc, 8r XT Y., 1874. 12-16. -----. Xervous influence; some of the facts that are difficult to explain ; a negio reduces convulsions by pulling at the great toe; more persistent vitality in America than in Europe, both in men and animals; various relations between the nerv- i\ervous system. ons system and the action of the heart,; methods of check- ing convulsive efforts, such as coughing, etc. Lecture delivered in Boston, March 1,1874. Ibid, ]V,-20. ------. In- direct nerve force; causes of loss of consciousness ; no life in the head after decapitation ; enormous doses ol .strych- nine; sudden recovery from protracted lethargy; violent remedies for hysteria. Lecture delivered in Boston March 5, 1874. Ibid.', 20-24. ------. What nerves may do; unity of the nervous system; grafting a cat's tail ou a cock's comb; theory of catching cold ; instances of power of im- agination ; limits of nerve force; rules for health. Lect ure delivered in Boston, March 19, 1S74. Ibid., 30-35. ------. Recherches sur une nouvelle propriete du systeme nerveux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1881, xciii, b85- 888. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1881, 6. s., iii. 706. Also: France meel., Par., 188], ii, 797-799.-----. Faits montrant que certaines parties du systeme nerveux peuvent agirde faejon a- augmenter plus ou moins soudainenient les pro- prieties d'autres parties de ce systeme. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s.', iii, 16. ------. Production d'anesthesie par le tiraiilement du bulbe et do la moelle cervicale, en abaissant fortement la tete d'un animal. Ibid., 29. -----. Faits montrant que les mouvements prodnits par l'irritation des diverses parties ele l'cncf-phale sont tres differents de ceux qui devraient survenir d'apres les doctrines admises a regard des appareils nioteur et sensitif du systeme cerebro-spinal. Ibid.. 1882, 7. s., iv, 24(5-252. ----—. Du re'ile de l'arret des echanges entre le sang et les tissus. de la contracture et ele. l'inhibition a l'6gard du degre d'energie et ele la duree cles proprietes des nerfs et des muscles apres la mort. Ibid., 1885, 8. s., ii, 185-189. -----. Recherches experimentales montrant combien sont varies etnombreux les effets purenient dyna- miques provenant d'influences exercecs sur 1'encephale par les nerfs sensitifs et sur les nerl's moteurs par les cen- tres nerveux. Compt. rend. Acad, sc, Par., 1886, ciii, 790- 795. -----. Dualite du cerveau it de la nioelle epiniere, d'apres des faits montrant que l'anosth6sie, rhyperrs- thesie, la paralysie et des etats varies d'hypothefmic ct d'hyperthermie, dus k des lesions organiques du centre cerebrospinal, peuvent etre transf'eres d'un cot6 a l'au- tre du corps. France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1533-1539.— Bruckner (A.) Ueber die Polarisation des lebenden Nerven im Menschen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1867, xix, 281: 1868, xx, 371; 885: 1871, xxiii, 125. — Buebez. Essai de coordination positive eles phCnomeues e|iii out pour si6ge le systeme nerveux. J. d. progr. d. sc. ined., Par., 18^8, ix, 175-206. -Biiclini-i- (IL) ZurNervenrei- zungdurch Liisungen indifferentcrSubstanzen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1874, x, 373-397.-----. Zur Nervenrei- zung durch concentrirte Liisungen indifferentcr Substan- zen. Ibid., 1876, xii, 129-150, 1 tab. — Budge (J.) Un- sere heutige Kenntnisse in der Nervenphysiologie. Han- nov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1846, n. F., vi, 279-340, 1 pl, -----. Ueber reizbare Stellen an Nerven in ihrem Ver- laufe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 268. — Knfalini (G.) Sui cambiamenti apportati alia teoria della i-orreiite nervosa dal fatto anatomico della libra musee,1ai e compo- nents il sistema nervoso. Ann. univ. di meel., Milauo, 1874, ccxxvii, 101-103.—Caldwell (C.) Thoughtson the action and influence of the nervous system, and on the means of strengthening and improving them. West. .1. M. efc S., Louisville, 1840, ii, 165 - 186. — Calmcil c->moiiliii«e (A.) Exposition succincte du (16- veloppenient et dos fonctious du systeme cerebro-spinal. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1823, ii, 223-245.---—. Ex- position succincte ilu developpement et des fonctious des systemes nerveux lateraux des organes eles sens, et de ceux des mouvemens dans les animaux vertebrds. Ibid., iii, 571-594. -----. Memoire sur le defaut d'umte, de com- position du systeme nerveux, et sur hi concordance de ce defaut d'unite avec l'inegalite des facultes des animaux. J. romp], du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1824, xviii. 97-107.— Densingiu* (A.) Exercitatio de nutritii succi per nervos iiiHmntis coniniento. In his : Exercitationes phy- sie-o-anatoinice, etc., 16°, (irouiuga-, 1661, 133-286.—Dew- Nmilli (A. G.) On double nerve stimulation. J. Anat. .V PliNsieiL. Lond., 1873-4, viii, 74-82, 1 pl. Also, in: Stud. from Ph\siol. Lab., Univ. Hamb . 1873, pt. 1, 25-33, 1 pl.— DixK-iiMoioii (Sur la) de l'Academie relative a la distinc- tion eles nerl's moteurs et sensitifs. Gaz. med. ete Par., 1839, 2. s., vii. 289-296. — Ooinlin:,'. Itewcis, dass das Nervensystem d.ia Organ der Sensibilitiit in alien Theilen des inenschlichen Organismus, uud dass folglich die Le- bensthiitigkeit, aller (Irgane von ihm Abhaugig se v. Arch. f. d. Theor. d. Heilk.. Niirnb., 1804, i, 281-288—Bowler (B.) Criticisms and controversies relating to the nervous and muscular systems. X. Orl. M. .fc S. J., 1847-8, iv, 189; 279. ------. Review, in which some neurological opinions of M. Bernard aud others are briefly considered. Ibid., 1861, xviii, 452-456. -----. Critical researches into certain Ilieoretical views of recent, writers upon the physiology of the nervous system. X. Orl. M. Rec, 1866, i,'34-40.— biiboi>e. Sur les fonctions clu systeme nerveux. Ex- perience, Par.. 1839, iii, 282-286.—Dubois (R.) Applica- tion do la methode graphiepie a retude eles modifications imprimeos k la marche par les lesions nerveuses experi- mentales chez les insertes Compt. rend. Soc de biol , Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 642-644. — Bu Boi*- Rej inoiul. Vitesse de la transmission de la volonte et de la sensation Nervous system. a travels les nerfs. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1866, 2. 8., iii, 805-808: 1867, 2. s., iv, 6; 21. —Oiijje* (A.) Memoire sur les fonctions du systeme nerveux. ftpbem. med. de Mont- pel., 1826. i, 42-63. -----. De l'importance du systeme ner- veux, consideree chez l'homuie tu etat de sante et en c'-tat de maladie. J. he-bel. de med., Par., 1829, ii, 333-363. —Du- rand (IT) Division du systeme nerveux en appareils eles deux vies devant l'bistologie moderue. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1862, 3. s., viii, 177-189.—Duval i.M.i Relation succincte d'experienees faites a l'KYnle de- node cine navale de Brest, sur des supplicies. Cong. med. inter- nat. do Par. (1867), 1868, i, 521-528. -----. Nerfs; anatomie et physioiogie du systeme nerveux. X. diet, de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1877, xxiii, 406-624. -----. Le systeme nerveux et la sensibilite. Tribune med., Par., 1879, xii, 609-611— Dyiiamisme nerveux. Arch, ele la med. beige, Unix., 1853, li, 1 ; 85.—Earlc (C. W.) The physiology of the nervous system. Tr. Illinois M Soc, Chicago, 1872, xxii, 223-331, i pl. — Eckhard (C.) Die ehemische Rei- zung der motorischen Froschnerven. Ztschr. f. rat. Mecl., Heidelb., 1851, u. F„ i, 303-328. ——. Leber den gegen wartigen Zustand der Xervenphysiologie und Xorvenpa- tbologie. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. cl. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1854, i, 479-503. -----. Ueber einige neurologischo Angaben des Herrn Professor E. Cyon. P.i'itr. /. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eckhard), Giessen, 1873-4, vii, 1-25— Efron (J.) Beitriige zur allgemeiuen Nervenpbysiologie. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1885, xxxvi, 467-517. —Khrlieh (P.) Ueber elie Methylenblau- reaction der lebenden Nervensubstauz. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 49-52. Also, transl: Gaz. meel. de Par., 1886, 7. s.: iii, 64; 75.—Ely (A. W. ) Re- searches on tbe nervous system ; doctrine of a diffused sensorium. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1850-51, vii, 143-148 — Engelniaiui (T. WT ) Bewegingsverschijnselen aan zenuwvezelou bij piikkeling met ineluctie-stroomen. On derzoek. ged. in h. Physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1872, 3. R., i, 168-177.—EMchricht. (Om det ubevidste NeivelivsCeiitraldec*l ) ((in tbe unconscious life of nerves iu the central part.] IT'nh. v. (b skaudin. Xaturf., ("hris- tiania, 1847, 319-325.—Eiilenbiu-g (A.) .fc l.umlois (L.) Ueber die thermischen WirUuiincn e .vperiincnteller Ein- Lrrill'e am Nervensystem und ihre Beziehung zu den Ge- fiissnerven. Arch! f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxvi, 489-502, 1 pl. — Ewald (A.) Leber die Unabhangigkeit des thiitigen Xerven vom Sauerstoff. Arc:b. f. d. ges. Physiol., I'.onn, 1869, ii, 142-145. ----. Xeuerc- Arbeiten zur Physiologic des Nerveusystems. (I!ev.) Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1882, viii, 55.—Experiment!* on the brain, spinal marrow, and nei ves. l'.rit. efc For. M. Rev. Lond., 1836, i, 556-563. Also, in: Essays on Pliys. efc Hyg., 8", Pbila., 1838, 199-208. — Fsiescbcck ( F. ) Neurologische Bemerkungen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1839, 70-73.— Fano (J.) Re- cherches exp6rimeutales sur un nouveau centre automa- tique dans le tractus bnlbo-spinale , r6sum6. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1883, iii, 365-368. —Faraday (M.) Lect- ure on Dr. Marshall Hall s views of the nervous system. Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i, 225-227.— Farjra* Boca (M. A.) Anatomiade los eentros nervio- sos. Gac med. catal., Parcel., 1882, ii, 8; 44; 71; 106; 138; 169- 199 235- 267 ; 301; 338; 370; 403; 436; 466; 498; 528; 560- 591- 624; 659; 091 1883, vi, 109: 144; 175; 213; 243.— Ean velle. Le systtime nerveux, la nervosit6 et l'intel- lioeuce consid6res au point de vue physico - chimique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1887, 3. s., x, 462^82.—Fede (F.) Delia eccitabilita dei nervi di senso separati dai loro centri cii nutiizioue. Movimento, Napoli, 1869, i, 193- ]96. —Ferrier (D.) efc Veo (('.. F.) The functional rela- tions of the motor roots of the brachial and lumbo-sacral plexus Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 12-20. Also, transl. : Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1881, iv, 193-201.— Fick (A.) Ueber deu Ort der Reizung an schrag elure-h- stidmteu Nerveustreckeu. Verhandl. d. phys.-mod. Ge- sellsch. in Wiirzb., 1877, n. F„ x, 220-232.-Flech-eis (P.) Ueber die Verbinelungen der Hiuterstrange mit clem Ge- hirn. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1885, in, 97-100. -----. Zur Lehre vom centralen Verlauf eler Sinnesnerven. Ibid., 1886 v 545-551.— von Fleisebl ( E. ) Untersuchung iiberdie Gesetze der Nervenerreguug. I. Abhandl. Ueber die Lehre vom Auschwelleu der Reize in Nerven. Si- t/,uu»sb d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien 1876, lxxii, 393-406. Also, Repriut. -----. The same. IL Abhandl. Ueber die Wirkung secundarer elek- trischer Stidme auf Nerven. Sitzungsb. (1. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1877 lxxiv 403- 424 lpl. Also, Reprint.-----The same. III. Abhandl. Das Rheouom. Sitzungsb. (1. k. Akad. d \^ issensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1878, lxxvi, 138-162, 4 p Also. Reprint. Also: Meel. -Jahrb., Wien, 18,9, 129-144. 2 pl. The same. IV. Abhandl. Der interpolate Electro- tonus.' Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CL, Wien, 1878, lsxvii 159-176. 1 p. Atop. Re- priut _____The same. V. Abhandl. Die Theorie des Elektrotonus. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wisseusch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1878, Wien, 1879 lxxyiu 26,-2s2, 2 pl. _____ The same. VI. Abhandl. I eber die W irkiing linea- NKKV(H\S. 7f>.; NEUVOUS. Nervous system. rov Stromschwankungem auf Nerven. Ibid., 1880, Ixxxii, 133-154, 3 pl. -----. The same. VII. Abhandl. Die Erre- gung stromloser Xerven. Ibid., 1883, lxxxviii. 189-204.— Flom-eiiM (P.) Rochcrches physiques sur les propri6t6s et lis fonctious du svsteine nerveux dans les animaux ver- tebres. Arch. gen.'de meel.. Par., 1823, ii, 321-370. Also: Rev. iu6d. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1823, xi, 385: xii, 80; 150.— Eodera. Recherches experimentales sur le systeme ner- veux. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med , Par., 1823, xvi, 289- 303: xvii, 97-107: 1824, xx, 289-307. Also [Rev.]: J. de phy- siol. exper., Par., 1823, iii, 191-217.-----. Examen de l'opi- nion de M. Broussais sur les nerfs de la sensibilite et de la motiiite'-. suivie de quelques remarques, dans lesqiielles il est consideTe comme anatomiste, physiologiste, erudit et critique. I. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1825, xxi, 3- 24.— Forjclt (E. II.) Original observations and experi- ments on the- nervous system, and on the process of inner- vation and nutrition. 'Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxii, 709-712.— FraneoiN - Franek. Xerfs (physioiogie g6nerale). Diet, encycl. el. sc mc'-el., Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 179-223. ------. Histoire ct critique de la duree des actions nerveuses. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1878. 2. s., xv, 773; 789. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lond. M. Rec, 1879, n. s., vii, 85-89.— FralMi-hcr (C.) Ueber e-ontinuirliche und langsame Xer- venreizung. (Aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der UTiiversitiit Jena.) Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Leipz., 1875, ix, 130-160, 6 pl. —Freud (S.) Notiz iiber cine Me- thode zur anatomischen Preparation eles Xervensysteins. Centralbl. f. d. meel. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 468.— F re n* bei-j; (A.) Ueber die Erregung und Heuimung der Thiitigkeit der nerveisen Ceutralorgane. Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol, Bonn. 1875, x, 174-208— Enbini (S.) Influenza della luce sulla respirazione del tessuto flervoso. Arch, jeer le sc. mod., Torino, 1878-9, iii, 1-23.------. Peso del sistema nervoso centrale paragonato al peso del corpo dell' animale; ricerche fatte suite rane esculenti e temporarie. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1879, xiii, 446-455.—Frirstner. Ueber Kxporimentelle Untersuchungen im Bercich eles eentralcn Nerveusystems. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Berl., 1886, lix, 153-155. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 773-775.—Fnnke (() ) Ueber die Reaction der Nei vensubstanz. Arch. f. Anat.. Phy- siol, u. wissensch. .Med., Leipz., 1859, 835-846.—Oad (J.) Ueber einige: Beziehungen zwiscben Nerv. Muskel unci Centrnm. Festschr. z. 3. Saccular feier ... el. med. Fac. Wiirzb., Leipz., 1882, ii, 43-70, 1 pl.—Garner (R.) The brain and nervous system ; a summary and a review. J. Anat. efc Physiol., Lond., 1880-81, xv, 536-579.—liar ver (M. M.) On the transmission of sensation and volition through the nerves. Am. J. Sc. et Arts, X. Haven, 1878, xv, 413-422.------. The periodic character of volun- tary nervous action. A in. J. Sc, X. Haven, 1880, 3. s., xx, 189-193.—Georjje (J. D.) Contributions to the history of the nervous system. Lond. M. Gaz., 1837-8, xxii, 40; 93. Also. Reprint. — <»eorgievi>i|{a (I.) Ke voprosu o nerazdelnosti provoiliato.hei i vospriuimaioutchei sposob- nosti nerviche stvolove. [Physiology of nervous system.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1879, exxxiv, 1-14.—t*erdy (P.-N.) De la methode experimentale en physioiogie; des nerfs sensitifs et moteurs, et des idees de Charles Bell. Experience, Par., 1839, iii, 257; 281. -----. De la methode experimentale et eles fonctions du systeme nerveux. Ibid., 310-313. -----. Des functions du systenie nerveux. Ibid., 329-331.-----. Memoires. recherches et discussions sur le systeme nerveux en general. In his: Melanges d'anat., etc . ST Par., 1875. i, 353-445. —«iehrl. Ueber Nerven- uberiei/.ung und ihre Behandlung. J. d. Cbir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1844. n. F., iii, 175-200.—«olgi (C.) Sulla origine centrale dei nervi. Atti Cong. gen. el. Ass. med. ital. 1880, Genova, 1882, ix. 375-388. Also: Gior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Xapoli, 1881, n. s., iii, 225-234.—{.oils (F.) Ueber den Einfluss der (Yntralorgane des Xervensysteins auf vegetative Vorgaiige. Anitl. Ber. ii. el. Yersamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Keinigsb., 1861, xxxv, 139-141. ------. Neue Versuche iiber Erregung von ReftexerschlaU'ung unci Reflexkrampf rhythmisch thatiger Muskelapparate. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1864, ii, 690— <*r-il>:tu (W.) Polaritiitim menschlichen Organismus. Mitth. a. cl. Geb.d. Mod., etc., Altona, 1837-8, v, 1.-2. Hft., 1-57.—«,' ray (H. A.C.) Conversion of nerve fence into heat. Indian ,M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1875, x, 237-239.—kNOii (J. II.) On the physiology and pathology of the nervous system. Ibid., 1868, ii, 177; 208 ; 358; 526; NKUVOUS. 7f>7 NERVOUS. IVervoilM system. qqg, -----. The unit of constitution of the nervous sys- tem. Ibid., 1869, ii, 481. -----. Clinical and physiological researches on the nervous system. J. Psych. M., Loud., 1876, n.s., ii, 150-155. -----. Re-marks on dissolution of tin- nervous system, as exempli lied by certain post epilep- tic conditions. Med. Press it Circ, Lond., 1881, n. s., xxxi, 329; 399: xxxii, 68; 380; 399; 421. -----. On some im- plications of dissolution of the nervous sy si em. Ibid., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 411; 433: 18,83, n. s., xxxvi, 64; 84. -----. Croonian lectures on evolution and dissolution of the nervous system. Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 111- 145; 485. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1884, i, 555; 649; 739. Also .- Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, i, 591; 660 ; 703. -----. Re- marks on evolution and dissolution of the nervous system. ,L Ment. Sc, Loud., 1887-8, xxxiii, 25-48.—Jewell'(J. S.) (ieneral structure and modes of action of the nervous sys- tem. J. Nerv. et Ment, Dis., Chicago, 1876, iii, 177-188.— .lo-i'lili ( II. ) Stuelien iiber den Xerveneinfluss am IToschliein. Centralbl. f. el mecl. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix. 721. -----. Ueber elen Einfluss der Nerven auf Eruah- rung unci NT-ubilduug. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Meel., Leipz., 1872, 206-236. — Itanelli-.. Influ- ence's eles racines sensitives sur l'exedtabilite des racines inotrie e s. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc. Par.. 1883, xevi, 12411 -Kiirwoivuki !lv.) 1'oglad krytyezny na obeene slanowisko tiziologii i patologii nerwow zwo.jowyeh. [The present, views on the physiology and pathology of ner\ ous ganglia. 1 Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1862, xlviii, 149 : 1863^ xlix, 32.—Kennedy (IT 1 On nervous influence and derangement, Dublin M. Press. 1848. xix, 241-243. — Key (E. A. H.) efc Kelzinw (G. ) Studier i nervsyste-niets anatomi. Xord. ined. Ark., Stockholm, 1872, iv, no. 21, 1; no. 25, 1. Also. Keprint.—Kolliker. Ueber die Vitalitat der Nerveniohren. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. iu Wiirzb., 1857, vii. 145—Koh li-an*'cb (F.) Ueber elie Koitpllanzuugs-I ieseh windigkeil lies Uei/.i sindelilliensotl- lichen Xerven. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz., 1866, 3. R., xxviii, 190-204. — Kroneeker (II.) Leber die Begrillc Summation von Beizen und Steigerung der Erregbarkeit. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1880, 285— Kronen berg. Ve-r- suehe iiber motoi isehe und sensible Xei \ inwurzeln. Arch. I. Anat.. Ph\ siol. u. wissensch. Mcil . P.erl., 1839.360- 362. — Kiibne (W.) Leber das di)]ipelsiunige Leituugs- veniiogen der Nerven. Zlschr. f. Biol.. Miinehen, 1886, n. IT, iv, 305-353, 1 diag. — Kinikler (E. A.) Physiological view of the nervous system and its disorders. Pacific M. efc S. J., San Fian., 1867-8. x, 97 : 193 ; 337 ; 440 ; 529: 1868-9, xi, 49; 198: 289; 384.—Knprt'er (('..) Leber elen Canalis neurenterirus der Wirbelthiere'. Sitzungsb. d. (iesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Phvsiol. iu Miinehen, 1887, iii, 1-5. — l.a- •-i-niiipc-l.oiiMtiiii. Recherches pathologiques et expe- rimentales sur ditferentes fonctions du systeme nerveux, et en |iai ticulier sur lc- siege des causes ele la paralysie eles menibies. Ann. de la nied. physiol., Par., 1824, v, 548-594.— Iinin<; (T.) A supplement to au essay on the nervous system, by Alexander Walker. Lancet, LoncL, 1849, i, 610-614. — l,;ill<-iiiand (C.-F.) Observations sur les fonctions des elitt'erentes parties du systeme- nerveux. In his: Ohs. path., 8°, Par., 1825, 40-101'. — l„andonzy. Considerations physiologieiues et psychologiepies sur les piopeiisions sympathiijiies et iinit.itivcs. Presse med., Par., 1837, i, li)5; 121: 153: 217; 249; 328.— l.-im (C. H. B.) Observations on the functions and connections of the nervous system. Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, i, 183-187. — liane (0. W. B.) Notes ou the nervous system, ancl the mutual relations of its different parts. Ibid.. 1838-9. ii, 459-462.— l.anjjeiidorH' (().) Ueber Tetanisiriiiig von Xerven ilurch' rlivthinische Dehnung. Centralbl. f d. med. Wis- sensch., i'.e-rl., 1882. xx, 113 - 115.— l.aurencel. Sur la physiologic- du cerveau et des nerl's, fonde'-e sur des obser- vations anatomiques. Kev. mod. I'rau;. et Strang., I'ar., 1825, i, 61 ; 360. -----. Memoire sur la physiologic du cer- veau et des nerfs. fonelee sur ele nouve-lles observations anatomiques. Ibid., iii, 41-52. — Lauli-iibacli (B. F.) The conducting power as distinct from the receiving power of tbe nerve-, Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii, 268-270 — I-iaws (S. S.) A new classification of the cerebio-spinal nerves. St. Louis M. efc S. J., 1878, xxxiv, 454-456 — f.aycoek (T.) Coi tributions to a new chapter in the physiology and pathology of the nervous system. Brit. M.'J., Loiid., 1868, i, 68;'ll5; 187; 268; 577.'— I.embert I A.) Considerations sur le systeme nerveux. J. hebd. ele meel, Par., 1829. iii. 529- 542. — von l,enho**ik (J.) Ueber das centrale Xervensysteni. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1856, Wien, 1858, xxxii, 250-253. —I.even i M.) Des rapports du systeme nerveux it de la nutrition. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 576 - 579. — Liegeois. Memoire snr le role des sensations sur les inouvements. (Liz. med. de Par., 1860.3. s., xv, 4-8.— l.ncliMin^er (B.) X cue-Versuche zu einer Lehre von der Schweisssecretion, eiu Beitrag zur Physioiogie der Xerveiicentren. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xiv, 369-382. -----. Weitere Versuche nnd Pitrachtungen zur Lehre vou den Nervencentren. Ibid., 383-390. -----. Zur Leitung nervoser Erregung. Mitth. d. naturf. (Iesellsch. in Bern (1880), 1881, pt. 2, 105-108.— l.netMiinn (F.) Sull accordo delle risultanze fisiologiche nervous system. sperimentali colla sintomatologia delle malattie del cervello e. del cervelletto. In his: Opusc. fisiol, 8°, Padova, 1873, fasc. 1, 3-33. ----—. Lezioui eli fisiologia sperimentale sui sistema nervoso encefalico elate dal Prof. Maurizio Sehitf uei U. Museo di Lireuze 1' anno 1864-5ee:ompiIateper cura del Dott. Pietro Maichi. Estraito e eommenti del Prof Fihppo Lussana nel 1868. Ibid.. 75-164. Also.- Aun. univ. di ined., Milano, 1868, ociii, 394; 627: cciv, 187 — Lueceeiaiia (I'T) & .Vlorjianti |G.) Alcime osserva/ioni tisio-patolo- giche su '1 sisienianervoso. Gazz. med.ital. lomb Milano 1851. 3. s., ii, 317: 333; 341; 373; 377: 1852. 3. s., iii, 231- 1853' 3.s.,iv, 109; 137; 145:213; 221: 229; 237: 297; 381; 389; 413.— Lynch (M. H.) Arguments on some points of the phy- siology of the nervous system, with some remarks upon the opinions of Dr. Marshall Had, Mr. Grainger, and Dr. Carpenter. Lancet, Loud., 1839-40, i, 192-199.—TIcKen- drick (J. G.) Abstract of lectures on physiological dis- covery. Brit. M. ,L. LoncL, 1883. i, 654 ; 755 • 807: 851 : 900 ■ 950; 995; 1056; 1108.—lTla«endic (F.) Experiences sill- ies fonctions des racines des nerfs rachidiens. J. ele phv- siol. exper.. Par., 1822. ii, 276-279. Also, transl, with ad- ditions: Lond. M. .V Phvs. J., 1822, xlviii. 343-352. Also, Repriut, -----. Lectures on the physiology of the ner- vous system. Lancet, Lond., 1836-7, i, 71; 125; 156; Iso 220; 292; 319; 391: 454; 550; 582; 663; 734; 780; 841 ii, 9; 183; 279; 332; 361; 421; 463; 503; 573. — Tl a i rel i A.) De la nutrition ilu systeme uerwux a Petal physiolo- gique et pathologique. [Rev. erit ] Arch, de neurol., Par., 1885. ix, 232; 360: x, 76. — .Tlaim ( E. C.) Gen- eral considerations on the development of the nervous system hy evolution, and its condition in health aud elis- e'ase. St,' Louis Cour. Med., 1882. vii. 118-129. Also, Be- print.— Tl a n I line i- (L.) Keeherches sur hi structure du systeme nerveux. Bee, d. trav. Soc, nied. allem. ele Par., 1864-5, ii, 13-23— iTIareaeei. Influence eles raeiues.sen- sitives sur lcxcilabilite eles racines motrices. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol. 1880, Par.. 1881. 7. s.. ii, 397.— .Tinr- (hand (B.) Versuche iiber das Verhalten vou Xorven- eentren gegen aussere Reize-. Arch. f. el. ges. Physiol., Bonu, 1878, xviii, 511-542, 4 pl. — .Tl a riqiie. A'pori'ii liistorique et critique descouiiaissances relat ives aux lone- tions du systeme nerveux, et des nietboiles employees k leur etude, Clinique-. Brux., 1887, i, 31-37. — iTIamioii- (J.-P.) Memoire sur I'irritabilite dc-s nerfs. J. eb: in,-it. chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1809, xviii, I9u-2ii2.—iTIayer (A. F. .). K.) Ueber das Gehirn, das Ki'ick.niiiark unci die Nerven. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., Bonnie, 1832-3, xvi, 681-720, 6 pl. Also, Id-print. — Tlayer (S.) Ueber ein Gesetz der Lrrogiing torminaler NTr\ ensub- stanzen. Sitzungsb el. k. A kail. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. Cl., Wien, 1S80, lxxxi, 3. Abth., 121-142. — .tier- eier (C.) On the conditions of the nervous discharge. I'.rain, LoncL, 1882-3, v, 332-343. ----—. The nervous dis charge. Ibid., 1884 - 5, vii, 370 - 397. — iTleyer (L.) Die Stiuiinung und ihre* Beziehungen zu den llanpl lunctioiien des N'ervensyslenis (eler Sensibilitiit, Motilitat, dem Denk- vermbgen). Ann. cl. Char. Kraukenh. . . . zu Berl., 1854, v, 3. lift., 26-99. — .Tleynerl (T.) Die Medianebene eles Hirustamnies, als ein Stink der Leitungsbahn zwiscben dem Vorstellungsgc hie ti' uud den motorischen Hirnner- veu. Allg. Wien. mod Ztg., 1866, xi, 12. -----. (Oft'ener Brief an die Redaktiou betreffend Benedikt's Aitikel "Ueber die Lokalisatiousgesetze im Centralnervensys- teme".) Wien. mod. Presse, 1871, xii, 875 - 877. — .Tley- ranx. Du systeme nerveux d'apres les ielees de M. ele Blaiuville. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1827, xiv, 60-65.— .Tlolewchott (J.) Der bewegungvermitteluili: Vorgang im Xerven kann auch von einer positiven Schwankung ihs Nerveiislronis b, gh-itet sein. Untersuch. z. NTiturl. d Mensch. u. d. ThieTo. Giessen. 1862, viii, 1-35.—.Tlonro (A.) An anatomical treatise of the nerves. Inliis: An anatomical treatise, etc., 12°, Edinb., 1732, 1-32. —.Tlor- riw (J. C.) Lectures on the physiology of the nervous system. Med. & Surg. Reporter,'Phila.,'1860-61, n. s., v, 217: 1861, n. s., vi, L—iTI link (II.) Untersuchungen iiber die Leitung der Erregung im Xerven. Arch. f. Auat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., i860, 798: 1861, 425: 1862 1.-----. Untersuchungen zur allgeuieinen Nerven- physiologie. Ibid.. 1866, 369-390. -----. Ueber Partialer- regung eles Nerven. Ibid.. 1875, 41-45. — .Tlnret (J.-L.) De linneivation. Ann. ele la meel. physiol.. Par., 1834, xxvi, 5-25.—eVasse (O.) Ueber die Erregung der Xerven durch positive und negative Stromesschwankuiigen. Arch. f. (1. ges. Physiol , Bonn, 1870, iii. 476-488. — \alan- son. Analyse der'Funktionon eles Xervensysteins. Arch. f. physiol. II. ilk.. Stuttg., 1844, iii. 515-535. — \Tl«cm (R.) The ori"in of the nervous system. A posthumous paper, edited liv C Iv Nelson. St.'Louis M. ,.V S. J., 1885, xlviii, 279 • istili' — rVewkirk (I I.) Nervous matter and princi- ples' of nei\oiis action. Dental Cosmos. Phila.. 1885, xxvii, 583-590. — I\ieholn (A.) On irritation of the nerves. Med Communicat. Mass. M. Soc. Bost.. 1836, v, 359-412.— IVovi (I.) La coiicentra/.ionc del sangue come condizione di stimeilo per il sistema nervoso centrale. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1887, lix, 468-487. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol. Turin, 1887, ix, 102-118. - IVovi (I.) efc Baldi (D.) Delle vie di conduzione centrifuga ccrebro-spinah. Spe NERVOUS. 7f>* nuuvohs. Nervous system. rimeutale, Firenze, 1886, lvii. 281-293. — O'Beirne (J.) An analytical correction of Sir Charles Bell's views re- specting the nerves of the face. In his : Xew views of the process of defecation, etc, 8°, Dubl., 1833, 225-278. -----. The same, 8°. Wash., 1834, 113- 138. — Oehl (K.) Sull' aumeuto eli temperatuia e;he presentamo i nervi nel mo- ment o in cui vengono eecilati. Lettera al Dott. Griffini. Ann. univ. d. med , Milauo, 1865, cxcii, 601. — Onimus. Influence palbologicpie sur les centres nerveux cles im- pressions peripheric)ues des memhres inf'6rieuis. Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s , xxviii, 153-157. — Onoili (A. D.) Ueber das Verhaltniss der spinaleu Faserbiindel zu dem Grenzstrange des Sympathicus. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1883, xxi, 97; 625. — Ordenslcin (L.) Ueber Kollikei's Ansichten "iiber die Vitalitat der Ner- veniohren der Frosehe". Ztschr. f. rat. Meet, Leipz., 1858, ii, 3. R., 109-113.—O'Beilly (J.) The connection of the nervous centres of animals and organic life. Am. M. Gaz., X. V., 1859, x, 161; 490; 693, 1 pl. Also, Repriut [in pan]. Also, in his: The Anat. ancl Physiol, of the Placenta. |ete.J, 8°, XT Y., 1860, 35; 85. -----. The nervous centres of animal and organic life. Ibid.. 1800, xi, 251-274. Also, Reprint. Also [Discussion]: Bull. X. Vork Acad M., 1860-62. i. 19-24—Olt. La doctrine de Buehez sur le sys- teme nerveux et sur les rapports de l'esprit avec Lorga- uisme. Ann. mid.-psych.. Par., 1866, 4. s., vii, 1-24.—Pa- nizza (M.) Sulla teoria della doppia trasmissioue; ri- sposta alle ronsielera/.ioni critiche del Dott. L. Luciaui. Gazz. med. di Boma, 1881, vii, 221; 233; 257; 269; 281.— Parehappe. Du siege commun de l'intelligence, ele la volonte et ele la sensibilit6 chez l'homme. Union med., Par., 1856, x, 1; 25; 38; 61; 77; 101; 113; 125; 170.—Pe- Irone (L. M.) Intorno alio studio della struttura della nevroglia dei centri nervosi cerebrospinal!. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, xlvii, 301-3(17—Philip (A. P. W.) Observations on the functions of the nervous system. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1829, cxix, 261-278—Pickford. Xochmalige Beleuchtung der Arnold'schen Einwiirfe gegen die Rieh- tigkeit des Bell'schen Lehrsatzes. Ztschr. f. rat. Meel., Ilei- etelh., 1846, v, 243-256.—Pierret. Sur les relations exis- tant entre lo volume cles cellules motrices ou sensitives des centres nerveux et la longueur du trajet ()u'ont k par- oourir les incitations qui en emauent ou les impressions qui s'y reneteut. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1878, lxxxvi, 1423-1425. — Pill (WT H.) Energy of nerve and brain. Buffalo M. efcS .1., 1884-5, xxiv, 394-404.—Ponehel (C.) Du role des nerl's dans les changementsile coloration des poissons. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1872, viii, 71-74. Also, Repriut.-----. Note sur le role des nerfs dans les changemcnts de coloration des poissons. Compt. rend. Soc ele biol. 1871, Par., 1873, 5. a., iii, 113-117. -----. Des chaugeineuts ele coloration sous l'influence des nerfs. J. de l'auat. et phvsiol., etc., Par., 1876, xii, 1 ; 113, 4 pl.— Procliaaka (G.) De usu et functione systematis ner- vosi. In his: Op. minor, anat., etc., pars ii, 8°, Vien- na*, lsiio, 7-406, 8 pl. — Kadclille (C. B.) Dynamics of nerve and muscle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 150. — Kandolph (X. A.) A note ou the irradiation of motor impulses. Maryland M. J., Bait. 1886-7, xvi, 499. Also: Phila. M. Times. 1886-7, xvii, 502-504. [Disc.J, 517-520. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1887, 1, 412-414 —Banney (A. L ) The anatomy of the nervous system, and its applica- tion to the practical branches of medical science. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1880, vii, 577; 613; 622; 639; 647; 661 ; 672; 697. -----. Remarks on the general architecture of the nervous system of man. Ibid., 1883, xxxvii, 403; 457. ----r. A diagrammatic summaiy of some of the principal features of cerebral and spinal architecture. Ibid., xxxviii, 36-38. — Kapport fait k la Society medicale d'6mulation, 27 aout 1843 sur la uouvelle theorie nerveuse de M Durand (de Lnnel), par MM Brun, SoequetetGromier. J. denied. de Lvon. 1843. v, 431-448.—Kee I a ill. Die Nerven und ihre Hi'iTselmft. Gesunclheit. Frankf. a. M., 1881, vi, 113-115.— Keid ( B ) Observations on Marshall Hall's theory of the nervous system. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1856, xxi, 310-315.— Beil (J. C.) Das verlangerte Riickenmark, die hiuteren, si itliehen uud vorderen Schenkel des kleinen Gehirns und die theils strangtorniig, theils alsGanglienkettein der Axe des Riickenmarks und des Gehirns fortlaufende graue Sub- stanz. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1809, ix, 485-524. -----. Ueber den Bau des Hii us und der Nerven. In his.- Kleiue Schrift.. etc., 8°, Halle, 1817, 113-132. — Keissncr ( E. ) Xeurologische Studien Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Leipz., 1861, 615; 721, 1 pl.: 1862, 125, 1 pl.— Kemak (E.) Zur vicariirenden Function peripherer Ner- ven des Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 601; 615.—Kemak (R.) 0 budowie nerwow i zwojeiw nerwo- w»,ch. [Ou the structure of nerves and nervous ganglia] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1838-9, ii, 325-374. -----. Ueber die zweifelhafte Flimraerbewegung an den Nerven. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1841, 39- 41. -----. Anatomische Beobachtungen iiher das Gehirn, das Riickenniark und die Xervenwurzeln. Ibid.. 506-522. -----. Neurologische Erlauterungen. Ibid . 1844, 463-472, lpl. -----. Ni'urologische Beobachtungen. Deutsche Kli- nik. Berl., D55, vii, 294. Also, Reprint. — Benaut ( J.) Nerfs (anatomie). Diet, encyl. d. sc. med., Par., 1877, 2. UTervoii* system. s., xii, 124-179. -----. Recherches sur les centres nerveux amy61iniques. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et palh.. Par.. 1882 2. s., ix, 593-638, 1 pl. — Kenam (J.), Cartel (G.) & I'l-ani-oiN-Fniiirh. Xcrveux (systeme). Diet, e iicmI d. se. med., Par., 1878.2. s. xii, 391-619.— Kevillonl ('V.) Breve histoire des theoiies actuelh nienl rignaiites an sujet de la sensibilite recurrente. (iaz. d. ho|i ' Par., 1867, xl, 595.—It hi II (I (S.) On the peripheral nervous system! Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. s., xii, 548-552— ICicliai'iUon (B. W.) On the influence of extreme cold on nervous function, Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 57; 113; 221. -----. On the local independency of nervous function. I bid., 167.__ Kiehet(G) I)e la vibration nerveuse. Rev. scient.. Par., 1881, xxviii. 98-111. -----. ("ouiparaison lies muscles, des nerfsetdes centres uervenx. Ibid., 1882, xxix.46-51.-----. Le systeme nerveux et la chaleur animate. Ibid., 1887, xl, 353-360. — Kipa. L' uomo e la giniiastica. Med. com- munale, Seregno, 1874, xiii, 1-8.— Kolando. Expe-i ie-ncrs sur les fonctions du systeme nerveux. .1. ele physiol. exper., Par., 1823, iii, 95-113.—Koml>onl« (G. K.j Dc motorische zenuweu der huidklieren van den kikvotseh eene bijdrage tot de leer van dc ideiititeit der zenuwve zelen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Llreclil. Hoogesch., 1872, 3. R., i, 185-194. —Howenhaeh (P.) () vlijanii gotodanija na nervuie centri. [Effect of hunger upon the nervous centres.] Vestnik klin. i sudehnoi psi- chiat. i nevropatol., Si. Petersb , 1883, i, no. 2, 150-250.— Bosk (J.) The struct lire and functions of the nervous system. Med. Times efc Gaz., LoncL, 1877, ii, 457; 610 - 642; 667: 1878, i, 33; 137; 164; 584: ii, 97; 346; 407; 052.— KoN.vi ( L. M.) Sui limiti, suite cause e sulle inutile atti- nenzede fenomeni nervosi. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. venete, Padova, 1860, iii, 353; 361; 369: 381; 393; 414: 1861. iv, 1; 9; 21; 25; 35; 45; 53; 57; 93; 1(11; 109; 117; 125; 133; 141; 149; 165; 175; 277; 285; 293: 1862, V, 105; 113; 121: 130; 141; 155; 168; 177; 189; 201.—Knmpf (T.) Ueber die Einwirkuug der Centralorgane auf die Erregbarkeit der motorischen Nerven. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1877-8, viii, 567-593. — Sappey (('.) efc Dnval (M.) Trajet eh-s cordons nerveux 11ui n-lient te cerveau a la moelle epiniere. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1876, Ixxxii, 230-233.— Heliiff (M.) Ueber die Versehiedenhcit der Aufnahius- t'iihigkeit und Leitungsfahigkeit in dem peripherischen Nervensystem. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz., 1867, 3. K., xxix, 221-223. -----. Recherches sur leeliauft'enient des net's etdes centres nerveux k la suite des irritations sen sorielleS et sensitives. Arch, ele physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 157; 330: 1870, iii. 5; 198; 323; 451. -----. Kritisches und Poleinisches zur Physioiogie cles Nerven systems. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1870, x, 75-124. -----. Ei wiirmuiig durchschnit- teuer Xerven. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871, iv, 230- 232.-----. Annotazioni critiche sull'effetto della lesioue dei supposti centri motori. Riv. sper. eli freniat, Reggio Emi- lia, ls76, ii. 265-276. [See, also, supra, Lussana. |—Mehle- Minger (WT) Ueber die, Centra iter Gefass und Uterus- nerven. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 1(108; 1028. Also, transl..- X. York M..T., 1874, xix, 133-159—Ne Inn id l (H. D.) On the structure of the nervous tissues and tlnii mode of action. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., X. Y., 1875, i, 71- 141.—Schoeps (C. G.) Ueber die Verrichtungen ver- schiedener Theile des Xervensysteins. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol.. Leipz., 1827, 368-416! Also, transl: J. compl. clu diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1828, xxx, 114-142.—von Mehroflf (C.) jun. Beitrage zur Kenntniss eler Anorelnuug eler motorischen Nervencentra. Med. Jahrb , Wic-u, 1875, 319-329.—Mchulgin ( M. A.) Anatomija tsentralnoi nervnoi sistemi. Arch, psichiat, etc., Charkov, 1884, iii, no. 1, 113-180.—Nearer (J. TT) The equilibrating value of nervous control. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1882, xxii. 317-319. -----. A short synopsis of nerve functions. Ibid., 1884, xxv, 113— •i«eecke (IT) On the perivascular spaces in the nervous centers. Am. J. Insan.. Utica, N. \T, 1873-4, xxx. 322-330. Also, Reprint— Kberth (C. J.) Ueber die Blut- und Lymphgefasse des ilcliirns nnd Ruekenmarks. Arch. f. path. Anat.. ete . Berl. 1870. xlix. 48-50. — Fiseher (F.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der L\mphbahnen des Ceutral- Nervensyslems; nach Untersuch ungen von Dr. . . . mitge- theilt von Prof. Walde-ve-r. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1879-80. xvii, 362-366— Key (A.) ,v. Rclziu« (G.) Ytter- ligare niigra forutskiekaile nieililela-nden om de serosa rum- men och lymf banorna i nervsysteinet. Nord. meel. Ark., StocKholiu, ls7n, ii, no. 13, 9-11. — I.epine (R.) Note sur la structure des cauaux perivascnlaires des centres ner- veux. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1807, Par., 1869, 4. s., iv, 173-175.—iVIoxon (W.) Croonian lectures on the influence of the circulation on the nervous system. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 487; 527; 565; 607; 647; 685. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 491 ; 540; 583; 628; 672. Also: Med. Times ,tenis bei den Betriiebiern mit besomlerer Be- riicksichtiguug vou Kami esmlciita. ,^'. Ziirich, 1859. Bohmig (L.) 'Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Cetitralueivensysteuis einiger pulinouaten . Paris, 1827). Ebel (J. G.) Observationes neurologica' ex anatome coniparata. 4'-. Traj. etel Viadr., 1788. In: Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1793, iii, 148-161, 2 pl. Fischer (J. G. ) *Aiuphibiorum nudoruiii neurologia* specimen priuiuni. 4°. Berolini, [1843]. Gervais (P.) Planches murales d'histoire na- turelle. Zool.. pl. 29. [Nervous system.] fol. Paris, [1887)]. ' Goltz (F.) Beitriige zur Lehre von deu Func- tioneu der Nerveiicentien des Frosches. 8°. Ber- lin, 1869. Guillot (N.) Exposition anatomique de l'or- ganisation du centre nerveux daus les quatre classes d'auimaux vertebres. Ouvrage couroune\ 4°. Paris, 1844. von Jhekixg (H.) Das peripherische Nerven- system der Wirbelthiere als Grundlage fiir die Kenntniss der Regionenbilduug der Wirbelsiiule. 4°. Leipzig, 1878. Joxqi.ieke (G.) "Versuche iiber den Einfluss einzelner Theile des ceutralen Nerveusystems des Zitterrocbens auf die willkiirlicbe und reflek- torische elektrische Thiitigkeit desselben. «J. Bern, 1879. NERVOUS. 7G1 NE1J VOL'S. Nervous system (Comparative anatomy and physiology of). .Tunc (K. A.) * Descriptio plexuuin abdomi- nalium uervosoruni in corvo cornice. 8 . Gry- phia; 187,8. Kkonknhkrg (H.) * Experimenta in rame csciilenta- plexu lumbali facta veratn nervorum ubrillarum, quas primitivas vocaut, anastomosin refellentia, Amplioris operis, pra*inio hoc anno decorati, fragnientuni. 8°. Berolini, [18?,7,]. Kii'i'TNER (C.) *De origine nervi synipathiei ranarum ex nervorum dissectornni mutationibus dijudicata. 8°. Dorpali Livonorum, 1854. Lam>ois(H.) *De sy.sterna te nervorum traus- veisoriini in se-ptem insectorum ordinibus. 8L. Grgpliiswaldiee, 1863. Leuret(F. jiV Gratiolet(P.) Anatomie com- paree du systeme- nerveux, couside~r6dans ses rap- ports avec rintelligeuce. 2 v., 8°; atlas, fol. I'aris, 1839-.r>7. Loewe (L.) Beitriige zur Anatomie und zur Entwickeluiigsgcscliichte des Nerveusystems der Siiiigefhiere uud des Menschen. 2 v. fol. Ber- lin, 1889. Longet (F.-A.) Anatomie et physioiogie du systeme nerveux de l'homnie et des animaux ver- te'bre's; ouvrage contenant des observations pa- thologiques relatives au systeme nerveux et des experiences sur les animaux des classes sup6ri- i-ui-cs. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1842. -----. The same. Auatomie nnd Physiologic ill's Nerveusystems des Menschen und der Wir- belthiere mit pathologischen Beobachtungen und mit Veisuehen au hohern Thieren ausgestaffet. Eine von dem franzosischen Institut gckreinle Preisschrift. Uebersetzt und mit den Ergebnis- sen deutscher, englisclier und franzosischer For- sediungen aus den lelzten Jahren bis auf die Ge- gen wart ergiinzt und vervollstiindigt von Dr. ,1. A. Hein. 2 v. 8r Leipzig, 1847-9. Mason (J. J.) Minute structure of the central nervous system of certain reptiles and batra- chians of America. Illustrated by permanent photo-micrographs. Series A. Author's edition. One hundred. 4°. Newport, 1879-82. vonMikllciio-Maclay(N.) Beitriige zur ver- gleichendeu Nenrologie der Wirbelthiere. I. Das (iehirn der Selachier. II. Das Mittelhirn der Ga- noideu und Teleostier. roy. 4°. Leipzig, 1879. Peyer (J.) * Feber die peripherischen Eudi- gungen der motorischen und seusiblen Faserii der in den Plexus brachialis des Kaninchens ein- tieteuden Nervenwurzeln. 8°. Ziirich, 1853. Roth (J. J.) * De aiiimalium invertebratorum systemate nervoso. 4'J. Wireebnrgi, 1825. Stieda (L.) Studien fiber das centrale Nerven- system der Wirbelthiere. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. Swan (J.) Illustrations of the comparative anatomy of the nervous system, roy. 8°. Lon- don, 18:15. Yersin. Keeherches sur les fonctions dn sys- teme nerveux dans les animaux articulds. 8 T [Lausanne, n. d. ] Zagotsky (A.) * De systemate nerveo piscium coii.sieierationes. 4 T Dorpati, Livonorum, 1833. A lix. Sur le nerf vertebral du chameau. Bull. Soc. philomat.. I'ar., 1878, 7. s., ii, 147. -----. Snr le systeme nerveux ele la sarigue. Ibid., 148— AmlraI fils. Sur les nerfs qui se "endent aux moustaches du phoque. J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1821, i, 7.1— ApofetlolinlcM (N.) Sys- teme nerveux des ophiures. Compt. rend. Acad. d. so., Tar., 1881, xcii, 1424-1426.— Aschcnbramlt (T.) Das Ganglion nasopalatinum s. incisivum der Nagetiere. Ver- handl. cl. phys.med. (iesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1887. n. F., xx, 9-24, i pl.—Alibert ,11.) Ueber das Verhalten der in sau- erstotffreier Luft paralysirten Froscbe und ein darauf ge- griindetes einfaches Verfahren, die Reflexmeehanismon bei ei'haltener Erregbarkeit der motorischen Nerven und der Muskeln stundenlang zu liibnieii. Areb. f. el. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881-2, xxvii, 506-570.—Bailly (E.-M.) | Xervou* system (Comparative anatomy and physiology of). Recherches d'anatomie it de physiologic comparees du systeme nerveux dans les quatre- classes d'animaux verte- bres. Arch. }>en. denied., Par., 1S24, iv. 45-60.—Balfour (IT MT) On the development of the spinal nerves in elas- inobrnnc.h fishes. Phil. Tr., Lond.. 1876, clxvi, pt. 1, 175- li,-Itnmlilol (E.) Procede relatif k la dissection du systeme nerveux chez les poissons. J. de microg., Bar., 1878, ii, Tl Itclloiu i (G.) Ricerche sui sistema nervoso centrale della Sepiilla mantis. Rendic-. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. 187s. 88-96— Roi;ii»laM «l. c, 1 .",09-1512.—It ran ill (IT) Du systeme nerveux ele llelotliea i nloinon (crustac6 isopoele). Ibid., 18S0, xc, 7L1. — ISi-occlii (P.) Sur le systeme ner- veux ele l'axolotl (Siredon niexicanus). Bull. Soc. philo- mat, ele Par., 1877,7. s.,i, 21-24—Biilwer hi i (().) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Norvensystems der Neiuatoelen. Areb. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1874, x, 74-1(10, 2 pi. -----. Zur Her leitung cles Nervensystoms der Nematoden. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1884-5', x, 486-493, 1 pl.—t'ailiat. Note sur la structure des nerfs chez les inveit6bres. Coinpt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1878, lxxxvi, 1420-1422. -----. Note sur les eai ae l.^res anatomiques eles nerfs chez les iu- verto.bres. Coiniit. rend. Soc. de biol. 1S78, I'ar., 1880, 6. s., v, 207-20!).—C'halin (J.) Sur la diflerenciation du proto- plasnia elans les libros nerveuses eles TJnionieles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1723-1726. -----. Nerfs quinaissentdu ganglion posterieiir chez les Union. Compt, rend. Soc. eb- biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 242— < h< ion (J.) Des nerfs e-orrelatif's dits antagonistcs et du no-iul vital dans un groupe d'invertebres. Compt. rend. Acad. il. sc, far., 1868, lxvi, 1163-1167.—C'I«*vi-ii«ci-(S. V.) Compara- tive neurology. Am. Naturalist, Pbila.. 1881, xv, 16; 103.— ('■■■■■■inghaiu ( D. J. ) The spinal nervous system of the- porpoise and dolphin. ,T. Anat. e.V I'hysiol., Lond., 1870-7, xi, 209-228. 1 pl — Cyon (E.) Leber den Nervus Depressor beim Plercle. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc ele- St.-Petersb., 1870, viii, 459-402, 1 pl. Also, Reprint— l><-Miiioiiliii>< (A.) Memoire sur les differences qui ex- istent entre le systeme nerveux de la lamproie, et celui des animaux vert6bres, sous le rapport des proprietes phy- siques, du nombre et du mecanisnie de reunion des parties. J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1824, iv, 239-257. -----. Re- cherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur le systeme nerveux dans les poissons. J.- compl. du diet. d. sc. ined., Par., 1825, xxiii, 303: 1826, xxiv. 200.—Wrost (K.) Leber das Nervensystem und die Sinnesepithelien der Herz- musched (Caruinm edule L.), nebst einigen Mittheilungen iiber den histologischen Bau ihres Mantels und ihrer Si- phonen. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1886-7, xii, 163-201, 1 pl.—Duncan (P. M.) On the nervous system of actinia. Pt. I. Proc. Roy. Soc. LoncL, 1873-4, xxi'i, 44; 263, 2 pl.— Eiuici' (T.) Vorliiufige Mittheilungen iiber die Nerven von Beroe. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 1872, viii, 647-651. -----. Ueber kiinstliche Xheilbarkeit und iiber das Ner- vensystem der Medusen. Ibid., 1877, xiv, 394-408.-----. Versuche iiber kiinstliche Theilbarkeit von Beroe ovatus. Angcstellt zum Zweck der Control)- seiner morphologi- schen Befunde iiber das Nervensystem dieses Thieres. Ibid., 1879, xvii, 213-240. — Eppn (.).) Essay on the gra dual development of the nervous system, from the zoophyte to man. Lond. M. & S. J., 1829, ii, 35; 150 ; 231.—l-'aivre (E.) Etudes sur l'histologie comparee du systeme nerveux chez quelques animaux inf6rieurs. Ann. d. sc. nat,, Par., 1855-6, 4. s., vi, 16-82, 2 pl. Also, Reprint—von Forok (A.) Ueberden Ban der Nervenfaser. Verhandl. el. phys.- med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1872, iii, 41-43. — Fiaiponl (J.) Le systeme nerveux central et pCripheiique eles archiannelides (protodrilns, polygordius) et des archichoe- topodes (saccocirrus); (contribution a l'histoire ele- l'ori- gine du systeme nerveux des annelides). [Note pre- liminaire.J Bull. Acad. rov. d. sc de Belg., Brux., 1884, 3. s., viii, 99-120. -----. Recherches sur le systeme- ner- veux central et peripherique des archiannelides (protodri- lns et polygordius) et du Saccocirrus uapillocercus. Arch. de biol.,' Gand, 1884, v, 243-304, 5 pl.-Fritxrh (G.) Ueber einige bemerkenswerthe Elemente des Cenlralner- vensystems von Lophius piscatorius L. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1886, xxvii, 13-31, 2 pl— «Goo«l-ir if.) On the morphological relations of the nervous system in the anunlose and vertebrate types of organisation. [Repr. from: Edinb. Phil. J., 1857.1 In his: Anat, Mem., 8°, Edinb. 1868, ii, 78-87.—Haller (B.) Untersuchungen iiber marine Rhipidoglossen. Erste Studie. Morphol. NERYOI-S. 762 NERVOUS. lYervou* system (Comparative anatomy and physiology of). Jahrb., Leipz., 1883-4, ix, 1. -----. The same. II. Tex- tile des Centralnervensystemes und seiner Hiillen. Ibid., 1885-6, xi, 321-436, 8 pl. — Hensen (V.) Ueber die Xerven im Schwanz der Froschlarven. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1868, iv, 111-124. 2 pl— Hubrerht (A. A. WT) The peripheral nervous system in palreo- and schi- zonemei tini, one of the layers of the body-wall. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1880. n. s., xx, 431-442, 2 pl. -----. Zur Anatomie und Physioiogie des Nervensystems der Nemertinen. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1880, xx, pt. 2, 1-47, 4 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1880, n. s., xx, 274-282, 1 pl. -----. Studien zur Phylogenie des Nervensystems. II. Das Nervensystem von Pseudonematon nervosum geu. et sp. n. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1883, xxii, 19, 2 pl. — von Ihering ( H. ) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Nervensystems der Amphineuren und Arthrocochliden. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1877, iii, 155- 178, 1 pl.—Jackson (J. H.) Evolution ancl dissolution of the nervous system. Pop. Sc. Month.. N. Y., 1884-5, xxv, 171-180.—.IoIiiimoii (Alice) & Slu-lilon (Lilian). On the development of the cranial nerves of the newt. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1886, xl, 94.— Julin (C.) Le sys- teme nerveux grand sympathique de l'ammocffites (Pe- troinvzon Planeri). Anat. Anz., Jena, 1887, ii, 192-201.— Klein (E.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nerven des Lroschlarvensi'hwanzes. [Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1870, lxi, 2. Abth.. 5, 1 pl] Ceulralbl. f. el. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871. ix, l.-Konalcvskj (A.) Weitere Studien iiber die Entwickelungsgeschiohte des Amphioxus lanceo- latns, nebst einem Beitrage zur Homologie des Nerven- systems der Wiirmer und Wirbelthiere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1876, xiii, 181-204, 2 pl. — Krcidniaim (A.) Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber den Nervus depressor beim Menschen uud Hunde. Arch. f. Anat. u. I'hysiol., Leipz., 1878, 405-415, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. el. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1878, xvi, 193.— ■4i-oh■■ (A.) Ueber die Anordnung des Nervensystems der Leliiniden und Holothurieu im Allgeuieinen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1841, 1-13, 1 pl. — Itiiiickel (.1.) Recherches morphologiques et zoo- logiepies sur le systeme nerveux des insectes diptferes. Coinpt. ii*nd. Ac ad. d. sc, Par., 1879, lxxxix, 491-494.— Kiiiirkcl (J.) & (iiazagnaire (J.) Rapport du cyliu- ilie-axe et des cellules nerveuses peripheriques avec les organes des sens chez les insectes. Ibid., 1881, xcii, 471- 473. — It■■ hut (J. RT) Die Zwiscbenmarkscheide der markhaltigen Nervenfasern. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- seiiseb., lierl., 1870, xiv, 805. — Klip Iter (C.) Primiire Metamcrie cles Neuralrohrs der Vertebraten. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-haver. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1885, xv, 469-476. — Laffont. Section iutra- erftnienne du nerf trijumeau chez le chien. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1880, Par.. 1881, 7. s., ii, 26-28. -----. Re- cherches sur l'anatomie' et la physioiogie compar6e des nerl's trijumeau facial et sympathique cephalique chez les oiseaiix. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 1286- 128!). — l.ahillc (F.) Sur le developpement typique du systeme nerveux central des tuuiciers. Ibid., 1887, cv, 957-960. —I .«* bo ue q (11.) Recherches sur le developpe- ment et la terminaison des nerfs chez les larves de ba- trariens. Hull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1876, 2. s., xii, 561-582, 1 pl. Also [Rev.]: Quart J. Micr. Sc, LoncL, 1877, n.s., xvii, 455-460.—I.eyilijj (1-T) Haben die Nematoden ein Nervensystem .' lieuierkungen zu dieser Frage. Arch. f. Anat., Pli\ siol. u. wissensch. Meet, Leipz., 1861, 606-614. -----. Leber das Nervensystem der Anne- liden. Ibid., 1862, 90-124. — l.iiiiai-tl (V.) Recherches sur le systeme nerveux des arthropodes; constitution de l'anneaii cesophagien. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1880, i, 381- 391, 1 pl.—Leiiys (J.) Nouvelles recherches d'anatomie comparee sur les rapports des elements cerebraux et des 616ments spinaux au point de vue de la structure du sys- teme nerveux central. Encephale, Par., 1885, v, 641-647, 1 pl.—iWc-lnlC/ih (W. C.) On the central nervous system, the cephalic sacs and other points in the anatomy of the Lineiibe. .', Auat. cfe Phvsiol., Lond., 1875-6. x, 231-252, 4 pl.— T:.i>*iiii'ii (L.) Etude des rappoits entre les nerfs ci aniens et le syinpal hiqut* cephalique chez les oiseaux. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 77-79. -Mar- Nhall (A. M ) On the head cavities and associated nerves of elasmobranchs. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 18--1, n. s., xxi, 72-97, 2 pl. -----. On the nervous system of Antodon rosaeeus. Stud. Biol. Lab. Owens Coll..'Manchester, 1880, i. 263-297, 1 pl — Vim-hall (A. M.) efc Spi im ii- (W. P..) Observations on the cranial nerves of sc\ Ilium. Quart J. Micr. Sc. Lond., 1881, n. s., xxi, 469-499. 1 pl.— Vl-ii-linl! (C. F.) Some investigations on the physiology of the ner- vous system of the, lobster. Stud. Biol Lab. Owens Coll., Manchester, 1886, i, 313-323.—Mae-eon (J. J.) Microscopic studies on the central nervous system of reptiles and batra- chians. Article I. The spinal cord of the frog (liana pi- piens, Rana halecina). J. Nerv. cfe Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1880, n. s., v, 16-23. Also, Reprint.-----. The same. Arti- Hervous system (Comparative anatomy and physiology of). cie II. Diameters of the nuclei of nerve cells in the spinal cord ; rana ; Eniys floridana; Tostudo polyphemus. Ibid. 385-389. Also, Keprint. -----. Tho same. Article III. Di- ameters of the nuclei of the large nervo cells in tho spinal cord (continued), also of those which give origin to tho motor fibres of the cranial nerves. Ibid., N. Y., 1881, n. s., vi, 80-86. Also, Reprint. -----. Tho same. Article IV. Diameters of tho nuclei in the nerve cells which are related to motor nei-ves Chelydra serpentina (snapping turtle); Iguana tuberculata (iguana); Phryuosoma cornu- turn (horned toad); Menopoma allegheniense (hellbender); Siren lacertina (siren) ; Dieniyctylus torosus (salaman- der), and serpents. Ibid.. 1882, n. s., vii, 50-57. Also, Ke- print. -----. Notes on the central nervous system of rep- tiles. Ibid., 1881, n. s., vi, 574-576. Also, Kepi int.— ITIitroplianow (P.) ZurEntwicklungsgeschicdite und Innervation der Nervenhiigel eler Urodelenlarven. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1887-8, vii. 174-178. — M iii ler (J.) Ueber die Metamorphose des Nervensystems in der Thier- welt. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1828, iii, 1-22.— Onoili (A. D.) Neurologische Untersuchungen an Sela- i-hiern. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. n. Histol., Leipz., 1880, iii, 325-32(1, 1 pl.—I'l-lwencer (P.) Observations on the nervous system of apus. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxv, 433-444. 1 pl. -----. Recherches snr le » svsteme nerveux des pleropodes. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1887, vii, 93-129, 1 pl. — I»«l vel. De l'influence du systeme nerveux sur les cliangi'ineiits ele la peau et les mouveiiicnts eles ventouscs ehez le poulpc Compt, rend. Soe:. ele biol. 1867, Par., 1869, I. s., iv, 01-06. — I»i iivol (G.) Sur le sys- teme nerveux des euniciens. Compt, rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1884, xcviii, 1492-1495.—Bawitas (B.) Das zentrale Nervensvstem der Acephalen. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Na- turw., Jena, 1886-7, n. F., xiii, 384-460, 5 pl. — Kciiaui (J.) Sur les cellules godronnees et le systeme hyallii intra-vaginal des nerfs de solipecles. Compt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 711-713. — Bctzius ( G.) Till kan- nedomeu om plagiostomernas nervtr&dar. Nord. meel. Ark., Stockholm, 1877, ix, no. 23, 1-5. — Bichct (C.) Contribution k la physioiogie des centres nerveux et des muscles de l'ecrevisse. Arch, dc physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1879, 2. s., vi, 202 ; 522. — komaiii-s (G. J.) The physiology of the nervous system of medusa;. Notices Proc. Roy.'Inst. Gr. Brit. 1875-8, Lond.. 1879, viii, 100-177. -----. The beginning of nerves in the animal kingdom. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1878, xiv, 303-320.— Slimier* (A.) Contribution to tbe anatomy of the cen- tral nervous system in vertebrate animals. Pt. I. Ichthy- opsida. Sect. I. Pisces. Subsect. I. Teleostei. Phil. Tr. 1878, Lond , 1879, clxix, 735-770, 8 pl.: 1882, Lond., 1883, clxxiii, 927-959, 5pl. Also [Abstr.]: Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1878, xxvii, 415 : 1881-2, xxxiii. 400. -----. The same. Pt. I. Ichthyopsida. Section I. Pisces. Subsection II. Pia- giostomata. Phil. Tr. 1886, Loud., 1887, clxxvii, 733-766, 4 pl. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. Koy. Soc. Loud., 1886, xl, 10- 14. —Scliafer < K. A.) " Observations on the nervous sys- tem of Amelia aurita." Communicated bv W. Shnrpsey. [Abstr.] Proc. Koy. Sue. Lond., 1878, xxvii, 16— Si liiilil (J.) Ueber die Blutgefasse des eerebro-spinalen Nei ven- systems de-r Lrodelen. Arch. I', mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1881, xx, 87-92, 1 pl. — Sch n 11 xc (IL) Die fibrillare Structur der Nerveiielemente bed Wirbelluseu. Ibid., 1878, xvi, 57- 111, 2 pl— Shi-lilon (Lilian). Note ou the ciliated pit of ascidians and its relation to ihe nerve-ganglion and so- called hypophysial gland : and an account of the anatomy of Cynthia rusticaf?)- Quart J. Micr. Sc, LoncL, 1887-8, n. s., xxviii, 131-148, 2 pl. — Slii-noii (L.) Recherches sur la structure des ganglions spinaux chez les vertebres sir perieurs. Ann. univ. de Brux., 1880, i, 147-163.—Stowi-ll (T. B.) The vagus nerve in the domestic cat iFelis do- mestica). Proc Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1882-3, xx, 123- K!8 — li-i-vii amis (G.-K.) Sur le rapport mutual des diverses parties du cerveau et du systeme nerveux elans les divers elegies de l'echelle animale. J. compl. du diet d. sc. med.. Par., 1823, xv, 303-323. — Van Bcucdcn (K.) & .liilin (C.) Le systeme nerveux central des aseidies adultes et ses rapports avec celui des larves urod&les. Bull. Acad. roy. cl. sc. de lie-lg., Brux., 1884, 3. 8., viii, 13- 72, 4 pl.—Viallrton. Les centres nerveux des cephalo- podes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1885, ci, 1016-; 1018.—Vigczzi (D.) Sopra la ilisposizione anatomica dei nervi digitali nei solipe-eli, in rapporto alia ne\ ivetoinia. Clin, vet, Milano, 1887, x, 207-222, 2 pl. — Visual (W.) Structure du systeme nerveux des niollusques Coinpt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xcv, 249-251.-----Note sur le developpement des nerfs chez les embryons des mammiferes. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 139-145.-----. Note sur l'accroissement en loDgueur des tubes nerven. ehez les embryons et les jeunes mam- miferes. Ibid., 163 167. — Viti (A.) Ricerche di raorfo- logia comparata sopra il nervo eh-pressore nell' uomo e negli altri mammiferi. [Abstr. from a reprint of: Proc. verb. Soc. toscana di ac. nat, 1-83 ] Biol. Centralbl., Er- lang., 1884-5, iv, 310-312. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1884, v, 191 - 198. — Vogt ( C.) Zar Neuro- NERVOUS. 7.;.\j NERVOUS. Yervou* system (Comparative anatomy and physiology of). logic von Python tigris. Arch, f Anat, Physiol, u. wis- 8ensch. Meel., Berl., 1839, 39-58, 1 , 1. — WaliUcbmiilt (J.) Zur Anatomie des Nervensystems dei-Gymntiphioneu. Jenaische* Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1886-7, n. IT, xiii, 461- 47g g ]il. -----. Beitrag zur Anatomic cles Zentralnerveu- svs'tems und des Ge-ruchsorgans von Polypterus bichir. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1887. ii. 308-322. -Ward (J.) Obser- vations ou the physiology of the nervous system of the crayfish (Astacus 1111\ iatilis). Proc Koy. Soc Lond., 1879, xxviii, 379-383. — Warri'ii (J. C.) A comparative view iif the sensorial and nervous systems in man and animals. Meel. Cominunicat Mass. M. Soc, Host, 1822, iii, 307-412. Also, Reprint— Wilder (P.. G.) Note on the actual (su- perficial) origin of the n. trigeminus in the domestic cat Am. J. Neurol, cfe Psychiat, N. Y., 1882, i, 337. Nervous system (Development of). See, also, Nerve (Optic); Nerves (Degenera- tion, etc., of). Simon (J.) * Observations sur le perfectionne- meut du systeme nerveux C(Sr6bral apres la nais- sancc 4°. Paris, 1829. Amli tnoii (J.) Sketch of the comparative anatomy of tin- nervous system; with remarks on its development in the human embryo. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xviii, 803 ; 900: 945; 973. — Bail larger. Memoire sur le mode de Im mal ion des centres nerveux. Ann. med.-psych.. Par., 1843, ii, 343-357. Also, Reprint—BirdsalI (W. R.) The rnibiyogi ii v of the sympathetic. Arch. Med., N. Y , 1879, i, 138-149.— Bi*choff (T. L. W.) Ueber die erste Bildung des Centralnervensystems bei Saugethieren mit Beriick- sichtigung der kritisehen Beleuchtung meiuer Beob ich- tungen (lurch Herrn Dr. Reichert. Arch. f. Anat, Phv- siol. u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1843, 252-275. 1 id.—Clark (T. E.) Some points in regard to Ihe development of the nervous system and vision. J. Psych. M., NT Y.. 1870, iv, 481-502.— FIct-liMig (P.) Weit'ercs zur Zerlegung des centralen Nerveuse, steins auf Grund der Entwickelung. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875. xiii, 673-675.— tioi'llc' (A.) Ueber die Entwickelung des Central Ner- vensystems der Teleostier. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1878,'xv, 139-199, 4 pl.—Hemicguy (L.-F.) D6veloppe ment, du systeme nerveux, de la corde dorsale et du meso- (b-rme chez la truite. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 755-759.—Hensen (V.) Zur Entwickelung des Nerveusystems. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 176-186. 1 pl. — His (W.) Ueber die Anfiiiige eles peripherischen Nervensystemes. Arch. f. Anat. u. Ent- weklngsgesch., Leii>/,., 1879, iii, 455-482, 2 pl. — ITcloir (H.) Neil's eles v6getations. Compt rend. Soe.de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 228-230.—Lorwc (L.) Beitriige zur ver- gleielienilen Morphogeuesis des centralim Nervensystems eler Wirbelthiere. Mitth. a. el. embryo!. Inst. el. k. k'. Univ. in Wien. 1880, ii, 1. Hft, 1-9, 2 pl. -Liibimoft (A.) Em- bryologisehe und histogeneti^che Untersuchungen iiber das syinpathische, und centrale Cerebrospinal-Ncrvoiisvs- tem. ' Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl.. 1874, lx. 217-273. 2 pl.—Man n (E. C.) General considerations on the develop- ment of the nervous system by evolution, and its condi- tion in health and disease St. Louis (.'our. Med., 1882, vii, 118-129.—Marshal I (A. M.) On the e arly stages of development of the nerves in birds. J. Anat. >V Physiol., Lond., 1877, xi, 491-516. 2 pl.—tlcekel (J. F.) Versuch einer Entwieklungsgeschichte der Central! Iie-ile des Ner- vensystems in den Saugthii'ien. Deutsches Arch. f. el. Physiol., Halle, 1815, i, 1; 334; 589.— Tlomliiiw (C.) Sulla anatomia dell' antiniuro e del nuclei) amigdaleo nel cervello umano. R. 1st Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Mi- lano, 1885, xviii, 106. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885. vi, 140. -----. Sulla cariocinesi delle cellule nervose negli animali adulti consecutiva ad irritazione cerebrale. K. Ist Lomb. di sc. e lett. Kendic, Milano. 1885. xviii. 107. Also: Gazz. cl. osp., Milano, 1885, vi, 107 — TIulli r (J.) Sur la m6tamorphose du sysieme nerveux dans le- regno animal. J. compl. du diet', el. sc med., Par., 1829, xxxiii, 27-42. — Onoc'i (A. D.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Spinalganglieu uud der Nervenwurzeln. Internat. Mo- natschr. f. Anat u. Histol., Berl., 1884, i, 204; 255 — I'oiicliil a- Toiirii<-iix. Contribution a l'histoire du di \ i loppeinentdu svsteme nerveux peripherique. Compt reiiil. Soe. de biol. 1870. Par., 1877, 0. s.. iii, 396-398. Also: Gaz. med. de- Par., 1877. 4. s., vi, 16— Boinmiis (G.J.) Evolution of nerves and nervo-systeins. Nature, LoncL, 1877, xvi, 231; 269. Also: Notices rroc Koy. Inst, Gr. Brit. 1875-8, LoncL, 1879, viii, 427-448—Bonj;eI (C.) Memoire sur le developpement des nerfs che/, les larves de batraeiens. Arch, ele physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, vii, 801-853, 6 pl— Sch'enk (S. L.) Die Entwick- luiigsgescliiehte der Ganglien uud des Lobus electricus. I. Die Ganglien in der Entwicklung. II. Der Lobus elec- tricus in der Entwicklung. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1876, lxxiv, 13-36. Also, Keprint. ----. Ueber die Entwicklung der Gan- glien des Sympathicus. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, Xervous system (Development of). 4.—Serlu-nU (S. L.) & Birdsall (W. R.) Ueber die Lehre vou der Entwickelung der Ganglien des Sympa- thicus. Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in YVieu 1878, ii, 213-228, 3 pl. — Mt-hultze (C.-A.-S.) Consider* tious sur les premieres traces du systeme osseux et sur le developpemeut de la coloune vertebrale dans les animaux. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, vi, 113-122.— I ii^ci- (L.) Untersuchuugen iiber die Entwicklung eler centralen Nervengi-webe. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1879, Wien, 1880, lxxx, 3. Abth . 282-311, 2 pl—Vignal i. WT I Note sur le deve- loppement des nerfs chez les embrvmis des mammiferes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 139-145. Also [Abstr.]: Tribune meel.. Par., 1883, xv, 116. -----. Accroissement en longueur eles tubes nerveux, par la formation des segments intercalaires. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1883, 3. s., i, 536-548, 1 pl. -----. Memoire sur le developpement des tubes nerveux chez les embryons de mammiferes. Ibid., 1883, 3. s., i, 513-535, 2 pl. Also: Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1883, Par., 1884, viii, 110-132, 2 pl.—Virey (J.-J.) Note liistorique sur l'origine primi- tive du systfeme nerveux elans le regue animal. Gaz. med. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 517. JVervouxi system (Diseases of). See, also, Anaesthesia; Apoplexy (General, etc., Treatises on); Asthma; Brain (Disea sesof); Catalepsy; Children (Diseases of); Chorea; Convulsions ; Diabetes insipidus ; Ear; Epi- lepsy ; Eye ; Hydrophobia ; Hyperaesthesia; Hypochondria ; Hysteria ; Hystero-epilepsy; Insanity; Joints (Neuralgia, etc., of); Larynx (Neuroses of); Metailotherapy; Nervous sys- tem (Pathology, etc., of); Neuralgia; Neuritis; Paralysis; Psychology (Medical, etc.); Skin (Diseases of, Neurotic); Sleep (Abnormal,-ele-.); Spasm; Spinal cord ( Diseases of); Tetanus; Tetany; Vertigo. Abercromuie (J.) Pathological and practi- cal researches on the diseases of the brain aud the spiual cord. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1829. ------. The same. 3. eel. 12 . Edinburgh, 1834. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8i; London, 1845. -----. The same. 1. Am. from the 2. Edinb. ed. roy. 8C. Philadelphia, 1831. -----. The same. A new edition, enlarged by the author. 8IJ. Philadelphia, 1843. Althaus(J.) Diseases of the nervous system ; their prevalence and pathology. 8 r London, 1877. Anderson (W. J.) The causes, .symptoms, and treatment of eccentric nervous affections. H'T London, 187,9. de Andrade (N. F.) * Do diagnostico e tra- tiiniento das nevroses visceraes. 4°. Rio de Ja- neiro, 1875. Armstrong (V.) Practical hints and obser- vations on head-aches and giddiness, paralytic- strokes, apoplexies, and sudden deaths, with advice on the best means of curing the former and of preventing the latter. 8°. London, 1819. Arnold (A. B.) Manual of nervous diseases and an introduction to medical electricity. 8J. New York, 1885. Axenfeld (A. ) Des lK-vroses. 8°. Paris, 1864. Extract from: Kequin (A.-P.) Pathologie medicale. 8°. Paris,' 1863, iv, 125-695. ------. The same. Traits des nevroses. 2. 6d., angmeut6e de 700 pages. 8°. Paris, 1883. Baraduc (H. -A. -P.) Etudes theorique et pratiiiue des affections nerveuses, considert*es sons le rapport des modifications qu'operent sur elles la lumiere et la chaleur; tlnSorie de l'inflammation ; des ventouses v&sicantes. 8. Paris, 1859. Baudiy (J. K.) Lectures on diseases of the nervous system. s°. Philadelphia, 1876. Bayne 'alias Kixnkir (D.) A new essay on the nerves and the doctrine of the animal spirits NERVOUS 704 NERVO IS. Hier vou* system (Diseases of). rationally considered ; shewing the great bene- fit of and true use of bathing, and drinking the Bath waters, in all nervous disorders and obstruc- tions, with two dissertations on the gout and on digestion, with the distemper of the stomach and intestines. 8°. London, 1738. Beard ( G. M. ) Representative cases of ner-, vous disease. 8°. [11. p., n. d.] de Biscop (P. C. A.) * De morbis nervorum. 17<;7. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1795, i, 100-112. Boerhaave (H.) Pradectiones academical de morbis nervorum quas ex auditorum manuscrip- tis collectas edi curavit Jacobus van Eems. 2 v. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1761. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Francofurti et Lipsia; 1762. ------. The same. 2 v. 4°. Venetiis, 1763. Bouillon - Lagrange. * Reflections sur les affections nerveuses et sur quelques ine~dicamens usite's dans ces sortes de maladies. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1895. Boulenger (C. J.) * De priecipuis affectio- nibus nervosis. 1794. In.- Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 1796, iv, 427-444. Bourneville. Recherches cliniques et th6- rapeutiques sur l'e"pilepsie, l'hysterie et l'idiotie. 8-. Paris, 1885. BOCKNEVILLE& Regnard(P.) Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere ; service de M. Charcot. 4°. Paris, 1877. Brkn.sciiedt ( C. ) * Observationes clinicse circa morbos nervorum. 8°. Berolini, [1847]. Biugham (A.) An inquiry concerning the diseases and functions of the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves. 8°. New York, 1840. Brodie (B. C.) Lectures illustrative of cer- tain local nervous affections. 8°. London, 1837. -----. Thesame. Vorlesungen iiber ortliche Nervenleiden. Aus dem Englischen von Dr. Kiirschner. 8°. Marburg, 1838. Brown-Sequard (C. E.) Lecciones sobre los nervios vaso-inotores, la epilepsia y las acciones reflejas normales y morbosas. Traducidas del ingles por el Dr. Beni-Barde; version espahola por Federico Toledo y Ctieva. 12°. Madrid, 1878. A selection from various works of Brown-S6quard. Bruckmann (F. H.) * Diss, exhibensde mor- bis nervorum observationes quasdam siugulares cum epicrisi. sm. 4°. Gottingee, [1780]. Caxz (T. E. F.) * De morbis neuricis, pra*ser- tini ea specie, qua* ex infarctibus abdominalibns exoritur. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [1791]. Cassel (F. P.) * Diss, sistens cogifata circa originem et formam morborum systeinatis ner- vosi. 4°. Parisiis, an. XIV [1805]. Castan (A.) Essai sur la pathogeiiie des ma- ladies nerveuses. 8°. Montpellier, 1859. Castren (M. A.) * Depathologica systematis nervorum gangliosi dignitate. 8°. Helsiugfors, [1833]. Cazenave (P.-L.-A.) * Quels sont les carac- teres des nevroses ? 4°. Paris, 1835. Cerise (L.-A.-P.) Des fonctions et des mala- dies nerveuses. In his: CEuvres. 8°. Paris, 1872, i. Charcot (J.-M.) Lecons sur les maladies du systeme nerveux faites a la Salpetriere. Re- cueillies et publiees par Bonneville. 8°. Paris, 1872-:'.. ------. Thesame. 2. s. 8-. Paris, 1873. -----•. The same. Transl. by George Siger- son. 8°. London, 1877. ------. The same. Recueillies et publi6es par MM. Babinski, Bernard, F6r6, Guinon, Marie et Gilles de la Tourette. 8°. Paris, 1887. Hervoils system (Diseases of). ------. The same. 2. s. Transl. and edited by George Sigerson. 2 v. 8°. London, 1877-81. -----. (Euvres completes. Lecons sur les localisations dans les maladies du cerveau et de la moelle Epiniere, recueillies par Bourneville et E. Brissand. Tome iv. .-"•' . Paris, 1887. Cheyne (G.) The English malady ; or, a trea- M frsc of nervous diseases of all kinds, as spleen, ^vapours, lowuess of spirits, hypochondriacal and hysterical distempers, etc. In three parts. Pt. I. Of the nature anil cause of nervous distem- pers. Pt. II. Of the cure of nervous distempers. Pt. III. Variety of cases that illustrate and con- firm the method of cure. With the author's own ca.se at large. 8°. London, 1733. Comparetti (A.) De vaga a'gritinline infir- mitatis nervorum. 8°. Venetiis, 1780. Cooke~(J.) A treatise on nervous diseases. 2 v. v. 1. On apoplexy, including apolexia hydro- cephalic-!!, or water in the head; with an intro- ductory account (*f the opinions of ancient and modern physiologists respecting the nature and uses of the nervous system. Kcad at the college, as the Croonian lectures of the year 1H19. v. 2. On palsy and on epilepsy. 8C. London, 18^0- 23. ------. A treatise on nervous diseases. 8°. Boston, 1824. Cronin. A treatise on the nature and treat- ment of painful affections of the nerves, viz: tic douloureux, nervous headache, painful enlarge- ment of the breast (which is often mistaken for cancer); nervous affections of the heart, nervous pain affecting the womb during pregnancy (gen- erally the cause of miscarriage) and inflamma- tion of the sciatic nerve ; with cases. 12°. Liv- erpool, 1841. Cullerre(A.) Nervosisme et n6vroses. Hy- giene des enerves et des n6vropathes. 12°. Paris, 1887. Davids (T.) * De neurosibus nerviuis non curandis. 8°. Lugd, Bat., 1830. Dawson (R.) A few observations on nervous affections, the result of an extensive experience in the treatment of nervous disorders, with some remarks on the use and abuse of hydropathy. 8°. London, 1851. Deluen (L.-J.-M.) * Quelques reflexions et propositions snr les maladies nerveuses convul- sives et mentales. 4°. Paris, 1840. Descot (P.-J.) * Dissertation sur les affec- tions locales des nerfs. 4°. Paris, 1822. ------. Thesame. Avec des additions. [182T-.] 8°. Paris, 1825. Diseases (On) of the spine and of the nerves. By C. B. Radcliffe, J. N. Radcliffe, J. W. Beg- bie, F. E. Ainstie [Anstie], and J. R. Reynolds. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871. Dochmann (A. M.) Naslcdstvennoste v ner- nych boliezniach. [Heredity of nervous dis- eases.] 1.8°. Kazan, 1887. Domanski (S.) Wyklady o chorobach ukladu nerwowego. [Diseases of the nervous system.] 8°. Krakow, 1881. Dowse (T. S.) The brain and the nerves; their ailments and their exhaustion. 8°. New York, 1884. Drummond (D. ) Di.seases of the brain and spinal cord; a guide to their pathology, diagno- sis and treatment, with an anatomical and phy- siological introduction. 8°. London, 18<\. Dupau (J.-A. ) De TeriSthisme nerveux, ou anal vsc des affections nerveuses. 8". Montpel- lier, 1819. Dyrenfurth v M.) * De spasmis quibusdam nervorum facialis, vagi et glossopharyngei. 8°. Berolini, [1848]. NERVOUS. Nervous system (Diseases of). d'Engllbronner ( J. ) * Observationes me- dico practice, ad morbos enccphali et lnedulhe spinalis pertinentes. 8U. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1838. Erb ( W. H. ) Krankheiten der peripheren- ueicbrospinalen Nerven. 8°. Leipzig, 1-874. Forms 1. Theil, xii. Bd., of: Handb. d. spec Path. (Ziemssen). ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8-T Leipzig, 1876. ------. Thesame. Diseases of the peripheral cerebro-spinal nerves. 8°. New York, 187(3. Forms v. 11 of: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen). Erlenmeykr ( A. A.) Bericlit iiber die Fort- schritte im G%biete der Krankheiten des Nerven- systems wiihrend des Jahres 1854. 8°. Ntuwied, [1855]. Eulenberg (A.) Lehrbuch der Nervcukrauk- heiten. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Ferguson (E. J.) Observations on the ner- vous system, and the neuroses ; being the subject of a course of lectures. 8°. [Buffalo, 1843.] Finkelstein ( L. ) * Maferialy k voprosu o razstieiistvach v sphere organov vneshuieh chuv- stve pri nekotorych zabolevauijach nervnoi sis- temy i poljach zreuija pri menstrnatsii. [On dis- orders of sphere of external organs of senses in some diseases of the nervous system and field of vision iu menstruation.] 8-. 8t. Petersburg, 1887. Foi'itCADE - Prunet (J.-G.) Maladies ner- veuses des auteurs; rapportees a l'irritation de l'encdphale, des nerfs c6r6bro-rachidieus ct splauchniques, avec ou sans inflammation. 8°» Paris, 1826. Frank (J.) Die Nervenkraukheiten. In his: Grnudsiitze d. gesammt. prakt. Heilk. 8°. Leipzig, 1832-43, Th. 6-9. Galkn ( C. ) Liber de palpitatione, tremore, rigcue, convnlsione. Interp. N. Lavachio. 8°. Venetiis, 17)36. Gelixeal ( E. ) Des nevroses spasmodi([ues, de leur origine, de leurs rapports et de leur trai- tement. 8C. Paris, 1879. Georget (E.-J.) De la physioiogie du sys- teme nerveux et specialemeut du cerveau. 2 v. 8J. Paris, 1821. Germany. Kriegsministerium. Traurnatische, idiopathische uud nach Iufektionskraukheiten beobaclitete Erkraukungen des Nervensystems bei den deutschen Heeren ini Kriege gegen Frauk- reich 1870-71. 4 r Berlin, 1885. Girolami (G.) Intorno alle lezioni sulle ma- lattie nervose del professore F. Pucciuotti, brevi ceuui. 8°. Bologna, 1838. « Goodlad ( W. ) A letter to Sir B. C. Brodie . . . containing a critical inquiry into his lectures illustrative of certain local nervous affections. 8°. London, 1849. Gourdon (V.-P.) * Considerations physiolo- giques et pathologiques sur les deux ordres de nerfs, sur la cause principale des affections dites nerveuses, et sur les moyens therapeutiques propres a combattre ces maladies avec le plus de succes. 8°. Paris, 1837. Uowers (\V. R.) A manual of diseases of the nervous system. 2 v. 8°. London, 1886-8. ------. Tho same. v. 1. 8 . Philadelphia, 1886.- Granville (J. M. ) Nerves and nerve-trou- bles. 12°. London, 1884. Grasset (J.) Maladies du systeme nerveux. 8°. Montpelliei; 1878. ------. Thesame. 2 v. 8t Montpelliei; 1879. ------. Thesame. Traite pratiiiue des mala- dies du systeme nerveux. 2. 6d. 8°. Monlpel- lier, 1881.' ------. The same. 3. <5d. Suivie d'un ap- pendice sur l'electrotherapie en general par le Dr. Regimbeau. 8r Montpelliei; 1886. NERVOUS. lYervous system (Diseases of). Guibout (E.) * Considerations sur la nature et le traitement de quelques affections nerveuses. 4°. Paris, 1850. van der Haar (J.) Proeve over de herzenen en zenuwen, en eenige derzelver ziekten. Waar agter honderd en vijftig genees- en heelkundige waarneemigen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1788. Hall ( M. ) Lectures ou the nervous system and its diseases. 8°. London, 1836. -----. On the diseases and derangements of the nervous system, in their primary forms aud in their modifications, by age, sex, constitution, hereditary predispositions, excesses, general dis- order, and organic disease. 8°. London, 1841. -----. The same. Von den Krankheiten des Nervensystems. Ausdem Englischen. Mit eini- gen kritischen Bemerkungen von J. Wallach. 8°. Leipzig, 1842. ------. Synopsis of cerebral and spinal sei- zures of inorganic origin and of paroxysmal form as a class; aud of their pathology as in- volved in the structures and actions of the neck. [2. ed.] 4°. London, [187,1]. ------. Essays chiefly on the theory of pa- roxysmal diseases of the nervous system. 8°. London, [n. d.] Hamilton (A. McL.) Nervous diseases; their description and treatment. 8C. Philadelphia, 1878. Hammond (W. A. ) A treatise on diseases of the nervous system. 8 r New York, 1871. ------. The same. 7. ed. roy. 8U. New York, 1881. ------. Thesame. 8. ed. 8°. New York, 1886. Also [Rev. of 6. ed. ], in: Brit. &. For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1877, lix, 306-325. ------. Clinical lectures on diseases of the nervous system. Reported, edited, and the his- tories of the cases prepared, with notes by T. M. B. Cross. 8°. New York, 1874. Handbuch der Krankheiten des Nervensys- tems. Vou H. Nothnagel, F. Obernier, O. Heub- ner, G. Hugneuin, E. Hitzig, Wilhelm Erb, A. Eulenburg, J. Bauer, H. v. Ziemssen, F. Jolly, Adolf Kussmaul. In: Handb.d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), 11. Bd., Hlft. 1 & 2; 12. Bd., Hlft. 1 & 2. Mit Anhang zu Bd. 12, 1874-8. Hart (C. P.) Diseases of the nervous system; being a treatise on spasmodic, paralytic, neural- gic, and mental affections. 8°. New York 6} Philadelphia, ISsl. Hasse ( K. E. ) Krankheiten des Nervenap- parates. In: Handb. d. spec. Path. u. Therap. (Virchow), Erlang. n. Stuttg., 1855, iv, 1. Abth., vi, 686. ------. The same. Krankheiten des Nerven- systems. Zweite vermehrte uud verbesserte. Aufl. 8°. Erlangen, 1869. Heineken (J.) De morbis nervorum eorum- que frequentissima ex abdomine origine. 4°. Gottingee, 1783. Also, in: .Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1792, ii, 291-322. Heller (K.) Specielle Pathologie uud Thera- pie der Krankheiten der peripheren Nerven. 8-\ IVien, 1879. Hergenrother (J. J.) Character, Form, Wesenheit, Ursachen und Behandluugsweise der Nerveukrankheiten im Allgemeiuen als Pro- gramm bei Eroflhung seiner ini Sommersemester 1825 publice abzuhalteuden Vorlesungen iiber psychische Heilwisseuschaft. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1825. Huebner v-J A.) * De nervorum morbis gene- ratim. 8C. Berolini, [1819]. Jaccold (S.) Etudes de pathogenie et de s6- miotique. Les paraplegics et l'ataxie du mouve- ment. 8°. Paris, 1864. ukv0]. Pelechin (P.) *De neurosibus iu genere, 8°. Edinburgi, 1829. Pierson (R. H.) Compendium der Krankhei- ten des Nervensystems. 8°. Leipzig, ls76. . Pressavin. Neue nnd gruudliche Abhand- lung von den Nerven - Krankheiten und den Diinsten oder sogenaunten Vapeurs, worinnen zugleich die rechte Art dieselben zu heilen, ge- lehret wird. Aus dem Franzosischen ins Deut- sche iibersetzt. 12°. Niirnberg, 1772. Prichard (J. C.) A treatise on diseases of tho nervous system. Part the first: Comprising convulsive and maniacal affections. 8°. Lon- don, 1822. Radcliffe (C. B.) Epilepsy and other affec- tions of the nervous system which are marked by tremor, convulsion, or spasm; their pathology and treatment. 8. London, 1854. ------. Lectures on epilepsy, pain, paralysis, and certain other disorders of the nervous sys- tem. 8°. London, 1864. Ramos Mejia (J. M.) Las neurosis de los hombres celebres en la historia argentina, pre- cedido de una introduccion por el Dr. Vicente Fidel Lopez. Primera parte. Rosas y su epoca. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1878. Reid (J.) Essays on hypochondriacal and other nervous affections. 8°. Philadelphia, 1817. Rennte (A.) A treatise on gout, apoplexy, paralysis, and disorders of the nervous system. [Pt. i.] 8°. London, 1828. Rey (L.-M.) * Sur la pathogenie de quelques affections de l'axe cer£bro-spinal, etc. ; choix d'observations prises dans l'Hopi tal de Bordeaux. 4°. Paris, 1834. Riadore (J. E.) Introductory lectures to a course on nervous irritation, spinal affections, distortions of the einibs, malformations of the chest, etc. 12°. London, 1835. Richards (T.) A treatise on nervous dis- orders ; including observations on dietetics aud medicinal remedies. 8°. London, 1829. de la Roche. Zergliederung der Verrichtung des Nervensystems als Einleitung zu einer prak- tischen Untersuchung der Nervenkrankheiten. Uebersetzt von J. F. A. Merzdorff. 2 v. in 1. 8r Halle, 1794-5. Romberg (M. H.) Lehrbuch der Nerven- krankheiten des Menschen. 1. Bd. 8°. Berlin, 1846. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1.353-7. NERVOUS. 767 NERVOUS. Her vou* system (Diseases of). -----. The same. A manual of the nervous diseases of man. Transl. and edited by E. H. Sieveking. 2 v. s°. London, 187,3. Rosenthal (M.) Handbuch der Diagnostik nnd Therapie der Nervenkrankheiten. roy. 8 . Erlangen. 1^70. ------. Klinik der Nervenkrankheiten nach seinen an der Wiener Universitat gehallenen Vortrageu. 8°. Stuttgart, 1875. ------. The same. A" clinical treatise on the diseases of the nervous system. With a preface by Professor Charcot. Transl. from the author's revised and enlarged edition by L. Putzel. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1S79. Ross (J.) A treatise ou the diseases of the nervous system. 2 v. 8°. London, 1881. ------. Tlie same. Rnkovodstvo k izucheni- jou bolieznt-i nervoi sistemi. Perevod s angliis- kago izdanija s priniiechanijanii M. M. Maua- seinoi. 8C. St. Petersburg, 18^2. ------. Thesame. Handbook of the diseases of the nervous system. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. Text somewhat condensed, and contains fewer illustra- tions. Royer (M.) * Essai sur la nature et le trai- tenient des nevroses en g6neral. 4°. Penis 1851. Rudiger (F. C.) * De natura et medela mor- borum nevricorum geueratim spectatis. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [1806]. Also, in: Weber. Samml. med.-prakt. Diss, [etc.] 8°. Tubingen, 1820, i, 2. St., 1-62. Saillard de Raveton. Etudes meYlico-phi- losophiques sur les maladies nerveuses; consid6- rations gencrahs sur leurs causes, et leur traite- ment. 8'-'. I'aris, 1850. Saxdras (C.-M.-S.) Traite pratique des ma- ladies nerveuses. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1851. -----cV Bourguignon (H.) Traite pratique des maladies nerveuses. 2. del. 2 v. 8°. Pa- ris, 1860-62. Schmidt (T.) Compendium der Nervenkrank- heiten. sm. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Seeligmlller (A.) Lehrbuch der Krank- heiten der peripheren Nerven und des Sympa- theticus, fiir Aerzte uud Studirende. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1882. ------. The same. 8°. Braunschweig, 1887. ------. The same. Uchebnik bolieznei nerv- noi sistemi. Otliel I. Boliezni perifericheskoi nervnoi sistemi i simpaticheskago nerva. Pere- vod sNiemtskago A. Cheremshanskago. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1882. Seglin (E. C.) Opera minora. A collection of essays, articles, lectures, and addresses from 1866 to 1882, inclusive, s'. New York, 1884. Sikorski (I. A.) Zadachi nervuo-psichiches- koigigienyi prophylaktiki. [Problemsof nervo- psychical hygiene and prophylaxis. ] 8°. Kieff, 1887. Small (A. E.) Diseases of the nervous sys tem. To which is added, a treatise ou the dis- eases of the skin. By C. E. Toothaker. 8l. Philadelphia, 1856. Stevknson (J.) A familiar treatise on ner- vous affections, disorders of the head and chest, stomach aud bowels, etc. Also, on the ineaus of repairing a debilitated constitution through the establishment of a healthy digestion ; including prescriptions in plain English from the writings aud private practice of eminent physicians. 2. ed. 16°. London, 1828. Stewart (T. G.) An introduction to tho study of the diseases of the nervous system ; being lectures delivered iu the University of Edin- burgh during the tercentenary year. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1884. JYervous system (Diseases of). Strumpell (A.) Lehrbuch der speciellen Pathologie uud Therapie der iuneren Krank- heiten. 2. Bd. 1. Theil. Krankheiten des Ner- veusystems. 8°. Leipzig, 1884. Stunzer (J. K.) Ueber das Betragen iu Ner- venkrankheiten fiir Unerfahrue iu der Arzuei- wissenschaft. 8-. Wien, 1781. Swan (J.) Observations on some points re- lating to the anatomy, physiology, and pathol- ogy of the nervous system. s:. London, 1822. -----. A treatise on diseases and injuries of the nerves. A new ed. 8■-; London, 1834. Takahashi Masadzumi. Shinkeibio Ron. [A treatise on nervous disease.] 8-. Osaka, 1878. Thomson (A.) An enquiry into the nature, causes, and method of cure of nervous disorders. 8°. London, 1781. Threnmann (C. G. A.) *Cogitata qtuedam de mentis nervorumque morbis. 8 . Halis Sax., [1806], Todd (R. B.) Clinical lectures on paralysis, certain diseases of the brain, and other affec- tions of the nervous system. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1856. Turnbull (A.) A treatise ou painful aud nervous diseases, and on a new mode of treat- ment for diseases of the eye and ear. 3. ed. 13°. London, 1837. Ulo (J.-T.) * Essai sur les maladies nerveuses et vaporeuses. 4°. Montpellier, 1817. Uvedale (C.) The construction of the nerves, and the causes of nervous disorders practically explained. 8°. London, 1758. Valentin (G.) Versuch einer physiologischen Pathologic eler Nerven. 1. Bd. in'2 Abth. 8°. Leipzig it, Heidelberg, 1864. Vogt (P. F. W.) Ueber die Erweichung des Gehirns und des Riickenmarks. 8°. Heidelberg u. Leipzig, 1840. Volkenan ( J. ) * Spec. med. sistens bigam observationum de morbis nervorum. 12°. Dor- pati, 1814. Vulpian (A.) Maladies du systeme nerveux ; lecons professees a la Faculte" de medecine. Re- cueillies et publi6es par M. le Dr. Bourceret. Maladies de la moelle. 8 . Paris, 1879. Walker (S.) A treatise on nervous diseases, in which are introduced some observations on the structure and functions of the nervous sys- tem, and such an investigation of the symptoms and causes of these diseases as may lead to a rational and successful method of cure. 8°. London, 1796. Webber (S. G.) A treatise on nervous dis- eases ; their symptoms and treatment. s°. New York, 1885. Weissmann (R.) sen. Ueber Nervenkrank- heiten und Scblagfluss (Apoplexie, Hirnliih- inung), Vorbeugung uud Heilung. 14. Aufl. 16°. Vilshofen, 1887. Wilhelm (H.) Bericht iiber die in der Poly- klinik vorgekommenen Nervenkrankheiten ; als Compendium der Nervenkrankheiten u. Elektro- therapie. 8°. Pest, 1873. Wilks (S.) Lectures on diseases of the ner- vous system, delivered at Guy's Hospital. 8°. London, 1878. See. also, infra. Willis (T.) Pathologist cerebri et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitur de morbis con- vulsivis et de scorbuto. 4J. Geneva; 1576. ------. The same. 16°. Amstelodami, 16,68. ------. The same. 24 \ Amstelodami, 1670. ------. The same. 4°. Genevce, 1676. In his: Opera omnia. 4°. Genevce, 1676. ------. The same. 4J. Geneva; 1696. In his: Opera omnia. 4°. Genevce, 1695, i. NKUVOUS. 768 N EliVOl'JS. jVervons system (Diseases of). -----. Thesame. An essay on the pathology of the brain and nervous stock, in which convul- sive diseases are treated of. Transl. out of Latine into English by S. Pordage. fol. London, 1681. Wilson (J. A.) On spasm, langour, palsy, and other disorders, termed nervous, of the mus- cular system. 8°. London, 1843. Wittmaack (T. ) Lehrbuch der Nerven- krankenheiten. 1. Bd. 1. Abth. 8°. Leipzig, 1861. Wood (H. C.) Nervous diseases and their diagnosis; a treatise upon the phenomena pro- duced by diseases of the nervous system, Avith especial reference to the recognition of their causes. r*°. Philadelphia, 1887. Wlcher ( C. ) Krankheits-Geschichten aus dem Bereiche des Nerven-Systems. 8-'. Miin- chen, 186)9. Zirotti (G. B.) * Sopra la natura e 1' origine delle malattie nervose. 4°. Sondrio, 1786. Adrlniiiiin (G. F. BT) Krankheiten des Nervensys- tems. Ztsrhr. f. kliu. Med., Bresl., 1859, x, 270-274.— Agar (S. W.) Some social questions in connection with nervous disease. Birmingh. M. Kev.. 1886, xx, 1-21. Also [ Ahstr.J : Brit. M. J., LoncL, 1886, ii, 247—Althans (J.) On the prevalence and fatality of nervous diseases. Med. 'limes efc Gaz., LoncL, 1876, i'i, 537 ; 506; 595; 619; 647; 673; C97. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Rov. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond. (1875-80), 1880, viii, 39-44. -----. Lectures on dis- eases of the nervous system. Med. Exam., LoncL, 1877, ii, 008; 689; 711; 761; 781; 805; 822; 856: 878: 903; 924; 950; 977; 998: 1878, iii, 70; 93; 112; 177.—Amard (L. V. ¥.) Maladies nerveuses. In his : Ass. intellect nelle, 8°, I'ar., 1821, ii, 311-572.— Andrul. Lectures on diseases of the brain and nervous system. Lancet, Lond., 1835-6, ii, 1: 33; 05; 97.—Anjel. Beitrag zur Casuistik einiger Nerveukrankhi-iten. II, il. kliu. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 129-132.—Anslie (V. K.) Lectures on diseases of the nervous systi-m. Lancet, Lond., 1872. ii, 515; 589; 661; 732; 839: 1873, i, 39; 123: 227 ; 437 ; 655.—Arloing (S.) Degeneration et centre trophique des nerfs ; examen cri- ti(|in- des opinions emisees sur leur nature ; applications. Lvon med., 1886, liii. 475-479.—Audifli-ent. Des mala- dies de lactivit6. Tribune m6d., Par., 1880, xiii, 607; 615.—Barbicr (J.-B.-G.) Considerations generates sur les nevroses Gaz. m6d. ele I'ar., 1852, 3. s., vii, 560: 601. Also.- Scalpel. Liege, 1852-3, v, 66; 70; 80; 101.—Bar- bieri (A.) Alcune intiammazioni dell' asse cerebri) sp.nale. (ia/.z. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1848, 2. s., i, 74; 98.—Barlbolow (R.) Cases of disease of the nervous system, with commentary. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Dayton, 1873, xxviii, 191-225. Also: i'liuic, Cincin., 1873, iv,!101: v, 1; 37.—Beale (L. S.) Lee tines on the disorders of the ner- vous system. Mecl. Kxain., Lond., 1878, iii. 524; 547: iv, 20; 36;' 93: 109.— Be^bie (J. W.) Local paralysis from nerve disease. Syst. .Sled. (Reynolds), Lond., 1868, ii, 754.— Bell (C.) Cases of affections of the nerves, with clini- cal remarks. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828-9. iii, 337-344.-----. Clinical lecture on eiisease-s of the ie-rves of the head. Ibid., 1833-4, xiii. ii97-7u2.—Benedikt. Zwei Fiille von Neurosen. Wien. nied IT esse, 1870, xi, 937. -----. Zur Kasuistik eler Nervenkrankheiten. Ibid., 1871, xii, 799-801. -----. Ueber Entziinelun^ eles Ceiitrai-Nervensysteuis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1873, xviii, 577; 585; 595.'-----. Entziiiidung eles Ceutral-Nervonsystems. Die Eiternngs- fiage. Mitth. d. Wien. mecl Doct.-Coll., 1874-5, i, 45-47. -----. Ueber einige Griiudfonuelu des neuropathologi- schen Denkens. Wien. med. BL, 1885, viii, 298-300.—Ben- nett (A. H.) Clinical lectures on nervous diseases. Brit. M J., LoncL, 18.78, ii, 759: 1879. i, 379; 419; 840: 1880, i,46; 161; 235: 188.1, i, 261.—Bennett (J. II.) Diseases of the nervous s\ stem. Syst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila., 1840, ii, 13-20.—Bernhardt (M.) I'eber eine wenigcr bekannte Neurose der Extremitateii, besonders der oberen. Cen- tralbl. f. Nervfiili., Leipz., 1880, ix, 33-45—Berlin! (C. B.) Caso di malattia nervosa. Gior. d. sc. ined., Torino, 1839. iv, 443-448— Blaekmore (E.) Observations on the nature and treatment of the more important diseases of the nervous system : with illustrative cases. Lond. M. Gaz., 184."). n. si, i, 507; 596: 031; 671; 699; 723; 760; 789; 822; 855; 917; 954.— Bouillaiid. Des maladies eles centres nerveux en general. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 321.— Boyd (R.) Diseases of the nervous system. J. Psvch. M., Lond., 1875, n. s.. i, 222: 1876. n. a." ii, 70: 1877, ii. s., iii, 93: 1878, n. s., iv, 82— Kranu (K.) Riech o razprost- vanc-nii mo/.govich i dru^ich boli, /njach nervov v sovre- mennom obshcstvie. [On the prevalence of cerebral ancl other nervous affections.] Sovrem. rued , Warszawa, 1880, xxi, 277 ; 291.—Broadbent (W. H.) Cases of disi-a.se of the nervous system, with clinical observations. Med Times Nervous system (Diseases of). & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 03-60.—Brochin. Nerveuses (Ma- ladies). Diet, encycl. d. so m6d., Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 332- 391.-----. Nevroses. Ibid., 1878, 2. s., xii, 738-759. — Bio- die (B.) Theorie des affections nerveuses locales; cles di- verses conditions dans lesquelles olios so montrent; des principes qui doivent servir de base au traitement ele ces affections. Progres m6d., Par., 1879. vii, 520; 539: 1880 viii, 512; 533; 558; 579.—Bi-ohuin. Jaliresboricbt iiber seine Privataustalt fiir Gehirn- und Xervenkranke zu Ken- dor!' bei Koblenz. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1858, i 83.—Brown (C.) Two cases of morbid affection of the nerves, success- fully treated with theflores zinei. Loud. M. Rev. l-2ul — Dana (C. L.) cfe Wilkin (W. P.) Gilles de la Toiirelte's disease. [Abstr.] N. York M. J., 1886, xliii 701. —De-Bonis (T.) Storia di particolare affe- ziouenervosa, (iior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1839, v, 286-290.— Delery (C.) Ne\ rose interniittente ac:compagn6e de crisi's I'uerie par la sulfate ele quinine. Union med. de la Louisiane, N.-Orl., 1852, i, 100-103.- Del mas (P.) Mala- dies des centres nerveux; encephale, moelle, ^ranil sympa- tllique. Bordeaux med., 1870, v, 313.------. Des nevroses, des nevralgieset des nevropat hies Ibid., 314. — Diseases of tin- nervous sysiem. Brit, efc I-'or. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1870. lviii, 376-388. — Dove (H.) Reports of cases of ner- vous disease. Lancet, LoncL, 1855, ii. 106.—Drnmmond (D.) The' essential features of diseases of the nervous sys- tem. Med. News, Lond., 1881-2, i. 3. 1 pl. ; 13. 1 pl.: 23, 1 pl.; 35, 1 ])1.. 49, 1 pl. ; 02; 82, 1 pl.; 109. 1 pl.; 133; 142-144, 1 pl., 155; 100, 1 [ST."178; 190; 202; 214; 226; 239; 250; 202; 274; 280; 298: 1882, ii, 2; 14; 26: 38; 62; 74; 86: 100; 111; 122; 139; 149; 163; 172; 208: 220: 250; 262; 279; 287; 313: 1882-3. iii, 17.- Dnbrisay (J.) Histoire d'uu elegencre. Union m6(L, Par.. 188c, 3. s., xliv, 433-435. — DiiiiioiiI. Mauuscrits d'un medecin n6- vropatlie. Rapport de M Dcneffe . . . sur im travail presinte, sous ce litre, it l'Acadeanie royale de medecine de Bcluiqiie par M. le- Dr. Dumont. Bull. Acad, ele m6d.' ele Belg.. Brux.. 1882, 3. s., xvi, 509-513. Also, Reprint.— Duplay iA.i Observations de maladies des centres ner- veux, recueillies ii lllopital ele la Pitie, dans le service de . . . Rostan. Airh. uen. de me.il., Par., 1834, 2. s.. vi, 305; 478—Echeverria ((}.) Lectures on diseases of the nervous system. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1801, ii, 299; 315: 331; '347; 363—Enyelberg. Einige Beobachtun- gen von Nervenkrankheiten. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1828, lxvi, 5. St., 3; 6. St.. 32—Erb ( W. IL) Anatomi- cal diseases of the peripheral nerves. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y., 1870, xi, 575-000. ------. Des progres rerents de la neuropatholo^ie et de leurs consequences au point ele vue de l'enseinnement medical. Proxies rued., Par., 1880, viii, 919; 941; 978. -----. Ciinical'le-ctui-n on the diseases of the nervous system. Boston M. efc S. J., 1881. cv. 265. — Erlennieycr. Riickenmarks- und Ge- hirnleiden. Deutsche- Kliuik, Berl., 1850. ii. 434; 442. -----. Beiicht iiher die Fort sch ritte im Gebiet der Ge- hirn- und Riickenmarks-Krankheiten wahrend eles Jahres 1853. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. (Iesellsch. f. Psychiat.. etc., Neuwied, 1854, i. 85-88. ------. Bericht iiber elie- wiihrend der Jahre 1850 bis 1859 in eler Privataustalt zu Bendorf bei Koblenz behandelten Gehirn- und Nerveukrankc-n. Med. Zt^., Berl., 1851, xx. 22; 33: 1852, xxi, 21 : 1853, xxii, 31: 1854. xxiii, 9: 1858. n. IT, i. 69: 1859, n. IT, ii, 34: 1860, n. F.. iii. 11.—Esebenbacb (C. E.) Neivoruin morbus. 7» his: Obs. anat.-chir.-mi-el. rariora. 12°, Rostochii, 1769, 328-347.— Esbrid-je (J. T.) Nervous and mental dis- eases as influenced by the climate of Colorado. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. N. Y.', 1887, xiv, 554-570— F.uli iiIiiii-.* (A.) Castiistische Beitrage zu den Neurosen dor nbc-re-n Extremitiiten. Verhandl. d. Berl. nied. Oesc-llsch.. 1872. iv, 1. Th., 228-234. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 26. ------. Vasomotoiisch-trophisehe Neurosen. Handb. d. spec. Path. u. Therap (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1875, xii, 2. Hlft., 1-175. Also, transl.: (.'vel. Pract. M. (Ziemssen). N. Y., 1877, xiv, 1-179. —FViin (E. L.) On abdominal neiir.eses. Med. Times efc Gaz., LoncL, 1860, ii, 725-727.— Fcn-and & ITeonarfl. Nevrose vaso-motrice. Ence- phale, Par.. 1885. v, 520-557. — Finlayson (J.) Notes on cases of nei vous disease. Glasgow M. J., 1877, [4. s.], ix, 445-451. — Forjjel (IT) Recherches cliniques sur les n6- vrosrs.' Gaz. ined. ele- Par., 1847, 3. s.. ii, 918; 942; 978. Also.- Ann. de meicl. beige, Brux.. 1847. iv, 190: 1848, i, 14. — Fornasini (L.) Saggio di una teoiica delle affe- zioni nervose, tratta dall' opera imilila: • L' ipocondria studiata al hune della tilosotia medica". Ann. univ. di med., Milauo. 1850, elviji. 225.— I otlu i^ill (J. M.) The neurotic. Mecl. Press & Circ., Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 235.— von Franeque (A.) Zusainiuenstelluug der iu dem Jahre 1858 in eler Polikliuik zu Miinchen beobaehleten Geliirn- und Ne-rvenkrankheilen. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat, etc., Neuwied. 1859, vi, 161-104. ------. Zur Casuistik der Krankheiten cles Nervensystems. Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied, 1862, v, 105-147— Friedreich (J. B.) Die neusteu Erfahruu- gen und Ansichten iiber die Localkiaiikheiteu und die Wicdererzeuguiin der Nerven, mit, Beriicksichtigung der Literatnr. Si hmiilt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1835, v, 89-95 — Oarcia Diaz (J.) La polineurosis y la emigracion iu- versa. Rev. de uied. y ciriur. pr&ct.. 'Madrid, 1880, xix, 505-513.—4-.a so n (.1.1 it Kiil-ji il'.j .Case of fever of the nervous system. Med. Circ, Lond.. 1801. xix. 71; 189.— ftastou (J. McF.) Explanation of the pathology and llierapc-utics of the diseases of the nerve centres, especially epilepsy. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta. 1884. 213-240. Also. Reprint.—Oaultiei- ile flaubry. Observations de medecine' pratique, relatives a des maladies du systeme llerveux cerebro-spinal. Arch, ejeii. ele mod.. Par.. 1827, xiv, 53-60. — efjeerds. Beit nine zur NTuieipatliolo-ie. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1801. xiii. 312.—fiemijjiiaiii < L.i Prolegomeui sulle neurosi. Mem. el. Soc. med. chir. di Bo Xervous system (Diseases of). logna, 1844,2 s., iii. 439-508.—<» I nziii«Ui iW. i Sprawoz- dauiezklinikilekarskiej Prof. 1 >ra Km r/\ nski, -.,: 1874-5; 1878-9. Chorby ukladu nerwwi';n | Keport of Prof. Kor- czyiiski's clinic for nervous diseases.] Przegl. lek., Kra- kow.. 1880, xix, 651; 665. — efJonzee. Oiulques faits cli- niques relatifs a des maladiesde l'appareii encephalo-rachi- (lien. Arch, beiges ele med. mil, Brux.. 1859. xxiii, 5-20.— Gowcrs (W.R.) Notes on diseases of the nervous system. Lancet, Lond., 1880. i. 145. Also, transl.: Meel. contemp.. Na- poli, 1886, iii. 24-28.—<» rancher (J.) Maladiesdu systeme nerveux. Gaz. meel. de Par., I8sl 6. s.. iii, 449; 467; 478; 491.—«fi rant ha m iJ.i On paralytic and painful nervous affections. Lond. M. I Iaz.. 1837, xx, 70-72.—Grocco (P.) Note cliniche ed anatomii lie intorno ad affezioni del sistema nervoso. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1884. cclxvii, 215: eclxix. 238.—Ciuei-in (de Aletmers). Des irritations enceplialiqiies raehielienues et nerveuses sous le rapport de let biologic et de la therapeutique. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1828, xxx, 319: 1829. xxxiii, 222. ------. Observations sur des affections nerveuses a type continu. J. gen. de med., chir. et phaini.. Par., 1829, c\ ii, 207-228.— Kmnplowicz (M.I \- Klol aIh-i;* (E.) Aus eler allge- meiuen Polikliuik in Wien. Abtheilung fiir Nervenkranke und Elc-ktrotherapie-: Jahn-sbericht fiir 1873. Wien. meel. Presse. 1874. xv, 296: 434.—Giriazdoniomki (J.) Sprawozelanie roczne z 'Domu Zdrowia ", zakladu lecz- niczego prywatin-go. [Report of the Health Asylum, a private institution.J Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1885, xxiv, 9; 23; 39— Hall (M.) Course of lectures on the diagno- sis, pathologv and treatment of diseases of the nervous svstein. Med. Times, Loud.. 1842-3, vii, 179; 200; 212; 228; 243; 259; 275; 294: 308: 325; 358; 399. ------. On the neck as a medical region, and on paroxysmal paralysis. Lancet, LoncL, 1849, i. 174: 285: 394; 500; 687: ii, 66. Also, Re- print.—Hainbiii-sin. Discussion du rapport de la com- mission charger elTipprecier les memoires envoyes au con- cours ouvert sur la pathogenie et la therapeutique des maladies des centres nerveux et principaleme>nt de 1 epilep- sie. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg.. Brux.. 1885. 3. »., xix. 001-048. — Hi iiller (('. J.) Ne-rvenkranUheiten als Morbi nervosi oder ne-rvoso Neurosen. Ztschr. ci. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1844, ii, 175-185. ------. Ner- venkrankheiten als Neurosen. Wchnschr. f. ct. ges. Heilk., Ber]., 1845. xiii. 237-242. — llelflt. Zur Pathologie uud Diagnose eler Nervenkrankheiten. Ibid., 1850, xviii, 721- 733. —Hibberd (J. F.) The nerves. Am. Pract., Louis- ville, 1878, xviii. 329-345.—Hirt. Leber das Hospiz '-la Salpetriere "in Paris und die Charcot'sche Klinik fiir Ner- ven krankheiten. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1883, Bresl.. 1884, lxi, 27-34— lloiniiii (T.) Mole- stias do systema nervoso ; licoesde clinica medica feitas na Faculdaeledenieelicina do Rio ele.Janeiro. Progresso med., Rio de Jan., 1870-7, i. 225; 253; 281; 309; 337: 365; 393; 421; 452; 477; 505: 541; 561: 589; 617; 647: 1877, ii, 5; 169; 197; 225. — Hn-ihes ( C. H.) The hygiene of the nervous system and mind ; the relation of the nervous system to cholera and its prophylaxis and neurotberapy; the cure and prevention of dy.-pepsia as a nervous disease; the neuropathic diathesis: its quarantine and treatment. Alienist .fc Neurol.. St. Louis. 1885. vi, 44-64.— Hunt (E. M.) .fc Wieltes (S.) ■■ Can nervous diseases be considered less mechanical or chemical than other organic complaints, when the chemistry of life is better understood I " Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, ls02, 34-38. —lets over nerveuse familieu. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1883. xxxvii, nos. 30; 31; 32; 33.—.la cii so n (J. H.) On the study of diseases of the nervous system. Clin. Lect. efc Rep. Loud. Hosp., 1864, i, 146-158.'------. Illustrations of diseases of the nervous system. Ibid., 337-387. ------. Cases of diseases of the nervous system. Ibid., 1867-8, iv. 314-394. ------. Gulstonian lectures on certain points in the study and classification of diseases of the nervous system. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 184; 210; 236. Also: Lancet, LoncL, 1869, i, 307; 344; 379. ------. Notes on cases of disease of the nervous system. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1871, ii, 611. ------. Clinical memorandaof a series of interesting casi sof nerve-disorder now iu (Loudon) hospital. Ibid.. 1875. i. 773. ------. Clinical observations on cases of disease of the ner- vous system. Lancet, Loud.. 1875. i. 85.—JaUst-b. Ueber periplien- Nervenkraukiieiti n. Aintl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte ls02. Karlsbad.1863, xxxvii, 304- 314. Also, Reprint.—Jamieson (Li Nervous diseases in Victoria. Brain. Loud., 1880-81, iii. 337-346.—Janeway (E. G.) Some interesting cases of nervous elisea-e. Am. Psych. J., NT Y.. 187.5-6, iii. 51-61.—Jones i.C. H.) Cases of nerve-disorder. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1859. 308 ; 331. ------. Cases of motor nerve- disorder, with clinical remarks. Meel. Press efc Circ. Loud.. 1872, xiv, 317; 341—Jones (J.) Introduction to the study of diseases of the nervous system. In his. Med. .fc Surg. Mem. 1855-76, 8°, N. Oil., 1876, i, 1-1.37.—Jones (T.) Some recent progress in dis- eases of the nervous system. Tr. Minn. M. Soc. St. Paul, 1883. xv, 161-174. Also: Alienist efc Neurol., St. Louis, 1884, v, 1-11. Also, Reprint.—Joseph (G.) [Nei venaf- fectionen. wie Paralvseu, Dysuric) Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Brest, 1857. viii, 105. — Jburdain (C.) Observations pratiques sur les maladies nerveuses. Ann. de ni6d. 4!) NERVOUS. 770 XKRVOUS. marques snr rnanx domesti 119. — Leger, coucomitante Aervou* system (Diseases of). beige, Brux., 1838, ii, 93-98.—Kaulich (J.) Bericht der medieinischen Klinik des Herrn Prof. Jaksch aus deu Sehuljahren 1857-8 und 1858-9. Vrtljsihr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. 1800, lxvi. Ill - 132. — lilose (C. W.) efc Paul (J.) Krankheiten des (iehirns. Riickenmarks und seiner Haute*, sowie im iibrigen Nervensystem. Ztschr. f. klin. Meel.. Bresl., 1851, ii. 343-347.-Kohts (0.) Me- mutatis und Myelitis. Handb. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1879, v, 1. Abth, 375-411.—Kranse (W.) Zur Pathologic eler motorischen Endplatten. Deutsches Arch. f. kliu. Med., Leipz., 1883, xxxiii,435-437.—Knessner (B.) Neuropathologische Beobachtungeu a us deriucdicini.se hen Polikliuik in Halle a. S. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1877-8, viii, 443-453. Also, Reprint.—Iviitt linger (A.) Beob- achtung und Bemerkungen iiber Afi'ectiouen cles Cere- brospinal Systems. Med. Cor-111. bayer. Aerzte. Erlang., 1850,xi.203'; 2u9. — l.abadic>l.agrnve(F.) Nerl's. (Pa- thologic medicale ) N. diet, de mecl. et chir. prat., Par., 1877. xxiii, 098-750. — Eabonnardiere. Observations sur quelques maladies du cerveau et du systeme nerveux. J. gen. ele m6d., chir. etpharm.. Par., 1814, 1, 261; .337.— I.andois (L.) Ueber die Erregung tvpiscber Krampfan- falle nach Behandlung des centralen Nervensystemes mit chemischen Substanzen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der U ramie. Wien. meel. Presse, 1887. xxviii,233; 270, 303.— Landry (O.) Recherches sur les causes et les indications curatives des maladies nerveuses. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 157 ; 188 ; 282 : 314 ; 355 : 441 ; 510 ; 518 ; 525 ; 539; 561; 630; 638; 645: 052: 062: 07li: 841; 889; 905: 929; 955. Also, Repriut. —ITaiige (('.) Vasomotoriske og trofiske Neuroser. Hosp.-Ti.l., Kjobenh.. 1882. 2. 11., ix. 825; 845: 905; 925; 941; 961. — l.nngveld (A. P.) Hy peihemie ehronique (lu cerveau et de la moelle epiniere. Progres med.. Par., 1887, 2. s., vi. 21. — Ii archer (O.) Memoire sur les affections du systeme nerveux chez les oiseaux. .1. de l'anat. et phvsiol.. etc., Par., 1877, xiii, 433-450.—Lawson (L. M.) Lectures on diseases of the brain and nervous system. West. Lancet. Cincin., 1855, xvi, 65-78.— l.aycocli (T.) Lectures on the clinical ob- servation of diseases of the brain and nervous system. Med. Times efc (Iaz.. Lond.. 1871, i, 31; 91; 151.—I.i-lx it (H.) Krankheiten eler Innervationsorgane. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1855, vii. 289.- Leblauc. Quelques re- maladies du systfeme nerveux eles ani- i]ucs. J. d. coun. med.-chir.. Par., 1843, xi, Lesion cerebrale avec- myelite transverse Gaz. m6d de Picardie, Amiens, 1887, v, 36. — I.eiidrick (C.) Observations on diseases of the nervous system. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1836, x. 83-93.— Lentz. Lecture sur le nervosisnic Bull. Soc. de me*d. ment. ele Belg., Gaud et Lei])/,.. 1887. uo. 45, 48-57. — ITe- rcboullct (L.) Nerfs (pathologic- meidicale). Diet, en- cycl. de sc. med., Par., 1877. 2. s . xii, 223-211.—yon f.ie- bermeistcr (C.) Lektsii pochastnoi patologii i terapii. T. II. Boliezni nervnoi sistemy. Perevod s Nemetskago M. v. Hirschfelda. [Lectures on special pathology and therapy. T. II. Diseases of the nervous system. Trans- lated fioiu the German by M. v. IlirschfelcL] Ejem. j'uir prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1887, iii, 1-484. — liiegey (N.-F.) Memoire sur la constitution medicale d'une con- tree eles depaiteineuts de la Meurthe et des Yosges et sur les n6vroses tebriles. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol.. Brux., 1852. xv, 185; 281: 1853, xvi. 11: 122; 217; 417: 533: xvii, 3; 101 ; 293 : 414 ; 510 : 1854. xviii, 121 : 414 ; 508] Ah-'i. Reprint. — Lincoln (D. F.) Boston Dispensary t'or Diseasesof the Nervous System ; report of 211 cases. Boston M. .fc S. J., 1873, lxxxix, 11-17. Also, Repriut.— ■ .ion (M. E.) Kratkii ocherk russkoi nevrolog. litera- turi za 1785 g. [Russian neurological literature for 1885.] Med. Obozr.'Mosk., 1886, xxv, 605-620.— I.ongchaiiip. Affection des centres nerveux. Bull. Seic. de meet dela Sarthe 1851, LeMaus, 1852, 48-50.—ILnys (J.) Considera- tions geuCrales sur Li structure et les maladies du systeme. nerveux. Union med., Par., 1886, 3. *i., xiii, 109; 121 ; 133.— Madden ( W. H. ) Illustrations of diseases of the ner- vous system. Lond. J. M., 1850, ii, 516-521— Tlahe (J.) Observations touchant les maladies du systeme nerveux. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1871, xv, 47-93.— tlaragliano (D.i Relazione sui lavori nevrologici del nono congresso medico di Genova. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Mi- lano, 1880, xvii, 473-492. — tliinii.'linuo (E.) Rapporto intorno alle osservazioni cliuiche- sopra alcune lesioni dei centri nervosi. [5 cases, j Gior. cl. r. Accad. di meel. di Torino. 1870, 3. &., ix, 908: 929.— Vlarchal. Remar- ques et observations sur des affections nevropal tuques. Rec. de mem. de nied. . . . mil., Par., 1852, 2. s.. ix, 188- 307.—.Tlai-i-hioli (G.) La dottrina e la classificazione delle malattie nervose. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1872, 6. s., v, 286-288—itlein hard. Drei Fiille von Motilitat-Neurosen. Med. Ztg. Kusslauds, St. Petersb, 1846, iii, 353-356.— Tleyer-Ahreiis. Ueber einige Ner- ven- und Gi'isteskrankheiten im hohen Norden. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Meel.. Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziirich, 1856, xii, 330-345.—.Tli eh nel is. Ueber locale Nerven-Affectionen. J. d. Chir. ii. Augenh.. Berl., 1838, xxvii. 2(,7-292.—Vliles (F. T.l Diseasesof the peripheral nerves Svst. Pract. M. (Peppei-, Phila., 1886, v, 1177-1210 — iTlilllkin (D.) \ervoiis system (Diseases of). A bad familv. Cincin. Lancet efc Clinic. 1881, n. s„ vii 437-443.—.Tlills (C. K.) The- clinical appliances for the investigation and treatment of diseases of the nervous sys- tem. Med. ,fc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878. xxxviii, 221- 224.— Tlinol (IT) Diseases of the membranes of the braiu and spinal cord. Svst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1880, v, 703-722. — .Hobins (P. J.) Beitriige zur Lehre vou deu Nervenkrankheiten. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1880. clxxxv, 185: clxxxvii, 284: 1881, exc, 205; 1882^ exevi. 185: 1884, cciii, 273. -----. Ueber die primiiren chronischen Erkrankungen des willkiirlichen Bewegungs- apparates. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1882. v, 1-1L— Vlondiere (J.-T.) Analyse du traite eles maladies et des blessures des nerfs. ele Joseph Swan ; reflexions et ob- servations sur ces maladies. Arch. gen. ele- nnd., Par., 1837, 2. s.. xv, 292-313.— Honey (A.) Some thoughts on nervous disease, and some observations on a not generally recognised form of '■ gouty" paralysis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 937. —.Tlontauit (H.) Cas remarquable de phy- siologic pathologii|ue du systeme nerveux, observ6 chez l'homme. A. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1833. 2. s., x. 500-528.—Tlorelli (C.) & *la<< hini (C.) Intorno ai casi eli mali del cervello. e della spina osservati nel terzo turno medico dell' arcispoelale di S. M. Nuova. Sperimentale', Firenze. 1873. xxxii. 119; 207; 544.—-Horse (D. A.) A review of the literature of nervous disorders and insanity, for the year 1878. Cincin. Lancet efc Clinic, 1879, n. s., ii, 438. Also, Reprint. — IV ami as (G.) In torno alle malattie del sistema nervoso. (Iior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia. 1874. 3. s . xx. 183; 370; 477: 3. 8., xxi, 41: 174: 369.—IVasse. Beitriige-zur Pathologie und Therapie verschiedener Krankheiten. aus den neneren physiologischen Erfahrungsuntersiicliungi n iiber die Be- ziehungen des Neivensvsteins. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl.. 1818, ii. 1-66.—>icaise. Maladies chirnrgicales des nerfs. Encycl. internat. de- chir. i Ashhurst I, Par., 1884. iii, 681-779.—Xoiszewski (K.) Barwikowica (re- tiuitis pigmentosa) i choroby pamieci. woli i mowy. [Re- tinitis pigmentosa and diseases affecting memory, free will, and language.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1887, lxxxiii, 169-201, 1 pl.—Ogle (J. W.) Cases of affections of the nervous system, of organic and inorganic origin; with clinical and pathological observations. Med. Times cfe Gaz., Loud , 1853, n. s., vii. 107; 163.------. Sciies of clin- ical cases (with observations) illustrating the views re- cently put forward by Dr.- Brown-Sequard as regards cer- tain points connected with the physiology of the nervous system. Brit, .fe For. M.-Chir. Rev'., Lond'., 1859. xxiv, 500- 514. ------. Cases of epilepsv, convulsions, giddiness, etc. Med. Times .fe Gaz.. Lond.'. 1803. ii. 112; 218: 323: 5ns; 639.—Ollivier & Kaige-Delorme. Nerl's nnaladiis eles). Diet, do me'el.. 2. ed., Par., 1839, xx, 431-458. — Op- polzer. Vortrage iiber Krankheiten der peripliereu Nerven. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1860, v, 352: 377; 395; 411: 419; 427: 1861, vi. 34; 41; 50: 66; 73; 82; 106: 1802, vii, 193; 198; 210; 227; 257; 272; 289; 303; 338; 353; 362; 371. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. meel Wchnschr., 1860, 688; 705; 719; 751; 783; 827. ------. Ueber Krankheiten der peripheren Nerven. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1862, 273; 289; 297: 313; 321; 345; 361; 369; 425; 433; 441; 463: 471.— Onl (W. M.) Notes on cases of nervous disorder. St. Thomas's Hosp. R. p. 1870, Loud., 1877, n. s., vii, 31-47. 2 ch.—Ormerod (J. A. I Illustrations of peripheral nerve disease. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1886, xxii, 169- 185.—Ovcrci-viiig (Dc) vanzenuw- eu zielsziekten. [In- heritance of nervous diseases and insanilv] (leneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1887, xl, no. 22; 23; 24. — Palma (G.) Malattie nervoso curate nello stabilimento del Pio Mont' della Misericordia, in C.isamicciola tV Ischia. Morg;n:ni. Napoli, 1880, xxii, 281-296—Panara (P.) Osservazioni su duo casi di malattia dc' cenfri nervosi occoi si nel ln ri parto di medieina dell' Ospedale eli Roma. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, etc., Roma. 1886, xxxiv. 709-779.— Paroua (F.) Annotazioni chirurgiche; niaiattie dei nervi. Aun. univ. di med. e chir., Milauo, 1877, ccxli, 420-428. —Pau- chon (A.) Quelipies cas intercssants dc maladies du systeme nerveux. Marseille med.. 1874, xi, 257-263.— Fcnua (J.) Juicio critico dela obracscrita por el doc- tor J. M. Ramos Me.jia titulada: "Las neurosis de los hombres cejlebrcs eu la histoiio, Argentina". An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1882-3, vi. 101-139—Perriii (T ) Snr le testament medical ou histoire complete dune affection eles centres nerveux du Dr. Duinont (de Mou- teux). Aun. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1864. 2. s.. xii. 59-08 — Peter. Des nevroses sans lesion et eles ueviei>es avec lesion mati-riello. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1887. Ix. 1189 — Peterson (C. A.) Some of the results of recent studies in neurology. St. Louis Cour. Meel.. 1881, vi, 200-210.— von Pf'inigcii ( R. IT ) Casuistik von Erkrankungen des Xeiveiisvste-ins. Wien med. Bl.. 1885. viii, 1093; 1121; 1153: 1212. —Physiology (On thei and disease-sot' the uervous svsteiu. Brit, .fc Lor. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1850, ix, 1-50.— Piek (A.) Zur Lehre von der neuro- pathiscben Disposition. Berl. klin Wchnschr.. 1879. xvi, 135-138—Pontoppidnn ( K. ) Neurasthenieu : Bidiag til Skilclringen af vor Tills Nerv0sitot. Bihlioth. f. L*gi-r, Kjebenh., 1880. xvi, 315-345. Also, Reprint.—Poore (G. XItL'VOUiS. 771 XEKYOUS. JVervoii* system (Diseases of). V ) The " Bradshawe- " lecture ou nervous affections of tho hand. Lancet, Loud., 1881, ii. 405; 493. — Prak- list-he Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Nervenkrauk- liciten. Mitth. a. cl. Geb. d. Meet, etc., Altona, 1840-41, viii, Hft. 5-6, 40-69. — Pnceiiiotti ( F.) Consulto per Giu'stino Marisi sopia una malattia nervosa. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1839, v, 275-280. -----. Leejons sur les n6- vroses. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1845. v, 367: vi, 53. Also: Ann. de meel. hedge, Brux., 1845, ii, 324: iii, 45. — Pneci- notti (F.) efc Uirolami (G.) Brevi cenni intorno alle lezioni sulle malattie- nervose. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bolo- gua, 1838. 2. s., v, 141-107. — Purcfov ( TT ) Cerebro- spinal irritation. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1852, xiv, 232-235.— Putnam (J. J.) Yaso-motor and trophic neuroses. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. \T, 1881 (Suppl), 601-652.— ■tailelide (0. B.) Croonian lectures on mind, brain, and spinal cord, in certain morbid conditions. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 401; 471; 510. ------. Medical annotations concerning epilepsy, paralysis, and other disorders of the nervous system. Practitioner, Loud., 1882, xxviii, 114; 173: 1883, xxx, 89.—Kendieonlo dell' ospedale generale in Vienna per ciO che riguatila le malattie nervose nel 1854. Gazz. meel. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 291-297.— von Kciik (VV. T.) Lose Bliilier aus meiuer Uuterriehts- Mappe. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1886, ix, 609-620.— Reynolds (J. R.) Lecture on the classification of dis- eases of the* nervous system. Lancet, Loud., 1873, ii, 405- 409.—Ribalkin (J. V.) Dva slujaja tselebuago vlijanija ostrich zarazuich boleznei na dvigatoluie neurozi. [Two cases in which acute inflammation was salutary in the cure of neuroses (case of tetanus and case of St. Vitus' dance).] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, v, 809-871.—Kieger. Fuuktionelle und orgauische Nervenkrankheiten: ihre fiir den Praktiker wichtige Diagnose. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1885, ii, 789; 801; 809; 837— Kin Ml (W.) Zur Casuistik der Nervenkrankheiten. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1860, xxix, 593 ; 601; 609.—Rockwell (A. D.) Remarks concerning diseases of the central nervous sys- tem. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1874, ix, 321-327—Rosen- blatt (E.) Choroby ukladu nerwowogo spostrzegane w szpitalu sw. Ludwika od r. 1879 do 1882. [Diseases of the nervous system.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1886, xxv, 341; 373; 388; 403; 415; 423; 047.—Rosenthal (M.) Precis de diagnostic et ele- therapeutique des maladies nerveuses. (En russe.) In-8. Kazan. Gaz. med. de Par., 1872, 4. s., i, 379. ------. Ueber elen Einfluss von Nervenkrankheiten auf Zeugung und Sterilitiit, Wien. Klinik, 1880, vi, 135- 166.—Rostan. Lecons sur les maladies des centres ner- veux; lesions de la sensibilite et de l'inteUigenee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 402.—Rothe (A.) Sprawozdanie ix-te (i x-te) z czynnosci lekarskiej w Warszawskich zak- ladach dla oblakanyck za rok 1875 (i 1876). [Ninth and tenth reports of the Medical Clinic for Diseases of the Ner- vous System. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1877, xxiii, 97; 122.— Sachs ( L. WT) Aeiztliches Gutaehfeu iiber die anzuwen- denele Behandlung eles Kranken, eler zu einer ciffentlichen Berathung iiber ihn im November-Heft 1827 dieses Journals anfgefordert hat; nebst eingestreuten Bemerkungen iiber Nervenkrankheiten. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1828, lxvii, 1. St.. 7-42.—Savage ( G. H. ) Alternation of neuroses. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1886-7, xxxii, 485-491. — Seheiber (S. H.) Idegkortani kozlemeuy apopleptikus rohamok utdn eszlelhetd neniely ritk&bb tiinem6nyekrol egy igen compli- calt es tobb inAs idegkeirtani eset kapesan. [On neuroses complicated with apoplectic affections of rare occurrence.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1885, xxix, 1185; 1213; 1252; 1274.— Sell re ihe r (J.) Ueber transitorische Encephalopathien und Mvelopathien. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Danzig. 1880, liii, 235-239. - Seiamanna (E.) II movimento degli sludj anatomici e fisiologici in rapporto cou la neuropatologia. Gazz. ined. di Roma. 1882, viii, 121; 133. — So tuple ( R. II. ) On disease of the nerves of the face. Laucet, Lond., 1841-2, ii, 849-852. ------. Clini- cal illustrations of diseases of the nervous system, and of other affections simulating them during life. Lond. J. M., 1850, ii, 448; 811.—Serres. Observations sur les maladies du systeme nerveux. J. de physiol. exper.. Par., 1825, v, 233-205.—Shershevski (M, M.) Terniicheskie neurozi. [Terminology of neuroses.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv, 531; 548; 566; 579; 615; 662; 695. — Silvano ( B.) Casi di malattie nervose osservati e descritti dal Dr. . . . e ras- segnati al Prof. S. Berruti. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1844, xxi, 144-156. — Silvano ( G. ) Lettera medica sulle malattie nervose. Ibid., 1845, xxiv, 249-263.— Simon (J.) Maladies du systeme nerveux. Progi^s nied., Par., 1883, xi, 949-951. - Sinolcr ( M.) Ueber Ge- hirn- und Nervenkrankheiten. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 186.3, x, 200; 263. —----. Klinischo Kasuistik mit besonderer Beriieksieh- tiguuir der Gehirn- und Nervenkrankheiten. Memorabi- lien, Heilbr., 1866, xi/145-150.—Spiess (G. A.) Krauk- lnftc NLuungen in der lhitigkeit les N: rvcns\ st: ins (Nervenkrankheiten). Handworterb. d. PhysioL, Brn- schwg., 1850, iii, 2. Abth., 153-233.—Spitzka (JT) Ame mia and hyperaeuiia of the brain and spinal cord. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila, 1886, v, 763-824. — Starr '(M. A.) Vaso-niotor and trophic neurosis. Ibid., 1241-1270.— \Tervoiis system (Diseases of). Striimpell. Om orsakrrna till nerv.svstemets sjukdo- mar. Ref. af 0. V. Pen rssem. Upsala'Lakaref. Forli., 1884-5, xx, 306-322.— Stickling (C. W.> Notes on ner- vous diseases. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1885. xviii, 255-271.— Takaes (E.) Az 1*74-5 tanevben a korodan kezelt ideg- betegek kdrleirasa. [Description of chronic nervous dis- eases in the clinic of 1874-5.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1878, xxii, 1; 21 ; 45; 66; 125; 145; 166; 205; 269; 339; 363:416; 444 : 464; 486. Also, transl..- Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1878, xiv, 213; 237: 279: 344; 436; 561: 588: 652: 008; 081 : 097 : 709 ; 727 ; 742 : 757 ; 774 ; 785 ; 8in;; 823 ; 843 ; 858.— Teed (J. L.) Ceneral observations preliminary to the stmly of nervous disease. Art. i-iii. Psych. & Med.-Leg. J.. NT T., 1874, n. a., i, 137; 290: 1875, n. s., ii, 50— Thorn- sen (R.) Statistische Mittheilungen iiber die Krankeu- aufnahme auf der mannlichen Irren-, Krampf- und Deli- rantenabtheilung wahrend der Jahre 1874-86 mit speciel- ler Beriicksichtigung des Delirium potatorum uud eler progressiven Paralyse. Charite-Aun. 1885-6, Berl., 1887, xii, 396-404. — Tieier. Des nevroses en general. J. de meel., chir. et pharm. eh- Toulouse, 1855, u. s., vii, 14; 47.— Timermans (G.) Delle malaftic del sistema uerveo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Toriuo. 1868, 3. s., vi, 636: 709: 1869, 3. s., vii, 135. —Todd (R. R.j Clinical lectures on cases of diseases of the nervous system. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 425; 462; 489; 541; 569.—Tommasi (S.) Al- cune lezioni cliuiche sulle malattie del sistema nervoso. Morgagni, Napoli, 1869, xi, 27; 81 ; 100 ; 321 ; 857 : 1870, xii, l. ------. Una lezione di casistica sulle malattie elci centri nervosi. Ibid., 1877, xix. 443-448. — Torp. Fra Doktor Torp's Sygehjem for Nervesvaekkedepaa Lilleham- mer. Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk., Christiania, 18nt>. 4. R., i, 658-600. —I'Hersperg«*r. Beitrage zur Casuistik der Nervenkrankheiten. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. (Iesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied. 1807. xiv, 161; 203.—iLlrbiu (F.-P.) Considerations sur les maladies nerveuses. Ex- perience, Par., 1842, ix, 259-262.—Uspenski (P. T.) O nevrozach. [On neuropathy] Vrach. Vaidoin., St. Petersb., 1881, vi, 2003; 2020; 2034; 2050.— Vizioli. Le malattie nervose sono oggidi pin frequcnti .' Morgagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 897-912.—Voisin (A.) Conferences \'li- niepies snr les maladies mentales et les affections ner- veuses (1868). Union mi'-d., Par., 1868, 3. s., vi, 87; 180; 382; 490._Votteni (■''•). Poneelet (D. D.) &. Raikem (A.) Notice snr la maladie (inflammation) de la moelle epiniere, des meninges, du cerveau et du poumon droit, a laquelle a snccomh6 V. Fohmann [1837]. Gaz. meel. de Par., 1873, 2. s., v, 059-003. Also. Reprint.—Webber (S. G.) Dis- eases of the peripheral cerebro-spinal nerves. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y.. 1881 (Suppl.), 509-533.—IVestphal (C. ) Beobachtungeu und Untersuchungen iiber die Krankheiten des centralen Nervensystems. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1873, iv, 335-369, 2 pl.—White (E. H.) On the principal diseases of the nervous system. Mary- land & Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1860, xiv. 188; 354. — Wil- heim (J.) Ueber einige Fiille von Cnordiiiations-Nouro- sen bei Kiinstlern. Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1870, xxi, 139; 171.—Wilks (S.) Lectures on diseases of the nervous system. Meel. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1808, i, 1: 29; 57; 113; 169; 225; 281; 335; 387; 439; 493; 545; 599; 627:679: ii, 29; 115; 231; 327; 411; 467; 524; 577; 633; 689: 1809, i, 1; 58; 83 ; 135; 267 ; 323; 377. -----. Remarks on diseases of the nervous system. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, 3. s., xviii, 123-157.—Wising (P. J.) Om nervpatologiens utveckling under ch- sista tvanne artiondena. Foredrag vid tilltradandet af P. H. Malmstens professor i nervsjuk- domar vid Karol. Inst, den 20 Maj 1887. [On develop- ment of pathology of the nerves during the last two de- cennials. Address delivered upon the accession of Malm- steu to the professorship of nervous diseases.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1887, xlix, 415-435.—Wittmann (L.) A koz- ponti es kornyi idegrendszer bantalmai. [Lesions of the nervous centres.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1870, xx, 825; 845.— Wolff. Eiuige Zusatze zu meiuer popularen Ab- handlung iiber die Nervenkrankheiten, fiir meine Herrn Mitarzte. J. d. pract. Arznk. n. Wundarznk., Berl., 1806, xxiv, 2. St., 72-109.—'Wood (H. C.) Hemi-anesthesia due to lesion of the crus cerebri; epilepsy with running at- tacks ; hystero-epilepsy with running attacks: paralysis agitans. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1885, xi, 153-150—X. Breve cenno di una particulate neuropatia. Imparziale, Firenze, 1880, xx, 227-232.—Yonng (J.) Report of cases of nervous affections. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1839, xxv, 61-67. jVervous system (Diseases of, Anomalous or unusual). See, also, Agoraphobia; Athetosis; Claustro- phobia; Convulsions (Cases of), etc. : Katato- nia; Miryachit; Mysophobia; Narcolepsy; Nervous system (Refer action of); Oikophobia ; Paramyoclonus multiplex; Pyrophobia; Taran- tism; Tarassis ; Thomsen's disease; Trance. Billlt (L.) Coutributious a l'etuile eles n6- \ roses cxtraordinaires. e"'-. Paris, 1 -74. NEiivors. 772 NEUVOUS. \crvou* system (Diseases of Atwmalons or unusual). Hakxier (A. L. G.) * Diss, sistens observa- tiones quatuor morborum systeinatis nervei ra- rissimoruni. 4J. Marburgi, 1844. Kicotti (M.) Storia d' una rara malattia ner- vosa con varie annotazioni. 8°. Pavia, 1818. Saxdex (J. H.) * Diss, sistens affectum spas- moilieo-bypoclioudriacuiu inveteratum. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [17:14]. Abbot (S. L.) Two cases of death following anoma- lous nervous symptoms. Iioston M. i S. J., 1865-6, Ixxiii, 89-94. Also: Kxtr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve. (1862-6), 1867, v (app.). 205-211. — Anomalous nervous affec- tion. West. M. Gaz., Ciucin., 1832-3, i, 41. — Arnold (A. B.) Obscure affections of the nervous system. Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1880, vi, 217-224 —Asbury (J. V ) Case of peculiar nervous excitement. Lond. M. efc Phys. J., 1820. lv, 10.—Italisti (A.) Stoiia el' una siugolare atl'e- zione nervosa. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1821, xviii, 200-285. — Bar bee (W. J ) Lesion of the nerves of motion distributed to the muscles of the neck, and of the external respiratory muscles. Maryland M. ,V S. J.. Bait., 1840, i, 280. — It ell (C. W .) Some account of an epidemic which prevailed at Teheran, in tlie monthsof January and Febru- ary, 1842. Meel.-( 'hir. Tr., Loud., 1843, xxvi. 223-237. Also. Reprint. — Bennett (R.) Peculiar nervous affection of the- forefinger. Lancet, Loud., 1841-2, i. 240-248— Berard (A.) jeune. Alterations diverses de linni i vation ; anoma- lie de la menstruation; vouiisseiiiens clnoniipies. Clin. d. hop.. Par.. 1827, i, no. 16, 2. — Berardueei (C.) Caso singulare eli nervosisino. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1865, ii, 105-111.—Berti (A.) Sulla malattia del Krishaber. Gior. vene-to di sc. med., Venezia. 1875. xxiii, 3. s., 425; 665: 1870. xxiv. 1 ; 1 «4 : 307: 530. 4 pl.: xxv, 165; 307. Also, Reprint. — ISerliui (1!.) Storia eli siugolare malattia del sistema nervoso. Gior. ... d. Soc. med.- chir. di Torino, 1842, xiv, 385-308.— Bertiui (O.) Di un caso siugolarissimo di nevrosi in donna gravida. Impar- ziale, Firenze. 1871. xi. 74-80—Bird ((r.) Au anomalous case- of spinal affection. Lond. J. M., 1849, i, 55-60.— Bonrdmiiti ((TIL) A case of obscme nervous disease Northwest. M. efc S. J.. St. Paul, Minn., 1873-4, iv, 125- I 130— Boyardus (J.) A case of anomalous spasm sue- I cessf'ully treated by the Scutellaria lateriflora. Meel. Re- posit., N. Y., 1821, n. s., vi, 85-87.— Boiuiiinl. Observa- tion sur une maladie siugulicre. J . de mcil.. chir.. pharm., etc., Tar., 1778, 1, 60-64.—Borlee (J.-J.) Histoire d'une ne-vrose extraordinaire- et coniplii|ueo. Ann. Soc de med. eh- (laud, 1845, xv, 107-190.— Kririnlaiii (IT) Caso di flessioue e di adcluzione spasmodic.! di tutto il corpo durate all' incirca otto anni, seguito da morte; risultato della sezione, con pochi cenni su ci6 che fu osservato dopo morte in due casi di opistotono, in conferma dell' opinione dell' antagonismo nervoso del Bellingeri. Bull. el. sc. nied. di Bologna, 1834, x, 137-142. — Bright (J. WT) A remark- able case of reflex nervous action. West. J. M. & S.. Louisville, 1852, 3. s., x, 393-300 —Broadbeut. Curious nervous affection. Med. Times ..V (Iaz.. Lond., 1870. ii, 33.— Broekell (L. P.) Anomalous nervous altTetions. "West. Lancet. Cincin.. 1844-5, iii, 493-496. — Brown- M<-<| u a nl. In i|mnt spasmodic movements on one side ; initation propagated from the ear. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond.. 1800. ii. 40,. — Bruckmaiin. Eine seltene Nei-- venkrankheit, welche ein heftiges Geschrey be-ghdiete. Arch. f. meel. Erfahr., Berl., 1810, xiv, 218-221. — Bru- guoli (G.) Storia eli siugolare nevrosi per esostosi della colonna vertebrale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1843. 3. s.. iv. 321-332. ------. La storia di una siugolari neurosi, preseutante, a forma prevalent)-, un sonnambulismo spou-" taneo morboso. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1809, 73-77 — t'amlia (IT) Lijeras observaciones al caso raro de neurosis j.ii.-r :il : observado por Don Alejandro Ziiniga. Lev. med. ele Chile, Sant. de Chile. 1872-3. i, 417- 427 — Cariole (C.) Cousultatiou pour un cas de nevrose singuliere et complexe. Union med., I'ar., 1850. x, 149- 151—Cavalli (C.) Prose-guimento elella storia ragionata di straordinaria malattia che dura da veut'otto, eel ora da treiitadm- anni. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1839, iv, 153- 168. — ('an- (J. M.) Case of anomalous nerve disease, with necropsy and examination of cord. Lancet, Loud.. 1887. ii. 501.—Clioisy. Cas remarquable de physiologic pathologienie ilu systeme nerveux. Rev. med.'franc, ct chan^., I'ar., 1833, i. 302-417.—Cliowue (W. D.) Clinical lecture ou a peculiar nervous affection. Laucet. Loud., 1841-2. ii, 353-358. — Christoe (W. S.) Curious nervous pheuomeua. Canada Laucet, Toronto, 1871-2, iv, 456- 459.—Clarke (C. K.) An anomalous case of nervous dis- ease. (Tmad. I'ract.. Toronto, 1883, viii, 204-207.—Clarke (J.) Violent spasmodic affection of the left arm. Edinb. M. efc S.J., 18U8. iv, 13-11.—C less. Neurosis (vagi?). Med. < or.-Bl. (1. wiirttenib. iirz.il. \'er., Stuttg., 1839, ix, 367.__ Collingwood iT.) lli-ton -of a case in which singular nervous aflte tieuis ue-ie- cured by an incision in the finger. Meel. Comment., Edinb., 1794, Viii, 2. decade, 390-394.— [ iCl'VOll* system (Diseases of, Anomalous or unusual). Comstock (J.) Singular nervous affection, supposed to have- been occasioned by the bile of a tarantula. Med Re-posit., N.T.. 1804, vii. 1-11 — Consultation aelress.o ii M. le Dr. . . . par Madame . . . Clin. il. hop.. Par 1828-0. iii. 400.—Coxe (L. J.) Singular case of disease, attended by peculiar nervous symptoms. Boston M. ,v s' J., 1855, lii, 314-310.—Cross (J.) Affection of the light arm coming on dining pregnancv. Brit. M. J., Lond. 18,5, i, 447— Cuimuiskey (.1.) A singular case of nei vousdisease. .Meel. Times, Phila.. 1870-71, i. 215 Benin- (J.) Extraordinary case of spasms of the voluntary mus- cles. Boston M. & S. J., I8i:;. xxviii, 330-338.'—Be- Bonis (T.) Ctilita dei bagni el' aeipui fie-ehla in una neurosi auomala finita con acressi epilettici. Gior. d. sc. nied., Torino, 1838, iii, 178-180.—I>«......i-<|uelte. Mala die des centres nerveux (cas remarquablei Monit. cl. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., 1860, 2. s., ii, 530-532 — Bepei el (L.) Observation d'une- nevrosi- non encore deei ile. Lev. ele therap. du mieli, Montpel., 1854, vi. 3,.n. — Be Buil- der. Nevrose te-rininec par une veritable sci'-lotyibe d'acces. Ann. Soc. de Intel, de Gand, 1848, xxi, 77-05. ( Rap. ; discussion | : Hull. Soc. de nied. de Gaud, 1848, xv, 34-55. — Be Wendt (J.) Deux cas de nevroses ex traoidinaiiis. Bull. Soc. de med. nient.de Belg., Gaud, 1878. xi. 10-20. [Discussion], xii, 15: 1879, xiv, 23— Do- iniiiiiiii-/. (L.) Caso raro ele nervosisino. Siglo ine-el., Madrid, 1873, xx, 151-152.— Uunsmure (J.) Nole of a case of temporary loss of voluntary power, produced bv a touch on the head Edinb. M. j.. 1874-5, xx. 310-322.— EMIiotson. A re-inaikable case of neuralgic disease simulating chorea and hysteria. Lond. M. efc S. ,L, 1834-5, vi, 139-147. — lOiniliani (K.) Descrizione di una siugo- lare nevropafia. Bull. el. se med. di Bologna, 1850, 4. s., vi, 406-419. — Emmanuel lE.) Ilepi nrbs- a-natrnu&iKoi ndSov;. 'Iarpi/cj), MeAieTera, At^ijrai, 1850. iv, 23-20. — FnilZ- ler (L.) Manege-niozg&s es tengelykiii iili forgas egv-egy esete. [Sensation of "manege-motion ".] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1881, xxv, 1101-1165—Fieber ( IT i Leber eine noch nicht beschriebene Form von Auomalie der Bewegungsbescbrankung (Motilitats-Neurose). Wien meel. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi. 996 ; 1021; 1045. ------. Noti/., betreffend eine eigenthiunliehe Nervenkrankheit. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. VVisseusch., Berl., 1871, ix, 273.— I-'io- raranli (L.) Di una nevrosi. Gazz. med. ital. feeler. tosc, Fiiec/.e, 1850-51, 2. s., i, 372-37-1. — Frnncesclii (C.) Di una strana forma di neurosi. Raccoglitore, Fano 1847, xx, 103-198.—Franco (D.) Su d' un caso siugolare di nevropatia eli conducibilita. N. gior. internaz. d. sc. meel.. Napoli. 1877-8. i. 5-7.—Fraser (J. H.) Cases of nervous disease of peculiar form. Clasgow M. J., 1877, [4. s.1, ix, 132-134. ------. A remarkable case of nervous disease. Med. Times &Gaz., Loud., 1883, i, 555.—<«nird- ner. A very remarkable, if not unique, spasm alb-i liug the i espiratory tract; with a personal and family history of previous neuroses; first results obtained under chloral- hydrate. Glasgow M. J.. 1879, [4. s.]. xii, 135-137.- Galpiu (L.) An interesting case of disease of the ner- vous system. Ohio M. & S. J.. Columbus, 18:58-9, xi, 1; 98.—Gardner (J. M.) f" Protean iii.iI.m)\ in a veiling girl.! N. York J. M., 1845, v. 349-35L—Gnrnie'r (A.) Discussion sur les nevroses extraordinaire*. Ann. nied.- psych.. Par., 1857, 3. s., iii, 601-619.—Gmrod. Aeloiihl fill case of nervous disorder. Lancet. Loud., 1807, ii, 202.— Gaultier tils. Observation d'une nevrose des fonctions ce'ie'liiales. clout la duiee ele lacces a etc de 42 heuressans la nioinilie eliininutioii elans l'intensite ib-s symptomes. J. ge'-u. ele nied., chir. ct pharm., Par., 1809, xxxvi. 133- 139. — Gcerds. Eine seltene Ncrvenaffection. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1800, xii, 17.—Gei-lier. Sur une nouvelle ne*vrose dc- la motiiite, le vertigo paralysant, et sur la probability de son origine stabulaire. Abeille med.. I'ar., 1877, xliv, 361-370. — Gordon (T. W.) [An account of the peculiarities of nervous exaltation which occurred in the case of a practicing physician under treatment for ap- parent intermittent lever."! Ohio M. .fc S J., Columbus, 1855-0, viii, 375-382.—Go we rs (\V. R.) Case of clonic spasms occurring only when Ihe patient attempts to stand. Lancet. Lond., 1872,' i, 148. ------. On saltatoric spasm. Ibid.. 1877. ii, 42; 152.—Gozzi (F.) Storia di una neurosi siugolare. Bull. el. se. med. di Bologna, 1840, 2. »., ix, 06- 08.— Griesinger. Leber einige seltene Kraiuptfornieu ; Tremor der Muskeln und iradiirte Kriimpfe. fieri, klin. Wchnschr.. 1867, iv, 157.—Gros. Contribution a l'etuile ele l'agoraphobie ( peur des espaccs) et d autres lorims eb- nevroses cmolives. Ann. med.-psych.. I'ar., 1885, 7. s., i, 394-407.— Hammond ( G. il.) Case of congenital absence of the faculty of co-ordination. Med. Rec., N. IT. lssd. xxx. 471. 'Also: NT York M. J., 1886. xliv 552. Ah,,.- Med. News. Phila., 1886, xlix. 467. — Ham- mond < WT A.) The order of the human body, as de- veloped bv certain affections of the nervous system. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., N. T., 1877, ii, 17-23. Also, Reprint. ------. On a hitherto undescribed form of muscular inco- ordination. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass.. N. Y.. 1877. ii, l->4- 158. Also, Reprint. ------. The scientific relations of N'ERVOUS. 773 NERVOUS. \ervoii* system (Diseases of, Anomalous or unusual). modern miracles. Internat. Rev., N. Y., 1881, x, 225-242.— Hawkins. Case of an affection of the nervous system, which exhibited some unusual phenomena. Lond. M. efc l'liys. J., 1820, n. s., i, 221-223.—Hayes (P. II.) Nerve- storms. Bistoury, Elniira. N. Y. 1870. xii, 172-174.— Hayues (IT E.) Case of anomalous hemorrhage and spasms. South. MT efc S. J., Augusta, 1838, ii, 07-69.— Hellis. Histoire dune nevrose singuliere. J. geu. de meel., chir. ct pbaim.. Bar., 1826. xe-v, 11-17.—Ileurieli. Heilung von hartuackigen sehr heftigen Kramplen, welche den regi'lmassigen Eintritt des MeustrualHus.ses begleite- ten unil sich in einer ehrouisch-rheumiitischen Dyscrasie begiiiiuleten, durch elen Gebrauch eles Sirona-Schwe-t'el- wassers zu Nieistein. J. el. pract. Heilk.. Perl., 1829, Kix, 3. St., 74-85. — Heeler. Multiple Retlexneurose. Charite-Ann. 1875, Berl., 1877, ii, 512-517, — Hen Ilia rd d'Arey. Sur une affection nerveuse particnliere (u6vro- mimosie). Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1853. xiii, 208-213.-----. Nevroses bizarres. Abeille med., Par., 1808, xxv. 321-323.— Hillner (W. VAT) A singular delusion. [Case of spon- taneous automatic action.] Clinic, Cincin., 1873, v, 99.— Holdeu (L.) Case in which tetanoid spasm with uncon- sciousness is produced by touch ing a tumor. Lancet, Loud., 1807, ii. 127. ------. Extraordinary anomalous affection of the nervous system in a boy. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1807, iii, 299-305: 1871, vii, 228.— Holmes (IT M.) A case of -daymare ". Med. Rec. NT Y., 1880. xxix, 208.—Hulke (W.) An account of a remarkable spasmodic affection. Loud. M. J., 1784, v, 380-302— Hutebinson. Case of anomalous nerve disorder in infancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 342.—Ijjlesias. [( Tuiiunicaoiou sobre uu caso de neurosis anomala, tratado por la hidroterapia.] An. r. Acad, ele nied.. Madrid, 1881, iii, 125-120. — Isaaes. Pecu- liar cerebral syinptomsdependiug upon excessive sexual in- dulgence. NT York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii. 30-42.—Jacqui- nelle. Observation sur une affection nerveuse, occa- sionuee par un amour malheureux, et terminee par la mort ii la suite d'un mauvais traitement. J. de m6d., chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1784. lxii, 62-67. — .1 ansekowitseh (M.) (ieschiclite einer merkwiirdigeu Nervenkrankheit unter der Form von Convulsionen unci Idiosomnambu- lismus. Med. Jahrb. cl. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1845, liv, 129; 269.—Jastrzembski. Observation de nevrose multiforme. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1844, 437-443.— Johnson (F. U.) Case of irregular nervous action in one arm. of two years' standing, in a child 7 vears old, cured by AcLea racemosa. N. York J. M. & S., 1839, i, 223.—Jones (C. H.) Cases of obscure nerve disorder. Med. Times tfc Oaz., LoncL, 1874, ii, 230: 359; 626: 1875, i, 301 : ii, 184: 441; 048: 1870, i, 194; 350; 437: 545: ii, 148.— Kerr (IT) Case of anomalous nervous affection, occur- ring in the later part of pregnancy. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk. 1850, i, 358-360. — King (j. S.) Peculiar case of nervous disease. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1874, vi, 329- 331.— Kncclit. Eine seltene Neurose. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1874, xi, 542.—Kiiiitzniaiin, Geschiehte einer merkwiirdigeu Nervenkrankheit. J. el. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1840, xci, 1. St.. 118-120.—Laehr. Ein Fall von uuregelmiissig intennittireuder, motoi ischer uud senso- rischer Central-Ne-urose. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1808. xxv. 852-850. — Legi-and du Naulle. Cas de nevrose extraordinaire' observe a lasile de Ronie. Ann. meel.-psych., Par., 1800. 3. s., vi, 105-108. -----. Cas in- solite de nevrose convulsive. Encephale, Par., 1885, v, 339.—liiegey. Vn mot sur une endemo-6pidemie de ne- vroses profeiepies. Union med., Par.. 1850. x, 223.— l.on- ifavan. Reponse au sujet ele la maladie singuliere dont M. Bouuard a elonne le- detail elans le Journal clu mois ele • juillet 1778. J. de ined., chir., ph. inn., etc., Par., 1778, 1, 323-331. — fjiiberI. Observation singuliere d'une affec- tion nerveuse qui resista a toutes les medications et dis- parut subitement civile -meme. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1840, xi, 266-269. — I.vud (C. A.) A curious case. Cincin. M. Repert., 1870, iii, 224-220.—.tladdox (T. NT) History of a case of cerebral disease, attended with many uncommon lesions of sensation and volition. West. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Cincin.. 1836, ix. 389-399.— TlnflToni (A. C.) Storie di due siugolari malattie nervose, precedute da con- siderazioni sulle neurosi in genere. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1838, i. 170-199. — Magendie. Histoire d'une maladie siugulicre du systeme nerveux. J. de physiol. exper., Par.. 1822, ii, 99-104.— Mai-ajjliano. Una rara forma di neurosi. Atti Cong. gen. (1. Ass. med. ital. 1882, Modena. 1883, x, 119-122 — Tlarchal. Nc'-vropathie- in- ileterniiuee de l'appaie il larvngo-pharyngicn, consecutive a l'ablation d'une tumeur ganglionnaire ele la region sous- maxillaire. Rec-. ele mem. ele nu'-el. . . . mil.. Par., 1852, 2. s., ix, 295-299. — 2?Iarcus. Seltne Foriiien von Neu- rosen. YVehnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1848, xvi, 527.— Tlnreska. Contractions musculaires. [ltpielemu- dans la prison! Lull. Soc. de med. ele Gand. 1846, xii, 65-67. — jlatousek (J.) Eine eigenthiiinliche Neurose. Wien. nied. 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J. de la sect, de nied. j Soc. Loire-lnf.. Nantes. 1827, iii, 58-68. — Trousseau. Cas -ingulier ile nevrose. J. d. conn, nn'-el.-e hii. Par. 1841-2. ix. pt 2. 17-19. Also: Ann. de med. b.-lg,-. Brux. 1,-42. i. 21u.—Turner i WT M.) A que-tion in diagno.-i- ; a singular case. WTsi. J. M., Indianap., 1808. iii. 745- 749.—Velazquez .A M.) Observacion de una nevrose visceral. Decadas de nied. y cirug pract., Madrid, 1828. xx. 125-12-.—Veiitiii-ini E.i Storia di una antica e sin- golare neuru»i [eif the pigi-tiiuin] guarita coll' atropina. Bull. d. sc. mecl. di I'edogn.t. le.34, 4. s., i, 321-328.—roil Verinjj (J.) S.-lte-iier N.-i \ .snreitz. durch Aussehalung der schmerzenden Steelle ge-hoben. Med.-chir. Ztg.. Salzb., 1819. iii 25-. — Villaret (de Tiulon). Nevroseintermit- tente e-xtn'-iue-me-nt rebdle. otfrant des caract^res extraor- dinaires, qui a cede entin a l'emploi du valerianate de qui- nine et de la saignee gene*rale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv. 153-155. Al-i,: Abeille med., Par., 1852, ix. 115-119.— Vizioli (F.) Contriluizioiie alio studio di in-vropatie rare | e di oscura origine. (lieu, eli neuropatol.. Napoli, 1882-3, i, I 14: 77; 155; 310.—Wnequez. Affection neivi-u>e rare. Arch med beiges. Brux.. 1876. 3. s.. ix. 161. — Wagner (F. A.) Klettersucht, als eigenthiimliches Ne-rveiiiibe-1 beobachtet Lit. Aun. d. ges Heilk., Berl., 1829. xv, 411- 415. -----. Actenmiissiger Bericht und Gutachten iiber eihe merkwiinlige Ner, enkranke, welche zu einer gericht- lichen Cntersuchuug Veranlassung gab. Arch. f. med. Erfahr.. Berl., 1831. i. 244-274.— Warren (J. C.) Painful affection of the arm, caused bv a fit of coughing. Boston M. .fc S. J.. 1829-30, ii, pt, 1. 97.—Wendling iL.) Eine eigenthiimliche Neurose. Wien. med. Presse, 1876. xvii, 1349-1351. —Weruiehe (A.) Feber einige Formen ner- viiser Steirimge-u bei den Japanern. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens. Yokohama, 1-75-6. i. Hft. 10, 16-19.—Wernicke (C.) Feber eine noch nicht bekanute Form schwerer Neurose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 18-2, viii, 726. AU,.,: Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1883. xx. 148. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1882-3), 18-4. xiv. 4,8-52. — We»tphal ( C.) Ueber eine Affection eles Nervi-usvsti-ms nach fockeu und Tvniius. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl.. 1871-2, iii, 370-406.— White (J. .Ti Case of obscure nervous disease. Boston M. & S. J.. 1855-6, liii. 387 - 5-9. — Warden (T. D.) A curious case of nervou- disi-a-e. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1884. 1, 789. — Zechmeister. Eine seltene Com- iinenei nervorum. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1867. xii, 276.— Zenker (W.) Mitth.-dung iibei e-iue bisher nicht be- schriebene Beschaftignngs-Neuiee-e. Berl. klin. Wchn- I sehr., 1--5. xx. 628-631.—/iifiiga A Descripcion de un casu raro ele ueurosis ieneral. Rev. ined. de Chile, Sant. de Chile. 1-72-3. i, 349 f 377. [S--e. als.,. supra, Candia (P.)] Xervou* system (Diseases of, Causes of). St-i'. also. Eye (Accommodation, etc.. of, Disor- dered): Genitals (Irritation, etc., of); Heat- stroke: Hygiene (MmtaP\. etc.: Ins.anity (Causes of); Lead-poisoning affecting the ner- vous system: Measles (Complications, etc., of); Nervous system (Diseases of) of uterine origin, etc.: Paralysis (Befltj-); Phimosis; Prepuce (Abnormities, etc., of); and under names of diseases. Berthier (P.) Des nevroses diathesiqn.es. on le> maladie > nerveuses dans leur.s rapports avec le rhumatisme, la goutte. les dartres, la syphi- lis, le cancer, la serofule, etc. 8Z. Paris, l-7.">. Huchmaxx (0.) * Die atniospbiirische Xer- venreizung tritt immer zugleich mil atmosphii- rischer Duustbildung auf. 8°. Halle, [1- >9], 4 XERVOUS. *Se won* system (Diseases of. Pet uses of). Calabke (E.) * Sin- l'induence de l'edncntion, de> habitudes et eli-s passions dans les maladies nerveu-e>. 4-. Paris, an XII [1-M4]. Carter (R. B.) On the influence of education aud training, iu preventing diseases of tbe ner- vou- system. P2-. London, le.V>. Cayre (M.) * Considerations cliniques >ur les uevropathies goutteuses primitives. 4 Montpellier, 1868. Cerise. Des fonctions et des maladies ner- veuses dans leur.s rapports avec l'education -o- ciale et privee, morale et physique. E-sai d'un nouveau systeme de recherches physiologiques et pathologiques sur les rapports du physique et du moral. 8-. Paris, 1J42. Dejerixe (J.) L'heredite dans les maladies du systeme nerveux. 8~. Paris. l-s6. Also [Abstr.J. in: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1886, 3. s., viii, 201; 209. Dlbois (E.) * Importance de I'hygiene conime pre"servatif des affections nerveuses eu g£n£ral. 4J. Strasbourg, 1*64. Exgelhardt. Zur Genese der nervosen Svinptoniencouiplexe bei anatomischen Veriin- de-rungen iu den Sexualorganen. S-. Stuttgart, l-8>\. Hegar (A.) Der Zusammenhang der Ge- schleclitskrankheiten mit nervosen Leiden und iiber die Castration bei Neurosen. 8~J. Stutt- gart, 1~-"S. Also [Rev.], in: Wien. med. BL. 1S85. viii, 705; 741; 777; 839 (VV. Schlesinger). Heixekex (J.) * De morbis nervorum, eorum- que frequentissima ex abdomine origine. 43. Gottingee, [17*3]. Labanow.-ki ( L. ) *De quelques cas de ne- vroses consecutives a une lesion peTiphe"rique. 4C. Paris, 1879. Laxdry (J.-B.-O.) Recherches sur les causes et les indications curatives des maladies ner- veuses. - . Paris, 1-5"). Le Moxxier (Y.-A.) * Influence du travail et des impressions litteraires sur le developpe- ment des nevroses. 4~. Paris, 1835. Liebeschltz (J.) * Die locale Verbreitnug der Truphoueurosen. >-. Strasbourg, 1**3. Prlxet (J.-G.-F.) Maladies nerveuses des auteuis, rapportees a l'irritatiou de l'enc6phale, des nerfs eerebro-raehidiens et splanchuiques, avec on sans inflammation. --. Paris, 1826. Rambossox (J.) Propagation a distance des affections et des phenomenes nerveux expressifs. 8l. Paris, 18*9. Routh (C. H. F.) On overwork aud premature mental decay: its treatment. 4. ed. 12~. Lon- don. 1*86. Schraxz (J.) Unsere Zeit und unsere Xerven. Eiu Beitrag zur Pathologic der Menschheit. B-. Innsbruck, 1--4. Althauee. ij.) Contributions to the etinlogv of nei veins ili-.-a-, -. Me-il. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1876. i. 375-377.— Afl76. Phila. 1877r;i;>>-:'77. Also: Clinic, Cincin.. 1877, xiii, 241-210—Bauer if. L.) Xervnusaffec- tions of malarial origin. St. Louis Clin. Rec.. 1879-80. vi, 263.—Beard eG. XL) Theclimatologyofnervousdiseases. Pub. Health, X. Y.: 1879-80, i, 34. — Berger ((.). I Zur Lehre von den Emotions-Neurosen. Deutsche Ztsehr. f. prakt. Meel.. Leipz., 1877. 425: 437— Bioudi (A.) Con- tribuzione alia casistica delle in.ilattie nervose. Riv. clin. e terap.. Xapoli, 1.885, vii. 221-2 ;u.—Boucliul (El De la conta;rion nerveuse et dc 1 inTtatiem dan- h-uia rapporta avec la preipanation des inaladie-; ue-rvi-n-e-. Liiimi nied., Par.. 1862. 2 s.. xiv. 307: 323. rl—Browne e-L C.) Cir- cles of mental disorders : modern nervous disease- Med. Times & Gaz.. LoncL. l--'.ii. 231-237. Also: Laneet. Lond., l—i. ii. 292-295. — Brown-Nef-quard. Du transfert de l'anestbesie, de l'hvperesthi-sie. .1- ia paralysie, de la con- tracture, de l'hypothennie et de l'hyperthertnie, causeea XERVOUS. 775 NEKVOUS. IVervoii* system (Diseases of, Causes of). par eles lesions organiques. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1885. 8 s., ii. 246-249. — Briintou (T. L.) Reflex action as a cause of disease and means of cure. Brain, Lond., 1878. i. 143-154.— Buck (M.) Xeuroz ot naprja- ),-nija. | Neuroses from over-exertion.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1884, v, 102. — Billiard (W. X.) The relation of tea dliukiu" to disorders of the nervous svste-in. Med. I'iiiii- ninnieat. Mass. M. Sue.. Lust., 1887, xiv, 69-87. — Cald- well (J-J.) Some interesting reflex neuroses, with treat- inent and rominents Virginia M. Alonth., Richmond, 1885-6. xii, 71-83. Also. Reprint. — Celotti (F.) Contri- buzioni- alio stuelio delle nevrosi re-Hesse. Gior. veneto di sc. med.. Venezia, 1877, 3. s , xxvi, 255-293. —Ccntomo (L.) D, lle-iause ^enerali remote eel intime ele mali nervosi. Aun. univ. eli ined.. Milano, 1859. elxviii, 507: 1859, clxix, IL—Cerise (L.) Determiner l'influence ele l'education jibysiijue et morale sur la production de la sur-excitatiou du syst cine nerveux et des maladies qui sout uu effet eon- secn'tif ile cette sur-excitation. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1810-41. ix, 277-446— Charcot. Lecture on the influence of traumatic lesions; (1) on the developmeut of localised hysterical phenomena; (2) on the development of paraly- sis agitans. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1878, i, 471.— Dabney (T. S.) Seven cases of reflex affections of genitourinary origin. X. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1882-3, n. s.. x, 750-7ii5.— Dana (C. L.) On the relation of lithaunia, oxaluria, and phosphaturia to nervous symptoms; with a description ot an apparatus for estimating the relative aniouuts of phosphatic deposits and of uric acid in the urine. Med. Rec-.. N. \T, 1886. xxix, 57-60. — Kloy (C.) Du role (le l'h6reelite elans les nevroses. Union in6d.. Par., 1886. 3. s.. xii, 697; 709—Eyselein. Ueber den Einfluss der Wilterungsvi-i-hiiltnis.se. spccioll eles Ozon auf das Be- finden chronischer Xervenkranker. Tagebl. d .Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb.. 1884, lvii, 360-365. Discussion], 367.—Formento (F.) Reflex action from oral irritation- X. Orl. M. >fc S. J.. 1883-4, U.S.. xi, 263- 269.—Franz. (K.) Vasomotorisi lie Neurose im Climac- terium. Memorabilien, Heilbr.. iss:;. n. F., iii. 51i^-522.— CiarlandiG. M.) Some cases ot n-llex neurosis. Boston M.efcS.JT, 188(1, cxiv. 25-27.—l>ci' (S. i Nervous disorders affecting a whole family. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1884, xx," 12-14.—«3radi<- (H.) Nervous symptoms due to overlooked anomalies of the eve and ear. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1885. iv, 497. Also': Chicago M. J. i Kxam., 1885. 1, 430-437. — <»raiivillc (J. M.) Worry. [From: Nineteenth Century.1 Pop Sc. Month., X. T," 1881-2, xx, 102-108.—Gray (L. C.) The efleet of genital irritation in the production of nervous disorders. Ann. Anat. efc Surg., Brooklyn, 1882, v, 27 ; 78. Also, Reprint. — Green ( T. ) Have organic nervous diseases their origin and frequency in our American life i Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vii. 340- 345. — Giirtlei-r (G ) Ueber Veranderungen im Stoff- weihsil unter ihin Einfluss der Hvpnose und bei der Para- lysis agitans. Arch. f. Psychiat.,' Berl., 1883, xiv, 17-39 — Hughe* (C. IL) The hereditary neuroses spasmodic.*!, with illustrative cases. St. Louis AI. >fc S. J., 1874, xi, 169- 185. Also, Reprint— Hiighliiigs-Jackson. On hered- ity in nervous diseases. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1876, ii,' 701. — Kempl' (E. J.) Some of the common causes of nervous diseases. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i, 533- 536.—I.aytoii (T.) On the transmission and trausfonna- tion of nervous diseases through heredity. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1882, n. s., x, 173-194.—Lunz (M.) Ueber die Af- fectionen des Xervensvstems nach acuten iufectiosen Pro- cesseu. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1887, xviii, 882-894. — JLuy* (J.) Des conditions somatiques de la siu-excitation nerveuse. Encephale, Par., 1882. ii. 569-577 — iUerjon (E.) On the mode* of propagation of nervous diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i. 85. — .TIeyer (M.) Ueber neuri- tische Affectiouen als Ursachen von Xeiirosen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 737-739.-- .Viiibin* (P. J.) Eiu Fall von congenitaler Alotilitatsneurose. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1878, xix, 187-192. -----. L'eber die here- ditiiren Nervenkrankheiten. Samml. klin. Vortr., No. 171, Leipz., 1879 (Inn. Med., No. 57), 1505-1531. -----. Die Erblichkeit der Nervositat. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1881, n. ¥.. i, 459-462. -----. Ueber nervose Eamilicn. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc, Berl., 1883, xl, 228-243.— IVIommseii (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss von den Erreg- barkeitsveranderungem der Nerven durch verschiedene EinHiisse. insbesondere durch "Gifte". Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1881, lxxxiii, 243-288.— i?I iiller (0.) L'eber elie dyscrasischen Moniente, welche bei eler Gi-nese der Neurosen nnd Psychosen eine Rolle spielen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1885. iii, 54; 78. Also: Cong, period. internat. el. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884. Copciih.. 1886, iii, Sect, de psychiat. et uevrol.. 128-134.—,\oyc-. Leipzig, W.">. Br hot (P.-F.) * Des ph^noineues reflexes cousid^riSs uu point de vue du diagnostic, dans NERVOUS. 776 NER VOX'S. ^Yervoii* system (Diseases of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). les maladies du systeme nerveux. 4\ Paris, le72. Charcot (J.-M.) Lecons sur les localisations dans les maladies du cerveau et de la moelle 6piuii*re faites a la Faculte de medeciue de Paris. 8-. Paris, 1-76-80. -----. The same. Transl. aud edited by W. B. Haddeu. f-r London, 1883. Colaxliu (F.) * Des secousses musculaires; 6tude critique et s6m6iologique. 4°. Paris, 1884. Geffbier (P.) *£tude sur les troubles de lit miction daus les maladies du systeme nerveux. ■1~. Paris, 1884. Gower.s (W. R.) Diagnosis of diseases of the brain aud of the spinal cord. 8J. New York, 18*5. Grenier ( R. ) * Des localisations daus le*s maladies nerveuses sans lesions appreciables. (Essai de localisation du processus morbide daus les nevroses.) 8?. Paris, 1886. Hall (M.) On the threatenings of apoplexy and paralysis; inorganic epilepsy; spinal syn- cope ; hidden seizures; the resultant mauia; etc. r<:. London, 187,1. Leblond (L.) *De la n6frozymase daus les affections des centres nerveux. 4°. Montpelliei; 1865. Leroux (L.-H.) * De l'albuminurie dans ses relations avec les affections nerveuses. 4J. Paris, 1867. [Liegey (N.-F.)] Nevroses f6briles. Cas re- marqliable de ne vropathie ; amaurose et ophthal- morrhagie par cause nevralgie'tie. 8°. [Stras- bourg, 187)8.] Makck (L.-V.) *Des alterations de lasensi- bilite'. 8-\ Paris, 1869. Melciikut (H.) * Beitrag zur Diagnose der subaeuteii Poliomyelitis und multiplen degene- rative-n Neuritis. 83. Greifswald, 1881. Mexdklssoiin (M.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Muskelzuckuiig bei Erkrankuugen des Nervuii- undMuskcl-'.Systems. 8°. Dorpat, 1884. Michel (H.) Contribution a l'etude des albn- minuries transitoires dans quelques maladies du systeme nerveux. 1. 8C. Paris, 1885. Moebus (P. J.) Allgemeine Diagnostik der Nervenkrankheiten. >°. Leipzig, 1886. Also, transl. in: Ejeiu. jour, prakt. ined., St. Petersb.. 188G. ii, 1-360. Montallt (J.-J.-H.) *Des moyens a I'aide desquels on peut distinguer les nevroses des 16- sions dites organiques. 8°. Paris, 1838. Paleologue (J.) * Diagnostic diffe'rentiel des neVroses et particulierement de l'hyst6rie et de l'e'pilepsie. 4C. Paris, 1845. Reynolds (J. R.) Diagnosis of diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and their appendages. 8-. London, 1-55. Rosenbach (P. J.) Osuovy diagnostiki nerv- nych bolieznei. Rukovodstvo dlja stndentov i vrachei. [Elements of diagnosis of nervous dis- eases. Manual for students and physicians.] 8-. St. Petersburg, 1887. Schultze (A. A. 0.) * Symbola* ad quiestio- nem queuiadmodum topaesthesia sensusque tem- peraturae in morbis nervorum se habeaut. sin. 8-. Berolini, [1867]. Sccklixg 'C. W.) On the diagnosis of dis- eases of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. 8 . London. 18*7. Aniiiloii (R. TV.) The myography of nerve (legenera- tion iu animals and man. Arch. Meel., NT T.. 1882, viii, 1-23. —Baget (F.) Neiiropatia proteiforme. R6v. de cien. nnil.. Barcel., 1878, iv, 105-1 iO.—Basilc Ki.) Importanza della resisteuza elettrica in varie malattie IVervou* system (Diseases of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). nervose per la diagnosi delle si esse e per gli effetti medico- legali. (Iior. eli neuropatol., Xapoli. 1 JSy.3, iii, 343-;i(i.-, _ Beai-il (G. M.) Morbid fear as a symptom of nervous disease. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. Chicago, Is7y n s jT 693-607. Also: Ho-|i. Gaz., X. V., 1879, vi.'305-3us.' Also Reprint.—Beneilikl ( M. ) Die topographise li-diagnos' tischen Geset/.c- bei chronischen Xer\ t nkraiiklieiten Allg. Wien. ined. Ztg., 1874. xix. 2:9; 17. — Bernnl iM I Genesis ele las perturbaciones troticas elett-rminaelas por I sistema m-rvioso. Rev. denied, y cirug. pract ,\l ,< 11 i<| l.-v-T'. xi, 2,-1); 348; 411; 489; fi47 : 1883. xii. 5; 40; lii:,._l Biaiielii (L.) Le andature (cannnino); si ndio semiotico per le malattie nervose e mentali. Gior. inlerna/.. cl. sc ined.. Xapoli, 1885, u. s., vii, 17; 89. — Bigelow (IL R.) Recent advances iu the diagnosis of disease's of the nervous system. Detroit Rev. Meel. i Pharni., 1874 ix, 259; 334. Also. Reprint.—Bonnemaixon. lies es- chares daus les maladies des centres nerveux. Gaz. mCd.-chir. de Toulouse, 1873, v. 185; 193. Also, in his: Essais de clin. metl., S3, Toulouse, 1874, 123-142. — Bon- eauil. Etude sur epic-hpies points de semeiologie cles maladies nerveuses. Aun. Soc. ile med. de Lyon, 1870, 2. s.. xxiv, 127-137. Also: L\ou 11161L, 1876, xxii, 403-41:1.__ Boiielmt. Diaguostic eh- la m6niugite et cles maladies cerobro-spiiiales par rophtlialmiiscupe. I'aris mecl., 1883, viii. 97; 100: 121. —Browning (J. Ii.) The eye as a means of diagnosis iu nervous diseases. Med. Index, Kansas City, 1884, v, 285-287—K11 fa I in i (L.) I fosfa'ti delle. urine uei nialati di nevrosi accessionali. Gior. inter- naz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1881, n. s., iii, 1327-1338.— Ball (E.) Om en eiendommelig Flexionskoutrakttir i Kiialed- dene ved H jernesygdouune ; Tumor cerehelli; Tronibeise i venstre Sinus trausversus. Norsk Mag. f. L;egevideusk Christiania, 1885, xv, 469-483.—Byford (H. T.) Nervous paroxysm. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 566-569.— Ohai-eot. Diagnostic differentiel eles affections cereliri)- spinales multiloculaires. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 116.__ t'ornwell (II. G.) Ou the value of alterations in the size of the pupil as a symptom of disease of the nervous system. Columbus M. J., 1883-4, ii, 205-299. -----. On affections of the eye-muscles in diseases of the brain ancl spinal cord. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1884, n. s , lxxxvii, 338-349.—Ve-Giovanni (A.) Contiiluizione alia casu- istiea delle tiofonevrosi. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete Padova, 1881, xxiv, 139: 154: 202; 239. — Deigliton. Alarming symptoms occurring during the willing game. Lancet, Loiiel., 1884, ii, 037—De V i iiei-nli i« (V.) Lu caso di malattia nervosa eli diilicile diagnosi. Loll. d. clin., Napoli, 1884. i, 285-287.-Vic It noh (S. II.) < 1,1 certain morbid conditions of the sensorial system. Kicluuond M. J.. 1867. iii, 97-144. Also, Reprint, — Bowie (T. S.) On some points in the differential diagnosis of intracranial disease, general paralysis of the insane, ami talus dorsa- lis. Brit'. M. J.. Loml.. 1882, i, 731; 769. — I>uc In ■■■■(-. Impotence fonctionuelle et spasme fond ionue 1 ein lung p6- ronier lateral. Arch. gen. (le me'd , Par., 1872, 6. 8.. xix, 385; 520: 6. s., xx, 11.—Dnpuy (E.) Alteration eh- la sensibilite a la suite de lesions eles centres appeh'-s psycho- moteuis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., lssij, 8. ,s., iii, 405-467— Diiterqnc (C.) De l'emploi de l'ophtliahno- scope clans les maladies du systeme cerebro-spinal. Bull. Soc. med. de LYonne 1879, Auxerre. 188 1, xx, 13-49.—E11- gelsltjon ((.'.) Die ungleichartige therapeutist-lie Wir- kuugsweise der zwei elektrischen Struim-sartcu uud die elektreicliaguostiselie Gesiclitsfeliluntersue«hung. Arch. f. Psychiat., Bell., 1884, xv, 136-139.—Erb (WT) Leber Verlangsamung der Empfiueluugsleitiiug bei peripheieu Xervenlasiouen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz... 1883, ii, 1-4.— Erlcumcrrr (A.) Leber statisehe Kellexkrampfe. Bull. Soc. tie nnil. ment. de- Belg., Gand et Leipz.. 1886, no. 40, 84-8<). — Fsbi-idge (J. T.) Diagnosis ol diseases of the nervous system. Mecl. Bull., I'hila., 1885, vii. 102; 133; 169. —Eiilenbiirs (A.) Sphygtnographiscbe Uuter- snchungsergebiiisse bei Krankheiten der Nervenieutra. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1868, v, 291: 303. -----.- Uebe r das Verhalten erkrankter (elegenerirter) Nerven und Muskeln gegen magnetelektrische Stroine. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1884. iii, 49-54. — Fere ((.'.) Ncvropatuie et dyna- mogfinie. Compt. rend. Sue. ele biol.. Par.. 1RS5. 8. s", ii, 242-244. -----. Nerve troubles as fore-shadow e-.il in the child. Brain. Loud., 1885-6, viii, 230-238.—Fere (C.) Jc Qiicrinonnc iL.) Notes sur des vergetures de la peau reuccmti ees chez eles ne'-vropathes. Progres 1111TL, Par., 1881, ix. 837— FinUel-etein (L. O.) O razstroistvach zrienija i drugich spetsi.jal. ehuvstve jiri niekotor. 7.11 bo- liev. nervnoi sistemi. [Derangement of sight and other internal senses, especially in some atte-ctions of the ner- vous system.) Vrach, St. Petersb., 1880. vii. 1-7— Fin- lai-nn (J.j Svmptoms of disorder iu the nervous sys- tem. In his: Clin. Diagnosis. 8°. Phila.. 187*-. 166-206.— Forget (C.) Recherches cliniejucs sur ie degre ele certi- tide eiu diagnostic elans les maladies tie- l'apparoil eere'-bro- spinal. Gaz. m£d. de Par., 1838. 2. s., vi. 753: 7-"e Al*-,: Ann. de ni6el. beige. Unix., 1839. i, 33-55.—Fricdlieb (E.) Merkwiirdige Falle von Neurosen. nebst si-mioti- NERVOUS. 777 NERVOUS. Hcrvous system (Diseases of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). scheii Bemerkungen. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. n. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1845, iv. 104; 163. — Gerhard (G. S.) Tremor as a symptom of nervous disease. Meel. et Surg. Kcporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 537-540.—4*ramie Icinc ui. Crises nerveuses ele nature douteuse. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. Coinpt. rend., 1801. xv, 07-71.—Hall (F. de H.) Xeiiromimesis. Westmiust. Hosp. Rep.. LoncL. 1885. i, 124-127.—Hall (AL) On certain points in the diagnosis of the diseases of the nervous system. Lond. J. M., 1849, i, 610-614.—Hamilton (A. McL.) Trembling and loss of co-ordinating motor power, as symptoms of nervous disease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874! n. s., lxviii, 352-359. -----. A note upon the " crisogeuic '' significance of cer- tain cutaneous eruptions in nervous disease. Arch. Der- mat., Phila., 1879, v, 225-227.—Hammond (W. A.) The odor of the humau body as developed by certain affections of the nervous system. Tr. Am. Xeurol. Ass., XT Y., 1876-7. ii, 17-23. .1 Iso. in his : Neurol. Contrib., 8°, N. \T, 1877, 3-9. Also, transl: Gior. internaz. d. sc.med., Na- poli, 1883, n. s., v. 193-197. -----. On a hitherto unde- scribed form of muscular incoordination. Tr. Am. Neu- rol. Ass., XT \T. 1876-7, ii, 154-159. Also, in his: Neurol. Contrib., 8°, N. AT, 1877, 11-15.—Heer. Paralysis agitans oder t-iii auderes Nervenlciilen '. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1884, n. F., xl, 285-290.—liinzc (V.) Ueber gewisse, bei XTrvenkrankheiten vorkommende Retiexer- scheinungen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1870. i, Xo. 35, 1-3.—Hirt (L.) Das Hospiz "la Salpetriere " in Pa- ris uud die Cbarcot'sche Kliuik fiir Nervenkrankheiten. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1883, v. 89-93.—Hoffmann (II.) Stereognostische Versuche, angestellt zur Ermittlung eler Klemente des Gefiihlssinns, aus denen die Vorstellungeu der Korper im Kauine gebildet werden. Deutsches Aich. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1884. xxxv, 529: 1885, xxxvi, 130; 398.—Hngin-N (C. II.) Note on the essential psychic signs of general functional neuratrophia or neurasthenia. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1882. xxv, 115-122. Also: Alienist \- Neurol., Sr. Louis, 1882, iii, 411-418. Also, Re- print.—Jackson (E.) Some eye symptoms in nervous diseases. Practitioner, Lancaster, 1883, i, 85-88—Jack- son (J. H.) Observations on detects of sight in diseases of the nervous system. [24 cases.] Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1803-5, iv,'389: 1865-0, v, 51; 251.-----. Defects of sight in diseases of the nervous system. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 480-482. -----. Nervous symptoms in cases of congenital syphilis. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1875, xx, 517-527. -----. Ophthalmology and diseases of the ner- vous system. Lancet, Lond.,' 1885, ii, 935-938.— Jacob (E. H.j Cases of nervous disease, with ophthalmoscopic phenomena. Ibid., 1880, i, 168; 206; 328; 305; 440; 489.— JoflYoy (A.) De la trepidation epileptoide du membre inf6rieur daus certaines maladies nerveuses. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., far., 1875, 6. s.,ii, 61-71.—Joins (.LAV.) t Dif- ficulty and importance of correct diagnosis, and especially in certain nervous affections. Atlanta M. ,fc S. J., 1855-6, i, 455-458.—King (T. W.) On aura epileptica and other disorders of sensitive brain tracts. Meel. Times, Loud., 1844-5, xi, 197.— l.agareilelle. Lesions de la sensibility generate. Gaz. hebd. el. sc. meel. ile Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 605-608.—Langer. Line dem Bible der cerebrospinalen grauen Degeneration ahnliche Li krankung des zentralen Xervensysteins ohne auatomischeii Befund. AVien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv, 098-700. — Laurent. Observation de nevroses multiples avec symptomes epileptiformes pre- iloniinants. Hull. Soc. de nied. d'Anger (lsos*, I860, n. s., lxxi. 51-60. —I.e Bon (G.) efc IVoel (G.) Sur la dure*e du temps qui separe les excitations des reactions: nouveau moyen de diagnostic des affections du systeme nerveux : appareils eniogistreurs. Bull. Soc. ele meel prat ele Par. (1878), 1879. 145-150. Also: France med.. Par., 1878, xxv, 8(10. — Ije Ociulrc. Exemple de l'intolerance des n6vro- Eathes pour les medicaments (ataxic therapeutique des _yst6riques). Bull. Sue. clin. de Par. (1883), 1884, vii, 67- 70. — LciclitciiNtcrn. Ueber Tastsiunspriifungen bei Nerveiikrankheiteu. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1878, ix, 166-169.— I.cloir (H.) Trophonevroses. XT diet, de ni(*d. et chir. prat.. Par., 1884, xxxvi, 197-228. — ITepiiic (R.) Localisation of nerve disorders. [Rev.] Brit, efc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1870, lvii, 272-282. -----. Sur l'exeretion de Laeide phosphoriepu- dans ses rapports avec divers etats pathologiques du systeme nerveux central. Rev. mi ns. ele med. et chir., Par.. 1880. iv, 163-168.— Leyden (IT) Verlangsamte niotorisehe Leitung. Arch. f path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1809, xlvi, 470-482.—I.i<-gcy (X.- 1.) Nevroses febriles; alterations organiques ile I'eeil produites par la perturbation nc-vralgique, Gaz. meel. de Strasb., 1857, xvii, 344-347. Also, Reprint. -----. Ana- sarque aigue'- se developpant sous l'influence d'acces ne- vralgiques f'6briles periodiques. dans lesquels le stade de sueur fait (16faut; principale localisation du trouble ner- veux vers le scrotum; tumefaction considerable ele cette partie: guerison par la medication quinique: irise suelo- rale remarquable chez un honnne ayant elc*ja ete atteint d'autres maladies nevrosiques; reflexions et citations diverses il propos de cas. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., A'ervou* system (Diseases of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). Brux.. 1859, xxviii, 537-546. Also, Reprint.— Lloyd (J. H.) The: electro-diagnosis of neuritis aud anterior polio- myelitis. Polyclinic. Phila.. 1880-7, iv, 211. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1880-7. xvii. 215. — l.ovc. Cold extremities due to a vaso-motor neurosis. St. Louis AI. efc S. J.. 1885, xlviii, 246-248—I.nys (.1.) Obnubilation passage-re- de la conscience eles choses du monde exterieur ayant dure plusieurs jours, chez un hennme adulte continuant a vivre dela viecommune. Lmt ephale, Par., 1881, i, 251-250.------. Des obsessions pathologicpies dans leurs rapports avec l'aetivite automatique des elements nerveux. Ibid., 18S3, iii. 20-61.— MeBride ('IT A.) Digiti mortui. dead fin- gers. Med. Rec. X*. V.. Is,8, xiii. 370.— Mailer. Eigen- thiimliche centrale Re.spiratieinsneurose (Pare.se) combi- nirt mit StiminbKiielliihiiiung : chronisrher A'erlauf. theil- weise Besseruug. Ber. el. k. k. Krankenanst. Riiiloliih- Stiftungiu Wien (1883), 1884, 313. Also.- AVien med. BL, 1885, viii, 329.—.Tlaragliano (IT) Delle varie forme di acinesi e sui loro siguiticato clinico. Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1881,2. s. xv, 161-103.— tlasufy (G. B.) Report of a case of sudden loss of vision following ami-st he-da of the fifth nerve, with remarks on the modifying effect of anaesthesia on the galvano-reactions of the special senses. A. Nerv. efc Ment, Dis., N. Y., 1884, n. s., ix, ,)70-578.— .TIayct. Des troubles de nutrition H6s aux lesions pCri- pheriques du systeme nerveux. Lyon meel., Is85. xlix, 217: 254; 320. — .Tlazzotli (L.) Storia cliuica e necro- scupia di un uomo che presentd il fenomeno di andarc all' indietro. Riv. clin. eli Bologna. 1885. 3. s., v. 417-423.— .Tlcmlel (E.) Die Psyihosen im Ge-folge acuter somati- sclic-r Erkrankungen. Deutsche nnd. YWhuselir.. Berl., 1881, vii, 261-266.— ITIendelNNoliii (AI.) Keeherches cliniqnes sur la pe'-iioele d excitation latente des musclea daus differentes maladies nerveuses. Arch, ele physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1880, 2. s.. vii, 193-225. -----'. Ke- eherches sur la courbe eh- secousse musculaire eles difl'e- rentes maladies du systeme neuro-nuisculaire. Coinpt. reud. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1883, xcvii. 112 — 114. — IVfcrc-icr (C.) Iucoordinatiou. Brain, Lond., 1883-4, vi, 78-83.— .Tliquel (K.) I'eber ein neues Hiilfsmittel zur Hcur- theilung eles Zustandes des Nervensystems. Arch. el. Ver. f. gi'ineinsch. Arb. z. l-'c'ird. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gdt- ting., 1854. i, 380-39U.— .Tl. Russian text. Laclef (J.-C.) *Snr la mSvropathie. 4°. Paris, 1837. Lee ( E. ) A treatise on some nervous disor- ders ; being chiefly intended to illustrate those varieties which simulate structural disease. 8-. London, 1833. Loewexthal (B.) * De neurosibus secundum diversas vita- ictatcs. 4°. Herbipoli, H24. NERVOUS. 779 XERVOUS. Yorvou* system (Diseases of, Functional). Malik (I. ) * Des nevroses, ou des maladies nerveMises qui sont sous la dependance d'alt^ra- tions hnmoralcs. 4°. Paris, 185"). Meikisse (J.-L.-A.) * Quelques consid6ra- tions gcnerales sur les u6vroses et sur la methode r<5frigorante. 4J. Paris, 1836. Mciiurs (P. J.) DieNervositiit. 12°. Leipzig, 1882. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 12-. Leipzig, 1885. Pom me (P.) Traite des affections vaporeuses des deux sexes, ou maladies nerveuses, vulgaire- ment appelees niaux de nerfs. 6. 6d. 3 v. 8°. Paris, an VII [1799]-a» XII [1804]. Plt/.el ( L. ) A treatise on common forms of functional nervous diseases. 8°. New York, 1880. Reich ( E. ) Studien zur Aetiologie der Ner- vositiit bei deu Frauen. 2. Ausg. <0. Neuwied «. Leipzig, 1877. Riadore (J. E. ) A treatise on the irritation of the spinal nerves as the source of nervousness, indigestion, functional and organical derange- ments of the principal organs of the body, and on the modifying influence of temperament and habits of man over diseases, and their impor- tance as regards conducting successfully the treatment of the latter; and on the therapeutic use of water. 8°. London, 1843. Roux (L.-A.) * De l'etat nerveux proprement dit. 4-. Paris, 1843. de Steixen (J. C. ) * De atonia nervorum morbisque inde oriuudis. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1749]. Stevens ( G. T. ) Functional nervous dis- eases, their causes and their treatment . . . With a supplement ou the anomalies of refrac- tion and accommodation of the eye and of the ocular muscles. 8°. New York, 1887. Stkomeyer ( L. ) Erfahrungen iiber Local- Neuroseu. 8-T Hannover, 1873. Tissot. An essay on the disorders of people of fashion. 8-\ London, [1770]. Vilfeu ( M.-V. ) * Sur la pr6dominance ner- veuse, ses effets et son traitement hygienique ou curatif. 4°. Paris, 1835. Viridet. Sur les vapeurs, qui nous arrivent. 12J. Yverdon, 1726. vox Weldexbach ( C. ) * Ueber den .Status nervosus, nebst drei betreffenden Krankheits- geschichten. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1835. Weiser (M.) * De neurosibus in genere. 8°. Landishuti, [n. d.] A1 ford (S. 8.) Defe«tive nerve-power as a primary cause of disease, with its special relation to dipsomania. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, i. 591-593.—Ambrosoli (C.) Su 1' eccitabilita nervosa. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 371.-----. Aucora su 1' eccitabilita nervosa. Ibid., 441.—Anrona (V.) Intomoa due casi di nevropa- tie ribelli (tosse isterica e torcicollo spastico), seguiti da guarigione. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1882, xxv, 403-407. Also: Salute: Italia med., Genova, 1883, 2. s., xvii, 11-14. — Barbier (J.-B.C.) Considerations ge- iierales sur les nevroses. Gaz. med. dePar., 1852, 3. s., vii, 460; 601.—Beard (G. M.) Cases of hysteria, neurasthe- nia, spinal irritation, and allied affections. Chicago J. Nerv. ,t Ment, Dis., 1874, i, 438-451. Also. Repriut, -----. American nervousness; its philosophy and treatment. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80," vi, 253-276. Also tAbstr.]_: Mouth. J. Sc, Lond., 1879, 3. s., i, 598-610.— leuedikt. Ueber die Lokalisationsgesetze bei chro- nisclieu zentralen Neurosen. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1871, 94-102. Also: Wien. nieel. Presse 1871, xii, 695-700.—Kirlon (A.) Reflexions sur quelques nevroses et en particulier sur la fievre interniittente. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1837-8, v, 129-134.—Bo.in (IT.) | Nouvelle doctrine des nevrose's. France med., Par.. 1860, vii, 315; 323; 331.— Honchnt (E.) De l'etat nerveux I dans sa forme aigue et chroiiique Hull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1857-8. xxiii. 980-983. [Lap. de-GibertJ, 1858-9. xxiv, 467; 501 ; 542; 568. -----. De la contagion des nevroses. Union med., Par.. 1862, 2. s.. xiv, 600-602.-----. Des nevroses congestives de 1'encephale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., I Yer von* system (Diseases of, Functional). I860, xiii, 202; 205.—Brown-Sequard (C. E.) Recent advances of our knowledge in the diagnosis and treatme-nt of functional nervous affections. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 1; 85; 130: 247. —Bnrow (A.) sen. Die Parese der ani- malen Nerven. Heil. klin.Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 600: 609; 621. — Caguetta IT.) Neuropatia di conducibilit.i a forma isteio-catalittica. Ami. clin. d. osp. incur.. Napoli, 1878, ii. s.. iii, 102-107. — Caldwell (J. J.) Some inter- esting reflex neuroses, with treatment and comments. Virginia M. Month . Richmond, 1885-6, xii, 71-83. Also, Reprint. —Castellarnau. Nervosisino crouico, predo- minando las neuralgias y el marasmo nervioso; curacion por la hidroterapia. Bol. de hidroterap., Barcel , 1885-6, i. 98.—Cerise (L.) Lettres sur les nevroses. Union med., Par., 1850, iv. 325 : 337 ; 353 : 1851, v, 17 ; 29 ; 57 ; 161; 189 ; 213; 237.—Corn ins (A- L.) Exhaustion of brain-energy. Med. Pec. X. IT, 1883, xxiii. 375.-----. On the nature of nervousness. Mecl. Gaz.. N. IT, 1883, x, 553— Cum min s (W.J.) On neurotic diseases. Irish Hosp. (Iaz.. Dubl., 1874, ii, 91; 103. — Oana (C. L.) On the pathology and treatment of certain forms of nerve-weakness. Med.'Rec, N. AT. 1883, xxiv, 57-62. —Davis (G. W.) Functional nervous troubles. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1878-9, 55-63. — Demonrs. Nevrose. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxv, 557-587.—Desguin (V.) Sur le uervosisme de notre epoque. Bull. Soc. denied, ment. de Belg.. Gand, 1885, no. 36. 13-22.—Desormeaux. Observation sur une affection nerveuse simulant une maladie organique des viscferes abdominaux. N. Jour, de meel., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1820, ix. 297-306.—Dickson (S. II.) Ou certain morbid conditions of the sensorial system. Richmond M. J., 1867, iii, 97 - 144. — Dimension sobre las neurosis. Siglo med., Madrid, 1866, xiii, 282 ; 297.—Dunn (R.) Sus- pension of the mental faculties, of the powers of speech, ancl special senses, with the exception of sight and touch, occurring in a young woman, and continuing for many months, in consequence of her having accidentally fallen into a river, and been nearly drowned. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 536; 588. Also, Reprint.—Eysclcin (O.) Ueber Nervositat. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1884, vii, 150-174.— Fagge (C. H.) Remarks on some of the paroxysmal neuroses. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loml., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 375-411.—Faleiaui (A.) Nuove considerazioni pra- tiche su la natura e le cagioni delle nevrosi. Ann. univ. di meel., Milauo, 1859, clxviii, 325-332. — Fere (C.) La fa- mille ne'vropathique. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1884, vii, 1; 173.—Forget (C.) Recherches cliniques sur les nevroses. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 918 ; 942 ; 978.—Fowler (S. W.) Nervorum erethismus, or ne-rvous debility. Cincin. Lancet, cfe Obs., 1878, xxi, M7-119.—Fraiiek (S.) "Nerveis." Centralbl. f. Nervenh.. Coblen/., lsso. iii. :j-_>]- 325. — Garland (itals for). See, also, Insane (Asylums for). Adams Nervine Asylum, Jamaica Plains, Mass. The will of Si-th. Adams. 4°. [Boston, 1876.] -----. An act to incorporate the . . . Ap- proved March 16, 1877. 8-. [Boston, 1877.] ------. By-laws and list of officers. Adopted April 19, 1877. 4-. [Boston, 1877.] -----. Annual examinations of the super- visors. 2.-5., 1878-9 to 1881-2. 8 . [Boston, 1879-82. ' -----. List of officers, committees, and mem- bers of the corporation, 1880. 8°. [Boston, 1860. ] ' Aervous system (Diseases of, Hospitals M). -----. Proposed rules and regulations, to Lc considered at a meeting of the iiiaua<'eis to be held Feb. 28, 18-89. 8~. [Boston, 1889.] -----. Rules aud regulations, adopted by the managers Feb. 28, 1889. 8°. [Boston, 1889.] -----. Annual reports of tlie board of man- agers to the corporation. 5.-10., lssl-*> to 188(3-7. 8~. Boston, 1883-7. -----. By-laws of the corporation and rules of the managers, 1865. 8°. Boston, 1885. Asyl fiir Gehirn- und Nervenkranke von Dr. Erlenmeyer in Beudorf bei Coblenz. [Prospec- tus.] 4°. [Neuwied, it. d.] Asyl St. Gilgenberg. Heilanstalt fiir Xe-rven- uud Gemiithskraiike zu Donudorf, bei Bayreuth. Prospect, vou A. Falco. 4°. [Bayreuth,'l86A.] Clifton Hall. Annual reports of the super- intendent of Clifton Hall, a private hospital for mental diseases, at Kellysville, Delaware County, Pa., to the board of supervision. 2.-4., lstil-3. 8-. Philadelphia, 1862-4. -----. Burn Bra*. A private hospital for nervous aud mental diseases, Clifton Heights, Delaware Co. [Circular of the superintendent,, R. A. Given, June, 186-.] 4°. [Philadelphia, 188-.] De Quincey Home, Fort Washington, New York City. A private asylum for the treatment of the opium, morphine, chloral, chloroform and hashisch habits, for mild cases of insanity, and nervous diseases and inebriety. [Circular of the physicians in charge.] 4°. [New York, 1882.] Dispensary for Nervous Diseases, Baltimore. Annual report of the board of trustees. 4, 1882-3. 8°. Baltimore, 1884. Erlenmeyer (A. A.) Das Asyl mifc seinen beiden Gartenbau-Colonien fiir Gemiiths- und Nervenkranke zu Beudorf bei Coblenz. .w . Neuwied, 1867. Erlen.meyer'sche (Dr. ) Anstalten fiir Gej miiths- und Nervenkranke zu Bendorf bei Cob- lenz. Bericht iiber die Einrichtung, Organisa- tion und Leistungen derselben in dem Decen- nium 1. Januar 1871 bis 31. December ls.-'0. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1881. Heilanstalt fiir Nervenkranke, Villa Emilia bei Blankenburg in Thuringen. [Prospectus, von Dr. Schwabe.] 6°. [n. p., n. ch] Heil- und Pflege - Anstalt fiir Gemiiths (Hirn)- und Nervenkranke zu Charlottenburg. Prospekt des dirigirenden Arztes, C. Edel. 8-. [Berlin, n. d.] Heil- und Pflege - Anstalt fiir Nerven- Kranke zn Eitorf a. d. Sieg. [Prospekt und Aufnahme-Bediugungen. Vou A. Meyer.] 8°. [Eitorf, 1876.] Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis and other Diseases of the Nervous System. Loudon. An- nual reports of the committee of management. 4., 1879-71; 15., 1881; 16., 1882. 12°. London, 1871-83. -----. Classification of diseases. Consult- ing room. 12'-'. [London], 1883. Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Philadelphia. [Notice by the medical director, M. Roche, of the opening of the . . . with some of tlie reasons why it was established. Also, the act of incorpora- tion.] 4°. [«. p., n. d.] Kahlbavm (K.) Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt fiir Nerven- und Gemiithskranke zu Gorlitz. [Pros- pectus, Oct. 1874.] 8:T [Gorlitz, 1874.] —---. Programm zur Betheiligung der Heil- anstalt fiir Nervenkranke zu Gorlitz an der dies- jiihrigen Hygiene-Ausstellung, nebst einigen Be- merkungen' iiber die Entwicklung des Nerven- NERVOUS. 781 NERVOUS. Nervous system (Diseases of, Hospitals M). Heilanstaltswesens in Deutschland und iiber Vcraulassung und Zweck meiner Betheiligung an der Ausstelluug. 8°. Gorlitz, 1883. Klrhaus fiir Nervenkranke in Paukow bei Berlin. Prospectus, von R. Guauck. 4°. [Ber- lin, 1883.] National Hospital for the Paralysed aud Epi- leptic, Queen Square, London. By-laws for the management of . . . 8°. London, 1864. -----. Anuual reports of the board of man- agement, 11.-13., 1870-72; 15., 1874; 16., 1875; 18., 1877; 19., 1678. 8~. London, 1871-9. -----. Privileges of governors and members, with rules for admission of patients and system of election. 8°. [London, n. d.] New York State Hospital for Diseases of the Nervous System, New York City. Anuual re- ports of the physicians iu charge to the board of trustees. 1., 1870-71; 2., 1871-2. 8°. New York, 1871-2. Pension uud Heilanstalt fiir Nervenleidende, Blankenburg am Harz. [Prospectus by Oskar Eyseleiu.] 8°. [n.p., n. d.] West End Hospital for Diseases of the Ner- vous System, Paralysis, and Epilepsy. Anuual reports of the committee. 1., 1878-9; 4., 1881-2 ; 5., 188-2-3. 8°. London, 1S79-83. Erleriimcyer (F. A.) Bericht iiber die Heil-Anstalt fiir Nervenkranke zu Bendorf am Rhein, wahrend der ersten 10 Jahre ihres Bestebens, vom 1. October i860 bis 30. September 1876. Cor.-Bl. cl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat,, etc., Neuwied, 1877, xxiii, 17; 65; 113; 149. Also, Reprint.—Friedeeiireicli (A.) Aarsberetning fra F. Lund's Pensionat for Sindssyge og Nervepntienter. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh.. 1887, 3. R., v, 56-60.—Meeker. Die AufualnuebediDgungen der sog. offenen Kuraustalten fiir Nervenkranke. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl.. 1887. xviii, 294-298.—Hoist efe Broaius. 'Leber specie-lie Kuran- stalten fiir Nervenh ranke. Irrenfreuinl. Heilbr., 1882, xxiv, 1-6.—liiii-niiMtiilli-n Hejnidal i Norge. Ugesk. f. Lieger, Kjebenh., 1887. 4. P.. xv. "255-260. — W.-iIiher. Die offenen Anstalten fiir Nervenkranke* nnd Leicht- Verstimmte. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat,, etc., Neuwied, 1874, xx, 49; 65; 81. Nervous system (Diseases of, Journals relating to). ■See Neurology (Journals, etc., relating to). Nervous system (Diseases of, Treatment of). See, also, Electrotherapeutics ; Metallo- therapy. Althaus (J.) On paralysis, neuralgia, and other affections of the nervous system ; and their successful treatment by galvanism and faradisa- tion. 3. ed. 12°. London, 186,4. Artiiuis (A.) Traitement des maladies ner- veuses et eles affections rhuraatismales par l'elec- tricit6 statique. 12°. Paris, 1673. Bloch (A.) L'eau froide, ses proprie'te's et son emploi, principaleinent dans l'etat nerveux. 12°. Paris, 1889. -----. The same. El agua fria, Sus propie- dades y su empleo principalmeute en el estado nervioso. Version espanola por J. R. de Torres y Martinez. 8°. Madrid, 1881. Cekvelleri (F.) De l'emploi de l'electro- magu6tisme dans les maladies des nerfs, et des dirt'ereus proeedes d'applicatiou des appareils e"lectro-niagnetiques a. excitation, a courans gra- duels, et a soustraction dans le traitement des paralysies, de la sciatique, de l'amaurose, de l'epilepsie, et de plusieurs autres ne*viose-s, des plaies, et des tumeurs anciennes de diftVjrente nature, et en particulier de certaines tuineurs articulaires et scrofuleuses. 8-\ Naples, 1849. De Forest (L. S.) * Das ableitende Verfahren mittels Fontanelle oder Haarseil bei Erkraukun- gen des Central-Nerveusystems. 8°. Jena, 16-5. Nervous system (Diseases of, Treatment of). Eyseleix (O. ) Tisch fiir Nervenkranke. (Diiitetische Behandlung der Neiveukrankhti- ten.) 8°. Karlsbad, 1883. Fechner (W.) Die Anwendung der Ek-ktri- zitiit in der Medizin bei Nervenleideu, Gehirn- und Eiickenmarks-Kraukheiten. 8C. Berlin IV., 1885. Holst fV.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Be- handlung von Nervetikrankeu in besonderen Anstalten. 8\ Riga, 1889. -----. Die Behandlung der Hysterie, der Neurasthenie und ahulicher allgeineiner func- tioneller Neurosen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttaart, 18-3. Hood (S.) Analytic physiology, treating of the cure of nervous diseases by external applica- tions to the spine. 2. ed. 8°. London, L-2'J. Lsnard (C.) Der therapeutische Gebrauch des Arseniks gegen die Krankheiten des Nerveu- systems. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerknngen begleitet von C. J. Le Viseur. 8°. Erlangen, 1867. Kesteven (W. B.) Remarks on the use of the bromides in the treatment of epilepsy and other neuroses. Read at the third quarterly meeting of the Medico-Psycholooical Association, April 29, 1869. 8J. Lewes, 1869. Krauss (I. C.) Verhandeliug over den aard en de werking der geneesiniddelen, welke ter be- strijding van zenuwkwalen en derzelver toeval- len worden aangewend. Die met den goudeu medaille van het legaat van I. Monuikhotf is bekroond. 8J. Amsterdam, 1819. Kriegler ( M. ) Az elvesztett ide.oere'inek visszapotlasa. [Treatment of neurasthenia.] 8°. Budapest, 1875. Kruse (E.) Ueber Se-elnft- und Seebadekuren bei Nervenkrankheiten. 2. Aufl. Norden it. Norderney, 1887. Langstein (H.) Die Ne*urasthenie (Nerven- schwache) und ihre Behandlung iu Teplitz- Sehonau. 8J. Wien, 1886. Ledru (N. P.) Rapport de MM. Cosnier [et al.] sur les a vantages reconnus de la nouvelle methode d'administrer l'electricitd dans les mala- dies nerveuses, particulierement dans l'epilepsie, et dans la catalepsie, par M. Ledru, connu sous le nom de Comus. Ce rapport est pre~cex!6 de 1'apercu du systeme de rauteur snr l'agent qu'il emploie, et des avantages qu'il en a tires. Imprimi par ordre et aux frais du gouvernement. 8-. Paris, 1783. Mitchell (S. W.) Fat and blood, and how to make them. 12°. Philadelphia, 1877. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12-. Philadelphia, 1879. -----. Lectures on diseases of the nervous system, especially in women. 8J. Philadelphia, 18.81. -----. The same. 2. ed 6 . Philadelphia, 1885. -----. The same. An essay on the treat- ment of certain forms of neurasthenia and hysteria. 4. ed. .*-. Philadelphia, 1885. "-----. The same. Du traitement methodi- que de la neurasthenie et de quelques formes d'hystdrie. Traduit par Oscar Jennings; avec une introduction rar B. Ball. 6-'. Paris, 1-83. Also [Rev.] : Irrenfreund. Heilbr., 1880, xxviii, 129; 145; 161. Also, transl.: Psvchiat. BL, Dordiecht, 1886, iv, 215- 222: Utrecht, 1887, v, 07-106. Nerfs (Les) et les eaux de Vichy; dosage d<-r- moscopique; nuSthode du Dr. Collongues, me- decin consultant a Vichy. 18'. Paris, [n. d.] Padioleau (A.) Von der moralischen Heil- kunde bei der Behandlung vou nervosen Krank- ERVOUS. 782 NERVOUS. Nervous system (Diseases of, Treatment of). heiteu. Ein'von der kaiserliehen Akadennie der Wissenschaften gekrontes Werk. Frei iibersetzt und mit Anmerkuugen und Zusiitzeu ausgestat- tet vou Dr. Eiseumann. 6-. Wurzburg, 186)7). Phosphorus in functional disorders of the nervous system, induced by over-work and other influences incidental to modern life. With for- mula* aud treatment. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878. Phosphorus as a remedy for loss of nerve power induced by overwork, etc. 10°. New York f Philadelphia, [n. d.] Kemak (R.) Galvauotherapie der Nerven- und Muskejkraukheiten. 8J. Berlin, 187>8. -----. The same. Galvauotherapie, ou de l'application du courant galvauique constant an traitement des maladies nerveuses et muscu- laires. Traduit de l'allemand par A. Morpaiu. Avec les additions de l'auteur. 8U. I'aris, 186,9. Richard ( R. ) Die Regeneration des ge- schwachteu Nervensystems, oder: griimiliche Heilung aller Folgen der geheimen Jugendsiin- den uud der Ausschweifung. Mit vielen Kran- kengeschichten erliiutert und nach den neuesten Entdeckungen der Nervenphysiologie fiir Aerzte und Kranke bearbeitet. 11. Aufl. 8Z. Quedlin- burg u. Leipzig, 1883. Ryley (J. B.) Electro-magnetism and mas- sage iu the treatment of rheumatic gout, dys- pepsia, sleeplessness, nerve prostration, and other chronic disorders. 12°. London, 1887. Swan (J.) A dissertation on the treatment of morbid local affections of nerves. [Jackoonian prize.] 8°. London, 1820. -----. The same. Gekriiute Preisschrift iiber die Behandlung der Localkrankheiten der Ner- ven, nebst dessen auatomisch-physiologisch-pa- thologischen Beobachtungen iiber das Nerven- system. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt und mit einigen Zusiitzeu hrsg. von Franz Fraucke. 8°. Leipzig, 1824. Tibbits (H.) Electrical and anatomical de- monstrations delivered at the School of Massage aud Electricity in connection with the West- End Hospital for Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, and Epilepsy, Welbeck Street, London. A handbook for trained nurses and masseuses. 12;. London, 18*7. Tischler (A.) Die systematische Behand- lung der Nervositiit und Hysterie. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe. 8~. Berlin, 1883. Traby(V.) * Des indications du traitement hydro-mineral dans les maladies organiques c€- rebro-spinales. 4°. Montpellier, 1884. Verhaeghe (L.) Du traitement des maladies nerveuses par les bains de mer. 8°. Bruxelles, 1850. Zaklad wodoleczeuiczy w Nowem Miescie nad Pilie.o, jako doin zdrowia dla chorych nerwowych. [Water-cure establishment at Nowe Miasto, on the river Piliea, as a health resort for nervous diseases.] 80. Warszawa, 1886. Suppl. to: Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1886, 2. s., vi, no. 21. Adamkiewicz. Leczenie nerwobolu za pomocauo- wego sposobu znieczulenia mie.jscowego. [Treatment of nervous diseases by a new remedy, viz, local anaesthesia.) Przegl. lek., Krakow.. 1886. xxv, 245-247—Ami*. De racnpuncture dans certaines affections nerveuses spas- modieiues. Arch. nied. beiges. Brux., 1881, 3. s., xx, 380- 387.—ArmciKlariz. Las aguas ele Solares en las neu- rosis. An. Soe-. espan. de hielrol. meel., Madrid. 1883-4, v, 447; 469. — A vi rb t-tli (H.) Die psychologist-he tie- deutung der Heilgymnastik uud Massage iu der Behand- lung gewisser Xerven-Leiden. Allg. Wien. meet. Ztg.. l*-,-*0. xxxi, 14; 26: 38. — Bagliettn (M.) Aplicaciones de la electricidad al trataioientei de las enferniedades nerviosas. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1882, viii, 620; 645: 1883, ix, 1; 29; 57. — Baraduc (H.) Du traite- \rrroii.« system (Diseases of. Treatment of). ment local des congestions chroniques simples et exsuda- tivcs de l'axe nii'-uingo-spinal par les ventouses vcsicantes. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. ined. Compt.-rend. 1884, Uopenh.. 1886. iii, Sect, de psychiat et nevrol., 94-99.— Ban-a (F. P.) Observacione-s ele- unas neuroses curadas con el metodo e-lectrioo. Bol. dee nied . cirug. y farm. Ma- drid, 1847, 3. s., ii, 389-391.—Burl Ii©Ia\s ec--ialisin. fPresidential address. Xew Y'ork Xeuro- logical Soe-iety. i J. Xerv. efc Ment. Dis.. XT Y'.. 1883. n. s., viii, 61s-ei29.—.Tlossdorf. Elcctrothe-rapic in eler Poli- kliuik fiir Xc-rveiiki anke. Jahresb. cl. Gesellsch. f. NT-it.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1877, 83-88 —Miiller (().) Die Win tereurorte fiir Nervenkranke an eler Riviera. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat.. etc., Berl., 1884, xii, 131-135. —ITI ii Her (IT W. ) Ueber einige Principienfragen in der Klektrothe- rapie-. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz.. 1885, iv, 199; 220.— IV'ewliall (S. A.) Piscidia erythriua in the treatment of convulsive atfectiems. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 147. — >iermeijer (J. H. A.) De behaneleliugsme- tliode van Kumpf. Xeelerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1884. xx. 256-264.—Obcrsteiner (H.) Zur iuternen An- wendung des Cocains bei Neurosen und Psychosen. AVien. ined. Presse. 1885, xxvi. 1253-1257. Also, Reprint. — Palma iG.i Intono aleuni c.isi di neuropatie accolti e eurati nello stabiliineuto del Monte della Misericordi.i in Casamicciola. Morgagni, Napoli, 1881, xxiii, 353-356.— Ban I (C.) Du traitement du treniblemeut et des autres troubles de la coordination du mouvement par lis bains galvaniques. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.- rend. 1880, Par.. 18*4. ix. 898-902. Also: Bull, et inem. Soc. de therap. 1880, Par., 1881, 2. s., vii. 186-206. 2 tab. Also: Bull. gOn. de therap.. etc.. Par., 18811. xcix. 193-212, 2 diag. — Pauli. Wie verhalten sich eler Arsenik uud Phosphor in ilnvn Wirkungen verschiceleneii XVrven- krankheiten ge geniiber .' Irrenfreund. Heilbr., 1S80, xxii, 42-44.— l*iotrowski (G.) O niiejscu w ktoreni prad elek- trvczny huicuchowy zamykauy i otwieranv. stun czyuny w ne-rwach ruchu wznieca. [The local application of elec- tricity in nervous affections. J Pr/cgl. lek., Krakow., 1865, iv, 353; 361.—Proust (A.) A; Kallet i'G.) De fac- tion des aimants sur quelques troubles ne-rveux, spociale- nient sur les aiiesthesies. J. ele therap., Par., 1879, vi. 8(11; 841— Bafnlski (F.) Spostrzezenia nad leczeniein nerwobc')h')w zelazem do bialosci upalonem. [On the treat- ment of nervous affections by actual cautery.] Gaz. lek. Warszawa. 1873, xiv, 33 ; 52.—Ramskill. Various cases (epilepsy, spasm, paralysis) treated by the administration and inhalation of oxygen, ammonia, and bromoforni. Meel. Times e>; Gaz.. Lond., 1863, ii, 11.—Kanney (A. L.) The therapeutical effects of the internal administration of hot water in the treatment of nervous diseases. Tr. XT York Acad. M. (1882-4). 1886, 2. s., iv, 311-325. Also: XT Tork M. J., 1884, xl, 426; 456. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xiv, 464-468. Also, transl. ■ Coimbra med., 1884. iv, 353; 368; 387.-----. The treatment of functional nervous diseases by the relief of eye strain. X. Y'ork M. J., 1888. xlvii, 1 ; 37. Also, Reprint—de Rause l .) De faction immediate eles eaux de Neris dans le traitement des maladies du systeme nerveux. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. nied. de Par., 1875-6. xxi, 222-260. [Rap. de Boulouniiej, 261-281. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1876, 4. s.. v. 126; 136; 160; 172.— Ravin-Bussicrc (H.) De la guerison des nevroses convnlsives: elumeilleur nioeled ad mi uist rat ion du bromine de potassium. 6az.il. hop.. Par., 1871. xliv. 501. — Bemak. Application du courant constant au traitement eles ne- vroses. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1865, xxxviii. 501; 509; 521 : 533; 545. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. d. cours scient.. etc.. Par.. 1864-5, ii, 23-25. Also, trousl. rAbstr.]: Imparziale, Fi- renze, 1865. v, 717; 742—Reveille-Parise (J.-H.) Prin- cipes generaux de therapentique. relatifs aux personnes emiueinii-e-nt nerveuses, comme les gens ele lettres, les artistes, cc. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par.. 1834. vi, 69- 77. Als : Abeille, Brux., 1834, i, 225-229. — Bit-liter. Die schiidliche Wirkung zu kalter Bader bei cbreiuischen Nervenkrankheiten. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl, 1883. iv, 739-741. Also, Reprint. — Rodolfl (R.) Anestesia elet- trica. Processo verbale della seduta elettro-terapeutiea, che si teune nell' Ospitale di Brescia il 26 febrajo 1865 Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milauo, 1865, 5. s.. iv, 87. Also. Reprint. -----. Anestesia elettrica; rumore determinato della correute d' induzione; 1' elettricita nell epilessia e nelle convulsioni yiilettiforniiisteriche. Gazz. med. lomb.. Milano. 1865, 5. s., iv, U". Also, Reprint.— Rodriguez de la Torre (W.) El sueno en los neuropatas. An. el. Circ. med. argvnt.. Buenos Aires, 1886, ix. 125-143. — Ro- driguez y Porriia (F.) Policliuica de la Kscuelu de medieina: scccie'm ele neuro-patologia y electroterapia: cuadro estailistico de los enfermos preseiitados durante e-1 cursi) de 1885 a 1886. Rev. nied. de Sevilla, 1886. ix, 257- 261. — Rosatini (IT) Contribuzione alia terapia delle nevrosi coll orticazione. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 18s5, 3. s., v. 202-206— Rosenblatt (E.) Choroby ukladu nerwow spostrzegane w szpitalu sV. Ludwika od r. 1879 do 1882. [Diseases of the nervous system treated in the St. Louis Hospital, Cracow.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow., 1883. xxii, 4; 43; 55: 65: 79: 92; 102; 114; 158: 175: 190; 206: 236; 247: 272; 299: 324; 331; 349; 361: 383; 407: 1885. xxiv, 572: 587: 614; 627: 639: 663: 18>7. xxvi, 536; 5-18 : 61s. _ Rosenthal (M.) Der heutige Stand der Lehre von der Xervous system (Diseases nf Treatment of). Hyelrotherapie, mit besonderer Riieksicht auf Nerven krankheiten. Med.-chir. Rundschau. Wien. 1866 vii, pt. 1! 1 : 81—Rumpf (T.) Mittheilungeii aus dem Gebiet eler Nruropathologie unci Klektrotherapie. Diulsche med. AVchnschr.. Berl., 1881. vii. 442 ; 489: 507. — Nnehs (H.) On the use of the absolute galvanometer, with description of llirschinann'snew instrument. .J. Xerv. efc Ment. Dis., NT \T, 1885. n. s.. x, 19-26. — Sill.....ve (E.) Cunsidera' tions et observations cliniques sur le traitement de cer- taines affections nerveuses par les anneaux nietalliques du Dr. Burq. Gaz. meel. de Par., 1852. 3. s., vii, 17] ; 184 ; 202. —Snrlaudiere. Affections nerveuses traile'-e-s par l'electi icite. le galvanisine. l'ncupuucture, furl ication, les nioxas. etc. Ann. de la meel. physiol., Par.. 1829. xvi, 129- 14:;.—Siiiwriari' (S.) Balneotherapie der wichtigere-n Erkrankungen eles centralen und periphiren XTrveDs\s tems. Pest med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1880. xvi, 187 208. Also, transl. .- Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1880, xxiv. 102! 185; 215. — Sequin (E.C.) Lecture upon the grnciai the- rapeutics of 1 lit* nervous system. Meet. Per . X. V.. 1874. ix, 281: 337. .1 /«,. in his : Op. min. [etc.]. 8 , X. V., 1884. 139-163. -----. The abuse and use of bromides. J. Xerv. efc Ment. Dis., Chicago. 1877, iv, 445-162. Also .- Meel. Kee. N. Y., 1877. xii. 283-285. Also, in his: Op. min. jetc.], sr N. YT, 1884, 226-241. -----. The. efficacy of potassium lide in non-syphilitic organic' diseases of the nervous system. Meel. Pec.. XT YT. 1882. xxi, 50-52. Also: Arch. Med., N. YT. 188::. ix. 240-259. Also, in his: Op. min. [etc.], 8°, X. YT. 1884, 579-593. -----. Ou the efficient dosage of certain remedies used in the treatment of nervous diseases. Tr. M. Soc. XT Y"., Syracuse, 1882. 163-182. Also, Li-print. Also : Arch. Med., X. YT. 1882, vii. 177: 274. Also, in his: Op. min. [etc.]. 8', XT YT. 1884. 594-0i>7.-J«ieiiiiiioln (M.) Terapia gene-rale di aleuni disturbi funzionali del sistema nervoso; valore pratico comparative tlell' atrophia e dei bromici nella cura seelativa. Mecl. contenip.. Xapoli, 1884, i, 80 ; 193. — Smolensk! (S.) L'wagi nad hydroterapia, niektehych nerw ie oddechowych i zboczeii im pokrc-wnycli. [Hydrotherapy in some atfectiems of nerves of respiration and allied diseases.] Medycyna, Warszawa. 1887, xv, 229- 235.—Sprague (G.) Surrendering to disease too wil- lingly: large' doses of str\ chnine. NT Tork M. J., 1885, xiii 519. — Ntillcr. Peber elie Wirkung kulileiisaurer Stahl- und Eisenmoor-Biider bei Krankheiten des Nerven- systems. Aerztl. Int.-PL. Miinchen. 1882, xxix. 147; 162.— Mloltenhou". Studien iiber die Wiikung des Acetals (Dhetliyhii'etals). Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 18s:i, vi, 122-128!—Ntiii-jii-ec (O.) The place in nature of functional nervous disease"-. Meel. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 234; 263.—Milt-kling (CT) Arsenic in chronic elegcnerillive diseases of the nervous system. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii. 939.—Sur re. Cas remarquable de nevrosi* nieiit-.'.e guerie par 1'usage du cuivre. Niee-meeb, 1886-7. xi, 205- 207 [13-16].—Weiknrd (M. A.) De elamnis piirgantiiini iu nervis moliilibus. ubi natura acre fieri ad cutem expel- lere couata fuit. In his: Obs. med., 12°. Prankof. a. M., 1775. 92-108.—Weill (E.) De l'apomorphine dans certains troubles nerveux. Lyon med., 1884, xlvii, 411-418.— Weiss (X*.) Feber die therapeutische Verwendung cles Propy- lnmin (recte Trimetvlamin) in einigen Nervenkrankheiten. Mitth. d. Wien. nied. Doct.-ColL. 1878. iv, 213; 221; 229. Also.- Wien. med. BL, 1878. i, 185: 206. Also, lie-print.— Wide (A.) Om nervtryCkuing. (C. r. Pressions sur les neifs.J Nord. med. Ark!, Stockholm, 1887, xix, no. 10,1-15. Nervous system (Diseases of) in children. See; also. Convulsions in infants, etc.; Hys- teria in children. Andrews (F. F.) The nervous affections of children and their treatment bv cod-liver oil. Practitioner, Loud., 1886. xxxvii. 426-434.—tarter (W.) Cases of nervous diseases in children. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1888, viii, 46- oti.—Crohn (M.) ZurCasuistik der Erkrankungen des kindlicheii XT r\ ensvste nis. Arch. I. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1882-3. iv, 88-100. — DubrUay (J.) De quelques troubles du systeme nerveux chez les enfants. Union med.. I'ar , 1883, 3. s.. xxxvi, 476-480.—IIadden (WT B.) Illustra- tions of certain obscure nervous affections in children. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1885, Loud., 1886. xv, 67-77.— I'lrkhani 1 Grace). The anatomical and physiological basi-, of the kinesio-neuroses of infancy and childhood. ,T. XT rv. & Ment. Dis.. NT YT. 1884. 11. s.. ix, 408-423.-*«'- .V.uin (E. C.) Clinical lectures on the nervous affections of childhood. Med. Gaz.. XT Y.. 1883, x, 98; 113; 123.-*i- korsky. Contributions ii lT'tude des maladies ncrve-usi-i chez les enfants a l'age scolaire. Cong, internat. el hyg. et de deimog. Coinpt. rend. 1882. Geneve, 1883, ii, 453-45;). Nervous system (Diseases of) of uterine origin and in women. Sec. also, Insanity in women. Axdkusox (\V. J.) Hystcricul and ucivoua affections ot* women. PJ-. London, 187)3. NERVOUS. 785 NERVOUS. ]\ervons system (Diseases of) of uterine origin and in -women. Borssi (li.) * Etude sur les troubles nerveux n-tli-xes observes dans les maladies uterines. 4°. Paris, 1889. Carcassonne (C.) * Des troubles nerveux li6s a un (Stat physioiogiejiie ou pathologique de 1'uterus. 4-. Paris, 1866. Hatch ( Ct. A.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Riickenmarks und Hirns auf die Bewegungen des Uterus, eine Zusainnienstellung und Eriirte- ruug desjenigen, was bishcr daruber bekannt gewordeii ist, sowie Bericlit iiber Experiniente, welche in Bezug auf die Frage angestellt wur- den, ob auch dann noch Reflexbewegung des Uterus statthabe, wenn jene centralen Nerven- poitioiicu an ihnen nicht Antheil niihmen. 8°. Halle, [1879]. Lambert (J.) Notes on the relations of ute- rine disease to insanity. 8°. [n. p., 1877.] Mitchell (S. \V.) Lectures ou diseases of the nervous system, especially in women. 8-\ Phila- delphia, 1881. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. Reich (E.) Die Nervositiit bei deu Frauen, ihre Ursachen uud Verhiitung. 2. Aufl. ,8°. Berlin, [n. d.] Rigodix (E.) * Des maux de nerfs chez la femme. 4-\ Paris, 1858. Vactke ( J.-D. ) * Considerations sur diffe- rentes affections spasmodiijnes chez les femmes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1826. Batuaud (J.) Lois des reflexes g6nitaux ; nevralgie lombo-ahelominal. Rev. med.-chir. tl. mal. d. femmes. Par., 1887, ix, 262-275.—Bell (WT H.) Reflex morbid condition arising from disease of the uterus. Tr. Indiana M. Soe-.., Tndiauap., 1876, xxvi, 70-85.—Calkins (A. E.) Pterine and ovarian reflexes. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1884, li. :U2 : 340.—t'lirobak (R.) Retroflexio uteri und Respi- ralioiisiiiurosen. Wien. med. Presse, 1860, x, 8; 41.— C'irera (J.) Breves consideraciones acerca de los tras- tornos uerviosos que acompanan & algunas de los enfer- medades de los organos genitales de la inuje-r. I Jac. med. catal., Barcel., 1881, i, 161; 235; 302—«l'u*ack (S.) Cases of certain nervous diseases, occurring principally in females. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 220-232.— Wnlbey-Norred (Elizabeth S.) LTterine and ovarian irritation, svmptomatized by dysmenorrhea, a cause of insanity. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1883, xxxiii, 184- 191.— On bay (M.) A nok idegessegerol. [Nervous dis- eases of women.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1881. xxi. 729- 734. — Duncan (J. M.) Two cases of nerve lesion in gvniecology. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond , 1879, xv, 1-6.— Ourell (T. M.) Functional diseases of the nervous system dependent upon disease of the uterus. Boston M. efc S. J., 1881, cv, 253.—Edis (A. W.) On the influence of uterine disorders in the production of numerous sympathetic dis- turbances of the general health and affections of special organs. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., 7. sess., LoncL. 1881, iv, 309-312 — Eiigelniuiin (G. J.) The hystero-neurose-s, with espe-cial reference to the menstrual hystero neurosis of the .stomach. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc. 1877, Bost., 1878, ii, 483- 518. Also. Reprint. Also, transl.: Rev. med. chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., lsT'.i.i, 333; 385; 465.—Fa liquet (K.) Uterus irritable ; ectropion douloureux ayant 6t6 le point de depart de phenomenes reflexes interessants. Rev. nied.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1887, ix, 275-280.— de Fourcauld (V.) l5tude sur les troubles du systeme nerveux central consecutifs aux affections diverses ele l'appareil utero- ovarien. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1879, xii, 248 ; 355 : 1880, xiii, 32.—ieioodell (VV.) The relation of neurasthenia to dis- eases of the womb. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1878, Post., 1879, iii, 25-44. Also, Reprint. — Hallou (P. J.) Neurosis of sensory and vaso-motor nerves of arm due to suppressed mensti nation. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1869, xlvii. 370.— Hamilton (A. McL.) The nervous diseases of women. Buffalo M. A S. J., 1873-4, xiii, 401-405 -Kinsman (I). N.) Neuralgia anil other disordeis caused by uterine dis- ease. Obst. (iaz., Cincin., 1878, i. 195-198.—Kispert (Ci.) Ueber die- sogenaiiiiten begleiteuden consensuellen Er- sclieinuugi'n in entfernteren Oiganen bei Gebarmutter- krankheiteu. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 187s, iii, 392-397.— I.evei- {A. C. W.) On some disorders of I In- nervous system associated with pregnancy and par- turition. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond.. 1847. 2. s.. v, 1-25. Also, Reprint.—liiltle (W. S.) Symptoms (reflex) in ancl about the eve. due to some affection of the uterus or its appeudaiies.' Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 581-583.—L.U- 50 Xervon* system (Diseases of) of uterine origin and in women. ens, Uterine physiology and pathology, and their effects on the nervous system. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii. 10; 181. — Met ol-jan (J. 1.) Some remarks on re- flex neuroses in female diseases. South. Pi act., Nashville, 1887, ix, 1S2-186 — .Uackin (C. TT) Practical observa- tions on a form of nervous disorder met with in females. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1857, ii, 161; 246— iTIadden (T. M.) Further observations on certain cerebro-nervous disordeis peculiar to women. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1883, ii, 816-819.— VI or ton (D.) Uterine reflexes. Louisville M. News, 1884, xviii. 49-53. — .TIo-»ew (G. A.) Hysiero-neu- roses, with cases. Tr. ISL Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1878, xvii, 93-100. — 11 uncle (P.P.) Clinical observations on reflex genital neuroses in the female. J. Nerv. efc Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1886, n. s , xi, 129-139. Also, Reprint.—>et". tel (W. B.) Clinical notes on nervous diseases of women. Arch. Scient. A Pract. M. *x S. N. Y. A Phila.. 1873. i, 267 ; 365 ; 416. A Iso, Reprint.—Ohr iC. 11.) Geuito ' i Hex neurosis in the female. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1883, xvi. 50: 168.—Prlayf'nir i W. S.) Notes on the systematic treat- ment of nerve prostration and hysteria connected with uterine disease. Lancet, Lond., 1881. i, 857; 948: ii, 991: 11)29.—Schauta I IT I Zm gynakologischen Belianilluug bei Neurosen. Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix. 601 : 633.—Skene (A. J. (.'.) Studies of the relations existing between 1be organs of reproduction and the brain anil nervous s\stem in women. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 435-452. -----. The I elation of the ovaries to the brain and nervous system. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1881. xix, 46-49.—Warren (J. S.) The hystero-neurosis of the stomach in pregnancy. Ibid.. 339-341. Also [Abstr.]: Coll. efc Clin. Rec. Phila., 1881. ii, 75-78. I\ervoii* system (Electrophysiology of). See, also, Electrophysiology. Du Bois-Reymoxd ( E. ) Ueber die elektro- motorische Kraft der Xerven und Muskeln. 8°. Berlin, 1867. ExiiKssKU (H.) * Existirt eine Yerschiedeu- heit in der Keaction des Nerven gegen den gal- vanischen Strom, je nachdeni die Kette mil de: Kathode oder Anode gc-schlossen oder geoffnet wird? 8°. Freiburg, is?4. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1875, x, 147-151. Fick (A.) Untersuchungen iiber elektrische Nervcnrcizung. 4 -'. Braunschweig, 1864. Fick (A. [E.]) * Ueber c Beuzi (E.) Azione ritlessa sospensiva dell' elettrico. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1885. vii, -173.—Donders (F. Cl He werkingvan den constanten stroom op elen nervus vagus. Versl. .. . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natum!... Amst., 1871, v. 80- 142. :: pl. —Du Bois-Beyiuouil i fl.i Note sur la loi cpii pre'-sidc a l'irritation ele e ti ique des nerfs et sur la modifica- tion ilu courant museulain- par l'effet dc la contraction. Ann-ih i liim. etphys., Par.. 1850, 3. s., xxx. 119-127. Also. Lb-print. —Dunbar (.L P. W.) Interesting galvanic ex- periments. Bait. M. A S. J. & Rev., 1833. i, 245-248.— Eckhard (Cl L'eber den Einfluss des constanten gal- vanischen Stromes auf die Erregbarkeit des motorischen Nerven. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eckhard), Giessen. 1858. i, -j:;-54. — Ens;eliiiauH (T. W.) Bewrgingsver- schijiiseliii aan /i ini\vve/.elen. bij prikkeling met iuductie- stroomen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1871-2, 3. R.. i, 168-177. Also, transl: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1872. v. 31-37. -----. Eenige proe- ven tot elemonstratie eler alge inei-ne wet van electrische prikkeling. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. cl. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 18,1-2. 3. r., i, 266-271. -----. Vergleichende Aervons system (Electrophysiology of). Lr.tersuchuugen zur Lehre von der Muskel- lin'd Nerven- elektric itiit. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol.. Bonn, 1877 xv 116- 148— Kugel in a n u (T. W.) .v IMace. Methode tot het voorkomeu van uuipolaire stroonu-n bij prikkeling clcr zc- nnwen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. I'treeht Hoogesch.. 1867-8, i, 277-280.— Eulenbui-j; ( A. ) Le' her i-Iectrotonisirende Wirkungen bei poirutanei Anwi-n- dung des constanten Stromes auf Nerven uuel Muskeln. Deutsches Arch. f. kliu. Med , Leipz., 1867, iii, 117-1P_\ -----. Ueber einige Erscheinungen der galvanisi-hen Nervenreizung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 251.— E.iii'i' (8.) In welcher Weise trittdie negative Schwan- kung (lurch dasSpinalgauglion ! Arch. f. Physiol,. Leipz. 18,7,567-570. -----. Zur Kenntniss von der'Wcchselwir- kung der Erregungcn hu Ceutialnervriisystein. Arch. f. d. ges. I'hysiol., Bonn, 1882, xviii, 487-506, 1 pl.—F. (W.) Ou some analogies between the nervous system and the electric telegraph. Meel. Times e\ Gaz.. Lond., 1880. i, 433; 488; 561; 588.—Fiek (A.) Studien iiber electrische Nervenreizung. Verhandl. d. phvs.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb. (1868-71), 1872. n. IT. ii. 1-15-155. 1 pl. Also: Arb. a.d.physiol.Lab.d. Wiirzb. Hochsch., 1872-8,55-75. _____. Arb. a. d. plnsi„L -I' Ueber quere Nervendurchstreiiiiiiii Lab. d. Wiirzb. Hochsch., 1872-8, 270-287, 1 pl. — I ilelnie (W.) Beitriige zur Lehre- vom Ziickiingsgcsitze cles ah- sterbendenNerven. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1872. x, 401-419. -----. L'eber die Zuckiiiigsl'ormeu bei del1 sogenaunten quereu Diirchstromung des Lroschnerven. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874. viii. 71-74, 1 pl.— vou Fleischl (E.) Lntersuchung iiber die (lesetzc der Nervenerregimg. 1. Abhandl. LTeber die Lehre vom An- sehwe-llen der Reize in Nerven. Sitzungsb. d. k Akad. (1. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1875, Wien. 1876. lxxii, 393- 406. Also, Reprint. —---. 2. Abhandl. Uebe-r die Wir- kung seciindarer elektrischer Strome auf Nerven. Si- lzungsb. el. k. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1876, Wien 1877, lxxiv, 403-424, lpl. Also, Reprint. -----. 3. Ah- haiidl. Has Rheonom. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissen. sch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1877, Wien, 1878, lxxvi. i:i8-Ki->, 4 pl. Also, Reprint.-----. 4. Abhandl. Der intopolai e Elec- trotonus. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CL, Wien. 1878, lxxvii, 159-176, lpl. Also, Re- print.-----. 5. Abhandl. Die Theorie des Lleetiotonus. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. cl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1878, Wien. 1879, lxxx, 267-282, 2 pl. -----. 6. Ab- handl. Ueber die Wirkung linearer Stroinsihwaukiuigeu, auf Nerven. Ibid. (1880). 1881. Ixxxii, 133-154, 3 pl. Also, Keprint. -----. Das Zuckungsgesetz. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1882, 1-24. — Frederieq ( L.) Ueber die elektromotorische Kraft des Warmbliitrriierven. Ibid., 18c0. 65-71. — Gad. Betrachtungen uml Versuche. die Alinabme iles Stromes am absterbenden Nerven hetretfeud. Ibid.. 1878, 615-619. — Griyuialo (B.) Zur Erortennig der Frage : Ueber die raumliche A usbreitung des Electro- tonus in einemNcrven. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St.Petersb., 1860, xvii, 297 -<.'men Im yen (A.) Theorie des physi- kalischen Electrotonus. Ztschr. f. rat Med.. Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1868, 3. R., xxxi, 43-45.—4,i lil/nei (P.) Ueber die Eiuwirkung constanter ch-ktrischer Striiine-auf Ner- ven. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol . Ileum, 1878, xvii, 238-249. -----. Leber elektrische Nervenreizung. Ibid., 1882, xxviii. 130-178. 1 pl. — ll:ill«l< n (K.) Elektrotonus in sensible-n Nerven. Arch. f. Pli\sioL, Leipz., 1880. 112— 114. — Head (H.) Lebe-r die negativeu uud positivru Schwankungen eles Nervensl roines. Arch. f. cl. ges. I'hv- siol., Bonn, 1886-7, xl. 207-273. 1 pl.—Heriu-* (E.j Li-bi-i- Nerveiireiziing durch elen Nervenstroni. Silzungsb. (1. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Math, naturw. CL, 3. Abth., Wien, 1882. lxxxv, 237-275—Hermann (L.) Ueber eine Wir- kung galvanischer Striiine auf Muskeln uud Nerven. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. IJonn. 1872, v, 223, 1 pl.: vi, 312. ------. Untersuchungen iiber elas Gesetz der Eiregiings- leitung in polarisirten Nerven. Ibid.. 1873. vii, 323; 497, 1 pl.------. Fortgesetzte Liitersiichungen iiber elie Be- ziehungen zwiscben Polarisation uuel Erregung im Ner- ven. Ibid, 1875, x, 215-239. ------. Zur Lehre voni Einflusse der Reizstelle und Reizstromrichtung im Ner- ven. Ibid.. 1878. xvi. 262. ------. L'nlersuehiingen iiber die Actionsstidme eles Nerven. Ibid.. x\iii. 574-5,-6. ------. Bemerkung iiber elas galvanisc-hi- Verhalten einer (lurch tlosse-iieii Nervenstrccke. Ibid., 1879, xix. 116. ------. Ueber eine verbesserte- Construction des C.alva- nanometers fiir Net venversurhe. Ibid.. l879-sn. xxi 430- 445, 1 pl.— Hitziu (E.) Uebe-rquere- Durelislniiiinii^ eles Frosclinerveii. Ibid.. 1873, vii, 263-2,3. — Kal J xc-liew (J.) Ueber die elektrische Erregung der s> n,palliiscln n Fasern und iiber den Einfluss elektrischer Striiine aut die Pupille beim Menschen. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 18i8, viii. 624-640.— l,niiiaii*ky (S.) rnlcrsuchungen iiber die Natur der Nerve-neiregung durch kurz daucruile Stidme. Stud. d. phv-siol. Inst, zu Bresl., 1868. iv, 146- 225. — I.aulenbaeli (P. F.i The-effect of irritation of a liolarized nerve- (•• Pfliiger's electrotonus"). Rep. Smith- smi. Inst. 1878, Wash.. 1879. 361-419. — I.e«ro* (C.) A Olli ill il ■>. Dc- l'iliiiui-uec- eles courants eleetriepies cein- stauts et continus sur les actions reflexes. Coinpt. reiid. Soc. de biol. 18C8, Par., 1869, 4. s., v, pt. 1, 57-59.----- NERVOUS. 7-^7 NEK VOL'S. IVei'VOH* syslem (Electrophysiology of). -----. De l'influenc-e des courants electriques sur le sys- teme nerveux. .1. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1869, vi. 617 : 1870-71, vii. 11. Li labours (P.) Beitrage zur i heniischen Nervenreizung und zur Wirkung der Salze. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn,'1887, xii, 303-325. 2 pl.— 111 a iji ni (G.) Le courant induit uuipolaire et l'excita- tion de-s nerfs. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1883. iv, 278. -----. Eccitazione dei nervi colla corrente inelotta unipo- lare a distauza e attraverso corpi isolanti. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1883, ix, 264-269.—-Unite «ieci (C.) On the secondary electro-motor power of nerves, and its application to the explanation of certain electro-physio- logical phenomena. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1862, cii, 363-372.— .llendelKNolin ( M. ) Sur le courant nerveux axial. Compt. rend. Soe. ele biol., Par., 1885, 8. s, ii, 400-402. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1885, 381-399. -----. Sur la determination de la force elcctro-motrice du ccuirant nerveux ou musculaire, avec des electrodes impo- larisables, mais non homogenes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 743. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur le courant ner- veux axial. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc, Par., 1886, ciii, 393. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. do biol.. Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 402.— Morat cfe Touswaint. De l'etat 61ectrotonique dans le casd'excitatiou uuipolaire des nerfs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Far., 1877, lxxxiv, 503-505.—Morton (W. J.) A new current of induction electricity; or, a new method of producing electrical nerve ancl muscle reactions. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1881, xx, 62.— 'Ineei (D.) Nuova legge elettro- fisiologica relativa all' elettrotono inteipolare. Sperimen- tale, Firenze, 1880, xlvi, 225-230.—Muller (J. J.) Ueber die Abhangigkeit der negativen Schwankiing des Nerven- stromes von der Intensitiit eles erregenden elektrischen Stromes. In: Fick (A.) Untersuch! a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Zurich. Hochsch., 8°, AVien, I860, 1. Hft.,'98-128.— ITIunk (II.) Ueber die Piaexistenz der elektrischen Ge- gensatze in Muskel und Nerven. Arch. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1868. 529-583 —IVeflel (W. B.) Electricity a paralyzing agent. Med. Rec. NT V., 1879, xvi, 476.—Neu in aun (IT) Ueber das verschiedene Verhalten der Nerven uml Muskeln gegen den constanten mid den inducirten Strom wiihrend ihres Abste-rbens. Konigsb. med. Jahrb.. 1864, iv, 93. — Oniiini*. De l'influence de la direction des courants continus. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s., v. 147-150.- Ott (I.) The effect of electrctonus on the rapidity of the transmission of nerve-force. Phila. M. Times, 1878, viii, 201.— Person. Surl'hvpcthfese des courans electrierues dans les nerfs J. de phvsiol. exper., Par., 1830, x, 216-225. 1 pl.—Fflujjer (E.) Ueber die durch constant* electrische Strome er- zeugte Veranderung des motorischen Nerven. Allg. meel. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1856, xxv, 169; 449. ------. Ueber die tetauisirende Wirkung des constanten Stromes und das allgemeine Gesetz der Reizung. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1858, xiii, 437-448. — Piotrowski (G.) efc Wid- llianii (O.) O iliaznicniu nei wow zu ponioea. prqdu elek- trycznego pochodniego. powstalego przez otwarcie pradu pierwotnego. [lie-searches on the electrical excitation of the nerves and muscles.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow., 1862, i, no. 24, 25. — Poole (T. W.) Electricity a paralvzing agent. Med. Rec., NT V., 1879, xvi, 416-418. ------. Elec- tricity a paralyzing agent; proofs from the authentic ex- periments. Ibid., 1881, xix, 113-116.—Ranke (J.) Neue Veisuche iiber die Reaction eler tetanisirten Nervensub- stanz. Centralbl. f. d. meel. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 769-772.—Beinholil (L.) Versuch einer skizzirten, nach galvanischeu Gesetzen eutworfenen Dai stellung des thieri- schen Lebens. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle. 1807-8. viii, 305- 354.— Kemak (E.) Ueber modificireude Wirkungen gal- vanischer Strome auf die Erregbarkeit motorischer Nerven des lebenden Menschen. Deutsches Anh. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1876. xviii, 264-312, 1 pl.—Kiehel ((.'.) Des mouve- ments eh la greuouille consecutifs a lexcilation electrique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path , Par., 1881, 2. s.. viii, 824- 837. — Romanes (G. J.) Observations on the galvanic ex- citation .of nerve and muscle, with special reference to the modification of the* excitability of motor nerves produced by injury. J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lond., 1876, x, 707-734.— Rosenthal ( I. ) Ueber unipolare Nervenreizung nnd falscbe Nervenreizung durch Nebenleitung. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med.Soc.zuErlang., 1879-80, xii,48-51. — Rousseau (E.-L.) [etal.] Action des courants electriques etudieecom- parativement sur les nerfs mixtes et sur les racines ante- rieures rachidiennes. Compt. rend. Soc-. de biol. 1857, Par., 1859. 2. s., iv, pt. 2, 223-26,. Also .- Gaz. med. de Par., 1858, 3. s., xiii, 230; 244: 322. — Biiii^i-. Retlexerscheinungen hei Anwendung des constanten Si inines, Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868. xx, 76.—Sanderson (.1. B.) The excitation of the surface of the brain bv induced currents. Phvsiol. Lab. Univ. Coll., Lond. Collected papers, 1874-5, no. b— Mehelske iR.) Neue Messungen eler Fortpfianziiiigsge- schwiniligkeit ch's Reiz.es in dm menschlichen Nerven. Arch. f. Anal.. Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1864, 151-173 — M< lielfei lv ill. R.) Pulsation an effect of dis- charges of electricity on the sympathetic nerves. Meel. Indep., Detroit, 1857, iii, 577-583. — Sell ill (M.) Re- cherches sur les proprietes electriques des nerfs vivants. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 175-177. Aervon* system (Electrophysiology of). ------. Recerche sull' espressione elettrica dell' atti- vita, nervosa. Atti r. Isr. Veneto di sc. lett. eel arti, 1869, 3. s., xiv. 1658-1678. —Sehiff (M.) & llerzeu (A.) Le- ber die Veranderungen der Erregbarkeit in dem durch sehwachc* constante Strome pedarisirteu Nei ven. Unter- such. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere. Giessen. 1870, x, 431-446.—Setsclienow (J.) Galvanische Erscheinungen an der cerebrospinalen Axe des Frosches. Arch. f.d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881, xxv, 281-284.-----. Galvanische Erscheinungen an der cerebro-spinaleu Axe des Frosches. [Vorl. Mitth.] Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. ele St- PGtersb. (lssu-81), 1882. xi, 351-353. Also, transl: Vrach, St. Petersb . 1882, iii, 703; 724: 744; 763. -----. Hem- mung spontaner Stroruessehwankungen an dem verliin- gerten Marke des Frosches. [Vorl. Mitth.1 Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1882, xx, 177-180.—Seubert (M.) Wirkung des galvanischeu Reizes, auf die vordern und hintern Spiual-Nervenwurzeln und auf das Riicken- mark selbst angebracht. Ztschr. f. Phvsiol., Heidelb., 1835, v, 50-57. — Sewall (H.) On the polar effects upon nerves of weak induction currents. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab.. Bait., 1881-3, ii, 347-352. Also: J. Phy- siol., Loud., 1880-82, iii, 175-180. — Kleiner (J.) Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Nervenstiom und die Fortpflauzungsgeschwindigkeit seiner negativen Schwan- kiing. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1883. Suppl.-Pel., 178- 186.—Strieker (S.) Das Zuckungsgesetz; nach neuen Un- tersuchungen dargestellt. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. (1. Wis- sensch. Maih.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1881. lxxxiv, 3. Abth., 7-93.—Tarelmoir (J.) O summirovanii udarof postoyan- nago i induktsionnago tokof padayushchikh na chuvstvu- yushchii nerf lyagnshki. [Effector" electricity on tlienervcs of the frog.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1869, cvi, pt. 2, 103-120. ------. O vlijanii razliehnich polousov posto- jannago toka na tsentralnuiounervnuion sistenm. [Effect of different poles of constant currents ou central nervous system.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1874, x, no. 18. l-io.— Tschiricw ( S.) Ueber die Erregbarkeit des Nerven unci des Muskels in Quer- und Langsrichtuug. Centralbl. f.d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 369. —-—. Berichti- gung einer Notiz iiber Hrn. Hermann's Autfassung des Compeusationsverfahrens fiir die electrophvsiologischcn Zweke. Ibid., 1878, xvi, 209-213. — Valentin (G.) Eu- diometrisehe Studien iiber Muskeln und Nerven. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1859, n. 1-T, iii, 441-485. -----. Die Wirkung wiederholter gleichgerichteter Induktions schlage auf den leistungsfiihigen und den abgestorbenen Froschuerven. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1872, viii, 182- 210. ------. Die Wirkungsgrenzen augenblicklicher, ein- facher oder wiederholterelektrischer Erregungen. Ibid., 1873, ix, 75-94. -----. Die Intel fercnz.cn elektrischer Erre- gungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1873, vii, 458- 496, 1 pl. -----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber elektrische Tetanisation der Nerven und der Muskeln. Ibid., 1875, xi. 481-501. 1 pl. -----. Ein anschauliches Verfahren, den Eiufluss eines bestandigen Stromes auf die Wirkungen einer henachlwirten elektrisch erregten Nervenstrecke uachz.uweisen. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen, 1881, xvii, 138- 157.—von V iiilxcli jj.iii (M.i Lntcrsuchungen iiher die Frage, ob elie Geschwindigkeit der FortpnTinzung der Ner- venerregimg von der Reizstiirke abliaugig ist. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1882-3. xxx, 17-81. — Waller (A ) cfe lie WatteviJIe (A.) Reports to the Scientific Grants Committee of tbe British Medical Association, on the in- fluence of the galvanic current on the motor nerves of man. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 767. Also, transl. : Neu- rol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1882. i, 145-148— Wedeuskij (N.) Die telephonischen Wirkungen des en, gren Nerven. Me- langes biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St,.-l'i ttisb.. 1880-83. xi, 523-527. Also: Centralbl. f. el. mcil. WT—,:nsch., Berl., 1883, xxi, 46.5-468.—Werigo (B.) Ueber die gleichzeitige Reizung des Nerven an zwei Orten mit Inductionsschla- gen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1885, xxxvi, 519-548. 3 pl. Nervous system (Histology of). Sec, also, Nervous system (Ganglionic); Neu- ralgia. Axmaxx (C.) Beitrage zur mikroskopische u Anatomie und Physioiogie des ftangliennerven- systems des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere*. S-'. Berlin, 187,3. Beale (L. S.) Xew observations upon the structure and formation of certain nervous cen- tres tending to prove that the cells and fibres of every nervous apparatus form an uninterrupted circuit. 4°. London, 1864. -----. On the ultimate nerve-fibres distrib- uted to muscle and some other tissues, with observations upon the structure and probable mode ofaction of a nervous mechanism ; being tlie Croonian lecture for lstio. 8°. London, [1867)]. Repr. from: Proc. Koy. Soc. Lond.. 1865, xiv. NERVOUS. IVervou* system (Histology of). Bidder (F. H.) Zur Lehre von dem Verhiilt- niss eler Ganglieukiirper zu den Nervenfasern. Neue Beitriige. Nebst einem Anhange von A. W. Volkinaun. 4-. Leipzig, 1817. Boll (F.) Die Histiologie uud Histiogenese der nervosen Ceutralorgane. S:. Berlin, 1873. Boveri (T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ner- venfasern. 4-T Miinchen, 1885. Kepr. from • Abhandl. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. "Wissensch., 2. CL, xv. Bd., 2. Abth. Burdac'H (E.) Beitrag zur mikroskopischen Anatomie der Nerven. 4J. Konigsberg, 1837. Ceci (A.) Contribuzione alio studio della fibra nervosa midollaia ed osservazioni sui eoi- puscoli amilacei dell' eucefalo e midollo spinale. 4:. [Roma, 1881.] Cutting from.- Atti di r. Accad. d. Lineei. Cl. di sc. lis., matemat. e nat., Roma, 1881, 3. s., ix. Duchexxe de Boulogne (G.-B.-A.) Anatomie microscopique du svsteme nerveux. S°. Paris, 1865. Eijkmax ( C. ) jr. * Over polarisatie iu de zenuwen. 8°. Tiel, 1883. Fromjiaxn (C.) Untersuchungen iiber die uormale und pathologische Histologie des cen- tralen Nervensystems. 4°. Jena, \876. Haxxover(A.) Mikroskopiske Undersogelser af Nervesystemet. 4°. [Kjoheuhavn, l,-*4"2\] Repr. from,: Sel. naturvid. og mathem. Afh., Kjebenh., 1840-42, x. ------. The same. Recherches microscopi- ques sur le systeme nerveux. 4°. Gopenhague, 1844. Hennig (A.) * Die Einschniirungen und Un- terbrechungen der Markscheide an den mark- haltigen Nervenfasern. 8 . Konigsberg, [1877], Jacobi (E.) * Zum feineren Ban der peri- phcreti markhaltigen Nervenfaser. S:T Wiirz- burg, 1886. Jacqlemet. * De la structure intime des nerfs. Se. Montpellier, 187)7). Kaxxkgiesskr (G. H.j [Pr.] de tubulosa nervorum structura. 4°. Kilonii, [1749]. Klexcke (P. F. H.) Neue anatoniische und pbysiologische Untersuchungen iiber die Primi- tivnerveufaser uud das Wesen der Innervation. S;. Gottingen, 1841. Koch (C.) * Ueber die Marksegmente der doppeltcoiitourirten Nervenfasern und deren Kittsubstanz. 8°. Erlangen, 1879. Koxltff (Helene). * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Xervenzelleu in den peripheren Ganglien. 8C. Bern, 1886. Kuhxt (H.) * Die markhaltige periphere Ner- venfaser. .8°. Bonn, 1876. Also, in: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xiii, 427-464, lpl. Also: Nadir, v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Aug.-Fniv., Gotting., 1876, 189-192. Li-: Goff (F.-J.-R.) * Considerations sur la structure des nerfs. 4°. Paris, 1877. vox Lexhosskk (J.) Beitriioe- zur Erorte- rung der histologiscben Yerhiiltnisse des centra- len Nervensystems. 8°. IFieit, 187)8. Repr. from .- Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch., 1858, xxx. Le Thieullier (J.) *An nervi, canales .' 4°. [Parisiis, 1743.] Also, in .- Siowakt (G. F.) Qusest. med. Par. 4D. Tu- bingce, 1789, i, 72-83. Ranvier (L. ) Lecons sur l'histologie du systeme nerveux. Recueillies par E. Weber. 2 v. SJ. Paris, 1878. Also, transl. [Abstr.], in: Buffalo M. cfe S. J., 1882-3, xxii, 97 : 145. Schou (J.) Unders0gelser om den periphere marvholdige Nerveprimitivraads Bygning. w0. Kjtjibenhavn, 1884. 788 NERVOUS. .\ervoii* system (Histology of). Sciiultze ( H.) *Axencyliuder und (langlien- zelle. Mikroseopische Studien iiber die nbrilliirc Structur der Nervenfaser und Nervenzelle bei Wirbelthieren. *-. Leipzig, 1*78. Also, in: Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklugse'i-seh. Leinz 1878, 250-287. 1 pl. Sciiultze (M.) Observationes de structura cellularum fibrarumque nervearum. 4 . Bon- nee, [1>69]. Schwalre (G.) Ueber die Kaliberverhalt- nisse der Nervenfasern. v0. Leipzig, lsso. Stilling (B.) Beitriige zur Natur-nnd Heil- kunde. 1. Heft: Anatomische und niikrosko- pische- Untersuchungen fiber den feineren Ban der Nerven-Primitivfaser und der Nervenzelle. 4-T Irttnkfurt, 187)6. Walter (G.) Mikroskopische Studien fiber das Ceutral-Nervensysteni wirhellosor Thiere. 4°. Bonn, 1863. Waugh (J. S.) The discovery of an altogether new order of cerebro-spinal filaments in man and the higher quadrupeds. 1'2\ Annan, 1840. Ailnnikiewiez. O nowyin skladuiku wlokien ner- wowych (istota clirouioleptyczna) i o dwuharwiio&ci tkanki rdzenia pacierzowego. [The new constituent ol nerve fibre and the bicolored texture of medulla.] Me- dycyna, Warszawa, 1884, xii, 389; 405. ------. Xote- sur la coloration des tissus du systeme nerveux central au moyen de la safranine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884. 8. s., i, pt. 2, 629-631.------. Les corpuscules nerveux. Ibid., 1885, 8. s., ii, 621-623. ------. Die Nerveukorperehen; ein neuer, lusher unbekannter morphologischer Bestandtlieil der peripherischen Nerven. Sitzungsb. el. k. Akad. cl. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CM., Wien, 1885, xci, 274-284, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. Also, transl..- Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1885, xxiv, 161-163. ------. La circulation dans les cellules gan.ulioniiairi'H. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1886. cii, 60. ------. O budowii'ciala i.jadra zwqjowego. [Structure of TJe; TOU a^ovixov KvKiv&pov ri»v vtvpiav. IIpaccT. Svrortor -EW-qvwv ia.rpi)V 1882, 'A^vrjaiv, 1883. 212-230.—Ci- neeio (G. V.) Sopra il distribuimentoe terminazione delle fibre nervee nella cornea e sopra 1' interna construttura del loro cilindro dell' asse. Mem. Accad. d. sc. el. Ist. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s.. ii. 577-596, 2 pl —C'omvoisiei- (L. (1 ) "Ueber die spinalen und svmpathischeD Zellen des F ruse-hes. Ceniralbl. f. d. med.' Wissensch.. Berl., 1867, v. 897-89!).— Dane (H.) Zur Kenntniss der Spiualgan- giienzellen beim Siiugethier. Arc h. f. mikr. Auat.. Bonn, 1888, xxxi, 223-235, 2 pl.—De II ieron viiiis (T.) Una particolarita. di struttura nelle- cellule uervo.se-. Progresso med.. Napoli. 1887, i, 576. ------. Dell' esistenza di spazi umorali intorno al proliuigamento nervoso delle cellule gangliari nel sistema nei-voso centrale-. Riforma med., Napoli, 1887, iii, 248. — Bictl (M. A.i Beobachtungen iiber Theihuigsvorgange an Ncrvenzellen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. el. Wissensch., Wien, 1874. lxix, 71-79, 1 pl. ------. Casuistisehe Beitrage zur Morphologic der Ncr- venzellen. Ibid.. 80-84, 1 pl. ------. Die Gewebselemente eles Centralnervcnsysteiiis Ini wirbe llosen Thieren. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver in Innsbruck. 1878, vii, 2.-3. Hft., 82- 109.— Dontoii-woky (A.) Ueber deu Kau der Grandry- schen Kei peiiheii. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1885-6, xxvi. 581-591, 1 pl.—Elii-eiibei-j*. Observations on the structuii- hitherto unknown of the nervous system in man and animals. Edinb. M. & S. .L, 1837, xlviii.' 257-305, 2 pl. Also, in: Essayson Phys. A Hyg., 8°, Phila.. 1838. 67-112, 6 pl. A Iso, Keprint.—Ehrlich (P.) Ueber die Methylen- blaureaction der lebenden Nervensubstanz. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1886, xii, 49-5'J. Also.- Biol. Cen- tralbl., Erlang., 1886-7. vi. 214-224. — i: n <.-elmann (T. W.) Ueber die Diskontinuitat des Axcncy linders und den flbrillaren Bau eler Nervenfasern. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1878-80. 3. R., v. 200- 239, lpl. Also: Arch. f. cl. "es. Physiol., Bonn, 1880-81, xxii. 1-30, 1 pl.—Ewalil (A.) cfe Kiilme oli;i (('.) Contribuzione alia fina anatomia degli organi eeutraii del sistema nervoso. Riv. clin. eli Bologna, 1871, 2. s., i, 338: 371, 1 pl. : 1872. 2. s., ii. 38. ------. Sulla tina anatomia degli organi centrali del sistema nervoso. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Keggio-Emilia. 1882, viii, 165; 361, 6pl. : 18KI. ix, 1, 5 pl. ; 161. 9 pl. ; 385, 4 pl. : 1885, xi, 72;193. Also, Reprint. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. ele biol., Turin, 1883, iii, 285, 4 pl. : iv, 92, 4 pl. : 1886, vii, 15. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Alienist A Neurol.. St. Louis. 1883. iv, 236, 2 pl. ; 383, 1 pl. : 1885, vi. 307.— (eiranili-y. De la structure intime du cylindre.de l'axe et iles cellules nerveuses. J. de l'anat. et phvsiol., etc., Par., i860, vi. 289-301, 1 pl.—Cray < WT M.) A modification of Wcigert's method of staining the tissues of the central nervous system. Meel. News, Phila.. 1886, xlix, 515.— <»i-ueiiliagcii (A.) Ueber ein Eudothelial-Element der Nervcnpi iniitivscheide. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1883-4. xxiii, 3S0. — lliieles* (E.) Beinerkungen zu Dr. v. Ilessling's Eutdeckung der Primitivfaser-Theilung in dem (Jehirne. Jenaische' Ann. f. Phvsiol. u. Med.. Jena, 1851, ii, 285-292. —IIfille (J.) & .Uei-kel (IT) Leber die sogenannte Bindesubstanz der Ceutralorgane des Nerven- Aervou* system (Histology of). systems. Ztschr. I. rat. Med . Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1869. 3. R., xxxiv, 49-82. 4 pl. — Henrique* da Silva (A. M.) Histologia do tubo nervoso. Coimbra med., 1881, i, 193; 209. — Hesse (IT) Zur Kenntniss der peripherischen markhaltigen Nervenfaser. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwck- lngsgesch., Leipz., 1879, 341-364.— von Ilesslins (T.) Ueber die Verasloliing der Primitivfaser des Gehirns. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Mecl., Jena, 1851,ii,283.—Mol- lis (W. A.) Researches into the histology of the central grey substance of the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, pons Varolii, and cerebellum. J. Anat. efc Phvsiol.. Lond., 1882-3, xvii. 517, 1 pl. : 1883-4, xviii, 62, 1 pl.; An, 1 pl.; 411, 1 pl.: 1884-5, xix, 273, 1 pl.—Home (E.) The Croo- nian lecture. Experiments and observations upon the structure of nerves. Phil. Tr . LoncL, 1799. lxxxix. 1- 12 — Home■■ ( E. A. ) Nagra nyare uervhistologiska undersoknfngsmetoder. Skrift. utg. af Finska Liik.- siillsk., etc.. Helsingfors, 1885, pt. 2, 1-14, 2 pl. — Ja- cob! (E.i Zum feineren Bau der peripheren markhalti- gen Nervenfaser. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb.. 1887. ii. F.. xx, 25-51, 1 pl.— Jakubowitsch (N.) Microscopisclie Ciitersuchungeu iiber die Nerven- urspriinge ini Riickenmarke und verlangertem Marke, iiber die Empfinduugszcllen und sympathischen Zellen in denselben und iiber die Stiuctur der Primitivnervenzellen, Nervenfasern, uud der Nerven tiberkaupt. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-P6tersb.. 1852-8, ii. 374-387.— Key (A.) cfe Be tzins (G.) Studier i ncrvsystemets ana- tomi. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1872, iv. no. 21; no. 25. Also, transl: Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn. 1873, ix, 308-386. 3 pl.—Klein (E.) Beitriige zur Kejintniss der peripherischen Verzweigung inarkioser Nervenfasern. Centralbl. f. d. meel. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix, 591-596.— Kolliker. Theilung eler Nervenpi iniitivfaserii eles Men- schen. Verhanell. el. phys.-nied. (Iesellsch. in Wiirzb .1850, i, 56.—Konell (Helene). Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Ner- venzellen in den peripheren Ganglien. Vorgelegt durch Prof. Flesch. Mitth. il. naturf. (iesellsch. iii lioru (1886), 1887, No. 1143-1168, 13-44— KosehcimikoflT (A..)' Axen- c\ linilerlortsatz (ler Nervenzellen im kleiuen Hirn des Kalbes. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1869. v, 331-333.— Ki-anse ( \V.) Die Endothelscheide der Nervenfaser. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol , Berl., 18S5, ii, 259. — Kiilme (W.) Die Verbindung dei- Norvensehei- den mit dem Sarkolemm. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen, 1883, xix. 501-534, 1 pl.—Kiilme (W.) efc Mteinei- (J.i Beob- achtungen iiber mai khaltige und marklose Nervenfasern. Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Heidelb.. 1879, iii, 149-170.—Kiipll'ei-. Ueber den Ban der Nervenfasern. Sitzungsb. d. (iesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miin- chen, 1885, i, 11-14. — Kiitcliin (K.) K stroeniyu nerv- noi tkaui. [On the structure of nervous tissue.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865. v, 274. Also, transl: Cen- tralbl. f. d. nied. Wissensch.. Berl., 1865. iii, 561.—La- lioii«»e ( E. ) Recherches histologiques sur la genese des ganglions et des neifs spinaux. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Biux., 1885, 3. s., xix, 283-311, 1 pl. -----. La cellule nerveuse et lanGvroglie. Communication pre- liminaire. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1886. i, 114-116. — I.anlei- mau■■ (A. J.) Bemerkungen iiber den feineren Bau der markhaltigeu Nervenfasern. Centralbl. f. el. nu-el. Wissensch., Berl., 1874. xii, 706-709. Also .- Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xiii. 1-8, 1 pl.—IjRVflowsky (M.) Zum Nachweiss der Axencylinderstructurbestanelleilen von markhaltigeu Nervenfasern. Centralbl. f. d. meel. Wissensch., Berl., 1879, xvii, 865; 881. -----. Novi.ja dannija dlja gistol., istorii razvitija i fiziol. periferich. ner- vov i nervnich koncentrich priborov. [ N ew contributions to the histology, development and physiology of peripheric nerves ancl arrangement of termini of nerves] Vovenun- med. J., St. Petersb., 1884, cii, pt. 2. 119-155.—I.iesjeoi*. De la maceration cles nerfs dans l'acide tartmiiie pour faciliter letude cles hlets qui les constituent. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1860, Par., 1861, 3. s., ii, 15.—I^isler (J.) , 2. s., i, pt. 2, 87-103. Also: Arch. geu. de med., Par., 1854, 4. s. iv' 323-338. Also, lb pi int. — Bomiti ( C.) Sulla struttura degli dementi del tessuto nervoso. Spcriinentnle, Firenze, 1881, xlvii. 48-53. — Boweiibaeb (IT) Ueber elie Bedeu'- tnng der Yaeuolenbilduug in deu Neivenzclle n. Neurol. CeutralbL. Leipz., 1884, iii, 54-56. — Bo*enheim ( T. ) Ueber das Vorkommeii unci die Bedeutung eler Mastzelleu im Nervensystem des Menschen. Arch. f. Psvehiat., Berl., 1886, xvii, 820-829, 1 pl. — BiMlaiiovwki (P.) Izslaidovanii stroeniya nervnoi tkani posredstvom novago metoda. [Investigation of the nervous tissues by a new method ] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865, v, 61 ;' 77; 85; 93. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : France meel , Par., 1865, xii, 18. ------. Zamaitka k' izslaidovamiyam stroeniya nervnoi tkani. [Examination of the structure of nervous tissue.] Mecl. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865, v, 229. ------. Zamaitka o nervnikh yacheikakh. [Notes on nerve cells.] Ibid., 1866, vi, 307" ------. Corpuscula hyaloidea seu gelatinosa v' nervnoi sistemai, kak osobennii element. [Gelatinous corpuscles in the nervous system, according to their sev- eral elements. ] Ibid., 374. ------. Sobstvennaya oho- lochka nervnekh yacheek, i ikh pigmentatsiya. [ The proper envelope ancl coloring of the nerve cells.] Ibid., 1867, vii, 25-27.------. O pristustvii sokratitelnikh elenien- tov v' pcrvichnikh trubkakh perephericheskikh nervov. [On the presence of contractile elements iu the primary sheaths of the peripheral nerves ] Ibid., 1869, ix, 141-144. ------. Ueber die Structur der Axe-ne-ylineler in deu Primitivnervenrohren der Spiualnerven unci ihr VerhSit- niss zu letzteren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., BeiL, 1871, lii, 193-203, 1 pl. ------. O metodai izslaidovaniya nervnoi tkani i o stroenii koreshkof spinnikh nervof i nervnoi tkani v' tsentralnikh organakh. [On a method of examin- ing nerve tissues, and on the structure of the radicles of the spinal nerve, and the nerve tissue of the internal or- gans. ] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis. 1873-4, x. 135.—Bumpf (T.) Zur Histologie der Nerven- faser und des Axencylinders. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1877-80, n. F., ii, 171-176. Also: Unter- such. a. cl. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Heidelb., 1878, ii, 137- 186. — Sahli (IL ) Ueber eine neue Doppelfarbung des centralen Nervensystems. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1885, ii, 1-7, 1 pl. ------. L'eber die Anwen- dung von Boraxmethylenblau fiir die Untersuchung des centralen Nervensystems und fiir den Nachweis von Mi- kroorganismen, speciell zur bacteriologischen Untersu- chung der nervosen Centralorgane. I bid., 49-51. — Ma|i- pcy ( C. 1 Recherches sur la structure de l'l-iive-loppe fibre-use cles nerfs. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Bar., 1868, v,47-52.—Salterthwaile (T.E.) 'Notesandpracti cal studies on tin- minute elements of the nervous system. N. Vork M. J.. 1878, xxviii, 225-243, 2 pl. Also, Reprint.— Schaffner. Ueber die Entwicklung der Primith fascm des Nervensystems. Ztschr. f. vat. Med., Heidelb., 1846, v, 411-420.—^----. Beitrage. zur Histologie des Nerven- systems, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Muskelfasern und die Bewegung des Herzens. Ibid.. 1850, ix. 239. 1 pl.: 1851, x, 203, 1 pl.— Schiellei-eiiecker (P.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Baus der Nervenfasern. Arch. f. mikr. Auat.. Bonn, 1887, xxx, 435-494, 1 pl.: 1887-8. xxxi, 100- 102.—Schmidt (H. D.) On the construction of Hn- dark or double-bordered nerve libre. Month. Micr. J., Lond., 1674, xi, 200-221, 3 pl. Also, Reprint. ------. Synopsis of the principal facts elicited from a series of micioseopical researches upon the nervous tissues. Month. Micr. J., LoncL. 1874, xii, 1-10. Also. Reprint. ------. Note on the intimate structure of nervous ganglionic bodies. Tr. Am. Neural. Ass., N. YT, 1877, if, 45-49. — Sciiultze (tl.) Die fibrillare Structur der Nei \ encleniinte bei Wirbel- losen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn. 1878-9. xvi, 57-111, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — Whaw (J. C.) Some peculi- arities in the inycline of peripheral nerves after treat- ment bv osmic acid. J. Nerv. ,!c Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1878, v,'57-59. Also, Reprint. ------. Peculiar marking of nieelullated nerve-fibres. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878. xiu, 118 —Some recent researches into the histology of tlie nervous centres. Brit. 'ii|iie du sys- teme nerveux. s-. Paris, 1886 [1^">]. Sachs (G.) Qiuestiomun nciiiopatliologica- runi specimen. 4°. Iiegimontii l'r., Is:!?. Seelig.muller (A.) Neui-opatholooisc-he Be- obachtungeu. Festschrift zur Feier eles fiinfzig- jiihrigen Proniotiousjubiliiuins des Dr. E. Blasius dargebraeht von dem Verein fiir praktische Me- dicin in Halle a. S. 8 . Halle, 1,-7:1. Willis (T.) Pathologia- cerebri et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitnr dc morbis con- vulsivis, et de seorbuto. 4-. Genevce, 17)76. -----. The same. 16°. Amstelodami, 16)6,8. -----. The same. 24°. Amstelodami, 1670. -----. The same. 4°. Genera; 1676. In his: Opera omnia. 4°. Genei-ce, 1676. -----. The same. 4°. Genera; 1696. In his: Opera omnia. 4°. Genevce, 16115, i. Alexander \ e rletzungen. Arch. f.d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. lss:;. xxxi. 350-357. 1 pl.—Liiissana (1-T) Alcune osservazioni fisiopatologiche su '1 sistema nervoso. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano. 1856, 4. s., i, 79; 98; 165; 173: 1811; 197; 343: 349; 357: 381 : 389:397; 405: 449: 458; 465 : 47::.— VI airel (A.) Recherches sur les modifications elans la nutrition du systeme nerveux produites par la inanie, la Ivpemanie et l'epilepsie. Compt. rend. Acad. el. sc. Par., 1884, xcix, 328-331. — .Tlai-IVIs il-T* Zur Patho- logie der Ne-rven. Cor.-Bl. d. (hulscli. G.-ellsch. f. Psy. chiat., etc.. Neuwied, 1857, iv, 17-19. — ITI an timer iL.' Ein Beitrag zur Neuropathologie. Oesterr. Zlschr. f, prakt. Heilk., AVien, 1805, xi. 229; 25:;; 271.—.TIayer ,S.) Ueber Yorgange der Degeneration unci Regeneiaiion im uuversehrti n peripherischen Nervensystem : eine bio- logiscbe Studie. Zt.se-hr. f. Heilk., Prag. 1881. ii, 154-258, 2 pl.—.Tlichcl. Ile 1'histologie pathologiipu- du tissu nei-yi-ux. Gaz. meel. de Strasb., 1860, xx. 183-186. — Tl ilihell ( S. W. ) Sciatic nerve of a rabbit, in the sheath of which were developed, after irritation, multiple abscesses. Tr. Path. Soc Phila. (1871-3). 1874. iv. 240.— .Tlobins (P. J.) Neuropathologisehe- Notizen. Memora- bilie-n. Heilbr.. 1881. n. F., i. 270: 449: 1882, n. IT, ii, 71.— iTIoncy i A.) Report on capillary embolism of brain and spinal cord, expei iinentallv studied; its relations to the various forms of chorea. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii. 99- 101.— Tl iii lo i' (F.) Neuropathologisehe Studien. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr.. 1878. xv, 300-3(12.—."Veflel (W. 15.) Re- port upon some of the recent researches in neuropathology. Arch. Scient. A Pract. M. A S.. NT \T, 1873, i. 480-489. Also, Reprint. - Olto (R. ) l'eber Heterotopic grauer Substanz ini Centralnerveusysteiu. Arch. f. ])iith. Auat., etc. Beil.. 1887. ex, 85-94.— Parker. Contributions to the pathology of the nervous system. Med. Times, Loud., 1851. n. s., ii.' 91 ; 175. — Pathological histology of the brain and spinal cord. Brit. e.v I'm. .M.-Chir. Be v.. Loud., 1873. li, 37(1-392.—Penna (J.) Lnsayo sobre la patogenia ele una enfi-rniedael de oiigen trofico. An Asoc. circ med. argent.. Buenos Aiies. 1s77-8. i. 53-62.—Pitres (A.) Nou- veaux faits relatifs a l'etuile eles d6generations bilaterales de la moelle epiniere consecutives a des 16sions unilate- rales du cerveau. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 628- 631. — Pill (G. NT) A case of extensive cerebral soften- ing, with descending sclerosis iu the lateral column. Guv's Hosp. Rep.. Lond.. 1883-4, xiii, 351-356. — Put nam '(.f. J.) Recent progress in pathology of the nervous system. Boston M. A S. .1., 1875, xciii, 128-133. Also. Reprint.— [Ramollisscmeiit du centre encephalo-rarhidien.] J. compl. clu diet. el. sc. med.. Par.. 1831. xl. 199-210. — Rc- cent researches in nervi' pathology. Brit, efc For. M.-Chir. Rev.. Lond., 1875, lvi, 281-298.— K< vlicr (G.) Ueber pa- tbologische Reflexerscheiniingin auf e inzeluen Nerven- bahnen. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xv, 298-303.— Kit li If i- ( F. ) Ueber neuropathologisehe Bedeutung phvsiologischer Einfiiisse der Electro- und Hydrotherapie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1876, 299-305.— Ricnx. De l'innervation pathologique, et de la liaison qui doit cxister dans l'etude des phlegmasies et des ne- vroses. Ann. ele lamed, physiol., Par.. 1831, xix, 293-316.— Kingcr (S.) A suggestion concerning the condition of the nervous centres iu migraine, epilepsy, aud other ex- plosive neuroses. Lancet, Lond.. 1-77, i. 228.—Ritchie (J ) Notes on four cases of cerebral and spinal tumours. Glasgow M. J.. 1882, xviii, 250-258.—Romberg. Neuro- pathologisehe Studien. Mag. f. el. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1830 xxxii -'81-476. -----. Neuropathologisehe Studien. Wclinsclir! f. 'el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, 289; 38s; 591: 1837, 713— Rosenbach (P.) Ueber die ilurch Inanition bew'irkten Text urveriinderuugen der Nei \* nce-utren. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1883, ii, 337-340— Roih (M.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der variciisen Hyp'-rtroplm- der Nervenfasern. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc:.. Bc-rL, L-,2. lv, 197 lpl • 517.—Rowland (It.) On the pathology ot the NEIIVOUS. 7! 14 XKRVOUS. IVervou* system (Pathology and patho- logical anatomy of). nervous system. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., i, 67: 1847, n. s., iv, 182 —Rnmpf (T.) Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatomie cles centralen Nervensystems. Arch. f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1885, xvi, 410 - 441.—Sch ill". Ueber deu anatomischen Character gelahmterNervi nfasern unci iiber die Ursprungsiiuellen des sympathischen Nerven. Arch. f. phvsiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1852, 145-180. — Schultze (F.) Beitrage zur Pathologic und pathologischen Anatoniie des centraTen Nervensystems. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1876, lxviii, 109: 1878, Ixxiii, 443 : 1880, lxxix, 124: 1882, lxxxvii, 510, 1 pl. .•iedillot. Observations relatives k quelques alterations ele lappareil nerveux encephalique. Rec. de mem. de med . . . mil., Par., 1827. xxii, 329-393.— Scgnin iE. (.'.) Contributions to the pathological anat- omv of the nervous system. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n. s.. lxiv 427-429. Also, in his: Op. min. [etc.], 8T N. Y., 1884, 72-75.—Scrres. Note sur un cas de nevroplastie ou ele transformation ganglionnaire du systeme nerveux peripheriipie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s., 1, 462-465.— Scwcll (S. C.) Contributions to cerebro-spinal pathol- ogy. Bi it.-Am. J., Montreal, 1845-6, i, 6-10— Sharkey (S. J.) (lu certain cases of disease of the central nervous system in which no naked-eye changes are found at the post -mortem examination. Lancet, Lond., 1885. i. 1028- 1030.—Siebert (A.) Was hat elie Pathologic von der Ner- venstatik zu erwarten ? Jenaische Ann. f Pli \ siol.u. Med., Jena, 1850, i, 104-128.—Simon (T.) Beitrage zur Patho- logie und pathologischen Anatomie eles Ceiitral-Nerven- systeni. Aich. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1874, v, 108-163, 2 pl.— Smith (W.i The physiology of nervous, spasmodic, and convulsive diseases. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1850, n. s., X, 795; 976.—Sokololl'(N.) K patolog. anat. gliom central, nerv. sistemy. Med. Obo/.r.. Mosk., 1887. xxviii, 813-823.— Talamon (C.) lies lesions du sysleme nerveux central d'origine- periplurique. Rev. mens, de med. etchir., Par., 1879, lii, 580 : 600 : 732; 835. Also [Abstr.] : J. Soc. de meel. et pharm. de 1'I si-re, Grenoble, 1879-80, iv, 50; 65. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pisaui, Palermo, 1880, 261-287. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1881-2, xiv, 193; 226.—Teed (J. L.) On some points connected with the general pathology of the nervous svstem. Med. Index, Kansas City, 1884, v', 1; 45.- 83— Thiidichiim (3. L. W.) On cliiinical diseases of the brain and spinal cord as con- ditioned by the chemical constitution of these organs. Brit. M. JT LoncL, 1883, ii, 524-520.— I'izyoni (G.) Sulla patologia del tessuto nervoso; osservazioni eel esperimenti sulla istologia uormale e patologica ele-lla libra nervosa. Arch, per le sc. meel . Torino. 1878-9, iii (no. 1), 1-61, 1 pl. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1878, xii, 129-145. — Vernenil (A.) Observation pour servir a. rhistoire des alterations locales des nerfs. Arch, g6n.de med., Par., 1861, ii, 537-552—Vincenzi (L.) Su alcune alterazioui istologiche del sistema nervoso centrale. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1885, xi, 318-324, 1 pl.— Virchow (R.) Ueber die fettige Degeneration iu den Nei vein i-ntren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1856, x, 407. — Viilniaii. fitude de pathologie experimentale sur le systeme nerveux; excitability du cerveau; localisa- tions cerebrates, ficole de nied., Par., 1870. iii, 1-10. Also: Progres med., Par., 1876, iv. 315—Waller (G.) Ueber die fettige Degeneration der Nerven nach ihrer Durch- sehueidung. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 1861, xx, 426-435.—Wa I Ion (G. L.) Cases of functional and or- ganic injury to the central nervous system, caused by trauma. Boston M. A S. J.. 1886. cxiv 102-105. — Wer- nich (A.) Ueber die als Neuroparalyse. Nervenschlag, Shock bezeichnete Todesart vom gericht.sarztlichen Stand- puukte. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med , Berl., 1882. n. F., xxxvii, 285: 1883, n. F., xxxviii, 33. — AVeslphal (C.) L'eber eine elein Bilde der cerebrospinalen grauen Degene- ration ahuliche Erkrankung des centralen Nervensystems ohne auatomischen Befund, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber paradoxe Contraction. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1883, xiv, 87-134. -----. Ueber einen Fall von grauer Degeneration desCentralnervensystems, nebst Bemerkun- gen iiber Nerveudelmung. Charite-Ann. 1881, Berl., 1883 viii, 373-398, 1 pl. —Wilks ( S.) Observations on the pathology of some of the diseases of the nervous svstein. Guy'sHosp. Rep., Lond., 1866, 3. s., xii, 152-244. —W'umil ( W.) Ueber das Verhalten der Nerven in entziiudeten und degenerirten Organen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc. Berl., 1856, x, 404-407. IVervons system (Physiology of). See Nervous system. ]¥ervons system (Sclerosis of). See, also, Ataxy (Locomotor, etc.); Atrophy (Muscular, Progressire); Brain (Sclerosis, etc., of); Cerebellum (Sclerosis of): Idiots (Pa- thology of); Insanity (Pathology, etc., of); Paralysis (Bulbar, etc.): Paralysis (Progres- sire); Paralysis agitans; Paramyoclonus innlti- Aervou* system (Sclerosis of). plex; Spinal cord (Pathology, etc., of); Spinal cord (Sclerosis of). Babinski (J.) * Etude anatomique et clini- que sur la .scl6ro.se en plaques. 4 . Paris, 1885. See, also, infra. Barbaud (C.) *.Sur une des formes frustes de la sclerose en plaques dis.seniiudes. 4-. Le Mints, 1883. Bolicli (C.) *Des anomalies et des formes frustes de la sclerose en plaques disseminees. 4°. Paris, 1883. Bourneville. Le cas du docteur \V. Pen- nock, ou contribution a l'histoire de la scl6rose en plaques disse-iuinecs. 8~. Paris, l"-t>~. See, also, Morris, infra. ----- & (iCKitARD (S.) De la sclerose eu plaques disseminees. Nouvelle etude sur quel- ques points de la sclerose en plaques diss6inin6es par Bourneville. 8°. Paris, 1869. Blchwald (A.) * Ueber multiple Sklerose des Hirns und Riickenmarks. 8-; Breslau, [1872]. Also, in: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1872, x. 478-514. Cacciola (8.) Angioite obliterante e sclerosi del nervo tibiale anteriore. 8-. Padoea, 1885. Daima (C.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'atro- phie musculaire surveuant dans le cours de la sclerose en plaques diss6min6es. 4~. Paris, 1884. Dlplaix (J.-B.) * Contribution a l'dtude de la sclerose. 4°. Paris, 1883. Also, in: Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1885, 1, 145; 314. Ebstein (\Y.) * Ueber multiple Sclerose des Gehirns uud Riickenmarkes. H°. ll'iirzburg, 1886. Erler(J.) * Ueber diffuse Sklero.se des Ge- hirns. 8°. Tiibingen, 1881. Gombailt (A.) Etude sur la sclerose laterale aiuyotrophique. 8C. Paris, 1877. Hacptmaxx (E.G.) * Zur Casuistik der Scle- rose laterale aiuyotrophique ( Charcot). 8°. Leipzig, [n. d.] Hesse (P.) * Ueber Coincidenz von multi- pier Hirnsclerose und Excessen in Venere. 8°. Greifswald, 1881. Jacquin (H.) * Essai sur l'anatomie et la physioiogie pathologiques de la sclerose en plaques. 4°. Nancy, 1881. Pixel fils. Recherches d'anatomie patholo- giqiie sur l'endurcissement an systeme nerveux. 8-. Paris, 1822. Also, in: J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1822, ii, 191-210. Rittekshaitsf.x (A.) * Eiu Fall von amyo- trophisclier Lateralsclerose. ?J. Wurzburg, 1883. Stephan (B. H.) *De theorie van het beven bij multiple sclerose. 8°. Leiden, 1884. Timal (E.) * Etude sur quelques complica- tions de la sclerose en plaques disseminees. 4r Paris, 1873. Tjaoen (H.) * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der multiplen Sklerose des Gehimes und Riicken- marks. 8-. Helmstedt, 1884. Unger ( L. ) Ueber multiple inselfonnige Sklerose des Centraluervensystems im Kindesal- ter. Eine piidiatrisch-klinische .Studie. 8D. Leipzig u. Wien. 1888. Wi'frift (A.) * Ueber einige tabische Erschei- nungen bei der multiplen Sklerose. Aus der Kranken-Abtheilung des stiidtisehen Armen- hauses. k-t Breslau, 1887). Arbate | V.] & Salemi Pace [B.] Si-h-rosi cerebrale. Pisaui, Palermo. 1S78, 2. s., i, 108. 1 pl. — Aufrechl (E.) Die aiiatiuiiischc Untersuchung einer primaren Seite-n- strain'-Sclerose I leutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1880, vi, 236-2311. — KabinwUi (J.) Recherches sur l'anatomie pa- thologique de la sclerose en plaques, et 6tude comparative des diverses varietes de scleroses de la moelle. Arch de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1885,3. s.,v lsr,-2u7 2 pl. [See. also, supra, tor completed treatise.] — Babinski (J.) A NEKVOUS. 795 XERVOUS. IVervoil* system (Sclerosis of). 4 hni-riii. Sclerose meelullaire svsteniatique eonibinee. i;.'\, denied.. Par.. 1886, vi, 9li2-!l(i5. -■ BiirMinkel (F.) /ur Lehre von eler heerdweisen Sclerose der Nerve-nce-ii- tren. A i ch. el. Heilk., Leipz.. 1809, x, 59U-592. 2 pl.—Ball. Sclerose a plaques disseminees. (iaz. el. hop.. Par.. 188(1. liii, 593 —Ballel (G.) A Minor (L.) Etude dun cas ele fausse sell-rose systematique conibiu6e de la moelle (scle- roses systeinatiqiiesou peri-tubulaires de la moelle et scle- roses peri-vasculuires). Arch.de neurol.. Par., 1884,vii, 44- 85, 3 pl.—Banhani (IL F.) A ease of descending lateial sclerosis. Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 372.— BaMtian (II. C.) An anomalous case of dissemi- nated cerebro -spinal sclerosis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1883- 4, xvii, 7-17. Also : Meel. Times A Gaz.. Lond., 1883, ii, 451. —Beck (J.I Ein Fall vou Selerosis cerebro-spinalis. Med. Cor. IU d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1878, xlviii, ii5-7u. — Bonier (IL) TvaTilfadde af multipel Ce- rebrospinalskhiose. Norsk Mag. f. Licgevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1884, xiv, 545-555.—Billon. La sclerose; en plaques et la paialysie geneirale. Marseille meel., 1887, xxiv, 242; 310.—Boucliand (J.-B.) Sclerose- en plaques; nvstag- nms vertical. J. (1. sc. med. de Lille, 1883. v, 321-332.— Bonieli (C.) Xote sur un cas ele sclc-rose en plaques fruste. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1883. v. 51-57.—Honr- nevillc. Sclerose en plaques clisseniinees. Bull. Soc. auat. ele Par.. 1868, xliii, 261-272.—Bourneville A Boiinaii-er. Sc-h'-rose tubereuse ou hypertrophic des circeiuvolulieins. Ibid., 1881, lvi, 545-552.— It listowe. Disseminated sclerosis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond , 1880, i, 034.—Briiekner ((>.) Ueber multiple, tuberose Skle- rose eler Hirnrinde; ein Beitrag zur pathologischen Ana- tomie der Idiotie. Arch. f. Psychiat.. P.erl., 1881-2, xii, 550-563, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Briniw (L.) Zur Patho- logie der disseniinirten Sclerose. P.erl. klin. Wchnschr., isss, xxv, SKI.—Brnyere. Observation de scleroseantfero- latiiale et ele sclerose en plaques. Ann. Soc. de nied. de St.F.tienne et de la Loire (1877-80), 1881, vii, 233-240.— Buioocn (S.) Sobre dos enferinos de eseleidsis espiual posterior. Siglo meel., Madrid, 1882, xxix, 745.—Bury (,J. S.) Disseininateel sclerosis with unusual symptoms. Ii? it. M. J.. Lond.. 1885, i, 792— Campbell ( L) Primary lateral sclerosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1882-3, xv, 327- 32(.».—I'antani (A.) Selerosi laterale amiotrofiea. Boll. el. clin.. Xapoli, 1884, i, 233-236. -----. Selerosi a placche diffusa con malaria. Ibid., 1885, ii, 241-244.—< a>*ini* (F.l Di un caso di selerosi disseminata e enbro-spinale. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1881, xxiv, iO-7.i — CatMaraK (M.) De- la curabilite- ele la sclerose e-n plaques, Arch, ele neurol., Par.. 1885, x, 66-76.—Fliarcot (J.-M.) De la sclerose en plaques elisse'-niinecs. In his: Lecuus sur les mal. du svsteme nerveux, [etc.], 8T Par.. 1872-3, 168-219. Also, transl: Edinb. M. J., 1875-6, xxi, 720; 1010; 1876-7. xxii, 50 ; 117. -----. .Sclc-rose laterale aiuyotrophi- que: thenrio du reflexe teneliueiix. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, lii, 1065; 1082: 1170. -----. Sclerose laterale aiuyotrophi- que ; autonomic et caractere* spasmodique de cette affection. Progres mCd.. Par., 1880, viii, 1; 41. -----. Troubles ocu- laires de la sclerose en plaques. Ibid., 1884. xii, 641-643. -----. De la sclerose en plaques clisseniine'es. Pratieien, Par.. 1884. vii. 136-138. -----. Sclerose en plaepu-s. (Iaz. el. hop., Par.. 1880. lix, 1203; 1225: 1887, lx, 10. — tlivoxleh (F.) Zur Kenntniss der herdweisen Sklerose des zeiitralcn Xervensvstenis. Wien. med. Presse, 1873. xiv, 1076; 1128 ; 1148: 1874. xv, 97; 124; 149; 185; 321 : 345; 401; 457; 516; 558:569; 598; 622; 668. -----. Zur Diagnose (ler herdwei- sen Sclerose; cles centralen Xerveiisvsteins. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1875, xx, 82 ; 90 ; 109: 122; 147; 175; 187.-----. Beitrag zur herdweisen Sclerose cles centralen Xervensys- teins. Allg. Wien. mecl. Ztg.. 1876, xxi. 261 : 270 ; 298: 305; 313: 328; 337. -----. Herelwe-ise Sclerose de*s Cenlral- Xerveusvstenis. Wien. mecl. BL, 1880. iii, 689: 714.-----. Zurherdweisen Sclerose eles Central -Nervensystems. Ibid., 1091-1093. -----. Di-hnuug eler Nn. iseliiadici bei herd- weiser Sclerose. Ibid, 1881, iv, 1325; 1356.-----. Wei- terer Beitrag zur Dehnung der Xn. iseliiadici bei herdwei- ser Sclerose des Central-Nervens vstems. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii, 128; 137. ——. Weiterer Beitrag zur herdweisen Sclerose cles Ceutral-Xervensyste-ms. Ibid., 1883. xxviii. 369 —Clan*. Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik eler Ccrebro.Spinal.Sclerose. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat.. etc., Berl.. Is78. xxxv. 335-354, 1 pl. -----. Multiple Cerebrn- spinalscl.rosc. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1882, xii, 669- 682—4'oIIviin (K. J.) On a case of aniyotrophic lateral sclerosis, with microscopical examination of the nerve- centres, etc-. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1883, xix. 343- 353—4'ornil (V.) Allc'-ration eles nerfs peripheriepies; se-le-reme ct degeneration canecreuse. Coinpt. rend. Soc. eh- biol. 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, 8-10.—Couturier. Scle- rose en plaques; grnnde amelioration sm venue a la suite dune fievre typhoide. Loire med., St.-Etienne. 1886, v. 1- 4.—C'oxweM (('. F.I Case of amyotrophic lateral scle- rosis. Tr. Path. Soc. T oncL, 1883-4. xxxv, 42-45.—Oa in u- •cliiiio. Des affections associees de la moe-lh-et du cer- veau et liotainment eles lesions combinies eles cordons posterieiirs et lateraux (sclerose spinale postero-lalerale). Gaz. el. Imp.. Par.. 188:', lvi. 1-3. Also: Therap. coutomp., Par., 1883, iii, 3-8. — Dana (C. L.) Progressive spastic Aervou* system (Sclerosis of). ataxia (combined fascicular sclerosis) aud the combined scleroses of the spinal cord. Med. Roc. X. Y., 1887. xxxii, 1-11.—B-ebove A <*oiiil>ault. Contribution a 1'etuele de la sch-iose laterale amvotrophique. Arch, ele phvsiol. norm, et path. Par., 1879. 2. s., vi, 751-771, 2 pl.— B-eje- rine (J.) Du role joue par la nieningite spiuale po1. —I. ion ville. Nouvelle observation detaill6e de scle- rose en iluts multiple s et dissemiues clu cerveau, ele la moelle et eles nerl's rachieliens. Gaz. med. de Par., 1870, 3. s., xxv, 259; 269.— l.ipari (< L i Caso raro eli sele- rosi disseminata a placchc. Psichiatria, Napoli, 1885, iii, 177-191.— Loiiiikoivsky (M.) Laryngoscopischer Be- fund bei Scle'rose en pbupies ceri'-brei-spinale. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 61U. Also, transl: St. Louis Cour. Meek, 1880, iii, 53-55.— Hncarlney, Cerebrospinal dis- seminated sclerosis in soldiers. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1884, xix, 261 — TI<-Bow all (T. W.) Diffused cerebral sclerosis. J. Ment. Sc. L.....L, 1879-80, n. s., xxv, 490-494, 1 pl.—.Tlagnan. Note, sur une observation de sclerose en plaques cerebro spinale avec atrophie papillaire des deux yeux. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 765. — [ .Halherbe. ] Sclerose en plaques dissetniiiccs ceiebro spinalcs. .1. de meel. de l'ouc-st. Nantes, 1874, viii. 85. Also, in his: fttuelcs clin., 8°. Xantes, 1875. fasc. 1, 78- 86.— VI aiieriiii (S.) Caso important!-di selerosi insulare eb i centri nervosi. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1877, 4. s., vii, 225-242.—lTIarie (P.) De- la sch*rose en plaepies chez les enfants. Kev. ele med., Par., 1883. iii. 536-56s. -----. Sclerose en plaques et maladies infectieuses. Progres med.. Par., 1884, xii. 287; 305; 349; 305. — .Tliekle (W. J.) Bilateial secondary descending sclerosis and atrophy, mainly of pons Varolii and medulla oblongata; slight dif- fuse myelitis. Alienist A Neurol.. St. Louis. 1883, iv, 1- 13.-----. Spinal sclerosis or degeneration following brain- lesion. J. Ment. Sc.. Lond.. 1885-0. xxxi. 53-62.—.tlier- - jet-sky (-LP.) & Frlilsky iA. IT) Sclerosis lateralis anivotiophica. Vestnik klin. i sude-bnoi psichiat. i m- vropatoh. St. Petersb.. 1883. i. 69-88. Also, transl: Pam. Teiwarz. Lek. Warszaw.. 1883, lxxix, 221-216. — ,TI ills (C. K.) Two lectures on a case of sclerosis of the spinal cord and brain, chiefly affecting the cord in the posterior and lateral columns. 'Hosp. Gaz , N. Y., 1879, vi, 596: 610. -----. On posterior spinal sclerosis. Med. Gaz., NT Y., 1880, vii, 1-3.—Mitcliell (S. W.) Sclerosis. Med. & Surg. Re-porter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 510.— Tloeli (C.) Ein Fall von anivotrophischer Lateralskle.ro.se. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1880. X, 718-734. 1 pl.— ?Iol litre (H.* Sur qui lqucs points du diagnostic ile la sclerose des centres neivoux. Lyon med., 1875, xix, 405-4H8.— flout oi vo (C.-A.) De la sclerose en plaques chez hs enfants. Uniao med., Rio do Jan., 1884, iv, 16; 49: 97; 145. Also, Reprint. -----. Dc l'etiologie de la sclerose en plaques chez les enfants ct no taninieut de l'influence pathogenique de l'heredo-sypbilis. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf.,'Par., 1887, v. 241-261! Also, transl: Arch, di patol. inf., Xapoli, 1887, v, 97-113.— JVIoore (X.) A case of sclerosis of the cerebral cortex. with two other examples of cerebral disease in children. St. Baith. Hosp Rep.. Lond.. 1879. xv. 63-74 —.Tlorris (J. C.) Case of the late Dr. C. W. Pennock. Tr. Coll. Phvs Phila., 1863-74. n. s.. iv. 222-228. Also: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila.. 1868. n. s., lvi. 138-144. — lie Ileiiua ( V. F. ) A sclerose em placas elisseminadas. A. Soc. el. sc. med. de Lisb., 1872, 2. s., xxxvi, 33; 65; 97: 161: 193: 257 — VI ox on. Case of insular sclerosis of brain and spinal cord. Lancet LoncL, 1873, i, 236.—Xetllcship iI-Tj Amblyopia with changes indicative of slight chronic neuritis, in dissemi- nated selerosis. IT. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Lond.. 1882-3, iii, 227— JYollina;*< I ill., Multiple inselfiirniige Sclerose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1883. xxviii. 551— Op- penheiiu (H.) Zur Pathologie- der disseminirten Skle- rose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv. 904-907. — Owler (W.) Cases of insular sclerosis. Canada M. ,y S. J., Montreal, 1880-81, ix, 1-11. Also, Reprint, —Olio (A.) Aei'VOH* system (Schrosis of). Casuistischer Beitrag zur multiplen Skleie,M. des Hirns und Riickenmarks. Deutsches Anh. f. klin. Meel.. Leipz., 1872. x, 531-561— Fai-inaml (II.i Troubles ocuiaires du la sclerose en plaques. .1. ile la sante pub., Par., 1884. iii, 3-5 — I'illKllilll (A.) Cue sclerose' en plaepies clissenii- nees. Marseille uuel.. 1874, xi, 258; .-,77.—Ferret e Krnxi (E.) Sitilidedei een! i i nervosi. Uiforma med., Xapoli. 18*7. iii. 266; 272.— Dickinson (\V.) Ophthalmology; miiro-syphilitic affections; second cra- nial (optic) nerve ; hemiopia; third cranial; (motor oculi) strab.; div-ptosis. etc. : gumma syphiliticum. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Missouri. 1879, ii, 71-74.— Bixon. Two cases of paralysis from syphilitic neuromata of the intracranial nerves. Mecl. Times cfe Gaz., Lond., 1*58, xvii, 419-421.—Doniaiislti (S.) O kile (syphilis) ukladu uerwowego. [Svphilis of nervous svstem.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1880, xix. 362; 379: 403; 417: 429; 439; 415; 461; 473; 4*9: 497; 511; 521; 533; 545.—Bo wse (T. S.) On syphilis as it affects the brain ancl nei vous system. Med. Press & Circ. LoncL, 1*77. n. s., xxiv, 167; 253; 353: 1*7*, XXV, 1; 21: 63: *5: 125; 145; 167; 253; 357; 501; 522: xxvi, 3.—Brest- lite 111 (J.) Ou some cases of syphi- litic nervous disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1875, xiv, 343- 355.— Drysdalc (C. R.) Syphilis as a cause of aphasia anil locomotor ataxia. Med. Exam.. Lond. 1*7*, iii, 440- 443. ------. On cerebro-spinal syphilis. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 112-120. Also'.- Meel. Press A Circ, Lond., 1**0, n. s., xxix, 341; 361.—Bn Cn/iil. Syphilis cerebro-spinale; paralysies multiples; gu6risou. Union ine'-el.. Par , 1*80, 3. s., xxix, 955-959. Also : Bull, etmem. Soc. med. (1. hop. de Par. (1**0). 1881, 2. s., xvii, 93-98.— I-: Ilia ill. Nevroses syphilitiepies. Gaz. med. de Par., 1*43, 2. s., xi, 119-121.—Engcl (H.) The diagnosis and treatment of some: forms of svphilitic nervous affections. Phila. M. Times, 1877. viii, 121-124.-Finger (E. ) Gehirn- und Nervensypbilis. Aerztl. Ber. el. lc. k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1882), 1883, 137-143.—Folet. Para- plegie syphilitique; compression cie la moelle; guerison par l'iodure de potassium k haute dose. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1807, Ixxiii, 90-92.—Foster. A case of syphilitic disease of the nervous S3*stera. Lancet, Loud., 1*75, ii, 129. — Fournier (A.) Affections syphi- litiques des nerfs. Mouvement meel, Par., 1875. xiii, 839: 1876, xiv, 19; 36; 66. ------. Paralysie du nerf men- tonnier par lesion syphilitique du niaxiilairc. Gaz. hebd. de meel . Par., 1H76. xiii, 804. ------. De la pseudo-paralv- sie iii'-nerale d'origine svphilitique. Progres mCd., Par., 1*77. v, 761; 775; 7*5.—Gaillcton. Syphilis prccoce in- teressant le systeme nerveux. Mc-rn. et compt. rend. Soc. il. sc. med ele Lyon, 1865-6, v, pt. 2, 304.—»allard. Sur un cas d'affection rare de la moelle epiuie^re, d'origine sy- philitique; tressaillements musculaires; traitement par l'iodure de potassium et l'elecli ie ile- ft courants continus. Union med., Par.. 1874, ii. 796-711— li a inberiiii (IT) Pa- ralisi sitilitica. Imparziale. Fire*nze, 1861-2, ii 300-302.— etxithcns (W. H. II.) A case of svphilis of the nervous system. Meel. eft Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 95-98.— (wjeiir. liidrag til Kmiilskaben om ele Sygdomme i Nerve- s\ steniet. der k mine opsiaae som Fiille af Svphilis. Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk.. Christiania, 1857, xi,774: 813. Also, Reprint.—<^oranssou (CT J. A.) Fall af nervsjukclom In 'roomie pa syphilis. Upsala Liikaref. Forh.. 187u-71, vi, 102-105.—Cowers (WT R.) Syphilomata of brain auel spinal coiel; syphilitic thickening of membranes around nerves, etc. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1876-7, xxviii, 2*1-2*5. ------. S\ philitic neuroses. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1879, i, 303- ::i)5. — (ili-siy (L. C.) Syphilis of the nervous system, and its treatment. Med. X'ews. Phila., 1887, li, 33-38. Also, Reprint.—<>Jreeii (I. P.) Two cases of syphilitic lesion of the nervous system. Cincin. Laucet efc Obs., 1*75, xviii, 142-147.—Gubb (A. S.) Curious nervous symptoms prob- ably due to gumma. Med. Reg.. Phila., 1887.' i, 241.—Hale (L.) Case of syphilitic panplegia. Tr. M. .Soc. County Albany 1870-80, Albany. 1**3, iii, 5,1. Also: Am. J. Sypli. A Dermat., X. Y. 1*72. iii, 312. Also; Phila. M. Times, 1872-:; iii. 266. Also : Buffalo M. A S. J., 1872-3, xii, 216- 21*. —Ilniuiuoiifl (W. A.) Bromide of calcium in the treatment of syphilitic neuralgia. Am. J. Syph. A Der- mat., X. Y., 1873, iv, 305-309. ------. On the, proper method of using the iodide of potassium in svphilis of the nervous system. X. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1884-5, iv, 150-152. — Hassinsj. Syphiliti.sk paralyse. Hosp.- Tiel., Kjebenh., 1858, i. 97-100—von Hebra (H.) Ein Fall von Svphilis des Centraluervensvstems mit dem Aus- gaiiiie iu Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 1521- 1524.- -Henry (WT H.) Clinical observations ou the de- mentia auel the hemiplegia of syphilis. Am. J. Syph. & Dermat.. X. Y., 1872, iii. 5-19 — Heubuer. Syphilis of the brain and nervous svstem. Cvd. Pract. M. (Ziems- sen). X. Y., 1877. xii, 293-371.—Hoinollc (G.) Mcuingo- myelite subaigue avec paraph'-gie survenue a la fin dela periode secondaire de la syphilis; autopsie. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par.. 1*75. 1, 514-522. Also: Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, li-s— lloustet. Observation sur une paralysie de cause venerieune. Mem. Acad. rov. de chir., Par., 1768, iv. pt. 2. U-l-152. — Hutchinson id.i Diseases of the nervous system of syphilitic oridu. Meel. Press A Circ., Lond.. 1**4. n. s., xxxvii, 371 : 394. Also : Students' J A Hosp. (Liz.. Lond., 1884. xii. 285 : 307 Hutchinson i.I.) A Jackson (JT H.) Cases of paralvsis associated with syphilis. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 83; 133; 456; Wtvoh* system (Syphilis of). 578. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Med.. Chir. u. Geburtsh Leipz., 1*61, xv, 277-285. — Hutchinson (J. H.) S\ phi' litic diseases of the nervous system. Am. J. M Se I'hila., 1871, n. s., lxii, 86-99.— Jnckaon (J, II.I Case' of hemiplegia in a svphilitic subject. Tr. Clin. Soc Loud 1870-71, iv, 183-187. ------. On syphilitic affections of tho nervous system. J. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1*75, xxi, 207-225. Also, Reprint.—Jacob (E. 11.) Cases of svphilitic dis- ease of the nervous system. Mcil. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 118— Johnston. Svphilitic. parah sis. St. Louis M. & S J.. 18*3, xliv, 263-260 —Kaliler (G.) Die multi- ple syphilitische YVur/.e lneuritis. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1**7, viii. 1-26, 1 pl.— Key. Fall af hieiiiatoma dune mil'- ti is och gra degeneration af ryggmiirgen vid sytilis. Forh. v. Svens. Liik.-Siillsk.. Sainniank. 1865, Stockholm, 1*06, 137.—It eyes (E. L.) Syphilis of the nervous system; a clinical study, chiefly in regard to diagnosis aiid treat- ment. X. York M. JT, 1870, xii, 369-410. Also. Reprint.— Knoblauch (J. G. A.) [Fall von syphilitischer Facia- lislahinung.] Jahresb. ii. d. Yerwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1*64). 1S67. viii, 82-84.— Ituorre. Syphilitische Lahmungen. Deutsche Klinik. Iici'L. 1*49, i, 69.—Itohts. Luetisehe Lrkiankungeii eles Gehirns und Riickenmarks im Kindesaltei. Yerhandl. d. Gesellsch. f.d. Kinderh. .. . deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1**3, Leipz., 1884, i, 140-150. — Ii. Teekeiieu van riiggeniei*:s- atrophie met opvolgende herseuverschijiiselen. welke hot bestaan van hyper-of enostose van syphilitischen our.sprung van de inwendige oppervlakte des re-gter wandbeens aui- toonden; gunstige working van het ioilctum kalicuni; her- stelling: epicrisis. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorin- chim, 1*55, n. s., i, 341-346. — I.alouctte. Observaiion d'accidens nerveux dus ftla svphilis. Rec.de mein. de und. . . . mil.. Par.. 1*21, x, 410-412.— l.-iudouzy (L.) A I>« jc- rine (J.) Melanose des ganglions broucliiques; In in i) iL- ■ gie ancieune le'-gerc : gomme syphiliticum du front ; mort par hemorrhagic cei clu ale avec inondation ventrie-ulaire; eschare fessiere; alterations eles nerfs cutanes Hull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 675-678. Also.- Progres meel., Par., 1**2. x, 545.—Lang (L.) Ueber die Hiiufigkeit unci Friibzeitigkeit der syphilitischen Erkrankungen des zen- tralen Xervensysteins und iiber Meningealirritation bei beginnender Svphilis. Wien. med Wchnschr.. 1880. xxx, 1305; 1336; 1361; 1395.—I.nnzoni (F.) Emiplrgia spinale sinistra per compressioue unilaterale du sitiloma sui seg- mento inferiore del midollo cervicale (guarigione). Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1874, xvi, 161-182.—Lnseguc (E.C.) Des affections nerveuses, et en particulier des iii'-vreisrs syphi- litiques. Arch. geu. de m6(L, Par., 1861, -5. 8., xviii, 210- 222. Also, in bis: Etudes med., 8°, Par., 1884, ii, S0-94.— I.nv.hiiuj*h (A. I.) A case of syphilitic hemiplegia. Meel. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870,"xxiii, 421-423.—I.ee (IL) Svphilitic affection of cerebral nerves. Lancet, Loud., 1*84, ii, 766. — l.efcuvi-c. HemipKigie faciale svphilitique au debut des accidents secondaires de la syphilis. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1866, lxx. 266- 272. — licpinc. Degen6rescence syphilitique du nerf cubi- tal. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1867J xiii, 577.—I.utou quelle ( C. ) Lettre sur les paralysics syphilitiques. Lnion nied.. Par.. 1*54, viii, 411.—Kullier. Cas d'hemi- plcgie et ele perte ele memoire gurries a I'aide, d'un traite- nient antivCn^rien. Bull. Fac. ele iu(kl. de Par., 1816-17, v, 5"i-66. — Kumpf (T.) Ueber Gehirn- uud Riickc-n- marksyphilis. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl., 1885, xvi, 410- 426.—Russell. Syphilitic affections of the nervous sys- tem. Meel. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 408— Scliupp. Paralysie* des Xe-rvus facialis durch syphilitische Kuo- chenauftreibung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1863. xv, 213; 227.—Schuster. Eiu Fall von multipler Sclerose eh-s Ge- hirnes uml RiicUenniarki'S iu Folge von Syphilis. Tagebl. il. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aeizte. Strassb., .1*85. lviii, 241 -245. — Nccjjer (L.) Multiple Xervenlahmung ex lue. Ber. d. k. k. Krankeuh. Wieden 1871, AVien, 1*73, 256.—Scjjuin (E. C.) Cases illustrating some of the (lis- ordei s of tin- nervous system produced by syphilis. Arch. f. Dermat., X. Y.. 1875' i, 131-13::.—Nelin (A.) O siphili- ticheskikh stiadaniyakh nei vnikh tscntrof. [Ou syphili- tic affections of the nervous een tres. | Vovenuo-ined. J., St. Petersb., 1868, ciii, ])t. 3, 136-211.—Silver. Case of syphi- litic hemiplegia. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond.. 1871, ii, 497. -----. Symptoms resembling general paralysis of the in- sane; irregular paralysis of limbs, face, and nervus motor oculi: syphilitic cerebral tumour'.-). Ibid., 1872, ii, 461.— Smith (WT G.) Paralysis following syphilis; rapid re- covery under the use of faradisation. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl.", 1873, i. 293— Mtouchousc (A. B.) The nervous accidents of s\philis. Buffalo M. & S. J.. 1875, xiv. 201- 226.—.Slu rjjis < F. It.I I In sonic of the clinical features of the syphililic neurosis. Psych. A Med.-Leg. J., X. Y., 1875. n. «.. ii. 321-330.—Syphililic affections of the ner- vous system. Mecl. Times A. Gaz., Loud., 1868, i, 551-553.— Syphililic diseases of the nervous system. Brit. A For. M.-Chir. Rev., LoncL, 1861, xxviii,' 285-306.—Tait (L.) Syphilitic hemiplegia from deposit in the nerve tis- sue anil plugging of the arteries. Med. Times & Ga/.., Lond.. 1869, i, 219.—Takacs (E.) Hemiplegia unilate- talis dextra peripheric;! e meningitide cerebrospinalo syphilitica. Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 187*, xxii. 1-5.— Taylor (R. W.) A contribution fo the study of syphi- lis of the nervous system. Boston M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxv. 395-397.-----. A contribution to the study of syphilis of the nervous system. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis..'Chicago. 1876, iii, 20-42. Also, Reprint. -----. Clinical notes on neuralgia of the sciatic nervi* caused bv syphilis. X. York M. J., 1880 xxxi. 235-244.—Tennesoii! La syphi- lis cerebro-spinaie ct le traitement specitiepie d'epienve. Union mi'-iL. Par.. 1*s3. 3. s.. xxxv. lsl-186. —Traube. Hemiplegia syphilitica. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1859, xi, 463-465. — Troisier iK.) Xote sur un cas de pseudo- paralysie syphilitique infantile. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. Aervou* system (Syphilis of). d. Imp. de Par. (1**3), 18*4.*2. s., xx, pt. 1, 109-113. Also: Arch, ele tocol.. Par., 1883. x. 411-414—Van JBurcu (W. H.) On nervous svphilis. Med. Xe-ws &. Libr.. Phila., 1878, xxxvi, 189-194.—Vance (R. A.) Syphilitic disease of the nervous system. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 18*1, n. s., vii, 71-74.—Vau I prep eL.j Quelques faits de nevral- gies syphilitiques. Bull. gen. ele tlmrap., etc., I'ar.. 1*52, xiii, 74-76.—Veronese (F.) Die Syphilis als iitiologi- sches Moment bei Erkrankungen eles Xervensysttms. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-ColL, 1883, ix. 129-134.' Also: Wien. Kliuik, 1883. ix, 209-236. Also, transl: Gvcigva- szat, Budapest. 1883, xxiii, 761-767. -----. Sulla sifilide secondaria del sistema nervoso. Riv. clin. e terap., Xa- poli, 18*4. vi. 14-19. Also, transl : France med.. Par., 1884, i, 198; 209.—Ware (L.) Syphilitic paralysis. Chi- cago M. Exam.. 18,1, xii. 554-559.—\V a ton. Tic doulou- reux de cause vi'-nericnue; trismus dolorifieus a causa venerea. J. denied., chir., pharm.. etc., Par. 1793, xciii, '2X1-25*.— Welsh IT.) Case*s of syphilitic eliseas.' of th.' nervous system. Kansas City M. J.. 1871. i. 307.—White ("VV. H.) Peripheral neuritis, myelitis, syphilitic pachy- meningitis, and ostitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 18*6, xxxvii, 107-111, lpl.—Wood (H. C.) Contribution to our knowl- edge' of nervous syphilis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1880, n. 3., lxxx, 384-393.-----. S\ philitic affections of the nerve centres. Syst. Tract. M.'(Pepper), Phila., 1886, v. 999- 1027. -----. Two cases of syphilitic disease; the lesion in one involving the ascending frontal convolution, in the other the cervical spinal cord. Phila. M. Times. ls85-6, xvi, 435. Also: Mod. A Surg. Reporter. Phila., 18*6. liv, 588-590.—\on Zci*sl (M.j Casuistische Beitriige zur Gehirn- und Xervensyphilis. Wien. med. 131., 1884, vii, 1058; 1092. ]\ervoils system (Tuberculosis of). See, also, Brain, Cerebellum, Spinal cord, Tu- bercle of. Leclercq (J.-C.) * I. Des symptomes ties tu- bercules (lis centres uerveux. II. [etc.] 4J. Paris, 1843. von Azary (A.) Beitriige zur Tuberkulose des cen- tralen Xervensvstenis der Schweine. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1880, vi, 254-269. 1 pl— Duuouy. Les nevi eisc-- tuberculeuses. Me'elecin. I'ar., l*,li. ii. no. 43, p. 1.— Hoc hi- (A.) Zur Lehre von eler Tuberculose elesCentralnci vonsvsteins. Arch. f. Psve luat.. RciL. 18*7, xix, 200-228. —Schultze (F.) Zur Symptomatologies uud pathologischen Anatomic der tuberculcisen und entziind- lichen Erkrankungen uud der Tuberkel des cerebrospi- nale-n Xervensyste-ms. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1880, xxv, 297-304. jVervons system (Tumors of). See Brain, Medulla oblongata, Tumors of; Nervous system (Pathology, etc., of); Neuroma; Spinal cord (Tumors of). jrVervous system (Diastaltic). See Nervous system (Reflex action of). JVervous system (Ganglionic) [or Sympa-.. thetic]. See, also, Eye, Heart, Nerves of; Intercarotid ganglion ; Intestines (Xerres of); Nerves (Gan- glia, etc., of); Nervous system (Vasomotor); Saliva. Adrian (A.> * Ueber die Funktioneu des Plexus cei'liacus uud mesentericus. 4C. Gies- sen, 1861. Also, in: Beitr. z. Anat. u. Phvsiol. (Eckhard), Giessen, 1863, iii, 59-84. Aluaxus (A.) Experimentelle Untersuchim- oc-n iiber die Beziehung des Halsstiauges des Svmpathicus zur Temperatur des Kaninchen- oiires. n-\ [Dorpat], 1869. Arnold (F.) * Diss, sistens observationes nonnullas neurologicas de parte cephalica nervi svmpathiei in lioniiue. 4°. Heidelbergce, 1826. "Also, transl in: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1826, xxiv, 337-356. Banzigkk (T.) *Zur Physiologic des sym- pathischen Nervensysteiue-s. •"*-. Tl iirzburg, L-.>4. Bidder (F. H.) & Yolkmantn (A. W.) Die Selbststaneligkeit des syinpathiseheu Xervensys- teins durch anatomische rntersuchungeu nach- gewiese-u. 4°. Leipzig. 1842. Bimar (A.) * Structure des ganglions ner- veux. 6-. Paris, 1~78. SEKVOUS. 800 NERVOrS. liervous system (Ganglionic). Blanchard (E.) Du grand sympathique chez lis animaux articules. 8C. [Paris, 187)8.] Itepr. from : Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1858, x. van dkr Boon Mesch (H. C.) * De nervo ' sympathetic!) niagno. 8-. Lugd. Bat., 1821. Bracket (J.-L.) Reflexions sur quelques points de physioiogie, relatifs au systeme ner- I ve-ux ganglionnaire, au sujet de l'ouvrage de M. Longet. 8C. Lyon, [n. d.] -----. Memoire sur les fonctious du systeme nerveux ganglionnaire. 8-'. Paris, 1823. . -----. Keeherches experimentales sur les fonctions du systeme nerveux ganglionnaire, et sur leur application a la pathologie. 8°. Paris, Mtntipellier 3- Bruxelles, 1839. ------. The same. 2. dd., revue et aug- mentee. 8'-. Paris, 1837. ------. The same. Praktische Untersuchun- gen iiber die Verrichtuiigen des Gangliennerven- Sjystc-nies uud iiber ihre Anwendung auf die Pa- thologic. Uebeisi'tzt von H. E. Flies. 8C. Quedtinburg it. Leipzig, 1836. Bruexek (E.) * Disquisitio experinientis il- lustrata de siiigularum nervi synipathici par- ti um vi in cor. 8-. Berolini, [18:56]. Budge (TJ.) Erwiederung auf die Aeusserun- gen des Herrn Dr. A. Waller. 8°. [Bonn, 187)2.] Chechott (O. A.) O galvanizatsie simpati- chi'skago nerva u chelovieka i terapevticheskom eja znacheuii. [Electrotherapy in affections of the sympathetic] 8Z. St. Petersburg. 1876. Davey (J. G.) On the physiological uses of the ganglionic- nervous system. 8C. London, 187,:',. ------. The ganglionic nervous system ; its structure, functions, and disease*. 8°. London, 187,8. Dewhurst (G. H.) * De generis gauglionici nervorum structura et proprietatibus. ^--. Edin- burgi, 1839. Dmitrovskt. * O vlijauii sheiuago stvola sim- paticheskago nerva na kroveobratshenie v sosu- distoi i sieteliatoi obolochkach. [Influence of branches of sympathetic upon the circulation.] **-. St. Petersburg, \863. Doqlin (C.-J.) * Recherches physiologiques sur les fonctions du systeme nerveux des gan- glions. 4°. Paris, 1829. Edes (R. T.) Tlie physiology and pathology of the sympathetic or ganglionic nervous system. c*:. New York, 1869. Also, in: Tr. X. York Acad. M. (1864-71), 1872, iii, 1-152. Eulenburg (A.) & Grn.MANX (P.) Die Pa- thologic des Sympatliicus auf physiologiscber Grundlage. 8-. Berlin, 1873. -----------. The same. Physiology and pa- thology of tlie sympathetic system of the nerves. Transl. by A. Napier. 8°. London, 1879. , Fox (E. L.) The influence of the sympathetic on disease. 8~. London, 1885. Giltay (C. M.) * De nervo sympathico. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 18:54. Gluge (G.) .Sur la coagulation du sang apres la section du nerf grand sympathique. 8C. [Bruxelles, 187)6. ] Repr. from : Bull. Acad. roy. de Belg., Brux., 1. s. Goering (H. A. S.) * De nervo sympathico ejusque in ranis decursu. 8-. Jence. [18:51]. Gosselin (L.) * Le systeme nerveux ganglion- naire; ses connexions avec le systeme nerveux cerebro-spinal. 4-. Paris, 1*46. Haffter (\Y.) Neue Versuche iiber den Ner- vus splanchnicus major et minor. 8-'. Ziirich. 187)3. Hirzel (L.) * Nexus nervi synipathetici cum nervis cerebralibus. 4C. Heidelbergce, [1824]. it'l'VOllxi system (Ganglionic). Hjelt (O. E. A.) In systema uervoruin Bym- patliicum Gadi lota* Linn, observationes. s Helsingforsia; 1847. ------. De nervis cerebralibus paiteque ce- phalica nervi synipathici Uufoniseineiei Sclmeid aduotata qiuedam. 8'-'. Hetxiugforxin; 187,2. Holst (C. R.) Du systeme nerveux ganglion- naire. 8°. Paris, 1841. Horn (H.) * Reperta qua-darn circa nervi synipathici auatoniiam. 4J. Wirceburgi, L-:5.l. Huth (F.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der sym- patliisehen Nervenfasern. s . Konigsberg, [1886]. Ixgalls (\V.) An essay on the ganglionary system of nerves in the cavity of the cranium, and its use. > . Boston, 1832. Also, in: Boston M. iS. J., 1851, xliv, 295-300. Kent (B. A.) * Dc gangliorum ad nervos syninathetieos attinentium fabrica, officiis atque morbis. 8C. Edinburgi, 18151. Kiepert (A.) Historia exponatur sententia- ruin diversarum, quae de functionibus nervi synipathici allatie sunt, inde a Soemnierriiigii et Bichatii tempore usque ad exortam npvissiinis temporibus controversiani de ])eculiari hujus nervi natura. 8-'. Berolini, [1-49]. Kiessklbach (E. C.) * Diss, sistens historiam formationis ac evolutionis nervi sympathetic! una cum descriptione ejusdem nervi decursus in animalibus quibusdam vertebratis. 4°. Mona- chii, 18-A5. Klencke (H.) Untersuchungen und Erfah- rungen ini Gebiete der Anatomie, Physioiogie, Mikrologie und wissenschaftlichen Medicin. I. Bd. : I. Der Nervus sympathiens in seiner mor- pliologischen uud physiologischen Bedeutung. 8;. Leipzig. 1843. Kxoch (F. F.) * Diss, sistens nieletemata qiuedam ad physiologiam nervi synipathici spectantia. 4°. Giessa; [18*24]. Kxocn (J.) * De nervi synipathetici vi ad corporis temperiem, adjectis de aliis ac tion i bus nee non de origine observationibus. 8°. Dor- pat, 187)5. vox Kolliker (A.) Die Selbststiindigkeit und Abhangigkeit des sympathischen Nerven- systems, durch anatoniische Beobachtungeu be- wieseu. 4°. Ziirich, 1814. Khause (C. F. T.) Synopsis icone illustrata nervorum systeinatis gangliosi iu capite homi- nis. fol. Hannorcrei; 18:59. Langerhaxs (P.) * Ein Beitrag zur Auato- mie der sympathischen Ganglienzellen. 8 . Prei- burg i. Br., 1871. Leupoldt (J. M.) * De systeinatis gangliaris natura. 4-. Erlangce, \8l8. Lobstein (J. G. C. F. M.) De- nervi synipa- thetici humani fabrica, usu et morbis, coiinnen- tatio anatomico-physiologico-pathologica. 4 . Parisiis, 1823. ------. The same. A treatise on the struct- ure, functions, and diseases of tbe human sym- pathetic nerve. Transl. from tlie Latin, with notes, bv Joseph Pancoast. 8r Philadelphia, 1831. ------. The same. Memoria auatomico-fisio- logico-patologica su la struttura, le funzione e le malattie del nervo grande simpatico dell' uomo. [Transl. from the Latin and augmented with notes and comments by D. Branca. ] 8 . Milano, 1834. Ludwig (C. G.) [Pr.] de plexibus nervorum abdominaliuni atque nervo intercostali duplici observationes nonnullas tradit. 4 . [Lipsia, 177-2.] . Also, in: SeuiPT. neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee, 1793, iii, 105-111. NEUVOUS. 801 NERVOUS. J\ervoil* system (Ganglionic). Manec (P. J.) Great sympathetic nerve. Transl. and corrected by J. Pancoast. 1 wall map. fob Philadelphia, [n. d.] Marage (R.) * Contribution a l'anatomie de- scriptive du sympathique thoracique et abdomi- nal chez les oiseaux. 4°. Paris, 1887. Matuszyxski (J.) *De l'influence du nerf sympathique sur les fonctions des sens. 4°. Paris, 1837. Moniz Sodre de Aragao (E. C.) * Funcgoes do e-rande syinpathico. 4°. Bahia, 1871. Miixteiro (R. A.) * Funccoes do grande sym- pathico. 4 . Bahia, 1871. Mi'Li.LU (H.) Ueber den Einfluss des Sym- pathies auf einige Muskeln und iiber das aus- gedehnte Vorkommen von glatten Hautmuskeln bei Siiugethieren. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Cutting. Noellner (F.) *Die Anatomie des Splanch- nicus und der Nierennerven beim Hnncle. 4°. Giessen, 1869. Also, in: Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (E khard), Gies- sen, 18t>9. iv, 137-151. Oliver (\V. S.) Is the "sympathetic" the real nervous system that presides over "organic" or " vegetative life " ? 8-. [Halifax, 1875.] Piegu (A.) * Quelques considerations sur la composition anatomique, la fonction et la signi- fication du nerf trisplanchnique dans la serie des animaux. 4°. Paris, 1846. Pieschel (C. A.) * De parte cephalica nervi synipathici iu equo prodromus. 8°. Lipsiee, [1844]. Pincus (J.) * Experimenta de vi nervi vagi et synipathici ad vasa, secretionem, nutritionem tractus intestiualis et renuni. 8°. Yratislavia; 187,6. Pixkl(C.-H.-P.) * Considerations geinSrales sur l'anatomie, la physioiogie, et les affections inorbi- des du nerf grand sympathique. 4°. Paris, 1858. Piotrowski (R.) * Beobachtungen iiber den weiteren Verlauf der Temperaturverhaltuisse am Kaninchenohre nach Ausrottung des Halssym- pathicus. 8:. Greifswald, 1873. Poiteau (A.) * Des lesions de la portion cer- vicale dn grand sympathique. 4°. Paris, 1869. Procter (T. B.) A treatise on the use of the sympathetic nerve and its ganglions, vith their influence on various diseases of the abdominal nnd pelvic viscera. 4-. London, 1811. Seeligmueller (A.) De trauinaticis nervi synipathici cervicalis hesionibus. 8-. Halis Sax., 1876. Tchechott (O. A.) *0 galvanizatsii sirupa- ticheskago nerva u cheloveka i terapevtiches- kom eja znacheuii. [Galvanization of sympa- thetic nerve in man, and its therapeutical appli- cation.] 8C. St. Petersburg, 1876. Townsend (R. M.) Student's chart of the sympathetic nerve. 1 chart [in frame 10 x 12]. Philadelphia, [n. d.] Vakuentkapp (J. G.) * Observationes ana- tomica* de parte cephalica nervi synipathici ejusque con junctioniluis cum nervis cerebralibus. 4C. Francofurti a. M., 1831. Weber (E. H.) * De systemate nerveo or- gauico. s. Lipsiee, [1817]. -----. Anatomia comparata nervi synipa- thici. 8':. Lipsiee, 1817. Wiener (A.) * De nervo svmpathieo non- nulla. 8r Berolini, [1847]. Wrisberg (H. A.) Observationuni anatoini- varum de nervis visceruni abdominalium parti- cula prima qua* de ganglio plexuque semilunari agit. 4°. Gottinga; 1780. ^Also.in: Script, neurol. minores selecti. -P. Lipsia-, 1795, iv, 50-69. Also, in his ■ Comment, nied. phvsiol., etc. 8°. (iottmgee, 1800, i, 240-275. ' 51 A'ei'VOH* system (Ganglionic). Amati (K.) Cenno anatomico e fisiologico del gran siuipatieo : patogenesi del caso sopra deseritto. Kiuco- glitore med., Forli, 1877. 4. s., viii, 293-301.—Ai-eher (C i The anatomy aud physiology of the ganglionic nerves. Stethoscope-^ 6c Virg. M. Ga/... Richmond, 18.12. ii, 304- 370 —Arloing (S.) Physioiogie du sympathise cervi- cal. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1881), 18*2, xxi. pt. 2, 209-212. ------. Modification'lies effets vaso-constricteurs du sympathique cervical produits par la section du pneumogasti iipie. che/, les animaux oil ces deux nerfs sont isolahles Compt. nnd. Sue. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv. 8.1-87.—A null ill.) Untersuchungen iiber die Ganglienkorper cles Nervus svinp.ithicus. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. 1874, x, 208-241, 1 pl. — Arnold (F.) Beschreibimii des Kopftheils der s\ inp.il 11i —«-In-u Xerven beim Kalb, nebst einigen Beolinclitiin^eii ii Ini eliesen Theil beim Menschin. Ztschr. f. Physiol , liai nistaelt, 1827, ii, 125-172. 1 pl — Arnold (J.) Ueber die feineren histologi- schen Verhiiltnisse in dem Svmpathicus des Frosches. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl., 1864, ii, 657-019. Also: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., ISO), xxxii, 1-4:"). l pl.—von Basch (S.) Die Hemmungder Darmbeweguug durch elen Nervus .splanchnicus. Sitzungsb. d. k Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl. 1873, Wieu, 1874, lxviii, 7- 29, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.-----. Ueber den Eiufluss des ge- reizten X". splanchnicus auf deu Blntstroiu innerhalb und ausserhalb seines Verbreitungsbeziikes. Arb. a. d. phy- siol. Anst. zu Lei]iz. (187.11, 1870, x. 229-277.—Brrlilrmr (W.) & Konenbach (IT) Ueber die Bedeutung eler In- tervertebralganglien : experimentell-liistologische Unter- sucliung. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz,, 1884, iii, 217; 320.— Beck iT. S.) On tbe structure and functions of the sympathetic nervous system as distinct from, and indepen- dent eef. the cerebro-spinal svstem. Lancet, Loud., 1847, i. 01.1-017. Also : Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., iv, 1032-1037.— Bernard (C.) Influence du grand sympathique sur la sensibilite et sur la calorification. Coinpt. rend. Soc de biol. 1851. Par.. 18.12, iii, 103-10.1. ------. Experiences sur les functions de la portion ce-phaliepu- du grand sympa- thise. Ibid.. 1852, Par., 18,13, iv. 1.1.1. ------. Recherches exp6rimentales sur le grand synipathique et speciale- ment sur l'influence que la section de ce- nerf exerce snr la chaleur animale. Ibid.. 1853, Par., 1854, v, pt. 2., 77-107. Also, Reprint. ------. Die sensitiven Eigenschaften eles Sympathieus unci die Reflexbewegungen, die unter seiner Einwirkuug entstehen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., isiin, v. 157; 166. -----. Recherches experimentales sur les uei t's vasculaires et caloritiques du grand svnipathique. J. de la physiol. de l'homnie, Par., 1802, v, 381-418. ------. La cir- culation abdominale: le sympathiqiie et le pueumogas- trique; note's pour line lecon inedite. Kev. scient.. Par., 1884, xxxiv, 673-681.— Bcici- (C.) eM von Brzold (A.) Von den Wirkungen eler XT-i vi splaiuliiiiei auf deu Blut- druck im Aortensysteme. Untersuch. a. el. phvsiol. Lab. in Wiirzb., Leipz., 1867, i, 314-32.1—Bidder i.A.) Hy- pertrophic eles Ohres nach Excision eiues Stiickes vom Halssynipathicus cles Kanincln-ns. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz'., 1874, i, 97-99.—Bidder (F.) Die Nervi splaneh- nici und das Ganglion cceliacum. Arch. f. Anat . Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1809, 472-518, 1 pl— Bidder (F.) ..V Volltniiiiui (A. "WT) Erfahrungen iiber elie functionelle Selbstsiandiukeit cles svmpathischen Xerven- systems. Ibid., Berl.. 1844, 359-380.—BirdaalI (W. R.) The- einlii voiii-iiy of the sympathetic. Missouri Dent. .1., St. Louis,' 1879.'xi, 251-200.—Bocliefonlaine. Sur les phenomenes vaso-moteurs determines par la faradisation du bout, cephalique du cordon cervical du vago sympa- thique che/. le chien, le chat et le lapin. Gaz. med. de Par., 1880, 6. s.. ii, 606. ------. Sur Paction vaso-elilatatrice du cordon cervical sympathique. Ibid.. 1881, 6. s.. iii, 147. Also: Compt. rend.'Soc. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 78. — Bonsdorlf ( E. J. ) Om (let syiupathiska nervsys- temets fdrhallande till det cerebrospinal^ och det sa kal- lade hainmande nervsvstemet. Forh. v. de skandin. XTi- turt'., Stockholm, 180.1, 586-590. — Bourgery (J.-M. I Recherches sur le svsteme nerveux splauohnique. Gaz. nied. de Par., 1845, 2,'s., xiii, 27.1; 289. A Iso . A nn. de med. beige, Brux., 1845, ii, 192; 313. ------. Ib-chi icb.es sur le systeme neiveux splanchnique ; n.6moire sur les nerfs des membranes sereuses en general et dn peritouite en particu- lier dans l'homme. Gaz. med. de Par., 1845. 2. s., xvi. 593- 600. ------. Memoire sur Lextreinite cephalique du grand sympathique dans l'homme et les animaux mammiferes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 184.1, 1014-1020.—Brachel (J.-L.) Reflexions sur quelques points de physioiogie relatifs au systeme nerveux-gauglionnaire. J. de med. ile Lyon, 1842, iii, 5-28. Also, Reprint. ------. Considera- tions sur le systeme nerveux ganglionnaire. J. de meel. ih Lvon 184.1 ix. 409-424. A Iso, Reprint. Also [Abstr. ] : (Tempt, 'rend. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1845, xxi, 1106. — Broe- clii i P. ) De l'absence du grand sympathique chez l'axolotl. Bull- Soc. philomat,, Par., 1877, 7. s , i. 71-73.— Bi-oii«n:iin (F.-J.-V.) Inflexions sur les fonctions du svse'-me nerveux en general, sur celles du grand sympa- tiiicpie en particulier, et sur quelques autres points de phvsiole>"ie. J- univ. cl. sc. meel.. Par., 1820, xii. .->: 129.— Browii-Sequard (C.-E.) Note sur la dectuverte de NEKYOUS. S02 NERVOUS. Aervoii* system (Ganglonic). quelques-uns des effets de la galvanisation du neif grand sympatheitique au cou. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1854, 3. s., ix, 22. -----. Sur les resultats de la section et de la ' galvanisation du nerf grand sympathfetique au cou. Ibid., 30-32. Also, Reprint —Briinniche. Innervationsfor- stvrrelser i Banen af llalssympatikus. Hosp.-Tid., Kie- benh., 1874, ii. 1. R., 289-295 — Buck e (R. M.) The func- tions of the great sympathetic nervous svstem. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. T., 1877, xxxiv, 115-159. -----. The moral nature and the great sympathetic. Ibid., 1878, xxxv, 229-253. — Bud^e (J.) Experimenteller Beweis, dass der Nervus sympathieus aus dem Riickenmark eut- springt. Mecl. Ztg., Berl., 18.12. xxi, 161. Also, Reprint. -----. L'eber die Empfindlichkeit der Baiichnerven. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1858, x, 198. -----. LTeber das Centrum genitospinale eles Nervus sympathieus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1858, xv, 115-120. — Cahis y Balmanya ( M. ) Las funciones de los ganglios espi- nales. Rev. ele meel. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1884, xv, 481- 492. — Campbell ( H. F.) On the sympathetic nerve- in reflex phenomena. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1853, vi, 539- 543. -----. The widespread influence of the cerebro- spinal centres ove-r the ganglionic plexuses. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond. 18,-0-M. vii, 501-511. Also. Reprint.— Carville e*c ISoehcf ontaine. De 1'ablation du gan- glion premier thoracique du grand sympathique chez le chien. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 140-143 —Casslebcrry (I.) An inquiry into the physi- ology of the organic nervous system. Proc. Indiana M. Soc' Indianap., 181.1, vi, 52-00. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1855. n. s., xxx, 56-71.—■ Chamnont. On the sympathetic nervous system. Mouth. J. M. Sc, Loud. & Edinb., 1854, xix, 179-183. — Chavasse ( T. F. ) Case of injury to the cervical poitiou of Ihe sympathetic nerve, in removing a sarcoma. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1881, ii, 974.— Copland (J.) An outline of a series of observations on the structuie and distribution, on the physiology, and on the pathology of certain parts of the animal economy, usually denominated the ganglionic class of nerves; with a view of the indications to which they lead in the treat- ment of disease, and in determining the effects of reme- dies. Loud. M. Reposit.. 1822, xvii, 369-381.—Coin-rent (P.) & Guibcrt (H.) De l'etude des filets syinp.ithiques par la methode de l'or. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. ele Mont- pel., 1885, vii, 409-411.—Coin voisier (L. G.) Ueber die Zellen der Spinalganglieu, sowie des Sympathieus beim Frosch. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1868, iv, 125-145, 1 pl.—Conly. Sur les rapports de 1'encephale avec le sys- teme sviiipathique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877. 6.' s., iii, 331. — I>a»tie (A.) stems auf die physiologischen Alison- derungen. Med. Ztg. Russlauds, St. Petersb., 1856, xiii, 137-141.—Johnson" (M.) On the function of the gangli- onic system iu relation to the. operations of mind. Lancet, Lond.', 1868, ii, 409-411— Johnstone (J.) Cui bono for, physiological and pathological observations on the func- tions of the visceral nerves; with some remarks on the action of opium ancl other vegetable poisons. In his: Med. Essays & Obs., b0,Evesham, 1791. 97-18H.—Jones i.T. W.) Repeat ou the progress of knowledge reganliug the sympathetic nerve ancl the nature of its connection with the cerebral and spinal nerves. Lancet, Lond., 1847. i, 425-427—Kesleven (W. H.) The svmpathetir centre. Brain, Lond., 1878, i. 360-30.1 — Ketli ( K. > Adatok az egviitt6rzoideg elet - 6s ke'irtanahoz. [ Contribution te) physiology and pathology of sympathetic nerve,] Orvosi hi til . Budapest, 1885, xxix, 1413-1418. Also, transl ; Post. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 57; 77.—Itilian (F. M.) Die Endigung svmpatliiseher Fasc-rn. Zlschr. f. rat. Meel., Heidelb , 1849, vii, 221-227, lpl.—Knoll. Ueber die Beschaffenheit des Hums nach derSplane-hnicussccIiein. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. iKckbardi. Gies-en. 1871. vi. 39-50.— Kollmaim (J.) jinis. Zur Casuistik der Synipathi- cusieizung. Klin. iMonatsbl. J. Augenh., Stuttg., 1887, xxv, 207-209. — .TIayer ( S. ) Beobachtungen uud Retk* xione.u iiber den Bau unci die Verrichtungen des sympa- thischen Nervensvsteines. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch., Wien, 1872, lxvi, 117-108, 1 pl. -----■. Die peri- pherische Nervenzelle und das svinpathische Nervensys- ti-in. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.,' 1870, vi, 353-446, 1 pl.— Tiei yon (E.) Oii the function of the sympathetic sys- tem of nerves. Proc. Roy. M. efc Chir. Soe-. Lond. (1807- 71), 1871, vi, 294-297. -----. Functions of the .sympathetic system of nerves as a physiological basis for a rational system of therapeutics. Lancet. Loud., 1871, ii, 570 ; 601; 631 ; 7il4; 744. Also, Keprint,—:Heycr (il.) Therapeu- tisc-he Erfolge der Galvanisation des Sympathieus. Berl. klin. Wchnscbr., 1870, vii. 20.1-207. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. meet Gesellsch. (1809-71), 1872. I pt. ] 1, 161- 107— Tli eh on (J.) Ablation du ganglion cervical supe- rieur chez les oiseaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1805, Par., 1866, ii, pt, 4, 185.—Tloleschott (J.) efc Nau- werck (R.) Untersuchungen liber den Einfluss der Synipathicus-Reizung auf die Hiiutigkeit eles Her/.schlags. Lntersueh. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. il. Thiere-. Giessen, 1862, viii, 36-51. Also. Reprint.— Tlolliere (I).) Quel- ques faits pour servir ii l'histoire de la physioiogie et dela pathologie du sympathique cervical. Lyon med., 1869, ii, 581-580 — Tlorat. Sur les proprietes vaso-elilatatrices du cordon cervical du grand sympathique. M6m. et compt.- rend. Soc d. sc. ui6cl. de Lyon (1880), 1881, xx. pt. 2, 228- 231. -----. Le grand svmpat hique, nerf vaso dilatateur. Tr. Internat. M. Cong.. 7. sess., Lond.. 1881, i, 284-287.— .Tlorat efc l>aslre. Sur les mollifications de la pression vasculaire coiis6outive a la section et a l'excitation du grand svnipathiqiu-. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol 1878, Par., 1880, 0. s., v, 83.—.Tloreau (A.) De l'influence de- la sec- tion du grand sympai hique sur la composition de l'air de la vessie natatoire. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1865, Par., 1866, ii, pt. 4. 21-24. ------. Surle role du filet sympathique cervical et ilu nerf grand aiiriciilaire clans la vascularisa- tionde-roreille dulapiu. Arch, dc physiol. norm, etpath., Par.. 1871-2, iv, 667-671.—iTIorselli (IT) Contribute alia flsiopatologia del siuipatieo cervicale nell' uomo. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1876, xxxviii, 30-57.—Jlolla (E. A.) Algumas eonsidoraejoes relativas A physiologist do grande sMiipathico. Correio mecl. de Lisboa, 1875, iv, 241; 257; 271— .Tl iii ler (J.) Ueber ein Eigeuthiiniliehes dem Ner- vus .sympathieus analoges Nei veiisvstoui der Eingeweide hei elen Insecten. Novaacta phvs.-meel. Acad. nat. curios.. Bourne, 1828-9, xiv, 72-108, 3 pl. — .\asse (F.) Die psychi- sche Verrichtung der Brust- und Bauch-*Linglien. Zlschr. f. el. . . . krankh.'Seele'iizust, Berl.. 1838, i, 45.1-470.—IViese (II.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die allgemeine patholo- gisihie Bedeutung eler Nervenganglien des sympathischen Systems. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1840. xv, 073.— Ogle (W.) A case illustrating the physiology and pathol- ogy of the cervical portion of the sympathetic nerve. Med. Chir. Tr.. LoncL, 1809, lii, 151-177. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. A- Chir. Soc. Lond. (1807-71), 1871, vi, 104- 166. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 330. Also .\ervoils system (Ganglionic). [Abstr.| : Lancet. Lond., 1869, i* 4 1 Onoili (D. A.) Az egyiitt6rzo idegre-udzer, alaktani megjelene se-iien. [Mor- phology of sympathetic] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1882, xxvi, 937; 975; 1004: 1037; 1089; 1219; 1348. -----. A ge- rinczagyi rostkdtegek viszonya az egyiitt(*rzo-hatar,kdte- gehez. [Spinal cord in relation to the sympathetic nervous system.] Ibid.. 1883, xxvii,62-64. Also, transl: Centralbl. f.' el. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1883, xxi, 97-100. Also, transl: Arch. f. Auat. u. Entwcklngsgesch.. Leipz., 1884. 14.1-169, 2 pl.-----. Az egyutterzei-idegrenclszernek egyes elettani 6s kdrtani szempontbol fontosabb alakviszonyairol. [Metamorphoses of sympathetic nervous system from a physiological anil pathological view.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1883. xxvii, 1026; 1052. -----. Az egyutterzo ielegrendszer fejlddese. [Development of the sympathetic nervous system.] Ibid.. 188.1. xxix, 737-741. Also, transl: Arch. f. mikr. Anat,. Bonn, 1885-6. xxvi, 61, 1 pl.; 553. 5 pl.—Ott(L) The splauchnics. Meel. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 263.—Panas. Des signes qui caractc'-risent la com- pression de la portion cervicale et thoracique du nerf grand sympathique. Mem. Soc.de chir. de Par. (1859-67), 1808, vi, 363-376.—Pepper (VV.) Cases of abdominal tumor at- tended wiWi profuse sweating; with remarks on the influ- ence of the abdominal sympathetic nerve over the state of the skin and intestinal mucous membrane. Mecl. Times. Phila., 1870-71, i, 170-173. Also. Reprint. — Pflnger -fc Westphal. Influence des nerfs splanchniejues sur les mouvenients de l'intestin. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. 1857, I'ar., 18.1s. 2. s.. iv, 161.—Poucliet ja _ Sch walbe (G.) Ueber den Ban der Spinalganglieu, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die sympathischen Gauglieu- z, Hen \rcli. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1868, iv. 45-72. 1 pl.— Niuilziu. Zur Frage iiber den Einfluss des Nervus sym- pathieus auf das Gesichtsorgau. Centralbl. t. d. med Wissensch., Berl.. 1871, ix. 161-163. - Wieven-on i s. H.) The physiology and pathology of the sympathetic nervous nervo rs. 804 NE RYOTS. Aervoiis system (Ganglionic). syslem. Tr.IlliuoisM. Soc. Chicago. 1879. xxix, 146-160.— Silirlin^ ( \V.) Note on the effects of division of the sym- pathe-lie nerve of the neck iu voung animals. J. Anat. efc Physiol. LoncL, 1875-6. x. 511.—Strauss (H.) Sympathi- que (Grand i. Diet, encycl. d. sc. ined.. Par., 1884, 3. »., xiii, 722-754.—Nviereze wski (G.) Zur Physioiogie eles Ker- nes und Kcriikiirporcheiis der Nervenzellen des Sympathi- eus ; voilautige Mittheilung vou Prof. VV. Tomsa. Cen- tralbl. f.d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1869, vii, 641-044— Tie- deiuami iF.i Ueber den Antheil des sympathischen Ner- vensanelcn Verrichtungen der Shine. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb.. 1824, i, 237-290. Also, transl. : J. compl. du diet, d. sc. med.. Bar., 182.1, xxiii.19; Ins. —Tigri (A.) Intorno alia costituzione anatomica del gian simpatico uei mammi- I feri e specialmente dei suoi gaugli e pericA de 11a diversa copia della flora contrattile impiegnaia a forinarlo iuelagini autropo-zootomic.be. Gior. meel. di Roma, 1870, vi, 481- 501, 3 pl.—Tizzoni (G.) Sull' istologia normale e pato- logica del gran simpatico. Osservatore, Torino, 1878, xiv, 833.-----. Sulla patologia sperimentale del gran simpatico. Spallauzani, Modena. 1879, viii, 232-242. — Tuwiin (J.) Ueber die pliysiologische Beziehung des Ganglion cei \ icale supreinum zu der Iris und den Kopfarterien. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1880-81, xxiv, 115-134. — Varasjlia (S.) Cellule gangliari nel ramo comuuicante spinale del gran simpatico dell' uomo. Gazz. el. din., Toiino, 1885, xxii, 387. — Volkiiiaun (A. WT) Ueber elen I'rsprung des Sympathieus vom Ruckeumarkc. Arch. f. phy.sieii. He-ilk'.. Stuttg., 18.13, xii, 92-98— Vos (F.-E.) Absence partielle a l'uu des cotes du corps, du cordon limite clu nerf sympathique. Arch, neerl. cl. sc. exactes, etc.. La Haye,' 1806. i, 293-29.1. —Vulpian (A.) Sur les pheno- menes orbito-oculaires produits ehez les mamniiferes par l'excitation clu bout central du nerf sciatique, apris l'ex- cisiou du ganglion cervical superieur et du ganglion thora- eique supeiieur. Compt. lend. Acad. d. se., Par., 1878, lxxxvii, 231.— Wajjuer (R.) Sympathischer Nerv, Gan- glienstructur und :s ei veuendigung. Haiidwbrterb. d. Phy- siol., Brnschwg., 1850, iii, 1. Abth.. 300-400. 4 pl. -----. Notiz iiber einige Versuche am Halstlu-ile des sympathi- schen Nerven bei eiDer Enttiaupteten. Zlschr. f. rat. Meet, Leipz., 1859. v, 3. R.. 331-333.—yon Wallln i (A.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Funktion der eh-n ceivbrospi- nalen Nerven beigeniischten svnipathischeu Laden. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Me-cl.. Berl. 1842. 444- 454.—"Tlmoic (S. W.) The sympathetic iicimhis sys- tem. Buffalo Al. efc S. J., 187.1-6, xv, 328-342— White (W. H.) On the histology aud function of the mammal,an superior cervical ganglion. J. Physiol.. Lond. & Cam- bridge. 1887. viii, 66-78, 1 pl. —Wilder (A.) The gan- glionic nervous system. Tr. Xat. Ee-h-c-t. M. Ass., Orange, N. J., 1884, xi, 240-20.1—Wilkes (J.) Ou the auatomv, physiology, anil pathology of the great sympathetic nerve. In: Essays. 8°, Birmingham, 1833, 1-43.—Wilkotvski (L.) Notiz zur Pathologie eler Ganglienzellen. A ich. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1883, xiv, 420.—von Wittieh. Leber den Einfluss der Sy mpathicusreizuug auf die Function eler Glandula parotis. A ich. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvii, 93-lou—Woakes (E.) Correlating function of the sympathetic ganglia. Tr. Internat, M. (Jong., 7. sess., Loud., 1881, ii. 7.1-81. — Wutzer (C. WT) Ueber deu Zusaminenhang cles sympathischen Nerven mit deu Spi- ualnerven. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med Berl., 1834, 305-310.—Kuradelli (C.) Richiami anato- mici sui gran simpatico e sue funzioni in genere. Galvani Bologna, 1875, iii. 26-28. IYervous system (Ganglionic, Pathology of). See, also, Nervous system (Syphilis of). De Giovanni (A.) Patoloyia del siuipatieo. ^. Milano. 1876. Devaux (R.) * Considerations sur le role que jouent dans les maladies l'innervation et l'appa- reil abdominal. 4°. Paris. 1829. EULENBURG (A.) & GUTTMANN (P.) Die Pathologie des Sympathieus auf physiologischer Gruudluge. 6°. ' Berlin, 1873. ----- -----. The same. Physiology and pathology of the sympathetic system of nerves. Trausl. by A. Napier. 8-. London. 1879. Fraenkel (E.) *Zur Pathologie des Hals- Svrapathicus. 8-. Breslau, 1-74. Nicati (\V.) *La paralysie du nerf sympa- thique cervical. Etude clinique. [Zurich.] 8-. Lausanne f Paris, 1873. Prolss (E.) *Eine Erkrnnkung des Hals- sympathicus. 8C. Berlin, 1886. Richter (G. H.) * De syste-matis gangliosi in pathogenia diguitate. 8-. Begiomonti, [1826]. \>rvou* system (Ganglionic, Patholoqu of). Timtmet de FoMARci; (A.) Pathologic cli- uique du grand syuipathi(|iic-; etude baser sur l'anatomie e*t la physioiogie. s-'. Paris, |-*so. Wenzel (J. F. A.) *De* nervi syinpat l'lici dignitate in nonnnllis morbis producendis 4 Lipsia; [1827,]. Asjuely. Nevrose cerebrale grave ayant son point de depait dans le centre uerve-ux ganglionnaire Abeille med.. Par., 1875, xxxii, 341-31! —A mal i (1{.) Einorragia traumatica degli ultinii gaugli della porzione loraeica sinistra del gran simpatico e del ganglio semilunar!- coni- spondente, seguita da morte. Raccoglitore med.. Foili 1877, 4. s., viii. 285: 317. — JBaeriviukel (]•'.) Xeuio' pathologisc'he B. ilriige: II. Pathologic eles Kopfs\ nipa- thicus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiv, 54.1-50.1. — Baiardi ( 1). ) Conlribuzione all' istologia patologica del gran simpatico. Osservatore. Torino. 1874, x, 179-181.— Barde (B.) Sur ijiielques troubles mi veux siegeant dans la partie siipcrieure du grand svinpathiejiie. Aun. Soc. d'hydrol. meel. ele Par.. 1807, xiii! 158-163.— Barlbolow ( R. ) lutluence of the sympathetic in the causal ion of morbid phenomena: illustrated by eases. Cin- cin. Lancet efc Obs., 1808, xi. 464-472— Bianehi (L.) Sopra un' alteiazioni' anatomo-patologica del simpatico. Movi- mento, Xapoli. 1879. 2. »., i. 412-417, 1 pl.—BlaNchko (A.) Mittheiluug iiber eine Erkrankung der sympathi- schen Geflethte eler Darin wand. Arch. I, patli. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1883, xciv, 136-147, 1 pl. Also, transl: China, Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai. 1883-4, xxvii, 86- 91. — BI'llnner (XT) Zur Casuistik eler Pathologie des Sympathieus. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1871, n. E, ii, 251-264 — Bm-gjjraeve. Compression traumatique eles nerfs vagues et grands sympathiques. suivie de mort pat asphixie puimonaire. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1851-2, iv, 355-357.—Clark (F.E.) Note-son the pathology of the sym- pathetic nervous system. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Chicago. 1876. iii, 64-78. — Coleman (AY. L.) Some questions ou gangliasthenia. Michigan M. News.Detroit, 1881, iv, 155.— Coloniialti (V. E.) Canero uterino ed affezione can- cerosa secondaria nella porzione addominale del granele simpatico. Indipendeute, Torino, 1874, xxv, 9; 29. -----. Contribuzione alio studio della istologia patologica del granele simpatico. Gior. d. r. Accad. di mecl. di Torino, 1874, 3. s., xv, 41-54. -----. Coutribuzioue alio studio del canero e del tubercolo e dell' istologia patologica del granele simpatico. Ibid., 210-223, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. AteolRev.j: Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 93. -----. Sulla tuberco- losi dei ganglii del grande simpatico e dei nervi. Osser- vatore, Torino, 1874, x, 727. -----. Sulla tuhercolosi dei ganglii del g. simpatico e dei nervi. Gior. d. r. Accad. eli med. di Toiino. 1875, 3. a., xvi, 101-123, 1 pl. -----. Di uu lipoma nel simpatico cervicale. Osservatore, Toiino, 1876. xii, 81.— Be Giovanni (A.) Osservazioni c liniche eel auatomiche conceruenli la patologia del simpatico. R 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. IJendic, Mihmo, 1874, 2. a., vii, 410; 494. -----. Di una nuova miportanza del .siuipatieo in pa- tologia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1874, 7. s., i, 398 — Deux ens d'atrophie musculaire progressive : alteration de.s racines spinales du grand sympathetic. Gaz. d. help.. Par, 1865, xxxviii, 21.— Bick»ou (A. 1.) Sympathetic depression and emotional disiurbance. Lancet, LoncL, 1873, ii, 768 ; 80.1. — Boman»ki (S.) Przypadek urnzo- wego porazenia nerwu w spolczulnego na szvi (paralvsis nervi synipathici eerviealis traumatica). Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1876, xv, 341: 349. — Dnfour. Observations d'affection paretique clu sympathique avec chute incom- plete de la paupiere. Bull Soc. mod. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1870, iv, 55 — Ecli-i (R. S.) Morbid growth of the semilunar ganglia of tbe sympathetic. Am. J. M. Se-., Phila.. 1871, n. s., 92-94— Euleiiburg (A.) Zur Patho- logie des Sympathieus. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 169— Eulenbiirg (A.) iUiiltiiiami IT) Die Patho- logie cles Svnipathicus. Arch. f. Pyschiat.. Berl., 186s. i, 420 ; 676: 1869, ii, 153; 450. Also, iii: J. .Ment. Sc, Len.d., 1878-9, n. s., xxiv. 165; 374: 518. — Ferraro (IT) Conlri- buzione alia patologia del gran simpatico : pemtigo f lia- ceo. Gior. internaz. d. sc. ined.. Xapoli, lssl, iii, 561-574, 1 pl. — Foil (P.) Contribuzione all' anatomia patologica elel gran simpatico. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1873, 2. s . iii, 20.1-207. -----. Di alcune alterazioni del sistema gangliare simpatico e spinale. Ibid., 1874, 2. s . iv, 50-54.—Cay (NT) Obscure neurosis of the sympathetic. Ohio M. liecorde-r, Columbus, 1876. i, 165-169.— Gee (S.) ,v Abert i-oinhie (J.) A case of lesion of the sympathetic nerve in the net k. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond', 1882, xviii, 2.13-262. — «»©u- joti (E.) MeSniugite cephalo-racbidienue cons6ciitive- a la section des filets cervicaux du grand syinpat hique. J. de l'anat. et physiol.. e-tc. Par., 1867, iv.'luli.—<*uttuiauii (P.) Zur Pathologic eles Hals -Sympathieus. Burl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871. xii, 437-439— Hagenbach (E.) Beob- achtung einer partiellen Verhiiriung und Anschwelliing am Ganglion cervicale supi-emum des sympathischen Nerven. Arch. f. Anat . Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl.. 1838. 90-94, 1 pl— Ileinot (H.) Hypertrophic du NKitvors. 805 NERVOUS. \«'rvoil* system (Ganglionic, Pathology ' of). grand synipathique. I nion meel. et scient. du uord-est, Reims, 1877. i, 51.—Johnston iM.i Disorders of the sympathetic system. Lancet. L.....1.. 1882. i, 434:479.— Jones (('■ H.) Considerations respecting paralysis of tin- sympathetic and its relation to neuralgia, ague, and some'asthenic inflammations. Ibid.. 1855, ii, 4(i: 71.— Ketli (K.) Adatok az egy iittejrzc'iicleg ehi-os kmlana- boz [ Functions and pathology of the sympat In t ic nerve ; Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 188.1. xxix. 1413-1418.-Ki*|»ei-l (G.) I'e'-rdiela ele la vista y del oido ele un lado. cou In ini ci'iiiiea. ii e-onseciu'iicia de* una paralisis del .simpatico. An. Soc. ginec. espan., Madrid, 18,8 iv. 177-182. Also: Siglo mcil., Madrid, 1878. xxv, 139.— I.a iiiIi-.Im'1-j; (M.) I Zur Pathologic eles Sympathieus. Arch. f. Augeii- u. (Ilircnh., Wiesb.. 1878,'vii, 268-301. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth. et Otol., X. YT. 1878-9. vii, 408-440. — I.ewiuwki. Zur Pathologie des X. sympathieus iLiibmuiig (hs Ilals- ini«1 des Ainisynipalhii us durch Dim k einer Struma). Berl. klin. AVchnschr.. 18-5. xxii. 537-54(1.—Hader. Neurose cles Sympathieus: Lessening. Ber. el. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1884). 188.1. 343. ----. Xeurose eles linken Halssy mpathii us : ungehcilt. Ibid. 11885), 1886. 366 — tlniiiuci tG.i Alleiazione del gran simpatico in nncaso eli eczema dilluso. Impar/.iale, Firenze, 1878, xviii. 3i-44. — .Tlerat (E.-V.i Kssai sur les nevroses eles neifs ganglionnaiies Lev. nied. Irainj. et etrang.. I'ar., 1844. iii. 170-228.—.U[ill«] rvon* system (Inhibitory). Kodlt (A -J.) Actions nerveuses d'arret on (Viuhibition. -8°. Paris, 1886. Also [Rev.J. in .- Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Gaud et Leipz., Is87. no. 44, 52-00. Setsciiexow (J. ) Pliysiologische Studien iiber die Heunuungsuiechauisinen fiir die KcHex- thiitigkeit des Kiickcinuarks ini Gehirue des Frosches. S-. Berlin, 1863. Rartholow (R.) Restraint neuroses : illusti ated by cases. (,luatt. J. Psych. M., X. \T, 1869, iii, 472-477.— Beaunis. Xote sur les phenomenes d'arret. '< Jaz meid de I'ar.. 1884, 7. s.. i, 159: 169. Also [Abstr.]: Compt! rend. Soc. ele biol.. Par., 1884, 8. s.. i, pt. 2, 113-11.1 —Bid- der (ITi Einige Bemerkungen iiber HemmuiigMu rven unci Heiiiiiiuiigseentreu. Arch. f. Anat.. Ph\Mol u wis- sensch. Med.. Leipz., 1871, 447-471. —Bon-doill (E. J.I Kritik des sogenaunten Henimungsuerveus\ stems. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heildelb., 1869, 3. 11.'. xxxvi 15-39— Brown-Nequard. Faits nouveaux relatifs k la mise en jcii ou a l'arret (inhibition) des proprietes mo- trices ou sensitives ele diverses parties du centre ccrcbio- rachidien. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., I'ar., 1879 2. s.. vi. 494-499 ----. Sur les phenomenes d'arret de l'aeti- vite'- nerveuse dela moelle dans 1'encephale. Coinpt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1879. Par.. 18-0, 7. s., i, 296. _____. Pheno- menes d'iuhibitiou et d,- clynainog^nie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii. 380. —:—. De Imbibition et lie, la dynamogenie des nerfs et eles muscles a la suite d'ir- ritatious loiutaines dues a dc s poisons, au froid ou a des causes mecaniques. (iaz. nied. ele Par.. 1881, 6. s.. iii, 358- 360. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1881. Par.. 1882,7. s., iii. 194-198. -----. Recherches experimentales ct cliniques sur 1'inhibition et la clyiianiogenie ; application des con- iiaissances fournies par ces recherches aux phenomenes prineipaux de rhypuotisme, ele lextase et du transfert. (Jaz. hehd. de nied., Par., 1882, 2. s., xix, 35; 53; 7.1; lo;,; 136. -----. Recherches sur le relic ele 1'inhibition dans une espece particuli6re de mort subite- et ;i l'egaril ile la perte ile connaissance. dans l'epilepsie. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc. Par., 188.3, xevi, 417-420. Also.- France mecl.. Par., 1883, i, 241-243. -----. De l'importance du role ele l'iuhi- biliou en the'-rapeutiepie. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc. I'ar., 1883, xevi. 617-620. Also: France med.. Par.. 1883, i, 352-355. -----. Inhibition de certaines puissances r6- tlexes clu bulbe rachidien et dee la moelle Epiniere. sous l'iiiliucncc- d'irritations de diverses parties de 1'encephale. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol., Par., 1884. 8. s., i. pt. 2. 3.1(1- 352. -----. Sur (livers effets d'irritation dc- la partie an- terieure du cou et, en particulier, la perte de la sensibilite et la mort subite. Compt. rend. Acad, el sc, Par., 1887, civ. 951-954. Also: Gaz. el. hop., Par., 1887. Ix. 370. Also'- Gaz. med. de Par., 1887. 7. s.. iv, 182-184. Also: France meel., Par., 1887, i, 551-55L—Brunloii (IT L.) On inhi- bition, peripheral and central. West Biding Lun. Asyl. Rep., LoncL, 1874, iv, 179-222. -----. On the nature of in- hibition, and the action of drugs upou it. Nature. Loud., 1882-3, xxvii. 419: 436; 467; 4s5._vou Bedjulin (J.) rebel das Verhaltniss der Hemmungs-Wirkuug des La- lyngeus superior und des Yagus zutn Aeeessorius Wil- lisii. Melanges biol. Acad imp d. sc. de St -Petersb., 1869. vii, 46-49 -En I en bin •■ (A.) .V I,a mini* (L.) Die Heniniungsneurose-: ein Beitrag zur NT i \ e npatholo- gie. Wien. nied. Wchnschr.. 1866, xvi, 521 ; 537; 553; 569; ,18.1—F I outer] (E ) Mechanisms of control in the ner- vous system and their functions: a new theory. Alienist \-. Xeurol.. St. Louis. 1886. vii, 17: 171— Franlz (L.) Bemerkungen zur "Notiz Setschciinw's, die Be hTxhem- mung helri-flend ". Ztschr. f. rat. Med.. Leipz. u. Hei- delb., 1866, 3. R., xxviii, 122-124.—Haskell (W. H.) The inhibitory actions and the inhibitory nerves in gen- eral. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. meel. Compt.-rend. 1884. Copenh., 1886, i. Sect, de physiol., 24-32.—Ileiden- hain (R.l Feber Erregung und Hemmung ; Bemerkun- gen zu einem Vortrage des Herrn H. Munk. Arch. f. d. ges, Physiol.. Bonn. 1881, xxvi, 546-557.—JameN (A.) The retl'ex inhibitory centre theory. Brain. LoncL. 1881-2. iv, 287-302.—.lone* (C. H.) On inhibitory influence. Brit. M. J., LoncL, 1S59, 104-106.—I.artoiU (M.) Inhibition gcnerale provoquee chez les animaux chlorofornies par les excitations clu nerf pneumo-gastrique intact. Compt. rend. Soc. eh- biol.. Par.. 1886. 8. s., iii 141-143.—I.an- gendortr id. i Leber Keflexlieminiiiig. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phvsiol.. Leipz., 1877. 96-115. — l.c«vie»*»oii. Feber Hemmung der Thiitigkeit der inotoi is. In n NT t veneeutra durch Reizung sensibler Xerven. Arch. f. Auat.. Phy- siol, u. wissensch. Med.. Leipz.. Is69. 251-266. — f.iieh- Nin<;er ill.) Feber Erregungen und Ileinmunge n. A ich. f. d.'ges. Phvsiol.. Boun, 1881-2, xxvii. l!in-l!i:l.—.tl "Ken- drick iA. (J.) On the inhibitory or restraining acinm which the i-ncepbalon exerts on the reflex centres of the spinal cord. Edinb. M. J.. 1873-4. xix. 733-73/. A ho. Reprint.—.Hunk (H.) Feber Erregung und Heiuinuug. Arch. f. Phvsiol.. Leipz., 1881. 553-559 — \olhnaj;el , H.) Beobachtungen iiber Reflexhemmung. Arch f. I'-.m h;.n., Berl., 1875-6, vi, 332-343.—Onimus. Erreurs des theories NEitvors. 806 XERVOUS. ^Yervou* system (Inhibitory). des nerfs d'arret. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt. rend. 1879, Amst., 18-co. vi, 534-139 —Ott (I.) The inhibition of sensibility and motion. X. York M. J.. 1881, xxxiii. 21-24. ----- Ilu- thernioiuhibitorv apparatus. j. Xeiv. .v Ment. Di.-.. N. T.. 1887. xiv, 428-438. Also, Re- print.—Oil (I.) ,!c t'ollmar (C.) The theriuo-genctic ap- paratus ; its relation to atropine. Therap. (iaz.. Detroit, 1887. 3. s.. iii. 511-517. Also, Reprint. — Pnujjer (E.) Experimental!" itrag zur Theorie der Ueminuugsuerven. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med.. Leipz... 18.19, 13_29.—vou Pioli-owski ((>.) Zur Lehre vou deu so- genaunten Hemmungsueurosen. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1866. xvi, 777-779.— ISiehct (C.) Deux experiences (Viu- hibition sur la giinouille. et ijuelques autres fails relatifs a 1'inhibition. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol.. I'ar., 1883. 7. s.. iv, 456-459.— Schill" (J. M.) Zur Physioiogie eler soge-- nannten " lleiuinuugsnerven ". Eine Erwieeh-i ung an Dr. Edward Ptliiger. Fntersuch. z. Naturl. el. Mensch. u d. Thiere, Giessen, I860, vi, 201 - 253. — Setsehenow (I.) Izsledov. tsentrov. zaelerjiv. otrajeu. elvijen.. v inozgu ija- sushki. [Examination of centres regulating reflex action n brain of frog.] Med. Vestnik. St. Petersb.. 1863. iii, 1; 9: 17: 1864. iv. 385; 393. -----. Retieksi golovnago mozga. [Keflex action of the brain.] Ibid., 461: 493. -----. Xo- voe pribavlen. k uchen. o mechanizmach zaderjiv. otiajen. dvijeuija. [New resean lies on the mechanisms restrain ing re-Hex motions.] Ibid., 1864, iv. 133-137. -----. Notiz, die retlexheiiimenden Mechaiiismeii betreffend. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc eb- St.-Pete-rsb., 1875, ix, 390-392. Also: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, x. 163. -----. Zur IT age iiber (lie Reflexhemniuiigen. Melanges biol. ! Acad. imp. el. se. ele St.-Pe-tersb.. 1875, ix, 453-460.—Si- inonoll 11. X ) Die ileniuiungsiiieclianismen der Siiu- gel hiere expei imontell bewiesen. Arch. f. Auat., Physiul. u. wi-sensch. Med.. Leipz., 186(1. 545-564, 1 pl. — Trail he (L.) Leber periodische Thiitigkcats - Aeusserungen des vasomotorischen uud Hemmungs-Nervencentritms. Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, i, 387-391 —Vi nel li (K.) Inhihii-ao e dyuamogeuia. Rev. el. rursos prat, e theor. da Fac. ele med. do Rio de Jan., 188.1-6, ii. 169-188. Nervous system (Reflex action of). See, also, Nervous syslem (Diseases of, Causes of); Nervous system (Inhibitory); Nervous syst im {Vasomotor); Paralysis (Reflex); Re- flexes ; Spinal cord. Arnold (J. W.) Die Lehre vou der Reflex- Function fiir Physiologen und Aerzte darge- stellt uud beurthe'ilt. 8:; Heidelberg, 18-L2. Bickthklot (H.) * De Taction reflexe tin point de vue clinique. 4-. Montpelliei; 186)4. Bm'mhoeder (J. E.) * Brutorum actioues niechanice incxplicabiles. 4°. Altorfl, [1719]. Bt'ciixER (. L. ) * Beitrage zur Hall'schen Lehre von einein excito-motorischeu Nerven- Systeni. 8°. Giessen, 1818. Campbell (H. F.) Essays on the secretory and the excito-secretory system of nerves in their relation to physiology and pathology, compris- ing: 1. A new classification of febrile diseases. 2. An exposition of the "ganglionic pathology " on all continued fevers, as illustrated in typhus and typhoid fever. 3. The prize essay on the excito secretory system of nerves iu its relations to physiology and pathology. 4. A letter to Dr. Marshall Hall, of Loudon, claiming priority in the discovery aud naming of the excito-secretory system of nerves. 8°. Philadelphia, 187,7. Cayhade (J.) * Recherches critiques et ex- ?eiimentales sur les mouvenienfs reflexes. 4-. 'ctris. 1-34. Ciiabrikr (A.) * De Taction reflexe et des services (pie sou e"tude peut rendre a la mede- cine pratique. 4-. Montpelliei; 1865. Fichot (P.-H.) * Des phenomenes a distance dans les lesions traumatiques. 4°. Paris, 1872. Fhantz (L.) * De vi, quam exercet cerebri irritatio in motus retlexos. h;. Regimonti Pr., 1-67). Hall(M.) Memoirs on the nervous system. I. The- reflex function of the medulla oblongata aud medulla spinalis. II. Tlie true spinal mar- row, and the excito-motory system of nerves. 4°. London, IS'?. ------. Extract from a lecture on the nervous system, being a brief sketch of the true spinal or Yei'VOll* system (h'ejle.r action of). excito-motory system, leu the use of his pupils. -°. London, Is;.!. ------. A letter addressed to the Earl of h'osse, president-elect of the Royal Society. 2. ed. s ! London, 1-1-. ------. Synopsis of the diastaltic nervous system. 4 . London, [l-s>(>]. Herzex (A.) Experiences sur les centres iiin- derateursde Taction reflexe. -\ Florence, 1864. ------. Thesame. s-. Turin, 186,4. Libciiex (J. F.) Nonnulla de fuuetione re- flexoria systeinatis nervosi. 8-. Berolini, 1>:''J. Muller (L. F. A.) " De motibus quos dictuit reflexos. S-. Amstelodami, l-s">f). Paolini (M.) Intorno nn modo speeiale di azione riflessa propria dei nervi sensori. fol. Bologna, 187)4. Rosenthal (J.) Bemerkungen Uber die Thii- tigkeit der automatischen Xerveiicentra, inshe- sondere iiber die Athembewegungen. 8-. /•>. laugen, 1875. WrxDT (W.) Ueber den Re-Ilexvorgang and das Weseu der centralen Iunervatioii. 8-. Stutt- gart, 1876. Allen or. A.) The excito-secretory system; Dr. H. F. Campbell; Marshall Hall; allowed priority ol discovery. Me;d. Indep., Detroit, 1857, iii, 381-389.—Anclci-ooii 1 \VT| On reflex muscular action. Lancet, Lond , 1846. i. 152.— Bacteria. Loa actos reflejos y la filosofia del inconsci- cute-. Iliistracion nied.-quir. espan.. Zaragoza, 1881, i, no. 11: no. 12.—Bamliiy. lie-Hex irritation. St. Louis M. & S. JT, 1878, n. s., xxxv. 206-208. — Bcaiichamp (H.) Reflex action. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1868. xi, 321-330.— Bclficld 1 WT 3.) LT-ber depressorische Reflexe erzeugt durch Sehleiinhautieizung. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1882, 298-312, 1 pl—Bernard (C.) Sur les phenomenes reflexes. Compt. rend. Soc. ele biol. 1852. Par., 1S..3. iv, 149-151.—Beieei (li.) Feiioineni riflessi della rana per eccitazione eon corrente costante di unci de-i nervi seiatici tagliato nelle sue radici sensitive. Bull. d. Soe. Lanci- siana d. osp. eli Kouia, 1886, vi, no. 4, 61-64.—Bowman (J.), jr. Reflex action of the nervous system. Cincin. Lancet cfe Obs., 1874. xvii, 641-648.— Brown.Mcquaiil. Sur des modifications profondes produites rapiileinent par certaines irritations de la peau, daus les grandes functions organiques et aniniales ainsi que dans les proprietCs des tissus nerveux et musculaire. Compt. renil. Soc. ele- biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii, 335-338. Also: Gaz m61l.de Par., 1880, 6. a., ii, 621— B run ton (T. L.) Reflex action as a cause of disease and means of cure. Brain, Lond., 1878-9, i, 143-154. Also .- Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1878-9, xiv, 639- 647—Campbell (H. F.) The excito-secretory system of nerves ; its relations to physiology and pathology. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 18.17, x, 465-510. -----. A claim of pi iotitv in the discovery of. and also the naming of, the excito-secre- tory system of nei ves. South. M. & S. J., Aieiusta, 18.17, n. s., xiii, 243-258. Also, Reprint. — Carpenter (W B.) Excito-motory system; reply to Dr. Marshall Hall. Lau- cet, Loud., 1838-9, i, 581-583.— Cay rade (J.) Sur la lo- calisation des mouvements reflexes. J. de l'anat. it phy- siol., etc.. Par., 1868, v, 346-362.—Cheron (J.) Des con- ditions anatomiques de la production des actions reflexes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1868, lxvi, 842-844. — Da. vey (J. (Li Ou the excito-motory or diastaltic nervous system of Dr. M. Hall. Assoc. M. J., Lond.. 18.14, 367-373.— Davis 1X. S.) A brief review of Dr. Marshall Halls views on an excito-motorv system of nerves. Tr. M. Soc X. V., 1841-3, v, 144-178 — Felihard (C.) Ueber Reflex- bewe-ii-ungen der vier letzten Xei vetipaare des Frosches. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., lst'.i. vii, 281-310, 1 pl. -----. (leschichte der Entwickelung eler Lehre von den Reflex- erscheiiiungeii. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol (Eckhard), (liesseu. 18sl. ix. 29-192. —Fie It (A 1 Einige Beuierkun- fieu iiber Ketiexbeweguugi-n. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn. 1870. iii. 326-332. — Ford 1 WT K.) Reflex neuroses. Med. Press West. X. Tork. Buffalo, 1888. iii, 89-97.— Frenwfoerjj (A.) Reflex be we-gnngeu beim Hunde Arch. f. d. ges. Plivsiol.. Bonn, 1874, ix, 358-391. —Frosl (C. P.) The diastallic system. Am. M. Month., X. V.. 1857, vii, 129-144.—t.erjjens rnven (R. J.) The discoverer of the reflex function of the nerves. Lond. M. 6a/,., 1837, xx. 465-469. — (jrigi;* (A. AYT) Morbid reflex excitability. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta. 1879, xxx, 163-170. - Hall (M.t On the reflex function of the medulla oblongata and medulla spina lis. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1833, 635-66.1. -----. On the auat- omy of the e-xcito-niotor system. Lancet. Loud., 1846, ii, 147. ----- Uebei retrograde Reliexthiitigkeit ini Frosche. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1847. NERVOUS 807 NERVOUS. IVervoiis system (Reflex action of). 486—489. -----. The spinal system ; a demonstration and lecture. Virginia M. \- S. J., Richmond, 18.14, ii, 2.1.1-265. -----. The spinal system, in its application to practice. Ibid. 343-3.17. -----'. A lecture on the, diastaltic spinal .svstem. Med. Chron. Montreal, 1853-4. i, 97 ; 129. -----. The excito-secretory sub-system of nerves : observations ami suggcsiions. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 4.-----. Of the extent auel specialty of the diastaltic spinal system ; ob- servations and suggestions. Ibid.. 108. -----. The excito- secretory system : claims of Henry Eraser Campbell, M. D , of Augusta, Georgia, IT S. Ibid., 462-464. Also, in: Smith. M. .v. S. J., Augusta, 1857 n. s.. xiii, 503-506—Iler- zen (A.) Sui centri moeleratoii dell' azione lifless.i del niiilollo spinale. Imparziale, Firenze, 1864, iv. 621-625. Also, transl: Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1865, ix, 423-430. — Hitzig (E.) LT-ber reflexerrc irencle Druckpunkte. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., I860, iii. 69-71.—.Inilee. Action du systeme nerveux sur la circulation careliaque. < oiupt rend. Soc. de biol., Pur., 1886, 8. s., iii, 269-271 —Hin^ il. W.) On reflex nervous acts and their disturbances, and the more probable parts of nervous s\ nipathies. Med. Times, LoneL, 1844, x, 343; 403; 442. — Kozhevnikoflf (A.) Ncrvniya volokna chuvst\ uviislicliiva i sluzhashchiya dlya vozbuzh deniya reflexov. [Reflex action of the nwves of sensation and motion.] Meel. Vestnik, St Petersb., 1868, viii, 212-244.— I.abonle. Reflexe (Action). Diet, encycl. el. sc. nie'-el., Par., 1875. 3. s., iii, 27. — I.avisla (11. R.) Estudio sobre el poder reflejo 6 pro])ieelael excito-niotriz del eje cerebro- espiual y los movimieutos que de el dependen. Gac. meel. de Mexico, 1867, iii, 49 ; 65.— ITiiclisingcr (B.) Neue Ver- suche mit iiber gekrenzte Reflexe. Tagebl. cl. Versainnil. deutsch. Xaturf. n. Aerzte, Baden-Lade n,1879,lii, 255.-----. LTeher gekrenzte Reflexe. Arch, f d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1880, xxii. 179. ----. Zur Theorie der Reflexe; dritte kurze Mittheilung. Ibid., 1880-81, xxiii, 308-312. -----. Zur Theorie eler Reflexe uud eler Reflexhemniung. Mitth. . Her 1 in, [n. d.] Hageman (R.) * Ueber den Einfluss der vaso- motorischen Nerven auf die Hautkrankheiten. 8°. Halle; [1874]. Haller (A.) De nervorum in arterias im- perio. Gottingee, 1744. In his: Disp. auat. [etc. 1 4°. Gottingee, 1749, iv, 425-445. Hklweg (K.) * Studier over de vasoinotoriske Nervebaners centrale Forl0b. 8C. Kjobenhavn, 1886. Karlixe (B.) * Contribution h l'6tude des vaso-moteurs. 4C. Paris, 1884. Leuros (C.) * Des nerfs vaso-moteurs. 8-. Paris, 1873. Miller (H.) * On the relation between the sanguiferous and nervous systems. 8C. Lex- ington, Ky., 1822. Polkoff (M.) *K ucheniou o sosudodviga- telnich nervach. [On the vasomotor nerves.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1874. Puccianti (G.) Azione nervea vasoniotrice studiata in s6 e nelle sue applicazioni alia pato- logia. 8°. Siena, 1865. Schneider (F. A.) * De mutua ratione inter nervos voluntati obedientes et vasomotorios con- spicna. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum 1843. Vllpian (A.) Lecons sur l'appareil vaso- motenr (physioiogie et pathologie ) faites a la Facult6 de medecine de Paris. R6dig6es et publiees par H.-C. Carville. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1875. von Anrep (B.) & tyfoulski (NT) Zur Physioiogie der uefiisserweiternden und gefassverengeroden Xerven. St. IVtersh. nied. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i. 215-221.—Ar- mainland. Sur une n6vrose vaso-motrice se rattachant a l'etaf hysterie|iie. entierement guGrie par l'emploi des courants i'nte rmittciits; accesreguliferenient intennitteuts bi-quotidiens de sonuueil nerveux. d'asphyxie locale des extreinites. de congestion locale des conjonctives et de nevralii'ies. Gaz. hehd. de nie'-cL, Par.. 1876. 2. s., xiii, 516; 545. Also. Keprint. Also (Abstr. j: Bull. Acad, de nied., Par., 1870. 2. s., v, t>27-(i29. — Ailtiii*oii i V. P. ) Vaso- motor influence in the production of certain functional dis- orders, with some remarks as to treatment. Practitioner, XEKVOLTS. 808 NEKVOTS. .Vei'vons system (Vasomotor). Loud., 1S81, xxvi, 81-84. — Anhert (H.) & Rorrrr (G.) Ueber die vasomotorischen Wirkungen des Nervus vagus, larvngeus und sympathieus. Arch. f. cl. svs. Physiol., Bonn, 1868. i, 211-255, i pl.------------. Erwiilenuig auf Dr. J. Bernstein's Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze: ■- I'eber die vaso- niotorischen Wirkungen des Nervus vagus, larvngeus und sympathieus ". Ibid.. 1869. ii. 94-96. —B tint-in ler I (F.) L'eber gefusserweiternde Xe-rven. 1 leutsehes Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xx. 14:i-157. — Born a ill (C.) Kapport sur un mc'-inoire de M. IT ('yon, intitule: De Taction reflexe d'un des nerfs sensihles du cceur sur les nerfs moteurs des vaisseaux sanguins : ayant obtenu le prix de physiologic experimentale. J . de l'anat. et physiol , etc., Par.,' 1868. v. 337-345. — Bernstein (J.) Bemer- kungen zu dem Aufsat/.e: '-Leber die vasomotorischen Wirkungen des Nervus vagus, larvngeus mill sympathieus von Hermann Auhert unci Gustav Koever in Rostock". Arch. f.d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1S68. i, 600. — Bowtliteh (H. P.) Rhythmical activity of the vasomotor nerves. Boston M. efc S. J.. 1872. lxxxvii, lei. -----. Vaso-motor nerves. Ibid., 1875, xcii, 67: 97— Bowiliteh (H. P.) & .Tlinot ((\ S.l The influence of anesthetics on the vaso- motor centci s. Ibid.. 1874. xc, 49:1-498. 4 pl—Bowilitch (H. P.) \ Warren (J. W.) Plethysinographic expeli- ments on the vasomotor nerves of the limbs. ,7. Physiol., Loud, 1880, vii. 416-450, lpl. — Brebanl. Note sur la theorie des nerfs vaso-moteurs dans les secretions et dans la congestion simple ou inflauiinatoiri-. Union meel , Par., 1867, 3. s., i, 227-232. — Brum (E. T.) The influence of the vaso-motor system in the production of certain symp- toms. Boston M. cfe S. J.. 1885. cxiii, 289-292.—Bach ( M.) Klinische Priifung der Frage ven den periphe-reu vasomo- torischen ('entreii uud den gofassci weitei neh>u Xerven. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879. iv, 104; 115.—Budge (J.) Ueber das Centrum eler Gefassni'ivon. Arch f. d. ges. Physiol . Bonn, 1872, vi, 303-305, 1 pl.— Bnrggraeve. Des nerfs vaso-moteurs et de leurs moiliticateitrs closinu'-- tiii■ lies. Ki'pert. ele therap. dosiini'-tr.. Par., 1875, iii, 325-328. — Chapman i.l.i On the simultaneous and sympathetic action of vasomotor nerve centres related to different parts of the hody. Med. Mirror, Lond., 187(1, vii, 115 — C>on (E.) Ueber die Wurzeln, (lurch welche das Kiickcninark die Gefassnerven fiir die Vonlerpfote aus- sendet. Arh. a. d. phvsiol. Anst. zu Leipz., 1869. iii. 62- 77, 2 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Franco med.. Par., 1869, xvi, 551. -----. Hemmungen und Erregungeu im Central- System der Gefassnerven. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St-Pe-tersb.. 1870-71, vii, 757-786. -----. Zur Hem- niungstheorie der rcflec torischen Erregungen. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol, i Ludwig), Leipz , 1874, pp. clxvi-clxxii.— Cyon (E.) A. I,nil wij* (C.) Action reflexe d'un cles nerfs sensihles du cceur sur hs nerfs vaso-moteurs. J. de l'anat. it physiol., etc., Par., 1867, iv. 472-485. — Uaun (0. L') The vaso-motor neiiro-mecbauism. and the drugs and other agencies which influence it. Therap. (la/,.. Detroit, 1885, 3. s.. i, 505-510.—Da Kirn- efc .flora). Recherches sur les nerfs vaso-moteurs. (Tmipt. rend. Acad. el. sc, Par.. 1878, lxxxvii, 880-882. -----. Sur un nouveau nerf dilatateur vasculaire, et en general sur la disposition s.ystematique des vaso-dilatateurs. Bull. Soc. philomat. de Par., 1879-80. 7. s., iv, 142-145. ------. Les nerfs vaso-moteurs. Rev. scient.. Par., 1884, xxxiv, 34-44. — Di-riynlin (J. A.) Sposoh nablvudat sosudoilvigatelvii \avleniya na lagu- shkai. [Mode of observing- vasomotor phenomena in frog.J Meel. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865, v. 81-83. ------. Opili nad sosudoilvigatelnanii nervaini u sobak i koshek. ( Experitnents on vasomotor nerves of dog and cat.] Ibiel, 1867. vii, 137. ------. K' phiziologii sosudodvigalenikh nervof. [Physiology of vasomotor nerves.J Ibid., 1868, viii, 131: 139; 171. — Ditfmi-r. Der Sitz des vasomoto- rischen Centrums. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psy- chiat., etc., Neuwied. 1873, xix, 5. — Uo-jii'l iA.) Ueber den Einfluss des NT ischiadicus und NT cruralis auf die Circulation eles Blutes in elen unteren Kxtremitaten. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871-2. v, 130-142.— Dii|»ny (E.) On the seat of vaso-niotor centres. Tr. Am. NT n- rol. Ass.. N. V.. 1877, ii. 80-84. Also. Reprint. — Duval (M. i Vaso moteurs. N. diet, de- nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1885. xxxviii. 405-563—Bs.iilzioul (K.) Materiali k vo- prosu o sosuihu'asrhirjnioiischich nervach. [On vasomo- tor nerves. | Yoycnno-incil. A.. St. Petersb.. 1880, exxxvii, pt. 2, 255: exxxviii, 97.— Kckliai-il (C.) Ueber dieCen- tren der Gefassnerven. Beitr. z Anat. u. Physiol. (Eck- hard), Giessen, 1874, vii, 81-113. — Ellis ( F. "W. ) Ple- thysinographic and vasomotor expel iments with frogs. J. Physiol., Loud.. 1885, vi, 437-459. 2 pl — I ulciibiii-jj (A.) ct Lamloii) ( L. ) Ueber die thennisclien Wir- kuugc-n experiim ntali-r Eingriffe am Nervensystem und ihre Beziehung zu din Gefassnerven. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1876, lxvii, 245-271, 1 pl — Franrois- Franck. Analyse de quelques phenomenes vasculaires determines chez l'homme par l'excitation eles nerl's vaso- moteurs. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1876. 2. s., xiii, 323- 329. ------. Recherches sur l'anatomie et la physioiogie des nerfs vasculaires de la tete. In: Many (E.-J.) Physiol, exper., 8J, Par.. 1876. 105; 279.—FiiiMi' (A. S.) ' Vaso-coustrictor aud vasodilator nerves. Canad. Pract., I \ervoii* system (Vasomotor). Toronto. 1884, ix, 65-68. — von Fi-ii (M.) Ueber die Wirkungsweise der erschlaffenden Getassnerveii. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1876), 1877, xi, 89-107.— <»a*keil. On the relationship between the structure and the function of the nerves which innervate the visceral and vascular systems. Proc. Phvsiol. Soc. Cambridge, 1885-6, pp. iv-x. — —llurtshorne (H.) Present condition of vasomotor ph.\siole.gy. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1872, xxiii. 183-190.— Ilriilciiiiaiii (K.) Bemerkungen zu Herrn Dr. Franz Riegel's Aufsatz : " Ueber die Beziehung der (lefassnerven zur Keirpi'i-teniperatur". Arch. f. (1. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1872, vi, 20-22 — lleitlenhnin (K.) efc Landau (L.) Er- neiite Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss eles vasomotor!- schen Ner\ e-nsvstcins auf den Kreislauf, uud elie Keirper- teiuperalur. I'bid., 1871-2, v, 77-113. 2 tab. — Hi-I«■«■«. Studien iiber den centralen Verlauf der vasomotorischen Nervenhahneu. [Transl. from the Danish.] Arch. f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1887, xix, 104-183. — His (\V.) Ueber die Endigung der Gefassnerven. Arch. I. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1863, xxviii, 427. 1 pl — Hollis t \V. A.) A phy- siological paradox Med. Times efc (la/... Loud., 1875, i, 387-389.—Jolyct. Contribution a I etude des nerfs vaso-dilatateurs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1878. Par., 1880, 6. s., v, 323-325, 1 tab. ------. Des nerfs vaso dila- tation's ce'-phaliques. Suil-ouest med., Bordeaux, 1880, i, 8-10.—Jolyct IF.) & ■.afloat (M.) Keeherches sur les nerfs vaso-dilatateurs couteuus dans divers raineaux dela cinquieme paire. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc. Par., 1879, lxxxix, 1038-1040. ------. Du nerf trijumeau consi(16r6 comme nerf dilatateur type de la langue, des muqueuses nasales. laterales supei ieiires et inferieures, giugivalcs ct geiiieniies. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. 1879, Par., 188(1, 7. s.. i, 356—Joseph (M.) Uebe-r die retiectorische Inner- vation eb r Blutgefasse des Fiosches. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz , 1879, Suppl.-Bd., 54-60— Kowalewsky (NT) .fc Ailainiik (E.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Nfervus] depressor. Centralbl. f.d. med. "Wissensch., Berl.. 1868, vi, 545-547.—Kroneeker (FI.) Ueber die Lncgiing del Gelassnervencentren durch Summation ehkti ischei Kei/.e. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1880. 437. — Kuessner ( B. ) Ueber vasomotorische Centron in eler Gross!)irnrinde eh s Kaniiichens. Arch. f. Psychiat,, Berl., 1877-8, viii, 432- 442. — l.afl'oiit. Contribution i\ l'etuile des nerfs vaso- dilatateurs. Progres med.. Par., 1879. vii, 560-562. ------. Keeherches sur l'origine des filets nerveux vaso- dilatateurs ele la face-; ph\ siologie comparfee des nerfs tri- jumeau et glosso-phar\ ngien. Compt. rend. Soc. dc; biol. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s., ii,' 240-243.—l.afl'oiit & Jolyct (F.) Du nerf maxillaire superieur considere conime nerf vaso- dilatateur type. Ibid.. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 224-226.— l.vv (F. S.) On the action of certain salts upon the ar- teries. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab.. Bait., 1884- 7, iii, 491-5(10. — l.cwawcliew (S.) Ueber den Einfluss des Nervus cruralis auf dus Lumen der Gefiisse. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879. iv, 149. ------. Leber elas Ver- halten der pei ipherisiheu vasomotorischen Centren zur Temperatur. Arch. 1. d. ges. PlnsioL, Bonn, 1881, xxvi, 60-96.— Lister (Sir J.) An inquiry regarding the parts of the nervous system which regulate the contractions of the* arteries. Phil. Tr., Loud., 1858. cxlviii, 607-702. Also, Reprint.—l.nzzatto. Recerche sulla iunervaziune dei vasi sanguigni, di Luigi Severin. (Extr.) Gazz. meel. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1878, xxi,248: 257 — Vlasoiii lE ) .fc .Vlasius. Rapport sur les nerfs vaso nioteurs et leurnioele d'action. (Avec discussion.) Cong, period, internat. il. sc. ined. Coinpt, rend. 1875, Brux. et Par., 1876, 420-402.— Mayer (S.) Leber die Einwirkuug des Strychnin auf das vasomotoiische Nervence-ntruin. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1872, 111-122, 2 pl — Mcyer-I.othar. Ueber die Abhan- gigkeit der Gefiisse und eler Piginentzellen beim Frosch von dem Nerveneinfluss. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1853, vi, 581— Miehailow (W.) Neues Verfahren. die vasomotorischen Erscheiiumgen am Frosche zu bcobach- ten. Mi-lang.sbiol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb.. 1880, x, 335-377.—More (J.) On some points in vaso-motor the- rapeutics. Practitioner. Loud.,]8so. xxv, ::52-36ii.— .Xucl. \Tisonioteur (Appareil ne-rveuxi. Diet, enevcl. d. sc. med., Par.. 1886. 5. s.. ii". 570-627— .\ns»ha a in (M.) Ueber die Lage des GefSsscentrums. Arch. 1. d. ges Physiol., Bonn, NEKVOUS. 809 NEKVOUS. T\<'i'VOli* system (Vasomotor). 1875, x, 374-382," 1 pl. — Owsjniinikow (P.) Die toni- schen und reflectorischen (Tntren der Gefassnerven. Arb. a. el. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz., 1872, vi, 21-33. — Owsjan- nikoW (P.) & Tschiriew (S ) Ueber den Einfluss eler reflectorischen Thatigkeit der Gefassnerveneentra auf die Erweiterung der peripherischen Arterien unci auf die Se- cretion in der Subniaxillardriise. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 1872, viii, 651-665.—Pawlow (J.) Experimeiiteller Beitrag zum Nachweis des Accom- niodationsmechauismus der Blutgefasse. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877-8, xvi, 266-271. — Petronc ( L.) I ceiitri cortico-sensitivi-iuotori e le contribnzioni cliniche di Hitzig e "Wernher. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1879, n. s., i. 798-806.— Philip (A. P. "W.) Some addi- tional experiments and observations on the relation -which subsists between the nervous and sanguiferous systems. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1815, cv, 424-446. — Physiology (The) of the vasomotor system. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1876, 253-277.'—Picrret (A.) Sur les relations du systfeme vaso-iuoteur du bulbe avec celui de la moelle 6pi- nifere chez l'homnie, et sur les alterations de ces deux sys- temes dans le coins du tabes sensitif. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xeiv, 225. Also .- France med., Par., 1882. i, 208-210. — Poole (T. YV.) Effects of "pithing " on the vascular system ; a new phase of the subject. Med. Rec, N. \T, 18711, xvi, 248; 404. — I'oiiilii-t (G.) Des cbange- meuts de coloration sous l'iufluence des nerfs. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1876, xii, 1; 113, 4 pl.—Pulzeys (F.) Sur les centres des nerfs vaso-moteurs. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. ele Belg., Brux., 1874, 2. s., xxxvii, 450-458.—Putz'evs (F.) efc TarchanoA* (J. F.) Ueber den Einfluss des Ner- veiisysteins auf den Zustand der Gefasse. Arch, f Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1874, 371-391. Also [Abstr.] : Centralbl. f. cl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1874. xii, 641-645. Also, Repiint. -----. De rinfluence du systeme nerveux sur l'etat eles vaisseaux. J. de nied.. chir. et pharmacol., Brux.. 1875, lx, 403-415. Also, Reprint—Bie- gcl (F.) Ueber elen Eiufluss eles Nervensystems auf den Kreislauf und die Kdrpertemperatur. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871, iv, 350-434.-----. Ueber die Bezie- hung der Gefassnercen zur Kdrpertemperatur. Ibid., 1871-2, v, 491-434.—Kogoviteh (N.) K ucheniu o psev- doniotor. dieistvii sosndo-iastshirja. nervov. [Function of the pseudomotor vasodilating nerve.] Univ. Izviestija, Kieff, 1885, xxv, pt. 4, 43-100. —!«ichifl"(M.) Sur les nerfs vaso-motcurs des cxtrc'-niites. Gaz.d. Imp., Par., 1862. xxxv, 435 —Schlesinger (W.) Ueber die Centra der Geffiss- und Uterusnerven. Meet. Jahrb., Wien, 1874, iv, 1-29.— Strieker (S.) Untersuchungen iiber die Gefassnerven- Contren im Gehirn unci Kiiekenmark. Meel. ,Iahrb., Wien, 1886. n. F., i, 1-19.—Teissier (J.) efc Ban fin a nil. Sur les actions vasomotrices synictriques. Compt. renel. Acad. el. sc, Par., 1881, xcii. 1301-1304. — Tcoria (Sulla) vaso- motrice e sui fatto clinico. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. venete, Padova, 1869. xii, 413-416. — Thiry (L.) Ueber das Ver- halten der (lefassnerven bei Stdrungen der Respiration. Centralbl f.d med. Wissensch., Berl., 1864,ii, 722 — Tran- he i L.) Ueber periodische Th;iligkeits-Ae>assei ungen cles vasomotorischen und Hemniuntrs-Nerveneentrums. Ibid., 1865. iii, 881-885.—l-li ino wilsch. Vasotonische Apho- lismen. Arch.f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887.185-194.—Vogt (F.) Lahmung der vasomotoiischen Unterleibsnerven nach Riickenmarksverletzung. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr , 1866, vii, 248-250. — Vulpian (A.) Experiences, poi.r rechercher si tous les nerfs vasculaires ont leur foyer d'origine, leur centre vaso-moteur, dans le bulbe rachidien. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. I'ar., 1874, lxxviii, 472-479. -----. Ex- periences relatives a la physioiogie des nerfs vaso-dilata- teurs. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1874, 2. s., i, 175-177. -----. L' apparecchio vasomotore. Salute, Ge- nova, 1875, x, 9-11. ------. Sur quelques phenomenes d'ac- tion vaso-motrice observes elans le cours de recherches sur la physioiogie des nerfs excito-se,cr6teurs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1878, lxxxvii. 385-390. -----. Recher- ches prouvant ejue le nerf trijuine au contient des fibres vaso elilatatrices eles son origine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1885, ci, 981-983.—Waters (W. H.) Some vaso- motor functions of the spinal nerves it: the frog. J. Physiol.. Loud., 1885, vi, 460-463. — W;*isberg ( H. A. ) Observationes anatoniico-physiologica* de nervis arterias veii(ise|ui- coinitantibus. In his: Comment, med. phvsiol., etc., 8°, (lotting., 1800, i, 363-406. Hervous system ( Vasomotor, Pathology of). Chevallier ( P.-E. ) * De la paralysie des nerfs vaso-moteurs dans l'hemipl^gie. 4C. I'a- ris, 186)7. Haenel (G. F.) * Zur Casuistik der vasomo- torischen Neurosen. 8°. Leipzig, [1868]. Klostekhalfen (Al.) 'Experimentelle TTn- tersuchungen iiber vasoinotori.sche Storungen nach Verletzungen der Medulla oblongata und des Pedunculus cerebri. 8°. Greifswald, 188]. Nervous system (Vasomotor, Pathology of). Luchtmans (C. P. C.) * Bijdrage tot de pathologie der niotorische zeuuw-cellen. Utrecht, 1876. Angel. Ueber vasomotorische Neurasthenic und Mit- theilung einiger psycho-patholosischerCuriositiiten. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1877-8, viii, 394-408.—Bsirwinkel (F.) Zur Casuistik der vasomotoiischen Neuioson. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1868, ix, 311-314. — Bischoll |T. L. W.) Eine pathologisehe Beobachtung an sich selbst. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1846, iv, 55-61. — Bresgen (H ) Casuistische Beitrage zur vasomotorischen Neurose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1878, v. 565.— Broes van Dort (T.) Een geval van vasomotorische neurose, genezeu na het gebruik vau broomtali. Nederl. Tijdschrrv. Geneesk., Amst., 1876, 2. R., xii, 213-219.— Brown (B.) The history of a unique ease illustrating some vasomotor disturbances. Meel. Rec, N. YT. 1882. xxii, 89.— IS in «>■■ (E. T.) Some cases of disturbance of the nor- mal vaso-motor tonus. NT Oil. M. efc S. J., 1884-5. n. s , xii, 592-600. Also : Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 188.-,, lii, 172 ; 205. A Iso .- Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1884-0, 3. s, viii, 27-37.—Bull (E.) En lagttagelse afvasomotorisk Para- lyse. NorskMag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1872. 3. K., ii, 132-137.—I'a hen. lies nevroses vaso-motrices. Arch. gen. denied., Par., 1-803, ii, 428 ; 551; 696.—C'hvoslck (IT) Beitrag zu den vasomotorischen Neurosen. Oest err. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., "Wien, 1872, xviii, 33: 49.-----. Weitere Beitriige zu den vasomotorischen und tiopluscheu Neuro- sen. Blasenbildung an eler Haut (Pemphigus). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1875, xxv, 717; 735; 759; 776.—('oncnto (L.) Algido-paralisi transitoria chi nervi vaso-niotot i; guariiiione compiuta coll' elettricita indotta. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1871,2. s., i, 88-93.—"othnagel. Zur Lehre von den va- somotorischen Neurosen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz. 1867. ii. 173-191. -----. Mittheiliui'jc iiber Gefiiss- tteuieisen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867. iv. 536.—Oli- vetti. Le neurosi vaso-motorie od angio-neurosi del Dott. NERVOUS. 810 XESSLE1? At'l'VOU* system (Vasomotor, Pathology of). A. Eulenburg. e Dott, L. Landois. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1873, 3. s., xiv, 339; 379; 429; 462: 509: 643.— l'erroiid. Observations pour servir a l'histoire des paralysies cles nerfs vaso-moteurs de la tete. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. niGd. de Lyon (1863), 1864, iii, i::s-147. Also: (Jaz. med. de Lyon, 1864, xvi, 215-218— I'ii'i'icl (A.) Sur les relations du systems vaso-nioteur du 1 n11 In- avec celui de la moe le epiniere chez l'homnie. et sur les alterations de ces deux systemes dans le coins du tabes sensitif. Coinpt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1882, xciv, 225. — I'ogozhcflT (P. I.) O proiskhozhenii aktivnoi gi- pere -m i i pasl.ii pen-raizki nervov. [Oiigin of active hyper- icmia from severing of a nerve.] Laitop. khirurn. Obsh. v. Mosk. 1873-5. i. '551-556.—Beynolds (J. R ) "On cer- tain affections of the vasomotor nerves. Brit. M. J., Lond., isijs. ii. 655 —Roth. Paralysen vasomotorischer Nerven. Wclmschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1850. 289; 308.—Scherschcwky (M. M.) Ueber Thermoiietirosen. (Material znr Pathologic, der vasomotorischen Neurosen.) Arch. f. path Anat., etc., Berl., 1884, 9. F.. vi, 131-175 — Siccl i^iiiiilUr. Zwei seltene Forinen von vasomotor. Neurone. Taiiebl. cl. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Laden-Baden. 1879, lii, 319-322. Also: Meel.-chir. Centralbl , Wien, 1881, xvi, 3; 16.—Migcrson. Note sur la paialysie vasoinotriee generalisee' cles niembres sup6- lieurs. Progres med., Par.. 1874, ii. 229; 246. Also. Re- print.—Starr (M. A.) Vasomot or neuroses. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 213. —Stnrge (A.) A case of rare vaso-motor disturbance in the hir Brit. M. J., LoncL, 1879. i. 703. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1879. i. 596—von Wil- Ichrand. Tvenue fall af vasomoteu isk ne-ur«s L'inska la'k.-siillsk. handl., Helsiugfors. 1870, xii. 271. — /mikrr. Ueber zwei Fiille von vasomotori cln-ii Neurosen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 489; 505. — Knradclli (C.) Delle paralisi e contratture vasomotrie-i csterne e della loro cura comune ed elettrica. Galvani, Bologna. 1875, iii, 26: 73; 161; 241. Nervous (The) system. 96 pp. 16°. New York, D. Appleton Ar Co., 1882. Health Primers, no. 9, IVcrvoii§iiess. See Nervous system (Diseases of, Functional); Neurasthenia. van Xcs ( Hendrik Bernard). * Over gevolgen van liet sluiten vau slagaderen der herseiien. 2 p. 1., 47 pp. 8', Utrecht, Kemink f Zoon, 1881. van ]\ pp. 8G. Leyden, D. J. Gouve'e, 1857. van Aon ( Johannes). * De cholera. 8 pp., 2 1. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, G. vande Water, 17' 9. vail I¥es ( Theodorus Christianus). * Spec, ex- liibens theses quasdam selectas. 1 p. 1., 5 pp. 4:. Lugd. Bat., S. cl J. Luchtmans, 1788. rp v. 1011.'] Nesbit (J, C.) The history and properties of the different varieties of natural guanos. 50 pp. *- . London, Rogerson if Tux ford, 187)9. [Also, in: P , v. 14*7.]" ------. The same. Newed. 49 pp. 8°. London, Rogerson f Tuxford, 1-00. Nesbit (William). The clinical guide ; or, a con- cise view of the leading facts on the history, nature, and cure of diseases; to which is sub- joined a practical pharmacopoeia, in three parts, viz: Materia medica, classification, and extem- poraneous prescription. Intended as a memo- randum hook for practitioners. 3. ed. 4 v. 12c. Edinburgh, J. Watson, 1799-1800. TVesbitt ( Robert). * De partu difficili. 23 pp. 4-. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Boutesteiniana, 1721. -----. Human osteogeny explained in two lect- ures, read in the Anatomical Theatre of the Sur- geons of London. July the first and second, anno 1731. In Avhicli not only the beginning and gradual increase of the hones of human foetuses tire described, hut also the nature of ossification is considered, and the general notion that all hones are formed from cartilages is demonstrated to lie a mistake, xiii, 170 pp., 6 pl. >-'. London, T. Wood, 1736. -----. Thesame. Osteogenic, oder Ahhandliing von Erzeugung der Knochen im menschlicheu Nesbitt (Robert)—continued. Kiirper iu zweeu Vorlesungen. erkliirt . . . Aits dem Euglischen iibersetzt von Joliaun Ernst Greding. Nehst einer Vorrede Herrn Christian Gottlieb Ludwigs. 3 p. 1., xxviii (4 1.), im pp 6 pi. 4°. Altenburg. P. P. Richter, 177,9. Bound n-ith • Mi llkk (Gottfried Wilhelm). XXIV Ku- pt'er Tal'elu, [etc.] 4r Frankf. a. M., 1749. Nesemami ([Edwin. Wilhelm Otto] Franz) [1S48- ]. * Ueber subcutane Carhoisiiurc-In- jectioneu hei Polyarthritis rheumatica. 28 pp 1 1. 8\ Halle a. S., I'liilz, 1879. Nesemaiin ( Reinholdus). * De teiehratione crauii in hesionibus capitis adhibenda. 30 pp., 11. 8 . Vralislavice, H. Lindner, [1H5S]. NeseilSOllll (Simon). * Eine Beobachtung von Verknochernng der grossen Fontanelle bei Zwil- lingen. 16 pp., 2 pl. s°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 187)7. Wescr ( Charles ). * De la physioguoinique cou- siddtee sous les rapports physiologiques et pa- thologiques. 51 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1842, No. 105, 2. *., v. 8. Ncskowic (Belisar). * Ueber Aderhauttuber- keln bei Meningitis tuberculosa. 37 pp. tr. Wurzburg, P. Sch einer, 1^84. Ncspoli (Enrico). Notizie istoriche della medi- eina e della chirurgia in Toscaua, e partieolar- niente della scuola chirurgica Fiorentina. 73 pp. 8°. Firenze, L. Ciardetti, 1831. [P., v. 905.] vail IVess. Ein neues Heilverfahren gegen Leherleideu uud Wassersucht, (lessen Wirkung garantirt wird. 51 pp. 12°. Altona, 1863. IVess (Franciscus Josephus) [1795- ]. * De nexu speciali organorum excernentium emu nie- dicaininibus similibusque corpori ingestis. 38 pp. 12°. Bounce, typ. Thormanuianis, [18^2]. Ness ( Theodorus ). * De hydrophobia. 40 pp. 8°. Wirceburgi, J. Dorbath, 1825. IVessel (Franzl [1803- ]. Handbuch der Zahn- heilkunde. 2. Aull. 320 pp., 10 pl. 8°. Wien, W. Branmulltr, 1855. -----. Compendium der Zahnheilkunde. iv, 226 pp., I 1. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1k">6. -----. Praktische Beitriige zur Heilkunde. 1. Hft. 15 pp. sr Prag, K. Gerzabtk, 1861. [P., v. 790.] Nessi ( Giuseppe ) [ 1741-1821 ]. Lettera iu oc- casione della morte di una donna seguita poche ore dopo il parto. Disaprova la medesima 1' ahuso di cavaie la placenta snbito sortito il feto; des- crive i casi in cui conviene senza dilazione tirarla dall' utero, e propone un metodo facile di fare 1' operazioue dell' estrazione di essa placenta. 43 pp. 8°. Como, Caprani, 1772. -----. Osservazioue niedico-chirurgo-critica so- pra dieci aghi, quattro spilli, e due pezzetti (li vetro cavati di fresco da una mainmella e dalle circonvicine parti col mezzo di dodici taglj. Si dimostra brevemente in essa colla ragione, e colla sperienza ad aniniaestianicnto de' priucipi- anti la superfluita delle diverse classi de' medi- cament! nelhi cura de' mali chirurgici. 4'2 pp. 8°. Como, Caprani, 1172. Bound with his: Lette-ra in occasione della morte. *°. Como. 1772. -----. Institiizioiiidi chirurgia. 3 v. 8-. Pavia, P. Galeazzi, 1786-8. v. 4 wanting. -----. The same*. 4 v. 8 . Venezia, F. di Ni- colo Pezzana, 17^7-9. -----. Arte ostetricia teorico pratiea; nella regia Universita di Pavia. viii, 1*4 pp. ,-;. Vene- zithrJQ97. [P.. v. 1122.] IVessler (A.) * Maferialy dlja otsenki sposobev izsledovanija aminiachnvch i organicheskich azotistych soedinenii zagriaznennago vozducha. [Relative value of methods of defining ammonia NESSLER. 811 NETHERLANDS. Nessler (A.)—continued. and organic combinations in polluted air.] 53 pp. *\ St. Petersburg, tipog. J. Transhelja, 1-h). dc Nesslern (Henri). * Contribution a 1 etude de l'intiuence de I'alcool sur la pepsine. 38 pp., 11. 4 \ Paris, 1887, Xo. 229. Nestell ( D. D. T. ) A brief treatise on the dis- eases of the respiratory organs, with their treat- ment by the inhalation of cold medicated vapors and the use of showering syringes. 32 pp. 8°. New York, H. Palmer, 1856.' Westerns ( Carolus Fridericus ). * De colica scorbutica. 32 pp. sm. 4 . Jena; lit. Krebsia- nis. [lo>8]. For Biography, see Wed el (Geo. "Wolff.) Westerns ( Joh. Matthias ) [ 1622-79 ]. De bilis natura ejusque usu nobilissinio. 11 1. 4°. Jence, typ. Steinmannianis, 1644. -----. * Uepl avopet-iac seu de inappeteutia ven- tiiculi. 15 1. 4°. Jence, e calcographeo Loben- steiniano, 1649. Nesti (L.) Sec iTIorelli (C.) efc Nesti ( L.) Istoria clinica della dilterite, [etc.] 8°. Firenze, 1873. Nestle ( Heinrich ). Ueber die Ernahrung der Kinder. 11 pp., 2 1. 12°. Vevey, Leirtsclter it. Sohn, 1*70. -----. The same. 16 pp. 12-. Vivis, Lbrlscher u. Sohn, 1883. -----. The same. Memorial on the nutrition of infants. IU pp. 18°. Vevey, Lcertscher f Son, 1875. See. also, Liebert (Hermann). Milk and Henry Nes- tle's milk powder as food [etc.] 8°. Basle, 1875. Nestler (Auguste). .Sec 1'ozc ..V JXextler (Auguste). Reponse aux ohser- vations [etc. J 4D. Strasbourg, 1827. NestIei'(C. G.) * Commentatio botauico-mediea de potentilla uecuon de plantis huicce generi atiinibus et in usuni medicum tractis. iv, 5- 91 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Parisiis, 1816, No. 107, v. 1*2. Nestler (Fridericus). * De tractura colli ossis fe-moiis intra ligamentuin eapsulare. 37 pp., 1 pl. 8 . Dorpat, typ. J. C. Schiinmaiini, 1832. Nestler (Joh. Georgius). * De virgiue, chlorosi et gutta serena laboraute. 15 pp. 4 . Jena, ex off. Helleri, [1768]. For Biography, see Kaltschmied (Car. Frid.) Nestle'*/oorf, ■Sec Infants (Food, etc., of). Nesly (Emmanuel). * Etude snr les fistules sali- vaires de la parotide et du canal de Steuou. 60 pp. 4C. Paris, 1875, No. 241. Netcliaeff (A.) *Ob ugnetajoiitshem vlijanii na otdelenie jeludochnago sokti: Atrophia, mor- fija chloral-gidrata i razdrajenija tchuvstvitel- nych nervov. [On depressing influence of . . . on secretion of gastric juice, and on stimulating the nervus vagus.] 65 pp. S-. St. Petersburg, tipog. A. M. Kotomina, 1882. Neteliaefl" (V. G.) *0 diagnosticheskom zna- cheuii otsutstvija svobodnoi soljanoi kisloty v jeludochnoni soke pri rak(*jelndka. [Diagnostic value of absence of muriatic acid in gastric juice in cancer of stomach.] 66 pp., 1 1. S-. St. PeUrsburi), tipog. Dep. Udelov, 1887. Netlie (Joauues Theodorus) [1817- ]. * De stricturis urethrje. 31 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1*41]. Netherfield Institution for Infectious Diseases, Liverpool. See Institution for Infectious Dis- eases, Netherfield House, Liverpool. Nellici'land**. Chirnrgyns leger-kist. Voor- sien met in- en uytweudige inedicanieuteu, sodanigh als nootsaaklijk is om daar mede te veldt te trekken, eu tot sulke als in 't leegar Netherlands—continued. ordinaar voorvalt, voorsien to wesen. 15 pp. lZJ. Amsterdam, J. ten Hoorn, 1693. Bound with: van Rustixgh (S.) Nieuwe veld-medi- cine en chirurgie. 12°. Amsterdam, 1693. -----. Publicatie van zijne Majesteit den Kil- ning van Holland. lToudende algemeeue veror- denigeu behoorende tot de geneeskundige staats- regeling van het koningiijk Holland. Geaires- teerd den 3den April 1807. 9 pp. S°. In den Haag, ter koninglijke Stoats Drukkerij, 1897. -----. Lijst der bevoe^d erkende beoefenaren van de ouderscheidene takken vau geneeskunst, in de provincie Zuid-Hollaud. Voor het jaaren 1829; 1831-52; 1854-65. ,-~. ['s Gravenhage, 1829-1)5.] Bound in 7 v. -----. Algemeen rapport der commissie tot bet onderzoeken vau den aard en de nicest geschikte wijze van behandeling van den Aziatischen braakloop. 174 pp. 8°. '.s Gravenhage, ter al- gemeene Lands Drukerij, 1832. -----. Algemeen verslag der subcoiuniissie voor de zaken den asiatischen braakloop aangaande, te Rotterdam; aan de hoofd-commissie in de provincie Holland, zuidelijk gedeelte gevestigd te 's Giavenhaage. 99 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Rotter- dam, P. van Waesberge, 1833. -----. Verzameling van wetten, beslniten eu re- glenienten, betrekkelijk de burgerlijke genees- kundige dienst in het koningrijk der Ncde-rlan- den. [With supplement.] xx, 463, 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. 's Gravenhage, J. I'. Biekman, 1836. -----. Stukken betretfende de herziening der geneeskundige wetten imi verordeniugen en 1*41- 1842. [Rapport aan zijne excellentie den minis- ter van binnenlandsche zaken, over de genees- kundige staatsregling ingediend den 23. April 1842, door de commissie benoemd bij zijner mtt- jesteits besluit van den 20. November 1*41, No. 60.] ix, 117 pp., 1 1. S-. 's Grarenhage, 1842. [P., v. 766.] -----. Advies omtrent het onderwijs iu de ge- neeskunst eu in de artsenijbereidkunst. Ont- werp van wet op de examens ter uitoefening der geneeskuust en der artsenijbereidkunst met me- morie van toelichting. 74 pp. 8°. 's Graven- hage, Algemeeue Lands-Drukerij, 1850. Repr. from .- Rapport der commissie, benoemd bij ko- ninklijke besluiteu van 25. July en 4. Aug. 1848. -----. Nederlandsche Apotheek. xxii, 557, xvi, xxiv pp., 1 tab. 8C. *s Gravenhage, Algemeeue Lands-Drukerij, 1*51. -----. Outwerp van wet op de uitoefening der geneeskunst enz. Zittiug 1856-7 (exxxiv). fol. ['» Gravenhage, 1*56-7.] CONTENTS. No. 1. Regeling van de uitoefening der geneeskunst enz. Koniuklijke boodschap. 11. No. 2. Outwerp van wet, regelende de uitoefening der gene^eskunst. 11 pp. Xo. 3. Memorie van toelichting tot het outwerp van wet, regelende de uitoefening van de geneeskunst. 28 pp. Xo. 4. Outwerp van wet, regelende de uitoefeuiug der artsenijbereidkunst en den handel in geuecsmiddelen en in heelkuudige werkteigeu. 14 pp. Xo. 5. ^Iemorie van toelichting tot het ontwerp van wet, regelende de uitoefening der artsenijbereidkunst en deu haiidel in geneesmiddelen en in heelkuudige werktei- geu. 14 pp! No. 6. Ontwerp van wet, regelende het geneeskundig bestutir. 6 pp. Xo. 7. Memorie van toelichting tot het ontwerp van wet, regelende het geneeskundig best'uur. 5 pp. Xo. 8. Ontwerp van wet, regelende het onderzoek naarde bekwammheid van aanstaande geneeskunstoet'eua- ren en apothokcrs. 3 pp. Xo. 9. Memorie van toelichting tot het ontwerp van wet, regelende het onderzoek naarde bekwammheid van aanstaancle geneeskunstoefenaren en apothekers. 3 pp. Xo. 10. [Allies van de lectoren aan de Geneeskundiue School te Rotterdam, over de ontwerpen van wet op te uit- oefening der geMiceskuust enz.] Aan de Tweede Kauier der Stateugeueraal. Copij. Nov. 9 1807. 37 pp. ETHERLAXDS. 812 NETHERLANDS. Netherlands -continued. No. 11. Geneeskundige wetgeving. "VTeekblad vau het re-gl. Dec. 10 1857. No. 1911. No. 12. [Allies van heel- en vroedineesters te Rotterdam, over ele ontwerpen van wet op ele uitoefeniDg der genees- kunile] Aan de Tweede Kamer der Stateugeneraal. Co- pij. Nov. 9 1857. 5 pp. No. 13. Aan de ledeu van de Tweede Kamer der Staten- generaal. Nov. 10 1857. 21. No. 14. Copie. Aan zijne excellentie der heer minister van binneulaiielsche zaken. Maart 1858. 7 pp. No. 15. Zitting 1857-8 (x). No. 2. Voorloopig verslag. 55 pp. -----. Het provincial geneeskundig gesticht voor krankzinnigen, Meercnberg, bij Haarlem. Opgedragen aan zijne excellentie den heere commisaris des konings in Noonl-Holland. 20 pp. *-. Haarlem, J. J. Weiveringh, 1861. -----. Meerenberg. Asile provinciale d'alienes dans le voisinage de Harlem. 20 pp. 8°. Har- lem, J. J. Weeveringh, 1862. -----. De choleraepidemieen in Nerderland met uitzondering van de provincien Noordbrabant en Limbing van 18:52-67. 1 map, 40 x 4* in. [n.p., 1867 1] -----. \ erslag van hi*t patronat voor behoeftige herstelde krankzinnigen in de provincie Noord- Holland. 4., 1866-7. 5 pp. 8C. [Amsterdam, 1867.] -----. Verslag aan den Kouing vau de bevindin- gen en handeliugen van het geneeskundig staats- toezigt, in het jaaren l*66-*6. 21 v. roy. * it 4°. 's Gravenhage, l*67-*7. 1874 to 1886 are 4°. -----. Verzameling van stukkeu betreffeude het geneeskundig staatstoezigt in Nederland. (Uit- gegeven door de inspeeteurs en adjunct inspec- tenis voor het geneeskundig staatstoezigt in het jaaren 1*65-S'L 18 v. *J. 's Gravenhage, 1^67-S!. 1865-66 in 1 v., and published in 1870. -----. Rapport aan den Kouing van die commis- sie tot onderzoek van drinkwater. 410 pp., 4 pl. 8°. 's Gravenhage; Weelden iy Mingelen, 1*6*. -----. The same. 2. ed. 412, xiv pp., 7 pl. roy. 8°. 's Gravenhage, Weelden f Mingelen, 1869. -----. Das Medicinal-Wesen im Konigreiche der Niederlaude. (Die Gesetze vom lsten Juni 1--65 Deutsch iibersetzt.) 23 pp. 6~. Haag, M. J. Visser, 1*70. -----. Ondersteuning van door den oorlog ver- armde bevolkingen. 's Gravenhage, Januarij 1*71. 2 1. 8C. ['s Gravenhage, 1871.] -----. Proeve eener reorgauisatie van de genees- kundige dienst bij de landmacht hier te lande. Door Jemaud. 31 pp. 8 . Leiden, S. C. Van Doesburgh, 1*71. -----. Verslag aan den Kouing van de bevindin- geu eu handelingen van het veeartseuijkundig staatstoezigt iu het jaaren 1*71, 187:5-7. roy. 8° .A: 4C. 's Gravenhage, 1872-8. 1873 is roy. *°. -----. Naamlijst van de geneeskundigen in Nederland, belast met het geven van onderwijs in de geneeskuude of behoorende tot de amb- tenareu van het geneeskundig staatstoezigt, van de ledeu en plaatsner van gentle ledeu vau de geneeskundige raden en van de geneeskundigen, tandmeesteis. apothekers. droogisten en vroed- vrouwen in elke provincie gevested op den 1. February 1*74. 207 pp. *-. Tiel, H. C. A. Campage, 1*74. -----. Openiugsplechtigheid van de teutooristel- ling, 10 Jauuari 1 uur's namiddags in de biblio- theek van het Kouinklijk Zoologisch Genoot- schap Natura Artis Magistra. 8 ]>p. fe-. Am- sterdam. Sclieltema if Holpema, 187*. -----. Inlichttiugen voor vroedvrouwen wett- lijke bepalingen betreh'ende vroedvrouwen. Netherlands—continued. Ked, welken de vroedvrouwen moet atlegen voor het ontvaugen der akte van bevocgdlieiil. 7 pp. 8C. ['s Gravenhage, 1*7*.] -----. Voorschriften nopens de instelling vanals- mede het toezigt, de directie en het adniinistra- tief beheer over de militaire-inrigtingen. Vast- gesteld bij kouinklijk besluit van den 7deu .September 1**0, No. 9, en bij beschikking van den minister van oorlog van den 2Lst<-n Septem- ber 1*80. VI1' Afd. Int., No. 711. ir>l. Ill pp. 8-. 's Gravenhage, de gebroeelers van Clu I', l*-n. —----. Wet van den 27. April 1-81 (Stb'l. No. 96) waarbij met intrekking van de> wet van 20. Moi 1841 (eStbl. No. 20), nade-re bepalingen worden vastgesteld betreftende het staatstoezichf op krankzinningen eu krankzinnigeugestichten. Met iuleiding, toelichtende aanteekeningen en alphabetisch register. En aanhangsel bewerkt door H. A. Musquetier. xx, 191 pp. 12'~. ^Gra- venhage, gebroeelers Iielinfante, 18*4. -----. Lijsts van geneeskundigen. tandinecsters, apothekers, drogisten en vroedvi-ouwen geves- tigd in de provincien Drenthe, Friesland, (Jel- derland, Groningen, Limbing, Noordbrabant, Noordholland, Overijssol, Zuidholland, Utrecht en Zeeland o]> 1. Januari 18*5; 18*7. roy. 8-'. [r. p., 1*85-7.] One pamphlet a year for each province. -----. Geneeskundige hulp in Nederland. Kaart aautoonende het aantal inrichtingeii tot veiple- giug van zieken, dat der geneeskundigen en der vroevrouweu in elke gemeeute des rijks in het jaar 188(5. 1 broadside, 36 x 40 in. 's Graven- hage, J. Lobatto, [1*87]. Netherlands. See, also, Amsterdam; Army (Netherlands); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Dort; Dutch East Indies ; Education (Medi- cal), etc., by localities ; Ethnology; Fever (Mala- rial, History, etc., of); Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities; Goes; Gouda; Gronin- gen; Hague (The); Harlem; Helvoetsluis; Hilversum; Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Hospitals (Military), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), • by localities; Katwijk; Kleef; Leyden; Lux- emburg; Medicine (History, etc., of), by na- tions, etc.; Medicine (Military, History of)— Campaigns, etc.; Pharmacopoeias; Rotterdam; Scheveningen ; Utrecht; Woerden ; Zaan- dam. Amshoff(F. K.) * Collectanea quaedam topo-. graphiam medicam provincia* Dreuthiuse spec- tantia. 8°. Groningce, [1843]. van iiks Bosch (I. J.) Verhaudelingen, uit- gegeven door de Hollaudsche Maatschappye der Weetenschappen, opgericht te Haarlem ; vervat- teude het antwoord op de vraage : Welken zijn de ziekten onder de menschen, die uit de natuurlijke gesteldheid van het vaderland voortvloeijeu ? hoe kan men zich tegen dezelve behoeden 1 En door welke middelen kunnen zij geneeze-n wor- den? Beantwoord in eene natuur- en genees- kundige verhaudeling van de oorzaaken, voor- behooding, en geneeziug der ziekten, uit de natuurlijke gesteldheid van het vaderland voort- vlocijende; met den eereprijs eener gouden ge- denkpenning bekroond. 8 . Haarlem, 177*. Brauw (J. I.) Een paar aannierkingen naar aanleiding van het opstet van Dr. J. C. de Man, getiteld: Bijdrage tot de keunis der sterfte io Zeeland. 8-. [n. p., n. d.] Coulo.v (J. V.) Statistiek en geneeskundig berigt wegens de geborenen en gestorvenen in de provincie Vriesland, in de jait-n 1*15 tot L-28 ingesloteu. * . Leeuwarden, 1831. Davi* (J. B.) Dutch anthropology. ■--. [«■ p., n. d.] yETHEELANDS. 813 NETHERLANDS. Netherlands. De Bkcnie (J. B.) Aut woord op de vraege welk zijn de prolijtelijkste planten van dit land, ende welk is hun gebruijk zoo in de medicijnen als in andere kosten. 4°. Brussel. 1772. In: Mdm. . . , Acad. imp. et roy. d. sc. de Brux. (1771- 8), 1779, i. Du Rondeau. Memoire zur la question: Quelles sont les plantes les plus utiles des Pays- Bas, et quel est leur usage dans la m6decine et dans les arts ? 4°. Bruxelles, 1772. In: Mem. . . . Acad. imp. etroy. d. sc. deBrux. (1771-8), 1779, i. Ermerins (Ft C.) "Tentamen ad depellen- dani insalubritatis calumuiam de regione Zelan- dica. 4:. Lugd. Bat., 178*. Also, in: Jaxsen. Collect, diss, [etc.] 4°. Dnssel- dorpii, 1792, ii, 443-465. Graphische voorstelling van de sterfte van kinderen beneden het jaar in elke gemeeute van Nederland iu het vijfjarig tijdperk 1*80-85. broadside, 38 x 48 in. [Amsterdam, 1887.] Lust van de nameu en woonplaatseu der ge- vestigde apothekers en geexamiueerde drogisteu in Nederland afl. November 1887. 12°. Amster- dam, [18*7]. Michell (J. P.) Geneeskundige verhande- liug over de oorzakeu, onderscheiding en genee- ziug der febres catarrhales, welke zich sedert eenige jaren meer dan voorheen in de Neder- landen vertoond hebben. *-. Fecloo, 1795. Mulder (G. J.) De voediug iu Nederland, iu verband tot den volksgeest. 8°. Rotterdam, 1847. -----. De voediug van Nederlanders. 1. Ja- nuary 1854. 8°. Rotterdam, 1*54. ----- A- Eoelaxt* (J. M. A.) Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der thans in ons vaderland heer- schende ziekte. 8°. Rotterdam, 1826. Nederlandsche (Het) volkskarakter, tegen- over de graanwet en de wetten op het geslagt en gemaal. 8-. [n. p., n. d.] Onderzoek naar de verspreiding der genees- kundige hulp in Nederland. Door de vergade- riug der inspecteurs voor het geneeskundig staatstoezicht. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1879. Repr. from: Verzameling van stukken betreffende het geneeskundig staatstoezicht in Nederland, 1879. Proeve eener kaart der sterfte in de pro- vincie Zeeland opgemaakt uit 13 jaren, 1*34-46, met inbegrip van doodgeboreneu. 1 map. [n. p., u. d.] Sa.sse (A.) Bijdrage tot de kennis van den schedelvorm der Nederlanders. 8°. Amsterdam, 1865. Repr. from : Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. "Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., xvii. Sir.ciENBEEK (M.) Eenige berigten omtrent vroeger in ons vaderland geheerscht hebbende hesmettelijke ziekten, tot geruststelling en be- inoediging in de tegenwoordige dagen, bijeenge- bragt. 8J. Leiden, 1832. Thi.is.sex (H. F.) Geschiedkundige beschou- wing der ziekten in de Nederlanden, in verband met de gesteldheid des lands en de leefwijze der inwoneren. *-. Amsterdam. 1*24, Vereeniging voor de Stafistiek in Nederland. Algemeeue statistiek van Nederland. Beschrij- ving van den maatschappelijken toestand van het nederlandsche volk in het midden der negen- tiende eeinv. Erste-twaalfde Aflevering, in 2 v. *-\ Leiden, 1*1)11-74. Algemeen verslag der provinciale commissie van ge- neeskundig onderzoek en toevoorzigt van Overijssel, resi- deieuclce te Zwolle, van hare hamlelingen in het jaar 1848. aan Z. E. den minister vau binnenlandsche zaken. X. Arch. v. bin.-en buitenl. Geneesk., Zwolle, 1848, iii. 309- 384. — Arntzeiiins. Statistieke opgaven omtrent ele ge- neeskundige bevolking van Xe-elerland. Bijdr. t. geneesk. Staatsregr Aniat., 1845, iii, 22-G7.—Allan des deeds dajis I Xetliei'laiid*. les Pays Bas pendant la periode de lsi;n-74. Ann. de demog. internat., Par., 1880, iv, 518-.">2(j.— lioogaard (J. A.) Vet slag uamens de commissie voor statistiek der Nederlandsche Maatschappij int Bevordering der Genees- kunst, 23 Junij 1859. Neele-H. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1859, iii, 569-477. — Iti uiii«iii:i (G. WT) Aan- teekeningen op een paar ministerieele circulaires. Ibid., 1883, 2. R., xix, 61-68.—v. V. Bijdrage tut de kennis eler sterfte in Xederland in 1806. I bid., li-68, 2. K., iv, 2. At'd., 145-158.—van Cappellee (H.) Verslag over de* ziekten, welke in 1-C>7 in Xederlanel hebbeu geheerscht, [etc.]. Ibid., 1859, iii, 487-516. — de Cer-ulenrrr. Memoire sur le service sanitaire eles indigeuts dans le Plat-Pay-,. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers. Benin et Malines, 1848, vi, 58: 75; 113; 153; 103; 233. — Cohen ( D. ) Over ele sterl'teverhouding in Drenthe. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1861, v, 4ii7.— Uooiiiik ( M. ) Verslag over ile volksziekten, welke in 1856 iu Nederland hebbeu gehecrsrht (etc.]. Ibid.. 1859. iii, 181-207.—Dozy i IT) A Tlolltciilioci (J. II ) Bij el rage tot de floia cryptoganiiia van Neilerland. Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschied. en Physiol., Leiden. 1844, xi, 377-414. -----. Bijdrage- tot, de flora'crvptogamica van Xederlaud. Ibid., 11:45, xii. 257-288.—Eckstein (D.) Vital statistics of the Ni'therlands. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1883, n. s., i, 359-361.— Eciiijfo cijl'ers uit ele* stei -t'te-statistiek van Nederlands hoof'dsteeel. ' Schat d. Gezond., Haarlem. 1S58, i, 71-73.— Egoling CL. J.) Verslagnamens de commissie voor statistiek eler Nederlandsche Maatschapij tot Bevordering eler Gineiskuust. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 18.>, ii, 481-489. -----. De geneeskundige bevolking van Nederland. Ibid., 1866, 2. li., ii, 305-313. -----. Ue- ber deu Stand der Staelte-Reinigungsfrage iu Holland. Verhandl. d. internat. Ver. gegen Verum einig. d. Fliisse, etc., Leipz., 1878, 1. Versamnil , 24-30. — Extract uit het algemeen verslag der verrigtiugeu van eb- provinciale* com- missie van geneeskundig onderzoek en toe\ oor/.igt in Noord-Holland, resicleremle te Haarlem. ^eiline-mle Int jaar 1848. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. ele Geneesk.. Guriu- chem, 1849, n. R., i, 568-573. — efSepiicenleminliit jaarve i slag uopens deu gezoudheitstoestaud bij de Ron. Xederl. mariue geclurende de jaaren 1876-1883. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch . etc., Utrecht, 1878, ii: 1885, ix. passim.— <»iiiwlaiii (J.) Lettre medicale sur la Hollaude. Ann. Soc. de mcil. ile Gand, 1842 x, 5-96. [Rap. de Latour] : Kev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 118-131.— Ilanliiiia-'l'ii'oliii'j: (IT) Kapport over de cousump- tie van \ lee sch en vau alcohol. Handel, d. Nederl. Maatsoh. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Amst,. 1880. 117-121, 2 tab. -----. Verslag van deu algem. secretaris der com- missie voor Int onderzoek der volksvoeeliug iu Nederland. Xeclerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1884, 2. K., xx, 801- 806.—II<*uill-ik« (F.) On the progress of official statis- tics in the Netherlands (1858-63) ; with a new Dutch lite- table by Dr. von Baumhaner. J. Statist. Soc Lond.. 1803, xxvi, 420-423. — Iwrn«*l» iA. H.) Twee epidemien in Nederland : eene historisilie-pathologische studie. Ne- derl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1853. iii. 451: 461; 473: 483. — Ecvcnsbalans van sommige gemeenten in Ne- derland. Hygieia. Amst.. 1875-6, ii" no. 11. — I.ubacli (D.) Ethnologisch ennlerzoek van Nederland. Neeleil. Tidjschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1864. viii, 705-709. Also, Repriut.—de ITIan (J. CT) Over de statistiek der iuaan- delijksche sterfte of over den invloed der jaargetijden op dezelve. Boerhaave. Tijelsehr., etc .Gravenh.. 1848, u. s., vii, 485-578, 3 pl.-----. Bijdrage tot de kennis der sterile in Zeeland. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. el. Geneesk., Arnhem, 1852. iii, pt. 2, 195; 263, lpl. -----. Het sterfteeijfer in de ondeischeidende gemeenten van ZeeLnel, met uitsluitiug van de levenloos-aaugegevenen, gemiddeld berekend over dertig jaren (1831-60). Nederl. Tijelschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1864, viii, 49-53.—,TIod«*l en toelichting der tabel voor geneeskundige stei ft est at isl iek. op ele algemeeue vergaderiug der Maatschappij tot Bevor- dering eler Geneeskunst voorgesteld door hare commissie voor statistiek. Ibid., 1862, vi, 502-505. — Opgaveil betreffende de sterfte en de geboorten in eenige groote gemeenten in de maande Aug. eu Sept, 1880. Ibid., 1880, 2. R,. xvi, 644; 660. — Pierquin. Considerations sur l'etat de la police medicale daus le rovaume des Pays- Bas. .1. d. progr. d. sc. med., Par., 1829, xv, 195-208.— Kapport van de commissie tot voorbereiding van eeue wet tot beteugelingvan epidemische ziekten. Versl. . . . v. h. geneesk. Staatstoez. 1868, Gravenh., 1869, 430-442.— Rombach. Eenige statistieke bijzouderheden, ontleend aan het verslag der provinciale geneeskundige commissie van Zuiel-Holland, ressort Dordrecht, over de uitoefening der verloskunde geclurende het jaar 1855, in haar ressort. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1856. vi, 165-167.— Kombach (K. A.) lets over de in het iaar 1846 ge- heerscht hebbende koorsten. Nederl. Lancet, 1846-7, 2. s., ii. 005-616. — Masse (A.) Over het nut en waarde eener crauiologie in Xederland. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1866, 2. K. ii, 1. Afd., 289-304. Also. Reprint.-----. Rapport van de gecommitteerde voor de ethnologic van Nederland. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1883, 2. R. xix, 612-617. ---■—. Xederl. Maatsch. tot Bevord. NETHERLANDS. 814 NETHERLANDS. Y< tli< rlaiiri*. der Geneesk. Rapport van de gecommitteerde voor de ethnologic van Nederland. Ibid., 1884, 2. R., xx, 721-726. -----'Verslag. Ibid., 188(1. 2. R., xxii, 205-212.—Mcliel- tema Beduin ( L.) Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering eler Geneeskunst. Verslagnamens de com- missie voor geneeskundige )ilaatsbeschrijviug en volks ziekten der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst, Ibid.. 1870. 2. R., vi, i. Afd., 389: 1871, 2. R., vii, 1. Afd., 357 — Mijbi-andi (N. D.) Verslag om- trent de ziekten, welke in het jaar 1849 in Nederland heb- ben geheerscht; namens de commissie voor geneeskundige plaatsbeschrijving en volksziekten, uitgebragt ter derde alge nieene vergadering der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t, Bevord. d. Geneesk.. Gravenh., 1851, ii, pt. 1, 169-336. Also, Reprint.-----. Verslag over de ziekten, welke in 1850 in Nederland hebben geheerscht, namens de commissie voor geneeskundigo plaatsbeschrijving en voor volksziekten. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t, Bevord. d. Ge-neesk., Arnhein, 1853. iv, 1. Afd., 3-64; [the same for 18.51. 249-308]. -----. Verslag over de ziekten, welke in 1853 in Nederland geheerscht hebben. Ibid., 1855. vi, 1. Afd.. 91-174.—.*iiiabili<-. Beknopt statistiek overzigt der bij het leger. gedurenele- het jaar 1864. behandelde zie- ken. Nederl'. Tijelsehr. v. Ge.neesk.. Amst., 1865, 2. R., i, 241-245. — Sp«*n. Medegedeeld door J. D. .Sachse. 199 pp. - . Utrecht, G. Metzdaar, 18*6-7. Bijlage bchoorende bij het Militair Geueeskundie'- Ar- chief, 1886-7. Netherlands. Ministerie van Biunenlandsche Zaken. Verslag over den staat der '_*estichten voor krankzinnigen in de jaren 1-17, 1*49 en 1850, 1854-9, 1864-7, aan den Minister van Biu- nenlandsche Zaken ingediend door de inspec- teurs dier gestichten. 7 reports. 4 . 's Gra- venhage, l-49-*7. 1849-50 in 1: 1854-6 in 1 ; 1857-9 in 1; 1864-8 in 1; 1809- 74 in 1; 1875-7 in 1. -----. Eerste verslag der proefneinigen met de inenting als voorbehoedmiddel tegen de long- ziekte onder het rnudvee. Aan zijne excellentie den Minister van Biunenlandsche Zaken. 4 pp., 1 tab. 8°. ['s Gravenhage, 185*2?] -----. Rapport aan den Minister van Biunen- landsche Zaken over desinfectie met betrekkiug tot de cholera, uitgebragt door de algenieene cholera-commissie. 's Gravenhage, elen lsten Julij 1*66. 16 pp. 8°. ['« Gravenhage, 186,6. ] [Also, in: P., v. 198.] -----. Bestek en voorwaarden waarnaar curato- ren van de Hoogeschool te Leiden onder nadere goedkeuring van deu Minister van Binnenland- sche Zaken, voornemens zijuaaute besteden den opbonw van een Nosocomiuni Academicuni te Lei- den. 23 pp., 11 plans, fol. [Gravenhage, 1*68.] -----. Statistische bescheiden voor het koning- rijk der Nederlanden. (Sterfte naar de oorzaken van den dood in het jaaren 1*69-73. Uitgeoeven door het departement van Biunenlandsche Za- ken. 5 v. roy. 8° & 4°. 's Gravenhage, 1871-83. 1869-71 are roy. 8°. -----. Koninklijk besluit van 23. Julij 1*72 (staatsblad No. 82), houdeude nadere aanwij- zing van de geneesmiddelen bedoeld in het vierde lid van art. 9 der wet van 1. Jnuij 1865 (staats- blad No. 60). Besehikking van den Minister vau Biunenlandsche Zaken van 15. Julij 1*72, hou- deude nadere vaststelling der lijsten van vcrgif- teu en geneesmiddelen bedoeld en de artt. 7 en 30 der wet vau Junij 1865 (staatsblad No. 61). Rapport der commissie over de zamenstelliug van deze lijsten gehoord. 24 pp. *-. 's Graven- hage, van Weelden $ Mingelen, 1872. -----. Die choleraepidemie iu Xederland in 1-66 en 1867. Uitgegeven door het De-parfement van Binneulandsche Zaken. 3 stuk in 1 v. iv, 422, ecxxxvii pp. roy. 8C. 's Gravenhage, van Weel- den, 1*72-5. -----. De pokken-epideniie in Nederland in 1*70- 73. Uitgegeveii door het Departement van Biu- nenlandsche Zaken. 56 pp., 1 tab. 4°. 's Gra- venhage, vein Weelden, 1875. -----. Plattground teckeningen gestichten voor krankzinnigen in Nederland; behoorende bij het verslag over den staat der gestichten van krank- zinnigen iu de jaren 1869, 1870, 1*71, 1*72, 1*73 en 1*74, aan den Minister van Binneulandsche Zaken ingediend door de inspecteurs dier ge- stichten. 10 plans. 4°. 's Grarenhage, Weelden §• Mingelen, 1*78. -----. Vijfjarig overzigt vau de sterfte naar den lieftijd eu de oorzaken van den dood iu elke ge- nieente van Nederland gedurende 1875-80. Uit- gegeveii door het Departement van Binueulaud- se lie Zakeu. 11*1 pp. 4°. 's Gravenhage, van Weelden f Mingelen, 1882. -----. Statistiek van den loop der bevolking van Nederland over 1882-6. Uitgegeven door het Deparlement van Biunenlandsche Zaken. * •'. I '« Gravenhage, 1*84-7. NETHERLANDS. 815 NETZAHUALCOYOTL. \etlierlands. Nederlandsch Militair Geneeskun- dig Departement. Statistisch overzicht der bij het Nederlandsche leger, behandelde zieken. In het jaaren 1*64-70; 1*7:1-8; 1*80; 1**2-6. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1*65-87. Ovcrgedrukt uit het Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Ge- neeskunde. -----. [Veldmateriel bij leger] in gebruik. 2 1., 2 pp., 3 1., 3 pp., 7 1., 11 pp., 9 1., 15 pp., 8 1. fol. 's Gravenhage, 1869-70. -----•. Modcllen behoorendt' bij de voorschriften uopens de iustelling van het toezigt, de directie en het administratief beheer over de militaire ziekcn-inrigtiiigen. Vastgesteld bij kouinklijk besluit van den 7den September 1880, No. 9, eu bij licse'liikking van deu Minister van Oorlog van den 2lsten September 1880. VP Afd. Int., No. 79. 1*3 pp. 8°. 's Gravenhage, de gebroeders van Chef, 1**0. -----. Reglement voor de geneeskundige dienst bij de landmagt in tijd van vrede vastgesteld bij beschikking van den Minister van Oorlog van 16. Novemb. 1881. IIP Afd. Personeel, No. 108. 159 pp. 8°. '« Gravenhage, de gebroeders van Cleef, 1881. -----. Voorschrift betreffende deu geneeskundi- gen dienst in tijd van oorlog. Te velde en in vcrsterkte plaatsen. Vastgesteld bij beschik- king van den Minister van Oorlog van 16. Junij 1885. IP Afd. Gen. Staf., No. 62. 2 pts. in 1 v. 21*, 171 pp., 12 pl., 1 tab. 8°. >s Gravenhage, de gebroeders van Cleef, 1885. CONTENTS. Erste gedeelte. Afd. 1-9. Tweede gedeelte. Afd. 10 ; bijlagen, modellen en platen. Aethou Peak. eCim-i-ij^on (F.) Les sources sulfurees du massif des Mouts-Maudits (iSTethou), Espagne. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. Compt.-rend, 1877-8, xxiii, 143-158. lVetley, England. See Education (Medical), etc., by localities; Hospitals (Military), by localities. Netley Hospital. See Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Royal Victoria Hospital, at Netley. Netolitzky (Julius Aug.) * Diss, sistens auato- niiain canalis inguinalis et cruralis. 31 pp. 8°. Pragce, J. vid. Vetterl, 1835. Nette ([Theophilus Friedericus] Carolus) [1837- ]. * De pleuritide exudativa acuta. 30 pp., 1 1. 8-. Halis Sax., formis Ploetzianis, 1864. Nettehoven (Michael Jos.) [1808- ]. * De morbis seuii nonnulla. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1835]. Nettelbach (Joh. Christianus). * De epilepsia, ubi in diagnosi pneter alia pnepritnis novissima Magnif. Dn. Pnesid. sententia de vero veteribus incognito epilepshe snbjecto connrmatur: in cu- ratioue prorsus hermetica totum insimul chymiie fnndanientuni de spiritu mundi, mirabili totius natura- concentu, lapide et menstruo philoso- jdioruni cum aliis arcanis aperitnr. 54 pp. 4°. [Vitcmbergce], lit. M. Henckelii, 1667. - 190. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc-.] 12°. Leipz., 1776, iv, 23-26. -----. [Pr.] descriptio anatomica rarissinii peri- tomei conceptaculi teuuia intcstina a reliqnis abdominis visceribus seclusa tenentis. I. [Cum vita candidati Georg. Frid. Hoechstetter.] 16 pp. sm. 4°. Jena; lit. Fickelscherrii, [1775]. -----. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Jo- anuis Christiani Guilielmi Miiller.] 16 pp. 4. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrii, [1775], -----. Thesame. [I and II.] 34 pp., 2pl. _4r Francofurti et Lipsiee, in off. Flcischeriana, 1776. [P., v. 1474.] Another copy bound with his: Descriptio anatomica ner- vorum caidiiieorum [ etc. ] 4°. Francofurti el Lipsiee, 1772. -----. Opera anatomica collecta; curavit G. C. Hinderer. 16, 346 pp., 11 pl. 4J. Francofurti et Lipsia; J. C. Krieger jun., 1786. For Biography, see Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz., 1775-8, ii, 713-725. Neubauer (Joseph). * Ueber den Hunger-Ty- phus. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, E. Stetlil, 186*. Neubauer (Max). * Der Typhus und seine Be- handlung. 20 pp. 8-. Muncheu, J. Drench lei; 1*41. NEUBAUER. 817 NEUBURGER. Neubauer (Max)—continued. -----. * Considerations sur rinfiltration intesti- nale et le traitement de renterite folliculeuse typhoide, principalement par le calomel. 32 pp. 1 . Strasbourg, 1*45, No. 141, v. 11. Nciibaur (Christian Gottlob). * De morbis testivis. 36 pp., 2 1. 4-. Halo; Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1745]. Neilbaill* (Henricus). * Disp. lympham et glandulas pathologice considerans. 9 1. sm. 4-. Helmstadi, typ. G. W. Hammii, [1686]. Neilbaur (Henricus Otto) [1823- ]. * De para- lysi nervi facialis et de myotomia in casibns inveteratis. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schettlc, [1*4*]. Neubeck (Guilelmus Ferdiuandus Gustavus) [1797- ]. * De lacte. 34 pp. 8-. Berolini, typ. ./. /''. Starckii, [1825]. Neubeck ([Joannes iEmilius] Arminius) [1*33- ]. De dicephalo dibrachio. 20 pp.. 2 1., 3 pl. 4 . Halis Sax., formis Schinidtianis, [1*66]. Neubeck (Valerius Wilhelm) [1765- ]. * De natatione frigida magiio sanitatis pra-sidio. 24 pp. 4 -'. Jena; ex off. Fickelscherrio-Stranckman- nicnia, [178-1]. ------. Die Gesundbruunen; ein Gedicht in vier Gesiingeu. 94 pp., 5 pl. fol. Leipzig, G. J. Gbsclicn, 179*. For Biography, see. Gi-uncr (Christ.,Goth.) For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. [\eilber (August Wilhelm). Ueber schwebende Flecke im Auge, oder den sogenaunten Miicken- tauz, nach Beobachtiingen an sich selber; Vor- trag. 32 pp. * . Hamburg, J. L. H. Wichers u. Sohn, 1*30. ------. Zur Abwendung der morgenliindischen Brechruhr, Cholera morbus orientalis. iv, 102 pp., 11. 8°. Hamburg, F. H. Nestler it. Melle, 1*31. ------. Zur Heilung der morgen Hindi.sch en Brech- ruhr, Cholera morbus orientalis. xiii, 114 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hamburg, F. H. Nestler n. Melle; 1*31. Neuber ( Carolus' Ferdiuandus ) [ 1793- 1*39]. * Diss, continens additanienta ad historiam listu- larum, prtecipne vulnera sclopetaria comitantiuin ex propriis observatis collecta. * pp. 4°. Halce ad Sal a in, in off. Schimmelpfennigiaua, [1*14]. Neuber (Eduardus). * De strictura urethra*. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. Elwerti Academicis, [1847]. Neuber (Gustav) [1850- ]. 'Untersuchungen untl Erfahrungen iiber die kiinstliche Blutleere. 30 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1*7*. In: SrmuFT. d. TJuiv. zu Kiel, xxv, 1878, vii, Med. xvi. ------. Ein antiseptischer Dauerverband nach griindlicher Blutstillung. 17 pp. 8C. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1*79.] Repr. from.- Areh. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiv. ------. Ueber die Veranderungen deealeinirter Knochenrohreu in Weichtheilswunden und fer- nere Mittheilungen iiber den antiseptischen Dauerverband. 24 pp. 8C. [Berlin, L. Schu- macher, 1**0.] Repr. from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1880, xxv, 1. Hft. ■------. Bericlit iiber die mit dem antiseptischen Dauerverband wahrend des Sommer-.Seniesters 1**0 in der Esniarch'schen Klinik erreicliten Resultate. 34 pp. *-. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1**1.] Repr. from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881, xxvi, 1. Hft ------. Erganzende Mittheilungen iiber die Her- stellung und Anlegutig der antiseptischen I'ol- sterverbande. 5 pp., 1 pl. ,*-. [Berlin, L. Schu- macher, 1**1.] Repr. from .- Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1881, xxvi, 2. Hft. ------. Tvpische Reseciionen ini Bereich eler klci- nen Tarsalknochen. 21 jip., 1 pl. *■>. [Berlin. L. Schumacher, 1**1.] Repr. from: Arch. f. klin. Chit., Berl., 1881, xxvi. 4. Hft. Neuber (Gustav)—continued. ------■. Eine neue Amputationsmethode. Ueber- osiniunisaure-Iiijcctioiieii bei peripheren Neural- gieii. 23 pp. 8-. Kiel, Lipsins u. Tischci; l*-3. Forms Hft. 1, Mittbeilnnjren aus der chirurgischen Kliuik zu Kiel von Friedrich Esmarch. ------. Anleitung zur Technik der antiseptischen Wundbchandluug und des Daueiverbaudes. viii, 134 pp. *J. Kiel, Lipsins u. 'Fischer, 188:). Neuber (Josephus Ant.) * Diss, sistens conspec- tuni easuuui lupi scroplmlosi, anno scholastico 1*40 et 1841 iu clinico niedico-practico, niedico- chiruigico et opht.halmico Pragensi observato- ruin. 25 ]ip. 8:. Praga; T. fhabor, [1-42]. Heubei'ger. * Ueber den siiuferwahnsinn. 38 ])p. 8-. Erlangen, A. E. Jutige. 1*43. Neuberger (Joh. Christophorus). Magni Hip- poerafis Cui a[)horismi xiv se-ctionis vi, ulceruni antiquoruin statuni et proguosin contiuentis, re- ' solutio. 22 pp. 4°. [Jena], typ. J. Nisi, [1665]. ------. * Ordo et methodus cognoscendi et cu- randi ileum. 15 1. 4D. Jence, lit. s. Krebsii, [1669]. Neubert ( Arminius ) [ 1*2*- ]. * De stru- I ma. 14 pp. 4 . Halis Sax., formis Gebauetio- Schwelschkiauis, [ 1*53]. Neubert (Carolus Augustus). * De morborum epiileniiortim notioue et causis. vi, 58 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, in commissis L. Vossii, [1*35]. ------. De viis ac mollis quibus sanguis ex va- sis capillaribus spoute prolluat dubitationes et meditationes. 48 pp. *°. Lipsiee, F. A. Brock- ■ hausi't, 1*43. For Biography, see liulil (Car. Au«.) Neubert (Christ. Fridericus Julius). * De hy- drocephalo congenito ejusque in cerebrum vi. 38 pp. ,*°. Heidelbergce, C. Groos, 1*3*. Neubert (Curt. J.) *Ein Fall von primiirem doppeNe-itigen Niereukrebs. 1* pp., 1 1., 1 pl. * :. Leipzig. G. Kreysing, 1*6*. [P., v. 145.] Neubert i Fried. Herrin.) [1*02- ]. * De pro- sopalgia. 36 pp. *-. Beroliiii, lit. A. Pelschii, [1*25]. Neubert (Jakob) [1*12-60]. *DerKatfee. vi, 7-29 pp. * . Wiirzburg, C. A. Ziirn. 1*3*. For Biography, see Aerztl. Int.-Bl., ^liinehen, 1SH1, viii, (58. Neubert (Joannes Gottwalt). De adversis me- el icoruiu fatis apud Ronianos coninientatio. xvi pp. 4-. Jence, lit. Sehilliaiiis, [1756]. ------. The same. Commentatio. De adversis, [etc.] xvi pp. 4~. Jentt; lit. Scltillianis, [u. d. ] Neilbei'th (Carolus Fridericus). * Diss, exhi- bens delirii treinentis pathologiam et theiapiain. 29 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jence. typ. Schlotterianis, [1829]. For Biography, see Succow (Guil. Carol. Frid.) Neilbei'th (Julius). Die Heilkraft, der mensch- lichen Hand. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre und richti- gen Auweudung der Heilkrafte desLebens-Mag- netismus. 1 p. 1.. 92 pp. 12°. Grimma, Ver- lags-Comptoirs, 1*43. Neubich (Joh. Christophorus). * De similitu- de ne. morborum. 34 pp., 1 1. 4 . Jence, lit. Krcbsianis. [16*9]. Aeubourg'. Poggiale. Rapport sur l'eau oxyerC-nee duifeubourg (Eiirel"' Bull. Acad, de nied. Par., 18(L'-3, xxviii, 8-11. \c lib rami (Josephus Fidelis). * Diss, sistens eoinparatioueiu syniptouiatuui morborum cum siniilibus plnenoinenis, qiue iu statu sano occur- runt, ct disquisitioneni, quatenus natura innrbo- rum statui sano re^iiondeat. 28 pp. 4-. Tubin- gce, L. F. Fttes. 182'A. Neublirjjer (Otto). * Ueber Halsrippeii und ein bei die-sen noch nicht beobachtetes Verhalten der Arteria subelavia. 24 pp., 3 pl. 8-. Wiirzburg, NEUBUEKGIrE. 818 NE ECU AT EL. Neubuerjfcr (Theodorus) [1*30- ]. * Dis- qiiisitiones physiologica*. 30 pp.. 1 1. 8 . Be- rolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1*53]. \e ii burg. .See Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Nenbur^ (Simon) [1757-1*30]. * De acrimo- nia uriuosa in corpore humano retenta. 32 pp. 4°. Gottinga; ex off. J. A. Barmeieri, [1783]. Neilblirger (Jakob). * Ueber das Schielen und die Operation desselben. 19 pp. *c. Miinchen, G. Franz, 1*47. Neiiehatel. Reglement sur retablissement de cauaux-egouts dans la ville de Neiiehatel. 20 avril 1*60. 3 pp. *-. [Neiiehatel, I860.] -----. Circulaire a MM. les medecins et phar- maciens relative aux soius et medicamens deii- vres a des eoinniuniers pauvres de Neuchatel. 11. 4J. [Neuchatel, 1866.] -----. Reglement sur les etaux des bouchers. 3 pp. 8°. [Neuchatel, lc69.] -----. Reglement, pour la Chambre de charitc de la commune de Neuchatel. Juillet 1870. 8 pp. 8°. [Neuchatel, 1*7(1.] -----. [Petition de la Chambre de charity de Neuchatel au (iiand-conseil d'etat, relatives a la repression de Tabus de 1'eau-de-vie. ] Neu- chatel, le 15 aout 1870. 1 sheet. 4°. [Neu- chatel, 1870.] -----. Reglement sur les abattoirs. 6 pp. 8°. [Neuchatel, 1*71.] -----. Reglement pour l'equarrisseur. 3 pp. * . [Neuchatel, 1*71.] -----. Circulaire de la Chambre de charite de Neuchatel, relative d'une petition de la Maison de sante de Prefargier au sujet des alienees incu- rables. 2 1. 4-\ [Neuchatel, 1*72.] -----. Reglement organique pour la commune de Neuchatel. L'Asseinblee gcnerale de la com- mune de Neuchatel devaut mettre ses regle- ments commnnaux en harmonie avec la loi sur les communes et les municipalites du 17 mars 1*75, sous la reserve de la sanction du conseil d'etat. *, 43 pp. 8°. [Neuchatel, 1*75.] -----. Avis ele la Chambre de charite de Neucha- tel conceruant les mesiires prises par elle pour l'adniiuistration de ses assistances. 1 1. 4°. [Neuchcilel, 1*7*.] -----. Instructions relatives au enrage et a la re- partition des puits. 3 pp. *-•. [Neuchatel, n. d.] Aeuclialel. See, also. Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of.), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), by localities. L'okxaz (C.-A.-E.) Notices relatives a l'his- toire medicale de Neuchatel. rov. 8-. Neucha- tel, [n. d.] Guillaume. Con]) d'(eil sur la vie sociale dans le canton de Neuchatel; liste de;s institu- tions et des societe"s libres de bienfaisance, (futility publique, d'education, d'instruction et de recreation. *-. Neuchcitel, 1*~1. Jkaxjaquet (L.) L'Areuse; projet d'utilisa- tion de sa puissance hydranlique. 4°. Neuchcitel, 1-75. -----, Analyse du memoire public parM. G. Ritter, ing^nieur civil, sur un nouveau projet d'utilisation ratiounelle des forces hydrauliques de la Reuse. 4J. Neuchcitel, 187*. -----. Dupliqueala logique de M. G. Ritter, ing^nieur. 4°. Neuchcitel, ls79. de Pury (C.-L.) Tableau par communes des individus r6form6s (1) pour cas d'iiinrinite-s dans le canton de Neuchatel. le 20 mai 1849. et jours a suivre. M-S. fol. [Neuchatel, 1*49.] Ritter (G.) Memoire sur un nouveau projet d'utilisation ralionnelle des forces hydrauliques de la Reuse et d'une distribution generale en eau \encliatel. e-t en force pour le vignoble, de Bevaix a Saint- Blaise et dn lac de Neuchatel a Chaux-de-Foiiels 4-. Neuchatel, 1878. Societe des eaux de Neuchatel. Acte consti- tit, statuts et convention avec hi municipality 8C. Neiiehatel, 1864. Appia (L.) Examen nieteorolojrique et medical du printeinps de 1857. Echo nied., Neuchat.. 1857, i, 150-456. Also, Keprint. ——. Examen liu'-U'-orolei-icjuc-'< f nudicai de l'ete ele 1857. Echo meel., Neuchat.. 1S57. i. 7(i.'i: 18.".8 ii S3; 135 .Uso, Reprint.—Coi-nate (C.-A.-E.) Euumera- tion des lichens jmassiepies etplus speeialenient de ceux du canton de Neuchatel. Bull. Soc. el. se. nat. de NT uchat 1846-52, ii, 385-408. Also, Reprint. -----. Constitution mCdicale de Neuchatel et de ses environs pendant les annees 1857 et ls5s. Echo med., Neuchat.. ]s:>7 i 310- 647: 1858, ii, 131: 5l-.': 077: 1859, iii, 144. Also. Reprint. -----. Les maladies regnantes du canton de Neuchatei pendant l'ann6e nioteorolojtiipte 1859. Recherc-hes pree e- dees d'une cscptisse topo^rupliieiue. liclio mod.. Ne ttcliat lsiiii. iv, 385. 1 tab.; 457, 1 tab. Also. Reprint. — Kopp (C.) Analyse de la source sulfureuse cles Routs de-Mat tel. Echo meel., Neuchat., 1860, iv, lit).—Ritter (G.) Refnta. tion des erreurs e-ontenues dans le rapport ele la commis- sion nominee par le Grand conseil conceruant [utilisation de la Reuse et eles sources eles Gorges. Bull. Soc. d. sc. nat de Neuchat., 1883-4, xiv, 161-190, 1 map. Ne uc hate I (Canton of). Loi sur la police sajiitaire. Le Grand-conseil de la republique et canton de Neuchatel le 27 nov. 1851. 11pp. o: [Neuchatel, 1851.] -----. Circulaire aux sages-femmes de Neuchatel, le 2 aout 1*54. 2 pp. 8C. [Neuchatel, 1854.] -----. Rapport de la commission de sant,e au Conseil d'etat, sur les mesiires a prendre en cas d'invasion du cholera £pid<5nnque dans le canton de Neuchatel. 16 pp. 8-. [Neuchatel, 187)4.] -----. Republique et canton de Neuchatel. Loi et reglement sur la vaccination. Neuchatel, le 19 oct. 1855. 8 pp. 8°. [Neuchatel, 1855.] -----. Reglement sur la police sanitaire. Neu- chatel, le 18 fevrier 1862. Au noni du Conseil d'etat. 24 pp. *-. [Neuchatel, lr02.] -----. Le conseil d'etat de la republique et canton de Neuchatel. [Arrete et instructions relatifs de la picote (cow-pox).] Neuchatel, b*22 avril 1864. 3 pp. 8°. [Neuchcitel, 1864.] -----. Decret modifiant la loi sur la vaccina- tion du 19 oct. 1855. Neuchatel, le 16 Janvier 1865. 2 pp. *-r [Neuchdtel, 1865.] -----. Instructions sur les precautious a pren- dre avant et pendant 1'epidemie du cholera. Public par la direction de l'interieur. 16 pp. 16°. [Neuchdtel, 1867.] -----. Reglement conceruant la police des fon- taines, puits, eiternes et cours d'eau destines a l'alimentation publique. Neuchatel, le 17 sept. 1867. 5 pp. 8°. [Neuchdtel, 1867.] -----. Rapport au conseil d'etat de la republique et canton de Neuchatel sur les mesiires satiitaires prises a Zurich pendant 1'epidemie du cholera, par le Doct. (oiillaume. 84 pp. 8°. [Neuchdtel, 1867.] -----. Reglement pour les commissions locales de salubrity publique. Neuchatel, le 11 fevrier 186*. 4 pp. -\ [Neuchdtel, 1*6*.] -----. Concordat pour l'introduction d'une phur- macopee unique. Resultat de la conference du 7 juillet 186*. Neuchatel, le 11 juin 1*69. Au liiiin du conseil d'etat. 2 pp. e-. [Neiiehatel, 1*69.n -----. Circulaire aux commissions locales de sa- lubrite* publique [sur les visites sanitaire* ]. 5 pp. 8-. [Neuchdtel, 1*71.] -----. Le conseil d'etat de la republique et can- ton de Neuchatel. [Arrete sur la variole.] Neu- chatel, le 2:1 mai 1*71. 6 pp. *c. [Neuchatel, 1*71.] -----. Chambre de charite de Neuchatel. Cir- I culaire, relative a une petition de la Maison de NEUCHATEL. 819 NEUE. NciM-hatel (Canton of)—continued. sante de Prefargier au sujet des alieues incura- bles. 3 pp. 4°. [Neuchdtel, 1*72.] .._____. Le conseil d'etat dc la republique et can- ton de Neuchatel. [Arrete pour l'adoptiou de la s'econde edition de la Pharmacopce suisse, et du poids decimal dans les pharmacies.] 3 pp. 8~. [Neuchdtel, 1872.] ------. La loi sur la police sanitaire. Le Grand- conseil de la republique et canton de Neuchatel. 10 pp. *\ [Neuchdtel, 1875.] ------. Reglement pour les autorit6s sanitaires cantonales. 15 pp. 8°. Neuchdtel, imp. Montcni- don, 1875. .-----. Reglement pour les examens des appren- tis pharmaciens, le Conseil d'etat de la republique et canton de Neuchatel. Le 3 avril 1877. 4 pp. 8°. [Neuchdtel, 1877.] ,------. Reglement et instructions pour les com- missions locales de salubrite publique. 12 pp. 8-T [Neiiehatel, 1*78.] ------. Reglement sur les pressions a biere. Le Conseil d'etat de la republique et canton de Neu- chatel. Neuchatel, le 21 oct. 1879. 4 pp. 8°. [Neuchdtel, 1*79.] ■-----. Reglement sur la police des aliments et boissons et leurs falsifications. Le Conseil d'etat de la republique et canton de Neuchatel, le 25 nov. 1879. 8 pp. 8°. [Neuchdtel, 1879.] ------. Republique et canton de Neuchatel. Cir- culaire aux commissions locales de salubrite. Neuchatel, le 7 juin 18*0. 2 1. 4°. [Neuchdtel, 1889.] ------. Circulaire aux medecins du canton snr les vaccinations eu 1879. Neuchatel, le 9 juin 1880. 1 1. fol. [Neuchdtel, 1880.] ------. Circulaire aux conseils municipaux rela- tive a la variole. Neuchatel, le lev uovembre' 1**0. 2 pp. 4°. [Neuchatel, 1880.] ------. Circulaire relative a la vaccination. Aux medecins du canton de Neuchatel, et eu particu- lier aux vaccinateurs d'office. Neiiehatel, le ler novembre 18*0. 11. 4C. [Neuchdtel, 1889.] ------. Circulaire aux medecins du canton [sur les vaccinations et revaccinations en 1880]. 8 pp. 8~. [Neuchdtel, 1**1] ------. Circulaire aux medecins du canton de Neuchatel relative aux vaccinations. Neucha- tel, le 26 Janvier 1*81. 1 1. 4°. [Neuchdtel, 1881.] ------. Republique et canton de Neuchatel; cir- culaire aux conseils municipaux [relative de la variole]. Neuchatel, le 11 fevr. 1*81. 1 1. 4J. [Neuchdtel, 1**1.] NeilCOUl't (Felix). * I. De la medication vomi- tive. II. [etc.] 39 pp. 4-. Paris, 1844, No. 17 I, v. 422. ------. *I)es maladies chroniques, pratique d'un medecin de province, ou recherches et observa- tions sur la gastrite et la gastroeuterite chroni- ques, les coliques gastrointestinales et la diar- rhee ehronique chez les enfants; la metrite ehronique et la metrorrhagie; les nevralgies lombaire, sacree, du plexus brachial, faciale, du cuir chevelu et cervicale et le vertigo nerveux. xii. 615 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f Jils, 1-61. Neucrautz (Paulus) [1605-71]. De harengo exercitatio'medica, in qua principis piscium ex- quisitissima bonitas sniumaqnc gloria asserta et vindicata. 83 pp., 2 1. 4 . Lubeca; lit. G. Jegeri. [1654]. Neucrautz (Paulus Bernhardus). * Medicime curiosa' specimen, duabus qusestionibus enoda- tuni. 9 1. 4°. Rostochii, ti/p. J. Wepplingii, [1703]. Neuerauz (Jo. Theodorus). * De usu veine sectiouis et clysterum in euratione variola- Neucranz (Jo. Theodorus)—continued. rum. 56 pp. 4-. Vitembergce, prelo Gerdesiano, [1711]. Sec. also, Bcrger (Joh. Godfridus) et >ie. Iu 1S2S nier^eel in : ll«-i«li-llM-rji«i- klinische Annalen. Neue litterarische Nachricbteu fiir Aerzte, Wuud- iirzte uud Naturforseher aufs Jahr 1785 und 1786 [also for 17*7]. 2 v. 8 \ Halle in Saciisen, J. C. Hendel. Neue Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissen- schaft und praktische Heilkunde. See Matcrialien fiir die .Staatsarzneiwisseuschaft, [etc.], Samml. 9-11, 1819-24. Neue medicinisch-chirurj-'ische Zeitung, hrsg. von J. N. Ehrhart uud Ignaz Laschan. [4 v. annually.] 1*40-56. Nebst 2 Erganzungsbau- den. 52 v. * . Innsbruck u. Leipzig, 184(1-42; Augsbni-i/, 1843: Miinchen, 1*44-56. In 1843-54 edited by (.'. L. Ditto ich ; iu 1855-6 by Ernst Buchner. In 1851-0 one volume annually. Continuedas: „TI «'«l i r i n i sell-chi mrs inch i" Honatshet'te. Neue medicinische Bibliofhek. Hisg. von Ru- dolph Augustin Vogel. v. 1-8, 1754-72. 8'-'. Gottingen. A continuation of: lVIcdicinische Bibliothek, Erfurt, 1751-3. Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde. See .\o:iz«n aus dein Gebiete der Natur- und Heil- kunde, WTimar, 1837-49. Neiie Sainuilung der auserlescnsten und neuesten Abhaudluugen fiir Wundiirzte. (Aus verschie- denen Sprachen iibersetzt.) 24 St. in 12 v. 12°. Leipzig, Weygancl, 17*2-9. Neue Sammlung siichsischer Mediciual-Gesetze. See Saxony. Neue specilische Heilmethode der epidemischen cholera oder (richtiger) des Cholera-Fiebers inittelst des fiebervertreibeudeu Princips der Chiuarinde. vii, 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hannover, Hahn, 1*31. [Also, in: P., v. 203.] Neue (Der) Wasserfreund ; als Archiv des Vereins zur wissenschaftlichen Begriindung und Forde- rnng der Priessnitz'schen Heilweise, unter Mit- wirkung der Vereinsmitglieder hrsg. von Dr. Schmitz. [2 v. annually.] Jahrg. 1-2, 1842-3. (Bd. 1-2, 1842; Bd. 1-2,' 1*43.) 4 v. 8-. Co- blenz, J. Holscher. Title of nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1842. was: IVeiie (Der) Wasser- freund oder Archiv fiir Wasserheille-hre. Continued as: Archiv fiir Wasserheilkunde. Neue wisseuschaftliche Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde. Hrsg. von Just. Friedr. Carl Hecker. [Monthly; 3 v. annually.] v. 1-3 (Jahrg. 11), 1*35. 8°. Berlin, Enslin. A continuation of: Wisseuschaftliche Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde. Neue woleingerichtete Frauenzimmer-Apotheke, oder griiudliche Auweisung, wie ein jedes Frau- I Neue woleingerie-litete [etc.]—continued. eii/.iinniei in alien ihreu kriinklichen und gehei- men Zufiillen ihr eigener Arzt seyn kiinne. Aus dem Englischcn iibersetzef. *0, 4[)6 pp., 1*> 1. 12'-. Hamburg, G. Richter. 1741. Neue Zeitschrift fiir (leburtskunde. Hrsg. von Dietr. W. H. Busch, J. d'Ontrepont. und F. Aug. von Kitgen. v. 1-33, 1*31-52. *T Berlin. Continuation of: Oeim-iiiMami- < 1. uUi In- Zeitschrift fiir Gebnrtskunde. In 1838 Jour nn I tin (ichm tshiilfe, Fraueuziininer- und KinilerkranUlieiteii iniTgod in this journal. Indexes to v. 1-10. ll-2u, 21-10, 31-33 accompany. Continued as: -Vloiiatsschrift fiir Gehurlskiiuele. Neue Zeitschrift fiir homoopathist he Klinik. Was title of: Zeitschrift fiir honioopathische Kliuik, Dresden u. Leipzig, after March, 185ti. Neue Zeitung fiir Medicin and Medicinal-hYform. Hrsg. von Wessely undBloedan. [Semi-weekly.] v. 1-2, January,' 1849, to April 29, 1*50. fol. Norclh a it sen. Biieliting. Dr. Wessely died March, 1850. Neuen (Cornelius) [1*30- ]. * De pnouinotho- race. 29 pp., 1 1. *°. Berolini, S. Jacoby, [1855], Ycaieiialir. Millf.k (J.) Neueuahr, a new spa ou the Rhine. 8°. Edinburgh, 1861. Praessak (H.) Der Mariensprudel im Bade Neueuahr. 8°. Bonn, 1*61. ------. Das Mineralbad Neuenahr ini Arthale. 12-. Altriccilet; 1868. Schmitz ( R. ) Erfahrungen iiber Bad Neue- nahr. 12J. Ahrweilei; 1*6*. ------. The same. 5. Auti. 12°. Ahrweilei; 1**6. Unschuld. Die Mineralqiiellen von Neue- nahr, verglielieu mit deneu von Carlsbad, Vichy und Ems. Mit einem Anhang iiber den Kurge- brauch und die Diat bei alkalischen Wassern. 2. Aufl. 12-. Bonn, 1872. Wegki.ek (J.) Bad Neueuahr und seine Um- gebungen ; fiir Kurgiiste und Geschichtsfreunde. sm. 8°. Bonn, 1861. Weiim'f.x. Bad Neueuahr im Ahrthale. 8°. Bonn, 1859. ------. Berichte iiber die Badesaison zu Neu- euahr. 1.-4., 1859-62. *-r Bonn, 1860-63. ------. Bericht iiber das Bad Neuenahr in Rheinpreussen nach seinem fiinfjahrigen Beste- hen. 8°. Ahrweilei; 1864. ------. Bad Neuenahr ini Ahrthale am Rhein (Rnein-Preusseu), seine Mineralwasser nnd die Anwendung derselben. 21°. Koln, 1*66. ------. Bericht iiber das Eniporbliihen des Bades Neuenahr, iiber sein Kliina, seine Quellen und die Iudicationen fiir die Anwendung dersel- ben. *-'. Ahrweilei; 1*67. iTIaycr. Du traitenient moderne du elialie'-te ; lis eaux tbeimales de Neuenahr. Ann. Soc. ele nnd. d'Anvers, 1887, xlviii. 82-110.— Vliinzrl (E.) Zur Casuistik der Wirkung (ler Thermen von Neuenahr bei chronischen Blasenleiden. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr.. Heil., 1878. iv, 320; 331.—Schmitz Al.) l'eber bad Neuenahr. Heil. kliu. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 145; 158; 194. ------. Krfahriin- gen iiber Bad Xeuenahr. Deutsche med. Wrhnsihr.. Berl., 1880, vi. 409 : 42U—Wcilsjwicli I L. \Y.) Neiienuhr; its mineral waters and its climate. St. Andrew's M. Giad. Ass. Tr. 1872-3. L.md.. 1*74. vi, 100-HiO. — tVcifljjcii. Sur les eaux minerales de Neuenahr. [Kap.1 l!nb Soc. d. sc-. nnil. et nat. de Brux., 1863. 1-11. [liiscii>simi|. 11- H'.-lVoUr. Bad Xeuenahr. Med. Ztg., Bell. lMiu. n. F.. iii. 227; 231. Neueiinurg (M. J.) * O.-histka vodi dlja pitja v m'aljich razmerach. [Filtration of drinking- water in small quantities.] 70 pp. 8'-. lie nil aim (Carol. Ludovic.) * De metallo- rum analysi per calciuationein. 46 pp., 11. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. C. Riemeri. [173*]. Neiicillinlin (Job. Ludovicus). "M»e scabie. 15 1. 4 . Jena; typ. S. Krebsii, [1674]. _____. Nostri notitiam esse viam ad Dei cogni- tioneni in auatonie cadaveris ficniiuei chirurgico- practica ostenditur: cui literarum atque anato- mia- fautores humanitus adesse gestit. 3 1. 4°, Mcittinget; lit. Hassartiins, [16*2]. _____. * Cnicinoinatis nialignitatein ejusque cu- ram exhihens. 16 pp. 4-. Alldorf, typ. H. Meyeri. [1685]. Heiienliau*. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by localities. Neueiizeit ( Couradus Guilelmus ) [1*31- ]. ' De struma. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vratislavia; typ. R. Liicei, [1*55]. NeiieiiKeit [gen. Nigetiet] (Fritz) [1848- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Becken mit multi- plen Exostosen. 33 pp. 8°. Breslau, A. Neu- mann, [1872]. Neuer Medieinal-Kaleuder fiir Oesterreich auf das Jahr 18**. Hrsg. von Heinrich Adler. v. 5, 1*8*. 12^'. Wien, R. Lbwit. A continuation of: iVIetlicinal-KaleiMlcr fiir Oes- terreich. Neil-erfuildeue uiathematische Curiositaten. Enthaltend: Die wunderbareste Wiirckungen der Natur und Kunst, worinnen verniittels drey son- derbareu Instrnnienteu: 1. Die Schwere und Leichte; 2. Die Trnckene und Feuchte; 3. Das Ab- und Zuuehuien der Hitz nnd Kiilte, der Lufft zu beobachten und zu erkennen seynd. Aus dem Frautzosisch ins Deutsch iibersetzt. 15 pp., 35 pl. 4°. Mayntz, L. Bourgeat, 1695. Neues allgemeines Journal der Chemie von Heimbstadt, Klaproth, J. B. Richter, A. N. Scheier, J. B. Trommsdorff. Hrsg. von A. F. Gehlen. v. 1-6, 1803-6. *--. Berlin, H. Frb- liclt. A continuation of: Allgeineiiic* Journal der Uhemie. Neues allgemeines Spital in Wien unter der Anfschrift: Saluti et solatio tegroruni Josephus ii. ang. anno 17*4. 2 plans, fol. [Wien, n. cl] Neues Archiv fiir die Geburtshiilfe, Fraueuzim- nier- und Kinderkraukheiten mit Hinsicht auf die Physioiogie, Diirtetik und Chirurgie. Hrsg. von Johann Christ. Stark. v. 1-3, 1798-1804. > . Jena, W. Stahl. A continuation of: Archiv fiir die Geburtshulfe [etc.], 1787-90. Xo. 1, v. 3, last published. Neues Archiv fiir medizinisclie Erfahrung. See A ich i v fiir niedizinische Erfahrung, v. 7-10, 1805-7. Neues Archiv der praktischen Arzneykuust fiir Aerzte, Wundiirzte und Apotheker, von ver- schiedenen Verfussein, hrsg. von P. F. Theodor Meckel. Theil 1-2, 1789-99. 8°. Leipzig. Wey- ganci. Neues Berlinisches Jahrbuch fiir die Pharmacie uml fiir die* damit veibundenen Wissenschaften. Was title of: Berlinisches Jahrbuch fiir die Phar- macie und fur die damit verbundenen "Wissenschaften, in 1803-15. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Pharmacie und verwandte liii lur. Eine Zeitschrift des allgeineineu deut- schen Apotheker-Vereins, Abtheilung !*iid- deutschland. Hrsg., unter Mitwirkung des Diiectorii, vou C F. Walz und F. L. Winkler. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 3-40, 1,-55-73. 38 v. * . Spei/er, G. L. Lang. Want pp. 119-136, v. 3; v. 35-30 (1871) : pp. 337-352, v. 40. A continuation of: Jahrbuch fiir praktische Pharmacie und verwandte Facher. in July, 1862, v. 18. IT Voiwetk became editor, v. 18-19, 1862. published in Heidelberg. Neues .lournal der auslandischen niedizinisch- chirurgischen Literatur. Hrsg. von C. YY. Htife- Neues Journal [etc.]—continued. land und Chr. Fr. Harles. v. 1-*, 1*04-8. *-. Niirnberg u. Sulzbach, J. E. Seidel. A continuation of: Journal der auslandischen niedi- zinischeu Literatur. In no. 2, v. 3, G. H. Kilter became editor iu place of Dr. Huf'eland ; v. 8. Fr. Harles sole editor, v. 5-8. 1806-8, published at Erlangen. Neues Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Arzneiknnde unel Ceburtshiilfe. See Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Arzneikuude und Ge- burtshiilfe, v. 5, 1815-20. Neues Journal der Ertiuduugen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Natur- und Ar/neiwissen- schaft. Was an additional title of v. 7-11, 1798-1809, of: Jour- nal eler Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Xatur- und Arzneiwissenschal't. Neues Journal der Pharmacie, fiir Aerzte und Apotheker und Cheniister von Johann Bartoloma Trommsdorff. v. 1-27, 1-17-34. 8-. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel. A continuation of: Journal der Pharmacie [etc.J Neues Liecht vor die Apothecker, wie selbige nach den Grund-Regeln der heutigen Destillir- kunst ihre Artzeneyen zubereiten sollen ; mit einigen Anuiercknngen vermehret und verbessert durch die hochgelahrten Herren Sylvius, Willis, Blanckart, uud andere. Nebenst einem Anhange von denen Irrthiiuiern, so bey Bereitnng der Medicainenten vorzugehen pli»-gen des Herrn Anton de Heidens: aus dem Holliindischeu ins Hochteutscheiibergesetzetvon D. J. S. Frontis- piece, 4 p. 1., 780 pp., 16 1. 12-. Leipzig, T. F. Gleditsch, 169d. Neues Magazin fiir Aerzte. Hrsg. vou Ernst Gottfried Maldinger. See itlagazin vor Aerzte. 1779-98. Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneiknnde und niedizinische Polizei. Hrsg. von J. Th. Pyl. v. 3-1. 1785-8. 2 v. 8C. St en dal, D. C. Franzcn u. Grosse. A continuation of: ^Eagazin fiir die gerichtliche Arz- neiknnde [etc.] Neues Magazin fiir philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. Hrsg. von J. B. Friedreich. Hft. 8-10, 1832-3. 3 v. 8-. Wiirzburg, Slahel. A continuation of: iVIagaziu [etc.J Continued as: Archiv fur Psycholope fiir Aerzte uud Juristen. Neues medicinisches und physisches Journal. Vou Baldiuger zu Marburg, v. 1-3, 1797-1*0-2. 8°. Marburg. A continuation of: Medicinisches Journal, Gottin- gen. 1784-96. Neues nordisches Archiv fiir Natnrkunde, Arz- neyw issenschaft und Cliirurgie. Verfasst von einer Gesellschaft nordischer Gelehrten. Hrsg. von Pfaff, Scheel und Rudolphi. Nos. 1-2. v. 1, 1H»7. 304 pp. 8C. Frankfurt an der Oder. A continuation of: IVordisches Archiv fiir Xatur- und Arzneywissenschaft. Neues Rejiertorium der gesammten deutschen niedizinisch-chirurgischen Journalistik. See Allgemeines Repertorium der gesammten deut- schen niedizinisch-chirurgischen Jourualistik, 1845-7. Neues Repertorium fiir Pharmacie. Unter Mit- wirkung von A. Frickhinger [et al.] angefaugen vou Dr. A. Buchuer sen. Nach (lessen Tode fortgesetzt von Dr. L. A. Buchuer jun. v. 1-25, 1*52-76. 8C. Miinehen, C. Kaiser. A continuation of: Keperlorium fiir die Pharmacie. Neiie* vollstiindiges Handbuch der Giftkunde ; oder Beschreibung aller im Tlner-PHauzen- und Mineralreich vorkomnienden Gifte, nebst Anleitung zum Gebrauche der zweckniiissigsten Gegennnttel bei Vergiftungsfiillen. Erliiutert durch viele Heispiele. x. 214 pp.. 34 pl. 16 . Chur it. Leipzig, 1*40. Neuesle Annalen derfranzosischen Arzueykuiule 1 uud Wuudarzueykuust. Hrsg. von Christ. NEUESTE. 822 NEUGlT.AUKR, Neueste Annalen [etc.]—continued. Wilhelm Hufeland. v. 1-3, 1791-1*00. 8J. Leipzig, A. F. Biihmc. Neuesle medizinisch-chirurgische Journalistik des Auslaudes in vollstandie-en, kurzgefassten Ansziigen angefangen von F. J. Behrend und K. F. W. Moldenhauer. Fortgesetzt von F. J. Behrend. [Monthly; 4 v.-annually.] v. 6-15, July, 1831, to Dec, 1833. 10 v. '8°. Leipzig, C. E. Kollmann. -----. Thesame. Neue Reihe. [3 v. annually.] Jahrg. 5-6, v. 1-6 [whole series, v. 16-21], Jan., 1834, to Dec, 1-35. 8-. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. ■-----. The same. [4. series.] v. 1-4, Jan., 1*36, to Dec, 1*37. 8°. Berlin. A. Hirschwald. In July, 1831-5, title also: AllgcinciucN Keperto- ritim der medizinisch-ehirurgisclien -Journalistik des Aus- laudes, v. 1-ln. ;nnl new series, v. 1-6. In ls:sii-7 title also : Wochcntliclic* Itepertoriuni der neuesten medi- ziniseh-chiiurgisehen Literatur des Auslaneles. Neueste Nachricht iiber den Kurort Kissiugen und seine Heilquellen, mit besonderer Beziehung auf deu Nutzen und Gebrauch derselben. 42 pp. 16°. Wurzburg, J. S, Richter, 1*27. Neueste Sammlung der anseile-senston und neuesten Abhaudlungeii fiir Wundiirzte. (Aus verschiedenen Sprachen iibersetzt.) 7 St. in 3 v. 12°. Leipzig, Weygand, 1790-92. Fortsetzung der Neuen Sammlung, 1782-S9. Neueste Vortriige der Professoren der Chirurgie und Vorstiinde der Krankenhauser zu Paris iiber Scliusswnuden und Verhandlnugeu der Acad6mie nationale de medecine iiber denselben Ge- gensfand, nebst ihrer Wiirdigung. Veranlasst durch die Ereiguisse der franzosischen Revolu- tion im Februar und Juni 1848. Aus der: Ga- zette des hopitaux, in's Deutsche iibertragen und geordnet, von C. M. Wierrer. 2 v. in 1. viii, 268, iv, 308 pp. 8°. Sulzbach, J. E von Seidel, 1849. Neiiestes Journal fiir die* Chirurgie, Arzuei- kunde nnd (ieburtshiilfe. See Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Arzneikunde und Geburtshiilfe, v. 5, 1S15-20. Neuestes Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der gesaniuiten Medizin. [Hrsg. von J. C. A. Heiuroth, Joh. Chr. Gtfr. Joerg et al.] v. 1-2, 1810-12. 8°. Gotha, J. Perthes. A continuation of: Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der gesammten iledizin. Neuestes medicinisch-chirurgisches Worterbuch, nicht nur fiir Aerzte und Wundiirzte, sonderu auch fiir Jedemianu. 2 p. 1., 235 pp. 8°. Wien, Sonnleithnei; 17*4. Preface signed 'Ferdinand von T—". Neilfelcl (Otto). * Ozon et qua; concludi possint e notis adhuc viribus ejus physicalibus, chemicis et physiologicis in ulteriores effectus in ani- mantinin naturas. 46 pp. 8-r Regiomonti Pr., E. J. Dalkowski, 1*52. C. Neufeldt (Godofr. Ludovicus) [1799- ]. *De asphyxia recens-natorum. 41pp. * . Grt/phice, F. TV. Kunike, [1823]. Neuffer (Christianus). Magici morbi historia attentius pensitata. 31 pp. 4°. Tubingen, tup. G. F. Pflickii, [1724]. Neuffer (Philipp Jac.) See IVIauchart (Burchard David). Mydriasin pupillse [etc*..] 12°. Tubingce, 1745. Neuffer (Theodor). * Feber Diabetes insipidus. 38 pp. 8-'. Tubingen, L. /•'. Fues, 1856. VOU Neilffoi'lfe (Joseph M.) [l*4r- ]. * Pa- thologie uud Pathogenese des miliaren Tubercels, nebst einem Beitrag zur Statistik der Tubercu- lose nach den Ergebnissen von 141 Leichen- eroffnungen. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 8°. Bonn,.!. F. Carthans. [1*70]. de \euAille (Gerhard) [1590-1648]. [Life.] Biogr. Skizzen verstorb. Bremisch. Aerzte, Bremen, 1844, 71-79. de Neufville (Jacobus Fridericus). * De pleu- ritide vera atque spuria. 34 pp., 4 1. 4-. Jinn; lit. Tennemannianis, [1751]. For Biography, see KallMi Iniiicil (Carolus Fride- ricus). de Neufville (Matthias (luiliehnus) [1762- 1842]. * De indole niorboruni periodica ex labe qualieuuque viscerum hypochondriacoiuni de-ri- vanda, 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Gottinga; F. A. Rosen- busch. [17*4]. NeiilVille (Thomas). * De pneumoniie ct sedis ejus historia. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. ,--'. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie; 1776. de Neufville (Wilhelm Karl) [ 1823 - *5 ]. * (finestiones de carcinomate. vii, 70 pp. *-. Francof. a. M., C. Naumann, 1*45. -----. Die todtlichen Verletzungen nach den Grundsatzen der ueueren deutschen Strafge- setzgebnngen. 126 pp. 8J. Erlangen, J. J. Palm u. F. Enke, 1851. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Eilang., 1851, xliii, Ergnzngshft. -----. Lebcnsdauer und Todesursachen zwei uud zwnnzig verschiedener Stande und Gewerbe, nebst vergleichender Statistik der christlichen und israelitischen Bevolkerung Frankfnrts. Nach zuverliissigeu Quellen bearbeitet. iv, 116 pp., 2 tab. 8-. Frankf. a. M., J. D. Sauerlan- der, 187)7). Neufville (Zacharias). * De natura aeris fixi, ejusque dotibus. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. b°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, [1778]. Neugebauer (Benj. Ehreuf.) De corticis chi- na* usu noxio, licet recto, in febribus. 34 pp. 4°. Francof. cis Viadr., typ. T. Schwartzii, [1729]. Neilgebauer (Ferdinandns Aloisius) [ 1813- ]. * De delirio potatorum, adjecta morbi historia. 26 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, 1837. Neugefoauer (Franz Ludwig). * Zur Ent- wickelungsgeschichte des spoudylolisthetischen Beckens uud seiner Diagnose. 3 p. 1., 294 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. *-. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1881. -----. The same. Mit Beriicksichtigung von Korperhaltung und Gangspur; casuistisch-kri- tische Monographic 2 p. 1., 294 pp., 1 tab. 8-\ Halle, M. Niemeyer, 1882. -----. Aetiologie der sogenannten Spondylolis- thesis. (Fortsetzung zu dem Aufsatze: "Zur Casuistik des sogenaunten spoudylolisthetischen Beckens".) 52 pp. *r Leipzig, A. T. Engel- hardt, [1882]. Repr. from.- Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1882, xx, 1. Hft. -----. Zur Casuistik des sogenannten spoudyl- olisthetischen Beckens. 34 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, [18*2]. Repr. from: Aicb. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1882, xix, 3. Hft. -----. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Casuistik und Aetiologie der Spondyl-olisthesis. 61 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, 1884. Repr. from: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1885, xxii, 3. Hft. Neugebauer (J.) Die Wiener Vieh- uud Fleischuiarktfrage. Volkswirthschaftlich be- leuchtet. 20 pp. 8J. Wien, C.Gerold'sSohn, 1**4, Neiijfebauer (J[oanues]) [1*39- ]. *De pede retrorsum luxato et subluxato. 23 pp. S-. Vratislavia; tifp. A. Neumanni, 1866. Neugebauer ( Ludwik Adolf) [1*21- ]. Sprawozdanie z czynnosci szpitalaswictej tiojey ■w kaliszn w roku 1855. [Report of the Holy- Trinity Hospital at Kalisz for 1*55.] 125 pp., 11.. 1 tab., 1 pl. *r Warszawa, S. Orgelbranda, K.6. -----. Morphologie der menschlichen Nabel- schnur. 1 p. 1., 80 pp., 2 pl. 8. Breslau, W. G. Korn, 1~5*. -----. Przegljpl wazniejszych przypadk6w chi- I rurgicznych leczonych w roku 1*62 do 1866 w NBUGEBAUER. 823 SEUKUM. Neilffebapier (Ludwik Adolf)—continued. Szpitalu Sgo Ducha w Warszawie. [Review of surgical cases treated in the Holy Ghost Hospital, iu Warsaw.] 23 pn. 8°. Warszawa, 1*67. ,*.-<'. a ho, Rrnu-r (Karl Julius Wilhelm Paul) ..V IVeu- ^i-li.-iiii'i- (I.. A.; Die asiatische Cholera, [etc.] fe'*. Ciioli':. ISIS. NeUegl'iilldiitlg (Die) der Strassburger Biblio- fhek und die Gothe-Feier am 9. August 1871. 26 pp. i-10. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, 1871. Neuliaii*. IIen (C.) Das Aliueralbad und die wahrend des Cur- jahres 1836 beobacliteten Heilerlolge zu Neuhaus in Stey- eruiark. Med. Jahrb. el. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1839, xxviii, 192—104.— lli-nsehaiii-r (F.) I'ntersuchiuig des Keiiliaiisi-r Baelewassei s. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr.. Wien, 1848, 417-424. Neuhaus (Carolus Eduardus) [1809- ]. * De psellismo ejusque sanandi rationibus. 39 pp. * . Berolini. G. Schade. [1846]. Neuhaus (Ferdiuandus). De dysenteria. 34 pp. * . Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, 1*17. NeilliailS (Franciscus Alexander). * Diss, co- licie hysterica? casum cum sua epicrisi. 24 pp. 4C. Argentorati, J. H. Heitz, [1769]. Neuhaus (Georgius Sehastianus). * De affec- tione hysterica. 44 pp. 4'~. Rostochi, typ. J. Wepplingi, [n. d.] Neuhaus (Heinrich). * Feber die Richtung der Frakturen der Schadelbasis. [Wurtzburg.] 26 jip. *-. Wesel, TV. Romen, 1*79. c. Neiiliauseii. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Neuhauseu (J.) Co-Editor of: Organ fiir die gesammte Heilkunde, Aachen, 1852-7. , See, also, 4*ii], Neukirch (Josef) [1861- ]. * Ueber Lupus an der Hand. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1**5. Neilkirell (Richard). * Ueber die Entstehuug des Schallwechsels bei der Percussion vou Ca- vemen. [Erlangen.] 15 pp. 8C. Niirnberg, G. P. J. Biding (G. Dietz), [l*79J. Neilkirell (Sally Simon). See Horucuiaiin (('laucl. Jac. ..'Emil.) *De rationi- bus dosium culoniellis [etc.] sr Havniee, ls:t9.—.?■«•!- chior (X. G.) - De strabismi). 8°. Havnice, 1839. Neukollill. Bericlit. iiber das Bad Ileustrichaiu Niesen. Soininersaison 1**1. 30 pp. 12°. Bern, B. F. Haller, 1882. ------. The same. Rapport sur les baius d'Heu- strich au Niesen. Saison de 1881. 22 pp. 12-. Berne, B. F. Haller, 1*82. Neukouiui (Jacob). "Ueber das Vorkommen vou Leucin, Tyrosiu und anderer Uinsatzstoffe ini inenschlichen Korper bei Krankheiten. 48 pp., 1 1. *T Ziirich, Orell, Fiissli it. Comp., 1859. Neukouiui (Joannes Georgius). * De piedatro- phiti. 42 pp. * . Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, 1*34. Neukouiui (Martin). * Ueber spatere Folgezu- stande nach der Tracheotomie bei Kehlkopf- Diphtheritis im Kiudesalter. [Bern.] 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ziirich, Ziircher u. Fitrrei; 1**5. Neukouiui (Max). * Ueber eine nene Ampu- tations-Methode. 40 pp., 5 1. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1863. Neukraiitz (Zacharias). Abstrusum respira- tionis hiunanaj uegotium, exulante famosa va- cui fuga, ex geuiiinis gravissimi hujus argu- meuti epaivofievuv causis plenius erutuin. Simul cum ardui istius Harveaui, Doctis omnibus L. de Gen. Animal. Exerc. de partu propositi, nee non bimembris hujus problematis solutione : cur aui- malia tain propter aeris inspirati cohibitique pryesentiam, quam in machina Boy liana pneu- matica exhausta propter ejusdem aeris abseutiam tam velociter quasi ex anima succumbaut, brevi- que moriautur i 551. sm. 4J. Lipsia; J. Georg, 1676. Another copy bound with: Velschius (G. H.) Sylloge curationum. sm. 4°. Aug. Yindel. 1668. Also, in: Ettmili.er (M.) Diss, xiix med. 4T Francof. et Lips., 1685. Neilkrailtzeu (Jo. Theodorus). * De necessi- tate artis chemica* ejusdemque productu summo magna hoiniuum et metallorum medieina lapia philosophorum dicta. 14 1. 4°. Vitemberga?, apud rid. Gerdesiam, 1725. Neukrauz (Joh. Antonius). *De vulneribus lethalibus. 19 1. sm. 4°. Helmesfadii, typ. H. D. Mulleri, 1674. Neiikuui (Georg Michael). * De marasmo se- nili sive maicore naturali. 16 pp. 4°. [Basel], typ. J. H. Deckel i, [1743]. NEULAEXDER. S24 NEl'MANX. Neulaeuder (F. L.) [1800- ]. * Diss, sistens analecta ad semioticen labiorum, giugivarum et I dentiuin spectantia. 2 p. 1., 45 pp. 8-. Vra- | tislavia; typ. Universitalis. [1825]. Neullier ( Hector -Henri ). * I. Les maladies sont-elles toutes preceddes des phenomenes qui caract^risent le prodrome des maladies? Quelle est la valeur des accideuts du prodrome dans le diagnostic? II. [etc.] 26pp. 4-. Paris, 1841, No. 214, v. 379. Neillliaier (Eginhard). * De irritatione cere- bri infantum. 1* pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Weiss, 1*67. Neiiiiiau (Alexander). * Der foreiisiseh-chemi- sclie Nachweis eles Santonin und sein Verhalten im Thierkorper. 56 pp., I 1. *-'. Dorpat, Schnakt-uburg, 1*83. Neillliail (Rachel A.) Home-nursing. 120 pp. 24°. London f Edinburgh, W. $■ R. Chambers, 1886. Neumann (A.C.) Handbuch der gerichtlichen Anatomie fiir Rechtsgelehrte, Polizeibeamte und Studirende. Nebst einein Wdrterbuche. xiv, 305 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1*41. -----. Die Heil-Gymnastik, oder die Kuust der Leibesubungen, angewaudt zur Heilung von Krankheiten nach dem Systeme des Schwedeu Ling und seiner Schiiler Branfing. Georgii uud de Rod, sowie* nach eigenen Ansichten und Er- fahrungen. Ein Bericlit nach eiuer auf Kosten des preussischen Staats und ini Aiiftrage des Herrn Ministers der Medicinal-Angelegenlieiten uuternominenen Reise nach Stockholm, London, und St. Petersburg. xvi, 431 pp., 3 pl. *°. Berlin, P. Jeaiirenaud, 1*52. -----. The same. Der grossen Idee des Schwe- deu Ling gemiiss nach eigenen Ansichten und Erfahrungen geordnet. 2. Aufl. viii, 390 pp., 1 1.. 2 pl. *-. Leipzig. A. Fbrstnei; 187)7. With seconel title-page: Therapie der chronischen Krankheiten vom hc-ilorgauiseheu Standpuukte. -----. Das Muskelleben des Menschen iu Bezie- hung auf Heilgymnastik und Turnen. viii, 254 pp. e-v'. Berlin, F. H. Schroeder, 1855. -----. Der Heilkunde Duldung, deu Aerzten Duldsamkeit! 20 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. H. Schroeder. I860. -----. Grundziige einer vergleichendeu Thera- pie. viii, 159 pp. 12°. Berlin, E. H. Schroeder, 1863. See. also. Nchrcbcr (D. G. M.) ,.V IVcuiiiaun (A. C.) Streitfiageu. s°. Leipzig, 1858. Neumann (Adolph). DieErkeunung desBlutes bei gerichtlichen Untersuchungen. Ein Leitfa- den fiir Beamte der Justiz und die vou derselben zugezogenen Sachverstandigen. vi, 7-16 pp., 23 pl. 8°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1869. Neumann (Alb. Phil. Theodorus) [1797- ]. * De iuflammatione tehe mucosae. 31 pp. 8. Berolini, formis Brueschckianis, [1820]. Neumann (Alfredus Carolus Sc*veius)[1841- ]. * De effectibus et signis vitioruni valvularuui cordis siuistri. 32 pp. *°. Berolini, G. Lange, [lHi;,]. Neillliailll (Anton) [1*61- ]. "Ueber drei Fiille von Sarcoiu am L uterkiefer. 23 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel. 1**6. Neillliailll (August) [1847- ]. * Ein Beitrag ' zur Lehre von der Entstehung, dem Verlaufe und dem Wesen der Geisteskrankheiteu. 31 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1*75. Neillliailll (Augustus). * De crisibus, genuinis morbis nervosispeculiaribus. 44 pp. 8°. Halce, lit. Michaelianis, [1792]. Neillliailll (Carl E. O.) Der Frauenarzt. Ein Ratgeber fiir Jungfraueu, Frauen und Miitter. Naturgemiis-'e Behandlung der Frauenkrank- heiten mit in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. v (1 1.), 81 pp. 8C. Kcilheii, P. Schettler, 1884. Neillliailll (Carl E. O.)— continued. ----- Der Mannerarzt; ein Katgelier fiir junge und alte Miinner. Xaturgeinassc Behandlung der Miiniieikraiikheiten. iv. 90 pp. ,--. Leip- zig, T. Grieben, [1**5]. -----. Die Hiiinorrhoideu sowie die Blntubeiful- lung des Kopfes, Riickenmarks, der Brust. Xie- ren, Milz, Leber uud der Kranipfadein, ihro leichte uud sichere Verhiitung und Heilung auf naturgemiissein Wege. 1 p. l.,72pp. 12-. Leip- zig, T. Grieben, 1**7. -----. Die Haut, Haare, Xiigel und Ziihne iles Menschen. Deren Ban, Flh-ge, Krankheiten und naturgeiniis.se Behandlung. 2. AuH. iv, 106 pp., 1 1. 12'-'. Leipzig, L. Feructu, [1**7]. -----. Die Massage. Anleitung zur praktischcti Ausfiihruiig derselben fiir Jcdcruiann. 2. AuH. 119 pp. 8 '. Leipzig, T. Grieben, [n. d.] Neillliailll (Carl Georg) [1774-1*50]. * De balneis frigidis observationes. 26 pp. 4-. Vi- tembergce, lit. Tzschiedrichii, [1795]. -----. Abhandlung von dem Brande, die ver- schiedenen Arten, Ursachen und Heilungs-Me- thoden des Brandos an den weicheu uud harten Theilen des menschlichen Korpers. 298 pp. 4J. Wien, A. Camesina, 1*01. -----. Beytrage zur praktischen Arzney wissen- schaft. iv, 252 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Kiihn, 1,-11. -----. Die Krankheiten des Vorstellungsverine")- gens. systematisch bearbeitet. 3 p. 1., 400 pp. 8°. Leipzig. C. Cnolilocli, 1822. -----. Von den Krankheiten des Menschen. Allgemeiner Theil, oder allgemeine Pathologic x, 286 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, F. A. Herbiq, 1*29. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. x, 297 pp., 11. *r Berlin, F. A. Herbig, 1*42. -----. The same. Specieller Theil, oder spe- cielle Pathologie n. Therapie. 4 v. 8J. Ber- lin, F. A. Hirbig, 1832-4. Each volume has a second title-page, viz: v. 1. Specielle Pathologie und Therapie der fleberhaften Krankheiten des Menschen. v. 2. Specielle Pathologie und Therapie der chronischen Krankheiten des Menschen. v. 3. Specielle Pathologie und Therapie der Krank- heiten des Menschen. [Topische Krankheiten der Vege- tationsphare.] v. 4. Specielle Pathologie und Therapie der Krank- heiten der Sensibilitat des Menschen. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 5 v. *-. Berlin, F. A. Herbig, 1*36-44. Each volume has a second title-page. v. 4 has 1. and '1. Abtheil. Seeond title-page of 5. and suppl. vol.: Fortschritteiiuel Erfahrungen der neuesten Zeit im Gebiete der Heilkunst. -----. Vou den Krankheiten des Gehirns des Men- schen. vi (11.), 492 pp. *°. Coblenz, II. F. Hergt, 1833. -----. Der allgemeine Hausarzt, oder Belehrung fur Jedermann, wie er seine Gesundheit erhalten und in Krankheiten uud Unfalien sich benehinen solle. 3 p. 1.. 304 pp. 12°. Aachen, P. Roschiilz u. Comp., 1*37. -----. Bemerkungen iiber die gebrauchlichsten Arzneimittel. 253 pp. 8-. Berlin, Liebmann u. Comp., 1840. -----. Pathologische Untersuchungen als Regu- lative des Heilverfahreus. 2 v. in 1. 32:2 pp., 11.: 1 p. 1., 243 pp. *3. Berlin, Liebmann u.Comp., 1*41-2. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. 2 v. in 1. 322 pp., 1 1. ; 243 pp. <:. Berlin, Liebmann u. Comp., 1844. -----. Von deu Krankheiten des Menschen. All- gemeiner Theil, oder allgemeine Pathologie. 2. Aufl. x, 297 pp., 1 1. *\ Berlin, F. A. Hiring, 1*42. - -----. Dentsehland's Heilquellen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Wahl derselben fiir specielle Krankheitsfalle. viii, 256 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1*45. NEUMANN. 825 NEUMANN. Neumann (Carl Georg)—continued. -----. Heihnittellehre nach den bewiikrtesten Erfahrungen und L'utersuchungen iu alphabeti- scher Ordnung bearbeitet. 2. Aufl. xii, 635, x pp. roy. *:. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1859. See. also, Platner (Ernestus). Opuseula academica, etc. Sr Iierolini, 1S'24. For Biography, see Titius (Salomo Constantinus). Neiiuiaiin (Carolus Ferdiuandus). *De phle- . bitide faciei. 30 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., typ. Dalkoivskianis, 1857. c. Neillliailll (Carolus Fridericus)1. * De ictero. xxxiiiij). 4°. Helmstadii, C. G. Fleckeisen, [1798]. Neillliailll (Carolus Fridericus)2 [1797- ]. * De oeulorum morborum examine. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Briischckianis, [1825], Neiiin a nil (Carolus Fridericus Guilelmus) [1838- ]. * De occlusione valvula* mitralis et de morbis quibus sublata est. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1863]. Neillliailll (Carolus Gottlob.) * De vano morbi bourn gallici carnisque inde male infecta* et iu- salubris metu. 24 pp. 4°. Vitebergce, excud. A. C. Charisitts, [1790]. For Biography, see Boehmcr (Georg. Kud.) Neiiuiaiin (Caspar) [1683-1737]. Lectiones chy- micie: vou Salibus alkalino-tixis und von Cam- phora, als zwey Proben. 3 p. 1., 226 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, G. Schlechtiger's Wittwe, 1727. ------. Lectiones publicae von vier Subjectis diac- teticis, nehmlich vou den in hiesigen Gegeuden gewohnlichsten und durch meuschliche Hiilffe zu Stande gebrachten viererley Getriincken, voni The"e, Caft'ee, Bier und Wein; wie solche bey dem iu Berlin gestiffteten kouigl. Collegio me- dico-chirurgico abgehandelt worden. 13 p. 1., 468 pp. 4°. Leipzig, G. B. Fromman, 1735. ------. De ambra grysea, welche an die konigl. Gros-Brittann. weltbertihnite Societat der Wis- senschafften geschicket worden. Sammt einem kurtzen Vorbericht solcher Memoire halher, an- jetzo, weil wenigen Personen die englaudische Transactiones philosophicse vorkommen, in deut- scher Sprache publiciret, von einem Liebhaber der Historia* naturalis. .7 p. 1., 116 pp. 4°. Dressden, G. C. Hilscher, 1736. Another copy bound with his: Lectiones, etc. 4°. Leip- zig, 1735. ------. The chemical works of . . . abridged and methodized by \V. Lewis. 8 p. 1., 586 pp., 19 1. 4°. London, IV. Johnston, 1759. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 2 v. 439, 458 pp., 35 1. *-. London, J. if F. Rivington [and others], 1773. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 216. For Biography, see Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1748, viii (app), 243-262, port. Neiiuiaiin (Christian Gottlieb). *De exclusione ovuloruui, in salacibus, absque ullo pra*gresso coitu. 21pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishoff, [1717]. Neumann (Christianus Guilielmus). * De pa- ronychia. 28 pp. 4°. T'itebergce, lit. A. C. Cha- risii, 1803. For Biography, see Vogt (Traugott Carolus Augustus). Neillliailll (Curt) [1*53- ]. * Ein Fall von Gummigeschwulst iu der Tibia. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1*78. Neillliailll (Emile). * Sur le cancer du rein. 88 pp. 4U. Paris, 1873, No. 109. ------. Thesame. 86 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye. 1*73. Neumann (Ernest.) *Disquisitiones nonnulla) de histogenesi carcinoinatis instituta?. 22 pp. 4C. Regimonti Pr., typ. A. Dalkoivskianis, 1869. Neillliailll (Ernest. Franc. Christ.) [1*34- ]. *De venenis, quae dicuntur narcotica, experi- inenta qmedani physiologica. 32 pp. 8^. Re- giomonti Pr., typ. Dalkowskianis, 1855. c. Neumann (Ernest. Franc. Christ.)—continued. ------. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des normalen Zahnbein- und Knochengewebes. 58 pp. 8C. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1863. ------. Ueber myelogene Leukamie. 51 pp. 8J. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1878. Repr. from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv. Neiimanii (Eugen) [1855- ]. *Drei Fiille von svmpathischem Augenleiden. 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1880. Neumann (Franciscus). *De pleuritide dor- sali. 32 pp. 8°. [ Vie mice], e typ. Kaliwodiano, [1772]. Neumann (Frid. Jul.) * Profusiones sanguinis ex umbilico hominis adulti. 30 pp. 8°. Regio- monti Pr., typ. Dalkoivskianis, 1866. c. Neillliailll (Friedrich). * Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber das Verhalten der insensibleu Ausgabe im Fieber. 67 pp. 8°. Dorpat, H. Laak- inanii, 1873. Neuiiiami (Georg) [1856- ]. * Ueber fotale Rachitis und ihre Beziehungen zumCretinismus. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., Gebauer-Schwelschke, 1881. Neumann (Georgius Carolus) [1804- ]. * De ratione inter nervorum vires et imponderabilium indoletn. 2 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Berolini, tup. A. G. Scltadii, [1828]. [Also, in: P., v. 154*.] Neillliailll ( Gothofredns ). * De sauguine et ejus motu dissertatio. 11 1. 4-. [Lipsiee], J. Bauerus, [1652]. Neiimanii (Gustav) [1845- ]. * Ueber die An- zeigen zum kiinstlichen Sprengen der Eihiiute. 31 pp. 8°. Halle, W. Plbtz, 1869. Neillliailll (Gustavus Hermanuus). * Dc htesi- tantia lingiue. 23 pp. 4°. Lijisiw, lit. Staritzii, \ 1834]. Neillliailll (Heinrich) [1814-84]. Wie stuelirt man Medicin 1 22 pp. 8°. Breslau, A. Schulz, u. Comp., 1*42. ------. Die analytische Medicin. 6* pp. 8°. Breslau, L. Maske, 1847. ------. Der Arzt und die Blodsiunigkeits-Erkla- rnng. vi (1 1.), 88 pp. 8-. Breslau, A. Goso- horsky, 1847. ------. Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. 2 p. 1., 242 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1859. ------. The same. Studien over krankzinnig- heid en gemoedslijden. Een leerboek voor de kennis der krankzinuigheid en de geneeskundige verpleging van krankzinnigen, vermeerderd met de aSTederlandsche wetgeving of krankzinnigen en kraukziunigengestichten, en met aanteeke- ningen bewerkt voor Nederland door Dr. J. J. Kerbert. xviii (1 1.), 28* pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. H. Gebhard u. Comp., [I860]. ------. Die Theorie und Praxis der Blodsinnig- keitserklarung nach preussischem Gesetze. Ein Leitfaden fiir Aerzte und Juristen. iv (1 1.), 97 pp. 8C. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1860. ------. Die Irrenanstalt zu Popelwitz bei Breslau im ersten Decennium ihrer Wirksamkeit. Medi- cinisch-statistischer Bericht nebst Bemerkungen iiber Irrengesetzgebung, Irrenstatistik und psy- chiatrischen Unterricht. 53 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1862. ------. Der Process Kullmaun. Gerichtsarztliche Reflexionen. 47 pp. 8-'. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1877). ------. Leitfaden der Psychiatrie fiir Mediciner uud Juristen. viii, 143 pp. 8°. Breslau, Preuss it. J linger, 1883. ------. Katechismus der gerichtlichen Psychiatrie in Fragen nnd Antworten. Mit einem Anhang von Mustergutachten. 70 pp. sm. * . Breslau, Preuss u. J'unqer, 1884. Neillliailll (Hermann) [1859- ]. * Die diure- tische Wirkuug des Weruarzer Brunueus iu NEUMANN. 826 NEU M ANN. Neumann (Hermann)—continued. Briickenau. 23 pp., 3 a. 1. 8:. Berlin, H. Gtiitziiei; [1**4]. Neillliailll (Hugo). * Ueber die Knocheubriiche bei Geisteskranken. 164 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Bernstein, 1**3. Neillliailll (Isidor) [1837- ]. Lehrbuch der Hantkraukheiteu. ix, 368 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1869. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. x, 667 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1880. ------. The same. Text-book of skin diseases. Transl. from the 2. German ed., by special per- mission of the author, by Alfred Pullar. xix, 329 pp. 8-". London, R. Hardwicke, 1871. ------. The same. Hand-book of skin diseases. Transl. from the 2. German ed., with notes, by Lucius D. Bulkley. 467 pp. 8°. Neiv York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1872. ------. The same. Traite" des maladies de la peau. Trad, sur la 4' ed. et auuot6 par G. et E. Darin, xvi, 604 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye f Cie., 1*80. ------. Ueber die Aufnahme des Quecksilbers durch die unverletzte Haut. Eine chemisch- mikroskopische Studie. 18 pp. 8°. Wien, 1872. Repr. from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi. ------. Zur Kenntniss der Lymphgefasse der Haut des Menschen und der Saugethiere. 31 pp., * col. pl. 8C. Wien, IV. Braumiiller, 1873. ------. Aerztlicher Bericht iiber die im stadt. Coninmnal-Spital Zwischenbriickeu im Jahre 1*72-3 behandelteu Blatternkrauken, uebst Mit- theilungen einiger experiinenteller und anato- mischer Studien. 158 pp., 1 1. 8'. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1874. ------. Klinische Vorlesungen iiber allgemeine Pathologie der Hautkraukheiten. 13 pp. 8J. Wien, 1.-78. Itepr. from: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1878, xxiii. ------. Atlas der Hautkraukheiten. 1. cV 2. Lfg, 17 1., 12 pl. fol. . Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1881. ------. The same. Mit beschreibendem Texte. Lfg. 1-8. 67 1., 48 pl. 4°. Wien, W. Brau- miiller, 1*85-8. ------. Ueber Reizung und Syphilis. 16 pp. 8°. Wien, Verfasser, 1885. Repr. from: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1885, xxx. Neumann (J. M.) [IS02-61]. Fischer (E i Notice liiographique sur feu M. le Dr. J. M. Neumann, membre-fouilateur de la Societ6 des sci- ences medieales. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. du gr.-duche de Luxemb., 1867. 6-0. Neumaiiu (Joann. Gottlieb.) *De purgatioue copiosa et niniia. 32 pp. 4 . Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1736]. Neillliailll (Joannes Fridericus Guilelmus) [18JO- ]. ""Nonnulla de cordis vasorumque majorum morbis organicis. 34 pp. 8-. Bero- lini, typ. Schnitzerianis, [1844]. Neumann (Joannes Jacobus) [1822- ]. * Non- nulla de hypertrophia cordis. 31 pp. 8°. Be- rolini, G. Schade, [1846]. Neumaiiu (Joannes Wenceslaus). Neglectus emeticorum per observata practicorum confuta- tus. In: Kunkosch (J. T.) Diss. med. select. Prag. 4°. Pragce ct Dresdee, 1793, ii, 275-338. Neumaiiu (Job. Georgius). * De temporibus medicis. 32 pp. 4°. Halce Magdeb , lit. C. Henckelii, [1710]. Neillliailll (Job. Gottlieb). * De pneservandis nietallicolurum morbis. 32 pp., 4 1. 4J. Halce Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1721]. -—;—. Das siisse Wasser zu Mara, das ist: Me- dicinischer Entwurff von dem iiber Purschen- stein bey Hendelbach und Einsiedel in dem da- sigen Geholtze, ini Monath May neu erfuinbiien Heil- und Gesund-Brunueu, (lessen Erfludnng, Neumann (Job. Gottlieb)—continued. Natur uud Eigeiisc hafft, auch inneilich- und a'us- serlicher 'Gebrauch, heilsame Krafft, und gute Wiirckuug, nach dem Unteischeid eiues jegli- chen Temperamenti, kurtz, jedoch deutlich vor- gestellet. 7 p. 1., 52 pp.' 16°. Freuberg. C. Malthai. 1732. Neillliailll (Jonas) [1*43- ]. "Do iliotvphi theiapia. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1*07]. Neillliailll ( Joseph ) [1850- ]. * Die Seh- nenuaht. Ein Beitrag zurCeschichte undCasuis- tik derselben. 50 pp. 8 . Berlin, O. Franche, [1877]. Neumann (Louis) & Soubeiran (J.-L.) Description de l'aquarium du Musdiuu d'histoire naturelle de Paris. 12 pp., 1 pl. «°. [Aiu/ers, Cosnier f Lachese, 187)8.] [P., v. 1766.] Repr. from : Ann. Soe. Linneenne de Maine-et-Loire, ii. Neumann (Ludovicus [Eduardus]) [1837- ]. * De peritonitide. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1863]. Neiimanii (Mathias). * Diss, inaug. med.-fo- rensisde renuutiatiouibus. 47 pp. 4°. Leodii, H. Rongier, 1826. [P., v. 1301.] Neillliailll (Mauritius). * De hydrothorace. 28 pp. 4°. Lipsia; typ. Staritzii, [1830], For Biography, see Kuehn (Car. G.) Neillliailll (Moritz Albrecht) [1837- ]. * Ue- ber einige grobere diagnostische Irrthiimer bei Ovariotoinieu. 39 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Polz, [1862]. c. Neumann (Moritz Georg) [1838- ]. * Zur Statistik der Frakturen. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leip- zig, P. Reclamjun., [1866]. c. Neillliailll (Naphtali Hirsch) [1827- ]. "Ar- gument;! atque observationes adversus theoriain catoptricam et dioptricam. 30 pp., 2 1. 8°. Be- rolini, B. Schlesinger, [1850]. Neiiuiaiin (Otto Julius). * De angina pectoris tractatus. 59 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Bor., typ. Hartungianis, 1837. Neumann (Otto Willibald) [1831- ]. *De maxillarum resectione. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bero- lini, F. G. Nietack, [1856]. Neumann (S.) Die offentliche Gesundheits- pflege und das Eigenthum. Kritisches und Po- sitives mit Bezug auf die preussische Medizinal- verfassungs-Frage. viii, 112 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Riess, 1847. ------. Zur medieinischen Statistik des preussi- schen Staates. iv (11.), 129 pp. .*r Berlin, G. Reimer, 1849. ------. Zur Berliner Armenkraukenpflege. 28 pp. *°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1-56. Repr. from : Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. oflf. Gsudhts- plig., l.erl . 18f)(i. See, also, l.iiiian (CT) Der Arznei-Verbrauch in der stiidtischeu Armenkrankenpttege Berlins. Erwiderung auf Dr. S. Neumann's Denkschrift. 4°. Berlin, 1856. Neumaiiu (Salomon) [1819- ]. *Intussuscep- t ionis iiitestinorum quatuor exempla. 36 pp., 11. 8°. Halce, formis Ploetzianis, 1842. Neillliailll (Samuel). * De fluxu mensium im- niodico. 27 pp., 2 1. 4°. Jena; apud J. C. Croe- kernm, [1746]. For Biography, see Hainbergcr (Georgius Erhardus). Neillliailll (Theodor). The dietetic method of cure the only true and safe method to cure radi- cally acute and chronic diseases without any medicine. 24 pp. *°. Toronto-Fglinton, 1-80. Neillliailll (VV.) Elgersburg, Kaitwassei-Heil- anstalt im Thiiringer Walde Ein Wegweiser und eiue Eiinnemiig. 1 i>. 1., 5- pp., 11. 4 . Cassel, F. Balde, 1-53. Neillliailll (Willy). "Ueber toxicologische Ver- scliieeleiiheite-nfunctioiiell verschiedener Muskel- gruppen. Eiu Beitrag zu der Lehre von den Muskelgifteu. 59 pp. *°. Bern, Jent u. Reinert, 1**3. NEUMANN. 827 NEURALGIA. Neillliailll (Willy)—continued. _____. * l'eber quantitative Bestimmung der Harnsaure und die dabei zu beriicksichtigenden Fehlerquelleu. 28pp. S-. Bern, Jenl u. Reinert, 1—3. Neumark (Jacobus) [1819- ]. * De metror- rhagia post partum. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, B. SchTesingei; [1847]. iV'iimai'kf. e*cln-niitli (A. B.) Das Miiieralbad zu Neumarkt in der Obernt'alz in den Jahren 1840-46. Meel. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte. Krlang., 1841, ii, 328-330: 1842. iii. 315-320: 1847, viii •,."i7-2ii!».------. Das Mineialbad zu Neumarkt in der Obetlitiil/. vom .Jahre 1830 bis 1853. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- I'hen, ls.")4. i, 164. Neumayer ( Georg ). * Ueber den iiusseren lliirniohrensclinitt bei impermeablen Strictiiien. 39 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Homing, 1879. c. Neumayer (George). Discussion of the meteo- rological and magnetical observations made at the " Flagstaff Observatory ", Melbourne, during the years 1*58-63. viii, 160, xliii pp., 25 tab. 4°. Mannheim, J. Schneider, 1867. Neilinayr (Ludwig). * Ueber die Fahigkeit der Haut, Wasser und iu diesem geliiste Stoffe aufzusaugen. 15 pp. 8°. Miinchen, F. Straub, 1*6*. Neumayr (M.) See von llnuer (F.) & IVeunmyr (M.) Fiihrer zu den Excursioneii [etc.] sm. 8°. Wien, [1877J. Neilineister (Christianus Godofredus). * De hepatite. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., typ. J. C. Schwavtzii, [1721]. Neumeister (Emil). * Tuberculose nach opera- tiver llehandlnng funge'iser Geleukentziiudun- gen. 2* pp. ,8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1*79. c. Neumeister (Erdmaun Gottwerth). * De in- testinis se intus suscipientibus et rarissima hu- jus morbi congeniti observatione. 44 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Helmstadii, ex typog. vid. Schnorria; [1769]. Neumeister (H. Wr) Editor of: Allgemeines Repertorium der gesammten deutschen meeliziniseh-chirurgischen Journalistik, Leip- zig, 1839-44. Neumeister (Oscar) [1850- ]. * Ueber die Diagnostik der Beckenfraktureu. 37 pp., 1 1. 8-. Breslau, F. TV. Jungfer, 1872. Neuineyer (Simon). * De hydrocephalo acuto. 16 pp. 8°. Monachii, F. Wild, 1843. Neilllioegeil (Bernardus) [1817- ]. * De hy- drocephalo acuto. 32 pp. .8°. Berolini, typ. Friedlcencleiiaitis, [1*40]. Neuiiiueller (Arminius). * De eclampsia gra- vidarum, parturientiuni, puerperarum. 26 pp. *J. Wireebnrgi, C. J. Becker, 1859. C. Neunert (Josephus). * De canero. 36 pp. 8°. Monachii, C. Wolf, 1829. Neiliies (Christianus Elias Albertus). *Diss. sistens qnaidam momenta de cortice Peruviauo ejusfjue usu in febribus intermittentibus. 30 pp., 1 1. 4-. Jence. lit. Goepferdtianis, [17*9]. For Biography, see larmier (Ch. Goth.) Netinzig (Josephus) [1797- ]. * De sanguine variisque tluidis animalibus experimenta micro- scopica. 30 pp., 3 ]., 1 pl. sc. Bonna; typ. Thdnnannianis, 1823. [Also, in: P., v. 575.] Neuragoczi. SiKixnut'cK (A.) Ueber die Wirkungen des Baeh-s Xeuragoczi bei Halle a. S. ,-r. Halle, 1872. Itnmli-. Neu-Ragoczi bei Halle. Ztschr. f. Med.. Chir. u. Geburtsh.. Leipz., 1860, xiv, 153-160. — Wlein- briick (H.) Bad Xeuragoczi bei Halle a. S. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1872, xxiv, 106; 114. Neuralgia. See, also, Angina pectoris; Antrum (Diseases of, Complications, etc., of); Diabetes (Complica- tions, etc., of); Diaphragm (Neuralgia, etc.. of); Ear (Pain in); Exanthemata (Complications, Neuralgia. etc., of); Eye (Accommodation, etc., of. Dis- ordered); Gout (Complications, etc., of); Herpes zostir; Hypereesthesia; Lead-poisoning affect- ing the nervous system; Muscles (A trophy, etc., of); Myalgia; Nerves ( Wounds, etc., of); Nerve- stretching; Nervous system (Diseases of, Func- tional); Nervous system (Syphilis of); Neuritis (Multiple); Neuroma; Ovary (Neuralgia of); Pleurodynia; Scapulalgia; Sciatica; Spi- nal irritation; Stumps (Diseases of). Anoele (L. ) * Contribution a l'etude des neA'ralgies au point de vue de leur nature et de leur traitenient par les injections irritautes. 4°. Paris, 1878. Anstie (F. E.) Neuralgia and the diseases that resemble it. 8-T London f New York, 1*71. -----. The same. 8°. New Tork, 1872. -----. The same. 8°. New Yovk, 18*2. -----. The same. 12°. New York f London, 18*5. Bretschneider (H.) Versuch einer Begriin- dung der Pathologie und Therapie der iiusseren Neuralgieeii. 8°. Jence, 1847. Brongers ( J. ) * De neuralgiis in genere. [Leyden.] Wc. Amstelodami, 1842. Cartaz (A.) * Des nevralgies euvisage'es au point de vue de la sensibility r^currente (patho- genie et traitement). 4°. Paris, 1875. Chapman (J.) Neuralgia and kindred diseases of the nervous system ; their nature, causes, and treatment. Also, a series of cases, preceded by an analytical exposition of them, exemplifying the principles and practice of neuro-dynamic medicine. 8°. London, 1*73. Chastanier ( J.-L.-A.-P.-U. ) * Dissertation sur la n6vralgie consider6e en geue"ral. 4°. Pa- ris, 1831. Classen (J.) * Zur Slatistik und Aetiologie der Neuralgic. *. Kiel, 1886. Coitssavs (J.-J.) * De la n6vralgie conside're'e en g6n6ral. 4C. Paris, 1*12. Delaine (A.) * Reflexions sur les ndvralgies eu general. 4°. Paris, 1836. Downing (C. T. ) Neuralgia ; its various forms, pathology, and treatiueut. [The Jack- souian prize essay, 185<>, with some additions.] 8C. London, 1851. Dowse (T. S.) Neuralgia, its nature and curative treatment. The brain and diseases of the nervous system, v. 2. 8°. New York, 1889. Dreyfus (P.-B.) * Des n6vralgies en geu6ral, et de leur traitement par le sous-carbonate de fer. 4°. Strasbourg, 1826. Duignan (J.) * De neuralgia quaedam. v. 2. 8~. Edinburgi, 1821. Fontell (C. W.) *Afhandling om neural- gierue i allmanhet. 8C. Helsiugfors, 1832. Heath ( K. A. ) * On neuralgia. MS. 4°. Washington University, [n. d.] Heidler (C. J.) Das Blut in seiu-er heilthati- geu Beziehung zum Schnierz im Allgeineineu uud zn den (wahren uud unwahren) Neuralgieu insbesondere. *-. Prag, 1839. Hint (H.) On the nature and treatment of tic douloureux, sciatica, and other neuralgic dis- orders. 8°. London, 1*44. Jacob (P.-I.) *Sur la nevralgie, consideree en g6n6ral et dans ses differentes espe-ces. 4°. Paris, 1829. James (H.) * De neuralgia. 8. Edinburgi, 1831. Kelly (T.) * De neuralgia. *. Edinburgi, 1819. Kershaw (J. M.) Diseases of the brain and nervous system. Issued in eight parts. Facial neuralgia and the visceralgia*. Their diagnosis and treatment. Pt. 1. 8-. Si. Louis, 1878. NEUKALGIA. 828 NEU HALO I A. iVeuralgia. Kottmann (C.) * Nonnulla de neuralgiis. 8*-. Turici, 1835. Lawson (H.) Sciatica, lumbago, and bra- chialgia; their nature and treatment, and their immediate relief and rapid cure by hypodermic injection of morphia. 8~. London, 1872. —. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1877. Leclerc (M.-M.-J.) * De la n6vralgie g6u6- rale. 4C. Paris, 1*52. Martinet (L.) * Sur les n6vralgies, conside- ri'*es en general, et sur l'emploi de l'essence de tei-ebenthine daus la nevralgie sciatique. 4°. Paris, 1818. Maze (G.) * Des nevralgies au point de vue de leur 6tiologie et de leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1*74. Murray (J. W. B.) * On neuralgia. 8°. New York. 1816. Payne (J. A.) *De neuralgia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. Peciiedimaldji ( D. ) *Des u6vralgies con- gestives. 4°. Paris, 1867. Petroz (A.-P.-M.) *Des mSvralgies en gene- ral, de lenrs causes, de leur nature, de leur traite- ment. 4°. Paris, 1851. Pii.nkowski DE Stem: - Kownaty ( C.-M. ) * De la nevralgie en general. 4r Paris, 1849. de Ranse (F.) * Considerations sur la nature etle traiteinent iles nevralgies. 4°. Paris, 1861. Kioal (A.) * Causes et pathogenie des ne- vralgies. **-. Paris, 1*72. Rowland (R.) A treatise on neuralgia. 8°. London, 1838. Schneider (J. ) Die Nenralgieu in der Zeit der Pubertats-Entwickelung oder des maunbaren Alters. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1843. Scott (J.) Cases of tic douloureux, and other forms of neuralgia. 8°. London, 1834. Teale (T. P. ) A treatise on neuralgic dis- eases, dependent upon irritation of the spinal marrow aud ganglia of the sympathetic nerve. 8-T London, 1829. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1830. -----. The same. 8°. Woodstock, Vt., 1834. ------. The same. 12°. Concord, [n. d.] Thomson (A.) Untersuchung der Natur, Ur- sachen und HeilmethodederNervenbeschwerden. Nach der 4. englischen Ausg. iibersetzt uud init einigen Aumerkungen begleitet,. 12°. Han- novei; 1798. Thomson (G. ) *De neuralgia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1*17. Tweedy (H.) Paralysis and neuralgia, their prevention and cure, [etc.] 2. ed. 8°. Dublin, 1857. Valleix (F.-L.-I.) Traite des nevralgies ou af- fections douloureuscs des nerfs. 8-. Paris, 1841. -----. The same. Abhandlung iiber die Nenralgieu . . . iibersetzt und mit einigen Zu- siitzen begleitet, von K. G. Grnner. *°. Braun- schweig, 1*52. Van Lair ( C.) Les nevralgies, leurs formes et leur traiteinent. Ouvrage couronne [etc.] 8-. Bruxelles, 1*66. -----. The same. 2. e Neuralgia. IllinoisM. Recorder, Van- dalia, 1878-9, i, 29-33. — Wi Ison (S. S.) Neuralgia; its pa- thology and etiologv. Ohio State J. Dent. Sc, Toledo, 1881, i, 61-65. Also- Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1881-2, 3. s., xv, 1-6.—Woillez. Importance de l'etude clinique des nevralgies. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 317. Neuralgia (Causes of). See, also, Lead; Neuralgia (Dental); Neural- gia (Rheumatic); Neuralgia (Syphilitic); Neu- ralgia (Traumatic). Lokber (E.) *£tude clinique des nevralgies etdes points douloureux dans la tuberculose pul- monaire. 4°. Nancy, 1879. Quekmoxxe (L.) * fitude sur la pathogenie des nevralgies. 4°. Paris, 1884. Rigal (A.) " Causes ot pathogenie des ne- vralgies. 4°. Paris, 1872. Arney (G. F ) Reflex neuralgia: a case caused by a foreign body in the* ear. Med. Bull., Phila., 1881, iii, 152.— An ber (P. A.) Las neuralgias en las anemias. An. de cien. med., Madrid, 1877, iii, 262-269. — Berger. Ueber diabetische und nephritische Neuralgien. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1882, iv, 281. Also- Jahresb. d. schles Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1882, Brest, 1883. lx, 13-16.—Bortlicr (A.) Les nevralgies svmetriques dans lcdiabete : revue' ci itiqiic I J. de therap., Par., 1881, viii, 23-26. — C'ntlin (11.i Tho NEURALGIA. 830 NEURALGIA. Neuralgia (Causes of). relations of pain to weather, studied during eleven years of a case of traumatic neuralgia, with notes bv S. Weir Mitchell. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1881-3), 1883', 3. s.. vi, 411-427, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1883, xliii, 46-49.—Dana (C. L.) A clinical study of neu- ralgias and of the origin of reflex or transferred pains. N. Tork M. J., 1887, xiv, 216. Also, Reprint. — Dreyfous (F.) Des nevralgies saturnines. Francem6d., Par., 1881, ii, 769-773. -----. Des nevralgies chez les tuberculeux. Ibid., 1884, i, 784; 798. — Flora in. Observation de n6- vralgie diabetique. -Gaz. meel. ele Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 101.— Friedriehs (A. G.) Reflex neuralgia dependent upon dental irritation. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1887, 99- 107. — Fnssell (M. H.) Malarial neuralgia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvii, 574. — Giiiithcr. Zur Aetiologie der Trigeminus- und Intercostalneuralgien. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1885, xv, 79-83. — von Hosslin (R.) Ueber diabetische Neuralgieen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 240. — Kapper (F.) Zur Aetiologie der Neuralgie. Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1886, xxxi, 278.—Kerr (J. G.) The Tiereditv of neuralgia. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1885, xxviii, 207-209.— Kranss (F.) A curious case of malarial neuralgia. Can- ada Lancet, Toronto, 1884-5, xvii. 193-195.— I.cuflA. H. P.) Note on an abnormal distribution, hitherto unob- served, of the supra-orbital anil infra-orbital nerves, ex planatorv of the recurrence of certain neuralgias. Arch. Med., Nl Y., 1880, iii, 340-344.—Lincoln (W. L.) Neu- ralgia. Tr. Minn. M. Soc, St. Paul, 1882, xiv, 156-163.— iVIaughan. Referred neuralgias. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond.T 1887, viii, 803-807. — IVenstab (J.) Nevralgia chuvstvitel. vietvei blujda. nerva. [Neuralgia from irri- tation of a branch of nervus vagus.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, iv, 280-284. — Rcybnrn (R.) Neuralgia, its cause and cure. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xii, 91-94.—Sanchez IIiiicio (A.) Genesis de las neural- gias y sus variedades etiohigicas. Correomed. castellano, Salamanca, 1885, ii, 13 ; 43 ; 73. —Smith ( J. L.) Anaemic neuralgia in children. Med. Gaz., N. T., 1880, vii, 161.— S ted man. Specific neuralgia. Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xevi, 627. — Whitwell (J. R.) A contribution to the etiology of neuralgia. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 513- 518. — Witzel (0.) Ganglien an der Greifseite der Hand als Ursache von Neuralgien. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1888, xv, 137-142. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1888, xi, 264-268. Neuralgia (Complications and sequela: of)- Bresl., 1872, xlix, 204. —IVotta (A.) Memoire sur les lesions touctionuelles qui sont sous la ilependance eles n6vralgies. Arch, gen.demed., Par., 1854, ii, 1 ; 290- 513 — Oppolzer. Neuralgia nervi temporalis it' hem'iple.ria nervi facialis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1849, i 41 — Pari- n a ml (H.)& Marie (P.) Nevralgie et paraiysie ocu- laire a retour periodique, constituant uu syndrome cli- nique spe-cial. Arch, de neurol.. Par.. 1886,' xi. 15-29.— Parks. Abstract of a case* of severe pain accompanied with vomiting of oil, etc Boston M. et S A 1855-6 liii 190-192. — Piorry (P.-A.) Nevralgie ascendante avec acces epileptique; nevrite; hvpernevrotrophie sur le lieu d'oii partait ladouleur; hemo-derniite varioleuse; entente. typhohemique; necroscopie. Bull, clin.. Par., 1835-6, i, 453-458.—Ringer (S.) A curious caseof facial neuralgia with unilateral sweatiug cured by the application of aco- nite liniment. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, ix, 138-140 — Sabaticr (J.-C.) Demleur fixe et sujette a de frequents paroxysmes, ayant son siege en arriere eten haut de l'hvpo- chondre droit, existant depuis deux ans, et succeehint a. des vomissements qui duraient depuis huit annees; erysi- pele a la face; mort. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir prat., Par., 1831, iii, 250-259. — Williams (R. G.) Neu- ralgia, rheumatism, vertigo. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin 1887, 335. Neuralgia (Diagnosis and semeiology of). Lender ( C. ) Die Poiuts douloureux Val- leix's und ihre Ursachen. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Turck (L.) Beobachtungen iiber Veriuinde- rung der Pulsfrequenz bei neuralgischen An- fallen nnd iiber den Rhythmus solcher Anfiille. 8°. Wien, 1855. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien, 1855, xvii. Armaingaiid. Du point douloureux apophysaire dans les nevralgies et de l'irritation spinale. Bordeaux med., 1872, i, 251; 258; 267; 274; 283; 291. Also: Assoc. franc*, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1872, Par., 1873, i, 893-930. Also, Reprint.—Uomicaii. Nevralgie de la tete du pharynx simulant la fievre interniittente perni- cieuse. _ Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Poitiers, 1842. vi, 114-116.— Dcrblich (W.) Ueber simulirte Neuralgien. Militaer- arzt, Wien, 1878, xii, 25; 43. — Duplony. Obseivationa de n6vralgies avec point apophysaire gueries par des ap- plications de vesicatoires sur le point verte-bral. Bordeaux ni6d., 1875, iv, 245. —Griffin ( W.) How are neuralgic affections to be distinguisheel from inflammatory J Dublin J. M. Sc, 1836, x, 53-68.—-TIartinet (L.) Des n6vralgies simulant des maladies du cerveau. Rev. mid. franc, et etrang., Par., 1824, i, 86-95. — Mitchell (S. W.) The re- lations of pain to weather, being a study of the natural history of a case of traumatic neuralgia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1877, n. s., Ixxiii, 305-329. — Reinbold (TT) Worauf beruht der TJnterschied in dem Verhalten ties Schruerzes bei Neuralgieen und resp. Entziindungeu gegen aussere Beriihrung ? Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1842, x, 682-688. — Romberg (M. H.) Zur Kritik der Valleix'schen Schmerzenspunkte in Neuralgieen. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl-, 1868, i, 1-7.—Rosser (J. C.) Meteoro- logical perturbations and its bearings on the phenomena of idiopathic neuralgia. Tr. Minn. M. Soc, St. Paul. 1877, ix, 92-100, 6 tab.— Starr (M. A.) Cocaine as an aid to diagnosis in cases of neuralgia and neuritis. Meel. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 17. — Vizioli (F.) II criterio elettto- diagnostico nelle nevralgie. Morgagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 630-650. Neuralgia (Treatment of). See, also, Acupuncture; Amputations a t knee-joint; Artery (Carotid, Ligature of); Bel- ladonna ; Chloroform (Injection of); Elec- trotherapeutics; Extremities (Ligature of); Nerve-stretching; Nerves (Surgery of); Neu- ralgia (Facial, etc., Treatment of); Neurotomy. Bretschxeider (H.) Versuch einer Jh-giiin- dung der Pathologie und Therapie der aiisseie-n Neuralgieen. 8°. Jena, 1847. Cadexacle (E.) * Dn traitement des ne'vral- gies par les courants continus. 4C. Bordeaux, 1885. Coulox (H.) *Des nerralgies conside're'e.s priucipalenient au point de vue de leur traite- ment. 4C. Paris, 1882. Dalmexesche (A.) *Du traitement des ne- vralgies eu general. 4°. Paris, 1834. Neuralgia (Complications and sequelce of). See, also, Hair (Color of, Abnormities of) ; Skin (Diseases of, Neurotic). Boisson (P.-O.-A.) * Etude clinique sur les troubles trophiques de la n6vralgie trifaciale. 4r Petri's, 1876. Rernntz. Observation de nevralgie, avec pheno- menes convulsifs se rattachant a l'epilepsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 309.—t'arril (A. F.) Neuralgia; flemon elifuso consecutivo y gangrena ; muerte. Siglo med., Madrid, 1861, viii, 483; 50L—Ertliiiaiin. Ueber die Be- deutung vasomotorischer und trophischer Storungen bei Neuralgien. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. (1876-7), 1877, 136-138. — Gubler (A.) Nevralgie reflexe et plus tard anesthesie du trijumeau en rapport avec une nevrite du tronc du facial, et une paralysie in- complete du ci)t,6 correspondaut de la face. Gaz. med. de Par., 1864, 3. s., xix, 743-745.—Hughes (C. H.) Note on a form of post-neuralgic encephalatrophic or cerebrasthenic insanity. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1885, vi, 566-570. Also, Reprint.—Jones (C. H.) On paralysis of the motor nerves in neuralgic affections. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii, 363. -----. Clinical lecture on a case of frouto temporal neu- ralgia, attended with cerebral disorder. Meel. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1867, iv, 501.—J.atonr. Observation d'une affection du creur, conipliqu6ede nevralgie faciale et eninienne. Rev. med. franc*, et etrang.. Par., 1827. iii! 399-405. — ITiejjey (N.-F.) Acces de n6vralgie intercostale, de nevralgie- du testicule etele priapisme nevralgiejue periodiques. se pro- duisant successivement chez une meme personne; gueri- son par les preparations de quinquina. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1855, viii, 43-46. Also, Reprint.— I.ippich. Hintere Gesichts-Nevralgie mit entziindli- eherSJteigening und Fortpflanzung anf den Gehornerven; Eiterabsonderiing inder Sehadelhohle. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, n. F., xvii, 193-199.— Vlitehell (S. W.) On certain forms of neuralgia accompanied with muscular spasms and extravasations of blood, and on pur- pura as a neurosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1869, n. s., lviii 116-122. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1863-74), 1874, n. s., iv. 282-288.-----. Neuralgic headaches with apparitions of unusual character. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1887, 3. s., ix, 175-181. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s., xciv' 415-419—IVoUiiiagel (H.) Trophische Storungen bei Neuralgieen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.. 1869, ii. 29-37. -----. Ueber cutane Sensibilitatsstorungen bei Neural- gien. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1871, NEURALGIA. 831 NEURALGIA. \euralgia (Treatment of). Dkstkunk (H.) Decouverte d'un traitement des nevralgies. 8°. Paris, 1851. Drums (S.) *Un traitement des nevralgies par re*lcctricit6 et l'hydrotherapie, ou guide pra- tique ilY'lectrohydrotlicrapie appliquee au traite- nient de* ces maladies. 4°. Paris, 1878. -----. The same. 8-''. Paris, 1878. Eliot (G.) The treatment, of neuralgia in gen- eral practice. 8°. Buffalo, 1887. Eymery-Heroguklle (J.) * Etude du Gel- semi um sempervireus et de son action dans le traitement des nevralgies. 4°. Paris, 1877. Gaudry (H.-O.) * Des injections m6dicamen- teuses sous-qutaue'es et plus sp6cialemeut des injections de sulfate d'atrophie dans les nevral- gies. 4°. Paris, 1863. Ikhl (L.-L. ) * Contribution au traitement des nevralgies. 4°. Nancy, 1879. Lautar (L.) * Considerations sur le principe act if de la belladonna et sur son emploi en in- jections bypodermiques dans le traitenient des n6vralgies. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Leche (R.) * Beitrage zur Behandlung der Neuralgien durch Anwendung des inducirten Stromes. 8C. Tiibingen, 1862. Lobb (H. W.) On the curative treatment of paralysis aud neuralgia with the aid of galvan- ism. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1859. Loiseau (A.-C.-E.-L.) *Dii traitement des n-5vralgies par la cauterisation sulfurique. 4°. Paris, 1869. Martinet (L.) Memoire sur l'emploi de l'huile de tei-ebentbine dans la sciatique et quelques autres nevralgies des membres. 8°. Paris, 1823. Mosquinot ( M.-J.-J.-R. ) * Considerations snr le traitement de nevralgies. 4°. Paris, 1854. Roche (C.-L.-P.-D.) * Du traitement externe des nevralgies. 4°. Paris, 1851. Sciiapiroef (B. M.) * Die Behandlung von Nenralgieu mit Injectionen vou Ostniuuisaure. 8 . Jena, 1886. Also, in: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 219; 227. Abbot (S. L.) Acute sciatica and facial neuralgia; treatment by salicylic acid and salicvlate of soda'. Boston M. .v. S. J., 1879, ci, 83-87.— Aeonitine iDe 1') dans les nevralgies. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, lii, 1086.— Ariam- kiewicz. Ueber die Behandlung der Neuralgien init- telst der Kataphorese. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. iniiere Med., Wiesb., 1887. vi, 169-178. Also: Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 848-850. Also, Repriut. Also, transl: Przegl. lek.. Krakow., 1887,- xxvi, 249-251.—Al- laire (P. A.) Neuralgia treated by the internal use of chloroform. Northwest. M. cfe S. J.. Chicago cfe Indianap., 18.51-2, viii, 388-392.—Allnatt (R. 11.) On the treatment of neuralgia. Lancet. Lond.. 1847. i, 331.—Althaus (J.) On the treatment of neuralgia by electricity. Med. Times eV Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, 166. -----. On the comparative /alue of subcutaneous injections and the continuous gal- e/anic current in the treatment of neuralgia. Ibid., 1870, i, 630—Ainezqueta (TT) Observaciones sobre la eficacia de la moxa en la curacion de las nevralgias. Decadas de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1822, viii, 64-77.—Applica- zione della elettricitfr metallica per guarire le nevralgie e le paralisi; ed applicazione del vuoto pneumatico per vincere le ostinate costipazioni di ventre. Esculapio na- pol., Xapoli, 18:!5, xvii, 280-285.—Ayres (S.) Ligation for neuralgia. Progress, Louisville, 1886, i, 17.—Harriet (G.) Xote sur l'emploi eiu chlorure de methyle dans les nevralgies. Nouv. remedes, Par., 1885, i. 7(5-80.—Barris- ley (./. L.) Cases of neuralgia in which the acetate of morphia was successfully employed. In his : Hosp. Facts & Oiis. letc.l, 8°, Lond.. 1830,'101-108—Barella (H.) Emploi des bains de valeriane contre les nevralgies. J. de meel., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1863, xxxvi, 24-27. -----. De la m6dication arsenicale dans les nevralgies. Ann. Soc. de nied. d'Anvers, 1864, xxv, 97-146. [Rap. de Mayer], 146-148.—Bargellini (D.) Sull' uso della tin- tura del gelsoinino a fior giallo como antispasmodic!), spo- cialmentee nelle nevralgie del trigemino. Boll, d'ocul., Fi- renze, 1882-3, v, 330-333.—Barrier. Sur le traitement des nevralgies par le chloroforuie. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1-348, xxxv, 7> 37-544.— Baxter (G. A.) Hydrate Neuralgia (Treatment of). of chloral iu neuralgia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. 1876, iii, is-.—Baylor (G. W.) Hydioeyauate of iron in the treatment of epih-psy aud neuralnias. South-West. M. Gaz., Louisville, 1887, i, 129.—Beai-ri (i; — Blumli-ll (E. S.) Cure of neuralgic affections with the '• mineral magnet". Lancet, Lond., 1833-4. i. 323-325._Boilriy (E. M.) Xeuralgia anil its treatment. Mi-el. Times \- (Iaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 383; 459.—Bomii'inaisoii. Injections hypoelerniiques elans les nevralgies. In lii*: Ivssais do clin. m6d., 8°, Toulouse, 1874, 82-94. — Bonehnt. I»u traitement des nevralgies par la teinture diode ordinaire et par la teinture d'iode morphin6e. Union med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xix, 134; 146. — Boui-o* (J.) Heilung eiues beschwerlichen Giehtschmerzes elure-h den Zitterrocheu. ' Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1840, 557-562.—Brad- bury. Cases of neuralgia treated bv phosphorus Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 344.—Bradley (S.) Tincture .if yellow jasmine iu neuralgia of the face and in whooping- cough. Ibid., 1878, ii. 6.— Bra in wel i (J. P.) Case of epileptiform tic cured by nitroglycerine-. Ibid., 1884, ii, 609. — Brenchlcy (H. C.) On the use of hydrochlorate of ammonia in neuralgia. Lancet, Loud., 1858, ii, 396.— Brophy (T. W.) Xeuralgia and its treatment. .Mis- souri Dent. J.. St. Louis, 1880, xii, 145-158. — Bro Mill- ion (S. D.) Case of neuralgia, in which the carbonate of iron was successfully administered. Lond. M. ..v Phvs. J., 1826, lv, 373-375. — Buljjlieii it"-.) La lustig.izione elettrica nelle nevralgie. Gazz. nied. ital. lomli., Mi- lano, 1877, 7. s, iv, 11; 21.—Burq (V.) Des condi- tions du succes dans le traiteme-nt eles nevralgies en g6u6ral et de la nevralgie faciale ™ particulier par le cuivre. comme par (Vantres in6taux. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol. 1881, Par., 1882. 7. s., iii, 174-177. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, 317. — Cabaret. Dou- leurs musculaires erratiques violentes; insutlisance des moyens de traitement ordinaires; excellents effets de la faradisation. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par.. 1879, xlvi, 45(j.— Callaiuand. Du traitement chirurgieal des ne- vralgies. .1. de therap., Par., 1882, ix, 529-535. — Carey (II. G.) Xeuralgia treated by black snake root. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1852, xiii, 460-465.—Carlo (R.) Suit uso interim' dell' olio essenziale di tremeutina nelle affezioni nevralgiche. Imparziale, Firenze, 1865, v, 79.—Castisli- oni (C.) Intorno a' casi di nevralgie sanate coll' acetato di morfina. Gazz. med. di Milauo, 1843, ii, 293.—Caze- navc (A.) De la ligature des membres pour combattre les nevralgies, et de son action sur rintermittence. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1832, iii, 38-42. — Cuzenave (J.-J.) Du traitement de quelques nevralgies rebelles, notaniment de celles qui sont insupportables par l'exces des douleurs. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bor- deaux, 1868, iii, 77-97. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxiii, 447; 541. — Chapnian (J.) Neuralgia; cases treated successfully by the spine-bag. Med. Press .fc Circ, Dubl., 1868, v, 201. -----. Two cases of neuralgia, with grave complications, treated successfully by means of the spinal ice-bas. Med. Times «fe Gaz., Loud., 1869, ii, 69')_g->4 _____. Case's of neuralgia treated successfully by spine-bans. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1869, vi, 127; 147: 1870, vii, 15.—Chapman (R. U.) Neuralgia treated by sub- cutaneous injections of ether. Toledo M. efc S. J., 1879, iii, 136— Charrierc (B.) Gu6rison prompte des nevral- • '■ies a leur debut par l'emploi topique du chlorine d'or et de sodium. Bull. iren. de theirap., etc., Par., 1856, 1, 357.— Cherandier. Ne*vralgiesprofoudes et rebelles traitee.-* par les fumigations resineuses de Pin mugho. J. de med. N KIT RALGIA. 832 NEURALGIA. AeuraijU'ia (Treatment of). \ it chir. prat., Par.. 1873, xliv, 404-407. — Chippenriale (.1.) On the treatment of neuralgia by tobacco. Lancet, Loud.. 1845, i, 238. — C'liisholm i-l.i ( ases illustrating the etiects of the local atiplie-ation ol veratrin in tic. Edinb. M. e.V S. ,1.. 185.5, Ixxxii n-ase-book), 2-4.—Clarke (J. A.) Ou the treatment of neuralgia by iodiue. Lau- eet, Lond.. 1845, ii, 177.— Claseu. Das Oleum terebin- thinte als Speeiticum gegen Xeuralgien. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl.. 1860. xii. 254. — Clemen* (T.) Die reth.-o- tirte Xeuralgie und deren Behanillimg ilurch Elektricitat. nebst eiuigen Wortien iiber die Anwendung des Iiiduc- tionsstroms. [12 cases.] Ibid.. 263: 274; 280: 321: 498; 503: 1861, xiii, 325; 337; 357; 369; 387. — Clinical oliservatioiis ou the use of dextro-quinine in pet iodic- neuralgia. Month. Rev. M. efc Pharm., Phila., lssu, iii, 16.— Coen (G.) Vantaggiosi effetti ottenuti dalle j preparazioni dioppiocol metodo endermico nelle nevralgie | e per clistere nel delirio nervoso traumatico. (Iior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1836, iv, 213-255. —Col- lins i L. J.) The deep injection of chloroform in neuralgia. Clinic, Cincin., 1874, vii, 253. — Comegys (C. G.) The cure of sciatica and violent neuralgia by hypodermic in- jections of ether. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic. 1879. n. s., ii, 10. — etoiiiiii-4 i.J. L.) On the medication of nerves; a new method. NT Vork hi. Mouth.. 1886-7, i, 101-103. -----. The medication of nerves and its application in the treatment of facial neuralgia and other painful nervous affections; being a new mode of inducing prolonged neural anaesthesia by pressure applied eliiectly above the anaes- thetic zone, and consequent occlusion of the subjacent capillaries. Med. Rec, N. V., 1887, xxxi, 319.-----. The endermic use of cocaine in the treatment of certain phases of neuralgia. Internat. J. Surg, efc Autisept.. X. Y., 1888, i, 13. — Coulou (A.) Traitement de nevralgies pai rin- jection sous-cutanee du sulfate d'atropiui*. Union med., Par., 1859, 2. s.. iii, 228-233.—Courty (A.) De l'ethcacite ib's injections uarcotiques sous-cutanees, dans le traiteinent des iievralgios. Montpel. med.. 1859, iii, 289; 404.— Cowrit'll ((.'.) Cases of neuralgia, etc., successfully treated by narcotic injection. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1860, i, 103. — Crosio (L.) Nevralgie curate cou 1' uso esterno dell' atropia. < iTt/.z. med. ital. lomb., Milauo, 1852, 3. s., iii. 262-261.—Cii in in ing (W. H.) [On the use of qui- nine in neuralgia.] Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1871-2, ix, 695.— Cuuier (F.) De 1'usage externe de la vera trine dans le traitement eles nevralgies. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1838, xv. 329-336.—Curariou prouta y etic-az de las neura'gias por la eauterizacion trauscurrente, modificada. Gac. nied.. Madrid, 1852. viii, 171-173.—Curtis (J.) Em- plovmeut of the tincture of aconite in cases of neuralgia. Lancet. Loud., 1840-41, ii, 474— Dedal. De l'emploi du valerianate d'ammoniaque dans le traitement des n6vral- gies. Union med.. Par., 1856, x, 419. -----. De la gueri- son des nevralgies par un medicament nouveau, le vale- rianate d'ammouiaipie. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1856. 1, 549-553.—Descroizille* efc Ozenne. De l'acide salieylique et du salicylate de soude dans le traitenient des nevralgies. Progres meet, Par., 1877, v. 561.—Wesnos. Traitenient des douleurs nevralgiques rebelles. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1874, xiv. 343— Dichiara (F.) iJue casi di nevralgia dorso-iutercostale. del lato elestro, curata cou la corrente eontiniia. Gazz. clin. di elettroter., Pa- lermo, 1883, i, 101-104. -----. Xevralgia del lato destro cou atrofia dei muscoli e idrartrosi del ginoechio destro cu- rate cou la corrente continua. Ibid.. 164-167.— Dick (R.) Xew method of treating cases of purely functional neu- ralgv ; exhibition of the galvanic factors. Lancet, Lond., 1810-41, i, 786-789.— DoinaiisUi (S.) O b61ach nerwo- woych i ich 16czeniu. [ Xeuralgia and its treatment. ] Przegl ,,.k., Krakow., 1877, xvi, 2; 14; 65; 161; 171.— Downing (T.) On the aneuralgicon. Lancet, Lond, 1849. i. 43-45. Also [Abstr.] : Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s.. iii, 236. — Droste (A.) Ueber die Wirksaiukeit des Extrar.ti Strammonii gegen Tic douloureux und andere Xeuralgieen des Kopfes. J. d. pract. Heilk.. Berl.. 1839, lxxxviii, 2. St., 87-103. — Dufaur. Observations de plu- sieurs nevralgies, gu6ries par 1'euiploi de l'huile de tere- benthiue. Rev. med. frang. et 6trang., Par., 1824. iii, 214- 224. —Bujardiii-Beaiiinetz (G.) Du traitement cles nevralgies par les injections sous-cutan6es au chlorliydrate de morphine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 542; 550. -----. Xouveaux cas de nevralgies rebelles trait6s avec succfes par les injections sous-cutanees on chlorhydrate de morphine. Bull. gen. de th6rap.; etc.. Par.. 1865, lxviii, 38- 40. -----. On the treatment of neuralgia. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 405; 433; 461. —Dupre (P.-L.) Quel- ques observations sur l'emploi du sulfate de quinine elans le traitement de plusieurs maladies, et particulierement la nevralgie. J. de physiol. exp6r., Par., 1822, ii, 210-219.— Dnpuy. Nevralgie symptomatique d'6puiseraent du centre nerveux spinal, trait6e au moyen des applications methodiques du chloroforme. France meel., Par., 1864, ii, 188—10n. — Duval (E.) Nevralgie pr6coreliale avec de- bilite anemiquc: idees tristes, hypochondriaques ; iiisutii- sance ebs moyens ordinaires; guerison par l'application methodique de l'hydrotheirapie. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1863, xxxvi, 326.—Eliot (G.) The treatment ol neuralgia in ! \t'liral#'ia (Treatment of). general practieo. Buffalo M. Jt S. A.. 1887-8, xxvii 1:57- 164. — Emploi (De 1') du Datura stramonium contre les nevralgies l'aciales. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1837 xii, 239-241.—Fsperou (A. L.) Dos casos de neural" iii trataelos con exitopor la parthenina. Crdn. med.-quir.lb- la Habana, 1885, xi. 205-207.—Eulenhin-j; (A.) Die Os miumsaurebehandluug eler peripheren Neuralgien. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1884. xxi, 99-101.—Kwiny (J. II.) r.nH,\ of neuralgia cm .1 bv acupuneturatiou. X Am M s, S. J-, Phila., 1826, ii, 77. Also: Lond. M. Krposii.. 18-li n. s., in, 225.—Fall if. J.) On the external use of com' mou salt in intermit I int or neuralgic p.iius of the- head. South, hi .fc S. J., Augusta, 1853, u. s., ix, 581-584.— Fauverge. Observation sur uue n6vralgie eompliipiir guerie par les emoliens unis kin violette peusee. .1. gen. de me*d., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1813, xlvi. 383-386. —Fenioii (J.) Onau instrument for applying heat iu neuralgie' allTi!. tinns generally. Laiu-e-t, Lond.,1849, i, 122. — Fereol. Du sulfate de cuivre aminoniacal contre h>s nevralgies rebelles. Bull, et mem. Soc. eb- therap., Par., 1881, xiii, 43-48.— ■•'inco (G.) Nevralgie guarite coll' ustiono (led piede e dell'orecchio. Gazz. "med. ital. lomb., Milauo. 1869, 6. s., ii. 77: 85. — Fischer (G.) Antifebrin gegen lancinirendei Srhniei zi'ii. Miinchen. meel. Wchnschr., 1887. xxxiv. 425- 427. — Fleury (L.) Des douches froides et de la suela- tion appliquei-s au traitement des n6vralgies etdes rhiuna- tismes musculaires. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v 28! 300; 342— Flies (E.) Elertrotherapeulisehe Mittheilun- gen im Gebiete der Neuralgieen. Allg. meel. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1862. xxxi, 361; 369. — Foissnr. (T>nsid6rations pra'- tiques sur le traitement eles nevralgies. Union me'-d. Par 1876, 3. s., xxii, 309; 345; 387: 441; 485; 521; 557: 593; 63:i. — Ford (M.) Jamaica dogwood in neuralgia. Louis- ville M. News, 1880, ix, 295 — I i-ienUi-l (E.) Ueber pa- renchymatd.se Ueberosiniumsiiureiujeet ion,n. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1884, xxi, 234-236. —Fraeukel (S.) Ueber subcutane Antipyrin-Injectiou bei schmerzhaften Krauk- heiten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 895. Also, Reprint.—Francis (C. R.) Treatment of neural- gia. Med. Press fcCirc, Lond., 1882, n. s., xxxiv, 457; 480; 502.—Gal icier, (luerison d'une douleur nevralgique ele la tete, par l'ciUjiloi eiu clilorofortue. J. de la sect, ele ined. Soc. acad. Loire-lnf.,Nantes, 1849, n. s., xxv, 101.—>fiain- beriui (P.) Neuralgie curate col solfato di mortina pel- met ) (C. J.) Endermic application of morphia in neuralgic pains. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i. 673.—Ooss (W.) Cases of neural- gia successfully treated with the colchicutn autuninale. Ibid., 1832-3, i, 426.—Grailonicz ;E.) Solntio arseni- calis Fowleri gegen Neuropathic. Me-d. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846. iii. 180.—« raves (li. J.) Treatment of sciatica and lumbago. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1840, xviii, 242-247.—Ouibert (T.) De I'aconitine dans les nevral- gies. Marseille med., 1885, xxii, 177-179.—Hardwicke (J.) On digitalis iu neuralgia. Assoc. M. J., Lond.. 1855, i, 512.—Harless (C. F.) Die Acupunctur, als Mittel ge- gen den Gesichtsschmerz und andere ihm verwandte Xeu- ralgieen. X. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hamin, 1825, ix, 2. St., 1-18.—Hauff. Ueber die Wirksamkeit des gerbestoffsauren Chtniu, Chinum tannicum, bei typi- scheu Neuralgieen. Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk., Tiibing., 1845, i, 48-55.—Hay l W.) Valerianate of ammonia in the treatment of neuralgia. Northwest. M. efc S. J., Chicago, 1857, xiv, 444-446. — llcnioz (F.) De la compression comme moyen curat if eb- epiehpies nevralgies. Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux.. 1835, ii. .—Heriuel liv) Rielnr ches sur les nevralgies ti-ait.6 -s par le .quinquina et ses pre- parations. Oaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 148; 166 — Hickman (J. W..i Xeuralgia; importance of treating the paroxvsm. Meel. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1879, xii. 173. —Hill (L. A.) Treatment of neuralgia. South. M. -v S. J., Augusta, 1857, n. s., xiii, 147-150.—Hofuianii (O.) Hochgradige Xeuralgia spinalis; Heilung elutch elen gal- vanischen Strom. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1869, xiv, 190 — Hogs (C.) Ou tbe influence of large closes of quinine in neuralgia. Lancet Loud., 1850, ii. 575 — Holilcn (J. S.) Some notes ou ueiualgia and its treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 639. — Hooper (J.) Intractable case of NEUKALGIA. 833 NEURALGIA. JYeuralgia (Treatment of). neuralgia cured by oxygen. Ibid., 1862, i, 277-279.—Hun- ter (C.) On narcotic injectionsiu neuralgia. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858. xvii, 408. — Iliff (W. T.) Cases of neuralgia successfully treated with carbonate of iron. Lond. M. efc Phys. J., 1823, i, 271. — Injection* narco- tiques sous-cutanees dans le traitenient eles nevralgies. Gaz. d. he>p., Par., 1859, xxxii, 551.—Jaeoby (G. W.) On the use of osmic acid in peripheral neuralgias. J. Nerv. fc Ment. Dis., N. T., 1885, ic, ,->., x, 32^331. Also: Mecl. Rec, NT V., 1885. xxvii, 712. Also: N. York M. J., 1885, xiii, 123-126. Also, Reprint. -----. The treatment of neuralgias by means of intense cold. Med. Rec., N. V., 1887, xxxii, 473-475.—Jaeques(J.) Sur l'iuoc.ulation des sels de morphine dans les nevralgies et surtout dans I'ischias. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1812, 379-391.— Jaqucs. Case of severe neuralgic affection, cured by carbonate of iron. Lond. M. efc Phys. J., 1826, n. s.. i, 545.— Jobert (deLamballe). M6moiresnrla therapeutique des nevralgies; proc6(16 mixte; section et cauterisation eles nerfs. Union med., Tar , 1854, viii, 175 ; 180.— Jones (H.) M.) On the action of aconite and quinine in neuralgia. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1868, vi, 5.—Jurasz (A.) Geisemium sempervirens als antineuralgisches Mittel. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii. 513-515.— Kahler (0.) Geisemium sempervirens eiu Aiitineural- gicum ! Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 171-174.—King (J. T.) An old neuralgia cured by an operation. Am. j. M. Sc, Phila., 1879, n.s., lxxviii, 15G. — de li in knoll. Observations pratiques sur l'etftcacitei de la teinture ele Datura stramonium dans les n6vtalg is. Arch. gen. ele med., Par., 1827, xiv, 373.—Knott (SV J ) Cases of scia- tica and neuralgia successfully treated bv galvanism. Lancet, Lond., 1875. ii, 872-874.—Koyen (J.) Xe*vralgie rhumatismale, guerie au moyeu ele la galvanopuucture. Ann. Soc. de meel. d'Anvers, 1849, vi, 426-430. — Kreuser. I'ebesserter (iesicbtssehmerz (lurch iiusseii; Anweudiing (lesStrychninsuncidesschwefelsaurenChinins. Med.Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1832-3, i. 95— Kunzc (R. E.) Cereus Bonplandii in neuralgia. Therap. Gaz., Do troit, 1880,n.s., i,89.—Lange(C.) Et ParNotitsertil Xeu- ralgiernes Patologi og Behandling. Hosp -Tiel., Kjebenh., 1880, 2. R„ vii, 721-728.—Law,on ((;.) On the surgical treatment of neuralgia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, i, 137.—Le Deutu. De la revulsion interstitielle par les injections hypodermiques de nitrate d'argent. France nnil., Par., 1877, xxiv. 225-227. Also: Courrier m6d., Par., I(f77, xxvii, 117-119. — Legouest. De la cure chirurgi- cale des nevralgies. Bull. Soc. ele- cbir. ele Par. (1864), 1865, 2. s., v, 299-306. — Legros. Traitement des dou- leurs nevralgiques, rhuniatismalcs, etc., par la vesication volante morphinee. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1863, xxx\ i, 306.— Leonard (J. P.) On the treatment of neuralgia, with cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1845, xxxii, 359-361.—I.erielie. Du traitement des nevralgies par l'emploi de terebinthine & petitescloses. Union med., Par., 1848, ii, 492.—Lipbur- ger (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung peripherer Neu- ralgien mit Ueberosmiumsaure. Centralbl. f. d. ges. The- rap., AVien, 1884, ii, 97-100. — Lobb (H.) Acute neural- gia cured with the aid of the continuous galvanic current. Lancet, Loud., 1860, i, 520. — Lush (W.J. H.) Cases of neuralgia treated with tonga. Ibid.. 1880, i, 835.— Lynch (M. H.) Treatment of neuralgia by Indian hemp ; physiol- ogy of the nerves. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843, vi, 9-11.— I.vsserinan (L.) Uzhlad na balueoteorapiu nevralhiy. [The balneotherapia of neuralgia.] Moskov. nied. Gaz., I860, 403-407. — M'Colgan (J. T.) Local anaesthesia in neuralgia. South. Pract,. Nashville, 1882, iv, 201-203.— Marier (J.) Behandlung vou Xeuralgien mit inducirtem Strom. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1872), 1874, 100-107.-----'. Zur Therapie der Neural- gien. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1879, xiv, 509 ; 520; 532; 542. — Magistel. Memoire sur l'emploi de l'acetate de morphine par la methode enilerniique, daus let rait em cut eles nevralgies connues sous le nom de migraine, hemieranie, etc. Gaz. med. de Par., 1834, 2. s., ii, 627-629.—ITI ai-misse. L'inetiicacit6 du chloral contre une nevralgie hysteriforme et periodique, Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1874, iii, 333-337.— .11 a roi lc. De l'emploi topiepiedu nitrate d'argent fondu dans h* trailement des nevralgies. J. el. conn med.-chir., Par.. 1851, xix, 566-574.—Martinet (L.) Recherches sur l'etfiracite ele lhuile de te'rebenthine dans le traitement des nevralgies, et particuliSrement de la sciatique. Rev. med. franc', et etrang., Par., 1828, iv, 222-228. -----. Du (raiteii.i'iil eh-s nevralgies. Ibid., 1834, ii, 52-72.—Masu- rel. De rcniplqj_ede l'£m6tiquo clans le traitement eles nevralgies. Assoi "fi'anc. pour 1'avance. el. sc. Compt.- rend. 1877, Par., 18/8. vi/798-8iio. — Mays (T. J.) Some forms of neuralgia treated with (heine. Polyclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 357-359.— Mazzoni (A.) Storia, di un' antica nevralgia dorsale, guarita coll' agopuntiira. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1862, v, 193. — Mcrten. Zur Wirkuug der subcutanen Carbolsaiire • Injectionen bei Xeuralgien. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv. 885.— Clever (C.) Salicylsaure sregen Neuralgien. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1876, xxiir433. — Meyer (M.) Ueber die Behandlung der Neuralgien dure h Elei tricitiit, Deut- -sche Klinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 81-85.—Millard (H. B.) On I 53 \cu ralgia (Treatment of). the treatment of sciatica and neuralgic affections by con- gelation with methyl chloriile. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1886, 3. s., ii, 84-86.—Mi I ler (Katharine). Electricity in muscular rheumatism and neuralgia ; a case. Peoria M. Month., 1884-5, v, 343.—Molir (D.) Die Anwendung der Ueberosmiumsaure bei Xeuralgien. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1884, xxxiv, 1400.— Mondiere (-J.-T.) Quelques faits de niedecine-pratiepie ; observations th<*rapeutii|iies sur divers nevralgies. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 183,5, 2. s., vii, 183-219. — Moreno (E.) La neuralgia y su trata- miento hidro-mineral. An. Sue espan. de hidrol. metl., Madrid, 1879-80, iii. 143; 180; 239; 391: 1880-81, iv, 93.— Morganti (G.) Nevralgie guaritecon 1' atiopiua. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1852, 3. s , iii, 413-416.—Morton (T. G.) Xeuralgia. and nerve sections. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 1880, 124-132. — Muriate of ammonia in neuralgia. Lancet, Lond., 1*59. i. 215. — Musso (E.) Nevralgie e reumatismi curati coll' elettriciti'i o special- mente col jodoiormio. Indipendente, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 217; 246 ;' 270. — IMcftel (W. B.) Contribution to the treatment of neuralgias. Med. Rec, X. V., 1879, xv, 97- 99.-----. Zur elektrischen Behandlung eler Xeuralgien unci verwandter schmerzhafter Afi'ectionen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1885, xvi, 45-65. — Neil ber (G.) Ueber- osmiumsaure - Injectionen bei peripheren Xeuralgieen. Mitth. a. tl. chir. Klin, zu Kiel, 1883-4, 1. Hft., 19-23. Also: Med.-chir. Ceutralbl., Wien, 1884, xix, 230-232.— IVevralgias seu tratamento pelo croton chloral. Gaz. meel. de Lisb.. 1874, 4. s., i, 511.—IVevral gie gcnerale ou dissentim'-!': de la cauterisation intciem rente daus les nevralgies. J. d. conn, med.-chir.. Par.. 1849-50, xvii, pt. 1, 89-91. — .Xevralgies traite'-es avec succes par les douches capillaires (aquapuueture). Bull. gen. de th(*rap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 36-40. — Newcomb (('. H.) On the value of Gelsominum sempervirens in facial neuralgia. Cincin. Lancet efc Obs., 1875, xviii, 531-533. — IVote sur l'emploi des bains de sulfure de chaux contre une nevral- gie lombaire. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1822, xii, 303. — JVotla (A.) Du traitement des nevralgies par la cauterisation transcurrente. Union med., Par., 1847, i, 494; 506; 509; 514. Also, Reprint.—O'Connor. Cases illustrating the value of valerianate of ammonia in the treatment of the more severe forms of neuralgia. Lancet, Lond., 1862. i, 68. Also, transl: Bull. gCn. de therap., etc, Par.. 1862, lxii, 222-226.—Ogle (J. VV.) Subcutane- ous injection repeated between forty and fifty times for neuralgia of the mm : recovery. Med. Times efc Gaz.. Lond., 1866, ii, 474— Oil (The) of turpentine iu the Ireat ment of neuralgia and particularly of sciatica, Med. J. X. Car., Raleigh, 1861, iii, 127-129.—Onimus. De-l'emploi des cou- rants 61ectriques dans les nevralgies. Union mecl.. Par., 1885, 3. s., xl, 961-963.—Oppolzer. Zur Behandlung der Neuralgien. Ztschr. f. Xat.- u. Heilk. in Ungaru, Oeden- burg, 1860, xi, 435. — Ostinala nevralgia sopracigliare guarita con le frizioni d' etere solfoiico. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1858, 4. s.. iii, 269. — Ozenne. Nevralgie traitee par l'acide salieylique ; guerison rapide. Abeille m6d., Par., 1877. xxxiv', 177. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 286.— Pujol. Observation de nevralgie guerie par l'acupuncture. Arch. g6u. de m6d., Par., 1825, vii, 562- 565. — Palmer (J. D.) Sulphate of nickel in neuralgia. Richmond efc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1868, v, 270.— Palomares ( E.) Tratamiento termo-mineral de las neuralgias en el establecimiento balueario de Albania de Granada, Gac. med. de Granada, 1887, vi, 97 ; 129.—Par- Iter (W. J.) An anti-neuralgic prescription (Tr. gelsemi- num). Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis. 1883. iii, 123. —Peebles (J. F.) On the use of diluents in certain forms of neuralgia. Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond. 1855, iv, 373-375.—Peez. Die Wirksamkeit Wiesbadens in ver- schiedenen Arten von Gesichtsschmerz. (lurch eine Reihe von Krankengeschichten erlautert. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1831, vii, 295-310.— Pietrzikowski (E.) Casuistische Beitrage zur Behandlung der Xeuralgien und besonders der Trigemiuusneuralgie. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1887, xii, 355; 370; 380: 388; 405; 410; 420; 426. — Pirotte (F.) Nouveau traitement des nevralgies par l'eHher pulve- rises. Aun. Soc med.-chir. de Li6ge, 1867, vi, 265-276. — vou Pitha. Zur Diagnose und Behandlung der Xeu- ralgien, insbesondere iiber die subcutanen Morphin-In- jectionen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1875, xx, 1 ; 9; 17; 25; 33 ; 41; 49. Also, transl.: Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1875, ii, 356; 591; 619.—Pohl (E.) Seltener Fall einer Central- Neuralgie, mit Hinblick auf die neuesten Forscbungen in dei-Nervenphysik und Electrotherapie. Vitljschr. t. Psy- chiat., Neuwied u. Leipz.. 1867-8, i. 363-377.—Ouelques (De) nevralgies traitees par linjection du sulfate d'atro- nine dans le tissu cellulaire souse utau6. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 353. — Quinehe (P.) Del tratamiento de las neuralgias por el metodo sustitutivo, por medio de las inyecciones hipod6rmicas irritantes. Rev. ni6d.-qnir., Buenos Aires, 1868, v, 390-399.— Radcliffe (C. B.) Prac- tical hints on the treatment of nervous pain and neuralgia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 489-491.— Raige-Oelornie. Sur l'emploi de l'huile de tcr6benthine dans la sciatiepie et quelques autres nfevralgies des membres. Arch. gen. de m6d.| Par., 1824, iv, 400-410.—Kauiircz (L.) Nevralgiaa NEUKALG1A. . 8o4 NEURALGIA. Ycnral^ia (Treatment of). y su tratainiento. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1867. iii. 17-24. — Rand (B. H.) Note on a case of neuralgia cured by acci- dental shook. Phila. M. Times. 1871-2, ii. 304 — Kan kin (F. H.) Spasmodic neuralgia of nearly three years' stand- ing, relieved by correction of spasm of the ciliary muscles and by circumcision. Med. Rec, X. T., 1882, xxi, 9-11.— Reritenbaeher ( L. ) Beitrag zur Behandlung peri- pheicr Xeuralgien mit Ueberosiniunisaure. Wien. med. Bl.. 1884, vii, 837. — Revcille-Pariwe. Considerations therapeutiques sur les nevralgies continues et intermit- tentes. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1837, xiii, 101-105.— Ringer (S.) efc Murrell (W.) On tonga; a remedy for neuralgia, used bv the natives of the Fiji Islands. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 360—Robarts ( H. P.) Remarks on the treatment of neuralgic affections, bv the liquor cinchonas flava* of Mr. Battlev. Lond. & Edinb. Mouth. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 888-894. — Rockwell (A. D.) & Reard (G. M.) Cases of neuralgia treated by electricity. Boston M. & S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 295-299.-----------." The treatment of neuralgia by electrization. Med. Rec, X. V., 1869-70, iv, 28: 169: 388.—Ruppaucr (A.) Researches upon the treatment of neuralgia by the injection of narcotics and sedatives: with remarks'. Boston M. & S. J.. 1860, lxii, 193; 216; 241: 280. Also, Reprint, — Kuseoni (IT) Le iniezioni ipoderiniche di acqua distillata in alcune nevral- gie essenziali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1881, ii, 813-828.—de Naintc-Marie. Observation dun cas ele nevralgie, hypercstliesie de la peau, ele presque toutun cote du corps, avec des phenomenes intei ieurs cardiaques, pubnouaires et gastriques, gu6rie par la cauterisation transcurrente. J. de tn6d. de Bordeaux, 1850, viii, 257-274. — .*ialoiuoue- Mnrino (S.) L' ergotiua nelle nevralgie. In his : Stud. di. clin. med., 8°, Palermo, 1885, 251-263. —Sanders (E.) The external application of carbon disulphide for the relief of neuralgic pains. Meel. Xews, Phila , 1882, xl, 371-375.— Sniidrns (S.) Traitement eles causes des nevralgies. A. d. conn. m6d.-ehir., Par., 1847-8, xv, pt, 2, 52-58. -----. Traiteinent direct des nevralgies suivant leur si6ge. Ibid., 1848-9, xvi, pt. 1, 3 ; 45. Also : Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1848, ii, 378 : iv. 374 : 1849, i, 66. — Schuaubert. Subli- mat gegen Prosopalgic Mitth. a, d. Geb. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1845, 216. — Sehneirier (P. J.) Oleum Terebin- thinae gegen Neuralgieii. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl.. 1837, lxxxiv, 3. St , 48.- Sehorsteiu (L.) Hydriatisc his Nar- coticum. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix. 1534; 1569.— Mchrciber (J.) Die Behandlung schwerer Formen von Xeuralgie und Muskelrheumatismus mittelst Massage und methoeliscber Muskeliibungen. Tagebl. el. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte. Salzb., 1881, liv, pt. 2, 135-139. Also: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1881, xxviii, 517; 531. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 1508; 1541; 1577; 1605. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1881, ii, 787; 799; 811. Also, transl. : Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1882, cii, 276-285. Also, transl.: Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1882, n.s., xxxiv, 304-306.—See (G.) Du traitement des maux de tote (e ephalees. migraines, nevralgies faciales) par l'anti- pyrine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1887, 2. s.. xviii, 259-269. Also, transl. . Me el. fc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvii, 471- 475. Also, transl. ■ Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1887, xxii, 427 ; 439. —Wei-guin (E.C.) On the subcutaneous use of sulphate of quinine in cases of malarial neuralgia. X. Vork M. J., 1867, v, 402-409. Also, in his.- Op. min. [etc.], 8T X. Y., 1884, 10-14.—Sentex (L.) De la cauterisation sulfurique et de son application au traitement des nevralgies. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1861, 2. s., vi, 193-218. Also: Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1861, 2. s., iii, 491-494.—Sha- pir (B. M.) Lechenie nevralgii podkojnimi vpriskiva- nijami osmievoi kisloti. [Treatment of neuralgia by sub- cutaneous injection of osmic acid.] Russk. Med., St. Pe- tersb., 1885, i,' 292; 313.—Sibson (F.) On the use of chlo- roform in neuralgia. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, xii, 535-538. Also, in his: Collect, Works, 8°, Lond., 1881, iv, 379-386.— Kinkier ( W.) On the treatment of neuralgia bv the constant current. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 275-280.— Sireriey. De l'aquapuncture dans le traitement des n6- vralgie's. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 467-473.—Skerritt (E. M.) Croton-chloral in neuralgia. [Cases.] Tr. Bristol Med.-Chir. Soc, Lond., 1874-8, i, 10-15. -----. Croton-chloral in neuralgia. Lancet. Lond., 1876, ii, 776; 814.—Slade-Kiiig (E.) Administration of phos- phorus iu neuralgia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 412.— Stnmpnechia (R.) Di un nuovo metodo da usare 1' elettricitii nella cura delle nevralgie. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1880, ii, 867-870.—Nlovall (J. T.) The value of the hydrocyanate of iron in the treatment of neuralgia. Am. M.'Bi-Weekly, X. Y., 1881. xiii, 193-195. Also: Gail- lard's M. J., N. Y., 1881, xxxii, 294-296.—Tait (D.) Chlo- ride of methyl in the treatment of neuralgic affections. Kansas City M. Index, 1886, vii, 694-699.—Teinture (De la) d'iode morphin6e dans le traitenient des nevralgies. Bull. gen. de therap , etc., Par., 1863, lxv, 132-134.—Terry (J. W.) Cases of neuralgia cured by the hypodermic: in- jection of morphia. Tr. Minn. M. Soc, Minneap., 1875, 81-84.—Thompson (E.) Observations on the use of belladonna in neuralgia. Lond. M. Reposit., 1822, xviii, 35-38—Thompson (J. A.) Some observations on the use of phosphorus in neuralgia. Practitioner, Lond., 1873, A e 11 r a 1 gl a (Trea tm ent of). xi, 13; 271.—Thomas (O. F.) On the use' of Cannabis indica in certain forms of neuralgia. Therap. (Jaz. I)(.. treiit, 1880, n. s., i, 353. —Thomson (S.) On the rapid re- lief of neuralgic pain. Lancet, Loud., 1875. ii, 66(1.— Til. laux. Nevralgie de l'avaut-bras ; bons effets de 1'injci;. tion soiis-eiitan6e de morphine. Bull. gen. ele therap., etc Par., 1865, lxix, 137.—Toriorski (A. F.) Antipirin pri ne-vral. i revmat. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. meel. Obsh. Titfis, 1886-7, xxiii, 455-461.—Ton mi (F.) Del cianuri) di ferro e di potassio nella cura delle malattie intiammato- rieenevralgiche. Atti. Accad. lis -med. statist, di Milano 1860-61, 198-205.—Toriliio del Villar. Dos casos de neuralgia de origen paliidico tratados con exito por la partenina. Cron. ni6(l.-quir. de la Habana, 1885, xi, 132- 134.—Torri (E.) Dei vantaggi dell' elettricitii a corrente continua ed a lungo prolungata, nelle nevralgie e el in par- ticolare nella sciatica. Bull. el. sc. med. eli Bologna 1857 4. s., viii, 26; 100.—Townsend (T. B.) Neuralgia 1 rented by enormous doses of sulphate of morphine. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1802, v, 349.—Traitement des nevralgies par les injections sous-cutanees de sulfate d'atropnie. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1859, xxxii, 366.—Traitement (Du) des nevralgies par le salicylate de sonde. [Discussion.] Bull, et in6m. Soc. dethCrap., Par., 1881, xiii, 39.—Trous- seau. Du traitement des nevralgies. Bull. gen. de th6- rap., etc.. Par., 1863, lxv, 385; 433.—Trubert 'EUKALGIA. 835 XEUUALGIA. \ein*als*ia (Abdominal and visceral). Sec; also, Abdomen (Pain in); Bladder (Neu- ralgia of); Diaphragm (Neuralgia, etc., of); En- teralgia; Gastralgia, etc. ; Hepatalgia; Ne- phralgia ; Neuralgia (Epigastric); Ovary (Neu- ralgia of); Rectum (Neuralgia of); Spleen (Xeuralgia of); Uterus (Irritable, etc.) Allb'ctt (T. C.) On visceral neuroses, being the Gulstouian lectures on neuralgia of the stomach and allied disorders. 8G. London, 1884. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1884. See, also, infra. Bahkas (J.-P.-T.) Traits sur les gastralgies et les ente"ralgies ou maladies nerveuses de l'estomac etdesintestins. 2. eel. 8°. Paris, 1827. ------. The same. 3. x (H.-L.) * De la ndvralgie circonflexe ou axillaiie. 4°. Paris, 1882. Tillaux. De la nevralgie circonflexe, axillaire ou scapulalgie. Paris mUcl., 1883, viii, 301-304. Neu ralgia (Brachial) [and in upper ex- tremity]. Sec; also, Neuralgia (Axillary); Neuroma; Neurotomy, etc. Bergsox (J.) Zur historischen Pathologie der Brachial-Neuriilgieu. 4°. Berlin, I860. ------. Sulla nevralgia hracchiale; saggio iV una nionografia. Traduzioue italiana dall' originale francese per cura del dottore Filippo Lussana. 8°. Milano, 1660. Neuralgia (Brachial). Borne (J.) * Etude* liistorique et clinique sur les nevralgies brachiales. 4°. Paris, 1874. Louis-Choussy (J.-B.-G.) * Etude sur la nevralgie du membre superieur. 4°. Paris, 1869. Michel (F.-J.) * Observations pour servir a l'histoire de la nevralgie du inembre supdrieur. 4U. Paris, 187i8. Turbert (C.) * Contribution h retude des nevralgies du inembre sup6rieur. 4C. Paris, 1884. Albertoni (P.) Due casi di nevralgia brachiale, dop- pia, ribelle, guariti coll' uso di forti correnti elettriche continue. (Jazz. ined. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1873, xvi, 173. — Anslie (F. E.) Two cases of cervico-bra- chial neuralgia, apparently cured by the constant cur- rent; double occipital neuralgia, not relieved bv elec- tricity. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1871, iv. 171-175. — Berg- son (J.) Zur Geschiehte und iitiologischen Eintheilung der Brachialneuralgien. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859. xi, 278-281. [See. also, supra.]—Bergson (J.) efc Lus- sana (F. ) Epitome collettivo delle monogratie sulle nevralgie bracchiali. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1802, 5. s., i, 293; 301; 317; 325; 333; 377; 393. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1863, vi, 287-290.— Iii Hi (S.) Intorno ad alcune monogratie delle nevral- gie bracchiali. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1858, 4. s., iii. 121-125. — Buzzard (T.) Case of cervico-brachial neuralgia, treated with the constant current. Tr. Cliu. Soc. Loud., 1871. iv. 164-170.—Eliot. Whitlow; neuralgia of finger; amputation. Tr. M. Sue. Dist. Columb., "Wash., 1876, iii, 44.—Faleioni (R ) Nevralgia brachiale sinistra e suo trattamento colla corrente cl' ind'uzione. Galvani. Ur- bino, 1873, i, 49-52. — Fischer (H.) Gewuhiiheitsgeinasser Salicylsiiuregebrauch gegen Bruchial-Neuralgie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879, xii, 366.—Flaiuui. Seltene Neuralgic iu den Spitzen aller Finger and Zehen. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1844, xlix, 1, 286 — Gamberini (P.) Noti sopra una speeiale nevralgia dell' avambraccio. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1844, xiii, 385. -----. Sulle nevralgie bracchiali. Imparziale, Firenze, 1863, iii, 273; 308; 344; 406; 475; 508; 574; 612: 673; 706; 739; 762: 1864, iv, 22; 53; 88; 107. — Hoi hliaus (H.) Tranmatischer Tic couvulsif im Gebiete eles Nervus ra- dialis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 8:14.— Jezzi (M.) Un casodi nevralgie periarticolari delledita, del polso e del gomito dell' into superiore sinistro per causa isterica, con gravi disturbi vasomotori e tali da si- mulate periostiti croniche scrofolose. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1887, viii, 75; 83.— I..as«-jjue. Nevralgie des plexus brachial et cervical simulant, chez un emphys6mateiix, une angine de poitrine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 1059- 1061.—Ijegluriic. Note sur une n6vralgie brachiale noc- turne. Bull. Soc. de med. d'Angers (1866), 1867, n. s., lxix, 92-97.—Ijiisisaiia (F.) Monografia delle nevralgie brac- chiali. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1858, 4. s., iii, 137 ; 145; 157; 181; 205; 229; 245; 273; 281; 289; 297; 305; 313j 321; 329; 349, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. La nevralgia sea- pulo-bracchiale. Gazz. ined. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1885, 8. s., vii, 159-161.—Mcl.eori (J.) Severe brachial, with slight sciatic neuralgia treated with hvpodermie-, injections. Can- ada M. >fc S. J.. Montreal, 1872-3, i, 451.— He,\auylil i.T.) Ulnar neuralgia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 933.—.Tinder (J.) Neuralgia plexus brachialis. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 543. — xVIalmsteu (K.) Fall af neural- gia bilateralis nervi circunifh-xi humeri. Upsala Lakaref. Forh.. 1873, viii, 145-148. — .Tieig* (J. F.) Neuralgia localized in the circumflex nerve, from impaired nutrition and over-work. Mecl. Rec, N. T., 1866-7. i, 353.—.tlida- vaine. Douleur nevralgiepie au bras gauche gue'rie par l'application d'un bandage eompressif. Ann. Soc. cie med. d'Anvers. 1841, 403. — iVligiiot. Nevralgie ceivico-bra- chiale suivie de paralysie de la main. Soc. el. sc. m6d. de Gannat. Coinpt. rend., Par., 1879, xxxiii, 96-98.— iVIitehell (S. W.) Neuralgia of arm, with paralysis and atrophy of shoulder muscles, relieved by faradisation and counter-irritation. Med. Times, Phila!, 1870-71, i, 116.— [Vol a ton. Affection douloureuse du plexus brachial avec adduction permauente du bras et flexion de l'avaut-bras. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv. 17.—IVeucourt (V.) De la nevralgie du plexus brachial (nevralgie scapulaire, bra- chiale, cervico - brachiale des auteurs). Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1850, 4. s., xxiv, 257-297.—IVevralgie cervico- brachiale. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux. 1858, 2. s., iii, 16i5- 169.—O'Brien (D.) Cervico-brachial neuralgia of long standing, successfully treated with hypodermic injections. Canada M. efe S. J., Montreal, 1872-3,'i, 449-451 — I'iony. Nevralgie cubitale ; diagnostic d'abord uncertain ; organo- graphisme faisant reconnaitre une augmentation de vo- lume (m6galie) des vertebres cervicales; phosphate de chaux et iodure de potassium ; diminution rapide de la tu- meur; disparition de la n6vralgie. Gaz. d. bop.. Par., 1857, xxx, 293. ------. Cas remarquable de douleurs dans les nerfs rachidiens du dos avec diminution de Taction ner- veuse du bras du meme ceite : douleur musculaire sous- sternale. Ibid., 1858, xxxi, 65— Schramm. Die Neu- ralgieen des Armgeflechtcs. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, NEURALGIA. 836 NEURALGIA. I\euralgia (Brachial). 1859, vi, 598.—Mcotliui. Nevralgia bracchiali* da latente sarcoma. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1875, ccxxxiii, 110-117.—Seeligmiiller (A.) Ein Fall vou einer auf deu Nervus cutaneus brachii internus minor beschrankten Xeuralgie. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1876, vi, 575-577.— Seguin (E. C.) A case illustrating the coincidence of diseases; cervico-brachial neuralgia and aneurism of the innominate artery. Arch. Meel . X. V.. 1882, viii, 190-192. Also, in his: Op. min. [etc.), 8°, N. Y., 1884, 636-638.— Sloane (J.) Neuralgia of the brachial plexus simulating wasting palsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, ii, 787.—Sorbets (L.) Deux cas de n6vralgie cervieo-brachiale nocturne. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. 1871, xliv, 566.—Mteriiuau. Brachial neuralgia. Boston M. efc S. J., 1877. xevi, 029-631.— von Wtoll'ella (10.) Schwellung der (legend der linken Fossa supraclavicularis bei Neuralgia cervico-biachialis. Wien. mecl. Wclmschr., 1878, xxviii, 380; 413. —Tho- ■nayer (J.) Xeuralgie plexus cervicobrachialis. Ae-rztl. Ber. d k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1883-4), 1886, 120- 127. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1887, xxii, 376.— Valli-ix. Le§on clinique sur un cas de nevralgie cer- vieo brachiale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 202.—Vi- gie. Double n6vralgie an ti brachiale, dont l'une idiopa- thiejue k gauche, l'autre sympathique k droite. Gaz. med. de Montpel.. 1840-41, i, no. 20. — Was (J.) Neuralgia plexus brachialis. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Go- rinchem, 1851, xxx, 746-749. Neuralgia (Cardiac). See Heart (Neuralgia, etc., of). Neuralgia (Cerrico-brachial). See Neuralgia (Brachial). Neuralgia (Cervico-occipital) [and neu- ralgia in the scalp]. Lange (V.-E.) * De la n6vralgie cervieo- oc- cipitale. 4C. Paris, 1876. Beuito y I.eutijo (J.) efc Itauios ill. M.) Obser- vaciou sobre una nueva especie ele neuralgia, denominada cervico-suboccipital. Decadas ele med. v cirug. pract., Madrid, 1821, iii, 145-169.—Brooks (J.) 'On neuralgia of the seal]). Am. JT M. Sc. Phila., 1852. n. s.. xxiv, 395- 397. — Finco G.) Storia di una nevralgia occipito-cervi- cale guarita coll' ustione agli orecchi. (razz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1862, v, 342. —<»illel rie Grand. moat. Nevralgie occipitale datant do treize aus; elon- gation avec arrachement du nerf occipital interne ; gueri- son. J. de med. de Par., 1883, v, 270-271. Also: Bull Soc. de med. prat, de I'ar. (1883), 1884, 97-99. Alsn. transl .- Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1883, 8. s., v, 3,3.—Klebs. Sectionsbefund eiuer unter den Erscheinungen einer Fron- tal Occipitahieuralgie unerwartet verstorbenen Kranken. Prag. meel. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 961. — Leuck (A. W.) Cervieo occipital neuralgia. Med. Exam.. Chicago, 1873. xiv, 247.— Philipson tG. H.) Case- of cervico-occipital neuralgia. Laucet, Lond.. 1876, ii. 893.—Kcbreibei- i.I.) Ueber Occipitalneuralgie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1877, xiv, 72e3-729.—.""Serenana (P.) Xeuralgia c6rvico-occipi- tal del lado derecbo, curada li favor ele los revulsivos y de- la electricidad. Independ. med., Barcel., 1872-3, iv, 355-357. j\euralgia (Ciliary). ile Hiibsch (C.) Observation de n6vralgie ciliaire. Gaz. nied. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1861, iv. 37. — lVIat- tioli (G. B.) Due casi di nevralgia ciliare organico-irrita- tiva, guariti coll' irielectomia associata alia estrazione del cristallino. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1864, vii, 301-305. — Philipp. Fall von Neuralgia ciliaris typica. Wchnschr. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1847, xv, 88- 90. — .*> ne 11 I'll, Recisione dei in-rvi ciliari prima della loro penetrazione nel bulbo oculare come mezzo curativo della nevralgia ciliare persistente. Osservatore, Torino, 1874, x, 49-52. —Tavijjnot. De la nevralgie ciliaire. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1845, 2. s.. xiii, 545-549. -----. De la nevralgie ciliaire. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 540. -----. Remarques sur la nevralgie ciliaire, continue ou interniittente, simulant la conjonctivite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 501; 513. -----. Nevralgie ciliaire liee a la diathese urique; longue dur6e de la maladie ; gu6ri- son par un traitement approprie. Courrier m6d., Par., 1874, xxiv, 51. Neuralgia (Coccygeal). See Coccygodynia. Neuralgia (Crural). See Neuralgia of lower extremity. Neuralgia (Dental) [and neuralgia from diseased teeth]. See, also, Neuralgia (Facial, etc., Treatment of'). Fehrier (J.) * Des nevralgies r6flexes d'ori- gine dentaire. 4°. Paris, 1884. Neuralgia (Dental). Helie. * D'uue forme de nevralgie maxillaire (nevralgie des oddites) consideree surtout au point de vue de la pathogenic et du traiteinent. 4°. Paris. 1--4. Aiklainl i.J. M.) Relation between facial neuralgia and denial irritation. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1886. iv, 28-35. Also: I'rov. M. J., Leicester, 1886, v, 151-153—Ajjuil- hou rie lHariaii. Traiteinent des nevralgies d'origin. dentaire. Concours meel., Par., 1883, v. 601; 1884, vi, 305.— Arkovy (J.) A fogb61 (pulpa dentis) k6ros cone-remen- tumainak viszonva a prosopalgia ho/, (tic douloureux). [Disease of teeth a cause of facial neuralgia 1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1880, xxiv, 157 ; 181; 213 ; 234—Baylesn (G. W.) Neuralgia relieved bv the- extraction of a tooth. West. .T. M. fc S.. Louisville, 1840, ii, 335-33*.—Hindi |G. V.) Dental neuralgia. Annual .1. 111. Dent. Soc, Chi. cage, 1878, 26-43. Also: Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1878-9, 3. s., xii, 456; 481.—Brush (G. W.) The relation of den- tal operations to facial neuralgia. Am. .1. Neurol, et Psy- chiat., N. T., 1883, ii, 211-219— Buruton (T. L.) On ner- vous diseases connected with the teeth. Tr. Odont. Soe Gr. Brit. 1879, Lond., 1880, n. s , xii, 144-180.—1'nbaiiis. Nevralgie dentaire ; 6vulsion, replacetnent et consolida- tion de la cleut douloureuse. J. el. conn. in«4d. chir., Par., 1834-5, ii, 41.—Castle (A. C.) On dento-neuralgic affec- tions. Lancet. Loud.. 1846, ii, 265-207. -----. Notes for a memoir on the pathology of dento-in-ui algia. Boston M. efe S. J., 1851, xliv, 253: 312; 415.—Fonle. Neuralgia from retention of a deciduous tooth. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1850, u. a., xix, 365.— Frieriberg (H.) Feber einige Fiille von Heilung der Prosopalgic durch Zahucx- trac'tion. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1860, xviii, 476- 494. — fSosselin. Nevralgie sus-orbitaire, avec pheno- menes de voisinage du cote ele I'eeil consecutive k une dent gatee. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1876. xlix, 522.—«ray (T.l, .jr. Tic douloureux, imitated by diseases of the teeth. N Eng. Q. J. M. &S., Bost., 1842-3. i,5-10.—Hutchinson If. I A group of cases illustrating the occasional connexion between neuralgia of the dental nerves anil amaurosis. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1863-5, iv, 381-388.— Jean uei. N6vralgie rehelle du nerf dentaire ; r^seclion ele l'extre- mite terminate du nerf par le procede de M. Ch. Monod ; deux observations. Bull, et mem. Soc. ele chir. de Par., 1886, n. s., xii, 782-788.—Lambert (E.) Rapport de la commission charg<*e de I'examen du travail de M. le doc- teur E. Lambert, intitule: Affections de la substance ner- veuse du bulbe dentaire, ou bien: Contribution k l'6tude du diagnostic r6el des affections n6vralgiques et rhumatis- males. a caractere contiuu ou intermittent, dans ses rap- ports avec la tievre interniittente et les aft'ections ner- veuses de toute nature. [ Rap. de Warlomont.) Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 3. a., xii, 663- 672.—ITIall. Zwei F'iille von FothergiU'scheu Gesichts- ' schmerz, geheiltdurchExIraktion kariiiser Ziihne. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 398—Nierierkorn. Douleur vivc provoquee par reruption de In dent de sagesseet simulant une nevralgie, guerie par une incision gingivale cruciale. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. du gr.-due lie eh- Luxomb., 1864, 17.— I'olnillon. Nevralgie epileptiforms du nerf dentaire inferieur; elongation de ce nerf pr6cedant la section et l'arrachement du bout peripberique; guerison Bull, et ni6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882. n. s., viii, 450-453.—Post (A. C.) Account of an attack of neuralgia affecting sev- eral of the teeth of the left upper jaw, the- left side of the head, and the larynx cured instantaneously by the extrac- tion of the left dens sapientiu- of the lower jaw. N. York J. M., 1845, v, 311-314.—Reiehel (W.) Ueber Gesichts- und KLopfschmer/.en. als Folge- von krankhaft veriinelerten Zahnwurzeln, hauptsiichlicli vou Exostosen derselben. Med. Ztg. Russlands. St. Petersb., 1852, ix, 6.— Itniinall* (H. B.) The relations existing between facial neuralgia, frontal headache, and dental caries. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1885, iii, 249-254—Salter (J. A.) Facial neuralgia from dentine-excrescence iu pulp cavity. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1868, 3. s., xiii, 83. -----. Cranial neuralgia from an impacted canine tooth. Ibid., 84-86. -----. Intense and general neuralgia from exostosis on fangs of teeth. Ibid., 86-88. -----. Neuralgia of the arm from carious teeth and from undue pressure of artificial teeth. Ibid., 88. -----. Neuralgia of neck and arm from carious molar. Ibid.. 91. -----. Neuralgia of face, neck, anil arm, with partial paralysis of the latter, from carious wisdom tooth. Ibid., 93.—Savoye. Accidents produits par la dent de sagessc*; u6vralgie de la cinquifetne paire. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1879, 1, 356-359.—Ncliell' (J.) jun. Drei Falle von Neuralgia facialis, verursacht durch Dentin- Neubildungen der Pulpahohle. Allg. Wien. ined. Ztg. 1876, xxi, 217; 235—Stimsou (L. A.) Neuralgia of the- inferior dental nerve following fracture of the lower jaw. Med. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 230. — Valleix. Note sur un cas de nevralgie trifaciale, causee par la carie d'une dent molaire. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1843, 4. s., ii, 468- 472. — Walzberg (T.) Tic douloureux uud Zahnncural- gie; Bemerkungen zur Different ialdiagnose derselben. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883, x, 718-722.—Waters (J.I Case of neuralgia of the inferior dental nerve. Prov. M. NEUKALGIA. 837 NEURALGIA. Aeuralgia (Dental). ii S. J., Lond., 1843. v. 3 2— White (Ol [Neuralgia fa- cialis.] N. Vork •!. M.. 1845. v. 428.— Winterbottoiu t \ ) On case's of neuralgia depeiideut upon non erupted teeth. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 941. Neuralgia (Dental and infra-maxillary, Treatment of). Auei:ba('ii (L.) * Ueber Carotiscoiupression bei 'rrio-cMiinusneuralgie. 8C. Wurzburg, 1881. GahiViel (J.) *Eiu Fall von Tie douloureux im Gebiete des Nervus alveolaris inferior und (lessen Behandlung (lurch Neurectomie. [Wurtz- burg.] 8-\ Breslau, [188(3]. Kieorx (L.) * Etude sur le traitement chirur- gicul de la nevralgie rehelle et d'originaire p6ri- ph<5rie|ue du nerf dentaire inferieur. 4°. I'aris, 18M. Voisakd (E.) * De la section des nerfrs den- taiie-s superieurs et inf6rieur. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Agnew (D. H.) A case of neuralgia successfully treated by exscction of the inferior maxillary nerve. Mecl. & Surg. Keporter. I'hila.. 1858-9, n. s., i, IT-Albert (IT) Neuralgic eles elritten Astes: Kesektion des X. inauelibu- laris mit osteoidastischer Rcsektion des TJntorkicferwin- kels; vorubergehenderErfolg; LigaturderCarotis comm.: Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 622.—ICcnu. Nevralgie datant de deux ans, fixe'-e* sur le nerf dentaire in- lerieur: resection du nerf dentaire inferieur; giuTison complete. Union med.. Par.. 1853. vii, 486.— Rlaekinan (C IT) Exscction of the trunk of the inferior dentil nerve, together with that of the second branch of the fifth pair of nerves beyond Meckel's ganglion, for severe facial neuralgia. Am. J. hi. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. s., lviii, C9: 1870, u. s., Ix, 373.—Boeckcl. Besection clu nerf dentaire in- ferieur par le precede de M. I'.eau. (Iaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 102.—Bouillnuil. Nc'-vi aliii<- maxilio-eleu- tairce traitee avec succes par la section du nerf. Commu- niquee par M. Maury. N. Jour, de mod., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1820, vii, 7-11.—Brighum (C. B.) Excision of a portion of the inferior dental nerve by trephining the lower jaw; also excision of a part of the infra-orbital nerve; complete relief. West. Lancet. San Fran. 1874-5, iii, 391-396. Also, in his .- Surg. Cases, 8T Cambridge, 1876, 29-32.-----. Idiopathic facial neuralgia; excision of a por- tion of the inferior or dental nerve by trephining the lower jaw : immediate relief. West. Lancet, S n Fran., 1874-5, 'iii, 626-628. Also, ill his.- Surg. Cases, 8°, Cambridge, 1876, 32-35. —Bull (W. TT) Neuralgia of the superior maxil- lary anil inferior dental nerves; resection; cure. N. Vork M.'.L, 1885, xiii, 612. — Chauvel. Kapport sur un travail de M. le Dr. Longuet, intitule : Nevralgie et tic douloureux de la face; elongation clu nerf dentaire infGrieur droit par la voie buccale; disparition des douleurs pendant un mois et demi; recidive. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1883, n. s., ix, 77-86.—Denuce. N6vralgic epileptiforme du neif maxillaire inferieur; resection; guerison. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux. 1869, iv, 123- 129.—Duplay. Sur une forme particuliere de n6vralgie du maxillaire inferieur, gu6rie par la resection du bord alveolaire. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1884. ii. 601-605.— Fumujgalli (C.) "Nevralgia eircoscritta al nervo dentale inferiore destra, curata col taglio del nervo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 18!;8. clxiii, 572.—(wallozzi (C.) Della recisione del nervo dentario inferiore col nielodo del Parra- vicini. Pesoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. 1882, xxxvi, 195-199. Also: Gior. di neuropatol., Napoli, .1882-3, i, 225- 229. Also: Eco d. osp., Napoli, 1883, i, 47-51.—Oartluer (YVT) Successful exsection of inferior dental nerve for ob- stinate neuralgia; bone grafting. Austral. M. A., Mel- bourne, 1883, n. s., v, 99. — (einrretsou (J. E.) Excision of inferior maxillary nerve. Med. &, Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 249-252. —---. Excision of the inferior dental net ve*, by means of the dental engine, for the relief of obstinate neuralgia. Med. Kee, N. Y., 1880, xviii, 449. -----. Excision of inferior maxillary nerve for neuralgia. Med. News, Phila . 1884, xiv, 430.—Orant (F. W.) Case of partial excision of the inferior dental nerve for persist- ent, facial neuralgia; cure. Lancet, bond.. 1885, ii, 01.— <»reen (H.) Case of neuralgia of the lower jaw, relieved b\ surgical operation. N. York J. M., 1845, ii. 324.— fulroMN (F. H.) Trigeminal neuralgia relieved by ligation of thee common carotid artery and neurectomy. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1883. n. s.,lxxxv. 366-378.—(Si-onm (S. W.) Four j cases of excision of the inferior dental nerve on account of intractable neuralgia. Ibid.. 1868. n. s., lv. 32-35. —Ham- ! ilton ( F. H.) Neuralgia of the inferior maxillary nerve, cured by trephining the jaw, and excision of the nerve. Buffalo M. J.. 1858-9. xiv, 148— lloilifcu. Excision of inferior dental nerve. [Discussion. | St. Louis M. :tvi* (E. P.) A caseof epileptiform neuralgia Chicago M. A. cfe Exam., 1882, xiv. 32-30.—Emerson (N. P..) Tic-dou- loureux, or epileptiform neuralgia ; relief after the internal use of crystallized aconitiue. N. Y'ork M. J., 1878, xxvii, 633-635.—Evans (C. J.) Epileptiform neuralgia during the puerperal period ; epileptic seizures ; phlegmasia do- leus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 5.—Fereol. Heureux effets du sulfate' de cnivre anunoniacal dans la nevralgie epileptiforme de la face. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1878. xcv, 97-101. -----. Nevralgie epileptiforme. Bull. et lin-m. Soc. de th6rap. 1878, Par., 1879, 2. s., v, 93-100.— <«illc (P. E.) Tic douloureux, bchandlad med massage af halssympathicus. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 635.— Inyals(E. E.) A case of epileptiform neuralgia, with tuuic muscular spasms. Chicago M. ,T., 1874, xxxi, 485- 488.—Letullc (M.) Tic. N. diet, ele nied. et chir. prat., Par.. 1883. xxxv, 608-626. — LiiTtji oie» (C.) Sur un cas de nevralgie trifaciale epileptiforme, convulsive:. Rev. med. del'est, Xaney, 1881, viii, 179-183. — Ore. Nevralgie epi- leptiforme dela face; section des deux nerfs nasal interne et nasal externe; anesthesie par injection intraveineuse de chloral : succes. Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1875, iv, 337- 340.—Kamskill. Epileptiform neuralgia; epileptic sei- zures ; improvement under the influence of large eloses of morphia. Brit. M. A., Lond., 1867, i, 9.—Trousseau (II.j De la nevralgie epileptiforme. Arch, ge'-n. ele med., I'ar., 1853. i. 33-44—Walsham (WT J.) A case of epilepti- form neuralgia treated bv stretching the infraorbital nerve, with remarks. Brit. M. JT, Lond., 1880, ii. 1009-1011. -----. On the treatment of epileptiform neuralgia, or the so called incurable facial tic. Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxiii, 14- 20. —'Whitehead. Epileptiform neuralgia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1--85. i. 78. Neuralgia (Facial and trigeminal). See, also, Neuralgia (t'omplii-ationa, etc., of); Neuralgia (Dental), etc.; Neuralgia (Epilepti- Yeuralgia (Facial and trigeminal). form ); Neuralgia ( s,,pra-orbital ); Neuralgia (Syphilitic); Neurotomy, etc. Abrahams/. (T.) " Neuritis rami primi triire- mini. 8--, Utrecht, [1-73]. Allnat (lv. H.) Tic douloureux, or neuralgia facialis, and other nervous affections, s . Lon- don, 1841. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1843. Baehrex (C.) * De prosopalgia Fotbergillii. 8°. Berolini, [1833]. Barbarix ( G.-C. ) * Dissertation sur la u6- vralgie faciale consideree d'une maniere ge"ne"rale. 4°. Paris, 1817. Barret (A.) * Forme convulsive de la neu- ralgie de la face, tic douloureux. 4C. Paris, 1876. de Baumaxx ( J. M. ) * De prosopalgia. 8J. Monnchii, 1836. Beck (L.) * l'eber die Neuralgie des Nervus trigeminus. 8°. Wurzburg, 187)4. Becker (C. A.) * De dolore faciei Fotbergillii. 8J. Berolini, [1817]. Bew (('.) Opinions on tbe causes and effects of tlie disease denominated tic douloureux. 8-/. London, 1824. Bollmaxx (A. T.) * De prosopalgia nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, [1829]. Bosch (C.) * Ueber die Erkenntniss und Be- handluug des Fothergillischen Gesichtsschmer- zes. 8-r Freiburg, 1828. Bretschxeider (C. A. J. H. ) *De proso- palgia. 83. Jence, [1.841]. Briolle ( A. ) * Essai sur la mSvralgie de la face. 4-\ Montpelliei; 1866. Buciixer ( O. ) * De prosopalgia. H*-. Mo- nachii, 1840. Caillat ( A.-A.) * Etude sur la nevralgie du trijumeau. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Ciiapoxniere ( J.-J. ) * Essai sur le si6ge et les causes des n6vralgies de la face. 4°. Paris, 1832. Chatagnion ( A. ) * Des causes de la nevral- gie faciale. 4°. Paris, 1869. Chwistek(G.) * De prosopalgia. 8°. Bero- lini, [lr>46]. Duraxd ( G.-F. ) * Des maladies des nerfs de la face (facial et trifacial). 4°. Paris, 1846. Dysiewicz (J. V.) * De dolore faciei Fotber- gillii. 8C. Berolini, [1818]. Ellerbeck ( A. \Y. A. ) * Over prosopalgia Fotbergillii. 8°. Utrecht, 1862. Eydam (I. ) * Prosopalgia* pathologia. 4°. Jence, [1826]. Fleury ( H.-L. ) * Essai sur la ndvralgie fa- ciale, eonimuuement tic douloureux de la face. 4°. Strasbourg, 1835. Forty (C. ) *De dolore faciali Fotbergillii. 8°. Budce, [1833]. Fothergill ( S. ) A concise and systematic account of a painful affection of tbe nerves of the face, commonly called tic douloureux. 8-'. London, 1804. Gexexius ( H. P. V.) *De neuralgia inter- niittente nervi trigemini. 8°. Halis Sax., [1852]. Gla.ser (F.) * Die Lebre vou der Prosopalgic vom physiologischen Standpunkt. 8\ Wurz- burg, 1838. Goebel ( A. ) * Ueber Gesichtsneuralgieeu. 8°. Berlin, [1-75]. Goerixi; ( H. C. ) *De prosopalgia. 8C. Berolini, [1848]. vox Gorup Besaxez ( E. F. ) # De prosopal- gia. h;J. Monachii, 184'J. Gumbixxei: (J. P.) * De prosopalgia observa- tiones uonnulue nuper facta*. 8°. Berolini, [is:.-]. NEURALGIA. 839 NEURALGIA. Neuralgia (Facial and trigeminal). Hak (A.) * De neuralgia nervi trigemini. 8 . Praga; [I--41]. Halefteh ( K. T. ) * De prosopalgia. 8C. Berolini. [1 --25]. Hai.siskaxd ( B. ) * De dolore faciali Fotber- gilli. 8\ Berolini, 1834. Ham el (J.-P.) * De la nevralgie faciale, com- lnuiieiiient tic douloureux de la face. 8-. Pa- ris, an AT [1-03]. Haktt.manx (('. A. T.) * Observationes quse- dain 5. Perry (G.) * De morbo faciei nervoso. 8°. Edinburgi, 1818. Pipet (H.) * De la nevralgie de la face. 4°. Paris. 1848. Plitmert (A. R. ) * De prosopalgia. 8~. Praga; 1844. Praetel (A. M.) * De neuralgia nervi quinti. 8J. Berolini, [1855]. Pi'.iol. Essai sur la maladie de la face, noni- m£e le tic douloureux; avec quelques reflexions sur le raptns caniuusde Ctelius Aureliauus. 12-. Paris, 1787. Regnier (P.) * Snr la nevralgie faciale. com- mune'nient tic douloureux. 4°. Paris, 1829. Reverdit (C.) * Dissertation sur la nevralgie faciale ou prosopalgic, cominuii6meut tic doulou- reux de la face. 4°. I'aris. 1817. Romberg ( M. H. ) Neuralgia; nervi quinti specimen. 4". Berolini, 1849. Sai.heim (A.) * De dolore faciei. 8C. Bero- lini, [1-52]. Sciieiizer (G. H. ) * De prosopalgia. 4°. Lipsia; [1836]. Schmitz (C. J.) * De prosopalgia. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1842. Sciu'eler (S.) * De prosopalgia. 8°. Bero- lini, [1836]. Schctz (L.) De prosopalgia casu memorabili illustrata. 8°. Begimontii Prussorum, [1829], lScihltheiss (C.) * Heilung eines Falles von Prosopalgic durch den constanten Strom. -J. Greifswald, 1869. Sehkwald (G.) * De dolore faciei Fother- gillii. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1-22. Siebold (G. C.) Doloris faciei morbi rarioris atque atroeisobservationibus illustrati aduinbra- tio. Annexus est de Instituti clinici ratione ad tirones sermo academicus. 4 t Wireebnrgi, 1795. -----. The same. Doloris faciei morbi rario- ris atque atrocis observatiouibus illustrati adum- bratio. Diatribe ii. 4-. Wireebnrgi, [1797]. .Simox (S.) * De prosopalgia. 8-. Halce, [1793]. Steixdl (A.) * De prosopalgia seu dolore faciei Fotbergilli. 8-. Straubingce, 1833. SiiiouR (C.) * Considerations sur la nevral- gie faciale. 4°. Montpellier, 1862. Vahle (B.) * De prosopalgia. 8J. Berolini, [1846]. Wahllaexder (G. E. L.) * De neuralgia nervi trigemini. 8°. Berolini, [1863]. Weisse (J. M.) * De prosopalgia. 4°. Jence, [1796]. A bailie. Nevralgie ele la face avec glauconie. [Rap. de Dollieau.l Bull. Soe. de chir. de Par., 1872, 3. >., i, 534-5:!7.—Allnall (R. H.) On tic douloureux. Loud. M. Gaz.. 1842, xxx, 529: 60:t; 674: 760; 915; 943.— An- ilret-tvo (E.) A elinical lecture upon faeial neuralgia. Chicago MT Exam., 1861. ii, 71-7(1.—An.tlie (F. E.) Lett- soniian lee tun s on ceitain pain t'ul att'ections of the fifth nerve. Lancet, Lond.. ISfiti. i, 65::: ii. 31: 199. -----. Nutritional and vaso-niotor affections consecutive to neu- ralgia of the fifth nerve. / bid.. 547. -----. Case of facial neuralgia re-induced, in a person who had previously auf- NEURALGIA. 840 NEURALGIA. Aciiralgia [Facial and trigeminal). leie'd from it. by syphilis, and attended with ocular paraly- sis and vaiious other lesions. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1871. iv, 192: 1872. v, 43. -----. A clinical lecture on facial neuralgia with hysteria. Med. Times et Ga/.., Loud , 1874. ii, 113-115.— It a •■ ha in (H. F.) Case of Tiigeminal neu- ralgia, with exophthalmos, and paralvsis of several cranial nerves. Lancet. Loud., 1884, i, 1025.—Bcci- (HT) Proso- palgic. Oesterr. nied. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 1098-1100.— Beitriige zur Pathologie und Therapie des Gesichts- schmer/.es. Rhein. Jahrh. f. Med. n. Chir., Elberfeld, 1822- 3. vi. 2. St.. 1 : :s. St.. !i:s. — Bell (A.) Trigeminal neuralgia. Edinb. M. J., 1877. xxiii, 306-3(18 —Bellingeri (C. E. J.) De neuralgia faciei. In his: Hiss. inaug':. 8". Augustae Tanr., 1818. 190-291. -----. Sulla nevralgia della faccia. Ann. univ. di med , Milano, 18*4, lxx, 5-29.— Beueilikt e.V I'ali-uliaii. Ueber Tie- douloureux. Allg. Wie-n. med. /tg.. 1871, xvi. 53.-Berar.il (P.-H.) Face (ne- vralgie). Diet, de med.. 2. id., Par.. 1835. xii, 555-596.— Blocltett (P. C.) On tic douloureux, and the best mode of treating it. Lond. M. &. Phys. J., 1825, liv. 288-297.— Borth wit-k. Ou lie douloureux. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1825. xxiii. 29'i-297.—Bowrtilcli (H. I.) Case of neu- ralgia of the head Iioston M. & S. J., 1852, xlvi, 139- 143. — Breiting i J. G. ) Geschiehte eines Gesichts- schmerzes und dessen Heilung. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wunilarznk., Berl., 1807, xxv, 4. St., 149-107 IS roil ie (B. C.) Clinical lecture on tic douloureux, or facial neuralgia. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835-0 xvii, 534-53!!.—Brown (J. P. H.) Neuralgia faciei. Atlantic M. ..v S. J., 1858-!), iv, 688.— Brugiiera y Tlai-ti. Xeuralgia temporal sintom&tica; su cufaciou. Clinica, Madrid, 1864-5, 2. 6p., i, 131-133.— Burow (E.) Xeuralgien cles Quintus. In his: Mitth. a. d. chir. Priv.-Klin., 8°, Leipz., 1880, 71-73. — Byrne (W. C.) Xeuralgia of the fifth pair of nerves, causing disorganization and loss of vision of the right eve. Dub- lin M. Press. 1840, iv, 22. < ai iioelinu (J. M.) On tie. douloureux. X. York M. Press, i860, iii, 49; 05.—Chap- man (XT) Remarks on tic: douloureux, with cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1834, xiv, 289-320 —Ihapoiuiiere (•!.- JT) Recherches sur les nevralgies de la face. lice. d. trav. Soc. med. de Geneve, 1853, i, 67-lls..—C'honppe (H.) Petit exostose du rocher dissociant lea fibres du ganglion de Gasser et accompagnee de n6vralgie faciale:. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1871-2. iv, 658-661, lpl. -----. Nevralgie trifaciale tr6s violente; alterna- tives (l'excitation et de coma, sans hemiplegie, coincidant avec la cessation de la douleur; autopsie ; 16gere exotose du cote droit de la selle turcique; tumeur osseuse sur le trajet du trijumeau a droite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1870), 1874, xiv. 344: 350— I'oi-betta (G.) Memoria sulle ne- vralgie faceiali. e specialineute sull' odontalgia. Atti Accad. fis.-med.-statist, di Milano, 1872, xxviii, 80-94.— t'rnveilhier (E.) X6vralgie de la cinquieme paire, troubles consecutifs graves du cote des organe s eles sens. [Tniou m6d., Par., 1872, 3. 8., xiv, 649.—Delpeeh. Tic douloureux de la fare. France med., Par.. 1803, x, 88- 91.—Diislerberg. Prosopalgic mit Sectionsboricht. Wchnschi. f. d. ges. Heilk., fieri.. 1846, xiv, 221-225.— Dnpnyti-en. Nevralgies faciales. Clin. d. he'ip., Par., 1827. i, 3. — Elsaesser. Der Gesiehtsschmerz als Fa- milienkrankheit. J. d. pract. Heilk.. Berl., 1824, lix, 2. St., 38-43.—Erskine (J.) Case of severe neuralgic af- fection. Lond. M. Reposit,, 1821, xv, 283-285.—Fan to- uetti (G.) Casi di prosopalgia. Etl'em. d sc. med., Mi- lano, 1836, ii, 56-61.-----. Algema del nervo tiigeniino o epiinto paio. Liguria med., Genova, 1858. iii, 209: 257.— Fattorini (O.) Nevralgie del sccoudo ramo del trige- niino seguita da guarigione. Imparziale, Firenze, 1870, x, 705-713 —Fere. Tie non douloureux de la face du cote gauche, consecutif ii une plaie de tete portant sur le parie- tal droit. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 62-64.— Fionpe. Nevralgie trifaciale droite; aboli- tion du gout sur la nicotic droite de la langue ; perte de la vue et de l'odorat du ine.ne cote : a l'autopsie : carcinome de la dure-mere comprimant le ganglion de Gasser. Pro- gres med., Par., 1874. ii, 741 — Fi.vcher. Fothergillscher Gesichtssclimerz. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1826. ii, 319-323.— Focqucl. Note sur un ens i llalfoi il (H.) On the tic douloureux. Loud. M. Gaz., 1827-8. i, 0n5. Also, in his: Essays & Orations. K">, Lond., 1831. 35-.",l. Also, in his: Essavs & Orations, 3. eel . 12°, Lond., 1842, 33 48—Hall (M.l Cases of spasmodic lie. I'.iit. Ann! Med., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i. 8-11. — Hamilton (J.) Some cases of painlul affections of the fifth pair of nerves, with observations. Dublin J. M. Sc. ]s43. xxiii, 217-23U.— Haiioi'lmaim ( M. ) Ein FothergiU'scher Gesirlits. schmeiz. der sich aus einer rheiunatischcn Augouent/.un- dung entwie kelte. Jahrb. d. iirztl. Ver zu Miiucheu, 1841, iii, 188-190.—Hai-lews. Historisch.praktische Walu-neh- nmngeu und Bemerkungen iiber die Natur unci Behand- lung des Gesiclitsschmer/.es, als Brnchstiick einer voll- staudigeren Ahhandlung iiher diese unel die ihr niiclistver- wandten Nervenkrankheiten. X. Jahrb. d. tintsc li Mecl u. Chir., Elberfeld, 1823. vi. 3. St.. 119-158. — Harrison (W.) [Case of dolor faciei.] Med. efc Phvs. ■).. Lond., 1803, x, 420-423.—Hasbaeh. FothergiU'scher Gcsiclits- schmerz. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. "Wuudarznk., Berl, 1832 6. R., lxxv, 87-89. — IIa*»e (C. E.) Geschiehte einer Neu- ralgia trigemini, mit Sectionsbefunil. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 437. —Herzig (I..) Ceschichlc einer Amau- rose als Folge von Gesichlssi'liiner/.. /Isehr. f. d. Ophth., Heidelb.. 1834-5. iv, 309-316. — llopliiii* (B. S, Tic douloureux. Xashville J. M. efc S., 1,-55, ix, 99.— Hiihm (M.) Xevralgia (arthritica) nervi trigemini dexni; tic il'iiiloiireux. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1840, ii, 487-4U3.-, Jackson (J.) Extracts from a discourse on the dise-as1: called tic douloureux. NT Eng. A. hi. & S., Bost,, 1813, ii, 106-126.—Jaeger (0. G.) Zur Pathologic und Therapie der Neuralgia facialis. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1852, i. 5-17.—.Iona*. Ueber den EotliergiU'sehi'll Ge- siehtsschmerz. NT Arch. f. mecl. Erfahr., Berl., 1805, ii, 276-284.—.lone* (G.) Caseof " tic douloureux'. Phila. M. Museum, 1810-11, n. s., i, 69-86.— Kerrieeon (U. M.) Tic douloureux a symptomatic disease. Lund. M. Gaz., 1835-0. xvii, 949. — KilHon (G.) Case of tic douloureux. Edinb. M. efc S. J.. 1800. ii. 319. — Kumar &l von Sell roi to ■'. Zwei Trigeiiiinus-Xeuralgien. Wien. mcil. Bl., 1881, iv. 1570-1572. — I.ang. Zur Pathologie uml Therapie (ler Neuralgien eles Trigeminus. Cor. - 111. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1877, vii, 217-221.— l.enlin. Vom Gesiehtsschmerz (Tic douloureux). J. d. pract, Arznk. u. "Wundarznk., Jena, 1800, 2. R., ix, 50-04.— I.iegeoiw (C ) A propos d'un cas de tic douloureux. Rev. mid. de lest, Xaney, 1879, xi, 233-245. — l.inliarl. Ge-chielite einer Prosopalgic Vrtljschr. f. el. prakt. Heilk . Prag. 1860, lxvi, l-24,"2pl.—JLiiibcluki (W.) O holu twarzowym (neu- ralgia faciei v. prosopalgia Fotheigilli ). l'am. Towarz., Lek. Warszaw., 1861, xiv, 281-325.—I.ui*c (L ) Sopra uu caso di prosopalgia; annotazioui patologico-e liniche. Bull, d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1880, 6. s.. v. 28-51 —l.u«»e:iim (F.) Xevralgia del quiuto e suoi fenomeni morhosi nei sensi dell' olfato, del gusto e elell' udito. [Case.J Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. 1848. 2. s.. i, 314-317. — JleSheehy (J. J.) Case of facial neuralgia. Boston M. efc S J., 1871, lxxxv, 82. — .Tl'Veagh. Nature and treat men I of die douloureux. Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 407-409. — Main- waring (E. B.) Facial neuralgia from uterine disease Ibid.. 1847, i, 170. — .Tlarchal. Tic douloureux, ou ne- vralgie convulsive rhuiuatismale- de la tete, du cou, etc. Rec. ele mem. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1852, 2. s.. ix, 299- 307.— Vlartiil jeune. Memoire sur la nevralgie faciale. J. de med. de Lyon, 1842, ii, 281-290. — Uasiiis (G. H.) Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen uber den Gesiehts- schmerz. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. "Wuudarznk., Berl., 1806, xxv, 1 St., 9-45. -----. Schnell verschwundener nervich- ter Gesiehtsschmerz. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1813, xxxvii, 9. St., 109-121. -----. Beitriige zu einer kunftigen Monographie iiber den nervosen Gesichtssclimerz. Lit. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.. 1820, vi, 1: 129; 257; 385.— IVIaiKiiyama Toan. [On an obstinate case of facial neuralgia! Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, Feb. 26, 1883.— IHeglin. Observation sur une affection douloureuse, ou tie douloureux de la face. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1311, xxii. 331-337. -----. Observation sur une affec- tion douloureuse de la tete, sous forme ele migraine, ou de tic douloureux. Ibid., 1812. xxiii, 3-8. —---. Observa- tions sur le tic douloureux de la face. Ibid.. 1813, xxvii, 128-136.-----. Observation sur un tic douloureux de la face. J. gi n. de m6d.. chir. et pharm. Par. 1823. lxxxiii, 213-217.—.Herlteim. Gesiehtsschmerz. Gen. Iior. d. k. rhein. Meel.-Coll. 1840. Koblenz, 1841, 53 — .11 inol. | Facial neuralgia.J Boston M. efc S. J.. 1867, lxxvi. 505 — Uic|in 1. Un"i-wc')hnlich hauliges Vorkommen von Gesirhtsschuicrz. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl.. 1824. ii, 250-258.—Tlombert. Gesichts- und katarrhaliscber Stiriihohleiischmi•>v. Vol- jse-hr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1847. ii, 119-120— .Monle- foMrhi (E.) Caso di nevralgia del trigemino in specie ucl suo ti-r/.o ramo Raccoglitore med.. Forli. 1873, 3. s., xxiii. 418-422 -'Uoon. Ein Fall von Neuralgie, hauptsiichlich NEURALGIA. 841 NEURALGIA. .Yen ralgia (Facial and trigeminal). im Bereieh eles zwei ten Trigeminus-Astes, durch Exosto- seubildung im iiusseren Gehorgang bedingt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi. 116. — tliiller. Ein sehr heftiger Gesirhtsschmer/.. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1804, xix, 108-110.—.-liiHer- Prosopalgia intermittens. Gen -Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1838. Koblenz, 1840, 99.— .Hiuloz j Ferron (J.-M.) Neuralgia fac Tal; escorbuto general; caso notable eh- curacion por las c.ircunstancias de la en- ferina \ niedieis einpleados. (Iron de 1. hosp.. Madrid, 1856.iv. 339-344— Neiit-oui-t (F.) Considerations sur la n6vral"ie faciale, pour servir k l'histoire de cette maladie. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 181!), ii. 162-195. -----. De la nc'vial"ie faciale et delan6vralgiodu cuir chevelu. Ibid., 1853, ii] 385; 695: 1854, i, 194 — Oi'rt (W. M.) Long-stand- ing trigeminal neuralgia; relaxation (?) of certain muscles supplied by 3d and 7th nerves on same side. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep'., Loud., 1873, n. s., iv, 61.—Ovens (TT) Case of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. Canada Lancet, To- ronto. 1885-6, xviii, 69.—Palelta (G. B.) Dello spasimo della faccia. Ann. univ. di med . Milano, 1822, xxiv, 51-. 55 —Pearwon (G.) On the tic: douloureux, or trismus do- lorilicus Edinb. M. & S. J., 1807, iii, 272-276.—Peeorara (A.) Sui tratato isricnico e sulla monografia intorno alle- nevralgie facciali raessi in luce dal Giov. Corbetta. Atti Accad. fls.-med.-statist. di Milano, 1874, xxx, 20-28—Per- kowNki (S.) Przecie*cie galijzek nerwu uszno-skronio- wego, jako srodek lecznicy przeciw uporczy wemu nerwo- bcilowi szc/eUoweni u. [ Relation of auricular nerves to neu- ralgia of the' jaws. ] Medycyna, "Warszawa, 1880, viii, 625- 627. — Pielioiiniere. Observation d'une n6vralgie du nerf trifacial ilu cote'' droit, accompagn6e d'une amaurose de I'eeil droit. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1829-30, ii, 98. — Po- tlrazki. Beitrage zu elen Xeuralsden im Gebiete des N'ervus trigeminus und ihrer Behandlung. Oesterr. Ztschr. I. prakt.. Heilk.. Wien. 1869, xv, 1; 17; 33; 49: 69; 89: 105; 121; 189.— I'olilzer (A.) Cas de nevralgie produite principalement elans le rayon du deuxie'ine raineau des trijumeaux par la formation d'exostoses dans le conduit auditif externe, d'apres M. le Dr. Moos. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille ct du larynx. Par.. 1884, x, 87. —Powell (T. S.) Tie douloureux : hemicrania. Atlanta M. e.V S. J . 1850-7, ii, 390.—Prall (D. L.) Case of facial neuralgia. Tr. I5el- mont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1849-50, 51-53.—Primas- sin (L.) Prosopalgic in Folge einer Augenverletznng. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1852, i, 153. — Bava (G.) Spasnio acuto dell' accoinodazione, consecutivo a nevral- gia del trigeinino. Ann. di ottal., Milano, 1879, viii, 554- 560 — BoiiMNet. Xevralgie trifaciale. J. domed, ele Boi- deaux, 1852, x, 366.—Halter (J. A.) Intense neuralgia of the eyeball ancl face ; alteration of the colour of the iris; carious teeth. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, 3. s., xiii, 96.—Samel. Meiirere Fiille von periodischem Gesiehts- schmerz. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1828, xxv, 456- 479. — Hauler. Eine Beobachtung iiber den Gesichts- sclimerz. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich, 1792, i, 297-302.— Havoye. Observation de nevralgie dela cinquieme paire. France meel.. Par., 1879. xxvi, 594.—Hchadewaletll. Die 'ITigeininus-Xeurosen. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1885, xi, 637; 656— Schauer. Der Gesiehtsschmerz als Svmptoni. "Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838. vi, 393: 411; 433; 445; 466. — *< Inniil Una il il (L J.) Be- obachluugen iiber den FothergiU'schen Gesiehtsschmerz, Tic douloureux. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Berl., 1832, 6. R., lxxv. 29-43. - Heliocncich (H.) On proso- palgia. St. Louis Probe, 1850, i, 78-81.—Scliol* (F.) Eiu Fall von Prosopalgic, bedingt durch Bindegewebsge- schwulst (Tumor fibrosus) in der mittlern Sehadelgrube. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1860, x, 793-798. — Schramm. Ueber die Xeuralgie des fiinfteu Xervenpaares. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1859, vi, 191. — Sehreger. Gesiehts- schmerz. Anh. f. meel. Erfahr.. Berl.. 1810. n. F.. xiii, 207-209.—Heluipperl (M.) Zwei Falle von rechtseitigciu Gesichtssehinerz: Dolor Fothergilli. Deutsche Ztschr. 1'. Chir., Leipz.. 1873, iii, 550-568. — Schweieli (ID T.vpi- scher Schnierz des ersten Astes des Xervus trigeminus. Wchnschr. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1818, xvi, 12-14.—Sei- fert. Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie der Trigemi- nusneuralgicii. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 148- 152. — Senator (II.) Ein Fall von Trigeininusaffection ; Beitrag zur Kenntniss von der neuroparalytischen Oph- thalmic, dem Verlauf der Geschmaeksfasern der Chorda und den intermittirendeu Golenkschwellungcn. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1882, xiii. 590-601.—Herrnrier. Obser- vation sur une nevralgie faciale. J. ele med., chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1817, xl, 198-208.—Sitae (E.) Remarks on Tio-douloureux. Edinb. M. .fc S. A., 1810, liv. 85-95.— Stehrer (C.) Ein Fall von hartniickiger Xeuralgia fa- cialiss. Dolor faciei Fothergilli. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1852, v, 58-60.—von Stoflclla. Zwei Fiille vou Dentin-Xeubilduug in Folge vou Trigemiuus- ueuralgie. Wien. med. Presse*. 1,884, xxv. 981 : 1013 ; 1080.— TakiiCM (IT) Paralysis peripheiica nervi facialis dextri; dein neuralgia nervi ti-igeiniui dextri. Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1878, xxii, 269-272. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1878, xiv, 742. -----. Idegkortani esctek a gyakorlatbdl (neuralgia nervi trigemini). Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1881, xxv, 48; 73. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Yenralgia (Facial and trigeminal). Presse, Budapest, 1881, xvii, 344; 395 ;'442.—Ti rrillon. Angieime sous-cutan6 douloureux: ne'vralgie trifaciale. Progres med, Par., 1884, xii, 983. — I'lioni-on i'F. H.) Xotes of practice ; facial neuralgia. Glasgow M. A., 18i;n- 61, [2. s.], viii, 46-53. -----. Xotes on practice: facial neu- ralgia. Ibid.. 1807-8, [3. s.J. ii, 224-230.—Thouret. Me- moire; sur l'affection particuliere de la face, i, bin,nelle nn a donn6 le nom de tic douloureux. Hist. Soc. rov. de ined. 1782-3, Par., 1787, v, pt. 2, 204-250. — Torra* y Pa — cual. Xeuralgia del trigeinino y pardlisis facial simulta- neas : contractura v dermatosis nerviosa >. consecutivas. [ Rev. de cien. m6d., Barcel., 1885, xi. 345-349. — Tott (CT I A.) Beispiff! von Facial-Neuralgic bei einer hochbejaht ten Dame. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk.. Berl., 1844. xvi, 198-202 — Tllflicr. Xevralgie faciale chez un vieillard eeleute; mort; n6vrite du mrf dentaire inferieur. France med.. Par., 1881, xxviii. 072-675. Also .- Bull. Soe. clin. de Par. (1881), 1882. v. 132-135.—I liner (F.) Ueber Prosopalgic. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh.. Stuttg.. 1852. v, 30- i 36. — Valleix. Xote sur un cas remarquable de nevral- gie trifaciale. Anh. gen. de med.. Par., 1842. iii. 472-484. Also: Ann. de nied. beige, Brux., 1843, i, 9-13.—Vaniler- beck (C. C.) Persistent facial "neuralgia"; rheumatic sciatica. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 104.— Vulpian (A.) Tic douloureux de la face, datant de rjuinze ans ; acces douloureux se lapprochaut de plus en plus iiisqn'& devenir continus: attaque apoplectique; hemorrhagic cerebrale; mort rapide; autopsie-. In his: Clin. med. de l'hop de la Charite'-. 8r Par., 1879, 020-626.— Waitz ( H. ) Xeuralgien eles X. trigeminus: 5 Falle. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1877, xxi, 016-018. — Wein- lechiicr (J.) Ueber '-Prosopalgic'': Xeuralgia rami mj- cundi et tertii nervi t'igcinini. Allg. AVien. med. Ztg.. 1866, xi, 253; 261. — WeiwM'nbaeh. Dringende Bitte eines am FothergiU'schen Gesiehtsschmerz trostlos Lei- denden. nebst Prof. . . .'s Antwort hierauf. Meel.-cbir. Ztg., Salzb., 1800. iv, 259-270. — Wing. Case of tic-dou- loureux. Proc. Westminst. M. Soe.. Loud., 1818-9, 01.— Wood (H. C.) The trigeminal neuralgias. Meel. Bee., X. Y., 1877, xii, 673-675. — Zwieke. Xeuralgia facialis. Chanfe-Anu. 1881, Berl., 188.3, viii. 429. Neuralgia (Facial and trigeminal, Treat- ment of). See, etlso, Neuralgia (Dental, etc., Treatment of); Neurotomy, etc. Baknick (H.) * Die Behandlungen der Neu- I ralgien im Gebiete des Nervus trigeminus durch Neurectomies .-■'-'. Berlin. [1-71]. Becc de Tavkkxier ( O. ) * De specimine quodam neuralgia* infraorbitalis dextri per neurectouiiaui sublatie. H. Berolini, 1869. Bessakd (A.) "Contribution a l'6tude des proccSdes operatoires dans les cas de ndvralgie du trijumeau. [Basel.] K°. Paris, 1882. vox BrcnsJV.) Die Durchsehueidung der Gesiclitsnerven beim Gesiehtsschmerz. 8C. Tii- bingen, 187)9. Buusaux (J.) * De la resection du nerf sous- orbitaire daus la nevralgie faciale rehelle. 4°. Paris, 1882. Cixicelli (G.) II cloridrato di pilocarpina nella cura della prosopalgia. 4°. [Pavia, 1884.] Cokbetta ( G. ) Delle nevralgie facciali e j dell' odontalgia in particolare ; osservazioni pa- tologiche e terapeutiche, eon appendice corre- data di due tavole anatomiche incise in ramie. 8°. Milano, 1873. Ditaxdy (E.) * Reflexions sur un casde ne- vralgie trifaciale traitee par la n^vrotomie. 4°. Strasbourg, 186,5. Floriax (J.) * De prosopalgia neurectomia auxilio sananda, .---. Vratislavice, [lHi:?]. Fkaxk (C.) * Die Heilung des Gesichts- schnierzes durch Neurotoniie. fv Ment. Dis., 1874. Neuralgia ment of). Facial and trigeminal, Treat l, 293-29H— A i-iuamgaud. Xevralgie trifaciale; point douloureux apophysaire au niveau dc la cinepueme verte- bra cervicale ; cessation subite de la douleur apres l'appli- cation du eautere actuel sur le point douloureux veitcbral. [Discussion.] M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir dc Bor- deaux, 1874, 79; 86: 94; 106. Also [Abstr.j: Bordeaux mecl., 1874, iii, 65.—Badal. De I'elongation des nerfs et ses applications au traitement cles uevralgiesdu trijumeau Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 974 • <), lv, 122 —Blum. De l'arraclic ment du uerf sous-orbitaire. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882, n. s., viii, 799-802.—Blundell (E. S.) Cases of tic douloureux cured bv the "mineral magnet". Lancet, Lond., 1832-3, ii, 693.—Blunt (E.) Case of painful aft'ec tion of the face cured by electricity. Lond. M. J., 1786, vii, 115-119.—Bomiafont. Observations d'une nevralgie faciale treSs-intense entretenue pendant, plus de quinze mois, par la presence d'uu fragment de balle enchassC dans l'os maxillaire droit, et comprimant le nerf sous-orbitaire; guerison immediate par l'extraetion du projectile. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 382.—Bonnet. Observation sur la guerison clu tic douloureux ou nevralgie faciale au moyen eli* 1'usage externe du gaz oximuriatierue. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1813, xxxii, 48-6ti. -----. Tic douloureux gueri par la sect ion du nerf sous-orbitaire. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1831, iv, 364-368 —Book (JT B.) Removal of Meckel's ganglion for the cure of tic douloureux. Mich- igan M. Xews, Detroit, 1881, iv, 110. — Borthwiek (G. A.) Case of tic douloureux successfully treated by car- bonate of iron. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1824, xxi, 285-287.— Bottani (G-.) Sui nuovo metodo proposto elal Profess. Flcischmanu nella cura delle nevralgie facciali. (iior. per serv. ai progr. el. patol., Venezia, 1837, vii, 53-75.—Brad- bury. Neuralgia if inferior dental nerve of two years' duration : rapid improvement under the use of cod-liver oil aud hvpoderniie injection of morphia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 139. — Bratsch. Zur Statistik der Rcsectioiien an den Trigeminus-Aesten. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1860, vii, 581. — Braun (H.) Neiirektomien des zweiten Astes eles Nervus trigeminus nach psteoplastischer Uesek- tion eles Jocbbeins. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882. ix, 249-255. — Bricheleau. Nevralgie intermittent!; dela face, revenant regulierement a une annee d'intervalle. Union m6d., Par.. 1851, v, 42"). Also: Bull. Soc. ni6d. d. he'ip. de Par. (1849-52), 1861, i, 219. — Bi-igga (W. T. ) Neuralgia of jaw; operation. Xashville J. M. cfe S., 1871, u. s., vii, 115. -----. Neuralgia of Ihe supeiior maxillary nerve; Carnochan's opciatiou. Ibid., 1872. n. s., ix, 68-71. —Brookes (W. P.) Case of facial neu- ralgia successfully treated by aeonitinc. Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 476.—Brown (A.) A severa case of facial neu- ralgia cured by a new surgical operation. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 188J, ii, 741. — Briiuniche. Krotoukloral mod Prosopalgi; Strvknin mod Anosmia. Hosp.-Tid., Kjo- benh., 1874, 2. R, ii, 369-371.—Brum Hi (C.) Neuralgia de' mascellare inferiore (tic eloloroso) che dura da 5 anni; cura elettrica ; guarigione. Gior. meel. eli Koina. 1867, iii, 37. — BruzeliuN (R) Om elektrisk behandliug af tic douloureux. Hygioa. Stockholm. ]sii8, xxx, 430-412 — Burgcs* (.J. M.) Ge*lsemium in facial neuralgia. Michi- gan M. News. Detroit. 1879, ii, 119.—Buzzard. Two cases of nerve stretching for facial neuralgia; the sequel after three years and two years respectively. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1883, ii, 112(i.—icz (V.) El clorhidrato de cocaina contra la neuralgia facial. Bol.de med. y cirug., Madrid. 1886, iv, 217-219.—Cliavawse (T. F.) Neurectomv of the second division of the fifth nerve. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1884, lxvii. 145-156. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. Roy. M. efe Chir. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, n. s., i, 208-213. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1884, i, 3JO.__ Cheever (D. W.) Section and removal of the superior maxillary nerve ancl Meckel's ganglion for neuralgia. Med. efc Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1877, 2. s., ii, 262- 20.1.—Clarke (B.) Gelsemiuuiu iu facial neuralgia. Brit. M. J., Loud . 1881, i, 271.—Clarke (F. E.) On the treat- ment of facial neuralgia. Meel Press & Circ., Lond., 1872, n. s., xiv, 454.—Col ville (E ) Case of tic douloureux! cured by the external use of tar. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1814, x, 288.—Conant (D. S.) On the operation for division of tbe second branch of the fifth pair of nerves. Am. M: Month.. N. Y., 1857, viii. 82.—Conner (P. S.) Exsection of portions of the supra-ancl infra-orbital nerves for the relief of tie-douloureux. Clinic-, Cincin., 1874, vii, 97-99.__ Coosemanw (E.) Du sulfate de cuivre aminoniaeal dans la nevralgie du trijumeau. J. d. sc. med. de Louvain, 1880, v, 441-444— Coppez. N6vialgie. datant de vingt ans guerie par 1 elongation du nerf sous-orbitaire. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1882, 12. s.. vii, 59-61—Corkindalc (J.) Case of tic douloureux cured by calomel aud opium Ed- inb. M. fe S. J., 1808, iv, 306-309.—Coudray (P.) Re- section du nerf sus-orbitaire et du sous-orbitaire pour uue n6vralgie inve'-tcu'ee ele la face; gueSrison, suivie pendant plus dc- 20 mois. Arch. roum. denied, et chir., Par., 1887, l, 194-197— Crnddocli (S.) Case of trigeminal neuralgia treated with the constant current. Practitioner, Loud., 1873, \. .137-340.— Craig (VV.) Acupuncture* in facial neural ia. Meel. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1864, ii, 277.— Crawford (S.) On the use of eirbonate of iron in tic douloureux. Lond. M. .fc Phys. J., 1823, xlix, 109-111.— Creutzwieaer. Fall eiuer gliicklirhen Heilung der Prosopalgia durch Sublimat. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, xxii. 337.—Crou* y Cawolla*. Prosopalgia ci neu- ralgia del tiigemino trataela t'avoi ableunente por la cor- rieute f'ar;idie:u. Kev. de cien. me*d., Barcel., 1877, iii, 246- 250. — Da-Camino (F. S.) Nevralgie facciali curate coll' ago-puntura. (Jazz. meel. ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1863, vi, 272 — Dairieon (W. W.) Excision of the supe- rior and interior maxillary nerves from the same person; two cases; excision of the superior maxillary nerve. Hosp. (iaz.. X. Y., 1877, i, 56-58. Also Richmond-.*: Louis- ville M. A.. Louisville, 1877, xxiv. 597-li()0.—Deahofe (S. P.) Successful treatment of a case of trigeminal neuralgia with nitroglycerine. Meel. News. Phila., 1885, xlvi, 208.— Beim. Tic douloureux de la face ehez un sujet cerebro- gaslriipie guerie par les lavages re-petes de l'estomac. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886. lix, 315— Demiin (F. S.) Neu- rotomy of the superior maxillary branch of the trigeminus, inrlmling neurectomy of the sphenopalatine ganglion for the relief of tic-doul'oiireux. N. York M. J., 1879, xxix, 576-601.— Berciim (PT X.) A case of tic douloureux of twelve yeais' standing treated by largo doses of the sali- cylates with marked success. Polyclinic:. Pbila., 1886-7. iv, 323-325. Also: Pbila. M Times. 1886-7. xvii. 471-473. Also: Meel. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 328.— Be Wolfe (G. H. IL ) (Jelseminuin in facial neuralgia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1881, i, 193.—Di»ciiMNion sur le traitenient eles nevralgies sous-orbitaires. Bull, et mem. Sic. de chir. de Par., 1881'. n s, viii. 81(1-816. — Buero*. Traite- ment de la migraine et du tic douloureux par la caute- risation palatine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1843, 2. s, xi, 314.— IVeural^ia (Facial and trigeminal, Treat- ment of). BiiMtcrber;;. Nutzen des Foutanells zwiscben dem Processus mastoiditis und dem Winkel des 1'nterkief'ers gegen den inveterirten achten FothergiU'schen Gesichts'- schmerz. J. d. pract. Heilk.. Berl., 1826, lxiii. 6. St 114-119.— Uumoiit ( F. ) Ueber deu Erfulg der Xcrv- eudehnung unel Nervenresection bei Trigeminusneural. gien. Deutsche Zlschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883. xix, 51- 73. — Eaxtou (J. A.) On crotou oil in tic douloureux Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, i, 609. — Ebeix. Veratrin gegen Prosopalgia. Wchnschr. f. d. ge-s. Heilk., Berl. 1835 "iii 735-740. — Eggcrt ( F. F. G.) Ueber das Wesen des Gesichtssclimerzes und die Operation desselben. J. d Chir. n. Augenh., Berl., 1825. vii, 538-570. — GncimiN (S. G.) Neurotoinia del nervio suborbitario. Rev. de ined. \- cirug. pract., Madrid, 1881, ix, 351-355. — Fugliweli. Xeuralgie eler 2. Astes des Trigeminus; Resection des Nervus infraorbitalis; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1881), 1882. 322. —F vans (G. H.) Nitriteofamyl in facial neuralgia. Pract il inner. Lond., 1875, xv, 179. — Feliciani (A.) Xevralgia dei nervo dentale inferiore, esistenti* da 13 anui; iuefficacia di tutti i remedii ordinarj : sezione del nervo. Bull. el. sc. mecl. di Bologna, 1836, 2. s., ii, 144-152. — Fereol. Note sur les bons effets du sulfate de cuivre aminoniaeal contre la n6vralgie de la cinquieme paire. Bull. Acad, de 11161I Par., 1879, 2. s., viii, 335-337. Also: Bull. gen. dc therap.' etc., Par., 1879, xevi, 337-344. — Fergussou. Tic dou- loureux seated in the mental branch of the inferior dental nerve; division of that branch ; recovery. Lancet, Lond. 1852, ii, 376. -----. Treatment of tic douloureux by divis- ion of the nerve. Ibid., 1857, ii, 247.— Feron. Du sulfate de cuivre ammouiacal dans la nevralgie clu nerf trijumeau. J. d. sc. med. de Louvain. 1881, vi, 377. — Fieber (K.) Mit- theilungen iiber Ne'rvenresectionen bei Gesiehtsschmerz. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. 1878, 2. -----. Drei Fiille von (lesicbtsneuralgie, durch Nerrenresection geheilt oder gebe.ssert. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1878. xv. 269-273.—Fleury (L.) Nevralgie faciale tresgrave; sept ausdeduree; contractions des muscles mass£ters; impossi- bility absolue de parlor et de maeher ; ptyalisine abondant et, contiuu; inefficacit6 d'un grand uombre ele medications diverses; traitement hydrotherapique ; guerison rapide. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 186. — Fothergill'seher Gesichtsschmerz; Neurectomie; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftuug in Wieu (1869), 1870,194- 196. — Fowler ( G. R ) Extirpation of superior maxil- lary nerve: and Meckel's ganglion for facial neuralgia. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877, ii, 176-178. -----. The surgical treatment of facial neuralgia. Ann. Anat. efe Surg. Soc, Brooklyn, X'. Y, 188(1. ii, 133: 180. -----. Two cases of neurectomv for the relief of facial neuralgia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1884, xxvi, 368. -----. The operative treatment of facial neuralgia; a comparison of methods and results. Ann. Surg., St. Louis. 1886. iii, 269- 320.— Freeman (A. B.) Dental lesions causing facial neuralgia and other neural phenomena. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 519-522. — Fritaeh. Beitrage zur me- dieinischen Erfahrung; Heilung einer Neeuralgia facialis durch Ferrum carbonicum. J. el. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1832, lxxv, 3. St., 107-110.—Garretson (J. E.) Exsection of second branch of fifth nerve at foramen rotundum. Phila. M. Times, 1886-7, xvii, 55. Also .- Phila. hi. Times. 1886-7, xvii, 56. Also: Med. Bull., Phila.. 1887. ix, 65.—Gerwtcr. Resection of superior maxillarv nerve for intractable neuralgia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1882, xxi 300. — Gesichts- sehmerz. Resection des Nervus infraorbitalis und Nerv. zvgomaticus. Ber. d. k k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftuiig in Wien (1870), 1871,170-173.—Giaeomelli |\T) Storia eli grave prosopalgia guarita con 1 applicazione della magnete. Gazz. med ital. feder. tosc, Firenze. 1852. 2 s., ii, 171.—God lee (R. J.) A case of stretcbingof the facial nervefor tic spasmodique. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 688.------. Stretching the facial nerve for tic couvulsif. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1122. Also .- Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 682. Also: Lancet. Lond.. 1883, i, 1000.— Grill. Om Magnetens anviindande emot tic douloureux. etc. Tidskr. f. Lak. o. Pharm., Stockholm. 1834, iii, 276- 278. — 'It [J RALGIA. 844 NEURALGIA. .Yellralgia (Facial and trigeminal, Treat- \ meat of). ganglion. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1880, xxiii, 70. — llarily ( R. W. ) Sonic account of the medical properties of the expressed juice of mistletoe-berries in the treatment and cure of facial neuralgia and affec- tions analogous in their nature to tic douloureux. Med. Times, Lond., 1845, xii, 36. — Ilerber ( B. ) Fothergill'- scher Gesiehtsschmerz (Tic douloureux. Dolor faciei) gliicklich geheilt durch Radix belladouua: und Kali ruu- riaticnm oxygenatuin. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1813, xxxvi, 6. St., 82-103.—Herrgott. Observation de ne- vralgie faciale traitee avec succes par la resection du nerf sous-orbitaire et la caut6risation du nerf dans le canal osseux ; nouveau procede': pour pratiquer cette operation. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1857, lii. 202-208. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb.. 1857. xvii, 86-92.—Ilerrick (S. S.) Three cases of division of supraorbital nerves, both eyes. N. Orl. J. M., 1869, xxii. 288.—Hcurteloup. Reflexions sur le tic douloureux de la face, suivies d'une observation de cette maladie, guerie par l'application immediate d'une plaque (Faciei- aimantee. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1798. iv. 192-207. —Hcusti* (-T. F.) A simple opera- tion for facial neuralgia. Med. News. Phila., 1883, xliii, 621.—llevfeliler iO ) Heilung einer Prosopalgic durch Neurotiuuie. St. IVtersb. nied. Ztschr., 1871). n. F., i, 34- 37.— lleylen. Nevrose du nerf trijumeau. J. ile meel., chir. it pharmacol., Brux., 1886, lxxxiii 372. — llillier (A. P.) Hypodermic injections of cocaine in facial neu- ralgia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 1213. —Hinsdale (G.) Facial spasm and tic-douloureux, for which neurectomy anil neuro-tension were employed. Phila. hi. Times, 1886-7. xvii, 278-280. Also : Polvclinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 240-242. Alxo: Med. >fc Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1887, lvi, 106-169.— 11 od^er n (J. T ) Section of the infra-orbital and inferior dental nerves for neuralgia. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi, 773-778. — Hoist |,I.I Neuralgie des Trigeminus, ge- heilt (lurch Amputation der Yaginalportion. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1882, vii. 1. — Hor-.ley (V. A. H.) Notes ou the pathology of inveterate neuralgia of the fifth nerve, illustrated by cases treated successfully by avulsion of the nerve close to the skull. Tr. Odout. Soc. (Jr. Brit., Lond., 1887, n. s., xix, 270-295. Also: Brit. J. Deut. Sc, Lond., 1887, xxx, 964; 1011.—How (L. B.) Ligation of the com- mon carotid; exsection of the inferior dental nerve Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1880, 89-95.—Howe (J. W.) Removal of the superior maxillary division of the fifth nerve and Meckel's ganglion bv Carnochan's opera- tion. Meel. News, Pbila., 1884, xliv, 138— Hutchinson (B ) Case of tic-douloureux. cured by the carbonate of iron. Lond. M, it Phys J.. 1825, liv, 281. — Hutchison (J. C.) Two oases of ligature of the common carotid ar- tery for trigeminal neuralgia. N. York M. J.. 1885. xii, 401. Also .-' Meel. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 394-397.—Isen- Kcliuiid. Tic douloureux der rechten Gesichtshalfte ; die Xervendeunuog ersetzt die Resection in vielen Fiilleu. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1882, xxix, 451.—Jasiuski. Porazenie gosccowe lewej polowy tvvarzy; rychly powrot wlaelzy pod wplvwem faradyzacyi. [Electrotherapy in ner- vous affections of face.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1862, i, no. 26.—.lenkins (R. S.) Tic-douloureux of twelve months' standing cured by resection of the infra-orbital nerve aud its branches. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1880, x, 438.— Jones (G.) Case of neuralgia on the face (tic douloureux) cured by a surgical operation. Meet. Reposit.. N. Y., 1815, xvii, 177-179.—Kappeler ((>.) Neuralgia infraorbitalis sinistra; Neurectoniie nach Wagner's Methode. In his: Chir. Beobacht. a. cl. Thurgau. Kantonsspit. Miinster- lingen, 8°, Frauenfeld, 1874, 55-62.—Kelly (T.) A severe \ case of facial neuralgia successfullv treated bv creosote. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xx, 163. — Kcn-isou (R. M ) A chronic case of tic-douloureux, which yielded to powerful doses of cinchona, when at its greatest severity, after other medicines and a division of tlie nerve had failed. Lond. M. Reposit, 1818, ix, 267-276.—Key (B. P.) A case of epileptiform neuralgia: excision of the second branch of the fifth pair of nerves ; speedy recovery of the patient after removal of the air< »-tc*el cord. Nashville >J. M. efe S., 1879, xxiii, 164.—von Klein. Ueber die Me'iglichkeit der ZerstorungdesGesielitsnerveu bei seinem A ustritt ausdem Srhadel. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1822. iii. 46-61.— Hnie (A.) Casuistische Mittheilung iiber Neurectotnie eles zweiteu Trigeminnsastes nach Braun-Lossen. uebst Bemerkungen iiber blutleeres Operiren nach vorhe-riger Ligatur der Carotis communis. St. Petersb. meel. Wchn- schr., 1885, n. F., ii, 149-151.—Koeher. Ueber Xerven- dehnung bei Trigeminus-Neuralgie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879, ix, 324-326.—Kopp. Case of a dolor faciei, where the dissection of the nerve had no otle-ct. Phila. M. Museum, 1807, iii, pp. cxliii-cxliv.—Kroulein (R. U.) Neuralgia facialis [OperationenJ. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1877, xxi (Supplhft.), 120-123. ----- Ueber eine Methode der Resection eles zweite-n unel dritten Astes des XT trigeminus unmittelbar am Foramen rotuudum uud ovale. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1884, xx, 484- 492. -----. Fall von Resection cles ii. unel iii. Astes eles Trigeminus an der Austrittsstelle ausdem Schadel wegen Neuralgia (Facial and trigeminal, Treat- ment of). (iesichtsscbinerz. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel. 1884 xiv, 301.—Hiihn (J.) Drei Fiille von Xerven/.ersi hnei'- duugeu bei Neuralgien eles Gesichts. An li f. phvsiol Heilk., Stuttg., 1859, n. F., iii, 226-237. — liny min i V. I.) Ob izsiechenii jazichnago nerva pri ncvialgii. | Excision of lingual nerve in neuralgia.] Laitop kiiinii" ubsh v Mosk., 1884, vi, 15-27.— Cnbordc (A.-V.) De faconitine cristaliise'-e* dans la nevralgie faciale congestive- k frieorr Tribune* med., Par., 1878, xi, 605-607. ——. Action do la napelline dans uu cas de nevralgie faciale. Ibid , 1883, xv, 484-480. — I.aniourcux (J.') Observation d'uu tic douloureux de la face, traite par l'emploi du sous-carbo- nate de fer. J. de la sect, de nied. Soc. acad. Loire-lnf Xantes, 1825, i, 211-214. — Cnuilc. Nevralgie epilcpti' forme; resection nerveuse; peisistaucc ele la ne'vralgie dans un filet nerveux demeui e intact; nouvelle resection; guerison. 'Mem. et bull. Soc de nied. et chir. de Bordeaux! 1873, 509-517. —I.andesberg (M.) A case of neuralgia of the first branch of Ihe fifth pair, of six years' duration, cured by Duquesnel's aconitia. Med. & Surg Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 597. -----. Duquesnel's anmitia in facial neuralgia. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 35-38. —I.augen. beck (B. ) Nenrcctoinie des Nervus infraorbitalis. Deutsche Kliuik. Berl., 1860, xii, 206. — I.angenbueli (C.) Die Resection des ITuterkiefemerven auf neiiein Wege Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880. xvii, 59::-596. — Cc Calve. De l'emploi de la veratrine clans les nevralgies faciales. J. Soc. de m6d. -prat, de Montpel., 1843, viii, 115- 125.— I.ee (F. B.) Croton-chloral in facial neuralgia. Brit. M. A.. Lond., 1874, i, 681.—Le Fort (L.) Nevral- gie faciale du cnt,6 droit a type Epileptiforme guerie par l'elongatiou dunerf frontal interne, nasal et sous-oibitaue. France m6d., Par., 1888, i, 97: 111.—Cess (J. W.) Value of hydrate of croton chloral in painful affections of the fifth nerve. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 558.—I.eiuaiMire (J.) Elongation du nerf maxillaire superieur pour une ne vralgie rebelle. Rev. de chir., Par., 1882, ii, 1015-1019.— Ccster (T. B.) Relation of neuralgia of the fifth pair to meningitis. St. Louis Cour. Med , 1879, ii, 209-21*.—I.e. vitloux. O newralgiach i sposobie ie:h leczenia za pernio- ci*. przyfegania zelazein de bialoscc upalou6ni punktdw dotkniejtych nerwobdlem. [Treatment of neuralgic affec- tions by actual cautery.] (Iaz. lek., Warszawa, 1871, xi, 193; 212; 225; 241 : 261.— Cosseti (II.) Neurectoniie desii. Astes des V. nach osteoplast isrher Resection des Jochheinn, nebst Vorschlag zu einer neuen Schnitlfuhrung. Central- bl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1878, v, 65-70.— Condon (C.) Employ- ment of laurel leavers in tic douloureux. Lancet, Lond., 1834-5, i, 62. — Ciickc (A.) Ausschneiduug des zweiten Astesdes Ne-rv. trigeminus nach temporarer Resection des Jochbogens. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., Ic75. iv, 322: 1875-6, vi, 317.—Cutlerotti. Gesiehtsschmerz (I'io- sopalgia), geheilt durch salzsauren Bin vt. (leslerr. nied. Wchnschr., Wien, 1841. 1841. 1105.— tlelvi-i linie. Case of tic douloureux cured bv arsenic. ICdiub. M. ifc S. J., 1811, vii, 300-303. — Mackey ( E. ) Gelseminnm semper- virens (yellow jessamine) iu facial neuralgia. Brit. hi. A., Lond., 1874, i, 576.—.Maclean (D.) Neuralgia of several branches of the fifth pair of :i;*rves ; operation ; cure. Phy- sician efe Surg.. Aun Arbe.i, Mich.. 1882. iv, 499.-----. Neuralgia of the malar branch of the superior maxillary: division of the nerve; cure. Ibid., 500.— .Tinder (J.) Neuralgia Tiigemini inveterata; erfolglose Behandlung mit Klektricitat Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 542.—Manzi ( B.) Nevralgia della scconda brauca del quinto pajo clei nervi cerebrali, trattata colic inspirazionwli azotito di amile. Ann. univ. di med. c chir.. Milano. 1875. ccxxxi, 512-515, 1 pl. — iTIarschall (G.) Heilung eiues merkwiirdigen Gesichtschmerzes (oder vielniehi eines larvirten Wcchselfiebers) durch Liquor Fowleri Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1831. i, 161. — IMaltison (J. H. ) Trifacial neuralgia treated bv the ele-eji inject ion of chloro- form. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark. 1874. 216-220. Also .- Med. Rec, N. Y., 1874, ix, 227-229.—IUazzoni (C.) A memoir on facial neuralgia, illustrated by a case affecting the sub-orbital nerve j cuied bv excision. St. Louis M. cfe S. J., 1861, xix, 289; 385. -----. Nevralgia eli tutte le branche del trigemino ed in ispecio del ramo mascellare superiore, curata col Geisemium semper vireus a dose crescente date) a goccie; miglioramento. Clin- chir., Roma. 1881, vi-vii, 160.—Iflelicr. Note sur l'emploi clu sous-carbonate de fer dans lc traitement eles nevralgies; nevralgie faciale guerie pai ce liioven. A. gcu. dc med.. cbir. et pharm.. Par.. 1827, xcix. 3-6.— .tleslerlon ((.'. B.) Einige Falle von Neurectomie bei Cesichtsneuriilgicn. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1873, xxv, 95: 103. - .Tleu*el. Resection des X'ervus lnandibiilaris von der Munillinlilc aus. Ibid.. 1875, xxvii, 10— Hieliel. Section eb-s neris buccal et lingual dans la ne'vralgie faciale; operations nou- velles. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb.. 1861. iii, 222-233. Also: (Iaz. med. de Strasb.. 1857. xvii. 475-480. Also: Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1859, xxxii. 18::. ----- Sur les sec- tions nerve-uses clans la nevralgie laeiale. Rev. med ele lest Nancv. : 878. x. 129-134.— Ui I ler i J.) Bericlit eines Falles von trigeminus-Xeuralgie. X. Vorkerraeel. Presss, NEURALGIA. 845 XEURALGIA. Neuralgia (Facial and trigeminal, Treat- ment of). 1886-7, iii, 230-232. —Mitchell. On the treatment of facial neuralgia. Liverpool M. Gaz., Loud., 1833, i, 565- 5U8.—Mitchell (S. W.) Clinical remarks on facial neu- ralgia, treated by neurectomy. Med. News. Phila., 1882, xl, 257-259. —,TIoj ani (C.) Nevralgia maseellare supe- riore guarita colla nevrotomia. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1844, xiii, 67-69.—itl on monier (J. N.) Extirpation of the superior maxillary nerve. Tr. M. Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1878, 105—IMowctig. Ueber Nerven-Resektion wegen Gesiehtsschmerz. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 747? -----. Resektion des Ramus nasociliaris, in der Lange vou 3 Linien, wegen Fothergil'scheu Gesichts- sebmerzes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 888. — Tliincuv. Observation dune nevralgie maxillo-dentaire, gu6rie au moven du cautere actuel. Bull, de la Fac. de med. de Par.' (1804-8). 1812, i, pt. 3, 134-136. — IHussey ( W. H.) Removal of superior maxillary nerve with the ganglion of Meckel, and the inferior maxillary nerve, for persistent facial neuralgia. Cincin. Lancet efe Obs., 1869, xii, 449-452.—I\ngy (M.I Neurotomie cles zweiten Astes des Trigeminus rechts am Foramen rotundum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 603-606. — IVavratil. Neu- rektomie wegen Neuralgie* des 3. Trigeminus-Astes; Erfnlg. Pest. mod.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1882, xviii, 398.— .\eale (W. H.) Facial neuralgia treated by nerve vibration. Practitioner, Lond., 1884, xxxiii, 345-349.— Neuralgia nervi trigemini. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel ( 1883 j'. 1884. 36-39. — rVicaiwe. Nevral- gie faciale; resection du nerf soiisorbitaire. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1881, liv, 1123.—,\ i< ol-i-liaiiiii. Ein Fall von Ge- siehtsschmerz geheilt durch Excisionen aus dem Nervus siipraorbitalis, infraorbitalis, alveolaris superior, alveolaris interior und mentalis. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1858, v, 137.—Ozeune (P.) Xevralgie sous-orbitaire; arrache- mciit du nerf; guerisou. France m6d., Par., 1882, i, 469- 472. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 78-82.— Pancoast (J.) New operation for the relief of per- sistent facial neuralgia. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 285.— vou Patruban. Ueber die Resection unel Exstirpa- tion des ITitcraugeuhbhlennerveus als Raelicalheilung der Prosopalgia infraorbitalis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1853, iii, 308; 321. -----. Neuralgie des (juintus : wiederholte Resection des NT infraorbitalis und XT infrumuxill. ; Sec- tionshefund. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1858, iv, 525; 549. -----. Unterbindung der Carotis com- munis zur Heilung einer iuveterirten Prosopalgic nach wiederholten Nervenresectionen. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1866, xxii, 224. -----. Die Unterbindung der Carotis als Heilmittel des Tic dou- loureux. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 3; 12; 25; 34; 41. -----. Die Unterbinilung der Carotis communis als letztes Heilmittel des Tic douloureux. Ibid., 1876, xxi, 421; 429; 442-Pavdol-Silvauwki (P.) Dvasluchaya azektsii podochnago nerva. f Two cases of exsection of the infraorbital nerve.] Med. Vestnik St. Petersb., 1864, iv, 406-408.— Payan. [N6vralgie faciale traitee avec succes par la cauterisation auriculaire.] [Rap. de Forget.] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851-2, ii, 177-179.—Pcar.ion. On tbe tic douloureux, or trismus dolorificus. Edinb. hi. & S. J., 1807, iii, 272-276.—Pegaitaz. [Operation de tic douloureux—nerf excis6—dans le canal osseux. ] Bull. Soe me':el. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1871, v, 240.— Peter. Sur un cas de tic douloureux de la face datant de vingt-huit ans et gueri par le bromure de potassium. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1873, xci, 337-340. Also: Abeille meel., Par., 1876, xxxiii, 442-444. — Pfaff. Ol. teteliintiua-, ein iiusserst wirksames Mittel gegen Proso- palgic. Ztschr. f. Meel.. Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1862, n. IT. i, 200.—vou Pilha. Neuralgie des rechten Nervus infraorbitalis; Resektion desselben bei einem 83jahrigen Wei be' mil guteiu Erfolge ; mitgetheilt vom Dr. Wilhelm Sch.ilz. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 407; 421.— I'oilr;ixiii. Neuralgie des 2. Astes des Trigeminus: Resection des Stammes des (Iberkiefernei ven am Foramen rotundum nach der Methode von Carnochau ; Heilung. Ibid., 1869, xix, 1709; 1727: 1870, xx. 25. — Poggioli. Nouvelle ui6thode curative exterue pour les nevralgies faciales. [Rap. de Piorrv. 1 Bull. Acad.de m6d., Par., 1855-6, xxi, 910-923 — Poll© ( S.) Neuralgia facciale curata coll' applicazione esterna della belladonna. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1838, i, 255-259.—Pontoire (H.) Nevral- gie faciale guerie par le traitement mixte de resection et de cauterisation du nerf. Union ui6d., Par.. 1854, viii, 209 — I'ozzi (S.) Rapport sur uue communication de M. le Dr. Blum, intitulee: De l'arraeheiuent du nerf sous-orbitaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882, n. s., viii, 788-798. Also.- Gaz. med. de Par., 1883, 6. 8., v, 88; 100; 112.— Prcngrueber. Nevralgie faciale; ablation d'un petit nevrome gingival: gu6rison. France med., Par., 1884. ii, 1347-1349.—Prion. Bon effet du camphre mach6 contre Venral^ia (Facial and trigeminal, Treat- ment of). les nevralgies faciales. Abeille med., Par., 1859, xvi, 41.— Rahu. Heilung eiues hartuackigen Gcsiehtschmerzeus durch einen ohngefehren Zufall. Museum d. Heilk., Zii- rich, li92. i, 279-283— Rampoldi (R.) Due casi di afl'e- zione dolorosa del 5." paio guariti radicalmente con lo strappo cruento del nervo. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1885, xiv, 488-492.—Kankine (J.) Observations on the tre.it- ment of tic douloureux; illustrated bv cases. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1834, xii, 132-138.— Rc«:i*co (A.) Sulla cura delle nevralgie esterne e particolarmeute della nevralgia trifaciale. Gior. di med. mil., Firenze, 1869, xvii, 369- 381. — Rcvilliod. Nevralgie de la cinquieme paire (branches maxillaircs superieure et inferieure) rebelle k un grand nombre* de traitements, guerie par les injections sous-cutanees de chlorliydrate de morphine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par.. 1865, lxix, 557-560.— Iii be* (D.-F.) Observation de nevralgie du nerf facial, guerie au moyen du sulfate de* (|iiinine. J. de physiol. exper.. Par., 1822, ii, 219-224. — Richmond. Case illustrative of the ben- eficial effects of the carbonate of iron in tic douloureux. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1821, xlvi, 270-272.—Ringer (S.) A curious case of facial neuralgia, with unilateral sweat- ing, cuied by the application of aconite liniment. Prac- titioner, Loud., 1872, ix, 138-140. — Robert* ( W. O. ) Infra-orbital neuralgia; a case operated on many times: cure. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1880, xxi, 8-10. — Robin- non (D. R.) Case of tic douloureux cuied bv cinchona. Edinb. M. & S. J.. 1821, xvii, 229-232. — Rockwell i F. W. ) Successful neurectomy of infra-orbital branch of fifth nerve, at level of foramen rotundum, for relief of recurring trophic disturbances anil inveterate neuralgia. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, i, 315-350.—Rogers (W. B.) Neurectomy in a case of neuralgia of the trigeminus; return of the disease after one vear. Mississippi Vallev M. Month., Memphis, 1881, i, 201-206. ----- Xeiiicctoniy of infra-orbital nerve. laid., 1882, ii, 445.— Rowiandcr (C. J.) Om massage af hals-sympathicus vid tic doulou- reux. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1885, xlvii, 174-177.—Rouge. N6vralgie 6pileptiforme de la face: section de la seconde branche du trijumeau ii sa sortie clu tiou rond. Bull. Soc. m6d. dela Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1872. vi, 175-182.—Roux (J.) N6vralgies faciales; resection des nerfs; precedes nouveaux. Union mid., Par.. 1852, vi, 479; 491; 515; 518.— Roviralta (.1.) Veiitajosos efectos del Geisemium sem- perviiens (jazmin amarillo) en las neuralgias de las ramas alveolan-s elel trigemiuo. Sentido catdl., Barcel., 1881, iii, 135-137.—Nabuii'ilo (S ) Catorce cases de ueuralgias del facial curados cou el salicilato de sosa y con el ioduro de potasio. Rev. de med. y cirug. pniet., Madrid, 1883. xii, 264.—Savory. Intense and chronic neuralgia in the tract of the right dental and auriculo-temporal nerves ; opera- tion ; recovery. Lancet, Lond.. 1875, ii, 8.—Schccli (P.) Klonische Krampfe des weichen Gaumcns mit objectivem Ohrgeransch in Folge von nasaler Trigeminus - X'eural- gie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1886, xxxiii, 385-387.— Mchenck. Erfahrungen iiber die grossen Heilkiafte der China, be sonile-rs in Verbindung mit Opium gegen den FothergiU'schen Gesiehtsschmerz. JT ei. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1826, lxii, 3. St., 40-47.— Schreuder (H. A.) Een woord over de gunstige werkiug van Nux vomica tegen prosopalgic. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1852, i, 1-24.— Mchiitzcubcrgcr. [Tic rotatoire tres-p6nible; gu6- rison par l'applieation d'un courant Electrique continu pendant dix minutes chaque fois, trois fois par semaine.] Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. ele med. de Strasb., 1866-7, iv, 188.— Schuh. Resection des Nervus infraorbitalis an der Au- genhohle gegen Gesiehtsschmerz. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1853, iii, 401 ; 417.-----. Durchschneiduug des Nervus alveolaris superior gegen Gesichtssclimerz. Ibid., 1851, iv, 353. -----. Resection des Nervus zygomaticus, infraorbitalis, alveolaris superior, et dentalis inferior zur Heiluog des Gesicbtsschmerzcs. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1856, ii, 1-7. -----. Heilung der Prosopalgic' inittelst Durchsehueidung des Zweigchens, welches vom Nervus alveolaris sup. zur Schleimhaut des Mundes iu der Gegend eles Buccinator geht. Ibid., 1857, iii, 321-325. -----. Bericht iiber die im letzten Jahre vor- genommenen Nervenresectionen bei Gesichtsneuralgieu. Wien. meel. Wchnschr.. 1864, xiv, 385; 401. -----. Neue Reihe von Nervenresectionen bei Prosopalgien. Xachge- lassenes Mauuskript. Ibid,, 1866, xvi, 681; 729: 745.— Schuppert (M.) Neuralgia of the supra-orbital nerve; partial excision of the nerve ; cure: plastic operation on nose. N. Orl. M. Times, 1861, i, 94-97. -----. Neuralgia of the face, " tic douloureux " ; resection of the, secoud branch of the fifth pair of nerves in the sphenomaxillary fossa at the foramen rotundum of the sphenoid bone • cure. N. Orl. M. Rec, 1866, i, 16-20. -----. Two cases of facial neuralgia cured bv resection of nerves. N. Orl. M. ct S. J., 1873-4. n. s., i, 311-324.—«ee (G.) Traitement des maux de tete ceSphaloe, migraine, migraine ophtalmique, n6vralgie faciale. Rec. d'ophth., Par.. 1887, 3. s., ix, 596- 600.—Weguin iE C.) Efficacy of the aconitia of Du quesnel in trigeminal neuralgia. X". York M. J., 1878, XECKALGIA. S46 SElTIJALCilA. Yenralgia (Facial and trigeminal, Treat- ment of). xxviii, 621-628. Also, Reprint. Also, in his: Op. min. [etc.], 8-. XT Y., 1884, 367-374. ------. A contribution to the medicinal treatment of chronic trigeminal neuralgia. Med. Rec, X. Y . 1879, xv, 6-9. Also, in his: Op. min. [etc.], 8->, N. Y., 1884, 375-379. ------. History of at- tempts made to cure three cases of chronic trigeminal neuialgia. Arch. Med.. N. Y.. 1881. vi, 89-96. Also, in Ins: Op. min. [etc.], 8-, X. Y., 1884. 534-539. — Sen re. Nevralgie faciale du cote gauche, d'aboid coutiuue, puis intermit tente qnotidienne ; emploi ele la saliciue; guerison. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1834-5, ii, 40.— Nibson ( F. ) On the treatment of facial neuralgia by tle- inhalation of ether aud on a new inhaler. Loud. M. Gaz., 1-47 xxxix, 358-364. Also, iu his: Collect. Works, 8°, Lond., 1881, iv, 354-368. — Mporer ( C. ) Das Chloral- hydrat, in Substanz local angewandt gegen Odontalgic nnd Prosopalgic. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1880. v. 289 — State* - Brame. Nevralgie du trijiuneaii datant de vingt in ul aus; emploi des courants continus; guerison. Bull. meel. du nord, Lille. 1878, 2. s.. xvii, 29-36—Stat li a- Uopou los ( S. ) npoira\yia l tic doulouraix ), en i|/ii£cws Trpoe\9ovara ccai cae9etl. v, 573; 577. — Tripier (L.) X'evralgie ele la lace avec zone eipileptogene ; nevro- tomie et osteotomie combinees. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1877. xxiv, 588-590. — Trousseau. Douhle nevralgie teinporale; section des deux art ores. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 39. — Tsamopulo* i D. ) IlpoercoTraAyia, 0epa7T€vt->€icra ep 8pa\v-aTuj \poi-w 6ia p.typ.aTOs c£ eAatov iioa- KVafjuOV Kal ^K\vALO-p.aTOs tT'etaAtcas. larpiKTj 'Ee/))j|U.., 'ACIrjvai, 1858-9, i, 210.—V. (C.j Xeuralgia facciale, curata col car- bouato eli ferro. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1839, 2. s., vii, 14-20.—Van Derveer (A.) Report of cases of trifacial neuralgia: treated by removal of Meckel's ganglion ; also bv the successful internal administration of aconitia. Alienist efe Neurol., St. Louis. 1883. iv, 611-620. Also, Re print. Ah-o .Abstr.] ; Tr. Am. Surg. Ass , Phila.. 1883, i, 489-501. — Verbis! ( E. ) Succes de la belladone dans les nevralgies faciales. Bibliotb. ined.. Brux., 1828. v, 211- 213.—Wadcll. Case of neuralgia facialis, or tic-doulou- reux, relieved by carbonate of iron. Edinb. M. efe S. J., 1822, xviii, 410-412. — Wagner i A. ) Beitrag zur opera- tiven Behandlung der Neuralgia N. trigemini. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1855, ix, 594-612. ------. Neural- gia nervi infraorbitalis durch Neurectoniie behandelt. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1861, xiii. 61. ------. Ueber ner- vosen Gesiehtsschmerz und seine Behandlung durch Neu- rectoiiiie. [16 Fiille.] Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1869. xi, 1-126. 1 pl.—Walker (B. M.) Ice treatment of tie dim- louri-ux. Am. JT M. Sc. Phila.. 1874, n s., lxvii, 569.— Wallace ( W. ) Excision of superior maxillary and in. ferior dental nerves for neuralgia. Pittsburgh M. J., 1882, Xeuralgia (Facialand trigeminal, Treat- ment of). ii, 295-298.—Walter (P. U.i Dure hsc hneideii mehrirer Gesichtsnerve n bei eine r Piosopalgie. J. d. Chjt. u. \u- genh., Berl., 1k;2. xvii. 440-471. —Warren il Cl' Ei- cision of the sub -maxillary nerve. Boston M. \ S. .;., 1828-9. i, 2-4. ------. Excision of the infi a-eu liital nerve' Ibid., 4.— Watson ( B. A.) Case of facial neuralgia treated by extirpation of the superior maxillary ne n, Med. Rec. XT Y., 1871-2. vi, 392 —Wcinli < bin i ,1 | Heilung einer Prosopalgic (lurch Re-section el.■» Nei v. in- fraorbitalis dextr., des Nervus dentalis supeiior anterior, sowie des Nerv. zygomaticotemporalis. |',, i ,1. fc. k] Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien i!871), ls7:; 17a! ------. Neuralgie infraorbitalis; Resection des Nerv. zv- gomat. facialis uud zygomat. temporalis, sowie dee Xerv. infraorbitalis; Heilung. Ibid.. 171-174. ------. Xeural- gie des Supramaxillaris. 1J Jahre nach Resection des In- fraorbitalis ; Resection des Supramaxillaris an seinen Ana- tritte durch das ninde Loch eles Keilbeincs. nach Carno- chan : Heilung. Ibid. < 18731. 1874, 254. ------. Xeuialgie; intrabuccale Resection des Xerv. inframaxillaiis unci My- lohyciideus: Heilung. Ibid. (1875), 1876.385. ------. Xeu- ialgie des Nei mis infraorbitalis dessen Resection cine se hnierzt'reie Pause von 4 Monati n zur Folge: hatte; we- gen Reciilive Ligatur der Carotis communis, auf welche in den ersteu 20 Tagen eine Besseiung und von da an voll- standige Heilung eingetreten ist. Wien. mecl. Bl., l-7s. i, 867. -----. Neuralgic am 3. Aste des TTigeuiinus; intra- buccale Resection eles Nerv. inf'rainaxill.. buccinatorius und lingualis; bieraiif Schwinden der Neuralgie und aus- ser elen sensitiven Lahmungen auch Geschmacksliihinuug an der rechten voreleren Zungenhalfte. Ber. cl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1877). 1878. 358. Also: Wien. med. Wclmschr., 1878, xxviii, 1165.-----. NTmralgie des rechten Nervus infraorbitalis ; Resection desselben ausserhalb des Foramen iufraorbitale und in der Mitte de-r Fissura orbit, inf. nach Aufsteiumen dea Infraorbitalcanales : Heilung. Ibid. ( 1878 i. 1879. 359. ------. Seit neunzehu Jahren besteheude XT*uralgie ilea rechten Nervus inframaxillaris, welcher intrahuccal re-- secirt wurde; Tod an Pyiimie in Folge von Osteomye- litis des Unterkiefers. Ibid. (1879), 188ei. 375. ---—. Seit 14 Jahren besteheude rechtsseitige- Infraorbitalueu- ralgie; durch Dehnung des Nerv. infraorbitalis schwie- gen die Anfalle eiu halbes Jahr; wegen Recidive wurde die Carotis communis uuterbunden, worauf die An- falle nur 3 Woehen sistirten ; spaterhiu Resection des Nerv. infraorbit., welche eine 2monatliche Besseruug uuel schliessliche Heilung zur Folge hatte. die nur durch 1J Monate constatirt werden konnte. Ibid. (1>mu. leM. 345- 347. -----. Seit 9 Jahren bestehende Neuialgic des 2. Astes des Trigeminus, Resection dieses Nei ven in der Fissura infraorbitalis; Heilung. Aerztl. Bit. d. k. k allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 275. ------. Neuralgie des dritteu Trigeminnsastes mit vorwiegeuden Sclimerzen im Gebiete des Buccinatorius; da elie Resection dieses Nerven keim-u Erf'olg hatte. wurde der Nervus infra- maxillaris nach Paravicini resecirt, dabei auch der Nervus lingualis fe-hlc-rhaft durehtrennt; Heilung. Wien. mcil. Bl., 18e6, ix, 202.—Weir (R. F.) Trigeminal neuralgia of long standing cured by the administration of large doses of aconitia. Arch. Med., X. Y.. 1879. ii, 111. ------. Xeu- ralgia of long standing : resection of the superior maxillary nerve and Meckel's ganglion. Med. (la/... X. Y. 1»1. viii, 215. Also: Med. Rec. XT Y.. 1881, xx, W. —Weise (K.) Heilung einer Trigemiiius-Neuralgie dutch de-u constanten galvanischeu Strom. Berl. kliu. Wehnsclu.. 1867. iv. 175. ------. Heilung einer Trigeminusneuralgie durch elen con- stanten galvanischen Strom. Ibid.. 1879, xvi. 640.—Wen- dclstadt (F.) Ueber das Straminoniuui. als Sjn-e itienni gegen deu FothergiU'schen Gesiehtsschmerz. I. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1836, lxxxiii, 5. St.. 100-107.— Wcrtlieimcr (M.) Bacca* Daphne Me zerei gegen Prosopalgia. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1851. i. 594. —Whittakcr i-L TT) Tic douloureux: a note ou a case of Fotlu rgiil's neuralgia treated by galvanism. Clinic, Cincin.. 1872. iii. 121.— Wilks. Tic douloureux cuied by galvanism when all medicines had failed. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1870. ii, 33.— Wilson i A.) Case of tic douloureux, successfully treated by purgatives. Edinb. M. efe S. J.. 1823. xix. 2i'8- 210.— Wittkc. Ferruin carbouicum gegen den Fother- gill'se hen (lesichtsschinerz. Mag. f. d ges. Heilk.. B.-il, 1826, xxii, 568-579. — Wolffsheim (1. S.i Uebei die Wirksamkeit des Extract. Stramonii gegen Neuralgia facialis. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1--39. lxxxix. 3. St.. 115. —Wood (&.) Subcutaneous iujection of chloioteeiin in the treatment of facial neuialgia. Canada M. &. S. J., Montreal, 1875, iv, 1 —Wood (JT It.) Two eases of facial neuralgia, treated by extirpation of nerve. X*. York M. J., 1871, xiii, 730-733. ------. Report of four cases of neu- rotomy of the superior maxillary nerve, with extirpation of Meckel's ganglion for the cure of tic-douloureux. Ibid., 1879, xxix, 584-592. Also, Reprint.—Zatnbouini (A) Tic doloroso curato colla asnortazione di una parte del nervo maseellare inferiore. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1841, 2. s.. xi, 76-M.—Zesas (O. G.) Ein Fall vou lie NKl'KALGIA. 847 NEUKALGIA. Veiiralgia (Facialand trigeminal, Treat- ment of). convulsif, geheilt durch Dehnuug des Facialis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1884, xxxiv. 39.—Xwicke. Neuralgia infraorbitalis: Resectio nervi infraorbital.; Heilung. Cha- rite-Ann., Berl., 1882, vii, 498. Neuralgia (Frontal). Sec Brow-agua ; Neuralgia (Supraorbital). Neuralgia (Gen ito-uri nary). See; also, Bladder (Neuretlg'iaof): Nephralgia; Neuralgia (Lumbar, etc.); Ovary (NeuraLi'ia of); Testicle (Painful, etc); Urethra (Irritable). Otis (F. IV.) * A case of reflex neuralgia, asso- ciated with urethral contractions aud a rare form of urinary sinus. 8J. New York, 1875. Parmillecx (J.-F.) * Nevralgie vulvo-vagi- li ale. 4C. I'aris, 1882. Adamkicwicz. Rzaelki przypadek nerwobdlu nerwu sroiuuego z zakofie-zeniem pomyslnem. [Rare case of neu- ralgia of pudendal nerve successfullv treated.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 18-6, xiv, 313-316. Also, traw-l.: Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1886, viii, 85-87— Ban-as (F.) Histoire dune ne'vralgie dans le cordon spermatiepie. guerie par le moxa. J. gen. de med., chir., et pharni.. I'ar., 1815, liv, 306-321.—Bron (F.) Delancvropathie ure'-ihrale Lyon med., 1875, xx, 10-1G.—Bruchon. Note sur un casd'ur6- tralgie interniittente, guerie par le sulfate de quinine k l'intferieur. Abeille med., Par.. 1857, xiv, 201. Also: Rev. de therap du midi, Montpel., 1857, xi, 316-321.— Bureau (J.) Case: of violent pains in thepenisand neigh- boring parts. Mem. M. Soc. Lond. (1789-90), 1792, iii, 65-76.—Clabarct (P.) X'evralgie ilio-scrotale. Rec. cl. tiav. Soc. nied. d'lndre et-Loire,Touis. 1850. 78-83. Also: Kev. de therap. nied.-chir., Par., 1803. 37-3'.). Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 298—t'aldas (P.) Dores nevralgicas na uretra, empregodobromiireto de potassio; cura. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1866, i, 8.—C'ampaiguac (J.- A.-J.) Considerations sur les nevralgies des organes ge- nito-urinaires et de l'auus. J. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1829, ii, 396-411. — C'nyol. Consultation sur un cas d'affection rhuniatico-nevralgie|iie du plexus renal compliquee d'hipo- chondrie. Rev. mecl. franc, et etrang., Par., 1847, i, 5-11.— Choivnc Castration fen neuralgia. Lancet, Lond., 1843, i, 131.—<'i vialc. Des nevralgies de l'uretre et du col de la vessie. J. hehd el. progr. il. SC- et hist. med.. Par., 1835, iii. 161-168.—t'outajjiu- (II.) Note sur deux cas de ne- vralgie- cruiale colucidant avec une blennorrhagie. Ann. de ilerinat, ct syph., Par., 1870, ii, 303-31(1. — Fay« (F. C.) Et Till'alele af sinregue periodiske Smerter i Mi-inbrum virile. Eyr, Christiania, 1836-7, xi, 1-9 — Fricklibffer. XTuralgiai urethra;. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte. Weilburg, 1857, 102-104.— Gamberini (P.) Due casi di uretrodinia blonnorragica curati coll' iuiezioue ipodermica j d' iclrocloi.iti) eli morfina. Gior. ital. cl. mal. ven., Milano, 1875, x, tr — twintrac. N6vralgie ilio-scrotale : etficacite des bains de vapeur. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1856, 2. s., i, 690.—Gray (L. C.) Vesico-genito-post-femoral neural- gia and neuritis. J. Nerv. et Ment. Dis., X. Y.. 1886. u. s., xi. 743-745. Also: N. York M. J., 1880. xliv, 552— HelflTt. Die Neurosen der die Harnausleerung vermittelnden Or- gane. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, viii, 447 : 459. — IColbenheyer (F.) Vaginal neuralgia. Missouri Clin. Kee, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 33.—Ijeiblingcr (H.) Vorlau- tige Mittheilung iiber eine an der Symphysis pubis beob- achtete- Neurose uud deren Beziehuugen zur Hysteralgie. Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi, 613-615. — I.iejjcy (N.-F.) Acc6s de n6vralgie intercostale, de nevralgie du testicule et de priapisme nevralgique periodiques, se pro- duisant successivement chez une nieme personne; gu6risou par les preparations de quinquina. Ann. m6d. de laFlandre occid., Roulers, 1855, iv, 43-46. Also [Abstr. 1 : J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1855, 2. s., xxvi, 453-455. -----. Ob- servations de nevralgies ftibriles intermittentes et remit- teutes des organes genitaux-urinaires. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1858, xxvi, 17; 199. Also, Reprint — McSlierry (R.) Vesico-urethral neurosis. Am. A. M. Sc. Phila., 1866, n. s., lii, 398-400.—.Hauriac (C.) fitude sur les nevralgies r6flexes symptomatiiiuesde l'orchi6pidi- dymite blennorrhagique. Gaz. m6d. eb' Par.. 1869, xxiv, 331 ; 370 ; 438 : 510. 565 : 1870, xxv, 5 ; 29 : 55 ; 97; 133 ; 180 , 211: 254.—~Vlichclsta*dlcr. Franzensbad insbesondere gegen Krankheiten eles Nerveusystems; ein Fall von Xeuralgie des Plexus spermaticus. geheilt in Franzensbad. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1874, xliii. 380— Keveille- Parise. Considerations th6rapeiitii|iies sur un cas ele j nevralgie du nerf spermatiepie. Hull. gen. ele th6rap., etc., Par., 1836, x, 270-275.—Scai-cnzio (A.) Nevralgia sper- matica diretta e lombo-saoro-ischiatiea riflessa del lato destro, curata e guarita coll' injezione sottocutanea del cloridrato di mortina. Gior. ital. il. mal. ven., Milano. 1871 vi pt. 1.74-76.—Vernenil. Xe'vialgie traumatique de la verge. Hull. Soe;. de chir. de Par. (1863), 1804 2. s., iv, 516-521—Vidal. Note sur les douleurs uretrales, \ en ralgia (Genitourinary). suite de blennorrhagies, et sur un nouveau moyen de les trailer. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1848, xxxv. 159- 100. — Wilkes (A. B.) Reflex neuralgia* of the genito- urinary tract. South. Pract., Nashville, 1879, i, 96. Neuralgia (Infraorbital). Sec Neuralgia (Facial, etc.) Neuralgia (Intercostal). Sec; also, Chest (Neuralgia of). Akxaud (H.) * Considerations sur r^tiologie et la physioiogie pathologique tie la nevralgie dorso-iutercostale. 4°. Montpelliei; 1868. Bassereau (L.-P.-A.) * Essai sur la nevral- gie des nerl's intercostaiix, consiile're'e conime svinptoiuatique a quelques affections viscerales. 4 . Paris, 1849. Also [Abstr.], in: J. el. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1839-40, vii, pt. 2, 221-230. Beer (L.) * De neuralgia mtercostali. 8 . Berolini, [1843]. Bekoud (P.) * De la ne'vralgie dorso-intercos- tale. 4-. Paris, 1835. Guitard (A.-L.) * De la nevralgie dorso-in- tercostale. 4°. Paris, 187>7. Lecadre (A.) Essai sur la ne'vralgie inter- costale. 8-r I'aris, 187)5. Also [Rap. de: Piorry], in: Bull. Acad, de ui6d., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 1121-1138. Leoni (A.) * Considerations sur la nevralgie des nerfs intercostaiix. 4-. I'aris, 187)8. Beau (J.-H.-S ) De la nevralgie intercostale. Arch. gen. de med., I'ar., 1847, i. 161-181. -----. De la ueivrite intercostale dans la phthisic pulmonaire. Uuiou med., Par., 1849, iii, 345-347.— Borlee. Observations do chlo- ~ rose simulant la phthisie pulmonaire, suivies d'uu memoire sur la nevralgie intercostale-. Ann. Soc de med. de Lie*ge, 1848, iii. 50-85. [Rap. ele Tasset], 8(5-97. [Discussion], !»s- X06.—('amcron (J. ('.) Obstinate intercostal neuralgia of three years standing, following a severe attack of her- pes zoster, cure-d bv hvpodermic injections. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, i872-3. i, 448.— Oc Forcliaux. X'e- vralgie intercostale. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brnx., 1855, xv, 57.— Desuos (L.) X'evralgie intercostale. XT diet, de m6d. et chir. prat, Par., 1874, xix, 138-171.— Fade (P.) Clinical remarks on neuralgic pain of the side. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1807. ii. 34: 64.— Frlcmiicvcr. Zur Behandlung der Neuralgia intereos- talis. Deutsche- Klinik, Berl.. 1850, ii, 134. —Flint (A.) Intercostal neuralgia ; elorso intercostal neuralgia: ple'ii- ralgia. Buffalo M. J., 1857-8, xiii, 65-73.—Fotlierjjill (J. M.) Intercostal neuralgia in women. Ohst. J. Or. Brit., Lond . 1873-4, i, 787-790 —llonpe (J.i Intercostal- Neuralgie links an den untern Kippcn mit todtliehem Ausgange. Memorabilien, Heilbr.. 1803. viii. 241-255. -----. Der schliessliche Ausgang einer Interkostalneu- ralgie. Ibid., 1867, xii, 161 — Kinipf i IT J.) Intercos- tal neuralgia in puerperal and nursing women. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iii, 57.—\< iniiaiiu (E.) Nevralgie intercostale rehelle au courant contiuu, guerie en deux seances ele faradisation cutan6e. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878. 4. s., vii, 81.—lYicod (l'.-L.-A.) Observations de nevralgies thoraciques. XT Jour, de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1818, iii, 247-253. — von Mnssbauin. Die Operation einer Intercostal-Xeuralgie. Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Miinchen, 1878. xxv, 558-502. Also, Reprint.—Oppolzer. X'eural- gia iutercostalis. Deutsche Klinik. Berl.. 1750, ii, 133. -----. Neuralgia intereostalis. Spitals-Ztg.. Wien. 1861, 345—Piorry.' Nevralgie intercostale. lievre d'acces. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1849. 3. s.. i. 323.—Pollak (hi.) Neu- ralgia intereostalis und lumbalis, durch Carboliujcctiouen geheilt. Med.-chir. Centralbl., 'Wien. 1878, xiii. 410.— vou Rzchacseek. Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der Intercostal-Neuralgien. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1881. xxvi, 429 : 441— Necli jjiiiiiller. Zur Diagnose uiiil The- rapie eler Iutercostaliieuralgieen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz.. 1887, xiii, 969. Also, Reprint —*imoil (M.) De la nevralgie intercostale et de son traitement. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1845, xxix. 517-523.—Valleix. De la nevralgie dorsale ou intercostale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1840, i, 1; 188 ; 319.—Verardini (F.) Neural- gia intercostale seguita da bulimia. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1857, 4. s., viii, 53. Neuralgia (Intermittent). See, also, Neur.algia (Supraorbital). Hwasser (I. ) * Om periodisk Xevralgie i hjertat. *°. Upsala. 1>:?7. Also, in his: Smarre skriftcr, [etc.] <-->. Upsala, 1839, i, 258-288. NEURALGIA. 848 MEUKAMilA. \e ii ralgia (Intermittent). Meyrac (F.-E.) * Des ndvralgies articulaires eu rapport avec des flevres interiiiittciites an- ciennes. 4°. Paris. 1841. Auberl. Mal de tete periodique et pleuresie gueries par un vessieatoire sur le lieu de la douleur. A. eh med., chir., pharm.. etc.. Par.. 1789, lxxx. 11-24. — Bocliardt (L.) Krankengeschichte dreier Inclivieluen au emer Fc-br. intermit), quotidiana peruiciosa, die beiin ersteu die Form des FothergiU'schen Gesichtsschmerzes (Prosopalgia Fo- tbergillii), bei dem zwei letztern aber clonische Krampfe mit Bewusstlosigkeit und Irrcrcdeu hatte, mit einem gliick- lichen Ausgang, nebst iitiologischen Bemerkungen. Allg. med. Ann.. Leipz., 18-9. 161-172.— Brainard (D.) On the: use of chloroform in periodical neuralgia. Northwest. M. efc S. J., Chicago, 1849-50. vi, 28o-288 — Kriclietcau fl.) Observation de nevralgie faciale iutennittente gce-ite par le sulfate ele quinine. JT compl. du die-I. d. sc. mecl , Par., 1829, xxxiv, 171. -----. Cas de nevralgie annuelle. A. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1851-2, xix. 29. — Brutti (F. F.) Suit utilita del cianuro di potassa nei dolori intermittent! nervosi, e nelle febbri periodic ho. Aun. univ. di med., Milano, 1832, lxi, 440-447. — Cleveland (J. L ) Typho- uialarii.1 fever followed by a persistent intermittent neu- ralgia. Clinic, Cincin., 1874. vii. 181-183.—Ferguson (J.) Intermittent neuralgia. Canad. J. hi. Sc. Toronto, 1882, vii, 194.— Fioi'ilo Mil Narrazione di una neuralgia ischiatico-crurale periodica con tipo sestano iu uu caso ed ottauo nelt altro, e di una neuralgia radiale con tipo terza- nario, troncate coi sali di chiuiua. aggiuntuvi alcuue rela- tive considerazioni. Gior. . cl. Soc med.-chir. di To- rino, 1845. xxiii, 393-421. — Foussagrivcs (J.-B.) Me- moire sur la nevralgie- generate, et notamiueut sur celle d'origiue paluelcenne. Arch, gen de mid , Par., 1856, i, 277-298. Also, Reprint. — Fox (D. R. i Observations on malarial intermittent neuralgia occurring in my practice during the past thirtv vears. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1887, 94-98— Francis (C. R.) Large doses of anti- • periodica in periodic neuralgia. Med. Times &, Gaz., Lond., 1877. i, 115.— Frost. Febris intermittens comitata, deren An fiille sich theils als Pneumonia, theils als Neuralgia iu- termitteus gestalteten. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte. Brn- schwg., 1844. ii, 89-91.—(>:u-i'ia dc Castro .Tlunoz (J. M.) Dos casus ele neuralgia reinitente cerebrates y su tratainiento. Amlaluciu med., Cordoba, 1882. vii. 23-30.— Horn (E.) Ueber einige intermittirenele Lokalleiden. XT Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1805, ii, 132-143. —Jones (G. F.) Case of periodic neuralgia with deafness. Mem- phis M. Recorder. 1858, vi, 5.— Iiaronde (C.) Observa- tion de nevralgie faciale interraittente, jugume parle val6- i innate de quiuiue et imine-diatement suivie d'une affection de l'appareil vocal, principalement caractejrise par uu begaieineut des plus prouonces. Monit. d. sc. m6d. et pharni., Par., 1859. i. 453.— Lenoir (B. B.) Periodical neuralgia. E. Tennessee* Rec. M. &.S., Knoxville, 1852, i. 131.—I.iea;ey. Reclamation de priorite au sujet de l'as- «imilation eles effets de la n6vralgie avec les effets de la fl6vre pernicieuse. Union ined.. Par., 1859. 2. s.. ii. 106- 108.—.Tlarrotte. Memoire sur lesnevralgiespeiiodii|iu-s. Arch. gen. de ined.. Par., 1852. 4. s., xxx, 257; 405.—.Tlar- tin (de Xinies). Observation de n6vralgie sus-urbitaire pt'riodiepie tenue sous la dependaucedes phases do la lime et du retour des saisons. J. d. conn. m6d. prat. Par.. 1840-7, xiv, 7.—iVIazadc (J.) Douleurs itevralgiques dans la region iliaque gauche ; au bout de quelques jours acces hysteriepics regulters ; sulfate de cpiinine; suspension de ces acces ; recidive : nouvel emploi du sulfate de quinine; guerison. Anu. Soc. de med. prat, ele la prov. d'Anvers, Maliue-s. 1849, vii, 295-297.—.tlcndelson (\V.) Acaseof malari-1 neuralgia. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1881. v, 223.— Pane? s. Nevralgie sus-orbitaire intermittente giterie par l'emploi ele l'acide arsenieux. Gaz. d. hop . Par., 1-68. xii, 202. — Foirier (E.) Observations de nevralgies in- termittentes. J. dented., chir. et pharmacol.. Brux., 1866, xliii, 205-213. — Kit-liter (A. L.) Intermittirende Neu- ralgien. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1835, iv, 53.—Sanchez $alas (A.) Observacioues que prueban la utilidad ele la quina en los dolores sin pirexia, que guardan un drden periodico. Period. Soc. med.-ejuir. de C4diz, 1822, iii, 222-234.—sail- dras. Intermittent neuralgia; beneficial employment of ligature to the limbs. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 217.— Weure. Nevralgie faciale du cote gauche, d'abord con- tinue, puis interniittente quotidienne: emploi de la sali- cine. J. d. conn, nted.-chir., Par . 1834-5. ii, 40.—Taylor (J. L.) A case of periodical neuralgia. West. J. M. .fc S., Louisville, 1847, u. s., vii, 17.— Tiller (J. M.) On inter- mittent neuralgia. Lond. M. & S. A., ls:{2. i, 273. — Watou (E.) EfficacitG du valerianate de quinine contre les nevral- gies intermittentes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 459.— Wliitall. Malarial neuralgia. Hosp. Gaz., X'. Y., 1878, iii. 1811. Veil ralgia (Lingual). See, also, Nerve ( Lingual); Neurotomy; Tongue (Neuroses of); Tongue (Pain in). Boeckel (E.) Deux cas d'excisiou du nerf lingual et meutonnier. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii. 10. — \enralgia (Lingual). B u Ilu in (C. T.) Xeuralgia of tongue ; section of nerve. Hosp. Oaz.. X. Y.. 1878, iv. 149. — liuiini id.) Xevral- gie ilu nerf lingual; nevrotomie ; guerison. Gaz. el. he'ip., Par., 1859, xxxii, 459.—I.e Dentil. Tie douloureux clii cote gauche de la face et de la langue datant ele cinq ans; elongation du nerf lingual ; cessation ele tons hs pheno- menes douloureux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. ele Par., ]8sl u. s., vii, 795-800. — l.osseu (II.) Zur Neurectoniie ilea Ramus sec. n. v., des XT lingualis und alveolaris inl'i-iiur Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, iv, 273. — de Nelle (V.) De la nevralgie du nerf lingual et de son train im ni par lelcctrisation ele la corde du tympan. [Pap <• 1 • - \\ illems jeuue.] Bull. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1804, xxxi. 8-l;;. \lg0 'transl: Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg. 1864, ix. 187.— \icliolsou (F. C.) A caseof neuralgia of the inferior maxillar\ elivis ion of the trigeminus with implication of it* lingual blanch. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1873, viii, 2(52. —Boser. Opera- tion einer Zungenneuialgte. Arch. f. plnsiel. Heilk., Stuttg., 1855, xiv, 579-582— Vanzefti. Ne\ i algie atroee ete la langue- excision du neif lingual; guerison. Bull. Soc. de chir. ele Par. (1867), 1808. 2. s., viii, 422-127. Also: Gaz. el. he'ip., Par . 1868, xii. 30. Also, transl .• Huston M. &. S J., 1868, i, 181-183. — Wcisse. Fall von Clossagra. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Meel., Hamb.. 1837, vi, 99. — Zesas (I). G.) Zur Xeuralgie eles Ramus lingualis trigemini. Wien. med. Presse, 1882, xxiii, 1076-1079. Xeuralgia (Lumbar and uterine). See, also, Lumbago; Ovary (Xeuralgia of); Puerperal neuralgia; Uterus (In'liable, etc.) Boulixguez ( H.-G.-N. ) ¥ De la nevralgie lonibo-abdouriuale. 4 . Lille, 188\\. Fort (A.-J.-A.) * Reflexions .sur la ne'vralgie lorubo abdomiuale considered surtout, au point de vue des causes et du diagnostic. 4°. Paris, 1863. Also, in: Rev. de th6rap. nted.-chir., Par., 1864, 59: 93; 115. Le Bailly (A.) * fit title cliuique sur la ne- vralgie ileo-lombaire syniptoinatique des affec- tions des organes genitaux chez la femnie. 4°. Paris, 1881. Also [Abstr.l, in: Paris med., 1881, vi, 289-291. Mai duit (P.-I.) * De la nevralgie loinbo-ab- doniinale dans les affections uterines. 4-. Pa- ris, 186,3. Savkecx (C.) * Dc la nevralgie loinbo- abdoiuinale consecutive aux inflammations neri- uti'iines. 4°. Paris, 1874. Tricakd (P.) * De la nevralgie des plexus louibaire et sacr6 d'origine traumatique (tour de reins). 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Axenfeletl. Les nevralgies lombo-abdoiniuales consi- derees comme symptomatiques des affections de l'literiis. Union med., Par., 1850, iv, 193; 198. -Buumgarliirr (A.) Nevralgie crurale resultant d'une hypertrophic con- gestive de I'uterua, guerie par l'iode. J. el. conn, med.- chir., Par., 1842-3, x, pt. 2, 104.—Bouchard. Xevralgie sacro-lomhaire ayant determined pendant trois ans des ac- cidents tres-graves, guerie au moyen des injections de sulfate d'atropiue dans la cavite du col de l'ut6nis Bull. gen. de therap . etc., Par.. 1861, lxi, 322-325. — Brown (J. L ) Neuralgia of toes from ulceration of os uteri. Am. J. Obst., XT Y.. 1868-9, i, 156. — Congestion uterine ehronique en rapport avec la nevralgie lombo abdomiuale. Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femnies, Par.. 1882, iv, 488-493.— Delinas (P.) Nevropathie h forme nevralgiepir et de chlorose uterine. Bordeaux nted., 1876, v, 321. — Farre (A.) X'evralgie p6riodique de l'uterius et de ses annexes ; periodicite quotidienne etp6riodieite annuelle. Gaz. med. de Lyon. 1858, x, 244. — Oosseliu. Xevialgie il6o-lom- baire, et crurale, accompaguee de contractions choreifonnes de la cuisse droite (coxalgie hysterique). Gaz. (1. hop , Par., 1802, xxxv, 202.-----. < as ins.,lite- de nevralgie lombaire. Ibid., 1881, liv, 659. — lleiuleiu. ZurCasu- istik der Lumbo-Abdominalneuralgieii. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1880, xxvi, 180-193. - Kolluck (G. J.) Report of the treatment of an obstinate case- ot neu- ralgia of the uterus. Georgia M. Companion, Atlanta, 1871, i, 528-530 — Kuchenmeistcr (F.) Formel geg. u hartuackige Neuralgien des Trigeminus. Ischiadicus. cter Intercostal- und TJterusuerven. Oesterr Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1873, xix, 137-139. - l.eotnuil (A.) I as de nevralgie lombo-sicrec accompaguaut une affection uterine etse compliquant d'abc^s des regions oyarii|iie-s : influence de l'atniosphere ; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., far., 1801. xxxiv, 359. — I.i i-oux (C.) De la nevralgie lleo-lom- baire svmptoinatiquc des affections des organes genitaux che/. la femme. J. d. conn, ntecl. prat.. Par.. 1882 3. %.. iy, n.—IAii-. I'n mot sur la nevralgie lombo-abdonunaic dans l'etat de grossesse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, NEURALGIA. 849 XEUItALdlA. Veil ralgia (Lumbar and uterine). 194 __ .Tlaluaiu;iie. Observations dc nevralgies des an- nexes ele I'uterus traitecs par le catheterisme du col ut6rin. Monit. d. heip., I'ar., 1854, ii, 916-919. — ITIarrotte. De quelques epipltenonrtenes des ltevralgies lombo-sacrees pou- vant siniuler des affections idiopathiquesde I'uterus et ele sis annexes. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1860, i, 385 ; 552.— iTIolliere ill.) N6vralgic lomho-abdominale guerie par l'extirpation d'un lipome do la paroi laterale droite de l'abdomen. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. deLyon (1868), 1869, viii, pt. 2, 172-175. — rVcurourt (F.) De la nevralgie lombairc, ou nevralgie des plexus lombaircs et sae-ics. Arch. gen. dented., Par., 1858, 5. s., xii, 21; 180.— Piorry. Lombalgie (douleur lombaire) ; nevralgies in- tercostal s pouvant faire croire a des palpitations de cceur et donnant lieu a une fidvre d'acces irregultere. Gaz. d. hop., Par, 1858, xxxi, 30. — Schramm. Mittheilungen aus der arztlichen Praxis iiber neuralgische Affectiouen im Gebiete des Ptexuslumbo sacralis. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- chen, 1859. vi, 511.—Shaw (C.) A case of lumbo-abdom- inal neuralgia treateel with sulphuric {ether aud bella- donna. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 266.—[Wire- dey.] X'evralgie lombo abdominale persistant apr^s la giterison de lesions utGrines. .J. ele med. et chir. prat., Par., 1875, xlvi, 294. — Vallei.v. Considerations sur uue forme de n6vralgie lombo-abdominale simulant une mala- die del'ut6ruset sur son traitement. Bull. gen. de tlterap., etc., Par., 1847, xxxii, 14-23—Vulpian (A.) N6vralgies ilfeo-lombaires; ntetiorrhagies ; injections de morphine; pilules de nitrate d'argent: sulfate de quinine, etc. ; gue- rison eles douleurs par les injections de morphine ; coinci- dence entre la disparition des douleurs ct la cessation des ntetrorrhagies. In his ■ Clin. med. de l'hop. de la Charit6, 8°, Par., 1879, 310-317. — Werner. Zwei irrthiimlich als Ileopsoitis diagnostieirte Fiille von Lumboabdoniinal-2reu- ralgie. Ztschr. f. Wunilar/.te u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1867, xx, 110-114. Neuralgia (Malarial). •See Neuralgia (Causes of); Neuralgia (Inter- mittent). Wenralgia (Mammary). See Breast (Irritable, etc.) Neuralgia (Maxillary). See Neuralgia (Dental), etc. Neuralgia (Mesenteric). See Neuralgia (Abdominal, etc.) Neuralgia (Occipital). See Neuralgia (Cervico-occipital), etc. Neuralgia (Ocular). Clark (11. E.) Neuralgic ciliary pain cured by stretch- ing uasal nerve. Glasgow M. J., 1883, [4.J s., xx,-389.—da I'oiiscca (L.) Estiramento e reseccjao do nervo nasal externo contra a nevralgia ciliar e trigemea n'uni caso de glaucoma. Coimbra mod.. 1884, iv, 321-324.—Jurist (L.) Neuralgia of the nose aud pharynx. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 236. — Lagrange. L'arrachement du nerf nasal externe dans les douleurs ciliaires et la n6vralgie du trijumeau. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1884, iv, 324-336. Also : Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1884, iv, 361; 371.— Leva (J.) Nevralgie interniittente de la branche oph- thalmiquo de Willis. Ann. Soc. de nted. d'Anvers, Brux., 1840, 194-196. Also .- Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1840, ii. 10-12.—liiejfcy. N6vralgie catarrhale conjonctivale; reflexions; diverses perturbations fonctionnelles et al- terations mateferielles r6sultantde la n6vralgie de la region oculaire. Bull. Soc. de nted. prat, de Par., 1875, 173-180.— Nteveuson (J.) An account of a singularly painful af- fection of tIn* appendages of the left eye, from an uncom- mon cause, successfully treated. Lond. M. Reposit., 1816, vi. 471-173.—Svcnssou (I.) Tva fall af ciliarnevros ; re- sektion af nerv. frontal; helsa. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1875-6, xi, 339 Neuralgia (Ovarian). Sn- Ovaiy (Neuralgia of). Neuralgia (Painfulpoints in). See Neuralgia (Diagnosis, etc., of). Neuralgia (Periodic). See Neuralgia (Intermittent). Neuralgia (Puerperal). See Puerperal neuralgia. Neuralgia (Rheumatic). Cheneviere (A.) * De la nevralgie rhuma- tismale. 4°. Paris, 187)3. 54 Neuralgia (Rheumatic). Draexler (F. C.) * De prosopalgia rheunia- tica in institute) clinico l'ragcnsi observata, tractat a et sauata, aduexa epicrisi. S . Pracice, 118341. Leussier (E.) * Etude clinique sur la \i€- vralgi,* rhumatismale. 4°. Paris, 1868. et'ouili-i't. Observation d'une affection rhumatismale nevralgique qui, apres avoir passe par une suite de trans- formations successives, a fini par repreudre sa premiere forme et guerie. J. compl. clu diet, d. sc. med., Par., 1831, xxxix, 64-68.—I.nton (A.) Xote sur l'emploi du eyanure de zinc, a propos d'une nevralgie rhumatismale (lii triju- meau simulant le rhumatisme cerebral. Bull. gen. de the- rap., etc., Par., 1877, xcii, 97-104. — Schlesier. Ueber Neuralgie und Rbeumatalgie. Med. Ztg., Berl.. 1841, x, 74.—Scmplc (A. B.) Rheumatic neuralgia of the bead and face treated bv the inhalation of ether. Lancet. Lond., 1847, i, 332. — Wells (H.) Rheumatic neuralgia treated with stramonium and hyd. of potash. Ibid., 1839-40, i, 570. Neuralgia (Spinal). Sec; also. Neuralgia (Intercostal). Allan (J.) Case of spinal neuralgia. Glasgow M. J., 1828, i, 406-409.—Ancona (V.) Quarautatre anni di per- manenza in letto. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1881. xxiv, 41-45.— Onplouv. Observations cie ltevral- gies avec point apophysaire giteiies par des applications ' de v6sicatoires sur le point vertebral. Mem. et bull. Soc. de meel. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1875, 215-218. — IIoppc. Ein Fall von chronischem Riickenmarksleidcu. Med. Cor.- Bl. rhein. n. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1843, ii, 308.—Warier. Eigenthumlirhe Spinal-Neurose im Bereiche des Plexus brachiales. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1878), 1879, 356. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl. Wien, 1880, xv. 544. — Porter (I. G.) On neuralgia of the spinal nei ves; with cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1839, xxiii, 81-93. — Hiiiy y ISalanso. Neuralgias de los plexos lumbar y saero en on nino ; curacion. Rev. de cien. nted., Barcel., 1883, ix, 552-555.—Ntainf orlli. Tho- racalgie spinale. Arch. med. belees, Brux., 1880, 3. s., xviii, 33.—White. Neuralgia of the spine and mamma*. Lond. M. .fe S. J., 1834-5, vi, 222. Neuralgia (Supraorbital). See, also, Brow-aegue: Neuralgia (Facial, Treatment of). Fauciierox (E.) * De la nevralgie sus-orbi- taire consideree dans ses rapports avec I'eeil. 4°. Pavis, 1889. Also, in.- Pee. d'opht., Par., 1881, 3. s.. iii, 106; 139. Welcker ( T. ) * Ueber typisclie Neuralgie des Supraorbitalis. 8°. Giessen, 186)9. Abeille. Snr deux cas de nevralgie sus-orbitaire. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853. i. 121. — Hampton (A. H.) Nerve-stretching for supra-orbital neuralgia, with remarks on nerve-stirte hings and tlnir bearing on the mode of transmission of nerve impulses. Lancet, Lond., 1882, ii, 138.—Hell (P. W.) Case of periodic supraorbital neural- fia ; no history of ague ; quinine : rapid relief. Canada I. & S. J., Montreal. 1872-3, i, 447.— Biei-bnum (J.) Hydraigyruin bichlorat. corros. gegen Neuralgia supra- orbitalis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1866, xviii, 55. — Bois- seau (F.-G.) Nevralgie sus-orbitaire interniittente quo- tidienne, giterie par le quinquina et les rub6flans. J. univ. d. sc. nted., Par., 1817, vii, 245-248. — Ilrichcteau (F.) N6vralgie sus-orbitaire interniittente giterie par les injections hypodermiquesde sulfate de quinine. Bull. gen. de tlterap., etc., Par., 1866, lxx, 132-138. Also [Abstr.} -. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 161. — C'hoinel. X'evral- gie sus-orbitaire intermittente trait6e par le sulfate de qui- nine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1838, xii, 591. — <'hwoj*ka (F.) Neuralgia supraorbitalis. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1857, viii, 387. — Claret (J.) De l'emploi de l'extrait de belladone dans h-s nevral- gies. Rev. nted. frang. et etrang., Par., 1830, i, 31-42.— Delaine. Observation de nevralgie frontate intermit- tente, quotidienne d'abord, puis double; tierce, puis quo- tidienne, puis tierce. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, 2. s., v, 239.—Durham (A. E.) A case of so-called frontal or supra-orbital neuralgia following Injury and successfully treateel by trephining the skull after failure of other methods of treatment. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1884, xvii, 117- 150. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 333. Also .- Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 465.— Gouzce. Nevralgie frontale enlevee par 1'ace.tate de morphine applique d'apres la ntethode endermique ; bron- chite intermittente guerie par le sulfate ele quinine. J. de nted., Brux., 1830, ii, 383-386.— Guerin (de Mamers). Observation de nevralgie sus-orbitaire. J. compl. dudict. d. sc. med., Par., 1832. xliv, 70-72.—Hack (W.) Supra- orbitalueuralgie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1882, xxxii, 1510-1512. — Hartmann ( A. ) Supraorbilalneuralgie, hervorgerufeu durch Empyem der Xcbeiilidhlen der Xase NEUKALG1A. 850 SEUKALGlA. i\euralgia (Supraorbital). in Folge von Behinderung des Secrctabflusses aus dem mittleren Xasengange. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 732-734. — lloi-ncr. Section of the frontal nerve for neu- ralgia. Med. Exam., Phila., 1851, u. s., vii, 180.—Hap- pcler (().) Neuralgia supraorbitalis; Resection beider Supraoi bilalnerven. In his : Chir. Beob. a. d. Thurgau. Kanteinssp. Miinsterliugen, 83, Fraueufeld, 1874, 02-64.— Knrewnki (F.) Deber eiuen Fall von Trophoneurose im Bereiche des Nervus suinaorbitalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 549-551.—Kroner (T.) Xeuralgia frontalis, intermittens quartana. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz.. 1877, 163. — Lalauric. Observation de nevralgie frontale. fipheiu. nted. de Montpel., 1826, i, 206- 2P. — liaiii-encc (J. Z.) Division of the supraorbital nerve, l'.iit. M. A , Lond., 1869, i, 44(i— Lentigo (J. B.) & Ramos (M. M.) Observacion de la nevralgia frontal. Decadas de med. y cirug. pi-Act., Madrid, 1822. v, 3; 41.— Inherit ier (D.) Ne'vralgie sus-orbitaire*. intermittente, consecutive a une irritation des glanilcs lacrytnales. Bull. clin., Par, 1835-6, i, 81.—von Maiul-iili (F.) TJeber Neuralgia supraorbitalis intermittens. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879, ix, 040.—biasing (E.) Dehnuugdes Nervus supraorbitalis wegen Xeuralgie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 441— »I iii ler. Drei Fallevon Durchschneidung cles Supraoibilalnerveu. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Giossherz. Oldenburg, 1861-5, iii, 61. -----. Drei Fiille von Durchschneidung des Froutalner- ven. Ibid., 145-147.—Obissicr (EL) Nevralgie du ra- meau sus-orbitaire d'origine paludeenne trait6e avec suc- ces par le broinhvdrate de ijuinine. Bordeaux meel.. 1877, vi, 321-323. — Orhsenheimer (J.) Verlarvtes Wechsel- fieber unter der Form von Supraorbitalsehiuerz. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr.. Wien, 1843, 620—Piedagnel. Obser- vation de nevralgie sus-orbitaire guerie par le sulfate de quiniue. J. de physiol. expe.r., Par., 1822, ii, 124-127.— Kenuers. Observations et reflexions sur trente-deux cas de nevralgie frontale recueillis dans l'espace de quinze mois k Bergerae. Arch. gen. ele med., Par., 1836, 2. s., xi, 156-167. — Nelluh. Heftiger Gesiehtsschmerz geheilt durch Resektion des Nervus supraorbitalis tief in der Au- genhohle. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1854. iv, 529. -----. Neuralgic des N. supraorbitalis. Spitals-Ztg.. Wien, 1864, 73.—Seeligmiiller (A.) Neuralgia supraorbitalis inter- mittens. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblenz, 1880, iii, 209- 213. — TalUo (J.) O leczeniu nerwoltelu nadoczodolo- wego. [Supraorbital neuralgia.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1870, viii. 481-485.—Teinkiu (A.) Nevralgija nadglaz. nerva vslied. razdraj. zub. nerva. [Neuralgia of supra- orbital nerve succeeding irritation of dental nerve, j Zu- bovrach. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1886, iii, 158-160.—Texier (H.) Nevralgie frontale double intermittente; symp- tomes insolites; traitement par le sulfate de quinine et la liqueur de Fowler; guerison. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857, v, 66—Toiuiiiasi (S.) Un caso di nevralgia fronto-sin- cipitale calmata con 1' uso della elettricitii. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1850, iv, 1-6.—Van Allen (T. F. C.) A report of unusual cases of reflex supra- orbital neuralgia. Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix, 33-38. —Wil- lard (L. H.) Neurectomy of the supraorbital nerve for the cure of neuralgia. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1877, xii, 526-528.—Williams (A. D ) Supraorbital neural- gia. Cincin. Lancet & Obs.. 1807, n. s., x, 223-225. Neuralgia (Syphilitic). Diffre (L.) * Des nevralgies syphilitiques. 4°. Montpelliei; 188\. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nted. de Montpel.. 1884, vi, 183-187. Bai'timiciis (A.) Neuralgia especiflca intermitente de la cara, en el periodo prodroiuico de las sifilidcs : desar- rollo posterior de otras manifestaciones. Rev. de cien. nted., Barcel., 1879, v, 309-313. —Seclijjmiiller. Ueber syphilitische Neuralgien. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freib. i. Br., 1884, lvi, 166. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1883, ix, 624. — Thernies ( G.) N6vralgie syphilitique du nerf trifacial; etebut onze ans apr^s contamination; lypemanie; traitement mixte ; amelioration rapide et notable. Rev. med. franc^ et etrang., Par., 1874. i, 34-41.—Walker (E.) A case of trigeminal neuralgia caused bv syphilis. Arch. Med., N. V., 1880, iii. 110-116. Also: St, Louis M. &. S. J., 1880, xxxix, 299-30,5.—Waton. Deux observations de tic douloureux de cause venerienne. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1778, iv, 178-191. l¥euralgia (Thoracic). See Neuralgia (Intercostal). Neuralgia (Traumatic). See, also, Stumps (Diseases of). Mallet (A.) * fitude sur les nevralgies trau- matiques. 4°. Paris, 1866. Carli (F.) Caso di nevralgia frontali traumatica curato con un nuovo processo operatorio. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 1861, 4. s., xr, 46-51. — Clark (T. X.) Xeuralgia ( Traumatic). Traumatic neuralgia; non-inflammatory softening of brain; operation; death. Virginia M. Month., Richmond 1877, iv, 570-575.—C'ocli. Xeuralgia the result of a badly- united fracture. Limit, Lond.. 1857. ii. 223- l>cumai-k (A.) Example of symptoms resembling tic douloureux, produced by a wound in the radial nerve*. Med.-Chir. Tr.| Lond., 1813, iv, 18-52 — Dubois. De la nevralgie trau- matique. Gaz. hebd. dented.. Par.. 1861, viii. 07.— Mii|>nv. Des nevralgies trauinatii|iies. Hull. Soc. de mc'-el. piai <"]«■ Par. (1865), 1866, 2-5. — l>uranil (A.) Nevrite trauma- tique; amputation: nevralgie du nioignon. J. d. sc. ined. de Lille, 1886. viii, 75-82. — K-llaiitSer (J. A.) Trauma tisk neuralgi behandlad ined lospreparering och striick- ning af norven. Fiuska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfnrs 1878, xx, 278-282. — "a Ich 5 (F.) Nevralgia traumatica; nevro-paralisi vasculare; esame della temperatura dietro 1' orecchio. Osservatore. Torino, 1879, xv, 193 - 190 — Fischer (G.) Traurnatische Neuralgia supraorbitalis; Irritation der Netzhaut; Xeuralgia infraorbitalis; opera- tive Heilung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1864. v, 335-338 — (»ordou i F. H.) Traumatic neuralgia. West. J. M. \ S., Louisville, 1840. 3. s„ v, 392-394. — «ross iS. D.i Traumatic neuralgia. Ibid., 1854, 4. s., i, 59-62.—Ilu I he. Neuralgia in the brow and temple caused bv a sear. Med. Times e\* Gaz., Lond., 1862. i, 586.—Iscnschniid. Nadchi in eler weiblichen Brust; Neuralgia mamma', geheilt durch Dehnung des Plexus brachialis. Aerztl. Int.-Bl , Miiu- chen, 1883, xxx. 299.—Jeffreys (H.) A history of a case of severe neuralgic affectiou of the face, which was cured by the extirpation of a piece of china from the cheek, after it had been imbedded in its substance fourteen vears. Lond. M. efe Phys. J.. 1823, xlix, 199-203. — Jobert (de Lamballe). Nevralgie- traumatique du bras k la suite d'une saigu6e du bras: giterison par la section du nerf lese, Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 150. — lirauss. Neuralgie durch Druck auf die Nerven verursaeht. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852, xxii, 194.— I.ai-rey. N6vralgie spasmodique de l'avant-bras con- secutive a. une fracture du radius et & l'emploi de l'61ec- tricit6. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1861), 1862, 2. s., ii, 177-179 — Kie Dentu. Note sur un cas de n6vralgie traumatique- du nerf obturateur. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 178. — Ii cute (F. D.) Neuralgia and other neu- roses arising from cicatrices of the scalp and their sur- gical treatment, Proc, Am. Neurol. Ass., N. V., 1875, i, 157-175. — lyicjjey. Observations de nCvralgies piSrio- diques survenues a la suite de lesions traumatiques. Rev. de tlterap. du midi, Montpel., 1854, vii, 156-159.— JTIarchal de Calvi (C.-J.) De la prosopalgic trauma- tique. Rapport au conseil de sante sur des observations du Dr. Maupin. Rec de ntem. de nted. . . . mil., Par., 1843, lv, 266-292. Also, Reprint, -----. Dela nevralgie trifaciale traumatique. Rec. de mem. de nted. . . . mil., Par., 1852, 2. »., ix, 266-274.— Mitchell (S. W.) Trau- matic neuralgia; section of median nerve. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1874, n. s., lxviii, 17-29. — Ollivier (A.) Contri- bution il l'histoire des n6vralgie s reflexes d'origine trau- matique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. 8., i, pt. 1, 177-179. Also: Gaz. nted. ele Par., 1874, xiv, 228.— Post. Traumatic neuralgia, Bull. X'. York Acad. M., 1866-9, iii, 144-147. — Rodd (G. 11.) On the treatment of painful affections of the nerves, arising from local injury. Tr. Ass. Apoth., etc., Lond., 1823, i, 183-188.—Seguin (E. C.) Traumatic pedal neuralgia of one year's standing rapidly cured by the actual platinum cautery. Arch. Med.,'N. T., 1879,' i, 335. Also, in his: Op. min. [etc.]. 8". X. Y., 1884, 401.—Smith (H.) Traumatic neuralgia. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 392. — ITssher (II) Aconite in traumatic neuralgia. Ibid.. 1859. n. s., xix, 270.—Verncuil. Des nevralgies triuunaticpu-s secon- daires preeoces. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avain-e. d. se Compt.-rend. 1874, Par., 1875, iii, 924-941. Also: Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1874, 6. s., xxiv, 528; 679. — Vio-ISo- natoiA.) Ncvralgi* traumatica, guarita mediante inje- zioni sutto-cutauee. Un/./.. meel. ital.. prov. venete. Pa- dova, 1803, vi, 208. — Viollet. Xevralgie traiiinatiquc precoce survenue k la suite, ele diastasis niusculaiie. Kee. d. trav. Soc. med. d'Indie-et-Loire 1877, Tours, 1878. lxxiv, 33-38. — Wardrop (J.) Caso where a severe nervous affection came on after a punctured wound of the finger. and in which amputation was successfully performed. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1820. viii. 246-251.—Warren (J. M.) On neuralgic affections following injuries of nerves. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1864, n. s., xlvii, 316-324. Also, Re- print. — Webster (J.) Case of painful affection of the arm, following venesection, cured bv acupuueturation. Loud. M. cfe Phys. J., 1825, liv, 31-33. Neuralgia (Trigeminal). See Neuralgia (Facial, etc.) »uralgia (Uterine). See Neural.gia (Lumbar, etc.) Xeuralgia (Visceral). See Neural-gia (Abdominal, etc.) NEURALGIA. 851 NEURASTHENIA. Xeuralgia in lower e.rtremity. See; also, Foot (Painful); Sciatica. Yeats (C. D.) A history of :i severe case of 'neuralgia, commonly called tic douloureux, oc- cupying tlie nerves of the right thigh, leg, and foot, successfully treated; with some observa- tions on that complaint, and on its causes as they vary in different individuals. 8°. London, 1822. Arloiug (N.) Observation sur l'eflicacit6 de la nte- thodc de Cotugno, clans le traiteinent des nevralgies des membres abdominaux. J. gen. ele med., chir. et pharm., Par.. 1827, xcviii, 293; 316. [Rap. de Melier], 316-331.— Betz (P.) Bilateraie Cruralneuralgie. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1867, xii, 117.—Rousseau. Deux observations de nevralgie du nerf sapliene interne. Rec-. d. trav. Soc. nted. d'obs. ele Par., 1868-70, 2. s., ii. 221-225. Also [Abstr]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 27 — Cloqnet (H.) Note sur l'emploi de la terebenthiue dans la nevralgie fe'enoro-poplitee ou sciatique. N. Jour, de nted.. chir.. pharm., etc, Par., 1818, i, 335-337. — «'ornelisoii (A.) Monography of a case of violent anil fixed pain, iu a lower i extremity, successfully treated. Med. Keposit., N. V., 1820, n. s.. v. 191- 195. — Ely. Circonstances singulieres i d'un cas de nevralgie elans les membres infe'rieurs. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1874, 2. s., xi, 87. —Enyliscli. Ueber eine besondcre Form der Ilamorrhagie der Untereextremi- tiitcn uud ihre Folgen (Hajniorrhagii nciiralgica). Ber. d. j k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftung in Wien (1884), 1885, 282-284. -----. Ueber eine besondore Form (ler Hamor rliagic an deu Uuterextreniitiiten (Ihrmorrhugia nciiral- gica). Wien. med. Bl.. 1885, viii, 737, 774; 806.—«as. taldo (J.) Anestesias de las estreiniihides superiores e inferiorcs y parte anterior del pecho ; neuralgia periodica 6 intermitente en las articulacioncs femoro-tibial y tarso- metatarsianas; tratamiento alop.-itico y homeopatico sin resultado ; curacion por medio ele la aplicacion de la elec- tricidad : reflcxiones. Espana med., Madrid, 1863, viii, 261. — [von Ilaselberg.] Xeuralgia nervi peronaei. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Ber]., 1832. xxxvii. 173.— .liisclic (II.) Ein Fall von Neuralgia intermittens tibialis. Meel. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 28.—Itilian (F.) Neuralgie des Nervus cruralis. Ztschr. f. rat Meel., Hei dclb., 1847, vi, 24-37.— U'l.eau (WT) Case of neuralgia of the crural nerve, successfully treated by the carbonate of iron. Glasgow M. Exam., 1832 ii. 35. — lVlclchiori (G.) t Neuralgia crurale cagionata da emia inguinale. Gazz. med. di Milauo, 1847, vi, 4— .Vluj;ua. t Nevralgia feinoropoplitea curata colla moxa. (ia/.z. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1859, ii, 45-47. — Piorry. Observations sur un cas de ne'-vralgie femoro-poplitce, traitee avec suc- ces par 1'essence de t6r6benthine. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1826, iv, 208-212.—Snow (E. S.) Case of tic douloureux in the peroneal nerve. Lancet, Lond., 1833-4, i, 745. Xeuralgia in pregnancy. See Puerperal neuralgia. Xeuralgia in upper extremity. See Neuralgia (Brachial), etc. Xeuraline. See Aconite (Toxicology of). Neurasthenia. See, also, Brain and mind; Genitals (Irrita- tion, etc., of); Nervous system (Diseases of, \ Functional); Nervous system (Diseases of', Treat- ment of). Akxdt ( R. ) Die Neurasthenie ( Nerven- schwiiche); ihr Wesen, ihre Bedeutung und Behandlung voni anatouiisch - physiologischen Standpuukte, fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 1. 8Z. Wien u. Leipzig, 1885. Also [Rev.], 'in: Deutsche Med.-Ztg,, Berl., 1885, vi, 1024-1029. Rkaud (G. M.) A practical treatise on ner- vous exhaustion (neurasthenia); its symptoms, nature, sequences, treatment. 8°. New York, 1889. Bkkgkk (P.) Die Nervenschwaclie (Neuras- thenic) ; ihr Wesen, ihre Ursachen und Behand- J lung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, W„ 1885. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Campbell (H.) A treatise on nervous ex- haustion and the diseases induced hy it. With ohservations on the nervous constitution, he- reditary and acquired, and on the origin and Neurasthenia. nature of nervous force and animal electricity. 4. ed. 12-\ London, 1H74. Dowse (T. S.) On brain and nerve* exhaus- tion, "neurasthenia"; its nature and curative treatment. Revised ed. 8°. London. 1887. Hovell (D. De B.) On some conditions of neurasthenia. 8°. London, 1886. -----. On some further conditions of neuras- thenia; a psychological study. 8°. London, 1887. Kahn (Li. J.) Nervous exhaustion: its cause aud cure, [etc.] 16°. New York. [1*76]. Lo-nvknkkld (L.) Die moderne Behandlung derNervenschwiiche (Neurasthenie), der Hysterie und verwandter Leiden. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Luf'tcuren, Bader, Anstaltsbe- handlung und der Mitehell-Playfair'schen Mast- cur. **r Wiesbaden, l*->7. von Zikmssex (H.) Die Neurasthenie und ihre Behandlung. 8~. Leipzig. 1887. Anjcl. Experimentelles zur Pathologie und Thera- pie der cerebralen Neurasthenic. Arch. f. Psvchiat., Perl.. 1884, xv, 618-632.—Arcari , vii, 2911; 301; 313; 325; 337. Also, Reprint.—Bailholow (R.) What is meant by nervous prostration; Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phi'la., 1883-4, vi. 120-131. Also: Marvland M. J.. Bait., 1883-4. x. 645-050. Also: Poly- clinic, Phila,, 1883-4. i, 97-101. Also .- Meel. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 107-109. Also.- Boston M. efe S. J., 1884, Cx, 53- 56. Also: Med. cfe Surg. Ueporter, Phila., 1884, 1, 97-101. [Discussion], 110. — Beard (G. hi.) Neurasthenia, or nervous exhaustion. Boston M. efe S. J., 1809, n. s.. lxxx, 217-221. -----. Certain symptoms of nervous exhaustion. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878, v, 161-185. Also, Reprint. -----. Neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion) as a cause of inebriety. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1878-9, iii, 193-201. Also, Reprint. -----. Other symptoms of neu- rasthenia (nervous exhaustion). J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1879, vi, 240-201. Also, Keprint. -----. Cases of neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion), with remarks on treat- ment. St. Louis M. cfe S. J., 1879, xxxvi, 337-356. Also, Reprint.-----. The nature and diagnosis of neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion). N. Tork M. J., 1879, xxix, --'25-251. Also, Reprint. Also: Canad. J. M. Sc. Toronto, 1879, iv, 187-199. -----. Nervous exhaustion (neurasthenia), with cases of sexual neurasthenia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1880, vi, 289-297. -----. The symptoms of sexual exhaustion (sexual neurasthenia). Indcpend. Pract., Bait., 1880, i, 221; 271. Also, Reprint. -----. The sequences of neu- rasthenia. Alienist efe Neurol., St. Louis, 1880, i, 18-29. -----. Traumatic neurasthenia, N. Eng. M. Month., Newtown, Conn., 1881-2, i, 210-219.—Brown (A.) Neu- rasthenia, or nervous exhaustion. Tr. Wisconsiu M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1878, xii, 106-118—Clark (A.) Some obser- vations concerning what is called neurasthenia. Laucet, Lond., 1886, i. 1— Clark (F. Le G.) Some, remarks on nervous exhaustion and on vasomotor action. J. Anat. efe Physiol., Lond., 1883-4, xviii, 239-256—1>. (C.-L.) Des neurasthenies et de leur traiteinent. Union med., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxvi. 869: 883— Dana (C. L.) On the pa- thology aud treatment of certain forms of chronic nerve- weakness. Med. Kee, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 57-62. Also, Reprint. — Dear osiers ( H.-E.) De la neurasthenic Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1879, viii, 145; 201.— Dowse (T. S.) On neurasthenia, or nervous exhaustion and its treatment, Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 153.— Dragomaiiofr (A. P.) Sluch. neuiastenii, osleuT psi- chichesk. elementar. razstroist. [Case of neurasthenia, in- volving psvehiatric elementary perturbation.) Arch, psi- chiat., etc.', Charkov, 1887. ix, no. 2, 68-76.—Draper (J.) Neurasthenia of the ganglionic nervous centres. Tr. Ver- mont M. Soc. 1881, St. Albans, 1882, 59-08.— Eivald (C. A.) Die Neurasthenia dyspeptica. P.erl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1884. xxi, 321; 342. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Riv. ve- neta di sc. med., Venezia, 1885, ii, 289-297. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Presse med. beige, Brux., 1885, xxxvii, 105- 109.—Fisker (T. W.) Neurasthenia. Boston M. cfe S. J. 1872, lxxxvi, 65-72—Fowler OV. H.i Neurasthenia. Med. Bull., Phila., 1881, iii, 254-256. — 2 NEUIHTrS. I\eiii*.'i»1lieiiia. 36.— II ii;;lie* ((T II.) Xotes on neurasthenia ; from an alienist's .standpoint, intended, mainly, to introduce the views of a pioneer American writer. Alienist efc Neurol., St. Louis, 1880, i, 437-149. ------. Xote on the essential psvchic, signs of general functional nciiratrophia or neu- rasthenia Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1882, xxv, 115-124. Also: Alienist efc Neurol., St. Louis, 1882, iii, 411-418. Also: St. Louis M. e*c S. J., 1882. xliii, 625-628. Also: A. Psych. M.. Lond., 1882-3, n.s., viii, 181-186.— Hutchinson (W. F.) A report of three typical cases of neurasthenia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xviii. 398-401.— Jalin. l'eber Behandlung von Neurasthenieeu. Deut- sche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1885, ii, 949-951. A Iso, Reprint, — Jaliovli'fi (A. A.) Neskolko sluch. neurast. s preobla dan. javlenii so storony psichiki. [Some cases of neuras thenia with predominating phenomena of cerebral region] Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov, 1887, ix, 1-25.—Jewell (J. S.) The treatment of neurasthenia, m chronic ner voua exhaustion. Chicago M. Gaz., 1880. i, 60: 89. ------. The varieties and causes of neurasthenia. J. Nerv. cfe Ment. Dis., Chicae^o, 1880, n. s., v, 1-16.—Johnson (Anna H.) Nun asthenia. Phila, M. Times. 1880-81, xi, 737- 744— Joli n* to im- (J.) Case of George, Lord Lyttelton. In his: Med. Essays efe Obs., 8°, Evesham, 1795. 223-234.— KovalevMky (P. I.) Neurasteni.ja ipatophobija. Arch. gsichiat.. etc., Charkov, 1885, vi, pt. 3, 49-53. Also, transl: entralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1887, x, 65-7(1 — Tlelotli (G.) Della neurastenia cerebro-spinale (esaiuiuiento ner- voso). Ann. univ. di meel. e chir., Milano, fss.'S, cclxiii, 369-413. — .Hilt-hell (S. "VV.) Neurasthenia, hysteria and their treatment. Chicago M.Gaz., 1880, i, 155.—lTIobius (P. J.) Ueber Neurasthenia cerebralis. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1879, xxiv, 23-31. ------. Zur Lehre von der Neu- rasthenie. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1883. vi, 97-99.— Page (II. W.) Ou the abuse of bromide of potassium in the treatment of traumatic neurasthenia Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 437-441. Also, Keprint. — Pla> fair ("WT S.) Some observations concerning what is called neu rasthenia. Brit M. J., Lond., 1886. ii, 853-855.—Kiehter (F.) Die Neurasthenic und Hysterie. Deutsche Meet Ztg., Berl., 1884, i, 405; 413; 425. Also, Reprint —Kiva (G.) Supra tre casi di neurastenia. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1883, ix. 237-252.—Itosenbaeli (().) I'eber nervose Herzscbwache (Neurastheniavasomotoria). Bres- lau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1880, viii, 181; 193. — Koiietc (WT II.) Neurasthenia. Proc. . . . San. Convent. Detroit. Lansing. 1880, 58-01. — Sac ha II' (N. A.) Sluchai tiajeloi nenras- tenii, izliechennoi po nieskolko izminennomu sposobu Weir Mitchel'ja. [Grave neurasthenia treated by a modification of the method of Weir Mitchell.] Vrach, St, Petersb., 1883, iv, 513-515.—Savage (J. P.) Hiuts on nervous ex- haustion (neurasthenia). Ciucin. Lancet efc Clinic-, 1880. n. s., v, 153.—Sekwabe(J.) Die seeklimatische Cur fiir neurasthcnische und anamische Kinder. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1888. xiv, 78. Also. Reprint. — Slill- man (W. O.) Neurasthenia. Med. ,fc Surg. Reporter. Phila , 1879, xl. 397; 419 —Stralian (•!.) Neurasthenia, acute and chronic, and its importance. Dublin .T. M. Sc, 1885, 3. s., lxxx, 195-220. ------. Puzzling conditions of the heart and other organs dependent on neurasthenia. Brit. M. J., Loml.. 1885, ii, 435-437. — «uiiinier« (T. O.) Ncui asthenia. South. Pract.. Xashville-. 1881, iii, 367- 37d. —%'antlerbeek (('. C.) Interesting case of nervous exhaustion. Med. \; Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1877, xxxvii, 3. — Wilkeiiu. Die nerviise Erschopfuiiii. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1881. xxvi, 237; 246; 262.— William* (J. L.) ()\crdial't of vital or nerve power as ati'ecting general auel special health. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1885, iv, 122.— Wimil (II. (.'.) Neurasthenia. Svst, Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1886, v. 353-362.—Woolon'(E.) Mimesisincjuieta. J. Psych. M., Lond., 1882-3. n. s., viii, 191-221. —Young (P. A.) Two cases of neurasthenia of long standing suc- cessfullv treated by the Weir Mitchell method. Edinb. Clin, .fc Path. J., 1883-4, i, 905-909. IVeurectoiny. See Neurotomy, etc. Neureiter ( Franciscus Ferdinandns ). * De elc-'iositioiiibus lacteis. 31 pp. 8°. Vienna^, [17?:,]. IVeiii'eiisch. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Neurilemma. See Nervous system. \r en-ill. von Becker (R.) TJeber die therapeutische Wirkung des Neurins. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1877, iii, 147.—Cervello (V.) Notices preliminaiies sur Taction de la ncurine. Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin. 1884, v, 199-201. ------. Sull' azione fisiologica della ueu- rina. Ann. di chim. med.-farm., Milano, 1885, 4. s., i, 7- rVeurin. 33. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, 18SG vii 172-197. — et.aehtgeiiN (C.) Peber die physiolc.gisrhen Wii knugen des salzsaureu Neurius. Dorpal. nied. Zlschr: 1870-71, i, 161-174.— Ludwig (E.) Ueber elas N'eurin. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest, Wien. 1877. iii. 135 — .Man timer (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Neu rins Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1873, iii, 128-131. -----. Vein-I- das Verhalten des Neurius gegen Eiweisskbrper. Ibid., 1874, iv. 317. Also: Ann. d. Chem., Lcip/... 1874, clxxvii, 178-18U. —Oil (I.) ..v 1'olliiiai- (C.) Pyrexial agents: Albumose. peptone, and neurin. J. Physiol., Loud. & Cambridge, 1887, viii, 218-228, lpl. Also,'Reprint. Neuritis. See, also, Nerves (Brachial) [efc] ; Neuralgia; Skin (Diseases of, Neurotic). Abrahams/. (T.) * Neuritis rami primi trige- mini. 8°. Utrecht, [1,--?.'?]. AswAuritoFF (K.) * Neuritis isehiadica chro- nica ascendeiis. 8°. Jena, 1^-81. Dcbreuilh (C.) * De la nevrite; coup-d'ceil historique et recherches experimentales snr cette maladie. S°. Montpellier, 1845. Fourxier-Bergerox (G.-L.) * Contribution k retude de la nevrite ascendante. 4°. Paris, 1878. Gros (,I.) * Contribution h, l'histoire des n<*- vrites. 4°. Lyon, 1879. Jacob (A.) * Etude clinique d'un cas de ne- vrite ascendante* avec myelite consecutive. 4 . Montpellier, 1882. Klemm (R.) * Feber Neuritis migrans. 8-. Strassburg, 18/4. Nasse ( C. F. ) * De neuritide. ^T Halce, 1800. Ollier. * Contribution a l'etude de la nevrite ascendante et des paralysies reflexes. 4°. Paris, 1882. Poukv (E.) * Essai sur le diagnostic ditt'eren- tiel eutre la nevrite et la nevralgie. 4r Paris, 18??. Rey-Barreau (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la nevrite traumatique. 4°. Paris, 1881. Trepte (W.) * Casuistische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Neuritis, besonders der Neuritis traumatica und migrans. 8°. Halle a. S., 18*6. Verdureau (D.) * Etudes sur la nevrite idio- pathique. 4°. Paris, 187)3. Wyler (J.) * Klinische Beitrage zur Patho- logie der Neuritis. 8°. Strassburg, 1878. AlthaiiN (J.) On neuritis of the brachial plexus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1871, liv, 145-154. Also, transl.: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1872, x, 189-195. -----. Observations on neuritis and perineuritis of some of the cranial nerves. Brain, Lond., 1878-9, i, 519: 1879-80, ii, 10 — Arnozan ^ Nalvat. Nevrites expCri- mentales produites par 1 instillation d'ether ou l'applica- tiun de glace. J. dc ined. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 40.— As.....■.. Neuritis. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1839, viii, 262.— Baniii*tt-r (H. M.) On chronic sub-acute neuritis. Chicago A. Xerv. & Ment. Dis.. 1875, ii, 523-555.----- Histoiy of a case of idiopathic sub-acute neuritis, affecting the crural, obturator, and sciatic nerves. Chicago M. I. & Exam., 1875, xxxii. 667-669.—Biau (J.-H.-S.) Dc. la n6vrite intercostale elans la phthisie pulmonaire. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 345-347.—Bcuedikl (M.) Beitrage znrneuropathischen und elektrotherapeutischen Casuistik; ein Fall von diffuser Neuritis centralis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiii, 94-106, 5 pl.— Berganiaschi (G.) Neuriti facciali guarite mene 1' agopuntiira. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1826, xxxix. 5-12.—Bettoli (TT A.) Congetture patologiedie su a neuritide o infiammazione de' nervi. I.ior. d. Soe. me-el- chir. di Parma, 1812, xi. 256-277.—Bigrlow (H. K ) Neuritis. Med. Kee., X. V., 187(1 xv, 574. —Bmhop (L. S.) Neuritis, following traumatism, treated m various vvavs. finally bv resection of a portion of the nerve : cure^ Med. Chron'.. Manchester, 188(1, iv, 201.—Borck ((.'.) Et Tilfaelde af Neuritis traumatica ascendens. .Norsk Mag, f. Lte-evieleusk., Christiania, 1879. 3. K., ix. 10j-114.- Bri*-:iiul (E.) Sur une variete nouvelle de ue\nte pareiu bvinateiisc. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par.. 1881 2. s.. xviii, 18()-183.-Bnll (E.) Tilfalde af Neuritis. V orb. Noiske med. Selsk. i Kristiania, 1885. 79-82.-Bn/.!eard (T.) Clinical lee;ture on cases of neuuus, syphilitic ami rheumatic. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i. 289.—C'anpariJA-) Zur Casuistik der Neuritiden. Ztschr. t. klin. Med XEUKITIS. 853 NEURITIS. Neuritis. Berl., 1882-3, v, 537-557.—D'Aiieonn ( N.) Nevrite asceiiibnte ilel radiale sinistro. successiva a trauma: "iiarigioni'. (Jazz, med ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1884, xxviir387-389.— Bnjje* (A.) Note sur la distinction entre la nevrite et la plilcbite. Rev. m6d. franc, et Ctrang., Par., 1824, iii, 108-413. — I) nine nil fL.) Contributions pour servir a l'histoire- des paralysies peripheriques et sne'cialemeut de la nevrite. (Jaz. hebd. de meel.. Par., 1866, 2. 8., iii, 51; 67: 84—Eichliorst (11.) Neuritis acuta progressiva. Arch. f. path. Anat etc., Berl., 1877, ixix. 265-285. 2 pl.— Pa} rer (-T.) Neuritis. Meel. Times idaz., Lond., 1868, i. 8— Fletcher (IT) Zwei Pal le von Ni'iiritis. Herl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, .xii, 439; 457— eUombanlt (A.) Contribution ii l'etude anatomique de la ucvrite, pareuchymateuse subaigue ou chrouique; nevrite segmentate pe'ri-axile. Arch, de neurol., Par., 188U-81, i, II: 177, 2 pl. -----. Note sur le role que jouent les lesions segmentates dans revolution de la nevrite pareuchymateuso. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1881, lvi, 156- 162. Also: Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 318-320.-----. Note relative il l'existeuce ele la nevrite segmentaire p6riaxile; a propos d'un cas ele- paralysie eliphtheritique. Progres med., Par., 1886, 2. s., iii, 472.—Hughes (C. H.) Neuritis plantaris; a clinical record. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 292-294. Also: Alienist efe Neurol., St. Louis, 1887, viii, 201-209.—.loll roy (A.) Dela nevrite pareuchymateuse spontauee. generalisee ou partielle. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1879, 2. s., vi, 172- 198, 1 pl.—Kant (A.) Klinisches und Anatomisches iiber priniarc degenerative Neuritis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Le-ipz., 1886-7, xl, 41-61.—Kamli i -, (F.) Ein seltenerer Fall von Neuritis ascendens. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1594-1598 -LampadarioN (NT) etAey/iorT) Tcir vevptav tou Ppa^ioviov irAey/uaTOs. NevptTis KaTcoOera (uevritis descenclens). 'AcncATjTrios, AOijrat, 1870- 71, ix, 282-316.—Latimer (T. S ) Neuritis. Med. Chiera., Bait., 1882-3, i. 197-204—iTI't'rea (J.) On some cases of idiopathic neuritis. Bri! M. J., Loud., 1873, j 585—'TIader. Neuritis cervico-brachialis ; Heilung, Her. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Kudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1879), 188H, 372. -----. Sehr ausgebreitete Neurose, cntslanden aus einer Neuritis N. mediani dextri; Bes- se-rung. Ibid. (1881), 1882, 318-321. -----. Neuritis bra- chialis nach Trauma; geheilt. Ibid. (1885), 1886, 365— .TIartinet (L.) Me,moire sur l'inflammation des nerfs. Kev. med. franc*, et etrang., Par., 1824, ii, 329-354.—iTI anon (11. 0.) A case of traumatic neuritis of thirty-five years1 duration; treatment by repeated nerve section: subse- quent history and autopsv. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1886, u. s„ xcii, 131-141.—Melier (F.) Note et observation sur la nevrite. J. gen. er. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1877, viii, 223-243. 1 pl — Sellwarz (A.) Ein Fall von Neuritis. Wien. med. Presse. 1886, xxvii. 1633—Seni- niola (M.) I'n caso eli neurite e miosite reuinatica gua- rito enn la pilocarpiua. Med. contenip., Napoli. 1886, iii, 611.—*'iii»yauko(I.) Travmaticheskoevospalenienerva: Neuritis. tsailebnoe daiistvie polozhitelnago toka. [Traumatic in- flammation of a nerve: beneficial effect of a po-itive gal- vanic current.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869, ix, 155— Si:i«li linnmi (E ) Ueber einen eigenthiimlicheu mikro- skopischen Befund in dem Plexus brachialis bei einer Neu- ritis in Folge von Typhus abdominalis. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1887, vi, 385-389.—.«itau*- - !>•■ Kenzi (II.) Nevrite multipla degenerativa. Boll. d. cliu Nanoli 1885, ii. 353-355. - Dubois. Ueber emeu Fall" nui tipM- Neuritis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Ao/te, Uasel 188:' xiii. 437-443. - Diibremlh l W.) Nevrite neripberique generalisee chez un tuberculeux alcoolique; par lysie ra.^itoire du diaphragmc ; tumeur elorsale des poignets; autopsie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. meel. d.- Bordeaux, NEURITIS. 854 NEUROGLIA. Neuritis (Multiple). 1887, viii, 479-483. -----. Polynevrite, paralysie diffuse. paralysie du diaphragme. Ibid., 494-496. — Dui-kivorlh (Sir D.) Three cases of multiple peripheral (alcoholic) neuritis iu women. St. Barth. Hosp. Kep., Loud.. 1886. xxii, 253-260.—D-uplaix (J.-B.) 1). s polvnevrites. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 1085-1095. — Eiscnlohr. Ueber acute Polyneuritis und verwandte Krankheitsformen mit Riicksicht auf ihr zeitlicb.es und iirlliches Auftreten. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr, 1887, xxiv, 781-786.—Erb (W.) Be- merkungen iiber gewisse Form en der neurotischen Atro- phie (sog. multiple degenerative Neuritis). Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1883, ii, 481-485. Also .- Anitl. Ber.ii. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freib. i. Br., 1884, lvi, 261. — Enlan (S.) Ein Fall von multiple).- Neuritis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 93-96. — Farkas (G.) Ein Fall von Polyneuritis. [Transl. from .- Orvostermes- zettud. Ertesito, Kolozsvar, 1883, 3. H. Extr.l Pest mcel.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1885, xxi, 180. — Finlay (1). W.) Three cases of alcoholic paralvsis (multiple neuritis). Med.-Chir. Tr.. Loud., 1887. lxx, 371-395, 2 pl. Also [Ab- str.J : Proc. Koy. M. &. Chir. Soc. Lond., 1885-7, n. s., ii, 273-278. — Fol*om (C. F.) Cases of multiple neuiitis. Boston hi. cfe S J., 1887, cxvi, 493-49«. — Freud (S.) Akute multiple Neuritis der spinalen und Hiftinervcu. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi. 168-172. — Fried- luami (M.) Ueber progressive Veranderungen der Ganglienzellen bei Entziindungen. nebst eiuem Auhaug iiber active Veranderungen der Axeucylinder. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1887, xix, 241-268, 1 pl.'— fteppert (J.) Ein Fall von multipler Neuritis. Charite-Ann. 1881, Berl., 1883. viii, 284-288.—Giraudenu (C ) Des nevrites peripheriques. | Kev. crit.J Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1887, ii, 578-611— leioldflam (S.) O. t. zw. rozsianem za paleuiu uerweiw (lieiuiiis multiplex, dissemiuata, polyneu- ritis). Medycyna, Warszawa. 1887, xv, 365; 381; 401'; 417; 437; 458.—I* loieo (P.) Contribuzione alio studio cliuico ed anatomo-patologico della nevrite multipla primitiva. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1885, cclxxi, 3-31. 1 pl. -----. Terza contribuzione alio studio clinico ed anatomo- patologico della nevrite multipla primitiva. Ann. d. Univ. libera eli Perugia. Fac. eli meel. e chir., 1885-6, i, 261-279.__ «rocco(P.) efcFusiari (K.) Di nuovo sulla nevrite mul-' tijila primitiva. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1885, cclxxiii. 87-100, lpl. -----. Una terza contribuzione alio studio clinico ed anatomo-patologico della nevrite multipla primitiva. Riv. cliu., Bologna. 1886, xxv, 671-689—Gntt- inann (S.) Ein Fall von multipler Neuritis. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 291.—Miller (A.) Ein Fall von multipler Neuritis (Leyden), in welchem die Ner- vendehnung zur Ausfiihrun- kam. Charite-Ann. 1880 Berl. 1882. vii, 344-347—Hirt (L.) Beitrag zur Patholo- gie dei multiplen Neuritis. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1884, iii, 481-185.—von Ilosslin (K.) Zur Casuistik der multipeln Neuritis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 40-42.—Holmes (T. M.) Multiple neuiitis. At- lanta M. & S. J., 1887, n. s., iv, 341-345.—Ilonien (E. A.) Bid rag till luian om de multipla neuriterna. Fiuska lak.- siillsk. handl., Helsiugfors 1885, xxvii, 244-251. Also, transl. .- Centralbl. f. Nervenh.. Leipz., 1885, viii, 313-319— Jaeontiiii ((}.) Contribuzione cliuica alio studio della nevrite multipla. Gior. di neuropatol., Napoli, 1886, iv, 156-170—Jamieson. Cases of multiple neuritis. Aus- tral. M. J.. Melbourne. 1880. viii, 295-302. -----. Case of multiple ueuritis. Ibid., 1887, ix, 123. — Ketli (K.) A neuriiismultiplexdegenerativarol. Orvosihetil., Budapest 1887. xxxi, 185-190. Also, transl [ Ibstr.]: Pest, med.-chir! Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 201.— ICorsnkolT (S S.) K ucheniou o patogen. atrotichesk. spin, paralicha i mnojest- ven.nevnta. [On pathogenesis of atrophic spinal paralysis aud polyneuritis.] Arch, psichiat,, etc., Charkov, 1887, ix, no. 2, 16; no. 3, 1—Kotintki (G.) Sluchaimnojestven- nag.) nevnta. [Case of polyneuritis. ] Kussk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1883, i, 12.—L.erdcn (E.) Ueber eiuen Fall von multipler Neuritis. Charite-Ann. 1878, Berl.. 1880 v 206- 231, lpl—I.ilienfeld (A.) Zur Lehre von der multiplen Neuritis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1885, xxii, 727-730.— I.ion (M.) Ocherk uchenija o pervichnom'lnnojestven- nom nevrite (neuritis multiple x). Med. Obozr., Mosk 1884, xxii, 187-197.— I.oivenli Id (L.) Ueber multiple JSeimtis. Aerztl. Int-Bl., Miinchen, 1885, xxxii 55-67- 78; 100; 121; 164. Also [Abstr.]: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz.,' 1884. iv, 149; 169. -----. Einige Bemerkungen zu Hrn Dr. E. Hemak's Mittheilung: " Eiu Fall von generalisirter Neuritis, etc.". Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz.. 1885, iv, 366 — .Tl niler. Polyneuritis pel iferica (?) iu potatore Versuche mil Wa.sserbesehranknng bei Hydrops ex adiposi cordis • Heilung. Per. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1885), 1886, 363-365—.TIn*iu» & Franeotte (X ) Note sur cinq cas de nevrite multiple Bull. Acad rov de mCd. de Belg., Brux., 1886, 3. s.. xx. 194-198.—.Vla«.«ea- longo (K.) Le nevriti multiple periferiche primitive e specialmente della forma di polinevrite acuta (Jazz el osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 434; 443; 458; 466; 475 ; 483; 491 ; 546.— flills (C.K.) The concurrence of multiple neuiitis with myelitis or encephalitis. Med. News. Phila., 1886. xlix, 691-693. -----. The probable occurrence of multiple neuritis in epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Ibid. Neuritis (Multiple). 1888. lii, 357.— itl iii ler (F. C.) Kin Kail von multipler Neuritis. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1883, xiv, 669-677 — Oppcnheiill (H.) l'eber zwei Fiille, welche unter efeni Symptomenbilde de:r multiplen Neuritis verlicfen und iu unvollUominene Heilung ausgingen. Deutsches Arch f klin. Med., Leipz., 1884-5, xxxvi. 561-577. -----. Ein Kali von multipler Neuritis im Stadium der Kcconvalence n/ Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 309— OzerelMkovoIti (A.) K ucheniou o mnojestvennoi neurtie (neuritis mul- tiplex). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 97-101. — Pelrone (L. M.) Contribuzione al progresso dello ueuriti multiple e di alcune affezioni spinali. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv Milano, 1885, xxii, 359-383.— Philips (A.) D\;i sluch! mnojest. nevrita. [Two cases of multiple neuritis.] Kussk Med., St. Petersb., 1887. v, 229; 242. — Pierson (K H.j Ueber Polyneuritis acuta (multiple Neuritis). Samral klin. Vortr.. Leipz., 1883. No. 229 (Inn. Med., No. 79) pp' 2083-2102. Also, transl [Abstr.]: N. Am. J. lloniecop ' N. T., 1883, n. s., xiv, 1-19—Pitres ( A.) Sur un cas dc polyn6vrite primitive. Bull, med., Par., 1887, i, 931-934 -----. Des nevrites, peripheriques dans les maladies in- fectieuses. Mem. et bull. Soc. ele med. et chir de Bor- deaux, 1886, 384-386.— Pill-en (A.) & Vaillard ( L.) Contribution ii l'6tudedes nevrites peripheriques non trau- matiques. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1883, v, 191. 2 pl.; 290: vi, 180.----------. Contribution a l'etude eles nevrites peripheriques survenant dans le coins ou la convalescence de la fievre typhoide. Rev. de m6d.. Par., 1885, v, 985- 1014. Also, transl. [Abstr. J: Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli 1886, viii, 81-85.—PopolT ( to. N. ) O neuritis multiplex degenerativa. Med. piibav. k morsk. sborniku St Petersb., 1884. Oct.. 49- 60. — Prolopopod ( N. ,1. | Neskolko sluch. mnojest. idiopat. nevrita. [Some cases of multiple idiopathic neuritis. ] Trudi Obsh. Kussk. vrach. v Moskve, 1887. ii. Nerv., 99-103. — Raymond. Sur un cas de nevrite p6riph6rique. Bull, et m6m. Soc m6d. d. hop. de Par.. 1888, 3. s., v, 13-20.— Kemak (E.) Ein Fall von generalisirter Neuritis mit schweren elektri- schen Alterationen auch der niemals gelahmten Nn. fa- ciales. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz.. 1885, iv, 313-320.— Roger (G.-H.) Des nevrites peripheriques. Eucepliale, Par., 1885, v, 140-169— Rosenheim (T.) Zur Kenntniss eler acuten infecticiscu multiplen Neuritis. Arch, f Psychiat., Berl , 1887, xviii, 782-808, 1 pl—Ross (J.) (lu peripheial neuritis. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, i, 6-9.— Roth (M.) Neuritis disseminata acutissima. Cor.-l!l. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1883, xiii, 317-325.—Rozenbncli (P.J.) Sluchai mnojestven. nevrita. [Caseofpolyneuritis.J Vestnik klin. i suelobnoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb 1885, iii, pt. 1, 266-277. — Rndoflf(M. I.) Sluchai mnojest ven. uzdov. nevrita (neuritis multiplex nodosa). Arch. psichiat., etc., Charkov, 1886, vii, 69-84. — Schnlz ( K. I Beitrag zur Lehre der multiplen Neuritis bei Potatoren. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1885. iv. 433: 462; 482.—Shat- tack (G. B.) Multiple neuritis : cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvii, 523-528—Slarkel (C. H.) A case of alco- holic neuritis; pseudo-tabetic variety. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xviii, 125-128—Starr (M.'. A.) Multiple neu- ritis anil its relation to certain peripheral neuroses. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 141; 173. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 141; 169; 197 : 225. Also lAbstr.] : N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 141; 169—Mle-than (B. H.) He aetiologie van multiple neuritis. Nulerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 358-366 —Nil-iimpell (A.) Zur Kennt- niss der multiplen degeuerati ven Neuritis. Arch. 1. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1883, xiv, 339-358.—Thomas. Eiu Fall von Polyneuritis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886, xii, 472. — Trailtivein (J.) Einiges iiber die electrische Douche und im Anschluss daran iiber einen Fall von mul- tipler Neuritis. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1884. viii, 279-288. — Tuttle. Multiple peripheral neuritis of alco- holic origin. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 633. — Vierordt (O.) Beitrag zum Studium der multiplen degenerativen Neuritis. Arch.f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1883, xiv, 678-698— W. A caseof suppose*d multiple neuritis. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv. 549.— Webber (S. G.) Multiple neuritis. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1884, xii, 33-49. — White (H.) Peripheral neuritis. Brit. hi. J., Lond.. 1886. i. 977.— Wiglestvorth (J.) Peripheral neuritis in Kavnaiul'sdisease (symmetrical ganiirene). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii. 61-68, 2 tig. — Witkoivski (A.) Zur Klinik der multi- plen Alkoholneuritis. Arch. f. Psychiat., Beil.. 1887, xviii. 809-818.—Wright (J. W.) Multiple neuritis. NT Eng. M. Month , Bridgeport, Conn., 1.886-7, vi, 393-397. Neuritis (Optic). See Nerve (Oplh; Inflammation of). Neurofibroma. See Neuroma. Neuroglia. See, also, Nervous system (Histology of). Gombault. Etudes r6centes relatives k l'anatomie nonnalc de la nevroglie. Travaux de Deiters, Golgi, Jastrowitz ct F. Boll. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., NEUROGLIA. 855 NEUROLOGY. Neuroglia. Par., 187IS. v. 458-466. — Ranvier (L.) De la nevroglie. Ibid'.. 1883. 3. s.. i. 177-185, 1 pl. Also: Ecole prat. el. hautes cl niles. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1883 Par., 1884. viii, 101-109, 1 pl. Also [Abstr] : Coinpt. rend Acad. cl. sc, Par., 1882, xciv, 1536-1539. Also [Ab- str.] : Primer med.. I'ar., 1882, i, 8118-810.—Witkowski ( L. ) ITbir elie Neuroglia. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1883, xiv, 155-163. Also [ Abstr. J ; Amtl. Ber. ii. el. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883. Freib. i. Br.. 1884, lvi, 264. Netiroglioma. llAl'M'XX (G.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Glionie uud Neuroglioine. 8C. Tiibingen, 1887. Bkktheau (G.) * Uei ier die Natur uud Ent- wickelung der Neuroglioine. 8°. Gottingen, 1879. ■Iansell ( F. ) Neurogliom des Ganglion Gasseri. Miinchen. med. Wclmschr., 1886, xxxiii. 702 ; 723. Neill-Olir (Joh. Anton) [1779-187,9]. See liobstein (Jean-Georges-Chr6tien-Fr6deric-Mar- (in). Lehrbuch der pathologischeu Anatomie. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1834-5. Neurological Contributions. By William A. Hauiiuoud, assisted l»y William J. Morton. No. 1, April, 1879 ; No. 2, 1889 ; No. 3, 1881. 8°. Ntw York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. Ended. Each number complete iu itself, paged sepa- rately. Neurological (The) Review. Edited by J. S. Jewell. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-4, v. 1, May to No- vember, 18*6. 1 v. 27,6 pp. 8°. Chicago. Ended. Neurologisclies Centralblatt. Uebersicht der Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Anatoniie, Physioiogie, Pathologie und Therapie des Ner- veiisystenis einschliesslich der Geisteskrankhei- ten. Hrsg. von E. Mendel. [iSeini-monthly. J v. 1-7, 188*2-s. su. Leipzig, Veil u. Comp. Curre-nt. Neurology* See, alsti, Insanity; Nerves; Nervous sys- tem ; Phrenology; Psychology. Bergkr (O.) Katalog Nr. 193 der Schletter'- schen Buclihandiung, Franck u. Weigert in Breslan. Verzeichniss der von Herrn Professor Dr. . . . nachgelassenen Bibliofhek. Neuro- pathologie ; Neurologic ; Psychiatrie ; Psycholo- gic ; Elektricitiit; Maguetismus. 8°. Breslau. [18H5]. Lalangce (J. ]}.) *Diss. neurologiam sistens. sin. 8-; [ Viudoboiia; 1770.] Sketches of Buchanan's discoveries in neurol- ogy. ,^J. Louisville, 1842, Stegmaxx (J. F. C.) *De usu et dignitate neurologic. ,-*°. Halce, [1794]. Valentin ((*.) Traits de nevrologie. Traduit «oii (J.) On recent advances in the anatomy of the nervous system. Brain, Loud., 1884-5, vii, 259- 266. — tllai-lte (A. L. ) Historical sketch of the progress of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous centres, from the time of Hippocrates tei the time of Willis. Brit. efc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1864, xxxiii. 171-484 —Davis ( X. S. ) An analysis of the discoveries concerning th# physiology of the nervous system, from the publication* of Sir Charles Bell to the present time. Tr. M. Soc. XT V. 1841-3, Albany, 1843, v, pt. 1. 18-69. — Donilei-w < F. C. I Ontspriugen alio /.enuwbuisjes uit lierseuen enruggeinerg .' Historisch onderzocht en naar het standpuukt der wete-ii- schap beantwoorel. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh , 1847-8. 2. s.. iii, 712-736. 1 pl. Abo. Keprint. — tCelthnrd (. 8J. New York. American (The) Journal of Psychology. Ed- ited bv G. Stanley Hall. [Quarterly.] Nos. 1- 2, v. 1, November, 1887, to February, 1888. 8 . Baltimore. Current. AmeiUCAX Neurological Association. Transac- tions, v. 1-2. *-. New York, 1875-7. See also, Pioceeilings. Chicago J. Nerv & Mcut. Dis 1875 ii, 307-388. Continued in: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.. Chicago. 1876, i, 414: 1879-86, iv-xi, passim. Also, Keprint of 1881-4. Annai.es medico-legales beiges. Journal spe- cial de maladies de lVncephale et du systeme nerveux. de maladies mentales, de medecine 16- NEUROLOGY. X56 NKl'KOMA. I¥eurology (Journals and societies relat- ing to). gale, de toxicologic et d'hygiene. Publiees par C. CronnnelincliT [ Weekly. ] 2. anne'e, 1843. 1 v. 4°. Bruxelles. Annales medico-psychologiques. Journal de l'anatomie, de la physioiogie et de la pathologie du systeme nerveux, destine particulierenient a recucillir tons les documents relatifs a la science des rapports dn physique et du moral a la pa- thologie mentale, a la medecine legale des alieues et a la clinique des nevroses; par MM. les doc- teurs Baillarger, Cerise et Longet. 1. s. v. 1-1-J, lH4:?-8: 2. s., v. l-(i, 1849-54; 3. s., v. 1-8, 187,7)-62; 4. s., v. 1-P2, 1863-8; 5. s., v. 1-20, l*l'>*J-7H; 6. a., v. 1-12, 1879-84; 7. s., v. 1-7, 1887,-8. 8C. Paris. Current. After 1862, 2 v. annually ; prior to that date sometimes 2, sometimes 1 v. annually, v. 1, 2. s., subtitle became "Journal destin6 k recueillir tons les documents relatifs k 1 alienation mentale, aux nevroses, et a la m6decine legale des alieues ". From 1843 to 1848, bi-monthly : from 1849 to 1862. quarterly; from 1863 to date, bi-monthly. Editorial changes : v. 1, 2. s., Longet dropped ; v. 2, 2. s., Brierre de Roismont added : v. 1, 3. s., Brierre de Boismont dropped and Moreau (de Tours) added ; v. 1, 4. s., Moreau dropped; v. 9, 4. s., Lunier added. Arciiiv psichiatrii. neurologii i sudebnoi psieliopntologii. Kedaktor: P. I. Kovalevski. [Quarterly; '2 v. annually.] v. 1-11, 1883-8. 8-T Charecrv. Current. Archiv fiir Psychiatrie uud Nervenkrauk- heiteu. Hrsg. vou B. Guddeu, E. Leyden let al.']. Redigirt von C. Westphal. v. 1-19, 1808- 87. 19 v. 8^*. Berlin. Current. Archives de nenrologie. Revue des maladies nerveuses et mentales, publiee sous la direction de J. M. Charcot. R6dacteur en chef: Bourne- ville. [Quarterly.] v. 1-15, Julv, 1880-88. 8 v. 8°. Paris. Current. Brain: A journal of neurology. Edited bv J. C. Bucknill [ et al. ]. [ Quarterly. ] v. 1-10, April, 1878-88. 8°. London. Current. , Central-Blatt fiir Nerveuheilkuude, Psy- chiatrie und gerichtliche Psychopathologie. Hrsg. n. redigirt von A. Erlenmever. [Monthly.] Nos. 6-12, v. 1, 1878 ; v. "2-11, 1879-88. 8°. Cob- lenz [it. Leipzig]. Current. A continuation of: Corrcsponflenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatric und gericht- liche Psychologic Iu 1879 v. 2 became semi-monthly. Chicago (The) Journal of Xervous aud Men- tal Disease. Edited by J. S. Jewell and H. M. Bannister. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, 1874-5. 8'- -. Chicago. Continued as: Journal (The) of Nervous and Mental Disease. Encephale (L'). Journal des maladies men- tales et nerveuses. Redaction: E. Chambard [elal.]. [Quarterly.] v. 1-8, 1881-8. 8°. Paris. Current. Giornale di neuropatologia. Redatta dai Dott* R. ed Antonio Vizioli. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-6, July, 18*2-8. 89. Napoli. Current. Journal (The) of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease. Edited by J. 8. Jewell [et al.]. [Quar- terly.] New series, v. 1-13, 1H76-8*. 8-'. Chi- cago, 1876,-89; Xew York, 1881-4. Current. A continuation of: Chicago (The) Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Neurological Contributions. By William A. Hammond and YV. J. Morton. Nos. 1-3, April, W.l-,-1. 1 v. 8*. New York. Ended. \eurolO£y (Journals and .societies relat- ing to). Neurological (The) Review. Edited by J, S. Jewell, v. 1. H;!. Chicago, 1'8>(\. Nei rologischts Centralblatt. Hrsg. von E. Mendel. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-8, 1882-8. sr Leipzig. Current. Psichiatria (Lu), la neuropatologia e le sci- enze affini. Gazzetta redatta dal Dott. L. Bian- chi. [Quarterly.] v. 1-5, 1883-7. 8°. Xttjioli. Current. Psychological (The) and Medico - Legal Journal. A monthly review of diseases of the mind and nervous system, and of medical juris- prudence. Conducted by William A. Hammond, assisted by T. M. B. Cross. [ 2 v. annually. ] New series, v. 1-3, July, 1874, to May, 1876. 3 v. 8°. New York, F. W. Christern, 1874 ; McDiritt, Campbell f Co., 187:>-6. Ended. See Quarterly (The) .Journal of Psychologi- cal Medicine, for first seiies. v. 3, Nov., 187"),"to May, 1876, title: American (The) Psychological Journal, quarterly, conducted bv Allan, McLane, Hamilton, and others. No. 3, v. 3, May, 1876, last published. Qcarterly (The) Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. Edited by YV. A. Hammond, v. 1-6, 1867-72. is-. New York. v. 4-6, title: Journal (The) of Psychological Medi- cine; a e|iiarleily review of diseases of the nervous sys- tem, medical jurisprudence, and anthropology. In Jnlv, 1874, title: Psrehological (The) and Medico-Legal Journal. Bericht iiber die 9. Wanderversanimlungdersiidwest- deutscben Neurologen uml Irreniirzte zu Baden-Baden am 14. und 15. Juni el. J. Centralbl f. Nerveuh., Leipz.., 1884, vii, 2Si); 313.—Berichte iiber die: 1.—10. Wandei-versamiu- luug der sudwestdeutschen Neurologen und Irrenarzte. [1876-84.] Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1876-7, vii: 1885, xvi, passim.—eflouiu* (P. J.) Die vierte Wander-Ver- sammlung der suelwesteleutschen Nourolon'rii unci Irren- iirzte iu Heidelberg am 17. und IH. Mai d. J. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Coblen/,, 1879, ii, 241-2:>0.—New Vork Xe-u- rolonical Society. Proceedings. Chicago.I. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 1874, i, 228. Continued in: J. Nerv. efc Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1876-86, i-xi, passim. — Philadelphia Neuro- logical Society. Proceedings. J. Nerv. \- Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1884-6, ix-xi, passim. Neuroma. See, also, Epilepsy (Causation of); Nerve (Auditory, Pathology of); Nerve (Optic, Pathology of) [ete.]; Nerve (Optic, Tumors of); Nerve (Sciatic, Tumors of); Nerves (Brachial) [etc.]; Nerves (Tumors of); Nervous system (Syjihilis of); Neurotomy, etc. ; Stumps (Diseases of). Berrue (C.) * Essai sur les tubercules sous- cutaues douloureux. 4'-. Paris, 1875. Boehm ( K. ) * Beitrag zur Keuutniss vom plexiformen Neurom. 8°. Magdeburg, 1 *•■-.!. Bouchage (J.) * fitude sur les sympt6mes du tubercule sous-cutau6 douloureux. 4 . Paris, 1874. Britns (P.) *DasRankeuneurom, ein Beitrag zur Gesclnvulstlehre. 8°. Tiibingen, 1879. Also, in: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870,1, 80-112, lpl. Caizergues (L.) * Du nevrome; ohservations et reflexions. 4r. Montpelliei; 1867. Courvoisier(L. G.) Die Neuronic. «*■'. Ba- sel. 1886. Erlenmeyer (F. A.) * Ueher das cicatricielle Neurom. 8^. Greifswald, 1872. Faciei: (H.-E.) * Dissertation sur le nevrome, suivie de deux observations recueillies dans les h6pitaux de Paris. 4-. Paris, 187,1. de Gacheo (L. de B.) Sur le tubercule sous- cutane douloureux. 4\ Paris, 1876. Harel(L.) 'Contribution k l'6tude des tu- bercules soiRS-cutaniSs douloureux. 4'-. I'aris, 1881. NEUROMA. 857 NEUKOMA. Aeuroina. Hasi.kr ( G. ) * De neuromate. 4-T Turici, 1835. • Iacme (P.-fi.) * Sur une espece de tumeur se|tiirrheuse enkystee, attribuee mal a propos a une affect ion des nerfs. 4C. Paris, 1828. Also, in: J. hehd. de med.. Par.. 1829, ii, 65-75. Kaspei: (A.) *Zur Casuistik der Neurome. Kin Fall von traumatiscbeni Neurom des N. medianus geheilt durch Nerven-Resection und Naht. 123. Greifswald, 1883. Knoblauch (A.) * De neuromate et gangliis accessoriis veris, adjecto cujusvis generis casu novo atque insigni. 4°. Francof. ad Minium, 1813. Kralsk (F.) * Ueber maligne Neurome und das Vorkommen vou Nervenfasern in denselben. 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Lebourcq (G.-A.) *Desn6vromes. 4°. Pa- ris, 1865. Manx (F. G. C.) * De neuromate. 8. Lip- siee, [187)2]. Makchano (R.) * Das " plexiforme Neurom " (cyliudrische Fibroin der Nervenscheiden). 8°. Halle a. S., [1876]. Also, in: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1877, lxx, 36- 55, 1 pl. Margerin (J.) * Des n^vromes plexiformes (variete de tumeurs sous-cutan6es), avec uue 6tude des neuronics en general. 4°. I'aris, 1867. Marquie (J.) * Contribution k l'etude des li brumes sous-cutanes douloureux. 4°. Paris, l88\). Richard (F.) * Etude sur le tubercule sous- cutane douloureux. 4°. Paris, 1874. Rumen (G.) * Essai sur les neVromes. 4°. Paris, 1875. Schneller (J. A. L.) * De neuromate. 8C. llegimoniii Pr., [1^44]. Smith (R. YV.) A treatise on the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of neuroma, fol. Dub- lin, 1849. Steinius (S. A. W.) De structura neuromatis cujnsdam maximi nervi ischiadici, quod una cum magna ipsius nervi parte prospero successu ara- putatum est, eaiiue quae huic cum aliis quibus- dam nervorum tumoribus intercedit ratione. 4J. Havniee, 1846). Adams (R.) [Neuromatous tumors.] Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1841-9, i, 369-375. Also: Med. Times. Loud., 1847, xvi, 11. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1848, v, 548; 554.— Ajjnew (I). H.) Neuroma of ulnar aud other nerves. Phila. M. Times. 1872-3, iii, 121 —Alarco. [Neuroma of ulnar nerve; extirpation; cure.] Gac. med. de Lima, 1856-7. i, no. 18, (i.—Armsby (J. H.) Neuroma. Nat. M. A.. Wash., 1870-71, i. 453— Arnozan (X.) Nevrome pleviformc. JT de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 72.— Barbieri (A.) efc Tarulii (C.) Due casi eli neuroma cirsoid) e> Bull. d. sc. meel. di Bologna, 1870, 5. s., x, 54- 94, 1 pl. ; 354.—Barrier. Nevrome du cou; ablation; guerison. (Iaz. d. hop.. Par., 1855, xxviii, 182.—Bauer & Johnson (J. G.) Neuroma following amputation ; resec- tion. N. YorkJ. M. 1X58. 3. s., v, 401.—Beek(B.) Ueber Neurome. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1869, xxi, 466; 476.— Begbie (J. WT ) Neuritis and neuroma. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1868, ii, 706.—Beislesfiii. Observation dun nevrome sur le trajet du nerf plantaire, avaut neces- site ramnutation du inembre. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1840, xx. 177-183.—Benito (D.) Neuroma desarrollado en el nervio mediano del brazo izquierdo; diez y nueve alios de existencia; enucleacion, con ligadura de- la arteria hu- meral : hiien c'xito. Siglo ni6d., Madrid, 1858. v, 368.— Benjamin (L.) Neurom innerhalb der Riiikenmarks- haute, Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc, Berl., 1856, xi, 87-89.— Berenj;er-Feraii€l. Tubercule- sous-cutane doulou- reux de la partie externe du genou gauche; extraction avec toutes les precautions antiseptiques; infection pu- tride rapide. mort le 6" jour apres lope'-ration. Arch, de mod. nav.. Par., 1885. xliv. 304-312. — Beuruier (L.) fitude historique et critieiue sur la nature anatoniiiiue des tubercules sous-ontanes douloureux. Arch. gen. ele med., Par., 1884. ii, 402-419.—Bickcrsteth (K. 11.) Neuroma of the moat sciatic nerve: excision, without division of the nerve; complete recovery. Mouth. J. M. Sc, Loud. Aeiiroiii;). fc Edinb., 1854. xix. 119-121. -----. Painful tumour over the head of the radius, suspected to be neuroma : excision ; cure. Ibid.. 122-124— Billroth (T.) Eine wisseuschaft- liche und humanitarc liitte au die Kollegen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1884, xi, 417.—Bisset (C.) A case of au ex traordiuarv irritable sympathetic tumor. Mem. hi. Soc. Loud., 1792, iii, 58-64. —Blasitis (E.) Ueber riickfallige Neurome. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1862, ii. 1X8-2U4. -----. Ueber riickfallige Neurome. Ibid., 1865. vi. 775- 777.—Boh in. Neuromata in brachio sinistra amputate); Exstirpatio; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Kraukenan>t. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1867), 1868, 199-201. — Bon- net. Nevrome du volume d'une grosse noix eleve loppe clans le nerf poplit6 interne; extirpation de la tumeur eu laissant le, nerf intact; guerison avec conservation ele la sensibilite- et du mouvement du membre. Gaz. med. de Lyou, 1850. ii, 29-32 Also: Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1850. 3. s., ii, 90.— Kouehaeourt (A.) Des tumeurs nerveuses sous-ciitaiii'es ct ile leur traitement Rev. ine.d. franc, et Strang., I'ar.. 1812, ii. 27-35. Also. Arch de la ined. beige, Brux., 1843, x, 109-119.—Boivilileh (H. I.) Neu- roma of left fore-arm of twenty \ ears' standing Iioston M. & S. J., 1857-8, Ivii, 524-526— Briililou (C. lv.) .Neu- roma. N. Tork M. Press, 1859, n. s.. ii. 820. [Discussion], 858. -----. Neuroma in axillary space, implicating niuscu- lospiral operation. Med. Rec, N.Y.. 1875, x, 78(1 —Brora, N6vrc>me du nerf tibial posterieiir. Bull. Soc. anal, ele Par., 1851, xxvi, 101.— Bryant. Neuroma on branch of the extreme cutaneous nerve of the thigh. Med. Times & l Iaz.. Lond., 1862, i, 455. — Bullen (F.D.) Removal of a large neuroma from the median nerve. Ibid.. 1m>4, ii, 87.— Bunzel (E.) Neurom am N. tibialis. Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xiii, 409—Cabaret (P.-J.) Observation s,u- une nevralgie anomab'. guerie par l'extirpation dun ne- vrome. J. dela seel, ele med. Sm acad. Loire-lnf., Nantes. 1838, xiv, 166-171. Also .- Rev ele th6rap. nnSd.-chir., Par., 1870, xxxvii, 203-206.—Cnrruthers (D. C.) Cases of pain- ful subcutaneous tubercle. Edinb. M. .V S. J., 1830, xxxiii, 307-310.—Cartas (A.) Etude sur le n6vrome ph-xiforme. Arch, gen ele meel., Par., 1876, i, 170-197.—[Ca«*e.] Neu- roma of posterior tibial nerve. Abstr. M. fc S (Tims Gen. Hosp. Sick Children, Pendlebury, Manchester (1885). 18sQ, v, 142. — Case (A) of painlul subcutaneous tumor, or tu- berculum dolorosum. Boston M. efc S. J., 1873, lxxxviii, 527. — Chaudelux (A.) Observation de flbro-myxome douloureux (cliniquement ii6vrome) probablement cleve- lopp6 sur le collateral interne* de l'annulaire et renf'crmaut au milieu ele sou stroma des tubes nerveux k myeliue. Lyon med., 1879, xxxi, 510-516. — <' ha««.:i i j;na<-. Ne- vrome (du inembre superieur). Hull. Sue el. cbir. de Tar.. 1856-7, vii, 548.—Cheever (D. WT i Painful subcu- taneous tumor. Bostou M. efc S. J., 1878, xcviii, 389.— Cheuautais. Tubercule- soiis-cutan6 douloureux (inv- oino). Bull. Soc. anat. de, Nantes 1881, Par., 1882, v. 19.— ChriNtot. Contribution k l'histoire des tumeurs plexi- formes. Gaz. hebd. de med.. I'ar., 1870, 2. s., vii, 242 ; 259. Also, Keprint.—Cork. Neuroma of the ulnar nerve : re- moval. Med. Times fc Gaz.. Lond., 1862, i, 454. — Coon* (.f. A.) Neuromatous tumor, with excision of a section eel the great sciatic nerve. Tr. M. Soc Kansas, Lawrence, 1880. xiv, 21-26.—Coote. Disseminated painful subcuta- neous tubercle. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 364. — 4 ruvi-il- hier (E.) Fibrome du nerf tibial posterieiir. Bull. Soc. anat de Par.. 1865, xl, 676 — Oelajjarilc (P. C.) Neu- roma. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. ixiia. iv. 91-90.—Be- meaux. [Nevrome du nerf tibial antei ieur. ] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 12.— Benouvillior*. Gangli- ons sous-cutanes douloureux. Bull. Soc, de chir. de Par., 1851-2, ii, 229. — Depaul. Une tumeur de la nature des ne.vromes a la region cervicale. Ibid., 1857. xxxii. 24-26.— De-Bossi iE.j Amputazione della mano per iievromi. [From : Gazz. d. Osp. eli Genova, Feb., 1866. | < \-.ui. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1866, ix, 248-251 . —De»pres. Nevrome amyelinique sous-cutan6. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1877, lii, 548. — DrtmoM. Case of neuroma. N. York M. Times, 1851-2. i. :nin-:ii;2.—Bowncs (E.) A new operation for some forms of neuromata. Lancet, Lond., 1881, i, 681.—Duhoi* & L«eilegaiick. Faux n6vre*>mo sous-cutane. de la region sacro-iliaque ; extirpation ; gueri- son. Aun. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1873, xxii, 111-119.— Duhrins (L. A.) Case of painful neuroma of the skin. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1873, n. s., lxvi, 413: 1874 n. s.. lxviii, 29: 1881, n. s., Ixxxii. 435. Also, Reprintof 1873— Dnplay (S.) NCvrorae du nerf cubital. J. ele ni6d. et cbir. prat., Par., 1877, xlviii. 70. — Dupuytren (G.) Dune espece par- ticuliere de tumeurs libro ccllnleuse enkystees, connues sous le nom de ganglions ou tubercub's nerveux. In his : Lecons orales de clin. chir.. 8 , Par., ]s:;2, i, 530-556. Also, transl. .- Loml. M. fc S. .T.. 1833-4, [n. s.]. iv, 137-141.- Duret fc .Tlasmonteil. Nevrome sous cutane de la face anterieure du poignet ele cause trannial iepie. Arch. gen. denied.. Par., 1873. ii, 607-610.—[Erich«en (I. K.)] Painful subcutaneous tubercle. Lancet, Loud.. 1857, i, 34 DiiiIiyImmiIi'. Nevrome multiple du nerf cubital; excision du nerf; guerison. (iaz. med. d'Orient, Constanti- nople. 1880-81, xxiii, 13-15.—Fano. [Amputation du bras; nevrome du plexus brachial. 1 Bull. Soc. auat, de Par., vErROMA. S5e Uoiyaii (('.) & kn (I.) Ueber den Bau und die Stellung der multiplen Neurome. Vrtljschr. f. cl. prakt. Heilk.. Prag, 1877, exxxv. 1-24. 1 pl.—Takacn Hosu. Rep. 1885, Lond., 1886, xv, 213-224, 1 pl.—Crede. Deh- nung und Durchsehueidung des 3. Astes des Nei \ us tri- geminus an der Schiidelbasis. Verhandl. d deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 1880, Berl., 1881, ix, 27-35.—Davie* (R ) Five cases of neurotomy for painful affections ot the limbs. Dublin Q. A. M Sc. 1860, xxx, 331-337 Also, Reprint.—Delpeeh. Observations sur l'utihte dela.se c- tion des nerfs dans certains cas. Rev. med. franc;, et Strang., Par., 1832, i, 72-84.-[Di«eu»*ion sur les resec- tions des filets nerveux ] Bull. Sue. de chir. (le 1 ar.. (1852), 1853. iii. >t x;-Onbroir (I. I.) A itjajcine loktevago nerva po slueliaju nevritidis traumatic;'; Lai- top. khirurg. Obsh v Mosk.. 1882, v, 162-165-l-.ulen- burs (A.) ev l.andoi* (L.) Die thermischen W irkiui- gen in-.ripheris.-her Reizung und Durchschneidung der Nervenstaimne. Arch. f. path. Anat,. etc., Berl.. 18et>, lxvi 189-5(12 1 pl— FergilMSon. Clinical remarks on a caseof painful ulcer on the h-g; with division of tin pop- liteal nerve; subsequent amputation at the knee-joint : re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1862. i. 487 - Fornari (F.) Mue NEUROTOMY. 8G1 NEUROTOMY. Yen roi om v and neurectomy. ncvrectenic (stiramento) ; del cubitale per nevralgia, dello sciatico per atassia locomotrice. Morgagni, Napoli. 1881, xxiii, 677-680. — Fumagalli ((.'.) Nevralgia traumatica ribelle alia ncvi otoniia. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano, 1868, ccvi, 012— eTSnllozzi (C.) Delia recisione del nervo den- tario inferiore col niilodo del Parravicini. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Xapoli, 1882, xxxvi, 195-199.—Oarretson (I. E.) A method of resecting the second branch of the fifth nerve iu the sphenomaxillary fossa, using the surgical en- gine. Ann. Anat. efe Surg.. Brooklyn, NT YT, 1883, viii, 158- 160. —Qilniorc (J. T.) Case of neuralgia relieved bv tre- phining. N. Orl. M. .fcS. J., 1866-7, xix, 342-346. -----. Exsection of nerves. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Mobile, 1870, 387.—<» oil in (A.) N6vralgies rebelles; section des nerfs maladcs. J. el conn, med.-chir., Par., 1835-6, iii, 441-444.— Ilayem (G.) Note sur deux cas de lesions cutanees eonse'-cutives a des sections de nerfs. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1873, v, 212-223.— Hildebra'ndt. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Neurektomie. Deutsche nied. AVchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 1018. — Hilton. Treat- ment of neuralgia by excision of a piece of nerve. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 549. — von llochotetter (A. V. ) Neurotomie des N. infraorbitalis outer Cocain- anasthesie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1498.— 11 oilmen (J. T.) An easy method of removing apart of the inferior dental nerve within the lower .jaw. St. Louis M. cfe S. JT, 1875, n. s., xii, 22-24. -----. Nerve section for neuralgia. Tr. AI. Ass. Missouri. St. Louis, 1876, x, 21- 28.—Hogyes (A.) Ueber die Veriinderuugen des Auges nach Facialisexstirpation. Arch. f. exper. Path. ii. Phar- makol., Leipz., 1879, xi, 258-274.'—Holcoinbe ( A. A.) Suppuration of the foot after neurotomv. Ain. Vet Rev.. N. Y., 1880, iii, 426-428. —Moll (M.) Ueber eine neue Me- thode der Resection des Nervus buccinatorius. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1881, xxvi, 994-1008, 1 pl.—Hooker (E. M. C.) Division of the popliteal nerve for neuralgia of the leg. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 336.—Hutchinson (J.) Case illustrating the effect of nerve section upon nutrition and animal heat. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 161. -----. Observations on the results which follow tlie sec- tion of nerve-trunks, as observed in surgical practice. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1866, iii, 305-324.—.1 illicit (de Lamballe). Travaux sur la therapeutique des nevralgies ; proc6d6 inixte ; section et cauterisation du nerf. France m6d., Par., 1854, i. 21: 39. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 162.—Jolyet A- l.aH'ont. Nouveau procede de section iutracranienne du facial. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1879, Par., 1880, 7. s., i, 334-336. Also .- Progres ni6d., Par., 1879, vii, 980.—Joiion (F.) Resection dunerf auri- culotemporal. A. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1877, 2. s., i, 105-110. — Kappcler (O.) Neuralgia nervi peronei superflcialis ; Neurectoniie. In his .- Chir. Beob., etc., 8°, Frauenfeld, 1874, 290— ItrauwNold (H.) Ueber Nerven- durchschneidung und Nervennaht. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1878 (Chir., Xo. 43), pp. 1129-1160.—Kuby. Resec- tion des Nervus medianus. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1871, xviii, 312.—Liaborde (J.-V.) Sur l'etat et le role de la sensibilite et des fibres r6curi-entes, a la suite des phe- nomenes qui accompagnent la section experimentale ou pathologique cles nerfs mixtes, eu particulier du nerf me- dian. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 470- 472. Also: Tribune m6d., Par., 1886, xviii, 544-546.—lia- borde (J.-V.) efe I.even. Recherches experimentales sur les alterations de nutrition qui se produisent dans les divers tissus k la suite de la section et de la ligature des nerfs, etde la section de la moelle epiniere. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 280-284.—liRforgue (H.) Nevromee du nerf cubital; extirpation suivie de gueri- son. J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1854, n. s., vi, 11-19. — Lagrange. L'op6ration de Badal. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1886, vii, 115-119.—Lcl«ou (T.) Case of wounded nerve, cured by freely dividing it. N. York M. efe Phys. J., 1824, iii, 62-64.—IVotta. Ne*vrome du nerf median; resection du nerf: troubles trophiques; gueri- son. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 735-745.—Obalinski. Naciaganie nerwdw (neurotomia). Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1881, xx, 545; 562; 580. -----. Przc- cie*cie: tub wyonjcie kawalka nerwe'ew (neurotomia et neu- rectomia). Ibid.. 593-595.—Packard (J. H.) Cases of nerve irritation ; cured bv surgical operations. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 347-350. — Paiia-. (F.) De la section du nerf buccal par la bouche; regies op6ra- toires k suivre: operation chez une femme. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1874. i. 181-189. AUo.- Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 12. — PavlolT i E V.) Sluchai resektsii sere- dinnago nerva pri razvivshe-isja v nem opucholi. [Resec- tion of median nerve in removing a lipoma fibrosum (of hand).] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1883, iv, 673; 691 —Per- kovski (S. P.) Pererezka vietvi nerva " auric ulo-tem- poralis". Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1883, cxlvii. pt. 3, 17-20.—Philipeaux (J. - M.) cfe Vulpian (A.) Note sur des experiences demontrant que des nerl's separ6s des centres nerveux peuvent, apr6s d'etre alteros compiete- ment, se regenerer tout en demeuraut iso!6s de centres et recouvrer leurs proprietes physiologiques. Compt rend. Soc. de biol. 1859, Par., 1860, '3. s., i, 177-181. — Porter. Section of the ulnar nerve, after which a felon on the little Auger caused no pain. Boston M. cfe S. J., 1871, lxx.xv, 240.—Post (A. C.) Division of the dorsal branch of the musculo-spiral nerve for severe and prolonged neuralgia, etc. N. Vork M. J., 1867, iv, 292-294.— Pretvilt (T. F.) Case of excision of the infraorbital nerve by Wagner's method. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1876, x, 0-8. -----. Neurodectomy and nerve stretching. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1880, xxxviii, 112-117. -----. Resection of the infra-orbital nerve. Proc. St Louis M. Soc. Missouri (1880), 1881, iii, 27-32—Prompt. Remarques sur une nevroto- mie du nerf median Nice-iuekl., 1882-3, vii, 113-116.— Ranvier. De la cle'-genere-scence et de la regeneration des nerfs sectionnes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1873, Par., 1874, 5. s., v, 63-73.—Kedard. Suites eloignees dela section du nerf cubital. Assoc, franej. pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1882, Par.. 1883, xi, 763-765. —Kiberi (A.) Caso di neuralgia stata guarita con incisioni sottocutanee. Gior. . . . d. Soc. nn d chir. di Toriuo, 1842, xv, 444-448. Also, in his: Raccolta el. opere rninori, etc., 8', Torino, 1852, ii, 134-139. — Kielielot (L.-G.) Note sur In- nervation collaterale a propos d'une r6section du nerf median. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1883, n. s., ix, 438-457. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxv, 922-927. — Richet. Section du nerf meelian; conser- vation de la sensibilite de la main. Union m6d., Par., NEUROTOMY. 862 NEI'STADT. Neurotomy and neurectomy. 1867, 3. s., iv, 444-449.—Rozeugarteu (M.) Vitjajeuie sedalitsh-nerva v meste perechoda ego clierez bolshuju sedalitshnuju diru. [ Neurectomy in ischiatic region. ] Vrach, St." Petersb.. 188,",. vi, 358. — Saltzmau ( F. ) Ett fall af icsiklion af nervus buccinatorius fran munha- lan. Finska liik.-siillsk. handl., Helsiugfors. 1881, xxiii, 426-429. Also: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1882. xiv, no. 2,6-14.—Salzer (T.) Resektion des dritten Trigeminus- j astes am Foramen ovale-. Wien. med. Wchuschr., 1887, xxxvii, 461-463. — Mauds (H. B.) Division of tho gusta- tory nerves. Med. Rec . N. Y., 1880, xvii, 704.— Sands (H. P> ) efe Soi;uin (E. C.) A case of traumatic hrachial i neuralgia treated by excision of the cords which go to form flu- brachial plexus. Arch. Scient. efe Pract. hi. & S.. N. V.. 1873, i, 1-18, 1 pl. Also. Reprint. — Santos Fernandez (J.) Neurectomia de los nervios frontales. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1881, vii, 359.—Schramm (H.) Przypadek zeszycia nerwdw w 3 mie-si^ce po zrani- eniu. [Section of nejrve three months after wound.! Przegl. lek.. Krakow., 1883, xxii, 269-27L—."»< huh. Mit- theilungen iiber Resectionen und andere Operationen an Nerven. Wieu. med. Wchnschr.. 1863, xiii, 1; 17; 33; 49; 65; 129; 145; 161. -----. Wiederholte Nerveuresektionen wegen einer hypertrophischen Narbe am Nervus radialis. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 1; 18; 29. — at' Mehulten. Resektion a nervus inframaxillaris sinister. Finska lak.- siillsk. handl., Helsiugfors, 1881, xxiii, 280.—Nehulz (H.) Ueber den Eiufluss der Nervendurchschiieidung auf Er- nahruug und Regeneration der Gewebe. ('■ ntrallil. f. d. med Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 708-71 o.—Ni-e. Excision de 15 centimetres du nerf sciatique poplite interne; gue- rison. Bull, et, mem. Soc-. de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 531.—Setsehcnotr (I.) Pereraizka nerva kak uslovie narostaniya ego razdrazhiteluosti. [Severance of a nerve, as a ineaus of increasing its irritabilitv.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1861, i, 301; 313 —Nlieiiiffs (E. B.) New method of dividing the facial nerve. Lancet, Lond., 1831-2, i, 632. — Simon. Neuroplastische Resection am N. me- dianus unel N. ulnaris. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1876, iii. 287-290.—Siren a (S.) Analogic e diffe- renze fra i risultati ottenuti dai professori Ranvier, Cola- sauti, Tizzoni e Sirena nella recisione dei nervi. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1882 n. s., iv, 113-135.—Son- nenburg. Einige Benierkimgeu zur Neurektomie des diitteu Astes eles Trigeminus. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 305.—Speriuo (C.) Neuralgia grave di molti rami del plesso cervicale -destro, guarita colla neuro-mioto- mia sottocutanea. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1842, xv. 144-151.—Stewart (J. L.) Excision of three inches of median nerve after au old gun-shot wound of left elbow. Med, & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 92- 94. Also : Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila . 1873, ix, pt. 2, 62-64.— Sticker ( L. ) Ueber die Veranderungen der Krafte diuchschnitleuer Nerven und iiber Muskelreizbarkeit. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1834, 202-217.—Slorrs (il.) Neurectomy of the tri-facial nerve. Proc. Coniieet M. Soc, Hartford,'1887, n. s., iii, 78-86.— Sutton (J. II ) A case of neurotomy of the third division of the fifth nerve at the foramen ovale. Brit. M J., Loud., 1887, ii, 1331.—Szeparowiez (.T.) Mh*sak nerwu srod- kowego ( nerv. medianus) : wyci^cie nowotworu wraz z tetnic'^ ramieuiowa. i kawalkiem nerwu 10 cm. dlugini bez nastlpowego uposledzeuia czucia. [Extirpation of me- dian nerve by removing tumor in brachial branch, 10 cm. long.l Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1877, xvi, 505-507.—Svey- ■nanowski. Ueber Neurektomie und Nervennaht. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt, Heilk., Prag, 1865, lxxxviii, 52-71.— Tillaux. B16pharoplastie ; traitement inefficace pen- dant trois mois ; section sous-cutanee des deux nerfs sus- orbitaires; guerison. Bull. gen. deth6rap., etc., Par. 1872, lxxxiii, 129-133. ----- Phenomenes curieux observes k la suite d'une section du nerf median. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1885, lviii, 561-563.—Tillmanns ( H.) Ausschneidung des Nervus alveolaris inferior vom Kieferwinkel aus bei herabhangeudem Kopfe. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1879, vi, 481-483.—Tripier (L.) Nevrotomie. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1878, 2. s., xii, 708-789 —Valentin (G.) Einige Folgen der Nervendurchschiieidung. Ztschr. f. rat. Med'.. Leipz.. 1861, 3. R.. xi, 1-88— Vanee (Ap M.) Neu- rectomy of auterior tibial .for cure of chronic neuritis; aehillotoinv at same time to relieve a resulting club-foot. Med. News, Phila.. 1883, xiii. 440.—von Vering (J ) | Sehinerzhafter Nerveukrampf durch Zerschneidung des Nerven geheilt. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1819, iii, 239.— Vigezzi. Di un nuovo processo ope-rativo per praticare la nevrectomia plautare. Gior. di anat.. fisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1887, xix, 121-120. —vou Vintsehgaii (M.) Beobachtungen iiber die Veranderimgen der Sclnueck- becher nach Durchschneidung des N. glossopharyngeus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1880-81. xxiii. 1-13, 1 pl.— Vulpian (A.) Necrose consecutive k la section du nerf sciatique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1849. Par., 1850. i. 75. -----. Surles modifications quo subissenth's muscles sous rinfluence de la section de leurs nerfs. Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1869, ii, 558-578. -----. Sur les modifications qui se produisent dans la moelle 6piniere sous l'infl ueuce de; la section des nerfs dun inembre. I bid., \<'iirotomy and neurectomy. 675-692. -----. Alteration graisseuse dis arterioles du boutperipherique desnerfs coup6s, observce dans certains cas. Ibid., 1870, iii, 178— Warren (J. C.) Neuralgia of a branch of the plantar nerve, followed bv convulsions, and cured by operation. Boston M. \- S. A.. 1829-3(1. ii. pt. I, 116-118. -----. Neuralgic operations. Am. J. M. Sc.', Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi, 88.-----. Neuralgia : excision of the digital nerve of the 1'oreflnge.r. In his: Surg. Ohs Bost., 1867, 475.—'Webber. (Section of the ulnar nerv, i Boston M. efe S. A. 1879, e, 330. — Weiuleehuer tL) Neuralgia inframaxillaris; Neurectoniie nach eler iuwen- dige Methode Paravicini's: Aufangs misslungcn wegen er- schwerten Autfind*ns und Zerfascrung eles Nervus intra- maxillaris selbst oder des Nervus buccinatorius: schlicss liche Excision eines 1 Cm. 1 Mm. langen Stiickes; Hei- lung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst,. Rudolph-Stiftuiig in Wien (1873), 1874. 255. -----. Zur Statistik de*r Nerven resektionen. Wien med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 116. -----. Eine Fran, bei welcher W. die intrabuccale Resection des N. inframaxillaris voruahm. Anz. cl. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. 1878, 23.—Weir (R. F.) Intra-buccal division of the inferior maxillary nerve. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 282. Also: Ann. Surg!. St. Louis, 1887, v, 504.— Wertheimer. Section dn nerf cubital; griffe; retour partiel de lasensibilite; n6vrome du bout central. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1881, xx, 70-81.—Wood (.T. R.) Clin- ical lecture on neurotomy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 485.—Zeissl (M.) Die Resektion des Neuvusethnioidalis. Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxii, 1093-1095. Neurotomy (Optico-ciliary). See Eye (Neurotomy of). Neurrisse (Emile). * Contribution a l'6tude do lu dothi^nentorie chez les enfants. 71? pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 239. Neu-Ruppin. See Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities. jVousclller (Edmund). # Beitrag zur Kenntniss der einfachen uud der zuckerfiihreuden Harn- ruhr. 37 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Tubingen, 1861. j\eu-S<*lniiecks. von Szoxtagh (N.) Neu-T£trafiired. (Bad Neu-Schmeck.s.) Klimatologische und therapeu- tische Studie. 8°. Budapest, lb/7. IVeu-Sclioueherg. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by lo- calities. Nenscliiiler (Iguazio ). Occhio ed occhiali. Trattato popolare. 104 pp. 8°. Torino, Roux 4- Favale, 1883. Neuse (Joh. Georgius). * De melancholia. 40 pp. sm. 4°. Jena; lit. Erebsianis, [1685]. IVeuseil (Abraham). See Hwasser (Israel). *Om primara syphilitiska [etc.l 8°. Upsala, 1848. XeiISS (Carol. Guil. Ed.) * De imputabilitate. 44 pp. 8°. Gottingee, Dieterich, [1831]. Ncuss (Heinrich) [1855- ]. * Ueber subkutane Eiseuinjectioncn. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1881. Neuss (Joannes Henricus Godofredus). * Dc per- foratione menibrame tympani. 21 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Gottingee, lit. Grapianis, [1802]. Neiis*. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc, of), Insane (Asi/linns for, etc.), by localities. OTortalitiits-Statiseiik der Gemeinde Xeuss, 1871-4. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1873, ii, 151: 1876, v, 24. Neussel (Julius). * Ueber die sogciiuaute Ad- dison'schc Krankheit. 36 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1859. Neusser (Edmund). Die Pellagra in Ostemich und Rumauien. 52 pp., 1 1. 8r Wien, A. Hol- der, 1887. Neusser (Vine. Thorn.) * Conspectus minera- lium ad paranda prajparata miueralia inservien- tium. Classis IVta systematis Werueriani. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. 8°. Pragce, J. Spumy, 1833. NeilStadt ( Karl). * Der puerperale Wundzu- stand und seine Bedeutung fur die puerperale NEUSTADT. 863 NEYILL. \<'HSt:i«ll (Karl)—continued. Infcktion. 17 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, R. Scheiner, 1887). lYeilStadt (Ludovicus) [1802- ]. * De abscessu frigido scrofuloso. 24 pp. 8--. Berolini, typ. G. C. Naurkii, 1826. iWiiMtarit. efeiiiueeeter ( M.) Die sanitare Bedeutung der Neu- stiiellcr Tiel'cpielleuleitung. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien. 1884. viii, 367; 388.—Truclisess. Das Bad Neu- stadt bei Waiblingeu. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1839, ix, 228-232. Uk'ii*tacit-Eber*\valde. See Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities. Neustadtl (Jacobus). * De scleritide rhuma- tica, 61 pp. ric. Pragce, J. H. Pospjsil, [1831]. NeilStadtl (Mauritius). * Diss, sistens historiam enteritidis serosa* in puerpera. 38 pp., 11. 8-. 1'rtttjti; M. I. Landau, 1840. rVeil-verhessert- und verniehrtes denckwiir- diges Kayser Carls-Baad. Das ist: Alt, als neue Denckwiirdigkeiten in drey Theil abgethei- let. Erster Theil. Von (lessen Erfind-, Erbau- ung, etc., rngliieksfallen und Erweiterung, Be- quem und Ergotzlickkeiten, etc. Auderer Theil. Von dess Ilcyl- und Gesund-Baades, selbst Nutz- und Cur-Gebraiichs, etc-. Dritter Theil. An- nierckung holier Hiiupter, geist- als weltlicher Standes-Persohnen, so ab Anno 1701 hiss 1731, diese Baades-Cur zu hochstriihinlich- und er- sprisslicher Gesnndheits-Wohlfahrt, gebraucht. 3 Tbeilc in 1 v. 110 pp., 3 1. 16°. Carls-Baad, A. B. Dexter, 1731. -----. Thesame. Anno 1701 biss 1733. 122pp., 3 1., 1 pl. 16°. Niirnberg, J. Albreelit, 1734. -----. The same. 122 pp., 31., 1 pl. 16°. Niirn- berg, J. Albrecht, 1736. Ncil-vei'inehrtes und verbessertes Aderlass- Buclileiu, dass ist: ein astronomischer Grund und Bericht vom Aderlassen, Schrepffen und Baden zu Erhaltung mensehlicher Gesundheit uud Verlangerung dess Lebens, bis zu seinem von Gott uud der Natur bestimten Tod uud Ende dcssclbigeu. Allen und jeden Menschen nicht allein sehr niitzlich zu lesen sondern auch hochst nothwendig zu wissen. 144 pp., 4 1., 1 tab. KIT Xiirnberg, J. A. it. W. Endtei; [n. d.] Neuville. Relation sur le cholera-morbus ob- serve k Paris, dans le mois d'avril 1832, suivie d'uu rapport sur l'epid6mie chohuique, qui a r6gii6 dans l'arrondissement de Bernay (Eure; depuis le 29 avril jusqu'au 27 septembre 1832. 116 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jcune, 1832. Neuville (Jeau-Edmond). * Des causes de la retention d'urine. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 76. IVem ille-sur-Saoiie. Henry (O.) Analyse chimique de l'eau minerale fer- rugineuse de Neuville-sur-Saone, pr£s Lyon. Bull. Acad. de ni6d., Par., 1859-60, xxv, 730-733. IVeiivii'tll (Aug. I. N.) * Salium acidoriim origo, natura, ac combiuatio in sales medios, vel prae- parata. 2 p. 1., 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vienna;, M. A. Schmidt, [1782]. I¥e u wied. Bernstein (J. T. C.) Skizze einer medizinischen To- pographie in Neuwied und der Behandlung der daselbst herrschenden Krankheiten. In his.- Kleine med. Aufs., 8-3, Frankf. a. M., 1814, 1-59. .\eva. Galaxin (M. I.) Goden-li tsentralnyi pesoch- nyi filtre dlja Nevskoi vody ? [Shall we any longer delay erecting the central filtering appa- ratus for the waters of the Neva '!] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. Nevada. Report of the surveyor-general and State land register of the State of Nevada for the years 18*1 and 1882. 77 pp. 8-. Carson City, State Office, 1883. \>vada. Sec, also, Fort Churchill. Hofi-max (W. J.) On the mineralogy of Ne- vada. 8J. Washington, 1878. Extr. from: Bull. U.S. Geol. Survev of the Territories. v. 4, no. 3, under charge F. V. Haydeii. Preliminary report concerning explorations and surveys principally in Nevada aud Arizona. . . . Conducted under the immediate direction of Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler. 4°. Washington, 1872. Preliminary report upon a reconnaissance through Southern and Southeastern Nevada, made in 1869, by Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of En- gineers, assisted by Lieut. D. W. Lockwood, IT. S. Army, under the orders of Brig. Geu'l E. O. C. Orel. 4°. Washington, 1875. de Neve (Christianus). * De variolis. 1 p. 1., 23 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, J. Broedelet, [1768]. JVeve (Pierre-Louis). * Sur la phlebite. 28 pp. 4J. Paris, 1734, No. 11, v. 269. Nevermaiin (John Friedrich Wilhelm) [1803- 1850]. * De niammaruni morbis curandis. Ill pp. 8 . Rostochii, typ. Adlerianis, 1831. -----. Bedeukingen en mededeelingen aangaande de oogspierdoorsnijdiug (myotomia ocularis), ter verhelping van het scheelzien. xvi, 77 pp., 1 1. 8°. Amsterdam, C. G. van der Post, 1845. See, also, Bang (Ohms r.undt). Die medicinische Kliuik des konigl. Frederiks-Hospital zu Kopenhagen, I etc. J 8°. Stuttgart, 1801. — Dupareqiie ( F. ) Voll- staodige Geschiehte der Durchldclierungen, Einrisse und Zerreissungen des Uterus, etc. 8°. Quedlinburg u. Leip- zig, 1838. das Neves (Alexandre Antonio). Compilacao dc refiexoes de Sauches, Priugle, Monro, Vau- Swieten, e outros a' cerca das causas, prevencoes, e remedies das doencas dos exercitos. xiv, -2 1)))., 2 1. 16°. Lisboa, 1797. Novet(X.) ' * De la frequence relative des dif- ferentes variete"s de chancres syphilitiques ex- tra-g^nitaux chez l'homnie et chez la femme, suivie de quelques considerations sur un certain nombre de cas observ6s a l'Hdpital Saint-Louis pendant l'annee 1886. 91 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, Xo. 205. !\eveu (Joseph). * Incontinence d'urine. et son traiteinent. 36 pp. 4°. Pari*, 1889, No. 215. IVeveil-Derotl'ie (V.) * De Palms des liqueurs alcooliques. 34 pp. 4C. Paris, 1865, No. 102, v. 594. .\eveui* (Auguste-Similien). *Du cancer aign. 74 ].|). 4■-. ''Paris, 1871, No. 23. IVeviere (Joseph-Victor). * Essai sur les hernies abdominales. 28 pp. 4°. Montpellier, J. Mar- tel aim; 1^14. Neviere (Maurice). * De l'insolation conside"r6e dans son rAle etiologique. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 675, v. 35. Ufevile (Georgius). * De intestini recti strictura. 42 pp. 8°. Heidelbergce, O. A. Osswald, 1843. ^evil-Holt. Contents, virtues, and uses of Nevil-Holt Spaw-water, further proved, illustrated, and ex- plained from experiments and reason, with some histories of its signal effects in various diseases, collected by several hands; also rules and direc- tions for its more easy use and greater success. 2. ed. 8?. London, 1749. Nevill (James). A description of the venereal gonorrhoea, accounting for the symptoms and cure of that disorder, in a new, easy, and ra- tional manner; with remarks on the present practice, shewing the ill consequeuce of purg- ing, mercurial preparations, injections, astrin- gents, etc. 9 p. 1,, 115 pp. 8:. London, R. ?iriffiths, 1754. XMVILLE. 8G4 NKW Neville (Sylas). * De prognosi in febribus. 78 pj). >■'. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1775. Seville (William B.) On insanity ; its nature, causes, and cure, xii, 192 pp. 8-T London, Longman [ and others], 1836. Neville-Oi-enville (Ralph). Cottages. 3pp. i* . London, W. <'loins <.)'■ Sons, 1875. Repr. from: J. Bath Sc West, of Eng. Soc, 3. s., v. Nevins(J. Birkbeck). Clinical enquiry into the results of "Hancock's operation", or the di- vision of the ciliary muscle, in certain serious deep-seated aft'ections.of the eye. A paper com- municated to the first volume of the Liverpool Medical and Surgical Reports. 11 pp. 8°. Liverpool, D. Harpies, [1867]. [P., v. 1441.] ------. Statement of the grounds upon which the contagions diseases' acts are opposed. Addressed to the Right Hon. R. A. Cross, M. P., H. M. sec- retary of state for the home department, in ac- cordance with his letter that the memorialists should furnish him with a written statement of the grounds upon which they desire the repeal of the acts ; prepared at, the request of the Liver- pool committee of the association for promoting the repeal of the acts. 78 pp.. 1 tab. 8c. Lon- don, J. Churchill ,,- Sons, 1874. ----- The same. 3. ed. xvi, 81 pp.; l ch. sr. London, J. Churchill f Sons, 1875. See, also, Ail die** (An) to members of the American legislature, and eif the medical profession, etc. 8°. Lon- don, 1877— Troiistiau & Rereil. The prescriber's complete handbook [etc.] 8°. London, 1852. Nevius (Thomas). * De vermibus intestinornm. '2> pp. 8-. Edinburgi, A. Neill et socii, 1894, v. 30. ' ' Nevinsou (R. S.) Observations ou the use of crude mercury, or quicksilver, in obstructions ot the bowels arising from inflammations or other causes, with remarks on the use of castor oil. x, 50 pp. 8-. Newark [Eng.], J. Tomlin- son, [n. d.], v. 597. lYevi* (Island of). Sec Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Nevot (Louis). *De la perforation des vais- seaux par les corps strangers de l'cesophao-e. 49 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 81. Nevski (Basil). * O vlijanii osmievoi kisloti na organizm jivotnich i terapevt. upotreblenii eja v deitskoi praktike. [Effect of osmic acid on the human organism, and its use iu the treat- ment of children.] 84 pp., 1 1. 8C. St. Peters- burg, 1885. Ne\v (C. B.) Cholera, Observations on the management of cholera ou plantations, and metho'l of treating the disease, as practiced by . . . 8 pp. 8°. Rodney, Miss., R. N. Fether- ston'h 3- Co., [1850], New (Joannes). *Quamam pars aeris commu- nis corporis cavorum inflammationem coucitat, et quo modo? 2 p. 1., 34 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. XTeill cum sociis, 1795. New (The) Bath guide, or useful pocket com- panion for all persons residing at orresortino- to this ancient city ; giving an account of the first discovery of its medicinal waters by King Bla- dud; Saxon and Roman antiquities, nature and efficacy of the warm baths aud sudatories; with the rules and'prices of bathing and pumping, the virtues of the Bath waters used internally and externally ... to which is added the life, character, etc., of Richard Nash, esq., who pre- sided over the amusements of this city upwards of fifty years. New ed. 80 pp., 1 pl., 1 plan, 2 port. 16°. Bath, R. Cruttwell, 1801. New (The) discoveries on the action of alcohol. 20 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes $ Sons, [1861]. Repr. from: Meliora, April, 1861. New (The) dispensatory: containing, I. The the- ory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribu- tion of medicinal simples, according to their vir tuesand sensible qualities ; the description use and dose of each article. III. A full translation of the* London and Edinburgh pliarinace.po*i-,s • with the use, dose, etc., of the several medicines' IV. Directions for extemporaneous prescription' with a select number of elegant forms V \ collection of cheap remedies for the use of J he- poor ; the whole interspersed with praclieal cautious and observations ; intended as a correc- tion and improvement of Qnincy. vi pp 3 \ xxxii, 664 pp. 8~. London, J. Xonrsc, 175:7 * '' -----. Thesame. I. The elements of pharmacy II. The materia medica; or, an account of the substances employed in medicine; with the vir- tues and uses of each article, so far as they are warranted by experience and observation. ' III. The preparations aud compositions of the New London and Edinburgh pharmacopeias, [etc.] 4. ed., by William Lewis, viii (2 1.), (592 im 8°. Dublin, J. Potts, 1778. ' l' New (The) Doctor; a medical, philosophical, and literary magazine, and family journal of health. Edited by George Shipmau. [Weekly. ] v. 1, June 8, 1836, to June 14, 1K17. 436 pp. r*r i0H[ don, B. Steill. New (The) family physician, aud guide to health and long life, with a variety of valuable tables on medical statistics ; to which is now added an appendix, containing recipes for preparing the most celebrated patent medicines; with rational observations on longevity, founded ou the prin- ciples of the late John Abernethy. 215 pp., port. 12-. London, J. Smith, [n. d.] We w formations. See Tumors. New General Lying-in Hospital. A short account of the institution, plan, and present state of the . . . in Store-street, Tottenham Court road. 16 pp. sr London, J. Dixwell, [17871. Instituted 1767. -----. A short account of the institution, plan, and present state of the . . . for the recep- tion of pregnant women, and for deli vi ry of poor women at their own habitations. 2 pp. fol. [London, 1789?] New Hospital for Women, London, N. W. Annual reports of the managing committee to the sub- scribers. 8., 1879; 12., 1883; 13., 18-J4. * London,1880-85. Established as a dispensary in 1866. Opened as a hospi- tal 1872. New (A) idea. Stearns' popular non-secret med- icines. A monthly journal of true pharmacy in opposition to quackery in pharmacy, v. 7-9, 1885-8. 4 v. 4°. Detroit, F. Stearns $• Co. Current. An advertisement. New (The) Illustrated Hydropathic Quarterly Review. Title, on covers, of: Illustrated (The) Hydropathic Review. New Infirmary, Leeds. See General Infirmary, Leeds. New instruments. A bulletin of inventions and improvements of interest to the physician and surgeon. Published quarterly by Leach A Green. Number for April, 1887. fol. Boston. New (The) Irish bath versus the old Turkish ; or, pure air versus vapour. Being an answer to the errors and mis-statements of Drs. Madden and Corrigan. Edited by Photophilus. 40 pp. 8->. Dublin, W. McGee, 1869. New (The) London Medical Journal, v. 1-2, 1792-3. 8-. London. New (The) London medical, pharmaceutical, and posologieal pocket book (alphabetically ar- ranged) ; explaining the causes, symptoms, and NEW. 865 NEWARK. New (The) London medical [etc.]—continued. treatment; diagnostic and prognostic signs of diseases ; the natural and chemical characters, medicinal properties and uses ; doses and forms of exhibition ; incompatibles, adulterations, and officinal preparations of the various substances, ve-octable and mineral, contained in the phar- macopeeias [etc.] xxiv, 443 pp., 1 pl. 12°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert f Piper, 1844. New (The) Medical Era and Sanitarian. A. L. Chapman, editor. [Monthly.] v. 1; No. 1, v. 2. Jan., 1883, to Jan., 1884. 8°. Eansas City, Mo. In February, 1884, united with: Kansas (The) and Missouri Valley Medical Index, forming : lTIedieal (The) Index. Neiv Medical and Physical Journal; or, annals of medicine, natural history, and chemistry. Con- ducted by T. Bradley and William Shearman. [Monthly ; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-5, Nov., 1610, to June, 1813. s°. London. An offshoot from : Kletlieal (The) and Physical Jour- nal, v. 1 complete in 6 nos., Nov., 1810, to April, 1811; v. 2 complete in 8 nos., Mav to Dec, 1811; v. 3 commenced Jan., 1812. New Medicines: a monthly journal of progressive medicine. Ferdinand King, editor aud proprie- tor ; L. G. Alexander, associate editor. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, April to August, 187 h. 146 pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga. New (The) medico-chirurgical pharmacopceia; being a selection of modern formulae from the private and hospital practice of the most emi- nent members of the profession, in Europe and America. For the use of surgeons and surgeons- apothecaries. By a graduate of a Scotch uni- versity. 4. ed. xii, 180 pp. 12°. London, II'. Simpkin f R. Marshall, 1827. New (A) method for the improvement of the man- ufacture of drugs; in a treatise on the elixir proprietatis. ii,80pp. 8°. London, C. Davis, 1747. ------. The same. 80 pp. 8°. London, C. Davis, 1748. [P., v. 1335.] Manuscript note on title-page says: "By H. Barton, apothecary in Dublin ". New (A) and needful treatise of wind offending man's body. See R[owland] (W.) New .Orphan Houses (for 2,050 children), on Ash- ley Down, Bristol. Brief narrative of facts rel- ative to the . . . and the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad. By George Muller (being tho re- ports of the institution). 23., 1861-2 ; 24., 1862-3; 36.-45., 1874-5 to 1882-3. 8. London, 1862-83. New Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, Phil- adelphia. See Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, Philadelphia. New (The) practice of inoculating the small-pox cousider'd, and an humble application to the ap- proaching parliament for the regulation of that dangerous experiment. 40 pp. 8°. London, T. Crouch, 1722. [P., v. 964.] New Preparations; a quarterly journal of medi- cine, devoted to the introduction of new thera- peutical agents. Edited by George S. Davis and C. Henri Leonard, v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. De- troit. In 1879, v. 3 became monthly ; edited by "William Brodie. Continuedas: Therapeutic (The) Gazette. New Kennedies. A quarterly retrospect of thera- peutics, pharmacy, and allied subjects. Edited by Horatio C. Wood, jr. v. 1-12, July, 1,871, to Dec, ]s83. 8^. New York, W. Wood f Co. v. •_» complete in 6 nos., July, 1872, to Oct., 187.!; v. 3 be- gan Jan.. 1874. v. :i-4 edited by Fred. A. Castle,- in v. 5 t'hailis Kiee added. In v. 5 became monthly. Continued as: American Druggist. New (A) remedy for the ring-worm. [External application of castor oil. Suggested by a Paisee boy.] 1 broadside. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Another cop;/ bound with .- Review of Dr. Kennedy's notes, etc. 8-. London, 1828. 5o New Rupture Society. Instituted May 15, 1804, under the patronage of H. R. H. the Duke* of York, for the relief of both sexes afflicted with lerniary complaints and prolapses. Regulations o"the . . . including a list of its governors, mem- bers, and officers, with a short, account of the present state of this institution. 32 pp. 8°. London, S. Gosnell, 1812. New (A) system of the gout and rheumatism, Drawn from reason, anatomical observations, and experience. By the author of the Practical scheme. 48 pp. 16°. London, H. Parker, 1718. New (The) test act. See Alumnus (An). New (A) theory of continual fevers, wherein, be- sides the appearances of such fevers aud the method of their cure, occasionally, the structure of the glands, and the manner of secretion, the operation of purgative, vomitive, and mercurial medicines are mechanically explain'd. 3 p. 1., 123 pp. 16°. London, H. Newman, 1701. ------. The same. To which is prefixed, an es- say concerning the improvement of the theory of medicine. 3. ed. 3 p. 1., 168 pp. 8°. London, H. Parker, 1722. ------. The same. 6. ed. vi, 150 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, G. Strahan, 1744. New (A) theory of population; deduced from the general law of animal fertility. With an intro- duction by R. T. Thrall, iv, 44 pp. 12°. New York, Fowler f Wells, 1853. Repr. from: Westminster Review, 1852. New Town Dispensary, Edinburgh. Observations by the managers of the ... on the report to the quarterly meeting of managers of the public dis- pensary, 7th August, 1817. iv, 6-24 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Caledonian Mercunj Press, 1817. [P., v. 1171.] New and valuable apparatus for vapor baths. 16 pp. ,^°. [-Veir York, 1882.] ^ew Albany. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- ealilies. New Archangel. Blaschke (E.) Topographia medica portns Novi-Archangelscensis, sedis principalis colonia- rum roussicarum in septentrionali America. 8 J. Petropoli, 1842. NewarR, X. J. Annual reports of the health physician, together with the reports of the dis- trict physicians, to the board of health for the years 18r>8-62. 8-. Newark, 1859-63. 1858, 1860, and 1862, also, in: P., v. 3.)4. ------. Reports of deaths in Newark. [Weekly. ] Dec. 8, 1883, to Oct. 4, 1884; Oct. 18, 25; Nov. 8, 15, 29 to Dec. 27, 1884. 18°. [Newark, 1883-4.] Newark. Nee, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), by localities. Clark (J. H.) The medical topography of Newark, New Jersev. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, N. Y., 1861, 45-67.— tyrant (Cl'.) Annual report of the statistician of the New- ark Medical Association, for the, vear ending December 31, 1858. Ibid.. Newark, 1859, 84-95. — Leeds (A. 11.) The monstrous pollution of the water supply of Jersey City ancl Newark. A. Am. Chem. Soc. N. T.. 18S7. ix. 81-97. 1 pl.— Noil III-ml (L.) Essex water supply : drainage aud sew- erage of the citv of Newark, and their relation to the causa- tion of disease • the president's annual address to the Essex District Medical Societv. Tr. hi. See. N. Jersey. Newark, 1877. 192-200.— Whitehead (W. A.) Minimum, maxi- mum and mean temperature at Newark, N. J., for years 1844 to 1880. inclusive. Rep. Bd. Health NT Jersey 1880, Camden, 1881, iv, 195-207. \ewaik. Board of Health. Anuual reports of the board of health. [By the chief health in- spector to the board.] 1., 1885; 2., 1886. 47 pp.; 49 pp., 6 1. 8°. Neivark, 1-86-7. Reorganized May 27, 1885. NEWAEK. 8G6 NEWBOUIKJ. [\<>\vili'k. Hoard of Health of the City of Newark, N. J. Annual report to the mayor and city council, for the year 1882. 13 pp., 1 1. 8\ Xeivcirk, Graver Bros.,^1883. \e\Viii'k. Department of Health. Condensed | statements of vital statistics of the citv of New- ark, N. J. [ Monthly. J March, 1886.' to May, 1888. 4-. Xewark, i886-8. \ewark. Newark Aqueduct Board. Annual re- pent of the . . . by the superintendent and secre- tary, for the year 1881-2. 1 diag., 118 pp. 8C. Newark, H. B. Thistle, 1883. Newark Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual reports of the trustees and surgeons to the subscribers and the public. 1.-8., 1880-87. 8°. Newark, 1881-8. Incorporated Jan. 31, 1880. Newark. Industrial Exhibition. Report aud catalogue of the first exhibition of Newark in- dustries. 74 pp. 8-. Newark, Holbrookes steam printery, 1872. Newark Medical Association. Statement in reference to a diploma granted by the Newr York Medical College. Presented to the American Medical Association, May 4, 1858. 13 pp. 8°. Newark, N. J., Newark Mercury Office, 1858. Newarker deutsches Hospital. Jaliresberiehte des Direktoriums und arztlichen Collegiums fiir die Jahre 1871-2 bis 1873-4; 1877-8. 8°. New- ark, 1872-8. New Bedford. Board of Health of the City of New Bedford, Mass. Annual reports to the citv council. 1.-3., 1879-81. 8°. New Bedford, 1889-82. New-Berne, North Carolina. See Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. Hewherry, South Carolina. Report of "the medical committee on the endemic dis- eases of Newberry, read before the Newberry (S. C.) Agri- cultural Society. ' Charlestown M. J., 1852, vii, 791-799. Newberry (J. 8.) Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of Ohio. 41pp. 8 r Columbus, R. Nevins, 1860. Repr. from: Ohio Agricultural Report for 1859. -----. Report on the state-house well. 11 pp. 8°. [Columbus, I860.] Repr. from .- Rep. of Supt. of state-house for 1860. -----. Report on the condition of the troops, and the operations of the Sanitary Commission in the valley of the Mississippi, for the three months ending. Nov. 30, 1861. 48 pp. 8C. Cleveland, Fairbanks, Benedict >• B.) A catechism on human teeth. A free gift for the use of the general public. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. New York, S. W. Green, 1871. ------. Nitrous oxide gas. A reported death from its use. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] New Brunswick (Province of). An act to regulate the qualifications of practitioners in medicine and surgery, and to provide a medical council of health in the province of New Bruns- wick. Passed 13 April, 1859. 7 pp. 8°. [n.p., J. Simpson, 1859.] New Brunswick (Province of). Provincial Lunatic Asylum, at St. John. Annual report of the medical superintendent to the provincial secretary. 32., 1878-9. 34 pp. 8°. Fredericton, G. E. Fcnety, 1889. lew Brunswick (Province of). Boyle (A.) Some remarks on the fever most prevalent in New Brunswick, North America, with a sketch of the topography and climate of that period. Edinb. M. efc S. J., 1826, xxvi,' 1-15. NewlHii'gli. See Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities. Newburgh, N. Y. Board of Health. Annual reports of tbe medical officer to the mayor and board of health for the vears 1867-8; 1868-9; 1879; 1883; 1884. 8°. Newburgh, 1868-85. IVewfourn, England. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. .\ewluiry. Lee (W.*) Report to the General Board of Health, ou a preliminary inquiry into the sewer- age, drainage, and supply of water, and the san- itary condition of the inhabitants of the borough of Newbury, iu the county of Berks. 8 T Lon- don, 1852. Newburyport, Mass. Annual report of the directors of the Public Library of the city of Newburyport to the city council. 17., 1871-2. 31 pp. 8°. Newburyport, W. H. Husefy Co., 1872. Newburyport, Mass. Board of Health of the City of Newburyport, Mass. Annual reports to the mayor and city council. 3.-5., 1880-82. 8°. Xewbnryporl, 1881-3. Newby'(George). t'o-Editor of: Journal of Health of the Metropolitan Medical College, New York, 1859-60. Vow Caledonia. Dei.a.s (A.-A.) *Quelqnes considerations sur la Nouvelle-Calddonie et ses maladies. 4 . Mont- pelliei; 1873. de Rochas (V.) * Essai sur la topographie hy- gie.niqne et medicale de la Nouvelle-Cale'donie. 4-T Paris, 1860. Also [Abstr.J, in: Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Tar., 1861, ii, 48-51. Vaysset (P.) * Contribution a la geographie medicale. Nouvelle-Caletloiiie et dependances. 4°. Montpellier, 1874. \ew Caledonia. Vinson (D.-P.-E.) ■ Elements d'une topogra- phie medicale de la Xouvelle-Calcdonie et de file des Pins. 4-. Paris, 187,8. Boiir^:ii'<*l (A.) Des races de 10c6anie franchise, ile celles ch la Xnuvelle-Cal6donie en particulier. Mem. Sue. d'anthrop. ile I'ar., 1860-63, i, 251: 1863-5, ii, 375.— Bovi i . Quelques mots sur la pathologic indigene; ele la Neiuvclli- Caledouie, des Loyalty et des NouvelleK-IIe'brides. Arch. de med. nav., Par., 1878, xxx, 224-231.— Krawsac. Notes sur les principales maladies, observees dans la Nouvelle- Caledonie. Cong, internat. denied, d. colonies 188:1, Amst., 1884, 304-322, 2 tab— Kioiieciiiiilii* (A.) Considerations generates sur la vegetation de la Noiivcllc - Cah'-demie. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1884, xii, 25o-2(iO.— Foley. Quelques details et r6flexions sur le costume et les mo*urs de la coquette neo-cale5donienue. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 675-683. -----. Deux mots sur le mode vital des hommes et (tout particulierement) des femmes noirs; k propos du pot-au-feu des N6o-Caledoniens et des rares soreieres qui, seules, saventle fabriquer. Ibid., 748- 750.—Foil fan. Sur l'existence fr6quente de dents sup- plementaires chez les Neo-Caledoniens. Ibid., 1881. 3. s., iv, 594-596.—lie Roy de illerit-om-t efc . Lond., 1871, 420-429.—Excenieivn (The) death-rate of Newcastle. San. Rec:., Lond., 1S83-4. n. s., v, 245; 391.— Philipson (G. H.) On the health and meteorology of Newcastle and Gateshead duriiiy: 1 he years 1868-9. Brit. M. A.. Loud., 1871, i. 50. —Report of the Lancet Sanitary Commission on Xi-wcastle-on-Tviie. Lancet. Lond., 1874 i, 58. — Rut Iter foul (.1. IL) The public health of New- castle' npon-Tvne in I860 and 1869. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot Social Sc. 1870, Lond., 1871, 414-420. Newcastle-npon - Tyne. Newcastle - upon- Tyne City Lunatic Asylum, Coxlodge. Annual re- ports of the committee of visitors and medical superintendent to the magistrates. 1., 18(>5 ; 2., 1866; 1,8.-23., 1882-7. 8°. Ncwcastle-upon-Tune, 1866-88. r J ' Opened June 24, 1865. -----. Rules and regulations of the . . . (Ap- proved by the secretary of state for the home departmeut.) 15 pp. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Daily Journal Office, 1867. Newcastle - upon - Tyne. Newcastle-upon- Tyne Fever Hospital. Duties of medical superin- tendent and matron. Oct. 4, 1882. 3 pp. 8 t [Newcastle-upon-Tyne, A. Reid, 1882.] -----. General rules, special rules for nurses, and rules for patients. March, 1882. broadside, 20 x 30 in. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, A. Reid, [1882]. -----. [Blank forms in use.] v. s. [Newcastle- upon-Tyne, n. d.] Bill for supplies ; clinical chart; diet list; receipts; record of patient; tender for supplies. See, also Embleton (D.) Report from the Newcastle and Gateshead Fever Hospital on typhus and small- pox, for the year 1864-5. 8°. [Newcastle, 1865.] Newcastle-upon-Tyne Dispensary. An- nual reports of the committee and resident med- ical officer to the governors. 108.-110., 1885-7. 8:. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1886-8. .\ewcluvaiigT, Wat*oii (J.) \ >loi■i«on (W.) Report on the health of Newchwanu. 1870-80. Customs Gaz. M„l Ken Shanghai. 1S7U-71, no. 1, 124: 1871-2. uo. :i Kl'os7"i' 1873, no. 4, 27: 1872-3, no. 5, 47: (ls74) 1*7", uo 8 7 (1876), 1877 no 12. 28. Continued in .- China. Imp. Cii* toms. Med. Kep., Shanghai. 1877-8, no. 15, 28- 1878-e, ,,„ 17, 8: 1879-80, no. 19, 1: 1880-81, no. 21. 37: (188-) 1883 no. 24, 1: (1883), 1884, no. 20, 25: l88:i-4, no. 27 22-1885-0 no. 31, 1. ' ' Neweoillb (Daniel). The different theories that have been advanced ou the subject of the proxi- mate cause of conception in the human female 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. H. Oswald, 1806. Newcoine (Rev. Dr.) See Why tt (Robert). An essay ou the virtues of lime- water, etc. 3. ed. 16°. Lublin, 1762. Newell (Daniel). The guide to health. De. signed to promote the health, happiness, and longevity of students and all others in sedentary life, especially invalids, x, 11-84 pp. Is. Bos- ton, S. T. Farrcn, 1825. Newell (O. K.) Some observations ou the anat- omy of the male urethra, in relation to endoscopy, litholapaxy, aud catheterization. 11 pp. p^o] Boston, Cupples, Upham f Co , 1SH>. Repr. from: Boston M. cfe S. J., 1886, exv. [Newell (Sarah.)] Facts connected with the treatment of insanity in St. Luke's Hospital; with letters on the subject to Lord Brougham, the committee of St. Luke's Hospital, Drs. Bir- beck, Elliotson, aud others, on an introductory letter to the most noble the Marquis of Nor- manby. 54 pp. 8°. London, E. Wilson, 1841. Newell (W. M.) Co-Editor of: Western (The) Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery. Evansville, Ind., 1872. New England. See, also, Directories, etc. (Medical); Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), bij localities. Burleigh. TheOldColouy'Railroad; its con- nections, popular resorts, and fashionable water- ing-places. 8°. Boston, 1876. Ellis (J.) Deterioration of the Puritan stock, and its causes. 8°. New York, 1884. Allen (NT) Changes in New England population. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1883, xxiii, 433-444. Also, Re- print.—Leonard (J. P.) The fevers in New England. Boston M. & S. J., 1845, xxxii, 189-191. New England Asylum for the Blind, Boston. See Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, Boston. New England (The) Botanic, Medical and Sur- gical Journal. C. Newton, editor and proprie- tor. [.Semi-monthly.] v. 1-5, 1847-51. 8°. Wor- cester, Mass. v. 4 became monthly. A continuation of: IVew Ent{. land (The) Medical Eclectic ancl Guide to Health. See, Woree*ler (The) Journal of Medicine, for v. 6, et seq. New England (The) Eclectic Medical Jour- nal; a monthly journal devoted to the interest's of progressive medicine. Edited by Eli (i. Jones (Union Village, Vt,). No. 1, v. 1, May, 1872. 4 pp. fol. Auburn, Me., S. York. New England (The) Eclectic Medical Jour- nal. Devoted to the interests of progressive medicine. Eli Grellet Jones, editor and proprie- tor. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to March, 1873. 8°. Enfield Centre, N. H. New England Female Medical College, Bos- ton. Anuual reports and catalogues for the years 1848-9 to 1870-71 (1.-23.). 8°. Boston, 1850-71. First session commenced Nov. 1, 1848, as the Boston Fe- male Medical School. Incorporated as the Female .Medi- cal Education Society, April 30, 1850. Held two course s annually the first five vears. Adopted above title Mi\ 28, 1856, by act of the legislature. The first report is for 2 years, and in 1802 the number 13 was omitted, to corre- spond with the commencement of the institution. In 1873. united with the Boston University School of Medicine 1.-23. bound in 2 v. NEW ENGLAND. 869 NEW FOCNDLAND. ,\ew England Female Medical [etc.]—cont'd. -----. Announcement to a course of medical lect- ures to women in the city of Boston, by the fac- ulty of the Female Medical College of Pennsyl- vania, in conjunction with the New England Female Medical College. To commence Feb. lti. 1852, and continue for four months. 12 pp. H-. Boston, printed for the Faculty, 1851. Bound wiih : Reports 1848-9 to 1857-8. -----. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1852-3 to 1871-2 (5.-24.). 8. Boiton, 1852-71. In: Annual reports and catalogues for the preceding years. [See sup fa.] ■-----. Annual advertisement for the session of 1S53-4 (ti.). 8 pp. 8°. Boston, S. Gregory, 1853. Bound with: Reports 1848-9 to 1857-8. -----. Memorial [of the present and past trus- tees] to the Massachusetts legislature [agaiust tlie removal of Dr. Samuel Gregory, secretary of the board of trustees of the college]. Presented and received May 21,1866. 3 pp. 8°. Boston, 1866. Bound with : Reports 1858-9 to 1870-71. -----. See; also : Massachitsetts. Keport to the Massachu- setts legislature, by the committee on educa- tion, in favor of an appropriation of $5,000 to the Female Medical Education Society, together with the constitution, names of officers and mem- bers, and other information respecting the .so- ciety, and the Boston Female Medical School. Senate Doc No. 70. 8-. Boston, 1,851. New England Female Moral Reform Society, Boston. Annual reports of the executive com- mittee to the board of managers. 15., 1852-3; 16., 1853-4. 8°. Boston, 1853-4. New England Home for Intemperate Women, Boston. [An appeal to the public for means to carry on the work of the institution.] 2 1. 8'-. [Boston, 1878.] Opened January 27, 1879; incorporated March 30,1881, as the Massachusetts Home for Intemperate Women, which see, for continuation. -----. Annual reports of the managers and ma- tron to the contributors and the public. 1., 1879-80; 2., 1880-81. 8°. Boston, 1880-81. New England Hospital for Women and Chil- dren, Boston. Annual reports of the secretary and resident physician to the society at their annual meetings. 1.-23., 1862-3 to 1884-5. 8-". Boston, 1863-86. Opened July 1, 1862; incorporated March 12, ]s65. 14. is 2. ed. revised. New England Industrial School for the Edu- cation aud Instruction of Deaf Mutes, at Bev- erly. Annual reports of the trustees aud officers to the societv and the public. 1., 1880-81 ; 3., 1882-3; 4., 1883-4. Hr Beverly, 1881-4. Organized 1876; incorporated 1879. Opened February, 1880. Nt'W England Institution for the Education of the Blind, Boston. See Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, Boston. New England Journal of Dentistry and Allied Sciences. Edited by associated dentists. Charles Mayr, scientific editor. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, Jan., 1882, to Oct., 18-4. s-'. Springfield, Mass. No. 10, v. 3, Oct., 1884, last published; then merged in : Archives (The) of Dentistry, Saint Louis. Title of v. 2-3 was: IVew Knglaml Journal of Dentistry. New England (The) J, urnal of Medicine and .Surgery, and the Collateral Branches of Science. Conducted by a number of physicians. [Quar- terly. ] v. 1-15, January, 1812, to December, 182(). 8 r Boston, Bradford f Read. Continuedas: IVcw England (The) Medical Review and Journal. New England (The) Medical Eclectic. W. C. Ceorgc, editor. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. I, July, 1859. 40 pp. 8C. Worcester, Mass. New England (The) Medical Eclectic and Guide to Health. Edited by Calvin Newton. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1, Jan. 1 to Dec. 16, 1-46. 384 pp. 8Z. Worcester, Mass. -----. The same. No. 1, v. 2, Jan. 1, 1-47. r'4 pp. 8C. The name was then changed, and another No. 1 was issued Jan. 1, 1847. as No. 1, v. 1, of: ><•«- E nglaml (The) Botanic, Medical and Surgical Journal. See .>'«■«- England (The) Botanic, Medical aud Surgical Je.urnal. for continuation. New England (The) Medical Gazette. A monthly journal of honueopathic medicine, sur- gery, aud the collateral sciences. Edited by H. C. Angell. v. 1-23, January, lsiiti-S-. s . Boston. Current, v. 7, 1872, contains onlv nos. 1-3, 7-8. Edited successively bv I. T. Talbot, W. Tod Helinuth, WT Wes- selhoef't, II. A. Chase, John L. Coffin, E. P. White. H. C. Clapp, and J. P. Sutherland. New England Medical Monthly. William C. Wile, editor and proprietor, v. 1-7, October, 1881-8. 8C. Newtown; Bridgeport, Conn. Current. New England (The) Medical Review and Journal. Conducted by Walter Channing and John Ware. [Quarterly.] v. 1, 1827. 444 pp. 8°. Boston. Also called v. 16 of: Now England (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Unite*el with : Boston Medical Intelligencer, forming: Boston (The) Medical and Sur- gical Journal. New England Medical Society of Specialists. Transactions of the first semi-annual meeting. 1., 1879. 26,11pp. 81-. Boston, 1*79. New England' Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany of Boston. Annual reports of the direc- tors, at tin- annual meetings of the members. 1.-19., 1843-4 to 1861-2. iv, 15b pp. 8C. Bos- ton, X. Sawyer, 1863. New England Psychological Society. Organ- ization of Dec. 14, 1875. 2 1. 4-. [n.p., n.'d.] New England (The) Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by Charles E. Ware and Samuel Parkman. v. 1, July,. 1842, to June, 1843. 595 pp. 8°. Boston, I). Clapp. jr. New England Society for the Suppression of Vice, Boston. Annual reports of the executive committee. 6.. 1883-4; 7., 1*84-5. 12°. Boston, 1884-5. New England Women's Auxiliary Associa- tion, Branch of the United States Sanitary Com- mission, Boston. See United States Sanitary Commission, New England Women's Auxiliary Association, Branch. \cu < iilinm (ArthnrWellesleyE.) [1813- 57]. Obitnai-y notice. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 459. Newer ( Ein ) Albertus Magnus. Von Weibern und (ieburten der Kinder sampt ihren Artzneieu. Von Tugendeu etlicher fiirnemer Kreliter. Von Krafft der edlen Gestein. Von Art uud Natur etlicher Thier. Mit sampt eim bewerteu Regi- ment fiir die Pestilentz. Alles von newem ge- bessert durch Q. Apollinarem. xiv ff., 2 1. sm. 4-. Franckf. a. M., H. Giilfferichen, [1564]. ]Uewera-Ellia. .Haswy ( H. D.) Cases of fever, with remarks on the topograph v. climate, and sanitary condition of Xewera Ellia during the vear 1865. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1*66, Lond., 1868, viii, 496-504, 1 map. — .Hurray. Keport on Newere Ellia in Ceylon ; with general remarks em military convalescent stations. Tr. M. ..v. Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1835- 42, viii, 240-251. Newerc (A) code. 2 1. 4°. I New York; 18-4 ?] \(\v Foiiiullaiid. See, etl so, Saint Pierre Island. du Bois Saim-Seviiix ( E.-M. ) "Deux ans aux iles Saint-Pierre et Miqiielon (Terre-Xeuve); notes medieales, 1882-4. 4-. Bordeaux, It: 86. XEW FOUXDLAND. 870 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Yew Found land. Alexander (J.) On the climate of Newfoundland aud some of the diseases chieflv met with there. Duhliu J. M. Sc. 1878, lxv, 32t!-3:jl. — l.e Roy de lTIoritourt (A.) Teire-Neuve. Diet, eucvel. el. se. meel., Par., 1886, 3. s . xvi, 198-517.— Lloyd (IT (';. il.) On the "Beothucs ", a trihe of red Indians, supposed to ho extinct, which for- meilv inhahited Newfoundland. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1874-,"), iv, 21, 1 pl. : 1875-6, v, 222, 1 pl. Newfoundland. Hospital for the Insane, St. John's. Annual report, of the physician superin- tendent to the legislative assembly. 13., l8(iU. 21 pp. 8~. Loudon, E. C, G. Blight, 1861. New Graefenberg (The) Water-Cure Kcpor- ter. Devoted to the hydropathic treatment of disease, the report of cases, and the dissemination of the principles of physiology aud medical re- form. Edited by Henry Foster. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 2, Jan., 1850. 32 pp. 8°. Utica, NY., L'. Holland. Yew Hampshire. the Amuionoosnc, River. Rep. Bd. Health X. Hampshire Concord, 1S81-2, i, 53-61.— KouiNii-aiion report for the yi'i-.r ending March 31, 1SS2. II,id., lhK'J — :i, ii, 7_3l._ Wheeler. Report on the sanitary condition of alms- houses. Tr. X. Hampshire M. Soc, Manchester, 1871 90-94. New Hampshire. Adjutant - General of the State of Niw Hampshire. Keports for the years 18(i2-:5; 181)1-5 to 1868-9; 18? \-2. H°. Concord i}- Manchester, 1863-72. New Hampshire. New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane; at Concord. Annual reports of the board of trustees, superintendent, treasurer, and financial agent to the governor of the State. 1.-44., 1842-3 to 18S(i-7. 8°. Concord, 18-i:'-H7 Opened Oct. 28, 1842. -----. See, also : New Hampshire. Report of the board of auditors, appointed by the governor and council to inquire into the general financial transactions of the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane, etc. To the legislature, June session, 1«77. s.■-. Concord, 1877. New Hampshire. State Board of Health of the State of New Hampshire. Annual reports to the governor and council. 1.-4., 1881-2 to 1884-f), 8°. Concord, 1882-5. 1881-2 and 1882-3, contain the registration reports for 1881 and 1882, relating to hirths, marriages, divorces, and deaths. -----. Circular No. 1, Nov., 1881. To local boards of health, physicians, and others interest- ed in sanitary science [informing them of the organization of the State hoard, and soliciting co-operate assistance]. 3 pp. 8-. [Concord, 1881.] -----. Circular No. 2, Dec. 19, 1881. To the public: [On the importance of vaccination against small-pox]. 1 sheet. 8°. [Concord, lo81.] -----. Circular No. 4. To physicians, request- ing them to telegraph the first case of small-pox coming within their knowledge, that immediate action may he taken in the matter. Jan. 23, 1882. 1 sheet. 16°. Concord, 1882. -----. Circular No. 5. Suggestions for the pre- vention and restriction of small-pox. 2 1. 16°. [Concord, 1882.] -----. Circular No. 6. Order to local health boards. Regulations against the invasion of small-pox. 1 sheet. 8°. [Concord, 1882.] New Hampshire (The) Journal of Medicine. Edited by Edward H. Parker. [Monthly.] v. 1-8, August, 1850, to Dec, 1858. 8°. Concord, 1850-55; Manchester, 1850-8. Ended, v. 2 commenced Sept., 1851; v. 3 commenced Oct., 1852 ; v. 4 commenced January, 1854. In Sept., 1853, George H. Hubbard added as editor; v. 4-8, Dr. Huhhard editor and proprietor; in nos. 8-12, v. 5, Charles Bell added. New Hampshire Medical Institution, Han- over. See Dartmouth College, medical depart- ment, for announcements. New Hampshire Medical Society. Organized Feb. 11, 1791. The by-laws, regulations, and police of the centre district, organized June 3, 1807. 24 pp. 12c. Concord, Chase f Crosby, 1840. -----. The by-laws, regulations, and police. 22 pp. 12°. Concord, N. H., Morrill, Silsby if Co., 1841. -----. The by-laws, regulations, and code ot ethics. 34 pp. 12-. Concord, Xr. H., A. McFar- land, 187,9. -----. Transactions of 64.-97. anniversaries, 1854-1887. Bd. in 9 v. 8<-. Concord, 1854---7. -----. Report of the committee on surgery, by Ceo. H. Hubbard. 15 pp. 8-". [n. p., 1858.] llepr.from: Tr. X. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1857. rVew Granada. ■Sec Goitre, by localities; Panama. i\ew Guinea. C'omi-ie. Anthropological notes on New Guinea. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1876-7, vi, 102-119.— I.,awe* (WT G.) Ethnological notes on the Motu, Koitapu, and Koiari trihes of New Guinea. Ibid., 1878-9, viii, 369-377. -----. The effect of the climate of Xew Guinea upon exotic races. Australas. M. (iaz.. Sydney, 18K6-7, vi, 185.—ITIante- gazza (P.) Studii antropologici ed etuograiici sulla Nuova Guinea. Arch, per 1' autrop., Firenze, 1877, vii, 137; 307, 16 pl. Also, l'epiint. — Meyer (A.-B.) Sur l'ethnologie de la Nouvelle-Guiii6e. Bull. Soc. d'antlirop. de Par., 188n. 3. s., iii, 346-362.—Keel un (E\) Les No- foures de la Xouvelle-Iriiinee. Kev. internat. d. sc. hiol., Par., iss-j, x, 4S1-5U9.—Sehelloug (O.) Mittheilungen iiher die Malaria-Erkrankuugen in Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 493; 523.— Sti-am-h (H.) Allgemeine Bemerkungen ethnologischen Inhalts iiher Neu-Guiuea, die Anachoreten-Iuseln, Neu- Haunover, Neu-Irland. Neu-Britannien unci Bougainville, im Anschluss an elie doit gemachten Sammlungen ethno- logischer Gegenstande. Ztschr. f. Ethuol., Berl., 1877, ix, 9; 81.—Turner (\VT Y.) The ethnology of the Motu. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1877-8, vii, 470-499.-----. Two masks and a skull from islands near New Guinea; a contribution to anthropology. J. Anat. efc Phvsiol., Lond. 1879-80, xiv, 475-494. 1 pl.—Wake (C. S.) Notes on the Polynesian race. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1880-81, x, 109-123.—Wliitmee (S. J.) The ethnology of Polynesia. Ibid., 1878-9, viii, 261-275, 1 map. New Hampshire. Report of the commission- ers concerning contagious diseases among cat- tle. June session, 18(55. 24 pp. 8°. Concord, A. Hadley, 1865. -----. Report of the board of auditors, ap- pointed by the governor and council to inquire into the general financial transactions of the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane, etc. To the legislature, June session, 1877. 7 pp. 8°. Concord, E. A. Jenks, 1877. -----. Annual report relating to the registration and return of births, marriages, divorces, and deaths in Xew Hampshire. New series. 4., 1883; 5., 1884. 8'-. Concord, 1884-5. Laws relative to insane persons. 7 pp. MS. fol. [11. p., 11. d.] I¥ew Hampshire. See, also, Charlestown; Concord; Diph- theria (History of); Education (Medical), etc., Fever (History, etc., of), by localities; Isle of Shoals; Manchester; Pharmacy; Ports- mouth. Hitchcock (C. H.) Report of the geological survey of the State of New Hampshire, showing its progress during the year 1871. 8~. Nashua, 1872. Crosby (A. B.) Medical historv of New Hampshire. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Nashua, 1870, 4.S-75. Also, Reprint. — Filch i F. P.) Report of the corresponding secretary of the New Hampshire Medical Society for the southern distiiet. NT Hampshire J. M., Concord. 1850-51, i, 19; 33. —Ham (J. It. ) Keport on the sanitary condi. tion of the alms-house in Stratford County. Tr. N! Hamp- shire M. Soc, Manchester. Ih72. 01-04. — Pollution of NEW HAMPSHIRE. 871 NEW JERSEY. New Hampshire Medical Society—continued. -----. The charter, by-laws, regulations, and code of ethics, with its presidents and fellows. 40 pp. 8 . Concord, McFarland f Jenks, 1860. -----. The same. 47 pp. 8°. Concord, 1873. New Hampshire riiarmaceutical Association. Proceedings of the anuual meetings. 1., 1875; 5., 1878. 8-V Concord, 1876-9. New Hartford, X. Y. Xo. 53. Organization of the local board of health. Sanitary laws and regulations obligatory upon the inhabitants of the town. As adopted 1884. 2 1. 8°. [New York, 1887.] New Haven, Conn. City year book of the city of Xow-Haveu. Containing lists of the officers of the city and town governments, mes- sages of the mayor, reports of the heads of de- partments, standing committees of the court of common council, public documents, and miscel- laneous papers, for the years 1870-71; 1872-3; 1874-5; 1880. 8°. New Haven, 1871-81. Contains reports of the hoard of health, vital statistics. ■-----. Annual reports of the street department, to the common council, for the years 18711-8: 1881. 8-. Hartford, 1*79-82. 1876-8 in'one. -----. A report of the joint special committee on water, to the common council. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. New Haven, Hoggson f Robinson, 1881. -----. Report, of the special investigating com- mittee to the court of common council, as to the purchase of the New Haven water-works. 15 pp. 8~. New Haven, Stafford Printing Co., 1881. -----. Reports of deaths in Xew Haven. [Weekly.] Dec. h, 18-53, to June 14, 1884; June 28 to Aug. 16; Sept. 6, 1884, to Jan. 3, 1885. 18°. [New Haven, 1883-5. ] Hew Haven, Connecticut. See, also, Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities. Brewer (W. H.) Letter of the president of the board [of health, New Haven, Conn.]. 8-. [New Haven, 18,84.] Evergreen Cemetery of New Haven. Exer- cises at the dedication of the new grounds of the . . . July 29, 1856. With the addresses, etc., delivered on the occasion. 8°. New Haven, 1856. [Report of a committee appointed to inves- tigate the sanitary conditions of Yale College buildings and of the city of New Haven.] 8°. [Xew Haven, 1884.] Bill of mortality, in New Haven, Connecticut, from Januarv 1, 1815, to January 1, 1816. Eclect. Repert., Phila., 1816, vi, 261.—Cesspool (The) question in New Haven. [Edit.] San. Engin.. N. YT. 18S3. viii, 415.— Dow (V. M.) Observations on the diseases which prevailed iu New Haven, Conn., during the winter of 18:S1-'J. Boston M. & S. J., 1832, vi 313-317. New Haven, Conn. Board of Health of the City of New Haven. Annual reports to the common coun- cil. 1.-14. (1873-86). 8T New Haven, 1874-87. -----. Rules, regulations, and by-laws of the . . . and by-laws of the city of New Haven concern- ing nuisances, also statute laws relating to board of health. 32 pp. 8°. New Haven, Tuttle, More- house 2. fo July 1.8.85; Oct., lS,-'5 4°. Xew York, \877-<4. M iCDiCAL(The)directory of Philadelphia. Penn- sylvania, Delaware, aud the southern half of Xew Jersey. 1885; 1887. 12°. Philadelphia, 1887,-7. Blackwood ( W. R. D. ) Health resorts in New Jersey. Meel. Bull.. Phila., 1885, vii, 303; :i7;i: viii, 13.— II mil (K. M.) Keport of the lmreau of vital statistics of the State of New Jersev, 1879-8:!. Rep. Bel. Health N Jersey. Camden, 1880, iv. 311: Mt. Hollv, 1881, v 2">9- Woodbury. 1882, vi, '.'(il : 1883, e,ii, 315: Trenton,'1884, viii, :r > Johnson (J. U.) [A report of the diseases which have prevailed in Warren County. N. J., durin(>.l Med. efe Surer. Reporter, Burlington, 1857, x 154- 175.—l.ariHon (G. H.) Diseases prevalent in the valley of the Delaware. Tr. M. Soe. NT Jersey, Newark 1872 73-90.—Leeds (A. R.) Water-supply of Hudson ('duntv' Rep. Bd. Health Co. Hudson, N. J., i867, N. Y., 1878, 29- 32. -----. The water supplv of Newark, Jersey City, and Hohoken. San. Engin., N. Y., 1880-81, iv, 351; 379.— lVl'Geoi-ge (W.) The seaside resorts of New Jersey. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1881, n. s.. iii. 523-527.—?lai-n'Ii (E. J.) Report on vital statistics. Rep. I'.el. lieallh N. Jersey, Trenton: 1877, i, 35-42. — .Vlctcorolotfical rec- ords. Ibid., 18,8, ii, 167-175. —Pari-ie.li (J.) Report on the epidemics of New Jersey. Tr. Am. M. Ass., I'hila., 1852, v. 292-305. -----. Climate cure: New Jersey pines! Metl. cfe Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1880, xliii, 558. -----. The Pine District of New Jersey as a health resent. Country Pract., Beverly, N. J., 1880-81, ii, 187. —Report of tlie medical superintendent of vital statistics to the secretary of state and the State hoard of health. 1877-9. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey. Trenton, 1878, ii, 177: Camden, 1879, iii, 173. [See, also, supra. Hunt. J— Schedules of questions for a sanitary survey of Hudson County, New Jersey, and Bayonne. NT JT Rep. Nat. Bel. Health, Wash., 1879,109-237, 17 pl. — Smith (L. A ) On the topography and epidemic diseasesof New Jersey, anil the treatment thereof. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1858, xi, 169-181). Also, Reprint—Steven- boh (J. R.) The "Pines" of New Jersey as a resilience for patients with pulmonary disease. Phila. M. Times. 1873-4, iv. 7511.—Taylor (O. II.) Medical topogiaphv of Camden Countv, New Jersev. Tr. M. Soc N. Jer.se>, N. Y., 1861, !»7-1(18. Also. Reprint. - Variclt (T. R.) Re- port on epidemics and endemics that have occurred in the Slate of Xew Jersey since 1870. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey, Trenton, 1877, i, 103-129.—Ward (L. B.) Memo randuru on the soil, contour, aud drainage of Hudson County. Rep. Bd. Health Co. Hudson, N. J., 1877, N. Y., 1878, 33-46. New Jersey. Bureau of Vital Statistics. Cir- cular xxxiv. Marriage, birth, and death re- turns. Copy of sections of laws defining the duties of clergymen, coroners, physicians, mid- wives, undertakers, etc. 4 pp. 8°. [Trenton, 1883:'] -----. [Circular calling attention to the neces- sity of a State record of every marriage, birth, and death, and the penalty for neglect to obey the law. ] 1 sheet. 8J. [Trenton, 1883.] New Jersey. Dairy Commissioner. Annual re- ports of the dairy commissioner to the senate and general assembly. 1., 1.8811; 2., 1887. 8°. Tren- ton, J. D. Murphy Publishing Co., 1887-8. Dairy commissioner was appointed March 22, 1886. -----. Circular No. 3. Laws of New Jersey re- lating to food and drugs. 19 pp. 8°. [I'aterson, 1887.] New Jersey. Geological Survey of Xew Jersey. Annual reports of the State geologist to the gov- ernor of the State, for the years 1874 ; 1882. -'-r Trenton, 1874-82. New Jersey. Health Commission. Annual re- port to the governor of the State. 1. (1874). 06 pp., 11. w;. Trenton, W. S. Sharp, 1874. New Jersey. New Jersey House for Disabled Soldiers, at Newark, N. J. Annual reports of the managers and commandant to the governor of the State. 1.-12., 18(56 to 187C.-7. 8J. Trenton, 186,7-77. 1. report for 5 months, July to Nov., 1866. 1866, 1869- 70, and 1870-71 in MS. NEW JERSEY. 873 XEW JERSEY. New Jersey. New Jersey School for Deaf-Mutes, Trenton. Annual report of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State, for the year 1883-4. 23 pp. 8°. Trenton, J. I,. Mur- phy, !8<-4. New Jersey. New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum, at Trenton. By-laws adopted by the managers. Also the act to provide for the organization of said asylum, and for the care and maintenance of the insane; passed Feb. 23, 1847. And the supplement to said act, passed March 9, 1848. 40 pp. 8 . Trenton, Brittain 3,'Jones, 1848. Opened Mav 15, 1848. Bound with: Reports, 2.-13., 1848-59. ------. Annual reports of the managers and offi- cers to the governor of the State. 2.-38., 1848 to 1883-4. 8-T Trenton, I'iiieliincl. etc., 1849-84. The managers' 2. report (1848) is the superintendents' 1. report, which dates from tho opening to Dec. 31, 1848. The 19. report is for 11 months ending Nov., 1866. The 24. is for 11 months ending Oct., 1871. The 2.-24. (1848 to 1869- 70) hound in 2 v. Want the managers' report for 1847 (1.). ------. See, also : New Jersey. Report of the joint committee on the State Lunatic Asylum at Trenton to the senate aud general assembly of the State of New Jersey, session of 1875. 8r Trenton, 1875. New Jersey. New Jersey State Reform School for Juvenile Delinquents, at Jamesburg. Annual re- ports of the trustees and superintendent to the goveruorof the State. 3.-16., 1,866-7 to 1879-80. 8°. Trenton, 1868-80. New Jersey. Rutgers Scientific School, the State College for the Benefit of Agriculture, and Mechanics Arts, New Brunswick. Anuual report of the hoard of visitors and hoard of trustees to the governor of the State. 13., 1876-7. 37 pp. 8°. Trenton, Naar, Day f Naar, 1877. New Jersey. State Asylum for the Insane, at Mor- ristown. Annual reports of the commissioners appointed to select a site and build an asylum for the insane of the State of New Jersey, to the governor of the State, for the years 1871-2 to 1878-9. 8". Trenton, 1872-9. Opened Aug. 17. 1876. 1871-2 to 1878-9 bound in 1 v. ------. Annual reports of the managers and offi- cers to the governor of the State. 1.-10., 1876 to 1884-."). '8°. Trenton, 1876-85. 1. report for 2J months ending Oct. 31,1876. 1.-7. bound with: Rep. of commissioners. ------. Acts for the organization of the . . . and by-laws. 58 pp. 8°. Newark, Williams cf Plum, 1876. ------. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] v. 8. [Newark, 188-.] Application for admission. Bond of friend of patient. Certificate of insanity. History of patient. Order of judge, affidavit of physician, and certificate of clerk of county. ------. See, also : [Bodixe (J. L.)] Fourth annual report of the managers and officers of the State Asylum for the* Insane, at Morristown, N. J., Oct. 31, 1879. [A criticism.] 8-. [New York, 1889.] New Jersey. State Board of Health. Annual reports of the . . . and reports of the bureau of vital statistics to the governor of the State*. 1.- 11., 1877 to 1886-7. 8°. Trenton, Camden f Wood- bury, 1877-87. Reports of the bureau of vital statistics commenced in 188U-81. ------. Circular to householders, city authorities, boards of health, etc. 4 pp. 8\ [Trenton, 1878 ?] ■------. Instruetions to ministers, physicians, un- dertakers, assessors, and all concerned in the registry aud returns of marriages, births, and New Jersey. State Board of Health -cont'd. deaths. 44 pp. «■-. Trenton, Naar, Day ty Xaar, ------. Circular as to sanitary appliances [to be exhibited at the State fair]. July 7, 1*79. 1 sheet. 8°. [Trenton, 1879.] ------. Circular, June 1, 1880. Protection to bath- ers. How to treat the drowned; how to save a life. 2 1. 8-. [Trenton, 188<».] ------. Circulars issued bv the .. . 8. [Trenton. 1880.] ' CONTENTS. Circular A. To farmers and dealers in stock [on pleuro- pneumonia and pneumo-euteritis. hog cholera J. 4 pp. B. To township and city boards of health in reference to infectious diseases of animals. August 10. 1880. 11. C. "Contagious diseases of animals." August, 1880. ------. [Circular letter of the council of analysts and chemists, appointed by the State board of health of New Jersey, to investigate the preva- lence of adulteration of articles of food or drugs. With a schedule of questions and a copy of the "Act to prevent the adulteration of food or drugs".] May 1, 1881. 3 1. 8°. [Jersey Citit, 1881.] " " • ------. [General suggestions for the organization of local boards of health and the manner of deal- ing with nuisances prejudicial to the public health. With a schedule of questions indicating what local boards should know or inquire about.] May 10, 1881. 4 pp. 8*-. [Trenton, 18.81.] ------. Circular [on the study of disease in locali- ties, by tbe aid of geological and topographical maps furnished to observers by the board of health]. Feb. 15, 1882. 3 pp. " 8°. [ Trenton, 1882. ] ------. Circular as to illuminating oils. April 20,1882. 1 sheet, 83. [Trenton. 1882.] ------. Circular to charitable aud penal institu- tions [as to their sanitary condition]. June 1, 1882. 4 pp. 8-. [Trenton, 1882.] ------. Circular as to petroleum, kerosene, etc. June 20, 18-2. 4 pp. .-:. [Trenton, 1882.] ------. Sanitary school circular. July 1, 1882. 12 pp. 8°. [Trenton, 1882.] ------. Circular as to sanitary instruction and training iu schools. Aug. 31, 18-2. 1 1. 8:. [Trenton, 1882.] ------. Jahres-Bericht des Gesundheits-Rathes des Staates New Jersey. 6., 1881-2. 475 pp. 8-r Elizabeth, X\ J., Freie Presse, 1883. ------. Circular as to contagious diseases of ani- mals.- 32 pp. 8°. [Trenton, 1883.] CONTENTS. A. To farmers and dealers in stock. Pleuro-pneumonia. Pneumo-enteritis (hog cholera), pp. 3-7. B. To townships and citv hoards of health. April 10, 1880. pp. 7-9. C. Contagious diseases of animals. Aug., 1880. pp. 9- 12. D. To farmers and dealers in stock. April 1,1881. pp. 12-15. E. To farmers ancl dealers in stock, pp. 15-23. F. As to contagious diseases of animals. Jan. 4. 188.'!. pp. 25-32. ------. Circular No. xxviii. School and health circular No. 2. For parents, guardians, children, teachers, and trustees. 12 pp. 8-\ [Trenton, 1883?] ------. Circular No. xxxvii. School aud health circular No. 3. For parents, guardiaus, children, teachers, and trustees. 5 pp. 8°. [ Trenton. 18-:'?] ------. Circular xxxix. To local boards of health. [On the causes of preventable disease, with a schedule of questions which they should know or inquire about.] 2 1. 8-. [Trenton. 1—3. ] ------. Circular xliv. How to prevent the spread of small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and other communicable diseases. 12 pp. ,--'. [Trenton, 1881.] FEW JERSEY. 874 NEWMAN. New Jersey, stale Board of Health—cont'd. -----. Circular lvii. To the physicians of the Slate, [Relating to typhoid fever and diphthe- ria, with a schedule of suggestive questions.] 4 pp. 8r. [Trenton, 1886.] -----. Circular lviii. Laws relating to public health, and references thereto. 28 pp. 8:. [Trenton. 1886.] -----. Circular lix. Relating to the adulteration of food or drugs and to petroleum, and laws and regulations as to the same. 4 pp. 8C. [Tren- ton, 1886.] -----. Report, of the milk inspector. By William K.Newton. 17 pp. 8-'. [Trenton, 1886 ?] Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey (1884-5). 8°. Trenton, 1886, ix. New Jersey. State Industrial School for Girls, Trenton. Annual reports of the trustees to the governor of the State. 1.-9., 1871-2 to 1879-80. 8~. Trenton, 1872-8(1. New Jersey Academy of Medicine. Constitu- tion and by-laws, with the act of incorporation and list of fellows. Founded 1874. 23 pp. 8°. Jersey City, Argus Print. House, 1875. New Jersey (The) Eclectic Medical aud Sur- gical Journal. Devoted to liberal medicine, gen- eral .science and literature. Editor: Edward Fishblatt. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-3, August, 1874, to October, 1876. 8'-*. Xewark. Continued in 1877 as: New York (The) Eclectic Medi- cal and Surgical Journal. New Jersey (The) Medical Reporter. Title of v. 8 of: New Jcrgey (The) Medical Iteporter, and Transactions of the New Jersey Medical Society, 1855. New Jersey (The) Medical Reporter, aud Trans- actions of the New Jersey Medical Society. Ed- ited by Joseph Parrish. [Quarterly.] v. 1-8, Oct., 1847. to Dec. 1855. 8°. Burlington. v. 5became monthly, v. 8. the words ■' and Transactions of the Xew Jersev Medical Society" dropped, and "a monthlv Journal of medical and surgical science " added. In v. 7 S. WT Ilutler added as editor; in v. 8 Dr. Butler sole editor, (initiiuied as: lVlt-riical (The) and Surgical Re- porter. New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association. Pro- ceedings. 12., 1882: 13., 1883; 17., 1887. 8-. Camden, 1882-3; New Brunswick, 1887. New Jersey (The) Pharmaceutical Record; au illustrated journal of practical pharmacy, medi- cine, science, and literature. William H. Gilder editor. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, Dec., 1875. 16 pp. 8 . Newark. New Jersey Sanitary Association. The fifth anuual meeting, Trenton, N. J., Dec. 12 aud 13, 1879. Order of business. 2 1. 8-. Trenton, N. J, Naar, Day $• Naat; 1879. New Jersey State Dental Society. Condensed proceedings for the years 187f>-6-7. 90 pp., 2 1. 8°. Newark, L. J. Hardham, 1878. -----. Proceedings for the vears 1878-9-80. 209 pp. 8°. Newark, N. J., 1881. Bound with preceding. -----. Transactions for the years 1881-2-3. 234 pp. 8-'. Newark, N J., 1884. Newlailds (James). Reiiorts to the health com- mittee of the borough of Liverpool, on the sew- erage and other works, under the .sanitary act, For the years 1847-68. [6 reports in 5 v.] 8 , Liverpool, 1848-69. -----. [ Report, of the borough engineer . . . ] To the chairman of the health committee of the borough of Liverpool. [Details of all the works executed from April, 1853, to April, 1856.] 71. ii pp. 8-. [Lirerpool], H. Greenwood, [1856], [P., v. 1432. ] -----. Liverpool, past and present, in relation to sanitary operations. A paper read before the public health section of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Oct., 1858. Newlailds (James)—continued. 23 pp., 1 plan. 8-. Liverpool, Harris d Co., 1859. [Also, in : P., v. 1432.] -----. Report of the borough engineer, in ac- cordance with the resolution of the special im- provement commiitee. 30 pp. 8 . Liverpool, G. McCorquodale . London, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a further inquiry as to the boundaries which might be most advantageously adopted for the district of Newmarket, for the purposes of the public health act. 8°. London, 1351. T\ew Jlexieo. See. also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities; Las Vegas ; Paleontology; Utah. Climate (The) of New Mexico and Las A'egas hot springs. 8°. Chicago, 1883. United States. War Department. Engineer Corps. Keport of the Secretary of AYar, commu- nicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, a report and map of the examination of New Mexico, made by Lieut. J. AV. Abert, of the Topo- graphical Corps. 30. Cong., 1. sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 23. 8°. Washington, 1818.. Banclelier (A.-F.) La elc'-eouveite eiu Nouveau Mexi- que par le moine franciscain. fic'-re Marcos, de Nice, en 1539. Kev. d'ethnog., Par., 1880, v, 31; 117; 193.— Bryan (O. M.) Climate and diseases of New Mexico; remarkable exemption from consumption ; prevalence of rheumatism and syphilis. Chicago M. Exam.. 1863. vi, (if>-7ei. — Ilallev (G.) New Mexico as a health resort. Kam-asCity M."Kec, 1888, v, 41-44.—Jones* (■). J.) New Mexico as ii health resort for consumptives. Med. efe Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1877. xxxvii, 201-20,'.'.—.UfParlin (T. A.) Notes on the historv and climate of New Mexico. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1877. Wash., 1878, 321-348. Also, Reprint. —JVlillikin (D.) Notes on the climate of Colo- rado and New Mexico. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1882, n. s . ix, 577-579.—Parker (W. TT) Concerning the cli- mate of Xew Mexico. Arch. Med., N. Y., 1884, xii, 132- ].">8. Alsn. Reprint.—Mmilli (A. H.) Medical aspect of New Mexico. Indiana J. M. Indianap., 1870-71, i, 7-13.— Tvmlalc (J. II ) New Mexico ; its climatic advantages for consumptives. Boston M. & S. J., 1883, cviii, 265; 313. Also, Reprint. Wiew iflilford. .Sec, also, Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Nanitary drainage of New Milford. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1881, Hartford, 1882, iv. 70-74, 1 map. \<*\vn:ill (John). * On general dropsy, x, 11- 31pp. 8-. Philadelphia,, I'. Hall, 1793. Ne William (AA'illiam) [1790-18(55]. An essay on the symptoms, causes, and treatment of in- versio uteri; with a history of the successful ex- tirpation of that organ during the chronic stage of the disease, xv, 152 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, E. Cox f Son. 1818. -----. Some observations on the medicinal and dietetic properties of green tea, and particularly on the coutronling influence it exerts over irrita- tion of tbe brain. 32pp. 8:. London, J. Hatch- cird Sr Son, 18^7. -----. Essay on the disorders incident to literary men, and on the best means of preserving their health; read before the Royal Society of Litera- ture, Nov. 5, 1834 ; and dedicated, hy permission, to the Lord Bishop of Salisbury. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. London, J. Hatchard Sr Son, 1836. \ <-Willi a ill (William)—confirmed. -----. Hie reciprocal inlluenceof body and mind considered, as if affects the great questions of education, phrenology, materialism, moral ad- vancement and responsibility, man's free agency, the theory of life, the peculiarities of mental property, mental diseases, tin- agency of mind upon the body, of physical temperament upon the manifestations of mind, and upon the ex- pression of religious feeling, xxiii, t!28 pp. London, J. Hatchard, 1842. -----. Narrat ive of an unusual case of utero-ges- tation, in which the premature expulsion of one fcetus preceded by two months the birth of a twin feetus at the full term. 4 pp. 8 . Man- chester, W. Irwin, 1848. Bound with: Clay (C.) Brit. Rec. of Ohst. Weil. lV Surg. 8°. Manchester, 1848, i. -----. History of four cases of eclampsia nutans, or the "salaam" convulsions of infancy, with suggestions as to its origin and future treatment. 28 pp. 8°. Manchester, W. Irwin, 1849. Bound with: Clay (('.) Brit. Rec. of Ohst. Meel. efe Surg. 8°. Manchester, 1849, ii. -----, Wickhain (AV.) & Salter. Retro- spect of the progress of suri-ieal literature for the year 1838-9. Read June'l3. 1839, before the annual meeting of the Southern Branch of the Provincial Medical Association, and published at its request. 47 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1839. New nil a ill urban sanitary authority. See Gloucestershire combined sanitary district. lew Norfolk. See Insane (Asylums/or, etc.), by localities. New Orleans. Message of the niuyoralty to the common council of the city of New Orleans. [On the yellow fever epidemic of 1853.] Oct., 1853. 7 pp. 8°. New Orleans, 1853. -----. Annual messages of the mayor to the com- mon council of New Orleans. Published by au- thority. For the years 1852-3; 18(37-8. 8°. Xew Orleans, 1853-68. -----. Report of the sanitary commission of New Orleans on the epidemic yellow fever of 1853. Published by authority of the city council of New Orleans, xix, 542 pp., 4 pl., 1 map, 2 diag., 5 tab. 8C. New Orleans, Picayune Office, 1854. [Also, in: P., v. 30(5.] -----. Report of the board of engineers to ma- ture and recommend some general and harmoni- ous plan for the present and future draining of the city of New Orleans, and for the protection of the city against overflow, made to the com- mon council March 30, l8<;(,l. 8 pp. 8-. New Orleans, F. F. Hunsell, 1869. -----. Report on the drainage, sewerage, and health of the city of New Orleans, by Henry (J. Brown, city surveyor, ltipp. 8°. New Orleans, 1879. -----. Report of the joint committee of the com- mercial bodies of New Orleans to the United States, Mexican, Central and South American Commisesion. Dec. 30, 1884. 35 pp. 8-. Xew Orleans, A. W. Hyatt, [1885]. Wew Orleans. Sec, also, Children (Hospitals, etc:, for, Re- ports, etc., of); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Dentistry; Education (Metli- cal), etc., Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Yellow, History,etc., of), Hospitals (In- scriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Xaral, etc.), by localities; Inundations. Barton (E. H.) et al. vs. The City of New Or- leans. In the supreme court. Brief of appel- lants [the late sanitary commission of New Or- leans, for compensation for services rendered in XEW OKLEANS. 877 ^TE\Y ORLEANS. \ew Orleans. the years 185:5-4. By E. H. Durell.] 8°. [New Orleans, 1858 ?] CiiaillL' (S. E.) Life and death in New Orleans from 1787 to 18(>9, and more especially during the five years 1850 to 1800. 8 . New Orleans, 1870. Repr. from: N. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiii, 1-65. See, also, infra. Dalton (S. AA*.) Letters of Cenci, written four years ago, on the sanitary reforms needed in New Orleans, and republished by order of the city council. 8°. New Orleans, 1853. Dowler (B.) Tableaux, geographical, com- mercial, geological, and sanitary, of New Or- leans. 8J. Neiv Orleans, [n. d.] Louisiana. Report of the joint committee on public health. (Majority report.) 83. New Or- leans, 187)4. Louisiana Board of Health. Annual and bi- ennial reports to the general assembly for the years 1840, 1849,1850, 1856, 1860, 18(56 to 1884-5, 1886-7. 8°. New Orleans, 1847-86. -----. By-laws and ordinances of the board of health of the city of New Orleans, together with the acts of the legislature and ordinances of the general couucil establishing the same. Published by authority. 8°. New Orleans, 1849. -----. Drainage and drainage canals in the vicinity of Canal street. [Recommendations of the State board of'health to the mayor and ad- ministrators of the city, Oct. 20, 1871.] 8°. [ Xew Orleans, 1871. ] -----. Monthly reports of deaths in the city of New Orleans. Published by order of the board of health. From Jan., 1874, to March, 1877. fol. New Orleans, 1874-7. -----. Reports of deaths in New Orleans. [Weekly.] Dec. 22, 1883, to April 26, 1884; May 24 to Aug. 16; Sept, 6 to Nov. 29; Dec. 8,27, 1884. 18°. [New Orleans, 1883-4.] New Orleans Medical and Surgical Associa- tion. Report on milk and dairies in the city of New Orleans, presented to the New Orleans Med- ical and Surgical Association. (Published by the New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association. ) H°. New Orleans, 1879. Act (An) relative to the establishment of a board of health for the city of New Orleans and Lafayette. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1849-50, vi, 814-816.—Barton (E. H.) Sanitary report of New Orleans, La. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1849, ii, 591-610. -----. Meteorological register for New Orleans for 1850. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1850-51, vii, 267-269. -----. Report upon the sanitary condition of New Orleans. In.- New Orleans. Rep. San. Com. of N. Orl. on epidemic yellow fever of 1853, 8°, N. Orl., 1851, 213-462, 1 map, 8 tah. -----. On the meteorology, mortality, and sanitary condition of New Orleans for the years 1854 and 1855. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1856, ix. 723-752, 2 tab.— Remiss (S. M.l 8anitarv legislation in New Orleans. N. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiii. 201-231. Also, Reprint. -----. Sanitary work in New Orleans. IJcp. Nat. Bd. Health 1880, Wash., 1882, ii, 602-617. — Board (The) of health ancl the sanitary condition of Xew Orleans. N. Orl. M. fc S. J., 1851-2, viii, 399. — Caldwell (C.) Thoughts on the probable destiny of New Orleans in relation to health, population, and commerce. Phila. J. M. & Phvs. Sc, 1823, vi, 1-15. — Chaille ( S. E.) Vital sta- tistics of New Orleans. N. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiii, 1-65. -----. Tlie vital statistics of New Orleans, from 1769 to 1874. N. Orl. M. .fc 8. J., 1874-5, ii, 1-37. Also, Re- Erint. -----. The vital statistics of New Orleans as taught y the U. S. census, 1880. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1880-81, n. s., viii, 1027-1044. Also, Reprint. -----. Inundations of New Orleans and their influence on its health. N. Orl. M. cfe S. J., 1882-3, x, 20-37. Also, Reprint.—Davidson (J. P.) Some personal reminiscences of early epidemics in New Orleans. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1887, 70-82.— Dowler (B.) Researches upon the necropolis of New- Orleans, with brief allusions to its vital arithmetic. N. Orl. M. fe S. J., 1850-51, vii, 275-300. Also, Reprint. -----. Vital statistics. N. Orl. M. .fc S. J.,' 1850-51, vii, 404. — Kiehorn. Practische Mittheilungen aus New Orleans. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb.. 1838. viii, 187- l!io._Fenner (E. D.) P'ever statistics; showing the re- lative proportion of the different forms of fever admitted into the New Orleans Charity Hospital during a period of LYew Orleans. seven years, from 1st January, 1841, to 1st Januarv, 1848, inclusive ; monthly and annually. N. Oil. M. efe S. j., 1848-9, v, 48-53. -----. General report on the medical topography and meteoiology of New Orleans, with an ac- count oft be prevalent diseases during the vear 1849. South. M. Rep. (Fenner) 1849, N. Orl.. 1850, i.'17-55. -----. On the inundation of New Orleans in 1816. Ibid.. 56-62. -----. Report on the general aspect of the weather, the condition of the streets, the stage of the river, and the principal diseases that prevailed in the eity of New Orleans during the year 1850; in the form of a monthly journal. Ibid. (1850), 1851, ii, 13-39. -----. Report on the fevers, etc., of New Orleans. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila.. 1851, iv, 201-210. -----. [Health of New Orh-ans eluiinu military rule.] South. J. M. Sc, N. Oil.. 1866. i, 22-43. —Hardee (T. S.) The topographv and drainage of New <)i leans. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1875, iii, 297-302.—Harris (K.) Hy- gienic experience in New Orleans during the war ; illus- 'trating the importance of efficient sauitarv regulations. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1866, ii. 462-479.—Health of New Orleans, 1844-86. N. Orl. M. J., 1844-5, i, passim. Continued in: N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1845-6, ii: 1867, xx, passim. Continued in: N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi: 1870, xxiii, passim. Continued in: N. Orl. M. cfe S. J., n. s., 1873-4, i: 1885-6, xiii, passim.—Holt (J.) The sani- tary relief of New Orleans. N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 437-451. Also, Reprint. -----. The sanitary protection of New Orleans, municipal and maritime. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord, N. H., 1886, xi, 89-97. Also .- Sanitarian, N. Y., lf-86. xvi, 37-49. Also, Reprint.—Hort (W. P.) Report of the board of health on the sanitary condition of the city of New Orleans dur- ing the year 1846, and the means of improving it. N. Orl. M. efe S.'JT, 1846-7, iii, 467. -----. A diarv of the climate of New Orleans for 1850. Ibid , 1850-51, vii, 580; 744. -----. Observations on the meteorological and sanitary condition of New Orleans, for the ijuarter ending March 31, 1851. Ibid., 1851-2, viii, 151; 555.—Jones (JT) Tab- ular summary of cases treated in Charity Hospital during fifteen months, 1st January, 1869, to 1st April, 1870; ar- ranged according to the "nomenclature of diseases of the Royal College of Physicians of London". N. Oil. J. M., 1870, xxiii, 551-555.—K. (S.) Health of New Orleans. Boston M. .fc S. J., 1864-5, lxxi, 91-93.— I.acazc. Im- pressions medieales d'un voyage aux Grandes Antilles et a la Nouvelle-Orhaus. France meet, Par., 1881, xxviii, 340; 353.—Lay ton (T.) Anniversary address delivered before the Orleans Parish Medical Society. [Sanitary matters in New Orleans.] N. Orl. M. cfe S. J.', 1882-3, n. a., x, 801-810.—I.oubere (J. V.) Mortality and its causes for the months of August and September, 1849. Ibid., 1849-50, vi, 424. — Louisiana. Board of health; annual reports on the sanatory erudition of the city of New Or- leans for the years 1848-50. Ibid., 1848-9, v,'607 : 1849-50, vi, 665: 1850-51, vii, 590. Also [1849-50]: South. M. Rep. (Fenner) 1849, N. Orl., 1850, i, 77 : (ls.5ei), 1851, ii, 40.-----. Annual mortuary report for the vear 1867. N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 408-413. Also. Reprint.—Meteorological re- ports [New Orleans], 1872-80. Rep. Bel. Health Louisiana 1872-80, N. Oil., 1873-81, passim.—Mortality of New Or- leans, 1844-86. N. Orl. M. J., 1844-5. i. passim. Contin- ued in: N. Orl. M. efc S. J., 1845-6, ii: 186,. xx, passim. Continued in: N. Oil. J. M., 1868, xxi: 1870, xxiii, pas- sim. Continued in: N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1873-4. n. s., i: 1885-6, xiii, passim.—Payne (J. T.) The New Orleans sewerage. San. News, Chicago, 1882-3, i, 141.—Peters (J. C.) New Orleans and the cholera and ve How fever of 1873. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1883, u. s., i, 225! — fKeport of diseases, from January 1st, 1867, to December 31st, 1867, treated in Charity Hospital. New Orleans, La. N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 197-202.— Sanitary legislation. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1873-4, n. s., i. 631 -635. — Simonds (J. C.) Vital statistics of New Orleans from February 3 to June 2, 1849. Charleston M. J., 1849, iv, 111; 710. -----. On the hygienic characteristics of New Orleans. Tr. Am. M. Ass.,'Phila., 1850, iii, 267-290. -----. Contributions to the vital statistics of New Orleans. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1850, v, 277-296. -----. The sanitary condition of New Or- leans, as illustrated by its mortuary statistics. Ibid., 1851, vi, 677-745. A Iso, Reprint. Also '[Abstr.] : South M. Rep. (Fenner) 1850, N. Oil., 1851, ii, 204-246. Also, Reprint. Also [Rev.] : N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1851-2, viii, 403-407 (WT P. Hort). -----. A comparison of the weekly bills of mor- tality of New Orleans and Boston, 1851. Charleston M. J. Sc Rev.. 1852, vii. 289-293.—Wtark (J.) Vital statistics of New Orleans. Kdinb. M. & S. J., 1851, lxxv, 130-144. Also. Reprint.—Thompson (II. M.) Method introduced by the Auxiliarv Sanitary Association for disposing of the garbage of New Orleans. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1879, Bost., 1880, v, 32-34.1 pl.—Wat kins (WT H.) Causes of the insalubritv of New Orleans. N. Orl. M. efe S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii.'509-530. Bfew Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association. Charter, by-laws, and rules of order of the New- Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association. 12 pp. i eSs New Orleans, L. Graham, 1879. XEW OKLEANS. Xew Orleans Auxiliary [etc.]—continued. -----. Au address from the Auxiliary Sanitary Association of New Orleans to the other cities and towns of the Mississippi Valley. Published by the . . . June, 1879. 20 pp. 8e. New Orleans, L. Graham, 1879. -----. How to use zinc-iron disinfectant. 1 sheet. roy. 8 r [New Orleans, 1879.] -----. Proceedings of meeting of November 8, 1879. 2 1. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] -----. Proceedings of meeting of January 3, 1880. 3 pp. 8°. [New Orleans, 1880. ] -----. Keport of committee on construction and management of privies, made to the executive committee of the . . . April 17,1880. 8 pp. 8°. New Orleans, M. F. Dunn Sr Bro., 1889. -----. Annual address of Edward Fenner, with remarks by Charles A. Whitney, Cyrus Bussey, and Albert Baldwin, at the regular meeting of the . . . Nov. 23, 1880. 20 pp. 8°. New Or- leans, 1880. -----. Notice [in compliance with city ordinance No. 4788, administration .series]. New Orleans, Dec. 12, 1878. An ordiuance to provide for the cleanliness of streets, gutters, etc., to prescribe the duties of householders and occupants of premises. English, French, and German text. 1 sheet. 4°. New Orleans, 1880. -----. A collection of cuttings from newspapers relating to the sanitary condition of New Or- leans and the operations of the New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association, from March 28, 1879, to Dec. 31, 1880. Mounted in two volumes folio. 241; 241 pp. -----. Keport, of the flushing committee and the transfer of the Toulouse street pump, to the executive committee of the New Orleans Auxil- iary Sanitary Association, June 21,1881. 15 pp. 8--. New Orleans, M. F. Dunn f Bro., 1881. -----. Map of the existing flushing and draining system of the city of New Orleans. Illustrating improvements and extensions proposed by the flushing committee of the New Orleans Auxil- iary Sanitary Association. New Orleans, H. F. Dunn 4' Bro., 1881. •-----. Report of the flushing committee, sug- gesting important improvements, made to the ex- ecutive committee of the New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association, December 17, 1881. 2 1. 4°. [-Yew Orleans, 1881.] -----. Petition to the general assembly of the State of Louisiana iu favor of a law requiring the teaching of physiology and hygiene iu the public schools. 5 pp. 8°. [New Orleans, 1884.^ Repr. from : N. Oil. M. efe S. J. See, also. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Asso- ciation. The evil and the ivmcely for the privy system. 8°. Xew Clrleans. 187S). -----. lie-port on milk ancl dairies [etc. | 8°. New Orleans, 1879. -----. Cleanliness, health [etc.) 8°. New Orleans, 1879. -----. [Recommendations of the committee appointed at a meeting of the medical and sanitary associations.] broadside, fol. [Xew Orleans, 1881.] -----. See, also : Fenner (E.) Annual address, New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association. What has been done and what remains to be accomplished to render New Orleans healthy and prosperous. Delivered February 15, 1883. 8°. XTew Orleans, 1883. Kauch (J. H.) Address delivered before the New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association. s°.. New Orleans, 1879. New Orleans Conference of Charities. An- nual report of the officers to the society. 2., 1884-5. Aud annual report of the Unsectarian Aid Society. 1., 18,-54-5. 25 pp. 8J. New Or- leans, Ho2jkins' Printing Office, 1885. !7S XEW OKLEANS. New Orleans Cremation Society. [Constitu- tion aud by laws.] 15 pp. 8°. " Xew Orleans, A. W. Hyatt, 1884. New Orleans Dental College. Annual an- nouncements for the sessions of 1867-8 (1.); 1*-b9- 70 to 1875-0 (3.-9.). s\ New Orleans, lH>7-?f>. List of graduates for the years 186.8-9 to 1873-4, in an- nouncements for subsequent years. New Orleans Exposition. Industries ( The ) of New Oilcans, her rank, resources, advantages, trade, commerce, and manufactures, conditions of the past, present and future, representative industrial institu- tions, historical, descriptive, and statistical. «°. New Orleans, 1885. New Orleans (The) Journal of Medicine. Ed- ited by S. M. Bemiss and YV. S. .Mitchell. [<>uar- terly.] v. 21-23, January, 1808. to December, 1870. 3 v. 8°. New Orleans. Formed by union of: IVcw OrlemiN (The) Medical and Surgical Journal with : Southern (The) Journal of the Medical Se-iences. In v. '>-> Samuel Logan added as editor; v. S,i by Drs. Bemiss and Mitchell. New Orleans (The) Medical Journal. Devoted to the cultivation of medicine and the associate sciences. Edited by E. D. Fenner and A. Hes- ter. [Bi-monthly.]" v. 1, May, 1844, to June 30, 1845. 8°. New Orleans. Continued as: New Orleans (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. New Orleans (The) Medical News and Hospi- tal Gazette. A semi-monthly journal. Edited by S. Choppin, C. Beard, R. Schlater, P. C. Boyer, aud G. S. Vance, v. 1-7, March, 1K>1, to Feb., 1861. 8°. New Orleans. Ended. No journal issued in Oct., 1854; became monthly in Nov. v. 2, Schlater, Boyer, and Vance dropped, D. "W. Brickell added; v. 4, Choppin and Beard dropped, E. D. Fenner added. Continued as: New Or- leans (The) Medical Times. New Orleans (The) Medical Record. A semi- monthly journal of the medical sciences. Ed- ited by B. Dowler and S. R. Chambers. Nos. 1- 4, v. 1, May 15 to July 1, 1863. roy. 8°. New Orleans, S. R. Chambers f Co. Ended. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Associa- tion. Report ou milk and dairies in the city of New Orleans, presented to the New Orleans Medical aud Surgical Association, and unani- mously adopted at their meeting July 5, 1879. (Published by the New Orleans Auxiliary Sani- tary Association.) 16 pp. 8°. Neic Orleans, J. S. Rivers, 1879. -----. Report of the committee appointed by the . . . Oct. 25, 1879, on the following sub- jects, submitted by the executive committee of the American Public Health Association, to be read and discussed at their meeting at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 18, 1879. 9 pp. 8°. [New Orleans, 1879.] -----. Cleanliness, health, wealth ; domestic san- itation one of its most important elements as elaborated in a report to the . . . Accepted by the New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association. 20 pp. 8°. New Orleans, L. Graham, 1879. -----. The evil and the remedy for the privy system of New Orleans. Elaborated iu a report to the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Asso- ciation; accepted by the New Orleans Auxiliary Sanitary Association. [Joseph Holt, Geo. K. Pratt, Fred. Loeber, committee.] 21 pp. 8-T New Orleans, F. F. Hansell, 1879. -----. New Orleaus, March 7, 18-1. [Recom- mendation of the committee appointed at a meeting of the Medical and Sanitary Associa- tions of New Orleaus, Jan. 22, 1881, to classify such commerce as can be moved to and from any point where epidemic or contagious diseases p.c- NEW OKLHANS. 879 NEW SOUTH WALES. IVew Orleans Medical [etc.]—continued. vail. Class. 1. Articles prohibited. 2. Articles which may or may not. 3. Articles to be free.] broadside, fol. [Xew Orleans, 1881.] _____, Proceedings of meeting No. 300. New Orleans, April 1, 1882. 11 pp. 8°. [New Or- leans, 1*82.) New Orleans (The) Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Devoted to medicine and the collateral sci- ences. Edited by W. M. Carpenter, E. D. Fen- ner, J. Harrison, and A. Hester. [Bi-monthly.] v. 2-20, July, 1845, to May, 1861, and July, 1866, to December, 1867. 19 v. 8°. New Or- leans. Formed by the union of: IVew Orleans (The) Medical Journal with: Louisiana (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, projected by W. M. Carpenter aud J. Harrison. Title of v. 1, 1844-5, was: New Orleans (The) Medical Journal, v. 14, 18, 20 contain 3 nos. each. After v. 18, end- ing May, 1801, suspended until July, 1866, when v. 19 com- meuceei. In v. 4 Fenner dropped ; v. 5, Carpenter dropped; v. 6, Harrison dropped ; v. 11, Benuet Dowler sole editor; v. 14, W. Stone, Jas. Jones, S. E. Chaille added; v. 16, W. C. Nichols added; v. 19, Dowler dropped and S. S. Her- rick added. In Jan., 1868, united with: .Southern (The) Journal of the Medical Sciences, forming: IVew Orleans (The) Journal of Medicine. New Orleans (The) Medical aud Surgical Journal. New series. Edited by S. M. Bemiss. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-15, July, 1873-88. 8°. New Orleans. Current. In Sept., 1877, became monthly. Edited suc- cessively-by WT H. Watkius, G. K. Pratt,' S. S. Herrick, D. C. Holliday, A. B. Miles, Geo. B. Lawrason, H. D. Bruns, J. H. Bemiss, F. "WT Parham, P. E. Archinard, A. McShane, E. L. Bemiss, and H. W. Blanc. New Orleans (Ihe) Medical Times. A monthly journal. Edited by Anthony Peniston. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, March to May, 1861. 240 pp. 8°. Xeiv Orleans. A continuation of: IVew Orleans (The) Medical News and Hospital Gazette. New Orleans (The) Monthly Medical Register. Edited by A. Forster Axson. v. 1-2, October, 1851, to September, 1853. 8°. Netv Orleans. Want nos. 6, 8, 12, v. 1: nos. 2, 3, v. 2. Ended March, 1851, being merged in and replaced by : IVew Orleans (The) Medical News and Hospital Gazette. New Orleans School of Medicine. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1856-7 to 1860-61 (1.-5.); 1867-8 to 1869-70 (9.-11.). 8°. New Orleans, 1,-51 i-()9. List of students and graduates for the years 1856-7 to 1859-60; 1866-7; 1868-9, in announcement for subsequent years. New Orleans University. Annual catalogues for the years 1873-4 (1.); 1*77-8 (5.); 1880-81 (8.); 1882-3 (10.); 1883-4 (11.). 8°. New Or- leans, 1874-84. -----. Calendar for 1884-5. 44, iii pp. 8°. New Orleans, pub. by the University, 1885. New Orleans Waterworks Coinpany. Annual report of the president to the stockholders. 5., 1882-3. 23 pp. 8°. New Orleans, A. W. Hyatt, 1,-83. Newport. See Bi sch off (Theodor Ludwig "Wilhelm). Bestati- guug des von Dr. Newpoi-t bei den Batrachiern [etc.) 4°. Giessen, 1854. Newport (George). On the temperature of in- sects, and its connexion with the functions of respiration and circulation in this class of in- vertebrated animals. Communicated by P. M. Roget. pp. 259-338. 4°. London, R. Sr J. E. Taylor, 1837. Repr. from: Phil. Tr , Lond., 1837. !l>wport, England. Clark (G. T.) Report to tbe General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the borough of Newport. 8°. London, 1850. Newport, Rhode Island. Report of the water supply committee of the city of Newport, R. I., June 22, 1880 (to the city council). 4 pp. 8■'. [Newport, 1880.] Newport, Rhode Island. See. also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Drainage Constructing Company. The sew- erage and drainage of Newport, R. I. Proposi- tion of the . . . submitted Nov 2, 1880. - New- port, 1880. Bentley (H. A.) City of Newport. Keport and esti- mates for the completion of tlie sewerage svstem. Kep. Bd. Health Rhode Island ]R8.">, Providence, 1886, viii, 77- 87.—Bowditch (E. W.) Report on sanitary condition of Newport, K. I. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1K.S2, Wash., 1883, l.->:s-180, 12 plans. -----. Sanitary inspect ion of New port, 11. I. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1883, n. s.. i, ,ri29; ,->45.— Pumpi-lly (R.) Newport's water supply. Kepnrt upnn the water of Eastou's Pond. Ibid., 497-49!).—Nanitary matters in Newport. San. Engin., N. Y.. 1882-1. vi. 341.— Sewerage (The) of Newport. K. I. Ibid., lssu-si iv. 6-8.—8 to re r (H. K.) Newport, K. I., as a winter resort for consumptives. Sanitarian, NT Y., 1883, n. s., i, 17; 37; 49. -----. The exemptiou of Newport, K. I., from pulmo- nary consumption as compared with other sections of the country. Ibid., 87-90. -----. The mild winter climate of Newport, R. I., as the effect of the Gulf Stream. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 679-681. -----. Concerning New- port. R. I., as a resort for consumptives. Boston St. efc S. J., 1883, cviii, 282-284. -----. A few questions for Dr. Tyndale concerning Newport, R. I., as a resort for con- sumptives. Ibid., 404. ----. "A sea change." Mecl. Times, Phila., 1885-6, xv, 51. Also, Reprint.—Tyiitlnle (J. H.) Concerning Newport, K. I., as a resort for con- sumptives. Boston M. efc .S. J., 1883. cviii, iss. -----. Concerning Newport as a health resort for consumptives. Ibid., 331. -----. The unfitness of Newport as a winter resort for consumptives; Dr. Storer's questions answered. Ibid., 452. -----. Concerning the relative value of New- port, R. I., as a health resort for consumptives. Sanita- riau, N. Y., 1883, n. s., i, 342. Newport Hospital. Anuual reports of the trus- tees, presented to the corporation at their anuual meetings. 9., 1881-2; 11.-13., 1883-4 to 1885-6. 8°. Newport, 1882-6. -----. Winter course of lectures to nurses by the medical staff of the Newport Hospital. 1 sheet. 8°. [Newport, n. d.] Newport Medical Society. Draft of an act to establish the office of medical examiner, pre- sented to the general assembly of Rhode Island at the May session, 1883. 3 1. 8°. [Providence, 1883.] Newport Natural History Society. [Officers and constitution.] 15 pp. 8J. Newport, Davis Sr Pit- man, 1883. Uewport-Pa^iiell. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. ]\en Provitlence. See Nassau, Bahamas. ]¥ewry. See Fever (Hospitals for). Newsliolme (Arthur). Hygiene; a manual of personal and public health, vi, 407 pp. 8°. London. G. Gill Sr Sons, 1884. -----. School hygiene; the laws of health in re- lation to school" life, vii, 143 pp. 12°. London, Swan [and others], 1887. Newsome (Tom W.) Co-Editor of: Georgia (The) Medical and Surgical Encyclopedia, Sauelersville, I860. New South Wales. An act to make provision for the safe custody of, and prevention of offences by, persons dangerously insane, and for the care aiul maintenance of persons of unsound mind. 12th December, 1843. pp. 4H-50. fol. [Sydney, 1843.] [P., v. 1292.] Cutting from .- Suppl. Got. Gaz., 10th Oct.. 1845. -----. An act to amend the act, passed in the .second year of the reign of Her present Majesty SEW SOUTH WALES. 880 NEW SOUTH WALES. New South Wale*—continued. (jMiecn Victoria, intituled "An act to define the qualifications of medical witnesses at coroners' inquests, and inquiries held before justices of the peace, in the colony of New South Wales". 8 Vict.. 1844, No. 8." pp. 27-28. fol. [Sydney, 1844.] Cutting from: Suppl. Gov. Gaz., Sept. 17, 1844. -----. An act to alter and amend an act inti- tuled ''An act to make provision for the safe custody of, and prevention of offences by, per- sons dangerously insane, aud for the care and maintenance of persons of unsound mind". [11th Sept.. 1845.] p. 13. fol. [Sydney, 1845.] [P.. v. 1292.] Cutting from: Suppl. Gov. Gaz., Oct. 10, 1845. -----. Aii act to amend an act intituled "An act to make provision for the safe custody of, and prevention of offences by, persons dangerously insane, and for the care and maintenance of per- sons of unsound mind ". [ Assented to 13th June, 1840.] 2pp. fol. [Sydney, 1846.] [P., v. 1292.] -----. An act to provide for the registration of legally qualified medical practitioners. Anno decimo nono Victoria* reginae. No. xvii. As- sented to [12th October, 1S55]. pp. 75-7(3. fol. [Sgdneif, 1855.] (.'uttiiiy,-. -----. Minutes of evidence taken before,ihe com- miessioners of inquiry, respecting the lunatic asylums of New South Wales. Jan. 25 to April 16,1855. 82 pp. fol. [Sydney, 1855.] [P., v. 1292.] -----. Report from the commissioners of inquiry on the lunatic asylums of New South Wales, with minutes of evidence and appendix, and re- plies to a circular letter. Ordered by the council to be printed June 6, 1855. 12 pp. fol. Sydney, W. Hanson, 1855. [P., v. 1292. J -----. Admission of insane persons into the- lunatic asvlum. [Also, 8 blank forms. ] 1 sheet. fol. [Sydney, 1856.] [P., v. 1292.] ------. An act to make better provision for the custody and care of criminal lunatics. [Assented to 7th May, 1861.] 3 pp. fol. [Sydney, 1861.] [P., v. 1292.] -----. An act to provide for the attendance of medical witnesses at coroners' inquests and in- quiries held by justices of the peace. Anno primo Victorhe regime. No. iii. [13th June, 1838.] 2 pp. fol. [Sydney, T. Richards, 186,1.] -----. An act to define the qualifications of medi- cal witnesses at coroners' inquests and inquiries held before justices of the peace, in the colony of New South Wales. Anno secundo Victoria* re- ginse. No. xxii. [12th October, 1838.] 2 pp. fol. [Sydney, T. Richards, 1861.] -----. An act to amend "An act to define the qualifications of medical witnesses at coroners' inquests and inquiries held before justices of the peace, in colony of New South Wales. Anno nono Victorias reginse. No. xii. [27th October, 1845.] 11. fol. [Sydney, T. Richards, 1861.] -----. Vital statistics. Annual reports from the registrar-general on vital statistics. (Presented to both Houses of Parliament hy command.) 9.- 28., 1864-5 to 1883-4. fol. Sydney, 1865-84. -----. Report ou lunatic asylums by Fred. Nor- ton Manning, v, 287 pp., 5 pl., 16 plans. 8°. Sydney, T. Richards, 1868. -----. Advance, Australia! Official catalogue of the natural and industrial products of New South Wales. Forwarded to the International Exhibi- tion of 1876 at Philadelphia. By authority of the commissioners. 104 pp. 8°. Sydney, T. Rich- ards, 1-76. -----. New South Wales; its progress and re- sources. By authority of the commissioners. New South Wales—continued. Advance, Australia! 31 pp. 8-. Siphieii, T. Richards, 1-70. -----. Mines aud mineral statistics. Annual re- ports of the department of mines. New South Wales, for the years 1877-9; 1881 • 1885. (Printed in accordance with resolutions of both Houses of Parliament.) 4° & fol. Sydney, 1878-86. •-----. Mines aud mineral statistics. Maps to accompany annual reports of the department of mines, New South Wales, for the year 1879. 3 pp., 17 maps. 4°. Sydney, T. Richards, 1880. -----. Inspector-general of the insane. [Annual reports on the state and condition of the hospi- tals and other institutions to the principal under- secretary] for the years 1879-8."). fol. [Sudneu 1880-86.] ' -----. Public charities. Annual reports of the inspector of public charities to the colonial sec- retary. 5.-9., 1880-84. fol. Sudneu, T. Richards 1881-5. -----. Nautical school ship Vernon. Annual re- ports of the superintendent, N. S. S. Vernon, to the under-secretary of public instruction. (Pre- sented to Parliament by command.) 15.-16 1-81-2 to 1882-3. fol. Sydney, T. Richards' 1882-3. -----. State children's relief department. An- nual reports of the president to the colonial sec- retary. 2.-6., 1882-3 to 1886-7. (Presented to Parliament in accordance with the provisions of act 44 Vic, No. 24.) fol. Sydney, T. Richards, 1883-7. 2.-4., 1882-3 to 1884-0, by Arthur Renwick. -----. The Australian sanitary conference of Sydney, N. S. W., 1884. Report of minutes of proceedings, and appendix. 70 pp., 5 plans, fol. Sydney, T. Richards, 1884. -----. Wood pavement board. Report, minutes of proceedings, and appendix. (Ordered by the legislative assembly to be printed 26th Nov., 1885.) 66 pp. fol. Sydney, T. Richards, 1884. -----. Government asylums for the iufirm and destitute. Anuual reports of the manager to the principal under secretary, for the years 188:!; 1884. fol. Sydney, 1884-5. -----. Hospitals for the insane. Report of Dr. G. A. Tucker on the hospitals for the insane vis- ited by him (April, 1882, to March, 1885), under the circular letter of the colonial secretary of New South Wales. (Ordered by the legislative assembly to be printed 16th Feb., 1886,) 40 pp. fol. [Sydney, T. Richards, 1886.] -----. Au act to establish sanitary regulations in respect of the production and distribution of milk. No. xvii. [Assented to 30th Sept., 1886.] 5 pp. fol. [Sydney, T. Richards, 1886.] New South Wales. Central Board of Health. Report of the board of health upon the late epi- demic of small-pox, 1881-2. Legislative assem- bly, New South Wales. (Ordered to be printed 22d March, 1883.) 20 pp., 1 l.,l map, 1 plan. fol. [Sydney, T. Richards, 1883.] -----. Report to the president of the board of health upon an outbreak of typhoid fever in the municipal district of Leichhardt, due to polluted milk. With an account of the state of certain dairies in the same and other neighbourhoods, and remarks upon the legislation necessary to protect the purity of public milk-supplies. Hy J. Ashburton Thompson. 24 pp., 1 pl., 1 map, 1 plan, 1 diag. fol. Sydney, T. Richards, 1886. -----. A report to the president of the board of health, containing photographs of a person suf- fering from variola discreta, and au account of the case ; to which is added a clinical report and diagnosis of the five cases with which the out- break of small-pox of 1884-5 began. By J. Ash- NEW SOUTH WALES. 88: New South Wales. Centr. Bd. Health—cont'd. burton Thompson. 5 pp., 11 pl., 1 diag. fol. Sydney, T. Richards, 1886. New South Wales. Hospital for the Insane, G ladesville. Annual reports of the medical super- intendent to the colonial secretary for the years 1869-71. 8°. Sydney, 1870-72. New South Wales. Lunatic Asylum, Parra- maUa. Ground plan ; also, plan of second story. 1 broadside. [Sydney, 1855.] [P., v. 1293.] New South Wales. Lunatic Asylum at Tarban Creek. Ground plan, showing proposed addi- tions. 1 broadside. [Sidney], Allan Sr Wigley, lithog., [1855]. [P., v. 1292.] -----. (Appendix to the report of the lunatic asylums commission.) Ordered by the council to be printed 2d August, 1855. 8 pp. fol. [Syd- ney, 1855.] [P., v. 1292.] New South Wales. Medical Board of New South Hales. Suggestions of the . . . for an amended act on act No. 17, 19 Vict., being med- ical practitioners' act of 1855. 11. fol. [Syd- ney, 1876.] -----. Registers of medical practitioners for 1879; 1880; 1884; 1885. fol. Sidney, 1879-85. 1884 and 1885, suppl. to New South Wales Gov. Gaz. New South Wales. Technological, Industrial and Sanitary Museum. Reports of the committee of management to the governor and executive council. 5.-7., 1884-6. 20 pp. fol. [Sidney, T. Richards, 1885-7. Suppls. to the Australian Museum Rep. for 1884 and 1886. New South AY ale*. See, also, Directories, etc. (Medical); Hospi- tals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities; Syd- ney. Coghlan (T. A.) Discharge of streams in re- lation to rainfall, New South Wales. 8°. Lon- don, 18-1. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, lxxv, session 1883-4, pt. 1. Hayter (H. H.) Crime ^n New South Wales. A paper written for, but rejected by, the Royal Society of that colony. 8J. Melbourne, 1884. Richards (T.) New South Wales in 1881; being a brief statistical and descriptive account of the colony up to the end of the year, extracted chiefly from official records. 8°. Sydney, 1882. Robinson (C. ) New South Wales; the old- est and richest of the Australian colonies. With colored maps, shewing the principal agricultural and mining districts. 8°. Sydney, 1873. Beveridge ( P. ) Of the aborigines inhabiting the great lacustrine and riverine depression of the lower Mur- ray, lower Murrunibidgee, lower Lachlau, and lower Dar- ling. J. cfe Proc. Roy. Soc. 1ST. South Wales 1883, Sydney, 1884. xvii, 19-74.—Bonney (F.) On some customs of the aborigines of the River Darling. New South Wales. J. Anthrop. Inst., Loud., 1883-4, xiii, 122-137. — Cameron (A. L. P.) Notes on some tribes of New South Wales. Ibid., 1884-5, xiv, 344-370.—Caiivin (C.) Esquisse demo- graphique de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Ann. de demog. internat.. Par., 1881, v, 7-43. Also [Abstr.]: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1881, xxxvi, 303-312. -----. Note sur les eta- blissements hospitallers de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. [Extr. du rapport medical sur la campagne du transport a. vapeur le Rhin, en Australie, 1879-80.] Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1884, xii, 452-464.—Fraser (J.) The aborigi- nes of New South Wales. J. efe Proc. Roy. Soe. N. South Wales 1882, Sydney, 1883, xvi, 193-233. — Pell (M. B.) Marriage and child-bearing in New South Wales, consid- ered with reference to the rates of mortality prevailing among women during the child-bearing period of life, and to the proportion of illegitimate births. Austral. Pract., Melbourne, 1877-8, i, 73-77. -----. Pates of mortality and increase of the population of New South Wales. Ibid., 145-175. -----. Ou the rates of mortality in New South Wales, and on the construction of mortality tables from census returns ; with a note on the formation of commu- tation tables. ,J. Inst. Actuaries, etc., Lond., 1878- 9, xxi, 257-288. New South "Wales (The) Medical Gazette. Published under the auspices of the Association of Medical Officers of the Volunteer Force at head- NEWTOX. New South Wales (The) Medical [etc. ]—cont. quarters, and edited bv three of their number. [Monthly.] v. 1-5; No. 1, v. 6, Oct., 1870, to Oct., 1875. 8°. Sydney. New Sydenham Society. Reports presented to the annual meetings, with list of works pub- lished, and other information. 1.-3., 1859-61; 7., 1865; 8., 1866; 10., 1868; 14.-17., 1872-5; 19., 1877; 20., 1878; 22., 1880; 23., 1881; 25., 1883; 26., 1884; 28., 1886. 8°. Loudon, 1859-86. ~Piew Sydenham Society's (The) Lexicon of terms used in medicine and the allied sciences. (Based on Mayne's Lexicon.) Edited for the society by Heury Power and Leonard W. Sedg- wick. Pts. 1-14. (A-Kid.) 3 v. 4°. London, Xrew Sydenham Society, 1878-87. IVewt. Klein (E.) Observations on the glandular epithelium and division of nuclei in the skin of newt. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1879, n. s., xix, 404-420, 1 pl. — Scolt (W. B.) On some points in the early development of the common newt. Ibid., 449-475, 2 pl. Newth (A. H.) A manual of necroscopy, or a guide to the performance of post-mortem exami- nations ; with notes on the morbid appearances, and suggestions for medico-legal examinations for the use of practitioners and students, xii. 157 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder Sr Co., 1878. Newton, Massachusetts. Annual reports of the city engineer to the city council for the years 1883-85. 3 p. 1., 67 pp. 8°. Boston, Rand, Avery S- Co., 1884-6. IVew ton, Massachusetts. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Newton. Bai Rio Shinpo. [Modern treatment of syphilis; transl. from original lectures by Dr. Newton, Eng. navy, formerly in charge of Lock Hospital, Yokohama, by Okiuo, Omi.] 2 v. 1 p. 1., 4. 3, 3, 3, 41 pp.'; 8 pp., 33 col. pl. 8°. Tokio, 1871. Japanese text. Newton (A. E.) Pre-natal culture; being sug- gestions to parents relative to systematic meth- ods of moulding the tendencies of offspring be- fore birth. 67 pp. 8°. Washington, D. C, R. H. Darby, 1879. -----. The modern Bethesda, or the gift of heal- ing restored ; being some account of the life and labors of Dr. J. R. Newton, healer; with obser- vations on the nature and source of the healing power, and the conditions of its exercise. Notes of valuable auxiliary remedies. Health maxims, etc. 322 pp., port. 8°. New York, Newton Pub. Co., 1879. -----. The better way ; an appeal to men iu be- half of human culture through a wise parentage. 48 pp. 12°. New York, Wood Sr Holbrook, 1880. -----. The same. 48 pp. 8°. Neiv York, M. L. Holbrook Sr Co., 1884. Newton (Alexander). Piles; how to self-cure them without cutting, ligature, nitric acid, or any painful process. The seat of the disease, and how engendered. Stricture, rheumatic gout, hypochondriasis, and headache always relieved and often cured by this genuine process. 30 pp. 12°. London, H. Kimpton, [1887]. NewtOll (Calvin) [1800-53]. Editor of: IVew England (The) Medical Eclectic and Guide to Health, Worcester, Mass.. 1846-7.— IVew England (The) l.otanie. Medical and Surgical Journal, Worcester, Mass. 1847-51. — Worcester (The) Journal of Medicine. 18.">2-3. See, also, Calkins (Marshall). Thoracic diseases [etc. | 2 ed. With the posthumous writings of . . . and biogra- phical sketch of ... 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. This is a new edition of Newton efc Calkins' work, with additions ._____A: Calkins (Marshall). Thoracic diseases ; their pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. With 56 NEWTON. 882 NEW WINCIIESIEK. iN'eWetOll (Calvin) &CalkillS (Marshall)—cont. a biographical sketch of the life and character of Prof. Calvin Newton, xxiv, 17-439 pp., port. ,8°. Worcester, D. l-9. Newton (R. Clark). The doctor's corner. 62 pp. 8C. London, W. Scott, 1884. Repr. from.- Newcastle Weekly Chronicle. Newton (Robert S.), jr. Co-Editor of: Medical (The) Eclectic, New York, 1877-81. Newton (Robert Safford) [1818-81]. An eclectic treatise on the practice of medicine, embracing the pathology of inflammatiou and fever, with its classification and treatment. 144 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1861. -----. Ancient and modern eclecticism in medi- cine. An address delivered before the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York. 8 pp. 8°. Brooklyn,'W. C. Wilton, 1864. -----. Explorations in cell-pathology ; or, obser- vations in regard to the causes, character, and treatment of cancer; made from 1843 till the present time. 20 pp. 8°. New York, Logan 4' Forbes, 1877. Repr. from: Med. Eclect., N. T., 1877, iv. Also, Co-Editor of: Western (The) Medical News. fun'iunafi. 1851-9.— Eclectic (The) Medical Journal, (im iunaii. 1852-61.—American (The) Eclectic Medical Review. New York, 1866-72. Also, Editor of: Amei-i- NewtOII (Robert Safford )—continued. can (The) Eclectic Medical Rejjwtei. New York 1WW Als,,. Co-Editumf: Medical (Thei Eclectic. New Yolk 1S-3-S1. Also. Editor of: .>>•»» Yorlt I'uarlcrlv Journal', 187;>. For Bi'igritphu, see Mecl. Truth, X. Y.. 18K1-J i 1-11 See. also. Powell (William Bvrel) & i>< ivIoii (Robt S.) The eclectic practice of medicine [etc. | 8. Cincin- nati, f854. ----- & Powell (William Byrd). An eclectic treatise ou diseases of children. 610 pp. 8\ New York, J. F. Trow f Co., 1867. Newton (William K.) Sanitary control of the food supply. 25 pp., 1 1. 8J. Concord, N. H., Republican Press Association, 1884. -----. Some facts about the New Jersey milk adulteration act and the results of its enforce- ment. Notes on milk analysis, giving the re- sults of 11-2 analyses and a brief account of methods. 15 pp. 8~. [Paterson, N. J, 1884.] -----. The sanitary survey of a house. 8 pp. 8°. Concord, N IL, 18<5. Repr. from.- Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 18.34, Concord, K. H., 1885, x. -----. Report of the milk inspector. 17 pp. 8 . [Trenton, 18,-6?] Repr. from .- Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey 1884-5, Tren- ton, 1885, ix. Newton Abbot. Annual reports on the pub- lic health of the Newton Abbot (rural) and Wol- borough and Dawlich (urban) sanitary districts, by Leonard Armstrong, medical officer of health, to the members of the combined sanitary au- thorities, for tlie years 1874-81. 4° & 8°. Xew- ton Abbot, 1875-82. 1874 is 4°. Newton Abbot. Clark (il. T.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, and supply of water, aud the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town of Newton-Abbot. 8°. London, 1850. Newton Branch of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Proceedings at the third anniversary meeting, held at Warrington, June •27, 1839. 16 pp. 8°. Warrington, J. Haddock, 1839. Newton Cottage Hospital and Dispensary. An- nual reports of the committee to the subscribers. l.-ll., 1873-83. 12° & 8°. Newton Abbot, 1874- 84. The words " and Dispensary " added iu 1874. 1873 is 12°. Newton-Heath. Rawlinson (R.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the township of Newton Heath, in the county pala- tine of Lancaster. 8 . London, 187)2. NewtOll Home for Orphans and Destitute Girls. Anuual reports of the directors to the public, 2., 1873-4; 4.-8., 1875-6 to 1879-80. 8". Boston, 1875-80. jVewtown. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., fen; Re- ports, etc., of). Blaxall" (Y. H.) Report to the Local (Gov- ernment Board upon the sanitary condition ot the urban sanitary district of Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn. Montgomery. March 12, 1-7 *\ fol. [London, 1878.] New Winchester Home for Aged Women, Charlestown. Address delivered at the opening of the . . . by Rev. O. C. Everett; and poem by Rev. Mark f rafton. May 1, 1873. With an ap- pendix. 3'2 pp. 8J. Cambridge, J. Wilson Sc Son, 1873. NEW WINDSOR, 883 NEW YORK. Yew Windsor. Ckksy (E.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewer- age, drainage, and supply of water, and the sani- tary condition of the inhabitants of the borough of New Windsor. 8°. London, 1849. New-ITc»r's gift (A) to the lord provost, mag- istrates, and town council of the city of Glasgow, 1st January, 1874. Beiug an essay shewing that the delusive practice of vaccination is ruinous to the national health. By An ti-Vaccinator. 52 pp. 8°. Glasgow, J. Thomson, [n. d.] New York. (City). [Communication from the mayor of the city of New York to the common council, relative to matters of public health.] Common council. Nov. 25, 1822. 8 pp. 8°. [New York; 1822.] -----. Report of the committee on laws, to the corporation of the city of New York, on the sub- ject of interment within the populous parts of the city. Read and adopted at a special meet- ing of the said corporation ou the 9th of June, 18*25, aud published by their order. 75 pp. 8°. New York, M. Day, 1825. [Also, in: P., v. 843.] Report of the special committee to whom was referred the resolutions of Alderman Stevens, relating to the supply of water by the Manhat- tan Company. Common council. May 31, 1830. 6pp. 8°. [Xew York, 1839.] [P., v. 1225.] Communication from the committee of the Lyceum of Natural History of the city of New York, in answer to an enquiry from Mr. Town- send on the source, quality, and purity of the water on this island. Common council. Feb. 28,1831. 11 pp. b°. [New York; 1831.] [P., v. 1225. ] Report of committee on charity and alms- house, in favor of removing the alms-house estab- lishment to Randall's Island and selling the Long Island farms. City Doc. No. 4. Board of assist- ant aldermen. June 29. 1835. pp. 39-46. 8J. [New York, 1835.] Cutting. Annual messages of his honor the mayor, Isaac L. Varian, to the common council, for the years 1,838-9; 1839-40. 20, 22 pp. 8°. New York; 1839-40. Report of the proceedings of the joint com- mittee appointed to make suitable arrangements for bringing ou the bodies of the officers of the New York regiment of volunteers from Mexico ; with the funeral ceremonies observed on the oc- I casiou of their interment. Board of aldermen. I City Doc. No. 13, 1848. pp. 211-262. 8°. New York; MeSpedon Sr Baker, 1848. Cutting. - Au ordinance organizing the departments of the municipal government of the city of New York, aud prescribing their powers and duties. viii, 224 pp. 8°. Neve York, MeSpedon «,• Baker, 1849. ----. Extracts from ordinances (Chap, xxxvi) relative to the interment of the dead. 7 pp. 8°. Xew York; W. Browne Sr Co., 1851. Communication from F. 1. A. Boole, city inspector, to the committee of the house to whom the metropolitan health bill was referred. 48 pp. 8-T New York, E. Jones f Co., 1864. Semi-annual report of the board for the examination of and licensing druggists and pre- scription clerks in the city of New York. 1., .July to Dec, 1,-71. 24 pp.^ 8 . New York, New York Printing Company, 1.872. ----. Stateel session. Board of aldermen. Nov. 22, 1880. [For the consideration of the provis- ional estimate for the year 1881.] pp. 523-64*. 8-\ [New York, 1881.] Cutting. Yew York {City). See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., for ); Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities; Deaf- mutes (Asylums, etc., for); Dentistry; Direc- tories, etc. (Medical); Education (Medical), etc., Fever (Cerebro-spinal, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, His- tory, etc., of), Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by localities; Foundlings, etc.; Hospitals (De- scriptions, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Hospitals (Maternity, etc.), Hospitals (Naval, etc.), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), Hos- pitals (Orthopaedic), by localities; Hospitals for contagious diseases ; Inebriates (Asylums for), In- sane (.Asylums for, etc.), by localities; Libraries (Medical, etc.); Medicine (Clinical, Cases of); Medicine (Veterinary, Education in, etc.); Ner- vous system (Diseases of, Hospitals for); Phar- macy (Education in, etc.); Phthisis (Hospitals for); Prostitution (History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Act (An) [proposed] to establish a metropoli- tan board of public works, and to provide for the government thereof. 8°. [New York; n. d.] Act (An) [proposed] laying out public places and parks and parkways in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of the city of New York, and in the adjacent district, iu Westchester County, and authorizing the taking of the lands for the same. 8°. [Albdny, n. d.] Address of the committee to promote the pas- sage of a metropolitan health bill. Dec, 1865. 8°. New York, 1865. Ball (L. C. ) Metropolitan health bill. Speech of ... on the "Act concerning the pub- lic health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Richmond, and the waters thereof". In as- sembly, March 25, 1861. 8-. Albany, 1861. Chandler (C. F.) Plan for a bureau of street cleaning for the city of New York. [Block plan. ] An act to provide for the cleaning of the streets, and removal of garbage and ashes in the city of New York. Prepared for the chairman of the committee on cities. 8°. [Albany, n. d.] Citizens' Association of New York. Council of hygiene aud public health. Boundaries and distribution of districts for sanitary inspection under direction of the council of hygiene, broad- side 4-T [New York, it. d.] -----. Council of hygiene and public health. [Circular to the profession, announcing the or- ganization and -object.] Sept. 15, 1864. 8 [New York, 1864.] -----. Council of hygiene aud public health. Report of pestilential diseases aud insalubrious quarters. The plan of inquiry and record. 8°. [New York, u. d.] ... -----. Important correspondence in relation to the public health of the city of New York. [Letter from the committee on sanitary inquiry of the Citizens' Association to the medical pro- fession, soliciting full and reliable information relative to the public health. March 2, 1864. And reply thereto, March 9, 1864. 4C. [New York, 1864.] . , „• v 1*1 _____. Council of hygiene and public health. Report upon the sanitary condition of the city. 8-. New York, 1865. . _____. The same. 2. ed. 8C. A etc York, 1866. A. ... .. _____ Report of the executive couucil to the honorary council of the Citizens' Association of New York, for the months of June, July, and Auo-., 1,860. 8->. New York, 1866. _ Cozzen* (I.) A geological history of Manhat- tan or New York Island. cK -Vie York, 1-4.?. NEW YORK. 884 NEW YORK. lew Vork {City). Davenport (J. I.) Letter on the subject of the population of the city of New York, its density, and the evils resulting therefrom. 8*. New York, 1884. Effects (On the) of high temperature upon the public health of New York and on measures of prevention. 8°. [New York, n. d.] Ewer (F. C.) Public health of the city of New York. Remarks before the Sanitary Asso- ciation. With appendix. 8°. New York; 1861. Facts concerning slaughter-houses, rendering establishments, and other nuisances; pestilence and the depreciation of property. Collected and published for the citizens of New York, by order of the committee of safety. 8°. New York; 1875. Fryer (W. J.), jr. 1. Law relating to build- ings in the city of New York, passed June 9, 1885, with marginal notes, a full index, and en- gravings illustrating the heights and thicknesses of walls. (No method so quickly explains as drawings to those accustomed to their use.) 2. Law limiting the height of dwelling houses iu the city of New York, passed June 9, 1885. S0. New York, 1885. Griscom (J. H.) The sanitary condition of the laboring population of New York. With suggestions for its improvement. 8J. New York, 1845. Hints towards promoting the health and cleanliness of the citv of New York. <8°. New York, 1-02. Hosack (D.) An inaugural address, delivered before the New York Historical Societv. 8G. New York, 1829. -----. Observations on febrile* contagion, and on the means of improving the medical police of the city of New York. Delivered as an intro- ductory discourse. 8°. New York, 1829. Newberry (J. S.) The geological history of New York island aud harbor. 8-\ Acir York; 1878. New York (Slate). An act relative to the public health in the city of New York. Passed April 10, 1850. 80. [Albany, 187,9.] -----. Laws relative to the public health in the city of New York. 8°. New York; 187)6. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1857. -----. Laws relative to quarantine and to the public health of the city of New York. (Part 1st, Chap, xiv, of the revised statutes, as amended and modified by the subsequent acts of the legislature) 16°. [New York], 1858. -----. Report of the select committee ap- pointed to investigate the health department of the city of New York. Transmitted to the leg- islature Feb. 3, 1859. S. No. 49. 8°. Albanu, 187)9. -----. Report of the committee on the in- corporation of cities aud villages, on the bill en- titled "An act concerning the public health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Rich- mond ". Transmitted to the legislature March 9, 1861). Assembly. No. 129. 8-. Albany, i860. -----. Assembly. An act [as amended and passed in assembly, April 10, 1861] concerning the public health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Richmond, and the waters thereof. No. —. June 10, 1861. Introd. by Mr. Robinson. fol. [Albany, 1861.] -----. S. Communication from the comp- troller of the city of New York, in reply to senate resolution regarding markets. No. 61. March 7. 1873. 8°. [Albany, 1-73.] -----. Assembly. Communication from the corporation counsel of the city of New York, in reply to a resolution of the assembly relative to the bill entitled "An act relating to assessments \cw York (City). for the construction of sewers and drains in li city of New York". No. 92. .March 28, l8;r, 8°. [Albany, 1876.] -----. S. An act to simplify tlie proof of the sauitarv code iu the citv of New York. No 170. March 3, 1880. fol. '[Albany, 1889.] -----. Assembly. An act iu relation to the health officer for the port of New York. No. 392. March 5, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Varnuui. fol. [Albany, 1889.] -----. Assembly. An act for the proper drain- age of lands in the city of New York. No. 543. March 18, 1880. Introd. bv J. L. Wells, fol [Albany, 1889.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors, wines, ale, and beer in the city of New York. No. 12. Feb. 16, 1882. In- trod. by Mr. Bogan. fol. [Albany, 188-j.] -----. Assembly. An act to establish an ad- ditional public park in the city of New York, and for the security of the public health therein. No. "257. March 2, 18,82. Introd. by M. C. Mur- phy, fol. [Albany, 1882] -----. Assembly. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to organize a night medical service in the city of New York, to provide med- ical assistance in ease of sudden sickness or acci- dent during the night time", passed June26,1880. No. 360. March 24, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Crane. fol. [Albany, 1882.] New York Academy of Medicine. Report of the standing committee on public health and le- gal medicine. 8°. New York; 187,2. New York Sanitary Association. Reports in relation to the public health. 8U. New York; 1859. Opinion of the medical profession on the con- dition and needs of the cily of New York, in re- gard to street-cleaning. (Expressed at a mass meeting of the physicians of the city, held at ChickeringHall, April 13, 1881.) 8°. 'New York, 1881. Raborg (S. A.) The sanitary topography of New York City. 8 . New York; 1869. Repr. from : Catholic World, Dec, 1869. Report of the citizens' committee upon the nuisances of New York City. The air we breathe. 8°. A"eic York. 1878. Report on lofty dwelling houses in New Yoik City, with minutes of the meeting at which it was presented, and proposed act regulating height of such houses iu proportion to the streets ou which they front. Feb. 1, 1884. rt\ New York; 1884. Sewerage (The) of New York. 8°. [w. p., 1845.] Repr. from : Hunt's Merchant's Mar;., June, 1845. State of New York. In the court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of er- rors. Between the mayor, aldermen, and com- monalty of the city of New York, plaintiffs in error, and Herman LeRoy and others, defendants in error. Case. [Application in original case to set aside assessment on sewer.] 71 pp. 8 , New York, 1823. Tiio.ms (W. F.) Weather chart, showing the effects of the meteorological influence's on mor- tality iu the city of New York. fol. [». p., u. d.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to prevent obstructive and injurious el-posits within the, harbor and adjacent wafers of New York City, by dumping or otherwise, and to punish and prevent such offenses, and making other provisions in connection therewith. 49. Cong., 1. sess. S. 702. Dec 21, 1885. Introd. by Mr. Miller, of New York. roy. 8. [Wash- ington, 18-5.] NEW YOKK. 885 NEW YORK. Xv\x Vork {City). United Spates. War Department. Engineer's Office. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans- mitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, in- ilosing map of survey and report upon the work of deepening Gcdney's Channel through Sandy Hook Par, New York; also inclosing a report from the board for fortifications upon a plan for the permanent improvement of the entrance to New York Harbor. 48. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Ex. Doe. No. 78. Jan. 12, 1885. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1885.] Maker (G.) Meteorological observations from Janu- ary, 17117, to Dei-ember, 1798, in the cupola of tbe exchange in'tho city of New York. Med. Reposit., NT Y., 1797-8, i, 99; 245; 373; 557: 1798-9, ii, 101; 2u5; 1119.—Baxter (J.) Keport of meteorological observations made in tbe city of New York from May 1, 1827, to May 1, 1828. X. York M. cfe Phys. .!., 1828, vii, 354: 1829, n. s., i, 281.—Colden (C. D.) Observations on tbe fever which prevailed in the city of New York in 1741 and 1742; written in 1743. Am. M. &Phil. Keg., N. Y„ 1814, iv, 310-330.—Griscoui (J. H.) Hygiene of New York City. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1849, ii. 455-458. -----. Improvements of the public health, nnil the establishment of a sanitary police iu the city of New York. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1857, 107-123.— linn i* (IT) Port of New York. Kep. Nat. Bd. Health, Wash.. 1879, 307-322, 20 plans.—Health (The) of New York; its general condition, costs, and needs, and the practical work of the board of health. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1876, iv, 60-02. — Hoeeack (D.) Observations on the means of improving tbe medical police of the city of New Yoik. In his: Essays on various subjects, 8°, N. Y., 824, ii, 11-86.—ironic* (J. P.) Summary of seven daily observations of the temperature, moisture, weight, direc- tion, and conditiou of tbe atmosphere for the vears 1861-2. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1862, 371: 1863, 341.— Tlunio (A.C) Sanitary administration in New York. San. Kee. Loml . 1887-8 n. s., ix, 455-457. — Pest-holes in New Vork. San. Engin., N. Y., 1884, x, 391; 409; 433; 457; fiii.*).—Report of the board of surgeons for the years 1H63-4; 1866-7; 1868-9. Rep. Bd. Com. Metrop. Police 1803-4, Albany, 1805, 44: (1866-7), 1868, 35: (1868-9), 1870- 23.—Report of tlie committee on hygiene of the Medica, Societv e>f the Oonntv of New York, ou tin- hygiene of New York Citv, 1878-80. Tr. M. Soc. X. YT, Svracuse, 1879, 542: 1880, 410: 1881, 357.—Shrady (.1.) Coutribiil tions to the medical history of the city of New York, 1784-8. Mecl. Keg., N. Y., 1884, xxii, 243-287.—Thorns (WT F.) Sanitary conditiou of Fish alley and surround- ings. Tr. M. Soi. N. Y., Albany, 1866, 148-152, 1 ch.— Trowbridge (W. IT) The sanitary problems of New York City. School of Mines Quart., N. Y., 1879-80, i, 131- 140—Waring ((>. E.), jr. The sanitary condition of New York. I. Tlie disease. Scribner's Month., N. Y., 1881, xxii, 64; 1711. New York (City). Board of Education. Annual reports to the mayor and common council of the city and to the State superintendent of public instruction. 12., 1853; 38., 1879; 40.-43., 1881-4. 8°. Netv York, 1854-85. -----. Regulations for the admittance, govern- ment, aud instruction of boys on board the New York nautical schoolship St. Mary's, as author- ized by the . . . Together with the Federal and State laws authorizing the establishment of said school. Jan., 1870. 44 pp. 8~. [New York], Gushing .)'• Bardua, [187(i]. IVew York (City). City Inspector. Annual re- ports of the ... of the number of deaths and interments in-the city of New York, to the com- mon council, for the years 1818-27; 1829; 1831; 1833-5; 1837-44; 1847-65. 8°. New York, 1819- 66, ----- Table of the semi-centennial mortality of the city of New York, compiled from the records of the . . . comprising the full period from Janu- ary 1, 1804, to December 31, 1853, inclusive. By Thus. K. Downing, city inspector. 1 broadside. fol. New York, 1854. Communication from the . . . relative to the spurious milk and diseased meat sold to tin inhabitants of this city. Board of councilmen. Aug. 16, 1854. Doc. No. 65. pp. 1055-1082. 8°. New York, MeSpedon if Baker, 1854. Cutting. New York (City). Commissioners of Water Sup- ply and Crolon Acptedncf. Report relative to in- troducing into the city of New York a supply of pure and wholesome water, accompanied by a law asking power to raise money by loan to exe- cute said work. Board of aldermen. Dec. 28, 1831. 75 pp. 8-. [New York; 1831.1 (V.. y. 1225. ] -----. [Report to the joint committee on fire and water, by Col. De Witt Clinton, on the best sources and means of transportation of an inex- haustible supply of pure and wholesome water for the citv of New York.] Board of aldermen. No. 61. Nov. 10, 1832. 120 pp. 8r [New York; 1832.] [P., v. 1225.] Report of the commissioners, under an act of the legislature of this .State, passed February 26, 1833, relative to supplying the city of New York with pure and wholesome water [including the engineer's report. D. B. Douglass, and Mr. Chilton's report]. Board of aldermen. No. 36. Nov. 12, 1833. pp. 357-410, 1 map, 3 plans. 8 T New York, P. Van Pelt, 1833. [P., v. 1225.] Cutting. [Communication from the water commis- sioners, to the common council, relating to their duties and powers under the act of 2d of May, 1834.] Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 1. May 19,1834. 3 pp. 8°. [New York; 1834.] [P., v. 1225.] Report of the commissioners under an act of the legislature of this State, passed May 2, 1834, relative to supplying the city of New York with pure and wholesome water. Board of al- dermen. Doc. No. 44. Feb. 16, 1835. pp. 323- 525, 5 plans. 8°. New York; W. B. Townsend, 1835. [P., v. 223.] Cutting. Report of the committee on fire aud water, to whom was referred the report of the watc commissioners, and the documents accompany- ing the same, in relation to supplying the city of New York with pure and wholesome water. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 45. March 4,1835. pp. 517-528. 8°. [New York; 1835.] Cutting. Communication from Stephen Allen, chair- man, in behalf of the water commissioners, pray- ing that the common council will apply to the legislature for a law authorizing the appoint- ment of commissioners, with power to alter the line of any high-way or turnpike in danger of injury from the Croton River Water Works. Board of aldermen. Doe. No. 48. Nov. 23, 1835. 3 pp. 8°. [New York, 1835.] [P., v. 223.] Communication from tbe mayor, enclosing a communication from Stephen Allen, chairman of the water commissioners, and from D. B. Doug- las, chief engineer New York aqueduct, in rela- tion to the practicability and probable expense of forcing bv steam engines a sufficient quantity of water from the North or East River to a reser- voir to be erected on Murray Hill, in aid of the present means of extinguishing fires. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 89. Feb. 15,1836. pp. 465- 473. 1 ch., 1 plan. 8°. [New York, 1836.] [P., v. 223. ] Cutting. [Report from the water commissioners, to the common council, on the situation and pro- gress of their work from the date of their appoint- ment.] Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 12. Aug. 1,1836. pp. 61-69. 8-\ [New York, 1836.] [P., v. 223. ] Cutting. -. Reports of the committee on laws and on tlie communication and draft of a law from the water commissioners, with amendments. Board sEW YOltK. 8*6 XEW YORK. ]\cw York (City). Com. ol' Water Supvly—cont. of aldermen. Doc. No. 83. Dec. 19, 1836. pp. 537-542. 8°. [New York, 1836.] [P., v. 223.] Cutting. -----. Communication from the water commis- sioners, setting forth the progress of the works for supplying the city with pure and wholesome water. Board of assistant aldermen. Doc. No. 24. Jan. 9, 1837. pp. 97-109. 8°. [New York, 1837.] [P.. v. 223.] Cutting. -----. Report of the select committee, to whom was referred so much of the message of his honor the mayor as relates to furnishing a supply of water for the extinguishing of fires and laying additional pipes. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 103. Feb. 27, 1837. pp. 663-671. 8°. New York; 1837. [P., v. 223.] Cutting. -----. Semi-annual reports of the water commis- sioners for the city of New York. 4.-9., Jan., 1837. to Dec.. 1839"; 11.-14., July, 1840, to June, 1842. 8. [New York, 1837-42.] [P., v. 313.] -----. Report of the finance committee, to whom was referred so much of th, report of the water commissioners as relates to providing funds for completing the Croton Water Works. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 67. Feb. 26,1838. pp. 519- 521. 8'. [New York, 1838.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. .-----. Keport of the committee on roads and ca- nals, to whom was referred so much of the report of the water commissioners as relates to the con- struction of the aqueduct across the Harlaein River. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 88. April 23, 1838. pp. 615-627. 8-. [New York; 1838.] [!'., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Communication from the water commis- sioners relative to the Croton Aqueduct. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 2. May 14,1838. pp. 25- 33. 8°. [New York, 1838.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Report of the fire and water committee on a communication from a committee of citizens relative to a paid fire department. Board of al- dermen. Doc. No. 56. March 2, 1840. pp. 575- 582. Ho. [New York, 1840.] Cutting. -----. Supplemental report of the late water commissioners. March 20, 1840. City Doc. No. 65. pp. 639-650. 8°. New York, Bryant f Boggs, [1840]. [Also, in: P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Communication of the water commission- ers in relation to laying down the distributing water pipes. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 72. May 4, 1840. pp. 709-716. 8°. New York, Bry- ant's.- Boggs, [1849]. [P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. An ordinance to organize the Croton Aque- duct department. Common council. Aug. 5, 1840. 4 pp. 8r [New York, 1840.] [P., v. 356.] -----. Communications of the comptroller, the water commissioners, and the Croton Aqueduct committee, etc., ou the subject of the ordinance to amend the ordinance to instruct the water commissioners. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 70. Oct. 12, 1840. pp. 239-295. 8C. New York, 1840. [P.,v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Report of the majority of the special com- mittee, on the subject of the ordinance creating the aqueduct departmeut, etc., and to amend the ordinance to instruct the water commissioners. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 31. Dec. 14, 1840. pp. 9:5-114. 8-. [New York. 1840.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. \('W York (City). Com. of Water Supply—cont. -----. Keport of the minority of the special com- mittee on the subject of the ordinance creating the aqueduct department, etc., and to amend the ordinance to instruct the water commissioners. Board of aldermen. Doe. No. 32. Dec. 14, 1840. pp. 115-194,1 plan. 8-. [Xew York, 1849.] [ \'., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Report of the committee on the Croton Aqueduct, on the petition of John M. Bradhurst, for remuneration for injuries done, his property in the opening of the Tenth avenue. Board of aldermen. No. 35. Dec. 21, 1840. pp. 195-197 8-. [New York, 1840.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Report of the special committee to whom was referred the communication from the water commissioners, a report of the Croton Aipieduct committee, and au opinion of the council in re- lation to the powers and duties of the water com- missioners, together with accompanyiug docu- ments. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 32. Dec. 22, 1840. pp. 395-466. 8°. [New York; 1840.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. A statement of the receipts and expendi- tures on account of the Croton Aqueduct, and of the amount of water-loan stock, authorized by the legislature of the State of New York, with the amount of such stock issued by the common council of the city of New York to April 20, 1841. 1 1., 1 tab. 8°." [New York, 1841.] [P., v. 356.] -----. Quarterly reports of the Croton Aqueduct department in compliance with an ordinance to provide for the accountability of the executive committees of the common council. 1., 3., & 4. qrs. of 1841. 8°. [New York; 1841-2.] [P., v. 356.] -----. Acts of the legislature of the State and ordinances and resolutions of the common coun- cil of the city of New York iu relation to the subject of the introduction of water into the city of New York, from 1833 to June, 1842. 72 pp.' 8°. [New York], C. Dingley, 1842. [P., v. 356.] -----. Communication from the comptroller rel- ative to the establishment of a water depart- ment, with a programme of a law for the same. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 80. April 18, 1842. pp. 617-627. 8°. [New York, 1842.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Description of the Croton Aqueduct, by John B. Jervis, chief engiueer. 31 pp. 8°. New York, Slainm fy Genon, 1842. -----. Report on the general state of the work ou the Croton Aqueduct (to the water commis- sioners). Doc. No. 9. July 12, 1842. pp. 91-101. 8°. [Neiv York, 1842.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Report of special committee on the memo- rial of Messrs. Tatham & Bros., relative to composition and other conduit pipes. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 37. Oct, 10, 1842. pp. 165-188. 8°. [New York, 1842.] [P., v., 356.] Cutting. -----. Report of the Croton Aqueduct board, iu relation to the ways and means of paying the Croton water debt. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 58. Dec. 27. 1842. pp. 541-577. ". [New York; 1842.] [P., v. 356.] Cutting. -----. Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct, by F. B. Tower, of the engiueer department, vi, 152 pp., 22 pl. fol. Neio York Sr London, Wiley f Putnam, 1843. NEW YOKE. 887 NEW YORK. IVew York (City). Com. of Water Supply—cont. _----. A memoir of the construction, cost, and capacity of tho Croton Aqueduct, compiled from official documents; together with an account of the civic celebration of the fourteenth October, ]842, on occasion of the completion of the great work; preceded by a preliminary essay on an- cient and modern aqueducts. By Charles King. vii, 308 pp., 1 pl. 4°. New Yovk, C. King, 1843. -----. An ordinance establishing a scale of water rents for the Croton Aqueduct department. 8 pp. 8 . [New York, 187,1.] —----. Annual report of the Croton Aqueduct department; made, to the common council of the city of New York, for the year 1857. 102 pp. 8°. .Veic York, C. W. Baker, 1858. —----. Profile of lower part of Croton Aqueduct. Ground plan of the lower part, of Croton Aque- duct. 1 plan. [New York, G. Hay ward, u. d.] [P., v. 356.] New York (City). Coroner s Office. Annual re- port for the year 1883. np. 163-165. fol. [New York; 1884.] Cutting from: City Record, 1884, xii. New York (City). Depart ment of Public Chari- ties. Annual reports of the commissioners of public chaiities and correction, to the mayor of the city. 1., 1860; 4., 1863; 6.-12., 1865-71. 8°. New York; 18(51-72. -----. Rules and regulations for the government of the bureau of medical and surgical relief for the out-door poor. Under the direction of the board of commissioner--; of public charities and collection. 10 pp. 8U. [New York], 1866. -----. The nomenclature of diseases. Adopted by the commissioners of public charities and cor- rection, on the recommendation of the medical boards of Bellevue, Charity, aud Infants' Hos- pitals, for the hospitals of the department of public charities and correction, Dec, 1869. 86 pp. 8■-. New York, 1879. -----. Medical, surgical, aud obstetrical statis- tics of the Bellevue and Charity Hospitals, 1870. First annual report. 3 p. 1,1011. obi. 4°. New York, Bellevue Press, 1871. -----. Report, to the commissioners of public charities aud correction of the city of New York, on the chemical aud physical facts collected from the deep-sea researches made during the voyage of the nautical schoolship "Mercury", under- taken by their order in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean .Sea, 1870-71. By Henry Draper. 33 pp., 1 pl., 1 map. 8C. New York; New York Printing Co., 1871. -----. Meeting of the commissioners, March 2, 1871. [Requisitions from departments received, examined, and acted on.] pp. 81-101. 8°. [New York; 1871.] Cutting. -----. Report, to the commissioners of public charities and correction, on the scientific portion of the cruise of the "Nautical school-ship Mer- cury " during the winter of 1871-2. By J. W. S. Arnold. 16 pp. 8'-\ New Yovk; Bellevue Press, 1872. -----. Report on the free labor bureau, and pro- posed improvements for the same. To the board of commissioners of public charities and correc- tion. July 30, 1873. 7 pp. 8 . [New York; 1873.] -----. Annual reports of the chief of staff of the Charity, Fever, Epileptic-, Penitentiary, Alms House and Work House Hospitals, and Hospital for Incurables, Blackwell's Island, N. Y., for the years 1874; 1875. 63 pp., 1 tab; 64 pp., 2 tab. 8°. New York; 1875-6. -----. Monthly report of the examining physi- cian. To the board of commissioners of public New York (City). Dep. of Pub. Charities—cont. charities and collection, for Jan., I88:j. broad- side, 14 x 17 in. [New York; 1883.] -----. Hospital formulary of tlie department of public charities and correction of the city of New York. 3. ed., rev. iv, 127 pp. 8-. New York; Printing Bureau of New York City Asylum for the Insane, 1886. New York (City). Department of Public Chari- ties. Bellevue Hospital. The inauguration of the pathological building of the . . . October 25,1856. 8 pp. 8 . New York, Wiley S- Halstead, 187)6. Repr. from: X. York JT M., 1856, 3. s., i. -----. Rules and regulations for the government of the Bellevue Hospital. 40 pp. .-'-. (New Yovk], 1869. -----. The same. 42 pp. 8-. [New Y'ork; 1863.] -----. Annual reports of the Bellevue and Char- ity Hospital, New York, for 1870. xviii, 415 pp. 8'-. New York, 1). Appleton ,('■ Co., 1870. -----. Report of special committee of the medi- cal board of Bellevue Hospital on erysipelas and pyiemia. 9 pp., 3 ch. 8 >. New York, Bellevue Press, 1872. -----. Catalogue of the "Wood" Museum of Bellevue Hospital, New York City. Comprising a descriptive and classified list'of anatomical and pathological specimens, vi 256 pp., I 1. 12°. New York, Department Press, 1881). New York (City). Department of Public Chari- ties. Charity Hospital, Blackwill's Island. Rules and regulations of the . . . adopted by the board of commissioners of public charities and correc- tion, Nov. 20, 1875. 24 pp. 12°. [New York], Bellevue Press, 1875. -----. Annual reports of the chief of staff, to the board of commissioners of public charities aud correction, for the- years 1874 ; 1875. 8°. New York; 1875-6. See, also. >'e»v Vork (City). Board of Commissioners of Public Charities. Bellevue Hospital. -----. The Training .School for Nurses, Charity Hospital, Blackwell's Island. [Notice of . . . with an extract from the annual report of the chief of staff, for 1,881.] 13 pp. 8°. New York; Department Press, 1882. -----. The Charity Hospital Training School for Male Nurses. [Information for, and questions to be answered bv, applicants. ] 2 1. 4°. [New York; 1887 !] New York (City). Department of Public Chari- ties. Commissioners of the Almshouse. The Com- missioners of the Almshouse vs. Alexander Whis- telo, a black man; being a remarkable case of bastardy, tried and adjudged by the mayor, re- corder aud several aldermen of the city of New York, under the act passed 6 March, 1801, for the relief of cities aud towns from the maintenance of bastard children. 56 pp. 8\ New York, D. Longworth, 1898. -----. Report of the committee on charity and almshouse in favor of removing the almshouse establishment to Randall's Island and selling the Long Islaud farms. City Doc. No. 4. Board of assistant aldermen. June 29, 1835. pp. 39-46. 8°. [New York, 1835.] Cutting. I -----. Report of the joint special committee on Blackwell's Islaud and the Long Island farms, ! on the communication from the commissiouers of the almshouse, relating- to the lunatic asylum. City Doc. No. 14. Board of assistant aldermen. July 22, 1835. pp. 121-128. 8-'. [New York, 1835.] Cutting. -----. Memorial of the late commissioners of the almshouse, etc.. and members of the committee on Blackwell's Island and Long Island farms, of NEW YORK. 888 NEW YOKE. New York (City). Department of Public Chari- ties. Commissioners of the Almshouse—continued. the last common council, on the subject of the lunatic asylum. City Doc. No. 31. Board of assistant aldermen. Oct. 13, 1835. pp. 271-284. 8°. [New York; 1835.] Cutting. -----. Communication from the commissioners of the almshouse, in reply to certain interroga- tories contained in a resolution adopted by the board of assistants ou the 31st of July, 1835. [Giving their reasons for transferring the lunatic asylum to Randall's Island.] City Doc. No. 23. Board of assistant aldermen. Sept. 7, 1835. pp. 195-204. 8r [New York, 1835.] Cutting. -----. Report of the commissioners of the Alms House, Bridewell and Penitentiary. City Doc. No. 32. pp. 201-251. 8-'. New York, ptd. by order of the board of aldermen, 1837. Cutting. -----. An ordinance for the organization of the hospital department of the Alms House of the City aud County of New York. City Doc. No. 6. Aug. 5, 1847. pp. 55-65. 8°. [Albany, 1847.] Cutting. -----. Annual reports of the governors of the Almshouse of the City of New York to the secre- tary of state of New York and the common coun- cil of the city of New York. 4., 1852; 5., 1853; 7., 1855; 10., 1858; 11., 1859. 8S>. New York, 1853-60. -----. Annual report of the Blackwell's Island Hospitals to the governors of the Alms House, for the year 1854. 34 pp., 1 tab. 8°. [New York, 1855.] New York (City). Department of Public Chari- ties. Homoeopathic Hospital, Ward's Island. Rules and regulations. Adopted by the board of com- missioners of public charities and correction. 28 pp. 8°. [New York], Bellevue Press, 1876. -----. Annual reports of the chief of medical staff to the president department of public chari- ties and correction. 5.-7., 1879-81; 12., 1886 8°. New York; 1880-87. New York (City). Department of Public Chari- ties. New York City Asylum for the Insane, Ward's Island. Anuual reports of the medical superin- tendent to the commissioners of public charities and corrections. 2.-10., 1873-81. 8°. New York 1874-82. First report not printed. -----. Rules and regulations of the. . . Prepared by A. E. Mac. [New York; 1881.] New York (City). Department of Public Parks. Central Park Menagerie. Annual report of the director, for the year 1879. 32 pp. roy. H-. New York, M. B. Brown, 1889. New York (City). Department of Public Parks. New Yovk Meteorological Observatory. Annual reports of the director to the board of commis- sioners, for the years 1870-71; 1873-5; 1877; 1886. 8<- &■ 4C. New York; 1,871-87. 1874-5 in 1. 1886 is 4°. -----. Abstracts of registers from Draper's self- recording instruments. (Monthly.) Jan., 1879, to Dec, 1881; July, 1882; Jan."to Nov., 1886; Jan. to Dec, 1887. 4°. New York, 1879-88. -----. Annual tables for the years 1879-81. 4°. New York, 1880-82. New York (City). Department of Public Works. Annual reports. 2., 1871-2; 1881-4. 8°. New York, 1872-85. New York (City). Health Department. Docu- ments relating to the board of health of the city of New York. 99 pp. 8C. New York, J. Cheetham, 1806. -----. Board of health of the city of New York. Address to their fellow citizens [June 1, 1818]. 8 pp. 8°. [New York, G. L. Birch -. New York Sr Albany, 1867-70. 3. report published at Albany. -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Cholera at the military posts, in the harbor of New York, in the summer of 1867. 7 pp. 8°. New York, C. S. Westcott Sr Co.. 1868. Repr. from: Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health 1807, N. Y., 1868, ii. -----. Cleanse and disinfect. Advice in regard to the use of disinfectants. [Prepared and pub- lished by direction of the Metropolitan Board of Health, N. Y., July 18, 1868.] 4 pp. 8-. [New York, 1868.] -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Memo- randum on disinfection. 8 pp. 8°. New York; C. S. Westcott Sr Co., 1868. -----. A report to the Metropolitan Board of Health, on vaccination. 1868. 58 pp. 8\ New- York, D. Appleton <|- Co., [1868]. -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Office of sanitary superintendent. Circular, to physi- cians, reminding them that they are required by law to report to the board all cases of au infec- tious, contagious, or pestilential character. By Ed. B. Dalton, sanitary superintendent. Jan. 2, 1868. 1 sheet. 4°. [New York; 186,8.] -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Sanitary qualities of the water supply of New York and Brooklyn, by Elisha Harris, with chemical anal- yses, by C. F. Chandler. 16 pp. 8-'. New York, C. S. Westcott 4'- Co., 186.8. Repr. from • Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health, N. Y.. 1867, ii. -----. Metropolitan Board of Health of the city of New York. Special report upon the opera- tions of the N. Y. Rendering Co., Sept. 26, 1*67. By Moreau Morris and E. H. Janes to E. B. Dal- ton, sanitary superintendent. 7 pp. 8 , New York, C. S. Westcott S- Co.. 186,8. -----. The vital statistics and sanitary condition of the hospitals and other institutions in which medical care is systematically provided in the metropolitan sanitary district. (Published by order of the Metropolitan Board of Health.) 16 pp. 8C. New York; C. S. Westcott f Co., 186,8. Repr. from: Rep. Reg. Vital Statist. 8°. New Tork, ii. -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Report in answer to a resolution of the assembly. [Con- cerning the action of the health officer in trans- ferring passengers from the ship James Foster to Ward's Island.] State of New York. No. 116. March 26, 1869. 2 pp. 8^. [Albany, i860.] -----. Bureau of Sanitary Inspection. Circular, to physicians, calling attention to section 122 of the sanitary code, which requires physiciaus to report to the bureau every person having a con- tagious disease. By Moreau Morris, city sani- tary inspector. Oct. 1, 1870. 1 sheet. 8-\ [New York, 1870. ] -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Report on the gas nuisauce in New York, by C. F. Chandler. 109 pp. 8J. New York. D. Appleton f Co.. 1870. Repr. from: Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health, N. Y., 1870. -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Reports on the water supply of New York and Brooklyn. Chemical report by C. F. Chandler. Microscop- ical report by "\Villiain B. Lewis. 14 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, D. Appleton d'- Co., 1870. Repr. from .- Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health, X. Y., 1869, iv. NEW YORK. 890 NEW YORK. i\CW York (City). Health Department—cont'd. ------. Metropolitan Board of Health. Code of health ordinances, and rules and sanitary regula- tions, 1866, and its amendments. Metropolitan sanitary district of the State of New York. 11 pp. 8 . [n. p.,n.d. ] •------. Metropolitan Board of Health. Disin- fectants and how to use them. 1 sheet. 8°. [New York; n. d.] ------. Rescue of drowning persons. Rules adopted by the Metropolitan Board of Health. 4 pp. 12-. [New York; n. d.] ------. Sanitary code of the board of health of the health department of the city of New York. Oct., 1870. 84 pp. ,8°. New York, N. Y. Printing Company, 187(1. The board of health of the health department was or- ganized April 11, 1870, succeeding the metropolitan board of health by act of the legislature. Reorganized in 1873. ------. Annual reports of the board of health of the health departmeut of the city of New York to the mayor. 1.-6. (1870-71 to 1874-5). 8-r New York; 1871-6. For subsequent reports, see New Vork (City). Health Department. Bureau of Vital Statistics. 5, and 6. reports in one for twenty months, May 1, 1874, to Dec. 31, 1875. ------. Board of health of the health department of the city of New York. Supplemental report of the anuual report of the department of health of the city of New York, twentieth sanitary in- spection district, for the year lo70. By R. Tauszky. 26 pp. 8°. New York; 1872. ------. Manual of the board of health of the health department of the citv of New York. August, 1872. 209 pp. 16c. New York, D. Ap- pleton S.- Co., 1872. ------. Report of the board of health of the health department of the city of New York, on small-pox. 16 pp. 8°. New York; J. J. Hastie, 1872. ------. Instructions regarding the prevention of cholera. Health department, New York, June 7,1,873. 11. 8. [New York; 1873.] ------. Rules for the care of infants. June 3, 1873. 11. Hr. [New York, 1873.] ------. Manual of the board of health of the health departmeut of the citv of New York. 233 pp. 16-. New York, D. Appleton f Co., 1874. ------. Report of the sanitary committee of the board of health on the concentration and regu- lation of the business of slaughtering animals in the city of New York. June. 1874. 30 pp., 1 map. 8 . New York; D. Appleton S- Co., [1874]. ------. Sanitary code of the board of health of the health department. June. 1874. 83 pp. 16°. New York, M. B. Brown, 1874. ■■ A table showing, for each week since 1866, the total weekly mortality, the mortality from diarrhceal diseases of children under five years of age, and of persons more than five years of age; the greatest range of temperature, and the mean range of temperature and of humidity in each week. 1 broadside, fol. [New York, 1876.] ------. Defective drainage of dwelling houses. 7 pp., 3 pl. 8°. [New York, 1877.] ------. Registry of births returned to the bureau of vital statistics, health departmeut of the citv of New York. [Nos. 24 & 26, 1877. Blank forms filled out.] 16-. [New York; 1877.] ------. In the, court of general sessions iu aud for the city and county of New York at the Decem- ber term, 1876. Hon. Josiah Sutherland presid- ing. The People vs. Daniel Schrnmpf. Misde- meanor. Adulteration of milk. Argument of W. P. Prentice, counsel to the board of health, for the prosecution. 32 pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Trow 4' Son, 1877. New York (City). Health Department -cont'd. ------. The City Record. Official journal. Health department. Reports of the board of health of the health department to the mayor of the citv. [Quarterly.] 4., 1876; 4., 1877'; 4., 188] • 3 18e2; 4., 1882; 2., 1883; 1.-4., 1884. fol. New York, 1877-85. ------. The City Record. Official journal. Health department. Reports for the weeks ending March 10. 1877; Jan. 27, March 31, April 28. Sept. 1 to Oct, 2, 1883. fol. [New York, 1877- 83.] ------. Catalogue of books and pamphlets in the library of the health department, New York. 1878. 51 pp. 8°. New York; M. B. Brown, 1878. ------. [Blank forms used by the board of health of the health department of the city of New York.] v. s. [New York; 187-.] 1. Certificate of death [and list of diseases]. 2. Preliminary notice of a death from a contagious dis- ease. ------. Sanitary code of the board of health of the health department of the city of New York. May, 1880. (Sec. 82, chap. 335,' laws of 1873. j 97 pp. 16°. New York, J. F. Hahn, 1880. ------. Circular ou bovine vaccine virus. 3 pp. 8r. New York; 1880. ------. Specifications for plumbing and drainage. [To be submitted, with plan, for the action of the board of health of the city of New York.] 13 pp. fol. [New York, 1882?] ------. The registration of plumbers, and the law and regulations governing the plumbing aud drainage of all buildings hereafter erected. Chapter 450, laws of 1881. An act to secure the registration of plumbers, aud the supervision of plumbing aud drainage in the cities of New York and Brooklyn. 12 pp. 8°. [New York, 1883. ] ------. Reports of deaths in New York Citv. [Weekly.] Dec 8, 1883, to Jan. 3, 1885. 18k [New York, 1883-5.] ------. The tenement house problem in New York. For the information of the commission ou legislation affecting tenement and lodging homes, provided for in chapter 84, laws of 1887. Dec. 14, 1887. 48 pp. 8-. New York, W. P. Mitchell, 1887. ------. Sunstroke. [Report of the sauitary com- mittee of the board of health upon sunstroke.] 1 sheet. 12°. [New York; n. d.] ------. Board of health of the health depart- ment of the city of New York. Sanitary regula- tions against small-pox, scarlatina, and measles. By E. H. Janes, city sauitary inspector. 1 sheet. 16c. [New York, n. d.] ]\Tew York City (Health Department of). Addkkss of the committee to promote the pasMige of a metropolitan health bill. New York, Deo., 1865. 8\ .Yen- York, 1865. New York (City). Board of Health of the City of New York. Documents relating to the board of health of New York. 8-. New York, 1806. ------. Board of Health of the City of New York. Address to their fellow citizens [June 1, 1818]. 8-. [.Veil' York; 1818.] ------. Board of Health of the Health De- partment of the City of New Vork. Annual re- ports. 1.-6., 1870-71 to 1874-5. 8. New York, 1871-6. ------. Board of H«*alth of the Health De- partment of the City of New York. Supplemen- tary report of the annual report. Twentieth sanitary inspection district, for the year 1870. 8J. New Yovk; 1872. ------. Metropolitan Board of Health of the State of New Y'ork. Annual reports. 1.-4., 1866-9. 6°. New York, 1867-70. NEW YOkK. 891 XEW YORK. \c« Vork City (Health Department of). ------. Metropolitan Board of Health. Re- port of F. P>. Dalton, sanitary superintendent of the Metropolitan Board of Health. 8 . AI bang, 1867. New York (Slate). An act relative to the public health in the citv of New York. Passed April 10, 1850. 8°. [Albany, 1850.] -----. Report of the select committee up- pointed to investigate the health department of the citv of New York. Transmitted to the legis- lature Feb. 3, 18.-,!). 8°. Albany, 1859. -----. Report of the committee on the incor- poration of cities and villages, on the bill enti- tled "An act concerning the public health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Richmond". March 9, 1860. 8. Albany, 1860. —----. Senate. An act to simplify the proof of the sanitary code in the citv of New York, No. 170. March 3, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Stra- han. 'fol. [Albany, 1880.] Chandler (Dr.) and tbe New York health depart- ment. San. Enjoin., X. Y., 1882-3. vii, 5r>8-560. Also, Re- print. — Health (The-) of Xew Yor,c trom June, 1866— Jan., 1887. Science, X. Y.. ISSIi, viii. 92; 200: 316; 420; 529: 624: 1887. ix, 84; 227. — Monthly bulletius of the Xew York State board of health. Kep. State Bd. Health X. Y., Albany, 1886, vi, 451 - 304. — Work of the summer corps of the city board of health. San. Engin.. N. Y., 1882, vi, 343. New York (City). Health Department. Bureau of Vital Statistics. Metropolitan Board of Health. Bureau of records aud vital statistics. Circular, to physicians, explanatory of forms and nomen- clature used. Also, brief suggestions to medical practitioners respecting certificates of deaths. Bv Elisha Harris, registrar. May. 1866. 21. 8 T [Xew York, 1866.] -----. Metropolitan Board of Health. Bureau of records and vital statistics. Circular, to phy- sicians, calling attention to the metropolitan sanitary code, which requires attending phy- sicians to report immediately all cases of cholera, typhus aud typhoid fevers, yellow fever, and small-pox. July 31, 1866. 1 sheet. 8°. [New York; 1866.] -----. Reported mortality, together with the act- ual mortality. (Weekly.') July 23, 1870, to July 24, 1886. roy. 8° & 4°. New York, 1870-,86. -----. Weekly mortality from the principal causes of death in the city of New York, for the years 1874-7. 4 . [New York, 1875-8.] -----. Abstract of census of the city of New York in 1875, by wards, ages, sexes, nativity, etc. Compiled for report of bureau of vital sta- tistics, under the direction of Dr. E. Harris. Revised by superintendent of State census. 1 broadside, fol. [New York, 1876.] -----. Bureau of vital statistics. Summary of births, marriages, still-births, and deaths in New York Citv, during the years 1876; 1877; 1879; 1880; 18,83. fol. [New'York, 1877-84.] 1876, 1877, and 1880, are cuttings from City Record. -----. Reported mortality, together with the actual mortality. [Quarterly.] 1.-4. qr., 1877. fol. [Xew York, 1877-8.] ------. Annual reports of the board of health of the health department of the city of New York. Vital statistics. 7.-11., 1876-80. ' ,8°. New York, [1877-81]. For prior reports, see Nvw York (City). Health De- partment. -----. Reported mortality, together with the actual mortality for the years 1877-83. fol. New Yovk; 1878-84. ■-----. Summary of births, marriages, still-births, deaths, etc., in New York City. Compared with 352 American and foreign cities. For the year 1878. And also the mortality from some of the most promiuent causes, which took place in ^'ew York (City) Health Department. Bureau of Vital Statistics—continued. New York City during the past 75 vears. Bv John T. Nagh*. 14 pp., 1 tab. 8 . 'New York, C. L. Birmingham S' Co., 1879. Repr. from.-' Hosp. Ga/,.. X. Y., 1879, vi. ---■—. Tabic showing the total number of still- births and deaths (with an enumeration of some of the most prominent causes) which occurred in this city during the seventy-five years ending Dec. 31, 1878, and the number of births and marriages reported since the year 1847. Com- piled from the records. Bv John T. Na»-le. 1 sheet, fol. [New York, 1879.J -----. Epitome of the births, marriages, still- births, and deaths iu New York Citv during the year 18;9. Bv John T. Nagle. 1 sheet. 4°. [New York; 1889.] New York (City). Police Department. Reor- ganization of the surgical department of the police. Mayor's office, July 10, 1855. 7 pp. 8 [New York, 1855.] -----. Annual reports of the board of commis- sioners of metropolitan police to the legislature, for the years 1862-3; 1863-4; 1866-7; 1868-9 8r Albany, 1864-70. -----. Communication from the metropolitan board of police and board of health in answer to a resolution in relation to prostitution in the city of New York. 11 pp. 8°. Albany, Van Benthuysen , 1822. s . [New I York, 1822.] -----. Report of the special committee to whom was referred the resolutions of Alderman Stevens, relating to the supply of water by the j Manhattan Company. Common council. May 31, 1830. 8°. [New^ York, 1839.] -----. Communication from Judge Wright upon the subject of supplying the city with water. Common council. Sept. 6, 1830. 8°. [New York, 1830.] -----. Communication from the committee of the Lyceum of Natural History of the city of New York, in answer to an inquiry from Mr. Townsend on the source, quality, and purity of the water of this island. Common council. Feb. 2H, lsill. 8-. [New York, W31.] -----. Annual messages of his honor the mayor, Isaac L. Yarian. 1838-9 ; 1839-40. 8°. New York; 1839-40. -----. Report of the commissioners appointed to investigate the condition of the Manhattan Company, together with minutes of their proceed- ings, and various statements relative thereto. March 14, 1840. s-'. New York; 1840. New York (City). Commissioners of Water Sup- ply and Croton Aqueduct. Report relative to in- troducing into the ci'y of New York a supply of pure and wholesome water, accompanied by a law asking power to raise money by loan to exe- cute said work. Board of aldermen. Dec. 28, 1831. 8°. [New Yovk, 1831.] -----. Report to the joint committees on fire and water, by Col. De Witt Clinton, on the best sources and means of transportation of an inexhaustible supply of pure and wholesome water for the city of New York. Board of alder- men. No. 61. Nov. 10, 1832. 8°. [New York; 1832.]- [f -----. Report of the commissioners under an act of the legislature of this State, passed Feb. 26, 1833, relative to supplying the city of New York with pure and wholesome water [including the engineer's report, D. B. Douglass, and Mr. Chilton's report]. Board of aldermen. No. 36. Nov. 12, 1833. so. New Yovk, 1833. -----. [Communication from the water com- missioners to the common council, relating to their duties and powers under the act of 2d of May, 1834.] Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 1. May 19, 1834. 8°. [New York, 1834.] -----. Report, of the commissioners under an aci of the legislature of this State, passed May 2, 1834, relative to supplying the city of New Y'ork with pure and wholesome water. 8°. New York, 1835. -----. Communication from Stephen Allen, esq., chairman, in behalf of the water commis- sioners, praying that the common council will apply to the legislature for a law authorizing the appointment of commissioners, with power to alter the line of any highway or turnpike, in danger of injury from the Croton River Water Works. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 48. Nov. 23, 183."). 8°. [Washington, 1835.] -----. Communication from the mayor, en- closing a communication from Stephen Allen, esq., chairman of the water commissioners, and from D. B. Douglass, esq., chief engineer N. Y. aqueduct, in relation to the practicability and probable expense of forcing, by steam engines, a sufficient quantity of water from the North or East River to a reservoir to be erected ou Mur- ray Hill, in aid of the present means for extin- Xew Y'ork City ( Water-supply of). guishing fires. Board of aldermen. Due. No. s;i. Feb. 15, 1836. 8-. [New York, WM',.] -----. [Report from the water commissioners to the common council, on the situation and progress of their work from the date of their ap- pointment to that of the report. ] Board of alder- men. Doe. No. 12. Aug. 1, 1836. 8°. [New York, 1836.] -----. Report of the committee on laws, etc., on the communication aud draft of a law from the water commissioners, with amendments, Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 83. Dec. 19, 1836. 8°. [New York, 1836] -----. Communication from the water com- missioners, setting forth the progress of the works for supplying the city with pure and wholesome water. Board of assistant aldermen. Doc. No. 24. Jan. 9, 1837. 8'-. [New York; 1837.] -----. Report of the select committee to whom was referred so much of the message of his honor the mayor as relates to furnishing a supply of water for the extinguishing of (ires and laying additional pipes. Board of alder- men. Doc. 103. Feb. 27,1837. 8J. [New York; 1837.] -----. Semi-annual reports of the water- commissioners for the citv of New York. 4.-9., Jan., 1837, to Dec, 1839 fil.-14., July, 1840, to June, 1842. 8~. [New York, 1837-42]. -----. Report of the finance committee, to whom was referred so much of the report of the water commissioners as relates to providing funds for completing the Croton Water Works. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 67. Feb. 26, 183H. 8 . [New York; 1838.] -----. Report of the committee on roads and canals, to whom was referred so much of the report of the water-commissioners as relates to the construction of the aqueduct across the Har- laem River. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 88. April 23, 1838. 8C. [New York, 1838.] -----. Communication from the water com- missioners, relative to the Croton Aqueduct. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 2. May 14, 183-1. 8°. [New York, 1838.] -----. An ordinance to organize the Croton Aqueduct department. Common council. 8°. [New Yovk; 1840.] -----. Report of the fire and water commit- tee, on a communication from a committee of citizens relative to a paid fire department. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. ,r>6. March 2, 1840. e->. [New York, 1840.] -----. Communication of the water-commis- sioners in relation to laying down the distribut- ing water pipes. Board of aldermen. Doe. No. 72. May 4, 1840. 8-. New York; [1849]. -----. Communications of the comptroller, of the water commissioners, and the Croton Aque- duct committee, etc., on the subject of the ordi- nance to amend the ordinance to instruct the water commissioners. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 70. Oct, 12, 1840. 8'-. New York, Wlo. -----. Report of the majority of the special committee on the subject of the ordinance creat- ing the aqueduct department, etc., and to amend the ordinance to instruct the water commission- ers. Board of aldermen. No. 31. Dec. 14,1840. 8°. [New York, 1840.] -----. Report of minority of the special com- mittee on the subject of the ordinance to create the aqueduct department, etc., aud to amend tlie ordinance to instruct the water commissioners. Board of aldermen. No. 32. Dec. 14, 1840. 8°. [New York, 1840.] NEW YORK. 897 NEW YORK. New York City (Water-supply of). -----•. Report of the committee on the Croton Aqueduct on the proposition of John M. Brad- hurst for remuneration for injuries done his property in the opening of Tenth avenue. Board of assistant aldermen. No. 33. Dec. 21,1840. 8r [New York, 1849.] ■-----. Report of the special committee to whom was referred the communication from the water commissioners a report of the Croton Aque- duct committee, and an opinion of the, counsel iu relation to the powers aud duties of the water commissioners, together with accompanying documents. Board of aldermen. No. 32. Dec. 22, 1840. 8°. [New York, 1840. ] -----. A statement of the receipts and ex- penditures on account of the Croton Aqueduct, and of the amount of water-loan stock author- ized by the legislature of the State of New York, with the amount of such stock issued by the common council of the city of New York to April 20,1841. 8°. [New York, 1841.] -----. Quarterly reports of the Croton Aque- duct department, in compliance with an ordi- nance to provide for the accountability of the executive committees of tho common council. 1., 3., and 4., qrs. of 1841. 8°. [New York, 1841.] -----. Acts of the legislature of the State, and ordinances and resolutions of the common council of tin* city of New York, iu relation to the subject of the introduction of water into the citv of New York from 1833 to June, 1842. 8°. [Xew York], 1842. -----. Communication from the comptroller relative to the establishment of a water depart- ment, with a programme of a law for the same. Board of aldermen. No. 80. April 18, 1842. 8°. [New York; 1842.] -----. Report ou the general state of the work on the Croton Aqueduct to the water-com- missioners. Doc. No. 9. July 12, 1842. 8°. [New York; 1842.] -----. Report of the special committee on the memorial of Messrs. Tatbani & Bros., relative to composition and other conduit pipes. Board of aldermen. Doc. No. 37. Oct. 10, 1842. 8°. [New York, 1842.] -----. Report of the Croton Aqueduct board, in relation to the ways and means of paying the Croton water debt. Board of aldermen. No. 58. Dec. 27, 1842. 8°. [New York, 1842.] -----. A memoir of the construction, cost, and capacity of the Croton Aqueduct, compiled from official documents; together with an ac- count of the civic celebration of the fourteenth October, 1842, on occasion of the completion of the great work, preceded by a preliminary essay on ancient and modern aqueducts. By C. King. 1°. New York; 1843. -----. Au ordinance establishing a scale of water rents for the Croton Aqueduct department. 8°. [New York, 1851.] -----. Profile of lower part of Croton Aque- duct. Ground plan of the lower part of Croton Aqueduct. 1 plan. [New York; n. d.] New York (State). Act of incorporation of the Manhattan Company. Passed April 2,1799. 12°. New York, 1830. -----. Annual reports of the superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs to the legislature of the State of New York for the years 1867-9. 8°. [Albany, 1868-70.] New York (State). Commissioners of Fisheries. Annual report. 8., 1875. 8°. Albany, 1876. New \tork (State). Commissioners of State Parks. Annual report. 1., 1872. 8-. [Albany, 1873.] 57 [\ew Vork Cily ( Water-supply of). New York Water Works Company. Report to the directors of the . . . by their engineer. 8\ [New York, 1826.] State of New York. Iu the court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of error. Between the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, plaintiffs in error, and Herman Le Roy and others, defendants in error. Case. [Application in original case to set aside assessment on sewer.] 8°. New York; 1823. Sullivan (J. L. ) A description of a sub- marine aqueduct to supply New York with water from New Jersey, connected with a commercial canal and railway for the direct western trade of the city. 8°. Neiv York; 1839. -----. An address to the mayor, the aldermen, and inhabitants of New York, supplemental to Col. Clinton's report on water, demonstrating from the facts ascertained by the surveys, as well as others, the advantages of a rock-water com- pany with banking privileges appropriating the surplus to public baths and cleansing streets, also a proposition to the Manhattan Company to fill their aqueduct with rock-water. 8°. New Yovk, 1833. Tower (F. B.) Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct, fol. New York <)'• London, 1843. Union League Club. Committee of political reform, April 9, 1883. Water question [of New Y'ork City. Report and resolutions, unanimously adopted by the committee.] 8°. [New York, 1883.] Water (The) supply of New York. Sugges- tions for a, permanent and economical settlement of the question. The Hudson River as an avail- able, unlimited, and unfailing source. Plan for the relief of the city before another season. 8°. New York; 1876. t'liamllei- (C. F.) & I.<*vi* |W. B.) Reports on the quality of the water-supple [of New York and BrooklvuJ. Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health'1809, N. Y., 1*70, ' 415-425, 1 pl. A Iso, Reprint.— < roi on supply aud was«. [Edit. J San. Engin., NT Y., 1881-2, v, 177— ti-olon water of New- York. (Eelif.l Science, N. Y.. 1*82, iii, 31-36.—t' nl ler (E.) Suspicious organisms in Croton-water. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1882, xxi, 365-308.—ITkIiiiiiii (H. G.) Tlie water supply of New York. Siijigo^iions for a permanent and economical settlement of ihe question. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1877, v, 51-04, 1 pl.—Hari-i* (H.) Sauitary qualities of the water supply [of New York and Brooklyn |. with chemical analyses, bv C. F. Chandler. Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health 1867, N. Y., 1808, ii. 385-406. Also, Rcju int.—i\«-w (The) Croton aqueduct. San. Engin., N. Y., 1885, xii, 491: 1885-6, xiii. 297; 344; 368: 1886, xiv, 57; 273; 566: 1886-7, xv, 234; 287 : 1887, xvi, 39: 291. — New York's water supply. [Edit] Ibid., 1882-3, vii, 169; 193; 218; 241; 265; 290; 314; 338; 362; 386; 410.—Peicrs (J. C.) The New- York water supply; present anil prospective. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1886, xvi, 289-321.—Slale Board of Health, NT Y. Communication from . . . relative to the condition of the new aqueduct, New York. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Albanv, 1887, vii, 91-133.— Waler-snpplj (The) of New York City. San. Engin., N. Y., 1884-5, xi, 348; 457; 518: 1885, xii, 29. New York (Port). Annual reports of the health officer of the port of New York, to the commis- sioners of quarantine, for the years 1864-73; 188(5. 8°. Albany, 1865-87. 1864-73, in: Rep. commissioners of quarantine for the same years. 1886, repr. from: Rep. commissioners of quar- antine (1880), Albany, 1887. -----. Port of New Y'ork. Rules and regulations to be observed by masters of vessels under quar- antine. May 15,1870. 1 sheet, fol. [New York; 1879.] -----. The same. June ], 1871. 1 sheet, fol. [New York, 1871.] ■-----. The same. June 1, 187'2. 1 sheet, fol. [New York, W72.] -----. The same. June 1, 1874. 3 pp. 12°. [.Veil- York, 1874.] NEW YOKK. 898 NEW YORK. IVew York (Port)—continued. -----. Regulations for the discharge of cargo from vessels under quarantine in the port of New York. Established June, 1875. 7 pp. 16°. [Nciv York, 1875.] -----. Communication from the health officer, quarantine, in reply to a resolution of the assem- bly in relation to the steam tug Gov. Fenton. No. 76. Iu assembly, March 10, 1876. 1 .sheet. 8°. [Albany, 1876.] -----. [Blank forms used by] health officer's de- partmeut, quarantine, S. I. v. s. [New York, 185- to 187-. ] Affidavit of captain and surgeon, that the ports from which they sailed were free from malignant, contagious, or infectious diseases. Iu English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Bill of expense for fumigating vessel after discharge of cargo. Directions for pilots in regard to leaving vessels. Form No. 194 and 195. License to carry on the husiness of . . . under quaran- tine. Notice, to general agent, Castle Garden, of passengers sent to---Island. Permit, to superintendent of hospital, to admit passen- gers for treatment. -----. Disinfection of rags. Communication of the health officer of the port of New York to the NeAV York City board of health, in relation to the regulation requiring the disinfection of foreign rags. 21 pp. 8r New York; AI. B. Brown, 1885. -----. Summary from the health officers report to the Chamber of Commerce on the importance of disinfecting rags. 2 1. 4°. [Albany, 1886.] -----. See, also : Chamber of Commerce. Report of select com- mittee on quarantine, adopted July 7, 1859. 8°. New York, 187,9. For subject-titles relating to foregoing, see: IVew York City (Quarantine Establishment of). New York. (State-). S. Report from the com- mittee to whom was referred the bill entitled " Au act to incorporate the trustees of the medi- cal institution of the State of New York". Re- ported by Mr. Cochran, April 10, 1-15. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1815.] -----. Report of the commissioners, directed by the act of 17th April, 1826, to visit the State prison at Auburn. Made to the senate Jan. 13, 1827. 88 pp. 8°. Albany, Croswell f Van Ben- thuysen, 1827. [P., v. 602.'] -----. Assembly. Report of the committee on medical subjects, on the petition of sundry prac- titioners of medicine in the citv and county of New York. March 2, 1830. 12 pp. 8-. [New York; 1830.] -----. Act of incorporation of the Manhattan Company. Passed April 2, 1799. 12 pp. 12°. New York; Grattan, 1830. -----.' Assembly. Report of the committee on medical societies and colleges. [Reported by Mr. Milledoler, in favor of repealing the present law regulating the practice of medicine.] No. 171. Feb. 28, 1832. 10 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1832.] [P., v. 422.] -----. Assembly. Report of Mr. Wiufield, from the committee ou medical societies and colleges. [Reply to the majority report made by Mr. Mille- doler, Feb. 28, 1832. ] March 28, 1832. No. 251. 66 pp. 8\ [Albany, 1832.] [P., v. 422.] -----. AssemHy. Report of the committee on medical subjects, on so much of the governor's message as relates to the Asiatic cholera. June 22,1.832. 3 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1832.] -----. S. An act for the preservation of the pub- lic health. [Establishing quarantine against the I introduction of cholera. ] June 22, 1832. No. cxiv. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 1832.] I New York (State)—continued. -----. Assembly. Report of the select commit- tee, ou so much of the governor's message as re- lates to the insaue poor. Jan. 31, 1835. 26 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1835.] -----. Assembly. Reports of the majority and minority of the select committee, on several peti- tions relative to the repeal of the law restraining botanic practice. Feb. 16, 1835. 27 pp. 8 . [Albany, 1835.] [P., v. 422.] ----. An act to amend title second, chapter fourteen, part first, of the revised statutes, relat- ing to the quarantine regulations of the port of New York. Passed May 2, 1836. 1 sheet. 8-T [Albany, 1836.] Bound, with: Chapter xiv of the revised statutes. 8°. New York, 1836. ----. Thesame. [With an extract from act of Congress, Feb. 25, 1799, and the agreement be- tween New York and New Jersey, in 1833.] 2 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1836.] Bound with: Chapter xiv of the revised statutes. 8°. [New York, 1838?J ----. Chapter xiv of the revised statutes of the public health, relating to the port, harbour, and Stato of New York. (Published by order of the board of health of the city of New York.) 48 pp. 8°. New York, P. Scott f Co., 1836. ----. Chapter xiv [of the revised statutes] of the public health [relating to the port, harbor, and State of New York. Published by order of the board of health of the city of New York], 61pp. 8G. [New York; 1838?] ----. S. Report of the governor's message iu relation to the State Lunatic Asylum. No. 39. Feb. 16, 1839. Rep. by Mr. Paige. 5 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1839.] ----. Assembly. Communication from the comp- troller, transmitting sundry reports relating to the investigation of the Seamens' Fund and Re- treat, Marinfe Hospital, etc. Feb. 13, 1810. No. 214. 94 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1840. J ----. Assembly. Report of the committee on charitable and religious societies, on the petition of the governors of the State Hospital of the city of New Vork, for aid from tlie State. March 3, 1840. No. 223. 16 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1849.] ----. Assembly. Report of the standing com- mittee on medical societies and colleges, relative to the restrictions on unlicensed practitioners. May 9, 184:) 11pp. 8°. [Albany, 1849.] ----. Assembly. Report of the minority of the select committee, to which was referred numer- ous petitions asking a change of the Jaw towards Thomsonian physicians. No. 354. May 12, 184 J. 23 pp. 8°. [Albany, 184U.] ----. Assembly. Report of the select committ'-e on petitions of numerous citizens of the Stats, prayiug for the passage of a law authorizii g Thomsonian physicians to collect pay for serv- ices. No. 94. Jan. 30, 1841. 7 pp. 8-. [Albany, 1841.] ----. Assembly. Report of the select coniinitte*, on so much of the governor's message as relat rs to the Lunatic Asylum. April 22. 1841. 11. 8. [Album/, 1841.] ----. Assembly. Report of the committee in medical societies and colleges, on the memorial of the New York Eye Infirmary, praying for aid. March 7, 1842. 3 pp. 8-. [Albany? WAV.] -----. Acts of the legislature of the State, and ordinances and resolutions of the common coun- cil of the city of New York, iu relation to the sub- ject of the introduction of water into the city of New York, from 1833 to June, 1842. 72 pp. 8J. [New York], C. Dine/ley, 1842. [P., v. 356.] -----. Assembly. Report of the committee on colleges, academies, and common schools, on the NEW YOKK. 899 NEW YOKK. New York (State)—continued. petitions of the trustees of the Albany Medical College, tlie medical faculty of Geneva College, the medical department of the University of the City of New York, asking appropriations from the revenue of the U. S. deposit fund, etc. March 19,1844. 5 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1844.] _____, S. Report of the minority of the commit- tee on medical societies and medical colleges, ou the bill in relation to the State Lunatic Asylum. April 23, 1844. 11pp. 8\ [Albany, 1844] _____. Assembly. Report of the minority of the library committee, to whom the senate bill, en- titled "An act in relation to the State Library", was referred. No. 176. April 20,1844. 2pp. 8°. [Albany, 1844.] _____. Laws relating to the publie health, the quarantine duties of pilots, etc., for the port, harbor, and State of New Vork, embraced in the revised statutes and in an act of the legislature of the State of Xew York. Passed May 13, 1846. 59 pp. 8°. New York; .1. U'. Bell, 1846. -----.. Assembly. Report of a special committee of the house of assembly of the State of New York, on the present quarantine laws, 1840. 317 pp., 2 maps. 8'-\ Albany, Carrol f Cook, 1846. -----. Assembly. Report, of the legislative com- mittee of 1848 on the removal of quarantine. 16 pp. 8°. [Albany, W48.] -----. S. Report of the standing committee on medical societies and colleges, relative to sundry petitions for the passage of a law to regulate the practice of physic and surgery. Jan. 15, 1848. 5 pp. 8 . [Albany, 1848.] -----. Militia law of the State of New York. An act to provide for the enrolment of the mili- tia, aud to encourage the formal ion of uniform companies, excepting the first military division of this State, passed May 13, 1847, as amended by tho act passed Dec. 15, 1847, to which is ap- pended so much of the former militia laws as are not repealed by this act. 101, 10 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen, WW. -----. S. Report of the majority of the commit- tee on grievances on petitions, relative to the quarantine establishment and to the bill from the assembly ou that subject. No. 51. March 1, 1849. ID pp. 8°. [Albany, 1849.] -----. Assembly. Communication from the com- mittee appointed by the house of assembly, being the report of the sefect committee appointed April 11, 1848, to examine and report as to whether the quarantine establishment in the county of Richmond should be removed from its present location, and as to what locality said establish- ment should be removed. No. 60. Jan. 30, 1849. 121 pp., 2 eh. 8. [Albany, 18491] [Also, in: P., v. 640.] -----. Acts amending tho militia laws of the State of New York. Passed April 10, 1849. 8 pp. 8°. Albany, Weed, Parsons f Co., 1849. -----. An act relative to the public health in the citv of New York. Passed April 10, 1850. 48 pp., 11.' 8-r [Albany, 1850.] -----. S. Report of the majority of the commit- tee on medical societies and colleges, on so much of the governor's message as relates to the chol- era. State of New York. No. 92. March 25, 1850. 43 pp. 8°. Albany, [1850]. -----. An act relative to the public health in the citv of New York. Passed April 10, 1850. 48 pp., 11.' 8^. [Albany, 1850.] -----. Assembly. Report of the committee on medical societies and colleges, on petition of Dr. Wm. Turner for final enactments against bleed- ing. July 1,1851. 40 pp. 8°. [ Albany, 1851.] -----. Assembly. Report of the minority of the committee on colleges, academies, and common New York (Slate)—continued. schools, against grantiug a charter to the Metro- politan College. State of New York. March 5, 1852. 6 pp. 8\ [Albany, 187)2.] -----. Reports of the majority and of the minor- ity of the select committee, on so much of the gov- ernor's message as relates to intemperance and the sale of intoxicating drinks. (Transmitted to the legislature of New York Jau. 25, 1854.) 40 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen, 187,4. -----. Report of the commissioners relative to encroachments aud preservation of the harbor of New York. Transmitted to the legislature Jau. 8,1856. 163 pp. 8°. Albany, (.'. Fan Benlhuysen, 1856. -----. S. Report of select committee relative to condition of wharves and buildings at quaran- tine. No. 100. April 8, 1856. 24 pp. 8-. [Al- bany, 1856.] -----. Report of select committee appointed to visit charitable institutions supported by the State and all city and county poor and work houses and jails of the State of New York. Trans- mitted to the legislature Jan. 9, 1857. 217 pp., 1 1. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen, 1857. -----. Report of commissioners relative to en- croachments in the harbor of New York. Trans- mitted to the legislature Jan. 29, 1857. 335 pp., 1 map, 8 diag. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen, 187)7. -----. Report of the commissioners for the re- moval of tin- quarantine station of the State of New York. Transmitted to the legislature Feb. 12,1858. 33 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthny- sen, W7)8. -----. Report of the commissioners relative to removal of the quarantine station. Transmitted to the assembly March 10,1858. 02 pp. 8°. Al- bany, C. Van Ilenthuysen, 187,8. -----. S. Report of the select committee on the registration of births, marriages, and deaths. March 11, 18,8. Doc. No. 81. 8 pp. 8 . [Al- bany, 187)8. ] -----. An act to incorporate the American Col- lege of Medical Science. Passed April, 1858. 3 pp. 8°. [New York, 1858.] -----. Laws relative to quarantine aud to the publie health of the city of New Tork. (Part 1, chapter xiv, of the revised statutes, as amended and modified by the subsequent acts of the legis- lature.) 07 pp. 16°. New York; 1858. -----. Report of the select committee appoiuted to investigate the health department of the city of New York. Transmitted to the legislature Feb. 3, 1859. 211 pp., 1 plan, 1 map. 8 . Al- bany, C. Van Benthnysen, 1850. -----. An act to amend and consolidate the sev- eral acts relating to the city of Troy, N. Y. 95 pp. 8-'. Troy, Budget Printing Establishment, 1860. -----. Report of tbe committee on the incorpora- tion of cities and villages, on the bill entitled "An act concerning the public health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Richmond". Transmitted to the legislature March 9, 1860. 30 pp., 1 map. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1860. -----. Assembly. Report of the select commit- tee to which was referred the memorial of Dr. Saunders and others, asking for au investigation into the causes of the death of Norris Tarbell at the State Lunatic Asylum af Utica. Transmitted to the legislature April 16, I860. 80 pp. 8°. Al- bany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1860. _____. Assembly. An act [as amended and passed in assembly April 10, 1,861] concerning the public health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Richmond, and the waters thereof NEW YOKK. 900 XEW YOKK. New York (-State)—continued. No. —. Jau. 10,1861. Introd. by Mr. Robinson. 8 pp. fol. [ Albany, 1861.] -----. Assembly. Metropolitan health bill. Speech of the Hon. L. Chandler Ball, of Rensse- laer, on the "act concerning the public health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Rich- mond, and the waters thereof". March 26,1861. 15 pp. 8°. Albany, Weed, Parsons Sr Co., 1861. -----. Report of the committee on the incorpora- tion of cities and villages on the bill entitled "An act concerning the public health of the counties of New York. Kings, and Richmond^ and the waters thereof". 4n pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen, W61. [Also, in: P., v. 345.] -----. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend au act entitled 'An act to establish a metropolitan police district, and to provide for the government thereof. Passed April 15, 1857"; April 10, i860; April 25, 1864. 32 pp. 8°. New York; Ber yen f Tripp, 1864. -----. Report of the general agent of the State of New York for the relief of sick, wounded, fur- longhed, and discharged soldiers to the board of managers of the New York State Soldiers' Depot, at New York City. 134 pp., 5 pl., 2 maps, 1 plan. 8\ Albany, Comstoek f Cassidy, 1864. -----. Report on the condition of the insane poor in the county poor-houses of New York. By Sylvester D. Willard [secretary of the Medi- cal Society of the State of New York, to the leg- islature, Jan. 12, 1865]. 70 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen, 1865. -----. Assembly. Report of the committee on publie health, relative to the small-pox. Feb. 10, 1865. No. 76. 15 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Wen- dell, 1865. [Also, in : P., v. 345.] -----. An act to establish a metropolitan sanitary district aud board of health to preserve the pub- lic health in said district, ami to prevent the spread of disease therefrom, 18(15. 36 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1865.] -----. An act to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors within the metropolitan police district of the State of New York. [Passed April 14,1866. ] 12°. New York; San ford, Harroun Sr Co., 186,6,. In: Nkw York (State). An act to create a metropoli- tan sanitary district. 12°. New York, I860, 43-50. -----. An act to create a metropolitan sauitary district and board of health therein for the preservation of life and health, and to prevent the spread of disease. 32 pp. 8°. New York, Bergen f Tripp, 1866. [Also, in: P., v. 345.] -----. An act. to create a metropolitan sanitary district and board of health therein for the pres- ervation of life and health, and to prevent the spread of disease. [Also, an act to amend an act entitled "An act to create a metropolitan sanitary district and board of health therein".] 50 pp. 12°. New York, Sanford, Harroun f Co., printers, 186,6. -----. Notice to masters of vessels. Extract from the United States shipping act of 1872. An act for the better protection of seamen in the port and harbor of New York. Passed March 21, 1866. 1 sheet. 4J. [New York, 1866.J -----. Communication from the governor, trans- mitting the report of tho commissioners ap- pointed to locate the Hudson River State Hospi- tal for the Insane, at Poughkeepsie, Jan. 9, 1807. 8 pp. 8\ Albany, C. Van Benthnysen if Sons, 1867. -----. An act for the regulation of tenement and lodging houses in the cities of New York and Brooklyn. Passed May 14, 1867. 11 pp. 8°. New York; Bergen Sr Tripp, 1867. -----. Census of the State of New York for 1805 ; taken in pursuance of article 3 of the constitu- New York (Stale)—continued. tion of the State, and chapter 64 of the laws of 1855, and chapter 34 of the laws of 1805; prepared from the original returns under the di- rection of Hon. Fran. C. Barlow, secretary of state, by Franklin B. Hough, superintendent of the census. 1 p. 1., cxxvi, 743 pp., 2 diag. fol. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen f Xenix, 1807. -----. Laws relative to quarantine in the port of New York. Compiled under the direction of the commissioners of quarantine. 70 pp. 10"'. New Yovk, Francis if Loutrel, H07. ^ -----. Laws of the State of New York relating to the Metropolitan Board of Health and to tho Metropolitan Board of Excise, passed in 1866 and 1867. 92 pp. 8-. New York, Bergen S-Tripp, W67. -----. Assembly. Report of the committee on public health, relative to the public dutiesof the health officer of the port of New York. No. 100. March 18, 1808. 3 pp. 8-T [Albany, 186,8.] -----. The cat th* disease ! Extract from the law passed April 20, 1866, to prevent the introduc- tion and spread of the disease known as the rinderpest, and for the protection of the Hocks and herds of sheep aud cattle in this State from destruction by this and other infectious diseases. Also, an extract from regulations adopted by tho State commissioners Aug. 18, 1808. broadside fol. [Albany, W68 ?] -----. Communication from the governor, trans- mitting the report of the board of commission- ers of rinderpest for the vear 1807. 2 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1868.] -----. Communication from the governor, trans- mitting the report of the commissioners of pilots in the city of New York for the vear 1807. 3 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1868.] -----. Assembly. Report of the board of com- missioners charged with the construction of the quarantine hospital and boarding station on West Bank. State of New York. No. 18. Jan. 14,1869. 13 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1809.] -----. Assembly. Testimony taken before the committee appointed to make inquiry concerning the gas companies iu the city and county of New York, city of Buffalo, city of Brooklyn, and the citv of Albany. State of New York. No. 113. Feb. 15, 1869.' 288 pp. 8->. [Albany, W69 ] -----. Assembly. Report of sub-committee of the whole [to which was referred the assembly bill G. O. 612, entitled "An act authorizing the corporation of the city of Troy to borrow moneys and issue bonds therefor for the extension of the water works of said citv". Reported by Mr. Cameron.] No. 112. May 24, 1869. 8 pp. 8°. [Albany, I860.] -----. Communication from the governor, trans- mitting annual report of the board of police of the capital police district to the assembly, for the year 1867-8. 39 pp. 8\ [Albany, W6U.] -----. Report accompanying plans for the im- provement of the ventilation and heating of the hall of representatives, by Lewis YV. Leeds. 8 1. fol. [New York, 1869.] -----. Report of special committee appointed by the commissioners of emigration of the .State of New Y'ork to investigate into complaints of pas- sengers of ship James Foster, jr. 126 pp. 8-T New York;D. Taylor, 18(39. -----. S. Report of the commissioners to locate an insane asylum in the eighth judicial district, New Y'ork. No. 8. In senate. Jan. 20, 1870. 24 pp. 8C. [Albany, 1870.] Bound with: Rep. Kuffalo State Asylum for the Insane. 1.-13. 8°. Buffalo i£ Albany, 187'J-81. -----. Assembly. Report of the committee on the manufacture of salt. No. 194. April 11, 1870. 5 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1870.] NEW YORK. 901 NEW YORK. New York (State)—continued. -----. Laws relating to quarantine in the port of New York. Compiled under the direction of the commissioners of quarantine. 69 pp., 1 1. 18J. New Yovk; Corlies, Alack f Co., 1870. -----. Report of the commissioners of quarau- tine in response to alleged abuses and the an- swer of the health officer thereto to the governor of the State. Dec. 11, 1871. 15 pp. 8°. [Al- bany, 1872. ] -----. Assembly. An act to protect the people against quackery and crime. State of New York. Introd. bv Mr. Flammer. Jan. 24, 1872. 7 pp. fol. [Albany, 1872] ■-----. Assembly. An act in relation to quaran- tine in the port of New Y'ork. No. 858. Feb. 2, 1872. Introd. by Mr. Hawkins. 6 pp. fol. [Albany, 1872.] -----. Assembly. Report of commissioners to construct quarantine buildings, under chapter 751, laws of 1863. No. 46. Feb. 7, 1872. 10 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1872.] -----. Assembly. Reply of the quarantine com- missioners in obedience to a resolution of the as- sembly relative to the expenditure of money ap- propriated to said commissioners by chapter 715 of the laws of 1871. State of New Y'ork. No. 56. Feb. 14, 1872. 18 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1872.] -----. Assembly. Report and testimony of the assembly committee on commerce aud naviga- tion in relation to the quarantine abuses at the port of New York. No. 131. May 2, 1872. xix, 363 pp. 8°. [Albany, W72.] -----. S. Communication from the comptroller of the city of New York in reply to a resolution of the .Senate relative, to the paving of certain streets and avenues in said city with wooden pavement, etc. State of New York. No. 69. March 28, 1873. 28 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. Au act establishing a quarantine and defining the qualifications, duties, and powers of the health officer for the harbor and port of New York. No. 102. Jan. 22. 1873. Introd. by Mr. Adams. 20 pp. fol. [Albany, W73.] -----. Assembly. Reply of the New York street cleaning commission to a resolution of the as- sembly relative to contracts issued since the or- ganization. State of New York. No. 47. Feb. 7, 1872. 9 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. An act to amend chapter 135 of the laws of 1842, entitled "An act to organize the State Lunatic Asylum, and more effectually to provide for the care, maiuteuanee, and recovery of the insane", passed April 7, 1842. No. 222. Feb. 13, 1873. Introd. by Air. Chatfield. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. Report of the commissioners appointed to investigate charges agaiust lunatic asylums in this State; also an act accompanying the same. No. 40. Feb. 17, 1873. 16 pp. b». '[Al- bany, 1873.] -----. S. Preamble and resolutions relative to the office of the commissioner of quarantine, and the expenditure of moneys appropriated for quarantine purposes in the port of New Y'ork dining the past three years. No. 45. Feb. 21, 1.873. 2 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. An act to establish a commission in and for the city and county of New York, to be known and designated as the commission of charitable correction, and to define its powers and jurisdiction. Introd. bv Mr. Benedict. No. 245. Feb., 1873. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. An act relative to the medical laws of the State of New Y'ork. No. 236. March 3, 1873. Introd. by Mr' Lewis. 7 pp. fol. [Albany, 1873. ] New York (State)—continued. -----. Communication from the comptroller of the city of New Y'ork, in reply to senate resolu- tion regarding markets. State of New York. No. 61. In senate. March 7, 1873. 12 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. Assembly. An act relative to the medical laws of the State of New Y'ork. No. 623. March 14, 1873. Introd. by Mr. Crandall. 7 pp. fol. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. Report and testimony taken before the finance committee, with regard to the affairs aud management of the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane. No. 107. April 30, 1873. 87 pp. 83. [Albany, 1873.] -----. Defence of insanity in criminal cases. Argument of Henry L. Clinton, delivered April 15, 1873, before the judiciary committee of the senate [of New Y'ork], in favor of the bill drafted by him in relation to the defence of insanity in criminal cases, which has passed the assembly. 41 pp. 8C. [Albany, 1,873.] -----. S. Reply of the comptroller of the city of New Y'ork to a resolution of the senate, giving a statement of all the costs, fees, and expenses incurred for the opening of streets, avenues, and public places in the city of .New York during the five years last past, etc. State of New Y'ork. No. 98. May 16, 1873. 55 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. An act further to define the powers and duties of the board of State commissioners of public charities, and to change the name of the board to the State board of charities. Passed May 21, 1873. 4 pp. 8*r [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. Report of the finance committee, to whom was referred the resolution of the senate calling on the commissioners of quarantine to transmit an account of all moneys expended, work performed, and materials furnished since the date of their organization, and for what pur- poses it was expended. No. 104. May 29, 1873. 28 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. Testimony taken before the finance committee of the senate of 1873, iu response to a preamble and resolution. [Beiug three written statements of Dr. John Swinburne, of Albany, in reference to quarantine in New York Harbor.] 43 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] -----. S. Testimony [taken by the finance com- mittee of the senate, on the management of quar- antine in the port of New York. No. 82]. xiv, 167 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873?] -----. S. [Evidence taken by the finance com- mittee of the senate on the management of quar- antine in the port of New York.] pp. 105-136. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] Uuttine;. -----. Report on a topographical survey of the Adirondack wilderness of New York. By Ver- planck Colviu. 43 pp., 1 pl.,2 maps. 8°. Al- bany, Argus Co., 1873. Report made to the legislature. State Doc. No. 53,1873. -----. Assembly. Au act making appropriations for certain expenses of government, aud for sup- plying deficiencies in former appropriations. No. 923. April 10, 1873. Introd. by Mr. Fort. 30 pp. fol. [Albany. 1873.] -----. The same. No. 1020. April 10, 187:?. Rep. by Mr. Fort. 3 J pp. fol. [Albany, 1873.] -----. Annual reiiorts of the superintendent of public instruction and the regents of the uni- versity, on the New York State Normal School at Albany, to the legislature. 29., 1872; 32., 1875. 31pp.; 8 pp. 8~r Albany, 1873-6. -----. Assembly. An act to secure effective vaccination in the city of New Y'ork, and the collection of pure vaccine lymph or virus. No. NEW YORK. 902 NEW YORK. !\e\v York (State)—continued. 109. Feb. 9, 1874. Introd. by Mr. Bluinenthal. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1874.] -----. Manual of rules and regulations creating and governing the first board of State medical examiners of the University of the State of New York; with a statement of the objects of the board aud the modi; of examinations. 10 pp. 8-. Albany, Weed, Parsons S' Co., 1874. -----. Assembly. An act making appropriations for certain expenses of government, and supply- ing deficiencies in former appropriations. No. 56<». March 24. 1874. Rep. by Mr. Batcheller. 32 pp. fol. [Albany, 1874.] -----. S. An act making appropriations for certain expenses of government, and supplying deficiencies in former appropriations. No. 319. April 14, 1874. Assembly bill No. 374, rep. with adinendmeuts. 4-f-pP- fol. [Albany, 1874.] -----. Assembly. An act making appropriations for certain expenditures of government, and sup- plying deficiencies in former appropriations. No. 872. April 23, 1874. Amendments made by the senate to original assembly bill No. 560. 32 pp. fol. [Albany, 1874.] -----. Assembly. An act making appropriations for certain expenses of government. No. 287. March 15, 1875. Rep. by Mr. Hammond. 14 pp. fol. [Albany, 1875.] -----. Assembly. An act for the prevention of disease among animals. State of New York. No. 88. Jan. 18, 1875. Introd. by Mr. T. C. - Campbell. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1875.] -----. S. An act to amend chapter 436 of the laws of 1874, entitled "An act to regulate, the practice of medicine and surgery in the State of New York", passed May 11, 1874. No. 54. Feb. 3, 1875. Introd. by Mr. Laning. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1875.] -----. Assembly. An act for the prevention of adulteration of food, drink, and drugs. State of New York. No. 161. March 1, 1875. Introd. by Mr. Prince. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1875.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 436 of the laws of 1874, entitled "An act to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery in the State of New York", passed May 11, 1874. No. 423. April 2, 1875. Introd. by Mr. Beach. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 1875.] -----. Communication from the governor of New York, transmitting a communication from the governor of New Jersey, together with a concur- rent resolution of the legislature of New Jersey, and a report of the commissioners of the State of New Y'ork, relative to quarantine jurisdiction. 10 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Albany, Weed, Parsons S- Co., 1875. —■---. Assembly. Report of the committee of investigation into the affairs of the commission- ers of emigration and quarantine. No. 33. Jan. 28, 1876. x, 971 pp. 8-T [Albany, 1876.] -----. Assembly. Report of the minority of the committee of investigation into the affairs of the commissioners of emigration and quarantine. No. 34. Jan. 28, 1876. 3 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1876] Bound with preceding. -----. Assembly. Report of the select commit- tee appointed by the assembly of 1875 to inves- tigate the causes of the increase of crime iu the city of New Y'ork. State of New Y'ork. No. 106. Feb. 17, 1876. 76 pp. 8°. [Albany. 1-76.] -----. Assembly. Report of the committee on State prisons on the assembly resolution relative to the subject of investigation of prison manage- ment and affairs. No. 75. March 10, 1876. 5 pp. 8 . [Albany, 1876.] New York (State)—continued. -----. Assembly. Communication from the New York quarantine commissioner in answer to a resolution of the house relative to the steamer Nelson K. Hopkins. No. 80. March 14, 1876 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1876.] -----. Assembly. Supplementary report of ma- jority of the prison committee. No. 86. March 17,1876. 5 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1876.] -----. Assembly. Communication from the cor- poration counsel of the city of New York iu reply to a resolution of the assembly relative to the bill entitled " An act relating to assessments for the construction of sewers and drains in the city of New York". No. 92. March 28, 18?0. 6 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1876.] -----. Annual reports of the board of commis- sioners of the State survey, and reports of the director. 1., 1876; 8., 1883; 9., 1884. 8 r Al- bany, 1877-84. -----. Annual report of the comptroller of the State of New York. Transmitted to tho legisla- ture Jan. 8, 1879. 104 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen if Sons, 1879. -----. Assembly. An act to limit the functions of coroners and to create the office of medical ex- aminers. No. 414. Jan. 19, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Beckwith. Original No. 140. 8 pp. foi. [Albany, 1879.] ■-----. Assembly. An act to establish a State board of health. State of New York. No. 269. February 12, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Millspaugh. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1879.] -----. Assembly. An act to limit the fuuctions of coroners and to create the office of medical examiners. No. 140. Feb. 19, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Beckwith. 7 pp. fol. [Albany, 1879.] -----. Assembly. An act in relation to the em- ployment of female physicians in State asylums for insane. State of New York. No. 377. March 12, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Brooks. 1 1. fol. [Albany, 1879.] -----. S. An act to establish a State board of health. State of New York. No. 191. March 14, 1879. Introd. by Mr. J. F. Pierce. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1870.] -----. .8. Report of the committee on public health relative to lunatic asylums. (Transmit- ted to the legislature May 22, 1879.) 51 pp. 8°'. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen <)'■ Sons, 1870. -----. S. An act to amend section 1 of chap- ter 123 of the laws of 1851, entitled " Au act to promote medical science". State of New York. No. 210. March 26, 1879. Introd. by Mr. Jacobs. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1879.] -----. Communication from the comptroller, submitting to the senate the report of the agent appointed to examine the charitable institutions of the State of New York. Albany, April 9,1879. 60 pp. 8°. Albany, 1879. -----. Communication from the comptroller, sub- mitting to the senate the report of the agent appointed to examine the charitable institutions of the State of New York. Albany, April 9,1879. 75 pp., 33 tab. 8°. Albany, Argus Co., 1879. -----. Assembly. An act to amend an act en- titled " An act to amend chapter 467 of the laws of 1862, entitled ' An act to prevent the adulter- ation of milk, and prevent the traffic in impure and unwholesome milk"', passed May 2, 1864. No. 213. Jan. 7, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Sheridau. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1889.] -----. S. Au act to establish a State board of health. State of New York. No. 152. Jan. 15, 1880. Iutrod. by Mr. ^VYoodin. 6 pp. fol. [Al- bany, 1889.] -----. S. An act to amend chapter 446 of the laws of 1874, entitled "An act to revise and con- NEW YORK. 903 NEW YORK. New York (State)—continued. solidate the statutes of the State relating to the care and custody of the insane, the management of the asylums for their treatment and safe-keep- ino-, and the duties of the State commissioner in lunacy ". No. 21. Jan. 16, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Bramiin. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 1880.] .-----. Thesame. An act further to amend chap- ter 440 of the laws of 1874. No. 30. Jan. 20, 1881). Introd. by Mr. Birdsall. 0pp. fol. [Al- bany, 1880.] ----'-. Assembly. Au act to improve the public health iu the city of New York and the city of Brooklyn by regulating the manufacture of se- gars in the tenement houses of said cities. No. 07. Jan. 19, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Grosse. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1880.] -----. S. Aii act, to amend chapter 324 of the laws of 1850, entitled "An act for the preserva- tion of the public health ". State of New York. No. 41. Jan. 20, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Pitts. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, 1880.] -----. Assembly. An act relative to the main- tenance of the inmates of the Protestant Infant Asylum. No. 553. Jan. 23, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Gibbs. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1880.] -----. S. An act to regulate the dispensing aud sale of provisions within this State. No. 113. Feb. 3, 18,80. Introd. by Mr. Astor. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 18^0.] -----. S. An act to amend section 13 of article 1 of title 13, chapter 18, part 1, of the revised statutes, entitled " An act to incorporate medical societies for the purpose of regulating the prac- tice of physic and surgery iu this State". No. 156. Feb. 6, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Jacobs. 1 sheet. foi. [Albany, W8\).] -----. S. An act to amend chapter 123 of the laws of 1854, entitled " Au act to promote medi- cal science". [Conditions under which dead bodies may be turned over to medical schools.] S'ate of New York. No. 238. \,\.\K 10, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Jacobs. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 18-0.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 633 of the laws of 1875, entitled "An act to amend the charter of the city of Brooklyn, being the act for that purpose passed June 28, 1873, and the act for that purpose passed June 1, 1874". [Iu relation to the board of health of the citv of Brooklyn.] No. 472. Feb. 12, 188(1. introd'. by Mr. Wren. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 18,80. ] -----. S. Au act to limit the functions of coro- ners, aud to create the office of medical examiner. No. 204. Feb. 16, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Pitts. 8 pp. fol. [Albany, 1880.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 319 of the laws of 1848, entitled " Au act for the in- corporation of benevolent, charitable, scientific, and missionary societies". No. 551. Feb. 12, 188D. Introd. by Mr. Deane. 2 pp. fol. [Al- bany, 1880.] -----. S. An act to simplify the proof of the sanitary code in the citv of New York. State of New York. No. 170. March 3, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Strahan. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1889.] -----. Assembly. An act, in relation to the health officer for the port of New Y'ork. State of New York. No. 392. March 5, 1880. Introd. by Mr. Varniim. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1889.] -----. S. An act to further amend chapter 908 of the laws of 1867, entitled "An act for the reg- ulation of tenement and lodging houses in the cities of New York and Brooklyn ", as amended by chapter 504 of the laws of 1879. No. 233. March 12,1880. Introd. by Mr. Astor. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1880.] New York (State)—continued. -----. Assembly. An act for the proper drain- age of lands iu the city of New York. State of New York. No. 543. March 18, 1881). Introd. by Mr. J. L. Wells. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1880.] -----. An act to establish a State board of health. Passed May 18, 1880. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, 1880. ] -----. Au act entitled "An act to regulate the licensing of physicians aud surgeons ". Passed May 29, 1880. 1 galley sheet. [Albany, 1880.] ------. Health departmeut, city of New York. Tenement-house acts. Chapter 908, laws of 1867. (As amended by chapter 504, laws of 1870, and chapter 399, sect. 1, laws of 1880.) An act for the regulation of tenement and lodgiug houses in the cities of New York and Brooklyn. 19 pp. 16°. [New York, 1880?] -----. S. An act to open the college of the city of New York to all male persons who shall pass the preliminary examination for admission therein. State of New York. No. 176. Jan. 3, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Grady. 1 sheet, fol. [Al- bany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the manu- facture and sale of oleomargarine or any form of imitation butter and lard, or any form of imita- tion cheese, for tin* prevention of fraud and the better protection of the public health. No. 36. Feb. 3, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Fenuer. 3 pp. fol. Albany, 1882. -----. Assembly. Au act to prohibit the color- ing of oleomargarine, butterine, and adulterated cheese. No. 37. Fell. 8, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Chamberlin. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. Au act to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors, wines, ale, and beer iu the cities of New York and Brooklyn. No. 33. Feb. 8, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Lindsay. 11 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. S. An act in relation to the sale and use of opium. State of New York. No. 59. Feb. 8, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Koch. 1 sheet, fol. [Al- bany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. Au act iu relation to certain sewerage and drainage iu the city of Brooklyn. No. 83. Feb. 8, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Sheridan. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to prevent fraud in the manufacture and sale of sugars, syrups, molasses, and honey. No. 203. Feb. 9, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Helm. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act making an appropria- tion for repairs to aud improvements upon cer- tain property of this State used as an asylum for the destitute, sick, or infirm wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, or widows of seamen, aud for the support of the inmates of said asylum. State of New York. No. 501. Feb. 10, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Brooks. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1382. J -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors, wines, ale, and beer in the city of New Y'ork. No. 12. Feb. 16, 1882. In- trod. by Mr. Bogau. 10 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to prevent cruel and inhuman treatment of insane persons. No. 167. Feb. 17, 1882. Introd. by unanimous consent by Mr. Pinney. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, W8-i.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the prac- tice of pharmacy, the licensing of persons to carry on such practice, and the sale of poisons. No. 542. Feb. 17, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Parker. 12 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. S. An act to provide for the abatement of nuisances by boards of health of incorporated cities, villages, aud towns. No. 117. Feb. 23, 18-2. Introd. bv Mr. Fitzgerald. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882] NEW YORK. 904 NEW YORK. !\'e\v York (State)—continued. -----. Assembly. Au act to repeal chapter 513 of the laws of 1880, entitled "An act to regulate the licensing of physicians and surgeons", and all acts aud parts of acts amendatory thereof. No. 240. Feb. 24, 1882. Introd. by Mr. M. J. Castello. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the sale of certain liquors, and to provide for the more ef- fectual collection of excise dues. No. 67. March 1, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Van Allen. 8 pp. fol. [Albany. 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to suppress certain nuisances [making it unlawful for any place of business in cities of 15,000 population or over to use petroleum residuum] for fuel. No. 358. March I, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Kelly. 1 sheet. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to establish an addi- tional public park in the city of New Y'ork, and for the security of the public health therein. No. 257. March 2, 1882. Introd. by Mr. M. C. Murphy. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the manu- facturing or brewing of ale, beer, porter, and other malt liquors, and to prevent, adulteration therein. No. 110. March 3, 1882. Introd. by Mr. McDouough. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 188*2.] -----. ,S. An act regarding membership in the Homoeopathic Medical Societv of the Stati* of New York. Stati*, of New York. No. 108. March 6, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Lord. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, W82.J -----. Assembly. Ail act for the removal of causes of malaria and danger to the public health from (iowanus Canal, aud making an appropria- tion for such purposes. State of New York. No. 101. March 7, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Murry. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. Au act to amend chapter 550 of the laws of 1881, entitled "An act to amend chapter 479, entitled ' An act to amend chapter 123 of the laws of 1854', entitled ' An act to pro- mote medical science'". No. 359. March 8, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Farrar. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 746 of the laws of 1872, entitled " Au act relating to the examination of candidates for the degree of doctor of medicine, aud the acts amendatory thereof". State of New York. No. 537. March 14, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Parker. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1»S2. ] -----. Assembly. Au act to provide a system of sewerage for the village of Little Falls. No. 263. March 14,1882. Introd. bv Mr. Ross. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to authorize the Brook- lyn Homoeopathic Hospital to increase the num- ber of its trustees. State of New York. No. 325. March 15, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Monk. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, 1882.] ---->•-. Assembly. An act for the better protec- tion of the public health in the city of Brooklyn. State of New Y'ork. No. 417. March 15, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Tighe. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882. ] -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 106 of the laws of 1865, entitled "An act to incor- porate the New York Infant Asylum", passed j March 11, 1865, as amended by chapter 263 of the laws of 1872, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the New York Infant Asylum'", passed March 11, 1865 ; and as further amended by chapter 90 of the laws of 1877, entitled "An act further to amend chapter 106 of the laws of 1865. entitled ' An act to in- corporate the New York Infant Asylum'", passed I New York (-State)—continued. April 2, 1871, and to amend the title, thereto. State of New York. No. 530. March 1. 1882. Introd. by Mr. Tighe. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to restrict tbe forma- tion of corporations under au act entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of benevo- lent, charitable, scientific, and missionary socie- ties", being chapter 319 of the laws of 1848. and the acts amendatory thereof, and to legalize the incorporation of certain societies organized there- under, and to regulate the same. Slate of New York. No. 323. March 17, 1882. Introd. by Mr. M. J. Costello. 2pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.) -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 431 of the laws of 1881. entitled "An act to amend chapter 324 of the laws of 1850, entitled 'An act, for preservation of the public health, and the acts amendatory thereof". State of New York. No. 361. March 20, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Far- rar. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend an act en- titled "An act to organize a night medical ser- vice in the city of New Y'ork, to provide medical assistance in case of sudden sickness or accident during the night time", passed June 26, 1880, No. 360. March 24, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Crane. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act amending au act en- titled " An act establishing a quarantine aud defining the qualifications, duties, and powers of the health officer for the harbor and port of New Y'ork", passed April 20, 1863. No. 378. March 29, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Brooks. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to provide for the con- struction and maintenance of au additional public bath in the city of New York. State of New York. No. 377. March 29, 1882. Introd. by Mr. E. C. Sheehy. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 431 of the laws of 1881, entitled "An act to amend chapter 324 of the laws of 1850, entitled ' Au act for the preservation of the public health', aud the acts amendatory thereof", and to amend chapter 790 of the laws of 1867, entitled "An act to amend an act, entitled ' An act for the preservation of the public health'", passed April 10, 1850, and the act entitled " Au act to amend the same", passed April (i, 1854, and all acts amendatory thereof. Stati; of New7 Y'ork. No. 527. March 31, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Brooks. 8 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. S. An act to authorize the corporation "The Sisters of Charity of SI. Vincent de Paul " to grant and convey certain lands in the city of New York to the corporation "The St. Vincent's Hospital of the City of New Y'ork". No. 221. April 4, 188-2. Introd. by Mr. Fitzgerald. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act to provide for safety from infectious and contagions diseases in tene- ment and other houses in the city of New York, the detention of persons exposed thereto, at quarantine stations, and the enforcement of orders of the board of health in said city. State of New York. No. 528. April 11,1882. Introd. by Mr. Morrison. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] ---—. S. An act to suppress blood-drying in cities. State of New York. No. 259. April 13, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Koch. 2 pp. fol. [Al- bany, 1882.] -----. Assembly. An act relative to the organi- zation of the medical department of universities. State of New York. No. 570. April 14, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Fenner. 1 sheet, fol. [Albany, 1882.] NEW YORK. 905 NEW YORK. New York (State)—continued. _____. Assembly. An act to amend sections 54 and 55 of chapter 358 of the laws of 1863, en- titled "An act establishing and defining the qualifications, duties, and powers of the health officer for the harbor and port of New Y'ork ". No. 052. April 21,1882. Introd. by Mr. Brooks. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1881] -----. Assembly. An act making au appropria- tion for repairs to and improvements upon cer- tain property of this State used as an asylum for the, destitute, sick, or infirm wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, or widows of seamen, aud for the support of the inmates of said asylum. No. 501. Feb. 10, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Brooks. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1882.] -----. Report to the New York legislature of the commission to select, and locate lamps for public parks in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of the city of New7 York, and in the vicin- ity thereof. According to the provisions of the act of the legislature of the State of New York, chapter 253, passed April 19, 1883. 217 pp. 8°. New York; M. B. Brown, 1881. -----. An act for the preservation of the public health, and the registration of vital statistics. [Chap. 270. Passed May 12, 1885.] 7 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1885.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend an act en- titled "Au act to prevent the adulteration of food and drugs". No. 258. Feb. 19, 1885. In- trod. by Mr. Barnum. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1885.] -----. Assembly. Report of the special com- mittee appointed to investigate tontine insur- ance. [April, 1885.] 18 pp. 8°. [Hartford, 1886.] -----. An act to create the New Y'ork Post Grad- uate Medical School and Hospital. Passed May 25,1886. [Rochester, 1886.] Cutting from: The Union & Advertiser, Rochester, July 20, 1886. -----. Assembly. Report of the commissioners to locate an asylum for the insane iu northern New York. No. 11. Jan. 4, 1887. 56 pp., 3 maps. 8r [Albany, 1887.] -----. S. Au act to regulate the licensing and registration of physicians and surgeons, aud to codify the medical laws of the State of New York. No. 391. Jan. 13, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Connelly. 11 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the licens- ing aud registration of physicians and surgeons, and to codify the medical laws of the State of New York. No. 129. Jan. 13, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Hamilton. 12 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. An act to regulate the licens- ing and registration of physicians and surgeons, and to codify the medical laws of the State of New York. No. 684. Jan. 13. 18S7. Introd. by Mr. Hamilton. 11pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. An act to protect the public health. No. 133. Jan. 24, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Cautor. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. An act in regard to the health department of the city of New York. No. 67. Jan. 25, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Crosby. 3 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. S. An act to amend chapter 410 of the laws of 18,82, entitled "An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of New York", passed July 1, 18,82, in relation to the powers, duties, ami health fund of the board of health, and of the health department of the city of New York, and for the preservation of the publie health. No. 40. Jau. 26, 1837. Introd. hy Mr. Murphy. 12 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] New York (State)—continued. -----. Assembly. Dissent of the minority of the commissioners appointed by his excellency Gov- ernor Hill, under chapter 238, laws of 1880, to locate an asylum for the insane in northern New York. Being an extract from the report of the commissioners made to the legislature. Jan., 1887. Doc. No. 11. 4 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. An act to amend chapter 313 of the laws of 1886, entitled "An act to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in the State of New York ". No. 201. Feb. 1, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Ingersoll. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. An act to authorize the de- partment of public health of the city of Brook- lyn, county of Kings, to establish hospitals for contagious and infectious diseases, and in rela- tion to the erection and maintenance thereof. No. 263. Feb. 2, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Lang- bein. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. An act, to provide for the registration of steam laundries in the cities ot New York and Brooklyn, and for the regulation of the same, for the protection of public health. No. 290. Feb. 4, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Kenny. 2 pp. fol. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Assembly. Report of the commission on better provision for insane criminals, to the legislature. No. 62. Feb. 16, 1887. 14 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1887.] -----. An act to amend chapter 410 of the laws of 1882, entitled "An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of New York", iu relation to the powers, duties, and health fund of the board of health, and of the health department of the city of New York, and for the preservation of the public health. Chap. 81. Passed March 25, 1887. 7 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1887.] -----. Report of the commission on New Asylum for Insane Criminals, at Mateawan on the Hud- son, for the year 1887. 24 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Troy, Press Co., 1888. -----. Report of the commission to investigate and report the most humaue and practical method of carrying into effect the sentence of death in capital cases. Elbridge T. Gerry, Alfred P. Southwick, Matthew Hale, commis- sioners. Transmitted to the legislature of the State of New Y'ork, Jan. 17, 18-8. 100 pp. 8°. Albany, Argus Company, W88. -----. Chap. 77. An act to amend section 53 of chap. 358 of the laws of 1863, " An act establish- ing a quarantine and defining the qualifications, duties, aud powers of the health officer for the harbor and port of New York". Approved March 22, 1888. Galley sheet. [Albany, 1888.] -----. Plan for a bureau of street cleaning, for the city of New York. [Block plan.] An act to provide for tbp cleaning of the streets, and re- moval of garbage and ashes, iu the city of New Y'ork. Prepared for the chairman of the com- mittee on cities, by C. F. Chandler. 11 pp. roy. 8°. [Albany, n. d.] Wew York (State). See, also, Albany; Binghamton; Brooklyn; Buffalo ; Education (Medical), etc.. Fever (Ma- larial, History, etc., of), by localities; Garden City; Greenwood Springs; Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities; Ithaca; Kingston; Lit- tle Falls; New York City; Owego ; Prisons; Rochester; Sackett's Harbor; Saratoga; Troy; Utica; Westchester; West Point; Yonkers. Axdkksox (M. B.) Extract relating to out- door relief. From eighth anuual report of tho NEW VORK. 906 NEW YOKK. ■\cw York (State). Stale board of charities of the State of New- York. 8 •'. Albany, 1875. Biiooki.yx. Annual reports of the commis- sioners of charities of Kings County to the board of supervisors. With accompanying documents, viz : [Reports of Kings County Almshouse, Kings County Hospital, Kings County Lunatic Asylum, and Kings County Nursery], for the years 1-J53-4 ; 1859-60 to 1853-4 ; 1865-6 to 1872-3.' 8°. Brook- lyn, 1854-73. Gakdner (J. T.) Uses of a topographical survey to the State of New York. A report to the American (Geographical Society. 8-\ New York; 1876. Hough (F. B.) Essay on the climate of the Slate of New York, prepared at the request of the executive committee of the State Agricul- tural Society, and published in the fifteenth volume of their transactions. 8°. Albany, 1857. j Prockedixgs of the Temperance Convention of the .State of New York. Held at Syracuse, Dec. 22, 1869. 8°. Auburn, 1870. Sin krill (H.) An essay on epidemics, as they appeared in Dutchess County from 1809 to 1825; also, a paper on diseases of the jaw-bones; with an appendix, containing an account of the epi- demic cholera, as it appeared in Poughkeepsie in 1832. 4°. New York, 1832. .State Charities Aid Association. [Circular of the executive committee announcing the object aud establishment of the association.] 8°. [«. p., n. d.] -----. Organized May 11, 1872. New York. [Prospectus.] 4°. [New York, 1872.] -----. Annual reports to the State board of charities of the State of New York. 1.-4., 1872-3 to 1875-6. [Being Nos. 2, 5, 7, 10 of series.] 8|J. New York; 1873-6. -----. No. 6. Annual report of the com- mittee ou children. 1., 1873-4. 8°. New York, 1874. -----. What are we doing for the poor? Report of the bureau of charities, New Y'ork, 1874. 8'-'-. New York, 1874. -----. Kings County. Organized Oct. 14, 1874. Local visiting committee of the State Charities and Aid Association for tbe Kings County Institutions, State of New York. Con- stitution, by-laws, and report for 1875. 8°. Brooklyn, 1876. -----. Monroe County. Organized Oct. 3, 1873. Organization of the local visiting com- mittee for the public institutions of charity, the department of out-door relief, and the jail, iu Monroe County, State of New York, with the constitution and by-laws. Oct. 3, 1873. 8J. Bodies ter, 1873. -----. Queens County. Organized June 21, 187.;. Local visiting committee for the public institutions of charities and correction, in Queens County, State of New York. Address, with con- stitution and by-laws. 8-'. Jamaica, N )'., 1873. -----. Suffolk County. Organized May 27, 1873. Local visiting committee for the Suffolk County Institutions, State of New Y'ork. Ad- dress read at the opening meeting, Yaphank, L. 1., with constitution aud by-laws. 8°. New York; 1873. -----. Local visiting committee for the West- chester County Poor House, State of New York. Address read at the opening meeting, Tarry town, N. Y., with constitution and by-laws. Organ- ized Jan. 9, 1872. 8D. New York, 1872. Tutiiii.l (F.) Registration of births, deaths, and marriages. Trans, of the Med. Soc. of the State of New York. June, 1852. 8°. Albany,1853. Yew York (State). Viele (E. L.) The topography and physical resources of the State of New York. 8°. [Xew York], 1875. Bacon ( W.) Medical topogi ipliical report of Hie county of Tompkins. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., Albany, 1830-7, iii, J.")-:)!). ------. Medical lopoe;!'iipliv of the comity of Ti- oga,. Ibid, 151.— If alley (IT 11.) Hygiene of Putnam County. Ibid., 1ST,, 337-310.— Italch ((J. li.) Hygiene of Westchester County. Ibid., :S4U—348.— Itai'ton. XTotieH of the sulphur springs, in tlie. countv of (lutario anil Slate of New-York. Phila. M. fc Phys. j., 1HH-5, i, pt. 2, 160- 108.— lSri*ltiu (O.) llisten \ of the diseases ot Saratoga County. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., Albany, 1847-9, vii, pt. 2, 60- 60.—Brown (M.), jr. Sketch of the medical topography of the country that is watered by tlie upper streams of the Mohawk-river, and the adjacent streams of the Oueida- lake, N. Y. Phila. M. & Phvs. J., 1800 (Suppl.), 1-9. Also- Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. Y., 1813-14, iv, 17(1-179.—t'olden (C.) Account of the climate aud diseases of New York. Communicated by his grandson, C. I). Colilen. Am. M. & Phil. Reg., 2. ed., N. Y., 1814, i, 304-3l0.-<'orlis* (H.) Brief notices of the medical topographs- anil diseases of Washington County. Tr. M. Sue. N. Y., Albany, 18.">(», 225-229.—Eastman (II. N.) Keport on the endemics and epidemics of Tioga Countv. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Auburn, 1850, 47-55.—Foord (A.) Medical topo- graphical report of the county of Madison. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1834-5, ii, 36-61.—Frisbre (J. II.) Sketch of the medical topographv of the military trsict of the State, of New York. Phila, M. & Phvs. J., 1806, ii, pt. 2, 69-85: 1808, iii, pt. 1. 143. Also: Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. Y., 1813-14, iv, 48-0-.'.—fireen ((,'.) Vital statistics of Courtland Countv. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Auburn, 1852, 19-20. —Hart (K.) Topo._rraphiral sketch of the county of (Intario, State of New York. Am. M. ii Phil. Reg., N. Y , 1811-12, il (2. ed., 1814). 150-154.—Ilcn- derson (H.) A topographical description of Jeffersou County, in the State of New York. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1811, 3. s., ii, 21-27.—Hough (F. B.) The census of New Y'ork, to be taken during the- present, year, considered in its medical relations. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1805, 27-29. — .lone* (D. T.) On the diseases of Oiiondaga County. Ibid., 1847-9. vii, pt. 3, 131-134.—I,ee (J.) Dis- eases of Saratoga County. Communicated to the Medici.1 Society of the State of'New York. Ibid., 1859, 220-250. Also, Reprint.—Ludlow (E. G.) A statistical and medi- cal account of the Genesee countrv, in the State of New York. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1823, ii, 65-105.—itlcCnli (J.) Remarks on the diseases of Oneida Countv, N. Y., in 1854. N. York J. M., 1855, n. a., xiv. 204-208 — Medical topographical account of the countv of Kings, N. Y. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1832-3, i, 174-182— Medical to- pographical report of the countv of Columbia, |N. Y.]. Ibid., 1834-5, 30-35.—Medical "topographical report, of the county of Onondaga. Ibid., 1833-4, ii, 228-240.— Mitchell (S.) The prevailing fevers of Steuben Countv, N. Y. Boston M. & S. J., 1851-2, xiv, 321-330.—Need- ham (G.) Sketch of the medical topography of Ouou- dai-a. in the State of New York. Phila. M. efc Phys. J., ism; (Suppl.), 16-18.—Orion (J. G.) Medical and surgi- cal statistics, from the county of Broome. For the year ending May, 1860, and the year ending May, 1861. Tr. M. Ass. Soutli. Central N. Y. 1858-61, Binghamton, 1863, 77. -----. Report of committee on medical and surgical sta- tistics. Tr. M. Soc. N. YT, Albany. 1863, 353.—Porter (E.) Medical topoiiiaphical account of tbe county of Saratoga. Ibid., 1832-3, 312-347—WhaUnck (I..) Con- tributions to the vital statistics of the State of New York. Ibid., 1850, 100-125. Also, Reprint.—Smith (J. H.) Ou the medical topographv and epidemics of the State of Xew Yrork. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1860, xiii, 83-209. Also, Reprint— Spragnc (J. S.) History of some of the most common diseases in the countv of Otsego, prepared in obe- dience to a resolution of the State Medical Society. I r M. Soc. N. Y., Albany-, 1847-9, vii, pt, 2, 96-103.—TIioiiih (W. F.) On climatology and epidemics of the State ot New Y'ork. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1869, xx, 475, 1 tab.— Waterbm-y (R. L.) Tho medical topography of Dela- ware County. Tr. M. Soc. N. YT, Albany, 1870, 273-281.- White (J.) Medical topographv of the county of Mont- gomery. Ibid., 1850, 155-160— Willard (A.) Remarks on the'prevalent diseases of the counties ol' Chenango and Broome. New Y'ork, since the year 1807. X. York J. M., 1848 x, 08-72. -----. Mortuary statistics of the -Cenesce countrv" for the vear 1799. Ibid.. 1854. n. s., xiii, 395- 398— Woodward (W.) Report on the endemics and epidemics of Chemung County. Tr. M. Aas. South. Cen- tral N. Y., Auburn, 1850, 42-46. New York (State). Adjutant-General of the Stale of New York; Annual reports of the ... to the legislature, for the years W61-5; 1867; 18G(J; 18T0. 1-2 v. 8°. Albany, 1862-71. 1863 in 2 v.; 1864 in 2 v.; 1865 in 2 v.; 1867 in 3 v. NEW YORK. 907 NEW YORK. I\CW York (State). Adjutant-General of the State of New York—continued. _____, Officers commissioned during the month of April, 1874. General headquarters, State of New York. Albany, .May 1, 1874. 5 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1874.] _____. Annual reports to the governor of the State, for the years 18,83; 1884. 116 pp. ; 133 pp. 8-. Albany, Weed, Parsons if Co., 1884-5. Ne%v York (Slate). Binghamton Asylum for the Chronic Insane. By-laws aud rules and regula- tions adopted July 9, W79. 21 pp. 8'-J. Hamil- ton, Democratic Republican Hook S-Job Office, 1879. Organized by art of the, legislature, May 13, 1879. -----. Annual reports of the trustees and medi- cal superintendent to the legislature. 1., 1879; 3., W89-81; 5.-9., 1882-3 to 1886-7. s-\ Albany .!'■ Troy,W89-88. 1. report for four months, ending September 30, 1879. -----. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] fol. [Albany. 188-.] Ceitilieate of insanity; order of admission. New York (Stale). Board of Commissioners of Metropolitan Police. Sec New York (City). Po- lice Department. New York (Stale). Board of Slate Commissioners of Public Charities of the Stale of New York. Sec New York (Stale). Slate Board of Charities. New Vork (Stale). Buffalo Slate Asylum for the Insane. Annual reports of the board of managers to the legislature of the State. 1.-13., 1871 to 188-2-3; 15.-17., 1884-5 to 18,86-7. 8°. Buffalo f Albany, 1872-88. Organized May 20, 1870 ; opened November 15, 1880. 2. and 3. reports in one. 9. for nine months, ending Septem- ber 30,1879. 1.-13., IS71 to 1883-4, bound in 1 v. -----. Proceedings iu connection with the cere- mony of laying the, corner-stone in the city of Buffalo, Kept. 18, 1872. 31 pp., 1 pl. 8-\ Buffalo, White f Brayley, W72. Bound with: Reports 1.-13., 1871 to 1882-3. -----. Order of exercises at the laying of the corner-stone, Sept. 18, 1872. 2 1. 86. [Buffalo, 1872.] Bound with : Keports 1.-13., 1871 to 1882-3. -----. Rules, regulations, and by-laws. 28 pp. B°. Buffalo, [E. H. Hutchinson], 1881. Bound with: Reports 1.-13., 1S71 to 1882-3. -----. See, also : New York (State). 8. Report of the commis- sioners to locate au insane asylum in the eighth judicial district, New York. No. 8. January 20, 1870. 8\ [Albany, 1879.] New York (State). Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, at Rome. Annual reports and documents. By the board of trustees and prin- cipal to the legislature. 4., 1877-8; 5., 1878-9. 8J. Albany, 18/9-80. ^iew York (State). Commissary-General of Ord- nance of the Slate of New York. Annual reports to the legislature, for the years 1867; 1868. 8°. Albany, 1868-9. 1\*}\V York (State). Commissioner in Lunacy. Annual report to the legislature. 6., 1878. 73 pp. 8-. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen Sr Sons, 1879. New Vork (State). Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York. Annual reports to the legislature. '6., 1852; 8., 1854; 9., 1855; 13., 1859; 21., 1867; 22., 1868; 27., 1873; 29., 1875; 31.-38., 1877-84; 40., 1886. 8 . New York $ Albany, 187)3-87. -----. k\\ account of the proceedings at the lay- ing of the corner-stone of the State Emigrant Hospital on Ward's Island. August 10, 1864. 43 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, J. F. Trow, 1865. ■-----. Immigration and the commissioners of emigration of the, State of New York. By Fred- erick Kapp, one of the commissioners. 241 pp., New York (State), Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York—continued. 7 pl., 1 plan. 8°. New York, The Nation Press, 1870. -----. Laws relating to the . . . (compiled by order of the board of commissioners). 22(5 pp. 8°. Neiv York, New York Printing Company, 1871. See, also, IVew Vork (State). Assembly. Report of tbe committee of investigation into the affairs of the . . . 8°. Albany, 1876. -----. Reply of the president of the ... to a resolution of the Senate, adopted April 30, 1873 [relative to the salaries aud wages paid to the officers and employes of the department]. State of New York. No. 94. In senate, May 6, 1873. 9 pp. 8°. [J Many, 1.873.] New York (Slate). Commissioner* of Fisheries. Annual report to the legislature. 8.(1875). 511 pp. 8'-'; Albany, J. B. Parinenter, 1876. New York (State). Commissioners of Quaran- tine. Port of New York, quarantine ground, Stateu Islaud. Rules to be observed on board of all vessels detained at quarantine. 1 sheet, fol. [New York, 1856.] [P., v. 349.] -----. Annual reports, to which is annexed the annual reports of the health officer of the port of New York to the legislature, for the years 1864-76. St Albany, 1865-77. New York (Stale). Commissioners of Slate Parks. Annual report to the legislature. 1., 1872. 16 pp. 8 '. [Albany, 1873.] New York (State). Commissioners of the State Reservation of Niagara. Annual report to the ' legislature. 3., 1886. 37 pp. 8 . [Albany, 1887.] -----. Supplemental report. Transmitted to the legislature Jan. 31, 1887. 50 pp., 1 plan. 8 . Albany, The Argus Company, 1887. New Vork (State). Convention of Sitperintend- ents of the I'oor of the State of New York. Pio- ceedings held at Buffalo, June 14-16, 1881 (11.). 67 pp. 8°. Albany, Munsell, 1881. NeiV Yrork (State). County Superintendents of the Poor. Report and memorial on lunacy and its relation to pauperism, and for relief of insane poor. State of New York. In senate, Jan. 23, 1856. 20 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1856.] New Vork (State). Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane, at Poughkeepsie. Annual reiiorts of the managers to the legislature. 1.-3., 1867 to 1868-9: 5.-7., 1870-71 to 1872-3; 10.-13., 1,875-6 to 1878-9; 15.-17., 1880-wl toW82-3. 8°. Albany, 1868-83. Established in 1867 ; opened Oct. 21,1871. Designed for the treatment of acute insanity. -----. By-laws established by the managers of the ... 14 pp. 8°. Poughkeepsie, 1873. -----. See, also : New York (State). Communication from the governor, transmitting the report of the commis- sioners appointed to locate the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane, at Poughkeepsie. Jan. 9, 1867. 8°. Albany, 1867. New York (State). S. Report and testimony taken before the finauce committee, with regard to the affairs and management of the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane. No. 107. April 30, 1873. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] New York (Stale). Jnspectors of Stale priions. Annual reports to the legislature. 19., 186.5-6: 23., 1870; 24., 1871. 8J. Albany, 1867-82. New York (State). Marine Hospital al Quar- antine, N. Y. Annual reports of the physiciau- in-chief to the legislature of the State of New York, for the years 1849: 1855; 1856; 1858-60. 8 . Albany, 1850-61. [1856 also, in : P., v. 207.] New York (State). Metropolitan Board of Ex- cise. Annual report to the governor of the State. NItW YOKK. 908 NEW YOKK. New York (State). Metrop. B'd Excise— cont'd. 4., 1809. 45 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton if Co., 1870. New York (Slate). MetropoUlan Board of Health. See New York (City). Health Depart- ment. New Vork (State). New York Lustitution for the Blind, at Binghamton. Annual report of the board of trustees and superintendent to the legislature. 1., 1866. 88 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen f Sons, 1867. New Vork (Slate). New Yovk Institution for the Blind, in the City of New York. Annual re- ports of the managers to the legislature. 1., 18:56; 3., 1838; 4., 1839; 6.-11., 1,841-6; 13.-16., 1848-51; 18.-20., 1853-5; 23.-28., 1858-63; 30.-32., 1865-7; 35., 1870; 40., 1874-5; 42.-49., 1876-7 to 1883-4. 8°. New York; 1837-84. Incorporated April 1, 1831; organized March 15, 1832. -----. A brief account of its organization, char- acter, and privileges. 11 pp. 12°.* New York; Purcy f Reed, 1813. A review of the efforts of the ... to in- struct its pupils in mechanical trades, and to maintain a manufacturing establishment in con- nection with its educational work from 1831 to 18.<5. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1885. New York (Slate). New York Institution for the Instriieliiii' of the Deaf and Dumb. Circular of the president and directors. And petition to the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, with their favorable report and patronage, etc. 15 pp. sr New York; E. Con- rad, WW. Incorporated April 15, 1817; opened May, 1818. -----. Au act to incorporate the members of the . . . passed April 15, 1817. To which is added the by-laws and the names aud residences of the officers aud directors. Also, the directors ar- ranged into committees, and a list of the pupils. 23 pp. 8 . New York, E. Conrad, 1819. -----. Address of the directors to their fellow- citizens. 8 pp. 8U. New York; E. Conrad, 1821. ----. Annual reports of the directors to the leg- islature. 7.-11., 1825-9; 13., 1831; 14., 1832; 16., 1834: 18.-45., 1836-63; 49.-62., 1867-80; 64., 1*81-2. 8J. New York f Albany, 1.826-83. 22.-24., 50.-61. bound in 7 v. Mr. Peet's letter of instruction. Report on the institutions for the deaf and dumb in cen- tral and western Europe, in the year 1844, to the hoard of directors of the New York Institution. By George. E. Day, delegate of the board. 79, 202 pp. S~'. AIbany, Carroll Sr Cook, 1845. Address delivered at the . . . Dec. 2, 1846, by Harvey P. Peet, president of the institution. With an appendix containing the proceedings at the dedication of the chapel. 40 pp. 8:. New York, Hovey Sr Ring, 1847. Bound with : Keports 1845-9. -----. Order of ceremonies on laying the corner- stone of the ... at Washington Heights, New York, Nov. 22, 1855. 34 pp. 8°. New Yovk, G. F. Nesbit f Co., 1853. -----. Biographical sketch of Harvey Prindle Peet, president of the . . . with a history of the institution. 41 pp., port. 8°. New York; D. Vau Noslvand, 1857. Kepr. from: Barnard's Am. J. of Education, June, 1857. New York (State). New York Soldiers' Depot. Annual reports of the board of managers of the . . . and of the fund for the relief of sick, wounded, furloughed, and discharged soldiers, transmitting the report of the general agent of the State, for the years 1864 and 1865. 8°. Al- bany, 1861-5. New Vork (Stale). Xew York Stale Asylum for Idiots, at Syracuse. Annual reports of tlie trus- tees and superintendent to the legislature, l.-l., 1851-4; 8.-27.. 1857-8 to 1876-7 ; 29.-31., 1*78 -«'i to 1883-4. 8 T Albany, 1852-84. Established July 10 and opened in Oct., 1851, at Albany; in 1*54, removed to Syracuse. 1. report for three months' Oct. to Dec, 1851. New York (Stale). New York State Inebriate Asylum, al Binghamton. Addresses of Henry W. Bellows and Roswell D. Hitchcock, delivered at the Broadway Tabernacle, Nov. 7, 1855, iu be- half of the United States Inebriate Asylum. Also J. Edward Turner's address to the board of directors. Charter and amendments. 48 pp, 8°. New York, M. B. Wynkoop, 1855. The same [with amendments to the char- ter, changing the title to "The New York State Inebriate Asylum", at Binghamton, March 27, 1857]. 54 pp. 8°. New York; Wynkoop, Hallen- beck i\'- Thomas, 1857. Incorporated April 15, 1854, as the United States Ine- briate Asylum in the City of New Tork. Changed title to above April 7, 1857, by ait of the legislature. Corner-stone laid Sept. 24, 1858. Temporarily closed in Oct., 18(56, and reopened May 1, 1807. By an act passed May 27, 1873, the State fully adopted the institution, and reorganized it un- der the control of a board of managers, in lieu of tlie for- mer board of trustees, who had corporate powers. It was converted into an asyium for the chronic insane, in accord ance with chap. 280 of the laws of 1879. and is now known as the Binghamton Asylum for the Chronic Insane. Re- port for 18(17, for 8 months, May to Dec' Report for 1873, called 1. after reorganization. A letter from the corresponding secretary to the governor of the State of New York, on the subject of appropriation, dated Dec. 22, 1857. 20 pp. 8J. New York, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck .| Thomas, 1858. An appeal of the trustees to the American clergymen, in behalf of the Inebriate Asylum. Oct. 27, 1859. 7 pp. 8°. [New York, 1859.] ----. A letter of the corresponding secretary of the ... [J. Edward Turner] to Hon. Edwin D. Morgan, governor-elect of the State of Xew York. 91-126 pp. 8°. [New York, 1859.] Gutting from : Ceremonies, etc. 8°. New York, 1859. ----. Ceremonies, etc. [at the laying of the cor- ner-stone]. 101 pp. 8-r New York; Wynkoop, Hallenbeck f Thomas, If —. The same. 184 pp. 8r Binghamton, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck Sr Thomas, 187,9. An appeal of the trustees to the churches of the United States and the American public iu behalf of that institution. April 4, 1859. pp. 157-169. 8°. [New York; 1859.] Catling. Bound with the following. ----. To the trustees aud stockholders of the New York State Inebriate Asylum. [Being a statement of the resident trustees to the non- resident trustees and stockholders on the man- agement aud discipline of the institution. Sept., 1866.] 47 pp. 8°. [Binghamton, W66.] The charter and by-laws of the Amendments of charter and special acts. Rules and regulations adopted by the board of trustees. 27 pp. 8 . New York; Wynkoop Sr Hallenbeck, W66. Report of the trustees in answer to a reso lution presented by Assemblyman Little, of .Steu- ben [on the present condition of the institution]. 5 pp. 8°. [Albany, 186,8.] Annual reports of the board of managers and superintendent to the legislature, for the years 1867-72. Also, 1., 1873; 2., 1874; 5., 1877. 8°. Albany, 1868-78. A circular by the superintendent, lo PP- 8°. Binghamton, Lawyer Bros., 1870. ----. The charter and by-laws of f he . . . amend- ments of charter and special acts. 16 pp. J- . New York, State Inebriate Asylum, Record Office, 1873. NEW YORK. 909 NEW YOKK. New York (State). New York State Inebriate I Asylum, at Binghamton—continued. ____1_. Circular to the county clerks, county iiule.cs, and superintendents of the poor of the several counties of the State of New York, giv- iu"- notice of the number each county is entitled to°according to the act, of reorganization. May 27, 1873. 2 I. 4°. [Binghamton, 1876. ]" ______,S< e, also : Burr (G.) The New York State Inebriate Asylum. A defence of its management and operations. Tr. M. Soc. NT YT, Syracuse, 1881, 317-336. Also, Keprint. New York (State). New York State Institution for the Blind, at Batavia. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the legislature. 1.-3., 1868-9 to 1870-71 ; 5.-16., 1872-3 to 1883-4. 8^. Albany, 1869-85. 1868-9 is called 3. report of the trustees, but it is the first report after the opening at Batavia. .-----. See, also : Howk (S. (i.) Address delivered at the cere- mony of laying the corner-stone of the New York State Ins ii ution for the Blind, at Batavia, eSept. 3, 1866. 8°. Boston, 1866. New York (State), New Yovk State Library. Annual reports of the trustees to the legislature of the State of New York. 52., 1869, 56., 1873 ; 59., 1876; 60., 1877; 62.-66., 1879-83; 68., 1885; 61)., 1886. 8 T Albany, 1870-87. New York (State). New York State Reformatory at Elmira. Reply of the building commissioners of the ... to a resolution of the senate passed March 20, 1873, requesting information relative to the condition of said building, now iu process of construction. State of "Now York. No. 74. In senate, April 4, 1873. 4'./ pp. 8°. [Albany, 1873.] Opened July 24, 187C. ------. Annual reports of the board of managers to the legislature. 4.-10., 1878-9 to 1881-5. 8°. Elmira, 1880-85. Report made in 1878 not printed. New York (State). Quartermaster-General of the State of New York. Annual report to the governor of the State, of New York, for the year 1868. 28 pp. 8r Albany, Argus Co., 1869. New York (Slate). Saint Lawrence State Asylum for the Insane; Point Airy, near Ogdenshitrgh. An- nual report of the managers to the legislature. 1., 1887. 34 pp. 8J. Troy, Press Co., 1888. Established by act passed May 18, 1888. New York (Stale). Sccrelary of Slate of the State of New York. Annual reports in relation to the statistics of the poor, to the legislature, for the years 1866-7; 1870-71. 8°. Albany, 1867-71. ------. Annual reports on criminal statistics for the years 1870-71; 1874-5. 8°. [Albany, 1872-6.] New York (State). State Agent for Discharged Convicts. Anuual report to the legislature. 1., 1.878. 18 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen f Sons, 1879. New York (Slate). State Asylum for Insane Criminals, at Auburn. Annual reports of the medi- cal superintendent to the superintendent of State prisons. 1., 1858-U; 1.-6., 1859-60 to 1864-5; 8., 1866-7; 11.-14., 1869-70 to 1872-3; 17.-28., 1875-6 to 1880-7. 8°. Albany f Troy, 1860-88. No reports made for 18711-4 or 1874-5. ------. By-laws and rules and regulations gov- erning the . . . adopted by the superintendent of State prisons, Nov. 1, 1,884, and approved by tho State commissioner in lunacy Dee. 1, 1884. 20 pp. 8°. Auburn, News Sr Bulletin print, 1884. ------. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] v. s. [Auburn, 1.88-.] Movements of patients. Monthly report. Keport of night watchman (daily). New York (State). State Board of Charities. Annual reports to the legislature. 2.-17., 1808- 83. 8-. Albany, 1869-84. ------. Report of the board of State commission- ers of public charities, relating to the insane and the capacity and cost of the several State insane asylums. 16 pp. 8r Albany, Argus Co., 1871. [Also, in: P., v. 223.] ------. Report of the board of State commission- ers of public charities in answer to the resolu- tion of the senate of Feb. 14, 1871, relating to the insane and the capacity and cost of the several State insane asylums. Transmitted to the legis- lature March 9, 1871. Containing also an ex- tract from the fourth annual report of the secre- tary of the board relating to county poor-houses. 16 pp. 8°. Albany, Argus Co., 1872. ------. Report of the board of State commission- ers of public charities concerning the manage ment of the dispensary and hospital society of the Women's Institute of New York City, and the testimony taken by the board. 43 pp. 8 . Al- bany, Argus Coinpany, 1872. ------. Eighth annual report of the State board of charities. Extract relating to pauper and destitute children. By William P. Letchworth. 91 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Albany, Weed, Parson? S- Co., 1875. ------. Eighthiinnual report of the .. . Extract relating to out-door relief. By M. B. Anderson. 32 pp. 8°. Albany, Weed, Parsons <)'• Co., 1875. ------. Extract from the ninth annual report of the . . . relating to the bearing of the sanitary condition of town*, and the crowding of popula- tion iuto filthy, ill-ventilated, aud badly-drained tenement houses, upon the increase of pauperism. Transmitted to the legislature Jan. 14, 1875. 32 pp. 8°. Albany, Weed, Parsons Sr Co., 1876. ------. A communication to the mayor of New York in regard to the official charities of the city, from Theodore Roosevelt, Josephine Shaw Low- ell, aud Edward C. Donnelly, commissioners of the State board of charities. 26 pp. 8 . Al- bany, J. Munsell, 1877. ------. Communication from the ... in relation to the chronic insane of Clinton County, State of New York. No. 44. In assembly, Feb. 8, 1878. 8 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1878.] ------. First report of the committee on the abuses of medical charities, comprising the answers re- ceived from the general dispensaries of New York. 16 pp. 8°. [New York], G. /•'. Nesbitl f Co., 1878. ------. The chronic insane under county care. Report on the condition of the chronic insane in certain counties exempted by the State board of charities from the operation of the Willard Asy- lum act. 12 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1882.] ------. Public official care of orphan and destitute children versus private beneficeuce. Letter re- garding assembly bill No. 121, entitled "An act to incorporate the Home for the Destitute Chil- dren of Suffolk County", addressed to the ju- diciary committee of the assembly by Commis- sioner Letchworth, of the State board of chari- ties. 7 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1883.] ------. In the matter of the investigation of the New York City Asylum for the Iusane. Report. Aug. 12, 1887. 43 pp. 8-\ [Albany, 1887.] ------. Blank forms. Doc. No. 2. List of bene- ficiaries. Doc. No. 3. Return for directory. 4 . [Albany, n. d.] See, o'h-o, IVew Vork (City). Department of rublic Charities. New York (State). State Board of Health of the State of New York. Manual of the ... 74 pp. 8°. Albany, Argus Co., 1889. Established May 18 and organized May 29, 1880. NEW YORK. 910 NEW YORK. New York (State). State Board of Health of the State of New York—continued. -----. Memorandum concerning ways aud meaus for securing the registry of births, marriages, and deaths to the State of New York. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1880.] -----. To the boards of supervisors, clerks of towns, villages, and school districts aud to local boards of health in the State of New York. [Cir- cular of the committee on vital statistics, calling attention to the laws relating to the registration of births, marriages, and deaths.] Juue 18, 1880. 2 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1880.] -----. Circular to local boards of health, inform- ing them of the organization of the State board, aud requesting copies of all their reports. July 1,1881). 3 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1880.] -----. Circular to county supervisors, relating to the registration of births, marriages, and deaths, submitting facts conceruing the methods which are necessary to success. Oct. 15, 1880. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1889.] -----. Proposed model sauitary ordinances, regu- lations, aud orders. [Adopted by the State board of health and recommended to local sani- tary authorities for their adoption. Nov. 11, 1880.] 8 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1880.] -----. Circular, explanatory of the forms and methods of record authorized by the board. Galley sheet. [Albany, 1880.] ■-----. [Circulars, reports, rules, aud memoranda issued by the . . . ] 8°. Albany, 1880-84. >.T>. 10. Ready references to the' laws and reports pub- lished by direction of the . . . Oct., 1880. 1 sheet. 8T [Albany, 1880.] No. 13. Prevention of diphtheria. March, 1881. 11. 8°. [Alba ni/, 1881.] No. 14. Sauitary rules for the prevention of scarlet fever. March, 1881. 11. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No. ].">. Sanitary precautions to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases. April, 1881. 11. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No. 16. Instructions for disinfection. As prepared under tho direction of the National Board of Health. Is- sued by the ... 11. 8T [Albany, 1881.J No. 17. Vaccination notice. Feb. 9, 1881. 1 sheet. 8°. [Albany, 1881.) No. 22. To parents, guardians, and all who arc concerned in the registration of births. "With blank form for full given-name. 11. 10°. [Albany, 1881.] No. 23. Abstract of the several acts of the legislature of ls81, imposing new duties on the State board of health of New York. July 30, 1881. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No. 24. Concerning tbe law to prevent adulteration of food and drugs. June 25, 1881. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No. 21a. An act to prevent the adulteration of food or drugs. [Bound with no. 24.] No. 17). The amended public health laws. Powers and duties of local boards. 2 pp. 8*. [Albany, 1881.] No. 25*. The organization, powers, and duties of local boards of health. (The State board of health invites the attention of local boards to this recently amended statute, defining the powers and duties of local sanitary officers.) "An act for the preservation of the public health." 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, issi.] No. 26. Extract from report of committee on sanitary rules and regulations. 4 pp. 8T [Albany, 1881.] No. 27. Duties and procedures of local boards of health and their officers. Examples, methods, and suggestions. With an appended memorandum on contagious disease refuges ; temporary hospitals for small-pox and other pes- tilential maladies. 14 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1882.] No. 27". Contagious disease refuges; temporary hospi- tals for small-pox and other pestilent contagious. Pre- pared and distributed under instructions, by E. Harris, sec. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No. 27b. Specification of material for contagious disease refuges. 1 1. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No. 28. Organization of the chemical examination of food and drugs, for prevention of adulterations, etc. (under chap. 407 of the laws of 1881). 2 pp. 8°. 1 Albany, 1881.] No. 30*. To health officers; cards for the uso of physi- cians to make monthly returns. [With blank form no. 30.] 16**. [Albany, 1881.] No. 33. Circular of sanitary committee on the public and domestic water supplies of cities and towns, with schedule of questions. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No 34. Circular of inquiry concerning malaria in the State of New York. [With blank form no. 34».l Sept., 1881. 11. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] New York (State). Stale Board of Health of the State of New York—continued. No. 35. School buildings and the hygiene of public schools. [With blank form no. 35*.] 11. 8°. [Albany 1881.] No. 30. To boards of health and local registering officers; rules to be observed in tho public registration of dcalhs, births, and marriages, and in the regulation of burials Oct. 28, 1881. 11. 8°. [Alba -iy. 1881.] No. 36'\ To public carriers; State regulations concern- ing the transit permits for burials beyond county limits Oct., 1881. 1 sheet. 8°. [Albany, 1881. | No. 36c. Concerning vital statistics and certified records 1 sheet. 8°. [Albany, 1881.] No. 37. To supervisors, town clerks, and local boards, presenting facts and suggestions concerning certain amendments to the laws on the registration of births, mar- riages, and deaths. Nov. 14, 1881. 2 pp. 8T [Albany 1881.] J' No. 37a. Suggesting the adoption of a fee for every com- plete record of a birth, marriage, or death. I Bound with no. 37.] No. 38. Prevention of small-pox ; duties of the local au- thorities, health officers and others. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany 1882.] No. 40. Bureau of chemical analysis to prevent adul- teration of food and drugs. Catalogue of the literature of the chemistry of food and drugs. I'icpared for the use of the analysts and inspectors under the State board of New York. By Albert L. Colby. 12 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthnysen tt: Sons, 1881. No. 41. Memorandum of rules to be adopted to prevent the spreading of contagious diseases in schools. Jan. 1882. 2 1. 8°. [Albany, 1S82.J No. 42. Repoit to the State board of health on the, meth- ods of sewerage for cities and large villages iu the State of New York, liy James T. Gardiner. 15 pp. 8°. Albany, lYeed, Parsons'tt Co., 1882. [Itepr. from: Rtp. Bd. Health N. Y. 1881. Albany, 1882; ii.] No. 43. Health in the common schools. Practical illus- trations and conclusions relating to essential sauitary re- quirements of school-houses, i'or use of school officers and teachers. 41pp. 8°. Albany, Weed. Parsons it- Co., 1882. [Repr. from: Kep. Bd. II. alt li N. Y. 1881, Albany, 1882, ii. j No. 44. Notes on contagious diseases of the eyes iu schools and asylums. By Cornelius K. Agnew. 9 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1882.] [Itepr. from: Kep. Bd. Health N. YT 1881, Albany, 1882, ii.) No. 45. Keport on the methods and apparatus for testing inflammable oils. Based upon investigations ordered by the State board of health, for establishing a standard safety-test of illuminating oils. By Arthur H. Elliott. 45 pp. 8°. Albany, M'eed, Parsons' <£ Co., 1882. [Itepr. from: Kep. Bd. Health N. Y. 1881, Albany, 1882, ii.J No. 46. Preliminary statement relating to tho law for safety testing illuminating oils. June 21, 1882. 2 pp. 8°. [Albany 1882.] No. 53. Organization of the local board of health. Saui- tarvlaws and regulations obligatory upon the inhabitants of t lie town. And [rules to be observed in the public reg- istration of deaths, births, and marriages, and in the regu- lation of burials]. 4 pp. Ho. [Albany, 1883.] No. 65. Nomenclature of diseases. 16 pp. fol. [Albany, 1884.] -----. Report ou the nuisances of Hunter's Point and vicinity, and message of the governor, ac- companying the same. (Transmitted to the leg- islature April '2'2, 1881.) :27 pp. 8. Weed, Par- sons Sr Co., 1881. -----. Suggestions and rules for the proper keep- ing of these registration records. [Accompanied by blank form specimen.] 1 sheet. foL [Al- bany, 1.881.] -----. Annual reports to the governor of the State. 1.-7., 1880-86. 8°. Albany, W81-7. -----. Memorandum concerning cholera. 4 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1884. J -----. Opinion of attorney-general regarding powers to abate nuisances. 2 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1884.] -----. Keport on the drainage of the Tonawauda and Oak-Orchard swamps. 70 pp., 4 plans. b'-\ [Albany, 1884.] Itepr. from: Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1883, Albany, I8s4, iv. -----. Report on malaria at Castletou, Rens- selaer County. [By Wm. S. Egerton, C. R-, and Geo. Fred. Brooks, inspector.] 4pp. 8 . [Ab bany, 1884.] Repr. from: Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1883, Albany, 1884, iv. NEW YOKK. 911 NEW YORK. New York (Slate). Slate Board of Health of the State of New Yovk—continued. _____. Report on sudden outbreak of enteric fe- ver at Port Jervis, during the fall of 188:!. By K.C.Curtis. 23 pp., I map, 1 plan. 8°. [Al- bany, 1884.] licpr.from: Rep. State Bd. Health NT Y. 1883, Albany, 1881, iv.' ______. Report on the system of sewerage for the village of Peekskill. 8pp., 1 plan. 8°. [Albany, 1884.] Repr. from: Kep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1883, Albany, 1884, iv. ------. Monthly bulletins of the .. . Abstract of reiiorts of deaths and their causes in districts, cities, and towns, from April, 1884, to April, l->88. 4. [Albany, 1884-8.] ------. Report on a law for the sanitary protection of water supplies. By James T. Gardiner. 8 pp. sr [Albany, 1885.] Repr. from: Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1881, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Report on plan of sewerage for the village ofMalone. 14 pp., 1 map, 1 plan. 8°. [Albany, 1887).] Repr. from: Ri-p. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, !885, v. ---. Report on the policy of the State respect- ing drainage of large swamps. By James T. Gardiner. 7 pp. 8 *. [Albany, 1.8,-:").] Repr. from: Kep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Report on the proposed use of an aban- doned burial ground for the erection of a school- house at Port Jervis. 4pp. 8~. [Albany, 1885.] Repr. from: Kep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. -----. Report on the sanitary condi tiou of Ha- vana, [N. Y.]. By O. S. Wilson. 8 pp. 8T [Album/, 1885.] Repr.'from: Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1881, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Report on tho sanitary condition of that part of Port Richmond drainage into the so-called Port, Richmond ditch. f> pp. 8°. [ Albany, 1885.] Itepr. from: Pep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Keport on the sanitary condition of the city of Schenectady. 10 pp., 1 map. 8 T [Al- bany, 1885.] Repr. from: Rep. State: Bd. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Report on the sewerage of the city of Kingston. 12 pp. 8-T [Albany, 1885.] Bepr.from: Rep. State Bd. Health NT Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Report on the sewerage of Mount Vernon, Westchester County. By Horace Andrews, jr. 15 pp., 2 pi. 8°. [Albany, W87,.] Bepi.from: Rep. State Bd. Health N. V. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Report on the unsanitary condition of the village of Bath, and the remedies therefor. 22 pp., 1 plan. 8°. [Albany, 18,85.] Repr. from.- Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1884, Albany, 1885, v. ------. Introductory [to the] fifth annual report of the, State board ol health. 23 pp. 8'-'. [Al- bany, 1885.] ------. Report on diphtheria at Sandy Hill. 13pp. 8 . [Albany, 188(5.] Repr. from: Rep. Slate Bd. Health NT Y. 1885, Albany, 1886, vi. ------. Report, on the examination of beers. 35 pp. 8 . [Albanu, 1880.] Repr. from: Kep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1885, Albany, 1886, vi. ------. Report of the executive committee on the work and expenditures of the board, from its organization to close of its last fiscal year. 13 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1886.] Bepr.from: Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1885, Albany, 1886, vi. New York (Stale). Stale Board of Health of the State of Nav York—continued. ------. Report on the practical operation of the separate system of sewers. 27 pp. 8-. [Albanu. 1886.] J Repr. from : Kep. State Bd. Health NT Y. 1885, Albany 1886, vi. ------. Report on the purity of ice from Onondaga Lake, the Erie canal at Syracuse, aud from Cazenovia Rake. [By James T. Gardiner, con- sulting engineer. With appendices A-J.] 60 pp. 8°. [Albany.' 188 i.] ------. Report of the secretary, for the year 188.5. 27 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1880.] Repr. from : Rep. State. Bd. Health NT Y. 1885, Albany, 1886, vi. ------. Report of the sewerage of Mt. Vernon. 33 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1880.] Repr. from.- Kep. State Bd. Health NT Y. 1885, Albany 1886, vi. ----:—. Summary of mortality of the State of New York, as published in the monthly bulletin. Totals of mortality in the State by months. For the years 1885-7. '4°. Albany, 1880-8. ------. Keport of the State board of health on the sanitary qualities of water supplies proposed for the city of Syracuse. Prepared by James T. Gardiner, 18,-7. 70 pp. 8°. Syracuse, Journal Co., 1887. ------. [Blank forms used by . . .] v. s. [Albany, it. d.] No. 1. Birth return. No. 2. Bet urn of still-birth. No. 3. Certificate of death. No. 4. Thesame. [A filled sample. ] No. 5. Burial permit. No. 6. Transit, permit. No. 7. Return of a marriage. No. 22. Return of full given-name of infant. No. 30. Report of prevalent diseases and deaths, to local boards. No. 31. Small-pox records. No. 32. Diphtheria records. No. 34". Response to circular no. 34, concerning malaria. No. 35. Response to circular no. 35, relating to school buildings. No. 36. To public carriers, State regulations concerning the transit permits of burials beyond county limits. No. 39. Record of vaccination New York (State). State Board of Health of the State of New York. Bureau of Vital Statistics. A concise statement concerning the elements of registration which are essential and obligatory. 1 sheet. 8°. [Albany, 188(1.] ------. [Blank forms used by the . . .] v. s. [Albany, v. d.] No. 1. Birth return. 2. Return of still-birth. 3. Certificate of death. 4. The same. [ A tilled sample.] 5. Burial permit. 6. Transit permit. 7. Return of marriage. 22. Return of full given-name of infant. 30. Report of prevalent diseases and deaths, to local boards. 31. Small-pox records. 32. Diphtheria records. New York (State). State Cabinet of Natural History. Annual reports of the regents of the University of the State of* New York, on the con- dition of the . . . aud on the historical and antiquarian collection annexed thereto, to the legislature. 3. (1840); 8. (1854); 20. (1800). 8~. Albany, 1850-67. Also, a copy of revised ed. of 3. rep. 8°. Albany, 1850. New York (State). Stale Homaopathic Asylum for the Insane, Middletown. Annual reports of the trustees and medical superintendent to the legis- lature. 4.-17., 1873-4 to 1880-7. 8°. Albany f Troy. 1874-88. Organized in 1869; incorporated April, 1870; opened April 20, 1874. Report for 1873-4 was the first pub- lished. NEW YOKK. 912 NKW YORK. New York (State). Stale Homoeopathic Asylum for the Insane; Middletown—continued. .—:----. Rules and regulations for the government of employees. 18 pp. 8 . Middletown, Stivers <)'■ Slaitson, 1879. ------. Rules and regulations of the fire brigade of the New York State Homoeopathic Asylum. 5 pp. 10°. [Middletown, ti. d.] New York (State). State Lunatic Asylum, at Utica. Report of the trustees with the docu- ments accompanying thesame, pursuant to the act of the legislature passed May 26, 1841. [Ap- pointed to visit institutions for the keeping aud management of lunatics in this and other States.] 231pp. 11. 8°. Albany, 1841. Organized iu 1842 ; opened January 16, 1843. ------. Report of the commissioners of the Lunatic Asylum to his excellency Wm. H. Seward, gov- ernor of the State, Nov. 12, 1841. pp. 61-63. 8°. [Albany, 1811.] Cutting. ------. Annual reports of the board of managers and superintendent to the legislature. 1.-43., 1843 to 1884-5. 8-. Alhany, 1844-80. 1.-38., 1843 to 1879-80, bound in 3 v. ------. Laws and regulations for the admission and discharge of patients, August, 1861. 15 pp. 8°. L'tica, N Y., Curtis* J- White, 1864. ------. Rules, regulations, and by-laws of the . . . 32 pi>. 8\ Utica, D. P. White, 1866. ------. [Blank forms iu use at the asylum.] fo'. [Albany, 188-.] Bond of friend. Directions and information in cases of private patients. History of patient. Medical certificate of lunacy. Order of superintendent of the poor of county for ad- mission. ------. Rules and regulations of the New York State Lunatic Asylum. 41 pp. 8°. Utica, E. II. Roberts .,- Co.,[n- <*■] ------. Medulla oblongata. Case of general pa- ralysis. By Theodore Deecke, special patholo- gist; John P. Gray, medical superintendent. 25 pl. imp. fol. [ Utica f n. d.] ------. See, also : Asylum (The) investigation. Dr. Tourtelot's testimony finally completed; the evidence of present and former managers; the investigation temporarily closed. [Utica. 1883.] Cutting fiom: Utica Morning Herald, April 10, 1883. Ni.w York (Stale). Assembly. Report of the select committee on so much of the governor's message as relates to the Lunatic Asylum. April 22, 1841. 80. [Albany, 1841.] Nf.w York (State). S. Report of the minority of the committee on medical societies aud medical colleges on the bill in relation to the State Lunatic Asylum. April 23, 1844. 8°. [Albany, 1844.] Nrcw York (State). Assembly. Report of the select committee, to which was referred the memorial of Dr. Saunders and others, asking for an investigation into the causes of the death of Norris Tarbell, at the State Lunatic.Asylum at Utica. Transmitted to the legislature, April 16, W69. 8G. Albany, 1860. New York (Stale). State Prison or Penitentiary House, in the City of New York. An account of the . . . By one of the inspectors of the prison. 07 pp., 2 pl. 8-. New York, J. Collins Sr Son, 1801. New York (State). Superintendent of Common Schools. Annual reports of the ... in relation to the Central Asylum for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, at, Canajoharie, and the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, to the legislature, for the years 1820 ; 1831; 1834. tP. [Albany, 1839-35.] New York (State). Superintendent of the Onon- daga Salt Spi ngs. Annual reports of tlit* . to the legislature, for the vears 1.8.50; 1851 ; 1807- 69. 8°. Albany, 1851-70. New Voik (Stcite). Superintendent of Public In- struction. Annual report of the ... to the leg- islature. 24., 1877. 71 pp. 8->. Albany, J. Tl. Parmenter, 1878. New York (State). Surgeon-General of the Slate of New York. Annual reiiorts of the . . . to the governor of the State, for the years 1801-3; 18!i5. 8J. Albany, 1862-6. New York (State). Tenement-House Commission. Report of .. . 12 pp. 8J. [AVir York, 1H84.] Organized June 11, 1884. ------. Forms. 5 1. 8°. [New York, 18-1] New York (State). Western House of Refuge for Juvenile Delim/uenls. Annual reports of flu- board of managers to the legislature. 1., 184[) • 2., 1859; 7.-10., 1855-8; 12.-33., 1860 to 1880-81. 8^-. Albany S- Rochester, 1850-82. 14.-32. bound in 2 v. ------. Report of special committee to the man- agers of the House of Refuge, on the investiga- tion by tlie State commissioners of public chari- ties of charges made through the public pnss against the officers and managers of the Hons" of Refuge, with memorial to the commissioner.! and their report. 30 pp. 8'-'. New York, Ihiteh- ener S' (Hasten ter, 1872. Nc%V York (State). Western New York Institu- tion for Deaf Mutes, al Rochester. Annual reports of the board of trustees and principal to the leg- islature of the State of New York. 1.-3., 1870-7 to 1878-9. 8r Alba ny, 1878-80. New York (State). Willard Asylum for the In- sane. Annual report of the commissioners for erecting the . . . to the comptroller of the State of New York for the year 1868. 5 pp. 8 '. [ .11 bang, 1839.] Established April 8, 1865, for the chronic insane ; opened Oct. 12, ISO!). ------. Laws, rules, and regulations for tlie gov- ernment of the . . . adopted July 1, 1809. !»2 pp. 8°. Seneca Falls, N. Y., Reveille Book and Job Office, W69. [P., v. 362.] ------. Annual reports of the board of trustee; and superintendent to the legislature. 1.-19 , 1~69 to 1880-7. 8-r Album/, 1870-87. 1.-12., I860 to 1879-80, bound in 1 v. ------. Laws relating to the . . . and rules ami regulations of said asylum. Adopted July 1, 18(59. Revised Oct. 15, 1884. 59, ii pp. 8'--. Buffalo, Baker, Jones «.)'■ Co., 1884. ------. Plans and elevations and a historical sketch of the ... at Willard, on Seneca Lake, N. Y. 5 1., 7 plans. 8J. Willard, Willard Asy- lum press, 1887. ------. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] v. s. [Buffalo, 188-.] Admissions (monthly). I?oud for peaceable behavior, etc. Case-book form. Certificate of discharge. (,'ertittcate of insanity. Daily medical repot t. Day report. General summary of day reports. Name; diagnosis. Notice of superintendent of admission. IVew York (University of the City of). Editorial (An) chameleon. Am. Edict. M. ltev., N. Y., 1872, viii, 47-52. Also, Reprint. New York Academy of Medicine. Constitution and by-laws of the*. . . 2 1. fol. [New York. 1847.]' ------. Code of medical ethics adopted by the American Medical Association and by the New York Academy of Medicine, in Oct., 1847. 24 | pp. 8°. New York, 1848. NEW YOKK. 913 NEW YORK. New York Academy of Medicine—continued. -----. Constitution am, by-laws, with list of' officers and fellows. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1848. -----. Report of a committee appointed by the Academy of Medicine upon the comparative value of milk formed from the slop of distilleries and other food, with chemical aud microscopical analyses, by Augustus K. Gardner. Read March 1, 1818. 19' pp. 8r [New York], R. Craighead, 1851. Repr. from: Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1851, i. -----. Act to incorporate the New York Academy of Medicine. Passed June 23, 1851. 15 pp. 8°. [New Yovk; 1851.] -----. Transactions, v. 1-3, July 7, 1847, to Feb. 2,1871. 8: New York; 1851-71. -----. Thesame. 2. series, v. 1-5,1871-86. 8°. New York, 1876-80. -----. Constitution and by-laws, with a list of officers and fellows. 16 pp. 8°. New York, G. . A. C. Van Bur en, 1>52. -----. Report of the standing committee of . . . ou public health aud legal medicine. Published by order of the academy. 15 pp. 8°. New York, G. A. C. Vein Buren, printer, 1852. -----. List of officers, committees, and fellows. 8 pp. 8°. New York; 1854. -----. Constitution, by-laws, and act of incor- poration. Adopted Oct. 20, 1858. 10 pp. 8 T New York; J. F. Trow, 1858. -----. Report of the joint committee of the New York College of Pharmacy and the New York Academy of Medicine upon the Pharmacopo'ia of tlie Foiled States. 29, 27 pp. 8°. [New York; I860.] -----. Report of the committee on military sur- gery of the New York Academy of Medicine to the surgical section on military hygiene and therapeutics. By A. C. Post and Win. H. Van Buren. Printed for circulation by the San. Com. 27 pp. ho. [New Yovk], W6\. [P., v. 409.] -----. The same. 31 pp. 16C New Yovk, S. S. f JV. Wood, 1801. -----. Report on military hygiene and therapeu- tics. (Report of committee on military surgery to the surgical section of the . . . Printed for circulation by the Sanitary Commission.) [Al- fred C. Post, Win. H. Van Buren, committee. June 21, 1861.] 27 pp. H°. [New York; 1801.] -----. Bulletin, v. 1-4, Jan., 1800, to Feb., 1871. 8--'. New York; JV. Wood f Co., 1862-72. -----. Constitution, by-laws, and act of incor- poration. Adopted Nov. 19, 1862. 17 pp. 8°. New York, 1802. -----. Report of sub-committee of the ... on ventilation. Presented by John H. Griscom, chairman, June 6, 1866. 10 pp. 8°. New York; New York Printing Co., W66. -----. Constitution, by-laws, act of incorpora- tion, and list of fellows. 50 pp. 8°. New York, 1874. -----. Proceedings of the first stated meeting, May 20, 1875. 8°. New York; D. Appleton f Co., 1875. -----. Constitution, by-laws, act of incorpora- tion, list of fellows and contributors to the build- ing fund. 61 pp. 8°. New York, 1876. -----. An act to confer certain powers and privi- leges upon the . . . Passed June 2, 1877. 4 pp. *''. [New York, 1877.] -----. Act of incorporation and constitution and by-laws. 24 pp. 8°. New York, 1878. -----. Anniversary discourse. By Leroy M. Yale. 19 pp. H->. New York; 1879. -----. 1879. Addresses. Dr. Samuel S. Purple's valedictory. Dr. Fonlyce Barker's inaugural. 30 pp. 8°. New York; 1879. 58 \CW Vork Academy of Medicine—continued. -----. Proceedings at the first stated meeting held in the new library hall of the academv, pj West Thirty-first street, October 2, 1879. (With annual reports for 1879.) [Dedication of the library hall.] 61 pp., 1 pl. 8 . xew York, 1880. -----. Act of incorporation, constitution and by- laws, and list of fellows of the ... 38 pp. 8°. New York, 1882. -----. See, also : Anderson (J.) An inaugural address deliv- ered before the New York Academv of Medicine, January 16, 1861. 8J. New 1 'ork, 1861. -----. Addresses on retiring from the presi- dential chair of the New York Academy of Medi- cine. Delivered January 16, ]8il7. 8. New York; 1869. Barker (F.) New York Academy of Medi- cine, 1881. Second inaugural address. 8 T New York; 1881. Batciiei.der (J. P.) An inaugural address de- livered before the New York Academy of Medi- cine, February 3, 1858. 8^. New York; 1858. Cock (T.) Inaugural address delivered be- fore the New York Academy of Medicine, April 7, 1852 ; to which is added the annual report for 1851 of the recording secretary, John G. Adams, M. D. 8r New York, 1852. Flint (A.) Objects aud Avork. A valedictory address delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, January 21, 1875, at the College of Physicians aud Surgeons. 8°. Neiv York. W75. Foster (8. C.) An oration delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, at its fif- teenth anniversary. November 11, 1862. 8°. New York; 1803. Francis (J. W.) An inaugural address de- l i vered before the New York Academy of Medi- cine, February 2, 1848. 8°. New York; 1848. -----. Address of John AY. Francis, M. D., late president of the New York Academy of Med- icine, on the 7th of February, 1849. To the president-elect, Valentine Mott, M. D. 8 ». New York, 1849. Griscom (J. II.) Anniversary discourse before the New York Academy of Medicine, delivered Nov. 22, 1854. 8. Xew York, 1855. Manley (J. R.) Anniversary discourse before the New York Academv of Medicine, Nov. 8, 1848. 8°. New Yovk; W49. Mott (V.) An inaugural address delivered be- fore the New York Academy of Medicine, Febru- ary 7, 1849. To which is prefixed an address by Dr. J. W. Francis to the president-elect. 8 , New York; W49. Purple (S. S.) Objects aud purposes; an in- augural address delivered before tlie New York Academy of Medicine, January 21, 1875, at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. 8 . New York; 1875. Stearns (J.) An address delivered on the oc- casion of assuming the chair as president at the first regular meetingof the New York Academy of Medicine, February 3, 1847. 8°. New York; 1847. Stewart (F. C.) Anniversary discourse be- fore the New York Academy of Medicine, deliv- ered in the chapel of the I *niversify of New York, November 3, 1852. 8°. New York, 1853. White (W. T.) Au anniversary discourse de- livered before the New York Academy of Medi- cine, November 16, 1876. 8J. New York; 1876. Wood (I.) An inaugural address delivered be- fore the New York Academy of Medicine, Feb- ruary 6, 1850. [To which is prefixed a valedic- tory address by Yaleutine Mott, M. D.] 8°. New York; 1859. XEW YORK. 914 NEW YOKK. New Vork Academy of Medicine—continued. -----. See, also: Third (The) anniversary oration for the New York Academy of Medicine, which was not de- livered before that remarkable body, but ought to have been, at their annual meeting, held iu the chapel of tlie university, November 14, 1849, by the physician who was not elected for that occa- sion ; (published without the knowledge or con- sent of the academy). 8°. New York, 1850. New Vork Academy of Sciences. (Late Lyceum of National History.) Charter, constitution, and by-laws, with list of the members, etc., 1876. 48 pp. 8 . New York, S. Angell, 1877. -----. Transactions. v. 1-6, 1881-2 to 1880-7. 8 '. New York, 1882-7. New" Vork Agency for Trained Nurses, New York City. Mrs. A. S. Mabie, proprietor and manager. [Circular and testimonial. ] 1 sheet. 8 -'. [New York, 1879.] New Vork Agency, United States Sanitary Com- mission. See United States Sauitary Commis- sion, New York Agency. New Vork (The) Analyst. Devoted to the in- terests of sanitary science, food, medicine, and the suppression of adulteration. H. Lassiug, editor and publisher. [Semi-monthly.] New series, No. 18, v. 1, Sept. 15, 1885. 18 pp. 4°. New York. New Yrork Association for Improving the Con- diiion of the Poor, New York City. A plan for the better distribution of medical attendants and medicines for the indigent sick by the public dis- pensaries iu the city of New York. 12 pp. 16°. [New York; 1845.] -----. Annual reports of the board of managers to the members and contributors. 19., 1861-2; 2','., 1864-5; 26., 1808-9; 27., 1869-70; 30.-31., 1872-3 to 1873-4 : 35.-37., 1-77-8 to 1879-80 ; 40., 1882-3: 41., 18S3-4; 43., 1885-6. 8. New York, 1802-80. -----. Laws affecting tenement and lodging houses in the citv of New York and Brooklyn. 11 pp. S->. [New York, 1878.] -----. Proceedings of the board of managers. Dec. 13. 188(1. 27 pp. 8T [ New York; 1880. ] See, al.^o. IjOihIoib alms aud London pauperism. 8°. New Yotk. 1877. New Vork Asylum for Lying-in Women, New York City. Annual reports of the managers and resident physician to the subscribers and the public. 6., 18-28-9: 9., 1831-2; 12.-14., 1834-5 to 183;i-7; 17., 1839-40: 23., 1815-0: 27., 1849-50; 28., 1850-51; 32., 1854-5: 34., 1850-7; 40., 1802-3; 45.-47., 1807-8 to 1809-70; 49., 1871-2; 52., 1874-5. 8 ■'. New York, 1829-75. Incorporated March 19, 1827. New Vork Bay Cemetery. [Extracts from re- ports, rules and regulations, and the act of in- corporation.] 16 pp., 1 plan. 8°. New Y'ork, F. Hart, W51. New Vork Bible and Fruit Mission to our Pub- lic Hospitals aud of the Coffee House and Lodg- ing House. A nuual report of the secretary to the donors and subscribers. 8.,1882-3. 35 pp. 8D. New York; Office Industrial School Hebrew Orphan Asylum, W84. New York and Brooklyn formulary of unoffi- cinal preparations; published by a joint commit- tee of delegates from the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, the New York German Apothecaries' Society, and the Kings County Pharmaceutical Society. 2. ed. (interleaved). 46 pp. 12°. New York, [1-84]. New Vork Cancer Hospital. Anuual reports of the managers to the subscribers. 1.-3., 18,84-5 to 1887-8. 12 . [NewYork, 1885-8.] Organized Feb. 7 and incorporated May 31, 1884 ; opened Dec. 6, 1887. 2. and 3. reports iu one, aud for 33 months, May, 1885, to Feb., 1887. New York Catholic Protectory, Westchester, N. Y. Annual report of tlie board of managers to the legislature of the State, and to tin* com- mon council of the city. 11., 1872-3. 07 pp. 8-T Westchester, The Protectory, H74. New Vork(The) and Chicago Medical and Surg- ical Journal; devoted fo medicine, general sci- ence, aud literature. Edited by Fdward N Fishblatt. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-5', v. 8, June to October, 1881. 25(5 pp. 8-T New York ,t York, I88.5.] \ew York (The) Dental Journal. Edited by Frank H. Norton and G. H. Periue. [Quarterly. ] NEW YOKK. 915 NEW YORK. New York (The) Dental Journal—continued. v. 1-5, July, 1858, to May, 1804. 8r New York Ended, v. 1 complete- in 2 numbers; v. 2 commenced Jan., 18")!); v. 5 commenced March, 1802, became semi- annual, and complete in 5 numbers. After uo. 2, v. 3, WT B. Koberts became publisher and proprietor, and Ferine dropped. New York (The) Dental Recorder. Devoted to the theory and practice of surgical, medical, and mechanical dentistry. Edited by J. S. Ware. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, Sept., 1.840, to Dec, 1850. 8'J. New York. Want nos. 3-5, 8-10, v. 6; nos. 3, 8, 11, v. 7. In v. 2 C. (T Allen became editor; in v. C A. Hill added; v. 8 com- menced Jan., 1854, published at Norwalk, Conn., A. Hill sole editor and publisher; in v. 9-10 Charles "VV. Bollard editor. New York Dermatological Society. Nomencla- ture adopted Feb. 11, 1879. 1 sheet. 4°. [New York; 1879.] New York Diet Kitchen, New York City. State- ment of the managers on the object and bene- fits of the charity. Nov., 1873. 4 1. 8°. [New York; 1873.] Organized and incorporated 1873. -----. Annual reports of the managers to the subscribers and public. 1., 1873-4; 2., 1874-5; 7., 1879. 8-. New York, 1874-80. New York Dispensary, New York City. Charter and by-laws of the . . . 23 pp. 8 . "New York, C. S. Van Winkle, 1810. Instituted 1790; incorporated April 8, 1795. -----. The same. 15 pp. 8 . New York, Van Winkle if Wiley, 1814. -----. The same. 20 pp., 11. 8' . New York, C. S. Van Winkle, 1821. -----. The same. 19 pp. 8°. New York; M. Day, 1839. -----. The same. 24 pp. 8°. New York; B. C. Brown, 1834. -----. The same. 28 pp. 12°. New York, M. Day f Co., 1842. -----. The same. 23 pp. 8°. New York, J. IV. A mer man, 1869. -----. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the subscribers, members, and tho publie. 40.-42., 1829-31; 44., 1833; 47., 1836; 48., 1837 ; TO., 1839; 52., 1841; 53., 1842; 55.-66., 1844-55; 68.-90., 1857-85. 8°. New York, 1830-86. -----. The by-laws of the ... 24 pp. 12°. New York; W. Osborn, 1848. -----. The same. 21 pp. 12°. Neic York, Hol- man, Gray J- Co., 1854. -----. The same. 20 pp. 8°. New York, J. W. A merman, 1875. -----. Reports of the vaccine department for the years 1871; 1873; 1874. By Frank P. Foster. 8°. New York, 1872-5. -----. Animal vaccine virus. Directions for the preservation and use of vaccine lymph. [Cir- cular issued by vaccine department.] 2 1. 8°. [New York; n. d.] -----. Furnishes non-humanized cow-pox virus (vituline or bovine). 2 1. 8°. [New York, n. d.] -----. Nomenclature and pharmacopoeia of the . . . 45 pp. 8'. [New York, Slote if Janes, n. d.] New York Dispensary for Diseases of the Skin. Annual report of the trustees and officers to the public. 1,1809-70. 11pp. 16°. New York, R. C. Root, Anthony f Co., 1871. Incorporated July '-'0 and opened in Nov., 1809. New York Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat and Chest. Annual reports of the physician in charge and the treasurer, to the board of trustees. 1., 1870. 14 pp. 12°. New Yovk; 1871. New Vork (The) Dissector. A quarterly journal of medicine, surgery, magnetism, mesmerism, and the collateral sciences, with the mysteries New York (The) Dissector—continued. aud fallacies of the faculty. Edited by Henry Hall Sherwood, v. 1-4, 1844-7. 8 . New York. New York Ear Dispensary, New York City. Annual reports of the board of trustees and sur- geon in charge to the public. 1., 1871-3; 6.-8 1876-8. 12°. New York, 1873-9. Incorporated April 8 and opened Mav 25, 1871. 1. re- port for 26 mouths, May, 1871. to June, 1873. No reports published from July, 1873, to Dee., 1875. New York (The) Eclectic Medical Journal. Title on covers of nos. 3 et seq. of v. 3: H< 1882. in: Announcement for 1882-3. 6. report, also, in : V., v. 528. 21. and 25. are in 4°. New York Hospital and Blooming-dale Asylum. Charter for establishing an hospital in the city of New York. Granted by the Right Hon. John, Earl of Dunmore, the 13th July, 1771. 34 pp., 11. 4 >. New York, H. Gaine, 1794. Founded iu 1770 by private contributions. Incorpo- rated June 13, 1771, under the name of " The Hospital in tlie City of New York, in America". In 1773 the governors purchased five acres of ground for the erection of a suit- able edifice, and the foundation stone was laid July 27 in tbe same year. It was not in condition to receive patients until Jan". 3, 1791. By an act of the legislature, passed March 9, 1810, the name was changed to " The Society of the Xew York Hospital ". The present building was in- augurated Nov. 5, 1877. At au early period insane patients were received. On March 14, lsuti. the legislature passed an act granting an annual provision, payable out of the duties on sales at auction in the city, until 18.">7. The new edifice, called the "Lunatic Asylum ', was opened July 15, 1808. In 1818 a committee reported favorably ou a plan for purchasing a tract of land near the city upon which to erect suitable buildings and to introduce a course of moral treatment. A site was selected on the Blooniingdale road, and tbe corner-stone of the new asylum was laid May 17, 1818, and opened June 16, 1821, when the institution re- ceived its present name, the "Bloomingdale Asylum". ------. A brief account of the . . . 72 pp. 8°. New Yovk, J. Collins f Son, 1804. ------. Catalogue of books belonging to the New York Hospital library. 74, 29 pp. 8 . [New York, Collins f Co., 1811.] 29 pi), are MS. additions. Hound with : New York.Hos- pital. An account of.. . 8°. Xew York, 1811. ------. Annual reports of the board of governors and physicians to the legislature of the State of New York. 43., 1813; 69.-117., 1839-87. fol. A 8C. New York; 1814-88. ------. Pharinacopieia Nosocomii Neo-Eboraeen- sis; or the pharmacopeia of the . . . Published under the authority of the physicians and sur- geons of the institution. To which is added an appendix containing a general posologieal table, and a comparative view of the former and pres- ent terms used in materia medica and pharmacy. x (1 1.), 180 pp., 1 1. 8-. New York; Collins'A Co., W\6. ------. Report of the physician of the New York Lunatic Asylum [for a period of eight months, Sept, 13, 1817, to May 15, 1818], addressed to a committee of its governors, and published at their request. [Bv \Yilliain Handy.] 2d pp. fc-'. New York; S. Wood f Sons, WW". This asylum was opened July 15, 1808, as a branch of the New York Hospital. Tlie patients were transferred to the new asylum ou the Bloomingdale road, June 16, 1821. ------. An account of the New York Hospital. 62 pp., 1 pl., 1 pla.ii. 8-'. New York; M. Day, 182(1. ------. By-laws and regulations ordained aud established by the governors, for the better gov- ernment of the officers, members, patients, aud servants of the hospital, passed December 7, 1819. 25 pp. 8 . New York, M. Day, 1.820. ------. Address of the governors to the public, relative to the Asylum for the Insane, at Bloom- ingdale. 8 pp. 8\ New York; M. Day, 1821. ------. By-laws aud regulations ordained and established by the governors of the New York Hospital, for the better government of the offi- cers, members, patients, and servants of the hospital. Revised and passed April 5, 1825. 39 pp. 8J. New York, M. Day, 1826. New York Hospital [etc.]—continued. ------. A. catalogue of the books belonging to the library of the New York Hospital, and the regu- lations for the same. 132 pp. 8 . New York G. F. Hopkins Sr Son, W29. ------. Supplementary catalogue of the New York Hospital library, Nov., 1881. 12 pp. 8 . X,w York; office of the Medico - Chiritri/'ual Review, 1831. ------. By-laws and regulations of the . . . or- dained aud established by the governors of the institution. Revised and passed Dec. 4, 1832. 64 pp. 8°. New York, R. ,)'■ G. S. Wood, 1833. ------. Charter of the Societv of the . . . and the laws relating thereto, with the by-laws and regulations of the institution, and those of the Bloomiugdale Asylum for the Insane. 89 pp 8\ New York; M. Day, W3<. ------. A catalogue of the books belonging to Hie library of the New York Hospital, arranged al- phabetically and analytically, and the regula- tions for the use of the same, v, 194 pp. 8 . New York, [R. Craighead], 1845. ------. Charter of the Society of the New York Hospital, and the laws relating thereto, with the by-laws and regulations of the institution, and those of the Bloomingdale Asylum for tho In- sane. Revised and pas.sed Dec. 2, f-15. 1114 pp., 1 pl., 1 plan. 8\ New York; J. R. Me- Gowan, 1840. ------. Address of the governors to their fellow- citizens. 24 pp. 8 . New York; IV. C. Ilryaut .)'■ Co., 187)2. ------. Charter of the Society of the . . . and the laws relating thereto, with the by-laws and regulations of the institution, and those of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. 110 pp. 8'-'. New York, D. Fanshaw, 1850. ------. An account of the . . . [including a list of the governors, officers of the board of gov- ernors, physicians, aud surgeons, from the com- mencement of the institution to the 1st of June, 1850]. 75-140 pp. 8°. [New York, 1856.] Cutting. ------. Report of the committee on retrenchment. May 3, 1859. 11 pp. 8 ■'. New York, Baker f Goodwin, [1859 ?] ------. A catalogue of the pathological cabinet of the . . . classified and arranged by Robert Rav, jr. With a memoir of the author [bv John Watson]. Edited by II. U. Bulkley. 364 pp., port. 8". New Yovk, S. S. <)" W. Wood, ' 1860. ------. Report of the chairman of the committee on retrenchment. Inquiries presented by that committee and the visiting committee to the su- perintendent aud the physicians aud surgeons, with their replies to the same. 40 pp. ,-". New York, F. HartSr Co., W69. ---■---. Supplementary catalogue of the hooks belonging to the library of the New York Hos- pital. 69 pp. 8Z; New York, 11. Craighead, 1861. Bound with : New York Hospital. A catalogue of . . . 8°. New York, 1845. ------. Thesame. No. II. Legacy of John Wat- son, M. D. 23 pp. 8. New York; R. Craighead, 1835. Bound with: Xew York Hospital. A catalogue of . . . 8r Xew York, 1845. ------. The same. No. III. 39 pp. 8°. New York, N Y. Printing Co., 1809. Bound with : New York Hospital. A catalogue of . . 8°. New York, 1X45. -----. The same. No. IV. 38 pp. 8 . New York, D. Van Nostraud, W75. -----. The same. No. V. 71 pp. 8 . New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880. NEW YORK. 917 NEW YORK. IVew York Hospital [etc.]—continued. _____. The same. No. VI. 68 pp. 8°. New York; Trow'1 a Co., 1880. _____. The financial condition and restricted charitable operations of the Society of the New York Hospital. Majority and minority reports of a special committee of the board of governors. Presented April 17, 1806. 22 pp. 8-; New York, W. I . Urytnit <)' Co., 1866. .-----. Biographical catalogue descriptive of the portraits of former governors and attending phy- sicians and surgeons. 10 pp. 8°. New York, N. Y. Printing Coinpany, 1869. _____. Catalogue of duplicate works iu the li- brary, for sale or exchange. 10 pp. 8 r New York; C, A. Coffin, 1876. _____. Report of the medical hoard as to the in- ternal administration of the hospital. 19 pp. 8°. New York, for the governors, 1876. -----. Report of the committee on a village of cottage hospitals, made to the governors Feb. 24, 1870. 47 pp. roy. 8°. [New York; Evening Post, 1876. J -----. Cottage hospitals. Remarks of Mr. -F. A. Conklin upon the report of the committee on a village of cottage hospitals, delivered at a meet- ing of the governors, July 6, 1876. 23 pp. 8°. [New York; 1876.] -----. Report of the building co i mittee [from May 5, 1874, to Nov. 5, 1877], together with an address delivered on the occasion of the inaugu- ration of the new building, on the 16th March, 1877, by William II. Van Buren. With a detailed description of the building. 32 pp., 9 plans. roy. 8°. New York; L. W. Lawrence; 1877. Bound with : Reports, 1871-83. -----. See, also : Beekman (J. AV.) Centenary address deliv- ered before the Society of the New York Hospital, July 24, 1871. 8°. New York; 1871. New York (State). Assembly. Report of the coramissiouers appointed by law to examine iuto the condition of the New York Hospital, the New York Eye Infirmary, Seamen's Retreat, and Ma- rine Hospital, at Staten Island. No. 92. April 8, 1853. 8°. [Albany, 18,53.] ' ,tl< l.< an (H.) A table of patients admitted into the New York Hospital, from January, 1797, to December, 1798. Aled. Reposit., N. Y., 1798, i, 105; 248; 376; SUO: 1799, ii, 104; 324. IVew York Hospital. Training School for Nurses. Annual report of the conference committee in charge of the . . . for the year 1883. 20 pp. 8°. [New Y'ork; 1885.] Address to the graduating class of 1883, by Wm. H. Draper, M. D. New York Hospital Saturday aud Sunday As sociation, New York City. Annual reports of the treasurer of the New York Hospital Saturday and Sunday Collection. 2., 1880; 5., 1883; 8., 1880. 12°. New York; [1881-7]. Organized in 1879. IVew York Infant Asylum, New York City. An- nual reports of the managers, lady officers, and medical committee to the subscribers and the public. 1.-13., 1871-84. 8°. New York, 1873-85. Chartered in 18(i.">. Organized as a "Foundling Asylum ", but reorganized and opened Nov. 23, 1871, adopting a new policy of reception house and refuge for homeless infants. 1. report for 2 *, ears. -----. See, also : New York (Slate). Assembly. An act to amend chap. 106 of the laws of 1865, entitled "An act to incorporate the New York Infant Asy- lum ", passed March 11, 1865, as amended by chap. 263 of the laws of 1872, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act, to incorporate the New York Infant, Asylum'", passed March 11, 180;), and as further amended by chap. 90 ol the laws IVew York Infant Asylum—continued. of 1877, entitled "An act further to amend chap, 106 of the laws of 1805, entitled 'An act to incor- porate the New York Infant Asylum', passed April 2, 1871", and to amend the title thereto. No. 530. March 1, 1882. Introd. by Mr. Tighe fol. [Albany, 1882.] IVew York Infirmary for Women and Children, New York City. Annual reports of the execu- tive committee to the subscribers. 14.-19., 1807- 72; 24., 1877; 27., 1881); 28., 1881; 30.-32., 1883- 5. 8°. New York; 1808-8."'. IVew York Institution for the Inoculation of the Kine Pock. Constitution for the government of the . . . To which are added the proceedings of the two first, meetings of the contributors. 11 pp. 12°. Xew Yovk; J. Collins f Son, 1802. IVew York (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Was title of no. 1, v. l,of: American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy, April 25, 1840. IVew York (The) Journal of Homceopathy. I'nde.r the auspices of "The New York Ho- moeopathic Medical College". William Tod Helinuth and T. F. Allen, editorial committee. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, March, 1-73, to Feb., 18/5. 8°. New York, Carle f Grener. In v. 2, S. A. Jones and S. Lilienthal added as editors. In April, 187."), united with : M«07. 12 pp. H-; [Al- bany, 1808.] IVew York Ladies' Health Protective Associa- tion. Memorial to the Hon. Abram S. Hewitt, mayor of New York, on the subject of street- cleaning. 12 pp. 8-- [New York, 1887.] IVew Vork Ladies' Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, New York City. Annual reiiorts of the managers to the subscrib- NEW YOKK. 918 NEW YORK. IVew York Ladies' Home [etc.]—continued. ers aud members of the association. 20.-30., 1872-3 to 1873-4. ST New Yovk, 1873-4. New York (The) Lancet. Edited by James Alexander Houston. [Weekly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-2; Nos. 1, 3, v. 3, Jan. 1, 1842, to Jan. 21, 1843. 8 . New York; J. G. Bennett <)'■ J. A. Houston. IVew York ( The ) Lancet. A family medical journal. Edited by N. li. C. Rowe. [Semi- monthly.] Nos. 1-4, 6, v. 1, Jan. 3 to April 1, 1806. 4r New York. IVew York Life Insurance Company. Grant, McClellan, Hancock [not, insured]. 6 ]., 3 port. 16°. [New York; New York Spectator Co., 188,;.] Repr. from: The Spectator. New York, Feb. 18, 1886, & Indianapolis Jour., Feb.. 28, lssii. -----. A return-premium endowment policy. 1 sheet. 4°. [New Yovk; 1887.] IVew York Lunatic Asylum, New York City. Sec New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum, New York City. IVew Vork (The) Magnet. Title of v. 2-3 of: Magnet (The), 1813-4. IVew York Medical Abstract. A monthly jour- nal of condensed medical news. v. 1-8, 1881-8. 8 T New Y'ork. Current. 3\e\V York Medical Aid and Relief Society for Destitute Sick Women and Children. Report of the officers to the members andj contributors for the year 1882-:'. 6 sheets. 8°. New Yovk; [1883]. -----. The reply of the . . . to the attack' of the press. 8 pp. S3. New York, 1883. New York Medical Association for the Supply of Lint, Bandages, etc., to the United States Army. Final report. Presented July 25. 1831. 32 pp. 8 . New York, by the association, 1861. Organized April 23, and dissolved July 25, 1801. IVew York Medical College and Charity Hos- pital, New York City. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1850-51 to 1852-3 (1.-3.); 1854- 5 to 1850-7 (5.-7.); 1800-61 to 1863-4 (11.-14.). 8° &. 12-'. New York; 1850-63. Organized in 1850. The words "and Charity Hospital'' added to title between 1857-60. Ceased to exist 1804. -----. Announcement of the summer session of 1855. 6 pp., 1 1. New York, Baker, Godwin f Co., 1855. -----. Catalogue of the officers, students, and gradnates for the session of 1856-7. 7 pp. 8 . New Y'ork, Baker

    . IVew York (The) Medical Eclectic. .sec iTIeilieal (The) Eclectic, v. 5, 1878, et seq. IVew York (The) Medical Gazette. Published by Uriah Turner. [Weekly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-2, July 14, 1841, to July 0, 1842. 8\ Nav York. Ended. IVew York (The) Medical Gazette and Jour- nal of Health. Edited by D. Meredith Reese. [Weekly.] v. 1-12, July 6, 1850, to May, 1801. v. 1-3, 4°; v. 4-12, 8\ New York, S. S. J- JV. Wood, 1850-54; Hall, Clayton 2, to Jan.,1830. 8\ New York; E. Bliss f E. While. Ended, v. 8-9, April, 1829, to Jan.. 1830, are also called v. 1-2, new series ; 2 v. annually, v. 2, Dyekman dropped ; v. 5, Francis dropped, D. L. M. I'eixotto and John Bell added; v. 6, l'.ell dropped; v. 7, J. A. Smith, T. R. Beck, A. H. Stevens, aud J. M. Smith added ; in v. 8-9, Dr. Peix- otto sole editor, v. 1-7, Congressional Library deposit. IVew York (The) Medical Press. A weekly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Edited by J. L. Kieruan aud W. O'Meagher. [2 v. annually.] Nos. 1, 3-4, Dec. 4- 25, 1858. New series, v. 1-3, Jan. 1, 1859, to June 30, 1860. roy. 8°. New York. Want preliminary no. 2, Dec. 11, 1858. v. 1-2 paged con- secutively. In July, 1860, merged in : American (The) Medical Times. IVew York Medical Review. A new series of the American Eclectic Medical Review. Edited by E. S. McClellan. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-8, v. 1, Jan. to Nov., 1873. 386 pp. 8°'. New York. v. 1 is also called v. 9, old series. Nothing puhlished in March, April, or October, 1873. IVew York Medical and Surgical Brief; a prac- tical monthly clinic. E. Jay Fisk, editor. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, Nov., 1878, to May, 1879. 142 pp. 83. New York: Ended. IVew York (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Editor: Edward N. Fishblatt. [Monthly.] Nos. 10-12, v. 6; v. 7, March, 18H), to May, 1881. 2 v. 8*r New York: Title of v. 4-7,, nos. 1-9, v. 6, was: IVew York (The) Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal. Continued in June, 1881, as: IVew York (The) and Chicago Medical and Surgical Journal. IVew York (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Edited by Clarkson T. Collins. [Bi-weekly.] v. 1, Oct. 18, 1845, to Oct. 10, 1840; Nos. 1-18, v. 2, Jan. 2 to May 8, 1847. 8°. New York. "Want no. 19, v. 2, 184,7. v. 2 became weekly, William R. Wagstaff editor. Dr. Collins died April 10, 1881. IVew York Medical and Surgical Society. Au- nual report by T. Gaillard Thomas. 24 pp. 8-. [Neiv Y'ork; n. d.] IVew York (The) Medical Times. Edited by J. C Adams. [Monthly.] v. 1-5, Oct. 1, 1851, to Sept., 1856. 8°. New York, Baker, Godwin .('• Co. v. 2-.j edited by H. D. Bulkley. Merged in : Neiv York (The) Journal of Medicine. IVew York Medical Times. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, aud the collateral sciences. [HoiiHi-opathic] Editors: Egbert Guernsey and Alfred Iv. Hills, v. 9-16, April, 1881-8. 4°. New York. Current. Title of v. 3-8 was : Iloiiieeopnthic (The) Times. IVew York Medical Union. Revised constitu- tion and by-laws, adopted Oct. 17, 1857. 12 pp. 8 . [Xew'Yovk; 1857.] IVew I'ork Medico-Chirurgical Bulletin. Edited by George Bushe. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, May, 1831, to April, 1832. S-\ Xew York, Ludwig d'- Tolfree. Ended. »'cw York Medico-Chirurgical Society. Trans- actions, v. 1-3, 1878-83. 8°. New York, 1882-4. W York Medico-Historical Society. See ITIeiliesil (The) Rcrister of New "York, 1862-3 to 1883-4. 12-. Xew York, 1862-83. rew York Microscopical .Society. See Ameriean Quarterly Microscopical Journal. 8 Xew York, 1878-9. IVew York (The) Monthly Chronicle of Medi- cine and Surgery. Conducted by an association of physicians, v. 1, Julv, 1824', to June, 1825. 380 pp. 8°. New York, F. Bliss ,|- E. While. IVew York(The)Monthly Review of Medical aud Surgical Science and Buffalo Medical Journal. Is running title of nos. 1-13, v. 15, of: Kndalo (The) Medical Journal. IVew York Neurological Society. Constitution, by-laws, and list of officers and members, May 4, 1874. Instituted Jau. 10, 1872; reorganized April 6, 1874. 10 pp. 8°. New Y'ork, D. Apple- ton Sr Co., 1874. -----. The answer of the ... to the document known as the report of the committee on public health relative to lunatic asylums. No. 64. Iu senate, May 22, 1879. Submitted to the New York Neurological .Society, and unanimously accepted and ordered to be printed by the same, at its stated meeting held at the Academy of Medicine, on Jan. 6, 1880. 49 pp. 8 . New York, Trow, 18.80. -----. See. also : Proceedings. Chicago J. Xerv. efc Ment. Dis., 1874, i, 228. Continued in: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1876- 86, i-xi. passim. IVew York Obstetrical Society. Transactions for the years 1870, 1877, and 1878, with a list of the fellows since its foundation, v. 1. xiv, 500 pp. 8°. New York, 1879. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst. IVew York Odontological Society. Chronicles, Dec., 1874. 7 pp. 8°. [ New York, 1874.] -----. Transactions of special meeting. Dec. 14- 16, 1874. 169 pp. 8r Philadelphia, S. S. While, 1875. -----. Transactions for 1875; 1870 : 1879-83. 7 v. 8°. Philadelphia, S. S. White, W77)-<4. IVew York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, New- York City. [Announcement by II. Knapp of the opening of the . . . Sept., 180.1.] 2 1. 4 . [New York, 18(59.] Incorporated Sept. 3, 1869. -----. Anuual reports of the surgeon iu charge to the board of trustees. 1.-17.. 18(19-70 to 1885- 6. 80. New York, 1870-86. 5. rep. for 20 months, ending Dec. 31, 1871. 15. for I) mouths, ending Sept. 30, 1884. IVew York Ophthalmic Hospital, New York City. Annual reports of the directors and surgeons to the patrons and friends. 2.-13.. 1853-64 ; 15.-22., I860 to 1872-3; 24.-35., 1874-5 to 1885-0. 8-. New York, 1854-86. Incorporated April 1 and opened May 25, 1852. Reports for 1858-63 were made biennially. 1853 is called first an- nual report, but they call 1866 the 15., which includes the year of opening, 1852, and so continues to date. -----. By-laws and rules of order, together with the acts of incorporation. 28 pp. 12°. New York, F. Havtf Co., 1872. -----. Directions for persons wearing an artifi- cial eye. 1 sheet. 12°. [New York. n. d.] IVew York Ophthalmic Hospital and College. By-laws of the . . . adopted June 12, 1882. 26 pp., 31. 12°. New York; Arthur f Bonnell, W82. IVew York Orthoptedic Dispensary. Report of the resident surgeon (Charles F. Taylor) to the finance committee for the period commencing Oct., 1806, and ending May. 1807. 9 pp. 8 . New York, TV. C. Martin, W67. Bound with : Reports, 1867-S to 1879-80. Opened Oct., 18ti(i; incorporated May 1, 180s. -----. Annual reports of the board of supervis- ors and of the surgeon in charge to the trustees. 1.-20.. 1807-8 to 1880-7. 8-.. New York, 1809-88. 1. rep. for 20 months, ending Dec, 180S. 12. for 9 months, ending Sept. 30, 1879. 1.-13. bound in 1 v. IVew York Pathological Society. Founded in 1844. Transactions, v. 1-3,1875-81. s-'. New York, W76-82. NHW VORK. 920 NKW YORK. IVew York Pathological Society—continued. -----. Constitution and by-laws, as adopted Feb- ruary 10, 1869, and amended prior to 1882. 15 pp. 8-. '.Wie York; [1882]. -----. Constitution and by-laws, as adopted Feb- ruary 10, 1809, and amended prior to 1887. 16 pp. 8-'. 'New York; [1887]. -----. Certificate of incorporation. Cinistitution and by-laws. List of presidents, secretaries, and members. 22 pp. 8 . New York; 1887. IVew York Pharmacal Association. Medical al- manac, for the year 1880. 46 pp . sm. 4°. [New- York, W86.] IVew York Physicians' Mutual Aid Association. Organized June 27th, 1808. Incorporated Nov., 1808. Constitution and by-laws. 12 pp. 12 r New York; 1868. —. By-laws. 16 pp. 12 Sr Sherwood, 1874. ----. Annual reports. 7.. ,*- 1SS0-7. 8° & 12°. New York ----. [List of officers and members, 1 [New York; 1877.] Xeiv York, Rogers 1874-5, 10.-19., 1875-88. •] BfciV York Polyclinic, a school of practical medi- cine and surgery. Quarterly circular announce- ment. Oct., 1883, to Feb. 1, 1884. 21. 4°. [New York; 18S3.] -----. Annual announcements for the sessions of 18-3-4 to 1886-7 (2.-6.). 8■-'. New York; 1883-7. Lists of the classes for the years 1S82-3 to 1KS.V0 in an- nouncements for subsequent years. IVew York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, New York City. Annual announce- ments for the sessions of 188 2-3 to 1886-7 (1.-5.). 8-. Acio York; 1883-6. Lists of matriculates for the sessions of 1882-3 to 1884-5 iu announcements for subsequent years. 1. is 4°. -----. Announcements of the spring and sum- mer sessions of 1885. 2 1. 4°. [New I'ork, 1885.] -----. Schedule of lectures on mechanical and operative orthopedic surgery. By M.J. Roberts. Pt. I. Orthopedic technology. 10 pp. 12*-. [New York, J. J. O'Brien, 1885.] IVew York Post-Graduate Hospital. Annual report of the hospital committee of the . . . in- cluding the babies' ward, for the year 188.1-7. 17 pp. 8°. New York; 1887. Founded Feb. 1, 1884; incorporated May 25, 1886, in con- nection with the New York Post-Graduate Medical School. IVew York Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society. Annual reports of the executive com- mittee to the subscribers and members of the society. 23., 1872-3; 24., 1873-4. Sc. AY ir York, 1873-4. IVew York Public Health Association. Organi- zation and constitution. 12 pp. 12°. X'cw York, 1872. -----. Semi-annual report of the committee ou public sanitary administration of the ... at a meeting held Nov. 9, 1870. 14 pp. 8°. X'cw York. W. Knowles, [W76], -----. Report of standing committee on public sanitary administration. 8 pp. 8J. [New York 1879.] Bepr.from: The Plumber and Sanitary Engineer. IVew York (The) Quarterly Cancer Journal; de- voted to the investigation and treatment of can- cer aud allied conditions. Editors : Robert S. New ton aud R. S. Newton, jr. v. 1-2, April 1877, to April, 1879. 8°. New York: Want no. 1, v. 1, July, 1877. IVew York Quarterly Journal. Devoted to the treatment of special diseases. Robert S. New- ton, editor. No. 1, v. 1, Jan. 1, 1875. 14 pp. 8 ■-. New York. IVew York (The) Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Is running title of: IVew York (The) Journal of Medi- cine aud Surgery. IVew York (The) Register of Medicine anil Pharmacy. Edited by C. 1). Oriswold. [Semi- monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-2, Oct 1 1H',0 to Sept. 15, 18.-.1. 8°. New York. Ended. -----—. See, a Iso .- «riswold (IT D.) A post-mortem examination of the m;i *:t ^-t'xu- So:11"1""llml n,an"iu,i-1u,m»h Special report IVew York Renderiug Company upon the operations of . . . See New York tpity). Melm,„,litan Board of Health ot the City of New York. 8J. Xew York, 1868. IVew York Sanitary Association. Constitution and by-laws. 18 pp. 12. New York, R. Craia- head, 187,9. y -----. Reports of the Sanitary Association of the City of New York, in relation to the public health. 40 pp. 8°. New York, E. Jones, 18.7.1 [Also, in : P., v. 345.] ----. Annual report. 23 pp. 8 . New 11. Craighead, 1860. [Also, in: P., v. 33p. 8J. New York, E. IV. Sackett if Brother, 1872. Bound with : Reports. 1.-15. IVew Vork Society for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of Medical Men. Instituted iu the NEW YOKK. 921 NEW ZEALAND. IVew York Society for the Relief [etc.]—cont. year 1842; incorporated in April, 1843. Laws of the . . . 24 pp. 12'-'. New York, If. Luelivig § Co., 1849. -----. Thesame. 20pp. 12°. New York, 1854. _____. Constitution and laws, to which is an- nexed a brief history of the society. 22 pp. 8C. New York; Baker Sr Godwin, 1870. _----. Constitution and laws, to which is annexed a brief history of the society and a complete list of the officers, members, and benefactors. 31 pp. 8°. j\V/r I'ork; Baker S- Godwin, 1875. -----. The same. 31 pp. S'-T New York; C. G. Crawford, 1880. -----. The same. 31 pp. 8°. Neiv York; C. G. Crawford, 1884. fVew York State Agricultural Society. First and second reports of the special committee ap- pointed by the executive board of the . . . on the statistics, pathology, and treatment of the epi- zootic disease known as the rinderpest. [A. li. Conger, in behalf of the committee.] 144 pp., 12 pi., 2 I. 8 . New York; 1885-7. IVew York State Pharmaceutical Association. An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy, the licensing of persons to carry on such practice, and the sale of poisons. 15 pp. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Proceedings of anuual meetings. 2.-9., 1880-87. 8°. [v. p.], 1880-87. IVew York State Teachers' Association. Re- port of the committee appointed on Mrs. Wil- lard's theory of respiration. Read and accepted at their convention at Buffalo, Aug. 7, ls.5l. 16 pp. 8°. Albany, H. H. Van Dyek; 187,1. IVew York Surrogate's Court. In the matter of the probate of a paper propounded at the last will and testament of James 15. Taylor, deceased. Opinion of Robert C. Hutchins, surrogate. 41 pp. S'--'. New York; N. Y. Printing Co., 1871. -----. In the matter of probate of the last will, etc., of Harriet Douglas Cruger, deceased. Opin- ion of surrogate. 3,3 pp. 8U. Xew York; D. Tay- lor, 1875. IVew York Temperance Society. An address to physicians, by the executive committee of the board of managers. 22 pp. 8 . New Y'ork; J. Sr J- Harper, 1829. Xew York (The) Thomsonian Rotanico-Medical .lournal. Addison Bassett. editor and proprietor. Published every other Saturday. Nos. 1-10, 1-, v. 1, July 17, 1847, to March 14', 1848. 8 . still- water, X. 1'. IVew York Training School for Nurses. See Society of the Training .School for Nurses, at- tached to Bellevue Hospital. IVew York Vaccine Institution, New York City. Address of the . . . with the act of incorpora- tion and by-laws. 8 pp. 8°. New Yovk, Burns <)'• Bauer, W47. IVew York Water Works Company. Report to the directors of the . . . by their engineer [Canvass White]. 11 pp. s-. [New York; 1826. ] IVew - Yorker deutscher pharmaceutischer Verein. Manual, iv, 27 pp. 8°. New York; G. B. Teubner, 1858. IVew Yorker Leichenverbrennungs - Oesell- schaft. See New York Cremation Society. IVew - Yorker medicinische Monatsschrift. Hrsg. und redigirt von J. Herzka, E. Krakowitzer umAv. Roth. Jahrg. 1, Feb., 1852, to Jan., 1-53. 1 v. 3SS ppf ,8 . yew Yovk. Ended. IVew Yorker niedizinische Presse. Organ der deutsch - amerikanischen Aerzte. Redacteur: Ceo. W. Rachel. Hrsg. von der German .Medical Press Company. [Monthly : 2 v. annually.] v. 1-5, December, 1885-8. 8-T New York: Current. IVew Zealand. An act to amend an ordinance to make provision for the safe custody of, and prevention of offences by, persons dangerously insane, and for the care aud maintenance of NEW ZEALAND. 92*2 N'KXOX. IVew Zealand—continued. persons of unsound mind. [19. Aug., 1.858.] pp. 393-395. fol. [Wellington, 1858.] [R., v. 1292.] Cutting. -----. Nov.' Zealand Exhibition of 1805. [Cir- cular of the commissioners announcing the pro- ject, Nov. 5, 1863.] 1 sheet, fol. [Dunedin, 1803.] [P., v. 1293.] -----. New Zealand Exhibition of 1805. [In- structions for the information of the local com- mittees and exhibitors] 2 pp. fol. [Duiudin, Mills, Dick f Co., H65?] [1\, v. 1293.] -----. New Zealand Exhibition, 1S05. Decisions regarding juries. 3 pp. fol. [Dunedin, Harnett S- Co., 1805.] [P., v. 1293.] -----. Decisions on points relating to the New- Zealand Exhibition, 1865. 4 pp. fol. [Dunedin, W6,7).] [P., v. 1293.] -----. No. 21. Au act to make further provision for the education of the people of New Zealand. [29. Nov., 1877.] pp. 109-131. fol. [JVelling- ton. G. Didsbury, 1877.] [P., v. 1297.] Cutting. -----. Report of the conservator of State forests to the commissioner, for the year 1870-7. 59 pp., 2 maps. fol. JVellington, G. Didsbury, 1877. [P., v. 1297.] -----. Lunatic asylnmsof New Zealand. Annual repoits of the inspector to the colonial secretary, for the \ ears 1870; 1877. 20 pp. fol. [Wellititp ton, 1877-8.] [1876 in : P., v. 1297.] -----. California salmon and white fish ova. (Papers relative to the introduction of.) (Pre- sented to both houses of the general assembly by command of his excellency.) 24 pp. fol. [ Wellington, 1878.] -----. Education. Papers relating to the estab- lishment of schools of mines. (Presented to both houses of the general assembly by command of his excellency.) 15 pp. fol. [Wellington, G. Didsbury, 1878.] -----. Report of the royal commission appointed by his excellency to inquire into and report upon the operations of the University of New Zealand and its relations to the secondary schools of the colony, together with minutes of proceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Presented to both houses of the general assembly by com- mand of his excellency, xvi, 36, 407, 96, ix pp. fol. Wellington, G. Didsbury, 1879. IVew Zealand. Minister of Education. Annual report of the ... to the governor of the prov- ince. 1., 1877. 116 pp. fol. [JVellington, C. Didsbury, 1878.] IVew Zealand. Minister of Public Works. Public works statement (annual). By the . . . 27th August, 1878. xiv, 95 pp., 2 maps, 1 ch., 2 plans, fol. [ JVellington, 1878.] IVew Zealand. New Zealand Institute. Annual report of the . . . (Presented to both houses of the general assembly by command of his excel- lency.) 10., 1877-8. 4pp. fol. [Wellington,1878.] IVew Zealand. Registrar- General. Reports on the vital statistics of the principal towns of New Zealand. [Monthly.] Feb., 1880 ; March, July to Sept., Nov., 1882; Feb., 1883; May, 188:'., to Nov., 1884; Jan., 1885, to April, 1880; June, 18-0, to Dec, 1887. fol. [JVellington, 1880-88] Repr. from: Xew Zealand Gaz. -----. Results of a census of the colony of . . . taken for the night of the 3d of April, 1881. v, 314 pp., 2 maps. fol. JVellington, G. Didsbury, 1882. -----. Statistics of the colony of New Zealand for the years 1881-6. With abstracts from the agricultural statistics of 1882-7. (Compiled from official records in the registrar-general's office.) fol. JVellington, 1882-5. .View Zealand. Registrai■-General —i-nnt'mw(\. -----. Reports on the vital statistics of the four principal boroughs of New Zealand, during tho years 1883; 1885. fo]. [ Wellington, 1881_6.-| Repr. from: New Zealand Gaz. -----. Return of iniigralion to and emigration from tlie colony of New Zealand, for the 4 nr 1884. 1 sheet, fol. [ JVellington, 1885.] -----. Results of a census of the colony of \,.w Zealand taken for the night of the 28|'h March, 1886. Pts. 1-10, and appendix, v, 37, 300 p;/ fol. JVellington, G. Didsbury, 1887. IVew Zealand. Univevsity of New Zealand. Papers relative to . . . (Presented to both houses of the general assembly by command of his excellency.) 19 pp. fol. [Wellington, G. Diels- buvy, 1875.] New Zealand. University of Otago. Reports of the chancellor and officers to the governor of the colony, for the year 1870-7. (i pp. fol. [JVellington, G. Didsbury, 1878.] Yeiv Zealand. See, also, Medicine (History, ele, of), by na- tions, etc.; Medicine (Military, History of)— Campaigns, etc. ; Paleontology. Gkbat Britain. [Proclamation of Queen Victoria appointing the royal commission of the New Zealand Exhibition of 18|>.r>. f0], [Dune- din, 1883.] Repr. from: New Zealand (iaz., Sept. 12, 18G3. von Hociistetter (F.) Geologie von Neu- Seeland. 4°. Wien, 1804-7. Makchant (F. W.) The Tekapo bridge, Mac- kenzie County, New Zealand. 8°. London,1887,. Swainson (\V.) Observations on the climate of New Zealand ; principally with reference to its sanative character. 8C. London, 1840. Allerai (J. H.L.) Napier and Km ipapanga (HawkesB:y Province, New Zealand) as health resorts for pulmonary invalids. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. i, -I'M.—lEcinielt (Ii 1 Notes on diseases prevailing among the New Zealaudris and other inhabitants of the Polynesian Islands, wiih son,e account of their mode of treatment and the superstitions connected therewith. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, IKb:;-4, iii, 1-5.— Dry us dale (C. R.) Comparative vital statislics of New Zealand with European countries. Med Press \- Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxx, 388.-----. Vital statistics!.! Xew Zealand. Ibid., 1884, n. s., xxxviii, l.'H. — Erriun- ion dc la Croix (JT) La tonilie Maori au Musee ilu Trocadeio. Nature, Par., 1886-7, xv, 21)7-299. — us. — .Tleryevr-Alireniet. Hie Krankheiten der Xeuseilandei'. Deutsche Kliuik. Bert, 1858, x, 474 ; 492 : 1859, xi, 15 ; 35,— Home (J. M.) The hot lakes of New Zealand. HomiEop. World, Lond.. 1881. xvi, 245; 290. -----. The Aroha, the newest sanatorium if New Zealand. Ibid., 1887, xxii, 2U8-2I0. — TIioiii|*»oii (J. 15.) Ohservations on the climate of the British colonies of New Zealand, New South Wales, and Van Dieinan's land, as compared with that of the Brazils. Madeira, ami the continent of Europe; from personal remarks and tbe most recent, authentic statistical data; with a few remarks on the diseases of the " aborigines '' and those introduced by European colonization. Dublin M. Press. 1*13. x. 132- 134. Also: Lond. M. Ga/,.. 1843, xxxii, 700-770.—Tliom- moh (A. S.) On the influence of the climate of New Zea- land in the production of disease among emigrants from Great Britain. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1850, lxxiv, 82-91.1 eh. -----. Contribution to the natural history of the New Zea- land race of men ; being observations on their stature, weight, size of chest, and physical strength. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1851, xvii, 27-33 —Tuin* (J. B.) Medical notes ou New Zealand. Lelinb. M. J . 1803-4, ix, 220; 721. FVexoii (fitienne-Guillaun.e). * Sur les avantage* de 1'allaitement materuel pour la mfere et pom i l'enfaut. 23 pp. 4C. Paris, 1829, No. 169, v. 226. NEV. 1)23 MCA I SB. VOll IVey (Franz). Systeinat isches Handhnch der gerichtsarzneilichen Wissenschaft, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Erhebung des Thatliestaniles ini Straf- und Civilverfahren tlii- Aerzte, Wundar/.te, dann Jttstiz- und poli- t.ische Beamte und Advokaten in den k. k. Staaten, nehst einein Anhange iiher den Ge- schiiftsstyl. xii, 313 pp. 8°. Wien, Morse-Inters JYitwe it- IV. Biunehi, 1845. -----. Die gerichtliche Arzneiknnde in ihrem Verhaltnisse zur Rechtspflege, mit hcsonderer Beriicksichtigung der osterreichischen Gesetz- gehnng. Zum (Jehrauche fiir Aerzte, Wundiirzte und Reclitskuudige durgestellt und mit entschei- denden Thatsachen begriindet. 2 v. xx, 292 pp.; viii (1 1.), 201 pp. b°. JVien, Kaulfuss IVwc, Prandel u. Comp., W47. -----. Die wichtigsten Moinente der gericht- lichen Seeleukuude nach juridischen uud uatur- wissenschaftlichen (iiundsatzen fiir Leser aller Stiinde. 3 p. 1., 252 pp. sm. 4°. Linz, H. Don- ner, 1863. Ney (Fritz). Die Kuhniilch in der Kinderstuhe. Ein Buch aus der Praxis, gewidtnet den deut- schen Frauen. 1 p. 1, 102 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Miin- chen, J. A. Finsterlin. 1881. Neyber (Fredrik Oscar Casimer) [18-29- ]. Om Pemphigus. Akademisk Af handling. 2 1., 78 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8T>. Blind, Berling, 187,9. c. Neydeck (Joannes Jacobus). * Diss, exhihens plethoraui hene adinoduni cnrari per vasorum de- pletionein. 3 p. I., 30 pp., G 1. 1 \ U'irccburgi, J. J. C. h'leyer, 1752. Neydeck (Karl Joseph). Der Buchs (Buxus sempervirens) das zuverlassigsfe und billigste Heilmittel der Wechselheber. Eiu St ell vert re ter der China uud anderer Medieameute gegen das Wechselheber. 14 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, W7)8. Neyrsir. et'liecvnllier. Kapport snr les sources de Nevrac t Ardeche). Bull. Acad, de nied., Par., 1875, 2. s , iv, 201.— Henry (O.) Kapport et analyse au sujet, de l'eau mi- nerale de. Xe.yrac (Ardeche). I bid., 1851-2. xvii, 781-785.— I.erfort. Kapport, sur la composition chimique do lean minerale de Xeyrac (Ardeche). Aun. Soc. d'hydrol. nied. ile Par. Coinpt.-rend., 1850-7, iii, 302-418. Neyraild (Joseph). * De la gangrene trauma- tique. 41 pp. 8J. Toulouse, I'radel, Yii/uier S.- Boe, 1870. [P., v. 1412.] Noyri'iM'uf (Francois-Vincent). * De Paction de l'acide sulfurique .sur la peau et de l'applica- tion de la pate sulfo-safran6e au traiteinent de quelques tumeurs sons-cutandes. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 278. -----. Du traiteinent des tuineurs sous-cutanees par l'application de la pate sulfo-safran6e et de Taction de l'acide sulfurique sur la peau. 84 pp. 8,°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1872. i\'«'yret (Adolphe). * Des kystes hydatiques du tissu cellulaire sous-p6ritoneal du petit Oassin. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1803, No. 37. IN'eyret (Francois-Victor). * Etude sur la gan- grene pulmonaire. 40 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1879, No. 242. lYczUedail (Josephus). * De colica in genere et in specie, (il pp. 8°. Vienna;, J. T.de Trattnern, T1775]. Aeztlenitz. Alio. Aerztliciie Erfalirungen iiber die jod- und brom- haltige Mineralquelle zu Xezdenitz in Miihren. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1840, 1375. -----. Versuche nut (lem Xezdenitzer Mineralwasser im Souimer 1847. Ibid., 1848, 132-134. Aez Perce*. See Indians (North American) j\« ere ii gere. Thomson (A. S ) An account of the disease called ■X'.erengei-e' l>\ the Xew Zealauders (lepra gau^ra- nosa). Med.-Chir. Kev., Loml., 1851, xiii, 496-502, lpl. Nliaiiflirobe. Killer (G. H.) Entdecknng eines Ge-en-iftes i„ den Samen der Xhandirobe sevillea oordit'olia. Ma" Id .e.s Heilk., Berl., 1820, viii, 353-356. Niagara. Nr.w York (Stale). Aunual report of the'cm- niissioners of the State reservation at Niagara to the legislature. 3., 1886. 8°. [Albany.'1887.] -----. Supplemental report of the'commis- sioners of the State reservation at Niagara. Transmitted to the legislature Jan. 31, 18-T7. * . Albany, 1887. Niagara University Medical Department, Buf- falo, N. Y. Annual announcements for the ses- sions of 188:'_4 to 1887-8 (1.-5.). 8°. Buffalo, 188:3-7. -----. Announcement of spring term 1-81. 0 pp. 8°. [Buffalo, 1884.] TViiiouli. Kavay. Le niaouli. Gaz. m6d. de l'Aluerie, Aluer, 1884, xxix, 44. Niassis. Rcclus (l£.) Les Xiassis de l'arcliipcl Malai. Rev. internat. d. sc. biol., I'ar., 1881, viii, 4(i!)-498. IViaux (Jules-Fr6d6ric). * Diagnostic des prin- cipales maladies des poumons. 36 pp. 4 . Paris, 1851, No. 247, v. 512. NinilX (Michel). 'Propositions de medecine. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 29, v. 177. Nibhs (Henricus). * De variola. 40 pp. s-\ Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1796. [Also, in : P., v. 4.] Niblett (S. Berry). A practical treatise on pa- ralysis, wasting palsy, epilepsy, neurasthenia, neuralgia, sciatica, hysteria, headaches, nerve- storms, and other diseases of the hrain and spinal cord, vi, 8-128 pp. 8°. [London, Harrison f Sons, 11. el.] -----. A practical treatise on consumption, lung disease, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. New ed. 80 pp. 8°. [London, Harrison f Sons, 1886.] -----. Essays on tin* most important affections of the skin. 3. ed. 96 pp. 10-'. [London, 1887.] -----. A practical treatise ou epilepsy; its suc- cessful treatment and cure. New and revised ed. 80 pp. 12-'. London, [Harrison f Sons, n. d.] -----. The same. New and revised ed. -<> pp. 12,J. [London, Harrison S' Sons, n. d.] This is thesame work as the preceding, but a different print or edition, bound alike and same size. Ni block (Jacob). * De ophthalmia. 21pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et socii, 1899. [Also, in: P., v. 13.] IVicaise (Auguste). * Sur l'iige de retour chez la femme. 35 pp. 4d. Paris, 1838, No. 170, v. 331. Nicaise (E.) * Des le'sionsde l'intestin dans les hernies. 122 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 140. -----. Du gondement du dos des mains ehez les saturnius. 33 pp. 8. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sr jils, 1868. Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxiii. -----. Etude sur le cholera. 55 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1868. [P., v. 181.] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxiii. -----. * Diagnostic des maladies de la hanche. 108 pp. 8 . Paris, P. Asselin, 1869. Concours. -----. * Des plaies et de la ligature des veines. 124 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1872. Concours. -----. Le Bureau central des h6pitaux. Kapport prosente' a la Society des chirurgiens des hopitaux au nom de la commission chargee d'etudier la question de la supression du Bureau central.^ 16 pp. 8r Paris, Germer-Bailliere et Cie., 1877. XICAKSE. ^24 NKE. \i<':ii*<' (P."-F.) * Considerations geiierales snr i'an.o-ine gangr(5nense. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1897, No. 8, v. 05. ViraiKli-r. See Nikander. Nicaragua. Sec, also, Archaeology ; Fever (Malarial, His- tory, efc , of), by localities. Bransfokd (J. F.) Archaeological researches in Nicaragua. 4°. Washington City, 1881. Bombard. Bericht uber den Gesiindheitszustaiid nnd elas Vorkommen von Krankheiten im Staate Nicara- gua. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1854, vi, 81; 93; 105; 117.— BrmiMford (J. F.) Sanitary notes on the Nicaragua canal. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1883, n. s., i, 113-119. IV ic a I'd (C.-F.) * I. Du traitement del'asphvxie en ge"m§ral. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 361, v. 363. .\ieard (P.) See tic lilainviller (Henri-Marie-Ducrotay). Osteo graphie, on description iconographique compare^ [etc.] 4 v., 4°; Atlas, 4 v. in 2, imp. fol. Paris, 1839-64. IVicarddesRieux(J.-G.-Eugfeue). *I. Quelle est la valeur des signes fournis par la presence • des gaz dans les voiesdigestives ? II. [etc.] 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 281, v. 347. fVicas (Ernest). * Remarques snr quelques ma- hulies de l'enfance. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 2.".:'., v. 578. rVicati (C) See Killia*. Notice sur les eaux de Tarasp Schuls, etc. 8r I'aris, 1876. IVicnti (Constant). * De lahii leporini congeniti natura et origine. 7'2 pp., 1 pl. hu. Traj. ad Rhnitimet Amstelodami, 1822. -----. Commentatio de mure domestico, silvatico atque arvali. 132 pp. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, O. J. van Paddenburg, 1822. Nicati (William). * La paralysie du nerf sym- pathique cervical. Etude clinique. [Ziirich.] 86 pp., Ich. 8°. Lausanne Sr Paris, H. Mignot S- A. Delahaye, 1873. -----. * Des fibres nerveuses dans les nerfs op- tiques et dans la ratine. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 334. -----»fc KietSCh (M.) Recherches sur le cho- lera, viii, 172 pp., 2 pi? 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1886. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. sc. industrielle de Marseille. IVicaud (Gabriel). * Etude sur le diagnostic des insuffisances valvulaires du cceur et leur traite- inent. 39 pp. 4°: Strasbourg, 1867, 3. s., No. '2.'). I\ iiault (Gilbert-Hyacinthe). * Sur la fistule lacryni ile et son traitement. "23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 272, v. '237. IViccol (Robert). The sugar insect, " Acarus sacehari ", found in raw sugar. 7 pp. 4°. Phila- delphia, De Armond $.• Goodrich, 1868. Niccolo. See l.ettieri (Natalis). Lettere due, etc. 8°. [Xea- poli, 1785.] .\ice. See, also. Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. Baart de la Faille (M. J.) Nizza en haar klimaat voor geneeskundigen en niet-geneeskun- digen. 8°. Leeuwarden, 1871. Bakety (A.) Du climat de Nice et de ses in- dications et contre-indications en general. 8°. Paris, W82. Cabrie (L.-P.-A.) * Nice et Hyeres comparers conime lieu de, sdjour pour les tuberculeux. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Chatix. Rapport fait, a rAcadeinie imperiale de medecine de Paris le9octobre dernier sur un m6moiie dn chevalier docteur M. Macario, inti- tul6 : De l'intiuence medicatrice dn s6jour a Nice. 8-T [Nice, I860.] See, also, Macario, infra. eViee. Kscallier (E.) Un mot a mes confreres ani- le climat de Nice en hiver, ses principales quali- tes, ses indications et cnntro-indications; neces- site d'un bon choix d'habitation appropriee a l'etat du malaile. 8°. [Paris, W64.] FakuOV.) A medical guide to Nice ; contain- ing every information necessary to the invalid and resident stranger. With separate remarks on all those diseases to which its climate is cal- culated to prove injurious or beneficial, especially consumption aud scrofula. Also, observations on the climate of Bagneres de-Bigorre. as the most eligible summer residence for consumptive patients. 8°. London, 1841. Lee (E.) Nice et son climat, avec des notices snr le littoral de la M(*diterranee de Marseille a Genes. 8°. Nice, 1851. Lipi'ERT (H.) Das Klima von Nizza, seine hygienische Wirkuug nnd therapeiitisclie Ver- werthnng, nebst naturhistorisehen, meteorolo- gischen und topographischeu Bemerknnnren. 2 AuH. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Naudot. Influence du climat de Nice sur la uiarche des maladies chroniques et particuliere- ment sur la phthisie pulmonaire, )-<0 Parin, 1842. Arncth (F. H.) Nizza als klimatischer Curort St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 18(12, iii, 351-30.-,.—Arnold (F.) Nizza iu nosologischer Beziehung. .Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl, 1831, xxxv, 3-19.—Balestre. fitude sur le niouve ment de la population de Nice depuis 1861. NicemCd. 1876-7, i, 7; 42; 75; 105; 145; 225; 296: 359: 1878-9, iii! 8—Barely (A ) Influence du climat de Nice sur l'en- fance et la vieille.sse. Ibid., 1870-7, i, 15-22. -----. De taction du climat de Nice dans le traitement dela phthisie pulmonaire. Ibid , 1881-2, vi, 433-445. —Durand. fitmle surl'airileNice. Nice ra6d., I8S7, xi. 65-70. — Fremy (H.) Assainissement de Nice. Ibid.. 1882-3, vii, 133-143.—tti- raml (L.) Itessources hygi6niqnes et, 1 Ini ;i]>eutique.s de Nice. Ibid., 1876-7, i, 307; 335: 1877-8, ii, 4!.).—-Grellcly (L.) Du climat de Nice et des maladies traitftes dans cette ville, principalement de la phthisie. Mem. et bull Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1879), 1880, 532-54'J. Also: Hull. et, mem. Soc. de th6rap. 1879, Par., 1880, 2. s., vi, 35-5i>. Also : J. ile m6d. de Bordeaux, 18711-80, ix, 150; 159 —i< lioll (Whitlock) [17.80-1839]. General ele- ments of pathology. 233 pp. 8°. London, J. Callow, W29. -----. Practical remarks on disordered states of the cerebral structures occurring in infants. 2 1., 5-94 pp. 10°. London, J. Callow, W21. Nichol les (John). The teeth, in relation to beauty, voice, and health. 2. ed. xvi, 134 pp., 1 pl. "8°. London, Hamilton, Adams f Co., 1834. NichollS (Francns) [1099-1778]. Compendium anatomico-a*eonomicum, ea omnia complectens, qua* ad eognitani humani corporis (economiam spectant. Cui, quo clarius elucescat, quanta sit anatomia in medieina tain diaguostica et pro- Nicholls (.Francus)—continued. gnostica quam practica, adjiciuntur pradectio- nes, laxnin et strictum libra animalis statiim, actiones medicamentorum, artem obstetrieariani ct proximas mortis causas anatoinicis principiis exponentes. 3 p. 1., 76 pp., 7 pl. 4°. Londini, J. Clarke, 1736. [P., v. 701.] Another copy bound with: Manningham (R.) Artis ob- stctriraiise [etc.] 4°. Londini, 1739. -----. De anima medica; prselectio ad socios Col- legii Regalis Medicorum Londinensiiiin, ex Lniu- leii et Caldwaldi Institutio hahita. Die 16t0 De- cembris, anno 1748v". 41 pp. 4C. Londini, P. Vaillant, 1750. -----. Thesame. Editio altera, notis ampliori- bus aucta cui accessit disquisitio de motu cordis et sanguinis in homine nato et non nato. 103 pp., 11 pl. 4 r London, J. Walter, 1773. -----. De natura et usu partium humani corpo- ris siinilarium. In : Lawkence (T.) F. Nichollsii . . . vita [etc.] 4°. Londini, 1780. For Biography, see Lawrence (T.) Fianci Nichollsii M. D. Georjiii seeundi . . . medici ordinal ii vita: cum con- jecturis ejusdem de natura et usu partium humani corpo- ris similarium. 4°. Londini, 1780. NichollS (Richard). A treatise on counter irri- tation, or heat versus cold, and its application to the organism for the prevention and cure of disea.ses without the aid of medicine. 47 pp. 8°. London, J. Draper, [n. d.] \i< hols (Andrew) [1785-1S.j3]. liord (S. A.) Obituary notice. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1854, viii, 215-2*3. Nichols (Arthur Howard) [1840- "J. Report on an outbreak of intestinal disorder, attributa- ble to the contamination of drinking-water by means of impure ice. pp. 408-471. 8'■'. Huston, Wright f Poller. 1876. Cutting fiom .- Kep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1875, vii. Nichols (('. F.) Quantum siifricit. A summary of cases chiefly treated by the higher homoeo- pathic attenuations; with comments. Tract 4. 26 pp. 12°. Boston, JV. F. Towns, [W77 |. Nichols (.Charles Henry) [1820- ]. On the best mode of providing for the subjects of chronic insanity. 24 pp. 8°. [New York; 1878.] Repr. from: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Phila., 1876. Nichols (D. Cubitt). Report on the sanitary con- dition of the hamlet of Mile End Old Town, March 17, 1886. (Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty.) 10 pp. fol. London, Eyre $ Spottiswoode, W83. -----. Report ou the sanitary condition of the parish of (Jlerkemvell. (Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty.) 8 pp. fol. London, Eyre S- Spottiswoode, Wr-6. Nichols (George Ward). The story of the grent march. From the diary of a staff officer. 22. ed. 408 pp. 8T New York, Harper f Bros., 1865. Nichols (James R.) [1819-88]. Chemical exami- nation of urine. 7 yip. 12J. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Boston J. Chem., 1866, i. _____. From snow-banks to orange orchards; an essay read before the Essex North Massachusetts Medical Society, May, 1878, and published in the Boston Journal of Chemistry. 8 pp. 8 \ Haver- hill, F. P. Stiles, 1878. Also, Co-Editor of: Boston (The) Journal of Chenustr*-, 1867-83 For Biography,.see Boston M. & S. J., 1888, cxviii, 26. JYicliol* (Joseph) [1790-1853]. Iloyl (M. C.) Obituary notice. Boston M. & S. J., 1850, l.'ilS-lOO. Nichols (L. ) Einfiihrung in die Naturheil- kunde. (ienatie Erkliirung der inenschlichen Constitution. Bedi'ngungeu der Gesundheit, Natur und Crsachen der Krankheit, die leitenden Medizinsysteme und die Grundsatze, Praxis, NICHOLS. 92U NICHOLS. Nichols (L.)—continued. Anwendungen und Ergehnisse der Hydrothe- rapie odor Wasserkur, als wissenschaftliches und unifassendes System zur Erhaltung und \Yiederherstellung der Gesundheit. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, T. Grieben, 1875. Bimnd with: Tuall (R. F.) Die Diphtheritis, etc. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Nichols (Mary S. Gove). Experience in water- cure. A familiar exposition of the principles and results of water treatment iu the cure of acute and chronic diseases, illustrated by numer- ous cases in the practice of the author, with an explanation of water-cure processes, advice on diet and regimen, and particular directions to women in the treatment of female diseases, water treatment in childbirth, and the diseases of in- fancy. 108 pp. 12°. New York, Fowler Sr Wells, [1849]. -----. The same. 108 pp. 12°. New York; Fowler Sr JVells, 1852. -----. The same. 108 pp. 12". New York, 1855. "Water-Cure Library, v. 2. -----. A woman's work in water-cure and sani- tary education, iv, 154pp. 16 . London, [1874]. Nichols (Paul L.) Obituary notice. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1869, ii. 130. l\ichols (Thomas L.) An introduction to the water-cure. A concise exposition of the human constitution, the conditions of health, etc. Founded in nature aud adapted to the wants of man. 40 pp. 12'-'. New York, Fowler f Udells, 187,9. -----. The same. 46 pp. 8°. New York, 1855. Water-Cure Library, v. 2. -----. The curse removed. A statement of facts respecting the efficacy of water-cure in the treat- ment of uterine diseases, aud the removal of the pains and perils of pregnancy and childbirth. 20 pp. 12°. New York, office of the Water-Cure Journal, 1850. ------. Esoteric anthropology, iv, 5-482 pp. 12 T /'or/ Chester, New Yovk; 187)3, ------. Human physiology, the basis of sanitary and social science, xvi, 480 pp. 12°. London, Nichols .)'■ Co., [1872]. -------. Die Kuust, mit fiiuf Groschen =i Mark tiiglich auskoinmlich zu leben. .'52 pp. 8°. [lierlin, T. Grieben, 1875.] Gesundh., Wohlst. u. Gliick, xiii. -------. The gift of healing; or, the sympathetic cure. 62 pp. sm. 8°. London, Nichols S' Co., [18,80]. Repr. from: Herald of Health, Lond., 1878-81, i. -------. Eating to live. The diet cure. An essay on the relations of food and drink to health, dis- ease, aud cure, viii, 88 pp. 8-. New York, M. L. Holbrook Sr Co., 1881. ------. Health: -what it is, and why to seek it; how to get it, and how to lose it. A homely lecture on health, disease, and cure. Addressed to visitors of the International Health Exhibi- tion. :10 pp. 12". South Kensington, London, 1884. Also, Co-Editor of.- American (The) Vegetarian and Health Journal, Phila., 1850-54. Nichols (W. C-) Co-Editor of: I»»v Orleans (The) Medical and Sur- gical Journal, 1859-69. Nichols (W. T.) Mind cure; its truths and fallacies from a common sense standpoint. 76 pp. 12". Chicago, 1886. \ichols ^Yhitfield) f 1807-51]. Pennington. [Biographical notice of the late ... J X. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1851-2, v 271-276. Nichols (William Ripley). Observations on the composition of the ground-atmosphere iu the neighbourhood of decaying organic matter. From Nichols (William Ripley)- -continued. the report of the sewerage commission, Boston, 1875. 7 pp. 8". Boston, Rockwell <)'• Churchill, 1876. ------. Report of . . . to C. O. Chapin, esq., president of board of water commissioners, Springfield, Mass. 3 pp., 1 1. so, [Iioston, 1877.] ------. On the filtration of potable water. 90 pp., 3 diag. 8°. Boston, Rand, Avery <\ Co., 1878. Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Host., 1877, ix. -------. Report of . . . to the water comniissioneis, Springheld, Mass. 12 pp. T . [»./>., 1878. J Repr. from: Ann. Rep. of the water commissioners, 1878. ------. Chemical examinations of sewer air. Ki pp. 8". Boston, Rockwells- Churchill, W7[). Repr. from: Rep. of the superintendent of seweis Bost, 1879. ------. Report of . . . on the Boston water sup- ply. 6 pp. 8°. [Iioston, 1879.] Repr. from : Rep. Bost. water board, 1879, iii. -------. .Supplementary report on sewer air. Tu the superintendent of sewers. April 1, 1879. 4 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1879. ] -------. Report of . . . on the New Bedford water supply. '3 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1880. ] Repr. from: Rep. Acushnet water board, 1880, x. -------. [Report to the water commissioners of the town of Winchester.] 2 pp. 8r [Boston, Mass., 1880.] -------. Papers on water supply. 8°. Boston, Rand, Avery f Co., 1889. CONTEXTS. The pollution of streams. The Westfield and Merrimac Rivers. By the secretary. Pollution of a brook by sulphuric acid. 21 pp. Observations on Fresh Pond, Cambridge. On the examination of Mystic water. Remarks on Franklaud's method of water analysis, pp. 95-120. Cutting from: Rep. Mass. Bd. Health, Lunacy, and Char., 1879, i. -------. Sanitary condition of school-houses. 12 pp. 8 '. [Boston, 1889.] -------. Sand filtration at Berlin. 5 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [1881]. Repr. from: J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1881, 3. s., Ixxxii. -------. Natural filtration at Berlin. 8 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1882.] Repr. from: JT Frankl. Inst, Phila., 1882, 3. s., lxxxiii. ------. Water supply considered mainly from a chemical and sanitary standpoint, vi, 2)52 pp. 8 T Neiv Yovk; J. JViley S- Sons, In*:'. ------. Chemistry in the service of public health. An address before the section of chemistry of the American Associati' n for the Advancement of Science, at Ann Arbor, Aug., 1885. 20 pp. 8°. Salem, Mass., 18-5. Repr. from: Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Salem, 1885, xxxiv. Also, Co-Editor of: Annual of .Scientific Discovery, Boston, lstis-71. See, also, I<'ol«om (C. F.) The pollution of streams, etc. 8°. Boston, 1877.—.?l:i»*:i«'liUMeltM Institute of Technologv. Boston. Publications of the ... 8°. Bos- ton, 1882. —Sedgwick (W. TT) \- IN'icholN (W. K.) A studv of the relative poisonous elleets of coal aud water gas. " 8°. [Iioston. 1885] ------&. Allen (C. R.) Contributions to our knowledge of sewage. 6 pp. 8-. [Bos ton, 1885.] Bepr.from: J. Frankl. Inst, Phila., 1885, 3. 8., xc. -----& Farlow (W. (J.) Reports of . . . and ... on matters counected with the Boston water supply. 7 pp. 8°. Boston, Rockwell f Churchill, 1877. ' Repr. from : Hep. of the water board, 1877. -----,-----& Burgess (Edward). Report on a peculiar condition of the water supplied to the city of Boston, 1875-6. 14 pp. 8-. Boston, Rockwell A- Churchill, W76. Repr. from: Rep. Cochituate "Water Bd., Bost., 187C. NICHOLSON. 927 NICKERL. Nicholson (A.) Nature's own book; or prac- tical results of a vegetable diet, illustrated by facts aud experiments of many years' practice. 96 pp. 12 '. Glasgow, IV. S. Brown, 1846. _____. (I'esiindheit, (Jliick. und holies Alter, oder wie soil der Mensch leben f Eine hygieuische Abhandlung unterstiitzt (lurch Thatsacheu und Kxperimente vieljahriger Praxis. 2. AuH. 8'~. I'eilin, T. Crieben, W68. In : I.kks. Die Eruahruug des Menschen. 8°. Berlin, 1808, :i.V72 Nicholson (Alexander Jaffray). "De lntenipe- rentia. 8 p. 1., 20 pp., 3 I. 8r Edinburgi, D. Stevenson el soc, 1817. [P., v. 978.] [\icholsoil (Brinsley). .Ve Scot (Reginald). Tlie discoverie of witchcraft. 4 '. London, W86. Nicholson (Guilelmus). * De monstro humano .vine trnnco nato. 24 }>p., 1 1. 4°. Berolini, formis Nietackianis, [1837]. Nicholson (Henricus). *I)e corpore. 21) pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1709. Nicholson (Henry Alleyne). Is vaccination in- jurious f A popular essay on the principles and practice of vaccination. 40 pp. 8°. London, Churchill, f Sons, W6,9. -----. A manual of zoology for the use of .stu- dents, with a general introduction on the prin- ciples of zoology, xx, 622 pp. 8°. London, JV lilackwood if Sons, W70. -----. 'fhe same. 2. ed. xx, 67:1 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh S- London, JV. Blackwood f Sons, 1881. -----. A manual of palaeontology for the use of students, -with a general introduction on the principles of palaeontology, xvi, 601 pp. 8-r Edinburgh f London, 11'. Blackwood f Sons, 1872. -----. Life and its physical basis. 25 pp. 8°. London, E. Stanford, [1870, vel subscej.]. -----. Introduction to the study of biology, x, Kill pp. 8°. Edinburgh S- London, /I'. Blackwood f Sins, 1872. See, also, Whiter (0. A.) Bibliography of North Amer- ican iuveitebrate paleontology, ete 8°. Washington, 1878. ----- A: Thomson (James). Descriptions of new species of rugose corals from the carbonifer- ous rocks of Scotland, pp. 121-1:14, 2 pl. .8°. [«. p., W76 ] Cutting from .- Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, 1876. Nicholson (James B.) Experience tables of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows upon the sub- ject of dues and benefits, showing the ratio of sickness and the law of increase ; compiled from the semi-annual reports of the working lodges and the journals of the Grand Lodge of Penn- sylvania. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, R. Cohill, 1878. Nicholsou (Thomas). An essay on yellow fever, comprising the history of that disease as it ap- peared in the island of Antigua in the years 1835, | 1839, and 1842. With au appendix continuing the history to 1853. (Read before the Epidemio- logical Society of London, July 4th, 1853, and published in the Association Medical Journal for Sept., 1853.) 28 pp. ,^. Antigna, JV. Mercer, 187,6. Nicholson (W. P.) Both sides. Dudley on the bandage. To the editor of the Transylvania Journal of Medicine and tlie Associate Sciences. 11 pp. 81-. [Lexington, Ky., W29.] Repr. from: Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1828, i. ----- &, Dudley'(B. W.) Both sides. I.Mr. W. P. Nicholson's pamphlet, Dudley on the [tight] bandage. II. B. W. Dudley's reply, Feb. 7, 1829. 24 pp. 8°. [Lexington, 1829.] [Also, in: P., v. 827.] Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 18211, extra. Nicholson (William). The first principles of chemistry. 2. ed. xxxi, 546 pp., 2 1. 8J. Lon- don, G. G.J. f J- Robinson, 1792. Nichtarzt (Fiir den): knrzer Unterricht wie er sich gegen die morgenliindische Brechruhr zu verwahren und was er bey dem ersteu Anfalle dieser Krankheit bis zur Ankunft eines Arztes zu thun habe. Nebst einem wichtigeu Anhange fiir praktische Aerzte enthaltend eine neue Hefl- methode dieser Krankheit. 16 pp. 8- Pesth K. A. Hartleben, 1831. Nichterlein (Ferdin. Gustav) [1822- ]. * De signis mortis submersioue effecta*. 35 pp. s . Gryphice, F. (i. Kunike, 1849. Nicilis (Friedrich Ehrenhold). * De ratione al- tero medicime fulcro uecessario. 3 p. 1., 27 pp., 1 1. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [17^0]! Nick (lieorgius Ilemicus). *Depoenis corporis afflictivia tam civilibus quain niilitaribus. 23 pp. 4°. Tubingce, lit. Reis- et Schmidianis, [1894]. -----. Beobachtungen iiber die Bediugungen, unter denen die Hiiufigkeit des Pulses°im0ge- sunden Zustand veriindert wird. Eine von (Ter med. Facult. der Univ. Tubingen, fur das Jain 1823 gekronte Preisschrift. xii, 65 pp. 8 . fa bingen, Schbnhardt, [1825], -----. The same, xii, 65 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, C. F. Osiander, 1826. IVickel and its salts. . See, also, Neuralgia ( Treatment of). (;kuukk.\s(F.) Experimentelle'Untersnchun- gen liber die Wirkungen von Nickelsalzen. ,-* \ Bonn. 1883. Coppola (E.) Sull azione tisiologica del nichel e del cohallo. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1885. lv, 375: 1886. lvii, 43.—I>a Cola (J. M.) Observations on the salts of nickel, especially the bromide of nickel, lie el News I'hila.. iss:s, xliii, 337.— Fede (F.) & .I-i)>;h Mi pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, Vauteur, 1825. The "Abrege" has a separate title-page and pagination with date 1826. . Abrege de rhistoin- de la cauterisation de ruretre en France, avant Ducainp. 102 pp. 8°. Paris, Mcquignon-Marvis, 1826. Also, in his: Kecueil d'observations mid. [etc.] 8° Paris, 1825. -----. Memoire sur les polypes de l'uretre ei de la vessie. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Everat, 1827. [Also, in: P., v. 1398.] -----. Traite sur les polypes, et aut res carnositea du caual de l'uretre et de la vessie. Avec les meilleurs moyens de les (letruire suns danger. 15 p. 1., 346 pp. 8'-'. Paris, Vauteur, 18.;,"). [P., v. 486.] Nicol (J.-D.) * De la methode antipyrctiqucdana le traitenient de la pneunionie. 38 pp., 1 i. 4 : Strasbourg, W68, 3. ti., Xo. 119. Nicol (James). On the study of natural history as a hrauch of general education ; an inaugural lecture, at Marischal College. 32 pp. h,J. Edin- burgh, Oliver Sr Boyd, 1853. [Also, in: IT, v. 1201.] -----. Vital, social, aud economic statistics of the city of Glasgow, 1881-5. With ohservations thereon, xiv (1 1.' 304 pp. 8°. Glasgow, It. Maclehose, lc85. -----. See, also : Testimonials of James Nicol, as a candidate for the chair of civil aud natural history in Mari- schal College, Aberdeen. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1852.] Nicol (John Inglis) [1788-1849]. Essay on the treatment of caries, with remarks on the diseases of bone in general. 40 pp. 8°. Tubingen, Eifert, 1827. -----. Case of medullary sarcom i, engaging the upper portion of the os humeri, considered aneu- rismal, and for which the sub-claviaii artery was tied above the clavicle. 19 pp., 2 pl. 8-T [ Ed- inburgh, J. Slack, 1834.] Bepr.from: Edinb. M. & 8. J., 1834, xiii. Nicol (Patrick). See DillHborjjor (Emil). Handybook of the treat- ment of women's ami children's (lUeroes, [etc.J 8°. I'hila- delpliia, 1871. Nicoladoni (Carl) [1847- ]. Die Torsion der skoliotischen Wirbelsaule. Eine anatoniische Studie. 24 pp., 12 pl. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1882. -----. Die Torsion des Samenstranges, eine ei- genartige Complication des Kryptorchismus. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.] Bepr.from: Arch. f. kliu. chir., Berl., 1885, xxxi. Nicolaeflf (Nicolaus). * De forma pelvis tam rhachitide quam et osteomalacia vitiata atque de causis utriusque. 46 pp., 11 1. 8J. Mosc/uev, typ. Cniversitetlis Casarcce, W59. [P., v. 1680.] Nicolai. See Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Nicolai (Alphons), jun. Erfahrungen und No- tizen iiher Milzbrauderkrankungen bei Mensch und Thier. Gratulationsschrift. 28 pp. 8°. Darmstadt u. Leipzig, E. Zemin, 1872. Nicolai (Alphonsus Julius Guilelmus). * Diss. continens morbi historiam; empyema, thoraco- ceuteseni, exituni mortalem. 20 pp. ~ . Jenw, typ. Ratii, 18.59. Nicolai (Carolus Fridericus)1 [1768- ]. * Dy- nameologia; chemico-physico-medicie specimen. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 4°. Lipsia; ex off. Klaubarthia, [1799]. See, also, Vogt (Trau- >tt Carolus Augustus). NICOLAI. 92!") NICOLAI, Nicolai (Carolus Fridericus)*. * De natura* ex- * ferine in corpus humanum actione et effectu. 1 11. l.,43pp. 4". I'ttebergct: lit. C. II. Grassier!, \ ' [1805]. For Biography, see Plainer (Ernestus). Nil'Olai (Carolus Fridericus Guilielm.) * De angina. polyposa. 23 pp. 8 . Haiti; typ. Heiulc- lianis, [181']. \i< ol.ii (Clu isle,pJmrus) [1018-62]. Portrait in : <'oll«-clioii—\ an Kaathoven.—Collec- tion of Portr. of Phys. ev Men of Sc., HI2. l>i('Olai (Ehrenfried Otto). * Encephalomalaria ex hypertrophia cordis, historia morbi cum epi- crisi. 42 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., E. J. Dalkow- ski, [W3-]. Nicolai (Ernestus Augustus). * Diss, sistens eoleopteroruin speciesagri Halentsis. 44 pp., 1 1. r*-r Halce.typ F. A. Ginnertipatrisftliique,[1822]. For Biography, see OrniK-r (Christian. Gothfrid.) Nicolai (Ernst Anton) [1722-1802] * De dolore. 1 p. 1., 41 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., C. H. Heinmerde, [174.")]. ------. Abhandlung von der Schonheit des menschlichen Korpers in einem Gliickwiin- schungsschreiben an Herrn Christ. Fried. Trup- peln. 77 pp. 1(5°. Halle, C. H. Hammerde, 1746. ------. Methodus eoncinnandi formulas niedica- inentoruni exemplis ad medici quondam illustris Friderici Hoffinanni menteni accommodatis illus- trata. 11 p. 1., 576 pp. 16°. Halce Magdeb., 1747. ------. Gedanken von der Erzeugung der Missge- hurthen uud Mondkalber. 2 p. 1., 128 pp. 12°. Halle, C. H. Heinmerde, 174!). ------. Versuch eines Lehrgebaudes von den Fieheru uberhaupt. 11 p. 1., 389 pp., 1 1. 12°. Halle, C. H. Heinmerde, 1752. ------. Abhandlung von den Fehlern des Gesichts. 10 p. 1., 212 pp. 12c. Berlin, Schiitz, 1754. Bound with .- Schaakschmidt (A.) Kurzer Unterricht von den Krankheiten [etc.] 12°. Berlin, 1754. ------. De dolore in genere. Diss. 46 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1-758]. ------. De seusatione ac seusibilitate quo prie- lectiones suas futnro semestri habendas indi- cat. 36pp., 11. 4U. Jena; lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1758]. ------. [Pit] quo genuina arthritidis ejusque specierum notio eruitur. I. [Cum vita candi- dati Luil. Leon Bader. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1759]. ------. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Joan. Christ. Wiih. Holland.] 8 pp. sm. 4°. Jena; lit. Marggrafianis, [1760]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Iniinan. Aug. Frid. Bertram.] 8 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1760]. ------. The same. IV. [Cum vita candidati Francisci Petri Emcken.] 8 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1760]. ------. [Pr.] de genesi vertiginis. I. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Christophori Buch.] 8 pp. 4L. Jence, lit. Marggrafianis, [1759]. ------. The same. II. [Cum vita, candidati Jo. Joac Wewetzer. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Marg- grafianis, [17511]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Jaeobi Gladbach.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Marggrafianis, [1759]. ------. [Pr. ]dedeliriis. I. [Cum vita candidati Joan. Geor. Schmidt.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, [ 1759]. ------. The same. II et ultimum. [Cum vita candidati Guilielmi Henrici Sehastiaui Bu- choltz.] viii pp. 4°. Jence, ex off. F. Fickel- scherrii, [1763]. ------. [Pr.] exponeus rationem structura? qtia- ruudamaurispartium. I. [Cum vita candidati 59 Nicolai (Ernst Anton)—continued. Johannes Henricus Christophorus Sehencke.] 8 pp. 4~. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, 1760. | ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Christ. Doering. ] 8 pp. sin. 4C. Jence, HI. Fickelscherrianis, [1760]. ------. The same. IV et ultimum. [Cum vita candidati Mart. Frid. Henrici.] viii pp. sui. 4°. Jena; lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1761]. ------. [Pr.] de cordis et arteriaium insanguinem actione. [Cum vita candidati Jodoci Ehrhart.] viii pp. 4°.' Jena; lit. Fickelscherrianis. [1761]. ------. [Pr.] de causis pelluciditatis partium cor- poris humani. I. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Friderici Wilhelini.] viii pp. sin. 4*T Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, [1761]. '■ ------. The same. II. [Cum vita candidali Joan. Andr. Schauhach.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. i Fickelscherrianis, [1762]. ------. The same. Ill et ultimum. [Cum vita candidati Gottlieb Friderici Stuss. J viii pp. sm. 4-T Jence, ex off. F. Fickelscherrii, [1763], ------. [Pr.] de notione morbi maligni. [Cum vita candidati Christophori Friderici Caroli Cappe.] viii pp. 4J. Jence ex off. F. Fickel- scherrii, [1763]. ------. [Pr. ] de pulsu celeri crebro et frequenti. I. [Cum vita candidati Wesselii Liimmen.] viii pp. 4°. Jena; ex off. E. Fickelscherrii, [1763], ------. [Pr. ] de gummi ainnioiiiaci virtute. I. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Ludovici Schmalz.] 8 pp. 4-. Jence, lit. F. Fickelscherrii, [1767]. ------. Pathologie, oder Wissenschaft von Krank- heiten. 9 v. 12°. Halle, 1769-81. Volumes for 1781-4 are numbered i, ii, iii, aud title reads as follows: Fortsetzung der Pathologie, oder Wissen- schaft von Krankheiten. ------. [Pr.] de digestivis qutedain pnemittit. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Christ. Vah-ntini Gantz. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, ex off. F. Fickelsehe rii, [1770]. ------. [Pr.] de viribus medicanientorum explo- randis. I. [Cum vita candidati Caspari Philippi Fromin.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Stranssii, [1770], ------. Thesame. II. [Cum vita candidati Joan- nis Philippi Wolff.] 8 pp. 4^. Jence, ex off. F. Fickelscherrii, [1770]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Theophili Scheler.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; ex off. F. Fickelscherrii, [1771]. -----'-. [Pr.] de diabete ex spasmo qutedain praemittit. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Godo- fredi Sountag.] 8 pp. 4-. Jena; ex.off. Helleri, [1773]. ------. [Pr.] de modo agendi aperientium et mar- tialium medicamentorum. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Henrici Lucas.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrii, [1776]. ------. [Pr.] de causa cur f'erruni per cuprum prue- cipitetur. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Salomo- nisErnesti Schwabe.] 8 pp. sm. 4J. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrii, [1776]. ------. [Pr.] de causis cataracta* extends. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Leipzig, 1777, vii, 56-58. ______. [Pr.]denguraarteriarunidisserit. [Cum vita caudidati Christiani Godofredi Whistling.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrii, [1778]. ______. [Pr.] de fine ductus thoracici. I. [Cum vita candidati Henrici Christophore Lemmer.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; ex off. Straussiana, [1778]. ______. Thesame. II. [Cum vita caudidati Chr. Guil. Alexand. Heinrich.] 8 pp., 21. 4°. Juice, lit. Fickelscherrii, [1778]. ______, [Pr.] deruboresauguiuis. [Cum vitacan- didati Joannis Guilielmi Giittich.] 8 pp. sm. 40. Jena; lit. Fickelscherrii, [1778]. ______ [Pr.] de pulsu duro et molli. I. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Christophori Fahner. ] H pp. 4. Jence, lit. Fickelscherrianis, [L"0]. NICOLAI. 930 NICOLAI. \icolai (Ernst Anton)—continued. ------. Thesame. II. [Cum vita candidati Chris- tiaui Augusti Haueusehild.] 8 pp. 4U. Jena; ex off. F. Fickelscherr. hcered. et Stranckmanni, I 1782]. -----. The same. Ill et ultimum. [Cum vita candidati Gcorgii Gustavi Deiharding.] 16 pp. 8 . Ji na; lit. Goepfird-ianis, [17-8]. ------ [Pit] de virtute et usu clysteruni ex aceto. j I. [Cum vita caudidati Traugott Frider. Au- gusti Treuner.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lyp. Stranck- mannianis, [ 1783]. ------. The same. II. [Cum vita caudidati Go- dofredi Adolphi Welper.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, typ. j Straiickmannianis, [1783]. ----—. Tbe same. III. [Cum vita candidati Tob. Henr. Godof. Spiudler.] 8 pp. 4C. Jence, typ. Straiickmannianis, [1783]. ------ Thesame. IV. [Cum vita candidati Ca- roli Joannis Nyberg.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, typ. Stranckmannianis, [1783]. ------. Thesame. V. [Cum vita caudidati Chris- tiani Friderici Wilhelmi Pfuiidel.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lyp. Stranckmaniiianis, [1783]. ------. [Pr.] de usu aqua* frigid* externo. I. [Cum vita caudidati Joannis Henrici Zahn.] 8 pji. 4°. Jena; typ. Strunckmannianis, [1783]. ------. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Mi- chaelis Ludovici Wittwerk.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, typ. Stranckmannianis, [1783]. —'■---. Thesame. III. [Cum vita caudidati Fri- derici Ludovici Heroldt.] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, typ. St ra it ckma n nia it is, [ 1783]. ■------. [Pr. | de cubitu tegrotorum. I. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Henrici Toemlich.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Stranckmannianis, [1785]. ------. Thesame. II. [Cum vita candidati Chris- tiaui Caroli Lang. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Stranck- maniiianis, [1785]. ------ The same. III. [Cum vita caudidati Gottlieb Joannis Badendyk.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Stranckmannianis, [1785]. ------. Thesame. IV [Cum vita caudidati Jo- annis Guilielmi Harder.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Stranckmannianis, [ 1785]. -----. Thesame. VI. [Cum vita candidati Jo- annis Samuelis Sommer. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. Stranckmannianis, [1786], ------. The same. VII. [Cum vita candidati JoannisConradi Friderici Zier.] 8pp. 4°. Jenw, Ut. Stranckmaunis, [178(1]. ------. The same. VIII. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Bartholonuei. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Stranckmannianis, [ 1786]. ------ The same. X. [Cum vita candidati Jo- annis Christiaui Steinfeld.] 8 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Stranckmannianis, [1.788], ------. Thesame. XII et ultima. [Cum vita can- didati Friderici Augusti Wilhelmi Gress.] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. Mctnekiaitis, [1788]. ------. Theoretisehe nnd praktische Abhandlun- gen iiber die Entziindung und Eiterung, den Brand Scirrhns und Krebs, und iiber die Kurarten dieser Krankheiten. v. 2. 532 pp., 1 1. 12°. Jena, Croker, [1786]. ------. [Pr.] de sanguinis missione iu febribus interniittentibus. I. [Cnin vita candidati Joan- nis Friderici Miiller.] 16 pp. 8r Jence, lit. Stranckoia n n inn is, [ 1788]. ------. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Jo- annis Friderici Claser. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Gbpferdtinnis, [ 178- ]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Wilhelmi Ernesti Christiani Huschke.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; Ut. Gbpferdtiauis, [1788]. ------. The same. V. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Gottlieb Mylius.] 8pp. 4°. Jence, typ. Gbpfei'dtii, [1789]. Nicolai (Ernst Anton)—continued. ------. The same. VI. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Augusti Friderici Bruckner.] 8 pp. | . Jena; lit. Goepferdtii, [1790]. ------. The same. VII. [Cum vita candidati Benj. Zeitmanu.] 16 pp. 8°. Jena; lit. Goe- pfertii, [1790]. ------. The same. VIII. [Cum vita candidati Friderici Ludovici Seguitz.] 8 pp. Ir Jena lit. Goepferdtii, [1790]. [Also, in: P., v. 58.] ------. The same. IX. [Cum vita candidati Friderici Adolphi Heinze.] 8 pp. 4 . Jena; lit. Goepferdtii, [1790]. ------. The same. XIII. [Cum vita candidati Gottlob Henrici Koher.] 8 pp. 4r Jenw, lit. Stranckmannianis. [1790]. ------. The same. XIV. [Cum vita candidati Guilielmi Friderici Haberniaun.] 8 pp. 40 Jence, Ut. Stranckmaniiianis, [1790]. ------. The same. XV. [Cum vita candidati Aug. Frid. Car. Ranch.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Fiedlerianis, [1790]. ------. The same. XVI. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Scherbii.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; Ut. Fied- lerianis, [1790], ------. Rezepte und Kurarten mit theoretiscli praktischeu Aniiierkungen. 2. Ausg. 5 v. 12'. Jena, Croker, 1788-99. v. 3, for 1799, is 3. Ausg. ------. [Pr.] de urina viridi. I. [Cum vita can- didati Joannis Friderici Henrici Hieronymus.] 16 pp. 8°. Jence, Ut. Maukiaitis, [1799], ------. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Joanuis Friderici Grahl.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Fiedlerianis, [1790]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Joanuis Godofredus Goetz. ] 10 pp. 4°. Jence, typ. Goepferdtii, [1791]. ------. [Pr.] de origine febrium ex irritatione et spasuio corporis humani vivi universali. I. [Cum vita candidati Franc. Xav. Christ. Theoph. Kinzel.] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, lit. Fiedlerianis, [1791], ------. The same. II. [Cum vita caudidali Christiani Friderici Blauberg. ] 8 pp. 8-: Jena, Ut. Maukianis, [1791]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita caudidali Ernesti Friderici Christiaui Graf.] 8 pp. 4r Jence, lit. Stranckmannianis, [1791]. ------. The same. IV. [Cum vita candidati Henrici Christ. Theod. Reussing.] 8 pp. 4°. Jence,, lit. Fiedlerianis, [1791]. ------. The same. V. [Cum vita caudidati Caroli Email. Steiner. ] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, typ. Geopferdtii, [1792]. ------. [Pr.] de urina teiiui et crassa. I. [Cum vita caudidati Francisci Ernesti Filter.] 8 p . 4°. Jence, typ Goepferdtii, [1791]. ------. The same. II. [Cum vita candidali Christiani Hieron. Theod. Liitzelberger. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. t iedlerianis, [1791]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Christiaui Friderici Quandt. ] 8 pp. W. Jena; Ut. Fiedlerianis, [1791]. ------. The same. IV. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Carol. Ludov. Behr.] 8 pp. stu. 4 . Jence, typ. Goepferdtii, [1791]. ------. [Pr.] V. [Cum vita candidati Christ. Frid. Ludov. Wildberg.] 16 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Fiedlerianis, [1791?] ------. The same. VI. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Pauli Gottlob Kircheisen.] 8 pp. 4W. Jence, lit. Fiedlerianis, [1792]. ------. The same. VII. [Cum vita candidati Augusti Christophori Posenbladt. ] 8 pp. 4r Jence, lit. Maukianis, [1792]. ------. The same. VIII et ultima. [Cum vita caudidati Guil. Kud. Christ. Wiedemann.] Ki pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Fiedlerianis, [1792]. NICOLAI. 931 NICOLAI. Nicolai (Ernst Autou)—continued. ______. [Pr.] de diagnosi inflammatiouum. I. [Cum vita candidati Christiani Fiirchtegott Schinalz.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; typ. Stranckmanni, [1792]. .-----. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Joan. Jac. Locher. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. Fied- lerianis, [1792]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Caroli Friderici Christophori Waerlich.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; typ. Stranckmanni, [1794]. ------. The same. IV. [Cum vita caudidati Joannis Ludovici Andrea*. Vogel.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; typ. Stranckmanni, [1794]. ------. The same. V. [Cum vita caudidati Caroli Herinanni Curtiiis.] 12 pp. 4C. Jena; typ. Goepferdtii. [1794]. ------. The sanii'. VI. [Cum vita candidati Philippi Jaeobi Scheurer.] 16 pp. 8 . Jence, typ. Goe/ifcrdtii, [1794]. ------. The same. VII. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Caroli Christiaui Schnaubert. ] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, lit. Schlotterianis, [1801]. ------. The same. VIII. [Cum vita caudidati Christiaui Henrici Hiecke.] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, typ. Prageri et soc, 1801. ------. The same. X. [Cum vita caudidati Christiani Guiliel. Schmid.] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, typ. Prageri et soc, 1801. ------. [Pr.] de morbis gastric* origiuis. I. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Andrese Braun.] H pp. 4J. Jenw, lit. Fiedlerianis, [1792]. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Joannes Christ. Reddelieu.] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, typ. Stranckmanni, [1794]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita candidati Joanuis Conradi Honnerlag. ] 16 pp. 8°. Jena; typ. Stranckmanni, [1794]. ------. The same. IV. [Cum vita caudidati Nicolai Mueller.] 16 pp. 12°. Jenw, lit. Fied- lerianis, [1794]. ------. [Pr.] de euratione febrium interuiitten- tium evacuantia. I. [Cum vita candidati Jo- annis Henrici Koningsdorffer. ] 8 pp. 4°. Je- nw, lit. Maukianis, [1794]. ------. The same. II. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Theophili Tetteuboru.] 8 pp. 4°. Je- nw, HI. Fiedlerianis, [1793]. ------. The same. III. [Cum vita caudidati Joannis Ehrenfriedi Emanuel Bloedau.] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, typ. Goepferdtii, [1795]. ------. The same. IV. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Henrici Behn.] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, typ. Stranckmanni, [1795]. ------. The same. V. [Cum vita candidati Eberhardi Mickwiz. ] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, lit. Fied- lerianis, [1795] ------. The same. VI. [Cum vita candidati Theodori Georgiadas.] 8 pp. 4°. Jena; lit. Maukianis, [1797]. ------ The same. VII. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Godofredi Laiigeiniann.] 16 pp. 8°. Jenw, lit. Maukianis, [1797]. ------. The same. VIII. [Cum vita candidati Joan. Godofr. Caroli Fiirbringer.] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, typ. Etzdorfii et soc, [1798]. ------. The same. IX. [Cum vita candidati August. Franci.sc. Ferdin. Mohring.] 8 pp. 4°. Jenw, typ. Etzdorfii et soc, [1798]. ------. [Pr.] inest historia cephalalgia periodi- ca* niaro offic. sanatse. [Cum vita caudidati Gui- lielmi Christiani Stern.] 16 pp. 8°. Jena; typ. Stranckmanni, [1794]. See, also, Schaarschmidl (Snnmel). Alihaudlung vonder Geburtsliiilfe. etc. 1l'°. Berlin, 1751. For Portrait, see Collection—vau Kaathoven. Nicolai (Fridericus Ernestus). * Diss, sistens theoriain cancri. 43 pp. 4°. Jenw, ex off. F'u-kel- scherrio-Slranckmanuiaua, [ 17■**.">]. For Biography, see Loflcr (Just. Christ.) Nicolai (G. H.) See Nicolai (Joh. Anton Hein- rich). Nicolai (H. F.) [1847- ]. •" Leber Verande- rungen des Ang-eiihintergriindes im Zusammen- hange mit intracraniellen Erkrankungen. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Lange, [1872]. Nicolai (Henricus). * De vulneribus sclopeto- riuiu. 1 p. 1., 4H pp. 4°. Ari/entorati, typ. J. Welperi, [1675]. Nicolai (Henricus Albertus) [1701-33]. Decas observatiouum illustrium auatoiuicaruin. 16 pp. W. Argentorati, typ. S. Kiirsneii, [1725]. Also, in: Hallek.' Disp. auat. [etc.] 4-T Ciottinace, 1751, vi, 687-699. ------. De directioue vasorum pro nioditicando sanguinis circulo. 112 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, typ. S. Kiirsneri, 1725. Also, in: Haller. Disp. anat. [etc.] 4°. Gottinace, 1747, ii, 481-553. ------. Thesame. 112 pp. 4°. Argentorati, apud J. R. Dnlsseckeruin, 1726. Nicolai (Henr. Christ.) * De anibustionibiis. In: Weiz(F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Budis- sin, 1769, i, 57-66. Nicolai (Henricus Ernestus Carolus). * De me- thodo medendi per evacuationem pri martini viarnin. 3 p. 1., 24 pp. sm. 4°. Jena; ex off. Straiickmannietiiei, [1792], Nicolai (Joannes Augustus Henricus) [1796- 1852]. * Disquisitiones circa quorundani aiii- malium veuas abdominalesprsecipue renales. 38 pp., 1 1. 12°. [Berolini], formis Briischckianis, 1823. ------. Memoire sur les tuineurs blanches des ar- ticulations. 59 pp. 8°. Paris, Gueffier, W27. ------. Beschreibung der Knochen tics mensch- lichen Fotus, ein Beitrag zur Anatomie des Fotus und zur Bestimmung des Alters der Pmibryonen uud des Fi'itus aus der Beschaffenheit der Kno- chen. v (1 1.), 70 pp., 1 1., 4 tab. 4r Miin- ster, F. Regensberg, 1829. ------. Quiedam de cholera quam Celsusdescripsit ejusque similitudine cum cholera asiatica. 14 pp., 1 1. 4°. Berolini. typ. F. Nietackianis, W:\2. [Also, in: P., v. 201.] ------. Grundriss der Sanitats-Polizei, mit beson- derer Beziehung auf den preussischen Staat. x, 694 pp. 8°. Berlin, Nicolai, 1835. ------. Die Medicinal- und Veterinair-Polizei. viii, (508 pp_ gOi Berlin, Nicolai, 1838. ------. Plandbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin nach dem gegenwartigeu Standpuukte dieser Wis- senschaft fiir Aerzte nnd Criminalisten. Nebst Formularen zu Obductions-Protokolleu, sowie zu Abfassungeu von Gutachten. xii, 556 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1841. Name on title-page is: "G. H. Nicolai". Nicolai (Joannes Christophorus). * De variis dentiuin affections eorumque in sanitatem in- fluxu. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Jenw, typ. Straiickman- nianis, [1799]. For Biography, see Oruner (Christ. Goth.) Nicolai (Joannes Fridericus). * De aegris asth- maticis rite jndicandis et curandis. 31 pp. 4°. Vitembergw, lit. vid. Gerdesiw, [1724]. Nicolai (Joannes Theodor.) + De medicorum meritis iu augustanam eonfessionem. 24 pp. 4°. Vitemberga; lit. Gerdesianis, [1730]. Nicolai (Job. Ernestus). * De catharticis qui- busdam selectioribus eorundemque principiis ac viribus. 40pp. 4 . Francof. ad Viadr., typ. M. Hiibneri, [1742], Nicolai (Job. Fridericus). Diss, seiuioticarum sexta iu qua sigua proguostica ex anni tempori- NICOLAI. 932 NICOLA IT. I\icolai (Job. Fridericus)—continued. bus eorundemque tenipestatibus ad ductum Hip- poeratis [etc.] 3 p. 1., pp. 143-174. 4°. Vitcm- bereta: lit. A. Kobersteinii, [1721]. Km Diss, i, see JBergcr ((lottlolo : ii, see Schr«t<*r (•In. Car.) Nicolai (Litccas Frid rich) [1(527-65]. Portrait in : Collection—vau Kaathoven. Nicolai (Nicolaus) [1.861- ]. *Z\vei Fiille von partieller Verdoppelung der Vena cava in- ferior. 28 pp., 2 1., 5 pl. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, W8-3. l\3eolai (Th. W. E.) Portrait in: Collection— vau Kaathoven. Nicohli (Victor Hugo Athanasius) [1842- ]. *Beobachtungen iiber Varicellen und Variolen, mil besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Tempera- tur-Verhaltnisse. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Leipzic/, lireitkopf u. Hartel, [1868]. [Also, in -: P., v. 145.] Nicolaides (Christodulns). * De lientide. 2 p. 1., '^8 pp. s°. Tnrici, typ. Schulthessianis, Nicolaides (Constantin). * Leber Defecte des Se[)tuiu atriorum cordis in Anschluss an die Be- schreibung eines auf der niedicinischeu Klinik zu Freiburg i. B. beobaehteten Falles. 57 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Freiburg in Baden, H. M. Poppen u Sohn, 1887. Nicolaides (J.) "Sur la sensibilite, l'intelli- genee et la volonte, consider6es dans leurs rap- ports avec la medeciue et la morale. 22pp. 4°. Paris, W33, No. 42, v. 258. Nicolaides (Nicolas-J.) * Etude sur l'accou- chcnii-iit dans le bassin rachitique. 78 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 36. Nicolaides (Panaiota). *Antylli, veteris chi- rurgi. ra Ae'npava. 36 pp. 4°. Halis Magdeb., typ. J. J. Gebaueri, [1799]. Nicolaici* (Arthur). * Beitrage zur Aetiologie ectiles. 172 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8 . Paris, G. Sleinheil, 1886. Concours. Nicolas (Ad.)* 'Contribution k l'etude de l'ar- throtomie antiseptiqiie. 1 p. ]., 156 pp., 2 1., 1 ch. 4°. Nana/, P. Sordoillet, 1883, 1. s., No. 182. Nicolas (Ad.)- Rapports sur PExposition uui- verselle de 1878. V. Les progres de I'hygiene ; in- fluences luniineuses; influences theriniques ; in- fluences des qualites du sol; influencesdiveises ; l'aliinent; la population; l'habitation ; les pro- fessions, eAc 128 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, E. La- croi.e, [ls79]. - Repr. from .- Etudes sur l'Exposition pub., par E. La- croix, Nouv. Tech., viii. Nicolas (Adolphe) [1856- ]. * Essai sur la ne- phrite eantharidienne. 60 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris 18-1, No. 220. Nicolas (Adolphe-Churles-Antoine-Marie). Con- siderations sur la coordination des mouvements il'cnsemble. 68 pp. 4-r Paris, W72, No. 246. Nicolas (Auguste-Louis). * I. Des symptomes de la colique de plomb II. [etc.] 57 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1840, No. 157, v. 364. Nicolas (Auguste-Louis)—continued. -----. Manuel d'hygiene edetnentaire et prati- que. 3 p. 1., vii, 5-166 pp. 8 . Orleans, Mo- rand- liontiel, 187,4. Nicolas (Charles). * Dc hi mensuration obst<*- trieale des ouvertures inferieurcs dn bassin. [Berne.] 100 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Scuchutcl, H. Wolf- rath S- Metzner, 1870. Nicolas (Edouard). * De la choree- vulgaire chez le vieillard. 1 p. 1., 6,9 pp. 4-. Nana/, X. Col- lin, 1883, 1. s., No. 169. Nicolas (Francois-Victor). * Sur la choree. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814. No 217, v. 422. Nicolas (Gabriel). * Essai sur l'cniploi deseaux minerali s pendant la grossesse. 36 pp 4° I'aris, 1876, No. 111. Nicolas (Georges). * La cocaine, son origine ct ses applications. 75 pp., 1 1. 4CT Montinllier 1887), No. 360. ficole superieure ile pharmacie. Nicolas (Henri). * Des indications et contre- indications de la lithotritie. 57 pp., 1 1. 4 \ Montpellier, Boehm S- fils, 1868, No. 52. c. Nicolas (Honor6). '* (Quelques recherches sur les effets physiologiques du chaudoo (opium des fumeurs). 54 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 188\ No. 21. Nicolas (Jean). * Du traitement de la lievre in- terniittente d'origine pulude"enne. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 214. Nicolas (Jean-Ktienne-Mathien). * Consid6ra- tions niedico-legalcs sur les blessures. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1829, v. 60. Nicolas (Jean- Franc.- Marie). * Sur la fievre adynamique. 1 p. 1., 14 pp. 4°. Sirasbottrc/, 18il. Also, in : v. 47. Nicolas (Jean-Pierre). * Sur differens points dc medecine. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 1 v. 170. Nicolas (Joseph) [1856- ]. * Du traitement de la n6vralgie sciatique par I'elongation du nerf. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1881, No. 273. Nicolas ()oseph-Andr6). * I. Du traiteinent du delirium tremens. II. [etc.] 27 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1839, No. 163, v. 347. Nicolas (L.-E.) * Essai sur la transfusion du sang. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 186,9, No. 79. Nicolas (L.-J.-C.) * Sur la coqueluche, ou toux convulsive des eufants. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]: No. 221, v. 48. Nicolas (L.-P.-Victor). * Sur les rapports circu- latoircs qui existent entre la mere et le fietus. 36 pp. 4°. Prtiis, 1837, No. 351, v. 316. Nicolas (L6once-Juv6nal). * Dn pityriasis roser, ou de la ros6ole squameuse. 56 pp. 4°. Paris. 1880, No. 272. Nicolas (P.-F.) * Sur la peritonite aigue. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 30, v. 144. Nicolas (Patrice) [1854- ]. * Sur deux varie- t(Ss de ristules ombilicales. 6- pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, W83. Nicolas (Paul Heinrich) [1857- ]. * Ueber 1 ok ale Blutentziehuugen als antiphlogistische Operationen, nebst einschlagigen Experimenten. 28 pp., 1 1. 8J. Halle a. S., Pleitz, 1882. Nicolas (Pierre Francois) [1743-1816]. See «le Sauva<;«'« (Francois-Koissier). Nosiilu^ii. methofliquo, flans laipiclle l"s maladies sont raut;ee.s par classes, [etc.] 3 v. «°. Paris, 1771. Nicolas - Dlirailty ( Emile). Etudes laryngo- scopiques. Diagnostic des paralysies motrices des muscles du larvnx. 47 pp., 3pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1872. Nicolau ( .1 [ean] - B[aptiste] ). * Essai sur la melancolie. on lypeananie juopreinent dite. 37 jip. 4°. Montpel Her, J. Martel aine, 1824, No. 96. [P., v. 1331.] NIOOLATJ-BARRAQUE. 933 NICOLlDIrS. Nicolau - Barraque (J. -B.) * Des hemor- rhoides. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 193, v. 407. Nicolail-Barraque (Oscar). * Quelques con- siderations sur le traiteinent des fractures par enfonceinent de la vofite du crane, et des abces consecutifs du cerveau. 39 pp. 4C. Paris, 1875, No. 122. Nicolaus (Daniel). * De mania. 25 pp. 4°. Franco/', ad liadr., prwlo J. Coepfelii, [1692]. Nicolaus (Halvardus). See ICm-tlioliiiuM (Caspar). Positiones anatomic*, [etc. J sin.40. Hafnice, [1678]. Nicolaus (Joh.) Di.squisitio de chirothecaruin usu et abusu in qua varii ritus, varia jura, et syinbola illaruin fuse exhibentur. Lectu jucuu- dissima et in bonum publicum edita. 10 p. 1., 1.41pp. 18°. Slutgardiw, P. Trent, 1701. Nicolaus Alexandrinus. See Myrepsus (Nico- laus). Nicolaus Falcutius Florentinus. See Falcutius [or Falcucci] (Nicolaus) Florentinus. Nicolaus (Myrepsus). See Myrepsus (Nico- laus). Nirolaus (Nicolaus). See Falcutius [or Fal- cucci] (Nicolaus) Florentinus. Nicolaus de Reggio. See 111 y reps us (Nicolaus). Lilier de cornpositione medicanientoiiiiii secundum loca. 4°. Ingolstadii, 1541. For Bioiji-aphii, see Janus, Gotha, 185:1, ii, 393 (A. W. E. T. Heuschel). Nicolaus Pi'tepositus Salernitanus. Incipit antidotarium Nicolai. Ego Nicolaus rogatus a quibusdam in practica mcdiciine studere volen- tibus: ut eos recto online modum connciendi dispensandique docerem : et certam eis trade rein iloitriuani: [etc.] [F. 45:] Incipit tractatulus quid pro quo. Pro aristologia rotunda longa vel pondus equale zurunbet [etc.] [/''. 51:] Inci- piunt sinonima. Artemisia, id est, matricaria [etc.] [In fine:] Finis antidotarii Nicolai: et quorunilain aliorum tractatuum imprcssorum Venetiis per Nicolaum Jensou Gallicum. ni.cccc.lxxi. 68 ff. 4°. Venetiis, N. Jenson, 1471. ------. Thesame. Antidotarium, etc. [F. la:] Antiilotarius Nicolai medicinalis cum omnibus su is reeeptis incipit feliciter. [F.2&:] Ego Nico- laus rogatus a quibusdam iu practica medicime studere volentibus, etc. [F. 23 b, col. 1:] Anti- dotarius medicinalis Nicolai explicit. [F. 25 a:] Johannis Mesuie Grabadin incipit quod est agre- gatio et antidotarium electuariorum et confec- tionuni [F. 67 a, col. 2:] Presens opus Johannis Mesua* extractum ab originali correctum necnou emeudatum per egregios ac experfos medieina* doctorcsalnne universitatisPapiensis, m igistrum Johauuein Theobaldi, magistrum Marcum de Papia finit. [F. 68 a:] Liber servitoris de pre- paiationibus medieinarum tam lapidum miuera- liuui quam radicum plantarum ac etiam medici- narnin ex animalibus suniptarum cum eorum ablutione, adustione, confectione et reservatione inci])it feliciter. [F. 95 a, col. 2, 1. 31:] Liber servitoris explicit, fol. 93 pp. [Argentorati, J. Pryss, it. d.] ------. Thesame. Incipit antidotarium Nicolai. In: Mesue (Joannes). Opera universa. fol.- Venetiis, 1478, :i4 7-360. ------. The same. Incipit antidotarium. in. Mesue (J.) In nomine Dei misericordis, [etc.] fol. Venetiis, 1484, sig. gga-hh3. ------. The same . . . Cum expositiouihus et glosis clarissimi physici Platearii. In: Mesue (J.) Mesue cum additionibus, [etc.l fol. Venetiis, 14S9-!)1, sig. ee"-hh 4\ ------. The same. Cum expositio Joannes de Sancto Ainaudo supra antidotarium Nicolai, in- cipit feliciter. In: Mesue (J.) Cuin expositione Mondini. loi. Ve- netiis, 1495, sig. ff 2-mm 6b. icolailS Propositus Salernitanus—cont'd. ----. The same. In: Mesue (J.) Cum expositione Mondini. fol. Ve- netiis, 1502, sig. J-R. ----. The same. In: Mesue (J.) Cum expositione Mondini. fol. Lugd. Bat, l.'iio, sig. L-T 2\ ----. The same. Antidotarium Nicolai. In: Mesue (J.) Canones universales. 16°. [Lugduni, 1523], sig. qqiiii-ttviib. ----. The same. Incipit autidotarium cum ex- positionibus . . . Platearii. In: Mesue (J.) Opera, fol. Lugduni, 1525, ccxliii- cclxxi. -----. Dispensariumadaroniatarios. [Adfiuem:] Fiuiuut iutroductioues . . . expensis Jaeobi Hu- guetau, sed Francisci Fradim, Lugd. impresse, anno mcccccv. cv ff. 4°. Lugduni, ab J. Hu- guetan, [1505]. -----. The same. Item cum plnribus additio- nibus . . . anuectuntur. Platearius. vulgo circa instans nuncupates de simplici medieina, recog- uitus ac uovis exornatus additionibus per Mi- chaelem deCapella additis. 4 p. 1.. xevi ff. 4°. Lugduni, apud S. de Gabiano, 1537. See, also, lTIewue (Joannes). -----. Prepositas his practise, a worke very necessary to be used for the better preservation of the health of man. Wherein are not onely most excellent aud approved medicines, re- ceiptes, aud oiutmeutes of great vertue, but also most pretious waters, against many infirmities of the body. The way how to make every the said severall medicines, receiptes, and oint- meiites. With a table for the ready finding out of every the diseases, and the remedies for the same. Transl. out of Latin into English by L. M. Ill pp., 8 1. 12°. London, E. Jj'hitc, 17)88. For Biography, see Baylc (P.) Hist. & Crit. Diet. (transl. Des Mai/.eaux). 2. id. fol. London, 1737, iv, 764. Nicolay (Franciscus) [1815- ]. * De morbis quibusdam lienis cognoscendis et curandis. 32 pp. 8 T Berolini, typ. Nielackiau'ts, [1--37]. Nicolaysen (Julius) [1831- ]. Yderligere meddelelse om coxarthrocace og dens beliand- ling. 32 pp. 8°. [Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt S- Sbner, 1874]. Bepr. from : Nord. raesd. Ark., Stockholm, 1874, vi. See, also, Klinisk Aarhog [etc.] 8°. Kristiania, 1884. Nicole (Sieur). See .Marges (D -P.) Examen et analvse chimiipie. 2. 6d. 1JJ. Paris, 1774. Nicole, dit Havet (Eugene). * Sur une maladie qui regne a l'lle de Madagascar; conseils hygie'- niques a suivre pour l'6viter. viii, 9-30 pp. 4°. Paris, W27, No. 124. v. 206. Nicolello (Augusto). Saggio popolare sui mi- crobi delle malattie infettive dell' uomo. 152 pp. 12°. Torino, C. Trivevio, 1887. Nicolescu (Joann). * L'infanticide par l'im- mersion dans les fosses d'aisauces. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 312. Nicolet (G.) See fflngilot (E.) Trait6s des anomalies du systeme dentaire [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1877. Nicolet (Victor-Joseph-Auguste). * Considera- tions sur l'emploi de I'alcool dans les maladies aigues. 57 pp., 21. 4°. Montpellier, Gras, \865, No. 47. Nicoletis (Minos). * Operation de Recaniier (colpohyst6rectomie), indications et eontre-iudi- cations. 137 pp. 4°. Paris, 1887, No. 234. Nicoli (Nicolaus). See Falcutius [or Falcucci] (Nicolaus) Florentinus. Nicolides (Joannes). * Pyogonia. 3 p. 1., &2 pp., 3 1. 8U. Viennw, M. A. Schmidt, [1780]. NICOLI XI. 934 NirOTlNK. Nicoliui (H.) * liistorique des pilocarpus. Etude botanique, phariiiacologique et chimique, physiologique et therapeutique du pilocarpus peunatifolius. vi, 7-174 pp., 11., 2 pl., 1 ch. 4°. Mow p. Hier. 1876, No. 50. Nicoliaii (N.) Dell' alctoscopio nelle perizie di l'alsita. Macchina ottica iuventata dal . . . Kaffai-le Sae-co. 14 pp. «c. [it. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1130.] Repr. from: Procedura penale, vi. Nicoli (Donald). Health and its appliances (engineering, structural, and sauitary). 6,5 pp, 4°. [London], E. Duck, 1884. Nicoli (8ainuel). * De arthritide. 37 pp. 8°. Kdinburgi, Baliour et Smellie, 1776. Nicolle (Charles-Gustave). * A propos de ral- laitement. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 18. Nicolle (Eugene). * .Recherches sur le de~ve- loppemeut et les transformations de l'hysterie. 35 pp. 4°. Puiis, 187)9, No. 5(i, v. G34. Nicolle (Felix). * I. Combieuexiste-il derates? Etablir leuis rapports avec les diverses altera- tions que subissent les poumons. II. [etc. J 18 pp. 4 t Paris, 1841, No. 15, v. 379. Nicolle (H.-C.) * Histoire de la digitale pour- inee. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 18^4, No. .80, v. 185. Nicolle (J) * De la cowperite. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1,-73, No. 331. Nicolle (J.-C.) * De I'or, comme moyen th£- ra pen tique dans les maladies v6n6rieunes. 23 up. 4°. Paris, 18:17), No. 238, v. 289. Nicollet (J.-B.-Alfred). * De la variole et de som traitement. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 133. v. 530. Nicollet (J. N.) Essay on meteorological obser- vations. Printed by order of the War Depart- ment. 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Washington], J. Gideon, 1839. Nicollilllis (Joannes Baptista) Salociiensis. See Tli a ri " ' ,' ( M. ) Zur 'chronischen NikotinyergiHung. J>", ';. ' Wchnschr., 1884, xxi. 687. - Val.tak. (M K. C non otvavl. nikotinoni Cliarl ell'. U-t-6- Shorn. rabot, proizve.l lab. Ann-pa. * .....TV/Tv > De ki 1-55, lpl. Also. K,.prii.t..-Vniideiibroe«'U , \. H" preparation de la nicotine, et de son mode .«.Uons^ i'economie animale. Ann. med. d la l "' , (E., Roulers. 1851-2, [n. s., ij. 97-152. - \ »»«< , «•' • ™,(iis. Effets de la nicotine. Presse med. I"'1-'' ' ,., 'ineot.ne 205. - Vleminckx (V.) Experiences sur l.i MKI;kfm>in-, VHoliin*. 211- ikverhi k. ""Ilium d mar IWI. »rii. »"««■! (A.) UebwXi, ..f.,,1 1 :'; : -sprodukle. Sii/ni,..,!, - r. \kad J. Wi>««.,,„ j, l„"\|,.,7,.u",' \i<'Oiil;ui (Pie,,,). - I>„ traiteinent .le 1. ,„#. V," ' '";......"•■ ,.M,';r,"• •■■ «1^ ^complicat,,,,,,, 44 1>|»- 4. ;'an», 1-iB, \„ 1ft; XicoiillaiHl (Kuge,,,-Victor. -IH- I. ,„„„ appan-nte ibe, nouveaii-ii.^. 114 1111 4 bourg, 1-*.VJ, No. 471, o S( x ._,,; Viclitation. l.a/.niue. I , Teller NT. titatio Wirii m, leS72. xiii, !l!il)-0'.)J. IVidarl i.l.-F.) • i», s n->t„ie» ,. 4 . Paris, 1-4.T, NT,. HI. v. 4:u;. »ira« .1 l*i \iU1 lu lic\ le Ulelillign -:i»lrii|iir -2\ pp. 4 . Pari*, l-ll, \„. \.U, \. " Kx»wi »iir I pp.. II. 4 . Villi Ih.Ml. I.owii.'. l.i, iii cher Mainruni;. t,«ll el.- Mmrral. wasBers im X i.l. itaii' i. iZuiul, um lizi'»i>~ 11 el,1, a ill«e clieinisihi A n al\ »• di ■»- -llleBD. >• liw.-l/ /.I., let > \«4. 11. Heilk.. Ziiricl) I,s:ss-'.'. u. F.. 1, &>-.'■ \ lel|el'|MHll:illll«> 1 .Ioiuiii-m) A I'llsllls ..III rcnlins). Siulniis iingliii i-mIuiIih |x-iss. snitens aiialymn elieiuicaui aciiinlaruin Nub niowenHimii. *ljert» tbesilms mcdico-chii-.iigicis.le ornlnrniii nmrlii* 4^1>' '" j- .r I', ',• \rnolilus) [l",lV ^-iobordnu: 1 ; ljr inHho,,(ir ..„ ,«- Uivi.saruiii ...t'.r.u e ^ ^,^/i.,-. f.,.. < dicatiouibn- ••' PP- PetschiLp--'' Astlu.iatl.>ii''","1,H!,r Spasmus g I...II1.-- r.' ' • , u*v.*,i*rr"x ,,'iM'li,. A 11 a Hung. .**'PP- Z Schmidt. 1-44. N1KBKKDING. 936 NIEDERftSTERRKlCIIlsrilK. I\iil»< idiug (W[ilbelm Rudolph]) [1850- ]. "Fiber Ovariotoinie. 38 pp. 8°. JYiirzburg, C. J. Becker, W75. -----. Feber Kclropiuiu uud Kisse am Halse der M;h\vangereu uud puerperalen Gebarmutter. 153 pp., 3 pl. roy. *\ Wiirzburg, J. Staudinger, 1879. Niebei'ejf (Carl). ''Zur Statistik der melanoti- scbeii (reschwiilste. 21) pp. 8°. JYiirzburg, Becker, 1882. rVi«'foerg (Reiuhold). * De dialeipyris. 63 pp., 1 1. 8^. Moscjuee, A. Semen, W26. Nicbei'giill (Hugo). * Ueber die Wirkuug des Kochsalzes auf deu luenschlicben Organismus. 32 pp. 8-T Berlin, M. Niethe, [1874]. TVieboui" (Georgius). * Historia ulceris cujns- dam scribitur. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1855]. lYiehiilir (Car.sten). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc. 227. i\i«'.il (Andreas). . * Diss, tractans casus practicos seliiilie obirurgicsB anni scholastici 1837-8. vi, 7-70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vindobona; viduw A. P ich ler, [1849]. Niedeil (A.) Schrift-Probeu zur Bestimmung der Sehschiirfe. 2. Aufl. 3 1. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, W83. -----. Gesichtsfeld-Scheina zum Gebrauch fiir gewohnliche und fiir selbstregistrirende Peri- meter. 2. Aufl. 50 1. obi. 12°. JYiesbaden, J. F. Berg man n, [n. d.] Nicden (Adolf) [W46- ]. * Ueber die Entste- hungsweise und Ursache des angebornen Klunip- fusses (Pes varus). [Bonn.] 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Coblenz, Btichclritckerei des cvang. Stijls zu St. Mar- tin, L187H]. /.Ill* A'iotlt'ii (Fridericus iEmilius Gustavus) [1822- ]. * De nervorum .sympatbia. 29 pp. - . Halis, typ. Ploetzianis, [1845]. Nieden (G.) * Ueber Perinephritis hauptsiich- lich in atiologischer und diagnostischer Bezie- liuug. [Freiburg i. B.] 58 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1878. zur Ait'don (Julius). Die Errichtung von Pfli-gestiitten im Kriege. 24 pp. 8J. Berlin, M. I'llsell. W8Z. In: Vortr. ii. Gsndhtspflg. u. Rettungsw.. Berk, 1883, i. No. 3. zur Nieden (P.) Hamoglobinurie bei einer acuten Carbolvergiftmig. 16 pp. 8°. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1881.] Repr. from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii. -----. * Ueber eiuen Fall von Lymphangiectasia mit Lyinphonhagie. [Freiburg i. B.] 41 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1882. Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1882, xc. Nicdentlial (Christoph). * Ueber Hydrops. 24 pp. 8°. JYiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1867. IViedcr (F. X.) * De aencephalo casus singula- rs. 15 pp. 8°. Monachii, C. Wolf, 1834. Nicclerbai'iiiiii. Kkkispolizei-Vkrordnuxg (Die) zur obliga- torisclieu allgemeiuen Leichenscbau im Kreise Niederbarnini vom 6. September 1878, nebst An- lagen: A. Formular des Leicbenschauscheines. B. Instruction des Kreisphysikus fiir die nicht arztlichen Leichenbeschauer im Kreise Nieder- barnim. fol. Berlin it. Bernan, W78. Separat-Abdruok aus dem Niederbarnimer Kreisblatt, Sept. 1878. Saxii ats-Veuhaltxisse (Die) des Kreises Nie- derbarnim im J. 1877 und im 1. Quartal 1878. Als Motivirung der bevorstehenden Organisation einer obligatoriscben allgemeiuen Leichensehau im Kreise; aus der monatliehen aintlichen To- desstatislik der 59 Standesbeainteu und Erkran- kungs-Statistik von 21 Aerzten zusanimenge- ]\iedei'bariiiiii. stellt, vou Max Boehr. fol. Berlin u. Bemau, W78. Itoclir. Todes- und Erkrankunej.s-Statistik des Kreises Niederbarnim proii. Quartal 1877. Verotf'entl. d. k. deutsili. Gsndhtsamtes. Berl , 1K77, i, Beila'ge, No. 3d. — Jahr«>- Tabelle der Sterlilirlikeits-Verhaltuisse des Kreises Nil- ilerbarniiu wahrend des Jahres 1876. Ibid., 1877, i, No, lii. JYiedei'bi'omi. Leuchsknuing (J. L.) De fonte medicaid Niederbronuensi. 4°. Argeiitorati, [1753]. Henry (0.) Rapport au sujet de l'eau de Niederlironn (Bas-Khin). Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 185!i-(itl, xxv, louu- 1002. — Kulin (I.) Sur les variations des sources mine rales, et partiruli&rement de celle de Niederbronn. Ga.-. m6d. de Strasb., 1850, x, 43-54. Niederer (Job.) * Ueber die Osteomalacic des Beckens nach den Pubertiitsjabren einer taiib- stuuinieu, phthisischeu Jungfrau und in der Schwangerschaft einer Person, die vier Mal ohne Kunsthiilfegeboren hat. [Bern.] 42 pp., 1 pl., 1 tab. 8. Trogen, Schldpfer, 1848. I\iedergesass (Theodor) [1847- ]. * Dia- betes niellitus infantum. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, ti. Lange, [1873]. j\ieder-IIes*en. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by locali- ties. IViederholdt (Ferd.) See O-thoff (H. C. A.) Ferd. Niederholdt's, eines jungen deutschen Arztes, Lehijahre. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Sulz bach, 1808-9. IViederhuher (Carolus Josephus). Eulogium piis manibus Pbilippi Fischer, annuente facili- tate saluberrinia Laudishutaua habitum. 15 pp. 4°. Landishuti, J. Attenkorer, 1899. Niederhufoer (Ignaz) [1754- ]. Theorie von den Kraften des Mechanismus des menschlichen Korpers ; eine Skizze fiir Anf linger in der prak- tischen Arzneywissensehaft. 109 pp. 12'. Miinchen, T. Lauth, 1786. -----. Ueber die inenschlichen Temperameute. xxii (1 1.), 230 pp. 12°. JYien, C. Schaumburg, 1798. -----. Entwnrf eiuer plaumassigeu Verfassung des Sanitatsvvesens fur deutsche Provinzeu. 101 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. Lindauer, 1801. Niederleitner (Joannes Henricus) [1833- ]. * De phlegmone orbita*. 28 pp. 8°. Gryphiw, F. G. Kunike, 1869. c. Niedermaiei- (Franz). Co-Editor of: Tirolische (Der) Arzt, Innsbruck, 1791-2. Niederuiayei* (Franciscus). * Diss. med. de imaginationis materna* in fetum efficacia. 55 pp. 12°. Viennw, M. A. Schmidt, 1781. [P., v. 1639.] Niederiliayr (Hans). * Ueber Dermoidcyslen an der grossen Foutanelle. 35 pp. 8°. JYiirz- burg, Becker, 1886. Niederosterreicliisclie Landes-Gebiir- und Findelanstalt in Wien. Aerztliciie Berichte in den Solar-Jahreu 1856; 1858; i860; 1863; 1865-7. 8°. JYien, 1858-69. 1856-63, title: Kaiserlicb-konigl. Gebar- und Findelkaua zu Wien; 1865-6: Kaiserlich • konigl. Findel-Anstalt in Wien. -----. Promemoriazuin Findelhaus-Statuts-Ent- wurf, betreffend die Verptieguug und Erziehung der Findelkiuder durch Eheleute. Von Dr. Frie- dinger, Primararzt, und Directionsleiter der i . 6. Landes-Findelaustalt. 8 pp. 8°. [ Wien, A. della Torre, 1869 ?] -----. Promemoria zum Findelhaus Statuts-Ent- wurf, betreffend die Geheinihaltuug der Mut- terschaft. Von Dr. Friedinger, Primararzt und Directionsleiter der n. ii. Landes-Findelanstalt. 8 pp. 8°. [JYien, A. della Torre, W691] -----. [Suinniarischer Ausweis iiber die . . . im Jahre 1887. Vou Director Dr. Friedinger. ] 2 1 imp. fol. [Wien, 1888.] XIEDEKUEITHItH. De febri biliosa. 20 pp. Niederreitliei Wiirzburg. ('. IY. Becker, 18;>7 Niedei-i-lieinis<-|ie (iesellschaft fiir \.,t,„. i Heilkunde,,, Bon,,. „,richt ub,Jdm ArW"en der arztlichen Section. Fiir ib-n v,\, C1M " Mai 1851 bis zum December $$ i„ \{™$ ™n yon. 7. December 1853 vorgelegt durch C W Wutzer. 42 pp. 8°. Bonn, 187,4. -------. .Sitzungsbeiicbte. 1869; 187(1- 8 . Bonn, M. Cohen ti. Sohn, W69-8;\. ' j\io>e Iters. Mixeuai.i'UELLE (Die) zu Niederselters, ihre 8°. Wiesbaden, 1879- und Heilkrafte Leipzig, C. tl. f 1 )e febre gas- Bcrolini, typ. Diss, monstraus gina tonsillaris. 1 1., 15 pp. Naumann, [1864]. Niedree (Georgius) [1806- ]. trica epidemica. 25 pp., 21. 8°. Xiitackieinis, [1H32]. Niedt. (Augustus Ludovicus). variolarum spnriaium ex verariini pure ortuin. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Hake, typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1792]. IViedt (Georgius Wernerus). * De vitiis menstrui fluxus perite eniendandis. 50 pp., 3 1. 4'. Ha- iti- Mat/deb., lit. Hendelianis, [1754]. fti<-rite.H (F. E.) See Paullini (K. F.) Flagellum salntis, [etc.] 12°. Stuttgart, 1847. Niefeld (Martinus Christianus). * De bulimia sen niinia ciboruin adpetentia. 64 pp. 4°. Halte Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1747J. Nieffer (Carolus Friederieus). ■" Diss, sistens aniinadveisioiies et experimenta circa nieehani- cas vires, quibus sanguinis ciiculatio perticitur. 39 pp. 8 \ Tubingce, lyp. Reissianis, [1818], l\iegei- (Jules). * De la pncepeii6trante des pays chauds et des accidents qn'elle pent occiisionner. 1 p. 1., 25 pp. 4-. Strasbourg, W7,8, No. 433, v. '25. NielliiilS (Paul). Zur Behandlung der Wauder- nii're. 1 1. 8°. Leipzig. 188-'. Repr. from: Centralbl. f. Cliir., keipz,., 1888, xv. ------. Ueber tiaiimatische Luxationen beider lliil'tgelenke. 30 pp. 8. Leipzig. 18^8. Hepr. from: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1887-8. xwii. l\iehotr(Franc. Henric.) [1797- ]. * De lue- ninptvsi. 32 pp. 8 >. Berolini, typ. T. Brueschke, [ 1-t'h']. \icIiiio (I-Jermann). * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Verletzung arterieller Blutgelasse in der Lei- sti-ngegend. 22 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Scheme; 1884. J\ieke (Carl). * Ein Beitrag zur operativen I. •- h-indlung der Dvsineuorrlioe und Stenliiar •*- ]ip. 8J. Greif'siealtl. F. W. Kunike, W,.,. Vail Niel (Cornelius). * De causis partu- cilis et auxiliis requisilis. 47 pp. Bat., P. Dela Fos, [1748]. litli- Lugd. Bestandthe •[„. cl.] I\iederstadt(('ail). * Fiber En.bolie der Lun- gencapillaren mit fliissigem Fit hei Osteonive litis. 21 pp.. lpl. no. Goiiint/cn, IY. F. Kacsl- tter. W6'K |p.? v. 2[)2] !\ierieisturit (Joh. Theodorus). *!),• eliicaci'i adiiiiranilii cbinehina} ad gaiigramain sistembun in Angha observata. 30 pp. 4; Vitemberepi:, in op. Schlomachiana, [1734]. iYiederstetten See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Niedieck (Wilhelm) [1852- ]. * Feb,.,' \,.„. ritis migrans und ihre Folgezusiiinde [Greil's- wald.] 1 p. ]., 19 pp., 1 1. «o. Leip2ig ./. /■. Hirschfeld, 1877. J' Niedner (Christian Friedrich Fran/,) [1838- ], *Das Seharlachlieber und die epidemische An- mkmavn. ^^-t:nb]na3:t;::!;»tt'',%'-''n'' xxx, 391 nn 11 V" ,,-( 1'r'7"«*n- 1 p. I. va 2\ LI'-, v. in.;;] -V-»tpell*r, W.l, \... |*. ^i«laiMlt.Ioaiiii.-J,J„s..pl,„ll)fi::ii». l -f)ivH ;K»."r..Tp j-'.-.,?r^i,i,,Ii -5—sm*-......,,-,,: lirwtclicktams, [ I -::, ..'<»*< *{< jl> ( Mauri,, ,. ton Mitral ion* n.iatlw , , I etioleem, et au traiteinent de la ih*.,u,n. des pays chauds. 1 pp. 4-. /'arii, 'h4, \,. Hygiene navale; vm histnire, wm pri>gr>-». * . Paris, Lahttrr. [l-TiJ -.from: Arch, de m«d. n»v , Pel Manuel d'ol.shtriipie 011 a ■ ef du pratirien •> ed. I'uris, G. .Hanson, I--1 -----. filcilielifs ile patliolngie ixntltpie xii 791 pp., 1 1. l->. Paris, A. Drlak„9r 4 £. Lei-rosnier, 1**1. -----. Hygiene dt-. ]'.um]K*<-iis dan* lis* p»>» io- tertiDpiciuix. I. (iciigrapliie tnrriile. II Viii>n liliysiiiliigiipie i|,s cliinal-* intirimpii aux III. Leur action patliiigeimpie. IV. An liuialeiiiiiil des Knropccns elaii-lis elimais |iiiriuli«. V. !{■•■ glcs d'liygit'-iie it d'aci liniat.itiiui xx. V.'.i pp . 19 pl. 12J. Paris, A. Dtlakayr .f f.. lsrro;»rr. 31 pp lie,,. IV |, \2J IC7B. »ivi l*-lllili|inrf ill' xvi, -J.V1 pp. 188 4 I\irls<-ii (Jaenbns). II. - . Kilice, 1 . F XiclM'ii ( Joannes - lien) ' I>e warlntiya. -V> \l- ]. *De incaKcratione iutesiinoruin int«*ni4. 31 pp. - . Berolini. typ. A. Petnckii, [ KW ). [Also, in l\. v. 1547.] \i<-iii;iini (A. ) •Beitriige zur Lehre von der Cwiniirie beim Men-, lien. [ Gottiiiurn. ] :ti pji.. 1 pl. °. Leipzig. J. B. Hirtrkfeld. \4 pl'- ] Hundert. viii. 1*' PI',; vih. " V .; ,,p. - . Eila>igts,J.J.I'al»".f- mit- ' I.M 1 l-.-ite- /,',■/ C2. Eilanges, Ztschr. f- d- ErUsf. !«<■'"■ Hundert. ~ Erlanqen. J. J /*«/-.-■ ^ F i- "°; Repr. from: Ztsehr. f- d. >i...i-r«k »•"«- ^r5""' tf^u'dK-ahlarnn, » PP*. 1 H ^tdttingei.FA.H**^- NIEMANN. MS NIEMF.YER. \ieinaiiii (Carolus Godofredus)—continued. ■12 pp. sin. 4°. Lipsia; ex off. Klaubarthia, [178f>]. For Biography, see Oehler (.Joannes Carolus). Niemann (Christianus Augustus). * De can- thai issatiouis externa' effectibus in corpus hu- manum, momenta pnecipua circa cantharidum applicatione obscrvanda. 23 pp. 4°. U'eissen- felsce, typ. Severianis, [1791]. Niemann (Eduardus) [1794- ]. * De vi pro- pulsoria sanguinis negauda. 35 pp. 8C. Bero- lini, typ. J. /'. Starckii, [1815]. \ifilianil (Emil). Feber Hodennekrose. 16 pp. 8 . Breslan, W. Friedrich, [1884]. Repr. from.- Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1884, vi. Niemann (Gustav). * Beitrage zur Casuistik iles Diabetes insipidus. 28 pp. 8°. JYiirzburg, F. X. Buchti; 1877. Niemann ( Joachimus ). * De remediis niercu- rialibus spina* ventosa* medicauda* interdum idoueis. 52 po. 4°. Halw Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [177)4]. Niemann ( Joannes Christophorus ) [ 1750-8") ]. * De apoplexia* pathologia et therapia. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Halw ad Salam, stanno Hendeliano, [1772]. Niemann (Job. Friedrich) [1765-1841]. Hand- buch der Staats-Arzueiwissenschaft und staats- arztlichen Veterinarkunde nach alphabetischer Ordnung fiir Aerzte, Mediciualpolizei-Beainte und Richter. 2 v. xxxvi, 679 pp. ; xvi, 702 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1813. -----. Taschenbuch der gerichtlichen Arznei- wisseuschaft fiir Aerzte und Wundiirzte, Medi- cinal- und Sanitatsbeainte. xiii, 520 pp., 2 pl. 12°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, W27. Is 10. Theil, 1. Bd.. of: Allg. Encyclopadie f. pract. Aerzte u. Wundarzte, hrsg. von G. WT Consbruch u. J. F. Niemann. -----. Taschenbuch der Civil-IMedicinal-Polizci fiir Aerzte und Wundarzte, Medicinal-und Sani- tatsbeamte. xvi, 899 pp. 12°. Leipzit/, J. A.. Barth, W28. Is 10. Tlie.il, 2. Bd., 1. Abth., of: Allg. Encyclopadie f. pract. Aerzte n. Wundarzte, hrsg. von G. W. Consbruch u. J. F. Niemann. -----. Taschenbuch der Militair - Medicinal - Polizei fiir Aerzte und Wundiirzte, Meiiicinal- und Sanitatsbeainte. xv, 556 pp., 2 1., 4 id. 12°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, W29. Is 10. Theil, 2. Bd., 2. Abth., of: Allg. Encyclopadie f. pract. Aerzte u. Wundarzte, hrsg. von G. W. Consbtuch u. J. F. Niemann. With second title-page. See, also, t'oilcx ineilieamentarius Europaeus. Sec. iv. 2. ed. 8T I.ipsi,,: isi'-l. For Pot trait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Niemann (Job. Henricus). * De herniis. 16 pp. 4°. Erfordice, J. C. Gwrling, [1805]. Niemann (Julius) [1824- ]. *De iuflamma- tione renum parenchymatosa. 26 pp., 2 1. 8C. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1848]. Niemclienkoflf (V. A.) * Kartofel i ego pita- teiuost. [The potato and its nutritive value.] 39 pp., 3 tab., 1 I. 8->. St. Petersburg, ls.-'6. Niemeier ( Ludovicus Fridericus Cornelius ) [1837- ]. * De paralysi nervi facialis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1863]. Niemeijer ( Meinart). * Statistische en klini- sche niededeelingeu over febris typhoidea. 2 p. 1., 75 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Groningen, G. Hoitsema, 1886. Niemeijer ( Meinart Herman ). * Diabetes in- sipidus. 2 p. 1., 52 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningen, P. Noordhoff, W73. von Nieinentowski (St. D.)' * Synthese der Xitrococcu.ssa.ure und Versuche zur Synthese des Ruhcoccins. Zur Kenntniss der Anhydro-Ver- bindungen. [Erlangen.] 39pp. 8°. Miinchen, M. Ernst, 1886. Niein<-lM-liek (Joseph). See KomiI ( lTaneiscus) & IViemctftrhek (Josepli ). Der Ceiitralueivenpuls der Netzhaut, |etc.) sr l/Vin/ 1870.] NieilietZ (Joannes Wenccslaus). # De apoplexia s uiguiuea ratione, habita characteris physiolo- gici et anatomici, adnexis observationibus non- nnllis circa necroseopia in nosocoinio gcnerali P rage no instituta depromtis. 39 pp. 8J. Pra- gw, T. Thabor, [n. d.] IVienieyer (Aug. Herrn.) Jubelfeier (Die) des iiiufzigjahrigon akade- mischen Lehramtes Sr. Hochwiirden des Herrn Cauzlers und Professors D. Aug. Herrn Xiemeyer, am 18. April 1827. Vou einem aufnierksaineii Beobachter. s-'. Halle, 1827. Nieineyer (Carolus Edwardus ) [1792-1838], *Singularis in foetu puellari recens edito abnor- mitatis exemplum descriptuni et illustratum. 1 p. 1., 19 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Halce, ti/p. orphanotrophei, 1814. voii Niemeyer (Felix) [1820-71]. *De aneu- rysinate aortic thoraciea* addita morbi pro aneu- rysmal'' habiti historia. 49 pp. «>-'. Halce, formis Ploetzianis, [1843]. -----. Die symptoniatische Behandlung der Cho- lera, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Bedeu- tung des Darmleidens. 38 pp. 8-t Mae/cleburg, E. Fabricius, 1849. [P., v. 175.] -----. Klinische Mittheilungen aus dem stiidti- schen Krankeuhanse zu Magdeburg, iv, 58 pp. 8J. Magdeburg, G. Baensch. 1855. -----. Thesame. Della cura sintomatica del co- lera, con speeiale cousiderazione sui significato dell' affezione intestinale. Versione dal tedesco pel Tommaso de Amicis. 59 pp. 8°. Xapoli, 1865. -----. Lehrbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Phy- sioiogie und pathologische Anatomie. 2. Abdr. 2 v. xii, 697 pp.; vii, 781 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1859-61. v. 1. Krankheiten der Respirations- und Circulations- Organe. v. 2. Krankheiten der Harn- und Gesehlechtsorgane, der Nervencentren und der Nerven. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. 2 v. xvi, 774 pp.; viii, 798 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1865. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 2 v. xvi, 840 pp.; viii, 903 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1868. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. 2 v. x, t>22 pp.; viii, 909 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1871. -----. The same. 11. Aufl. 2 v. viii, 878 pp.; xi, 1004 pp. 8~J. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1885. -----. The same. A text-book of practical medi- cine, with particular reference to physiology and pathological anatomy. Transl. from the 7. Ger- man ed. by (ieorge H. Humphreys and Charles E. Hackley. 2 v. xv, 731 pp.; viii, 7-770 pp. roy. 8J. New York; D. Appleton if- Co., 1869. -----. The same. Elding voooloyia Kal ftepairevTiKf/ ovvTEjaypivr) Kal avaepopdv IS'iuc. wpbg rf/v cpvatohiyiav Kal nadoAoyiKT/v avaropiav. liacjuevi'wdeiaa pev vic6 E'vyeviov 2«t£. Meracj>pda-&eica di vk ryg kvarf/c eK- (5dctEwf rov yeppaviKoi) Kal Stei ar/peiuoeuv Kal -poodi/- kuv enavt;n{reiija virb Yeupyiov Kapapgroa. ("E/ido- oic devrepa gv^gpevg Kal chup&uphr/.) Topoc; trpcT)- toq. ii, 1026, vi pp. 8°. 'Ev 'Adgvaiq, tvtt. tc7>v 'A. BapBappr/yov, 1879. -----. Thesame, Rukovod. k chastnoi patolog. i terapii. Vnov obrabot. E. Seitz. Perevod s desjatiago . . . Niemetsk. izd. M. Hiischfelda. Pod red. V. V. Sviatlovskngo. 3 pts. in I v. 8-'. St. Petersburg, N. JJ'ilkin, 1881-2. -----. Die epidemische Cerehro-Spinal-Meningi- tis nach Beobachtungen im Grossherzogthuin Baden. 2. Abdr. 72 pp. 8°. Beiiin, A. Hirsch- wald, W65. NIEMEYER. 939 NIEMEYER. von Niemeyer (Felix)—continued. -----. Die Behandlung der Korpulonz nach dem sogenannten Banting-system. Ein populiir-wis- senschaftlicher Vortrag gehalten zu Stuttgart . . . 23. Dezember 1865. 37 pp. 8\ Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1866. -----. Klinische Vortriige iiber die Lungen- sehwiiidsucht. Mitgetheilt von Dr. Ott. 2. Anil. 112 pp. 8". Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1867. -----. Clinical lectures on pulmonary phthisis. Transl., by permission of the author, from the 2. German ed., by J. L. Parke. 116 pp. 8'--. New York, Moorhead, Simpson f Bond, W68. ------. The same. Transl., by permission of the author, from the 2. German ed., by C. Baeuinler. vii, 71 pp. 8'. London, Xeiv Sydenham Societi/, 187(1. ------. Thesame. Lecciones clinicas sobre la ti- sis pulmonar, traducidus por Ricardo Martinez Ksteban. 132 pp., 1 1. 8>. Madrid, F. Garcia f 1). Caravera, 1875. ------. Ueber das Verhalten der Eigenwarme be i gesunden und kranken Menschen. Ein popu- liirer Vortrag. 44 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, H69. ------. Elements de pathologie interne et de the- rapeutique. Traduction de l'allemand, revue et annot^e par M. le docteur V. Cornil. 3. ed. franvaise, .augmentee de notes nonvelles d'apres la huitieme ed. alleinande. 2 v. 711, 752 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, W73. ------. Sai Soi Roku. [A text-book of practical medicine; transl. by Sato Sochiu.] 14 v. 8°. Tokio, 1879. Japanese text. ------. Xetsu Shinrou. [The new doctrine of fever; transl. by Watanabe Yetsu.] 2, 2, 2, 237 pp., 1 pl., 4 pp., 31. 8°. Tokio, W86,. Japanese text. See, also, l> i osier we jj (Alexander Carolus Guilelmus Eduardus). Ivritisrhc i;i;itr;ij;e zur Physioiogie [etc.] fc°. Frankf. a. J/., 1869.— Kennedy (Henry). On the views of Niemever regarding phthisis. 8°.' Dublin. 1871.— Vailii'i'.l.i lie l'ohesite [etc. j 8°. Paris. 1873. /•',,/■ liiogrttpliii, see Deri. klin. Wchnschr., 1871. viii, 189-191. Also: Deutsches Anh. I. klin. Med., Leipz., 1871. viii, 427-444 (Ziemssen). Also: Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1871, xii, 133; 141; 151; 159; 167; 179. Also: Med. Times et Gaz., Lond., 1871, i, 642. For Fort rait, see N. Vork M. J., 1871. xiii. Niemeyer (Gnilielni. llerin.) * De origine pa- ris ijnint i nervorum cerebri. 52 pp. 8°. Hala; in Ubraria Orphanotrophei Halensis, [1811]. -----. The same. 94 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Halw, in Ubraria Orphanotrophei Halensis, lvll. Also, Editor of .- Zcitsclirift fiir Geburtshiilfe und praktische Medicin, Halle, 18J8. Niemeyer (Henr. Aug.) [1817- ]. *De hy- pertrophia lingiue congenita. 28 pp., 2 1. 4°. Halis, formis Orphanotrophei, [1842]. Niemeyer (Hugo). *Ein Fall von Lungenar- tciien-Enibolie nach einer Distorsio pedis. 16 pp. 8 . Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 18,-7. Niemeyer (Joannes Henricus Andreas). * De viola* eanina' in medieina usu. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 4°. Gottingee, H. M. Grape, [1785]. For Biography, see Murray (Jo. Andreas). Niemeyer (Ludov. Henr. Christ.) [1775-1800], L'oinnientatio de connnercio inter animi pathe- mata hepar bilemque; de causis ejusdem. nee non de usu et nioderamine illius pro practica medi- eina exspectaudo. 62 pp. 4°. Gottinga; J. C. Dieterich, [1795]. ------. * De menstruationis fine et usu. 68 pp., 11. 12°. Gottingw, J. C. Dieterich, [1796] ------. Materialien zur Frregungstheorie. Hrsg. von Georg Friedrich Miihry. xvi, 214 pp. 8 . Gottingen, J. G. Rosenbusch's JJ'ittwe, 1800. Niemeyer (Maximilianus Theodorus) [ 18.15]. * De hernia cerebri congenita, cujus ex- Niemeyer (Maximilianus Theodorus)—cont'd. empluni describitur et illustratur. 1 p. I.. 43 pp., 2 pl. 1J. Halw, typ. orphanotrophei, [1833]. Niemeyer (Paul) [1832- ]. *I)»- maiidibuhe ancylosi novaque ejus euratione operativa. 27 pp., 2 1. 8-. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1851]. ------. Betrachtungeu iiber die iirztliche Seite der Lebensversicherung. 11 pp. 8 . JYien, J. Loweuthal, 1865. Repr. from: Wien. med. Presse', 1865, vi. ------. Handbuch der theoretischen und clini- schen Percussion und Auscultation vom hisfo- rischen nnd critisehen Standpuncte bearbeitet. 2 v. xii, 246, x, 234 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1868-70. ------. Grundriss der Percussion und Ausculta- tion, nebst einem Index siinnutlicher in-und aus- landischen Kunstausdriicke. xvi, 125 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1871. ------. The same. A kopogtatiis es hallgatodzas alapvonalai. A masodik, nenict kiadiis utan forditotta: Ker6kgyfirtd Lorant. viii, 109 pp. 8C. Budapest, V. Lauffer, 1879. ------. The same. Compendio de percussao e auscultacao. Traduzido do original allemao por .Joao Felix Pereira e revisto pelo Dr. P. F. I Ni- cosia Alvarenga. 8°. Lisboa, imp. national, 1874. ------. Die Lunge ; ihre Pflege und Behandlung im gesunden und kranken Zustande, mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf Ltingonschwindsucht und einein Abschuitt iiber Kliinatologio. xvii, 175 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1872. ------. The same. Xobst einem Abschnitfe iiber Heiserkcit und ihre Heilung. 6. Aufl. xi, 275 pp. 16°. Leipzig, J. J. lYcher, 1887. ------. Medicinische Abhandlungen. 3 v. 8 Erlangen, F. Enke, 1872-5. CONTEXTS. v. 1. Atmiatrie (Athmungs- uud Luftheilkunde). v. 2. Grundziige einer Eadicalcur der einfachen Lun- genschwindsucht. Zur Lehre von der Percussion und Auscultation, x, 289 pp. v. 3. Grundziige einer klinischen Hygieine uud Dia- tetik, nebst einem Resum6 iilier Schwinilsuclil und eiuer Beilage. vii, 218 pp., 1 1. ------. Herz, Blut- und Lyinphgefasse. Hue Pflege und Behandlung im gesunden und kran- ken Zustande, einschliesslich Hamorrboiden, .Skrofelu, Fieber, Hitzsehlag, Erfrierungen, Blu- tungen u. s. w. xv, 225 pp. 12°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, W74. ------. Physikalische Diagnostik, einschliesslich der kliinatischen uud hygieinischen Untersu- chung fiir praktische Aerzte. xii, 332 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1874. ------. Gesundheitslehre des menschlicheu Kor- pers. viii, 291 pp. 12°. Miinchen, B. Olden- bun rg, 1876. ------. Ueber die akustischen Zeichen der Pneu- nionie. Habilitations - Vorlesuug am 18. Juli W76, gehalten vor der medizinischen Facultiit. Mit Zusiitzeu und eiuem Anhange iiber Be- reehtiguug uud Methode der populiiren Lehr- thiitigkeit. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 8r Stuttgart, /•'. Enke, 1876. ------. Eigakuteki Teicho Shinron. [A new trea- tise on auscultation and percussion; transl. by Sakurai Ikujiro.] 3 v. 12:. Tokio, 1878. Japanese text. ------. Behr'seher Gesundheitskaffee. 17 pp. 12°. Jena, H. Costenoble, [1880?] Repr. from his: Aerztliche Spreelistunden, vii. ------. Ueber gesundes und ungesundes Aussehen. 8<->. Heidelberg, C. Winter, W>9. In: Sammt,. v. Vortr. f. d. deutsche Volk, Heidelherg, 1SS0, iii, 211-231. ------. Aerztlicher Ratgeber fiirMiitter. Zwanzig I Briefe iiber die Pflege des Kindes von der Geburt NIE.MEYLR. 040 NIESZ. Niemeyer (Paul)—continued. bis zur Ki ife. Title-plate. iv, 306 pp. 8 . Stuttgart, J. Engelhorn, 1885. -----. Trichiuen-Catechismusin Fragen undAut- worteii, nebst einem Anhange iiber das Mikro- skop und einer lithographirten Tafel fiir Nicht - Aerzte. 4. Aufl. 16 pp., lpl. 8-. Genthin, <'. Don at h, 18-5. -----. Die Skrofelkrankheit. Ihre Entstehuug, Verhiitung und Behandlung. 103 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, Denicke, [n. d.] -----. Krummer Riickeu, flache Brust, Plattfuss: ihre Ursachen, Behandlung und Verhiitung. Ein Rathgeber fiir Jedermann. Mit 15 Abbil- dungen. 94 pp. Sr Berlin, Denicke; [n. d.] Also, Editor of: Aerzlliclie Sprechstunden, Jena. 1885-7. —Hy Kit* i a, Stutt gait, lsss. .s'cc also, I'intailo .fc .lorilan (Galo). Piretolngia [etc.] 8°. Madrid. 1S71 — Sell molckc (A.) Die Ver- hesseiung unserer Wohuuugen (etc.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1881.'— Slaelu- (C. L.) BodenA'eniilatiini als Seliutz- niassregel. 8°. Magdeburg, 1873. — SH'iulH (II.) Der Xiliilismus der einzig Wahre in der .Meili/in. |elc.J 8°. Leipzig, 1887. Nieilliec (J.) * Recherches niorphologiques sur les ventouses dans le regne animal. [Bern.] 147 pp., 5 1., 5 pl. 8°. Geneve; C. Schuehardt, W85. Niemojewski (A.) * Considerations sur les fracturis de la clavicule et leur traitenient. 6,2 pp., 1 1. 4J. Montpellier, 1879, No. 18. Nienlians (H.) Die Wuthkrankheitder Hunde. Keunzeichi'ii derselben bei ihrem Entstehen und in ihrem Verlaufe bis zum Ausbrncheder Raserei. Fine Belehrung fiir die Besitzer von Hiindcii. Nach einem Vortrage des franzosiseheu Veteri- niirarztes H. Baulev bearbeitet. 16 pp. 12 T Crefeld, J. Ii. Klein,' 186,4. Niepce. De la contagion et de la trausmissibi- lite de la tuberculose. 2. (3(1. 90 pp. 8>. Gre- noble, Breynat 3' Cie., 1886. Niepce (Alexandre). *Quelques consid6rations sur le cretiiiisine. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, W71, No. 59. Niepce (B.) M6moire sur Taction des bains de petit-lait, soil pur, soit h l'etat de melange avec Teau sulfureuse d'AUevard. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere; 1850. [Also, in : P., v. 1618.] -----. Traits du goitre et du cr6tinisme, suivi de la statistique des goitreux et des cretins dans le bassin de lTsereen Savoie. daus les departemeuts de l'Isere, des Hautes-Alpes et des Basses-Alpes. 2 v. x, 501 pp.; 200, xxxviii pp. 8J. Penis, J.-B. Bailliere, 1851. -----. De l'aetion de l'eau sulfureuse et iodee d'AUevard (Jsere) dans les affections chroniques de la poitrine, et de la maniere de les adminis- trer. 7 pp. 8--. [n. p., 187)3.] [P., v. 1618] -----. De Taction des bains de petit-lait dans les maladies du cceur, et principalement dans les palpitations nerveuses de cet organe. 9-23 pp. 8°. [n. p., W7)3 ] [P., v. 1648.]' Niepce-de Saint Victor (Claude-Felix) [1805- ]. Traite pratique 4- ]. *De exanthemate scailatinoso. 29 pp., 1 1. 8.-*. Be- rolini, B. Schlesinger, 1850. IVieratz. %cii§ei-lc. Nieratzbad. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1837, vii, 304-306. Nieremberger (Georgius Jacobus). * De dy- senteria. 26 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, 1779. Nierlians (Joannes Hermanuus) [1807- ]. * De phfhiseos pulmonum tuberculosa* pathologia. 28 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1840 J. Nieriker(F.) Die Cholerafalle im Bezirk Ba- den (Kanton Aargau) im Jahr 1867. 49 pp. .- Aarau. H. 11. Sauerleiuder, 186,7. Niermailll (.loh. Heuricus) [1831- ]. * 11,. pseiidarthrosi, addita historia morbi. 31 pp. 8 . Gryphia; F. Haehe, 187)9. <■ Niermeyer (Job. Hendrik). * Akadeiiiische. ]>roeve, bevatteude een door den schrijver waar- genomen ziektegeval. vii, 54 tip. 8-. Leiden, E. J. Brill, W7,6. Niermeyer (Johan Hendrik Anton). * Neuro- pathologisehe onderzoekingen. 2 p. 1., 74 pp. 8 . Lei tlen, gebr. van der Hoek, 1879. Niernsee (John R.) Description of the plan adopted for the "Johns Hopkins Colored Orphan Asylum", for 300 children, at Baltimore, Md. App. I. [Studies of octagon pavilions for hospi- tal wards, etc.] App. II. In: Hospital plans, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti- more. 8°. New Tork, ls7">. pp. 331-345, 13 pl. -----. Report ou the construction and embellish- ment of private dwellings in Vienna. 26 pp., 29 pl. 8°. JYashington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1875. Vienna International Exhibition, 1873. —•---. Review of " Hospital plans" of the Johns Hopkins Hospital [with description of wards]. 41,5 pp. 8°. [Baltimore; 1876.] Nierop (Gerardus). * De contagio varioloso ex observatiouibus indagato. 1 p. 1., 69 pp., 31. 4". Lugd. Bat., J. leMa'n; 1774. \ier*tein. Sirona-Bad (Das) bei Nierstein uud seine Mi- neralqiiellen. 8°. Mainz, 1827. Niesel (Max Rudolf Julius) [1864- ]. * Feber die Wirkuug fortgesetzter kleiner Dosen von Sehwefel beim gesunden Menschen. 42 pp. s\ Gteifswald, F. JV. Kunike. [1887]. Nicsemami ([Joannes Albertus] Guilelmus Ru- dolphus) [ \8->l- ]. * De spermatorrhoea. 38 pp., 1 1. 8-J. Berolini, ti. Schade, [1847]. Nicsemami (Jos.) * Ueber Trismus. 23 pp. 8<-. JViirzhnrg. F. X. Biicher, W78. Niesilis ( Benjamin). * De elephantiasi, seu lepra Arabum. 28 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. JYelperi, [1673]. Niesner (Herrn. Aug. Theophil.) * De fistularuni cura. 41 pp., 11., 1 pl. 8°. Gottingw, C. Herbst, [W29]. Niesse (Franz) [1852- ]. * Ueber das Verhiilt- | niss der peripherischen Temperatur zur centralen im Schweissstadium des Menschen. 39 pp. 8J. Berlin, G. Schade, [1877]. Niessen (Oscarus) [ls35- ]. * De placenta pnevia. 36 pp. 12 t Berolini, G. Lange, 1861. Niessen (Werner). * Hydrocephalus congenitus als Geburtsliinderniss. 44 pp. 8°. Miinehen, C. Wolf it. Sohn, 188(). Niessen (Wilhelm). *Feber Genu valgum und seine operative Behandlung. [Wurtzburg.] 24 pp. s-. Berlin, J. F. Stareke, 18^4. Niesie (John). A short treatise ou the use of ar- nica, and a few other useful homoeopathic pre- parations, to heal contusions, wounds, strains, sprains, lacerations, concussions, paralysis, rheu- matism, pains, soreness of the nipples, and to give ease before, in, and after parturition, etc. With a number of cases illustrating the use of several drugs. Compiled from the best authors. iv, 5-376 pp., 5 1., 10 pp. 12°. Canton, <>., D. Shell, W7A. -----. The family guide to health and husbandry; contaiuiug essays on homoeopathic and other medical preparations for the cure of diseases of men, horses, cattle, aud sheep, and imparting useful information to the dairyman and wool grower. 19 pp. 1 1., 4 pl. 12°. Canton, 0., D. Shell. 1851. NIESZCZOTT. 941 NIGELLA. Nicv/,<"/;otta (Michael [Nicodemus]) [1815- ]. *I)e eclampsia morbo evolutionis. 51 pp., 1 1. 8°. Yralislaviw, typ. off. Gitentheriana; [1841]. Nies/.kowski (Ladisias Fmile). * Sur Temploi therapeutique de l'iodoforme conside>6 conime cicatrisant et anestluSsique local. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 156. Niesziier (Stephanus). * De pneumonorrhagia. 33 pp. 8". Pestini, typ. Trattner - Kdrolyianis, [1837]. de Niet (Arie). * Typhus abdomiualis en typhus exantheniaticus in het Buitengasthuis te Amster- dam gedurende de jaren 1879-86. [Leyden.] 79 ])|>., 1 pl. 8°. Sehevcningen, 1886. Nieten (Ernestus Henricus) [1843- ]. *De ulcere ventriculi simplice. 31 pp. 8G. Berolini, G. Schade, W-,4. Nielei' (Adolphus Georgius Carolus Fridericus) Ll83ii- ]. * De tumoribus quibusdam a car- cinomate dignoscendis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange; [1859]. Nieter (Adolphus Jul. Car.) [1794- ]. * De vi et effectu hydrargyri in quibusdam morbis non syphiliticis. 26 pp. 8 t Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1818]. Nietiiainmer (Carolus Fridericus). * De statu rei chirurgica' et obstetriciie plurimis in terris deplorabili obscrvatiouibus contirmato. 18 pp. 4'\ Jence, typ. Stranckmanni, [1797]. Nietiiainmer (Emil Friedrich). * Chemische Untersucliuug des Scbwefelwassers, bei Sebas- tinnsweilcr. 24 pp. 8J. Tiibingen, C. H. Reiss u. C. A. Kiislnei; 1831. Nii'Uie (Jo. Daniel Theoph.) [1802- ]. * De partu post mortem. 31 pp. 8J. Berolini, typ. A. Petsehii, [1827]. Nietner (Job. Gottfried). * De glandularum natura et usu. 32 pp. sm. 4 . Erfurti, stanno Kindlebiano, [1694]. Nieto Serrano (Matias). Memoria acerca de la necesidad y utilidad de una asociacion general de profesores de ciencias m6tlicas, con espresion dc las principales bases sobre que conviene esta- blecerla; leida en la reunion preparatoria oele- brada con el misnio objeto eu la redaeeion del ■ Boletiu de medieina y oirugia el 14 de febrero de 1840. vi, 33 pp. 12-. Madrid, Yeiies, WW. -----. La reforma unSdica. 426 v>p , 1 1. 8°. Madrid, M. de Bajas, 1863. Date on cover, 18G4. -----. Elementos de patologia general, vi, 406 pp. 8~. Madrid, Maya y Plaza, 186,9. -----. Filosofia de la naturaleza. vi, 344 pp. 8 . Madrid, imp. tie E. Teodoro, 1881. See, also, Tlal^ai^ne (J. PT) Tratado de anatomia quin'ujica, etc. 8°. Madrid, 1861. Nietscli (Carolus Fridericus). Dissertatio ana- toinico-physiologica aeris in sanguinein vias sis- tens. 48 pp. i-r. Gottinga; C. Herbst, 1815. -----. Ueber verborgene Entziindung und die damns entspringeiulen bedeutendern korperli- clien Uebel. Nebst einem Anhange iiber die Einheit in der arztlichen Kunst. xxiv, 208 pp. 8\ Frankf. a. M., Hermann. 1819. Nietzki (Adainus) [1714-80]. * De febribus coinplieat is in genere. 3 p. 1., 84 pp. 4°. Halw' ad Sal am, e typog. Citrtiano, [1753] -----. De medieina organiea qnatenus philoso- phiam niechanicam sibi viudicante coiumeutatur. 12 pp. 4-. Halw ad Salam, e lypog. Citrtiano, [1753]. -----. Elenienta pathologia* universa-. 16 p. 1., 588 pp., 6 1. .8°. Halw ad Saltan, J. J. Curt ins, 1766. -----. The same. Editio nova emendatior. 2 v. [paged consecutively], xxiv, 478 pp. s°. Lau- sannce in Helvetia, F. Grasset et soc, 1784. Nieiibmir (Jacobus Martinus). * De emphy- seniate pulmonum vesieulari. 4 p. 1., 39 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8T Groningce, JV. van Boekeren, [1840]. Nieubunr (Martinus Jacobus). * De zona. 2 p. 1., 36 pp., 2 1. 8~. Groningw, F. JYilkens, [1849]. Nienw Archief voor binnen- eu buitenlaudsche Geneeskuude in haren geheelen onivang, door Dr. I van Deeu. v. 1-4, 1846-51. 8'-'. Zwolle, W. E. J. Tjeenk JVillhik. -----. Supplement. No. 1. 76 pp. 8°. Zwolle; 181,8. Nieuw practisch Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskuude in al haren onivang. Title of: Pi-actisch Tijdschrift voor de Geneesknnde iu al haren oinvang in 1817-."i4. Nieuwetliep. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Niciiweilllllijs (F. L. A.) Verbeterde berei- ding van de kina-loogzoiiten. Benevens genees- kundige waarnemingen metdezezuivere bestiind- deeleu der kina in tusschenpoozende en aanhou- dende koortsen, door Cs. Js. Nieuwenhuijs. xvi, 117 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. van der Hey f Zoon, 1823. Nieiiwenliuis (Christianus Ignatius). * Diss. exhihens observationes quasdani de usu, inpri- mis dia*tetico, muriatis soda- sen salis cibarii. 1 p. 1., 51 pp., 2 1. 8J. Gronint/a; H. Eekhoff, 1807. -----. Proeve eener geneeskundige plaatsbe- schrijving (topographic) der stud Amsterdam. 4 v. in 2. 8 . Amsterdam, J. ran der Hey, 1816- 20. See, also, Nicuwrnhiiijs (F. L. A.) Verbeterde be- reiding van de kina-loogzouten, [etc.] 8°. Amsterdam, l»23. Nieiiwenliuis (Lucas Cornells). * Diss, sis- tens momenta qua'dam de suiditate per punc- turam menibrana* tympani curauda. 1 p 1., 36 pp., 4 1. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, O. J. van Pad- denburg et G. van Vzerworst, [1807]. YieilVICllf ijt (Bernard) f 1(>;">4-171<8J. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phvs. &. Men of Sc, 120; 200. Nieiiwlancl (Pieter) [17G4-1 S.JTJ. Biographic. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk , Amst., 1870, ii,'8-20. Nienvv-lllaltliusiaaiisclie Bond. Sehetseu. Nos. 1-3, 188-2-4. 8-T Amsterdam, J. D. Brouwer. Each number paged separately. NieilWStrateil (J. C.) * Feber eiuen trans- portabeln 8i liwitzapparat. 34 pp. 8r Got- tingen, JV. F. Kaestner, W82. Nievre (Departement de la). Conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrity dn departement de la Nievre. Rapports sur les travaux de ces Con- seils pour les anu6es 188(1 et 81. par le Doct. Mi- gnot, et pour l'annee 1882, par le Doct. Hubert. 168 pp. 8°. Nerevs, imp. Xivvrnetisc; W83. i\ievre (Departement tic la). See; also, Cholera (Asiatic; History, etc., of), by localities. Etabi.isskmk.xt thermal de Sl.-Honore-les- Bains (Nievre), l'ancien Aqua* Nisiniei des ]{o- inains. Saison des bains de (I8ii8). 8°. Pans, 1808. ^ s^ella. Se,, also, Flour, e'e. Pellaeani (P.) Ueber die wirksanien Bestandtheile des gemeinen Siliuarzkiiunuels (Nigella sativa L.). Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz.. ISSJ-K. xvi, 440-tal. _____. Sui principii.ittivi della Xigella sutiva. Aun. univ. iii nied. oehir.. Milano, 188:). iilxiii, :t7-50. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1883, iv, 45-56. NIGER. 042 NIGHTINGALE. I\i^ir. Sec, also, Africa; Fever (Malarial, History, etc-,, of), by localities. ITI'i'ormac. Note on the Niger expedition. Edinb. M. & S. .1.. 184,">, lxiv, 341-345.—OlilfieM (K. A. K.) On the diseases of the natives resident on the banks of the river Niger. Loud. M. e.V- S. J., 1835-6, [n. a.], viii, 403-407. Niger (Antonius) [ -1555]. Consilium de tn- enda valetudine. 42 1. 12°. Lipsia; in off. V. Papw, 1554. Bound with: Dresseu (H.) De partibus corporis hu- mani [etc.J 12°. Witebergce, 1583. -----. The same. 39 1. 16°. Lipsiw, in off. V. Papa; 1555. Bound with: Palingexrs (Marcellus). Zodiacus vitae [etc.] 16°. Basilece, 1557. -----. The same. 46 1. 16°. Lipsiee, in off. hw- redttm V. Papw, 1558. ■-----. The same. 42 1. 16°. Witebergw, C. Sehleichet A. Schone, 1573. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. j\ijgfer (Scxtius). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven. — Collec- tion of Portr. (Libr.) Niggenianil (Wiih.) * Das Kniephanomen uud seine quantitative Bestimmung. 38 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheinei; 1886. Niggl (Ignaz). * l'eber Otorrhcea oder Ohren- rluss. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, 1848. V iii 111 - Sic; also, Insane (Influence of night, etc., on). Bally (J.-(_'.) * Keeherches sur l'influence de la unit dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1807. Baykh (M. J.) Die Nacht in ihrer Beziehung zum Organismus. 8°. JYiirzburg, 1824. BoiciiKKLK (C. G.) * De noctis vi in hominem. 8°. Jence, [W40]. Flitm.ming ((j. ) * De noctis circa morbos efficacia. 8°. Berolini, [1821] Fuaxcke (H. L.) * De noctis efficacia in nin- tando moi borumdecusu commentatio. 4°. Lip- siw, [1811]. Grass (>S.) * De morbis nocturnis et nocturna niorboruin exacerbatione. 4 . Jena; [1709]. GtiLLAtMOD (C.-J.-E.) * Sur l'iufluence de nuit dans l'etat de sant6 et de maladie. 4°. Paris, 1812. Hey.m (G. C.) * De nocturna plurimorum mor- borum exacerbatione. 4°. Helmstadii, [1763]. Influence (De Y) de la nuit sur les maladies. Recueil des m6moires cou rounds par la Soci6te dc m6decine de Bruxelles. [Par Jacques-Julien- Richard de Laprade, Aymone, J.-A. Murat, et d'Hemptiiies.] 8. Bruxelles, 1806. Forms v. 1 of Actes Soc. de med. de Brux. SIoricheau-Beat-champ. De la nuit, et son influence sur les nialades. 8°. Paris, 1808. Pouet (A.) * Etude sur les ali6n6s au point de vue de la nuit. 4°. Paris, 1865. Iv'eydellet (J.-E.) * Essai sur la nuit. 4°. Paris, 1819. Schuster (P.) *De vespene et noctis effica- cia, in mutaudo morborumdecursu. 8\ Jindo- bonw, [1830]. Taillefek ( A. ) * De l'influence de la nuit sur riiomme daus l'etat de sant£ et dans l'etat de maladie. 4°. Paris, 1820. de Witt Hamer (H. M.) * De nocte, ejusque vi et efficacitate in affectionibus pathologicis corporis humani vel produceudis vel augendis. 8-. Lugd. Bat., 1835. R;ile*triei-i (P.) Memoria aull' influenza dei periodi cclcsti sulla naturae sui corso delle nialattie dell' uomo, secoudo le stagioni e i climi, e soprattutto dell' iufluen7,a del periodo della notte e del giorno. Filiatre-aebezio Xapoli, 1843, xxvi. 77; 143; 204; 274. Night medical serrice. New York ( State ). Assembly. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to organize a i\ igiit medical serrice. night medical service in the city of New York, to provide medical assistance in case of sudden sickness or accident during the night time" passed June 26, W8{>. No. 360. March 24, Ihh-V Introd. by Mr. Crane, fol. [Albanu, 1882.] Rezzonico (A.) Guardia niedico-cliinirgica uotturna nel comuue di Milano eretta iu corpo morale con decreto reale del 1° setteinbre 18K', Relazione sull' andamento morale ed econoniicn dell' anno 1884. Lettnra tat fa dal dot tor . nell'assemblea gcnerale dei soci beuefaltori del 29 marzo 1884 ed atti relativi. so. Mtfano, ls,<, Clinpplain (J.) Service medical dc unit, Marseille med., 18<6, xiii, ')77-.r>84.—C'oinim-ngf. Ra)iiiort sur le service m6dical des bureaux de liienfaisni.c.e et le service medical de nuit a Paris. Gaz. nied.-chir. jiv«I (A.) Nuit (hygiene et service medical de nuit). Did. encvi-l. d sc ined Par 1879, 2. s., xiii, 749-771.—ill etlit.-il (tlie) niuai-dia uiedi, u-rliirur- gica uotturna in Milano. Atti Acead. ns.-med.-statist di Milauo, 187.3, xxxi, 26-34. — >jmIiU| (H.) A lirief state- ment of the plan of night ruetliral service in actual opera- tion in Paris aud other European cities, with a view to its introduction in New York. Med. Rec, NT V 1880 xvii 229-231.—Night medical service. [Edit. | .Med. (iaz., n! T., 1880, vii, 498. — PstNNanf. Service medical de nuit dans la ville de Paris ; statistiipie du le' octolire an 31 dr.. cembre 1886. Gaz. d. hop.. I'ar., 1887, lx, 85.— V'*-. London, Longmans [and others], 1871. -----. Life or death in India, with an appendix on life or death by irrigation, 1874. 63 pp. 8°. London, Spottiswoode a Costa (J. M.) The night-sweats of phthisis. In: Notes Hosp. Pract. (Miller), 8°, Pbila., 1879, pt. 1. 29.-----. 'the treatment of the night-sweating of phthisis. Med. News & Abstr., Phila., 1881, xxxix, 451-459— Del ion \. De l'emploi du t annate de quinine contre lis sueurs nocturnes. Union ni6d., Par., 1853, vii, 170.— Duckworth (D.) On l\ight-sweats. the value of oxide of zinc in the nisht-sweats of phthisis St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1875, xi. 60.—l)i:lnc*lt:i (G.) Tiidiiveszesek izzadasa s a pilocnrpin. [Pilncai i,i11 in night-sweats of phthisis. 1 < 1 wijvaszaiT Ilmhipest 1881 xxi, 449-452. Also, transl. ( Abstr. T I'e-t. mcil -chir' Presse, Budapest, 1881, xvii. 917-919. —Enjjel ill i Jalio- randi in night sweats. Me■6puv ovyyaipeuv ele; cike^updjiiitiKti. 1 p. 1., 103 pp, sm. 4-\ Colonice, opera J. Sole ris, 1530. -----. Qr/piaKei. [Also:] 'A'Ae^icpappaKa. Inter- pret!* Jo. Gorraeo. 3 1., 223 pp. 4°. Parinis apud G. Morelium, 1557. Greek and Latin text. -----. The same. Les oeuvres de . . . traduictes en vers francois. Ensemble, deux livrc> des veuins, ausquels il est {implement discount des bestes venimeuses, th6riaques, poisons et con- trepoisons, par Jaques Grevin de Clermont en Beauvaisis. 90 pp., 11. 4°. Anrers, C. Plantin, 1567. Bound with: Grevin (J.) Deux livres des i enins, [etc ] 4°. Anvers, 1568. -----. The same. Joannes Gorrha»i:s Latiuis versibus reddidit, Italicis vero qui nunc primum in lucem prodeuut Ant. Mar. Salvinins. Acce- dunt variantes codicum lectiones, selecta- adno- tationes, et Gru'ca Eutecni sophistic nifctaphrasis ex codicibus medice.e, et Vindobon. bibliothecie descripta ac nondum edita curante Aug. Mar. Bandinio. 4 p. 1., 376 pp. 8°. Florentiw, ex off. Moiick'tanct, 1764. Greek, Latin, and Italian text, -----. Alexipharmaca. Jo. Gorraeo . . . inter- prete. Ejusdem interpretis iu Alexipharmaca praefatio, omnem de venenis disputationem sum- matim complectens, et annotationes. 70 ff., 11. 12°. Parisiis, apud Vascosanum, 1549. Greek and Latin text. -----. The same. Alexipharmaca sen de veueuia in potu cibove homini datis eorumque reine- diis carmen. Cum scholiis graecis et Entecnii sophistic paraphrasi gneca. Ex libris scriptis emendavit animadversionibusqiie et paraphrasi latiua illustravit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, xx, 346 pp. 8°. Halce, imp. orphanotrophei, 1792. -----. ~Lxo/ta avuvvpov tivoq avy/paepeuc. I,x6"/ta fiiaepdpuv ffr> } nn^/-wv eif a'/.tf/tfipt/eiKa. 80 pp. 4-T Parisiis, apud G. Morelium, 1557. Greek and Latin text. Round with his .- erjpiaKoT 4°. Parisiis, 1557. ,See, also, 79. -----. Boliezni nosovoi polosti. [Diseases ot the cavity of the nose.] 50 pp. 8C. St. Peters- burg, W82. In: Med. Biblioteka. NIKITUr. 945 NIMPTSCH. Nikitill (V. X.)—continued. ______. Kukovodstvo k izuchenion laringoskopii i boleznei gortaui. [Manual of laryngoscopy and diseases of the larynx.] 280, ii pp. b°. St. Petersburg, Med. Bibl., W84. _____Boliezni nosovoi polosli. [Diseases of nasal cavity.] 131pp. M St. Peleis'mrg, Fjem. jmir. prakt. med., 1888. Nikitllikoff. *K vopr. o lonijcn. teniperaturi tiela u tifoznich ebrez ochlajdeiiic sbei. [Lower- ing of temperature in the body in typhoid fever by cooling the neck.] 38 pp., 1 1., 12 tab. 8°. St. Petersburg, W87). IViklas (Wenceslaus . . * Diss, sistenscystocatar- rhinn. adnexis historiis morbi synopticis. 25 pp. 8°. Pro gee, typ. flioriim T. Haase; [1844]. rVikle\vi«"/. (Ignatius^ * De uteri prolapsu. 19 pp. 4 T Jena; typ. Seltdtnianis, [18J8]. For Biography, see Slark (Joann. Christ.) IViklewski ( Josephus). * De ophthalmoblen- 36 pp. 81- Gryphiw, F. G. Kunike; e. * K voprosu o zarosheuii n. [Changes in thrombus ui.] 16 pp.,1 pl. 8°. St. norrhoeis [I860]. rVikOlaeff (Gregory V arterii poslie perevjaz in arteries after ligati Petersburg, 1871. Hfikolaeff (Maximus). * K gistologii rogovoi obolotchki cbelovechkago glaza. [Histology of cornea of human eye.] 46 pp., j. 1. 8°. St. Petersburg, tipog. J. Treja, 1868. Nikolaeff(Philip). * K istorii razvitija zubove. [On development of the teeth.] 31pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1871. Nikollai (R.) Sbornik prakt. m^dicsini za 1885 g. Sostavlen. po russ. med. journal. [Collec- tion of practical medicine for the year 1885. Extracted from Russian medical journals.] 94 pp. 12°. Kazan, 1886. Nikolaides (R.) 'A-nravrj/aic Agpi/rpiov Xaaiurov etc; rf/v ev tu "YaTir/vu" eiriKpiotv P. ~S/Ko?.aidov cYtKr/v napaprgpaTog tu api&. 6rov uYa,/ijveivv (1884) iirtobvnppevg. 40 pp. 8°. Atiyvai, W84. Aikolaieff. See Hospitals (Naval, etc.), Medicine (Clini- cal, Statistical reports of), by localities. Nikolil (Nikola H.) [1854- ]. * Leber Wund- behandlung mit Jodoform mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Jodoforiutampouade von Wundholen. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, O. Francke, [1882]. Nikolski (Demetrius). * Regulirovanie tepla u tifoznich bolnich pod vlijaniem cholodnich vanne (ve 20°-30° Cl. ). [On regulating the temperature in typhus by means of cold baths of 20-30° C] 42 pp. 8~. " St. Petersburg, W7Q. Nikolski (Michael). * Materijali dlja rieshenija voprosa o vlijanii kokaina na jivotnii organizm. [Effect of cocain on the animal organism.] 25 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1872. Nikolski (Peter). * Gistolog. izsliedovanie kost- noi mozoli po otnosheniou ke razlichnime vozras- tame. [Histological researches into the develop- ment of osseous tissue.] 18 pp., 1 pl.. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1870. IVikolski (V. I.) *Tambovskii uezde. Statis- tika naselenija i boleznennosti. [District of Tambov. Statistics of population and diseases. ] viii, 383 pp., 6 tab., 47 pp., 21 diag. 8°. Tambov, 1885. Nililllt (Antonius). # De angina, speciatim mu- cosa. 32 pp., 1 1. 4°. Harderovici, J. Moojen, [1787]. Nilant (Lambertus). * De libertinis. 18 pp., 5 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1748. [P., v. 993.] IVile (River). See Egypt; Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), by localities—Egypt. 60 .Viles (D. Waterhouse). Ethical therapeutics, or the treatment of disease by moral management, vs. dines and medicines. 32pp., 1 1. 8-. Sandy Hook; Conn., N. Eng. M. Month., W-.'< Repr. from: N. Eng. M. Month., Xew town, Conn., 18S-.'-:j, ii. IViles (John B.) Address delivered before the officers and students of the Iudiana Medical College (Laporte), at the close of the session of 1845-6. 13 pp. *'*-. Indianapolis, 1846. >il<»S (Nathaniel) & Kliss (John D.) Medical statistics; or, a comparative view of the mor- tality iu New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston, for a series of years; including com- parisons of the mortality of whiles and blacks in the two former cities; and of whites, free blacks, and slaves, in Baltimore. 11 pp. 8°. New Vork. E. Bliss, 1827. [Also, iu : P., v. 118 ; 827.] [Niles (Samuel V.)] In memoriam. Francis Asbury Ashford. 15 pp. 8°. lYashington, D. C, Gibson Brothers, 1*83. Nilo (Charles). * De la bronchotomie et de ses applications. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851. No. 104, v. 512. IYilo (J[ose] R[oniao] Rodrigues). * Snr la neces- site d'un bon diagnostic : suivie de Texpositiou de quelques causes geiierales d'erreur dans cette partie de la pathologie, et. de quelques reflexions snr les difficultes qn'elle presenter 20 pp. 4C, Paris, 1821, No. 120, v. 166. ------. Noticia sobre a coleia-morbo, epidemia acualniente reinnnte em Lisbon, meios preserva- tivos, e curativos d'ella : offerecida aos sens con- cidadaos. 22 pp., 1 1. 8J. Lisboa, 1833. [P., v. 1262.] Nilsson (Clas). See "ISlas (Olof). Om cholera-morbus. 8°. Upsala, 1849. Nilsson (Emil). Vara kinder [On clothing]. 101 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Samson r-vi.a sive vigilia praternaturali. 24 pp. 4°. [Altdorf], lit. H. Meyeri, [1697]. NIMPTSCH. 946 NIPPLES. Nilliptscll (Ulricus Sigismundus)2. * De dif- ferenti medicameutorum operatione secunduni diversam corporis humani idiosyncrasiam. Yon der verschiedenen YViirckung derer Artze- neyen nach der verschiedenen Beschaffenheit des menschlichen Corpers. 3)5 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halw Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1731]. Nillisrll (Joh.) *Ein Fall von Cancroid der iius- seren Genitalien des YVeibes. 25 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1884. Will y Plllles (.Jose). Estadistica deniogratica medica de Barcelona. iv., 1.881 ; vii., 1884. broadside sheets. Barcelona, 1882-85. Suppl. to: Enciel. med.-farm., Barcel. Nina (Almir). * Do Piio Pereira, da Pereirina e sens sties suas iudicacoes e coutra-indicacoes nas niauifestacoes agudas da malaria. 77 pp., 1 1. ,-*\ Kio de Janeiro, G. Leuzinger <$• filhos, 1883. Number (Joh. Didericus). * De rachitide. 3 p. 1., (52 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., C. C. van der Hoek, 184(1. IViiK'i (Francesco). Lettera del . . . all' . . . Antonio Targioni-Tozzetti, descrivente la ma- lattia deltatifo petecchiale e curadella medieina. 12 pp. 12^. Firenze, L. Ciardetti f Comp., 1817. Niildel (Joan. Fridr. Leopold.) * De erysipelate infantili. 40 pp. ."'-. Dorpati Livonorum, typ. J. ('. Schunmanni, 1829. Nines (P.-A.-Y.) * Quelques considerations sur l'hvdropisie eu general. 46 pp., 31. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1874, No. 21. lYiiigpo. .Sec, also, Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Henderson (W. A.) On fever in Ninj.pi> and Che- foo. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81. xxvi, 797-803. —Reports on the health of Ningpo, 1870-86. Customs (la/.. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1870-71, no. 1, 141: 1872-3, no. 5, 25: 18.3-5, no. 7, 24: 1875-0, no. 11, 27: 1876-7, no. 13, 46. Continued in: China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1877-8, no. 14, 65: no. 15, 21: 1878-9, no. 17, 6: 1880-81, no. 20, 27: 1881-2, no. 22, 13: 1882-3, no. 24, 17: 1883-4, no. 26, 73: 1884-5, no. 29, 6: 1886, no. 32, 68. INiiillill (Henri) [1722- ]. See Celsus (Aurelius Cornelius). Trait6 de me>decine [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1855. Ninniiiger (Armin. Alexander). * De remo- venda placenta. 15 pp. 8°. Jenw, typ. Schrei- beri et fil., D5C>. C. Niofoey (P.-Alphonse). *Sur diverses proposi- tions de medecine et de chirurgie. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 147, v. 475. -----. Histoire medicate du chotera-morbus 6pi- demique qui a regne en 1854 dans la ville de Gy (Haute-Saoue), suivie de tableaux statistiques [etc.] 197 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- liere f fils, 187)8. Wiort. Guillemeau (J.-L.-M. ) Coup-d'ceil histori- que, topographique et medical sur la ville de Niort et ses environs. 32°. Niort, 1795. Bodeau. Constitution medicale du 1" trimestre de 1840. Her. d. trav. Sue. de med. de Niort, 1843, pt 2, 65- 70. — .VI on I lie. Essai de topographie de la ville de Niort et de ses environs. Rec. de inem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1860, 3. s., iii, 15; 96. Wiox(H.-N.) "Propositions medicates. 11 pp. 4°. Paris, W22, No. 124, v. 173. Miplier (Francis E.) On the variation in the strength of a muscle. 6 pp., 1 pl. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., W75. Repr. from: Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven, 1875, x. NipllllS (Augustinus) [1473 (?)-1545 (?)]. De dielms critic-is seu decretoriis aureus liber ad Vicentium Qnirinum patritium Yenetuin nuper editus et maxima cum diligentia impressns. xv ff., 11. fol. [ Venetiis], A. Calcedomus, [1504]. -----. De auguriis libri ii, nee non de diebns criticis liber i. His accesserunt, Urania* divina- lYiphu* (Augustinus)—continued. trieis, quoad astrologia- generalia, lib. ii. jam primo iu lucem evolantes, alas suppeditante Rodolpho Goclenio. 4 p. 1., 143-150 pp. 4-. Marpurgi. typ. P. Egenolphi, 1614. [P., v. 631.] Nipple shields. See Nipples (Artificial), etc. Nipples. Duval ( F. - J. ) * Du mamelon el de son aureole, anatomie et pathologie. 4 . I'aris 1861. Del inns (P.) M6moire sur l'anatnniie it, la patholo- fiii' ilu mamelon. dans leurs rapports avii; rallaitement. Uninu med. ile la Gironde. Bordeaux, 1860, v, 303, 1 pl. ; 450.— 8(.l ohservations d'accoiiclieinents et de suites de couches. 4°. Paris, 1877. Dithmar (E.-T.) * Essai sur les maladies du mamelon. 4°. Strasbourg, 18-11. Grau y O'Doxeut (E.) * Des 16sions non . specifiques du mamelon pendant 1'allaitement. 4°. Paris, 1875. vanGries(A.) * Ueber Warzentumoren. Hr Wurzburg, 1886. Haxser (A.) * Ueber das Epithelialcarcinom der Mamma und iiber " Paget's disease". 8 Heidelberg, 1886. Kirstex (J. P.) * De papillaruni lactantiuni ex ulceratione ejusque euratione. 4°. Lipsiex, [1840]. Merritt (EminaL.) * Quelques recherclnn sur le rapport des crevasses du mamelon aux abces du sein. 4°. Paris, W87. Salvetat (L.-A.) Essai sur les gercures du mamelon. 4°. Paris, 1872. .Sebastian (J. F. (J.) * De vitiis papillaruni inainuiariim laetationem iiii]iedieutibiis eorum- que medela. 4°. [n.p., 1793.] NIPPLES. 947 NIPPLES. Nipple* (Diseases of). Vkueite (J.-M.-E.) * Des gercures du sein chez les femmes qui allaitent. 4°. Strasbourg, 1st if,. Alvisi (L.) Del liquore stagnotii'o del Pagliari nelle esceu-iazioni e nelle ragadi dei capezzoli. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1861, xxiv, 69-73. — Amiss (J. H.) Treat- ment of sore nipples. N. York M. Press, 1860. iii, 219. — Anilerson (T. Mc(T) Note on Paget's disease of the nipple. Glasgow M. .1., 1882, [4. s.]. xviii, 241. —Ansel- ■n ier. Traitenient des gereyuros du sein pendant rallaite- ment. Union nied., Par., 1859, 2. s., i. 11. — Aretacos (T.J 'Ivuifia ixv£utxaTiKbv Kara tov ii.a)7rib?, AOijcai, 1870-71, ix, 193-201.— Aniiiii*. Blutuug (lurch die Brustwarzen einer niihren- di'ii Fran. Wclmschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, vi, 719. — Ailee (W. F.) The pre sent state of our knowledge irspectnig I he connection het ween eczema and an affection re.si'iuliling eczema of the nipple, and a malignant disease of I he breast. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1884, n. s., lxxxvii, •6!l-474.—Bachelder (S. F.) Mammillitis. Boston M. A S. .1., 1875, xcii, 437. — Bailaloni (G.) Cura delle ragadi del capczzolo. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1870. 4. s., xii, 417. Also: Riv. ital. di tern p. ed ig., Piacenza, 1884, iv, 148—Barker (IT) A clinical lecture upon sore nipples and mammary abscess. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii. 441. —Bcrger (I) Adatok n6mely a gyerniek&gyban elofordu 16 bimb6-6s einlob&utalmak aetiologiajahoz. [Eti- ology of diseases of the nipples dining childbed.] Gvii- gy&szat, Budapest, 1884. xxiv, 809-814. Also, transl. .- Me- dycyna, Warszawa, 1884, xii, 289-293. — Betz (F.) Der Prurigo der -weiblichen Brustwarze. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg, 1854, xxiv. 181. — Bou- cher. Notice sur deux moyens de preserver ou de guCrir le sein des jeunes nourrices, des crevasses ou gercures, qui sont les suites de rallaitement. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1808, xxxii, 141-148.—Bridges (V. R.) Bismuth subnitrate in sore nipples. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1878, iii, 49.—Broea. L'ecoulement par le mamelon d'une serosit6 saugiiinolinte nest pas l'iudice d'une tumeur cancereuse du sein. Hull Seic. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 173-175.—Builer (G. W.) Treatment of fis- sure of the nipple (liiriinr lactation. Ohio M. Recorder. Columbus, 1877, i, 544.— [Case.] Kyste s6bacc ilu nia melon. Union med., Par., 1874, xxviii, 418. — Clialot. Phlegmon annulaire de l'areole du sein Gaz. hebd. el. sc med. de Montpel., 1881, iii, 253. ------. Cancer dc l'areole et du bout du sein simulant un eczema. Compt. rend. Soc. de mod. et chir. prat, de Montpel., 1882-3, 7-10.— Charrier. De l'emploi de l'acide picrii|iie dans les lesions du mamelon pendant la lactation. Gaz. il. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 484-48ii.—Cutler (E.) Treatment of .sore nipples. Med Rec,., N. Y., 1874, ix, 180. — De I.espi- nasse (A. F. II) Tepelkloven: mastitis: aanwendiug vail collodion. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ycrlosk., Utrecht, 1852, v, 443-447. -Depa u I. Etat du service: hemor- rbagie apr6s l'accoiicheinent ; frisson par suite de cre- vasses au sein ; matidres fecales noires de l'enfant caus6es par les crevasses au sein de la noun ice. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1878, vi, 97. — »e Sehwciuitz (G. E.) A case of Paget's disease of the nipple and areola. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliv, 126-129. — le Diberder. Note sur la nature et le traitement des gergures du mamelon. Ann.de gynec, Par., 1876, vi, 173- 178. — Boser. Ein Geuiige leistendes Mittel fiir aufgesprungeue unel schwii- rigeoder wunde Brustwarzen dersaugenden Miitter, deren Heilung sonst alien andern hartnackig widersteht. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1812, lAnn. d. Heilk., 785]. — Ouhi- ing- (L. A.) Two cases of Paget's disease of the nip- ple. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1883, n. s., lxxxvi, 116-120.— Duhring (L. A.) efe Wile (H.) On the pathology of Paget's disease of the nipple. Ibid., 1884, n. s., lxxxviii, 141-149. — Fissures ou crevasses du mamelon. Sante pub., Par., 1876, 481 — Foils (D. V.) Sore or excoriated nipples. Boston M. : S. J., 1811. vii, .36-38. —Ki pa (L.) Delia cura delle ragadi delle niaiiiiuelle. Gazz. med, ital. lomb., Milano, 1854,' 3. s., v, 253.—Sawyer (E. W.) Af- fections of the nipple and breast incident to early lacta- tion Chicago 11. J. \- Exam., 1877, xxxv, 561-582.— Scharlau. Ueber Entziindung der Brustwarzen und Brustdriise bey Wochuerinnen. (Aus der gyuakologi- schen Klinik von Prof. Martin.) Berl. klin. Wclmschr., 1864, xix, 191 : xx, 197.—Schneider (P. J.) Mittel gegen entziindete Brustwarzen. .1. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1837, lxxxiv, 3. St., 57. — Sezary. Eelampsie reflexe par l'hyp6restesie du mamelon survenue huit jours apres la defivrance. Alger med., 1874, ii. 45-47. — Sherwell (S.) Paget's disease of the nipple. J. Cutan. & Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1882-3, i, 184. ------. Paget's disease, or malignant papillary dermatitis (Thin). [Abstr.] Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., i884, n. s., lxxxvii, 170-173.—Smith (H.) A case of so-called eczema of the nipple and areola; destruction of the areola ; arrest ol' the development of cancer. Lan- cet, Lond., 1882. i, 684.—Sokolow. Myoma lasvieellulare (Leiomyoma) der rechten Brustwarze. Arch. f. path. Auat., etc., Berl., 1873, lviii, 316-321. — Steiner. Zur Behandlung wunder Brustwarzen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 393-395.—Therapeia euxoAos «ai ra^eia Kara. tuiv paydStov rdv ij.a.o-Ta>v irapa raU #>)Aa£ovo-a.ie; 'i>?. 'Iarpocij MiAicaa, 'Adiji/ai, 1853, i, 45.— Thin (G) On the connection be- tween disease of the nipple and areola and tumours ot the breast. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881, xxxii, 218-227, 1 1„ 1 pl. ______. Malignant papillary dermatitis ot the nippl", and the breast-tumours with which it is found associated, illustrated bv specimens Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1881, l, 760; 798—Vernenil. Squirrhe de la mamelle avec adenopa- thie axillaire, eonsecutif a. un eczema ehronique du ma- melon ■ examen histologii|u.' de la tumeur. Semaine med., Par 1883 2. s., iii. 369.—Vol*. (R.) Ueber die Sebrunilcu der Brustwarzen und deren Heibingen. Med. Ann.. Hei- delb., 1836, ii, 517-524.-WaSner. Ein techuisches Ver- fahren Schi unden der Brustwarzen becht zu heilen. JN. NIPPLIrS. 94S N1SNK1I0N. Nipple* (Diseases of). Zts.hr. f. Geburtsk., Berl.. 1851, xxx. 58—White (F. V.) Sore nipples. Med. Rec... X. Y.. 1878. xiv, 175-177.—Wil- son (J. G.) On tin' value of the nitrate of lead in the treatment of sore nipple s. Glasgow M. J.. 1868-9, [4. s J, i, 321.— Winekel (IT) Ueber deu Einfluss wunder Brustwarzen auf das Allgemeinbefinden der Saugenden. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1864, ii, 21-23. Nipples (Eczema of). See Breast (Tumors of, Cancerous); Nipples (Diseases of). Nipples (Retracted). Davies (H.) Retraction or depression of the nipple of the breast in women. Mid. Times ..y Gaz.. Loud., 1852, n s., iv, 350.— Duncan (M ) Retracted nipples. Lau- cet, Lond., 1872. ii. 671. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1873-4, i, 517.—Kehrer (F. A.) Xote ou retracted nipple. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1874, iii, 186. Nipples (Watery discharge from). See Ascites (Spontaneous cure of). Nippoldt (Joannes Christianus Guilielmus). De murbillis. 34 pp. 8°. Marburgi, typ. Bayr- hofferi academicis, [W27], Nippoldt (W. A.) * Untersuelinngen iiber den galvanischeu Widerstand der Schwefclsiiure hei verschiedenen Concentrationsgraden. [Gottin- gen.] 40 pp. 8°. Frankfurt, Mahlau it. ll'ald- schmidt, 1869. c. Niquet ((iustave). * Des causes de la niort daus la phthisic pulmonaire ehronique. 8? pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1878, No. 47,9. Nisfoet (Guilielmo). *De anevrysinate. 17 pp. 8°. Wireebnrgi, ex off. rid. Becker, 1849. C. Nishet (Josias). * De rlieumatismo acuto. 1 p. L, 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour, Auld et Smel- lie, 1768. [Jho, in: P., v. 67)2.] Nisbct (William) [17.7J-1H22]. First lines of the theory and practice in venereal diseases. 4~)3 pp. H'-'t Edinburgh, C. Elliot, 1787. ■-----. The same. Essai sur la theorie et la pra- tique des maladies v^ncrieiines. Trad, de l'au- glais, augmente de notes, et d^dic a M. Autoine Petit, par M. Petit-Radel. lvi, 37,9 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, Briand, 1788. -----. The clinical guide; or, a concise view of the leading facts on the history, nature, and cure of diseases; to which is subjoined a prac- tical pharmacopoeia, iu three parts, viz, materia medica, classification, aud extemporaneous pre- scription. Intended as a memorandum-book for young practitioners, particularly the students of medicine in their first attendance at the hospital. xiv, 173, ISO pp., 1 1. 12°. Edinburgh, J. JJ7at- son if Co., 1793. Interleaved and annotated. -----. The same. 2. ed. xix, 359 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, J. Watson f Co., 1796. -----. The same. 4. ed. xxiii, 372 pp. sin. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Watson, 1801. -----. The clinical guide, or a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and treatment, of the various diseases that form the subject of midwifery, or attend the pregnant, parturient, and puerperal states; intended as a memorandum-book for practitioners; to which is added an obstetrical pharmacopoeia, divided into three parts, viz, materia medica, classifica- tion, and extemporaneous prescriptions. xvi. 34* pp. --r London, J. Johnson, W99. -----. Au inquiry into the history, nature, and different modes of treatment hitherto pursued in the cure of scrofula, pulmonary consumption, and cancer. 2. ed. To which is added an ap- pendix, containing a letter to a celebrated pro- fessor of Edinburgh, on the peculiar principles adopted by the author in their treatment, and the necessity for a circumscribed line of practice in order to be successful, v, 275 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Johnson, 1800. .liisfoet (William)—continued. -----. A practical treatise on diet, and on the most salutary and agreeable ineaus of supporting life and health by aliment and regimen. 432 pp. *-. London, R. Phillips, 1891. Nisceilli.- Statuto organico per l'Ospedale civico di Niseemi. 17 pp. rov. 8°. Kisccmi, lip. C Scrodato, 1886. NisillS (Henricus). De peste. In: Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Mar- purgi Cnttiirum^ 1616. ii. 465-484. Also, in: Agonismata med. Marpurgensia. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1618, 244-254. -----. De elephantiasi, seu lepra Arabum. In: Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet. 4°. Mar- purgi Cattorum, 1616, ii, 400-416. Nisle ([Job. Fridericus Guilelmus] Ludovicus) [1828- ]. * De qnibiisdam morbis e facie dig- noscendis aphorismi. 22 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Brueschckianis, [1827]. NiKine*. Tkissier-Rolland (J.) Question des eaux. Restauration complete de l'aqueduc romain. Projet d'aniener k Nimes, pour deux millions et demi, de six cents a deux mille ponces d'eau sa- lubre. 4J Nimes, 1852. Alrie (J.) Sur la constitution m6dicale qui a regne it, Nismes pendant les premiers mois de l'auuee 1843. (Ex- trait des registres de la Societe de medecine du Gard, seance du 7 iuin.) Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1843-4, iv, 4!l; 71.—Caxteliian (B.) Mote snr les entires a l'infeniierie et les deces cbez les detenus die la maison centrale de Nimes. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1835, xiv, 332: 1836, xv, 461. Villi Nispeil (Johan). * Disp. juridica de se- pulcro violato. 4 p. 1., 132 pp.. 4 1. 4J. Lut/il, Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1723. [P., v. 984.] Wissen (Carl). * Zwei Fiille von angeborencn Difforniitatcn des Kiiiegelenk.es. [Erlangen.] 12 pp., 3 pl. roy. 8'-'. Magdeburg, 1889. s. D. Nissen (Caspar). * De resectionibus. 11 pp. 4U. Kilice, C. F. Mohr, W59. In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, vi, 1859, vii, Med. i. Nissen (Hartvig). The Swedish movement and massage, treatment. Address delivered before tbe Clinical Society of Maryland. 30 pp. W-. Baltimore, Journal Pub. Co., W88. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii. Nisseil (Henricus). *Decasu quodam aneurys- matis arterise carotidis sinistra'. 10 pp., 1 1. 4°. Kilice. C. F. Mohr, W64. In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xi, 1864, vii, Med. vi. Nissen (Hinrich Adolp.) * Utrum naturalibu.-; pnestent variolas artiticiales. 69 pp. 4°. (lot- tingw, ex of. Schultziana, [1757]. Nisseil (Wilhelm [August Ude]) [1855- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Pulsionsdiver- tikel der Speiserore. 17 pp., 1 1. K-. Kiel. Schmidt u. Klaunig, 1884. Nissen ([Wilhelm] Woldemar). * Ueber die Ur- sachen der Cholera, nebst Vorschlagen znr Be- kampfung derselben. vii, 39 pp. 8°. Altona, K. A ue, W31. -----. Beitrage znr Therapie. [Cur krankhafter Eigenwarniesteigeruiigen und ihrer Folgen.] 86 pp. s° Altona, C. t. Schi in er, 1872. Nisscil (Woldemar Andreas) [1764-1832]. *]>■■ polypis uteri et vagime, uovoque ad eoruni liga- t ur'a m instrumento. 44 pp., 2 tab. 4°. .Gottin- gw, J. <'. Dieterich, [1789]. [Also, in : P., v. 32s]. -----. Beinerkungen iiber den Missbrauch dei Instrnmente in der Geburtshiilfe. 71 pp. * Hamburg, F. Perthes, 1895. -----. Beschreibung der neu eingerichteten Ent- bindungs-Lehr-Anstalt in Altona. Eine Gele- genheitssehrift bei Eroffnung dieses Instituts. 30 pp. 12'-. Altona, J. Sclntlt:. W12. rVisscrou (Francois-Louis). * De l'urine; nou- veaux points de s6meiologie, moyens d'investiga- tion les plus employes. 271 pp. 4". Paris, 1869, No. 76. 949 NITL'OKENZIN. IVisseron (Franyois-Louis)—continued. -----. The same. 271 pp. 8°. Paris, J-B. Bailliere 4- fils, W69. rVis«lc (Georg) [1848- ]. * Ueber die Urinfis- tcln des Weibes, ihre Entstehuug und Operation. 2 p. 1., 33 pp. 8°. Breslau, A. Neumann, [W73]. c. Nistler (Joannes Ludovicus) [ -1838]. * De generalibus artis obstetrician indicationibiis. 20 pp. sm. 4C. Jenw, typ. Pragerii el soc, [1800]. Nitard-Ricord (J.-J.-Esprit). * Peut-on avoir plusieurs fois la verole constitiitionuelle ? 3f> pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 51, v. 47.">. Nitliack. (Bernardus). * De dyseuteria. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, Nietack., 1847. [P., v. 164.] NHIisdale necl: See Goitre, by localities. J\ ilot (Eniile-Bernard-Sosthene). * Coutribntion a l'histoire de la syphilis oculaire ; des gommes syphilitiques de l'iris et du corps ciliaire. 143 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 198. \ a Irani line. Kaab (E.) * Ueber Derivate der Meta-Nitra- nilinsulfonsaure, 8°. Greifswald, [1886]. Nitrates, nitrites, and nitrification. See, also, Lead, Mercury, Potassium (Ni- trate of); Sodium ; Water (Analysis of). GOSSELS (W.) *Die Nitrate des Tier- und PHanzenkorpers. (Aus dem Laboratorium Th. Weyl.) 8-T Berlin, 1886. Henrici (C. F.) * De nitrosoruin modo agen- di, usu et abusu. 4U. Halw Magdeb., [1745]. Allen (A. H.) An improvement in the mode of esti- mating nitrates by Crum's method. Analyst, Loud., 1880, v, 181.—Davy (E. WT) On anew aud expeditious method for the determination of the nitrites under different cir- cumstances. Chem. News, Loml., 1882, xlvi, 1.—Oam- yee (A.) On Ihe action of nitrites on the blood. Phil. IT., Lond.. lsi'.il clviii, 589-62.1.—Giarosa (IT) Sur la transformation des nitrites dans l'organisme. Ztschr. f. pli.ysiol.Chein., Strassb.. 1883-4, viii, 95-113. Also, transl. : Riv. di chim. nied efarni.. Torino, 1884, ii. 12; 71.—Kell- ner (O.) \- Voshii |T.) Ueber die Enthindung l'reieu Slickstoffs bei der l-'iiulniss und Nitrification. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1887-8, xii, 95-112. —.Hun r© (J. II. M.) The formation and destruction of nitiaies and ni trites in artificial solutions and in river and well waters. J. Chem. Soc, Lond, 1886, xlix. 632-681 — Penny (F.j Ou the application of the conversion ot chlorates and ni- trates into chlorides, and of chlorides into nitrates, to the determination of several equivalent, numbers. Phil. Tr., Lond . 1839, rxxix, 13-33.—Rabuleau. Keeherches sur les metamorphoses et l'eliiuination iles azotites. Compt. lend. Soc. dc biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 66— Sehnefz- ler (J.-B.) Sur les germes organises de la nitrification. Hull. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1886, xxii, 213.— Waringtou (It.) Some practical aspects of recent in- vestigations on nitrification. J. Soc. Arts, Loud., 1881-2, xxx, 532-544. Als,, [Abstr.]: Natuie. Lond., 1884, xxx, 644. -----. On nitrification. J. (.'hem. Soc, Lond., 1884, xiv, 637-672. Also [Abstr.]: Kep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1884, Lond., 1885. liv, 682-685. Also, transl. : Monit. scient., Par., 1885, 3. s., xv, 115-140. -----. On the distri- bution of'ihe nitritT ini- organism in the soil. Chem. News, Lond., 1886, liv, 228. —Weyl (T.) Ueber die Nitrate ilea Thier- und Ptianzenkdi pers. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Kerb, 1884, xevi, 462: 1885, ci, 175: 1886, cv, 187. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche nied. Wchnschr, Berl., 1885, xi, 152. Nitre. See, also, Potassium (Kitrate of). Albrkcut (C. C. D.) * De uitro flamiuante. 4°. Altorfii, [17!H>]. Brandmi:i.ler(J. R.) *De nitro. 4°. [Ba- sil , 1737.] Hrodbkck (C. D) ''De uitro. (Dissertatio prima.) sm. 4C. Tubingw, 1718. -----. * De nitro. (Dissertatio altera.) sm. 4°. Tubingw, 17W. Dettmer (J. A.) * De nitri virtute tempe- raute. sin. 4 \ H el in si adii, [177)4]. Gehrt (J.) * De nitro cubico. 4U. Gottin- gw, [1760]. Nitre. Herrmann (A.) * De usu et abusu nitri. 4°. [ Halw Magdeb., 1721.] Keller (C. F.) * De nitro flammante. 4°. llottingw, [1762]. Mitzer (F.) *De nitro. Sr Vindobonw, 1776. Also, in.- ue Wasserbekg. Op. min. med. et diss. 8^ Vindobonce, 1776, iv, 433-454. Narcissus (F. G.) * Circa uitrnm nbserva- tiones pliysico-niedicie. sm. 4°. Halw Maqcieb., [1712]. * ' Pazmaxdi (G.) * Diss. ]>bysieo-cbemica sis- tens ideam natri Huugaria* veterum nitro ana- log. 12°. Vnielobonce. 1770. .SciiMAi.KALDEX (C. G.) * De nitro, ejus na- tura et usu in medieina. sm. 4°. Halce, [1694]. Sebastiani (<;. H.; * De nitro ejus relatioui- bus et modo cum ejus acido oleum uapbtlne pa- randi. 4r Erfordice, [1746]. Sl.IFFART DE Kl.ETI KXHEKG (R.) * Nitrum priecipuorum morboiuni metliodica conscripto- rum medela. sm. 4°. [n. p., 171(5.] Builer (J.) Sur les effets du nitre. N .Tour, ile med., chir., pharm., etc., Par.. 1818. i. 120-128.—Dexipoi'les (E.- H.) Considerations therapeutiques snr l'emploi du nitre k hautes doses dans un certain noinbre de maladies. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par.. 1844. xxvi, 9: 98. — HarleNM (F.) Ueber das Nitruni ilea Alten. seine Varietaten uud seine (iewinnungsweise.- ein Boitrau' zur (leschichte de-r Materia medica im Altertbume. Jaiius, Bresl, ism. i, 455-484. Also: Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Xaturf. n. Aerzte 1845. Xiirnb., 1846. xxiii, 227-233.— IVi vet. Note liistorique sur le nitre et les eaux minerales nitreiises des anciens auteurs. Ann. Soe. d'hydrol. med. de Par , 1860, vii, 34-41—Thiei-felder. Ueber das Ni- truni der Alten. Janus, Bresl., 1848, iii, 29-53. Nitrobenzin. Bogdaxokf (F.) * Pliiziologiclieskoe dieistvie nitrobeuzina. s . St. Petersburg, 186,8. Gabalda(A.) * Etude snr les accidents causes par la benziue et lanitrobenzine. 4C. Paris. 1^711. Bahrdt (K.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss del- Nitrohouzin- vergiftung. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1871, xii. 320-335.— Rrcmiaii (T.) Empoisonneinent par la nitroheuzine. Union med. du Canada, Montieal, 1887, n. s . i, 449-452.— Bi'ii^iioli (G.) Dell' adiastolia in un avvelenamento da nitro-henzina. Mem. Accad. il. se. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s., ii, 345-351. — Itm-ijloet'lierr. Eine Vergiftung mit Nitrohi'iizin. Aeiztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1875. xxii. L— et'awali (A.) Kieeiea di tenuissime quantita di nitro- benzina e d' anilina nei casi d' avvelenamento. Iteudic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna (1875-6). 1870, 149-155.-. Casper (J. L.) Ein neues Gift. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. ii. iiff. Med., Berl., 1859. xvi, 1-7.—Ou hoi* 79. i. 5u— lirnlic (K.) Fall af forgiltniug med nitrohenzol. [I'oisoning liv nitrobenzole.] Eira. Giitehorg. 1879, iii. 669.—Ewald (('. A.) Zwei Falle von Nil rohenzol-Vergiftiiug mil i \ I vceisurie. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 3-7 — Fellelar (E.) Nitrohenzol- mergezes u.jalih esetei. [Poisoning hy . . . ] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1877. xvii, 721-724. — Filehne (WT) ' Ueber die Giftwirkiiugen des Nitrole. nzols. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz., 1878, ix. 329-379. —Ilelbig. Ueber Vergiftung mit Nitrohenzol. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl , 1873, ii, 36-41.—Jolin (S.) Tre tall af nitrobenzol- forgiftning. Hygiea. Mockholni, 1S82. xliv. 339-347.— Hrrusri'. Nitrohenzol - Vergiftung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1869, xxxix, 343.—I.etheby (H.) Ou the poisonous properties of essence of mirhanc. or artificial oil of bitter almonds (nitro-benzole). Clin. Lect. & Kep. Lond. Hosp., l>-65. ii, 34-57. — Lrwin (L.j Ueber eine Elemental einwirkuug des Nitrobenzols auf das Blut. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz.. 1879. 175. — von Ihivhka, Yreigiftung (lurch Nitrobeuzol. Vitljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1885, n. F., xliii. 14-17.—vou iMe- ring. Nitrolii'iizolvergiftnng bewirkt keine Zuckeraus- schi'iilnng im Harn. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii, 945 — Kiefkohl. Ein Fall von Ver- giftung inittelst Nitrohenzol. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1868, xx, H)9. — Seheiik. Verj;iftung durch Nitrobeu- zol. Vrtljse In. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1866, iv, 327 -340. — Mehuhmaclier ..v Spanglcr. Todtliche Vergiftung durch Nitrohenzol. Wien. med. Wclmschr., 1875. xxv. 229-233 — Stevenson (T.) N'itro-benzol poi- soning. <:11\ 'a Hosp. Kep.. Loud., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 371-374, 1 pl. — Taylor (A. S.) I'eeiseining by nitrobenzole. Ibid., 1864, 3. s.. x, 192-197.—Werner. Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss und Behandlung del N itrobenzolvergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 58.—Winz (E. E.) Boisouing by nitro-beuzole. Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 33-37. Also, Keprint. Nitrogen. liuuuN (E. E.) *De ratione, quae inter azo- ticnin aeris atmospbaerici et respirationeni ku- inaiiain intercedit. Resp. Cone, Math. Luuding. 12 T Hafnice, 1815. Lacote (A.) * Synthese des corps azote's. 4°. Paris, 1886. Meyer ( T. B. ) *Qua*stioues de fontibus, ex quibus auimalia et, planta* nitrogenium ex- cijiiant. 8J. [Dorpat], 187,'.',. Voir (K.) * Beitrage zum Kreislauf des Stick- stoffes ini thierischen Organismus. 8-. Augs- biiro, Ki. Alnalcr (\V. O.) On the liberation of nitrogen from its compounds and the acquisition of atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Am. (hem. J., Bait,, 1886-7, viii, 398-420.— Berk (L. C.) On tbe office of the nitrogen of the air in the process of respiration. N. York M. & Phvs. J., 1829-30, n. s., ii. 288-292. — Dubelir ( D. D. ) Etshe nekotorie opiti nad vlijaniem vodi i povarennoi sodi na videlenie azota. [Influence of water aud kitchen salt in the produc- tion of nitrogen. 1 Voyenno med. JT, St. Petersb., 1882, cxliv, pt. 2, 15-34. — «le Fourerov. Recherches pour servir a l'histoii-i* du gaz azote, ou .1. la uiofete. comme principe des matieres animates. Hist. Sue. roy. de med. 1786, Par., 1790, viii, pt. 2, 346-354.—in« ;('.) De la medicacion ni' trogenada artificial. Rev. m6d. de Sevilla, 1884, ix, 335; 300. UTitl'Ogen (Excretion of). See, also, Albumen; Exercise; Pood; Tis- sue (Metamorphosis of); Urea. Grimm (F.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der istick- stofi'aussclieiduno iu pathologischen Ziistiiiideu. H . Erlangen, 1881. Parkes (E. A.) On the elimination of nitro- gen by the kidneys and intestines during rest and exercise, on a diet without nitrogen, s0. Lon- don, 1867.] Cutting from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1867, xv, 339-355. -----. On the elimination of nitrogen during rest and exercise, on a regulated diet of nitrogen. 8°. [London, 1868.] Cutting from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1868, xvi, 44-59. Seegkn (J.) Ueber die Ausscheidung des .Stick- stoft'es der im Korper zersetzten Albuminate. 8°. [Ulen, 1867.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1867, lv, 357-407. Also [Abstr. , in: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 408. Also [Abstr.], in: Wien. med. Presse, 1868, 121-123. ------. Zur Frage iiber die Ausscheidung des eStickstoli'es der im Korper zersetzten Albuminate. (Vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 15. December 18*70.) r-. [Wien, 1871.] Cutting from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch, Math, naturw. CL.Wien, 1871, lxiii. Camcrer (W.) Zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffes in Urin uud Koth des Menschen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1884, xx, 255-263.—Chatterjee (G. C.) Some remarks on Surgeon M. D. O'Connell's article on " Nitrogenous waste in the blood and its probable use ", which appeared in the Indian Medical Gazette for April. 1882. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882 xvii, 176.—Dumas Jc G'ahours. M6- moire sur les matieres azotees neutres de l'organisation. Experience, Par,, 1842, x, 369; 401.—«ruber (M.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Ausschoidungswcge des Stickstoffs aus dem thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen, 1880, xvi, 367-410.—Heiininger (A.) Sui un pro- cede de dosage de l'azote total de l'urine. Coinpt. nnd. Soe. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, 474-4,6. — l,epine. Contribution a l'etude de l'exeretion ile 1 azote, total et de l'azote des matieres extractives par l'uiine. Uml.. 1880, Par., 1881, 7. s, ii, 332-334. — North < UT' The influence of bodily labour upon the discharge of nitro- gen. Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1885, xxxix, 413-5U3. 6 diag. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M. .)., Lond., 1884, ii. 112—Parkes (E. A.) On some points connected with the elimination ot nitrogen from the human body. Lancet, Loud., 1871. i, 399; 467; 527. -----. Further'experiments on the effect of diet and exercise on the elimination of nitrogen. Proc. Roy. Soe. Lond.. 1x70-71, xix, 349-361.----- Further ex- periments oil the effect of alcohol and exercise on the elimi- nation of nitrogen and on the pulse and temperature of the body. 2bid., 1871-2, xx, 402-414—von Peltenkofer (M ) A Voit (C.) Zur Frage der Ausseheiduug gasfoiiiiig.ii Stickstotf's aus dem Thierkorper. Ztschr. f Uiol . Miin- chen, 1880, xvi, 508-549. Also: Sitzungsh. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1881, xi, NITROGEN. 1)51 NITRONS. .\i(ro£eii (Excretion of). 270-320. — Power (J. B.) On tin; excretion of nitrogen in the urine. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1875. lix, 81-S5 — Neliulze (E.l \- .11 a re Iter (M.) Ueber ilie- seusiheln Sticksioil- Einnalinien und Ausgaben des volljiihrigen Sebales. (Mit- getlieilt von W. Henneberg.) Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1869. vii. 225-228. —Neejjen (.1.) Ueber die Ausscheidung des Stickstofi'es der im Kiirper ve rbrauch- ten Kiweissvei bindungen. Wien. mcil. Wchnschr.. 1868, xviii, 157; 173; 189; 205. — Neejjeu (J.) & \oviak (.1.) Versuche iiher die Ausscheidung von gasformigem Stick- stoff aus den im Korper umgesetzten Eivveissstoffen. Anh. f.d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1879, xix, 347-415, 1 pl.— Ntoliuiaiin. Ueber die Stiekstoff-Einnahnien uud Aus- gaben bei niilchgebenden Ziegen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1869, vii, 322-325. Nitrogen (Oxides of). See Acid (Nitric); Acid (Nitrous); Asthma ( Treatment of); Nitrous oxide. Nitro-giycerin. See, also, Dynamite; Heart (Diseases of, Treat- ment of); Neuralgia (Treatment of). Bruel(A.) "Recherches experimentales sur les effets toxiques de la nitroglycerine et de la dynamite. 4°. Paris, 1876. Mowbray (G. M.) Nitro-glyceiine, as used in the construction of the Hoosae Tunnel. 8°. [Albany, W7L] Novitski (A.) * O phiziologicheskom dieistvii nitroglitseriua. [Physiological effects of nitro- glycerine.] 8*°. SI. Petersburg, W6)4. Tkussevitch (J. I.) Nitroglici'rin (angione- vrozin iii anevrozin) v meditsinie. Maferialy k izycheuivu ego vlijaiiijanazdoiu\ ago chelovieka i k nazuacheniou ego. [Nitroglycerin (,-ingione- vrosin or anevrosin) in medicine. Materials for studying its effect in health and disease of man.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1887. -----. Anevrozin v meditsinie. Vlijanie na zdorovago chelovieka i praktika liechenija em. [Anevrosin in medicine; effect, ou health and its practical application.] [2. ed.] HJ. St. Peters- burg, 1888. Albers (J. F. H.) Die physiologische und therapeu- tisch!' Wirkung des Nitroglve-erins. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl., 1864, xvi, 405-408.—Atltinson (G. A.) The phar- macology of the nitrites and of nitro-glve-orine. J. Anat. efc I'hvsiol., Lond., 1887-8, xxii, 225-239.' Also: Phila. M. Times, 1887-8, xviii, 2611-264.—Bourru. Sur les pro- prietes toxiques de la nitroglycerine et die la dynamite. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par.. 1883, civ. 455-457.—Brady ((!. S.) On the medicinal action of glonoi no. Med. Times et Gaz.. Loud., 1859, n. s., xviii, 263. Itriintoii (J. I,.) & Tait (E. S ) Preliminary notes on the physiological ac- tion of nitroglycerine. St' Barth. Hosp. Kep., Loud., 1876, xii, 110-145.-Burroughs (J. B.) Nitroglycerine, asub- stitute for alcoholic remedies. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, 450.—Deuime (Ii.) Das Nitroglycerin als Arz- neiniittel. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern, 1862, i, 156- 160.—Desrosiers (H.-E.) De l'aetion physiologique et therapeutique do. la nitroglvcerine. Union ineTl. du Ca- nada, Montreal, 1883, xii, 106; 153—Kloy (C.) Dynamite. Diet, encycl. d. so. med.. Par.. 1884. xxx, 745-756. — Eu- lenliei'i; (H.) Ueber die Wirkung des Nitrogh cerius. Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1865, xxiv, 250-252.—Field ( A. G ) On Ihe toxical and medicinal properties of nitrate of oxyde of glycyl. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1858, n. s., xvi, 291. -----. Nitio-glyeerine or glonoinc. Ibid.. 1859, u. s., xviii, 339. — For (G. M.) Nilro-glvcerine. Aled. Press & Circ, bond., ls'sn, n. s., xii, 6.—Oorilon (W. S.) Xitro- glvrerine as a therapeutic agent. Practice, Richmond, 1886-7, i, 26-28—Hamilton (A. McL.) Nitro-glvcerine as a remedy. Med. News. I'hila., 1882, xl, 475— llaui- moiid i WT A.) Some of the therapeutical uses of nitro- glycerine. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1881-2, viii, 525-531.—Bin j- (M.) The chemical nature and physiolog- ical action of nitro glvierinc. Practitioner, Lond., 1883, xxx, 422-433. Also, Pi-print. —Hoist (I. C ) Et Tilfielde af Nitroglvcerinforgif'tnhig. Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk., Christiania, 1870, 2. R., xxiv, 541-546.—von Hoist iL.) Nitroglycerin bei Herz- und Niereuleiden. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1886, n. F., iii. 299; 307.—Honert. Ein Fall von Vergiftung durch Nitroglvoerin. Deutsche Kliuik, Berl.. 1867, xix, S3—Huseiiiniiu (TV) Eine ah- sichtliehe Vergiftung mit Nitroglycerin. [Case.J Ibid., 1867, xix, 162; 171. -----. Das Nitroglycerin in toxicolo- gisciier und thernpeutisehcr Beziehung. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz.. 1867, exxxiv, 344-354.—lusfruklion zur Aufbe- wahrung. Behandlung und zum TransportedesSpreugoles und (ler Nitroglycerin-Piaparate, insbesondere des Dyna- HJitro-giyc-erin. mits. Allg. 'mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wieu, 1870, xi, 121-126 — Jaekson (W. F.) On the toxical and other properties of "a substance analogous to gun cotton''. Med. Exam.. Phila., 1849, n. s., v, 279-283.— James (IT A.) Nitro-glv- cerine. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1858. n. s.. xvi, 383.— .Inmom. Indications et modes d'emploi il. I, uitro glv- cerine. France, med.. Par..l8s7. i, 269-271.—Korezyi'i-ki. Kilka slow odzialaniutizvjolog. io zastosowaniu l.-ivnieveiii nitrogliceryuy. [Physiological effect of application of nitroglycerine.] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Wais/.aw., 1881, lxxvii, 609-628. Also, transl. [Abstr.1, Wien. med. AVehnsehr.,1882, xxxii, 154-156. —I.ul>lin.»Ki (W.) Ueber die therapeutische Wirksamkeit des NTiti imnnitrits und lies Nitioglyceiins. Deutsche med. WT■liusehr.. Berl., 1885, xi, 65: 85 — Tlartiudale iW.i Nitroglvcerin in pharmacy. Pract it inner, Bond.. 1880. xxiv, 35-39. —" ,IIeil- iens." The subcutaneous injection of nitroglvcerine. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1883, i, 444.— Minor (A. J.) Tri-nitroglycerin ; its physiological effects and therapeu- tical indications. Am. Psych. J.. N V 1875-6. iii. 103- 111—.'Vevill (R. B.) To'xie effects ol nil m-glycerine Canad. -I. M. Sc., Toronto, 1882. vii. 45. — > il i«yl» ccii ne (La). J. ilechinr med., etc., Par., 1874. xlviii, fj-12. —l\oer (J.) Poisonous symptoms from nitroglycerine. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1887, 3. s., iii, 459.—Nordeusf rom. Fdr- giftuingsfall medelst sprangolja. Kiirh. v. Svens. Lak.- Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm'. 1867. 1S7-194.—> v*troui (C.l Om Nitrnghccrin. Ups-da Liikaref. Forh.. 1866-7, ii, 232-252.—Ousuiii (I.) Om Nitroglvcerin. Norsk Mag. f. Licgevidensk., Christiania, 1865, 2. 'li.. xix, 30-42. —I*au- thel. Vergiftung durch Nitro-Glyrerin. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1868. xiii, 158.— I'elikan (FT) Toxikologisches iiher das Nitroglycerin (Glonoinj uml andere Knallkiirper. Mcil. Ztg. Rnsslands. St. Petersh.. 1855, xii, 377; 385.— Root (P. S.) Nitrn-glyccrine. Detroit Clinic. 1882. i, 4it7- 409.—Mauilalil. Gil'tiga vei kiiiiigarne af nitro-glvcei in. Fiirh. v. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sainmank. 1865, Stockholm, 1866, 130— Ntegeiiiaiiu. Vergiftung inittelst Nitrogly- cerins; ein Criniiualprocess. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wieu, 1868, iv, 191: 203; 217: 223. — Ntoektou (('. G.) Some uses of nit i o.glycol in,-, Buffalo M. \- S. ,L, 1883-4, xxiii, 337-346. —Sylvester (.1. E.) On some therapeutic uses of nitroglycerine. Columbus M. •!., 18S3-4, ii, 102- 104.—Testa (B.) Nitrito amilico e uitroglieerina. Indi- pendente, Torino, 1883, xxxiv. 433: 457—Trusseriteh (J. I.) Material, k izuch. lekarst. vlijan nitroglieer. na nekotor. formi golov. bob. [Theorv of eftect of nitrogly- cerine ou different forms of cephalalgia ] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1887, vii, 523: 542; 565. Also, transl.: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1887, lvi, 321; 337; 353. -----. Oblast primen. i pravila dosir. nitroglicerina v kaclnstve lekarst. [ Application aud doses of nitroglycerine] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxvii, 60-67. Also, transl. : St. Pe- tersb. med. AVchnschr., 1887, n. P., iv, 2-5. — Trusse- vitch (J. M.) Detalnaja kartina deistvi.ja nitroglicerina na zdorov. tcheloveka. [Effect of nitro-glycerine on the health of man.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb.. 1887, vii, 198; 213.—Weil (0.) Eiu Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Xi- troglviiriu (Sprengol). Med.-chir. Cor.-Bl. t. deutsch-ani. Aeiz'te, Buffalo. 1883, i, No. 2, 6-8.—tVerher (A.) Bei- trag znr Kenntniss der toxicologischen Wirkungen des Nitroglycerin. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 441- 445. -----. Zur Auffindung des Nitroglycerins in gericht- lichen Fallen. Ibid., 1867, xix, 365. ,\itro-iiaplitlialiii. Roussin (Z.) Nitro-naphtaline ; naphtylamine et ses (16riv6s colores. Rec. de 1116111. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1861, 3. s., v, 424-427. ftitropentanen. Mehadotv (G.) Ueber die physiologischen Wirkun- gen des Xitropentan. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz.. 1876, vi, 194-204. ATitro*iil|>liite*. Konssiu (Z.) Recherches sur les nitrosulfures dou- bles inouvi'lle classe de sels). Rec. demem. de med. . . . mil , Par., 1858, 2. s.. xxi, 409-427. Nitrotoluidine. FOTH (G.) * Ueber o-Nitro-p-Toluidin-in-Sul- fonsiiure. tfJ. Greifswald, W<,. Gkakff ( F. ) * Ueber Nitrotoluidine und einige ihrer Derivate. 8°. Greifswald, 1885. Hasse (H.) * Ueber Orthotoluidinmetadistil- fosiiure und einige ihrer Derivate. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1885. Nitrons oxide. See, also, Asthma (Treatment of). Barker (G. T.) Instructions in the prepara- tion, administration, and properties of nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas. -J. Philadelphia, 1866. NITKOIS. })52 NITROUS. Citron* oxide. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, \867. Barth (G.) Protoxide of nitrogen as au anaes- thetic, or ten minutes' talk about laughing gas. 12-. London. 1879. Barton (\V. P. C.) * A dissertation ou the chymical properties and exhilarating effects of nitrous oxide gas, and its application to pueuma- tick medicine. 8C. Philadelphia, 1898. Beddoes (T.) Notice of some observations made at the Medical Pneumatic, Institution. 8L. London, 1799. Blanchard (R.) * De l'anesth6sie par le pro- toxyde d'azote d'apres la methode de M. le Prof. Paul Bert, 4°. Paris, 1889. Blanche (T.) * Recherches experimentales sur le protoxyde d'azote. 4 . Paris, 1874. Blumm (V.) * Stickstoffoxydnl als Amesthe- ticnm. [Erlangen.] *8C. Miinchen, 1878. Also, in: Aeiztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1878, xxv, 319; 331. Chaiiroppin (P.-G.) *Du protoxyde d'azote comme agent auesth-cisique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870. Colton (J. J.) The physiological action of nitrous oxide gas, as shown by experiments upon man and the lower animals; together with sug- gestions as to its safety, uses, and abuses. 8J. Philadelphia, W71. Duchesne (A.) atn6. Etude sur le protoxyde d'azote. 8°. Paris, 1869. Grohnwald (C.) Das Siickstoffoxydul-Gas als AnsEstheticnm. 8°. Berlin, W72. Kauffmann (M.) * Leber die ausisthesireu.de Wirkung des Sticksloffoxvdnlgases. 8°. Halle, W74. Xewbrocgh (J. B.) Nitrous oxide gas. A reported death fiom its use. 8°. [w. p., n. d.] Odontoi.ogical Society of Great Britain. First report, of the joint committee appointed by the . . . and the committee of management of the Dental Hospital of London, to inquire into the value aud ad vau tage of the protoxide of ni- trogen as an anaesthetic in surgical operations. 8=. Emdon, W69. Preterre (A.) Lc protoxyde d'azote. Ap- plication aux operations chirnrgicales et particu- lierement a l'extraetion des dents sans douleur. 6. (*d. 8-. Paris, 1870. Ruhl (F. J.) * Materialmen zu einer Mono- graphie cles .Si ickstoffoxvduls. 8-'. Halle a. S., 1881. Safer (C.) Versuche, mit Stickstoffoxydul- Gemischen zu auiisthesiren. 8-. [n. p., 1869.] Repr. from: Vrtljschr. f. Zahuheilk., 4. Hft., 1869. Wells (H.) A history of the discovery of tin- application of nitrous oxide gas, ether, and other vapors, to surgical operations. 12° Hart- ford. \847. Administration (The.) of protoxide of nitrogen. Lani'i-t. Lond., 18(18, i. 503.—Aguilar Lara, El pro- toxido de azoe en cirujia. Cron med., Valencia, 1882-3. vi, 257: 289.—Ainory (R I Physiological action of nitrous oxide, as shown liv experiments on man and lower ani- mals. X Vork M. J., 1870, xii, 1-29. Also, Reprint.— Andrew* (E.) Liquid nitrous oxide as au anaesthetic. Med. Exam.. Chicago. 187*. xiii, 34-36.— till ford (F. A.) Hemiplegia following the inhalation of nitrous oxide, sub- sequent typhoid fever. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila , 1809, n. s., lvii, 4()8-41i). Also: Proc, Clin.-Path. Soc. Wash., Phila., 1809-71). 5o-5T— A ube:tu (A.) Conditionsd'innocuite de l'anesthesie au protox.de d'azote pur. Odoutolngie. Par., Is85. v. 552: issii. vi. 8; 196; 251: 303; 343.—Barnes (H. J.) Nitrous oxide gas. Boston M. efe S. JT, 1874, xci, 511- 513 —Bej;g (1. R.) Nitrous oxidi- gas in excision of the mamma. Lancet Lond.. 1870, i, SOU. — Bert (P.) Sui-la possibility d'obtenir. a I'aide du protoxyde' d'azote. une in- sensibility de longue duree, et sur finnoruitc de lit anes- thesique. Cmiipt. rend. Acad d. sc. Par.. 1878. lxxxvii, 728-730. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 99. -----. AnestheTsie par le protoxyde d'azote employe sous tension. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Nitron* oxide. 1878, Par., lsso. 6. s., v, 152. -----. Du prntoxwlc d'azote sous teusiou; son action il doses anesthesujucs ne s'ttcnil pas sur le. systeme nerveux sympathique. Ibid.. TM. -----. Anesthesie par le protoxyde d'azote. Ibid , 7. s. i, pt. 2, 19-21. Also: (iaz. inert.'de Par., 1879. 6. s.. i, li'r -----. L'anesthcsic par le protoxyde d'azote; travaux recents th* M. . . . Bull. Soc. med. de lYonne 1879 Auxerre. 1880, xx. 167-182. -----. Anesthesie prolongie obtenue par le protoxyde d'azote a la pressiou uormale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 188:1, xevi, 1271-1274. -----. Faits sur le protoxyde d'azote. Compl. nnd. Soc debiol.. Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 520.—Bigelow (II. J.) Nitrons oxide gas for surgical pin poses in 1848. Huston M. \- S. J., 1808, lxxviii, 17. -----. Excision of lireast ; aiuvsilie- sia liv nitrous oxide gas. I bid.. 74. —Binz ((.' ) Pelier Stickstoffeixydul. Wien. nied. Bl., 1884. vii. 075-079.— Bird (T.) Operating with nitrous oxide under high press- ure. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. lssi. ii, 115 — Blnn- chard (R.) Protoxyde d'azote. N die t denied, it chir prat., Par., 1880, xxix, 766-782.— Borilier (A.) Xotesur les effets uarcotiques du prteto\yilc d'azote; action favorable du sulfate de quinine. J. ile therap.. Par.. 1876, iii, 885-891. Also: Bull, et mem. Soe de therap ls7(i Par., 1877, 2. s.. iii, 127-135. — Brailey (VV. A.) Nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic iu squint operations. Lancet Lond., 1880, i, 811.—Brai ne (F. VV.) Some phenomena of anaesthesia liv protoxide of nitrogen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 67. -----. On the chemistry of nitrous oxide gas. Tr. Odont. Soe. Gr. Brit., Lond.,' 1871-2, n. s., iv, 177-185. -----. Administration of nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 153. —Brown (.1. P. H.) Protoxide of nitrogen. South. M. i S. J. Au- gusta, 1866-7, 3. s.. i, 557-560.—Browne..11 anon (J. T.), Drake efc Pattisou. Alleged death from the effects of nitrous oxide gas. Tr. Odont. Soc. Or. Biit., Lond., 1872- 3, n. s., v, 83-94.—Brush (O. \V.) Nitrons oxide in mi- nor surgery. Proc. M. .Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877, ii, 279-287.—Burckhardt-IIis {M.) Erfahrungen iiber die Anwendung des Stickoxydulgases als Aniistlieticuin. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte,' Basel, 1873, iii, 181-285.— Buxton (D. WT) On the physiological action of nitrous oxide. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1885-6, n. s.. xviii, 133-164. -----. On the physiological net ion of nitrous oxide gas. Ibid., 1886-7, n'. s. xix, 90-131, 1 1., 3 pl. Also : Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1887, xxx. 301; 351; 408.— C'attliu (W. A. H.) Nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868. ii. 78. — t'azeneuve I P.) A propos de la preparation du protoxyde d'azote. Lyon med., 1884, xlvii, 274-280.—Clover (J.'T.) On the administration of nitrous oxide. Brit. M. J., Lond., Is68, ii, 491.-----. Face-piece, etc., for the direct.administration of compressed nitrous oxide gas. Tr. Udont. Soc. Gr. Brit. 1868, Lond., 1869, n. s., i, (is.—Coleman (A.) Pro- toxide of nitrogen as an anaesthetic. St. Barth Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869. v, 153-164. — t iiiiiini■■<.'•. (E. P.) Is nitrous oxide anaesthetic? Boston M. eX S. J., 1853, xlvii, 166-172.—Death after the ail in in ist ration of nitrous oxide. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i. 126.- Death (The) from nitrous oxide: proceedings at the impost: details of the post mortem appearances. Med. Times efe Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 456. — Death while under the effects of nitrous oxide. Laucet, Lond., 1877, i, 509. — Description of diagram of Mr. Porter's apparatus for making nitrous oxide gas. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit. 1868, Loud., 1869, n. s.. i, 67.— Dbdei-lein (A.) Ueber Stickoxydul-Sauerstoffanasthe- sie. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885, lviii, 111-119. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1885, viii, 1207 : 1243. Also : Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1885. xxx, 442; 453; 467. Also: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1885-6, xxvii, 85-101. Also [Abstr. J: Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1885, ix, 641. — Duchesne (L.) Uu protoxyde d'azote comme anesthesique. J. de chim. med.. etc., Par., 1873, xlvii, 308; 354. — Dunn (C.) II gas protossido di azoto come anestetico nella estrazione dei deuti. linpar- ziale, Firenze, 1869, ix, 557-560 — Fatal suffocation from nitrous oxide gas. Laucet, Lond., 1873. i, 178. — Fox (C. I) On the use of nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic in sur- gery, with Coxeter's liquid gas. Lancet. Lond., 1876, i. 479; 515.'— Gay (C. C. F.) On the protoxyde of azote as an anaesthetic ar>3 XIT IU) US. 1% it von* ojtide. gas. Lancet, Lond.,1870.ii,535. — Hele(W.) The automatic supply of nitrous oxide. Tr. Odont. Soc. Or Brit., Lond., 1872-3. n. s., v. 95-116.—Hermauu (L ) Fiber die phy- siologischen Wirkungen des KtickMoffoxydgnsos. Arcii. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz. isui. 521-536. -----. Ueber die Wirkungen des Stickstoffoxwlgascs auf das Blut. Ibid., 1865, 469-481. -----. Notiz iiber die Em- pfebluug des Stickoxyduls als Anasthetiiiiin. Berl. klin. Wchuschr.. 1806, iii. 115. -----. Iu Saehen des Stickstoff- nwilulgases. Centralbl. f. klin. Mid., Leipz., 1885. vi, loi-163.—Hewitt (F.) A new method of administering and ecouimiizing nitrous oxide gas. Lancet, Lond , 1885. i, 840. -----. An inquiry into several methods of adminis- tering nitrous oxide gas. Med. Chrou., Manchester, 188.5-6, iii, 363-380. -----. The administration of nitrous oxide and ether iu combination or succession. Brit. M. J , Lond , 1887, ii, 452-454. — Heivton (A.) Some comments on the history of nitrous oxide g,,s as an ana'sthetic. and on the analgesic effects of rapid iuealhing. Tr. Intern.it. M. Cong. 1876, Phila., 1877, 642-657. — Hillischer (IL TT) Fiber die allgemeine Verwendbarkeit der Lu.stgas- Sauerslotlharcosen in der Chirurgie und den rcspiratori- schen Gaswechsel hei Lustgas und Lustgas-Sauerstoff. OestiMi-.-uuga>-. Vrtljschr. f Zahnh.. Wien, 1886, ii, 34 J- 353.-----. Zu Dr. Ulbrich's Aufsatz: 'Ueber die Lust- gas-Sauerstoff Xarcose". Prag med. Wchnschr , 1887. xii, tin —Holden (E.) On the inhalation of the nitrous oxide gas when the lmi-s are. diseased. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870. Ix, 61-71.— Hollaeuder (L.) Das Stickstoffoxydul. als Ana'stheticuin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1868, v, 234.— Homicide par imprudenei' ; anesthesie par le protoxyde d'azote; niort du patient: jugement Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1885. lviii, 1117.—jacquciuc. Histoire' chimique et phy- siologique du protoxyde d'azote. Marseille uied., 1873, x, 541-561.—Jeaiiucl. Note sur le protoxyde d'azote. con- sidere comme agent anesthesique. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par.. 1869 2. s., vi, 786-788. Also: Mem. et bull Soc med.- chir. d. hop. de Boideaux, 1870, v, 61-76. — Jolyct (F.) efc Blanche |T.) Nouvelles recherches sur le pinlow de d'azote Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1873, v. :iii4- 374. ----- ----. Les resultats d'expiuienees nouvelles sur le protoxyde d'azote entreprises par eux dans le lahora- toire de physioiogie de la Fa> ulte des sciences. Compt. rend. Soc lie biol. 187!, Par., 1874, 5. s., v, 223-225.— Kidd (C.) Theoxideof nitrogen as an anaesthetic agent. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1868, xlvi. 340-349. -----. -'Laughing-gas" and chloroform in London practice. Edinb. M. J.. 1868-!), xiv, 57-58 —KlikowilMch iS ) Ueber die therapeuti- sche Wirkung des Stickoxyduls in einigou Krankheit n. St. Petersb. med. Wchnsrlir., 1880, v, 117. -----. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die therapeulische Wirkung des Stiekstoffoxyduls Ibid , 249.-----. Das Stickstoffoxy- dul und Versuch seiner Anwendung in der Therapie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1883, xciv. 148; 227.— Kreutzmann. Zur Verwendbarkeit dei-Lachgassauer- steitf-Narkose in der Chinirgie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1887, xxiv, 648-650. — LiafFont ( M. ) Contre-indicatious aux inhalations de protoxyde d'azote pur. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 710-720. ----. Accidents consecutifs aux inhalations du protoxyde d'azote pur. I bid., 759.-----. Influence de I'anesthesie par inhalations de protoxyde d'azote pur sur diverses fonctions de recono mie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880. cii. 170-178. Also: France med., Par., 1886, i, 125-127. Als;.- Therap. contemp., I'ar., 1886, vi. 82-84. — I.arixon (C. W.) A case of tuberculosis treated hy nitrous oxide. Cincin. M. News, 1874, iii, 445-449. — l.cc (B.) Nitrous oxide as a ] 'therapeutic agent, Med. Kir., NT \T, 1880, xvii, 494.— I.cciIm (A.) Preparation of nitrous oxide. Brit, M. J.. Lond, 1868, i, 373.—Leilly (H. M.) Nitrous oxide. Med. fc Surg. Reporter, Phila , 1808, xix, 451. — Limousin. Sur faction du protoxyde d'azote Bull, et, mem. Soc ile therap. 1868-9, Par., 1871. ii, 110-119. — I. lit a ml (A.) L'anesth6sie par le protoxyde d'azote sons tension: methode de M. Paul Bert. Gaz. hebd de ni6d.. Par . 1879, 2. s., xvi, 613. -----. L'anestb6sie par lc protoxyde d'azote sous tension. Ibid.. 1880, 2. s., xvii, 545; 577. -----. Gaz hila- raiit. Diet, encycl. (1. sc med., Par., 1881, 4. s.. vii. 132- 102. — I.yddon (G.) Apparent insusceptibility to the influence of nitrous oxide. Brit. M. J., Lou t., 1881, i, 16.— Tlcli.'iin (A. FT) Nitrous oxide gas. N. Orl. M. efc S. iL, 1800-7, xix, 600-008. — .Tlaclai-cn ( R ) On nitrous oxide gas and its use as an Kinesthetic Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvi, 591-601, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. — illae.TIuiiu (C. A.) A spectroscopic explanation of the action of nitrous oxide. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, 3. s., lxviii, 210.—iVIagitot. Sur l'anesth6sie par le protoxyde d'azote. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1875, n. si, i, 217-219.—Manic y (I.), .jr. Is nitrous oxide ana'sthelic I Boston M efc S. J., 1852, xlvi, 435.—Tlarcy (E. E.) Removal of a huge scirrhous testicle from a man while under the influence of nitrous oxide gas. Ibid., 1847-8, xxxvii, 97-99. — .Hartin (C. ) De 1'anesthesie par le protoxyde d'azote avec ou sans ten- sion, suivie d'une note sur la germination en presence du protoxyde d'azote sous pression. Lyon med., 188.3, xiii, lxi; 217; 208.—lTIartin-l>auzer. Du protoxyde d'azote comme agent anesthesique. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., \itron* oxide. Par., 1867 xxxiv, 262-204. — .tIa«oii (B.) Report of the late fatal operation under nitrous oxide. ..as Lancet Lond , 1873. i, 254. — .11 ml oz de I.una (1LT.) El aciel hiponitrico cousiderado com , desinfectante. a-eiite pro- hlactieo y curative del col.aa m.irlio asiatieo. Si'do med Madrid, 1884, xxxi, 675 ; O'.ll ; 7ns. Also, transl..- Berl. klin. \\ chnschr., 1880. xxiii, Hit. —.\elwon (C. E.) Dan'-erous inhalation of nitrous oxide gas. Canada M. Rec.'~ Mon- treal, 1880-81, ix, 193.—.\itroiiN oxide—is it safe for inhal- ing; Boston M. & S. J, 1805-6, Ixxiii, 110-118. — von rVu««baiiiii. NarcosiniitStiikstoffoxydulgas; 280Expe riinente. Verhandl. d. deutsch. (Iesellsch. f Chir.. Berl. 1874. i, 91-9,5. — Oddo (D.) Observations pratiques sur les syinptd.iees ipii accompagnont l'inhalation du gaz pro- toxyde d'azote et sur 1. s signes caracteristiqurs qui pre- cisent le moment oil doit commence! Topi-ration chirurgi- cale. Marseille med.. 1873. x, 6l:,-616. — Ostium (J. A.) The legal and moral responsibility of dentists in the ad- ministration of nitrous-oxide gas. Tr. NT Jersey Dcut. Soc, Newark. 1884, 174-182. — Ottley (W.) On a'ease of damage to the heart from the inhalation of nitrous oxide' Lancet, Lond., 1883, i, 95. — Palmer (T. W. G.) An atmosphere, of nitr.ius oxide. Tr Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond.. 1872-3. n. s., v, 5-10. — Patruban. Das Lustgas, ein Anicstheticuni fiir kurz dauerndc Operationeu. insbe- sonilere Zalinextractionen. Allg Wien. ined. Ztg . 1860, xi, 17-19.—Prcterrc (A.) Propri6t6s physiologiipies du protoxyde d'azote, applique aux operations chirnrgicales. Bull. gen.di' therap , etc., Par., 1870. lxxiv. 160; 215. —Pur- cell (W. J.) Death from the inhalation of nitrous oxide gas. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1872, xxvi, 343-345.— Beudle (R.) On the use of protoxide of nitrogen gas; and ou a new mode of producing rapid auastV'sia with bichloride of methylene. Brit, M. ,L. Lond., 1869, ii, 412 — Bethy(M.) A kejgazrdl. [Laughing-gas.1 G vdgvaszat, Budapest, 1887. xxvii. 107 ; 12 ]ior uu charlatan (eon ilociiiiient is). Gac. ined. ile Lima. 1865-6, x, no. 221, 174; uo. 222. 181.—Bitter. Mode d'action ilu protoxyde d'azote. Mem. Soc die med. de Nancy (1873-4), 1875, 5-7. — BottciiMtcin. De l'emploi du protoxvdo d'azote. J. il.' therap., Par., 1877, iv, 96-100. - Mailer (i'.l Die Auasthesie (lurch Stickstoffoxydul in 40 Fiillen v r sucht. Berl. klin. Wclmschr.. 180S.\\384. -----. Vorlauugc Mittheilung der weiteien Vcrsiiehe mit Stiekstoll'oxydul- Gemischeuzu aniisthi'sireu. Ibid., 1869, vi, 3H0.—Me heller (A.) Zuicc zulcnic (anu'sihcsia i za pomoca, lleniui azotu. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1869, vi, 753; 799; 832 — Sell ran Ih (C.) Das Stiokoxydul-Gas und seine Anweu- duug iu del- chirurgischen Praxis. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- chen. 1880, xxvii, 305-309. -----. Das Lustgas und seine Verwendbarkeit iu der Chirurgie. Samml. kliu. Vortr.. Leipz., 1880. No. 281 (Chir., No. 87, 2005-2026). — Mrcrctau (A.) Accident aprfes l'inhalation de protoxyde d'azote. Bull. Soc m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne 18*7, xi, 111 —Minis (J. M.) Ou the nitrous oxyde gas as an anaes- thetic Brit M. J., Lond, 1808. i, 349.— Mhciic (A.J. C.) Nitrous oxide to facilitate examination and treatment of insane patients. Am. J. Obst., NT Y . 1879. xii, 616.— Skojjwborjj (R.) Underlining ansokau af . . . angaeude anviiiulandi' af qvafoxidulgas sasom aua*.stoticuiu. [Nitrous oxiile- as ana'sthetic ] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1879, xii. 453- 455.—Mprague (A. W.) Nitrous oxide as an amesthetic Boston M. efc S. J., 1864-5, lxxi. 169. -----. Nitrous oxide as au amesthetic and therapeutic. Ibid., 1866, lxxiv, 313- 315.—Stanley (F.) Poisoning by the inhalation of im- pure nitrous oxide gas. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, i, 395.— Taylor (C. F.) Nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic, with re- port of seven cases. Med Rec, NT Y., 1857-8. ii, 77.— Titlcl. Da.-. Stickstoffoxvdulgas als Anastheticum bei Kieisseiiden. Jahresb. d. 'Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. iu Dresd.. 1882-3. 81— Turnbull (L ) Amestheticsand nar- cotics. Iinlepend. Pract.. N. Y., 18sl, ii, 161-170. -----. Ether. Ibid., 225-232. -----. Nitrous oxide gas. Jftid.,387; 464. — Ulbrich. Ueber die. Lustgassauerstotfnareose ; mit Beziehung auf Hillischer's V. riitleiitlii:liinig. Prag. med.Wchnschr., 1887, xii, 27-30.— 1'iidcrwooil ( l'.l Pro- toxide of nitrogen as an anaesthetic Tr. odont. Sm-. Or. Brit., Lond., 1872-3, n. s., v, 11. — Vetlescu (H. J.) 240 Lystgasnarkoser. Norsk Mag. f. La*gevidensk.. Christi- ania, 1880, 4 R„ i, 425-433.— Villar. (Lis --risueno". Gac. med.de Linr-i, 1865-6, x, no. 221, 170-1,4. — Vou der Ileyde (H.) De l'emploi du protoxyde d'azote comme anesthesique dans les operations deutaires. Gaz. mCil d'Orient, Constantinople, 1885-6, xxviii, 51 ; 73. — War- ner (F.) Convulsion commencing in the face and baud from the infiiienec of nitrous oxide gas. Lancet, Loml 1882 i, 985. — Wci»»»c (F. D.) Nitrous oxide gas. Sani- tarian, N. Y., 1874-5, ii, 24-34. Also, Keprint.— Wewtcott (A.) Nitrous oxide or laughing gas as an ana'sthetic Am. M. Tunes, N. V., 1864, viii. 147; 158— Wict if. i Anesthesie chirurgicale au moyen du protoxvde dazote. Tribune med., Par., 1880, xiii, 104-106.—Williams <\\. R) A death during the administration of nitrous oxide gas. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1883, ii, 729. - Wiuderliug. NITKOUS. 954 NITTIMIER. IV it roils oxide. Del protossido d' azoto impiegato i-ome auestetico nell' es- tiazioue dei denti. (Jazz. med. ital. lomb , Milano, 1875, 7. s., ii. 241. —Wil/iiujir (M.) Ueber die Anwendung der Stii-kstoffoxyilul-Sauerstoff-N'aicose bei gibssereu cbi- rurgiseheii I'Mugrill'en. Wien. med. Presse, 1888. xxix, 47- 51. — Wood ho u«e (•!.) Observations on the effects of the nitrous oxide,, wlieu taken into the lungs. Phila M. Mu- seum. 1807-8. iv 179-183. — X. L'anesthesie par le pro- toxyde d'azote. (Une experience a l'llopital Lariboisiere.) Aniiee med.. Caen, 1878-9. iv. 177-185. —.X ifra (JT) Caso de inuertc ilebido a, la aibninistracidn del g.is protuxido de A/.oe. Lauceta. Barcel., 1885. iii, 2-4. — Zics;lcr (G. J.) Toxicological applications of nitrous oxide. Ileistem M. efc S. J., 1852, xlvi, 245-277. ----. Experimental investiga- tions on the antidotal and revivifying properties of nitrous oxide. Ibid., 1852-3, xlvii. 383-392. -----. Nitrous oxide iu asphyxia. Med. efc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1862-3, ix. 384. -----. Nitrous oxide; its mechanical properties and applications. Am. M. Times, N. V., 1863, vi, 65. -----. Researches on the medical properties and applications of protoxide of nitrogen, nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. Med. ,V Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1864, xi. 204 :'263; 293: 1864-5, xii, 120; 272: 304: 345. — Kuntz (W.) Ueber die Wirkungen des Stiekoxvilulgases. Arch. f.d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1878, xvii. 135. Nitsch (Job. Fridrico). * Dc canero. 28 pp. 4'-. Jence, lit. Krehstunis, [1713]. For Biography, see Wedeliun (Geo. Wolff.) iYitsclie ( Andreas ) [ 1767- ]. * Momenta qu-jedum comparationis regni auimalis cum vege- tabili. 47 pp. 4°. Lipsia; ex off. Bueschelia, [17HH]. For Biography, sec Platncrus (Ernestus). Nitsclie ( Fridericus llcrrnianuiis). * De valvula coli. 18 pp. 4°. Lipsia; typ. G. Staritzii, [1843]. Witsclie (Hinrich). Beitriioe zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen. Neue Folge. Habilitationssohrifr, 1 p. 1., 83 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, JV. Engelmann, 1871. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., xxi. lYitsclie (Julius). * De aithrophlogosi chronic i, addita historia morbi. 30 pp. 8°. Grtjphiti; F. Haehe, 186,7. C. NitMClit; (Willi. H.) * Ueber Supinationshin- ili-rnissi' nach Vorderarmfractureu. 20 pp. s3. Leipzig, Hnethel n. Legler, W68. [P., v. 270.] Nitsclliiis (Mauritius Fridericus). * De valc- tudiue senuni tuenda. 32 pp. 4°. Halce Mag- deb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1725]. IVilscllke (Elia). Exercitationum physiologi- caruin tenia, de chylificatione. 4 1. sm. 4r [Lipsia; 16')•*.] Nit*ente au xxviiie Congres scientifiqne de France. l.T pp. 4°. Bordeaux, L. Cortlcc [and others], lsiil. -----. Jenner's Gant vor dem wissenschaftlichen Congresso von Fraukreich zu Cherbourg 1S60, zu Bordeaux 1801. Entschcid iiber 10.000 de- ponirte und 40,000 garantirte Ftaukeu, Preis fiir den, welcher den Vorwurf der Charlatauerie von der Vaccination wisseusehaftlich abzuweisen verniochte? oder Condemnation der Iinpfung als Ursache diu- Herbstfarbe des menschlichen Ant- lizes, der Abscliwiichung und Vi-nnindciung des Menschengeschlcchts. Eine Wanning fiir den Staat, fiir die Familie uud fiir den Einzelnem. Mit Karten, Abbildungen und franziisisclieiii Anhang. iv, 172 pp., 4 ch., 7 pl. 8°. Leipzig, G. Uranus, 1862. -----. Gott und Abgott, oder die Iiupfhexe. I. Geschiehte nnd Meteorologie: Der Glaube an den Impfschuzist Aberglaube. II. Die Iuipf hexe in Wiirteinberg: Natiirliches System. III. Die Uebel der Impfung: Uebersezung des englischen Blaubnchs, im Auszug. IV. Petitionen au diu Stande Wiirtembergs, nebst Beilagen. 208 pp. s\ Stuttgart, A. Sehaber, 1863. -----. Testament der Natur gegen die Vergewal- tigung der Volker (lurch den Henland aus Bete- lehein uemlich durch die giftige uud uuzlose Impfung. Fiir alle Burger, welche nun wie einsfc die Schweizer vor dem Gesslers-Hut ohne Kopf sich beugeu unci den Gruss sagen niiisseu: " Gloria der Iinpfung!" Ein Sclinierzensnif aus Deutschland, Fraukreich, England, Italien, Hol- land, Ungaru, Dauemark, etc. xii, 452 pp. 8->, Leipzig, G. Biennis, W67>. Offene Klage vor Gerioht wider die Impfvergiftung in Wiirtemberg. Beweis-Akteu vou Dr. ... in Stuttgart. -----. Die Staatsmagie der Impfung uud die iibleu Gesuudheitsverhaltuisse der Beviilkerung vor der Abgeordiieten-Kammer Wiirteuibergs oder Was ist Wahrheitf xii, 316 pp., 6 pl. «°. Leipzig, G. Brauns, 186)6. -----. Der Kainpf wider die Iinpfung im Volk und Parlament von England, nebst popularen offeutlich gehalteuen Vortriigen bewiihrter eug- lischer Aerzte und Menschenfrennde, welche sorglichen Eltern ehrlichen Rath geben : ob sie ihre Kinder impfen lassen sollen. 240 pp. ar Stuttgart, E. Ebner, 1867. -----. Der Raub am Mutterrecht und der Fliigel- schnitt tier Nation (lurch deu Impfzwang, nebst praktischer Hausuiediciu fiir die Miitter bei Cholera, Ruhr, Blattern, Scharlach, Iniptseuche, etc. Sendschreiben an die Grafiu vou Noailles. 55 pp., 9 pl.; 20 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, C. Griininger, 186,7. -----. Die Impfgiftung und das betrogene Baiern, eiu Beitrag zur Leidensgeschichte der Fiirsten und Volker, nebst Germania's Bild uud England's Autrag auf Untersuchung viva voce (Enquete). 144 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Ebner. 1867. Title on cover: Die Iinpfung ein Misabrauch. NITTLNGlrR, 955 NIVIUIT. Nittillger (Carl G. G.)—continued. -----. Staat und Volk in bittcicin Zweifel an der Vaccination. 96 pp. ?--". Stuttgart, 1868. -----. Die Impfregie mit Blut und Eisen. Der Raub am Mtitterrecht, der Flugelschnitt der Nation und als Strafe dafiir: die iunere Abhau- tung, Diphtheia, statt der iiusern, dera. Heilung der Diplithereu, insbesondere der Cholera des Abendlandes. Social-inedicale Studie deutsch- englisch ; Thesen franziisisch; Uebersicht itali- enisch; Verbot der Impfung hoiliindisch. 199 pp., 1 frontisp., 5 tab., 9 pl. 8:r Stuttgart, C. Griin'nitjcr, |8f>8. -----. Vei-werfung der Impfung. Rede gehalten in der Tonhalle zu Leipzig am 4. Mai 1869. 24 pp. l.i°. Stnttc/art, t. Wittig, [1869]. See, also, Scliiefcrdeclter (Ch'r. Charles). Dr. C. G. (1. Nittinger's evils of vaccination. 12°. Philadelphia, 185(1. Nitze (M.) See I.citer (Josef). Beschreibung und Instruction [eti-.] 4°. Wien, 1880. Nitzelnadel (Ernst). *Zur Therapie des Na- belschnurvorfallesbei Schiidellage. [Jena.] 24 pp. 8 \ Altenburg, O. Bonde, W87. Nitzelnadel (Paul). * Ueber nervose Hyperi- drosis und Anidrosis. 61 pp., 11. 8-. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1867. IVitzen (Ernestus). De principalibus reTiv apxov popiuv affectibus quiestioues varias. 12 1. 4 T Basilece, J. J. Geuathium, [1617]. -----. De phlebotomia. In: Aoonismata med. Marpurgensia. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1618, 47-71. Nitzsch (Abrahamus) [ -1749]. * De dolore et spasmo ex calculo felleo, oder: Vom Schmertz und Krampf des Steins aus der Galle. 28 pp., 21. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1731]. -----. Opinioues medicorum artis evehenda* pes- tem. 3 1. 4°. [Petropoli, 1734.] Nitzscll (Asinuudus Reinholdus) [1825- ]. * De ratione inter pulsus frequentiam et corporis altitiidiiieni habita. 42 pp. sm. 8°. Halis Sax., typ. Schmidtianis, [1849]. [Also, in: P., v. 107.] NitZSCll (Carolus). * De ferro in animalibus obvio. 2 p. 1., 35 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bonna; formis C. tt F. Krueger, 1846. [P., v. 575.] \itzs«rh (Christianus Ludovicus) [1782-1837]. Commentatio de respiratione aiiimalium. 56 pp. 4°. Viteberga; Zimmermann, 1898. [P., v. 412] -----. Prteniissa' sunt observationes de avium arteria carotide commuui. 36 pp. 4°. Hala; typ. Gebaueriis, [1829]. For Biography, see Sciler (Burcard Guilielmus). Nitzscll (Friedrich). Luther und Aristoteles. Festschrift zum vierhuudertjalirigen Geburts- fage Luther's. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 8°. Kiel, [Schmidt n. Kla it nig], 1883. NitZM'li (Greg. Guilielmus). Memoria Chris- tiani Rudolphi Guilielmi Wiedeinauni, defuncli d. xxi. in. Decembr. a. m.d.c.c.cxl. 15 pp. 4°. Kilice, C. F Mohr, W41. Nitzsclie (Carolus Alexander). * Erysipelatis singulare exemplum, pnemissa de hujus morbi natura commeutatione. 24 pp 8°. Jena, typ. Branii, [1837]. Nitzsche (Carolus Ferdinandns). * Diss, qua theoria* generations pnecipue cum veteris turn reccntioris a*vi expouuiitur. 1 p. ]., 26 pp. 4°. J'ralislavia; typ. Universitat is, [1817]. NitZSChe (Friedrich Robert). Beitriige zur The- rapie der Riickgiatsvcrkriinimungen, insbeson- dere der Scoliosis myopathica uud habitualis. nach eigenen Erfahrungen mitgetheilt. vi, 49 pp., 1 pl. 8 . Dresden, C. Hbckner, 1860. -----. Thesame. 2. Aufl. iv, 49 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Dresden, H. Klein in, 1860. -----. Die Heilung der Brust-Besckwerden durch iirztliche Zimnier - Gyuinastik, oder populare Nitzsclie (Friedrich Robert)—continued. Darstellnng uud Beselireibuno derjenigeu heil- gyiiinastischen Bewegungen, welche bei Krank- heiten des Respirations- und Circulationsappu- rates, insbesondere bei Veiunstaltung und Ver- engeruug des Thorax, nacher und sehwacln-r Brust, Hiihnerbrust, bei Briistbekleniinungen, Herzbeengungen, Brustversclileiinung, Bronchi- alkatarrh, Asthma, begiunenderLungentnbeicu- lose, etc., ausgezeiehnete Dienste leisteu. Nach vieljahrigen praktischen Erfahrungen. 3 p. 1., 108 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Dresden, H. Klemm. [1861], -----. Die Heilung der Unterleibs-Beschwerden durch iirztliche Ziminer-Gyniuastik, populare Darstelluug und Beschreibung derjenigeu heil- gymiiastischen Bewegungen, welche bei Triigheit uud Stockungen der Unterleibsftinctionen, ins- besondere bei Appetitlosigheit, triiger Verdau- ung, Verdauungsschwaehe, Magcnsiiure, Ma- gen- und Darinverschleimung, Flatulenz, Felt- sucht, Anschoppungen im Pfordadorsvsteni oder Hamorrhoidalbesch werden, Auschwelluugen der . Leber und Milz, habitueller Leibisverstopfung und alien daher stammenden reflectirten Er- scheinungen auf das Gehirn, wie bei Eiugenoin- meuheit des Kopfes, Hypochondrie, Hysterie, Melancholic, etc., ansgezeichnet Dienste leisten. Nach vieljahrigen praktischen Erfahrungen bearbeitet. iv, 97 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Dresden, H. Klemm, 1861. IVitzsche (Fridericus Theodorus Guilielmus). * De convalesceutia ejusque ad morbos quosdam opportunitate et cura iu ea iustituenda prophy- lactica. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 11. 4C. Vratislavia; typ. Univevsitatis, [1809]. Nitzsche (Gustav Ferdinand). * Destrabismo. 24 pp. 4°. Lipsia; typ. J. F. Glneckii [1840]. For Biography, see Joerg (Jo. Christ. Godo.) Nivard (Raoul). * De l'amputation dans la zone empliyst-mateuse des membres atteints de gan- grene traumatique. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 50. Rfivelet. Etude sur le diagnostic different iol des paralysies eu g6n6ral et sur leur traitenient par l'eleetricit6. 15 pp. 12°. Commercy, C. Cabasse, [1863]. Nivolet (F.) * Des indications therapeutic)nes en general. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 1, v. 209. -----. Moliere et Gui Patin. (Moliere et Gui Patin; satires in6dicales de Moliere; Gui Patin et TlnSophraste Renaudot; la Faculty de Paris au xviie siecle; quelques critiques sur Gui Patin, son apologie.) 142 pp. 12°. Paris, Berger- Levraultf Cie., 1889. Xivelet (Rene"). * Du bain electrique, ses diffe- rents modes d'application, son action physiolo- gique et ses effets the'rapeutiques. 28 pp. 4J. Paris, 1867. No. 204. Nivelon (J.-A.-P.) *Sur la pleur6sie. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, W32. No. 257, v. 2:*0. [IViveil (Miss).] The meetings fur wives and daughters. 8 pp. 8°. Melbourne, Walker, May f Co., 1884. Australian Health Soc. Publications, no. 21. IViverd (Jules). * Considerations sur l'emploi de l'ophthalmoseope dans les meningites et l'h6- morrhagie ce"r£brale. 31 pp. 4;r Paris, 1874, No. 176. divert (Adolphe). * Remarques sur quelques maladies et la cauterisation appliquee a leur traitement. 40 pp. 4-\ Paris, 1830, No. 100, v. 232. IVivert (C.-F.) * Snr le sarcocele et le cancer du testicule. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 131, v. 105. divert (Gusfavc-Adolphe). * De la version ce- phalique par les manoeuvres externes dans les presentations vicieuses du foetus. 119 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 200. N1VET. 9oiJ INOAJ). IVivet ([Annet] Vincent) [1809- ]. * Recherches, oliservatioiis et propositions sur di fie rents points de medecine, de chirurgie, de physioiogie et d'hy- giene. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, W38, No. 359, v. 331. ------. Notice sur l'etablisseinent thermal de Royat (Puy-de-Dome). 14 pp. 8°. Clermont- Ferrand, Thibaud-Landriot freres, 187,5. [P., v. 1(551; 1786.] ------. Rapport sur 1'epidemie de fievres inter- mittentes simples et pernicieuses qui a regne en 18.")(iet 1857 a Perignat-es-Allier (Puy-de-D6me). 46 pp. 8°. Clermont, F. Thibaud, 1858. [P., v. 1667. ------. Documents sur l'organisation de la mede- cine des pauvres dans les campagues. vi (1 1.), 04 pp. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, P. Hubler, W63. ------. Documents sur les epidemies qui out regne dans l'arrondissement de Clermont - Ferrand de 1849 a 1864. Angines pseudo-niembraneuses et croupes; fievres intermittentes simples et per- nicieuses; goitre epideiniqne; cholera-morbus. 117 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' fi^s) W65. -----. Notice historique sur les epidemies de rarrondissement de Clermont, suivie d'un rap- fiurt sur 1'epidemie de Mezel, annee I860. (Cho- era-morbus, suettes miliaires, varioles et fievres intermittentes.) 20pp. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, F. Thebaud, 1869. ------. Etudes sur le goitre 6pid6mique. 95 pp. 8°. I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere if Jils, 1873. ------. La Bourboule, ses thermes et ses eaux minerales. 62 pp., 11., 2 pl. 8°. Clermont-Fer- rand, G. Mont-Louis, 1879. ------. Traite du goitre, appuye" sur des docu- ments statistiques in6dits et accompague d'une carte de la distribution du Puy-de-Dome. 297 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere J-fils, 18-1). ------. Rapport sur l'engrais humain, les egouts et les fosses d'aisance. 129 pp., 11., I map. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, G. Mont-Louis, W8l. Repr. from: Trav. d. Cons, d'hyg. [etc.] du (16p. du Puy-de Dome, 1881. ------. Thesame. 129 pp., 1 plan, 11. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1882. ------. Eaux minerales. 48 pp. 8°. [Clermont- Ferrand, n. cl.] [P., v. 171)6.] See, also, Blatin (Henry) &. IVivet (V.) Traite des maladi s des t'enimes [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1842. ------ A Aguillion (H.) Notice sur 1'epidemie de cholera-morbus qui a ravage le departement dn Puy-de-Dome en 1849, adresse ii M. le ministre de ragriculture et du commerce. 63 pp. 8°. Paris. J.-B. Briilliere. 18.T1. [Also, in : P., v. 4(51.] \iviuski (E. I.) Vrach, publika, pecliat, cho- lera. The physician, the public, the press, cho- lera. J 13 pp. 8-. S>. Petersburg. 1885. \iWil Tokiclliro. Seiyakn Zensho. [Com- plete system of pharmacy.] 10, 494, 8, 7 pp., 11 <0. Tokio, 1881. Japanese text. \lX (Henr. Anton.) * De electro - magnetisnio, ejusque vi et usu in medieina. :!!) pp., 2 1. 8-. Bounce, Kriigei; [1847]. [P., v. 575.] \i\Oll (Montgomery). * De hvdrope anasarca. 2 p. 1., 30 pp. ft r Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie. 1789. \JXOll (Newton H.) North London, or Univer- sity College Hospital. A history of the hospital from its formation to the year 1«81. 60 pp. 8°. London, W82. \ixon (Robertus). * De voc« humana. 22 pp, --. Edinburgi, Abernethy et ll'alkei; 1807. Nizam's Dominions. Report on the medical topography and statistics of the Nizam's military cantonments and army. Compiled partly from records in the superintending surgeon's office, aud reports furnished by medical officers to the Nizaill's Dominions—continued. service. 81 pp., 10 maps. 8° Madras, D. P. L. C. Connor, 1852. Nizenius (Ernest). .See Petraeus (Henrieus). De arthritide. In: KosOL. harmonica dogmat. et herinet. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, ItilG, ii, 441-465. -----. De obstructioue hepatis. In) Nosol. harnionica dogmat et hermet. 4°. Marpurgi Cat- torum, 1616, ii, 163-193. NiziilKki iSylwester). * Die doppelseitigo Hiiff- geleiikiesection. [Wurtzburg.] 30 pp. 8°. Po- sen, W85. I\i/,Oii (Theobaldus). * Anlitteratis vita eu'lebs? Prieses Ludovicus Pathiot. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris], (ft ilia u, 1771. ------. * Au uteriua placenta radix ? Prieses Simon Antonius Bringaud. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris], Quillau, 1771. ------. * An variolis narcotica ? Prseses Jacobus Ludovicus Alleaume. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, Quil- lau, 1771.] ------. * Num. in resecandis artubus, carnis seg- inina leservare, satins ? Prieses Dyonysius-Clau- dins Doulcet. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, Quillau, 1772.] Nizsclite (Christianus). Decatarrho. 7 1. 4°. Begiomonti. typ. P. Mensenii, 1665. J\i%zn. See Nice. Vkii^a. fiiebreich. Ueber die toxischen Wukuugen der N'Kassa-Rinde. Ztschr. f. Ethuol., Berl., 1875, vii, 248-250. Xoack (Alphons). * De nutricis virtutibus. 28 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, ex off. liiickinaniii, [1835]. Also, Co-Editor of: Journal fiir Arzneimittellehre, Leipzig, 1839. See, also. Sellnab« (Wilbuar). Pharmacopoeahomceo- pathica [etc.] 8T Leipzig, 1872. Por liitigrapliy. see Knhl (Car. Aug.) Noack (Carolus Augustus). * De melanosi cum in hoininibus turn in equis obvenieute. Speci- men patholnghe coinparata*. viii, 33 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off. Hirsctifeldiana, 1826. ------. The same. Commentatio veterinario-me- dica de melanosi cum iu hoininibus turn in equis obvenieute specimen pathologiie coniparatu'. viii, 33 pp., 3 pl. 4C. Lipsiee, L. Voss; Parisiis, J.-B. Bailliere, [n. d.] For Biography, see Haase (G. A.) Noack (Carolus Augustus Eduardus). * De atrophia, creberrimo morborum infantiliuin symptomate. 38 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, typ. C. P. Melzeri, [1848]. Noack (Paul Reinhold). * Beobachtungeu iiber Peritonitis acuta. 35 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. E. Elbert, W65. C. XoJick (Paulus [Theophilus]) [1836- ]. *De eehinococeis hepatis. 56 pp. 8°. Gryphiswal- dia; F. Haehe, 1869. C. ------. Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen des Re- gierungs-Bezirks Oppeln. General-Bericht er- stattet von ... 156 pp. roy. 8J. Oppeln, G. Maste, W84. -----& Becker (H.) Der Hoilapparat des Iu- selbades bei Paderborn, nach deu neuesten che- mischen Untersuchungen. 30 pp. 8°. Pader- born, P. Herle it. Comp., 1865. Noad (Henry M.) Electro-physiology; being a popular account of the recent researches of Mat- teucei and others in this department of electrical science, including some observations on the the- rapeutic application of electricity. 67 pp. 8°. London, G. Knit/lit f Sons, 1849. ------. Chemical manipulation and analysts, qualitative and quantitative. With an intro- duction explanatory of the general principles of chemical nomenclature, the construction and use of formulae, the doctrine of equivalent propor- tions, and on the preparation and management NOAD. 957 XOCKHKH. \o;ul (Henry M.)—continued. of gases. A new ed., considerably enlarged. lxiv, 367 pp. 8U. London, II. Baldwin, 1852. ------. A manual of chemical analysis, qualita- tive and quantitative, xvi, 633 pp. 8°. Lon- don, L. Peeve p. 8°. Versailles, J.-T. Jacob, W22. ] [P., v. 1077.] Noble (Adolphe-Auguste). * Sur la metrite aigue. •JO pp. 4°. Paris.' 18.15. No. 275, v. 290. !\oble (Daniel) [1810-85]. An essay ou the means, physical and moral, of estimating human character. 23 pp. 8°. Manchester, Prentice f Calhrall, W35. [P., v. 1238.] ------. Pacts and observations relative to the influence of manufactures upon health and life. 81 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1843. ------. The brain and its physiology; a critical disquisition on the methods of determining the relations between the structure and functions of tlie encephalon. xvi, 450 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill', W46. ------. Wat is waar, wat onwaar in het dierlijk magnetisme? Kritische lieschouwiiig der ines- nierische daadzaken en theorien. Uit het En- gelsch vertaaid door J. N. Ramaer. iv, 154 pp., 2 1. 8 . Zutphen, W. J. Thiciiie. 1847. ------. On the question of contagion in cholera. 11 pp. 8'. London, JJ'ilson f Cc/ilry. 1849. Repr. from : Lond. M. Gaz., n. s., viii. ------. Elements of psychological medicine. An introduction to the practica] study of insanity, adapted for students and junior practitioners. xxiv, 340 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1853. ----—. Three lectures on the correlation of psy- chology and physiology. 45 pp. sm. 8°. Lon- don, T. Richards, W7,4.' Repr.from: Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854. n. s., ii. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xii, 356 pp. 8 ■'. Lon- don, J. Churchill, 187)5. ------. The human mind in its relations with the brain and nervous system, xiii, 157 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. -----. On certain popular fallacies concerning the production of epidemic diseases. 22 pp. 8°. Noble CDaniel)—continued. Manchester, Care f Sever, 1-59. [P., v. 503: ss-j ; 1025.] Repr. from: Tr. Manchester Statist. Soc, 1859. ------. On fluctuations in the death rate, with a glance at the causes, having especial reference to the supposed influence of the cotton famine on recent mortality. (Read before the Manchester Statistical Society, October 26. 1863.) 20 pp. -°. Manchester, Cave' $■ Sever, 1863. Repr. from: Tr. Manchester Statist. Soc, 1863-4. ------. Thoughts on the value and significance of statistics. 14 pp. ftr Manchester, Cave 3-Sever, 1866. [Also, in: P., v. 595.] lie pr. from: Tr. Manchester Statist. Sue, 18U5-6. Noble (Edward Moore). A treatise on op- thalniy, and those diseases which are induced by inflammations of the eyes. With new meth- ods of cure. Pt. 1. xiv, 144 pp. 8°. Birming- ham, Sicinney 4' Hawkins, 1800. Noble (Geo. H.) Abortive treatment of mam- mary abscesses, and the cure of fissured nipples by means of a new und effectual compress. 8 pp. 8°. Atlanta, 1882. Repr. from: Atlanta M. lle-g., 1882, ii. Noble (L.-R.) * Sur quelques deplacenieus pen conn us de la matrice. 20 pp. 4 . Paris, 1st is, No. 145, v. 73. Noble (W. H.) Useful tables. Compiled by . . . Printed by order of the .secretary of state for war. iii, 64 pp. 16°. London, JV. Clowes if Sons, [n. d.] IVoMejas. St,- Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Noblet (Charles-Louis). *Du role des conipos6s sodiqties dans I'economie. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. f-8. Noblet (E.) pere. Editor of: Revue militaire frangaise, I'aris 1875. Noblet (Pierre). * De la cachexie paludeenne. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 123, v. 022. de Nobrega (Gerardo Jose"). On the cultiva- tion of cochineal. 11 pp. sr [n. p.], W49. Repr. from: Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond , 1848—'), viii. Aocer.i. Bailaloni (G.) I bagni di Nocera-Umbra. Idrologia, Firenze lss'l, v, 169-176. " Nocllt ([Eduard Albrecht] Bernhard) [ls.->7- ]. * Ueber die Erfolge der Nervendehnung. 41 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, W81. Nociones, preceptos y niedios que deben conocer las familias para prevenir el desarrollo del colera nior' o asiatico yconibarir sus primeros sintomas en el caso aun no probable de que invada nuestro territorio. Aprobadas por la Junta municipal de sanidad de Madrid en sesion de 1" de agosto de 1884 y publicadas por acuerdo del exemo. a vuntamiento, de 6 del citado nies. -24 pn. 16°. Much-ill, 1884. Nock (Ebenezer). William Harvey, M. D., F. R. S. : (The discoverer of the transit of the blood throughout) its entire route. And a romantic, biographic, and historic record of facts transpir- ing iu the nineteenth century. 8 pp. 12°. London. 1886. -----. An JEscnlnpian dunciad! William Har- vey, M. D., V. R. S.. discoverer of the circulation of Hie blood throughout its entire route, a real born fool and the progenitor of a million of fools; and the grave and proud "doctors of Dull-Head College", an hereditary college of wooden-heads. A ghostly paradox, founded on extraordinary historic facts. 3. ed., revised and personified. ' 22 pp. 12°. London, 1-87. Nockher (Ferdinandns). * De morbis ductus thoracici. 40 pp. 4°. Bonnw, typ. C. Georgii, [1831]. NOCKHKR. 958 NOKL. Noeklier (Wilhelmus). * De aneurysmate. 30 pp. 4 . Duisburgi, typ. F. W. Krdmeri, 1816. Aoctiliica. Adlek(C.F.) * Noctiluca marina. 8°. Up- salice, 177,2. In: Lix.vki's. Amcenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Amste- bed. et Lugd. Hat., 1756, iii, '202-210, 1 pl. Biit*chli (O.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber gewisse Ornanisatiousverhaltnisse der sog. Cilioflagellaten und der Noetiluca. ilit einem Beitrag von E. Askenasv- Mor- nlnil. Jahrb.. Leipz., 1884-5, x, 529-577, :i pl.—I'ai-un (J. V.) Ueber Noetiluca miliaris Sur. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, IMis, iv, 351.—Donitz (\VT) L'eber Noctiluca miliaria Sur. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leip/.. l.-'tis. 137-149, 1 pl. -----. Ueber Noctiluca milia- ris. Ki wiih inns an Herrn Prof. V. Cams. Ibid., 750- 754.— Visual (WT) Recherches histologiques et physio- leiLiiques sur les noctiluques (Noctiluca miliaris, Surifay). fieole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1877-8, Par., 1879, iv, 197-236, 2 pl. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1878, 2. s., v, 415- 454, 2 pl. JVocturnal emissions. Morris (J.) Nocturnal emissions in women. Tr. M. e!t Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1877, 93-96. Nodalle (Mich. Ign. Antonius). * De hepatis in morbis prajcipue sympathia. 1 p. 1., 73 pp., 1 1. 8'-\ Dorpat, typ. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1816. Nodari (Giuseppe). Fisiologia della tubercolosi pulnionare. 112 pp., 8 pl., 1 1. roy. 8°. Padova, L. Penada, W79. ------. Gli alcaloidi cadaverici considerati nella loro genesi e portati nell' arringo delle cause pe- nali. 29 pp. 8°. Padova, frat. Salmin, 1885. ------. II rimedio istantaneo efficace e definitivo contro il dolore delle scottature di primo grado. (Conununicazione preventiva.) 8pp. 8°. Pa- ilora. Prosperini, 1886. Nodding. See Convulsions (Nodding). Node (('..) See l.aii-.'c (A.) &, IVodc (C.) Atlas de l'art des ac- ci.ui lumens, |etc.] fol. Paris, 1835. l\ode*. See Exostosis (Syphililic); Syphilis ; Tibia (Diseases of). Nodet (Am6d6e). * De l'application de la me- thode sous-capsulo-perioste a la resection tibio- tarsienne. 82 p]». 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 57. Nodet (Charles-F61ix). * Contribution a l'6tude des Eruptions pemphigoides aigues (pemphigus aigus; dermatoses bulleuses, pemphigoides). 166 pp. 4r Lyon, 1889, No. 35. Nodet (Louis). * Etudes cliniques et experi- mentales sur les diverses especes de chancres et particulierement surle chancre mixte. vi, 7-151 tip. 4 r Montpellier, Boehm $ fils, 1863, No. 41. Aoilier (Charles)1 [1780-1844]. Albertus. Charles Nodier, naturaliste et medecin ; sa theorie du cholera. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1885. 7. s., ii, 13-19. Nodier (Charles)-. * .Sur une ophthalmie caus6e par la lumiere electrique. 41 pp., 1 1. 4°. Pa- ris, 1881, No. 264. Noe (Fridericus) [1838- ]. * De chloroformii vi atque usu, et de ana*stheticorum vetustate. 39 pi>. 8 . Gryphice, F. Haehe, [1863]. Noe (Moise-Polidore). * I. Exposer les carac- tercs de la roseble, ses variety, sa marche, son traitement. II. [etc.] 46pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, Xo. 267, v. 364. Noebelius (Joh. Ludovicus). * Diss, explicans hydropem. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Regiomonti, lit. Ilttrtungianis, [ 1764]. Noenliilg ( Jo. Godofr. Michael). * De pilis eorumque morbis. 37 pp., 1 1. 4°. Helmstadii, ex. off'. Schnorriana, [1740]. Nohliilif (Job. Guilielmus). See HtocU (Joh. Christianus) & IVobliiitf (Joh. Guilielmus). De cadaveribus sanguisugis [etc.] 4°. Jence, 1732. \oe;r;reialli (Carolus Ernestus) [1817- ], *l)e voce, respiratione, deglutitione uhscrvatio- nes qua'dam. vi, 12 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Bounce, typ. C. Cn-ort/ii, W11. Noeggcratli (Emil Jacob). * Spieilegium ea- suuin nonnullorum polypi nasi et pharyngis qui in clinico chirurgico Bonnensi novissimis anuis observati sunt, addita descriptionc methodi nova' ad extirpandnm polypum phary tigis. 28 pp., 21. 8°. Bonnie, formis C. Georgii, 187,2. ------. Remarks on the employment of pessaries; with the description of a new instrument. •'(( pp. 12°. New Vorl,; C. Tiemann f Co., 1-7,8. Repr. from: N. York J. AL. 185S. vi, with additional remarks. ------. Die latente Gonorrhoe im weiblichon Gc- schlecht. viii, 125 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, M. Co- hen u. Sohn, 1872. ------. The vesico-vaginal and vesieo-rectal touch; a new method of examining the uterus and appendages. Ki pp. 8 . New Vork, 1-75. Repr. from: Am. J. Ohst., N. Y., 1S75, viii. ------. The diseases of blood-vessels of the ovary in relation to the genesis of ovarian cysts. 19 pp.,2pl. 8 . yew Vork, IV Hood ,y Co., b-.Hi. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst.. M. Y.. 18S0, xiii. Also, Co-Editor of: American (The) Journal of Ob- stetrics, New York, lsiiS-71. ------ & Jaeobi (A.) Contributions to mid- wifery, and diseases of women and children; with a report on the progress of obstetrics, and uterine and infantile pathology in 1858. iv (2 1 ), 9-475 pp., 11. 8'-. Ne-e York, Bailliere Brothers, 187)9. j\oe.g,.g"eratIiN* operation. See- Uterus (Excision of, Vaginal). Noehdeil (Henricus Adolphus). * Specimen botanicum in quo de argumeutis contra Hedwigii theoriain de generatione muscorum disserit. 36 pp. 4°. Gottinga; typ. J. G. I'osenbuschii, 1797. Noel (C.-Leopold). * De la chroinato-psctidop- sie. 42 pp. 4". Paris, 1857, No. 203. v. (ins. Noel (C.-M.) * Sur les hemorrhagies spontanees. 19 pp. 4 T Paris, W26, No. 91, v. 199. Noel (C.-N.-Octave). * Des heniorrliugies pucr- perales. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 15, v. 7,1(5. Noel (Charles). * Etude physiologique et me- dicale sur les bains de mer. 139 pp. V. Paris, 18(12, No. 72. Noel (E.) [1855- ]. * Contribution h l'etude de l'hybridit«4 morbide. 136 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*78, No'. 56. Noel (Eugene). Rabelais, nieneeiu, 6erivaiu, cure, philosophe. 4. 6el., ornee d'un portrait in6- dit grave a l'eau-forte par A. Ksnault. 247 ]i]i.. port. 12°. Paris, A. H. Beats, 1880. Noel (F.-A.-Renc). * De raccoucheinent prema- tura artificiel et des cas qui le reclainent. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 143. Noel (Franciscus Maruarita). Quastiones nic- dicie. 10 pp. 4°. Panxiis, 1803, No. 74. v. C. Noel (Fraii(;ois\ * Des arrets de croissance de fiiterus. 76 pp. 4 . Montpellier, 1877. No. 13. Noel (Franvois-F.-R.) * De la rougeole epide- miqne chez les enfants. 42 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 187)4, No. 322, 2. s., v. 20. Noel (Georges). * fitude geuerale sur les varia- tions physiologiques des ga/. du sang. 62 pp., 1 1. 4°.' Paris, 1876, No. 475. iVoel (Henry RecjinaUl) [ -1878]. .Horris (J.) Obituary. Tr. Am. M. A**., I'hila., 18x1. xxxii. 528. Noel (I.) *Des lesions organiques qui peuvent produire l'ascite. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 10, v. 436. Noel (J.-M.-E.-D.-A.-F.) * Propositions generates I sur rinSmoptysie. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. I 46, v. 61. NOEL. 959 XOKTKL. Noel (J.-S.-Eihmard). * Quelques c,ousid6rations geiierales sur I'hygiene dans les cainpagnes des Vnsges. 21pp. W. Paris, 1851, No. 7-J, v. 512. NtK'l (.Joseph) [1753-1808]. M6decine legale. ! MS. Rap. de H. Hartung. 226 pp. 4°. [Stras- bourg, n. d.] Noel (Joseph-V.) * Sur le catarrhe ehronique de la vessie. vi, 7-25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 50, v. 198. Noel (L.) 'Sur la dysenteric aigifi1 simple. 29 pp. 4 . Paris, 182(1. No. 231, v. 227. Noel (Leon) [1844-76]. Contribution a l'his- toire des aiiesthesique.s; dn pouls veineux cointue s\ liiptAme habitue] de Taction physiologique du cliloroforine. 15 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1876. ] Repr. from : Bull. Acad. roy. dc med. de Beln., Brux., 1876, :i. s., x. For Biography, see J. d. sc. m6d. ile Louvain, 1877, ii, 273-286. port (E. Hubert). Noel (Leon Paul). * Du typhus et de la fievre typhoide. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 144, v. 634. Noel (Louis). * Sur les perforations spontanees de l'estomac. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Strasboura, 1827, v. 56. Noel (Nicholas) [1746-1832]. Traite" liistorique et pratique de l'inoculation, dans lequel on de- montre, 1°. L'anciennete de cot usage dans les principals parties de l'Asie et del'Afrique, ainsi que son etablissement en Europe et eu Ameriqtie. 2. La meilleure methode a employer pour I'in- sertiou de la petite-verole, comment on doit pra- tiquer cette operation, et le traitement qui liii convient. 3. Enhn, les moyens de reenter les . objections faites contre cette maniere de donner ! la petite-verole. Ouvrage ties-insfructif pour quiconque desire savoir a quoi s'en teuir sur la question imporfante, et taut debattue, de l'ino- i-ii hit ion. 6 p. 1., 1^8 pp. 8°. Iieims, Jenne- hunime f Jils, 1789. ------. * .Sur la necessite de r^unir les connais- sances medieales et chirnrgicales, pour pouvoir exercer avec distinction les differentes branches dc la chirurgie. iii, 32 pp. 4°. Paris, an A"III [1897)]. No. 505, v. 57. Noel (Perry Eccleston). * De angina tracheali. 2 p. 1., 41 pp. 8 . Edinburgi, A. Neill cum sociis, 1794. Noel (R. R ) Grundziige der Phrenologie, oder Anleitung zum Studium dieser Wissenschaft, dargestellt in fiinf Vorlesungen. vi, iv, 374 pp., 1 1., 9 pl. 8'-'. Dresden u. Leipzig, Arnold, 1841. ------. The same. Mit Beriicksichtigung der neueren Foischungeii auf dem Gebiete der Phy- sioiogie nnd Fsychologie. 2. Aufl. 3 p. J., 592 pp., 2 1., 12 pl. 8-r Dresden it. Leipzig, Arnold, 1847. ------. Die Begrlindiing und das Wesen tier Phre- nologie. 32 pp. 8°. Dresden, Arnold, 1852. Noel "(Victor- Auguste). * De 1'influence de l'iiiiagination sur reconomie animale. 1 p. 1., 39 pp. 4 . Strasbourg. 1.-28, v, r>7. -----. Thesame. Ip. 1., 39pp. W. Strasbourg, F.-G. Levranlt, W28. Noelas (Pierre-Charles). * Sur la chlorose (on pales couleurs). 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 191, v. 221. Noeldeeheil (Carolus Henricus Guilelmus) [184.- ]. * De pneumothorace. 32 pp. 8*-'. Berolini, tl. Lange, [1864]. Noeldeeheil ( Fridericus Guilelmus Alex. "> [1813- ]. * De hydrocephalo chronico. 29 pp. 8r Iieroliui, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [W39]. Noeldeeheil (Julius Guilelmus Bernardtis) [1839- ]. * De auatomia patbologica typhi abdominalis. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, II. S. Her- mann. [18o2]. Noeldeke (Georgius Justus Fridericus) [L /0- 1-43 1. * Diss, pa'thologiaui phthiseos hepaticaa Noeldeke (Georgius Justus Fridericus)—cont'd. sistens. 70 pp. 4°. Gottingee, H. M. Crape, [1794]. For Biography, see Blumenbach (Jo. Frid.) Noll ([Balthasar] Friedrich) [1855- ]. * Ein Fall von Hemicephalie mit Epignathie. 15 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. Min-burg, Hof- u. IVaisenhuu<- Biichclrttekerei in Cassel, 1882. Noell (Karl Ludwig). * Leber Typhus abdomi- nalis. [Wurtzburg.] 44 pp. 8 . Birkeiifeld, C. F. Kitlsleinei; 1833. Noell (Ph.) * Ueber die Wirksamkeit des Colehi- cum autuiuuale. vi, 7-40 pp., 1 pl. s>. JJUrz- burg, C. IT. Becker, 1826. Noell ([Philippus] Gustavus) [1841- ]. * De partu g>*mellorum. 32 pp. 1^-. Berolini, li. Lunge. 1864. Noelle (Augustus). * De animi deliquio. 29 pp. 8-. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [18-^1]. Noeller (Couradus Daniel.) •* De partu serotino. 11 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jence, ex off. Prageri et soc, [18(17]. Noeller (Ernestus) [1-24- ]. * Dc diabctte melliti natura. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [W48]. Noeller (Kuno). * Beitrag zur operativen Be- handlung der Hydrocele. 14 pp. «r Wiirz- burg, A. Boegler, 1885. Noller (W.) * Ein Fall von idiopathischer granu- lirender Eutziindting der Dura mater. -J5 pp. ^c. Geittingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1875. Noellner (Friedrich). * Die Anatomic des Splanchnicus uud der Nieieiiiierven beim llnnde. lipp., lpl. 4°. Giessen, F. C. Pietsch, 1869. Noltilleg: (Friedrich). * Einiges iiber den Gcue- rationswechsel. [Gottingen.] 32pp. 8J. Cas- sel, F. Seheel, 1856. Noeltlllg: (Joh. H.) [1H(>2- ]. Uleber das Verhaltniss der sogenannten Schalenblende zur regularen Blende und zum hexagonalen Wurtx.it, 33 pp., 2 pl. 8'■». Kiel, L Handovp, H-7. Noeltiug (Josephus Christianus). * De embry- octonia et infanticidio. 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Got- tiii'ne, Grape, [1805]. \oeina tachometer. Domlers (F. C.) Twee werktuiireii, tot bepalin.i van deu tijd. voor psychiscbe processen benoodiga. Onder- zoek. i>-eil. in li. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1867-8, i, 21-2T Noeilier (Cornelius). De mirabili ratione qua humanum corpus a morbis liberetur. 2- pp. 4°, Lugd. Bat., B. J. lender An. 1719. vail Noeilier (Joh. Samuel). * De lochiorum fluxu naturali atque pi.eternaturali. 1 p. 1., 52 pp., 2 1. 4-\ Lugd. Bat., apud P. Delfos el fil. et viel. M. Cyfveer, 1805. [P., v. 14,-2.] Noiiehen (Hermann). * Zur Teiauie. 37 pp., I 1. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Cavthaus, [187-]. Noi'dlinger (Simon). *Ein Beitrag zu denDer- moidkystoiuen des Ovarium. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 18,87. NoiT (Achille). *De hysteria. 31pp. --. Bam- bergce, J. M. Beindl, 1837. N6vr (Carl). * Experimentelle Priifung des Fech- iier'schen Gesetzes auf dem Gebiete (ler S.hall- stiirke. pp. 297-318. 8J. Tiibingen, L. F. Fues, 1881. Cutting from : Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen l<-79, xv. Courier (Georijitts) [l59l-li).>u|. Portrait in: Collodion — van Kaalhoveu. — Coi- Icdion of Portr. of Phys. .v. Men of Sc, isti. Noetel ( Fridericus Gus.'avus) [ 1839- ]. * De nieninnitide siiiuali. 44 pp., 1 i., 1 pl. tv. Be- rolini. G. Schade, [WW]. Noetel ([Friedrich Willi.] Kourad) [1861- ]. * Casuistik iiber die Hehandluug schwerer skro- fuh'iser Erkrankungen dd Cornea und Conjunc- tiva durch Excision der Lebergangsfalte uud NOETEL. 960 NOIKMANT. Noetel ([Friedrich Wiih.] Kourad)—continued. Spaltuug des iiusseren Lidwiukers. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1886]. Noethig (Carl). * Ueber die mittelbare Aus- cultation oder die Auwendung des Stethoscops. 14 pp. 8°. Miinchen, F. X. Alter, 1832. Xoethig (Franc. Nic.) * De docussatioue nervo- rum opticorum. 2 p. 1., 48 pp.. 11., lpl. ,*sr'. May un tin; J. J. Alef, 1786. Also, in: Script, neurol. minores selecti. 4°. Lipsiee 1791, i, 127-144, 1 pl. Noethig (Jac) * Das iutermittirende Wuudne- ber. 44 pp. 8°. JVurzburg, C. A. '/Aim, W3~i; Notllig (Jakob). * Ueber die verschiedenen Me- thoden des Blasensteinschuittes beim mann- licheii Geschlechte, besonders iiber deu Stein - schnitt durch den Mastdarm nach Sanson. 40 pp. 8°. JViirzlmrg, F. E. Nitribitl, 1819. Noethlieits (.Anton). *Der trockene chronische Catarrh der Paiikenhohle. [Wurtzburg.] 27 pp. 8°. Frkeletiz, J. Brandts, [I860]. NoethliellS (Gottfried). * Untersuchungen der Milz uud Leber auf Milchsiiure. [Wurtzburg.] 24 pp. 8°. Frkeletiz, J. Brandts, 1860. Notillillg (Ernst). Der Schutz nnserer Wohn- hauser gegen die Feuchtigkeit. Ein Handbuch fiir praktische Bautechniker, sowie als Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in Baugewerbschulen. vi (1 1.), 37 pp. 8°. Uei mar, B. F. Voigt, 1885. Noetling (Wilhelm). * Ueber Halswunden im Allgeuieinen, insbesondere aber iiber Wunden der Luftiohre. 24 pp. 8°. Mannheim, 1845. Noettiuger (Samuel. Fridericus). * De arterio- tomia, ejus recto usu et injustu neglectu. 36 pp. sm. 4J. Argentorati, lit. Pauschingerianis, [1747]. Noe ver de Braiiw (Joannes Christianus Ten). «S(.vde Brauw (Joannes Christianus ten Noever). de Noe Walker (Arthur). On the prevailing ignorance of (he materia medica iu recognized schools of medicine. 39 pp. 8°. London, G. Clayton, 1861. [P., v. 1497.] -----. Address on vivisection, read at the Inter- national Congress for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, held in Louden, 1874. 16 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall Sp Cox, 1875. Nog een woord over den toestand der militaire pharmacie en der militaire apothekers, bij het Nederl. leger. 2de vervolg van den open brief aan de heeren leden van de Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal door eenege militaire pharnia- ceuteii. 16 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. G. van Terveen f Zoon, 1868. Nog ecus: De toestand der militaire pharmacie en der militaire apothekers, bij het Nederl. leger na de nieuwe organisatie van Oct. 1867. Ver- volg van den open brief aan de heeren leden van de Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal door eenige inilit. pharmacetiten. 7 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. G. van Terveen f Zoon, 1867. Nogaret (Charles-Jean-Paul). * I. Des symp- tomes de la peritonite puerperale. II [etc.] 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 144, v. 4i2. Nogairo (H.) #De la medication stibiee dans la phthisie pulmonaire. 64 pp. W. Paris, 1876, No. -J21. Ao^eiit-le-Rotroti. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Nogeiit-Saiiit-Liaureiis. Cour d'assises de la Seine ; affaire Doudet; plaidoirie et replique. 39 pp. sm. 8-\ Paris, Dubuisson f Cie., 1855. Repr. from: Goinpt.-rend. du droit 1855. Nogier (Jules). *De l'inflammation. 23 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 186,1, No. 579, 2 s., v. 31. Nogier (Pierre). * De raliinentation de la pre- miere enfauce. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 27^, v. 608. NogUCira (Josc-Alves-da-Silva). * Sur labron- chite. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No 149 v 298. Nogneira (Luiz Antonio Barboza). * Henior- rha.n'ia cerebral. 2 p. 1., 111pp.. 1 1. 40> j>jf) de ./aiieiro, E. cy- H. Laemmerl, 1878. Nogliera (Oscar Anastasio) [I860- "|. * Zur Operation des Brustkrebses beim Weibe. .'{(j pp., 11. 8'. Berlin, G. Schaele. [18,-5]. Nogues. * Essai sur le Convallaria majalis .'',4 pp. 4°. Paris, 188;{, >[„. 17s NogllCS (Auguste-Victor). 'Considerations sur Paphorisme d'Hippocrate: Duobus laboribus si- mul abortis, uonin eodem loco, vehement inr (di- sc u rat alteruin. vi, 7-33 pp. 4 . Paris lHl'l No. 222, v. 151. Nogues (Emile). * Du traitement hydrolhera pique de la chlorosc compliquee d'ani6uorrhee 1 t de menorrhagie. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, W79 NT. 565. Nogues (H.-Jules). *Du rachitisine. 26 iin 4C. Paris, 1851, No. 161, v. 512. Nogues (J.-B.-B.-Edmond). 'Anatomie, phy- sioiogie et pathologie du prepuce. 48 pp. 4' Paris, 187)9, No. 165', v. 499. Nogues ( Paul-Auguste ). * Considerations sta- le zona. 34 pp., 1 ]., 2 pl. 4°. Montpelliei; 18-54. [P., v. 48.] Noguez (Pierre). L'anatomie du corps de l'homme en abrege, 011 description courte de toutes ses parties Oil l'on donne ^explication de leurs differens usages, tiree de leur structure et des observations les plus modernes. 2. ed. xv, 4 p. 1., 464 (4 I.), li pp., 20 pl. 16°. Paris, G. Cavelier Jils, 1726. Nohl (Franz) [1853- ]. * Ueber Osteomalacic. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1876]. Nohl (Ludovicus) [1806- ]. * De pneuniato 1. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1832]. Nohl* (Carolus Fridericus Oscar). * De ligamenti capsularis cubiti inter capitiilum radii et enii- nentiam ossis humeri capitatam interpositione. 16 pp. 8°. Lipsiee, typ. A. Kdelmanni, 1856. c, Nohr (Joannes Mattlueus). * De lochiorumsup- pressione. 56 pp. sm. 4:. Halce Mac/deb., I p. J. C. Hendelii, [1731]. [Also, in: P., v. l:\86.) Nohstadt (Rudolph). * Leber Encephalonia- lacie. 27 pp., 1 pl. 8°. JVurzburg, Thein, [1876, rel subseq.]. Aoiutot. Henry. Rapport stir l'eau minerale de Xointot urea Beilbee (Seine-Int'erieure;. Hull. Acad, de med., Par., 1840-41, vi, 7S1I-782. Noir (Philippe-Gustave). * Tumeurs enkystd. a des bourses. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 241. Noir (Pierre-FJie). * Moyens de determiner l'ac- couchement premature. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 14 >, v. 622. Noil* aninialise pour engrais. 22 pp. 8°. [Paris, Mine. Hazard, 1833, rel subseq.] [P., v. 1745.] Noirault (Pierre-Louis-Alexandre). * Conside- rations sur quelques precedes de la medecieic operatoire. 32 pp 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 193, v. 436. Noi re-Combe. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Noiret (Pierre-Francois). * Sur la cataracte, suivie de quelques propositions sur la medecine, la chirurgie et les accouchemens. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 329, v. 303. Noil'lliailt (P.-L.) * I. Determiner s'il existe des caracteres qui ptiisseut toujours faire dis- I tingiier Ie lupus, la syphilide \1\c6r6e, et le noli me tangere, lixes au visage. II. [etc.] 26 pp. I 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 49, v. 364. NOlRMOl TlHIt. 961 XOLET. \oiriiionlier. Diimont (A.) Note sur la natality aux iles ile Noir- miiutier, d'Yeu et de Groix. Ann. de deiuoy;. internat., I'ar., iss:i, vii, 247-201. Noirot (Louis). * De la scarlatine. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 190, v. 422. ------. Histoire de la scarlatine. 397 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. ------. Eludes statistiques sur la mortalite et la dur6e de la vie dans la ville et l'arroiulisseinent de Dijon depuis le 17'' siecle jusqu'a nos jours. 88. pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1850. ------. Expos6 des travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departement de la C5te-d'Or, 1849 a 1859. 4 p. 1., 372 pp. 8J. Dijon, Lamar che, 1861. .------. La callipedie contemporaine, ou l'art d'avoir des enfants sains de corps et d'esprit. 3. ed. 215 pp. 12'-'. Paris, E. Dentn, W69. ------. De kunst om long te leven. Naar de vierde uitgave uit het Fran sell vertaald door J. G. Rooseboom. 2 p. 1., 206 pp. sm. 8°. Gouda, G. B. ran Goov Zonen, 1871. ------. L'art d'etre malade. 2. ed. 215 pp. 12c. Paris, E. Denlu, 1871. ------. A travels I'hygiene. 2. s. (1877 a 1881). 278 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, F. Dentn, 1881-. Also, Editor of: Annuaire de litterature m6dicale 6trangere, Paris, is'i7-til. IVoise. See, also, Shock. Rei'OKT of Harrison cl al. rs. St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia. A bill to restrain the ringing of bells so as to cause a nuisance to the occupants of the dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the church. In the court of common pleas, No. 2, in equity, before Hare, P. J., and Mitcliell, associate J., Philadelphia, February, 1,877. 8 T Philadelphia, [n. cl.] liomlon noise. San. Kee, Lond., 187(5, v, 277.—Re cluin (C.) Der Einfluss eines " Dainnf'-Hainniers" auf die Machbarscliaft; hvn'ieinisches Gtitaehteu. (icsuud- heit, Elberfeld, 1880, v. Ci-liK. —Uoosr (D. B. St. J.) A contribution to the etiology of diseases of the internal ear. (Cases of deafness from concussion, as boilerniaker's ilciil'ness ) Am. J. M. .Sc, Phila., 1S74, lxviii, 877-400.— Sound (On) as a nuisance. J. Sc, Loud., 1880, 3. s., ii, 570-57:j. Noisteil (Matthias). * De perfecta uteri gravidi atresia ejusque operatione. 3 p. 1., 40 pp., 2 1. 8 . Bonnet; typ. C. Georgii, [1831]. dc Noisy (Gustave). "I Prostitutio! (Questions sur la prostitution, vii, 43 pp., 1 1. 8°. Geneve, [J. Bcnoit f Cie], 1877. Noizot (II.-V.-Romain). * Du staphylome poste- rieiir. 94 pp., 1 pi. 4\ Paris, 1858, No. 57, v. f>22. a Nokken (Henricus). * De convnlsione. 2 p. 1., 21 pp., 1 1. 4'-'. Traj. ad Rhenum, J. Broc- __ dclet, 177)2. a Nokken (Jacobus). *Deangina. 22pp.,2 1. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, G. venule JJ'ater, [1716]. Nokoiiii*. Whittf'ia (T. J.) S.mitarv survey of Nokomis. Rep. Bd Health Illinois 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii, 209-272. Nola (Joannes Andreas). Quod sedimentum sa- noruin, a'gronunqiie corporum non sit ejusdem speciei. Ad versus Ferdinandum Cassail tun, et alios contrarium sentientes. Habentur in super contia eosdem, printer alios gravissimos logicie, philosophia', ac medicime errores. Quod sedi- iiientuni in tegris non sit, semper pars hunioris putridi, nee in eo omnes humores contineantur. Quod in intermittentibus febribus humor intra va.sa non putiescat. Quod teiuere Arabes, pr;e- serlim Avicennain, de causa conjuueta redar- guant. Quod de contiuenti seu conteutiva causa cum Galeno prave scutiaut. 3 p. 1., 82 pp. 8°. Venetiis, 1562. Gl \ol;ii>e ( Francois ). Elude snr les pb-uresies hem irrhagiques. 53 pp. 4r Pavis. 1882. No. 2-<2. Nolan ( William ). An essay on humanity ; or a view of abuses iu hospitals," with a plan for cor- recting them, viii, 9-49 pp. 8 . London, J. Murray, 1786. NolailO (Anibrosio Leone). See Willii liiux (Jodocus ). Exercitationea et proba- tiones de minis, [etc.] 12°. Amstelodumi, 1088. Nolda ( Arnoldus Theophilus Augustus) [ 1814- ]. * De abscessu cartilaginis cricoideu*. 31 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. Fiiedlaenderianis, [1837]. Nolda (August). * Phonautographische Studien als Beitriige znr Physioiogie der Membrana tympani des Menschen. 24 pp. 8". JVurzburg, Stahel, 1886. Nolde. Ueber die Behandlung der ausgebro- cheueu Hydrophobic ( Wasserschen ). 16 pp. 8°. Passau, F. JV. Keppler, 1855. Nolde (Adolph Friedrich) [1764-1813]. Gallerie der altern uud neuern Gcsiindheitslehrer fiir das schone Gesehlecht. xxii, 456 pp. 8*r Rostock u. Leipzig, Stiller, 1794. ------. Beobachtungen iiber die Kuhpocken, nebst einigen Beinerkungen. 191 pp. 12. Erfurt, Heiming, 1802. ------. Die Sehulen fiir Aerzte. xvi, 560 pp. 12-r Braunschweig, C. Reichard, W99. ------. De mutua* relationis principio theori-i* mediciB inserviente. 41 pp. 4'-'. Hake, in Ubraria Rengeriana, 1810. ------. Die neuesten .Systeme deutscher Geburts- helfer seit dem Anfange des iieunzehntcu Jahr- hunderts. 2. Ausg. vi, 362 pp. 16J. Erfurt, J. K. Miiller, 1811.' ------. Leber die Griinzen der Natur und Kunst in der Geburtshiilfe. 2. Aulb xviii, 288 pp. 12°. Erfurt, J. C. Miiller, 1817. Nolde (Friedrich). * Leber den Typhus nnd (lessen Bi'haudlung. 13 pp. 8'. Passu it, Pustet, 1819. Nolde (Joannes Lanreiitius ). * De parentuin morbis in fo'tum transientibus. 20 pp. 4°. Erfordia; S. Nonniann, [1768]. Nole ( Antoine-Francois-Leoii ). * Sur la thera- peutique de l'inflammation aigue du poumon. 32 pp. 4 r Paris, W33, No. 96, v. 259. Nole (Leon). Instruction populaire sur l'epidemie regnantede cholera, de suette miliaire et de He vre intermittente, destin6e specialement a MM. les medecins, cures, inaires, instituteiirs, etc., et autres fonctionnaires et habitants edaires des campagnes, et redigee d'apres des observations nombreuses. 21 pp. sm. 8 . Cinlegabelle if Toulouse, 1854. Noleil ( Cathariuus ). * Ha-matoeele intervagi- nalis. 2 p. ]., 75 pp., I pl. 8°. Leiden, S. C. ran Doesburi/h, 1884. Nolen (D.) Sec Winull ( AV. ) Elements de psychologic, physiolo- gique. 2 v. s°. I'aris, isso. Noleil (Willem)1. *Over placenta pra*via. [Leiden.] 3 p. I., 68 pp. 8J. Rotterdam, M. JVijt f Zonen, 1856. Noleil (Willem)3. * "Rheumatismus gonorrhoi- cus." 2 p. 1., 119 pp. 8\ Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1880. ______. Het zoogenaainde dieilijk magnetisme ot hypnotisme (catalepsie, lethargic, somnambu- lisme, fascinatie) populair beschreven en toege- licht, 45 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, JV. J. van Hengel, Nolet ( Eduardus Joannes Maria ). * De leer der vaatgeruische.i. 2 p. I., 88 pp., 1 pl. St Leiden, J. JV. van Leeuwen, 1870. N[olet] (J[oseph]). Observations cnrieuses sur des phenomenes extraordinaires, qui regardent particulierement la medecine et la chirurgie. NOLET. 962 NOMA. N[olet] (J[oseiih])—continued. 5 p. 1., 129 pp., 1 1. 16°. Brest, Vve. f R. Malas- sis, 1711. Nolette (Alexandre). * Sur le regime, ou les regies d'hygiene particulieres aux fenimes pen- dant la grossesse. viii, 9-57 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 58, v. 130. Nolibois (Jean). * De la blennorrhagie chez la femme. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 98, v. 296. Nolill (Jules-ltdouard). * Sur quelques maladies des nerfs. 28 pp. 4. Paris, WW, No. 21, v. 135 Noll ( Ferdinand ). * Leber die Behandlung der Nasen-Rachenpolypen durch temporare Resec- tionen am Oberkiefer. 34 pp. 8°. Tubingen, L. F. Fnes, 1879. C. Noll (Fridericus Guil.) * De cm'sn lymphte iu vasis lymphaticis. 36 pp. 8°. Marburgi Cat- torum. typ. Elwerti, 1849. C. Noll (J.) * Du bruit de souffle daus les maladies chirnrgicales, sa cause, sa valeur diagnostique. 1 p. 1., til) pp. 4-T Strasbourg, Vve. Berger-Le- vrattlt, 1879, 3. s., No. 260. Nollan (Job. Jacobus). *An senibus lac ovil- lum '! Prieses Carolus Franciscus Theroulde de Valium 4 pp. 4 >. [Paris, Quillau, 1769.] ------. *An impeditis lacriinarum viis parari de- beat lacrimis artiticiale iter, iu cavum quodjuxta niajorem oculi cant hum, inter superficiem iuter- nam palpebne, et oculi globuin deprehenditur ? Prieses Joannes Nicolaus Millin de la Courvault. 4 pp. 4'. [Paris, Quillau,, 1770.] ------. *An in variolis quandoque cbinacliina? Prieses Maximilianus Josephus Leys. 4 pp. 4 . [Paris, Quillau, 1770.] See, also, Crochet (Stc]>haii). Au impeditis lacrima- rum, etc. IT Parisiis, 177SI. Nollau (Ernestus Guilelmus) [1801- ]. * Pro- sopalgias adunibratio patbologica. 42 pp., 1 1. 8 t Berolini, formis Briischekiaitis, 1821. Nolle ( Leon ). * Considerations sur les plaies artieulaires et leur traitement. 56 pp. I1. I'a- ris, 1873, No. 14(5. Nollei'Otll (W. A.) * Comparatio systeniatuin sanguinis et lyniph.-e, di.squisitio physiologica, ejus part. iii. pp. 17-24. 4 T Lunda; C. F. Berling, W36. Nollet (EMouard-Eruest). * Ftude sur le regime aliinentaire chez les albuminuriques. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 384. Nollet (Jeau-Antoine) [1700-70]. Essai sur reieclricite des corps. 3. ed. xxiii, 273 pp., 1 I., 5 pl. sm. 8"■'. Paris, H.-L. Guerin $• L.-F. Dela tour, 1754. Nolli (Giovanni). II cow-pox (vaiuolo vaccino spoutaneo) ed il comitate Milanese di vaccina- zione animale. 15 pp. K-. Milano, F. Rechiedei, 1872. Repr. from -. Aun. univ. di med., Milano, 1872, ccxix. ------. La discussioiie sulla vaceinazione animale fatta presso la R. Accademia di medieina di To- rino nel 1871, e le esperienze comparative sui vaccino animale e sull' umanizzato praticate nel triennio 1871-3 da apposita commissione Tori- nese. 28 pp. h°. [h. n., 1874.] Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1874, 7. s., i. NollillS (Henricus). Vera* physices compendium novum, in sincerioris philosophic studiosorum gratiam conscriptum et in lucem editum. 7 p. 1., 112 pp. 12 T Sleinfurti, J. C. Unckel, 1616. ------. De methodo medendi hermet ica. In: Agonismata med. Marpurgensia. 4°. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1018, 346-353. Nolst (Lambertus). * De viribus natune medica- trici bus notabili exemplo chirurgico illustratis. 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 3 1. 4 '. Lugd. Bat., J. Meerburg, 1779. [P., v. 1092.] See, also, Reich (Gottfried Christian). Over de koorts en derzelver behandeling in het algemeen. 8°. Haarlem. 1801. Nolte (Anton [Bcrnhard Joseph]) [1819- ]. * Zur ('asuistik synipathischer Augenerkrankun- gcn. 28 pp. 1 ■■-. Greifswald, F. JV. Kunike, 1875. Nolte (Arnold) [1856- ]. Feber das Verhalten der Milz bei Syphilis. 31 pp. 12 . Greifswald, 1883. Nolte (Carl). * ISrown-Sequard'sche Halbseiten- liisiou des Riickenmarkes. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1887. c. Nolte (Ernestus Christianus). * De febre puer- perarum. 50 pp., 1 1. sm. 4-T Gottingee, H. M. Grape, [17,-5]. Also, in: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. ined. 8°. Ti- cini, 1788, v, 1-69. Nolte (Ernst). Die grossen und merkwiirdigen kosmisch-tellurisehen Erscheinungeii im Luft- kreise unserer Erde in Folge zwanzigjahriger Beobachtungen, auch in Beziehung zu der im Laufe der neuern Zeit herrschenden orientali- schen Cholera. 1 p. I., 95 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hanno- ver, Hahn, 1831. Nolte (F. W.) *Die Hypochondric. 2 p. 1., 31 pp. 8'-'. Utrecht, Sciiultze it. Jroermans, 1840. ------. Atlas der Hautkraukheiten, nach dem Systeme des Professor C. 11. Fuchs, dargestellt und mit erliiuterndeni Texte herausgegeben. 1 ]). 1., vi, 38 I., 32 pl. fol. Leyden, H. JV. Hazen- berg u. Comp., [1842-3]. Nolleii (Guilelmus). De usu jetheris vaporum obstetricio, adjectis observationibus de chloro- fonni effectu. 2 p. 1., 49 pp. 8°. Bounce, C. et F. Kriigcr, [1847]. NoltO (Joh.) Discursus medicus de theriaca An- dromachi senioris, ejusque origine, etymologia, ingredientibus et usu medico, ex variis, tain ve- tcrum quam recentiorum scriptis, adornatus. Das ist: Eine medicinische Lob-Rede des von vielen Jahren her hochberiihmten Theriacs, worin von (lessen Urspruug, Nahmens-Benen- nung, herrlichen Iiigredieiitien, preissbahren Nutzen und Gebrauch, aus alten und neuen Auctoren gehandelt wild. 2. ed. 1 p. I., 40 pp., 1 tab. 4". Lubecce, sumpt. J. JVidemeyeri, 1706. Noltlienilis (Petrus Marins). *De epilepsia. 2 p. 1., 116 pp. 8°. [Lugd. Bat.], C. C. van der Hock, [1849]. Noltiilg (Friedrich Ludwig) [1858- ]. * Schwangerschaft uud Geburt complieiert durch Ovarientumor. 31pp. 8,J. Berlin, M. Driesner, [1884]. Noma. See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications, etc., of); Fever (Typhus); Fever (Typhus, Se- quelce of); Genitals (Female, Inflammation of); Genitals (Eemale, Inflammation of), in infants; Measles (Complications, etc., of); Mouth (Gan- grene of); Rape in infants; Scarlatina (Compli- cations, etc., of). de Aschkx (J. II. G.) * De noma observata qua-darn et analecta critica. 8 . Berolini, [1831]. AscHMANN (G.) * De canero" aquatico. S'T Berolini, [1834]. Bhaciivogel (M.) * De noma. 8°. Berolini, [1838]. Bitox(C. F.) * De canero aquatico. 8°. Lip- siee, 187>6. Bkumby (G.) *Qn;i'dam ad nomes patholo- giam. 8°. Berolini, 1834. Demi.'tu (H. G.) * De noma. 8°. Francof. a. M., 1849. Deutschbein(L. L. A.) *De noma infantum. 8°. Halce, [1840]. EtKEitT (C. II.) * De noma. 8°. Berolini, [1842]. Envald (K. W.) "Om noma. 8°. Helsiug- fors, 1864. NOMA. 963 NOMA. De noma qiuedam. Gry- 8-T 'Leber Noma. sm. 8 8°. Halis Wurzburg, . Berolini, Halis Sax., Ber- 8 . Buda; den Wasser- Heidel- \oma. Fe.mmeu (C.) phiu; 1849. Ghi'ND (H.) * De noma, adnexis morbi histo- riis. 8 . Praga; 1843. GnsciiAiti) (F. L.) *De noma. Sax., [1854]. Hesse (H.) * Ueber Noma. 8- 186,0. Hildebkanpt(P.) *Denoma. [1873J. Katsch (J. F.) * De noma [18551. Kellner (M.) Un, [187H]. Kezmarszky (T.) * De noma, 1833. Knoepfelmachei: (N.) *Uebei krebs der Kinder. 8\ Erlangen, 183' Kiniiardt (II. A.) * De noma. 8 berga; 1843. Ki'xtze (C. E.) * De antiquitate et historia litteraria noma*, seu cancri aquatici. [Gottin- gen.] 8T Berolini, 1830. Lapidoth (G. M. J. C.) * De ulcere noma, quale uostrates observaruut. [Leyden.] 8°. Schoonhovia; [1840]. Ledwig (A.) * De noma, adjecta singular] morbi historia. 8 . Jrratislavia; [1830]. Liedhegener (A.) * De noma. 8'■'. Bounce, 187)6. Mellingiiaits (H.) *I)e noma patbologica qusedam. 8 . Berolini, [1833]. Moli.heim (L.) * De noma .seu stomatomala- cia, adjecto morbi casu iterata applicatioue ferri candentis sanato. 8°. Berolini, [1837]. Morgen (J. R. E.) *De noma infantum. 8°. Berolini, 1837. Noma. 8". Buenos Aires, 1884. ulcere noma. 8 . Groningce, Parpal(M.) * Pel (N.) * Di [184b]. Reimanx (Z.) * De nomate cum historia me- morabili trismi illo soluto. 8°. Berolini, [W24 ]. Richter (A. L.) Der Wasscrkrebs der Kinder. 8°. Berlin, W28. Rothamel (G. C. F.) Heilung des Wasser- krebses der Kinder, nach einer auf die bisherigen Beobachtungen, die Natur und das Wesen dieses Uebels gegriindeteu Methode; nebst einigen pafhogenetischen und nosologischen Bemerkun- gen iiber diese Krankheit. 8°. Eschwege, 1832. Sack (G. A. E.) *De noma. 8°. Berolini, lo50. Sponiiolz (C. M.) * De nomate, pluribus morbi casibus adjectis. 8°. Berolini, [1836]. Strueii (C.) * I Teller Noma und deren Pilze. 8". Gottingen, 1872. Talma (A. von Eichstorif). Acadcmisch proef- schrift, over ulcus noma. 8J. Groningen, 1859. \V i eg and (V.I.) * De canero quem aquati- cuni vocant, aduexa hujus morbi historia. 8'. Marburgi, [1827]. vax Zadelhoff (A. J.) *Over ulcus noma. 8°. Utrecht, i860. Ziecker (F.) *De noma seu stomatomalacia. 8°. Berolini, 1848. Acuiia (J. N.) Un caso dc noma. Kev. med., Eio ile Jan., 1877-8, xiv, 313.—Albcrs (J. IP. H.) Noma. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 477. -----. Ueber die Natur uud Behandlung des "yVangenbrandes (Noma oder . In-sser Nome). Arch. f. physiol. Heilk , Stuttg., 1850, ix, 515-544, 1 pl.—B. (J.) Ein Fall vou Heilung des Noma. All-, med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl, 1861, xxx, 425-427.—B. y B. Diagnostico difercncial y trataniieuto de la gangrena ile la lioca en los nines. Sentidocatdl., Barcel.. 1879, i, 10; 18.— It a n« in i (E. ) t In his: Clin, operat.. 8°, Genova, 1878, 68-73.— Bazin. Noma. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. nnil.. Par., 1878, 2. s.. xiii.,322-336. —von Becker (H. T.) (Ie- schichtliches iiber Noma. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1881, xvi, 25; 37; 49; 61.—Benedict. Ueber Noma. Noifiia. Ma-. I', d. ses. Heilk., Berl.. 183.1, xliv, 339-343.— Bcobnchlunscii iiber den Wasserkrebs Lit Ann f. il. -.s. Heilk.. Be'il., 1829, xiii. 428-437.—Berndi. Eali einer geluugenen Heilung des Wasserkrehses durch die eoneentiirte Anwendung des Chlorkalkes. J. d. pract Heilk., Berl.. 1829, lxix, 2. St., 104-11H.— Bie»kc. Beiti-a° zur Pathologie uud Therapie der Noma. Ma" f d eesT Heilk., Berl., 1838, lii, 309-318, 1 pl.—Bi«tro? (V) Za- mailkaotak nazivacnioi '-stoiuaeaee" u daitci. | Notes on the so-called stoiuaeaee of infancy.J Med. Vestnik St Petersb., 1867, vH, 456-4.r.S.—Bluff. Zwei Fiille von'No- ma. Mid. Ann., Heidelb., 1837, iii, 113-116.—Boi»-iiiT Noma, langsani todteud. (Jen -Her. d. k. rhein. Med - Coll. 1839, Koblenz, 1812, 68-7i>. Also: Wchnschr. f. d ges Heilk., Berl., 1843, 799-801.—Bokai. Noma. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1856-7, i, 338-340.—Bosch. Ueber Wasserkrebs. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1854, xxiv, 214— It on ley & Caillaull. Memoire sur les affections phag^deniques et gangreueuses cbez lis enfants, et, sur leur nature scorbutique. Gaz. nnil. de Par.. 1852, 3. s., vii, 41S; 433; 512; 523; 667; 702.— It i-oc Inn ill ler. Noma. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med - Coll. 1841, Koblenz, 1844, 61— Brooks (J. W.) Idio- pathic gangrasna genitalia in infancy. C-hicago M. J. 1870, xxvii, 640-646— Burck ha rill (A. W.) Ueber den bei Kindern vorkommeuden Wasserkrebs oder den Brand der Lippen, "Wangen und iiiissern weibliehen Geschlechts- theile. uud (lessen griiudliche Heilnug. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magileb., 1852, v, 44(1-470.—(aiiiiiiiii oris; plastic operation. Abstr. M. eSc S. Cases (Jen. II..sp. Sick Children 1885, Penillebury, Manchester, 1886, v, 147.— [Ca«c.| Noma. Jahresb. ii. d. nnil. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel, ls73. 42. — Clever. Kin Fall von Noma; Ausgang in Geuesung. Dorpat. ined. Ztschr., 1870-71, i, 339-344.— Croly. Noma pudendi. Med. Press &.('irc., Lond., 1868, vi, 55. — Deiilweh. Einige Beinorkiiiigeii iilie-r Noma. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1851, xvi, 61-72.—Bonal. Was- serkrebs. Gesn.-Be r. il. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. l.-3n, Koblenz, 1833, 88.—Ebert ( H. F. L. ) t Deutsche Kliuik. Berl, 1856, viii, 219.—van Ecdcn (WT) Observation de gan- grene de la bouche (noma). Ann. Sue med. d'emulat. dc la Flaudre occid., Koulcis, 1850, iv, 414-423.— Feiirwter (R.) Noma nach Blatlern ; beileutcndcr Substanzvci lusi der rechten Gesiehtshiilfte, Necrose', des Olier- uud lTu- terkiefcrs: Heilung. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1871-2, v, 327-329.—t'ivv. Noma vulvas, renal and cerebral em- bolisms, il.iiveil probably from clots in left auricular appendix. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 365.— (Gierke Zur Casuistik der Noma. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1867-8, i, 267-285. — |<;ol>ee «»"»■ Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 302-----. Em fall von Noma Geheilt durch iiussere Anwendung yon Oleum ten- binthinas. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1871, xvi, 31-34.-1.oh- NOMA. 064 NOMENCLATURE. \oma. merer, t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. 1838, Co- blenz, 1840, 109.—liOiid (G.) De 1'usage du kinkina con- Ire le nome. [From: Mem. abrey.es ile l'Aead. de Stock- holm.] Collect, acad. d. inein., etc., I'ar., 1772, xi. 260.— liOrcr (C.) Gangrena vulva* bei einem 2jahrigen Kinde. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wis., d. Krankenanst. ... d. Stadt Frankf. (1871), 1872, xv, 196.—Luian. Wangenbiand. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. ls:!2, Koblenz, 1833, 135.—I .liken •» (Anna). A case of noma pudendi. N. York M. .1., 1882. xxxvi, 366-368.—»|ever (A.) Beobachtuug eines idiupathischeu Erysipelas "an- gra'iiosum (ler (leselileehlstlieile. Med. Aehreulese, Os- nabiiick. 1859. 681.- .VIoi-mc (WT II.) Noma. Louisville M. News, 1878, v, 213-216. -----. Contribution to the pa- thology of noma. Aled. Pec. NT V.. 188,3, xxvii, 37.— I>'ayel. Noma; Fortpfiaiizung des Oedems in die Au- geniiiilile : neuroparal\ tische Horuhautei wcichung ; con- secutive unliisbare Contractu!- des Fntcrkiefers. Anle- gung eines kiinstlichen Gclenkes. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 18119. xiv, 27 ,\au in:inn. Ueber die Ursachen uud das Wesen der Mundfiiule und des Wasserkrehses. Wis- sensch Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xxvii, 421-434.— I\a vralil i 1.) t Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1882, xxvi, 529.— Nieoln*. ill.; Du noma on gangrene de la bouche. Mar- seille' med., 1883, xx, 652-657.—iViiinan (S. H.) Waarne- mingen omtrent den waleikankcr, ulcus noma. Geneesk. Mag., Levilen, 1815, v, 3. st , 74-104 — Obcrstadt. Noma. Cen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Aled.-Coll. 1832, Koblenz, 1833 133- 133. -----. N'oinavonlastfiiulinonatlicher Dauer. Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834, iii, 380-382.—Pauli (P.) jun. Noma. J. f. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1825, xiv, 119- 13(1—Peebles (J. F.) A case of noma, resulting, appar- ently, from a physical cause. Boston M. 6i S. J., 1847-8, xwvii, 519-521.—IN iniIra (P.) Beitrag zur Therapie der Noma. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 728-730.— Pinto Porlella. t Gaz. d. hosp., Pio de Jan., 1883, i, 226-231. — I'oliI (A.) Cancer aquaticus. Mitth. a. d. Geh. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1845, i, 215.—Politzcr (L. M.) Mebrere Fiille von Noma. Jahrb. d. Kinderh., Wien 1865, vii, 4. Hit., 56-6o. — Pnrcfoy (It. D.) Some cases of iriiiia pudendi. Dublin J. M. Se., 1882, Ixxiii, 537-541.— RedcrfA.) Ein Fall vou Noma. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk. Bed., 1838, li, 371. —Keimer. Cholera; Noma. Jahrb! I'. Kinderh.. Leipz.. I,»7ii. x, 85-92.—Bichter (A. L.) Bei- trage zur Lehre vom Wasserkrebs; ein Nachtrag zu der Monographie dieser Krankheit. In his: Abhandltmgen aus dem Gebiete der prakt. Medicin und Cliirurgie 8° Berl., 1832, 188-261. Also, Peprint. -----. Ueber MCIcb- oitis gangra-nosa puellarum. Wissensch. Aun. d. "-es Heilk., Berl., 1835, xxxi, 160-167. — Bipley (J. H.)" A caseof noma following intermittent fever; recovery. Aled. Pec, NT V., 18,5, x, 2(16. — Kiiscr. Ueber Noma. Aled. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1857, xxvii, 353- 358.—.xiandberg. Et Tilfrlde af A'Moeoitis gangra-nosa. Norsk Mag. f. Lirgovidcnsk.. Christiania, 1840, i, 247- 254. — MaiiMom (A. E.) On a case of noma, in -which moving bodies were observed in the blood during life. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1878, lxi, 1-11, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.] ■ Proc. Boy. M. ,v Chir. Soc. Lond., 1878, viii. 245-248— Schonhcil (IM Noma metastatieum. Ztschr. f. Nat. u. Heilk. in Ungarii, Oedenburg. 18.38, ix. 57.—Srhwarz. Seltner Fall von geheiltem "vVTiss, i K i. bs. Wchnschr. f d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., is::;,. 574-577.—Ncjjalc (G. B.) No- ma e sua patogonesi ; osservazionc "clinica. Rivista Genova. 1882, i, 20-29. — Szcrlccki (L. A.) Uebei N'onia. J. d. Chir. ii. Augenh.. Berk, 1840, xxix, 273-296 — Tltoiiia-.ee.eii a Tlniosink (E. J.) Waarnemingen | I bus noma. | Geneesk. Mag., Leyden, 1807, iv, 3. st., 52-i 4. ----- Over het ulcus noma. I bid., 1815, v, 3. st.' 70-74. — Thompson (E.) On gangrenous erosion in children. Lond M. & Phvs. J.. 1827, n.s., ii 5"'3-.5''7 _ I'liorlseii. t Aled.Ztg.. Berk. 1842. xi, 179. —-—. Noma ohne todl lichen Ausgang. Wchnschr. f. d. ges Heilk Berk. 1841, 42li—Tbonret. Observation dune gangrene des parties genitalis et dela partie iuterieuro des parois abdomiualcselie/. une petite fille de deux mois Bull Soe anat. do I'ar. 1826, 2. ed., ]841, i, 148-151. — Troii»»can! De la gangrene ehez lis enfants. Gaz. d. hop. Par 1857 xxx. 209.—Van ©ye. Memoire. sur une affection oanore- ueuse (juiatlaipic particulierementla bouche et les parties genitalis externes des enfants. Ann. Soc. ined -chir de Bruges, 1844, v, 171-192.—Van Rhrn (H. W.) Waaine- nimg van ulcus noma. Nederl. Lancet, Ulrecht 1843-4 vi 2P-221. 1 pl- Van Xadelholl' (A. J.) Jets over de pathologiselie anatomic vau ulcus noma. Nederl Tijdschr v. Heel- en Verlosk., ftrecht, 1859-60, x, 586-591 "l id-1 » ojjel (L.) (jluckliche Bchaiiillung des Wasserki e-bse-s J. I. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1828, xii, 574-576—IVeber. Alcmoire sur le noma, ou cancer aipialii|iie ou stoiuaeaee Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1844. iv. 257-267. Also: Ann de med. beige, Brux., 1844, iv, 80-84.-Wood (K.) History of a very fatal affection of the pudendum of female chil- dren. Aled.-Chir. Tr., Bond., 1816, vii, 84-l()-> —Willi- derhch. Zwei Fiille von Noma. Aled. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- tenib. arztl Ver.. Stuttg.. 18.34, xxiv. 62 -Ziirchci. Ein ball von Noma, geheilt durch Carbolsaiire. Cor-Bl 1 schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1871, i, 198. \oiiieiiclatnre. See, also, Anatomy (Nomenclature of), Fevers (('lassifiiation, etc., of); Insanity ( Diagnosis, etc., of); Medicine (Dictionaries, dc., of); No- sology; Obstetrics; Records (Medical); Reg- istration ; Statistics (Metlical, etc.) Axke (N.) Philologisch-niedieiniMhc Beiner- kungen. 1. Hft. 12'. Moskwa, W\6. Bertrand (S.-G.) *I. Qucllcs sunt lc*liases d'une bonue nonieiicbiturc en pathoLirici II [etc.] 4'-'. Paris, W49. Boston Medical Association. Nomenclature of diseases for the city of Bo. ton, prepared by the . . . 4-. [n. p., n. d ] Calsat (A.-I.-P.) *]>is nomenclatures eu pathologie. 4°. Paris, W47. Deli'ECH (A.-L.-D.) *Des principes a obser- ver pour la nomenclature des maladies. 4°. Paris, 187)3. Dubois (L.) *Des nomenclatures en patho- logie. 4°. Paris, 1845. Duclos (H.) * De la nomenclature medicale. 4 T Paris, 1849. Hekiz (E.) Clasifieacion de los conoeimientos humanos. 8°. Barcelona, 1880. Index Medicus. Editorial. Tbe classication of subjects adopted in the Index Medicus. fc° [New Vork], 1884. Ki'iiN (C. G.) [Pr.] de ineptsi coguitionis grteci sernionis simulatione. 4°. Lipsiee, [1821]. Lenglet-Moktiek iV Vandamme (D.) Nou- velles et veritable* etymologies me'dicales tiroes du gaulois. 8°. Paris, 187)7. Loewexsteix (J. S.) De prosodia medica, sive de recta verborum in medieina usitatoruin pronuntiatione. 8C. Berolini, 1828. Massachusetts. .Statistical nosology adapted for registration in Massachusetts, aud require- ments of law relative to certificates of causes of death. By Henry B. Peine, secretary of tbe Commonwealth. 8°. Boslon, 1878. Mit.at (J.-A.) Memoire qui a reniporte le premier prix au jugement de la Societe de mede- cine de Toulouse dans sa seance du 10 uovem- bre, 1,801), sur la question proposee en ces ti niies: Determiner quels .sont les a vantages ou les in- convdniens de la multiplicite des nomenclatures, relativement aux travaux des anatoinistcs, des physiologistcs et des nosograplics. 8°. Mont- pellier, 181)7. Xemxicii (P.-A.) Lexicon nosologicum poly- glotton omnium morborum syinptoniatinn vilio- rumque natura' et affectionum propria nomina decern diversis Unguis explicata continens. fol. Hamburg!, 1891. New York (City). Department of Public Chari- ties. The nomenclature of diseases. Adopted by tlie commissioners of public charities and cor- rection, on the recommendation of the in- nical boards of Bellevue, Charity, and Infants' Hospi- tals, for the hospitals of the department of pub- lic charities and corrections. December, lec9. 8-. New Yovk, 1,-711. New York (Cily). Health Department. Metro- poll tan Board of Health. Statistical nomencla- ture of causes of death, classified aud i.rrauged upon the basis recommended by the ]iit•-!.] -----. 1 orm 42. Nomenclature to be fol- lowed in making the monthly report of sick and wounded. [Med. Dept. V. S. Army.] 4". [n. p., n. d.] Weckei: (.J. J.) Medica- .syntaxes, medicinam universnm ordine pulcherriino complectens, ex seli'ctioribiis medicis, tain griecis quam latinis et arabibus collecta* et conciiiiiiitte, per . . . fol. Bit sit ea; 1562. Wed Lirs (G. W.) [Pr.] de accentibns. 4°, J na; [170(i]. Zborovszky (A.) *Notio terminorum techni- cormn iu seienfia medica ocenrrentium philolo- ,°;ice deductorum. 8C. J'estini, 1836. \oiiiciiclatiire. American Medical Association. A nomenclature ot diseases, with the reports of the nnijoritv and of the minority ot the committee, thereon: presented to the American Medical Association, at the meeting held iu 1 hiladelplna, Mav, 1X72. Tr. Am. M Ass I'hil-i 1x72 xxin (app.), 1-91. Also, li<-i,i-iiit.— KiIliiitfM < j. s. j [et al.\ Keport of committee ou the noun -in lature of diseases and on vital statistics. Kep. Xat lid Health 18X0, Wash., 1XX2. ii, 537-594. -Boslon nomenclature of diseases. Boston M. A S. J., 1h:(7, xvi, 208.—Bugat ( IT ) Termeszettudonianyi s/dhahnaz, hihetiilejr" fiilib mint harmincze/.er muszoval. gyujtiitte. [Medical terms proposed as anew terminolouv. | 'Orvosi Tar. Pest, 1841 n, in-l'W.-vaii der Buig ,(• e. ) Alphabetische lijst van nialeische of javaansi he wuordeu. betrekking hehhende op ontleed- en zicklenkumle. In his.- De ge- neesk. in Xederl.-Indie, "s Grn\cnh.. ixx7, ii, xox-sn"— •li* 4 andollc f A.) A dominant langun.'.e for science 1'hai'iu. J. A- Tr.. Loud., 1870, lxxiv, 134 - 137. — «'ir- tulaire a messieurs les g(*nernux et intendants des di- visions militaires, aux otficiers de sante et aux officiers d'administration du service des hopilaux militaires, con- tenant. une nouvelle nomenclature pour laeonstatation des causes de dices dans les hopitaux militaires. Kee. de mem. de nied. . . . mil.. Par., Ixoo. ::. s., iii, 185-100.— Cm ran (W.) Xew names for old diseases. Mcil. Kress (fcCirc, Lond., 18X5, n. s., xl, 412.—I'lgrling (S. J.) Do taal dei geneeskundigen. Xederl. Tijdsclir. \ . (Jcneesk., Amst.. 1XK2, 2. R., xviii, 2. Afd., 192-191. — IUvmologi- «'nl perversions of scientific nomenclature' Meel. Times Ada/,.. Lond., 1X53, n. s., vi, 302.— l<'ollici-gill (.I. M ) Classiliealion and nomenclature of disease. Mid Press .V Circ., Lond., IXStj, ii. s., xiii, 390. — Fiii-iikniva Vei. [On medical nomenclature.! Cliiugai Iji Shiupo, Tokei. Jan. 10, lss:j. — t-lalligaiii c, Atlanta, 1873, iii, 325-340.— Ilall»cil«iiia (H.J.) De taalkundige atleiding van he* woord: coro- noldeus. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. (Jcneesk.. Amst., 1862, vi, 012. Also, in his: Ontleedk. anteeken., ST, Amst., 1862, 10-12.- Ilcidciiicich i IT W.) Xeue Classification der (■hirurgisehen KraitklniUn. JT il. Chir. u. Augenh., Perl., 1X39, xxviii, 617-613. —Ilellierli. Riickblieke auf die' nieilicinische XeHneiiclatur. Meinorahilien, Heilbr., 1XS2, n. I-T, ii. 470-177 lloblvn (11. 1).) On terminology. J. Cutan. M., Lond.. lsiiT-8, i. 247-25:!. — Holt (TT) Re- marks on pharmaceutical nomenclature. Lancet. Lond., 1842, ii, 416-418.—Kraft. Di. Ma. lit der Worte und die Mangel der Terinmologie in der Medicin. Vrtljschr. f. (1. prakt. Heilk., Prag. 1848, ii, 77-sU —liiihn oineiicla I lire des maladies et inlirmites, recounnes incurables, qui sout in- NOMENCLATURE. !)66 NONNEN1MANN. i\oiiiciiclatnrc. compatibles avec le service de la garde nationale; arrelce par l'Academie nationale de medecine. Rev. med.-chir. de I'ar., 1851, ix. 377-380. — l»:irliiii»oil (IT) Auimad- versious ou medical nnuienclal lire, and a new one ]»i o- ]ie,scd. Lond. M. Reposit., 1819, xi, 364; 478. — Piorry. Du traitenient de la variole. ou plutdt des etats patholo- gii|ius qui liii sunt propres. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1X54-5. xx, 478-504. Also, Keprint. [Discussion], 549; 567; 604; 619; (148; 679; 727, 742; 806; 902.—Poorc (G. V.) Abstract of introductory address delivered at Ihe opening of L'niversilv College Medical School, [medical laim-ungo|. Med. Times' A Gaz.. Lond., 1X81. ii, 457-159. — l»m< It ■na) i' (A.) Par.ieelsisilie Krankheits-Xanieii. Meii.- ehir. Centiahl., Wien, 18X0, xv, 97; 109. - ((m lipiie. reflexions sur la nonieiiclature ou la langue medicale. ,1. hebd. de med.. Par., 1830, vi, 65-71. — Knhagliati (A. R ) Precautions to betaken in medical nonieiiclature and classification, to guard against false statistical conclusions. Tr. Iutemat. M.Cong., 7. sess., Lond., 1881, iv. 559. -----. Sonic remarks on the classification and nomenclature of diseases. Med. Press 4. -----. The same. 3. article. II. Pneunionie sons forme adynauiique, sans fausse membrane dans hs brunches. 29 pp. 12°. [Paris, 1837 ?] Repr.from: Arch. <*6n. de m6d., Par., 1837, 2. s., xiv. -----. Trait6 pratique des maladies de l'uleriis, de ses annexes et des organes genitaux externes. 2.6d. . . . avec la collaboration du docteur A. Linus, xxiii, 1189 pp. roy. H°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, W74. See, also, Wern-er-w \ IVonat [Auguste]. M6moire sur la psoreiitcrie. etc. 4r I'aris, [1832]. ----- & Bouley. Recherches sur la morve aigue. 20 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Parts, F. Locquin f Cie., 1839. Repr. from: Experience, Par., 1839, v. Noncher (Adolphe-Ferdinand). * Des aecou- cheuients daugereux, ou de certains accidents graves qui peuvent survenir pendant l'acconche- nient, et des moyens d'v re,iu6dier. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 114, v. 422. Non-commissioner [pseudon.]. A report on the sanitary condition of the army, particu- larly during the late war with Russia. 40 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1856, rel subseq.] [Also, in: P., v. 3-21.] Noillie. Leber Plexuslahiniingen (nut Kran- kenvorstellung). 3 pp. 8 . Berlin, J. Sitleu- feld, [W87]. Repr. from : Deutsche ined. Wchnschr, Leipz., 1887, xiii. Nonnenmann (Joh.) * Diss, sistens observa- tionem apoplexia* ex nimiis animi contentionibus orta*. 22 pp. 4 . Argentorati, J. H. Heitz, [1771]. NONNENMAXX. 967 NORCHI. Non IM'11 ilia 11 ■■ (Joh.)—continued. ------. * Dissertatio anatomico-chirurgica agens de hernia congenita in qua intestinum in con- tact!! testis est. 38 pp. 4J. Argentorati, ex off. J. H. Heitzii, [1771] Also [Abstr.], in ■ Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Leipz. U. liudissin. 1773, v, 99-108. Noiiili^ (Paul) [1*57- ]. * Beitrag zur Ka- suistik der extrauterine!] Graviditiit und deren Ausgang in Lithopiidionbildung. 35 pp. 8r. Berlin, G. Lange, [L-80]. Noiliiis(C. Klisio). Primi studj in SardegnasuU' omeopatia. 47 ]>p. H\ Cagliari, tipog. iiazio- nale, 1854. [P., v. 1456.] ------. Oontinuazione agli studj sull' omeopatia colla risposta a, Tommaso Srardassal. 75 pp. 8r Cagliari, 1854. [P., v. 145(i.] Noillli* ((iiovanni). Delia gunorrea e dell' or- chite come uno de' piii frequenti fenomeni a cui pud essa dare origine guarite coll" omiopatia. 19 pp. 8'. Torino, itnioiie tipog.-editrice, 1855. [P., v. 1452.] ------. Dell' igiene, sua storia e suoi rapporti colla morale, colla politica e colla medieina. 46 pp.' ho. Casale, G. Naui, W6n. [P., v. 1427.] ------. Risposta al Dott. Borelli sui suo articolo inserito nell' Opinioin*: Omeopatia ed allopatia. '23 pp. H°. Torino, F. B. Savojardo, [u. cl.] [P., v. 1451.] IV Oil il lis [or Nonilius] (Ludovicus) [1555- 1046]. Dia-tetieon, sive de re cibaria libri iv. 10 p. 1., 638 pp., 1 1. 12°. Ant ver pics, P. et J. Belleros. 1627. ------. The same. 11 p. 1., 520 pp. 4 T Antvev- pict; ex off. P. Belleri, 16,46. NoilllS [Nounus] (Theophanus). De omnium particuluiiiini morborum euratione, sic ut febres quoqueet tumores printer uaturain coinplectatur, liber nunc primum in lucem editus, et sumnia diligentia cunveisus per Hieremiam Martihm. 11 p. 1., 322 pp., 10 1. 12 r Argentorati, excud. J. Ribelins, 1508. Greek aud Latin text in parallel columns. ------. The same. Epitome de euratione mor- borum, griece ac latine. Ope codicum maiui- scriptorum recensuit notasque adjeeit Jo. Steph. Bernard. 2 v. xl, 463 pp. ; 428 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Gotha; C. IV. Et linger; Amstelodami, J. SI. von Esveldt, Holtrop el soc., 1794-5. De febribus liber. In: Febribus (De) opus sane aureum, [etc.] fol. Ye- netiis, ].">7(i, 13''-14b. Also forms pp. 157-174 of his: De omniuin [etc.], and 427-403 of: Epitome de euratione [etc.] Nonweiler (Gustavus) [1838- ]. * De echi- noeoccishepatis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1862]. Nony (Edmond). * Retour de l'innanimation dans les lesions osseuses ancieuues a la suite d'un e^.at general grave. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, Xo. 402. Noodt (Carl). * Das Osteotom und seine Anwen- dung. 3 p. 1., 60 pp. 4°. Miinchen, G. Franz, W36~. ------. Helcologia universalis. Das Gauze der Lehre von den (Jeschwiiren in tabellariscber Form. Nach den besten Quellen bearbeitet. 37 pp. 4 . Leipzig. L. Voss, 1839. See, also, KiM-hlii'iMH'i' (Jur^eno Clir.) & IVooHl (C.) Erl'ahi-ungen iiher die ('Imlera asiatica, etc. sJ. Altona, 1832. Noodt (Giiilielinns Walraven). * De monstro quodam humano. [Leyden.] iv, 84 pp., 7 1., 2 pl. 8°. Si-hoonhovia; S. E. van Nooten, 1839. Noordliuiisen (Elia Andreas). * De antihec- tico. 8 pp. 4-T Havnia; ex reg. unirersit. typog., [17H7]. Noordliyn (Claas) * De cura typhi. 2 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. H. Gebhard et socios, [1846]. van Noort ( Albertus ). * De morbis .soporo- sis. 11 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, [1700]. op ten Noort (Hendrick Jan). * Spec, exhihens theses quasdam controversas. 1 p. 1., 35 pp., 1 1. 4 r Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans, 1790. [P., v. 1012.] Noortwyk (Gerardus Albertus). * De organis respirationis, eorumque usu. 45 pp., 1 1. 4-. Lugd. Bat., .1. et H. J'crbeek, 1763. ------. * Uteri humani gravidi auatome et his- toria. 217 pp., 4 pl. 4 . Lugd. Bat., J. et H. Verbeek, 1743. [Also, in : P., v. 701.] Noortwyk (Wilhebnus). * De natura huinana. 1 p. 1., 32 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., G. Potvliet, 1735. Also, in: Niheli. (James). Nova* rarseque observatio- nes ... ex pulsu [etc.] 8°. Venetiis, 1759, 137-180. Noot (Adamus). * De structura et usu reimui. '29 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lac/d. Bat., G. JVishoff, 1733. Also, in: he Oberkamp IF. J.) Collect, diss. 4°. Francof. a. 21., 1767, i, 5411-570. van Nooten (Didericus Hoola). * Specimen juridicum inaugurale. de litterarum Cambialium (■essione sive iudossatione. 1 p. 1., 33 pp., 4 1. 4°. Luc/d. Bat., S. et ./. Luchtmans, 1768. [P., v. 1004.] \OOtll (.Job. Mervin). " De rachitide. 1 p. 1., 38 pp. 8'-'t Edinburgi, R. et A. Foulis, 1766. [P., v. 649.] A Iso, in: S.mei.lius. Thesaurus med. [etc.] 8D. Edinb., 1785, iii, 56-77. \ootiiaeVr<'l (Daniel) [1753-1830]. * De amau- rosi. xxiv pp. 4°. Erlangce, lit. JV. JJaltheri, [1776]. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz ( F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.] 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1780. xi, 71-73. NopitM'h ( Carl [ Daniel Eberhard ] Friedrich ) [ -1838]. Versuch einer Chronologic und Literatur, nebst einem System der Blutentzieh- nngen, in besonderer Beziehung auf das pliy- siologische nnd pathologische Verliiiltniss des Blutes, sowie (lessen Beriicksichtigung in ge- richtlichen Fiillen. Ans deu vorziiglichsten Werkeu gesehopft. xxxviii, 441 pp. 8 . Niirn- berg, G. Winter, W33. Noquet. Abces r<*sidueux du cou ressemblant a uu kyste. Guerison apres uue seule ponetion aspiratrice suivie d'une l(*e>i*re coin pressiou. 11 pp. 8°. Lille, Casliaiix, 1879. Repr. from: Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1879, xix. ------. Etude sur la surdite amygdalienue. 35 pp. 8°. Lille, Casliaiix, W79. Repr. from: Bull. nu§d. du nord, Lille, 1879, xix. Noquet (Vital). * Etude sur l'insolation et les accidents causes par la chaleur. 02 pp. 4°. Paris, W72. No. 208. Norieus (Joh.) * Sciagraphica nervorum capi- tis descriptio, et quideni paris 0., 7., 8.. 9., 10., et 11. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Upsalia; ex prelo vid. J. Etl man, [1793]. Bound with : Akerman (Jacobus). Sciagraphica ner- vorum [etc.] 4°. Upsalice, [1793]. Nor.seUS (Olavns). * Sciagraphica nervorum spi- nalium descriptio, et quideni parium cervicalium, cum plexu brachiali. 27 pp. 4-T Upsalia>., ex prelo vid. dived. J. Edinan, 1794. Norbert ( Louis- Silvain ). * Sur les fievres endeniiques. vi, 7-31 pp. 4 . Paris, 1898, Xo. 1, v. 09. Norny (K.) De l'assistance publique et des <*ta- blissements de charite et institutions pieuses en Norve'ge. Expose^ et tableaux pour la statistique internatiouale de l'assistance publique. 120 pp. roy. S-. Rome, heritievs Botta, 1--0. \ ore hi (Pellegrino). See Pacini (Filippo). II colera asiatico. i-T Koma, 1886. KORCIA. 968 NOR I) KM ANN. Aorcia. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities. \0l'('0!li (James) [1778-1850]. * Ou jaundice ; containing observations on the liver and some of its diseases. 49 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, J. Carey, 1799. [Also, in : P., v. 509.] For Biography, see Nelson's North. Lancet, Pitts- burgh, N. Y., lKol-2, 11.9-180. Also, lioprint. \oi'< Olli (John) [1801-50]. Natt'liwi'll (S. S.) The late John Norcom, M. D. Atlanta M. .V S. J., 1857, ii, 385. Norcom (William A. B.) [1830-81]. Modern treatment of acute internal intiamuiations. 10 pp. 8°. [n.p.], W68. -----. Hemorrhagic malarial fever: an address delivered before the Medical Societv of North Carolina, at its 21st aunual meeting, held in Charlotte in May, 1874. 30 pp. 8°. Raleigh, Edwards, Bvoughton f Co., 1874. -----. Defective medical education tbe chief ob- stacle to a proper appreciation of our profession by the public, and what our alma mater is doing to remove it. Annual address delivered before the Society of the Alumni of the Medical Depart- ment of tlie University of Pennsylvania, March 14, 1878. With the proceedings of the alumni meeting of 1878. 04 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Col- lins, 1,878. For Hiotfrapht/. see Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1882, xxxiii, 588 (J. W. Jemes). Nord (P.) * Sur la maladie scrofuleuse. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 222, v. 300. Nord (Departement du). Rapports sur les tra- vaux du Conseil central de salubrity et des con- seils d'arrondisseinent du departement du Nord, pendant les annees 1828-30 (No. 1), 1833-79 (3- 38), 1,-Hl (4(1), 1882 (41). Presents a M. le preTet, par MM. Them. Lestihoudois, E. X. Davaine, Loi set, A. Oosselet, Ch. Pilat, et Jules Arnould. 8°. Lille, 1831-83. [Xo. 1 also in : P., v. 1788. ] Institu6 le 25 juin 1828. No. 1, for 1828-30; 3. 1833-7; 4, 1838-40; 5, 1841-2; 6, 1843-4; 7, 1845-6; 8, 1847-8; 9, 1849-50; 10. 1851 to 41, 1882, for 1 year each. No. 1, hy Lestihoudois; 3 and 4, hv Davaine; 5-7, hv Loiset; 8-12, by Gosselet; 13-40, by Pilat"; 41, by Arnould. * -----. Kapport general sur l'c.pide.mic du cho- lera qui a regne a Lille en 1832. (Fait an Con- seil central de salubrity du departement du Nord par uue commission forinee de MM. Dourleu, Trachez, Brigandat, Bailly et Lestihoudois, rap- porteur.) 107 pp. 8. Lille, L. Danel, [W331] [P., v. 471.] -----. Rapport presents au comity central de vaccine, sur l'etat de la propagation de la vac- cine daus le departement du Nord pendant 18:5;"). Par M. le docteur Lefebnre, secretaire general dn comity central. 42 pp. 8°. Lille, L. Danel, 1830. -----. Statistique administrative et, medicale de 1'Asile public des alie"ne"s de Lille, pour les annees 1847-51. Rapport a Monsieur le prefet du de- partement du Nord, par [Llbrbon de Lussats et A. Gosselet] le directenr et le medecin de l'asile. 92 pp. 8'. Lille, Lefebvve-Ducvoce/, 187)2. -----. L'hygi&ne et l'industrie dans le departe- ment du Nord. Vade-mecum des conseils de salubrite, des industriels et des fonctionnaires, charge de la police sanitaire. Extrait des rap- ports des conseils d'hygiene et 6c salubrite du departement du Noni. viii, 199 pp. lvi . Lille, L. Danel, 1857. -----. Observations meteorologiques faites a Lille par Victor Menrein pendant les annees 1855-0; 1858-9; 1800-7; 187)3-9. SP. Lille 1857-80. 1855-6. repr. from.- Rap. trav. Cons, ceutr. de salub. du dep. du Nord, Lille. -----. Table presentant par ordre alphabetique les matures traitees par les conseils d'hygiene Nord (Departcincnt du)—continued. ct de salubrite du Nord depuis leur creation, en 1828, jusqu'a la fin de 1858; suivie de la liste gdnerale des ateliers et etablissenicnts classes depuis 1810 jusqtfen 1859, et de tableaux indi- quantle nombre des seances tenues par le Conseil central, les noms de ses membres, la dur6e do leurs services et le nomine de rapports qu'ils out rddiges ; par M. Tancrez, sons-secretaire du Con- seil central depuis 1832. 115 pp , 4 tab. 8-> Lille, L. Danel, 1869. -----. The same. Depuis 18f>9 jusqu'a la fin de 1808; suivie de tableaux indiq'uant le nombre des seances tenues par le Conseil central, les noms de ses niembres, la dui-ee de leurs services et le nombre de rapports qu'ils ont r6dig6s; par M. Tancrez, .sous-secretaire du Conseil central depuis 1832. 109 pp., 3 tab. 8*-'. Lille, L. Danel, 1809. -----. The same. Depuis 1*09 jusqu'a la fin de 1878; suivie des tableaux indiquant le nombre des seances tenues par le Conseil central, les noms de ses niembres, la duree de leurs services et le nombre de rapports qu'ils ont redige.s ; par M. Tancrez, sous-secretaire du Conseil central depuis 1832. pp. 353-444. 8'. Lille, L. Danel, 1880. Nord (Departement (lit). See Cholera (Asiatic, History, ele, of), by locali- ties; Physicians' aid societies, etc. Nordanierikanische Akademie der homoo- pathisehen Heilkunst. Denkschrifteu. 1. Lief. Wirkungen des Schlnngengiftes. C. C. Hering, viii, 110 pp. 4°. Allentaini an der Lecha, H. Ebner, 1837. Nordaniericanisclie, deutsch' medicinische Zeitschrift fiir .praktische Heilkunde. Hrsg. von W. Meisburgcr. Zweiinonatlich. Nos. 1-3, .v. 1, 1865. 144 pp. 8°. Buffalo, N. V. Ended. Nordamcrikaiiisclicr Monatsbericht fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Redigirt von W. Keller und H. Tiedemann, unter Mitwirknng niehrerer Aerzte. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-4, Jnlv, 18.",0, to June, 1852. 8°. Philadelphia, J. IVeik. Ended. In July. 1851, Dr. Herzka added as editor, and F. W. Christen) became publisher. In December, lbol, ller/ka dropped, v. 2-3 paged eonseculivclv, Jan. to Dec, 1851. Nordau (S. Max) [1849- ]. * De la castra'- tion de la femme. [Paris.] 04 pp. 4r Poissy, 18,82, No. 329 (?). Nordblad {Carl) [1778-1S40J. |Obituary.] Cutting from: Lefnadsteckn. ofver k. sv. vet. akad. a ledamdter, i, 11-15. Norblad (Ericus And.) * Jnstructio peregrina- toris. 8°. Upsalia1,, 177,9. In: LiNNJEUS. Anicenitates acad. [etc.] 8°. Lugd. But., 17C0, v, 298-313. NorddeiltSChe (Der) Arzt. Organ fiir die wis- senschaftlichen, socialen und materiellen Intc- ressen der Medico-Chirnrgcn. Hrsg. von Wil- helm Kollosser. v. 2-3, October, 1870-72. 2 v. 8°. Magdeburg. "Want no. 6, v. 3, 1872. 10 nos. form a volume. Norddeutscher Apotheker -Verein. Mitglie- der-Verzeichniss und General -Redlining, pro 1808; 1870; 1871. 8°. Halle,[n.d.] NorddeiltSChe Thierarzte. Bericht iiber die am 18. und 19. Mai 1808 in Berlin abgehaltene Versammlung . . . und iiber die am 20. Mai stattgefimdene Jubelfeier der Herrn . . . Gurlt. Hrsg. von deu Vorstanden des Berliner, schle- sischen und rheinpreussischen thierarztlichen Vereins. 29 pp. 8-. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, W68. Nordeniann (T.) Leber die Cholera infantum in New-York. 18 pp. S3. Bern, C. Raelzer, 1800. C. NOR DEN. 060 NORTHS. Nordeil (J. C) * Die Vergrosseruug und Ver- haitung der Vorstcherdriise. 48 pp. 8°. JViirz- bnrg, C. JV. Becker, 1831. Nordenbureif (Julius). Die Ventilatoren und deren Anwendung auf praktische Zwecke, oder ausfiihrliche Beschreibung und Abbildung der neuesten und bewiihrtesteu Anlagen, Apparate und Meehanisnieii* zum Liiften von Wohnzim- meru, Siilen, Billardzimmern, Bierstuben, Thea- tern, Kasernen, Lagcrn, Hospitiilern, Geiangen- haiisern, Schulen, Kinderbewahranstalten, Fa- briken, Lahoratorien, Dampf- und Segelschiffen, Eisenbahnwagen, Briinneiischachten und Berg- werken, Kellcrn uiulGahrungslokalen, Trocken- stuben, Seidenraupereien, Gewiichshausern, Hen- und Getreidehaufen, Stiillen, Abtritten, Schornsteiuen, Gas- und Oellampcnbrennern u. s. w. xii, 190 pp., 11 pl. 8'-'. JVeimar, B. F. Voigt, W6,9. v. 7G of: Keucr Schauplatz der Kiinste und llandwerke. Nordeuson ( E. ) Pechorches ophtalnionie- triques sur rastigmatisme de la cornee chez des ecoliers de 7 a 20 ans. 31 pp. 8°. Gand, I. S. van Doosselaere, 1883. Repr. from: Aun. d'ocul., Brux., 1883, 12. s., ix. Nordeuson (Erik). * Till kiinnedomen om spontan niithinneatlossniug. 2 \). I., 112 pp., 14 I., 13 pl. roy. 8-. Stockholm, W86. -----. The same. Die Netzhantablosiing. Un- tersuchungen iiber deren pathologische Anato- mie und Pathogenese. JVlit einein Vorwort von Dr. Theodor Leber. v (3 ].), 255 pp., 28 1., 27 pl. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1887. Nord en Strom (Wilhelm Magn.) See K«*i-j{!»ti-aiicl (< Till Henr.) Chirurgiska iakttagel- ser. HT Vpsaltt, [1812| ISIS.—<-,'< I Ihi'>.I< ilm;ir>< li. Dohrn. Ueber den Genius endemicus in Norder-Dit;- marschen. Eine medicinisch topoeraphi.sehe Bcschrei- bung dieser Landschaft. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Altona, 1835, iii, 11.-12. Hft., 1-40. Norderney. It.'ii'lilinuwet'ii ( G. ) Helgoland und Norderney, als Seebailcnrte nehen eiuander gestellt. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1840, v, IJ7H-735.— Becnckc. Ueber die sani- tate Bedeutung des Winteraufentbaltes auf Nordernev. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Heil., 1882, v, 294-299. — ill iii l«*r (A.) Ueber einige gesnndheitliche und landwirthse hafi liche Missstande der Bade-Insel Nordernej'. Vrtljsclir. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1880, xliv, 102-106, Nordhausen. See, also, Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by localities. Wittmever. Geburten und Sterbefiille in Nordhausen im Jahre 1870. 4r Nordhausen, [1877]. Jahres-Tabclle der Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse der Stadt Moidbausen a. H. wiihrend des Jahres 1870. Vcriif- fentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsanites, fieri. (Beilage), 1877, No. 27. Nordhof (Gustaf). * Ueber die pliysiologische und therapeutische Wirkung des Arseniks. 19 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Giessa; 1848. Nordlioff"(Aug. Wilhelm). K'litor of: Arciiiv fiir den thierischen Maguetismus, Jena, 1804. Nordisches Archiv fiir Natur- und Arzneywis- senschaft. Hrsg. von Prof. Pfaff in Kiel und Dr. Scheel in Kopenhagen. Bde. 1-4, 1799-1805. 8-T Kopenhagen, F. Briimmer. v. 2-4, title: NorfliNrhe* Archiv fiir Natur- und Arz- neywissenscbaft lmd Chirurgie; and Prof. Rudolphi in (ireifswalde added as editor. Continued as: I\er-ii«\«i uor- disches Archiv fiir Naturkunde, [etc. ] Nordisclics Archiv fiir Natur- und Ar/.neywis- senschaff nnd Chirurgie. Was title of v. 2-4 of: IVoi-iIincIicm Archiv fiir Natur- und A rzneywisseusehaft. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Abnormskolen (Blinde-, D0vstumme- og Aandssvageskolen). Was title of v. 16-17 of: IVoi-ri i»k Tidsskrift for Blinde-, Dffvsturnme- og Idiotskolen. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Blinde-, D0vstumme- og Aandssvageskolen. Was title of v. 8-15 of: \or.l i-h Tidsskrift for Blinde-, Devstumnie- og Idiotskolen. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Blinde-, Devstumnie- og Idiotskolen, redigeret af J. Mohlenhauer, Johan Keller. [Quarterly.] v. 1-17, 1807-8."). so. Ejeibenhavn. Title of v. 8-15 was: lYoi. Opened May 18, 1814. Xew wards opened iu Septem- ber, ]8G9. 57. report for 9 mouths, ending Sept. 30, 1870. 58. report for 15 months, ending Dec. 31, 1871. ----—. Duties of the attendants. May 31, 1871. ~ PP- 8\ [Norwich, 1871.] -----. Rules to be observed in case of fire. March 28,1876. broadside fol. [Norwich, 1876.] -----. Rules to be observed for bathing the pa- tients, broadside 4°. [Norwich, n. d.] ---—. Rules of the ... 27 pp. 8°. Norfolk, E. Crowe. 1882. -----. [Blank; forms in use at the asylum.] 4r [Norwich, 1882.] 1 Attendant's evening report. 2. Night attendant's report. Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norwich. Rules and orders. 49 pp. fp. Norwich, Chase 3'- Co , 1785. -----. Annual statement of the board of man agenient of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital I to the governors and subscribers at the annual j general meeting. [Including accounts of the building fund; chapel fund; Samaritan fund; hospital garden fund; aud superannuation fund.] 10 pp. 8 r London f Norwich, Jarrold if- Sons, [1*85]. Established in 1771. Rebuilt in 1879. Contains two hun- dred beds. -----. Src, also : Ckoskk (J. (J.) An inaugural address, deliv- ered at the opening of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Museum, .September 10, 1845. 8D. Nor- wich, [n. cl.] h'ADCMFFE (J. N. ) Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Minutes of conferences with the medi- cal and surgical staff, and others, concerning the sanitary condition aud administration ot" the hospital, and of an inspection of the building, the 3d and 4th August, 1875. fol. [London, 1875. ] \oiToi'd (William). An essay mi the general method of treating cancerous tumors: the whole endeavoring to shew what stages of that formi- dable disease are curable. Illustrated with sev- eral extraordinary cases, xxxi. 171 pp. PJ*. ^ London, J. Noon, 1753. ' Nor,jjeu (G.-E.) Code therapeutique. Methode d'inihibition, dans laquelle on considere l'influ- ence que les liqnides potables peuvent exercer sur l'organisine moihide, ou traite* des tisanes. 166 pp., 1 1. roy. 8r Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1846. [P., v. 18*27.] Norjjeu (Georges). * Traits snr la protection que les organes les plus essentiels a la vie de l'homme rocoivent de la part des organes moins essentiels. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, W22, No. 219 v 176. Norlander (Carl) & Martin (Edmond). Manuel de gymnastique rationuelle siiedoise i\ 1'usage des ecoles priniaires, des ecoles moyennes, dos athenees, des ecoles normales, de l'armee ct de la marine. 2 p. 1., viii, 245 pp., 2 tab., 1 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Mauceaux. 1883. Norlili (Franz Martin). ()in den Blodgang, som berske.de paa Skibet, Tranquebar paa den Maleiiski Kyst, 1 Decembermaaned, 1777. [On dysentery on the ship Tranquebar ou the Ma- layan coast.] 6 pp. 8°. Kifibenhavn, J. It. Thiele, [1778]. -----. lagttagelse af en brandagtig Forfl0ttelse efter en l'eber. [On gangrene after fever.] 6 pp. 12°. Eie/>benhavn, J. R. Thiele, [1777]. Norma y Enrique* (Luis (J.) * Retencion de la placenta. 29 pp. 8°. Mexico, I. Escalentte f (a., 1871. Normal liquids. 4 1. 8°. [n. p., 1882.] Norman (F.) A compendious and easy method of curing the virulent stillicidium commonly call'd gonorrhoea; with au account of the effi- cacy of Flummer's alterative pills, in cases of chancres, buboes, hernia veneris, etc. 36 pp. 8 . London, E. JVilhevs, [n. d ] JYoi'Biian (Georeje) [1783-18G1]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i. 127. Norman (.1. C.) Third septennial report of (iiiy's Lying-in Charity, from Oct. 1, 1H47. to Oct. 1, 1854. Also report on the Lying-in Charity for twenty-one years, from Oct. 1, 1833, to Oct. 1,1854. Collated from tbe records by... Pre- sented by .1. C. W. Lever and H. Oldham. 45 pp. »r [London, 1855?] [P., v. 1093.] Normaud (A.) Memoire sur ladiarihee ditc de Cochinchine. 86 pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bail- Ltc-e fftls, 1877. Itepr. from-: Arch, denied, nav., Par., 1877, xxvii. \o via and (Alexis-Louis). * Hygiime et pa- thologic de deux convois de coudamnes aux travaux forces, iransportes do France en Nou- velle-Caledonie par la fregate la Sibylle, en 1866-7. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 116. Normaild ( Denis-Claude-Auguste-AIexandre). * Sur la cataraete. 26 pp. 4 r Strasbourg, L. F. Lc Boux. an XI [18(13]. \ormaild (Fugeno)1. * Sur le croup. 29 pp. 4 . I'aris, 18-26, No. 20, v. 197. Normaud (Kugetie)-. * Du phimosis et de son traiteinent. 37 pp., 11. 4 . Paris, 1876, No.5. Normaud (F.-M.-P.) * Sur les hemorrhagies cerebrales. considerees conime causes d'apoplexie preeedee d'un leger apercu sur les hemorrhagies en general. 31 pp. 4 . Paris, W10, No 62, v. HI. Normaud (G.-Sixtc). * Du bec-de-lievre et de son traiteinent. 56 pp. 4J. Paris, 1852, No. 250, v. 530. Normaild (Louis-Rosin). *Rhuiiiatisnieartieu- laire aigu. Statistique et considerations. 8ri NORM AND. 971 NORTH. Noi'llimid (Louis-Rosin)—continued. pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Cristin f Cie., 1865, No. 72. C. Normaud de la Traueliade (Simon). * I. De la nature du cholera-morbus sporadique. II. [etc.] 132 pp. 4~. Paris, 1842, No. 224, v. 394. de Norniandie (Joannes Henricus). * De fa- brica pulmoimin eorumque usu. 44 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1742. [P., v. 991.] Normandie (La) mddieale. Directeurs: MM. Dum6uil, Gibert, Leudet, Notta. Redacteur en chef: Oerne\ [Semi-monthly.] Aun6es 1-4, Nov. 1, 1885-8. 80. Rouen. Current. Annees 1-2, 188;"i-6, form v. 1. Normandy (A.) The commercial hand-book of chemical analysis ; or, practical instructions for the determination of the intrinsic or commercial value of substances used in manufactures, in trades, and in the arts, xii, 640 pp, 8°. Lon- don, G. Knight if Sons, W7,9. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xii, 640 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Lockwood if Co., 186,5. The same. New edition, enlarged, and to a great extent rewritten, by Henry M. Noad. xvi, 480 pp. 8°. London, Lockwood if Co., 1875. Noruiaiiii (Carolus). * De terroris effectu in organisniuin humanum. 39 pp. 8. Dorpati Livonorum, typ. J. C. Schuenmanni, WM. Normanil (Gottfried Eduard). * Derumpendis ovi humani velamentis in partu. 75 pp. 8'-. Dorpati Livonorum. typ. J. C. Schuenmanni, 1836. No roy. See t'houippc aiue. Response aux consultations nie- die.o-chirurgicales, etc. 8°. L'Aigle, 1834. Norr (Erhardt). Chirurgischer Wegweiser, alien Angehenden, so zur Wund-Artzney-Kunst zu gelangen Begierde haben gezeiget; und in lieun Theilen Gespriichsweis verfasset; saint einein Keis- und Feld-Kasten fiir die Chirurgos, so im Feld zu dienen vorhabens; und dann einem Vocabulario aller einfachen, unveiniischten Ge- wiichsen und Artzneyen, Nainen, Natur und Com- plexionen. 10 p. I., 448 pp., 12 l.; 1 pl. 16J. Niirnberg, J. Slein, 1736. Norris (Basil) [1828- ]. A paper on disloca- tions of the astragalus. Read before tlie Amer- ican Surgical Association, Cinciifnati, 1883. 23 pp. 8°. JVashinglon, Judd f Detweiler, 1S--3. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., I'hila., 1883, i. Norris (George AV.) [1808-72]. Biographical me- moir of Jacob Randolph, M. D. 12 pp. s°. Philadelphia, IV. F. Giddes, WW. ------. Introductory lecture to the course of clin- ical instruction in surgery, at the Pennsylvania Hospital; delivered Nov. 1st, 1848. 15 pp. 8U. Philadelphia, King f Baird, 1848. [Also, in: P., v. 1359.] ------. Contributions to practical surgery. 318 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay f Blakiston, 1873. See, also, FcrgiiNNOii (William). A system of prao- Heal surgery. '1. Am. ed. s*. Philadelphia, 1S15.— liiMlon (Robert). Piartical surgery, |etc] ST Phila- delphia. 1838. -----. The same. 8°.' Philadelphia, 1842. For Biography, see Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1»70, 3. s.. ii, pp. xxvii-xlii (\VT Hunt). Also, Keprint. Norris (Hugh). Remarks on the external appli- cation of iodine in erysipelas, with .suggestions for its use in puerperal lever. 12 PP- 8°. South Petherton, E. Bennett, 1853. [P., v. 1033.] Repr. from: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 18f>2, n. s., v. Norris (Richard). On the extrusion of the mor- phological elements of the blood. The physical principles concerned, and the relation which such extruded elements hear to pus and to the so-called fibrinous exudation of inflammation. 33 pp., 8 pl. 8J. London, Oclell f Ives, 1871. [P., v. 1197.] Repr. from: St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr. 1870, Lond., 1871, iv. Norris (Richard)—continued. ------. On the discovery of an invisible or third corpuscular element in the blood. Abstract, with a critical note, by Mrs. Ernest Hart. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1889.] Repr. from: Lond. M. Rec, 1880, viii. ------. The physiology and pathology of the blood, comprising the origin, mode of develop- ment, pathological and post-mortem changes of its morphological elements in mammalian and oviparous vertebrates, xiv, 274 pp., 1 1., 5 tab., 23 pl, 8S>. London, Smith, Elder «\- Co., 1882. Norris (Thomas). A short essay on the singular virtues of an highly exalted preparation of an- timony, or Dr. Norris's autinionial drops. To which is added a catalogue of cures, incontes- tibly proving the sovereign efficacy of this great medicine in fevers and many other disorders. 8\ [London], 1770. [P., v. J236.] ------. A short essay on the virtues of Dr. Nor- ris's drops for fevers. 36 pp. 8°. London, Field- ing Sp Walker, 1777. [P., v. 434.] ------. The same. 4. ed. 81 pp. 8°. London, 1783. [P., v. 433.] Norris (William) [1792-1877]. The Hunterian oration. 68 pp. 4°. London, T. Cadell <\- IV. Davis, 1817. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1S77, i, r>3.r>. Norris (William Fisher) [1829- ]. Cases of op- tic neuritis. 7 pp., 11., 1 pl. 8°. [ Philadelphia, 1874.] ------. Contributions to ophthalmology. 7 pp. 8°. New York, Trow, 1883,. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Sue. X. Y.. 1RS3, xvi. Nee. also. Photomicrograph*, etc. IT Wasliing- ton, 1804. — Tyson (James). A treatise on Ihi^lil's disease, etc. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881. ------ &. Strieker (S.) Versuche iiher Horn- haut-Eutziiiidung. 17 pp., 1 pl. 8 . JVien, M. Salzcr, 1869. JVorris'x drops. See Antiphlogistics, etc.; Medicines (Patent, etc.) Norsk Magazin for Liege\ idenskabon. Udgivet af La'geforeningen i Christiania. Redigeret af Chr. Boeck, A. Conradi, Chr. Heilx-ig, J. Hjort, F. Hoist. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, June, 1840, to June, 1845. 2. Ra-'kke, v. 1-24, 1847-70. 3. Riekke, v. 1 - 15, 1-71-85. 4. Rakke, v. 1-3, 1886-8. 52 v. 8°. Christiania. Current, v. 10, 1845, contains general index to v. 1-10. v. 2-24, 2. series, edited by the Medical Society of Chris- tiania; v. 1-4, 3. series, by Jacob Hciberj;; v. f>-13, 3. series, by Edward Bull; in 1884, v. 14, 3. series, S. Laache became editor. Forhaiidlingci' i det norske medi- cinske Selskab i Kristiania issued with this journal. Norsk Medicinallovgivning indeholdende en kro- nologisk Sanding af Fororduinger, Love, Plaka- ter, Resolutioner, Skrivelser m. in. vedkoniiuende Norges Medicinalviesen for Aarene 1672-1880. Udgivet af K. A. Langberg, L. Esmark-Olsson og J. Soinnie. [Norwegian medical laws, etc., in chronological order.] lxxi, 036 pp. 8°. Kristiania, Udgivcrnes Forlag, 1881. Norstroill (Gustaf) [1840- ]. Sur le traite- ment des maladies des femmes au moyen de la methode du massage. Lu a l'Academie de me- decine dans la stance du 18 Janvier l~76. 71 pp. 8°. Paris, K. Nilson, 1876. ------. Traitement de la migraine par le massage. vi, 119 pp., 1 h 8T>. Paris, A. Delahaye f E. Lecrosnier, 1885. Traitenient des raideurs articnlaires (faus- ses et aukyloses) an moyen dela rectification forc^e du massage, viii, 137 pp.. 1 1. 8°. i'rtris, A. Delahai/e f E. Lecrosnier, W87. North (Edward). * On the rheumatic state ot fever. 37 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, JV. JV. JVood- ward, 1797. NORTII. 07:2 north London. \orlh (Elisha). A treatise on a malignant epi- demic, commonly called spotted fever; inter- spersed with remarks on the nature of fever in general, etc. ; and an appendix, in which is re- published a number of essays, written by differ- ent authors on this epidemic, xi, 249 pp. 12'-. New York, T. if F. Swords, 1811. -----. Outlines of the science of life; which treats physiologically of both body and mind. Designed only for philosophers, and other candid persons, xix, 202 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. New York, Collins f Co., 1829. [-----.] The pilgrim's progress in phrenology. Pt. i, abridged, and pt. iii. By Fncle Toby. 11, 72 pp. 8°. New London, S. Green, 1836. "Voi'tll (John) [1790-1873]. Practical observa- tions on the convulsions of infants, x (1 L), 282 pp. 8°. London, Burgess f Hill, 1826. Also, Co-Editor of.- London (The) Medical and Physi- cal Journal, 1S3-30. North (M. L.) Analysis of Saratoga waters; also of Sharon, Avon, Virginia, aud other mineral waters of the United States. With directions for invalids. 3. ed. iv, 5-72 pp. Kir New Yovk, Saxton f Miles, W46. . ----—. The same. 7. ed., with an appendix. 72 pp. 16°. Saratoga Sjirings, B. Huling, 1858. North (Nelson L.) On epidemic cholera, the phenomena, causes, prevention and treatment. With an appendix, relating to the Brooklyn city sewerage. 39 pp. S'-'t Brooklyn, Daily Times presses, 1865. Repr. from : Tr. M. Ass. Eastern Dist. Brooklyn. -----. A theory of inflammation; its cause, course, and rationale of treatment. 46 pp. 8°. New Vork, IV. Uood f Co., 1867. North (Samuel). Tbe family physician and guide to health, together with .some remarks on surgery; containing a familiar and accurate de- scription of the symptoms of most diseases incident to mankind ; together with their grad- ual progress, and method of cure ; and tables of preparation, with a medical herbal. The whole selected and compiled from the writings of vari- ous authors in Europe and America, vi, 7-321 pp. 8r JVaterloo, N. Y, JV. Child, 1830. Nortii (Samuel William). Letter from . . . medical officer of health of the city of York. With reference to water closets, etc. Presented June 9, 1871. 10 pp. 12. York, Herald Oljice; 1874. Repr. from: York Daily Herald, June 10, 1874. -----. Report of medical officer of health of the city of York. With reference to the water sup- ply of York. Presented July 29, 1874. 8 pp. 12°. York, Herald Office, 1874. Repr. from.- York Daily Herald, July 29, 1874. -----. Reports [quarterly] of the medical officer of health of the city of York to the urban sani- tary authority. 3. e\v., 1874; 2., 1876; 4., 1870; 1.-4., 1882; 1.-3., 1883. 12° & fol. [York, 1874-8:5.] -----. Ventilation of sewers. Report on the •ventilation and flushing of sewers, Aug. 6, 1877. 7 pp. fol. York, Johnson f Tessei/inan, [1877]. . -----. Annual report of the medical officer of health to the urban sanitary authority of the citv of York, for the year' 1876. 8 pp. fol. Vork, 1-77. -----. Registration of disease. 12 pp. 12°. Lon- dm, Spottiswoode 4" Co., W78. Repr. from: San. Rec, Loud., 1878, viii. -----. City of York. To the urban sanitary authority. Report on lodging houses, July 7, 1-T79. 5 pp. fol. [York, 1879.] —;—■ [A report to the urban sanitary authority, city of York, on the advisability of including the l !%Ol'tll (.Samuel William)—continued. whole of the township of Aconib in the city of York.] 1 sheet, sm. 4'-. I'ork, 1882. -----. Report of medical officer of health, on precautious to be observed against cholera 2 pp. fol. York, 1883. -----. Report on the prevalence of typhoid fever in York during the year 1834. Presented to the urban .sanitary authority, Feb. 17, 188,r>. 4s pp. 8 T 1 map. fol. York, B. Johnson f Co., W87,. -----. Report on the compulsory notification of infectious diseases, in reply to a circular letter of the Local Government Hoard, Dec 21, 1887. 17 pp. 8°. York, li. Johnson if Co., [WH7] North (W.) See SiiikIiisoii (J. Bmdon). University College course, etc. 8°. London, 18S2. -----. The same 8° Philadelphia, 1882. North Llld Dispensary for Women and Children, Boston. Annual report of the attending phy- sicians to the board of directors. 1. (l869-7li). 12 pp. 12°. Boston, A. Mudge f Son, W79. Organized May, ISO!). North End Industrial Home,'P,i.slon. Annual report of the managers to the subscribers. 2., 1881-2. 58 pp. 8 T Boston, F. Wood, 1882. North London Deaconesses' Institution. See London Diocesan Deaconess Institution. North London Home for Aged Christian Blind Women. Annual reports of the committee of the home to the subscribers and friends. 1.-4., 188(1-81 to 188:5-4. 18°. London, W81-4. North London Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, London and Hampstead. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 7., 1867; 8., 1868; 12., 1871; 13., 1872; 16., 1875; 17., 1876; 20., 1879; 22., 1881; 24., 1883. 8*T London, 1868-84. 7. in P.. v. 969; 8. in P.. v. 976. Estahlished iu 1860, for the reception of patients from all parts of the king- dom. In 187!) the words "and Diseases of the Chest" were dropped from title on the cover, and the inside title reads: Hospital tor Consumption and Diseases of Hie Chest. Forms used: In-patient's letter; medical eertiticate. -----. By-laws, and rules and regulations, as revised and prepared by a committee appointed at a special meeting of the governors, held July 20, 1883. 23 pp. 8°. London, E. Couch man f Co., W8:). Nortll London Hospital for Consumption, Mount Vernon, Hampstead. [ Circular of the committee, soliciting contributions.] 7 pp. old. 16°. [London, Hutchins if Crowsley, 1886:'] -----. [Circular letter of the committee, calling the attention of the public to the need of funds to finish the new hospital. With a list of dona- tions. 2 1. 8°. [London, n. d.] -----. [Circular letter of the committee to be- nevolent persons, soliciting a contribution in aid of the building fund of the new hospital.] 1 1., 1 pl. 4 . [London, n. d.] North London or University College Hospi- tal, St. Paucras, London. Rules for the govern- ment of the hospital. 20 pp. 8°. [London, R. f J. E. Tayloi; 1,847.] Commenced as the "University Dispensary" April 8, 18_»s. (lu Feb. -j:,, 1K-J0, a committee was appointed to ascertain the cost of erecting a hospital. Plans were sub- mitted Keh. and March, aud the corner-stone was laid May 22, 18:s:i. Opened Nov. 1, 1834. Includes separate apart- ments for diseases of women, children, diseases of the skin, eye and ear, teeth. -----. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the governors and subscribers. 18711-7:!; 1875-84. 8. London, 1870-8.". 1875-82 hound in 1 v. 1870 in P., v. 976. -----. Reports of the surgical and medical reg- istrars of the ... for tlie years 1871-5; 1877-81; 1883-5. 8°. London, 1872-86. 1878-81 bound in 1 v. NORTH LONDON. 973 NORTHAMPTON. North London or University [etc.]—cont'd. ----—. Rules for the government of the hospital, made by the council of the college. Adopted as revised, May 3d, 1873. 16 pp. 8°. [London], 1873. -----. Address of H. R. H. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, the chairman of the annual festival dinner, May 20, 1881. 4 pp. 1t!°. Lon- don, Harrison f Sons, 188]. -----. A history of the hospital, from its founda- tion to the year 1881, by N. H. Nixon. 60 pp. 8 . London, H. K. Lewis, 1882. -----. Draft report for the year 1,883. 7 pp. 8°. [London, 18.-4.] -----. Samaritan funds, 1883. [Draft copy of balance sheet, for the secretary of the Metropol- itan Hospital Sunday Fund, j 5 sheets. 8°. [London, 1884.] -----. Thesame. Audited copy. 5 sheets. 8°. [London, 1884.] North Lonsdale Hospital, Barrow-in-Furness. Annual reports of the committee of management to the subscribers, for the years 1869-70 to 1886-7. 12 . Barrow-in-Furness, 1870-87. Established 18GC. North Mountain School of Physical Culture. [Prospectus.] By J. T. Rothrock, principal. 15 pp. 8-. Wilkes- Barn; " Times" pi ess, 1876. -----. [ Supplement to prospectus. By J. T. Rothrock, principal.] 3 pp. 8°. [ JVilkes- Barre, 1876.] Northallerton. h'ANGKi! (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and-supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town of Northallerton, in the county of York. 8". London, 187,9. -----. Report fo the General Board of Health, ou a memorial from the ratepayers against tlie application of the public health act to Northal- lerton. 8". London, 1851. North America. Sec, also, Canada; Mexico; Sitka; United States. I) u pont (P.) * Notes et observations sur la (•("iteoi-ientaled'AiiK'iiqiie. 4J. Montpelliei; 18(18. MniLKNBEUG ( II. ) Catalogus plantarum America* septeutrioualis hue usque cogiiitaruin indigenaruin et cicurum; or, a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, arranged according to the sex- ual system of Liiimeus. 8T Lancasler, WW. Physical degeneracy of the American people, showing that an imperfect system of education, and abuse and neglect of children, are among the chief causes of this degeneracy. [Taken from a series of articles written for, and now being published in, the Detroit Tribune, over the signature of " E". ] e-vJ. Detroit, 185,8. SciioKPi'i.' (J. I). ) The climate and diseases of America. Translated by James Read Chad- wick. [From the original published at Erlan- gen, 1781 ?] 8°. Boston, 1875. Also, in: Boston M. & S. J., 187f>, xcii, 715; "liii: xciii, C. Williamson- ( H. ) Observations ou the cli- mate in different parts of America, compared witli the climate in corresponding parts of the other continent. To which are added, remarks on tiie different complexions of the human race; with some account of the aborigines of America. Being an introductory discourse to the history of North Carolina. 8\ New York, 1 — 11. It HI lei- (L. C.) The decadence of the American race, as exhibited in the registration reports of Massachusetts, Vermont [and Rhode Islam! | ; Ihe cause and the remedy. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 18(17-8. Jlurliiij-ton, 18(i!i, 78-88.— Hclfl't. Die geographische Verbreitnng der Krankheiten i\orth Ameriea. in Nord-Ameiika. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. iiff. Gsnd- htsptlfr., Berl., 1859, IS-Ki. — Ilnxhy ( T. H.) Impres. sums of America. Xew York Tribune, extra, no. 3(i X Y., 187ti, 2— f,<-ach (W. T.) Ohservations on the hypo- thesis ot the former existence of a great fresh water in'laml sea within the continent of Xorth America. Brit Am .1 M. & Phys. Sc, Montreal, 184..-I!. i, 10; (lii. _____. ];,.. ply to Dr. ttae's ohservations. Ibid.. 2iri-. 2:'rl. — K:iv (.1.) Kemarks on tbe Kev. Mr. Leach's oliservatioiis on the previous existence of a fresh water inland sia. Ibid.. 91 ; 119. — Ronirr ( I. t An ini|iiii v inio the nature ami cause of the autumnal epidemic diseases which prevail in Xorth America. Mcil. Kcposit.. X. \T, 1811, xiv. ?.is- 241. — Suilriai'lli (J. 15. ' A roll of American epidemies for seventeen ages, with a brief record of the epidemic in- fluence for the past seven ages. Xashville J. M .Y S 1801, xx, 409: xxi, 69. North American Archives of Medical and .Surgical (Science. Edited by E. Godding. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v.' l-v>, Oct., ls:;4, to Sept., 18:Jo. 8°. Baltimore. Cory, Hart ,\- Co. Ended. A continuation of: It ;i Hi niort' ( The) Medi- cal and Surgical Journal and Keview. IVoi'tll American (The) Honueopathie Direc- tory for 1877-8, compiled and published hv .) Pettel, A. M., M I). 117 pp. 8 . Cleveland, Robinson, Savage if Co., 1878. North American .(The) Honm-opailiie .Jour- nal. A quarterly magazine of medicine and the auxiliary sciences. Conducted by C. Hering, L. E. Maie'y, and J. W. Mefealf. ' v. 1, Fol?. to Nov., 1851. 7,32 pp. 8 . New Yovk, JV. Radtlc. Continued as: North American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. \oitli American (The) Journal of Hoino'op- atliy. A quarterly magazine of medicine and the auxiliary sciences. Conducted l>y C. Her- ing, E. E. Many, and J. \V. Met calf." v. 2-W, February, 18.72, to May, 187(1. Xew series, v. 1-1 ;">, August, 1870, to May, 18Sf>. 3. series, v. 1-3, September, 1887,-8. Mf> v. 83. New York. Current. Title of v. 1, lS.'il. was: IV'oilli A iimiii :i u (The) Ilomoeoxiiithic Journal. Suspended af'tt^r .Nov., 185:1, until Aus, l*"'(i' I" Dec, 1801, I'niK-il SUile-i (The) Journal of iloniii'opathy merged in Ibis journal. v. ]8 contains general index to v. 1-18. In 1885 became monthly; v. 1, 3. series, complete in 12 nos., Sept., 188."), to Dec, 1886. Edited successively by J. ('. Peters, WT II. llolcomhe, It. C. Preston, IT G. Sneilinjr, J. T. Alley, tt. K. AV. Adams, 1-T W. Hunt, S. Lilienthal, George M. Dillow [et al.]. ,\orth American (The) Medical Keporter. Edited bv W. Elmer. [Quarterly.] v. 1, Oct., I808, to Nov., 187,9. 284 pp. 8°. New I'ork, IV. A. Townsend f Co. Ended. In nos. 2-4 Louis Elsberii; added as editor. Xorth American Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Conducted by H. L. Hodge, F. Baehe, C. D. Meigs, B. H. "Coates, and IL La Koehe. [Quarterly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-12, Jan., 18-J(), to Oc'f., 1831. 8; Philadelphia, J. Dobson. Ended, v. 5 and all subsequent published by the Kappa Lambda Association of the United States. North American (The) Medico-Chirurgical Keview. Edited by S. D. Cross and T. G. Rich- ardson. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-5, Jan., 1857-(il. *■*■'. I'hiladelpliia, J. B. Lippincott toii, Massachusetts. Sec, also, Deaf-mutes (Asylums, ele-.. for) ; In- sane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities—Massachu- setts. Ykai:i.v bill of mortality. Presented to the mayor, the aldermen, and municipal councillors of the town of Northampton, for the years 1849- 50 to 185:5-4: 1-50-7; 187,8-9; 1800-01; 1801-2; ]8ti3-4; 1805-0 to 1870-71. fol. Northampton, [187)9-71]. [Northampton County Lunatic Asylum, at Kerry Wood, near Northampton. Annual reports of the committee of visitors and medical super- intendent to the court of quarter sessions. 1.-0., 1877-82. 8°. Northampton, 1878-83. Opened June 30, 1876. -----. General rules for the government of Ihe asylum. 19 pp. 8°. Northampton, Stanton if Son, W79. -----. Kegulations of the committee of visitors for management of the asylum. 32 pp. 8°. Northampton, Stanton if Son, W79. -----. [Blank forms iu use at the asylum.] v. s. [Northampton, 1880-83.] Application for employment, with questions to be an- swered by reference. Daily report, female department. Same, male depart- ment. Description of escaped patient. Diet list. harm bailiffs return, weekly. Regulations as to visiting. -----. [ " Plain directions " for the careful atten- tion of discharged patients and their friends, compiled by Dr. lirushlield, of the Prookwood Asylum.] 1 sheet. 4°. [Northampton, n. d.] INoi'tliamptOil General Lunatic Assy him for the Middle aud Upper Classes. See Saint Andrew's Hospital for Mental Diseases, at Northampton. Northampton IIoiiKcopafhic Dispensary. An- nual report of the committee to the subscribers. 5.. 1855-0. pp. 8:>-102. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] ('ittiimi from: Homoeopathic Record. Opened in 1851. Northampton Lunatic Hospital. -See Massa- chusetts. Northampton Lunatic Hospital. A or tli Borneo. Walker (J. II.) Medical aspects of North Borneo. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1883-4, iii, 133-136 Aorlh ISo*ton. See Fever (Typhoid, History, ele, of), by locali- ties). Aorth Brabant. Holland. Lijst van geneeskundigen, tand- nieesters, apothekers, drogisten en vroedvrou- weu gevestigd in de provincie Noord Brabant af 1. Januari 1885. roy. y3. [Breda, 1885.] North Cambridgeshire Hospital, Wisbech. Annual reports by the committee on manage- ment to the subscribers. 1.-2., 1873-5; 4.-5., 1870-8; 7., 1879-80; 9.-1L, 1881-4. 8°. Wisbech, 1874-84. Founded 1873. North Carolina. An act supplemental to an act creatiug a State board of health. Katitied the 14th day of March, 187(J. 6 pp. 8J. [Raleigh, 1879.] -----. Quarantine regulations, port of Wilming- ton, N. C, April 1, 1879. 21. 8°. [Wilmington, 1879.] Xorth Carolina. See, also, Asheville ; Education (Medical), etc.— United States, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities; Raleigh ; Wilmington. Gatciikll (H. P.) Western North Carolina; its agricultural resources, mineral wealth, cli- Xorth Carolina. mate, salubrity, and scenery. 8\ Asheville, N C, 1879. Guide (A) to shipmasters visiting the Cape Fear and other rivers. Presented by the North Carolina board of health. 8°. Raleigh, 1881. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual report for 1879. 8r Raleigh, 1879. C'oim'm (E. ) Xotes on the natural history of Fort Macon, N. C, and vicinity. l'roc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila 1871, 12; 120. Also, Reprint. — Cone* (E.) &. Yarrow (H. C.) Notes on the natural history of Furl Macon, NT ('., and vicinity. l'roc. Acail. Nat. Sc. I'hila.. 1ST", 203-218- 1878, 21 : 297.—Cox (D.) A report of the diseases of Per- quimans ('mint v. Med. J. i\. (Tir., Kalcigh, 18fi(). iii, ]',r,- 155.— l>i<-lt*oii (.1. II.) On the medical topography anil epidemics of Xm th Carolina. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., lsiili, xiii, 273-352.—<«atcb«'ll (E. A.' North Carolina climate for consumptives. Med. lice, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 54.— I. lcil > m an n (W.) Western North Carolina as a health resort. Mid. &. Surg. Kcporter, Phila., 1870, xxxiv, 141- 145. Also, Reprint. —Hapnolilt (C.) Diseases of Burke County. Med. J. N. Car., Raleigh, 1860-01, iii, 459-464.— Kelly (11.) Ou the diseases most prevalent in Iredell County, from May. 1850, to May. 1857. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, JS57, viii, 2i-2!l. -----. On the diseases of Iredell County. Med. .). N. Car., Raleigh, 1800, iii, 331 — Km- (W. C.) A report on the sanitary relations of drain- age, aud water-supply in North Carolina and Ihe Sonlh At- lantic States, as all'icled hy topographical and geological conditions. Am. Puh. Health Ass. Rep. 1871-5, N. V., 187(5, ii, 348-:;.5ii. —Kins; ( VV. li ) A report on the diseases of Franklin County. Med. J. N. Car., Raleigh, 1858-9, i-ii, 1 ; 111.—■jankforil (W. C.) Report on the diseases of Franklin County. Ibid., 45-51.— Lloyd (T. M.) Some evidence relating to Asheville and the mountains of North Carolina in the climatic treatment of phthisis. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 399-404. Also, Reprint, — tli-Kcr (YV. II.) On the statistics of middle North Carolina. South. M. Rep. (Fenner), N. Oil., 1850, ii, 415-42U—jJInii.xon ((). F.) Sketches of the endemic diseases <>! 1 he Ihianoke Val- ley of Virginia and North Carolina. Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, 1855, iv, 1: 1857, ix. 198; 280.—.Tlarcj (H. O.) The chemical treatment of disease. Wcslrrn Xorth Caro- lina as a health resort. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v, 701-707. Also, Reprint— 7I< iiiiiiin^ii (A.) Flat Rock and llcndersonville, North Carolina, as health resorts. Med. efc Surg. Reporter. Phila,, 18ss, lviii, 232. — l*nyne (R. L.) The diseases of Davidson County- Med. J. N. Car., Raleigh, 1800-61, iii. 335-340. — Pi It '(J.) Oliserva- tioiis on the country and diseases near Roanoke River, in the State of North'Carolina. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 18IIH, xi, 337-342. — ■>illmiiii ( NT J. ) Report on the diseases of Fdgecomb Countv. Tr. M. Sue. N. Car., Wilmington, 1857, viii, 35-42.—Robinson (B. W.) Historical review of the diseases of Cumhe.rlaud Countv. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1878, i, 70-79. —Nattli\v«-ll (S. S.) Report ou the meteorology, medical topography, and prevailing diseases of P.eaut'ort Countv, North Carolina. Nelson's North. Lancet, Plattshurg,'NT Y., 1853-4, viii, 112-119.— MliaH'iier (JT F.) Topography and diseases of Forsyth County, NT (T Tr. M. Sue. NT Car., Wilmington, 1800. xvi, 19-24.—Sharpe (W. R.) Report, on the diseasesof Davie County. -Med. J. NT Car., Raleigh, 1800-6], iii, 278- 286.— Williamson (11.) Of the soil and general state of health in different parts nl North Carolina, Ec.Iect. Re- port., Phila., 1813, iii, 1-1 ii. — IV in borne (R. H.) To- pography and disease of Chowan County. Proc. M.'Soc. N. Car.,'AVilniington, 1807, xiv, 34-37. — Winwlotv (C.) Diseases of Perquimans' County. Med. J. N. Car., Raleigh, 1858-9, i-ii, 101-111. North Carolina. Board of Public Charities. Annual report to the general assembly. L, 1.8(59-70. 126 pp., 1 tal). ' 8'->. Raleigh, 1870. North Carolina. Eastern Insane Asylum, Golds- boro. Annual reports of tbe .superintendent to the board of directors. 5., 18*:5-4 ; 7., l88fi-(i. '21 pp. 8°. Goldsboro, Messenger jirint, 1885-6. North Carolina. North Carolina Insane Asy- lum, at Raleigh. Biennial and annual reports of the board of directors and superintendent to the governor of the State. 2.-5., 185(5-7 to 1859-(i(); 8.-9., 18(52-3 to 18g:S-4; IL, l8(i5-(5; 14.-29., 1868-9 to 18K5-L sr Raleigh, 1858-84. Incorporated in 1848. Opened Feh. 22, 1856. Formerly called "Insane Asylum of North Carolina". 1856-7 to 1803-4 made hienuiaily. -----. Digest of laws relating to the Insane Asy- lum of North Carolina. To which is appended the by-laws adopted for the government of the Konru Carolina. 975 NORTH DEVON. North Carolina. North Carolina Insane Asy- lum, at Ilaleigh—continued. institution. 29 pp. 8-r Raleigh, Nichols, Gor- man 7.] Repr. from: Phil. Mag., Lond., ls.">7, 4. s., xiii. ----- & Church (Arthur IL) A manual of qualitative chemical analysis, xiv, 428 pp. 8°. London, Van JToorst, 187)8. Northcote (William). The marine practice of physic and surgery, including that in the hot countries, particularly useful to all who visit the East and West Indies, or the coast of Africa,. To which is added Pharmacopoeia marina. And some brief directions to be observed by the sea- surgeon in an engagement, etc. 2 v. xv, 143, 328 pp.; vii, 490 pp., 7 I. 8°. London, JV. f J. Richardson, 1770. ------. A concise history of anatomy, from the earliest ag; s of antiquity. To which are an- nexed, a few thoughts on the uses of anatomy, and rules for giving a course of anatomical lect- ures. 176 pp. 8°. London, T. Evans, 1772. -----. The anatomy of the human body. Com- posed (ou an entire new plan) in a method very different from all anatomical writers. Designed (chiefly) for the use of naval practitioners, and by way of supplement to a work, entitled: The marine surgeon ; the whole forming a complete repository for the surgeons of the royal navy. To which is subjoined, some physiological tracts, and a copious index, xvi, 448 pp., 12 1. 8°. London, T. Becket t)- P. A. De Hondt, 1772. See, also, van Swiften (Gerard L. B.) The diseases incident to armies [etc.] 8r Philadelphia, li iti. North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple. Annual reports of the house committee and resident NOKTI1 DEVON. 976 NOKTHOW'KAM. North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple—cont'd. medical officer to the, benefactors and subscrib- ers. 39.-50., 1804-7) to 1881-2. fol. Barnstaple, l,80.")-82. Forms used: In-door recommendation; out-door re- commendation. ------. Rules for the government of the . . . Established at Barnstaple, 1824. 23 pp. 8°. Barnstaple, E. J. Arnold, 1807. North-Eastern Dispensary, New York City. Annual reports of the board of managers to their patrons aud the public. 3., 1804; 5., 1800; 6., 18(17; 8.-12., 1809-73; 15.-27)., 1870-80. 8?. New Yark; 1865-87. Incorporated Feb. 18, 1862. North-Eastern Hospital for Children, London, E. Bye-laws of the . . . 8 pp. 12°. London, Forsailh f Sons, 1874. Bound with : Reports. 1878-82. Established July, 1867, for the relief of sick children under twelve years of age. Forms used: Letter of recom- mendation for in-patient; out-patient ticket. ------. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the governors and benefactors. 7., 1,874; 11.-16., 1878-83. 12°. London, 1875-84. 1878-82 hound in 1 v. ------. [An appeal of the committee for donations and annual subscriptions.] 1 sheet. 4°. Lon- don, n. (/.] JYortlicim. Riling (J. P.) Physikalisch-niedicinisch-oko- nomische Beschreibung der zum Fiirstenthum Gottingen gehiirigen Stadt Northeim, und ihrer umliegeuden Gegend. 8°. Gottingen, 1779. Northern Counties Hospital for Incurable, Ard- wich Green, Manchester. Anuual reports of the board of management to the governors and sub- scribers. 5., 1875-6; 9., 1879-80. 8J. Manches- ter, 1876-80. - Northern Dispensary of the City of New York. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the patrons and su user i hers at the annual meetings. 3, 1829-30; 9., 18:55-6; 14.-17., 1840-41 to 1843- 4: 19., 1845-6; 21., 1847-8; 23.-55., 1849-50 to 1881; 57.-60., 1883-6. 8°. New York, 1830-87. Incorporated >Tov. 28, 1828. 23.-55. hound in 2 v. ------. Act of incorporation and by-laws of the ... 23 pp. 83. New York, Pudney f Russell, 1850. ------. Act of incorporation and by-laws of the . . . 23 pp. 8°. New Yovk, Hall, Clayton f Co., 1858. Nortiiern Dispensary for the Medical Relief of the Poor, Philadelphia. The origin, rules, aud regulations. With a list of contributors, man- agers, and officers, and the annual report for 1816. [From Oct. 1 to Dec. 30.] 12 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia], J. Maxwell, [1817]. Instituted Oct. 1, 1816 ; chartered March 26, 1817. ------. Rules and regulations of the . . . adopted April 20, 1838. 14 pp. 12-. Philadelphia, J. Rakeslvaw, 1838. ------. Thesame. With act of incorporation. 22 pp. 12 . Philadelphia, J. Rakestraw, W41. •------. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. 24.-28., 1841-5; 32., 1849- 34.-30., 1851-3; 38.-41., L855-8 ; 43.-46., 1860-03; 48.-53., 1805-70; 55.-57., 1872-4; 59., 1876; 60, 1877; 63., 1880; 64., 1881. 12-T Philadelphia, W42-82. Northern Home for Friendless Children and As- sociated Institute for Soldiers' and Sailors' Or- phans, Philadelphia. Annual reports of the board of trustees and managers to the senate aud house of representatives and contributors. L, 1853-4; 3.-5., W55-6 to 18.57-8: 7.-11., 1859- 00 to 1663-4; 14.-28., 1866-7 to 1880-81; 30., Northern Home for Friendless | ct»•.")—coniM W82-3; 31., 1883-4. (*>. Philadelphia, 1-51- 84. 14.-25. bound in 1 v. Organized Sept. 28 and opened Aug. 3, 1853, as North- em Home for Friendless Children. In 1861 the institution managers received children of soldiers and sailors, and assumed above title in 181)9. Northern Hospital for the Insane of the State of Wisconsin, at Oshkosh. See Wisconsin Northern Hospital for the Insane of the State of Wisconsin, at Oshkosh. Northern (The) Journal of Medicine. A monthly survey of the progress of medical knowledge at home aud abroad. Edited by W. Seller aud T. L. Kemp. v. 1-4, May, 1844, to June, l84ti. 8 '. Edinburgh, H. Paton. All published. A continuance of : Scottish (The) and North of EDglaud Medical (la/.ctte. In v. 3-4 Dr. Seller sole editor. Merged in : .Monthly (The) Journal of Medi- cal Science. Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine. A monthly journal of medical aud general science, criticism, and medical juris- prudence. Edited by Francis J. d'Avignou and Horace Nelson. In 2 v. annually, v. 1-12, Jan- uary, 1850, to June, 1856. 8-r Plattsburgh, N. Y. Want Jan., 1850; nos. 6, 9-10, 21, 24, 26, v. 12, 1856. v. 1 complete iu 7 nos., Jan. to July, 1850; v. 2, in 5 nos., Nov., 1850, to March, 1851; v. 3-11, in 6 nos. each, April] 1851, to Sept., 1855; v. 12 became weekly, in 26 nos ' Dec. 10, 1855, to June. 1856. Title of v. 4-6 was: Neldoii>a Northern Lancet and American Journal of Medical Juris- prudence; Horace Nelson, editor and proprietor. Title of v. 7-12 was: Nelson's American Lancet, a monthly jour- nal of practical mediciue; and Alfred Nelson added as editor. Northern (The) Microscopist. An illustrated journal of practical microscopy. Edited by GeorgeE. Davis. [Monthly.] v. 1; Nos. 1-9, v. 2, Jan., 1881, to Sept., 1882. 2 v. 8r London, D. Boc/ue. Continuedas: Northern (The) Microscopist aud Mi- croscopical News. Northern (The) Microscopist and Microscopical News. An illustrated journal of practical micro- scopy. Edited b\ George E. Davis. [Monthly.] Nos. 10-12, v. 2, October to December, 1882. 1 v. 8°. London. Title of v. 1 and nos. 1-9, v. 2, was : Northern (The) Microscopist. Continued as: iVlicroscopical (The) News and Northern Microscopist. Northern Ohio Lunatic Asylum, at Cleveland. Sec Ohio. Cleveland Asylum for the Insane. Northern (The) Ohio Medical and Scientific Examiner. [Homoeopathic] Edited by A. \V. Oliver, John Gilman, John Wheeler, C. D. Wil- liams, and W. B. Waterman. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-9, v. 1, Feb., 1848, to April 15, 1849. 152 pp. 8°. Cleveland. Title of nos. 4-9, v. 1, was: Ohio (The) Medical Ex- aminer, aud published at Columbus. North Haven. Sec Hamden. North Hertfordshire.' and South Bedford- shire Infirmary, Hitchin, Hertfordshire. Annual reports of the monthly board to the governors and subscribers. 41.-44., 1880-81 to 1883-4. 6\ Hitchin, 1881-4. North Holland. See Netherlands. North (The) of England Medical and Surgical Journal. [Quarterly.] v. 1, August, 1830, tu May, 1831. 514 pp. 8°. London if Manchester, IVhit- taker, Treacher Sr Arnot. Ended. Northof (Franciscus Edmundus). *De scabie. 19 pp. 4r Gottinga', H. M. Grape, 1792. Noi'tliowi'am. Kanci.k (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and NORTLIOWJIAM. 977 NOKTM AVE.sr. JYortliowrani. the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the townships of Northow ram and Southowram, in the county of York. 8 . London, 187,9. Nortliowrtmi urban sanitary district. See Halifax Union (combined sanitary district). North Raymond. • See Fever {Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Northrop (IL G.) Near-sightedness in schools; its causes, prevalence, and preventives. 18 pp. 8°. New Haven, TutlU; Morehouse <)'■ Taylor, 1878. Repr. from : Rep. .State Bd. Education. Northrop (George J.) A case of puerperal sep- tic fever. And some remarks on the relations of the medical profession to the people, by Henry B. Laker. 8 pp. 8J. Detroit, Milt'., IV. A. Seripps, 1877. Repr. from : Detroit M. JT, 1877. n. s., i. Northrop (Joseph JS'onnttn) [1817-78]. Curtis (K. U.) Biography. Med. Ann., Albany, 1882, iii [Tr. M. Soc. Countv Albany, (i:S?l. Also.- Tr. M. Soc. County Albany 1870-80, Albany, 188a, iii, 3(17, port. Wort li r up (Call-in 71/".) Lice (C. A.) Kemarks on the trial of Calvin M. North- rup, esq., indicted for the crime of administering bella- donna to his wife, with intent to kill. I'uail. J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1808, ii, --'8-47. North Ml P (William P.) Extensive interlobu- lar emphysema, and abscess of the lungs, after whooping cough, in a child of two months. Unique case 3 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1883. Repr. from,: Am. JT M. So., Phila., n. s., lxxxvi. IVorth Sea. Bknekk (F. VV.) Die sanitaie Bedeutung des verliingerten Aiifenthaltes auf den deutschen Noiilseeinseln. iusonderheit auf Norderney. 8°. Nortlen it. Nortleruey, 1881. Hen che. Teller die sanitiire liedeiitung des Iierbst- mi«l Wintciaiil'i'iilliiiltes. mil ilenileutseheii Norilsecinseln. Deutsche med. WT luisclii'.. Berl., 1882, viii, L'<;:i - L'tili. — ICeneliC (It.) Ueber elie Verwendung der deutschen Nordseeinsrlii als Luftc.urorte. Beil. klin. Wchnschr., 1SS7. xxiv, 87:i. — Frieilrit'h. ITe.ber Herbstaufentlialt und ITliiruinteriing Kranker auf den deutschen Nordsee- insi'ln. Jahicsh. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd., 18,->5-ti. 157-105. Aorih Shield*. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. North Shields and Tytiemouth Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 68.-82., 1869-70 to 1883-4. 4°. North Shields <)'■ Tynemouth, J. Philipson if Sous, W70- 84. North .Staffordshire Infirmary. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers. 67.- 70., is-'1-2 to 1881-.'); 72., 188(5-7. 12°. New- castle, 1882-7. Kstablished is 15. North .Street Union Mission to the Poor, Boston. Annual report of the managers to the subscrib- ers. (>., l8(5l)-7. 10 pp. lv! r Boston, Wright f Potter, 1867. Northumberland. Pauper Lunatic Asylum for the County of Northumberland, Cottingwood, near Morpeth. Annual repoi ts of the committee of vis- itors and medical superintendent to her majesty's justices of the peace, for the county of Northum- berland. 17., 187o; 22., 1880. 4°. Alnwick, [1876-81]. Opened March 16, 185!). -----. Regulations and orders of the committee of visitors for the management and conduct of the asylum, female department. Approved Dec. 18, 1882. 46 pp. 8°. Morpeth, D. F. JVilson, 1-8.:. 02 Noi'thllinheL'i'Juixt. Pauper Lunatic Asylum for the County of Northumberland [etc.]—continued. -----. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] v. s. [Morpeth? n. d.] Accident report. Articles received from the laundry. Chief female officer's daily return. Female charge attendant's daily report. Female charge nurse's daily report. Female patient requiring special superrision. Male washing account. Matron's notiie of death to clerk. Memorandum of admission by matron. Notice of admission of pauper patient. Notice of admission of private- patient. Notice of patient requiring special supervision. Notiie of burial, Schedule A. Same, Schedule B. Notice of death, to the commissioners in lunacy. Same, to coroner j to register of deaths; to relative; to'relieving officer. B Notice of discharge, to the commissioners iu lunacy. Same ; to relievim: officer. Notice of discharge after escape, if not recaptured within 14 days. Notice of removal or escape. Obligations of relatives in case of patient turned over to their care. Order for the reception of pauper patient. Order of superintendent for goods. Permit to introduce friends. Private patient, obligation of. Private patient, statement of condition on admission. Receipt for salary. Record of attendants on duty. Sick diet. Transfer of pauper patient to another asylum. Visitor's permit. Ward list. Nortlllllilhcrlaild and Durham Medical So- ciety. Health and meteorology of the Newcas- tle and Gateshead. Keports. 5. and 6., Sept. to Nov., 1S(5(J. By G. H. Philipson. Communi- cated to the ... 6 pp., 9 tab. ; 4 pp., 1 tab. 8r [Newcastle, W69.] 5. report for 2 months. Noi'thlisa tills (Job..Fridericus). * De venenis morbisque venenosis. 21 pp. 4 r Heidelbergce, typ. A. IValterii, [1656]. North Wales Counties Lunatic Asylum, Den- bigh. Annual reports of the com in it tee of visitors and medical superintendent to the quarter ses sions for the united counties of Deu high, Flint, Anglesey. Carnarvon, and .Merioneth. 2.-7., ls:,'u-5r>; 9.-14., 1857-62; 16.-19., 1864-7; 21.-33., 1869-81. 8-. Denbigh, London, Dolgclley f Carn- arvon, 187)1-82. 1871-81 bound in 1 v. -----. Regulations and orders for the manage- ment and conduct of the . . .and for the guid- ance and instruction of the officers, attendants, and servants, and all other persons engaged iu the service of the asylum. Made Oct. 13, 1882. 31pp. 8°. Denbigh, T. Gee f Son, [1882]. Bound with: Keports, 1871-81. -----. General rules for the government of the . . . pursuant to the 53d section of the act 16 & 17 Vict., c. 97. Made by the commit tee of vis- itors at a quarterly meeting held at the asylum after due notice on the 13th day of October, 1882, and approved by her majesty's principal secre- tary of state for the home department on the 13th day of Nov., 1882. 16 pp. 8J. Denbigh, T. (lee f Son, [W82]. Bound with: Keports, 1871-81. -----. [Blank forms in use at the asylum.] 4Z Sc fol. [Denbigh, W8-]. Notice of admission of pauper patient. Notice of admission of private patient. Notice of death of pauper patient. Notice of discharge of pauper patient. Hound with: Keports, 1871-81. North West London Free Dispensary for Sick Children, W. Report, of the committee to the contributors, for the years 1874-6. 17 pp. 8°. London, JVill'vtms f IVhitlmann, 1877. Founded in 1SU-T NORTH WKST. !)7«s NOKTIKK. North West London Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of management to the govern- ors aud subscribers. 1.-6., L-79-8L 12 . Lon- don, 1880-85. Established 1878. North-Western Dispensary, New York City. Act of incorporation and by-laws of the . . . 24 pp. 12-r New Yovk, J. A." Gray, 187,2. ------. Annual reports of the board of managers to the subscribers at the annual meetings. 1.-5., 1852-3 to 18.56-7 ; 10., 1862; 12., 1864; 16., 1868; 18.-22., 1870-74. 8 . New York, 1853-75. Incorporated July 12 and opened Dec. 6, 1852. ------. Annual reports of the board of managers to the subscribers at the annual meetings. 1.-8., 1852-3 to 1860; 1.0., 1862; 12.-14., 1864-6; lii., 1808; 18.-33., 1870-85. 8 . New York, 1853--6. Incorporated July 12 and opened Dec. 6, 1852. C. report for 14 months ending Dec. 31, 1858. North western (The) Journal of Hoineeopathia. Edited by George E. Shipman. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, Oct., W\8, to Sept., 1852. 8°. Chicago. Ended. Northwestern Lancet. Jay Owens, editor aud proprietor. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-8, Oct. 1, 1881-8. 8 . St. Paul, Minn. Current. Iu Nov., 1884, C. B. Witherle became editor. v. 7 complete in 6 nos., Oct. to Dec, 1887; v. 8 commenced ■Jan., 18KS. Northwestern Medical College, of St. Joseph, Mo. Annual announcements and catalogues for the sessions of 18-1-2 to 1883-4 (2.-4.). 8-\ St. Joseph, 1881-3. List of graduates and students for 1880-81 to 1882-3 in announcement for subsequent years. 1. announcement not issued. Northwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. LMited by Win. B. Herrick and John Evans. [Bi-monthly.] v. 5-14, May, 1818-57. 8°. Chicago S- Indianapolis, J. JV. Duzaii. See Illinois (The) Medical aud Surgical Journal for v. 1-2. Sec Illinois (Tho) and Indiana .Medical aud Surgi- cal Journal, v. 1-2, for v. 3-1. v. !t became monthly, v. 10 contains 8 nos., May to Dec. 1ST!, v. 6-7 edited bv J. Evaus and E. G. Mick ; v. 8, Aleck dropped; v. ii, by W. B. Herrick and H. A. Johnson ; v. 11, Herrick dropped and NT S. Davis added ; v. 13, Johnson dropped; v. 14, W. H. I'.ytbrd added. Continued as: Chicago (The) Medical Journal. Northwestern (The) Medical aud Surgical Journal. A medical monthly devoted to the, in- terests of the Northwest. Edited by Alexander J. Stone, v. 1-4, June, 1870, to June, 18/4. 8 -. St. Paul, Minn. Ended, v. 3 edited by H. C. Hand and II. H. Kimball. Northwestern Ohio Medical College, Toledo. [Circular announcing change of title, and first session under charter of HkJ.] l sheet. 8°. [Toledo, 1883.] An outgrowth of the Toledo School of Medicine, which was organized in ]S7s. Chartered under the above title in 1882.' ------. Annual announcements for the session of 1883-4 to 1880-7 (1.-4.). 12°. Toledo, 1883-6. An outgrowth of the Toledo School of Medicine, which was organized in 1S7S. Chartered under above title in 1882. North Western Sanitary Commission. See United States .Sanitary Commission. North-Western Provinces and Oiulh. Notes on the application of the test of organic disease of the spleen, as an easy and certain method of detecting malarious localities in hot climates. By Surgeon T. E. Dempster, member of the late canal committee, xxi pp., 3 plans, fol. Agra, JV. H. Haycock, WW. The proviuce of Oiidh was united with the North-West- ern Provinces in 1877. ------. Half-yearly reports of the government charitable dispensaries established in the Bengal and North-Western Provinces, ending Sept. 30, North-Western Provinces and Oiidh—cont'd 1847: Sept. 30, 1848. 211,215pp. ,- . Calcutta, 18 1--!). ------. Medical report on tlie Mahaniurree in Gur- hwal in 1S1D-50, and appendices, by l)r. (j_ Kenny, superintending surgeon, Mecrut division." From the medical board to the lieutenant-gov- ernor. 56 pp., 1 map. 8 . Agra, Seeuntlr,rOr- phan Press, 1851. ------■. [Keports on epidemic fevers of ihe typhoid class; on leprosy and vaccination.] (Published by authority.) 1 p. L, 158 pp. f<>). Allahabad, Gorernmeut Press, 186,4. Selections from the records of government, North-Wist Provinces, 1864, pt. xi. ------. [On tea plantations and factories, chole- raic influence in the atmosphere, and on dispen- saries.] (Published by authority.) 1 p. 1 72 pp. fol. Allahabad, Coveviiment Press, 1861. Selections from the records of government, North-West- ern Provinces, 1864, pt. xiii. ------. Annual reports of the dispensaries and charitable institutions of tlie . . . By the sur- geon-general to the secretary to government,for the years 1865; I8f,t;; l86<»-8<;. fol. Allahabad, 1866-87. ------. Annual returns of vaccination for the . . . By the superintendent-general of vaccination to the secretary to government, for the years 1800-7; 1 .-Mil)-70 fo 1877-8. fol. Allahabad, 1867-78. For continuation, see Keports of the sanitary commis- sioner, North-West Provinces. ------. [Onforests, soil, administration, etc.] pp. 117-217, 1 map. 8'J. Allahabad,Gorernment Press, W69. Selections from the records of government, North-West Provinces, n. s., ii, no. 2. ------. Annual reports of the sanitary commis- sioner of the . . . to the secretary to government. 1.-18., 18158-85. fol. Allahabad", lH6«)-86. 186!) and subsequent contains reports on vaccination. ------. Annual reports, with tabular statements, on the condition and management of the jails in the . . . By the inspector-general of prisons to the secretary to government', for the years 1870- 73; 1875-85." fol. Allahabad, 1871-86. ------. Annual reports of the working of the Lock-hospitals in the . . . by the sanitary com- missioner to the secretary to government. 4.-10., 1877-83. fol. Allahabad, 1878-81. Containing the annual reports of 18 hospitals, viz: Lock Hospital at Agra, Allahabad, Bareilly, lienares, Cawn- pore, Chakra.ta, Fatehgarh, Fyzabad, Jhausi, Lucknow, Mcernl. Moradabad, Muttra, Naiui Tal, lianikhet, Koorku, Shahjahanpur, Sitapur. ------. Keport on leprosy in the . . . From C. Plank, sanitary commissioner to officiating secretary to government. Dated Naini Tal, l'Jth Oct., 1876. 13 pp. fol. [Calcutta, W79.] Northwestern I'niveisity. Medical Depart- ment. See Chicago Medical College. Northwestern Ihiiveisity and the Garrett Bib- lical Institute, EWinston. Catalogues for the sessions of 1883-4; 1884-5. 103, 103 pp. 8r Chicago, 1884-5. North Wilts Dispensary, Devi/.cs. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers and tie public. 5., 1805: 16.-23., 1876-8.!. 8°. Devizes, 1866-84. \oilliwoods Winterbowine, Bristol. [Circu- lar of the proprietors, stating their facilities for tlie treatment of ladies and gentlemen of the upper and middle classes afflicted with niental disease.] 1 sheet. 4C. [Bristol, 1877.] [P., v. 1296.] \ortier (Adriaan). Co-Editor of: TjrTroKpaTrjs. Magazi'i, [etc.], Uutlcrdam, 1820-8. Nortier (Arnoldus Marins). "Verslag (ler ver- loskuudige kliuiek en polikliuiek aan de Rijks- UORTIKR, 979 NORWAY. Nortier (Arnoldus Marius)— continued. Uuiversitcit te Leiden gedurende den cursus 1881-1882. [Leiden.] 1 p. L, 83 pp. 8*'. Rot- terdam, M. JVyt f Zonen, 18,83. Nortier (Petrus Job.) * De qiiinta partus pe- riode. 2 p. 1., 55 pp. 8J. Lugd. Bat., J. H. Geb- hard el soc, 1842. Aorlon, Connecticut. Fitch's Home for Soldiers and their Orphan Children. Treasurer's report of . . . [From l-b5 to 1880.] Joseph B. Hoyt, treasurer. Also a, brief history of the institution by the matron. 8-. Stamford, ('onit., 1881. Norton (Arthur Trehern). Osteology; a con- cise description of the human skeleton, iv, 128 pp. ; atlas, 20 pl. 8r London, It. Hardwicke, 1-66. ■-----. Affections of the throat and larynx. The classification, description, and statistics of 150 consecutive cases occurring in the throat depart- ment of St. Mary's Hospital. 39 pp. 8D. Lon- don, R. Hardwicke, 1871. -----. A text book of operative surgery and sur- gical anatomy, based ou the original work of Pro- fessors Claude Bernard and Ch. Huette. 2. ed. xviii, 13-401 pp., 88 pl. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall Sr Cox, 1886. Norton (Frank H.) Co-Editor of: New York (The) Dental Journal, 1858-60. Norton (Geo. S.) Ophthalmic therapeutics. With an introduction by Prof. T. F. Allen, 2. ed. 242 pp. 8°. New Vork «f- Philadelphia, Boericke Sr Teifel, 1882. -----. The eye as an agent in causing headaches and other nervous disturbances. Head before fhe New York Medico-Chirurgical Society, De- cember 9, 1884. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. Repr. from : Hahneiuan. Month., Phila., 1S8.">, xxi. ------. Malignant tumors of the eyelids and orbit. 12 pp. 8-. New Yovk, J. C. Rankin, 1886. Norton (J.) See von ISrnnno»v ( Ernst Georg). A glance at Hahnemann and homceopathy [etc.] 8°. London, 184."i. Norton (Jane C.) An interior view of Bloom- ingdale Asylum, also reply to Dr. Ordronaux's re- port, 38 pp. 8°. [Brooklyn, 1877.] Title-page wanting. Norton (John). See Account (An) of remarkable cures performed by the use of Maii'daiit's antiscorbutic drops, etc. 12°. London, 1774. iorlcMi (John C.) [1814-51]. If iosrsiphical sketch. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, 1852, iiii-JL'. Norton (Robert). Elemeuts of diagnosis, gen- eral pathology and therapeutics. [Appendix: Abridged memoir of T. Bateman, M. D. ] x, 100, v pp. 8 T London, JV. Jackson, 1831-2. [Also, in: P., v. 778] See, also, Martinet ( L.) Manual of therapeutics [etc.] LP. New York, 1830. Norton (Selby). On the causes, prevention, and treatment of infantile diseases, showing by what means the present mortality may be greatly re- duced, iv, 5-75 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, Sr Sons, W79. -----. Jnfant life; how to preserve it. 2. ed. 45 pp. 8 . London, Waterlow Brothers f Lay ton, [1885]. Norton (Sidney A.) A lecture on measures and weights, delivered October 5, 1809, as introduc- tory to the tenth annual course of lectures in the Miami College of Cincinnati. 21pp. roy. .8-. Cincinnati, It. Clarke. Sr Co., 1869. ■------ \ valedictory address delivered before the class graduating Feb. «:», 1872, from the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati. 16 pp. 8'. Cin- cinnati, Bradley if Power, [1872]. .ioi'tois CWilluin >S.) [lTTG-lSOl'j. Willard (S. D.) Notice of William S. Norton, M. D Tr. AI. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1863, 392. Norton (The) house and .ship ventilator. De- signed for the ventilation of houses, ships, tun- nels, and mines. 14 pp.. 7 pl. «°. London, J. Cattston Sr Sons, 1883. Norway. Ldkast til Lov om Medicinalva'senet i Norge, med Motiver, udarbeidet af en naadigst anordnet Kongelig Commission, viii, 1-7 pp. 8°. Christiania, W44. -----. Kongelig Proposition til Norges tolvte ordeutlige Storthing angaaeude Lov om Qvarau- taineva'senet. [Loyal proposition to the 12. Norwegian congress, concerning law on quaran- tines.] pp. 29-51. roy. 8°. Christiania, P. T. Mailings, 1848. Cutting. -------. Lov oniQvaraiitaiiieviesenet. MalmOden 12te Juli 1848. 8 pp. 4\ Christiania, C. Gr^n- dahl, [1848]. -------. Tin- same. 21 pp. 24°. Christiania, trykthos C. Greindahl, [1848]. -----. The same. A law concerning the per- formance of quarantine. Malnioe, July 12th, 1848. 21 pp. 21°. Christiania, ('. Greindahl, [1848]. Hound with : Lov om Quarantaineviesenet. 2-1°. Christiania, [1848]. -----. The same. Loi sur les quaiautaines. Malmo, le 12 juillet-WW. 24 pp. 24°. Chris- tiania, imp. par C. Griiitdahl, [1818]. Hound with: Lov om Quarantaineviesenet. 21°. Ghristittnia, [1818]. -----. The same. Gesetz iiber das Quaiun- Liiue-Wesen. Malmi), deu 12fen Juli 1818. 24 pp. 24°. ('hristiania, gedr. bei C. Greindahl, [ 18 \8 ], Bound with: Lov om ('uarantaineviBScni't. L'4T Christiania, [1848]. -----. Lov om Sindssyges Behaudling og For- pleiuing. 8 pp. 4°. Chi istiania, [1848 ]. -----. Medicinalcollegiets Skjiebne. 47 pp. 8°. Christiania, 1848. Repr. from . Norsk Mag f. La-gevidensk , Christiania, 1848, 2. il., ii. -------. Reglement om Ovarantainevasseuet. Chris- tiania, deu lOde Februar 1849. 48 pp. 12°. Christiania, C. Greindahl, [1849]. -----. Medicinal-Taxt for Norge, som ifolge kongl. Placat af lOde November 1855 er gja*l- dende fra lste Januarl850 indtil videre. 50 pp. sm. 8°. Christiania, trykt hos Brfigger 3 Christie, 187,5. [P., v. 1831.] -------. Norges officielle Statistik. C. No. 4. Be- retninger om Suudhedstilstanden og Medici- nalforholdene i Norge i A a reue 1853-77 ; n. R., 1878-81; 3. R., 1882-5. Udgivet af Direkt0ren for det civile Medicinalv-eseu. roy. 8° Sc 4°. Christiania, 1856-87. For continuation, see following Ny Kaskke. -----. Thesame. NyRadcke. 8°. Christiania, lH,8ii-84. -----. The same. Tredie Riekke. 8°. Chris- tiania, 1885-7. ■-----. Aarsberetuingei- for 1856-59 fra Over- lasgerne for den spedalske Sygdom O. G. H^egh og T. J. Loberg til Departementet for det Indre.' 8° & roy 8°. Christiania, 1857-60. _____. Beretningoin Bodsfengslets Virksomhed. 1850-0'i. 8 . Christiania, Brogger f Christie, 1857-67. ■ -------. Medicinal-Taxt for Norge som ifolge kongelig Placat af tite Juli 1861 er gjaddende fra Lste September 1801 indtil videre. 51 pp. Sr Christiania, trykt i del Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1861. [P., v. 1*31.] _____. Veterinair-Mediciual-Taxt for Norge, som ifolge kongelig Placat af 6te Juli lSiil er gjiel- NORWAY. 980 NORWAY. Norway—continued. dende fra lste September 1801 indtil videre. 27 pp. sr Christiania, tri/kt i det Steenske Bogtryk- keri, W61. [P., v. 1831.'] ------. Norges officielle Statistik. C. No. 5. Tabeller over de Spedalske i Norge i Aarene 1860-80. Saint Aarsberetniuger for saimne Aarene af Overhegen for den spedalske Sygdoni. Udgivet af Direkt^ren for det civile Medicinal- vieseri. 4°. Christiania, 1861-82. 1880 contains: Oversigt over Spedalskhedens Gang i 185l>-80. ------. Tillueg til Mediciual-Taxten for Norge, udfaerdiget af deu. kongelige norske Regje- rings-Departeinent for det Indre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af 6te Juli 1861. 9 pp. 8°. Christiania, det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, W62. ------. Tilla*g til Veterinair-Medicinal-Taxten for Norge, ndfierdiget af den kongelige norske Regjeriugs-Departenient for det Indre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af 6te Juli 1861. 5 pp. 8°. Christiania, det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1862. [P., v. 183L] -----. Andet Tilheg til Mediciual-Taxten for Norge, ndfierdiget af den kongelige norske Re- gjerings-Departement for det Iudre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af 6te Juli 1861. 7 pp. 8°. Christiania, det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1863. -----. Andet Tilheu til Veterinair-Medicinal- Taxten for Norge, ndfierdiget af den kongelige norske Regjerings Departement for det Indre i Henhold tii kongelig Resolution af 6te Juli 1861. 4 pp. 8°. Christiania, det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1863. [P., v. 1831.] -----. Love, Resolutioner, Departementsskrivel- ser m. m. vedkom.nende Norges Medicinalvieseu for Aarene 1H51-18(57, udgivne af J. N. M. Johan- sen og F. H. G. Hench. 2 v. 322, 204 pp. 8G. Christiania, Feilberg f Landmark, 1863-9. Tredie Tillteg til Medicinal -Taxten for Norge, udfaerdiget af den kongelige norske Re- gjerings Departement for det Indre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af Ote Juli 1861. 5 pp. 8°. Christiania, det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1864. [P., v. 1831.] -----. Tredie Tilheg til Veterinair-Medicinal- Taxten for Norge, udfandiget af den kongelige norske Regjeriugs-Departenient for det Iudre i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af 6te Juli 1861. 5 pp. 8°. Christiania, det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1864. -----. Forslag til Foraudring i den hestaieude Kvaksalverlovgivning. 23 pp. 8J. Christiania. 1864. -----. Medicinal-Taxt for Norge, ifylge naadigst Bemyudigelse udfierdiget af den kongelige norske Regjerings Departement for det Indre og gjaeldende fra lste Januar 1800 indtil videre. 51 pp. 8". Christiania, trykt i del Steenske Bog- trykkeri, 1805. [P., v. 183L] -----. Yeterinair-Medicinal-Taxt for Norge, ifolge naadigst Bemyndigelse, udfierdiget af den kongelige norske Regjerings Departement for det Indre og gjaddende fra lste Januar 1806 indtil videre. 27 pp. 8°. Christiania, trykt i det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1865. [P., v. 1831.] -----. Norges officielle Statistik. C. No. 2. Be- retniuger om ainternes konomiske Tilstand i Aarene 1801-75. Udgivne af det statistiske Cen- tralbureau. 4 v. 4°. Christiania, 1867-79. 1861-5 in two pts. -----. Lov om Foraudring i Kvaksalverlovgiv- ningeu. 4 pp. 4°. Christiania, A. Greindahl, 1871. -----. Liiegedistrikter i Norge (Physicater, Chi- rurgicater) og dens Fmbedsmiend fra deres Op- rettelse og til mervierende Tid. 54 pp. 8:; [Christiania, 1873.] Repr. from: Norges La*ge, Christiania, 1873. Norway—continued. -----. Norges officielle Statistik. C. No. 51*. Oversigt over Sindssygeasyh'rnes Virksoiuhed i Aarene 1872-79; n. IL, 1883-4; 3. R., 188,-,-7. Lfter de fra Asylerne indkoinne Aarsberetniuger sammendragen og udgiveii af DirektOrcn for det civile Medicinalviescu. 4 . Christiania, 1-73-87. 1872-9 bound in I v. -----. Kliedsel- og Paknings-Instiux for Infan- teriets-Korporalerog Menige. ,' Fastsat af Arme- kommandoen under 23 Juni 1877.) 21pp. 16°. Christiania, Gniiulahl <('• St,)ns Boglrykkeri, 1877. ------. Norsk Medicinallovgivuing indcholdende en krouologisk Samling af Forordniuger, Love, Plakater, Resolutioner, Skrivclser ni. in. ved- kommende Norges Medicinalviesen for Aarene 1672-18^(1. Udgivet af K. A. Langberg, L. Es- niark-Olsson og G. Soinnie. lxxi, 636 pp. 8T Kristiania, Uclgivcvnes Forlag, 1881. ------. Statistiske Tabeller over Dovstunnne, Blinde og a amiss v age Born i Kongeriget Norge. (1881.) Udarbeidede nied llensyn paa, Lov om abnorme h0rns Undervisning af Sde Juni ]88l i Departementet for Kirke- og Undervisnings- viesenet. 113 pp. 8°. Kristiania, trykt i det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1882. IVorway. See, also, Army (Swedish-Xovwegient); Blind (Asylums, etc.,for); Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by localities ; Christiania; Drammen ; Fever (Typhoid, History, etc.,of), by localities; Gaus- dal; Idiots (Asylums, etc., for), by localities; Idiots (Statistics of); Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities—Sweden, ele. ; Insane (Care, ele-., of), Leprosy (History, etc., of), Medicine (History, etc., of), by localities; Pharmacopoeias; Phar- macy ; Sandefjord; Skeen. Beretmngkr om Sygdonisforhohlene i 1842 og 1843 i Danmark, Sverige og Norge, opheste ved de skandinaviske Naturfoiskeies Mode i Christiania 1844. 8-. Christiania, 1847. Fohtegxki.si: over autoriserede Lieger og Dyr- heger i Norge; ifolge Plakat af 17de ,Januar 18U9, udgiveu af den kongelige norske L'egje- rings Departement for det Indre. [ List of li- censed physicians and veterinary surgeons in Norway.] 8 . Christiania, 187,6. Ilmoni (I.) Bidragtill Nordeus Sjiikdoinshis- toria. 3 v. 8°. Helsiugfors, 1-46-53. Monx (H.) * Norges Viud- ogStormstatistik. 8J. [w. p., n. d.] Itepr. from: Vidensk.-Selsk. I'orhaiidliuger for 18G9. ------. Om Tordenvejr i Norge i 1808. 8°. [n. p., 11. d.] Repr. from : Vidensk.-Selsk. Forhandliiiger for 1869. Noi'BY (K.) De rassistance publiipie cl des 6tablisseineuts de charite et, institutions pieuses eu Norvege. Expose et tableaux pour la statis- tique internatiouale de l'assistance publique. roy. 8 '. Rome, 188(1. Sciii'bkler (F. C.) Viridariuin norvegiciun. Norges Viextrige. Ft Bidiag til Nord-Luropas Natur- og Culturhistoiie. lste Bind. Ldgivet som Universitets-Prograin for i'0rste Semester 1885. 4°. Christiania, 1885. Aibo. Sui l'aptitude militaire des Xeirvfegiens. Aim. de, demojj. internat.. Par., 1880, iv, :>:,s-5.)l. ------. Ili'i- trage ziirphvdschen Anthropologic der Norwejrer. \ er handl. il. I'.'erl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1 (*•">, 0(.'-70; — Rri-tillou (J.) tftude sur la demogiaphie de la N»r- vege. Ann. de deiun-. internat,, Tar.. 188(1, iv, 141-16.. ------. SuCde et Norve-iei. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Far., 1883, 3. s., xii, 706-803.— ISocck (IL) Beretning aujiiiwuilo de hvjiienisko Forhold i nnrdre Fiskedistriet 18;>8-■>•) Norsk Mas;, f. La-ucvidensk., Christiania, 1800, xiv. \'A 48. — |'aj'(. (L.) Hospitaler ikji milde Sliflelser i N'e.is;'- Middelalil.'ivii. lbid.,W2. 3. K.. xii. !»:: : 181.—l-'lem mill'; & Hol»t jun. Zur Statistik der Irivn. Taiibstiui) men, Blinden und Elephantiasis in Xurweeji-ii. AIL' Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1852, ix, 54-01. — "ol (I. C.) Norges nyere Mineralkilder og deres gcoh»s;is NORWAY. 981 NORWICH. Norway. rdsprin". * Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk., Christiania, 18S5 3. K., xv, 538-54!).—HoImI. On the statistics of the insane blind, deaf and dumb, and lepers of Norway. Transl from the Danish by A. S. Oliver Massey. J. Sta- tist Soc. Lond., is.".!', xv, 2."i0-256. — Kjoi-iill'tT.) Bei- tiii.'e zur medieinischen Statistik Norwegens wahrend der 1'ihre 1806-1870. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. (iff. Gsnd- htspll"., Berl., 1874, 80; 88. — I.arncii «T V.) Om TJd- bri'diinu'en af Svindsot i Norge. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevi- ilnisk. Tjhiistiania, 1870, 2. R . xxiv, 1-16. -----. Statis- tiske ITndeisogelsir vedkommende Udbredningen i Norge :il I'liiiiiiiiiiii. Led i lii'umatisnieogkatarrhalske Sygdomme. |()n I lc distribution of pneumonia, rheumatism, and ca- tarrh in Norway.) Ibid., 1881, 3. R., xi, 85-138. -----. Bidrao- til KimdsUab om deu legemlige Udvikling i de f'oiskjelli|le Dele af Norge. [Contribution to the knowl- cd..c of bodily ilcvclopment in the different parts of Nor- way | Ibid... 1886. xlvii. 313-348.—.?lo«'ll«i-. Notes me- (lic'iiies sur la Suede et la Norwege. .1. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Iirux.. 187!). lxix, 28; 120. — \ois[e« Medicinal- Inildeliiig. Norsk Mag. f. La-gcviih-nsk., Christiania, 1S44 viii™ ir>(»-lf<:t.—Maiidbri'g (<>.) Medicinalva*senet i Xoi'ie-e. Hyg- Medd., Kjolienh., 1S73. viii, pt. 1, 178-192.— II il ill' ay a? de 184!) og 1*50 til Dcpartementet for det Indre iiiilscuille Medicinalberetningir. Noisk Mag. f. Lagcviihiisk., Christiania, 1*52, 2. R., vi, 693-701, — Well* (T 's ) Remarks on holiday making and health resorts of Norway. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 504. Norway. Armee. Forslag til Armeens Omorga- nisation. ( Fremsat af Chefen for Generalstaben i Henhold til det kongelige Armee-Departements Anniodning i Skrivelse til Armeekommandoen af Dde Decemlier 1873.) 14:1, 4, 14, 16, 40, 43,13pp., 3 tab.. 8 diag. 4 T [Kristiania, 1874.] _____. Biidgetfoislag fra Arme - Departementet til Storthinget i L-73; 187."). 4. [Kristiania, 1874-6.] -----. Fortegnelse over trykte Bilage til Budget- forslaget vedkoniniende de Arme-Depaitemeutet underTagte Adiiiinistrationsgrene for 1873-4; H7.T—6. roy. 8:. [Kristiania, 1874-6.] Bound with: Budgetforslag fra Arnie-Departementet. Fortegnelse over Udskrivningsdistrik- Hforway. Armee. Medicin alvcesenet—cont'd. ment and the management of tbe sick iu army. 12, 6, 6 pp. MS. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Norway. Gaustad Sindssygeasyl ved Christiania. Generalberetuinger fra . . . for Aarene 18;")l)-7L Ved Ole Sandberg, Direkt-^r. 4-. Christiania, 1857-72. 1856-71 bound in 1 v. -----. Klinik Femteuaarsbeivtning fra Gaustad Asyl. (Ved Uirekt0r Sandberg.) [Fra lste Ok- tober 185."> til lste Oktober 1870.] 125 pp. 8°. terne og disses Inddeling i Rullef'0rerkredse og Lodtra-kningsdistrikter. 13 pp., 5 1. Bound with : Reglement for Udskrivning. fol. Chris- tin nia, 1877. Kee'lenient, for Udskrivning til Landvceb- ningen og fil Distriktss0tropperne i Nordlands ni>- froms0 Amter. Approberet ved kongelig Re- solution af 28de Februar 1877. 27 pp. fol. Christiania, trykte i det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, 1877. Norway. Armee. Medicinalva'senet. Forslag ill Instriix for La*gerue ved Bedommelsen af den militaire Tjenstdygtigbed. Udarbeidet af Ar- meens Liegekoinmission. 88 pp. 8J. Christiania, 1874. -----. Regler til Veiledning for Lsegerue ved Be(l0inmelsen af den militiere Tjenstdygtigbed, nied tilliorende Klassifikation og Fortegnelse over de Legemsfeil in. D., son herved komme i lietragtning. (Approberede af Arme-Departe- inentet i Henhold til kongelig Resolution af 16de .Juni 1877.) 71pp. 12( . Christiania, W77. Armeens Liegekouimissions motiverede Forslag til Forpleiiiingsregulativ for Armeen til Benvttelse under de udskrevne Afdelingers aarlige YaabeniAvelser saavelsom ved de stadig tjens'tgjt.h-eude Afdelinger, for hvilke fielles Be- s'pisuinger anordnet, tilligeined Generalchirur- gens Bciiia'ikiiinger til samme. [Kristiania den 25de Februar 1878.] 47 pp. 4r [Kristia- nia, W78. ] -----. Norges officielle Statistik. E. No. 1. Tjeustdvgtigliedsforhold ved Armeens Kekrute- ring i 1878. Fra Generalchirurgen. vii, 27 pp. 4°. Christiania, W79. Norwegian and French text. ----. Regulations for hospitals, field hospitals and ambulances. A sketch of the royal statutes (relating to the army medical department). A sketch of laws relating to the sanitary depart- [Christiania, 187L] Repr. from: Norsk Mag 1871, 3. s„ i. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, hichte der sogenannten nor- il. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte Boston Norway. Rigshosp'ital. Forhandliiiger angaa*n- de det nye Rigshospitals-Aulieg (optagne med Hnrtigskrift). 210 pp. 8°. Kristiania, trykt i det Steenske Bogtrykkeri, W72. -----. Angasende nyt Rigshospital. 8 PP-> 3 plans, roy. 8°. [Kristiania, 1873.] Norway itch. Rigid*. Beitrag 7.ur (ie wt'gischen KraUe. Ztschr. zu Wien, 1853, ii, 29-33. Norwegian cooking box. Oerby (G.) The "Norwegian cooking-box". M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxv, 171-173. Norwich, Connecticut. Eliza Huntington Memorial Home. Charter and by-laws and rules and regulations of the . .. with a list of officers. 8°. Norwich, 1873. Norwich, England. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for, Reports, etc., of); Insane (Asylums, etc., for), by locali- ties. Lee (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, ou a preliminary inquiry into the sewer- age, drainage, and supply of water, and the sani- tary condition of the inhabitants of the city of Norwich and the county of the same city. 8°. London, 1851. Metropolitan water supply. Report on the application of the constant service system in the city of Norwich. By William Pole, to the secre- tary, railway department, board of trade, fol. [London, 1871.] Richardson (B. "W.) Medical history of Norwich. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, n. s., i, 19; 40; 67 ; 97. Norwich, New Yori. Gardiner (J. T.) Report on the protection ot the water suppl v of the village of Norwich, Chenango County, New York/ Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Alhany, 1887, vii, 59-63. Norwich Asylum and School for the Blind. Hos- pital and School for the Indigent Blind, at Nor- wich. Address [of the committee to the public, on the present state of its funds and future pros- pects.] 2 pp. 16°. [Norwich, 1841.] Estahlished Jan. 17, 1805. Changes iu title : In address, issued in 1841, it is called Hospital and School tor the In- digent Blind, at Norwich. Report for 1859, Norwich Insti- tution for the Indigent Blind. In 1870, Asylum and School for the Indigent Blind. In 1874, adopted the present title. ____ Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 55., 1859 ; 58., 1862 ; 59., 18H3 ; 61.- 64., 1865-8; 66., 1870; 7U.-72., 1874-6; 75.-/9., 1^70-83. 4° A: 8°. Norwich, 1860-84. 1870 is 8°. ____. [Notice of the annual meeting held May 4 1883] 1 sheet, fob [ Norwich, 1883.] ' Repr. from : Norf.dk Chronicle. May 12, 1883. ____" The same. Of the meeting held in May, 1884. 1 sheet, fol. Norfolk, W84. Repr. from: Norfolk Chronicle, May 24, 1884. [Circular of the committee, requesting subscribers to purchase articles manufactured bv the pupils. And the laws for the admission ot pupils and inmates.] 21. fol. [Norwich, n. i.] NORWICH. 98'J NOSE. Norwich City Asylum (for the Insane), Hellcs- don. Annual reports of the committee of vis- itors to the council. 1.-2.. Is8iusl : 4.-5., lss3-|. 8J. Norwich, Crowe, 18--1-5. Norwich Dispensary. See Norwich Dispensary and Provident Institution. !\orwi«'li Dispensary and Provident Institution. Annual report of the committee to the governors and subscribers, for the years 1883-4. 8°. Yor- wich, W81. ------. Rules of the . . . established in 1804, for providing advice and medicine free of expense to those in indigent circumstances and otherwise unable to procure the same for themselves; and, also, a provident medical institution, enabling the working classes, servants, and shopmeu, by ineaus of small monthly payments, to secure for themselves and their families efficient medical advice and medicine during illness. 8-. Nor- wich, [n. d.] ------. Regulations of the ... 1 sheet. 8°. [Norwich, n. d.] Norwich (The) Homo'opathic Journal. [.Month- ly.] Nos. 1-15, v. 1, June 1, 1852, to Aug., 1,853. 234 pp. 8 . Norwich, H. Pearce. United with: Northampton (The) Homoeopathic Record, forming: Provincial (The) Homoeopathic Gazette. F Norwich Institution for the Indigent Blind. See Norwich Asylum and .School for the Blind. Norwood. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc.. of), by locali- ties. Norwood (Wesley C.) The therapeutical pow- ers and properties of Vcratrum viride. 40 pp. 8-. New York, Kneclantl. 187,4. ------. The same. 2. ed. 24 pp. 8 t New York J. D. Bedford Sr Co., 187,6. ------. The same. 3. ed. 22 pp. 12°. New York, J. D. Bedford .»• Co., LI857]. ------. The same. 4. ed. 24 pp. 8°. Albany, Pan Benthnysen, 1858. Nory (Charles). * Contribution h l'etude des operations applicables au bec-de-lievre. 31 nn., 1 1. 4C. Paris, 1877, No. 474. Nose [and nasal fossa']. Sec. also, Canal (Nasal); Diagnosis (Special symptoms in); Jacobson's organ; Laclrymal organs; Nerve (Olfactory); Nose (Mucous mem- brane of). Amekicax Rhinological Association. Synop- sis of proceedings of the third annual meeting of the . . . held at Lexington, K\r, Oct. 6, 7, and 8 188."). 8°. [Lexington. Ki/., 1885.] Repr. from: The Morning Transcript, Oct. 7 8 and 9 1885. Arviset (L.) * Contributions a l'etude du tissu erectile des fosses nasales. 4°. Lijon,W8~. Aschenhrandt (T.) Die Bedeutung der Nase fiir die Athinuug. (Aus dem physiologischen In- stitute zu Wurzburg. 8°. Wiirzburg', 1886. Clarke (J. L.) Ueber den Bau des Bulbus olfactorius und der Geruchsschleiinhaut; nach dem englischen Manuscript* ins Deutsche iiher- set/.t von A. Kolliker. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., xi. Cloquet (H.) * Dissertation sur les odeurs, snr les sens et les organes de l'olfaction. 4 \ Paris, 1815. ------. The same. Osphrdsiologie, ou traite des odeurs, du sens et des organes de l'olfaction ; avec l'histoire detaillee des maladies du nez et des fosses nasales, et des operations qui leur con- viennent. 2. e"d. 8 . Par is, W21. ------. M6moire sur les ganglions nerveux des fosses nasales; sur leurs communications et sur leurs usages. 8-. I'aris, 1818. Yo*e. Gr.etz (J. IL) Epistola anatomica problema- tica octava, de structura nasi cartilagiixa, va- sis sanguiferis arteriosis membranie eTcavitatis tympani et ossiculorum auditus eoruinqiio i.c riostio. 4°. Ainsteleedami, 17W. [V v Hlr>, iv, 11-15. ' J^'•s,"^ Hack(\V.) Kieehen und Ceriiehsorgan. Line populare Vorlesung. 8°. Wiesbaden, W87, Kraitse (E. II. L.) * Die LV,.'io olfactoi ia des Schafes. [Berlin.] 8°. Rostock, lssi. Lowe (L.) Beitrage zur Anatomic der Nase und Mundhohle. 4°. Berlin, W78. Marcondes-L'esexde (I.) * Etudes sur le niecanisine de la ferinetiire de l'arriere-cavite des fosses nasales dans la douche de Weber.' 4°. Bordeaux, 1882. Merkel (C. L.) *I)e nasi secretiouibus spe- cimen i. 4°. Lipsia; 1838. Olivier (P.) * Snr les fosses nasales et des sinus de la face. 4 r I'aris, 18611. Panas (P.) 'Recherches sur Lauatoiuie des fosses nasales. 4J. I'aris, I860. Quelmalz (S. T.) [Pr.] deque narium earuni- que septi incurvatione. 4 T Lipsiee, 1750. Also, in: HalLeh.. Disp. ad morh. [etc.] 4°. Lau- sannce, 1757, i. Reiffsteck (J. A.) *Diss. sistens disquisi- tiones anatomicas de structura organi olfactus inamnialium nounullorum. 4°. Tubinc/w, W23. Reinbold (O.) Die Nase in ihrer p'hysiogno- mischeu Bedeutung. 8°. Carlsruhe, 1867. Ruxge (W.) * Die Nase in ihren Bezieliiuigen zum iibrigen Korper. 8°. Jence, 1885. SOEMMERRiXd(S.T.) Abbildungendermeiiscli- lichen Organe des Geruches. fol. Frankf a M W99. ' -----. The same. Icones organoruin huina- norum olfactus. fol. Francof. a. M., lwlO. Soi.ger (B.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Na- senwendung und besonders der Naseuinuscheln der Reptilien. Eine vergleichend-anatoinische Abhandlung. [Breslau.] 8-"-. Leipzig, 1-75. Si'lk (J. G.) * De ossibns nasi. 8°. Riga, 1817. Verhoeven (M. G. T.) * De organo odoratus per auiinaliiiin vertebratoruni classes. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 1826. Ziervogel (S.) *De naribus internis. sui. 4->. Upsalice, [1760]. Also, in: Sanoifort. Thesaurus diss, [etc.l 4°. Ro- terodami. 1708, i, 355. Zuckerkandl (E.) Normale und patholo- gische Anatomie der Nasenhohle und ihrer pueu- matischen Anhiinge. 8J. Wien, 1882. Albreclit (P.) Ist-.ja, oder nein? hei den Wiibelthie- ren der Eiugang in das Mascugriihcheii dem anssereii Nasenloche, der ventrale Nasengriilirhenwall dem Inter- lahiuin internnni; Interlahiuiu externum, der ventrale Oberkieferfortsatzrand dem siipralabiuni himiologf In his: Ver'j.1. anat. Untersuch, sr. Hamb., 1880-7, i, 80-91. -----. Ueher Chorda und Chordoine, metaniere und cou- tinuirliche Verknik-herinig in der knorpeligen Nasen- scheidewand der Wirbelthiere, nebst einein ersteu Ver- suche. eine wirkliche. uniimstiissliche (irundlage fiir die Wirbeltheorie des Schiidels zu schaffen. Ibid., V.i-fx. 1 tali.— Kiiiinl (A.) Ne/, et fosses nasales. Did. de nied., _'. ed.. Par., 1840, xxi, 41-117.— Bi-rlillon (A 1 De la niorphologie du nez. Lev. d'anthrop., Par., 1887, 3. s., ii, 158-1 liii. — It i ue low (H. .1.) Turbinalt d corpora caverniisa. I'.oston Al. <5c S. J.. ]S75, xcii. 489-102. Also, Re-print. —Born ((J.) Leber die Nasenhiihlin und den Thriiiiennaseugang der Amphibien. ilorpliol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1876, ii, 577-646, 3 pl. -----. Die Naseiiholilen und der Thranennasengang der atnniotcn Wirhelthieie. Ibid.. 1879, v, ti.>, 3 pl.: 401. 2 pl. — Broea (P.) Re- cherches sur l'iudice nasal. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., IKTs;, i, 1-35.-----. Sur l'indice nasal. Bull. .Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1872. '>. s., vii, L'5-40. — von Briinn (A.) Weitere rntersuchungen iiber das Kieehcpithel und sein Verhalten zum Nervus olfactorius. Arch.. I. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1879, NOSE. 983 NOSE. I\o*t'. xvii, 141-151, 1 pl. — (liatin (J.) Recherches histolo- giqucs sur la liniitaute olfactive des mammiferes. Bull. Soe. philomat, do Par., 1879, 7. s., iii, 24-27. -----. Contri- bution a l'etude osteologique des tosses nasales chez les Palmipedes et les fichassiers. Ibid., 1884-5, 7. s., ix, 128- 130.—('Ia»en (F. E.) Die Nehenhdhlen der menschlichen Nase in iliri-r Bedeufuiig fiir den Mechanismus des Rie- chens. Zlschr. f. Auat.. n. Eutwrklngsgosch., I.eipz., 1876-7. ii, 1-28. 2 pl— (OoUor (J.) Vergleiciiende II istolog i,. ,|,.s (it'iiichsoigancs. (Iisterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Vete- riuark., Wien, 1885, lxiii, 108-114. — Bally (L.) Ne/.; antbropologie, ethnographic. Diet, encycl. d. sc ined., • Pur., 1878, 2. s., xiii, 194-199. — Uelnvan (D. P..) On sonic points in the anatomy of the nasal fossa*. N. Vork M. J., 1880, xxxii, 375-381. — IJolbcau. Nasale (re- gion). Diet, encycl. d. sc. ined., Par., 1876, 2. s., xi, 427- 4;!7. — Mil Vernej. The .structure of the, nose. Phil. Tr., Lond., 17liu. iii, 56. — Friinkel (B.) Ueber die I'u- tersuchiuigen des Nasen-Rachenraums mit Demonstra- tioncli. Veriiffentl. d. (iesellsch. f. Heilk. in Bill.. 1883, viii, Balneol. Sekt., v, 60-71. — dJcgcnbaur (C.) Leber das Rudiiueiit einer septalrn Nasendriise beim Menschen. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz... 1885-6, xi, 486-488. — III.....i (J.) A description of the nerves which supply the organ of smelling. In his : Ohs. certain parts animal (Economy, 4°, Loud., 1786, 'Jl3-219, 1 pl.—Kan Cm ami (E ) Leber die Bedeutung der Riech- und Epithelialzellen der Regio olfacloria. Med. Jahrb . Wien, 1886, n. F., i, 79-96. Also : Mitth. a. d. embrvol. lust. d. k. k. Lniv. in Wien, 1887, 2. F., 2. Hit., 33-50. -Kaj-wr, Ueber die Bedeutung der Nase fur die Atbinung. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1887, ix, 224. — von Klein (C. H.) Rhinology in the past and of tho future. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 673- 677. Also, Reprint. Also: St. Louis MT & S. J., 1886, Ii, 264-268. Also: Progress, Louisville, 1886, i, 218-220.— Kolliker (A.) Heir Paul Albrecht zum letzten Male. I. Die Chorda in der Nasenscheidewand des Ochsen. Si- tzungsb. (1. phys. nnil. (iesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1885, 128. Also, Reprint.— l.erynl (10.) Die Naseiihohlen und der Thranenunseugang der ainnioten Wirbelthiere. Morphol. Lilirli., Leipz., 1882, viii, 353-372, 1 pl. — Mackenzie (J. NT) Historical notes on the discovery of the nasal erectile tissue. Boston M. & S. j., 1885, cxii, 1. Also, Reprint.— .Via;;mi4 (A.) Der Nasenrachcurauin ; Eine Sliulie an einein Lebenden gemacht. Arch. 1". Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1873, vi, 246-262. — tlan«ei'".'a/:ya (P.) Della capacita delle fosse nasali e degli indici rinocelalico e cerelirofacciale nel cranio uniano. Anh. per 1' aiitiop., Firenze, 1873, iii, 253-274. — itlarxhall (A. M.) The morphology of the vertebrate olfactory organ. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Loud., 1879, n. s., xix, 300-340, 2 pl. — Mali jov-eky. Klappen- spiel des dreieckigcn Nasen knorpels. Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1864, 151-153.— ile VlerejUowwky. Sur uu nouveau caractere anthropologiqiie [la niorphologie du nezl. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 18s2, 3. s., v, 293-304.— .Tl0llrr (M.) Om den I'ysiologiske Betyduiug af Pig- inenter i regio olfactoria. Cgesk. f. Lager, Kjebenh , 1875, 3. -R., xix, 353-362. — iVeimer (11.) Leber angeb- liche Chordareste iu der Nasensrlieidewainl des Rindes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1885-6, xii, 163-179, I pl.—■'aiillini (C. F.) Nasati non semper bene vasati. In his: Ohs. med.-phys., ]2°, Lips., 1706, 141-142.— I'aul*en (K.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiberdie Stidnmng der Luft in der Nasenhohle. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl.. Wien, 1882, Ixxxv, 1-22, 1 pl.—Percy & I., a ureal. Nez. Diet. d. sc med., Par., 1819, xxxvi, 74-98. — l*oiiiMOt (G.) Nez et nasales (losses). NT diet, de med. et chir. prat... Par., 1877, xxiv, 1-104.—Kcclam (C.) Zur Diatetik der Nase. (iesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1882, vii, 353-355.— Kill I ier. Xez, (anatomie et physioiogie). Diet. d. sc. uied., Par., 1819, xxxvi, 1-74.—Wei ler (0.) Ou effect of nasal cavity I on voice and speech. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass.. X. V., 1881, iii, 123-129. Also: Arch. Laryngol., N. V.. 1882, iii, 24- 2i*. — *ipiIImaim (E.) Nez; anatomie,pathologie. Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1878, 2. s., xiii, 1-194. — .*ilein- bi'iij*'.je (IL) The histology of the inferior turbinated hones, uml of the teleangicctatic fibromata arising from Ihem. Arch. Otol., N. V., 1879, viii, 269-283, 2 pl. —St ranch (P.) Uiitersuchiingeii iiber eiuen Micrococcus iui Secret [des Naseiiracheni-aiiini'S. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1887, xxi, 149; 181. — Top in aril (P.) De la niorpho- logie du nez (conime exeinple de la methode il suivre daus les observations anthropologiqiies a pratiquer sur le vivant). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop., Par., 1873, 2. s., viii, 947- 958. — Tourlnal. Ein hisher unbekanntcs Muskelpaar an deu hinteren Xaseniitfiiungeu des Menschen. Arch f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1844, 452-402. -----. Der Pllugsehaatknorpel, seine Ernahriiugsgefasse uud seine Riickbildung. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. west- fal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1845, iv, 145; 169. — Versa (A.) Anatomia. Sui nieandii nasali. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1871, 2. s., iv. 465. -----. Suimean- dri nasali. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano, 1874, ccxxx, 225- 263.—Weitlieini , xxii, 111-115 (resum6, ibid., 232).— lloo|M'i- ( F. H. ) Adenoid vegetations in the naso- pharyngeal cavity. Boston M. & S. .!., 1886, cxiv, 193-197. Also', Reprint.-----. Adenoid vegetations in children; their diagnosis and treatment. Boston M. .fc S. J., 1888, exviii, 261-268.—Jnwii (G.) Die Operation der adenoiden Neubildunegen der Nasenrarhenhiilile inittelst des hieg- samen schiu-fen Liill'els. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 41. -----■ Uceier adenoide Neubildungen im Nasen-Rachenraunie. S.uunil. klin. \'ortr.. Leipz., 1878, No. 125 (Chir., No. 39), 1045- 1062. — Ii an «e (V.) Ei- ni"e kritische Bemerkungen iiber den Krankheitsbe- grTff: die adenoiden Vegetationen im Naseurachenraume, nebst eiuer neuen Operulions-Metliode. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh.. Berl., 1880, xiv. 17-26. ----- Zur Frage von deu adenoiden Vegetationen im Naseiiracheiiraum. Deutsche med Wchuschr., Berl., 1883. ix, 748-750. AUo: Amtl. Ber ii d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1883, NOSE. 9.S4 NOSE. \o*«' (Adenoid tissue and ret/efations of). Freib. i. Br., 1884. lvi, 289-293. [Discussilm ], 2,.is-3oo._ I.a- vrand (H.) Des tumeurs adennides du pharynx nasal ,L d sc. Died, de Lille, 1887. ix, 337-344.—Levy (E\) Des vegetations adcnoldcs dc la cavite pharyngo-nasale. Rev. med. de test. Nancy, 18m. xix, 12-18. — lietxtveiibcr;; (B.) Des vegetations adenoldes de la voute pharvngo- I nasale. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii, 283-290. Also: J. dc therap., Pat.. 1881, viii, 845; 933. -----. Nou- veau procede jiour l'cxtit pation des vegetations adeno'ides du pharynx nasal. Progres med.. Par., 1886, 2. s., iii, 435; 453. -----. Ueber Extirpation der adenoiden Wuche- ruiigen im Xaseiiracheiiraum. nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Instruments zu dieser Operation. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1886. xii. 265-207.—I,nblinski ( W. ) Adenoide Vegetationen des Xasciirachenraiiins. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Beil., 1887, viii, 275-277.—von Ijiiwchka (11.) Das adenoide Gewebe der Pars nasalis des menschlicheu Schlundkopfes. Arch. f. mikr. Auat., Bonn, 1868, iv, 1- 9, 1 pl. Also, transl. : J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par., 1869, vi, 225-234. — ,M aekenzie (M.) Adenoid vegeta- tions of the nasopharynx. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc. Par.. 1884, x. 147-161.—.flcrniotl. Note sur les vegetations adeneddes du pharynx nasal ct leur traite- ment.. Rev. med. de hi Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1885, v. 265- 274. — .Tleyer ( WT) < >m adenoide Vegetationer i Nieses- viclgi'iunmet, de sygelige Tilfadde, som de frembringc, og disses Helbredelse. Hosp.-Till., Kjobonh . 1868, xi, 177; 181. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1869, iii, 54. -----. Ou adenoid vegetations in the naso pharyngeal cavity; their pathology, diagnosis, aud treatment. Med.- Chir.'Tr., Lond., 187(1,'liii, 191-215, 1 pl. Also [Abstr. | : Proc. Rov. M. .fc Chir. Soc. Lond. (1867-71), 1871, vi, 229- 231. Als'o [Ahstr.l: Med. Times ,V Gaz., Lond.. 1869, ii, 6<)4. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 771. Also | Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 618. -----. Ueber adenoide Vegetationen in del XTiscnrachcnhdhle. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1873, n. F., i, 241 : 1873-4, n. F., ii, 129; 241, 2 pl. — ITIiehael (J.) Doppelmeissel zur Behand- lung adenoidor Vegetationen des Nasenracheiiraunies. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 67-69. -----. Adenoide Vegetationen des Nasenrachenraunies Wien. Klinik, 1885, xi, 363-375.------. Doppelmeissel fiir adenoide Vege- tationeu des Xasenrachenrauins. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, ile laryngol., 153.— \mpiil. Considerations sur les tumeurs adenoi'des du pharynx nasal. Bull. nied. du nord, Lille, 1886, xxv, 474-483:' 1887, xxvi, 98 - 111. — I'liuiibci'ijci' (H.) Bemerkungen zur Hyperplasie, des adenoiilen Geue- lies im Nasenrachen- und Rachenraume. Wieu. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi. 970: 1003. — Teilcnat. Des vegi'tu- tionsadeiioi'iles dn pharynx nasal. Montpel. med., 1884. 2. s , ii. 137-151 .— Welm'ier (R.) Ueber a'dcuoide Vegeta- tionen im Nasi n Ruin u-Raum. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1883, xxiv, 25, 73.— Wie»eiier (I.) De adenoide vegeta- tioner i cavuin nasopharyngeal'' og betiindelsesprocesser i dem. Nord. ined. Ark., Stockholm, 1881, xiii, no 4, 1- 32.—Zanfal (E.) Zur Operation adenoider Vegetationen im Naseuraclicnraume (lurch den NTiseniachentrichter hindurch. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 162-163.— Ziickei'kantll (E.) Das adenoide Gewebe der Nasen- schleinibaut. Med. Jahrb., Wieu, 1886, n. F., i, 219-224, lpl. ]\<>*e (Artificial). Illu■■■ in (V.) Ersatz einer verlorenen Nase durch Celluloid. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, lsso, xxvii, 351.— Forsyth (A.) [Artiticialnose.] Richinond efc Louisville M. J., Louisville. 1868, v, 183-185.—.larlin. Appareil prothetique du nez. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. ib- Lyon (1876), 1877. xvi, 106-108. -----. Ne-z artificiel. Ibid'. (1877), 1878, xvii. pt. 2.. 8-11.—Robert* (W. A.) Artificial nose. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. efc Edinb., 1851, xiii, ]S2.— ,**neil (J.) An improved artificial nose. Med.- Chir. Rev., Lond., 1825, iii, 305. IVose (Blue). See Fever (Typhus, Diagnosis, etc., of). IVoae (Calculus in). See Calculus (Nasal). Aose (Cancer and lupus of). Ci.averie (C.-M.-A.) * Etude sur les tumeurs malignes primitives des fosses nasales. 1J. Bor- deaux, W86. Moixkl(P.-F.) * Essai sur le lupus scrofuleux des fosses nasales. 4J. Paris, W77. Bariocelii (F.) Di un cancroide al naso estirpato e guarita cou rinoplastioa. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1873. 2. s., lii, 117.—Itaker. Mehmo sarcoma of Ihe nose. Brit. M. J., Lond.. ]s7s. ii, 921.—Beck (M.i Krebsgescliwiir ihr Nase und Dberlippe. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg., 1839, viii, 161-165.— Kereml (FT. W.) Erfahrungen iiher Heilung des Lupus, nebst Mittheilung eines Falles von Kpilheliom del Nase auf lupdseui Gruinle. Allg. nied. Ceutr.-Ztg., .\ONt- (Cancer and lupus of). Bill.. 1867, xxxvi, 301-305. Also, Reprint ICnin/lou . Heilung eines veralteten Herpes excdelis ,1, r Nase ,1m, h die Wcinhold'sche Mercurial-Kin-. J. d. pi act II, ilk P.erl.. 1837. lxxxv, 2. St., 83-96.— Ku i ,, A real case of cancer successfully treated. I.otul M Rev efc Mag., 1800-1. v, 30( It n <|i a a •■ ii (,\. H.) cam. ,,(■ cancer. West. J. M. efe S.. Louisville, 1843 2. s viii 81- 88—Sturnctt (C. II.) & Allen (II.) Malignant growth (round-celled sarcoma) in the nasopharynx, with early aural symptoms. Am. J. Otol., X. V., "lssi, iii. *j(»!l-a7^ Also: Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1881. ii, pt. 5, 479-483.— t'alvo y iTIarlin. Observacioucs de cancer ile hi nariz Gac. med., Madrid. 1848, iv, 251— 4 :i mplx 11 - clierneu Nase. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer operati ven Beseitiguug. 8C. Jena, 1884. Schais (A.) * Ueber Schiefstand der Xasen- scheidewand. s°. Berlin, 1887. vox Yogel (G. ) * Beobachtungen am Schlunde eines mit vollstiindigem Defect der Nnse behafteten Individuuni.s. 8 . Doriiat, 1881. v Waser (J. J.) * Recessus ossium nasi. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1707]. Also [Abstr.], in: AVkiz (F. A) Vollstiiud. Acs/.. [etc.] 12°. Budissin, 1769, i, 158-168. A liters. Nictitatio nasi. Meed. Cor-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn. 1845, iv, ]s:..—Allen (II.) Asym- metry of 1he nasal chambers without septal deviation. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., NT V., Iss3. v. 84. .I'-,■„.■ Arch. Laryngol., NT Y., 1883. iv. 256— IE:i ■■ m <.*:■ i ten (E.) Feber die Crsache tier Verhiegungen der Nasen.srheide- wand. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Bell., 1886, xii, 373- 375— Kiiikoii (A. II.) On the treatment of stenosis of the nasal duct hv the intermittent nocturnal use of re- movable stvles. ' Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1887, ii, 1151.—Bi- :i ner hi (S.) Sulle varieta dell' osso unguis e sulle ossa ac- cessorie della fossa laeriniale e del canal nasale mil' uomo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 738: 747; 755; 763; 773; 779.—Bomvoi'Ui (IT 11.) On nasal stenosis. Tr. Am! Laryngol. Ass. isso. NT V., 1881, ii, 79-92. Also: Arch. Laryngol.. NT V.,]88l, ii, 110-120 [Discussion], 176-179.— Iti-i'N^i'ii (M.) Zur Aetiologie der Verbiegung ihr Na sensi'hciilewand. Med.-chir. Centralbl., "Wien, 1 ss4, xix, 218. Also: JJeil. klin. Wchnschr., is- 4, xxi, ]54.— Ilituini- (FL P.) Case of congenital deficiency of the nose, witli single hare-lip. Dublin M. Press, I860, xliv. ♦52. — Brynnl. Adhesion between the septum nasi and the lower turbinated bone. Lancet. Loml.. 1861, ii. 207 — ■C in-Ill in (C. A.) Nasal stenosis; its ell'eits on I he eye, ear, phar\n\, larynx, and brain. NT Vtuk M. Times, 1887-8. xv, 39-43. — C'ha<>Mnii:iine. Deviations de la soiis-eloison nasale. Bull. Soc. ile i lor. de Par., 1851-2, ii, 515— C'hiari (O.) I'eber Verstoplung tier Nase und ihre Therapie. Ztschr. f. Diaun u. Therap . Wien. Is82, i, 7 ; 21. ------. Meinbrantiser Verschluss biiiler I Tioanen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885. xxxv, 1473. — cI-iv:iii ill B.) Lateral deviation of the septum naiiuin. X. York M. J., 1880, xxxii, 527. -----. On the a-tinlogy e,l de lle-c. tions of the nasal septum. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1887, N. V.. 1888, ix, 2(>2-2l3. Also: NT York M. .1., 1887, xlvi, 539-542. Also, Reprint — Delen* (E.) Observation d'ob- literation cicalricielle de l'oritiee superieur de la narine droite. Ann d. mal. de l'lireille et du larynx. Par, 1877, iii, 348— l>el«l-niehe (C > i Moiqiiail (A.) Oblitera- tion osseuse de l'oritiee anterieiir de la fosse nasale droite. ,T. de nied . chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1881, Ixxiii, 511- 513. — I>e|>nnl. Rapport snr un memoire de M. Bitot: "Obturation des orifices postCrieurs des fosses nasales ". Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1876, 2. s., v, 881-886 — Fye- bei'j;. Occlusio ehoananim. Norsk Mag. f. La ge vi- densk.. Christiania, 1877, 3. R., vii, 618. — Fieano Hi.) Deformita o como del setto nasale operato col nn totlo tli Bosworth. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 18s7, viii (,45—1'i-iiii- kel (B.) Stenose uud Atresie der Nasenhiilile. Ilamlb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen). Leipz., 1876, iv, 1 (3-104. Also, transl.: Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. T., 1876, iv, 103- 115.— Freiiilenthnl (W.) Ueber den Zusaininenhaiig von chronischen Verstopl'ungeu der Nase u. des Nasen- raclicinauines mit Lnterleihshriichen. Monatsihr. f. Ohrenh., Berl.. 1887. xxi, 310 ; 339: 1888, xxii. 6 ; 41. Also, Repi int.—<»ei*enl>:nii' ((.'.) P>in Fall von mangelhafter Aiisbihltingdiu- Naseiimusilieln. Morphnl.Jnlirb.'. Leipz., 1879. v. 191. — dileilMiiiami (•!. W.) Deviation of the nasal septum. Am. J. M. Sc. I'hila.. 1885. n. s., xc, 152- 162. Also, Reprint.—(Solding-Binl (C. II.) On chronic nasal obstruction. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Loml.. 1881, 3. s., xxv 421-440—«t»ro!«!» (K. H.) Monstrosity. Cuseot mal- formation of the nose. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1874-5). ls7C, v. 243-250.—«f* ruber (W.) Choaii.e von ungleichcrl. i e.-s. . Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl., 1877, lxx. 136.- Ilinhel (F. W.) Irregularities of the septum narium, without de- flection as an (etiological factor in nasal catarrh. N. Vork M. J.. 1887. xlvi, 378-380.—van tier Iloeven (•!.), Jz. (he-ral\viil;ii)"i*nintlcii vorm derneusbet ndereu. Nederl. Tijelsehr. V. ( ieneesk.. Amst., 1860, iv. 113. Also, Re- print — lloppe (.1.) Eine angehorne Spaltung der Nase. Med. Zt*,, Bui.. 1859, n. F., ii, 164. —Howard. Depres- sion of the dorsum nasi. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio. Colum- bus. 1847, 31-34 -Hnbbell (A. A.) Congeuital occlusion NOS]-]. 98(3 NOSE. \oniC (Deformities and malformations of). of the posterior nares. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1886, Con- cord, N. 11.. 1887, iii, 244-256. Also: Buffalo M. i St J., 1886-7, xxvi, 193-206. Also, Reprint. — Injjals (E. F.) Dellectioii of the septum nariuin. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. V., 1882, iv, 61-69. Also: Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882, iii, 291-299. ------. Caseof deflection' of the septum narium. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1883, xlvii, 128-130. — .lai'vio* (W. C.) Two unique cases of congenital occlu- sion of the anterior nares. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1887, NT V., 1888 ix, 222-230. Also: NT. York M.J., 1887, xlvi, 536-539. — .1 on in (F.) De la dilatation immediate pro- gressive, dans l'occlusion de l'oritiee nuso-phai vngicn. Rev. med. franc,, et e trail 2., Par., 1883, i, 83-88.' Also: j Therap. contemn , Par., 1883, iii. 83-88. — Jnrasz (A.) j Leber die Bebandluug hochgradiger Veikiiiminiingen tier Nasenscheidewand. Berl. klin. Wehuscln., 1882, xix, 49- 52.—ICoch (P.) Obliteration cicatiicielle de l'orifice pos- terieiir de la narine gauche. Auu. tl. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1878. iv, 213-215. — Iiriiji< I . Drei Na- scnliieher. Mag. f. il. ges. Heilk., Berl., ]82o, viii, 533.— I. elle its (G. M.) Cases of rare congenital deformity of the posterior nares and throat. Med. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 12.—I.oewenberj; (B.) On difficult cases of introduc- ing flu- Eustachian catheter, and a method facilitating the operation in these cases. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Loud., 1881. iii, 432. -----. Anatoniische Lntersuchiuigen iiher die Vevbieguiigen der Nasenscheidewand; Schwierigkei- (i*ii, webhe dicselbeii hei Opcrationen, namentlich beim Kalhi'tcrisniiis der Eustacbi'schen Tuba verursachen; Dailegung einer neuen Methode diesellicn zu iibeiwiiiden. Zlschr. f. Ohreuh., Wiesb., 1883, xiii, 1-20. Also, transl : Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1883, xii, 22-43. Also, transl. : Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 299; 318; 336; 364.— l,oweii»lein (M. C) Eine carricaturartige Verlaugeruiig tier Nasen- spitze. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 289.— l.iiMehka (11.) Ueber angeborene Atresieder Choanen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1860, xviii, 168-170.— etlaekenxic (eL Nj Some remarks on deflection of tlie nasal septum and its treatment. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Kie in......il, 1883, xiv, 115-128. Also, Repriut. Also [Abstr. | : Maryland M. J., Bait., 1883-4, x, 388-391. Also, Reprint.-----. On a hitherto undescrihed malforma- tion of the naso -pharynx. Arch. Laryngol.. NT Y., 1883, iv, 161-164. Also, Reprint. A Iso [Abstr.] : Maryland M. .T., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 534. ------. Some ohservations on the toxic effects of chrome on the nose, throat, and ear. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii. 601-603. A Iso, Re- priut. Also, transl.: Ann. d. mal. de l'oriille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1884, x, 237-244.—ITIeyerfcoii 1.8.) Zuplene bloniaste zarosnii-cie nozdrzy t.\liiych. [Complete mem- branous atresia of the posterior nares.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1887, xv, 113-134. — JTIodrzejewski ( K. ) Przypadek zupelnego zamknietia otworon nosow veh tyl- nych : operacyja; wy/.dro wienie. Ibid., 1874, ii, 501-505.— florlon (TT G. ) Congenital occlusion of the nares; cured. Surg. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 1880, 333.—Parsonx (S. B.) Saddle-back nose. Proc. Missouri lust. Homieop., St. Louis, 1884, viii, 4o — Pertik (O.) Neues Divertikel des Naseiirachenrauins. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1883, xciv, 1-12, 1 pl— Porcher (W. P.) Operation for dellectioii of the nasal septum. Med. News, Pbila., 1887, li, 389. — KelxiiiN (A.) Missbildning af niisroten, bercende pi eu iitstje'lpning af hjernhulans innehall (meningocele simplex, Spring.) hos en fullviixen jierson. ILgiea, Stock- holin, 1859, xxi, 577-58(1. Also, transl.: Med. Times & Oaz., Lond., 1860, ii, 18n, —Kiehel. Occlusion de l'ori- tiee naso-pharyugien. Louie tie meel., Par., )s7ii. iii, 80- 84. -----. Deviation avec exostose de la cloison nasale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, lii, 909.—Riker (IL A.) A pe culiar deformity. Atlanta M. ex: S. J., 1878, xvi, 196.— Kizet (F.) Observation de hernie tie la niuqiieuse nasale ii travels l'os frontal. Oaz. nied. tie Par., 1863, 3. s., xviii, 633. — Robertson (J. W.) Obstruction to the free pas- sage of air through the nose and pharynx; cases, treat- ment, surgical interference. Detroit Clnic, 1882, i, 17; 25.—Roe i-I.O.) Nasal stenosis, its influence on olfac- tion, audition, vocalization, and respiration, and its treat- ment. Tr. M. Sue. N. Y., Syracuse, 1881, 173-201. Also: Metl. Kee-.. N. Y., 1881, xix, 485; 509. Also. Reprint.— lionalilxon (T. R.) Note ou a case of congenital closure of I lie posterior nares. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Sue, lssi, vi, 48. Also: Ediub. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 1035.— Rower. Leber Verkrummung der NasenscheiilewaiuL Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 649.—Ronx. Deviation ile la cloison du nez. Rev. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1886, vi, 189-192.—SniiteeeiMon. Atresia narium pos- terioiuni ossea congenita. Forli. v. Svens. Iiik.-Siillsk. Sainniauk. 1866. Stockholm, 1867, 303. — Wehanw ( A. ) I'eber Schiefstand tier Nasenscheidewand. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1887, xxxv, 147-166, 1 pl.—."•iehmigclo-iv (E.) NTigle sjahlnere Tilfaelde af Det'ekter i Na-sens Skilleva-g. Hosp.-Tid.. K.jobenh., 1886, 3. R., iv, 985-989.—Sch rotter. Leber angeborenen knochernen Verschluss der Choanen. Moiiatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl.. 1885, xix, 97-102.—(Helen. kotl'iA.) Eiu Fall von At hinencephalia unilateralis bu einem ci wachsenen Mamie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Bell., 1884, xcv, 95-101, 1 pl.—Silver (A.) Occlusion of ! x^'o*e (Deformities and malformations of), the posterior nares. Med. Times >x Gaz., Lor.d , ls7i"> ii, 619.—Smith (T.) Imperforate nostril. Ibid., 1863, i, 320. — Soinmer. TTeher angehornen knochernen Ver- schlussilerlinkt'iiChoaiie. Wien. med. Presse, 1883, xxiv. 476. — Wlun ( W. ) Przyczynek do leezenia zboc/cii przcgrtiily nasowtj. | Treatment of deviation of septum of nose. | Przegl. lek, Krakow., 1888, xxvii, 145; l.Vj._ Steele (A. J.) Enteral deflection of the nasal septum. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1879, i, 485-492. — Mufie y Itlolinl (L.) De las estrecheces nasales. Rev. tie cii u. inctl Barcel., 1881, vii, 497; 561. ------. Deforinacidii ile la nariz', por desviacion traumatica del tabique en su parte eaitila'- ginosa ; curacion. Rev. die laringol., otol. y rinol., Barcel 1885-6, i, 36-39 Thomas (H.) Obliteration dela narine gauche ; adhi reiiee du voile du palais a la niuqiieuse pharyugieune; operation. Rec. il. trav. Sue. med. d'ln- dre-et-Loire, Tours, 1869, lxviii, 45-47. — Thoinnn ( L.) Observation de Assure congenitale du nez. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 162-167. Also • Rec. <1. trav. Soc. med. d'lndre et-Loire, Tours. 1873, lxvi, 52-63.— Thrasher (A. B.) Deformities of the septum nasi. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1887. u. s., xix, 143-410.—Tolaml (H. H.) Deformities of the nose. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1872, i, 575-577, 1 phot.— Vnniler Poel i s' O. ), jr. Deviations of the nasal septum. Med. Rec, NT V.! 1886, xxix. 557.— Yemenil. Deviation de la clnisni'i du nez. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855. xxx, 40— Wnl- Nham ( W. J.) The treatment of deflection of the nasal septum. Laucet, Lond., 1882, ii, 4so. -----. A new method of applying the nasal truss for correcting deformi- ties of the nose. Ibid., 1888, i. 367. -----. On nasal ob- struction and its treatment. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, xxiii. 119-136—Weir (R. F.) Deformity of the nose from a fall. NT Vork M. J., 1887, xiv. 281. ' Also: Aim. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, v, 5(11-504. — Whiltaher. Ste- nosis of the right nasal fossa. [With unilateral sweating of face.] Cincin. Lancet e.V Clinic, 1879, n. s., ii, 442.— Wright (G. A.) On some forms of nasal obstruction. Meil.'Chron., Manchester, 1886, iv, 302-305. — Xmi fa I (K.i Angehorener kndcherner Verschluss der rechten Choaiic. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 837-840. — Zoellner. Fehlen derNasenfliigel und Naseulocherhei einem muge- borenen Kinde. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1874, xliii, 689. Also | Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1874, ii, 256.— Zojsi (G.) Di un' apertura insolita del set to nasale car- tilagineo. Boll, scient., Pavia, 1885, vii, 33-36. TVose (Dischargefrom). See Nose ( Water, etc., from). ^\ose (Diseases of}. See, also, Acne; Catarrh (Nasal, etc.); Co- ryza; Diphtheria; Douche (Nasal); Gonor- rhcEa (Cases of, etc.); Laryngology; Nerve (Ol- factory); OzEena; Rhinoscleroma; Speech (Disordered, etc.); Throat (Diseases of'). Bergmann ( E. G. ) * De odoratn, ejusque priecipuis laesionibns, eorvza, polypo et ozaena. sm. 4°. Vitemberga; [1 (>'><]. liHi'.scicx (M.) Der clironische Nasen-nnd Raclien-Katarrli ; cine klinische .Studie. 1. 8°. Wien u. Leipzig, 1881. -----. (Jrnndziige einer Pathologie und Therapie der Nasen-Miindrachen- und Kclilkopf- Kraukheiten. 8°. Wien n. Leipzig, 1884. Brigham ((L N.) Catarrhal diseases of the nasal and respiratory organs. It! t yew York, leS«<4. dk Casarianca (D.) * Des aft'ections de la cloison des fosses nasales. 4°. Paris, 1876. Chiari (0.) Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Hals- und Nasen-Krankheiten nach den Ergebnissen des Ambulatoriums. .v0. Leipzig it. Wien, W87. Coomks (M. F.) Naso-pharyngeal catarrli. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1889. Louimon (X.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude dc la rhinitc ehronique simple et des rhinites dia- tlnSsiques. 4J. Paris, 1881. Dksaivrk (L.) * Quelques observations sur les ulceres simples dc la membrane de .Schneider. 4°. Paris, 1865. Dksohami'S (J. L.) fils. * Dissertation sur les maladies des fosses nasales et de leurs sinus. b°. Paris, an Nil [1804]. Dubikk (F.) * De rinflamniation chrouique des follicules clos (glande de Luschka) dc I'ar- NOSE. 987 NOS It. IVokc (Diseases of). riere-cavite des fosses nasales et de son traite- ment par la douche naso-pliaiyngieiine. 4°. I'aris, W78. KxuKuiann (C. F.) Manuductionis ad verain theoriain morboruni praxinque clinicam, speei- nien xiii. de polypo narium et oziena. 4 r Alt- dor Jii Noricorum, [17;V2], F\1*gi:s(P.-G.) (Granulations et catarrhesdes tissus nasognttiiraux, les maladies chroniques de la gorge et de la voix; hygiene et traitenient. 8°. Paris f Pan, W84. Fontanili.k (E.-K.) * Dc la rhiuite hyper- trophique. 4°. Bordeaux, 1885. Forbes (L ) Diseases of the nose; forming the second part of the fifth edition of "Deafness and its curative treatment". 5. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1887. LlllR (M.-E.) Precis des maladies de Lore lie, comprenant l'anatomie, la physioiogie, la patho- logic, la therapentique, la prothese, rhygieiic, la niedecine legale, la surdite et la surdiniutitc et les maladies du pharynx et des fosses nasales. fcS°. Paris, W85. Gocimo.v (X.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude de la rhiuite cliroiiique simple ct des rhinites dia- thesiqucs. 4 . Paris, 188\, Haa.se (J. (L ) [Pr. ] de narium morbis alteram connuentationein scripsit. 4°. Lipsia; l?i)7. Ingals (E. F.) Lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest, throat, and nasal cavities. 8°. New York, 1881. Jones (H. M.) Practitioner's hand-book of diseases of the car and nasopharynx (3. ed. of the "Aural surgery".) S3. London, 1887. Kitchen (J. M. W.) Catarrh, sore-throat, and hoarseness. A description of the construc- tion, action, and uses of the nasal passages and tbroat; certain diseases to which they are sub- ject, and the best methods for their prevention and cure. sm. 4°. New York, 1884. Ki'NiKE (li. A. F.) * De morbis nasi. 8°. Grypliia; [W36>]. Lichtschlag (J.) * De morbis nasi. 8J. Berolini, [I8(i4]. Mackenzie (M.) Diseasesof the throat and nose, including the pharynx, larynx, treachea, (esophagus, nasal cavities, and neck. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1880-84. v. 2. Diseasesof the oesophagus, nose, and nasopharynx. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. New York, 18.80-84. -----. The same. v. 2. 8°. London, 1884. -----. The same. Traite" pratique des mala- dies du nez et de la cavite" naso-pharyngienne. Traduit de l'anglais et aniiote" par E.-J. Moure [et] J. Charazac. 8°. Paris, 1887. A translation of v. 2 of preceding. Massei (F.) Clinica delle malattie del tratto res tiratorio. Kaccolta di memorie di laringo login, rinoscopia ed aeroterapia ad uso dei medici pratici. 8'-'. Napoli, 1881. Michel (C.) Die Kraukheitcn der Nasen- hohle und des Nasenrachenraumes. Nach eigenen Leobachtungen. 8°. Berlin, 1876. -----. The same. Traill des maladies des fosses nasales et e\o la cavite" naso-pharyngienne. 8 ■■>. Bruxelles, 1879. Moldexiiauer (W.) Die Krankheiten der Nasenhohlen, ihrer Nebenhohlen und des Na- scn-Racheiiraumes mil Einschluss der Untersu- chuugstecliuik. 8°. Leipzig, 1886. Moore (G.) On some diseases of the nose, throat, air-tubes, and lungs; and their local treatment. 8°. London, I8b7. Nikitix(V. X.) Boliezni nosovoi polosti. [Dis- eases of the cavity of the nose. J 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1882. l'etude des 4°. lior- Xew .Yose (Diseases of). Piana (A.) Delle malattie del naso e delle fosse nasali. 8°. Fossombrone, 18-1. PlEDNOEL (J.-I.) *Des ulceres (les fusses nasales. 4°. I'aris, W7,7. Kobinson (B.) On certain morbid alterations of mucous membrane; their influence on speech, and their apparent relations with diseased nerve- structure. 8°. New York, 1875. Sajoits (C. E.) Lectures on the diseasesof the nose and throat. t°. Philadelphia, 1885. Si'HECH (P.) Die Erkrankungen der Xeben- hohlen der Xase und ihre Behandlung. 4°. Miinchen, 1883. .Seiler (C.) Handbook of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the throat, nose, and nasopharynx. 2. ed. H1-5. Philadelphia, 1883. Slonixski (A.) * De morbis organoruin olfac- tus. 8-. Crctcoriti; 1829. Yerite (A.) Conerelions nnupieuses de la partie posterieure des fosses nasales. s*. Paris, 1881. ViLLEDAiiY(J.-(i.) * Contribution a varices nasales et leur traitenient. deattx, 1887. Wagxer ((,.) Diseases of the m sc. York, 1884. Walb (H.) Erfahrungen auf dem (iebiete der Nasen-und Kacheiikrankheiten. s-. Bonn, 1888. Watson (W. S ) Diseases of the nose and its accessory cavities. 8-. London, W75. Allen (H.) Abscess, ulceration, aud necrosis, as met with in the nasal chambers. Mcil. &. Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1883, xlviii, 573-576. -----. Ou a new variety of chronic nasal catarrh. Med. News Phila., 1885, xlvi, 143. — Angei ONima ( IT i Hipei trolia parcial ile la pituitaria. Andalucia nied.. Cordoba. 1S78, iii, 153-156.— Bnrnloux (J.) Contribuciou nl estudio de las enfer- medades tie la cavidad nasofaringca ; ile los tumores ado- uoides. An. de otol. y laringol., Alcaic de Ilenares, 1883. i, '27)7--64. -----. Necrose des os du nez ; expulsion de la panic centrale du sphenoidc. Progres med., Par., 1883, xi, 826. — Knrlh (A.) Beliiuderte Nasenathmung uud eitrige MittelobrentziinilaiiLS. Verhandl. d. I'.crl. med. Gesellsch. (1887), 1888, xviii, pt. 2, 272-27!) - Kaum- e^ni-lrn (K.) Kczema introitus narium. Meinatschr. f. Ohrenh.. Berl., 1885, xix, 146. -----. Az orrsiivenv betcg- scLSti. [Diseases of the septum of the nose | Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1886, xxx, 35; 63.—Rerger (IT) Si'hsto- ruug in Folge einer (lurch Trauma cutstaiitlcneu Periosti- tis der Nasenhohle. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1886-7, xvii, 293 — Rri'ti't, Observation de rhino-necrosie ou necrose des eaitilasies de la cloison tin in/.. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vi, 122. — Billroth (T.) Hypertrophia cutis nasi. In his: Chir. Klin.. Wien, ]Sil-6. >'-. P.erl.. 1879, 93, 1 fig.—Bloom (J.) Periodical hvpci a >t lit tic rhinitis. Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila.. Ism;, lv. 68-70. — Bos- NOiv«ki (K.) Choi obv narzclavan (D. B.) The question of hypertrophy of the osseous structure of the turbinated bodies, practically considered. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., NT Y., 1882, iv, 36- 47. Also: Arch. Laryngoi., NT Y., Is82, iii, 211-220. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. . Simple perforating ulcer of septum nasi. Brit. M. ■!., Lond., 18i-8, i, 539.—Jumna (A ) Seiiise Perichondiitis der Nasenscheidewand. Deut- sche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 810. — Kntz ( L.) Eiuige Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Nasen- resp. Naseurachen - Affectionen. Berl. kliu. Wchuschi-., 1885, xxii, 386.—HcmmI. Ueber die1 Bedeutung der Erkran- kung des Nasenrachenraumes. Wieu. med. Presse, 1878 xix, 1610-1613.— Kiesselbacli (W.) E zema introitiis narium. Moiiatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1885, \ix, 36 ::s — Kohls. Die Krankheiten der Nase. Han.lb d Km dei kr. (Gerhardt), Tiibing., 1878. iii, 2. St., 1-43 —1,< llei I- (G.) Affections medieales et chiruigicales du nez, dt s fosses nasales et ties sinus accessoires. EihmI. internat, ile chir. (Ashhurst),. Par., 1886, v, 395-484.-i.eHerts IG. NI.) Diseases and injuries of the nose aud its accessory sinuses. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), X. Y., 1885, v, 359-456.— l.iil>liii>elii (W.) Das sogenannte Ekzem des Naseiieiiiganges. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, ii, 649. Also, Reprint.—.Tie It ride (IT) Erection of the in- ferior turbinated bodies. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Ediub., 1885-6, n. »., v, 77-79.—Mackenzie (G. II.) Disease ol the nostrils. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1880, i, 38.—.Vlaclicir/ir (J. N. ) Some remarks on naso aural catarrh and its rational treatment. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1883-4, x. 70- 73. -----. Some notes on the pathology of intra-uasal in- flammation. Metl. News, Phila.. Iss4, xiv, 370-372. Also, Reprint. -----. Notes on the classification, diagnosis and treatment of the stages of chronic nasal inflammation. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvi, 372-374. Also, Reprint. -----. Nose, neuroses of the. Ref. Handbook M. Sc., 8*, N. Y., 1887, v, 222-242.-----. Xose ; aft'ections of the misal pharynx, aiuemia. Ibid., 206-209. — Mackenzie ( M. ) Lectures on disease's of the nose. Lancet. Lond., 1877, ii, 117; 269; 678 — TIcMhcrry (IL C.) A consideration of the classification of functional neuroses of the throat and nose. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1885, n. 8.. xc, 411-421.— flaisoniieiivi'. Alices de la cloison des fosses nasales. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 59----. Abces de la cloison des losses nasales. Ibid., 1853, xxvi, 124.—Ulas- NOSE. 989 XOSE. i\OM' (Diseases of). »ei (F.) Rinitescrol'olosa ' Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1881-2, i, 49-51.—!VloIaIy (W. IL) Sonic cliuica! remarks upon deflections of the nasal septum, with a presentation of two cases made before the Allegheny County (Pa.) Medical Society. Aled. A- Surg. Reporter, Phila., J883, xlix, 648. Also. Reprint. —I>i*en«- Hion on reflex symptoms in nasal affections. Med. News, I'hila,, 188-, xlviii, 136- 138. — Uiiuainl. Furuncle (lit nez; phlebile des sinus; niort. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. tie Bordeaux, 1875, 81-Sti. — Eaton (IT B ) Hypertrophic catarrh of the anterior nares as a cause of chronic catarrhal de ifness ; illustrated by auto aural ex- periments and a case. Arch. Otol., N. YT. 1880. xv, 186- 101. — Elsbrrj; (L.) Reflex aud other phenomena due to nasal disease. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., NT \T 1883 v, 79-84. Also: Aled. Gaz., NT Y., 1883, x, 415. 'Also) Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1883, iv, 253-255. — Ferrei i (G.) I fenomeni riflessi d'origine nasale e le in.jezioni siittoiniicose di cocaina. Sperimentale, Firenze, ls.sij, lviii, 285-291.— Finnc (G.) Nervosi; Syinptomer paa Gruml at' Sygiloin i Nasen. Norsk Mag. 1. La-gevideu.sk.. Chris- tiania, 1887. t. R., ii, 420-137.—Friiiilicl (B.) Ueber den Ziisaniminliang von Asthma nervosuiu uud Krankheiten der Nase. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 217; 238. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1880-81), 1882, xii, pt. 2, 97-114. -----. Leber die Frage der von der Na- si'iiht'ihle aiisgehendt'ii Retlexiieiirosen. (Jong, period, in- te'in.it.d. se. nied. Compt.-rend. 1881, Copenh., 1886, iv, S'cl, tie laryngol.. 32-43. — I'ltntli (T. It.) The effects of ilis.'.isesof the nasal passu ges on other portions of l he res- piratory tract. N. Vork M..L,1886, xliv, 533-535.—«,Jelle. Choree consecutive a une affection nasale. Compt. rend. Sic. de biol.. Par., 1883,7. s., iv, 677-679.— <,'la*t;ow (W. C.) On certain measures for the relief of congestive head- aches. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1887, N. Y., 1888, ix. 149- 155.—CJotzr (L.) Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Zusutntnen- haug gewisscr Neurosen mit Nasenleideu. Monitschr. f. Ohrenh , Berl., 1884, xviii, 163; 177— Uooiltvillie (I). H.) Hindrance to the respiration by disease iu the nose. Canada AI. Rec, Montreal, 187.1-80, viii, 57-59.— i* rail I e (H.) On ocular symptoms due to nasal disease. Arch. IVose (JUseetses of, Complications and se- quela' of). Ophth., N. Y., 1887, xvi, 391-402— druenin-,- ( K.) R,.fl,.x ocular symptoms in nasal aft'ections. Aled. Kee N Y 1886, xxix, 122-124.—«J ii ye. Nasale reflex-neuroses'lite ratlinr en eigene waaineiningen. Nederl. Tijtlschr. v (}«. iieesk., Amst., 1887, 2. R., xxxiii, 609-622. — Ilae'k (\V ) Retlexneuro.sen uud Nasenleideu. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1882, xix, 379-384. Also, transl: Maryland M. J., Bait 1882-3, ix, 220 ; 247. -----. Ueber Retlexiieiirosen die voii der Nase ausgehen. Tagebl. d. Versamnil. deutsch Na turf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884. lvii, 271-273. — llemlrix (H. F.) The relationship of disease of the eve to those of the nasal passages. St. Louis M. & S. .1.. Ihm;, 1, 20-24 — Ilei-injjlT.) Contribution;! l'etuile des nevroses reflexes par lesions nasales (aphonie spasmodique et spasme ilu larynx). Rev. mens, de laryngol, etc., Par., 1885, v, 616- 6t9- -----• Des nevroses reflexes defenuinees par les af- fections nasales (asthme, spasme larynge, aphonie et dysp. nee spasmodique, aphonie hysterique, migraine, nevr'.- ses, etc.). Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille. du larynx, etc., Par 1886, xii, 45; 89. — Hey man n (P.) Ueber Folgesynip'- tome von Nasenkrankhciteu. Deutsche med Wchnschr Berl., 1886, xii, 486-488. -----. Feber pathologist Zu- stande, die von der Nase ihre Entstehuug fiuden kiinnen Deutsche Aled.-Ztg.. Berl., 1886, vii, 495; 507. (Discus- sion]. 528. — llopinann. Feber Retlexiieiirosen und Naseutunioren. Tagebl. d. Yersainnil. deutsch. Naturf u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885, lviii, 321 -328. — Jaeobi (A.j Some of the effects of nasal polypi in children. N York M. J., 1883, xxxvii, 376. Also: Tr. N. York Obst Sue (1881-5), 1885, iii, iMi-188.—I a i-vie, (W. 0.) Catarrhal af lections of the nasal passages as a cause of pulmonary phthisis, with special reference to the question of heredity NT YToi k M. J., 1885, xiii, 250 ; 290. Also, Reprint,— John. mo ii. Disease of the Schueideiian membrane sprcadim'to the brain. Lancet, Lond., 1839-40, i, 703.—Kjcllmaii (IT W.) Om vissa neurosers sammanhang med sjukliga for- iindringar inom niis-kaviteteii. Ofversigt af hithorande litteratur, jemte nagra egna iakttagelscr. [On certain neuroses produced by changes iu the nasal cavitv.] Hy. gica, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 59-71. — Klein (A.) Fall vou sch werem Asthma in Folge von Nuscnpolvpen ; voll- stiiudige Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1884, xxv,' 704- 766. — Knight (C. H.) Paralysis of the velum pal'ati in acute nasopharyngitis. NT York M. J.. 1880, xliii, 628- 630. Also, Reprint.— I.eiiriiik (H.) Eiu Fall von aus- gebrciteter Eiitziiiidung untl Gangriin des mucasperiosta- len Ueberzuges (ler Nasenbtihle. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. 1870, xxii, 129. —Iiiehlwitz (L.) Des troubles dela voix articulee (parole) dans les affections du voile du palais, de la cavite nasopharyngienne et des fosses nasales. Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Bar., 1886, vi, 16; 57.—I.onguct (It.) La toux nasale. Union m6d., Par., 1884, 3. s., xxxvii, 133-136. — l.nhlin»tki ( W.) Asthma und Nasenleideu. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, vii, 447-451.— Tlcltriilc (P.) Lecture on nasal and nasopharyngeal reflex neu- roses. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 205-207.—iTIacCoy (A. W.) On occlusion of the posterior nares as a result of nasal catarrh. Med. Press eV Circ. Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi. 213-215. Also: AI etl. News, Phila., 1883, xiii, 379- 382.— Tlaekeuzie (G. H.) Nasal disease as a cause of asthma. Edinb. AI. .1., 1882-3, xxviii, 689. -----. Nasal asthma; its causes and treatment, Brit. AI. .L. Loud., 1885, i, 984— Mackenzie (.1. NT) On nasal cough, and the existence of a sensitive reflex area in the nose. Am. .J. M. Sc, I'hila., 1883, n. s., l\x\vi, 106-116. Also, Re- print. Also [Abstr.): Maryland M.-J., Bait,, 1883-4, x, 145-148. Also, Reprint, ---—. Cases of reflex coughdiie to nasal polypi. Tr. M. £ Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait,, 1884, 208-213. Also, Reprint, -----. The pathological nasal re- flex; an historical study. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi. 199- 205. -----. The pathological nasal reflex; an historical study. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1887, NT Y.. 1888, ix, 102-117. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. de lonille, du la- rynx, etc., Par., 1887, xiii, 457-475. —:Ma*iiii (G.) Dei rapporti fra alcune malattie tied naso con alcune malattie degli occhi. Boll, d'ocul., Firenze, 1885-6, viii. 10; 301.— Vlnsini (O.) Dei rapp nti dell'asma con alcune malat- tie del naso. Gazz. d. osp , Milano, 1883, iv, 611; 620 ; 627.— ITIoo*. Drei Fiille vou s cundarer Affection des Fclscn beines iinGefolge von Neubildungen im Nasenrachenrauin, nebst Bemerkungen zur Svmptomatologie und Behand- lung. Anh. f. Auge'ii- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1878, vii, 228- 239.—Moure. l).s nevroses reflexes d'origine nasale MCm. et bull. Sue. de med. ct chir. de Bordeaux (1886), 1887. 621-634. Also: .1. denied, de Bordeaux, 1886-7. xvi. 229-231. -----. Scrofulose des fosses nasales, tie la vodti' palatine et du larynx. Alem. et bull. Soc. dc med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1886). 1887, 635-639. — .11 ill hall (J. C-) .Asthma from nasal disease. St, Louis Cour. Med., 1882. vii, 400-404. — .\ieden (A.) On the connection between diseases of the eye and nose. [Transl. and abridged bv .1. A. Spalding] Arch. Ophth., NT Y., 1883. xvi, 415-133.— Kaluirr ( L. L ) Reflex phenomena from nasal dis eases. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1884. iv, 297-300 — Per- cepieil. Ofcite moyenuepar suito d'iutroductiondeliquide NOSE. 991 NOSE. UTose (Diseases of, Complications and se- tjueUe of). dans la caisse pendant une irrigation nasale. Union med. dc. la Seine Inf. 1886, Rouen, 1887, xxv, 21-26.—Por. ler (W.) Obstruction of the nares a cause of asthma. Arch. Laryngol., NT YT, 1882, lii, 112-117. — Retlii (L.) Ueber ReHexneurosen, bedingt durch Krankheiien der Nase und des Nasenrachenraumes. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 1201 ; 1236; 1268 — Biclia iiUoii (B. W.) Epi- leptiform seizures from post-nasal polypus. Asclepiad, Lond., 1887, iv. 48-50. —Bios Buiz (V.) Relation entre el asma l algunas afecciones de las fosas nasales. Rev. ined. de Chile, Sant, de Chile, 1886-7, xv, 404-413.—Boh- iiiNon (B.) On respiratoi v neuroses of nasal origin (vaso- motor i oiy/a, asthma). Aled. Rec, N. Y., 1880, xxix, 120- 122.— Kolh (\V.) Zur Diagnose und Therapie der mit Nasen krankheit en zusa milieu I langentlen lie llexneu rose n. Wien. ined. Wchnsclir., 1885, xxxv, 481 ; 525. — Knaiilt (A.) Les nevropalhies reflexes d'origine nasale. Oaz. tl. hop., Par., 1887. Ix. 1253-1261. Also, Reprint —Bmnhold (T. F.) On the relation of nasal catarrh and nasal polypi to asthmatic svmptoms. Aich. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882, iii, 118-124 —BumboM (F. AL) The influence of chronic rhinitis ou the meinbrana conjunctiva; illustrated by a case. St. Louis M. ex: S. J.. 1886, li, 270 —Sajon* (('. 'E.) Affections of the throat and nose. Aled. Bull., Pbila., 1882, iv, 226.—Mclineder (AL) Nasenleiilen und ReHexueuro- sen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 357; 376.— Neliiiiiegelow ( E.) Reflexne\ roserues Forhold till Sygiloimiie i Nasen og Svalget, C. r. La relation eutre hs nevroses reflexes ct les maladies du nez et de la gorge. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1885, xvii, no. 27, l-3.(.— Mrhitlithni*eii. Sur un cas de retour de la voix ]ierdue depuis dix ans. moyeiuiaiit la i binost opie. [Rap. dc Els- berg.] Cong, intermit, tie laryngol. 1880, .Milan, 1882, i, 133- 135.—Sehweiai (H.) Reflex symptoms of nasal disease. Med. Rec , NT Y., 1886, xxix, 205.—Seiler (C.) Some re- marks on the pathology of intranasal hvpei trophies. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1881-3), 1884, xi, 110-121. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1881-2, xii, 245-250. [Discussion]. 256. -----. Posterior nasal hypertrophy in situ, together with an ex- ostosis from the vomer. Tr. Path. Sot:. Phila. (1883-5), 1»86, xii, 114. -----. Chronic rhinitis as au etiological factor of acne of the face. Maryland M. J , Bait., 1887, xvii, 503-507. Also: Polyclinic, Phila., 1887-8. v. 141-143. Also: Med. News, Phila,, 1887, li, 4so._Smith (P.) Amaurosis from tumour in the nasal cavity, cured by removal of the tumour. Ophth. Rev.. Loud., 1883, ii. 167- 173.— Moiiinierhioilt (J.) Mittheilung von Heilungen pathologischer Zusl anile, welche (lurch Reflexvorgange von der Nase her bewirkt waren. Bei 1. klin. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 147; 166. Also, Reprint. -----. LTcber Nasen- Reflex-Neurosen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 146; 172.—Terrillon. Kapport des polypes muqueux des fosses nasales avec l'asthme. Progres med., Par., 1885, 2. S., i, 293-295. Also: Medecin prat., Par.. 18S5, vi, 217- 222.— I'host (A.) Leber den Ziisaiuiiieiiliang zwischeu Eikraukungeii der Nase und der Lungen. 1 leutsche.med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 770-772. — 'i'laiittiiaiin ( F. ) Casuistiche Mittheilungen zur Erkraukung del Nase, wobei das Ohr iu Milleiilensohaft gezogen war. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1879-80, xv, 91-95. —Ver in yne (J. J. B.) Disease of the ethmoid, the consequence of chronic catarrh of the nasopharynx ; exophthalmos. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass., 1884. iii, pt, 3, 262- 272. Also: Am. .1. Ophth., St. Louis. 1884-5, i, 129-134.— Virchow (R.) Leber katarrhalische Geschwiire. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. (Iesellsch., 1882-3, xiv, 2. Th., 31-47. Also, trinisl. .- Med. Press efe Circ, Loud., 1883, n. s., xxxv, 312. — White (J. A.) The influence of naso pharyngeal grow tlis. obstructions, and hypertrophies upon the hear ing, with a few cases in point. Virginia M. Mouth., Rich inond, 1884-5, xi, 595-607.— Ziem. Ueber Asymmetric desSchadelsbei Xasenkrankheiten. Alonatschr. f.Ohrenh., UeiL, 1883, xvii, 21; 43; 61; 89. -----. Leber die Ab- hangigkeit der Migriine von Krankheiten der Nasenhohle und der Kieferhdhle. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, lv, 591; 613. \ose (Diseases of, Treatment and instru- ments for). See, also, Douche (Nasal) ; Nose (Exploration of); Nose (Surgery of). Banks (\V. M.) On local applications to the throat aud nostrils. HJ. Lirerpool, 1868. Brbsobx. Trattato (Telle uialattio del naso, della cavit-i orale, della faring', laringe, tra- chea ed esofago. [Transl. by Fasano.] roy. Hu. Roma, Toiino, Napoli, 1888. Fischer (A.) Eg.v iij orresap az oirureg ki- mosasain, s egy uj ptiscsap a holyag kioblitesere. [Irrigator lor nose,] 8'. Budapest, 1879. Garrigou-Dksarrxes. Du catarrhe chro- uique hypertrophique et atrophique des losses I\ose (Diseases of, Treatment and instru- ments for). nasales. Ue l'ozene, obstruction catarrhale des troinpes d'Eustaclie, vegetations adeiioides du pharynx. Traitenient par la galvano-catistiqiie chimique. 8'-'. Paris, 1888. Hack (\Y.) Ueber eine operative Kadieal- Lehaudlung bestinunter Formen vou Migriine, Asthma, Heufieber sowie zahlreicher verwami- ter Eisclieinungcn. Erfahrungen auf dem (L- biete der Nasenkrankheiten. 8°. Wiesbaden 18-84. Adams (A. WT) A consideration of a few of the de- tails iu the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Rocky Mountain M. Rev., Colorado Springs, 1880- 81, i, 3-13.—Ajjnew (O. H ) Note on the use of Salvia officinalis in catarrhal rhinitis. Therap. Gaz, Lelniit, l»s85, 3. s., i, 17.—Antoni (R.) Moditicazioui al rhino- byon. B.ill. d. mal. d. orecchio. d. gola e tl. naso, Finn/e, 1886, ii, 113-115. ----- Ui un nuovo rhinobyou. Ibid., iv, 53-56. — Baber (E. O.) The action of cucaine on the nasal mucous menibrane. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1885, i, 479 — Barton (I.) Terebene in chronic rhinitis. Aled. Ren l'bila.,_1887,i,418. Also: Metl. Bull., Phila., 1887, ix, 169! — B a si will m (II.) Scariticatio narium, peculiari pci-agcnda instrument!!. In his.- Obs. auat., 8 -', Ilahe Magtleb., 17;(l 177-193, 1 pl— Bo<>t>voi'tli (F. H.) The use of caustics in the nasal cavities. NT York AL J., 1888, xlvii, 253-255. Also, Reprint.—Bi-ew;;eii (M.) Zur galvanokaustischen Behandlung hypertrophischer NTisenschleiinhaut. Dent sche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 471; 6)1. -----. Ueber Chromsaure Aetzungen in tier Xascnht'ihlc. Ale.I.. chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1885, xx, 613. Also, transl: Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc, Par., 1885, v, 533-537. ----. Die Anwendung der Chrorusaure in der Nasenhohle. Deut- sche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, i, 65-67. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., AVieu, 1886, xxi, 169; 181. -----. Eiitslehung, Bedeutung uud Behandlung tier Ycrkruinmungen und cal- liisen Verdickungen der Nasenscheidewand. Wien. med. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 237; 274— Bnreli (T. II.) A prac- tical and simple way to make thorough applications ot powder to the post-nasal region. Aled. Rec., N. Y., 1883, xxiv, 53. — ISureliarilI. Kin Spray-Apparat /.ur Behanil- luug von Kikraiikiingen des Nascnracheuraiimes untl der Athmuiigs Orgai.e. Deutsche med. Wclmschr.. Berl., 1878, iv, 606.—t'alli ( G.) Zur Therapie der NasenUrank heiten. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1876, xxi, 234— t'liap- pcll (W. F.) Submucous injections in chronic thi'iat and nasal disease's. Aled. Rec'., X. Y., 1887, xxxii, 535 — I'liiari ( O. ) Ueber die Anwendung ties Cocain bei tier Bi'liandlung der Krankheiten des Rachens, Kehlkopfes uml tier Nase. Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 18*7, xxxvii, 189; 225; 261. — Cohen ( J. S. ) The polyclinic nasal tampon carrier and uasal cotton applicator. Polyclinic, Pbila., 1886-7, iv, 43. — Coomea ( AL F.) New instruments for the, removal of tumors from the nose. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1885-6, vii, 619. — Cozzolino ( V. ) lljodo- forinio nelle malattie del naso e della gola. Movhneuto, Napoli, 1881,2. s., iii, 19-22. Also: Salute: Italia med., Genova. 1881, 2. s., xv, 181. -----. Dell' alcool etilico nelle malattie della mucosa nasale, del cavo liaso-faringeo e lai-ingeo. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1887, vii, 61- 65. —I>aly ( W. H. ) An analysis of the value of the gal- vauo-cautery in the treatment of diseases and growths of the nasopharynx. Tr. Am. AI. Ass., Phila., 1880. xxxi, 653-656. Also, in his: Stenosis of the larynx, etc, 8-*, N. Y., 1880, 8-12.— Bel a van ( D. B. ) On the treatment of atrophic rhinitis bv applications of the. galvauic cur- rent. Tr. Am. Lai vugol. Ass. 1887, NT Y, 1^. ix. 145- 149. Also: NT Y'ork U.J., 1887, xlvi, 458.— BeUfanclie (C.) Demonstration de ses instruments. Cong, internat. d'otol. Compt.-rend. 1884, Bale. 1885, iii, 258-267. Also, transl. [with additions]: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Poly- tech., Peru, 1.885, vii, 171; 197; 229; 243; 275. -----. Presentation d'instriuncnts et d'appareils destines au traitement des maladies de l'oreille et du nez. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. do Belg., Brux., 188.3, 3. s., xix. 209-235. Also ■ Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., I8S.1, xi 269-299. -Di'inoim (A.) Note sur la substitution d'une sonde en gomme clastique ii la sonde de Belloc dans lo tamponnement des fosses nasales, suivie de quelques recherches historiques. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1879 xcvii, 112; 163.—Be Pilbis* (A.) The treatment of acute 'and chronic, rhinitis. Cleveland AL Cay... 1883-7 ii 195-201.— Biille* (01' Doppelball.m in seiner Anwendung als NTisentaiupon uud bei anileim ,'hirure.ischen Operationen. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken in-t Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1876). 1877. -.',3-J.h. - | =•■•■- ham (A. B.) nasal operating. \ nasal cutting-forceps and blc N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 578.—Fasano NOSE. DO 2 NOSH. \o*c (Diseases of, Treatment and instru- ments for). ( A. ) Ultinii progressi terapeutici delle malattie della | gola e del naso. Gior. interna/,, d. sc. med., Napoli, lssl, u. s., iii, 396; 496. — Fraenkel ( B. ) Tbe general thera- peutics of diseases of the nose, nasopharyngeal space, pharynx, and larynx. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y,, 1876. iv, 1-98.—tt»ony.alez (D.) El acido salicilico en el cori/.a ililterico. Cat:, med. catal., Barcel., 1886, ix, 513- 519.—«*nye (A.) Ein neues Riugmesser zum Entfernen der adenoi'deu Geschwiilste aus deiu Nasenracheiiraum. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1885, xv, 167. Also, transl: Arch. Otol., N. YT, 1886, xv, 30.— Hall ( F. de H.) Ou the treatment of sneezing, hay fever, asthma, etc., by the galvano-cautery. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 913. — llait- ■naiiii (A.) Historische Beiuerkuugeu beziiglich der galvanokaustischen Behandlung der Naseuschieimhaut. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 017.—Hender- son ( E. F.) A suggestion in regard to the treatment of hypertrophy of the turbinated processes. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1886, 1, 28-32. — Hcring ( T.) O nowszych sptiso- bach badauia i leczeuia chorob jam nosowych. [ New methods of treatment of diseases of the nose. J Medvcyna, Warszawa, 1880, viii, 65; 81; 97; 113; 129.-----.'Ueber die Anwendung der Chromsaureatzungen bei Krankheiten der Naseuhdhle. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Conipt.-rend. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de laryngol., 3-11. — Hope ( G. B. ) A modification of Ihe Sciudtter snare. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, ,447. — Hop-"' (J-) Tinct. thuia* gegen iible Geriiche iu der Nase. Med. Ztg.. Berl., 18o9, ii, 262.—Jar vis ( W. C. ) Cocaine iu intra nasal surgery. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1881, xxvi, 654- 656.—.lelenefy (Z ) Lj, ldgzitheto orrtiikdr. [Xew, fixetl nose speciiliun.] G\ bgyaszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 54. Also, transl. : Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 519-552. -----. Oirtiikiduinek egy uj alakja. [New pocket nose speculum.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii. 196.—.lotephi. Beschrcibiiug eiuer Zange zu Aiisy.ieliiiiigdei' Nasenpol\ pen. X. Alag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1786. viii. 237-210, 1 pl. — .In-li (G.) Lie Verwendung des ('lu'llmeissels bei F.ikiaiikungeu der Nasenhohle und ebs Nasenrachenraumes. Wien. med. Wchnsclir., 1880, xxx, 816-818. — liatz ( L. ) Eiu Instrument zur Untersiubiiiig ib r Nasenhohle. Bell. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 141—Killian (G.) Einiges iiber adenoide Vegetationen und ihre Operation mit der Hartmann'scheu Curette. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1887, xiii, 542-546.—Itilclien (J. AI. W.) The treatment of acute rhinitis. Al.-d. Rec, NT Y., 1885, xxvii, 572. — Itla- maiiii. Tiistrumente zmn Gebrauch bei der Behantl- liine*- von Nasen- und Rachenkraukheiten. Illust. Moiiat- sehr. d. iir/.tl. Polytcch., Bern, 1882, iv, 3-5. — Knight ( F. I.) On the treatment of posterior hypertrophy of the inferior turbinatetl bonis. Aled. News, Phila., 1882, xl, 6 i-68. —Kran»e (II.) Nascutainpiui 'IT iiger. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. metl. Compt.-rend. 1881, Co- penh., 1880, iv, Sect, de laryngol., 146.— l.an^e (Y.) Ueber Alumiuiiun acetieotartai icum und Aluminium ace- tico glycerinatiim siccuin bei Atl'eetionen thl Nase, ties Nasen-Rachen- Riumes und des Larynx. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., lss.5. xix*, 291-295.—l.ente (F. D.) Treat- ment of nasal disease bv electricity. Metl. Gaz., NT Y., 1882, ix, 471— Tlact'oy (A. W.) The comparative study of some of the methods of treatment best adapted to the relief of occlusion of the posterior nares. Tr. Am. Lar- yngol. Ass. 1887, N. Y., 1888, ix, 213-219. Also: N. York Al. J., 1887, xlvi, 457.—Mackenzie (J. N.' The local use. of the bichloride of mercury iu diseases of the nose and throat. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1882-3, ix, 489-491. Also, Reprint. -----. Some observations on the toxic effects of chronic on tin* nose, throat, and ear. J. Am. AL Ass., Chicago, 1884. iii, 6J1-603. Also, transl: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1884, x, 237-244. -----. An improved self-retaining nasal speculum. Aled. News, Phila,, 1884, xiv, 639. — .Major (G. W.) Cocaine hydro- chlorate in diseases of the nose aud throat. Canada AI. iV S. J., Montreal, 1884-5, xiii, 518-531. -----. An im- proved nasil ecraseur. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1886, n. s., xiii, 188. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1886, ii, 1083. -----. An improved nasal traction snare and ecraseur, a nasal spud or dcuutler. Camilla AI. efe S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 355-359.—?Ia*iicei (P.) Observations sur Its douches nas als d'air couipriuie simples et medieaineiiteiises, d'a- pies la inel hodc tin Dr. Massei. (Jong, internat. de laryn- gol. 1880, Milan, 1882, i, 245-248.— Hallicr (W. W.) The doiii-.be iu treatment of chronic nas il catarrh. Physician .v, Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881, iii, 308. — .Hills (T. W.) Soma mistakes to be avoided in dealing with diseases of ihe nose and throat. Canad. J. AI. Sc, Toronto, 1882, vii, 355-358.— .Tlorelli (K.) Ntliany es/.kdz az orr-, garat-cs gegt'nckhelybeli kozelcsere es miitevesore. [Some new in- struments for local treatment of nose, throat, and larynx.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 1399; 1434—.Tlom-e (E.-J.) & Baratonx (.1.) De l'emploi tin chlorliydrate de cocaine comme anesthesique de la muqueuse du pharyux, du laryux. du nez, et daus le traitement ties affections de ces organes et de l'oreille. Rev. mens, de laryngol.. etc., JVose (Diseases of, Treatment and instru- ments for). Par., 1884. v, 407-413— Mnlliall (J. C.) The galvano- caustic method in nose ami throat. Tr. AI. Ass. Missouri St. Louis. 1884, 42-47. Also: St. Louis ('our. Med., 1884^ xii, 1-6 > eu in a n u (I. F.) Ueber tlie Anwcniliing del Chroinsaure und dei - Galvauocaustik in tier Xase iiuifdein Rachen. bt. Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1886, n. F., iii, 21-24 — Xoqucl. Hypertrophic de la muqueuse des cor- nets inferieurs; cauterisation avec le caulere galvanique lateral de Liewemberg; guerison; presentation da l'lipc- r6e. Bull med. du nord, Lille 1883, xxiii, .183-18.5. —Prior (J.) Das Jodol und sein thcrapeutischcr Weil b bei lub.r- eulosen und andersartigen Erkrankungen des Kchlkoplt'.s und der Nase. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1887 xxxiv 729-733.—I'i'oiit (J. S.) Zaufal's specula. Tr. Ani. Olol' Soc, Bost., 18i5-81, ii, 275-281. aim, Reprint—Baxlelli (A.) Nuovo strumento t hiiurgico per estraiie i turpi estranei dal naso. Raccoglitore med., Forli. 1887. iv, 07- 111, lpl.—KoebertMOii (W.) Drawings, with the descrip- tion of an instrument for extracting polypi from the nose Edinb. AI. efc S. J., 1805, i, 410—Both. ' IT her die Bedeu- tung und Behandlung der Nasenkrankheiten. Wien. med. Bl., 1883, vi, 1505— Bnmbolil (T. F.) A simple mode of cleansing the nasal and pharyngo-nasal passages. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1877, xxxiv, 385-391. Also, lie- print. -----. The importance of making local applications to tho nasal and pharyngo nasal cavities, the pharynx and larynx in measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria and other acute affections, and the means of making these applications. St. Louis M. \ S. J., 1878, xxxiv, 264-272 -----. Patent remedies for nasal catarrh. Ibid., 1885, xlvii, 17-24.—Sa« jon* (C. E.) Glacial acetic acid in nasal hypertrophy. Aled. \- Surg. Reporter, I'hila., 1881, xiv, 721L731. ----'-. Hydiochlorate of cocaine in the treatment of nasal aller- tions. Med. News, I'hila., 1881, xiv, 678-680.—Mrlieeh (P.) Das Cocain untl seine therapeutisehc Vei weiiiliiiig hei tlen Krankheiten des Rachens. der Nase und iles Kehl- kopfes. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1885, xxxii, 771-774.— Schiitz (G.) Zange fiir die Operation der adenoiden Wu- cherungen im Nasenracheiiraum. (Tntr.-Bl. f. chir. n. orthop. Mech., Berl., 1886, ii, 129.—Sell wnnebach (A.) Die Chromsaure als Aetzmittel in der Xase und im Rachen. Sr. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1885, n. F., ii, 410-412.— Schwcijj (II.) A new nasal speculum. N. York M. Mouth.. 1880-7, i, 25.—Seller (C.) A new form of galvauo- cautery battery, and a new instrument for the treatment of nasal hypertrophies. I'hila. AL Times, 1880-81, xi, 749. -----. Surgical treatment of nasal catarrh. Ibid., 1881-2, xii, 1-4. -----. The therapeutic action of the natural mineral springs of Cresson upon the mucous membrane of the imse and throat. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 645.—iMliuili y (E. L.) On the ahuse of local treatment iu nasal ilisoiibrs. Detroit Clinic, 1882, i, 2-4.—Sogliano (S.) Rapporto su la siringa uarico-nasalc, del Cozzoliuo. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1878, xxxii, 211.— Spencer (II. NT) The mechanics of naso-pharyngeal practice. St. Louis Cour. Aled., 1879, ii, 1-9. -----'. A contribution to the mechanics of naso-pharvngeal practice. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc , New Bedford, Alass., 1884, iii, pt. 3. 298- 300. Also : St. Louis Cour. Aled.. 1884, xii, 431-433.—Steele (A.J.) A nasal inhaling tube. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1883, x, 570-572.—von Stein (S.) Das Cocain bei Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenk rank hei leu. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Berl., 18.<>, xi, 131-134.—Slower* (.1. II.) The treatment of vascular hypertrophy of the nose. Brit. AI. J., Loud., 1885, i, 68.—Stuck) (•!. A.) ..v. Brown (O. F.) Chromic acid and tri-chloro acid in the treatment of hypertrophies of the pharyngo-nasal cavities. St. Louis Al. & S. J., 188G, li, 263.—Swa.sey (K. P.) A guarded tenaculum for facilitat- ing the removal of posterior turbinated hypertrophies. Aled. Rec, NT Y., 1887, xxxii. 62.-Swift (W! J.) A nasal speculum. Ibid., 010. — Tlieobalil (S.) Nasal probes. Boston Al & S. J., 1880, cii, .33—I'll ml ich inn (J.L.W.) On a new mode of treating diseases of the cavity of the nose. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 599: 628. Also, in: Beigel (H.) On the inhalation, [etc..I, 8r Bost. [1807], 11-18. -----. On some new methods of treating diseases of the cavities of the nose. Lancet, Loml., 1868, ii, 213; 307; 534.—Tillot (15.) Du catarrhe nasal chrouique et de l'o/.eiie; de leur traitenient par les douches coinbinccs avec la pulverisation. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1879, y, 31; 81.— Verdos (P.) Insuflador liaso-f'aringco, de Miiit. (lac. med. catal., Barcel., 1886, ix, liii.—Warner (L. C.) Improved posterior nares syringe. Aled. lire, NT Y., 1874, ix, 247—Welimer (R.) Ueber Nasenkrankheiten, welche mit Schuupfeu vcrbuuden sind, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Behaudhiug. Deutsche- Aled.-Ztg.. Berl., 1887, viii, 679; 689; 701.— Wlii-llii (W. McN.) General symptoms sometimes produced by nasal sprays of cocaine. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1.S88. i, 243—-Zailia 1 i'l5.) Weitere Mittheilungen iiher die Verwendung des Coealn in der Rhino- und Otolherapie. Prag. ined. Wchuschr., 1885, x, 57-59— Zawerlhal (V.) Sultrattameuto di alcune affezioni che interessano lo spazio uaso-fariugeo. Riv. cliu. di Bologna, 1879, 2 s., ix, 11-15. NOSE. 99,4>) NOSE. IVose (Elephantiasis of). See Nose (Hypertrophy, etc., of). Hose (Exostosis of). eflianlreuil. Exostose celluleuse des fosses nasales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv, 83.—Cohen (J. S.) De struction of an exostosis in the nasal passage by means of the burr of the dental engine. Aled. efc Surg.' Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 30.—C'olle* (W.) Ivory exostosis of the sponsy bones of the nose. Dublin Hosp. (iaz., 1856, iii, 104.—Colli** (AI. II.) Exostosis of vomer: removal by the new operation : immediate relief from the sutt'eringsof years. Dublin <}. J. M. Hi:., 1866, xiii, 334-337.—von (Jnlinzoiv. slty. Exostosis in der Nase, durch eine vei langtrte Tre pan Krone mit Oliick operirt. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1828, xii, 609-622.—llaberniaa> (O.) Elfenbein- Osteom der Nasenhohle. Mitth. a. tl. chir. Klin, zu Tii- bing., 1884, 2. Hft,, 376-380.—Kionliiii (R. U.) Osteom (Exostosis septi narium). Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, 2. Suppl.-Hft., xxi, 95. — Liegom-sl (L.) Exostose epi- physaire cariee occupant toute la fosse nasale gauche, fai- sant une saillie considerable dans le pharynx et deformaut notablement la face ; ablation a. l'aiiie de la resection tem- poraire d'une partie du maxillaire supeiieur; guerison. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1865-6. xxvii, 148-156. [Rap. de Gosselin.] Bull. Acad, de metl., Par., 1864-5, xxx, 45- 51.—Lenoir. Exostose 6hurnee tlaus les fosses nasales. [Discussion. 1 Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1855-6, vi, 468; 471.—I*aul. Exostose elnirnee des fosses nasales, et de l'orbite; extirpation ; gm§rison avec conservation des fonc- tions de I'eeil. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 107- 115.—Bichet. Exostose cartilagineuse de la cloison des fosses nasales ; cas difficile de diagnostic et de traitement. Ecole de med., Par., 1876, iii, 1-3. I¥osc (Exploration of). See, also, Laryngoscope, etc. Baber (E. (J.) A guide to the examination of the nose, with remarks on the diagnosis of dis- cuses of the nasal cavities. 8'; New York, 1886. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1886,. Gibb (G. I).) The laryngoscope in di.seases of the throat; with a chapter on rhinoscopy. A manual for the student aud practitioner. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1868. Haslund(A.) * Rhinoscopien og dens Betyd- ning for Diagnose og Behandling. 8°. Kjcjiben- harn, I8?f>. Ja.mks(P.) Lessons in laryngoscopy ; includ- ing rhinoscopy and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the throat. 12°. London, 1873. -----. The same. Laryngoscopy and rhino- scopy in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the throat and nose. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1885. -----. Thesame. 5. ed. 12°. London, 1888. KuiiN (C. G.) [Pr.] de mechauicis obscuros iuternaruni partium morbos detegendi procsidiis. Pts. i-vii. 4°. Lipsia; 1827,-6. Schmidt (G.) Rinoskopija. Kratkoerukovod. dlja vrachei i studeutov. [Rhinoscopy ; short manual for physicians and students.] 12°. St. Petersburg, 1886. Semklkdkr (F.) Die laryngoscopie und ihre Verwerthuug fiir die iirztliclie Praxis. 8°. Wien, 1863. -----. Rhinoscopy aud laryngoscopy ; their value in practical medicine. Transl. from the German, By E. T. Caswell. 8°. New York, 1866. Voltolini (R.) Die Rhiuoskopie undPharyn- goskopie. 2. Aufl. 8 . Breslau, 1879. Allen (H.) Aids to diagnosis in nasal disease, rroc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1880-81, Phila., 1881, iii, 103-105. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1880-81, xi, 613. Also: Am. Specialist, Phila., 1881, ii, 161.—Baber (E. C.) Remarks on exami- nation of the nose. Med. Times tfc Oaz., Lond., 1884, i, 109-112. -----. Examination of the nasal cavities from the front. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 1152.—Bagiiixky (B.) Dierhinoskopischen Untersuchungs- undOperations- iiiethoden. Samml. Llin. Vortr., Leipz., 1879, No. 160 (Chir., No. 50. 1363-139C). Also, transl.: Sovrem. med., Warsawa, 1879, xx, 307 ; 323 ; 339; 355 ; 371.—Baxt. Leber eiu neues Rhinoscop und ueuen Dvulahaltcr. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 338.—Czcrmiik (J.) Leber die Iuspt kiion des Cavuni pharyngo-nasale und der Nasen- I liohle (lurch Choaneu vcrniittelst kleiner Spiegel. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1859, ix, 518: 1860, x, 257.—Dnuschcr (H.) Beitriige zur Rhiuoskopie. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. | d. Aerzte zu Wien. 1860, xvi, 593-596.—Buplay. Specu- lum nasi. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1868), 1869, 2. s., JVose (Exploration of). ix, 446-448.— Buplay N (Dr.) rhinoscope. Med. Times & Oaz., Loud.. 1809, ii, 696.— KInIhi <; (L.) The forceps ecraseur for removing hypertrophic!! nasal tissue Tr M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1883, 270. - Krich»eii I H. ) Die ('iitcrsiichung der Naseuhdhle von vorn Rhinosko- pia anterior. Metl.-chir. Cor.-Bl. f. deutsch am Aerzte Buffalo, 1883, i, No. 8. 5-8.—Fiseher (A.) Kin neuer Nasenkatheter zurAuswaschung der Xaseiihiihle. Cen- tralbl. f-Cbir., Leipz., 1878. v, 561.—Franltel liaiii (W. J.) Ou au easy method of pos- teiiorihinoscopy. Lancet, Loud., 1883, ii, 142. Also, transl: Bull, de l'arseual med.-chir., Par.. 1883, i, 20— Wul«on (W. S.) Ou rhinoscopy. Specialist, Loud., 1880-81, i, 4; 45. 59. __:—. On some recent improvements in rhino- scopy, andinthe»treatmeutofiiasal polypi. Lancet, Loud., 1884," i, 335.- Werllieim (G.) Die Rhinoscopie des vor- derenunil tuittleien Drittheiles der Nasenhohle nach einer neuen Methode. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1869, xiv, 167. _____Ueber ein Verfahren zum Zwecke der Besiehtigung 63 NOSE. 994 .NOSE. I\o*c (Exploration of). des vordcrcn und mittleren Drittheiles der Nasenhohle. Wien. med. Wchuschr., 1869, xix, 293; 317; 333.—Zauf'al (E.) Leber die Lntersuchung ties Nasenrachenraumes von der Nase aus insbesondere mit ti it hterfdrmigen Spiegcln. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1877, xii, 243-281, T pl. -----. Die Opposition gegen die Cntersuchung des Cavum pha- ryngiiiiasale mit tlen NTisenrachcntrichteru ; Voltolini und "sein" NaseuSpeculuin. Prag. med. Wchuschr., 1878, iii, 21-24. -----. Zu dem Aufsatze Voltoliuis " Zur Rhi- noskopie'. Ibid.. 152. -----. Das mit der Rhinoscopia posterior in der Ruhelage des weichen Gauiueus gewou- neue Bild tlesNasenracheiiiamns. Arch. f.Ohrenh., Leipz., 1880, xvi, 273-275.—Zaulal's trichter or specula. Med. Rec, NT V., 1878. xiv, 59—Zeie» (E.) Beschreibung tines Speculum narium. In his: Beob. u. Erfahr. a. d. Stadt- krankenh. zu Dresden, 8°, 1853, 71, 1 pl. I¥osc (Feeding and medication by). See; aiso. Alimentation (Forced); Insane (Feeding of). Belraii.x (P.) Observations sur les injections nasales medicainciiteuses. J . de metl., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1859, xxviii, 145. — Ilenrielte (I.) Des injections nasales comme moyen d aliaieiiler hs nouveau-nes et de leur ad- niiiiistier des medicaments. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1852-3, xii, 63-100. [Rap. tie Lequiiue], 3-11. [Rail, dt: Cbassaignac ] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1852-3, iii, 500-51U.—.Tloxey (D. A.) Ou the administra- tion of food and mediciue by the nose when they cannot be given by the mouth. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 394; 425. ---—. Feeding by the nose iu attempted suicide by star- vation. I bid., 1872, ii, 444; 489.—Ncl-on (W.) Medicines administered by the nose. Boston M. et S. J-, 1844, xxx, 158-160. Also:' Montreal M. Gaz., 1844-5, i, 61-63.—Phil- liiuore (WT) On feeding the insane through the nostril. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 654.—Baimbert. De l'adminis- tration des medicaments par 1 iutermediaire de la niu- iiuouse des fosses nasales. J. de ined., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., H07. xiv, 17-20. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 457. Also .- Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1868, xxxv, 91-93. — Bumboltl (IT IT) The means of cleaning and applying remedies to the nasal and pharyngo-nasal cavities." St. Louis M. & S. J., 1873, n. s., x, 476-481.— 'I'a» i'iiiot. De la cauterisation des fosses nasales dans les eipl liabiiies chroniipies. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1850, xxiii, 232-235.—Tra ii I iii a ii ■■ (E.) Pulverisateur fiir den Na- senracheuraiim. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1875, ix, 215- 217. — Ze>i^iiioii©qucl. Corps etranger de la fosse nasale gauche ayant provoqu6 line rhiuite fetide. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1887, xxvi, 414- 417.—Parker (R.) Case of gun-breech and bolt removed- from the nose after five years. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1884, iv, 458-460. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1884, n. s., xxxvii, 303. Also : Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 378.—Peck (E. S.) Foreign bodies in the nose and ear, with remarks on NOSE. 995 NOSE. IVose (Foreign bodies in). their removal. "Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1881, xiv, 217-224.- Pingaull. Observation sur un corps etranger extrait de la narine d'un malade Bull. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1852, xx, 74-76. — Poyuar (J. S.) Case of o/.a-na pro- duced by cockle-burin nostril. Nashville J. M. efc S.. 1871, n. s., vii, 76.—Renard. Lettre sur uu pois qui a vegele dims les cavitesdii nez. J.de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1761 xv, 525— Bobinson (B.) Foreign body removed from the nose. Bull. N. York Path. Soc, 1881,2.8., i, 161.— Kobles (J.) Manera facil de sacar alguuos cuerpos estranos de las fosas nasales. Rev. med.-quir. de Mexico, 1883, i, 15.—Su vialles. Sur une concretion formic dans les fosses nasales autour d'un noyau de cerise. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1814-15. iv, 411.—Sinclair (A. W.) Re- moval of a leech from the posterior nares. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 1246.—Starck (I. B.) Verzwering in den neus door eene zonderlinge oorzaak. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1813-4, vi, 143-147.—Stucky (.1. A.) A foreign body in the nasal cavity; removal. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1887, n. s., iii, 137. — Teiuoiii. Des divers proced6s d'extraction des corps etrangers de l'oreille et des fosses nasales. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1887. v, 73-77.— Tiffany (F. B.) Foieign substance in the nose. St. Louis M. .fc S. J., 1879, xxxvii, 494.—Van Bcrpocl (S. O.) A case of foreign body iu the nose ami antrum. N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 441—Walker (T. 0.) A ready method of removing foreign bodies from the anterior" nares. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 565— Ward (G. W.) Pin in posterior nares ; removal. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1876-7, i, 335.—Warren (J. M.) Remarkable case of a breech-pin lodged in the nasal fossa; for a great length of time; fissure of the hard palate; operation; cure. In his: Surg. Obs., 8°, Bost., 1867, 556. Nose (Fracture of). See Nose ( Wounds, etc., of). IVose (Frozen). See Frost-bite. Nose (Gangrene of). See, also, Aneurisms ( Aortic, Complications, etc.. of). Hutch in «ou. Syphilitic phageihcna of the nose in a pregnant woman (six years after the primary disease); want of success by internal treatment; cure by escharo- tics; particulars as to the health of the infant. Med. Times tfc Gaz., Lond.. 1867, ii, 649.—van Loon (M.) Waarneo- ming eener volkonieue versterviug van den neus. als eene scheiding van ziekte. N. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst., 1808, i, 301-316.—Wood (II. C.) Senile gangrene of the nose; death. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 119. Also: West. Lancet, San Fran., 1873-4, ii, 19. IVose (Haemorrhagefrom). See Epistctxis; Nose (Surgery of). Hose (Hypertrophy and elephantiasis of). See, also, Nose (Tumors of). Rose (A.) * Essai sur les tumeurs elites 616- nliantiasi()iu-s du nez. 4°. Montpellier, 1878. Bickersleth (E. R.) Cutaneous hypertrophy of the nose; removal; cure. Mouth. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1854 xix, 124—Clay (C) Case of nasal enlargement suc- cessfully treated. Laucet, Lond., 1841-2, ii, 87.—Clelautl (J) jr. Hypertrophic rhinitis; its relation to childhood. Am. Lancet. Detroit, 1888, n. s., xii, 42-14.—Dairy in pic (J.) On the removal of morbid enlargements ot the inte- guments of the nose. Med. Q. Rev., Lond., 1833-4, 1, 395- 400.—Boubre, (P.) Elephantiasis du nez ; cure radicale par la decortication. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1888, xi, 211 -244. — Ksllander. Elephantiasis nasi. Finska iiik.-siillsk. handl., Helsiugfors, 1872, xiv, 63-65.— Fischer. Elephantiasische Fibromo der Nase. Tagebl. d Versamiul. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte in Bresl., 1874, xlvii 216. — (iineriii (A.) Discussion sur l'eiephantiasis ilu nez. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1876, 2. s., v, 862-871.— <»uibout (E.) Del'elepbantiasisdu nez et de sou traite- ment. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1868 i, 135-140.— IIuliu. Observation d'hvpertiophie considerable du nez. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1849-50, xv, 582-589 -Also: Gaz. d hop Par., 1850,2. s.,ii, 201.—Oilier. Del elephantiasis du nez et de son traitement par la decortication (le cct organe. Ann. Soc, de med. (le Lyon, 1875, 2s., xxin, .43- 370. A Iso: Lyon med., 187G, xxi, 207; 345; 393 ; 426. Also [Alwtr.J: Bull. Acad, denied.. Par., ^'^^f::f^ff Krft~ ^fSsS'dei^o^por^i^e cou esito fclice. Bull. j\ose (Hypertrophy and elephantiasis of). d. sc. med. th Bologna, 1876, 5. s., xxi. 81-89.— Schuster (H.) Elephantiasis der Nase, conibiniit mit plexiforraem Neurom uud allgciiieiuerNeiiiiiiiiatose. Prag med. Wchu- schr.. 1880, v, 201 ; 216; 221. —Klein. Exstirpation af en betydelig Na-sehypertrophie og Pallets Erstatning veil plaslisk Operation. Hosp.-Medd., Kje/benh., 1853, vi, 476- 487.—!>>iyiiie (.1.) Hypertrophv of the nose. Month. J. M. Sc. Lond. efc Edinb., 1852, xv, 276-278.—Wagner. Mon- striise Vergitisserung der Nase. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. iisterr. Staales, Wieu. 1846, lv, 257-270. — Watson (W. S.) A case of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis with spasmodic inspiratory snorting. Med. Press efc Circ, Lond., 1887. u. s., xliv. 347.—Woolen (G. V.) A rare case of hypertro- phy and polypus of the naris. Indiana M. J., Indianap. 1887-8, vi. 121-123. Hose (Larvce and insects in). Sec; also, Frontal sinus (Foreign bodies, etc., in). Audouit (V.) *Des d6sordres produits chez l'hoinuie par les larves de la Lucilia hoiniui- vorux. 4°. Paris, 1864. Gobi (T. J. J.) * Over neusontstekiug veroor- zaakt door de ontwikkeliug van vliegenlarven in zijne bolten. [Groningen.] ft-. Breda, 1876. de Mello de Soi za Brandao e Mexezkz (L.) * Contribuiyoes para a" historia do myosis ou bicheiro das fo.ssas nazaes. 4\ Bio cie Ja- neiro, 1875. Salzmann (J.) & Honold (E. C.) * De venue naribus excusso. Argentorati, 1721. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4T Lausannce, 1757, i, 385-404. Wohlfahrt(J. A.) *Observatio de vennibus per nares excref is. 4°. Halce Magdeb.. [1768]. Audrae. Merkwiirdige Krampfe aus seltnerUrsache. [Anfalle schwanden nach miihevoller Hervorziehuug aus dem rechten Naseuloche eiues lebenden, ganzen, soge- nannten Tausendfiisslers (Julus terrestris) beiden Fiihl- litiinern.] Wchnschr. f. tl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, vi, 207. — «le ii'iiiiiiio-ea (J. II.) Larvas de la mosca de Cayena en las fosas nasales. Lion. m6d.-quir. de la Ha- bana, 1875, i, 268-274. — il'Astros. Observation sur des vers sortis du uoz d'une femme. N. Jour, dc ni6d., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1821, xi, 233-230. — Bergmaun (A.) Eliegeulaiven in der Mutturscheide und der Nasenhohle. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1844, xiii, 175. — Buelianan (W. E.) Deposition of the ova of the fly iu the nasal fossie ; re- covery. Phila. M. Times, 1875-6, vi, 57. —C'areajga (A.) Nuevo caso de myiasis. Gac. med., Mejico, 1886, xxi, 89- 94.—Castelli (G.) Note intorno un caso tli presenza di geoflli nella cavitil nasali dell' uomo. Oior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1884, 3. a., xxxii, 340-352.—Center ( W.) A cast* of peenash. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 38. — Chapuis (-T. ) Affection parasitaire ties losses nasales. Union med., Par., 1870. 3. s., xxii, 659.—Cheat- ham (W.) Worms iu the nose. Louisville M. News, 1879, vii, 294. — Clark (T. N.) Tubercular abscess, opened by "screw-worm". Virginia M. Mouth., Rich- mond, 1879-80, vi, 195-198. — Cochran (E, G.) An un- usual case. Coll. \ the use of tobacco. Med. efe Phil. Com- ment., 2. etl., Lond., 1787, viii, 75-83.— I.ahory (T. C.) On pooiiash, or worms in the nose-. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1855-6, iii, 96-101. Also [Abstr.]: Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, ii. s., v, 249.— l.esbini (C.) De la calliphore anthro- pophagi;, mouche dont les larves out et6 observer's dans les fosses nasales d'une jeuue fille. Acta Acad. nac. de cien. exact., Buenos Aires, 18/8, iii, 60-63. — Liltre. Sur un ver rendu par le nez. [From: List. Aeatl. roy. d. sc. de Par.. 1708.] Rec de mem., Dijon, 1754, ii, 593-595. — liiiblinslii (W.) Ein Pall vou lebenden Pliigenlarveu im menschli- chen Magen, und I'enicrkungen iiber das Vorkommen der- selben in^tlcr Nase des Menschen. Deutsche med. AVchn- schr., Bell., 1885, xi, 771.—liiielt (J. T.) [Three maggots expelled from the nose of a woman.] Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 68.—lijons (li. T.) An account of a disease, of the nose and cranial sinuses, prevalent in the Zillah Rohtuck, in the Punjab. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1862-3, viii, 55-59.—IHaloet. Sur un ver rendu par le nez. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1733.] Collect, acatI. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1784, vii, 218-220 — fllnnkiewiez. Ueber das Vorkommen von Fliegenlar- ven in der Nasenhohle. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, lxiv. 375. — .Tinyne (TT) A case of death by mag- gots. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1875, x, 17.—iTIoheiietlra Nnlh Oluleil.il-. A case of pinash. Ibid.,1881, xvi, 80.— Jloriarty (T. B.) Case of erysipeloid inflammation of nose, the result of irritation set up by maggots in the pos- terior nares. Ibid., 1877, xii, 263. — Nicholson. Case of abscess and ulceration in the nostrils and face, from which maggots were discharged. Madras (j. M. J., 1842, iv, 345-347. —Ortega Reyes (M.) Las larvas de las uioscas en las fosas nasales 6 la, enfermedad llamada myi- asis. Cac. mid, Mexico, 1887, xxii, 3-16. — Paekaril (J. H.) Accidental entrance of a centipede into the nos tail Med. eY. Surg. Reporter, Phija., 1878, xxxix, 100. Also: Tr.Coll. Phys. Phila., 1877-0, 3. s.,iv, 43 — Posaila- Aran^o (A.) Un cas de myase; suivi de quelques re- flexions par Viaud-Graiiil-Marais. .1. tie m6d. de Par., 1884, vii. 260-262. — Prince (A. E.) Maggots in the nares. Med. News. Pbila., 1882, xii, 445. — On in ton (W.) Two cases of larva* iu the human nostril. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1866, Loud., 1868, viii, 529. — Razonx. Ob- servation sur une quantite prodigieuse de vers sortis du ne/.. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1758, ix, 415- .421. — Bourn (JT) La Lucilia hominivora y la afeccion nasal que produce. An. de otol. v laryngol., Alcala de Henares, 1883, i, 276-280. — iCustonijee (B.l Worms in the nose: cured hv turpentine and other injections. [Case. | Tr. M. &. Phys. Soc Bombay, 1860, n. s., vi: 1861, App., pp. xxviii-xxx.—Mchilller. Larva of eristalis tenax (rat-tail fly) removed alive' from the nostril. Phila. M. Times, 1873-4, iv, 340.—Sehmitt (F. A.) A very extra- ordinary case in practice: living worms in the nose of a lady. TexasCour.-R.ee Med., Port Worth, 1883-4, i, 15-19.-----. Auother case of live maggots within the nasal cavity and pharynx. Daniel's Texas M. .T„ Austin, 1887-8, iii,'46.— Souz.a Costa. Breves coiisideraeties sobre a myasis das t'ossas nazaes, seguidas de uma observaoao da mesma mo- lestia. colliida no Rio de Janeiro. Uniao med., Rio de Jan., 18H, i, 212-221.—Mietvarl (W. K.) Case of develop- ment of larva* in the nasal passives. Armv M. Dep. Kep. 1870. Loud. 1872, xii 529. — Mtockctt (T. H.) An account of au headache cured by the discharge of a worm from the nose. Tr Coll. Phys. Phila., 1793, i, 181.—Tom- linson (A. D.) [Peculiar case.1 Cincin. Lancet .V Obs.. 1872, n. s., xv, 30-32. -----. [Maggots traversed the Ku- staihian tube and were picked out of the nostrils and coughed up.] Ibid., 166-177.— I rbauek (F.) Ein Ku- riosum in der praktischen Heilkunde. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 209.— Voltolini. Einiges iiber Parasiten im Ohre und der Nase des Menschen und der hohereu Siiu- gethiere. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1886, xx, 252; 283. i\ose (Medication by). See Nose (Feeding, etc., by). IVose (Mucous membrane of). See, also, Nerve (Olfactory). Hoffmann ( C. K. ) * Onderzoekingen over den anatoinischeu bouw vau de membrana olfac- ^\ose (Mucous membrane of). toria en het peripheri.sclic uiteinde van den ner- vus olfactorius. [Utrecht.] 8°. Amsterdam, 186,6. Hoykr ( H. ) * Do tunicii' mucus:-' narium struct urn. 8°. Berolini, 187)7. Kemy ( C. ) * La membrane muqueuse dos fosses nasales. 4°. Paris, 1878. R up pert (B.) * Do tunica pituitaria, expo- neus ejus auatomiam, physioloi'iain et patholo- giam. sm. 4°. Vetero-Praga; 177)1. iSekbkkg (R.) * Disquisitioncs microscopice de textura membranie pituitariie nasi. 8°. Dorpati Livonorum, 1856. Sidky (M.) * Recherches anatomo-niicrosco- ])iques sur la muqueuse olfactive. 4J. Paris 1877. Arnal (M.) Memoire sur quelipies points de physiolo- gie et tie pathologie de la membrane pituitaire. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1830, vii, 544-565. — Aselieiibrniidt. Ueber deu Einfluss der Nerven auf die Secretion der Na- senschleimhaut. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1885, xix, 65-76.—Blaue (J.) Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Nasenschleimhaut hei Fischeu und Amphibien, nament- lich iiber Eudknospen als Eudapparate des Nervus olfacto- rius. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1884, 231-309, 3 pl.—Bresgen (M.) Dei Circulations-Apparat , in der Nasenschlcinihaut, vom klinischen Standpunktu aus betrachtet. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 588; 609. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wieu, 1885, xx, 553; 565; 577: 1886, xxi, 2.—von Brim (A.) Die Mem- brana limitansolfactoria. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1874, xii, 709. -----. Unteisiichungon iiber das lliechepithel. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1875, xi, 468- 478, 1 pl. — G'hristiiias-DircltiiicU-IIoliiifelil (J.) Experimentelle Undersogelser over Bygningen af regio olfacforia. (C. r. Recherches experimentales sur la struc- ture de la membrane olfactive.) Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1883, xv, no 3, 1-18, 1 tab.—«,'isoli (S.) Zur Kennt- niss der Regio olfactoria. C'enlralbl. f. tl. ined. Wissensch , Berl., 1874, xii, 690.— Dogiel (A.) Ueber die, Driisen der Kegio olfactoria. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1885-6, xxvi, 50-60, 1 pl. — Uoyer (H.) Ueber die mikroskopi- schen Verhaltnisse der Nasenschleimhaut verschiedener Thiere untl ties Menschen. Arch. f. Auat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Metl., Leipz., 1860, 50-71, 1 pl.— Klein (E.) Contributions to the minute anatomy of the nasal mucous membrane, ('iiart. >L Micr. Sc. Lond., 1881, n. s., xxi, 98- 113, 1 pl. —Kohlrnuseh (O.I Leber das Schwellgewebe an den Muscheln tier Nasenschleiinhant. Arch. f. Anat., I'hysiol. u. wissensch. Metl.. I.cipz... 1853, 149, 1 pl.—Tlar- tiii (II. N.) Notes on the structure of the olfactory mucous membrane. JT Anat. efe Physiol.. Lond., 1873-4, viii. 39-44. Also, in: Stud, from Physiol. Lab., Univ. Camb., 1873, pt. 1, 52-57, 1 pl.- .Tl iii ler (E.) Ueber den feineren liau der respiratoiischen Nasenschleimhaut. Verhandl. d. phys.. med. (Iesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1887, n. F. xx 5-7.—Pa sell n- liu (V.) Ueber deu Bau der Schleimhaute der Regio ol- factoria des Frosches. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1873). 1874, 41-50.—Paulsen (E.) 'Leber die Driisen der Nasenschleimhaut, besonders die Bowman'schen Driisen. Anh. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1885-6. xxvi, 307-321, 2 pl.— Kel^.ius (G.) Om epitelet i niembrana olfactoria hos myxine glutinosa. (C. r. Sur ft-pithc-lium de la membrane olfactive de la myxine glutineuse.) Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1879, xi, no. 10, 1-8, 1 tab — Ma ml ma un (G.) Ueber Athemreflexe von der Nasenschleimhaut. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887, 483-491. — 5>iapi»ey. Keeherches sur les glandcs de la pituitaire. Oaz. mud. de Par., 1853, 3. s., viii, 543. — Touriieux (F.) Note sur la muqueuse de la tache olfactive chez l'lionnm-. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., iv, 186.— Weber (E. 11.) De motu vibratorioin membrana mucosa narium hominis conspicuo. In his: Anuot. anat et phvs., prol. v, 4°, Lips., 1838, 3-6. — WinSJ (B. F.) Physiology of the Schneiderian membrane. Mid. Mag., Bost, 1835, iii, 692-695.—Ziem. Ueber die Einwirkiuur aromatischer Substanzen auf die Nasenschleimhaut. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi, 670-672. jUowe (Obstruction of). See Nose (Deformities, etc., of); Nose (dis- eases of, Complications, etc., of). JJTose (Plastic surgery of). See Face; Nose (Surgery of). UTose (Septum of, Abnormities and devia- tion of). See Nose (Deformities, etc., of); Nose (Sur- gery of). NOSE. 997 NOSE. Nose (Surgery of). See; also, Nose (Tumors of). Benedict (T. G. G.) Beitriioe zu den Erfah- rungen iiber die Rhinoplastik nach der deutschen Methode. LJ'-'. Breslau, 1828. -----. Pneniissa sunt collectanea ad histo- riain rhinoplastices Italornm. -1. Vratislaria; W13. dv Bois (J.-B.) *An ciirtii' nares e brac-hio reficiendie ? Proponebat Urhanus de Yande- nesse. [174"2\] In: SniWAin-. Qua'st. med. Paris. 4°. Tiibiiujee, 1789, ii, 230-252. lliiAXD (A. R.) * De septi narium rcstitutione chirurgica. 8-. Halis, [1*4.">]. von Brixcken (F.) * Beitriige znr Rhinoplas- tik nach Erfahrungen gesaininelt in der chirur- gischen Kliuik zu Halle. 8". Halle, [1872]. Bruenxer (E. F. G.) * De cutis trausplanta- tiouibus generatim et de rhinoplastice speciatim. «■-'. Berolini, 187,1). Brciv (G.) A case of rhinoplastic operation, performed for the restoration of the apex of the nose after it had been bitten off. 8°. [New York, 1872.] Also, in: Boston TUT efc S. J., 1874, xc, 53-56. Busctt (G.) Symbolic ad rhinoplasticen. 4 . Bounce, 187,8. Also, transl. in: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859 xvi, 20-38, 2 pl. L'AitiME (J. ('.) Aii account of two successful operations for restoring a lost nose from the in- teguments of the forehead, in the cases of two officers of his majesty's army ; to which are pre- fixed, historical and physiological remarks on the nasal operation ; including descriptions of the Indian and Italian methods. 1 r London, 1816. ------. Tlie same. Leschichte zweier gelun- genen Fiille. wo der Verlusl der Na.se vermittelst der Stiruhaut ersetzt wurde. Aus dem Eng- lisehen iibertragen von IL S. Michaelis, nebst einer Vorrede voni Ritter Carl Graefe. 4 . Ber- lin, 1817. ChometLT.-A.-II.) * Dissertation sur la rhino- plastic. 4 . I'aris, W'A2. Ci.ementi (L.) Storia di rinoplastica eon nuove modificazioni dell' atto operativo ed osser- vazioni teorico-pratiche intorno alio stesso. 8--'. [Venezia, 1841).] Itepr. from : Memor. d. med. coutemp., Venezia, 1840, iv. Da vies (J.) Case where an operation for restoring a lost nose was successfully performed. fe-'. London, W25. Diefeexh.h it (J. F.) Surgical observations on the restoration of the nose and on the re- moval of polypi and other tumours from the nostrils. From tin* German, with the history and physiology of rhinoplastic operations, notes, and additional cases, by John .Stevenson Buch- u;in. 8 . London, W33. Dippe (A.) * De nova via rhinoplastices. 8.-. Halis, 1843. Dosi\.;(R.) * Ueber Rhinoplastik. 8°. IViirz- burg, W83. Droop (L. H.) * De usu labii snperioris in rhinoplastice. rt . Halis, [Wll], Emerich ( H. ) * Ueber Rhinoplastik. 8°. Erlangen, 18'A[). Kykkich (Ci.) * Ueber Rhinoplastik. Wurzburg, W77. Fi:i:tLEK(A.) *Conformationis nasi osteoplas- tics diioruin speeiminum notabiliuni descriptio. 8-. Berolini, [W64]. vox Giiaei'e (C. F.) Rhinoplastik, oder die Kunst, den Verlust der Xase organiseh zu er- setzen, in ihren friiheren Verhiiltuissen erfnrscht. nnd (lurch neue Yerfahriingswiisen znr hohereu Vollkommenheit gefordert. 4°. Berlin, WW. I Aose (Surgery of). ------. Thesame. De rhinoplastice, sive arte eurtuni nasum ad vivum restituendi commen- tatio quapiisea illins ratio iterum experinientis illustratur, novisque methodis ad niajorem per- fectioneni perdueitur. Lafinc edidit Justus Fri- dericus Carolus 1 lei ker. 4°. Berolini, 181s. Hamilton (J.) The restoration of a lost nose by operation; exemplified in a scries of eases. 8r London, 1864. Haitsi.eutxek (R.) *De rhinoplastice. Ae- eedit tabula, B. Langenbeck nasi curti reliciendi niethodum explanans. k->. Berolini, 187,1. vax Heekeuex (A. J.) * l)ee correetionibus nasi restituti. 1'2°. Deir/ial, WA6. Kri)LlCH(IL) * Fine neue Methode der Rhiuo- plastik. 8'r Ziirich, W7,:\. _ Lindner. (L. II.) *De septi narium restitu- tione chirurgica. 4 . Lipsia; [1844]. Luetkemuei.ler (A.) * Rhinoplastices ex- empla duo. r*''. (iryjilna; 187)4. Ma(iuix (M.-P.) *'l)e hi rhinoplastie par me- thode franeaise. 4 . Nancy, ]ss:i. Mender (A.) * De operatione rhinoplastica. 8-;. Berolini, [1864]. Moire (E.-J.) Manuel pratique des maladies des fosses nasales et de la cavite naso-pharyn- gienne. \2C. I'aris, 1886. Xaskmaxx (J. A. F.) * (,>u;istiones de rhino- plastice. SJ. Halis Sax., W19. Paitl (A) * Beitrag zur Rhinoplastik. *■-', JVurzburg, 1884. Pierre (S.) * De ranaplastic, faciale, et de la rhinoplastie en particulier. 4 . I'aris, 187,]. Piette (E.) * Histoire et description de la rhinoplastique. 4°. Liege, [WAl]. Roitsset (P.-A.) * These sur la rhinoplastie. 4'-'. Paris, W28. Sai.beko (G.) * Beitrag zur partiellcn Rhino- plastik. [Wurtzburg.] 8J. Bendnitz-Leipzig, [W87 1] Sciiai-'eranek (F. G.) * De rliinoplast ice. Mr Vratislaria; W47. .Schmidt (C. A.) * Ueber partielle Rhinoplas- tik nach B. v. Langenbeck. 8°. Greifswald, 1869. de Schoenbekg (A.) Sulla restituzioue del naso. 4". Ntt/nili, 18 Id. Schultz (G.) * Qiuedam ad rhinoplasticen. 12°. [Dorpat], W36. Stahl (G. E.) [Pr.] de scarificatione narium iBgyptiaea. 4°. [ Halce Magdeb., 1701.] Stefeex (P.) * Leber die Verwerthnng der Reverdin'schen Transplantation fur Rhinoplas- tik. S1-'. Creifswald, W84. Szymaxowski (J.) 'Adnotationes ad rhino- plasticen. ^ • [Dorpat], 187,7. 'Lax (C.) * De septi narium restitutioue. 4-. Berolini, [1836]. Terrada (P.) * De la perte dn nez et des moyens d'y reined ier. 4°. Paris, W33. Thelen'(<>.) Leber Rhinoplastik. 8-. Coin, W76. Uiii.axd CC.) * Ueber anapla-tisehe Opera- tionen iibeihaupt, nnd Khinoplastik insbeson- dere, nebst einem gelungenen Fiille derselben. 8-. Tubingen, W'38. 1>E Vaxdenesse (11.) *An curta* nares e bra- chio reficiendie? Prieses J. B. du Bois. In: Siowakt. Qua*st. uied. Paris. 4°. Tubingce. 1.80. ii, 230-252. Weber (M. I.) Insnnt symbohe ad rhinoplas- ticen, auetore Guil. Busch. 4-T Bounce, W7>8. NOSE. 998 NOSE. \ose (Surgery of). Weltz (G. F.) * Ueber die Rhinoplastik. 8 . IViirzburg, 184:?. AHauiM (WT) Operation for lateral displacement of the nasal bones. Med. Bull., Pbila., 1880, viii, 208.—Allel- uia mil (fc Clin. Rec, Phila., 188,3, iv, ].— Colli* (M.) A case in which a nose was supplied Kdinb. M. efe S. J., 1831, xxxvi, 62-66, 1 pl— Costello. Paper on the formation of artificial noses. Lancet, Loud., 183f-2, i. 699-702.—Cousins (J. W.) Rhinoplaslic opera- tion after complete destruction of the nose. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1884, ii, 1185.—Cozzolino (V.) Deviazioni dei setto nasale, delle ossa e cartilagini nasali; loro trattii- mento dal punto di vista medico e della simnietria del viso. (Oitorinia.) Morgagni, Napoli, 1880, xxviii, 145- 160.—Cripps (H.) Case of fetid discharge IT om nose, treated hy a new operation. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 043 — Cnrlis (H. H.) A new post-nasal cutting forceps: with illustrative, case of adenoid tumor. Med. Rec, NT V., 1885, xxviii, 446. -----. The nasal trephine and its ad- vantages; with a consideration of batteiies aun cle-t ti ical apparatus used in nasal surgcrv. NT Vork M. J.. lss7, xiv, 596-598. Also, Reprint.— WAmbrosio (A.) Kino- plastia. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur.. Napoli, 1877, n. s., ii, 58. -----. Delia rinoplastia totale. Movimento, Napoli, 1877, ix. 1 ; 17.—Bel per h (J.) Observation d'opeiation de rhinoplastique, pratiqu6e avec succes. Rev. ni6d. fian^. et etrang., Par., 1824, ii, 182-190. Also, transl.: Lancet 1823-4, 3. ed., Lond., 1826, ii, 449-453.-----. Ohservations et reflexions sur l'operation de la rhinoplastique. In Ins: Chir. clin. de Montpel.. 4r Par., 1828. ii, 221 ; 616. 8 pl.— Demarquais. Operation de la rhinoplastic; priittili nouveau. Gaz. d. hop., I'ar., 1840, 2. s . ii. 73.—Demar- quay. Quelques considerations sur la rhinoplastie, a propos de la restauration d'une aile du nez a 1 aide d'un lanibeau emprunte a la joue, et la resection dc la cloison. Union med., Par., 1855, ix, 253.—Demi-1 (T.) Zur Rhi- noplastik. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1803, iv, 407. — Urinous (A.) Nouveau proeed6 pour la restauration de la sous- cloison des fosses nasales. Bull, et nieni. Soc de chir. de Par., 1881, n. s., vii, 300— Dc Mi mone (F.) Epitelioma del naso ; rinoplastia : guarigione. P'.co d. osp., Napoli, 1883, i, 120-135.— Bespi-is. Rhinoplastie pour une perte totale du nez. Bull, et mem. Soc. ile chir. de Par., 1877, iii, 335-337.— D'Kvanl (IT) Due casi di rinotoniia per sarcomi delle fosse nasali. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Na poli, 1887, xii. 422-439.—Oieflenbncli (J." F.) Leber eine neue und leichte Art der Wiederherstelluug der eingefallenen Nasen aus den Triimmern der alten. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1829, xxviii, 105-110. -----. Me moire et observations sur la restauration du'nez. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med.. Par., 1831, xxxix, 162-185 -----. Nouvelles considerations pratiques et observa- tions sur la restauration du nez. Ibid., 255: xl, 25; 254. -----. Heilung der Schief heit der Nase durch subcutane Knorpeldurchschneidiing. Wclmschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1841, ix, 617.—Bol bean & Felizel ((h) Rhino- plastie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1876, 3. s., iv, 341-382— Donaldson (F.) Personal observations of the value of cocaine in nose and throat surgery. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1885, lxxxvii, 182-190. Also, Reprint. — Doiibo™ ilsky. Observation d'une rhino- plastie pratiquee par . . . Gaz. med. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 748 — Douglas (J.) Case of rhinoplastic operation. Lond. M. Oaz., 1836. xviii, 368. — Dnhrneil (A. ) Rhi- noplastie. (Jaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1881, iii. 349.—Bukc (O. T.) Case of ablation of the nose and NOSE. 999 XOSE. Xose (Surgery of). partial union alter replacing the piece. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 12. —von Bnmreielier. Rhino- plastik nach Exstirpul ion eines Kpithelial-Ki ebses. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1851, i, 100. -----. Mangel ilei knorpeli- gen Nasi-; Frsetzung des Substanzverlustcs ilurch einen dem linken Oberarnie entlehnten Hantlappen. Wchnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1H62, xviii, 411. -----. Operation tier Rhimiplast ik mit giiiistigem Eri'olge. Ibid., 1863, xix. 382-384.- I. tl {jl isch (J.) Zur 'Tampo- nade del' Niisenhtihlc. Wien. med. Presse. 1875, xvi, 449; 510; 542; 577; 703; 726; 890 —Eriebsen (J.) Success- ful rhinoplastic operation. Lancet, Loud., 1852, i, 480. -----. Rhinoplasty; successful result. Ibid., 1853, i, 407.— Krwin (B. WT) Rhinoplastic operation. Med. Rec, NT V., 1881, xix, 172. Also, transl.: Repert. med., N. Y., 1883, i, 230-232.— I al.ii/i (P.) Operation hen- reuse de rhinoplastie dailies la methode italicimc, et con- siderations pratiques sur cette methode. Ga/,. d. hop., Bar., 1841, 2. s„ iii, 479; 4S5. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: (Jazz! ined., Milano, 1812, i, 23-25. — Farnham (A. li.) Two principles which should determine when to operate in the nasal passages. NT Vork M. ,L, 1880, xliv, 6.-----. A uasal cut ting-forceps and bloodless nasal operating. Ibid., 1887, xiv, 578. Also, Reprint (of the two preced- ing!. — Cerjjusson. Case of reparation of the. nose. Kdinb. M. ,fc S. ,L, 1835, xliii, 363, 3 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Rhinoplastic operation. Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 419. — Ferrel. Meningite tuberculeuse consecutive ii uu simple debridement du canal nasal chez un sujet scrofu- leux. l'rogies med.. Par., 1887, 2. s., vi, 268.— Fitzger- ald (P. (J.) Case of rhinoplasty. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1870, ii, 1-3.—Fowler (('. NT) Rhinoplasty. Toledo M. &. S. J., 18,0, iii, 23. — Fri< he. Wiedeivrsatz des knorpeligen The-ils eines ganzlich zerstdrten Septum na- rium iiusder < Ibeilipp,'. .1. el. ('hie u. Augenh., Berl., 1834, xxii, 456-463, 1 pl. —Frilsrhe ( M. A.) I lie prophylad ische resp. aseptische Naseiitamponaile zur Nat lilnhanillung bei Galvanokauteroperationen. Therap. Monatsh. Berl. 1887, i, 30-1-302. — ii-.ty (G. W.) Rhinoplasty. Metl. *c Surg. Rep. Bust. Cily Hosp., 1882, 3. s., 202'. — Cielle. Otitt- suppuree a la suite tin tampounement des fosses na- sales dans I'cpisiaxis. Bull. Sue. tie ined. prat, de Par. (18821, 18,-3, 40-43. — ef^eollroy-Nainl-llilaire. Bap- port sur uu memoire tie M. lc docteur Lisfranc. Traitant ile la rhinoplastie. J. compl. du diet. tl. se. ined.. Bar., 1828, xxx, 12-19. — dirorge (S.) Gangrene of nose from use of arsenical paste; .successful i hiuoplastic operation. Brit. M. J., Loml., 18.-3. ii, 010. — ii las-jow (W. C.) On rectification of deflect ion of t he nasal septum. 'IT'. Am. Laryngol. Ass., NT V., 1881, iii, 117-123. Also: Arch. Laryngol.. N. V., 1882. iii, 20-23.—*i leitsmann (J. W.) A new cautery-snare for removal of posterior hypertro- phies of the tin hinated bones. Med. Rec, N. YT, 1888, xxxiii, 315.—(^oilrii'li (A.) An improved means of plug- ging the poslerioi nares. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1873, i, 400.— Qoodwillie (D. H.) Nasal intubation. NT York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 123— eteioltstein (J.) Dietemporiire trockene Tamponade der Nase. untl Heir Prof. Volkmann. Berl. klin. Wchnsclir., 1882, xix, 556.—«ral"e (10.) Zwey Fiille von Naseneisntz aus tier Arm- und Slirnhaut. Aled.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1817, iv, 269-271. -----. Beitrag zur Rhino- plastik. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Bill., 1820. xiii, 153-155, 1 pl.— Creenhow. Restoration of the nose. Newcastle & Gateshead Path. Sue. Communical., Lond., 1852-3, 1-4. Also: Med. Times \. Oaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 22.— ■lack (W.) Retlexiieiirosen und Nasenleideu ; rhino- rliirurgische Beitriige. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 370-384.-----. Nieiie Beitriige zur Rhinochiruigie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1882. xxxii, 1445; 1476; 1509; 1883, xxxiii, 93; 128; 184; 218; 278; 307; 348; 405; 438. -----. Beihiige zur Exstirpation tier nasalen Scliwcllapparate. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1884, x, 435 ; 508. — Ham- ilton (J.) Relation of a case of formation yf a new nose; with some remarks. Dublin (j,. J. M. Sc., 185i, xxiv, 115- 120, 1 pl. -----. Formation of a new nose. Ibid.. 1858, xxv, 303-309. -----. Amputation of the nose. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., i860, n. s.. vii. 07. -----. Tbe restoration of a lost nose; ii series of cases. Dubliu Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiv, 253-265. — Hamilton (J. B.) Rhinoplasty; In- dian method. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18»7, ix, 752 — Hamilton (TT Iv.) Poll ions of hone removed from Ihe interior of the nose by Rouge's operation. Australas. M. Oeiz., Sydney, ,1885-6,'v, 120. — llarilie (J.) Onanewrhi- iioplast'ic operation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 393.— llarliiinnn (A.) Pari it-lie Resection der Nasenscheide- wand bei huchgradigcr Vcrkn'mimimg derselben. Deut- sche med. Wchuschr., Berl., 1882, viii. 691. — Ilaynes (F. L.) An easy method of plugging the posterior nares. The- rap. (iaz.. Detroit, 1886,3. s..ii,538.—iieilinser (A.) Ue- ber Rhinochiruigie. Med. Cor.-Bl. (I. will-tteinb. arztl. V er., Stuttg.. 1886, lvi, 249; 257; 265— III iileni eieh (F. W.) , Fall einer Operation der Rhinoplastik. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh, Berl., 1838, xxvii, 525-531.----- Ersatz einer ganzen Nase aus der Stirnhaut. Med. Cor.-Bl. buyer. Aeiz-e, Erlang., 1846. vii, 173-176.-von Herll. Beitrag zur Rhinoplastik. Med. Ann., lleitlelb, 1848 xn. 408- 416.—Hensser. Rhinoplastik. Schweiz. Ztschr. 1. Mcil., IVose (Surgery of). Chir. u. Geburtsh., ziirich. 1852, viii 470-474 — llevfel. •ler (J. F.) Rhinoplastik. Deutsche Klinik, Berl..'185:'. v, 5m4. — lleylrliler M>.) Bildung tines neuen S.-i.tiini nasi. Il,ul.. 1850, ii, 440. —Ileylen (J.-B..1.) Deviation et longueur trop considerable ilu cartilage de la cloison du nez ; resection d'une partie du cartilage ; disparition de ladiltornute. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1847, iv. 21-23. -----. Operations tie rhinoplastie.: nouvelle'methode. [Rap. de Leva.] Ibid., 1854. xi. 425 458— Hermann. Peber Oorrektion der Nasensrh, iilewantl. Berl. klin. \\ chnschr., 1886. xxiii. 829.—Ilopne. Oeradrichtuu" der .schiefen Nase. Med. Ztg.. Bei 1., 18.58 n. F i 101 — Hurler (C.) Zur Rhinoplastik. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr. 1869. vi, 5-8.—Iliilrliiii-eoii (A. ('.) Case in which the nasal operation has been recentlv pei formed. Edinb M. ,fc S. J., 1818, xiv, 344.—Israel (.1.) Line Methode zur Wiederaul'richtung lingisiiiikener Nasen. Verhandl. (1. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1887, xvi, pt. 2, 85- 89, 1 pl.—larvis (W. C.) Removal of hypertrophied turbinated tissues by ecrasenient with the cold wire. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882. iii. 105-111. Also, Reprint. -----. A new operation for the removal of the deviated septum in nasal catarrh. Tr. Am. Larvngol. Ass., NT Y., 1882, iv, 69-77. Also: Arch. Larvngol., NT V., 1882. iii! 800-306. ---,—. Cocaine in intranasal surgery. Metl! Rec, NT V, 1881, xxvi, 654-656. -----. A novel system of operating for the correction of the dellectcil septum by means of an elect rie motor, nasal diills, and au original spray-producing device, with illustrative cases. Ibid., 1887, xxxi, 408-410. Also, Reprint.—Joherl. Rhino- plastie partielle de l'aile gauche du nez. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 330 — Johnson (.1. (J.) C.....p.Yte occlu- sion of ahe nasi, a scipiela of continent small pox ; opera- tion. Am. M. 'limes. N. V.. 180(1. i. 109.- .Insti (G.) lntlikationen uml Anwendung des schaifen Liillels bei Geschwiilsteii der Nasenhohlo untl des Nasi in achi-ii- raumes. Wien. ined. Wchnschr., 1880. xxx. lo) 1-1048.— Keith (W.) A case of restoration of a lost, nose, with some suggest ions calculated to rentier the results of the rhinoplastic operation more satisfactory. Lund. A Etlinb. Month. J. M. Sc.. 1844, iv, 112-115, 1 pl. Kilehen (.1. M. W.) The intranasal plug. Med. Rec, NT V . 1888, xxxiii, 13.—von Klein. Ausrottung •. in.-r nngiwdlin- lich grossen Nase. N. .lahrb. d. teutsih. Me il u. Chir Elberfeld, 1822, v. 1. St., 1-6. 2 pl.-----. l'eber Rhino. plastik. lleitlelb. klin. Ann., 1826, ii. 103-107.—Klose (C. W.) &. Paul (.1.) Fine totale. Rhiimiilastik. Ztscbr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1852, iii, 55.—Koehler iL) Rhino- plastice. Zdanie . . . rocznvch. w otltlz. e hii Szpit. Sta- rozak. w Warszawie (1833), 1834, pt. 1, 42.- lionig. Line neue Met bode tier Auf rich tung tiiigesiinkcner Xuscii durch Ri'ultiiig des Nasi'iiriickens aus einein Haut-Bei iost-Kno- chenlappen tier Stirn. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1886, xv. pt. 2, 41-48. 1 pl. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886-7. xxxiv, 165-172, 1 pl. — Konigs- felil. Niiseii-Bihluiig mil gespaltenen Lappen. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. 'Aerzte. Kiiln, 1849, iii, 834-880.— Krie<;. Resection tier Cartilago tpiadrangulai is se]iti narium zur Heilung der Scoliosis septi. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg.. 1880, lvi, 201; 200, 1 pl.— Kiiehenmfister i IT) Nlein Rliincurynter und b. Pseu- iloparasiten. Bei ichtigiing untl Zusiit/.e zu No. 25 der 'Berliner klinisc hen Wocheuscln ift" 1871. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1871, xvii, 537: 557; 569; 585— Kiielller (H.) Rhinoplastik. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1865, xvii, 451-451 —I.abat (L.) De la rhinoplas- tie. Ann. de la med. physieil., Par., 1882. xxii. 626; 1833, xxiii, 71 ; 225; 319; 440. —'■---. De la rhinoplastie; lorstpi'il f'aut subvenir a l'ablation, ou a la destruction ulcerative du lobe nasal. Ibid., xxiv. 330-361. -----. De la rhino- plastic lorstpi'il s'agit de rttablir uue ties parois laterales du nez. iii id., 500-523. -----. Dc la rhinoplastic et de la rhinoraphie soit dans les cas d'absouee congeniale, ou d'enlevement accident el de la partie (loi sale du nez ; soit lorsqu'il s'agit tie remedier a reufoncemeut du dos de cet organe, au defaut tie soudure de ses deux parois lateralcs, et quelquefois enfin a sa division transversale. I hid., 019- 679. -----. De la rhinoplastie; lorstpi'il taut re faire une des ailes du uez. Ibid., 800-820. -----. De la rhinoplas- tie dans Its cas d'absence congeniale on accideutelle de la cloison ilu nez et lors de son dcveloppeiuent incomplet. Ibid., 1834, xxv. 40; 225. — I.a Ferte (D.l A successful case of rhinoplasty. Med. Age, Detroit, 1887, v, 193-195.— I,audi (IT) Di una rinoplastiea con il metodo iniliano per lesioni d'arme da fuoco. Riv. din. di Bologna 1808 vii, 1-12, 1 pl.- I.anj;i- (V.) On the use of the galv.iiio caustic method in nose and pharynx. Tr. Intern et. M Cong., 7. sess., Lond.. 1881, iii, 270. — I.an^enbeelt il! i Lebereine neue Methode der totaled Rhinoplastik. Berl. klin. Wchnsclir., 1864,'i, 13.—I.e Bee. Rhinoplastie par transplantation d'un lambeau cutane empruntt a l'avant- bras. Gaz. il. hop.. Par., 1880, lix, 832.—van lX)SE 1 002 NOSE. \o*C* (Surgery of). k. allg. Krankeuh. zu Wien (1881), 1882, 235. ------. SthiefsIandderNa.se in Folge eines in der Kindheit ac- ipiiriileii I'ruchesdcs Nasenscheidewauilknorpel ; Gerail- rit htuiig nach Excision tier vorspi inui ndcu Knorpelpar- t itii. I bid. (1885), 1880, 227.— Weir ( R. F. ) Ou the relief of the if torniitv of a broken nose, by some new methods. Tr. M. Soc. NT V., Syracuse. 1880, 27:!-282. Also: Med. Rec, NT Y., 1880, xvii,' 279-282. — Wilkerson (T. B.) Bony occlusion of both posterior nares; peiforation of the septum with the revolving curved trocar: success- ful. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1882, ix, 305-308.— Woakes (E.) Cotton-wool as a vehicle for medicating the nasal region. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i. 870—Wood (.J.) Clinical lecture on rhinoplasty. Med. Times efc Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, 711-713. -----. Secondary rhinoplastie operation. Ibid , 1869, ii, 413. ------. Total loss of nose through disease; rhinoplasty by a new method; success- ful result, Lancet, Lond., 187(1, i, 301. ------. Rhinoplas- tic operation. Med. Times i« uml Therapie der Naseusypbilis. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat."u. Syph., Wien, 18,7. iv. 48, 1 pl. : 1878, v, 211—Neiiller. Knochenfrass tier Stirn-und Nasenheine als \\ iilnsclieiu- liche Folge einer vor 16 Jahren bostanileiien Syphilis. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1889, viii, 200— Tom.-ishevsUi (s'j Rhinitis interslitialis chronicasypliilitica. Voyt lino-iued >L, St Petersb., 1883, cxlvi, pt.' 3. 45-82, 1 pl—Watson (W. S.) A case of obstruct ion to the lachrymal jiassages, with ozaeua, due to 1he s\ philitic rhinitis. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud.. 1878, i, 58.—'Wcinlechiier. Von Lues her- riihreiidtr Defect des rechten Nasentfiigels; partielle Rhinoplastik durch einen Stirnlappen ; Heilung. Per. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolpli-Siltung in Wien (1881), 1882, 409. — y.iialif. Ein venerisches Nasengeschwiir. Ta- scbeub. f. deutsche Wundiirzte. Altenb., 1790, 127-131. UTose (Tuberculosis of). Cartaz (A.) De la tuberculose. nasale. France nied. Par., 1887, ii, 1007; 1020; 1033; 1044. Also, Reprint.- Felici (F.) Fsito raro della rinite crouica scrol'tilusa. Poll. tl. mal. d. treccbio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1887 v, 121-126.—I'olter (F. li.)' Tuberculosis of the nose! mouth, and pharynx. Buffalo M. i S. J., 1887-8, xxvii, 295-302. — Itiedel (15.) Die Tuberculose del Nasenscheide- wand. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1878, x, 56-58.— . Bai'dkimont (fi.) * De la mdthode nasale dans lc. traitement des polypes nasopharyngitis. 4°. Paris, 1SI59. Bkapssknat (S.) * Des tumeurs sanguines ct pnrnlentes dc hi cloison des fosses nasales. 4 T Paris, 1864. Li'.i.OT (J.) * Ess;ii sur une operation de polype n.-iso-pliaiyngien par la ligature exteui- poranee. 4 . Montpellier, 1876. Bknscii (H.) * Beitrage zur Beurtheilung der chirurgischen Behandlung der Nasenrachenpoly- pen. 8U. Berlin, 1877. NOSE. 1003 NOSE. Wose (Tumors of). Berton (C.) * Contribution a Letude histo- lnoique des polypes muqueux des fosses nasales. 4°. Paris, IHH7. Beuf (J.-H.) * Des polypes fibreux de la base du crane (dits naso-pharyngiens), et de leur traitenient par la resection de la vofite palatine. 4°. Paris, 1857. Blumenthal (E.) * Ueber die Schleimge- schwiilste des Clivus Blumenbachii. 8-. Got- tingen, 186,9. Bceddicker (J.) * Do polypis narium. 8 . Berolini, 1844. Bkaun (.S.) * De polypo narium aquoso. 4 \ Tubingce, 1688. DE Brettes (H.-.L-B.) * II. Les symptomes et le traitenient des polypes fibreux des fosses nasales et du pharynx. III. [etc.] 4-T I'aris, WW. Brevet (F.) * Des polypes naso-pharyngiens. 4C. Paris, 187,7). Bkusle (H.) * De la guerison de certains polypes naso-pharyngiens par les me'thodes pal- liatives et lentes. 4°. Paris, W79. Caligxox (E.) * De l'extirpation des poly- pes naso-pharyngiens sans operation pr&ilable. 4J. Lyon, 1879. CORNEVIN (F.-I.) * Des polypes des fosses nasales et de leur traiteinent. 4 . Paris, 1835. Dalex (C.) * De narium polypo. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1790. Debrie (E.) * Des polypes tibro-angiomatenx de la region naso-pharyngienne. 4 . I'aris, 1882. Degail (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des polypes fibio-iniiqui'iix de Larriere-cavit6 des tosses nasales^ 4'. Paris, 1887). Delacx (E.) 'Contribution a l'etude des sarcoines des fosses nasales. 4°. Amiens, 1.883. Delort (P.-O.) * Considerations sur les ope- rations que neeessitent les polypes naso-pharyn- giens. 4J. Strasbourg, W63. Dei.phy (P.) * Quelques considerations snr les polypes naso-pharyngiens et sur leur traite- ment par la nidthode nasale. 4U. Montpelliei; 1877. De Rossi (E.) I polipi ftbrosi naso-faringei e 1' elettrolisi faringo-rinoscopiea. 8°. Roma, W86. Desprez (M.-E.) * Des polypes nasaux et naso-pharyngiens, et de leur traiteinent par un nouveau procede operatoire. 4J. Paris, W7>7. Dierich ( C. ) * De polypis Diiso-pharyn- geis eorunique operationibus. ^ . Vratislaria; [1861]. Diguet (P.-G.-L.) * Diss, sur les polypes du nez et de la gorge. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1*05]. D'Ornellas (A.-E.) * Anatoniie pathologique et traitenient des polypes fibreux de la base du crane, dits naso-pharyngiens. 4°. Paris, W7,4. Die (A.) * Etude des proc6des de resection teniporaire du maxillaire superieur pour rex- traction des polypes naso-pharyngiens. 4°. Paris, 1872. Excixas (8. (i.) Dos historias clinieas y dos oper.-iciones de polipos naso-faringeos con dos trasfusiones de sangre. 8J. Madrid, W78. Ferreira de Le.mos (L.-G.) * Quelques con- siderations sur la tlierapeutique des polypes naso-pharyngiens. 4-r I'aris, 18(>5. Fouilloux (C.-C.-J.) De l'incision du voile du palais, comme operation prehminaire a 1 ex- tirpation des polypes naso-pharyngiens Le- cherches historiques sur l'operation de .Mamie d'Avienon. 4°. Paris, 1S5-T DE Gaxdt (C.) *Snr le diagnostic dilleren- tiel des polypes fibreux naso-pharyngiens. 4 . Paris, 1866. IVose (Tumors of). Gacbert(F.) * Sur les oste"oiiios de 1'organe de l'olfaction. 4°. Paris, W69. Gehi.x (G.) * Des polypes fibro-niuqueux de l'arriere cavite des fosses nasales. 4'-. Xaneu W82. Geraud (P.) *I. Quels sont les symptomes et le traitement des polypes fibreux des fosses nasales et du pharynx? 'iL [etcl 4-. Paris 1839. Glandorpius (M.) Tractatus de polypo na- rium affectu gravissimo observationibiis i11ns- tratus. 4°. Londini, 1729. Gosselin (L.) * Traiteinent chirurgical des polypes des fosses nasales et du pharynx. 4- Paris, 1851.1. Grube (G.) * De tumoribus quibusdam be- nignis in nasi superfieie oliviis eamque defor- mautibus. *:T Doipat,W7,6. Gruner (G. F.) * De polypis in cavo naiiuin obviis, adjecti morbi historia et cadaveris sec- tione. 4-T Lipsiee, [1827i]. Guettard (J. S.) * All a ligatnra polypi na- rium tutior curatio ? In: Sigwart ((}. F.) QusEst. nied. Paris. 4->. Tu- bingce, 1789, ii, 20(1-21."). Guiciiet (A.) * Etude sur les polypes mu- queux des arriere-narincs. 4 . Paris, 1H7-1. Hesse (J. C.) * De polypo narium. 4°. Ar- gentorati, [1777]. Huethe (J. A.) *De polypis narium fauci- umque et antri Highmori eorunique exstirpa- tione, resecto processo nasali maxilhe superioris. 8-». Regimonti Pr., 1861. Janus (J. E.) * De polypo narium. 4J. Lip- sia; [1672]. Johx (T.) * De polyi>is narium enrmnqnu diversis operandi niethodis. i-r. Vralislavice, W7)5. Koe1'Pe(M.) De hu'inatoniate cartilaginuin nasi ( rhiiia'iiiatomatc ) ex penniifutionibus l;e- sionibusque tela* cartilagineie vel ex pei iihon- dritide nasali orto. 4°. Halis Sax., I Mill. Kuiin (A.) * De tumoribus nariutn sarcoina- tosis. S0. Vratislaria; [L-s.5]. KuiiN ( C. G.) [ Pr. ] nonnullarum, quibus polypi narium exstirpari solent, metliodoruin dijudicatio. Part. 1-IV. 4°. [Lipsia; Hl.Vlo.] Also, in his: Opusc. acad. metl. 8D. Lips., 1827, i, 370-404. IvUKXEMANX (F.) * (Quelques considerations sur les polypes muqueux des fosses nasales et de leur traiteinent. 4°. Paris, 1872. Lacuoix (J.-C.) * Snr les polypes des fosses nasales. 8J. Paris, an X [1802]. Lemere (E.) * Etude sur les accidents con- secutifs a l'arrachenient des polypes des fosses nasales. 4°. Paris, 1877. Lexiiartz (G.) * Die Nasen-Rachen-Polypen uud ihre operative Beseitiguug. 8 . Berlin, [W73]. Levret (A.) Observations sur la cure radi- cale de plusieurs polypes de la matrice, de la gorge et du nez, operee parde nouveaux moyens inventes par . . . S°. I'aris, 174H. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12'. Paris, 177,9 ------. Thesame. 3. 6il. 8\ I'aris, 1771. Loiisee (C. G.) *De tumoribus in cavo na- rium et pharyngis obviis, qui polypi dieuntur. 8°. Cri/phiie. 1852. Mathieu (E.) ' Sur les polypes muqueux ties aiTieres-narines. 4°. Paris, W75. Moxtaxo (J.) * Xote sur une operation de polype naso-pharyngieu par la galvanocaustie physique. 4J. I'aris,1872. Also, in: Gaz. med. cliir. de Toulouse, 1879, xi, J,3; 281 : 1880, xii, 1. Mueller (J.) * De cavi narium carcinomati- bus, scirrho atque fungo medullari. Addita est NOSE. 1004 NOSE. \OM' ( Tu mors of). historia morbi mollis sareoniatis in hac regione observati. *-'. Ciyphice, W61. Mr/,K.ir (C.-A.) *De, l'osteotoinia verlicale bilaterale du nez pour la cure des polypes naso- pharyngiens. It Montpellier, 1866. Xoecgeuatii (-E. J.) * Spicilegium easiium nonnulloruni polypi nasi et pharyugis qui in clinico ehirurgico Honnensi novissimis annis observati sunt, addita descriptionc methodi nova' ad exstirpaudum polypum pharyugis. 8°. Bonnee, W7,2. Noli. (F.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Nasen- Rachenpolypen (lurch teniporare Kesectionen am Oberkiefer. 8°. Tiibingen, 1871). [Lai.lui ci (N. J.)] Patio facilis atque tuta narinin eurandi polypos. 8°. Vienna; 1763. Petit (N.-A.) * De quelques considerations sur les polypes naso-pharyngiens et leur propa- gation au cerveau. 4°. I'aris, W8l. Pei i tkadki, (A.) * Considerations siir les polypes des fosses nasales, et les moyens auxqnels jusqirici on a eu recours pour leur guerison. 4°. Paris, 1815. Postel (C.-E.) * Des polypes nasopharyn- giens. 4J. Paris, 186>7. Pugi.iese (F.) * Snr les ade"nomes des fosses nasales. 4°. Pari*, 1862. Kobix-Massk (A.-L.) * Des polypes naso- pharyngiens au point de vne de leur traiteinent. 4°. 'Paris, 1864. -----. The same. *-. Paris, 1864. Pouget (A.-D.) * Sur le polype nasal, et par- ticulierement sur celui qui se developpe dans le sinus maxillaire. 4°. Paris, 1*0(5. i>e Saint-Am and (A.-E.) * Observations sur l'emploi des caustiques dans le traitement des polypes vesiculates des narines et de quelques maladies de la peau. 4°. Paris, 1825. Samoxdes (L.) * Du temps d'arret dans la marche des polypes naso-pharyngiens. 4°. Paris, W78. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. SriiEXiv (C.) * Die Nasenrachenpolypen und deren operative Behandlung. 8°. Lippslaclt, 1887,. Sciiultheiss (G. H.) * Duo tumorum nasa- liuni casus, * t Halce, [1*44]. Schumacher (G.) * De polyporuiu narium fauciumqtic et antri Highniori exstirpatioue. 8°. Regiincintii. Pr., 1862. Sergext (A.) "Contributions :\ l'6f.iide du traiteinent de certaines tuineurs nasales. 4 T Paris, is-1. Si'Kf.aitco Y Garcia (J.) "Traitement des tuineurs des fosses nasales au moyen de I'aliaisse- iiient du nez par l'osteotoniie verticale et bilate- rale de la charpente de cet organe. 4 r Lyon, Siui'.i.lixg (G. C. C.) * De polypis narium. 4-. Vilebcrga; [1*0-2]. Towxsexi) (P. S.) Caseof three remarkable tumours extirpated from the nose. ST New Vork, 1825. Vaitiiier (J.-B.-C.) *Dela resection de la vofite palatine, dans le traiteinent des polypes fibreux naso-pbaryngiens. W. Paris, 1*54. Veii.i.mx (F.-Tt) y Contribution a l'etude des tuineurs malignes naso-pharyugiennes. 4°. Paris, 1874. Vn.ni (A.) * Des polypes fibro-niuqueux de la cavite naso-pharyngienne. 4°. Paris, 1*-.'L \Yagner(F. L.) * De polypis narium et antri maxilliiris novaque ipsos exstirpandi methodo. 4J. Vratislaria; 1*21. Wagxek CSV) * Leber die operative Behand- lun»- der iN'aso-Pharyngealtumoren. 8-. Jena. 1873. \OM* (Tumors of). Weber (E.) * De l'iiicision transversale du voile du palais eoinnie operation pnliininaire pour l'extii[)ation des polypes nnso-phurvn- giens. e*- . Strasbourg, 18*I. Wiiatei.v (T.) Cases of two extraordinary polypi removed from the nose, the one by excision willi a new instriinient, the other hy'improved forceps; with au appendix, describing an im- proved instriinient for the fistula in ano, with observations on that disease. 8 . London, 1*05. AVoakes(E.) Nasal polypus, with neuralgia, hay fever, and asthma, in relation toethmoiditis. 12 T London, 1**7. -----. The same. 12°. Philadelphia, 1**7. Ariam (A.) Case of polypus in tlie nose treated suc- cessfully liy astringents. Glasgow M. Exam., 1831-2, i, 29.—|.\e,'iii'iv.] (Tiseof eneepiialiiiil tumor of nares ami antrum. Phila. M. Times, 1875, v, 612. — A leu trie y Blanco (J.) Observation (le polipos nasiiles iiiueosos, seguida de reflcxiones sobre la luarelia. proiiostiro y trata- niieuto de este patlft-iuiieiito. Gac. ml el. ile Sevilla, 188(1, ii, 2211-233. — AI loo. Polype des fosses nasales. Res. tl] trav. Soc. tie nnil. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Rrux., 1x41, 23. -----. Polype considerable ties arriere-narines. Ann. Sue. ile ined. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Maliues, 1852, x, "i. — Aiulei-jeioii (\V.) [Nasal polypus for nine years.] Canada M. & S. .J., Montreal. 1872-3] i, 2!)."). — A ■■ ii a ■■ (S.) Remarks ou polypus misi. Maryland M. Recorder, Halt, 1S21), i, 685-iisii. — Ai-rachat-t. Polype fibreux naso- pliaiyngien. (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 394.— A>eh<'iil>orn (O.) Polypus sareomatosis cavi nnso- pharyngei. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Perl., 1880, xxv, 150.— A^lilimol (.1.). jr. Euehondrmna of the nasal septum Tr. Path. Sue. Pbila. (lS7f.-(i), 1877, vi, 146.-----. Fibroid polypus of the nose involving the antrum. Pliila. M. Times. 1881-2, xii, 612.— Auaiil. Kecidive des jiolyjies naso-pharyiigiens. I'm lie methode met le plus surrineiit a l'abri tie cette recidive .' Bull. Soc. de cbir. de I'ar. (1862), 1863, 2. s., iii, ."i"i7.-Ay«ii!{iHT (P.) Papillomes lies fosses nasales. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc., Par., 1885, xi, 335-339. — It . . . ch. EineKraiiklioitsgesrliiclite. X. Mils;, f- Aertze. Leip/,., 1788, x, 44-48.—Baker (E. C.) Cases of nasal polypus projecting into the naso -pharynx. Lancet, Pond., 1883, i, 140-142. —Itaratonx (J.) Contri- bution a l'etude des maladies ile la cavite iiaso-pharyn gienne: des tumeurs adenoi'des. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. franc, d'otol. et laryngol., I'ar., 1883-4, i, 76-85. Also: Kev. mens, tie larvngol!, etc... Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 3,"i3-360. Also, transl.: An. de otol. y laringol., Alcala de Henares, 1883, i, 2f>7-264. — Bnrbraii. I Polype tibieux naso-pharyiigii'ii occupant la plus grande ctenilue de la joue gauche. ] Bull. Sot-, anal, ile Par., 185,"), xxx, 312 314. — Bni-rien heucr (B.) Fibroid dosCavuin nasojialat inum. In: Jahresb. ii. d. Tliiitigk. im Ct'dnor stiidt. Biirgoi Hosp. (1875), Coin, 1876, 125. — Barlow (J.) |Case, of tiimoi on the nose.] Metl. tfc Phys. J., Loud.. 1813. xxix, 296-301, 1 pl.—Banc (low. Beispiele ungeu I'llinlichei' Polypenformation. J. tl.Chir. n. Augenh., Perl., 1824, vi, 621-03(1. — BaxNoni. pierre (G.-P.-M.) Neiie- sur un cas de polype nuitpieiix du nez ; emploi de la cocaine comme am'sthesique. Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1886, vii, 482-484. — Battle (K. P.), jr. An ingenious method of removing nasal polypi. Med. Kee,., N. Y., 1887, xxxii, 468.— Batnt. Fibionies; polypes naso-pharyngiens. Rev. nied. de Toulouse, 1869, iii, 76; 129. — Bauer lift. [Les polvpes naso-pbaryn- giens.] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (186(1), 1861, 2. s., i, 283- 291. Also [Abstr.] : (iaz. d. hop., Par., I860, xxxii, 241.— Bayer (L.) Des kystes osseux de la cavite nasale. Kev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Par., 1885, v, 277 - 285. — Becli ( E. W. II.) Case of nasal polypus of fourteen years standing, cured by the local application of poach leaves. North west. M. &' S. J., 1849-50, vi, 122. — Bril (('.) Case, of polypus nasi. Boston M. eSc, S. J., 1855, lii, 375.— Bell (\VT R.) A new method of removing nasal polypus. Canada M. Kee, Montreal. 1883-4, xii, 98. — Bentle). Persistent dry streak on tongue and other symptoms caused by a nasal polypus. Metl. Times tfc (Iaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 212— Berj;eret. I.eniceps pour l'ablation des jiolypes du nez. | From : Bull. Sue. de m6d. de lie- sancon ] In his: Obs. de ined. ct de chir., 8°, Besancon, 1867, 42-45— Berlclol. Observation do polypes nasaux, ayant determine une nieningite; autopsie. Bull. Soc. ined. de l'Vonne, Auxerre, lsds, 141. — Berlliolil (E.) Noti/, zur operativon Behiintlliing (ler Xaseu|iolypen. Tagebl. d. Vorsainml. deutsch. Xaturf. ti. Aer/.te, Mag- deb , 1884, lvii. 273. Also: Allg. Wieu' med. Ztg., 1884, xxix, 481. — Bencher. Observation sur une nouvelle maniere d'extirpor It- polype du nez. J. de uied., chir., jiharni., ele., Par.. 1776, 'xlvi. 348-352. [See, also, Bon- nard, infra.]— Bigelow (II. J.) Tumor in the nose; operation. Boston M. tfc S. .L, 1850-51, xliii. 380. — Big- iit'v. Nasal polypus. Dublin J. M. Se., Is75, lix, 72.— Bindi (E.) Polipotomo nasale del Prof. G. Gentile. NOSE. 1005 NOSE. l¥o«C (Tumors of). Morgagni, Napoli, 1881, xxiii, 348-352. — [Boceliel (E.)] Polype naso-jibaiyiigieu, extirpe. an moyen d'uu nouveau juottTle de resectimi tetnporaire du maxillaire superieur. Gaz. untl. de Strasb., 1872-3, xxxii, 18-20.— Bogel. Ge- scbicbte eines gliicklich aiisgcroltuten Rachen- uud Nasenpoly|i'ii bev einer und derselben Person. J. f. il. Chir., Geburtsh.'ii. gericbll. Arznk., Jena, 1800. ii, 452- 472.—Boiling (G.) Om siitlet l'iir borttugandeaf polyj>er i uiislialan och pharynx. Eira, Gdteborg, 1878. ii, 489- 492.— Bonanno. Di una cisti ad epitelio vibratile della fossil nasale destia. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1884. x 54_r,!i. — Bond (J. W.) Cases of mucous polyjius in ihe child. Bril. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1278— Bonnarri. 1'ne nouvelle maniere d'extii per le polype du nez. J. de metl., chir., pharni., etc., Par., 1777, xlvii, 243-252. [See, also, Bescher, supra.] — Bonncfons (P.) Du nouveau procede de M. Oilier comme ojicratiun preliminaire pour extiiper les |iol\pes naso-pharyngiens. Montpel. in6d., 18li(i, xvi, 25-35. — Bonne* (A.) Observation de polype naso-pharyngien opere par un procctl6 nouveau ; guerison. Bull. gen", do therap., etc., Par., 1869. lxxvii, 364-368. [Rap. de Houel.j Bull. Soc. tie cbir. de Par. (1869), 1870, 2. s., x, 342-345. — Booth (T. S.) On the opera- tion of polypus of the nose; with a proposal for au improved in'stt uiuent. Lond. M. Reposit., 1820, xiii, 285.— Ifoiclli (G.) (Issei vazioni cliniche ed operazioni cbirur- giche praticate per malattie della mandibola iut'ciiore e per tumori della cavita fariiigo-eranio-nasale. Rac. di oss. din.-patol., Torino, 1867. ii, 341-400. -----. Nuove osser- vazioni di polijii naso tiiinio-faringei e di tumori verte- brali. Ibid., 401-411.—Boswoith (PT II.) Growths in the nasal passages. Tr. N. Vork Aeatl. M. (1882-4), 1886, iv. 13-36. Also: Med. Roc., N. Y., 1883, xxiii. 29-35. -----. A case' of diffuse' round-cell sarcoma, involving the posterior nares, vault of the pharynx, soft palate, pillar of the fauces, right tonsil, and lower pharynx; operation ; cure. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 62-64.— Botrel (-L- P.) Memoire sur une operation nouvelle dirigee contre Its polypes naso-jiharvngieiis. Rev. nied.-chir. de Par., 1850, viii, 90-102.— Botliiii (E ) Resezione osteop'astica della apofisi montante ed osso nasale perl' t'sjiortazione di voliiniinoso tumore naso-oculare. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1876, xxxix, 388-403. -----. Sarcoma dell' ala sinistra del naso ; esportazione ; rinoplastia ; guari- gione. Osservatore, Torino, 1880, xvi, 100. — Bonllay. [Un enorino polype fibreux qui occupait le pharynx, les fosses nasales et le sinus maxillaire d'un *jeune homiue; resection de la m&choire sujiei ieure ] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 244.—Bourdon (E.) Polype naso-pha- ryngien avec prolongeinent dans la fosse iilerygo-maxil- laire masque par un lijionie. Ibid. (1872), 1874, xlvii, 393.— Uoui-eiiiT (A.) Sur un cas de polype uaso-pharyngien. In his: Lee. de clin. chir. 1885-6, 8°, Par., 1887, 79-101 — Bonsscaii. Saieome develojipo sur le periosto iles os du nez. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1867, xiii, 391. — Bl au- ric is (R. C.) Xaso-jibiiry ngiiil fibromata. Am. Pratt... Louisville, 1877, xv, 212-217. — Breda (A.) Rinoscleroma odejiilelioniadeluaso.' Riv.veneta tli sc. iiiod..Veni'zia,1885, ii, 128-136, lpl.—Brenner .xJaiiiis/.lijcivit.icli. Gal- vauokaustische Exstirpation eines Nasen Ratbeu-l'olypeu. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1869. xvii, 13-15.-----------. Exstirpation eines Niiseiiraclienpol.ypen auf galvanokaus- tischein Wege. Ibid.. 1«7(), n. s., i, 32. — Bre»gen (M.) Antwort auf llaitmann's Aitikel : Ueber die Iinlicationeu zum Ausreisscu der Nasenjiolyiion. Berl. kliu Wchnschr., 1882, xix, 43. -----. Schlusswoit zu meinem Urtheil iiber das Ausreisscu der Nasenjioh pen ills Antwort auf Uartmaun's Aitikel. Ibid., 125. — Broea. [Tumeur de laile gauche du nez.] Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1855, xxx, 305. -----. Polype naso-pharvngieii, opere par la ligature. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1866), 1867. 2. s.. vii, 93.—Bro- ilic (B. C.) Polypi of the nose. Lancet, Loml., 1843-4, i. 313-317. Also: Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843-4, vii, 103; 123.- ICiouaiilil. Note sur un polype naso-jiliaryngien. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv, 145-151. — Browne (li.) History of a fatal case of nasal polypus. Tr. M. '«-;'-"■- Burckhardt (A. W.) B.'scitiainig der Poly i .■ i d. h Arzneien ohne operative Beihulfe. Ztschr. f. Med. Clue u. Geburtsh , Liipz., 1861. xv, 290-300.-Burckhardt ...-j-pharyr.,. Nasopharyngeal polypus removed by sawni_g down and depressing the nose. Ibid.. 18<8, xcvin, :>H. Al7o: Metl & Surg.^Rep. Bost. City Hosp. ,1874-9) 1882. iii, I51.-Chcnantais. Tumeur de la partie laterale du nez; fibrome saicomateux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Mantes nos i:. 100G NOSE. \o*>r (Tumors of). 1876-8. Par., 1879, i. 22. -----. Tumeur de la narine (gra- Iliilome). Ibid. (1879), 1880, 37. —Chevalier (J.-A.-U.) l'olyjie bilobo des fosses nasales emporle par la ligature. Ret . de mein. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1825. xvi. 228-233.— Chiari (().) Naseiipolyp. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, ii. 85; 97. Also, Rejirint. Also, transl.: St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1885. xiii, 526; xiv, 46. -----. Des neojilasnies de la i loisun des fosses nasales. [Transl. from the German byL. Lichtwit/..] Rev. mens, de laryngol.. etc.. Par., 1886, vi, 121-132.—Churchill (F.) Post-nasal tibn.ina. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, xxxvii, 458— Cinisclli (L.) De la galvano-eaustiqiio chimique et de sou emploi dans le traitement des jiolypes naso-jiharyngieus. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1864, lxvii, 59-6*9. -----. Polijto uaso- faringeo risoltosi in seguito alia galvano-caustica chimica. Ann. univ. di mod., Milano, 1872, rexxi, 533-541.—Cle- mens iA.) Exstirpation eines bedeutenden Nasen-und Riii In npolyjn n. Deutsche Klinik, Beil. 1863, xv, 344.— Colics |W.i Observations ou nasiil polyjii. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc.. IMS, vi, 373-382.—Colli** i M. H.) Fibrojilastit- growth from the periosteum of the nasal cavity; removal by a new ojieration of great simplicity. Ibid., 1866, xiii, 331-334. — Contreras (J.) Hipertrotia local; lipoma del voliimeu de una jiera grande de D. Guindo implantado en cl lubolo y tabique tuediodc las fosas nasales, y parte media sujierioi del labio superior; amjiutacion ; curacion. Espana med., Madrid, 1862, vii, 164— Coouics (M. P.) Masai polypi ; clinical notes of cases. Med. Hei aid, Louisville, 1881-2, iii, 172-174. -----. Tumors of the, naso-jiharynx. Ibid., 219; 270.—Cornil (V.) Note sur les tuineurs ade- noitles du jihaiviix nasal. J. de l'anat. et jibysiol., etc., Par.. 1883, xix. 576-581, 1 pl.—Cox (J.) Post-nasal growths. Austial. M. J., Melbourne, ls86, viii, 68-74.—Coyne. Contribution ii l'etude des polyjies fibroniuqiieux des fosses nasales avec jirolongemeut pharyngien. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1880, i, 15 ; 42— Cozzolino (V.) Mixo-tibroini multijilidel vestibolo delle fosse nasali. narice propriamentedetla. Arch. ital. di laringol.. Xajioli, 1883-4, iii, 97-100. -----. Due i-iirissimi tumori delle cavity iiaso- f'aringee e nasali; un fibroma mollusco delle dietro-nari ed nn pajiilloma della cavity nasale des tra. Riv. clin. e teraj)., Napoli, 1887, ix, 69-76.—Cramer. Fall vou Fungus me- diillaris. Mag. f. d ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, xxii, 267-271.— (reus. Una pagina para la historia de los jiolipos naso- f'aringeos. Siglo med., Madrid, 1877, xxiv, 739; 754; 771. Also: Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1877, xxiii, 609; 625; 645; 656. Also: Rev. de tiled, y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1877, i, 553; 578; 597. Also.- Aufiteatro anat., Madrid, 1877, v, 342; 1878, vi, 8; 15.—Crn vciihier. Polype naso-pharyn- gien, ojiere jiar la methode nasale (procede tl Oilier). Bull. it mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, n. s., iii, 194-197. -----. Extirpation d'un jiohpe naso jiharyngien par la methode palatine ; reparation de la voute palatine par le pint (tie tie Fergusson. Ibid., 1880, n. s., vi, 206-209.—Cutter (P.) Nasopharyngeal polypus removed through the mouth by a modified ecrasour. Boston M. & S. J., 1870, lxxxiii, 339- 341.—1>. (C.) Du gontienient j)olyj)ift)i'iue de la membraue muqueuse tin nez, et de sou traitenient. Bull. gen. de th6- rap., etc., Par., 1833, v. 378-380. — Dalhanne (X.) Tu- meur lviiipbatiqiie. Courrier nidi., Par., 1874, xxiv, 394- 396.— Dalliricl. Pesjxilypesdes fosses nasalesetde leur alteration muqueuse. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nied. de Bordeaux, 1880-81, i, 481-485. —Daly (W. H.) An analysis of the value of the galvauo-cautery in the treatment of diseases and growths of the nasopharynx. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1880, xxxi, 653-656. -----. On nasal polyps. Tr. Am. Larvngol. Ass. 1880, N. Y., 1881, ii, 118-130. Also: Arch. Laryngol.. N. Y., 1881, ii, 147-158. Also, Reprint.— D' Ambrosio (A.) Polipo naso faringeo; estirpazione dietro hi ilivisione del palato molle: guarigione. Movi- mento, Xiijioli, 1875, vii, 102-104. —Daniels (F.) Exstir- patie van een naso-pharyngeaal polyp. In his: Twee chir. gevalleu, 8T Amst., 1874, 1-16.—Dan vergne. De l'emploi de la .solution ioduree caustique de Lugol pour empecher la rejiroiluction des polyjies naso-pharyngiens. Bull. geu. de therap., etc., Par., 1872. lxxxiii, 499-507.— Davis (C.B.S.) Nasal polypus. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1866-7, vi, 259-265.—Dawson (WT W.) Nasopharyngeal poly- pus; jiolypiis of tbe antrum ; resection of the wall of the antrum. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1882, n. s., ix, 413-415.— Dela van (I). B.) Nine cases of tumor of the nasal sep- lum, antetioilv. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882, iii, 172-177. Also, Reprint—Delore (X.) Des polypes naso-pharvn- giens. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., i863, lxv, 349; 397; 5u7. Also, Reprint.—Delatanchc Sohn. Ueherein neues Instrument zur Entfernung tier adenoiden Vegetationen im Nasenrtichenraum (Adenotome a coulisse). Arch. f. Ohrenh. Leipz., 1879-80, xv, 35-40. — [Dciiiarquay.j Hypertrophie de la muqueuse du cornet inferieur des fosses nasales. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 114. -----. Polyjie naso-phai-.Migicn enleve par uu nouveau j)ioced6 csleo-plastique. Bull. gen. de theraji., etc., Par , 1862, lxiii, 276. -----. Polypes naso-pharyngiens; arrat hement :*l>res avoir enleve l'apopbyse moutante et la |i:noi ante- lieuredu sinus maxillaire, en eoiiservant le perioslo; rege- neration des parties osseuses. Union med., Par., lSfj:!,1"!'. j 8., xvii, 266-269.-----. Polype glandulaire dela muqueuse i .Vosc (Tumors of). nasale; repullution; extirpation et cauterisation; acci- dents consecutifs it l'operation ; paralysie de tous les mus- cles de lu-il; symptomes d'emjioisonncinent par la mm jihiuc; auto|isie. Gaz. d. hoji., Par., 1869, xiii, 277.— Dc- ■ncniix. Polype naso-pharyiigien d'un volume conside- rable cxtirjie par Its voics naturelles et sans mutilations jnealables. Ibid., 1862, xxxv, 306.—De. Moi'van. Large fleshy polypus of the nose; ojieration. Lancet, Lund., lsii'.i, i. 841— Dcnucc. Un polyjie naso-phiirvngien. Bull, i 1 inCm. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1878, iv. 390-393.— Dc ICossi. Studi sui polijii librosi naso-fai iugei. Atti Accad. nied. di Roma, 1879, v, fasc. 2. 41-169, 2 pl.—Dcsjjraimcs (A.) De la cauterisation appliquee aux |iolypes naso-jiharyiigieus. Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon, 1854, 2. s., ii, 286-299. Also: Gaz. hebd. de metl, Par., 1854, i, 633; 647. -----. Du traitenient des polyjies naso-pharyngiens. Bull. gen. de thei'ii])., etc., Par., 1868, lxxiv, 115-122 —Dcsmat'tis (T.) Curacion tie los polipos nasales por medio de agentes pura- mente medicos. Siglo med., Madrid, 1861, viii, 809. —Dcs- pres (A.) Polype sarcomateux naso jdiaryngien. Rev. ile therap. med.-chir., Par., 1877, 283-285. -----. Polyjie nasojiharyngien; extraction du maxillaire superieur; trans- formation fibieuse. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1882, n. s., viii, 218-220.—Desprez (M.-E.) Des polypes nasaux it naso-pbaryngieus. ct leur traitement juir uu nou- veau procede ojieratoiic. Bull. Sue. de cbir. tic Pur. (1860), 1861, 2. s., i, 201.— Dcvalz. Euchondrotne de la cloison des fosses nasales ; excision; guerison. Gaz. nied. de Bor- deaux, 1872-3, ii, 105-108.—Dc Vilbris (A.) Tumors of the naso-phai vngeal cavities, with a report of cases. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884, x, 385-387. Also: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1884-5. iv, 241-246.- Dickson (J. R.) Case of fibrocartilaginous tumour in tho nasal Ibssa ; ope- ration. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1861, ii, 545.—Didot. Presentation dun nouveau porte-ligature, et, au besoiu, jiorte-caustique pour les polypes naso jiharyugiens; etpour certaines tumeurs de I'uterus, et du vagin. Bull. Acad. roy tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1855-6, xv, 218-224.—Dief- fcnbnch (J.-F.) Observations sur I'incisiou du nez pia- tiquee daus la vue d'extraire les polyjies ou autres tumeurs de la cavit6 nasale. J. compl. du diet. tl. sc. mCd., Par., 1831, xl, 41-45.—Dionisio. Estirpazione di voluminoso niixoma occupaute 1' iutiero ambito delle cavita nasali, estrusosi per le suture naso-mascellari verso le regioui ge- uio-malari. (iior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1877, 3. s., xxii, 6-14, 2 pl. -----. Risposta alle osservazioni degli Dott. G. F. Nova.ro e G. Spanligati, sulla sua meuioria in- titolata: Estirpazione di voluminoso niixoma occupaute 1' iutiero ambito delle cavity nasali, estrusosi per le suture uasoiiiasccllari verso le regioui genio-malari. Ibid., 289- 305.— Dittcl. Nasen - Rachen - Polyp inittelst Galvano- Kaustik entt'ernt. Allg. Wien. med.'Ztg., 1869, xiv, 382.— Dolbeau. Polyjie fibro-muqueux des tosses nasales; di- agnostic comjilexe; operation; mort. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1862), 1863, 2. s.. iii, 503-511. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 530. -----. Traitement des polypes naso- pharyngiens. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1865), i860, 2. s., vi, 555-559.—van Dommclcn. Polype fibreux de lit fosse uasale gauche; guerison ii I'aide du sublim6 corrosif. J. d. conn. med. jirat., Par., 1858-9, xxvi, 425— Donald- son (F.) The destruction of nasal polypi by chromic acid. Tr. Am. Larvngol. Ass., N. Y., 1883, v, 17-23. Also: Arch Laryngol., N. YT, 1883, iv, 175-179. Also: Med. Rec, NY., 1883, xxiii, 577.—Donaldson (F.), jr. Treat- ment of nasal growths and hypertrophies. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1886-7, xiii", 538-546. Also, Reprint.— Dover (U.) Des tumeurs adenoides de la cavit6 naso- pharyugieune. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Coinpt.- reud., Amst., 1881, vi, pt. 2, 332-338.—D[ron (A.)] Nou- veaux procedes operatoires contre les jiolypes naso-jiha- ryngiens. Gaz. nied. deLyon, 1859, xi, 465.—Dubicf (P.) Note sur un cas de polype naso-pharyngien oj>er6 ]iar 1«* procede de l'abaisseinent du nez (osteotomie verticale ct bilaterale du nez). JilCiin. et comjit.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nied. de Lyon (1874), 1875, xiv. pt. 2, 33-38. Also: Lyon med.. 1874, xvi, 277-282.—[Dubois.] Leber Polypen in den Naseuhohleu und im Schlunde. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1820, vii, 231-236.—Dubourg. Polypes des fosses nasales; determination de quelques cas dans lesquels la ligature doit etre juefeiee a l'arrachement. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1830, viii, 2U6-209.— Dubrueil (A.) Polype naso-pharyngieii. (Jaz. med. de Par., 1886, 7. s., iii, 529- 531. -----. De l'application de la ligature exteiutioranee a la cure des polyjies naso - pharyngiens. Rev. ue chir., I'ar., 1887, vii, 736-7.18. — Dnijjan ((' ) Lipoma of the nose. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855, ii, 311.—Diiuicnil. Re- lation de, quatre cas de jiolypes naso-pharyngiens. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 335-344. [Discussion), 344; 350; 376; 382.—Dumont fils. Trois observations, tune sur la cure d'un polype muqueux; l'autre, sur une transudation lymjihatique, et la troisieine, sur uu pheno- mene siiigulicr, a la suite dune plaie du has-ventre. J. de med., chir., pharni., etc., Par., 1763, xix, 453-458.—Dn- play e.t liarlhclcniy. Deux observations de polypes iiaso-jiharyngiens traites par les injections inlerstitielles de chlorure tie zinc. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1880, cxlv, 353-361.—Dupuy (L.-E.) Contribution ii l'etude des poly- NOSE. 1007 XOSE. .\o«e (Tumors of). jics iiaso-|ibaryiigicns. Bull. So mat. de Par., 1874. xlix, ...6-790. Also: Progres med., Par., 1875, iii, 120.—Dn- pnyli-cn. Kvste ii jiarois osseuscs jiris jiour un polype fibro celluleux: soli extraction, lc 13 mars. (.'Unique, Par.. is;;u ii 174; 179.______I'ohpes a la jiartie jiosterieure ibs fosses nasales: ligature jia'r un jirocede nouveau. Gaz. med. do, I'ar.. 1832, iii, 007.—F.arlc. pe.lypiis ,.)' tilt; no-.'. Lond. M. Ga/.., __'__. |'enio\al of a congenital tumor, 454. — Kdcr (A.) Naseliracheiijioly p Per. 1875, Wien. I"7<>. 89.—Edward* for the removal of naso-phni y n* Times. N. YT, 1861, ii, 205. —I, lie Case of fungoid 1827-8, i, 159-161. Ibid.. 1831-2, ix, In his : Aerztl. (P. S.) Ojieration il polvjius. Am. M. isis. Ainilisis histolo- gico del jiolijio naso fai iie^eo ojieiatlo An. tie cien. med., Madrid, 1878, v, 323.— Erichsen. Tumor over the right alar libro-ciirtiliigc. Lam it, Lond., 1859, i, 318. ------. Cartilaginous growth on theseptuinoftheiio.se; removal. Ibiil., 1864, ii, 153.—Eve (P. PT) Removal of a large filuous polypus from the base of the cranium. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1836-7, i, 78-80. ------. Removal of a large polypus from the nose, through the pharynx. Ibid., 1849, n. s!, v, 466.—F. (A.) De l'arracheujent des polypes muqueux des tosses nasales, et des moyens d'eiiijiccher la recidive. Bull. gen. tie therap., etc., Par., 1842, xxii, 365- 368— Fano. j Polyjies des fosses nasales. 1 Bull. Soc. auiit. de Par.. 1854, xxix, 334.— Farias (M A.) Extenso coiiililonia en la nariz ; e.xtirjiat ion : ingerlos tlerinti-ejiiili'i- micos; curacion. (rac. metl. catal., Barcel., 1883, vi, 46- 50.—[Fauvcl (Ci| Polype muqueux 2i. -■ Uhservalion de polype naso-jiharyugieii opeie par 1 abla- tion partielle du maxillaire sujicneiir. Ibid.. 18t3, xlvi, 1010.- Forget (A.I Des jmlyjies nnso-jdinrviigiciis. Union med., Var., 1866, 2. s., xxix 243-24, -I' orster (J. 0.) Case of a naso-phar.vugeal polypus: bruin inisch el ; operation; death. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 18/1, iv, 1:.!)-03 _____ Tumours on the nose; follicular .sarcoma. Guy s Hosp."Kep., Lond., 1874, 3. s., xix, 13. - Foiicher. lo- type fibieux naso pharyngien ; excision P'11'^'.^iV'"'''y,™ dela boutonnierc palatine ; cauterisations ;uiteotioni>uu- lente; mort. Gaz. hebd. do metl Par., lN.i, , ^<■ >• ______. Tunieiii-fibro-plastiqiievolumiueusc iinjilanUt sin le dos du nez par un 6troit iM-di.-ul.'; ablatio,, guerison Gaz d hf.D Par. 1867, xl, 29,. — * raenlicl (B) (n IcbwuU Ucr Nasenhiihl.'. Hand... .1. sjit-c. I'a.h. (/.ems sen), Leipz., 1876, iv, l;.o-1.i M. (Zienisseu), N. V. 1^-6, Bcobaclitung'englueklicliau Also, transl.: Cycl- Pi act, 168-172.—Frisse. Zwe.V lolli'lerNasi'iijiolypen. J. lii 1. Arznk.. Jena, 180(1, ii, ^VoxiC (Tumors of). jius attached to base of skull. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, ii, 211. — Galloy.x.i (C.) Un caso di sarcoma delle fossa nasali. Mnrea^ni. Napoli, 1878. xx, 505-568. ------. O.-scrvaziono c studio il un caso tli voluininoso polipo nasi). t'aiingi te. Resoc. Accad. ined. cbir. di .Napoli. Issij, xxxiv. 83-91.—G an j;liofiicr(K.) Leber adcnoii I e Geschwiilste im Niisetii aelienrauin und deren Lelmndlung. Prag. ined. Wclmschr.. 1877. ii,2,7: 301.—G a ii^olphe ( M.) Myxoine naso-pharyngien. Mem. et conijit.-rend. Soc. d. sc'. med. ile Lyon (1884), 1885. \xiv. pt. 2, 24-28. Also: Lyon med , 1884, xlvi, 39-42. -tiJanl. Nasal polvjius removed bv a new forceps. Laucet. Loml., 1858, ii, 257.—Gautier (V.) Polyjie fibreux naso-jihary ngieu enleve au moyen du st-rre- ntpud constricteur de Maisoniuiive. Echo' med., Neu- chat., 1861, v, 593-597.—Gay (C. C. F.) Filuous polypus of tbe nose; ii\ ulsion b\ a new method. Buffalo M. efc S. J.. 1875-6, xv. 301.—Gilbert. Polypus nasi. Med. Ex- am., Phila., 1852, n. s., viii, 712-716.—Giralric*. Polype fibreux des fosses nasales, ii jiiolongciiii nls multijilcs. Bull. Soc. tie cbir. de Par. (1848-50), 1851. i, 599-606.— Glasgow (W. C.) Adenoid tumor of the naso-pharynx. St Louis Cour. Med., 1879, ii, 501-503.—Gojjnc (ii.) ' Ob- scrvatiein de polype des fosses nasales; nouveau procede pour la ligature. Gaz. meil.de Par . 1843, 2. s., xi, 757.— Gome* (L. J.) Historia de mi polipo fibrose) nasal y pro- cetliiniente enipleaelee para su iivuLinn. Gac, nied.. Ma- drid. 1850, vi. 272. — Gonx'ilcv. !•'. iicina* (S.) Polijios nasales. Corrco metl. castellanei, Salamanca, 1884, i, 225- 234. — Gossclin. Polyjies saignants oibito-iiaso-maxil- laires; operation. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 175. ------. Polype par hypertrophic, glanilulaire de la fosse na- sale droite; arrachemeut apres incision jirealable de la na- rine, Monit. d. hop., Par.. 1858, vi, 275. ------. Polyjie epithelio glanilulaire de la fosse nasale et de l'tirbiie ii droite ; ablation ajires incision dc la narine ct tampoinie- ment de l'ouveiture mis,ele jiosterieure. Gaz. d. hoji., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 46. ------. Observation dun gros jio- lype muqueux uaso-jiharyugien, solitaire, inqilaiile sur la partie jiosterieure et externe tie la fosse nasale. droite. et opere par ariacheinciit. Ibid., 1866. xxxix, 453. — Goz- zini (A.) & Corradi ((J.) Sulla as|iorlazione di uu grosso polipo tibroso faiingeo opeiiito col mezzo della gal- vauo-ciiustica-termica. Sjici inienlale. Firenze, 1871, xxvii, 419-459. — von i'irsiti- 6'. I-'.l U:u henpolyi) von uiige- wbbnlicher Gibsse, und ^li'ickliche 1 leitung desselben. J. il. Cbir. u. Augenh., Perl.. 1834, xxii. 12-18.—Grade (E.) 1'nsehieibiing eines vou Leroy d'Etiolles angegebenen In- struments zur ITnschlingung tier Ligatur tief sitzeiider und schwer beizukoinmender Schluntl- und Rachen-Po- lyjien. Ibid., xxi, 482-488, 1 pl. — Grancher. Un iiouveau signe des tumeurs atlenoides du pharynx nasal. Aun. d. mal. de l'oreille, do larynx, etc., Par., 1886. xii, 165 —Gripat (H.) Polype naso-phar\ngicn ; ablation; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1872), 1874 xlvii, 435-440.— Gross (S. D.) Nasal polvps and anal fistula. Pbila, M. Times, 1870-71, i, 155.— Gross (S. W.) My xomata from mucous membrane of the nose. Tr. Path. Soc. Philas (1871-3), 1874, iv, 219. — Grjnfeltt (J.) Saicome de la cloison des fosses nasales. Montiiel. med., Is76. xxxvii. 307j 511. ------. Atrophie sous l'influence seule ties jireigrfes de l'age, chez un adolescent devcnii jeuue nomine, d'un gros polvpenaso-pharyngien tres-incoiujileteineut enleve. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. tic Mtintpcl., 1882, iv. 195; 21,; 267.— Giintiier (\V.) Niisenracheiqiolvji; Lnlerbiiiilung uud nachherige Extraction ; Tod in Folge Aniiinie. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. 1859. lxiii, 42 - 44. — ti nerui. Methode nouvelle de traitenient pour la cure des polypes naso-pharyngiens par excisi.....t rugination des os sur lesquels iis sont implantcs. Hull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1865), 1866, 2. s., vi, 518-524— Gnersant. I'ohpe naso- jdiaryngien. Ibid.. 1853-4, iv, 27; 58; 63.—Giilckc (II.) Na.sti-|iharyngeal tumors. Med. Rec, N. \ 1881. xix, 718. _ Giirovitch. Operatsija viriezivani.ja nosoglo tochiiago jiolipa. pomotshou galvano kauteia. [Polyjius of nose reinoveil by uiilviino-ciiulery 1 Vrach. \ aidoin., St, Petersb., 1883, "viii, 4194. —Gave (A) Lin neues Rin'nnesser zuin Kiitferncn der adenoiden Gi'scbwulsle aus "dem Niiseiiiiicheiiraiini. Ztschr. I'. Ohrenh., \\ u-h., 1885-6 xv 167. — IlamaUer (W. !>■) A case of ua-.l ,„,lypi' citveland M. Gaz., 1885-6, i, 399-402. — Ham- ■ Hon (F H.) Polvpi and bvjiertiophy ot nose: re- moval ol polvpi nnd reduction of size of nose. Med. Rec X. V., 1876 xi. 714.—Hamilton (J. ^ ) Maxil- larv'and nasopharyngeal tumors. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Co- lumbus, 1878, xxxiii, 67-80. Also: Ohio M. Recorder. Co- lumbus, 1878-9, iii, 145-156.-IIai-lmaiin (A) I . b.i die Opeiii tion der Nasenjiolyjieu. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Berl 1879 v, 358; 373; 382. A'so. Reprint ------. I eber die Operation tier Nasenraoheiipolyjiru. Deutsche ined. Wchiischr., Berl., 1881, vii, 64-66. ------. Ueber die Iii.lt. n zum Ausreisscu der Nasenjitilyjien. Berl. klin. 1882, xix, 10. ------. Noch cinmal uber die \iisreisscn tier Xascn|iiilypen. Ibid., cation Wchn-schi liulicatiouen zum 8S ' 2„r O])eration der adeiioidcn Wiichcrimgeii im Niisenrachenraume. Dents, he metl. Wohnschr., Perl., )ss", xi 605.—Hawkins (C. H.) Cluneal lecture ou polypus'of the nose. Loud. M. Gaz., 1840, xxvi, 69, ; ,31. NLhsi-;. 1008 NOSE. x\o*c* (Tumors of). Also, in his: . . . Path, efc Surg. Writings, 8°, Lond., 1874. i, 2:;1-2I9. — llav* (T.) Removal of a large naso- jih.ii \ nueal polypus with wire ei ra-eui ; talipes varus suic —lolly oieeTaiiil on. Med. Pi ess ex: Circ Loud., 1870. x, 3:ii. —llcalh (('.) Lijioma ot nose. 'fr. Path. Sue. Loml., ls7o-71. xxii, '212. — llchra. Leber ein eigenthuuiliches Xeugebilde au eh r .\;im-; Rhinosi-lerom ; nebst histolo^ischeiu Bef'unde voni Dr. M. Kohn. "Wien. metl. Wchnschr.. 1870. xx, 1-5. —von Hebra (H.) Das Kuinojihyina. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1881, viii, 603-619. 1 jil. Also, Reprint.—Ileckcr. Ausrottung eines bosartigon Nasenjiolypen. Arch. f. jihysiol. Heilk., Slullg.. 1844, iii, 260-262. ------. Bcseil igung eiuer Tele- :iiigieet,i-ie an tier Xase durch kleine. Setons und nach- herige Lxe i-ion eines keilformigen Stiickes. I bid.,'2tj'.i.— llcitz i IT A.) On the treatment of nasal jiolyjii by jiow- dercd tannic acid. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1885, 63.- Ilerrei a (M.) In caso de jiolijio naso faringeo. Kscuela dc metl.. Mexico. 1879. i. no. 2, 2; no. 4, 4; no. 6, 6; mi 7. 5; ii". 8. 8.— ilcrr^otl. Polyjie naso-pharyngien ; eiiijilni tin 1;ua ii".ti>cojie : riigination dc la base du crane. Proc.-verb. . .'. Se,e. ile inCtl. de Strasb., 1866-8, iv, 9!). Also: Gaz. metl. tie Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 79.------. Sur le dia- gnostic et le traitement des jiolypes naso-pharyngiens im- jilaun's sur I'ajiojihyse basilaire. Bull. Soc. tie chir. de Par. (1867). 1.-68. 2. s.. viii, 28. Also: (iaz. d. hoji., Par., 1,-07, xl. 97. — llciii-taiix (A.) Note sur un cas de ohon- droine niiso-jibai \ nv-ien. Bull, et uiein. Sue. tie chir de Par., 1877, iii, 627-637.-----. Polype naso-jiharyngien. Bull. Soc anat, tie Nantes 1876-8, Par., 1879, i, 7.' Also: ,1. tie med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1877. 2. s., i. 156-158. ------. Chiimlroiue n.iso jiharynuien. Pull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1876-8. Piir., 1879, i, 30-33.------. Polyjie fibro-niuqueux des fosses nasales. Ibid., (1880), 1881, i\-, 88-90.------. Polyjie fibro - inuqneux naso - pharyiigicn. Ibid., 91-94. ------. Tumeiii- du nez et du sinus frontal gauche; epi- tbelioiuc tubule. 1 bid. (1882), 1884. vi, 93. Also .- J. de med. ile loiiesl, Nantes, 1884, 2. »., viii, 53 — Hewclt. Pernio- lous bin o cellular tumour of the nose. Lancet, Lond.. 1857, i, 629.— llcyl'clricr (J. p.] t Entl'ernuug tines die linke Xiisen - Rachen- und Oberkief'erhdhle ausfiilleiideu l'ohptn. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vi, 67. — llcy- Iclilcr (O.) Ojieration fines Nasenjiolypen durch Extrae- I ion. D.iitsi Ih: Klinik, Berl . 1850. ii. '231.------. Opera- li.eii line's XiLsenjiolyjien durch Excision. Ibid.. 231.— ileymami (IT) i'eber Xasenpoh pen. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 531 : 545. —Hijjjjeii* (C.) Caseof liulsating saicoma, involving left nasal fossie, antrum, andorbi'l. Guy's lln.qi. Kep. 1884-5. Lond., 1886, 3. s., xxviii, 91-102, I pl — II ilchcock ill. ().) Large fibrous nasal |iol.vpu>. Tr. M. Sue Mich. ]s7n. 1.....sing. 1871, 94.— Ilotlucn i I. IT) A cn.sf nl' libious jioLpusof the nose. St. Louis M. tfc S. J., 1865, n. s., ii. 97-99. —Ilolmcr. '1'ilfivltlo af Nasopharyngciilpolyjieiog sam in os lie ham 1 ling sicrlig veil Ligatur. Hosp.-Tid.. K jobenh., 1869, xii, 117 ; 121.—Holmes (IT) A case of naso pharyngeal jiolypiis. Tr. Cliu. Soc Lond., 1874-5, viii. 68-71. — llol'x liuli (A.) Geschiehte der ITiterbinilung eines grossen Nasen- Rache np.ely pen mit todtlichem Ausgange. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. i"»terr. Staates, AVien, 1838, n. P., xv, 218-256.— llo|Miiaiui (C. M.) Zur Xomenclatur tier Nasenschleim- liaut-i selnMilste. Anitl. Per. ii. tl. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzto 1883, Freib. i. Bl., 1884, lvi, 294-298. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1883, XXIV, 1227-1231. ------. Die jiajiilliiren Gesch wiilste tier Xiisenscblcimhaut. Arch. f. path. Anat,. etc., Perl., 1883, xciii. 213-258. -----. Beinerkungen iiber nasale Papillome. Tagebl. tl. Versainml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Magdeb., 1884/ lvii. 368. ------. Zui Ojieration und Statistik dor adeiioi- tlcn Tumoren ties Nasenrachenraunis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1885, xi. 572-574. ------. I'eber Xiisen jiolyjicn. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh.. Berl.. 1885, xix, 161 : 230. -----. Was ist man bereohtigt, Xasenpoivp z.ii ncn- lien ? Zuglcich eine Antwort auf veisehieilene Bemange- luiigeii meiuer Classification tier gulait igen XTisonpiilv- jitn. Ibid., 1887, xxi, 152: 188; 216: 249.—Horloles. Polyjie naso-pharyngien; ablation jiar arrachemeiit s.ms ojieiation jutiilablc; guerison. Mem. et compt, - rend. I Sued sc. ined. de Lyon (1878). 18,9. xviii. ]>t. 2, 102-107. Also: Lyon med., 1878, xxviii. 593-597. —llouel. Polyjie naso-pharyngien; ablation du maxillaire; apjiareil jiro- thetique. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1867, xl, 471— Hugnicr. Tuineur du sinus maxillaire: ojieration. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par.. 1854-5, v, 178; 187; 201; 212. ______. Kyste sereux de lcile du nez traite jiar le seton-til. Ibid 1856-7, vii. 333-335. ------. [Polype iiaso-pharvii"ien. I Ibid (I860), 1861, 2. s.. i, 7-11. —----.. Polyp,, iiaso-jilia- ryiurioii: ablation par la methoile osteo-jila'stiqut-. Bull Acad, de nied., Par., 1860-61, xxvi. 783-791 -Uso- Gaz d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 337. —Hull (J. M.) A caseof multiple polypi producing asthma, with hay and rose fever signally relieved by the removal of fortv-six jiol\-|ii. Ala- lia ma M. & S. .).. Birmingh., 1886. i. 3*1-386! — Hum. phrcys ( L. ) Xasal polypus. Mod. Inileji Detroit 1-57 i,i. 367-370-Hunt (R, P.) Nasal jiolvpus. Chi'. cago M. J., J8U7, xxiv, 429-432— Hutchinson (A. C) ireatment of nasal polypi. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834 xv 17 — ,\o*e (Tumors of). ■ cart. Observation sur deux polypes arraches a la memo jiersonne. l'uu par le nez ct Tallin- j>ar la bouche. J. de ined., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1767, xxvi, 459-165. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1860, vii, 529. _____.. Memoire sur les jiolyjies ties narines ct jiriiu ipah incut Rtir ceux qui dcscenileut tlei litre la cloison du jialais. (jaz. hebd. dc med.. Par., lsiio, vii, 465-467. — InyjiIe. (IT f.j Dental formation iu the nasal cavity. •!. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1881. ii, 2c5. ------. On the removal of naso- pharyngeal fibromata by the galvano-eautory. or cold- wire ecraseur. Ibid., 533-535. .Wm.; Chicago M J A.- Exam., 1884. xlviii. 0114-610. ------. Xasal jiolvjius occur- ring in a patient thirteen years of age, J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 212.------. Catarrh from a large cystic tumor: l emoval; cure. Weekly M. Rev., Chicago, 1884 ix, 97.—IiijjcIs (B.-C.) Observations relatives aTein|iloi des injections interstil idles tie chlorure do zinc duns 1,. traiteinent des jmly jies niisiiux et iniso-pliarviigieus. Ann Soc. de metl. tie (land, lssu. lviii. 139-146.—J ncobson (NT) A niiso-jihiiryngeiil tumor of large size; reinaiks ujion the jiiilhology of these growths, and their remov: 1 after jircliminary resection of the superior maxilla. Ti N. York M. Ass. 1886, Concord, XT II., 1887, iii, 218-233, 1 J>1.—Jacqiiemart. Deux cas de jmlyjies lies fosses na- sales (adherence entre le cornet moyen et hi cloison) ; un cas de jiseuilo jiolype. Ann. d. mat tlo leutiHe et du Ir. rynx, Par. 1883, ix, 69-78—.1 alaguicr (A.) eV ICuuiilt (A.) Polyjie en grapjie de la fosse nasale droite, laisant saillie dans lc uaso-pharyiix ; cephalalgie, douleurs nevral- giques, irritabilite nerveuse excessive; extirjiatiou de la tuineur par les voies iiaturclles; guerison. Arch, tie la rymgeil.. eb- rhinol., etc., Piir., lss7_8, i, 49-55.—Jarna- imv»ki. Panilry w nosie. [Polvjius of nose.] Pizcl lek., Krakow., IMjil, viii, 299— .Inn is (WT C.) My\.4i broma of the nares. Med. Rec, XT YT, 1882, xxii. 270. ------. Vascular tumors of the nasal jiassages, and '(heir treatment by crushing with the cold wire, with the history of it successful case. Internat. J. Surg. & Antisejit., X. \T, 1888, i, 1-8.—.loal. Des rapjiorts dc l'asthine ci'dcs polyjies muqueux tin nez. Arch. gen. de med.. Pur., )Sc2, i, 440; 535.—Jobert. Des jiolyjies naso-phiiryngicns' Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1858, xxxi, 337.—Johnson (G.)" The practical value of rhinoscojiy ; case of cyst obstructing the posterior opening of the right nasal fossa. Med. Circ. Loml., 1861. xxiv, 1.—Johnston (S.) A case ol' naso' pharyngeal growth. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1886, X. \T 1887,'viii. 182-184. Also: N. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 458.— Joi-ilau (F.) The treatment of nasal jiolyjii by the (issue injeclion of iodine. In his: Surg. Enq., 2. ed., Lond.. [18,-u], 195-197. ------. The treatment of naso jilia'- ryiiL'tal jiolyjuis. Ibid.. 197-200. ------. Extract from a clinicill lecture on a new ojieration for naso-jiharvugeal or fibrous peelvpus. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1885, i, 888. — Jo- seph ((..) l'ol\|ieii. Zlschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1857, viii, 321. — J oil on. f'pit heliotne tubule des fosses na- sales. Bull. Sue', anat. tb' Nantes 1881, I'ar., 1882, v, 21. Also: J. de med. tie l'ouest. Nantes, 1882, xvi, 159.— .Indokiiis fie Koose. Obst rvations siu un polyjie du nez, gueri par lc suit fondu. J. de med., chir., pliarin., etc., Par., 1767, xxvi, 536 - 538. — Jurist ( L. ) Sixty- two nasal polypi. Med. Bull., Phila., 1884, vi, 59.— Ivappeler (().) Fibrose Xaseiirachen-Polvjien. Inhis: Chir. Beob. d. Thurgau. Kaiittuiss|i. Miinstcrlingeu, 83, Frauen fold. 1874, 81-87.— Karpinski ((_).) Beitrag zur temjioraren (ostt'Djdiistischeii) Kesection der iiusseren Xase zur Eutfernung von Nasen Rachcnpolypcn. Berl. klin. Wchuschr., 1874, xi, 202-204. —Kcmpf (E.) Removal of a fibroid polyp from tlie nose by the knife. Louisville M. Xews, 18/9, vii, 65.— liirlihar (K. R.i [Case of fibroid nasal polypus arising fiom tbe septum.] Tr. M. \ Phvs. Sue Bombay (1886). 1887. [3. | s., x, 59. — Ki^visch no, Itotterau (F. A.) Lngewiilinlicbe Znfiille, hervorgcbruchl durch einen Nasenpoly pen. Oesterr. med. Wt hnsclii , Wien, 1843, 455. — ■ijelliiiau (F.) Om ojh rationen af niisjiolyjicr. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1881. xliii, 2,-1-286.— Knizek. Beitrag zur Ojieration der Xascn-I'oh |ien Prag. med. AVchnschr., 1877. ii, 198; 218— lvoni<*. ' Kin.i neue Methode tier Ojieration von Xasenrai licn|iolypeii Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1888. xv, 177-180.—Kohic/cli. Kin Sarcoma perivascu la re der X'ase. Arch. f. klin.Cliu.. Bell., 1875, xviii. 344-340. ] pl. Also: Chir. Klin, zu Bresl., Berl., 1875, 44-46. — Kraikotvizcr. T........ from the nares. NT York M. J., 1.-60. ii, 443-116. — li re- bel (R.) Ein Fall von Nasenjinh jicu. Med. Ztg. Russ- lan.ls, St. Petersb., 1856, xiii, 134 — Kiichlcr ill.) Aus- ziehiing eiues Nascnraclienjiolvpen durch die Muudliiihle Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1855, vii, 268— I.abal. ('uclijiics reflexions sur Its jiolyjies naso-plnuy ngiciis a l'occasion dune observation ile cette maladie; operation (procede de M. Maisonneuve): succes. J. denied, de Bordeaux, 18Co, 2. s., v, 449-459. Also : Monit. d. sc, med. ct jiharra., Par., 1860,2 s..ii. 1028-1030.— I.abbe (L.) Polyjieflhro-niuqueiix de la region uiiHo-pliarvngieune. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1875. i. 49-56. — I. a foil I (E.) Note sur un cas de guerison sjiontanee tl'uii jiolyj)e naso-pharyn- gien chez un adolescent. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1875, xxii, 37.—L.aiuprey (.1.) A case of enchondroma in a NOSE. 1009 NOSE, ,\o*e (Tumors of). Chinaman cured by o|ieratiou. Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1869, vii. 69. — [liane (L. contc. Fibrom naso- faiiugien. Led tune clinica. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1887, vii, 152 ; 196. — l.crichc. Tuineur de la cloison nasale, en- levee jiar unionisation de la sous cloison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 579. — I.elcinicur. Polype fibreux naso-iiharyugieu; ablation par fragmentation au moj'en d'une jiince a, 6crasement; guerison. Ibid., 1859, xxxii, 2. ------. Polypes naso-jiharyngieus. Bull. Soc. ile chir. de Par. (I860), 1866, 2. s., vi, 555.------. Polype naso- pharyngien; trois operations; guerison. Ibid. (1869), 187o,'2 s., x, 501-511—L.ctievaiit. ITn polype naso-jiba- ryugien. Lyon med., 1877, xxvi, 8,. — I,evict. Descrip- tion d'uu instrument invente par . . . avec la methode de s'en servir pour lier les jiolypes du nez. J. ile med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1771. xxxv, 353-375. — Lichteu- berg tG.) On fibrous polypus of the nose, with particu- lars of a case and operation. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 773.— Lincoln (It. P.) Xaso-jiharyngeal polypi, with demon- stration of cases. Tr. Am. Larvngol. Ass. 1879, St, Louis, 1882, i, 247-255, 1 pl. Also: St. Louis M. efe S. uescens false pro gaiigrieua pulm. habitus; Tod. ber. | ■ k. Krankenanst. Ruilolph-Stiftung m \Tien lob,), 1868 242.-I.dcl.ercr. Fahrlassige 'lodtung in Fok'o Aet/.iinR eines Nase„|>oly,,eu. Friedreich's Bl. f germ it Med Niirnb., 18«2, xxxiii. 23-28 _l,tt.-veiibe.£. L« stune is adenoi'des du pharynx nasal, cur influence sur la. Ltion, la respiration et la phouation, leur traitement. Gaz. d.nop., 64 IVose (Tumors of). Par., 1878, li, 474; 484; 506; 556; 572; 596; 611; 635: 651; 699: 7<2; 787. Also, transl: Metl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n.s.. xxvii, 263; 302; 323: 361; 401; 421 ; 442 : 461. Also transl. .- Edinb. M. .1., 1878-9, xxiv, 910: 996; 1099: 1879-80,' xxv, 40; 123, 1 pl. Also, transl..- Anfiteatroauat., Madrid, 1878. vi, 288: lr79. vii, 5 : 16 : 41 ; 80 ; 112 ; 138; 163; 198; 221; 251. Also | Abstr.]: Gac med, Mexico, 1879, xiv, 139-141. —liOrain. [Polyjie naso-jiharvngien.] Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par . 1854, xxix. 57-59. — I.ue. Pails cliniques relatifs aux jiolvpes muqueux des tosses nasales Union med., Par.. 1887, 3. s, xliii, 233-240—I.iitzclbergcr. Beobachtung gliicklich ausucrotteter Nasen- und Schlmid- Polypen. .1. tl. pract. Arznk. u. Wuudarznk.. Berl., 1804, xx. 3. St.. 01 -09.—«le I.unis (J. A.) De polypo narium ingeutis niagnituilinis feliciter exstirpato. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Xorimb., 1737, iv, 2- 8. — .Tl'Bri\. aet. 9. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1884-5. u s, iv, 2*1.'------. Fibro-mucous jiolyjiusof the naso pharynx. Ibid.. 18-<5-6, n. s. v, 79-83. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi. 1012- 1014. —TIcColloui (J. H.) Removal of naso-jihai vngeal polyjuis. Poston M. &-. S. .1. 1869. lxxix, 400 - 4u8. — .VlacG'onuac (W.) On an osteojilastic operatiou for re- moving naso-jiliarvngeal growths. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, vi, 65-68—;?Ic«« raw (T. A.) Fibroid polyp of the posterior naies. Michigan M. Xews, Detroit. 1879, ii. 71— .Mackenzie (M.) Nasal polypi; their re- moval by evulsion, abscission. 01' elect! e caulerv. Arch. Laryngol., N. T. Iss2. iii, 97-1(14 — flaihlock (A. li.) Spontaneous euie of poly pu> nasi. Lam.el. Loml., 1836-7, ii, 590. — ITIajjjai-cvic 1S1 Kiln ii,er Ritiheupoly p be- deutender Ordsse. Allg. mil-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1868, ix, 255-257.—ITlaisonueuve (J.) Kysle butyreux elr la face, simulant uu polype caueeieux des fosses nasales. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 65-67. ------. Polype naso- pharyngien avec prolougements multiples daus la bouche, les narines, la fosse zygomatique, lajoue, la fosse teiiijiorale; extirpation de l'os maxillaire sujieiieur; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 439. ------. Tumeur caicinoiiia- teuse de la base du crane; ligature cxtemporauec cninbinee avec la cauterisation eu flecbes; guerison. Ibid., 1859, xxxii, 313. ------. Note sur un cas ties-grave de jiolyjie naso-pharyngien, extirpe avec succ6s par la houtonniere palatine, au moyen de la ligature extemporanee et de la cauterisation eu flecbes. Union m6d., Par., 1859, 2. s., iv, 484-486. Also: Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par , 1859, vii, 402. ------. Note sur unnouve.au perfectiouuement apjioi te a. l'operation des polypes naso-pharyngiens. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vii, 393-396. Also: Gaz. d. hop . Par., I860, 390. Also: Monit. d sc. med. ct pharm , I'ar., 1860, 2. s.. ii. 797 — Tlalhcrbe (A.) Note sur une (Ieg6n6it'scenci* par- ficulieie de s fibres conjonctives observee daus uu polype tibro-inuqueux des fosses nasales (deg6nere,sccnce myce- lioide). Arch, rte physiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1879, 2. s.. vi 787-790. ------. Polypes muqueux des fosses nasales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes 1881, Par., 1882, v. 69. .Hs.. . J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1882, xvi, 371 — .Tlniifrcrii (F.) Un caso di adenoma nmltiplo del faringe nasale. Morgagni, Napoli, 1879, xxi, 344.— Mansa (IT W.) De polypo nasali congenito. Acta reg Soc. med. Havn., 1829, vii, 258-261.— Harcheltis (P.) Obstructio utriusque naris, altera quideni integra. a polypo spurio, carne scilicet, callosa ulceri ex contusione externa accrescente, alia vero imperfecta, feliciter sanata*. In his: Obs. med.-chir. [etc 1 8° Loml.. 1729, 39. Also, in his ■ Rec. d. obs. rares, etc., trad., sr Par., 1858, 81-83. — itlarjolin. Polype fibreux naso-pharyngien chez une petite fillede deux ans. Bull. Soe'. de chir. de Par. (1861), 1862, 2. s., ii. 321 — ITIarsh (H.) Nasal polypus removed from a child nine vears old. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869-70, xxi, 343— .TI a- son (F.l Myeloid tumour of the septum nasi. Proc. M. Soc Loud 1875-7, iii, 83-85. Also: Metl. Times ek Gaz., Loml 1875, i, 552—iTIassei (F.) Mixomi gi^anteschi della cavita naso-fariugea. Arch. ital. di laringol NTqioli, 1884-5 iv 163-167. ------. Sopra un caso di enonue bbroioa del eavo'nasofaringeo. Ibid., 1887, vii. 113- 128 — .Me- dina Ferrer (F.) Polipo nasal mucoso curado con his duchas antisCpticas An. de otol. y laiiugol., Alcala tie Henares 1886, iv, 111. Also: Cron. med.-quir. de la Ha- bana 1886, xii, 161— Menocal (R.) Fibroma naso-ta- rin.e-eo' cxtirpacion; curacion Cron. metl -quir. t .- la Habana. 1886. xii, 406-408—Mcnzel (A.) Fibroser I ,.ly p der Schatlelbasis , Exstirpation mit Resection des Olier kiefers; Heilung. Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1872 xm. 680 Also transl : Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 18. xxxjj )-, _ Hcrcier. [Une production cornee enleveedu nez d''un'vieillard ] Bull. Soc. anat. (le Par., 1836. x, 98 ; lj) _ flertrud. Memoire oil l'ou se propose de donner les'movens les plus convenables pour parvenu a la u ieri- son des polypes qui vienuent dans les 11 .rmes. Oaz hebd de m*d.. Par.. I860, vii. 449-4^2.— ?!•-.» er. Aid ..., lu g ube. die Ausrottuug emes Nasenpolypen. N • Jjiul'-'' ' f ,1 Chir. u. Ophth., Hannov., 1821-2, in, 23,»-_.i.>-.Tli- chaux. Polvpe de la partie sujierieure du pharynx, sinserant a la base du crane, aux premieres vertebres cervicales et h la vofite palatine, et s engageant dans les sinus spnonoiuaui et la fosse nasale gauche; ablation de NOSK. , 1010 \o*c (Tumors of). I'us maxillaire sujieiieur; destruction du polype par ar- rat hi'incnt. excision et cauteiisation ; guerison. Bull. Acad. roy. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1847-8, vii, 246-255. Also: (Jaz. ined. de Par.. 1848, 3. s., iii, 446. ------. Poly- jies naso-pharyngiens. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 58; 315.------. Nouvelles considerations sur les polypes naso- pharyngiens. Bull. Acad. rov. de nied. de Belg., Brux., lsiij'2. s., v, 679-784, 4 pl. [Discussion], 1864 vii, 140: 217; 271, 402; 443. Alsn. Reprint. Also [Abstr.l : Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1864, xxxvii, 25t. [Rap. de Horioii.] Ann. Sue. med. chir. de Liege, 1863, ii, 301; 338. ------. Nou- veau cas de polyjie naso jiharvngien oper6 avec succes. Bull. Acad, roy.' de med. de Belg., Brux., 1864, 2. s., vii, 19.-208. 2 pl. —-----. Quelques mots encore sur les polypes fibreux naso jiharingioiis volumineux, ft insertions larges et lesistantes eta pioloiigeiuents niultijiles. Ibid., 1867, 3. s., i, 397-433. 2 pl. Abo,'Repriut. -----. Nouvelle note sur le diagnostic et le traitement des jiolyjies fibreux naso- pharyngites. Bull. Acad. roy. tie me(L de Belg., Brux., 1869,3. s.. iii, 510-549. ------. Resume du traitenient des jiolyjies tibieux naso-jiharyngicns. Ibid., 1879, 3. s., xiii, 424'-46o —.Tlicliel. Observation tie tumeur osseuse (mye- loide) du vomer (exostose spoiigieuse des fosses nasales; Richet. Olivier), suivie de reflexions pour servir a l'his- toirc des exostoses de la face. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 380; 396.— tlicliel t Gaz., Lond., 1881, i, 590; 616; 646— itloscati (P.) Descrizione di un metodo per la legatura dei jiolipi, che dalle nari posteriori scenilono in gola. Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1824, xxix, 86-92—.Tlott (V.) New operation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1842, n. s., iii, 257.------. A nasal operation for the removal of a large tumour filling uji the entire nostril and extending to the pharynx. Ibid., 1843, n. s , v, 87-91—Motla (E ) Polypo naso pharyugeo; extracijao pelo esmagadoi- de Chassaignac, com divisao previa do veu palatino. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1861, 2. s., xxv, 187-19J.—.flon^ins (P.) Ablation d'une tu- meur squirrheuse developpee dans une fosse nasale, et restauration de la jierte de substance a I'aide d'un lam beau pi is a la joue; lesultat satistnisaut et sans difformite. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1861, 621-623. — Moure ( E.-L ) Des i)seudo-tunieurs des fosses nasales. Rev. mens, de laryngol., etc., Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 1-10. ------. Sur un cas de fibro-sarcome prituitif de la fosse nasale droite. Ibid.. Par.. 1886, vi. 417-425. -----. Polype kys- tique ties arriere toss- s nasales. J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1886-7, xvi. 04. tliiiichincycr. Beobachtung einer Krankheit tier oberen Xasenhohie mitvdlliger Vereiterung und Zersidruiig tier Sphenoidal- und Ethiuoidalhdhlen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1842, xx, 377-382. — i?Iut- ler. Gelatinous Jiolypiis of the nose; operalion with for- ceps. Med. Exam., Phila., 1843, vi, 101 ; 135.—.Tin I hall. Asthma from nasal polypi. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1882, xiii, 165-172.—51 iii-oii. Etude sur la structure des jiolvjies fibreux uiiso pharyngiens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869, Par., 18i0, 5. s., i, 223-225.—Nclaton. Nouvelle methode pour operer les tumeurs tihreuses de la base, du crane. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1849, 3. s., i, 128. ------. Polype fibreux de la base du crane; considerations gcnerales. Ibid., 1853, xxvi, 22. ------ Polypi naso-pharyngien attaque par une ouvertureartificiellefaiteala vofite palatine; excision ; cau- terisations successives avec, l'acide niirique nionohydrale. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1853, xxiv, 500-503 '------. Lecons sur un cas de poiyjie naso-pharyugieu. Monit. d. hop. Par., 1853, i, 54-56. ------. Lectins cliniques sur Its jiolypes fibreux naso-phai \ ngieus. ' Ibid., 1854, ii, 642; 077—A'ciiuiniui (J.) ty .sicmcleilcr. Rachenpoiyp. von der Schadelbasis ausgebenel. dutch Galvanokausti'k ohne Blutuug entfernt : rhinoskojiische Untersuchung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg , I860, v, 212— \cm cutler (TT) Sarcotna na_-..|,h.u\ ngcale. Wieu. med. Presse, 1871, xii, 590-594.— !\ikolol vtorom slitehayai udaleuiva noso- gloioi Imago pohjia po sposobu Lvaugenbeka. [St.....ml caseof removal of nasal polypus by Langenbeck's method.] .\ose (Tumors of). Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v. Mosk. (1873-5), 1876, i, 451 — Nixon (F. A.) A large number of polypi (fibro-myxo- mas) obstructing both nostrils. Med. Press .v. Circ, Loud.. 1879, n. 8., xxviii, 3o5. — .\oble (S. (T) Case of large nasal polypoid growth. Med. Times \- Gaz , Loud., 1862, ii. 404—."N'ol'ta. Polypes du nez datant dc I rente ans ; sec- tion jnealable du' nez; extii jialion : guerison. Annee metl.. Caen, 1877, ii, 40-43. - Hoiino (G. F.) Osserva- zioni sulla memoria del Dott. Dionisio, intitolata : Estirjia zione di voluminoso niixoma occupaute 1'inticro anibito delle cavita nasali, estrusosi per le suture naso-inascellari verso le regioui genio-mal.u i. Gior. d. r. Accad. il1 med. di Torino, 1877, 3. s., xxii, 193-197. — Oilier. Polype fibreux naso-pharyngien oper6 par un nouveau jirocctlc. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. dc Lyon, 1864-5, iv, pt. 2. 46-50. ------. Poly-jie naso-pharyngien ; ablation du maxillaire superieur comme operation jirelimiuaire: con servation du perioste et reproduction de los; guerison constatee sept mois ajnes lopei-ation. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1864), 186r>, 2. s.. v, 324. Also : Gaz. tl. Iii'iji., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 330.------. Nouveau jiroredo operatoire pour l'ablatiou des polypes naso-pharvngiens. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1866)', 1867, 2. s., vii, 263-265. ------. De l'opo- ration des fibrdmes naso-pharyngiens, au moyen de l'abais- sement du nez par 1'osteotoniie vcrticale cl bilater.ile de la charpente de cet organe. Ibid . 1873, 3. s., ii, 401-407— Olney (F. E.) A case of naso-jihary ngeal tumor; ojiera- tion by E. F. Iugals. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 18*3. xlvii, 48-50.—Opitz (WT) Die Behandlung der Naseu-Raehen- polypen, vorzuglich uach den Verhandlungen in der chi- rurgischen Gesellschaft zu Paris (largestellt. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1862, cxv, 219-237—Ord (WT M ) Caseof polypus nasi extending upwards and jiroducing absorption of the body of the sphenoid bone, and obliteration of Ihe internal carotid arterv, followed bv abscess in the brain. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858. 471. — Orv. Des polypes de la partie posterieure des fosses nasales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 912-917. Also : Progres med., Par., 1875, iii, 190-192.—Osco. Sarcoma melanbt ico de las fosas na- sales, del seno maxilar, de, la orbita y del seno frontal; operacion ; muerte. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1875, i, 312: 1876, ii, 22. — Paci. Tumore poliposo faringeo ope- rato colla galvanocaustica per le vie nasali. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. mod. ital 1878, Pisa, 1879, viii, 197-199—Pa- lasciano. De la perforation de l'ttnguis comme moyen de jiarvenira la destruction des polypes de la base du crane. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1858, Carlsruhe, 1859, xxxiv, 279-281, 1 jd. Also: Bull. Soc. dechir. de Par. (1860), 1861, 2. s. i, 372-376. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxx, 331. — Pamard, Polype naso- pharyngien ; ablation, apres la resection sous-peiiost6odu inaxillaire superieur. [Rap. de Dujilay.] Bull. Soe. do chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 576-582. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 75-77. ------. Polype naso-pharyngien ; r6cidive; seconde operation ; guerison remontant a" dix- sept mois. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de I'ar.. 1875, n. s., i, 317-321.—Paquet. Destruction d'un polype naso- pharyngien par l'electricite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 677. — Paraila y Santiu (J.) Polipos naso fariu- geos (mixomas); disgregacion y avulsion forzada; cura- cion. Jut-ado m6d.-farm., Madrid, 1881, ii, 2n3. — Park (M.) Encysted atheromatous tumor situated in the cavity of Ihe nose, displacing the nasal boues. Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, i. 886.—Parker (R ) Acinous adenoma of lip of nose. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1880-81, xxxii, 238. — Pau- chon (A.) Quelques mots sur l'histoire des polypes fibreux naso-pharyngiens et sur leur traitement par'l'ab- latiou partielle ou totale du maxillaire sujierieur. Mar- seille med., 1874, xi, 391-407. — Peau. Hematome de la cloison nasale: mode de jiroduction de cette ttimeui ; symp- tomes ; diagnostic; traitement. In his: Lemons de clin. chir., etc., 8°, Par., 1882. 133-138.—Peltier. Polype fibro- niuqueux de lTui icre-tiu itc des losses nasales. Ann d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1882, viii, 179-181. Pcmberlon. Malignant polypus of the nose; death from asphyxia during au operation for its relief. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1850, 519. — Pepinsler. Polype fibreux volumineux des fosses nasales; arracheinent ; guerison. Arch, beiges de med. mil , Brux., 1856, xvii. 342-345. — Perez y Jimenez (X. A.) Caso notable de fibroma de las fosas nasales. Genio m6d.-quir., Madrid, 1875, xxi, 346.— Peters (G. A.) Naso-pharvngeal polypus. Med, Rec, N. Y., 1881, xx, 1«6. ----. XTiso-phary ngeal jioly- pus. Ibid., 1882, xxi, 243. — Pelrone (G ) Sojira un raro caso di mixoino polijioso naso faringeo; cousiilerazioui pratiche ed istologiche. Arch. ital. di laringol., Najmli, 1884-5, iv, 15-19. — Piachaud. Polypes fibieux naso- pharvngiens et ptervgoniaxillaires. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (18631. 1864. 2. s., iv, 107-114—Pick (TT P.) On naso idiaryngeal j>ol\ pi. Saint George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1867, ii, 151-168. — Pieniazek. Einige Falle von Xasen- pohpen und deren Entfernuug mit der Stablsihliiige. Wien. med. Bl., 1878, i 672; 700—Pluyette. Des libro- mes naso-jihaiyngienschez la femme. Rev. de, chir., Par., 1887, vii, 202-223. Also, transl [Abstr. ] : Med.-chir. Ceu- trilbl., Wieu, 1887, xxii, 507. — Poisson. Polype naso. phaiyngien (operation). J. de med. de I'ouest, Nantes, NOSE. 1011 NOSE. rYose (Tumors of). 1886, xx, 385. — Potano (M.) Over de boutonniere sta- phyline of ovei 'langschc insnijding in de middellijn van het zachte vei hcnielte als vom bereidende kuustbewerkiug bi.j de cxliijiatic tier neuskeelgatspi lypen van Maisonneuve en Puncher. XT dell. Ti.jd.schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1860, iv, 181-185. — Post. Tumor in nasal cavity. XT York J. M., 1846, vi, 13 - Poj-et (G.) Polyjie muqueux del'ar- rieie-cavite des fosses nasales. Bull. Soc. anat de Par., 1875,1, 623-627. — Pozzi (S.) Myxome jiolypeux ulcere de la narine droite ; uups fibro-plastiques ; iuliltration dc leucocytes. Ibid. (1872), 1874, xlvii. 359----. Sur les causes de la niort subite daus l'extirpation des polyjies naso-phary ugiens, et sur le jironoslie de cette o|>i'ratiou. Assoc franc, jiom 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1874, Par., 1875. iii. 833-842. Also: Progres med.. Par., 1874, ii. 591 ; 6u7. Also, transl..- Antitcatro anat., Madrid, 1878, vi, 33 ; 42: 53. — Pretcrre. Polype naso-pharyngien avec pro- longements niultijiles daus la bouche, les narines, hi fosse zygomatique, la joue, la fosse temporale; extirpation de los maxillaire suptsrieui'; guerison. Bull. Acad, roy.de med. de Belg., Brux., 1861, 2. s., iv, 795-715—Piizey (CT) A note on the removal of naso-jiharvngeal jiolypi. Liverpool M.-Chir. .1., 1881, i, 86. — Kainer (J.'B.) Heilung von Nasenpolypen durch die ausserliche Anwen- dung der Tinctura opii crocata. Med.-chir. Ztg., Inns- bruck, 1821, iii, 60-63. — Kampolla. Note sur un nou- veau proc6de pour le traitement chirurgical des polypes naso-pharyngiens. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1860), 1861, 2. s., i, 140-144. [Rap.de Vernenil], 144; 212. [Discus- sion], 224 ; 258. Also: Abeille med., Par., 1860, xvii, 105— Reclus. Polype muqueux implants a. la partie poste- rieure ties fosses nasales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 678.—Reeder (J. H.) The tr. muriate feiri in nasal polypus. Chicago M. J., 1859, n. s., ii, 547.— Rcnaut. Structure de certains polvpes muqueux des fosses nasales. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., Ie71, xlvi, 229.—Reynolds (D. S.) Radical cure of nasal polypi by injections. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1881, xxxii, 237-242. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y , 1881, xx, 368-370. — Richard (A.) Polype naso-pharyn- gien. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1854-5, v, 118. -----. [Un polype naso jiharyngien] Ibid. (1860), 1861, 2. 8., i, 283-291!— Richardson (B. W.) Treatment of nasal polypus by sodium ethylate. Asclepiad, Lond., 1884, i, 251-253. — Richet. Sarcome de la fosse nasale droite opere par la methode nasale. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1881, vii, 327-331. -----. Polype naso- pharyngien, ayant detruit la base du crane sans produire de symptomes ; perforation de la paroi du sinus caverneux pendant les tentatives de decollement. Siecle med , Par., 1881, ii. 73.—Richter (A. G.) Ein Nasenpolyp. In his: Metl. u. chir. Bemerkuugen, 8°, Berl., 1813, ii, 82-86.— Rigal (J.-A.) Observation de polype des fosses nasales et de l'ai riere-gorge. Gaz. med. de Par., 1831, ii, 88-90.— Rigal (J.-J.) [Polype, aux arrieres narines.] Ann. clin., Montpel., 1810, xxiii, 211-214. — Robert. Polype fibreux recidive. Bull. Soc. de chir. de I'ar., 1853-4, iv, J51. -----. Des kystes de la region orbito-nasale. J. de med. et cbir. prat., Par., 1858, xxix, 546-550. -----. Ob- servation d'un polyjie naso-pharyngien insePe surla colonne vertebrale. Mon'if. d. hop., Par., 1859, vii, 489. -----. Polypes naso-pharvngiens. Bull. Sue. tic chir. de Par. (I860), 1861, 2. s., i,'39-41. — Robertson (\V.) Account of an operation for the extraction of the polypus from tbe nose. Etlinb. M. & S. J., 1827, xxvii. 44.—Rob- inson (B.) Remarks on hypertrophy of turbinated cor- pora cavernosa. Am. J. M. Sc, I'hila., 1877, n. s., Ixxiii, 4.-JI-436.—Rochard (J ) Histoire ties progres accomplis receniment dans l'etude et le traitement des polypes naso- pharyngiens. Gaz. hebd. dc med., Par., 1874, xxi, 637- 639 -----. Communication sur les polypes naso-pharyn- giens Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, 903-907 —Roche (L.) Polype naso-pharingien ; ojieration par arrachement; guerison. Bull. Soc. nied. de 1 Tonne 1864 Auxerre, 1865, 210-220. — Roe (J. O ) Angioma of the nose N York M. J.. 1886, xliii, 64-68. Also, Re- p,iut _ Roiiibcau. [Polype ties fosses nasales et du sinus maxillaire. 1 Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 35— Rose (K.) Zwei Falle von Nasenschlafenpolypen. Ann. d Char'-Krankenh. zu Berl., 1864-5, xii, 2. Hft., 101-121- Roth (W.) Entfernung einer iibcrtaiibeneigrossen Ge- schwulst aus dem Nasenrachenraume. Wieu. med. Wchn- schr. 1880, xxx, 845-847. - Rouse. Suspicious warty tumor ou the end of tbe nose of a boy, removed by caustics. Lancet Lond., 1860, ii, 212. ----- Caseof fibrous polypus treated by Langenbeck's method of ojieration. I Ind., 1869 i 293—Boh tier (A.) Sarcome des tosses nasales ; son ties avancee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 591; 594. - Woux (J.) Polyjies naso-pharyngiens; operation ecartement'des os maxillaircs sune.TeunT Gaz.. d. hop., Par., 1861. x^xiv 354—Rubio ,F 1 Pdlinos mucosos de ambas fosas nasales ; empleo de varias inyecciones en su parenquima sin resultado; opera- IVose (Tumors of). cion por avulsion; curacion; indicaciones sobre el caso. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1880, xxvii, 694. — ile Ma^astuine (J. R.) Extirpacion de un gran polipo ct lulo-mut uso que llenaba toda la cavidad nasal derecha, j)or una combinaciou de jiiocedimieiitos, emjileando : Pia ligaduia; 2" la avul- sion ; 3" hi cauteiizacion. Ibid., 1859, vi, 184.—de Saiut- C»crmaiu. Polyjie muqueux oceuiiautla partie moyeune du pharynx et les fosses nasales; extirpation a travels le Voile dn palais divise : guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1874, xlvii, 66. — Salamanca (D.) Sobre los jiolipos fibrosos naso-faiinjeos o de hi base del craneo. consitleiados bajo el jiunlo de visla del diagnostico i dc la tcrajieiitica. An. Lniv. de Chile, Santiago, 1869, xxxii, 285-317. — Sancho (M.) Polijio naso-faringeo d naso-craueauo, segun laclasi- ticacion del Dr. Enemas. Genio mod-quir., Madrid, 1880, xxvi, 204. — fit a n lis (H. B.) Naso-pharyngeal fibrous tu- mor; operation. Med. Rec, XT Y , 1872, vii. 578. -----. On nasopharyngeal jiolypi. Arch. Scient. e*c Pract. M. e!c S., Phila. & XT Y., 1873,' i, 493-519, 1 pl. -----. Reci.rrent naso-jihan ngeal polypus: removal bv galvano -cautery. Arch. Clin. Surg.. N! V., 1876, i, 74—Sato (S.) [A cliiii- cal lecture on nasal lumors ] Iji Shinbun, Tokio. 1880, no. 25, April 23.—.Sa vorj (\VT S.) Abstract of clinical lecture on a case of iiaso-jiharvngeal polypus. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1878, i, 3-5 — SchaelTcr (M.) Nasenimlyjieu. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1882, viii. 324-326 — Schell" (G.) Die Entwicklung von Cysten in deu Ne- benhdhlen der Nase. Allg. Wien. metl. Ztg., 1883, xxviii, 77. — Scholz ( W. ) Nasenrachenjioiyji-Lnterhinduug; iiciieilielie Entwicklung eines gleichen Neugebildes auf dei' andern Seite. Spitals-Ztg.; Wien. 1802. 302-304.— Schramm. Polip nosojiolykowy. wyluszczeuie jirzez janie ustmj. [Polyjius of nose; extirjiation through mouth.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1883, xxii. 311.—Krlirr. ger (D.) Naseupolyjieu; iiber einige Entstehuugsver- haltnisse derselben, und Complication mit Telangiectasis der Nasenschleimhaut. Ann. d. chir. Clin. a. d. ITuiv. zu Erlang., 1816, i, 36-48.-----. Meiue Werkzcuge zur Aus- rottung der XTisenpoL jun. Neue (Der) Chiron. Sulzbach, 1823, i, 197-206, 1 ]d—Schrcibcr (I. XT) Kipie.btc (Jpe- ratiousniethode bei grossen Naseu-Rachenjiolvpen. Med. Jahrb. (1. k. k. iisterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxvi, 66-78— Schwabc. Abgaug von XTisenpoly p.ii nach auhaltendcu Weinen, nebst einigen Aunierkungen iiber die Aetiologie derPolypeuuberhaujit, Klin. Ztschr. I. Chir. u. Augenh., Halle, '1836-7, i, 369-377.—Scolt (J. S.) Removal ot a congenital anmiiismal tumor. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, v, 61.—Seilillot. Polype naso phaiyngien : pro- cede nouveau il'extii jiation. Pioc.-verb. . . . Soc. dc m6d. de Strasb. (1858-63). 1864, i, 160-164. -----. Polype nasal; racines penetrant dans le shins sjihenoidal Ibid., 190- 192.—Seifert. Ueber Mvxofibrome der Cboanen. Si- tzungsb. d. phys.-metl. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. 1887, 35-41 — Seilcr (C.) Erectile tumor of the anterior nares. Am. Sjiecialist, Phila., 1881, ii, 7. -----. Some remarks on the jiathology of intranasal hypertrophies. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila, (1881-3), 1884, xi, 110-121. -----. Fibroid jiolypiis of the nose involving the antrum. Ibid., 126. ----- Ec- cbondroses of the septum narium and their removal. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 180-183. -Scllcrblad (G ) Fall of nassvalgpolyji opererad med galvanokaustik. IIv giea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 110-121— Short! (J.) A case of lijiotua. Madras Month. J. M. Sc, 1873. vii, 89, 1 pl—!"ihra«ly (G. P.) Removal of a large nasopharyngeal tumor with extensive attachments to base of skull; unex- pected brain complication : death. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1882, xxii, 311-314.—Shurly (IT L.; 1 lu- galvauo-cautery comjiared with other means of destroying the mucous membrane of the nasal and pharyngeal cavities. N. Tork M. J.. 1885, xii, 95-97 — Sibthorpe. Lipoma (so-called) of the nose. Indian M. (Jaz., Calcutta, 1*8/, xxii, 316, 1 pl—Simon. Abscess in the brain from oblitera- tion of the carotid trunk by the pressure of a na.-al peily- pus. Med. Times efe Gaz., Loud., 1858. xvi, 631.- *ioli*. Polype naso-pharyngien traite au moyen des douche.--na- sales. Gaz. m6d.'d'Orient, Constantinople, 1869-70, xiii, 35 —Skey. Polypus of the mi-e involving the orbit. Laucet, Lond., 1860, i, 118. -Smith (H.) Removal of large nasal polypus. Med. Times tfc (Iaz., Lond. 1869, n, 412. -----. Large fibrous polypus of the nose : opi ration: recovery. Brit. M. J.. Lond'., 1869, ii. 557.—Smith (J. F) A'large post-nasal jiolvjms, with unusual complica- tions. Tndiaua M. J., Indianap.. 1887-8. vi. 216-218— Sovootil-eUi (G. A.) Sluchai udaleniya jiolipa vebcln- novii v kulak iz pravoi poloviue polosti. i Removal of a lace jiolvpus from the nose.! Laitop. khiiurg. Obsh. v. Mosk (1873-5), 1876, i, 174.—SpaaU. Tumeur hemorrha- ,.'„.u, ele la eavite pharvngo nasiile: aphonic nerveuse; euerison Ann d. mal. de l'oreille et tin larynx, Par., 18.6, ii 358-361 —Snantigati (G.) Osservazioni sulla memo- ri'i del Dott Die.nisio, intitolata; Eslirjiazmue di volurni- nosoiuixoina occupaute I' intiero ambito delle cavita nasali, estrusosi per le suture naso-iuaseellaie vei so le regumi Sinalari. Gior. d. r. Accatl. di med ill Torino, 18,., ■t s xxii 197-200 —Squire Fibrinous jiolyjn trom the lures' Tr Path. S.ic. Lond., 1869-70, xxi. 343— Siein- brii-'-e'lH.) Ueber die histologische Beschaffenheit der NOSE. 101 \o*t' (Tumors of). unteren Nascumust In-ln, sowie der von innen entsprin- I'endcn teliiigiektatischen Fibrome. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb.. 1879, viii, 110-122, 2 pl —Steiner (E) Sehr aus- gcdehiiler tihibsei Xiisen -Polyp; Exstirjintion desselben nach Resektion tics Xasoufoitsatzes des rechlen Oberkie- I'us. tics rechten Nasenbeius und tier vordern Wand der rccliteii Stiinbbble, rasche Heilung; Mechanismus des Abschlusses tier Xaseiihdhle von der Mundhiiblc (lurch das Velum palalinum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1868, xviii lo82- 1099.—Stciiihnusen. Polypus narium. [3 casts'] Ma-, d. Heilk., Perl., 1814, lxiii, 491-499 — Stoker (W T) On the removal of naso-jiharvngeal tumours. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland 1883-4. Dubl., 1884, ii, 127-134, 1 pl. Also: Dublin J. M Sc. 1884. lxxvii, 159-162. Also: Med. Press >V. Circ., Lond.. 1884. n. s , xxxviii, 88-90.—Slon- liam (C.) Xaso jibaryugeal polypus (recurrence). Tr. Clin Sue. Lond.. 1884,' xvii, 235. -----. A case of naso- jihary ni;e;il poUpus; Lawrence s ojieration ; recurrence; secoiul opii al ion : recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 13.— *toi-chi ii.) I'olipo liaso-faringeo causa di accessi epi- lettit'oiini ; eslii pii/ioue : guarigione. Sjiallanzani, Roma, 1886. 2. s., xv, 462—Storrcr (E.» Xasal jiolypi and their removal, with cases. I'aoilic M. -V S. J.. San Fran., 1880- 81, xxiii] 358-362.— Strieker (VV.) Heilung eines Na- senjiohpen durch Jodtinctur. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., P.erl.. Is63. xxvii, 211.—Stukovenkoff (M.) Rhinoscle- roma. Priloj. k protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach., Kiev, 1887, 98-111, 1 pl. — Syme (J.) Fibrous jiolypiis of the nose. Edinb. M. efc S. .1.. 1832. xxxviii. 322-324. ----- Xasal jmlvpus. Edinb. & Loml. Month. J. M. Se , 1842, ii, 790-792. -----. Case of tibrous jiolyjius. Month. J. M. Sc. Loml. efc Edinb.. 1850. xi. 385-387. -----. Fibrous pop pus of the nose 1 bid.. 1852. xv, 274-276. — Tangc- iiiauu(C. WT) Xasal poly pus. (Mucin. Lancet & Clinic, 1885, u. s., xiv, .is:;. — Tardicu iA.) Carie de l'os de la jiommelte. de los unguis, du splienolde, du maxillaire droit et des "dents de ce cote, par suite d'un polype dela fosse nasale droite. Hull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1842, wii 373. —'I'm lor (IL) Polypous tumour displacing the elobe ol lb. eye. Edinb. M." .fc S. J., 1846, lxvi, 6-10.— I eriii|>< >li (11. C.) Stoiia dell' estirpazione di un polipo voluminoso iuijiiiiiitiito m-lla volta della fariuge ; nuovo sti uniento. Gazz. med. ital. toiler, fuse, Firenze. 1850-51, 2. s., i, 345-349.— Terrier (IT) Procede pour l'ablation des polyjies muqueux dans les tosses nasales. J. de med. ef chir. jirat, I'ar.. 18T4, xiv, 394-397. -----. Sarcome des fosses nasales. Ann. d. mal. de I'orci licet du larynx.. Par., 1884, x, 279-282.—Terrillon. Traitement des jiolyjies muqueux des fosses nasales. Bull. gen. de theraji., etc., Par.. 1874, lxxxvii, 533-539 —Tcstclin (A.) Polype con- dyloiiiatt'ux des fosses nasales: ablation; guerison sans recidive. J. de mod., chir et pharmacol., Brux., 1859, xxviii. 147-150.—ThouinN (J. U.) Sarcomatous tumour removed t'lom the ii.iso-phan nx. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1880-7, vi, 104. — I'hoi nilike ( W. H. ) Naso- pharyngeal polypus; depression of superior maxilla: re- placement; recovery; two cases. Med. &. Surg. Rep. Bust. City Ho-i>. (1874-9), 1882, iii, 152-151—Thudichum (J. L. -V.) On jiolypiis autl other mm bid growths in the nose : their radical treatment by the electro-caustic met hod and their connexion with asthma. Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 594-596. Also [Abstr.] : Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1879-81, v, 78. ----- On the nature and treatment of hypertrophies and tumours of the nasal and pharyngeal cavities. [Sub- stance ola paper lead before the West London Medico-Chi- riii-L-ical Society. Feb. 4. 1887.] Lancet, Loud., 1887, ii, 401- 403. —'I'ilian.v (L. McL.) Removal of the naso-pbaryn- geal poh pus by teinjiorarv depression of both upper jaws. Tr. M. ,fc Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1878, 180-187. Also, Reprint.-----'the treatment of nasal polypi by the thermo-caiiii i \ Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878-9, v, 212-215. — I il.iiiui (J. W. R.) Nasophar. polyp. Week. v. h. GenoolM'h. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-. Oeuees-'en Heelk. te Amst.. 1872-3. iii, 13—Tillniami* (H.) Ceber todte Ostconie tier Nasen uud Stirnhiihlen. Ber. ii. d. Vei handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, 41— Todd (C. A.) Connection between asthma and nasal polypi. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. St. Louis. 1881, xxiv. 78-84. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1881, vi. 120-123. — Traile- nient drs polypes naso-jiharyngieus. [Discussion.] Bull. Soc. tie chir. tit? Par. ( IsdOj, 1867, 2. s., vii, 18; 34; 46.__ Trclat. I'olype naso phaiyngien ; resection temporaire de la ji.u-oi anterieure du sinus maxillaire. Bull. Soc. tie chir. tie Par. 1872, 3. s.. i, 400. -----. Polyjies des airiere- uarines. Ibid.. 1874. 3. »., iii, 557-560. -----. Des jiolyiies naso pharyngiens. Rev. detheiap. med. chir.. Par., 1877, xliv. 225-228. ----- Polyjie muqueux des arriere-narines siiillnntdans le plijirynx. Bull. et. mem. Soc de chir. de "'Vi' '.-^- '■'• 111-719. -----. Resections osseuses jiour 1 ablation des poiyjies du nez. Ibid., 1882, n. s., viii. 850- 8o2. -----. Tumeur sarcomateuse des fosses nasales Gaz. d. bop., Par.. 1883, lvi, 210. — Trowbridge (A i Unusual case of polvjius in the throat and cavities of the face successfully heated. Tr. M. Soc. X Y. Albany 1819. 30-36. Also: Ibid.. 1807-31. Albany. 1868. ' 163-1 fi'fi! Also: Mod. Reposit.. X. Y , 1820. n. s.. v 186-191 4 ho ■ Med. >fc Phys. J., Loud.. 1819, xiii, 285-2s9—T««ili}-ro- NOSIv i\o*t' (Tumors of). gloiiM ( M. I Zwei Fiille von Nnsen|iiilvjicn (Septum- Polvjilllld K.'tbx Xeuiose). Monatschr. f.'Ohrcnh., Berl , 1887, xxi, 275. — I'nderhill (A. S. ) Nase.phai vngeal [iolyj)iis; hyjiertro|ihy ot the mucous membrane ; trache- otomy ; removal ol 'superior maxillary bone; death. Bui. M. *oii (('. R.j A method of treating nasopharyngeal and laryngeal tumors; with a description of a new instrument for the same. Metl. lice. N. Y., 1881, xix, 557— I're. Pol\jn>itl I.....y growth from the septum and floor ot the ri^bl no-tiil: successful re- moval. Lancet, Loud., 1861 i. 111. Valcula (A.) & Wall maim (H.) Eine seltene (ieschwnlst obeihalb dor Xascnwuizel eines neugebornen Kindes. Ztschr. d. K k. (iesellsch. tl. Aerzte zu Wien. 1858, xiv. 209-211. — Van It lire n (WT II.) Malignant jiolyjuisof the nose; ligature of the common carotid artery ; death with cerebral syinj). toms. N. Yoik J. M., 1849. ii. s.. ii, 297-3o2. Also, iii his: Contrib. to Pract. Surg., 8°, Phila., 1865, 77-84. —Van Doiuniclcn. Polype fibreux de la fosse nasale gauche; cauterisation a I'aide du sublime cnrrosilT guerison. J. de med.. cbir. et pharmacol., Brux.. 1859, xxviii, 463-465— Van CSoiidoever ( L. ('.) De verwijihi inu. der neus keel- polyjieu. Xederl. Tijtlschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1866-9, xvi, 265-282.—Vanzelti (TT) Sarcoma -simplex ex fossa canina dextra et nasi latere excrcscens; exlirjin- tio tumoris ; sanatio magna ex parte sine jiure, per simjili- cem vulneris protectiouem. In his: Ann. scholie clin. chir., etc.. 8°, Charcovia*. 1846, 59-61, 1 pl — Velazco (I.) Polipos mucosos nasales, sostenidos jirohableiuente por un vit.-io cifilitico. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1873. viii, 105-108.— Vclpcau (A.) Polypes saignans. Anh. gen. de med , Par., 1826, xi, 579. -----. Polyjie envahissant la majeure parlie des cavites de la face; ligature de sa princijiale biancbe a I'aide d'un instrument nouveau. Oaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 569. -----. Polype niuijuenx des fosses nasales tres- volumineux, datant de quaiante • tpiatre ans: deformation considerable du nez; extirpalion jiar airacbemeut. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857, v, 395-397. — Ver- clicrc (F.) Des indications ojicrntoircs dans cerdiincs tumeurs recidivautes de la ciivite et I'm lien-cavile des fosses nasales. Arch, de laryngol., de rhiuol., etc., Par., 1887, i, 3-15.—Verhac«he. Polyjie fibreux lies fosses nasales; ligature. Ann. Sue. med. -chir. de Bruges, ib44, v. 214-217. — Vernenil (Ai Doiiiments sui• I'incisiou medianc du voile du palais ct sur les jiolyjies naso-pharyn- giens, tir6s de la pratique dc Dietfenbacb. Oaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1860, vii, 38-43. -----. Ln point de l'histoire des polypes naso-phai yugiens, ct, jiar occasion, du profit qu'ou tire k remonter ties citations aux sources bibbogra- phiques originales. Ibid., 129-137.-----. Observations de polypes naso-pharyngiens. Ibid.. 387-392. -----. Me- thodes et proc6des de ligature jiour les jiolypes du nez et du pharynx; observations k l'appui. Ibid., 433-437. -----. Quelques mots snr les polyjjes fibreux naso-maxil- laires, pour montier jusqu'oii pent mener la curiosity hibli- ographique. Ibid., 577-585. ------. Polypes naso-pharvn- giens. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1863),' 1»64, 2. s., iv.88- 97. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, 150-152. -----. Polype naso-pharyngien ; operations; tuineur recidivee deveuant, erectile. J. de med. ct chir. prat., Piir., 1874, xiv, 156-158. ------. Temps d'arret dans la marche des poly|ies naso- pharyngiens. Ibid., 1879, 1, 60-62. -----. Polype naso- pharyngien. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, lii, 785-787. -----. Polype naso-pbajyngien ; ligature dela carotide; gangrene vasculaire; mort. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884. n. s., x, 633-636. ------. Papillome de la fosse nasale droite : ouverture de cette cavite, puis r6section de la paroi anterieure du sinus maxillaire; rccitlivcs it ojiciiitions niultijiles: risiiltiits incomjilets. Ibid.. 1886. n. s., xii, 658-661. — VicnnoiN. Du procede de M. Oilier pour ex- tirper les polypes naso jdmry ngiens et les tumeurs pro- fomles des fosses nasales. Oaz. ni6d. de Lyon, 1£64, xvi, 383-387. -----. 11 Del'ostcotoniiebilaterale'du nez. Lvon in6d., 1872, xi, 8-12. — Vi^auoni (E.) Ajiplicazione della elettrolisi alia cura di uu voluminoso jiolijio naso-t'ai ingeo. Ann. univ. di med. echir., Milano, 1877, texxxix, 147-153.— Villar (F.) Polype fibro-inuqueux de l'arriere cavite (les tosses nasales ; diagnostic; extirpation par l'arrai licnieiit simple, s:ms operations preliminaires. France mid., Par., 1886, i. 374-378. Also: Courrier nied., Par., 1886, xxxvi, 172. —Voisin. Extirpation dune tumeur polyjieiise ex- traordinaire dont le p6dicule etoit ossenx, et qui tiroit son origine des fosses nasales posterieui is. J. de med. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1792, xci, 421-427. — Voltolini (R.) Die Operation der Nasen- und Nasen - Rachen- Poly- jieu. Beil. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi. 428-431. ——. Leber eigenthiiinliche noimale und krankhafte Gebilde in der Nase uud uber die Operation der Letzteren. Jah- resb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1876. Bresl., 1877, liv, 250-253. Also: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh.. Berl., 1877, xi, 49-54. ------. Ueber Nasenpolypen und deren Ojn-ia- tiou. Allg. Wieu. med. Ztg., 1880, xxv, 113; 126: 133; 143; 156. Also. Rejirint. -----. Operation der Nasen- jiolyjien inittelst des Se hwammes Monatschr. f Oh- renh., Berl., 1882, xvi. 1-7 —Wagner. Fibiiiser Xiiseii- rat bciipo!yp ; weiche Biudgewebsgesi li» nlst.: Resection des Proc. iiasalis des Obc kiefets: Exstirpation; Heilung. NOSE. 1013 NO.SE. i\0!»»e ( Tumors of). Deutsche Klinik. Berl.. 1861. xiii, 2*2. — Wagner (C.) Case of nasal vascular myxoma; removal : alarming hem on hiige; recovery. Aicii. Clin. Surg.. XT V , 1877, i, 262 _____~ A rare form oI nasal tumor; reimivcil bv operation. Metl XTws, Phila., 1882. xl, 456. — Wagner i IT A.) ("lib klichc. ansebeiulich sichere, und grumilit be Ausrot- tung der Xiisen- und Rachen-Polypen, so wie anderer kiiinkliafterOehililedurch Lmpiriker. J. d. pract. Heilk. Berl 1828. lxvi. 3. St., 30-38. Also, ten,isl. ■ A i tb . de la med. beige, Brux.. 1842, ix, 159-102. — Waltler. Mall'oiina- tion of the nose ; tumour sejiariiting then.-sa misi ; removal. Lancet, Lmid., 1850. ii. 53].—Ward. Follicular tumours involving the nasal bones, nasal processes of superior max illary bone, and the septum of the nose ; lemovaL death fioni pneumonia: autopsy. Ibid., 1854. ii, 480-482. —War- reu (J. C.) Cascot'naso-phiiryngeal jiolypiis and of tuinoi of parotid, with remarks on their minute anatomy. Boston M. et S. ,L, 1871, lxxxv. 249-25 .—Waterman (T.) Na- so-pharyngeal polypus: extirjiation preceded by tempo- rary disjilaciment of the sujuiioi maxilla. Ibid., Ic69, lxxx, 165. — Watson (I.) Inquiry into the pathology and treatment of polypus tumors of the nasal fossa, with ob- servations on other tumors iu vaiious parts of the body Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1842, n. s , iii, 325-339 —Watson (W S.) A case of cystic polvjius of the no>tril. Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1875-7, iii. 13.4-136. -----. Case of recurrent fibroid polypus. Med. Times A. Gaz . Lond . 1875, ii, 388. -----. The diagnosis and treatment of nasal jmlv pi. Spe- cialist. Lond.. 1881-2. ii, 39; 59.— Wciiilcchiicr. Ver zweigtes Sarcoin in der Nasen Riii'hon-Augcnhdl.le mit Yerdiiingiing des Bulbus; umjeheilt. Ber. d. k. k. Kian keiianst. Ruiloph-Stifinngin Wieu (1875). 1«76, 350.-----. t Welches Runilzellensarcom, beide Nasenhohlen ausfiil- lcnd, an einem tuberculostn Individunm: durch Aus- kratzen mit sohaifui Liitf'eln geheilt. Ibid. (1876), 1877, 314. -----. Rocidiver fibrdser Nasenrachenjiolyp; Exstir- jiation nach Ilurchlreunung des weichen uud theilweise des harten Gaumens : nach Heilung tier Ojicrationswunde Vt rschluss des Defectcs durch die Staphylorrhaphie und Lianoplastik : Heilung. Aerztl. Ber. (1. k. k. allg. Kran- keuh. zu Wien (18841. 1885. 229-231. -----. Polypeu in der linken Choane. in tlen Xiiseiiracbenraum haugend; nach vergeblichcin Extiat tions\ eisiu be durch den Muudgelaug die LTitfernung von der nasenhbhle aus erst dann. als durch Extraction eines Stiickes tier Nasi-niniischel-Rauni ge- schafft wurde. Ibid. (18s5), 1886, 230.— Weir ( R. F.) Removal of naso-jiharyngeal polypus by Nelaton's opera- tion ; death. Metl. Rec, X. T., 1882. xxi. 607. ----- Fibio -sarcuna of the nose; removed by Chassaignac's ojieration: recurrence in the brain. XT Tork M. J., 1887. xiv, 282. — Weiss (T.) Note sur un cas de polype naso - pharyiiiiien extiijie apres incision transversale du voile du palais ( procede tie M. E. Bceckcl). Mem. Soc. de med. de Nam v (1880-81). 1882. lxxi, jit. 2. 147- 156 Also: Rev. med. detest, Xaney, 1881, xiii, 449; 495. Also, in his: Mem. sur quelques cas de chir., 8T Xaucv. 1883, 17-31. — Werner. Nasen- uud Racheu- Polvi'i' Alitr;i"iiug eines Theils desselben inittelst Gal- van'oeaustik. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk.. Stuttg., 1858, n. IT. ii. mi-83 — White (J. A.) A large nasal polyp, re- moved b\ -Lu vis' snare. Arch. Lary mini.. X. \T, 1882, iii :;58—Whitehead 5, i, 701— Mood lyjius. Xorth Car. Vvoiincau tils. tante. trnitGe avec , ,,ar lajioinmade au j.erchlorure dc f.-i. Monit d. Ilu, Pair 1M4, ii. 358-Zah.l (F W.) I eber ( vsteii mit Flinimeiejiithelicn in. Xiisciu i.clic.irai.n.. "-^ Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz... 1*8.>. xxii. 392-399. pl.—JnmU - Zur Operation del Xasenjmh pen Deutsche sehr Berl 188(1 vi, 77—Zaulal (h.) *• «■'» utine ViwendbiiiLeit d. r kalten ilri.htschl.nge zu. elpe „.on der Nasenjiolypen. «eb«t Bi,n^..n«en uber ih s AUa.igigkcitsvt'i-liallniss ,1 or Likrankun enj-s Olu^ von (Icncn der Xascnhohb .^ 1_.'.v-.^e,. ^.^ Z1„. 0pt.. .\ono (Tumors of). der hintercn NTisi'iiiini-iTol.iiil.i 1885. xxvi. 468.—/iiyii. ,.!.. |' gio ojicrailo por el june . .1, i .i, M. de cii ii. nied. . . . de la Habana. 1 flicrliauill (P.) Leber die Polypi n nnd jiolvjiiisen \\ cherungeu der Nasensi lileimbaut. Wien. med. BL, 188 TVien. med. Presse, lipo tibroso iiaso-1'ann Nelatou. An. r. A. ,o| 114-122. — Y. ii. v. 44 ; 74. ]\o*e (Watery, or other discharge from). See, also. Nerve (Optic, Inflammation of); Ozaena. Allhaus (J.) Excessive Mention from the nose. Brit, M. J., Lond., Is7s. ii, 811-A.......iiiime, (P.) Lo- chiorum fluxus per nares. Misc. Aeatl. nat. curios. 1671, Francof. et Lijis., 1688 ii, 282—<'. (J.) Pluid from the nose. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1s79. i. 175.— Flliol««u (J.i Limpid watery fluid in very large quantities (mm the b i't nostril. Metl. Times .v Gaz., Loml.. 1857, xv. 390. —I-'i. seller (IL) Wiisserige Ausscheidiingeu aus einer Xaseu- dffnung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Li ijiz... 1879. xii. 369. Also, in his: Mitth a. tl. k. chir. Klin, zu Bresl., 8°. Leipz., 1880. 119— Foster (J.) Case of a lady who has a (lis charge from tin nosti ib of a peculiar w;ii.-i\ .(enactor. XT Vork M. Tine- l.-vj ii, 113-115— l.ingiinl (A.) Excessive flow ol ilui.I n,.ni the nose. But M..I. Loud., 1878. ii. 921—Tlalliiccn (C.) Et Tilla lib- af sta-rkt vnmlagtigt Ctltle. I let \ .osen cl'tcr et Pall jiaa Ilovedet. | Watery flow from nose after a fall njion head 1 Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk., Christiania. Ps7. 4. R . i 11-41 — i-tlil. Med. »ai-li ill. S.) -Kees. tl llniil. ) Xotes constant the nose. Wcbn- allge- ii, 985: 1013; 1029.------Casui ition der Nasenraclienjiobpcn iiber Be'bi.fe der Rhim 290; 3jI.------■ Lobe SivfBeh-lndi^ Pajjcl (J.) Watery discharge from I'res.- A Circ, Loud., 18,8, ii. s.. xxvi, 432 Case of rhinorrlnea. Lancet. Lond . 1870. ... Excessive discharge from the nostrils of a limji Lond. M. & S. J. 1834. iv. 823—JUpeirs (W. R ) of a case in which the princijial symptom was aud copious discharge of watery fluid from Lancet. Loud., 1881. i. 369 l\o*e ( Wounds and injuries of). Sec. also, Nose (Foieign bodies in). BuHKiiAiti) (A.) * Leber vollii1 aligt hanene und wieder angcwaclisene Sfiickc der Xase. rv. Berlin, IW72~\. Driding (E. ('. A. i *De tractura nssinin nasi. t^0. Gottingee, [ITU-]. Rateau (J.) * De recouleuient du liquide se- reux par les narines. resultant dc trauinatisinc. 4°. I'aris, W5$. Adams (WT) On the treatment of broken-nose by forcible straightening, and mechanical retentive a|i|ia- ratus. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1874-5, ii, 99. Also.- Brit. M. J.. Loud.. 1875. ii, 421. -----. On the treatment of broken- nose by forcible straightening, and the subs (jiunt use of retentive apparatus. Med. Exam., Lond.. 1878. iii, 1 Ho. —- Arming (J. WT) Anheilung einer fast giin/.lich abgeris- seuen Xase. •!. (1. Chir. u. Augenh.. Berl.. 1832. xviii 281- 285— Bissell (P. A.) The treatment of fiacii.ie ..I lb. nose. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876 xi, 235 —Boclnhilelt. Volstantliger Doppelbrucb tics knorplichtcu 'Pin. i!. — tb i Nasenscheidewand mit Veischiebung der Pragmente bei einem nur sehr unbedeuteiulen Biuche des vorderen Eudes des rechten Nasenbeins. Vnljscbr. f. d. jiiiikt. Heilk., Prag. 1867, xciii. 62-66—Kollon (.!.» Fracture, with displacement of the vomer; succ. --lul oper.tion. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, lsiis. v, 241 — Bosworlh (F. H.) Dislocation of the columnar curti- lage of the nose. Illust. Quart. M. et S.. N. V., 1882. i. 25— Bourguel. Sui la luxation des os projues du nez. jiar cause traumatiijue. sans fracture dt* ces os ni du maxil- laire sujierieur. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1851, x 82-85— ■{ram a a (I. G.) Severe injury to the nose. Boston M. & S. .1.. 1839-40, xxi. 159 —Buchuer (E.) Faustschlag auf die XTise ; lut'tige Blutune; langdaucrnde Arbeitsun- fabi"keit. Frietli eich's Bl. 1. -.richtl. Med.. Niirnb., 1.-67, xviii. 136-143. — t'anella ill.) Comjilcta riunioue del misii epiasi jiei inteto staccato. Gior. di chir.-prat, Trento, 1826 ii, 5-7.—Cooper. Injury to the nose with exfolia- tion'of hone, sujipo-ed to be syphilitic. Lancet. Lond., jstn i, 302. —Barilitfusic. Fracture de la base du nez et desdeux l chords urbitain- inl'iTieurs : comiuunication avec les sinus t'rontaux ; perte des deux yeux : apjiareil proth^tique de ('. Delalain. Oaz. d hop.. Par., 18,2. xiv, ■>41_'*4;'._Dechmanu. Verlust der X'aseubeine nnd der dicsc lieckeiideii Haut. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Kiel 1833. ii. 513-515 —O-elalain (C ) Perte dn nez et des deux yeux jiar l'eolat tl'obus ; fracture en eclat des deux maxi'llaires >ujici ieurs: luxation de la lnachone infe- rieure; reduction: jinn h.-e. Gaz. d. boj).. Par., Is72. xiv. 1203.—Demarqnay. Peviation de la cloison tics tosses icisibs jiar suite d'un coup de poing; in. linaison disgra- cieust du nez a gauche: guerison ii l'.iid.- d'une operation nouvelle. Ibid'.. 1859, xxxii 470.—Beville. [Lne balle de nistolet solideinent lixe . dans la loss,, nasale gauclie.J Bull Soc. anat. de Par., 1850. xxv, 35—I>ey (D. X ) Case nos i-:. 1014 NOSOLOGY. ^Yo*e (Wounds and injuries of). of almost complete ablation of the nose. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1881. xvi, 174.—von Duiiircicher. Fractura ossis nasi dextri comjilicata. Allg AVien. mcil. Ztg., 1866, xi, 247—Kcler (A.) Dislocatio septi nariuni. In his: Aerztl. Ber.. Is SI. 8°, AVien. 1885, 3— Filieltl (\V. C. B.) Fracture of the nose. Boston M. & S. J., 1881. civ, 327. Also: Extr. Rec. Lost. Soc. M. Improve. (1880-82). 1883. viii. 110-112. —Fischer (('.) Bisswunde tier Nase; ver breitetcs Ervsipel : Cenesuug. Ztschr. f Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., llegiiach, 1887, xxxviii, 117—Oamgee (S.) On fracture of the nasal bones: a clinical note. Brit. M ,L, Loud.. 1875. ii, 521.—CJerson. Grosse Verletzung der Nase. (bui.-Iter. tl. k. rhein. Metl.Coll. 1836, Koblenz, 1839, 121 — Cilleltc. Ai laibeioent du nez et de la levre superieure par la bouche dun cheval. Lnion med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xvi, 61.— Gosselin. Emphyseme insolite des deux paupiercs k gauche; etfet tardif d'une fracture du mv ; (le la peimission par chiquenaude pour le diagnostic de l'emjiby seine. Gaz. d. hop., Pur., 1868. xii, 229. — (»raves ill. II.' Slit nose. Rep. Med. Miss. Sue. in China ls68, Hongkong, 1869, 22 Hamilton (F. II.) Fractures and displacements of the ossa nasi. Ohio M. ei- S. J., Cedumbus, 1857-8, x, 89-95.—Howard (R. L.) Depres- sion of the dorsum nasi. N.York J. M., 1848, x, 182-184 — Jauikowski (S i Zranienie nosa ; lekkie uszkodzenie. [Wound of nose : slight injury.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1867, vi, 161.—.lai-ja vay. Sur la fracture du cartilage de lacloison ties fosses nasales, complications et traitement. Bull. gen. de therap., etc , Par., 1867, lxxii, 539-556 —Klist- ner (F.) Spaltung der Nase durch einem eisernen Heir ziehei : neilung. Deutsche Klinill, Berl.. 1873. xxv, 114.— von l.aiiiM'iibccli (B) Coinminutive Fratturen der Nasenknoeben und tics rechten Oberkiefers, Versenkung des Auu:i|ifels in die Ohcrkicfcrhdhlc rechter Seite. Arch. f. Ophth., Berk. 1867, xiii, 2. Abth., 447-450. —I.isfranc. Considerations jiratiques sur la fracture des os propres du nez. J. dc med. et chir. prat, Par., 1842, xiii, 125. — l.on- guet (R.) Sur la luxation des os propres du nez. Rec de in*'in. de metl. . . . mil., Par., 1881, 3. s., xxxvii, 280-285— iVIaU'alli. Wb ibi iiiibeilung einer vollstandig ahgehau- eneii Nase. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii. 1225.— iVIalifaignc. Nouveau procede pour retablir Ie nez eu- t'onc6 par perte de substance de la cloison nasale. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1851, x, 209-214.—ITI a sou (L. D.) An improved method of treating depressed fractures of the nasal bones. Ann. Anat. efe Surg. Sue, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 197-111. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of fracture of the nasal bones treated by an improved method. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 197-199. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of cases of extensive fracture of nasal bones treated by anew method. Ann. Auat. & Surg.. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1881, iii, 81-83.- Also. Reprint—.Mor- gctistcrn (W.) Ein Fall von Anbeilung einer fast ganz iibgetrennten Nase. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1876, xi, 86. — iTIoutet. Fracture des os propres du nez, compliquCe (l'erysipele k la face, de fracture de la lame perpendiculaire de lethmoide, et suivie de meningite; abces du cceur: concretions polypifonnes dans les cavites de cet organe. J. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1847, xvi, 241-252. — Petrich. Abtrennung tier Nase durch ein stumplts Inst unient; Differenz der Sachverstandigen beziiglich der Frage: ob die Verletzung eine schwereoder leichte zu neunen sei ? Oesterr. Ztschr. f. pract. Heilk., Wien, 1863. ix, 406-410. —Phillips. Rapport sur un in- strument de M. Boissonneau, pour le redressement des nez en fences. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1846-7, vi. 476-479.—Prin^le (J. H.) Note of a curious accident finjury of nasal cavity]. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 527-529.—Rogers (J. H.) Cases of fracture of the nasal booes. Laucet, Lond.. 1847, i, 429-431.— Royere (T.) Observation d'une fracture des os propres du nez, avec deviation des parties, guerie au moyen de la compression permanante 6tablie a I'aide d'une machine compressive. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1820 viii, 286-292— Rust (J. NT) Neue Methode, verstum- melte und durchbrocbene Nasen auszubessern. Eiu Bei- trag zur Geschiehte der Naseu-Restaurationen. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berk, 1817, ii, 351-384.—Simon y IVielo (F.) Fractura del hueso de la nariz con enfisema de la cara y del cuello. Correo med. i astellano, Salamanca, 1886. iii, 83-85.—I*re (A.) Ou injuries of the nose. Med. Circ, Lond., 1862. xxi, 4.—von Walther (P.) Wieder- Anheilung eiuer ganz abgehauenen Nase. J. d. Chir. n. Augenh., Berl., 1825, vii, 521-535, 1 pl.— Watson (AV. S.) Fracture of the nasal and superior maxillary bones, fol- lowed by necrosis and abscess with proptosis; removal of the sequestrum ; remarks. Laucet, Lond , 1886, i, 972.__ Weber (C.) Fractura comminuta ossium nasi, com- pile hi mit einer Stirn-und Nasenwunde; Hinwegnahme eles trriissten Theils beider Nasenbeine und vollkommeiier Wieih rersatz der letzteren. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir- Ver.. Magdeb., 1852, v, 353—Weir (R. F.) Injuries of the nos,-. Me'd. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 271—Westmore- land .UT IT I Case of fracture of the nasal bonos. At- lanta M. efe S. J., 1858-9. iv. 328.— Wulzer (C. W.) Defer.tus radicis nasi a causa mechanica. In las: Ber. ii. d. med.-chir. Klin, zu Minister, 1830, 79-84. IVosc (Carl Wilhelm) [17r>3-l83r>J. * Theses me- dica*. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, ex prelo J. Lorenzii, 1777. -----. Leber die Behandlung des voiiorischen Uebels. 193 pp., 3 1. 12°. Augsburg, E. Kletts, 1781). See. also. NcliUtter (Job. Llr. Gottl.) Verthcidignug einzelner Siit/.e in seiner Schrift iiber Sensibilitiil fete I 16°. Frank-/, a. M'.. 1795. For Port ra it, see Collection—van Kaathoven.—Col- lection of Portr. of I'hys. & Men of Sc, 2. Woskowski (Stauislns-Antohie-Louis de Lada). * Etude snr Parsonic et en particulier sur la valeur de ses preparations facileniont solubles daus le traitement pr6servatif et curntif des ma- lades tuberculeux. 1 p. 1.. 1-11 pp. 4\ Li/on, 1HH3, 1. s., No. 190. IVosley (Jean-Baptiste). * Sur Luge critique. 31 pp. 4°. Pans, 1848, No. 79, v. 475. I\o<>iOCOillilllll academicum ; das ist: pia desi- deria von Anrichtung eines Lazareths zum Nu- tzen der kranken Arnien und Etablirung der medieinischen und physicalischeu Wissenseliaf- ten kurtzlich ontworffeu. 14 pp. sm. 8C. [«. p., n. d.] Sound with: Cabi. (J. S.) Decorum medici, etc. sm. 8°.. Budingen, 1719. Nosology. See, also, Disease; Diseases (Anomalous); Fevers (Classification, etc., of); Insanity (Defi- nition, etc.,of); Nomenclature; Skin (Diseases of, Classification, etc., of). Alibert (J.-L.) Nosologie naturelle, ou les maladies du corps humain distributes par fa- milies. Avec 33 planches colorizes, fol. Pa- ris, 1838. Aramendia y Boitea (F.) Estudios funda- mentnles de patologia in(*die;i. Nosotaxia: sua procedimientos logicos; sus bases; su utilidad. 8°. Zaragoza, 1884. Baecher (M.) Synopsis nosologica apoke- nosium juxta Swediauri larpmyv disposita. 8°. Pragce, 1^30. Baldinger (E. G.) [Pr.] simulque praemittit animadversioneni in systemata nosologia*. Spe- cimin iii. quod agit de pyretologia generatim. 4°. Cottingce, [1778]. Bang (O.) Index morbornni internorum sys- tematicus. Pramiissis de nosogenesi apborisniis. 8°. Havniee, 185"). -----. Aphorismi de nosogenesi. Acced-it practica morborum classificatio. Ed. nova. 8°. Havniee, 1870. Barrin(-eu (C.-W.) * Dissertation sur les systemes nosologiques et sur la nomenclature m6dicale. 4°. Paris, 1860. Baumes (J.-B.-T.) Traits 616mentaire de nosologie, contenant uue exacte classification de toutes les maladies, soit internes soit externes} la bibliographie des genres et des especes qui les constituent, [etc.] 4 v. 8°. 1. & 4. v., Paris, 1866; 2. & 3. v., Montpellier, 1801. Boisseau (L.-G.) * Considerations g6nerales sur les classifications en niddecine. 4r Paris, 1817. Bonorden (H. F.) Classification der ge- sammten Krankheiten des Menschen nach ihrem Wesen. 8J. Berlin, 1838. Bouchut (E.) * Des niethodes de classifica- tion en nosologie. 4°. Paris, 1853. Bouillaud (J.-B.) Traits de nosographie m6dicale. 5 v. ho. Paris, W46. Also [Rev.], in: JT de m6(L, Par., 1846, iv, 321; 353 (C. Lasfegue). Broussais (F.-J.-V.) Examen de la doctrine m6dicale geu^ralement adopted, et des systemes modernes de nosologie, etc. 8 . Paris, 1816. -----. Examen des doctrines m6dicales et des systemes de nosologie. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1821. NOSOLOGY. 1015 NOSOLOGY ]Vo*ology. -----. The same. 3. 6d. v. 3, 4. 8°. Pa- ris, 1829-34. Also [Rev.], in: J. gen. de m6d., chir. et pharm.. Par 1821, lxxvii, 353-395 (E. G.C.). Ca.mkrer (J. G.) * Diss, sistens onomatopoeu* nosological fundamenta. 4\ Tubingce, [1793] Crkutzwieser (C. G. G.) * De variis teuta- minilms uosologicis. 8°. Halce, [1821]. Cui.len (W.) Synopsis nosologic methodic**. Ed. altera. 8°. Edinburgi, 1772. -----;• Thesame. Apparatus ad uosologiam niethodicam, sen synopsis nosologite methodica; in usiim studiosorum. Ed. nova . . . aucta, sci- licet systemate morborum symptoniatico a J. B. M. Sugar proposito. 4°. Amstelodami, 177."). -----. The same. Synopsis nosologic* me- thodic*, exhihens clariss. virorum Sauvagessii, Linnaei, Vogelii, et Sagari systemata nosologica. 3. ed. 2 v. 8°. Edinburgi, 1780. -----. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1787). -----. Thesame. Edidit suumque propriuni systema nosologicuin adjecit . . . Editio prima Veneta jnxta quartam etnendatani «t pluriinain auctam Edinburgi 17.Hr>. 12°. Venetiis, 1787. -----. Tbe same. Cura J. P. Frank. 12°. Taurini, 1812. -----. The same. -----. The same. being an arrangement and definition of diseases. Tlie first transl. from Latin to English. 1G^. Hartford, 171)2. ------. The same. A synopsis of methodical nosology, iu which the genera of disorders are particularly defined aud the siiecics added with tin* synonimous of those from Sauvages. From tlie 4. ed., corrected and much enlarged. Transl. by H. Wilkins. 8°. Philadelphia, 1793. ------. Tlie same. A methodical system of nosology. Transl. Iiy E. Lewis. 12-'. Stock- bridge, [1807]. ------. The same. A synopsis of nosology. Transl. by J. Thomson. To which is added 12°. Edinburgi, 1814. Synopsis and nosology, Willan's classification 8C. Philadelphia, 1816. -----. The same. Transl. by J. Thomson. of cutaneous diseases. Nosologia 3. ed. 8°. methodica. Edinburgh, 1820. Cuvier ( F.-G.-C.-F.-M. ) * Propositions et considerations sur les classifications en mede- cine, et, sur les prineipaux auteurs des nosolo- gies. 4°. Paris, 1832. Davidge (J. B.) Nosologia methodica; series classiuni, ct generum, et specierum, et varieta- tum morborum exhihens. 8L. Baltimoriensi, W12. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Baltimoriensi, 1813. Dumay (J.) * I. Dela classification des ma- ladies d'apres leur siege. II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1840. Dtret (F.-J.-J.) Tableau d'une classification gcnerale des maladies. 8°. Paris, 1815. Eisenmanx (G.) Die Krankheits-Familie Ty- posis (Wechselkraukheiten). 12r Ziirich, 1839. Also [Rev.]., in: Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1841, i, 135- 100 (H. Hsieser). Exgel (A.) * Synopsis nosologic;! eclysiuni et spasmorum jnxtaSwediauri iarpiKgv disposita. 8^. Prague, 1832. Engklkex (J. L. H.) * Versuch einer natiir- lieken Anordnung der Krankheiten. 8°. Jl'tir:- bnrt), 1832. p .„ Gaillard (F.-L.) Essai sur les families pa- thologiques. 8~. Paris, 1868. . AlscT[Kap. de Pidouxl, in: Bull. Acad, de med. Par., 1868, xxxiii, 462-471. Nosology. Gallup (J. A.) Outlines of an arrangement of medical nosology, founded on the pathology of the diseased system. KLT Woodstock, W23." Gibert (C.-M.) * Sm- la, question suivante (precedee de quelques considerations sur l'Hip- pocratisme): "Jusqu'a quel point l'anatomie pathologique peut-elle servir de base a la classi- fication des maladies? " 4°. .Paris, 1833. (Jimkxo Cabanas (A.) Fundainentns para las classilicaciouesde las enfermedades. 8-. Madrid, 1875. Good (J. M.) A physiological system of no- sology ; with a corrected and simplified nomen- clature. 8 r London, 1817. ------. The same. s. Boston, 1823. ------. The study of medicine, with a phy- siological system of nosology. 2. Am. ed. 5 v. 8>. Philadelphia, W24. Great Britain. Prirg Council Office. Regis- trar-general of England. L'egistration of the causes of death. Circulars to medical practi- tioners and to registrars. A statistical nosology, for the use of those who return the causes of death under li &. 7 Will. IV., c. 86. Circular to coroners, and a classification of the causes of violent death. 8C. London, W45. GROSS (G. YV.) * Cjua' vorsatur in qmestinne: nuui ustii sit in euratione morborum nomencla- tura? 8°. Hake, [1817]. de Gitossi (E.) Fainiliarnni morborum liuuia- noruin expositio. 8 . r-tuttgardtia; 1.-31. (iRUNER (C. ('•.) [Pr.] nosologia- historica) Spec. i-x. 8°. Jena; 1703-."). Gutijkrlkt (C.) * De divisione niorboriim. IT [Wireebnrgi, 1773.] Hebexstrkit (J. E.) Ordo morborum cau- salis: Spec. i. de methodo morbos ordinante. sm. LT Lipsiir. [1754]. -----. The same. Spec. borum ad artis usum const il 4 . Lipsia; [17.ri4], —. The same. Spec. ii. De genere mor- uendo indicit. sin. iii. De charactere ad genera morborum constituenda optimo quo panogyrin medicam indicit. 4J. Lipsia; 177,5. -----. The same. Spec. vi. Sistens limites generum morbi. sm. 4r [Lipsia; 177,6.] Hennemaxn (G. J. C.) Prinue lineie nosologic morborum aiiimalium. 4°. Gottingee, 1778. Hexseler (H.) * De morborum divisione in genere et de cachexiis in specie. 83. Berolini, [18:50]. Herzog. Die Nosologie auf der Grundlage der Cellularpathologie. 8°. Berlin, W61. Hochhauser (L.) * Synopsis nosologica ex- (t'desiuni et dyschroiarum jnxta Swediauri iarpi- kt/v disposita. 8,J. Pragce, 1832. Hosack (D.) A system of practical nosology ; to which is prefixed a synopsis of the systems of Sauvages, Linmeus, Vogel, Sugar, MacBride, Cullen, Darwin, Crichton, Pinel, Lair, Swi-diaur, and Young; with references to the best authors ou each disease. 8J. Xeiv York, 1818. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8. yew Vork; 1821. Karpeles (A.) Synopsis nosologica cachexi- aruin et eaeocliymiaruni jnxta Swediauri larpi- Krpj disposita. 8 . Pragce, 1832. Koelretter (C. C.) Medicinae dynamica' specimen quartum. 4°. Tubingce, [17(51]. Kr.emer (M.) * Conspectus morborum corpo- ris humani specialis. 4. [Tubingce, 1782.] Lkclerc (J.) * I. De la classification des maladies d'apres leur marche et leur dur6e. II. [etc.] 4 . Paris. W44. Lixx.eis (C.) Genera morborum, in andito- rnni usum. 12°. Cpsalia, 1763. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Hamburgi et Custraricr, [1763]. NOSOUX1Y 1016 NOSOLOGY \o*olo;s;y. -----. Clavis medieina* duplex, exterior et interior. 8°. Holmia; 176,6. -----. The same. 8°. [Xeapoli, 1793.] Nebel ( E. L. YV. ) De nosologia brutornm cum honiiuum morbis comparata. 8°. Giessa. [1798]. _Overkamp (T. C. G.) *Diss. inaug. nosolo- gica potissima suinina genera morborum simpli- cium qui fluida corporis humani afnciuut de- monstrata propouens. 4°. Grijpltisicaldicr, [1766]. Peirce (H. B.) Statistical nosology adopted for registration iu Massachusetts, and require- ments of law relatiye to certificates of causes of death. 8°. Boston, 1878. Ploucquet (G. G.) Delineatio systeinatis no- sologici natune accommodati. 4 v in 2 12° Tubingce, 1791-3. Portugal. Conselho de saude. Quadro no- sographico das molestias, que podem t-er cauza de morte, para servir de norma aos differentes facultafivos do reino nas certidoes d'obito. fol. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Addicionamento no Quadro uosogra- phieo das molestias. etc. 8°. [n. p., 1842.] Praskv (X. A.) * Synopsis nosologica epi- schesiuin et apoplauesium juxta Swediauri ia- rpiKr/v disposita. 8°. Pragce, 1831. Pratbernon (C.-F.-N.) * Esqnisse d'une m6- th dc nosologique. 4°. Paris, 1814. Rasm.wski (D.) *De classificatione morbo- ruin. 4°. I'etropoli, 187,7. K'i'.ixbold (A. T.) * Quaedam ad taxiouoiniam morborum. 8°. Wirceburgi, [it. d.] Relss (F. A.) *Die Krankheiten des Men- schen in ih er Entwickelung und natiirlichen Verwandtschaft. Ein Entwurf eines nosologi- schen Xatursystems. 4°. Miinchen, 1833. KiOHTER (T.) *Diss med. sistens synopsin nosological dysosphresiarum juxta Swediauri 'larpiKTjv dispositam. 8°. Pragee, [1835]. Riddell(0.) *De nosologia methodica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1774. Rigollot (J.-M".) * Essai sur les niethodes de clnssement employes en histoire naturelle, suivi de propositions sur les classifications nosologi- qnes. 4-T Paris. 1809. Sagar (J. B. M.) Systema morborum sympto- maticuni secundum classes, ordines, genera, et species cum characteribus, differentiis et thera- peiis. 8-. I'ieniice, 177(i. de Salvages (F. B.j Nosologia methodica sistens morborum classes, genera et species, jnxta Sydeuhami mentetu et botanicorum ordinem. 5 v. >•. Amstelodami, 1763. -----. The same. 2 v. 4°. Amstelodami, 1768. -----. The same. Nosologie me'thodique, dans Jaquelle les maladies sont rangers par classe suivant le systeme de Sydenham, et l'ordre des botanistes. Ouvrage augments de quelques notes en forme de commentaire par M. Nicolas 3 v. s-\ Paris, 1770-71. -----. The same. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1771. -----. Pathologia methodico-practica, sen de cognoscendis morbis. Ed. quarta. 8°. Xecqwli. 177fi. Schlotterbek (P.) #Xomenclatura morbo- rum omnium et symptomatum praecipuorum synonymica ab Hippocrate ad nostra tempora usque. 8-. Pestini, lKl'T Schroder (J.) * Genera morborum. sm. 4 Upsalice, [17.")9]. Also, in: LixnT'-ei-s. Amoenitates acad. fetc.l 8° Lugd. Bat., 1704, vi. 452-486. Schubitz (J.) *De divisione morborum. 8r Patavii, lc34. i\onoIos'v. Schiltz-Schlltzexstein. Die uatiirlicben Familien der Krankheiten und die diesen ent- sprechenden Heilmittel mit Riicksicht auf das natiirliche System der Pharmacologie und die allgemeine Krankheitslehre. 8 . Berlin, 187,\. Siowart (G. F. ) *Poly;emi;e nosologia! Resp. C. L. F. Linek. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [177,6]. Sprengel (K.) *Spec. inaug. sistens rudi- mentorum nosologiaedynamicoruin prolc'-omena 8°. Halo;, [1787]. Slender ( G. C. ) *Definitiones generum morborum. 4°. Gottingee, [17(54], Stoebrich (I.) * Diss, sistens synopsin noso- logicam dysopsiarum juxta Swediauri larpiKi/v disposita. 8°. Pragce, [183(5]. Swediaur. Novi nosologia*, methodica* syste- inatis' vol. ii, pars 1, classis iv. Cachexia* et cacochymia*. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Trautner (J. C. F.) *De excolenda scientia medica, pr;esertiin de systemate uosologieo na- turali. 8°. Xoriinliergee, 183:"). Trier ( B. ) * De classificatione morborum 8°. Wirceburgi, WM. Tytler (R.) A slight sketch of a new noso- logical system for the classification of diseases. 8°. Calcutta, 1821. Weatherhead (G. H.) A new synopsis of nosology, founded ou the principles'of patho- logical anatomy and of the natural affinities of diseases. 12'-. London, 1834. YYeidexhoffer (I.) * Synopsis uosologica helcosium et scolecodum jnxta Swediauri iarpt- kt/v disposita. 8°. Pragce, 1833. Wondrac^ek (J.) Synopsis nosologica dy- sostosium juxta Swediauri la-amim. 8°. Prance [1834]. " ' Wurl (A.) * Diss, sistens synopsin nosologi- cam dysecoiarum juxta Swediauri iaroacr/v. 8° Pragce, 1835. Youxg (T.) An introduction to medical lit- erature, including a system of practical nosol- ogy. 8r London, 1813. Allbutt (T. C.) The significance of skin-affections in the classification of disease. St. George's Hosp Rep Loud., 1866-7, ii, 187-204. — Arniti (A.) Deterroinar los fundamentos de una t-lasilieacion nosologica, mas apropia- dos para el acierto en In pr-ictica medica. Siglo med Madrid, 1878, xxv, 55; 72; 89; 119; 135; 150; 181; 293.- Anth ein paar Versuche die Elemente der Nosologie a priori aufzustellen. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl 1807 n F., yi, 164-166. — Bayli- (G.-L.) Consideration's sur la nosologie, la inedeeine il'observation et la medecine pra- tique. In: Encycl. tl. sc. med., 41 v., s^ Par 1831-46 7. div., [v. xii], 501-533—Baylon. ('ut lques eonsidera- tions sur la vie, sur la maladie et sur Its classifications nosologiques. Bull. Soc. nn ti. tie la Suisse Rom., Lau- sanne, 1872, vi, 182; 211,-Betti (L.) La scienza noso- logica e il suo tomlamento. Sperimentale, Fiienze 1876- xxxviii, 16-30.—Birr ma n n (JT C. A.) Blieke auf die Psychologie und psycbische Heilkunde und ihre Lear- beitung, nebst einigen Andeutiingen und Ideen zur Be- giundung eiuer rationellen psvehischen Nosologic Med Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1832, iii. 177 ; 185—Billo.il - Kmitli (P. 11.) Kemarks on the clussilical ion and local distribution of disease, and particularly of disease of the skin. Guv's Hosp Rep., Lond., 1877, 3. s., xxii. 151-177, 2 pl. — Kabajjliati (A.C. F.) Ou classification and nomenclature in nervous disorders. West Killing Lun. Asyl. Rep, Lond., 1876. vi, 25-42. ------. 1 lie classifica- tion and nomenclature of diseases. Brit. M. .1., Loud.. 1880 ii 333. ------. Some, remarks on Ihe classi lical ion and nomenclature of diseases. Ibid., 1881, ii, 114-117.— Bait;ei--D patoiremen. Sie'.lo metl.. Ma.Bid. 1882. xxix, 116-118. - V«'jja« (M.) Si«}niticiido de algunas voces t.Vnicus; su aplicac.on- y con- sidca, iones patologica- Espana med. Madrid. 1> •■•■ v.n 453- 471- -V>1 ■ 535—Vernon. Some detects in tlie reg- istrar .■■em'rai's classification of diseases. Proc. Nnrili- West Ass Med Off- Health 1876, Birkenhead, 1877, 8-18. \osolog'y. Also: San. Kcc, Lond., Is76. iv, 293-298.—V i 11 a r (L.) Leccion sobre clasificaeion ele- la.- e -p, . i, - nn.ilnela- G-ac. med., Lima, 1876, ii. 242-215—Yoiiii-j (T.) Aphorisms relating to classification extracted principally from the Philosophia botanica of Linnc. In his: Introduction to Med. Lit., etc., 8°, Lond, 1823, 23-ii; Zai-l<-ii-*a (R.) Brani di nosologia speeiale. Filiatre-sebezio, Napoli. Is43, xxvi, 14-22. JXosoIti (Innocente). Relazione sulle esperienze di vaecinazione carbonchiosn esegtiito nella pro- vincia di Pavia per cura della commissione 8or- inaui. Maggi, Nosotti, segrctario- relatore. 31 pp. 8-. Palermo, 1880. ------. Breve risposta all' opusculo 1' a It a epi- zootica e la pratica dell' innesto dei siguori N. De Capitiini e G. Franceschi. 19 pp. S°. I'ar'ta. /'. I'nsi, 1—5. Repr. from .- Bull. d. agric, 1885, xix. ------. Delia possiliile trasniissiont* della tuber- colo.si degli animali all' uomo per 1' uso delle carni e del latte e dei mezzi piii opportuni per impodirla. Sludi ed esperienze. 56, pp., f> L, 5 pl. 8U. Milano. fiat. Dumolard. 1887,. Carni fresehe, carni salute, o in altro modo preparate e conservute, grassi animali xxv, 31)8 pp. 12 . Milano, frat. Iluinolard, 1886. I\o**i-JB£ Island. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc-., of), hy localities. Marroin (A.) 'Observations sur Xossi-Itey, Mavotta et Sainte-Mnrie de jMndai>-asciir. I . Paris, W43. ef^niol IA.) Topographie medicale de Nossi-RC. | Ex- traits.| Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1882, xxxviii, 119; 241; 321. rVosswiz (Godofredus). * Ylti/eno'/.oyiac lliorapiie specimen vii. De tempore in morbis. 36, pp. sm. 4r Lipsia; e.r off. Laiicitiilniiiiiiiin. [174^]. For liiot/raphy, see Ilei-bcii-li rii i.I..11. Ernestus). i\o«tali;ia. See, also, Sailors. Allard ( R.-V. ) * Dissertation snr la nos- talgic 4°. Paris, !8->{). Anduesse ((J. A.) 'Nostalgia) adunibratio ]i;itliologic;i. i*v. Berolini, 1826. Ansai.oxi (L.-V.) 'Dela nostalgic, ou de la maladie du pays. 4°. I'aris, 1837. Bellony (V.) * De nostalgia. 8. . 1'eslitii, W35. Benoist de la Grandiere (A.-E. ) De la nostalgic, ou mal du pays. 12°. Paris, W7'.',. Bf.sse (V.-M.) * De la nostalgia. 4°. Paris, W>8. Blanche (E.-E.) 'Dissertation sur la. nos- talgie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1st ill. Bobillard (C.-F.) "Coup d'ceil sur la nos- talgic 4C. Strasbourg, 1833. Briet (P.-U.) * Essai sur la nostalgic 4r, Paris, W32. Buissox (.J.'-H.) * Considerations sur la nos- talgie. 4°. Paris, lf^lH. Caiue (C.) * Essai sur la nostalgic 4-T Pa- ris. 187,2. Lalmel(B.) 'Dissertation sur la nostalgie. 4C. I'aris, 1836. Castelxau (C.) * Considerations snr la nos- talgie. 4°. Paris, Wl)6. dk Castilho (J.-F.) 'Dissertation snr la nostalgic 4°. Paris, WM. Ch ate la in (A.) * Einige Betraclitungen iiber die Xost.-ilgie. 8°. Wurzburg, W66. Chenu (K.) * De la nostalgie. 4 . Paris, W77. Lou.iN (F.-T.) * Considerations sur la nos- talgic 4 . raris, 1832. L'i'HK (L. D.) 'Diss, exbibens f'nnosi illius morbi tiueni nostiilgiam jtassim piitliologi. (ier- inani vero das Heimwehe, oder Heim - Sehn- NOSTAUHA. 1018 NOSTITZ. \o*lal;;ia. s.icht \ nlgo ;i]ipellant. . . theoriam. 4J. [Herbi- poli, 177)7).] Dlci'kst deLorgerie (C.) * Dissertation sur la nostalgie. 4 . I'aris, is 15. I'kaisse (C.) * De la nostalgic 4°. I'aris, W33. (Jaii.i.ardot (C.-A.) 'Sur la nostalgic 4 . Paris, an MI [1*04]. Gulnditmanx (F. J. A.) ' De nostiilgia. b-. Berolini, [ISl'.l]. (iiKix (L.-L.-A.) * Sur la nature de la nos- talgic, ses causes et son traiteinent. 4°. Mont- pelliei; 1874. (iiKKBois (D.-F.-X.) 'Sur hi nostalgie, ap pelee vnlgaiieuieut maladie dupavs. s . I'aris, an A'/[l8*(Cl]. Harder (.1. J.) & Hofer (J.) De nostalgia. IUisilea; 16)78. In: IIm.i.ku. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lausannce, 1757, i, 181-190. IIktticii (H. O. F.) 'Ueber das Lleiinweli, Iiiiiiptsilchlich in seinen Beziehungen zur Staats- Arziieikundc S . Stuttgart, 1840. -----. Thesame. 8°. Tubingen, WUK IIokkr (.).) *l)e veta-ei'/)ia, oder Heimwelie. 4\ Basilcii, [1688]. ------. The same. De pothopatridali-ia. Voni Heim-Welio. In: Fascici i.is diss. med. select. (Zvingerus). 12°. Basil., 1710, 87-111. -------. The snnie. * De nostalgia, vulgo: Heimwelie oder Heinisehnsucht. 4°. Basilea; 174i. Also, in: Hauler. Disp. ad morb. [etc.] 4°. Lau- sannn; 1757, i, 181 ; 190. Hlki-Bikw ili.i: (J.-V.) * La nostalgie. 4J. I'aris, 1821. J.u-i'LiK.i'(F.) * Sur la nostalgie. 4°. Paris, W21. Laciiald(M.) * Sur la nostalgic. 4°. Paris, 1*09. Lekoy-Duprr (L.-A.-H.) "Dela nostalgie. 4°. Paris, Hill. .Malapkk dl Pelx (J.-V.) * De la nostalgic. 4°. I'aris, I ■-.">:{. Martin (J.-J.-A.) 'Sur la nostalgic. 4°. Paris, 1 .*■_>(.). Masson (J.-B.-H.) * De la nostalgie consi- deree comme cause de plusieurs maladies. 4° Paris, W25. Mattii.fi (E.) *De nostalgia. 8~\ Halis Sax., [1-44]. Maury (M.-E.) * Essai sur la nostalgie. 4 \ Strasbourg, 1826. Mi in kau (J.-M -E\-1L) * Considerations sur la nostalgic 4°. Paris, 184<. MoRKAii) (P.) 'Considerations sur la nos- talgic. 4°. Paris, W>[). M. sskt(H.-J.-M.-H.) * Sur la nostalgic 4G. Paris, WM). Parry (li.) * De patri-e desiderio. h-t Edin- burgi, W(I7). Pallinier (J.-P.-L.-T. ) 'Snr la nostalgie (vulgairement, mal ou maladie dn pays); essai, frao-inentsou apercus, etc. 4-. Montpellier, W:\7. Petriiwtitch (S.) ' De la nostomanie. 4 t Paris, W66. Pilf.t (D.-E.) *De la nostalgic consid<*r6e chez riioinnie de guerre. 4°. I'aris, W44. Pille.mknt (G.-L.-V.) 'Essai su'r la nostal- gic 4-T I'aris, 1831. PoissuN ( E.) r Dissertation sur la nostalo-ie. 4 . I'aris, W36. Plei. (J.-A.-E.) * Essai sur la nostalgic 4°. Paris. l8->2. Rf.ynal (M.) * Dissertation sur la nostalgie. 4C. Paris, Wl'J. ° Nostalgia. Koctie (J.-P.) 'Essai m6dico-philosopliiqne sur la nostalgie ou mal du pays. 4J. Paris, W29. Sloar (F.) 'Nostalgia. 6C. linelobonee, 1843. Therrin (A.-F.-A.) * Essai sur la nostalgie; 4°. Paris, 1810. Wiedemann (A.) *De nostalgia. S-T Pragce, [W44]. Yvonxeau (J.) 'Considerations niedico-phi- losophiques sur la nostalgie. 4°. Paris, W21. Alciati. Sulla causa prossima della nostalgia. (Jim-. d. sc. mcil., Torino, 1814, xxi, 410 : 1845, xxiii. it —Brhr. Leber das llcimweli. Wchnschr. f.d. yes. lie ilk. Berl 18:18, 181-185. — Biuar.il (IT) Delire lioslalgiipic. cfni a- citc de 1'opiuin :'i biiutes doses. Arch, belies ile nied. mil., Brux., 1856, xviii, 9-17— Calhoun (J. T.) Nostalgia as a disease of field service. Med. efe Surg. Kepoitcr, Phila., 1864-5, xii, HIO-LLi.—( iiiiiiviilt-A rilla (A.) Conside- razioni sulle cause lisielu- della nostalgia, (linr. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1844, xix, 257 - 209. Also, transl.: J. Soc. de med.-prat. tie Muntpel., 1845. xii, 472-480. Also. transl.: Bull. Soc. de med. tie (jiand. 1810, xii, 107-115! -----. Alcune linee in aggiuuta alle Considciazioni sulle cause fisiche della nostalgia, in risposta :il Dr. Alciati. flier, d. Sue. med.-chir. di Torino, ls45. xxii, 183-193.__ CoriM-liiiN. Leber die Nostalgic bei jungon Miidehen. Verm. Abhandl. . . . v. eiuertlesellsch. pract. Acr/.tezu St. Petersb., 1847, vii, 89-101.—Dcraii-nii- (E.) Ohservations de nostalgic recueillies pendant le siege de I'aris. Cour- rier med., Par., 1871, xxi, 93. — Uivanx. Observation sur uiie.lesiou au cerveau ipii iiarait etre la cause tie hi nos- tiilgie. liv,-. tie mem. de nieit . . . mil.. Par., 1822, xi, 248- 258. — Hamilton (11.) History of a remarkable cage of nostalgia alt'eeting a native of Wales anil occurring in Britain. Meil. Comment.. Edinb.. 1787, 2. dec., i, 343 - 348. — HartenliciI. Ttidtliehe Nostalgic eines jungeii Arztes aus der Schweiz zu Paris. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 178U, viii, 3i;o-3(i.'S.—Ha*|M'l (A.) Do la nostalgic'. Mem. Acad, de mod.. Par., 1874, xxx, 2. fasc, 4(i(i-0.8. Also, Keprint. — llciiiiwa h (Ueber this). Bl. f. go richtl. Anthrop., Xiirnb., 1859, x, 2. Hft., 15-31—.laiiM-n (A.) Considerations sur la nostalgie. Ann. Soc. de med de (land, 1809, xlvii. 210-240. | Lap. de Ingels.) Bull. Soe. do med. de (land. 1 ■-•iii. xxx \ i. 592.-.lour* (J. W.) t At- lanta M. tfc S. .1., lscn-m. \i. 7. — l.iii'iii (J.) Memoire sur le siege et hs .lie ts eU' hi nostalgie; suivi de quelipies reflexions sur lis I. -ions parlielles du cerveau, resultant de causes spontaiiees ou de causes mccaini-ncs. In his: Kee. de mem. de cbir., Par., 1821, 161-222, 1 pl. — I.augirr. Observation d'une lesion organiipie du cervelet, suite de nostalgie. Lee. de inem. tie med. . . . mil.. Par.. Is2(i viii, 179-184.— I.H'riiiiil 0:>>-66 ]. Zwcy Biiclu r, dariun warhafftiger, griindtlicher, und volkoinner Bericht gcgeben wirdt, wie man erstlich einen ungeslalten Leib, an Weib- und Maiinspersoneii ansswemlig zieren, sclion, und jnnggescliatfen machen, und allerley wohlrie- 't-lieiiile, kostliche, kretf'tige AVasscr, 'Fuller, 01, Sey lien, Rauchkortzlin, Bisanikuglen, zii man- cherley Gebrecheu dieiistlich.arllich zubere.vten. Und wie man fulgent.s allerley Friicht an ft' das kiinstlichest, und lieblichest, in Zncker ein- inachen, und zur Nottnrfft auff behalten sol. Erstlich in franfyosiseher Sprach von ilnne be- schriben: Mini aber, unserein Vatteiiand zii (.litem, in das geinain Tents b auff das trewlichst veiilolnieLseht, (lurch Hiereniiani Martium. 7 p. 1., 2D6 pp.. 5 1. l(i°. Augspurg, M. Manger, 17)13. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaafhoven. Nostril. Sec Nose, etc. rVoMti'imi*. Sec Medicines (Patent, etc-.) Nota delle cose medicinali, che si devono tenere nelle specierie si della eitta, che del tenitorio di Verona. xii pp. fol. I'erona, fratelli Merlo, \77A. Notabel arrest van't Parlemeiit's Hoffs van tirenoble gegeven tot prorijt van eene Ioffrou, over de ghebooite van eene van hare sonnen, gescbiet vier jaren naer d'absentie van haren man, sonder eenighen man bokent te hebben. 31. sm. 4°. 's Graven IIcege.L. BveccLevelt, 1 <>:.7 . NotetE nnguenti magnetiei et ejnstleiii actionis quas in . . . Universitate Diliiigana . . . pu- blicabunt . . . candidati. Hi) pp., 2 1. l(i°. DUint/tt; J. Sevmodi, 1626. Notarise.). IL) See ll«'lvetinw (Joh. Frid.) Amphitheatrum phy- siognonihe medicum. 16°. 's llravenhage, 1064. Notarp ( [Joannes] Iletfricns) [ls07- ]. * De seile et natura tussis convnlsiva1 ejusque eura- tione. :>7 pp., 1 1. sr. Berolini, li/p. Nietackia- nis. [W33]. Noteutt (\V. L.) A handbook of the microscope and microscopic objects, with descriptive* lists of upwards of l,78n objects, and full directions for obtaining, preparing, and viewing them, ix, lf>-2 pp. 1*2 . London, P. Lumleg, 187,9. Note additionnelle an rapport de la Societe ui6di- c;ile (le Clianib^ry sur reuseignement de la nidde- cine en Savoie. 7 pp. s . Chambery, Puthod, [n.d.] Pepr. from: Courrier d. Alpes. Note snl corpo sanitario niilitare. 36 pp. 8°. Boma, P. Carlo, W86,. Itepr. from: Riv. mil. ital., 1886. Note explicative sur rheJiostat de [Jean-Ber- nard-] Leon Foucault et sur la maniere de le mettre en fonction. 8 pp. -^ . Paris, J. Duboscq, W63. Note sur les appareils s6paratenrs et desinfectouis des matieres "f6cales aussitot leur production. [Svsteine Chausseiiot.] 8 pp., lpl. 4. [Paris, 1849, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1714.] Note sur les goitres estival, epid6mique et vari- <|iieiix, observes dans le departement du Puy-de- Dotne, lue a la stance aeadeinique de Janvier 187,2. 1") pp. *l . [67ieurs de Victor Stoelior, u6 le 16 fevrier 1803 a Strasbourg. 3 pp. 1-. Stras- bourg, F.-G. Levrault, 1836. v. (K Note on the use of cocaine in hay fever. 5 1. s . (Philadelphia, W85.] Note-book for Professor McLeod's clinical class. Mew series. 1") pp., "2 pl. is-, [n.p., n. d.] Aoteiiceplialu*. See Monsters from defect, etc., of brain, etc. Notes on beauty, vigor, and development. "2:1 pp. 16°. [Xeiv York, W72.] Notes on Dr. Chapman's lectures, in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, with an appendix, contain- ing a few remarks on Asiatic cholera and yellow fever, by a physician. 131 pp. .*■-- . Philadel- phia, W. S. Young, W47,. Notes on Fiuzelberg's pure soluble pepsin (1 to 100). P2 pp. 8°. '[Sew Yovk; 1881.] Notes on the history, manufacture, uses, and properties of hvdrochlorate of cocaine. 11 pp. 8-. Xeiv Yorkf[1887)]. Notes of hospital life, from November, lstil, etc. .See Potter (A.) Note* on military pensions. East India Com- pany's military forces. 8 pp. 8 . [London, S. Pent leg. 1830.] [P.. v. 1041).] Itepr. from: United Service J.. 18110, pt. 2. Notes on new remedies, collated from medical and pharmaceutical periodicals, etc. Infants' food. li. ed. 04 pp. KL. Boston. T. Melculf f Co.. W78. Notes of a Mew Truth, a monthly journal of liotnii'opathy. Issued by the Lnglish Hoiikco- pathic Association. Nos. '2-411 (v. 1-4; Mo. 1, v. ">), March, 1-Ti6, to Feb., lsiiti. s'. London, J. Tra pp. Want no. 1, February, 18.r>6. Notes on the postscript to a pamphlet cut it led-. "Observations anatomical and physiohioical, etc., by Alexander Monro, junior". '24 pp. 8°. London, K. f J. Dodsley, 177)8. [p., v. 71."..] Notes on the value of carbo-hydrates as food, and the physiology of starch digest ion. [Barley peculiarly adapted for malting and richer in the soluble albuminoids (diastase, etc.) than any other cereal.] 16pp. 1SC. Cleveland, 0., W..I. Morgan f Co., [n. d.] Notes on vivisection, by a student of medicine. 16 pp. L2C. [London], C. Green f Son, [n. cl.] ------. The same. (Xew edition, enlarged.) 26 pp. sm. 8. [/*. p., W76, rel subseq.] Notll uEinilins Julius). * De necrosi ossium. 30 pp., 1 1. !■<-. Halis Sax., tijp. Heynemannianis, [W54]. Notll (Joannes Traugott). Spec. phys. de pluvia et tonitru quo siinul locus Job, xxxviii, 25, 26, '27, explicatur. 24 pp. 4°. Wittebergce, typ. J. Tzsc.hidrichii [1787]. Nothei'S (Jakob). * Ueber Sarkome des Ober- kiefers. 24 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Thein (Stiirlz), W85. Nothhaas (Leonhard). '■ Statistische Ueber- sicht des Kranken-Abganges der 1. medicin. j Abtheilung des Kraukeuhauses Miinchen 1. J. (vom 1. Februar 1~?1 bis 31. Januar 1876). nebst Bemerkungen iiber einzelne Kraiikheitsfuiinen. 19 pp. 8°. Miinchen. 1876. Notlina^el (Carl Wilhelm Hermann) [1841- ]. " De variis reimm affectionibus, qiue nomine " morbus Brightii" vulgo conipiehenduntur. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade. [1^63]. ------. Handbuch der Arzueimittellehre. xii, 711 pp. 8 . Berlin. A. Hirschwald, W70. ------. The same. Tractado de materia medica e de therapeutica. Trad, do allemao por Joiio Felix Pereira : revisto pelo doutor Pedro Fran- cisco da Costa Alvarenga. ix, 874 pp. 8'. Lisboa, imp. nacional, W79. NOTIINACEL. Xotlma^el (Carl Wilhelm Hermann)—cont'd. -----. I elier centrale Irradiation des Willens- impulses. 5 pp. 8-. [Berlin, G. Bernstein. W76, vel subseq.] Itepr. from: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1871-2. iii. ------. Zur Lehre vom Husteu. 11 pp. Sr [Berlin, G. Beimer], I.-'70. Itepr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, xliv. ------. Ueber den epileptischen Anfall. In : Sammi.. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1872, No. 39 (Inn. Med., No. 15, 3u!>-:'22). -------. Schinerz und cntane Sonsibilitatsstornn- gen. Beitrag zur Pathologie der Xeuralgien. 16 pj). 8°. [Berlin, G. Beimer, 1873.] Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1873, liv. ------. Ueber Diagnose und Aetiologie der eiu- seii igen Lungeuschriunpfuug. In : Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1874, No. 66 (Inn. Med No. 24, 335-550). ------. Leber Neuritis in diagnostischer nnd pathologist'her Beziehung. In.- Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1876, No. 103 (Inn. Med., No. 3.-), 829-850). ------. Topische Diaguostik der Gehirnkrank- heiten, eine klinische Studie. -vi, 626 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1879. ------. The same. Traits clinique du diagnostic des maladies de lVncephale, base" sur l'etude des localisations, traduit et annof6 avec .autorisa- tion de Lantern- par le Dr. P. Keraval. Ouvrage preceded d'une preface par M. le professeur Char- cot, xxi, 676 pp., 11. 8°. I'aris, A. Delahaye f h'. Lecrosnier. 1887). ------. Dit*S\ mptoinafologiederDarnigesohwiire. In: Samml. klin. Vorlr., Leipz., 1881, No. 20(1 (Inn Metl No. 67, 1793-1812). ------. Beitriige zur Physioiogie uud Pathologie des Darnies. 3 p. 1., 249 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1884. -----. Leber Anpassungen und Ausgleichungen bei pathologischen Zustiinden. 1. Abhandlung. 27 pp. 8-T [Berlin, L. Schumacher, W8~,-6.~\ llepr. from • Zlschr. f. kliu. Med., Berl., 1885-6, x. ------. Leber An passu ngen uud Ausgleichungen bei pathologischen Zustanden. 2. Abhandl. 15 pp. 8°. [Berlin. L. Schumacher, 1886.] Repr. from.- Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Berl., 1886, xi. ------. Ueber die Localisation der Gehirnkrank- heiten. '26 pp. s. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bere/inaun. 1S-T7. Itepr. from : Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb 1887, vi. -----. Vortriige iiber die Diagnose bei den Go- hirnkrankheiten. .r>3 pp. P-V Wien, Ii. R. von Sclimcvling. |8>'7. Bound ivith: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll.. 1887, xiii. Also. Co-Editor of: Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin Berlin. 1883, See. eil.--i>. IIanlibuch il. spec. Path. (Ziemssen) Leipz., ls.ii. xi, Illlt. 1 : 1ST;., xii, Hlft 2: 1878, Suppl..I'd! Also: 4 ve<16 d'une introduction par Ch. Bouchard, xxxii, 866 pp. k-. Paris, J-B Bailliere f fils, l8c-0. xotici:. .\ollin:i^<>l (Carl Wilhelm Hermann) A: Koss- hacll i,M. J.)—continued. ------------■ The same. A treatise on materia medica (including therapeutics and toxicology), transl. from the fourth enlarged edition byllr! H. X. Heineman, H. W. Berg, and Ferd. ('. Val- entiue. 3 v. [paged consecutively]. v. iv, 836 pp. 12-. Xew York $• London,'Bermin't/ltam f Co.. 1883-4. ------ ------• Rukovodstvo k pharmakologii. Perevod s chetvertago Nieinetskago izdanija M. Hirschfelda. [Transl. from the 4. Cerman ed. by Hirschfeld.'] xii, 780 pp. s. SI. Petersburg, typog. Ettingera, W84. -------------. Dopolneuie k chef vertoinu izdani- jon Kukovodstva k farniakologii sostavleno po pjatomu Nienietskomu izdanijoii Vilijaninim. [Supplement.to the 4. etl. of Manual of'pharma- cology. Transl. from the 5. German ed. by Vili- janiniin.] 1 ]., 8-2 pp. 8°. SI. Petersburg, Meel. Bibliot., 1884. Notllliagcl (Carolus G.) * De catarrho et rheu- iuatismo. -29 pp., 1 1. <*°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. Bai/rh offer i, 1844. Notliiiagcl ( Friedrich Ludwig ) [ 1863- ]. * Uelier operative Behandlung der Senkungs- abscesse. 29 pp. 8*;. Berlin, M. Gaclte-ke, [W8?,]. NotllWClMli^r- und niitzlicher Unterricht, wor- nacb sich die in des Durchlanchtigsten Fiirsten und Herrn, Herrn Bernhards. Herzogen zu Sach- sen, Jiilich, Cie ve und Berg, etc,Landen, bcstelte Hebaniinen oder Kind-Frauen, oder deren Stelle vertreteiitle, und sonst liianniglich, bey den schwangeren, kreysenden und gebiihrendeii Wei- bern, vor-, in- und nach der Geburth, richten und halten sollen ; nebst einer Anzeige etlicher Spriiehe, Psalmen, Seufftzer und Gebethe, nn- stiitt eiues gcistlichen Unteiiichts bei derglei- chen Zustande. 72 pp. 4^. Mciitingeu, X. Ilcts- serteu. 16,8 >. Notll wciidigcr Unterricht wie der gifft igen anklebenden Seuche der Pestilentz necirst Gott- licher Hiilfe, vorzubauen und dicselbe zu curiren sey. Auf Anorduung und Befehl der hohen Landes-Furstl. Obrigkeit vor diesem Anno 16.">7 auffgesetzl, und jetzo revidirct, und in vielem geendert worden. 1(11. 12°. Zell, Holwein,l68t). NotliweiidigJtcit (Leber die) die Zahl dor Aerzte zu tixiren. Ein Beitrag zu Herrn Ge- heiinen Medicinalrath Schmidt's Schrift: "Die Reform der Medicinalverfassnng iu Preussen". Nebst einem Anhang: Zur Wiirdigung der Re- forraansichten des Herrn Gebcinieii Ober-Medi- ciualrath Triistedt. In Gemeinschaft nut seinen Collegen : Dr. Diesterweg, Dr. Hellmann [el al.], verlasstvon Dr. Hanekioth. 38 pp. yo. Siec/en, Friedrich, 1847. Notice analy tique des travaux de M. A. Velpeau (Nov.. L84'2.) viii, 58 pp. 4°. I'm is, Bach elier, Notice analytique sur les travaux de M. [Jean- Jacqiies-Marie-Cyprieii-Vietor] Coste, prof, au College de France, juin 1850. 31pp. 4° Paris L. Marti net, [n. d.] Notice biographique sur le docteur Desruelles. 40 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Parent, [n. d.] Notice biographique sur le Dr. J. - L. Prevost, Tire" de la Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve, Decembre 1850. 36 pp. 8. Geneve, F. Bamboz \ Paris, Ballard, 182H. [P., v. 1643.] Notice (A) of the late John Revere. 5 pp. 8-. Boston, 1847. [P., v. 234.] Notice sur M. Aulagnier (Alexis-Francois). 16 pp. 12°. Paris, Moquet A- Hauquelin, 1842. Notice sur la medecine electropatliique du doc- teur J.-P. Bachouede Lostalot, de Vialer(Hasses- Pyr6u6es), approuvee par rAcadeinie dc I'aris, sur la loi terpathique organique ... 21. 8J. [n. p., n. cl] Notice ni6dicale sur les eaux minerales de Pou- gties. 47 pp. 8J. Paris, V. Masson, W7r>6. Notice nuSdicale sur les eaux minerales de Vichy. 71pp., 11. 8-. Paris, V. Masson, 187,4. [Also, in: P., v. 1651.] Notice medicale sur 1'usage des eaux minerales, sels et pastilles de retablissenient thermal de Vichy, propridtd de l'FJat. 64 pp. W-\ Paris, [n. d.] Notice medicale sur 1 usage ties eaux luim-Srales de Vichy. 28 pp. lii:. [n. p., n d.] Notice sur feu Mr. J.-F. van Hoorebeeke. 2 1. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 129*.] Notice ntlorologique sur le docteur Platon Valleo. 16 pp. 16°. [n. p.], Monnoyer, [1856]. Notice sur un nouveau matelas hydrostatiquo pour prevenir la gangrene par compression dans les maladies chroniques. 16 pp. 8J. Pavis, H. Galante f Cie., W63. Notice of patents, granted to Joseph Auiesbury, of Burton Crescent, in the county of Middlesex, surgeon, for certain apparatus used in the treat- ment of stiffness, weakness, or deformity of the spine, chest, or liinlis: accompanied with prac- tical remarks and illustrations by the patentee. 24 pp., 3 pl. 8°. London, Longman, Itees f Co., 1837. [P., v. 639.] Notice on the pharmaceutical product known as Thevenot's globules, prepared by C. Thevenot. See Thevenot (C.) Notice sur Pierre-Jean-Georges Cabanis. viii pp. 8°. [Paris, Bourgogne f Martinet, n. d.] Notice sur les proprietes du quina Liiroche. (Ex- trait complet des trois sortes de quinquinas.) Elixir vinenx reconstituant et febrifuge. 15 pp. L8J. Paris, [n. d.] Notice of some of the leading events in the life of the late Dr. John Thomson, F. R. S. L. & E. 72 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Stark f Co., 1847. Repr. from: Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1847, lxvii. Notice sur la vie de Jean-Auguste Gi unert. 4 pp. 8-. Paris, Gauthier-Jllla-rs, 1872. Repr. from: Bull. d. sc. math, et astronomiqiies, iii. Notices biographiques sur le docteur Henry Bla- tin et discours prononces au bord de sa toiube Ie 29 mars 1869. Recueilliset publics par les soins de Madame i laire Guyot. sa veuve. 29 pp. 83. Riom, G. Leboyei; 1869. Notices et docuiuens sur le cholera, etc. Peschier (Charles). Notices sur les pates feeulentes de la, sol Pannentiere fabriquee par J.-B. Wattebled Set 34 F C. Deecke, 1 — 1 ki.ix (Jules). La question Bruxelles, 1884. pii.,11. 12°. [Paris. 1822. rel subseq.] [P., v. 1677.] Noticia archeologica das caldas de ^ isella; si- tuadas no concelho de Guiinara.es, e uma legoa para sui da sua capital do inesmo noine no im- poi-tantissiino districto de Braga. 16 pp. ~'J. Braya, A. da Stlva Santos, 1853. [P., v. 1258.] NOT 11 i V. 1022 NOTTA. \oticia da doenca de que falleccu sua magestade el-rei o senhor D. Pedro V e das que na mesma occasiao atacaram suas altezas os senhores infan- tes D. Fernando, D. Augusto e D. Joao no anno de 1861. 3 p. 1., 41 pp. 8-t Lisboa, 1862. [P., v. 1264.] \oti<'ia e ensaio sobre as aguas miueraes da villa de Monsao, contendoomelhoramento actualdeste salutifero estabelecimento. 2. ed. iv, 26 pp. sin. 8r Porto, typ. da Htvista, 1845. Noticia topographica das caldas das Taipas ; si- tuadas uo concellio de Guimaraes, e legua e meia para noroeste da sua capit;il do mesmo nonie, no inil)ortantissiino districto de Braga. 36 pp. 8 . Bvngti. A. da Silva Santos, 1854. [P., v. 1258.] Not in (Edouard). * Etude sur les papillomes simples. 48 pp. 4 . Paris, 1885, No. 351. Notishlad fiir liikare och pharmaceuter, bihang till Finska Liikare - Sallskapets Handlinger. 1,86(1-65. 5 v. 8 . Helsiugfors. ,\<>f i/.hluf f ties Vereins fiir Erdkunde und ver- wandte \\ isst nschaftcn zu Darmstadt und des niitteliheinischen gcologischen Vereins. Nebst Mit theilungcnausilergTossherzoglich-hessischeii Centralstelle fiir die Landesstatistik. Nos. 1- 46; 2. Folge. Nos. 1-60 (Baud 1-3); 3. Folge, Nos. 1-201 (Heft.■ 1-17), October, 1854, to December, 1878. h . Darmstadt, G. Jonghaus. In May, 1857, L. Ewald became editor. Notizca aus dem (icbiete der Natur-und Ileil- kunile: gesannnelt und liiitgetheilt von Ludwig Friedrich von Froriep. v. 1-5(1, July, 1821, to December, 1-36. [2. Reihe.] v. 1-40, 1837-46. [3. L't-ihe. ] v. 1-11, 1847-9. 101 v. 4°. Weimar. Tillcot'v. ]-4(), 2. se i its. was : .\«'ii«' Xntizen, [etc.], and leTibert Froriep added as eiliinr. v. 1-11, 3. series, edited by Keiliert Froriep and M. J. Schleiden. Notizen iius dem (icbiete der practischen Phar- macie und deren Hiilfswissenschaften. Yon A. R. L. Loget. [Monthly.] v. 1-23, Oct. 1, 1836, to Dec, i-r.9. 8.■. Crefeld, C. M. Sehuller. In Jan . 18.10. a new series commenced : L. ltohr, editor. In v. Ki. 18.12, A. Hotfnianu added. Noli'/.eii fiir praktische Aerzte iiber die neuesten Beobachtungen in der Medicin, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Krankheits - Behandlung zusaniincngesfelit von F. Craevcll. v. 1-9, 184.8- 56. Neue Folge, v. 1-21 >, 1857-76. 29 v. 8-. Berlin. A. Hirschwald, 18 49-77. In v. 7 8. Strassmauu added, v. 1-12, n. s., edited by H. Heltl't: v. i:j-20. n. s., by Paul Guttmann. Continued as: Jahrbiivli fiir practische Aerzte. Noli'/.ia della malattia e passaggio della Giulia Bu/.j e sezione del suo cadavere all' Antonio Coc- chi.' In : Rac. d' opusc. scient. e fllol. 16°. Venezia, 1744. xxx, 223-2.-><). Noti/.ie di medici cavalieri da aleuni professori di medieina raccolte. [Liuseppe Benvenuti.] xvii, >4 pp. 4°. Lucca, Benedini, 1775. Nofizic, memorie ed istmzioni riguardanti il cholera morbus, raccolte dalle opere piii aecreili- tate c da' giornali moderni od anche recente- mente emanate per cura delle pubbliche autorita estere. 2 p. I., 133 pp., 11. 8 Venezia, tip. di Commerein-Stinta Marina, 1831. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 2 p. L, 134 pp., 11. 8°. Venezia, tip. di Commercio-Santa Marina, 1831. Noti/.kaleiider uud Adressbuch fiir praktische Aerzte, [«tc] 3. Jahrgang, W-88. 1. Viertel- jahish.ft. Januai-Marz. 1 p. 1., 45 ff., 2 1. 32°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1*88. \oti/.kalcii-(>7 ]. B. ..v. D. Necrology. N. Orl. M. & S. J., lsii7. xx, 280. Nott (John) [1751-1825]. Of the Hot well waters, near Bristol. 3 p. L, 94 pp. 8 r Bristol, 1793. Nott (Josiah Clark) [1804-73]. A lecture on ani- mal magnetism, delivered before tlie Mobile Franklin. .Society. 31pp. 8->. Charleston, Bar- ges cj- James, 1846. —----. The physical history of the Jewish race. 28 pp. 8\ Charleston, S. C, Walker f James, 187,1). [P., v. 846.] Itepr. from .- South. Q. Rev. ------. Instincts of races. 28 pp. 8°. Xew Or- leans, L. Graham, 1866. Itepr. from .- N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1800, xix. ------. Contributions to bone and nerve surgery, iv, 5-96 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, ./. B. Lippincott f Co., W66: [Also, in: P., v. 105.] See, also. <»oiipil (Jean Marlin Auguste). An expo- sition of the principles of the new medical doctrine |etc] 8°. Columbia. [S. G.]. 1831, For liiograplni, see A. Anthrop. Soc. Lond., 1SGS, vi, pp. lxxix-lxxxiii (Iii. 11. II. Mackenzie). Also: Tr. Am. M. Ass., I'hila., 1878, xxix, 727-733 (W. IL Anderson). Also: Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1877, 118-128 (WT IL Anderson). ------A 4«liM ISHi.] Notta ( A. ) Traitement des nevralgies par la cauterisation traiiscuiTente. 32 pit. 8°. I'avis F. Malltstef Cie., 1-47. [P., v. 1649.] Itepr. from: Union m6d., Par., 1S47. i. Notta (Alphonse-Henri). * Keeherches sur la ci- catrisation (lesarteres, a la suite de leur ligature sur la production des hemorrhagies art?*riel'e,s secondaires, et sur leur traitement. 59 nn 4° Paris, W:,l), No. 216. ------. De l'emploi de la liqueur de Villate dans le traiteinent des affections chirnrgicales et en particulier de la carie, du mal perforant du pied, des fistules cons(*cutives aux abces froids tuber- j culeux du testicule, aux abces primitivement NOTTA. 1023 NOTTINGHAM. Notta (Alphonse-Henri)—continued. chauds de Venus incurables, aux plaies d'armes a feu, a l'intlaniiuatioii des tumeurs syuoviales tie la main, aux kystes, aux abces des sinus frou- taux, des fistules lacrymales, etc. xii, 168 pp. 8-'. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere f fils, 1869. Notte (A.) Sur la lievre traumatique, ou fievre ipii iiccoinpagiie les plaies. 23 pp. 4,J. Paris 18-25, No. 30, v. 190. Nottcbolllll (Lustavus) [1821- ]. * De hy- pera-mia. 28 pp., 2 1. 8^. Berolini, tt/p. Xie- tackianis, [1844]. NoUetlge vs. Ripley. See Insanity (Jurisprudence of, Cases, etc., re- lating to). Notter (Fridericus). * Dequalitatibiispaieutuni in soboleni traiiseiintibus, prieseitim ratione rei eijiiariic. vi, 69 pp. 4J. Tubingce, apud C. F. Osiandrnm, [1827]. Notter (Job. Fridericus). * De actione mercurii in corpus humanum. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Argento- rati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1749]. Nottiil (Edmond). * Des syphilides tertiaires. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 187(1. Nottillg Hill Provident Dispensary and Mater- nity. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 19., 1878; 22., 1881; 24., 188.',; 27,., 1884. 12°. London, 1879-85. Established 1860. Nottingham. A report on the sanitary condi- tion of the borough of Nottingham. By Edward Seaton, medical officer of health. 63 pp. 8°. Soltingham, Ii. Allen f Son, 1873. -----. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the health committee of the town council. By E. Seaton. 1.-6., 1873-8; 10., 188-J. 8'-'. Sottingham, 1874-83. -----. Keport to the Nottingham and Leeu Val- ley sewerage board on the utilization of the sew- age and the purification of the river Trent aud its tributaries; with descriptions of various modes of treating sewage. By M. Ogle Tarbot- ton, engineer to the board. Also a supplemen- tary report on the above by Robt. Kawlinson, civil engineer. 55 pp., 2 ch., 2 tab. roy. 8-r London, E. f F. X. Span, 1875. -----. Keport to the health committee, from the medical officer of health and chief sanitary in- spector, on the sanitary aspect of the various "systems" by which the disposal of the excreta is effected, with special reference to that which is now carried out in this borough. Oct. 6, 1876. 16 pp. 8°. Soltingham, T. For man f Sons, 1876. -----. Keport of chief inspector of nuisances, upon the operations of the night-soil depart- ment, to the health committee of the town council, for the year 1876-7. [By William Rich- ards.] 12 pp. S\ [Xoltiitgham, W77.] -----. Monthly reports of medical officer of health ou tho health of the borough and the wo-k of the health department for Nov.. Dec, 1878, and Jan., 1.8.80. 8°. Soltingham, 1879-so. Jan., 1880, contains summary for 1879. -----. Keport by the medical officer of health [Edward Seaton] upon the epidemic of measles and the prevalence of scarlet fever, 1879-80. 15 pp. 8°. [Sottingham, 1881).] -----. Keport of the health commit tec as to the memorial presented to the council on the notifi- cation of infectious disease. [Being the report of Edward Seaton, medical officer of health. Adopted by the committee, and presented to the town council.] 28 pp. 8 . [Nottingham, 18,82.] _____. A report to the health committee of Not- tingham on the measures required fo the im- provement of the public health of the district Nottingham —continued. known as Narrow Marsh, by the medical officer of health [Edward Seaton], Nov. 11, 1-->2. 21 pp. 8°. [Xottingham, 1882.] -----. Report of the health committee on the report of the medical officer of health [Edward Seaton] on the notification of infectious diseases. To be presented to the council the 5th day of March, 1883. 16 pp., 2 diag. -. [Sottingham, 1883.] Nottingham. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities; Measles (Epidemics of). Nottingham. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the health committee of the town council. 2.-4. (1.874-6); 6. (L878). 81. Nottingham, 1-75-9. -----. Annual report of the medical officer of health for 1882, together with a description of the sanitary condition of Nottingham in 1>8>, etc., by Edward Seaton, M. D., etc. 8U. Sol- tingham, 18-3. ------. Keport of the health committee on the report of the medical officer of health [Ld- ward Seaton ] on the notification of infectious diseases. To be presented to the council the 5th day of March, 188... nr. [Sottingham, 1883. | -----. Monthly report of medical officer of health, for Jan., 1880. -T Nottingham-, W86. Skaton (E.) A report to the health commit- tee of Nottingham on the measures required for the improvement of the public health of the dis- trict of Narrow Marsh, known as Narrow Marsh, by the medical officer of health. Nov. 11, 1882. 8°. [Sottingham, W82. ] TiiOKNK (T.) Keport on the prevalence of infectious diseases in Nottingham, and on the. sanitary condition of the town. June 10, 1*72. fol. [London, 1872 ] Biiihii (A.) five years'municipal work in Notting- ham. I'.uc. Ass. M uuicip. efc San Engin , Loml., 1SS4-5, xi, 172-1'JO.—Clarkf i-I.) Medical i. |...i I foi Nottingham from Maich, 1807, to March lsus. K.linl,. M. ,y S. J. 1809, v. 188: 257: lslu. vi, 1. 1 pl.. -Jiiu: 1811. cii. l.'il. 1 tali. — f-tlrilical topography of NT.i i in-Icnu-liiie.) Med. ,V l'h\s. •!.. Lund., 1813, xxi, J i K icii :i i t..rvof Xottingham. M. il. IT.....* .V Gaz., f.iniil., ISliU, ii, .iiM; 593; 644; 673; 700.—White (J.) On the metlical topography of Nottingham. Tr. Prov. M. tfc S. Ass., Lond., 1853, xix, 171-199, 1 map, 1 tah. Nottingham (Custis B.) The annual address delivered to the graduates of the Atlanta Med- ical College at the commencement, Sept. 2. l.<>8 10 pp. 8-1. Atlanta, G. P. Eddy if Co., 18.x. -----. An address delivered before the Georgia Medical Association at its 21st annual meeting. 20 pp. 8"-. Savannah, Ga , E.J. Pnise, 1870. c. Repr. from: Tr. Georgia M. Ass., Savannah, 1870. For Biography, see Atlanta M. efc S. J., 1876. xiv, 124-128 (Burgess fc Green). Also: Richmond & Louisville M. L, Louisville. 1S7G, xxi, 469-474 (K. Fitzgerald). Also: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila.. 1878, xxix, 733 (T. S. Hopkins). IVollillifliail) (John). Keport on the restora- tion of sight, by the formation of artificial pupil, in a patient of Sf. Anne's Dispensary. 2:? pp. 10°. Lirerpool, E. Howell, [Kid]. -----. Surgical report on hi lateral lithotomy, with general remarks on operations for stone. vii, 101 pp. 8 . London. J. Churchill, 1-T.0. -----. Practical observations on conical cornea, and on the short sight and other defects of vis- ion connected with it. xxvi, 270 pp. 8-. Lon- don, J. Churchill, 187,4. -----. Diseases of the ear. Illust rated by clin- ical observations. xxxi, 014 pp., 1 pl. s-\ London, J. Churchill, 1-.T7. \ollili;f liaill Borough Asylum (for the Insane), Mapperley Hill. Anuual report of the commit- NOTTINGHAM. 1024 NOr VEAU. "Nottingham Borough Asylum [etc.]—cont'd. lee of visitors to the town council. 5., 188 \. 28 pp. - . Sottingham, J. <)• J. Vice; 1887,. Nottingham Friendly Societies' Medical Insti- tution. Medical officer's report to the commit- tee for the half-year ending June 30, ls7.">. 2 1. 4 . [Nottingham, 187.").] ------. Annual reports of the managing commit- tee to the officers and members. L, 1875; 3.-d., 1877-8M; 8.-12., 1882-6. 8C. Nottingham, 1876-87. ------. Rules of the . . . iv, 22 pp. 12°. Not- tingham, P. D. M. J. Howitt, 1879. -------. [Circular stating object and subscription fees] I sheet. 4-T [Sottingham, n. d.] "Nottingham Hospital for 8ick Children. See- Children's Hospital, Nottingham. Nottingham and Midland Eye Infirmary, Not- tingham. Annual reports of the committee to Ihe subscribers. 14., 1873; 17.-24., 1870-83. Sottingham, 1-74-81. "Nottingham County. Lunatic Asylum for the County of Nottingham, al Snenton, Nottingham. Annual reports of the board of visitors and .super- intendent to the court of quarter sessions for the county of Xottingham. 1.-.">., 1875-it. 8°. Not- tingham, 1870-8(1. Changes in title: Prior to IKiiG. called the General Luna- tic Asylum; from IS.'ili to 1S74, known as the United Lunatic Asylum lor the County and Boiough of Notting- ham. Repent for ls7!) is the (il). of the original institution. \ of fill phalli Medico- Chirurgical Society. Rules. 43 pp. 8 . Nottingham, W. Ueavdcn, \ofii|-i:;el (Christophorus). .sv,. Kii-chninjcr (Theod.) & IVottnagcl (Christo- pliorus). De homniihus appareil ter mortuis. 4°. Witte- benjie, (lGli!)]. ^ of tunnel itJeorg L.) Sec ll< tii-icu* (II.-ui ieus) efc IVotliia:;cl (Georg L.) De iihseessu mesenterii [etc.] 4°. Italic, 'iTln. I\ouaille(IL-L.) * Sur le diagnostic du catarrhe pulinonaire, dc la p6ripneumonie, de la pleuresie et de la pleurodynic. 14 pp. 4°. I'aris, W09, No. 1(18. v. 77. \oiiail\ ( Michel-Julien). * I. Quelles sont les modifications que subit facte digestif dans les differents ages '! II. [etc.] 28 pp. 4'. I'aris, 1S43, No. 2(i, v. 407. det' la !\oue (Kartholoineus Petrus). *An fiat bilis decoinpositio in iutestinisf Pra-ses lier- traiidus Dupuv. 8 pp. 4°. j Paris, Quillau, 17.18.] ------. *An aqua' potus omnium saluberrinius? Prieses Joannes Jacobus Messence. 4 pp. 4'. [Pari*, tjnillau, 1769.] -------. * Xuin bubones critici in febribus malignis statini incidendi 1 Prieses Cleriades Vachier. 4 pp. 4--'. Paris, (Juillan. 177(1. See. also, Varnici- (Carolus Ludovicus). *tJtrum a iian^liis nervi intereostalis partium omnium consensus? 4°. [Paris, 1770. J Aouel (Emile). * Sur l'hvdropisie. 10.r> pp. 8°. Paris, an IS [1801]. v. 3.' Nonet. * De l'occlusion intestinale dans ses rap- ports avec les inflammations peri-utoiines chro- niques. I p. 1., 72 pp. 4°. I'avis, 1874, No. 17. Nonet (Paul). * Des complications ccrebrales ilu rhiiniatisine articulaire aigu trai tees par les Oains. 7,6 pp. 4°. Paris, W75, No. 182. Nouflei't (J.-P.-F.) *De la bleniiorrhagie. 48 i.p. 4J. Paris, W16. No. 17, v. 449. Nousfarede (Louis-Samuel). * Contribution a retude clinique du cancer latent ile restoinac. 03 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpelliei; W82. \„. •;•). Nouvaredc dc raj et (Augte). Essai sur les causes ni6caniqiies »b- la circulation du sang. 34 pp.. 1 1. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere; 1843. \oiltf n<"/, ( Martinus). S'-e A «le I i Petrus Augustus). An partium durarum nuti itio; eadeiiu ac luollium ? [etc.J 4°. Parisiis, 1746. van Noiihuys (Antonius Heuricus). * De usu corticis Pcruviani in morbis hvdropieis. 1 p. L, 42 pp., 3 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat.,'apud A. Coslcrum, id Nukha, v modiko-topo- I'h. city of N.uilvlm: a Aled. Shornik, '1'illis, 1H71 Yonklia. Kulaasabski (A.) (im giaphitheskoin otnoshenii. niedi{'(i-to]iographieal report.] no. 11, 15-44. Noillis (Ccoi-ges-C.) *Entorse du genou. fit) pp. 4°. Paris, 187;T, No. 142. Nouprez (Komanus) [1842- ]. * Dc agrota- tione quadain nieuingitidis cerebrospinalis epi- demicas. 32 pp. sm. 8■-. Berolini, G. Schade, [1865]. Noill'idjuil (Joseph). * De la mortalite des en- fants. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, W63, No. 122. INourij (Franciscus C.ustavus). * Diss. oJiibens hist or t;i ni botanicani, cheuiico-jihariiiaccuticain et medicam folioruin Diosmie serratifolia- (vulgo foliorum buchu). 1 p. L, 04 pp., 4 1. 8 . Gro- ninga; J. libinelingh, [1827]. iNourney (Adolf). * Experimentelle Beitriige zur Lehre von der Impfung. 48 pp.? :; di. 8°. Strassburg, J. H. E. I). Hcitz, 1881. Nourrie (Ch.) * De la nevralgie brachiale double. 52 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, W8>. \o. 80. rVoill-rigat (Auguste). * De l'lumioiThagie ute- rine qui suivient pendant les (ieiniers mois de la gestation et au moment du travail. 08 pp. 4°. Moulpcllicv, W64. [P., v. 48.] NoillTy (Gabriel-Camille). *Sur quelques cas non signals d'esthiomene de la vulve (formes cliniiiues et anatomo-pathologiques). fil pp. 1°. Bordeaux, 1885-0, No. 66. Nourse (William E. C.) A short and plain his- tory of cholera; its causes and prevention. 10 pp. 8-. London, J. Churchill, 187,7. Noury (Charles-Edmond) [1858- ]. * De la peptonurie. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1884, ]>0. 18<). \oury (M.-J.) *Du perchlorure de fer a l'in- tci icur a haute dose dans le traitement de lii diphtheric et spdcialeinent de l'angine pseudo- liienibrnneuse. 40 pp. 4C. Paris.' W72. No.02. Noury (Marie-Francois). * Considerations sur le traitement des fractures du membre inferieur et en particulier des fractures de la cuisse a bord des bailments de l'Etat. 49 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1880 No. 44. Nousser (Madame). S i- Simmon* (Samuel Foart). An account of a lania [etc.] 8°. London, 1777. Nouveau cours de niddecine. On, scion lea principes de la nature et des mdcaniqucs ex- pliqucs par Messieurs Descartes, Hogelande, Pe- gius, Arberius, Yillis, les docteurs de Louvain, et par d'autres, on apprend le corps de l'homine, avec les moyens de conserver la sante, et de chas- ser les maladies. 2 p. L, 728 pp., 4 1. 16-. Pa- ris, F. Clovziev, 1669. Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, ap- pliquee aux arts, a 1'agriculture, a lV-con'omie rurale et domestique, a la medecine, dc. Par nne societe de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Nouv. ed. 30 v. 8°. Paris, Delevville. P-10-11)! Nouveau dictioniiaiie lexicographiquc et de- scriptif des sciences medieales et veterinaires, avec planches infercalces dans le texie. Par Messieurs Raige-Delorme, Ch. Dareinbtig, H. uiley, etc 1 108 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, Li LHi Nouveau dictionnaire de niMecine, chii'iin-ie, pharmacie, physique, chimie, histoire liatundlc' etc. Par A. lice-lard, Chomel, H. Cloquei, .lc' 2 v. 821), 063 pp. 8°. Suppl., 75 pp. Paris, Gabon f Cie., lS-JO. Nouveau dictioniiaiie de medecine et dc chirur- gie pratique. Rddige" par Anger, Bailly [et al.]. NOUV KAU. 1025 NO WE. INouveau dictionnaire [etc.]—continued. Diiectenr de la redaction, le Docteur Jaccoud. v. 1-40, A-Zym A: Suppl. 8°. Paris, 1804-80. INouveau dictionnaire pratique de medecine, de cliirurgie et d'hygiene veterinaires, public avec la collaboration d'une societe de professenrs ve- terinaires praticiens, par II. Bouley et Reyual. v. 1-13 [A-Myx]. 8°. Paris, Lube $ P. Asselin, 1885. Nouveau formnlaire de therapeutique publie sous la direction du Dr. Lutaud, avec la collabo- ration de MM. Gallard [et etl.], precede de com- ment a ires sur la nouvelle edition du codex et suivi d'un vade-mecum des injections hypoder- niiques et d'un memorial therapeutique.' 2. ed. 3 p. L. 202 pp. 18 T Paris, 1884. Nouveau journal de niedecine, chirurgie, phar- macie, etc Kedige par MM. Bed aril, Chomel, II. Clot,net [et etl.]. [Monthly; 3 v. annually.] v. 1-15, Jan., 1818, to Dec., 1822. HT. I'aris. Completed. A continuation of: Journal de mede- cine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc., Paris, 1801-17. Nouveau (Le) journal medical. Revue hebdo- madaire, medicale et scientifiqne. Redacteur en chef: L. Girard. Annees 1-2, May 1, 1880, to March 20, 1881. 40. paris. Continued as: Sieet-le (Le) medical. Nouveau manuel complet des aspirans au doc- torat en medecine, oil resume analy tique de toutes les conuaissances necessaires aux eieves pour subir les cinq exaniens exiges par les faeultes de niedecine, par des professenrs agreges et desdoc- teurs de la faculte de Paris, et public sous la di- rection de P. Vavasseur. xxxvi, (i20 pp. 12°. Pin is, Cvochavcl, 1833. -----. The same. 2. ed. 697 pp. 12°. Paris, Crochard f Cie., 1837. Nouveau memoire sur l'emploi des dragees fer- liigineuscs de (felis et Conte. Ki pp. 8°. I'aris, Labelonye, [WW, vel subseq.]. [P., v. 400.] Nouveau projet de reorganisation de la mede- cine, de la cliirurgie et de la pharuiaeie en France par F[ournier] de P[escay]. 98 pp. ,8;. Paris, Metjiiignon-Mavvis, 1817. Nouveau systeme. Le grand diviseur 317, rue Saiiit-Honore, 317. De la construction des fos- ses d'aisances, du mode ile separation des ma- tieres solides et liquides, de la conversion des matieres fdcales en engrais, ct de la necessite dans l'interet de riiygiene publique et de I'agri- cultnre d'assainir les abattoirs, les chantiers d'equarrissiige, de lecueillir les urines dans les canipagnes, et de faire servir le sang, les viandes, les detritus de poissons, a l'amelioration du sol, par les precedes A. ChevaUier et A. Duglcre, avec notices et document par M. E. Vincent, auteur d'un memoire intitule: " Keeherches his- toriques sur la construction des fosses d'aisances et l'titilisation des niatieres". Couronne par la Societe d'encouragemeut pour l'industrie natio- nale (1847). 24pp., lpl. 8°. Paris, Vial, 1855. [P., v. 1791.] Nouveau systeme de mouture pour le mai's in- vente par M. F.-J. Betz-Penot. 83 pp., 1 p\. 8°. Paris, imp. de Mine. I've. Bouchard-Huzard, 187,6. | P. v. 1783 ; 1780.] Nouveau systeme de transport de malades et Messes. 8 pp. 8L'-. [Heidelberg? J. Russel], 1842. ^iow\v-iit*\ (Pes) remedes. Journal bi-mensuel de chimie medicale, de pharmacologic, de thera- peutique et d'hvdrologie. Redigepar G. Bardet [et al.]. v. 1-4, April 1, 1885-8. .8-. Paris. Current, v. 1 complete iu 18 nos., April to Dec., 1885; v. 2 commenced Jan., 1886. Nouveaux renseignementss'ir l'emploi alimen- tairede la gelatine. 10 pp. s'. [Paris, Mine. de Lacombe, n. d.] [P., v. 1633.] 65 Nouveau-ne (Le). Conseiller intime de la more dans les soins k donner k l'enfant, de la naissance aim an. Guide mensnel. Par Oscar Comettant. Annees 1-6, 1881-0. 8°. Paris. Nouvelle bibliotheque medicale, [etc.] See Biblioth^que medicale, Paris, 1823-9. Nouvelle biograpllie g-enerale depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, avec les ren- seigiiements bibliographiques et 1'indication des sources a consulter; publiee par MM. Firmin Didot freres, sous la direction deM. lc Dr. Hoefer. 40 v. 8°. I'aris, Fivmin Didot freres, ] .-'52-83. v. 1, title: Nouvelle hiographie universelle. Nouvelle eiicyclographie ties sciences medieales. See Eiicyclographie des sciences medieales, 1840-54. Nouvelle iconographiedela Salpetriere. Clini- que des maladies du systeme nerveux. Puldiee sous la direction du professeur Charcot par l'aul Richer, Gilles de la Tourette, Albert Loude. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Jan. to April, 1888. s~. Paris, A. Delahaye f E. Lecrosnier. Current. Nouvelle methode d'extraire la pierre de la vessie urinaire par dessus le pubis, etc. Sec LBaseilhac (Jean).] Nouvelle methode d'operations de chirurgie, [etc.] See Verduc (J.-B.) INfouvelle table des articles conteuus dans les volumes de l'Academie royale des sciences de Paris, depuis 1000 jusqu'en 1770. Dans ceux des arts et metiers publies par cette academie et dans la collection acaderaique par M. l'Abbe Rozier. 4 v. 4°. Paris, 1775-0. ,See, also Collection ar;nleinii|ue. i:> v. 4°. Dijon if: Paris, 17."i."i-7!l. — Itccucil de memoires. 16 V. 4*. Paris, 17."il-s7. Nouvelles archives d'obstetrique et de gyne- cologic. L'edacteur en chef: Doloris. [Month- ly. J v. I-:!, 1880-s. s- . Paris. Current. Has supplement: Rcpei-loirc universel d'obstetrique- et ele gynecologic. Nouvelles instructives, bibliographiques, his- toriques et critiques de niedecine, chirurgie et pharuiaeie, pour l'annee 1787 ; ou recuel raisonne de tout ce qu'il importe d'appreudre pour etre au courant des connoissauces et k l'abri des erreurs, relatives a l'art de guerir. Par M. Retz. Tome 3, 17*57. 1 v. 558 pp. p; . I'aris, Met/uignon. Continued, in 1789, as: lVouvt-flcx. ou annales de l'art de guerir. -----. See, also : Sue (P.) Examen d'uu ouvrage intitule: Nouvelles instructives, bibliographiques, histo- riques et critiques de medeciue, chirurgie et pharmacie, etc. 8°. Geneve, 1780. Nouvelliste (Le) medical, gazette de tons les journaux de medecine et de sciences accessoires. [Weekly.] Nos. 1-3, 8-9, 12. 24, 30-53, Jan. 5, 1833, to Jan. 4. 1834. fol. I'avis, Gamier. Nova disquisitio de Helia artista. In: Theatrum chemicum. 12°. Argentorati, 1659, iv, 214-246. Nova pharmacopceorumtaxa, sen ordoac pretium omnium nicdicamentoruin, tam siuiplicium quam compositorum, ehyuiicorum, atque Galenicorum, nioderno tempore in officinis publicis pharina- ceuticis Viennensibus in Austria niagis usualium, juxta noruiani dispensatorii pharmaceutic! Aus- triaco -Vienneusis format a ac prieparata, et ex . . . regio mandato in publiei et serarii emolu- mentum tradita et publicata. 4 p. 1., 72 pp., 11. fol. Viennce Austria;, G. Eurtzbbk, 1744. Latin and German text. Bound with: Dirpfn'satokum pharmareutieum, etc. fol. Viennce Austrice, 1729, 2. etl., 1744. !\ovse Academia* Florentina* opuseula. Advcr- sus Aviceunam, et medicos ueotericos, qui Galeni moy;r. 1026 NOVI. IN ova' Academiie Florenlina- [etc.]—continued. disciplina neglecta, barbaros coluut. 10 . Lug- duni, apud S. Gryphinm. 1534. Imperfect-, wants all after p. 130. Nova* I'eguhe sanitatis inedico-physicie, sive dis- putationes inaugurales de esculentis ct poculen- tis, ailnsuin mundi inoderni: Quas pneside Dn. Hilario Frcsbauch, pro couseqnenda in omni Scibili laurea contra melancolicos et hypocon- driacos. sutfuniabit per tabactuii, [etc.] 12 1. sm. 4 . Gratianopoli, 16,7,7. «le \ovae* (l.'lementinoRibeiro). *Qual6inel- hor iiiitaniento da febre iimarella. 28 pp., 3 1. 4-\ Bahia, typ. C. R. da Roeha, W71. de \ov:ie* .Hello i Manoel Leite). *Fracturado radius e.sen tratainento. 20pp., 11. 4J. Bahia, ,1. G. Tourinho, 1872. Nov ag (Lorenz). (irundsiitze der physisehen Erziehung des Menschen. 2. Aufl. 274 pp. 8°. Wien, J. li. Wallishaussei; 1842. Novak (Eniericus). *De dyseuteria. 30 pp. 8°. Buda; ti/p. Bee/. Univ. Hung., 1829. [Also, in: 1'., v. 1327.] Novak (Josephus)1. *De febre interniittente exiintheiuatica. 4 p. L,64pp., 3 1. 12°. Buda; typ. C. Landevcv ridua; [1783]. Novak (Josephus)-'. Deconvalescentia. 38 pp., 11. - . Pestini,ti/p. Landereriaii'is,[W:\2]. [Also, in: IT. v. 1320.]* Novak (Josephus Stephanas). *De amaurosi ejusque speciebus et varietatibus. 55 pp. 8°. Pestini, J. T. Trattnei; 1816. [P., v. 1304.] Novak (Paulus Ferdinandns). * De diaeta aegro- rum alinieiitaria. 30pp. 8°. Budce, typ. Begice rnivevsilatis Htiiigavica; W19. [P., v. 1307.] Novara. Regolamento di polizia urbana e d igiene pubblica pel comune di Novara. 24 pp. 8 . Sovava, tip. di G. Miglio, 1868. No vara (Province of). Manicomio provinciale di Xovava. Tavole niedico-statistiche degli anni 18-n ; 188); i^st. [Per Dott. Todi (Giovanni).] Pubblicazioni latte per cura dell' amministra- zione. 4 . Xovtnei, 1-81-6. Novara. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Medicine (Clinical, Sta- tistical, etc.), by localities. Novara (Voyage of). Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiil- lerstorf-Urbair. 16 v. 4°. Wien, 1861-75. Novai'illllS (Antonius). Anatomia curiosa. Das ist, dess aller fiirtrefflichsten, hochsten und edel- sten Geschoptfs aller Creatiiren, dess Menschen, welchen Gott der Hdchste so hoch gewiirdiget, dass or ihu gar zu seinem Gottlichcn Ebenbild erschatfen hatte. AVahrhafftige Beschreibung, und vortretlliche Vorstellung, darinnen uach- sinnlich von dess Menschen wunderbarlich- uud hoch verwunderlicheu Urspruug, (lessen nie genug vom inenschlicheni Verstand benierckteu Empfiingnus, von (lessen iiberartigen Arort\vachs in dem niutterlicheu Leib, und folgeud-hochge- fiihrlich uudschmertzhafften Geburth, feruer von alien eiiserlich- und innern Glidern, auss welchen der iiberauss kiinstliche Leib zusammen verfiiget und gesetzet ist . . . Allen denjenigen, so die unergriindliche Wunderwerck Gottes uud der Natur Wiirckung zu Lob uud Ehr dess Grossen Schdpffers, vorneinblich- aber alien der Edlen Anatomi Beflissenen zum Nutz hervor gogeben, und an das offentliche Tagesliecht geleget. 1. u. 2. Theil. 109 pp., 1 1., 12 pl.; 103 pp., 19 ;,L, 1 phantom pl. fol. liotenburg, X. von Mille mu, 10-2. INovar© (Giacomo Filippo). Dell' estirpazione della laringe. 102 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Torino f Roma, E Loescher, 1880. ------. Cliuica chirurgica di Siena. Rendiconto dal gennaio al luglio 1.880. Redatto dall'aiuto Dott. Vittorio Remedi. 266 pp., 1 1. 8°. Siena, L. Lazzevi, 1887. INova Seotia. An act relating to lunatics and to the custody and estates of lunatics. [Also, the Hospital for the Insane.] Passed April 18, 1872. 15 pp. 8-. [Halifax, 1872.] ------. Census of . . . taken March 3d, 1-dl, under act of Provincial Parliament. 27,298 j,.^ 11. fol. Halifax, S. S., K. M. McDonald, 1802. With second title: Report of the secretary of the hoard of statistics, with appendices. ]\fova .Scotia. See, also, Halifax. Peris (B.) ficosse (Nouvelle) on Aeatlie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., I'ar.. 1S85, xxxii, 449—151. — k<'«>i-- syth (J. E.) Remarks on diseases in Nova Scotia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1848, i, 361. — IVova •icoIia in its sanitary aspect as a military aud naval station. Lancet, Loud., 1862, i, 469. IVova Scotia. Nora Scotia Hospital for the In- sane, Halifax. Annual reports of the medical superintendent to the commissioner of public works and mines. 1.-26., 1858-83. 8 -1. Hali- fax, 1859-84. Corner-stone laid June 8, 1856. Opened May 17. 1857, under title : Provincial Hospital for the Insane. Adopted present title in 1872, by act of the council and assembly. 1., ;i.-ll., bound in 1 v. 2. report not published. ------. Acts, by - laws, rules, regulations, and general orders. 21 pp. so Halifax, N. S., C. Annard, 1869. Bound with: Reports, 1858-68. Novati (Girolamo). .See JTIoreau de Joiiiiih (Alexandre). Intorno al cholera-morbus pestilenziale, [etc-1 8°. Alilano, 1S'.1\. For Biography, see Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1853, 3. s., iv, 311-312 (E. Bouetti). Bfovedades cientiticas. Contiene todos los des- cubrimientos hechos en fisica, quimica e historia natural, y sus aplicaciones a" la medieina, la far- macia, la agricultural la iudustria. Rcdaetado por Luis Maria Utor, [et al.]. f Semi-monthly.] v. 1, April 15 to Dec. 30, 188(1. 520 pp. 8 . Madrid. Novelcla. Genovea y Tio (J.) Disci ipcion del establecimiento de aguas minerales sulfinailas. saliuas frias, de salinrtas de Novelda, eu la pnivincia de Alicante. Sigle mod Ma- drid, 1874, xxi, 4,'Sli; 450.—I.opez (,T. F.) Del mauanlial sulfuroso de las salinetas de Xovehla. en la provincia de Alicante. Bol. de med., cini'*. v farm., Madrid, 1851 2. 6p., i, 156. Novell (Carolus). * De osteosteatomate. Ip. L, 38 pp. 4°. I'psa lice, J. Edinan, [1780]. > oveiliailUS (Philippus). Eyn schone Verord- nung von den, der Pestilentz, Ursachen, Zcey- chen, Erczneyen, mit sampt eynem niitzlichen Regiment. 581. 12°. Leyptziyk, V. Schumann, 1529. rVoveniailllS (Philippus Michel). Von den bo- sen umbflechtenden Bauchfliissen und Durch- lauff, Urspruug, Ursachen uud Erkentnis, und wie die zu curirn und zu vertreiben, aus Grund der Ertzney. 3 p. 1., 23 pp. 4°. Wiltemberc/, H. Luffl, 17)7)8. Noverre (Georges-Pierre). * Sur les anevrismos de l'aorte. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 13, v. 154. ------. Thesame. 67 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1820. i\ov§orocl. Baiilow-iU) (A.) Medicinisch-topographische Skizze des Nowgorodschen Gonvernements. Med. Zt". Russ- lands, St. Petersb., 1850, vii, 1W.\; 161 ; 1C9 ; 177. ' .\ovi ( Raftaele ). La sinfisiotomia rifugiata presso la Scuola napolitaua, 39 pp. 8°. Na- \ poli, G. de Angelis f figlio, 1881. NO VI. 1027 XOYES. IVovi tractatus de potu caph6; de chinensium the; et de chocolata. 2 p. L, 188 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Geneva; Cramer el Perachon, 1699. IVovi-Chavarria (Salvadorej. Trattato sulle oftalmo-nevrosi, ovvero descrizione delle malat- tie nervose dell' organo della vista. 348 pp., 2 1. 8-->. Napoli, R. Ghio, 1858. i\<>\ iiiski (M.) * K voprosu o privivanii zloka- cliestvonnieh uovoobrazovanii. [On the inocu- lation of cancerous diseases in animals.] 36 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Si. Petersburg, W77. IVovion (Lucien-Joseph). "(Quelques proposi- tions de nie'decine et de chirurgie. 28 pp. 4° Paris, 1837, No. 21, v. 306. Novitski (Alexander). * O phiziologicheskoui dieistvii uitroglitserina. 72 pp. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1804. lYovitski (Michael). * O fiziolog. dieistvii del- linina, 47 pp. 8. Cronsltntt, V. Kerr, 1863. IVovo (De) antidyseuterico Americano magnis successibus coniprobato. 38 pp. 16°. Francof. et Lipsiee, sumt. G. Freytagii, 1696. In: Listek (M.) Sex exercitationes medicinales [etc.] 16°. Francof. et Lipsiee, 1696. [Separate pagination.] IWovogrigorovtiki. See Cholera (Asiatic; History, etc., of), by lo- calities. IVovosti terapii. Ejemiesjachnii journal, v. 1- 2, 1880-7. 8 r Moskva. IVovosti veterinarnoe literaturi otchcstvennoi i inostratinoi. Vichodjat ejemiesjachuo pod red. A. I. Alcxiev. [News of veterinary literature, domestic and foreign. Monthly.] v. 2, 1885. 8°. St. Petersburg. Each number paged separately. IVovotliy (Franciscus Sal.) * De toxicationibus. 18 pp., 11. 8 •'. Vindobona; J. B. Wallishaussei; [1837]. Novum lumen modicum theoietieo practicum, cxhibens observationes et curationes medieas raras et enriosas, arcanis, euporistis aliisque notis proficuis modernai praxi congruis, necnon scholiis utilissimis illnstratas, ex Mss. felicissimi cujusdani et celeberrimi quondam practici eru- tas. 1230 iip., .12 1. 4°. liudolphopoli, J. M. Gollner, 1707. IVowack (Josephus). * De puuetione abdomi- nis ejusque tuinoriini, casu quodam adjeeto. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vratislaria; typ. A. Neiimanni, 1866. IVowak (A.) Notizen iiber die Prager k. k. Irreuanstalt und die Veranderungen in derselben seit dem Jahre 18:5(1, nebst zwei Uebersichtstabel- len und einigen Krankheitsgeschichten. 2 p. L, 79 pp. 8°. Prag, G. Haase Siihtie, W.\5. IVowak (Franciscus L.) * Diss, sistens analo- gias morborum oculi et aliorum orgauorum. 21 pp. Su. Praga; J. Spumy, [1837]. IVowak (Josef). Zur Frage der Leichenver- brennung. 16 pp., lpl. 8\ [ Wien], C. L. Pra- torius, [1874]. -----. Die Infections-Krankheiten vom atiolo- gischen und hygienisclien Standpuukte. Syste- matische Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Forschungs-Ergebiiisse auf dem Gebiete der gegenwiirtigen Infection.slehre. iv (1 L), 142 ppT, 1 pl. 8°. Wien, Tbplitz it. Denticle, 1882. -----'-. Lehrbuch der Hygiene. Systematische Zusamnienstellung der wichtigsten hygienisclien Lehrsiitze und llntersiichungs-Methoden. Lfg. 1-9. xvi, 1043 pp. 8°. Wien, Teflitz it. Deuticke, 1883. IVowak (\Yenceslaus). * De poliosi Werlhofii pneniissa historia morbi synoptica. 31 pp. 8°. Pragce Cechorum, J. rid. Vellevl. [1836]. j\owakowski (Janusz Ferdynand) ri8;v_?-83j. Przys*aii«fii (H.) [Obituary.l Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1884, lxxx. 171-175. Lowell vs. Williams. .Sec Insanity (Jurisprudence of, Cases, etc., re- lating to). ilfowgong. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. IVowlin (J. B. W.) A case of ovariotomy. 8 pp. 8°. [Xashrille, 1880.] Repr.from: Smith. Pract., Xashville, 1886. IVoxa (De) e nimis pnecipitato mediciine studio oriuuda. Ad meniuriani Kregelio-Sterubachia- nam. xv pp. 4C. [Lqisia; ex off'. Elaubarthia, 1792.] IVoxis (De) ex nimia mentis contentioue. [In] memoriam Bestuchefianani. xii pp. 4°. [Lip- sia-, ex off. Elaubarthia, 1780.] IVoxis (De) e nimiuin properata tedium recensex- structarum habitatione in sanitateni redundauti- bus. [In] memoriam Jo. Hen. Lud. de Bestu- cheff-Rumin e gente Carlovizia. 11 pp. 4°, [Lipsiee, 1830.] \o\on (Peter B.) [1796-1882]. Curtis (F. C.) Biography. Med. Ann., Albany, 1882, iii, [Tr. M. Soc. County Albany, 368|. IVoy (Theodorus) [1840- ]. * De carcinomate bulbi. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1803]. IVoyer (J.-B.-F61ix). * Sur le nieloena. 23 pp. 1 *. Paris, 1816, No. 94, v. 122. IVoyer (Victor). * Sur le mode d'action des eaux minerales de Vichy, departement de l'Allier. 14 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, W32, v. 03. -----. Guide del'^tranger aux eaux minerales de Vichy, suivi de quelques reflexions sur leur pro- priete dans le traitenient de la gravelle et de la goutte. vii, 57 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Bolivia; W36. IVoyt'* (Daniel H.) Fort rait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.) IVoyos (Henry D.) Selerotico-choroiditis poste- rior, with cases and illustrations. 16 pp. 8 . New York, T. Holinan, W66. Repr. from: N. Tork J. M., 1860, viii. -----. Specialties in medicine. 16 pp. 8". New York, J. Medole, 1867,. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. V., 1865, ii. -----. Glaucoma. 13 pp. 8\ Albany, Weed, Par- sons f Co., 186,9. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Albany, 1869. -----. Ectropium, exophthalmus, extirpation, plastic operation. 8pp.,3pl. 8 . [?i.-p., 1871.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, X. Y., 1871, vii. -----. Report on ophthalmology for 1870. 37 pp. 8c. New York, D. Appleton f Co., 1871. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1871, xiii. -----. Ophthalmoscopic examination of sixty in- sane patients in the State asylum at Utica. 23 pp. e^0. [New York, 1872.] " Repr. from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1872, xxviii. -----. Report on ophthalmology for 1871. 21pp. 8C. New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., W72. Repr. from: 2T. York M. J., 1872, xiv. -----. A case of irritation of the chorda tympani. 5 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Mudgef Son, W74. [Also, in: P., v. 795.] Repr. from : Tr. Am. Otol. Soc . Bost, 1874, vii. -----. Syphilis of the eye. Being chapter viii [pt. 2] of a ''Practical treatise on the surgical diseases of the genito-urinary organs, including syphilis", by YV. H. Van Buren and E. L. Keyes. 22 pp. 8 T New York, D. Appleton f Co., W74. -----. Cases of disease in the orbit. 20 pp. 8 . New York; G. P. Putnam's Sons. W75. [Also, in: P., v. 1442.] -----. Diagnosis of those diseases of the eye which can be seen without the ophthalmoscope. (il pp. S°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1870. No. 5, v. 2, of: Am. Clin. Lect., by Seguiu, 1870, sl-141. NuYKS. 1028 NUCK. >o)<*s (Henry D.)—contiuued. ------. Papers presented to the Fifth Interna- tional Congress of Ophthalmology. On the use of a naso-buccal Hap for blepharoplasty. wiih two cases and illustrations. On additional means for relieving pressure of the eyelids in diseases of the cornea, with an illustration. On the opti- cal error of conical cornea, and report of two cases treated by ojieration. 25 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton <)'• Co.. W77. ------. Ophthalmology iu the last quarter cen- tury. An address before the Medical Society of the State of New York. 19 pp. .-■-. Syracuse; Tiiinir, Smith <('• Bruce, W79. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soe. N. Y., Syracuse, 1879. ------. Lye troubles in general practice. 24 pp. 8~. Sew York, W. Wood 3' Co., W79. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xvi. ------. A treatise [on] diseases of the eye. xii til.), 300 pp., 2 pl. 8°. New York, W. Wood s (Isaac Pitman) [1840- ]. Hospital con- struction ; suggestion for the combination of the pavilion and corridor plan. 4 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Washington, 1877. ------. A new view of the weather question. 24 pp. 8r Eansas City, Mo., Ramsey, Millett f Hudson, 1878. Repr. from: West. Kev. Sc. tfc Indust., Kansas City, 1878-9, ii. J' ------. Meteorology. Evidence from the weather maps of the II. S. Signal Service Office. 9 pp. 8'. [Washington, D. ('., 1880.] Repr. from: KausasCity Lev. Sc. tfc Indust., 1879-80, iii. ------. Tornadoes. Prophecy of the weather. 19 pp. 8°. Eansas Cily. 1881). Repr. from: Kansas City Kt-v. Sc. & Tndust., 1880-81, iv. ------. Meteorology. The weather map and the official weather indications. 5 pp. 8°. [Wash- ington, 188L] Repr. from: Kansas City Kev. Sc. efe Indust, 1881-2, v. ------. How to be weather-wise. A new view of our weather system. 51 pp. 12°. New York Fowler f Wells, [1882]. Repr. from: Phrenol. J., N. Y., 1882, n. s., xxv. ------. False notions in regard to the weather. 6 pp. 8-'. [n.p., W82.] Repr. from .- Kansas City Kev. Sc. & Indust., 1882-3, vi. ------. Meteorological discoveries. 8 pp. 8°. Eansas City, 1884. Repr. from.- Kansas City Kev. Sc. & Indust., 1884-5 vm. -----. More about the red sky (vapor theory). 1 galley sheet. [New York, W85.] From: Phrenol. J , N. Y., 1885, n. s., xxxi. ----—. Local storms. 1 galley sheet. [New York, From : Phrenol. J.. X. Y., 1885, n. s., xxxii. ------. Electricity and thunder storms. 1 eallev sheet. [Chicago, 1880.] J From.- Chicago J. of Commerce, March, 188G, xlviii. Noye* ('Jcones) [1C40-1719J. Kiom-apliy. In: Sibley (J. C. (|'te. | sr e-an,bridije, 1881, ii, 45-50. IVo) «-s (John Humphrey). Male continence, or self-control in sexual intercourse. A letter of quiry answered. 4 pp. 8°. [Oneida, N. Y., .) Biog. sketches, 32 pp. 1800.] ------. Essay on scientific propagation. -\ Oneida, N. Y., [n. d.] .\oy«'s (R. K.) The history of medicine for the last 4000 years. 79 pp. 12-. Lynn, Mass., Leech 4' Lewis, lsso. Noyes (Robt. F.) Perityphlitis. 47 pp. 8 . Providence, 1S"*3. Repr. from: Tr. Rhode Island M. Sot. 1S82, Provi- dence, 1883. IVoyes (T. R.) Report ou the health of children in the Oneida Community. 8 pp. ,s> . Oneida N. Y, 1878. IVoyes (William). Composite portrait of eight cases of general paresis (live men and three women). 1 photograph, 4-} x 0J. Boston, Sot- man Co., 1887. ------. Composite portrait of eight eases of melan- cholia (all men). 1 photograph, II x 0£. Boston, Sot man Co., 1887. IVoxerail (Albin). * De riienicrulopic des pays (•■hands. 34 pp., I 1. 4°. Montpellier, Dc Grits 1805, No. (51. c. IVozerail (Jean-Baptiste). * Sur la gale. 28 pp. 4•-. Montpellier, W33, No. 35. [P., v. 1083.] Nubia. See, also, Egypt. Lavernn (L.) Nuhie. Diet, encycl. d. ne. nied. Par. 1879, 2. s., xiii, 734-747. Nubian*. Deniker. Qiioh'ius ohservations et mensurations sur les Nuhiens qui ont ete exposes a (lineve en aoflt 1880. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 594-603. Nubility. See Marriage. IVllblat (Henry). 'Considerations sur les ulcera- tions du col de l'ut6rus. 32 pp. 4 . Paris, 187,1 No. 123, v. 512. Nucha. See Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Niiclitcii (Fridericus) [1815- ]. * Do crisi- bus. 29pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [18\6]. IVII tins (L.) Een schoon tractaet, van aldcr- hande paerden, om te lceren kenueu de natueie ende eijgenschap derselver: ende welcke de schoonste, beste, sterckste ende cloeekste zijn . . . Uijt het Italiaensch verduijtscht. Noch ecu cleijn tractraetjen van veelderley dieren ... 2 p. L, 87 pp., 11. 4C. Dordrecht, P. Verhaghen, 1022. IVlick (Antonius) [1050-1742]. * Do rabie hydro- phobica. 6 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud rid. it hee- redes J. Elseverii, 1G76. ------. De ductu salivali novo, saliva, ductibus oeulorum aquosis, et humore oculi aqueo. Fron- tispiece, 4 p. ]., 175 pp., 8 1., 3 pl. 10 r Lugd. Bat., P. vander Aa, 1685. ------. Operationes et experimenta chirurgica, edita per J[ohannis] T[ilingii]. 2 p. 1., 170°pp., 31. 12°. Lugd. Bat., C. Boutesteyn, 1692. 4 pl. wanting. -----. The same. 2 p. L, 170 pp., 3 L, 4 pl. 12°. Lugd. Bat., C. Boutesteyn, 1096. ------. Thesame. Ed. novissima. 170pp., 31., 4pl. 12°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1733. [Also, in: P., v. 1641.] ------. Sialographia ct ductuum aquosorum ana- tome nova. Accedit defensio ductuum aipioso- rum nee non fons salivalis novus, hactenus non descriptus. 6 p. L, 158 pp.. 8 L, 6 tab. 12°. Lugd. Bat., J. Luchtmans, 1095. Frontispiece gives date as 1696. -----. Thesame. 12 p. L, 158 pp., 8 ] o t;,i, 12°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchtmans, 1723. Bound with his: Adenographia, etc. 12°. Load. Hat. Frontispiece gives date 1722. ------. Adenographia curiosa et uteri fceminei anatoine nova. Accedit in hac nova editione diss. anat. med. inaug. de motu bills circulari ejusque morbis M. van Reverhoist. 6 p. 1. l'r> pp., 13 1., 9 pl.; 64 pp., 2 pl. 12-. Lugd. Bat., J. Luchtmans, 16,96,. Frontispiece gives date 1697. NUCK. 1029 NUKXKKKr.ER. IVlick (Antonius)—continued. ------. The same. Adenographia et uteri ana- tome nova. Editio aliis auctior. 8 p. 1., 152 pp., 14 1., 9 pl. 12°. Lugd. Bat.. S. Luchtmans, I7'22. Title page wanting. ------. See, also : Bassh :s (II.) Erlauterter Nuck, oder griind- liche Aninerkuugen iiber Anton Nucks chirur- giselie Hand-Griffe uud Experimeute, worinnen viel neue Inventa und Instruineuta vorgestellet werden, nebst nothigen Kupfer-Taffeln nnd Re- gistt-ru wie auch eine Vorrede Friedrich Hoff- manns. 12°. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1728. Nuck (Canal of). l>'i-ri- (0.) Persistence du canal du Nuck. Bull. Soc. anat. the Par., 1S7S, liii, 5S. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1H7S, vi, :i2:i. — van «l«-i' II©oven (J.) Hydrops canalis Nuckii. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1871, 2. K., vii, Afd. 1, 533. Nuclei. See Cells; Histology. Nuclein. Kfinltciib<'r« (W.) Ueber die Nucleine. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chein., Strassh., 1882, vi, 566-571.—ITI iifler (J. W.) Zur Kenntniss di-r Nucleine. Vorlautige Mitthei- lung. Arch, f.d ges. I'hysiol., Bonn, 1873-4, viii, 190- HI4.—Ntiilzci-. Ueber das Vorkommen von Nuclein in dfii St liiiiniii Ipil/.en und in der Hefe. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassh., 1882, vi, 572-574. IVlli'low (Henricus) [1752- ]. Observationes dc natura embryonis humani. 8 pp. 4C. Lip- sia; ex off'. Langenhemia, [1774]. ------. * Animadversiones de contagio. 35 pp. 4 . Lipsia; ex, off. Loeperia, [1770]. ------. * Pnemissuni est examen partitionis nervo- rum in sensorios atque motorios. viii pp. 4 . Lipsia; ex off'. Loeperia, [1776]. Also, in: Wkiz (V. A.) Neue Aus/,. [etc.1 12°. Leipz., 1777, vi, 21-2!). ------. Ueber die Zeichendeutung des menschli- chen Auges in Krankheiten. Aus dem Lateini- schen iibersetzt, nebst eiuer Vorerinnerung und einigen Zusiitzeu. 96 pp., 1 1. 12°. Eonigsberg, F. Xicoloviiis. 1791. ------. Versuch eiuer Theorie des Schlafs. xvi, 280 pp. 8 . Eonigsberg, F. Xicolovius, 1791. For Biography, see l'laz (Antonius Guilielmus). /'(„■ Portrait, see efjollcclion—van Kaathoven. IVliebel (Antonius) [1814- ]. * De a*tiologia febrium iuterinittentium. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Be- rolini, tt/p. fratrum Schlesinger, [1844]. IVil4'4-k<-l (Clemens) [1834- ]. * De retro- hVxioue uteri. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1858]. IViiecliOl (Job. Benedict Dan.) * De affectioni- bus lnereditariis. 23 pp. 4°. Parisiis, 1813, No. 02, v. 96. si Niionarc (Hermannus) A Riqiiiniis (Si- mon). De novo hactenusque Germauiic inau dito morbo Wpunvperov hoc est, sudatoria febri, quam vulgo sudorem britannicum vocant, medi- cte rei experinientissimi judicium doctissiinum, duabus epistolis contentum. Colonice, apud J. Soteretn, 1529. In ■ Seitii'T. de sudore angt. (Gruner). 8°. Jence, 1847, 9J-116 Also, in .- Gratarolus (G.) [Collection] Petri de Abauo, etc. 8°. \n. p., 1561'!], ff. 64-87. XVlillllillSl»«ff(Julius)- * Beobachtungen uber Psoudohypertrophia musculorum lipomatosa, 31 pp. 8 ■' Wurzburg, Becker, 1878. Niirnberg. ,s'<'|-|iii ( Daniel Victor). "ArteriologiiBrecte concinnanduB leges cum specimine arteria} caro- tidis externa' exhihens. 41pp. 4°. Helmstadii, lit. J. Drimbornii, [1764]. van Nii** (Job.) * Beitrag zur Entstehuug der Carcinome aus chronisch-entziindlichen Zustiin- ilen der Hautdecken. [Wurtzburg.] 16 pp. 8°. limine vich, J. L. Bom en, 1880. 3\'ne**e (Henr. Ferdiuandus) [1792- ]. * De niainiiialiiiui dentibus. 40pp., 21. 8-. Berolini, typ. Sictaekianis, [l83f>]. fVuensler (Anton). * Fragmente fiber Entblos- sung der Schiidelknochen, comniiuutiv Briiche und Caries. 30 pp. 8°. Miiucheu, M. Poessen- bacher, [n. d.] IViissler (Job. Gottlob). *De dolore colico. 24 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, F. Halma, 1088. I\Tue**li (Friedr.) * Die Resultate der Kaltwas- sirlieliiiudlung des Typhus abdominalis im Bas- ler Spitale ini Jahre 1869. 25 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Kielnn, 1871. IN u<-tte ii (Carolus Chrysanthus) [1808- ]. Nonnulla de pso'itide puerperarum, adnexis morbi historiis. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [ 1832]. Niitzlicb- und heilsamer Rathschlag von Len- den-Steiue, darinnen kurtzlich, doch deutlich angezeigct wird, was der Lendensteiu sey, woraus solcher erwachse, und wie man ihn recht erkennen, auch gliicklich vertreiben soil, alles aus bewahrten autoribus, nicht nur allein mit gemeinen, sondern auch mit kriiftigeu Mitteln, und besoudern guteu Wassern von grundaus kiiune curiret werden dutch M. P. S F. D. P. 11 p. L, 272 pp. 12°. Graetz, M. Nolcker, 170L NiitZliche und curiose Fragen. .See von Hor- nick i Ludwig). IViitzlicheii (Mit) Xachrichten und Anmerkung erliiuterte Beschreibung seiner im Jahr 1751, in das Kayser- Carls- Bad gethauen Reise. See G[ run dig] (C.) .\ueva-Belen. See Insane (Asylums for, etc.), by localities— Barcelona. IVlievo formulario ni&lico-quirurgieo de los hos- pitales gcnerales y deiiuis establecimieutos de beneficencia de Madrid; corregido y considera- blemente aumentado ; segunda edicion. 380 pp.. 1 l.,-l tab. 12°. Madrid, I). E. Aguado, 1853. Nlievos elementos de cirujia y medieina, por algunos doctores en ambas ciencias. 2 v. vi, 9-049 pp., 1 1. ; vi, 7-052 pp., 1 1. 12L. Madrid, P. Madoz f L. Sagasli, 1846. IVliezel (Joannes). * De accto. 36 pp. 4 . Erlangce, typ. vid. J. F. Beekeri, [17 18]. vail Nllftel (Johannes Cornelius). Do laryugo tracheitide. 24 pp. 4 . Gandavi, M. A. Mahne, [1828]. [P., v. 959.] IVllg% canorte; or, epitaphiau mementos [tic] See. "Unus Quorum ". Nugent (Christopher) [ -1775]. An essay on the hydrophobia. To which is prefixed the ease of a person who was bit by a mad dog; had the hydrophobia, and was happily cured, vii, 20-1 pp. 8°. London, J. Leake if W. Frederic, 1753. Nugent (Eduardus). * Do febre nervosa, :56 pp. 8 t Edinburgi, Balfour el Smellie; 1780. Nugent (Gulielmus). * De rlieumatismo acuto. 17 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Xeill, 1823. Nugent (Nicolas). * Disp. qua-darn codo forvido propria complectens. 34 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, excud. A. Xeill et socii, 1801. [P., v. 30.] Nugent (]Vashi>it/ton (f.) [1S22-77J. Indii'HOOil (G.) Memoir of YV. (J. Nugent. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1877, xi, pt. 2, 6'J4-62(i. IVllgliSCll (Joannes iEmilius) [1823- ]. * De partu arte prieniaturo. 30 pp., 1 1. 8 . Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Sehlesingei;[W48], IVllgliet (E.) * Du traitement des fractures de l'extre'iuite' inferieure du radius vicieusenient consolide"es. 66 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Li/on, 1885, 1. s., No. 305. ------. The same. 66 pp., 2 pl. su. Lyon, 1885. IVllllll (Antonius) [1814- ]. * Commentatio de vitiis, qiue surdomutitati subesse solent. 2 p.L, '20 pp., 2 pl. fol. Heidelbergce, C. Groos, 1841. . ------. Handbuch der chirurgischen Anatoniie, zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen uud zum Selbst- unterrichte. xxx, 598 pp. 8C. Mannheim, F. Bassermann, 1843-5. With second title-page: Handbuch der speziellen chi- rurgischen Anatomie ... 1. Bd. Enthaltend die chirur- gische Anatomie des Kopf'es. All published. ------. Leber eine bis jetzt noeh nicht niiher be- schriebene Druse im Innern dor Zungenspitze. 8 pp., 4 pl., 1 1. 8'"-'. Mannheim, F. Bassermann, 1845. ------. Beobachtungen uud Unteisiichungeu aus dem Gebiete der Anatoniie, Physioiogie uud prac- tischen Medicin. 1. Hft. iv, 30 pp., 7 pl. fol. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1849. ------. Erklarungen der chirurgisch - anatomi- schen Tafeln. Neue Aufl. viii, 271, 336 pp. 4°. Heidelberg, F. Bassermann, 1868. In 3 Abth.: 1. Der Kopf; 2. Der Rumpf; 3. DieClieder. Each Abth. has separate title-page. The 1. aud li. have also separate pagination. ------. Chirurgisch-anatomische Tafeln. Nach der Natur ge/.eichnet und lithographirt von Franz X. Wagner. 60 pl. fol. Heidelberg, F. Bassermann, [1868]. ------. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. xxxii, 288+pp. 8°. Heidelberg, W75. I. Theil. Vegetative Organe uud Appurute des Thieikiir- pers. ------. The same. In zwei Theilen. I. Vegeta- tive Organe und Apparate des Thierkorpers. II. Animale Organe uud Apparate des Thierkorpers. xxxii, 676 pp. 8\ Heidelberg, C. Winter, W78. ------. Thesame. 2. Ausg. xxxii, 700 pp. 8-, Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1886 ------. Lehrbuch der praetischen Anatomie als Anleitung zu dem Priipariren im Secirsale. xvi, 408 pp., 1 1. 8 -. Stuttgart, F. von Enke, 1882. \iiijeus (W. J. F.) Het ontwerp van wet op de uitoefening der genees-, heel- en verloskunde in ons vaderland. 30 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, C. L. van Langenhuysen, 1862. NUISANCE. 10 Nuisance (The) of street music, or a plea for the sick, the sensitive, and the studious, by a London physician. 11 pp. 12°. London, H. Iienshaw, 1809. [P., v. 497.] Nuisance inspector. See Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of). Nuisances. See, also, Alkali works; Bone-boiling; Efflu- via ; Factories; Fat-boiling, etc.; Gas (Illu- minaling, etc.); Gases (Irrespir able, etc.); Horse- knackers ; Hospitals for contagious diseases; Noise; Occupations (Dangerous, etc. ); Occu- pations, etc. (Diseases, etc., of); Offal, etc. (Dis- posal of); Smoke; Starch factories. Booker (P.) Concerning inspectors of nui- sances; their appointment, and some practical observations with reference to the mode of pro- cedure and efficient execution of some of the duties devolving on them under the public health act, 1875, with a list of duties and certain local regulations. 8°. Manchester, 1879. Boston. Report of committee on a nuisance at Ward's wharf. [On the killing and transpor- tation of dead horses.] Boston. City Doc, No. 69. Sept. 1, 1862. 8°. [Boston, 1862.] Casio (The) of the manufacturers of soap aud candles, iu the city of New York, stated and ex- amined. To which are prefixed the laws of the State of New York, concerning infectious dis- eases, with an addition in form of an appendix containing several documents and papers rela- tive to these subjects. 8°. Xew York, 1797. Court of Appeals. Nos. I & II. The Metro- politan Board of Health against Jacob Heister. Claim for penalty for violating order aud ordi- nances [in carrying on the business of "slaugh- tering cattle" in a densely populated portion of the city]. Nos. Ill A IV. Jacob Heister against the Metropolitan Board of Health. Application for injunction to stay board from enforcing ordi- nances, roy. 8- [Albany, n. d.] Frost (K.) A preliminary discussion of the Miller's River nuisance, and its remedy. 8°. Boston, 1872. Great Britain. General Board of Health. Report on the measures adopted for the execu- tion of the nuisances removal and diseases pre- vention act, and the public health act, up to July, 1849. 8°. London, 1849. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Alkali acts, 1803, 1874, and 1881. Anuual reports of the inspector of his proceedings during the years 1872-84 (9.-21.). 8°. London, 1873-85. For /ireceding reports, see, infra, Gkeat Britain. Privy Council Office. -----. Model bye-laws for the use of sanitary authorities. No. II. Pieveiition of nuisances arising from snow, filth, dust, ashes, aud rub- bish. Prevention of the keeping of animals on any premises so as to be injurious to health. 8°. London, 1877. _____. Digest of provisions as to removal of nuisances. (Public health act, 1875.) 8°. Lon- don, 1884. _____. Digest of provisions as to removal ot nuisance's. (Metropolis.) 8-. London, 1881. Great Britain. Parliament. The uuisauces removal and disease prevention amendment act, 18 and 19 Vic, cap. 121. To which are added the smoke nuisance act and the common lodg- in"-house acts. 12°. London, 1855. °_____. Report from the select committee ot the House of Lords [Richmond, Derby, Graham, and others] on injury from noxious vapors, too-ether with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Session 1862. fol. [London, 1862.] 31 NUISANCKS. A ni sail ces. -----. Noxious vapours commission. Report of the royal commission on noxious vapours. fol. London, 1878. Great Britain. Privy Council Office. Alkali acts, 1863 and 1874. Annual reiiorts of the in- spector, to the committee of privy council for trade, of his proceedings during the years 1-04- 71 (1.-8.). 8&. London, 1805-72. Horsford (E. N.) Report on an investigation of the sources of the offensive odors which are ascribed, iu a petition by John M. Tyler and others, before the State board of health, to the hog-slaughtering establishment of John P. Squire A Co., of East Cambridge. 8C. Cambi ielge. W7'.\. KiN(iSTON-UPO.\-HfLL. Annual report of the inspector of nuisances, Joseph Osborne. 1., 1-81. 6 tab. 8°. Hull, 1882. Liverpool. Report of the inspector of nui- sances as to the drainage of courts, cellars, in- sanitary houses, etc. [By 11. Litzpatiick.] 8 -. Liverpool, 1884. Manchester and Salford Noxious Vapours Abatement Association No. 1, 1-87. Air pollu- tion, noxious vapours which pollute the air. By J. Carter Bell. 12 . Maneheslc; 1887. Massachusetts. State Board of Health. John M. Tyler et al., petitioners, vs. John P. Si|iiiro et al., respondeuts. Closing argument in In-half of the respondents, before the State board of health, Dec. 29, 187::. 8. Cambridge, W74. New Jersev. Senate. Supplement to an act entitled "An act relating to local boards of health" [conferring power to a bale nuisances hazardous to the public health], approved March 22, 1881. State of New Jersey. Si-nato, Xo. 10:1. Introd. Feb. 14. l-s;', by M,. Taylor, fol. [ Tren- ton, 1883.] New York (State). An act to provide for the abatement of nuisances by boards of health of incorporated cities, villages, and towns. State of New York. No. 117. In senate, Feb. 23. W*2. Introd. by Mr. Fitzgerald, fol. [Albany, W<2.] -----. Au av.t to suppress certain nuisances. [Making it unlawful for any place of business in cities of 15,000 population or over to uso (petro- leum residuum) for fuel.] State of New York. No. 358. In assembly, March 1, 18H2. Introd. by Mr. Kelly, fol. [Albany, 1882.] New York State Board of Health. Opinion of attorney-general regarding powers to abate nuisances. 8*-. [Albany. l-s4.] -----. Report on the nuisances of Hunter's Point and vicinity, and message of the governor accompanying the same. (Transmitted to the legislature, April 22, 1881.) 8U. Albany, 188]. Plea (A) in behalf of law and order. How a village trustee can destroy a village. Tbe affidavits of several civil engineers and physi- cians, showing that the Odell ice pond is a nui- sance, which will necessarily produce uoxious, offensive, and poisonous effluvia, miasma, mala- ria, intermittent fever, and zymotic disease. Shall we be compelled to abandon our homes? 8 . New York, 1879. Poilson (F. T.) The procedure of a sanitary inspector in relation to the abatement of uui- sauces. 12°. London, 18.8 \. Princeton, New Jersey. Proclamation con- cerning nuisances. Aug. 27, 188U. f,,i. [Prince- ton, 1880.] Smith (R. A.) Report to the town council of Lcith, on the chemical works in Salamander street. 8~; Edinburgh, [1802]. Smoke Abatement Fund. National Health and Kyrle Societies. [Appeal of the committee to the public, to assist their efforts in reducing the mischief arising from the production of • NUISANCKS. Nuisance*. smoke in the metropolis.] Nov. 16, 1880. fol. [London, 18-o.] Wallace (W.) RepoW to the magistrates and council of the city of Glasgow, on the refuse water of chemical works and other factories. 8^-. Glasgow, 1885. Williamson (T.) Sanatory remarks in con- nection with nuisances; addressed to students and young physicians. 8°. Edinburgh, 1850. Wood (H. G.) A practical treatise ou the law of nuisances in their various forms; including remedies therefor at law aud in equity. 2. ed. 8C. Albany, N 1., 188:!. Adam« (J. F. A) The new Lenox malaria. Boston M. efe s.. .(., 1882, cvii, 604-609. Also. Kepi int.— d'ArcPt. Des rapports tie distances qu'il est utile ile inaintenir entre les fabriques insulabres et les habitations qui les entou- rent. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1843, xxx, 321-328. Also, Re- print.—Aln-nter (E. S.) Some citations from the law rclat'iini to nuisances. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey, Mount Holly, 1881. v, 73-79.—Baird (0. R.) Report on the legal pro\ iaions available in Glasgow for the removal of nui- sances. San. Inquiry: Scotland, Lond., 1842, 65-77.— Ballard. Third report in respect of the inquiry as to effluvium nuisances arising in connexion with various manufacturing and other branches of industry. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1878. Lond., 1879, viii, 42-320, 38 pl.— Bond {¥. T ) On the law of nuisances in its medico- legal aspect. Pub. Health. Lond., 1874, ii, 3-6.—Bracon- not iH.) efe Nimoniii (F.) Notes sur les emanations des fiibriqui's de produits. J. de chim. med., etc.. Bar., 1848, 3. s, iv, 28U-2S8. — Brick-burning (The) nuisance. San. Rec, Loml.. 1.-87-8. n. s., ix 51-50 — Itiii-lon (.1. H.) On the state of the law as regards the abatement of nui- sances and the protection of the public health, iu Scotland, with suggestions for amendment. Sim. Inquiry: Scot- land Loml.. 1842, 40-05.—Ciimeron (.1. ('.' What con- stitutes a ni........n nuisance. Metl.-Leg. J., N. V., 1884-5, ii, 507-5(>'.! — < luviilliei \- 4.,'im i-.-irri. Menu,ire snr les resiilus liepiiiles piuveiiiint des etiiblissenients imlustriels. Ann. d'hyg.. I'ar.. 184(1, xxxvi, 99-120. — Colin (A. L.) Report on glucose factories at Buffalo. Kep. Slate Bd. He..lth NT \T. Albany. 1884, iv, 425-428. — Feroci (A.) Impianto d' una fabbrica per la estrazione degli alcooli dai cereali; reclami per incoinodi e insalubrity; provvedi- luenti proposti per eliniiu;irli. Gior. il. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milauo, 18*4. vi, 35U-3H2.—<;roi'««* (H.) The poisons'iif the manufactory. Poji. Sc. Month.. NT YT, 1882. xxi, 663- 667—«;riswold (R. WT' The Berkshire malaria trial. NT Eng. M. Mouili Newtown, Conn., 1882-3, ii, 498-504.— ■ lei-iui; (K.i \ l.cev (11. i Report on nuisances existing outside the limits ,,t Allegheny Citv, and on the pollution ot the Allegheny Kiver. Rep. Bd. Health., etc., Penn. 1885, Ha.iisliiirg. lM-ii. i 251-257. — Hill (A.) The liability of property owners to make structural alterations to abate n .isniices on properties belonging to them, but let on lease. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health 1880-7, Lond., 1887, 72.— Iltimpliri v« (Judge W. H ) Nuisances from a legal standpoint: jurisdiction of the courts over municipal cor- porations with regard to nuisances. South. Pract,, Nash- ville, 1880 ii. 307-374.—Kiiiclilins (E.) Report on saw- dust nuisance at Philadelphia. Jefferson County. Rep State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Albany, 1887, vii,'31-42 — l.ethcbr ( H.) On noxious and offensive trades and manufactures, with especial reference to the. best prac- ticable means of abating the several nuisance's therefrom Pub. Health. Lond., 1875, iii, 49; 81 — Vlahlnn Ilntch- in«.on ,-t al.. appellants, v. The State, ex rel. The Board ol Health of the City of Trenton, respondent. Rep Bel. H.alth N.Jersey, Trenton, 1885. ix, 291-296.—Mar- tin (E. W.) Report on the manufacture of Noufclia- tel cheese uml its adulterations, at the factories of Charles H. Green. Chester, Orange County, anil Lawrence \-. Dur land, Chester, Orange County. K p Slate Bd Health N. YT, Albany, ls.*4. iv, 263-267. — .Manrin ( S. ) Re- ponse aux habitants dArenc sur cette question : Les de- pots d'engrais accumules sur un point du quartier d'Arenc ne sont-ils pas line cause d'insalubrite i Rec. d. actes du Comite med. d. Bouchesdu-Rhone, Marseille. 1868, vii, 165-179 — .>'uim.incc in the town of Brighton Monroe County. Rep. Stat.- 11,1. Health N. T. Ism;. All.any. 1887 yn, 355-361.—Oefli-iiNePM against public health. Kep. Bd' Health Iowa. lies Muiues, lss3, ii 220-222. —" Old (An) '1 ethnologist. Offensive manufactures; a suggestion .1 s,■., Loud., issi, 3. s., iii, 131-137.—Farmt-Diichatr- !<■! & 1.1'c-iiiii. Rapport sur uue epuration ele Sai)<* Aim. d hyg. Par., 1834, xi, 110-116.-Pre»colt (It.) Sow- ei-iige nuisance, Greene. Chenango County. Rep. State lid. Health N. Y. issii. Albany. 1887. vii. 302-367 —l»nb- In- nuisances. Boston M. & S. J., 1854. xlix, 227.—Re- port of the committee on effluvium nuisances Rep Start. Bd. Health NT Y.. Albany, 1884, iv, 229-248. — Re- port on complaint against the Glen Cove Manufacturing ) Nl'NKATON. Nuisances. Company. Ibid., 310-380, 2 plans- Jtrporl on drainage of abandoned cinal at village of IIorseheiiilH. I bid., 381- 391, 2 plans. — Ki-porl of the evidence, etc., before I lie State board of health in the ca.se of the City of Cambridge r. Niles Brothers Kep Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1879. x, 111-227, 2 charts.—Report of the Lancet Sanitary Com mission on the influence of certain chemical maniila-l ui is on health. Lancet, Lond., 1874. i, 491 ; 742 : ii, 02 — lt«- ports on pond nuisances in Westchester County. Kep State Bd. Health N. Y., Albany, 1884, iv, 393-404.'—Kob- erts (WT C.) On I lie inilui net- of non-specific emanations on the public health. A re I In v deleterious ? N. VorkM. J., 1871, xiii, 441-448. —Robiiis (E. ('.) On the disabiliti. s of inspectors of nuisances, ami their remedy. Sun. Rec, Lond., 1883-4, n. s , v, 176-178. — RiimmcII' (J. B.) The Local Authority of Glasgow v. Young. San Jour. Glasg., 1879-80. iii, 329-330. Also. Repi int. — *< Iihihii- Nterin. Die Sodalabrikiitien in gosunilheits-polizfilii-her Hinsiclit. Wchnbl. .1. k. k. (iesellsch. il. Aerzte in Wien, 1857, iii, 529-53,1. — Sian^liteiin<*. bone-boiling, iind fat- melting. [A history of the efforts of the State board of health to bring about a reform in these processes. | Keji. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1872, iii, 224-245. —Spencer i A . I Ou the supervision of offensive trades in the metropolis. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health, Loml.. 1884-5, 22-43. Also: San. Kee, Lond., 1884-5, n. s., vi, 208-304.—Sleiier. Sanitatspolizei- liche Begutachtung eines Rohprodurteii Geschiifts. Yrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. u. till'. Med., Bill., 1859. xvi, 233-239.— Stout (A. B. ) In lect ions nuisances: public right m. private privilege. West. Lancet, San I'Taw 1875, iv, 147- 154 —Thni'Kliei'ld (WT N.) The removal of nuisances. San. Rec, Lond., 1874, i, 178-181.—Tracy (R. S.) Public nuisances. Cycl. Pract. M. ( Ziemssen ), N. V.. 1879, xix, 379-470. -----. The problem of municipal nuisances. Pop. Sc. Month., NT Y., 1880-81, xxviii, 585-599.—T a elier (F.) Noxious vapours. San. Kee, Lond., 1877, vi, 303- 366.—Watson (I. A.) Common law citations relating to nuisances. Rep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire 1881-2, Con cord, 1882, i, 231-239. Also, Reprint. — Wil-tin <<). S.) Report on the slaughter-houses of Penn Van. Kep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1886, Albany, 1887. vii 43-46— Wol til (A. J.) The Park Kiver nuisance as affecting the sanitary condition of Hartford. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1884, New Haven, 1885, vii, 155-217, 2 pl. NllitS (Les) d'6preuve des villageoises alle- maudes avant le niariage. Dissertation snr un usage siugulier, traduite de l'allemand et accom- pagn<5e de notes et d'une postf'ace. Par un bi- bliophile. 2.6d. 86 pp. L2r Bruxelles, Gay . Coimbra, I). G. Louveyro, 16,1)1. NllflCZ (Belisiirio li.) * La tricolicia y su trata- iniento por el acido salicilico. 76 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ptunos Aires, M. Biedma, 1884. i\llll<"S, (Jos6) [18(1") 79]. Dos palabras en con- testaeion it la carta que el Dr. D. Joaquin de Heyst'in ha dirigido & los lneMicos honicopatas. 14 pp. 8°. Madrid, B. Vicente y Lavnjos, 1862. [P., v. 14r»4. | ------. Estudio medico del veneno de la taran- tula scgun el mlUodo dc Hahnemann, precedido de un rt'snincn bistiiiico del tarantulismo y taran- tisnio, y scguido de algunas imlicacioncs tera- peuticas y notas clinicas. iv, 5-204 pp., 2 1. 8-; Maclv'til, Vicente y Lavajos, W64. ------. 'I'hc same. Etude m&lieale sur le venin de la tareutule d'apres la niidhode de Hahnc- niaun, [etc.] Trad, et annotde par le docteur J. Perry. 268 pp. 8°. I'avis, J.-B. Bailliere if Jils, 1866. For Biography, see Bull. Soc. mCtl. honnrop. de France, Par., 1880, xxi (C. Catellan). Also, Reprint. rVtlfiez (Julio E.) [1.837- ]. * Etude sur les vices de conformation de l'urethre chez la femme. 124 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1882, No. 101. IN uiu'/. (Lorenzo Sanchez). Diccionariode nebres esenciales, coinpuesto y traducido del articulo tiebresy titros varios contenidos en el diccionario de ciencias medieas, que actualmente esta for- mando en I'aris una gratide sociedad de sabios. xii, 410 pp. 4T Madrid, Bepulles, 1819. rVtinez ( Tobias ). * Consideraciones geiierales sobre las liebres iu term i ten te.s y en particular las dtd pais. 30 pp. 8°. Mexieo, J. Compl'tdo, 1.870. Nunez River. C'ehti'ier (IT) Notes sur le Rio-Nunez; topographie, nii'leoriiloiiie. histoire naturelle tt matiere medicale, pa- tholo'^ie, hvniene general. Arch, beiges tie med. mil., Brux", 1850.'vi. 73-110. — Cor re (A.) Estpiis.se tie la ffore et de la faime imTlicales et e e iinoniii[ues du Rio-Xunez. Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1870, xxvi, 14-40. NlllH /. del Frado (Daniel). Fiebre amarilla; su origen, causas, sintomas, trataniieuto, etc. II pp. .8°. Lima. imp. Liberal, W70. >un< / de Villavironcio (B. C.) A- Ilolt (Jus.) Yellow fever microbes. 1 galley sheet. [ Sen- Orleans, 1886.] Cutting from.- Daily City Item, N. Oil., June 7, 1886. i\IIIIII (Andreas) [ -1796]. [Pr.] de hysterico delirio. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Christ. Frid. (iottschalck.] xvi pp. 4°. Erfordia; lit. H. B. Nonnii, [1713]. ______. [Pr,] de tumoribus extends suppuratione potius, quam resolutioue curaudis. [Cum vita I\llnn (Andreas)—continued. candidati Frid. Eusebii Rumpel.] 12 pp. 4-T Erfordice, lit. Sonnii, 1762. ------. [Pr.] de officina ac niechanismo sanguin- cationis. [Cum vita candidati Christiani Em- ber.] xiv pp. 4°. Erfordice, lit. H. B. Xonni, [1767]. ]\IItill (R. J.) Some practical suggestions in the treatment of diphtheria. 7 pp. .8°. Baltimore, Thomas f Events, 1881). Repr. from: Independ. Pract., Bait., 1880, i. ------. Peptonized milk as food for infants and invalids. 20 pp. .-r. New York; W. Wood f Co., 1881). Itepr. from: Am. T. Obst., N. Y., 1880, xiii. ------. Female diseases; the result of errors in habit and hygiene during childhood and pu- berty ; with remarks on the treatment of raclii- algia with igni-puncture (Paquelin's cautery). 4"> pp. 8; Augusta, Ga., J. Loreday. 1881. Kepi, from: Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1881, xxxii. ------. Report on diseases of women from the First Congressional district. 32 pp. 8'. At- lanta, J. P. Harrison f Co., [188,\]. Repr. from: Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1883, xxxiv Nil nil (Roger Shirley) [1813-82]. Obitiiarv. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 252.—Obitu- ary. Med. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1882, i, 103. \ IIll ll (Thomas William) []82r>- ]. Varicose. veins and varicose ulcers, viii, 63 pp. 8 . London, 11. llenshau; 187,2. ------. Inflammation of the breast and milk abscess, viii, f>2 pp. 8-; Loudon, H. L'enshau; 18.')3. ------. Ohservations and notes on the arteries of the limbs. 27 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Loudon, J. Chur- chill, W58. [P., v. ir.33.-J ------. The same. 2. ed. 33 pp. 8 . London, J. Chin-chill f Sons, 1864. [Also, in: P.. v. 90.] ------. The inaugural lecture, session l8(;:'-4, de- livered at the Middlesex Hospital Medical Col- lege. 24 pp. 8 . McGowttu - . Lon- don. J. Churchill, W7,8. ------. An account of three cases of aneurism of, or within, the orbit, treated by ligature of Un- common carotid artery; with observations; to which is added a report of a fourth case, treated since the paper was read. 24 pp. 8 London, J. E. Adlard, 187)9. Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1859, xiii. NL'NNELEY. lO.'U NUR KM BKRO. !\ mi 111'Icy i,Thomas)—continued. ------. On* the Calabar bean; its action, prepa- rations, and use. 38 pp. 8°. London, Lone/man [and others}. [1863]. [Also, in: P., v. 120;".'.] Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1863, ii. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 014. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1870, i, 823. Also: Med. Times & Ga/.., Lond., 1870, i, 648. \ ii ii ne v. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. !\ ll n n in £ (Jod. Herrn.) See ttlohausrii (Joannes Henr.) Ossilegium histo- rico-physicuui, [etc. J 4*. Francofurti et Lipsiie, 1714. vail .\iinom (Hendericus). * De ortu, progressu et occasii hominis. 22 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Hat., A. Eallewier, 1731. [P., v. 65.] Nun*. See Celibacy. Nuova (La) Liguria medica. Giornale di scienze mediche, coutinuazione della Liguria medica e del Filiatre sebezio. Diretto dai dottori E. de Renzi [et al.]. [3 times a mouth.] v. 16-19, 1871-4. 4 v. 8°. Genova. Title of v. 1-15 was: liiguria (La) medica, 1856-70. Nuova raccoltad' opuscoli scientific! e filologici. 42 v. 16°. Venezia, S. Occhi, 1755-87. See, also, Kaccolla d' opusculi seientiflci e filologici. 16°. Venezia, 1728-57. IV no vi coiiiiiientarj di medieina e di chirurgia pnhblieatidai . . . Valeriauo Luigi Brera, Cesare Kuoocri, e I'loriiino Caldani. 5 v. 8°. Padova, Pen adu, 1818-26. Nuovi clenieuti della fisica del corpo umano. 2 v. xvi, 304 i)]i.; 308 pp. 8°. Padova, tip. del Seininavio, 1820. rViiOVO (II) Cimento. Giornale fondato jier la lisica e la chimica da C. Matteucci e R. Piria; continuato per la fisica esperinicntale ematenia- tica da E. Petti e R. Felici. [Bi-monthly.] 3. serie, v. 21. 1887. 287 pp. h . Pisa. IVuovo giornale internazionale delle scienze me- diche. Inleso ad iuformaie i medici esercenti dei progressi della medieina. Redatto dal Dr. Donienico Franco. [Monthly.] v. 1, Nov., 1877, to Oct., W78. 384 pp. 8 r Napoli. Continuedas: Nciiola (La) medica napolitana. Nuovo mercurio delle scienze mediche. Com- pilato dai dottori (L Gordoni e L. Michelotti. v. 1-4, 18-2'.»; v. 1-2, 1830. 6 v. ' 8°. Livorno. In 1830 Dr. Michelotti sole editor. Nlli'l'llibci'g. Ein kurtz Regiment wie man sich in dieseii gegen wertigen Sterbsleutften halten sol. Gestellet durch die verordneten und o-eschwornen Doctores der Artzeney diser Stadt Xiirmlierg ini Jar 17777). 21 1. 4 . Xiirmbevg, E. Gerlachin u. J. vom Berg Erben, [1575]. ------. Verneuerte Gesetz, Ordnung und Tax eines Li'len, Ehrn vesten, Fiirsichtigen nndWeis- sen Ruths, (less Hey. Reichs Statt Niirmberg, dem Collegio Medico, den Apoteckeru und andern angehorigen daselbsteu gegeben. 31 1. sm. 4'-; [Siivnbevg, S. Halbmayer], 1624. ------. Verneuerte Leich-Ordnung der Statt Niirmberg. 4 1. 4°. Niirmberg, B. Scherffen, 1(125. ------. Verneuerte Leich-Ordnung, wie es mit denenscllien, allhie in der Stadt Niirnberg, deren beeden Vorstlidten, zu Wohrd und Gostenhof, auch in den Stiidtlein und auf dem Land diss gautzen Niirnbergischen Gebiets, gehalten wer- den solle. 7 1. 4'-. [Niirnberg], M. Endter, 1662. Bound with preceding. —-----. Rath der Stadt Niirnberg. Ordnung, wie es bey denen anderwarts leider! sehr einreissen- den ansteekeude Kranckheiten zu halten, da- mit bey hiesiger Stadt uud Laudschafft, durch Xiii'eruilM-rK—continued. Gottes Gnade, noch ferners reiner nnd gesunder Lufft erhalten, und solches Uebcl abgewendet werden nioge. G 1. 4°. [Niirnberc/], M. Endter, 1679. ------. Verneuerte Gesetz und Ordnung eines Hoch Edlen und Hochweisen Raths des Heiligen Reichs Stadt Niirnberg, dem Collegio Medico, den Apotheckern, und andern Angehorigen da- selbst gegeben. 11 1. sm. 4°. [Xiivnberg], B. J. Endter, 1700. Bound with: Nuremberg. Verneuerte (Josef/,, Ord- nung und Tax [etc.] sm. 4°. Ni'trnberg, 1024. ------. Verneuerte Leich-Ordnung, wie es mit denen verstorbenen Personen, in des Heil. Rom. Reichs Stadt Niirnberg, auch in dero Vorstlidten, uud ganzem Gebiet, in ein- und andern gehalten werden solle. 39 pp. 4°. Niirnberg, B. J. Endter, 1705. Bound with: Nuremberg. Verneuerte Leich-Ordnung. 4°. Niirnberg, 1025. ------. Eines Hoch-Edleu und Hochweisen Raths des Heil. Rom. Reiehs-Stadt Niirnberg Traner- Ordnung gegeben im Jahr 1765. l"i pp. 4°. Niirnberg, J. J. Flcisclnnann, [1765]. Bound with preceding. ------. Nachtrag zur Trauer-Ordnung. (Decre- tum in Senatu, den 23. Oct. 1769.) 11 pp. 8°. [Siivnbevg, 1769.] Bound with preceding. ------. Eines Hochloblichen Raths des Heil. Rom. Reichs freyen Stadt Niirnberg verneuerte Leich- uud Trauer-Ordnung. 14 pp. 4°. [Niirnberg], J. J. Fleischmann, 1785. Bound with preceding. ------. Nachtrag zur Niirnbergischen Leichen- und Trauer-Ordnung vom 6. December 1785. 11 pp. 4r [Niirnberg], G. F. Lix, 1787. Bound with preceding. ------. Allgemeines Krankenhaiis der Stadt Niirn- berg. Aerztliciie Jaliresberiehte fiir die Jahre 1860-61 bis 1864-5. 4 T Niirnberg, [18111-5]. Nuremberg. See, also, Cholera (Asiatic, History, etc., of), Fever (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), Hospi- tals (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Braun (G.) Die epidemisehen Krankheiten in Niirnberg im Jahr 1852. Vortrag in der Si- tzung des Niirnberger arztlichen Vereins am 6. Januar 1K53. 8°. Niirnberg, 1853. Cardilucius (J. H.) Heilsame Artzney- Kriitfte des Niirnbergischen Wild-Bades, wie nemlich solche heriliessen vou einer dariun ent- halteneu roten solarisclien und weissen lunari- schen Mineral-Tinctur, und nach solcher tragen- den zweyfachen Signatur dienlich seyn zu den ftirnemsten Gebresten des Gebliits, und der weis- sen Leibs-Safftigkeit, nebst dessen rechfeni Ge- brauch uud mitlauffenden andern kriitftigen Artzneyen. Nach eigenliiiiidiger fleissiger Pro- birung den Bresshafftigen zu Dienst beschrieben und publicirt. 18°. Niirnberg, 1681. Gordon (J.) Stenographischer Bericht iiber das Gutachten der Canalisationsfrage in Niirn- berg. 8°. Frankfurt, ct. .)/., [1877?] Jahrksp.ericht der Poliklinik zu Niirnberg, 1. (1879-80). 8J. Niirnberg, [1879]. Kammerer (H.) Untersuchungen des Peg- nitzwassers in Niirnberg; in magistratischeui Aiiftrage ausgefiihrt. Veroft'entlieht durch den Magistrat der Stadt Niirnberg. «°. [Niirnberg, n. cl] Nymphographia, das ist: kurtze und griind- liche Beschriebung dess heylsameu Wildbads des Hoch loblichen Reichs Statt Niirnberg, darinuen desselben Natur, Art und Eygenschatli, so wol auch in was Kranckheiten solches niitzlich zuge- brauchen augezeigt wird. Sampt einer wol- NT REM BERG. 1035 NURSES. Nuremberg. denckwiirdigen und mercklichen Weissagung von dem Casteyner Bad gegenwertige Zeii"\uid (lessen Aussgang betretfeiiilt. sm. 4°. [Niiiii- berg? 1632.] Sanitaren (Die) Verbal tnisse und Anstalten der Stadt Niirnberg. 8-. Xiirnberg, W77. l^iburlM- und Stirtiliehkeits-Statistik der Stadt Niirn- berg fiir tlie Jahre 1877 bis 1HH2. Veriifi'entl. tl U. .l.-nt-oh. Usiidhtsaintes, Berl., 1878-83, ii-vii lpasnim].—llrinrirh. Aiis/.unili's ini'teoriiltiHisi'lii'ii Taejeliurhs. Areh. f. tl. e.v.s. Naturl., Niirnb., 1824, i, 125; 253: :iKI : 50:5: ii 133 ":,:!■ 381; 5(i:i: iii, 125; 253; :!81 ; 50].—K ■■ 11 linger. Einijie Worle, iiber dii* Krankheits Constitution im laiifriitlin und vorifjen Jahre (182!) uud 1830). Anli. f. Clnin. u. Meteor Niirnb., 1830, i, 17(i-18:i. ------. Resultate. der ineteoro- liiet'ise.hi'ii I>eiiliailitiiiie;en in Niiriibei'jf in den Jalmn 18IU und 18115. Abliimtll. d. nutiirh. (Jesellse.li. zu Niirnb., 1801!. iii, 2. nift., 2(1!)-276, 1 tab.— NeliciM hyei i J. J.) Observationes nii'teorologioo-iiiedicie pro anno 173u. Attn Acad. uat. curios., Norinib., 1737, iv (ii'ip.). 24-40. — von Mfliniogei'i' (K.) Auszujr iius dem mete.ortiliieiistilien TiCii'liiulie. Ari'h. I', tl. t'!«i and niirsiw/. Blrdett (H. C.) A national pension fund for nurses and hospital officials. ■-'. London, 18-7. Cailikild (S. F. A.) Sick nursing at home; being plain directions and hints for the proper nursing of sick persons, aud the home treatment of diseases and accidents in cases of sudden emergencies. 8°. London, [1-811], Child (Mrs.) The family nurse; or. compan- ion of the frugal housewife. Revised by a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 12 . Boston, 1837. Cl llixgworth (C.J.) The nurse's compan- ion. A manual of general and monthly nursing. 12-T London, W76. -----. The same. A manual of nursing, medical and surgical. 2. ed. sm. 8 . London, 1885. -----. The same. 16°. Philadelphia, 18ST. -----. A short manual for monthly nurses. 2. ed. 1G°. London, 1887. Degkx (L.) Die offentliche Krankenptlege im Frieden und im Kriege nach dem Ergobniss der Ausstellung auf dem Gebiete der Hygiene u. des Rettiingswosi'iis zu Berlin 1883. 8 . Miin- chen, 18-1. Dili-iknijach (J. F.) Anleitung zur Kran- ken wartung. 12 r Berlin, W'A2. Do.mville (E. J.) A manual for hospital nurses and others engaged in attending on the sick. 8°. London, 1872. -----. Tho same. 2. ed. 8. London, 1875. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8T London, 188,1. -----. Thesame. 5. ed. 8'. London, 1885. ----—. The same. 12 '. Philadelphia, W87>. Donavekts (J. E.) * De officio iegrolaiilium. sm. I . J<;ier, [17111]. Dick worth (D.) Sick-nursing essentially a woman's mission ; being an inaugural lecture- on the qualifications for and the conduct of sick- nurses. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1887,. Durociier iV Droxsart. Les fondateursdc la Maison royale de sant6 avec institution pour les (Sieves gardc-malades, au chateau des Tenies, vis-a-vis la Porte Maillot, a messieurs les preTets, sous-pr6fets et maires des principales villes de France. L. [Paris, n. eh] VAN DUYL (K. J.) A: VAN Wl-A-.HY.KL (S. P.) Handleiding ter opleiding van hospitaalsolda- ten. 8 . Utrecht, 1865. Employment (On the) of trained nurses among the labouring poor, considered childly in relation to sanitary reform and the arts of life. By a physician. 8-\ London, 1860. Fodkre (F.-E.) Manuel du garde-inalade, des gardes des femmes en couches et des enfans au berceau. 4 . [Strasbourg, 1-15.] French and German text. Friendly (A) letter to under nurses of the sick, especially in unions. By a lady. 12 T London, 1861. Gedike (C. E.) Handbuch der Kranken war- tung. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1854. -----. The same. Zum Gebrauch fiir die Krankenwart-Sehule der k. Berliner Charitt*- Heilanstalt sowie zum Selbstuntcrricht. 5. Aufl., neu bearbeitet von Dr. Ravoth. 8 . Ber- lin, 1874. Hand-book (A) of nursing for family and gen- eral use. Published under the direction of the Connecticut Training School for Nurses. 12 . Philadelphia, 1879. Hardy (C. H.) Introductory lecture on the duties of nurses, delivered at the Alfred Hospital. 8 . Melbourne. 18sl. Hilscher ( S. P.) [Pr.] de permutatione linteoruni in morbis acutis et noxia et salubri. 4°. Jenex, [1745], NFKSES. 1036 NURSES. \ ll I'M** and nursing. Hood (1). \Y. C.) Diseases aud their com- mencement. Lectures to trained nurses deliv- ered at the West London Hospital. 12°. Lon- don, W<6. -----. The same. sc. Philadelphia, W86. How to nurse sick children; intended espe- cially as a help to the nurses at the Hospital for Sick Children, but containing directions which may he found of service to all who have the charge of the young. l(i°. New York, 187,7). IIit'krti (F. C. J.) * De danino e uiniia honiinum ad lectum icgri frequeutia. 4°. Er- fordia; 1792. Husi'vxi) (H. A.) The monthly nurse; a few hints on nursing. 12°. Edinburgh, 1886. Hutt (YY. H.) [Blank forms for nurse's daily report to physician. 12°. Philadelphia, 1883.] Instruction de enfermeros, y modo de aplicar los remedies, Ti todo genero de enfermedades, y acudir ii los accidentes, que sobrevienen en au- sencia de los medicos. Compuesto por los hijos de la congregiicion del venerable Padre Bernar- dino de Ohregou, sita en el Hospital general de Madrid, sacada a luz por el Hermauo Augustiu del Buen. 4. ed. 4--T Mad vid, 1728. Jackson (J. C.) How to nurse the sick. 8°. Dansvillc; S. Y., 18(18. [.Johnstone (Mrs. F.)] Lessons on the pre- vention of the spread of fevers; delivered to the Ladies' Educational Society of Hastings aud K*. Leonard's, in November, 1873, with addi- tions. 2. ed. St. Leonard'H-on-Sea, [1876]. Jones (H.) An essay on nursing. Reprinted from "Holiday Papers", by the same author. 8\ London, 186,4. Journal of Practical Nursing. Edited by L. 0. Brown; published by the Rockford Nurses' Association, v. 1. 8 . Rockford, Ills., 1888. Lady nurses for the sick poor in our Luidon workhouses. Report of proceedings at the Strand Union Board of Guardians, Sept. 4, 18(i(i. With ;in appendix. 8 . London, 186,6. Lees (Florence S.) Handbook for hospital sisters. Edited bv H. \V. Acland. 12°. London, 1871. -----. The same. Handbuch fiir Kranken- pllegerinneii. Auf Wunsch Ihrer Majestiit tier Kai.terin-Konigin nach der englischen Ausgabe des Prof. Dr. Henry W. Acland in deutscher Sprat-he herausgegeben von Dr. Paul Schliep. 12 . Berlin, W74. Longshore vJ. S.) The principles and prac- tice of nursing, or a guide to the inexperienced, [etc] 8. Philadelphia, 1842. Loris (J.) La nourrice a la ville et a la cam- pagne. 12c. Paris, W80. Lucres (Eva C. E.) Lectures on general nursing, delivered to the probationers of the London Hospital Training School for Nurses. 12 . London, 1884. -----. Hospital sisters and their duties. 8-; London, 1886. -----. The same. 12". Philadelphia, W86. MacArthur (A.) Address delivered at the fifth annual meeting of the Washington Training School for Nurses. 8-r Washington, 18,82. Makkas (X. G.) 'Oeh/yiai ttc/h voai/Aeiaq ap'pua- tcjv. sin. 8 . 'Ev 'Adf/vaic, 1875. Management (The) of the sick room, with rules for diet, cookery for the sick and convales- cent, and the treatment of the sudden illnesses and various accidents that require prompt and judicious care, with practical hints on digestion. Compiled from tlie latest medical authorities by a lady of New York, under the supervision of Charles A. Lee, M. D. 2. ed. 12°. New York, 1845. Alll'NCN and nursing. Manual (A) of nursing. Prepared for the Training School for Nurses, attached to Bellevue Hospital. 12°. New York, 1878. Manuel pratique de la garde-malade et de l'iufirmiere, publi6 par le Dr. Bourneville. 2. ed. 3 v. in 1. 12 T I'aris, 1878. Martin (J. M. II.) Ambulance lectures, to which is added a nursing lecture in accordance with the regulations of the St. John Ambulance Association for male and female classes. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1888. Martin (N.) Ledniugvid sjukvard i hem met med siirskild hansyn till de sinittosanima sjuk- domarne och deras fiirekomniande. Med ett fdrord af Professor Curt Wallis. [Instruction in nursing at home, with special regard to conta- gious diseases and their prevention. ] 8°. Stock- holm, [1886]. [Martineau (H.)] Life in the sick room. Essays. By au invalid. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1844.' -----. The same. With au introduction to the American edition, by Eliza L. Follen. 2. Am. ed. 8°. Boston, 1845. May (F. A.) Unterricht fiir Krankeuwiirter zum Gebrauch dffentlicher Vorlesungen. 16°. Mannheim, 1782. Mills (C. K.) Practical lessons in nursing. The nursing aud care of the nervous aud the in- sane. 12°. Philadelphia, 1887. Mitchell (S. W.) Nurse and patient, and camp cure. 24°. Philadelphia, 1877. Repr. from: Lippiueott's Mug. Morley (H.) A tract upon interrupted health and sick-room duties. S'-T London, 1847. Munro(A.) The science and art of nursing the sick. 12 . Glasgow, 1873. Neitman (R. A.) Home-nursing. 24°. London f Edinburgh, W86. Nightingale (Florence). Notes on nursing; what it is, and what it is not. 8 . Neiv York, 1860. -----. Notes on nursing for the labouring classes. New ed. IS'-'. London, W76. -----. Die Pflege bei Kranken und Gesun- den. Kurze Winke, den Frauen aller Stiinde gewidmet. Von der Verfasserin autorisirte Aus- gabe. Mil einem Vorwort des Geh. Sanitiits- Rath Dr. II. Wolff in Bonn. 12°. Leipzig, 18(51. Nursing (The) Record. A journal for nurses and a chronicle of hospital and institution news. [Weekly.] Nos. 1-3, v. 1, April 5 19, 1888. 4°. London, S. Low, Mavston $■ Co. Current. Otis (F. N.) A lecture delivered before the ladies of the School for Nurses. 8°. [New Yovk], W76. ■ Also, in: Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1S7G, n. s., i, 341- 362. Also, Reprint. Plain directions for the care of the sick, and j recipes for sick people. By a fellow of the Col- I lege of Physicians of.Philadelphia, and physician to several of the charitable institutions of the same city. sm. 8°. New Yovk, [1875]. Preston (Ann). Nursing the sick and the training of nurses. An address delivered at the request of the board of managers of the Woman's Hospital, at Philadelphia. 8'-. Philadelphia, 1863. Prussia. Kriegs- Minislerinm. Unterrichts- buch fiir Lazaretiigehiilfen. 8'. Berlin, 1886. Richardson (W. L.) Address ou the duties and conduct of nurses in private nursing. 8°. Boston, 1887. -----. The same. With some notes on pre- venting the spread of infectious disease. 8°. London, 1887. NURSES. 1037 NUKSKS. Nur no* and nursing. Rizzi (A.) " De inerceuaria* nntricis seleetu, atque institutione. 8°. 7'ieini Regii, [1841]. Rumsey (II. W.) The training of nurses. 8°. [London, 1873.] Sasagawa Jinichi. Kanbio no Kokuroi. [The nurse's mailual.] 12°. Tokio, 1886. Japanese text. Schomdermark (J.) jun. lets over de verple- giug van bedlegerigo zieken. 16°. 's-Hertogen- bosch, [1885]. -----. lets over de verpleging van zenuw- lijders en krankzinnigen. lu°. 's-Hertogenbosch, 1885. Sick (P.) Die Krankeupflege in ihrer Be- griindung auf Gesundheitslehre, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der weiblichen Krankeupflege. 8-. Stuttgart, 1*87. Sieveking (E. H.) Thoughts on nursing. 8. [London, 1873.] Simon (M.) Die Krankeupflege. Theoretische und praktische Anweisungen. HP. Leipzig, 1876. Smith (W. R.) Lectures on nursing, sm. 8*-. London, 1875. So Okada. Kamtiyo Kokoroe Kus^. [Man- ual for nurses.] 8°. Tokio, [n. d.] Storer (H. R.) Ou nurses and nursing ; with especial reference to the management of sick women. 8°. Boston, 18(18. Strack (C.) Sermo acad. de custodia a*gro- rum, habitus in auditorio Universitatis Mogun- ti;e die 19 October aun. 1773. lt>°. Francof. a. M., 1779. Stuart (A. A.) Vereeniging voor Zieken ver- pleging. Gedachtenis-viering van haar 25-jarig bestaan, op (3 April 1869. 8°. Amsterdam, W69. Taschenbuch fiir Krankenpllegerinnen, 1882; vierter Jahrgang. 12r Weimar, 1882. Thomson (A. T.) The domestic inauagement of the sick-room, necessary in aid of medical treatment, for the cure of diseases. 1. Am., from the 2. Lond. ed., revised, with additions, by R. E. Gril'tith. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. Trall (R. T.) The hygienic hand-book, in- tended as a practical guide for the sick room, ar- ranged alphabetically. With an appendix illus- trative of the hvgeio-therapeutic movements. 8°. New York, 1873. Triller (D. W.) Cliuotechnia medica anti- quaria sive de diversis aegrotoruiu lectis secun- dum ipsa varia morborum genera convenieuter instrueiidis commeutarius medico-criticus. 4°. Francofurti et Lipsiee, 1774. Twining (Louisa). Nurses for the sick ; with a letter to young women. 12°. London, 1861. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the relief of women enrolled as Army nurses, etc. 50. Cong., 1 sess. S. 373. Dee.'l2, 1887. Introd. by Mr. Blair. rov. 8°. [ Washington, 1887.] Lnited States. War Department. Surgeon- GeneraVs Office. Circular No. 7. July 14, 1862. [To give greater utility to the acts of Miss D. L. Dix as " superintendent of women nurses "' in general hospitals.] 8_ [ Washington, W62. ] -----. Circular No. 8. July 14, 1862. [Quali- fications of candidates for service in the wom- en's department for nursing in the military hos- pitals of the United States.] S^T [ Washington, 1862.] _____. The same. September 17, 1864. 8 . [ Washington, 1864.] Unterricht fiir Personen, welche den Krau ken warten. Eiu iinentbehrlielies Familienbuch, worinn sowohl die Lebensordnung und Dial der Kranken, als auch die Beliandlung derselben in den verschiedenen Krankheitsunistanden, die Hfurses and nursing. Vorsichten bey Anwendung der Arzneyen, nebst den Zubereitung von mancherley Autgiissen, Dekokten, Klystiren, Umschlagcn, und Letriin- ken grilndlich erkliiret sind. Aus dem Fran/o- sischen iibersetzt, und mit einer Vorrede beglei- tet von J. J. Mellen. 12°. Frankf. a. M., 1796. Veitch (Z. P.) Handbook for nurses for the sick. 2. ed. 12-. London. W76. Virchow (R.) Die berufsmiissige Ausbildung zur Krankeupflege. 12:. Berlin, l-ii'J. Warrington (J.) The nurse's guide. Con- taining a series of instructions to females who wish to engage in the important business of nursing mother and child in the lying-in cham- ber. 12°. Philadelphia. 1839. Whyte (V.) Manual of nursing for home and hospital, including monthly nursing and the nursing of sick children. 16u. Glasgow, W86,. Wilson (J. C.) Practical lessons in nursing. Fever-nursing; designed for the use of profes- sional aud other nurses, and especially as a text- book for nurses in training. 12°. Philadelphia, 1888. Wolff ( S. J.) Die Kunst krank zu seyn, nebst einem Anhange von Kraukcnwartern wie sie sind und seyn sollten. 16°. Berlin, WH. Ailanm (S. S.) The systematic training of nursery- maids. J. Ani. M Ass., Chicago, 1SH7, ix, r.".)-I31. Also, Reprint. — Allir«' (The) of nurses, licit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 737. — It cm lc (L. S.) Nursing tbe sick in hospi- tals, private families, and anion};; the poor. Med. Times & Gaz., Lend.. 1873, i 2711 : 438. — Itliiki-ltronii (Char- lotte). i' i ;i i 11 i n u nl 'nurses. Pacific M. .VS. .1., San I'ran., 1880-81, xxiii. 485-192. — BoiiriU'villr. I.es ecnlcs d'iu- firini^res. Cons, inn unit, d'hyg. el tie timing. Compt. rend. Iss2, Geneve, f-Xi, ii, 25-40.—4'lift (('. S.) (i.irtles- niiilaili's. J. il. conn. in6(l. prat., I'ar., 1845-0, xiii, 370- 372.—t'room (J. 11.) Nursing the sick. Edinb. Health Soe. lieallh Lett.. lss2-3. 3. s., 175-llH. —l'1-o.-.by (A. 15.) Common sense in the sick room. Mcil. Rec, NT V., 1875, x, 593-596. — < iilliiis;*vortli (IT J.) Sick nursing amongst the poor, lieallh Lect.. Loud., 1880-81. iv, 43-58.— Dmluvtii Ih iD.) Miss Florence Lees' tlrawiiig-rooni lectuies tn liidies tin nursing. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 734.— Koii i YV.) [On the furni- ture of a sie k room.] Metl. .V Phys. .1.. Lond., 1803, x, 175- 177 Modern nursing. Boston' M. tv S. J., 1880, ciii, 88- 90. — tlni-pliy (S. F.j Sickness in the house. In: Our homes |>. L MurpliyJ, 8°, Lond., 1883, 895-912. — i\i:ilc (J. E.) On nursing systems. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1880. i. 90.-----. Night nursing;in the London hospitals. Lancet, Lond.. 1871. ii. 642: 730: 784; 929.—IVnrses anil nursing. Brit, .v For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.. 1876, Ivii. 283-301 — 0«l«' (J. W.) Nurses for the sick poor. Med. Times & lia/.. Loml., 1874, i, 395.—Oti* (Iv O.) Trained nurses : :i ci it icisni. Boston M. efc S. J., 1883, cix, 429.'—Parknid (.1.11.) Training of nurses lor the sick. Penn. Month., Phila., 1876, vii, 180-190. Also, Reprint. -----. A lecture ou surgical nursing. Atlantic J. M., Richmond, 1884-5, ii, 49-59.—I'niiipiii-i (CT) Di un nuovo contratto rive- latu dal Seipioiie I iioiiliino. [Nurses.] Atti Accad. fis.- .....il.-statist, eli Milano. 1873, xxix, 93-115.—Paul (F. T.) Nursing institutions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1880, i, 125.— l*f-al>oi80-*1 to 1885-6. 8. Bangor, [1**1-6]. Bath Trained Nurses' Institute and Home. Annual report of the committee of management to the subscribers. 2., 1885. 8'-"'. Bath, 1**6. Bei.GR.wia Institute for Trained Nurses, Lon- don. Rules. 4 . [London, n. d.] -----. Prospectus. 8°. [London, it. d.] Boston City Hospital Training .School for Nurses. [Circular of the trustees, announcing arrangements for giving a two years' course of training to women desirous of becoming profes- sional nurses; with questions to be auswered by candidate.] 4°. [Boston, 1879. ] -----. [Circular announcing arrangements for giving a two years' course of training to women desirous of becoming professional nurses.] 4*. [Boston, W79.] i\iil>e« (Training schools for). -----. [Circular of tbe trustees, announcing the establishment of the school. With questions to be answered by candid ate.] fol. [Iioston,n. d.] -----. The same. 4 . [Boston, it. d.] Boston Medical Library. [Circular from the committee on the establishment of a bureau of registration for nurses at the Boston Medical Library.] 8°. [Boston, W79.] -----. [Announcement of the opening ofa di- rectory of nurses at the Boston Medical Library.] 8°. [Boston, 187-.] Boston* Training School for Nurses, attached to the Massachusetts General Hospital. Circular announcing the establishment of the Training School for Nurses, and form of application for candidates, fol. [Boston, 1873.] -----. Keports of the directors for the years 187:5-83; W86. *-&, 12r Boston, W79-87. Bradford Nurses' Institution. Annual re- ports of the committee. 8., 1879; 10.-12., 1881-3. 8 . Bradford, 1880-84. British Lying-in Hospital for Married Wo- men. .School of Midwifery and Nursing. [Cir- cular, on the conditions of admission as students or nurses.] 8°. [I^ondon, it. d.] Brooklyn* Training School for Nurses, at- tached to the Brooklyn Hospital. Annual re- port of the managers. 3., 1882-3. 8°. Brook- lyn, 1883. Cambridge Home and Training School for Nurses'. Annual reports of the committee of management to the council and the public. 2.- 4., 1874-5 to 1876-7; 6.-9., 1878-11 to 18*1-2; 11., 188:5-4; 12., 1884-5. 8°. Cambridge, W75- 85. Charing Cross Hospital, London. Lectures to the nursing staff. Session of 1884-5. broad- side. [Lo n do n, 1884.] College of Physicians. Directory of nurses. An abstract of the first annual report of the com- mittee for the year 1881-2. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1882.] -----. Application for registration. 8 . [Philadelphia, n. d.] -----. Circular to nurses. April 20, 1*82. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1882.] -----. Circular to physicians. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1882.] Connecticut Training School for Nurses, attached to the State Hospital, at New Haven. [Circular to the publie, announcing its organiza- tion and soliciting contributions.] 8°. [New Haven, 1873.] -----. Annual reports of the executive com- mittee. 1.-3., 1873-6; 7., 1880. 8°. New Ha- ven, 1875-81. Deaconesses' Institution and Hospital, the Green, Tottenham, London. Annual reports of the council. L, 1868-9 ; 4.-10., 1871-2 to 1877-8 ; 12.-19., 1*79-80 to 18*6-7. 12° A 8 T Totten- ham, 1869-87. -----. Appeal of the trustees to the public for pecuniary assistance. Christinas, 1*73. 24 . [London, 1873.] -----. Donations to the building fund ac- count. 16°. Tottenham, 1**7. -----. [A short account of a visit to the in- stitution.] 8°. [London, 1887 '!] Repr. from: Footsteps of Truth. Diakonissen - Mltteriials zu Dresden. Kleine Chrouik. 4. qr., 1879. 8 . [Dresden, 18*0.] District Nursing Society, Liverpool. Names and addresses of some of the charities in Liver- pool, and other information. Printed for the use of, and in connection with, the ... 8°. Liver- pool, 1869. NUKSES. 1039 Nl/RSK.S. JUurses (Training schools for). East London Nursing Society. Annual re- port of the committee to the subscribers, for the year 1885. 12°. London, 1886. Edinburgh Institution for the Training of Sick Nurses. [Circular of the directors, appeal- ing to the public for assistance until the institu- tion becomes self-supporting, Aug., 1878.] 4°. [Edinburgh, 1878.] Eigenbrodt. Der Alice-Frauenverein fiir KraukenphVge, seine Entstehuug und leiteuden Grundsat/.e, seine Leistungen uud Ziele. 2. Aufl. * . Darmstadt, 1*77. Larrand Training School for Nurses, Detroit. Annual report of the training school committee to the board of trustees of Harper Hospital. 1., 1**4-6. 8;. Detroit, 1887. Glasgow* Training Home for Nurses. [First report, from Feb. 9 to Dec. 31, 1874.] 8°. [Glas- gow, 1875. ] Hampshire Nurses' Institute, Southampton. Annual reports of the committee. 5., 1872; 8.- 16., 1875-83. 8°. Southampton, 1884. Institution for Nurses for Nervous and Men- tal Disorders, London. Annual reports of the superintendent. L, 1865-6; 5., 1869-70; 6., 1870-71. 16°. London, 1866-71. -----. Rules to be observed by the nurses sent out, drawn up by C. Lockhart Robertson. 16 . [Loudon, 1*67.] -----. Statement of the superannuation fund, Dec, 1*1)7. With the rules governing fines of nurses. 16-. [London, 1868.] -----. Questions which the candidates for the situation of nurse are requested to answer. 1 sheet, fol. [London, n. d.] Institution of Trained Nurses for the City and County of Worcester. Rules of the . . . with report, balance sheet, and list of donations and subscriptions. L, 1879. 8°. Worcester, 1880. Institution of Trained Nurses for the Town and County of Leicester. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 16., 1882; 17., 1883. 8°. Leicester, 1883-4. Johnson (J. T.) Introductory address deliv- ered at the opening of the second course of lectures of the Washington Training School for Nurses. 8°. Washington, 1880. King's College Hospital. London, W. C. Lect- ures to the nursing staff, session of 1.884-5. 1 sheet, fol. [London, 1884.] Leeds Training Nurses' Institution. Annual reports of the committee. 1., 1876; 3., 1878; 4., 1879; 6.-8.. 1881-3. 8-. Leeds, 1877-84. Liverpool Institution for the Training and Employment of Nurses. Annual reports of the committee. 17., 1871; 24.-29., 1878-83. 12°. Liverpool, 1872-84. -----. Fundamental laws of the . . . 8°. [Liverpool, n. d.] -----. Rules for the . 4°. [Liverpool, n. d,] Thesame. 4°. [Liverpool, 18.*-.] Liverpool Training School aud Home for Nurses Dover St. Annual reports of the com- mittee'to the subscribers. 1.-26., 1862-87. 8°. Liverpool, 1863-**. _____. Regulations as to training probationer nurses. 4'. [Liverpool, n. d.] _____. The rules of the society. 4°. [Liv- erpool, n. cl] Lon ix )N Association of IS urses. Circular. 4 . [London, n. d.] London Diocesan Deaconess lustitution, Bur- ton Cresceut, W. ('., and Tavistock Crescent, W. Annual reports of the committee of management to the officers and donators. 8., 1868-9; li., 1872-3. 8C. London, 1869-73. ilflirse* (Training schools for). London Diocesan Deaconess Institution, etc. Circular showing what it desires to do. 8°. [n. p., n. d. ] Manchester District and Private Nursing In- stitution. Annual reports of the general com- mittee. 2., 1866-7 ; 5., 1*69-70 ; 6.. 1870-71 : 9 - 16., 1873-4 to 1880-81. 8r Manchester, 1*67-81. Massachusetts General Hospital, McLean Asylum Training School for Nurses. [Circular and announcement by the trustees of the Massa- chusetts General Hospital, of a two years' course of training in general nursing.] 4°. Boston, 188-.] Mildmay Deaconess Institution, Nursing Branch. [Circular relating to probationer nurses, with regulations, etc.] 8°. [London, 1884 ? ] Mitchell Home, Torquay Institution for Trained Nurses. Annual report of the commit- tee. 7., 1883. 8 . Torquay, 1**1. -----. Nurses for private families. Rules. 4°. [Torquay, n. d.] -----. Rules for district nurses. 4 . [Tor- quay, n. d.] -----. Rules for probationers and nurses. 4°. [Torquay, n. d.] Newport Hospital. Winter course of lectures to nurses by the medical staff of Newport Hos- pital. 8J. [Newport, n. d.] New YORK Agency for Trained Nurses, New- York City. Miss A. S. Mabie, proprietor aud manager. [ Circular aud testimonial. ] 8°. [New York, 1879.] New York (City). Department of Public Char- ities. The Training School for Nurses, Charity Hospital, Blackwell's Island. [Notice of, with an extract from the annual report of the chief of staff for 1881. ] 8 . New York, 1**2. -----. The Charity Hospital Training School for Male Nurses, Blackwell's Island. [Informa- tion for, and questions to be answered by, appli- cants.] 4°. [New York, n. cl.] New York Hospital. Training School for Nurses. Annual report of the conference com- mittee in charge of the . . . for the year 1883. 8-. [New York, 1884.] North London Nursing Association for the Poor. Annual reports of the executive commit- tee. 1.-3., 1881-3. 8°. London, 1882-4. Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Nurses for the sick poor. Report of the commit- tee of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Eng- land, appointed on St. John Baptist's day, 1873. 8 . London, 1874. Philadelphia Lying-in and Nurse Charity. Appeal for the supply of a greater-number of in- telligent women to become trained as nurses for the sick. [Signed J. Warrington, Hannah Mil- ler, and Ann Davis, on behalf of the executive committee of the institution. Feb. 1, 1854. ] 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. Putnam (C. P. ) American Social Science Association. Training schools for nurses in America. Read at the annual meeting of the association, Oct. 14, 1*71, 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Robertson (C. L.) Rules to be observed by the nurses sent out from the Institution for Nurses for Nervous and Mental Disorders, <'n>.s- venor Square, London. 16 . [w. p., n. d.] Royal Southern Hospital Nursing Institution, Liverpool. Annual report ol the committee. L, 1S8H-*1. 4°. [Lirerpool, 1882.] Saint John's House and Sisterhood for the Training and Employment of Nurses, London. Annual reports of the committee to the govern- ors and subscribers. 33.-37., 18-2-4; 39., 1 —*•. 8°. London, 188:5-7. NURSES. 1040 NURSES. \eiir**'* (Training schools for). -----. [ Statement of the council to the gov- ernors and subscribers, of the circumstances which led to the resignation of many sisters.] fol. [London, 1**3.] -----. [Circular of the council, stating its object, with au appeal for assistance towards the various branches of the work.] 8°. [London, 1**4. ] -----. Ladies as hospital nurses. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] -----. House and Sisterhood of Saint John tlie Evangelist, for the Training aud Employ- ment of Nurses. Circular to nurses. 8'. [Lon- don, n. d.] Saint Louis Training School for Nurses. An- nual reports of the executive committee to the society. 1.-3., 1883-4 to 1885-6. 8°. Saint Louis, 1**5-7. Saint Thomas's Hospital, London. The Nightingale Fund. Annual reports of the trus- tees of tin-Nightingale Fund, for training nurses, for the years 1*71; 1*72; 1886. fol. London, W72-87f -----. Duties of probationer under the "Nightingale Fund". 4 . [London, n. cl] -----. liegillations as to the training of hos- pital nurses uiiiler the Nightingale Fund. fol. [London, n. cl] Sarah Acland Memorial and Home for Nurses, Oxford. Annual report of the committee of the . . . and Medical and Surgical Home to the sub- scribers for the year 1**3-4. *°. Oxford, 1**4. Sheiiteij) Nurses' Home and Training Institu- tion. Annual report of the committee. 12.-13., l**'>-3 to 1**3-4. * . Sheffield, 1883-4. Sir Lai hick Dunn's Hospital Maternity, Mid- wives' Home. [Announcement of the governors, to construct a permanent home on the hospital premises for the training of nurses. Feb. 21, 1*71.] *°. [Dublin, 1*74.] -----. [Appeal of the governors for sub- scriptions.] *\ [Dublin, n. d.] -----. [Circular of the governors of the hos- pital, giving terms and conditions for the ad- mission of nurses. ] fol. [Dublin, n. cl] -----. Regulations, fol. [Dublin, n. cl] -----. Roster of midwives on duty. fol. [Dublin, n. tl] Society of the Training School for Nurses, at- tached to Bellevue Hospital. Annual reports of the managers. Presented to the visiting com- mittee for Bellevue aud other hospitals. 1.-8., 1*7:5-4 to 1**0: 10.-13., 1**2-5. 12 A * . New York, 1874-86. South Hampstead Private Hospital and Nursing Institute. Prospectus of the .. . 1*\ [London, 1** 1.'] Si AFFoRDsmitE Institution for Nurses. An- nual report of the committee. 12., 1883. 8". Het 11 ley, 1**4. State Charities Aid Association. No. 1. Report of the committee on hospitals. Dee. 23, 1*72. Training School for Nurses to be attached to Bellevue Hospital. 8-"; New Yovk, [1*73?] ----—. No. 2. A century of nursing, with hints towards the organization of a training- school. By ;t member of the hospital committee. * . Sew York; 1*76. Stein (H.) Notice explicative conceruant ('institution des diaconesses danoises et leur Etablissement a Frederiksberg. Prcsent6 au Congres d'hygiene et de sanvetage de Bruxelles par le Comite" danois. 4J. Copenhaguc, 1*7(1. Strangford (Viscountess). Hospital train- ing for ladies. An appeal to the hospital boards in England. 8w. London, 1874. lXur*e.% (Training schools for). Switzerland. Avmy Medical Department. In- struction pour les fraters et les innrmiers de Fannee fcderale. 12 . Berne, 1862. Thompson (W. G. ) Training schools for nurses; with notes on twenty-two schools. 16 . New York, 1883. Trained Nurses' Annuity Fund, London, E. C. Annual reports of the committee, for the years 1878-80; 1882; 1883. 12°. London, l*79-*4. Training School for Nurses, connected with the Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, New York City. Annual report of the superin- tendent. 1., 1886-7. 12-. New York, 1887. Training School for Nurses, Woman's Hos- pital, Philadelphia. Annual report of the execu- tive committee, for the year 1*75. 12 r Phila- delphia, 1876). United Relief Works of the Society for Ethi- cal Culture. Anuual reports of the district nurs- ing section of the. . . 1.-3., 1879-80 to 1**2. 8n. New York, 1881-3. United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. Circulars of information of the Bureau of Education. No. 1, 1879. Train- ing schools for nurses. 8°. Washington, 1879. -----. Circulars of information of the Bureau of Education. No. 1, 1882. The inception, or- ganization, and management of training schools for nurses. 8°. Washington, 1882. United States. War Department. Adjulant- GeiieraVs Office. General Orders, No. 351. Wash- ington, Oct. 29, 1863. [Rules for the employ- ment of women nurses in the U. S. general hos- pitals.] Official. 8°. [Washington, 1863.] YEREENiGiNotot Ziekenveipleging te Amster- dam. Uittreksel uit het reglement der . . . fol. [Amsterdam, 184-.] -----. Over instelligen tot verpleging van zieken, met een verslag van de oprigting der . . . en van hare w erkzaamheden gedurende het jaar 1844. 8°. Amsterdam, 1845. Washington Training School for Nurses. An- nual announcements for the sessions of 1*79-80 (2.); 1882-3 to 1*85-6 (5.-8.). 16 &. 8°. Wash- ington, 1879-85. -----. Circular. Appeal of the . . . [to the benevolent members of society, for pecuniary aid towards placing the institution on a basis of greater permanence aud usefulness.] fol. [ Wash- ington, 1*8-.] -----. Circular of the . . . [To organize a loan exhibition for the benefit of the institution.] 8°. [ Washington, 1881.] -----. Washington Directory for Nurses. Circular No. 1. To physicians [announcing the establishment of the directory]. Dec. 15, 1882. 8°. [Washington, 18*2.] -----. Washington Directory for Nurses. Circular No. 9. To wet nurses [with a form of application]. Dec. 15, 1882. 8°. [ Washington, 1882.] Westminster Training School and Hom'» for Nurses, S. W. Annual reports of the managing committee, for the years 1*81 ; 1**3. 8°. Lon- don, 1**2-4. Zenana and Medical Mission Training School and Home, London, S. W. Annual reports of the committee. 3., 1882; 4., 1883. 8 . London, 18*3-4. -----. The prisoners of the Zenana. Cuttiinj from.- Word & Work, March 20, 1884. —----. [Account of the annual meeting of . . . 1884.] Cutting from: The Record, Juno 6, 1884. Berry (J. C.) Training schools for nurses. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyd, 1887, vi, 28-34. — Boston City Hospital Training School for Nurses. Boston M. & S. J., 1879, ci, NURSES. 1041 NCSC-HE. Hiii'NCfii (Training schools for). 816-818 —Bonriiet'vill<>. LVoles d'intirmieres laiques & la Salpetriere et tl'inflrmiets laiques a Bicetre. Rapport prcsentc au Conseil municipal ile Paris. Lnion med. et scient. tin nord-est, Reims, 1878, ii, 262-268. _ Brami. Die Nothueiiiligkeit der Krankenwarter-Sehiilin. Med. Cor.-Bl. buyer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1842, 134-137.—Kri-ilowc (J. S.) How far should our honpitals be training-schools for nurses? .1. Hosp. Ass., Loud., 1884, 26-36. | Discus- sion]. 44-56. —Dubois (E.) Rapport sur la proposiiion tli M. le Dr. Diieliiiussoy, concernant la creation dune ecole de gardcs-uiuliidi's. Lull. Soe. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1876 128-132.—DuchaiiMHov. D'une ecole de garili's-malailes. Bull. Soc. de nied. prut, ile Par., 1877, 59-65. — Fleming (WT JT) Nursing; an account of the Dresden Nursing Association, Albert Verein. Glasgow M. J., 1875, [).] s., vii, 220-227. — II. (E.) A French training school for nurses. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 383. — llanard (W.) Ladies and hospital nursing. Conteiup. Kev., Lond., 1879, xxxiv, 490-503. — Horiiemaiin (E.) Sund- hedspieien og Skolerne. Hvg. Model.. K jolii-un.., 1861, iii, pt. 2, 81-149— Langlet. Rapport fait a 1 LT t ile de m6ile- cine: Sur la creation a Reims d'une ecole de gardes malades. Union nied. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1885 ix. 146-157.—ITI e ye r (J. S.) Ogsaa it far Linier om den fra Diakonisscstil'telsen ydede Sygeplejc. [A few words more on the nurse question.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjyf- beuh., 1880, 4. R., i, 249-254. — I\oj{le Bema-rkninger om DiakoDissestiftelsen. [On schools for female nurses ] Ibid., 205-212.— Nnrainjf schools and the future of nursing. San. Rec, Lond., 1883-1, n. s., v, 536.—Ogle ( WT) Nurses; how to make them, how to use them, how to pay them. Rep. Cong. Sun. Inst.Gr. Brit. 1879, Lond., 1880, i, 100-104.— Oppcrt (F.) Leber besondereLehranstalten fiir Heildie- ner und Krankenwartpersoual im neuen Reich, deutsche Klinik, Berk, 1873, xxv, 11-44.— Packard (J. H.) On the training of nurses for the sick. lieislem M. &S. J., 1876, xcv, 573-579. Also: West. Laucet, Sun Fran., J876, vi, 687-694. Also.- Penn. Month., Phila.. 1876, vii, 180-190. Also, Re- print.— Ferrigo(L) A short account of St. John's "louse and Sisterhood. Canada AL Rec, Montreal, 1872-3, i, 3.— Plutl (W. B.) Table of statistics of several training schools for nurses, in their relation to their hospitals and to each other, prepared that the friends of the Connecticut Training School may at the close of its tenth year under- stand its position us compared with similar institutions elsewhere. Med. News, Phila., 1885, xlvii, 444. — Bap- port sur la proposition do M. le Dr. Duchaussoy, con- ceiiiant la creation d'une ecole dc gardes malades. France med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 719.— Report of the committee on the training of nurses. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1869, xx, 161-174. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1869, 5. s., ii, 339-351.—Wpolei-t. Samaritersagen og Samariterskoler. Norsk Mug. f. Liegevidensk., Christiania, 1883, xiii, 654- 663. — Tli on- (J.) Die Krankenpflege und Oekonomie- fiibrung der biiniihcizigen Schwestern in Miinchen. N. med.-chir. /tg., Miinchen, 1851, Beilage zu No. 8, 1-8.— Training school for nurses in connection with St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 557.— Ziliotto (IT) Sulla conveuienza d' iustituire una scuola pi at ic:i per far dei buoni infermieri. Gior. veneto di sc med., Veuezia, 1873, 3. s., xix, 151-162. IVurses for infants. See Colostrum; Infants (Food, etc., of); Milk (Human). Nurse's (The) manual and mother's medical adviser, a guide to the inexperienced. By a practising physician. 238 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay f Blakiston, 1845. Nurses' Training School. See Washin,gton Training .School for Nurses. de IVursia (Benedictus). [Lihellus de couser- vatione sanitatis.] [Incipit:] JohannesPhilippi de Lignamine Messanensis Siculns, ad S. D. N. Sixti-m quartum, pontificem maximum. [Fol. 1 B :] Tabula hujus libri. [In fine tab. :] Sequitur nunc libellus ipse de conservatioiie sanitatis, secundum ordinem alphabet! distinctus. [Ad finem:] Rome in domo nobilis viri .Johannis Philippi de Lignamine Messanensis. S. D. N. familiaris hie libellus impressns est anno Domini mcccclxxv, die xiiiimensis.Tannarii, Pont. Syxti IIII, anno ejus quarto. 1381. 4 . [Rome, 1475.] Two missing leaves have been supplied in manuscript. The dedicatory epistle to Pope Sixtus IV, with which this book begins, was not printed in all copies ot the eili tion. _____# The same. Pulcherrimum et utilissimnm opus ad sanitatis conservationera . . . incipit fceliciter. Similiter etiam de magistro ladeo de .\lirsia (Benedictus)—continued. de Florentia de regimine sanitatis secundum quattnor partes anni. Sequitnr nunc liLellns ipse de conservatioiie sanitatis secundum ordi- nem alphaheti distinctus. [Adfinem :] . . . opera et indnstria Doiniuici de Lapis . . . feliciter fini- unt anno d.in.cecc.lxxvii. 140 1. 4 -'. [Bononia; D. de Lapis, 1477.] ------. Tlie same. [Libellus de conservatione sanitatis secundum ordinem alphaheti distinc- tus.] [Incipit:] Tabula hujus libri. [In fine:] Kcgistruni hujus libri. 60 1. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Gothic letter, without pagination, catch-words, or signa- tures. Panzer has: [Roniae, Stephanas Plaunck, 1485] Xni'sing' (Son mouth from). e>ee Mouth (Inflammation of) in pregnancy, etc. \ Ill's ill {^ Home for Convalescent Women and Sick ( liiltlien, Sti;itford-on-Avon. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers aud donors. 2.-4., L*s7:i-5; 9., 1880; ll.-l-L. W82-3. 8° A- 12°. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1874-8 4. Nursing- House, Mildmay Road, Loudon. N. .See Mildmay Deaconess Institution, Nursing Branch. Nursing (The) Record. A journal for nurses aud a chronicle of hospital and institution news, etc. [Weekly.] Nos. 1-15, v. 1, April 5-19, 188*. sm. 4°. London, S. Low, Marstoit .)'• I'o. Current. Nursing-bottle*. .See Infants (Food, etc., of). Nursing-bottles (Collection of plates of patents for). ■taker (R.'tT) Nursing bottle. No. 358008; Feb. 22, 1887.—Bar Ion (K. A.) Nursing bottle. No. 234224; Nov. 9, 18K0.— Brnv (J. W.) Nursing-bottle supports. No. 179995: Jtilv 18, IsTi'.. —Bricrc (J.) Nursing-bottle. No. 189691 ; April 17. 1877 —Billiard (I.) Nursing bottles. No. 191859: Sept. 4, 1877.—Burr (M. SO Im- provement in nursing-bottles. No. 68285: Aug. 27, 1SI17. Reissue No. 0809: Dec. 21, 1875. — Carpenter arrnch (S. -\ i Nursingbot- tle. Nu. 22(i:i51 : Oct. 7, 1879. —Forster i IT E.) Nuisiug- bottle. No. :*:ir>::47 : Feb. 2. 1886.—France (S. WT) Nurs- ing bottle. No. 216734; June 24, 1879.—«;i:iM-K ine (M.) Nursing bottle. No. 279935; June 26, 1883.-Ila\ en (U. (T) Nursing-bottle.' No. 351596; Oct. 26, 1886.-Hayes ( H. H. 1 Nursing-bottle fitting. No. 2:iii."is:t: Jan. 11, 1881— Kcniiish ("W. ) Nursing bottles No. 179416; Julv 4 1*70. -----• Nursing bottles. No. 1s:ihis; Oct. 31 1876 —linapp (A. M. & H.) NuiMii2-l>i,ltli valves. No. 179204; June 27. 1876.—.Harsh (F. F. I e& Thomp- koii (A. F.) Improvement in nursim: apparatus. No. 163022; May 11, ln75.—ITIryer iL.) Nursing-bottles. No. 197156; Nov. 13, 1877.—.Hichaels i M. A.i Nursing- bottles. No. 194454; Aug. 21, 1877— Hichales iM. A.) & Bald (J. M.i Nursing-bottle. NT. 222u,ii: Nov. 25. l^t) _TlorriM (J. A.I Nursing-bottle ami nip]»1<- No. 280656; Julv 3, 1883. —Falch LL \V. > Nursing-shit M. No. 196594: Oct. 30. 1877. Foller ( J. L) N'ursin bottle. No. 224557; Feb. 17, 1880.—Nelievre (E Nursing-bottle. No. 345518; July 1 (E.) Nipples for 1878. —Thomas 3 1883.—Thompson (J.) Nursing bottle. Nu. 22.u..>; Apiil 27 1880 — Tunihil son (\vT W.I Nursing-bottle tube. No. 329103; Oct. 27. 1885. —Ware (W. ¥.) Nurs- ing-bottle. No. 347018: Aug. 10, 1886—Wheelock (I. B.) Niirsinii- bottle. No. 357439; Feb. 8, 1887.- While ((} F.) Nursing apparatus. No. 196610; Oct. 30, 18,..— Whitney (S. A.) Nursing-bottle. No. 177185; May 9, 187C. NusbilllUl (Ferd ) Sue Eiigrlmaiin (Charles). Kreuznach, ses sources minerales |etc.j 8 Heidelberg, 1839. NllSClie (Joannes). * De fracturis qiue in variis ossis femoris partilius olitinent. 40 pp. 4 . Ar- cjentorali, ex prelo J. H. Heitzii, [177'J]. Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc. Leipzitj. 1776, v, 54-60. Xnsclie (Joannes Fridericus). * De usu et abusu balneoruin (lomestieoruin. 34 pp. 4°. Argen- torati, typ. M. Pauschingeri, [1740]. L. P.) ;, lssii. — Micbeiilist lursing-botlles. No. 2IU157: Nov. 19, (.1.1 Feeiliug-bottle. Nei. 275288; April 12°. 66 TsrsiiAim 1042 NUSSBAUM. IVusllHi'd (Fr. Wilhelm) [1785- ]. * Skizze eiuer Dermato-Pathologie mit physiologiscber Vorbemerkung. 1 p. L, viii, 164 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prag, Sommer, 1816. See. also, Feltl (Franciscus Antonius). *Diss. sistens historias [etc. | 8°. 1'ratjre, 1841. \iis8 pp., 2 pl. 8'-'. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, 187,6. ------. Die Pathologie und Therapie der Anky- losen. 47 pp. 4°. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, 1862. [P., v. 305.] ------. Die Verletzungen des Unterleibes. In: Handk. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Erlang., 1866, iii, 2. Abth., A, Abschu. vfi, No. 1, 165-212. ------. Vier chirurgische Briefe an seine in den Krieg ziebenden ehenialigen Schiller. 1 p. L, 68 pp. 11-10. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, 1866. ------. Vierunddreissig Ovariotomieen. 15 pp. 4'-. Miinchen, J. J. Leutnei; 1869. ------. Neue Ileilmethoden bei Geschwiiren. 7 pp. 4 . Miinchen, F. Stvauh, 1873. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1873, xx. ------. Die Draiuagirung der Bauchhohle und die intraperitioneale Injection. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre iiber penetrirende Bauebwunden und Ova- riotomie. 14 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, W74. ------. Die chirurgische Klinik zu Miinchen im Jahre 1875. Ein Audenken fiir seine Schiller. 63 pp. 8 ■'. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1875. ------. Rapport iiber die medicinische und chi- rurgische Geschiehte des amerikauischen Rebel- lions-Krieges von 1861-5. 10 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, W75. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxii. ------. Leber die Behandlung ungliicklicher Vor- kommnissc nach einfachen und complicirten Beinbriicben, insbesondere iiber Knochen-Trans- plantation. (Ein Vortrag, gehalten am 13. Fe- bruar W77> im iirztlicheu Bezirksvereine zu Miin- chen.) 18 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Fin- sterlin, 1877). Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxii. ------. Ueber den Krebs vom klinischen Stand- puukte. (Ein Vortrag, gehalten am 9. Marz 1875 im arztlichen Vereine zu Miinchen.) 23 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1875. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxii. ------. Bildung eines kiinstlichen Harnleiters. Nerveudehnung bei centralem Leiden. Zwei klinische Mittheilungen (nebst einer vorlautigen Anzeige iiber Heilung vou Hernien). 31pp. 8°. Miinchen, •/. A. Finsterlin, 1876. ------. Einige Bemerkungen zur Kriegs-Chirur- gie aus einem klinischen Vortrage. 10 pp. 8;. Muncheu, J. A. Finsterlin, 1877. Itepr. from : Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877, xxiv. ------. Ueber den Sehok grosser Verletzungen uud Operationen, nebst Mittheilungen iiber Laparatomien. 26 pp. 8 . Miinchen, J. A. Fin- sterlin, W77. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1877, xxiv. -----. Soust uud Jetzt. Einige Bemerkungen zur Ovariotomie. Nervendehnuugen. Drei Ab- VOn Nussbaillli (Joh. Nepomuk)—continued. haudluugen. 23 pp. 8J. Miinchen, M. L'iccp-i; 1878. Repr.from: Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miin- chen, 1878, i. ------. Die Operation einer lntercostal-Neural- gie. Vortrag gehalten am 20. Dezember 1H7H ini arztlichen Bezirksverein zu Miiucheu. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1879. Repr. from : Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1879, xxvi. ------. Leitfaden zur antiseptischen Wundbe- handlung. Insbesondere zur Lister'schen Me- thode fiir seine Schiiler uud fiir praktische Aerzte. 2. Aufl. iv, 160 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1879. CONTENTS. I. 1st jeder Chirurg verpflichtet, die antiseptische Methode zu kenuen und zu iiben ? II. Was bedarf man hiezu ? III. Wie wendet man ihre Heilmittel an ? IV. Muss diese Methode auch im Kriege geiibt werden 1 The 2. ed., with additions, of his: Die chirurgische Klinik zu Miinchen im Jahre 1875. 8°. Stuttgart, 1875. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 170 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1881. -----. The same. Leitfaden zur antiseptischen Wundbehandlung mit Riicksicht auf ihren ge- geuwartigen Standpunkt. 5. Aufl. xx, 308 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1887. -----. The same. Le pansement antiseptique, expose" specialement d'apres la meHiode de Lis- ter, d6dil a ses e"lfeves et aux medecins praticiens. Trad, sur la 2. 6d. allemande par le Dr. E. de la Harpe. 185 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere <$• fils, 1880. ------. Die Verletzungen des Unterleibes. viii, 176 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1880. Forms Lfg. 44 of Deutsche Chirurgie. ------. Einfluss der Antiseptik auf die gericht- liche Medicin, aus dem Schluss-Vortrage der Wiuter-Klinik 1880. 33 pp. 8°. Miinehen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1880. ------. Ueber Enterotomie, Gastrotomie und Le- berdrainage. Ein Vortrag in der Sitzung des arztlichen Bezirksvereines Miinchen, am 27. De- cember 1879. 22 pp. 12°. Miinchen, J. A. Fin- sterlin, 1880. Repr. from,: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1880, xxvii. ------. Die gegenwiirtige Behandlung der Unter- leibsbriiche. Vortrag gehalten im arztl. Be- zirks-Vereine in Miinchen am 5. Miirz 1881. 22 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 18-81. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1881, xxviii. ------. Werth und Gefahreu der Autiseptica, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber deren Benii- tzung in der'Kriegschirurgie ; vorgetragen in der Sitzung des arztl. Verehies zu Miinchen am 12. April 1882. 30 pp. 8°. Muncheu, F. Straub, 1882. ------. Festrede zu Philipp Franz v. Walther's hundertjiihrigen Geburtstage, gehalten am 4. Januer 1882 im arztlichen Vereine zu Miinchen. 21 pp. 4°. Miinchen, F. Straub, 1882. ------. Krankheiten des Unterleibes. In: Handb. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Erlang., 1882, iii, 2. Abth., A, 165-212. ------. Der erste Verband bei verschiedenen Ver- wunduugen; Vortrag in der Stiftung des arzt- lichen Bezirksvereins am 7. Juni 1882. 27 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1882. -----. Ein Vademecum fiir den praktischen Chirurgen. Skizzen aus der chirurgischen Kli- nik des Herrn Professor Dr. Ritter von Nuss- baum. Von Dr. Isenschmid. 1. Hft. Sommer 1881; 2. Hft. Winter 1881-2. 1 p. L, 118 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1882. -----. The same. Weitere Skizzen aus der chi- rurgischen Kliuik des Herrn Geheimrat vou Nussbaum von Dr. Isenschmid. [Sommer-Se- NCSSBAUM. 1043 NUTRITION. von \iinsI>:iiiiii (Job. Nepomuk)—continued. menier 18->2 n. Willier-Semester 1882-3.] 1 p. L, 74 pp., 1 1. 8P. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 188;l Einfache und erfolgreiche Behandlung des Schreibekrampfes. Eine vorlaulige Mittheilung. 2. AuH. 11 pp. 8C. Miinehen, J. A. FinsUrlin, 1883. -----. Kiinstliche Harnwege. 1. Tcmporare Drainage zur Bildung eines kiinstlichen Harn- leitcrs. 2. Temporiire Drainage zur Bildung einer kiinstlichen Harnrobre. Zwei kleiue Mit- theilungen. 19 pp. 4 T Miinchen, M. Riegei; 1883. Ueber Umwandluug maliguer Geschwiilste (Krehse) in gutartige uud iiber Vorziige gliihen der Iustruineute; ein klinischer Vortrag. 20 pp. 8". Miinehen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1883. -----. Bauchvetletzungen. 26 pp. 8C. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1884. Repr. from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, i-ii. -----. Operation einer Uterusgesehwulst in zwei Zeiten. Ein klinischer Vortrag. 12 pp. 8°. Miiucheu, J. A. Finsterlin, 1884. Anleitung zur (faulnisswidrigen) anti- septischen Wundbehandluug. Zum Gebrauche fiir die Unterrichtskurse der Badergehilfen. 2. Aufl. (Mit der Bader-Ordnung im Anhang.) 28 pp. 16°. Miinchen, M. Riegei; 1885. Ein neuer Versuch zur Radicaloperation der Unterleibsbriiche. Ein klinischer Vortrag. 16 pp. 8ir Miiucheu, J. A. Finsterlin, 1885. Repr. from: Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1885, xxxii. -. Ueber Ohoroform-Wirkung. 42 pp. 8°. Breslau, E. Trewendt, 1884. Aniisthetica. In: Handb. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Erlang., 1867, i, 2. Abth., B, Abschn. iii, No. 4, 575-617. Die Amputation des Kropfes. 2 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1887. Repr. from: Miiucheu. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv. See, also, I.iiulpaiiitncr. Bericht der chirurgischen Klinik [etc.] 8°. [ Miinchen, 1878. ] — Stenographi- ncIii'I' Bericht [etc.] 8°. Miinchen, 1874. For Biography, see Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1876, iv, 65; 75, port. (J. B. Ullersperger). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven. Nlisser (Eduard). See Vienna. Jaliresberiehte des Wiener Stadtfysi- kates. 1.-9., 1871-9. 8°. Wien, 1872-80. l\MSSer (Joh.) * Ueber Krankheiten bei Gewer- ben iiberhaupt und iiber eine bei Seifensiedern vorkommende Hautwassersucht. 15 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Giesser, 1838. IVusshag* (Friedrich). Der Largiader'sche Arm- und Bruststarker in seiner Verwendung beim Klassenuuterriclit. ( Deutsches Reichspatent Nr. 31710.) 2. Aufl. 23 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, E. Kiindt, [1887)]. Nllte (John W.) See Orangei'. New Jersey. Joint committee on sewer- age and drainage. 8T Orange, 1885. Nutmeg. Helbig ( C. G. ) Ueber Krankheitsursachen und Heilmittel, nach ihren reinen Wirkungen. 1. Heft: Die Muskatennuss, uach homoopathi- sehen Grundsatzon bearbeitet. 8°. Leipzig, 1833. s . „ . .. AO RadlOFF ( F. V. ) * De n.yristica. sm. 4°. Upsalice, [1788]. SciiLLTZE (N. ) De mice moschata. 4U. Trai. ad Rhenum, 1709. r......v fW H) Narcotism from nutmeg, ist, .Louis Clin K.t 1879-80. vi, 133. - Dodge (WT T.) Xntmeg \ntr Af.'d Lee >.' Y., 18S7. xxxii, l.TM.—<.JJiiilkc. MuSuissvivgiftung Prakt. Aiv.L Wet,.lar. >-(>, xxi. ■7]7 _ Pinnock (R- D.) A case of nutmeg |.»is,.iiuu.. u. off. Med., Berl., 1872, xvi, 302-304. \ ui ri tion. See, also, Alimentation; Assimilation; Atrophy; Blood (Circulationof '<; Digestion; Endosmosis, etc.; Excretion; Foetus (Sutri- tionof); Food: Growth; Joints (Xeuralgia, etc., of); Light (Colored); Nerves (Trophic); Nitrogen (Excretion of'); Respiration (Physi- ologgof); Starvation: Tissue (Metamorphosis of). Adet (P. A.) An partium duraruni nutritio, eadem ac mollium ? 4°. Parisiis, 174>. Afforty (P. F.) * An nutritio secretionum opus? 4°. Parisiis, 1752. Atwater (W. O.) The chemistry of foods aud nutrition. The composition of our bodies and our food. How food nourishes tbe body. The chemistry of foods and nutrition. 8°. [Xew Vork, 18b?.] Cutting from: (,'enturv Mag., N. Y., 1887, xxxiii, 59; 237. Barry (E.) * De nutritione. sm. 4 . Lugd. Bat, [1719]. Bennet (J. H.) Nutrition in health and dis- ease. 8°. London, 1858. Bottger (C. F.) *De nutritione naturali ac praeternaturali, potissimum ancta et abolita. sm. 4°. Lipsiee, [1709]. BRLGGE ( J. C. ) * De nutritione. 4°. Gro- ningce, 1728. BKiJHL (J. W. C.) * De pabulo vita* ceu de materia, cui cum animalia, turn vegetabilia vi- tam debent ac nutritionem. 4 . Marburgi, 17-1. Bruneau(A.) * Qmestio physiol. dc nutritione et accretione. 4 . Duaei, 1792. Burckhardus (J. C.) * De partibus corpo- ris nutritioni dieatis, earumque administraudi ratione. 4°. Wirceburgi, 1603. Cali.amaxd (E.) * Du r61e de l'eau dans la nutrition. 4°. Paris, 1887. -----. The same. 8 . Paris, 1887. Castelyx* (B. J.) * De nutritione. 1795. In: Louvain Diss. 8°. Lovanii, 179H, iv, 467-469. Chadwkk (C. ) * On the question, how far are secretion aud nutrition dependent on ner- vous influence ? 8-*t Edinburgh, 1837. Charltox (W.) Natural history of nutrition, life, and voluntary motion, containing all the new discoveries of anatomists, and most prob- able opinions of physicians concerning the ceco- nomie of humau nature, methodically delivered in exercitations physico-anatomical. sm. 4°. London, 1659. Clauder(C. E.) * De nutritione. 4°. Jena; [1716]. de Courceli.es (N. C. A.) * De nutritione. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1730. Also, in : de Oberkamf ( F. J.) Collect, diss. 4°. Francof. a. M., 1767, i, 427-458. David (J.-P.) Trait6 de la nutrition et de l'accroissement, pre"c6de" d'une dissertation sur 1'usage des eaux de l'amnios. 8°. Paris f Rouen, 1771. Deaxe (J.) An essay on the waste and sup- ply in the human system. 2. ed. 12°. London, [n.d,] Deusixgils ( A. ) Exercitationes physieo- anatoniicie de nutrimenti in corpore elabora- tione. Ubi de chylificatione et chyli motu, sau- guificatione, depuratione alimenfi itemque spi- ritibus, [etc.] Quibus adjecta appendix, in qua examini ac judicio aliornm subjiciuntur varia de chyli motu, et nutrimenti in corpore elabora- tion!*,'nee non de admiranda auatome uobiliss. viri D. Ludovici de Biis. 16°. Groningce, 1660. Dhf.re (C.-J.-F.-B.) * De la nutrition dans la s6rie animale. 4 . Paris, 1-26. ------. Dc la nutritiou, consideree anatomi- quemeut et physiologiquemeut, dans la serie des NrnnrroN. 1044 NUTRITION. Auti'itioii. animaux. d'apres les id(*es de M. Ducrotay de Blainville. 8. I'aris 4' Strasbourg, 1826. Dohsky(E. J.) *Deuutritioue. 12°. Edin- burgi, 1776. Dilk (V. P.) Ueber Ernahrung uud Erwiir- mung des mcnschliclien Korpers. 8\ Eonigs- berg, L-44. Dilke.mls (H.) *De nutritione. sm. 4\ Lugd. 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Acad, de mcil.. far., 1886. 2. s., xv, 475; 532.— Bre liter iL ) Die K<>lil'iisiiiirespanuiing im Blute als proportional! s Maass •!«--- Lmsatzes der kohlenstoffhaltigen Korper- und Nahrungsbestandtheile. Ztschr. f. rat. Med.. Heidelb., 1S.1.1. vi. 249-2S7. 2 pl.— Beccqiicrol pert*. Le Lintt-r\ eution ties forces electro- capillairos dans la production des phenomenes de nutri- tion tie la vie animale et \ e-eiale . ,T. de l'anat. et phvsiol., etc.. Par., 1874, s, LU. — Brnrkr ' IT W.) Zur Ernah- rungslilire des gesunden Menschen. Schrift. d. (.resellsch. z. Bet'drd. d. -'. - Xat ui w. zu Marh.. 1S7S. xi. 275-312.— |{rin««at. I. ..i ii- fisif oi|iiiniicas de las I'uneiiines de nutiieion. I'.eil. < '.-1 ■!■ I'.nin .1.- Parcel., 1S77, i. 311; 34li: • 1878. ii 42.—KinchollT 1' i \T isuche iiber die Eruahnuig mit Brod. Zi-.ln. i L'iol Mulienen. 1869. v, 452-471.— Bisrhoir (T.-L.-G.) Ile la nutrition chez l'homnie et lea animaux. Arch. "Hi. de med.. Par lxiii ii, 129-147. Als,,. Reprint. —Borlim l, 3. s., vii, 70-81. — Baynhani (I. M.) Poisoning l.\ nux- vomica. Lond. M. Caz., 1828-9, iii, 445. — Beale* (H.) Poisoning h\ mix vomica. Med. Gaz., NT V . l»u, vii, 34. — Itouillanil. Empoisounement par la noix voiui- que; aee is eonvulsifs ties violents; mort le quatrieine jour apres l'eiupoisoiinenieut: congestion sereuse dans l'arachnoide spinale, point d'alteratiou notable de la moelle. J. hehd. d. progr. d. sc. etiust. med., Par., 1834,1, 396-399. - Bonlay. De Taction de la section des pneuuiogastriqiies sur l'empoisoiiuement par la noix vomique. Compl uml Sue. tie biol. 1850. Par.. 1851. ii, pt. 1, 195. — Clin I lei jee ( S. (T) Poisuning bv sub-cutaneous insertion of mix vomica. Indian M. (Liz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 251—Cons. Iii-imIi. Geschiehte einer Veigiftung (lurch geraspeUc Kiiiheii Augen INuc. vomic), nebst der Leiclieniitfnung. J. tl. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1797, iv, 442- 446. — Havics (T. O. D.) Case of suicidal poisoning hy nux-voniiea. Metl. Times efc Gaz., Loud., 1856, n. s., xii, 148. — «l«* Cri'spi^ny I IT) Case of poisoning by uux vomica. Tr. M. & Phys. Soe. Bombay (1853-4), 1855' n.s., ii, 321.— Humere. Empoiseiuueiiientde deux eiifai.t; par lanoix voiuiqiie; guerisoii. Bull. med. du nord Lille, .872, 2. s., xii, 17-21. Also: Ke-v. tie th6rap. metl t lnr., Par., 1872. xxxix, 118-120. — Fry (WT H.) Case - . poisoning by imx-vomica, with a notice of some ea' .. of poisoning in which the swnptoins were obscure. Prov. M. .V S. J., Loml.. 1846, 5.'— «;orr«-. Note sur les lions effets ,lu hiit dans rempoisonnement par la noix \■oiniipic Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1853, xliv, 266-209. —«,; ris wnl«l (G I A case of poisoning with homieopathic granule s of "nux ". Med. Kee, N. Y., 1K.0, xviii, 374. — Hassnll. Case ol poisoning by nux vomica; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 385.— Henderson (R. B.) 1'wo cases of poisoning from aiitip.M'ine and nux voi. ica. Metl. Rec., N. V., 1887, xxxi, 95.—Hendry (W.i 1 oisoning liy nux vomica. Lancet, Lond . 1855, i, 596. —Horn ■■ oil On a case of attempted suicide by nux vomica. Ibid., 1856, ii, 11.— Hill' (W. T.) Cases of jioisoning by mix vomica ; recovery. Ibid., 1849, ii, 630-632. — Jorge «le la I'ena (J.) Curacion de un invent namiento de nuez v6inicacou losacidos carlnuiosos. Bol. tie nnil., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1837, iv. 529-534.— I.eon h:i red. Vergiftung mit dem geistigen Ext racle ihr Brechnuss. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1X42. xi, 225.—. Ley (IT) Poisoning by nux vomica. Metl. Times tfc Oaz. I, nil., 1858, xvi, 69. — Oilier (J.) Case of poisoning by nux vomica. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xix, 148-451.— Olli* ier (J.) Rapports sur une autopsie eadav6rique taite a la requete tin procureur du roi, lc 23 avril 1825, par MM Oi-nla, Ollivier, et Drogartz, et sur l'analyse des matieres conten lies dans les voies digestives, faite par MM. Ortila et Barruel; rediges par . . . [Empoisonneinent par la noix vomique.1 Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1825, viii, 17-25.— Pellarin (C.) Observation (l'empoisonnement par la noix viiinique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1860, 2. s., xiv, 431- 440.— We«alas d'Efchcpare. Lettre a M. Magendie, sur de uou \ i'11 is experiences relatives aux proprietes incdi camenteuses tie l'uree, et sur ie genre tie mort que pro- duit la noix vomique. J. de physiol. exper.. Par.. 1822. ii, 354-303.—Stevenson (TT) Poisoning by extract of uux vomica. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, 3. »., xiv. 264- 207. — Tacheron (C. F.) Case of attempted suicide by nux vomica. Lond. M. Reposit.. 1823, xix, 456.—Thom- son (R. D.) Case of poisoning hv nux vomica. Lancet Loud., 1839-40, i, 500-502. — Toriik (J.) Mergezes ki-.'-i- lese babl6vcl, melyben vahisziuuleg nux vomicat fiiztek. |Case of poisoning h\ mix vomica.] Gy6gy£szat, Buda- pest 1882, xxii, 49.— Wall (G.) Case of' poisoning from mix vomica. Glas.^ow .M. J.. 1830, iii, 290-293. 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Beretning om Nvborg Bvs Sygehus i 1883. Ugesk. f. Lieger, Kjebenh., 1884, 4. R., ix, 172-174. Nye and** r (Ca.-Ma.) Apercu sur les deviations tie la, faille, suivi de quelques conseils donn6s aux nitres pour les pr6venir. 9 pp. 8°. [Bru- xelles, H. Mauceaux, n. d.] Itepr. from: J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1874, lix. Aycfalopia. Sec Conjunctiva (Semeiology of); Hemeral- opia, ete.; Pellagra (Complications, etc., of). Aycticelm*. " Mivart (St. (i.) A Ml'lUE (J.) Observations on the anatomy of Nycticebus tardigradus. s°. [London, W65.'] Repr. from: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1X65. 241-256. Neliroeiler van Her Kolk (J. L C.) Bijdrage tot de anatoniie van den Steuops kukang (Nycticebus javanicus). Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschied. en Physiol., Leiden, 1841, viii, 277-330. Nyt'tipliane*. Valient in «|i:iioiiis (Andrese). Theses medicte: de variolis it morbillis. 4 '. Witebergce, 1693.—Tandler (Tobias), Dissertatioues jihvsicse-iuedicse, [etc. | 12°. Leucoreis Athenis, 1613. \> iii ill a n us (Gregorins) [1592-1638]. Disser- tatio mpliographia, das ist : kurtze und griind- liche liesehi-eibung (less heylsainen Wildbads der Hochlt'iblicheu Reichs Staff Niirnberg, darinnen desselben Natur, Art und Eygenschafft, so wol auch iu was Kranckheiten solches uutzlich auge- NYMPHOGHAPHIA. 1()51 NYMPHOMANIA. Nympliograpliia, [etc.]—continued. branchen angezeigt wird. Sampt einer wol- denckwiirdiocn uud lnercklichen Weissagung von dem Casteyner Bad gegenwertige Zeit und (lessen Aussgang betretlendt. 19 1. sm. 4r [Xiirnberg? J. P. Bhumelius, 1632. J Nymphomania. See, also, Satyriasis. Alavoinf. (A.-A.-J.) Dissertation sur la nym- phonianie, ou la fureur ut/-iine. 4°. Slrasboura. 18 If). Bayakd (H.-L.) Essai medico-legal sur l'u- t^iomanie (nymphoiiianie). 4 . I'aris, W'A6. Belmer(A.-S.) * Dissertation snr la nympho- iuanie, ou fureur uterine. 4 . I'avis, 1818. Bieler (A. C.) * De amore iusano. 4°. Je- nce, [1717]. de Bienville (D.-T.) La nymphoiiianie, ou traite de la fureur uterine, [etc.] 12°. Amster- dam, 1771. ------. Thesame. La nymphoiiianie, ou l'ex- ces du temperament chez les feniines, produisant la fureur uterine, [etc.] Kir [Bruxelles, it. d.] ------. Thesame. Nymphomania; or, a dis- sertation concerning the furor uterinus . . . Transl. by Edward Sloane Wilmot, M. D. H . London, 1777). Bremeri's (E. G.) * De nymphomania. 4t Jenw, [1691]. Bucholtz (T. G.) * Diss, sistens furorem ute- . rinum pathologico - therapeutice consideratuni. 4'T Ilctlie Salicce, [1747]. Chaline (L.-A.) * I. Du traitement de la nymphomania II. [etc.] 4'T Paris, W42. Concato (P.) * De nymphomania. 8°. Pa- tavii, 1842. Dklbrueck (E. F. A.) "Nonnulla de nyiii- ]>honiaui;e eaussis et sedibus e genitalibus inu- lieris nymphomania defunctie deduct;!. .-11'. Halce, [1837]. Fuchs (D. C.) De furore uteriuo. sm. 4°. Erfordia; [1728]. Gi.i'iKius (J. A) * De furore uterino. 4 . Erfordice, [1720]. IIeistermeuuk ((.'. A.) * Diss, sistens casuni de virgine nymphomania laborante. 4°. Jena; [174*]. Uerpain (J.) * Sur la nymphoiiianie, ou fu- reur uterine. 4T Paris, W12. Ik ex (H.) * De furore uterino. 4 r Lugd. Bat., 1685. Lehmann (J. M.) * De furore uterino, oder Tobsucht der Weiber. 4 t Erfordice, [171")]. Liebmann (J. A.) * De furore uterino. sm. 4 r Unite ad Solum, [17(i0]. Lochxkr(M. F.) * De nymphomania historia medica, sm. 4. Altdorffi,' [1684]. Naijimiiizki (E.) * De nymphomania ejusque euratione, 8°. Berolini, [1834J. OstertaG (G. A.) * De metroniania, 4°. Argentorati, [1763]. l'Est'MEK (F. A.) * De furore uterino. 4°. Lipsia; [WW]. LNiuiox (J.-A.) * Essai sur la nymphomanie, ou fureur uterine. 4-\ Paris, 1808. STECMAYERtrs (J. G.) * De furore hysterico vel uterino. 4'-'. [Alldorf, 1713.] Lnskxiun (J.) * Dc vorepopavia. 4r Erf- furti, [1671]. Ancianx (H.) Kvmphomanie. observee chez une fenmie dc soixante et un ans. J. de med., chir. et phar- macol. Brux., 1861, xxxii, 249-254.— A iil'i-cclil. Nympho- manische Verrucktheit, Inliis: I'ath. Mitt.. sr Magdeb., 1881, 157-159. —Bal«liii««r (K. G.) Geschiehte von einein todtlichen svmptomalischen Furore uteri. Maj*. v. Aerzte, Leipz., 1775-8, ii, 892-s95. — Barbieri (C.) Sopra un caso di ninfomauia. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1S;>... 2 s xii. 60-68. -----• Nymphoiiianie survenue a la suite . d'une chute sur la tete Lnion med. de la Gironde, Bor- I \ympliomania. tie aux 185s. iii 545-551.— Ifiiianl H.) Examen medico- legal (let ette < j ut stion: Lanvuiphomauie peut-elle etre une cause d'interdietion ou les fail - i|ii tentlraient a l'ctahlir sont-ils non pertinens! Ann. d'hvg.. Par. 1*37. xviii. 416- 447.— Ito.liovilz M | Aiuehszeuviiil |l'ui..i uterinus Gyiigyiiszat, Budapest. 1884, xxiv, 33: 57 : 73- It out i« r. Observations denymphomanies produites par des Inverness avec la decoction de gratiole fraiche. J. gen. de ined., tint, etpharm., Par., 1815, liv, 2.">9-274.— Riancalroiie- Ribaiietlo (P.) Ninfomauia e trasfusione peritoueale iii sangue cou esito t'elice. Pisaui, Palermo, lssl, 337- 355.— Rucliheim (U. F.) Die Mutterwuth. All-, me,1 Ann.. Leipz., 1X23. 145-166: 1824. 721-738 — t'atlc lie (■Jravierers (J.-F.) Ohservation sur I'utilite eh- l'appli- cation ih la ".lace dans le traitement de l'hystericie libidi- neuse Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1804. iv. 51- 55.—(Fawn.. I Caso de ninl'omnnia acaccido prohahle- meiite a- consccucncia de uua caida sobre la caheza Es- pana med., Madrid. 1859, iv. 25.—Zwei Falle von Nympho- mania. \Frorn- Arnolds Arabischer Chrestoinathie.] Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz., 1*79, ii. 496.—C'hunn (W. P.) A case of nvmplioniania. Marylaml M. J.. Bait.. 1887-8. xviii, 121.—Orgi ve i A I Un cas ile castration (ovariotomie), suivi de succes che/. une juinent n\mphomane. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1875. 3. s., ix, 908-914. — Devilliri's. Lettre au sujet d'une fureur uterine, accompagnee d'uue abstinence pei iudique. Rec. period, d'ohs. de nied., de chir. et pharm., Par., 1756, iv, 337-:i41. — Fit'liniann. Xvnipho- manie. Ztschr. I'. Med., Chir. ii. Gelunlsli . Magdeb.. 1856, x, 32-38. — E»tepr. Caso de ninfomauia : curacion mediante una eiiiocion moral. Espana med., Madrid. 1859, iv, 37.—von Fnbrr. Xvmphomunie. Metl (or.-Hl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stu'ttg., 1855, xxv, 91: 1(10.— Fo- villi* (A.) fils. Nymphoinanie. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xxiv. 211-219. — France* (.1. P. i Ma larial (?) or paroxysmal n\ mphoniania. NT Oil. M. &. S. J., 1887-8, n. s., xv, 623. -liisiieiiiii (C. IT i Sectio ana- tomicamulieris furore uterino eh funeta'. Acta Aeatl. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii 79 si —Haulier. Xympho- nianie? Gehirnleiden ' |ln einein I Jahr alteu Kinde. | Wclmschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. B.-rl., 1850, 347-350. — llol- Mflii'r (G. P.) t Hannov. Aun. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1S38, iii 281 -Hor i .*■■<. Furor uterinus. Zodiacus nnil. gall. 1679, Gcne\ a, Iliso, i, 6.— l.eiililin* iR.) In anatome salacissima* mnlieris reperta. Aeatl. nat. curios, ephem., Francof. et Lips.. 1712, cent i-ii, 344-357. — l.ippith. Nymphoniniiic, lie diugt durch Hvsterie uml durch \\ iirmer. Wchuschr. f. d. ges. Heilk.. Berl., 1838, 43-45. — l.onibioetn (C.) Ninfomania paradossa. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino, 1885, 3. s.. xxxiii. 711-719. Also: Arch, di psichiat. etc.. Torino, 1885. vi. 363-369. — I .Oliver-Vii leriinty. Xyinphoinanie. Diet. tl. se. nied.. Par.. 1819. xxxvi. 561- 596.— l.uiiier. Foville ,V .tlagnnn. Kapport sui l'etat mental tie la nommee Louise' V. . . . pn'-sente n M. le ministre de l'interiour. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1882, 6. s.. viii, 235-247.—iVIaresch. Fiille heftiger meist hdchst acut verlau fender nymphomanischer Aufiegungszustiinde. Psychiat. Centralbl'., Wien. 1871, i, 3.— Hen jot (A.) De furore uterino. /?i his: Febrium iii;11 ili. hist., etc.. 8°, Par., 1660, 290-322. Also: Ibid., -1; Par., 1622, 66-78.— iHertliode (Dc la) refrig^rante dans le traitemeni de la nvinphomanie. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc , Par.. Is;i5, viii, 357-361. Also. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 783. — .tli I Is (C- K. ) A case of nymphomania, with hystero- epilepsy and peculiar mental perversions, the reshlts of clitoi iilectotnv and oophorectoniv : the patient's historv as told by herself. Phila. M. Times. 1884-5. xv. 534-540.— Tlontainlt (H.) Pie-merite cerebrale et rachidieune; etat lactescent du liquide cephalo-spinal chez une jeuue fille de onze ans et trois mois, d'une intelligence pen de- veloppee et voisine de l'idiotisme, livr(ie avec fureur k l'onanisme, et (jui avait aussi olleii. pendant la vie. des symptomes d'hysterie et ele- iiMnphomanio. Buli. clin., Par., 1836-7, ii,' 261-263.—>«'iij{«'bnii«'r il.. A.) Ximfo- mani.ja in\ niphomania). Ga/ lek , Wars/.awa, 1.-70, ix, 295-297.—Neniiianii. Physische Folgen der weihlichen Wollust. J. f. lielmilsh., Frankf. a. M., Is34. \iii, 36.V 397.— (Kiaiiilii'. I'., eiliaihtung einer Miinntollli.it. X Ztschr. f. Celmitsk,. Be-rl . 1843, xiii. 137-146.—dOiitrr- pont. Geschiehte einer mit dem Furor uterinus uehafte ten Person, deren Krankheit (lurch die Geschlechtsver- richtungen gesteigert wurde. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1828. vii, 943-954.—Ozauaiu. Uue observation de NYMPHOMANIA. KKV2 NYSTAGMUS. \yiii|ilioniania. nyinphonianie, guerie par la cauterisation des parties sixuelles, an moyen du nitrate d'argent. Compt. rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. tt nat. de Brux., 1832, 77.—I'anaroliiN (1). I Furor uterinus pra-guantia pluries curat us. In his: Ialrologisniorum, 4°, Bonne, 1652, 133— I'atvin ( T. ) N\ mphomania and masturbation. Mcil. Age, Detroit, 1886 iv 49-51. — l*ayne (K. L.) A case of nymphoma- nia. Med. .1. N. Car.. Raleigh, 1858-9, i-ii, 569 — I'oiln- Sjal (A.j Einprego vantajtisu da fava de Santo Iguaeio luasileira (nhandiroha.) i oiuo emenagogo, n'um caso tie li\ steie.mania. Rev. ined., Rio de Jan.. 1876, iii, 296-304.— Kilieri. Onanie und Mutterwuth durch Ausschueideu de i i Titoris und der kleineu Scliaamlefzen geheilt. [Transl. from: Repei torio delle scienze mediche del Piemonte, 1837. No. 4. Aug. &. Sept.) .1. <1. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvi, 1. St.. 110.—Kodainrl. Observation sur une nymphoma- nia, aceompagnee de delire periodiqne, r6dig6e en forme de memoire a consulter. Mem. Soe. med. d'emulat. de Par., an xiv [1806], vi, 150-164 — Rothamel ((J.) Nvmphti- mania. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1830, vi, 124-132. — Koulli (C. H. IT) On the etiology and diagnosis, considered specially from a medicolegal point of view, of those cases of nymphomania which lead women to make false charges against their medical attendants. Brit. Gynaec. J.. Loud., 1886-7, ii, 485-511. Also: Metl Press efe Circ. Lond., 1887, u. s., xliv, 48; 74. — Nclmiieder (S.) De stupcnila et detestanda puella* cujusilam salacitate. Acad. nat. curios. epheiu., Norib., 1715, cent, iii—iv, 354-356. — Xt liiiniilii'il (H.) Einige Bemerkungen gegen die vom Dr. Buchheim iiber das Zalinen und deu Furor uterinus. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz.. 1823, 1441-1448 —Schonheit (K ) Nymphoiiianie, incomplete Vaginalatresie; hlutige Operation ; Genesung. Ztschr. f. Xat - u. Heilk. in Uugaru, Oedenliuig, 1857. viii, 292. — Schroder (F) Geschiehte einer somlei haren Nynipliomaiiie. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1818, ii, 493-496.—Nil vritlri. liliotisme et nymphoiiianie, coinci- dant ave« un s()iiirre de I'uterus et des ovaires, et ratrophie des loins aiitf*i ieurs du cerveau. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1834, viii, 442— Nlonr (II. K.) tt Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1856, n. s., xxxii, 378-387. -----. Nymphomania; removal of foreign bodies ti om the bladder. Boston M. efe S. J., 1856-7, lv, 210.— Vaille (11. R.) A case of puerperal nympho- mania. Ibid., 1868-9, lxxix, 184—Walton (J. T.) Case of nymphomania successfully treated. Am. J. MT Sc, Phila, 1857, n. s.. xxxiii. 47-50.—Wright (S.) Case of ovario-mania. Kdinb. M. J., 1871-2, xvii, 245-249, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. — Zenjjerle. Xyinphotnanie hei einer achtundsieben/.ig Jahre alten Fran. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1834-5, iv, 216— Znccnri (G.) Storia di niiifomania procedente da idatidi alle mam- melle. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1818, viii, 325-331. .\ymwegeii. See Medicine (Clinical, Statistical reports of), by localities. IVyoii*. Cantu (J.-L.) Essai chimico-meYlical sur la source minerale ditedu Pout du jardin dela ville ile Nyous dans le departement de la Drome. 8°. Turin, 1827. Nyp«'ls (J. M. L. W.) * De fehre gastrica acuta. Hi pp. 4°. Parisiis, au. XIII [1805], No. 515, v. 57. I\yrop (Camillus). Kiiustliche Glieiler, abgebil- ilet und beschrieben. MS. 30 L, 14 pl. fol. Kopenhagen, 187)9. -----. Nogle praktiske Anvisninger for at hen- lede Foraddres Opmterksomhed paa Rygradens Siilelvinninino saint Beskrivelseafen Fjedertryk- inaskine. [Practical hints directing the atten- tion of parents to scoliosis, with description of a machine with springs.] 36 pp. 8°. Ejpben- havn, L. Klein, 1861. -----. Baudager og Inst.ruDieu.ter afbildede og beskrevue ined eu tilf0iet Prisfortegnelse. 3 v. in 1. 8°. KjQbenhavn, G. E. <". Gad, 1*04-77. Continued under authorship of Nyrop (J. E.) & Xyrop (Louis). -----. Anvisning til Maaltagning ved Bestilling af alle Alter Baudager (kunstige Leunner, Kyg- maskiner, osv.). 37 pp. 8J. Kjpbenhavn, Aiel- sen f Lydiche, 1878. -----. Beschreibuug eiuer Federdruckmaschi ne gegen die Scoliosis. - pp. 8-. [n. p., n. d.] \jrop (Frankliu) [1841- ]. Fosterets topo- gniliske Forhold til Uterus. En kritisk a*tiolo- gisk Studie. 1 p. 1., 319 pp. 8-. Kjejibenhavn, H. Hagerup, 1872. !\ J rop (Franklin)—continued. —---. Inversio utero hos en virgo, lige freinkaldt ved et sarkoin i fundus. 19 pp. )- . Stockholm, P. A. Xovstedt f Siiuei; W73. Repr. from: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1873, v, no. 3. Nyrop (J. E.) & .'Nyrop (Louis). Baudager og Instruiiienter, afbildede og beskrevue. 4 v. 1. Hft. 101, vii pp., 1 L, 5 pl. 8 . Ejobenharn, G. E. C. Gad, W8\. For v. 1-3, see Nyrop (Camillus). Nyrop (Louis). Von der Ausstellung in Kopen- hagen. [Description of various instruments.] 5 pp. 8C. Hamburg, 1884. Repr. from: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1884, iii. See, also, IVyrop (J. E.) & Nyrop (Louis). Baudager og Instrumental- afbildede og beskrevue. 8°. Kjeben- havn, 1884. IVysseilS. Traitement sp6citique de ladyseuterie. 31 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Mauceaux, 1882. Nystagmus. * Boehm (L.) Der Nystagmus und desseu Hei- lnug. 8 . Berlin, 187)7. Bueiirig(LL) * De uystagmo. 8°. Berolini, [1846]. Gadai'D (A.-E.) * Sur le nystagmus. 4°, Paris, 1869. Also [Abstr], in.- France med., Par., 1869, xvi, 332. Lohexz (C. B.) * De nystagrao. 8°. Bero- lini, [W20]. Nakoxz (O. G.) * De uystagmo. 8°. Lipsiee, 1858. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1859, v, 1. St., 37-48. Ravaud (L.-LL) * Etude clinique sur le nys- tagmus. 4°. Paris, 1877. Rode (C. D.) * Leber den Nystagmus und seine Lrsaehen. 8-. Halle, [1874]. A bail ier (C.) Nystagmus. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xxiv, 219-226.— Itaer. l'eber Nystag- mus der Bergleute. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 147; 342— It an Icon (J. S.) Nystagmus. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Montgomery, 1875, xxviii, 147— Kau. meister (E.) Kintluss der Kopfhaltung auf die Seh schiirfe bei Nystagmus. Arch. f. Ophth , Berl.. 1873, xix:, 2. St., 267-269.'— It en noii (A. H.) Voluntary nystagmus. Ophth. Hosp. Hep., Lond , 1882, x, 343—lioneliand (J.- B.) Nystagmus horizontal unilateral. J. tl. sc. med. de Lille, 1882. iv, 771-776. — Kniniivrll (B.) Case of nys- tagmus occurring in a coal-miner, associated with palpita- tion aud profuse sweating. Lancet, Loud., 1875, ii, 763. -----. Miner's nystagmus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 815. — Campbell (J. A.) Voluntary nystagmus. Tr.. Am. Ilomtcop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc, Buffalo, 1882, vi, 70.— Cri teller It (G.) Operation for congenital cataract on an adult, followed by division of the recti muscles for the pur- pose of controlling the oscillation of the globes. Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1855, xxxviii, 51-58. — Davenport (E. J.) Case of congenital oscillation of the eye-halls. Boston M. efc S. J, 1837-8, xvii, 174. — »ii oiulr. Notice sur le nystagmus. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux.. 1861, xxvii, 337-342. — I>'©eiich (IT F.) Two cases of vertical nys- tagmus. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1887, xvi, 291-294. — Diin- mic. Nystagmus double, avec strahisine convergent tie l'ti-il droit et epicanthus interne double chez deux enfants albinos (fieri' et seem). Union med . Par.. 1858, xii. 439. Also: Bull. Soc. dechir.dePar., 1858-9. ix, 79-83.--I>rau- sart (H.-N.) Du nystagmus che/. les mineurs. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1877. lxxviii, 109-149.-----. Lu nystagmus chez les mineurs. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. 1877, Par., 1878, vi, 783-786. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., xiv, 556. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1877, 1, 859. Aho [Abstr.]: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1877, xxix, 332-334. -----. Du nystagmus des mineurs. Bull. mcil. du nord, Lille, 1880, xx, 256-269. Also: (Jong, period, internat. d. sc. nied. Compt.-rend. 1879, Amst.. 1881. vi, pt. 2. 253-261.—E ales (H.) Miners' nystagmus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1881, ii, 159.—EverMbiiNt'h (().) Zur Casuistik des Nystagmus. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1884, xxii. (14-99.— Fallin. Nystagmus lateral. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1855. v,'370.— Fano. Observation de nystagmus invetere gueri par la invutomie oculaire. Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s., vi, 397-399. -----. Du traiteinent du nystagmus par la section des muscles de, I'eeil. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par., 1876, iv, 145-148. — Faucon (A.) Nystagmus par insuftisance des droits externes. J. d'ophth., Par., 1872, i, 223-229.—Fere < Note sur un caa de vertige nyBtagmiqae chez uu epileptique. Compt. NYSTAGMUS. 1053 LNYSTK(")M. Ny stag nm*. rend. Soe. de biol., I'ar., 1887, 8. 8., iv, 562.—Fere (C.) & Ariioiilil (K.) Note sur le nystagmus chez les epilep- tuples. Ibid., 490-492.—Friedreich. Nystagmus hei Ataxic. Ber. ii. d. Versainml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Ros- tock, 1878, xi, 198-203.—(Jowiik (WT B.) On conjugate ocular palsy and nystagmus. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. King- dom 1886-7,' Lond., 1887, vii, 269-277— < i raefe (A.) Nys- tagmus der Bcigleiitc. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., BeiL, 1876, ii. 2ti(i.—(.iiiiii (K. M.) Pupillary movement in as sm iation with lateral deviation of the eyes; nystagmus. Tr Ophth. Soc. IT Kingdom 1886-7, Lond., 1887,'vii. 305.— Ilei»i;yc* (E.) N\ stagmus es assoeialt szemmozgiiskiser- letfk h*, stero-epili]itikaknal. [Nystagmus and associa- tion of bilateral rotation of eyes with hystero-epilepsy.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1886, xxx, 857; 889. Also, transl.: Pest. nnd. chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 765; 787; 807: 827.—Jesifl'reMOii (('. S.) Abstract of a clinical lecture on niiniis' nystagmus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 109-111.—JeMMoptW. II.) Case of sudden aud lasting lateral nystagmus chii-llv on looking to the left, with hip- pus. Tr. Ophth. Soc. V. Kingdom 1886-7, Lond., 1887. vii. 264-26!). Also- Bril. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 623.— Knoll. Leber expel inientell erzeugten Nystagmus uml seine Verzeiihimiig. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1565- 1567.—Kn^el (L.) Vorliiutige Notiz iiber Nystagmus. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1867. xiii, 2. St., 413-422. Also, transl.: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1868. lix, 209-224. — I.arrey. N\ stagmus double congenial; discussion. Bull. Soc. de cliir. de Bar., 1854-5, v,' 329 ; 332; 343; 347. Also: Arch. d'ophth.. B..r., 1855, iv, 272-274. — Law non ((',.) Volun- tary nystagmus. Ophth. Hosp. Bep., Loud.. 1881, x, pt, 2. 2u3.—I.ee (11. J.) Cases of nystagmus infantilis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882-3. xvi. 202-207. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 1060.— U a <*el«.*cn (A.) Et Tilfa-lde af akkvireret N \ stagiuus. Norsk Mag. f. La-gcvidensk., Christiania, Issl, xi, 214-256.-----. Endnu it Tilfalde af akkvireret Nystagmus. Ibid.. 1883. xiii, 119-125.—ITIaii- 7.ini. Application de la myotomie au atrahismc. et au n\ staginiis, ehez les enfants. Cliu. tl. hop. d. enfants, Bar.. 1841, i, 209-215.—Itlcttenheimer (C.) Ueber Nys- tagmus. Mcnuiraliilirn, Heilbr., 1862, vii, 198.—IXeltie- nIii|> (IT) Unsvinnietiical nystagmus in three hyper- nietriipie brothers; the same eye affected in all; strains mus follow ing the nystagmus in one. Ophth. Hosp. Bep. Lond., 1886, xi, 7~i. -----. Unsyrunietrieal nystagmus, with rythmical movements of head aud corresponding arm, beginning at the age of six months. Ibid., .6. — IN'ieden (A ) Ueber Nystagmus als Lolgezustand vou lleiiuialo pie. Berl. klili. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 593-596. ---—. Ue- ber ft) Fal'e von Nystagmus der Bergleute. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Metl., Leipz., 1878, v, 541-544. -----. Leber Bathogenese uud Aetiologie ties Nystagmus der Bergleute nach Uiitersitrhungeu von 7500 Bergleulen. Tr.'Internal. M. Cong., 7. sess, Lond., 1881, iii, 69-72. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 681-684. —Noel (L.) Nystagmus intermittent. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1874, lxxii 211. — Ojilcwbv {li. P.) On a peculiar form of nystagmus. Brit, M. J., Loml., 1874, i, 11. -----. Nys- tagmus. Brain, Loud., 1880-81, iii, 160-178. -----. Miners' nystagmus. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. Kingdom, Loud., 1881-2, ii', 243-250.—Owen (D. C. L.) An illustration of heredi- tan nvslaginu.N. Ophth. Kev., Loud., 1881-2, i, 239-242.— Winder (K ) N\ stagmusarlige Augenbewegungen in Folge eines Ohi on'leidcns. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med.. Leipz., 1878. v. 409 —Ponieroy (O. D.) A caseof nystagmus associated with concomitant convergent stra- bismus in emmetropic eves, relieved hv correction of the squint. Tr. Am. Ophtli. Soc. 1875, N. V., 1876, ii, pt. 3, 283—Raehlniann. Ueber den Nystagmus und seine Aetiologie. Anh. f. Ophth., Berl.. 1878. xxiv. 237-317 — Raiupoldi (B.) Nistaginoosi illatorio laterale congenita con forte grailo di iperinetropia e astenopia sintoniatica. Au. di ottal., 1'avia. 1884. xiii. 21. Kenton (J. ('.) On a case of miner's nystagmus. Glasgow M. J . 18,!). [4. s. |. xi -'02.—von Ken»»i( A.) Ueber den Nystuginiisdor Berg leute. Arch. 1. Ophth.. Berl., 1877. xxiii, 241 -354. -----. Eini"e liitercssante Fiille vou Nystagmus. Centralbl. f. prakT. Augenh.. Leipz., 1880, iv, 337-3411 ----- Zwei Fiille von infaiitileni Nystagmus mit Sclieiiihewegungeii der Ob- jecte 1 bid., 1881, v, Ii8-71.-----. Drei Falle von Nystag- mus. Wien, med. I'lesse, 1885, xxvi. 1413-1415— Koberl- »on (A.) Miner's mstagiuus. Brit. M J, Loml., 187,. i. 81". — Komiee. Du nystagmus des houilleurs. Reponse a rcxameii critique do ~M. le Dr. E. Wail.miont Bresse metl. beige, Brux.. 1878, xxx, 265-268. — Ne hen It I (A.) Eiu seltener Fall von acquirii teni Nystagmus. \T tljschr. f. prakt, Heilk., Prag, 1874, exsii. 97-102. -——. I'.igen- thumliche Form von Nystagmus. Brag. med. V, chnschr., 1884 i\ 362.— .«iehloc».«ier. B. Ihe torisch erregbarer Nvstae'inus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888. xxxv. 4o.— Schroder (B.) Acquirirter Nystagmus bei Beigleuten. Klin Monatsbl. f. Augeuh.. Erlang , 1871, ix, 13..-138.— Neb w nbach. Nystagmusarl ige Augenheweguiigen in Fol-'e fines Ohrenleidens. Deutsche Ztschr. t. prakt, Med., Leipz., 1878. v. 124-*ncll (S.) Obswvattons on miners' nystagmus aud its cause. lr. Ophth. N'C V. Kingdom/Loud., 1883-4, iv, 315-331, 1 pl -Spencer (H. Nystagmus* R.) Pharyngeal and laryngeal "nystagmus". Laucet, Lond., 1886, ii, 702.— S vel I in (W.) Die Therapie des Nystagmus mittelst des koiistaiitcii Stromes. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv. 1102-1101— Taylor (C. B.) Observa- tions on miners' nystagmus. Lancet, Lond.. 1875, i. 821. ------. Cases of miners' nystagmus. Ibid., 1878. i. 644.— Taylor (S. J.) Miners nystagmus. Brit. M. .!., Lond., 1887. ii. 623.—Van der I.aan. I'm caso de uystagnm subito em ambos os olhos. IVrioil. ile ophth. prat., Lisb., lssu, ii, is.—Wai'lomont (IT i Du nystagmus et par- ticulierenient du nystagmus des houilleurs. Presse nied. beige, Brux., 1878, xxx. 241-245.------. Nystagmus. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par.. 1879, 2. s., xiii. s■_'.". -,■>:.:;. Also : Ann. d'ocul., Brux.. 1880. lxxxiv, 5-45. — Wnrlo- niont lE.) ic Bribo<>ia. Rapport de la eoninii>-i..in qui a 6te chargee tie 1 examen tin memoire tie M. le Dr. Komiee sur le uvstagmus. [ With discussion. ] Bull. Acad. rov. tie med. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 3. s., xii. 572- 599.— Wilbraud (H.) Das Verhalten derGesichtsfelder beim augeborenen Nystagmus und hei dem sogenannten Nystagmus der Bergleute. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1879, xvii, 125-140, 1 pl. ------. Ein Kail von acqiiirirtem Nystagmus. Ibid., 358-367. ------. Eine physiologisch-pathologische Erklarung des N\ stagmus. Ibid., 419; 461. ------. Ueber den Nystagmus. 'Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1884, ii, 583-586. Also, Reprint — Zehender (VV.) Ein Fall von einseitigem, in vorticaler Richtung oseillirendem Nystagmus. Kliu. Monatshl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1870, viii, 112-115. TVystcu (Pierre-Hubert) [1774-1817]. "Nouvelles experiences galvaniqucs, faites snr les organes musculaires dc l'homme et des aniuiaux a sang rouge; dans lesqiielles, en classant ces divers or- ganes sous le rapport de hi duree dc leur excita- bilitd galvanique, ou prouveque le cii'iircst celui qui conserve le plus long-temps cette propriete. 144 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 17. -----. Recherches snr les maladies des vers-a- soie, ct les moyens de les prevenir, suivies d'une instruction sur l'education de ces insectes. Is* '. Paris, W08. Keeherches de physioiogie et de chimie pathologiques. pour faire suite a celles de Bichat sur la vie et la mort. * pp., xx, 427 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, 1811. ----. Manuel medical, vi, 594 pp., 1 1. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, 1814. Dictionnaire de ni6decine, et des sciences PP 8C. accessoires a la medeciue, avec l'etymologie de chaque terme; suivi de deux vocabulaircs, l'un latin, l'autre grec. vi (1 L), 692 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-A. Brosson, 1814. ----. Dictionnaire de medecine, de cliirurgie, de pharnikcie, des sciences accessoires, et de l'art veterinaire. 4. ed., par. M. Bricheteau. 3p. I., 786, pp. 8'-. Paris, J.-A. Brosson f J.-S. Chaudei,1824. The same. 6. ed., refondue de nouveau et considerablement augmentee par MM. Briclie- teau, Henry, et J. Briand. vi (1 L), 7i84 pp. 8-; Bruxelles, H. Dumont, 1834. ----. Thesame. 9. ed.. revue par A. -J.-L. Jour- dan. 2p. L,854 pp. 8■-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, W45. ----. The same. 10. ed., euticrenient refondue jiar £. Littre et Ch. Robin. Ouvrage augmente de la synonymic grecque, latine, alleinande, anglaise, espagnole et italienne et suivi d'un glossaire de ces diverses langiies. 2 p. L, 1485 pp. roy. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 187,5. ----. The same. 11. ed., revue et corri E. Littre et Ch. Robin. 2 p. L. 1071 pp. roy. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 3 fils, 187,8. The same. D'apres le plan suivi par par 12. ed., entierement refondue par f>. Littre. Ch Robin, viii, 1795 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere d- Jils, 1865. 'See, also. Srhwilgne (C.-J.-A.) Traite de matiere medicale [etc.] 2. id. s Paris, 1809. Fo'r liioiiriijdiii. see Bull. Eac. de mt-d. de Par., 1818, 64-69. [Hound'm : N. Jour, de med.. chir., pharni., etc., Par., 1818. i.| Also.- J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1818, ii. 81-84 (Devilliersi. Xy Mt I'd 111 (Anton-Christen) [1-4'J- ]. Om cretinism och idioti. 2 p. L, 108 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Stockholm, J. Seligmann, 1868. NYSTliO.M. 1054 NYWItLT. Nystroin (Auton-Christen)—continued. -----. Om inedlen mot sniittkopporua. En slut- tig redogorelse jemte ett beinotande af uttalan- dena i iimuet vid diskussioncrua i Sv. Lakare- Sallskapet den lfi Maj och 2 Juni D. a. [Modifi- cation of contagiousness of sinall-pox; with an account of the same iu foreign countries.] 1 p. I., 114 pp. >-. Stockholm, I. Marcus, W74. -----. Om sinnesiubbniiig och memiiskans for- in;iga att motverka detta sjukdomstillstand. [On insanity and the power of man to counter- act this state of disease.] 1 p. L, 88 pp. d-\ >-. Stockholm, J. Beck man, 1878. Nyt Bililiothek for Lieger, udgivet af Directionen for det (Mnssenske Literaturselskab. v. 1-4, l.-'M-.'C. 12L. l\iolienlnnii. A continuation of: Bibliofhek for Laeger, 1809-13; ind continued as: Bibliofhek lor Lseger, 1821-87. END OI<' I\'yt Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og Oekono- mie. Was title of: PhysienlNk, a-'-miomisk og niedico- chirurgisk Bibliothek for Daumark og Norge in lsul-6. Nyttail ( Om ) af bad, fornainligast saltsjo- bad. [On the use of the bath, especially the salt bath.] 63 pp. 12°. Stockholm, C. A.' Bag- ges, 1811. JJJywelt (Dawid Antonjn). Prospessny potok wod, na neywys'ssjeh pahrbcych panslwj geho milos ti Knj/.eeylio Nachodskyho. v piostred polj Swatonowskyeh, wssem potrebn yin, a chudyni kledagjcyiii wod Marvanske pomoe.v hognese picgsstjcy. [The health-giving springs ou the mount of the principality of Nacliod, amidst the forest springs of Swatonowisa. J 239 pp. 12°. Xachode, J. N. Fickyho. 1736. VOL. IX. C/r V \.m.,."